
Sample records for banca universal venezolana

  1. Implicaciones de la política económica en el riesgo asociado a la banca comercial y universal venezolana. Período 1998-2002

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    Antonio Soto


    Full Text Available El presente artículo se centra en determinar el impacto de las políticas económicas en el riesgo asociado a la banca comercial y universal venezolana durante el período 1998-2002, específicamente en lo referente al riesgo de liquidez, sectorial y cambiario. A través de una investigación de tipo descriptivo-observacional, los resultados revelan que este importante segmento del sector financiero presentó una exposición al riesgo sectorial; mientras que los riesgos de liquidez y cambiario fueron controlados dada la efectividad de la política económica.

  2. Banca pública venezolana: reconfiguración del mapa de financiación al desarrollo nacional

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    Marianela Acuña Ortigoza


    Full Text Available Durante el período 2000-2011 se producen en Venezuela cambios institucionales que posibilitan la reconfiguración del mapa de financiación al desarrollo nacional. El nuevo marco constitucional, surgido de la aprobación de la Constitución de la Republica Bolivariana de Venezuela de 1999, los lineamientos establecidos en los Planes de la Nación 2001-2007 y 2007-2013, y la manifestación de contradicciones entre la práctica financiera y los objetivos de política pública, se constituirán en el curso del período, en condicionantes permanentes de las transformaciones institucionales del sistema financiero. El objetivo de esta investigación es explicar los cambios institucionales que se han producido en la banca pública venezolana y los resultados alcanzados en relación a los objetivos de la política económica. Mediante una investigación documental con diseño bibliográfico, se explica la experiencia venezolana de transformación de la banca pública y la política pública definida para producir esos cambios, considerando el uso de la capacidad de apalancamiento del sistema financiero como elemento de democratización financiera y dinamizador del desarrollo nacional. Los resultados de la investigación permiten concluir que durante el período 2000-2011 la política económica venezolana persigue modificar los rasgos distintivos del sistema financiero venezolano, y en particular del sector bancario público, y profundizar las transformaciones gradualmente producidas en el sector, de acuerdo a los objetivos de democratización del capital, incremento de la participación del Estado en la actividad financiera y redireccionamiento de la actividad bancaria a los propósitos del desarrollo nacional.

  3. La fusión bancaria en Venezuela. Importancia de las TIC en la banca universal y microfinanciera nacional

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    Flor Villalobos de Bastidas


    Full Text Available Con la entrada en vigencia de la Ley de Instituciones del Sector Bancario en el año 2010, se prevé que se produzcan transformaciones y fusiones de bancos bajo los modelos de banca universal, por la cual se realizan todas las operaciones de intermediación financiera y sus servicios conexos y de banca micro financiera cuyo objeto principal es fomentar, financiar y promover las actividades de producción de bienes y servicios de las pequeñas empresas industriales y comerciales, de los micro empresarios y micro empresas y de la economía popular alternativa. En tal sentido, el objetivo del presente artículo es el análisis de la fusión en las entidades bancarias venezolanas y la importancia de las tecnologías de la información y comunicación(TIC como recurso que dinamiza el proceso de fusión así como su relevante aplicación en la banca universal y micro financiera. En cuanto a la metodología se re-visaron fuentes documentales y electrónicas, realizándose una investigación descriptiva y cualitativa de la actualidad bancaria venezolana. Los resultados permiten afirmar que la fusión bancaria en Venezuela es un proceso regulado por el Estado, en el cual intervienen los recursos tecnológicos tanto como factor que dina-miza el proceso de fusión como de herramientas estratégicas para la fluidez de las operaciones de intermediación financiera. Como conclusiones se señala que en los nuevos escenarios de la banca venezolana se despliegan las innovaciones tecnológicas como instrumentos que generan nuevas opciones de negocios y que su aplicación constituye desafío del sector bancario venezolano para ofrecer a los usuarios un amplio catálogo de productos y servicios financieros, realizadas hoy día con flexibilidad, agilidad y la comodidad que demanda la sociedad actual.

  4. Estrategias de lealtad de clientes en la banca universal

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    María Virginia Baptista


    Full Text Available Esta investigación parte de los resultados obtenidos en el estudio previo sobre segmentación de lealtad de clientes de la banca universal en el municipio Libertador del estado de Mérida (Venezuela, considerando las dimensiones de satisfacción y compromiso. El objetivo principal es proponer estrategias dirigidas a incrementar los niveles de satisfacción y compromiso en cada segmento identificado en dicho estudio. A través de la investigación cuantitativa apoyada en el análisis estadístico correlacional se analizan los atributos que los usuarios consideraron más importantes y que al mismo tiempo no valoraron satisfacto- riamente; asimismo, se identifican las fallas del servicio en estos atributos, elementos del compromiso que tuviesen baja presencia y las correlaciones moderadas positivas entre satisfacción y compromiso. Todo esto permite proponer estrategias en el contexto del marketing relacional que pueden ser adoptadas por la banca para mejorar la lealtad de sus clientes.

  5. Estrategias de lealtad de clientes en la banca universal

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    María Virginia Baptista


    Full Text Available Esta investigación parte de los resultados obtenidos en el estudio previo sobre segmentación de lealtad de clientes de la banca universal en el municipio Libertador del estado de Mérida (Venezuela, considerando las dimensiones de satisfacción y compromiso. El objetivo principal es proponer estrategias dirigidas a incrementar los niveles de satisfacción y compromiso en cada segmento identificado en dicho estudio. A través de la investigación cuantitativa apoyada en el análisis estadístico correlacional se analizan los atributos que los usuarios consideraron más importantes y que al mismo tiempo no valoraron satisfactoriamente; asimismo, se identifican las fallas del servicio en estos atributos, elementos del compromiso que tuviesen baja presencia y las correlaciones moderadas positivas entre satisfacción y compromiso. Todo esto permite proponer estrategias en el contexto del marketing relacional que pueden ser adoptadas por la banca para mejorar la lealtad de sus clientes.

  6. Ética y socialización en la banca pública venezolana

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    José Javier García


    Full Text Available La presente investigación tiene como finalidad analizar la ética y la socialización en la banca pública. Se desarrollaron dos categorías como lo son ética y la socialización en la banca pública. El basamento teórico plantea que una sociedad sin ética y valores no puede evolucionar en un entorno globalizado como el actual. Asimismo, la ética es la exigencia moral y, en el ámbito empresarial, se caracteriza porque la buena intención personal no es suficiente cuando se tienen que tomar decisiones en las que entran en juego las decisiones de otros individuos según la lógica de una empresa guiada por el mecanismo del mercado y del lucro. En este sentido, la socialización es la transmisión de cultura, la inserción social que introduce al individuo en el grupo convirtiéndolo en un miembro colectivo que respete las normas internas de la institución y de la convivencia. Esta investigación se desarrolló bajo una metodología descriptiva, cualitativa, no experimental, utilizando un enfoque interpretativo, con el objetivo de que cada empleado se apegue a las normas internas de estas organizaciones bancarias, que su conducta sea ética, ya que esta constituye una de las bases fundamentales para garantizar el éxito del proyecto de socialización en la banca pública. Palabras clave: Ética; socialización; valores; exigencia moral.Ethics and socialization in the venezuelan public bankingAbstractThe purpose of this investigational work is to analyze the ethics, and socialization in the public banking. Two categories were developed such as ethics and socialization in public banks, the theoretical basement poses that a society lacking ethics and principles cannot progress in a globalized environment such as the actual one. Also, ethics is the primary social demand, which at a business level; it should be assumed that “noble intentions” are not enough when there are decisions to make in which there are other individual’s decisions to

  7. Propuesta de cambio para el desarrollo de una organización inteligente verde de TI Bancaria, basada en redes inteligentes ecológicas, banca móvil y ética organizacional para la Banca Universal

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    Carlos A. Fernández Bravo


    Full Text Available Esta investigación presenta una propuesta de cambio para el desarrollo de una organización inteligente verde de TI Bancaria, basada en redes inteligentes ecológicas, banca móvil y ética organizacional para la Banca Universal. La metodología es de tipo exploratoria y a su vez descriptiva. Se concluye que la Banca Universal debe asegurar la participación activa del sector financiero con los gobiernos y las organizaciones no gubernamentales para desarrollar y perfeccionar las leyes y los estándares ambientales tanto en leyes nacionales como en acuerdos internacionales. Así mismo, promover el desarrollo de iniciativas voluntarias que incluyan aspectos sociales, ambientales y económicos del desarrollo sostenible y que tengan por objetivo fundamental mejorar la calidad de vida. Se plantean lineamientos estratégicos que enfatizan la necesidad de una adecuada gestión de tecnología de información y comunicación, para integrar a las estrategias ecológicas, sustentadas en ética y herramientas verdes que proporcionen vida a la humanidad

  8. Los retos de la banca digital en México


    Avendaño Carbellido, Octavio


    Resumen: Los servicios que ofrece la Banca en México y en el mundo han cambiado vertiginosamente en los últimos años, al pasar de una forma tradicional de servicio en sucursal, a banca por teléfono, después a banca electrónica y ahora a servicios financieros en dispositivos móviles e identificación biométrica, entre otros avances. Es por ello que el presente artículo analiza la evolución jurídica en la prestación de servicios bancarios y ofrece una perspectiva de algunas áreas en donde el Der...

  9. Condiciones de trabajo y salud de una universidad venezolana


    Rojas-Martini Maritza; Squillante Guido; Espinoza Carlos


    Objetivo. Identificar los procesos peligrosos a los que están expuestos los trabajadores de una universidad venezolana como consecuencia de sus actividades laborales. Material y métodos. Se realizó un diagnóstico de las condiciones de exposición laboral de los trabajadores de una universidad venezolana (UN), de sus potenciales procesos peligrosos (PP) y de sus causas, mediante un estudio de corte transversal, efectuado en 1999. Se estudiaron 90 trabajadores de uno u otro sexo, pertenecientes ...


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    Víctor Jiménez Barrado


    Full Text Available El número de viviendas usadas en poder de los bancos ha aumentado de forma notable en los últimos diez años como consecuencia de la crisis económica e hipotecaria. El considerable incremento del paquete de activos tóxicos inmobiliarios (más del 36% entre el año 2012 y 2015 procede, en buena medida, de los impagos a la banca por parte de las familias. La ciudad de Madrid es una de las poblaciones más afectadas por este fenómeno, en la que se acumulan los desahucios día tras día. El presente estudio cuantifica y analiza, a través de la información que facilitan las inmobiliarias de las cinco principales entidades bancarias del país, esta bolsa de viviendas de segunda mano en la capital española. La localización de las mismas dentro del núcleo urbano permite conocer el grado de afectación por distritos. Por otro lado, nos hemos servido de la base de datos socioeconómicos de la Administración Local para determinar la incidencia social del posicionamiento de la banca privada. El análisis espacial a través de Sistemas de Información Geográfica ha revelado comportamientos anómalos de la banca en relación al mercado de compra-venta de viviendas usadas en la ciudad de Madrid.

  11. El impacto de "Viernes" en la poesía venezolana.

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    William Martínez, Jr.


    Full Text Available ENGLISH: This essay presents a historical review of the poetic production in Venezuela in the 30’s and 40’s. It reviews the role that “Viernes,” a poetic group, had in developing the modern literary movements in Venezuelan literature. The impact that several members of the group had while in and then later after their departure from the group is examined. Equally, the poetic influences inherited by the group, both national and international, are discussed. Finally, the essay deals with the dissolution of the group and its impact in theliterature of Venezuela and Latin America after World War II. SPANISH: Este ensayo presenta una revisión histórica de la producción poética venezolana en las décadas de los 1930 y 1940. Se examina el papel que el grupo poético “Viernes” jugó en trazar la pauta de la modernidad en las letras venezolanas. También se examina el papel que varios de los integrantes de Viernes tomaron dentro y fuera del grupo. Igualmente sealude a la influencia que estos poetas vivieron, tanto nacionales como internacionales. Finalmente, se discute la disolución del grupo y su impacto a la poesía venezolana y latinoamericana de posguerra.

  12. Condiciones de trabajo y salud de una universidad venezolana Work and health conditions at a Venezuelan university

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    Maritza Rojas-Martini


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Identificar los procesos peligrosos a los que están expuestos los trabajadores de una universidad venezolana como consecuencia de sus actividades laborales. Material y métodos. Se realizó un diagnóstico de las condiciones de exposición laboral de los trabajadores de una universidad venezolana (UN, de sus potenciales procesos peligrosos (PP y de sus causas, mediante un estudio de corte transversal, efectuado en 1999. Se estudiaron 90 trabajadores de uno u otro sexo, pertenecientes a 24 áreas clasificadas como críticas por las autoridades de la UN. Se aplicaron una encuesta de área y una personal. En ésta, se investigaron características demográficas, historia clínica ocupacional, procesos peligrosos ocupacionales, uso de equipos de protección personal (EPP, conocimiento de riesgos laborales y hábitos. Se practicaron exámenes clínico-toxicológicos, entre otros. Se identificaron los principales PP químicos, físicos, biológicos, mecánicos, ergonómicos y psicosociales y el grado de riesgo (GR por cada área. Se aplicaron medidas de tendencia central y de dispersión, así como también medidas de asociación y significancia estadística, pertinentes a cada caso. Resultados. Se obtuvo una correlación positiva, significativa entre la antigüedad en la UN y el número de signos y síntomas referidos por los trabajadores, pero no entre estos últimos y la edad o el sexo. Los síntomas en su mayoría resultaron no específicos. Conclusiones. En la UN se presentan variados procesos potencialmente peligrosos en las diferentes áreas laborales debido a las características inherentes a su misión. Se hacen las recomendaciones pertinentes para instaurar programas que den prioridad a las acciones preventivas, que lleven registros adecuados sobre siniestralidad laboral, morbilidad y mortalidad, y que permitan la detección temprana de enfermedades y accidentes ocupacionales.Objective. To identify occupational exposure to hazards

  13. Jornada sobre Riscos Penals de la Banca en Línia

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    Rosa Fernández


    Full Text Available

    Ressenya de la jornada organitzada el desembre del 2005 sobre els nous riscos a què la banca en línia i el comerç electrònic estan sotmesos a causa de l'augment d'atacs de tipus pesca electrònica o phishing i altres defraudacions semblants.

  14. Publicación Estudiantil en Revistas Médicas Venezolanas, 2001 - 2005

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    Rafael Angulo


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Cuantificar la participación estudiantil en la publicación de contribuciones originales en revistas médicas venezolanas. Diseño: estudio observacional ,retrospectivo. Lugar: Hemeroteca de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Los Andes y en la página web de SciELO Venezuela. Población: artículos originales, comunicaciones cortas y cartas al editor, publicadas en el periodo 2001 al 2005, en los volúmenes de revistas de periodicidad trimestral actualizadas. Intervenciones: revisión de la filiación de los autores (estudiante o profesional, universidad y escuela de procedencia, tipo de artículo y revista de publicación. Principales resultados: frecuencia y porcentaje de artículos con participación estudiantil. Resultados: se incluyeron 333 contribuciones originales de tres revistas, en 3,9% (11 hubo participación estudiantil en la autoría. La Revista de la Sociedad Venezolana de Microbiología fue la que publicó más artículos estudiantiles (5. El año 2002 se registraron seis publicaciones, sin encontrar una tendencia por año. Todas las publicaciones fueron realizadas entre profesionales y estudiantes, en todos los casos un profesional fue el primer autor. Conclusiones: la participación estudiantil en la publicación de artículos en revistas médicas venezolanas está presente pero en un bajo porcentaje. Se recomienda orientar a los estudiantes en la publicación de sus investigaciones.

  15. Las mujeres indígenas venezolanas y sus logros en los albores del Siglo XXI


    Rincón-Soto, Lucía del Carmen


    El artículo ofrece un recuento del paradigmático proceso de empoderamiento de las indígenas venezolanas y un balance de cómo su pensamiento se ha articulado para fortalecer su identidad. Se realiza un breve recorrido de la situación de las mujeres desde el proceso de colonización hasta los albores del siglo XXI. Si bien las mujeres indígenas latinoamericanas, en general, y las venezolanas, en particular, tienen muchos desafíos, no se puede dejar de destacar su valiosa participación en los esc...

  16. Agencia de la Banca Sud-americana del Brasil, S.A. en Capivari

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    Levi, Primo


    Full Text Available This building has two blocks, one for the Banks' installations and the other is the manager's house. The building has a concrete and steel compound structure. The walls are brick, the flooring is a reinforced concrete slab and hollow bricks, and the roof consists of corrugated fibrocement sheeting. The bank block walls have been faced, both internally and externally, with cement tiles, 15 x 15 cms in size, of the same type that are employed for the flooring. The design is grey on white background. The ceiling of the bank hall is fitted with acoustical material (2.5 cms of glass wool on Duralex perforated slabs, to reduce reverberation. This measure was necessary because of the relatively large height of the hall. The walls are cylindrically curved and have a smooth and hard surface.El edificio consta de dos cuerpos: uno para las instalaciones de la Banca, y el otro para la vivienda del gerente. La estructura es mixta, a base de hormigón armado y acero; los muros, de ladrillo; el techo, ejecutado en losa de hormigón armado y ladrillos huecos, y la cubierta es de flbrocemento ondulado. Los muros de los cuerpos de la Banca han sido revestidos, interior y exteriormente, con baldosas de cemento, de 15x15 cm, del tipo empleado para el suelo. El dibujo es gris sobre fondo blanco. El techo de la sala de la Banca va acondicionado con material acústico (a base de 2,5 cm de lana de vidrio sobre placas perforadas de Duralex para reducir la reverberación. Esta medida venía impuesta dada la altura relativamente grande y los muros en curva revestidos de material liso y duro.

  17. La Narrativa venezolana de la época del Modernismo

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    Paulette Silva Beauregard


    Full Text Available La autora se propone abordar en un grupo representativo de novelas venezolanas de las últimas décadas del s. XIX y primeros años de este siglo, el problema de la función del hombre de letras en la sociedad y cómo reflexiona sobre este tema el discurso de la novela venezolana, tanto de narrador como de personajes. Este problema es típicamente modernista, y la novela de este período sirvió como un espacio adecuado para el examen de él y de la necesidad de una acción posterior consecuente, tanto dentro como fuera de la novela.   The author proposes to approach the problem of the man of letters' function in society and how the course of the Venezuelan novel reflects this subject, in the novel of narrator as well as characters, in a representative group of Venezuelan novels from the final decades of the 19th century and the first years of this century. This problem is a typically modern one, and the novel from this period provided adequate space for its examination and for the need for consequent later action, within as well as outside of the novel.

  18. Actividad electromiográfica en el press de banca horizontal en movimientos armónicos y oscilatorios progresivos


    Moras, Gerard; Tous, Julio; Juan Muñoz, César; Padullés, Josep Mª


    La influencia del stiffness del Complejo Músculo Tendinoso sobre el Ciclo Estiramiento Acortamiento nos ha sugerido comparar la Actividad Electromiográfica del Press Banca horizontal Armónico con la realización del Press de Banca horizontal Oscilatorio, ambos a altas velocidades de ejecución y con diferentes cargas. Diecisiete sujetos varones (edad: 22,9 ± 0,8 años, peso: 75,0 ± 9,4 kg, talla: 179 ± 6,5 cm, 1 RM = 110 ± 10,6 kg), todos ellos experimentados, aceptaron participar en este estudi...

  19. Análisis de la relación entre familiaridad, seguridad percibida y confianza hacia la banca en internet

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    Eduardo Torres Moraga


    Full Text Available La confianza se ha convertido en un importante desafío para la banca en Internet. El hecho de que muchas personas aún no adopten Internet para realizar sus operaciones bancarias, se debe entre otras causas, a la poca confianza que aún existe hacia este sistema. Esta desconfianza, podría estar relacionada con la familiaridad y con el grado de seguridad que las personas perciben de este sistema bancario. El objetivo de este estudio es analizar el efecto que la familiaridad y la seguridad percibida tienen sobre la confianza hacia la banca en Internet. Las hipótesis planteadas, se contrastan a través de un modelo estructural, construido a partir de una serie de constructos fiables y válidos. Las principales conclusiones de este estudio, son que tanto la familiaridad como la seguridad percibida, tienen un efecto directo y positivo sobre la confianza. Al final del estudio, se presentan las implicaciones que estos resultados pudieran tener para la gestión de los factores determinantes de la confianza hacia la banca en Internet.

  20. Alfabetización informacional en las bibliotecas universitarias venezolanas

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    Alejandro Uribe


    Full Text Available Ante las posibilidades de acceso a enormes recursos de información que facilitan los medios digitales, la formación en competencias informacionales representa uno de los retos actuales de las bibliotecas universitarias, pero además es una respuesta a la necesidad de conocer y aplicar mejores criterios de selección, evaluación y recuperación de información pertinente y de calidad. Ante esta situación, las bibliotecas universitarias iberoamericanas han ido poco a poco incorporando esta formación, bien sea desde programas-cursos ofrecidos desde la biblioteca o mediante el trabajo colaborativo con docentes y facultades en los currículos universitarios. Este trabajo aborda la metodología de análisis de contenidos Web para hacer una revisión de la información que presentan las bibliotecas universitarias venezolanas, en relación con esta actividad fundamental de formación; y así, desde esta perspectiva, avizorar los niveles de incorporación de las competencias informacionales (Alfabetización Informacional, que desde sus sitios Web estarán exhibiendo las universidades. Como resultados, se encuentra que aún la formación en estas competencias como servicio fundamental de las bibliotecas universitarias venezolanas, no ha sido asumida ampliamente y se concluye que hay mucho trabajo por realizar, pero se reconoce que recientemente existe un mayor interés por esta temática.

  1. Responsabilidad social corporativa en la banca europea: un estudio empírico comparativo entre organizaciones de 15 países

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    Ómar Giovanni Rosero Villabón


    Full Text Available La responsabilidad social empresarial –RSE– o responsabilidad social corporativa –RSC–, como algunos autores la citan, es un campo de estudio que en los últimos años se ha ido incorporando a la estrategia de las organizaciones. Este nuevo campo de estudio ha sido definido como el compromiso voluntario de las organizaciones por las actividades sociales y medioambientales, además de las económicas. El sector bancario no ha sido ajeno a la penetración que ha tenido la RSE en la gestión de las organizaciones, a tal punto que ya se mencionan términos como banca socialmente responsable, del cual hacen parte los términos banca ética y banca sostenible. El estudio describe los aspectos que marcan la diferencia entre los bancos europeos que se encuentran en la base de datos ASSET4, tomando como variables del estudio las calificaciones otorgadas por la base de datos a las acciones de responsabilidad social empresarial; igualmente, se utilizaron variables financieras y macroeconómicas. Entre los principales resultados de un análisis de conglomerado se encuentra que existe una alta correlación entre las acciones medioambientales y las acciones sociales en los bancos y que las acciones en responsabilidad social no muestran una correlación entre las variables financieras y las variables macroeconómicas.


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    Full Text Available Se evalúa las condiciones dinámicas y termodinámicas de la capa límite planetaria de la Región Andina Venezolana para la génesis de ondas de montaña. Para ello se calcula el número de Froude relacionando la estabilidad estática en presencia de accidentes orográficos con apoyo de perfiles verticales de viento, análisis de diagramas termodinámicos e imágenes de satélite. Se encuentra que cuando se presenta un flujo de aire perpendicular a la cordillera andina venezolana con vientos mayores a 10 m/s bajo condiciones de estabilidad o inversión de temperatura sobre su cima, disponibilidad de humedad mayor a 70% desde superficie a su cumbre y numero de Froude ligeramente superior a 1, el resultado es la presencia de ondas de montaña asociadas a nubes lenticulares a sotavento de la cadena montañosa.



    Migdlys del Carmen González Marín


    Esta investigación presenta como objetivo analizar la Gestión de la Complejidad Organizacional en las Empresas Familiares Venezolanas, con este propósito se realizó un estudio de tipo documental con un nivel descriptivo, para ello se llevó a cabo una revisión bibliográfica que permitió analizar la gestión de la complejidad organizacional, aspecto relevante en las empresas familiares, a fin de mejorar el desarrollo y productividad organizacional. En este sentido, se destaca la revisión de teor...

  4. L'autonomia della banca Centrale in Italia e in Europa. (Central bank independence in Italy and in Europe

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    A. JOZZO


    Full Text Available I problemi che riguardano il rapporto tra le autorità monetarie ,del potere  esecutivo e potere legislativo è attualmente al centro di un dibattito politico ed economico , sia a livello nazionale che a livello europeo . A livello europeo il progresso dell'integrazione economica e monetaria solleva la questione dell'autonomia delle autorità monetarie responsabili della gestione valutaria . A livello nazionale la necessità di migliorare l'economia in Italia e ridurre l'inflazione spiega la proposta di aumentare l'indipendenza della Banca d' Italia  rispetto al Tesoro . Questi due aspetti sono tuttavia interdipendenti . Il presente lavoro fa riferimento al dibattito del dopoguerra che ha avuto luogo in Germania per quanto riguarda la ricostruzione di una banca centrale , al fine di analizzare il presente questione dell'indipendenza della banca centrale in Italia e in Europa The problems concerning the relationship between monetary authorities, executive and legislative powers is currently at the centre of a political and economic debate, both at the national and at the European level. At the European level the progress of economic and monetary integration raises the issue of the autonomy of monetary authorities in charge of currency management. At the national level the need to improve Italy’s economy and reduce inflation explains the proposal to increase the Bank of Italy’s independence with respect to the Treasury. These two aspects are, however, interdependent. The present work makes reference to the post-war debate that took place in Germany regarding the reconstruction of a central bank, in order to analyse the present issue of central bank independence in Italy and Europe.JEL: E58, F36

  5. Planeamiento estratégico aplicado a la Superintendencia de Banca, Seguros y AFP


    Belón Banchero, Mauricio; Chávez Espinoza, Jorge; Díaz Amiel, Aisha; Farías Solano, Melissa


    El presente documento desarrolla el Plan Estratégico para la Superintendencia de Banca, Seguros y AFP (SBS) el cual tiene un horizonte al 2027 y busca posicionar a la SBS como referente de las instituciones supervisoras y reguladoras de sistemas financieros en el mundo. Para llevarlo a cabo se realizó el análisis de los factores externos del sector, identificando seis oportunidades y cuatro amenazas que influyen en la SBS; el análisis interno de la SBS; el análisis comparativo ...

  6. RPE y velocidad como marcadores de intensidad en el press de banca


    Bautista, I. J.; Chirosa, I. J.; Chirosa, L. J.; Martín, I.; Revilla, J.


    El propósito de esta investigación fue analizar la relación entre la evolución de la velocidad media (Velmedia) y los valores de la escala OMNI-RES, en 3 intensidades (carga Inicial [CI], máxima potencia [MP] y repetición máxima [RM]). 38 sujetos divididos en dos grupos: Entrenados (G1, n = 19) y No Entrenados (G2, n = 19) realizaron un test incremental de cargas en el ejercicio del press de banca. En la percepción subjetiva del esfuerzo (RPE) no se encontraron diferencias significativas entr...

  7. El Niño y la Niña de la Familia Monoparental/ Monomarental Popular Venezolana y su Vínculo con la Pobreza

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    Shirley Gómez Castellanos


    tipo argumentativo, en un análisis contextual y de registro de los textos: El aro y la trama (2008 a , ¿Padre y madre? (2008 b y Buscando padre (2002, además de la Convención de los Derechos del niño y las leyes venezolanas al respecto. Resultados: Los hallazgos indican que la familia popular venezolana convive dentro de una realidad social con muchas carencias, económicas, institucionales, alimenticias y legales entre otras; independientemente de la estructura familiar que tengan. Sin embargo, predomina la familia monomarental con derechos vulnerados que llegan hasta la exclusión social. Conclusiones: El niño y la niña que forma parte de la familia popular monoparental/monomarental venezolana es producto de esa realidad política, social y económica que lo envuelve y que lo marca, de allí que está subsumido dentro de una gran lista de factores de riesgo por no tener acceso a la alimentación, educación, vivienda y salud, principales derechos vulnerados; y con muy pocos factores protectores reales.

  8. La historografía venezolana del siglo XIX

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    Inés Quintero


    Full Text Available Durante el siglo XIX tiene lugar en Venezuela una extensa y variada producción historiográfica, constituida en su gran mayoría por obras de carácter testimonial y por trabajos de compilación documental y que representa, por así decirlo, la base y fundamentación primigenia de la historiografía venezolana. No obstante, la valoración de esta producción historiográfica ha sido realizada de manera parcial y desde una perspectiva muy general. No se han llevado a cabo estudios que nos permitan conocer los distintos géneros historiográficos que se desarrollaron en esa época, ni tampoco algún tipo de análisis que dé cuenta de los aspectos característicos de cada uno de ellos.

  9. La estrategia de la Banca Privada ante la digitalización del sector financiero


    Llamas Serrano, Andrea


    La revolución digital está siendo guiada por los nuevos comportamientos de los clientes, estos comportamientos suponen un imperativo para los bancos o entidades financieras quienes deben apalancarse en la digitalización para impulsar el crecimiento del negocio y el servicio al segmento de Banca Privada. "La idea de banco tradicional desaparecerá gradualmente en el fondo de nuestras vidas financieras. En el futuro, tu banco se parecerá menos a tu banco y más a Google, Facebook o Apple" Wire...

  10. Condiciones de trabajo y salud de una universidad venezolana

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    Rojas-Martini Maritza


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Identificar los procesos peligrosos a los que están expuestos los trabajadores de una universidad venezolana como consecuencia de sus actividades laborales. Material y métodos. Se realizó un diagnóstico de las condiciones de exposición laboral de los trabajadores de una universidad venezolana (UN, de sus potenciales procesos peligrosos (PP y de sus causas, mediante un estudio de corte transversal, efectuado en 1999. Se estudiaron 90 trabajadores de uno u otro sexo, pertenecientes a 24 áreas clasificadas como críticas por las autoridades de la UN. Se aplicaron una encuesta de área y una personal. En ésta, se investigaron características demográficas, historia clínica ocupacional, procesos peligrosos ocupacionales, uso de equipos de protección personal (EPP, conocimiento de riesgos laborales y hábitos. Se practicaron exámenes clínico-toxicológicos, entre otros. Se identificaron los principales PP químicos, físicos, biológicos, mecánicos, ergonómicos y psicosociales y el grado de riesgo (GR por cada área. Se aplicaron medidas de tendencia central y de dispersión, así como también medidas de asociación y significancia estadística, pertinentes a cada caso. Resultados. Se obtuvo una correlación positiva, significativa entre la antigüedad en la UN y el número de signos y síntomas referidos por los trabajadores, pero no entre estos últimos y la edad o el sexo. Los síntomas en su mayoría resultaron no específicos. Conclusiones. En la UN se presentan variados procesos potencialmente peligrosos en las diferentes áreas laborales debido a las características inherentes a su misión. Se hacen las recomendaciones pertinentes para instaurar programas que den prioridad a las acciones preventivas, que lleven registros adecuados sobre siniestralidad laboral, morbilidad y mortalidad, y que permitan la detección temprana de enfermedades y accidentes ocupacionales.

  11. El capitalismo rentístico Elementos cuantitativos de la economía venezolana


    Baptista, Asrúbal


    Desde 1920, la economía venezolana descansa sobre una estructura cuyo principal determinante es la renta del petróleo. Cabe así hablar, para darle un nombre propio, de capitalismo rentístico. Con el apoyo primario de una definición operativa de la renta petrolera que permite la introducción de un nuevo concepto contable, el producto interno bruto no rentístico, aquí se buscar darle su caracterización cuantitativa en términos de ciertos indicadores especialmente relevantes, a saber: la relació...

  12. Auditoría al sistema de gestión ambiental de una cementera para determinar los porcentajes de adecuación a la norma venezolana covenin - iso 14001:2005

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    Colmenárez, Alexis


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo consiste en la combinación de técnicas de evaluación propias de estudios ambientales con procedimientos de auditoría tradicionales, con el objetivo de auditar el Sistema de Gestión Ambiental (SGA de una empresa cementera venezolana llamada Cementos Carora C. A. siguiendo los lineamientos de la norma venezolana COVENIN ISO 14001:2005 para determinar los porcentajes de adecuación a la norma. Se escoge este sector por el impacto ambiental que produce.

  13. Los valores organizacionales presentes en la pyme metalmecánica venezolana. Un estudio comparado.


    Velasquez de Naime, Yngrid; Núñez Bottini, Miguel


    El propósito de este artículo es comparar los valores organizacionales presentes en la PYME metalmecánica venezolana, a fin de determinar coincidencias y divergencias, que permitan establecer las orientaciones filosóficas que imperan en estas organizaciones. La investigación realizada consistió en un estudio de tipo comparativo documental, utilizando la comparación descriptiva, que permite el análisis de situaciones, casos, ejemplares que pertenecen al mismo grupo, pero que difieren en alguno...

  14. La música tradicional venezolana: entrevista imaginaria realizada al concertista y compositor venezolano, Eladio Mujica

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    Raimundo Mijares


    Full Text Available La siguiente entrevista imaginaria realizada al compositor y concertista venezolano, Profesor, Eladio Mujica la realicé en la ciudad de Caracas un día del mes de septiembre del año 2017. Fue un ejercicio que sirvió de pretexto para acercarme en el tiempo a un creador de la música venezolana. Recordando sus inicios en el repertorio de la guitara y el cuatro, el profesor Mujica ha significado una referencia de incalculable valor para el patrimonio musical de la música tradicional venezolana. Nuestra amistad se forjó en la ciudad de Porlamar cuando concurríamos al Complejo Cultural Modesta Bor en busca de conocimientos que lograsen colmar nuestras expectativas en las carreras que cada uno tenía en un horizonte no muy lejano. Nuestros pasos se separaron por aquellos años a finales de 1970 cuando Él, en el área de la música y mi persona en las artes del teatro y de regreso a Caracas, decido quedarme en la capital para desarrollar mi carrera en el ejercicio teatral, sin regresar por largo tiempo a la región espartana y sin enterarme certeramente de su paradero. No obstante, los caminos se juntan y precisamente en los actuales momentos, cuando una persona amiga de ambos logra informarme de su persona, de lo que está haciendo y es en esos instantes cuando afloran aquellos recuerdos maravillosos de pretéritos años en tierras margariteñas, cuando juntos jugábamos a ser héroes. De esas añoranzas nace la disposición de realizar esta entrevista a mi amigo, enaltecida por el aprecio, admiración y respeto hacia la persona que es, Eladio Mujica. El tema de la entrevista escogido giró en torno a la música tradicional venezolana relacionándolo con los cuatro puntos cardinales de la geografía. Ese paneo por el pentagrama de la creación musical nacional es motivo de inspiración e identidad; demostrando la riqueza que reside, permanece y se expresa poniendo en evidencia la herencia y evolución histórica de cada una de esas expresiones.

  15. La Banca Centrale Europea : profili giuridici e istituzionali, un confronto con il modello americano della Federal Reserve


    BARONCELLI, Stefania


    Il libro analizza il processo di creazione e l'evoluzione istituzionale della Banca Centrale Europea facendo una comparazione con l'esperienza storica del Federal Reserve System americano. Vengono così confrontate le ragioni che hanno portato alla creazione delle due banche centrali, le politiche economiche che ne hanno ispirato l'azione ed i problemi istituzionali legati alla gestione della politica monetaria in un'area politicamente non uniforme quale appunto l'attuale Unione Europea. Pu...

  16. Venezuelan Agrarian dynamic: reflections for its discussion La dinámica agraria venezolana: reflexiones para su discusión

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    Diosey Ramón Lugo-Morin


    Full Text Available Century XX started in Latin America with intense social movements. Most important it was the Mexican revolution that it destroyed many of the oppressive structures under which was the immense majority of the population. The example of the movement invaded all Latin America and the notion of the agrarian reform was adopted by the advanced social sectors more than they tried to take to his own countries to more modern productive models. By the previous thing, the present study proposes to make an analytical reflection of the dynamics of change of the Venezuelan agrarian from an neoinstitutional perspective. It was concluded that the transformations in the Venezuelan agrarian structure sustain to a positive impact in their rural space and an opportunity for a reflective debate is opened on the paper of the institutions in the task of the Venezuelan agrarian question.El siglo XX arrancó en América Latina con intensos movimientos sociales. El más importante fue la revolución mexicana que destruyó muchas de las estructuras opresivas bajo las que se encontraba la inmensa mayoría de la población. El ejemplo del movimiento invadió toda América Latina y la noción de la reforma agraria fue adoptada por los sectores sociales más avanzados que intentaban llevar a sus propios países a modelos productivos más modernos. Por lo anterior, el presente estudio propone hacer una reflexión analítica de la dinámica agraria venezolana desde una perspectiva neoinstitucional. Se concluye que las transformaciones en la estructura agraria venezolana sustentan un impacto positivo en su espacio rural y abre la oportunidad para un debate reflexivo sobre el papel de las instituciones en el quehacer de la cuestión agraria venezolana.

  17. Historia de la creación de la banca central latinoamericana -El pretérito es la base de un presente prominente-

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    Roberto Vinicio Posso Ordóñez


    Full Text Available El dinero desempeña tres funciones principales: la primera es servir como medio de cambio, cuando lo utilizamos para comprar bienes y servicios. El trueque es muy ineficiente porque exige una coincidencia de necesidades y deseos entre oferentes y demandantes. La segunda función es la de servir como unidad de cuenta, es decir permite realizar fácilmente comparaciones de valor entre bienes, a través de los precios. La tercera función es como depósito de valor. No obstante, el dinero no es la única forma de “tener” riqueza (depósito de valor. Sin embargo el dinero en efectivo tiene la ventaja de que es difícil de “seguirle la pista” ya que es anónimo, pero la inflación hace que se pierda la riqueza. El dinero tiene un valor nominal superior al valor intrínseco de su contenido en metal o papel. Es por esta razón que el factor confianza (del latín fiducia es la base para que funcione eficientemente un sistema monetario moderno. Esa necesaria confianza fue perdiéndose cuando la banca privada, que era la que emitía los valores fiduciarios (monedas y billetes, lo hacía sin tener ningún respaldo físico (de oro o plata y en consecuencia le correspondió al Estado asumir la responsabilidad de restablecer esa confianza y credibilidad en el dinero. Por esto es necesaria la existencia y funcionamiento de la banca central. En esta investigación se relata la historia de la creación de la banca central Latinoamericana, para lo cual iniciaremos con una breve introducción para referirnos a la aparición, alrededor de 5.000 años atrás, de los primeros bancos. Describiremos lo ocurrido en Inglaterra y España con relación a la creación de los bancos centrales en esas naciones, por la influencia que tuvieron esos países en América Latina. Luego haremos un breve recuento de lo ocurrido entre los siglos XVII y XX, periodo en el cual aparece en el mundo la banca central. Finalmente abordaremos sobre la creación de los bancos

  18. El Margen y los Costos para la Banca Venezolana (1986 y 2000

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    Daniel Lahoud


    Full Text Available This model is a heterodox approach to understand the various distortions that the Venezuelan banking business experienced between the years of 1986 through 2000 when a high differential between interest rates was established. By means of financial ratios, this analysis tries to explain the source of the problem which was caused in part by managerial problems, client habits, and last but not least important, by the monetary policy applied by the Central Bank.

  19. Algunos productos básicos de la agricultura venezolana: añil, cacao y tabaco


    Zubiri Marín, Ma. Teresa


    El siglo XVIII es propicio a la economía venezolana, cuya base se encuentra en la agricultura, fundamentalmente en el cultivo y comercio del cacao y del tabaco, yen la ganadería. El trueque o intercambio de bienes y servicios ha sido sustituido en su mayor parte por un sistema monetario que facilita las operaciones comerciales y otorga al sistema económico una cierta estabilidad. Al mismo tiempo, la calidad inmejorable de los cultivos que produce un suelo fértil y bien regado por diversos río...

  20. Banca Nazionale del Lavoro (B. N. L. Italy) financial incentives for energy conservation and environmenal protection ENERAMBIENTE

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rutondi, L


    This paper outlines the Banca Nazionale del Lavoro (B.N.L., Italy) financial incentive program, ENERAMBIENTE and explains how it relates to overall E.E.C. plans (for the year 1992) promoting, in various sectors (industry, agricolture, etc.), the rational use of energy and environmental protection. The program's objectives are to ensure the prospective user's awareness of the mechanics, possibilities and limits of financial assistence plans, supply technical and organizational assistance and collaborate with local and regional government administrations, as well as public and private enterprises.


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    Pablo Villalobos González


    Full Text Available La competencia por clientes en el sector bancario costarricense se ha intensificado en los últimos meses, las campañas publicitarias la hacen evidente.Particularmente ha sido llamativo el enfrentamiento entre el Banco Nacional y el Banco de Costa Rica, pues son los dos bancos más grandes del país y que tienen la característica común de ser estatales.Siguiendo el enfoque del Nuevo Paradigma de Organización Industrial Empírico (NPOIE, y bajo un modelo de localización espacial de tipo Lancasteriano, se construye un vector de atributos para tres productos en ambos bancos, buscando identificar acciones y respuestas y calculando una distancia estratégica entre el mismo producto para las dos instituciones y para cada producto en un banco en dos momentos diferentes (1994 y 1999.Además se analiza brevemente el aspecto de localización geográfica como estrategia competitiva.Se hace evidente que estos bancos siguen estrategias competitivas diferentes; así mientras el Banco Nacional concentra buena parte de sus esfuerzos en innovaciones, cambios, mayor cobertura y en abarcar la mayor cantidad de productos que ofrece la banca universal (supermercado financiero, el Banco de Costa Rica podría decirse es más cauto y enfoca su estrategia en ofrecer mejores precios que su rival.

  2. El populismo de Hugo Chávez: ¿revirtiendo la democracia venezolana? (2004-2007

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    Nelly Arenas


    Full Text Available El artículo intenta comprender el régimen populista de Hugo Chávez en el período 2004-2006 lapso en el cual el gobierno, a partir de sus victorias tanto en el referéndum del 2004 como en las elecciones presidenciales de 2006, amplió y profundizó su hegemonía en todos los espacios del poder nacional. La reconcentración de poder en manos del Presidente desplegada en esos tres años, puso al descubierto la cara autoritaria del régimen, colocando en riesgo los haberes de la democracia venezolana.

  3. Gestión de la investigación en la universidad pública venezolana


    Wendolin Suárez Amaya; Jazmín Díaz-Barrios


    Este trabajo tiene como propósito comparar la gestión de la investigación en la universidad pública venezolana durante el período 2004-2008, de acuerdo a visión sistémico-compleja de Pacheco et al (2002). La gestión se estudió desde los objetivos y estrategias; prácticas directivas; estructura y organización; métodos, instrumentos y herramientas, y cultura y personalidad. Se trabajó bajo un enfoque cualitativo, la recolección de la información se hizo a través de observación, realización de e...

  4. Televisión: Muerte y resurrección de la televisión venezolana


    Jenny Bustamante Newball


    El desarrollo acelerado de la autopista de la información y la tecnología digital se suman a la polémica para anunciar la muerte de la televisión analógica venezolana. "Vamos hacia una e-volución que incluye la transformación del concepto de televisión y de los estilos de los programas, el paso de una caja tonta a un interfaz inteligente, la reivindicación de los contenidos, la pacificación espontánea entre la televisión y la educación se está perfilando en el sentido de una "conciliación nec...

  5. Estudio comparativo de los aportes de las inmigraciones italiana y portuguesa a la vida nacional venezolana


    Bondarenko Pisemskaya, Natalia


    Se presenta la problemática de las corrientes migratorias italiana y portuguesa a Venezuela. Después de la reseña histórica, se procede a analizar las características de éstas: personajes destacados, razones para emigrar, edad, situación familiar, picos y descensos en el flujo migratorio. Luego, se discuten sus aportes a la vida nacional venezolana y se presentan las maneras de conservar el legado lingüístico-cultural originario en el suelo del país receptor. Finalmente, se res...

  6. La universidad como agente promotor de la lectura en el contexto de la sociedad venezolana

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    Herminia Vicentelli

    Full Text Available Se presentan resultados de investigaciones sobre el desempeño lector del estudiante universitario y la intervención de la universidad en la promoción de la lectura, en el contexto de la sociedad venezolana. En función de las informaciones obtenidas, se derivan, entre otras, las siguientes conclusiones. Hay necesidad: a del perfeccionamiento sistemático del lector universitario; b Estimular la experiencia de la lectura en sus distintas funciones; c intervención efectiva de la universidad en la solución de la problemática planteada.


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    Juliana Ferrer


    Full Text Available La realidad de la empresa venezolana centra su atención de largo plazo en una gestión humana, que teniendo en cuenta su desempeño distintivo, sea capaz de impulsar el desarrollo de los sectores productivos donde está inmenrsa. Es por ello que el cúmulo de competencias generales se convierte en fuente de estrategia competitiva, impulsando la toma de decisiones y potenciando la diferenciación en el mercado. A partir de tal reflexión surge la motivación del presente artículo, cuyo objetivo es analizar las competencias distintivas como fuente de estrategia en la empresa metalmecánica Zuliana, que representa una de los ramales de mayor importancia dentro de los sectores de actividad económica venezolana. Sustentada en una investigación descriptiva, de campo, se procedió a realizar un muestreo estratificado por conglomerado, estimando Maracaibo, San Francisco, Cabimas y Lagunillas, de la Región Zuliana. Se concluye que un 72% de los líderes evidencian habilidades técnicas, demostrando problemas en habilidades humanas; se observaron elevados niveles de interacción (62%, pero poco compromiso y sentido de pertenencia con la organización (26%. Se sugieren cursos de acción, tendientes a buscar una formación continua del talento humano, incorporando habilidades para fortalecer la agrupación de valor en los procesos productivos, que sean capaces de generar la ventaja competitiva necesaria para el fortalecimiento de la pequeña y mediana empresa de la zona.

  8. Economía política de la Banca de Sombra

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    Wesley C. Marshall


    Full Text Available Este artículo examina varios elementos de la teoría económica con respecto al dinero y los bancos a través de la historia reciente del sistema bancario de sombra (SBS. Se argumenta que el pánico financiero mundial de 2007- 2009 ha obligado a la economía del mainstream a deshacerse de algunos de sus axiomas con respecto al dinero, la banca y la crisis, aunque manteniendo otros al mismo tiempo. En concreto, las afirmaciones de la doctrina neoliberal que los bancos no pueden crear dinero de la nada y que no pueden crear crisis, han sido rechazadas por miembros prominentes de la comunidad financiera y se han demostrado falsas por el crecimiento y colapso de la SBS. La actual gran crisis puede ser, por tanto, entendida tanto como una crisis de la SBS en su seno operativo, y también de la teoría neoliberal que logró convencer a los reguladores permitir que la SBS existiera.

  9. La orientación al mercado y el rendimiento empresarial: el caso de la banca comercial española


    Martín Armario, Enrique; Cossío Silva, Francisco José


    [ES] En este trabajo se pretende estudiar las consecuencias de la orientación al mercado sobre el rendimiento empresarial. En concreto se propone un modelo donde los efectos de la OM sobre la rentabilidad se manifiestan a través de otras variables mediadoras de resultados. La investigación empírica se realiza en el sector de la banca comercial española y se utiliza los modelos de ecuaciones estructurales para la contrastación de las hipótesis propuestas. [EN] The aim of this article is the...

  10. ¿Permitían los estados financieros predecir los resultados de los tests de estrés de la banca española? Una aplicación del modelo logit

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    Cristina Gutiérrez López


    La principal aportación de este trabajo es revisar y contrastar los resultados de las pruebas de resistencia aplicadas a la banca española, identificando ratios contables que prácticamente permiten llegar a sus mismas conclusiones.

  11. Central Bank independence in Latin America La independencia de la Banca Central en América Latina

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    Junguito Bonnet Roberto


    Full Text Available This article describes the origin and evolution of the central banks of Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, and Venezuela, and analyzes their respective institutional structures. It also studies the contribution of the central bank to stabilization and the problems for maintaining this independence into the future.Este artículo describe el origen y la evolución de los Bancos Centrales de Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Colombia, México y Venezuela, y analiza sus respectivas estructruras institucionales. También estudia la contribución de la banca central a la estabilización y los problemas para que esta independencia se mantenga en el futuro.

  12. Televisión: Muerte y resurrección de la televisión venezolana

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    Jenny Bustamante Newball


    Full Text Available El desarrollo acelerado de la autopista de la información y la tecnología digital se suman a la polémica para anunciar la muerte de la televisión analógica venezolana. "Vamos hacia una e-volución que incluye la transformación del concepto de televisión y de los estilos de los programas, el paso de una caja tonta a un interfaz inteligente, la reivindicación de los contenidos, la pacificación espontánea entre la televisión y la educación se está perfilando en el sentido de una "conciliación necesaria". Topa también el tema de las franquicias.

  13. Work and health conditions at a Venezuelan university


    Rojas-Martini, Maritza; Squillante, Guido; Espinoza, Carlos


    Objetivo. Identificar los procesos peligrosos a los que están expuestos los trabajadores de una universidad venezolana como consecuencia de sus actividades laborales. Material y métodos. Se realizó un diagnóstico de las condiciones de exposición laboral de los trabajadores de una universidad venezolana (UN), de sus potenciales procesos peligrosos (PP) y de sus causas, mediante un estudio de corte transversal, efectuado en 1999. Se estudiaron 90 trabajadores de uno u otro sexo, pertenecientes ...

  14. Antiimperialismo, tecnología y petróleo en la novela venezolana

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    Cósimo Mandrillo


    Full Text Available Este trabajo revisa la noción de antiimperialismo que puede deducirse de la lectura de algunas novelas venezolanas cuyo relato se ubica en el periodo de implantación de la industria petrolera. A tal fin, se atiende de modo particular a la presencia de nuevas tecnologías percibidas, en general, como parte de la avanzada neo colonizadora en que se convirtió, para la mayoría de los escritores venezolanos del momento, la presencia de las compañías extranjeras. Se centran estas reflexiones básicamente en tres obras: Mene de Ramón Díaz Sánchez, Mancha de aceite de Cesar Uribe Piedrahita y El señor Rasvel de Miguel Toro Rámirez, estas dos últimas, a diferencia de la primera, muy mal conocidas en el ámbito tanto venezolano como latinoamericano.


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    Monica CALU


    Full Text Available The CJEU's judgment in Andriciuc and Others vs Banca Românească Case C-186/16 that came in September 2017 is an addition to a growing body of case law on procedural obstacles to consumer protection under Directive 93/13/EEC. According to the Court, a contractual term must be drafted in plain intelligible language, the information obligations should be performed by the bank in a manner to make the well-informed and reasonably observant and circumspect consumer aware of both possibility of a rise or fall in the value of the foreign currency and also enabling estimation of the significant economic consequences of repayment of the loan in the same currency as the currency in which the loan was taken out. Following a succession of consumer-friendly preliminary rulings from European Court of Justice (Case C-26/13, Árpád Kásler, Hajnalka Káslerné Rábai v OTP Jelzálogbank Zrt and Case C-186/16 Andriciuc and Others v Banca Românească, bank customers across the European Union are increasingly taking their banks to court. However, there are still a lot provisions in the national legislations which made the judicial review of unfair contract terms difficult and reveals the limits of consumer protection under Directive 93/13. Also, we focus on the powers of the national court when dealing with a term considered to be unfair (civil courts and the availability of legal remedies in ensuring the effectiveness of the Directive. Although the CJEU provides interpretation of EU law, the national court alone has jurisdiction to find and assess the facts in the case before it and to interpret and apply national law. The ruling issued by the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJUE in the Andriciuc versus Banca Românească case represents a great advantage for some of the European debtors. In this paper, we intend to examine, starting from the theory of abusive clauses and referring to the jurisprudence of the European Court of Justice in the matter, to

  16. Desenvolvimento de recursos didáticos para o ensino de geociências para a Banca das Ciências e Experimentoteca da EACH/USP

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    Caroline Bertocco Garcia


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho abrange a importância da divulgação e popularização da Ciência com o uso de modelos didáticos que expressem os conteúdos de Geociências. A divulgação e popularização da Ciência tem como cenário a Banca da Ciência, um projeto ligado ao Laboratório de Desenvolvimento de Recursos Didáticos em Ciência da Natu­reza, LABDID da Escola de Artes, Ciências e Humanidades, EACH-USP. Foram utilizados materiais simples, como papel cartonado de caixa descartáveis, canudos para refrigerante, cola quente, copos de iogurte descartáveis etc. e atividades apresentadas em publicações científicas da área de ensino de Geociências e do site Geoideias, para compor o acervo da Banca da Ciência, assim como para ampliar o tema Geologia no acervo da Experimentoteca do LABDID. A acessibilidade dos materiais para a construção dos modelos foi vista como um meio para a popularização das Geociências, na qual a escolha de materiais reciclados e de baixo custo permitisse a reprodução e adaptação dos modelos.

  17. Legislación archivística venezolana: una contribución para la consolidación de la gestión de archivos en Venezuela

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    Arcángel Sánchez


    Full Text Available ResumenEste trabajo presenta las reflexiones realizadas por los autores sobre la legislación de archivos en Venezuela.Las actividades archivísticas venezolanas están normadas por la Ley de Archivos Nacionales que data del año 1945 y que fue actualizada en el 2001 con la aprobación de la Ley Orgánica de la Administración Pública. Esta investigación descriptiva y documental analiza las legislaciones que aplican en el manejo, conservación, expedición de documentos y otras actividades archivísticas venezolanas; hace énfasis en la evaluación, aplicabilidad y normalización de la terminología de los principales estamentos legales que rigen el devenir de los archivos del país y del patrimonio documental venezolano. Se concluye que el tratamiento de los documentos de archivo debe estar fundamentado en un estricto cumplimiento de la legislación archivística venezolana con el fin de consolidar el Sistema Nacional de Archivos en Venezuela.AbstractThis paper presents insights made by the authors about archive legislation in Venezuela. Archive activities are regulated by the Law of National Archives, created in 1945, and actualized in 2001 with the approval of the Organic Law for Public Administration. This descriptive and documental research analyzes legislations that are applied in the handle, conservation and expedition of documents and other Venezuelan archives’ activities; it makes emphasis on the evaluation, applicability and normalization of the terminology of the main legal statuses that regulate the destiny of the country’s archives and Venezuela’s documental patrimony. This paper concludes that the treatment of archives’ documents must be grounded on a strict adherence to Venezuelan legislation regarding archives, with the purpose of consolidating the Archives National System in Venezuela.

  18. El sector turístico y las participaciones empresariales de la banca

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    Luis González García


    Full Text Available La investigación realizada toma como punto de partida el fuerte incremento registrado en la cartera de valores de las principales entidades de crédito españolas, en el período 1990-2000, para mantener sus niveles de rentabilidad. Se analizan las participaciones empresariales de las cinco principales entidades de depósito (que concentran el 80% del total del sistema financiero durante la década de los noventa: BBVA, SCH, Banco Popular, La Caixa y Caja de Madrid. Las inversiones no financieras de la banca presentan un alto nivel de concentración en tres sectores: energía, telecomunicaciones e inmobiliarias o constructoras, sectores con una vinculación elevada con el sector turístico. Se analizan también sus participaciones directas en empresas del sector, tratando de identificar sus estrategias y si las mismas contribuyen a los objetivos de rentabilidad del conjunto de las entidades a corto y largo plazo. Por último se estudian las consecuencias de las estrategias sobre el nivel de riesgo del conjunto del sistema.

  19. Control democrático sobre el manejo de la banca central. Un reto para la política del conocimiento económico

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    Carlo Tognato


    Full Text Available La globalización económica ha acelerado la transformación de la racionalidad económica en racionalidad política. Durante esta transformación, la naturaleza de la pregunta del control democrático sobre las agencias económicas ha cambiado de forma radical. Lo que antes era puramente una cuestión institucional, hoy se ha convertido en una cuestión epistémica. Para reestablecer un control democrático efectivo sobre las agencias económicas, la democracia debe penetrar los fundamentos de la racionalidad económica misma, pilar sobre la cual la tecnocracia económica basa su operación. En otras palabras, es necesario practicar controles democráticos de carácter epistémico. Esta visión implica un giro Foucaultiano con respecto a la literatura tradicional sobre el diseño de las instituciones económicas. Además, llama al analista a mirar a la tecnocracia económica como una faceta organizacional de una formación discursiva, y a reconocer que un cambio en la operación de la tecnocracia económica requiere un cambio de otras facetas de su propia formación discursiva. Aquí daré cuenta de algunos de los cambios que implica la democratización de una de las tecnocracias económicas más impermeables al escrutinio democrático externo - la banca central independiente. En particular, mostraré que la democratización de la banca central independiente tiene implicaciones reflexivas importantes sobre la estructura argumentativa económica que la sostiene así como sobre la organización de la disciplina económica que articula dicha argumentación. En otras palabras, la democratización del objeto de análisis llama a una democratización del proceso de generación del conocimiento por medio del cual el objeto se constituye. PALABRAS CLAVES. Globalización banca central, control democrático.

  20. Tipificación del vph en cáncer de cuello uterino en la población venezolana


    Suárez, Carmen María; Mijares Briñez, Alirio; Castillo Marrero, Livia; Briceño, Josefa María


    OBJETIVOS: Realizar la tipificación del virus del papiloma humano en pacientes con cáncer de cuello uterino en la población venezolana. MÉTODOS: Se incluyeron 53 pacientes con diagnóstico de cáncer de cuello uterino entre abril de 2004 y noviembre de 2005. Se realizó tipificación del virus del papiloma humano mediante la reacción en cadena de la polimerasa para los tipos 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33 y 35. Se analizaron otras variables como edad, estadio y tipo histológico. RESULTADOS: La edad promed...


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    José Maria Santiago Merino


    Full Text Available Normal 0 21 false false false PT-BR X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 RESUMO Esta pesquisa pretende iluminar a controvérsia suscitada entre os dois principais enfoque ou paradigmas da medição da Qualidade do Serviço (Parasuraman, Zeithml y Berry –Cronin y Taylor, propondo uma  escala diferente de medição do construto para o setor da banca comercial, conseqüência da replicação “ex novo” da investigação do PZB, com um enfoque de convergência ou triangulação metodológica e de técnicas de análise. Confrontam-se os dois modelos dominantes numa tentativa de confirmação/refutação do jeito de operacionalizar o construto “qualidade do serviço” em cada um deles, assim como da unidimensionalidade do mesmo perante a multidimensionalidade. Do mesmo modo supõe o desenvolvimento das indicações dos referidos pesquisadores para incrementar o domínio dos conteúdos da qualidade do serviço aos produtos/serviços, preços e imagem das entidades, e analisar com maior profundidade as relações da qualidade com a satisfação e com a lealdade, procurando melhores preditores da ultima com a integração de aspectos atitudinais e comportamentais na sua operatividade. Palavras-chave:Qualidade do Serviço, Escalas de medição, Banca.     RESUMEN El presente artículo pretende arrojar luz sobre la controversia suscitada entre los dos principales enfoques o paradigmas de medición de la Calidad de Servicio (Parasuraman, Zeithaml y Berry - Cronin y Taylor, proponiendo una diferente escala de medida del constructo para el sector de banca comercial, fruto de la replicación "ex novo" de la investigación de PZB, con un enfoque de convergencia o triangulación metodológica y de técnicas de análisis. Se enfrentan los dos modelos dominantes en un intento de confirmación/refutación de la forma de operacionalizar el constructo "calidad de servicio" en cada uno de ellas, así como de la unidimensionalidad del mismo frente a la

  2. Reorientación de la división dialectal hispánica: datos de variedades venezolanas e ibéricas


    Godsuno Chela-Flores; Giovanna D'Aquino


    Se cuestiona el tradicional enfoque dicotómico de la dialectología hispánica: los dialectos del español americano han sido clasificados como "conservadores" o "radicales" sobre la base de la divergencia entre la ortografía y la pronunciación de las consonantes posnucleares; dicha clasificación está vinculada con la geografía americana. Se demuestra lo inadecuado de tal división con datos recientes sobre procesos prenucleares y posnucleares de variedades venezolanas. Además, se explora la viab...

  3. De fundadoras e irreverentes. Poesía venezolana, siglo XX

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    Carmen Rodríguez González


    Full Text Available En el siguiente artículo, se pasa revista a las principales exponentes femeninas de la poesía venezolana durante el siglo XX, mostrando cómo a través de su obra literaria ejercieron una labor de resistencia contra la sociedad patriarcal imperante y ayudaron a conformar la identidad femenina de las mujeres de aquel país, haciendo del cuerpo femenino su principal santo y seña. Su producción, en libros, prensa y revistas del espacio intelectual venezolano, es analizada y señala cuáles fueron los principales lugares comunes a los que recurrieron para conformar un discurso alternativo de liberación y dignidad.____________________ABSTRACT:The following article presents the main female exponents of the Venezuelan poetry of the 20th century and shows how by means of their literary work those poets strove to resist against the prevailing patriarchal society and helped to create the female identity of the women of the country, making the female body its main “key notion”. The author analyses their work published in books, press and magazines of the Venezuelan intellectual circles and shows which were the main clichés they resorted to in order to provide an alternative discourse of liberation and dignity.

  4. Gestión de la investigación en la universidad pública venezolana

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    Wendolin Suárez Amaya


    Full Text Available Este trabajo tiene como propósito comparar la gestión de la investigación en la universidad pública venezolana durante el período 2004-2008, de acuerdo a visión sistémico-compleja de Pacheco et al (2002. La gestión se estudió desde los objetivos y estrategias; prácticas directivas; estructura y organización; métodos, instrumentos y herramientas, y cultura y personalidad. Se trabajó bajo un enfoque cualitativo, la recolección de la información se hizo a través de observación, realización de entrevistas y revisión documental utilizando como herramienta de análisis la hermenéutica. Se seleccionaron cuatro unidades de análisis, atendiendo al criterio de liderazgo en investigación en el ámbito nacional, éstas son: Universidad de los Andes (ULA, Universidad Central de Venezuela (UCV, Universidad Simón Bolívar (USB y Universidad del Zulia (LUZ. Por otro lado, el período 2004-2008 obedece a que es la última gestión rectoral finalizada y por tanto susceptible de ser analizada. Los resultados revelan que 1 De las universidades estudiadas, ULA; UCV y LUZ manejan modelos de gestión burocráticos y centralizados, con ciertas particularidades, mientras que, el de la USB es flexible y menos centralizado. 2 Aun cuando la USB exhibe mayor fortaleza general en investigación, se evidenciaron prácticas puntuales en ULA, LUZ y UCV que convendría replicar en el resto de las universidades. Se concluye, en primer lugar, que para las universidades tradicionales, es un imperativo cambiar el modelo de gestión dominante que frena el desarrollo de la investigación; en segundo lugar, si las universidades hacen sinergia entre las mejores prácticas de cada una, podrían catapultar la investigación universitaria venezolana y colocarla en el mapa mundial, haciéndola más independiente del gobierno de turno desde el punto de vista financiero.


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    Migdlys del Carmen González Marín


    Full Text Available Esta investigación presenta como objetivo analizar la Gestión de la Complejidad Organizacional en las Empresas Familiares Venezolanas, con este propósito se realizó un estudio de tipo documental con un nivel descriptivo, para ello se llevó a cabo una revisión bibliográfica que permitió analizar la gestión de la complejidad organizacional, aspecto relevante en las empresas familiares, a fin de mejorar el desarrollo y productividad organizacional. En este sentido, se destaca la revisión de teorías, tales como, Teoría del Caos (1960, Morín (2006, entre otros. Entre las principales conclusiones destaca que las empresas familiares requieren establecer nuevos conceptos en la gestión empresarial; tales como, aplicación de las Tics, innovación, creatividad; exigiendo una constante reingeniería organizacional mejorando la competitividad y los resultados empresariales. Es así como, desde una visión prospectiva las empresas familiares puedan presentar problemas, asociadas a insuficiencias en los modos de gestión y a la influencia de un entorno complejo

  6. Pequeña y mediana empresa venezolana, sus vías para el desarrollo. Una perspectiva de construcción cualitativa


    Ermelinda Mendoza de Ferrer


    El artículo busca construir reflexivamente un argumento que dé cuenta del sistema de pensamiento de quienes dirigen las pequeñas y medianas empresas venezolanas. Se diseñó una investigación de campo, descriptiva, con enfoque cualitativo, utilizándose la técnica de entrevista no estructurada. Los resultados muestran que, como vías para el desarrollo, los gerentes de las PyME sugieren el compromiso de la alta gerencia, implementación de políticas globales en materia de salud, educación y seguri...


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    Juliana Ferrer


    Full Text Available Este artículo tiene como objetivo analizar las dimensiones de responsabilidad social presentes en las empresas de promoción de producción social de sectores de actividad petrolera venezolana, convirtiéndolas en cimiento para la construcción de estrategias sociales-competitivas, que buscan el cumplimento de iniciativas demandadas socialmente y que trascienden su marco económico-legal, transformándose, desde esta perspectiva, en organizaciones con compromiso social y generando actores ciudadanos para un proceso de cambio. Basado en una investigación descriptiva de campo, se realizó un muestreo no probabilística a juicio sobre un total de veinte y cuatro (24 empresas de producción social en la región zuliana, insertas como promotoras y que son proveedoras de partes y piezas a la industria estudiada. En la primera parte del artículo se desarrolla una disertación teórica sobre la dimensión ético-competitiva; las condiciones de la empresa humana y sus capacidades distintivas y el desarrollo de una perspectiva que visualiza el camino de la estrategia competitiva a la social, teniendo como soporte a las empresas venezolanas promotoras de la responsabilidad social. En la segunda parte se analizan los resultados arrojadas por el trabajo de campo, basados en los indicadores desarrollados para tal fin. Por último, se presentan algunas reflexiones finales en relación con el tema tratado, donde evidencia una empresa en proceso de transición que hoy sólo reconoce valores instrumentales, pero que incursiona en internalizar el compromiso con la realidad cambiante del aparato productivo venezolano.

  8. Vulnerabilidad a la introducción y transmisión local de la Encefalitis Equina Venezolana. Delicias, 2009

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    Yoenny Peña García


    Full Text Available La Encefalitis Equina Venezolana (EEV es una enfermedad infecciosa, causada por un arbovirus de la familia Togaviridae, es transmitida del caballo o aves al hombre a través de picaduras de mosquitos, constituyendo una zoonosis. Cuba presta colaboración internacionalista en países donde esta enfermedad es endémica y considerada peligrosa, desde el punto de vista económico y sanitario. Se realizó  un estudio epidemiológico, para determinar la vulnerabilidad de introducción y transmisión local de la Encefalitis Equina Venezolana en el Área de Salud Delicias en el año 2009. Se utilizaron las siguientes variables: país de procedencia del colaborador, géneros de culícidos transmisores, población equina y se determinaron zonas de riesgo. Se identificaron tres países endémicos, el que mayor cantidad de colaboradores tuvo fue Venezuela, con 66 (85,7%, seguido de Ecuador y Haití, que solo tuvieron 1 (1,3%. El Consejo Popular 3 es el que más colaboradores en zonas endémicas poseyó (50, para un 87,7%. En el área se identificaron 11 géneros de mosquitos, de ellos cuatro transmisores de la EEV (Culex, Mansonia, Psorophora, y Anopheles, la población de equinos se distribuye en todo el territorio. Constituyen las zonas de mayor riego para la transmisión local de la enfermedad la parte noreste del poblado de Delicias y el poblado de San Manuel, determinándose 12 comunidades atendidas por Consultorios Médicos de Familia de alto riesgo para la transmisión local.

  9. El financiamiento de la banca pública en los Planes de Desarrollo de la Nación en el período 2000-2012

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    Marianela Acuña Ortigoza


    Full Text Available En esta investigación se exponen los elementos de política pública que direccionan la agenda desarrollada por el Estado venezolano durante el período 2000-2012 para transformar el sistema financiero nacional de acuerdo a los objetivos indicados en los Planes de Desarrollo Nacional, sustentándose en autores como Álvarez (2009, Girón et al. (2010, Meszaros (2009, Ocando y Pirela (2008 y documentos institucionales de SUDEBAN, Ministerio de Planificación y Desarrollo y Asamblea Nacional de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela. Mediante una investigación documental con diseño bibliográfico, se aborda el análisis político y epistémico de la investigación, considerando el método hermenéutico, que permitió reflexionar sobre los mecanismos de financiamiento instrumentados por el Estado venezolano durante el período 2000-2012. Los resultados de la investigación señalan la necesidad de comprender la axiología que determina la toma de decisiones públicas para analizar y explicar las dinámicas económicas. Durante el período analizado se observan cambios significativos en el sistema financiero venezolano asociados al cumplimiento de los objetivos enunciados en los Planes de Desarrollo Nacional 2001-2007 y 2007-2013, entre ellos: el aumento de la participación de la banca pública asociándose la función de banca de desarrollo como la función fundamental de los bancos públicos, la orientación del crédito de acuerdo a los propósitos estratégicos de desarrollo, modificación y/o creación del marco jurídico e institucional, aumento en los niveles de bancarización, creación de instituciones de atención a sectores excluidos: Banco de Desarrollo de la Mujer y el Banco del Pueblo, transformación del Fondo de Inversiones de Venezuela en el Banco de Desarrollo Económico y Social de Venezuela (BANDES, y adquisición por parte del Estado venezolano del Banco de Venezuela, lo que permitió incrementar la participación de la

  10. La función mantenimiento en PYMEs venezolanas y la gestión de calidad según las normas internacionales iso 9000


    Gómez Z, Gabriel; González O, Carlos


    El objetivo de este trabajo es identificar los cambios necesarios en la Función Mantenimiento (FM) de pequeñas y medianas empresas (PYMEs) venezolanas, a fin de implantar exitosamente sistemas de gestión de la calidad, estructurados siguiendo los lineamientos de las Normas Internacionales ISO 9000:2000. Para la realización de esta investigación se recurrió a fuentes secundarias de información y como principal resultado se identificó que la forma de administrar el mantenimiento en las PYMEs ve...

  11. Comercio exterior colombiano y su financiación con la banca local: un análisis a nivel de firma

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    Sergio Restrepo


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se estima la elasticidad de las exportaciones y las importaciones al crédito otorgado por la banca comercial, usando información cruzada a nivel de firmas en Colombia. Replicando la metodología empírica de Paravisini et al. (2011, se encontró que una reducción del crédito de 10% reduce el valor exportado e importado en 3,95% y 5,12% y el volumen en 2,33% y 3,63%, respectivamente. Se hace uso de la metodología de panel de datos con variables instrumentales para controlar por otros factores que afectan la demanda de crédito por parte de las firmas.

  12. Comercio exterior colombiano y su financiación con la banca local: un análisis a nivel de firma

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    Sergio Restrepo


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se estima la elasticidad de las exportaciones y las importaciones al crédito otorgado por la banca comercial, usando información cruzada a nivel de firmas en Colombia. Replicando la metodología empírica de Paravisini et al. (2011, se encontró que una reducción del crédito de 10% reduce el valor exportado e importado en 3,95% y 5,12% y el volumen en 2,33% y 3,63%, respectivamente. Se hace uso de la metodología de panel de datos con variables instrumentales para controlar por otros factores que afectan la demanda de crédito por parte de las firmas.

  13. Estrategias mercadotécnicas aplicadas por la Federación Venezolana de Fútbol para posicionar la marca Vinotinto en el aficionado


    Zavala González, Hely Danilo


    La siguiente investigación tuvo el propósito de conocer las estrategias mercadotécnicas aplicadas por la Federación Venezolana de Fútbol para lograr el posicionamiento de la marca Vinotinto en el público venezolano. Se utilizó la metodología de análisis documental y revisión teórica. Los resultados indican que la aceptación del aficionado por la selección nacional de mayores, es motivada tanto por el crecimiento de su calidad técnica como por unas estrategias mercadotécnicas bien dis...

  14. Problemática Financiera de las Pequeñas y Medianas Empresas venezolanas. Análisis de los Factores Internos

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    Leonardo Cazorla Papis


    Full Text Available El interés de esta investigación fue identificar los rasgos característicos de las Pyme venezolanas de los Estados Aragua y Carabobo, que condicionan sus decisiones de endeudamiento, así como identificar los factores internos que condicionan su estructura de capital.Se estudiaron las variables : riesgo empresarial, rentabilidad sobre activos, oportunidades de crecimiento, tamaño, reputación, concentración de capital y estrategias empresariales.Los resultados obtenidos demostraron que las variables: Riesgo empresarial, rentabilidad sobre activos, oportunidad de crecimiento, explican en un 60% la estructura de capital de las pequeñas y medianas empresas


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    Elizabeth Zamora Cardozo


    Full Text Available La frontera entre Tijuana y los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica, es la más transitada del mundo. Le sigue en América la colombo-venezolana, especialmente la conformada por el eje San Antonio-Ureña-Norte de Santander. El objetivo de este artículo es presentar algunos aspectos que identifican a dos espacios caracterizados por su diversidad, dinamismo y pluralidad. Me detengo en situaciones relativas al cruce hacia los Estados Unidos, así como en aspectos relacionados con los modos de vida y el mundo cotidiano de los habitantes de estas fronteras. También hago alusión al tema de la violencia, así como al papel de San Toribio Romo, de Juan Soldado y de Jesús Malverde quienes se han convertido en importantes referentes religiosos para quienes emprenden la aventura de cruzar hacia los Estados Unidos.

  16. Análisis de la política petrolera venezolana durante el gobierno de Hugo Chávez como factor determinante de la Revolución Bolivariana (período 1999-2012)


    Nariño Rodríguez, Valeria Isabel


    Desde 1999, la política petrolera se constituyó como base del proyecto político chavista conocido como la Revolución Bolivariana, e incluso se convirtió en el eje de la participación, polarización y de las relaciones entre los principales actores del oficialismo y de la oposición venezolana.

  17. Diseño de un plan de entrenamiento bajo la metodología e-learning que contribuya al mejoramiento de la productividad caso: Produbanco (Banca de Personas)


    Velarde Beltrán, Alberto Vinicio


    204 hojas : ilustraciones, 29 x 21 cm + CD-ROM 4881 La presente investigación busca contribuir en el desarrollo de un plan de entrenamiento que permita incrementar la productividad de las personas que prestan sus servicios profesionales en la unidad de banca de personas de PRODUBANCO, y específicamente aquellas asociadas con la posición de Ejecutivo de Ventas. El diseño del plan de entrenamiento que se propone en este documento inicia con un estudio organizacional, en donde se destacan as...

  18. Detección y tipificación de virus del papiloma humano en biopsias de carcinoma ductal infiltrante y lesiones benignas de mama en mujeres venezolanas


    Solorzano, Marisé; Bastidas, Marco; Quintero, Militza; Rojas, Lisbeth; Stea, Domingo; Villasmil, Saúl; Acosta, Víctor; Marín, Carmen; Ramírez, Ana; Blanco, Natasha; Cruz, Jhon; Puig, Juan


    Objetivo: Realizar la detección y tipificación del virus del papiloma humano (VPH) en muestras de biopsias de tejido mamario con carcinoma ductal infiltrante. Métodos: Estudio descriptivo de corte transversal de 57 biopsias de carcinoma ductal infiltrante, y 41 biopsias de lesiones benignas de mama de pacientes venezolanas, estas fueron evaluadas utilizando la técnica PCR-RFLP en busca de la presencia del genoma del virus de papiloma humano. El riesgo OR fue evaluado mediante análisis estadís...


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    Rafael Pertuz Belloso


    Full Text Available El presente artículo tuvo como objetivo describir la realidad socio-económica de los institutos universitarios venezolanos a partir de una investigación de campo de carácter descriptiva y con un diseño de campo no experimental. El estudio corresponde a una transeccional, se trabajó con un censo poblacional conformado por una muestra de un (1 director, sub-directores académico y administrativo y ochenta y ocho (88 profesores de los institutos tecnológicos de Cabimas y Maracaibo. La técnica de recolección utilizada fue la encuesta, usando un cuestionario con 15 ítems, validados por 5 expertos, y con una confiabilidad (α Cronbach de 0,93. La técnica de análisis de los datos fue la distribución de frecuencias porcentuales. Los resultados obtenidos indican una clara descontextualización en la aplicación de los planes de la nación en estas instituciones, lo cual evidencia escasa pertinencia y vinculación con la realidad socio-económica venezolana; por lo tanto, para su vinculación con tal realidad, se recomienda instrumentar una estrategia de migración de estructura organizacional, hacia la implementación de otra de tipo matricial.

  20. Determinación del contenido de vitamina C en miel de abejas venezolanas por volumetría de óxido-reducción


    Zago G, Karina I; García F, María Y; Di Bernardo, María L; Vit, Patricia; Luna, José R; Gualtieri, María


    En este trabajo se ha determinado el contenido de Vita mina C en mieles de abeja de la región andina venezolana. La Vitamina C pertenece junto con la Vitamina B al grupo de las hidrosolubles. Ayuda en el desarrollo de huesos, cartílagos, a la absorción del hierro, a la producción de colágeno (actuando como cofactor en la hidroxilación de los aminoácidos lisina y prolina). La propiedad química antioxidante es la más importante de la vitamina C; esto ayuda a prevenir la oxidación de las vitamin...

  1. Uso de la banca celular para mejorar del proceso de canje y liquidación del Fondo de Inclusión Social Energético


    Tinoco Licas, Juan Carlos; Tinoco Licas, Juan Carlos


    El presente informe trata sobre cómo el Organismo Supervisor de la Inversión en Energía y Minería, cuyo acrónimo es OSINERGMIN, que es la entidad estatal encargada de la regulación de los sectores energía y minería y al cual le entregaron como encargatura la administración del Fondo de Inclusión Social, llevó a cabo un proyecto de uso de la banca celular para la mejora del proceso de canje y liquidación que es parte del proceso del Vale de Descuento FISE. El Vale de Descuento FISE consiste en...

  2. "banca del Fare" Summer School in Alta Langa: «THE Ruins to BE Rebuilt Will BE Our CLASSROOMS». Knowledge from Artisans to New Generations, from Ancient Skills to New Building Techniques (United States)

    Villata, M.


    "Banca del fare" is an ambitious project proposed by "Cultural Park Alta Langa". It is born to hand ancient knowledges down to young people, as meeting place useful to exchange the development of new construction techniques and at the same time the traditional ones. A program of educational workshops, which constitute the summer school, was organized for increasing communication among different generations. Indeed, the last local craftsmen or artisans are coming out from their employment and there is no training process to ensure the migration of knowledge to young architects. The activities of the school took place for the first time during summer of 2016 in Alta Langa, the southern part of Langhe in Piedmont. The landscape of this area is marked by small rural architectures called "ciabòts" shed all over the countryside. Artisans and students work together to recover these buildings every year. The aim of this landscape heritage's valorization is to relate the restored ciabòt into a network, in order to create a widespread hotels system. Therefore, the essay wants to present the results of "Banca del fare" and to suggest a GIS project that can gather information about numerous "ciabòt" widespread in this territory. The interaction between land development and networking process can ensure the optimal reuse of these rural architectures.

  3. Estabilización del sistema financiero alemán mediante la creación de la Banca Central, 1876-1914

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    Momar Diop


    Full Text Available Sin una armonización monetaria y la presencia de un banco central, el imperio Alemán, representa la experiencia más larga de un sistema de banca libre en los países industrializados de Europa en el Siglo XIX. La "banca libre" en el Reich estuvo marcada por la inestabilidad financiera y la violencia producto de las crisis bancarias en tiempos de guerra. Este artículo hace un análisis retrospectivo de las condiciones de estabilización del sistema bancario alemán a través de la creación de un banco central cuyas principales funciones era ser un prestamista de última instancia, establecimiento de reservas estratégicas de oro así como estabilización de la especulación bancaria. Entre 1876 y 1914, la regulación bancaria en el Reich Alemán tuvo el efecto de limitar el número de bancos emisores y neutralizar las crisis financieras sistémicas. A través de este ejemplo, se pudo observar cómo el naciente Reichsbank fue capaz de adaptarse a su nuevo entorno y llevar a cabo su misión de constituirse como banco central. Originalmente diseñado de manera similar al Banco de Inglaterra en términos de cobertura en la emisión de billetes, el Reichsbank trató de ser más flexible en su respuesta. El fijar un nivel socialmente aceptable de tasas de interés fue para los banqueros del siglo XIX, una decisión en la que la interpretación y la aceptación por parte de la sociedad capitalista era difíciles de predecir. Por otra parte, muchos de los elementos que escapaban al control del Reichsbank que fue el caso, por ejemplo, del futuro de la balanza comercial, que depende tanto de la competitividad en los precios del país así como de otros factores complejos que afectan la producción nacionales. Traducción del francés Dra. Fernanda Vidal (Postdoctorando IIJ-UNAM-DGAPA

  4. Grupos estratégicos en la banca colombiana: análisis estático y dinámico

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    Jorge Enrique Garcés Cano


    Full Text Available Este trabajo tiene como objetivo central identificar la existencia de grupos estratégicos en la banca colombiana, su estabilidad en el tiempo y su relación con el desempeño medio de las empresas que los conforman, resaltando el papel que pueden desempeñar en los análisis de competencia empresarial dentro de un sector industrial concreto. Se utiliza un enfoque de posicionamiento estratégico originado en los estudios de economía industrial y dirección estratégica, que hace énfasis en aquellos factores externos que determinan el comportamiento estratégico de las empresas, y su enfoque de competencia. Metodológicamente, se realiza un análisis estático para el año 2004 y otro “dinámico” (longitudinal para el periodo de diez años comprendidos entre 1995 y 2004. Los grupos se conforman a través de estadística multivariada (cluster haciendo pruebas ANOVA y MANOVA.

  5. La responsabilidad social de la gerencia cultural como plataforma del desarrollo turístico en zonas costeras venezolanas

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    Cira de Pelekais


    Full Text Available El propósito del estudio fue analizar la responsabilidad social de la gerencia cultural como plataforma del desarrollo turístico en zonas costeras. La investigación se evidencia en el paradigma positivista y corresponde a una investigación cuantitativa, descriptiva y de campo. La población estuvo constituida por 35 gerentes de los hoteles 5 estrellas que se encuentran ubicados en la zona costera venezolana, realizándose un censo poblacional. Para recabar los datos fue aplicado un instrumento conformado por 60 ítems. Al instrumento se le calculó la validez de contenido, a través del juicio de expertos, además de la validez discriminante, la confiabilidad por medio del método Alfa de Cronbach el cual arrojó como resultado 0.96. El procesamiento de los resultados se efectuó a través de una estadística descriptiva. Los resultados demuestran que la mayoría de la población objeto de estudio posee las herramientas necesarias como evidencias de responsabilidad social de la gerencia cultural. Asimismo, se establecieron lineamientos gerenciales para el cumplimiento de la misma.Palabras Clave: Responsabilidad social; gerencia cultural; desarrollo turístico; actividad turística; Zonas Costeras. The social responsibility of cultural management as a platform for tourism development in venezolanas coastal areasAbstractThe main purpose of this study was to analyze the social responsibility of cultural management as a platform for tourism development in coastal zones. Based on the positivist paradigm, this is a quantitative, descriptive and field research. Having made a population census, the study population consisted of 35 managers from five-star hotels located in the Venezuelan coastal zone. An instrument of 60 items was used to gather the required data. The instrument´s validity content was calculated by judgment of experts, as well as by discriminant validity; the reliability, calculated by the Alfa de Cronbach method, was 0

  6. Percepciones sobre la migración venezolana: causas, España como destino, expectativas de retorno

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    Tomás Castillo Crasto


    Full Text Available Venezuela, a lo largo de su historia ha sido un país receptor de inmigrantes. Actualmente, presenta un patrón migratorio completamente distinto, motivado por una crisis nacional bajo un contexto de deterioro institucional, recesión económica y descomposición social, situación que ha ido empeorando durante los últimos 17 años. Este trabajo es un estudio exploratorio de orientación cualitativa. Hecho a través de un análisis bibliográfico de fuentes secundarias y la consulta en profundidad a inmigrantes venezolanos, que ofrecen su percepción respecto a cinco dimensiones: trayectoria migratoria, educación, formación y situación laboral, participación en redes, situación socioeconómica venezolana y expectativas de retorno. Los hallazgos principales, tanto de fuentes documentales como en la consulta empírica, nos remiten a la existencia de un grave deterioro de las condiciones de vida en Venezuela y la necesidad de un cambio profundo a nivel político, económico y social como condición necesaria para un posible retorno.

  7. Transmisión experimental del virus de la encefalitis equina venezolana, subgrupo ID, por psorophora confinnis a ratones

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    Alberto Morales


    Full Text Available Se realizó un experimento con el objeto de investigar la capacidad del mosquito Psorophora confinnis para transmitir por picadura a ratones blanco-suizos de 21 días una cepa de virus de encefalitis equina venezolana, subgrupo ID. Cuando los mosquitos se alimentaron sobre hamster con altas viremias (7.5, 6.5 y 6.3 dex en 0.1 ml. de suero, los porcentajes de infección de los mosquitos y los de transmisión fueron altos. Sin embargo, cuando los mosquitos se alimentaron sobre Proechimys hendei con viremias bajas (1,4 y 2.6 dex en 0.1 ml. de suero el porcentaje de infección de los mosquitos fue muy bajo y no hubo transmisión. Cuando la viremia en el Proechimys fue de 4.4 dex en 0.1 ml. de suero, el porcentaje de infección de los mosquitos aumentó y hubo transmisión baja (9%. Los resultados sugieren que Psorophora confinnis es un mosquito que tiene un alto umbral de infección para EEV subgrupo ID.

  8. El arbitraje virtual como medio alternativo para la resolución de los conflictos surgidos en el comercio electrónico y su legalidad en la normativa vigente venezolana

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    María Eugenia Canga


    Full Text Available La presente investigación se orientó al análisis del Arbitraje Virtual como medio alternativo para la Resolución de los Conflictos surgidos en el comercio electrónico y su Legalidad en la Normativa Vigente Venezolana. Las conclusiones de la misma indicaron que pese a que presenta ciertas dificultades en su aplicación, el arbitraje virtual es una excelente alternativa para resolver conflictos originados en el comercio electrónico y que la aplicación del arbitraje virtual es totalmente legal a la luz de la normativa vigente en Venezuela.





    La Encefalitis Equina Venezolana (EEV) es una enfermedad que se presenta principalmente en equinos y humanos y se caracteriza por un cuadro febril que en ocasiones va seguido de uno neurológico y la muerte. El agente etiológico es un virus clasificado dentro de la familia Togaviridae, género alfavirus (1) , el cual fue reconocido por primera vez en Venezuela por Beck y Wickoff en 1938 y por Kubes y Ríos en 1939 (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8) La enfermedad se consideró propia del norte de Sudamérica...

  10. Por una política de defensa común latinoamericana: la propuesta venezolana

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    Adriana Suzart de Pádua


    Full Text Available La búsqueda de la integración entre los países de América Latina pasa por un momento sui generis, en el que se trascienden los aspectos económicos y se confiere alguna relevancia a las discusiones sobre la elaboración de políticas de defensa para la región. En este escenario con diferentes percepciones sobre lo que constituyen amenazas, la región vive el surgimiento de dos propuestas de integración militar, una liderada por Brasil en el ámbito de la Unasur y otra liderada por Venezuela, en el ámbito del Alba. Este artículo presenta las bases de la propuesta venezolana para una integración en el área de defensa, específicamente, de las Fuerzas Armadas y hace un análisis de su viabilidad. AbstractThe search for integration among Latin American countries is at a unique point, with economic matters transcended in importance by discussion of the creation of defense policies for the region. In this scenario, with different perceptions regarding what constitutes a threat, two proposals for military integration exist, one lead by Brazil within the context of the Union of South American Nations (Unasur and the other lead by Venezuela in the context of the Bolivarian Alliance of the Peoples of Our America (Alba. This article presents the foundation of the Venezuelan proposal for the integration of an area of defense, specifically, by the Armed Forces, and provides an analysis of the proposal’s viability.

  11. Central Bank autonomy in Europe and Latin America: analysis of differences and applications Autonomía de la banca central en Europa y América Latina

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    Rollinat Robert


    Full Text Available This article makes a comparative analysis of the experiences of the independent central bank in Latin America and Europe. After reviewing the problems and theories of central bank autonomy, it studies the recent evolution of the Latin American central bank in comparison with the European central bank, high lights the perverse effects of the reforms, and shows that their objective is more the stability of the financial system than the stability of prices. Finally, it describes the tests to which the new Latin American central banks have been subjected and the effects on their credibility. It concludes that these entities have had to correct and pay for the incoherences and errors of the market, and that their independence or autonomy depends on their continuing to ful fill this role, not only for economíc or monetary reasons but for the needs of political and social democracy.Este artículo hace un análisis comparativo de las experiencias de la banca central independiente en América Latina y Europa. Después de revisar los problemas y las teorías de la autonompia de los bancos centrales, estudia la reciente evolución de la banca central latinoamericana en comparación con la europea, destaca los efectos perversos de estas reformas u muestra que sus objetivo es más la estabilidad del sistema financiero que la de los precios. Finalmente, describe las pruebas a que han sido sometidos los nuevos bancos centrales latinomaericanos y los efectos de sus credibilidad. Concluye que estas entidades han tenido que corregir y pagar las incoherencias y los errrores del mercado, y que su 'independencia' o autonomía depende de que sigan cumpliendo con ese papel no sólo por razones económicas o monetarias sino por las necesidades de la democracia política y social.

  12. Educación online como modelo de innovación disruptiva en gestión de conocimiento de las universidades Venezolanas - Online education as a disruptive innovation In Venezuelan universities knowledge management model

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    Rafael Gerardo Páez


    Full Text Available Son estudiados los factores que inciden para que la educación online se haya posicionado, a partir de la última década del siglo XX, como uno de los métodos más eficientes de difusión masiva de conocimientos. Los avances evolutivos de las Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación han permitido que ésta sea actualmente la modalidad de instrucción a distancia con mayor índice de participación y masificación, a menor costo para los participantes. La metodología aplicada en esta investigación conllevó a analizar los antecedentes y funcionamiento de este sistema de enseñanza-aprendizaje, contrastándose ventajas y desventajas respecto a los procedimientos de gestión de conocimiento presenciales aplicados tradicionalmente en las instituciones universitarias venezolanas. Como conclusión se establece que las plataformas online abiertas, gratuitas, masivas y sin ningún tipo de discriminación o restricciones, determinan el cambio de paradigma que signará a la educación universitaria en un futuro inmediato; caracterizados por la impartición de cursos semi-presenciales o totalmente a distancia con el uso de medios digitales. Entre los resultados obtenidos se establece que los programas de formación en las instituciones de educación superior que emplean internet para la difusión de saberes, constituyen un modelo de innovación disruptiva que a corto o mediano plazo imperará en los sistemas de enseñanza universitaria de Venezuela. El presente artículo está enmarcado en la línea de Investigación denominada: Innovación Tecnológica como Proceso y sub línea de investigación: Asimilación y Dominio Tecnológico; del Postgrado de Gestión de Investigación y Desarrollo, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales de la Universidad Central de Venezuela Abstract The factors that have led to the on-line education to be positioned as one of the most efficient methods of knowledge dissemination, since the last decade of the

  13. Relación del peso máximo con la fuerza aplicada y la potencia producida en un test creciente, en el ejercicio de press de banca plano con barra libre, en levantadores


    Naclerio Ayllón, Fernando; Jiménez Gutiérrez, Alfonso; Forte Fernández, Daniel; Benito Peinado, Pedro J.


    Se evaluaron 9 levantadores que realizaron 2 test, en el ejercicio de press de banca plano con barra libre. Un test progresivo con pesos ligeros a máximos (TPR), y el test de una máxima repetición (1 MRD). Se midió la fuerza (f), velocidad (v) y potencia (p) con cada peso movilizado, se determinó el máximo peso desplazado en una única repetición (1 MR). Se observaron correlaciones significativas entre el valor de la 1 MR obtenida en el test de 1 MRPr y el de 1 MRD, entre la potencia máxima (a...


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    Full Text Available Entre el origen de las cooperativas de crédito y la nueva “banca social” median unos cien años, en los que los sistemas bancarios han sufrido una transformación extraordinaria. A pesar de sus diferencias, ambos tipos de instituciones surgieron por unos motivos semejantes: la exclusión financiera de colectivos vulnerables y la necesidad de respuestas éticas, solidarias y responsables. Esas necesidades han cobrado protagonismo con la actual crisis financiera, económica y social, en la que se aprecia un deterioro de los valores elementales y, en consecuencia, una extensión del descrédito de las entidades bancarias. En esta situación, se revaloriza el papel del crédito cooperativo y de la “banca social”, instrumentos que, por sus especiales características, se han visto menos afectadas por la pérdida de reputación y se abren paso como alternativas. / Between the credit cooperatives origin and new social banking have passed by a century, in which banking systems have going through an extraordinary change. Despite their differences, both kinds of companies come up by similar reasons: Financial exclusion of vulnerable collectives and need of ethical, responsible and solidary responses. These needs have gain prominence in the present social and financial-economic crisis, in which a basic values deterioration and accordingly a growing essential values deterioration. In this situation increase the social banking and cooperative credit role. These tools have been less affected by loos of reputation because of their especial features and breaking through as new credit ways.

  15. Eficiencia productiva de la industria venezolana del hierro en la Región Guayana

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    Jairo J. Pico F.


    Full Text Available El objetivo general de la investigación fue analizar la eficiencia productiva de la industria venezolana de Hierro de Reducción Directa (HRD en la Región Guayana en el periodo 2005 al 2009. La investigación fue explicativa. El método aplicadofue el hipotético deductivo con un diseño no experimental de corte transversal. La recolección de datos fue documental y la población fueron los reactores ubicados en la Región Guayana, ya que allí es donde se concentra toda la producción de HRD de Venezuela. La técnica de análisis de los datos aplicada fue Análisis Envolvente de Datos. Los resultados, indican que la producción de HRD está en descenso por la disminución de oferta de insumos (factores externos y la ineficiencia del manejo de insumos (factores internos, siendo la más significativa los factores externos que representa un 74% de la producción y una perdida de 17.569 miles de toneladas, lo que significa un descenso de 1,02 miles de Toneladas anuales en los niveles de producción equivale una pérdida de 23.330 miles de toneladas en el lapso 2005-2009, un 38,7% de producción. Se concluye que es ineludible un cambio de actitud con criterio de competitividad en la conducción de la gestión de los procesos de producción de reducción directa de hierro

  16. Influencia personal de los candidatos y competencia espacial en las elecciones presidenciales venezolanas de 2006 a 2013

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    Julen Berasaluce Isa


    Full Text Available En la presente investigación se justifica la construcción de un modelo de competencia espacial para las elecciones presidenciales venezolanas con base en el número efectivo de partidos y los índices de polarización ponderada y escalar. El modelo presentado permite construir una clasificación de la influencia personalista de los candidatos, como resto no explicado por una competencia ideológica espacial. Además de clasificar a los candidatos de las tres últimas elecciones presidenciales por su influencia personal, se ofrecen previsiones para futuros comicios tomando como base el cambio de la distribución ideológica. Para la construcción del modelo, se consideran los supuestos de voto ideológico simétrico y una sola dimensión. / This research project presents a spatial competition model for Venezuelan presidential elections based on the effective number of parties and weighted and scalar polarization indices. The model makes it possible to construct a classification of candidates’ influence based on personality as an remainder unexplained by spatial ideological competition. In addition to classifying the candidates in the last three presidential elections by their personal influence, the authors offer predictions for future balloting based on change in ideological distribution. Suppositions of symmetrical ideological votes and a single dimension were used to build the model.

  17. Acoso Escolar: Un análisis contextual en escuelas secundarias venezolanas desde el reporte de víctimas y perpetradores

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    Maria Gisela Escobar Domínguez


    Full Text Available El acoso escolar es un problema creciente en las escuelas venezolanas. En este trabajo analizamos este fenómeno partiendo de un enfoque ecológico y atendiendo a las particularidades conceptuales y metodológicas inherentes al contexto en estudio. Con la finalidad de aportar a una base de datos sistemática frente a la escasa investigación sobre acoso escolar en el país, se muestran los resultados de un estudio exploratorio para identiicar esta conducta en adolescentes entre 11 a 19 años en cuatro escuelas secundarias de la ciudad de Mérida. Se discrimina la frecuencia en cuanto a victimización y perpetración, su relación con el género y el tipo de escuela (pública vs. privada a fin de ampliar la comprensión según el nivel socioeconómico de los participantes. Los resultados confirman la existencia de acoso escolar en la muestra estudiada, particularmente en conductas de acoso verbal (burlas y sobrenombres y acoso no verbal (rumores e indiferencia, así como mayor incidencia en las escuelas públicas sobre las privadas.

  18. A data bank about wild rodent specimens of Italy / Una banca dati sui roditori selvatici d'Italia

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    Giovanni Amori


    Full Text Available Abstract The setting up of a "data bank" dealing with the findings of Rodents specimens (Families: Gliridae, Arvicolidae, Muridae of peninsular and insular Italy available for 1950-1981 years in the italian museums and collections. The file, wherever possible, has been filled up with cartographic, bioclimatic and synanthropic data. With the use of a microcomputer has thus become possible to make inquires related both to biological and environmental data. Data management allows the following function: file maintenance (insert, delete and modify record; cross - reference search; search index; report generation. In the first phase challenges have been formulated, requiring simple data processing. Some informations were obtained as reply about the prevalences in the capturing referred to sex and season, as well as the connections between Rodents coenosis and bioclimatic condition of the territory. Riassunto È stata avviata una "banca dati" dei rinvenimenti di esemplari di Roditori (Famiglie: Gliridae, Arvicolidae, Muridae dell'Italia peninsulare ed insulare catalogati negli anni 1950-1981 nei Musei e collezioni italiani. L'archivio, laddove possibile, è stato completato con i dati cartografici, bioclimatici e sinantropici. L'uso del microcomputer ha permesso di formulare domande incrociate sia sui dati biologici che su quelli ambientali. La gestione dei dati consente le seguenti funzioni: gestione dell'archivio (inserimento, cancellazione e modifica del record; ricerca incrociata; ricerca per indice; stampa. In una prima fase sono state formulate alcune domande richiedenti semplici elaborazioni sulle preponderanze delle catture in rapporto al sesso ed alla stagione, nonché sui rapporti tra cenosi a Roditori ed assetto bioclimatico del territorio.

  19. Motivaciones de la expresión metafórica venezolana. El papá de los helados

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    Full Text Available El objetivo de esta investigación fue explicar las motivaciones de la expresión metafórica del habla cotidiana venezolana “el papá de los helados”. Teóricamente, se sustenta en Cuenca y Hilferty (1999, Johnson (2006, Díaz (2006, Lakoff y Johnson (2009 y Kövecses (2010. En cuanto a la metodología, es una investigación descriptiva e interpretativa. Los resultados son los siguientes: (a la imagen esquemática de la metáfora conceptual EL PODER ES ARRIBA se proyecta sobre la imagen esquemática de un helado en virtud de su verticalidad y acumulación hacia arriba; (b se recurre al helado, además, dado que lo dulce metaforiza a lo sublime; (c el dominio del padre se emplea, debido a que es el miembro que encabeza una familia, la autoridad simbólica; (d la imagen esquemática de el papá de los helados, a saber, el helado más grande de todos se proyecta sobre un hombre que destaque en determinado aspecto. En conclusión, la expresión metafórica “el papá de los helados” es motivada por un conjunto complejo de metáforas primarias, imágenes esquemáticas y metáforas cotidianas que surgen de las experiencias concretas y corrientes de los individuos, para designar a un hombre con poder sobre otros en algún aspecto de la vida diaria.


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    Fabián Vergara


    Full Text Available Este estudio tiene como objetivo principal analizar la efectividad de los servicios bancarios a través de Internet en Chile provistos por trece bancos nacionales. Para ello se consideraron dos etapas, la primera correspondió a la evaluación de funcionalidades de los sitios Web bancarios, utilizando una adaptación del modelo de evaluación de sitios Web de Hersey, y la segunda a la evaluación de los servicios según las percepciones de los clientes. Para la determinación de las funcionalidades fue necesario detectar la presencia o ausencia de treinta y siete elementos evaluados, según lo cual fue posible clasificar al sector bancario chileno en términos de lo que ofrece o no cada institución. Por otra parte, la encuesta aplicada tanto a usuarios como no usuarios de la banca en línea permitió conocer variados factores referentes al uso y no uso de los servicios. A pesar de que existen algunos aspectos en los que la banca nacional se desempeña sólo de forma regular, en el contexto global lo hace con un alto grado de efectividad. Además, el buen desempeño en el contexto general se hace evidente al observar la gran equiparidad existente entre los resultados nacionales y los de la banca neocelandesaThe main objective of this study is to analyze the effectiveness of the services of Internet banking provided by thirteen Chilean banking institutions. To achieve this objective, two stages were considered. The first stage corresponded to the evaluation of the functionalities offered by the banking Web sites, using an adaptation of the Hersey Web site evaluation model. The second stage corresponded to the evaluation of the services according to the clients' perceptions. In order to determine the functionalities offered by banking Web sites it was necessary to detect the presence or absence of thirty seven elements. This approach permitted to rank the Chilean banking sector based on the Internet offer of each institution. On the other hand

  1. La democracia venezolana en una encrucijada: las elecciones nacionales y regionales de 1998

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    José Enrique MOLINA


    Full Text Available RESUMEN: El panorama político venezolano está sufriendo importantes cambios. El electorado ha roto con la estática estabilidad bipartidista que se logró en el llamado Pacto de Punto Fijo en 1958. En el artículo se exponen los antecedentes de orden político y económico de la transformación que se está desarrollando actualmente en la democracia venezolana. Se trata de un cambio que se ha mostrado a nivel electoral, donde nuevas fuerzas políticas sustituyen a los partidos tradicionales. La población ha perdido la confianza en los viejos partidos —Acción Democrática y COPEI— y las lealtades partidistas han desaparecido en favor de la personalización de la política y de la volatilidad del voto.En el artículo se describen los cambios en el sistema electoral y sus consecuencias; los partidos políticos y sus candidatos; el fenómeno de la abstención; los resultados de las elecciones para el Congreso de la República, y el proceso de elección presidencial.ABSTRACT: The political life in Venezuela is suffering important changes. The electorate has broken the static two-party stability achieved in 1958 with the so called Pacto de Punto Fijo. The article presents the political and economic background prior to the transformation that is actually taking place in the Venezuelan democracy.The change was manifest at the electoral level, where new political forces are substituting the traditional parties. The population has lost confidence in the old parties — Acción Democrática y COPEI — and party loyalties have disappeared in favor of the personalization of politics and the volatility of the vote.The article describes the changes in the electoral system and their consequences; political parties and their candidates; the phenomenon of abstention; the results of Congress elections and the process of presidential election.

  2. Estimación de la Ley de Okun para la economía venezolana. Período 1999-2009

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    Leobaldo Enrique Molero Oliva


    Full Text Available La Ley de Okun es una relación estadística que plantea una correspondencia negativa entre cambios en la tasa de desempleo y cambios porcentuales en el producto real. En los últimos años el producto interno bruto real de Venezuela ha experimentado variaciones significativas, a la par que los datos revelan una disminución progresiva en la tasa de desempleo. Bajo este contexto se plantea el objetivo de este trabajo, estimar la Ley de Okun para la economía venezolana durante el período 1999-2009, con datos trimestrales, y en base a la evidencia empírica disponible. Este artículo plantea varias ecuaciones lineales para estimar los parámetros que relacionan los cambios en la tasa de desempleo ante cambios porcentuales en el producto, siguiendo la propuesta original de Arthur Okun. Las ecuaciones son estimadas por medio del método de Mínimos Cuadrados Ordinarios (MCO. Se encuentra evidencia, para el período de estudio, de una relación inversa entre ambas variables tal como lo plantea la teoría, más no obstante los coeficientes encontrados son bajos, lo que podría sugerir que la dinámica del desempleo en Venezuela se encuentra condicionada por factores adicionales a las fluctuaciones del producto

  3. Modelo teórico de relaciones entre el sistema de gestión de la calidad y el desempeño organizacional. Efecto dinamizador de la gestión del conocimiento, la satisfacción del cliente y caso industria petrolera venezolana


    Morris Díaz, Anne; Rodríguez Monroy, Carlos; Vizán Idoipe, Antonio; Gil Araujo, Marcelo; Martínez Soto, Moisés


    El sistema de gestión de la calidad (SGC) ha alcanzado una posición relevante sobre el desempeño organizacional (DO). Esta relación podría ser dinamizada a través de la acción coadyuvante de la gestión del conocimiento (GC) y la satisfacción del cliente interno (SCI) en la Industria Petrolera Venezolana (IPV). El presente estudio analiza la integración entre los SGC con las dimensiones establecidas en la Norma ISO 9001: 2008. Requisitos y el DO presentado por el compromiso social, cultur...

  4. Moralidad, empatía, inteligencia emocional y liderazgo transformacional: un modelo de rutas en estudiantes de posgrados gerenciales en una universidad venezolana

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    Carlos Enrique Zerpa


    Full Text Available En el artículo se contrasta un modelo de rutas (path analysis para las relaciones causales entre el nivel de desarrollo moral posconvencional, la preocupación empática, el autoconocimiento emocional y la autorregulación emocional sobre el estilo de liderazgo transformacional. La muestra de estudio la conformaron estudiantes de posgrado en gerencia de una universidad pública venezolana, y estaba compuesta por profesionales de ambos sexos provenientes de distintas profesiones (N = 162; media edad = 31,37; D.T. = 4,67. Se utilizaron diversos instrumentos como el Test de Definición de Criterios Morales (DIT, el Índice de Reactividad Interpersonal (IRI, la Subescala de Comprensión Empática, entre otros. Los resultados muestran que el modelo de rutas propuesto resultó parcialmente válido, evidenciando que la comprensión de las relaciones entre las variables del modelo resulta más compleja de lo que se plantea en la literatura; en tal sentido, la empatía es la variable más influyente en el modelo, al hallarse efectos directos altos y significativos sobre el desarrollo moral posconvencional y la capacidad de autoconocimiento y autocontrol emocional.


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    Mayra Rosario Moreno Pino


    Full Text Available The Venezuelan university before the Bolivarian Revolution was characterized by institutional behavior that essentially promoted the exclusion for income level, university management linked to capitalist bourgeois interests, outdated laws remained in force and decontextualized, in its generality, the practice of university graduates was reproductive foreign models characteristic of the capitalist system. This reality has been changing radically progressive and after the enactment of the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in 1999, the creation of the Bolivarian University, the Sucre Mission, Mission Alma Mater, the decree of Education Law, among other initiatives of the Bolivarian government. In this reality, originates the National Training Program in Quality Systems and Environment (PNFSCA as a college project, designed for a social, political, economic and cultural different: XXI century socialism. This paper aims to present the experience of reconstruction curriculum of this PNFSCA, through the joint efforts of Venezuelan and Cuban specialists in the areas of quality, environment and curriculum. As main results are, first, the determination of PNFSCA links with the Simón Bolívar National Project 2007-2013, curricular reconstruction of their goals, objectives, structure, curriculum, professional profiles and development of several programs Synoptics. Finally done, as a proposal, design and presentation of a master in the same program, aimed at teachers who administer it.RESUMENLa universidad venezolana antes de la Revolución Bolivariana se caracterizó por un comportamiento institucional que esencialmente promovía la exclusión para el ingreso al nivel, una gestión universitaria ligada a intereses de la burguesía capitalista, mantuvo en vigencia leyes obsoletas y descontextualizadas; en su generalidad, la práctica de los egresados universitarios era reproductora de modelos foráneos característicos del sistema

  6. Triunfos en tiempos de transición. Actores de vocación popular en las elecciones venezolanas de 1998

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    Margarita LÓPEZ MAYA


    Full Text Available RESUMEN: En este artículo se examina el desempeño de los actores emergentes de vocación popular en las elecciones venezolanas de 1998. Se sostiene que los comicios estuvieron condicionados, por una parte, por un contexto socioeconómico y político que creó en el electorado una favorable actitud hacia el cambio radical. Por otra parte, al examinar los principales hitos de la campaña y las relaciones y respuestas de los actores participantes en la contienda, tanto los tradicionales como los nuevos, se evidencia la habilidad con que se desenvolvió el candidato Hugo Chávez Frías y el Polo Patrótico, frente a sus adversarios. Por último, se presentan y evalúan los resultados electorales, cerrando con unas conclusiones sobre la situación y desafíos que se presentan a estos actores en el futuro inmediato.ABSTRACT: In this article we examine the performance of emergent popular actors in Venezuela's 1998 elections. We argue that the triumph of Hugo Chávez and his Polo Patriótico is a result of a particular socioeconomic and sociopolitical context that drove venezuelans to support a radical change in the political system. This general situation was combined with smart decisions and attitudes of the Polo Patriótico with regard to its opponents during the campaign. We present the results of regional and Congress elections of November as well as the presidencial results of Dicember, closing with comments about today's situation and future challenges.

  7. La renovación de la educación venezolana: Alejandro Fuenmayor, filósofo y pedagogo

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    Gregorio Valera Villegas


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo pretende contribuir a la comprensión del proceso de renovación de la educación venezolana desde el estudio de la obra de uno de sus principales protagonistas: Alejandro Fuenmayor. Su obra, ubicada en la primera mitad del siglo XX, puede caracterizarse, grosso modo, en los siguientes términos: formador de formadores, pionero del paradigma de la docencia crítica reflexiva, filósofo de la renovación de la educación, forjador de instituciones educativas e innovador de la práctica docente. Metodológicamente hablando, se trata de un estudio desde una perspectiva hermenéutica interpretativa de la vida y la obra de un filósofo y pedagogo en un contexto histórico-social de referencia. Como aporte principal puede señalarse el conocimiento del paso de una pedagogía tradicional a la escuela nueva en Venezuela, en la obra de uno de sus líderes. AbstractThis paper aims to make a contribution to understanding the process of renewalof Venezuelan education, from the study of the work of one of its main protagonists: Alejandro Fuenmayor. His work, during the first half of the 20th century, was characterized by the following terms: teacher of teachers, pioneer of the paradigm of critical reflective teaching, philosopher of the renewal of education, forger of educational institutions and innovative teaching practice. This is a hermeneutical interpretive perspective of the life and work of a philosopher and pedagogue, in a social historical context of reference. Through the work of this venezuelan leader we can have a view of the transition from traditional pedagogy to the new school, in Venezuela.

  8. Pequeña y mediana empresa venezolana, sus vías para el desarrollo. Una perspectiva de construcción cualitativa

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    Ermelinda Mendoza de Ferrer


    Full Text Available El artículo busca construir reflexivamente un argumento que dé cuenta del sistema de pensamiento de quienes dirigen las pequeñas y medianas empresas venezolanas. Se diseñó una investigación de campo, descriptiva, con enfoque cualitativo, utilizándose la técnica de entrevista no estructurada. Los resultados muestran que, como vías para el desarrollo, los gerentes de las PyME sugieren el compromiso de la alta gerencia, implementación de políticas globales en materia de salud, educación y seguridad social; sí como políticas específicas que guíen las acciones para hacer realidad el futuro deseado. Lograrlo implica esfuerzos enmarcados en una estrategia industrial integral de desarrollo efectivo y coherente que propicie la formulación de respuestas globales para fortalecer las PyME y ayudarla a transitar hacia el nuevo paradigma con una competitividad profunda y duradera apuntalada en el concepto de responsabilidad social empresarial. Se concluye que son pilares para el desarrollo de las PyME: el apoyo del Estado para eliminar los desequilibrios existentes; la organización interna para incrementar efectividad y desempeño; la consolidación de una cultura de apoyo al mejoramiento organizacional y humano propiciadora de armonía al desempeñar las labores en condiciones de máximo bienestar y productividad.

  9. Relações interdisciplinares entre a Ciência da Informação e a Ciência da Comunicação: uma análise a partir de citações, formação das bancas e palavras-chave das teses das áreas

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    João de Melo Maricato

    Full Text Available RESUMO Estuda relações interdisciplinares nas e entre as áreas de Ciência da Informação e da Ciência da Comunicação, discutindo as mudanças de paradigmas que têm acontecido nessas disciplinas. Analisa as relações interdisciplinares com métodos bibliométricos e cientométricos, especificamente análises de coocorrência e cocitação. Coletou-se dados de teses de 4 programas de pós-graduação brasileiros (10 teses de cada um dos programas e analisou-se relações entre as citações, entre a titulação da banca e entre as palavras-chave, com intuito de identificar coocorrências e, consequentemente, relações interdisciplinares nas e entre as duas áreas. Constatou-se que existem fortes relações quanto à análise de cocitação; grande variedade de formações dos membros das bancas e relativamente alta coocorrência destas entre as áreas, porém, mais intensas na área de Ciência da Informação e com mais interesse desta na área Ciência da Comunicação; não foram identificadas relações entre as duas áreas por meio da análise de coocorrência de palavras-chave. Conclui-se que ambas as áreas possuem características fortemente interdisciplinares, no entanto, são mais intensas da área de Ciência da Informação do que da Ciência da Comunicação, havendo mais interesse da primeira área na segunda.

  10. Já nas bancas. Mediação e economia política da distribuição dos meios impressos

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    Viktor Chagas


    Full Text Available A expressão “já nas bancas”, no Brasil, tornou-se sinônimo de presteza e agilidade. A frase é tomada como divisa em quaisquer peças publicitárias e de merchandising da imprensa, propagando por diferentes camadas sociais a imagem da banca como extensão do sistema de imprensa. O exemplo evidencia o tratamento legado a operações de distribuição no circuito cultural, geralmente estranguladas em favor do processo produtivo e de consumo. Neste artigo, pretendo discutir a perspectiva historiográfica das teorias sociais da imprensa acerca das etapas de circulação e distribuição dos meios impressos. Minha hipótese é de que são os vendedores e distribuidores de jornais e revistas agentes de fundamental importância cultural e política para o processual jornalístico das grandes cidades, e, no entanto, seu papel na cadeia produtiva dos periódicos impressos tem sido subjugado ante a análises que se concentram nas técnicas ou no discurso jornalístico, quando muito nas cercanias dos estudos de recepção e na apropriação da cultura popular – jamais na investigação sobre esta instituição que silenciosamente tem ocupado nosso imaginário por todos esses anos: as bancas de jornais e revistas.Dessa forma, procuramos compreender o papel dos vendedores e distribuidores de imprensa como mediadores no interior de outro processo de mediação, o jornalístico. Assim fazendo, buscamos refletir criticamente sobre o espaço legado a esta problemática sob três diferentes abordagens, o olhar acadêmico, o viés jurídico-institucional e, por fim, a perspectiva econômica. Em todos os casos, a banca opera como via de escoamento para a produção jornalística da imprensa escrita, geralmente articulando o discurso à experiência de consumo, e eventualmente sofrendo pressões políticas similares às dos próprios jornalistas. Ainda assim, sua participação neste circuito, em grande medida, passa desapercebida aos olhos leigos

  11. Combat Aircraft Maneuverability. (United States)


    rodynamique, propulsion, rdsistance den structures, etc ... - lea m~thodes d’essaia an soufflerie, aur banca au aol, sur simulateurs. A un niveau de synthbse...Dunstan Graham, "Aircraft Dynamics and Automatic Control," Princeton University Press , Princeton, N.J., 1973. 9. Hoh, Roger H., Thomas T. Myers...discussion of the roll coupling problem" Progress in Aerospace Sciences, Vol 15, Pergamon Press , Oxford 1974 17-8 (6] R.W. KLOPPENSTEIN "Zeroes of



    Solìs Vargas, Ariana Michel; Yépez Moran, Gary Ernesto


    Descripción de la Empresa. Banco Pichincha es la mayor entidad financiera del Ecuador, líder en innovación y atención multicanal con una historia que suma 111 años. Cuenta con una amplia cobertura a nivel nacional que incluye 293 puntos de atención, más de 9.000 corresponsales no bancarios de la red Pichincha Mi Vecino, 1.161 máquinas autoservicios y los canales de Banca Electrónica, Banca Móvil y Banca Telefónica. Es la primera institución de América Latina que opera como b...

  13. Orden monetario y bancos centrales Monetary order and Central Banks

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    Aglietta Michel


    Full Text Available Con el enfoque evolucionista e institucionalista de la economía de las convenciones francesa, este trabajo analiza el surgimiento histórico de la banca central y la creación institucional del 'arte de la banca central'. El artículo estudia los modelos formales del orden monetario, la banca libre y la banca central, y analiza los eventos históricos que llevaron a que el Banco de Inglaterra inventara el arte de manejar los bancos centrales en conjunción con el aprendizaje colectivo e institucional que lo hizo posible. Aglietta muestra que la banca central no es una creación del Estado sino una creación institucional endógena al sistema de mercado.With the evolutionist and institutionalist focus of the economics of the French conventions, this paper analyzes the historical rise of the central bank and the institutional creation of the 'art of the central bank'. The article studies formal models of the monetary order, free banking and the central bank, and analyzes the historie events that led to the Bank of England inventing the art of managing the central banks, in conjunction with the collective and institutional learning that made it possible. Aglietta shows that the central bank is not a creation of the State, but rather aninstitutional creation endogenous to the market system.

  14. Registro histórico de Gastrotheca ovifera (Anura: Hemiphractidae: evidencias de disminución en selvas nubladas de la Cordillera de la Costa venezolana

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    Javier Valera-Leal


    Full Text Available Gastrotheca ovifera es una rana marsupial que habita en el dosel arbóreo de bosques nublados y ribereños del Tramo Occidental y Ramal Litoral de La Cordillera de la Costa venezolana (CCV entre 820-2 000m de altitud. De acuerdo con la Lista Roja de la UCN se encuentra En Peligro (EN y su evaluación fue realizada de acuerdo a apreciaciones anecdóticas, por lo que su situación de amenaza no ha sido comprobada por muestreos sistemáticos. Con el objetivo de estudiar el estado de las poblaciones de la especie en el Parque Nacional Henri Pittier (PNHP en el Ramal Litoral de la CCV, realizamos una revisión histórica en museos nacionales y extranjeros y encontramos que la especie fue registrada en 1996 por última vez en el PNHP. Acumulamos 646 horas/persona de muestreo sistemático en localidades históricas y adicionales de la especie en el parque durante los años 2006 y 2007 y no obtuvimos registro de la especie. Adicionalmente, realizamos asociaciones entre datos promedios de precipitación anual y el registro histórico de la especie durante el periodo 1941-1997 (r s=- 0.054, p=0.820, n=19. Discutimos sobre su estado de conservación con base a la distribución, fluctuación y cambios poblacionales de la especie

  15. Muerte y resurrección periódica: el caso de una revista especializada venezolana = Periodical Death and Resurrection: The Case of a Venezuelan Research Journal

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    Carlos E. Blanco


    Full Text Available La diseminación del conocimiento científico es un aspecto clave de la cultura y del desarrollo social. Estudiar las revistas especializadas puede arrojar luz acerca de importantes problemas, como los que impiden la edición de dichas publicaciones. Este estudio utiliza tres tipos de textos para, primero, identificar posibles causas de la falta de publicación de la revista especializada venezolana “Pedagogía” durante la década de 1980; segundo, conocer la coyuntura de la época en el contexto de producción de dicha revista y, tercero, señalar vías para evitar una nueva desaparición. Se analizaron editoriales entre los años 1971 y 2011, actas del Consejo de Escuela entre 1983 y 1989, así como respuestas a entrevistas semi-estructuradas a personajes claves, lo cual dio un total de 83 segmentos textuales. Tras el análisis de dichos segmentos, los resultados señalan como causas de desaparición a un complejo de factores agrupados bajo la categoría de “otros factores”, por encima de los económicos y los administrativos. El estudio perece develar creencias e ideologías de la comunidad universitaria en particular. Se concluye que el tema de información científica investigado se inscribe dentro de la cultura organizacional en el marco de la sociedad particular donde se desenvuelven los centros de saber = Dissemination of scientific knowledge is a key issue of both culture and social development and studying aspects of refereed journals can cast light on important problems, including those that may hinder the regular editing of such publications. This study used three types of academic genres and it had three objectives: first, to identify possible causes of the demise of the Venezuelan university journal “Pedagogía” during the 1980s; second, to learn about aspects of the context of the journal’s editing during such period; and third, to devise ways to avoid a new interruption of the publication. Journal editorials between

  16. Proceedings of the International Wire and Cable Symposium Held in St. Louis, Missouri on 15-18 November 1993 (United States)


    CABEL Industria Bellcore, Morristown, NJ; and I. M. Plitz, Bellcore, Venezolana de Cables Electricos C.A., Valencia, Red Bank, NJ...COMPOSITE CABLE Salvador camps, Carlos Osorio, Richard Vasquez and J. A. Olszewski CABEL Industria Venezolana de Cables Electricos C.A. Valencia...durability. As a result. the automatic control puller can consistently pull a cable, whether the cable is wet or not. 3.2 Crawler Auto -adjusting mechanism

  17. Scala


    Berruti, Valerio


    Progetto site-specific: affresco sulle pareti di una grande scala di un palazzo del 1800 ristrutturata recentemente per il nuovo utilizzo dello stabile adibito a sede di una nota banca locale. Inizialmente il progetto viene commissionato a Berruti dopo essere stato contattato direttamente dal direttore della banca. All’evento di inaugurazione della nuova sede, Berruti apprende invece che il progetto è stato affidato a un altro artista. Protagonista del progetto elaborato è ancora una...


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    Rodica PERCIUN


    Full Text Available Economic and political uncertainty in recent years has adversely affected the activity of Moldovan banks unfavoring the dynamics of the national economy. The 2015 year can be considered a "rigid" year for the Republic of Moldova, built by the liquidation of three financial institutions at the NBM decision (CB "Unibank" SA, CB "Banca Sociala" SA and BC "Banca de Economii" SA, and the tightening of the monetary policy. That has led to mistrust of the population in this sector, creating problems with bank loans and deteriorating of bank asset. However, commercial banks during 2015 remained sufficiently liquid and capitalized (exception is CB "Unibank" SA, CB "Banca Sociala" SA and BC "Banca de Economii" SA. This article aims to research the financial and banking sector from the Republic of Moldova in 2015 in terms of uncertainty. Therefore, the novelty of the article lies in the analysis of the banking sector from the Republic of Moldova under the main financial prudential indicators. The main research methods were: systemic analysis, synthesis, monographic, logic, etc. The main scientific results obtained in the article, as a conclusion of the research are the identification, analysis of the main activity of the banking sector and the proposed set of recommendations on strengthening the financial stability framework in the Republic of Moldova.

  19. Relación del peso máximo con la fuerza aplicada y la potencia producida en un test creciente, en el ejercicio de press de banca plano con barra libre, en levantadores

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    Fernando Naclerio Ayllón


    Full Text Available Se evaluaron 9 levantadores que realizaron 2 test, en el ejercicio de press de banca plano con barra libre. Un test progresivo con pesos ligeros a máximos (TPR, y el test de una máxima repetición (1 MRD. Se midió la fuerza (f, velocidad (v y potencia (p con cada peso movilizado, se determinó el máximo peso desplazado en una única repetición (1 MR. Se observaron correlaciones significativas entre el valor de la 1 MR obtenida en el test de 1 MRPr y el de 1 MRD, entre la potencia máxima (absoluta y relativa al peso corporal y la 1 MR absoluta y relativa al peso corporal. No se observaron diferencias significativas (p < 0,05 entre el valor de la 1 MR obtenida en el test progresivo (1 MRPr y el alcanzado en el test de 1 MRD. Se acepta la aplicación del test progresivo (TPR para determinar los niveles de f, v, p, el valor de la 1 MR en kg, así como localizar los porcentajes de peso, respecto al nivel de la 1 MR, en donde se alcanzan los valores más altos de potencia mecánica, y estimar las adaptaciones funcionales inducidas por los entrenamientos de fuerza.

  20. Morfología del polen de especies de Gongylolepis (Mutisieae: Asteraceae de la Guayana venezolana

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    Torrecilla, Pedro


    Full Text Available Gongylolepis is composed for 15 species, endemic to the Guyana region. This is the largest genus of tribe Mutiseae in the area. Palynological features have been studied for some members of the Mutiseae, but not for Gongylolepis. We studied the pollen morphology of nine species of the genus, using samples from herbarium material. The observations were made in 10 to 15 pollen grains for species and features of the spines, colpus, polar axis, equatorial diameter, exine structure, pollen type, apertures, perforations and P/E ratio to determinate pollen shape, were analyzed. Observations and pictures were made with light microscope and scanning electron microscope. With this information, a matrix and conglomerate analysis was made. Gongylolepis pollen is tricolporate, spheroidal and mainly of great size. Differences in exine ornamentation were enough to discriminate the studied species. Spines are conical, with perforations near of the base, but with differences in the apex shape. The dendogram showed four groups, where the size, shape, exine ornamentation, spines, colpus and perforations were of importance to the classification of the species considered.Gongylolepis está constituido por 15 especies, circunscritas a la región de Guayana, al norte de Suramérica. Es el género más numeroso de la tribu Mutisieae en dicha región, representado en su flora por especies endémicas. Aunque algunas especies de Mutisieae han sido estudiadas palinológicamente por varios investigadores, no hay estudios de las especies de Gongylolepis. En este trabajo se analizan los caracteres morfológicos del polen de nueve especies de Gongylolepis, de la Guayana venezolana. Las muestras de polen provienen de material de distintas colecciones de herbario. Para la observación de los caracteres de polen se usaron de 10 a 15 granos por especie, se analizaron caracteres de las espinas, colpos, eje polar, diámetro ecuatorial, ornamentación y grosor de la exina, tipo de

  1. Proyecto gestor fiducia - fondos actualización de versión del sistema gestor fiducia - fondos


    González, Evelyn; Triviño, Aracely; Murillo, Ingrid


    La empresa de soluciones empresariales Gestor dirige este proyecto al Banco Nacional de Vivienda conocido por sus siglas BNV el cual es una institución con nacionalidad Venezolana. El BNV dentro de sus competencias tiene satisfacer las necesidades de vivienda y hábitat para la familia Venezolana para cumplir con este objetivo gestiona los recursos humanos, financieros y tecnológicos asociados a los planes de vivienda y fideicomiso. BNV ha adquirido el sistema Gestor Fiducia - Fondos de...

  2. Un ribelle jevoniano. (A Jevonian seditionist: a mutiny to enhance the economic bounty?

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    Full Text Available Il documento è un contributo ad una serie di ricordi e riflessioni sulle esperienze professionali di illustri economisti con Banca Nazionale del Lavoro Quarterly Review iniziate nel 1979. In esso Sidney Weintraub ricorda la sua vita accademica e professionale.The paper is a contribution to a series of recollections and reflections on the professional experiences of distinguished economists which the Banca Nazionale del Lavoro Quarterly Review started in 1979. In it Sidney Weintraub recalls his academic life and career. JEL: B31


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    Pineda Miguel


    Full Text Available Resumen:El presente ensayo se basa en un análisis de la educación universitaria en el contexto socio-político de la realidad venezolana, en el período referencial es 2007-2013, centrado a partir de la promulgación de la Ley Orgánica de Educación (2009. Este estudio se desarrolló en la Unidad de Investigación de Análisis de Políticas Públicas y Desarrollo Socio-educativo de la Universidad de Carabobo. Tomando como referencias teóricas a E. Morin y J. Habermas, se desarrollan tres categorías presentes en la realidad de Venezuela: el Socialismo del Siglo XXI, el Estado Docente y la Autonomía Universitaria. El tratamiento metodológico parte del planteamiento de la premisa: el Nuevo Modelo de Educación Universitaria que está por construirse, se debe a la crisis del modelo cognitivo instrumental instituido en la Constitución de la República de Venezuela (1961, sus Leyes y Reglamentos. Al triangular las tres categorías se plantea, como valor agregado, concebir la educación a través de un proceso transdisciplinario, sustentado en una primera instancia por el ordenamiento jurídico que le dé concreción y sincronización en el tiempo y el movimiento. En el caso de la educación venezolana, se concluye que no se han producidos cambios significativos que nos indiquen que estamos en presencia de un nuevo modelo de educación. La educación universitaria sigue atada al modelo cognitivo instrumental, impidiendo cualquier cambio que desde su seno se pretenda impulsar, de manera que la nueva Ley de Educación Universitaria y el nuevo modelo de educación siguen diferido.Abstract: This essay is based on an analysis of the higher education in the context socio-political of the Venezuelan reality, in the reference period is 2007-2013, focused the promulgation of the organic law of education (2009. This study was developed in the research unit of analysis of public policies and development partner-education of the University of Carabobo. On

  4. La formazione di un economista

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    Full Text Available The paper is a contribution to a series of recollections and reflections on the professional experiences of distinguished economists which the Banca Nazionale del Lavoro Quarterly Review started in 1979. The economic and social problems associated with the depression in the 1930s were prevalent in Don Patinkin’s neighbourhood, thus influencing him to become an economist. In his graduate studies at the University of Chicago, he was exposed to Frank Knight, Jacob Viner, Henry Simons, Jacob Marshak and Oskar Lange, professors whom he credits for his training as an economist. JEL Codes: B31 

  5. Anni di formazione nella Chicago d'un tempo. (Beginnings

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    Full Text Available Il documento è un contributo ad una serie di ricordi e riflessioni sulle esperienze professionali di  illustri economisti con Banca Nazionale del Lavoro Quarterly Review iniziati nel 1979. In esso Hyman Minsky offre una retrospettiva sulla sua carriera accademica e lo sviluppo intellettuale .The paper is a contribution to a series of recollections and reflections on the professional experiences of distinguished economists which the Banca Nazionale del Lavoro Quarterly Review started in 1979. In it Hyman Minsky offers a retrospective on his academic career and intellectual development.JEL: B31

  6. Proceso de evaluación de CRMs para mejorar la gestión comercial en una entidad financiera.


    Saavedra Ames, Ulises Ernesto; Saavedra Ames, Ulises Ernesto; Saavedra Ames, Ulises Ernesto


    Toda Empresa necesita vender sus productos y servicios para mantenerse en el mercado. Nuestra empresa no es ajena a ello y más aun siendo líder, necesita de una gran estrategia de ventas y contar con sistemas capaces de apoyar en su función. El Banco tiene gran diversidad de procesos y clientes, nos enfocaremos en la Banca Minorista que contribuye en promedio con 15 millones de Dólares mensuales de ganancia, que representa más el 40% de los ingresos del banco. Para la Banca minorista el ba...

  7. Valoración, partición y distribución de la tierra de los resguardos indígenas en una localidad andina venezolana. Santa Bárbara de Chachopo

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    Samudio A., Edda O.


    Full Text Available The article examines the process of the establishment of Indian reserves (resguardos in the Venezuelan Andes in the late sixteenth century, and the experiences of their dissolution three centuries later. The main objective of the study is to analyze the appraisal, partition and distribution of the Indian reserves of Merida, assessing the role of the factors that were key elements in that process. The study includes aspects of the extinction of lands that were given with common and non-transferable title to the Indians settlements of Merida. The case of the pueblo of Santa Barbara de Chachopo is here offered as an example.

    El artículo examina el proceso mediante el cual los Resguardos indígenas que fueron establecidos en la región andina venezolana en el tardío siglo XVI experimentaron su disolución tres centurias más tarde. El objetivo central de este trabajo es analizar la valoración, partición y distribución de esos Resguardos Indígenas de Mérida, tratando de apreciar la intervención de los factores que participan en ese hecho; para el estudio de los aspectos contemplados en el proceso de extinción de las tierras que fueron otorgadas, con carácter común e intransferible, a los pueblos de indios de Mérida; en esta ocasión, se tomó como ejemplo el caso de Santa Bárbara de Chachopo.

  8. An analysis on operational risk in international banking: A Bayesian approach (2007–2011

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    José Francisco Martínez-Sánchez


    Full Text Available Esta investigación tiene como propósito desarrollar una metodología bayesiana para identificar, cuan- tificar y medir el riesgo operacional en distintas líneas de negocio de la banca comercial. Para ello se diseña un modelo de red bayesiana con distribuciones a priori y a posteriori para estimar la frecuencia y la severidad. Con las distribuciones a posteriori se realiza inferencia sobre la máxima pérdida esperada, para un período de 20 días, utilizando el método de simulación Monte Carlo. Las líneas de negocio analizadas son comercialización y ventas, banca minorista y banca privada, que en conjunto representaron el 88,5% de las pérdidas en 2011. Los datos fueron obtenidos de la Asociación Riskdata Operacional Exchange (ORX para el período 2007-2011, y la información externa fue proporcionada por expertos calificados para completar los registros faltantes o mejorar los datos de mala calidad.

  9. An on-line tissue bank for marine mammals of the Mediterranean sea and adjacent waters

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    Cristina Ballarin


    Full Text Available Abstract This paper reports on the activities of the Mediterranean Tissue Bank for Marine Mammals, established in January 2002. The bank collects fragments of tissues sampled from marine mammals stranded along the Mediterranean coastline and distributes them to scientists working in the field. Tissues are a critical resource for biomedical and innovative research in anatomy, histo-pathology, genetics and toxicology, and the bank exploits the potentials of stranded animals to serve the scientific community of dolphin and whale investigators. Riassunto Una banca on line per i tessuti dei Mammiferi marini del Mediterraneo e dei mari limitrofi. Questo articolo presenta le attività della Banca per i tessuti dei Mammiferi Marini del Mediterraneo, istituita nel gennaio 2002. I tessuti sono una risorsa critica e innovativa per le ricerche biomediche in anatomia, istopatologia, genetica e tossicologia. La banca raccoglie campioni di tessuto dai mammiferi marini spiaggiati lungo le coste del Mediterraneo e li distribuisce ai ricercatori che lavorano nel settore.

  10. Quiebra de Fannie Mae y Freddie Mac desde la experiencia latinoamericana

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    Wesley Marshall


    Full Text Available Conforme al deterioro de la posición financiera de los bancos semi públicos, Fannie Mae y Freddie Mac, durante los últimos meses, el debate sobre su viabilidad actual y su futuro en el sistema financiero estadounidense se ha intensificado. Si bien el debate ha abarcado diversas posiciones dentro de círculos financieros y académicos, en los Estados Unidos, no se han tomado en cuenta las experiencias históricas de la banca pública latinoamericana durante la crisis financiera, y que al parecer ambas compartan muchos elementos con la dinámica que está detrás del debate actual sobre Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. En América Latina, tales momentos han ofrecido la oportunidad para transferir activos financieros del sector privado de decreciente valor a la banca pública, y también para la reducción drástica de la actividad de la banca pública, permitiendo así la expansión de actores del sector privado a costa de la banca pública. Tales experiencias son de relevancia particular al futuro de Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, dado que los mismos grupos que gestionaron estas crisis son los mismos que actualmente están administrando la crisis financiera de los Estados Unidos. Como se argumentará, las mismas estrategias usadas en América Latina para minimizar el papel del Estado en el sector financiero actualmente están siendo empleadas en los Estados Unidos.

  11. Banca universale, riforma del sistema bancario statunitense e concorrenza finanziaria nella Comunità Europea

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    Full Text Available Economists and policy makers in Europe and the United States have devoted increasing attention towards the German financial system. In the new Single European Market, the German financial system, characterised by universal banking with unrestricted entry into all types of financial market, is expected to become the dominant form. The German kind of financial system has also been suggested as an alternative to the segmented US financial system. It is argued that the success of the German system has less to do with the freedom granted to universal banks than with its approach to regulation and supervision.  JEL Codes: G21, G18 

  12. Capire la realtà macroeconomica: una sfida* ( The challenge of macroeconomic understanding

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    Full Text Available Il documento è un contributo ad una serie di ricordi e riflessioni sulle esperienze professionali di illustri economisti con Banca Nazionale del Lavoro Quarterly Review iniziati nel 1979. In esso Edmond Malinvaud descrive le varie sfide che percepito nel cercare di capire macroeconomiaThe paper is a contribution to a series of recollections and reflections on the professional experiences of distinguished economists which the Banca Nazionale del Lavoro Quarterly Review started in 1979. In it Edmond Malinvaud describes the various challenges he perceived in trying to understand macroeconomics.JEL: B31, E00

  13. De la moneda metálica al billete de banco en Medellín y Bogotá (1871-1885: complementariedad y sustitución de medios de pago en un régimen de banca libre

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    Kelly Vanessa Acuña Mantilla


    Full Text Available El estudio de la circulación monetaria durante la llamada era de “banca libre” en Colombia (1865-1885 muestra patrones diferentes según las regiones. Este trabajo estudia la complementariedad y sustitución entre la moneda metálica acuñada legalmente y los billetes de bancos privados. Se pone en evidencia la existencia de mecanismos de sustitución entre monedas de oro y billetes bancarios para el caso de Antioquia, mientras que en el caso de Bogotá no se puede afirmar que la evidencia sea concluyente. El patrón de comportamiento de la acuñación de monedas de plata, por el contrario, muestra complementariedad con el billete de banco en ambas regiones. Este trabajo concluye que en Colombia se presentó una forma de Ley de Gresham particular. Se muestra evidencia que permitiría concluir que las diferenciasregionales en el funcionamiento de este mecanismo se deben a la especialización de la región de Medellín (estado de Antioquia como mayor productor y exportador de oro, de donde se puede inferir un mayor costo de oportunidad de la circulación de este metal y una tendencia a adoptar más fácilmente formas de moneda fiduciaria. Esto no es completamente cierto para Bogotá, cuya economía se especializa en agricultura, servicios comerciales y artesanado.

  14. La carriera di un economista. che cosa? Perchè? Come? (An economist’s career: what? why? how?

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    Full Text Available Il documento è un contributo ad una serie di ricordi e riflessioni sulle esperienze professionali di illustrieconomisti con Banca Nazionale del Lavoro Quarterly Review iniziate nel 1979. In esso Robert Triffin fornisce riflessioni personali sulla sua carriera, il suo marchio personale di economia pratici, e la sua filosofia di vita.The paper is a contribution to a series of recollections and reflections on the professional experiences of distinguished economists which the Banca Nazionale del Lavoro Quarterly Review started in 1979. In it Robert Triffin provides personal reflections on his career, his personal brand of practical economics, and his life philosophy.JEL: B31

  15. Los diseñadores luchan con los docentes en la mejora de resultados educacionales del país

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    Vera Barriga


    Full Text Available En Ecuador la situación del mobiliario escolar es crítica, las dimensiones ergonorrucas y antropométricas de las bancas escolares inapropiadas perjudican el proceso de enseñanza­ aprendizaje de los niños. Es importante dejar claro que este es un artículo de revisión y que se fundamenta en la información recopilada, misma que ayudará a la búsqueda de las mejores condiciones para el proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje mediante el diseño de bancas multifuncionales de las escuelas. Para la obtención de los parámetros del diseño será necesario un análisis de corte descriptivo-exploratorio, basado en un método cuanti-cualitativo que compara la documentación bibliográfica de las normas internacionales, (UNESCO con las otras normas ergonómicas y antropométricas que se usan en países desarrollados y en vía de desarrollo. Las estadísticas sobre problemas de salud en los estudiantes provocados por incorrectas posturas en Ecuador y otros países, y los resultados de investigaciones sobre ¿Cómo el mobiliario afecta el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje en el aula?, pese a que existen estudios en otros países sobre los problemas de salud que ocasionan las bancas escolares inadecuadas, no se encuentra estudio alguno de este tipo en Ecuador; por lo que se tiene que tomar en cuenta ciertas características sui generis socio- geo referenciales de manera que sea viable el diseño del prototipo de banca escolar multifuncional en el proyecto a ejecutar

  16. Il fascino dell'economia (A fascination with economics

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    Full Text Available l'articolo è un contributo ad una serie di ricordi e riflessioni sulle esperienze professionali di illustri economisti con Banca Nazionale del Lavoro Quarterly Review iniziate nel 1979. In esso Karl Brunner discute l' evoluzione del suo pensiero sul ruolo e l'uso dell'economia per quanto riguarda  tre problemi distintiThe paper is a contribution to a series of recollections and reflections on the professional experiences of distinguished economists which the Banca Nazionale del Lavoro Quarterly Review started in 1979. In it Karl Brunner discusses the evolution of his thoughts on the role and use of economics with regards to three distinct problems. JEL: B31, A11

  17. La vita di un economista. (The life of an economist

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    Full Text Available Il documento è un contributo ad una serie di ricordi e riflessioni sulle esperienze professionali di illustri economisti  per Banca Nazionale del Lavoro Quarterly Review iniziate nel 1979. In esso Charles P. Kindleberger riflette sulla sua vita e la sua carriera , dai suoi anni formativi a sua esperienze nel mondo accademico .The paper is a contribution to a series of recollections and reflections on the professional experiences of distinguished economists which the Banca Nazionale del Lavoro Quarterly Review started in 1979. In it Charles P. Kindleberger reflects on his life and career, from his formative years to his experiences in academia.JEL: B31, A20 


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    SUCIU Titus


    Full Text Available This study analyses three important banks quoted at Bucharest Stock Exchange: Banca Transilvania SA, BRD – Groupe Société Générale SA, Banca Comecială Carpatica SA. The scope is to identify which is the best to invest in. We follow the instruments give us by the fundamental analysis: Price/ Earning ratio, Capitalization, Return on Assets, Return on Equity, Debt to Assets, Dept to Equity. Fundamental analysis presumes the future prospects of a security are best analyzed through a proper assessment of the intrinsic value of the underlying company. The risk is within us. In the end, the financial risk does not lie in what types of investments have we done, but in what type of investor we are.

  19. Riflessioni sull'attuale stato della scienza economica. (Reflections on the present state of economics

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    Full Text Available Il documento è un contributo ad una serie di ricordi e riflessioni sulle esperienze professionali di illustri  economisti con Banca Nazionale del Lavoro Quarterly Review iniziatinel 1979. In esso Josef Steindl ricorda le importanti avventi in materia di economia e il proprio lavoro e la vita per riflettere sullo stato dell'economia di oggi .The paper is a contribution to a series of recollections and reflections on the professional experiences of distinguished economists which the Banca Nazionale del Lavoro Quarterly Review started in 1979. In it Josef Steindl recalls the major advents in the field of economics and his own work and life to reflect on the state of today’s economics.JEL: B31, A11

  20. Better than Ploughing

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    James M. Buchanan


    Full Text Available Contribution to a series of recollections and reflections on professional experiences of distinguished economists. Article originally published in vol. 39 n. 159 of Banca Nazionale del Lavoro Quarterly Review.


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    Marie González


    Full Text Available En este artículo se aborda el tema de la función educativa-socializadora de la familia y la incidencia que tienen las nuevas tecnologías en dicha estructura. Analizando especialmente la mediación o control social que ejerce la informática o cibersociedad en el grupo familiar, tomando como punto de partida el proceso de globalización inclusiva y excluyente en la sociedad venezolana. Es decir los efectos que produce la infomedia en el sentido de originar un nuevo mundo de la vida al interior de la familia venezolana. Para la realización de éste artículo se asumió la investigación cualitativa y como técnica de entrevista en profundidad en un caso social familiar.

  2. Cetomedizzazione e nuove polarità

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    Mauro Palumbo


    Full Text Available The article, through the analysis of datasets from Banca d’Italia, explores the ongoing stratification processes in Italian society in contemporary crisis, with particular attention to the evolution of middle and entrepreneurial classes.

  3. La tutela del risparmio nel pensiero e nell'azione del Governatore Baffi (The defence of savings: Governor Baffi’s belief and achievements

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    M. Sarcinelli


    Full Text Available Ten years after his death and twenty after his resignation from Banca d’Italia governorship, Paolo Baffi’s ideas and achievements as regards the protection of savings and the fight against a high and volatile inflation in the turbulent 1970s are reviewed. Against the backdrop of the constitutional precepts in this field, the proposals to shorten maturities and to index bond coupons, first advanced in the well known address Baffi delivered at Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, were translated into Treasury decisions on public debt at his instigation. Moreover, in the concluding remarks he pronounced at the Banca d’Italia General Meeting of Shareholders between 1976 and 1979 there are many hints at problems and solutions that have become prominent in the 1980s and 1990s.  JEL Codes: B31, E58 

  4. Effects of static-stretching and whole-body-vibration during warm-ups on bench-press kinematics in males and females college-aged. [Efectos de los estiramientos estáticos y vibraciones durante el calentamiento en los parámetros cinemáticos del press banca en hombres y mujeres estudiantes].

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    Esperanza Martín-Santana


    Full Text Available This study aimed to examine the effects of different specific warm-up protocols including static stretching (SS and whole body vibrations (WBV on kinematics and number of repetitions during a bench press set to failure in physically active male and female subjects. A secondary purpose was to analyze the role of sex on the warm-up induced effects. 24 participants (13 females and 11 males were randomly assigned to complete 3 experimental conditions in a cross-over design: SS, WBV and SS+WBV. After each condition, participants performed one bench-press set to volitional exhaustion with a load equivalent to the 60% of one-repetition maximum (1RM. No significant differences (P>0.05 were observed in number of repetitions, mean and maximal accelerative portion (AP, mean and maximal velocity, and lifting velocity time-course pattern. Males showed significantly higher values regarding number of repetitions achieved and maximal and mean lifting velocity. However, regarding the percentage of the concentric phase in which barbell is accelerated, there were no sex differences. In conclusion, no relevant difference in kinematics variables can be shown when applying any of these three different warm-up protocols, these results may be useful when designing training programs. We recommend the protocol SS due to the cost-benefit relationship. Resumen El objetivo de este estudio fue examinar el efecto de diferentes protocolos de calentamiento incluyendo estiramientos estáticos (EE y vibraciones de cuerpo entero (WBV en variables cinemáticas y número de repeticiones completadas en una serie de press banca realizada hasta el fallo muscular, en hombres y mujeres físicamente activos. Un segundo objetivo fue analizar el papel de la variable sexo en los efectos inducidos por el calentamiento. 24 participantes (13 mujeres y 11 hombres completaron, de forma aleatoria, 3 condiciones experimentales con un diseño cruzado: EE, WBV, y EE+WBV. Al terminar cada protocolo de


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    Vannesa Quinaluisa


    Full Text Available El entorno económico es para los gobiernos de mucha importancia y por tanto deben realizar acciones que permitan controlar todos los factores que afecten al medio, está compuesto por diferentes elementos macroeconòmicos como son Producto Interno Bruto, Inflacion, Tasas de Interes entre otras, dentro de estos, un sector de importancia es el sistema financiero, que está a cargo de la liquidez del medio y de medios de financiamiento, pues ayuda a la formalizacion de la economia y facilira las actividades comerciales y productivas. La existencia de un sistema financiero sólido y solvente es importamate para el crecimiento económico del país, pues ayuda a las formalizacion de la económia y facilita las actividades comerciales y productivas. La banca en Latinoamerica esta evolucionando, incorporando prácticas en pro de la busquedad de eficiencia, integridad y transparencia para responder adecuadamente ante grupos de interés, asegurando un comportamiento ético organizacional integral y responsable con la sociedad. Se destaca un nnuevo perfil de la banca de prestacion eficiente y oportuna de servicios financieros a los segmentos que tradicionalmente no han tenido acceso al credito banacario comercial. En junio del2002 la Junta Bancaria aprobó la primera normativa de microfinanzas en el Ecuador, mediantes Resolucion 457, promoviendo asi el desarrollo de las microfinanzas mediante instituciones privadas y luego con la banca pública (Corporacion Financiera Nacional y Banco Nacional de Fomento, con tasas subsidiadas. En la actualidad es la banca privada la que lidera el microcredito: desdde el 2001 ha generado una explotacion en las microfinanzas, nuevos bancos, nuevas redes, nuevas microfinancieras, entre otras. El Microcrédito actual es una actividad de los bancos para colocar el alto flujo de recursos de depçosito que no son consumidos por los grandes empresario. El mayor acceso de la poblacion de menor ingreso a los servicios financieros

  6. History of the Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union, 1941-1945. Volume 6. Results of the Great Patriotic War, (United States)


    Iraq, Iceland, Canada, Costa Rica, Cuba, Lebanon, Mexico , Netherlands, Nicaragua, New Zealand, Syria, Uruguay, Chile, Ecuador, Ethiopia 4. The number...Great Patriotic War), a collection of docu- ments. Yaroslavl’ Book Publishers, 1960. ALBANIA Banca Nazionale d’Albania. Ufficio studi. Economia albanese

  7. Organization Development: An Approach for Achieving Desired Organizational Goals within the Venezuelan Navy. (United States)


    major parties, COPEI 3(Social Christian) and AD (Social Democrat). In elections, 3COPEI stands for Comite para Organizacion Politica Independiente...Africanos en la Formacion de la Cultura Venezolana, Caracas: Universidad Central de Venezuela, 1955. 12. Siso, Carlos, La Formacion del Pueblo


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    Jacqueline Valle Bairros


    Full Text Available Com o crescimento do turismo, cresce a preocupação com o fornecimento de refeições, tanto em qualidade sensorial quanto em qualidade higiênico-sanitária. A cidade de Pelotas, pertence à região Turística da Costa Doce, recebe muitos visitantes que usufruem dos seus serviços turísticos. O Mercado Público Municipal se destaca entre os pontos turísticos de grande visitação por sua localização central e por possuir bancas com os tradicionais doces de Pelotas. Este estudo teve como objetivo realizar um diagnóstico das condições higiênico-sanitárias das lojas de doces do Mercado Público Municipal de Pelotas/RS. Foram verificadas as condições higiênico-sanitárias mediante a aplicação de check list conforme a Portaria nº. 78/2009 da Secretaria da Saúde do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. A porcentagem geral de conformidades das Lojas de Doces foi de 75,7% e 73,4% sendo, portanto, classificadas como nível Bom (Banca de Doces 01 e Aceitável (Banca de Doces 02. Esses resultados demonstram falhas no processo de produção dos doces, colocando em risco a saúde dos turistas. Conclui-se que, os estabelecimentos necessitam de maior atenção nos serviços com vistas as Boas Práticas de Fabricação.

  9. Registro histórico de Gastrotheca ovifera (Anura: Hemiphractidae: evidencias de disminución en selvas nubladas de la Cordillera de la Costa venezolana

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    Javier Valera-Leal


    Full Text Available Gastrotheca ovifera es una rana marsupial que habita en el dosel arbóreo de bosques nublados y ribereños del Tramo Occidental y Ramal Litoral de La Cordillera de la Costa venezolana (CCV entre 820-2 000m de altitud. De acuerdo con la Lista Roja de la UCN se encuentra En Peligro (EN y su evaluación fue realizada de acuerdo a apreciaciones anecdóticas, por lo que su situación de amenaza no ha sido comprobada por muestreos sistemáticos. Con el objetivo de estudiar el estado de las poblaciones de la especie en el Parque Nacional Henri Pittier (PNHP en el Ramal Litoral de la CCV, realizamos una revisión histórica en museos nacionales y extranjeros y encontramos que la especie fue registrada en 1996 por última vez en el PNHP. Acumulamos 646 horas/persona de muestreo sistemático en localidades históricas y adicionales de la especie en el parque durante los años 2006 y 2007 y no obtuvimos registro de la especie. Adicionalmente, realizamos asociaciones entre datos promedios de precipitación anual y el registro histórico de la especie durante el periodo 1941-1997 (r s=- 0.054, p=0.820, n=19. Discutimos sobre su estado de conservación con base a la distribución, fluctuación y cambios poblacionales de la especieHistoric record of Gastrotheca ovifera (Anura: Hemiphractidae: decline evidence in Venezuelan coastal cloud forests. G. ovifera is a marsupial frog of the cloud and riparian forest from Western and Litoral sections of the Venezuelan Cordillera de la Costa (820-2 000m. This amphibian is considered as an endangered species by the IUCN Species Red List, due to its population decline in pristine and well preserved environments. This conservation status is based on anecdotic interpretations. We collected disperse data from museum records (national and international and explored the possible association between collection records and precipitation data available for the Henri Pittier National Park (PNHP. Likewise, we carried out a

  10. Reminiscenze di esperienze professionali

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    Full Text Available This is the second in a series of recollections by distinguished economists commissioned by the Banca Nazionale del Lavoro Quarterly Review. In it Jan Tinbergen reflects on his engagement in scientific work in the field of economics.JEL: B31

  11. Comments on Hypersonic Boundary-Layer Transition (United States)


    mechanism by which boundary-layer disturbance growth is generally initiated and establishes the initial distur- banca amplitude at the onset of disturbance...Patankar, S. V., and Spalding, P. B., Heat and Mass Transfer in Boundary Lavers, CRC Press , Cleveland, Ohio, 1968. 87. Neumann, R. D., and Patterson, .J. 1

  12. Meta 2: Lingua Franca Design and Integration Language (United States)


    Banca Intesa/San Paolo. He was the founder and Scientific Director of the Project on Advanced Research on Architectures and Design of Electronic...34Platform-Based Design and Frameworks: Metropolis and Metro II" in Model-Based Design for Embedded Systems, Boca Raton, Fl: CRC Press , Taylor and

  13. Survey of Current Business. Volume 71, Number 10, October 1991 (United States)


    information from outside nual increase, and MNC employment countries of the Pacific Rim. sources, mainly press reports, is used increased 3 percent...Source 3 (4.22) Economiques (Pans) (5.24) 333. Producer Price Index, capital equipment (M).-Source 3 (4.22) 747. Italy, index of stock prices (M).- Banca

  14. University Internationalization and University Autonomy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Turcan, Romeo V.; Gulieva, Valeria


    Turcan and Gulieva deepen our theoretical understanding of the process of university internationalisation by exploring the relationship between university internationalisation and university autonomy. They conjecture that the process of university internationalisation and its sustainability are d......, dissimilar, and sometimes conflicting dimensions of the financial, legal, organisational, staffing, and academic autonomy of the host country, are compromising key aspects of their own autonomy and core mission?......Turcan and Gulieva deepen our theoretical understanding of the process of university internationalisation by exploring the relationship between university internationalisation and university autonomy. They conjecture that the process of university internationalisation and its sustainability...... are determined by the structure and exercise of university autonomy settings at home and in the host countries, and that the process itself cannot be successfully achieved and maintained without changes in the autonomy settings. The key question the authors ask is to what degree universities, in embracing new...

  15. ‘I won’t naturalize foreigners like crazy’: The Naturalization Campaign in Venezuela, 2004-2006

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    Tobias Schwarz


    Full Text Available Between 2004 and 2006, more than 420,000 foreigners, many of them formerly undocumented immigrants, were granted Venezuelan nationality. This article presents the (historical context, the Venezuelan immigration and nationality policies, and the three core elements of the naturalization campaign. It was integrated into a programme to distribute identity documents to the population (the Misión Identidad, had a specific legal and administrative foundation (a presidential decree, and was carried out by way of large-scale naturalization ceremonies. Criticisms of the campaign included the allegation that naturalizing hundreds of thousands of formerly undocumented immigrants tampered with the foundation of political representation. In order to scrutinize this claim, the article describes the government’s reasons for implementing the naturalization scheme, as well as the criticisms expressed by the political opposition and civil society, as reported in Venezuelan print media, and relates this to how the naturalization campaign has been implemented in practice. Resumen: ‘No voy a naturalizar extranjeros a lo loco’: La campaña de naturalización en Venezuela, 2004-2006 De 2004 a 2006, más que 420.000 extranjeros, muchos de ellos anteriormente inmigrantes indocumentados, consiguieron la nacionalidad venezolana. Este trabajo presenta las políticas de inmigración y de nacionalidad venezolana. Además, se enfoca en los tres elementos centrales de la campaña de naturalización: Su integración a un programa de distribución de documentos de identidad a la población (la Misión Identidad, su fundamento jurídico y administrativo (un decreto presidencial, y las ceremonias de naturalización a gran escala. Las críticas a esta campaña postularon que la naturalización de cientos de miles de inmigrantes anteriormente indocumentados habría falsificado el número de población venezolana. Con el fin de examinar esta crítica, el texto describe las

  16. Basin F Overburden and Soil Sampling and Analysis Study, Rocky Mountain Arsenal (United States)


    and the material lodged in the shoe of the sampler z•s pressed out and placed in the bottom of the sleeve. In tnis tray, an undisturbed sample of the...b):______ A. Szandard dev--aciol of lowiest stanidard (S): _____ jmmzltnof standard (c): _______ i~veraq* &ýs-: banca cý lovesc standard

  17. Y sigue la revolución bolivariana. Las elecciones presidenciales del 7 de octubre de 2012 en Venezuela


    Compagnon, Olivier; Posado, Thomas


    Este artículo analiza los resultados de las elecciones presidenciales venezolanas del 7 de octubre de 2012. La aparente continuidad que revela la nueva victoria de Chávez no debe ocultar ciertas inflexiones que pueden tenerse en cuenta mediante un análisis preciso de las elecciones presidenciales de 2012.

  18. Análisis financiero para la determinación de quiebra

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    Roberto López


    Full Text Available SE ESTUDIA LA PROBABILIDAD DE QUIEBRA DE EMPRESAS nicaragüenses en 1990, cuando surgió la banca privada tras acuerdos entre empresarios y el gobierno, que modernizaron las finanzas, pero presentaron riesgos empresariales. Se dieron restricciones legales, riesgos políticos y fragilidad de las instituciones financieras ante la banca internacional. Además, las fluctuaciones del tipo de cambio del córdoba originan cuatro riesgos: conversión, de transacciones, económico y operativo. Diferentes investigadores han desarrollado modelos de alertas financieras: J. Tobin, que desarrolló “Q de Tobin”; W. Beaver, para empresas manufactureras; M. Tamarí, un sistema de puntaje; y E. Altman desarrolló el modelo “Z de Altman”, que da un índice de baja, alta o altísima probabilidad de quiebra. Se aplicó este modelo a las empresas quebradas a fines de 2000: Banco Europeo de Centroamérica (BECA, Banco Nacional de Desarrollo (BANADES, Banco de Crédito Popular (BCP, Banco del Campo (BANCAMPO, y Banco Internacional (INTEBANK.


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    Veronica León


    Full Text Available Las TIC en la última década han sufrido constantes cambios en pro de su desarrollo, aplicación dentro de la educación y en la sociedad Venezolana,  esto gracias a la necesidad del conocimiento que traen consigo las nuevas generaciones, al esfuerzo que realizan las empresas e instituciones tanto públicas como privadas, sean llamadas públicas las que son administradas por el estado Venezolano, al continuo proceso de innovación tecnológica a nivel mundial, por otro lado, en relación a la educación las TIC han revolucionado los antiguos procesos de enseñanza que venían siendo aplicados en la educación venezolana, muchos de ellos siendo vistos como barreras tecnológicas para los miembros implicados dentro de la educación como los docentes y el estudiantado, en el cual, se han venido presentando acentuados cambios culturales en las generaciones anteriores frente a los jóvenes y las nuevas tecnologías, muchas veces siendo estos temas como fuente de discriminación dentro de la sociedad Venezolana. El acceso al medio tecnológico también es una barrera para la población emergente (jóvenes que busca adquirir nuevos conocimientos, los cuales, son observados desde un punto de vista económico como políticas de inclusión de las diversas clases sociales, ya que estas originan discrepancia en los procesos de comunicación dentro de las sociedades modernas, en que la edad y el acceso a las TIC se vuelve un patrón en el de conocimiento y aprendizaje de cada uno de los miembros activos de la sociedad.


    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    investigadores explorarán la forma en que las instituciones provocan, sostienen y/o reducen estos factores en las ciudades venezolanas. La meta: entender mejor estas conexiones para contribuir al diseño y desarrollo de estrategias dirigidas a que las ciudades sean más seguras. La investigación. Este proyecto intenta:.

  1. Democracia y conflicto en Venezuela.

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    Juan Eduardo Romero


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo aborda el tema de la democracia en Venezuela desde una perspectiva múltiple y variada. Parte de la consideración de un conjunto de variables (papel del Estado en la sociedad globalizada, la política y el ejercicio del poder, la economía, la política social, los movimientos sociales y las protestas colectivas, medio ambiente y grupos étnicos para realizar una ponderación del curso y los retos de la sociedad democrática venezolana en el período 1988-2008. El trabajo maneja el análisis desde la óptica de la comparación histórica, la historia crítica, la sociología histórica y el pensamiento político para establecer las principales tendencias que ha adquirido la democracia venezolana en cada una de esas variables en el período estudiado, así como la prospectiva que pueden adquirir en los próximos años.

  2. TELESUR y la Diplomacia Pública venezolana

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    Érico Matos


    Full Text Available La Diplomacia Pública es el conjunto de métodos aplicados tanto por gobiernos, como por individuos y grupos privados en la conducción de las relaciones internacionales que buscan influir positivamente en la imagen y percepción de un Estado sobre el público general de otro país. En un contexto internacional en el cual, el avance tecnológico y el proceso de globalización ha forzado la elaboración de nuevas estrategias de comunicación entre los Estados, este trabajo propone discutir los siguientes conceptos: Diplomacia Pública (Public Diplomacy, Diplomacia Mediática (Media Diplomacy a través del análisis del caso venezolano; Estado que ha aplicado el uso de tales métodos en la manera de conducir sus relaciones internacionales.

  3. Crédito, banca, competencia y crisis

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    José Francisco Reyes Durán


    Full Text Available El ensayo centra su exposición en seis aspectos fundamentales que son relevantes en la obra de Rudolph Hilferding. El primero de ellos, el concepto mismo del capital financiero, que en el libro tiene una expresión múltiple y central para explicar el capitalismo del siglo XX. Posteriormente, en el papel que el autor otorga al crédito, la tasa de interés y los niveles de inversión en todo el desempeño del proceso económico. En tercer lugar, el tema de la determinación del valor de la empresa individual y de la empresa accionaria y la importancia estratégica de esta última en los mercados financieros, tema central para el análisis de los mercados bursátiles de nuestros días. En cuarto lugar, la influencia del capital financiero en la estructura del mercado al limitar la libre competencia e impulsar la conformación de estructuras oligopólicas: cárteles y trust. En cuarto y quinto lugar, el funcionamiento del ciclo económico y, en él, la etapa de la crisis. Finalmente, en sexto lugar se explora el tema vigente en la actual crisis global de la exportación de capital y la lucha por el espacio económico.

  4. Evaluation consolidated under Financial Group Banca Transilvania

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    Chebac Neculina


    Full Text Available One of the components of prudence measures adopted by the competentauthorities with the regulation and supervision of financial markets at national andEuropean level is mandatory consolidation of accounts. Romania as member of theEuropean Union it harmonized national regulations with the European consolidation ofaccounts of companies. For the banks have been issued by the appropriate rules by theregulators authority, concerned by National Bank of Romania. In accordance withnational regulations, companies are required to prepare annual consolidated financialstatements may make such situations according to the regulations or accounting inaccordance with Directive VII of the European Economic Community, underInternational Financial Reporting Standards.



    Navia Aray, Jessica Roxana


    Ecuadorian Banking, it´s by nature, characterized on operating mainly with third-party resources, main sources are deposits that come from Bank's customers, in other words, it is a high regulated activity by financial entities. There is a close relationship between funding sources and usage to which they are targeted. This specific connection is important because it can be vague from the point of view of the investor, since a client can operate in more than one mode at a time or migrate from ...

  6. Gestión de riesgos financieros. Experiencia en un banco latinoamericano1

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    Edmundo R. Lizarzaburu


    Full Text Available El presente documento busca presentar los principales conceptos de riesgos financieros presentes en la banca; en particular, se trabajará el caso de un banco peruano, considerando aspectos tales como la gestión de riesgos, Basilea III y la crisis económica internacional. El caso se desarrolla en el primer semestre del 2012 en el mercado peruano.


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    María A. Rodríguez T.


    Full Text Available El artículo analiza a las  universidades venezolanas y su pertinencia como objetivo fundamental dentro de la sociedad. La educación superior venezolana está atravesando uno de sus más críticos momentos, desde el punto de vista ético, político y organizacional; es necesario que los especialistas en gerencia  y administración que hacen vida en ella formulen planes estratégicos acordes con su visión, misión y objetivos, que pudieran ser redimensionados según la realidad presente. A partir de un estudio teórico se propone  la definición y construcción de indicadores de gestión, que permitan el establecimiento de mecanismos que garanticen el seguimiento de ellos, permitiendo al nivel directivo en cualquiera de los niveles de la organización, la toma de decisiones de manera acertada y oportuna, los indicadores de gestión podrán  contribuir a través de la medición de los resultados de los planes estratégicos, todo ello dentro del  macro objetivo de  la calidad.

  8. Power and Crisis: Recent Historiography of Credit and Banking in Mexico, 19th and 20th Centuries

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    Gustavo A. del Angel


    Full Text Available En el presente ensayo se intenta ofrecer una síntesis panorámica de los estudios más innovadores que se han realizado recientemente sobre la historia del crédito y la banca en México en los siglos XIX y XX, enfatizando, en particular, los interrogantes que dichos trabajos van abriendo para futuras investigaciones en este campo.



    Fernando Rubio


    Esta es la tercera parte de una serie que forman una investigación más amplia titulada “La Estrategia de Citicorp en Chile: Un Intento de Investigación”. Aquí se describe la naturaleza, reglamentación, estado actual y perspectivas de más de los 25 segmentos del mercado financiero chileno, desde la banca hasta las administradoras de fondos de pensiones.

  10. Un ribelle jevoniano (A Jevonian Seditionist

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    Sidney Weintraub


    Full Text Available The article is a reissue of 1983 Weintraub’s contribution to a series of “ ecollections" and reflections on the professional experiences of distinguished economists, which the Banca Nazionale del Lavoro Quarterly Review started in 1979. In this autobiographic paper Sidney Weintraub recalls and comments upon his academic life and career. JEL codes: E12, B31, N01  

  11. Do tipo textual ao gênero de texto. A redação no vestibular / From textual type to textual genre. The essay in the university entrance exam

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    Maria Helena Cruz Pistori


    Full Text Available Os atuais documentos oficiais elaborados pelo Ministério da Educação no Brasil têm preconizado o ensino da produção textual por meio do gênero - discursivo ou textual. Seguindo essa linha, o exame vestibular de ingresso a uma das maiores universidades paulistas de 2011 também solicitou dos candidatos a elaboração de três textos, de diferentes gêneros. Com o objetivo de verificar que horizontes teórico-metodológicos fundamentaram a elaboração daquele exame, analisamos os textos do (1 Manual do Candidato, da (2 Prova de redação e da (3 Expectativa da banca. Nosso parâmetro teórico é o conceito de gênero discursivo conforme desenvolvido pelos membros do Círculo de Bakhtin desde 1920. Observamos, então, como essa nova proposta visa avaliar as características que a Universidade espera encontrar em cada um de seus alunos; como utiliza o arsenal teórico nos textos analisados e como garante a avaliação da capacidade argumentativa dos candidatos. Finalmente, sugerimos a possibilidade de trabalho com o gênero “dissertação escolar”.Today's official documents drawn up by the Ministry of Education in Brazil have advocated that textual production should be taught by the concepts of speech genre or textual genre. Following this guideline, the 2011 edition of the entrance exam, vestibular, of one of the most important universities in the state of São Paulo, Brazil, asked its candidates to write three texts, each one belonging to a different genre. In order to verify the theoretical-methodological horizons that motivated the elaboration of that exam, we analyzed the texts of (1 the candidate's guidelines, (2 the examination essay and (3 the expectations set by the examiners. Our theoretical perspective is the concept of discursive genre as developed by the members of the Bakhtin Circle since 1920. Then, we observe how this new proposal aims at evaluating the characteristics that the University expects to find in each one of

  12. Argentina y su inserción en el mundo financiero a fines de 1890. El Sistema de Bancos Garantizados

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    Gerardo Marcelo Martí


    Full Text Available En la actualidad la necesidad de comprender el presente reactualiza el pro -blema del conocimiento, por medio de una metodología que aborde los proble -mas con un carácter históri co. Este ensayo pretende promover la reflexiónacerca del sistema capitalista, el mundo financiero y la inserción de los paí -ses pe ri fé ri cos, con hin ca pié en los ban cos; en este caso el pa ra dig ma es laArgentina y el origen de una red bancaria con vínculos internacionales. Elnacimiento del sistema bancario, la ruptura con la banca libre de emisión ypor ende un ordenamiento operativo de gestión administrada centraliza da -mente que induce a la transformación progresiva de la banca comercial.En este con tex to el caso del Sis te ma de Ban cos Ga ran ti za dos en la Argen -tina no había merecido la atención de los historiadores y mucho menos unanálisis detenido de su importancia. Parecía que era suficiente lo aportadopor la corriente clásica de la historiografía económica, que justifica el emi -sionismo como la causa fundamental de la crisis financiera. El papel monedade pre cia do uni do a un sis te ma de pa trón oro pre va le cía en las cau sas infor -tunadas de la cri sis y las ac ti tu des de la élite gobernante provocaban la es -peculación mediante la corrupción administrativa. Estas razones analizadasen los nuevos testimonios parecen probar ciertas inexactitudes, poniendo demanifiesto la ausencia de ensayos más profundos respecto a los bancos, loque iniciaría el camino de nuevas investigaciones históricas y facilitaría elacceso al conocimiento histórico de la banca en la Argentina.

  13. Sheet universes and the shapes of Friedmann universes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lynden-Bell, D.; Redmount, I.H.


    Unless Ω>1,the Big Bang did not start from a point. Consideration shows sheet universes in which matter is confined to a homogeneous universe. Sheet universes and the corresponding embeddings of FRW universes into Minkowski space are drawn. Their initial singularities are shown to be point-like for the 'closed' case, line-like for the 'flat' (Ω=1) case and surface-like for the 'open' case. In contrast to the cross-sections at constant comoving proper time, typical spacelike cross-sections of the 'flat' universes are closed and encounter their extensive singularities. All cross-sections of the 'closed' universe are closed and only very special cross-sections encounter the point singularities at the Big Bang or the Big Crunch. (author)

  14. University-Community Engagement: Case Study of University Social Responsibility (United States)

    Chile, Love M.; Black, Xavier M.


    Corporatisation of universities has drawn parallels between contemporary universities and business corporations, and extended analysis of corporate social responsibility to universities. This article reports on a case study of university-community engagement with schools and school communities through youth engagement programmes to enhance…

  15. The Effect of Ionospheric Variability on the Accuracy of High Frequency Position Location (United States)


    these problems are not the major ones in radio source location 1H. Rishbeth and 0. K. Garriot, 1969, Introduction to Ionospheric Physics, Academic Press ...ionospheric distur- banca ; and (4) employ an integrated network of ionosondes. The firt option recognizes the basic constraints of the available ionospheric...Rishbeth, H., and 0. K. Garriot, 1969, Introduction to Ionospheric Physics, Academic Press , NY. 2. Georges, T. M., 1967, Ionospheric Effects of

  16. Refinanciaciones de deuda y responsabilidad de la banca


    Sánchez-Calero Guilarte, Juan


    La responsabilidad de las entidades de crédito que participan en refinanciaciones se aborda desde distintas hipótesis. Comenzando por la definición de refinanciación, pasando por el hecho de denegar o concederla y terminando por las varias clases de responsabilidad imaginables (concursal, societaria, administrativa, etc.). El acogimiento de una refinanciación al régimen especial establecido en la Disposición adicional cuarta LC limita notoriamente la eventual responsabilidad de las entidades ...

  17. Lectura crítica: tres experiencias venezolanas

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    Adolfo Herrera E.


    Full Text Available Las tres experiencias seleccionadas tienen que ver con la difusión de mensajes, lo que las introduce en un mecanismo de amplio espectro informativo, y esto podría llamarse el ingrediente popular.

  18. Percepciones venezolanas sobre la crisis de colombia.

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    Miriam Kornblith.


    Full Text Available This paper analyzes the effects of the Colombian conflict in Venezuela and the perceptions of threat of the country's leading political actors regarding Colombia's security crisis. The author discusses the tangible consequences of the Colombian conflict in Venezuela. Second, the ways in which the security crisis has been perceived and politically maneuvered by the Venezuelan government is explored. Finally, the article traces the interaction been the securitization of security and defense issues in Venezuela, and perceptions about the Colombian security crisis and its effects.

  19. Cement, concrete, construction and quality discussed by lETCC scientists in Venezuela and the Dominican Republic

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    Calleja, José


    Full Text Available Not availableLa Asociación Venezolana de Ingeniería de Inspección, Dirección y Supervisión de Obras (AVIDISO, como parte del Colegio de Ingenieros de Venezuela, organizó, para celebrar en los días 1 al 6 de septiembre de 1975, un ''Curso sobre Tecnología y Control de Calidad en la Construcción de Obras de Concreto".

  20. Exploring the relationship between university internationalization and university autonomy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Turcan, Romeo V.; Gullieva, Valeria

    This paper explores a research gap at the intersection of university internationalization and university autonomy. A process model of university internationalization is put forward whereby the process of university internationalization is mediated by university internationalization capacity...... and moderated by target country institutional autonomy and globalization; and entry modes, timing and pace, as well as product mix of internationalization define university’s internationalization pattern. A systematic review is conducted to identify empirical studies at this intersection. One of the questions...

  1. Study of university students' attitudes toward office space at universities

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    S.M. Eteadifard


    Full Text Available Office space is the space where students first experience the university. In this paper, the attitude of students toward office space in the public sphere of university is discussed. This article is the result of the research conducted for the “Institute for Social and Cultural Studies” by the author. The main issues in this paper are: university students' attitudes towards quality office space at the universities and mental basis of common issues among students at the universities. Data were collected through individual and group interviews. More than eighty interviews with activists and students of University of Tehran, Shahid Beheshti University, Allameh Tabataba’i University, Sharif University of Technology and Kharazmi University were done. The main indicators of office space in this study include: students’ satisfaction of office space, students’ welfare affairs and students’ feedback about this space. Problems and obstacles relating to the office space and their solutions were also studied in this paper.

  2. Our Universe (United States)

    Stern, Alan


    The Universe in which we live is unimaginably vast and ancient, with countless star systems, galaxies, and extraordinary phenomena such as black holes, dark matter, and gamma ray bursts. What phenomena remain mysteries, even to seasoned scientists? Our Universe is a fascinating collection of essays by some of the world's foremost astrophysicists. Some are theorists, some computational modelers, some observers, but all offer their insights into the most cutting-edge, difficult, and curious aspects of astrophysics. Compiled, the essays describe more than the latest techniques and findings. Each of the ten contributors offers a more personal perspective on their work, revealing what motivates them and how their careers and lives have been shaped by their desire to understand our universe. S. Alan Stern is Director of the Department of Space Studies at Southwest Research Institute in Boulder, Colorado. He is a planetary scientist and astrophysicist with both observational and theoretical interests. Stern is an avid pilot and a principal investigator in NASA's planetary research program, and he was selected to be a NASA space shuttle mission specialist finalist. He is the author of more than 100 papers and popular articles. His most recent book is Pluto & Charon (Wiley, 1997). Contributors: Dr. John Huchra, Harvard University Dr. Esther Hu, University of Hawaii, Honolulu Dr. John Mather, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Dr. Nick Gnedin, University of Colorado, Boulder Dr. Doug Richstone, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Dr. Bohdan Paczynski, Princeton University, NJ Dr. Megan Donahue, Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore, MD Dr. Jerry Ostriker, Princeton University, New Jersey G. Bothun, University of Oregon, Eugene

  3. The Learning University. (United States)

    Patterson, Glenys


    As universities make cross-sectoral alliances, various models for integrating postsecondary education into universities arise: contract, brokerage, collaborative, validation, joint program, dual-sector institution, tertiary university, metaphoric, and federal. The integrated, comprehensive university is the learning university of the 21st century.…

  4. Between universalism and regionalism: universal systematics from imperial Japan. (United States)

    Lee, Jung


    Historiographic discussions of the universality and regionality of science have to date focused on European cases for making regional science universal. This paper presents a new perspective by moving beyond European origins and illuminating a non-European scientist's engagement with the universality and regionality of science. It will examine the case of the Japanese botanist Nakai Takenoshin (1882-1952), an internationally recognized authority on Korean flora based at Tokyo Imperial University. Serving on the International Committee on Botanical Nomenclature in 1926, Nakai endorsed and acted upon European claims of universal science, whilst simultaneously unsettling them with his regionally shaped systematics. Eventually he came to promote his own systematics, built regionally on Korean flora, as the new universal. By analysing his shifting claims in relation to those of other European and non-European botanists, this paper makes two arguments. First, universalism and regionalism were not contradictory foundations of scientific practice but useful tools used by this non-European botanist in maintaining his scientific authority as a representative Japanese systematist. Second, his claims to universality and regionalism were both imperially charged. An imperially monopolized study of Korean plants left a regional imprint on Nakai's systematics. In order to maintain his scientific authority beyond its region of origin he had to assert either the expanding regionalism of 'East Asia' or universalism.

  5. De Eisenstein a Fassbinder, de la revolución a la desesperación: Los últimos espectadores del acorazado Potemkin, de Ana Teresa Torres

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gisela Kozak


    Full Text Available En este artículo se analiza la propuesta novelesca de Los últimos espectadores del acorazado Potemkin, de Ana Teresa Torres (Venezuela, desde tres perspectivas. La primera examina la manera en que el texto se erige como indagación del carácter ficticio –en tanto construcción lingüística y narrativa– de los relatos sobre la realidad; la segunda perspectiva destaca el uso de diversos tipos de estrategias narrativas (autobiografía, novela rosa, cuento, la carta amorosa, el lenguaje periodístico, largos diálogos, que se conjugan en una estructura de carácter polifónico que permite el entrecruzamiento de distintas visiones sobre la historia venezolana; la tercera perspectiva de análisis se centra en la revisión irónica y descarnada de las acciones revolucionarias en Venezuela desde los caudillos hasta la subversión izquierdista de los años sesenta. Se concluye proponiendo que la novela venezolana ha medido mejor que cualquier otro tipo de discurso el carácter violento y antiinstitucional que ha signado la historia nacional y que ha tenido su manifestación última con la actual revolución bolivariana.

  6. Universe symmetries

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Souriau, J.M.


    The sky uniformity can be noticed in studying the repartition of objects far enough. The sky isotropy description uses space rotations. The group theory elements will allow to give a meaning at the same time precise and general to the word a ''symmetry''. Universe models are reviewed, which must have both of the following qualities: - conformity with the physic known laws; - rigorous symmetry following one of the permitted groups. Each of the models foresees that universe evolution obeys an evolution equation. Expansion and big-bang theory are recalled. Is universe an open or closed space. Universe is also electrically neutral. That leads to a work hypothesis: the existing matter is not given data of universe but it appeared by evolution from nothing. Problem of matter and antimatter is then raised up together with its place in universe [fr

  7. Soviet International Finance in the Gorbachev Era (United States)


    officials responsible for financial matters; and the financial press . All of these sources are cited as appropriate in this repoet. Considerable additional...creditors back to 1984. 2See, for example, Judy Shelton, The Coming Soviet Crash, The Free Press , New York, 1989, p. xv. 14 end of 1988, net Soviet...eighth over LIBOR. As recently as September 1989, VEB was able to arrange a five-year, $100 million syndicated credit managed by Banca Commerciale Italiana

  8. Human Factors Aspects of Aircraft Accidents (United States)


    invaatiaaamanta traa important« : chainaa da grand entratian avion, revision daa motaura at banca d’aaaala, reviaion daa Equipements nEceaaitant daa...defectueux. Sur le plan des accidents d’apparells militaires, qui sort quelque peu de ma specia- lite, les renseignements disponibles dans la presse ...Undoubtedly, a compelling reason for staying with the aircraft was to try to regain pitch attitude control in view of a large audience of press and

  9. Analysis of the Linkage Effects of Venezuela’s Petroleum Sector and Political Risk Analysis of Venezuela’s Petroleum Sector. (United States)


    34Petroleo e industrializacion," Comercio Exterior , Vol. 32, (Nov 1982), p. 1213. 52. Blutstein, p. 158. 53. Ministerio de Energia y Minas, Petroleo y...tion of Guyana), and the Empresa Nacional de Pesca (National Fishing Enterprise). As will be analyzed in the next chapter, Venezuela’s develop- ment...economia venezolana en los ultimos 35 anos, p. 273. Comercio Exterior , (Nov 1982), p. 1220. Rollins, Raw Materials Development and Economic Growth: A Study

  10. Propuesta de zonificación de uso del sector occidental del Parque Nacional Canaima. Estado Bolívar


    Roberto J. Rivera Lombardi; Jorge L. Padrón; Otto Huber; Iván Linares


    En el presente trabajo se establece una propuesta de zonificación del sector occidental del Parque Nacional Canaima, adecuada a las potencialidades y limitaciones de los recursos naturales, los usos y actividades desarrolladas por la población residente, considerando la materia previamente reglamentada en la normativa ambiental venezolana; documento que pretende coadyuvar con el plan de ordenamiento y reglamento de uso del referido sector. Esta propuesta se realiza con or...

  11. Prospective Model and Its Methodology of Supplies for the Repair and Maintenance of the Venezuelan Naval Ships to the Third Level. (United States)


    of effort and in the least possible time.’ ’Francisco Blanco Llesca, "El control integrado de 2 gestion ," Editorial Quintana Madrid. March 1975. 72...Francisco, "El control integralo de gestion ." Editorial Qunitana Madrid, March 1975. 4. Conceptos Basicos, Ministerio de la Defensa l.A. Diques y... Mantenimiento ," Instituto Universitario Politecnico de las Fuerzas Armadas Venezolanas, June 1980. 8. Division de Logistica, Jefatura de Estado Mayor Conjunto de

  12. University Teachers' Perception of Inclusion of Visually Impaired in Ghanaian Universities (United States)

    Mamah, Vincent; Deku, Prosper; Darling, Sharon M.; Avoke, Selete K.


    This study was undertaken to examine the university teachers' perception of including students with Visual Impairment (VI) in the public universities of Ghana. The sample consisted of 110 teachers from the University of Cape Coast (UCC), the University of Education, Winneba, (UEW), and the University of Ghana (UG). Data were collected through…

  13. Private Universities in Zimbabwe: The Case of Africa University ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Whilst many of these challenges are shared with other private universities in Zimbabwe, a few are peculiar to Africa University. This paper discusses Africa University's experience with regard to establishment, nature, institutional marketing and student recruitment, programmes, governance, finding and other external factors ...

  14. Behavioral medicine in Teikyo University and Toho University


    Takeuchi, Takeaki; Hashizume, Masahiro


    Behavioral medicine has increased in importance to become a promising field in medical education. The Teikyo University Graduate School of Public Health and Toho University School of Medicine were evaluated in terms of their educational emphasis on behavioral medicine. The Teikyo University Graduate School of Public Health has the following five core requirements, as in the global standards: behavioral medicine, biostatistics, epidemiology, occupational health, and health policy management. B...

  15. Early Predictors of First-Year Academic Success at University: Pre-University Effort, Pre-University Self-Efficacy, and Pre-University Reasons for Attending University (United States)

    van Herpen, Sanne G. A.; Meeuwisse, Marieke; Hofman, W. H. Adriaan; Severiens, Sabine E.; Arends, Lidia R.


    Given the large number of dropouts in the 1st year at university, it is important to identify early predictors of 1st-year academic success. The present study (n = 453 first-year students) contributes to literature on the transition from secondary to higher education by investigating how the non-cognitive factors "pre-university" effort…

  16. Towards a University of the Common: Reimagining the University in Order to Abolish It with the Really Open University

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andre Pusey


    Full Text Available The autumn of 2010, in the UK, was characterised by a series of protests against the proposed tripling of university tuition fees and the removal of the Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA. These protests were set within a broader international background of contestation around universities and higher education reforms. This article focuses on the activities of a group, which emerged within this context, called the Really Open University (ROU, and its efforts to engender a reimagining of the university. Specifically, this article argues that the activities of the ROU were attempts to create new, radical imaginaries of the university and were linked to broader efforts to re-conceptualise knowledge production and pedagogy. The central point is that ultimately the ROU’s invitation to ‘reimagine the university’ was a provocation to abolish the university in its capitalist form, through a process of reimagining the university, exodus from the university machine and creation of a university of the common.

  17. A lightweight universe? (United States)

    Bahcall, Neta A.; Fan, Xiaohui


    How much matter is there in the universe? Does the universe have the critical density needed to stop its expansion, or is the universe underweight and destined to expand forever? We show that several independent measures, especially those utilizing the largest bound systems known—clusters of galaxies—all indicate that the mass-density of the universe is insufficient to halt the expansion. A promising new method, the evolution of the number density of clusters with time, provides the most powerful indication so far that the universe has a subcritical density. We show that different techniques reveal a consistent picture of a lightweight universe with only ∼20–30% of the critical density. Thus, the universe may expand forever. PMID:9600898

  18. The Alien University

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bengtsen, Søren Smedegaard


    - they are alien. The conditions of universities today is not one of crisis and upheaval, as with the postmodern universities, it is one of night travel and exile. The alien university leaves behind the epistemological skirmishes of the postmodern university with all its rhetoric and knowledge activism. Thinking...... in the alien university is a move into a whirlpool of nothingness, a “nocturnal space”, where “[d]arkness fills it like a content; it is full, but full of the nothingness of everything.” (Levinas, 2001, p.53). In the alien university thinking is not situated, and instead of rhizomes, and assemblages of thought......, there is merely an imposing and nightly “swarming of points.” (ibid.). There is no place for the alien university, and exactly this exile of thought makes possible the move beyond postmodernism and the mentality of political crisis. The alien university is not in the future as such, but it is not entirely...

  19. Lecciones aprendidas en el reasentamiento involuntario por construcción de infraestructura de cinco ciudades, con enfoque en DDHH y Estado Social de Derecho


    Molina Prieto, Carlos Alberto


    La presente investigación adelanta un estudio de caso, sobre el reasentamientos involuntario realizado en el contexto del macro proyecto urbano: Sistemas Integrados de Transporte Masivo en grandes ciudades Colombianas – SITM, financiado por la banca multilateral (Banco Mundial - BM, Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo - BID y Banco de Desarrollo de América Latina - CAF) proyecto que durante su implementación diseñó e implemento políticas concordantes con los estándares internaci...

  20. Battle of Manila: Offensive, Deliberate Attack, MOUT, January-February 1945 (United States)


    on the 8th Cavalry’s left flank, used native bancas . The speed with which the division established a bridgehead on the far side, took the Japanese by...op. cit., HO Sixth Army Preface. 7.!. Walter Krueger, From Down Under the Nippon, (Washington, D.C.: Combat Forces Press ,1953), p. 324. 31. Malor B...Forces Press , 1957. MacArthur, Douglas. Report of General MacArthur. Volume I. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1966. . Volume II

  1. Transnational Threats: Blending Law Enforcement and Military Strategies (United States)


    the Banca Nazionale de Lavoro (BNL)—the so-called “Pizza Connection Case.”4 Early on, I was asked by a senior federal official why U.S. sensationalized by the press to prod Congress. Eventually the earlier-noted BNL matter became public, convincing many that the CIA...Asahara and 40 followers traveled to that country ostensibly on a humanitarian aid mission. Associated Press and Agence France- Presse , “Cult ‘studied

  2. Cambiamenti nell’organizzazione territoriale in seguito alle migrazioni: La periferia del parco “W” – Benin, Burkina Faso, Niger


    Ghisalberti, Alessandra


    La periferia del Parco Regionale “W” (Benin, Burkina Faso e Niger) è caratterizzata da una molteplicità etnica, oltre che da flussi migratori che generano mutazioni nell’organizzazione territoriale. L’obiettivo dell’articolo è di mostrare i cambiamenti determinati da tali processi migratori, in un contesto sprovvisto di dati diretti sulle migrazioni. La metodologia utilizzata si basa su una banca-dati di terreno, raccolti nel corso di una pluriannuale ricerca, e le analisi vengono presentate ...

  3. Estudio de cultivos celulares primarios de Psorophora confinnis (Díptera: Culicidae)


    Felio J. Bello; Jaime A. Rodríguez; Alberto Morales; Víctor A. Olano


    Con el propósito de obtener una línea celular de Psorophora confinnis (Arribalzaga, 1891) para estudios de susceptibilidad a infecciones con arbovirus, se iniciaron los cultivos primarios de esta especie, vectora del virus de la encefalitis equina venezolana, tipo epidemo-epizoótico. A partir de huevos embrionados, larvas de primer estadio recién eclosionadas y ovarios de hembras adultas, se realizaron explantes por separado de tejidos embrionarios en diversos medios de cultivos, suplementado...





    Este trabajo se propuso calcular el Índice Abreviado del Bienestar (IAB) para describir el perfil de bienestar arrojado por la Tercera Encuesta Nacional de Presupuestos Familiares venezolana (IIIº EPF). Siguiendo la metodología establecida por sus creadores, se evidenciaron aspectos mejorables e incompatibilidades con los datos que llevaron al ajuste de las fórmulas originalmente propuestas. La versión corregida del IAB fue aplicada resultando que los hogares gozan en promedio de 14% de ...

  5. Universics: a Theory of Universes of Discourse for Metamathematics and Foundations

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ioachim Drugus


    Full Text Available A new type of structures called ``universes'' is introduced to subsume the ``von Neumann universe'', ``Grothendieck universes'' and ``universes of discourse'' of various theories. Theories are also treated as universes, ``universes of ideas'', where ``idea" is a common term for assertions and terms. A dualism between induction and deduction and their treatment on a common basis is provided. The described approach referenced as ``universics'' is expected to be useful for metamathematical analysis and to serve as a foundation for mathematics. As a motivation for this research served the Harvey Friedman's desideratum to develop a foundational theory based on ``induction construction'', possibly comprising set theory. This desideratum emerged due to ``foundational incompleteness'' of set theory. The main results of this paper are an explication of the notion ``foundational completeness'', and a generalization of well-founded-ness.

  6. Runaway universe

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Davies, P


    The subject is covered in chapters entitled: the emerging universe (general introduction, history of astronomical and cosmological research, origins, the expanding universe, stars, galaxies, electromagnetic radiation); primeval fire (the big bang model, origin of the elements, properties of the elements and of sub-atomic particles); order out of chaos (galactic evolution, star formation, nuclear fusion, the solar system, origin of life on Earth); a star called Sol (properties of the sun and of other stars); life in the universe; the catastrophe principle (the rise and fall of cosmic order); stardoom (star evolution, neutron stars); black holes and superholes (gravitational collapse); technology and survival; the dying universe (second law of thermodynamics); worlds without end (cosmological models).

  7. University Pedagogy for Assistant Professors at Aalborg University (Part 2)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kolmos, Anette; Krogh, Lone


    In issue 1-2003, Anette Kolmos and Lone Krogh reported on the two-semester study course " University Pedagogy for Assistant Professors at Aalborg University (DK)". Now, in part 2, they are adressing guidelines for supervison and advising of assistant professors in the university teacher education...

  8. Competitive universities need to internationalize learning: Perspectives from three European universities

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    Ana Maria Lara


    Full Text Available The process of restructuring European universities in order to harmonize their educational systems is rapidly approaching a key milestone as 2010 looms large on the horizon. This paper describes an approach to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA based on a real case study of students that belong to five European Universities (University of Burgos, Technical University of Valencia, University of Valladolid, University of Basque Country and University of Applied Sciences Cologne. The objective of this paper is two-fold: on the one hand, to analyze from the student’s point of view how they value the restructuring of teaching as a result of the Bologna process and what are the implications for students with regards to both their academic qualifications and their future incorporation into the labour market; and, on the other hand, to deduce from the results obtained recommendations which may help to guide teachers towards successful internationalization and collaboration between interuniversity networks, as well as achieving greater standards of quality within university teaching. Only this would permit an environment in which students are capable of developing the necessary competences, and put into practice learning outcomes. The results show that students value communication, innovative proposals and cooperation between universities; the internationalization of knowledge between universities has been positively accepted and this has motivated research to place a stronger focus on this aspect; it impacts strongly on scientific productivity, improves the quality of education offered by the teaching staff, and leads to greater student mobility. This strategy is intrinsically linked to learning from local experiences shared by members of the same university as well as from more global experiences made available through inter-university networks. It implies being willing to listen, to communicate, to engage in dialogue and means that we must

  9. University Performance Management

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    For the last two decades the Danish Universities have felt the impact of the international trend towards implementation of New Public Management. The results are seen in the implementation of new hierarchical governance structures and contractual governance system including market based quantitat......For the last two decades the Danish Universities have felt the impact of the international trend towards implementation of New Public Management. The results are seen in the implementation of new hierarchical governance structures and contractual governance system including market based...... quantitative measurement systems for resource allocation and performance evaluation. Compared to other countries the changes in performance measurements and governance of the Danish universities are radical and the Minister of Science heralded them as "the greatest change in university management since...... the founding of Copenhagen University in 1479". The changes took place with surprisingly little resistance from university scholars. The articles in this anthology investigate the origins and rationales for the silent managerial revolution at Danish Universities and the radical implications for the identity...

  10. [Changes in body weight of the university students at university]. (United States)

    Soto Ruiz, María Nelia; Aguinaga Ontonso, Inés; Canga Armayor, Navidad; Guillén-Grima, Francisco; Hermoso de Mendoza, Juana; Serrano Monzo, Inmaculada; Marín Fernández, Blanca


    One of the strategies for the prevention of the obesity is the identification of critical periods of gain weight. Some studies confirm gain weight during the university period. The purpose of the present study was to determine the changes in the body weight of the university students in Navarre. Prospective cohort study. Public University of Navarre and the University of Navarre, in Pamplona. Study examined weight change among 452 students attending at university in Pamplona, during first and third course. Four hundred and fifty two students completed the questionnaire. Weight and height were measures and body mass index was calculated. The mean body weight increased 0,600 kg, 1,8 kg for males and no change in body weight was observed in female. 44,7 % of students gained weight (60,8 % of men and 36,8 % of women), and the gain weight was of 3,4 kg. University years are a critical factor for the gain weight, particularly males. Consideration of this, is necessary the development of effective weight gain prevention strategies during the university. Copyright AULA MEDICA EDICIONES 2014. Published by AULA MEDICA. All rights reserved.

  11. Sustaining Community-University Collaborations: The Durham University Model

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andrew Russell


    Full Text Available Durham University has initiated a community outreach and engagement program based on an evolving multifaceted model. This article analyses the components of the model and looks at how our work at Durham has become increasingly embedded in the structures and processes of the university as it has developed. The strengths and weaknesses in what has been achieved are highlighted, as is the future vision for the further development of this innovative community-university program. Keywords Public engagement; community partnerships; employer supported volunteering; corporate social responsibility

  12. University IPRs and knowledge transfer : is university ownership more efficient?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Crespi, G.A.; Geuna, A.; Nomaler, Z.O.; Verspagen, B.


    This paper addresses an issue that has been largely ignored so far in the empirical literature on the role of patents in university-industry knowledge transfer: does it matter who owns the patents on university research? We observe that especially in Europe, many patents in which university

  13. Relación entre la potencia muscular de extremidades inferiores y tronco con la velocidad de salida de la bola en el swing de drive en golf

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lorena Torres Ronda


    Full Text Available A pesar del interés emergente en el acondicionamiento físico en el golf, se han llevado a cabo pocos estudios para valorar la relación entre la potencia mecánica y el rendimiento en golf. El objetivo de este estudio fue valorar si existía una correlación entre la velocidad de salida de la bola del swing de drive y la potencia muscular de extremidades inferiores y tronco, en un grupo de 8 golfistas (16,8 ± 1,4 años; 2,2 ± 1,8 Handicap; 63,1 ± 6,4 kg.; 172,7 ± 7,5 cm. El test incluyó mediciones de la velocidad de salida de la bola y tests de potencia mecánica (prensa de piernas horizontal, press de banca y rotaciones de tronco. Los resultados de este estudio indican que existe una correlación significativa entre la velocidad de salida de la bola y la potencia piernas (prensa de piernas horizontal: r2=,933; p=,000 y del tronco (press de banca: r2 = 0,66; p = ,014. La prensa de piernas se mostró como el predictor más representativo para la velocidad de salida de la bola (r2 = 0,934; p = ,000.

  14. Development of cash management products in Serbia and impact on the profitability of banks

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Barjaktarović Lidija


    Full Text Available Cash management products are in the function of promotion of the company's business, i.e. of liquidity management. The objective of this work is to determine the level of development of the Cash Management products in Serbia and their impact on the profitability and cost optimisation of a bank. Domestic banks established with foreign capital, primarily from Austria and Italy, were the first to introduce the initial contemporary Cash Management Products by the end of 2002, thanks to the development of electronic banking and relocation of the domestic payment transfers into the business banks. In addition, the analysis will show that banks with a clear focus on cooperation with the corporate clients are continuously developing this group of products in Serbia (Raiffeisen Bank, UniCredit Bank, Banca Intesa, Erste Bank. The research covers parallel presentation of development of the Cash Management products both of the domestic banks and their head offices abroad by the end of the year 2009 and the year 2012. The results of conducted research point out at the fact that the domestic banks established with the Italian capital (Banca Intesa and UniCredit Bank have taken over the leading role in the introduction of the new and more modern Cash Management products thanks to the good sector of information technology that is present in Serbia.

  15. The expanding universe

    CERN Document Server

    Lew, Kristi


    People have always been fascinated with the stars above and the universe that contains them. Over the years, astronomers have developed numerous theories to explain how the universe began, how it works, and what its ultimate fate will be. But all of the scientists' questions are far from answered. The Expanding Universe goes beyond the creation of the universe to explain how scientists think the universe works, grows, and changes, including what great thinkers Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein had to say about its fate. Readers will also learn about how researchers are slowly shedding light on

  16. Research-University Governance in Thailand: The Case of Chulalongkorn University (United States)

    Rungfamai, Kreangchai


    This specific case of Chulalongkorn University (CU), Thailand, is useful to readers who are interested in comparative aspect of the experiences of research universities in the South East Asian context. This paper aims to provide a description of the environments, changes, and university stakeholders' perceptions in terms of governance arrangements…

  17. University Technology Transfer

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mike Cox


    Full Text Available This article describes the experiences and general observations of the author at Heriot-Watt University and concerns the transfer of university technology for the purposes of commercialisation. Full commercial exploitation of a university invention generally requires transferring that technology into the industrial arena, usually either by formation of a new company or licensing into an existing company. Commercialisation activities need to be carried out in unison with the prime activities of the university of research and teaching. Responsibility for commercialising university inventions generally rests with a specific group within the university, typically referred to as the technology transfer group. Each technology transfer should be considered individually and appropriate arrangements made for that particular invention. In general, this transfer process involves four stages: identification, evaluation, protection and exploitation. Considerations under these general headings are outlined from a university viewpoint. A phased approach is generally preferred where possible for the evaluation, protection and exploitation of an invention to balance risk with potential reward. Evaluation of the potential opportunity for a university invention involves essentially the same considerations as for an industrial invention. However, there are a range of commercial exploitation routes and potential deals so that only general guidelines can be given. Naturally, the final deal achieved is that which can be negotiated. The potential rewards for the university and inventor are both financial (via licensing income and equity realisation and non-financial.

  18. Petróleo y cambio social como programa de investigación en Venezuela

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luis J. González Oquendo


    Full Text Available Alo largo del siglo xx, el petróleo ha sido el elemento estructural que ha explicado la estructuración de la sociedad venezolana. Es una idea extendida que Venezuela es lo que la actividad petrolera le ha permitido ser. El presente trabajo se está interesado en estudiar cómo la construcción de la sociedad venezolana ha sido posible desde la óptica de productos intelectuales científico sociales. No interesa sólo una lectura teórica sino hacer una aproximación epistemológica que determine la existencia de un programa de investigación. Se utilizó el modelo VIE de José Padrón para analizar la obra de cinco científicos sociales clave que han estudiado el impacto social del petróleo en Venezuela: Rodolfo Quintero, Carmen Vallarino de Bracho, Roberto Briceño León, María Sol Pérez Schael y Fernando Coronil. Finalmente, se pudo demostrar que el único elemento en común entre estos estudios de investigación es el objeto, aunque cada uno de ellos tiene diferentes construcciones teóricas acerca de éste. De este modo, «petróleo y cambio social en Venezuela» no es todavía un programa de investigación

  19. Movimiento estudiantil, sociedad civil, democracia y gobernabilidad en Venezuela: 2000-2010

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Egda Ortiz


    Full Text Available Este artículo tiene como objetivo explicar la relación entre movimiento estudiantil, sociedad civil, democracia y gobernabilidad en Venezuela. Se adelanta una revisión conceptual y teórica respecto a los aspectos mencionados para el período seleccionado. La gobernabilidad para este período se explica al encontrarse una interrelación histórica entre democracia, movimiento estudiantil y sociedad civil venezolana. La democracia es la construcción de consensos y mayorías políticas para realizar los. PNUD-OEA (2010. En el caso venezolano, los distintos actores políticos y sociales que conforman la sociedad civil han expresado la defensa de los valores democráticos desde las dictaduras del siglo pasado hasta la actualidad. Son las sociedades civiles las que amplían el espacio público de los derechos yde la conciencia social sobre éstos. Grzybowski (2004. Se concluye que la construcción democrática requiere de la participación de distintos actores políticos y sociales que intercambien valores, procesos e ideas en el seno de la sociedad civil venezolana; y en este proceso complejo de la última década el movimiento estudiantil y los ciudadanos en general han destacado en el rescate de la gobernabilidad y la democracia en el país

  20. Movimiento estudiantil, sociedad civil, democracia y gobernabilidad en Venezuela: 2000-2010

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Egda Ortiz


    Full Text Available Este artículo tiene como objetivo explicar la relación entre movimiento estudiantil, sociedad civil, democracia y gobernabilidad en Venezuela. Se adelanta una revisión conceptual y teórica respecto a los aspectos mencionados para el período seleccionado. La gobernabilidad para este período se explica al encontrarse una interrelación histórica entre democracia, movimiento estudiantil y sociedad civil venezolana. La democracia es la construcción de consensos y mayorías políticas para realizarlos. PNUD-OEA (2010. En el caso venezolano, los distintos actores políticos y sociales que conforman la sociedad civil han expresado la defensa de los valores democráticos desde las dictaduras del siglo pasado hasta la actualidad. Son las sociedades civiles las que amplían el espacio público de los derechos y de la conciencia social sobre éstos. Grzybowski (2004. Se concluye que la construcción democrática requiere de la participación de distintos actores políticos y sociales que intercambien valores, procesos e ideas en el seno de la sociedad civil venezolana; y en este proceso complejo de la última década el movimiento estudiantil y los ciudadanos en general han destacado en el rescate de la gobernabilidad y la democracia en el país.

  1. Universe of constant (United States)

    Yongquan, Han


    The ideal gas state equation is not applicable to ordinary gas, it should be applied to the Electromagnetic ``gas'' that is applied to the radiation, the radiation should be the ultimate state of matter changes or initial state, the universe is filled with radiation. That is, the ideal gas equation of state is suitable for the Singular point and the universe. Maybe someone consider that, there is no vessel can accommodate radiation, it is because the Ordinary container is too small to accommodate, if the radius of your container is the distance that Light through an hour, would you still think it can't accommodates radiation? Modern scientific determinate that the radius of the universe now is about 1027 m, assuming that the universe is a sphere whose volume is approximately: V = 4.19 × 1081 cubic meters, the temperature radiation of the universe (cosmic microwave background radiation temperature of the universe, should be the closest the average temperature of the universe) T = 3.15k, radiation pressure P = 5 × 10-6 N / m 2, according to the law of ideal gas state equation, PV / T = constant = 6 × 1075, the value of this constant is the universe, The singular point should also equal to the constant Author: hanyongquan

  2. The inflationary universe

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Linde, A.D.


    According to the inflationary universe scenario the universe in the very early stages of its evolution was exponentially expanding in the unstable vacuum-like state. At the end of the exponential expansion the energy of the unstable vacuum transforms into the energy of hot dense matter. Recently it was realised that the exponential expansion of the universe naturally occurs in a wide class of realistic theories of elementary particles. The inflationary universe scenario makes it possible to obtain a simple solution to many longstanding cosmological problems and leads to a crucial modification of the standard point of view of the large-scale structure of the universe. (author)

  3. The inflationary universe

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Guth, A.; Steinhardt, P.


    According to the inflationary model, the universe had a brief period of extraordinary rapid expansion, or inflation, during which its diameter increased by a factor at least 10 25 times larger (and perhaps much larger still) than had been previously thought. All the matter and energy in the universe could have been created from virtually nothing. Features of this article are: comparison of standard and inflationary modes, the horizon problem, the geometry of the universe, spontaneous symmetry breaking and the Higgs mechanism (energy density of the Higgs fields), the flatness problem, the new inflationary universe (new Higgs fields and false vacuum), conserved quantities in the universe. 12 figs., 11 refs

  4. Improving University Ranking to Achieve University Competitiveness by Management Information System (United States)

    Dachyar, M.; Dewi, F.


    One way to increase university competitiveness is through information system management. A literature review was done to find information system factors that affect university performance in Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) University Ranking: Asia evaluation. Information system factors were then eliminated using Delphi method through consensus of 7 experts. Result from Delphi method was used as measured variables in PLS-SEM. Estimation with PLS-SEM method through 72 respondents shows that the latent variable academic reputation and citation per paper have significant correlation to university competitiveness. In University of Indonesia (UI) the priority to increase university competitiveness as follow: (i) network building in international conference, (ii) availability of research data to public, (iii) international conference information, (iv) information on achievements and accreditations of each major, (v) ease of employment for alumni.

  5. Cambios en el modelo de negocio de la banca


    Rodríguez Cosío, Clara


    RESUMEN: El principal objetivo de este trabajo de fin de grado es analizar la situación actual en la que se encuentra el sistema financiero, el cual se ha visto obligado a cambiar drásticamente su modo de actuación. La crisis financiera y económica vivida recientemente ha hecho que se perjudique la imagen del sector, enfrentándose éste a varios y diferentes retos para volver a recuperar su credibilidad. Hablaremos en primer lugar del riesgo reputacional, riesgo que está abriéndose hueco en lo...


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    Francisco Muñoz Leiva


    Full Text Available The scientific literature focused in the use of the electronic banking exposes the non-existence of papers about users' typologies of electronic banking services joining behavioral and attitudinal features.Therefore, the present manuscript obtains several underlying categories of users and characterizes them from the frequent use of electronic banking services, the attitude toward them as well as other classification variables.The crossing with the socio-demographics characteristics and the use of main retail-banks allows extracting interesting findings and recommendations regarding segmentation strategies.

  7. Indipendenza della banca centrale, vigilanza bancaria e stabilita monetaria

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    Full Text Available The overall conclusion of recent macroeconomic literature is that the existence of an independent central bank, which is responsible for monetary stability and increases monetary controls, in the long-term favours a non-inflationary trend in monetary aggregates, without creating negative repercussions on fiscal and real aggregates. The main limitation of this approach is that it does not examine in-depth the analysis of the interactions between the central bank and the banking system, if not considering the latter a passive transmission box of monetary policy. This paper, starting from a general interpretation of the theoretical results related to the relationship between central bank independence and monetary stability - in terms of objectives and instruments - aims to provide an initial contribution on the subject, in terms of theory and on that of comparative institutional analysis.  JEL Codes: E58 

  8. University Autonomy in the Context of University-Society, State and Market/Capital Relations

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    Dicle ÖZCAN


    Full Text Available This study focuses on how the concept university autonomy which constitutes one of the most tangible indicators of academic freedom is positioned in the context of university's relations with state, society and market and concentrates on the possibility of university autonomy. From the emergence of universities in the Middle Age to the modern universities of the present, the concepts of university autonomy and academic freedom have been maintaining their actuality with a growing interest. In the light of studies in Turkey, the purpose of this study is to discuss the change of university autonomy in the historical process and where it can be positioned in the context of building blocks of university autonomy concept and the recent relationship between universities and market-industry-business world.

  9. Confessioni di un’inguaribile romantica (Confessions of an incurable romantic

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    Irma Adelman


    Full Text Available The paper is a contribution to the series "Recollections of Eminent Economists" that the "Banca Nazionale del Lavoro Quarterly Review" and "Moneta e Credito" ran since 1979. Irma Adelman is the only woman economist to have contributed so far, partly due to the untimely passing away of other prominent women economists such as Joan Robinson. In this work, Adelman recalls her personal and academic biography, ranging from childhood in Romania to her experiences of discrimination in US academia.

  10. Un modelo neuronal basado en la metaplasticidad para la clasificación de objetos en señales 1-d y 2-d


    Marcano Cedeño, Alexis Enrique


    El Algoritmo de Retropropagación (Algoritmo Backpropagation, ABP), es uno de los algoritmos más conocidos y utilizados para el entrenamiento de las Redes Neuronales Artificiales, RNAs. El ABP ha sido empleado con éxito en problemas de clasificación de patrones en áreas como: Medicina, Bioinformática, Telecomunicaciones, Banca, Predicciones Climatológicas, etc. Sin embargo el ABP tiene algunas limitaciones que le impiden alcanzar un nivel óptimo de eficiencia (problemas de lentitud, convergenc...

  11. Motivating University Researchers

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hendriks, P.H.J.; Alves de Sousa, C.A.


    This paper presents an empirical investigation into how universities approach the need and means for motivating university researchers through their management practices. The role of work motivation for this group deserves attention because pressures from outside and within the universities are said

  12. El último intento golpista en la coyuntura venezolana

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    María Luisa RAMOS


    Full Text Available RESUMEN: El último intento de golpe de Estado en Venezuela puso de manifiesto una vez más la profunda crisis que sufre el sistema político. A traves del análisis de desarrollo de los acontecimientos y de los factores políticos y sociales que lo hicieron posible, la autora señala finalmente las posibles consecuencias que para el sistema ha podido tener este grave episodio.ABSTRACT: The last attempt of coup d'etat in Venezuela exposed one more time the profund crisis of the Venezuelan political system. Through the analysis of the events and the political and social factors which made possible the coup, the author shows finally the possible consequences for the whole system.

  13. Venezuela: Corrupción y denuncia periodística

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    Carmen Alicia Fernández


    Full Text Available El texto refiere las denuncias de la corrupción oficial y política que se suceden una tras otra en la prensa venezolana, al margen de su precisión y contundencia, pierde eficacia en un vacío político y sobre todo en el marco de la inoperancia del sistema judicial y de la voluntad correctiva por parte del gobierno, éste ya no cuenta con herramientas concretas para presionar a los medios.

  14. Antarctic environmental specimen bank. A tool for chemical monitoring

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Soggia, F.; Dalla Riva, S.; Abelmoschi, M.L.; Frache, R. [Genoa Univ., Genoa (Italy). Dipt. di Chimica e Chimica Industriale


    The work illustrates the project on Antarctic Environmental Specimen Bank (BCAA), which is an integral part of the Italian project on the micropollutants chemistry (sector on chemical contamination of the Italian Antarctic Research program, PNRA), begun in 1994 when the BCAA was installed in the department of chemistry and industrial chemistry (Genoa University, Italy). Its objective underlines an emphasis on environmental chemistry and the establishment of baselines similar to the approaches followed by the other environmental specimen banks, begun at the end of Sixties with the aim of long-term storage of representative environmental specimens in order to study the presence and the evolution of dangerous substances, but focus on the chemical characterization of samples. [Italian] Il lavoro illustra le finalita' del Progetto su una Banca Campioni Ambientali Antartici (BCAA), che e' parte integrante del progetto Chmica dei microinquinannti del Settore Contaminazione chimica del Programma Nazionale di ricerche in Antartide (ONRA), nata nel 1994 presso il dipartimento di chimicia e chimica industriale dell'universita' di Genova. A differenza di altri progetti internazionali che enfatizzano gli aspetti biologici, ecologici e medici, il progetto BCAA enfatizza la chimica ambientale.

  15. Georgetown University and Hampton University Prostate Cancer Undergraduate Fellowship Program (United States)


    goals. The first goal was to integrate upper level undergraduate students from Hampton University into the Georgetown Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer...upper level undergraduate Biology and Biochemistry Majors from Hampton University to work throughout the summer participating in prostate cancer...Dominican Republic summer 2017 Marissa Willis HU-GU Fellow Summer 2016 (Notario lab) Biology Major Hampton University, class of 2018, Math and

  16. Collaboration Between Universities: An effective way of sustaining community-university partnerships?

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    Jonathan Pratt


    Full Text Available This article highlights some of the opportunities and challenges that collaboration between higher education institutions (HEIs can bring to the development of sustainable community-university partnerships. In particular, it explores the potential for universities to collaborate on building effective engagement mechanisms (such as helpdesks, ‘hub and spoke’ contact models, and research groups to review ideas for activities that will support an ongoing flow of new projects and partnerships over time. It draws on evidence gathered from the evaluation and coordination of the South East Coastal Communities (SECC program, an almost unique experiment in collaboration between English universities. In an ‘age of austerity’, opportunities to reduce costs without damaging core services are of particular interest to public funding bodies. The article suggests that collaboration between universities may be an efficient and effective way of engaging with local communities, but that it is not cost-free, and high-level strategic buy-in within HEIs is required if community-university partnerships are to thrive in the current higher education funding environment. The article also suggests that there may be a geographic dimension to effective collaboration between universities in both community-university partnership work and the mechanisms that support community engagement. Inter-university collaboration across the whole region covered by the SECC program has been much weaker than collaboration at a subregional level and within ‘city-regions’ in particular. This raises a key question: does the natural geography for effective collaboration between universities need to reflect, at least in part, the geographies of communities themselves, in terms of lived experiences and/or community representation? Such a debate has interesting and timely parallels in the United Kingdom, where the new coalition government is bringing about a fundamental shift in the

  17. Intelligent Universe

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hoyle, F


    The subject is covered in chapters, entitled: chance and the universe (synthesis of proteins; the primordial soup); the gospel according to Darwin (discussion of Darwin theory of evolution); life did not originate on earth (fossils from space; life in space); the interstellar connection (living dust between the stars; bacteria in space falling to the earth; interplanetary dust); evolution by cosmic control (microorganisms; genetics); why aren't the others here (a cosmic origin of life); after the big bang (big bang and steady state); the information rich universe; what is intelligence up to; the intelligent universe.

  18. Our Particle Universe

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    and “why is the universe the way it is?” Not long before ... to each other. The interactions of particles in the universe ... theory by Jean Perrin in 1908 convinced people that atoms and ..... ing the origin and evolution of our universe13. This is an ...

  19. The rotating universe

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ruben, G.; Treder, H.J.


    For a long time the question whether the universe rotates or not is discussed. Aspects of Huygens, Newton, Mach and other important historical scientists in this field are reported. The investigations of the mathematician Kurt Groedel in order to prove the rotation of the universe are illustrated. Kurt Groedel has shown that Einstein's gravitational equations of general relativity theory and the cosmological postulate of global homogeneity of cosmic matter (that is the Copernical principle) are not contradictionary to a rotating universe. Abberation measurements, position determination by means of radiointerferometry and methods for the determination of the rotation of the universe from the isotropy of the background radiation are presented. From these experiments it can be concluded that the universe seems not to rotate as already Einstein expected


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    Reviewed by Desmond KEEGAN


    Full Text Available This book is a major contribution to the fields of distance education research, the field of comparative education and to the history of Chinese and British education.The book undertakes an impossible task: the comparative study of China‘s Radio and TV universities and of the British Open University. The task is impossible because the two entities to be compared are essentially disparate. The British Open University (OUUK is a single university set up at Milton Keynes in the United Kingdom by Royal Charter. China‘s Radio and TV universities, known as the Dianda system, is a network of 45 open universities set up all over China. The essence of the success of the British Open University was its creation as a full university, offering its own university degrees on the same level as all the other universities in the country. The Dianda institutions were set up in what Wei calls the ‗adult higher education sector‘ in China, offering what Wei calls sub-degrees and always regarded as inferior both to the great Chinese universities (Beijing University, Qinghua University, Fudan

  1. Mathematics at University

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Winsløw, Carl


    Mathematics is studied in universities by a large number of students. At the same time it is a field of research for a (smaller) number of university teachers. What relations, if any, exist between university research and teaching of mathematics? Can research “support” teaching? What research...... and what teaching? In this presentation we propose a theoretical framework to study these questions more precisely, based on the anthropological theory of didactics. As a main application, the links between the practices of mathematical research and university mathematics teaching are examined...

  2. (Re)Discovering University Autonomy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    This book challenges traditional approach to university autonomy which is based on four pillars: organisational, financial, human resource, and academic. The main thesis is that a fuller understanding of university autonomy can only be obtained through a more holistic view of the complex inter......-relationships between stakeholders and policies which can reinforce and equally pull in opposite directions. The holistic view is expressed in a model of institutional university autonomy that brings together the traditional basic four pillars of autonomy, and five interfaces: government–university; university......–university staff; academic staff–students; university–business; and university–internationalisation. This model is explored through international case studies that give new insights and reinforce our understanding that the issues relating to institutional university autonomy are complex, interactive and genuinely...

  3. Kyoto University-National Taiwan University International Symposium "Social Cognitive Biology on Representation of Environment


    Saiki, Jun


    Sponsored by Kyoto University, National Taiwan University; Cosponsored by Unit for Advanced Studies of the Human Mind, Kyoto University, Kokoro Research Center, Kyoto University, Supported by Supporting Program for InteRaction-based Initiative Team Studies (SPIRITS), Kyoto University

  4. Plasma universe

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Alfven, H.


    Traditionally the views in our cosmic environment have been based on observations in the visual octave of the electromagnetic spectrum, during the last half-century supplemented by infrared and radio observations. Space research has opened the full spectrum. Of special importance are the X-ray-gamma-ray regions, in which a number of unexpected phenomena have been discovered. Radiations in these regions are likely to originate mainly from magnetised cosmic plasma. Such a medium may also emit synchrotron radiation which is observable in the radio region. If we try to base a model of the universe on the plasma phenomena mentioned we find that the plasma universe is drastically different from the traditional visual universe. Information about the plasma universe can also be obtained by extrapolation of laboratory experiments and magnetospheric in situ measurements of plasma. This approach is possible because it is likely that the basic properties of plasma are the same everywhere. In order to test the usefulness of the plasma universe model we apply it to cosmogony. Such an approach seems to be rather successful. For example, the complicated structure of the Saturnian C ring can be accounted for. It is possible to reconstruct certain phenomena 4-5 bilions years ago with an accuracy of better than 1 percent

  5. Analysis of Job Satisfaction of University Professors from Nine Chinese Universities (United States)

    Du, Ping; Lai, Manhong; Lo, Leslie N. K.


    Research on work life and job satisfaction of university professors is becoming an important research issue in the field of higher education. This study used questionnaires administered to 1 770 teachers from different levels, types, and academic fields of Chinese universities to investigate job satisfaction among university professors and the…

  6. Study of the Effect of Brand Equity Drivers on University Brand Resonance (Case Study:Amir Kabir university, Sharif university, Tarbiat Modares university, Tehran university)


    mojtaba karimian; Hamid khodadad hosseini; Asqar moshabaki


    Branding in business of institutions of higher education is one of the issues that recently have been attracted by many researchers and therefore administrators must conduct in depth studies and take effective steps in order to devise a brand strategy so that they can make a strong brand for universities. Thus, this article investigated the quality of branding and presented suggestions to improve the brand resonance of university. The main objective of the study is to show that how brand reso...

  7. The University Culture (United States)

    Simplicio, Joseph


    In this article the author discusses the role university culture can play on a campus and how it can impact policy and practice. The article explores how a university's history, values, and vision form its culture and how this culture in turn affects its stability and continuity. The article discusses how newcomers within the university are…

  8. The Global University Press (United States)

    Dougherty, Peter J.


    The modern world's understanding of American university press has long been shaped by university-press books. American university-press books are good international advertisements for the universities whose logos grace their spines. The growth of transnational scholarship and the expansion of digital communications networks are converging in ways…

  9. Performance Related Pay in Australian Universities: The Case of Swinburne University (United States)

    Harkness, Peter; Schier, Mark


    Performance related pay is not common in Australian universities. A number of Australian universities have begun to show interest in implementing more individualised pay arrangements. Swinburne University of Technology, in Melbourne, has chosen, contrary to the wishes of many of its staff, to be a path-breaker and has introduced a performance…

  10. University Social Responsibility and Brand Image of Private Universities in Bangkok (United States)

    Plungpongpan, Jirawan; Tiangsoongnern, Leela; Speece, Mark


    Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to examine the effects of university social responsibility (USR) on the brand image of private universities in Thailand. Brand image is important for entry into the consideration set as prospective students evaluate options for university study. USR activities may be implicit or explicit, i.e., actively…

  11. The holographic universe

    CERN Document Server

    Talbot, Michael


    'There is evidence to suggest that our world and everything in it - from snowflakes to maple trees to falling stars and spinning electrons - are only ghostly images, projections from a level of reality literally beyond both space and time.' This is the astonishing idea behind the holographic theory of the universe, pioneered by two eminent thinkers: physicist David Bohm, a former protege of Albert Einstein, and quantum physicist Karl Pribram. The holographic theory of the universe encompasses consciousness and reality as we know them, but can also explain such hitherto unexplained phenomena as telepathy, out-of-body experiences and even miraculous healing. In this remarkable book, Michael Talbot reveals the extraordinary depth and power of the holographic theory of the universe, illustrating how it makes sense of the entire range of experiences within our universe - and in other universes beyond our own.

  12. The Transformation of Traditional Universities into Entrepreneurial Universities to Ensure Sustainable Higher Education (United States)

    Bikse, Veronika; Lusena-Ezera, Inese; Rivza, Baiba; Volkova, Tatjana


    This paper aims to investigate the experience and to identify the drivers of transforming traditional universities into Entrepreneurial Universities for ensuring sustainable higher education in Latvia. Due to the wide scope, Entrepreneurial University characteristics, the present research study is limited and focuses on the university providing…

  13. Planeamiento estratégico del sistema de entidades de desarrollo para la pequeña y micro empresa (EDPYMES)


    Cárdenas Miranda, Giancarlo; Díaz Núñez, Mayra; Huaynate Granados, Walter Alfredo; Torres Rivera, Marcos


    Las Entidades de Desarrollo de la Pequeña y Microempresa, también conocidas como EDPYMES, son instituciones microfinancieras privadas que dieron inicio a sus operaciones en el año 1994. Las EDPYMES se encuentran sujetas a la regulación de la Superintendencia de Banca, Seguros y AFP (SBS); y se encuentran autorizadas para otorgar financiamiento relacionado al desarrollo de las micro y pequeñas empresas (MYPES). En la actualidad, las EDPYMES atraviesan por una débil posición comp...

  14. Propuesta de servicio gratuito de asesoría administrativa y contable dirigido a las socias de los Banco Comunales del Hogar de Cristo y/o de otras instituciones con iniciativas económicas de impacto social, a ser implementado dentro de la Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, sede Guayaquil, a partir del 2011


    Aragundi Salazar, Diana Claudina; Cortez Duque, Keyco del Rocío


    En las zonas suburbanas de nuestra ciudad, debido a los escasos recursos de sus habitantes, se evidencian problemas sociales como el analfabetismo o analfabetismo funcional, deficiencia alimentaria, ausencia de servicios básicos y condiciones dignas para vivir. Esto impide su incorporación efectiva a la sociedad para acceder a una calidad de vida que les permita conseguir un estado de bienestar. Ante esta situación, Hogar de Cristo a través de su esquema solidario de creación de bancas comuna...

  15. Determinantes del isomorfismo institucional de las sociedades cooperativas de ahorro y préstamos en México


    Lara Gómez, Graciela; Pérez Sosa, Felipe A.


    El propósito del presente trabajo es establecer si las sociedades cooperativas de ahorro y préstamo se hacen isomorfas a la banca formal en México; debido a que tales entidades tradicionalmente han operado en un entorno de informalidad, pero últimamente han transitado hacia la formalización como consecuencia de las exigencias legales impuestas por entidades regulatorias. Para este fin, el presente estudio se llevó a cabo con una orientación metodológica mixta, en la que los resultados obtenid...

  16. General Topology of the Universe


    Pandya, Aalok


    General topology of the universe is descibed. It is concluded that topology of the present universe is greater or stronger than the topology of the universe in the past and topology of the future universe will be stronger or greater than the present topology of the universe. Consequently, the universe remains unbounded.

  17. Building Effective Community-University Partnerships: Are Universities Truly Ready? (United States)

    Curwood, Susan Eckerle; Munger, Felix; Mitchell, Terry; Mackeigan, Mary; Farrar, Ashley


    Community service learning and community-based research necessitate the development of strong community-university partnerships. In this paper, students, faculty, and a community partner critically reflect upon the process of establishing a long-term community-university partnership through the integration of a community service learning component…

  18. El caso de Globovisión y la implantación del modelo mixto-autoritario en el sistema de medios

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andrés Cañizález


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta el contexto de los medios de comunicación y el poder político en Venezuela tomando en cuenta el cierre de RCTV, la creación de nuevos medios del gobierno como TVES y la venta de Globovisión. En este sentido, se abre la reflexión alrededor de la venta de medios y el cambio de la línea editorial de los mismos, la libertad de expresión de acuerdo a la Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos y la hege-monía comunicacional durante las presidencias de Chávez y Maduro. Esto permitirá abordar la discusión de la existencia de un modelo mixto-autoritario comunicacional que afirma la conflictividad político-mediática venezolana. Abstract This article introduces the context of mass media and political power in Venezuela taking into account RCTV’s closure, creation of new media from Government as TVES and Globovision sale. In this direction, the reflection among media’s sale and the change in edito-rial line of them, freedom of expression according to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and communicational hegemony during the presidency of Chávez and Maduro. This will allow us to approach arguments of the existence of a mixed-authoritarian communica-tion model which claims political and media conflict in Venezuela.

  19. Universities scale like cities.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anthony F J van Raan

    Full Text Available Recent studies of urban scaling show that important socioeconomic city characteristics such as wealth and innovation capacity exhibit a nonlinear, particularly a power law scaling with population size. These nonlinear effects are common to all cities, with similar power law exponents. These findings mean that the larger the city, the more disproportionally they are places of wealth and innovation. Local properties of cities cause a deviation from the expected behavior as predicted by the power law scaling. In this paper we demonstrate that universities show a similar behavior as cities in the distribution of the 'gross university income' in terms of total number of citations over 'size' in terms of total number of publications. Moreover, the power law exponents for university scaling are comparable to those for urban scaling. We find that deviations from the expected behavior can indeed be explained by specific local properties of universities, particularly the field-specific composition of a university, and its quality in terms of field-normalized citation impact. By studying both the set of the 500 largest universities worldwide and a specific subset of these 500 universities--the top-100 European universities--we are also able to distinguish between properties of universities with as well as without selection of one specific local property, the quality of a university in terms of its average field-normalized citation impact. It also reveals an interesting observation concerning the working of a crucial property in networked systems, preferential attachment.

  20. Universities scale like cities. (United States)

    van Raan, Anthony F J


    Recent studies of urban scaling show that important socioeconomic city characteristics such as wealth and innovation capacity exhibit a nonlinear, particularly a power law scaling with population size. These nonlinear effects are common to all cities, with similar power law exponents. These findings mean that the larger the city, the more disproportionally they are places of wealth and innovation. Local properties of cities cause a deviation from the expected behavior as predicted by the power law scaling. In this paper we demonstrate that universities show a similar behavior as cities in the distribution of the 'gross university income' in terms of total number of citations over 'size' in terms of total number of publications. Moreover, the power law exponents for university scaling are comparable to those for urban scaling. We find that deviations from the expected behavior can indeed be explained by specific local properties of universities, particularly the field-specific composition of a university, and its quality in terms of field-normalized citation impact. By studying both the set of the 500 largest universities worldwide and a specific subset of these 500 universities--the top-100 European universities--we are also able to distinguish between properties of universities with as well as without selection of one specific local property, the quality of a university in terms of its average field-normalized citation impact. It also reveals an interesting observation concerning the working of a crucial property in networked systems, preferential attachment.

  1. The early universe

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Steigman, G.


    The author discusses the physics of the early universe: the production and survival of relics from the big bang. The author comments on relic WIMPs as the dark matter in the universe. The remainder of this discussion is devoted to a review of the status of the only predictions from the early evolution of the universe that are accessible to astronomical observation: primordial nucleosynthesis



    Evaristo Diz Cruz


    Bajo la norma internacional NIC-19 es necesario llevar a cabo una valoración actuarial de las prestaciones sociales aprobadas en la última reforma laboral de la Ley Orgánica venezolana para cubrir la diferencia de la retroactividad versus la garantía. Lo anterior genera un pasivo diferencial de largo plazo importante. Proyectar tanto la Garantía como la Retroactividad es la manera regular de determinar el pasivo diferencial; sin embargo, encontramos un pequeño problema para proyectar la garan...

  3. Las relaciones Colombia-Venezuela: límites, desgolfización y securitizacion, tres variables en la política exterior binacional

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Roberto González Arana


    Full Text Available Este artículo analiza las diferentes etapas en las cuales se ha enmarcado la relación binacional colombo-venezolana, así como las variables que las han caracterizado y determinado. El trabajo estudia los factores influyentes en la relación, dentro de los cuales se destacan, la delimitación fronteriza y la seguridad, componentes determinantes en la dinámica económica-comercial, a tal punto que su convergencia o divergencia redunda en la balanza comercial.

  4. Tecnología, competitividad y agroindustria: La revolución verde en el siglo XXI


    Freddy José Pinto Figueroa; Maristela Vega


    El manejo agroindustrial venezolano fue básico en eficiencia y desarrollo. Llegado el siglo XXI, se asumen decisiones basadas en adelantos tecnológicos. Nace la “Revolución Verde”, buscando solucionar problemas, ecológica y equilibradamente. La incorporación venezolana a MERCOSUR, motiva investigar experiencias de países miembros. Aspecto resaltante es acceder a tecnologías con rasgos de reinserción en economías globalizadas, bajo cambios tecnoproductivos. Esto circunscribe la producción pri...

  5. Arcos con madera laminada del Pino Caribe Venezolano. Una propuesta para procesos de arquitectura ecosustentable - Arches with Venezuelan Caribbean Pine´S laminated wood. A proposal for eco-sustainable architecture processes


    Rafael Gerardo Páez


    El principio generador de la madera laminada establece que piezas aserradas, débiles y pequeñas, al unirse con adhesivos artificiales, conforman elementos más grandes, con propiedades físico-mecánicas superiores a las de la misma especie maderable. En esta investigación se analiza la aplicación de la madera laminada del Pinus caribaea Morelet, var. hondurensis; cultivado en la Orinoquia venezolana, para fabricar sistemas estáticos curvos, dentro de procedimientos edificatorios en construccion...

  6. Surpluses and Deficits: How University Partners Perceive University-Community Partnerships at One Ivy League Institution

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alison Klebanoff Cohen


    Full Text Available University-community partnerships are a critical method for how universities can serve the public interest.  Yet key questions remain: how do these partnerships work in practice, and how can university and fill reciprocal and mutual needs effectively?  A participatory evaluation of university-community partnerships in education at an Ivy League university found that university partners had a surplus perspective of the university and a deficit perspective of community partners; practitioners must shift our paradigm towards mutually beneficial, asset-driven university-community partnerships to ensure success.

  7. Rectors of European universities

    CERN Multimedia

    Maximilien Brice


    Several rectors of European universities visited CERN recently while in Geneva for a conference on coordination between their institutions. The visit began with a welcome by Roger Cashmore, CERN Director of Collider Programmes,and continued with tours of CMS, ALICE and the LHC magnet assembly hall. Photos 01, 02: The visitors in the ALICE assembly hall: (left to right) Dr. Raymond Werlen, Deputy Secretary-General of the Conference of Rectors of Swiss Universities; visit guide Prof. Alain Blondel, Department of Nuclear and Corpuscular Physics, University of Geneva; Prof. Adriano Pimpão, Rector of the University of Algarve, President of the Council of Rectors of Portuguese Universities; Prof. Jean-Pierre Finance, Conference of University Presidents, France; Prof. Jean-Paul Lehners, Vice-President of the Centre Universitaire, Luxemburg.

  8. Universities Cooperate in Online Teaching. The Experience of the Bavarian Virtual University

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Paul RÜHL


    Full Text Available The Bavarian Virtual University (BVU is an institute set up by the universities and universities of Applied Sciences of the Free State of Bavaria, one of the 16 German Länder. The BVU is supported by the Bavarian Ministry of Higher Education. At present, there are more than 60,000 course enrolments by more than 25,000 Bavarian students per academic year. The BVU provides online-courses with an equivalent of two to six credit points (by ECTS standards which the member universities, all of them traditional brick-and-mortar universities, can integrate into their courses of study. Students of the member universities can attend the courses free of charge. The BVU offers neither complete courses of study nor degrees of its own. The basic and most important principles of the BVU are: Blended learning at the macro level of the course of study, not at the micro-level of the single course, priority given to asynchronous forms of communication; offering courses which are completely online, thus facilitating the import and export of online-courses between all 31 member universities and allowing a maximum of flexibility to the students. The BVU finances the developing as well as the conducting of its courses. This supports teachers in providing tuition to students from other universities.

  9. How much we know about university internationalization and university autonomy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Turcan, Romeo V.; Gullieva, Valeria


    in their mission statements and strategic plans. Conventional wisdom suggests that universities should adapt their strategies, resources, and structures and organizations to international environments. However, recent examples of university internationalization failures and withdrawals from international markets...

  10. University Pedagogy for Assistant Professors at Aalborg University (Part 1)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kolmos, Anette; Krogh, Lone


    The article describes a course for assistant professors within the University Teacher Education at Aalborg University. The course focus is to develop knowledge, skills and methods from within the didactic, pedagogical, and learning theory-based fields....

  11. The Cooperation between Savonia University of Applied Sciences and West Anhui University


    Tang, Guangjing; Xie, Jiajuan


    The aim of this thesis was to find out how to renew the double degree of Savonia University of Ap-plied Sciences and West Anhui University and listed some advantages and disadvantages of a cooperation project. Also the relevant responsible people were interviewed to get the reasons for the termination of this cooperation. The two universities signed the agreement of university cooperation projects in 2005 and the first group students went to Savonia in 2008. The contents of cooperation were a...

  12. The isotropic Universe

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Raine, D.J.


    This introduction to contemporary ideas in cosmology differs from other books on the 'expanding Universe' in its emphasis on physical cosmology and on the physical basis of the general theory of relativity. It is considered that the remarkable degree of isotropy, rather than the expansion, can be regarded as the central observational feature of the Universe. The various theories and ideas in 'big-bang' cosmology are discussed, providing an insight into current problems. Chapter headings are: quality of matter; expanding Universe; quality of radiation; quantity of matter; general theory of relativity; cosmological models; cosmological tests; matter and radiation; limits of isotropy; why is the Universe isotropic; singularities; evolution of structure. (U.K.)

  13. How academic entrepreneurship meets the university: university spin-offs in stakeholder networks

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Rasmussen, Einar; Benneworth, Paul Stephen; Gulbrandsen, Magnus


    Some universities and departments have been very successful in stimulating university spin-off firms (USOs). It remains an open question whether this is due to unique abilities and circumstances or if it can be stimulated at many universities. This paper seeks to discuss this question by integrating

  14. The universe a biography

    CERN Document Server

    Gribbin, John


    The Universe: A Biography makes cosmology accessible to everyone. John Gribbin navigates the latest frontiers of scientific discovery to tell us what we really know about the history of the universe. Along the way, he describes how the universe began; what the early universe looked like; how its structure developed; and what emerged to hold it all together. He describes where the elements came from; how stars and galaxies formed; and the story of how life emerged. He even looks to the future: is the history of the universe going to end with a Big Crunch or a Big Rip.

  15. Enlistment Propensities of University Students

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Moskos, Charles


    Enlistment propensities of undergraduates were assessed through surveys conducted at Northwestern University, University of Arizona, University of California-Los Angeles, and University of Illinois-Chicago...

  16. Moneta e Credito: storia e prospettive di una rivista (Money And Credit: History And Prospects Of A Magazine

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alessandro Roncaglia


    Full Text Available Con questo numero speciale si apre una nuova stagione della storia della nostra rivista. In una fase di ristrutturazioni interne, la Banca Nazionale del Lavoro ha concordato la cessione della proprietà della rivista stessa e della sua consorella Quarterly Review all' Associazione Paolo Sylos Labini, mantenendo un collegamento tramite una sponsorizzazione. In questo modo è stato possibile salvare due riviste con una storia lunga e prestigiosa, conservandone intatto l'orientamento verso la ricerca e il dibattito scientifico nel campo della teoria e della politica economica, con attenzione particolare ma non esclusiva per gli aspetti monetari e finanziari e senza alcuna preconcetta scelta di campo tra le diverse scuole di pensiero. With this special issue opens a new era in the history of our magazine. In a period of internal restructuring, the Banca Nazionale del Lavoro agreed on the transfer of ownership of the magazine itself and all of its sister Quarterly Review 'Association Paolo Sylos Labini, while maintaining a connection via a sponsorship. In this way it was possible to save two magazines with a long and prestigious history, keeping intact the orientation towards research and scientific debate in the field of economic theory and policy, with particular but not exclusive attention to the monetary and financial aspects and without any preconceived choice of field between the different schools of thought.  JEL Codes: E44, G01 

  17. Centro Valley Phoenix, Arizona – (EE.UU.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Welton Becket y Asociados, Arquitectos e ingenieros


    Full Text Available This office building is the administrative Centre for the National Valley Bank, Arizona. Being 155 m in height it is at present the highest building in the state. The construction consists of three towers, respectively 35, 37 and 39 storeys high, connected by means of a subterranean passage with an 8-storeyed parking building with a capacity of 1,700 vehicles. The first structure is of concrete in its nucleus and is enclosed by curtain walls which gives it a surface with extraordinary reflections. The entire parking building is of unfaced concrete. The bank occupies the floors 3-12, floor 36 and 38 and the remaining premises are for rent.Este edificio de oficinas es la central administrativa de la banca Valley National, de Arizona. Con 155 m de altura es, actualmente, el más alto del estado. Consta de tres torres de 35,37 y 39 plantas, adosadas y enlazadas, mediante un paso subterráneo, a un bloque de aparcamiento con ocho alturas y capacidad para 1.700 automóviles. El primero tiene estructura de hormigón en su núcleo central de comunicación vertical y cerramientos de muro-cortina, lo que le confiere una fisonomía brillante y reflectante de gran espectacularidad. El aparcamiento es todo él de hormigón visto. La banca ocupa las plantas 3 a 12, la 36 y la 38, destinándose el resto a alquiler.

  18. University Program Management Information System: NASA's University Program Active Projects (United States)

    Gans, Gary (Technical Monitor)


    As basic policy, NASA believes that colleges and universities should be encouraged to participate in the nation's space and aeronautics program to the maximum extent practicable. Indeed, universities are considered as partners with government and industry in the nation's aerospace program. NASA's objective is to have them bring their scientific, engineering, and social research competence to bear on aerospace problems and on the broader social, economic, and international implications of NASA's technical and scientific programs. It is expected that, in so doing, universities will strengthen both their research and their educational capabilities to contribute more effectively to the national well being. This annual report is one means of documenting the NASA-university relationship, frequently denoted, collectively, as NASA's University Program. This report is consistent with agency accounting records, as the data is obtained from NASA's Financial and Contractual Status (FACS) System, operated by the Financial Management Division and the Procurement Office. However, in accordance with interagency agreements, the orientation differs from that required for financial or procurement purposes. Any apparent discrepancies between this report and other NASA procurement or financial reports stem from the selection criteria for the data. This report was prepared by the Office of Education/N.

  19. From Eminent Men to Excellent Universities: University Rankings as Calculative Devices. (United States)

    Hammarfelt, Björn; de Rijcke, Sarah; Wouters, Paul


    Global university rankings have become increasingly important 'calculative devices' for assessing the 'quality' of higher education and research. Their ability to make characteristics of universities 'calculable' is here exemplified by the first proper university ranking ever, produced as early as 1910 by the American psychologist James McKeen Cattell. Our paper links the epistemological rationales behind the construction of this ranking to the sociopolitical context in which Cattell operated: an era in which psychology became institutionalized against the backdrop of the eugenics movement, and in which statistics of science became used to counter a perceived decline in 'great men.' Over time, however, the 'eminent man,' shaped foremost by heredity and upbringing, came to be replaced by the excellent university as the emblematic symbol of scientific and intellectual strength. We also show that Cattell's ranking was generative of new forms of the social, traces of which can still be found today in the enactment of 'excellence' in global university rankings.

  20. The Universe of Fluctuations The Architecture of Spacetime and the Universe

    CERN Document Server

    Sidharth, B G


    The Universe of Fluctuations: The Architecture of Spacetime and the Universe is a path-breaking work which proposes solutions to the impasse and crisis facing fundamental physics and cosmology. It describes a cosmological model based on fuzzy spacetime that has correctly predicted a dark-energy-driven acceleration of our expanding universe - with a small cosmological constant - at a time when the popular belief was quite the contrary. It describes how the Universe is made up of an underpinning of Planck oscillators in a Quantum Vacuum. This leads to, amongst other things, a characterization of gravitation as being distributional over the entire Universe, thereby providing an answer to a puzzle brought to light by Weinberg years ago and since overlooked. There is also a simple formula for the mass spectrum of all known elementary particles, based on QCD dynamics. Many other interesting ramifications and experimental tests for the future are also discussed. This apart, there is a brief survey of some of the exi...

  1. Inflation in the Universe

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Barrow, J.D.; California Univ., Berkeley; Turner, M.S.; Chicago Univ., IL


    The problems of explaining the observed isotropy, homogeneity, flatness and specific entropy of the Universe are discussed in the context of an inflationary Universe which has recently been suggested. It is shown that the isotropy cannot be ignored as a Universe with a large amount of anisotropy will not undergo the inflationary phase. A Universe with only moderate anistropy will undergo inflation and will be rapidly isotropized. (U.K.)

  2. Peculiarities of the early Universe (Universes) birth and positron annihilation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Svetlov-Prokop'ev, E.P.


    Works on the problem of quantum birth of the Universe are reviewed. Possible peculiarities of electron-positron annihilation at the early stages of the Universe (s) birth in connection with black holes are considered. Possible concept of Eternity is discussed. (author)

  3. Venezuela ante la crisis económica global

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Esmeralda Villegas


    Full Text Available La crisis que estalló en agosto de 2007 en Estados Unidos se gestó en el mercado de los préstamos hipotecarios de alto riesgo de ese país, sin embargo, se transformó en una crisis económica global, ya que por efecto contagio se trasladó a la eurozona y a Japón con un fuerte impacto en el crecimiento de las economías emergentes. El objetivo de la presente investigación consiste en analizar los canales de transmisión de esa crisis a la economía venezolana. El estudio es de tipo descriptivo-documental recurriendo a fuentes de información secundarias. Se concluye que en el caso venezolano, desde el canal real, la disminución del precio del petróleo tiene una doble incidencia: por una parte deteriora la cuenta corriente de la balanza de pagos y, por otra, la posición fiscal. Desde el canal financiero, las consecuencias se evidencian en la evolución negativa que toma la percepción de riesgo soberano y con una caída en el saldo neto de la inversión en activos fijos proveniente del resto del mundo. El agotamiento del modelo rentístico y la desaceleración del sector privado, combinado con una espiral inflacionaria, se convierten en la verdadera fuente de vulnerabilidad externa en la economía venezolana

  4. Gambling with the Universe (United States)

    Hawking, Stephen


    This is an excerpt from Stephen Hawking's book The Universe in a Nutshell. Roger Penrose and Stephen Hawking, Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at the University of Cambridge, were able to show that Einstein's General Theory of Relativity implied that the universe and time itself must have had a beginning in a tremendous explosion. The discovery of the expansion of the universe is one of the great intellectual revolutions of the twentieth century.

  5. Universities as Development Hubs

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Jens Aage; Lindegaard, Klaus; Lehmann, Martin


    Capacity-building in environment and development has been implemented and tested over the last decade through university and university consortia networking. Universities from Africa (Botswana and South Africa), Asia (Malaysia and Thailand), Central America (Costa Rica, El Salvador and Nicaragua...

  6. Politics, Markets, and University Costs: Financing Universities in the Current Era


    Geiger, Roger L.


    The purpose of this study is to determine the factors shaping the financing of the principal universities of the United States, and to explore the consequences for institutions and for students. Revenues are the lifeblood of these or any other universities. The level of resources that universities command from society determines the level and scope of their activities, and who provides these resources greatly affects their behavior. Moreover, where resources are concerned, both inequality and...

  7. Hybrid Universities in Malaysia (United States)

    Lee, Molly; Wan, Chang Da; Sirat, Morshidi


    Are Asian universities different from those in Western countries? Premised on the hypothesis that Asian universities are different because of hybridization between Western academic models and local traditional cultures, this paper investigates the hybrid characteristics in Malaysian universities resulting from interaction between contemporary…

  8. Evaluación de las tecnologías crediticias de las cooperativas del segmento 3 de la ciudad de Quito y su incidencia en los principales indicadores financieros de riesgo: morosidad, liquidez y solvencia


    Núñez Oñate, Flor Cumandá


    En el Ecuador, las entidades del sector financiero popular y solidario (SFPS) en particular las cooperativas de ahorro y crédito han mantenido un constante crecimiento frente al sector financiero y económico del país, pues cubren segmentos de mercado no alcanzados por la banca privada tradicional atendiendo la demanda de crédito y demás servicios financieros tanto en áreas urbanas como rurales. En este contexto, el presente trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo evaluar las tecnologías ...

  9. Estudio de creación de una empresa de producción de bloques de hormigón celular para posicionarla en el mercado local de constructores


    Castillo Altamirano, Julio Rodolfo


    1. Marco Teórico.-- 2.Metodología.-- 3.Análisis e Interpretación de Resultados.-- 4.Propuesta.-- 5. Conclusiones y Recomendaciones.-- El apoyo del Gobierno Nacional, al facilitar créditos hipotecarios a través del BIESS (Banco del Instituto Ecuatoriano de Seguridad Social) y de convenios con la banca privada, créditos de amortización mensual a mediano o largo plazo con una baja tasa de interés que sirven para satisfacer necesidades de financiamiento en la compra de vivienda y también sirve...

  10. Global financial crisis, ownership and bank profit efficiency in the Bangladesh’s state owned and private commercial banks


    Fakarudin Kamarudin; Fadzlan Sufian; Annuar Md. Nassir


    Este estudio investiga el impacto de la crisis financiera global enfocándose en la propiedad de los bancos comerciales del Estado (SCB) y privados (PCB) y otros factores específicos de la banca y macroeconómi- cos que influyen en el nivel de eficiencia de las ganancias del sector bancario de Bangladesh. Se empleó el método de análisis envolvente de datos basado en el déficit ( Slack-Based Data Envelopment Analysis [SBM-DEA]) para calcular la eficiencia en las ganancias de los 31 bancos comerc...

  11. Efectos del storytelling humorístico en el mercado digital de productos bancarios en Facebook : caso Oriental Bank en Puerto Rico


    Rivera Ortiz, Iris E.


    La llegada de la comunicación digital ha supuesto un nuevo juego para todos, inclusive para una de las industrias más conservadoras en su forma de difundir mensajes: la banca. Posiblemente fue uno de los sectores que más tardó en incursionar de lleno en el mundo digital que no se circunscribe a la fase transaccional de un producto sino al establecimiento de conversaciones que generen un vínculo emocional con la marca. Su potencial de crecimiento radica en las generaciones que hoy por hoy vive...

  12. Diferencias en la condición física y en el lanzamiento entre jugadores de balonmano de elite y amateur. [Differences in physical fitness and throwing velocity between elite and amateur handball players


    Esteban Gorostiaga; Javier Ibáñez; María Teresa Ruesta; Cristina Granados; Mikel Izquierdo


    Resumen Para comparar la condición física y la velocidad de lanzamiento entre dos equipos de diferente nivel, 15 jugadores de elite (EM) y 15 jugadores aficionados (AM) de balonmano participaron en este estudio. Los sujetos fueron medidos en antropometría, 1RM en press de banca (BP), potencia muscular en BP y en media-sentadilla (HS), salto, carrera de máxima velocidad y resistencia aeróbica, y velocidad de lanzamiento. EM mostró mayor masa corporal, FFM y BMI, así como mayores valores...

  13. ¿Y del desarrollo qué? Análisis de los efectos de la cooperación internacional del Banco Mundial y Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo hacia Colombia con el programa de “Fortalecimiento del sistema nacional de ciencia, tecnología e innovación”. Colciencias (2010-2014)


    Pineda Velásquez, Ronald Andrey


    El interés del presente estudio de caso es hacer un análisis de la cooperación internacional de la banca multilateral, para mediante el programa de “Fortalecimiento del Sistema Nacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación”, promover el desarrollo social en Colombia. Mostrando históricamente la importante participación de estas organizaciones en la institucionalización del sistema en el país, se examina la Apropiación Social de la CT&I como sustrato de las capacidades que generan desarrollo, ...

  14. Enlace inalámbrico de dos edificios




    Debido a cambios propuestos por el Gobierno actual, el Gerente General del Banco Central del Ecuador, reubicó personal que laboraba en las oficinas ubicadas en el edificio principal ubicado en 9 de Octubre 200 y Pichincha, donde el departamento de Recuperación y Liquidación de la Banca Cerrada Guayaquil cumplía sus funciones. Ante este requerimiento, se le solicitó al personal de Ingeniería de Sistemas y Comunicaciones dar la solución técnica que mantenga el nivel de servicio de los funcionar...

  15. Confessioni di un’inguaribile romantica (Confessions of an incurable romantic

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Irma Adelman


    Full Text Available The paper is a contribution to the series "Recollections of Eminent Economists" that the "Banca Nazionale del Lavoro Quarterly Review" and "Moneta e Credito" ran since 1979. Irma Adelman is the only woman economist to have contributed so far, partly due to the untimely passing away of other prominent women economists such as Joan Robinson. In this work, Adelman recalls her personal and academic biography, ranging from childhood in Romania to her experiences of discrimination in US academia.  JEL codes: B31; O15; O20; A12

  16. Análisis Económico del Servicio de Cajeros Automáticos en el Sistema Financiero Venezolano


    Enrique R. González Porras


    Análisis Económico del Servicio de Cajeros Automáticos en el Sistema Financiero Venezolano: Resumen: La importancia del Sistema Financiero para las economías resulta innegable. Ahora bien, los cambios de entorno y tecnológicos a los que se enfrenta la banca a nivel mundial, resultan tanto oportunidades como amenazas. Es así como se reconoce la disminución de la participación del subsistema bancario en la actividad de financiación o de intermediación. Sin embargo, los servicios prestados por l...

  17. Extensiones biométricas para bases de datos objeto- relacionales


    Miranda, Ernesto; Ruíz, Silvia; Aguirre, Juan José; Herlein, Mauro; Etchart, Graciela; Alvez, Carlos E.


    La autenticación de personas basadas en rasgos biométricos se ha vuelto muy popular en los últimos años como consecuencia de la baja en los costos de los sensores requeridos, su inclusión en dispositivos de consumo masivo y el surgimiento de vulnerabilidades debido al uso de múltiples claves de acceso a diferentes sitios que requieren cierto nivel de seguridad como ser cuentas de correo, sitios de banca electrónica, sistemas corporativos, etc. De todos los rasgos utilizados en biometría, el i...

  18. The Multi-Universe Cosmos. The Origin and Fate of our Universe (United States)

    Velan, Karel

    18 billion yers ago our Universe, one of many in the Cosmos, emerged from a hot, dense fireball of matter and energy created in the 4-dimensional cosmic space-time from virtual particles receiving their rest mass from a powerful primordial radiation field, the missing link to any viable theory of creation. The cloud of elementary particles and radiation collapsed by gravity into a fireball until its trappped thermal radiation caused a titanic explosion that initiated the expansion and evolution of ours universe. As the universe expanded and cooled it spawned galaxies, stars, planets and life. Proven laws of physics, observationsl data and mathematical computations support the new cosmological model which proposes a large number of universes in the cosmos in varying stages of evolution

  19. Transition from AdS universe to DS universe in the BPP model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Wontae; Yoon, Myungseok


    It can be shown that in the BPP model the smooth phase transition from the asymptotically decelerated AdS universe to the asymptotically accelerated DS universe is possible by solving the modified semiclassical equations of motion. This transition comes from noncommutative Poisson algebra, which gives the constant curvature scalars asymptotically. The decelerated expansion of the early universe is due to the negative energy density with the negative pressure induced by quantum back reaction, and the accelerated late-time universe comes from the positive energy and the negative pressure which behave like dark energy source in recent cosmological models

  20. The University in a Fragmented World. A Contribution from Sophia University Institute

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Callebaut Bernhard


    Full Text Available The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin (KUL was the very first University to honor the Italian religious leader Chiara Lubich, with a honorary degree. In 2007, Chiara Lubich who shared with Henry cardinal Newman some very similar intuitions on the task of a University, founded on the basis of the charism the Church recognized in her the University Institute Sophia (IUS in Tuscany (Italy. This was to be the very last initiative of her long life as the foundress of the Focolare Movement, Chiara Lubich wanted it to be an interdisciplinary institute bringing together life and studies in harmony. Now, after more than eight years of life, the author dresses a ‘state of the union’ of this University Institute, in the context of the crisis of the universitarian world today.

  1. The Wider Impacts of Universities: Habermas on Learning Processes and Universities

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jesper Eckhardt Larsen


    Full Text Available The discourse of reform in higher education tends to focus narrowly on employability and the relationship between higher education and the labor market. Universities as research institutions are now considered solely in the dominant discourse of innovation. This way of conceiving universities is inspired by functionalist theory that focuses on the imperatives of a knowledge economy. Taking a departure in the theory of society developed by Jürgen Habermas this paper seeks to provide a theoretical framework for an empirical comparative analysis on the wider societal impact of universities. It is the argument that the wider impacts of higher education and research at universities must be seen in a more complex vision of modern societies. The paper is thus primarily a re-reading of Habermas’ critique of functionalist views of the university and an application of Habermas’ critique on current issues in the debates on higher education. A special discussion will be taken on issues of the self in view of the current tendencies to regard all education from the standpoint of the economic outputs.

  2. The University of Stuttgart IKE/University of Arizona student research program

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Seale, R.L.


    The University of Stuttgart's Institut fuer Kernenergetik und Energiesysteme (IKE) and the University of Arizona have had a joint program in which graduate students from the IKE spend 1 yr on the University of Arizona campus. This program started in 1982 largely as the result of an initiative begun by K.H. Hoecker, then director of IKE. Since 1985, Alfred Voss has been director and the program has continued without interruption. Under the program, the Deutscher Akademisher Austauschdienst, a government agency of the Federal Republic of Germany has funded scholarships for students from IKE, which provide support for 1 yr during which they attend the University of Arizona as visiting student scholars and engage in a research project under the direction of one of our faculty, which satisfies a part of the requirements for the Ingenieur-Diplom Fachrichtung Maschinenbau. The students get credit for their research from the University of Stuttgart. The topics have a broad range and include software development, artificial intelligence, radiation transport, and energy management studies

  3. Financial Report of Ontario Universities, 1993-94. Volume I - Universities. (United States)

    Council of Ontario Universities, Toronto.

    This report provides detailed financial information for provincially-assisted colleges and universities in Ontario (Canada) for the fiscal year ended April 30, 1994. It describes university accounting procedures, principles for reporting financial data, and definitions. Nine tables provide summary information on revenue, expenses, fund balances,…

  4. Financial Report of Ontario Universities 1996-97. Volume I-Universities. (United States)

    Council of Ontario Universities, Toronto.

    This annual report presents 1996-97 financial information on 20 degree-granting universities and related institutions in Ontario, Canada. The report first explains the general guidelines and reporting requirements used in compiling the report, including university accounting procedures, the principles of fund accounting involved, and definitions…

  5. A Universal Reactive Machine

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Henrik Reif; Mørk, Simon; Sørensen, Morten U.


    Turing showed the existence of a model universal for the set of Turing machines in the sense that given an encoding of any Turing machine asinput the universal Turing machine simulates it. We introduce the concept of universality for reactive systems and construct a CCS processuniversal...

  6. Evaluación de tres técnicas citogenéticas diferentes en los estudios morfométricos del carioti po de Aedes taeniorhynchus (Di ptera: culicidae


    Felio J. Bello; Víctor A. Olano; Alberto Morales; Jorge Boschell; Gloria Rey; Felisa Durán


    Se efectuaron estudios morfométricos del cariotipo de Aedes taeniorhynchus, mosquito de interés médico-veterinario, por ser vector del virus de la encefalitis equina venezolana, tipo epidemo-epizoótico. En las preparaciones cromosómicas fueron utilizadas tres técnicas citogenéticas diferentes: squash, secado al aire y cultivos celulares. Estas se compararon entre sí para evaluar, en las metafases obtenidas, la longitud y morfología de los cromosomas. El número diploide de la especie fue de se...

  7. Costos de producción en la cría de pollos de engorde


    Rafael Orozco Campo; Rosana Meleán Romero; Agustín Romero Medina


    La presente investigación se centra en el an álisis de los costos de producción en la cría de Pollos de Engorde en las siguientes empresas ubicadas en los Municipios Mara, La Cañada de Urdaneta y Jesús Enrique Lossada del Estado Zulia en Venezuela: Pinpollo, Vilva, Avícola de Occidente, Protinal, Proave, Souto, y Criazuca. Se realiza un esbozo de la política agrícola gubernamental venezolana; se caracteriza el proceso productivo, específicamente el de engorde de pollo de las empre...

  8. Prevalencia de Helicobacter pylori en muestras de placa dental de un grupo de pacientes venezolanos, mediante la técnica de reacción en cadena de la polimerasa


    Berroteran, Alejandra; Perrone, Marianella; Correnti, María; Cavazza, María Eugenia; Tombazzi, Claudio; Lecuna, Vicente; Goncalvez, Rosa


    La placa dental ha sido propuesta como un reservorio para Helicobacter pylori, pero la hipótesis de que la microflora bucal pueda ser un nicho permanente para la bacteria es muy controversial. El presente estudio tuvo como objetivos:1.- Detectar la presencia de H. pylori en la placa dental de un grupo de pacientes de la población Venezolana mediante la Reacción en cadena de la Polimerasa (RCP), y 2.- Investigar la relación existente entre la infección por este microorganismo y algunos índices...

  9. La leucorrea como motivo de consulta en el Ambulatorio Urbano I de Tucaní. Mérida. Venezuela


    Silva Larralte, Tania; Alarcón Silva, Angel O.; Ramírez de Fernandez, María; Alarcón Corredor, Oscar Marino


    REVISTA DE LA FACULTAD DE FARMACIA Vol. 43, 2002 UN AÑO DE EXPECTATIVAS El 2002 se nos presenta como de grandes expectativas en todos los órdenes del acontecer de la nación venezolana, y del mundo. No obstante, y muy a pesar de los malos presagios que se ciernen sobre nuestro destino, aguardamos con esperanzas y con optimismo los retos que se nos plantean. Por esta razón la Revista de la Facultad de Farmacia continúa en su empeño por fortalecer las bases que han llevado a alca...

  10. Borago officinalis L. Ficha botánica de interés apícola en Venezuela, No. 1 Borraja


    Vit Olivier, Patricia


    REVISTA DE LA FACULTAD DE FARMACIA Vol. 43, 2002 UN AÑO DE EXPECTATIVAS El 2002 se nos presenta como de grandes expectativas en todos los órdenes del acontecer de la nación venezolana, y del mundo. No obstante, y muy a pesar de los malos presagios que se ciernen sobre nuestro destino, aguardamos con esperanzas y con optimismo los retos que se nos plantean. Por esta razón la Revista de la Facultad de Farmacia continúa en su empeño por fortalecer las bases que han llevado a alca...

  11. Comparación de los métodos de bioluminiscencia y recuento en placa como control de calidad en producto terminado de bebida de malta y refrescos pasteurizados en una empresa de Bogotá D.C.


    Burgos, Cristina; Murillo, Liliana; Gutiérrez, Isabel; Arias, Janeth


    REVISTA DE LA FACULTAD DE FARMACIA Vol. 43, 2002 UN AÑO DE EXPECTATIVAS El 2002 se nos presenta como de grandes expectativas en todos los órdenes del acontecer de la nación venezolana, y del mundo. No obstante, y muy a pesar de los malos presagios que se ciernen sobre nuestro destino, aguardamos con esperanzas y con optimismo los retos que se nos plantean. Por esta razón la Revista de la Facultad de Farmacia continúa en su empeño por fortalecer las bases que han llevado a alca...

  12. Aporte de estudiantes de Tecnología de Alimentos para un manual de calidad en la producción de pulpa de frutas


    Vit Olivier, Patricia; Cardozo, Eliana; Moreno, Dulce


    REVISTA DE LA FACULTAD DE FARMACIA Vol. 43, 2002 UN AÑO DE EXPECTATIVAS El 2002 se nos presenta como de grandes expectativas en todos los órdenes del acontecer de la nación venezolana, y del mundo. No obstante, y muy a pesar de los malos presagios que se ciernen sobre nuestro destino, aguardamos con esperanzas y con optimismo los retos que se nos plantean. Por esta razón la Revista de la Facultad de Farmacia continúa en su empeño por fortalecer las bases que han llevado a alca...

  13. Determinación del efecto inhibitorio de los polifenoles presentes en la fresa (Fragaria vesca L.) sobre la enzima alfa amilasa


    Sosa N., Miriam; Pernía S., Tibisay; Buitrago B., Diolimar; Pérez L., Jackeline; Araujo, Liliana; Méndez de Corao, Grecia


    REVISTA DE LA FACULTAD DE FARMACIA Vol. 43, 2002 UN AÑO DE EXPECTATIVAS El 2002 se nos presenta como de grandes expectativas en todos los órdenes del acontecer de la nación venezolana, y del mundo. No obstante, y muy a pesar de los malos presagios que se ciernen sobre nuestro destino, aguardamos con esperanzas y con optimismo los retos que se nos plantean. Por esta razón la Revista de la Facultad de Farmacia continúa en su empeño por fortalecer las bases que han llevado a alca...

  14. Estudio del significado de las malformaciones congénitas y sus implicaciones en los programas de salud


    Struck, Adelaida; Struck Vidal -Aguilera, Mony  de Lourdes; Chávez, Yohanna; Fernández, Francisco J


    En el siguiente artículo se realiza un estudio acerca del significado de las malformaciones congénitas y sus implicaciones en los programas de prevención para la población venezolana. Se hace uso de metodologías cualitativas y cuantitativas, utilizando como técnica para la recolección de los datos, el cuestionario. Su aplicación se lleva a cabo en dos centros maternos, Maternidad Concepción Palacios y Centro Materno Leopoldo Aguerrevere en Caracas-Venezuela. Se analizan como variables: el con...

  15. "Poder Ciudadano" e tutela dell'Etica Pubblica nella Costituzione Venezuelana del 1999


    Claudia Esposito


    El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar los temas desarrolados sobre el papel de la Ética Pública en una democracia moderna. En primer lugar se analiza la introducción del Poder Ciudadano y en particular del Defensor del Pueblo en la Constitución Venezolana de 1999, como medio no jurisdicional de tutela de los derechos humanos. El método adoptado es de tipo documental. En las conclusiones se resalta la importancia de la Ética publica como medio de participación de los ciudadanos al gobi...

  16. Laboratorio de ecología humana e impacto tecnológico: Investigación para el desarrollo sustentable - Human ecology laboratory and its technological impact: Research for sustainable development


    Belinda Elena Colina Arenas; Sofía Elena Storey Contreras


    Parte de la vinculación necesaria entre la academia y el sector externo, lo representa la actividad creativa que se genera en los laboratorios de investigación académica, la cual constituye un aspecto poco valorado y subutilizado de las labores de investigación de las universidades autónomas venezolanas. El objetivo es analizar los aspectos contextuales que impulsaron la creación del Laboratorio de Ecología Humana e Impacto Tecnológico (LEHIT). Se realizó un estudio de caso único con observac...

  17. Criterios para tomar la información suministrada por la web: Una perspectiva con estudiantes universitarios


    Balaguera, Erika; Villegas, Mª Margarita


    Este estudio tuvo como propósito examinar los criterios utilizados y los procedimientos aplicados por los estudiantes universitarios para buscar información en Internet. Se realizó un diagnóstico exploratorio a 38 estudiantes universitarios, de Educación Preescolar de una universidad pública venezolana de formación docente mediante la aplicación de un cuestionario mixto de nueve preguntas. La información recaudada se procesó de acuerdo con criterios de análisis de contenido y llevada a porcen...

  18. La seguridad alimentaria en Venezuela. 2. Una evaluación de políticas públicas en relación a la autosuficiencia o autonomía alimentaria. Período 1999-2012


    Daniel Castro Aniyar


    Luego de evaluar en la primera parte otros objetivos de la seguridad alimentaria venezolana, esta segunda parte enfocó la evaluación de la autosuficiencia o autonomía alimentaria según criterios de la FAO. Tal evaluación se realizó mediante la comparación, por un lado, de 22 emprendimientos productivos y de provisión alimentarios y no alimentarios convocados por el Sistema Socialista de Soberanía Alimentaria (SSSA) y, por el otro, de indicadores macroeconómicos y socio-productivos extraídos d...

  19. Deserción estudiantil en la Misión Sucre : Primer programa de iniciación universitaria en la parroquia Macarao de Caracas


    Fuenmayor Toro, Luis; Marín, María; Silvera, Francia; Jaimes, Jasmín


    Frente a la iniquidad en el ingreso a la educación superior venezolana de los sectores vulnerables de la sociedad, la Oficina de Planificación del Sector Universitario diseñó formas de reducción de este problema. A partir de 2003, se crea por decisión presidencial la Misión Sucre (ms), para incorporar a los bachilleres excluidos. Se crea un programa de iniciación universitaria (PIU) de un semestre académico. Empero, la deserción continúa. Se decide, entonces, conocer los factores que influyer...

  20. Undulant Universe

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Barenboim, Gabriela; /Valencia U.; Mena, Olga; Quigg, Chris; /Fermilab


    If the equation of state for ''dark energy'' varies periodically, the expansion of the Universe may have undergone alternating eras of acceleration and deceleration. We examine a specific form that survives existing observational tests, does not single out the present state of the Universe as exceptional, and suggests a future much like the matter-dominated past: a smooth expansion without a final inflationary epoch.

  1. Taiwan Universities: Where to Go?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yu-Ying Kuo


    Full Text Available The dramatic expansion of Taiwan universities/colleges from about 100 to 160 from the late 1980s has encountered problems due to social and global changes. What should Taiwan universities move toward and how? This research relies on secondary data to explore the issues Taiwan universities currently face—a low birth rate and global competition. The decreasing number of incoming students will result in a lower registration rate and less tuition revenue, which will make some universities struggle to survive. Hence, government policies, proposed by the Ministry of Education, have been implemented to assist Taiwan universities to adjust to external changes. The Innovative Transformation Policy, adopted in 2015, consists of strategies for university–industry cooperation, university mergers, university closures, and a re-shaping of the university paradigm. This policy has begun to be implemented and its initial outcome will be continually evaluated. In accordance with the Innovative Transformation Policy, this study encourages Taiwan universities to improve governance, set prominent unique characteristics of development, and enhance global competitiveness.

  2. Medical universities educational and research online services: benchmarking universities' website towards e-government. (United States)

    Farzandipour, Mehrdad; Meidani, Zahra


    Websites as one of the initial steps towards an e-government adoption do facilitate delivery of online and customer-oriented services. In this study we intended to investigate the role of the websites of medical universities in providing educational and research services following the E-government maturity model in the Iranian universities. This descriptive and cross- sectional study was conducted through content analysis and benchmarking the websites in 2012. The research population included the entire medical university website (37). Delivery of educational and research services through these university websites including information, interaction, transaction, and Integration were investigated using a checklist. The data were then analyzed by means of descriptive statistics and using SPSS software. Level of educational and research services by websites of the medical universities type I and II was evaluated medium as 1.99 and 1.89, respectively. All the universities gained a mean score of 1 out of 3 in terms of integration of educational and research services. Results of the study indicated that Iranian universities have passed information and interaction stages, but they have not made much progress in transaction and integration stages. Failure to adapt to e-government in Iranian medical universities in which limiting factors such as users' e-literacy, access to the internet and ICT infrastructure are not so crucial as in other organizations, suggest that e-government realization goes beyond technical challenges.

  3. Wikipedia ranking of world universities (United States)

    Lages, José; Patt, Antoine; Shepelyansky, Dima L.


    We use the directed networks between articles of 24 Wikipedia language editions for producing the wikipedia ranking of world Universities (WRWU) using PageRank, 2DRank and CheiRank algorithms. This approach allows to incorporate various cultural views on world universities using the mathematical statistical analysis independent of cultural preferences. The Wikipedia ranking of top 100 universities provides about 60% overlap with the Shanghai university ranking demonstrating the reliable features of this approach. At the same time WRWU incorporates all knowledge accumulated at 24 Wikipedia editions giving stronger highlights for historically important universities leading to a different estimation of efficiency of world countries in university education. The historical development of university ranking is analyzed during ten centuries of their history.

  4. The accidental universe

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Davies, P.C.W.


    Is our universe an accident of nature. The mysterious coincidences underlying the structure and properties of the universe that we inhabit are examined. This is the first book for the non-specialist reader to present in depth the provocative hypothesis that the structure of the physical world is exceedingly contrived in its appearance. A survey is presented of the range of apparently miraculous accidents of nature that have enabled the universe to evolve its familiar structures: atoms, stars, galaxies, and life itself. This book concludes with an investigation of the so-called 'anthropic principle' which postulates that 'miraculous coincidences' are inevitable in any universe containing conscious observers. This thesis of a cosmic biological selection effect will both reassure and enrage readers, the very existence of whom may be related to fine tuning in the laws of physics. (author)

  5. A Mutually Beneficial Relationship: University of the Third Age and a regional university campus

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    Bronwyn Ellis


    Full Text Available A mutually beneficial relationship has developed over the past 15 years between a regional South Australian branch of the University of the Third Age (U3A and the local university campus. Arising from the initiative of a community member, the group sought assistance from the university, and has now become integrated into campus life. The university has provided a venue for meetings and access to other facilities, and university staff have contributed to the program of classes. The U3A has undoubtedly benefited from these inputs. However, the university has also benefited from these opportunities to engage with the wider community, the presence of willing volunteers to contribute in various ways to university classes and other activities, and favourable word-of-mouth marketing. Beginning with background information on U3A, the local branch and its setting, we reflect on the sustainability of this relationship with the university and the factors that have contributed to this. We draw on our U3A experience and on two qualitative research projects in which U3A members have taken part: projects which have investigated their motivation for participation in U3A classes and activities, and the contributions of U3A to the university and vice versa. Not only has the relationship itself been sustained thus far, it has also contributed to sustaining U3A members in their active involvement in learning and community activities, and has been a significant part of community engagement activities of the campus. Keywords University of the Third Age; university-community engagement; mutual benefit; lifelong learning; retirement; productive ageing

  6. Entrepreneurship in Finnish Universities (United States)

    Nurmi, Piia; Paasio, Kaisu


    Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to discuss the role of universities in fostering and promoting entrepreneurship in Finland. In particular it seeks to examine the university-entrepreneurship relationship: its nature and how universities are addressing the entrepreneurship agenda. Design/methodology/approach: The paper is based on a large…

  7. Universal (Global Evolutionism

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Arkady Ursul


    Full Text Available In this article investigate a general scientific concept of a global (universal evolution, in which selforganization of the material systems acts as a common ground and a permanent process of progressive development in the visible Universe. The main problem of research of this type of evolution is seen as a superhighway trajectory of evolutionary processes in the Universe, in which there is a continuous selforganization of the material systems, ranging from the Big Bang and to the social level of evolution, which may have an indefinite continuation of society and nature

  8. The Scholarly Communication Process within the University Research Corridor (Michigan State University, the University of Michigan, and Wayne State University): A Case Study in Cooperation (United States)

    Utter, Timothy; Holley, Robert P.


    The growth of open access publishing, the development of institutional repositories, and the availability of millions of digitized monographs and journals are rapidly changing scholarly communication. This case study looks at the current and possible uses of these tools by Michigan's three largest universities: Michigan State University, the…

  9. Improving Innovation in University Spin-Offs. The Fostering Role of University and Region

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Antonio Prencipe


    Full Text Available University spin-offs (USOs are companies created to commercialize knowledge or technology developed in academia; thus, their major contribution to the knowledge economy is their ability to generate innovation. Following the Resource-Based View of the Firm and the Knowledge Spillover Theory of Entrepreneurship, it was stated that fostering mechanisms at university level and at regional level may positively influence the USOs innovation. Based on a sample of 621 Italian USOs, we show that the positive impact of the university context is more crucial compared with those of the regional context. In particular, the university affiliated business incubators and Science Parks, jointly with the university financial resources, seem to promote the innovation efforts of USOs. These evidences rise the need of a resilient partnership among all the contextual players involved in the spillover processes, mainly at regional level, in order to effectively exploit the potential innovative efforts of the university start-ups.

  10. Imagining the Future University

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bengtsen, Søren Smedegaard; Barnett, Ronald

    'Imagining the Future University' is a special issue in the journal Philosophy and Theory in Higher Education, published by Peter Lang. Editor in Chief of the journal is John Petrovic, University of Alabama. The speciale issue is edited by Søren Bengtsen and Ronald Barnett.......'Imagining the Future University' is a special issue in the journal Philosophy and Theory in Higher Education, published by Peter Lang. Editor in Chief of the journal is John Petrovic, University of Alabama. The speciale issue is edited by Søren Bengtsen and Ronald Barnett....

  11. The future of the universe

    CERN Document Server

    Meadows, AJ


    Many books have described how the universe became the way it is today. But what about the future of the universe? How long might the universe as we recognize it survive? The Future of the Universe takes the reader on a journey through space and time, beginning with a long look at the Earth and solar system, voyaging to the outermost galaxies, and finishing with speculations about the life and fate of the entire universe.

  12. Life at a Teaching University (United States)

    Marineau, Josiah F.


    Many new political science faculty at teaching universities are recent PhD recipients, and are coming to these institutions from research-oriented universities. There are considerable differences between the training for graduate students received at research universities and the expectations for faculty at teaching universities. This essay…

  13. Universities Venture into Venture Capitalism. (United States)

    Desruisseaux, Paul


    Reports that some universities are starting their own venture-capital funds to develop campus companies, or are investing endowment funds with established venture-capital firms inclined to finance potential spinoffs from campus research. Examples cited are from the University of Alabama, Vanderbilt University (Tennessee), University of…


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nooraini Mohamad Sheriff


    Full Text Available The National Higher Education Strategic Plan Beyond 2020 aims at further strengthening Malaysian research universities and envisions that two Malaysian universities will be among the Top 100 world universities. To date there are 5 research universities in Malaysia, namely University of Malaya (UM, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM, Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM and Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM being the latest addition. These research universities are required to focus primarily on research and innovation activities, driven by highly competent academics and competitive student admissions. Research universities too are expected to explore their intellectual capacity and become models of Malaysian universities in conducting research activities aimed at knowledge advancement. Apart from this research universities are entrusted to generate their own income and establish holding companies responsible for conducting business ventures through the commercialization of their research products. Quality and quantity of researchers, research and postgraduates are also expected to increase in these research driven institutions. This calls for a visionary university leadership and the application of a new image and organizational principles. Education, training and employment policies too have to be reviewed, to ensure staff have the skills necessary for the development of research activities.

  15. Quantum entanglement of baby universes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aganagic, Mina; Okuda, Takuya; Ooguri, Hirosi


    We study quantum entanglements of baby universes which appear in non-perturbative corrections to the OSV formula for the entropy of extremal black holes in type IIA string theory compactified on the local Calabi-Yau manifold defined as a rank 2 vector bundle over an arbitrary genus G Riemann surface. This generalizes the result for G=1 in hep-th/0504221. Non-perturbative terms can be organized into a sum over contributions from baby universes, and the total wave-function is their coherent superposition in the third quantized Hilbert space. We find that half of the universes preserve one set of supercharges while the other half preserve a different set, making the total universe stable but non-BPS. The parent universe generates baby universes by brane/anti-brane pair creation, and baby universes are correlated by conservation of non-normalizable D-brane charges under the process. There are no other source of entanglement of baby universes, and all possible states are superposed with the equal weight

  16. Quantum entanglement of baby universes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Essman, Eric P.; Aganagic, Mina; Okuda, Takuya; Ooguri, Hirosi


    We study quantum entanglements of baby universes which appear in non-perturbative corrections to the OSV formula for the entropy of extremal black holes in type IIA string theory compactified on the local Calabi-Yau manifold defined as a rank 2 vector bundle over an arbitrary genus G Riemann surface. This generalizes the result for G=1 in hep-th/0504221. Non-perturbative terms can be organized into a sum over contributions from baby universes, and the total wave-function is their coherent superposition in the third quantized Hilbert space. We find that half of the universes preserve one set of supercharges while the other half preserve a different set, making the total universe stable but non-BPS. The parent universe generates baby universes by brane/anti-brane pair creation, and baby universes are correlated by conservation of non-normalizable D-brane charges under the process. There are no other source of entanglement of baby universes, and all possible states are superposed with the equal weight

  17. Establishing a University Foundation. (United States)

    Lemish, Donald L.

    A handbook on how to establish a university foundation is presented. It presupposes that a foundation will be used as the umbrella organization for receiving all private gifts, restricted and unrestricted, for the benefit of a public college or university; and hence it chiefly addresses readers from public colleges and universities. Information is…

  18. A business strategy formulation for commercializing university-created technology: A university spin-offs (United States)

    Saputra, Iqbal Wahyu; Sutopo, Wahyudi; Zakaria, Roni


    There are some mechanism to commercialize the innovations that have been developed by academic scientists in universities, i.e. patenting, licensing, start-up creation, and university-industry partnerships. The start-up creations or university spin-offs (USOs) company is a very special start-up company that is founded by an academic inventor and the university with the aim to commercialize the technological innovation that created by the university. However, it is not always as smooth as expected. The market competitiveness of the USOs obviously has many challenges to be able to compete with the existing companies, analysis need to be done to get the right business step so the business strategy will be efficient. In this article, we discuss a real case study of a university spin-off that owned by Sebelas Maret University for Commercializing Battery Lithium. The aim of our research is twofold: first, to identify the gap in the literature of business strategy formulation between a conventional and USOs. Second, to propose a business strategy formulation for commercializing university-created technology, i.e. battery lithium as core business of a university spin-off as a case study. We conduct surveys, observation and FGD in order to collect the data and information to build the company objective and goals. The analytical tools to generate the solution of business strategy are SWOT analysis, IFE-EFE matrix, and QSPM model so the result will be the most attractive and suitable for the company. The result shows that the case study of USO company is classified on conservative continuous improvement phase so the suitable strategy for this company are product development and business strategy integration.

  19. Building Human Resources Management Capacity for University Research: The Case at Four Leading Vietnamese Universities (United States)

    Nguyen, T. L.


    At research-intensive universities, building human resources management (HRM) capacity has become a key approach to enhancing a university's research performance. However, despite aspiring to become a research-intensive university, many teaching-intensive universities in developing countries may not have created effective research-promoted HRM…

  20. The deep universe

    CERN Document Server

    Sandage, AR; Longair, MS


    Discusses the concept of the deep universe from two conflicting theoretical viewpoints: firstly as a theory embracing the evolution of the universe from the Big Bang to the present; and secondly through observations gleaned over the years on stars, galaxies and clusters.

  1. The Triad Research University or a Post 20th Century Research University Model (United States)

    Tadmor, Zehev


    In this paper, a model for the future research university is proposed, which answers some of the key challenges facing universities. It consists of three independent yet closely knitted entities: a research institute, a university teaching college and a business unit creating a "triad" structure. The possible inevitability, the advantages and…

  2. Antimatter in the universe (United States)

    Stigman, G.


    The means of detecting the presence of antimatter in the universe are discussed. Both direct, annihilation processes, and indirect, cosmic ray particles, were analyzed. All results were negative and it was concluded that no antimatter exists, if the universe is in fact symmetric. If the universe is not symmetric then matter and antimatter are well separated from each other.

  3. College student bereavement, scholarship, and the university: a call for university engagement. (United States)

    Balk, D E


    The prevalence of bereavement among traditional-aged college students should impel universities to assist bereaved students on their campuses. Dealing with bereavement can not only challenge a college student's completing the developmental tasks that our society sets for the later adolescent years, but also imperil the student's remaining in school and graduating. It is in the best interests of the university to develop and implement a variety of effective interventions to assist bereaved students. The author argues that universities are communities devoted to scholarly endeavors and should explicitly incorporate the dimension of compassion and caring. An abbreviated case study is used to illustrate the situations in which one grieving student found herself when she returned to school following the death of her father. A call is made for greater university engagement by forming a university-based bereavement center to coordinate and conduct coherent inquiry that fulfills the scholarly functions of discovery, application, and instruction. Four specific actions for a bereavement center are to train nonbereaved students to provide peer support, to provide structured interventions for college students at risk of bereavement complications, to raise consciousness about bereavement on the university campus, and to conduct research into various bereavement populations and bereavement topics.

  4. The intelligent Universe

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hoyle, F.


    The subject is covered in chapters, entitled: chance and the universe (synthesis of proteins; the 'primordial soup'); the gospel according to Darwin (discussion of Darwin theory of evolution); life did not originate on earth (fossils from space; life in space); the interstellar connection (living dust between the stars; bacteria in space falling to the earth; interplanetary dust); evolution by cosmic control (microorganisms; genetics); why aren't the others here (a cosmic origin of life); after the big bang (big bang and steady state); the information rich universe; what is intelligence up to; the intelligent universe. (U.K.)

  5. University of Maryland MRSEC - Collaborations (United States)

    . University of Maryland Materials Research Science and Engineering Center Home About Us Leadership , National Nanotechnology Lab, Neocera, NIST, Rowan University, Rutgers University, Seagate, Tokyo Tech

  6. La doble ruptura del equilibrio dinámico de la frontera viva colombo-venezolana: nuevos perfiles demográficos e impacto en bienes colectivos colombianos; A dupla ruptura de equilibrio dinâmico da frontera viva colombo-venezuelana: novos perfis demográficos e impacto em bens coletivos colombianos; Double rupture of the dynamic balance of the colombo-venezuelan live border: new demographic profiles and impact on colombian public goods

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    admin Alvarado Araque


    Full Text Available Resumen: Este texto presenta desde una perspectiva netamente teórica, las esperables consecuencias en la prestación de bienes y servicios colectivos que podría tener la actual coyuntura migratoria de la población venezolana hacia Colombia. Para esto, se describen las características que envuelven el proceso migratorio en particular y los perfiles migrantes, lo que permitiría entrever las posibles afectaciones sobre bienes colectivos, tales como: salud, educación y seguridad ciudadana. Palabras clave: migraciones, Venezuela, Colombia.   Resumo: Este texto apresenta desde uma perspectiva …, das esperadas consequências na prestação de bens e serviços coletivos que podem ter, a atual conjuntura migratória da população venezuelana até a Colômbia. Para isso, se descrevem as características que envolvem o proceso migratório em particular e os perfis migrantes, o que permitiría antever as possiveis consequências sobre bens coletivos, tais como: saúde, educação e segurança cidadã. Palavras-chaves: migração; Venezuela; Colômbia.   Abstract: This paper presents, from a purely theoretical perspective, the expected consequences in the provision of collective goods and services, that could happen in the current migratory situation of the Venezuelan population towards Colombia. In this way, we describe the characteristics that surround the migratory process in particular, and the migrant profiles, which would allow us to see the possible effects on collective goods, such as health, education and citizen security. Key words: Colombia, Venezuela, Migratory processes, Public goods.

  7. Self-image and Missions of Universities: An Empirical Analysis of Japanese University Executives

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    Masataka Murasawa


    Full Text Available As universities in Japan gain institutional autonomy in managing internal organizations, independent of governmental control as a result of deregulation and decentralizing reforms, it is becoming increasingly important that the executives and administrators of each institution demonstrate clear and strategic vision and ideas to external stakeholders, in order to maintain financially robust operations and attractiveness of their institutions. This paper considers whether and how the self-image, mission, and vision of universities are perceived and internalized by the management of Japanese universities and empirically examines the determinants of shaping such individual perceptions. The result of our descriptive analysis indicates that the recent government policy to internationalize domestic universities has not shown much progress in the view of university executives in Japan. An increasing emphasis on the roles of serving local needs in research and teaching is rather pursued by these universities. Individual perceptions among Japanese university executives with regard to the missions and functional roles to be played by their institutions are influenced by managerial rank as well as the field of their academic training. A multiple regression analysis reveals that the economy of scale brought out by an expanded undergraduate student enrollment gradually slows down and decelerate executive perceptions, with regard to establishing a globally recognized status in research and teaching. Moreover, Japanese universities with a small proportion of graduate student enrollment, likely opted out from competitions for gaining a greater respect in the global community of higher education between 2005 and 2012. Finally, the management in universities granted with the same amount of external research funds in both studied years responded more passively in 2012 than did in 2005 on the self-assessment of whether having established a status as a global

  8. Age of the universe

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Parker, B.


    The age of the universe is the time that has elapsed since the Big Bang. To calculate the age, the expansion rate of the universe and distance to the galaxies must be determined. Unfortunately, it appears that the expansion rate is not constant but is decelerating. In the 1920's and 30's, Edwin Hubble set out to estimate the age of universe based on the expansion rate and distance to the galaxies. His method is described along with its flaw. Since that time several others have estimated the age of the universe. Their methods as well as results vary. These are discussed in the article. The ages determined from the various methods range from 10 to 20 billion years. There are two independent ways to determine the age of the universe. What they actually do is determine the age of our galaxy which would give a lower limit to the age of the universe. The first method calculates age of globular clusters which yields as age range from 8 to 18 billion years. The second method involves observing the speed at which radioactive substances decay. This also yields and age greater than 10 billion years. It is clear that there is still a lot of work to do before the true age of the universe can be determied

  9. On universality in ergoregion mergers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Elvang, Henriette; Figueras, Pau; Hubeny, Veronika E; Rangamani, Mukund; Horowitz, Gary T


    We study non-dynamical mergers of ergoregions in d + 1-dimensional vacuum gravity. At the merger point, where the ergosurfaces bounding each ergoregion just touch, solutions exhibit universal behavior when there is rotation only in one plane: the angle between the merging ergosurfaces depends only on the symmetries of the solution, not on any other details of the configuration. We show that universality follows from the fact that the relevant component of Einstein's equation reduces to Laplace's equation at the point of merger. Thus ergoregion mergers mimic mergers of Newtonian equipotentials and have similar universal behavior. For solutions with rotation in more than one plane, universality is lost. We demonstrate universality and non-universality in several explicit examples.

  10. Dipolar flow theory of the universe in relation to astronomical observations and universe axis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mullick, U.P.


    An attempt has been made to establish Dipolar continuous flow theory of the universe through corroborations from astronomical observations of the positions of nebulae made earlier by astronomers. It is shown that the line through groups of nebulae in Nubecula Major in Southern Sky Region 5, passing through Earth points towards the near side pole A of the universe. Also the angles the plane parallel to universe polar plane x-x and passing through Earth, makes with the Milky Way disc is about 70 0 towards universe pole B, and about 110 0 towards nearside universe pole A. It is also shown that the two nebulae M 31 and M 33 and the groups of nebulae in Megallenic clouds, in Nebecula Major are between planes passing through universe equatorial axis y-y and plant Ysub(E)-Ysub(E) passing through Earth and parallel to universe equatorial plane Y-Y. Besides, the huge red star Betelgeux and the great Nebula in Orion in sky Region 9 are also between these two planes. These observations the author claims accord with his Dipolar Theory. (author)

  11. From Universal Access to Universal Proficiency. (United States)

    Lewis, Anne C.


    Panel of five education experts--Elliot Eisner, John Goodlad, Patricia Graham, Phillip Schlechty, and Warren Simons--answer questions related to recent school reform efforts, such as the No Child Left Behind Act, aimed at achieving universal educational proficiency. (PKP)

  12. Cultural universals: So what?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M. Elaine Botha


    Full Text Available The search for the elusive "cultural universal s” in a variety of academic disciplines has been motivated b y the spectre of relativism in its diverse guises. The problem of relativism has been thrust upon us inter alia by the inability of our epistemological models to account for social and cultural, moral and cognitive diversity and to provide us with criteria by means of which to judge aberrations like ideologies. Contrary to the general trend I would like to argue that it is not the spectre of relativism in its various guises which necessitates the search for cultural universals, nor is this the only motivation for a Christian to argue in favour of the recognition of cultural universals. Various authors have suggested that such universal structures do exist; that they condition human and societal behaviour and that it would in principle be possible to construct a theory of these structural universals or a "biogrammar" or "geography ” of the universal cultural acquisition device of humankind (cf. Harre,1976, 32; Johnson, 1987: xxxvii ; Tige r and Fox, 1974:17,30. Cross -cu ltural research in both psychology and anthropology has pointed to the existence of such traits, and in recent philosophical discussions Apel and others have pointed to the necessity of recognizing the existence of some sort of " transcendentalia" . These arguments emphasize elements that are common to diverse approaches to the problem of cultural universals. Christian scholars could accept most of these arguments as valid and yet argue in favour of a very specifically modified version of the notion of cultural universals. This essay attempts to develop such a position.

  13. The university with conditions

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    José María Ripalda Crespo


    Full Text Available The model of the national university is being substituted by that of the global university. At the same time, new dogmas that appear with economic labels are being imposed. All this is accompanied by important cultural changes. The Spanish university was one of the instances that was taken care of by the post-Francoist regime. Now, this regime feels strong against it, and on the other hand this university – as the whole of the productive structure – requires a reform. It is not expected that this reform will go in the direction of the university having more social presence, but rather more presence of companies. It is neither expected that it will imply more internal democracy, but more discipline. All resistance or alternative has to take into account the new situation and join the still dispersed forces that still have, however, a constitutive capacity.

  14. Dropout Phenomena at Universities

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Michael Søgaard; Kornbeck, Kasper Pihl; Kristensen, Rune

    Dropout from university studies comprises a number of complex phenomena with serious complex consequences and profound political attention. Further analysis of the field is, therefore, warranted. Such an analysis is offered here as a systematic review which gives answers based on the best possible...... such dropout phenomena occur at universities? What can be done by the universities to prevent or reduce such dropout phenomena?...

  15. Possible physical universes

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    Gordon McCabe


    Full Text Available The purpose of this paper is to discuss the various types of physical universe which could exist according to modern mathematical physics. The paper begins with an introduction that approaches the question from the viewpoint of ontic structural realism. Section 2 takes the case of the 'multiverse' of spatially homogeneous universes, and analyses the famous Collins-Hawking argument, which purports to show that our own universe is a very special member of this collection. Section 3 considers the multiverse of all solutions to the Einstein field equations, and continues the discussion of whether the notions of special and typical can be defined within such a collection.

  16. University of Aarhus - the stepping stones

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Kent T.

    is currently facing major challenges. Changes in the Danish University Act and a strong political wish for closer partnerships between the private business community, the public sector and the country's universities have gradually altered the role of the universities in Denmark today. This paper looks more...... closely at the history of the University of Aarhus, the importance of the University for the Aarhus region, and the opportunities and barriers facing an "old" comprehensive University in its attempts to adapt to the new role of universities in the knowledge society....

  17. The Pragmatic University: A Feasible Utopia? (United States)

    Badley, Graham


    "Imaginings" of the modern university include such ideas as "the ecological university" and "the pragmatic university". In his attempt to separate utopian from dystopian visions of the university, Ronald Barnett concentrates on an analysis of the ecological university and ignores, for example, the case of the…

  18. University involvement in sustainability initiatives

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lehmann, Martin; Christensen, Per; Thrane, Mikkel


    With an outset in the case of Aalborg University, the linkages (actual, potential and missing) between academic work in research & education and sustainability initiatives are explored. The focus is both on the university's core activities as a provider of research and education and on the univer......With an outset in the case of Aalborg University, the linkages (actual, potential and missing) between academic work in research & education and sustainability initiatives are explored. The focus is both on the university's core activities as a provider of research and education...... and on the university's activities as an organisation, i.e. its own operation and its accounting for this. Sustainability is defined as a continuous process requiring balance between (the emergence of) problems and our ability and capability to solve them. Some core questions that this paper seeks to answer are: "How...... is Sustainable Development understood at executive level at the university? How (if at all) is sustainable development integrated in the core activities of the university? How is the university attached to ‘real life outside the ivory tower', e.g. through the establishing of Public-Private-Academic Partnerships...

  19. Managing the research university : Clark Kerr and the University of California

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Soo, M; Carson, C

    In the 1950s and 1960s, Clark Kerr led the University of California's Berkeley campus, and then the University of California as a whole. Throughout these years, he developed a system of managerial strategies. This paper shows how Kerr's administrative views drew upon his background in industrial

  20. Oscillating universe with quintom matter

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Xiong Huahui; Cai Yifu; Qiu Taotao; Piao Yunsong; Zhang Xinmin


    In this Letter, we study the possibility of building a model of the oscillating universe with quintom matter in the framework of 4-dimensional Friedmann-Robertson-Walker background. Taking the two-scalar-field quintom model as an example, we find in the model parameter space there are five different types of solutions which correspond to: (I) a cyclic universe with the minimal and maximal values of the scale factor remaining the same in every cycle, (II) an oscillating universe with its minimal and maximal values of the scale factor increasing cycle by cycle, (III) an oscillating universe with its scale factor always increasing, (IV) an oscillating universe with its minimal and maximal values of the scale factor decreasing cycle by cycle, and (V) an oscillating universe with its scale factor always decreasing

  1. The universe strikes back

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Steigman, G.


    The approach to particle physics via cosmology may meet with an obstacle in a series of cosmological puzzles studied in this paper: the flatness-longevity puzzle, the horizon-homogenity puzzle, and the cosmological constant puzzle. An analysis of the geometry and dynamics of the universe leads to an understanding (but not solution) of the flatness-longevity puzzle: possible universes are distinguished by the value of the dimensionless quantity N, the coordinate density of ER particles, such that the longevity of the universe is fixed by N. Universes where nonrelativistic particles dominate are then studied. An inflationary scenario proposed as a solution to these puzzles is studied, but found to have some difficulties

  2. University Environment Experience of the First Two Years of University Graduates at a Newly Established Small University Located in Suburban Area in Taiwan (United States)

    Lin, Yii-Nii


    The purpose of this study is to describe students' university environment experience from the perspectives of the first two years of university graduates of a newly established small university located in suburban area in Taiwan. A qualitative method of phenomenology with in-depth interviews is adopted. Fourteen male and sixteen female seniors,…

  3. The Antinomic Condition of the University: "Universal Labour" beyond "Academic Capitalism" (United States)

    Pavlidis, Periklis


    This paper aims at identifying the characteristics acquired by the university under the regime of academic capitalism. It also attempts to put forward their antinomic relationship to the essential properties of academic activity, perceived in the light of the concept of "universal labour" introduced by Karl Marx. (Contains 1 note.)

  4. Universal Majorana thermoelectric noise (United States)

    Smirnov, Sergey


    Thermoelectric phenomena resulting from an interplay between particle flows induced by electric fields and temperature inhomogeneities are extremely insightful as a tool providing substantial knowledge about the microscopic structure of a given system. By tuning, e.g., parameters of a nanoscopic system coupled via tunneling mechanisms to two contacts, one may achieve various situations where the electric current induced by an external bias voltage competes with the electric current excited by the temperature difference of the two contacts. Even more exciting physics emerges when the system's electronic degrees freedom split to form Majorana fermions which make the thermoelectric dynamics universal. Here, we propose revealing these unique universal signatures of Majorana fermions in strongly nonequilibrium quantum dots via noise of the thermoelectric transport beyond linear response. It is demonstrated that whereas mean thermoelectric quantities are only universal at large-bias voltages, the noise of the electric current excited by an external bias voltage and the temperature difference of the contacts is universal at any bias voltage. We provide truly universal, i.e., independent of the system's parameters, thermoelectric ratios between nonlinear response coefficients of the noise and mean current at large-bias voltages where experiments may easily be performed to uniquely detect these truly universal Majorana thermoelectric signatures.

  5. A Closed Universe Expanding Forever

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Silva N. P.


    Full Text Available In a recent paper, the expression a ( t = e H 0 T 0 [ ( t T 0 where = 0 : 5804, was proposed for the expansion factor of our Universe. According to it, gravity dominates the expan- sion ( matter era until the age of T ⋆ = 3 : 214 Gyr and, after that, dark energy dominates ( dark energy era leading to an eternal expansion, no matter if the Universe is closed, flat or open. In this paper we consider only the closed version and show that there is an upper limit for the size of the radial comoving coordinate, beyond which nothing is observed by our fundamental observer, on Earth. Our observable Universe may be only a tiny portion of a much bigger Universe most of it unobservable to us. This leads to the idea that an endless number of other fundamental observers may live on equal number of Universes similar to ours. Either we talk about many Universes — Multiverse — or about an unique Universe, only part of it observable to us.

  6. Universities as Research Partners


    Hall, Bronwyn; Link, Albert; Scott, John


    Universities are a key institution in the U.S. innovation system, and an important aspect of their involvement is the role they play in public-private partnerships. This note offers insights into the performance of industry-university research partnerships, using a survey of precommercial research projects funded by the Advanced Technology Program. Although results must be interpreted cautiously because of the small size of the sample, the study finds that projects with university involvement...

  7. [Comparison of biomedical engineering education between Southeast University (China) and American universities]. (United States)

    Wang, Xi; Huang Ningping; Sun Xiao; Gu Ning


    Taking Duke University as an example, this article makes a comparison between the major of biomedical engineering in the Southeast University and that in American universities in term of subject direction, faculty, teaching principle and status of publishing academic papers. Through the comparison and analysis, the problems we face were explored. From the comparison and summary the future improvements in four aspects, such as strengthening the interdisciplinary among different majors, etc. so as to provide an inspiration on the future perspectives of research and teaching in biomedical engineering in China.

  8. Is our Universe typical?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gurzadyan, V.G.


    The problem of typicalness of the Universe - as a dynamical system possessing both regular and chaotic regions of positive measure of phase space, is raised and discussed. Two dynamical systems are considered: 1) The observed Universe as a hierarchy of systems of N graviting bodies; 2) (3+1)-manifold with matter evolving to Wheeler-DeWitt equation in superspace with Hawking boundary condition of compact metrics. It is shown that the observed Universe is typical. There is no unambiguous answer for the second system yet. If it is typical too then the same present state of the Universe could have been originated from an infinite number of different initial conditions the restoration of which is practically impossible at present. 35 refs.; 2 refs

  9. University Advertising and Universality in Messaging (United States)

    Diel, Stan R.; Katsinas, Stephen


    University and college institutional advertisements, which typically are broadcast as public service announcements during the halftime of football games, were the subject of a quantitative analysis focused on commonality in messaging and employment of the semiotic theory of brand advertising. Findings indicate advertisements focus on students'…

  10. Las ciudades disidentes durante la independencia de Venezuela: el caso de Maracaibo

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    Zulimar Maldonado Viloria


    Full Text Available En este estudio de caso se analizan las particularidades del proceso histórico que vivió Maracaibo durante los primeros años de la Independencia Venezolana. Es de interés para la historiografía venezolana y latinoamericana profundizar en el análisis de la realidad que explica la reacción de una “ciudad disidente” como Maracaibo, cuya elite prefirió seguir los lineamientos de la Regencia, elegir su diputado para las Cortes de Cádiz y defender su autonomía, antes que aceptar la propuesta de emancipación caraqueña. Bajo esta perspectiva se pretende esclarecer si la elite maracaibera fue realmente “disidente” del movimiento caraqueño por inercia histórica, larga herencia hispánica, o su actuación estuvo apegada a la legitimidad del momento como una opción política para lograr reafirmar y acrecentar su autonomía dentro del régimen monárquico. La investigación se ubica en la actual corriente historiográfica europea e hispanoamericana que sale al paso a los tradicionales análisis sustentados en una visión fáctica y localista, ignorando la amplitud temporal y espacial del proceso; se centra en el conocimiento que aporta el estudio comparado de la actitud de Maracaibo ante la Independencia con su desarrollo en el resto del país y acontecimientos en el mundo hispánico.

  11. Geometry of the Universe

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gurevich, L.Eh.; Gliner, Eh.B.


    Problems of investigating the Universe space-time geometry are described on a popular level. Immediate space-time geometries, corresponding to three cosmologic models are considered. Space-time geometry of a closed model is the spherical Riemann geonetry, of an open model - is the Lobachevskij geometry; and of a plane model - is the Euclidean geometry. The Universe real geometry in the contemporary epoch of development is based on the data testifying to the fact that the Universe is infinitely expanding

  12. Inter-Universal Quantum Entanglement (United States)

    Robles-Pérez, S. J.; González-Díaz, P. F.


    The boundary conditions to be imposed on the quantum state of the whole multiverse could be such that the universes would be created in entangled pairs. Then, interuniversal entanglement would provide us with a vacuum energy for each single universe that might be fitted with observational data, making testable not only the multiverse proposal but also the boundary conditions of the multiverse. Furthermore, the second law of the entanglement thermodynamics would enhance the expansion of the single universes.

  13. Whither the African University

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    reform. 1. Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy, Addis Ababa University ..... reduce African universities to virtually vocational schools. The World ..... theories, established institutions, and widely held beliefs according to the cannons ...

  14. Recipes for the Universe

    CERN Multimedia


    As part of the World Year of Physics, the Physics Section of the University of Geneva is organising a series of conferences for the uninitiated. Each of the conferences will begin with a demonstration in the auditorium of the detection of cosmic rays and, in collaboration with Professor E. Ellberger of the Conservatoire de Musique de Genève, of how these signals from the farthest reaches of the Universe can be used to create "cosmic music". The third conference in the series, "How to build a universe?", will take place on Tuesday 15 March 2005 and the speaker will be the CERN theoretical physicist, John Ellis. A tiny number of elementary particles are responsible for the very diverse universe that surrounds us. These basic building blocks of matter interact by exchanging photons and other similar particles. After summing up what we know about these fundamental building blocks, their role in the history of the universe will be discussed. Where does matter come from? Where do the structures that ...

  15. In Search of Cultural Universals: Translation Universals. Case Studies

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    Gabriela DIMA


    Full Text Available Knowledge of the world is disclosed under various shapes, among which language is the best representative. Specific to humans, it renders feelings and thoughts concerning different communication contexts where words become dynamic primitives endowed with meanings, which recreate themes and reconfigure space and time as universal coordinates. The main objective of the paper is to provide a tentative analysis of the way in which translation universals are manifest in translating proverbs and sayings in the short novels Popa Tanda (Pope Tanda and Moara cu Noroc (The Lucky Mill by Ioan Slavici.

  16. A Model of Nonsingular Universe

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    Changjun Gao


    Full Text Available In the background of Friedmann–Robertson–Walker Universe, there exists Hawking radiation which comes from the cosmic apparent horizon due to quantum effect. Although the Hawking radiation on the late time evolution of the universe could be safely neglected, it plays an important role in the very early stage of the universe. In view of this point, we identify the temperature in the scalar field potential with the Hawking temperature of cosmic apparent horizon. Then we find a nonsingular universe sourced by the temperature-dependent scalar field. We find that the universe could be created from a de Sitter phase which has the Planck energy density. Thus the Big-Bang singularity is avoided.

  17. Factors Affecting Individual Education Demand at the Entrance to University: Adnan Menderes University Sample (United States)

    Sarpkaya, Ruhi


    The aim of this research is to determine the factors affecting individual education demands at the entrance to university. The research is in survey model. The universe of the study consists of 1630 freshmen at the faculties and vocational schools of Adnan Menderes University, Aydin. 574 students from 7 schools were included in the sample. The…

  18. Mortgage credit default : an empirical analysis of the Portuguese Market


    Lima, Terry Carreiro


    Dissertação de mestrado em Economia Monetária, Bancária e Financeira O crédito hipotecário tornou-se numa das obrigações financeiras mais importantes das famílias portuguesas, mas por outro lado, este tipo de crédito tem sido capaz de aumentar alguns sectores económicos em Portugal. É importante estudar o incumprimento no crédito hipotecário, devido ao seu impacto sobre as famílias, e também sobre a banca e mercado imobiliário. O objetivo deste trabalho é duplo. Em primeiro lug...



    Olivier Cruz Méndez; Rodolfo Durán Víquez; Mauricio Mayorga Martínez; Evelyn Muñoz Salas


    Los enfoques más recientes en el área de la organización industrial plantean, a grandes rasgos que la conducta de las empresas o bien su comportamiento estratégico, es lo que determina su desempeño y la estructura industrial.El comportamiento estratégico dentro del análisis de la organización industrial en la banca, parte del supuesto de que la conducta de cada uno de los bancos será diferente, y que estas conductas en conjunto definen la estructura industrial, la cual será dinámica.El Banco ...

  20. Audiovisual Speech Synchrony Measure: Application to Biometrics

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gérard Chollet


    Full Text Available Speech is a means of communication which is intrinsically bimodal: the audio signal originates from the dynamics of the articulators. This paper reviews recent works in the field of audiovisual speech, and more specifically techniques developed to measure the level of correspondence between audio and visual speech. It overviews the most common audio and visual speech front-end processing, transformations performed on audio, visual, or joint audiovisual feature spaces, and the actual measure of correspondence between audio and visual speech. Finally, the use of synchrony measure for biometric identity verification based on talking faces is experimented on the BANCA database.

  1. Utilização de agregadores reciclados de concreto na fabricação de tubos de concreto


    Davies, Fernando Souza


    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso apresentado a Banca Examinadora do Curso de Engenharia Civil de Infraestrutura da UNILA, como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do Grau de Bacharel em Engenharia Civil. Orientador: Profo. Drao. Ana Carolina Parapinski dos Santos. A utilização de agregado reciclado de concreto na fabricação de peças pré-moldadas de concreto reduz custos de fabricação e oferece um destino apropriado aos resíduos. Para viabilizar esta reutilização do concreto como resíduo, as n...

  2. La Reserva Federal de Estados Unidos y el Banco de Inglaterra: Propiedad, estructura e 'independencia'


    Peter Howells


    Este ensayo explora la fundación y desarrollo de la Reserva Federal (Fed) de Estados Unidos (US) y el Banco de Inglaterra (BI), en la perspectiva del debate reciente de la independencia de la banca central y el diseño de la política monetaria óptima. Se muestra que los creadores de la Fed fueron agudamente conscientes de que estaban fundando un banco central (basado en algún grado en el BI al punto en que había evolucionado). Por esto fueron conscientes del poder potencial que la institución ...

  3. The Impact of M&As on the Romanian Banking System – an Event Study Approach

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mihaela BRODOCIANU


    Full Text Available The study aims to identify the relationship between the merger announcement, the stock prices and the market efficiency. Given the limited data, the analysis has been applied to only one financial institution which merged recently, Banca Transilvania. The results have shown that in the window period, abnormal returns have been identified as the news of the mergers was linked to the press. It can be concluded that the market reaction was positive not till after the official announcement was made. Overall, the acquisitions can be considered as a value added determinant, creating wealth.

  4. Modelos para medir o risco do crédito bancário


    Saavedra García, María Luisa; Saavedra García, Máximo Jorge


    Este trabajo describe los principales modelos de determinación de riesgos de crédito de la banca, a fin comparar y dar a conocer su utilidad en la administración del riesgo de crédito bancario y, de esta manera, brindar un marco de referencia para estudiar este tema en la teoría y práctica financiera. El estudio, de tipo descriptivo, define el riesgo de crédito y analiza los principales modelos tradicionales (sistemas expertos y sistemas de calificación), modernos (el de Kecholfer, McQuown y ...

  5. Dimensionamento otimizado do sistema de drenagem de esgoto: o caso de um condomínio horizontal fechado na cidade de Hernandarias


    Garcete Silva, Raul Augusto


    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso apresentado a Banca Examinadora do Curso de Engenharia Civil de Infraestrutura da UNILA, como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do Grau de Bacharel em Engenharia Civil. Orientador: Prof. Dr. Herlander da Mata Fernandes Lima. O saneamento básico é fundamental para prevenir a proliferação de doenças típicas do meio hídrico e melhorar a qualidade de vida das populações. A coleta, transporte e tratamento correto do esgoto é capaz de reduzir doenças (e.g., cólera...

  6. Efecto e influencia de los certificados de depositos reprogramados (cdr`s) durante 1999-2000 en el mercado ecuatoriano


    Leon Cercado, Alejandra; Triana Villanueva, Milton


    Por ser los certificados de depósitos (CDR) instrumentos financieros que surgieron como respuesta a la crisis que experimentó la economía ecuatoriana durante el año 1999, al producirse un alza incontrolable de la cotización del sucre respecto del dólar que desembocó en un nuevo modelo de dolarización y en cuyo proceso también la banca en general se vió afectada con el cierre de varios bancos que presentaban problemas de íliquidez y mala administración de sus recursos, el análisis efectuado de...

  7. Análisis del índice de morosidad en la cartera de créditos del iece-guayaquil y propuesta de mecanismos de prevención de morosidad y técnicas eficientes de cobranzas


    Parrales Ramos, Carlos


    El desarrollo del trabajo está enfocado en el análisis del índice de morosidad del Instituto Ecuatoriano de Crédito Educativo y Becas de Guayaquil, para que a partir de ésta investigación se puedan generar estrategias que permitan prevenir la morosidad y establecer técnicas de cobranzas efectivas. Con corte a abril/2012, el índice de morosidad de la banca pública ecuatoriana fue de 8.22%, mientras que el del IECE-Guayaquil, fue de 12.13%. Como parte de la investigación se analizó cómo se mane...

  8. Origin (?) of the Universe

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    cal models of the universe are based on the idea, which is supported by ... Only the continuous distribution was clearly ... displaced from their natural locations, their observed wave- .... universe? Mathematical Models: Basic Assumptions.

  9. De-Internationalization of Universities

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Turcan, Romeo V.; Gulieva, Valeria

    Alongside student and staff mobility, universities these days get also actively involved in out-ward cross-border activities, such as licensing, entering joint ventures and establishing campuses. These cross-border activities are not without pitfalls however. A large number of universities de-int...... on withdrawals from franchise, joint venture, and branch campus operations. We use the concept of de-internationalization as a theoretical lens and conduct a review of available unobtrusive data to identify reasons and patterns of universities' withdrawals from international markets....

  10. Universal service policy in Vietnam

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Do Manh, Thai; Falch, Morten; Von Salakpi, Simeon


    Universal service provision is a key to bridge the digital divide. This paper provides an empirical examination of the Vietnamese universal policy introduced in 2015 for implementation up to 2020. Using the framework of King et al. (1994) the paper analyses the universal services policy in Vietna...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Khairul Akmaliah Adham


    Full Text Available Research literature on business incubators has highlighted the significance of clustered locational contexts and networking as key to an incubator's success. Using the case study approach, this study aimed to test the validity of this framework for explaining the level of success of the National Chiao Tung University (NCTU and National Tsing Hua University (NTHU Incubators in Hsinchu, Taiwan – both of which are highly-networked, cluster-centric and university-based. In-depth interviews were conducted with the managers of both incubators, and these were followed by information gathering on university patents and knowledge transfers from the research and development (R&D office at each university. Analysis found that the incubators' locational contexts determined the degree and manner of their networking, but their profitability and growth potential were influenced by many other factors working in combination. Satisfying their sponsors' requirements and serving their core functions through sound management and strategic planning appeared to be the key to achieving profitability and sustainability, with benefits for all stakeholders. These constructs provide directions for more research on the performance of incubators and other business entities that are located within university and clustered contexts.

  12. Factors Affecting University Library Website Design


    Kim, Yongi-Mi; University of Oklahoma


    Existing studies have extensively explored factors that affect users’ intentions to use university library website resources (ULWR); yet little attention has been given to factors affecting university library website design. This paper investigates factors that affect university library website design and assesses the success of the university library website from both designers’ and users’ perspectives. The findings show that when planning a website, university web designers consider univers...

  13. ATLAS virtual visit features Birzeit University, first university in Palestine and a member of the International Association of Universities since 1977.

    CERN Multimedia

    claudia marcelloni


    This ATLAS virtual visit features Birzeit University, first university in Palestine and a member of the International Association of Universities since 1977. As part of the "Physics Without Frontiers" project, funded by the International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Birzeit is hosting a one day particle physics masterclass. During the day the physics major students are given an introduction to experimental particle physics, the LHC and the ATLAS Experiment, before having the chance to analyze real LHC data. This virtual visit comprises of a live tour around the ATLAS control room and the opportunity to ask questions to the ATLAS physicists. The Department of Physics at Birzeit University provides an exciting environment for the training of both graduate and undergraduate students. Some of the Physics department graduates participated in the CERN Summer Program over the past few years.

  14. Baby universes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Strominger, A.


    This paper discusses how the subject of baby universes and their effects on spacetime coupling constants is in its infancy and rapidly developing. The subject is based on the non-existent (even by physicists' standards) Euclidean formulation of quantum gravity, and it is therefore necessary to make a number of assumptions in order to proceed. Nevertheless, the picture which has emerged is quite appealing: all spacetime coupling constants become dynamical variables when the effects of baby universes are taken into account. This fact might even solve the puzzle of the cosmological constant. The subject therefore seems worth further investigation

  15. Construction of Agricultural University Students’ Entrepreneurship Incubation Base – Taking Sichuan Agricultural University as a Case Study


    Xia Yao; Jianping Xie; Linchun He


    In the recent years, as an effective practice in university students’ entrepreneurship education, construction of university students’ entrepreneurship incubation base has been rapidly developed in different universities. This paper takes construction of the entrepreneurship incubation base in Sichuan Agricultural University as a case study, analyzes the current status of university students’ entrepreneurship incubation base and makes a discussion on establishment of management institution, f...

  16. The RAE and University Efficiency. (United States)

    Mace, John


    Evaluates effects of the new British funding formula for universities, based on the research assessment exercise (RAE). Compares effects of the RAE on two contrasting universities and finds the RAE has dramatically affected university organization, teaching, and research. RAE may have increased efficiency in teaching and research but encourages…

  17. History of the Universe Poster (United States)

    History of the Universe Poster You are free to use these images if you give credit to: Particle Data Group at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. New Version (2014) History of the Universe Poster Download: JPEG version PDF version Old Version (2013) History of the Universe Poster Download: JPEG version

  18. From Traditional to Modern Universities

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Anja Birch; Sort, Jesper Chrautwald; Nielsen, Christian

    concludes that the performance management used today in universities in form of publications is overlooking the industries’ need of growth from the university knowledge. Hence motivating the scientists to engage in collaborations only from the university point of view and only to a limited extent concerning...... about the companies....

  19. Education for university students, high school teachers and the general public using the Kinki University Reactor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tsuruta, T.


    Atomic Energy Research Institute of Kinki University is equipped with a nuclear reactor which is called UTR-KINKI. UTR is the abbreviation for University Teaching and Research Reactor. The reactor is the first one installed in Japanese universities. Though the reactor is owned and operated by Kinki University, its use is widely open to scientists and students from other universities and research institutions. The reactor is made the best of teaching instrument for the training of high school teachers. In addition, the reactor is utilized for general public education concerning atomic energy. (author)

  20. Los "diarios perdidos" de Manuela Sáenz y la formación de un ícono cultural (Dossier: Bicentenario, rastros y revelaciones de la Independencia)


    Hennes, Heather


    La autora destaca la influencia de los “diarios perdidos” de Manuela Sáenz sobre el Diario de Paita (editado por Carlos Álvarez Saá), la biografía publicitada por el Museo Manuela Sáenz en Quito y la película venezolana de Diego Rísquez. Por otro lado, señala que la imagen de Sáenz ha sido apropiada como símbolo de causas cívicas o feministas, predominando la imagen de una atrevida transgresora de las normas de género, sexualmente pervertida, perturbadora del orden social. No obstante, el Mus...

  1. Historia reciente y situación política actual de Venezuela

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Elizabeth Burgos


    Full Text Available Entrevista (en español Presentación Elisabeth Burgos es una antropóloga y escritora venezolana; coautora del libro Me llamo Rigoberta Menchú y así me nació la conciencia (Madrid, Editores Siglo XXI, 1998, sobre la vida de la dirigente indígena guatemalteca ganadora del Premio Nobel de la Paz en 1992. Actualmente reside en París donde realiza estudios de Historia. En esta entrevista, Elisabeth Burgos nos presenta su visión de la historia de Venezuela desde 1936, año en el que ella sitúa el i...

  2. Incidences of the Restriction of the Bureaucratic Expense in the Venezuelan Public Sector (A Concrete Case the Venezuelan Air Force). (United States)


    Venezolana de Administracion Publica, Vol. 3, 1984. 5. Carias, Brewer, La Reforma Institucional en Venezuela, El Nacional, 26 de enero 1976. 6. Easton...the form of an "iEnt-erprisel [{f~dte" In view of the magnitude of the investmonts of the government plan in accordance with the VI - in de la Na...ori all ose tD ia (?id ato s seeking a jo-b or positLion Lha t r- i~ *rrnc’, is a La ab( Lain bet te-r work qua3i Lv, and DL:rAnee F )T u s emp a oes

  3. La Responsabilidad Social Empresarial (RSE): un valor organizacional en la gestión de las PYMES


    Aristimuño Vásquez, Minerva de los Ángeles; Rodríguez Monroy, Carlos; Velasquez de Naime, Yngrid


    La importancia de este tema radica en que no solo el aspecto económico motiva la razón de ser de las organizaciones, sino la forma en como su desempeño afecta su medio interno o externo. El objetivo de la investigación fue estudiar la RSE como valor implícito en la filosofía de gestión de las PYMES, Metalmecánicas Venezolanas. Los valores comunes encontrados en las PYMES son: calidad, satisfacción de los clientes, tecnología de punta y seguridad. Se infiere que las PYMES estudiadas, orienta l...

  4. Diseño de un programa de Análisis de Peligros y Puntos de Control Crítico en el proceso productivo de cacao en polvo en una industria alimentaria


    López DSola, Patrizia; Sandia, María Gabriela; Bou Rached, Lizet; Hernández Serrano, Pilar


    El Análisis de Peligros y Puntos de Control Crítico (HACCP) es una herramienta para la Gestión de Inocuidad de los alimentos que permite identificar los peligros físicos, químicos y biológicos asociados al proceso a través de toda la cadena productiva. Este trabajo tiene por finalidad diseñar el Programa de HACCP para el proceso de producción de cacao en polvo en una industria de alimentos venezolana. Previamente se evaluó el cumplimiento de las Buenas Prácticas de Manufactura (BPM) y los Pro...



    Rojas,Erika; Salas,Karimar; Oviedo,Gustavo; Plenzyk,Geovanny


    Objetivo: Evaluar la incidencia y factores de riesgo de óbito fetal en una población de embarazadas venezolanas. Metodología: estudio efectuado en 100 mujeres con diagnóstico de óbito fetal que acudieron al servicio de emergencia obstétrica de dos hospitales públicos en Valencia, Venezuela, en 2003. Resultados: Hubo 11.306 pérdidas fetales, 356 casos de óbito fetal y una tasa de mortalidad fetal tardía de 16,5/1000 nacidos vivos. De las embarazadas estudiadas 23% tenía más de 35 años de edad;...

  6. La revolución bolivariana en riesgo, la democratización social en cuestión: La violencia social y la criminalidad en Venezuela entre 1998-2008


    Sanjuán, Ana María


    Este artículo argumenta que mientras en esta última década ha tenido lugar en el país un importante proceso de transformación política, económica y social, la criminalidad y la violencia se incrementan sin parar, alcanzando tasas que ponen en cuestión y en riesgo el proceso de democratización social que impulsa la sociedad venezolana. La autora argumenta que, más que en ninguna otra política pública, la problemática de la inseguridad y la violencia social requieren de una fuerte participación...

  7. Las telecomunicaciones en Venezuela: el caso de Internet y los nuevos mapas de consumo


    Lic. Migdalia Pineda de Alcázar


    El trabajo hace referencia a las tendencias de crecimiento de las telecomunicaciones venezolanas en la década de los noventa, especialmente en los servicios de telefonía celular, televisión por suscripción y conexiones a Internet, para detenerse en el comportamiento de los usuarios del país frente a la red de redes. Se demuestra con el análisis de datos y cifras, cómo es la inserción de Venezuela en el entorno mundial y cómo los "mapas" de usos nacionales están acentuando los desequilibrios s...

  8. Análisis y perspectivas de la reforma monetaria en Venezuela (el bolívar fuerte): efectos en Colombia


    Mesa Callejas, Ramón Javier; Gómez Ospina, Mónica Alexandra


    Este artículo presenta algunas reflexiones sobre el proceso de reconversión monetaria en Venezuela a partir de la introducción del bolívar fuerte el 1 de enero de 2008. Su propósito es discutir sobre las perspectivas de la reforma venezolana y sus efectos en Colombia, en medio de un contexto macroeconómico complejo caracterizado por los elevados niveles de inflación que se observan en la economía del hermano país. Lo anterior, a partir del estudio de las experiencias de otros países en ...

  9. The Challenge of University Autonomy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Reilly, John; Turcan, Romeo V.; Bugaian, Larisa


    The authors introduce the reader to the book, providing a historical perspective and a current understanding of university autonomy. While appreciating the central role of the four dimensions of university autonomy – organisational, financial, human resource, and academic – the authors conjecture...... that a fuller understanding of university autonomy can only be obtained through a holistic view of the complex inter-relationships between stakeholders and policies which can reinforce and, equally, pull in opposite directions. This holistic view is represented in a model of institutional university autonomy......, which is discussed at length in the chapter. The authors conclude by presenting international case studies that give new insights and reinforce our understanding that the issues relating to institutional university autonomy are genuinely global....

  10. The Emergent Universe scheme and tunneling

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Labraña, Pedro [Departamento de Física, Universidad del Bío-Bío, Avenida Collao 1202, Casilla 5-C, Concepción, Chile and Departament d' Estructura i Constituents de la Matèria and Institut de Ciències del Cosmos, Universitat (Spain)


    We present an alternative scheme for an Emergent Universe scenario, developed previously in Phys. Rev. D 86, 083524 (2012), where the universe is initially in a static state supported by a scalar field located in a false vacuum. The universe begins to evolve when, by quantum tunneling, the scalar field decays into a state of true vacuum. The Emergent Universe models are interesting since they provide specific examples of non-singular inflationary universes.

  11. University related studies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    Over the years, opportunities for terrestrial ecology studies have attracted student researchers associated with Pacific Northwest colleges and universities. During the past year, four students have been involved with undergraduate or graduate thesis projects. Brief descriptions of these studies are included in this section. It is expected that university participation will be enhanced by designating parts of the Hanford Reservation as a National Environmental Research Park (NERP)

  12. Consciousness in the Universe

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Khalil Chamcham


    Full Text Available So far we can identify at least three concepts within modern cosmology that bring into debate the question of consciousness in the universe: 1 Fine Tuning; 2 The Anthropic Principle and 3 The Multiverse. This does not exclude the question of the role of observer (i.e. consciousness in cosmology as developed within Quantum Physics: we observe the universe through quanta and any breakthrough in understanding the origin and nature of the universe will come only through a quantum theory of gravity […

  13. Universal Design for Instruction: Extending the Universal Design Paradigm to College Instruction (United States)

    McGuire, Joan M.; Scott, Sally S.


    Universal design for instruction (UDI) represents the systematic application of universal design, the construct from architecture and product development, to instructional practices in higher education. In addition to a description of the deliberative process by which UDI was developed, this article provides confirmatory evidence of the validity…

  14. Positioning University as a Brand: Distinctions between the Brand Promise of Russell Group, 1994 Group, University Alliance, and Million+ Universities (United States)

    Furey, Sheila; Springer, Paul; Parsons, Christine


    Branding is now widely used by higher education (HE) institutions, yet questions still surround the transference of private sector concepts to a university context. This article reports on findings from studies that investigated the brand promises of four UK universities--one from each of the HE "mission groups." The evidence indicated…

  15. Reliability of agriculture universal joint shafts based on temperature measuring in universal joint bearing assemblies

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Аleksandar Asonja


    Full Text Available This paper presents a research into reliability calculations of agriculture double universal joint shafts based on temperature measuring in cardan-type universal joint bearing assemblies. Special laboratory equipment was developed for this research which is presented in the paper. The objective of this research was to test the real life span of universal joint shafts in the laboratory and in field, to obtain the results which can be used to improve the reliability of universal joint shafts. If the presented research were used along with maintenance measures recommended in the paper and with proper use, the level of reliability of the shafts would be 2.1 times higher. The presented results of the research showed that needle bearings, i.e. bearing assemblies of the joints, are the most critical elements on universal joint shafts and are possible causes of their lower reliability. The second universal joint is the part with the lowest reliability in the observed technical system.

  16. Baby universe theory

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nielsen, H.B.; Ninomiya, Masao


    We give an elementary review of the so called 'the theory of baby universes' which is a series of ideas or speculations about some effects in quantum gravity, viz. the effect of a certain type of wormholes, representing the exchange of small 3-space universes called baby universes. We consider this 'theory' as being physically and scientifically a very promising candidate for a theory of everything. It is, however, mathematically lacking any strong foundation at all. It solves several fine-tuning problems: First of all the cosmological constant problem, and also the strong CP-problem and the hierarchy problem. We also speculate that it might predict the possibility of influencing the probability distributions of the outcome of quantum mechanical measurements at one time by acts at a later time. (orig.)

  17. Quantum and Universe

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Uiler, Dzh.


    General approach to the structure of the Universe is discussed. Two properties of physical laws: symmetry and changeability are considered from this view point. Each physical law permits simpler formulation in the notion of symmetry. But the simplicity of this description conceals interval mechanisms which make up the base of the physical law. The problem of physical law stability is analyzed. It is concluded that unrestricted changeability is the main property of physics. Primary attention is paid to the problem of ''quantum and Universe''. The effect of measuring process on the experimental results is the most difficult problem of quantum mechanisms. The quantum principle rejected an attempt to conceptually present the reality as it is pictured independently from its observation and it made the description of the Universe structure still more complicated and confused

  18. Electromagnetic Gowdy universe

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Charach, C.


    Following Gowdy and Berger we construct an inhomogeneous closed electromagnetic universe with three-torus topology. This model is obtained as a result of the homogeneity breaking in the electromagnetic Bianchi type-I universe and contains interacting gravitational and electromagnetic waves. This cosmological solution provides an exactly solvable model for the study of the nonlinear fully relativistic regime of coupled electromagnetic and gravitational fields in the early universe. The asymptotic behavior is considered (i) in the vicinity of the initial singularity and (ii) in the high-frequency limit. It is shown that the effects of coupling between electromagnetic and gravitational waves cause an evolution which is significantly different from that of the vacuum model. The influence of the primordial homogeneous electromagnetic field on the dynamics of the model is also discussed

  19. The Worldhood university

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bengtsen, Søren Smedegaard; Nørgård, Rikke Toft

    Universities and higher education today are sites for entanglement of multiple forms of agency and lifeworlds. Enhanced focus is given to higher education strategies and frameworks that integrate more traditional forms of higher education curriculum with moral and political awareness, social agency...... the mode 2 university, where the university is ‘for sale’ (Shumar, 1997) and where higher education curricula are being defined and shaped by the needs and current drivers of the job market and the shifting neoliberalist company strategies. As Ronald Barnett underlines “the contemporary vocabulary...... politically, socially, ethically, and philosophically. It requires, among other things, new conceptions of academic citizenship, belonging in higher education, and what we have called ‘placeful universities’ where “academic citizenship emerges through dialogical integration and ‘Mitsein’ in the critically...

  20. The Openness of the University of the Philippines Open University: Issues and Prospects

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria Fe Villamejor-Mendoza


    Full Text Available This paper is a self-reflection on the state of openness of the University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU. An exploratory and descriptive study, it aims not only to define the elements of openness of UPOU, but also to unravel the causes and solutions to the issues and concerns that limit its options to becoming a truly open university. It is based on four parameters of openness, which are widely universal in the literature, e.g., open admissions, open curricula, distance education at scale, and the co-creation, sharing and use of open educational resources (OER. It draws from the perception survey among peers, which the author conducted in UPOU in July and August 2012. It also relies on relevant secondary materials on the subject.

  1. University contracts summary book

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The principal objectives of the Fossil Energy Program are to seek new ideas, new data, fundamental knowledge that will support the ongoing programs, and new processes to better utilize the nation's fossil energy resources with greater efficiency and environmental acceptability. Toward this end, the Department of Energy supports research projects conducted by universities and colleges to: Ensure a foundation for innovative technology through the use of the capabilities and talents in our academic institutions; provide an effective, two-way channel of communication between the Department of Energy and the academic community; and ensure that trained technical manpower is developed to carry out basic and applied research in support of DOE's mission. Fossil Energy's university activities emphasize the type of research that universities can do best - research to explore the potential of novel process concepts, develop innovative methods and materials for improving existing processes, and obtain fundamental information on the structure of coal and mechanisms of reactions of coal, shale oil, and other fossil energy sources. University programs are managed by different Fossil Energy technical groups; the individual projects are described in greater detail in this book. It is clear that a number of research areas related to the DOE Fossil Energy Program have been appropriate for university involvement, and that, with support from DOE, university scientific and technical expertise can be expected to continue to play a significant role in the advancement of fossil energy technology in the years to come.

  2. Universities' Engagement with Vocationalism: Historical Perspective

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pericles 'asher' Rospigliosi


    Full Text Available The aim of this article is to explore the historical context of vocationalism in universities. It is based on an analysis of the history of the university from a vocational perspective. It looks for evidence of vocational engagement in the activities of universities over time, taking a long view from the birth of the Western University in the Middle Ages to the 1980s with the emergence of current issues of vocationalism in university education. It adopts a chronological perspective initially and then a thematic one. The main findings are: (1 vocationalism in university education is as old as the Western University itself, (2 there is evidence from the start of the Western University of vocational engagement in terms of the provision of vocationally relevant subjects, vocationally relevant skills and the development of vocationally relevant attitudes, (3 whereas most graduate employers used to be concerned with the vocationally relevant knowledge, skills and attitudes students acquired on their degree courses, most are now more concerned with graduate capacity and disposition to learn within their employment after graduation and (4 subject-centred education is compatible with university education that supports the vocational aspirations of students.

  3. University Reactor Instrumentation Program

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vernetson, W.G.


    Recognizing that the University Reactor Instrumentation Program was developed in response to widespread needs in the academic community for modernization and improvement of research and training reactors at institutions such as the University of Florida, the items proposed to be supported by this grant over its two year period have been selected as those most likely to reduce foreed outages, to meet regulatory concerns that had been expressed in recent years by Nuclear Regulatory Commission inspectors or to correct other facility problems and limitations. Department of Energy Grant Number DE-FG07-90ER129969 was provided to the University of Florida Training Reactor(UFTR) facility through the US Department of Energy's University Reactor Instrumentation Program. The original proposal submitted in February, 1990 requested support for UFTR facility instrumentation and equipment upgrades for seven items in the amount of $107,530 with $13,800 of this amount to be the subject of cost sharing by the University of Florida and $93,730 requested as support from the Department of Energy. A breakdown of the items requested and total cost for the proposed UFTR facility instrumentation and equipment improvements is presented

  4. Examination of Psychological Counselor Candidates' University Satisfaction: The Case of Uludag University (United States)

    Duran, Nagihan Oguz; Gökçe, Feyyat


    In the present study, Uludag University, Faculty of Education, Guidance and Psychological Counseling (GPC) undergraduate program students' expectations and satisfaction levels regarding the services and facilities provided by the university were investigated in a sample of 354 students (227 females and 127 males). The data collected by the…

  5. Tools to probe the universe

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lagage, P.O.; Augueres, J.L.; Amiaux, J.; Cara, Ch.; Fontignie, J.; Rio, Y.; Fermon, C.; Pannetier-Lecoeur, M.; De Vismes, A.; Cordier, B.; Fesquet, M.; Ferrando, Ph.; Authier, M.; Pantin, E.; Glicenstein, J.F.; Boulade, O.; Refregier, A.; Stolarczyk, Th.; Agnese, P.; Rodriguez, L.; Agnese, P.; Pigot, C.; Duband, L.; Limousin, O.; Delagnes, E.; Turck-Chieze, S.; Carton, P.H.; Starck, J.L.; Bournaud, F.; Teyssier, R.; Audit, E.; Brun, A.S.; Leca, P.; Menache, Ch.; Pomarede, D.; Thooris, B.; Meis, C.


    This special issue of Clefs CEA journal is entirely devoted to astrophysics and to the exploration and probing of the Universe. The second part of this dossier, described here, makes a status of the tools used to probe the universe: telescopes, imaging spectrometers, data processing and simulation. Content: A - Telescopes of the future: 1. Seeing further out: JWST: looking back on a past 13 billion years old, Space specifics: the learning curve to know-how, Fabricating a corona-graph mask, SVOM, a satellite to detect the explosions of the first stars to be formed in the Universe; 2. Seeing more precisely: SIMBOL-X, pioneering formation flying, ELT/METIS, a 42-meter giant, One hundred telescopes for the CTA arrays; 3. Seeing wider: Euclid, mapping the extragalactic sky, ANTARES: the neutrino, another cosmic messenger; B - The new generation of imaging spectrometers: Observing the Universe in the submillimeter spectral region, The X-ray Universe, Space cryo-coolers, Out in the extreme, tumultuous Universe, Probing the Sun with GOLF-NG, Focus: From light to imagery; C - Data analysis in astrophysics; D - Numerical simulation in astrophysics: Information technology and theoretical predictions in astrophysics, Supercomputers for a better understanding of the Universe, The visualization of astrophysical simulations, Godunov, a numerical platform for education and research

  6. A Christian Critique of the University. (United States)

    Malik, Charles Habib

    Views on the place and power of the university, the church's role in the university, and the sciences and humanities are presented. The secularization of western universities raises fundamental criticisms from the Christian point of view that the university atmosphere is not congenial to Christian spiritual values, and that higher education…

  7. On universal partial words


    Chen, Herman Z. Q.; Kitaev, Sergey; Mütze, Torsten; Sun, Brian Y.


    A universal word for a finite alphabet $A$ and some integer $n\\geq 1$ is a word over $A$ such that every word in $A^n$ appears exactly once as a subword (cyclically or linearly). It is well-known and easy to prove that universal words exist for any $A$ and $n$. In this work we initiate the systematic study of universal partial words. These are words that in addition to the letters from $A$ may contain an arbitrary number of occurrences of a special `joker' symbol $\\Diamond\

  8. Faculties of Education in Traditional Universities and Universities of the Third Age: A Partnership Model in Gerontagogy (United States)

    Lemieux, Andre; Boutin, Gerald; Riendeau, Jean


    This article discusses "Universities of the Third Age", whose function is quite distinct from established universities' traditional role in teaching, research, and community services. Consequently, there is an urgent need to develop a model of partnership between traditional universities and Universities of the Third Age, ensuring better…

  9. Early predictors of first-year academic success at university : Pre-university effort, pre-university self-efficacy, and pre-university reasons for attending university

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Herpen, Sanne G.A.; Meeuwisse, Marieke; Hofman, W. H.Adriaan; Severiens, Sabine E.; Arends, Lidia R.

    Given the large number of dropouts in the 1st year at university, it is important to identify early predictors of 1st-year academic success. The present study (n = 453 first-year students) contributes to literature on the transition from secondary to higher education by investigating how the

  10. Universal computer interfaces

    CERN Document Server

    Dheere, RFBM


    Presents a survey of the latest developments in the field of the universal computer interface, resulting from a study of the world patent literature. Illustrating the state of the art today, the book ranges from basic interface structure, through parameters and common characteristics, to the most important industrial bus realizations. Recent technical enhancements are also included, with special emphasis devoted to the universal interface adapter circuit. Comprehensively indexed.

  11. How to Run a University (United States)

    Evans, G. R.


    The Lambert Review of Business-University Collaboration proposed a business model for universities in 2003. Pressure to change university governance to make it match the business model remains strong, and it is being most actively applied to Oxford and Cambridge. The Oxford and Cambridge governance debates (which began in the 1990s) open up the…

  12. Collapse of simple harmonic universe

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mithani, Audrey T.; Vilenkin, Alexander


    In a recent paper Graham et al constructed oscillating and static universe models which are stable with respect to all classical perturbations. Here we show that such universes are quantum-mechanically unstable and can collapse by quantum tunneling to zero radius. We also present instantons describing nucleation of oscillating and static universes from nothing

  13. Human universe

    CERN Document Server

    Cox, Brian


    Human life is a staggeringly strange thing. On the surface of a ball of rock falling around a nuclear fireball in the blackness of a vacuum the laws of nature conspired to create a naked ape that can look up at the stars and wonder where it came from. What is a human being? Objectively, nothing of consequence. Particles of dust in an infinite arena, present for an instant in eternity. Clumps of atoms in a universe with more galaxies than people. And yet a human being is necessary for the question itself to exist, and the presence of a question in the universe - any question - is the most wonderful thing. Questions require minds, and minds bring meaning. What is meaning? I don't know, except that the universe and every pointless speck inside it means something to me. I am astonished by the existence of a single atom, and find my civilisation to be an outrageous imprint on reality. I don't understand it. Nobody does, but it makes me smile. This book asks questions about our origins, our destiny, and our place i...

  14. Entropy and the Typicality of Universes


    Barbour, Julian; Koslowski, Tim; Mercati, Flavio


    The universal validity of the second law of thermodynamics is widely attributed to a finely tuned initial condition of the universe. This creates a problem: why is the universe atypical? We suggest that the problem is an artefact created by inappropriate transfer of the traditional concept of entropy to the whole universe. Use of what we call the relational $N$-body problem as a model indicates the need to employ two distinct entropy-type concepts to describe the universe. One, which we call ...

  15. University of Nottingham Ningbo China and Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University: Globalization of Higher Education in China (United States)

    Feng, Yi


    This essay studies the University of Nottingham Ningbo China and Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University--the two Chinese campuses established respectively by the University of Nottingham and the University of Liverpool. They represent successful models of globalization of higher education in China; however their rationale, strategies, curricula,…

  16. The Universe's First Fireworks (United States)


    [figure removed for brevity, see original site] [figure removed for brevity, see original site] [figure removed for brevity, see original site] Poster VersionFigure 1Figure 2 This is an image from NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope of stars and galaxies in the Ursa Major constellation. This infrared image covers a region of space so large that light would take up to 100 million years to travel across it. Figure 1 is the same image after stars, galaxies and other sources were masked out. The remaining background light is from a period of time when the universe was less than one billion years old, and most likely originated from the universe's very first groups of objects -- either huge stars or voracious black holes. Darker shades in the image on the left correspond to dimmer parts of the background glow, while yellow and white show the brightest light. Brief History of the Universe In figure 2, the artist's timeline chronicles the history of the universe, from its explosive beginning to its mature, present-day state. Our universe began in a tremendous explosion known as the Big Bang about 13.7 billion years ago (left side of strip). Observations by NASA's Cosmic Background Explorer and Wilkinson Anisotropy Microwave Probe revealed microwave light from this very early epoch, about 400,000 years after the Big Bang, providing strong evidence that our universe did blast into existence. Results from the Cosmic Background Explorer were honored with the 2006 Nobel Prize for Physics. A period of darkness ensued, until about a few hundred million years later, when the first objects flooded the universe with light. This first light is believed to have been captured in data from NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope. The light detected by Spitzer would have originated as visible and ultraviolet light, then stretched, or redshifted, to lower-energy infrared wavelengths during its long voyage to reach us across expanding space. The light detected by the Cosmic Background Explorer and the

  17. Quantum creation of an inflationary Universe

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Linde, A.D.


    The problem of quantum creation of the Universe is discussed. It is shown that the process of quantum creation of the Universe in a wide class on elementary particle theories leads with a high probability to the creation of an exponentially expanding (inflationary) Universe. Universe size after expansion should exceed l approximately 10 28 cm

  18. The Role and Responsibility of the University Library in Publishing in a University

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bas Savenije


    Full Text Available As a consequence of developments in information technology, the traditional information chain is subject to change: the separate functions in this chain become more and more integrated and the roles played by the traditional parties are most uncertain. Several new models in scholarly publishing and communication are emerging, in which the scientific community and the scientists themselves play a central role. It is more than natural for universities to support these developments in order to realise new models of scientific communication that are more in tune with the needs of the academic community than the traditional model, which has led to a serious serials crisis. An important step in this direction is that each university encourages scientists to make more use of ICT in their research publications. However, it is also necessary to give serious attention to organisational matters: in this respect every university should take responsibility for collecting, archiving and disclosing the scientific output of its own scientists. The provision of scientific information is the traditional core business of university libraries and it is a natural extension of this role for university libraries to support this development and to organise the processes needed. The paper describes the role that universities and their libraries have to play. It also gives some examples of library initiatives in this field, including an evaluation of their impact on the innovation of scientific communication.

  19. ULTRA: Universal Grammar as a Universal Parser. (United States)

    Medeiros, David P


    A central concern of generative grammar is the relationship between hierarchy and word order, traditionally understood as two dimensions of a single syntactic representation. A related concern is directionality in the grammar. Traditional approaches posit process-neutral grammars, embodying knowledge of language, put to use with infinite facility both for production and comprehension. This has crystallized in the view of Merge as the central property of syntax, perhaps its only novel feature. A growing number of approaches explore grammars with different directionalities, often with more direct connections to performance mechanisms. This paper describes a novel model of universal grammar as a one-directional, universal parser. Mismatch between word order and interpretation order is pervasive in comprehension; in the present model, word order is language-particular and interpretation order (i.e., hierarchy) is universal. These orders are not two dimensions of a unified abstract object (e.g., precedence and dominance in a single tree); rather, both are temporal sequences, and UG is an invariant real-time procedure (based on Knuth's stack-sorting algorithm) transforming word order into hierarchical order. This shift in perspective has several desirable consequences. It collapses linearization, displacement, and composition into a single performance process. The architecture provides a novel source of brackets (labeled unambiguously and without search), which are understood not as part-whole constituency relations, but as storage and retrieval routines in parsing. It also explains why neutral word order within single syntactic cycles avoids 213-like permutations. The model identifies cycles as extended projections of lexical heads, grounding the notion of phase. This is achieved with a universal processor, dispensing with parameters. The empirical focus is word order in noun phrases. This domain provides some of the clearest evidence for 213-avoidance as a cross


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Г А Краснова


    Full Text Available The article is devoted to networking foreign universities, in particular, it considers the experience of cooperation of Vietnamese and Chinese universities with the leading universities of the world and the implementation of joint educational projects. The article deals with the basic characteristics of university networks that emerged in the last decade in developing countries. The authors analyzed the model, sources of financing, the organization of educational process, teaching of languages and the number of students in the university network, as well as the main mechanisms that allow open network structure of education in different countries of the world. The authors also address the main reasons for encouraging networking of foreign universities.

  1. Why Are There Dropouts among University Students? Experiences in a Thai University (United States)

    Sittichai, Ruthaychonnee


    The purpose of this qualitative research study was to investigate premature dropping out of university study at Prince of Songkla University, Pattani Campus in southern Thailand. 21 Muslim and non-Muslim males and females and four senior staff were interviewed. The findings are discussed in terms of practical implications and also reflecting on…

  2. The Belonging to the University Scale (United States)

    Karaman, Omer; Cirak, Yuksel


    The aim of the study is to develop a belonging to the university scale (BUS) in order to determine the level of fulfillment of the need to belong among university students at the higher education institutions they attend. The population of the investigation includes university students studying at the campus of Ordu University. A 5 point…

  3. Eternally existing self-reproducing inflationary universe

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Linde, A.D.


    It is shown that the large-scale quantum fluctuations of the scalar field φ generated in the chaotic inflation scenario lead to an infinite process of self-reproduction of inflationary mini-universes. A model of eternally existing chaotic inflationary universe is suggested. It is pointed out that whereas the universe locally is very homogeneous as a result of inflation, which occurs at the classical level, the global structure of the universe is determined by quantum effects and is highly non-trivial. The universe consists of exponentially large number of different mini-universes, inside which all possible (metastable) vacuum states and all possible types of compactification are realized. The picture differs crucially from the standard picture of a one-domain universe in a ''true'' vacuum state. Our results may serve as a justification of the anthropic principle in the inflationary cosmology. These results may have important implications for the elementary particle theory as well. Namely, since all possible types of mini-universes, in which inflation may occur, should exist in our universe, there is no need to insist (as it is usually done) that in realistic theories the vacuum state of our type should be the only possible one or the best one. (author)

  4. The anamorphic universe (United States)

    Ijjas, Anna; Steinhardt, Paul J.


    We introduce ``anamorphic'' cosmology, an approach for explaining the smoothness and flatness of the universe on large scales and the generation of a nearly scale-invariant spectrum of adiabatic density perturbations. The defining feature is a smoothing phase that acts like a contracting universe based on some Weyl frame-invariant criteria and an expanding universe based on other frame-invariant criteria. An advantage of the contracting aspects is that it is possible to avoid the multiverse and measure problems that arise in inflationary models. Unlike ekpyrotic models, anamorphic models can be constructed using only a single field and can generate a nearly scale-invariant spectrum of tensor perturbations. Anamorphic models also differ from pre-big bang and matter bounce models that do not explain the smoothness. We present some examples of cosmological models that incorporate an anamorphic smoothing phase.

  5. The anamorphic universe

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ijjas, Anna; Steinhardt, Paul J.


    We introduce ''anamorphic'' cosmology, an approach for explaining the smoothness and flatness of the universe on large scales and the generation of a nearly scale-invariant spectrum of adiabatic density perturbations. The defining feature is a smoothing phase that acts like a contracting universe based on some Weyl frame-invariant criteria and an expanding universe based on other frame-invariant criteria. An advantage of the contracting aspects is that it is possible to avoid the multiverse and measure problems that arise in inflationary models. Unlike ekpyrotic models, anamorphic models can be constructed using only a single field and can generate a nearly scale-invariant spectrum of tensor perturbations. Anamorphic models also differ from pre-big bang and matter bounce models that do not explain the smoothness. We present some examples of cosmological models that incorporate an anamorphic smoothing phase

  6. The anamorphic universe

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ijjas, Anna; Steinhardt, Paul J., E-mail:, E-mail: [Princeton Center for Theoretical Science, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, 08544 (United States)


    We introduce ''anamorphic'' cosmology, an approach for explaining the smoothness and flatness of the universe on large scales and the generation of a nearly scale-invariant spectrum of adiabatic density perturbations. The defining feature is a smoothing phase that acts like a contracting universe based on some Weyl frame-invariant criteria and an expanding universe based on other frame-invariant criteria. An advantage of the contracting aspects is that it is possible to avoid the multiverse and measure problems that arise in inflationary models. Unlike ekpyrotic models, anamorphic models can be constructed using only a single field and can generate a nearly scale-invariant spectrum of tensor perturbations. Anamorphic models also differ from pre-big bang and matter bounce models that do not explain the smoothness. We present some examples of cosmological models that incorporate an anamorphic smoothing phase.

  7. The Comparison Study of Six University Archives

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Chun-Fen Liu


    Full Text Available The university archives is not only the extension of a building, but also includes the archival records, archivists and equipments. The university archives is the historical memory of a university, which could let people to predict the future by reviewing the past. The university archives has abundant collections, both teachers and students can review history of this university. This paper mainly compares six university archives of Taiwan, and the interviewing method is used in this research. After comparison of the six university archives, we have found the six university archives have different organizational structures, budgets, and functions. Finally the authors propose some suggestions.[Article content in Chinese

  8. Research collaboration 2011-2012: A joint publication highlighting the research partnerships between the CSIR and University of the Western Cape, University of Cape Town, Stellenbosch University

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)



    Full Text Available CSIR’s partnerships with the University of the Western Cape (UWC), University of Cape Town (UCT) and Stellenbosch University (SU) seek to conduct research that improves the quality of the lives of the people of South Africa by responding...

  9. A New Cosmological Model: Black Hole Universe

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Zhang T. X.


    Full Text Available A new cosmological model called black hole universe is proposed. According to this model, the universe originated from a hot star-like black hole with several solar masses, and gradually grew up through a supermassive black hole with billion solar masses to the present state with hundred billion-trillion solar masses by accreting ambient mate- rials and merging with other black holes. The entire space is structured with infinite layers hierarchically. The innermost three layers are the universe that we are living, the outside called mother universe, and the inside star-like and supermassive black holes called child universes. The outermost layer is infinite in radius and limits to zero for both the mass density and absolute temperature. The relationships among all layers or universes can be connected by the universe family tree. Mathematically, the entire space can be represented as a set of all universes. A black hole universe is a subset of the en- tire space or a subspace. The child universes are null sets or empty spaces. All layers or universes are governed by the same physics - the Einstein general theory of relativity with the Robertson-walker metric of spacetime - and tend to expand outward physically. The evolution of the space structure is iterative. When one universe expands out, a new similar universe grows up from its inside. The entire life of a universe begins from the birth as a hot star-like or supermassive black hole, passes through the growth and cools down, and expands to the death with infinite large and zero mass density and absolute temperature. The black hole universe model is consistent with the Mach principle, the observations of the universe, and the Einstein general theory of relativity. Its various aspects can be understood with the well-developed physics without any difficulty. The dark energy is not required for the universe to accelerate its expansion. The inflation is not necessary because the black hole universe

  10. Acceleration of black hole universe (United States)

    Zhang, T. X.; Frederick, C.


    Recently, Zhang slightly modified the standard big bang theory and developed a new cosmological model called black hole universe, which is consistent with Mach's principle, governed by Einstein's general theory of relativity, and able to explain all observations of the universe. Previous studies accounted for the origin, structure, evolution, expansion, and cosmic microwave background radiation of the black hole universe, which grew from a star-like black hole with several solar masses through a supermassive black hole with billions of solar masses to the present state with hundred billion-trillions of solar masses by accreting ambient matter and merging with other black holes. This paper investigates acceleration of the black hole universe and provides an alternative explanation for the redshift and luminosity distance measurements of type Ia supernovae. The results indicate that the black hole universe accelerates its expansion when it accretes the ambient matter in an increasing rate. In other words, i.e., when the second-order derivative of the mass of the black hole universe with respect to the time is positive . For a constant deceleration parameter , we can perfectly explain the type Ia supernova measurements with the reduced chi-square to be very close to unity, χ red˜1.0012. The expansion and acceleration of black hole universe are driven by external energy.

  11. The University and Morality: A Revised Approach to University Autonomy and Its Limits. (United States)

    Alexander, Jeffrey C.


    The "critical" and "established" positions on university morality leave important questions unanswered. A revised position distinguishing between the corporate and intellectual bodies of the university is offered. Three social conditions for maintaining a value-rational debate are proposed. (Author/MLW)

  12. Young people's experiences of managing Type 1 diabetes at university: a national study of UK university students. (United States)

    Kellett, J; Sampson, M; Swords, F; Murphy, H R; Clark, A; Howe, A; Price, C; Datta, V; Myint, K S


    Little is known about the challenges of transitioning from school to university for young people with Type 1 diabetes. In a national survey, we investigated the impact of entering and attending university on diabetes self-care in students with Type 1 diabetes in all UK universities. Some 1865 current UK university students aged 18-24 years with Type 1 diabetes, were invited to complete a structured questionnaire. The association between demographic variables and diabetes variables was assessed using logistic regression models. In total, 584 (31%) students from 64 hospitals and 37 university medical practices completed the questionnaire. Some 62% had maintained routine diabetes care with their home team, whereas 32% moved to the university provider. Since starting university, 63% reported harder diabetes management and 44% reported higher HbA 1c levels than before university. At university, 52% had frequent hypoglycaemia, 9.6% reported one or more episodes of severe hypoglycaemia and 26% experienced diabetes-related hospital admissions. Female students and those who changed healthcare provider were approximately twice as likely to report poor glycaemic control, emergency hospital admissions and frequent hypoglycaemia. Females were more likely than males to report stress [odds ratio (OR) 4.78, 95% confidence interval (CI) 3.19-7.16], illness (OR 3.48, 95% CI 2.06-5.87) and weight management issues (OR 3.19, 95% CI 1.99-5.11) as barriers to self-care. Despite these difficulties, 91% of respondents never or rarely contacted university support services about their diabetes. The study quantifies the high level of risk experienced by students with Type 1 diabetes during the transition to university, in particular, female students and those moving to a new university healthcare provider. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

  13. Universality in heterogeneous catalysis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nørskov, Jens Kehlet; Pedersen, Thomas Bligaard; Logadottir, Ashildur


    Based on an extensive set of density functional theory calculations it is shown that for a class of catalytic reactions there is a universal, reactant independent relation between the reaction activation energy and the stability of reaction intermediates. This leads directly to a universal relati...

  14. (Re)Discovering University Autonomy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    This book challenges traditional approach to university autonomy which is based on four pillars: organisational, financial, human resource, and academic. The main thesis is that a fuller understanding of university autonomy can only be obtained through a more holistic view of the complex inter-re...

  15. Marketing University Outreach Programs. (United States)

    Foster, Ralph S., Jr., Ed.; And Others

    A collection of 12 essays and model program descriptions addresses issues in the marketing of university extension, outreach, and distance education programs. They include: (1) "Marketing and University Outreach: Parallel Processes" (William I. Sauser, Jr. and others); (2) "Segmenting and Targeting the Organizational Market"…

  16. Interaction university and school

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gionara Tauchen


    Full Text Available Considering that the interaction between universities and middle schools is fundamental for organization and the qualification of the education system, we conducted a qualitative study on twenty public municipal schools of Rio Grande, RS, designed to investigate and understand the effectiveness of university activities (teaching, research and extension in regard to the promotion and strengthening of the interactions between these institutions. We highlight the activities related to Pibid, the Education Observatory, extension, supervised internships, and to undergraduate and postgraduate research. From comprehensions about these activities, we discuss the interaction between school and university.

  17. Motivation of university and non-university stakeholders to change medical education in Vietnam.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Luu, H.N.; Nguyen, V.L.; van der Wilt, G.J.; Broerse, J.E.W.; Ruitenberg, E.J.; Wright, E.P.


    Background. Both university and non-university stakeholders should be involved in the process of curriculum development in medical schools, because all are concerned with the competencies of the graduates. That may be difficult unless appropriate strategies are used to motivate each stakeholder.

  18. Motivation of university and non-university stakeholders to change medical education in Vietnam

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Lu, H.; Nguyen, V; van der Wilt, G.J.; Broerse, J.E.W.; Ruitenberg, E.J.; Wright, P.


    Background. Both university and non-university stakeholders should be involved in the process of curriculum development in medical schools, because all are concerned with the competencies of the graduates. That may be difficult unless appropriate strategies are used to motivate each stakeholder.

  19. Food intake of university students

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Greyce Luci BERNARDO

    Full Text Available ABSTRACT This narrative literature review aimed to analyze the results of studies on the food intake of university students. A literature search was conducted in July 2014 and updated in July 2016 in the Scopus, MedLine/PubMed, and SciELO databases, using descriptors related to university students and food intake in English and Portuguese. Overall, 37 studies that analyzed university students’ food intake were included in this review, eight of which were conducted in Brazil. The results demonstrated that most university students have unhealthy eating behaviors, such as high intake of fast foods, snacks, sweets, soft drinks, and alcoholic beverages, and low intake of fruits, vegetables, fish, whole grains, and legumes. Undergraduate students of health sciences, such as nursing, nutrition, and medicine, did not have healthier diets. University students’ food intake was characterized as unhealthy, regardless of undergraduate program or sex, especially among students who left the parents’ home and became responsible for their own food. Therefore, there is a need of developing public policies that promote healthy eating habits among students, such as interventions to change their eating habits and increase their access to healthy foods at the university environment.

  20. Reeducation at Heidelberg University. (United States)

    Giles, Geoffrey J.


    Utilizes German archival records to illuminate crucial post-war events at Heidelberg University. The university became the focal point of attempts to define the theoretical and practical meaning of "geistige Umerziehung" (spiritual reeducation). Discusses the conflict between U.S. authorities and such esteemed German scholars as Karl…

  1. Strategic Issues in University Information Management (United States)

    Roosendaal, Hans E.

    This chapter represents a specific view on university management. It sequentially discusses different organizational levels of e-teaching, starting with general management, e-science developments and what this means to universities, and business models followed by focusing on specific teaching issues. The chapter sets out to discuss the development of the university from a loose federation of faculties into a more integrated university, such as, e.g., an entrepreneurial university. This development is also driven by the introduction of the bachelors/masters system - a process which leads to the need for an institutional strategy introducing institutional quality management and has to be accompanied by the independent accreditation of research and teaching. Applying the model of strategic positioning to the university as a whole leads to the introduction of the university entrepreneur. The model is used to describe structural issues and the relations between the primary processes of research and teaching with the secondary processes. e-science is introduced as a further step toward the universal sharing of scientific results and to analyze the kind of incentives that will be required to attain this goal of making information an even more integral part of the research and teaching process.

  2. The Universe and Life

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eduard Kazantsev


    Full Text Available This article discusses some of the unsolved problems of modern cosmology, which lead to the need to consider the role of living matter in the evolution of the universe. The author proposes the hy- pothesis of the emergence, in the process of evolution of the universe, “biological vacuum” (physical antipode, which has a purpose of improving physical matter until the appearance of living matter. Substantiates the idea that the “biological vacuum” in the “live” dark matter with the participation of a living organism as an intermediary. The model of a stationary universe, as the local group of galaxies, placed in a halo of “live” dark matter. At the end of the article the author predicts the final evolution of the physical universe (after the collapse of the physical fields and particles as the begin- ning of a new stage of evolution of the “live” dark matter.

  3. Unceratainty of Heisenberg in Universe Destruction

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sri Jumini


    Full Text Available The Qur'an is a guidence which explaines all about the universe to human being. The discovery of science has been able to explain the truth of the Qur'an scientifically. One of which is the principle of Heisenberg's uncertainty in the event of the universe destruction. The purpose of this research is to know: 1 Science's view of the event of the universe destruction (Big Crunch in Qur’an [Al Infithaar]: 1-3, and How the relation of Heisenberg’s uncertainty principles and the law of thermodynamics II toward  the collapse of the universe (Big Crunch based on Scientific views and the Quran. This research is a qualitative research using library research method which analyzes the related books directly or indirectly. The results of the analysis stated that: 1 The concentration of mass, which is big enough, relates to some of the laws of physics, those are: Relativity, Heisenberg's uncertainty principles, and the law of Thermodynamic II; 2 The universe will return at its sole point, i.e; the absence of the universe; 3 The destruction of the universe is the destruction of the order of the universe which then the stars fall scatteredly because of the gravitational force that prevents them disappears, the balance of the universe diminishes, decreases and becomes uncertain, and eventually disappears.

  4. Mach's principle and rotating universes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    King, D.H.


    It is shown that the Bianchi 9 model universe satisfies the Mach principle. These closed rotating universes were previously thought to be counter-examples to the principle. The Mach principle is satisfied because the angular momentum of the rotating matter is compensated by the effective angular momentum of gravitational waves. A new formulation of the Mach principle is given that is based on the field theory interpretation of general relativity. Every closed universe with 3-sphere topology is shown to satisfy this formulation of the Mach principle. It is shown that the total angular momentum of the matter and gravitational waves in a closed 3-sphere topology universe is zero

  5. Self-esteem and organizational values in university students and not university students from Lima


    Loli Pineda, Alejandro E.; López Vega, Ernestina


    The selfesteem and the organizationals values in university students and not university students of Lima, is a study developed in a sample of 3215 students belonging to four universities of Lima; and not students conformed by egressions, professional and postgraduados, many of which show off directive charges in public or private companies, with the purpose to know the existing relation among the selfesteem and the values organizational of the same, in Lima Metropolitan, and to determine the ...

  6. University writing

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Miguel Zabalza Beraza


    Full Text Available Writing in the University is a basic necessity and a long-range educational purpose. One of the basic characteristics of the university context is that it requires writing both as a tool of communication and as a source of intellectual stimulation. After establishing the basic features of academic writing, this article analyzes the role of writing for students (writing to learn and for teachers (write to plan, to reflect, to document what has been done. The article also discusses the contributions of writing for both students and teachers together: writing to investigate. Finally, going beyond what writing is as academic tool, we conclude with a more playful and creative position: writing for pleasure and enjoyment.

  7. A unified universe

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Codello, Alessandro; Jain, Rajeev Kumar


    We present a unified evolution of the universe from very early times until the present epoch by including both the leading local correction R2 and the leading non-local term R1□2R to the classical gravitational action. We find that the inflationary phase driven by R2 term gracefully exits...... in a transitory regime characterized by coherent oscillations of the Hubble parameter. The universe then naturally enters into a radiation dominated epoch followed by a matter dominated era. At sufficiently late times after radiation–matter equality, the non-local term starts to dominate inducing an accelerated...... expansion of the universe at the present epoch. We further exhibit the fact that both the leading local and non-local terms can be obtained within the covariant effective field theory of gravity. This scenario thus provides a unified picture of inflation and dark energy in a single framework by means...

  8. Universe or Multiverse? (United States)

    Carr, Bernard


    Part I. Overviews: 1. Introduction and overview Bernard Carr; 2. Living in the multiverse Steven Weinberg; 3. Enlightenment, knowledge, ignorance, temptation Frank Wilczek; Part II. Cosmology and Astrophysics: 4. Cosmology and the multiverse Martin J. Rees; 5. The anthropic principle revisited Bernard Carr; 6. Cosmology from the top down Stephen Hawking; 7. The multiverse hierarchy Max Tegmark; 8. The inflationary universe Andrei Linde; 9. A model of anthropic reasoning: the dark to ordinary matter ratio Frank Wilczek; 10. Anthropic predictions: the case of the cosmological constant Alexander Vilenkin; 11. The definition and classification of universes James D. Bjorken; 12. M/string theory and anthropic reasoning Renata Kallosh; 13. The anthropic principle, dark energy and the LHC Savas Dimopoulos and Scott Thomas; Part III. Particle Physics and Quantum Theory: 14. Quarks, electrons and atoms in closely related universes Craig J. Hogan; 15. The fine-tuning problems of particle physics and anthropic mechanisms John F. Donoghue; 16. The anthropic landscape of string theory Leonard Susskind; 17. Cosmology and the many worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics Viatcheslav Mukhanov; 18. Anthropic reasoning and quantum cosmology James B. Hartle; 19. Micro-anthropic principle for quantum theory Brandon Carter; Part IV. More General Philosophical Issues: 20. Scientific alternatives to the anthropic principle Lee Smolin; 21. Making predictions in a multiverse: conundrums, dangers, coincidences Anthony Aguirre; 22. Multiverses: description, uniqueness and testing George Ellis; 23. Predictions and tests of multiverse theories Don N. Page; 24. Observation selection theory and cosmological fine-tuning Nick Bostrom; 25. Are anthropic arguments, involving multiverses and beyond, legitimate? William R. Stoeger; 26. The multiverse hypothesis: a theistic perspective Robin Collins; 27. Living in a simulated universe John D. Barrow; 28. Universes galore: where will it all end? Paul

  9. Air University Style and Author Guide

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Bassett, Marvin


    The "Air University Style and Author Guide" is designed to unify the writing of faculty, staff, and students of Air University stylistically, and to give them information about publishing with Air University (AU) Press...

  10. [Issues related to national university medical schools: focusing on the low wages of university hospital physicians]. (United States)

    Takamuku, Masatoshi


    University hospitals, bringing together the three divisions of education, research, and clinical medicine, could be said to represent the pinnacle of medicine. However, when compared with physicians working at public and private hospitals, physicians working at university hospitals and medical schools face extremely poor conditions. This is because physicians at national university hospitals are considered to be "educators." Meanwhile, even after the privatization of national hospitals, physicians working for these institutions continue to be perceived as "medical practitioners." A situation may arise in which physicians working at university hospitals-performing top-level medical work while also being involved with university and postgraduate education, as well as research-might leave their posts because they are unable to live on their current salaries, especially in comparison with physicians working at national hospitals, who focus solely on medical care. This situation would be a great loss for Japan. This potential loss can be prevented by amending the classification of physicians at national university hospitals from "educators" to "medical practitioners." In order to accomplish this, the Japan Medical Association, upon increasing its membership and achieving growth, should act as a mediator in negotiations between national university hospitals, medical schools, and the government.

  11. Factors Affecting University Library Website Design

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yongi-Mi Kim


    Full Text Available Existing studies have extensively explored factors that affect users’ intentions to use university library website resources (ULWR; yet little attention has been given to factors affecting university library website design. This paper investigates factors that affect university library website design and assesses the success of the university library website from both designers’ and users’ perspectives. The findings show that when planning a website, university web designers consider university guidelines, review other websites, and consult with experts and other divisions within the library; however, resources and training for the design process are lacking. While website designers assess their websites as highly successful, user evaluations are somewhat lower. Accordingly, use is low, and users rely heavily on commercial websites. Suggestions for enhancing the usage of ULWR are provided.

  12. Interacting universes and the cosmological constant

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Alonso-Serrano, A.; Bastos, C.; Bertolami, O.; Robles-Pérez, S.


    In this Letter it is studied the effects that an interaction scheme among universes can have in the values of their cosmological constants. In the case of two interacting universes, the value of the cosmological constant of one of the universes becomes very close to zero at the expense of an increasing value of the cosmological constant of the partner universe. In the more general case of a chain of N interacting universes with periodic boundary conditions, the spectrum of the Hamiltonian splits into a large number of levels, each of them associated with a particular value of the cosmological constant, that can be occupied by single universes revealing a collective behavior that plainly shows that the multiverse is much more than the mere sum of its parts

  13. Interacting universes and the cosmological constant

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Alonso-Serrano, A. [Centro de Física “Miguel Catalán”, Instituto de Física Fundamental, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Serrano 121, 28006 Madrid (Spain); Estación Ecológica de Biocosmología, Pedro de Alvarado 14, 06411 Medellín (Spain); Bastos, C. [Instituto de Plasmas e Fusão Nuclear, Instituto Superior Técnico, Avenida Rovisco Pais 1, 1049-001 Lisboa (Portugal); Bertolami, O. [Instituto de Plasmas e Fusão Nuclear, Instituto Superior Técnico, Avenida Rovisco Pais 1, 1049-001 Lisboa (Portugal); Departamento de Física e Astronomia, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto, Rua do Campo Alegre 687, 4169-007 Porto (Portugal); Robles-Pérez, S., E-mail: [Centro de Física “Miguel Catalán”, Instituto de Física Fundamental, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Serrano 121, 28006 Madrid (Spain); Estación Ecológica de Biocosmología, Pedro de Alvarado 14, 06411 Medellín (Spain); Física Teórica, Universidad del País Vasco, Apartado 644, 48080 Bilbao (Spain)


    In this Letter it is studied the effects that an interaction scheme among universes can have in the values of their cosmological constants. In the case of two interacting universes, the value of the cosmological constant of one of the universes becomes very close to zero at the expense of an increasing value of the cosmological constant of the partner universe. In the more general case of a chain of N interacting universes with periodic boundary conditions, the spectrum of the Hamiltonian splits into a large number of levels, each of them associated with a particular value of the cosmological constant, that can be occupied by single universes revealing a collective behavior that plainly shows that the multiverse is much more than the mere sum of its parts.

  14. Research universities for the 21st century

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gover, J. [Sandia National Labs., Albuquerque, NM (United States); Huray, P.G. [Univ. of South Carolina, Columbia, SC (United States)


    The `public outcomes` from research universities are educated students and research that extends the frontiers of knowledge. Measures of these `public outcomes` are inadequate to permit either research or education consumers to select research universities based on quantitative performance data. Research universities annually spend over $20 billion on research; 60% of these funds are provided by Federal sources. Federal funding for university research has recently grown at an annual rate near 6% during a time period when other performers of Federal research have experienced real funding cuts. Ten universities receive about 25% of the Federal funds spent on university research. Numerous studies of US research universities are reporting storm clouds. Concerns include balancing research and teaching, the narrow focus of engineering education, college costs, continuing education, and public funding of foreign student education. The absence of research on the `public outcomes` from university research results in opinion, politics, and mythology forming the basis of too many decisions. Therefore, the authors recommend studies of other nations` research universities, studies of various economic models of university research, analysis of the peer review process and how well it identifies the most capable research practitioners and at what cost, and studies of research university ownership of intellectual property that can lead to increased `public outcomes` from publicly-funded research performed by research universities. They advocate two practices that could increase the `public outcomes` from university research. These are the development of science roadmaps that link science research to `public outcomes` and `public outcome` metrics. Changes in the university research culture and expanded use of the Internet could also lead to increased `public outcomes`. They recommend the use of tax incentives to encourage companies to develop research partnerships with research

  15. University crisis and social responsibility

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Camilo dos Santos Filho


    Full Text Available The purpose of this study was to investigate the repercussion of the recent crisis of the university on its mission and responsibility and, from this reflection, to propose ways for the consolidation of this responsibility. The three main crisis faced by the university  from the middle of the XXth century identified by Boaventura Souza Santos as crisis of hegemony, of legitimacy and institutional, constituted the framework of discussion of the problem of social responsibility of the university. Although true for the universities of the advanced countries, the loss of hegemony in the area of research still does not occur in Brazilian university. To overcome the crisis of legitimacy, the creation of advanced academic and professional training institutions for the cultivation of the intellectual and professional elite of the country, as well as of non university institutions of mass higher education for the cultural and technological formation of the youth is justified. To make possible the access to these institutions by discriminated socioeconomic segments of society, the adoption of the policy of affirmative action in the form of quotas is justified.  The overcoming of the institutional crisis will be achieved when the State respect the specificity of the universities and when the evaluation criteria of her functions be adequate to her specific nature and the titularity of the evaluation belong to the institutions themselves assuring the external evaluation by effective pairs and not by pairs coopted by the State.

  16. Chaotic universe model. (United States)

    Aydiner, Ekrem


    In this study, we consider nonlinear interactions between components such as dark energy, dark matter, matter and radiation in the framework of the Friedman-Robertson-Walker space-time and propose a simple interaction model based on the time evolution of the densities of these components. By using this model we show that these interactions can be given by Lotka-Volterra type equations. We numerically solve these coupling equations and show that interaction dynamics between dark energy-dark matter-matter or dark energy-dark matter-matter-radiation has a strange attractor for 0 > w de  >-1, w dm  ≥ 0, w m  ≥ 0 and w r  ≥ 0 values. These strange attractors with the positive Lyapunov exponent clearly show that chaotic dynamics appears in the time evolution of the densities. These results provide that the time evolution of the universe is chaotic. The present model may have potential to solve some of the cosmological problems such as the singularity, cosmic coincidence, big crunch, big rip, horizon, oscillation, the emergence of the galaxies, matter distribution and large-scale organization of the universe. The model also connects between dynamics of the competing species in biological systems and dynamics of the time evolution of the universe and offers a new perspective and a new different scenario for the universe evolution.

  17. Mapping International University Partnerships Identified by East African Universities as Strengthening Their Medicine, Nursing, and Public Health Programs. (United States)

    Yarmoshuk, Aaron N; Guantai, Anastasia Nkatha; Mwangu, Mughwira; Cole, Donald C; Zarowsky, Christina

    International university partnerships are recommended for increasing the capacity of sub-Saharan African universities. Many publications describe individual partnerships and projects, and tools are available for guiding collaborations, but systematic mappings of the basic, common characteristics of partnerships are scarce. To document and categorize the international interuniversity partnerships deemed significant to building the capacity of medicine, nursing, and public health programs of 4 East African universities. Two universities in Kenya and 2 in Tanzania were purposefully selected. Key informant interviews, conducted with 42 senior representatives of the 4 universities, identified partnerships they considered significant for increasing the capacity of their institutions' medicine, nursing, and public health programs in education, research, or service. Interviews were transcribed and analyzed. Partners were classified by country of origin and corresponding international groupings, duration, programs, and academic health science components. One hundred twenty-nine university-to-university partnerships from 23 countries were identified. Each university reported between 25 and 36 international university partners. Seventy-four percent of partnerships were with universities in high-income countries, 15% in low- and middle-income countries, and 11% with consortia. Seventy percent included medicine, 37% nursing, and 45% public health; 15% included all 3 programs. Ninety-two percent included an education component, 47% research, and 24% service; 12% included all 3 components. This study confirms the rapid growth of interuniversity cross-border health partnerships this century. It also finds, however, that there is a pool of established international partnerships from numerous countries at each university. Most partnerships that seek to strengthen universities in East Africa should likely ensure they have a significant education component. Universities should make

  18. Understanding University Technology Transfer (United States)

    Association of American Universities, 2011


    Federal government agencies provide about $33 billion a year to universities to conduct scientific research. That continuing investment expands human knowledge and helps educate the next generation of science and technology leaders. New discoveries from university research also form the basis for many new products and processes that benefit the…

  19. Talent Management for Universities (United States)

    Bradley, Andrew P.


    This paper explores human resource management practices in the university sector with a specific focus on talent pools and talent management more generally. The paper defines talent management in the context of the university sector and then explores its interdependence with organisational strategy, the metrics used to measure academic performance…

  20. What Does "International University" Mean at a European Bilingual University? the Role of Languages and Culture (United States)

    Doiz, Aintzane; Lasagabaster, David; Sierra, Juan Manuel


    Internationalisation has brought about remarkable changes at universities all over the world. In the case of the University of the Basque Country (Spain) this is reflected in the increasing presence of English-medium instruction. This paper examines two issues: the university community's perception of (1) the term "international…

  1. Rotating universe models

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tozini, A.V.


    A review is made of some properties of the rotating Universe models. Godel's model is identified as a generalized filted model. Some properties of new solutions of the Einstein's equations, which are rotating non-stationary Universe models, are presented and analyzed. These models have the Godel's model as a particular case. Non-stationary cosmological models are found which are a generalization of the Godel's metrics in an analogous way in which Friedmann is to the Einstein's model. (L.C.) [pt

  2. University multi-user facility survey-2010. (United States)

    Riley, Melissa B


    Multi-user facilities serve as a resource for many universities. In 2010, a survey was conducted investigating possible changes and successful characteristics of multi-user facilities, as well as identifying problems in facilities. Over 300 surveys were e-mailed to persons identified from university websites as being involved with multi-user facilities. Complete responses were received from 36 facilities with an average of 20 years of operation. Facilities were associated with specific departments (22%), colleges (22%), and university research centers (8.3%) or were not affiliated with any department or college within the university (47%). The five most important factors to succeed as a multi-user facility were: 1) maintaining an experienced, professional staff in an open atmosphere; 2) university-level support providing partial funding; 3) broad client base; 4) instrument training programs; and 5) an effective leader and engaged strategic advisory group. The most significant problems were: 1) inadequate university financial support and commitment; 2) problems recovering full service costs from university subsidies and user fees; 3) availability of funds to repair and upgrade equipment; 4) inability to retain highly qualified staff; and 5) unqualified users dirtying/damaging equipment. Further information related to these issues and to fee structure was solicited. Overall, there appeared to be a decline in university support for facilities and more emphasis on securing income by serving clients outside of the institution and by obtaining grants from entities outside of the university.

  3. The change law of the universe (United States)

    Yongquan, Han

    The ideal gas state equation is not applicable to ordinary gas, it should be applied to the Electromagnetic ''gas'' that is applied to the radiation, the radiation should be the ultimate state of matter changes or initial state, the universe is filled with radiation. That is, the ideal gas equation of state is suitable for the Singular point and the universe. Maybe someone consider that, there is no vessel can accommodate radiation, it is because the Ordinary container is too small to accommodate, if the radius of your container is the distance that Light through an hour, would you still think it can't accommodates radiation? Modern scientific determinate that the radius of the universe now is about 1027 m, assuming that the universe is a sphere whose volume is approximately: V = 4.19 × 1081 cubic meters, the temperature radiation of the universe (cosmic microwave background radiation temperature of the universe, should be the closest the average temperature of the universe) T = 3.15k, radiation pressure P = 5 Ã 10-6 N / m 2, according to the law of ideal gas state equation, PV / T = 6 à 1075, the value of this constant is the universe, The singular point should also equal to the constant

  4. Black Hole Universe Model and Dark Energy (United States)

    Zhang, Tianxi


    Considering black hole as spacetime and slightly modifying the big bang theory, the author has recently developed a new cosmological model called black hole universe, which is consistent with Mach principle and Einsteinian general relativity and self consistently explains various observations of the universe without difficulties. According to this model, the universe originated from a hot star-like black hole and gradually grew through a supermassive black hole to the present universe by accreting ambient material and merging with other black holes. The entire space is infinitely and hierarchically layered and evolves iteratively. The innermost three layers are the universe that we lives, the outside space called mother universe, and the inside star-like and supermassive black holes called child universes. The outermost layer has an infinite radius and zero limits for both the mass density and absolute temperature. All layers or universes are governed by the same physics, the Einstein general relativity with the Robertson-Walker metric of spacetime, and tend to expand outward physically. When one universe expands out, a new similar universe grows up from its inside black holes. The origin, structure, evolution, expansion, and cosmic microwave background radiation of black hole universe have been presented in the recent sequence of American Astronomical Society (AAS) meetings and published in peer-review journals. This study will show how this new model explains the acceleration of the universe and why dark energy is not required. We will also compare the black hole universe model with the big bang cosmology.

  5. Quantum field theory of universe

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hosoya, Akio; Morikawa, Masahiro.


    As is well-known, the wave function of universe dictated by the Wheeler-DeWitt equation has a difficulty in its probabilistic interpretation. In order to overcome this difficulty, we explore a theoretical possibility of the second quantization of universe, following the same passage historically taken for the Klein-Gordon particles and the Nambu-Goto strings. It turns out that multiple production of universes is an inevitable consequence even if the initial state is nothing. The problematical interpretation of wave function of universe is circumvented by introducing an internal comoving model detector, which is an analogue of the DeWitt-Unruh detector in the quantum field theory in curved space-time. (author)

  6. USAID University (United States)

    US Agency for International Development — USAID University is USAID's learning management system. Features include 1) Access online courses 2) Register for instructor-led courses 3)Access your student...

  7. Marketing management of a non-public university

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Piotr Mikosik


    Full Text Available 2005 was the peak year for the university sector.Nearly 2 million students attended Polish universities, and the favourable trend has continued uninterrupted for 15 years.Such a high demand for knowledge also resulted in a strong growth in the number of universities.However, since 2006 the number of students has begun to fall, and taking into account the demographic data it should be assumed that this trend will continue in the years to come. Research conducted for the Ministry of Science and Higher Education indicates that the methods of university management in Poland are outdated in comparison with global solutions.This is because research is centred around scientists, and not geared towards expectations of the students.In light of unfavourable demographic trends, and thus increasing difficulties of the universities to remain in the market, it should be expected that university authorities will have to focus on market expectations to a greater extent than today and will have to focus on development of skills of marketing management.Although this situation is also partly true as regards public universities, this article takes into account mainly the perspective of private universities. The aim of this article is to present the possibilities and barriers to building a strong competitive position of universities in the sector.The scope of considerations presented in this paper covers issues of strategic management of a university, marketing and aspects of university personnel management.This article is developed on the basis of available literature, reports, more than a dozen years of work experience in a number of private universities in Poland and on the basis of the author’s research performed in order to prepare marketing strategies for such universities. Key conclusions of this article are as follows: Universities should pay more attention to the importance of strategic planning In determining management priorities, universities should

  8. Ready for university? A cross national study on students' perceived preparedness for university

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Jansen, E.P.W.A.; van der Meer, J.

    Students' preparedness for higher education is seen as one of the main factors affecting first-year attrition or study success. In this paper we report on a cross-national study in which students' preparedness for university was measured before students commenced their study at a university in New

  9. Predictive models for suicidal thoughts and behaviors among Spanish University students: rationale and methods of the UNIVERSAL (University & mental health) project. (United States)

    Blasco, Maria Jesús; Castellví, Pere; Almenara, José; Lagares, Carolina; Roca, Miquel; Sesé, Albert; Piqueras, José Antonio; Soto-Sanz, Victoria; Rodríguez-Marín, Jesús; Echeburúa, Enrique; Gabilondo, Andrea; Cebrià, Ana Isabel; Miranda-Mendizábal, Andrea; Vilagut, Gemma; Bruffaerts, Ronny; Auerbach, Randy P; Kessler, Ronald C; Alonso, Jordi


    Suicide is a leading cause of death among young people. While suicide prevention is considered a research and intervention priority, longitudinal data is needed to identify risk and protective factors associate with suicidal thoughts and behaviors. Here we describe the UNIVERSAL (University and Mental Health) project which aims are to: (1) test prevalence and 36-month incidence of suicidal thoughts and behaviors; and (2) identify relevant risk and protective factors associated with the incidence of suicidal thoughts and behaviors among university students in Spain. An ongoing multicenter, observational, prospective cohort study of first year university students in 5 Spanish universities. Students will be assessed annually during a 36 month follow-up. The surveys will be administered through an online, secure web-based platform. A clinical reappraisal will be completed among a subsample of respondents. Suicidal thoughts and behaviors will be assess with the Self-Injurious Thoughts and Behaviors Interview (SITBI) and the Columbia-Suicide Severity Rating Scale (C-SSRS). Risk and protective factors will include: mental disorders, measured with the Composite International Diagnostic Interview version 3.0 (CIDI 3.0) and Screening Scales (CIDI-SC), and the Epi-Q Screening Survey (EPI-Q-SS), socio-demographic variables, self-perceived health status, health behaviors, well-being, substance use disorders, service use and treatment. The UNIVERSAL project is part of the International College Surveys initiative, which is a core project within the World Mental Health consortium. Lifetime and the 12-month prevalence will be calculated for suicide ideation, plans and attempts. Cumulative incidence of suicidal thoughts and behaviors, and mental disorders will be measured using the actuarial method. Risk and protective factors of suicidal thoughts and behaviors will be analyzed by Cox proportional hazard models. The study will provide valid, innovative and useful data for developing

  10. An eternal universe

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Novello, M.; Heintzmann, H.


    A new generalized solution of Maxwell-Einstein equations (which are non-minimally coupled) which leads to some fascinating aspects of the Universe is presented. The Cosmos has no singularity due to the coupling of longitudinal electromagnetism with space-time. It contains the Milne-Schucking cosmos as a limiting case. This model contains a free parameter (the longitudinal electromagnetic field) which allows one to fix the density of highest compression of the Cosmos. Alternativelly the parameter allows one to adjust our cosmos to the presently observed Hubble constant and the deceleration parameter. The model seems to be a viable candidate for our real cosmos as it allows one to extend the time scale of the Universe to arbitrarily large values i.e., it is able to provide the necessary time scale for the origin of life. It is speculated that the entropy is finite but intelligence in the Universe may be infinite. (Author) [pt

  11. A Universe without Weak Interactions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Harnik, Roni; Kribs, Graham D.; Perez, Gilad


    A universe without weak interactions is constructed that undergoes big-bang nucleosynthesis, matter domination, structure formation, and star formation. The stars in this universe are able to burn for billions of years, synthesize elements up to iron, and undergo supernova explosions, dispersing heavy elements into the interstellar medium. These definitive claims are supported by a detailed analysis where this hypothetical ''Weakless Universe'' is matched to our Universe by simultaneously adjusting Standard Model and cosmological parameters. For instance, chemistry and nuclear physics are essentially unchanged. The apparent habitability of the Weakless Universe suggests that the anthropic principle does not determine the scale of electroweak breaking, or even require that it be smaller than the Planck scale, so long as technically natural parameters may be suitably adjusted. Whether the multi-parameter adjustment is realized or probable is dependent on the ultraviolet completion, such as the string landscape. Considering a similar analysis for the cosmological constant, however, we argue that no adjustments of other parameters are able to allow the cosmological constant to raise up even remotely close to the Planck scale while obtaining macroscopic structure. The fine-tuning problems associated with the electroweak breaking scale and the cosmological constant therefore appear to be qualitatively different from the perspective of obtaining a habitable universe.

  12. A Universe without Weak Interactions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Harnik, R


    A universe without weak interactions is constructed that undergoes big-bang nucleosynthesis, matter domination, structure formation, and star formation. The stars in this universe are able to burn for billions of years, synthesize elements up to iron, and undergo supernova explosions, dispersing heavy elements into the interstellar medium. These definitive claims are supported by a detailed analysis where this hypothetical ''Weakless Universe'' is matched to our Universe by simultaneously adjusting Standard Model and cosmological parameters. For instance, chemistry and nuclear physics are essentially unchanged. The apparent habitability of the Weakless Universe suggests that the anthropic principle does not determine the scale of electroweak breaking, or even require that it be smaller than the Planck scale, so long as technically natural parameters may be suitably adjusted. Whether the multi-parameter adjustment is realized or probable is dependent on the ultraviolet completion, such as the string landscape. Considering a similar analysis for the cosmological constant, however, we argue that no adjustments of other parameters are able to allow the cosmological constant to raise up even remotely close to the Planck scale while obtaining macroscopic structure. The fine-tuning problems associated with the electroweak breaking scale and the cosmological constant therefore appear to be qualitatively different from the perspective of obtaining a habitable universe

  13. A universe without weak interactions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Harnik, Roni; Kribs, Graham D.; Perez, Gilad


    A universe without weak interactions is constructed that undergoes big-bang nucleosynthesis, matter domination, structure formation, and star formation. The stars in this universe are able to burn for billions of years, synthesize elements up to iron, and undergo supernova explosions, dispersing heavy elements into the interstellar medium. These definitive claims are supported by a detailed analysis where this hypothetical ''weakless universe'' is matched to our Universe by simultaneously adjusting standard model and cosmological parameters. For instance, chemistry and nuclear physics are essentially unchanged. The apparent habitability of the weakless universe suggests that the anthropic principle does not determine the scale of electroweak breaking, or even require that it be smaller than the Planck scale, so long as technically natural parameters may be suitably adjusted. Whether the multiparameter adjustment is realized or probable is dependent on the ultraviolet completion, such as the string landscape. Considering a similar analysis for the cosmological constant, however, we argue that no adjustments of other parameters are able to allow the cosmological constant to raise up even remotely close to the Planck scale while obtaining macroscopic structure. The fine-tuning problems associated with the electroweak breaking scale and the cosmological constant therefore appear to be qualitatively different from the perspective of obtaining a habitable universe

  14. Regionalism in Scottish Universities (United States)

    Hutchison, Dougal


    It is well-known that Scottish universities are highly local institutions and that over two-fifth of Scottish university students live at home. Attempts to ascertain if this regionalism has relaxed over the past twenty years with student grant regulations, improvement in communications and the increasing affluence of today's society. (Author/RK)

  15. Knowledge and the University

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Barnett, Ronald; Bengtsen, Søren Smedegaard

    for the university and the university’s place in the world. However, that presupposition has taken a battering recently from many directions. With the incorporation of the university more fully into the world, knowledge is no longer seen as valuable in-itself but now is viewed only instrumentally, and has to have...

  16. Emergent universe with wormholes in massive gravity (United States)

    Paul, B. C.; Majumdar, A. S.


    An emergent universe (EU) scenario is proposed to obtain a universe free from big-bang singularity. In this framework the present universe emerged from a static Einstein universe phase in the infinite past. A flat EU scenario is found to exist in Einstein’s gravity with a non-linear equation of state (EoS). It has been shown subsequently that a physically realistic EU model can be obtained considering cosmic fluid composed of interacting fluids with a non-linear equation of state. It results a viable cosmological model accommodating both early inflation and present accelerating phases. In the present paper, the origin of an initial static Einstein universe needed in the EU model is explored in a massive gravity theory which subsequently emerged to be a dynamically evolving universe. A new gravitational instanton solution in a flat universe is obtained in the massive gravity theory which is a dynamical wormhole that might play an important role in realizing the origin of the initial state of the emergent universe. The emergence of a Lorentzian universe from a Euclidean gravity is understood by a Wick rotation τ = i t . A universe with radiation at the beginning finally transits into the present observed universe with a non-linear EoS as the interactions among the fluids set in. Thus a viable flat EU scenario where the universe stretches back into time infinitely, with no big bang is permitted in a massive gravity.

  17. From universal health insurance to universal healthcare? The shifting health policy landscape in Ireland since the economic crisis. (United States)

    Burke, Sara Ann; Normand, Charles; Barry, Sarah; Thomas, Steve


    Ireland experienced one of the most severe economic crises of any OECD country. In 2011, a new government came to power amidst unprecedented health budget cuts. Despite a retrenchment in the ability of health resources to meet growing need, the government promised a universal, single-tiered health system, with access based solely on medical need. Key to this was introducing universal free GP care by 2015 and Universal Health Insurance from 2016 onwards. Delays in delivering universal access and a new health minister in 2014 resulted in a shift in language from 'universal health insurance' to 'universal healthcare'. During 2014 and 2015, there was an absence of clarity on what government meant by universal healthcare and divergence in policy measures from their initial intent of universalism. Despite the rhetoric of universal healthcare, years of austerity resulted in poorer access to essential healthcare and little extension of population coverage. The Irish health system is at a critical juncture in 2015, veering between a potential path to universal healthcare and a system, overwhelmed by years of austerity, which maintains the status quo. This papers assesses the gap between policy intent and practice and the difficulties in implementing major health system reform especially while emerging from an economic crisis. Copyright © 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd.. All rights reserved.

  18. Corporate Universities and Corporation- University Partnerships in Thailand: Complimenting Education in Learning, Leadership and Change

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Oliver S. Crocco


    Full Text Available With an estimated workforce of 285 million and the establishment of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN Economic Community in 2015, ASEAN faces vast challenges in human resource development (HRD and higher education. These challenges in Thailand have resulted in the rise of corporate universities and corporation-university partnerships. Corporate partnerships in education adapt quickly to industry needs and are increasingly popular and complimentary to traditional higher education. This research looks at one corporate university and one corporation-university partnership to investigate how, if at all, corporate universities and partnerships address HRD issues such as adult learning, leadership development, organisational change, corporate social responsibility (CSR, as well as ethical and global issues. This research finds initial evidence that corporate educational strategies address a variety of HRD issues and have the potential to revolutionise and compliment higher education in Thailand in a way that drives the nation toward a more sustainable future.

  19. Experiência de prova prática na seleção para a residência médica: exeqüibilidade, segurança e importância deste processo de avaliação

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wolney de Andrade Martins

    Full Text Available Relata-se a experiência da realização de prova prática no concurso para seleção de médicos residentes no Centro Universitário Serra dos Órgãos, Teresópolis (RJ. Houve uma primeira fase com prova teórica (PT de múltipla escolha e uma segunda fase com prova prática presencial (PP, ambas eliminatórias e classificatórias. As cinco áreas básicas do ensino médico foram avaliadas por meio do exame clínico de dois pacientes - um clínico ou cirúrgico e outro da área materno-infantil, conforme sorteio. A PP objetivou avaliar atitudes, habilidades e conhecimentos. Houve capacitação de dois tipos de bancas: a primeira com docentes das áreas clínica e cirúrgica, dita clínico-cirúrgica (CC, e a segunda com docentes das áreas de pediatria, tocoginecologia e saúde coletiva, chamada materno-infantil e preventiva (MIP. Não houve correlação significativa entre as notas da PT e as da PP. A PP foi determinante para a classificação final em cinco dos seis programas oferecidos. Houve correlação entre as notas das bancas CC e MIP (r = 0,483, p < 0,001. Houve uniformidade das notas intrabanca e interbanca. A PP é exeqüível, segura e importante instrumento para a adequação do ensino de graduação em Medicina às diretrizes curriculares.

  20. Análisis de las adaptaciones agudas al entrenamiento de fuerza máxima mediante el estudio de las modificaciones del rendimiento mecánico del tren superior

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eliseo Iglesias Soler


    Full Text Available El propósito del presente trabajo fue valorar el efecto agudo de dos sesiones de fuerza máxima sobre el rendimiento mecánico inmediatamente posterior. En 10 sujetos varones se obtuvieron las cargas correspondientes a una repetición máxima (1RM y a la máxima potencia en la ejecución concéntrica de press banca. Cinco días más tarde se realizaron dos sesiones de entrenamiento. En cada una se llevaron a cabo 6 series de 2 repeticiones de press banca concéntrico, al 90 % de 1RM, con pausas mínimas de 3'. Antes e inmediatamente después de cada sesión se midió la potencia desarrollada, tanto con la carga de máxima potencia como con el 90 % de 1RM. El análisis de los resultados no reflejó diferencias significativas en el rendimiento con cargas de máxima potencia. Con el 90 % disminuyó de forma significativa (p < 0,05 al final de la segunda sesión. No se halló correlación significativa entre 1RM y las diferencias entre los valores finales e iniciales con las cargas de máxima potencia individual. La correlación fue significativa entre 1RM y las diferencias entre la potencia final e inicial al 90 % de 1RM en la primera sesión, tanto en valores reales como porcentuales (r = –0,631 y r = –0,678 respectivamente