
Sample records for

  1. WebCom: A Model for Understanding Web Site Communication

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Godsk, Mikkel; Petersen, Anja Bechmann


    of the approaches' strengths. Furthermore, it is discussed and shortly demonstrated how WebCom can be used for analytical and design purposes with YouTube as an example. The chapter concludes that WebCom is able to serve as a theoretically-based model for understanding complex Web site communication situations...

  2. Um processo para sistemas web com foco em acessibilidade e usabilidade


    Ana Luiza Dias


    Com o aumento do uso e da complexidade de sistemas web, o desenvolvimento de tais sistemas com qualidade exige a adoção de uma abordagem sistemática e bem definida. Assim, a engenharia web é uma disciplina essencial que considera, além de características da engenharia de software, fatores inerentes aos sistemas web, como a multiplicidade de perfis de usuários. A engenharia web é apoiada por processos, métodos, técnicas e ferramentas que são elementos fundamentais para o desenvolvimento de sis...

  3. Web 2.0:n tarjoamien markkinointikeinojen hyödyntäminen -verkkokaupassa


    Oksanen, Katja


    Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli selvittää, mitä markkinointikeinoja Web 2.0 -internetkulttuuri tarjoaa elämyksiä tarjoavalle -verkkokaupalle ja kehittää yrityksen internetmarkkinointia. Tarkoituksena oli hyödyntää erilaisia Web 2.0:n tarjoamia internetmarkkinointikeinoja ja tutkia, kuinka tehdyt toimenpiteet vaikuttivat sivujen kävijämääriin. Tutkimuskysymyksiksi muotoutui miten Web 2.0 tarjoamat markkinointikeinot vaikuttivat kävijämäär...

  4. Sistema unificador y catalogador de servicios web de temática común


    Machado Fernández, Daniel


    Se propone una aplicación web que sea capaz de registrar servicios web de una temática común con el objetivo de conocer su funcionamiento para poder obtener información de ellos de forma unificada. Además, el sistema también será capaz de realizar un catálogo que permita a los usuarios buscar los servicios web registrados mediante un componente buscador que proporcionará información de los servicios web como pueden ser las operaciones que contienen, a qué categoría pertenecen y cual es la dir...

  5. Construction and validation of a web-based epidemiological database for inflammatory bowel diseases in Europe An EpiCom study

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Burisch, Johan Michael; Cukovic-Cavka, Silvija; Kaimakliotis, Ioannis


    The EpiCom-study investigates a possible East-West-gradient in Europe in the incidence of IBD and the association with environmental factors. A secured web-based database is used to facilitate and centralize data registration.......The EpiCom-study investigates a possible East-West-gradient in Europe in the incidence of IBD and the association with environmental factors. A secured web-based database is used to facilitate and centralize data registration....

  6. El web 2.0 com a distòpia en la recent internet

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Toni Cambra


    Full Text Available El terme web 2.0 ha passat a formar part recentment del llenguatge associat a internet. De semàntica imprecisa, vol capturar un moment en l'esdevenir de la xarxa en què l'usuari se n'erigeix en element dinamitzador central en virtut d'un augment de la seua capacitat d'expressió, interacció i participació, afavorit per certes tecnologies de recent aparició. No obstant això, certes veus i autors es mostren crítics amb la deriva actual, a la qual acusen de portar aparellada tota una sèrie d'efectes que, lluny de considerar-se desitjables, qüestionarien la idoneïtat evolutiva de la mateixa internet. Expressions com aplanament cultural, culte a l'amateur o intel·ligència col·lectiva (entesa aquesta pejorativament s'amalgamen per a envoltar el terme web 2.0 d'una aurèola de ressonàncies distòpiques. En aquest article es vol relativitzar part dels arguments esgrimits que constituirien aquesta visió distòpica del web 2.0, en situar la reflexió sobre internet en un horitzó de discussió alternatiu que ens permeta comprendre el fenomen sense sucumbir al pessimisme que hi pareix subjaure, d'acord amb la visió de tals autors. Lluny de pressuposar-hi un telos al qual hauria d'obeir-ne el desenvolupament, es defén una comprensió d'internet com a camp pragmàtic d'experimentació, que es legitima en tant que "camí" i no com a "destí" de cap esdevenir implícit o esperable. Text complet (PDF

  7. eLearning to enhance physician patient communication: a pilot test of "" and "WebEncounter" in teaching bad news delivery. (United States)

    Daetwyler, Christof J; Cohen, Diane G; Gracely, Edward; Novack, Dennis H


    Physician-patient communication skills help determine the nature and quality of diagnostic information elicited from patients, the quality of the physician's counseling, and the patient's adherence to treatment. In spite of their importance, surveys have demonstrated a wide variability and deficiencies in the teaching of these skills. Describe two specific methodologies for teaching physician-patient communication skills developed at our institution and pilot test them for effectiveness. Between 2004 and 2009 we developed "," a series of 41 media-rich online modules on all aspects of healthcare communication jointly with the American Academy on Communication in Healthcare. Starting in 2006, we expanded our pre-existing experience with the videoconferencing system "WebOSCE" into the online application "WebEncounter." This new methodology combines practice of communication skills on standardized patients with structured assessment and constructive feedback. We had three randomized groups: controls who did only the assessment parts of a WebOSCE on two occasions, a group who had in between the assessment occasions, and a combined group that had both and a WebEncounter between assessments. We found significant improvement in skills as components were added, and the training program was well received.

  8. Web components and the semantic web


    Casey, Maire; Pahl, Claus


    Component-based software engineering on the Web differs from traditional component and software engineering. We investigate Web component engineering activites that are crucial for the development,com position, and deployment of components on the Web. The current Web Services and Semantic Web initiatives strongly influence our work. Focussing on Web component composition we develop description and reasoning techniques that support a component developer in the composition activities,fo cussing...

  9. CLAWS: uma ferramenta colaborativa para apoio à interação de surdos com páginas da web.


    Stefan José Oliveira Martins


    Os deficientes auditivos têm uma forma peculiar de uso das tecnologias de informação e comunicação (TICs). Como grupo de usuários, essas pessoas nem sempre são consideradas como usuários nos modelos de interação de sistemas comerciais. O objetivo desta pesquisa é conceber uma ferramenta adequada às necessidades dos surdos, que os apoie na interação com páginas da web. Para isso, estudaram-se as particularidades da comunidade surda com as TICs e as barreiras encontradas durante a interação. Co...

  10. WebSelF: A Web Scraping Framework

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thomsen, Jakob; Ernst, Erik; Brabrand, Claus


    We present, WebSelF, a framework for web scraping which models the process of web scraping and decomposes it into four conceptually independent, reusable, and composable constituents. We have validated our framework through a full parameterized implementation that is flexible enough to capture...... previous work on web scraping. We have experimentally evaluated our framework and implementation in an experiment that evaluated several qualitatively different web scraping constituents (including previous work and combinations hereof) on about 11,000 HTML pages on daily versions of 17 web sites over...... a period of more than one year. Our framework solves three concrete problems with current web scraping and our experimental results indicate that com- position of previous and our new techniques achieve a higher degree of accuracy, precision and specificity than existing techniques alone....

  11. Sexual information seeking on web search engines. (United States)

    Spink, Amanda; Koricich, Andrew; Jansen, B J; Cole, Charles


    Sexual information seeking is an important element within human information behavior. Seeking sexually related information on the Internet takes many forms and channels, including chat rooms discussions, accessing Websites or searching Web search engines for sexual materials. The study of sexual Web queries provides insight into sexually-related information-seeking behavior, of value to Web users and providers alike. We qualitatively analyzed queries from logs of 1,025,910 Alta Vista and Web user queries from 2001. We compared the differences in sexually-related Web searching between Alta Vista and users. Differences were found in session duration, query outcomes, and search term choices. Implications of the findings for sexual information seeking are discussed.

  12. Educação em Saúde Bucal para Deficientes Visuais com Utilização da Tecnologia da Informação para Web

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anita Maria da Rocha Fernandes


    Full Text Available A odontologia voltada ao atendimento dos pacientes portadores de necessidades especiais, em especial os deficientes visuais, ainda é precária no Brasil. Apesar dos avanços tecnológicos na informática e na saúde, não existe no mercado uma ferramenta que auxilie os deficientes visuais na manutenção de bons níveis de saúde bucal. Pensando nisso, foi desenvolvida uma ferramenta web utilizando tecnologias como Java Applets, PHP e MySQL, que permite a navegação em áudio para deficientes visuais, facilitando assim o acesso desses pacientes nos cuidados com a saúde bucal e promover a interação destes com o computador e a web.

  13. INNOTOUR.COM - en international WEB 2.0 platform for turismeundervisning

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Liburd, Janne J.; Hjalager, Anne-Mette; Christensen, Inger-Marie F.


    Formålet med denne artikel er at viderebringe erfaringerne fra INNOTOUR projektet, der er forankret på Center for Turisme, Innovation og Kultur på Syddansk Universitet. I artiklen diskuteres indledningsvist baggrunden for etablering af den internationale web 2.0 platform, INNOTOUR. Her argumen...... natur er der udfordringer forbundet med så omfattende nytænkning af undervisning og læring. Artiklen indeholder også en perspektivering og diskussion af erfaringerne fra INNOTOUR projektet, herunder håndtering af de ”krav”, som web 2.0 værktøjer og web 2.0 læring stiller til deltagerne samt til...... tilpasning af studieordninger, herunder eksamensbeskrivelser, således at disse afspejler de nye undervisningsformer og web 2.0 filosofien bag læring og viden. Afslutningsvist sammenfattes projektets erfaringer, hvor det påpeges, at web 2.0 læring på mange måder er et opgør med eksisterende praksis på...

  14. Acessibilidade web em redes sociais


    Loureiro, Janaína Rolan


    A acessibilidade tem sido uma preocupação em diversas áreas nos últimos anos e, em relação à Web, trata-se de um direito garantido por lei às pessoas com deficiência. Muitos estudos visando avaliar e melhorar a Acessibilidade Web foram realizados desde que este direito foi instituído, culminando com o surgimento de tecnologias assistivas, ferramentas de avaliação automatizadas e diretrizes para padronizar o desenvolvimento de sites acessíveis. Porém, alguns domínios ainda c...

  15. Business as Usual: and the Academic Library (United States)

    Van Ullen, Mary K.; Germain, Carol Anne


    In 1999, Steve Coffman proposed that libraries form a single interlibrary loan based entity patterned after This study examined the suitability of's Web interface and record enhancements for academic libraries. could not deliver circulating monographs in the University at Albany Libraries' collection quickly…

  16. A study of medical and health queries to web search engines. (United States)

    Spink, Amanda; Yang, Yin; Jansen, Jim; Nykanen, Pirrko; Lorence, Daniel P; Ozmutlu, Seda; Ozmutlu, H Cenk


    This paper reports findings from an analysis of medical or health queries to different web search engines. We report results: (i). comparing samples of 10000 web queries taken randomly from 1.2 million query logs from the and commercial web search engines in 2001 for medical or health queries, (ii). comparing the 2001 findings from Excite and users with results from a previous analysis of medical and health related queries from the Excite Web search engine for 1997 and 1999, and (iii). medical or health advice-seeking queries beginning with the word 'should'. Findings suggest: (i). a small percentage of web queries are medical or health related, (ii). the top five categories of medical or health queries were: general health, weight issues, reproductive health and puberty, pregnancy/obstetrics, and human relationships, and (iii). over time, the medical and health queries may have declined as a proportion of all web queries, as the use of specialized medical/health websites and e-commerce-related queries has increased. Findings provide insights into medical and health-related web querying and suggests some implications for the use of the general web search engines when seeking medical/health information.

  17. The web 2.0 Internet: Democratized Internet collaborations in the healthcare sector


    Hughes, Benjamin Alexander Paul


    Les col•laboracions democratitzades a Internet, entenent-les com les eines participatives de la xarxa, o la Web 2.0, afecten en l'actualitat a nombrosos aspectes la nostra vida. Els acadèmics destaquen el potencial de la Web 2.0 per millorar l’aprenentatge o la salut, així com el seu continu impacte en sectors com el de la tecnologia de mitjans de comunicació. També plantegen un gran nombre de qüestions importants als professionals i estudiosos. Per exemple, la consideració crítica de la Web ...

  18. Google and beyond : web-as-corpus methodologies for translators


    Ferraresi, Adriano


    Aquest article fa un repàs als plantejaments actuals sobre l'ús del web com a corpus lingüístic i emfatitza els avantatges (així com els inevitables riscos) que aquests poden introduir en el treball del traductor. Per tal d'il•lustrar aquest punt, es mostra un exemple de les diferents maneres en què un corpus derivat del web es pot aplicar profitosament a una tasca de traducció especialitzada.. Este artículo estudia los planteamientos actuales sobre el uso de la web como corpus lingüístico...

  19. Portal Web 2.0


    Barba Hidalgo, José Manuel


    El tema que es tracta en aquest projecte gira al voltant del concepte Web 2.0. Després d’una introducció on es comenten les principals característiques que defineixen el conjunt d’aplicacions agrupades al voltant d’aquesta filosofia, s’analitzen diferents entorns de desenvolupament d’aplicacions Web, amb l’objectiu de crear un portal que segueixi els principis Web 2.0. El resultat de l’estudi presenta a Ruby on Rails com un ferm candidat, això fa que es procedeixi a estudiar aq...

  20. CerebralWeb: a Cytoscape.js plug-in to visualize networks stratified by subcellular localization. (United States)

    Frias, Silvia; Bryan, Kenneth; Brinkman, Fiona S L; Lynn, David J


    CerebralWeb is a light-weight JavaScript plug-in that extends Cytoscape.js to enable fast and interactive visualization of molecular interaction networks stratified based on subcellular localization or other user-supplied annotation. The application is designed to be easily integrated into any website and is configurable to support customized network visualization. CerebralWeb also supports the automatic retrieval of Cerebral-compatible localizations for human, mouse and bovine genes via a web service and enables the automated parsing of Cytoscape compatible XGMML network files. CerebralWeb currently supports embedded network visualization on the InnateDB ( and Allergy and Asthma Portal ( database and analysis resources. Database tool URL: © The Author(s) 2015. Published by Oxford University Press.

  1. Multitasking Web Searching and Implications for Design. (United States)

    Ozmutlu, Seda; Ozmutlu, H. C.; Spink, Amanda


    Findings from a study of users' multitasking searches on Web search engines include: multitasking searches are a noticeable user behavior; multitasking search sessions are longer than regular search sessions in terms of queries per session and duration; both Excite and users search for about three topics per multitasking session and…

  2. Harnessing the Deep Web: Present and Future


    Madhavan, Jayant; Afanasiev, Loredana; Antova, Lyublena; Halevy, Alon


    Over the past few years, we have built a system that has exposed large volumes of Deep-Web content to users. The content that our system exposes contributes to more than 1000 search queries per-second and spans over 50 languages and hundreds of domains. The Deep Web has long been acknowledged to be a major source of structured data on the web, and hence accessing Deep-Web content has long been a problem of interest in the data management community. In this paper, we report on where...

  3. Dark Web e seus não lugares: por um estudo das dobras invisíveis do ciberespaço │ The Dark Web and its non-places: towards a study of the invisible folds of cyberspace


    Richele Grenge Vignoli; Silvana Drumond Monteiro


    RESUMO Existe no ciberespaço uma web escura e escondida denominada Dark Web. Nesse viés, objetivou-se associar a Dark Web aos não lugares no ciberespaço e com o objetivo de caracterizar as dobras invisíveis do ciberespaço e investigar as especificidades da Dark Web em relação à definição e os seus não lugares, de acordo com os preceitos de Augé (2012) e Bauman (2001).  O estudo teve natureza básica com delineamento documental e abordagem qualitativa, e o método dedutivo formal foi utilizado p...

  4. Creació d'un portal web cercador de feina


    Gómez Mondragón, Sergi


    Projecte de fi de carrera d'un portal web cercador de feina realitzat amb .NET i utilitzant SQL com a repositori de dades. Proyecto de fin de carrera de un portal web buscador de empleo realizado con .NET y utilizando SQL como repositorio de datos.

  5. Context Aware Concurrent Execution Framework for Web Browser

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Saeed, Aamir; Erbad, Aiman Mahmood; Olsen, Rasmus Løvenstein

    Computing hungry multimedia web applications need to efficiently utilize the device resources. HTML5 web workers is a non-sharing concurrency platform that enables multimedia web application to utilize the available multi-core hardware. HTML5 web workers are implemented by major browser vendors...... to facilitate concurrent execution in web clients and enhance the quality of ambitious web applications. The concurrent execution in web workers allows parallel processing using available cores at the expense of communication overhead and extra computation. The benefits of concurrent execution can be maximized...... by balancing load across workers/CPU cores. This work presents load-balancing algorithms between web workers using parameters such as scheduler throughput, computation priority and game entity locality. An award-winning web-based multimedia game ( is used to test the performance of the load balance...

  6. A Web-based Multi-user Interactive Visualization System For Large-Scale Computing Using Google Web Toolkit Technology (United States)

    Weiss, R. M.; McLane, J. C.; Yuen, D. A.; Wang, S.


    We have created a web-based, interactive system for multi-user collaborative visualization of large data sets (on the order of terabytes) that allows users in geographically disparate locations to simultaneous and collectively visualize large data sets over the Internet. By leveraging asynchronous java and XML (AJAX) web development paradigms via the Google Web Toolkit (, we are able to provide remote, web-based users a web portal to LCSE's ( large-scale interactive visualization system already in place at the University of Minnesota that provides high resolution visualizations to the order of 15 million pixels by Megan Damon. In the current version of our software, we have implemented a new, highly extensible back-end framework built around HTTP "server push" technology to provide a rich collaborative environment and a smooth end-user experience. Furthermore, the web application is accessible via a variety of devices including netbooks, iPhones, and other web- and javascript-enabled cell phones. New features in the current version include: the ability for (1) users to launch multiple visualizations, (2) a user to invite one or more other users to view their visualization in real-time (multiple observers), (3) users to delegate control aspects of the visualization to others (multiple controllers) , and (4) engage in collaborative chat and instant messaging with other users within the user interface of the web application. We will explain choices made regarding implementation, overall system architecture and method of operation, and the benefits of an extensible, modular design. We will also discuss future goals, features, and our plans for increasing scalability of the system which includes a discussion of the benefits potentially afforded us by a migration of server-side components to the Google Application Engine (

  7. Beyond Web 2.0 … and Beyond the Semantic Web (United States)

    Bénel, Aurélien; Zhou, Chao; Cahier, Jean-Pierre

    Tim O'Reilly, the famous technology book publisher, changed the life of many of us when he coined the name "Web 2.0" (O' Reilly 2005). Our research topics suddenly became subjects for open discussion in various cultural formats such as radio and TV, while at the same time they became part of an inappropriate marketing discourse according to several scientific reviewers. Indeed Tim O'Reilly's initial thoughts were about economic consequence, since it was about the resurrection of the Web after the bursting of the dot-com bubble. Some opponents of the concept do not think the term should be used at all since it is underpinned by no technological revolution. In contrast, we think that there was a paradigm shift when several sites based on user-generated content became some of the most visited Web sites and massive adoption of that kind is worthy of researchers' attention.

  8. An evaluation of the quality of Turkish community pharmacy web sites concerning HON principles. (United States)

    Yegenoglu, Selen; Sozen, Bilge; Aslan, Dilek; Calgan, Zeynep; Cagirci, Simge


    The objective of this study was to find all the existing Web sites of Turkish community pharmacies and evaluate their "quality" in terms of Health on the Net (HON) Code of conduct principles. Multiple Internet search engines were used (,,, While searching on the Internet, "eczane (pharmacy)" and "eczanesi (pharmacy of)" key words were used. The Internet search lasted for 2 months starting from March 1, 2007 until May 1, 2007. SPSS ver. 11.5 statistical program (SPSS, Inc., Chicago, IL) was used for data entry and analysis. At the end of the Internet search via all the indicated search engines, a total of 203 (all different from each other) community pharmacy Web sites were determined; of these, 14 were under construction and 6 were not accessible. As a result, 183 community pharmacy Web sites were included in the study. All of the Web sites could be accessed (100%). However, the availability of some characteristics of the pharmacies were quite poor. None of the pharmacies met all of the HON principles. Only 11 Web sites were appropriate in terms of complementarity (6.0%). Confidentiality criteria was met by only 14 pharmacies (7.7%). Nine pharmacies (4.9%) completed the "attribution" criteria. Among 183 pharmacy Web sites, the most met HON principle was the "transparency of authorship" (69 pharmacy Web sites; 37.7%). Because of the results of our study, the Turkish Pharmacists Association can take a pioneer role to apply some principles such as HON code of conduct in order to increase the quality of Turkish community pharmacists' Web sites.

  9. A critical evaluation of Web sites offering patient information on tinnitus.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Kieran, Stephen M


    The Internet is a vast information resource for both patients and healthcare professionals. However, the quality and content often lack formal scrutiny, so we examined the quality of patient information regarding tinnitus on the Internet. Using the three most popular search engines (,, and, we found pertinent Web sites using the search term tinnitus. Web sites\\' accountability and authorship were evaluated using previously published criteria. The quality of patient information about tinnitus was assessed using a new 10-point scale, the Tinnitus Information Value (TIV). Statistical analysis was performed using the independent sample t-test (p Web sites was constructed using the first 30 English-language Web sites identified by each search engine. After duplicates and sites only containing links to other Web sites were eliminated, 39 remained. The mean score for accountability was 2.13 on scale of 0 to 7. The mean TIV was 5.0 on a scale of 0 to 10. Only 12 sites (30.8%) had their authors clearly identified. Twenty-two (56.4%) sites were sponsored by commercial interests or represented private practices. The mean TIV was significantly higher (p = 0.037) for noncommercial (personal, academic institution, or charity) sites (5.88 +\\/- 2.39 SD) than those representing commercial interests (4.32 +\\/- 2.10 SD). Tinnitus information available on the Internet is indeed variable, and care should be taken in recommending tinnitus Web sites to patients.

  10. Amazon Web Services- a Case Study


    Narendula, Rammohan


    The Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a set (more than 25) of proprietary web-based services owned by All these services ranging from simple storage to sophisticated database services constitute the cloud platform oered by Amazon. An extensive list of customers for AWS include Dropbox, UniLever, Airbnb, Nasdaq, Netflix. As of 2007, there are more than 300K developers actively using AWS. It is one of the pioneers which brought the cloud computing closer to masses helping number of start...

  11. Consuming Web Services on Mobile Platforms

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available Web services are an emerging technology that provides interoperability between applications running in different platforms. The Web services technology provide the best approach to Service Oriented Architecture envision of component collaboration for better business re-quirements fulfilment in large enterprise systems. The challenges in implementing Web services consuming clients for low-resources mobile devices connected through unreliable wireless connections are delimited. The paper also presents a communication architecture that moves the heavy load of XML-based messaging system from the mobile clients to an external middleware component. The middleware component will act like a gateway that lightly com-municates with the device in a client-server manner over a fast binary protocol and at the same time takes the responsibility of solving the request to the Web service.

  12. Web of Science [vídeo]: tutorial. Curs 2016-17


    Universitat de Barcelona. CRAI


    El portal Web of Science (WOS), abans conegut com a Web of Knowledge, ofereix un conjunt de recursos bibliogràfics. A través del WOS es poden fer cerques transversals a les bases de dades que l'integren: Biosis Previews, CAB Abstracts, Zoological Record i també Medline.

  13. Semantic Web Services with Web Ontology Language (OWL-S) - Specification of Agent-Services for DARPA Agent Markup Language (DAML) (United States)


    Sycara, and T. Nishimura, "Towards a Semantic Web Ecommerce ," in Proceedings of 6th Conference on Business Information Systems (BIS2003), Colorado...the ontology used is the fictitious ontology The advantage of using concepts from Web-addressable ontologies, rather than XML...the advantage of the OWL-S approach compared with other approaches, namely BPEL4WS and WS-CDL, is that OWL-S allows the flexibility to change the

  14. Mindmapping en local i com a servei web

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gorka J. Palazio


    Full Text Available Con la aparición del uso de mapas conceptuales y mentales como servicio web, este recurso educativo puede tener ahora más uso y éxito en el aula. Los profesores de este artículo han analizado las herramientas de mapas conceptuales y mentales durante el período 2007-08 para indagar cuál es el rumbo que tienen los más de treinta servicios y sistemas que se pueden usar para la creación de mapas conceptuales hoy en día. Los tres mejores han sido testeados para proporcionar datos sobre sus capacidades y usabilidad.

  15. Web quality control for lectures: Supercourse and (United States)

    Linkov, Faina; LaPorte, Ronald; Lovalekar, Mita; Dodani, Sunita


    Peer review has been at the corner stone of quality control of the biomedical journals in the past 300 years. With the emergency of the Internet, new models of quality control and peer review are emerging. However, such models are poorly investigated. We would argue that the popular system of quality control used in offers a way to ensure continuous quality improvement in the area of research communications on the Internet. Such system is providing an interesting alternative to the traditional peer review approaches used in the biomedical journals and challenges the traditional paradigms of scientific publishing. This idea is being explored in the context of Supercourse, a library of 2,350 prevention lectures, shared for free by faculty members from over 150 countries. Supercourse is successfully utilizing quality control approaches that are similar to model. Clearly, the existing approaches and emerging alternatives for quality control in scientific communications needs to be assessed scientifically. Rapid explosion of internet technologies could be leveraged to produce better, more cost effective systems for quality control in the biomedical publications and across all sciences.

  16. Development of a laboratory niche Web site. (United States)

    Dimenstein, Izak B; Dimenstein, Simon I


    This technical note presents the development of a methodological laboratory niche Web site. The "Grossing Technology in Surgical Pathology" ( Web site is used as an example. Although common steps in creation of most Web sites are followed, there are particular requirements for structuring the template's menu on methodological laboratory Web sites. The "nested doll principle," in which one object is placed inside another, most adequately describes the methodological approach to laboratory Web site design. Fragmentation in presenting the Web site's material highlights the discrete parts of the laboratory procedure. An optimally minimal triad of components can be recommended for the creation of a laboratory niche Web site: a main set of media, a blog, and an ancillary component (host, contact, and links). The inclusion of a blog makes the Web site a dynamic forum for professional communication. By forming links and portals, cloud computing opens opportunities for connecting a niche Web site with other Web sites and professional organizations. As an additional source of information exchange, methodological laboratory niche Web sites are destined to parallel both traditional and new forms, such as books, journals, seminars, webinars, and internal educational materials. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  17. Monitoramento de revistas científicas na web com a ferramenta Google Analytics: reflexões a partir da Revista Comunicação & Informação

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    João de Melo Maricato


    Com a web surgem os indicadores webométricos, análogos aos tradicionais indicadores bibliométricos e cientométricos. Estes podem ser úteis para compreender a popularidade e visibilidade de revistas científicas, subsidiando reflexões gerenciais. Objetiva-se apresentar a ferramenta Google Analytics aplicando-a a Revista Comunicação & Informação, com intuito de compreender sua potencialidade para a obtenção de informações e indicadores. A ferramenta Google Analytics proporcionou a elaboração e visualização de diversos indicadores baseados em visitas realizadas no site da revista e suas inúmeras variáveis (demográficas, tipo de tecnologia, assuntos, temporais, apontando grande potencial para o apoio à gestão e planejamento editorial de revistas científicas.

  18. eSciMart: Web Platform for Scientific Software Marketplace (United States)

    Kryukov, A. P.; Demichev, A. P.


    In this paper we suggest a design of a web marketplace where users of scientific application software and databases, presented in the form of web services, as well as their providers will have presence simultaneously. The model, which will be the basis for the web marketplace is close to the customer-to-customer (C2C) model, which has been successfully used, for example, on the auction sites such as eBay ( Unlike the classical model of C2C the suggested marketplace focuses on application software in the form of web services, and standardization of API through which application software will be integrated into the web marketplace. A prototype of such a platform, entitled eSciMart, is currently being developed at SINP MSU.

  19. Creación del núcleo de un servidor web


    Del Río Medina, Ángel


    L'objectiu particular és elaborar el nucli principal d'un servidor web, que tingui com a característiques: multithread, multiprocés, desenvolupament en Java, funcionament en entorns Windows, GNU Linux i heterogenis. El objetivo particular es realizar el núcleo principal de un servidor web, cuyas características sean: multithread, multiproceso, desarrollado en Java, funcionamiento en entornos Windows, GNU Linux y heterogéneos. The specific aim is to create the main nucleus of a web serve...

  20. World Wide Web voted most wonderful wonder by web-wide world

    CERN Multimedia


    The results are in, and the winner is...the World Wide Web! An online survey conducted by the CNN news group ranks the World Wide Web-invented at CERN--as the most wonderful of the seven modern wonders of the world. (See Bulletin No. 49/2006.) There is currently no speculation about whether they would have had the same results had they distributed the survey by post. The World Wide Web won with a whopping 50 per cent of the votes (3,665 votes). The runner up was CERN again, with 16 per cent of voters (1130 votes) casting the ballot in favour of the CERN particle accelerator. Stepping into place behind CERN and CERN is 'None of the Above' with 8 per cent of the votes (611 votes), followed by the development of Dubai (7%), the bionic arm (7%), China's Three Gorges Damn (5%), The Channel Tunnel (4%), and France's Millau viaduct (3%). Thanks to everyone from CERN who voted. You can view the results on


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    João Batista Bottentuit Junior


    Full Text Available Uma WebQuest é um modelo extremamente simples e rico para utilizar o potencial educativo da Web, com fundamento na aprendizagem colaborativa e nos processos de investigação para a construção do saber, que conta hoje com milhares de propostas de educadores das mais diversas partes do mundo. No entanto, muitas das WebQuests disponibilizadas online não obedecem a padrões mínimos de qualidade no nível dos componentes e da usabilidade, ou então, mais não são do que simples folhas de exercícios ou “WebExercises”. Neste artigo foram recenseadas e analisadas 483 WebQuests em língua portuguesa que estavam disponibilizadas online entre Julho e Outubro de 2007. A avaliação incidiu sobre as componentes e sobre alguns indicadores associados à usabilidade. Os resultados revelam que, no que concerne a componentes, as maiores falhas estão na tarefa, nos recursos e na avaliação e, em nível de usabilidade, a maior falha a assinalar é a ausência do “menu” em muitas dos exemplares analisados. Verificou-se ainda que apenas 41% eram verdadeiras WebQuests, constituindo as restantes simples “WebExercises” com atividades rotineiras que não levam o aluno a tirar partido do potencial da Web para a construção do saber.

  2. Unipept web services for metaproteomics analysis. (United States)

    Mesuere, Bart; Willems, Toon; Van der Jeugt, Felix; Devreese, Bart; Vandamme, Peter; Dawyndt, Peter


    Unipept is an open source web application that is designed for metaproteomics analysis with a focus on interactive datavisualization. It is underpinned by a fast index built from UniProtKB and the NCBI taxonomy that enables quick retrieval of all UniProt entries in which a given tryptic peptide occurs. Unipept version 2.4 introduced web services that provide programmatic access to the metaproteomics analysis features. This enables integration of Unipept functionality in custom applications and data processing pipelines. The web services are freely available at and are open sourced under the MIT license. Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online. © The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please e-mail:

  3. Serviços via Web em bibliotecas universitárias brasileiras

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    Carlos Henrique Marcondes

    Full Text Available Resultados de pesquisa apoiada pelo PIBIC CNPq/UFF, desenvolvida no período agosto/2004 a julho/2005, com o objetivo de identificar a existência de serviços oferecidos via web em bibliotecas universitárias brasileiras. Foram avaliadas as páginas de 209 bibliotecas universitárias de todas as regiões geográficas do país, tendo como critério de seleção as universidades com maior número de cursos de pós-graduação, segundo o site da CAPES, considerando-se as sete primeiras universidades de cada região. Os sites das bibliotecas destas universidades foram visitados e avaliados, com objetivo de identificar os tipos de serviços oferecidos via web. Verificou-se que este tipo de serviço ainda é pouco oferecido pelas bibliotecas universitárias brasileiras.

  4. Web-based tailored intervention for preparation of parents and children for outpatient surgery (WebTIPS): development. (United States)

    Kain, Zeev N; Fortier, Michelle A; Chorney, Jill MacLaren; Mayes, Linda


    As a result of cost-containment efforts, preparation programs for outpatient surgery are currently not available to the majority of children and parents. The recent dramatic growth in the Internet presents a unique opportunity to transform how children and their parents are prepared for surgery. In this article, we describe the development of a Web-based Tailored Intervention for Preparation of parents and children undergoing Surgery (WebTIPS). A multidisciplinary taskforce agreed that a Web-based tailored intervention consisting of intake, matrix, and output modules was the preferred approach. Next, the content of the various intake variables, the matrix logic, and the output content was developed. The output product has a parent component and a child component and is described in The child component makes use of preparation strategies such as information provision, modeling, play, and coping skills training. The parent component of WebTIPS includes strategies such as information provision, coping skills training, and relaxation and distraction techniques. A reputable animation and Web design company developed a secured Web-based product based on the above description. In this article, we describe the development of a Web-based tailored preoperative preparation program that can be accessed by children and parents multiple times before and after surgery. A follow-up article in this issue of Anesthesia & Analgesia describes formative evaluation and preliminary efficacy testing of this Web-based tailored preoperative preparation program.

  5. An Invocation Cost Optimization Method for Web Services in Cloud Environment

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    Lianyong Qi


    Full Text Available The advent of cloud computing technology has enabled users to invoke various web services in a “pay-as-you-go” manner. However, due to the flexible pricing model of web services in cloud environment, a cloud user’ service invocation cost may be influenced by many factors (e.g., service invocation time, which brings a great challenge for cloud users’ cost-effective web service invocation. In view of this challenge, in this paper, we first investigate the multiple factors that influence the invocation cost of a cloud service, for example, user’s job size, service invocation time, and service quality level; and afterwards, a novel Cloud Service Cost Optimization Method named CS-COM is put forward, by considering the above multiple impact factors. Finally, a set of experiments are designed, deployed, and tested to validate the feasibility of our proposal in terms of cost optimization. The experiment results show that our proposed CS-COM method outperforms other related methods.

  6. Anàlisi, disseny i implementació del Portal web


    Vidal Tolosa, Joan Antoni


    L’objectiu del treball és desenvolupar un portal web pel club Atlètic Alpicat i la Unió Esportiva Alpicat. A més aquest Portal que ha d’estar adaptat als requeriments de clubs i usuaris del Portal, ha de ser fàcil d’usar i de mantenir. Un cop finalitzat el Portal es guiarà els clubs per tal de que puguin gestionar-lo de forma autònoma.A la present memòria trobarem explicades les accions dutes a terme abans, durant i després del desenvolupament del Portal web dels Clubs de Futbo...

  7. As dobras semióticas do ciberespaço: da web visível à invisível

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    Silvana Drumond Monteiro

    Full Text Available Após a instituição do ciberespaço, na década de 1990, a Web tornou-se o seu principal constructo e vem dobrando e desdobrando-se em vários sentidos: Web Invisível, Web Visível, Web Semântica, Web Pragmática, Web Social ou 2.0, entre outras. Em relação à Web Invisível, de acordo com os autores que escrevem sobre o tema, existe a inquietante questão: que nome dar a esse (desterritório? Web Invisível, Profunda, Oculta, Escura? A partir da compreensão do conceito de dobra, criado por Leibniz e ressignificado por Deleuze, que explica os agenciamentos maquínicos e a visão pragmática dos aspectos técnicos e materiais das semióticas, fez-se uma prospecção conceitual da Web Invisível e de alguns mecanismos de busca que fazem a dobra com essa Web no ciberespaço. Para além da literatura, descobriu-se uma Web verdadeiramente escura, a DarkWeb, paralela e underground utilizada para o bem e para o mal, como previsível da espécie humana.

  8. Implementation of a Web System for College of Education ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Sep 1, 2013 ... Plateau State, Nigeria, Mobile: +234806 7730 730. Abstract. Colleges ... here that a student of the College of Education belongs to three .... dynamic web content technology such as (PHP) is the middle ...

  9. Enfermagem na WEB: o processo de criação e validação de um WEB site sobre doença arterial coronariana Enfermería en la WEB: el proceso de construcción y validez de una pagina WEB sobre la enfermedad arterial coronaria Nursing on the web: the creation and validation process of a coronary heart disease WEB site

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    Isaac Rosa Marques


    Full Text Available A World Wide Web é uma importante fonte à pesquisa da informação de saúde. Um desafio para a área de Informática em Enfermagem brasileira é o de usar esse potencial para promover a educação em saúde. Este artigo objetiva apresentar um modelo de criação e validação usado em um Web site educativo, denominado CardioSite, cujo tema é a Doença Arterial Coronariana. Para a criação do mesmo, foi adotado um método com fases de modelagem conceitual, de desenvolvimento, de implementação e de avaliação. Na fase de avaliação, a validação foi feita através de um painel on-line com especialistas nas áreas de informática e saúde. Os resultados demonstraram que as informações são confiáveis e válidas. Considerando a inexistência de sistemas nacionais oficiais com esse propósito, este modelo demonstrou-se efetivo para avaliar a qualidade do conteúdo do Web site.La Word Wide Web es una importante fuente de investigación de información sobre la salud. Un desafío para el área de Informática en Enfermería brasileña es el de usar este potencial para promover la educación en salud. Este artículo busca presentar un modelo de creación y evaluación utilizado en una Pagina Web educativa, denominado CardioSite, cuyo tema es la Enfermedad Arterial Coronaria. En la creación del mismo se ha adoptado un método con las fases de modelaje conceptual, de desarrollo, de implementación y de evaluación. En la fase de evaluación, la validación se llevó a cabo por medio de un panel on-line con especialistas en las áreas de informática y salud. Los resultados señalaron tales informaciones como confiables y validas. Al considerar la inexistencia de sistemas nacionales oficiales con este propósito, el modelo se ha mostrado efectivo para evaluar la calidad del contenido la pagina web.The World Wide Web is an important health information research source. A challenge for the Brazilian Nursing Informatics area is to use its

  10. Desenvolupament d'aplicació web amb integració contínua


    Comas Torres, Diego


    Desenvolupament d'una aplicació web d'enquestes amb integració contínua amb tecnologies Jenkins, TDD i JavaScript com Node JS, Angular JS i MongoDB. Desarrollo de una aplicación web de encuestas con integración continua con tecnologías Jenkins, TDD y JavaScript como Node JS, Angular JS y MongoDB. Bachelor thesis for the Computer Science program.

  11. Projeto Acqua: uma Experiência de Ambiente Virtual de Aprendizagem Inserido em Web 2.0

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    Marcus Vinicius de Azevedo Basso


    Full Text Available Com o desenvolvimento da Web2.0, as ferramentas disponíveis na internet tornaram a aprendizagem colaborativa, e com isso, os sujeitos tornaram-se agentes influentes que participam ativamente no processo de aprendizagem de outros sujeitos, tornando assim a aprendizagem uma grande rede virtual. O projeto intitulado Acqua, realizado na UFRGS, possui duas versões: a primeira, produzida em 2004, usa ferramentas estritamente conhecidas e disponíveis na Web1.0, que estavam, entretanto, em transição para a Web2.0. Mais recentemente, em 2008, foi produzido um novo modelo para o Acqua, no qual a influência da Web2.0 é forte durante o desenvolvimento das atividades propostas. Neste trabalho, discutiremos os aspectos teóricos que possibilitaram a reformulação desse ambiente virtual de aprendizagem que potencializaram seu uso. Serão tratados também os aspectos relevantes sobre objetos de aprendizagem inseridos totalmente na Web2.0 e sua importância na aprendizagem colaborativa.

  12. O uso da tecnologia digital em turismo e em hospitalidade no relacionamento com consumidores


    Funcia, Thais da Silva


    O objetivo geral do trabalho é estudar as formas de utilização da tecnologia digital no relacionamento com consumidores pelas empresas de turismo e de hospitalidade. Especificamente, objetiva caracterizar os recursos tecnológicos digitais utilizados pelas empresas no relacionamento com os clientes, com ênfase particular sobre a web 2.0, o e-commerce e a telefonia móvel. O trabalho apresenta um referencial teórico composto por autores nas áreas de turismo e de hospitalidade, marketing de servi...

  13. WEB-IS2: Next Generation Web Services Using Amira Visualization Package (United States)

    Yang, X.; Wang, Y.; Bollig, E. F.; Kadlec, B. J.; Garbow, Z. A.; Yuen, D. A.; Erlebacher, G.


    Amira ( is a powerful 3-D visualization package and has been employed recently by the science and engineering communities to gain insight into their data. We present a new web-based interface to Amira, packaged in a Java applet. We have developed a module called WEB-IS/Amira (WEB-IS2), which provides web-based access to Amira. This tool allows earth scientists to manipulate Amira controls remotely and to analyze, render and view large datasets over the internet, without regard for time or location. This could have important ramifications for GRID computing. The design of our implementation will soon allow multiple users to visually collaborate by manipulating a single dataset through a variety of client devices. These clients will only require a browser capable of displaying Java applets. As the deluge of data continues, innovative solutions that maximize ease of use without sacrificing efficiency or flexibility will continue to gain in importance, particularly in the Earth sciences. Major initiatives, such as Earthscope (, which will generate at least a terabyte of data daily, stand to profit enormously by a system such as WEB-IS/Amira (WEB-IS2). We discuss our use of SOAP (Livingston, D., Advanced SOAP for Web development, Prentice Hall, 2002), a novel 2-way communication protocol, as a means of providing remote commands, and efficient point-to-point transfer of binary image data. We will present our initial experiences with the use of Naradabrokering ( as a means to decouple clients and servers. Information is submitted to the system as a published item, while it is retrieved through a subscription mechanisms, via what is known as "topics". These topic headers, their contents, and the list of subscribers are automatically tracked by Naradabrokering. This novel approach promises a high degree of fault tolerance, flexibility with respect to client diversity, and language independence for the

  14. PHL10/460: - Vertical Portal with Newly Developed Health Profiler


    Lenz, C; Brucksch, M


    Introduction Unlike general health portals such as WebMD and that cover everything from the flu to heart disease, Silicon Valley-based is a so-called vertical portal. It covers only one small vertical niche of health care: cancer, and in particular, prostate cancer. As a value-added proprietary technology, the company offers its newly developed profile engine to health information retrievers. Methods Users are enabled to insert their specific medical information - r...

  15. SBMLmod: a Python-based web application and web service for efficient data integration and model simulation. (United States)

    Schäuble, Sascha; Stavrum, Anne-Kristin; Bockwoldt, Mathias; Puntervoll, Pål; Heiland, Ines


    Systems Biology Markup Language (SBML) is the standard model representation and description language in systems biology. Enriching and analysing systems biology models by integrating the multitude of available data, increases the predictive power of these models. This may be a daunting task, which commonly requires bioinformatic competence and scripting. We present SBMLmod, a Python-based web application and service, that automates integration of high throughput data into SBML models. Subsequent steady state analysis is readily accessible via the web service COPASIWS. We illustrate the utility of SBMLmod by integrating gene expression data from different healthy tissues as well as from a cancer dataset into a previously published model of mammalian tryptophan metabolism. SBMLmod is a user-friendly platform for model modification and simulation. The web application is available at , whereas the WSDL definition file for the web service is accessible via . Furthermore, the entire package can be downloaded from . We envision that SBMLmod will make automated model modification and simulation available to a broader research community.

  16. Reactome Pengine: A web-logic API to the homo sapiens reactome. (United States)

    Neaves, Samuel R; Tsoka, Sophia; Millard, Louise A C


    Existing ways of accessing data from the Reactome database are limited. Either a researcher is restricted to particular queries defined by a web application programming interface (API), or they have to download the whole database. Reactome Pengine is a web service providing a logic programming based API to the human reactome. This gives researchers greater flexibility in data access than existing APIs, as users can send their own small programs (alongside queries) to Reactome Pengine. The server and an example notebook can be found at Source code is available at and a Docker image is available at . Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.

  17. O efeito da hidroterapia na dor, qualidade de vida e funcionalidade em pacientes com fibromialgia


    Rocha, Virgílio


    Projeto de Graduação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Licenciado em Fisioterapia Objetivo: Sistematizar a evidência científica existente sobre o papel do efeito da Hidroterapia na Dor, Qualidade de Vida e Funcionalidade em pacientes com Fibromialgia Métodos: Estudo de revisão incluindo estudos randomizados controlados, pesquisados nas bases de dados PubMed, EBSCO, PEDro e Web of Science, com doentes com fibromialgia, cujo tipo de...

  18. Criação de um web site para enfermeiros sobre pé diabético Creación de un sitio web para los enfermeros sobre el pie diabético Creation of web site for nurses about diabetic foot

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    Vera Lúcia Souza Alves


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Descrever o processo de criação de um web site educacional para enfermeiros contendo informações sobre avaliação e cuidados preventivos dos pés em pacientes com diabetes mellitus. MÉTODOS: Pesquisa aplicada desenvolvida em 2004, baseada no modelo teórico de Tronchim (1999 para a construção de web sites, composto das fases de conceitualização, desenvolvimento, implementação e avaliação. RESULTADOS: O site possui 68 páginas contendo informações, orientações, fotos e ilustrações, estruturadas em tópicos com os conceitos básicos do diabetes mellitus, pé diabético, neuropatias, doença vascular periférica, infecções, amputações, educação e orientações de enfermagem. Foi avaliado por especialistas que referendaram seu conteúdo e fizeram sugestões para seu aperfeiçoamento. CONCLUSÕES: A criação e desenvolvimento do site foram descritos, podendo ser acessado no na opção pesquisa.OBJETIVOS: Neste estudio los objetivos fueron desarrollar el proceso de creación de un web site educacional com informaciones sobre la evaluación y los cuidados preventivos de los pies en pacientes con diabetes mellitus y evaluar el contenido de las informaciones disponibilizadas en el web site con especialistas. MÉTODOS: Trátase de una pesquisa aplicada baseada en el modelo te'orico de Tronchim (1999, para la construcción de un web site. RESULTADOS: El site posee 68 páginas, con conceptos básicos de diabetes mellitus, pie diabético, neuropatías, enfermedad vascular periférica, infecciones, amputaciones, educación y orientaciones de enfermería. CONCLUSION: El site puede ser accesado a través de la URL: , en la opición pesquisa.AIM: This product consists in describe the creation process of an educational web site displaying information on evaluation and preventive care of feet in patients with diabetes mellitus also to evaluate the information content available

  19. Rare disease diagnosis: A review of web search, social media and large-scale data-mining approaches. (United States)

    Svenstrup, Dan; Jørgensen, Henrik L; Winther, Ole


    Physicians and the general public are increasingly using web-based tools to find answers to medical questions. The field of rare diseases is especially challenging and important as shown by the long delay and many mistakes associated with diagnoses. In this paper we review recent initiatives on the use of web search, social media and data mining in data repositories for medical diagnosis. We compare the retrieval accuracy on 56 rare disease cases with known diagnosis for the web search tools,, and our own search tool We give a detailed description of IBM's Watson system and make a rough comparison between and Watson on subsets of the Doctor's dilemma dataset. The recall@10 and recall@20 (fraction of cases where the correct result appears in top 10 and top 20) for the 56 cases are found to be be 29%, 16%, 27% and 59% and 32%, 18%, 34% and 64%, respectively. Thus, FindZebra has a significantly (p mining tools and social media are some of the areas that hold promise.

  20. Recrutamento online de pessoas com deficiência: a tecnologia em favor da diversidade ?

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    Michelle Pinto de Lima


    Full Text Available Objetivo: analisar o Recrutamento via Web para pessoas com deficiência. Originalidade/Lacuna/Relevância/Implicações: Poucos estudos sobre usabilidade e acessibilidade em websites de recrutamento para pessoas com deficiência no mundo. Nenhum utilizou anúncios da Web para análise. No Brasil, nenhum sobre e-Recrutamento para pessoas com deficiência foi encontrado. Principais aspectos metodológicos: Estudo descritivo e de natureza qualitativa. Procurou-se analisar anúncios disponibilizados em Websites direcionados exclusivamente para o recrutamento de pessoas com deficiência. Categorias de análise: o conteúdo dos anúncios, a acessibilidade e a usabilidade dos mesmos. Análise por meio do teste de validação automática de acessibilidade a partir da utilização de uma ferramenta (Hera. Síntese dos principais resultados: Todos os sites apresentam erros que dificultam a acessibilidade e usabilidade das páginas. O grande número de currículos cadastrados e ofertas de emprego disponíveis nos sites denotam que o Recrutamento Online está alcançando o objetivo de atrair candidatos e empresas. Em relação ao conteúdo, além daquelas pertinentes a todo e qualquer emprego, há questões ligadas a este público específico, tais como disponibilidade de acessibilidade na empresa, aparelhos permitidos pelo contratante, utilização de filtros por tipo de deficiência do candidato e necessidade especial requerida pela empresa. Principais considerações/conclusões: Empresas especializadas neste tipo de Recrutamento precisam conhecer as experiências de uso na Web de pessoas com os mais diversos tipos de deficiência que buscam emprego. Embora os anúncios contemplem diversas informações relativas à oferta de emprego, há clara demonstração de que não estão preparadas para receber trabalhadores com deficiência. Além disso, precisam de melhor orientação quanto à eliminação de práticas de discriminação.

  1. What Teens Want to Know: Sexual Health Questions Submitted to a Teen Web Site (United States)

    Vickberg, Suzanne M. Johnson; Kohn, Julia E.; Franco, Lydia M.; Criniti, Shannon


    In 1999 Planned Parenthood[R] Federation of America (PPFA[R]) launched[SM], a Web site for young people. This study was designed to determine teens' reproductive health information needs. Selected for analysis were 1,219 submissions to the Ask the Experts section of the Web site. Each submission was independently coded by three of the…

  2. WebViz:A Web-based Collaborative Interactive Visualization System for large-Scale Data Sets (United States)

    Yuen, D. A.; McArthur, E.; Weiss, R. M.; Zhou, J.; Yao, B.


    WebViz is a web-based application designed to conduct collaborative, interactive visualizations of large data sets for multiple users, allowing researchers situated all over the world to utilize the visualization services offered by the University of Minnesota’s Laboratory for Computational Sciences and Engineering (LCSE). This ongoing project has been built upon over the last 3 1/2 years .The motivation behind WebViz lies primarily with the need to parse through an increasing amount of data produced by the scientific community as a result of larger and faster multicore and massively parallel computers coming to the market, including the use of general purpose GPU computing. WebViz allows these large data sets to be visualized online by anyone with an account. The application allows users to save time and resources by visualizing data ‘on the fly’, wherever he or she may be located. By leveraging AJAX via the Google Web Toolkit (, we are able to provide users with a remote, web portal to LCSE's ( large-scale interactive visualization system already in place at the University of Minnesota. LCSE’s custom hierarchical volume rendering software provides high resolution visualizations on the order of 15 million pixels and has been employed for visualizing data primarily from simulations in astrophysics to geophysical fluid dynamics . In the current version of WebViz, we have implemented a highly extensible back-end framework built around HTTP "server push" technology. The web application is accessible via a variety of devices including netbooks, iPhones, and other web and javascript-enabled cell phones. Features in the current version include the ability for users to (1) securely login (2) launch multiple visualizations (3) conduct collaborative visualization sessions (4) delegate control aspects of a visualization to others and (5) engage in collaborative chats with other users within the user interface

  3. SED-ML web tools: generate, modify and export standard-compliant simulation studies. (United States)

    Bergmann, Frank T; Nickerson, David; Waltemath, Dagmar; Scharm, Martin


    The Simulation Experiment Description Markup Language (SED-ML) is a standardized format for exchanging simulation studies independently of software tools. We present the SED-ML Web Tools, an online application for creating, editing, simulating and validating SED-ML documents. The Web Tools implement all current SED-ML specifications and, thus, support complex modifications and co-simulation of models in SBML and CellML formats. Ultimately, the Web Tools lower the bar on working with SED-ML documents and help users create valid simulation descriptions. . . © The Author 2017. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please e-mail:


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    Djoni Haryadi Setiabudi


    Full Text Available This research is about the development of the e-commerce www.komputeronline. com website using MySQL as the database server, Apache as the web server and PHP4 as the scripting programming language with Linux as the operating system of the server . This site can be used to do the transaction of the selling computers and its accesorries. The implementation is about shopping mall's facilities (shopping cart for end users and catalog maintenance's facilities for the administrator. The facilities for the end users in the shopping mall are stuff list based on category and type, search, account status, and at the shopping cart part users can change the quantity, or even cancel the ordering. The facilities for the administrator in the catalog maintenance are search users, maintenance users, look at each user's transactions, look at today's transaction, and change the status of transaction from 'pending' to 'shipped'. The testing that has been done on the database, with 17 users login at the same time, accessing shopping mall database facilities, shows that the database server and the PHP4 scripting program can run well without any problems. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Pada penelitian ini dilakukan pembuatan website e-commerce www.komputeronline. com dengan menggunakan database server MySQL, pada web server Apache, dan perancangan scripting programming yang menggunakan bahasa scripting PHP4 yang berjalan di sistem operasi Linux. Website ini dipergunakan untuk melakukan transaksi penjualan komputer beserta aksesorisnya. Implementasi yang dilakukan pada antara lain adalah fasilitas shopping mall (shopping cart untuk end user, dan fasilitas pemeliharaan katalog untuk administrator. Fasilitas-fasilitas untuk end user yang diberikan pada shopping mall antara lain adalah daftar barang berdasarkan kategori dan type, search, account status, dan pada bagian shopping cart user dapat mengubah jumlah barang yang dibeli

  5. Patient information on breast reconstruction in the era of the world wide web. A snapshot analysis of information available on (United States)

    Tan, M L H; Kok, K; Ganesh, V; Thomas, S S


    Breast cancer patient's expectation and choice of reconstruction is increasing and patients often satisfy their information needs outside clinic time by searching the world wide web. The aim of our study was to analyse the quality of content and extent of information regarding breast reconstruction available on YouTube videos and whether this is an appropriate additional source of information for patients. A snapshot qualitative and quantitative analysis of the first 100 videos was performed after the term 'breast reconstruction' was input into the search window of the video sharing website on the 1st of September 2011. Qualitative categorical analysis included patient, oncological and reconstruction factors. It was concluded that although videos uploaded onto YouTube do not provide comprehensive information, it is a useful resource that can be utilised in patient education provided comprehensive and validated videos are made available. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  6. El uso de la etiqueta META en sitios web de bibliotecas

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    Senso, José A.


    Full Text Available Positioning techniques are being used increasingly to obtain greater visibility for web sites. One of the tools for reaching this objective is provided by HTML itself: the META tags. This work details how they are developed and implemented, and includes an evaluation of their use by web servers from a sampling of national and international libraries.

    Cada vez es más común la utilización de técnicas de posicionamiento para lograr una mayor visibilidad de sitios web. Una de las herramientas para lograr este objetivo la proporciona el propio lenguaje HTML: la etiqueta META. En este trabajo se profundiza en su desarrollo y uso y se evalúa su uso dentro de servidores web de bibliotecas representativas en el ámbito nacional e internacional.

  7. MetExploreViz: web component for interactive metabolic network visualization. (United States)

    Chazalviel, Maxime; Frainay, Clément; Poupin, Nathalie; Vinson, Florence; Merlet, Benjamin; Gloaguen, Yoann; Cottret, Ludovic; Jourdan, Fabien


    MetExploreViz is an open source web component that can be easily embedded in any web site. It provides features dedicated to the visualization of metabolic networks and pathways and thus offers a flexible solution to analyze omics data in a biochemical context. Documentation and link to GIT code repository (GPL 3.0 license)are available at this URL: /. Tutorial is available at this URL. © The Author (2017). Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email:

  8. Inclusão digital via acessibilidade web | Digital inclusion via web accessibility

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    Cesar Augusto Cusin


    Full Text Available Resumo A natureza atual da web, que destaca a participação colaborativa dos usuários em diversos ambientes informacionais digitais, conduz ao desenvolvimento de diretrizes que enfocam a arquitetura da informação digital inclusiva para diferentes públicos nas mais diversas ambiências informacionais. A pesquisa propõe e objetiva um ambiente informacional digital inclusivo, visando apontar os elementos de acessibilidade que permitam a promoção da inclusão informacional digital, de forma a destacar os referenciais da Arquitetura da Informação Digital, de recomendações internacionais, com o olhar da Ciência da Informação e das novas tecnologias de informação e comunicação (TIC. Palavras-chave inclusão digital; web; acessibilidade; ciência da informação; arquitetura da informação. Abstract The current nature of the web, which highlights the collaborative participation of users in various digital informational environments, leads to the development of guidelines that focus on the digital inclusive information architecture for different audiences in diverse informational environments. The study proposes an inclusive digital information environment, aiming to establish the elements of accessibility that  enable the promotion of digital inclusion information in order to highlight the references of digital information architecture, the international recommendations, with the perspective of Information Science and the new information and communication technologies (ICT. Keywords digital inclusion; web; accessibility; information science; information architecture.

  9. Capturing Trust in Social Web Applications (United States)

    O'Donovan, John

    The Social Web constitutes a shift in information flow from the traditional Web. Previously, content was provided by the owners of a website, for consumption by the end-user. Nowadays, these websites are being replaced by Social Web applications which are frameworks for the publication of user-provided content. Traditionally, Web content could be `trusted' to some extent based on the site it originated from. Algorithms such as Google's PageRank were (and still are) used to compute the importance of a website, based on analysis of underlying link topology. In the Social Web, analysis of link topology merely tells us about the importance of the information framework which hosts the content. Consumers of information still need to know about the importance/reliability of the content they are reading, and therefore about the reliability of the producers of that content. Research into trust and reputation of the producers of information in the Social Web is still very much in its infancy. Every day, people are forced to make trusting decisions about strangers on the Web based on a very limited amount of information. For example, purchasing a product from an eBay seller with a `reputation' of 99%, downloading a file from a peer-to-peer application such as Bit-Torrent, or allowing tell you what products you will like. Even something as simple as reading comments on a Web-blog requires the consumer to make a trusting decision about the quality of that information. In all of these example cases, and indeed throughout the Social Web, there is a pressing demand for increased information upon which we can make trusting decisions. This chapter examines the diversity of sources from which trust information can be harnessed within Social Web applications and discusses a high level classification of those sources. Three different techniques for harnessing and using trust from a range of sources are presented. These techniques are deployed in two sample Social Web

  10. GridCom, Grid Commander: graphical interface for Grid jobs and data management; GridCom, Grid Commander: graficheskij interfejs dlya raboty s zadachami i dannymi v gride

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Galaktionov, V V


    GridCom - the software package for maintenance of automation of access to means of distributed system Grid (jobs and data). The client part, executed in the form of Java-applets, realises the Web-interface access to Grid through standard browsers. The executive part Lexor (LCG Executor) is started by the user in UI (User Interface) machine providing performance of Grid operations

  11. PseKRAAC: a flexible web server for generating pseudo K-tuple reduced amino acids composition. (United States)

    Zuo, Yongchun; Li, Yuan; Chen, Yingli; Li, Guangpeng; Yan, Zhenhe; Yang, Lei


    The reduced amino acids perform powerful ability for both simplifying protein complexity and identifying functional conserved regions. However, dealing with different protein problems may need different kinds of cluster methods. Encouraged by the success of pseudo-amino acid composition algorithm, we developed a freely available web server, called PseKRAAC (the pseudo K-tuple reduced amino acids composition). By implementing reduced amino acid alphabets, the protein complexity can be significantly simplified, which leads to decrease chance of overfitting, lower computational handicap and reduce information redundancy. PseKRAAC delivers more capability for protein research by incorporating three crucial parameters that describes protein composition. Users can easily generate many different modes of PseKRAAC tailored to their needs by selecting various reduced amino acids alphabets and other characteristic parameters. It is anticipated that the PseKRAAC web server will become a very useful tool in computational proteomics and protein sequence analysis. Freely available on the web at CONTACTS: or or yanglei_hmu@163.comSupplementary information: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online. © The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please e-mail:

  12. From the million dollar's web, to ‘seriespepito’ Is it a Bubble 2.0?

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    Francisco José García-Ull


    Full Text Available In 2005, a 21 years old English student created The Million Dollar Homepage. The idea was simple: he divided the site into 100 blocks of 10x10 pixels each with the aim to sell these spaces to the brands interested in advertising on the website. Each pixel would cost 1 dollar. That apparently naive idea ended reaching notoriety in the newly named Web 2.0 (O'Reilly, 2005. Worldwide online media, many of whom just began their journey through the Web, covered the curious initiative. The online media coverage also jumped to traditional media (crossmedia narrative, Jenkins, 2006 and this issue had a direct influence on the increase of visitors and number of page views in the site. It was, in fact, one of the first examples of a viral message in the Web. Advertising brands were attracted by the media impact of the website, which became a showcase. Companies such as The Times or Yahoo were attracted by the web influence. In a few months, the business student Alex Tew sold every single pixel of his website to advertising brands, amountig to a million dollars. In 2015, according to Alexa Rank,,,, or are among the 150 most visited websites in Spain, competing with companies like,,, or, to name a few. We present in the following article the reasons why these affiliate advertising networks occupy key positions in the rankings of most visited websites and to this end, we will focus on studying the business model of some of the main links pages, which offer access to download or online viewing of media formats, including series, documentaries and film content. We will focus in particular on the business models like, closed due to alleged intellectual property crime in 2014. They generated within months, about a million dollars profit. We studied, with this purpose, the role of the affiliate networks, the use of tracking tools such as

  13. An Application for Data Preprocessing and Models Extractions in Web Usage Mining

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    Claudia Elena DINUCA


    Full Text Available Web servers worldwide generate a vast amount of information on web users’ browsing activities. Several researchers have studied these so-called clickstream or web access log data to better understand and characterize web users. The goal of this application is to analyze user behaviour by mining enriched web access log data. With the continued growth and proliferation of e-commerce, Web services, and Web-based information systems, the volumes of click stream and user data collected by Web-based organizations in their daily operations has reached astronomical proportions. This information can be exploited in various ways, such as enhancing the effectiveness of websites or developing directed web marketing campaigns. The discovered patterns are usually represented as collections of pages, objects, or re-sources that are frequently accessed by groups of users with common needs or interests. In this paper we will focus on displaying the way how it was implemented the application for data preprocessing and extracting different data models from web logs data, finding association as a data mining technique to extract potentially useful knowledge from web usage data. We find different data models navigation patterns by analysing the log files of the web-site. I implemented the application in Java using NetBeans IDE. For exemplification, I used the log files data from a commercial web site

  14. Web related companies' strategies for attracting new customers

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    Bruno Marsigalia


    Full Text Available This paper provides a study on web related B2B (Business to Business, B2C (Business to Customer evaluation of strategy and methods for maximizing (expanding the number of customer among the people (i.e. internet population, using cycling process externally for internal process of strategy which explains business exploration and agility, and online consumers their compulsive buying behaviour with a new strategy to capture them in large number. The web based industries are web based companies and web related companies, we concentrated on web related company through new innovative method called B2P (Business to People/Public a schematic approach strategy diagram of B2P, and with external Process of strategy. The B2B and B2C (Business to Customer used by enterprises in peer to peer process is based on a qualitative approach, our sourcing of data has been carried out through secondary sources (papers, articles, open sources. The findings are the representation of new schematic diagrams that we developed with an idea and proposal and approach strategy for attaining people interest in the online industry specially concentrated as example on online book selling company. The originality of this paper called concept B2P is from different sources, examples, online articles and built on industry leaders advice through "" and web blogs.

  15. Linguagens documentárias e vocabulários semânticos para a web: elementos conceituais: resenha

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    Eliana Maria dos Santos Bahia


    Full Text Available José Antônio Moreiro González, Professor catedrático de Biblioteconomia e Documentação da Universidad Carlos III de Madrid na Espanha, com experiência na técnica de análise de conteúdo documental e sobre questões conceituais da documentação. O autor trata das Linguagens Documentárias e Vocabulários Semânticos para a Web, que a Editora da Universidade Federal da Bahia apresenta aos leitores. O resultado é um texto com a potencialidade tanto de servir como introdução ao tema para o leitor não especialista como apresentar uma síntese ampla e atualizada dos principais problemas e avanços no estudo das linguagens documentárias e vocabulários semânticos para a web. O livro compõe-se de onze (11 capítulos, delineados pelo autor, descrevendo os elementos conceituais das linguagens documentárias e dos vocabulários semânticos para a web. O primeiro capítulo trata das Bases Epistemológicas da Representação da Informação: origem da representação conceitual, no qual apresenta a origem das relações entre conceitos; os conceitos principais e sua organização em macroestruturas. Análise da leitura dos documentos na pesquisa para obter a informação, o resumo do autor, título, sumários, tabelas, índices, ilustrações, legendas para recuperar a informação. No segundo capítulo (Para Melhor Entender a Recuperação Léxica da Informação, o Autor pontua o acesso contemporâneo à informação dos documentos, com os respectivos conceitos - da representação do na era sociedade do conhecimento. O terceiro capítulo (Requerimentos Fundamentais da Nova Web, compreende-se três seções: dimensões da web social e da web semântica; finalidade da chamada web semântica, e; possibilidades de evolução. O autor aponta as mudanças especificando a web 2.0 e sua evolução para a web semântica; a web 2.0 e a web semântica convirjam para web 3.0; e a web 2.0 e a web semântica coexistindo harmoniosamente no ciberespa

  16. Linguagens documentárias e vocabulários semânticos para a web: elementos conceituais: resenha

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    Eliana Maria dos Santos Bahia


    Full Text Available   José Antônio Moreiro González, Professor catedrático de Biblioteconomia e Documentação da Universidad Carlos III de Madrid na Espanha, com experiência na técnica de análise de conteúdo documental e sobre questões conceituais da documentação. O autor trata das Linguagens Documentárias e Vocabulários Semânticos para a Web, que a Editora da Universidade Federal da Bahia apresenta aos leitores. O resultado é um texto com a potencialidade tanto de servir como introdução ao tema para o leitor não especialista como apresentar uma síntese ampla e atualizada dos principais problemas e avanços no estudo das linguagens documentárias e vocabulários semânticos para a web. O livro compõe-se de onze (11 capítulos, delineados pelo autor, descrevendo os elementos conceituais das linguagens documentárias e dos vocabulários semânticos para a web. O primeiro capítulo trata das Bases Epistemológicas da Representação da Informação: origem da representação conceitual, no qual apresenta a origem das relações entre conceitos; os conceitos principais e sua organização em macroestruturas. Análise da leitura dos documentos na pesquisa para obter a informação, o resumo do autor, título, sumários, tabelas, índices, ilustrações, legendas para recuperar a informação. No segundo capítulo (Para Melhor Entender a Recuperação Léxica da Informação, o Autor pontua o acesso contemporâneo à informação dos documentos, com os respectivos conceitos - da representação do na era sociedade do conhecimento. O terceiro capítulo (Requerimentos Fundamentais da Nova Web, compreende-se três seções: dimensões da web social e da web semântica; finalidade da chamada web semântica, e; possibilidades de evolução. O autor aponta as mudanças especificando a web 2.0 e sua evolução para a web semântica; a web 2.0 e a web semântica convirjam para web 3.0; e a web 2.0 e a web

  17. Análise de mapas de represas publicados na web usando imagens orbitais CCD/CBERS no estado de Minas Gerais Analysis of dams maps published on the web by using orbital CCD/CBERS images in Minas Gerais State, Brazil

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    Elizabeth Ferreira


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho, bancos de dados públicos e gratuitos disponíveis na World Wide Web (WEB foram utilizados para avaliar as áreas das superfícies dos espelhos d'água das represas de Furnas e do Funil, no Estado de Minas Gerais. O objetivo foi comparar as informações obtidas nos bancos da WEB com os valores das áreas calculadas a partir de imagens do sensor CCD a bordo dos satélites CBERS2 e CBERS2B. A área da represa de Furnas obtida a partir das imagens CCD/CBERS2B, ano 2008, foi de 1.138 km², mas nos bancos de dados consultados esta área estava entre 1.182 e 1.503 km². A represa do Funil, construída em 2003, com superfície de espelho d'água de 29,37 km² e uma ilha com área de 1,93 km² não aparecem nos bancos Atlas, Geominas, IGAM e IBGE. Os resultados mostraram algumas discrepâncias nos bancos de dados publicados na WEB, tais como diferenças em áreas e supressão ou extrapolação de limites do espelho d'água. Concluiu-se que, até o momento, os responsáveis por algumas publicações de bancos de dados no Estado de Minas Gerais não tiveram rigor suficiente com as atualizações. As imagens CCD/CBERS, que também são dados públicos disponíveis na WEB, mostraram ser produtos adequados para verificar, atualizar e melhorar as informações publicadas.In this work some public databases from the World Wide Web (WEB were used to find the area of the Furnas and Funil Dams in Minas Gerais State. The purpose of this work was to compare the WEB public databases values and the real values obtained from the CCD camera images on board CBERS2 and CBERS2B satellites. The Furnas Dam area obtained from CCD/ CBERS2B images, in 2008, was 1.138 km², but in the consulted databases this area ranged from 1.182 to 1.503 km². The dam of the Funil, built in 2003, with a water surface of 29.37 km² and an island with 1.93 km² area, did not appear in Atlas, Geominas, IGAM and IBGE databases. The results revealed some problems in the WEB public

  18. The year without pants and the future of work

    CERN Document Server

    Berkun, Scott


    A behind-the-scenes look at the firm behind and the unique work culture that contributes to its phenomenal success 50 million websites, or twenty percent of the entire web, use WordPress software. The force behind is a convention-defying company called Automattic, Inc., whose 120 employees work from anywhere in the world they wish, barely use email, and launch improvements to their products dozens of times a day. With a fraction of the resources of Google, Amazon, or Facebook, they have a similar impact on the future of the Internet. How is this possible? What's dif

  19. Food marketing on popular children's web sites: a content analysis. (United States)

    Alvy, Lisa M; Calvert, Sandra L


    In 2006 the Institute of Medicine (IOM) concluded that food marketing was a contributor to childhood obesity in the United States. One recommendation of the IOM committee was for research on newer marketing venues, such as Internet Web sites. The purpose of this cross-sectional study was to answer the IOM's call by examining food marketing on popular children's Web sites. Ten Web sites were selected based on market research conducted by KidSay, which identified favorite sites of children aged 8 to 11 years during February 2005. Using a standardized coding form, these sites were examined page by page for the existence, type, and features of food marketing. Web sites were compared using chi2 analyses. Although food marketing was not pervasive on the majority of the sites, seven of the 10 Web sites contained food marketing. The products marketed were primarily candy, cereal, quick serve restaurants, and snacks., a food product site, contained a significantly greater amount of food marketing than the other popular children's Web sites. Because the foods marketed to children are not consistent with a healthful diet, nutrition professionals should consider joining advocacy groups to pressure industry to reduce online food marketing directed at youth.

  20. GridCom, Grid Commander: graphical interface for Grid jobs and data management

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Galaktionov, V.V.


    GridCom - the software package for maintenance of automation of access to means of distributed system Grid (jobs and data). The client part, executed in the form of Java-applets, realises the Web-interface access to Grid through standard browsers. The executive part Lexor (LCG Executor) is started by the user in UI (User Interface) machine providing performance of Grid operations

  1. Web Page Recommendation Using Web Mining


    Modraj Bhavsar; Mrs. P. M. Chavan


    On World Wide Web various kind of content are generated in huge amount, so to give relevant result to user web recommendation become important part of web application. On web different kind of web recommendation are made available to user every day that includes Image, Video, Audio, query suggestion and web page. In this paper we are aiming at providing framework for web page recommendation. 1) First we describe the basics of web mining, types of web mining. 2) Details of each...

  2. Com es pot trobar informació en el web, setembre 2010


    Bonich, Mònica; Cervera-Farré, Albert; Santos-Hermosa, Gema


    Per a trobar informació científica pertinent i adequada a unes àrees concretes d'estudi o de recerca, cercar directament a la casella de cerca de Google no és el millor mètode: hi ha altres recursos més adients i específics, com per exemple l'opció de Google Scholar o els cercadors especialitzats. De totes maneres, cal destacar també que la major part de la informació científica només és localitzable en bases de dades especialitzades, portals acadèmics i dipòsits científics, des dels quals po...

  3. Measuring participant rurality in Web-based interventions

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    McKay H Garth


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Web-based health behavior change programs can reach large groups of disparate participants and thus they provide promise of becoming important public health tools. Data on participant rurality can complement other demographic measures to deepen our understanding of the success of these programs. Specifically, analysis of participant rurality can inform recruitment and social marketing efforts, and facilitate the targeting and tailoring of program content. Rurality analysis can also help evaluate the effectiveness of interventions across population groupings. Methods We describe how the RUCAs (Rural-Urban Commuting Area Codes methodology can be used to examine results from two Randomized Controlled Trials of Web-based tobacco cessation programs: the project for smokeless tobacco cessation and the Smokers' Health Improvement Program (SHIP project for smoking cessation. Results Using RUCAs methodology helped to highlight the extent to which both Web-based interventions reached a substantial percentage of rural participants. The ChewFree program was found to have more rural participation which is consistent with the greater prevalence of smokeless tobacco use in rural settings as well as ChewFree's multifaceted recruitment program that specifically targeted rural settings. Conclusion Researchers of Web-based health behavior change programs targeted to the US should routinely include RUCAs as a part of analyzing participant demographics. Researchers in other countries should examine rurality indices germane to their country.

  4. Dscam1 web server: online prediction of Dscam1 self- and hetero-affinity. (United States)

    Marini, Simone; Nazzicari, Nelson; Biscarini, Filippo; Wang, Guang-Zhong


    Formation of homodimers by identical Dscam1 protein isomers on cell surface is the key factor for the self-avoidance of growing neurites. Dscam1 immense diversity has a critical role in the formation of arthropod neuronal circuit, showing unique evolutionary properties when compared to other cell surface proteins. Experimental measures are available for 89 self-binding and 1722 hetero-binding protein samples, out of more than 19 thousands (self-binding) and 350 millions (hetero-binding) possible isomer combinations. We developed Dscam1 Web Server to quickly predict Dscam1 self- and hetero- binding affinity for batches of Dscam1 isomers. The server can help the study of Dscam1 affinity and help researchers navigate through the tens of millions of possible isomer combinations to isolate the strong-binding ones. Dscam1 Web Server is freely available at: . Web server code is available at . or Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online. © The Author 2017. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please e-mail:

  5. Healthcare decision-tools a growing Web trend: three-pronged public relations campaign heightens presence, recognition for online healthcare information provider. (United States)


    Schwartz Communications, LLC, executes a successful PR campaign to position Subimo, a provider of online healthcare decision tools, as a leader in the industry that touts names such as and Through a three-pronged media relations strategy, Schwartz and Subimo together branded the company as an industry thought-leader.

  6. Interfaz Colaborativa y Emocional para Interpretar el Sentido Común

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    Alberto Balcázar-Rengifo


    Full Text Available El propósito de este trabajo es diseñar e implementar una aplicación web que relacione sentencias que se asocian con el sentido común y con la connotación emocional que tienen para cada persona. Para definir el marco de trabajo se propone un conjunto de características que facilitan el trabajo colaborativo y que permitan la interacción de los usuarios para fomentar la producción de nuevos conocimientos. Entre ellas: el perfil de usuario, con el que se definen elementos para procesar la información obtenida con los rasgos característicos de los participantes; el chat como herramienta de comunicación que permite la interacción en tiempo real; un foro que usa comentarios para recoger el sentido común y emoticones que servirán para representar las emociones asociadas con los comentarios realizados en el foro. Se construyó una aplicación web para recolectar el conocimiento tácito de las personas, conocido como sentido común, en la que los usuarios pueden registrarse y participar con sus aportes en foros sobre los diferentes temas propuestos. Para validar la usabilidad de la aplicación se hizo una encuesta a los participantes luego de su participación, de la cual se puede determinar que la inclusión de elementos emocionales y colaborativos como chats, foros y emoticones, facilitó la interacción de los participantes, quienes escribieron y asociaron emociones a sus comentarios. También les fue posible comentar sobre aportes de otros participantes y se dinamizó este proceso con la creación de pequeñas discusiones alrededor de un tema específico.

  7. WebVis: a hierarchical web homepage visualizer (United States)

    Renteria, Jose C.; Lodha, Suresh K.


    WebVis, the Hierarchical Web Home Page Visualizer, is a tool for managing home web pages. The user can access this tool via the WWW and obtain a hierarchical visualization of one's home web pages. WebVis is a real time interactive tool that supports many different queries on the statistics of internal files such as sizes, age, and type. In addition, statistics on embedded information such as VRML files, Java applets, images and sound files can be extracted and queried. Results of these queries are visualized using color, shape and size of different nodes of the hierarchy. The visualization assists the user in a variety of task, such as quickly finding outdated information or locate large files. WebVIs is one solution to the growing web space maintenance problem. Implementation of WebVis is realized with Perl and Java. Perl pattern matching and file handling routines are used to collect and process web space linkage information and web document information. Java utilizes the collected information to produce visualization of the web space. Java also provides WebVis with real time interactivity, while running off the WWW. Some WebVis examples of home web page visualization are presented.

  8. ComPath: comparative enzyme analysis and annotation in pathway/subsystem contexts

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    Kim Sun


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Once a new genome is sequenced, one of the important questions is to determine the presence and absence of biological pathways. Analysis of biological pathways in a genome is a complicated task since a number of biological entities are involved in pathways and biological pathways in different organisms are not identical. Computational pathway identification and analysis thus involves a number of computational tools and databases and typically done in comparison with pathways in other organisms. This computational requirement is much beyond the capability of biologists, so information systems for reconstructing, annotating, and analyzing biological pathways are much needed. We introduce a new comparative pathway analysis workbench, ComPath, which integrates various resources and computational tools using an interactive spreadsheet-style web interface for reliable pathway analyses. Results ComPath allows users to compare biological pathways in multiple genomes using a spreadsheet style web interface where various sequence-based analysis can be performed either to compare enzymes (e.g. sequence clustering and pathways (e.g. pathway hole identification, to search a genome for de novo prediction of enzymes, or to annotate a genome in comparison with reference genomes of choice. To fill in pathway holes or make de novo enzyme predictions, multiple computational methods such as FASTA, Whole-HMM, CSR-HMM (a method of our own introduced in this paper, and PDB-domain search are integrated in ComPath. Our experiments show that FASTA and CSR-HMM search methods generally outperform Whole-HMM and PDB-domain search methods in terms of sensitivity, but FASTA search performs poorly in terms of specificity, detecting more false positive as E-value cutoff increases. Overall, CSR-HMM search method performs best in terms of both sensitivity and specificity. Gene neighborhood and pathway neighborhood (global network visualization tools can be used

  9. Um guia de recomendações para o emprego de dados multimídia em sites web


    Correa, Rodrigo Stéfani


    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Computação. Com a evolução do suporte tecnológico da Web/Internet, surgiram diversos sites web multimídia. Atualmente existem poucos trabalhos voltados à orientação dos desenvolvedores quanto ao uso adequado dos dados multimídia. Este trabalho propõe um guia de recomendações para o emprego de dados multimídia para auxiliar o projeto de sites web. Para alcançar os obj...

  10. EntrezAJAX: direct web browser access to the Entrez Programming Utilities

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    Pallen Mark J


    Full Text Available Abstract Web applications for biology and medicine often need to integrate data from Entrez services provided by the National Center for Biotechnology Information. However, direct access to Entrez from a web browser is not possible due to 'same-origin' security restrictions. The use of "Asynchronous JavaScript and XML" (AJAX to create rich, interactive web applications is now commonplace. The ability to access Entrez via AJAX would be advantageous in the creation of integrated biomedical web resources. We describe EntrezAJAX, which provides access to Entrez eUtils and is able to circumvent same-origin browser restrictions. EntrezAJAX is easily implemented by JavaScript developers and provides identical functionality as Entrez eUtils as well as enhanced functionality to ease development. We provide easy-to-understand developer examples written in JavaScript to illustrate potential uses of this service. For the purposes of speed, reliability and scalability, EntrezAJAX has been deployed on Google App Engine, a freely available cloud service. The EntrezAJAX webpage is located at

  11. A smartphone-optimized web site for conveniently viewing otolaryngology journal abstracts. (United States)

    Golub, Justin S; Sharma, Arun; Samy, Ravi N


    Access to the medical literature has not kept pace with the mobile revolution. We aimed to (1) gauge interest in a smartphone-optimized Web site for conveniently accessing otolaryngology literature and (2) create an easy-to-access and convenient Web site that displays otolaryngology journal abstracts in a format optimized for smartphones. A survey was sent to physicians of a major US academic otolaryngology-head and neck surgery department. Demographics, literature-browsing habits, and barriers to staying updated were assessed. The response rate was 87%. Ninety-one percent of respondents used a smartphone, and 85% wished they could stay more up to date with the otolaryngology literature. Most respondents believed a convenient smartphone-optimized Web site could help them achieve this goal. A Web site was then developed in collaboration with a university creative department as a proof of concept. The site uses a simple RSS aggregator to display journal abstracts formatted for smartphone-sized screens ( © American Academy of Otolaryngology—Head and Neck Surgery Foundation 2014.

  12. The Geogenomic Mutational Atlas of Pathogens (GoMAP web system.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    David P Sargeant

    Full Text Available We present a new approach for pathogen surveillance we call Geogenomics. Geogenomics examines the geographic distribution of the genomes of pathogens, with a particular emphasis on those mutations that give rise to drug resistance. We engineered a new web system called Geogenomic Mutational Atlas of Pathogens (GoMAP that enables investigation of the global distribution of individual drug resistance mutations. As a test case we examined mutations associated with HIV resistance to FDA-approved antiretroviral drugs. GoMAP-HIV makes use of existing public drug resistance and HIV protein sequence data to examine the distribution of 872 drug resistance mutations in ∼ 502,000 sequences for many countries in the world. We also implemented a broadened classification scheme for HIV drug resistance mutations. Several patterns for geographic distributions of resistance mutations were identified by visual mining using this web tool. GoMAP-HIV is an open access web application available at

  13. Governmental web sites, a virtual esplanade


    Barboza, Elza Maria Ferraz; Nunes, Eny Marcelino de Almeida; Sena, Nathália Kneipp


    Análise e avaliação de web sites do governo federal brasileiro, especificamente dos ministérios pertencentes aos setores constantes do programa Sociedade da Informação. O trabalho foi realizado mediante aplicação de lista de critérios e recomendações ergonômicas. Os critérios foram agrupados em quatro grandes quesitos: abrangência e propósito, conteúdo, planejamento visual/gráfico e funcionalidade. Concluiu-se que, com relação aos critérios adotados neste trabalho, os sites dos órgã...

  14. 75 FR 19978 - Proposed Collection; Comment Request; Web Based Training for Pain Management Providers (United States)


    ... Based Training for Pain Management Providers, via the Web site , to... addiction co-occurring in the provider's patients. In order to evaluate the effectives of the program... technological collection techniques or other forms of information technology. Direct Comments to OMB: Written...

  15. Quando as Webs se encontram: social e semântica - promessa de uma visão realizada? Cuándo las Webs se encuentran: social y semántica - promesa de una visión realizada?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Silvana Aparecida Borsetti Gregorio Vidotti


    Full Text Available A Ciência da Informação solicita definições e redefinições de métodos que valorizem e destaquem os aspectos importantes das relações de disseminação, de recuperação e de compartilhamento de conhecimentos quando ocorre a rearticulação das relações sociais e de produção em torno das Tecologias de Informação e Comunicação (TICs. Busca-se nas interdisciplinaridades e transdisciplinaridades investigar e dialogar com os diversos campos do conhecimento em rede. Apresenta-se o modelo-teoria de Sáez Vacas (2002 para definir e estudar o Novo Entorno Tecnosocial (N.E.T segundo uma perspectiva sistêmica da infra-estrutura digital extremamente complexa, a Rede Universal Digital (R.U.D. com instrumentos tecnológicos para usuários não técnicos. O momento atual oferece a possibilidade de construção de um saber colaborativo marcado pela inteligência coletiva, em ações sociais de transferência de informação, sob o olhar das redes sociais como um ambiente antropológico de possibilidades. Avanços sociais e tecnológicos criam uma nova dinâmica da Rede e define o aparecimento da Web 2.0, Web Social ou a Web NG (Nova Geração de usuários, os nativos digitais, Web Semântica e Web Social Semântica.

  16. KBWS: an EMBOSS associated package for accessing bioinformatics web services. (United States)

    Oshita, Kazuki; Arakawa, Kazuharu; Tomita, Masaru


    The availability of bioinformatics web-based services is rapidly proliferating, for their interoperability and ease of use. The next challenge is in the integration of these services in the form of workflows, and several projects are already underway, standardizing the syntax, semantics, and user interfaces. In order to deploy the advantages of web services with locally installed tools, here we describe a collection of proxy client tools for 42 major bioinformatics web services in the form of European Molecular Biology Open Software Suite (EMBOSS) UNIX command-line tools. EMBOSS provides sophisticated means for discoverability and interoperability for hundreds of tools, and our package, named the Keio Bioinformatics Web Service (KBWS), adds functionalities of local and multiple alignment of sequences, phylogenetic analyses, and prediction of cellular localization of proteins and RNA secondary structures. This software implemented in C is available under GPL from and GitHub repository Users can utilize the SOAP services implemented in Perl directly via WSDL file at (RPC Encoded) and (Document/literal).

  17. KBWS: an EMBOSS associated package for accessing bioinformatics web services

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tomita Masaru


    Full Text Available Abstract The availability of bioinformatics web-based services is rapidly proliferating, for their interoperability and ease of use. The next challenge is in the integration of these services in the form of workflows, and several projects are already underway, standardizing the syntax, semantics, and user interfaces. In order to deploy the advantages of web services with locally installed tools, here we describe a collection of proxy client tools for 42 major bioinformatics web services in the form of European Molecular Biology Open Software Suite (EMBOSS UNIX command-line tools. EMBOSS provides sophisticated means for discoverability and interoperability for hundreds of tools, and our package, named the Keio Bioinformatics Web Service (KBWS, adds functionalities of local and multiple alignment of sequences, phylogenetic analyses, and prediction of cellular localization of proteins and RNA secondary structures. This software implemented in C is available under GPL from and GitHub repository Users can utilize the SOAP services implemented in Perl directly via WSDL file at (RPC Encoded and (Document/literal.

  18. The role of a water bug, Sigara striata, in freshwater food webs

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Klečka, Jan


    Roč. 2, č. 1 (2014), e389 ISSN 2167-8359 Grant - others:Student Grant Agency of the Faculty of Biological Sciences, University of South Bohemia(CZ) SGA 2008 Institutional support: RVO:60077344 Keywords : predation * predator-prey interactions * food webs Subject RIV: EH - Ecology, Behaviour Impact factor: 2.112, year: 2014

  19. La Web 2.0: una aplicación didáctica para las ciencias sociales / The Web 2.0: a didactic application for the social sciences

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Antonio Palomo Molano


    Full Text Available Resumen: El blog es una de las herramientas de la denominada Web 2.0, una nueva perspectiva de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC. Estos innovadores recursos, que implican también nuevas dinámicas de trabajo, han de ser incorporados al proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Los blogs de Geografía e Historia que se presentan aquí están destinados a los alumnos de entre 12 y 18 años de edad (Enseñanza Secundaria. Albergan principalmente recursos multimedia (presentaciones de diapositivas y vídeos, así como otros que tratan de complementar los contenidos convencionales. Alumnos y profesor interaccionan a través de esta herramienta que permite, además, abrir la escuela y ponerla a disposición del alumno cuando lo necesite y allí donde se encuentre.Las direcciones de ambos blogs son: y http://hojasdehistoria.blogspot.comSummary: The blog is one of the tools of the so-called Web 2.0, a new perspective on Information and Communication Technologies (ICT. These innovative resources, which also imply new ways of working, should be incorporated in the teaching-learning process. The Geography and History blogs presented here are aimed at students of 12 to 18 years old (secondary education. They contain mainly multimedia material (presentations and videos, as well as other supplements to conventional content. Students and teacher interact by means of this tool, while at the same time it makes the school open and accessible to the students whenever they need it, and wherever they are.The addresses of the blogs are: and

  20. Maratonas hackers no Brasil com desafios no campo da Saúde

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Francini Lube Guizardi

    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo foi mapear a realização de maratonas hackers no Brasil, com desafios voltados para o campo da Saúde. Espera-se que a descrição e sistematização dos aspectos metodológicos dos eventos identificados, cotejados com informações advindas de levantamento bibliográfico, auxiliem na divulgação e aplicação da metodologia na saúde. De caráter exploratório e descritivo, o mapeamento foi realizado por meio de uma pesquisa web, com o buscador Google, e na base de dados Biblioteca Virtual da Saúde (BVS, abrangendo o período entre 2000 e 2016. Identificou-se a realização de 16 hackathons que abordaram desafios ou soluções na Saúde, sendo todos realizados a partir de 2012. Os resultados encontrados ressaltam o potencial da metodologia como fomento à criatividade e à inovação, a partir do trabalho colaborativo em equipe multiprofissional para soluções oportunas no campo da Saúde.

  1. Demographic, procedural and 30-day safety results from the WEB Intra-saccular Therapy Study (WEB-IT). (United States)

    Fiorella, David; Molyneux, Andrew; Coon, Alexander; Szikora, Istvan; Saatci, Isil; Baltacioglu, Feyyaz; Sultan, Ali; Arthur, Adam


    at 30 days), five (2.7%) transient ischemic attacks, and two (1.3%) minor subarachnoid hemorrhages, which did not meet the prospectively established criteria for PSEs. The WEB device can be used to treat WNBAs with a high level of procedural safety and a high degree of technical success. NCT02191618; Pre-results. Published by the BMJ Publishing Group Limited. For permission to use (where not already granted under a licence) please go to

  2. EVpedia: a community web portal for extracellular vesicles research. (United States)

    Kim, Dae-Kyum; Lee, Jaewook; Kim, Sae Rom; Choi, Dong-Sic; Yoon, Yae Jin; Kim, Ji Hyun; Go, Gyeongyun; Nhung, Dinh; Hong, Kahye; Jang, Su Chul; Kim, Si-Hyun; Park, Kyong-Su; Kim, Oh Youn; Park, Hyun Taek; Seo, Ji Hye; Aikawa, Elena; Baj-Krzyworzeka, Monika; van Balkom, Bas W M; Belting, Mattias; Blanc, Lionel; Bond, Vincent; Bongiovanni, Antonella; Borràs, Francesc E; Buée, Luc; Buzás, Edit I; Cheng, Lesley; Clayton, Aled; Cocucci, Emanuele; Dela Cruz, Charles S; Desiderio, Dominic M; Di Vizio, Dolores; Ekström, Karin; Falcon-Perez, Juan M; Gardiner, Chris; Giebel, Bernd; Greening, David W; Gross, Julia Christina; Gupta, Dwijendra; Hendrix, An; Hill, Andrew F; Hill, Michelle M; Nolte-'t Hoen, Esther; Hwang, Do Won; Inal, Jameel; Jagannadham, Medicharla V; Jayachandran, Muthuvel; Jee, Young-Koo; Jørgensen, Malene; Kim, Kwang Pyo; Kim, Yoon-Keun; Kislinger, Thomas; Lässer, Cecilia; Lee, Dong Soo; Lee, Hakmo; van Leeuwen, Johannes; Lener, Thomas; Liu, Ming-Lin; Lötvall, Jan; Marcilla, Antonio; Mathivanan, Suresh; Möller, Andreas; Morhayim, Jess; Mullier, François; Nazarenko, Irina; Nieuwland, Rienk; Nunes, Diana N; Pang, Ken; Park, Jaesung; Patel, Tushar; Pocsfalvi, Gabriella; Del Portillo, Hernando; Putz, Ulrich; Ramirez, Marcel I; Rodrigues, Marcio L; Roh, Tae-Young; Royo, Felix; Sahoo, Susmita; Schiffelers, Raymond; Sharma, Shivani; Siljander, Pia; Simpson, Richard J; Soekmadji, Carolina; Stahl, Philip; Stensballe, Allan; Stępień, Ewa; Tahara, Hidetoshi; Trummer, Arne; Valadi, Hadi; Vella, Laura J; Wai, Sun Nyunt; Witwer, Kenneth; Yáñez-Mó, María; Youn, Hyewon; Zeidler, Reinhard; Gho, Yong Song


    Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are spherical bilayered proteolipids, harboring various bioactive molecules. Due to the complexity of the vesicular nomenclatures and components, online searches for EV-related publications and vesicular components are currently challenging. We present an improved version of EVpedia, a public database for EVs research. This community web portal contains a database of publications and vesicular components, identification of orthologous vesicular components, bioinformatic tools and a personalized function. EVpedia includes 6879 publications, 172 080 vesicular components from 263 high-throughput datasets, and has been accessed more than 65 000 times from more than 750 cities. In addition, about 350 members from 73 international research groups have participated in developing EVpedia. This free web-based database might serve as a useful resource to stimulate the emerging field of EV research. The web site was implemented in PHP, Java, MySQL and Apache, and is freely available at © The Author 2014. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please e-mail:

  3. Web-based control application using WebSocket

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Furukawa, Y.


    The WebSocket allows asynchronous full-duplex communication between a Web-based (i.e. Java Script-based) application and a Web-server. WebSocket started as a part of HTML5 standardization but has now been separated from HTML5 and has been developed independently. Using WebSocket, it becomes easy to develop platform independent presentation layer applications for accelerator and beamline control software. In addition, a Web browser is the only application program that needs to be installed on client computer. The WebSocket-based applications communicate with the WebSocket server using simple text-based messages, so WebSocket is applicable message-based control system like MADOCA, which was developed for the SPring-8 control system. A simple WebSocket server for the MADOCA control system and a simple motor control application were successfully made as a first trial of the WebSocket control application. Using Google-Chrome (version 13.0) on Debian/Linux and Windows 7, Opera (version 11.0) on Debian/Linux and Safari (version 5.0.3) on Mac OS X as clients, the motors can be controlled using a WebSocket-based Web-application. Diffractometer control application use in synchrotron radiation diffraction experiment was also developed. (author)

  4. Web app based patient education in psoriasis - a randomized controlled trial. (United States)

    Hawkins, Spencer D; Barilla, Steven; Feldman, Steven R


    Patients report wanting more information about psoriasis and clear expectations from the onset of therapy. Dermatologists do not think patients receive or internalize adequate information. There isa need for further explanation of treatment regimens to increase knowledge, compliance, and patient satisfaction. Recent advancements in web technology have the potential to improve these psoriasis outcomes. A web based application was created to educate psoriasis patients using video, graphics, and textual information. An investigator blinded, randomized, controlled study evaluated the website's efficacy in 50 psoriasis patients at Wake Forest Baptist Health Dermatology. Patients were randomized into two groups: Group 1 received a link to the educational web app and a survey following their visit; Group 2 received a link to the survey with no educational web app. The survey assessed patient knowledge, self reported adherence to medication, and adequacy of addressing concerns. Twenty two patients completed the study. Patients in the web app group scored an average of 11/14 on the psoriasis knowledge quiz, whereas patients in the control group scored an average of 9/14 for an improvement of roughly 18% (p=0.008, n=22). Web app based education via DermPatientEd.Com is an efficient way to improve knowledge, but we did not demonstrate improvements in self-reported medication adherence or the ability to address concerns of psoriasis patients.

  5. PREFMD: a web server for protein structure refinement via molecular dynamics simulations. (United States)

    Heo, Lim; Feig, Michael


    Refinement of protein structure models is a long-standing problem in structural bioinformatics. Molecular dynamics-based methods have emerged as an avenue to achieve consistent refinement. The PREFMD web server implements an optimized protocol based on the method successfully tested in CASP11. Validation with recent CASP refinement targets shows consistent and more significant improvement in global structure accuracy over other state-of-the-art servers. PREFMD is freely available as a web server at Scripts for running PREFMD as a stand-alone package are available at Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.

  6. VirtualBot, un entorn de programació de robots en format web


    Moreu Reñé, Xavi


    VirtualBot és una web on es programen una sèrie de robots en un llenguatge virtual que es mouran per un entorn 3D. Es pot programar més d'un robot per poder experimentar cooperacions. El programa permet editar l'entorn com són els murs i balises, les quals un robot podrà agafar i desar a un interruptor. VirtualBox es una web donde se programan una serie de robots en un lenguaje virtual que se moverán por un entorno 3D. Se puede programar más de un robot para poder experimentar cooperacione...

  7. Novas experiências para apresentação, acesso e leitura de artigos científicos digitais na web

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Déborah Motta Ambinder

    Full Text Available O periódico científico eletrônico se firmou como publicação acadêmica em ambiente digital, porém continua calcado no modelo impresso. O formato textual dos artigos em linguagem natural impede o processamento semântico desse conteúdo por programas de computador. O acesso aos conteúdos nos modernos sistemas de busca bibliográfica das bibliotecas digitais, repositórios e bases de dados ainda são realizados com estratégias de busca pouco semânticas e pouco expressivas. OBJETIVOS: identificar e analisar experiências que utilizam tecnologias da Web Semântica e Web 2.0, com vistas a fornecer acesso direto ao conteúdo semântico dos artigos científicos digitais e ampliar a interação dos autores com os leitores na Web. METODOLOGIA: a abordagem foi qualitativa; quanto ao tipo, a pesquisa foi descritiva e exploratória, e as técnicas empregadas foram pesquisa bibliográfica e pesquisa documental. RESULTADOS: tecnologias da Web Semântica representam um avanço rumo ao processamento e recuperação semântica em ambiente digital; agentes de software que executam “inferências” e tarefas mais sofisticadas vão além da publicação digital convencional, ultrapassando o tradicional formato textual e linear de leitura e os mecanismos de busca e navegação até então utilizados; o uso efetivo de tecnologias da Web 2.0 facilita o relacionamento e as atividades desenvolvidas pelo pesquisador no ambiente digital; métricas baseadas nestas atividades podem informar medidas mais rápidas de impacto e complementar as métricas tradicionais de citação, esboçando um novo cenário para a Cientometria. CONCLUSÃO: 10 experiências são aplicadas à área Biomédica; 11 utilizam tecnologias da Web Semântica; 6 utilizam ferramentas Web 2.0; 13 já estão em operação; 4 são consideradas propostas teóricas e 5 ainda são consideradas protótipos.

  8. PathScore: a web tool for identifying altered pathways in cancer data. (United States)

    Gaffney, Stephen G; Townsend, Jeffrey P


    PathScore quantifies the level of enrichment of somatic mutations within curated pathways, applying a novel approach that identifies pathways enriched across patients. The application provides several user-friendly, interactive graphic interfaces for data exploration, including tools for comparing pathway effect sizes, significance, gene-set overlap and enrichment differences between projects. Web application available at Site implemented in Python and MySQL, with all major browsers supported. Source code available at: with a GPLv3 license. © The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please e-mail:

  9. Beginning ASPNET Web Pages with WebMatrix

    CERN Document Server

    Brind, Mike


    Learn to build dynamic web sites with Microsoft WebMatrix Microsoft WebMatrix is designed to make developing dynamic ASP.NET web sites much easier. This complete Wrox guide shows you what it is, how it works, and how to get the best from it right away. It covers all the basic foundations and also introduces HTML, CSS, and Ajax using jQuery, giving beginning programmers a firm foundation for building dynamic web sites.Examines how WebMatrix is expected to become the new recommended entry-level tool for developing web sites using ASP.NETArms beginning programmers, students, and educators with al

  10. Non-visual Web Browsing: Beyond Web Accessibility. (United States)

    Ramakrishnan, I V; Ashok, Vikas; Billah, Syed Masum


    People with vision impairments typically use screen readers to browse the Web. To facilitate non-visual browsing, web sites must be made accessible to screen readers, i.e., all the visible elements in the web site must be readable by the screen reader. But even if web sites are accessible, screen-reader users may not find them easy to use and/or easy to navigate. For example, they may not be able to locate the desired information without having to listen to a lot of irrelevant contents. These issues go beyond web accessibility and directly impact web usability. Several techniques have been reported in the accessibility literature for making the Web usable for screen reading. This paper is a review of these techniques. Interestingly, the review reveals that understanding the semantics of the web content is the overarching theme that drives these techniques for improving web usability.

  11. [Promoting citizen participation in healthcare through]. (United States)

    Perestelo-Pérez, Lilisbeth; Pérez-Ramos, Jeanette; Abt-Sacks, Analía; Rivero-Santana, Amado; Serrano-Aguilar, Pedro


    This project supports the initiative promoted by the Spanish National Health System to provide informational materials, in printed or interactive format, to encourage public participation in decision making and healthcare. We present the newly created, a web platform aimed at people with chronic diseases with a high socioeconomic impact, such as breast cancer, depression, and diabetes. This platform uses scientific methodology and contains three information service modules (Patients' experiences, Shared decision making, and Research needs), aimed at promoting health education for patients and families. Copyright © 2012 SESPAS. Published by Elsevier Espana. All rights reserved.

  12. Key word placing in Web page body text to increase visibility to search engines

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    W. T. Kritzinger


    Full Text Available The growth of the World Wide Web has spawned a wide variety of new information sources, which has also left users with the daunting task of determining which sources are valid. Many users rely on the Web as an information source because of the low cost of information retrieval. It is also claimed that the Web has evolved into a powerful business tool. Examples include highly popular business services such as and It is estimated that around 80% of users utilize search engines to locate information on the Internet. This, by implication, places emphasis on the underlying importance of Web pages being listed on search engines indices. Empirical evidence that the placement of key words in certain areas of the body text will have an influence on the Web sites' visibility to search engines could not be found in the literature. The result of two experiments indicated that key words should be concentrated towards the top, and diluted towards the bottom of a Web page to increase visibility. However, care should be taken in terms of key word density, to prevent search engine algorithms from raising the spam alarm.

  13. The remote monitor and control system of power based on COM in HIRFL-CSR

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu Wufeng; Xu Yang; Li Guihua; Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing


    The design of power-system in HIRFL-CSR include two parts-design of hardware and software. We use COM module in this system to communicate message from Controlled devices to Front server's database, and communicate between web server and center Oracle database. This system makes the operators control devices remotely. And it also makes the data dealt with easily, saves the cost in realization of system. (authors)

  14. Web-service for integration of current information from the leading MOOCs

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sergey P. Timoshin


    Full Text Available Purpose. A phenomenon called MOOC (Massive Open Online Course plays a special, “revolutionary” role, introducing of online learning for all stages of the educational process. Today there are a lot of MOOCs, the largest of them: Coursera, edX, Udacity. In connection with the large amount of resources for additional education, a number of questions arise: “How to choose the suitable course as an additional education, how to use the capabilities of MOOCs to improve the quality of the educational process at the university, how to minimize the time for finding the desired course on different platforms?”The purpose of the work is to create a unified information resource that allows you to integrate relevant information from various MOOCs, to reduce the time for finding an appropriate online course for the user, and to raise awareness about new courses and popular specializations, related to information technology.Materials and methods. Web-service is designed as one of the components of the information-educational environment of the Institute of System Analysis and Management. It is aimed at different groups of users: “motivated” students, “unmotivated” students, and lecturers.The initial data for the service is open information about the current online courses on the MOOCs Coursera, edX and Udacity.Each project has its own API, which allows you to get information about online courses. Since MOOCs do not have a common vocabulary in order to use it for searching, there is the problem of creating such a dictionary. To do this we use the Stack Exchange resource ( The list of keywords is formed through the Stack Exchange API – we select the most popular tags on sites and As the first stage of implementation, a web application was developed that allows you to view and filter the lists of courses and to see detailed information about the courses

  15. Model My Watershed and BiG CZ Data Portal: Interactive geospatial analysis and hydrological modeling web applications that leverage the Amazon cloud for scientists, resource managers and students (United States)

    Aufdenkampe, A. K.; Mayorga, E.; Tarboton, D. G.; Sazib, N. S.; Horsburgh, J. S.; Cheetham, R.


    The Model My Watershed Web app ( was designed to enable citizens, conservation practitioners, municipal decision-makers, educators, and students to interactively select any area of interest anywhere in the continental USA to: (1) analyze real land use and soil data for that area; (2) model stormwater runoff and water-quality outcomes; and (3) compare how different conservation or development scenarios could modify runoff and water quality. The BiG CZ Data Portal is a web application for scientists for intuitive, high-performance map-based discovery, visualization, access and publication of diverse earth and environmental science data via a map-based interface that simultaneously performs geospatial analysis of selected GIS and satellite raster data for a selected area of interest. The two web applications share a common codebase ( and, high performance geospatial analysis engine ( and and deployment on the Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud cyberinfrastructure. Users can use "on-the-fly" rapid watershed delineation over the national elevation model to select their watershed or catchment of interest. The two web applications also share the goal of enabling the scientists, resource managers and students alike to share data, analyses and model results. We will present these functioning web applications and their potential to substantially lower the bar for studying and understanding our water resources. We will also present work in progress, including a prototype system for enabling citizen-scientists to register open-source sensor stations ( to stream data into these systems, so that they can be reshared using Water One Flow web services.

  16. DelPhiForce web server: electrostatic forces and energy calculations and visualization. (United States)

    Li, Lin; Jia, Zhe; Peng, Yunhui; Chakravorty, Arghya; Sun, Lexuan; Alexov, Emil


    Electrostatic force is an essential component of the total force acting between atoms and macromolecules. Therefore, accurate calculations of electrostatic forces are crucial for revealing the mechanisms of many biological processes. We developed a DelPhiForce web server to calculate and visualize the electrostatic forces at molecular level. DelPhiForce web server enables modeling of electrostatic forces on individual atoms, residues, domains and molecules, and generates an output that can be visualized by VMD software. Here we demonstrate the usage of the server for various biological problems including protein-cofactor, domain-domain, protein-protein, protein-DNA and protein-RNA interactions. The DelPhiForce web server is available at: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online. © The Author 2017. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please e-mail:

  17. Uma metodologia de teste de acessibilidade para usuários cegos em ambientes Web


    Chalegre, Virgínia Carvalho


    Atualmente, o mundo está na era da inclusão digital e a acessibilidade das páginas Web se tornou uma preocupação global, visto que este ambiente desempenha um papel fundamental no cotidiano das pessoas com deficiência. Este ambiente facilita a vida dessas pessoas, permitindo-lhes criar novas formas de relacionamentos e atividades antes inviáveis. Os criadores de conteúdo Web devem tornar as suas produções compreensíveis e navegáveis. Isto passa não só por uma linguagem clara e simples, mas ta...

  18. CASCADE-IMEI: Web site support for student teachers learning Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) in Indonesia

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Zulkardi, Z.; Nieveen, N.M.


    CASCADE-IMEI is a learning environment in the form of a face-to-face course and a web site ( which aims to support student teachers in Indonesia to learn Realistic Mathematics Education (RME). RME is an instructional theory in mathematics education that was originally developed

  19. Web Caching

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    leveraged through Web caching technology. Specifically, Web caching becomes an ... Web routing can improve the overall performance of the Internet. Web caching is similar to memory system caching - a Web cache stores Web resources in ...

  20. DelPhiPKa web server: predicting pKa of proteins, RNAs and DNAs. (United States)

    Wang, Lin; Zhang, Min; Alexov, Emil


    A new pKa prediction web server is released, which implements DelPhi Gaussian dielectric function to calculate electrostatic potentials generated by charges of biomolecules. Topology parameters are extended to include atomic information of nucleotides of RNA and DNA, which extends the capability of pKa calculations beyond proteins. The web server allows the end-user to protonate the biomolecule at particular pH based on calculated pKa values and provides the downloadable file in PQR format. Several tests are performed to benchmark the accuracy and speed of the protocol. The web server follows a client-server architecture built on PHP and HTML and utilizes DelPhiPKa program. The computation is performed on the Palmetto supercomputer cluster and results/download links are given back to the end-user via http protocol. The web server takes advantage of MPI parallel implementation in DelPhiPKa and can run a single job on up to 24 CPUs. The DelPhiPKa web server is available at © The Author 2015. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please e-mail:

  1. Improvements to Web Toolkits for Antelope-based Real-time Monitoring Systems (United States)

    Lindquist, K. G.; Newman, R. L.; Vernon, F. L.; Hansen, T. S.; Orcutt, J.


    The Antelope Environmental Monitoring System ( is a robust middleware architecture for near-real-time data collection, analysis, archiving and distribution. Antelope has an extensive toolkit allowing users to interact directly with their datasets. A rudimentary interface was developed in previous work between Antelope and the web-scripting language PHP (The PHP language is described in more detail at This interface allowed basic application development for remote access to and interaction with near-real-time data through a World Wide Web interface. We have added over 70 new functions for the Antelope interface to PHP, providing a solid base for web-scripting of near-real-time Antelope database applications. In addition, we have designed a new structure for web sites to be created from the Antelope platform, including PHP applications and Perl CGI scripts as well as static pages. Finally we have constructed the first version of the dbwebproject program, designed to dynamically create and maintain web-sites from specified recipes. These tools have already proven valuable for the creation of web tools for the dissemination of and interaction with near-real-time data streams from multi-signal-domain real-time sensor networks. We discuss current and future directions of this work in the context of the ROADNet project. Examples and applications of these core tools are elaborated in a companion presentation in this session (Newman et al., AGU 2005, session IN06).

  2. The design of EAST vacuum control system based on Web and SVG

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen Yue; Wang Ling; Yang Daowen; Hu Jiansheng; Wang Xiaoming


    The J2EE/Applet is usually embedded in the client to achieve the C/S regression of the web configuration in automatic field. This method has great advantages on many respects such as security, portability, dynamic and so on, but programming is not easy. With SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) and AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) being widely supported, the vector plotting and simple C/S regression can be allowed in the vast majority of browsers. So the functions similar with Applet can be accomplished, e. g. information asynchronous transmission, data graph and search. It introduces a method to achieve the web configuration by applying the techniques of SVG, AJAX, OPCXML-DA, and COM. (authors)

  3. Expert knowledge in palliative care on the World Wide Web: (United States)

    Gavrin, Jonathan


    In my last Internet-related article, I speculated that social networking would be the coming wave in the effort to share knowledge among experts in various disciplines. At the time I did not know that a palliative care site on the World Wide Web (WWW),, already provided the infrastructure for sharing expert knowledge in the field. The Web site is an excellent traditional formulary but it is primarily devoted to "unlicensed" ("off-label") use of medications in palliative care, something we in the specialty often do with little to support our interventions except shared knowledge and experience. There is nothing fancy about this Web site. In a good way, its format is a throwback to Web sites of the 1990s. In only the loosest sense can one describe it as "multimedia." Yet, it provides the perfect forum for expert knowledge and is a "must see" resource. Its existing content is voluminous and reliable, filtered and reviewed by renowned clinicians and educators in the field. Although its origin and structure were not specifically designed for social or professional networking, the Web site's format makes it a natural way for practitioners around the world to contribute to an ever-growing body of expertise in palliative care.

  4. Avaliação de desempenho de técnicas de pré-carregamento na web


    Delpizzo, Graziela Naspolini


    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Produção. A World Wide Web possibilita o acesso a documentos de hipertexto localizados em computadores do mundo inteiro e é, hoje, um dos serviços mais populares da Internet. O crescimento exponencial da Web tem incentivado a realização de projetos de pesquisa com o objetivo de melhorar seu desempenho. Recentemente, tem-se estudado a possibilidade de pré-carregar ...

  5. 75 FR 21297 - Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request Web Based Training for Pain Management Providers (United States)


    ... Based Training for Pain Management Providers, via the Web site , to... addiction co-occurring in the provider's patients. In order to evaluate the effectives of the program... technological collection techniques or other forms of information technology. Direct Comments to OMB: Written...

  6. 07051 Executive Summary -- Programming Paradigms for the Web: Web Programming and Web Services


    Hull, Richard; Thiemann, Peter; Wadler, Philip


    The world-wide web raises a variety of new programming challenges. To name a few: programming at the level of the web browser, data-centric approaches, and attempts to automatically discover and compose web services. This seminar brought together researchers from the web programming and web services communities and strove to engage them in communication with each other. The seminar was held in an unusual style, in a mixture of short presentations and in-depth discussio...

  7. AAVSO Target Tool: A Web-Based Service for Tracking Variable Star Observations (Abstract) (United States)

    Burger, D.; Stassun, K. G.; Barnes, C.; Kafka, S.; Beck, S.; Li, K.


    (Abstract only) The AAVSO Target Tool is a web-based interface for bringing stars in need of observation to the attention of AAVSOís network of amateur and professional astronomers. The site currently tracks over 700 targets of interest, collecting data from them on a regular basis from AAVSOís servers and sorting them based on priority. While the target tool does not require a login, users can obtain visibility times for each target by signing up and entering a telescope location. Other key features of the site include filtering by AAVSO observing section, sorting by different variable types, formatting the data for printing, and exporting the data to a CSV file. The AAVSO Target Tool builds upon seven years of experience developing web applications for astronomical data analysis, most notably on Filtergraph (Burger, D., et al. 2013, Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XXII, Astronomical Society of the Pacific, San Francisco, 399), and is built using the web2py web framework based on the python programming language. The target tool is available at

  8. Semantic Web Requirements through Web Mining Techniques


    Hassanzadeh, Hamed; Keyvanpour, Mohammad Reza


    In recent years, Semantic web has become a topic of active research in several fields of computer science and has applied in a wide range of domains such as bioinformatics, life sciences, and knowledge management. The two fast-developing research areas semantic web and web mining can complement each other and their different techniques can be used jointly or separately to solve the issues in both areas. In addition, since shifting from current web to semantic web mainly depends on the enhance...

  9. Virtualization of open-source secure web services to support data exchange in a pediatric critical care research network. (United States)

    Frey, Lewis J; Sward, Katherine A; Newth, Christopher J L; Khemani, Robinder G; Cryer, Martin E; Thelen, Julie L; Enriquez, Rene; Shaoyu, Su; Pollack, Murray M; Harrison, Rick E; Meert, Kathleen L; Berg, Robert A; Wessel, David L; Shanley, Thomas P; Dalton, Heidi; Carcillo, Joseph; Jenkins, Tammara L; Dean, J Michael


    To examine the feasibility of deploying a virtual web service for sharing data within a research network, and to evaluate the impact on data consistency and quality. Virtual machines (VMs) encapsulated an open-source, semantically and syntactically interoperable secure web service infrastructure along with a shadow database. The VMs were deployed to 8 Collaborative Pediatric Critical Care Research Network Clinical Centers. Virtual web services could be deployed in hours. The interoperability of the web services reduced format misalignment from 56% to 1% and demonstrated that 99% of the data consistently transferred using the data dictionary and 1% needed human curation. Use of virtualized open-source secure web service technology could enable direct electronic abstraction of data from hospital databases for research purposes. © The Author 2015. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the American Medical Informatics Association. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email:

  10. Prey interception drives web invasion and spider size determines successful web takeover in nocturnal orb-web spiders. (United States)

    Gan, Wenjin; Liu, Shengjie; Yang, Xiaodong; Li, Daiqin; Lei, Chaoliang


    A striking feature of web-building spiders is the use of silk to make webs, mainly for prey capture. However, building a web is energetically expensive and increases the risk of predation. To reduce such costs and still have access to abundant prey, some web-building spiders have evolved web invasion behaviour. In general, no consistent patterns of web invasion have emerged and the factors determining web invasion remain largely unexplored. Here we report web invasion among conspecifics in seven nocturnal species of orb-web spiders, and examined the factors determining the probability of webs that could be invaded and taken over by conspecifics. About 36% of webs were invaded by conspecifics, and 25% of invaded webs were taken over by the invaders. A web that was built higher and intercepted more prey was more likely to be invaded. Once a web was invaded, the smaller the size of the resident spider, the more likely its web would be taken over by the invader. This study suggests that web invasion, as a possible way of reducing costs, may be widespread in nocturnal orb-web spiders. © 2015. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd.

  11. Prey interception drives web invasion and spider size determines successful web takeover in nocturnal orb-web spiders

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wenjin Gan


    Full Text Available A striking feature of web-building spiders is the use of silk to make webs, mainly for prey capture. However, building a web is energetically expensive and increases the risk of predation. To reduce such costs and still have access to abundant prey, some web-building spiders have evolved web invasion behaviour. In general, no consistent patterns of web invasion have emerged and the factors determining web invasion remain largely unexplored. Here we report web invasion among conspecifics in seven nocturnal species of orb-web spiders, and examined the factors determining the probability of webs that could be invaded and taken over by conspecifics. About 36% of webs were invaded by conspecifics, and 25% of invaded webs were taken over by the invaders. A web that was built higher and intercepted more prey was more likely to be invaded. Once a web was invaded, the smaller the size of the resident spider, the more likely its web would be taken over by the invader. This study suggests that web invasion, as a possible way of reducing costs, may be widespread in nocturnal orb-web spiders.

  12. Using Open Web APIs in Teaching Web Mining (United States)

    Chen, Hsinchun; Li, Xin; Chau, M.; Ho, Yi-Jen; Tseng, Chunju


    With the advent of the World Wide Web, many business applications that utilize data mining and text mining techniques to extract useful business information on the Web have evolved from Web searching to Web mining. It is important for students to acquire knowledge and hands-on experience in Web mining during their education in information systems…

  13. PMAnalyzer: a new web interface for bacterial growth curve analysis. (United States)

    Cuevas, Daniel A; Edwards, Robert A


    Bacterial growth curves are essential representations for characterizing bacteria metabolism within a variety of media compositions. Using high-throughput, spectrophotometers capable of processing tens of 96-well plates, quantitative phenotypic information can be easily integrated into the current data structures that describe a bacterial organism. The PMAnalyzer pipeline performs a growth curve analysis to parameterize the unique features occurring within microtiter wells containing specific growth media sources. We have expanded the pipeline capabilities and provide a user-friendly, online implementation of this automated pipeline. PMAnalyzer version 2.0 provides fast automatic growth curve parameter analysis, growth identification and high resolution figures of sample-replicate growth curves and several statistical analyses. PMAnalyzer v2.0 can be found at . Source code for the pipeline can be found on GitHub at . Source code for the online implementation can be found on GitHub at . Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online. © The Author 2017. Published by Oxford University Press.


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    Vinício Fragoso Mendes


    Full Text Available Os dados geram informações, e com o tratamento de dados geográficos, pode-se obter informações topográficas. Objetivou-se com este trabalho, o desenvolvimento e apresentação de uma aplicação web, denominada Web Calc-Geo, capaz de realizar cálculos planimétricos. O sistema foi desenvolvido por um estudo sobre coletas e análises de dados, utilizando as linguagens de programação PHP e JavaScript, de marcação HTML e estilização CSS. Foi realizado um teste, onde foram coletados dados geográficos e inseridos manualmente na aplicação. Com os dados no sistema, foi possível visualizar os resultados automaticamente, além da geração do croqui e de um arquivo gpx, utilizado pelo programa de computador Google Earth, para uma visualização real da área em um mapa. Os dados do sistema podem ser vistos em qualquer navegador web, e além disto, mediante a análise, demonstrou ser atraente para utilização. Os usuários devem se ater a precisão dos dados que irá inserir no sistema, para não haver descontentamento por resultados incoerentes. Os resultados encontrados permitem afirmar que o sistema tem potencial para utilização.

  15. Necessitats de formació dels docents universitaris en relació a les eines web 2.0 i perspectives futures

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Omar José Miratía Moncada


    Full Text Available El present treball mostra algunes necessitats de formació dels docents d'educació superior en relació a l'ús i aplicació de les Tecnologies d'Informació i Comunicació (TIC: eines Web 2.0, xarxes socials, sistemes o entorns personals d'aprenentatge (SPA/PLE, així com, el LMS Moodle, entre uns altres, i les projeccions per als pròxims 5 anys. L'objectiu en primer lloc és mostrar les necessitats de formació els docents universitaris en relació al tema i en segon lloc, crear consciència en les instàncies de decisió i en els propis educadors de la necessitat d'implementar i participar en massius plans de formació contínua i permanent, perquè puguen apropiar-se de les TIC i integrar-les al currículum, en la seua àrea de coneixement i/o assignatura que imparteixen. Es va utilitzar un disseny d'investigació-acció de caràcter exploratori descriptiu, i es va aplicar un instrument diagnòstic tipus “enquesta” en línia, per a la detecció de necessitats de formació en relació a les TIC, format per preguntes obertes i tancades de respostes múltiples, dissenyat mitjançant la consulta a fonts primàries (experts i fonts secundàries (material bibliogràfic. Com a resultat, es va concloure amb una proposta de formació i/o actualització que consisteix en un aula virtual en Moodle, titulada “Curse-Taller Eines Web 2.0 com a Suport a la Docència Universitària”, per a satisfer les necessitats detectades. Com a conclusió, se suggereix implementar el “Curs-Taller Eines Web 2.0 com a Suport a la Docència Universitària”, perquè aquests es “apropien” de les mateixes, en funció de bones pràctiques en el procés d'ensenyament i d'aprenentatge.

  16. Correct software in web applications and web services

    CERN Document Server

    Thalheim, Bernhard; Prinz, Andreas; Buchberger, Bruno


    The papers in this volume aim at obtaining a common understanding of the challenging research questions in web applications comprising web information systems, web services, and web interoperability; obtaining a common understanding of verification needs in web applications; achieving a common understanding of the available rigorous approaches to system development, and the cases in which they have succeeded; identifying how rigorous software engineering methods can be exploited to develop suitable web applications; and at developing a European-scale research agenda combining theory, methods a

  17. OpenFlyData: an exemplar data web integrating gene expression data on the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster. (United States)

    Miles, Alistair; Zhao, Jun; Klyne, Graham; White-Cooper, Helen; Shotton, David


    source SPARQL implementations is sufficient to query gene expression data directly from user-facing applications such as Web-based data fusions (a.k.a. mashups), we found open SPARQL endpoints to be vulnerable to denial-of-service-type problems, which must be mitigated to ensure reliability of services based on this standard. These results are relevant to data integration activities in translational bioinformatics. The gene expression search applications and SPARQL endpoints developed for OpenFlyData are deployed at FlyUI, a library of JavaScript widgets providing re-usable user-interface components for Drosophila gene expression data, is available at Software and ontologies to support transformation of data from FlyBase, FlyAtlas, BDGP and FlyTED to RDF are available at SPARQLite, an implementation of the SPARQL protocol, is available at All software is provided under the GPL version 3 open source license.

  18. Análise de campo do desempenho de acessos Web em IPv6.


    Pirani, Deivis Fernandes


    Este trabalho apresenta um estudo de campo, comparativo, sobre a utilização dos protocolos IPv4 e IPv6 no acesso a páginas web. Foi considerada a perspectiva de um usuário real deste tipo de serviço, no atual período de transição do IPv4 para o IPv6. Para que tal estudo pudesse ser realizado, foi desenvolvido um arranjo no qual três configurações de endereçamento do Protocolo de Internet, IPv4, IPv6 e Pilha Dupla (IPv4+IPv6), foram utilizadas nos acessos às 100 páginas web, com suporte ao I v...

  19. Aprendizagem intergeracional com tecnologias de informação e comunicação


    Patrício, Maria Raquel; Osório, António


    Aprendizagem Intergeracional com Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação é um projecto de investigação na área das ciências da educação especialidade em tecnologia educativa. Este projecto destina-se a aprofundar o conhecimento sobre as relações intergeracionais e a desenvolver estratégias de aprendizagem intergeracional, suportadas pelas TIC em geral e pela Web 2.0 em particular.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Simone Lucena


    Full Text Available Este artigo tem como objetivo compreender as potencialidades dos softwares sociais da web 2.0 utilizados no Programa Institucional de Bolsa de Iniciação à Docência (Pibid do curso de Pedagogia na formação dos bolsistas de iniciação à docência. A pesquisa é de natureza qualitativa com inspiração epistemológica na abordagem multirreferencial. Durante a formação no Pibid foram utilizados diferentes software sociais e interfaces da web 2.0 dentre elas os diários online, o Facebook e o WhatsApp Messenger. Como resultado foi observado que os sujeitos da pesquisa, passaram a utilizar estes aplicativos como outro espaçotempo de formação. Um espaço multirreferencial com possibilidades de socializar, interagir e narrar instantaneamente todas as ações desenvolvidas nos diferentes ambientes de aprendizagem, pois os softwares sociais na web 2.0 potencializam que as pessoas criem, partilhem e divulguem suas autorias em forma de texto, áudio, imagem e vídeo.

  1. A topografia da dark web e seus não lugares : por um estudo das dobras invisíveis do ciberespaço


    Richele Grenge Vignoli


    Existe no ciberespaço uma web escura e escondida denominada Dark Web. Nesse viés, esta pesquisa objetivou topografar a Dark Web e seus não lugares no Ciberespaço e como objetivos específicos: reunir brevemente as dobras visíveis do ciberespaço; caracterizar as dobras invisíveis do ciberespaço; investigar as especificidades da Dark Web em relação à definição, localização, acesso, conteúdo e mecanismos de busca; contextualizar os seus não lugares de acordo com os preceitos de Augé (2012) e Baum...

  2. Semantic Web Technologies for the Adaptive Web

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dolog, Peter; Nejdl, Wolfgang


    Ontologies and reasoning are the key terms brought into focus by the semantic web community. Formal representation of ontologies in a common data model on the web can be taken as a foundation for adaptive web technologies as well. This chapter describes how ontologies shared on the semantic web...... provide conceptualization for the links which are a main vehicle to access information on the web. The subject domain ontologies serve as constraints for generating only those links which are relevant for the domain a user is currently interested in. Furthermore, user model ontologies provide additional...... means for deciding which links to show, annotate, hide, generate, and reorder. The semantic web technologies provide means to formalize the domain ontologies and metadata created from them. The formalization enables reasoning for personalization decisions. This chapter describes which components...

  3. Usare WebDewey


    Baldi, Paolo


    This presentation shows how to use the WebDewey tool. Features of WebDewey. Italian WebDewey compared with American WebDewey. Querying Italian WebDewey. Italian WebDewey and MARC21. Italian WebDewey and UNIMARC. Numbers, captions, "equivalente verbale": Dewey decimal classification in Italian catalogues. Italian WebDewey and Nuovo soggettario. Italian WebDewey and LCSH. Italian WebDewey compared with printed version of Italian Dewey Classification (22. edition): advantages and disadvantages o...

  4. The web server of IBM's Bioinformatics and Pattern Discovery group. (United States)

    Huynh, Tien; Rigoutsos, Isidore; Parida, Laxmi; Platt, Daniel; Shibuya, Tetsuo


    We herein present and discuss the services and content which are available on the web server of IBM's Bioinformatics and Pattern Discovery group. The server is operational around the clock and provides access to a variety of methods that have been published by the group's members and collaborators. The available tools correspond to applications ranging from the discovery of patterns in streams of events and the computation of multiple sequence alignments, to the discovery of genes in nucleic acid sequences and the interactive annotation of amino acid sequences. Additionally, annotations for more than 70 archaeal, bacterial, eukaryotic and viral genomes are available on-line and can be searched interactively. The tools and code bundles can be accessed beginning at whereas the genomics annotations are available at

  5. Web TA Production (WebTA) (United States)

    US Agency for International Development — WebTA is a web-based time and attendance system that supports USAID payroll administration functions, and is designed to capture hours worked, leave used and...

  6. Politiken, Alt om Ikast Brande (web), Lemvig Folkeblad (Web), Politiken (web), Dabladet Ringkjøbing Skjern (web)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lauritsen, Jens


    Politiken 01.01.2014 14:16 Danskerne skød nytåret ind med et brag, men for enkeltes vedkommende gik det galt, da nytårskrudtet blev tændt. Skadestuerne har behandlet 73 personer for fyrværkeriskader mellem klokken 18 i aftes og klokken 06 i morges. Det viser en optælling, som Politiken har...... foretaget på baggrund af tal fra Ulykkes Analyse Gruppen på Odense Universitetshospital. Artiklen er også bragt i: Alt om Ikast Brande (web), Lemvig Folkeblad (web), Politiken (web), Dagbladet Ringkjøbing Skjern (web)....

  7. Using Web Server Logs in Evaluating Instructional Web Sites. (United States)

    Ingram, Albert L.


    Web server logs contain a great deal of information about who uses a Web site and how they use it. This article discusses the analysis of Web logs for instructional Web sites; reviews the data stored in most Web server logs; demonstrates what further information can be gleaned from the logs; and discusses analyzing that information for the…


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    Full Text Available The World Wide Web became one of the most valuable resources for information retrievals and knowledge discoveries due to the permanent increasing of the amount of data available online. Taking into consideration the web dimension, the users get easily lost in the web’s rich hyper structure. Application of data mining methods is the right solution for knowledge discovery on the Web. The knowledge extracted from the Web can be used to raise the performances for Web information retrievals, question answering and Web based data warehousing. In this paper, I provide an introduction of Web mining categories and I focus on one of these categories: the Web structure mining. Web structure mining, one of three categories of web mining for data, is a tool used to identify the relationship between Web pages linked by information or direct link connection. It offers information about how different pages are linked together to form this huge web. Web Structure Mining finds hidden basic structures and uses hyperlinks for more web applications such as web search.

  9. Web Engineering

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    White, Bebo


    Web Engineering is the application of systematic, disciplined and quantifiable approaches to development, operation, and maintenance of Web-based applications. It is both a pro-active approach and a growing collection of theoretical and empirical research in Web application development. This paper gives an overview of Web Engineering by addressing the questions: (a) why is it needed? (b) what is its domain of operation? (c) how does it help and what should it do to improve Web application development? and (d) how should it be incorporated in education and training? The paper discusses the significant differences that exist between Web applications and conventional software, the taxonomy of Web applications, the progress made so far and the research issues and experience of creating a specialization at the master's level. The paper reaches a conclusion that Web Engineering at this stage is a moving target since Web technologies are constantly evolving, making new types of applications possible, which in turn may require innovations in how they are built, deployed and maintained.

  10. Social Media and the “Read-Only” Web: Reconfiguring Social Logics and Historical Boundaries

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Megan Sapnar Ankerson


    Full Text Available The web’s historical periodization as Web 1.0 (“read-only” and Web 2.0 (“read/write” eras continues to hold sway even as the umbrella term “social media” has become the preferred way to talk about today’s ecosystem of connective media. Yet, we have much to gain by not exclusively positing social media platforms as a 21st-century phenomenon. Through case studies of two commercially sponsored web projects from the mid-1990s—Massachusetts Institute of Technology Media Lab’s Day in the Life of Cyberspace and Rick Smolan’s 24 Hours in Cyberspace —this article examines how notions of social and publics were imagined and designed into the web at the start of the dot-com boom. In lieu of a discourse of versions, I draw on Lucy Suchman’s trope of configuration as an analytic tool for rethinking web historiography. By tracing how cultural imaginaries of the Internet as a public space are conjoined with technological artifacts (content management systems, templates, session tracking, and e-commerce platforms and reconfigured over time, the discourses of “read-only publishing” and the “social media revolution” can be reframed not as exclusively oppositional logics, but rather, as mutually informing the design and development of today’s social, commercial, web.

  11. Web Accessibility in Romania: The Conformance of Municipal Web Sites to Web Content Accessibility Guidelines




    The accessibility of public administration web sites is a key quality attribute for the successful implementation of the Information Society. The purpose of this paper is to present a second review of municipal web sites in Romania that is based on automated accessibility checking. A number of 60 web sites were evaluated against WCAG 2.0 recommendations. The analysis of results reveals a relatively low web accessibility of municipal web sites and highlights several aspects. Firstly, a slight ...

  12. Exploring the Structure of Library and Information Science Web Space Based on Multivariate Analysis of Social Tags (United States)

    Joo, Soohyung; Kipp, Margaret E. I.


    Introduction: This study examines the structure of Web space in the field of library and information science using multivariate analysis of social tags from the Website, A few studies have examined mathematical modelling of tags, mainly examining tagging in terms of tripartite graphs, pattern tracing and descriptive statistics. This…

  13. Kaptive Web: User-Friendly Capsule and Lipopolysaccharide Serotype Prediction for Klebsiella Genomes. (United States)

    Wick, Ryan R; Heinz, Eva; Holt, Kathryn E; Wyres, Kelly L


    As whole-genome sequencing becomes an established component of the microbiologist's toolbox, it is imperative that researchers, clinical microbiologists, and public health professionals have access to genomic analysis tools for the rapid extraction of epidemiologically and clinically relevant information. For the Gram-negative hospital pathogens such as Klebsiella pneumoniae , initial efforts have focused on the detection and surveillance of antimicrobial resistance genes and clones. However, with the resurgence of interest in alternative infection control strategies targeting Klebsiella surface polysaccharides, the ability to extract information about these antigens is increasingly important. Here we present Kaptive Web, an online tool for the rapid typing of Klebsiella K and O loci, which encode the polysaccharide capsule and lipopolysaccharide O antigen, respectively. Kaptive Web enables users to upload and analyze genome assemblies in a web browser. The results can be downloaded in tabular format or explored in detail via the graphical interface, making it accessible for users at all levels of computational expertise. We demonstrate Kaptive Web's utility by analyzing >500 K. pneumoniae genomes. We identify extensive K and O locus diversity among 201 genomes belonging to the carbapenemase-associated clonal group 258 (25 K and 6 O loci). The characterization of a further 309 genomes indicated that such diversity is common among the multidrug-resistant clones and that these loci represent useful epidemiological markers for strain subtyping. These findings reinforce the need for rapid, reliable, and accessible typing methods such as Kaptive Web. Kaptive Web is available for use at, and the source code is available at Copyright © 2018 Wick et al.

  14. The Ark: a customizable web-based data management tool for health and medical research. (United States)

    Bickerstaffe, Adrian; Ranaweera, Thilina; Endersby, Travis; Ellis, Christopher; Maddumarachchi, Sanjaya; Gooden, George E; White, Paul; Moses, Eric K; Hewitt, Alex W; Hopper, John L


    The Ark is an open-source web-based tool that allows researchers to manage health and medical research data for humans and animals without specialized database skills or programming expertise. The system provides data management for core research information including demographic, phenotype, biospecimen and pedigree data, in addition to supporting typical investigator requirements such as tracking participant consent and correspondence, whilst also being able to generate custom data exports and reports. The Ark is 'study generic' by design and highly configurable via its web interface, allowing researchers to tailor the system to the specific data management requirements of their study. Source code for The Ark can be obtained freely from the website . The source code can be modified and redistributed under the terms of the GNU GPL v3 license. Documentation and a pre-configured virtual appliance can be found at the website . Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online. © The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please e-mail:

  15. 07051 Working Group Outcomes -- Programming Paradigms for the Web: Web Programming and Web Services


    Hull, Richard; Thiemann, Peter; Wadler, Philip


    Participants in the seminar broke into groups on ``Patterns and Paradigms'' for web programming, ``Web Services,'' ``Data on the Web,'' ``Software Engineering'' and ``Security.'' Here we give the raw notes recorded during these sessions.

  16. Web-ADARE: A Web-Aided Data Repairing System

    KAUST Repository

    Gu, Binbin


    Data repairing aims at discovering and correcting erroneous data in databases. In this paper, we develop Web-ADARE, an end-to-end web-aided data repairing system, to provide a feasible way to involve the vast data sources on the Web in data repairing. Our main attention in developing Web-ADARE is paid on the interaction problem between web-aided repairing and rule-based repairing, in order to minimize the Web consultation cost while reaching predefined quality requirements. The same interaction problem also exists in crowd-based methods but this is not yet formally defined and addressed. We first prove in theory that the optimal interaction scheme is not feasible to be achieved, and then propose an algorithm to identify a scheme for efficient interaction by investigating the inconsistencies and the dependencies between values in the repairing process. Extensive experiments on three data collections demonstrate the high repairing precision and recall of Web-ADARE, and the efficiency of the generated interaction scheme over several baseline ones.

  17. Web-ADARE: A Web-Aided Data Repairing System

    KAUST Repository

    Gu, Binbin; Li, Zhixu; Yang, Qiang; Xie, Qing; Liu, An; Liu, Guanfeng; Zheng, Kai; Zhang, Xiangliang


    Data repairing aims at discovering and correcting erroneous data in databases. In this paper, we develop Web-ADARE, an end-to-end web-aided data repairing system, to provide a feasible way to involve the vast data sources on the Web in data repairing. Our main attention in developing Web-ADARE is paid on the interaction problem between web-aided repairing and rule-based repairing, in order to minimize the Web consultation cost while reaching predefined quality requirements. The same interaction problem also exists in crowd-based methods but this is not yet formally defined and addressed. We first prove in theory that the optimal interaction scheme is not feasible to be achieved, and then propose an algorithm to identify a scheme for efficient interaction by investigating the inconsistencies and the dependencies between values in the repairing process. Extensive experiments on three data collections demonstrate the high repairing precision and recall of Web-ADARE, and the efficiency of the generated interaction scheme over several baseline ones.

  18. Web Mining (United States)

    Fürnkranz, Johannes

    The World-Wide Web provides every internet citizen with access to an abundance of information, but it becomes increasingly difficult to identify the relevant pieces of information. Research in web mining tries to address this problem by applying techniques from data mining and machine learning to Web data and documents. This chapter provides a brief overview of web mining techniques and research areas, most notably hypertext classification, wrapper induction, recommender systems and web usage mining.

  19. The Semantic Web: From Representation to Realization (United States)

    Thórisson, Kristinn R.; Spivack, Nova; Wissner, James M.

    A semantically-linked web of electronic information - the Semantic Web - promises numerous benefits including increased precision in automated information sorting, searching, organizing and summarizing. Realizing this requires significantly more reliable meta-information than is readily available today. It also requires a better way to represent information that supports unified management of diverse data and diverse Manipulation methods: from basic keywords to various types of artificial intelligence, to the highest level of intelligent manipulation - the human mind. How this is best done is far from obvious. Relying solely on hand-crafted annotation and ontologies, or solely on artificial intelligence techniques, seems less likely for success than a combination of the two. In this paper describe an integrated, complete solution to these challenges that has already been implemented and tested with hundreds of thousands of users. It is based on an ontological representational level we call SemCards that combines ontological rigour with flexible user interface constructs. SemCards are machine- and human-readable digital entities that allow non-experts to create and use semantic content, while empowering machines to better assist and participate in the process. SemCards enable users to easily create semantically-grounded data that in turn acts as examples for automation processes, creating a positive iterative feedback loop of metadata creation and refinement between user and machine. They provide a holistic solution to the Semantic Web, supporting powerful management of the full lifecycle of data, including its creation, retrieval, classification, sorting and sharing. We have implemented the SemCard technology on the semantic Web site, showing that the technology is indeed versatile and scalable. Here we present the key ideas behind SemCards and describe the initial implementation of the technology.

  20. Understanding User-Web Interactions via Web Analytics

    CERN Document Server

    Jansen, Bernard J


    This lecture presents an overview of the Web analytics process, with a focus on providing insight and actionable outcomes from collecting and analyzing Internet data. The lecture first provides an overview of Web analytics, providing in essence, a condensed version of the entire lecture. The lecture then outlines the theoretical and methodological foundations of Web analytics in order to make obvious the strengths and shortcomings of Web analytics as an approach. These foundational elements include the psychological basis in behaviorism and methodological underpinning of trace data as an empir

  1. Web Based Interactive Software in International Business: The Case of the Global Market Potential System Online (GMPSO[C]) (United States)

    Janavaras, Basil J.; Gomes, Emanuel; Young, Richard


    This paper seeks to confirm whether students using the Global Market Potential System Online (GMPSO) web based software, (, for their class project enhanced their knowledge and understanding of international business. The challenge most business instructors and practitioners face is to determine how to bring the…

  2. The design and implementation of web mining in web sites security (United States)

    Li, Jian; Zhang, Guo-Yin; Gu, Guo-Chang; Li, Jian-Li


    The backdoor or information leak of Web servers can be detected by using Web Mining techniques on some abnormal Web log and Web application log data. The security of Web servers can be enhanced and the damage of illegal access can be avoided. Firstly, the system for discovering the patterns of information leakages in CGI scripts from Web log data was proposed. Secondly, those patterns for system administrators to modify their codes and enhance their Web site security were provided. The following aspects were described: one is to combine web application log with web log to extract more information, so web data mining could be used to mine web log for discovering the information that firewall and Information Detection System cannot find. Another approach is to propose an operation module of web site to enhance Web site security. In cluster server session, Density-Based Clustering technique is used to reduce resource cost and obtain better efficiency.

  3. ESIM_DSN Web-Enabled Distributed Simulation Network (United States)

    Bedrossian, Nazareth; Novotny, John


    In this paper, the eSim(sup DSN) approach to achieve distributed simulation capability using the Internet is presented. With this approach a complete simulation can be assembled from component subsystems that run on different computers. The subsystems interact with each other via the Internet The distributed simulation uses a hub-and-spoke type network topology. It provides the ability to dynamically link simulation subsystem models to different computers as well as the ability to assign a particular model to each computer. A proof-of-concept demonstrator is also presented. The eSim(sup DSN) demonstrator can be accessed at which hosts various examples of Web enabled simulations.

  4. A WebQuest e a Taxonomia Digital de Bloom como uma nova coreografia didática para a educação online


    Paiva, Rogério Antonio de; Padilha, Maria Auxiliadora Soares


    Este artigo discutirá a metodologia da WebQuest, quanto a suas críticas, variedades, proposições e principais elementos estruturadores com o objetivo de situá-la no contexto das medias da Web 2.0 conforme a proposta da Taxonomia Digital de Bloom. Para isto discutiremos os questionamentos e proposições feitas a esta metodologia analisando uma parte da estrutura da WebQuest, a tarefa, de um curso de Educação a Distância, a partir das coreografias didáticas e da Taxonomia de Digital Bloom, que é...

  5. Web archives

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Finnemann, Niels Ole


    This article deals with general web archives and the principles for selection of materials to be preserved. It opens with a brief overview of reasons why general web archives are needed. Section two and three present major, long termed web archive initiatives and discuss the purposes and possible...... values of web archives and asks how to meet unknown future needs, demands and concerns. Section four analyses three main principles in contemporary web archiving strategies, topic centric, domain centric and time-centric archiving strategies and section five discuss how to combine these to provide...... a broad and rich archive. Section six is concerned with inherent limitations and why web archives are always flawed. The last sections deal with the question how web archives may fit into the rapidly expanding, but fragmented landscape of digital repositories taking care of various parts...

  6. Posturografia em idosos com distúrbios vestibulares e quedas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Camila Macedo


    Full Text Available Introdução: A posturografia estática e dinâmica tem sido usada para analisar a habilidade de idosos com disfunção vestibular em manter o equilíbrio corporal em diferentes condições de conflitos sensoriais. O objetivo do exame é quantificar a velocidade de oscilação e o deslocamento do centro de pressão nas condições de conflitos visual, somatossensorial e interação visuo-vestibular, e o limite de estabilidade. Objetivo: Analisar a literatura referente ao controle do equilíbrio corporal em idosos com distúrbios vestibulares por meio de posturografia computadorizada estática e dinâmica. Métodos: Revisão nas bases de dados LILACS, EMBASE, MEDLINE, Scielo, Cochrane, ISI Web of Knowledge e bibliotecas virtuais de teses e dissertações, utilizando as palavras-chave “Idoso”, “Equilíbrio Postural”, “Avaliação”, “Controle Postural”, “Quedas”, “Posturografia”, “Vestibular” e/ou “Tontura” de publicações dos últimos vinte anos. Resultados: Há vários modelos de posturografias que mensuram as respostas posturais e o risco de quedas em indivíduos idosos, perante os diferentes estímulos sensoriais, incluindo a tecnologia de realidade virtual. Os idosos com desequilíbrio corporal, tontura, e/ou com histórico de quedas apresentam pior desempenho que idosos sem queixas, sem histórico de quedas e indivíduos mais jovens. Conclusão: A posturografia é uma valiosa ferramenta para análise quantitativa do controle postural, permitindo a identificação das condições sensoriais nas quais os idosos vestibulopatas apresentam maior instabilidade.

  7. TFC Redes de computadores : filtro de páginas web


    Rodríguez Sánchez, Nicolás


    Aquest treball final de carrera consisteix en la creació d'un complement que afegeix noves característiques a un navegador conegut com Firefox produït i proporcionat pel Projecte Mozilla. Aquest projecte desenvolupa, implementa i promou el programari lliure. El complement consisteix en un filtre de pàgines web a nivell de contingut. Este trabajo final de carrera consiste en la creación de un complemento que añade nuevas características a un navegador conocido como Firefox producido y propo...

  8. Even Faster Web Sites Performance Best Practices for Web Developers

    CERN Document Server

    Souders, Steve


    Performance is critical to the success of any web site, and yet today's web applications push browsers to their limits with increasing amounts of rich content and heavy use of Ajax. In this book, Steve Souders, web performance evangelist at Google and former Chief Performance Yahoo!, provides valuable techniques to help you optimize your site's performance. Souders' previous book, the bestselling High Performance Web Sites, shocked the web development world by revealing that 80% of the time it takes for a web page to load is on the client side. In Even Faster Web Sites, Souders and eight exp

  9. Datamonkey 2.0: a modern web application for characterizing selective and other evolutionary processes. (United States)

    Weaver, Steven; Shank, Stephen D; Spielman, Stephanie J; Li, Michael; Muse, Spencer V; Kosakovsky Pond, Sergei L


    Inference of how evolutionary forces have shaped extant genetic diversity is a cornerstone of modern comparative sequence analysis. Advances in sequence generation and increased statistical sophistication of relevant methods now allow researchers to extract ever more evolutionary signal from the data, albeit at an increased computational cost. Here, we announce the release of Datamonkey 2.0, a completely re-engineered version of the Datamonkey web-server for analyzing evolutionary signatures in sequence data. For this endeavor, we leveraged recent developments in open-source libraries that facilitate interactive, robust, and scalable web application development. Datamonkey 2.0 provides a carefully curated collection of methods for interrogating coding-sequence alignments for imprints of natural selection, packaged as a responsive (i.e. can be viewed on tablet and mobile devices), fully interactive, and API-enabled web application. To complement Datamonkey 2.0, we additionally release HyPhy Vision, an accompanying JavaScript application for visualizing analysis results. HyPhy Vision can also be used separately from Datamonkey 2.0 to visualize locally-executed HyPhy analyses. Together, Datamonkey 2.0 and HyPhy Vision showcase how scientific software development can benefit from general-purpose open-source frameworks. Datamonkey 2.0 is freely and publicly available at http://www.datamonkey. org, and the underlying codebase is available from © The Author 2018. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:

  10. Efficient Web Harvesting Strategies for Monitoring Deep Web Content

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Khelghati, Mohammadreza; Hiemstra, Djoerd; van Keulen, Maurice


    The change of the web content is rapid. In Focused Web Harvesting [?], which aims at achieving a complete harvest for a given topic, this dynamic nature of the web creates problems for users who need to access a complete set of related web data to their interesting topics. Whether you are a fan

  11. PELE web server: atomistic study of biomolecular systems at your fingertips. (United States)

    Madadkar-Sobhani, Armin; Guallar, Victor


    PELE, Protein Energy Landscape Exploration, our novel technology based on protein structure prediction algorithms and a Monte Carlo sampling, is capable of modelling the all-atom protein-ligand dynamical interactions in an efficient and fast manner, with two orders of magnitude reduced computational cost when compared with traditional molecular dynamics techniques. PELE's heuristic approach generates trial moves based on protein and ligand perturbations followed by side chain sampling and global/local minimization. The collection of accepted steps forms a stochastic trajectory. Furthermore, several processors may be run in parallel towards a collective goal or defining several independent trajectories; the whole procedure has been parallelized using the Message Passing Interface. Here, we introduce the PELE web server, designed to make the whole process of running simulations easier and more practical by minimizing input file demand, providing user-friendly interface and producing abstract outputs (e.g. interactive graphs and tables). The web server has been implemented in C++ using Wt ( and MySQL ( The PELE web server, accessible at, is free and open to all users with no login requirement.

  12. Web2Quests: Updating a Popular Web-Based Inquiry-Oriented Activity (United States)

    Kurt, Serhat


    WebQuest is a popular inquiry-oriented activity in which learners use Web resources. Since the creation of the innovation, almost 15 years ago, the Web has changed significantly, while the WebQuest technique has changed little. This article examines possible applications of new Web trends on WebQuest instructional strategy. Some possible…

  13. Integration of Web mining and web crawler: Relevance and State of Art


    Subhendu kumar pani; Deepak Mohapatra,; Bikram Keshari Ratha


    This study presents the role of web crawler in web mining environment. As the growth of the World Wide Web exceeded all expectations,the research on Web mining is growing more and more.web mining research topic which combines two of the activated research areas: Data Mining and World Wide Web .So, the World Wide Web is a very advanced area for data mining research. Search engines that are based on web crawling framework also used in web mining to find theinteracted web pages. This paper discu...

  14. Sharing environmental models: An Approach using GitHub repositories and Web Processing Services (United States)

    Stasch, Christoph; Nuest, Daniel; Pross, Benjamin


    The GLUES (Global Assessment of Land Use Dynamics, Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Ecosystem Services) project established a spatial data infrastructure for scientific geospatial data and metadata (, where different regional collaborative projects researching the impacts of climate and socio-economic changes on sustainable land management can share their underlying base scenarios and datasets. One goal of the project is to ease the sharing of computational models between institutions and to make them easily executable in Web-based infrastructures. In this work, we present such an approach for sharing computational models relying on GitHub repositories ( and Web Processing Services. At first, model providers upload their model implementations to GitHub repositories in order to share them with others. The GitHub platform allows users to submit changes to the model code. The changes can be discussed and reviewed before merging them. However, while GitHub allows sharing and collaborating of model source code, it does not actually allow running these models, which requires efforts to transfer the implementation to a model execution framework. We thus have extended an existing implementation of the OGC Web Processing Service standard (, the 52°North Web Processing Service ( platform to retrieve all model implementations from a git ( repository and add them to the collection of published geoprocesses. The current implementation is restricted to models implemented as R scripts using WPS4R annotations (Hinz et al.) and to Java algorithms using the 52°North WPS Java API. The models hence become executable through a standardized Web API by multiple clients such as desktop or browser GIS and modelling frameworks. If the model code is changed on the GitHub platform, the changes are retrieved by the service and the processes will be updated

  15. Efficient Web Harvesting Strategies for Monitoring Deep Web Content

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Khelghati, Mohammadreza; Hiemstra, Djoerd; van Keulen, Maurice


    Web content changes rapidly [18]. In Focused Web Harvesting [17] which aim it is to achieve a complete harvest for a given topic, this dynamic nature of the web creates problems for users who need to access a set of all the relevant web data to their topics of interest. Whether you are a fan

  16. Gene Ontology-Based Analysis of Zebrafish Omics Data Using the Web Tool Comparative Gene Ontology. (United States)

    Ebrahimie, Esmaeil; Fruzangohar, Mario; Moussavi Nik, Seyyed Hani; Newman, Morgan


    Gene Ontology (GO) analysis is a powerful tool in systems biology, which uses a defined nomenclature to annotate genes/proteins within three categories: "Molecular Function," "Biological Process," and "Cellular Component." GO analysis can assist in revealing functional mechanisms underlying observed patterns in transcriptomic, genomic, and proteomic data. The already extensive and increasing use of zebrafish for modeling genetic and other diseases highlights the need to develop a GO analytical tool for this organism. The web tool Comparative GO was originally developed for GO analysis of bacterial data in 2013 ( ). We have now upgraded and elaborated this web tool for analysis of zebrafish genetic data using GOs and annotations from the Gene Ontology Consortium.

  17. Cloud-based Web Services for Near-Real-Time Web access to NPP Satellite Imagery and other Data (United States)

    Evans, J. D.; Valente, E. G.


    We are building a scalable, cloud computing-based infrastructure for Web access to near-real-time data products synthesized from the U.S. National Polar-Orbiting Environmental Satellite System (NPOESS) Preparatory Project (NPP) and other geospatial and meteorological data. Given recent and ongoing changes in the the NPP and NPOESS programs (now Joint Polar Satellite System), the need for timely delivery of NPP data is urgent. We propose an alternative to a traditional, centralized ground segment, using distributed Direct Broadcast facilities linked to industry-standard Web services by a streamlined processing chain running in a scalable cloud computing environment. Our processing chain, currently implemented on's Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), retrieves raw data from NASA's Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) and synthesizes data products such as Sea-Surface Temperature, Vegetation Indices, etc. The cloud computing approach lets us grow and shrink computing resources to meet large and rapid fluctuations (twice daily) in both end-user demand and data availability from polar-orbiting sensors. Early prototypes have delivered various data products to end-users with latencies between 6 and 32 minutes. We have begun to replicate machine instances in the cloud, so as to reduce latency and maintain near-real time data access regardless of increased data input rates or user demand -- all at quite moderate monthly costs. Our service-based approach (in which users invoke software processes on a Web-accessible server) facilitates access into datasets of arbitrary size and resolution, and allows users to request and receive tailored and composite (e.g., false-color multiband) products on demand. To facilitate broad impact and adoption of our technology, we have emphasized open, industry-standard software interfaces and open source software. Through our work, we envision the widespread establishment of similar, derived, or interoperable systems for

  18. An assessment of incentive versus survey length trade-offs in a Web survey of radiologists. (United States)

    Ziegenfuss, Jeanette Y; Niederhauser, Blake D; Kallmes, David; Beebe, Timothy J


    It is generally understood that shorter Web surveys and use of incentives result in higher response rates in Web surveys directed to health care providers. Less is known about potential respondent preference for reduced burden as compared to increased reward. To help elicit preference for minimized burden compared to reward for completion of a survey, we observed physician preferences for shorter Web surveys compared to incentives as well as incentive preference (small guaranteed incentive compared to larger lottery incentive) accompanying an electronic request to complete a survey. This was an observational study that accompanied a large Web survey study of radiology staff, fellows, and residents at select academic medical centers in the United States. With the request to complete the survey, potential respondents were offered three options: (1) a 10-minute Web survey with the chance to win an iPad, (2) a 10-minute Web survey with a guaranteed nominal incentive ($5 gift card), or (3) a shorter (5-7 minute) Web survey with no incentive. A total of 254 individuals responded to the Web survey request. Overwhelmingly, individuals chose a longer survey accompanied by an incentive compared to a shorter survey with no incentive (85% compared to 15%, P<.001). Of those opting for an incentive, a small, but not significant majority chose the chance to win an iPad over a guaranteed $5 gift card (56% compared to 44%). When given the choice, radiologists preferred a reward (either guaranteed or based on a lottery) to a less burdensome survey, indicating that researchers should focus more attention at increasing perceived benefits of completing a Web survey compared to decreasing perceived burden.

  19. Expitope: a web server for epitope expression. (United States)

    Haase, Kerstin; Raffegerst, Silke; Schendel, Dolores J; Frishman, Dmitrij


    Adoptive T cell therapies based on introduction of new T cell receptors (TCRs) into patient recipient T cells is a promising new treatment for various kinds of cancers. A major challenge, however, is the choice of target antigens. If an engineered TCR can cross-react with self-antigens in healthy tissue, the side-effects can be devastating. We present the first web server for assessing epitope sharing when designing new potential lead targets. We enable the users to find all known proteins containing their peptide of interest. The web server returns not only exact matches, but also approximate ones, allowing a number of mismatches of the users choice. For the identified candidate proteins the expression values in various healthy tissues, representing all vital human organs, are extracted from RNA Sequencing (RNA-Seq) data as well as from some cancer tissues as control. All results are returned to the user sorted by a score, which is calculated using well-established methods and tools for immunological predictions. It depends on the probability that the epitope is created by proteasomal cleavage and its affinities to the transporter associated with antigen processing and the major histocompatibility complex class I alleles. With this framework, we hope to provide a helpful tool to exclude potential cross-reactivity in the early stage of TCR selection for use in design of adoptive T cell immunotherapy. The Expitope web server can be accessed via © The Author 2015. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email:

  20. Fueling the Gig Economy: A Case Study Evaluation of

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Daryl D. Green


    Full Text Available With recent downsizing of talented professionals and the power of globalization to provide opportunities for more underdeveloped countries, the gig economy is a source of influence in today’s generation of professionals. Online outsourcing media have shown to be valuable resources for companies who need a specific set of skills for a limited period. This case study evaluates, one of the leading freelance websites in the gig economy; this article provides insights on how others should evaluate the power of this new economy in terms of opportunities for small businesses, entrepreneurs, and freelancers. Upwork has led the pack by providing a flexible platform for freelancers worldwide, including coders, writers, and web developers, putting businesses in touch with reasonably priced workers. The study begins by exploring the attributes of the gig economy. Data collection is achieved through qualitative analysis. The application of these conclusions could increase the survival rate of new freelancers on and in the gig economy. The study is significant because this research widens contemporary assumptions about strategic thinking for individuals engaged in e-commerce.

  1. Dynamic Web Pages: Performance Impact on Web Servers. (United States)

    Kothari, Bhupesh; Claypool, Mark


    Discussion of Web servers and requests for dynamic pages focuses on experimentally measuring and analyzing the performance of the three dynamic Web page generation technologies: CGI, FastCGI, and Servlets. Develops a multivariate linear regression model and predicts Web server performance under some typical dynamic requests. (Author/LRW)

  2. Evaluación de los sitios web de los hoteles e implicaciones para la gestión del marketing Hotelero


    Schmidt, Serje


    En toda la historia del Marketing, no ha habido ninguna revolución tan impactante como la de Internet. Se comercializan en la Web productos cuya compra es basada en informaciones(productos fácilmente estandardizados), cuya distribución puede ser hecha por la Web, los que se puede añadir valor en relación a otras medias y, claro, aquellos productos cuyos clientes potenciales tienen acceso a la Internet; o sea, características típicas de la industria turística.Hoteles que hacia mucho tiempo com...

  3. Insônia em pacientes com câncer de mama


    Rafihi-Ferreira,Renatha El; Soares,Maria Rita Zoéga


    A insônia é uma queixa frequente em pacientes com câncer de mama, e suas consequências podem causar impacto na qualidade de vida e no curso da doença. O objetivo deste estudo foi revisar a literatura especializada sobre a relação entre insônia e câncer de mama, abordando definição, prevalência, fatores etiológicos e as consequências da insônia no contexto da neoplasia mamária, bem como os tratamentos para insônia nessa população. A busca da literatura ocorreu nos bancos de dados Scopus, Web o...

  4. Technology and tuberculosis control: the OUT-TB Web experience. (United States)

    Guthrie, Jennifer L; Alexander, David C; Marchand-Austin, Alex; Lam, Karen; Whelan, Michael; Lee, Brenda; Furness, Colin; Rea, Elizabeth; Stuart, Rebecca; Lechner, Julia; Varia, Monali; McLean, Jennifer; Jamieson, Frances B


    Develop a tool to disseminate integrated laboratory, clinical, and demographic case data necessary for improved contact tracing and outbreak detection of tuberculosis (TB). In 2007, the Public Health Ontario Laboratories implemented a universal genotyping program to monitor the spread of TB strains within Ontario. Ontario Universal Typing of TB (OUT-TB) Web utilizes geographic information system (GIS) technology with a relational database platform, allowing TB control staff to visualize genotyping matches and microbiological data within the context of relevant epidemiological and demographic data. OUT-TB Web is currently available to the 8 health units responsible for >85% of Ontario's TB cases and is a valuable tool for TB case investigation. Users identified key features to implement for application enhancements, including an e-mail alert function, customizable heat maps for visualizing TB and drug-resistant cases, socioeconomic map layers, a dashboard providing TB surveillance metrics, and a feature for animating the geographic spread of strains over time. OUT-TB Web has proven to be an award-winning application and a useful tool. Developed and enhanced using regular user feedback, future versions will include additional data sources, enhanced map and line-list filter capabilities, and development of a mobile app. © The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the American Medical Informatics Association. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email:

  5. Applying semantic web services to enterprise web


    Hu, Y; Yang, Q P; Sun, X; Wei, P


    Enterprise Web provides a convenient, extendable, integrated platform for information sharing and knowledge management. However, it still has many drawbacks due to complexity and increasing information glut, as well as the heterogeneity of the information processed. Research in the field of Semantic Web Services has shown the possibility of adding higher level of semantic functionality onto the top of current Enterprise Web, enhancing usability and usefulness of resource, enabling decision su...

  6. WebVR: an interactive web browser for virtual environments (United States)

    Barsoum, Emad; Kuester, Falko


    The pervasive nature of web-based content has lead to the development of applications and user interfaces that port between a broad range of operating systems and databases, while providing intuitive access to static and time-varying information. However, the integration of this vast resource into virtual environments has remained elusive. In this paper we present an implementation of a 3D Web Browser (WebVR) that enables the user to search the internet for arbitrary information and to seamlessly augment this information into virtual environments. WebVR provides access to the standard data input and query mechanisms offered by conventional web browsers, with the difference that it generates active texture-skins of the web contents that can be mapped onto arbitrary surfaces within the environment. Once mapped, the corresponding texture functions as a fully integrated web-browser that will respond to traditional events such as the selection of links or text input. As a result, any surface within the environment can be turned into a web-enabled resource that provides access to user-definable data. In order to leverage from the continuous advancement of browser technology and to support both static as well as streamed content, WebVR uses ActiveX controls to extract the desired texture skin from industry strength browsers, providing a unique mechanism for data fusion and extensibility.

  7. Designing Effective Web Forms for Older Web Users (United States)

    Li, Hui; Rau, Pei-Luen Patrick; Fujimura, Kaori; Gao, Qin; Wang, Lin


    This research aims to provide insight for web form design for older users. The effects of task complexity and information structure of web forms on older users' performance were examined. Forty-eight older participants with abundant computer and web experience were recruited. The results showed significant differences in task time and error rate…

  8. A tecnologia assistiva scala como recurso para produção de narrativas e registro de dados nas pesquisas em educação: uma experiência com pessoas adultas com transtorno do espectro autista

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ivanise Gomes de Souza Bittencourt


    Full Text Available O presente artigo tem por objetivo apresentar o Sistema de Comunicação Alternativa para Letramento de Pessoas com Autismo (SCALA enquanto recurso de produção de narrativas e registro de dados nas pesquisas em educação. Essa tecnologia assistiva foi desenvolvida em 2009 por pesquisadores da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS e nos anos subsequentes adquiriu novas versões, acrescentando um módulo de narrativas visuais para a construção de histórias nas plataformas web e android/tablet. Através do módulo de narrativas visuais é possível que participantes de pesquisas, principalmente com déficits de comunicação, construam histórias relacionadas a diversos objetos de estudos de pesquisa em educação. Esse estudo foi desenvolvido, entre os meses de abril e maio de 2016, com quatro participantes com Transtorno do Espectro Autista (TEA, com idades entre 30 e 36 anos, sendo uma do sexo feminino e três do sexo masculino. Os resultados evidenciaram o SCALA como uma ferramenta relevante de investigação em educação, especialmente na realização de pesquisas envolvendo alunos com TEA, pois permitiu conhecer as percepções dos participantes quanto aos professores, escola e amigos, seus interesses e dificuldades, experiências positivas e negativas e sentimentos quanto à interrupção do processo de escolarização.

  9. Visualização do conhecimento por meio de narrativas infográficas na web voltadas para surdos em comunidades de prática


    Lapolli, Mariana


    Com a evolução das Tecnologias da Informação e da Comunicação - TICs, a web tornou-se um local propício para a disseminação e o compartilhamento do conhecimento, possibilitando o surgimento de novas modalidades de ensino. No ambiente virtual é possível quebrar barreiras de acessibilidade, fazendo com que as pessoas possam experimentar suas preferências de acordo com seu perfil. Assim, os surdos, que representam uma parcela significativa da população, puderam começar a se beneficiar da diversi...

  10. 75 FR 27986 - Electronic Filing System-Web (EFS-Web) Contingency Option (United States)


    ...] Electronic Filing System--Web (EFS-Web) Contingency Option AGENCY: United States Patent and Trademark Office... contingency option when the primary portal to EFS-Web has an unscheduled outage. Previously, the entire EFS-Web system is not available to the users during such an outage. The contingency option in EFS-Web will...

  11. Geospatial semantic web

    CERN Document Server

    Zhang, Chuanrong; Li, Weidong


    This book covers key issues related to Geospatial Semantic Web, including geospatial web services for spatial data interoperability; geospatial ontology for semantic interoperability; ontology creation, sharing, and integration; querying knowledge and information from heterogeneous data source; interfaces for Geospatial Semantic Web, VGI (Volunteered Geographic Information) and Geospatial Semantic Web; challenges of Geospatial Semantic Web; and development of Geospatial Semantic Web applications. This book also describes state-of-the-art technologies that attempt to solve these problems such as WFS, WMS, RDF, OWL, and GeoSPARQL, and demonstrates how to use the Geospatial Semantic Web technologies to solve practical real-world problems such as spatial data interoperability.

  12. 3D Web-based HMI with WebGL Rendering Performance

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Muennoi Atitayaporn


    Full Text Available An HMI, or Human-Machine Interface, is a software allowing users to communicate with a machine or automation system. It usually serves as a display section in SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition system for device monitoring and control. In this papper, a 3D Web-based HMI with WebGL (Web-based Graphics Library rendering performance is presented. The main purpose of this work is to attempt to reduce the limitations of traditional 3D web HMI using the advantage of WebGL. To evaluate the performance, frame rate and frame time metrics were used. The results showed 3D Web-based HMI can maintain the frame rate 60FPS for #cube=0.5K/0.8K, 30FPS for #cube=1.1K/1.6K when it was run on Internet Explorer and Chrome respectively. Moreover, the study found that 3D Web-based HMI using WebGL contains similar frame time in each frame even though the numbers of cubes are up to 5K. This indicated stuttering incurred less in the proposed 3D Web-based HMI compared to the chosen commercial HMI product.

  13. Omics AnalySIs System for PRecision Oncology (OASISPRO): A Web-based Omics Analysis Tool for Clinical Phenotype Prediction. (United States)

    Yu, Kun-Hsing; Fitzpatrick, Michael R; Pappas, Luke; Chan, Warren; Kung, Jessica; Snyder, Michael


    Precision oncology is an approach that accounts for individual differences to guide cancer management. Omics signatures have been shown to predict clinical traits for cancer patients. However, the vast amount of omics information poses an informatics challenge in systematically identifying patterns associated with health outcomes, and no general-purpose data-mining tool exists for physicians, medical researchers, and citizen scientists without significant training in programming and bioinformatics. To bridge this gap, we built the Omics AnalySIs System for PRecision Oncology (OASISPRO), a web-based system to mine the quantitative omics information from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA). This system effectively visualizes patients' clinical profiles, executes machine-learning algorithms of choice on the omics data, and evaluates the prediction performance using held-out test sets. With this tool, we successfully identified genes strongly associated with tumor stage, and accurately predicted patients' survival outcomes in many cancer types, including mesothelioma and adrenocortical carcinoma. By identifying the links between omics and clinical phenotypes, this system will facilitate omics studies on precision cancer medicine and contribute to establishing personalized cancer treatment plans. This web-based tool is available at ;source codes are available at . © The Author (2017). Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email:

  14. 07051 Abstracts Collection -- Programming Paradigms for the Web: Web Programming and Web Services


    Hull, Richard; Thiemann, Peter; Wadler, Philip


    From 28.01. to 02.02.2007, the Dagstuhl Seminar 07051 ``Programming Paradigms for the Web: Web Programming and Web Services'' was held in the International Conference and Research Center (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl. During the seminar, several participants presented their current research, and ongoing work and open problems were discussed. Abstracts of the presentations given during the seminar as well as abstracts of seminar results and ideas are put together in this paper. The firs...

  15. Difusión en web de materiales de género


    Egido Pacheca, Juan María


    Este proyecto surgió de la idea inicial de querer dar difusión y visibilidad a un libro titulado “Mujeres en la Ciencia”. El proyecto pretende ir más allá, definiendo la metodología necesaria para la difusión de material de género en entornos Web. En particular una serie de cuadernillos editados por distintos organismos y que tienen como punto en común la figura de la mujer en algún ámbito concreto (ciencia, letras, arquitectura, etc.). Por tanto la idea consiste en que una ...

  16. Flow Webs: Mechanism and Architecture for the Implementation of Sensor Webs (United States)

    Gorlick, M. M.; Peng, G. S.; Gasster, S. D.; McAtee, M. D.


    The sensor web is a distributed, federated infrastructure much like its predecessors, the internet and the world wide web. It will be a federation of many sensor webs, large and small, under many distinct spans of control, that loosely cooperates and share information for many purposes. Realistically, it will grow piecemeal as distinct, individual systems are developed and deployed, some expressly built for a sensor web while many others were created for other purposes. Therefore, the architecture of the sensor web is of fundamental import and architectural strictures that inhibit innovation, experimentation, sharing or scaling may prove fatal. Drawing upon the architectural lessons of the world wide web, we offer a novel system architecture, the flow web, that elevates flows, sequences of messages over a domain of interest and constrained in both time and space, to a position of primacy as a dynamic, real-time, medium of information exchange for computational services. The flow web captures; in a single, uniform architectural style; the conflicting demands of the sensor web including dynamic adaptations to changing conditions, ease of experimentation, rapid recovery from the failures of sensors and models, automated command and control, incremental development and deployment, and integration at multiple levels—in many cases, at different times. Our conception of sensor webs—dynamic amalgamations of sensor webs each constructed within a flow web infrastructure—holds substantial promise for earth science missions in general, and of weather, air quality, and disaster management in particular. Flow webs, are by philosophy, design and implementation a dynamic infrastructure that permits massive adaptation in real-time. Flows may be attached to and detached from services at will, even while information is in transit through the flow. This concept, flow mobility, permits dynamic integration of earth science products and modeling resources in response to real

  17. The new protein topology graph library web server. (United States)

    Schäfer, Tim; Scheck, Andreas; Bruneß, Daniel; May, Patrick; Koch, Ina


    We present a new, extended version of the Protein Topology Graph Library web server. The Protein Topology Graph Library describes the protein topology on the super-secondary structure level. It allows to compute and visualize protein ligand graphs and search for protein structural motifs. The new server features additional information on ligand binding to secondary structure elements, increased usability and an application programming interface (API) to retrieve data, allowing for an automated analysis of protein topology. The Protein Topology Graph Library server is freely available on the web at The website is implemented in PHP, JavaScript, PostgreSQL and Apache. It is supported by all major browsers. The VPLG software that was used to compute the protein ligand graphs and all other data in the database is available under the GNU public license 2.0 from; Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online. © The Author 2015. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please e-mail:

  18. El acceso a VacciMonitor puede hacerse a través de la Web of Science / Accessing VacciMonitor by the Web of Science

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Daniel Francisco Arencibia-Arrebola


    Full Text Available VacciMonitor has gradually increased its visibility by access to different databases. Thus, it was introduced in the project SciELO, EBSCO, HINARI, Redalyc, SCOPUS, DOAJ, SICC Data Bases, SeCiMed, among almost thirty well-known index sites, including the virtual libraries of the main universities from United States of America and other countries. Through an agreement SciELO-Web of Science (WoS it will be possible to include the journals that are indexed in SciELO in the WoS, however this collaboration work is already presenting its outcomes, it is possible to access the content of SciELO by WoS in the link: y/scielo/ WoS was designed by the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI and it is one of the products of the pack ISI Web of Knowledge, currently property of Thomson Reuters (1. WoS is a service of citation index and databases, worldwide on-line leader with multidisciplinary information covering the knowledge fields of sciences in general, social sciences as well as arts and humanities with more than 46 million of bibliographical references and other hundreds of citations, that made possible navigation in the broad web of journal articles, lecture materials and other registers included in its collection (1. The logic of the functioning of WoS is based on quantitative criteria, since a bigger production demonstrates a greater number of registered papers in most recognized Journals and to what extend these papers are cited by these journals (2. The information obtained from WoS databases are very useful to address efforts of scientific research to a personal, institutional or national level. Scientists publishing in WoS journals not only produce more scientific literature but also this literature is more consulted and used (3. However, it should be considered that statistics of this site for the bibliometric analysis only take into account those journals in this web, but contains three

  19. Proposta de arquitetura orientada a recursos para SCADA na Web


    Polônia, Pablo Valério


    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Automação e Sistemas, Florianópolis, 2011 Esta dissertação descreve uma proposta de arquitetura de software para aplicações típicas de Sistemas de Supervisão e Aquisição de Dados (SCADA), utilizando a World Wide Web como plataforma. O objetivo é mostrar como os requisitos característicos de aplicações SCADA podem ser incorporados em uma arquitetura condizente com ...

  20. The Semantic Web: opportunities and challenges for next-generation Web applications

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)


    Full Text Available Recently there has been a growing interest in the investigation and development of the next generation web - the Semantic Web. While most of the current forms of web content are designed to be presented to humans, but are barely understandable by computers, the content of the Semantic Web is structured in a semantic way so that it is meaningful to computers as well as to humans. In this paper, we report a survey of recent research on the Semantic Web. In particular, we present the opportunities that this revolution will bring to us: web-services, agent-based distributed computing, semantics-based web search engines, and semantics-based digital libraries. We also discuss the technical and cultural challenges of realizing the Semantic Web: the development of ontologies, formal semantics of Semantic Web languages, and trust and proof models. We hope that this will shed some light on the direction of future work on this field.

  1. Reading level of privacy policies on Internet health Web sites. (United States)

    Graber, Mark A; D'Alessandro, Donna M; Johnson-West, Jill


    Most individuals would like to maintain the privacy of their medical information on the World Wide Web (WWW). In response, commercial interests and other sites post privacy policies that are designed to inform users of how their information will be used. However, it is not known if these statements are comprehensible to most WWW users. The purpose of this study was to determine the reading level of privacy statements on Internet health Web sites and to determine whether these statements can inform users of their rights. This was a descriptive study. Eighty Internet health sites were examined and the readability of their privacy policies was determined. The selected sample included the top 25 Internet health sites as well as other sites that a user might encounter while researching a common problem such as high blood pressure. Sixty percent of the sites were commercial (.com), 17.5% were organizations (.org), 8.8% were from the United Kingdom (.uk), 3.8% were United States governmental (.gov), and 2.5% were educational (.edu). The readability level of the privacy policies was calculated using the Flesch, the Fry, and the SMOG readability levels. Of the 80 Internet health Web sites studied, 30% (including 23% of the commercial Web sites) had no privacy policy posted. The average readability level of the remaining sites required 2 years of college level education to comprehend, and no Web site had a privacy policy that was comprehensible by most English-speaking individuals in the United States. The privacy policies of health Web sites are not easily understood by most individuals in the United States and do not serve to inform users of their rights. Possible remedies include rewriting policies to make them comprehensible and protecting online health information by using legal statutes or standardized insignias indicating compliance with a set of privacy standards (eg, "Health on the Net" [HON]

  2. Working with WebQuests: Making the Web Accessible to Students with Disabilities. (United States)

    Kelly, Rebecca


    This article describes how students with disabilities in regular classes are using the WebQuest lesson format to access the Internet. It explains essential WebQuest principles, creating a draft Web page, and WebQuest components. It offers an example of a WebQuest about salvaging the sunken ships, Titanic and Lusitania. A WebQuest planning form is…

  3. WebGIS based on semantic grid model and web services (United States)

    Zhang, WangFei; Yue, CaiRong; Gao, JianGuo


    As the combination point of the network technology and GIS technology, WebGIS has got the fast development in recent years. With the restriction of Web and the characteristics of GIS, traditional WebGIS has some prominent problems existing in development. For example, it can't accomplish the interoperability of heterogeneous spatial databases; it can't accomplish the data access of cross-platform. With the appearance of Web Service and Grid technology, there appeared great change in field of WebGIS. Web Service provided an interface which can give information of different site the ability of data sharing and inter communication. The goal of Grid technology was to make the internet to a large and super computer, with this computer we can efficiently implement the overall sharing of computing resources, storage resource, data resource, information resource, knowledge resources and experts resources. But to WebGIS, we only implement the physically connection of data and information and these is far from the enough. Because of the different understanding of the world, following different professional regulations, different policies and different habits, the experts in different field will get different end when they observed the same geographic phenomenon and the semantic heterogeneity produced. Since these there are large differences to the same concept in different field. If we use the WebGIS without considering of the semantic heterogeneity, we will answer the questions users proposed wrongly or we can't answer the questions users proposed. To solve this problem, this paper put forward and experienced an effective method of combing semantic grid and Web Services technology to develop WebGIS. In this paper, we studied the method to construct ontology and the method to combine Grid technology and Web Services and with the detailed analysis of computing characteristics and application model in the distribution of data, we designed the WebGIS query system driven by

  4. Web Analytics: Modelos de Métricas de Engajamento em Mídias Emergentes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sionara Ioco Okada


    Full Text Available As transformações no comportamento do consumidor inauguraram a “Era da recomendação com a disseminação exponencial de conteúdo relevante, ascensão do prosumerismo e crowdsourcing. A mensuração e o monitoramento contínuo das ações mercadológicas levam ao conhecimento do comportamento do consumidor, não somente nas variáveis como freqüência, recência e valor de compra, mas também nos quesitos engajamento e interação com o produto e/ou marca. O desenvolvimento de métricas para múltiplas mídias elevam a quantidade de informações úteis sobre o perfil de consumo possibilitando a otimização das estratégias digitais à públicos segmentados. Este é um artigo de atualização que tem por objetivo revisar as últimas publicações sobre modelos de métricas - web analytics – WA coadunando estratégias digitais em plataformas e mídias emergentes. Quanto à metodologia utilizada, trata-se de uma investigação secundária, sobretudo bibliográfica visando à atualização e análise comparativa de três modelos web analytics – wa para organizações que atuam no varejo eletrônico, utilizando diferentes canais digitais. O estudo enfoca: i Modelo dos Cinco Estágios de competição analítica, proposto por Davenport; ii Modelo de maturidade em web analytics, proposto por Hammel; iii Modelo Web Analytics Scorecard, proposto por Giuntini & Morier. A expansão do M-commerce e o advento do Social commerce assumem-se como tendências irreversíveis, exigindo das organizações que atuam no varejo eletrônico, métricas e indicadores de desempenho para um monitoramento contínuo do comportamento do consumidor, de modo a consolidar a interação e as métricas de engajamento como principais protagonistas das estratégias digitais contemporâneas. DOI: 10.5585/remark.v10i3.2271

  5. Web Project Management


    Suralkar, Sunita; Joshi, Nilambari; Meshram, B B


    This paper describes about the need for Web project management, fundamentals of project management for web projects: what it is, why projects go wrong, and what's different about web projects. We also discuss Cost Estimation Techniques based on Size Metrics. Though Web project development is similar to traditional software development applications, the special characteristics of Web Application development requires adaption of many software engineering approaches or even development of comple...

  6. web-based topic modelling for substructure discovery in mass spectrometry. (United States)

    Wandy, Joe; Zhu, Yunfeng; van der Hooft, Justin J J; Daly, Rónán; Barrett, Michael P; Rogers, Simon


    We recently published MS2LDA, a method for the decomposition of sets of molecular fragment data derived from large metabolomics experiments. To make the method more widely available to the community, here we present, a web application that allows users to upload their data, run MS2LDA analyses and explore the results through interactive visualisations. takes tandem mass spectrometry data in many standard formats and allows the user to infer the sets of fragment and neutral loss features that co-occur together (Mass2Motifs). As an alternative workflow, the user can also decompose a dataset onto predefined Mass2Motifs. This is accomplished through the web interface or programmatically from our web service. The website can be found at , while the source code is available at under the MIT license. Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online. © The Author(s) 2017. Published by Oxford University Press.

  7. Web-Based Intervention for Nutritional Management in Cystic Fibrosis: Development, Usability, and Pilot Trial. (United States)

    Stark, Lori J; Opipari-Arrigan, Lisa; Filigno, Stephanie S; Simon, Stacey L; Leonard, Amanda; Mogayzel, Peter J; Rausch, Joseph; Zion, Cynthia; Powers, Scott W


    Usability and pilot testing of a web intervention ( [BIC]) of behavior plus nutrition intervention for children with cystic fibrosis (CF) ages 4-9 years. Think Aloud methodology was used with five mothers to assess usability and refine the intervention. A pilot trial was then conducted with 10 mothers of children with CF ages 4-9 years randomized to the web-based BIC or a Standard Care Control (STC). Change in weight gain for each group was compared in a pre-to-post design. Mothers rated the usability and clarity of BIC highly. The pilot trial showed children of mothers who received BIC had a significant change in weight pre-to-post-treatment (0.67 kg, p = .04). Change for the STC was not significant (0.41 kg, p = .10). A web-based behavior plus nutrition intervention appears promising in increasing weight gain in children with CF. © The Author 2015. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Society of Pediatric Psychology. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:

  8. Promoting Teachers' Positive Attitude towards Web Use: A Study in Web Site Development (United States)

    Akpinar, Yavuz; Bayramoglu, Yusuf


    The purpose of the study was to examine effects of a compact training for developing web sites on teachers' web attitude, as composed of: web self efficacy, perceived web enjoyment, perceived web usefulness and behavioral intention to use the web. To measure the related constructs, the Web Attitude Scale was adapted into Turkish and tested with a…

  9. Providing Consumers with Web-Based Information on the Environmental Effects of Automobiles

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Saulsbury, J.W.


    The Department of Energy (DOE) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) provide consumers with web-based information on the environmental effects of automobiles so that individuals can make informed choices about the vehicles they use or may purchase. DOE and EPA maintain a web site ( that provides users with information about fuel economy [as well as greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and air pollution emissions] for the cars and trucks they use or may consider purchasing. EPA also maintains a separate web site ( that offers similar information, with the focus on air pollution emissions rather than fuel economy. The American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE) ( and the California Air Resources Board (CARB) ( also maintain web sites that provide consumers with information on the environmental effects of automobiles. Through the National Transportation Research Center (NTRC) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, DOE has supported some initial qualitative research with people who are interested in purchasing a new or used vehicle and whose actions identify them as at least somewhat concerned about the environment. The purpose of this research was to explore and understand how these people respond to the different ratings and measurements of environmental effects provided by the four web sites. The goal of the research is to optimize the communication of information provided on the DOE/EPA web site ( Working with a private marketing research firm (The Looking Glass Group of Knoxville, Tennessee), NTRC staff initiated this research by meeting with two focus groups in Knoxville on February 27, 2001. To obtain information for comparison, staff from the NTRC and the Looking Glass Group also met with two focus groups in Los Angeles, California, on August 13, 2001.

  10. The Effect of Top-Level Domains and Advertisements on Health Web Site Credibility (United States)

    Wang, Zuoming; Loh, Tracy


    Background Concerns over health information on the Internet have generated efforts to enhance credibility markers; yet how users actually assess the credibility of online health information is largely unknown. Objective This study set out to (1) establish a parsimonious and valid questionnaire instrument to measure credibility of Internet health information by drawing on various previous measures of source, news, and other credibility scales; and (2) to identify the effects of Web-site domains and advertising on credibility perceptions. Methods Respondents (N = 156) examined one of 12 Web-site mock-ups and completed credibility scales in a 3 x 2 x 2 between-subjects experimental design. Factor analysis and validity checks were used for item reduction, and analysis of variance was employed for hypothesis testing of Web-site features' effects. Results In an attempt to construct a credibility instrument, three dimensions of credibility (safety, trustworthiness, and dynamism) were retained, reflecting traditional credibility sub-themes, but composed of items from disparate sources. When testing the effect of the presence or absence of advertising on a Web site on credibility, we found that this depends on the site's domain, with a trend for advertisements having deleterious effects on the credibility of sites with .org domain, but positive effects on sites with .com or .edu domains. Conclusions Health-information Web-site providers should select domains purposefully when they can, especially if they must accept on-site advertising. Credibility perceptions may not be invariant or stable, but rather are sensitive to topic and context. Future research may employ these findings in order to compare other forms of health-information delivery to optimal Web-site features. PMID:15471750

  11. Web wisdom how to evaluate and create information quality on the Web

    CERN Document Server

    Alexander, Janet E


    Web Wisdom is an essential reference for anyone needing to evaluate or establish information quality on the World Wide Web. The book includes easy to use checklists for step-by-step quality evaluations of virtually any Web page. The checklists can also be used by Web authors to help them ensure quality information on their pages. In addition, Web Wisdom addresses other important issues, such as understanding the ways that advertising and sponsorship may affect the quality of Web information. It features: * a detailed discussion of the items involved in evaluating Web information; * checklists

  12. Professional WebGL Programming Developing 3D Graphics for the Web

    CERN Document Server

    Anyuru, Andreas


    Everything you need to know about developing hardware-accelerated 3D graphics with WebGL! As the newest technology for creating 3D graphics on the web, in both games, applications, and on regular websites, WebGL gives web developers the capability to produce eye-popping graphics. This book teaches you how to use WebGL to create stunning cross-platform apps. The book features several detailed examples that show you how to develop 3D graphics with WebGL, including explanations of code snippets that help you understand the why behind the how. You will also develop a stronger understanding of W



    J. Mannar Mannan; M. Sundarambal; S. Raghul


    Semantic web is to extend the current human readable web to encoding some of the semantic of resources in a machine processing form. As a Semantic web component, Semantic Web Services (SWS) uses a mark-up that makes the data into detailed and sophisticated machine readable way. One such language is Ontology Web Language (OWL). Existing conventional web service annotation can be changed to semantic web service by mapping Web Service Description Language (WSDL) with the semantic annotation of O...

  14. The readability of pediatric patient education materials on the World Wide Web. (United States)

    D'Alessandro, D M; Kingsley, P; Johnson-West, J


    Literacy is a national and international problem. Studies have shown the readability of adult and pediatric patient education materials to be too high for average adults. Materials should be written at the 8th-grade level or lower. To determine the general readability of pediatric patient education materials designed for adults on the World Wide Web (WWW). ( is a digital library serving the medical information needs of pediatric health care providers, patients, and families. Documents from 100 different authoritative Web sites designed for laypersons were evaluated using a built-in computer software readability formula (Flesch Reading Ease and Flesch-Kincaid reading levels) and hand calculation methods (Fry Formula and SMOG methods). Analysis of variance and paired t tests determined significance. Eighty-nine documents constituted the final sample; they covered a wide spectrum of pediatric topics. The overall Flesch Reading Ease score was 57.0. The overall mean Fry Formula was 12.0 (12th grade, 0 months of schooling) and SMOG was 12.2. The overall Flesch-Kincaid grade level was significantly lower (Peducation materials on the WWW are not written at an appropriate reading level for the average adult. We propose that a practical reading level and how it was determined be included on all patient education materials on the WWW for general guidance in material selection. We discuss suggestions for improved readability of patient education materials.

  15. Virtual Web Services


    Rykowski, Jarogniew


    In this paper we propose an application of software agents to provide Virtual Web Services. A Virtual Web Service is a linked collection of several real and/or virtual Web Services, and public and private agents, accessed by the user in the same way as a single real Web Service. A Virtual Web Service allows unrestricted comparison, information merging, pipelining, etc., of data coming from different sources and in different forms. Detailed architecture and functionality of a single Virtual We...

  16. WebScore: An Effective Page Scoring Approach for Uncertain Web Social Networks

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Shaojie Qiao


    Full Text Available To effectively score pages with uncertainty in web social networks, we first proposed a new concept called transition probability matrix and formally defined the uncertainty in web social networks. Second, we proposed a hybrid page scoring algorithm, called WebScore, based on the PageRank algorithm and three centrality measures including degree, betweenness, and closeness. Particularly,WebScore takes into a full consideration of the uncertainty of web social networks by computing the transition probability from one page to another. The basic idea ofWebScore is to: (1 integrate uncertainty into PageRank in order to accurately rank pages, and (2 apply the centrality measures to calculate the importance of pages in web social networks. In order to verify the performance of WebScore, we developed a web social network analysis system which can partition web pages into distinct groups and score them in an effective fashion. Finally, we conducted extensive experiments on real data and the results show that WebScore is effective at scoring uncertain pages with less time deficiency than PageRank and centrality measures based page scoring algorithms.

  17. Responsive web design workflow




    Responsive Web Design Workflow is a literature review about Responsive Web Design, a web standards based modern web design paradigm. The goals of this research were to define what responsive web design is, determine its importance in building modern websites and describe a workflow for responsive web design projects. Responsive web design is a paradigm to create adaptive websites, which respond to the properties of the media that is used to render them. The three key elements of responsi...

  18. Open-source web-enabled data management, analyses, and visualization of very large data in geosciences using Jupyter, Apache Spark, and community tools (United States)

    Chaudhary, A.


    Current simulation models and sensors are producing high-resolution, high-velocity data in geosciences domain. Knowledge discovery from these complex and large size datasets require tools that are capable of handling very large data and providing interactive data analytics features to researchers. To this end, Kitware and its collaborators are producing open-source tools GeoNotebook, GeoJS, Gaia, and Minerva for geosciences that are using hardware accelerated graphics and advancements in parallel and distributed processing (Celery and Apache Spark) and can be loosely coupled to solve real-world use-cases. GeoNotebook ( is co-developed by Kitware and NASA-Ames and is an extension to the Jupyter Notebook. It provides interactive visualization and python-based analysis of geospatial data and depending the backend (KTile or GeoPySpark) can handle data sizes of Hundreds of Gigabytes to Terabytes. GeoNotebook uses GeoJS ( to render very large geospatial data on the map using WebGL and Canvas2D API. GeoJS is more than just a GIS library as users can create scientific plots such as vector and contour and can embed InfoVis plots using D3.js. GeoJS aims for high-performance visualization and interactive data exploration of scientific and geospatial location aware datasets and supports features such as Point, Line, Polygon, and advanced features such as Pixelmap, Contour, Heatmap, and Choropleth. Our another open-source tool Minerva (( is a geospatial application that is built on top of open-source web-based data management system Girder ( which provides an ability to access data from HDFS or Amazon S3 buckets and provides capabilities to perform visualization and analyses on geosciences data in a web environment using GDAL and GeoPandas wrapped in a unified API provided by Gaia (

  19. Interobserver variability in the assessment of aneurysm occlusion with the WEB aneurysm embolization system. (United States)

    Fiorella, David; Arthur, Adam; Byrne, James; Pierot, Laurent; Molyneux, Andy; Duckwiler, Gary; McCarthy, Thomas; Strother, Charles


    The WEB (WEB aneurysm embolization system, Sequent Medical, Aliso Viejo, California, USA) is a self-expanding, nitinol, mesh device designed to achieve aneurysm occlusion after endosaccular deployment. The WEB Occlusion Scale (WOS) is a standardized angiographic assessment scale for reporting aneurysm occlusion achieved with intrasaccular mesh implants. This study was performed to assess the interobserver variability of the WOS. Seven experienced neurovascular specialists were trained to apply the WOS. These physicians independently reviewed angiographic image sets from 30 patients treated with the WEB under blinded conditions. No additional clinical information was provided. Raters graded each image according to the WOS (complete occlusion, residual neck or residual aneurysm). Final statistics were calculated using the dichotomous outcomes of complete occlusion or incomplete occlusion. The interobserver agreement was measured by the generalized κ statistic. In this series of 30 test case aneurysms, observers rated 12-17 as completely occluded, 3-9 as nearly completely occluded, and 9-11 as demonstrating residual aneurysm filling. Agreement was perfect across all seven observers for the presence or absence of complete occlusion in 22 of 30 cases. Overall, interobserver agreement was substantial (κ statistic 0.779 with a 95% CI of 0.700 to 0.857). The WOS allows a consistent means of reporting angiographic occlusion for aneurysms treated with the WEB device. Published by the BMJ Publishing Group Limited. For permission to use (where not already granted under a licence) please go to

  20. As hemerotecas digitais discursivizadas na web: heterogeneidade discursiva e formação imaginária na rede

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    Francis Lampoglia


    Full Text Available Este trabalho estuda o funcionamento discursivo de duas páginas da web, sendo uma do Arquivo Público do Estado, referente à hemeroteca do jornal Última Hora, e outra referente ao site do jornal O Estado de S. Paulo, mais precisamente à seção "Especiais", intitulado "Nas páginas do Estadão, a luta contra a censura". Sob a orientação da Análise do Discurso de matriz francesa, fundada por Michel Pêcheux, com o apoio dos estudos sobre o dialogismo de Mikhail Bakhtin e das discussões sobre o virtual de Pierre Lévy, esse trabalho visa compreender o modo como são produzidos efeitos de sentido sobre o entrelaçamento de vozes que compõem as páginas web analisadas, bem como analisar qual a formação imaginária que tais sites constroem de si e de seus leitores através do discurso eletrônico. Inseridos em um ambiente eletrônico, os sites que abrigam acervos de jornais e revistas, além de constituir um arquivo sob uma perspectiva histórica, também tentam construir uma imagem de si e/ou do jornal que abrigam. Entendendo que a rede mundial de computadores é uma realidade, destacamos a importância de se estudar o discurso presente nos sites como forma de romper com a suposta neutralidade da imprensa e da web.

  1. Reputação e Web Semântica: estudo comparativo de buscas aplicado a blogs

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    Sandra Portella Montardo


    Full Text Available Os blogs merecem a atenção das organizações, pois são uma forma fácil e gratuita de as pessoas publicarem sua opinião, inclusive sobre marcas. Este artigo compara as buscas possíveis de blogs em motores de busca convencionais e com a Web Semântica (ontologia. A marca selecionada foi o iPhone, supertelefone lançado pela Apple em 2007. Percebe-se que a busca proporcionada pela Web Semântica é mais refinada, pois permite a construção de relações entre os termos pesquisados, o que se torna pertinente para o gerenciamento da reputação de imagem corporativa.

  2. Web services foundations

    CERN Document Server

    Bouguettaya, Athman; Daniel, Florian


    Web services and Service-Oriented Computing (SOC) have become thriving areas of academic research, joint university/industry research projects, and novel IT products on the market. SOC is the computing paradigm that uses Web services as building blocks for the engineering of composite, distributed applications out of the reusable application logic encapsulated by Web services. Web services could be considered the best-known and most standardized technology in use today for distributed computing over the Internet.Web Services Foundations is the first installment of a two-book collection coverin

  3. Semantic web for dummies

    CERN Document Server

    Pollock, Jeffrey T


    Semantic Web technology is already changing how we interact with data on the Web. By connecting random information on the Internet in new ways, Web 3.0, as it is sometimes called, represents an exciting online evolution. Whether you're a consumer doing research online, a business owner who wants to offer your customers the most useful Web site, or an IT manager eager to understand Semantic Web solutions, Semantic Web For Dummies is the place to start! It will help you:Know how the typical Internet user will recognize the effects of the Semantic WebExplore all the benefits the data Web offers t

  4. From theater to the world wide web--a new online era for surgical education. (United States)

    O'Leary, D Peter; Corrigan, Mark A; McHugh, Seamus M; Hill, A D; Redmond, H Paul


    Traditionally, surgical education has been confined to operating and lecture theaters. Access to the World Wide Web and services, such as YouTube and iTunes has expanded enormously. Each week throughout Ireland, nonconsultant hospital doctors work hard to create presentations for surgical teaching. Once presented, these valuable presentations are often never used again. We aimed to compile surgical presentations online and establish a new online surgical education tool. We also sought to measure the effect of this educational tool on surgical presentation quality. Surgical presentations from Cork University Hospital and Beaumont Hospital presented between January 2010 and April 2011 were uploaded to A YouTube channel and iTunes application were created. Web site hits were monitored. Quality of presentations was assessed by 4 independent senior surgical judges using a validated PowerPoint assessment form. Judges were randomly given 6 presentations; 3 presentations were pre-web site setup and 3 were post-web site setup. Once uploading commenced, presenters were informed. A total of 89 presentations have been uploaded to date. This includes 55 cases, 17 journal club, and 17 short bullet presentations. This has been associated with 46,037 web site page views. Establishment of the web site was associated with a significant improvement in the quality of presentations. Mean scores for pre- and post-web site group were 6.2 vs 7.7 out of 9 respectively, p = 0.037. This novel educational tool provides a unique method to enable surgical education become more accessible to trainees, while also improving the overall quality of surgical teaching PowerPoint presentations. Copyright © 2012 Association of Program Directors in Surgery. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  5. Adoção da Web 2.0 em bibliotecas de universidades públicas espanholas: perspectivas de interação do bibliotecário com as redes sociais - relato de pesquisa

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    David Vernon Vieira

    Full Text Available O surgimento da Web Social proporcionou um espaço virtual de participação dos usuários de bibliotecas. Assim, casos de adoção de redes sociais têm sido observados nas bibliotecas universitárias espanholas desde 2005, quando se publicaram os primeiros artigos científicos para acompanhar este movimento. Considerando o âmbito das bibliotecas de universidades públicas na Espanha, foi realizada uma pesquisa exploratória para conhecer a situação real do modelo de presença dessas bibliotecas nas redes sociais Facebook e Twitter. Este trabalho investiga um modelo de adoção das redes sociais, considerando aspectos que envolvem criação dos perfis das bibliotecas, publicação de conteúdo, interação com os usuários, criação de conteúdo pelo usuário, estabelecimento de normas de uso e estilo e medição e avaliação dos indicadores sociais para apoiar gestores de bibliotecas universitárias, neste tipo de projeto tecnológico. Apesar do levantamento realizado constatar a adoção das mídias sociais nas bibliotecas universitárias espanholas, observa-se que ainda há necessidade de se oferecer uma experiência para o usuário que propicie a sua participação, através de comentários e outras ações que promovam a interação com o bibliotecário.

  6. Building web information systems using web services

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Frasincar, F.; Houben, G.J.P.M.; Barna, P.; Vasilecas, O.; Eder, J.; Caplinskas, A.


    Hera is a model-driven methodology for designing Web information systems. In the past a CASE tool for the Hera methodology was implemented. This software had different components that together form one centralized application. In this paper, we present a distributed Web service-oriented architecture

  7. Development and Evaluation of an Interactive WebQuest Environment: "Web Macerasi" (United States)

    Gulbahar, Yasemin; Madran, R. Orcun; Kalelioglu, Filiz


    This study was conducted to develop a web-based interactive system, Web Macerasi, for teaching-learning and evaluation purposes, and to find out the possible effects of this system. The study has two stages. In the first stage, a WebQuest site was designed as an interactive system in which various Internet and web technologies were used for…

  8. Web Analytics: A Picture of the Academic Library Web Site User (United States)

    Black, Elizabeth L.


    This article describes the usefulness of Web analytics for understanding the users of an academic library Web site. Using a case study, the analysis describes how Web analytics can answer questions about Web site user behavior, including when visitors come, the duration of the visit, how they get there, the technology they use, and the most…

  9. Web Mining and Social Networking

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Xu, Guandong; Zhang, Yanchun; Li, Lin

    This book examines the techniques and applications involved in the Web Mining, Web Personalization and Recommendation and Web Community Analysis domains, including a detailed presentation of the principles, developed algorithms, and systems of the research in these areas. The applications of web ...... sense of individuals or communities. The volume will benefit both academic and industry communities interested in the techniques and applications of web search, web data management, web mining and web knowledge discovery, as well as web community and social network analysis.......This book examines the techniques and applications involved in the Web Mining, Web Personalization and Recommendation and Web Community Analysis domains, including a detailed presentation of the principles, developed algorithms, and systems of the research in these areas. The applications of web...... mining, and the issue of how to incorporate web mining into web personalization and recommendation systems are also reviewed. Additionally, the volume explores web community mining and analysis to find the structural, organizational and temporal developments of web communities and reveal the societal...

  10. Web API Fragility : How Robust is Your Web API Client

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Espinha, T.; Zaidman, A.; Gross, H.G.


    Web APIs provide a systematic and extensible approach for application-to-application interaction. A large number of mobile applications makes use of web APIs to integrate services into apps. Each Web API’s evolution pace is determined by their respective developer and mobile application developers

  11. G2S: A web-service for annotating genomic variants on 3D protein structures. (United States)

    Wang, Juexin; Sheridan, Robert; Sumer, S Onur; Schultz, Nikolaus; Xu, Dong; Gao, Jianjiong


    Accurately mapping and annotating genomic locations on 3D protein structures is a key step in structure-based analysis of genomic variants detected by recent large-scale sequencing efforts. There are several mapping resources currently available, but none of them provides a web API (Application Programming Interface) that support programmatic access. We present G2S, a real-time web API that provides automated mapping of genomic variants on 3D protein structures. G2S can align genomic locations of variants, protein locations, or protein sequences to protein structures and retrieve the mapped residues from structures. G2S API uses REST-inspired design conception and it can be used by various clients such as web browsers, command terminals, programming languages and other bioinformatics tools for bringing 3D structures into genomic variant analysis. The webserver and source codes are freely available at Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online. © The Author (2018). Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email:

  12. Sounds of Web Advertising

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jessen, Iben Bredahl; Graakjær, Nicolai Jørgensgaard


    Sound seems to be a neglected issue in the study of web ads. Web advertising is predominantly regarded as visual phenomena–commercial messages, as for instance banner ads that we watch, read, and eventually click on–but only rarely as something that we listen to. The present chapter presents...... an overview of the auditory dimensions in web advertising: Which kinds of sounds do we hear in web ads? What are the conditions and functions of sound in web ads? Moreover, the chapter proposes a theoretical framework in order to analyse the communicative functions of sound in web advertising. The main...... argument is that an understanding of the auditory dimensions in web advertising must include a reflection on the hypertextual settings of the web ad as well as a perspective on how users engage with web content....

  13. Rchemcpp: a web service for structural analoging in ChEMBL, Drugbank and the Connectivity Map. (United States)

    Klambauer, Günter; Wischenbart, Martin; Mahr, Michael; Unterthiner, Thomas; Mayr, Andreas; Hochreiter, Sepp


    We have developed Rchempp, a web service that identifies structurally similar compounds (structural analogs) in large-scale molecule databases. The service allows compounds to be queried in the widely used ChEMBL, DrugBank and the Connectivity Map databases. Rchemcpp utilizes the best performing similarity functions, i.e. molecule kernels, as measures for structural similarity. Molecule kernels have proven superior performance over other similarity measures and are currently excelling at machine learning challenges. To considerably reduce computational time, and thereby make it feasible as a web service, a novel efficient prefiltering strategy has been developed, which maintains the sensitivity of the method. By exploiting information contained in public databases, the web service facilitates many applications crucial for the drug development process, such as prioritizing compounds after screening or reducing adverse side effects during late phases. Rchemcpp was used in the DeepTox pipeline that has won the Tox21 Data Challenge and is frequently used by researchers in pharmaceutical companies. The web service and the R package are freely available via and via Bioconductor. Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online. © The Author 2015. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please e-mail:

  14. Web analytics tools and web metrics tools: An overview and comparative analysis

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    Ivan Bekavac


    Full Text Available The aim of the paper is to compare and analyze the impact of web analytics tools for measuring the performance of a business model. Accordingly, an overview of web analytics and web metrics tools is given, including their characteristics, main functionalities and available types. The data acquisition approaches and proper choice of web tools for particular business models are also reviewed. The research is divided in two sections. First, a qualitative focus is placed on reviewing web analytics tools to exploring their functionalities and ability to be integrated into the respective business model. Web analytics tools support the business analyst’s efforts in obtaining useful and relevant insights into market dynamics. Thus, generally speaking, selecting a web analytics and web metrics tool should be based on an investigative approach, not a random decision. The second section is a quantitative focus shifting from theory to an empirical approach, and which subsequently presents output data resulting from a study based on perceived user satisfaction of web analytics tools. The empirical study was carried out on employees from 200 Croatian firms from either an either IT or marketing branch. The paper contributes to highlighting the support for management that available web analytics and web metrics tools available on the market have to offer, and based on the growing needs of understanding and predicting global market trends.

  15. Web server attack analyzer


    Mižišin, Michal


    Web server attack analyzer - Abstract The goal of this work was to create prototype of analyzer of injection flaws attacks on web server. Proposed solution combines capabilities of web application firewall and web server log analyzer. Analysis is based on configurable signatures defined by regular expressions. This paper begins with summary of web attacks, followed by detection techniques analysis on web servers, description and justification of selected implementation. In the end are charact...

  16. Engineering Web Applications

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Casteleyn, Sven; Daniel, Florian; Dolog, Peter

    Nowadays, Web applications are almost omnipresent. The Web has become a platform not only for information delivery, but also for eCommerce systems, social networks, mobile services, and distributed learning environments. Engineering Web applications involves many intrinsic challenges due...... to their distributed nature, content orientation, and the requirement to make them available to a wide spectrum of users who are unknown in advance. The authors discuss these challenges in the context of well-established engineering processes, covering the whole product lifecycle from requirements engineering through...... design and implementation to deployment and maintenance. They stress the importance of models in Web application development, and they compare well-known Web-specific development processes like WebML, WSDM and OOHDM to traditional software development approaches like the waterfall model and the spiral...

  17. RLT-S: A Web System for Record Linkage.

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    Abdullah-Al Mamun

    Full Text Available Record linkage integrates records across multiple related data sources identifying duplicates and accounting for possible errors. Real life applications require efficient algorithms to merge these voluminous data sources to find out all records belonging to same individuals. Our recently devised highly efficient record linkage algorithms provide best-known solutions to this challenging problem.We have developed RLT-S, a freely available web tool, which implements our single linkage clustering algorithm for record linkage. This tool requires input data sets and a small set of configuration settings about these files to work efficiently. RLT-S employs exact match clustering, blocking on a specified attribute and single linkage based hierarchical clustering among these blocks.RLT-S is an implementation package of our sequential record linkage algorithm. It outperforms previous best-known implementations by a large margin. The tool is at least two times faster for any dataset than the previous best-known tools.RLT-S tool implements our record linkage algorithm that outperforms previous best-known algorithms in this area. This website also contains necessary information such as instructions, submission history, feedback, publications and some other sections to facilitate the usage of the tool.RLT-S is integrated into, which is currently serving this tool only. The tool is freely available and can be used without login. All data files used in this paper have been stored in For copies of the relevant programs please see

  18. Practical development without code customizing salesforce on the platform

    CERN Document Server

    Weinmeister, Philip


    Are you facing a challenging problem-say, relating to customization, configuration, reporting, dashboards, or formulation-that you can't quite crack? Or maybe you are hoping to infuse some creativity into your solution design strategy to solve problems faster or make solutions more efficient? Practical Development Without Code shows you how to unlock the power of the platform to solve real business problems-and all without writing a line of code. Adhering to's ""Clicks, not code"" mantra, expert Phil Weinmeister walks you t

  19. Web 2.0 e redes sociais: ferramentas de relações públicas dos centros de eventos em Espanha, Portugal e América Latina/ Web 2.0 and social networks: public relations tools of exhibition centres in Spain, Portugal and Latin America

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    Xosé Manuel Baamonde Silva


    Full Text Available Os centros de eventos, como as feiras, são espaços de comunicação. Não são apenas centrosde negócios e, como tal, podem ser estudados de um ponto de vista comunicativo. Estainvestigação analisa a utilização da Web 2.0 e das redes sociais como ferramentas deRelações Públicas. Constata-se que as organizações de feiras da Península Ibérica e daAmérica Latina não utilizam um modelo interativo e multidirecional. As suas webs estãoorientadas para satisfazer as necessidades de informação dos meios de comunicação social,mas não estão preparadas para dialogar diretamente com a opinião pública. A maioria dosespaços na Internet das organizações de feiras espanholas, portuguesas e latino-americanasnão está aproveitando as possibilidades que a Web 2.0 e as redes sociais oferecem paraconversar com os seus públicos. A gestão das Relações Públicas deve incluir a utilização das redes sociais, dado que já não é suficiente estar na Internet, há que participar na vida da Rede./The trade fairs are spaces of communication. They are not only business centres and,therefore, they can study under a communicative approach. This investigation analyses theutilisation of the Web 2.0 and the social networks like public relations tools. The IberianPeninsula and o Latin America trade fairs organization do not use a bidirectional symmetricalmodel. Their webs are oriented to satisfy the needs of information of the media but not tohave a conversation directly with the public opinion. The spaces in Internet of Spanish,Portuguese and Latin American trade fairs organizations are not taking advantage of thepossibilities that offers the web 2.0 and the social networks to converse with their publics.The management of the public relations has to include the utilisation of the social networks,because it is necessary to participate in the life of Internet.

  20. ST Spot Detector: a web-based application for automatic spot and tissue detection for Spatial Transcriptomics image data sets. (United States)

    Wong, Kim; Fernández Navarro, José; Bergenstråhle, Ludvig; Ståhl, Patrik L; Lundeberg, Joakim


    Spatial transcriptomics (ST) is a method which combines high resolution tissue imaging with high throughput transcriptome sequencing data. This data must be aligned with the images for correct visualisation, a process that involves several manual steps. Here we present ST Spot Detector, a web tool that automates and facilitates this alignment through a user friendly interface. Open source under the MIT license, available from Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online. © The Author(s) 2018. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please e-mail:

  1. Web Application Vulnerabilities


    Yadav, Bhanu


    Web application security has been a major issue in information technology since the evolvement of dynamic web application. The main objective of this project was to carry out a detailed study on the top three web application vulnerabilities such as injection, cross site scripting, broken authentication and session management, present the situation where an application can be vulnerable to these web threats and finally provide preventative measures against them. ...

  2. WebMGA: a customizable web server for fast metagenomic sequence analysis. (United States)

    Wu, Sitao; Zhu, Zhengwei; Fu, Liming; Niu, Beifang; Li, Weizhong


    The new field of metagenomics studies microorganism communities by culture-independent sequencing. With the advances in next-generation sequencing techniques, researchers are facing tremendous challenges in metagenomic data analysis due to huge quantity and high complexity of sequence data. Analyzing large datasets is extremely time-consuming; also metagenomic annotation involves a wide range of computational tools, which are difficult to be installed and maintained by common users. The tools provided by the few available web servers are also limited and have various constraints such as login requirement, long waiting time, inability to configure pipelines etc. We developed WebMGA, a customizable web server for fast metagenomic analysis. WebMGA includes over 20 commonly used tools such as ORF calling, sequence clustering, quality control of raw reads, removal of sequencing artifacts and contaminations, taxonomic analysis, functional annotation etc. WebMGA provides users with rapid metagenomic data analysis using fast and effective tools, which have been implemented to run in parallel on our local computer cluster. Users can access WebMGA through web browsers or programming scripts to perform individual analysis or to configure and run customized pipelines. WebMGA is freely available at WebMGA offers to researchers many fast and unique tools and great flexibility for complex metagenomic data analysis.

  3. WebMGA: a customizable web server for fast metagenomic sequence analysis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Niu Beifang


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The new field of metagenomics studies microorganism communities by culture-independent sequencing. With the advances in next-generation sequencing techniques, researchers are facing tremendous challenges in metagenomic data analysis due to huge quantity and high complexity of sequence data. Analyzing large datasets is extremely time-consuming; also metagenomic annotation involves a wide range of computational tools, which are difficult to be installed and maintained by common users. The tools provided by the few available web servers are also limited and have various constraints such as login requirement, long waiting time, inability to configure pipelines etc. Results We developed WebMGA, a customizable web server for fast metagenomic analysis. WebMGA includes over 20 commonly used tools such as ORF calling, sequence clustering, quality control of raw reads, removal of sequencing artifacts and contaminations, taxonomic analysis, functional annotation etc. WebMGA provides users with rapid metagenomic data analysis using fast and effective tools, which have been implemented to run in parallel on our local computer cluster. Users can access WebMGA through web browsers or programming scripts to perform individual analysis or to configure and run customized pipelines. WebMGA is freely available at Conclusions WebMGA offers to researchers many fast and unique tools and great flexibility for complex metagenomic data analysis.

  4. Web party effect: a cocktail party effect in the web environment. (United States)

    Rigutti, Sara; Fantoni, Carlo; Gerbino, Walter


    In goal-directed web navigation, labels compete for selection: this process often involves knowledge integration and requires selective attention to manage the dizziness of web layouts. Here we ask whether the competition for selection depends on all web navigation options or only on those options that are more likely to be useful for information seeking, and provide evidence in favor of the latter alternative. Participants in our experiment navigated a representative set of real websites of variable complexity, in order to reach an information goal located two clicks away from the starting home page. The time needed to reach the goal was accounted for by a novel measure of home page complexity based on a part of (not all) web options: the number of links embedded within web navigation elements weighted by the number and type of embedding elements. Our measure fully mediated the effect of several standard complexity metrics (the overall number of links, words, images, graphical regions, the JPEG file size of home page screenshots) on information seeking time and usability ratings. Furthermore, it predicted the cognitive demand of web navigation, as revealed by the duration judgment ratio (i.e., the ratio of subjective to objective duration of information search). Results demonstrate that focusing on relevant links while ignoring other web objects optimizes the deployment of attentional resources necessary to navigation. This is in line with a web party effect (i.e., a cocktail party effect in the web environment): users tune into web elements that are relevant for the achievement of their navigation goals and tune out all others.


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    Mislav Šimunić


    Full Text Available Demand markets dictate and pose increasingly more requirements to the supplymarket that are not easily satisfied. The supply market presenting its web pages to thedemand market should find the best and quickest ways to respond promptly to the changesdictated by the demand market. The question is how to do that in the most efficient andquickest way. The data on the usage of web pages on a specific web site are recorded in alog file. The data in a log file are stochastic and unordered and require systematicmonitoring, categorization, analyses, and weighing. From the data processed in this way, itis necessary to single out and sort the data by their importance that would be a basis for acontinuous generation of dynamics/changes to the web site pages in line with the criterionchosen. To perform those tasks successfully, a new software solution is required. For thatpurpose, the authors have developed the first version of the WLE (WebLogExplorersoftware solution, which is actually realization of web page multidimensionality and theweb site as a whole. The WebLogExplorer enables statistical and semantic analysis of a logfile and on the basis thereof, multidimensional control of the web page dynamics. Theexperimental part of the work was done within the web site of HTZ (Croatian NationalTourist Board being the main portal of the global tourist supply in the Republic of Croatia(on average, daily "log" consists of c. 600,000 sets, average size of log file is 127 Mb, andc. 7000-8000 daily visitors on the web site.

  6. Web-Based Course Management and Web Services (United States)

    Mandal, Chittaranjan; Sinha, Vijay Luxmi; Reade, Christopher M. P.


    The architecture of a web-based course management tool that has been developed at IIT [Indian Institute of Technology], Kharagpur and which manages the submission of assignments is discussed. Both the distributed architecture used for data storage and the client-server architecture supporting the web interface are described. Further developments…

  7. Web-page Prediction for Domain Specific Web-search using Boolean Bit Mask


    Sinha, Sukanta; Duttagupta, Rana; Mukhopadhyay, Debajyoti


    Search Engine is a Web-page retrieval tool. Nowadays Web searchers utilize their time using an efficient search engine. To improve the performance of the search engine, we are introducing a unique mechanism which will give Web searchers more prominent search results. In this paper, we are going to discuss a domain specific Web search prototype which will generate the predicted Web-page list for user given search string using Boolean bit mask.

  8. Web X-Ray: Developing and Adopting Web Best Practices in Enterprises

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    Reinaldo Ferreira


    Full Text Available The adoption of Semantic Web technologies constitutes a promising approach to data structuring and integration, both for public and private usage. While these technologies have been around for some time, their adoption is behind overall expectations, particularly in the case of Enterprises. Having that in mind, we developed a Semantic Web Implementation Model that measures and facilitates the implementation of the technology. The advantages of using the model proposed are two-fold: the model serves as a guide for driving the implementation of the Semantic Web as well as it helps to evaluate the impact of the introduction of the technology. The model was adopted by 19 enterprises in an Action Research intervention of one year with promising results: according to the model's scale, in average, all enterprises evolved from a 6% evaluation to 46% during that period. Furthermore, practical implementation recommendations, a typical consulting tool, were developed and adopted during the project by all enterprises, providing important guidelines for the identification of a development path that may be adopted on a larger scale. Meanwhile, the project also outlined that most enterprises were interested in an even broader scope of the Implementation Model and the ambition of a "All Web Technologies" approach arose. One model that could embrace the observable overlapping of different Web generations, namely the Web of Documents, the Social Web, the Web of Data and, ultimately, the Web of Context. One model that could combine the evaluation and guidance for all enterprises to follow. That's the goal of the undergoing "Project Web X-ray" that aims to involve 200 enterprises in the adoption of best practices that may lead to their business development based on Web technologies. This paper presents a case of how Action Research promoted the simultaneous advancement of academic research and enterprise development and introduces the framework and opportunities

  9. novel web-based audience response system for higher education. A pilot study to evaluate user acceptance. (United States)

    Kühbeck, Felizian; Engelhardt, Stefan; Sarikas, Antonio


    Audience response (AR) systems are increasingly used in undergraduate medical education. However, high costs and complexity of conventional AR systems often limit their use. Here we present a novel AR system that is platform independent and does not require hardware clickers or additional software to be installed. "OnlineTED" was developed at Technische Universität München (TUM) based on Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) with a My Structured Query Language (MySQL)-database as server- and Javascript as client-side programming languages. "OnlineTED" enables lecturers to create and manage question sets online and start polls in-class via a web-browser. Students can participate in the polls with any internet-enabled device (smartphones, tablet-PCs or laptops). A paper-based survey was conducted with undergraduate medical students and lecturers at TUM to compare "OnlineTED" with conventional AR systems using clickers. "OnlineTED" received above-average evaluation results by both students and lecturers at TUM and was seen on par or superior to conventional AR systems. The survey results indicated that up to 80% of students at TUM own an internet-enabled device (smartphone or tablet-PC) for participation in web-based AR technologies. "OnlineTED" is a novel web-based and platform-independent AR system for higher education that was well received by students and lecturers. As a non-commercial alternative to conventional AR systems it may foster interactive teaching in undergraduate education, in particular with large audiences.

  10. The web server of IBM's Bioinformatics and Pattern Discovery group: 2004 update. (United States)

    Huynh, Tien; Rigoutsos, Isidore


    In this report, we provide an update on the services and content which are available on the web server of IBM's Bioinformatics and Pattern Discovery group. The server, which is operational around the clock, provides access to a large number of methods that have been developed and published by the group's members. There is an increasing number of problems that these tools can help tackle; these problems range from the discovery of patterns in streams of events and the computation of multiple sequence alignments, to the discovery of genes in nucleic acid sequences, the identification--directly from sequence--of structural deviations from alpha-helicity and the annotation of amino acid sequences for antimicrobial activity. Additionally, annotations for more than 130 archaeal, bacterial, eukaryotic and viral genomes are now available on-line and can be searched interactively. The tools and code bundles continue to be accessible from whereas the genomics annotations are available at

  11. Global Web Accessibility Analysis of National Government Portals and Ministry Web Sites

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Goodwin, Morten; Susar, Deniz; Nietzio, Annika


    Equal access to public information and services for all is an essential part of the United Nations (UN) Declaration of Human Rights. Today, the Web plays an important role in providing information and services to citizens. Unfortunately, many government Web sites are poorly designed and have...... accessibility barriers that prevent people with disabilities from using them. This article combines current Web accessibility benchmarking methodologies with a sound strategy for comparing Web accessibility among countries and continents. Furthermore, the article presents the first global analysis of the Web...... accessibility of 192 United Nation Member States made publically available. The article also identifies common properties of Member States that have accessible and inaccessible Web sites and shows that implementing antidisability discrimination laws is highly beneficial for the accessibility of Web sites, while...

  12. Writing for the web composing, coding, and constructing web sites

    CERN Document Server

    Applen, JD


    Writing for the Web unites theory, technology, and practice to explore writing and hypertext for website creation. It integrates such key topics as XHTML/CSS coding, writing (prose) for the Web, the rhetorical needs of the audience, theories of hypertext, usability and architecture, and the basics of web site design and technology. Presenting information in digestible parts, this text enables students to write and construct realistic and manageable Web sites with a strong theoretical understanding of how online texts communicate to audiences. Key features of the book

  13. OHSU web site readers have access to distinctive information. How to e-mail a child in the hospital; where to find a midwife. (United States)

    Botvin, Judith D


    Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU), Portland, Ore., posts a web site which generously covers the various aspects of this complex organization. Visitors to, can find a midwife, send an email to a child in the hospital, and learn about the benefits of living in Oregon.


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    Kim Ming


    Full Text Available The purpose of this study is to evaluate website, in order to improve user satisfaction as an online media and the extent to which the level of user satisfaction to the presentation of the website. The website criteria: perceived usefulness, ease of use, ease of finding information, and the design/layout of page is examined to determine the effect on user satisfaction. Analysis of site infrastructure has been meeting the needs of web and database servers, database structure, web analytics to determine the user visits the website and area/location where a user visiting the website. The survey results showed variable Perceived usefullness, Ease of use, Ease of finding information, and Design/Layout of page significant effect on user satisfaction.

  15. The Role of the Web Server in a Capstone Web Application Course (United States)

    Umapathy, Karthikeyan; Wallace, F. Layne


    Web applications have become commonplace in the Information Systems curriculum. Much of the discussion about Web development for capstone courses has centered on the scripting tools. Very little has been discussed about different ways to incorporate the Web server into Web application development courses. In this paper, three different ways of…

  16. Web party effect: a cocktail party effect in the web environment

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    Sara Rigutti


    Full Text Available In goal-directed web navigation, labels compete for selection: this process often involves knowledge integration and requires selective attention to manage the dizziness of web layouts. Here we ask whether the competition for selection depends on all web navigation options or only on those options that are more likely to be useful for information seeking, and provide evidence in favor of the latter alternative. Participants in our experiment navigated a representative set of real websites of variable complexity, in order to reach an information goal located two clicks away from the starting home page. The time needed to reach the goal was accounted for by a novel measure of home page complexity based on a part of (not all web options: the number of links embedded within web navigation elements weighted by the number and type of embedding elements. Our measure fully mediated the effect of several standard complexity metrics (the overall number of links, words, images, graphical regions, the JPEG file size of home page screenshots on information seeking time and usability ratings. Furthermore, it predicted the cognitive demand of web navigation, as revealed by the duration judgment ratio (i.e., the ratio of subjective to objective duration of information search. Results demonstrate that focusing on relevant links while ignoring other web objects optimizes the deployment of attentional resources necessary to navigation. This is in line with a web party effect (i.e., a cocktail party effect in the web environment: users tune into web elements that are relevant for the achievement of their navigation goals and tune out all others.

  17. Web party effect: a cocktail party effect in the web environment (United States)

    Gerbino, Walter


    In goal-directed web navigation, labels compete for selection: this process often involves knowledge integration and requires selective attention to manage the dizziness of web layouts. Here we ask whether the competition for selection depends on all web navigation options or only on those options that are more likely to be useful for information seeking, and provide evidence in favor of the latter alternative. Participants in our experiment navigated a representative set of real websites of variable complexity, in order to reach an information goal located two clicks away from the starting home page. The time needed to reach the goal was accounted for by a novel measure of home page complexity based on a part of (not all) web options: the number of links embedded within web navigation elements weighted by the number and type of embedding elements. Our measure fully mediated the effect of several standard complexity metrics (the overall number of links, words, images, graphical regions, the JPEG file size of home page screenshots) on information seeking time and usability ratings. Furthermore, it predicted the cognitive demand of web navigation, as revealed by the duration judgment ratio (i.e., the ratio of subjective to objective duration of information search). Results demonstrate that focusing on relevant links while ignoring other web objects optimizes the deployment of attentional resources necessary to navigation. This is in line with a web party effect (i.e., a cocktail party effect in the web environment): users tune into web elements that are relevant for the achievement of their navigation goals and tune out all others. PMID:25802803

  18. Embedded Web Technology: Applying World Wide Web Standards to Embedded Systems (United States)

    Ponyik, Joseph G.; York, David W.


    Embedded Systems have traditionally been developed in a highly customized manner. The user interface hardware and software along with the interface to the embedded system are typically unique to the system for which they are built, resulting in extra cost to the system in terms of development time and maintenance effort. World Wide Web standards have been developed in the passed ten years with the goal of allowing servers and clients to intemperate seamlessly. The client and server systems can consist of differing hardware and software platforms but the World Wide Web standards allow them to interface without knowing about the details of system at the other end of the interface. Embedded Web Technology is the merging of Embedded Systems with the World Wide Web. Embedded Web Technology decreases the cost of developing and maintaining the user interface by allowing the user to interface to the embedded system through a web browser running on a standard personal computer. Embedded Web Technology can also be used to simplify an Embedded System's internal network.

  19. Web service composition: a semantic web and automated planning technique application

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jaime Alberto Guzmán Luna


    Full Text Available This article proposes applying semantic web and artificial intelligence planning techniques to a web services composition model dealing with problems of ambiguity in web service description and handling incomplete web information. The model uses an OWL-S services and implements a planning technique which handles open world semantics in its reasoning process to resolve these problems. This resulted in a web services composition system incorporating a module for interpreting OWL-S services and converting them into a planning problem in PDDL (a planning module handling incomplete information and an execution service module concurrently interacting with the planner for executing each composition plan service.

  20. Learning from WebQuests (United States)

    Gaskill, Martonia; McNulty, Anastasia; Brooks, David W.


    WebQuests are activities in which students use Web resources to learn about school topics. WebQuests are advocated as constructivist activities and ones generally well regarded by students. Two experiments were conducted in school settings to compare learning using WebQuests versus conventional instruction. Students and teachers both enjoyed WebQuest instruction and spoke highly of it. In one experiment, however, conventional instruction led to significantly greater student learning. In the other, there were no significant differences in the learning outcomes between conventional versus WebQuest-based instruction.

  1. WebEase: Development of a Web-Based Epilepsy Self-Management Intervention


    DiIorio, Colleen; Escoffery, Cam; Yeager, Katherine A.; Koganti, Archana; Reisinger, Elizabeth; Koganti, Archana; McCarty, Frances; Henry, Thomas R.; Robinson, Elise; Kobau, Rosemarie; Price, Patricia


    People with epilepsy must adopt many self-management behaviors, especially regarding medication adherence, stress management, and sleep quality. In response to the need for theory-based self-management programs that people with epilepsy can easily access, the WebEase Web site was created and tested for feasibility, acceptability, and usability. This article discusses the theoretical background and developmental phases of WebEase and lessons learned throughout the development process. The WebE...

  2. A Web System Trace Model and Its Application to Web Design


    Kong, Xiaoying; Liu, Li; Lowe, David


    Traceability analysis is crucial to the development of web-centric systems, particularly those with frequent system changes, fine-grained evolution and maintenance, and high level of requirements uncertainty. A trace model at the level of the web system architecture is presented in this paper to address the specific challenges of developing web-centric systems. The trace model separates the concerns of different stakeholders in the web development life cycle into viewpoints; and c...

  3. The use of WebQuest for pedagogical practices in an Undergraduate Spanish Teaching Program

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Raquel La Corte dos Santos


    Full Text Available Discutimos, neste artigo, o uso da tecnologia WebQuest em práticas vivenciadas na disciplina Metodologia do Ensino e Aprendizagem de Línguas, de um curso de Licenciatura em Letras/Espanhol. O objetivo da proposta era que os estudantes pudessem ampliar seus conhecimentos sobre metodologias (com foco no espanhol, melhorar seu nível de letramento digital e refletir sobre a apropriação social das tecnologias digitais no campo do ensino e aprendizagem de línguas. Nas aulas, partimos dos conhecimentos prévios dos alunos e da discussão de obras que tratassem sobre as principais metodologias de ensino e aprendizagem de línguas e de outras que abordassem, em linhas gerais, a questão do letramento digital e, em termos específicos, que versassem sobre a WebQuest. Para tanto, nos apoiamos nos trabalhos de Levy (2010, Xavier (2005 e Dias (2010, dentre outros. Os resultados alcançados foram a criação de WebQuests, o aprofundamento da reflexão sobre a importância do uso pedagógico de tecnologias e a melhora do letramento digital dos estudantes.

  4. Rclick: a web server for comparison of RNA 3D structures. (United States)

    Nguyen, Minh N; Verma, Chandra


    RNA molecules play important roles in key biological processes in the cell and are becoming attractive for developing therapeutic applications. Since the function of RNA depends on its structure and dynamics, comparing and classifying the RNA 3D structures is of crucial importance to molecular biology. In this study, we have developed Rclick, a web server that is capable of superimposing RNA 3D structures by using clique matching and 3D least-squares fitting. Our server Rclick has been benchmarked and compared with other popular servers and methods for RNA structural alignments. In most cases, Rclick alignments were better in terms of structure overlap. Our server also recognizes conformational changes between structures. For this purpose, the server produces complementary alignments to maximize the extent of detectable similarity. Various examples showcase the utility of our web server for comparison of RNA, RNA-protein complexes and RNA-ligand structures. © The Author 2014. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email:

  5. GenomeRunner web server: regulatory similarity and differences define the functional impact of SNP sets. (United States)

    Dozmorov, Mikhail G; Cara, Lukas R; Giles, Cory B; Wren, Jonathan D


    The growing amount of regulatory data from the ENCODE, Roadmap Epigenomics and other consortia provides a wealth of opportunities to investigate the functional impact of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). Yet, given the large number of regulatory datasets, researchers are posed with a challenge of how to efficiently utilize them to interpret the functional impact of SNP sets. We developed the GenomeRunner web server to automate systematic statistical analysis of SNP sets within a regulatory context. Besides defining the functional impact of SNP sets, GenomeRunner implements novel regulatory similarity/differential analyses, and cell type-specific regulatory enrichment analysis. Validated against literature- and disease ontology-based approaches, analysis of 39 disease/trait-associated SNP sets demonstrated that the functional impact of SNP sets corresponds to known disease relationships. We identified a group of autoimmune diseases with SNPs distinctly enriched in the enhancers of T helper cell subpopulations, and demonstrated relevant cell type-specificity of the functional impact of other SNP sets. In summary, we show how systematic analysis of genomic data within a regulatory context can help interpreting the functional impact of SNP sets. GenomeRunner web server is freely available at Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online. © The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please e-mail:

  6. Take control of iWeb

    CERN Document Server

    Sande, Steve


    Learn how to make useful, attractive Web sites with iWeb! Apple's iWeb aims to help you build an attractive Web site quickly and easily, but not all of iWeb's features are fully explained. If you want step-by-step instructions and plenty of time-saving tips, Web pro Steve Sande can help. In Take Control of iWeb, Steve walks you through all the steps for building an iWeb site and uploading it to .Mac or to another Web host. You can look over his shoulder as he enhances iWeb's templates with a designer's eye, using tools like masks, reflections, and Instant Alpha.Steve teaches you the best ways

  7. Het WEB leert begrijpen

    CERN Multimedia

    Stroeykens, Steven


    The WEB could be much more useful if the computers understood something of information on the Web pages. That explains the goal of the "semantic Web", a project in which takes part, amongst others, Tim Berners Lee, the inventor of the original WEB

  8. WebFTS: File Transfer Web Interface for FTS3

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN. Geneva


    WebFTS is a web-delivered file transfer and management solution which allows users to invoke reliable, managed data transfers on distributed infrastructures. The fully open source solution offers a simple graphical interface through which the power of the FTS3 service can be accessed without the installation of any special grid tools. Created following simplicity and efficiency criteria, WebFTS allows the user to access and interact with multiple grid and cloud storage. The “transfer engine” used is FTS3, the service responsible for distributing the majority of LHC data across WLCG infrastructure. This provides WebFTS with reliable, multi-protocol, adaptively optimised data transfers.The talk will focus on the recent development which allows transfers from/to Dropbox and CERNBox (CERN ownCloud deployment)

  9. Web Search Engines


    Rajashekar, TB


    The World Wide Web is emerging as an all-in-one information source. Tools for searching Web-based information include search engines, subject directories and meta search tools. We take a look at key features of these tools and suggest practical hints for effective Web searching.

  10. WebSpy: An Architecture for Monitoring Web Server Availability in a Multi-Platform Environment

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    Madhan Mohan Thirukonda


    Full Text Available For an electronic business (e-business, customer satisfaction can be the difference between long-term success and short-term failure. Customer satisfaction is highly impacted by Web server availability, as customers expect a Web site to be available twenty-four hours a day and seven days a week. Unfortunately, unscheduled Web server downtime is often beyond the control of the organization. What is needed is an effective means of identifying and recovering from Web server downtime in order to minimize the negative impact on the customer. An automated architecture, called WebSpy, has been developed to notify administration and to take immediate action when Web server downtime is detected. This paper describes the WebSpy architecture and differentiates it from other popular Web monitoring tools. The results of a case study are presented as a means of demonstrating WebSpy's effectiveness in monitoring Web server availability.

  11. Maximum Spanning Tree Model on Personalized Web Based Collaborative Learning in Web 3.0


    Padma, S.; Seshasaayee, Ananthi


    Web 3.0 is an evolving extension of the current web environme bnt. Information in web 3.0 can be collaborated and communicated when queried. Web 3.0 architecture provides an excellent learning experience to the students. Web 3.0 is 3D, media centric and semantic. Web based learning has been on high in recent days. Web 3.0 has intelligent agents as tutors to collect and disseminate the answers to the queries by the students. Completely Interactive learner's query determine the customization of...

  12. Experiencia del uso conjunto de WebQuests y Wikis en una asignatura universitaria no presencial

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    Torrico González, Ängel


    Full Text Available Desde hace unos años se viene investigando el uso de WebQuests para hacer posible una enseñanza de calidad en aulas no universitarias. El uso de estas técnicas en recintos universitarios es pequeño y habitualmente en asignaturas presenciales.Nosotros hemos realizado una experiencia en una asignatura de libre configuración no presencial dentro del Campus Andaluz Virtual, que nos ha servido para configurar una metodología propia, en la que destacamos el uso obligado de una herramienta con la que los alumnos puedan realizar una puesta en común de los resultados obtenidos: el Wiki, que unido al uso de la WebQuest nos ha proporcionado unos resultados muy positivos para el alumnado, tanto a nivel de enseñanza como de aprendizaje.

  13. Web Mining and Social Networking

    CERN Document Server

    Xu, Guandong; Li, Lin


    This book examines the techniques and applications involved in the Web Mining, Web Personalization and Recommendation and Web Community Analysis domains, including a detailed presentation of the principles, developed algorithms, and systems of the research in these areas. The applications of web mining, and the issue of how to incorporate web mining into web personalization and recommendation systems are also reviewed. Additionally, the volume explores web community mining and analysis to find the structural, organizational and temporal developments of web communities and reveal the societal s

  14. com aditivo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Márcio Joaquim Estefano de Oliveira


    Full Text Available O emprego de agregado reciclado de resíduo de concreto e de rejeitos cerâmicos se apresenta como alternativa promissora para a fabricação de componentes e elementos de construção civil, com a finalidade de atender às questões técnicas, econômicas, sociais e ambientais. A matéria-prima empregada na pesquisa foi o resíduo de concreto descartado pelas obras de construção civil que, muitas vezes, contém restos de materiais cerâmicos provenientes de blocos e azulejos, com idade, composição e outros parâmetros originais diferentes. O objetivo do trabalho foi melhorar as propriedades do concreto obtido com agregado reciclado, pelo emprego de aditivo terpolímero acrílico em emulsão aquosa, com incorporador de bolhas de ar para tornar o concreto leve e melhorar a consistência, a trabalhabilidade, a impermeabilidade e a resistência mecânica do concreto. O cimento Portland, os agregados graúdos naturais e os agregados graúdos reciclados foram caracterizados de acordo com as normas brasileiras. O concreto de referência e o concreto com agregado reciclado foram dosados para uma tensão de ruptura média de 30 MPa aos 28 dias de idade e estudados quanto à resistência, à compressão, resistência à tração, absorção de água e massa específica. Fez-se também interpretação da microestrutura dos concretos por meio de análise petrográfica e da microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV. A viabilidade técnica deste novo material vai ao encontro do desenvolvimento sustentável, na medida em que minimiza impactos ambientais e cria a possibilidade do emprego de sistemas construtivos mais otimizados, facilitando a construção de edifícios convencionais e de interesse social.

  15. Semantic Web Primer

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Antoniou, Grigoris; Harmelen, Frank van


    The development of the Semantic Web, with machine-readable content, has the potential to revolutionize the World Wide Web and its use. A Semantic Web Primer provides an introduction and guide to this still emerging field, describing its key ideas, languages, and technologies. Suitable for use as a

  16. CSAR-web: a web server of contig scaffolding using algebraic rearrangements. (United States)

    Chen, Kun-Tze; Lu, Chin Lung


    CSAR-web is a web-based tool that allows the users to efficiently and accurately scaffold (i.e. order and orient) the contigs of a target draft genome based on a complete or incomplete reference genome from a related organism. It takes as input a target genome in multi-FASTA format and a reference genome in FASTA or multi-FASTA format, depending on whether the reference genome is complete or incomplete, respectively. In addition, it requires the users to choose either 'NUCmer on nucleotides' or 'PROmer on translated amino acids' for CSAR-web to identify conserved genomic markers (i.e. matched sequence regions) between the target and reference genomes, which are used by the rearrangement-based scaffolding algorithm in CSAR-web to order and orient the contigs of the target genome based on the reference genome. In the output page, CSAR-web displays its scaffolding result in a graphical mode (i.e. scalable dotplot) allowing the users to visually validate the correctness of scaffolded contigs and in a tabular mode allowing the users to view the details of scaffolds. CSAR-web is available online at

  17. VIPER: a web application for rapid expert review of variant calls. (United States)

    Wöste, Marius; Dugas, Martin


    With the rapid development in next-generation sequencing, cost and time requirements for genomic sequencing are decreasing, enabling applications in many areas such as cancer research. Many tools have been developed to analyze genomic variation ranging from single nucleotide variants to whole chromosomal aberrations. As sequencing throughput increases, the number of variants called by such tools also grows. Often employed manual inspection of such calls is thus becoming a time-consuming procedure. We developed the Variant InsPector and Expert Rating tool (VIPER) to speed up this process by integrating the Integrative Genomics Viewer into a web application. Analysts can then quickly iterate through variants, apply filters and make decisions based on the generated images and variant metadata. VIPER was successfully employed in analyses with manual inspection of more than 10,000 calls. VIPER is implemented in Java and Javascript and is freely available at Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online. © The Author (2018). Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email:

  18. Going, going, still there: using the WebCite service to permanently archive cited web pages. (United States)

    Eysenbach, Gunther; Trudel, Mathieu


    Scholars are increasingly citing electronic "web references" which are not preserved in libraries or full text archives. WebCite is a new standard for citing web references. To "webcite" a document involves archiving the cited Web page through and citing the WebCite permalink instead of (or in addition to) the unstable live Web page. This journal has amended its "instructions for authors" accordingly, asking authors to archive cited Web pages before submitting a manuscript. Almost 200 other journals are already using the system. We discuss the rationale for WebCite, its technology, and how scholars, editors, and publishers can benefit from the service. Citing scholars initiate an archiving process of all cited Web references, ideally before they submit a manuscript. Authors of online documents and websites which are expected to be cited by others can ensure that their work is permanently available by creating an archived copy using WebCite and providing the citation information including the WebCite link on their Web document(s). Editors should ask their authors to cache all cited Web addresses (Uniform Resource Locators, or URLs) "prospectively" before submitting their manuscripts to their journal. Editors and publishers should also instruct their copyeditors to cache cited Web material if the author has not done so already. Finally, WebCite can process publisher submitted "citing articles" (submitted for example as eXtensible Markup Language [XML] documents) to automatically archive all cited Web pages shortly before or on publication. Finally, WebCite can act as a focussed crawler, caching retrospectively references of already published articles. Copyright issues are addressed by honouring respective Internet standards (robot exclusion files, no-cache and no-archive tags). Long-term preservation is ensured by agreements with libraries and digital preservation organizations. The resulting WebCite Index may also have applications for research

  19. WebGL and web audio software lightweight components for multimedia education (United States)

    Chang, Xin; Yuksel, Kivanc; Skarbek, Władysław


    The paper presents the results of our recent work on development of contemporary computing platform DC2 for multimedia education usingWebGL andWeb Audio { the W3C standards. Using literate programming paradigm the WEBSA educational tools were developed. It offers for a user (student), the access to expandable collection of WEBGL Shaders and web Audio scripts. The unique feature of DC2 is the option of literate programming, offered for both, the author and the reader in order to improve interactivity to lightweightWebGL andWeb Audio components. For instance users can define: source audio nodes including synthetic sources, destination audio nodes, and nodes for audio processing such as: sound wave shaping, spectral band filtering, convolution based modification, etc. In case of WebGL beside of classic graphics effects based on mesh and fractal definitions, the novel image processing analysis by shaders is offered like nonlinear filtering, histogram of gradients, and Bayesian classifiers.

  20. Applying Web usage mining for personalizing hyperlinks in Web-based adaptive educational systems

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Romero, C.; Ventura, S.; Zafra, A.; Bra, de P.M.E.


    Nowadays, the application of Web mining techniques in e-learning and Web-based adaptive educational systems is increasing exponentially. In this paper, we propose an advanced architecture for a personalization system to facilitate Web mining. A specific Web mining tool is developed and a recommender

  1. Elaboració d‘una web per facilitar la comprensió dels mecanismes biològics implicats en la reproducció humana


    Fuster i Marquès, Carme


    Els mecanismes biològics implicats, tant en la formació de gàmetes masculines i femenines com en la fecundació, són molt complexes. Per tal de facilitar la seva comprensió hem elaborat una pàgina web que inclou material bàsic, microfotografies, esquemes, representacions animades i pel·lícules. La majoria del material introduït és inèdit o propi, doncs la recerca de l’equip que ha elaborat la web s’inclou dins del camp de la Reproducció Humana. A més, per augmentar l'interès de l'alumnat, h...

  2. Discursos sobre a Web 2.0 e a educaçâo: uma análise semiótica Discourses about Web 2.0 and education: a semiotic analysis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Daniervelin Renata Pereira


    Full Text Available O surgimento da Web 2.0 e sua aplicação no contexto da educação ainda são muito recentes e praticamente desconhecidos nas escolas de educação básica, e mesmo no ensino superior. Ainda que imersos nessa nova tecnologia, raramente paramos para depreender seus efeitos. Um estudo de alguns textos colhidos na própria web pode nos ajudar a perceber alguns sentidos envolvidos nesse novo panorama. Qual é/são o(s discurso(s defendido(s nesses textos? Pelos níveis fundamental, narrativo e discursivo da semiótica francesa, algumas ferramentas da sintaxe e da semântica contribuíram para se desvelar a construção do texto e os sentidos agregados a ele. Com base em textos verbal (artigo, imagético (charge, esquema e sincrético (vídeo, direcionamos nosso foco ao plano do conteúdo para verificar variantes e invariantes entre as produções atuais sobre a relação entre Web 2.0 e educação.The emergence of Web 2.0 and its application in the context of education are still very new and virtually unknown in the schools of basic education, and even higher education. While we are immersed in this new technology, we rarely stop to infer its effects. A study of some texts caught in the web can help us understand some senses involved in this new approach. What is / are the discourse (s defended in these texts? By fundamental, narrative and discursive levels of French semiotics, some tools of the syntax and semantics contributed to reveal the construction of the text and the senses aggregates to it. Based on verbal texts (article, Imaging (charge, schedule and syncretic (video, we direct our focus to the plane of content to determine variations and invariant between products current on the relationship between Web 2.0 and education.

  3. The Semantic Web Revisited


    Shadbolt, Nigel; Berners-Lee, Tim; Hall, Wendy


    The original Scientific American article on the Semantic Web appeared in 2001. It described the evolution of a Web that consisted largely of documents for humans to read to one that included data and information for computers to manipulate. The Semantic Web is a Web of actionable information--information derived from data through a semantic theory for interpreting the symbols.This simple idea, however, remains largely unrealized. Shopbots and auction bots abound on the Web, but these are esse...

  4. Advanced web services

    CERN Document Server

    Bouguettaya, Athman; Daniel, Florian


    Web services and Service-Oriented Computing (SOC) have become thriving areas of academic research, joint university/industry research projects, and novel IT products on the market. SOC is the computing paradigm that uses Web services as building blocks for the engineering of composite, distributed applications out of the reusable application logic encapsulated by Web services. Web services could be considered the best-known and most standardized technology in use today for distributed computing over the Internet. This book is the second installment of a two-book collection covering the state-o

  5. Web-sovelluskehityksen tekniikat


    Kettunen, Werner


    Web-sovelluskehitykseen käytettäviä tekniikoita, työkaluja ja ohjelmakirjastoja on olemassa useita erilaisia ja niiden lähestymistapa web-sovelluskehitykseen poikkeaa jonkin verran toisistaan. Opinnäytetyössä selvitetään teoriassa ja käytännön esimerkkiprojektin avulla yleisimmin web-sovelluskehityksessä käytettyjä tekniikoita ja kirjastoja. Työssä esimerkkinä luodussa web-sovelluksessa käytettiin Laravel-ohjelmakehystä ja alkuosassa käsiteltyjä työkaluja ja kirjastoja, kuten Bootstrap ja ...

  6. Learning from WebQuests (United States)

    Gaskill, Martonia; McNulty, Anastasia; Brooks, David W.


    WebQuests are activities in which students use Web resources to learn about school topics. WebQuests are advocated as constructivist activities and ones generally well regarded by students. Two experiments were conducted in school settings to compare learning using WebQuests versus conventional instruction. Students and teachers both enjoyed…

  7. Evaluating Web Usability (United States)

    Snider, Jean; Martin, Florence


    Web usability focuses on design elements and processes that make web pages easy to use. A website for college students was evaluated for underutilization. One-on-one testing, focus groups, web analytics, peer university review and marketing focus group and demographic data were utilized to conduct usability evaluation. The results indicated that…

  8. FedWeb Greatest Hits: Presenting the New Test Collection for Federated Web Search

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Demeester, Thomas; Trieschnigg, Rudolf Berend; Zhou, Ke; Nguyen, Dong-Phuong; Hiemstra, Djoerd

    This paper presents 'FedWeb Greatest Hits', a large new test collection for research in web information retrieval. As a combination and extension of the datasets used in the TREC Federated Web Search Track, this collection opens up new research possibilities on federated web search challenges, as

  9. La lectura al web 2.0. Estudi de cas: els blogs en el 'Reto Delirium'

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sandra Sánchez García


    Full Text Available Aquest treball presenta els resultats de l'anàlisi d'un estudi de cas: els blogs que participaren en la campanya Reto Delirium, llançada per l'editorial SM al gener de 2011 amb l'objectiu de promoure i difondre el llibre de Lauren Oliver, Delirium. L'anàlisi del blocs participants, com a fenomen de comunicació social i com a eina de promoció lectora, s’ha realitzat seguint una metodologia exploratòria, analítica i quantitativa. La investigació s'ha centrat en un procés de comunicació virtual localitzat en espais concrets (els blogs i en un període temporal limitat, que ens ha permès determinar les capacitats i possibilitats d’aquest recurs de la web social per a la promoció de la lectura.

  10. The use of web ontology languages and other semantic web tools in drug discovery. (United States)

    Chen, Huajun; Xie, Guotong


    To optimize drug development processes, pharmaceutical companies require principled approaches to integrate disparate data on a unified infrastructure, such as the web. The semantic web, developed on the web technology, provides a common, open framework capable of harmonizing diversified resources to enable networked and collaborative drug discovery. We survey the state of art of utilizing web ontologies and other semantic web technologies to interlink both data and people to support integrated drug discovery across domains and multiple disciplines. Particularly, the survey covers three major application categories including: i) semantic integration and open data linking; ii) semantic web service and scientific collaboration and iii) semantic data mining and integrative network analysis. The reader will gain: i) basic knowledge of the semantic web technologies; ii) an overview of the web ontology landscape for drug discovery and iii) a basic understanding of the values and benefits of utilizing the web ontologies in drug discovery. i) The semantic web enables a network effect for linking open data for integrated drug discovery; ii) The semantic web service technology can support instant ad hoc collaboration to improve pipeline productivity and iii) The semantic web encourages publishing data in a semantic way such as resource description framework attributes and thus helps move away from a reliance on pure textual content analysis toward more efficient semantic data mining.

  11. Web 3.0 Emerging

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hendler, James [Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute


    As more and more data and information becomes available on the Web, new technologies that use explicit semantics for information organization are becoming desirable. New terms such as Linked Data, Semantic Web and Web 3.0 are used more and more, although there is increasing confusion as to what each means. In this talk, I will describe how different sorts of models can be used to link data in different ways. I will particularly explore different kinds of Web applications, from Enterprise Data Integration to Web 3.0 startups, government data release, the different needs of Web 2.0 and 3.0, the growing interest in “semantic search”, and the underlying technologies that power these new approaches.


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    Maria Acelina Carvalho


    Full Text Available A reprogramação de células somáticas para uma célula pluripotente indiferenciada, com características de uma célula-tronco embrionária (CTE, é um dos avanços promissores no campo da biologia celular na última década. O objetivo desse trabalho foi reunir informações como base de uma prospecção tecnológica prévia sobre o tema células-tronco pluripotente induzidas (iPS e verificar se existe correlação entre o número de publicações científicas e número de patentes na referida área. Foram pesquisadas patentes depositadas no EPO, USPTO e INPI e publicações científicas na base de dados Web of Science com a finalidade de realizar a correlação entre a quantidade de publicações científicas e o número de patentes depositados por ano e por países .A Organização Mundial de Propriedade Intelectual (WO seguida dos Estados Unidos e China detém os maiores números de patentes depositadas envolvendo iPS. Observa-se que as patentes envolvendo iPS aparecem a partir de 2007 com uma única patente japonesa registrada no INPI. Os EUA lidera o número de publicações científicas sobre iPS com 1.679 publicações na base de dados Web of Science.

  13. Web Server Embedded System

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Adharul Muttaqin


    Full Text Available Abstrak Embedded sistem saat ini menjadi perhatian khusus pada teknologi komputer, beberapa sistem operasi linux dan web server yang beraneka ragam juga sudah dipersiapkan untuk mendukung sistem embedded, salah satu aplikasi yang dapat digunakan dalam operasi pada sistem embedded adalah web server. Pemilihan web server pada lingkungan embedded saat ini masih jarang dilakukan, oleh karena itu penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menitik beratkan pada dua buah aplikasi web server yang tergolong memiliki fitur utama yang menawarkan “keringanan” pada konsumsi CPU maupun memori seperti Light HTTPD dan Tiny HTTPD. Dengan menggunakan parameter thread (users, ramp-up periods, dan loop count pada stress test embedded system, penelitian ini menawarkan solusi web server manakah diantara Light HTTPD dan Tiny HTTPD yang memiliki kecocokan fitur dalam penggunaan embedded sistem menggunakan beagleboard ditinjau dari konsumsi CPU dan memori. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam hal konsumsi CPU pada beagleboard embedded system lebih disarankan penggunaan Light HTTPD dibandingkan dengan tiny HTTPD dikarenakan terdapat perbedaan CPU load yang sangat signifikan antar kedua layanan web tersebut Kata kunci: embedded system, web server Abstract Embedded systems are currently of particular concern in computer technology, some of the linux operating system and web server variegated also prepared to support the embedded system, one of the applications that can be used in embedded systems are operating on the web server. Selection of embedded web server on the environment is still rarely done, therefore this study was conducted with a focus on two web application servers belonging to the main features that offer a "lightness" to the CPU and memory consumption as Light HTTPD and Tiny HTTPD. By using the parameters of the thread (users, ramp-up periods, and loop count on a stress test embedded systems, this study offers a solution of web server which between the Light

  14. Open Device Lab (ODL - um movimento colaborativo para o uso de dispositivos reais em projetos para web e aplicativos (revisão da literatura.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Raquel Paiva Godinho


    Full Text Available Este estudo apresenta os resultados da revisão da literatura realizada, em abril e maio de 2015, sobre o movimento, mundial, colaborativo dos Open Device Labs (ODLs. Uma iniciativa, recente, de profissionais da área com o objetivo de criar e compartilhar laboratórios com diferentes dispositivos móveis. Estes espaços proporcionam à um número maior de designers e desenvolvedores, de uma forma colaborativa e econômica, a possibilidade de testarem seus projetos em dispositivos reais. Esta prática aparece como uma etapa essencial para obtenção de melhores resultados no desenvolvimento de interfaces digitais para web e aplicativos em uma época de crescente fragmentação da tecnologia. Open Device Lab (ODL - a community movement for the use of real devices on web projects and applications. A literature review Abstract This study presents results from a literature review on the worldwide collaborative movement of Open Device Labs (ODLs. This is a recent initiative, started by professionals, and aimed at creating and sharing laboratories with diverse mobile devices connected to the Internet. These spaces provide a greater number of designers and developers with the possibility of testing their projects on different devices in a shared, economical way. The results show the importance of the movement to undertake tests with real devices and obtain better results in the development of web projects and applications at a time of growing technology fragmentation.  Keywords: Open Device Lab, Web, Applications, Test, Real devices.

  15. Applying Web Usage Mining for Personalizing Hyperlinks in Web-Based Adaptive Educational Systems (United States)

    Romero, Cristobal; Ventura, Sebastian; Zafra, Amelia; de Bra, Paul


    Nowadays, the application of Web mining techniques in e-learning and Web-based adaptive educational systems is increasing exponentially. In this paper, we propose an advanced architecture for a personalization system to facilitate Web mining. A specific Web mining tool is developed and a recommender engine is integrated into the AHA! system in…

  16. An Automatic Web Service Composition Framework Using QoS-Based Web Service Ranking Algorithm. (United States)

    Mallayya, Deivamani; Ramachandran, Baskaran; Viswanathan, Suganya


    Web service has become the technology of choice for service oriented computing to meet the interoperability demands in web applications. In the Internet era, the exponential addition of web services nominates the "quality of service" as essential parameter in discriminating the web services. In this paper, a user preference based web service ranking (UPWSR) algorithm is proposed to rank web services based on user preferences and QoS aspect of the web service. When the user's request cannot be fulfilled by a single atomic service, several existing services should be composed and delivered as a composition. The proposed framework allows the user to specify the local and global constraints for composite web services which improves flexibility. UPWSR algorithm identifies best fit services for each task in the user request and, by choosing the number of candidate services for each task, reduces the time to generate the composition plans. To tackle the problem of web service composition, QoS aware automatic web service composition (QAWSC) algorithm proposed in this paper is based on the QoS aspects of the web services and user preferences. The proposed framework allows user to provide feedback about the composite service which improves the reputation of the services.

  17. RS-WebPredictor

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Zaretzki, J.; Bergeron, C.; Huang, T.-W.


    Regioselectivity-WebPredictor (RS-WebPredictor) is a server that predicts isozyme-specific cytochrome P450 (CYP)-mediated sites of metabolism (SOMs) on drug-like molecules. Predictions may be made for the promiscuous 2C9, 2D6 and 3A4 CYP isozymes, as well as CYPs 1A2, 2A6, 2B6, 2C8, 2C19 and 2E1....... RS-WebPredictor is the first freely accessible server that predicts the regioselectivity of the last six isozymes. Server execution time is fast, taking on average 2s to encode a submitted molecule and 1s to apply a given model, allowing for high-throughput use in lead optimization projects.......Availability: RS-WebPredictor is accessible for free use at Software/RS-WebPredictor....

  18. IL web tutorials

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hyldegård, Jette; Lund, Haakon


    The paper presents the results from a study on information literacy in a higher education (HE) context based on a larger research project evaluating 3 Norwegian IL web tutorials at 6 universities and colleges in Norway. The aim was to evaluate how the 3 web tutorials served students’ information...... seeking and writing process in an study context and to identify barriers to the employment and use of the IL web tutorials, hence to the underlying information literacy intentions by the developer. Both qualitative and quantitative methods were employed. A clear mismatch was found between intention...... and use of the web tutorials. In addition, usability only played a minor role compared to relevance. It is concluded that the positive expectations of the IL web tutorials tend to be overrated by the developers. Suggestions for further research are presented....

  19. A development process meta-model for Web based expert systems: The Web engineering point of view

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dokas, I.M.; Alapetite, Alexandre


    raised their complexity. Unfortunately, there is so far no clear answer to the question: How may the methods and experience of Web engineering and expert systems be combined and applied in order todevelop effective and successful Web based expert systems? In an attempt to answer this question...... on Web based expert systems – will be presented. The idea behind the presentation of theaccessibility evaluation and its conclusions is to show to Web based expert system developers, who typically have little Web engineering background, that Web engineering issues must be considered when developing Web......Similar to many legacy computer systems, expert systems can be accessed via the Web, forming a set of Web applications known as Web based expert systems. The tough Web competition, the way people and organizations rely on Web applications and theincreasing user requirements for better services have...

  20. Acessibilidade dos sítios web dos governos estaduais brasileiros: uma análise quantitativa entre 1996 e 2007 Accessibility of Brazilian state government websites: a quantitative analysis between 1996 and 2007

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    André Pimenta Freire


    Full Text Available A utilização da web para a disponibilização de informações e serviços de órgãos governamentais para os cidadãos tem se tornado cada vez mais expressiva. Assim, a garantia de que esses conteúdos e serviços possam ser acessíveis a qualquer cidadão é imprescindível, independentemente de necessidades especiais ou de quaisquer outras barreiras. No Brasil, o Decreto-Lei nº5.296/2004 determinou que todos os órgãos governamentais deveriam adaptar seus sítios na web de acordo com critérios de acessibilidade até dezembro de 2005. Com o objetivo de verificar a evolução da acessibilidade ao longo dos anos e como foi o impacto dessa legislação, este artigo analisa a acessibilidade dos sítios dos governos estaduais brasileiros por meio de amostras coletadas entre 1996 e 2007. Foram efetuadas análises por meio de métricas, obtidas por avaliações com ferramentas automáticas. Os resultados indicam que a legislação teve pouco impacto para a melhoria real da acessibilidade dos sítios no período indicado, com uma melhora somente em 2007. Verifica-se que se faz necessário adotar políticas públicas mais efetivas para que as pessoas com necessidades especiais tenham os seus direitos para acesso a informações e aos serviços públicos na web assegurados mais amplamente.The use of the web to provide government information and services to citizens has become more and more significant. Ensuring that any citizen can access these contents and services is essential, regardless of disabilities or other barriers they may have. In Brazil, Executive Act no. 5.296/2004 ruled that all government agencies should adapt their websites according to accessibility guidelines until December 2005. In order to check the trend of accessibility over the years and the impact of such legislation, this article analyzes the accessibility of the Brazilian state government websites from 1996 to 2007. Analyses were carried out by means of metrics, obtained

  1. Programming Web services with Perl

    CERN Document Server

    Ray, Randy J


    Given Perl's natural fit for web applications development, it's no surprise that Perl is also a natural choice for web services development. It's the most popular web programming language, with strong implementations of both SOAP and XML-RPC, the leading ways to distribute applications using web services. But books on web services focus on writing these applications in Java or Visual Basic, leaving Perl programmers with few resources to get them started. Programming Web Services with Perl changes that, bringing Perl users all the information they need to create web services using their favori

  2. Cooperative Mobile Web Browsing

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Perrucci, GP; Fitzek, FHP; Zhang, Qi


    This paper advocates a novel approach for mobile web browsing based on cooperation among wireless devices within close proximity operating in a cellular environment. In the actual state of the art, mobile phones can access the web using different cellular technologies. However, the supported data......-range links can then be used for cooperative mobile web browsing. By implementing the cooperative web browsing on commercial mobile phones, it will be shown that better performance is achieved in terms of increased data rate and therefore reduced access times, resulting in a significantly enhanced web...

  3. Mason: a JavaScript web site widget for visualizing and comparing annotated features in nucleotide or protein sequences. (United States)

    Jaschob, Daniel; Davis, Trisha N; Riffle, Michael


    Sequence feature annotations (e.g., protein domain boundaries, binding sites, and secondary structure predictions) are an essential part of biological research. Annotations are widely used by scientists during research and experimental design, and are frequently the result of biological studies. A generalized and simple means of disseminating and visualizing these data via the web would be of value to the research community. Mason is a web site widget designed to visualize and compare annotated features of one or more nucleotide or protein sequence. Annotated features may be of virtually any type, ranging from annotating transcription binding sites or exons and introns in DNA to secondary structure or domain boundaries in proteins. Mason is simple to use and easy to integrate into web sites. Mason has a highly dynamic and configurable interface supporting multiple sets of annotations per sequence, overlapping regions, customization of interface and user-driven events (e.g., clicks and text to appear for tooltips). It is written purely in JavaScript and SVG, requiring no 3(rd) party plugins or browser customization. Mason is a solution for dissemination of sequence annotation data on the web. It is highly flexible, customizable, simple to use, and is designed to be easily integrated into web sites. Mason is open source and freely available at

  4. Web Portal Design, Execution and Sustainability for Naval Websites and Web Services

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Amsden, Saundra


    .... The newest Web Service is the development of Web Portals. Portals allow the design of Web Services in such a way as to allow users to define their own needs and create a home of their own within a site...

  5. Cuidados com os pés: conhecimento entre pessoas com diabetes mellitus

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    Alice Santos Amaral


    Full Text Available O conhecimento sobre o cuidado com os pés entre as pessoas com diabetes mellitus (DM contribui para postergar ascomplicações. Estudo descritivo, prospectivo e transversal realizado em um hospital universitário com o objetivo dedescrever as características sócio-demográficas, clínicas e os cuidados com os pés realizados por pessoas com DM.Participaram 58 pessoas, entrevistadas com instrumento semi-estruturado, no período de junho e agosto de 2008. Osdados foram digitados e analisados no EpiInfo3.2 TM. As variáveis categóricas foram submetidas à distribuição defrequência e ao teste qui-quadrado (p<0,05. A maioria é do sexo masculino; está na faixa etária de 60 anos ou mais;possuem 1° grau incompleto, são casados e aposentados. Metade das pessoas apresenta tempo de diagnósticoinferior a 10 anos, a maioria possui duas co-morbidades; presença de complicações; usam hipoglicemiante oral; nãorealizam consulta mensal; são cadastrados no Hiperdia; não participam de grupos educativos e seguem o tratamentoinstituído. Cuidam adequadamente dos pés, exceto a forma como cortam as unhas, o tipo de calçados usados e oressecamento da pele. Apesar das complicações nos pés em pessoas com diabetes ser prevenível por meio de açõesde baixa complexidade, ainda é um desafio para os serviços de saúde.

  6. Web semántica y su aporte a la estrategia de datos abiertos del Estado Colombiano

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    José Nelson Pérez Castillo


    desenvolvedores de software para adotar uma das diretrizes mais importantes da W3C (World Wide Web Consortium, que é usar e implementar uma rede inteligente que possa vincular diferentes conjuntos de dados de uma forma significativa. Pensa-se que sem esta nova aplicação o esforço do governo para aproveitar o grande potencial dos dados abertos pode ficar a meio caminho, deixando a informação disponível na rede tradicional de uma manera estática e centralizada, com o risco de se tornar um novo silo dados, ou que eles não sejam aproveitados com todas as vantagens de crescimento e benefício que a conexão entre os dois conceitos (web semântica e de dados abertos poderia proporcionar. O que se segue é uma visão geral das vantagens relacionadas com a construção da web semântica no país para apoiar plenamente a estratégia estatal mediante à vinculação significativa de conjuntos de dados abertos. Concluindo que se devem estabelecer centros de pesquisa para a análise e desenho de redes semânticas com ontologias para ser parte dos esforços globais focados à abertura de dados.

  7. Instant responsive web design

    CERN Document Server

    Simmons, Cory


    A step-by-step tutorial approach which will teach the readers what responsive web design is and how it is used in designing a responsive web page.If you are a web-designer looking to expand your skill set by learning the quickly growing industry standard of responsive web design, this book is ideal for you. Knowledge of CSS is assumed.

  8. SVG-Based Web Publishing (United States)

    Gao, Jerry Z.; Zhu, Eugene; Shim, Simon


    With the increasing applications of the Web in e-commerce, advertising, and publication, new technologies are needed to improve Web graphics technology due to the current limitation of technology. The SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) technology is a new revolutionary solution to overcome the existing problems in the current web technology. It provides precise and high-resolution web graphics using plain text format commands. It sets a new standard for web graphic format to allow us to present complicated graphics with rich test fonts and colors, high printing quality, and dynamic layout capabilities. This paper provides a tutorial overview about SVG technology and its essential features, capability, and advantages. The reports a comparison studies between SVG and other web graphics technologies.

  9. Sensor web (United States)

    Delin, Kevin A. (Inventor); Jackson, Shannon P. (Inventor)


    A Sensor Web formed of a number of different sensor pods. Each of the sensor pods include a clock which is synchronized with a master clock so that all of the sensor pods in the Web have a synchronized clock. The synchronization is carried out by first using a coarse synchronization which takes less power, and subsequently carrying out a fine synchronization to make a fine sync of all the pods on the Web. After the synchronization, the pods ping their neighbors to determine which pods are listening and responded, and then only listen during time slots corresponding to those pods which respond.

  10. A Sensor Web and Web Service-Based Approach for Active Hydrological Disaster Monitoring

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    Xi Zhai


    Full Text Available Rapid advancements in Earth-observing sensor systems have led to the generation of large amounts of remote sensing data that can be used for the dynamic monitoring and analysis of hydrological disasters. The management and analysis of these data could take advantage of distributed information infrastructure technologies such as Web service and Sensor Web technologies, which have shown great potential in facilitating the use of observed big data in an interoperable, flexible and on-demand way. However, it remains a challenge to achieve timely response to hydrological disaster events and to automate the geoprocessing of hydrological disaster observations. This article proposes a Sensor Web and Web service-based approach to support active hydrological disaster monitoring. This approach integrates an event-driven mechanism, Web services, and a Sensor Web and coordinates them using workflow technologies to facilitate the Web-based sharing and processing of hydrological hazard information. The design and implementation of hydrological Web services for conducting various hydrological analysis tasks on the Web using dynamically updating sensor observation data are presented. An application example is provided to demonstrate the benefits of the proposed approach over the traditional approach. The results confirm the effectiveness and practicality of the proposed approach in cases of hydrological disaster.

  11. WebRTC using JSON via XMLHttpRequest and SIP over WebSocket: initial signalling overhead findings

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Adeyeye, M


    Full Text Available Web Real-Time Communication (WebRTC) introduces real-time multimedia communication as native capabilities of Web browsers. With the adoption of WebRTC the Web browsers will be able to use WebRTC to communicate with one another (peer...

  12. Propuesta de Valoración del Comportamiento Como Complemento a la Evaluación Emocional de los Usuarios Mientras Interactúan con Sitios Web

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yenny Méndez Alegría


    Full Text Available En el presente artículo se da a conocer una propuesta para la identificación y análisis de las características del comportamiento de los usuarios mientras participan en un proceso de evaluación de sitios web. Las características del comportamiento con la expresión facial, dirección de la mirada, postura, movimientos de la cabeza y gestos. Se presenta un caso de estudio relacionado con la evaluación del sitio web, precisando sobre las características del comportamiento identificadas en los usuarios participantes.


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    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta la implementación de un sistema basado en servicios web semánticos, orientados hacia la manipulación remota de robots capaces de ejecutar jugadas básicas de fútbol, diseñados y desarrollados con la plataforma de hardware libre Arduino. Dichos servicios fueron descritos semánticamente con el lenguaje ontológico OWL-S y bajo una ontología de dominio común que describe un robot capaz de jugar fútbol.





    Este artículo presenta la implementación de un sistema basado en servicios web semánticos, orientados hacia la manipulación remota de robots capaces de ejecutar jugadas básicas de fútbol, diseñados y desarrollados con la plataforma de hardware libre Arduino. Dichos servicios fueron descritos semánticamente con el lenguaje ontológico OWL-S y bajo una ontología de dominio común que describe un robot capaz de jugar f&ua...

  15. Funcionamento intelectual em pacientes pediátricos com epilepsia: comparação de crianças controladas com medicação, não controladas com medicação e controladas com cirurgia


    Souza-Oliveira,Cecília; Escosi-Rosset,Sara; Funayama,Sandra S.; Terra,Vera C.; Machado,Hélio R.; Sakamoto,Américo C.


    OBJETIVO: Comparar o quociente intelectual (QI) em três grupos de crianças com epilepsia: 1) controlados com medicação, 2) não controlados com medicação e 3) controlados com cirurgia. MÉTODOS: Noventa e oito pacientes pediátricos, com idades entre 6 e 12 anos, foram selecionados de dezembro de 2007 a julho de 2008. A Escala de Inteligência Wechsler para Crianças - terceira edição (WISC-III) foi utilizada para a avaliação neuropsicológica dos pacientes. Os resultados foram relacionados com a s...

  16. Webs and posets

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dukes, M.; Gardi, E.; McAslan, H.; Scott, D.J.; White, C.D.


    The non-Abelian exponentiation theorem has recently been generalised to correlators of multiple Wilson line operators. The perturbative expansions of these correlators exponentiate in terms of sets of diagrams called webs, which together give rise to colour factors corresponding to connected graphs. The colour and kinematic degrees of freedom of individual diagrams in a web are entangled by mixing matrices of purely combinatorial origin. In this paper we relate the combinatorial study of these matrices to properties of partially ordered sets (posets), and hence obtain explicit solutions for certain families of web-mixing matrix, at arbitrary order in perturbation theory. We also provide a general expression for the rank of a general class of mixing matrices, which governs the number of independent colour factors arising from such webs. Finally, we use the poset language to examine a previously conjectured sum rule for the columns of web-mixing matrices which governs the cancellation of the leading subdivergences between diagrams in the web. Our results, when combined with parallel developments in the evaluation of kinematic integrals, offer new insights into the all-order structure of infrared singularities in non-Abelian gauge theories

  17. Advanced Techniques in Web Intelligence-2 Web User Browsing Behaviour and Preference Analysis

    CERN Document Server

    Palade, Vasile; Jain, Lakhmi


    This research volume focuses on analyzing the web user browsing behaviour and preferences in traditional web-based environments, social  networks and web 2.0 applications,  by using advanced  techniques in data acquisition, data processing, pattern extraction and  cognitive science for modeling the human actions.  The book is directed to  graduate students, researchers/scientists and engineers  interested in updating their knowledge with the recent trends in web user analysis, for developing the next generation of web-based systems and applications.

  18. Moving toward a universally accessible web: Web accessibility and education. (United States)

    Kurt, Serhat


    The World Wide Web is an extremely powerful source of information, inspiration, ideas, and opportunities. As such, it has become an integral part of daily life for a great majority of people. Yet, for a significant number of others, the internet offers only limited value due to the existence of barriers which make accessing the Web difficult, if not impossible. This article illustrates some of the reasons that achieving equality of access to the online world of education is so critical, explores the current status of Web accessibility, discusses evaluative tools and methods that can help identify accessibility issues in educational websites, and provides practical recommendations and guidelines for resolving some of the obstacles that currently hinder the achievability of the goal of universal Web access.

  19. A demanding web-based PACS supported by web services technology (United States)

    Costa, Carlos M. A.; Silva, Augusto; Oliveira, José L.; Ribeiro, Vasco G.; Ribeiro, José


    During the last years, the ubiquity of web interfaces have pushed practically all PACS suppliers to develop client applications in which clinical practitioners can receive and analyze medical images, using conventional personal computers and Web browsers. However, due to security and performance issues, the utilization of these software packages has been restricted to Intranets. Paradigmatically, one of the most important advantages of digital image systems is to simplify the widespread sharing and remote access of medical data between healthcare institutions. This paper analyses the traditional PACS drawbacks that contribute to their reduced usage in the Internet and describes a PACS based on Web Services technology that supports a customized DICOM encoding syntax and a specific compression scheme providing all historical patient data in a unique Web interface.

  20. BOWS (bioinformatics open web services) to centralize bioinformatics tools in web services. (United States)

    Velloso, Henrique; Vialle, Ricardo A; Ortega, J Miguel


    Bioinformaticians face a range of difficulties to get locally-installed tools running and producing results; they would greatly benefit from a system that could centralize most of the tools, using an easy interface for input and output. Web services, due to their universal nature and widely known interface, constitute a very good option to achieve this goal. Bioinformatics open web services (BOWS) is a system based on generic web services produced to allow programmatic access to applications running on high-performance computing (HPC) clusters. BOWS intermediates the access to registered tools by providing front-end and back-end web services. Programmers can install applications in HPC clusters in any programming language and use the back-end service to check for new jobs and their parameters, and then to send the results to BOWS. Programs running in simple computers consume the BOWS front-end service to submit new processes and read results. BOWS compiles Java clients, which encapsulate the front-end web service requisitions, and automatically creates a web page that disposes the registered applications and clients. Bioinformatics open web services registered applications can be accessed from virtually any programming language through web services, or using standard java clients. The back-end can run in HPC clusters, allowing bioinformaticians to remotely run high-processing demand applications directly from their machines.

  1. Web Security, Privacy & Commerce

    CERN Document Server

    Garfinkel, Simson


    Since the first edition of this classic reference was published, World Wide Web use has exploded and e-commerce has become a daily part of business and personal life. As Web use has grown, so have the threats to our security and privacy--from credit card fraud to routine invasions of privacy by marketers to web site defacements to attacks that shut down popular web sites. Web Security, Privacy & Commerce goes behind the headlines, examines the major security risks facing us today, and explains how we can minimize them. It describes risks for Windows and Unix, Microsoft Internet Exp

  2. Funnel-web spider bite (United States)

    ... page: // Funnel-web spider bite To use the sharing features on ... the effects of a bite from the funnel-web spider. Male funnel-web spiders are more poisonous ...



    Fırlar, Belma; Okat Özdem, Özen


    As in the literature, the researchs about web site efficiency are mostly about site context. The analysis about function are mostly superficial. Whereas, controlling every little part of a web site respective is a necessity to show its efficiency. Here in this context in the study of perception and response event web sites that play an important role in visual design criteria are below the lens as featured and the web sites evaulated by heuristic evaluation method.The research focus of this s...

  4. Web Apollo: a web-based genomic annotation editing platform. (United States)

    Lee, Eduardo; Helt, Gregg A; Reese, Justin T; Munoz-Torres, Monica C; Childers, Chris P; Buels, Robert M; Stein, Lincoln; Holmes, Ian H; Elsik, Christine G; Lewis, Suzanna E


    Web Apollo is the first instantaneous, collaborative genomic annotation editor available on the web. One of the natural consequences following from current advances in sequencing technology is that there are more and more researchers sequencing new genomes. These researchers require tools to describe the functional features of their newly sequenced genomes. With Web Apollo researchers can use any of the common browsers (for example, Chrome or Firefox) to jointly analyze and precisely describe the features of a genome in real time, whether they are in the same room or working from opposite sides of the world.

  5. Uma abordagem sistêmica do processo de produção em engenharia web, na fase de concepção

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rodrigo Franco Gonçalves


    Full Text Available Resumo A produção de aplicações Web apresenta problemas de baixa qualidade nas aplicações desenvolvidas, não cumprimento de prazo e orçamento, e desenvolvimento ad hoc, caótico e desestruturado. Acrescente-se que diferentes disciplinas e áreas do conhecimento, com abordagens e metodologias próprias, estão envolvidas com esse tipo de produção. Uma área do conhecimento denominada Engenharia Web foi criada para enfocar estas questões; entretanto, ainda não está consolidada. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar diretrizes para a definição do processo de produção de aplicações Web, a partir de uma abordagem sistêmica, na qual as diferentes disciplinas, os papéis e as atividades são correlacionados na fase de concepção do projeto. Como método de pesquisa, são utilizados três estudos de caso e duas pesquisas-ação, nos quais diferentes situações particulares são analisadas para a formação de um modelo teórico. O trabalho identifica um espaço de projeto formado pelas dimensões Forma, Função, Informação e Tecnologia, relacionadas às principais disciplinas envolvidas na produção de aplicações Web: Design, Engenharia de Software, Comunicação e Mídia. Conclui-se que, em função do padrão de projeto utilizado, existe um enfoque mais adequado para o processo de produção, orientado por uma ou mais dimensões do espaço de projeto, que permite ao projeto evoluir mais rapidamente a um nível esperado de qualidade.

  6. Teaching Web 2.0 technologies using Web 2.0 technologies. (United States)

    Rethlefsen, Melissa L; Piorun, Mary; Prince, J Dale


    The research evaluated participant satisfaction with the content and format of the "Web 2.0 101: Introduction to Second Generation Web Tools" course and measured the impact of the course on participants' self-evaluated knowledge of Web 2.0 tools. The "Web 2.0 101" online course was based loosely on the Learning 2.0 model. Content was provided through a course blog and covered a wide range of Web 2.0 tools. All Medical Library Association members were invited to participate. Participants were asked to complete a post-course survey. Respondents who completed the entire course or who completed part of the course self-evaluated their knowledge of nine social software tools and concepts prior to and after the course using a Likert scale. Additional qualitative information about course strengths and weaknesses was also gathered. Respondents' self-ratings showed a significant change in perceived knowledge for each tool, using a matched pair Wilcoxon signed rank analysis (P<0.0001 for each tool/concept). Overall satisfaction with the course appeared high. Hands-on exercises were the most frequently identified strength of the course; the length and time-consuming nature of the course were considered weaknesses by some. Learning 2.0-style courses, though demanding time and self-motivation from participants, can increase knowledge of Web 2.0 tools.

  7. The two putative comS homologs of the biotechnologically important Bacillus licheniformis do not contribute to competence development. (United States)

    Jakobs, Mareike; Hoffmann, Kerstin; Liesegang, Heiko; Volland, Sonja; Meinhardt, Friedhelm


    In Bacillus subtilis, natural genetic competence is subject to complex genetic regulation and quorum sensing dependent. Upon extracellular accumulation of the peptide-pheromone ComX, the membrane-bound sensor histidine kinase ComP initiates diverse signaling pathways by activating-among others-DegQ and ComS. While DegQ favors the expression of extracellular enzymes rather than competence development, ComS is crucial for competence development as it prevents proteolytic degradation of ComK, the key transcriptional activator of all genes required for the uptake and integration of DNA. In Bacillus licheniformis, ComX/ComP sensed cell density negatively influences competence development, suggesting differences from the quorum-sensing-dependent control mechanism in Bacillus subtilis. Here, we show that each of six investigated strains possesses both of two different, recently identified putative comS genes. When expressed from an inducible promoter, none of the comS candidate genes displayed an impact on competence development neither in B. subtilis nor in B. licheniformis. Moreover, disruption of the genes did not reduce transformation efficiency. While the putative comS homologs do not contribute to competence development, we provide evidence that the degQ gene as for B. subtilis negatively influences genetic competency in B. licheniformis.

  8. Uses and Gratifications of the World Wide Web: From Couch Potato to Web Potato. (United States)

    Kaye, Barbara K.


    Investigates uses and gratifications of the World Wide Web and its impact on traditional mass media, especially television. Identifies six Web use motivations: entertainment, social interaction, passing of time, escape, information, and Web site preference. Examines relationships between each use motivation and Web affinity, perceived realism, and…

  9. The RCSB Protein Data Bank: redesigned web site and web services. (United States)

    Rose, Peter W; Beran, Bojan; Bi, Chunxiao; Bluhm, Wolfgang F; Dimitropoulos, Dimitris; Goodsell, David S; Prlic, Andreas; Quesada, Martha; Quinn, Gregory B; Westbrook, John D; Young, Jasmine; Yukich, Benjamin; Zardecki, Christine; Berman, Helen M; Bourne, Philip E


    The RCSB Protein Data Bank (RCSB PDB) web site ( has been redesigned to increase usability and to cater to a larger and more diverse user base. This article describes key enhancements and new features that fall into the following categories: (i) query and analysis tools for chemical structure searching, query refinement, tabulation and export of query results; (ii) web site customization and new structure alerts; (iii) pair-wise and representative protein structure alignments; (iv) visualization of large assemblies; (v) integration of structural data with the open access literature and binding affinity data; and (vi) web services and web widgets to facilitate integration of PDB data and tools with other resources. These improvements enable a range of new possibilities to analyze and understand structure data. The next generation of the RCSB PDB web site, as described here, provides a rich resource for research and education.

  10. WebQuests in special primary education: Learning in a web-based environment

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kleemans, M.A.J.; Segers, P.C.J.; Droop, W.; Wentink, W.M.J.


    The present study investigated the differences in learning gain when performing a WebQuest with a well-defined versus an ill-defined assignment. Twenty boys and twenty girls (mean age 11; 10), attending a special primary education school, performed two WebQuests. In each WebQuest, they performed

  11. Web life: (United States)


    The site's homepage calls it "a repository of ideas and perspectives regarding the science, engineering and philosophy of complexity", and it pretty much does what it says on the tin. Part blog, part links archive, part library of modelling tips and tricks, the site is chock full of information that comes under the general heading of "complexity".

  12. Web Science emerges


    Shadbolt, Nigel; Berners-Lee, Tim


    The relentless rise in Web pages and links is creating emergent properties, from social networks to virtual identity theft, that are transforming society. A new discipline, Web Science, aims to discover how Web traits arise and how they can be harnessed or held in check to benefit society. Important advances are beginning to be made; more work can solve major issues such as securing privacy and conveying trust.

  13. Web Accessibility and Guidelines (United States)

    Harper, Simon; Yesilada, Yeliz

    Access to, and movement around, complex online environments, of which the World Wide Web (Web) is the most popular example, has long been considered an important and major issue in the Web design and usability field. The commonly used slang phrase ‘surfing the Web’ implies rapid and free access, pointing to its importance among designers and users alike. It has also been long established that this potentially complex and difficult access is further complicated, and becomes neither rapid nor free, if the user is disabled. There are millions of people who have disabilities that affect their use of the Web. Web accessibility aims to help these people to perceive, understand, navigate, and interact with, as well as contribute to, the Web, and thereby the society in general. This accessibility is, in part, facilitated by the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) currently moving from version one to two. These guidelines are intended to encourage designers to make sure their sites conform to specifications, and in that conformance enable the assistive technologies of disabled users to better interact with the page content. In this way, it was hoped that accessibility could be supported. While this is in part true, guidelines do not solve all problems and the new WCAG version two guidelines are surrounded by controversy and intrigue. This chapter aims to establish the published literature related to Web accessibility and Web accessibility guidelines, and discuss limitations of the current guidelines and future directions.

  14. WebViz: A web browser based application for collaborative analysis of 3D data (United States)

    Ruegg, C. S.


    In the age of high speed Internet where people can interact instantly, scientific tools have lacked technology which can incorporate this concept of communication using the web. To solve this issue a web application for geological studies has been created, tentatively titled WebViz. This web application utilizes tools provided by Google Web Toolkit to create an AJAX web application capable of features found in non web based software. Using these tools, a web application can be created to act as piece of software from anywhere in the globe with a reasonably speedy Internet connection. An application of this technology can be seen with data regarding the recent tsunami from the major japan earthquakes. After constructing the appropriate data to fit a computer render software called HVR, WebViz can request images of the tsunami data and display it to anyone who has access to the application. This convenience alone makes WebViz a viable solution, but the option to interact with this data with others around the world causes WebViz to be taken as a serious computational tool. WebViz also can be used on any javascript enabled browser such as those found on modern tablets and smart phones over a fast wireless connection. Due to the fact that WebViz's current state is built using Google Web Toolkit the portability of the application is in it's most efficient form. Though many developers have been involved with the project, each person has contributed to increase the usability and speed of the application. In the project's most recent form a dramatic speed increase has been designed as well as a more efficient user interface. The speed increase has been informally noticed in recent uses of the application in China and Australia with the hosting server being located at the University of Minnesota. The user interface has been improved to not only look better but the functionality has been improved. Major functions of the application are rotating the 3D object using buttons

  15. Web thickness determines the therapeutic effect of endoscopic keel placement on anterior glottic web. (United States)

    Chen, Jian; Shi, Fang; Chen, Min; Yang, Yue; Cheng, Lei; Wu, Haitao


    This work is a retrospective analysis to investigate the critical risk factor for the therapeutic effect of endoscopic keel placement on anterior glottic web. Altogether, 36 patients with anterior glottic web undergoing endoscopic lysis and silicone keel placement were enrolled. Their voice qualities were evaluated using the voice handicap index-10 (VHI-10) questionnaire, and improved significantly 3 months after surgery (21.53 ± 3.89 vs 9.81 ± 6.68, P web recurrence during the at least 1-year follow-up. Therefore, patients were classified according to the Cohen classification or web thickness, and the recurrence rates were compared. The distribution of recurrence rates for Cohen type 1 ~ 4 were 28.6, 16.7, 33.3, and 40%, respectively. The difference was not statistically significant (P = 0.461). When classified by web thickness, only 2 of 27 (7.41%) thin type cases relapsed whereas 8 of 9 (88.9%) cases in the thick group reformed webs (P web thickness rather than the Cohen grades. Endoscopic lysis and keel placement is only effective for cases with thin glottic webs. Patients with thick webs should be treated by other means.

  16. Web cache location

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Boffey Brian


    Full Text Available Stress placed on network infrastructure by the popularity of the World Wide Web may be partially relieved by keeping multiple copies of Web documents at geographically dispersed locations. In particular, use of proxy caches and replication provide a means of storing information 'nearer to end users'. This paper concentrates on the locational aspects of Web caching giving both an overview, from an operational research point of view, of existing research and putting forward avenues for possible further research. This area of research is in its infancy and the emphasis will be on themes and trends rather than on algorithm construction. Finally, Web caching problems are briefly related to referral systems more generally.

  17. Guia de tomada de decisão em cardiopatias congênitas em página Web na Internet: modelo Atresia Tricúspide Guidelines to decision - making in congenital heart disease on the WEB interface: Tricuspid Atresia model

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ruy Guilherme Rodrigues CAL


    Full Text Available Estimulada pelo desafio de gerenciar toda a informação envolvida na formação do conhecimento na área de saúde, a Informática Médica desenvolveu-se em larga escala em todos os países. O recente sucesso da rede Internet como veículo de distribuição de informação incentiva a elaboração de programas médicos para utilização através dessa rede. A elaboração de um programa de apoio à decisão - para cardiopatias congênitas em forma de documento em hipertexto de World-Wide Web - apresentado pela Internet possibilitaria o aproveitamento das características de processamento e armazenamento distribuído dessa rede. Este projeto teve como objetivos: criar um modelo de guia de tomada de decisão em cirurgia cardíaca pediátrica usando como base a Atresia Tricúspide; avaliar o grau de complexidade da criação deste modelo e os benefícios pelo emprego de interface em página WEB; testar sua validação com os casos de 16 pacientes tratados na Universidade Federal de São Paulo, no período de 1980 a março de 1997. Com a utilização de hardware adequado e da linguagem de programação HTML, o programa foi desenvolvido com a utilização de 7 telas de fluxograma, conjunto de textos e 37 ilustrações. Durante a elaboração deste modelo foi possível constatar a possibilidade de fácil desenvolvimento e rápida atualização. O resultado da validação mostrou concordância significativa (91,66% com as indicações cirúrgicas realizadas pelos especialistas, na Universidade Federal de São Paulo.Stimulated by the challenge of updating and organizing all the information acquired in the health field, computer medicine has developed on a wide global scale. The recent success of the Internet for distribution of information has created a need for the production and distribution of medical programs for use via this network. The creation of a decision-making program through the World Wide Web for congenital heart diseases could provide

  18. Reactivity on the Web


    Bailey, James; Bry, François; Eckert, Michael; Patrânjan, Paula Lavinia


    Reactivity, the ability to detect simple and composite events and respond in a timely manner, is an essential requirement in many present-day information systems. With the emergence of new, dynamic Web applications, reactivity on the Web is receiving increasing attention. Reactive Web-based systems need to detect and react not only to simple events but also to complex, real-life situations. This paper introduces XChange, a language for programming reactive behaviour on the Web,...

  19. − a novel web-based audience response system for higher education. A pilot study to evaluate user acceptance (United States)

    Kühbeck, Felizian; Engelhardt, Stefan; Sarikas, Antonio


    Background and aim: Audience response (AR) systems are increasingly used in undergraduate medical education. However, high costs and complexity of conventional AR systems often limit their use. Here we present a novel AR system that is platform independent and does not require hardware clickers or additional software to be installed. Methods and results: “OnlineTED” was developed at Technische Universität München (TUM) based on Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) with a My Structured Query Language (MySQL)-database as server- and Javascript as client-side programming languages. “OnlineTED” enables lecturers to create and manage question sets online and start polls in-class via a web-browser. Students can participate in the polls with any internet-enabled device (smartphones, tablet-PCs or laptops). A paper-based survey was conducted with undergraduate medical students and lecturers at TUM to compare "OnlineTED" with conventional AR systems using clickers. "OnlineTED" received above-average evaluation results by both students and lecturers at TUM and was seen on par or superior to conventional AR systems. The survey results indicated that up to 80% of students at TUM own an internet-enabled device (smartphone or tablet-PC) for participation in web-based AR technologies. Summary and Conclusion: “OnlineTED” is a novel web-based and platform-independent AR system for higher education that was well received by students and lecturers. As a non-commercial alternative to conventional AR systems it may foster interactive teaching in undergraduate education, in particular with large audiences. PMID:24575156

  20. − a novel web-based audience response system for higher education. A pilot study to evaluate user acceptance

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kühbeck, Felizian


    Full Text Available [english] Background and aim: Audience response (AR systems are increasingly used in undergraduate medical education. However, high costs and complexity of conventional AR systems often limit their use. Here we present a novel AR system that is platform independent and does not require hardware clickers or additional software to be installed.Methods and results: “OnlineTED” was developed at Technische Universität München (TUM based on Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP with a My Structured Query Language (MySQL-database as server- and Javascript as client-side programming languages. “OnlineTED” enables lecturers to create and manage question sets online and start polls in-class via a web-browser. Students can participate in the polls with any internet-enabled device (smartphones, tablet-PCs or laptops. A paper-based survey was conducted with undergraduate medical students and lecturers at TUM to compare "OnlineTED" with conventional AR systems using clickers. "OnlineTED" received above-average evaluation results by both students and lecturers at TUM and was seen on par or superior to conventional AR systems. The survey results indicated that up to 80% of students at TUM own an internet-enabled device (smartphone or tablet-PC for participation in web-based AR technologies.Summary and Conclusion: “OnlineTED” is a novel web-based and platform-independent AR system for higher education that was well received by students and lecturers. As a non-commercial alternative to conventional AR systems it may foster interactive teaching in undergraduate education, in particular with large audiences.

  1. Semantic Web status model

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Gerber, AJ


    Full Text Available Semantic Web application areas are experiencing intensified interest due to the rapid growth in the use of the Web, together with the innovation and renovation of information content technologies. The Semantic Web is regarded as an integrator across...

  2. Your Life in Web Apps

    CERN Document Server

    Turnbull, Giles


    What is a web app? It's software that you use right in your web browser. Rather than installing an application on your computer, you visit a web site and sign up as a new user of its software. Instead of storing your files on your own hard disk, the web app stores them for you, online. Is it possible to switch entirely to web apps? To run nothing but a browser for an entire day? In this PDF we'll take you through one day in the life of a web apps-only user and chronicle the pros and cons of living by browser. And if the idea of switching, fully or partially, to web apps sounds appealing to

  3. Web 25

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    the reader on an exciting time travel journey to learn more about the prehistory of the hyperlink, the birth of the Web, the spread of the early Web, and the Web’s introduction to the general public in mainstream media. Fur- thermore, case studies of blogs, literature, and traditional media going online...

  4. An open annotation ontology for science on web 3.0. (United States)

    Ciccarese, Paolo; Ocana, Marco; Garcia Castro, Leyla Jael; Das, Sudeshna; Clark, Tim


    There is currently a gap between the rich and expressive collection of published biomedical ontologies, and the natural language expression of biomedical papers consumed on a daily basis by scientific researchers. The purpose of this paper is to provide an open, shareable structure for dynamic integration of biomedical domain ontologies with the scientific document, in the form of an Annotation Ontology (AO), thus closing this gap and enabling application of formal biomedical ontologies directly to the literature as it emerges. Initial requirements for AO were elicited by analysis of integration needs between biomedical web communities, and of needs for representing and integrating results of biomedical text mining. Analysis of strengths and weaknesses of previous efforts in this area was also performed. A series of increasingly refined annotation tools were then developed along with a metadata model in OWL, and deployed for feedback and additional requirements the ontology to users at a major pharmaceutical company and a major academic center. Further requirements and critiques of the model were also elicited through discussions with many colleagues and incorporated into the work. This paper presents Annotation Ontology (AO), an open ontology in OWL-DL for annotating scientific documents on the web. AO supports both human and algorithmic content annotation. It enables "stand-off" or independent metadata anchored to specific positions in a web document by any one of several methods. In AO, the document may be annotated but is not required to be under update control of the annotator. AO contains a provenance model to support versioning, and a set model for specifying groups and containers of annotation. AO is freely available under open source license at, and extensive documentation including screencasts is available on AO's Google Code page: . The Annotation Ontology meets critical requirements for

  5. Survey of Techniques for Deep Web Source Selection and Surfacing the Hidden Web Content


    Khushboo Khurana; M.B. Chandak


    Large and continuously growing dynamic web content has created new opportunities for large-scale data analysis in the recent years. There is huge amount of information that the traditional web crawlers cannot access, since they use link analysis technique by which only the surface web can be accessed. Traditional search engine crawlers require the web pages to be linked to other pages via hyperlinks causing large amount of web data to be hidden from the crawlers. Enormous data is available in...

  6. Publication and Retrieval of Computational Chemical-Physical Data Via the Semantic Web. Final Technical Report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ostlund, Neil [Chemical Semantics, Inc., Gainesville, FL (United States)


    This research showed the feasibility of applying the concepts of the Semantic Web to Computation Chemistry. We have created the first web portal ( that allows data created in the calculations of quantum chemistry, and other such chemistry calculations to be placed on the web in a way that makes the data accessible to scientists in a semantic form never before possible. The semantic web nature of the portal allows data to be searched, found, and used as an advance over the usual approach of a relational database. The semantic data on our portal has the nature of a Giant Global Graph (GGG) that can be easily merged with related data and searched globally via a SPARQL Protocol and RDF Query Language (SPARQL) that makes global searches for data easier than with traditional methods. Our Semantic Web Portal requires that the data be understood by a computer and hence defined by an ontology (vocabulary). This ontology is used by the computer in understanding the data. We have created such an ontology for computational chemistry ( that encapsulates a broad knowledge of the field of computational chemistry. We refer to this ontology as the Gainesville Core. While it is perhaps the first ontology for computational chemistry and is used by our portal, it is only a start of what must be a long multi-partner effort to define computational chemistry. In conjunction with the above efforts we have defined a new potential file standard (Common Standard for eXchange – CSX for computational chemistry data). This CSX file is the precursor of data in the Resource Description Framework (RDF) form that the semantic web requires. Our portal translates CSX files (as well as other computational chemistry data files) into RDF files that are part of the graph database that the semantic web employs. We propose a CSX file as a convenient way to encapsulate computational chemistry data.

  7. Web 1.0 to Web 3.0 Evolution: Reviewing the Impacts on Tourism Development and Opportunities (United States)

    Eftekhari, M. Hossein; Barzegar, Zeynab; Isaai, M. T.

    The most important event following the establishmenet of the Internet network was the Web introduced by Tim Berners-Lee. Websites give their owners features that allow sharing with which they can publish their content with users and visitors. In the last 5 years, we have seen some changes in the use of web. Users want to participate in content sharing and they like to interact with each other. This is known as Web 2.0. In the last year, Web 2.0 has reached maturity and now we need a smart web which will be accordingly be called Web 3.0. Web 3.0 is based on semantic web definition. Changing the way of using the web has had a clear impact on E-Tourism and its development and also on business models. In this paper, we review the definitions and describe the impacts of web evolution on E-Tourism.

  8. BioAssay templates for the semantic web

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alex M. Clark


    Full Text Available Annotation of bioassay protocols using semantic web vocabulary is a way to make experiment descriptions machine-readable. Protocols are communicated using concise scientific English, which precludes most kinds of analysis by software algorithms. Given the availability of a sufficiently expressive ontology, some or all of the pertinent information can be captured by asserting a series of facts, expressed as semantic web triples (subject, predicate, object. With appropriate annotation, assays can be searched, clustered, tagged and evaluated in a multitude of ways, analogous to other segments of drug discovery informatics. The BioAssay Ontology (BAO has been previously designed for this express purpose, and provides a layered hierarchy of meaningful terms which can be linked to. Currently the biggest challenge is the issue of content creation: scientists cannot be expected to use the BAO effectively without having access to software tools that make it straightforward to use the vocabulary in a canonical way. We have sought to remove this barrier by: (1 defining a BioAssay Template (BAT data model; (2 creating a software tool for experts to create or modify templates to suit their needs; and (3 designing a common assay template (CAT to leverage the most value from the BAO terms. The CAT was carefully assembled by biologists in order to find a balance between the maximum amount of information captured vs. low degrees of freedom in order to keep the user experience as simple as possible. The data format that we use for describing templates and corresponding annotations is the native format of the semantic web (RDF triples, and we demonstrate some of the ways that generated content can be meaningfully queried using the SPARQL language. We have made all of these materials available as open source (, in order to encourage community input and use within diverse projects, including but not limited to our own

  9. UV-POSIT: Web-Based Tools for Rapid and Facile Structural Interpretation of Ultraviolet Photodissociation (UVPD) Mass Spectra (United States)

    Rosenberg, Jake; Parker, W. Ryan; Cammarata, Michael B.; Brodbelt, Jennifer S.


    UV-POSIT (Ultraviolet Photodissociation Online Structure Interrogation Tools) is a suite of web-based tools designed to facilitate the rapid interpretation of data from native mass spectrometry experiments making use of 193 nm ultraviolet photodissociation (UVPD). The suite includes four separate utilities which assist in the calculation of fragment ion abundances as a function of backbone cleavage sites and sequence position; the localization of charge sites in intact proteins; the calculation of hydrogen elimination propensity for a-type fragment ions; and mass-offset searching of UVPD spectra to identify unknown modifications and assess false positive fragment identifications. UV-POSIT is implemented as a Python/Flask web application hosted at UV-POSIT is available under the MIT license, and the source code is available at [Figure not available: see fulltext.

  10. UV-POSIT: Web-Based Tools for Rapid and Facile Structural Interpretation of Ultraviolet Photodissociation (UVPD) Mass Spectra. (United States)

    Rosenberg, Jake; Parker, W Ryan; Cammarata, Michael B; Brodbelt, Jennifer S


    UV-POSIT (Ultraviolet Photodissociation Online Structure Interrogation Tools) is a suite of web-based tools designed to facilitate the rapid interpretation of data from native mass spectrometry experiments making use of 193 nm ultraviolet photodissociation (UVPD). The suite includes four separate utilities which assist in the calculation of fragment ion abundances as a function of backbone cleavage sites and sequence position; the localization of charge sites in intact proteins; the calculation of hydrogen elimination propensity for a-type fragment ions; and mass-offset searching of UVPD spectra to identify unknown modifications and assess false positive fragment identifications. UV-POSIT is implemented as a Python/Flask web application hosted at . UV-POSIT is available under the MIT license, and the source code is available at . Graphical Abstract.

  11. Working without a Crystal Ball: Predicting Web Trends for Web Services Librarians (United States)

    Ovadia, Steven


    User-centered design is a principle stating that electronic resources, like library Web sites, should be built around the needs of the users. This article interviews Web developers of library and non-library-related Web sites, determining how they assess user needs and how they decide to adapt certain technologies for users. According to the…

  12. Private Web Browsing

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Syverson, Paul F; Reed, Michael G; Goldschlag, David M


    .... These are both kept confidential from network elements as well as external observers. Private Web browsing is achieved by unmodified Web browsers using anonymous connections by means of HTTP proxies...

  13. Microsoft Expression Web for dummies

    CERN Document Server

    Hefferman, Linda


    Expression Web is Microsoft's newest tool for creating and maintaining dynamic Web sites. This FrontPage replacement offers all the simple ""what-you-see-is-what-you-get"" tools for creating a Web site along with some pumped up new features for working with Cascading Style Sheets and other design options. Microsoft Expression Web For Dummies arrives in time for early adopters to get a feel for how to build an attractive Web site. Author Linda Hefferman teams up with longtime FrontPage For Dummies author Asha Dornfest to show the easy way for first-time Web designers, FrontPage ve

  14. Pred-Skin: A Fast and Reliable Web Application to Assess Skin Sensitization Effect of Chemicals. (United States)

    Braga, Rodolpho C; Alves, Vinicius M; Muratov, Eugene N; Strickland, Judy; Kleinstreuer, Nicole; Trospsha, Alexander; Andrade, Carolina Horta


    Chemically induced skin sensitization is a complex immunological disease with a profound impact on quality of life and working ability. Despite some progress in developing alternative methods for assessing the skin sensitization potential of chemical substances, there is no in vitro test that correlates well with human data. Computational QSAR models provide a rapid screening approach and contribute valuable information for the assessment of chemical toxicity. We describe the development of a freely accessible web-based and mobile application for the identification of potential skin sensitizers. The application is based on previously developed binary QSAR models of skin sensitization potential from human (109 compounds) and murine local lymph node assay (LLNA, 515 compounds) data with good external correct classification rate (0.70-0.81 and 0.72-0.84, respectively). We also included a multiclass skin sensitization potency model based on LLNA data (accuracy ranging between 0.73 and 0.76). When a user evaluates a compound in the web app, the outputs are (i) binary predictions of human and murine skin sensitization potential; (ii) multiclass prediction of murine skin sensitization; and (iii) probability maps illustrating the predicted contribution of chemical fragments. The app is the first tool available that incorporates quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) models based on human data as well as multiclass models for LLNA. The Pred-Skin web app version 1.0 is freely available for the web, iOS, and Android (in development) at the LabMol web portal ( ), in the Apple Store, and on Google Play, respectively. We will continuously update the app as new skin sensitization data and respective models become available.



    Karan Singh*, Anil kumar, Arun Kumar Yadav


    The combination of the two fast evolving scientific research areas “Semantic Web” and “Web Mining” are well-known as “Semantic Web Mining” in computer science. These two areas cover way for the mining of related and meaningful information from the web, by this means giving growth to the term “Semantic Web Mining”. The “Semantic Web” makes mining easy and “Web Mining” can construct new structure of Web. Web Mining applies Data Mining technique on web content, Structure and Usage. This paper gi...

  16. WebQuests in Special Primary Education: Learning in a Web-Based Environment (United States)

    Kleemans, Tijs; Segers, Eliane; Droop, Mienke; Wentink, Hanneke


    The present study investigated the differences in learning gain when performing a WebQuest with a well-defined versus an ill-defined assignment. Twenty boys and twenty girls (mean age 11; 10), attending a special primary education school, performed two WebQuests. In each WebQuest, they performed either a well-defined or an ill-defined assignment.…

  17. TMFoldWeb: a web server for predicting transmembrane protein fold class. (United States)

    Kozma, Dániel; Tusnády, Gábor E


    Here we present TMFoldWeb, the web server implementation of TMFoldRec, a transmembrane protein fold recognition algorithm. TMFoldRec uses statistical potentials and utilizes topology filtering and a gapless threading algorithm. It ranks template structures and selects the most likely candidates and estimates the reliability of the obtained lowest energy model. The statistical potential was developed in a maximum likelihood framework on a representative set of the PDBTM database. According to the benchmark test the performance of TMFoldRec is about 77 % in correctly predicting fold class for a given transmembrane protein sequence. An intuitive web interface has been developed for the recently published TMFoldRec algorithm. The query sequence goes through a pipeline of topology prediction and a systematic sequence to structure alignment (threading). Resulting templates are ordered by energy and reliability values and are colored according to their significance level. Besides the graphical interface, a programmatic access is available as well, via a direct interface for developers or for submitting genome-wide data sets. The TMFoldWeb web server is unique and currently the only web server that is able to predict the fold class of transmembrane proteins while assigning reliability scores for the prediction. This method is prepared for genome-wide analysis with its easy-to-use interface, informative result page and programmatic access. Considering the info-communication evolution in the last few years, the developed web server, as well as the molecule viewer, is responsive and fully compatible with the prevalent tablets and mobile devices.

  18. Measurment of Web Usability: Web Page of Hacettepe University Department of Information Management


    Nazan Özenç Uçak; Tolga Çakmak


    Today, information is produced increasingly in electronic form and retrieval of information is provided via web pages. As a result of the rise of the number of web pages, many of them seem to comprise similar contents but different designs. In this respect, presenting information over the web pages according to user expectations and specifications is important in terms of effective usage of information. This study provides an insight about web usability studies that are executed for measuring...

  19. Estudo comparativo do resfriamento de laranja valência com ar forçado e com água


    Teruel,Bárbara; Cortez,Luís; Neves Filho,Lincoln


    Este trabalho apresenta um estudo para comparar o resfriamento rápido de laranja Valência (Citrus sinensis O.), com ar forçado e com água gelada. O sistema de resfriamento rápido com ar forçado operou com um fluxo de ar de 1.933m³/h (3 l/s por kg de produto resfriado), a uma temperatura de 1ºC e UR=88,4 ± 2,0%, com uma velocidade do ar em torno de 1m/s. Nos experimentos com água gelada foi utilizado um sistema de imersão, com uma capacidade de 0,23m³ de água a uma temperatura de aproximadamen...

  20. EPA Web Taxonomy (United States)

    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency — EPA's Web Taxonomy is a faceted hierarchical vocabulary used to tag web pages with terms from a controlled vocabulary. Tagging enables search and discovery of EPA's...

  1. Alergia ao leite de vaca: achados do ultrassom com Doppler colorido em neonatos com hematoquezia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Matias Epifanio


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: o ultrassom (US tem sido uma importante ferramenta de diagnóstico para identificar várias causas de hemorragia gastrointestinal. Neonatos com alergia ao leite de vaca (ALV podem apresentar hematoquezia, e a confirmação do diagnóstico pode ser difícil. O objetivo deste estudo é descrever achados com ultrassom em escala de cinza e com Doppler colorido em pacientes com ALV. MÉTODOS: estudamos, retrospectivamente, 13 neonatos com ALV. Todos eles apresentaram hematoquezia severa e dor abdominal e foram submetidos a um estudo com US, com o diagnóstico de colite alérgica. O diagnóstico teve como base os achados clínicos, a recuperação após a dieta de exclusão do neonato ou da mãe, no caso de amamentação exclusiva, e o teste de provocação oral positivo. RESULTADOS: a idade média variou de um a seis meses (média = 3,53. Sete dos 13 neonatos (53,8% passaram novamente por ultrassonografia em escala de cinza e com Doppler colorido após a dieta de exclusão. Dentre eles, 12 dos 13 (92,3% mostraram anormalidades no US e no ultrassom com Doppler colorido (USDC no início. Os achados positivos que sugeriram colite foram paredes intestinais espessas e aumento na vascularização, principalmente no cólon descendente e sigmoide. Os resultados da colonoscopia e histopatológicos foram compatíveis com colite alérgica. Após uma mudança na dieta, os 13 neonatos se recuperaram e seus testes de provocação oral foram positivos. CONCLUSÃO: o US com Doppler pode ser muito útil para diagnosticar a colite secundária, como a ALV, e para excluir várias outras doenças abdominais que podem imitar essa doença.

  2. Web Platform for Sharing Spatial Data and Manipulating Them Online (United States)

    Bachelet, Dominique; Comendant, Tosha; Strittholt, Jim


    To fill the need for readily accessible conservation-relevant spatial data sets, the Conservation Biology Institute (CBI) launched in 2010 a Web-based platform called Data Basin ( It is the first custom application of ArcGIS technology, which provides Web access to free maps and imagery using the most current version of Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI; geographic information system (GIS) software, and its core functionality is being made freely available. Data Basin includes spatial data sets (Arc format shapefiles and grids, or layer packages) that can be biological (e.g., prairie dog range), physical (e.g., average summer temperature, 1950-2000), or socioeconomic (e.g., locations of Alaska oil and gas wells); based on observations as well as on simulation results; and of local to global relevance. They can be uploaded, downloaded, or simply visualized. Maps (overlays of multiple data sets) can be created and customized (e.g., western Massachusetts protected areas, time series of the Deep Water Horizon oil spill). Galleries are folders containing data sets and maps focusing on a theme (e.g., sea level rise projections for the Pacific Northwest region from the National Wildlife Federation, soil data sets for the conterminous United States).

  3. Análisis y medición de calidad y accesibilidad de páginas web públicas con énfasis en orientación inclusiva


    Ingavélez Guerra, Paola Cristina


    El desarrollo de páginas web en nuestro país se ha constituido en una forma de publicidad moderna, que responde a la búsqueda de mayores mercados y clientes potenciales. La constante velocidad de la tecnología y su interacción, no permite espacios de reflexión sobre la igualdad de oportunidades para todas las personas en este aspecto, pues cada uno busca terminar un producto y que sea atractivo para el común denominador. Es así como nos vemos sumergidos en muchas páginas web agradables a la v...

  4. WebTag: Web browsing into sensor tags over NFC. (United States)

    Echevarria, Juan Jose; Ruiz-de-Garibay, Jonathan; Legarda, Jon; Alvarez, Maite; Ayerbe, Ana; Vazquez, Juan Ignacio


    Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) continue to overcome many of the challenges related to wireless sensor monitoring, such as for example the design of smarter embedded processors, the improvement of the network architectures, the development of efficient communication protocols or the maximization of the life cycle autonomy. This work tries to improve the communication link of the data transmission in wireless sensor monitoring. The upstream communication link is usually based on standard IP technologies, but the downstream side is always masked with the proprietary protocols used for the wireless link (like ZigBee, Bluetooth, RFID, etc.). This work presents a novel solution (WebTag) for a direct IP based access to a sensor tag over the Near Field Communication (NFC) technology for secure applications. WebTag allows a direct web access to the sensor tag by means of a standard web browser, it reads the sensor data, configures the sampling rate and implements IP based security policies. It is, definitely, a new step towards the evolution of the Internet of Things paradigm.

  5. From Web accessibility to Web adaptability. (United States)

    Kelly, Brian; Nevile, Liddy; Sloan, David; Fanou, Sotiris; Ellison, Ruth; Herrod, Lisa


    This article asserts that current approaches to enhance the accessibility of Web resources fail to provide a solid foundation for the development of a robust and future-proofed framework. In particular, they fail to take advantage of new technologies and technological practices. The article introduces a framework for Web adaptability, which encourages the development of Web-based services that can be resilient to the diversity of uses of such services, the target audience, available resources, technical innovations, organisational policies and relevant definitions of 'accessibility'. The article refers to a series of author-focussed approaches to accessibility through which the authors and others have struggled to find ways to promote accessibility for people with disabilities. These approaches depend upon the resource author's determination of the anticipated users' needs and their provision. Through approaches labelled as 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0, the authors have widened their focus to account for contexts and individual differences in target audiences. Now, the authors want to recognise the role of users in determining their engagement with resources (including services). To distinguish this new approach, the term 'adaptability' has been used to replace 'accessibility'; new definitions of accessibility have been adopted, and the authors have reviewed their previous work to clarify how it is relevant to the new approach. Accessibility 1.0 is here characterised as a technical approach in which authors are told how to construct resources for a broadly defined audience. This is known as universal design. Accessibility 2.0 was introduced to point to the need to account for the context in which resources would be used, to help overcome inadequacies identified in the purely technical approach. Accessibility 3.0 moved the focus on users from a homogenised universal definition to recognition of the idiosyncratic needs and preferences of individuals and to cater for them. All of

  6. Web-based interventions in nursing. (United States)

    Im, Eun-Ok; Chang, Sun Ju


    With recent advances in computer and Internet technologies and high funding priority on technological aspects of nursing research, researchers at the field level began to develop, use, and test various types of Web-based interventions. Despite high potential impacts of Web-based interventions, little is still known about Web-based interventions in nursing. In this article, to identify strengths and weaknesses of Web-based nursing interventions, a literature review was conducted using multiple databases with combined keywords of "online," "Internet" or "Web," "intervention," and "nursing." A total of 95 articles were retrieved through the databases and sorted by research topics. These articles were then analyzed to identify strengths and weaknesses of Web-based interventions in nursing. A strength of the Web-based interventions was their coverage of various content areas. In addition, many of them were theory-driven. They had advantages in their flexibility and comfort. They could provide consistency in interventions and require less cost in the intervention implementation. However, Web-based intervention studies had selected participants. They lacked controllability and had high dropouts. They required technical expertise and high development costs. Based on these findings, directions for future Web-based intervention research were provided.

  7. UrbanWeb: a Platform for Mobile, Context-aware Web Services

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Frank Allan; Grønbæk, Kaj


    much benefit from being informed about the user’s context and tailored to the user’s location or the activities the user is engaged in. In this article we focus on the definition of context and context-awareness for mobile Web 2.0 services and we present a framework, UrbanWeb, which has been designed......’s context from sensors in today mobile phones, ranging from GPS data, to 2D visual barcodes, and manual entry of context information and how to utilize this information in Web applications. Finally a number of applications built with the framework are presented.......Faster Internet connections on the mobile Internet and new advanced mobile terminals make it possible to use Web 2.0 applications and service beyond the desktop wherever and whenever you want. However, even though some service may scale in their current form to the mobile Internet, others will very...

  8. Web party effect: a cocktail party effect in the web environment


    Sara Rigutti; Carlo Fantoni; Walter Gerbino


    In goal-directed web navigation, labels compete for selection: this process often involves knowledge integration and requires selective attention to manage the dizziness of web layouts. Here we ask whether the competition for selection depends on all web navigation options or only on those options that are more likely to be useful for information seeking, and provide evidence in favor of the latter alternative. Participants in our experiment navigated a representative set of real websites of ...

  9. Designing usable web forms- Empirical evaluation of web form improvement guidelines

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Seckler, Mirjam; Heinz, Silvia; Bargas-Avila, Javier A.


    This study reports a controlled eye tracking experiment (N = 65) that shows the combined effectiveness of 20 guidelines to improve interactive online forms when applied to forms found on real company websites. Results indicate that improved web forms lead to faster completion times, fewer form...... submission trials, and fewer eye movements. Data from subjective questionnaires and interviews further show increased user satisfaction. Overall, our findings highlight the importance for web designers to improve their web forms using UX guidelines....

  10. River food webs: an integrative approach to bottom-up flow webs, top-down impact webs, and trophic position. (United States)

    Benke, Arthur C


    The majority of food web studies are based on connectivity, top-down impacts, bottom-up flows, or trophic position (TP), and ecologists have argued for decades which is best. Rarely have any two been considered simultaneously. The present study uses a procedure that integrates the last three approaches based on taxon-specific secondary production and gut analyses. Ingestion flows are quantified to create a flow web and the same data are used to quantify TP for all taxa. An individual predator's impacts also are estimated using the ratio of its ingestion (I) of each prey to prey production (P) to create an I/P web. This procedure was applied to 41 invertebrate taxa inhabiting submerged woody habitat in a southeastern U.S. river. A complex flow web starting with five basal food resources had 462 flows >1 mg·m -2 ·yr -1 , providing far more information than a connectivity web. Total flows from basal resources to primary consumers/omnivores were dominated by allochthonous amorphous detritus and ranged from 1 to >50,000 mg·m -2 ·yr -1 . Most predator-prey flows were much lower (1,000  mg·m -2 ·yr -1 . The I/P web showed that 83% of individual predator impacts were weak (90%). Quantitative estimates of TP ranged from 2 to 3.7, contrasting sharply with seven integer-based trophic levels based on longest feeding chain. Traditional omnivores (TP = 2.4-2.9) played an important role by consuming more prey and exerting higher impacts on primary consumers than strict predators (TP ≥ 3). This study illustrates how simultaneous quantification of flow pathways, predator impacts, and TP together provide an integrated characterization of natural food webs. © 2018 by the Ecological Society of America.

  11. Practical web development

    CERN Document Server

    Wellens, Paul


    This book is perfect for beginners who want to get started and learn the web development basics, but also offers experienced developers a web development roadmap that will help them to extend their capabilities.

  12. An Efficient Approach for Web Indexing of Big Data through Hyperlinks in Web Crawling (United States)

    Devi, R. Suganya; Manjula, D.; Siddharth, R. K.


    Web Crawling has acquired tremendous significance in recent times and it is aptly associated with the substantial development of the World Wide Web. Web Search Engines face new challenges due to the availability of vast amounts of web documents, thus making the retrieved results less applicable to the analysers. However, recently, Web Crawling solely focuses on obtaining the links of the corresponding documents. Today, there exist various algorithms and software which are used to crawl links from the web which has to be further processed for future use, thereby increasing the overload of the analyser. This paper concentrates on crawling the links and retrieving all information associated with them to facilitate easy processing for other uses. In this paper, firstly the links are crawled from the specified uniform resource locator (URL) using a modified version of Depth First Search Algorithm which allows for complete hierarchical scanning of corresponding web links. The links are then accessed via the source code and its metadata such as title, keywords, and description are extracted. This content is very essential for any type of analyser work to be carried on the Big Data obtained as a result of Web Crawling. PMID:26137592

  13. Architecture and the Web. (United States)

    Money, William H.

    Instructors should be concerned with how to incorporate the World Wide Web into an information systems (IS) curriculum organized across three areas of knowledge: information technology, organizational and management concepts, and theory and development of systems. The Web fits broadly into the information technology component. For the Web to be…

  14. A study on spatial decision support systems for HIV/AIDS prevention based on COM GIS technology (United States)

    Yang, Kun; Luo, Huasong; Peng, Shungyun; Xu, Quanli


    Based on the deeply analysis of the current status and the existing problems of GIS technology applications in Epidemiology, this paper has proposed the method and process for establishing the spatial decision support systems of AIDS epidemic prevention by integrating the COM GIS, Spatial Database, GPS, Remote Sensing, and Communication technologies, as well as ASP and ActiveX software development technologies. One of the most important issues for constructing the spatial decision support systems of AIDS epidemic prevention is how to integrate the AIDS spreading models with GIS. The capabilities of GIS applications in the AIDS epidemic prevention have been described here in this paper firstly. Then some mature epidemic spreading models have also been discussed for extracting the computation parameters. Furthermore, a technical schema has been proposed for integrating the AIDS spreading models with GIS and relevant geospatial technologies, in which the GIS and model running platforms share a common spatial database and the computing results can be spatially visualized on Desktop or Web GIS clients. Finally, a complete solution for establishing the decision support systems of AIDS epidemic prevention has been offered in this paper based on the model integrating methods and ESRI COM GIS software packages. The general decision support systems are composed of data acquisition sub-systems, network communication sub-systems, model integrating sub-systems, AIDS epidemic information spatial database sub-systems, AIDS epidemic information querying and statistical analysis sub-systems, AIDS epidemic dynamic surveillance sub-systems, AIDS epidemic information spatial analysis and decision support sub-systems, as well as AIDS epidemic information publishing sub-systems based on Web GIS.

  15. MOWServ: a web client for integration of bioinformatic resources (United States)

    Ramírez, Sergio; Muñoz-Mérida, Antonio; Karlsson, Johan; García, Maximiliano; Pérez-Pulido, Antonio J.; Claros, M. Gonzalo; Trelles, Oswaldo


    The productivity of any scientist is affected by cumbersome, tedious and time-consuming tasks that try to make the heterogeneous web services compatible so that they can be useful in their research. MOWServ, the bioinformatic platform offered by the Spanish National Institute of Bioinformatics, was released to provide integrated access to databases and analytical tools. Since its release, the number of available services has grown dramatically, and it has become one of the main contributors of registered services in the EMBRACE Biocatalogue. The ontology that enables most of the web-service compatibility has been curated, improved and extended. The service discovery has been greatly enhanced by Magallanes software and biodataSF. User data are securely stored on the main server by an authentication protocol that enables the monitoring of current or already-finished user’s tasks, as well as the pipelining of successive data processing services. The BioMoby standard has been greatly extended with the new features included in the MOWServ, such as management of additional information (metadata such as extended descriptions, keywords and datafile examples), a qualified registry, error handling, asynchronous services and service replication. All of them have increased the MOWServ service quality, usability and robustness. MOWServ is available at and has a mirror at PMID:20525794

  16. SaaS ve web designu


    Míka, Filip


    This thesis is aimed to evaluate if the current SaaS market is able to meet functional re-quirements of web design in order to appropriately support web design's activities. The theoretical part introduces the web design model which describes web design's functional requirements. The next section presents a research concept that describes model assessment (i.e. solutions delivered as SaaS that support web design) and evaluation process. The results show that the current SaaS market is able to...

  17. Programming the semantic web

    CERN Document Server

    Segaran, Toby; Taylor, Jamie


    With this book, the promise of the Semantic Web -- in which machines can find, share, and combine data on the Web -- is not just a technical possibility, but a practical reality Programming the Semantic Web demonstrates several ways to implement semantic web applications, using current and emerging standards and technologies. You'll learn how to incorporate existing data sources into semantically aware applications and publish rich semantic data. Each chapter walks you through a single piece of semantic technology and explains how you can use it to solve real problems. Whether you're writing

  18. RESTful Web Services Cookbook

    CERN Document Server

    Allamaraju, Subbu


    While the REST design philosophy has captured the imagination of web and enterprise developers alike, using this approach to develop real web services is no picnic. This cookbook includes more than 100 recipes to help you take advantage of REST, HTTP, and the infrastructure of the Web. You'll learn ways to design RESTful web services for client and server applications that meet performance, scalability, reliability, and security goals, no matter what programming language and development framework you use. Each recipe includes one or two problem statements, with easy-to-follow, step-by-step i

  19. SPARQLGraph: a web-based platform for graphically querying biological Semantic Web databases. (United States)

    Schweiger, Dominik; Trajanoski, Zlatko; Pabinger, Stephan


    Semantic Web has established itself as a framework for using and sharing data across applications and database boundaries. Here, we present a web-based platform for querying biological Semantic Web databases in a graphical way. SPARQLGraph offers an intuitive drag & drop query builder, which converts the visual graph into a query and executes it on a public endpoint. The tool integrates several publicly available Semantic Web databases, including the databases of the just recently released EBI RDF platform. Furthermore, it provides several predefined template queries for answering biological questions. Users can easily create and save new query graphs, which can also be shared with other researchers. This new graphical way of creating queries for biological Semantic Web databases considerably facilitates usability as it removes the requirement of knowing specific query languages and database structures. The system is freely available at

  20. Chemistry WebBook (United States)

    SRD 69 NIST Chemistry WebBook (Web, free access)   The NIST Chemistry WebBook contains: Thermochemical data for over 7000 organic and small inorganic compounds; thermochemistry data for over 8000 reactions; IR spectra for over 16,000 compounds; mass spectra for over 33,000 compounds; UV/Vis spectra for over 1600 compounds; electronic and vibrational spectra for over 5000 compounds; constants of diatomic molecules(spectroscopic data) for over 600 compounds; ion energetics data for over 16,000 compounds; thermophysical property data for 74 fluids.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Adi Nugroho


    Full Text Available Web Service with Java: SOAP (JAX-WS/Java API for XML Web Services and Java RESTful Web Service (JAX-RS/Java RESTful API for XML Web Services are now a technology competing with each other in terms of their use for integrates data residing in different systems. Both Web Service technologies, of course, have advantages and disadvantages. In this paper, we discuss the comparison of the two technologies is a Java Web Service in relation to the development of GIS application (Geographic Information System integrates the use of data-formatted GML (Geography Markup Language, which is stored in the system database XML (eXtensible Markup Language.

  2. A Personalidade na Tomada de Decisão com o Iowa Gambling Task: Uma Revisão Integrativa

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rui Paixão


    Full Text Available RESUMO O Iowa GamblingTask (IGT, apesar de amplamente utilizado na avaliação da tomada de decisão, apresenta uma grande variabilidade nos resultados. Pretende-se com este trabalho proceder a uma revisão integrativa da literatura que relacione a personalidade com o desempenho no IGT, de modo a identificar o papel dessa variável nesse desempenho. Para o efeito, foram selecionados e analisados 74 estudos referenciados na Web of Science e na b-on. Os resultados evidenciam alguma inconsistência e algumas relações não lineares entre variáveis, embora o mau desempenho no IGT surja associado mais frequentemente à dimensão neuroticismo, ansiedade, impulsividade, variáveis socioeconômicas e ao fator antissociabilidade na psicopatia e dependência de substâncias. À luz desses resultados, sugerem-se algumas orientações para a pesquisa na área.

  3. MR imaging of carotid webs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Boesen, Mari E.; Eswaradass, Prasanna Venkatesan; Singh, Dilip; Mitha, Alim P.; Menon, Bijoy K.; Goyal, Mayank; Frayne, Richard


    We propose a magnetic resonance (MR) imaging protocol for the characterization of carotid web morphology, composition, and vessel wall dynamics. The purpose of this case series was to determine the feasibility of imaging carotid webs with MR imaging. Five patients diagnosed with carotid web on CT angiography were recruited to undergo a 30-min MR imaging session. MR angiography (MRA) images of the carotid artery bifurcation were acquired. Multi-contrast fast spin echo (FSE) images were acquired axially about the level of the carotid web. Two types of cardiac phase resolved sequences (cineFSE and cine phase contrast) were acquired to visualize the elasticity of the vessel wall affected by the web. Carotid webs were identified on MRA in 5/5 (100%) patients. Multi-contrast FSE revealed vessel wall thickening and cineFSE demonstrated regional changes in distensibility surrounding the webs in these patients. Our MR imaging protocol enables an in-depth evaluation of patients with carotid webs: morphology (by MRA), composition (by multi-contrast FSE), and wall dynamics (by cineFSE). (orig.)

  4. MR imaging of carotid webs

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Boesen, Mari E. [University of Calgary, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Calgary (Canada); Foothills Medical Centre, Seaman Family MR Research Centre, Calgary (Canada); Eswaradass, Prasanna Venkatesan; Singh, Dilip; Mitha, Alim P.; Menon, Bijoy K. [University of Calgary, Department of Clinical Neurosciences, Calgary (Canada); Foothills Medical Centre, Calgary Stroke Program, Calgary (Canada); Goyal, Mayank [Foothills Medical Centre, Calgary Stroke Program, Calgary (Canada); University of Calgary, Department of Radiology, Calgary (Canada); Frayne, Richard [Foothills Medical Centre, Seaman Family MR Research Centre, Calgary (Canada); University of Calgary, Hotchkiss Brain Institute, Calgary (Canada)


    We propose a magnetic resonance (MR) imaging protocol for the characterization of carotid web morphology, composition, and vessel wall dynamics. The purpose of this case series was to determine the feasibility of imaging carotid webs with MR imaging. Five patients diagnosed with carotid web on CT angiography were recruited to undergo a 30-min MR imaging session. MR angiography (MRA) images of the carotid artery bifurcation were acquired. Multi-contrast fast spin echo (FSE) images were acquired axially about the level of the carotid web. Two types of cardiac phase resolved sequences (cineFSE and cine phase contrast) were acquired to visualize the elasticity of the vessel wall affected by the web. Carotid webs were identified on MRA in 5/5 (100%) patients. Multi-contrast FSE revealed vessel wall thickening and cineFSE demonstrated regional changes in distensibility surrounding the webs in these patients. Our MR imaging protocol enables an in-depth evaluation of patients with carotid webs: morphology (by MRA), composition (by multi-contrast FSE), and wall dynamics (by cineFSE). (orig.)

  5. A survey on web modeling approaches for ubiquitous web applications

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Schwinger, W.; Retschitzegger, W.; Schauerhuber, A.; Kappel, G.; Wimmer, M.; Pröll, B.; Cachero Castro, C.; Casteleyn, S.; De Troyer, O.; Fraternali, P.; Garrigos, I.; Garzotto, F.; Ginige, A.; Houben, G.J.P.M.; Koch, N.; Moreno, N.; Pastor, O.; Paolini, P.; Pelechano Ferragud, V.; Rossi, G.; Schwabe, D.; Tisi, M.; Vallecillo, A.; Sluijs, van der K.A.M.; Zhang, G.


    Purpose – Ubiquitous web applications (UWA) are a new type of web applications which are accessed in various contexts, i.e. through different devices, by users with various interests, at anytime from anyplace around the globe. For such full-fledged, complex software systems, a methodologically sound

  6. CImbinator: a web-based tool for drug synergy analysis in small- and large-scale datasets. (United States)

    Flobak, Åsmund; Vazquez, Miguel; Lægreid, Astrid; Valencia, Alfonso


    Drug synergies are sought to identify combinations of drugs particularly beneficial. User-friendly software solutions that can assist analysis of large-scale datasets are required. CImbinator is a web-service that can aid in batch-wise and in-depth analyzes of data from small-scale and large-scale drug combination screens. CImbinator offers to quantify drug combination effects, using both the commonly employed median effect equation, as well as advanced experimental mathematical models describing dose response relationships. CImbinator is written in Ruby and R. It uses the R package drc for advanced drug response modeling. CImbinator is available at , the source-code is open and available at . A Docker image is also available at . or Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online. © The Author(s) 2017. Published by Oxford University Press.

  7. Classification of the web

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mai, Jens Erik


    This paper discusses the challenges faced by investigations into the classification of the Web and outlines inquiries that are needed to use principles for bibliographic classification to construct classifications of the Web. This paper suggests that the classification of the Web meets challenges...... that call for inquiries into the theoretical foundation of bibliographic classification theory....

  8. Maintenance-Ready Web Application Development

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ion IVAN


    Full Text Available The current paper tackles the subject of developing maintenance-ready web applications. Maintenance is presented as a core stage in a web application’s lifecycle. The concept of maintenance-ready is defined in the context of web application development. Web application maintenance tasks types are enunciated and suitable task types are identified for further analysis. The research hypothesis is formulated based on a direct link between tackling maintenance in the development stage and reducing overall maintenance costs. A live maintenance-ready web application is presented and maintenance related aspects are highlighted. The web application’s features, that render it maintenance-ready, are emphasize. The cost of designing and building the web-application to be maintenance-ready are disclosed. The savings in maintenance development effort facilitated by maintenance ready features are also disclosed. Maintenance data is collected from 40 projects implemented by a web development company. Homogeneity and diversity of collected data is evaluated. A data sample is presented and the size and comprehensive nature of the entire dataset is depicted. Research hypothesis are validated and conclusions are formulated on the topic of developing maintenance-ready web applications. The limits of the research process which represented the basis for the current paper are enunciated. Future research topics are submitted for debate.

  9. Personalized Metaheuristic Clustering Onto Web Documents

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Wookey Lee


    Optimal clustering for the web documents is known to complicated cornbinatorial Optimization problem and it is hard to develop a generally applicable oplimal algorithm. An accelerated simuIated arlneaIing aIgorithm is developed for automatic web document classification. The web document classification problem is addressed as the problem of best describing a match between a web query and a hypothesized web object. The normalized term frequency and inverse document frequency coefficient is used as a measure of the match. Test beds are generated on - line during the search by transforming model web sites. As a result, web sites can be clustered optimally in terms of keyword vectofs of corresponding web documents.

  10. Designing a WebQuest (United States)

    Salsovic, Annette R.


    A WebQuest is an inquiry-based lesson plan that uses the Internet. This article explains what a WebQuest is, shows how to create one, and provides an example. When engaged in a WebQuest, students use technology to experience cooperative learning and discovery learning while honing their research, writing, and presentation skills. It has been found…

  11. Web-Based Inquiry Learning: Facilitating Thoughtful Literacy with WebQuests (United States)

    Ikpeze, Chinwe H.; Boyd, Fenice B.


    An action research study investigated how the multiple tasks found in WebQuests facilitate fifth-grade students' literacy skills and higher order thinking. Findings indicate that WebQuests are most successful when activities are carefully selected and systematically delivered. Implications for teaching include the necessity for adequate planning,…

  12. Work of the Web Weavers: Web Development in Academic Libraries (United States)

    Bundza, Maira; Vander Meer, Patricia Fravel; Perez-Stable, Maria A.


    Although the library's Web site has become a standard tool for seeking information and conducting research in academic institutions, there are a variety of ways libraries approach the often challenging--and sometimes daunting--process of Web site development and maintenance. Three librarians at Western Michigan University explored issues related…

  13. Adesão das pessoas com diabetes mellitus ao autocuidado com os pés

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dinah Sá Rezende Neta


    Full Text Available Objetivo: analisar o autocuidado de pacientes com diabetes mellitus tipo 2 na Estratégia Saúde da Família, em Teresina-PI. Método: pesquisa transversal selecionou, por amostragem probabilística simples, 331 pessoas com diabetes mellitus. A coleta de dados aconteceu de agosto a dezembro de 2012, com uso de questionário de atividades de autocuidado com o diabetes e instrumento estruturado para registro de informações socioeconômicas e orientações recebidas pelo profissional enfermeiro. Resultados: os dados revelaram que os pacientes têm baixa adesão à automonitorização glicêmica, à prática de exercícios físicos e cuidados com os pés, porém com boa aderência ao uso da medicação. Apenas 38,7% da amostra examinavam os pés de cinco a sete dias na semana. Houve associação estatisticamente signifi cativa entre as atividades de autocuidado com os pés e as orientações do enfermeiro (p < 0,05. Conclusão: conclui-se que há necessidade de sensibilização no concernente ao desenvolvimento de habilidades para o autocuidado.

  14. Web 2.0 i undervisningen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Liburd, Janne J.; Christensen, Inger-Marie F.


    Temahæfte om web 2.0, der formidler viden om og inspiration til at arbejde med web 2.0 teknologier i videregående uddannelser. Hæftet introducerer sociale medier og web 2.0, og der redegøres for teoretisk funderede læreprocesser med web 2.0, og hvorledes disse kan indtænkes i undervisningsforløb....... Hæftet præsenterer endvidere en metode til design af læringsaktiviteter med web 2.0, og giver en række eksempler på konkrete forløb....

  15. Historical Quantitative Reasoning on the Web

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Meroño-Peñuela, A.; Ashkpour, A.


    The Semantic Web is an extension of the Web through standards by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) [4]. These standards promote common data formats and exchange protocols on the Web, most fundamentally the Resource Description Framework (RDF). Its ultimate goal is to make the Web a suitable data

  16. Building Social Web Applications

    CERN Document Server

    Bell, Gavin


    Building a web application that attracts and retains regular visitors is tricky enough, but creating a social application that encourages visitors to interact with one another requires careful planning. This book provides practical solutions to the tough questions you'll face when building an effective community site -- one that makes visitors feel like they've found a new home on the Web. If your company is ready to take part in the social web, this book will help you get started. Whether you're creating a new site from scratch or reworking an existing site, Building Social Web Applications

  17. The Creative Web. (United States)

    Yudess, Jo


    This article lists the Web sites of 12 international not-for-profit creativity associations designed to trigger more creative thought and research possibilities. Along with Web addresses, the entries include telephone contact information and a brief description of the organization. (CR)


    CERN Document Server is produced by the bibliophiles at 13th Generation Media of Berkeley, California. Our goal is to provide fellow readers unbiased realtime information about books available online. Rather than selling books ourselves (does the world rea wannabe?), we've teamed up with over 15,000 of the finest booksellers online to bring you the largest book catalog available anywhere, either online or offline.

  19. Engineering Adaptive Web Applications

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dolog, Peter


    suit the user profile the most. This paper summarizes the domain engineering framework for such adaptive web applications. The framework provides guidelines to develop adaptive web applications as members of a family. It suggests how to utilize the design artifacts as knowledge which can be used......Information and services on the web are accessible for everyone. Users of the web differ in their background, culture, political and social environment, interests and so on. Ambient intelligence was envisioned as a concept for systems which are able to adapt to user actions and needs....... With the growing amount of information and services, the web applications become natural candidates to adopt the concepts of ambient intelligence. Such applications can deal with divers user intentions and actions based on the user profile and can suggest the combination of information content and services which...

  20. A compilation of Web-based research tools for miRNA analysis. (United States)

    Shukla, Vaibhav; Varghese, Vinay Koshy; Kabekkodu, Shama Prasada; Mallya, Sandeep; Satyamoorthy, Kapaettu


    Since the discovery of microRNAs (miRNAs), a class of noncoding RNAs that regulate the gene expression posttranscriptionally in sequence-specific manner, there has been a release of number of tools useful for both basic and advanced applications. This is because of the significance of miRNAs in many pathophysiological conditions including cancer. Numerous bioinformatics tools that have been developed for miRNA analysis have their utility for detection, expression, function, target prediction and many other related features. This review provides a comprehensive assessment of web-based tools for the miRNA analysis that does not require prior knowledge of any computing languages. © The Author 2017. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For permissions, please email:

  1. Physician training protocol within the WEB Intrasaccular Therapy (WEB-IT) study. (United States)

    Arthur, Adam; Hoit, Daniel; Coon, Alexander; Delgado Almandoz, Josser E; Elijovich, Lucas; Cekirge, Saruhan; Fiorella, David


    The WEB Intra-saccular Therapy (WEB-IT) trial is an investigational device exemption study to demonstrate the safety and effectiveness of the WEB device for the treatment of wide-neck bifurcation aneurysms. The neurovascular replicator (Vascular Simulations, Stony Brook, New York, USA) creates a physical environment that replicates patient-specific neurovascular anatomy and hemodynamic physiology, and allows devices to be implanted under fluoroscopic guidance. To report the results of a unique neurovascular replicator-based training program, which was incorporated into the WEB-IT study to optimize technical performance and patient safety. US investigators participated in a new training program that incorporated full surgical rehearsals on a neurovascular replicator. No roll-in cases were permitted within the trial. Custom replicas of patient-specific neurovascular anatomy were created for the initial cases treated at each center, as well as for cases expected to be challenging. On-site surgical rehearsals were performed before these procedures. A total of 48 participating investigators at 25 US centers trained using the replicator. Sessions included centralized introductory training, on-site training, and patient-specific full surgical rehearsal. Fluoroscopy and procedure times in the WEB-IT study were not significantly different from those seen in two European trials where participating physicians had significant WEB procedure experience before study initiation. A new program of neurovascular-replicator-based physician training was employed within the WEB-IT study. This represents a new methodology for education and training that may be an effective means to optimize technical success and patient safety during the introduction of a new technology. © Article author(s) (or their employer(s) unless otherwise stated in the text of the article) 2018. All rights reserved. No commercial use is permitted unless otherwise expressly granted.

  2. Stochastic analysis of web page ranking

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Volkovich, Y.


    Today, the study of the World Wide Web is one of the most challenging subjects. In this work we consider the Web from a probabilistic point of view. We analyze the relations between various characteristics of the Web. In particular, we are interested in the Web properties that affect the Web page

  3. Life Cycle Project Plan Outline: Web Sites and Web-based Applications (United States)

    This tool is a guideline for planning and checking for 508 compliance on web sites and web based applications. Determine which EIT components are covered or excepted, which 508 standards and requirements apply, and how to implement them.

  4. Pembuatan Aplikasi Web Manajemen Laundry dan Integrasi Data dengan Web Service

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Refika Khoirunnisa


    Full Text Available Selama ini banyak dari perusahaan di bidang jasa laundry masih menggunakan pencatatan secara manual seperti menggunakan buku, sehingga setiap data tidak terintegrasi secara waktu-nyata. Oleh sebab itu, perlu dibuat penelitian untuk merancang sebuah sistem terkomputerisasi yang dapat mempermudah pencatatan dan pengolahan data keuangan laundry. Pembuatan Aplikasi Web Manajemen Laundry menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript dan basisdata MySQL sebagai tempat penyimpanan data. Aplikasi ini merupakan aplikasi yang terintegrasi dengan aplikasi melalui sebuah teknologi yang disebut web service. Aplikasi Web Manajemen Laundry dikembangkan dengan menggunakan metode RAD (Rapid Application Development yang terdiri dari tahap perencanaan kebutuhan, proses perancangan, implementasi, dan tahap pengujian. Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa Aplikasi Web Manajemen Laundry memiliki fitur yang berfungsi untuk mempermudah pencatatan dan pengolahan data secara akurat dan waktu-nyata. Fitur-fitur utama dari aplikasi ini diantaranya adalah pengolahan data transaksi, pengeluaran, dan laporan laba/rugi. Dalam menunjang fitur-fitur utama agar dapat bekerja dengan baik maka terdapat fitur pendukung yaitu pengolahan data pelanggan dan data pengguna aplikasi. Berdasarkan pengujian dengan menggunakan metode black-box, seluruh fungsi menu yang ada dalam aplikasi web telah berhasil dan berjalan sesuai dengan kebutuhan.

  5. Web Literacy, Web Literacies or Just Literacies on the Web? Reflections from a Study of Personal Homepages. (United States)

    Karlsson, Anna-Malin


    Discusses the question of whether there is such a thing as web literacy. Perspectives from media studies, literacy studies, and the study of multimodal texts are used to find the main contextual parameters involved in what might be classed as web literacy. The parameters suggested are material conditions, domain, power or ideology, and semiotic…

  6. Etiquetagem e folksonomia: o usuário e sua motivação para organizar e compartilhar informação na Web 2.0

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hercules Pimenta Santos

    Full Text Available Por meio do presente artigo, propomos conhecer e refletir sobre as recentes possibilidades de organização, representação e recuperação da informação proporcionada pelo advento da Web 2.0, tratando, aqui, especificamente, do uso da etiquetagem e da folksonomia. Buscou-se explorar representações conceituais e pretendeu-se compreender as potencialidades destes conceitos baseados em sistemas virtuais de organização e representação informacional. Assim, buscou-se refletir sobre o que leva os usuários a executar a etiquetagem dos recursos da Web e analisar como essa motivação se relaciona com o objetivo de recuperação da informação. A pesquisa apoiou-se em uma investigação teórica, com revisão de literatura sobre indexação, usuários e esquemas de representação do conhecimento na Internet. Geralmente, o que determina a utilização da etiquetagem varia entre as pessoas e os sistemas utilizados. Não é sempre que as etiquetas são atribuídas com o intuito de terem audiência e, por vezes, o que se quer é organizar os próprios dados. Entende-se, por meio deste estudo, que cada indivíduo representa um caso que requer atenção específica. Não é possível estudar, um a um, todos os grupos e perfis de usuários da informação. Faz-se necessário reunir grupos com características similares.

  7. Finding Web-Based Anxiety Interventions on the World Wide Web: A Scoping Review. (United States)

    Ashford, Miriam Thiel; Olander, Ellinor K; Ayers, Susan


    One relatively new and increasingly popular approach of increasing access to treatment is Web-based intervention programs. The advantage of Web-based approaches is the accessibility, affordability, and anonymity of potentially evidence-based treatment. Despite much research evidence on the effectiveness of Web-based interventions for anxiety found in the literature, little is known about what is publically available for potential consumers on the Web. Our aim was to explore what a consumer searching the Web for Web-based intervention options for anxiety-related issues might find. The objectives were to identify currently publically available Web-based intervention programs for anxiety and to synthesize and review these in terms of (1) website characteristics such as credibility and accessibility; (2) intervention program characteristics such as intervention focus, design, and presentation modes; (3) therapeutic elements employed; and (4) published evidence of efficacy. Web keyword searches were carried out on three major search engines (Google, Bing, and Yahoo-UK platforms). For each search, the first 25 hyperlinks were screened for eligible programs. Included were programs that were designed for anxiety symptoms, currently publically accessible on the Web, had an online component, a structured treatment plan, and were available in English. Data were extracted for website characteristics, program characteristics, therapeutic characteristics, as well as empirical evidence. Programs were also evaluated using a 16-point rating tool. The search resulted in 34 programs that were eligible for review. A wide variety of programs for anxiety, including specific anxiety disorders, and anxiety in combination with stress, depression, or anger were identified and based predominantly on cognitive behavioral therapy techniques. The majority of websites were rated as credible, secure, and free of advertisement. The majority required users to register and/or to pay a program access

  8. Web Dynpro ABAP for practitioners

    CERN Document Server

    Gellert, Ulrich


    Web Dynpro ABAP, a NetWeaver web application user interface tool from SAP, enables web programming connected to SAP Systems. The authors' main focus was to create a book based on their own practical experience. Each chapter includes examples which lead through the content step-by-step and enable the reader to gradually explore and grasp the Web Dynpro ABAP process. The authors explain in particular how to design Web Dynpro components, the data binding and interface methods, and the view controller methods. They also describe the other SAP NetWeaver Elements (ABAP Dictionary, Authorization) and

  9. Introduction to the world wide web. (United States)

    Downes, P K


    The World Wide Web used to be nicknamed the 'World Wide Wait'. Now, thanks to high speed broadband connections, browsing the web has become a much more enjoyable and productive activity. Computers need to know where web pages are stored on the Internet, in just the same way as we need to know where someone lives in order to post them a letter. This section explains how the World Wide Web works and how web pages can be viewed using a web browser.

  10. Web traffic and firm performance

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Farooq, Omar; Aguenaou, Samir


    Does the traffic generated by websites of firms signal anything to stock market participants? Does higher web-traffic translate into availability of more information and therefore lower agency problems? And if answers to above questions are in affirmative, does higher web-traffic traffic translate...... into better firm performance? This paper aims to answer these questions by documenting a positive relationship between the extent of web-traffic and firm performance in the MENA region during the 2010. We argue that higher web-traffic lowers the agency problems in firms by disseminating more information...... to stock market participants. Consequently, lower agency problems translate into better performance. Furthermore, we also show that agency reducing role of web-traffic is more pronounced in regimes where information environment is already bad. For example, our results show stronger impact of web...

  11. Characterizing web heuristics

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    de Jong, Menno D.T.; van der Geest, Thea


    This article is intended to make Web designers more aware of the qualities of heuristics by presenting a framework for analyzing the characteristics of heuristics. The framework is meant to support Web designers in choosing among alternative heuristics. We hope that better knowledge of the

  12. Web Publishing Schedule (United States)

    Section 207(f)(2) of the E-Gov Act requires federal agencies to develop an inventory and establish a schedule of information to be published on their Web sites, make those schedules available for public comment. To post the schedules on the web site.

  13. WebPASS Explorer (HR Personnel Management) (United States)

    US Agency for International Development — WebPass Explorer (WebPASS Framework): USAID is partnering with DoS in the implementation of their WebPass Post Personnel (PS) Module. WebPassPS does not replace...

  14. Programming the Mobile Web

    CERN Document Server

    Firtman, Maximiliano


    Today's market for mobile apps goes beyond the iPhone to include BlackBerry, Nokia, Windows Phone, and smartphones powered by Android, webOS, and other platforms. If you're an experienced web developer, this book shows you how to build a standard app core that you can extend to work with specific devices. You'll learn the particulars and pitfalls of building mobile apps with HTML, CSS, and other standard web tools. You'll also explore platform variations, finicky mobile browsers, Ajax design patterns for mobile, and much more. Before you know it, you'll be able to create mashups using Web 2.

  15. Creating Web Pages Simplified

    CERN Document Server

    Wooldridge, Mike


    The easiest way to learn how to create a Web page for your family or organization Do you want to share photos and family lore with relatives far away? Have you been put in charge of communication for your neighborhood group or nonprofit organization? A Web page is the way to get the word out, and Creating Web Pages Simplified offers an easy, visual way to learn how to build one. Full-color illustrations and concise instructions take you through all phases of Web publishing, from laying out and formatting text to enlivening pages with graphics and animation. This easy-to-follow visual guide sho

  16. Novos sensores quimicos preparados com silica gel modificada com o ion piridinio


    Lilian de Lourdes Lorencetti Prado


    Resumo: A sílica gel, com área superficial específica de 500 m.g e diâmetro médio de poros de 6 nm, foi organofuncionalizada com o íon piridínio. Reagiu-se a sílica com 3-cloropropiltrimetoxisilano e piridina, usando como solvente o CCI4. A quantidade de íons cloreto disponíveis para reações de troca iônica foi de 0,36 mmol.g. O espectro na região de infravermelho da sílica modificada (daqui para frente designada como SiPyCI) confirmou a presença dos grupos funcionais na superfície da mesma, ...

  17. SSWAP: A Simple Semantic Web Architecture and Protocol for semantic web services. (United States)

    Gessler, Damian D G; Schiltz, Gary S; May, Greg D; Avraham, Shulamit; Town, Christopher D; Grant, David; Nelson, Rex T


    SSWAP (Simple Semantic Web Architecture and Protocol; pronounced "swap") is an architecture, protocol, and platform for using reasoning to semantically integrate heterogeneous disparate data and services on the web. SSWAP was developed as a hybrid semantic web services technology to overcome limitations found in both pure web service technologies and pure semantic web technologies. There are currently over 2400 resources published in SSWAP. Approximately two dozen are custom-written services for QTL (Quantitative Trait Loci) and mapping data for legumes and grasses (grains). The remaining are wrappers to Nucleic Acids Research Database and Web Server entries. As an architecture, SSWAP establishes how clients (users of data, services, and ontologies), providers (suppliers of data, services, and ontologies), and discovery servers (semantic search engines) interact to allow for the description, querying, discovery, invocation, and response of semantic web services. As a protocol, SSWAP provides the vocabulary and semantics to allow clients, providers, and discovery servers to engage in semantic web services. The protocol is based on the W3C-sanctioned first-order description logic language OWL DL. As an open source platform, a discovery server running at (as in to "swap info") uses the description logic reasoner Pellet to integrate semantic resources. The platform hosts an interactive guide to the protocol at, developer tools at, and a portal to third-party ontologies at (a "swap meet"). SSWAP addresses the three basic requirements of a semantic web services architecture (i.e., a common syntax, shared semantic, and semantic discovery) while addressing three technology limitations common in distributed service systems: i.e., i) the fatal mutability of traditional interfaces, ii) the rigidity and fragility of static subsumption hierarchies, and iii) the

  18. Web 2.1 : Toward a large and qualitative participation on the Web

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Boubker Sbihi


    Full Text Available Normal 0 21 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 This article presents the results of research done on Web 2.0 within the School of Information Sciences ESI. It aims to study the behavior of different academic actors who deal with information, among whom we cite teachers, students of masters and students of information sciences in Morocco, face to Web 2.0’s services. Firstly, it aims to evaluate the use and production of information in the context of Web 2.0. Then, it   attempts to assess those rates, to identify and analyze the causes of eventual problems and obstacles that academic actors face.  In fact, we intend to understand why information actors in the academic world use often Web 2.0’s services but do rarely produce qualitative content. To achieve the objectives set, we used the on-site survey method, which was based on an electronic questionnaire administered directly to our people via the Internet. We chose the electronic version of questionnaire in order to make an optimal use in terms of new technologies, to gain time and to reduce cost. Then, in order to deepen the understanding of the data collected, we complete the data collected by the questionnaire by an ongoing discussions with actors. Finally, to overcome the problems already identified, we intend to propose the elements of a new version of the Web called Web 2.1 offering new concepts   in order to encourage users to produce information of quality and make the Web more open to a larger community. This version maintains the current contents of   Web 2.0 and adds more value to it. Indeed, the content will be monitored, evaluated and validated before being published. In order to target valuable information, the new version of Web 2.1 proposes to categorize users into three groups: users who just use the contents, producers who use and produce content, and  validators  who validate the content in order to  target information that is validated and of good

  19. Desarrollo de aplicaciones web


    Luján Mora, Sergio


    Agradecimientos 1. Introducción a las aplicaciones web 2. Instalación del servidor 3. Diseño de páginas web 4. Formato estructurado de texto: XML 5. Contenido dinámico 6. Acceso a bases de datos: JDBC 7. Servicios web 8. Utilización y mantenimiento 9. Monitorización y análisis Bibliografía GNU Free Documentation License

  20. Evaluation of WebEase: An Epilepsy Self-Management Web Site (United States)

    DiIorio, Colleen; Escoffery, Cam; McCarty, Frances; Yeager, Katherine A.; Henry, Thomas R.; Koganti, Archana; Reisinger, Elizabeth L.; Wexler, Bethany


    People with epilepsy have various education needs and must adopt many self-management behaviors in order to control their condition. This study evaluates WebEase, an Internet-based, theory-driven, self-management program for adults with epilepsy. Thirty-five participants took part in a 6-week pilot implementation of WebEase. The main components of…

  1. RESTful web services with Dropwizard

    CERN Document Server

    Dallas, Alexandros


    A hands-on focused step-by-step tutorial to help you create Web Service applications using Dropwizard. If you are a software engineer or a web developer and want to learn more about building your own Web Service application, then this is the book for you. Basic knowledge of Java and RESTful Web Service concepts is assumed and familiarity with SQL/MySQL and command-line scripting would be helpful.

  2. Segmenting The Web 2.0 Market: Behavioural And Usage Patterns Of Social Web Consumers

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Lorenzo Romero, Carlota; Constantinides, Efthymios; Alarcon-del-Amo, Maria-del-Carmen


    The evolution of the commercial Internet to the current phase, commonly called Web 2.0 (or Social Web) has firmly positioned the web not only as a commercial but also as a social communication platform: an online environment facilitating peer-to-peer interaction, socialization, co-operation and

  3. System configuration on Web with mashup.


    清水, 宏泰; SHIMIZU, Hiroyasu


    Mashup become trend for create Web service due to popularizing cloud service. Mashup is method for create Web service from several Web services and API. Mashup has a few problems. One of the problem is deference of data format and label. Semantic Web can solve it. This paper propose method of building a system on Web with mashup using semantic Web. Mashup system configuration can express as URL. So, editing URL for mashup is editing system configuration. And any device can use this system on ...

  4. Trust estimation of the semantic web using semantic web clustering (United States)

    Shirgahi, Hossein; Mohsenzadeh, Mehran; Haj Seyyed Javadi, Hamid


    Development of semantic web and social network is undeniable in the Internet world these days. Widespread nature of semantic web has been very challenging to assess the trust in this field. In recent years, extensive researches have been done to estimate the trust of semantic web. Since trust of semantic web is a multidimensional problem, in this paper, we used parameters of social network authority, the value of pages links authority and semantic authority to assess the trust. Due to the large space of semantic network, we considered the problem scope to the clusters of semantic subnetworks and obtained the trust of each cluster elements as local and calculated the trust of outside resources according to their local trusts and trust of clusters to each other. According to the experimental result, the proposed method shows more than 79% Fscore that is about 11.9% in average more than Eigen, Tidal and centralised trust methods. Mean of error in this proposed method is 12.936, that is 9.75% in average less than Eigen and Tidal trust methods.

  5. MedlinePlus Connect: Web Service (United States)

    ... MedlinePlus Connect → Web Service URL of this page: MedlinePlus Connect: Web ... will change.) Old URLs New URLs Web Application ...

  6. MedlinePlus Connect: Web Application (United States)

    ... MedlinePlus Connect → Web Application URL of this page: MedlinePlus Connect: Web ... will change.) Old URLs New URLs Web Application ...

  7. SPADOCK: Adaptive Pipeline Technology for Web System using WebSocket

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aries RICHI


    Full Text Available As information technology grows to the era of IoT(Internet of Things and cloud computing, the performance ofweb application and web service which acts as the informationgateway becomes an issue. Horizontal quality of serviceimprovement through system performance escalation becomesan issue pursued by engineers and scientists, giving birth toBigPipe pipeline technology which was developed by Facebook.We make SPADOCK, an adaptive pipeline system which is builtunder distributed system architecture with the utilization ofHTML5 WebSocket, then measure its performance. Parametersused for the measurement includes latency, workload, andbandwidth. The result shows that SPADOCK could reduceserving latency by 68.28% compared with the conventional web,and it is 20.63% faster than BigPipe.

  8. The ComP-ComA quorum system is essential for "Trojan horse" like pathogenesis in Bacillus nematocida.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Xidan Deng

    Full Text Available Bacillus nematocida B16 has been shown to use "Trojan horse" mechanism in pathogenesis that has characteristics of "social" behavior. The ComP-ComA system, a conserved quorum sensing system in the genus Bacillus, functions in many physiological processes including competence development, lipopeptide antibiotic surfactin production, degradative enzyme production and even some unknown functions. Here we investigated the requirement of ComP-ComA system in B. nematocida B16 for its pathogenicity against nematodes. The ΔcomP mutant displayed deficiencies in attracting and killing nematodes, due to the absence of attractive signal molecules and the decreased expressions of virulence factors, respectively. Contrarily, a complemented comP mutant at least partially resumed its pathogenicity. Our data from transcriptional analysis further confirmed that this signaling system directly or indirectly regulated the expressions of two major virulence proteases in the infection of B. nematocida B16. Bioinformatics analyses from comparative genomics also suggested that the potential target genes of transcription factor ComA were involved in the processes such as the synthesis of attractants, production of extracellular degradative enzymes and sortase, secondary metabolites biosynthesis, regulation of transcription factors, mobility, as well as transporters, most of which were different from a saprophytic relative B. subtilis 168. Therefore, our investigation firstly revealed that the participation and necessity of ComP-ComA signaling system in bacterial pathogenesis.

  9. Estudo comparativo do resfriamento de laranja valência com ar forçado e com água

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Teruel Bárbara


    Full Text Available Este trabalho apresenta um estudo para comparar o resfriamento rápido de laranja Valência (Citrus sinensis O., com ar forçado e com água gelada. O sistema de resfriamento rápido com ar forçado operou com um fluxo de ar de 1.933m³/h (3 l/s por kg de produto resfriado, a uma temperatura de 1ºC e UR=88,4 ± 2,0%, com uma velocidade do ar em torno de 1m/s. Nos experimentos com água gelada foi utilizado um sistema de imersão, com uma capacidade de 0,23m³ de água a uma temperatura de aproximadamente 1ºC. Foi determinando o tempo meio e de sete oitavos do resfriamento, partindo das leituras de temperatura, perfazendo-se duas repetições em cada experimento. Os resultados mostraram que, o resfriamento do leito de frutas com ar forçado não é homogêneo, obtendo-se um tempo de sete oitavos do resfriamento que variaram de 107min a 170min, dependendo da posição do fruto no interior da embalagem. Já no sistema com água gelada, o resfriamento acontece uniformemente em todo em todo o leito de frutos, sendo o tempo médio de resfriamento de 57min.

  10. WebQuest y anotaciones semánticas WebQuest and semantic annotations

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Santiago Blanco Suárez


    Full Text Available En este artículo se presenta un sistema de búsqueda y recuperación de metadatos de actividades educativas que siguen el modelo WebQuest. Se trata de una base de datos relacional, accesible a través del web, que se complementa con un módulo que permite realizar anotaciones semánticas y cuyo objetivo es capturar y enriquecer el conocimiento acerca del uso de dichos ejercicios por parte de la comunidad de docentes que experimentan con ellos, así como documentar los recursos o sitios web de interés didáctico buscando construir un repositorio de enlaces educativos de calidad. This paper presents a system of searching and recovering educational activities that follow the Web-Quest model through the web, complemented with a module to make semantic annotations aimed at getting and enriching the knowledge on the use of these exercises by the teaching community. It also tries to document the resources or websites with didactic interest in order to build a qualified account of educational links.

  11. Historical Network Analysis of the Web

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brügger, Niels


    This article discusses some of the fundamental methodological challenges related to doing historical network analyses of the web based on material in web archives. Since the late 1990s many countries have established extensive national web archives, and software supported network analysis...... of the online web has for a number of years gained currency within Internet studies. However, the combination of these two phenomena—historical network analysis of material in web archives—can at best be characterized as an emerging new area of study. Most of the methodological challenges within this new area...... revolve around the specific nature of archived web material. On the basis of an introduction to the processes involved in web archiving as well as of the characteristics of archived web material, the article outlines and scrutinizes some of the major challenges which may arise when doing network analysis...

  12. Web corpus construction

    CERN Document Server

    Schafer, Roland


    The World Wide Web constitutes the largest existing source of texts written in a great variety of languages. A feasible and sound way of exploiting this data for linguistic research is to compile a static corpus for a given language. There are several adavantages of this approach: (i) Working with such corpora obviates the problems encountered when using Internet search engines in quantitative linguistic research (such as non-transparent ranking algorithms). (ii) Creating a corpus from web data is virtually free. (iii) The size of corpora compiled from the WWW may exceed by several orders of magnitudes the size of language resources offered elsewhere. (iv) The data is locally available to the user, and it can be linguistically post-processed and queried with the tools preferred by her/him. This book addresses the main practical tasks in the creation of web corpora up to giga-token size. Among these tasks are the sampling process (i.e., web crawling) and the usual cleanups including boilerplate removal and rem...

  13. Hera : Development of semantic web information systems

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Houben, G.J.P.M.; Barna, P.; Frasincar, F.; Vdovják, R.; Cuella Lovelle, J.M.; et al., xx


    As a consequence of the success of the Web, methodologies for information system development need to consider systems that use the Web paradigm. These Web Information Systems (WIS) use Web technologies to retrieve information from the Web and to deliver information in a Web presentation to the

  14. Answering the Call of the Web: UVA Crafts a Innovative Web Certification Program for Its Staff. (United States)

    Lee, Sandra T.


    Describes the development of a Web Certification Program at the University of Virginia. This program offers certificates at three levels: Web Basics, Web Designer, and Web Master. The paper focuses on: determination of criteria for awarding certificates; program status; program evaluation and program effectiveness; and future plans for the Web…

  15. WebCN: A web-based computation tool for in situ-produced cosmogenic nuclides

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ma Xiuzeng [Department of Physics, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907 (United States)]. E-mail:; Li Yingkui [Department of Geography, University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia, MO 65211 (United States); Bourgeois, Mike [Department of Physics, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907 (United States); Caffee, Marc [Department of Physics, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907 (United States); Elmore, David [Department of Physics, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907 (United States); Granger, Darryl [Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907 (United States); Muzikar, Paul [Department of Physics, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907 (United States); Smith, Preston [Department of Physics, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907 (United States)


    Cosmogenic nuclide techniques are increasingly being utilized in geoscience research. For this it is critical to establish an effective, easily accessible and well defined tool for cosmogenic nuclide computations. We have been developing a web-based tool (WebCN) to calculate surface exposure ages and erosion rates based on the nuclide concentrations measured by the accelerator mass spectrometry. WebCN for {sup 10}Be and {sup 26}Al has been finished and published at{sub u}sers/rockage.html. WebCN for {sup 36}Cl is under construction. WebCN is designed as a three-tier client/server model and uses the open source PostgreSQL for the database management and PHP for the interface design and calculations. On the client side, an internet browser and Microsoft Access are used as application interfaces to access the system. Open Database Connectivity is used to link PostgreSQL and Microsoft Access. WebCN accounts for both spatial and temporal distributions of the cosmic ray flux to calculate the production rates of in situ-produced cosmogenic nuclides at the Earth's surface.

  16. Web 3.0: implicaciones educativas


    Grupo TACE. Tecnologías Aplicadas a las Ciencias de la Educación


    La Web 3.0 se considera la etapa que sigue a la Web 2.0 o Web social. Todavía no es un término unívoco y suele aparecer unido con la web semántica. Es una extensión del World Wide Web, que permite expresar el lenguaje natural y también utilizar un lenguaje que se puede entender, interpretar y utilizar por agentes software, permitiendo encontrar, compartir e integrar la información más fácilmente. Se trata de un nuevo ciclo en el que la inteligencia artificial se combina con la capacidad de l...

  17. Arrangement for selectively irradiating webs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ihme, B.


    The arrangement for selectively irradiating a web includes a perforated band of a radiation impermeable substance which is guided in an endless path via a pair of guide rollers and has two juxtaposed runs in this path. A take-up roller conveys a web of material past one of the runs at a side thereof remote from the other run, the direction of movement of the web being other than parallel to that of the band and, preferably, normal thereto. An electron accelerator is provided at the far side of the run remote from the web and is effective for directing a radiation beam at the web through the perforations

  18. Determining the signalling overhead of two common WebRTC methods:JSON via XMLHttpRequest and SIP over WebSocket

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Adeyeye, M


    Full Text Available Web Real-Time Communication (WebRTC) introduces real-time multimedia communication as native capabilities of Web browsers. With the adoption of WebRTC the Web browsers will be able to use WebRTC to communicate with one another (peer...

  19. Using Web 2.0 applications to promote health-related physical activity: findings from the WALK 2.0 randomised controlled trial. (United States)

    Kolt, Gregory S; Rosenkranz, Richard R; Vandelanotte, Corneel; Caperchione, Cristina M; Maeder, Anthony J; Tague, Rhys; Savage, Trevor N; Van, Itallie Anetta; Mummery, W Kerry; Oldmeadow, Christopher; Duncan, Mitch J


    Web 2.0 internet technology has great potential in promoting physical activity. This trial investigated the effectiveness of a Web 2.0-based intervention on physical activity behaviour, and the impact on website usage and engagement. 504 (328 women, 126 men) insufficiently active adult participants were randomly allocated to one of two web-based interventions or a paper-based Logbook group. The Web 1.0 group participated in the existing 10 000 Steps programme, while the Web 2.0 group participated in a Web 2.0-enabled physical activity intervention including user-to-user interaction through social networking capabilities. ActiGraph GT3X activity monitors were used to assess physical activity at four points across the intervention (0, 3, 12 and 18 months), and usage and engagement were assessed continuously through website usage statistics. Treatment groups differed significantly in trajectories of minutes/day of physical activity (p=0.0198), through a greater change at 3 months for Web 2.0 than Web 1.0 (7.3 min/day, 95% CI 2.4 to 12.3). In the Web 2.0 group, physical activity increased at 3 (mean change 6.8 min/day, 95% CI 3.9 to 9.6) and 12 months (3.8 min/day, 95% CI 0.5 to 7.0), but not 18 months. The Logbook group also increased physical activity at 3 (4.8 min/day, 95% CI 1.8 to 7.7) and 12 months (4.9 min/day, 95% CI 0.7 to 9.1), but not 18 months. The Web 1.0 group increased physical activity at 12 months only (4.9 min/day, 95% CI 0.5 to 9.3). The Web 2.0 group demonstrated higher levels of website engagement (p=0.3964). In comparison to a Web 1.0 intervention, a more interactive Web 2.0 intervention, as well as the paper-based Logbook intervention, improved physical activity in the short term, but that effect reduced over time, despite higher levels of engagement of the Web 2.0 group. ACTRN12611000157976. Published by the BMJ Publishing Group Limited. For permission to use (where not already granted under a licence) please go to

  20. Anonymous Web Browsing and Hosting




    In today’s high tech environment every organization, individual computer users use internet for accessing web data. To maintain high confidentiality and security of the data secure web solutions are required. In this paper we described dedicated anonymous web browsing solutions which makes our browsing faster and secure. Web application which play important role for transferring our secret information including like email need more and more security concerns. This paper also describes that ho...

  1. EuroGOV: Engineering a Multilingual Web Corpus

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Sigurbjörnsson, B.; Kamps, J.; de Rijke, M.


    EuroGOV is a multilingual web corpus that was created to serve as the document collection for WebCLEF, the CLEF 2005 web retrieval task. EuroGOV is a collection of web pages crawled from the European Union portal, European Union member state governmental web sites, and Russian government web sites.

  2. A prática pedagógica no ensino de biblioteconomia: interação e colaboração no contexto da web 2.0

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ronaldo Ferreira Araújo


    Full Text Available apresenta breves considerações sobre a inserção das tecnologias de informação e comunicação no trabalho docente do ensino de Biblioteconomia no Brasil e aborda a prática pedagógica na área a partir dos suportes tecnológicos com ênfase no uso de recursos da web 2.0 no apoio ao processo de ensino e aprendizagem. Com o intuito de contribuir com a discussão descreve um experimento, baseado em uma prática pedagógica interativa, desenvolvido durante a realização da disciplina “Informática aplicada à Biblioteconomia II” do curso de graduação em Biblioteconomia da Universidade Federal de Alagoas (UFAL no primeiro semestre do ano de 2011. Por meio de uma abordagem netnográfica, as discussões em torno da disciplina postadas no microblog Twitter foram monitoradas, com o propósito de averiguar a possibilidade do uso de recursos da web 2.0 como aportes metodológicos ao ensino da disciplina. Ao todo foram identificados 514 tweets e pelo perfil de compartilhamento (distribuição das mensagens por mês, dia da semana e horário do dia e das conversações estabelecidas (mentions, replies, e retweets considera que a ferramenta utilizada confirma a lógica de um recurso baseado no contexto da web 2.0, que por sua premissa de interação e colaboração, facilita a participação e engajamento dos alunos na disciplina. A aprendizagem distributiva e contínua na qual o assunto discutido ultrapassou as limitações espaço-temporal da sala de aula foi identificada, bem como o envolvimento ativo e exercício da autonomia por parte dos alunos. Conclui-se que, pensar a educação no contexto de uma constante evolução tecnológica altera de forma significativa as práticas pedagógicas e exige uma postura de contínua reformulação do trabalho docente

  3. Data management on the spatial web

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Christian S.


    Due in part to the increasing mobile use of the web and the proliferation of geo-positioning, the web is fast acquiring a significant spatial aspect. Content and users are being augmented with locations that are used increasingly by location-based services. Studies suggest that each week, several...... billion web queries are issued that have local intent and target spatial web objects. These are points of interest with a web presence, and they thus have locations as well as textual descriptions. This development has given prominence to spatial web data management, an area ripe with new and exciting...... opportunities and challenges. The research community has embarked on inventing and supporting new query functionality for the spatial web. Different kinds of spatial web queries return objects that are near a location argument and are relevant to a text argument. To support such queries, it is important...

  4. APFEL Web a web-based application for the graphical visualization of parton distribution functions

    CERN Document Server

    Carrazza, Stefano; Palazzo, Daniele; Rojo, Juan


    We present APFEL Web, a web-based application designed to provide a flexible user-friendly tool for the graphical visualization of parton distribution functions (PDFs). In this note we describe the technical design of the APFEL Web application, motivating the choices and the framework used for the development of this project. We document the basic usage of APFEL Web and show how it can be used to provide useful input for a variety of collider phenomenological studies. Finally we provide some examples showing the output generated by the application.

  5. APFEL Web: a web-based application for the graphical visualization of parton distribution functions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Carrazza, Stefano; Ferrara, Alfio; Palazzo, Daniele; Rojo, Juan


    We present APFEL Web, a Web-based application designed to provide a flexible user-friendly tool for the graphical visualization of parton distribution functions. In this note we describe the technical design of the APFEL Web application, motivating the choices and the framework used for the development of this project. We document the basic usage of APFEL Web and show how it can be used to provide useful input for a variety of collider phenomenological studies. Finally we provide some examples showing the output generated by the application. (note)


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sammy Aquino Pereira


    Full Text Available O gênero Jatropha apresenta uma grande diversidade de espécies e potencial socioeconômico, mas existem poucas informações sobre o gênero e estas se encontram dispersas dificultando a tomada de decisão para a inovação. A prospecção científica e tecnológica se apresenta viável nesse processo por indicar temas de interesse para a pesquisa e tecnologia estratégica na tomada de decisão, como é o caso da biotecnologia que tem se destacado por suas aplicações na geração de novos produtos e/ou processos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar as potencialidades e a evolução científica e tecnológica sobre o gênero Jatropha com foco na biotecnologia como agente agregador na agricultura. Foi realizado um estudo bibliométrico, com a coleta de dados nas bases da Web of Science e Derwent Innovation Index. Os dados recuperados foram tratados em software específico e em seguida analisados. Os principais resultados denotam que o número de publicações científicas supera o depósito de patentes. A Índia é o país com o maior número de publicações, enquanto os Estados Unidos é o maior detentor de patentes. As palavras mais citadas pelos autores envolvem a espécie Jatropha curcas e a transformação de seu óleo em biodiesel, a maioria das patentes estão classificadas na Seção C12N e A01H.

  7. Web-GIS visualisation of permafrost-related Remote Sensing products for ESA GlobPermafrost (United States)

    Haas, A.; Heim, B.; Schaefer-Neth, C.; Laboor, S.; Nitze, I.; Grosse, G.; Bartsch, A.; Kaab, A.; Strozzi, T.; Wiesmann, A.; Seifert, F. M.


    The ESA GlobPermafrost ( provides a remote sensing service for permafrost research and applications. The service comprises of data product generation for various sites and regions as well as specific infrastructure allowing overview and access to datasets. Based on an online user survey conducted within the project, the user community extensively applies GIS software to handle remote sensing-derived datasets and requires preview functionalities before accessing them. In response, we develop the Permafrost Information System PerSys which is conceptualized as an open access geospatial data dissemination and visualization portal. PerSys will allow visualisation of GlobPermafrost raster and vector products such as land cover classifications, Landsat multispectral index trend datasets, lake and wetland extents, InSAR-based land surface deformation maps, rock glacier velocity fields, spatially distributed permafrost model outputs, and land surface temperature datasets. The datasets will be published as WebGIS services relying on OGC-standardized Web Mapping Service (WMS) and Web Feature Service (WFS) technologies for data display and visualization. The WebGIS environment will be hosted at the AWI computing centre where a geodata infrastructure has been implemented comprising of ArcGIS for Server 10.4, PostgreSQL 9.2 and a browser-driven data viewer based on Leaflet ( Independently, we will provide an `Access - Restricted Data Dissemination Service', which will be available to registered users for testing frequently updated versions of project datasets. PerSys will become a core project of the Arctic Permafrost Geospatial Centre (APGC) within the ERC-funded PETA-CARB project ( The APGC Data Catalogue will contain all final products of GlobPermafrost, allow in-depth dataset search via keywords, spatial and temporal coverage, data type, etc., and will provide DOI-based links to the datasets archived in the

  8. The Evolution of Web Searching. (United States)

    Green, David


    Explores the interrelation between Web publishing and information retrieval technologies and lists new approaches to Web indexing and searching. Highlights include Web directories; search engines; portalisation; Internet service providers; browser providers; meta search engines; popularity based analysis; natural language searching; links-based…

  9. WebPresent: a World Wide Web-based telepresentation tool for physicians (United States)

    Sampath-Kumar, Srihari; Banerjea, Anindo; Moshfeghi, Mehran


    In this paper, we present the design architecture and the implementation status of WebPresent - a world wide web based tele-presentation tool. This tool allows a physician to use a conference server workstation and make a presentation of patient cases to a geographically distributed audience. The audience consists of other physicians collaborating on patients' health care management and physicians participating in continuing medical education. These physicians are at several locations with networks of different bandwidth and capabilities connecting them. Audiences also receive the patient case information on different computers ranging form high-end display workstations to laptops with low-resolution displays. WebPresent is a scalable networked multimedia tool which supports the presentation of hypertext, images, audio, video, and a white-board to remote physicians with hospital Intranet access. WebPresent allows the audience to receive customized information. The data received can differ in resolution and bandwidth, depending on the availability of resources such as display resolution and network bandwidth.

  10. Elements of a Spatial Web

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Christian S.


    Driven by factors such as the increasingly mobile use of the web and the proliferation of geo-positioning technologies, the web is rapidly acquiring a spatial aspect. Specifically, content and users are being geo-tagged, and services are being developed that exploit these tags. The research...... community is hard at work inventing means of efficiently supporting new spatial query functionality. Points of interest with a web presence, called spatial web objects, have a location as well as a textual description. Spatio-textual queries return such objects that are near a location argument...... and are relevant to a text argument. An important element in enabling such queries is to be able to rank spatial web objects. Another is to be able to determine the relevance of an object to a query. Yet another is to enable the efficient processing of such queries. The talk covers recent results on spatial web...

  11. Utilización de herramientas Web 2.0 en la Física y Química de bachillerato

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Quintanal Pérez, Felipe


    Full Text Available The action research project developed is to link the study of physics of 1th High Scool with different situations that appear in science fiction films, as well as using different Web 2.0 applications and putting them together in a virtual platform microblogging, Edmodo, as a means of communication and distribution of the work done by students.

    El proyecto de investigación-acción desarrollado trata de enlazar el estudio de la Física de 1.º de Bachillerato con diversas situaciones que aparecen en las películas de ciencia ficción, así como el empleo de diferentes aplicaciones Web 2.0 y su puesta en común en una plataforma virtual de microblogging, Edmodo, como medio de comunicación y distribución de los trabajos efectuados por los estudiantes.

  12. WebDMS: A Web-Based Data Management System for Environmental Data (United States)

    Ekstrand, A. L.; Haderman, M.; Chan, A.; Dye, T.; White, J. E.; Parajon, G.


    DMS is an environmental Data Management System to manage, quality-control (QC), summarize, document chain-of-custody, and disseminate data from networks ranging in size from a few sites to thousands of sites, instruments, and sensors. The server-client desktop version of DMS is used by local and regional air quality agencies (including the Bay Area Air Quality Management District, the South Coast Air Quality Management District, and the California Air Resources Board), the EPA's AirNow Program, and the EPA's AirNow-International (AirNow-I) program, which offers countries the ability to run an AirNow-like system. As AirNow's core data processing engine, DMS ingests, QCs, and stores real-time data from over 30,000 active sensors at over 5,280 air quality and meteorological sites from over 130 air quality agencies across the United States. As part of the AirNow-I program, several instances of DMS are deployed in China, Mexico, and Taiwan. The U.S. Department of State's StateAir Program also uses DMS for five regions in China and plans to expand to other countries in the future. Recent development has begun to migrate DMS from an onsite desktop application to WebDMS, a web-based application designed to take advantage of cloud hosting and computing services to increase scalability and lower costs. WebDMS will continue to provide easy-to-use data analysis tools, such as time-series graphs, scatterplots, and wind- or pollution-rose diagrams, as well as allowing data to be exported to external systems such as the EPA's Air Quality System (AQS). WebDMS will also provide new GIS analysis features and a suite of web services through a RESTful web API. These changes will better meet air agency needs and allow for broader national and international use (for example, by the AirNow-I partners). We will talk about the challenges and advantages of migrating DMS to the web, modernizing the DMS user interface, and making it more cost-effective to enhance and maintain over time.

  13. Security scanning of Web sites at CERN

    CERN Multimedia

    IT Department


    As of early 2010, the CERN Computer Security Team will start regular scanning of all Web sites and Web applications at CERN, visible on the Internet, or on the General Purpose Network (office network). The goal of this scanning is to improve the quality of CERN Web sites. All deficits found will be reported by e-mail to the relevant Web site owners, and must be fixed in a timely manner. Web site owners may also request one-off scans of their Web site or Web application, by sending an e-mail to These Web scans are designed to limit the impact on the scanned Web sites. Nevertheless, in very rare cases scans may cause undesired side-effects, e.g. generate a large number of log entries, or cause particularly badly designed or less robust Web applications to crash. If a Web site is affected by these security scans, it will also be susceptible to any more aggressive scan that can be performed any time by a malicious attacker. Such Web applications should be fixed, and also additionally...

  14. ProCom middleware


    Kunčar, Jiří


    The goal of this thesis is to develop and implement parts of a middleware that provides necessary support for the execution of ProCom components on top of the real-time operating system FreeRTOS. The ProCom is a component model for embedded systems developed at Mälardalen University. The primary problem is finding an appropriate balance between the level of abstraction and thoughtful utilization of system resources in embedded devices. The defined target platform has limitations in comparison...

  15. ProCom middleware


    Kuncar, Jiri


    The goal of this thesis is to develop and implement parts of a middleware that provides necessary support for the execution of ProCom components on top of the real-time operating system FreeRTOS. ProCom is a component model for embedded systems developed at Mälardalen University. The primary problem is finding an appropriate balance between the level of abstraction and thoughtful utilization of system resources in embedded devices. The defined target platform has limitations in comparison to ...

  16. enterprise architecture

    CERN Document Server

    Fawcett, Andrew


    This book is for advanced developers and architects who need to understand the Salesforce platform from the perspective of enterprise-level requirements. You should have an existing understanding of Apex and Visualforce. Those familiar with other enterprise software ecosystems will also find this book ideal as they adopt

  17. CASAS: Cancer Survival Analysis Suite, a web based application. (United States)

    Rupji, Manali; Zhang, Xinyan; Kowalski, Jeanne


    We present CASAS, a shiny R based tool for interactive survival analysis and visualization of results. The tool provides a web-based one stop shop to perform the following types of survival analysis:  quantile, landmark and competing risks, in addition to standard survival analysis.  The interface makes it easy to perform such survival analyses and obtain results using the interactive Kaplan-Meier and cumulative incidence plots.  Univariate analysis can be performed on one or several user specified variable(s) simultaneously, the results of which are displayed in a single table that includes log rank p-values and hazard ratios along with their significance. For several quantile survival analyses from multiple cancer types, a single summary grid is constructed. The CASAS package has been implemented in R and is available via The developmental repository is available at

  18. XML databases and the semantic web

    CERN Document Server

    Thuraisingham, Bhavani


    Efficient access to data, sharing data, extracting information from data, and making use of the information have become urgent needs for today''s corporations. With so much data on the Web, managing it with conventional tools is becoming almost impossible. New tools and techniques are necessary to provide interoperability as well as warehousing between multiple data sources and systems, and to extract information from the databases. XML Databases and the Semantic Web focuses on critical and new Web technologies needed for organizations to carry out transactions on the Web, to understand how to use the Web effectively, and to exchange complex documents on the Web.This reference for database administrators, database designers, and Web designers working in tandem with database technologists covers three emerging technologies of significant impact for electronic business: Extensible Markup Language (XML), semi-structured databases, and the semantic Web. The first two parts of the book explore these emerging techn...

  19. Interactive Viewing and Comparison of Large Phylogenetic Trees on the Web. (United States)

    Robinson, Oscar; Dylus, David; Dessimoz, Christophe


    Phylogenetic trees are pervasively used to depict evolutionary relationships. Increasingly, researchers need to visualize large trees and compare multiple large trees inferred for the same set of taxa (reflecting uncertainty in the tree inference or genuine discordance among the loci analyzed). Existing tree visualization tools are however not well suited to these tasks. In particular, side-by-side comparison of trees can prove challenging beyond a few dozen taxa. Here, we introduce, a web application to visualize and compare phylogenetic trees side-by-side. Its distinctive features are: highlighting of similarities and differences between two trees, automatic identification of the best matching rooting and leaf order, scalability to large trees, high usability, multiplatform support via standard HTML5 implementation, and possibility to store and share visualizations. The tool can be freely accessed at and can easily be embedded in other web servers. The code for the associated JavaScript library is available at under an MIT open source license. © The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution.

  20. Creating an interactive Web-based e-learning course: a practical introduction for radiologists. (United States)

    Hoa, Denis; Micheau, Antoine; Gahide, Gerald


    With the development of e-learning and its ability to provide rich animated content rapidly to a wide audience, new methods for teaching medical imaging have evolved. E-learning tools allow building of learner-focused structured courses. Standards such as shareable content object reference model (SCORM) or Aviation Industry Computer-based Training Committee (AICC) guidelines and recommendations provide the framework required to combine text, images, videos, animations, and quizzes for learning assessment, even if each of these elements is created with different software. The main features to consider when choosing a learning management system are content management, assessment and reporting tools, customization options, course delivery, administration, and security. The tools for building a Web-based course with pages containing text, images, videos, and Flash animations are now accessible to any radiologist. Open-source learning management systems and content authoring software are available at no cost. The authors developed, a free Web-based e-learning course with interactive animations and simulations, self-tests, and clinical cases to demonstrate the potential of the latest advances in e-learning and pedagogy applied to magnetic resonance imaging physics.

  1. Exploring the academic invisible web


    Lewandowski, Dirk; Mayr, Philipp


    Purpose: To provide a critical review of Bergman’s 2001 study on the Deep Web. In addition, we bring a new concept into the discussion, the Academic Invisible Web (AIW). We define the Academic Invisible Web as consisting of all databases and collections relevant to academia but not searchable by the general-purpose internet search engines. Indexing this part of the Invisible Web is central to scientific search engines. We provide an overview of approaches followed thus far. Design/methodol...

  2. Web Team Development (United States)

    Church, Jennifer; Felker, Kyle


    The dynamic world of the Web has provided libraries with a wealth of opportunities, including new approaches to the provision of information and varied internal staffing structures. The development of self-managed Web teams, endowed with authority and resources, can create an adaptable and responsive culture within libraries. This new working team…

  3. Deconstruyendo a Dexter. Microanálisis y reinterpretación de una serie televisiva en la web

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rafael Marfil Carmona


    Full Text Available El presente artículo expone, de forma resumida, un planteamiento metodológico para analizar producciones audiovisuales, aportando un ejemplo concreto de las posibilidades que ofrece la web para finalizar ese proceso a través de la expresión creativa. Se propone una metodología integradora aplicable, en el caso aportado, a un ejercicio de microanálisis de la secuencia introductoria a la serie de televisión Dexter (M. Cuesta, T. Goldwyn y R. Lieberman; Showtime television, 2006, mostrando finalmente un interesante ejemplo de reinterpretación en la web, como es el remake titulado Malviviendo (, ejemplo del uso del lenguaje audiovisual y los nuevos medios de difusión (youtube e internet TV como fase final de un proceso conceptual-creativo. El recorrido analítico parte de una reflexión conceptual y crítica para finalizar en la expresión a través de los propios medios audiovisuales.

  4. Augmenting the Web through Open Hypermedia

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bouvin, N.O.


    Based on an overview of Web augmentation and detailing the three basic approaches to extend the hypermedia functionality of the Web, the author presents a general open hypermedia framework (the Arakne framework) to augment the Web. The aim is to provide users with the ability to link, annotate, a......, and otherwise structure Web pages, as they see fit. The paper further discusses the possibilities of the concept through the description of various experiments performed with an implementation of the framework, the Arakne Environment......Based on an overview of Web augmentation and detailing the three basic approaches to extend the hypermedia functionality of the Web, the author presents a general open hypermedia framework (the Arakne framework) to augment the Web. The aim is to provide users with the ability to link, annotate...

  5. Personalization of Rule-based Web Services. (United States)

    Choi, Okkyung; Han, Sang Yong


    Nowadays Web users have clearly expressed their wishes to receive personalized services directly. Personalization is the way to tailor services directly to the immediate requirements of the user. However, the current Web Services System does not provide any features supporting this such as consideration of personalization of services and intelligent matchmaking. In this research a flexible, personalized Rule-based Web Services System to address these problems and to enable efficient search, discovery and construction across general Web documents and Semantic Web documents in a Web Services System is proposed. This system utilizes matchmaking among service requesters', service providers' and users' preferences using a Rule-based Search Method, and subsequently ranks search results. A prototype of efficient Web Services search and construction for the suggested system is developed based on the current work.

  6. Web Services--A Buzz Word with Potentials (United States)

    János T. Füstös


    The simplest definition of a web service is an application that provides a web API. The web API exposes the functionality of the solution to other applications. The web API relies on other Internet-based technologies to manage communications. The resulting web services are pervasive, vendor-independent, language-neutral, and very low-cost. The main purpose of a web API...

  7. Web-based Surveys: Changing the Survey Process


    Gunn, Holly


    Web-based surveys are having a profound influence on the survey process. Unlike other types of surveys, Web page design skills and computer programming expertise play a significant role in the design of Web-based surveys. Survey respondents face new and different challenges in completing a Web-based survey. This paper examines the different types of Web-based surveys, the advantages and challenges of using Web-based surveys, the design of Web-based surveys, and the issues of validity, error, ...

  8. A Runtime System for Interactive Web Services

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brabrand, Claus; Møller, Anders; Sandholm, Anders


    Interactive web services are increasingly replacing traditional static web pages. Producing web services seems to require a tremendous amount of laborious low-level coding due to the primitive nature of CGI programming. We present ideas for an improved runtime system for interactive web services ...... built on top of CGI running on virtually every combination of browser and HTTP/CGI server. The runtime system has been implemented and used extensively in , a tool for producing interactive web services.......Interactive web services are increasingly replacing traditional static web pages. Producing web services seems to require a tremendous amount of laborious low-level coding due to the primitive nature of CGI programming. We present ideas for an improved runtime system for interactive web services...

  9. Spatial Reconnaissance : Technical Report ComCoast

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Verhagen, H.J.; Ahlhorn, F.


    ComCoast (Combined Functions in Coastal Defence Zones) is an INTERREG IIIB project funded by the EU. ComCoast aims to develop and demonstrate innovative solutions for flood protection in coastal areas. In ComCoast, five countries from the North Sea Region are involved: Belgium, Denmark, The

  10. Extracting Macroscopic Information from Web Links. (United States)

    Thelwall, Mike


    Discussion of Web-based link analysis focuses on an evaluation of Ingversen's proposed external Web Impact Factor for the original use of the Web, namely the interlinking of academic research. Studies relationships between academic hyperlinks and research activities for British universities and discusses the use of search engines for Web link…

  11. The Semantic Web in Teacher Education (United States)

    Czerkawski, Betül Özkan


    The Semantic Web enables increased collaboration among computers and people by organizing unstructured data on the World Wide Web. Rather than a separate body, the Semantic Web is a functional extension of the current Web made possible by defining relationships among websites and other online content. When explicitly defined, these relationships…

  12. Hacking web intelligence open source intelligence and web reconnaissance concepts and techniques

    CERN Document Server

    Chauhan, Sudhanshu


    Open source intelligence (OSINT) and web reconnaissance are rich topics for infosec professionals looking for the best ways to sift through the abundance of information widely available online. In many cases, the first stage of any security assessment-that is, reconnaissance-is not given enough attention by security professionals, hackers, and penetration testers. Often, the information openly present is as critical as the confidential data. Hacking Web Intelligence shows you how to dig into the Web and uncover the information many don't even know exists. The book takes a holistic approach

  13. VizPrimer: a web server for visualized PCR primer design based on known gene structure. (United States)

    Zhou, Yang; Qu, Wubin; Lu, Yiming; Zhang, Yanchun; Wang, Xiaolei; Zhao, Dongsheng; Yang, Yi; Zhang, Chenggang


    The visualization of gene structure plays an important role in polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primer design, especially for eukaryotic genes with a number of splice variants that users need to distinguish between via PCR. Here, we describe a visualized web server for primer design named VizPrimer. It utilizes the new information technology (IT) tools, HTML5 to display gene structure and JavaScript to interact with the users. In VizPrimer, the users can focus their attention on the gene structure and primer design strategy, without wasting time calculating the exon positions of splice variants or manually configuring complicated parameters. In addition, VizPrimer is also suitable for the design of PCR primers for amplifying open reading frames and detecting single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). VizPrimer is freely available at The web server supported browsers: Chrome (≥5.0), Firefox (≥3.0), Safari (≥4.0) and Opera (≥10.0).;

  14. BioCircos.js: an interactive Circos JavaScript library for biological data visualization on web applications. (United States)

    Cui, Ya; Chen, Xiaowei; Luo, Huaxia; Fan, Zhen; Luo, Jianjun; He, Shunmin; Yue, Haiyan; Zhang, Peng; Chen, Runsheng


    We here present BioCircos.js, an interactive and lightweight JavaScript library especially for biological data interactive visualization. BioCircos.js facilitates the development of web-based applications for circular visualization of various biological data, such as genomic features, genetic variations, gene expression and biomolecular interactions. BioCircos.js and its manual are freely available online at Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online. © The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please e-mail:

  15. Designing a responsive web site


    Fejzić , Diana


    Due to the increasing prevalence of smartphones and tablet computers design became a crucial part of web design. For a user, responsive web design enables the best user experience, regardless of whether a user is visiting the site via a mobile phone, a tablet or a computer. This thesis covers the process of planning, designing and responsive web site development, for a fictitious company named “Creative Design d.o.o.”, with the help of web technologies. In the initial part of the thesis, w...

  16. Two-step web-mining approach to study geology/geophysics-related open-source software projects (United States)

    Behrends, Knut; Conze, Ronald


    Geology/geophysics is a highly interdisciplinary science, overlapping with, for instance, physics, biology and chemistry. In today's software-intensive work environments, geoscientists often encounter new open-source software from scientific fields that are only remotely related to the own field of expertise. We show how web-mining techniques can help to carry out systematic discovery and evaluation of such software. In a first step, we downloaded ~500 abstracts (each consisting of ~1 kb UTF-8 text) from This web site hosts the abstracts of all publications presented at AGU Fall Meeting 2012, the world's largest annual geology/geophysics conference. All abstracts belonged to the category "Earth and Space Science Informatics", an interdisciplinary label cross-cutting many disciplines such as "deep biosphere", "atmospheric research", and "mineral physics". Each publication was represented by a highly structured record with ~20 short data attributes, the largest authorship-record being the unstructured "abstract" field. We processed texts of the abstracts with the statistics software "R" to calculate a corpus and a term-document matrix. Using R package "tm", we applied text-mining techniques to filter data and develop hypotheses about software-development activities happening in various geology/geophysics fields. Analyzing the term-document matrix with basic techniques (e.g., word frequencies, co-occurences, weighting) as well as more complex methods (clustering, classification) several key pieces of information were extracted. For example, text-mining can be used to identify scientists who are also developers of open-source scientific software, and the names of their programming projects and codes can also be identified. In a second step, based on the intermediate results found by processing the conference-abstracts, any new hypotheses can be tested in another webmining subproject: by merging the dataset with open data from

  17. WebBio, a web-based management and analysis system for patient data of biological products in hospital. (United States)

    Lu, Ying-Hao; Kuo, Chen-Chun; Huang, Yaw-Bin


    We selected HTML, PHP and JavaScript as the programming languages to build "WebBio", a web-based system for patient data of biological products and used MySQL as database. WebBio is based on the PHP-MySQL suite and is run by Apache server on Linux machine. WebBio provides the functions of data management, searching function and data analysis for 20 kinds of biological products (plasma expanders, human immunoglobulin and hematological products). There are two particular features in WebBio: (1) pharmacists can rapidly find out whose patients used contaminated products for medication safety, and (2) the statistics charts for a specific product can be automatically generated to reduce pharmacist's work loading. WebBio has successfully turned traditional paper work into web-based data management.

  18. PhyloBot: A Web Portal for Automated Phylogenetics, Ancestral Sequence Reconstruction, and Exploration of Mutational Trajectories.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Victor Hanson-Smith


    Full Text Available The method of phylogenetic ancestral sequence reconstruction is a powerful approach for studying evolutionary relationships among protein sequence, structure, and function. In particular, this approach allows investigators to (1 reconstruct and "resurrect" (that is, synthesize in vivo or in vitro extinct proteins to study how they differ from modern proteins, (2 identify key amino acid changes that, over evolutionary timescales, have altered the function of the protein, and (3 order historical events in the evolution of protein function. Widespread use of this approach has been slow among molecular biologists, in part because the methods require significant computational expertise. Here we present PhyloBot, a web-based software tool that makes ancestral sequence reconstruction easy. Designed for non-experts, it integrates all the necessary software into a single user interface. Additionally, PhyloBot provides interactive tools to explore evolutionary trajectories between ancestors, enabling the rapid generation of hypotheses that can be tested using genetic or biochemical approaches. Early versions of this software were used in previous studies to discover genetic mechanisms underlying the functions of diverse protein families, including V-ATPase ion pumps, DNA-binding transcription regulators, and serine/threonine protein kinases. PhyloBot runs in a web browser, and is available at the following URL: The software is implemented in Python using the Django web framework, and runs on elastic cloud computing resources from Amazon Web Services. Users can create and submit jobs on our free server (at the URL listed above, or use our open-source code to launch their own PhyloBot server.

  19. A Semantically Automated Protocol Adapter for Mapping SOAP Web Services to RESTful HTTP Format to Enable the Web Infrastructure, Enhance Web Service Interoperability and Ease Web Service Migration

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Frank Doheny


    Full Text Available Semantic Web Services (SWS are Web Service (WS descriptions augmented with semantic information. SWS enable intelligent reasoning and automation in areas such as service discovery, composition, mediation, ranking and invocation. This paper applies SWS to a previous protocol adapter which, operating within clearly defined constraints, maps SOAP Web Services to RESTful HTTP format. However, in the previous adapter, the configuration element is manual and the latency implications are locally based. This paper applies SWS technologies to automate the configuration element and the latency tests are conducted in a more realistic Internet based setting.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Claudia Elena Dinucă


    Full Text Available Nowadays, the web is an important part of our daily life. The web is now the best medium of doing business. Large companies rethink their business strategy using the web to improve business. Business carried on the Web offers the opportunity to potential customers or partners where their products and specific business can be found. Business presence through a company web site has several advantages as it breaks the barrier of time and space compared with the existence of a physical office. To differentiate through the Internet economy, winning companies have realized that e-commerce transactions is more than just buying / selling, appropriate strategies are key to improve competitive power. One effective technique used for this purpose is data mining. Data mining is the process of extracting interesting knowledge from data. Web mining is the use of data mining techniques to extract information from web data. This article presents the three components of web mining: web usage mining, web structure mining and web content mining.

  1. A Typology for Web 2.0

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dalsgaard, Christian; Sorensen, Elsebeth Korsgaard


    of a learning environment: 1) organizing communicative processes and 2) organizing resources. Organizing communicative processes is supported by Web 2.0’s ability to provide a range of communicative tools that can be organized flexibly by students. Web 2.0 provides opportunities for communities and groups...... to organize their own communicative processes. Further, Web 2.0 supports organization of resources by empowering students to create, construct, manage and share content themselves. However, the main potential lies within collaborative creation and sharing in networks. Potentially, networking tools......Web 2.0 is a term used to describe recent developments on the World Wide Web. The term is often used to describe the increased use of the web for user-generated content, collaboration, and social networking. However, Web 2.0 is a weakly defined concept, and it is unclear exactly what kind...

  2. Sensor system for web inspection (United States)

    Sleefe, Gerard E.; Rudnick, Thomas J.; Novak, James L.


    A system for electrically measuring variations over a flexible web has a capacitive sensor including spaced electrically conductive, transmit and receive electrodes mounted on a flexible substrate. The sensor is held against a flexible web with sufficient force to deflect the path of the web, which moves relative to the sensor.

  3. Chemical Search Web Utility (United States)

    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency — The Chemical Search Web Utility is an intuitive web application that allows the public to easily find the chemical that they are interested in using, and which...

  4. Nuclear expert web search and crawler algorithm

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Reis, Thiago; Barroso, Antonio C.O.; Baptista, Benedito Filho D.


    In this paper we present preliminary research on web search and crawling algorithm applied specifically to nuclear-related web information. We designed a web-based nuclear-oriented expert system guided by a web crawler algorithm and a neural network able to search and retrieve nuclear-related hyper textual web information in autonomous and massive fashion. Preliminary experimental results shows a retrieval precision of 80% for web pages related to any nuclear theme and a retrieval precision of 72% for web pages related only to nuclear power theme. (author)

  5. Nuclear expert web search and crawler algorithm

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Reis, Thiago; Barroso, Antonio C.O.; Baptista, Benedito Filho D., E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail: [Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares (IPEN/CNEN-SP), Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil)


    In this paper we present preliminary research on web search and crawling algorithm applied specifically to nuclear-related web information. We designed a web-based nuclear-oriented expert system guided by a web crawler algorithm and a neural network able to search and retrieve nuclear-related hyper textual web information in autonomous and massive fashion. Preliminary experimental results shows a retrieval precision of 80% for web pages related to any nuclear theme and a retrieval precision of 72% for web pages related only to nuclear power theme. (author)

  6. Collaborative web hosting challenges and research directions

    CERN Document Server

    Ahmed, Reaz


    This brief presents a peer-to-peer (P2P) web-hosting infrastructure (named pWeb) that can transform networked, home-entertainment devices into lightweight collaborating Web servers for persistently storing and serving multimedia and web content. The issues addressed include ensuring content availability, Plexus routing and indexing, naming schemes, web ID, collaborative web search, network architecture and content indexing. In pWeb, user-generated voluminous multimedia content is proactively uploaded to a nearby network location (preferably within the same LAN or at least, within the same ISP)

  7. Web Design Matters (United States)

    Mathews, Brian


    The web site is a library's most important feature. Patrons use the web site for numerous functions, such as renewing materials, placing holds, requesting information, and accessing databases. The homepage is the place they turn to look up the hours, branch locations, policies, and events. Whether users are at work, at home, in a building, or on…

  8. Editorial for the special issue on "The Semantic Web for all" of the Semantic Web Journal (SWJ)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Guéret, Christophe; Boyera, Stephane; Powell, Mike; Murillo, Martin


    Over the past few years Semantic Web technologies have brought significant changes in the way structured data is published, shared and consumed on the Web. Emerging online applications based on the Web of Objects or Linked Open Data can use the Web as a platform to exchange and reason over

  9. Web metrics for library and information professionals

    CERN Document Server

    Stuart, David


    This is a practical guide to using web metrics to measure impact and demonstrate value. The web provides an opportunity to collect a host of different metrics, from those associated with social media accounts and websites to more traditional research outputs. This book is a clear guide for library and information professionals as to what web metrics are available and how to assess and use them to make informed decisions and demonstrate value. As individuals and organizations increasingly use the web in addition to traditional publishing avenues and formats, this book provides the tools to unlock web metrics and evaluate the impact of this content. The key topics covered include: bibliometrics, webometrics and web metrics; data collection tools; evaluating impact on the web; evaluating social media impact; investigating relationships between actors; exploring traditional publications in a new environment; web metrics and the web of data; the future of web metrics and the library and information professional.Th...

  10. Eduquito: ferramentas de autoria e de colaboração acessíveis na perspectiva da web 2.0 Eduquito: accessible authorship and collaboration tools from the perspective of web 2.0

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lucila Maria Costi Santarosa


    Full Text Available o Eduquito, ambiente digital/virtual de aprendizagem desenvolvido pela equipe de pesquisadores do NIEE/UFRGS, busca apoiar processos de inclusão sociodigital, por ser projetado em sintonia com os princípios de acessibilidade e de desenho universal, normatizados pela WAI/W3C. O desenvolvimento da plataforma digital/virtual acessível e os resultados da utilização por pessoas com deficiências são discutidos, revelando um processo permanente de verificação e de validação dos recursos e da funcionalidade do ambiente Eduquito junto a diversidade humana. Apresentamos e problematizamos duas ferramentas de autoria individual e coletiva - a Oficina Multimídia e o Bloguito, um blog acessível -, novos recursos do ambiente Eduquito que emergem da aplicabilidade do conceito de pervasividade, buscando instituir espaços de letramento e impulsionar práticas de mediação tecnológica para a inclusão sociodigital no contexto da Web 2.0.the Eduquito, a digital/virtual learning environment developed by a NIEE / UFRGS team of researchers, seeks to support processes of socio-digital inclusion, and for that reason it was devised according to accessibility principles and universal design systematized by WAI/W3C. We discuss the development of a digital/virtual accessible platform and the results of its use by people with special needs, revealing an ongoing process of verification and validation of features and functionality of the Eduquito environment considering human diversity. We present and question two individual and collective authorship tools - the Multimedia Workshop and Bloguito, an accessible blog - new features of Eduquito Environment that emerge from the applicability of the concept of pervasiveness, in order to establish literacy spaces and boost technological mediation for socio-digital inclusion in the Web 2.0 context.

  11. SproutCore web application development

    CERN Document Server

    Keating, Tyler


    Written as a practical, step-by-step tutorial, Creating HTML5 Apps with SproutCore is full of engaging examples to help you learn in a practical context.This book is for any person looking to write software for the Web or already writing software for the Web. Whether your background is in web development or in software development, Creating HTML5 Apps with SproutCore will help you expand your skills so that you will be ready to apply the software development principles in the web development space.

  12. Vibration transmission through sheet webs of hobo spiders (Eratigena agrestis) and tangle webs of western black widow spiders (Latrodectus hesperus). (United States)

    Vibert, Samantha; Scott, Catherine; Gries, Gerhard


    Web-building spiders construct their own vibratory signaling environments. Web architecture should affect signal design, and vice versa, such that vibratory signals are transmitted with a minimum of attenuation and degradation. However, the web is the medium through which a spider senses both vibratory signals from courting males and cues produced by captured prey. Moreover, webs function not only in vibration transmission, but also in defense from predators and the elements. These multiple functions may impose conflicting selection pressures on web design. We investigated vibration transmission efficiency and accuracy through two web types with contrasting architectures: sheet webs of Eratigena agrestis (Agelenidae) and tangle webs of Latrodectus hesperus (Theridiidae). We measured vibration transmission efficiencies by playing frequency sweeps through webs with a piezoelectric vibrator and a loudspeaker, recording the resulting web vibrations at several locations on each web using a laser Doppler vibrometer. Transmission efficiencies through both web types were highly variable, with within-web variation greater than among-web variation. There was little difference in transmission efficiencies of longitudinal and transverse vibrations. The inconsistent transmission of specific frequencies through webs suggests that parameters other than frequency are most important in allowing these spiders to distinguish between vibrations of prey and courting males.

  13. Rejeição e vitimização por pares em crianças com deficiência intelectual e transtorno do espectro autista

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Deisy Ribas Emerich


    Full Text Available Crianças com necessidades educacionais especiais, como Deficiência Intelectual (DI e Transtornos do Espectro Autista (TEA, participam cada vez mais de classes regulares. Apesar da relevância desta inclusão, tais crianças podem enfrentar dificuldades como rejeição e vitimização pelos pares. Por meio de uma revisão da literatura, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo identificar a prevalência, o impacto e os fatores associados à rejeição e vitimização em crianças com DI e TEA. A busca foi realizada nas bases de dados Web of Science, Pubmed, Medline, Lilacs e Scielo, com os descritores: rejeição por pares, vitimização por pares, deficiência intelectual, criança com deficiência e necessidades especiais, Transtorno do Espectro do Autismo e seus correlatos em inglês nas bases internacionais. Foram identificados 196 artigos, dos quais 32 preencheram os critérios de inclusão. Verificou-se elevada prevalência de vitimização e alta taxa de rejeição em relação a crianças com necessidades educacionais especiais, independentemente da idade. Déficits nas habilidades sociais e nas funções executivas, comportamento desatento e hiperativo e queixas internalizantes mostraram-se associados às dificuldades no relacionamento com os pares nessa população. Estes indicadores devem ser incluídos em programas de prevenção e/ou tratamento para viabilizar a adequada inclusão de crianças com necessidades educacionais especiais em salas de aula regulares.

  14. Process-aware web programming with Jolie

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Montesi, F.


    We extend the Jolie programming language to capture the native modelling of process-aware web information systems, i.e., web information systems based upon the execution of business processes. Our main contribution is to offer a unifying approach for the programming of distributed architectures...... on the web, which can capture web servers, stateful process execution, and the composition of services via mediation. We discuss applications of this approach through a series of examples that cover, e.g., static content serving, multiparty sessions, and the evolution of web systems. Finally, we present...... a performance evaluation that includes a comparison of Jolie-based web systems to other frameworks and a measurement of its scalability. © 2016 Elsevier B.V....


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Orlando Durán


    Full Text Available A gestão ambiental tem se transformado num dos elementos chave dentro da gestão empresarial atual. Sistemas Integrados de Gestão posicionam num mesmo plano as questões relativas às dimensões financeiras, da qualidade e do desempenho ambiental. Dentro desse contexto, a mensuração dos custos ambientais ocupa um lugar de destaque no que tange à informação para a Gestão. Entretanto, a mensuração dos custos ambientais tem esbarrado nas limitações já reconhecidas dos instrumentos da contabilidade tradicional. Pela sua natureza, a maioria destes custos é considerada como sendo custos indiretos de fabricação e/ou custos fixos dificultando, com isso, sua identificação e correta apropriação. Com a utilização do Método do Custeio Baseado em Atividades (ABC, os custos ambientais podem ser definidos a partir da identificação e mensuração dos recursos consumidos pelas atividades de controle, preservação e recuperação ambiental. Tudo isso é possível devido às características do Método ABC, adaptando-se de uma melhor forma à identificação, medição e monitoramento dos custos ambientais. Este trabalho apresenta os resultados obtidos no projeto de construção de um sistema de monitoramento dos custos ambientais via web, utilizando para isto um banco de dados e linguagem PHP. Este sistema, chamado de Scorecard Ambiental, disponibiliza a informação relativa aos custos ambientais através da web categorizados segundo quatro classes, custos de prevenção, custos de avaliação, custos de falhas internas e custos de falhas externas e permite aos usuários acompanhar o comportamento dessas variáveis ao longo dos períodos.Environmental Management has become recently a central issue of corporate management. Integrated Management Systems incorporate matters such as finances, quality and environmental performance, at the same importance level. Within that context, measuring environmental costs is today an essential aspect

  16. Delivering Electronic Resources with Web OPACs and Other Web-based Tools: Needs of Reference Librarians. (United States)

    Bordeianu, Sever; Carter, Christina E.; Dennis, Nancy K.


    Describes Web-based online public access catalogs (Web OPACs) and other Web-based tools as gateway methods for providing access to library collections. Addresses solutions for overcoming barriers to information, such as through the implementation of proxy servers and other authentication tools for remote users. (Contains 18 references.)…

  17. Emergent web intelligence advanced information retrieval

    CERN Document Server

    Badr, Youakim; Abraham, Ajith; Hassanien, Aboul-Ella


    Web Intelligence explores the impact of artificial intelligence and advanced information technologies representing the next generation of Web-based systems, services, and environments, and designing hybrid web systems that serve wired and wireless users more efficiently. Multimedia and XML-based data are produced regularly and in increasing way in our daily digital activities, and their retrieval must be explored and studied in this emergent web-based era. 'Emergent Web Intelligence: Advanced information retrieval, provides reviews of the related cutting-edge technologies and insights. It is v

  18. Readability of the web: a study on 1 billion web pages

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    de Heus, Marije; Hiemstra, Djoerd

    We have performed a readability study on more than 1 billion web pages. The Automated Readability Index was used to determine the average grade level required to easily comprehend a website. Some of the results are that a 16-year-old can easily understand 50% of the web and an 18-year old can easily

  19. web cellHTS2: A web-application for the analysis of high-throughput screening data

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Boutros Michael


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The analysis of high-throughput screening data sets is an expanding field in bioinformatics. High-throughput screens by RNAi generate large primary data sets which need to be analyzed and annotated to identify relevant phenotypic hits. Large-scale RNAi screens are frequently used to identify novel factors that influence a broad range of cellular processes, including signaling pathway activity, cell proliferation, and host cell infection. Here, we present a web-based application utility for the end-to-end analysis of large cell-based screening experiments by cellHTS2. Results The software guides the user through the configuration steps that are required for the analysis of single or multi-channel experiments. The web-application provides options for various standardization and normalization methods, annotation of data sets and a comprehensive HTML report of the screening data analysis, including a ranked hit list. Sessions can be saved and restored for later re-analysis. The web frontend for the cellHTS2 R/Bioconductor package interacts with it through an R-server implementation that enables highly parallel analysis of screening data sets. web cellHTS2 further provides a file import and configuration module for common file formats. Conclusions The implemented web-application facilitates the analysis of high-throughput data sets and provides a user-friendly interface. web cellHTS2 is accessible online at A standalone version as a virtual appliance and source code for platforms supporting Java 1.5.0 can be downloaded from the web cellHTS2 page. web cellHTS2 is freely distributed under GPL.

  20. The Semantic Web in Education (United States)

    Ohler, Jason


    The semantic web or Web 3.0 makes information more meaningful to people by making it more understandable to machines. In this article, the author examines the implications of Web 3.0 for education. The author considers three areas of impact: knowledge construction, personal learning network maintenance, and personal educational administration.…