
Sample records for auditiva pca discutiendo

  1. Estudo de caso: neuropatia auditiva/dessincronia auditiva

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    Milaine Dominici Sanfins


    Full Text Available Este trabalho teve por objetivo relatar um caso de Neuropatia auditiva/Dessincronia auditiva (NA. A Neuropatia auditiva/Dessincronia auditiva é um transtorno que foi identificado há vinte anos; os pacientes que possuíam este transtorno eram diagnosticados como deficientes auditivos como conseqüência da ausência dos exames de emissões otoacústicas na bateria de testes de avaliação auditiva. O paciente foi avaliado por meio de testes audiológicos: imitanciometria, audiometria tonal limiar, emissões otoacústicas e potencial evocado auditivo de tronco-encefálico. Os resultados sugerem que o paciente apresenta um quadro sugestivo de NA e alertam para a necessidade de acompanhar longitudinalmente os casos de suspeita do transtorno.

  2. Discapacidad auditiva /


    Comesaña Sanz, Ma. Ángeles


    El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo ofrecer una revisión bibliográfica sobre la discapacidad auditiva. Partiendo de las aportaciones de los diferentes autores se organiza y desarrolla el tema en torno a tres aspectos: la anatomía y fisiología del oído, la clasificación de la discapacidad auditiva y las técnicas de evaluación audiológicas. El objetivo es conocer mejor el problema para facilitar la normalización de la atención y la integración de las personas con deficiencia auditiva en la ...

  3. Desempenho nas habilidades auditivas de atenção seletiva e memória auditiva em um grupo de idosos protetizados: influência de perda auditiva, idade e gênero

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    Leonardo Henrique Buss


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: verificar o desempenho nas habilidades auditivas de atenção seletiva e memória auditiva de idosos protetizados e relacioná-lo com o grau e configuração de perda auditiva, o gênero e a idade. MÉTODO: foram avaliados 29 idosos de 60 a 84 anos, sendo 17 (58,62% do gênero feminino e 12 (41,38% do gênero masculino. As avaliações realizadas incluíram meatoscopia, audiometria tonal liminar e aplicação do teste SSW em português. RESULTADOS: a análise dos dados permitiu verificar que, neste grupo de indivíduos, a idade e o grau de perda auditiva influenciaram significantemente nos escores obtidos na avaliação do processamento auditivo, diferentemente das demais variáveis. Os idosos que apresentaram perda auditiva de grau leve com configuração horizontal obtiveram escores significantemente superiores na avaliação do processamento auditivo comparados com os portadores de perda auditiva de grau moderado com configuração horizontal ou grau moderado com configuração descendente. Idosos pertencentes a faixa etária de 60-69 obtiveram desempenho superiormente significante comparado com idosos na faixa etária de 80-89 CONCLUSÃO: concluiu-se que o grau de perda auditiva e a idade influenciam nos resultados da avaliação do processamento auditivo. O gênero e a configuração de perda auditiva não foram fatores determinantes na avaliação do processamento auditivo.

  4. Respostas auditivas de estado estável por ruído branco modulado em amplitude em triagem auditiva neonatal


    Gomes Pinto, Danielle


    Introdução: Atualmente existem técnicas sedimentadas para avaliação da função auditiva em neonatos: o exame de Emissões Otoacústicas (EOA) e o exame de Potenciais Evocados Auditivos de Tronco Encefálico (PEATC). Estas técnicas podem ser utilizadas em protocolos de diagnóstico ou de triagem (JCIH, 2007). Recentemente, uma técnica baseada nas Respostas Auditivas de Estado Estável (RAEE) foi introduzida, na bateria de exames passívies de aplicação na avaliação auditiva de neonatos...

  5. Accesibilidad auditiva. Pautas básicas para aplicar en los entornos


    Espínola, Antonio


    Manual básico al servicio de las personas con discapacidad auditiva en general, y para la consulta de técnicos y profesionales en particular que puedan necesitar estas pautas en sus trabajos ordinarios o especializados ya que nos presenta qué es la discapacidad auditiva, qué tipos y grados de pérdidas auditivas existen, qué población tiene discapacidad auditiva en nuestro país, qué leyes específicas existen sobre los derechos de las personas con discapacidad auditiva, etc.

  6. Influência da cognição em habilidades auditivas de idosos pré e pós-adaptação de próteses auditivas


    Lessa,Alexandre Hundertmarck; Costa,Maristela Julio


    RESUMO Objetivo Verificar a relação dos resultados de testes que avaliam habilidades auditivas com o desempenho cognitivo, além de verificar a sua influência na adaptação de próteses auditivas em população idosa. Métodos Doze idosos com perda auditiva bilateral simétrica de grau leve a moderado foram avaliados cognitivamente, por meio da bateria Consortium to Establish a Registry for Alzheimer’s Disease (CERAD) e quanto às habilidades auditivas de resolução e ordenação temporal, alé...

  7. Influência da cognição em habilidades auditivas de idosos pré e pós-adaptação de próteses auditivas


    Lessa, Alexandre Hundertmarck; Costa, Maristela Julio


    RESUMO Objetivo Verificar a relação dos resultados de testes que avaliam habilidades auditivas com o desempenho cognitivo, além de verificar a sua influência na adaptação de próteses auditivas em população idosa. Métodos Doze idosos com perda auditiva bilateral simétrica de grau leve a moderado foram avaliados cognitivamente, por meio da bateria Consortium to Establish a Registry for Alzheimer’s Disease (CERAD) e quanto às habilidades auditivas de resolução e ordenação temporal, além de s...

  8. Habilidades auditivas e afasia: um estudo comparativo


    Nascimento, Maria da Soledade Rolim do


    A compreensão da informação recebida pela modalidade auditiva é um requisito importante para a efetividade da comunicação, especialmente na linguagem expressiva. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a relação das habilidades auditivas com o processo de compreensão da linguagem em pacientes com afasia. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo, transversal, comparativo, com 32 sujeitos, distribuídos em dois grupos: Grupo com afasia (n=16) e Grupo controle (n=16). Os indivíduos foram ...

  9. Percepção da perda auditiva: utilização da escala subjetiva de faces para triagem auditiva em idosos

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    Letícia Pimenta Costa-Guarisco

    Full Text Available Resumo A presbiacusia é uma alteração prevalente na população idosa, porém subdiagnosticada, desta forma, é importante aprimorar instrumentos de triagem simples. A escala subjetiva de faces foi proposta como forma de avaliar a autopercepção auditiva do idoso e sua correlação com exames audiológicos. Foram avaliados todos os pacientes encaminhados para o serviço de audiologia de um centro de referência de atenção à saúde do idoso no período de fevereiro a novembro de 2013. Os pacientes foram examinados por meatoscopia, audiometria tonal e vocal e responderam a escala subjetiva de faces e o teste do sussurro. Participaram 164 idosos com média de idade de 77 anos. Encontrou-se boa correlação entre a escala subjetiva de faces e o limiar audiométrico (r = 0,66. Houve correspondência entre as faces e o grau da perda auditiva, sendo a face 1 correspondente a audição normal, face 2 a perda auditiva leve e face 3 a perda auditiva moderada grau I. Ao avaliar as qualidades psicométricas da escala subjetiva de faces, verificou-se que as faces 2 e 3 apresentam bons índices de sensibilidade e especificidade, com área sob a curva ROC de 0,81. A escala subjetiva de faces parece ser um bom instrumento complementar de triagem auditiva em serviços gerontológicos, de fácil aplicação e baixo custo.

  10. Triagem auditiva neonatal: das alterações auditivas à análise molecular Newborn hearing screening: from audiological alterations to molecular analyses

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    Jaqueline Medeiros de Mello


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: verificar a prevalência da deficiência auditiva em um programa de triagem auditiva neonatal e investigar mutações do gene GJB2 naqueles com suspeita de deficiência auditiva. MÉTODO: foi realizado estudo longitudinal com 908 RN a termo, pós-termo e pré-termo que foram submetidos à realização da triagem auditiva por meio do teste de Emissão Otoacústica Evocada por Estímulo Transiente (EOA-T e reflexo cócleo-palpebral (RCP. Para os recém-nascidos, em que houve falha na triagem auditiva em uma ou ambas as orelhas, eram encaminhados para uma segunda avaliação. No reteste, quando o teste de EOA-T resultasse em não passa em uma ou ambas as orelhas, a criança era encaminhada para avaliação e conduta otorrinolaringológica. Após realização do Potencial Evocado Auditivo de Tronco Encefálico (PEATE a equipe de avaliadores decidia se deveria encaminhar a criança para investigação da mutação. Quando havia suspeita de deficiência auditiva era colhido 3 mL de sangue venoso periférico para a pesquisa de mutação do gene da conexina 26. RESULTADOS: foi constatado a presença de deficiência auditiva condutiva em 2 recém-nascidos (0,22% e neurossensorial em 1 (0,11%. Na criança com deficiência auditiva neurossensorial foi detectada a presença da mutação 35delG. CONCLUSÃO: a avaliação audiológica em conjunto com exames moleculares das principais mutações do gene GJB2 em recém-nascidos com suspeita da deficiência auditiva contribuiu para a rapidez do diagnóstico audiológico, visando uma intervenção precoce, aconselhamento genético e prognóstico educacional da criança.PURPOSE: to assess the prevalence of hearing loss in a newborn hearing screening program and investigate mutations in the GJB2 gene in those with suspected hearing loss. METHOD: we performed longitudinal study of 908 term infants, post-term and preterm infants who underwent hearing screening by the test Emission Transient Evoked

  11. La atención temprana en la discapacidad auditiva /


    Gil Fernández, Eva


    Se realiza una revisión bibliográfica de los diferentes documentos relacionados con la atención temprana llevada a cabo con niños con discapacidad auditiva y se analiza un caso práctico en un programa de intervención educativa. Se trata de conocer qué es la atención temprana y profundizar en el ámbito de la discapacidad auditiva

  12. Calidad de vida y discapacidad auditiva en Chile


    Suazo Díaz, Pilar


    [ES] La pérdida auditiva es una discapacidad sensorial que genera diversas dificultades en el desarrollo biopsicosocial de las personas que la padecen, pudiendo afectar a su calidad de vida. La investigación que se presenta buscó describir y analizar la percepción de calidad de vida (CV) de las personas en situación de discapacidad auditiva de Chile. Para este efecto, se utilizó metodología mixta explicativa secuencial. En el abordaje cuantitativo participaron 102 personas con pérdidas de...

  13. Análise das habilidades auditivas em uma criança deficiente auditiva oralizada e portadora de HIV: estudo de caso


    Bastos,Francine Nolasco; Fleig,Raquel; Nascimento,Iramar Baptistella do


    TEMA: habilidades auditivas em criança portadora de Vírus da Imunodeficiência Humana (HIV). PROCEDIMENTOS: se a perda de audição não for detectada precocemente, assim como a sua etiologia, a criança terá muitos prejuízos no desenvolvimento da linguagem. Um fator que vem aumentando os índices de deficiência auditiva é a grande dose de medicamentos que os portadores de Vírus da Imunodeficiência Humana (HIV) devem ingerir para o controle da doença. Durante o processo de desenvolvimento da audiçã...

  14. Avaliação auditiva objetiva através de potenciais evocados

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    Ricardo Ranieri Seixas


    Full Text Available Analisaram-se 1300 exames de Potencial Evocado Auditivo. Classificaram-se os pacientes segundo faixa de idade, apresentação clínica, relato de fatores de risco que levam a deficiência auditiva e limiar auditivo determinado pelo exame. Distribuíram-se os resultados em 5 faixas de limiar auditivo: audição normal (até 25 dBHL; perda auditiva moderada (25-50 dBHL; perda acentuada (50-70 dBHL; perda severa (70-90 dRHL; e sem resposta ao estímulo auditivo. Estudaram-se os fatores de risco relativos a gestação, parto e período neonatal, história familiar de deficiência auditiva, malformações do aparelho auditivo, anomalias crânio-faciais, síndromes associadas a deficiência auditiva, certas modalidades de doenças infecciosas e uso de determinadas drogas. Investigaram-se também os itens Retardo do Desenvolvimento Neuropsicomotor, Paralisia Cerebral e os casos sem antecedentes conhecidos. Entre as conclusões destacam-se: 82,8% dos pacientes eram portadores de alguma forma de deficiência auditiva; o encaminhamento é tardio, evidenciado pelo fato de 54,1% dos pacientes situarem-se entre 1 e 3 anos de idade; 54,0% da totalidade dos casos apresentavam-se sem linguagem; o fator de risco «Rubéola Congênita» possui a elevada incidência de 14,8%, e este percentual distribuído nas faixas de limiar auditivo revelou um crescimento exponencial, demonstrando inequívoca e acentuada correlação da moléstia com deficiência auditiva.

  15. Perda auditiva genética Genetic hearing loss

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    Ricardo Godinho


    Full Text Available O progresso das pesquisas relacionadas à perda auditiva genética tem provocado um importante avanço do entendimento dos mecanismos moleculares que governam o desenvolvimento, a função, a resposta ao trauma e o envelhecimento do ouvido interno. Em países desenvolvidos, mais de 50% dos casos de surdez na infância é causada por alterações genéticas e as perdas auditivas relacionadas à idade têm sido associadas com mecanismos genéticos. OBJETIVO: O objetivo desta revisão é relatar as informações mais recentes relacionadas às perdas audtivas de origem genética. FORAMA DE ESTUDO: Revisão sistemática. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: A revisão da literatura inclui artigos indexados à MEDLINE (Biblioteca Nacional de Saúde, NIH-USA e publicados nos últimos 3 anos, além das informações disponíveis na Hereditary Hearing Loss Home Page. CONCLUSÃO: Os recentes avanços no entendimento das perdas auditivas de origem genética têm favorecido a nossa compreensão da função auditiva e tornado o diagnóstico mais apurado. Possivelmente, no futuro, este conhecimento também proporcionará o desenvolvimento de novas terapias para o tratamento das causas genéticas das perdas auditivas.The progress in the research of genetic hearing loss has advanced our understanding of the molecular mechanisms that govern inner ear development, function and response to injury and aging. In the developed world, over 50% of childhood deafness is attributable to genetic causes and even age-related hearing loss has been associated with genetic mechanisms. AIM: The objective of this review is to summarize recent knowledge in genetic hearing loss. STUDY DESIGN: Sistematic review. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The literature review included articles indexed at MEDLINE (The National Library of Medicine, The National Institute of Health - USA focusing on publications from the past 3 years plus the information available at the Hereditary Hearing Loss Home Page. CONCLUSION

  16. Pérdida auditiva por contaminación acústica laboral en Santiago de Chile


    Salazar Bugueño, Ana María


    [spa] La Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) ha estimado que, aproximadamente, 278 millones de personas presentan déficit auditivo en el mundo; que el 50% de las pérdidas auditivas podrían evitarse mediante prevención, un diagnóstico precoz y una gestión eficaz y que, más de 4.000.000 de años de vida saludable se perdieron debido a las pérdidas auditivas inducidas por ruido. Lo anterior hace necesario establecer un modelo para predecir la pérdida auditiva por contaminación acústica laboral...

  17. A importância da capacitação em saúde auditiva: uma revisão integrativa

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    Gisele Marques Ribeiro


    Full Text Available A presente pesquisa teve como objetivo verificar a produção científica, sobre capacitação em saúde auditiva nos últimos cinco anos. Trata-se de uma pesquisa exploratória nas bases de dados: MEDLINE, SciELO, LILACS. Foi realizada uma revisão integrativa da literatura publicada no período de 2007 a 2011, utilizando os descritores: Audição, Deficiência Auditiva, Hipoacusia, Perda Auditiva, Perda da Audição, Perda da Capacidade Auditiva, Pessoas com Deficiência Auditiva, Portadores de Deficiência Auditiva, Portadores de Insuficiência Auditiva, Portadores de Surdez, combinadas com: Capacitação, Capacitação em Serviço, Programa Saúde da Família, Capacitação de Recursos Humanos em Saúde.Foram encontrados 31 artigos e selecionados cinco, que contemplavam a temática pesquisada. Destes, três eram direcionados aos Agentes Comunitários de Saúde que atuavam em Equipes de Saúde da Família, para verificar a efetividade das capacitações em relação à saúde auditiva infantil, e dois trabalhadores de empresas, para sensibilizar os profissionais sobre a prevenção das alterações auditivas nas atividades profissionais. Dois estudos com os Agentes Comunitários de Saúde utilizaram a videoconferência e a capacitação presencial simultaneamente e outro somente presencial. Observou-se que a videoconferência é um meio que pode proporcionar a disseminação do conhecimento, no entanto deve ser utilizada de uma forma complementar. Nos estudos com trabalhadores verificou-se que as capacitações devem ser permanentes e enfocar mais o uso, manuseio e conservação dos protetores auditivos. As publicações confirmam a efetividade das capacitações, porém, há poucos trabalhos nesta área, o que vem reforçar a importância de novas pesquisas com enfoque na educação em saúde auditiva.

  18. Saúde auditiva de trabalhadores expostos a ruído e inseticidas

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    Teixeira Cleide Fernandes


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar as alterações auditivas periféricas em um grupo de trabalhadores exposto a inseticidas, organofosforados e piretróides, utilizados em campanhas de controle de vetores. MÉTODOS: Estudo de prevalência de uma população de 98 indivíduos que pulverizavam venenos nas campanhas de prevenção do dengue, da febre amarela e da doença de Chagas. A amostra foi de tipo finalística, considerando o universo dos trabalhadores de um distrito sanitário, em Pernambuco, no ano de 2000. Utilizou-se questionário contendo questões de identificação de riscos ocupacional e não ocupacional, medidas de segurança utilizadas, antecedentes de problemas auditivos e sintomas referidos. Foi investigada a historia pregressa de exposição ao ruído, por ser um fator de confusão para a perda auditiva. Todos os indivíduos foram avaliados pelo teste de audiometria tonal. RESULTADOS: Dos expostos apenas aos inseticidas, 63,8% apresentaram perda auditiva. Para o grupo com exposição concomitantemente aos inseticidas e ao ruído, a perda auditiva foi de 66,7%. O tempo mediano para o desenvolvimento de alterações auditivas nas freqüências médias altas, para as exposições combinadas de inseticidas e ruído, foi de 3,4 anos e para as exposições apenas aos inseticidas foi de 7,3 anos. A perda auditiva para as exposições concomitantes aos dois fatores foi de maior intensidade nessas freqüências, do que o observado na exposição apenas aos inseticidas. CONCLUSÕES: Há evidência de que a exposição aos inseticidas induz dano auditivo periférico e que o ruído é um fator que interage com os inseticidas, potencializando seus efeitos ototóxicos. Faz-se necessário avaliar essa possível associação através de estudos epidemiológicos de caráter analítico.

  19. Saúde auditiva de trabalhadores expostos a ruído e inseticidas

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    Cleide Fernandes Teixeira


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar as alterações auditivas periféricas em um grupo de trabalhadores exposto a inseticidas, organofosforados e piretróides, utilizados em campanhas de controle de vetores. MÉTODOS: Estudo de prevalência de uma população de 98 indivíduos que pulverizavam venenos nas campanhas de prevenção do dengue, da febre amarela e da doença de Chagas. A amostra foi de tipo finalística, considerando o universo dos trabalhadores de um distrito sanitário, em Pernambuco, no ano de 2000. Utilizou-se questionário contendo questões de identificação de riscos ocupacional e não ocupacional, medidas de segurança utilizadas, antecedentes de problemas auditivos e sintomas referidos. Foi investigada a historia pregressa de exposição ao ruído, por ser um fator de confusão para a perda auditiva. Todos os indivíduos foram avaliados pelo teste de audiometria tonal. RESULTADOS: Dos expostos apenas aos inseticidas, 63,8% apresentaram perda auditiva. Para o grupo com exposição concomitantemente aos inseticidas e ao ruído, a perda auditiva foi de 66,7%. O tempo mediano para o desenvolvimento de alterações auditivas nas freqüências médias altas, para as exposições combinadas de inseticidas e ruído, foi de 3,4 anos e para as exposições apenas aos inseticidas foi de 7,3 anos. A perda auditiva para as exposições concomitantes aos dois fatores foi de maior intensidade nessas freqüências, do que o observado na exposição apenas aos inseticidas. CONCLUSÕES: Há evidência de que a exposição aos inseticidas induz dano auditivo periférico e que o ruído é um fator que interage com os inseticidas, potencializando seus efeitos ototóxicos. Faz-se necessário avaliar essa possível associação através de estudos epidemiológicos de caráter analítico.

  20. Acompanhamento em programas de saúde auditiva infantil: Uma revisão integrativa

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    Adriana Ribeiro de Almeida e Silva


    Full Text Available O diagnóstico da perda auditiva no Brasil é tardio. Um dos fatores que pode explicar este fato, mesmo diante de inúmeros programas de triagem auditiva implementados, pode ser a evasão das famílias, não concluindo a avaliação auditiva da criança. Objetivou-se descrever como vem sendo conduzido o acompanhamento audiológico nos Programas de Saúde Auditiva Infantil do Brasil, especialmente em relação aos exames realizados, adesão das famílias ao acompanhamento audiológico e ações educativas desenvolvidas. Realizou-se uma revisão integrativa da literatura, cuja pergunta norteadora foi: como vem sendo conduzido o acompanhamento audiológico nos Programas de Saúde Auditiva Infantil do Brasil? Levantamento nas seguintes bases de dados: Lilacs, Medline, IBECS e CidSaúde, utilizando combinações entre os termos “acompanhamento”, “audição” e “triagem neonatal”. Inicialmente, os 1130 artigos encontrados foram triados por títulos e resumos. Foram lidas na íntegra as 21 publicações pré-selecionadas por título e resumo, constatando-se que 12 artigos respondiam a pergunta desta revisão. Os exames para triagem auditiva e acompanhamento audiológico mais utilizados foram Emissões Otoacústicas e Potencial Evocado Auditivo de Tronco Encefálico, além de avaliação comportamental, timpanometria e reflexos acústicos. Três estudos referiram a presença de ações educativas nos programas e apenas um deles especificou os profissionais que as realizaram, sendo o profissional enfermeiro o que mais efetuou estas atividades. O percentual de famílias que aderiram ao acompanhamento variou consideravelmente. Acredita-se ser interessante observar recomendações de entidades locais e internacionais para realização do acompanhamento audiológico, buscando um padrão de qualidade e efetividade nos programas e a qualidade da avaliação audiológica.

  1. Auditory neuropathy/auditory dyssynchrony in children with cochlear implants Neuropatia auditiva/dessincronia auditiva em crianças usuárias de implante coclear

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    Ana Claudia Martinho de Carvalho


    Full Text Available The electrical stimulation generated by the Cochlear Implant (CI may improve the neural synchrony and hence contribute to the development of auditory skills in patients with Auditory Neuropathy/Auditory Dyssynchrony (AN/AD. AIM: Prospective cohort cross-sectional study to evaluate the auditory performance and the characteristics of the electrically evoked compound action potential (ECAP in 18 children with AN/AD and cochlear implants. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The auditory perception was evaluated by sound field thresholds and speech perception tests. To evaluate ECAP's characteristics, the threshold and amplitude of neural response were evaluated at 80Hz and 35Hz. RESULTS: No significant statistical difference was found concerning the development of auditory skills. The ECAP's characteristics differences at 80 and 35Hz stimulation rate were also not statistically significant. CONCLUSIONS: The CI was seen as an efficient resource to develop auditory skills in 94% of the AN/AD patients studied. The auditory perception benefits and the possibility to measure ECAP showed that the electrical stimulation could compensate for the neural dyssynchrony caused by the AN/AD. However, a unique clinical procedure cannot be proposed at this point. Therefore, a careful and complete evaluation of each AN/AD patient before recommending a Cochlear Implant is advised. Clinical Trials: NCT01023932A estimulação elétrica gerada pelo Implante Coclear (IC pode ser capaz de melhorar a sincronia neural e contribuir para o desenvolvimento das habilidades auditivas de sujeitos portadores de Neuropatia Auditiva/Dessincronia Auditiva (NA/DA. OBJETIVO: Estudo de coorte prospectivo transversal para avaliar o desempenho auditivo e as características do Potencial de Ação Composto Eletricamente Evocado no Nervo Auditivo (ECAP em 18 crianças portadoras de NA/DA e usuárias de IC. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: Percepção auditiva e características do ECAP foram avaliadas

  2. Índice de retorno ao reteste em um programa de triagem auditiva neonatal

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    Jaqueline Medeiros de Mello


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: investigar o nível de consciência dos pais em relação à importância da triagem auditiva neonatal, bem como verificar os motivos do não comparecimento ao retorno agendado após a primeira avaliação. MÉTODO: a casuística foi constituída por 31 mães e/ou responsáveis dos recém-nascidos da unidade neonatal do Hospital Universitário de Maringá, os quais não compareceram ao reteste agendado após a alta hospitalar. RESULTADOS: os motivos apresentados pelas mães e/ou responsáveis para o não comparecimento ao retorno agendado envolveram atitudes que puderam sinalizar pouca importância atribuída às questões relacionadas à audição e a Triagem Auditiva Neonatal, pois sugiram motivos irrelevantes como o esquecimento do retorno, mãe pensou que o bebê não deixaria ser submetido ao exame e a perda de horário para nova avaliação. Tal fato, provavelmente reflete a falta de conscientização por parte das mães dos recém-nascidos quanto à importância da Triagem Auditiva Neonatal. CONCLUSÃO: existe a necessidade de aumentar a conscientização geral em relação à Triagem Auditiva Neonatal, por parte dos familiares e dos profissionais que atuam diretamente com os recém-nascidos, os quais contribuirão para a agilidade do processo diagnóstico, garantindo melhores perspectiva ao futuro de crianças portadoras de deficiência auditiva.

  3. Queixas auditivas de disc jockeys da cidade de Recife Auditory complaints in disc jockeys in Recife

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    Eliza Maia de Britto Macedo


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: investigar a ocorrência de queixas auditivas em disc jockeys da cidade de Recife/PE. MÉTODOS: foi realizada uma entrevista com 30 disc jockeys, com idade entre 19 e 28 anos, abordando informações ocupacionais, conhecimentos gerais sobre o ruído e queixas auditivas (diminuição da acuidade auditiva, desconforto a sons intensos, zumbido, sensação de ouvido abafado e otalgia. A análise foi realizada por meio de abordagem quantitativa, utilizando o teste estatístico t-student. RESULTADOS: dentre os dados mais relevantes, destacam-se: 46,7% dos disc jockeys apresentaram, espontaneamente, queixas auditivas, em especial, a diminuição da acuidade auditiva (relatada por todos os sujeitos; 14 disc jockeys (46,67% referiram desconforto a sons intensos e 13 (43,33% mencionaram zumbido. Todos afirmaram ter conhecimento sobre os riscos do ruído para a saúde auditiva, mas 76,7% não realizam qualquer medida preventiva de suas consequências. A perda auditiva foi referida pelos sujeitos como o principal risco da exposição a níveis intensos de pressão sonora. CONCLUSÃO: todos os disc jockeys apresentaram queixa de perda auditiva e, entre as demais queixas auditivas, destacaram-se o desconforto a sons intensos e o zumbido. Tendo em vista a irreversibilidade da perda auditiva induzida por elevados níveis de pressão sonora, os disc jockeys devem ser periodicamente avaliados a fim de que se confirme ou não a perda auditiva de que se queixaram e, caso ela exista, deve ser monitorada para que seja passível de intervenção pelo fonoaudiólogo. Desta forma, percebe-se a necessidade de atuação da Fonoaudiologia junto aos disc jockeys, uma vez que poder-se-á propiciar a otimização do exercício profissional com o mínimo de risco possível.PURPOSE: to investigate the occurrence of auditory complaints in disc jockeys from the city of Recife/PE. METHODS: an interview was carried through with 30 disc jockeys aged between 19 and 48 years

  4. PcaO Positively Regulates pcaHG of the β-Ketoadipate Pathway in Corynebacterium glutamicum▿


    Zhao, Ke-Xin; Huang, Yan; Chen, Xi; Wang, Nan-Xi; Liu, Shuang-Jiang


    We identified a new regulator, PcaO, which is involved in regulation of the protocatechuate (PCA) branch of the β-ketoadipate pathway in Corynebacterium glutamicum. PcaO is an atypical large ATP-binding LuxR family (LAL)-type regulator and does not have a Walker A motif. A mutant of C. glutamicum in which pcaO was disrupted (RES167ΔpcaO) was unable to grow on PCA, and growth on PCA was restored by complementation with pcaO. Both an enzymatic assay of PCA 3,4-dioxygenase activity (encoded by p...

  5. Ruido en la ciudad. Contaminación auditiva y ciudad caminable

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    Miriam Alfie Cohen


    Full Text Available La contaminación auditiva es un fenómeno poco estudiado en la relación ciudad-ambiente. La combinación de ruido constante y permanente, el uso indiscriminado del automóvil y las políticas públicas desintegradas provocan una gestión ambiental incierta y poco clara frente a esta problemática. El modelo de ciudad caminable pretende generar espacios urbanos donde se reduzca el uso del transporte, se enfaticen las bondades de la movilidad a pie y en bicicleta, y se rehabiliten espacios públicos y áreas verdes, mecanismos que podrían reducir la contaminación auditiva y otras afectaciones ambientales.

  6. Prevalencia de la pérdida auditiva y factores correlacionados en una industria cementera

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    Hernández-Gaytán Sendy Isarel


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Documentar el impacto de la exposición laboral al ruido, así como sus relaciones con otros factores que pueden inducir pérdidas auditivas. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Durante enero y febrero de 1997 se llevó a cabo un estudio transversal en una planta productora de cemento en el estado de Morelos. Se realizaron una sonometría, dosimetría y pruebas audiométricas a 85 trabajadores para identificar las fuentes que generan ruido en las áreas de proceso, evaluar los niveles de ruido en dichas áreas (monitoreo de área y de personal y para determinar la prevalencia de pérdida auditiva inducida por el ruido entre los trabajadores. Para el análisis estadístico se emplearon medidas de tendencia central, análisis bivariado y modelos de regresión politómica. RESULTADOS: En las áreas de trituración, molinos de crudo y molinos de cemento se encontraron niveles elevados de ruido. La dosis personal más alta correspondió al puesto de envasador. En 55% de la población estudiada se presentó pérdida auditiva inducida por el ruido, y el área de proceso con el porcentaje más alto de pérdida auditiva inducida por el ruido fue la de calcinación, con 85%. CONCLUSIONES: Los resultados mostraron que el ruido es un serio riesgo en algunas áreas, y que algunos casos de pérdida auditiva inducida por el ruido hayan sido desarrollados por exposición ocupacional en esta industria. Se sugiere el diseño e implantación de un programa de conservación de la audición para proteger la salud y seguridad de los trabajadores.

  7. Análise das habilidades auditivas em uma criança deficiente auditiva oralizada e portadora de HIV: estudo de caso Hearing abilities and analysis in an oralized hearing-impaired child with HIV: a case study

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    Francine Nolasco Bastos


    Full Text Available TEMA: habilidades auditivas em criança portadora de Vírus da Imunodeficiência Humana (HIV. PROCEDIMENTOS: se a perda de audição não for detectada precocemente, assim como a sua etiologia, a criança terá muitos prejuízos no desenvolvimento da linguagem. Um fator que vem aumentando os índices de deficiência auditiva é a grande dose de medicamentos que os portadores de Vírus da Imunodeficiência Humana (HIV devem ingerir para o controle da doença. Durante o processo de desenvolvimento da audição, o indivíduo passa pela aquisição das habilidades auditivas, que ocorrem em diferentes etapas do processo terapêutico, sendo elas: detecção, discriminação, reconhecimento auditivo introdutório, reconhecimento auditivo avançado e compreensão. Com o objetivo descrever e caracterizar as habilidades auditivas presentes em uma criança com perda auditiva inserida na abordagem oral, a pesquisa foi caracterizada como relato de caso. A criança fazia uso de dispositivo auditivo e frequentava atendimento fonoaudiológico na Clínica de Fonoaudiologia da Faculdade Estácio de Sá de Santa Catarina, em estágio supervisionado em audiologia educacional. Para coleta de dados foram filmadas quatro sessões de fonoterapia, visando a observação da presença ou ausência das habilidades auditivas. RESULTADOS: verificou-se que as habilidades auditivas de detecção, discriminação e reconhecimento auditivo introdutório estão presentes no indivíduo da pesquisa e as habilidades auditivas de reconhecimento auditivo avançado e compreensão estão em etapa de desenvolvimento, e, portanto, ausentes. CONCLUSÃO: o desenvolvimento das habilidades auditivas é imprescindível para a aquisição da linguagem oral do deficiente auditivo.BACKGROUND: hearing abilities of HIV carrier child. PROCEDURES: children are likely to have several deficits in language development if hearing loss, as well as its etiology, has not been precociously detected. High

  8. PEM-PCA: A Parallel Expectation-Maximization PCA Face Recognition Architecture

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    Kanokmon Rujirakul


    Full Text Available Principal component analysis or PCA has been traditionally used as one of the feature extraction techniques in face recognition systems yielding high accuracy when requiring a small number of features. However, the covariance matrix and eigenvalue decomposition stages cause high computational complexity, especially for a large database. Thus, this research presents an alternative approach utilizing an Expectation-Maximization algorithm to reduce the determinant matrix manipulation resulting in the reduction of the stages’ complexity. To improve the computational time, a novel parallel architecture was employed to utilize the benefits of parallelization of matrix computation during feature extraction and classification stages including parallel preprocessing, and their combinations, so-called a Parallel Expectation-Maximization PCA architecture. Comparing to a traditional PCA and its derivatives, the results indicate lower complexity with an insignificant difference in recognition precision leading to high speed face recognition systems, that is, the speed-up over nine and three times over PCA and Parallel PCA.

  9. PEM-PCA: a parallel expectation-maximization PCA face recognition architecture. (United States)

    Rujirakul, Kanokmon; So-In, Chakchai; Arnonkijpanich, Banchar


    Principal component analysis or PCA has been traditionally used as one of the feature extraction techniques in face recognition systems yielding high accuracy when requiring a small number of features. However, the covariance matrix and eigenvalue decomposition stages cause high computational complexity, especially for a large database. Thus, this research presents an alternative approach utilizing an Expectation-Maximization algorithm to reduce the determinant matrix manipulation resulting in the reduction of the stages' complexity. To improve the computational time, a novel parallel architecture was employed to utilize the benefits of parallelization of matrix computation during feature extraction and classification stages including parallel preprocessing, and their combinations, so-called a Parallel Expectation-Maximization PCA architecture. Comparing to a traditional PCA and its derivatives, the results indicate lower complexity with an insignificant difference in recognition precision leading to high speed face recognition systems, that is, the speed-up over nine and three times over PCA and Parallel PCA.

  10. Suspeita da perda auditiva por familiares Hearing loss suspected by the family

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    Claudete Ferreira de Souza Monteiro


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: caracterizar e analisar a suspeita de perda auditiva, por parte de familiares, em crianças assistidas na Associação de Pais e Amigos do Deficiente Auditivo (APADA em Teresina-PI. MÉTODOS: estudo descritivo realizado na APADA no período de setembro a outubro de 2006, com aplicação de formulários para 14 mães e/ou responsáveis para levantamento das variáveis: identificar o familiar que suspeitou da perda auditiva na criança; o motivo que levou a suspeita; a idade da criança quando da detecção pelo familiar; a atitude da família após a descoberta da perda auditiva; a idade da criança quando ocorreu procura profissional e a orientação recebida; o tempo entre a suspeita da perda auditiva, por parte do familiar, e a confirmação profissional de diagnóstico. RESULTADOS: os dados apontam que 86% da suspeita foi percebido pelas mães. O motivo da suspeita foi pela não reação ao som por parte da criança (71%. 36% dos familiares perceberam o problema na idade de 7 a 12 meses. 79% tiveram como primeira atitude procurar o médico, 36% procuraram o profissional da saúde com até um ano de idade, 29% receberam a orientação do profissional para o uso do aparelho auditivo e tiveram a confirmação da perda auditiva de 7 meses a 1 ano de idade ou após os 4 anos. CONCLUSÃO: o diagnóstico da perda auditiva foi tardio frente a suspeita por parte dos familiares e dos profissionais de saúde e não estiveram relacionadas com os programas da triagem auditiva neonatal.PURPOSE: to analyze and characterize children suspected by the family of hearing loss attended at Associação de Pais e Amigos do Deficiente Auditivo (APADA in Teresina, PI. METHODS: a descriptive study was carried out at PFHIA from September to October 2006. Form were filled out by 14 mothers and/or the responsible adult to find the following variables: identify the family member who suspected hearing loss in the child; the reason which led to the suspicion; the

  11. Incidência e prevalência de perda auditiva induzida por ruído em trabalhadores de uma indústria metalúrgica, Manaus - AM, Brasil

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    Ana Cristina Furtado de Carvalho Régis


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: estimar a incidência e a prevalência de déficit auditivo sugestivo de Perda Auditiva Induzida por Ruído e sua associação com idade e tempo de serviço em trabalhadores de uma indústria metalúrgica do pólo industrial de Manaus.MÉTODOS: estudo transversal descritivo em trabalhadores que se submeteram a exame audiométrico periódico no ano de 2012, totalizando 1499 sujeitos. Para estimativa da incidência foram selecionadas audiometrias de 763 trabalhadores com audição dentro da normalidade no exame de referência e comparados com exame atual. Realizou-se análise estatística por meio de medidas de tendência central, dispersão e distribuições de frequência. Para verificação de diferenças estatisticamente significantes utilizou-se o teste qui-quadrado, com nível de significância (p≤0,05.RESULTADOS: a prevalência de perda auditiva foi de 44,23% sendo 28,89% sugestivo de PAIR. Houve maior prevalência de perda auditiva nos trabalhadores com faixa etária acima de 45 anos e com tempo de serviço superior a 21 anos. Apenas 11,1% dos trabalhadores acima dos 21 anos de serviço apresentaram audição normal, e 61,9% perda auditiva sugestiva de Perda Auditiva Induzida por Ruído. A classificação de Não Sugestivo de Perda Auditiva Induzida por Ruído permanece estável nos indivíduos abaixo de 20 anos de exposição laboral (14,9% e nas pessoas expostas com mais de 20 anos aumenta para 27%. A incidência de perda auditiva foi de 28% e desse total 19,7% sugestiva de Perda Auditiva Induzida por Ruído. Houve maior prevalência de perda auditiva grau leve.Conclusão:a prevalência e a incidência de perda auditiva aumentaram com a idade e tempo de serviço. As empresas devem se empenhar na implementação do Programa de Conservação Auditiva a fim de minimizar essas perdas.

  12. Petrology of Antarctic Eucrites PCA 91078 and PCA 91245 (United States)

    Howard, L. M.; Domanik, K. J.; Drake, M. J.; Mittlefehldt, D. W.


    Antarctic eucrites PCA 91078 and PCA 91245, are petrographically characterized and found to be unpaired, type 6, basaltic eucrites. Observed textures that provide insight into the petrogenesis of these meteorites are also discussed. Additional information is contained in the original extended abstract.

  13. Desempenho nas habilidades auditivas de atenção seletiva e memória auditiva em um grupo de idosos protetizados: influência de perda auditiva, idade e gênero Performance in the auditory abilities of selective attention and hearing memory in a group of elderly with hearing aids: Influence of hearing loss, age and gender

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    Leonardo Henrique Buss


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: verificar o desempenho nas habilidades auditivas de atenção seletiva e memória auditiva de idosos protetizados e relacioná-lo com o grau e configuração de perda auditiva, o gênero e a idade. MÉTODO: foram avaliados 29 idosos de 60 a 84 anos, sendo 17 (58,62% do gênero feminino e 12 (41,38% do gênero masculino. As avaliações realizadas incluíram meatoscopia, audiometria tonal liminar e aplicação do teste SSW em português. RESULTADOS: a análise dos dados permitiu verificar que, neste grupo de indivíduos, a idade e o grau de perda auditiva influenciaram significantemente nos escores obtidos na avaliação do processamento auditivo, diferentemente das demais variáveis. Os idosos que apresentaram perda auditiva de grau leve com configuração horizontal obtiveram escores significantemente superiores na avaliação do processamento auditivo comparados com os portadores de perda auditiva de grau moderado com configuração horizontal ou grau moderado com configuração descendente. Idosos pertencentes a faixa etária de 60-69 obtiveram desempenho superiormente significante comparado com idosos na faixa etária de 80-89 CONCLUSÃO: concluiu-se que o grau de perda auditiva e a idade influenciam nos resultados da avaliação do processamento auditivo. O gênero e a configuração de perda auditiva não foram fatores determinantes na avaliação do processamento auditivo.PURPOSE: to verify the performance in the auditory abilities of selective attention and hearing memory of elderly with prosthesis and relate it to the degree and the configuration of hearing loss, the gender and the age. METHOD: 29 elderly people from 60 to 84 years old were evaluated, 17 of them (58,62% females and 12 (41,38% males. The evaluations carried out included meatoscopy, audiometry evaluation and the use of the SSW test in Portuguese. RESULTS: the analysis of the data showed that, in this group of individuals, the age and the degree of auditory loss

  14. Perda auditiva hereditária: relato de casos Hereditary hearing loss: case report

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    Aline Mizozoe de Amorim


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: descrever os resultados da avaliação auditiva de uma família com perda auditiva de caráter hereditário autossômico dominante. MÉTODOS: foram avaliados 17 indivíduos, por meio da audiometria tonal, audiometria vocal, timpanometria e pesquisa dos reflexos acústicos, além de acompanhamento genético. RESULTADOS: Dos 17 sujeitos avaliados, 11 apresentaram algum grau de perda auditiva neurossensorial (64,7%, sendo oito do sexo feminino (73% e três do sexo masculino (27%. A idade dos sujeitos avaliados variou de cinco a 68 anos (média=29,6 e a idade do aparecimento da queixa variou de 20 a 38 anos (média=26,1. Ocorreu a progressão da perda auditiva com o aumento da idade, sendo que a partir dos 41 anos, não houve indivíduos com audição normal na família. CONCLUSÃO: a investigação audiológica de todos os membros da família, independentemente da queixa, é imprescindível, pois a perda auditiva pode existir, mesmo que esta ocorra em freqüências isoladas.PURPOSE: to describe the hearing findings of a family with autosome dominant hereditary hearing loss. METHODS: we evaluated 17 subjects. The evaluation was made by pure tone audiometry, Speech audiometry, tympanometry and acoustic reflex testing, in addition to genetic follow-up. RESULTS: from 17 evaluated subjects, 11 showed some degree of neurosensorial hearing loss (64.7%, being 8 female gender (73% and 3 male gender (27%. The subject age varied from 5 to 68 years (average = 39.6 and the time from the complaint's appearance varied from 20 to 38 years. The hearing loss was modified with age. We did not find normal hearing after the age of 41 years in the family. CONCLUSION: the hearing investigation regarding all members of the family regardless of any complaint is extremely indispensable due to the existence of hearing loss even when limited to isolated frequencies.

  15. The PCa Tumor Microenvironment. (United States)

    Sottnik, Joseph L; Zhang, Jian; Macoska, Jill A; Keller, Evan T


    The tumor microenvironment (TME) is a very complex niche that consists of multiple cell types, supportive matrix and soluble factors. Cells in the TME consist of both host cells that are present at tumor site at the onset of tumor growth and cells that are recruited in either response to tumor- or host-derived factors. PCa (PCa) thrives on crosstalk between tumor cells and the TME. Crosstalk results in an orchestrated evolution of both the tumor and microenvironment as the tumor progresses. The TME reacts to PCa-produced soluble factors as well as direct interaction with PCa cells. In return, the TME produces soluble factors, structural support and direct contact interactions that influence the establishment and progression of PCa. In this review, we focus on the host side of the equation to provide a foundation for understanding how different aspects of the TME contribute to PCa progression. We discuss immune effector cells, specialized niches, such as the vascular and bone marrow, and several key protein factors that mediate host effects on PCa. This discussion highlights the concept that the TME offers a potentially very fertile target for PCa therapy.

  16. Circle of Willis Variants: Fetal PCA

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    Amir Shaban


    Full Text Available We sought to determine the prevalence of fetal posterior cerebral artery (fPCA and if fPCA was associated with specific stroke etiology and vessel territory affected. This paper is a retrospective review of prospectively identified patients with acute ischemic stroke from July 2008 to December 2010. We defined complete fPCA as absence of a P1 segment linking the basilar with the PCA and partial fPCA as small segment linking the basilar with the PCA. Patients without intracranial vascular imaging were excluded. We compared patients with complete fPCA, partial fPCA, and without fPCA in terms of demographics, stroke severity, distribution, and etiology and factored in whether the stroke was ipsilateral to the fPCA. Of the 536 included patients, 9.5% ( had complete fPCA and 15.1% ( had partial fPCA. Patients with complete fPCA were older and more often female than partial fPCA and no fPCA patients, and significant variation in TOAST classification was detected across groups (. Patients with complete fPCA had less small vessel and more large vessel strokes than patients with no fPCA and partial fPCA. Fetal PCA may predispose to stroke mechanism, but is not associated with vascular distribution, stroke severity, or early outcome.

  17. Associação entre perda auditiva induzida pelo ruído e zumbidos

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    Dias Adriano


    Full Text Available O estudo verificou a associação entre perda auditiva induzida por ruído (PAIR e queixa de zumbido em trabalhadores expostos ao ruído ocupacional. Foram entrevistados e avaliados trabalhadores com histórico de exposição ao ruído ocupacional atendidos em dois ambulatórios de audiologia. Estudou-se a existência de associação entre PAIR e ocorrência de zumbido por intermédio do ajuste de modelo de regressão logística, tendo como variável dependente o zumbido e como variável independente a PAIR, classificada em seis graus, controlada pelas co-variáveis idade e tempo de exposição ao ruído. Os dados foram coletados entre abril e outubro de 2003, na Cidade de Bauru, Estado de São Paulo, Brasil, contemplando 284 trabalhadores. Estimou-se que a prevalência de zumbido aumenta de acordo com a evolução do dano auditivo, controlado para a idade e tempo de exposição ao ruído. Os achados justificam o investimento em programas de conservação auditiva particularmente voltados para o controle da emissão de ruídos na fonte e para a intervenção na evolução das perdas auditivas geradas pela exposição ao ruído visando à manutenção da saúde auditiva e à diminuição dos sintomas associados.

  18. Performance comparisons between PCA-EA-LBG and PCA-LBG-EA approaches in VQ codebook generation for image compression (United States)

    Tsai, Jinn-Tsong; Chou, Ping-Yi; Chou, Jyh-Horng


    The aim of this study is to generate vector quantisation (VQ) codebooks by integrating principle component analysis (PCA) algorithm, Linde-Buzo-Gray (LBG) algorithm, and evolutionary algorithms (EAs). The EAs include genetic algorithm (GA), particle swarm optimisation (PSO), honey bee mating optimisation (HBMO), and firefly algorithm (FF). The study is to provide performance comparisons between PCA-EA-LBG and PCA-LBG-EA approaches. The PCA-EA-LBG approaches contain PCA-GA-LBG, PCA-PSO-LBG, PCA-HBMO-LBG, and PCA-FF-LBG, while the PCA-LBG-EA approaches contain PCA-LBG, PCA-LBG-GA, PCA-LBG-PSO, PCA-LBG-HBMO, and PCA-LBG-FF. All training vectors of test images are grouped according to PCA. The PCA-EA-LBG used the vectors grouped by PCA as initial individuals, and the best solution gained by the EAs was given for LBG to discover a codebook. The PCA-LBG approach is to use the PCA to select vectors as initial individuals for LBG to find a codebook. The PCA-LBG-EA used the final result of PCA-LBG as an initial individual for EAs to find a codebook. The search schemes in PCA-EA-LBG first used global search and then applied local search skill, while in PCA-LBG-EA first used local search and then employed global search skill. The results verify that the PCA-EA-LBG indeed gain superior results compared to the PCA-LBG-EA, because the PCA-EA-LBG explores a global area to find a solution, and then exploits a better one from the local area of the solution. Furthermore the proposed PCA-EA-LBG approaches in designing VQ codebooks outperform existing approaches shown in the literature.

  19. Avaliação do programa de triagem auditiva neonatal da Clínica Escola do Univag

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    Ana Paula Cordoval da Costa


    Full Text Available RESUMO Objetivo: verificar se a porcentagem de recém-nascidos que falharam na triagem auditiva do serviço da Clínica Escola do Centro Universitário de Várzea Grande está dentro do determinado pelos indicadores de qualidade dos serviços de Triagem Auditiva Neonatal. Método: estudo retrospectivo, no qual foram analisados os resultados dos exames de Emissões Otoacústicas Transientes realizados no período de Outubro de 2013 a Agosto de 2014, em um serviço gratuito de triagem auditiva neonatal opcional do setor privado de uma universidade da cidade de Várzea Grande-Mato Grosso, Brasil. Compuseram a amostra 251 participantes, subdivididos em dois grupos: grupo de baixo risco composto por 210 participantes, sendo 100 do gênero feminino e 110 do masculino e; grupo de alto risco composto por 41 participantes, sendo 17 do gênero feminino e 24 do masculino. Resultados: foram analisados os resultados da triagem auditiva obtidas com o teste das Emissões Otoacústicas Transientes sendo que no grupo de baixo risco 39,52% passaram, 4,76% falharam e 55,71% não compareceram ao serviço para finalização da triagem. Já no grupo de alto risco, 48,78% passaram, 14,63% falharam e 36,59% não compareceram ao serviço para finalização da triagem, conforme demonstrado nas Tabelas 1 e 2. Conclusão: a porcentagem de indivíduos que falharam na triagem auditiva neonatal pelo serviço avaliado está acima do preconizado pela literatura.

  20. Desenvolvimento da linguagem e deficiência auditiva: revisão de literatura

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    Patrícia Santos Oliveira


    Full Text Available RESUMO: Este estudo tem como objetivo revisar as produções científicas acerca das relações entre desempenho da linguagem e deficiência auditiva, assim como analisar os estudos observacionais sobre a temática. Trata-se de revisão de literatura, no qual foram utilizados os descritores "Hearing Loss", "Child Language", "Perda Auditiva", "Linguagem", "Fonologia" e "Vocabulário" nas bases de dados do Portal Capes, Bireme, Scielo e Pubmed no período de julho a dezembro de 2012. Os critérios de inclusão foram artigos disponíveis em periódicos publicados no período de 2007 a 2012. Foi critério de exclusão não ter como foco principal a aquisição/desenvolvimento da linguagem de crianças e/ou adolescentes portadores de deficiência auditiva. Os estudos analíticos observacionais foram verificados por meio de 22 itens relacionados a informações que deveriam estar presentes no título, resumo, introdução, metodologia, resultados e discussão, recomendados pela iniciativa STROBE (Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology. Foram encontrados 26 artigos, que foram separados em eixos temáticos, sendo linguagem oral, linguagem escrita e leitura e revisão de literatura. Verificou-se que muitos artigos mencionam os benefícios do menor tempo de privação sensorial, bem como do maior tempo de terapia fonoaudiológica e maior uso do Aparelho de Amplificação Sonora Individual ou Implante Coclear. A análise dos dados por meio da iniciativa STROBE aponta que a maioria dos artigos analisados apresentou informações necessárias, principalmente nos itens título e resumo e introdução. As produções científicas estudadas revelam que ainda não há protocolos com padrões de normalidade específicos para indivíduos com deficiência auditiva.

  1. Sequential combination of k-t principle component analysis (PCA) and partial parallel imaging: k-t PCA GROWL. (United States)

    Qi, Haikun; Huang, Feng; Zhou, Hongmei; Chen, Huijun


    k-t principle component analysis (k-t PCA) is a distinguished method for high spatiotemporal resolution dynamic MRI. To further improve the accuracy of k-t PCA, a combination with partial parallel imaging (PPI), k-t PCA/SENSE, has been tested. However, k-t PCA/SENSE suffers from long reconstruction time and limited improvement. This study aims to improve the combination of k-t PCA and PPI on both reconstruction speed and accuracy. A sequential combination scheme called k-t PCA GROWL (GRAPPA operator for wider readout line) was proposed. The GRAPPA operator was performed before k-t PCA to extend each readout line into a wider band, which improved the condition of the encoding matrix in the following k-t PCA reconstruction. k-t PCA GROWL was tested and compared with k-t PCA and k-t PCA/SENSE on cardiac imaging. k-t PCA GROWL consistently resulted in better image quality compared with k-t PCA/SENSE at high acceleration factors for both retrospectively and prospectively undersampled cardiac imaging, with a much lower computation cost. The improvement in image quality became greater with the increase of acceleration factor. By sequentially combining the GRAPPA operator and k-t PCA, the proposed k-t PCA GROWL method outperformed k-t PCA/SENSE in both reconstruction speed and accuracy, suggesting that k-t PCA GROWL is a better combination scheme than k-t PCA/SENSE. Magn Reson Med 77:1058-1067, 2017. © 2016 International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. © 2016 International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.

  2. Monitoreo de desarrollo de habilidades auditivas en preescolares de los centros de desarrollo infantil de la ciudad de Cuenca. 2013 - 2014.


    Deleg Guazha, Liliana Magali


    La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo evaluar las habilidades auditivas de los niños y niñas de 4 a 5 años de edad de los centros de desarrollo infantil, cuatro públicos y cuatro privados de la ciudad de Cuenca. Es un estudio descriptivo, con una muestra de 91 niños, se realizó mediante la aplicación del test ELCE, apartado percepción y discriminación auditiva. Este estudio se realizó en tres fases; en la primera fase se determinó el desarrollo de habilidades auditivas, en la segunda f...

  3. Simultaneous Estimation of Hydrochlorothiazide, Hydralazine Hydrochloride, and Reserpine Using PCA, NAS, and NAS-PCA. (United States)

    Sharma, Chetan; Badyal, Pragya Nand; Rawal, Ravindra K


    In this study, new and feasible UV-visible spectrophotometric and multivariate spectrophotometric methods were described for the simultaneous determination of hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ), hydralazine hydrochloride (H.HCl), and reserpine (RES) in combined pharmaceutical tablets. Methanol was used as a solvent for analysis and the whole UV region was scanned from 200-400 nm. The resolution was obtained by using multivariate methods such as the net analyte signal method (NAS), principal component analysis (PCA), and net analyte signal-principal component analysis (NAS-PCA) applied to the UV spectra of the mixture. The results obtained from all of the three methods were compared. NAS-PCA showed a lot of resolved data as compared to NAS and PCA. Thus, the NAS-PCA technique is a combination of NAS and PCA methods which is advantageous to obtain the information from overlapping results.

  4. Desempenho do equilíbrio dinâmico de escolares ouvintes e com perda auditiva sensorioneural

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    Renato de Souza Melo


    Full Text Available Introdução: O equilíbrio corporal humano é regulado pela atuação sensorial do sistema vestibular, situado na orelha interna. Crianças com perda auditiva sensorioneural podem apresentar alterações no sistema vestibular e, consequentemente, no equilíbrio corporal, em decorrência da lesão na orelha interna. Objetivos: Avaliar o equilíbrio dinâmico em escolares ouvintes e com perda auditiva sensorioneural e comparar os dados entre os grupos considerando os sexos e as faixas etárias. Métodos: Estudo de corte transversal, que avaliou 96 escolares, sendo 48 ouvintes e 48 com perda auditiva sensorioneural, de ambos os sexos, na faixa etária entre sete e 18 anos. A avaliação do equilíbrio dinâmico foi realizada por meio do teste de Babinski-Weil e do teste de Fukuda. Para a análise dos dados foi utilizado o teste do qui-quadrado de Pearson, tendo em vista a distribuição de normalidade dos dados. Resultados: Os escolares com perda auditiva apresentaram maior ocorrência de alterações no equilíbrio dinâmico comparado aos ouvintes: teste de Babinski-Weil e teste de Fukuda: (p<0,001. A mesma diferença foi observada quando os voluntários foram agrupados pelos sexos: feminino e masculino: teste de Babinski-Weil e teste de Fukuda: (p<0,001. Estratificando-se pelas faixas etárias, os resultados apontaram diferenças, entre todos os grupos etários avaliados: teste de Babinski-Weil: sete a 14 anos: (p<0,001 e 15-18 anos: (p= 0,004, teste de Fukuda: sete a 18 anos: (p<0,001. Conclusão: Os escolares com perda auditiva apresentaram maior ocorrência de alterações no equilíbrio dinâmico que os ouvintes do mesmo sexo e faixa etária.

  5. Circle of Willis Variants: Fetal PCA


    Amir Shaban; Karen C. Albright; Amelia K. Boehme; Sheryl Martin-Schild


    We sought to determine the prevalence of fetal posterior cerebral artery (fPCA) and if fPCA was associated with specific stroke etiology and vessel territory affected. This paper is a retrospective review of prospectively identified patients with acute ischemic stroke from July 2008 to December 2010. We defined complete fPCA as absence of a P1 segment linking the basilar with the PCA and partial fPCA as small segment linking the basilar with the PCA. Patients without intracranial vascular ima...

  6. Volatilization from PCA steel alloy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hagrman, D.L.; Smolik, G.R.; McCarthy, K.A.; Petti, D.A.


    The mobilizations of key components from Primary Candidate Alloy (PCA) steel alloy have been measured with laboratory-scale experiments. The experiments indicate most of the mobilization from PCA steel is due to oxide formation and spalling but that the spalled particles are large enough to settle rapidly. Based on the experiments, models for the volatization of iron, manganese, and cobalt from PCA steel in steam and molybdenum from PCA steel in air have been derived.

  7. Avaliação do desenvolvimento cognitivo e afetivo-social de crianças com perda auditiva

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    Maria de Lourdes M. Tabaquim


    Full Text Available OBEJTIVO: avaliar o nível de desenvolvimento cognitivo e afetivo-social de crianças com diagnóstico de deficiência auditiva. MÉTODO: participaram do estudo 50 crianças com diagnóstico de deficiência auditiva, com idade média de 16,1 meses, de ambos os gêneros. Empregou-se a entrevista semi-estruturada com os pais para a obtenção da história de vida da criança, a Escala de Desenvolvimento Comportamental e a Escala de Avaliação da Reação de Retração do Bebê. RESULTADO: o estudo identificou 80% das crianças com perda auditiva profunda bilateral. O Quociente de Desenvolvimento na normalidade ocorreu em 76% da amostra, sendo as funções da linguagem e pessoal-social, as mais prejudicadas. Os níveis de ajustamento afetivo e interacional foram caracterizados pelas reações de alarme para problemas de interação pessoal-social. CONCLUSÃO: as competências defasadas de habilidades verbais e não-verbais mostraram implicações no desenvolvimento cognitivo, sugestivas da condição da criança com perda auditiva e dos fatores de risco associados, com limitação circunstancial a trocas comunicativas que promovem o desenvolvimento de competências adaptativas e o fortalecimento da auto-estima para as relações.

  8. Triagem auditiva neonatal com emissão otoacústica transiente utilizando estímulo de banda estreita

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    Isabela Freixo Côrtes-Andrade


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: avaliar a sensibilidade e a especificidade de um equipamento automático de Emissão Otoacustica Evocada Transiente que utiliza um estímulo de banda estreita, Narrow. MÉTODOS: foi analisado o resultado da Triagem Auditiva Neonatal de 300 neonatos. A Emissão Otoacústica Evocada Transiente foi realizada com um equipamento portátil automático, com o estímulo de banda estreita - Narrow. Todos os neonatos foram submetidos ao Potencial Evocado Auditivo de Tronco Encefálico com o estímulo clique, duração 100μs como padrão-ouro. RESULTADOS: o percentual de "passa" na Triagem Auditiva Neonatal foi de 90,7%. Considerando os resultados do padrão-ouro, foi observado uma taxa de falso-positivo de 9%. A sensibilidade e especificidade encontradas foram de 100% e 92%, respectivamente. CONCLUSÃO: o estímulo de banda estreita - Narrow mostrou-se eficaz para ser utilizado nos programa de Triagem Auditiva Neonatal Universal.

  9. Avaliação auditiva em escolares Hearing evaluation of school children

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    S. A. Araújo


    Full Text Available Introdução: A avaliação auditiva na faixa etária escolar é necessária para a identificação e correção precoce das alterações auditivas. Objetivos: Identificar e quantificar as alterações audiométricas mais freqüentes em escolares. Casuística e Método: Pesquisa realizada com 121 escolares da 1ª a 8ª séries, faixa etária de 7 a 14 anos no mês de novembro de 1998 na cidade de Goiânia, por médicos otorrinolaringologistas e fonoaudiólogos através de exame clínico otorrinolaringológico, audiometria tonal e imitânciometria no Ambulatório de Otorrinolaringologia do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade Federal de Goiás. Resultados: Audiometrias realizadas em 242 orelhas foram encontradas: 76% (184 orelhas com audiometria dentro dos limites da normalidade e 24% (58 orelhas com audiometria alterada. As alterações audiométricas mais freqüentes foram: perda auditiva condutiva em 12% (26 sendo 8% (16 esquerdas e 4% (9 direitas, perda auditiva neurossensorial leve em 7% (15 orelhas sendo 2% (5 esquerdas e 5% (10 direitas. Imitânciometria realizada em 242 orelhas obtendo timpanometrias alteradas sendo: curva do tipo B 3% (6 e do tipo C 3% (6. Conclusão: Concluímos que as alterações auditivas que ocorrem podem prejudicar a atenção e compreensão dos escolares, sendo importante o seu diagnóstico e tratamento precoce para obtenção de um melhor rendimento escolar.Introduction: Hearing evaluation of school age children is necessary for the early identification and correction of hearing alterations. Aim: To identify and qualify the most frequent hearing alterations in school children. Material and method: The research involved 121 school children from 1st to 8th grade in the age group of 7 to 14 years in November of 1998 in the city of Goiânia by otolaryngologists and fonaudiologists by means of otolaryngological, tonal hearing, and imitation testing clinical exams in the Otolaryngological

  10. Alteraciones auditivas en trabajadores expuestos al ruido industrial


    Hernández Díaz, Adel; González Méndez, Bianka M.


    Motivados por la importancia del ruido como riesgo laboral en las actividades productivas de la Carpintería de Aluminio "Tomás Alvarez Breto" decidimos realizar un control audiométrico periódico de estos trabajadores con la finalidad de determinar el grado de exposición de los mismos y establecer las recomendaciones más importantes para su protección. Nos propusimos como objetivo determinar el grado de afectación auditiva por ruido en los trabajadores expuestos al riesgo, para lo cual se cuan...

  11. PCA3 and PCA3-Based Nomograms Improve Diagnostic Accuracy in Patients Undergoing First Prostate Biopsy

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    Virginie Vlaeminck-Guillem


    Full Text Available While now recognized as an aid to predict repeat prostate biopsy outcome, the urinary PCA3 (prostate cancer gene 3 test has also been recently advocated to predict initial biopsy results. The objective is to evaluate the performance of the PCA3 test in predicting results of initial prostate biopsies and to determine whether its incorporation into specific nomograms reinforces its diagnostic value. A prospective study included 601 consecutive patients addressed for initial prostate biopsy. The PCA3 test was performed before ≥12-core initial prostate biopsy, along with standard risk factor assessment. Diagnostic performance of the PCA3 test was evaluated. The three available nomograms (Hansen’s and Chun’s nomograms, as well as the updated Prostate Cancer Prevention Trial risk calculator; PCPT were applied to the cohort, and their predictive accuracies were assessed in terms of biopsy outcome: the presence of any prostate cancer (PCa and high-grade prostate cancer (HGPCa. The PCA3 score provided significant predictive accuracy. While the PCPT risk calculator appeared less accurate; both Chun’s and Hansen’s nomograms provided good calibration and high net benefit on decision curve analyses. When applying nomogram-derived PCa probability thresholds ≤30%, ≤6% of HGPCa would have been missed, while avoiding up to 48% of unnecessary biopsies. The urinary PCA3 test and PCA3-incorporating nomograms can be considered as reliable tools to aid in the initial biopsy decision.

  12. Relação entre habilidades auditivas e fonológicas em crianças com dislexia do desenvolvimento

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    Simone Aparecida Capellini

    Full Text Available A dislexia do desenvolvimento, dificuldade específica de leitura, é caracterizada pela dificuldade em realizar a decodificação fono-grafêmica e percepção de fonemas acusticamente semelhantes. Este estudo teve como objetivo caracterizar o desempenho de crianças com dislexia quanto às habilidades auditivas e de consciência fonológica, correlacionando-as. Participaram deste estudo crianças com dislexia e com bom desempenho escolar, submetidas a avaliações audiológica, do processamento auditivo e das habilidades fonológicas. Os resultados indicaram diferença estatisticamente significante entre as habilidades auditivas de seqüência para sons verbais, mensagem competitiva ipsi e contra-lateral, dicótico de dígitos e dissílabos alternados e ainda nos subtestes de síntese, segmentação, manipulação e transposição. Os achados deste estudo evidenciaram correlação entre provas de memória auditiva e manipulação silábica e fonêmica e associação entre habilidades auditivas e fonológicas, sugerindo que os processos auditivos interferem diretamente na percepção de aspectos acústicos, temporais e seqüenciais dos sons para formação de uma representação fonológica estável.

  13. MD-11 PCA - Research flight team photo (United States)


    On Aug. 30, 1995, a the McDonnell Douglas MD-11 transport aircraft landed equipped with a computer-assisted engine control system that has the potential to increase flight safety. In landings at NASA Dryden Flight Research Center, Edwards, California, on August 29 and 30, the aircraft demonstrated software used in the aircraft's flight control computer that essentially landed the MD-11 without a need for the pilot to manipulate the flight controls significantly. In partnership with McDonnell Douglas Aerospace (MDA), with Pratt & Whitney and Honeywell helping to design the software, NASA developed this propulsion-controlled aircraft (PCA) system following a series of incidents in which hydraulic failures resulted in the loss of flight controls. This new system enables a pilot to operate and land the aircraft safely when its normal, hydraulically-activated control surfaces are disabled. This August 29, 1995, photo shows the MD-11 team. Back row, left to right: Tim Dingen, MDA pilot; John Miller, MD-11 Chief pilot (MDA); Wayne Anselmo, MD-11 Flight Test Engineer (MDA); Gordon Fullerton, PCA Project pilot; Bill Burcham, PCA Chief Engineer; Rudey Duran, PCA Controls Engineer (MDA); John Feather, PCA Controls Engineer (MDA); Daryl Townsend, Crew Chief; Henry Hernandez, aircraft mechanic; Bob Baron, PCA Project Manager; Don Hermann, aircraft mechanic; Jerry Cousins, aircraft mechanic; Eric Petersen, PCA Manager (Honeywell); Trindel Maine, PCA Data Engineer; Jeff Kahler, PCA Software Engineer (Honeywell); Steve Goldthorpe, PCA Controls Engineer (MDA). Front row, left to right: Teresa Hass, Senior Project Management Analyst; Hollie Allingham (Aguilera), Senior Project Management Analyst; Taher Zeglum, PCA Data Engineer (MDA); Drew Pappas, PCA Project Manager (MDA); John Burken, PCA Control Engineer.

  14. Estudio de la vía auditiva central por medio de las respuestas evocadas auditivas del tronco encefálico (ABR, en niños con retraso en el lenguaje

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    Manuel Gallardo


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar la integridad funcional de la vía auditiva en el tronco encefálico a través de las respuestas evocadas auditivas del tronco encefálico (ABR en niños con retardo en el lenguaje sin patología en oído medio y sistema nervioso central y sin factores de riesgo de hipoacusia neonatal. Diseño: Estudio retrospectivo transversal. Lugar: Servicios de otorrinolaringología del Centro Médico Naval y del Hospital Central de la Fuerza Aérea del Perú. Material y Métodos: Se analizó el ABR realizado en los últimos diez años a niños con retardo en el lenguaje, que incluyó 48 niños, 28 varones y 20 mujeres, con edades entre 1 y 11 años. Se evaluó los tiempos de latencia y la morfología de las ondas I, II, III, IV y V del ABR. Resultados: Se encontró las latencias dentro de lo normal para cada edad. En 77% de los pacientes hubo distorsión morfológica y/o hipovoltaje de las ondas, más frecuentemente (58% en las ondas I y II, correspondientes al nervio auditivo y núcleos cocleares en el tronco encefálico. Conclusiones: Los resultados sugieren que existe trastorno en la sincronización neural de la vía auditiva en el VIII par y en el tronco encefálico en 77% de los pacientes evaluados, lo cual afectaría el procesamiento auditivo central.

  15. Parallel GPU implementation of iterative PCA algorithms. (United States)

    Andrecut, M


    Principal component analysis (PCA) is a key statistical technique for multivariate data analysis. For large data sets, the common approach to PCA computation is based on the standard NIPALS-PCA algorithm, which unfortunately suffers from loss of orthogonality, and therefore its applicability is usually limited to the estimation of the first few components. Here we present an algorithm based on Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization (called GS-PCA), which eliminates this shortcoming of NIPALS-PCA. Also, we discuss the GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) parallel implementation of both NIPALS-PCA and GS-PCA algorithms. The numerical results show that the GPU parallel optimized versions, based on CUBLAS (NVIDIA), are substantially faster (up to 12 times) than the CPU optimized versions based on CBLAS (GNU Scientific Library).

  16. Perda auditiva induzida pelo ruído em trabalhadores de metalúrgica Noise induced hearing loss in metallurgical workers

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    Simone Adad Araújo

    Full Text Available Introdução: A perda auditiva induzida pelo ruído é uma patologia insidiosa cumulativa, que cresce ao longo dos anos de exposição ao ruído associado ao ambiente de trabalho. Objetivos: Identificar e quantificar a ocorrência de alterações auditivas sugestivas de Perda Auditiva Induzida pelo Ruído e os principais sintomas otorrinolaringológicos referidos pelos trabalhadores. Forma de estudo: prospectivo clínico randomizado. Casuística e métodos: Pesquisa realizada no período de janeiro a março de 2000 com 187 trabalhadores de indústria metalúrgica no município de Goiânia, avaliados por médicos otorrinolaringologistas através de roteiro de entrevista e audiometria ocupacional. Resultados: Foram obtidas audiometrias ocupacionais sendo: 21% sugestivas de PAIR, 72%, normais e 7%, sugestivas de outras doenças auditivas. Os sintomas auditivos mais freqüentes foram: dificuldade de compreensão da fala, 12%; hipoacusia, 7%; tinitus, 13%; sensação de plenitude auricular, 4%; otorreia, 6%; tonturas, 12%. Conclusão: Concluímos que em metalúrgica há ocorrência de alterações auditivas sugestivas de Perda Auditiva Induzida pelo Ruído e queixa de sintomas otorrinolaringológicos significativos.Introduction: Noise induced hearing loss is a cumulative pathological disease that increases over the years with exposure to noise associated with the work atmosphere. Objectives: To identify and quantify the occurrence of hearing loss suggestive of Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL and the principle otolaryngological symptoms referred to by workers. Study design: prospective clinical randomized. Material and method: Research was carried out from January to March of 2000 with 187 metallurgical workers in the city of Goiânia, who were evaluated by otolaryngologists by means of a combination of interviews and occupational hearing exams. Results: Occupational hearing tests results were: 21% suggestive of NIHL, 72% normal, and 7% suggestive of



    Esteban Ramón Calgagno; Ezequiel Lucas Abregu; Ramiro Oscar Vergara


    Un problema central en el estudio de la percepción auditiva es el de determinar las pistas utilizadas por el cerebro para ubi car fuentes sonoras. Los indicios relacionados con la percepción de la dirección del sonido (en acimut y elevación) han sido est udiados en profundidad durante el siglo pasado. Sin embargo, la percepción auditiva de distancia ha recibido menos atención por parte de los investigadores, convirtiéndose así en uno de los tópicos con mayor cantidad de interrogantes a analiz...



    Gaviria-Londoño, Consuelo


    El objetivo general del presente estudio es investigar la compresión verbal y su correlación con la discriminación auditiva y la memoria de trabajo en alumnos de 3° de primaria de un colegio Distrital de Bogotá. Las variables de estudio fueron la comprensión verbal y la discriminación auditiva (medidas mediante la Evaluación Neuropsicológica Infantil-ENI), y la memoria de trabajo (medida mediante las subpruebas de retención de dígitos y letras y números del Wisc-IV). Los resultados mostraron ...


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    Andrés Díaz


    Full Text Available El presente artículo describe el diseño e implementación de un sistema embebido para personas con discapacidad auditiva leve mediante el uso de un casco sensorial EPOC EMOTIV para el control de un arreglo de micrófonos, mejorando la calidad auditiva y comprensión al estar presente a varias fuente de sonido o personas. El principal objetivo es determinar un dispositivo que mejore la calidad de vida de personas con niveles bajos de sordera haciendo uso de tecnologías de última generación.

  20. Exposición a solventes y disfunción auditiva central: Revisión de la evidencia científica


    Fuente C,Adrian


    Diversos estudios han demostrado que los solventes orgánicos pueden inducir una disfunción auditiva. Los modelos animales han mostrado que los solventes son capaces de dañar las células ciliadas externas. Estudios de campo en trabajadores expuestos a solventes han encontrado por una parte, una mayor prevalencia de hipoacusia sensorioneural en comparación a grupos controles, y por otra, una dis función auditiva central asociada a la exposición a solventes. El presente trabajo tiene como objeti...

  1. Discovery of hearing impairment by the family: seeing an idealized future collapse Descubrimiento de la discapacidad auditiva por la família: contemplando el colapso del futuro idealizado Descoberta da deficiência auditiva pela família: vendo o futuro idealizado desmoronar

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    Sheila de Souza Vieira


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: To portray the family experience when the discovery of hearing impairment in their child. METHODS: Qualitative research with Symbolic Interactionism and Grounded Theory as theoretical and methodological frameworks. Data collection instrument: semi-structured interview. The study included nine families (32 participants. RESULTS: The theme, "Seeing an idealized future collapse", shows that for the family, discovered the possibility of having a child with hearing loss is a moment that involves many negative feelings. CONCLUSION: Discover the hearing loss has a meaning of the expected loss of the perfect child, frustrated expectations and uncertain future. The family has been inadequately approached and the diagnosis has been made late, which requires immediate changes to the practices of professionals.OBJETIVO: Retratar la experiencia familiar, cuando se descubre la deficiencia auditiva de un hijo. MÉTODOS: Investigación cualitativa, teniendo al Interaccionismo Simbólico y la Teoría Fundamentada en los Datos, como referenciales teóricos y metodológicos. Instrumento de recolección de dados: entrevista semiestructurada. Participaron en el estudio nueve familias (32 participantes. RESULTADOS: El tema, "Ver desmoronarse un futuro idealizado", evidencia que, para la familia, el descubrimiento de la posibilidad de tener un niño con deficiencia auditiva es un momento complejo que involucra innumerables sentimientos negativos. CONCLUSIÓN: Descubrir la deficiencia auditiva tiene un significado de pérdida del niño perfecto esperado, de expectativas frustradas y futuro incierto. La familia ha sido abordada inadecuadamente y el diagnóstico realizado tardíamente, lo que exige cambios inmediatos de las prácticas de los profesionales involucrados.OBJETIVO: Retratar a experiência familiar, quando da descoberta da deficiência auditiva de um filho. MÉTODOS: Pesquisa qualitativa, tendo o Interacionismo Simbólico e a Teoria Fundamentada

  2. Prostate cancer (PCa) risk variants and risk of fatal PCa in the National Cancer Institute Breast and Prostate Cancer Cohort Consortium. (United States)

    Shui, Irene M; Lindström, Sara; Kibel, Adam S; Berndt, Sonja I; Campa, Daniele; Gerke, Travis; Penney, Kathryn L; Albanes, Demetrius; Berg, Christine; Bueno-de-Mesquita, H Bas; Chanock, Stephen; Crawford, E David; Diver, W Ryan; Gapstur, Susan M; Gaziano, J Michael; Giles, Graham G; Henderson, Brian; Hoover, Robert; Johansson, Mattias; Le Marchand, Loic; Ma, Jing; Navarro, Carmen; Overvad, Kim; Schumacher, Fredrick R; Severi, Gianluca; Siddiq, Afshan; Stampfer, Meir; Stevens, Victoria L; Travis, Ruth C; Trichopoulos, Dimitrios; Vineis, Paolo; Mucci, Lorelei A; Yeager, Meredith; Giovannucci, Edward; Kraft, Peter


    Screening and diagnosis of prostate cancer (PCa) is hampered by an inability to predict who has the potential to develop fatal disease and who has indolent cancer. Studies have identified multiple genetic risk loci for PCa incidence, but it is unknown whether they could be used as biomarkers for PCa-specific mortality (PCSM). To examine the association of 47 established PCa risk single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) with PCSM. We included 10 487 men who had PCa and 11 024 controls, with a median follow-up of 8.3 yr, during which 1053 PCa deaths occurred. The main outcome was PCSM. The risk allele was defined as the allele associated with an increased risk for PCa in the literature. We used Cox proportional hazards regression to calculate the hazard ratios of each SNP with time to progression to PCSM after diagnosis. We also used logistic regression to calculate odds ratios for each risk SNP, comparing fatal PCa cases to controls. Among the cases, we found that 8 of the 47 SNPs were significantly associated (pPCa, but most did not differentiate between fatal and nonfatal PCa. Rs11672691 and rs10993994 were associated with both fatal and nonfatal PCa, while rs6465657, rs7127900, rs2735839, and rs13385191 were associated with nonfatal PCa only. Eight established risk loci were associated with progression to PCSM after diagnosis. Twenty-two SNPs were associated with fatal PCa incidence, but most did not differentiate between fatal and nonfatal PCa. The relatively small magnitudes of the associations do not translate well into risk prediction, but these findings merit further follow-up, because they may yield important clues about the complex biology of fatal PCa. In this report, we assessed whether established PCa risk variants could predict PCSM. We found eight risk variants associated with PCSM: One predicted an increased risk of PCSM, while seven were associated with decreased risk. Larger studies that focus on fatal PCa are needed to identify more markers that

  3. Percepción táctil, visual y auditiva en niños víctimas de maltrato intrafamiliar


    Cobos Cali, Martha; Ladera Fernández, Valentina; Perea Bartolomé, María Victoria; García García, Ricardo


    Este trabajo analiza la percepción táctil, visual y auditiva en niños víctimas de maltrato intrafamiliar. Participaron 104 niños divididos en dos grupos. El primero conformado por niños institucionalizados por violencia intrafamiliar (NVVI); el segundo por niños que no han sido víctimas de violencia (NNVI), equiparados en género, edad y escolarización. Se usaron subescalas de percepción visual, auditiva y táctil de la evaluación neuropsicológica infantil. Los resultados muestran que los NVVI ...

  4. Estudo comparativo entre audiometria tonal limiar e resposta auditiva de estado estavel em normouvintes

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    Roberto Miquelino de Oliveira Beck


    Full Text Available Introdução: As respostas auditivas de estado estável permitem avaliar de forma objetiva limiares auditivos frequência-específica. A audiometria tonal é o exame padrão-ouro; no entanto, nem sempre pode ser conclusiva, principalmente em crianças e adultos não colaborativos. Objetivo: Comparar os limiares auditivos da RAEE aos da audiometria tonal em indivíduos com audição normal. Materiais e métodos: Foram incluídos neste estudo prospectivo de corte transversal 26 adultos (52 orelhas, de ambos os gêneros, com audiometria normal e sem queixas otológicas. Os pacientes foram submetidos a anamnese, otomicroscopia, audiometria e imitanciometria. A seguir, realizou-se avaliação de respostas auditivas de estado estável. Os resultados obtidos foram analisados estatisticamente e comparados entre si. Resultados: A diferença entre os limiares (em dB NA obtidos em ambos os exames para cada frequência testada foi de 7,12 dB para 500 Hz; 7,6 dB para 1000 Hz; 8,27 dB para 2000 Hz e 9,71 dB para 4000 Hz, com limiares mais elevados na RAEE, em todas as frequências. Não houve diferença estatística entre as médias para cada frequência testada. Conclusão: Os limiares obtidos na RAEE foram comparáveis aos da audiometria tonal em indivíduos normouvintes; entretanto, não deve ser usado como único método de avaliação auditiva.

  5. Tensile properties of unirradiated path A PCA

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Braski, D.N.; Maziasz, P.J.


    The tensile properties of PCA in the Al (solution annealed), A3 (25%-cold worked), and B2 (aged, cold worked, and reaged) conditions were determined from room temperature to 600 0 C. The tensile behavior of PCA-A1 and -A3 was generally similar to that of titanium-modified type 316 stainless steel with similar microstructures. The PCA-B2 was weaker than PCA-A3, especially above 500 0 C, but demonstrated slightly better ducility

  6. Nociones matemáticas y desarrollo de procesos cognitivos de alumnos [6, 8] con percepción auditiva diferenciada


    Garnica, Ignacio; González, Hilda Eneyda


    El campo de interés de la presente investigación es la percepción, cognición y lenguaje, frente a situaciones que incluyen nociones matemáticas. La investigación se dirige a reconocer la influencia de una percepción auditiva diferenciada**** o visual en la expresión del pensamiento matemático (Garnica en prensa). En el caso de los niños con percepción auditiva diferenciada, consideramos sordo profundo a la pérdida total de la sensibilidad del oído, y como débil auditivo cuando esta pérdida es...

  7. Programas de reabilitação auditiva para idosos: uma proposta alternativa de avaliação de eficácia


    Lombardi,Christiane Mara; Freire,Regina Maria


    OBJETIVO: analisar a eficácia de um programa de reabilitação auditiva para idosos. MÉTODOS: participaram deste estudo 30 sujeitos com perda auditiva de grau moderado a severo, na faixa etária de 70 a 92 anos, usuários de auxiliar auditivo com adaptação uni e bilateral e participantes do Grupo de Apoio ao Usuário de Auxiliar Auditivo - GAUAA - desenvolvido durante quatro encontros mensais. Foi aplicado o questionário QI-AASI (Questionário Internacional-Aparelho De Amplificação Sonora Individua...

  8. PCaPAC 2006 Proceedings

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pavel Chevtsov; Matthew Bickley (Eds.)


    The 6-th international PCaPAC (Personal Computers and Particle Accelerator Controls) workshop was held at Jefferson Lab, Newport News, Virginia, from October 24-27, 2006. The main objectives of the conference were to discuss the most important issues of the use of PCs and modern IT technologies for controls of accelerators and to give scientists, engineers, and technicians a forum to exchange the ideas on control problems and their solutions. The workshop consisted of plenary sessions and poster sessions. No parallel sessions were held.Totally, more than seventy oral and poster presentations as well as tutorials were made during the conference, on the basis of which about fifty papers were submitted by the authors and included in this publication. This printed version of the PCaPAC 2006 Proceedings is published at Jefferson Lab according to the decision of the PCaPAC International Program Committee of October 26, 2006.

  9. Triagem auditiva neonatal: incidência de deficiência auditiva neonatal sob a perspectiva da nova legislação paulista Neonatal auditory screening: the incidence of neonatal hearing impairment in the context of the new São Paulo legislation

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    Khalil Fouad Hanna


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: identificar a incidência de recém-nascidos com deficiência auditiva, em maternidade particular da cidade de São Paulo. MÉTODOS: estudo de coorte transversal, realizado no período de 2004 a 2008, em maternidade localizada na zona sul da cidade de São Paulo, com 20.615 recém-nascidos de ambos os sexos, sem indicadores de risco para deficiência auditiva e submetidos à triagem auditiva neonatal. O teste foi realizado por intermédio das Emissões Otoacústicas Evocadas Transientes (EOAET. Os pacientes que falharam nas EOAET nas duas fases foram encaminhados para a realização do Potencial Evocado Auditivo do Tronco Encefálico (PEATE para a confirmação da deficiência auditiva neonatal. Empregou-se o Teste Exato de Fischer e o nível de significância adotado foi de 0,05 oupOBJECTIVES: to determine the incidence of hearing impairment in newborns, at a private maternity hospital in the city of São Paulo. METHODS: a cross-sectional cohort study was carried out covering the period between 2004 and 2008, at a maternity hospital located in the southern zone of the city of São Paulo, including 20,615 newborns of both sexes, with no risk factors for hearing impairment and who had undergone neonatal auditory screening. The test was carried out using the Evoked Transient Otoacoustic Emissions test. Patients who failed both phases of this test were referred to do a Brainstem Auditory Evoked Potential test to confirm the presence of neonatal auditory deficiency. Fischer 's exact test was used with a level of significance of 0.05 orp<0.05. RESULTS: the incidence of neonatal hearing impairment found in this study was 1.2/1000. CONCLUSION: state legislation allows neonatal auditory screening to be more effective in achieving early detection of neonatal hearing impairment. Neonatal auditory screening prevents future impairment of oral development and language acquisition in a social, professional and educational context.

  10. Elevated YKL40 is associated with advanced prostate cancer (PCa) and positively regulates invasion and migration of PCa cells. (United States)

    Jeet, Varinder; Tevz, Gregor; Lehman, Melanie; Hollier, Brett; Nelson, Colleen


    Chitinase 3-like 1 (CHI3L1 or YKL40) is a secreted glycoprotein highly expressed in tumours from patients with advanced stage cancers, including prostate cancer (PCa). The exact function of YKL40 is poorly understood, but it has been shown to play an important role in promoting tumour angiogenesis and metastasis. The therapeutic value and biological function of YKL40 are unknown in PCa. The objective of this study was to examine the expression and function of YKL40 in PCa. Gene expression analysis demonstrated that YKL40 was highly expressed in metastatic PCa cells when compared with less invasive and normal prostate epithelial cell lines. In addition, the expression was primarily limited to androgen receptor-positive cell lines. Evaluation of YKL40 tissue expression in PCa patients showed a progressive increase in patients with aggressive disease when compared with those with less aggressive cancers and normal controls. Treatment of LNCaP and C4-2B cells with androgens increased YKL40 expression, whereas treatment with an anti-androgen agent decreased the gene expression of YKL40 in androgen-sensitive LNCaP cells. Furthermore, knockdown of YKL40 significantly decreased invasion and migration of PCa cells, whereas overexpression rendered them more invasive and migratory, which was commensurate with an enhancement in the anchorage-independent growth of cells. To our knowledge, this study characterises the role of YKL40 for the first time in PCa. Together, these results suggest that YKL40 plays an important role in PCa progression and thus inhibition of YKL40 may be a potential therapeutic strategy for the treatment of PCa. © 2014 The authors.

  11. Educação em saúde auditiva do neonato e lactente para profissionais de enfermagem Newborn and infant hearing health education for nursing professionals

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    Camila Padilha Barbosa


    Full Text Available A perda auditiva é uma privação sensorial e, entre suas consequências, pode-se citar: atraso no desenvolvimento de linguagem, problemas socioemocionais e escolar. Neste cenário, destacam-se os profissionais de enfermagem, que podem multiplicar os conhecimentos sobre saúde auditiva infantil, desde o pré-natal. OBJETIVO: Verificar o conhecimento dos profissionais de enfermagem após ações educativas em saúde auditiva infantil. MÉTODO: Estudo quase-experimental com delineamento tempo-série. Participaram 82 profissionais de enfermagem (enfermeiros, técnicos e auxiliares, que trabalhavam em um hospital universitário, no período entre março e setembro de 2011. Todos responderam a um questionário semiestruturado, antes e após ações educativas desenvolvidas. RESULTADOS: Pôde-se observar mudança significativa de conhecimento dos profissionais de enfermagem após a ação educativa na maioria das variáveis analisadas, a exemplo, idade ideal para realizar a Triagem Auditiva Neonatal; idade ideal para realizar o diagnóstico da perda auditiva; idade ideal para iniciar a intervenção ante a perda auditiva e os indicadores de risco para perda auditiva. CONCLUSÃO: Acredita-se que a metodologia utilizada nas ações educativas, baseadas na problematização da prática profissional, pode ter contribuído sobremaneira para o aumento do conhecimento sobre saúde auditiva, especialmente da população neonatal e lactente.Hearing loss is a sensory deprivation, which can brings several consequences, among them: language development delay, emotional and social problems, and school difficulties. In such settings, we stress the role of nursing professional, who can expand their knowledge about children's hearing health, all the way from pre-natal care. OBJECTIVE: To check the knowledge of nursing professional after the educational actions on pediatric hearing. METHOD: A quasi-experimental design with timeseries outline. We had 82 nursing

  12. EEG frequency PCA in EEG-ERP dynamics. (United States)

    Barry, Robert J; De Blasio, Frances M


    Principal components analysis (PCA) has long been used to decompose the ERP into components, and these mathematical entities are increasingly accepted as meaningful and useful representatives of the electrophysiological components constituting the ERP. A similar expansion appears to be beginning in regard to decomposition of the EEG amplitude spectrum into frequency components via frequency PCA. However, to date, there has been no exploration of the brain's dynamic EEG-ERP linkages using PCA decomposition to assess components in each measure. Here, we recorded intrinsic EEG in both eyes-closed and eyes-open resting conditions, followed by an equiprobable go/no-go task. Frequency PCA of the EEG, including the nontask resting and within-task prestimulus periods, found seven frequency components within the delta to beta range. These differentially predicted PCA-derived go and no-go N1 and P3 ERP components. This demonstration suggests that it may be beneficial in future brain dynamics studies to implement PCA for the derivation of data-driven components from both the ERP and EEG. © 2017 Society for Psychophysiological Research.

  13. Identification of an IL-1-induced gene expression pattern in AR+ PCa cells that mimics the molecular phenotype of AR- PCa cells. (United States)

    Thomas-Jardin, Shayna E; Kanchwala, Mohammed S; Jacob, Joan; Merchant, Sana; Meade, Rachel K; Gahnim, Nagham M; Nawas, Afshan F; Xing, Chao; Delk, Nikki A


    In immunosurveillance, bone-derived immune cells infiltrate the tumor and secrete inflammatory cytokines to destroy cancer cells. However, cancer cells have evolved mechanisms to usurp inflammatory cytokines to promote tumor progression. In particular, the inflammatory cytokine, interleukin-1 (IL-1), is elevated in prostate cancer (PCa) patient tissue and serum, and promotes PCa bone metastasis. IL-1 also represses androgen receptor (AR) accumulation and activity in PCa cells, yet the cells remain viable and tumorigenic; suggesting that IL-1 may also contribute to AR-targeted therapy resistance. Furthermore, IL-1 and AR protein levels negatively correlate in PCa tumor cells. Taken together, we hypothesize that IL-1 reprograms AR positive (AR + ) PCa cells into AR negative (AR - ) PCa cells that co-opt IL-1 signaling to ensure AR-independent survival and tumor progression in the inflammatory tumor microenvironment. LNCaP and PC3 PCa cells were treated with IL-1β or HS-5 bone marrow stromal cell (BMSC) conditioned medium and analyzed by RNA sequencing and RT-QPCR. To verify genes identified by RNA sequencing, LNCaP, MDA-PCa-2b, PC3, and DU145 PCa cell lines were treated with the IL-1 family members, IL-1α or IL-1β, or exposed to HS-5 BMSC in the presence or absence of Interleukin-1 Receptor Antagonist (IL-1RA). Treated cells were analyzed by western blot and/or RT-QPCR. Comparative analysis of sequencing data from the AR + LNCaP PCa cell line versus the AR - PC3 PCa cell line reveals an IL-1-conferred gene suite in LNCaP cells that is constitutive in PC3 cells. Bioinformatics analysis of the IL-1 regulated gene suite revealed that inflammatory and immune response pathways are primarily elicited; likely facilitating PCa cell survival and tumorigenicity in an inflammatory tumor microenvironment. Our data supports that IL-1 reprograms AR + PCa cells to mimic AR - PCa gene expression patterns that favor AR-targeted treatment resistance and cell survival. © 2018 Wiley

  14. Memory Efficient PCA Methods for Large Group ICA. (United States)

    Rachakonda, Srinivas; Silva, Rogers F; Liu, Jingyu; Calhoun, Vince D


    Principal component analysis (PCA) is widely used for data reduction in group independent component analysis (ICA) of fMRI data. Commonly, group-level PCA of temporally concatenated datasets is computed prior to ICA of the group principal components. This work focuses on reducing very high dimensional temporally concatenated datasets into its group PCA space. Existing randomized PCA methods can determine the PCA subspace with minimal memory requirements and, thus, are ideal for solving large PCA problems. Since the number of dataloads is not typically optimized, we extend one of these methods to compute PCA of very large datasets with a minimal number of dataloads. This method is coined multi power iteration (MPOWIT). The key idea behind MPOWIT is to estimate a subspace larger than the desired one, while checking for convergence of only the smaller subset of interest. The number of iterations is reduced considerably (as well as the number of dataloads), accelerating convergence without loss of accuracy. More importantly, in the proposed implementation of MPOWIT, the memory required for successful recovery of the group principal components becomes independent of the number of subjects analyzed. Highly efficient subsampled eigenvalue decomposition techniques are also introduced, furnishing excellent PCA subspace approximations that can be used for intelligent initialization of randomized methods such as MPOWIT. Together, these developments enable efficient estimation of accurate principal components, as we illustrate by solving a 1600-subject group-level PCA of fMRI with standard acquisition parameters, on a regular desktop computer with only 4 GB RAM, in just a few hours. MPOWIT is also highly scalable and could realistically solve group-level PCA of fMRI on thousands of subjects, or more, using standard hardware, limited only by time, not memory. Also, the MPOWIT algorithm is highly parallelizable, which would enable fast, distributed implementations ideal for big

  15. Memory efficient PCA methods for large group ICA

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    Srinivas eRachakonda


    Full Text Available Principal component analysis (PCA is widely used for data reduction in group independent component analysis (ICA of fMRI data. Commonly, group-level PCA of temporally concatenated datasets is computed prior to ICA of the group principal components. This work focuses on reducing very high dimensional temporally concatenated datasets into its group PCA space. Existing randomized PCA methods can determine the PCA subspace with minimal memory requirements and, thus, are ideal for solving large PCA problems. Since the number of dataloads is not typically optimized, we extend one of these methods to compute PCA of very large datasets with a minimal number of dataloads. This method is coined multi power iteration (MPOWIT. The key idea behind MPOWIT is to estimate a subspace larger than the desired one, while checking for convergence of only the smaller subset of interest. The number of iterations is reduced considerably (as well as the number of dataloads, accelerating convergence without loss of accuracy. More importantly, in the proposed implementation of MPOWIT, the memory required for successful recovery of the group principal components becomes independent of the number of subjects analyzed. Highly efficient subsampled eigenvalue decomposition techniques are also introduced, furnishing excellent PCA subspace approximations that can be used for intelligent initialization of randomized methods such as MPOWIT. Together, these developments enable efficient estimation of accurate principal components, as we illustrate by solving a 1600-subject group-level PCA of fMRI with standard acquisition parameters, on a regular desktop computer with only 4GB RAM, in just a few hours. MPOWIT is also highly scalable and could realistically solve group-level PCA of fMRI on thousands of subjects, or more, using standard hardware, limited only by time, not memory. Also, the MPOWIT algorithm is highly parallelizable, which would enable fast, distributed implementations

  16. Caracterização do desempenho de escolares com dislexia do desenvolvimento em habilidades auditivas e fonológicas

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    Fábio Henrique Pinheiro


    Full Text Available Este estudo teve como objetivo caracterizar o desempenho de escolares com dislexia quanto às habilidades auditivas e fonológicas. Participaram deste estudo 20 escolares do 3º ao 5º ano subdivididos em GI: 10 estudantes com diagnóstico interdisciplinar de dislexia e GII: 10 estudantes com bom desempenho escolar, pareados segundo gênero e faixa etária com GI. Como procedimento, foram aplicadas as avaliações audiológica, do processamento auditivo e das habilidades fonológicas. Os resultados indicaram diferença estatisticamente significante entre as habilidades auditivas de sequência para sons verbais, mensagem competitiva ipsi e contralateral, dicótico de dígitos e dissílabos alternados e, ainda, nos subtestes de síntese, segmentação, manipulação e transposição silábicas e fonêmicas quando comparados GI e GII. Os escolares de GI apresentaram desempenho inferior nas provas auditivas e fonológicas, os quais interferem diretamente na percepção de aspectos acústicos, temporais e sequenciais dos sons necessários para formação de uma representação fonológica estável.

  17. Implantes cocleares em crianças portadoras de deficiência auditiva decorrente de meningite Cochlear implant in deaf children due to meningites

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    Maria C. Bevilacqua


    Full Text Available A meningite é a principal causa de deficiência auditiva neurossensorial adquirida, o paciente pode apresentar ao mesmo tempo déficit motor, distúrbio visual, distúrbio de linguagem, déficit vestibular, déficit de atenção e incapacidade para a aprendizagem. Caracteristicamente a deficiência auditiva pós-meningite é sensorioneural, profunda, bilateral, simétrica e descendente, mais comum no sexo masculino e em crianças abaixo de 5 anos e traz não só graves implicações quanto ao desenvolvimento social e emocional dos sujeitos por ela afetados, como também sérias alterações na linguagem oral já adquirida e/ou em estágio de aquisição. OBJETIVO: O trabalho objetiva realizar um estudo comparativo de um grupo de crianças com deficiência auditiva sensorioneural devido a meningite e um grupo de crianças com deficiência auditiva sensorioneural de etiologias diversas, implantadas no período pré-lingual, na faixa etária de 1 ano e 10 meses a 6 anos. FORMA DE ESTUDO: Coorte transversal. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Foram avaliadas 63 crianças com deficiência auditiva neurossensorial profunda bilateral pré-lingual, usuárias de implante coclear multicanal, sendo 25 (40% do sexo masculino 38 (60% do sexo feminino. Em 12 casos (19% a deficiência auditiva foi decorrente da meningite e em 51 casos (81% de outras etiologias. Todos os indivíduos selecionados foram submetidos a avaliações otorrinolaringológicas e audiológicas clínicas e objetivas. CONCLUSÕES: A ocorrência de inserção parcial dos eletrodos foi maior no grupo com deficiência auditiva pós-meningite. Não houve diferenças estatisticamente significantes quanto ao reconhecimento de palavras e fonemas e nos questionários de avaliação das habilidades auditivas (MAIS e de linguagem (MUSS entre os grupos estudados.Meningitis is the main cause of acquired sensorineural hearing loss in children. The patient may also present motor disorders, visual, vestibular, language

  18. Hearing loss in patients with diabetes mellitus Perdas auditivas em pacientes portadores de diabetes melito

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    Thiago Hernandes Diniz


    Full Text Available The relationship between diabetes mellitus and hearing loss is described as 'controversial' in the literature, given that in the clinical realm many patients present dysacusis while others do not. AIM: this study aims to investigate the relationship between hearing loss and diabetes mellitus and add to the knowledge being developed in this area. STUDY DESIGN: cross-sectional clinical trial. MATERIALS AND METHOD: in our study we analyzed the medical charts of 50 adult patients of both genders, aged above 45 years, and diagnosed with diabetes mellitus, seen in our institution in 2006 and 2007, and compared them to the charts of 50 metabolic disease-free individuals. RESULTS: this study found statistically significant worse audiometric thresholds among patients with diabetes mellitus when compared to patients in the control group. CONCLUSION: the results identified in this study point to a correlation between hearing loss and diabetes mellitus. This possibility should therefore be further investigated by health care workers providing care to patients with diabetes mellitus, in the form of closer follow-up on the auditory health of this patient group.A literatura especializada descreve que a relação causa e efeito entre diabetes melito e perda auditiva é bastante controversa, visto que, na prática clínica, muitos pacientes apresentam disacusia e outros não. OBJETIVO: Investigar a relação entre perda auditiva e diabetes melito, a fim de contribuir para resultados mais precisos sobre o assunto em pauta. FORMA DE ESTUDO: Estudo clínico com coorte transversal. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: No presente estudo foram analisados os prontuários de 50 indivíduos adultos atendidos nos anos de 2006 e 2007, de ambos os sexos, com idade superior a 45 anos, portadores do diabetes melito, e 50 prontuários de indivíduos que não apresentaram doenças metabólicas. RESULTADOS: A presente pesquisa identificou uma piora dos limiares audiométricos dos pacientes com

  19. Diabetes Mellitus como causa de perda auditiva Diabetes mellitus as etiological factor of hearing loss

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    Clícia Adriana S. Maia


    Full Text Available Os pacientes com diabetes mellitus freqüentemente apresentam sintomas como tontura, zumbidos e hipoacusia. Via de regra, a perda auditiva é do tipo sensorioneural, confundindo-se, por vezes, com presbiacusia, principalmente por ocorrer em pacientes acima dos 40 anos de idade. A angiopatia e a neuropatia causadas pelo diabetes mellitus têm sido considerados importantes fatores responsáveis pelas manifestações vestibulococleares nesses pacientes. Porém, existe controvérsia no que se refere à etiopatogênese da perda auditiva, sendo que parte dos autores advoga que ela ocorre devido à neuropatia, outra parte à angiopatia, e outra, ainda, à associação das duas. Porém há também os que entendem que o diabetes mellitus e a perda auditiva poderiam ser partes integrantes de uma síndrome genética e não dependentes entre si. Realizamos uma extensa revisão bibliográfica procurando analisar se há relação "causa e efeito" entre o diabetes mellitus e a perda auditiva. Pudemos observar que, apesar do grande número de estudos realizados, a controvérsia ainda é grande, sendo que novas perspectivas, como no campo da genética, estão sendo estudadas, mostrando que novos rumos podem ser tomados para se chegar à conclusão do tema.Patients with diabetes mellitus often show symptoms such as dizziness, tinnitus, and hearing impairment. In general, hearing loss is sensorineural, which is sometimes confused with presbycusis, mainly because it develops in patients older than 40 years of age. Angiopathy and neuropathy caused by diabetes mellitus have been considered important factors for the vestibular-cochlear disorders found in these patients. However, there is controversy regarding the etiopathogenesis of hearing loss, as some researchers support that it develops due to neuropathy, others say it is due to angiopathy, or even a combination of both. Yet, some researchers believe diabetes mellitus and hearing loss are part of a genetic

  20. Observação do desenvolvimento de linguagem e funções auditiva e visual em lactentes

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    Lima Maria Cecília Marconi Pinheiro


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Investigar o desenvolvimento da linguagem e das funções auditiva e visual em lactentes de creche, a partir da avaliação realizada por educadores. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados 115 lactentes, nos anos de 1998 a 2001, usuários de uma creche da área da saúde de uma universidade do Estado de São Paulo. Foi utilizado o "Protocolo da Observação do Desenvolvimento de Linguagem e das Funções Auditiva e Visual", com 39 provas no total, para a avaliação dos lactentes de 3 até 12 meses de idade. A aplicação desse Protocolo foi feita pelas educadoras da creche, devidamente treinadas. Utilizou-se o teste de Qui-quadrado ou Exato de Fisher. O nível de significância adotado foi de 5%. RESULTADOS: Os lactentes apresentaram um padrão diferente no desenvolvimento da linguagem quanto ao início do balbucio e das primeiras palavras, bem como na função visual, quanto à imitação e uso de jogos gestuais e de seguir ordem com uso de gestos. CONCLUSÕES: O ambiente creche propicia condições para um outro padrão de desenvolvimento de linguagem e das funções auditiva e visual. Ações de prevenção na creche devem integrar as áreas de saúde e educação num objetivo comum.

  1. On a PCA-based lung motion model

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Li Ruijiang; Lewis, John H; Jia Xun; Jiang, Steve B [Department of Radiation Oncology and Center for Advanced Radiotherapy Technologies, University of California San Diego, 3855 Health Sciences Dr, La Jolla, CA 92037-0843 (United States); Zhao Tianyu; Wuenschel, Sara; Lamb, James; Yang Deshan; Low, Daniel A [Department of Radiation Oncology, Washington University School of Medicine, 4921 Parkview Pl, St. Louis, MO 63110-1093 (United States); Liu Weifeng, E-mail: [ Inc., 701 5th Ave. Seattle, WA 98104 (United States)


    Respiration-induced organ motion is one of the major uncertainties in lung cancer radiotherapy and is crucial to be able to accurately model the lung motion. Most work so far has focused on the study of the motion of a single point (usually the tumor center of mass), and much less work has been done to model the motion of the entire lung. Inspired by the work of Zhang et al (2007 Med. Phys. 34 4772-81), we believe that the spatiotemporal relationship of the entire lung motion can be accurately modeled based on principle component analysis (PCA) and then a sparse subset of the entire lung, such as an implanted marker, can be used to drive the motion of the entire lung (including the tumor). The goal of this work is twofold. First, we aim to understand the underlying reason why PCA is effective for modeling lung motion and find the optimal number of PCA coefficients for accurate lung motion modeling. We attempt to address the above important problems both in a theoretical framework and in the context of real clinical data. Second, we propose a new method to derive the entire lung motion using a single internal marker based on the PCA model. The main results of this work are as follows. We derived an important property which reveals the implicit regularization imposed by the PCA model. We then studied the model using two mathematical respiratory phantoms and 11 clinical 4DCT scans for eight lung cancer patients. For the mathematical phantoms with cosine and an even power (2n) of cosine motion, we proved that 2 and 2n PCA coefficients and eigenvectors will completely represent the lung motion, respectively. Moreover, for the cosine phantom, we derived the equivalence conditions for the PCA motion model and the physiological 5D lung motion model (Low et al 2005 Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. 63 921-9). For the clinical 4DCT data, we demonstrated the modeling power and generalization performance of the PCA model. The average 3D modeling error using PCA was within 1

  2. On a PCA-based lung motion model. (United States)

    Li, Ruijiang; Lewis, John H; Jia, Xun; Zhao, Tianyu; Liu, Weifeng; Wuenschel, Sara; Lamb, James; Yang, Deshan; Low, Daniel A; Jiang, Steve B


    Respiration-induced organ motion is one of the major uncertainties in lung cancer radiotherapy and is crucial to be able to accurately model the lung motion. Most work so far has focused on the study of the motion of a single point (usually the tumor center of mass), and much less work has been done to model the motion of the entire lung. Inspired by the work of Zhang et al (2007 Med. Phys. 34 4772-81), we believe that the spatiotemporal relationship of the entire lung motion can be accurately modeled based on principle component analysis (PCA) and then a sparse subset of the entire lung, such as an implanted marker, can be used to drive the motion of the entire lung (including the tumor). The goal of this work is twofold. First, we aim to understand the underlying reason why PCA is effective for modeling lung motion and find the optimal number of PCA coefficients for accurate lung motion modeling. We attempt to address the above important problems both in a theoretical framework and in the context of real clinical data. Second, we propose a new method to derive the entire lung motion using a single internal marker based on the PCA model. The main results of this work are as follows. We derived an important property which reveals the implicit regularization imposed by the PCA model. We then studied the model using two mathematical respiratory phantoms and 11 clinical 4DCT scans for eight lung cancer patients. For the mathematical phantoms with cosine and an even power (2n) of cosine motion, we proved that 2 and 2n PCA coefficients and eigenvectors will completely represent the lung motion, respectively. Moreover, for the cosine phantom, we derived the equivalence conditions for the PCA motion model and the physiological 5D lung motion model (Low et al 2005 Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. 63 921-9). For the clinical 4DCT data, we demonstrated the modeling power and generalization performance of the PCA model. The average 3D modeling error using PCA was within 1

  3. On a PCA-based lung motion model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li Ruijiang; Lewis, John H; Jia Xun; Jiang, Steve B; Zhao Tianyu; Wuenschel, Sara; Lamb, James; Yang Deshan; Low, Daniel A; Liu Weifeng


    Respiration-induced organ motion is one of the major uncertainties in lung cancer radiotherapy and is crucial to be able to accurately model the lung motion. Most work so far has focused on the study of the motion of a single point (usually the tumor center of mass), and much less work has been done to model the motion of the entire lung. Inspired by the work of Zhang et al (2007 Med. Phys. 34 4772-81), we believe that the spatiotemporal relationship of the entire lung motion can be accurately modeled based on principle component analysis (PCA) and then a sparse subset of the entire lung, such as an implanted marker, can be used to drive the motion of the entire lung (including the tumor). The goal of this work is twofold. First, we aim to understand the underlying reason why PCA is effective for modeling lung motion and find the optimal number of PCA coefficients for accurate lung motion modeling. We attempt to address the above important problems both in a theoretical framework and in the context of real clinical data. Second, we propose a new method to derive the entire lung motion using a single internal marker based on the PCA model. The main results of this work are as follows. We derived an important property which reveals the implicit regularization imposed by the PCA model. We then studied the model using two mathematical respiratory phantoms and 11 clinical 4DCT scans for eight lung cancer patients. For the mathematical phantoms with cosine and an even power (2n) of cosine motion, we proved that 2 and 2n PCA coefficients and eigenvectors will completely represent the lung motion, respectively. Moreover, for the cosine phantom, we derived the equivalence conditions for the PCA motion model and the physiological 5D lung motion model (Low et al 2005 Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. 63 921-9). For the clinical 4DCT data, we demonstrated the modeling power and generalization performance of the PCA model. The average 3D modeling error using PCA was within 1


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    Esteban Ramón Calgagno


    Full Text Available Un problema central en el estudio de la percepción auditiva es el de determinar las pistas utilizadas por el cerebro para ubi car fuentes sonoras. Los indicios relacionados con la percepción de la dirección del sonido (en acimut y elevación han sido est udiados en profundidad durante el siglo pasado. Sin embargo, la percepción auditiva de distancia ha recibido menos atención por parte de los investigadores, convirtiéndose así en uno de los tópicos con mayor cantidad de interrogantes a analizar. El objetiv o del presente trabajo es revisar los resultados reportados s obre este tema en la literatura desde principios de siglo XX hasta nuestros días.

  5. As deficiências auditivas relacionadas às alterações do DNA mitocondrial. Hearing loss related to mitochondrial DNA changes

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    Maria F. P. de Carvalho


    Full Text Available A deficiência auditiva é sintoma comum que pode apresentar várias etiologias, entre elas as causadas por alterações genéticas. As mutações genéticas podem ocorrer em genes nucleares e mitocondriais. A mitocôndria, uma organela intracelular, tem o seu próprio genoma (DNA, que é uma molécula circular e é transmitido exclusivamente pela mãe. As mutações do DNA mitocondrial são transmitidas pela linhagem materna, mas podem ocorrer mutações espontâneas. O fenótipo, ou expressão clínica, da mutação mitocondrial vai depender da quantidade de DNA mitocondrial mutante existente na célula, situação conhecida como heteroplasmia. A mitocôndria tem a função de disponibilizar energia para as células sob a forma de ATP (trifosfato de adenosina. Os órgãos que requerem grande quantidade de energia são mais comumente acometidos em casos de mutações do DNA mitocondrial, como células nervosas, musculares, endócrinas, ópticas e auditivas. Como a cóclea é grande consumidora de energia, uma mutação no DNA mitocondrial de células ciliadas causa deficiência auditiva do tipo neurossensorial, bilateral, simétrica e progressiva. As deficiências auditivas causadas por mutações no DNA mitocondrial correspondem a 0,5% a 1% de todas as deficiências auditivas de origem genética. Foi realizada uma extensa revisão bibliográfica, a fim de estudar as deficiências auditivas causadas por alterações no DNA mitocondrial. A deficiência auditiva pode se apresentar na forma isolada (forma não sindrômica, como nos casos de hiper-sensibilidade aos antibióticos aminoglicosídeos e presbiacusia, ou associada a outras doenças (forma sindrômica, como na síndrome de Kearns-Sayre e diabete e surdez de herança materna.Hearing loss is a common symptom that may be manifested by many etiologies and it is frequently associated to genetic problems. Genetic mutations may occur in nuclear or mitochondrial genes. Mitochondria are

  6. An efficient algorithm for weighted PCA

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Krijnen, W.P.; Kiers, H.A.L.


    The method for analyzing three-way data where one of the three components matrices in TUCKALS3 is chosen to have one column is called Replicated PCA. The corresponding algorithm is relatively inefficient. This is shown by offering an alternative algorithm called Weighted PCA. Specifically it is

  7. Ruido en la ciudad. Contaminación auditiva y ciudad caminable


    Miriam Alfie Cohen; Osvaldo Salinas Castillo


    La contaminación auditiva es un fenómeno poco estudiado en la relación ciudad-ambiente. La combinación de ruido constante y permanente, el uso indiscriminado del automóvil y las políticas públicas desintegradas provocan una gestión ambiental incierta y poco clara frente a esta problemática. El modelo de ciudad caminable pretende generar espacios urbanos donde se reduzca el uso del transporte, se enfaticen las bondades de la movilidad a pie y en bicicleta, y se rehabiliten espacios públicos y ...

  8. Ruido en la ciudad. Contaminación auditiva y ciudad caminable


    Alfie Cohen, Miriam; Salinas Castillo, Osvaldo


    Resumen: La contaminación auditiva es un fenómeno poco estudiado en la relación ciudad-ambiente. La combinación de ruido constante y permanente, el uso indiscriminado del automóvil y las políticas públicas desintegradas provocan una gestión ambiental incierta y poco clara frente a esta problemática. El modelo de ciudad caminable pretende generar espacios urbanos donde se reduzca el uso del transporte, se enfaticen las bondades de la movilidad a pie y en bicicleta, y se rehabiliten espacios pú...

  9. Beyond textbook neuroanatomy: The syndrome of malignant PCA infarction. (United States)

    Gogela, Steven L; Gozal, Yair M; Rahme, Ralph; Zuccarello, Mario; Ringer, Andrew J


    Given its limited vascular territory, occlusion of the posterior cerebral artery (PCA) usually does not result in malignant infarction. Challenging this concept, we present 3 cases of unilateral PCA infarction with secondary malignant progression, resulting from extension into what would classically be considered the posterior middle cerebral artery (MCA) territory. Interestingly, these were true PCA infarctions, not "MCA plus" strokes, since the underlying occlusive lesion was in the PCA. We hypothesize that congenital and/or acquired variability in the distribution and extent of territory supplied by the PCA may underlie this rare clinical entity. Patients with a PCA infarction should thus be followed closely and offered early surgical decompression in the event of malignant progression.

  10. PCA-derived factors that may be predictive of postoperative pain in pediatric patients: a possible role for the PCA ratio. (United States)

    McDonnell, Conor; Pehora, Carolyne; Crawford, Mark W


    No method exists to reliably predict which patients will develop severe postoperative pain. The authors hypothesized that data derived from patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) pumps (specifically the ratio of patient demands to pump deliveries) may predict which patients would develop severe pain after scoliosis repair. Quaternary, university-affiliated, pediatric hospital. Forty American Society of Anesthesiologists I-Il pediatric patients who had undergone elective scoliosis repair and had consented to recruitment to a randomized clinical trial investigating the effects of early morphine administration on remifentanil-induced hyperalgesia. To test the hypothesis of the current study, the authors calculated the PCA ratio of demand to delivery at every 4 hours throughout the first 24 hours after surgery for all the patients recruited to the original study. The authors compared calculated PCA ratios, numeric rating scale pain scores, and cumulative morphine consumption for those patients who developed severe postoperative pain and met the criteria for opioid rotation versus those patients who did not. Seven patients required opioid rotation from PCA morphine to PCA hydromorphone. Eight hours after surgery, the median PCA ratio for those seven patients (2.5[range, 1.8-4.3]) was significantly greater than that for all other recruited patients (1.3 [range, 0-2.7]; p PCA ratios of demand to delivery as early as 8 hours after surgery.

  11. Evolução da perda auditiva no decorrer do envelhecimento Hearing loss in aging

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    Giovana dos Santos Baraldi


    Full Text Available A perda auditiva associada ao envelhecimento refere-se à soma de perdas auditivas resultantes da degeneração fisiológica causada por exposição ao ruído, agentes ototóxicos e prejuízos causados por desordens e tratamentos médicos. Afeta cerca de 60% de todas as pessoas com idade acima de 65 anos. OBJETIVO: Verificar a degeneração do sistema auditivo no decorrer da idade através de medidas supraliminares e de sensibilidade auditiva. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Estudo de coorte contemporânea com corte transversal. Foram avaliados 211 idosos, com idade média de 75,24 anos, sendo 61 do sexo masculino e 150 do sexo feminino. Os indivíduos foram submetidos a uma anamnese e à avaliação audiológica básica e divididos em quatro grupos, de acordo com a faixa etária. RESULTADOS: Declínio significativo do limiar nas 4 faixas etárias estabelecidas, diminuição do índice percentual de reconhecimento de fala, diferença significante com relação ao gênero. CONCLUSÃO: Com o avanço da idade, ocorreu um aumento gradual no grau da perda auditiva, os homens apresentaram limiares mais rebaixados na freqüência de 4000Hz em comparação com as mulheres e na inteligibilidade de fala observou-se decréscimo gradativo com o aumento da idade.Aging is a natural consequence of a society developing process. The city of São Paulo has almost one million people who are above sixty years of age. Age-related hearing loss equals the total hearing loss resulted from cell degeneration caused by noise exposure, ototoxic agents and the loss caused by disorders and medical treatments. AIM: To study age-related hearing degeneration by means of higher thresholds and hearing sensitivity measures. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Cross-sectional contemporary cohort study in which we assessed 211 elderly patients with mean age of 75.24 years, of whom 61 were females and 150 were males. The subjects were submitted to an interview and a conventional audiometric assessment; and

  12. Metoclopramide improves the quality of tramadol PCA indistinguishable to morphine PCA: a prospective, randomized, double blind clinical comparison. (United States)

    Pang, Weiwu; Liu, Yu-Cheng; Maboudou, Edgard; Chen, Tom Xianxiu; Chois, John M; Liao, Cheng-Chun; Wu, Rick Sai-Chuen


    Multimodal analgesia has been effectively used in postoperative pain control. Tramadol can be considered "multimodal" because it has two main mechanisms of action, an opioid agonist and a reuptake inhibitor of norepinephrine and serotonin. Tramadol is not as commonly used as morphine due to the increased incidence of postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV). As metoclopramide is an antiemetic and an analgesic, it was hypothesized that when added to reduce PONV, metoclopromide may enhance the multimodal feature of tramadol by the analgesic property of metoclopramide. Therefore, the effectiveness of postoperative patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) with morphine was compared against PCA with combination of tramadol and metoclopramide. A prospective, randomized, double blind clinical trial. Academic pain service of a university hospital. Sixty patients undergoing elective total knee arthroplasty with general anesthesia. Sixty patients were randomly divided into Group M and Group T. In a double-blinded fashion, Group M received intraoperative 0.2 mg/kg morphine and postoperative PCA with 1 mg morphine per bolus, whereas Group T received intraoperative tramadol 2.5 mg/kg and postoperative PCA with 20 mg tramadol plus 1 mg metoclopramide per bolus. Lockout interval was 5 minutes in both groups. Pain scale, satisfaction rate, analgesic consumption, PCA demand, and side effects were recorded by a blind investigator. These two groups displayed no statistically significant difference between the items and variables evaluated. This combination provides analgesia equivalent to that of morphine and can be used as an alternative to morphine PCA. Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  13. Habilidades auditivas e medidas da imitância acústica em crianças de 4 a 6 anos de idade


    Toscano,Rafaela Della Giacoma Prado; Anastasio,Adriana Ribeiro Tavares


    OBJETIVO: avaliar o desempenho em habilidades auditivas e as condições de orelha média de crianças de 4 a 6 anos de idade. MÉTODO: foram aplicados os testes de detecção sonora (audiômetro pediátrico em 20dBNA), a Avaliação Simplificada do Processamento Auditivo (ASPA) e as medidas de imitância acústica (handtymp com tom de 226Hz) em 61 crianças com média de idade de 5,65 anos. Para comparar os resultados das provas de habilidades auditivas e das medidas da imitância acústica foi aplicado o te...

  14. A satisfação e o desempenho de usuários de próteses auditivas atendidos em um programa de atenção à saúde auditiva Satisfaction and performance of hearing aids users assisted in a Hearing Health Care Program

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    Aline da Silva Lopes


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: avaliar o desempenho e a satisfação com o uso das próteses auditivas nos pacientes atendidos no convênio APAC-UFSM, após um ano de adaptação. MÉTODOS: analisou-se 49 sujeitos, com perda auditiva do tipo neurossensorial ou mista, de grau leve a severo na melhor orelha, divididos em adultos e idosos. Realizou-se a pesquisa dos Limiares e Índices Percentuais de Reconhecimento de Sentenças no Silêncio e no Ruído, em campo livre, por meio do teste Listas de Sentenças em Português; e aplicou-se o questionário de satisfação, International Outcome Inventory for Hearing Aids. Realizaram-se os testes na mesma sessão, em dois momentos distintos, sendo o primeiro, sem o uso das próteses auditivas e o segundo, usando as mesmas. RESULTADOS: houve diferença significante no desempenho dos indivíduos em ambos os grupos, no procedimento realizado no silêncio. Apesar de o desempenho com próteses auditivas não ter apresentado melhora significante no ruído, os pacientes apresentaram respostas satisfatórias no questionário. Na comparação entre os grupos, não se observou diferença significante quanto ao desempenho e satisfação. CONCLUSÃO: a melhora significante do desempenho no silêncio vai ao encontro do relato dos pacientes. O questionário evidenciou que a maioria referiu fazer uso efetivo das próteses auditivas e considerou ter um benefício muito satisfatório. Apesar de uma parcela significativa referir moderada ou bastante dificuldade residual, a maioria considerou que o uso das próteses auditivas vale muito ou bastante a pena.PURPOSE: to assess the performance and satisfaction using hearing aids in patients assisted in the APAC-UFSM partnership, after a one-year fitting. METHODS: 49 subjects having mild to severe sensorineural or mixed hearing loss in the better ear were analyzed. They were divided into adults and elderly groups. The research of Sentence Recognition Threshold and Percent Indexes in Quiet and in

  15. Comparação das habilidades auditivas e visuais em paralíticos cerebrais diplégicos

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    Dionísia Aparecida Cusin Lamônica


    Full Text Available Objetivo comparar o desempenho das habilidades psicolinguísticas auditivas e visuais de crianças com PC-D. Métodos participaram dez crianças com PC-D, classificados por meio da escala Gross Motor Function Measure System (GMFMS, de idade entre quatro anos e um mês a cinco anos e seis meses. A avaliação fonoaudiológica constou de entrevista com responsável, análise de prontuário e aplicação dos subtestes auditivos e visuais do Teste de Illinois de Habilidades Psicolinguísticas (ITPA. O tratamento estatístico constou de análise descritiva e aplicação do teste de Wilcoxon (nível de significância foi p≤ 0,05. Resultados os subtestes que obtiverem os menores escores foram na memória sequencial auditiva e memória sequencial visual. Na comparação entre as habilidades auditivas e visuais somente houve diferenças estatisticamente significante nos subtestes de recepção e associação. O grupo se comportou de forma heterogênea. Este estudo pretende chamar atenção para esta questão, pois se considera que estas habilidades são de extrema importância para o desenvolvimento das habilidades linguísticas e comunicativas que devem ser pensadas nos programas de reabilitação destes indivíduos. Conclusão houve diferenças estatisticamente significantes nos subtestes auditivos e visuais de recepção e associação nesta população.

  16. Condition Monitoring of Sensors in a NPP Using Optimized PCA

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    Wei Li


    Full Text Available An optimized principal component analysis (PCA framework is proposed to implement condition monitoring for sensors in a nuclear power plant (NPP in this paper. Compared with the common PCA method in previous research, the PCA method in this paper is optimized at different modeling procedures, including data preprocessing stage, modeling parameter selection stage, and fault detection and isolation stage. Then, the model’s performance is greatly improved through these optimizations. Finally, sensor measurements from a real NPP are used to train the optimized PCA model in order to guarantee the credibility and reliability of the simulation results. Meanwhile, artificial faults are sequentially imposed to sensor measurements to estimate the fault detection and isolation ability of the proposed PCA model. Simulation results show that the optimized PCA model is capable of detecting and isolating the sensors regardless of whether they exhibit major or small failures. Meanwhile, the quantitative evaluation results also indicate that better performance can be obtained in the optimized PCA method compared with the common PCA method.

  17. Denoising by semi-supervised kernel PCA preimaging

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Toke Jansen; Abrahamsen, Trine Julie; Hansen, Lars Kai


    Kernel Principal Component Analysis (PCA) has proven a powerful tool for nonlinear feature extraction, and is often applied as a pre-processing step for classification algorithms. In denoising applications Kernel PCA provides the basis for dimensionality reduction, prior to the so-called pre-imag...

  18. Model selection for Gaussian kernel PCA denoising

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jørgensen, Kasper Winther; Hansen, Lars Kai


    We propose kernel Parallel Analysis (kPA) for automatic kernel scale and model order selection in Gaussian kernel PCA. Parallel Analysis [1] is based on a permutation test for covariance and has previously been applied for model order selection in linear PCA, we here augment the procedure to also...... tune the Gaussian kernel scale of radial basis function based kernel PCA.We evaluate kPA for denoising of simulated data and the US Postal data set of handwritten digits. We find that kPA outperforms other heuristics to choose the model order and kernel scale in terms of signal-to-noise ratio (SNR...

  19. Parent-controlled PCA for pain management in pediatric oncology: is it safe? (United States)

    Anghelescu, Doralina L; Faughnan, Lane G; Oakes, Linda L; Windsor, Kelley B; Pei, Deqing; Burgoyne, Laura L


    Patient-controlled analgesia offers safe and effective pain control for children who can self-administer medication. Some children may not be candidates for patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) unless a proxy can administer doses. The safety of proxy-administered PCA has been studied, but the safety of parent-administered PCA in children with cancer has not been reported. In this study, we compare the rate of complications in PCA by parent proxy versus PCA by clinician (nurse) proxy and self-administered PCA. Our pediatric institution's quality improvement database was reviewed for adverse events associated with PCA from 2004 through 2010. Each PCA day was categorized according to patient or proxy authorization. Data from 6151 PCA observation days were included; 61.3% of these days were standard PCA, 23.5% were parent-proxy PCA, and 15.2% were clinician-proxy PCA days. The mean duration of PCA use was 12.1 days, and the mean patient age was 12.3 years. The mean patient age was lower in the clinician-proxy (9.4 y) and parent-proxy (5.1 y) groups, respectively. The complication rate was lowest in the parent-proxy group (0.62%). We found that proxy administration of PCA by authorized parents is as safe as clinician administered and standard PCA at our pediatric institution.



    Dr. Juan Cristóbal Maass, PhD; Dra. Francisca Hanuch; Dra. Macarena Ormazábal


    La sordera es uno de los defectos congénitos más frecuentes en el mundo y puede llegar a alcanzar hasta un 50% en los adultos mayores de 70 años. La mayor parte de la pérdida de audición se produce por daño en las células ciliadas (CC), que son las encargadas de transformar las ondas acústicas mecánicas en señales electroquímicas que se dirigen al área auditiva de la corteza cerebral. Estas células ubicadas en el órgano de Corti (OC) no tienen capacidad regenerativa, por lo que al verse sever...


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    Alejandro Joaquín Encina Tutuy


    Full Text Available La sordera acarrea consecuencias personales y sociales, como ser, dificultades y/o conflictos a la hora de recibir atención de salud. La comunicación juega un rol importante en la relación entre el paciente y el profesional. Si bien las manifestaciones bucales que se reportan son similares a las de los individuos normales, el odontólogo debe conocer y poseer las estrategias y herramientas necesarias para la atención y alcanzar con éxito los objetivos propuestos de tratamiento. El objetivo de este artículo de revisión es poner de relieve ciertas consideraciones a tener en cuenta al momento de atender un paciente con deficiencias auditivas.


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    Alejandro Joaquín Encina Tutuy


    Full Text Available La sordera acarrea consecuencias personales y sociales, como ser, dificultades y/o conflictos a la hora de recibir atención de salud. La comunicación juega un rol importante en la relación entre el paciente y el profesional. Si bien las manifestaciones bucales que se reportan son similares a las de los individuos normales, el odontólogo debe conocer y poseer las estrategias y herramientas necesarias para la atención y alcanzar con éxito los objetivos propuestos de tratamiento. El objetivo de este artículo de revisión es poner de relieve ciertas consideraciones a tener en cuenta al momento de atender un paciente con deficiencias auditivas.

  3. 24 CFR 401.451 - PAE Physical Condition Analysis (PCA). (United States)


    ... (PCA). 401.451 Section 401.451 Housing and Urban Development Regulations Relating to Housing and Urban... PROGRAM (MARK-TO-MARKET) Restructuring Plan § 401.451 PAE Physical Condition Analysis (PCA). (a) Review... of the project by means of a PCA. If the PAE finds any immediate threats to health and safety, the...

  4. Estudo da freqüência fundamental da voz de idosas portadoras de diferentes graus de perda auditiva Study of the fundamental frequency in elderly women with hearing loss

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Giovana dos Santos Baraldi


    Full Text Available A deficiência auditiva, dentre outros, é um dos distúrbios mais referidos pela população idosa. Sabe-se que o sistema de feedback auditivo é primordial para o monitoramento dos parâmetros vocais, como a freqüência fundamenta. OBJETIVO: Correlacionar a audição e os valores de F0 (freqüência fundamental da voz de idosas portadores de diferentes graus de sensibilidade auditiva. FORMA DO ESTUDO: Transversal descritivo. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: Amostra de 30 idosas, idades média de 76,23, portadoras de audição normal ou perda auditiva neurossensorial descendente simétrica. Foram submetidas a anamnese, avaliação auditiva (audiometria tonal limiar, IPRF e imitanciometria e avaliação vocal. Os resultados de ambas as avaliações foram correlacionados. RESULTADOS: A F0 da produção vocal de idosas com perda leve (144,44 foi significantemente menor que para perda moderada (160,3, moderadamente severa (188,23 e severa (201,27, tanto utilizando a classificação de grau da perda auditiva para freqüências baixas como altas. CONCLUSÃO: Quanto mais elevado o grau da perda auditiva, maior o valor de freqüência fundamental encontrado.Increased life expectancy raises demands for special attention for the elderly population; speech, language and hearing science deals with their communication disorders. Hearing loss is a common disorder affecting this age group. It is known that the auditory feedback system is essential to human vocalizing, as it organizes voice production. AIM: To assess and correlate the hearing system and the Fundamental Frequency (F0 of women who have variable degrees of sensorineural hearing loss. MATERIAL AND METHOD: a cross-sectional descriptive study. 30 women with a mean age of 75.95 (SD = 7,41 were included. Inclusion criteria were: symmetric sensorineural hearing loss, a high-frequency sloping configuration, and a type A tympanogram. Subjects underwent Pure Tone Audiometry, a Word Recognition Test, Tympanometry

  5. Joint Group Sparse PCA for Compressed Hyperspectral Imaging. (United States)

    Khan, Zohaib; Shafait, Faisal; Mian, Ajmal


    A sparse principal component analysis (PCA) seeks a sparse linear combination of input features (variables), so that the derived features still explain most of the variations in the data. A group sparse PCA introduces structural constraints on the features in seeking such a linear combination. Collectively, the derived principal components may still require measuring all the input features. We present a joint group sparse PCA (JGSPCA) algorithm, which forces the basic coefficients corresponding to a group of features to be jointly sparse. Joint sparsity ensures that the complete basis involves only a sparse set of input features, whereas the group sparsity ensures that the structural integrity of the features is maximally preserved. We evaluate the JGSPCA algorithm on the problems of compressed hyperspectral imaging and face recognition. Compressed sensing results show that the proposed method consistently outperforms sparse PCA and group sparse PCA in reconstructing the hyperspectral scenes of natural and man-made objects. The efficacy of the proposed compressed sensing method is further demonstrated in band selection for face recognition.

  6. PCA and Postoperative Pain Management After Orthopedic Surgeries

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    S.M. Hashemi


    Full Text Available Background: Patients often suffer from inadequate treatment of postoperative pain. The aim of this study was to investigate effect of PCA on postoperative pain management and patients’ satisfaction from use of PCA. Materials and Methods: In this prospective study, between 2010 to 2011, patients presented by orthopedic specialists to acute and chronic pain service of Akhtar Hospital. A satisfaction questionnaire was given on discharge to this patients, were asked to fill out it . Then collected by ward nurse. Results: patients’ satisfaction from pain relief with use of PCA was high ( 94.9% . In this patient pain relief at third day after surgery and require analgesic was low, significantly (p=0.0001. Significant patients’ satisfaction from effect of PCA in pain control and products support was high (p=0.0001.     Conclusion: Patient controlled analgesia is a safe, effective and noninvasive method for post operative pain management and in this study patients’ satisfaction for pain management was high for use of PCA and pain service. 

  7. On the Link Between L1-PCA and ICA. (United States)

    Martin-Clemente, Ruben; Zarzoso, Vicente


    Principal component analysis (PCA) based on L1-norm maximization is an emerging technique that has drawn growing interest in the signal processing and machine learning research communities, especially due to its robustness to outliers. The present work proves that L1-norm PCA can perform independent component analysis (ICA) under the whitening assumption. However, when the source probability distributions fulfil certain conditions, the L1-norm criterion needs to be minimized rather than maximized, which can be accomplished by simple modifications on existing optimal algorithms for L1-PCA. If the sources have symmetric distributions, we show in addition that L1-PCA is linked to kurtosis optimization. A number of numerical experiments illustrate the theoretical results and analyze the comparative performance of different algorithms for ICA via L1-PCA. Although our analysis is asymptotic in the sample size, this equivalence opens interesting new perspectives for performing ICA using optimal algorithms for L1-PCA with guaranteed global convergence while inheriting the increased robustness to outliers of the L1-norm criterion.

  8. On the use of A PCA as a multichannel time analyzer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Adib, M.; Abdelkawy, A.; Abuelela, M.; Habib, N.; Wahba, M.; Salama, F.


    PCA and PCA-11 software programmes have been used to utilize the operation of the nucleus personal computer analyzer PCA-8000 in its multichannel scaler (MCS) mode. The operating condition of PCA-8000 were selected to match the time-of-flight (TOF) spectrometer which is in operation at the ET-RR-1 reactor. The results of measuring the main parameters of PCA-8000 operating in its MCS mode showed that it can be successfully used as a multichannel time analyzer.5 fig

  9. Shallow-Land Buriable PCA-type austenitic stainless steel for fusion application

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zucchetti, M.


    Neutron-induced activity in the PCA (Primary Candidate Alloy) austenitic stainless steel is examined, when used for first-wall components in a DEMO fusion reactor. Some low-activity definitions, based on different waste management and disposal concepts, are introduced. Activity in the PCA is so high that any recycling of the irradiated material can be excluded. Disposal of PCA radioactive wastes in Shallow-Land Buriable (SLB) is prevented as well. Mo, Nb and some impurity elements have to be removed or limited, in order to reduce the radioactivity of the PCA. Possible low-activity versions of the PCA are introduced (PCA-la); they meet the requirements for SLB and may also be recycled under certain conditions. (author)

  10. Theoretical analysis of the PCA experiment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Minsart, G.


    A very brief description of the PCA-PVF facility is given, and the studied configurations are mentioned. The analysis of the experiment has been divided into two parts: study of the fission density distribution across the PCA core and neutronic analysis of the flux spectra and spatial distributions in the whole facility. For both parts, the procedure of calculation is explained: cross section sets, one- and two-dimensional models, group collapsing, choice of bucklings, ... . The obtained results are shortly compared with the measured values, and illustrated by a figure and several tables. The computations of the fission map in the PCA core yield results in good agreement with the experimental ones (within a few percents for nearly all points). The discrepancies observed for relative reaction rates and spectral indices of a series of threshold detectors at the selected locations in and between steel and iron layers in the water reflector are briefly discussed

  11. Parent-Controlled PCA for Pain Management in Pediatric Oncology: Is it Safe?


    Anghelescu, Doralina L.; Faughnan, Lane G.; Oakes, Linda L.; Windsor, Kelley B.; Pei, Deqing; Burgoyne, Laura L.


    Patient-controlled analgesia offers safe and effective pain control for children who can self-administer medication. Some children may not be candidates for PCA unless a proxy can administer doses. The safety of proxy-administered PCA has been studied, but the safety of parent-administered PCA in children with cancer has not been reported. In this study we compare the rate of complications in PCA by parent proxy versus PCA by clinician (nurse) proxy and self-administered PCA. Our pediatric in...

  12. A PCA3 gene-based transcriptional amplification system targeting primary prostate cancer


    Neveu, Bertrand; Jain, Pallavi; T?tu, Bernard; Wu, Lily; Fradet, Yves; Pouliot, Fr?d?ric


    Targeting specifically primary prostate cancer (PCa) cells for immune therapy, gene therapy or molecular imaging is of high importance. The PCA3 long non-coding RNA is a unique PCa biomarker and oncogene that has been widely studied. This gene has been mainly exploited as an accurate diagnostic urine biomarker for PCa detection. In this study, the PCA3 promoter was introduced into a new transcriptional amplification system named the 3-Step Transcriptional Amplification System (PCA3-3STA) and ...

  13. Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) Screening and New Biomarkers for Prostate Cancer (PCa). (United States)

    Stephan, Carsten; Rittenhouse, Harry; Hu, Xinhai; Cammann, Henning; Jung, Klaus


    PSA screening reduces PCa-mortality but the disadvantages overdiagnosis and overtreatment require multivariable risk-prediction tools to select appropriate treatment or active surveillance. This review explains the differences between the two largest screening trials and discusses the drawbacks of screening and its meta-analysisxs. The current American and European screening strategies are described. Nonetheless, PSA is one of the most widely used tumor markers and strongly correlates with the risk of harboring PCa. However, while PSA has limitations for PCa detection with its low specificity there are several potential biomarkers presented in this review with utility for PCa currently being studied. There is an urgent need for new biomarkers especially to detect clinically significant and aggressive PCa. From all PSA-based markers, the FDA-approved prostate health index (phi) shows improved specificity over percent free and total PSA. Another kallikrein panel, 4K, which includes KLK2 has recently shown promise in clinical research studies but has not yet undergone formal validation studies. In urine, prostate cancer gene 3 (PCA3) has also been validated and approved by the FDA for its utility to detect PCa. The potential correlation of PCA3 with cancer aggressiveness requires more clinical studies. The detection of the fusion of androgen-regulated genes with genes of the regulatory transcription factors in tissue of (~)50% of all PCa-patients is a milestone in PCa research. A combination of the urinary assays for TMPRSS2:ERG gene fusion and PCA3 shows an improved accuracy for PCa detection. Overall, the field of PCa biomarker discovery is very exciting and prospective.

  14. Stability and chaos of LMSER PCA learning algorithm

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lv Jiancheng; Y, Zhang


    LMSER PCA algorithm is a principal components analysis algorithm. It is used to extract principal components on-line from input data. The algorithm has both stability and chaotic dynamic behavior under some conditions. This paper studies the local stability of the LMSER PCA algorithm via a corresponding deterministic discrete time system. Conditions for local stability are derived. The paper also explores the chaotic behavior of this algorithm. It shows that the LMSER PCA algorithm can produce chaos. Waveform plots, Lyapunov exponents and bifurcation diagrams are presented to illustrate the existence of chaotic behavior of this algorithm

  15. Nonlinear PCA: characterizing interactions between modes of brain activity.


    Friston, K; Phillips, J; Chawla, D; Büchel, C


    This paper presents a nonlinear principal component analysis (PCA) that identifies underlying sources causing the expression of spatial modes or patterns of activity in neuroimaging time-series. The critical aspect of this technique is that, in relation to conventional PCA, the sources can interact to produce (second-order) spatial modes that represent the modulation of one (first-order) spatial mode by another. This nonlinear PCA uses a simple neural network architecture that embodies a spec...

  16. Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) Screening and New Biomarkers for Prostate Cancer (PCa) (United States)

    Rittenhouse, Harry; Hu, Xinhai; Cammann, Henning; Jung, Klaus


    Abstract PSA screening reduces PCa-mortality but the disadvantages overdiagnosis and overtreatment require multivariable risk-prediction tools to select appropriate treatment or active surveillance. This review explains the differences between the two largest screening trials and discusses the drawbacks of screening and its meta-analysisxs. The current American and European screening strategies are described. Nonetheless, PSA is one of the most widely used tumor markers and strongly correlates with the risk of harboring PCa. However, while PSA has limitations for PCa detection with its low specificity there are several potential biomarkers presented in this review with utility for PCa currently being studied. There is an urgent need for new biomarkers especially to detect clinically significant and aggressive PCa. From all PSA-based markers, the FDA-approved prostate health index (phi) shows improved specificity over percent free and total PSA. Another kallikrein panel, 4K, which includes KLK2 has recently shown promise in clinical research studies but has not yet undergone formal validation studies. In urine, prostate cancer gene 3 (PCA3) has also been validated and approved by the FDA for its utility to detect PCa. The potential correlation of PCA3 with cancer aggressiveness requires more clinical studies. The detection of the fusion of androgen-regulated genes with genes of the regulatory transcription factors in tissue of ~50% of all PCa-patients is a milestone in PCa research. A combination of the urinary assays for TMPRSS2:ERG gene fusion and PCA3 shows an improved accuracy for PCa detection. Overall, the field of PCa biomarker discovery is very exciting and prospective. PMID:27683457

  17. Sparse PCA with Oracle Property. (United States)

    Gu, Quanquan; Wang, Zhaoran; Liu, Han

    In this paper, we study the estimation of the k -dimensional sparse principal subspace of covariance matrix Σ in the high-dimensional setting. We aim to recover the oracle principal subspace solution, i.e., the principal subspace estimator obtained assuming the true support is known a priori. To this end, we propose a family of estimators based on the semidefinite relaxation of sparse PCA with novel regularizations. In particular, under a weak assumption on the magnitude of the population projection matrix, one estimator within this family exactly recovers the true support with high probability, has exact rank- k , and attains a [Formula: see text] statistical rate of convergence with s being the subspace sparsity level and n the sample size. Compared to existing support recovery results for sparse PCA, our approach does not hinge on the spiked covariance model or the limited correlation condition. As a complement to the first estimator that enjoys the oracle property, we prove that, another estimator within the family achieves a sharper statistical rate of convergence than the standard semidefinite relaxation of sparse PCA, even when the previous assumption on the magnitude of the projection matrix is violated. We validate the theoretical results by numerical experiments on synthetic datasets.

  18. PCA3 Silencing Sensitizes Prostate Cancer Cells to Enzalutamide-mediated Androgen Receptor Blockade. (United States)

    Özgür, Emre; Celik, Ayca Iribas; Darendeliler, Emin; Gezer, Ugur


    Prostate cancer (PCa) is an androgen-dependent disease. Novel anti-androgens (i.e. enzalutamide) have recently been developed for the treatment of patients with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC). Evidence is accumulating that prostate cancer antigen 3 (PCA3) is involved in androgen receptor (AR) signaling. Here, in combination with enzalutamide-mediated AR blockade, we investigated the effect of PCA3 targeting on the viability of PCa cells. In hormone-sensitive LNCaP cells, AR-overexpressing LNCaP-AR + cells and VCaP cells (representing CRPC), PCA3 was silenced using siRNA oligonucleotides. Gene expression and cell viability was assessed in PCA3-silenced and/or AR-blocked cells. PCA3 targeting reduced the expression of AR-related genes (i.e. prostate-specific antigen (PSA) and prostate-specific transcript 1 (non-protein coding) (PCGEM1)) and potentiated the effect of enzalutamide. Proliferation of PCa cells was suppressed upon PCA3 silencing with a greater effect in LNCaP-AR + cells. Furthermore, PCA3 silencing sensitized PCa cells to enzalutamide-induced loss of cell growth. PCA3, as a therapeutic target in PCa, might be used to potentiate AR antagonists. Copyright© 2017, International Institute of Anticancer Research (Dr. George J. Delinasios), All rights reserved.

  19. The in-reactor deformation of the PCA alloy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Puigh, R.J.


    The swelling and in-reactor creep behaviors of the PCA alloy have been determined from the irradiation of pressurized tube specimens in the FFTF reactor. These data have been obtained to a peak neutron fluence corresponding to approximately 80 dpa in the FFTF reactor for irradiation temperatures between 400 and 750 0 C. Diametral measurements performed on the unstressed specimens indicate the possible onset of swelling in the PCA alloy for irradiation temperatures between 400 and 550 0 C and at a neutron fluence corresponding to ∼50 dpa. The creep data suggest a non-linear fluence dependence and linear stress dependence (for hoop stresses less than 100 MPa) which is consistent with the in-reactor creep behavior of many cold worked austenitic stainless steels. These PCA creep data are compared to available 316 SS in-reactor creep data. The in-reactor creep strains for PCA are significantly less than observed in 20% cold worked 316 SS over the temperature ranges and fluences investigated

  20. [An improved low spectral distortion PCA fusion method]. (United States)

    Peng, Shi; Zhang, Ai-Wu; Li, Han-Lun; Hu, Shao-Xing; Meng, Xian-Gang; Sun, Wei-Dong


    Aiming at the spectral distortion produced in PCA fusion process, the present paper proposes an improved low spectral distortion PCA fusion method. This method uses NCUT (normalized cut) image segmentation algorithm to make a complex hyperspectral remote sensing image into multiple sub-images for increasing the separability of samples, which can weaken the spectral distortions of traditional PCA fusion; Pixels similarity weighting matrix and masks were produced by using graph theory and clustering theory. These masks are used to cut the hyperspectral image and high-resolution image into some sub-region objects. All corresponding sub-region objects between the hyperspectral image and high-resolution image are fused by using PCA method, and all sub-regional integration results are spliced together to produce a new image. In the experiment, Hyperion hyperspectral data and Rapid Eye data were used. And the experiment result shows that the proposed method has the same ability to enhance spatial resolution and greater ability to improve spectral fidelity performance.

  1. Efeitos da perda auditiva, escolaridade e idade no processamento temporal de idosos

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    Isabela Mizani da Silva Lima


    Full Text Available RESUMO Objetivo: avaliar o efeito da perda auditiva, escolaridade e idade no processamento temporal de idosos. Métodos: foram avaliados 30 idosos, 15 com perda auditiva e baixa escolaridade e (Grupo 1 e 15 com audição normal e maior escolaridade (Grupo 2. Os participantes foram submetidos a avaliação audiológica, triagem cognitiva e avaliação do processamento temporal (resolução e ordenação temporal. Resultados: nota-se que os além da escolaridade os grupos se diferem em relação a idade, os idosos do Grupo 1 são mais velhos (p=0,024 e menos escolarizados (p=0.002. Os idosos do Grupo 1 apresentaram maior limiar e menor porcentagem de reconhecimento de gaps no ruido quando comparados ao desempenho dos idosos do Grupo 2 (GIN Limiar p=0,002; GIN % p=0,005. Os participantes de ambos os grupos apresentaram desempenhos similares na habilidade de ordenação temporal (p=0,691. Nesta amostra houve correlação negativa entre escolaridade e limiar de acuidade temporal (p=0,045, ou seja, quanto maior a escolaridade (em anos menor o limiar de reconhecimento de gaps. Apesar dos grupos serem distintos em relação a faixa etaria, a idade dos idosos não afetou o desempenho para os testes comportamentais do processamento temporal. Conclusão: Idosos com perda de audição e menor escolaridade apresentam maior prejuizo na habilidade de resolução temporal. Não houve correlação da idade com desempenho nos testes temporais.

  2. Innovative Comparison of Transient Ignition Temperature at the Booster Interface, New Stainless Steel Pyrovalve Primer Chamber Assembly "V" (PCA) Design Versus the Current Aluminum "Y" PCA Design (United States)

    Saulsberry, Regor L.; McDougle, Stephen H.; Garcia,Roberto; Johnson, Kenneth L.; Sipes, William; Rickman, Steven; Hosangadi, Ashvin


    An assessment of four spacecraft pyrovalve anomalies that occurred during ground testing was conducted by the NASA Engineering & Safety Center (NESC) in 2008. In all four cases, a common aluminum (Al) primer chamber assembly (PCA) was used with dual NASA Standard Initiators (NSIs) and the nearly simultaneous (separated by less than 80 microseconds) firing of both initiators failed to ignite the booster charge. The results of the assessment and associated test program were reported in AIAA Paper AIAA-2008-4798, NESC Independent Assessment of Pyrovalve Ground Test Anomalies. As a result of the four Al PCA anomalies, and the test results and findings of the NESC assessment, the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) project team decided to make changes to the PCA. The material for the PCA body was changed from aluminum (Al) to stainless steel (SS) to avoid melting, distortion, and potential leakage of the NSI flow passages when the device functioned. The flow passages, which were interconnected in a Y-shaped configuration (Y-PCA) in the original design, were changed to a V-shaped configuration (V-PCA). The V-shape was used to more efficiently transfer energy from the NSIs to the booster. Development and qualification testing of the new design clearly demonstrated faster booster ignition times compared to the legacy AL Y-PCA design. However, the final NESC assessment report recommended that the SS V-PCA be experimentally characterized and quantitatively compared to the Al Y-PCA design. This data was deemed important for properly evaluating the design options for future NASA projects. This test program has successfully quantified the improvement of the SS V-PCA over the Al Y-PCA. A phase B of the project was also conducted and evaluated the effect of firing command skew and enlargement of flame channels to further assist spacecraft applications.


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    Maria Cristina Ferreira Baggio

    Full Text Available O presente texto tem por objetivo ressaltar a importância da participação enfermeira do trabalho no Programa de Conservação Auditiva direcionados a trabalhadores expostos a elevados níveis de ruído através de ações baseadas no processo de enfermagem buscando assim, ampliar os conhecimentos desta especialidade e seu efetivo papel na equipe multiprofissional de atenção ao trabalhador.

  4. Principal Component Analysis Based Two-Dimensional (PCA-2D) Correlation Spectroscopy: PCA Denoising for 2D Correlation Spectroscopy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jung, Young Mee


    Principal component analysis based two-dimensional (PCA-2D) correlation analysis is applied to FTIR spectra of polystyrene/methyl ethyl ketone/toluene solution mixture during the solvent evaporation. Substantial amount of artificial noise were added to the experimental data to demonstrate the practical noise-suppressing benefit of PCA-2D technique. 2D correlation analysis of the reconstructed data matrix from PCA loading vectors and scores successfully extracted only the most important features of synchronicity and asynchronicity without interference from noise or insignificant minor components. 2D correlation spectra constructed with only one principal component yield strictly synchronous response with no discernible a asynchronous features, while those involving at least two or more principal components generated meaningful asynchronous 2D correlation spectra. Deliberate manipulation of the rank of the reconstructed data matrix, by choosing the appropriate number and type of PCs, yields potentially more refined 2D correlation spectra

  5. Treinamento auditivo formal em idosos usuários de próteses auditivas Formal auditory training in elderly hearing aid users

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    Elisiane Crestani de Miranda


    Full Text Available A implantação de programas de reabilitação para o deficiente auditivo idoso é de grande importância. OBJETIVO: Verificar a eficácia de um programa de treinamento auditivo formal em idosos que receberam próteses auditivas há no mínimo três meses, por meio de testes de reconhecimento de fala e questionário de auto-avaliação. MÉTODO: Estudo de coorte contemporânea longitudinal. Foram selecionados 13 idosos usuários de próteses auditivas intra-aurais em adaptação binaural, de ambos os sexos, com idade média de 65,30 anos. Este grupo foi subdividido aleatoriamente em Grupo Experimental e Grupo Controle, por meio de sorteio. O Grupo Experimental foi submetido a sete sessões de treinamento auditivo formal, visando estimular as habilidades auditivas de fechamento auditivo, memória, atenção, figura-fundo e integração binaural. Os participantes foram avaliados por três testes comportamentais e um questionário de auto-avaliação. RESULTADOS: Os idosos do Grupo Experimental apresentaram desempenho significantemente melhor nas avaliações após o treinamento auditivo e também em relação ao Grupo Controle. CONCLUSÃO: O programa de treinamento auditivo em cabina acústica, associado ao uso de próteses auditivas, melhora o desempenho das habilidades de reconhecimento de fala e reduz a percepção do handicap auditivo de idosos usuários de próteses auditivas intra-aurais.It is of paramount importance to install hearing rehabilitation programs for the elderly. AIM: to check the efficacy of a forma auditory training program for elderly patients fitted with hearing aids for at least three months, by means of speech recognition tests and self-assessment questionnaires. METHODS: longitudinal contemporary cohort study. We selected 13 elderly hearing aid users, using intra-canal hearing aids in both ears, from both genders, with average age of 65.3 years. This group was randomly divided in Experiment Group and Control Group. The


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    Hermita Bus Umar


    Full Text Available PCA (Principal Component Analysis are statistical techniques applied to a single set of variables when the researcher is interested in discovering which variables in the setform coherent subset that are relativity independent of one another.Variables that are correlated with one another but largely independent of other subset of variables are combined into factors. The Coals of PCA to which each variables is explained by each dimension. Step in PCA include selecting and mean measuring a set of variables, preparing the correlation matrix, extracting a set offactors from the correlation matrixs. Rotating the factor to increase interpretabilitv and interpreting the result.

  7. SVD vs PCA: Comparison of Performance in an Imaging Spectrometer

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    Wilma Oblefias


    Full Text Available The calculation of basis spectra from a spectral library is an important prerequisite of any compact imaging spectrometer. In this paper, we compare the basis spectra computed by singular-value decomposition (SVD and principal component analysis (PCA in terms of estimation performance with respect to resolution, presence of noise, intensity variation, and quantization error. Results show that SVD is robust in intensity variation while PCA is not. However, PCA performs better with signals of low signal-to-noise ratio. No significant difference is seen between SVD and PCA in terms of resolution and quantization error.

  8. Atitudes frente às próteses auditivas Attitudes towards hearing aids

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    Bárbara Guimarães Bastos


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: avaliar as atitudes frente à deficiência auditiva e o aparelho de amplificação sonora individual (AASI em candidatos e usuários destes dispositivos. Verificar se existe relação entre tais atitudes e os dados demográficos, audiométricos e características do AASI. MÉTODOS: 63 indivíduos (35 homens e 28 mulheres, idade média de 64,3 anos com deficiência auditiva neurossensorial bilateral de diferentes graus, candidatos e usuários de AASI responderam o "Questionário de Atitudes Frente à Deficiência Auditiva" (ALHQ v3.0. Foi analisada a distribuição da pontuação das subescalas do ALHQ e realizada a correlação entre estas e os dados demográficos, audiológicos e da adaptação do AASI dos participantes. Foram também realizadas comparações da pontuação do ALHQ entre os grupos de candidatos e usuários, entre homens e mulheres. RESULTADOS: não houve distribuição normal das respostas nas subescalas do ALHQ. Não houve correlações entre a pontuação do ALHQ com os dados demográficos e audiológicos. Foram verificadas correlações fracas e significativas entre as subescalas do questionário: "estratégias negativas" e "estima" (rho=-0,39, "negação" e "estima" (rho=-0,27, "estratégias negativas" e "associações negativas" (rho=0,25 e "negação" e "estratégias negativas" (rho=-0,30. Houve diferença significativa nas subescalas estratégias negativas (p=0,02 e associações negativas (p=0,00 entre o grupo de candidatos e usuários. Não houve diferença na pontuação entre homens e mulheres. CONCLUSÃO: a existência de atitudes negativas frente à deficiência auditiva e ao uso do AASI reforça a necessidade do aconselhamento de ajuste pessoal incluído no processo de adaptação do AASI em adultos e idosos. É necessário validar o questionário traduzido para o português brasileiro.PURPOSE: to evaluate the attitudes towards hearing loss and hearing aids in a group of hearing aid candidates and users

  9. Prevalencia de la pérdida auditiva y factores correlacionados en una industria cementera Prevalence and correlates of hearing loss

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    Sendy Isarel Hernández-Gaytán


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Documentar el impacto de la exposición laboral al ruido, así como sus relaciones con otros factores que pueden inducir pérdidas auditivas. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Durante enero y febrero de 1997 se llevó a cabo un estudio transversal en una planta productora de cemento en el estado de Morelos. Se realizaron una sonometría, dosimetría y pruebas audiométricas a 85 trabajadores para identificar las fuentes que generan ruido en las áreas de proceso, evaluar los niveles de ruido en dichas áreas (monitoreo de área y de personal y para determinar la prevalencia de pérdida auditiva inducida por el ruido entre los trabajadores. Para el análisis estadístico se emplearon medidas de tendencia central, análisis bivariado y modelos de regresión politómica. RESULTADOS: En las áreas de trituración, molinos de crudo y molinos de cemento se encontraron niveles elevados de ruido. La dosis personal más alta correspondió al puesto de envasador. En 55% de la población estudiada se presentó pérdida auditiva inducida por el ruido, y el área de proceso con el porcentaje más alto de pérdida auditiva inducida por el ruido fue la de calcinación, con 85%. CONCLUSIONES: Los resultados mostraron que el ruido es un serio riesgo en algunas áreas, y que algunos casos de pérdida auditiva inducida por el ruido hayan sido desarrollados por exposición ocupacional en esta industria. Se sugiere el diseño e implantación de un programa de conservación de la audición para proteger la salud y seguridad de los trabajadores.OBJECTIVE: To assess the impact of occupational exposure to noise, as well as its relationship with other factors that can induce hearing loss. MATERIAL AND METHODS: In January and February 1997, we conducted sonometry and dosimetry tests in a cement factory, as well as audiometric test in 85 cement workers, to identify sources of noise and evaluate the effect to noise exposure and other factors, of the prevalence of occupational

  10. Estudo das habilidades auditivas de resolução temporal e figura-fundo em dançarinos

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    Mariane Richetto da Silva


    Full Text Available Resumo:OBJETIVO:avaliar a habilidade auditiva de resolução temporal e de identificação de sentenças com mensagem competitiva em dançarinos.MÉTODOS:trata-se de um estudo prospectivo em que foram avaliados 40 indivíduos distribuídos em dois grupos: grupo 1 (dançarinos e grupo 2 (não-dançarinos. Os instrumentos de avaliação do processamento auditivo utilizados foram: teste Gaps-in-noise (GIN e teste de reconhecimento de sentenças na presença de mensagem competitiva (SSI.RESULTADOS:os limiares de gap de ambos os grupos variaram de 3 a 6 ms e não demostraram diferença estatisticamente significante na comparação entre os grupos. Houve diferença estatisticamente significante ao comparar a porcentagem de identificação de gaps entre os dois grupos, sendo que o grupo de dançarinos apresentou média maior que o grupo de não dançarinos.O teste de reconhecimento de frases em escuta monótica (rel -10dB mostrou resultados que variaram de 50% até 100% para o grupo de dançarinos e de 40% até 100% para o de não - dançarinos. A idade de início da dança (antes ou depois dos sete anos não influenciou no desempenho dos testes estudados. Não houve correlação entre as variáveis dos achados obtidos nos testes estudados no grupo de dançarinos considerando o tempo de dança.CONCLUSÃO:a dança influenciou positivamente a habilidade auditiva de resolução temporal, pois o grupo de dançarinos apresentou desempenho melhor do que o grupo de não-dançarinos. A dança parece não ter influenciado a habilidade auditiva de figura-fundo.

  11. Associação da perda auditiva induzida pelo ruído com o tempo acumulado de trabalho entre motoristas e cobradores

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    Ricardo Cordeiro

    Full Text Available Através da técnica da regressão linear múltipla, estudou-se a relação existente entre a perda auditiva induzida pelo ruído e as variáveis "tempo total acumulado de trabalho como condutor de veículos coletivos urbanos", "pressão arterial diastólica" e "idade", em uma população de 278 motoristas e cobradores usuários de um serviço de saúde ocupacional da cidade de Campinas, estado de São Paulo (Brasil. Os principais resultados encontrados foram uma associação positiva entre a perda auditiva e o tempo acumulado de trabalho, bem como a existência de uma interação entre esta variável e a idade dos condutores.

  12. Detección auditiva e intervención tempranas: ¿puede oír su bebé?

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts

    Este podcast es una traducción fiel de la conversación original en inglés con la doctora June Holstrum y la audióloga Pam Mason, y habla sobre la importancia de hacer una prueba exploratoria de la audición a todos los bebés tan pronto como sea posible después del nacimiento. También proporciona información que puede ayudar a los padres y proveedores de salud a determinar si un niño tiene pérdida auditiva, y a encontrar recursos adicionales. (Creado el 6/5/2007 por el Programa de Detección Auditiva e Intervención Tempranas del Centro Nacional de Defectos Congénitos y Deficiencias del Desarrollo, NCBDDD).

  13. Inclusión del alumno con discapacidad auditiva en el aula de educación especial

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    Beatriz Pedrosa Vico


    Full Text Available El presente artículo analiza la situación del alumnado con discapacidad auditiva en Educación Primaria, como consecuencia de la falta de recursos personales y mediosmateriales para conseguir un aprendizaje significativo y un desarrollo social y académico. Para ello, analizaremos diferentes enfoques metodológicos que favorezcan la permanencia de este alumnado en el sistema educativo, favoreciendo su desarrollo en un ámbito inclusivo.

  14. ECG-derived respiration methods: adapted ICA and PCA. (United States)

    Tiinanen, Suvi; Noponen, Kai; Tulppo, Mikko; Kiviniemi, Antti; Seppänen, Tapio


    Respiration is an important signal in early diagnostics, prediction, and treatment of several diseases. Moreover, a growing trend toward ambulatory measurements outside laboratory environments encourages developing indirect measurement methods such as ECG derived respiration (EDR). Recently, decomposition techniques like principal component analysis (PCA), and its nonlinear version, kernel PCA (KPCA), have been used to derive a surrogate respiration signal from single-channel ECG. In this paper, we propose an adapted independent component analysis (AICA) algorithm to obtain EDR signal, and extend the normal linear PCA technique based on the best principal component (PC) selection (APCA, adapted PCA) to improve its performance further. We also demonstrate that the usage of smoothing spline resampling and bandpass-filtering improve the performance of all EDR methods. Compared with other recent EDR methods using correlation coefficient and magnitude squared coherence, the proposed AICA and APCA yield a statistically significant improvement with correlations 0.84, 0.82, 0.76 and coherences 0.90, 0.91, 0.85 between reference respiration and AICA, APCA and KPCA, respectively. Copyright © 2015 IPEM. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  15. Processo de implantação de Programa de Saúde Auditiva em duas maternidades públicas Implantation process of a Hearing Health Program in two public maternity hospitals

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    Carmen Barreira-Nielsen


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Apresentar os resultados do processo de implantação de um programa de saúde auditiva neonatal em serviço público e revisar os aspectos determinantes no planejamento, efetividade, manutenção e aprimoramento. MÉTODOS: A fim de colaborar com a implantação de novos serviços, avaliamos os fatores: capacitação de equipe, ambiente de teste (ruído e indivíduo, falso-negativo, evasão e tempo de exame, em um estudo transversal, que incluiu a triagem auditiva de todos os recém-nascidos de duas maternidades públicas, por meio de Emissões Otoacústicas. RESULTADOS: Dos 4951 bebês recém-nascidos no período de 2002 a 2005, foram avaliados 3364 (67,9%, sendo 425 (12,61% portadores de indicadores de risco para deficiência auditiva. Houve confirmação da perda auditiva em sete recém-nascidos (0,3% por meio do Potencial Evocado Auditivo do Tronco Encefálico. CONCLUSÕES: Verificou-se a necessidade de protocolos com critério "passa e falha" bem definidos para cada população alvo. A triagem auditiva pode ser realizada até 30 dias após o nascimento, e sua realização não deve se limitar às maternidades. Treinamento e supervisão da equipe são cruciais, além de um sistema de agendamento e acompanhamento dos casos em seguimento, para diminuição da evasão e localização das perdas auditivas de aparecimento tardio, associando os programas de triagem à responsabilidade da confirmação do diagnóstico e intervenção. Desta maneira, teremos condições de mensurar a deficiência auditiva no Brasil e compará-la com o perfil epidemiológico de países onde estes programas já delinearam a saúde auditiva de sua população.PURPOSE: To present the results of an implantation process of a neonatal hearing health program in public services and to review determinant aspects on its planning, effectiveness, maintenance and improvement. METHODS: In order to aid the implementation of new services, factors such as team

  16. Quality of Life and Sexual Health in the Aging of PCa Survivors. (United States)

    Gacci, Mauro; Baldi, Elisabetta; Tamburrino, Lara; Detti, Beatrice; Livi, Lorenzo; De Nunzio, Cosimo; Tubaro, Andrea; Gravas, Stavros; Carini, Marco; Serni, Sergio


    Prostate cancer (PCa) is the most common malignancy in elderly men. The progressive ageing of the world male population will further increase the need for tailored assessment and treatment of PCa patients. The determinant role of androgens and sexual hormones for PCa growth and progression has been established. However, several trials on androgens and PCa are recently focused on urinary continence, quality of life, and sexual function, suggesting a new point of view on the whole endocrinological aspect of PCa. During aging, metabolic syndrome, including diabetes, hypertension, dyslipidemia, and central obesity, can be associated with a chronic, low-grade inflammation of the prostate and with changes in the sex steroid pathways. These factors may affect both the carcinogenesis processes and treatment outcomes of PCa. Any treatment for PCa can have a long-lasting negative impact on quality of life and sexual health, which should be assessed by validated self-reported questionnaires. In particular, sexual health, urinary continence, and bowel function can be worsened after prostatectomy, radiotherapy, or hormone treatment, mostly in the elderly population. In the present review we summarized the current knowledge on the role of hormones, metabolic features, and primary treatments for PCa on the quality of life and sexual health of elderly Pca survivors.

  17. Improved k-t PCA Algorithm Using Artificial Sparsity in Dynamic MRI. (United States)

    Wang, Yiran; Chen, Zhifeng; Wang, Jing; Yuan, Lixia; Xia, Ling; Liu, Feng


    The k - t principal component analysis ( k - t PCA) is an effective approach for high spatiotemporal resolution dynamic magnetic resonance (MR) imaging. However, it suffers from larger residual aliasing artifacts and noise amplification when the reduction factor goes higher. To further enhance the performance of this technique, we propose a new method called sparse k - t PCA that combines the k - t PCA algorithm with an artificial sparsity constraint. It is a self-calibrated procedure that is based on the traditional k - t PCA method by further eliminating the reconstruction error derived from complex subtraction of the sampled k - t space from the original reconstructed k - t space. The proposed method is tested through both simulations and in vivo datasets with different reduction factors. Compared to the standard k - t PCA algorithm, the sparse k - t PCA can improve the normalized root-mean-square error performance and the accuracy of temporal resolution. It is thus useful for rapid dynamic MR imaging.

  18. Os resultados do implante coclear em crianças portadoras de Neuropatia Auditiva: revisão de literatura The results of cochlear implants in children with Auditory Neuropathy: literature review

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    Rafaela Carolina Lopez Silva


    Full Text Available A Neuropatia Auditiva é um distúrbio na condução do estímulo sonoro, provavelmente relacionado à alteração da mielinização das fibras do nervo auditivo. Os avanços tecnológicos têm levado ao aumento nos recursos de diagnóstico e intervenção nos casos de deficiência auditiva por etiologia de Neuropatia Auditiva. O objetivo do presente estudo foi pesquisar na literatura os resultados obtidos em crianças com Neuropatia Auditiva após implante coclear. Foi realizado um trabalho de revisão bibliográfica em livros, periódicos e internet dos últimos dez anos sobre crianças com Neuropatia Auditiva usuárias de implante coclear. As pesquisas sugerem que a estimulação elétrica é capaz de compensar a dessincronia do nervo e que o implante coclear é um recurso para a (rehabilitação da audição em crianças portadoras de Neuropatia Auditiva. O uso do implante coclear permite melhoria significativa nas habilidades da audição e da comunicação. No entanto, as habilidades adquiridas parecem sofrer influência de diversos fatores como: tempo de uso do dispositivo, existência de um processo terapêutico sistemático, época do diagnóstico e a idade da criança.Auditory Neuropathy is a disorder in the transmission of the sound stimulus, probably related to mielinization alterations of auditory nerve fibers. Technology advances have been increasing diagnostic and intervention resources in cases of hearing loss caused by auditory neuropathy. The aim of the present study was to research the available literature about the results obtained with children with Auditory Neuropathy after cochlear implants. An ample review was conducted on books, articles and the internet, over the last 10 years, regarding children with Auditory Neuropathy, users of cochlear implants. The available data suggest that electric stimulation can compensate neural asynchrony and that cochlear implants aid in the rehabilitation process of children with Auditory

  19. Tensile properties of unirradiated PCA from room temperature to 7000C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Braski, D.N.; Maziasz, P.J.


    The tensile properties of Prime Candidate Alloy (PCA) austenitic stainless steel after three different thermomechanical treatments were determined from room temperature to 700 0 C. The solution-annealed PCA had the lowest strength and highest ductility, while the reverse was true for the 25%-cold-worked material. The PCA containing titanium-rich MC particles fell between the other two heats. The cold-worked PCA had nearly the same tensile properties as cold-worked type 316 stainless steel. Both alloys showed ductility minima at 300 0 C

  20. The biological knowledge discovery by PCCF measure and PCA-F projection. (United States)

    Jia, Xingang; Zhu, Guanqun; Han, Qiuhong; Lu, Zuhong


    In the process of biological knowledge discovery, PCA is commonly used to complement the clustering analysis, but PCA typically gives the poor visualizations for most gene expression data sets. Here, we propose a PCCF measure, and use PCA-F to display clusters of PCCF, where PCCF and PCA-F are modeled from the modified cumulative probabilities of genes. From the analysis of simulated and experimental data sets, we demonstrate that PCCF is more appropriate and reliable for analyzing gene expression data compared to other commonly used distances or similarity measures, and PCA-F is a good visualization technique for identifying clusters of PCCF, where we aim at such data sets that the expression values of genes are collected at different time points.

  1. Participação das famílias em Programas de Saúde Auditiva: um estudo descritivo Families participation in Hearing Health Programs: a descriptive study

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    Kátia de Freitas Alvarenga


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar a adesão dos pais para a realização dos procedimentos auditivos em um Programa de Saúde Auditiva Infantil, desenvolvido na comunidade. MÉTODOS: Foi realizada uma análise comparativa das informações sobre o comparecimento nos atendimentos de dois Programas de Saúde Auditiva Infantil, um vinculado a um hospital público e outro realizado junto à Estratégia Saúde da Família (ESF. A casuística foi formada por 362 crianças, nascidas entre o período de fevereiro a março de 2007 no Hospital em que é realizada a triagem auditiva, e que foram agendadas para participar do Programa junto a ESF. RESULTADOS: Das 362 crianças que nasceram neste hospital e que foram encaminhadas para realização da avaliação audiológica na unidade básica de saúde, 147 compareceram ao atendimento, representando 40,61% de adesão das famílias no projeto desenvolvido na comunidade. Dos casos com resultado de triagem auditiva sugestivo de ausência de alteração auditiva, somente 39,80% aderiram ao Programa realizado junto ao ESF. Dos casos que não completaram alguma etapa do processo de identificação na maternidade, 32 (55,18% famílias não aderiram a nenhum dos Programas de Saúde Auditiva existentes, ficando sem esclarecimento sobre a audição do filho. CONCLUSÃO: O comparecimento das famílias nas UBS foi inferior à metade das famílias que foram convidadas a levar os filhos para a avaliação audiológica, independentemente de se a criança havia sido submetida ao processo de identificação da deficiência auditiva na maternidade pública da cidade.PURPOSE: To evaluate the commitment of parents for carrying out the hearing procedures of a Children's Hearing Health Program at their community. METHODS: It was carried out a comparative analysis of the information regarding parents' attendance at two Children's Hearing Health Programs, one developed at a public hospital and the other carried out along with the Family Health

  2. PCA safety data review after clinical decision support and smart pump technology implementation. (United States)

    Prewitt, Judy; Schneider, Susan; Horvath, Monica; Hammond, Julia; Jackson, Jason; Ginsberg, Brian


    Medication errors account for 20% of medical errors in the United States with the largest risk at prescribing and administration. Analgesics or opioids are frequently used medications that can be associated with patient harm when prescribed or administered improperly. In an effort to decrease medication errors, Duke University Hospital implemented clinical decision support via computer provider order entry (CPOE) and "smart pump" technology, 2/2008, with the goal to decrease patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) adverse events. This project evaluated PCA safety events, reviewing voluntary report system and adverse drug events via surveillance (ADE-S), on intermediate and step-down units preimplementation and postimplementation of clinical decision support via CPOE and PCA smart pumps for the prescribing and administration of opioids therapy in the adult patient requiring analgesia for acute pain. Voluntary report system and ADE-S PCA events decreased based upon 1000 PCA days; ADE-S PCA events per 1000 PCA days decreased 22%, from 5.3 (pre) to 4.2 (post) (P = 0.09). Voluntary report system events decreased 72%, from 2.4/1000 PCA days (pre) to 0.66/1000 PCA days (post) and was statistically significant (P PCA events between time periods in both the ADE-S and voluntary report system data, thus supporting the recommendation of clinical decision support via CPOE and PCA smart pump technology.

  3. Gas-Chromatographic Determination Of Water In Freon PCA (United States)

    Melton, Donald M.


    Gas-chromatographic apparatus measures small concentrations of water in specimens of Freon PCA. Testing by use of apparatus faster and provides greater protection against accidental contamination of specimens by water in testing environment. Automated for unattended operation. Also used to measure water contents of materials, other than Freon PCA. Innovation extended to development of purgeable sampling accessory for gas chromatographs.

  4. Synthesis and antifungal evaluation of PCA amide analogues. (United States)

    Qin, Chuan; Yu, Di-Ya; Zhou, Xu-Dong; Zhang, Min; Wu, Qing-Lai; Li, Jun-Kai


    To improve the physical and chemical properties of phenazine-1-carboxylic acid (PCA) and find higher antifungal compounds, a series of PCA amide analogues were designed and synthesized and their structures were confirmed by 1 H NMR, HRMS, and X-ray. Most compounds showed some antifungal activities in vitro. Particularly, compound 3d exhibited inhibition effect against Pyriculariaoryzac Cavgra with EC 50 value of 28.7 μM and compound 3q exhibited effect against Rhizoctonia solani with EC 50 value of 24.5 μM, more potently active than that of the positive control PCA with its EC 50 values of 37.3 μM (Pyriculariaoryzac Cavgra) and 33.2 μM (Rhizoctonia solani), respectively.

  5. A habilidade de atenção auditiva sustentada em crianças com fissura labiopalatina e transtorno fonológico Sustained auditory attention ability in children with cleft lip and palate and phonological disorders

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    Tâmyne Ferreira Duarte de Moraes


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Verificar a habilidade de atenção auditiva sustentada em crianças com fissura labiopalatina e transtorno fonológico, comparando o desempenho com crianças com fissura labiopalatina e ausência de transtorno fonológico. MÉTODOS: Dezessete crianças com idade entre 6 e 11 anos, com fissura labiopalatina transforame unilateral operada e ausência de queixa e/ou alteração auditiva, separadas em dois grupos: GI (com transtorno fonológico e GII (com auŝencia de transtorno fonológico. Para detecção de alteração auditiva foram realizadas audiometria e timpanometria. Para avaliação fonológica foram utilizados os seguintes instrumentos: Teste de Linguagem Infantil e Consciência Fonológica: Instrumento de Avaliação Sequencial. Para avaliar a habilidade de atenção auditiva foi aplicado o Teste da Habilidade de Atenção Auditiva Sustentada. RESULTADOS: Das sete crianças com transtorno fonológico (41%, duas (29% apresentaram alteração nos resultados do Teste da Habilidade de Atenção Auditiva Sustentada. Não houve diferença entre as crianças com fissura labiopalatina e transtorno fonológico e as crianças com fissura labiopalatina e ausência de transtorno fonológico quanto aos resultados do Teste de Habilidade de Atenção Auditiva Sustentada. CONCLUSÃO: A habilidade de atenção auditiva sustentada nas crianças com fissura labiopalatina e transtorno fonológico não difere da habilidade de atenção auditiva sustentada de crianças com fissura labiopalatina sem transtorno fonológico.PURPOSE: To verify the ability of sustained auditory attention in children with cleft lip and palate and phonological disorder, in comparison with the performance of children with cleft lip and palate and absence of phonological disorder. METHODS: Seventeen children with ages between 6 and 11 years, with repaired unilateral complete cleft lip and palate and absence of auditory complaints or hearing problems, were divided into two

  6. Processamento temporal, localização e fechamento auditivo em portadores de perda auditiva unilateral Temporal processing, localization and auditory closure in individuals with unilateral hearing loss

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    Regiane Nishihata


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar os comportamentos de resolução e ordenação temporal, localização sonora e fechamento auditivo e investigar queixas de dificuldades escolares, de comunicação e linguagem em indivíduos portadores de perda auditiva unilateral. MÉTODOS: Participaram 26 indivíduos com idades entre 8 e 15 anos, divididos em dois grupos: Grupo com perda auditiva unilateral; e Grupo sem perda auditiva. Cada um deles foi constituído por 13 indivíduos que foram pareados conforme gênero, idade e escolaridade. Todos foram submetidos à anamnese, avaliação auditiva periférica e aos testes comportamentais de localização, memória sequencial, teste Random Gap Detection e ao teste de fala com ruído branco da avaliação do processamento auditivo. Foram utilizados testes estatísticos não paramétricos para comparar as repostas entre os grupos, considerando presença ou não da perda auditiva e o lado da orelha com perda. RESULTADOS: O início da perda ocorreu na fase pré-escolar, com etiologias desconhecidas ou identificadas como meningite, traumas ou caxumba. A maior parte dos indivíduos relatou atraso no desenvolvimento de fala, linguagem e escolar, principalmente aqueles com perda à direita. O grupo com perda auditiva apresentou piores respostas nas habilidades de ordenação e resolução temporal, localização sonora e fechamento auditivo. Indivíduos com perda à esquerda mostraram resultados piores do que aqueles com perda à direita em todas as habilidades, exceto na localização sonora. CONCLUSÃO: Na presença da perda auditiva unilateral ocorrem dificuldades de localização, fechamento, resolução e ordenação temporal. Indivíduos com perda auditiva unilateral à direita apresentam mais queixas do que aqueles com perda à esquerda. Indivíduos com perda à esquerda mostram mais dificuldade de fechamento, resolução e ordenação temporal.PURPOSE: To assess the behaviors of temporal resolution and temporal ordering

  7. Comparative study of PCA in classification of multichannel EMG signals. (United States)

    Geethanjali, P


    Electromyographic (EMG) signals are abundantly used in the field of rehabilitation engineering in controlling the prosthetic device and significantly essential to find fast and accurate EMG pattern recognition system, to avoid intrusive delay. The main objective of this paper is to study the influence of Principal component analysis (PCA), a transformation technique, in pattern recognition of six hand movements using four channel surface EMG signals from ten healthy subjects. For this reason, time domain (TD) statistical as well as auto regression (AR) coefficients are extracted from the four channel EMG signals. The extracted statistical features as well as AR coefficients are transformed using PCA to 25, 50 and 75 % of corresponding original feature vector space. The classification accuracy of PCA transformed and non-PCA transformed TD statistical features as well as AR coefficients are studied with simple logistic regression (SLR), decision tree (DT) with J48 algorithm, logistic model tree (LMT), k nearest neighbor (kNN) and neural network (NN) classifiers in the identification of six different movements. The Kruskal-Wallis (KW) statistical test shows that there is a significant reduction (P PCA transformed features compared to non-PCA transformed features. SLR with non-PCA transformed time domain (TD) statistical features performs better in accuracy and computational power compared to other features considered in this study. In addition, the motion control of three drives for six movements of the hand is implemented with SLR using TD statistical features in off-line with TMSLF2407 digital signal controller (DSC).

  8. PCA as a practical indicator of OPLS-DA model reliability. (United States)

    Worley, Bradley; Powers, Robert

    Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Orthogonal Projections to Latent Structures Discriminant Analysis (OPLS-DA) are powerful statistical modeling tools that provide insights into separations between experimental groups based on high-dimensional spectral measurements from NMR, MS or other analytical instrumentation. However, when used without validation, these tools may lead investigators to statistically unreliable conclusions. This danger is especially real for Partial Least Squares (PLS) and OPLS, which aggressively force separations between experimental groups. As a result, OPLS-DA is often used as an alternative method when PCA fails to expose group separation, but this practice is highly dangerous. Without rigorous validation, OPLS-DA can easily yield statistically unreliable group separation. A Monte Carlo analysis of PCA group separations and OPLS-DA cross-validation metrics was performed on NMR datasets with statistically significant separations in scores-space. A linearly increasing amount of Gaussian noise was added to each data matrix followed by the construction and validation of PCA and OPLS-DA models. With increasing added noise, the PCA scores-space distance between groups rapidly decreased and the OPLS-DA cross-validation statistics simultaneously deteriorated. A decrease in correlation between the estimated loadings (added noise) and the true (original) loadings was also observed. While the validity of the OPLS-DA model diminished with increasing added noise, the group separation in scores-space remained basically unaffected. Supported by the results of Monte Carlo analyses of PCA group separations and OPLS-DA cross-validation metrics, we provide practical guidelines and cross-validatory recommendations for reliable inference from PCA and OPLS-DA models.

  9. Interpretación auditiva de enunciados declarativos, enfáticos e interrogativos directos por hablantes nativos de coreano en clases de nivel intermedio

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    Barajas de Santiago, Daniel


    Full Text Available Este artículo investiga la interpretación auditiva de enunciados declarativos, enfáticos e interrogativos directos (pronominales y de valor absoluto por 60 estudiantes universitarios de ELE hablantes nativos de coreano en clases de nivel intermedio (B1. En él se analizan los errores cometidos en una prueba auditiva cuyo estímulo grabaron dos informantes hispanohablantes nativos de norma estándar y diferente sexo, con objeto de jerarquizar dichos tipos de enunciados en función del grado de dificultad interpretativa, y se compara dicha jerarquía con la obtenida por el mismo autor en un estudio anterior con oyentes matriculados en cursos de nivel básico, a fin de secuenciar la enseñanza de la entonación en el currículo conforme al orden de adquisición.

  10. Quantitation of passive cutaneous anaphylaxis (PCA) by using radiolabelled antigen

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ring, J.; Seifert, J.; Brendel, W.


    The major problem of detecting reaginic antibody by passive cutaneous anaphylaxis (PCA) is the quantitation of the dye reaction. Radiolabelled antigen was used in an attempt to quantitate the PCA reaction (Radio-PCA). Antisera containing reaginic antibody against human serum albumin (HSA) were produced in rabbits. These antisera were injected into normal rabbit skin in different dilutions. Twentyfour hours later HSA was injected intravenously either with Evans Blue or as 125-I-HSA. Radioactivity found in antibody-containing skin was significantly higher than in control specimens containing saline or normal rabbit serum, as low as antiserum dilutions of 1:1,000. Compared with Evans Blue technique Radio-PCA was able to distinguish quantitatively between different antiserum dilutions at a higher level of statistical significance. (author)

  11. Fault detection of feed water treatment process using PCA-WD with parameter optimization. (United States)

    Zhang, Shirong; Tang, Qian; Lin, Yu; Tang, Yuling


    Feed water treatment process (FWTP) is an essential part of utility boilers; and fault detection is expected for its reliability improvement. Classical principal component analysis (PCA) has been applied to FWTPs in our previous work; however, the noises of T 2 and SPE statistics result in false detections and missed detections. In this paper, Wavelet denoise (WD) is combined with PCA to form a new algorithm, (PCA-WD), where WD is intentionally employed to deal with the noises. The parameter selection of PCA-WD is further formulated as an optimization problem; and PSO is employed for optimization solution. A FWTP, sustaining two 1000MW generation units in a coal-fired power plant, is taken as a study case. Its operation data is collected for following verification study. The results show that the optimized WD is effective to restrain the noises of T 2 and SPE statistics, so as to improve the performance of PCA-WD algorithm. And, the parameter optimization enables PCA-WD to get its optimal parameters in an automatic way rather than on individual experience. The optimized PCA-WD is further compared with classical PCA and sliding window PCA (SWPCA), in terms of four cases as bias fault, drift fault, broken line fault and normal condition, respectively. The advantages of the optimized PCA-WD, against classical PCA and SWPCA, is finally convinced with the results. Copyright © 2017 ISA. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  12. Desenvolvimento de prótese auditiva digital para atendimento da Portaria nº 587 (APAC do Ministério da Saúde: Health Department Development of a digital hearing aid to meet the Brazilian Government's Ordinance 587 (APAC

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    Silvio Pires Penteado


    Full Text Available O tratamento das disacusias sensório-neurais está balizado no uso de próteses auditivas, conhecidas como aparelhos auditivos ou aparelhos de amplificação sonora individuais. As próteses auditivas adquiridas pelo Governo Brasileiro para a condução de políticas públicas têm como uma de suas características a utilização de componentes dedicados, o que traz benefícios, mas que encarece a aquisição e pode inviabilizar os serviços de reparo após o término da garantia do fabricante. OBJETIVO: Desenvolver próteses auditivas digitais no desenho retroauricular, construídas a partir de componentes padronizados oriundos da própria cadeia de suprimentos dos fabricantes de próteses auditivas. FORMA DE ESTUDO: Experimental. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Identificar a cadeia de suprimentos destes fabricantes, solicitar amostras e montar próteses auditivas em laboratório. RESULTADOS: As próteses auditivas desenvolvidas apresentaram recursos eletroacústicos não inferiores àquelas adquiridas pelo Governo, sendo adicionalmente atestadas pela mesma norma técnica internacional de referência. CONCLUSÃO: É possível desenvolver próteses auditivas digitais no desenho retroauricular montados a partir de componentes padronizados da cadeia de suprimentos dos fabricantes de próteses auditivas. Suas vantagens residem no baixo custo operacional - aquisição (com vantagens para o Governo e de manutenção (com vantagens para o paciente.The treatment of sensorineural hearing loss is based on hearing aids, also known as individual sound amplification devices. The hearing aids purchased by the Brazilian Government, aiming at fulfilling public policies, are based on dedicated components, which bring about benefits, but also render them expensive and may impair repair services after manufacture's warranty expires. AIM: to design digital behind-the-ear hearing aids built from standardized components coming from the very supply chain of these manufacturers

  13. Validity of self-reported hearing loss in adults: performance of three single questions Validez de la pérdida auditiva auto-referida en adultos: desempeño de tres preguntas únicas Validade da perda auditiva auto-referida em adultos: desempenho de três perguntas únicas

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    Silvia Ferrite


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: To estimate the validity of three single questions used to assess self-reported hearing loss as compared to pure-tone audiometry in an adult population. METHODS: A validity study was performed with a random sub-sample of 188 subjects aged 30 to 65 years, drawn from the fourth wave of a population-based cohort study carried out in Salvador, Northeastern Brazil. Data were collected in household visits using questionnaires. Three questions were used to separately assess self-reported hearing loss: Q1, "Do you feel you have a hearing loss?"; Q2, "In general, would you say your hearing is 'excellent,' 'very good,' 'good,' 'fair,' 'poor'?"; Q3, "Currently, do you think you can hear 'the same as before', 'less than before only in the right ear', 'less than before only in the left ear', 'less than before in both ears'?". Measures of accuracy were estimated through seven measures including Youden index. Responses to each question were compared to the results of pure-tone audiometry to estimate accuracy measures. RESULTS: The estimated sensitivity and specificity were 79.6%, 77.4% for Q1; 66.9%, 85.1% for Q2; and 81.5%, 76.4% for Q3, respectively. The Youden index ranged from 51.9% (Q2 to 57.0% (Q1 and 57.9% (Q3. CONCLUSIONS: Each of all three questions provides responses accurate enough to support their use to assess self-reported hearing loss in epidemiological studies with adult populations when pure-tone audiometry is not feasible.OBJETIVO: Estimar la validez de tres preguntas únicas utilizadas para evaluar la pérdida auditiva auto-referida en comparación con la audiometría de sonidos puros en una población adulta. MÉTODOS: Estudio de validez realizado con una sub-muestra aleatoria de 188 individuos, con edad entre 30 y 65 años, seleccionados de la cuarta fase (2006 de un estudio de cohorte de base poblacional conducido en Salvador, noreste de Brasil. Datos fueron colectados en entrevistas domiciliares utilizándose cuestionarios

  14. [A Quantitative Verification for Operability of Three PCA Devices Attached to the Disposable Infusion Pumps]. (United States)

    Tadokoro, Takahiro; Fuchibe, Makoto; Odo, Yuichiro; Kakinohana, Manabu


    In this study using 3 different PCA devices (Baxter infuser LVBB +PCM 2 ml: Pump B, Coopdech Balloonjector +PCA 3 ml: Pump C, Rakuraku fuser +PCA 3 ml: Pump S), we investigated how easily PCA devices could be handled. In this study with 42 volunteers (14 elders and 28 nurses), we compared 3 PCA ejection volume and ejection rate among three PCA devices. PCA ejection rate was defined as the ratio of actual ejection volume to the maximum ejection volume (MEV) of each PCA device. Although not only elders but also nurses failed to produce accurate PCA ejection volume in the Pump B, Pump S could provide the MEV even by elders. In the Pump C, approximately 80% of MEV could be achieved by nurses, but 60% of MEV by elders (P PCA ejection volume might be dependent on PCA device.

  15. Ocorrência de perda auditiva induzida pelo ruído em carpinteiros Occurrence of noise induced hearing loss in carpenters

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    Victor Hygor Veríssimo Farias


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: investigar a ocorrência de perda auditiva induzida pelo ruído (PAIR em carpinteiros, caracterizando a perda auditiva por faixa etária, tempo de exposição total ao ruído e uso regular de protetores auditivos durante o tempo total de exposição. MÉTODO: estudo retrospectivo, descritivo, em uma população de 80 carpinteiros da construção civil, atendidos em uma clínica particular. Foram analisados 60 trabalhadores, conforme dados obtidos na anamnese e ficha do exame audiométrico. RESULTADOS: 49% dos trabalhadores apresentaram audição normal, sendo 58% com limiares auditivos normais bilateralmente e 35% com entalhe audiométrico em 3 kHz, 4 kHz e/ou 6 kHz. 44% apresentaram perfil audiométrico sugestivo de PAIR, destes 74% foram classificados como PAIR bilateral e 19% como PAIR unilateral. Houve diferença estatística significante entre os grupo PAIR e Normal em relação às variáveis idade (p=0,001, assim como o tempo total de exposição ao ruído ocupacional (p=0,002. CONCLUSÃO: quanto maior a idade e o tempo de profissão como carpinteiro, maior é a sua alteração auditiva, principalmente, devido à exposição ao ruído elevado durante a jornada de trabalho, sendo também constatado que as medidas de controle pelo uso do protetor são insuficientes para prevenir perdas auditivas. Portanto, sugerem-se medidas preventivas em saúde auditiva ativamente nessa população estudada, no ramo da construção civil.PURPOSE: to investigate the occurrence of noise induced hearing loss in carpenters, characterizing the hearing loss for age group, time of total exposure to noise and regular use of hearing protectors during the total exposure time. METHOD: retrospective and descriptive study in a population of 80 construction carpenters, attended at a private clinic. 60 workers were analyzed, as data on medical history and record of audiometric testing. RESULTS: 49% of the workers shoed normal hearing, being 58% with normal

  16. Potencial evocado auditivo de tronco encefálico por via óssea em indivíduos com perda auditiva sensorioneural

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    Luciana Castelo Branco Camurça Fernandes


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: caracterizar os resultados do PEATE por via óssea em indivíduos com perda auditiva sensorioneural leve, comparando esses dados com o grupo controle, formado por indivíduos audiologicamente normais. MÉTODO: a amostra foi constituída por 40 adultos, de ambos os sexos, com faixa etária de 18 a 55 anos, distribuídos em um grupo controle de 30 indivíduos com audição normal e um grupo estudo composto de 10 indivíduos com perda auditiva sensorioneural de grau leve. O PEATE foi realizado com equipamento EP15, da marca Interacoustics. O estímulo utilizado foi o clique com taxa de apresentação de 27,7/s, em um total de 2000 estímulos, com polaridade de rarefação por VA e alternada para VO e filtro passa-banda de 50Hz e 3000Hz. RESULTADOS: em indivíduos com perda sensorioneural de grau leve, não houve diferenças estatisticamente significantes entre o limiar do PEATE por via aérea e óssea, estando esses limiares equivalentes, com GAP aéreo-ósseo menor que 10dB. A latência da onda V no limiar eletrofisiológico e a 50 dBnNA foram menores que as referidas latências observadas em indivíduos com audição normal. CONCLUSÃO: foram encontrados limiares eletrofisiológicos por via óssea equivalente aos limiares obtidos por via aérea, com presença de GAP aéreo-ósseo menor que 10dBnNA. Assim a utilização do PEATE por VO fornece dados para uma caracterização mais detalhada do tipo da perda auditiva.

  17. Programa de entrenamiento en habilidades sociales con personas mayores con discapacidad auditiva y visual leve


    García Carracedo, Laura


    A partir de la hipótesis de que la mejora en habilidades sociales va a repercutir en mejorar la calidad de vida de las personas mayores, se ha desarrollado un programa de intervención dirigido a personas mayores con discapacidad auditiva y visual leve procedentes de la residencia “Casa Beneficencia” situada en la calle camino del cementerio en Valladolid. En el presente trabajo hemos utilizado diversas técnicas para la recogida de información previa y posterior diagnóstico de las necesidad...

  18. Presença de microfonismo coclear no peate-clique: diagnóstico diferencial entre espectro da neuropatia auditiva e perdas auditivas cocleares descendentes em crianças Presence of cochlear microphonics in click-ABR: differential diagnosis between auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder and steeply sloping cochlear hearing loss in children

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    Gabriela Ribeiro Ivo Rodrigues


    Full Text Available TEMA: diagnóstico diferencial entre espectro da neuropatia auditiva e perdas auditivas cocleares descendentes em crianças com presença de microfonismo coclear no PEATE-clique. PROCEDIMENTOS: este relato de caso descreve os resultados da avaliação audiológica de duas crianças atendidas no Centro "Audição na Criança" da Divisão de Educação e Reabilitação dos Distúrbios da Comunicação da Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (CeAC/DERDIC/PUCSP que apresentaram microfonismo coclear no registro do PEATE-clique. As crianças foram submetidas às avaliações utilizando-se o PEATE-clique, o registro das emissões otoacústicas e a avaliação audiológica tonal, com a técnica da Audiometria de Reforço Visual. RESULTADOS: as avaliações comportamental, eletroacústica e eletrofisiológica revelaram que as crianças apresentam perda auditiva sensorioneural (coclear com configuração descendente, de modo que a presença do microfonismo coclear no registro do PEATE-clique era provavelmente gerada pela preservação da cóclea nas frequências baixas. CONCLUSÃO: os casos apresentados mostram que na ausência das emissões otoacústicas e presença do microfonismo coclear, não se deve interpretar isoladamente cada exame, para que não ocorram equívocos no diagnóstico, que pode ser confundido com o Espectro da Neuropatia Auditiva. O microfonismo coclear pode aparecer em outras condições, tais como em perdas auditivas cocleares descendentes.BACKGROUND: differential diagnosis between auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder andsteeply sloping cochlear hearing loss in children with presence of cochlear microphonics for click-ABR. PROCEDURES: this case report describes the results of the audiological evaluation for two children assisted at Centro "Audição na Criança" of Divisão de Educação e Reabilitação dos Distúrbios da Comunicação of Pontifícia Universidade Católica of São Paulo (CeAC/DERDIC/PUCSP with presence

  19. Saúde auditiva de trabalhadores expostos a ruído e inseticidas Hearing health of workers exposed to noise and insecticides

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    Cleide Fernandes Teixeira


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar as alterações auditivas periféricas em um grupo de trabalhadores exposto a inseticidas, organofosforados e piretróides, utilizados em campanhas de controle de vetores. MÉTODOS: Estudo de prevalência de uma população de 98 indivíduos que pulverizavam venenos nas campanhas de prevenção do dengue, da febre amarela e da doença de Chagas. A amostra foi de tipo finalística, considerando o universo dos trabalhadores de um distrito sanitário, em Pernambuco, no ano de 2000. Utilizou-se questionário contendo questões de identificação de riscos ocupacional e não ocupacional, medidas de segurança utilizadas, antecedentes de problemas auditivos e sintomas referidos. Foi investigada a historia pregressa de exposição ao ruído, por ser um fator de confusão para a perda auditiva. Todos os indivíduos foram avaliados pelo teste de audiometria tonal. RESULTADOS: Dos expostos apenas aos inseticidas, 63,8% apresentaram perda auditiva. Para o grupo com exposição concomitantemente aos inseticidas e ao ruído, a perda auditiva foi de 66,7%. O tempo mediano para o desenvolvimento de alterações auditivas nas freqüências médias altas, para as exposições combinadas de inseticidas e ruído, foi de 3,4 anos e para as exposições apenas aos inseticidas foi de 7,3 anos. A perda auditiva para as exposições concomitantes aos dois fatores foi de maior intensidade nessas freqüências, do que o observado na exposição apenas aos inseticidas. CONCLUSÕES: Há evidência de que a exposição aos inseticidas induz dano auditivo periférico e que o ruído é um fator que interage com os inseticidas, potencializando seus efeitos ototóxicos. Faz-se necessário avaliar essa possível associação através de estudos epidemiológicos de caráter analítico.OBJECTIVE: To examine the peripheral auditory disorders in a group of workers exposed to organophosphate and pyrethroid insecticides, used in vector control campaigns. METHODS: The

  20. Cost effectiveness analysis of screening in the early diagnosis of prostate cancer (PCA)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mueller-Lisse, U.G.; Mueller-Lisse, U.L.


    Purpose. The authors attempted to provide an overview of current concepts and the status of research in the field of cost effectiveness analysis (CEA) of screening for prostate cancer (PCA).Material and methods. Basic concepts and methods of CEA were reviewed. Examples of CEA-related studies of PCA were obtained from pertinent literature through medical databases.Results. Screening for PCA has so far been restricted to limited groups of health care recipients, usually within the framework of clinical trials. In those trials, screening for PCA usually results in higher numbers of PCAs being detected at lower average stages in a given population. As a consequence of screening, the rate of potentially curable PCAs increases. However, it has not yet been demonstrated that screening for PCA decreases PCA-related mortality or morbidity from metastatic PCA. On the other hand, additional costs are associated with the screening measure and with increased use of resources for diagnosis and treatment of the additional PCAs detected through screening.Conclusions. Throughout the European Union and North America, mass screening for PCA has not been implemented. This may chiefly be due to the current lack of information on long term benefits of PCA screening, particularly disease-specific survival. Currently, major studies are underway to assess the effects of PCA screening and its cost effectiveness. These studies include the US-American prostate, lung, colon and ovary trials (PLCO) and the European randomised study of Screening for Prostate Cancer (ERSPC). (orig.) [de

  1. Opioid Patient Controlled Analgesia (PCA) use during the Initial Experience with the IMPROVE PCA Trial: A Phase III Analgesic Trial for Hospitalized Sickle Cell Patients with Painful Episodes (United States)

    Dampier, Carlton D.; Smith, Wally R.; Kim, Hae-Young; Wager, Carrie Greene; Bell, Margaret C.; Minniti, Caterina P.; Keefer, Jeffrey; Hsu, Lewis; Krishnamurti, Lakshmanan; Mack, A. Kyle; McClish, Donna; McKinlay, Sonja M.; Miller, Scott T.; Osunkwo, Ifeyinwa; Seaman, Phillip; Telen, Marilyn J.; Weiner, Debra L.


    Opioid analgesics administered by patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) are frequently used for pain relief in children and adults with sickle cell disease (SCD) hospitalized for persistent vaso-occlusive pain, but optimum opioid dosing is not known. To better define PCA dosing recommendations, a multi-center phase III clinical trial was conducted comparing two alternative opioid PCA dosing strategies (HDLI-higher demand dose with low constant infusion or LDHI- lower demand dose and higher constant infusion) in 38 subjects who completed randomization prior to trial closure. Total opioid utilization (morphine equivalents, mg/kg) in 22 adults was 11.6 ± 2.6 and 4.7 ± 0.9 in the HDLI and in the LDHI arms, respectively, and in 12 children it was 3.7 ± 1.0 and 5.8 ± 2.2, respectively. Opioid-related symptoms were mild and similar in both PCA arms (mean daily opioid symptom intensity score: HDLI 0.9 ± 0.1, LDHI 0.9 ± 0.2). The slow enrollment and early study termination limited conclusions regarding superiority of either treatment regimen. This study adds to our understanding of opioid PCA usage in SCD. Future clinical trial protocol designs for opioid PCA may need to consider potential differences between adults and children in PCA usage. PMID:21953763

  2. Comunicación interna incluyente: dos estudios de caso de inclusión laboral de personas con discapacidad auditiva en Bogotá

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    Sandra Meléndez-Labrador


    Full Text Available La presente investigación da cuenta de la manera como puede influir la gestión de la comunicación interna en procesos de inclusión laboral de personas con discapacidad auditiva a partir de dos estudios de caso en Bogotá: Carrefour y McDonald's. Este estudio cualitativo de corte interpretativo se realizó a través de observación y entrevistas semiestructuradas, encontrando que tal influencia se ejerce desde los siguientes aspectos: 1 importancia de la comunicación interna en la empresa, 2 lenguaje y discurso, 3 formas de comunicar e informar, 4 imagen y motivación y 5 participación e interacción. Se concluye que la comunicación interna puede eliminar o perpetuar barreras generales y específicas de la comunicación organizacional, siguiendo a Margarida K. Kunsch (2003, en los procesos de inclusión laboral de personas con discapacidad auditiva.

  3. Comunicación interna incluyente. Dos estudios de caso de inclusión laboral de personas con discapacidad auditiva en Bogotá

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    Sandra Meléndez Labrador


    Full Text Available La presente investigación da cuenta de la manera como puede influir la gestión de la comunicación interna en procesos de inclusión laboral de personas con discapacidad auditiva a partir de dos estudios de caso en Bogotá: Carrefour y McDonald’s. Este estudio cualitativo de corte interpretativo se realizó a través de observación y entrevistas semiestructurada y encontró que tal influencia se ejerce desde los siguientes aspectos: 1 importancia de la comunicación interna en la empresa, 2 lenguaje y discurso, 3 formas de comunicar e informar, 4 imagen y motivación y 5 participación e interacción. Se concluye que la comunicación interna puede eliminar o perpetuar barreras generales y específicas de la comunicación organizacional, en los procesos de inclusión laboral de personas con discapacidad auditiva.

  4. Detección auditiva e intervención tempranas: ¿puede oír su bebé?

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts


    Este podcast es una traducción fiel de la conversación original en inglés con la doctora June Holstrum y la audióloga Pam Mason, y habla sobre la importancia de hacer una prueba exploratoria de la audición a todos los bebés tan pronto como sea posible después del nacimiento. También proporciona información que puede ayudar a los padres y proveedores de salud a determinar si un niño tiene pérdida auditiva, y a encontrar recursos adicionales. (Creado el 6/5/2007 por el Programa de Detección Auditiva e Intervención Tempranas del Centro Nacional de Defectos Congénitos y Deficiencias del Desarrollo, NCBDDD).  Created: 6/15/2007 by National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities.   Date Released: 6/15/2007.


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    Maria Cristina Ferreira Baggio


    Full Text Available O presente texto tem por objetivo ressaltar a importância da participação enfermeira do trabalho no Programa de Conservação Auditiva direcionados a trabalhadores expostos a elevados níveis de ruído através de ações baseadas no processo de enfermagem buscando assim, ampliar os conhecimentos desta especialidade e seu efetivo papel na equipe multiprofissional de atenção ao trabalhador.Este texto tiene el objetivo de resaltar la importancia de la participación de la enfermera ocupacional en el Programa de Conservación Auditiva dirigido a trabajadores expuestos a elevados niveles de ruido, a través de acciones basadas en el proceso de enfermería buscando así, ampliar los conocimientos de esta especialidad y su efectivo papel en el equipo multiprofesional de atención al trabajador.This text aims at pointing out the importance of the occupational nurse's participation in the Hearing Conservation Program for workers exposed to high levels of noise through actions based on the Nursing Process with the purpose to enlarge the knowledge in this specialty and nurses' effective role in the multidisciplinary team for workers' care.

  6. Hábitos Recreativos en la Adolescencia y Salud Auditiva

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    Ester Cristina Biassoni


    Full Text Available El alto porcentaje de jóvenes rechazados en el ingreso laboral en Argentina por problemas auditivos sin justificación clínica, motivó el desarrollo de un modelo de medición para estudiar la inmisión sonora de los adolescentes durante sus hábitos recreativos y las consecuencias en la función auditiva. Consistió en un estudio longitudinal interdisciplinario, psicosocial, audiológico y acústico, con 102 varones y 71 niñas de dos escuelas de la ciudad de Córdoba, Argentina, con edades entre 14/15 años al comienzo del estudio y re-testeados anualmente durante cuatro años. Se muestran los resultados más importantes de los tres estudios y sus interrelaciones, analizando más detalladamente el psicosocial. Estos resultados fundamentan el actual Programa de Intervención para Promoción y Conservación de la Audición en Adolescentes delineado en breve síntesis.

  7. Patient perspectives of patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) and methods for improving pain control and patient satisfaction. (United States)

    Patak, Lance S; Tait, Alan R; Mirafzali, Leela; Morris, Michelle; Dasgupta, Sunavo; Brummett, Chad M


    This study aimed to (1) identify patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) attributes that negatively impact patient satisfaction and ability to control pain while using PCA and (2) obtain data on patient perceptions of new PCA design features. We conducted a prospective survey study of postoperative pain control among patients using a PCA device. The survey was designed to evaluate patient satisfaction with pain control, understanding of PCA, difficulties using PCA, lockout-period management, and evaluation of new PCA design features. A total of 350 eligible patients completed the survey (91%). Patients who had difficulties using PCA were less satisfied (P PCA. Forty-nine percent of patients reported not knowing if they would receive medicine when they pushed the PCA button, and of these, 22% believed that this uncertainty made their pain worse. The majority of patients preferred the proposed PCA design features for easier use, including a light on the button, making it easier to find (57%), and a PCA button that vibrates (55%) or lights up (70%), alerting the patient that the PCA pump is able to deliver more medicine. A majority of patients, irrespective of their satisfaction with PCA, preferred a new PCA design. Certain attributes of current PCA technology may negatively impact patient experience, and modifications could potentially address these concerns and improve patient outcomes.

  8. PCA-1/ALKBH3 contributes to pancreatic cancer by supporting apoptotic resistance and angiogenesis. (United States)

    Yamato, Ichiro; Sho, Masayuki; Shimada, Keiji; Hotta, Kiyohiko; Ueda, Yuko; Yasuda, Satoshi; Shigi, Naoko; Konishi, Noboru; Tsujikawa, Kazutake; Nakajima, Yoshiyuki


    The PCA-1/ALKBH3 gene implicated in DNA repair is expressed in several human malignancies but its precise contributions to cancer remain mainly unknown. In this study, we have determined its functions and clinical importance in pancreatic cancer. PCA-1/ALKBH3 functions in proliferation, apoptosis and angiogenesis were evaluated in human pancreatic cancer cells in vitro and in vivo. Further, PCA-1/ALKBH3 expression in 116 patients with pancreatic cancer was evaluated by immunohistochemistry. siRNA-mediated silencing of PCA-1/ALKBH3 expression induced apoptosis and suppressed cell proliferation. Conversely, overexpression of PCA-1/ALKBH3 increased anchorage-independent growth and invasiveness. In addition, PCA-1/ALKBH3 silencing downregulated VEGF expression and inhibited angiogenesis in vivo. Furthermore, immunohistochemical analysis showed that PCA-1/ALKBH3 expression was abundant in pancreatic cancer tissues, where it correlated with advanced tumor status, pathological stage and VEGF intensity. Importantly, patients with low positivity of PCA-1/ALKBH3 expression had improved postoperative prognosis compared with those with high positivity. Our results establish PCA-1/ALKBH3 as important gene in pancreatic cancer with potential utility as a therapeutic target in this fatal disease.

  9. Neutron spectral characterization of the PCA-PV benchmark facility

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stallmann, F.W.; Kam, F.B.K.; Fabry, A.


    The Pool Critical Assembly (PCA) at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory is being used to generate the PCA-PV benchmark neutron field. A configuration consisting of steel blocks and water gaps is used to simulate the thermal shield pressure vessel configurations in power reactors. The distances between the steel blocks can be changed so that the penetration of neutrons through water and steel can be determined and compared for many different configurations. Easy access and low flux levels make it possible to conduct extensive measurements using active and passive neutron dosimetry, which are impossible to perform in commercial reactors. The clean core and simple geometry facilitates neutron transport calculations which can be validated in detail by comparison with measurements. A facility which has the same configuration of water and steel as the PCA-PV facility but contains test specimens for materials testing, will be irradiated in the higher fluxes at the Oak Ridge Research Reactor. Using the results from the PCA-PV facility, the correlation between neutron flux-fluences and radiation damage in steel can be established. This facility is being discussed in a separate paper

  10. Decision tree and PCA-based fault diagnosis of rotating machinery (United States)

    Sun, Weixiang; Chen, Jin; Li, Jiaqing


    After analysing the flaws of conventional fault diagnosis methods, data mining technology is introduced to fault diagnosis field, and a new method based on C4.5 decision tree and principal component analysis (PCA) is proposed. In this method, PCA is used to reduce features after data collection, preprocessing and feature extraction. Then, C4.5 is trained by using the samples to generate a decision tree model with diagnosis knowledge. At last the tree model is used to make diagnosis analysis. To validate the method proposed, six kinds of running states (normal or without any defect, unbalance, rotor radial rub, oil whirl, shaft crack and a simultaneous state of unbalance and radial rub), are simulated on Bently Rotor Kit RK4 to test C4.5 and PCA-based method and back-propagation neural network (BPNN). The result shows that C4.5 and PCA-based diagnosis method has higher accuracy and needs less training time than BPNN.

  11. Effects of PCA and DMAE on the namatode Caenorhabditis briggsae. (United States)

    Zuckerman, B M; Barrett, K A


    Concentration of 6.8 mM DMAE did not retard age pigment accumulation in Caenorhabditis briggsae. However, when the nematodes were exposed to 6.8 mM PCA + 6.8 mM DMAE combined, the accumulation of age pigment was significantly retarded. A combination of 3.4 mM DMAE + 3.4 mM PCA had no effect on age pigment. It is concluded from this study that PCA and DMAE act in concert to produce the observed effect on age pigment. In respect to this parameter neither molecule was effective alone. The results indicate that the effect of centrophenoxine on age pigment might be enhanced by retarding the hydrolysis of centrophenoxine. The accumulation of electron dense aggregates, thought to be aggregates of cross-linked molecules, was reduced by 6.8 PCA + 6.8 DMAE. It is suggested that centrophenoxine be tested for its ability to remove random, unwanted cross-linkages in higher animals.

  12. Caracterización de los niveles de contaminación auditiva en Bogotá: Estudio piloto


    Pacheco, José; Franco, Juan F.; Behrentz, Eduardo


    El objetivo de este trabajo fue caracterizar los niveles de contaminación auditiva en Bogotá. Para esto, se seleccionaron ocho microambientes en cuatro zonas de la ciudad así como varios corredores viales, en donde se llevaron a cabo mediciones de presión sonora y filmaciones de las condiciones de tráfico de la vía adyacente. Los niveles de ruido ambiental encontrados superaron en el 75 % de los casos los valores sugeridos por la norma nacional colombiana. Éste fue el caso incluso para sector...

  13. Caracterización de los niveles de contaminación auditiva en Bogotá: Estudio piloto


    José Pacheco; Juan F. Franco; Eduardo Behrentz


    El objetivo de este trabajo fue caracterizar los niveles de contaminación auditiva en Bogotá. Para esto, se seleccionaron ocho microambientes en cuatro zonas de la ciudad así como varios corredores viales, en donde se llevaron a cabo mediciones de presión sonora y filmaciones de las condiciones de tráfico de la vía adyacente. Los niveles de ruido ambiental encontrados superaron en el 75 % de los casos los valores sugeridos por la norma nacional colombiana. Éste fue el caso incluso para sec...

  14. Associação entre funções da via auditiva eferente e genotoxicidade em adultos jovens Association between auditory pathway efferent functions and genotoxicity in young adults

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    Andressa Boer Fronza


    Full Text Available Funções da via auditiva eferente incluem a modulação das células ciliadas externas, proteção contra ruído e melhora na detecção da fonte sonora em ambientes ruidosos. Genotoxicidade são danos ao DNA. OBJETIVOS: Analisar associação entre funções da via auditiva eferente com marcadores genotóxicos. Adicionalmente, considerou-se tabagismo e gênero como principais variáveis intervenientes. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Estudo prospectivo-clínico, quantitativo, transversal, contemporâneo. Foi realizada uma análise da função da via auditiva eferente e indicadores de genotoxicidade em 60 voluntários adultos jovens. RESULTADOS: Idade média dos voluntários foi de 24,86±3,68 anos; 30 do gênero masculino e 30 do gênero feminino, 15 de cada gênero tabagistas e 15 não tabagistas; indivíduos do gênero masculino tabagistas apresentaram maior ocorrência de efeito de supressão das EOAEPDs nas frequências de 2000 e 6000Hz na orelha do lado esquerdo; mulheres tabagistas apresentaram maior prevalência de queixa de dificuldade de ouvir em ambiente ruidoso; indivíduos tabagistas e mulheres apresentaram maiores danos ao DNA; indivíduos com queixas de dificuldade auditiva e zumbido apresentaram maiores índices de genotoxicidade. CONCLUSÕES: Em adultos jovens normo-ouvintes que referem queixas relacionadas às funções da via auditiva eferente, como zumbido e dificuldade auditiva, já é possível observar associação com genotoxicidade considerando interações entre gênero e tabagismo.Efferent auditory pathways modulate outer hair cells of the cochlea, protect against noise, and improve the detection of sound sources in noisy environments. Genotoxicity is DNA damage. AIM: To study the association between auditory pathway efferent functions with genotoxic markers. The study also considered smoking and gender as two main variables. METHODS: A prospective-clinical, quantitative, cross-sectional, contemporary study. The function of

  15. Envelhecimento e deficiência auditiva referida: um estudo de base populacional Aging and self-reported hearing loss: a population-based study

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    Karina Mary de Paiva


    Full Text Available O objetivo do estudo foi estimar a prevalência da deficiência auditiva referida por idosos do Município de São Paulo, Brasil, segundo características sociodemográficas e descrever características atribuídas a esta deficiência. Os dados são provenientes do Inquérito de Saúde do Município de São Paulo (ISA-Capital/2003, com análise do subgrupo dos idosos (n = 872. Realizaram-se o teste do χ2 e a análise de regressão de Poisson. A prevalência da deficiência auditiva referida pelos idosos foi 11,2% e foi maior entre os homens (RP = 1,86; IC95%: 1,19-2,92. Observou-se grande desconhecimento dos idosos quanto às causas da deficiência auditiva referida (42,5%, 25,5% relataram ter dificuldades em atividades de lazer, 11,4% necessitavam de ajuda para atividades cotidianas e 63,3% relataram não necessitar de assistência em decorrência deste déficit. A alta prevalência de deficiência auditiva referida pelos idosos, principalmente do sexo masculino, remete à relevância deste problema para a saúde pública, já que o envelhecimento populacional é uma realidade nova e vem acompanhada de exigências ainda desconhecidas por profissionais e pelo poder público.The aim of this study was to estimate the prevalence of self-reported hearing loss among elderly people in São Paulo, Brazil, according to socio-demographic characteristics and to identify associated factors. Data were from the São Paulo Health Survey (ISA-Capital 2003, and the subgroup of elderly (n = 872 was analyzed. The χ2 test was used to verify the association between self-reported hearing loss and socio-demographic characteristics. The statistical analyses used Poisson regression. Prevalence of self-reported hearing loss in the elderly was 11.2%, and was higher in men (PR = 1.86; 95%CI: 1.19-2.92. There was an important lack of knowledge among the elderly regarding the causes of their hearing loss (42.5%. Among the sample, 25.5% reported difficulties in leisure

  16. Triagem auditiva neonatal com emissões otoacusticas e reflexo cocleo-palpebral: estudo da sensibilidade e especificidade Newborn Hearing Screening with otoacoustic emissions and cochlear-palpebral reflex: sensitivity and specificity study

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    Rosanna Mariangela Giaffredo Angrisani


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: analisar a especificidade e sensibilidade da TAN com emissões otoacústicas evocadas por estimulo transiente (EOAT associadas à pesquisa do reflexo cócleo-palpebral (RCP, comparando-os aos resultados do Potencial Evocado Auditivo de Tronco Encefalico (PEATE. MÉTODO: a casuística do presente estudo foi composta por 369 RN de risco para deficiência auditiva que foram submetidos à triagem com a captação das emissões otoacústicas evocadas por estímulo transiente e pesquisa do reflexo cócleo- palpebral. Os resultados foram comparados aos resultados do Potencial Evocado Auditivo de Tronco Encefalico (PEATE. RESULTADOS: a incidência do tipo da perda auditiva na população geral foi de 4RN (1,1% com perda coclear, 22 (5,9% com perda condutiva, 2 (0,5% com espectro da neuropatia auditiva (ENA, 14 (3,8% com alteração central e 15 (4,1% com atraso de maturação da via auditiva. A TAN mostrou 100% de sensibilidade e 94,6% de especificidade na detecção de alterações cocleares e espectro da neuropatia auditiva; 77,3% de sensibilidade e 94,6% de especificidade na detecção de alterações condutivas e 42,9% de sensibilidade e 94,6% de especificidade na detecção de alterações centrais. Todos os achados evidenciaram diferenças estatisticamente significantes em relação aos neonatos auditivamente normais. CONCLUSÃO: este protocolo de TAN mostrou-se eficaz na detecção de RN com alterações de cocleares e espectro da neuropatia auditiva com sensibilidade e especificidade elevadas.PURPOSE: to study the specificity and sensitivity of NHS with otoacoustic emissions transient stimulus (TEOAE associated with cochlear-palpebral reflex (CPR, and comparing the results of Auditory Evoked Potential (BAEP. METHOD: three hundred and sixty-nine neonates under risk of hearing loss were evaluated. Evaluation procedures consisted of transient otocoustic emissions(TOAEs, cochlear-palpebral reflex (CPR, and ABR diagnostic carried out in the

  17. Análise da implantação de programa de triagem auditiva neonatal em um hospital universitário Newborn hearing screening program implantation analysis at a university hospital

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    Wilian Maduell de Mattos


    Full Text Available Aperda auditiva é mais prevalente que outros distúrbios já rastreados ao nascimento. Esforços têm sido feitos para identificação e tratamento precoces de perdas auditivas por meio de programas de triagem auditiva neonatal. OBJETIVO: Estudo prospectivo com objetivo caracterizar o processo de implantação do Programa de Triagem Auditiva Neonatal (PTAN num Hospital Universitário. Analisar a investigação diagnóstica de perda auditiva em recém-nascidos. Apresentar propostas para aprimoramento do PTAN. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foram estudados recém-nascidos (RNs submetidos à TAN por emissões otoacústicas transientes (EOAT, reflexo cócleo-palpebral (RCP e Potencial Evocado Auditivo de Tronco Encefálico (PEATE. RESULTADOS: Foram testadas 625 crianças. Na primeira etapa passaram 458 RNs e falharam 155. Retornaram na segunda etapa 122 RNs, sendo que 8 o fizeram por apresentar fator de alto risco para PA. Encaminhados para investigação diagnóstica 12 RNs (1,9%. Dos 5 que retornaram para PEATE, observou-se PA em dois RNs. CONCLUSÃO: O programa testou 81,7% dos candidatos. O índice de adesão ao programa foi 68,2%. Na primeira etapa falharam 26,7% dos RNs. A implantação do programa está em andamento e necessita constantemente de análise das dificuldades, visando solucioná-las a fim de tornar a Triagem Auditiva Neonatal Universal uma realidade.Hearing loss is more prevalent than other disorders found at birth. Efforts have been put up towards the early identification and treatment of hearing loss by means of neonatal hearing screening programs. AIM: prospective study with the goal of characterizing the process of implementing a Neonatal Auditory Screening Program (NASP at a University Hospital. To analyze hearing loss diagnostic investigations in newborns, and to present proposals for NASP improvement. MATERIALS AND METHODS: we studied newborns (NB submitted to Newborn Auditory Screening (NAS by transient evoked otoacoustic

  18. GND-PCA-based statistical modeling of diaphragm motion extracted from 4D MRI. (United States)

    Swastika, Windra; Masuda, Yoshitada; Xu, Rui; Kido, Shoji; Chen, Yen-Wei; Haneishi, Hideaki


    We analyzed a statistical model of diaphragm motion using regular principal component analysis (PCA) and generalized N-dimensional PCA (GND-PCA). First, we generate 4D MRI of respiratory motion from 2D MRI using an intersection profile method. We then extract semiautomatically the diaphragm boundary from the 4D-MRI to get subject-specific diaphragm motion. In order to build a general statistical model of diaphragm motion, we normalize the diaphragm motion in time and spatial domains and evaluate the diaphragm motion model of 10 healthy subjects by applying regular PCA and GND-PCA. We also validate the results using the leave-one-out method. The results show that the first three principal components of regular PCA contain more than 98% of the total variation of diaphragm motion. However, validation using leave-one-out method gives up to 5.0 mm mean of error for right diaphragm motion and 3.8 mm mean of error for left diaphragm motion. Model analysis using GND-PCA provides about 1 mm margin of error and is able to reconstruct the diaphragm model by fewer samples.

  19. A percepção auditiva nos pacientes em estado de coma: uma revisão bibliográfica La percepción auditiva en los pacientes en estado de coma: una revisión bibliográfica The auditory perception in the patients in state of coma: a bibliographical revision

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    Ana Cláudia Giesbrecht Puggina


    Full Text Available Muito ainda precisa ser estudado pela neurociência, tanto em relação aos estados de consciência quanto aos processos cognitivos e a percepção auditiva nos estados de coma. Assim, esse estudo de revisão bibliográfica sobre a percepção auditiva dos pacientes em estado de coma parece ser relevante no sentido de trazer maiores esclarecimentos e identificação de evidências. Identificar, nas publicações, as lacunas, consistências e inconsistências desse tema. O estudo consiste em levantamento bibliográfico nas bases de dados LILACS e PUBMED. Os artigos foram analisados quanto ao método e os principais resultados do estudo. Foram selecionados 10 artigos sobre o tema, sendo nenhum deles nacional. A maior parte dos estudos selecionados foi publicada no período de 1971-1995 (80%, pelos Estados Unidos (70%, como pesquisa longitudinal (50% ou relato de caso (30%; a amostra variou entre 1 e 5 (70%, a maioria usou a música (80%; o EEG (60% e a observação comportamental (50% foram as medidas de resposta ao estímulo mais utilizadas. Os procedimentos foram variados, porém a maioria dos estudos, apontam para a existência de uma percepção auditiva nos pacientes em estado de coma.Mucho aún se hace necesario a ser estudiado por la neurociencia, tanto en relación a los estados de conciencia cuanto a los procesos cognitivos y la percepción auditiva en lo estado de coma. Así, este estudio de revisión bibliográfica sobre la percepción auditiva de los pacientes en estado de coma parece ser relevante para traer mayores esclarecimientos e identificar las evidencias. Identificar, en las publicaciones encuentradas, las lacunas, las consistencias y las inconsistencias de este tema. Este estudo consistió en un levantamiento bibliográfico en las bases de datos LILACS y PUBMED. Para esto, los artículos fueron analizados de acuerdo con el método y los resultados principales del estudo. Fueron seleccionados 10 artículos sobre el tema

  20. Comparative analysis of the PCA3 gene expression in sediments and exosomes isolated from urine

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    D. S. Mikhaylenko


    Full Text Available Introduction. Prostate cancer (PCa is one of the common oncological diseases in men. Expression of the PCA3 gene in urine is currently used as a molecular genetic marker of PCa.Objective: to comparative analysis of the PCA3 expression in urine sediments and exosomes for the determination of the biomaterial, which allows detecting the PCA3 expression in more efficient manner.Materials and methods. The 12 patients with different stages of PCa and 8 control samples were examined.Results. The diagnostic accuracy of the PCA3 gene expression analysis in this cohort exceeded 90 %. We had not obtained significant differences in the sensitivity and specificity of the PCA3 hyperexpression in the urine sediments compared with exosomes. This result indicates in favor to using urine sediment for the PCA3 analysis as a biomaterial with less time-consuming sample preparation, although the possible advantage of exosomes for the analysis of the expression marker panels requires further studies.

  1. Behavior of the PCA3 gene in the urine of men with high grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia. (United States)

    Morote, Juan; Rigau, Marina; Garcia, Marta; Mir, Carmen; Ballesteros, Carlos; Planas, Jacques; Raventós, Carles X; Placer, José; de Torres, Inés M; Reventós, Jaume; Doll, Andreas


    An ideal marker for the early detection of prostate cancer (PCa) should also differentiate between men with isolated high grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (HGPIN) and those with PCa. Prostate Cancer Gene 3 (PCA3) is a highly specific PCa gene and its score, in relation to the PSA gene in post-prostate massage urine (PMU-PCA3), seems to be useful in ruling out PCa, especially after a negative prostate biopsy. Because PCA3 is also expressed in the HGPIN lesion, the aim of this study was to determine the efficacy of PMU-PCA3 scores for ruling out PCa in men with previous HGPIN. The PMU-PCA3 score was assessed by quantitative PCR (multiplex research assay) in 244 men subjected to prostate biopsy: 64 men with an isolated HGPIN (no cancer detected after two or more repeated biopsies), 83 men with PCa and 97 men with benign pathology findings (BP: no PCa, HGPIN or ASAP). The median PMU-PCA3 score was 1.56 in men with BP, 2.01 in men with HGPIN (p = 0.128) and 9.06 in men with PCa (p = 0.008). The AUC in the ROC analysis was 0.705 in the subset of men with BP and PCa, while it decreased to 0.629 when only men with isolated HGPIN and PCa were included in the analysis. Fixing the sensitivity of the PMU-PCA3 score at 90%, its specificity was 79% in men with BP and 69% in men with isolated HGPIN. The efficacy of the PMU-PCA3 score to rule out PCa in men with HGPIN is lower than in men with BP.

  2. Opioid Patient Controlled Analgesia (PCA) use during the Initial Experience with the IMPROVE PCA Trial: A Phase III Analgesic Trial for Hospitalized Sickle Cell Patients with Painful Episodes


    Dampier, Carlton D.; Smith, Wally R.; Kim, Hae-Young; Wager, Carrie Greene; Bell, Margaret C.; Minniti, Caterina P.; Keefer, Jeffrey; Hsu, Lewis; Krishnamurti, Lakshmanan; Mack, A. Kyle; McClish, Donna; McKinlay, Sonja M.; Miller, Scott T.; Osunkwo, Ifeyinwa; Seaman, Phillip


    Opioid analgesics administered by patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) are frequently used for pain relief in children and adults with sickle cell disease (SCD) hospitalized for persistent vaso-occlusive pain, but optimum opioid dosing is not known. To better define PCA dosing recommendations, a multi-center phase III clinical trial was conducted comparing two alternative opioid PCA dosing strategies (HDLI-higher demand dose with low constant infusion or LDHI- lower demand dose and higher const...

  3. Epileptic seizure detection in EEG signal with GModPCA and support vector machine. (United States)

    Jaiswal, Abeg Kumar; Banka, Haider


    Epilepsy is one of the most common neurological disorders caused by recurrent seizures. Electroencephalograms (EEGs) record neural activity and can detect epilepsy. Visual inspection of an EEG signal for epileptic seizure detection is a time-consuming process and may lead to human error; therefore, recently, a number of automated seizure detection frameworks were proposed to replace these traditional methods. Feature extraction and classification are two important steps in these procedures. Feature extraction focuses on finding the informative features that could be used for classification and correct decision-making. Therefore, proposing effective feature extraction techniques for seizure detection is of great significance. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is a dimensionality reduction technique used in different fields of pattern recognition including EEG signal classification. Global modular PCA (GModPCA) is a variation of PCA. In this paper, an effective framework with GModPCA and Support Vector Machine (SVM) is presented for epileptic seizure detection in EEG signals. The feature extraction is performed with GModPCA, whereas SVM trained with radial basis function kernel performed the classification between seizure and nonseizure EEG signals. Seven different experimental cases were conducted on the benchmark epilepsy EEG dataset. The system performance was evaluated using 10-fold cross-validation. In addition, we prove analytically that GModPCA has less time and space complexities as compared to PCA. The experimental results show that EEG signals have strong inter-sub-pattern correlations. GModPCA and SVM have been able to achieve 100% accuracy for the classification between normal and epileptic signals. Along with this, seven different experimental cases were tested. The classification results of the proposed approach were better than were compared the results of some of the existing methods proposed in literature. It is also found that the time and space

  4. GO-PCA: An Unsupervised Method to Explore Gene Expression Data Using Prior Knowledge. (United States)

    Wagner, Florian


    Genome-wide expression profiling is a widely used approach for characterizing heterogeneous populations of cells, tissues, biopsies, or other biological specimen. The exploratory analysis of such data typically relies on generic unsupervised methods, e.g. principal component analysis (PCA) or hierarchical clustering. However, generic methods fail to exploit prior knowledge about the molecular functions of genes. Here, I introduce GO-PCA, an unsupervised method that combines PCA with nonparametric GO enrichment analysis, in order to systematically search for sets of genes that are both strongly correlated and closely functionally related. These gene sets are then used to automatically generate expression signatures with functional labels, which collectively aim to provide a readily interpretable representation of biologically relevant similarities and differences. The robustness of the results obtained can be assessed by bootstrapping. I first applied GO-PCA to datasets containing diverse hematopoietic cell types from human and mouse, respectively. In both cases, GO-PCA generated a small number of signatures that represented the majority of lineages present, and whose labels reflected their respective biological characteristics. I then applied GO-PCA to human glioblastoma (GBM) data, and recovered signatures associated with four out of five previously defined GBM subtypes. My results demonstrate that GO-PCA is a powerful and versatile exploratory method that reduces an expression matrix containing thousands of genes to a much smaller set of interpretable signatures. In this way, GO-PCA aims to facilitate hypothesis generation, design of further analyses, and functional comparisons across datasets.

  5. Characteristics and Validation Techniques for PCA-Based Gene-Expression Signatures

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    Anders E. Berglund


    Full Text Available Background. Many gene-expression signatures exist for describing the biological state of profiled tumors. Principal Component Analysis (PCA can be used to summarize a gene signature into a single score. Our hypothesis is that gene signatures can be validated when applied to new datasets, using inherent properties of PCA. Results. This validation is based on four key concepts. Coherence: elements of a gene signature should be correlated beyond chance. Uniqueness: the general direction of the data being examined can drive most of the observed signal. Robustness: if a gene signature is designed to measure a single biological effect, then this signal should be sufficiently strong and distinct compared to other signals within the signature. Transferability: the derived PCA gene signature score should describe the same biology in the target dataset as it does in the training dataset. Conclusions. The proposed validation procedure ensures that PCA-based gene signatures perform as expected when applied to datasets other than those that the signatures were trained upon. Complex signatures, describing multiple independent biological components, are also easily identified.

  6. Comparação entre as análises auditiva e acústica nas disartrias Comparison between auditory-perceptual and acoustic analyses in dysarthrias

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    Karin Zazo Ortiz


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Comparar os dados da análise perceptivo-auditiva (subjetiva com os dados da análise acústica (objetiva. MÉTODOS: Quarenta e dois pacientes disártricos, com diagnósticos neurológicos definidos, 21 do sexo masculino e 21 do sexo feminino foram submetidos à análise perceptual-auditiva e acústica. Todos os pacientes foram submetidos à gravação da voz, tendo sido avaliados, na análise auditiva, tipo de voz, ressonância (equilibrada, hipernasal ou laringo-faríngea, loudness (adequado, diminuído ou aumentado, pitch (adequado, grave, agudo ataque vocal (isocrônico, brusco ou soproso, e estabilidade (estável ou instável. Para a análise acústica foram utilizados os programas GRAM 5.1.7; para a análise da qualidade vocal e comportamento dos harmônicos na espectrografia e o Programa Vox Metria, para a obtenção das medidas objetivas. RESULTADOS: A comparação entre os achados das análises auditiva e acústica em sua maioria não foi significante, ou seja, não houve uma relação direta entre os achados subjetivos e os dados objetivos. Houve diferença estatisticamente significante apenas entre voz soprosa e Shimmer alterado (p=0,048 e entre a definição dos harmônicos e voz soprosa (p=0,040, sendo assim, observou-se correlação entre a presença de ruído à emissão e soprosidade. CONCLUSÕES: As análises perceptual-auditiva e acústica forneceram dados diferentes, porém complementares, auxiliando, de forma conjunta, no diagnóstico clínico das disartrias.PURPOSE: To compare data found in auditory-perceptual analyses (subjective and acoustic analyses (objective in dysarthric patients. METHODS: Forty-two patients with well defined neurological diagnosis, 21 male and 21 female, were evaluated in auditory-perceptual parameters and acoustic measures. All patients had their voices recorded. Auditory-perceptual voice analyses were made considering type of voice, resonance (balanced, hipernasal or laryngopharyngeal

  7. Proposta de programa de prevenção de perdas auditivas para músicos


    Graziella Simeão Munhoz


    INTRODUÇÃO: A audição é um dos sentidos mais importantes para o ser humano, e seu funcionamento está interligado à sua produtividade, o que não é diferente aos músicos, já que ela é de suma importância para a qualidade de seu trabalho e permanência na carreira. O desenvolvimento de um programa de prevenção de perdas auditivas tem por objetivo modificar o comportamento dos músicos em relação à sua audição, uma vez que, constantemente, estão expostos a níveis de pressão sonora elevados e ao sur...

  8. Protocatechuic acid (PCA) induced a better antiviral effect by immune enhancement in SPF chickens. (United States)

    Guo, Yongxia; Zhang, Qiang; Zuo, Zonghui; Chu, Jun; Xiao, Hongzhi; Javed, M Tariq; He, Cheng


    Protocatechuic acid (PCA) is an antiviral agent against Avian Influenza virus (AIV) and Infectious Bursal Disease (IBD) virus, but its antiviral mechanism is unknown. In this study, we evaluated the humoral and cellular responses to PCA in specific pathogen-free (SPF) chickens. One hundred forty 35-day-old SPF chickens were randomly divided into 7 groups. The birds were inoculated with the commercial, attenuated Newcastle Disease Virus (NDV) vaccine and then received orally with 10, 20 or 40 mg/kg body weight of PCA for 30 days. Immune organ indexes, anti-Newcastle Disease Virus (NDV) antibodies and lymphocyte proliferation, but not body weight, were significantly increased in chicken treated with 40 mg/kg PCA, compared to the control birds treated with Astragalus polysaccharide (ASP). Survival rate was 70% and 60%, respectively, in the chickens with 40 mg/kg PCA, 20 mg/kg PCA while 50% survival was found in the birds treated with 125 mg/kg ASP. PCA treatment resulted in significantly lower viral load and reduced shedding. These results indicate that PCA may improve poultry health by enhancing both the humoral and cellular immune response. Copyright © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.. All rights reserved.



    Tainara Milbradt Weich


    O presente trabalho tem como objetivo verificar a condição auditiva de frequentadores de grupos de apoio a ex-usuários de drogas. Foram avaliados 17 indivíduos ex-usuários de drogas, estando entre as mais usadas a maconha, o crack e a cocaína. Os indivíduos foram divididos em dois grupos, conforme o tipo de droga mais consumida: Grupo 1 (G1) 10 ex-usuários de maconha; Grupo 2 (G2) sete ex-usuários de crack/cocaína. Para a análise dos resultados, houve uma subdivisão confor...

  10. Interpretación auditiva de enunciados declarativos, enfáticos e interrogativos directos por estudiantes coreanos en clases de nivel avanzado

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    Barajas de Santiago, Daniel


    Full Text Available Este trabajo investiga la interpretación auditiva, por parte de 61 estudiantes universitarios de ELE hablantes nativos de coreano, de enunciados declarativos, enfáticos e interrogativos directos (pronominales dotados de la entonación propia de las preguntas pronominales con matiz de cortesía e interrogativos de valor absoluto en clases de nivel avanzado (B2. Así, se analizan los errores cometidos en una prueba auditiva cuyo estímulo grabaron dos informantes hispanohablantes nativos de norma estándar y diferente sexo, a fin de jerarquizar dichas clases de enunciados en función del grado de dificultad interpretativa, y se compara dicha jerarquía con la obtenida previamente por el mismo autor en sus experimentos con oyentes matriculados en cursos de nivel básico e intermedio. El objetivo final de tal comparación es conocer el orden diacrónico de adquisición de la competencia interpretativa de las diferentes clases de enunciados, el cual permitirá secuenciar la enseñanza de la entonación en el currículo conforme a él en futuros trabajos.

  11. Associação entre perda auditiva induzida pelo ruído e zumbidos Association between noise-induced hearing loss and tinnitus

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    Adriano Dias


    Full Text Available O estudo verificou a associação entre perda auditiva induzida por ruído (PAIR e queixa de zumbido em trabalhadores expostos ao ruído ocupacional. Foram entrevistados e avaliados trabalhadores com histórico de exposição ao ruído ocupacional atendidos em dois ambulatórios de audiologia. Estudou-se a existência de associação entre PAIR e ocorrência de zumbido por intermédio do ajuste de modelo de regressão logística, tendo como variável dependente o zumbido e como variável independente a PAIR, classificada em seis graus, controlada pelas co-variáveis idade e tempo de exposição ao ruído. Os dados foram coletados entre abril e outubro de 2003, na Cidade de Bauru, Estado de São Paulo, Brasil, contemplando 284 trabalhadores. Estimou-se que a prevalência de zumbido aumenta de acordo com a evolução do dano auditivo, controlado para a idade e tempo de exposição ao ruído. Os achados justificam o investimento em programas de conservação auditiva particularmente voltados para o controle da emissão de ruídos na fonte e para a intervenção na evolução das perdas auditivas geradas pela exposição ao ruído visando à manutenção da saúde auditiva e à diminuição dos sintomas associados.The objective of this study was to verify an association between noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL and tinnitus in workers exposed to occupational noise. Workers with a history of work noise exposure who attended two audiology outpatient clinics were interviewed and evaluated. The statistical association between NIHL and tinnitus was evaluated using an adjusted linear regression model, with tinnitus as the dependent variable and NIHL, classified into six levels, as the independent variable, with age and length of noise exposure as covariates. Data were collected from 284 workers between April and October, 2003, in Bauru, São Paulo State, Brazil. Tinnitus was observed to increase with the progression of auditory damage, controlled by age

  12. Efeito da estimulação acústica nas habilidades do processamento temporal em idosos antes e após a protetização auditiva Acoustic stimulation effect on temporal processing skills in elderly subjects before and after hearing aid fitting

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    Maria Madalena Canina Pinheiro


    Full Text Available O envelhecimento pode ocasionar alterações no processamento temporal, afetando a percepção da fala. OBJETIVO: Comparar as respostas auditivas do processamento temporal em idosos candidatos e novos usuários de próteses auditivas. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Participaram do estudo 60 idosos com perda auditiva neurossensorial bilateral. Os procedimentos selecionados foram o Teste Padrão de Duração e Teste de Detecção de gaps no Ruído (GIN, no qual foram analisadas as respostas de identificação correta e o limar de acuidade temporal antes e após a adaptação das próteses auditivas. Forma de Estudo: Pesquisa clínica e experimental com amostra não probabilística por conveniência. RESULTADOS: Os idosos usuários de prótese auditiva apresentaram menor limiar de acuidade temporal, maior reconhecimento de gaps e de discriminação do padrão de duração em relação ao momento em que eram candidatos. CONCLUSÃO: Houve deterioração das habilidades do processamento temporal, independentemente do grau da perda auditiva. O efeito de estimulação acústica pelo uso de prótese auditiva melhorou as habilidades de ordenação e resolução temporal.Aging can alter temporal processing and affect speech perception. AIM: To compare temporal processing auditory processing in elderly subject to and new hearing aid users. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study included 60 elderly patients with bilateral sensorineural hearing loss. The procedures selected were the Duration Pattern Tests (DPT and gaps in noise (GIN test were used to analyze the responses of correct identification, and the temporal acuity threshold before and after the fitting of hearing aids. Study design: clinical and experimental research with non-probability sample of convenience. RESULTS: There was no statistically significant difference between the responses from GI and GII individuals. The elderly users of hearing aids had a lower gap detection threshold, greater recognition of gaps

  13. Comparação das habilidades auditivas e visuais em paralíticos cerebrais diplégicos


    Dionísia Aparecida Cusin Lamônica; Cora Sofia Takaya Paiva; Deisiane Marcos Message; Jamile Cazarin Lozano; Plínio Marcos Pinto Ferraz


    Objetivo comparar o desempenho das habilidades psicolinguísticas auditivas e visuais de crianças com PC-D. Métodos participaram dez crianças com PC-D, classificados por meio da escala Gross Motor Function Measure System (GMFMS), de idade entre quatro anos e um mês a cinco anos e seis meses. A avaliação fonoaudiológica constou de entrevista com responsável, análise de prontuário e aplicação dos subtestes auditivos e visuais do ...



    Fuster-Vega, Marina Ester


    El presente trabajo de investigación ofrece un análisis sobre las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TICs) en el desarrollo de una de las destrezas lingüísticas más importantes como es la Comprensión Auditiva (CA) o listening en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de Lengua Extranjera (LE). Se presenta un análisis dividido en diferentes apartados, analizando en primer lugar los conceptos de CA y de TICs. En segundo lugar, se presenta un análisis acerca del listening,...

  15. Triagem auditiva neonatal em recém-nascidos de mães soropositivas para o HIV


    Manfredi, Alessandra Kerli da Silva; Zuanetti, Patrícia Aparecida; Mishima, Fabíola; Granzotti, Raphaela Barroso Guedes


    OBJETIVO: Analisar as emissões otoacústicas de crianças nascidas de mães soropositivas para o HIV na triagem auditiva neonatal. MÉTODOS: Realizou-se a pesquisa das Emissões Otoacústicas Evocadas por Transiente (EOAT) e do reflexo cócleo-palpebral (RCP) em 247 neonatos, todos nascidos a termo e sem fatores de risco para a audição. O Grupo Controle (GC) foi composto por 167 neonatos e o Grupo Pesquisa (GP) por 80 neonatos expostos ao HIV durante a gestação. Considerou-se "falha" quando o neonat...

  16. Evaluación auditiva neurosensorial en un grupo de prematuros del programa madre conguro Sensorineural auditory evaluation in a group of preterm neonates from the "Kangaroo mother" program

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    Gabriel Hernández


    Full Text Available Entre agosto de 1989 y diciembre de 1991 se buscó asociación entre algunos factores de riesgo comunes a los prematuros con peso menor de 1.500 g al nacer y el hecho de presentar disminución de la agudeza auditiva, medida con los potenciales evocados del tallo cerebral a los 4 meses y luego entre los 8 y los 14 meses. Los factores de riesgo tenidos en cuenta en 133 prematuros del ";Programa madre canguro"; del Instituto de los Seguros Sociales, en Medellín, fueron: Peso inferior a 1.500 g, hiperbilirrubinemia superior a 10 mg/ml, sufrimiento fetal, membranas hialinas, uso de aminoglicósidos, hipoglucemia, hemorragia del tercer trimestre e hipertensión arterial materna. Se halló pérdida de la agudeza auditiva en la evaluación inicial en 54 nifíos (40.6% mientras en la final sólo la presentaban 10 (7.5%; no pudo detectarse asociación entre los factores de riesgo y la disminución de la agudeza auditiva en la evaluación inicial ni en la final. La mejoría de resultados de agudeza auditiva entre las pruebas iniciales y las finales puede explicarse, entre otras razones, por la maduración cerebral del prematuro. Se debe investigar más la razón de los déficits finales y, ojalá, establecer programas de seguimiento con pruebas auditivas en este grupo de niños en riesgo. A study was carried out to investigate the association between risk factors commonly found in preterm neonates with very low birth-weight (Iess than 1.500 g and decreased auditory acuteness; the latter was measured according to brain stem evoked potentiaJs (BERA test In 133 preterm neonates belonging to the "Kangaroo mother program", in 'Medellín,Colombla. The following risk factors we~ evaluated: Hyperbilirrubinemia, hyaline membrane, birth weight lower than 1.500g, fetal distress, hypoglycemia, use of aminoglycosldes, thlrd trimester hemorrhage, and maternal high blood presssure. Abnormal results in BERA test were found in 54 cases (40.6% at 4 months and in only 10 (7

  17. Can we use PCA to detect small signals in noisy data? (United States)

    Spiegelberg, Jakob; Rusz, Ján


    Principal component analysis (PCA) is among the most commonly applied dimension reduction techniques suitable to denoise data. Focusing on its limitations to detect low variance signals in noisy data, we discuss how statistical and systematical errors occur in PCA reconstructed data as a function of the size of the data set, which extends the work of Lichtert and Verbeeck, (2013) [16]. Particular attention is directed towards the estimation of bias introduced by PCA and its influence on experiment design. Aiming at the denoising of large matrices, nullspace based denoising (NBD) is introduced. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  18. Audição e percepção da perda auditiva em idosos Hearing and perception of hearing loss in elderly people

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria da Glória Canto de Sousa


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar a audição e a percepção dos indivíduos idosos sobre a sua condição de audição. MÉTODOS: Foi desenvolvida uma pesquisa descritiva e exploratória, tendo como sujeitos 40 alunos, sendo 34 do sexo feminino e seis do sexo masculino, com idades variando entre 61 e 88 anos, de uma Universidade Aberta à Terceira Idade, localizada na cidade do Salvador, na Universidade do Estado da Bahia. Para avaliação dos sujeitos foi aplicado o Inventário Auditivo para Idosos - IAPI e realizado o exame audiométrico. A análise dos dados foi feita a partir das variáveis: sexo, faixa etária e pela computação das respostas dadas pelos indivíduos ao Inventário Auditivo para Idosos. RESULTADOS: Dos idosos 37,5% apresentaram audição normal e 62,5% perda auditiva, sendo 30% perda auditiva assimétrica e 32,5% simétrica. Dos 25 sujeitos com perda auditiva, apenas 3 (12% tiveram percepção da mesma com um IAPI superior a dez pontos e 22 (88% com uma pontuação inferior a dez. Quanto ao sexo, 8% de homens e 4% de mulheres tiveram uma pontuação superior a dez no IAPI; 16% dos indivíduos do sexo masculino e 72% do feminino apresentaram pontuação inferior a dez. Houve um predomínio da configuração audiométrica do tipo descendente em 88% dos sujeitos. CONCLUSÃO: A maioria dos sujeitos estudados era portadora de perda auditiva, sendo que, quanto maior a idade, maior esta deficiência. Proporcionalmente, a perda auditiva ocorreu mais em homens do que em mulheres, mas poucos percebem a sua existência.PURPOSE: To evaluate the hearing of elderly individuals and their perception regarding their hearing condition. METHODS: A descriptive and exploratory research was developed using as subjects 40 students from a University for the Third Age located in Salvador, Bahia (Brazil, being 34 female and 6 male, with ages ranging from 61 to 88 years. The evaluation used the Hearing Handicap Inventory for Elderly - HHIE, and an audiometric

  19. [The value of PHI/PCA3 in the early diagnosis of prostate cancer]. (United States)

    Tan, S J; Xu, L W; Xu, Z; Wu, J P; Liang, K; Jia, R P


    To investigate the value of prostate health index (PHI) and prostate cancer gene 3 (PCA3) in the early diagnosis of prostate cancer (PCa). A total of 190 patients with abnormal serum prostate specific antigen (PSA) or abnormal digital rectal examination were enrolled. They were all underwent initial biopsy and 11 of them were also underwent repeated biopsy. In addition, 25 healthy cases (with normal digital rectal examination and PSAPHI and PCA3 were detected by using immunofluorescence and Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification (LAMP). The sensitivity and specificity of diagnosis were determined by ROC curve.In addition, the relationship between PHI/PSA and the Gleason score and clinical stage were analyzed. A total of 89 patients were confirmed PCa by Pathological diagnosis. The other 101 patients were diagnosed as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). The sensitivity and specificity of PCA3 test were 85.4% was 92.1%. Area under curve (AUC) of PHI is higher than AUC of PSA (0.727>0.699). The PHI in peripheral blood was positively correlated with Gleason score and clinical stage. The detection of PCA3 and PHI shows excellent detecting effectiveness. Compared with single PSA, the combined detection of PHI and PCA3 improved the diagnostic specificity. It can provide a new method for the early diagnosis in prostate cancer and avoid unnecessary biopsies.

  20. The applications of PCA in QSAR studies: A case study on CCR5 antagonists. (United States)

    Yoo, ChangKyoo; Shahlaei, Mohsen


    Principal component analysis (PCA), as a well-known multivariate data analysis and data reduction technique, is an important and useful algebraic tool in drug design and discovery. PCA, in a typical quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) study, analyzes an original data matrix in which molecules are described by several intercorrelated quantitative dependent variables (molecular descriptors). Although extensively applied, there is disparity in the literature with respect to the applications of PCA in the QSAR studies. This study investigates the different applications of PCA in QSAR studies using a dataset including CCR5 inhibitors. The different types of preprocessing are used to compare the PCA performances. The use of PC plots in the exploratory investigation of matrix of descriptors is described. This work is also proved PCA analysis to be a powerful technique for exploring complex datasets in QSAR studies for identification of outliers. This study shows that PCA is able to easily apply to the pool of calculated structural descriptors and also the extracted information can be used to help decide upon an appropriate harder model for further analysis. © 2017 John Wiley & Sons A/S.

  1. MD-11 PCA - Research flight team egress (United States)


    This McDonnell Douglas MD-11 has parked on the flightline at NASA's Dryden Flight Research Center, Edwards, California, following its completion of the first and second landings ever performed by a transport aircraft under engine power only (on Aug. 29, 1995). The milestone flight, with NASA research pilot and former astronaut Gordon Fullerton at the controls, was part of a NASA project to develop a computer-assisted engine control system that enables a pilot to land a plane safely when its normal control surfaces are disabled. Coming down the steps from the aircraft are Gordon Fullerton (in front), followed by Bill Burcham, Propulsion Controlled Aircraft (PCA) project engineer at Dryden; NASA Dryden controls engineer John Burken; John Feather of McDonnell Douglas; and Drew Pappas, McDonnell Douglas' project manager for PCA.

  2. The role of PCA3 in the diagnosis of prostate cancer.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hessels, D.


    Serum PSA has shown to be the most valuable tool in the detection, staging and monitoring of prostate cancer (PCa). However, the substantial overlap in serum PSA values between men with non-malignant prostatic diseases and PCa is the limitation of PSA as a prostate tumor marker. In patients with

  3. Recent Improvements to the Calibration Models for RXTE/PCA (United States)

    Jahoda, K.


    We are updating the calibration of the PCA to correct for slow variations, primarily in energy to channel relationship. We have also improved the physical model in the vicinity of the Xe K-edge, which should increase the reliability of continuum fits above 20 keV. The improvements to the matrix are especially important to simultaneous observations, where the PCA is often used to constrain the continuum while other higher resolution spectrometers are used to study the shape of lines and edges associated with Iron.

  4. Sensorineural hearing loss in high school teenagers in Mexico City and its relationship with recreational noise Las alteraciones auditivas de escolares adolescentes en la Ciudad de México pueden estar relacionadas al ruido recreativo

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    María del Consuelo Martínez-Wbaldo


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to measure the frequency of hearing loss in a sample of typical public high-school students exposed to recreational noise, and determine associated risk factors. The sample was made up of 214 teenagers from a high-school in Mexico City; subjects were selected randomly per strata. We applied a questionnaire to identify risk factors for hearing loss and performed a battery of audiologic tests consisting of otoscopy, tympanometry, and pure-tone audiometry. The mean age of the sample was 16 ± 1.07 years; 73% were male and 27%, female. Hearing loss was found in 21% of students. The main hearing loss-related risk factor was exposure to recreational noise: frequent attendance at discotheques and pop-music concerts; use of personal stereos; and noise exposure in school workshops. The high frequency of hearing loss in high school students from one Mexico City school (nearly one fifth of the sample was found to be related to noise exposure mainly during recreational activities.El objetivo de este estudio fue medir la frecuencia de alteraciones auditivas en una muestra de escolares de educación media superior expuestos a ruido recreativo y determinar algunos factores de riesgo asociados. La muestra estuvo constituida por 214 adolescentes de una escuela de la Ciudad de México. Los sujetos fueron seleccionados al azar por medio de una computadora. Se aplicaron cuestionarios con el objeto de identificar los factores de riesgo para alteraciones auditivas y se les practicaron diversos estudios audiológicos consistentes en: otoscopía, timpanometría y una audiometría a tonos puros. La edad media de la muestra fue de 16 ± 1,07 años, 73% fueron del sexo masculino y 27% femenino. Se encontraron alteraciones auditivas en 21% de los estudiantes. Los principales factores de riesgo asociados a alteraciones auditivas fueron: exposición al ruido recreativo al asistir a discotecas, conciertos de música popular, el uso de equipos de

  5. Semi-Supervised Kernel PCA

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Walder, Christian; Henao, Ricardo; Mørup, Morten

    We present three generalisations of Kernel Principal Components Analysis (KPCA) which incorporate knowledge of the class labels of a subset of the data points. The first, MV-KPCA, penalises within class variances similar to Fisher discriminant analysis. The second, LSKPCA is a hybrid of least...... squares regression and kernel PCA. The final LR-KPCA is an iteratively reweighted version of the previous which achieves a sigmoid loss function on the labeled points. We provide a theoretical risk bound as well as illustrative experiments on real and toy data sets....

  6. Posterior cerebral artery involvement in moyamoya disease: initial infarction and angle between PCA and basilar artery. (United States)

    Lee, Ji Yeoun; Kim, Seung-Ki; Cheon, Jung-Eun; Choi, Jung Won; Phi, Ji Hoon; Kim, In-One; Cho, Byung-Kyu; Wang, Kyu-Chang


    Moyamoya disease (MMD) is a chronic cerebrovascular occlusive disease, and progressive involvement of the posterior cerebral artery (PCA) has been reported. However, majority of MMD articles are presenting classic anterior circulation related issues. This study investigates the preoperative factors related to the long-term outcome of posterior circulation in MMD. Retrospective review of 88 MMD patients (166 PCAs in either hemisphere) without symptomatic disease involvement of PCA at initial diagnosis was done. Data at initial diagnosis regarding age, presence of infarction, status of the PCA, type of posterior communicating artery, and the angle between PCA and basilar artery were reviewed. Progressive stenosis of PCA was evaluated by symptom or radiological imaging during follow up. During an average follow up of 8.3 years, 29 out of 166 (18 %) evaluated PCAs showed progressive disease involvement. The average time of progression from the initial operation was 4.9 years, with the latest onset at 10.8 years. The patients who showed progressive stenosis of the PCA tended to be younger, present with infarction, have smaller angle between PCA and basilar artery, and have asymptomatic stenosis of the PCA at initial presentation. However, multivariate analysis confirmed only the presence of initial infarction and a smaller angle between PCA and basilar artery to be significantly associated with progressive stenosis of PCA. Involvement of PCA in MMD may occur in a delayed fashion, years after the completion of revascularization of anterior circulation. Persistent long-term follow-up regarding the posterior circulation is recommended.

  7. Global Clustering Quality Coefficient Assessing the Efficiency of PCA Class Assignment

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    Mirela Praisler


    Full Text Available An essential factor influencing the efficiency of the predictive models built with principal component analysis (PCA is the quality of the data clustering revealed by the score plots. The sensitivity and selectivity of the class assignment are strongly influenced by the relative position of the clusters and by their dispersion. We are proposing a set of indicators inspired from analytical geometry that may be used for an objective quantitative assessment of the data clustering quality as well as a global clustering quality coefficient (GCQC that is a measure of the overall predictive power of the PCA models. The use of these indicators for evaluating the efficiency of the PCA class assignment is illustrated by a comparative study performed for the identification of the preprocessing function that is generating the most efficient PCA system screening for amphetamines based on their GC-FTIR spectra. The GCQC ranking of the tested feature weights is explained based on estimated density distributions and validated by using quadratic discriminant analysis (QDA.

  8. Tracking image features with PCA-SURF descriptors

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Pancham, A


    Full Text Available IAPR International Conference on Machine Vision Applications, May 18-22, 2015, Tokyo, JAPAN Tracking Image Features with PCA-SURF Descriptors Ardhisha Pancham CSIR, UKZN South Africa Daniel Withey CSIR South Africa...

  9. In Vivo Imaging of Experimental Melanoma Tumors using the Novel Radiotracer 68Ga-NODAGA-Procainamide (PCA). (United States)

    Kertész, István; Vida, András; Nagy, Gábor; Emri, Miklós; Farkas, Antal; Kis, Adrienn; Angyal, János; Dénes, Noémi; Szabó, Judit P; Kovács, Tünde; Bai, Péter; Trencsényi, György


    The most aggressive form of skin cancer is the malignant melanoma. Because of its high metastatic potential the early detection of primary melanoma tumors and metastases using non-invasive PET imaging determines the outcome of the disease. Previous studies have already shown that benzamide derivatives, such as procainamide (PCA) specifically bind to melanin pigment. The aim of this study was to synthesize and investigate the melanin specificity of the novel 68 Ga-labeled NODAGA-PCA molecule in vitro and in vivo using PET techniques. Procainamide (PCA) was conjugated with NODAGA chelator and was labeled with Ga-68 ( 68 Ga-NODAGA-PCA). The melanin specificity of 68 Ga-NODAGA-PCA was tested in vitro , ex vivo and in vivo using melanotic B16-F10 and amelanotic Melur melanoma cell lines. By subcutaneous and intravenous injection of melanoma cells tumor-bearing mice were prepared, on which biodistribution studies and small animal PET/CT scans were performed for 68 Ga-NODAGA-PCA and 18 FDG tracers. 68 Ga-NODAGA-PCA was produced with high specific activity (14.9±3.9 GBq/µmol) and with excellent radiochemical purity (98%PCA uptake of B16-F10 cells was significantly ( p ≤0.01) higher than Melur cells. Ex vivo biodistribution and in vivo PET/CT studies using subcutaneous and metastatic tumor models showed significantly ( p ≤0.01) higher 68 Ga-NODAGA-PCA uptake in B16-F10 primary tumors and lung metastases in comparison with amelanotic Melur tumors. In experiments where 18 FDG and 68 Ga-NODAGA-PCA uptake of B16-F10 tumors was compared, we found that the tumor-to-muscle (T/M) and tumor-to-lung (T/L) ratios were significantly ( p ≤0.05 and p ≤0.01) higher using 68 Ga-NODAGA-PCA than the 18 FDG accumulation. Our novel radiotracer 68 Ga-NODAGA-PCA showed specific binding to the melanin producing experimental melanoma tumors. Therefore, 68 Ga-NODAGA-PCA is a suitable diagnostic radiotracer for the detection of melanoma tumors and metastases in vivo .

  10. Preliminary Design Review: PCA Integrated Radar-Tracker Application

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Lebak, J


    The DARPA Polymorphous Computing Architecture (PCA) program is building advanced computer architectures that can reorganize their computation and communication structure to achieve better overall application performance...

  11. Actividades de articulación y de percepción auditiva: uso de herramientas informáticas


    Adrián Cabedo Nebot


    Desde hace dos décadas, las nuevas tecnologías se han convertido en un elemento imprescindible para que los estudiantes de lenguas extranjeras consigan mejorar sus niveles de producción articulatoria y de percepción auditiva.  De hecho, no contribuyen solo en el aprendizaje de nuevos idiomas, sino que ofrecen también eficacia didáctica a los docentes, en el sentido de que los ejercicios se construyen de manera más ágil y flexible. Así pues, en este artículo se mostrará cómo el uso de algu...

  12. Acompanhamento da adaptação de próteses auditivas em crianças surdas Evaluating the adaptation of hearing aids for hearing impaired children

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    Bianca Pinheiro Lanzetta


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: descrever as características audiológicas e sociais de crianças surdas e avaliar a incidência de retornos para acompanhamento no Programa de Saúde Auditiva. MÉTODOS: foram analisados os prontuários de crianças que receberam as próteses auditivas pelo Programa de Saúde Auditiva, em Vila Velha - Espírito Santo. A população estudada foi constituída por 50 crianças, na faixa etária de zero a oito anos, de ambos os sexos, com diagnóstico de perda auditiva sensorioneural de grau leve a profundo. O protocolo de pesquisa foi preenchido a partir dos dados de prontuários para a obtenção das informações desejadas. RESULTADOS: a solicitação de retorno pelo Serviço Social propiciou o comparecimento de quase da metade da população (44%; os demais achados foram indicativos da associação entre o retorno para acompanhamento e a rotina escolar. CONCLUSÕES: o referido programa atinge predominantemente famílias com rendimento mensal entre um e dois salários mínimos; o diagnóstico da surdez ocorre entre dois e três anos de idade cronológica neste estudo; a época da primeira adaptação de próteses auditivas, aos seis anos de idade, é bastante tardia; o contato com os pais, por meio do Serviço Social, viabiliza o acompanhamento proposto, influenciado positivamente também pela rotina escolar.PURPOSE: to describe the compliance and attitudes of hearing-impaired children towards the treatment and support offered by the Hearing Health Program, a public health endeavor, and assessing patients’ returns for follow-ups. METHODS: participants consisted of fifty children aged from 0 to 8 years, with a diagnosis of mild to severe sensorineural hearing loss. The children received the hearing aids from the Hearing Health Program, in Vila Velha, in the state of Espírito Santo, Brazil. The research protocol was completed using both medical records and a socio-economical profile survey of the affected children, including the

  13. International assessment of PCA codes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Neymotin, L.; Lui, C.; Glynn, J.; Archarya, S.


    Over the past three years (1991-1993), an extensive international exercise for intercomparison of a group of six Probabilistic Consequence Assessment (PCA) codes was undertaken. The exercise was jointly sponsored by the Commission of European Communities (CEC) and OECD Nuclear Energy Agency. This exercise was a logical continuation of a similar effort undertaken by OECD/NEA/CSNI in 1979-1981. The PCA codes are currently used by different countries for predicting radiological health and economic consequences of severe accidents at nuclear power plants (and certain types of non-reactor nuclear facilities) resulting in releases of radioactive materials into the atmosphere. The codes participating in the exercise were: ARANO (Finland), CONDOR (UK), COSYMA (CEC), LENA (Sweden), MACCS (USA), and OSCAAR (Japan). In parallel with this inter-code comparison effort, two separate groups performed a similar set of calculations using two of the participating codes, MACCS and COSYMA. Results of the intercode and inter-MACCS comparisons are presented in this paper. The MACCS group included four participants: GREECE: Institute of Nuclear Technology and Radiation Protection, NCSR Demokritos; ITALY: ENEL, ENEA/DISP, and ENEA/NUC-RIN; SPAIN: Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (UPM) and Consejo de Seguridad Nuclear; USA: Brookhaven National Laboratory, US NRC and DOE

  14. Distinct clinical and metabolic deficits in PCA and AD are not related to amyloid distribution. (United States)

    Rosenbloom, M H; Alkalay, A; Agarwal, N; Baker, S L; O'Neil, J P; Janabi, M; Yen, I V; Growdon, M; Jang, J; Madison, C; Mormino, E C; Rosen, H J; Gorno-Tempini, M L; Weiner, M W; Miller, B L; Jagust, W J; Rabinovici, G D


    Patients with posterior cortical atrophy (PCA) often have Alzheimer disease (AD) at autopsy, yet are cognitively and anatomically distinct from patients with clinical AD. We sought to compare the distribution of β-amyloid and glucose metabolism in PCA and AD in vivo using Pittsburgh compound B (PiB) and FDG-PET. Patients with PCA (n = 12, age 57.5 ± 7.4, Mini-Mental State Examination [MMSE] 22.2 ± 5.1), AD (n = 14, age 58.8 ± 9.6, MMSE 23.8 ± 6.7), and cognitively normal controls (NC, n = 30, age 73.6 ± 6.4) underwent PiB and FDG-PET. Group differences in PiB distribution volume ratios (DVR, cerebellar reference) and FDG uptake (pons-averaged) were assessed on a voxel-wise basis and by comparing binding in regions of interest (ROIs). Compared to NC, both patients with AD and patients with PCA showed diffuse PiB uptake throughout frontal, temporoparietal, and occipital cortex (p PCA and AD even after correcting for atrophy. FDG patterns in PCA and AD were distinct: while both groups showed hypometabolism compared to NC in temporoparietal cortex and precuneus/posterior cingulate, patients with PCA further showed hypometabolism in inferior occipitotemporal cortex compared to both NC and patients with AD (p PCA. Fibrillar amyloid deposition in PCA is diffuse and similar to AD, while glucose hypometabolism extends more posteriorly into occipital cortex. Further studies are needed to determine the mechanisms of selective network degeneration in focal variants of AD.

  15. New genomic structure for prostate cancer specific gene PCA3 within BMCC1: implications for prostate cancer detection and progression.

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    Raymond A Clarke

    Full Text Available The prostate cancer antigen 3 (PCA3/DD3 gene is a highly specific biomarker upregulated in prostate cancer (PCa. In order to understand the importance of PCA3 in PCa we investigated the organization and evolution of the PCA3 gene locus.We have employed cDNA synthesis, RTPCR and DNA sequencing to identify 4 new transcription start sites, 4 polyadenylation sites and 2 new differentially spliced exons in an extended form of PCA3. Primers designed from these novel PCA3 exons greatly improve RT-PCR based discrimination between PCa, PCa metastases and BPH specimens. Comparative genomic analyses demonstrated that PCA3 has only recently evolved in an anti-sense orientation within a second gene, BMCC1/PRUNE2. BMCC1 has been shown previously to interact with RhoA and RhoC, determinants of cellular transformation and metastasis, respectively. Using RT-PCR we demonstrated that the longer BMCC1-1 isoform - like PCA3 - is upregulated in PCa tissues and metastases and in PCa cell lines. Furthermore PCA3 and BMCC1-1 levels are responsive to dihydrotestosterone treatment.Upregulation of two new PCA3 isoforms in PCa tissues improves discrimination between PCa and BPH. The functional relevance of this specificity is now of particular interest given PCA3's overlapping association with a second gene BMCC1, a regulator of Rho signalling. Upregulation of PCA3 and BMCC1 in PCa has potential for improved diagnosis.

  16. El simulador en línea como herramienta de formación para personas con pérdida auditiva


    Quintana, Nelba; González, Alejandro Héctor; Madoz, María Cristina


    Este trabajo consiste en la presentación de la mejora de un simulador educativo en línea, para aprender el uso de herramientas digitales como medio para optimizar sus estrategias comunicacionales en una entrevista laboral; dicho simulador se denominará ELH (entrevistas laborales para personas con hipoacusia) y será utilizado en un curso de capacitación a personas con pérdida auditiva que utilizan dispositivos auditivos (audífonos o implantes cocleares). Se basa en el trabajo final presentado ...

  17. Relação entre habilidades auditivas e fonológicas em crianças com dislexia do desenvolvimento


    Capellini,Simone Aparecida; Germano,Giseli Donadon; Cardoso,Ana Cláudia Vieira


    A dislexia do desenvolvimento, dificuldade específica de leitura, é caracterizada pela dificuldade em realizar a decodificação fono-grafêmica e percepção de fonemas acusticamente semelhantes. Este estudo teve como objetivo caracterizar o desempenho de crianças com dislexia quanto às habilidades auditivas e de consciência fonológica, correlacionando-as. Participaram deste estudo crianças com dislexia e com bom desempenho escolar, submetidas a avaliações audiológica, do processamento auditivo e...

  18. Adaptive PCA based fault diagnosis scheme in imperial smelting process. (United States)

    Hu, Zhikun; Chen, Zhiwen; Gui, Weihua; Jiang, Bin


    In this paper, an adaptive fault detection scheme based on a recursive principal component analysis (PCA) is proposed to deal with the problem of false alarm due to normal process changes in real process. Our further study is also dedicated to develop a fault isolation approach based on Generalized Likelihood Ratio (GLR) test and Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) which is one of general techniques of PCA, on which the off-set and scaling fault can be easily isolated with explicit off-set fault direction and scaling fault classification. The identification of off-set and scaling fault is also applied. The complete scheme of PCA-based fault diagnosis procedure is proposed. The proposed scheme is first applied to Imperial Smelting Process, and the results show that the proposed strategies can be able to mitigate false alarms and isolate faults efficiently. Copyright © 2013 ISA. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  19. Applications of PCA and SVM-PSO Based Real-Time Face Recognition System

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ming-Yuan Shieh


    Full Text Available This paper incorporates principal component analysis (PCA with support vector machine-particle swarm optimization (SVM-PSO for developing real-time face recognition systems. The integrated scheme aims to adopt the SVM-PSO method to improve the validity of PCA based image recognition systems on dynamically visual perception. The face recognition for most human-robot interaction applications is accomplished by PCA based method because of its dimensionality reduction. However, PCA based systems are only suitable for processing the faces with the same face expressions and/or under the same view directions. Since the facial feature selection process can be considered as a problem of global combinatorial optimization in machine learning, the SVM-PSO is usually used as an optimal classifier of the system. In this paper, the PSO is used to implement a feature selection, and the SVMs serve as fitness functions of the PSO for classification problems. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method simplifies features effectively and obtains higher classification accuracy.

  20. Conhecimentos e práticas de professores de educação infantil sobre crianças com alterações auditivas Knowledge and practice of preschool teachers regarding children with hearing alterations

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Denísia Raquel de Carvalho Silva


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Investigar os conhecimentos, as percepções e as práticas de professores de educação infantil sobre crianças com alterações auditivas. MÉTODOS: Estudo descritivo transversal, realizado por meio de entrevista estruturada com 45 professores de educação infantil da rede pública de ensino da cidade de Belo Horizonte. As entrevistas foram gravadas, transcritas e posteriormente submetidas à análise. RESULTADOS: A grande maioria dos sujeitos entrevistados apresentou pouco conhecimento, muitas vezes bastante vago e de senso comum, sobre a perda auditiva, embora a consciência da necessidade de aprendizagem para uma melhor atuação profissional tenha sido nítida. Apesar da falta de informação, os professores demonstraram conhecer algumas características das crianças com deficiência auditiva e explicitaram condutas a serem realizadas em sala de aula. A quase totalidade da amostra afirmou não conhecer a triagem auditiva escolar. CONCLUSÃO: Os conhecimentos, as práticas e as percepções demonstradas pelos entrevistados revelaram grande variação de conceitos, atitudes e estratégias. Contudo, grande parte se baseia em senso-comum ou intuição, devido à falta de experiência e de capacitação dos educadores para lidar com a criança com deficiência auditiva.PURPOSE: To investigate the knowledge, perceptions and practices of preschool teachers regarding children with hearing alterations. METHODS: A descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out through structured interviews with 45 preschool teachers from the public education system of Belo Horizonte (MG, Brazil. Interviews were recorded, transcribed and later analyzed. RESULTS: The majority of the subjects showed little knowledge, at times vague and of common-sense, regarding hearing loss. However, conscience of the necessity of learning more about the subject for a better professional performance is clear. Despite the lack of information, teachers demonstrated

  1. Clinical utility of the PCA3 urine assay in European men scheduled for repeat biopsy.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Haese, A.; Taille, A. De La; Poppel, H. van; Marberger, M.; Stenzl, A.; Mulders, P.F.A.; Huland, H.; Abbou, C.C.; Remzi, M.; Tinzl, M.; Feyerabend, S.; Stillebroer, A.B.; Gils, M.P.M.Q.; Schalken, J.A.


    BACKGROUND: The Prostate CAncer gene 3 (PCA3) assay has shown promise as an aid in prostate cancer (pCA) diagnosis in identifying men with a high probability of a positive (repeat) biopsy. OBJECTIVE: This study evaluated the clinical utility of the PROGENSA PCA3 assay. DESIGN, SETTING, AND

  2. Lateral supraorbital approach to ipsilateral PCA-P1 and ICA-PCoA aneurysms. (United States)

    Goehre, Felix; Jahromi, Behnam Rezai; Elsharkawy, Ahmed; Lehto, Hanna; Shekhtman, Oleg; Andrade-Barazarte, Hugo; Munoz, Francisco; Hijazy, Ferzat; Makhkamov, Makhkam; Hernesniemi, Juha


    Aneurysms of the posterior cerebral artery (PCA) are rare and often associated with anterior circulation aneurysms. The lateral supraorbital approach allows for a very fast and safe approach to the ipsilateral lesions Circle of Willis. A technical note on the successful clip occlusion of two aneurysms in the anterior and posterior Circle of Willis via this less invasive approach has not been published before. The objective of this technical note is to describe the simultaneous microsurgical clip occlusion of an ipsilateral PCA-P1 and an internal carotid artery - posterior communicating artery (ICA-PCoA) aneurysm via the lateral supraorbital approach. The authors present a technical report of successful clip occlusions of ipsilateral located PCA-P1 and ICA-PCoA aneurysms. A 59-year-old female patient was diagnosed with a PCA-P1 and an ipsilateral ICA-PCoA aneurysm by computed tomography angiography (CTA) after an ischemic stroke secondary to a contralateral ICA dissection. The patient underwent microsurgical clipping after a lateral supraorbital craniotomy. The intraoperative indocyanine green (ICG) videoangiography and the postoperative CTA showed a complete occlusion of both aneurysms; the parent vessels (ICA and PCA) were patent. The patient presents postoperative no new neurologic deficit. The lateral supraorbital approach is suitable for the simultaneous microsurgical treatment of proximal anterior circulation and ipsilateral proximal PCA aneurysms. Compared to endovascular treatment, direct visual control of brainstem perforators is possible.

  3. Avoiding Optimal Mean ℓ2,1-Norm Maximization-Based Robust PCA for Reconstruction. (United States)

    Luo, Minnan; Nie, Feiping; Chang, Xiaojun; Yang, Yi; Hauptmann, Alexander G; Zheng, Qinghua


    Robust principal component analysis (PCA) is one of the most important dimension-reduction techniques for handling high-dimensional data with outliers. However, most of the existing robust PCA presupposes that the mean of the data is zero and incorrectly utilizes the average of data as the optimal mean of robust PCA. In fact, this assumption holds only for the squared [Formula: see text]-norm-based traditional PCA. In this letter, we equivalently reformulate the objective of conventional PCA and learn the optimal projection directions by maximizing the sum of projected difference between each pair of instances based on [Formula: see text]-norm. The proposed method is robust to outliers and also invariant to rotation. More important, the reformulated objective not only automatically avoids the calculation of optimal mean and makes the assumption of centered data unnecessary, but also theoretically connects to the minimization of reconstruction error. To solve the proposed nonsmooth problem, we exploit an efficient optimization algorithm to soften the contributions from outliers by reweighting each data point iteratively. We theoretically analyze the convergence and computational complexity of the proposed algorithm. Extensive experimental results on several benchmark data sets illustrate the effectiveness and superiority of the proposed method.

  4. 2D-3D Face Recognition Method Basedon a Modified CCA-PCA Algorithm

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    Patrik Kamencay


    Full Text Available This paper presents a proposed methodology for face recognition based on an information theory approach to coding and decoding face images. In this paper, we propose a 2D-3D face-matching method based on a principal component analysis (PCA algorithm using canonical correlation analysis (CCA to learn the mapping between a 2D face image and 3D face data. This method makes it possible to match a 2D face image with enrolled 3D face data. Our proposed fusion algorithm is based on the PCA method, which is applied to extract base features. PCA feature-level fusion requires the extraction of different features from the source data before features are merged together. Experimental results on the TEXAS face image database have shown that the classification and recognition results based on the modified CCA-PCA method are superior to those based on the CCA method. Testing the 2D-3D face match results gave a recognition rate for the CCA method of a quite poor 55% while the modified CCA method based on PCA-level fusion achieved a very good recognition score of 85%.

  5. Predicting prostate biopsy outcome: prostate health index (phi) and prostate cancer antigen 3 (PCA3) are useful biomarkers. (United States)

    Ferro, Matteo; Bruzzese, Dario; Perdonà, Sisto; Mazzarella, Claudia; Marino, Ada; Sorrentino, Alessandra; Di Carlo, Angelina; Autorino, Riccardo; Di Lorenzo, Giuseppe; Buonerba, Carlo; Altieri, Vincenzo; Mariano, Angela; Macchia, Vincenzo; Terracciano, Daniela


    Indication for prostate biopsy is presently mainly based on prostate-specific antigen (PSA) serum levels and digital-rectal examination (DRE). In view of the unsatisfactory accuracy of these two diagnostic exams, research has focused on novel markers to improve pre-biopsy prostate cancer detection, such as phi and PCA3. The purpose of this prospective study was to assess the diagnostic accuracy of phi and PCA3 for prostate cancer using biopsy as gold standard. Phi index (Beckman coulter immunoassay), PCA3 score (Progensa PCA3 assay) and other established biomarkers (tPSA, fPSA and %fPSA) were assessed before a 18-core prostate biopsy in a group of 251 subjects at their first biopsy. Values of %p2PSA and phi were significantly higher in patients with PCa compared with PCa-negative group (pphi and PCA3 are predictive of malignancy. In conclusion, %p2PSA, phi and PCA3 may predict a diagnosis of PCa in men undergoing their first prostate biopsy. PCA3 score is more useful in discriminating between HGPIN and non-cancer. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  6. Estudo das respostas auditivas de estado estável em um novo protocolo (1000, 2000, 4000 e 8000 Hz)


    Carnaúba, Aline Tenório Lins


    A resposta auditiva de estado estável (RAEE) tem sido apontada como uma técnica promissora para avaliar a audição de pacientes que não cooperam espontaneamente na determinação dos limiares auditivos. Entretanto, não existe consenso sobre protocolos de diagnóstico clínico utilizando a RAEE. Assim sendo, a técnica ainda precisa ser aprimorada para que apresente resultados padronizados e protocolos que possam ser reproduzidos em populações clínicas. O objetivo principal deste estudo é analisar a...



    Batuecas-Sánchez, Lorena


    Debido a que la audición juega un papel determinante en el aprendizaje y éxito en la vida escolar del alumno, el propósito de la presente investigación ha sido examinar la relación existente entre la discriminación auditiva por parte del alumno, el rendimiento académico en el área de música y la comprensión lectora. Para ello, se ha llevado a cabo una investigación empírica en alumnos de secundaria, quienes realizaron test específicos relacionados con las variables discri...

  8. MD-11 PCA - First Landing at Edwards (United States)


    This McDonnell Douglas MD-11 approaches the first landing ever of a transport aircraft under engine power only on Aug. 29, 1995, at NASA's Dryden Flight Research Center, Edwards, California. The milestone flight, flown by NASA research pilot and former astronaut Gordon Fullerton, was part of a NASA project to develop a computer-assisted engine control system that enables a pilot to land a plane safely when it normal control surfaces are disabled. The Propulsion-Controlled Aircraft (PCA) system uses standard autopilot controls already present in the cockpit, together with the new programming in the aircraft's flight control computers. The PCA concept is simple--for pitch control, the program increases thrust to climb and reduces thrust to descend. To turn right, the autopilot increases the left engine thrust while decreasing the right engine thrust. The initial Propulsion-Controlled Aircraft studies by NASA were carried out at Dryden with a modified twin-engine F-15 research aircraft.

  9. Triagem auditiva neonatal: motivos da evasão das famílias no processo de detecção precoce Newborn hearing screening: reasons for the evasion of families in the process of early detection

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    Kátia de Feitas Alvarenga


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar os motivos da evasão familiar no programa de triagem auditiva neonatal realizado em um hospital público e correlacioná-los com a distribuição demográfica das famílias e as características do programa. MÉTODOS: Participaram 132 famílias, de um total de 739 contatadas, cujos filhos nasceram em uma maternidade no interior do estado de São Paulo de outubro/2003 a dezembro/2005 e que não haviam comparecido para a realização do teste ou reteste da triagem auditiva neonatal. Foi aplicado um questionário de levantamento das causas de evasão, contendo perguntas relacionadas à triagem auditiva, nível de escolaridade e profissão dos pais e também sobre a audição e o desenvolvimento de linguagem da criança. RESULTADOS: Realizou-se a aplicação do questionário com 132 famílias (17,86%; com as demais não foi obtido contato. Deste total, 82 haviam faltado na primeira etapa da triagem auditiva (teste e 50 não haviam retornado para realização do reteste. Os motivos mais frequentes para justificar a evasão foram o desinteresse e a dificuldade em conciliar o agendamento com a rotina familiar. Não houve associação entre os motivos da evasão e o nível de escolaridade e ocupação dos pais, nem com o profissional que realizou a orientação acerca da triagem auditiva. Não foi referido nenhum caso de alteração auditiva, nem de atraso significativo no desenvolvimento da linguagem. CONCLUSÃO: Os motivos da evasão familiar independem de variáveis voltadas à família e à dinâmica do programa de triagem auditiva.PURPOSE: To analyze the reasons for evasion of the families from the newborn hearing screening program conducted at a public hospital, and to correlate them with the demographic distribution of the families and the characteristics of the program. METHODS: Participants were 132 families, from a total of 739 contacted, whose children had been born in a maternity hospital in the interior of the state of

  10. Alteraciones auditivas en trabajadores expuestos al ruido industrial

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    Adel Hernández Díaz


    Full Text Available Motivados por la importancia del ruido como riesgo laboral en las actividades productivas de la Carpintería de Aluminio "Tomás Alvarez Breto" decidimos realizar un control audiométrico periódico de estos trabajadores con la finalidad de determinar el grado de exposición de los mismos y establecer las recomendaciones más importantes para su protección. Nos propusimos como objetivo determinar el grado de afectación auditiva por ruido en los trabajadores expuestos al riesgo, para lo cual se cuantificaron los niveles de ruido existentes en los diferentes puestos de trabajo, se confeccionaron las historias clínicas y se realizó un examen otoscópico y una prueba audiométrica en ambos oídos para definir el daño acústico y la presencia de hipoacusia profesional en los obreros estudiados. Al concluir el estudio pudimos comprobar que el ruido constituía un contaminante de gran importancia en esta industria. Este riesgo laboral se encontraba por encima del nivel de seguridad de 85 db(A en 9 de los 13 departamentos con que cuenta el centro y ha afectado la salud de los trabajadores ya que existían 77 casos (78,5% de hipoacusia atribuible al ruido y un gran número de trabajadores (30,6% expuestos a elevados niveles de ruido innecesariamente por la naturaleza de su labor. Por todo esto recomendamos tomar medidas que reduzcan el nivel de ruido en los puestos de trabajo donde existían niveles superiores a los permitidos, exigirse el uso de los medios de protección auditiva en los trabajadores expuestos y cumplirse estrictamente con los exámenes médicos preventivos, incluyendo las pruebas audiométricas anualmente.Motivated by the importance of the noise like labour risk in the productive activities of Aluminium Carpentry Tomas Alvarez Breto we decide to carry out a control periodic audiometric of these workers with the purpose of to determine the degree of exhibition of the same ones and to establish the most important recommendations for

  11. Geochemical Constraints for Mercury's PCA-Derived Geochemical Terranes (United States)

    Stockstill-Cahill, K. R.; Peplowski, P. N.


    PCA-derived geochemical terranes provide a robust, analytical means of defining these terranes using strictly geochemical inputs. Using the end members derived in this way, we are able to assess the geochemical implications for Mercury.

  12. Improvements to the RXTE/PCA Calibration (United States)

    Jahoda, K.


    The author presents the current status of the RXTE/PCA Calibration, with emphasis on recent updates to the energy scale and the background subtraction. A new treatment of the Xenon K-escape line removes the largest remaining residual in the previously distributed matrices. Observations of Sco X-1 made simultaneously with Swift XRT, expressly for the purpose of cross calibrating the response to bright sources, are presented.

  13. Periarticular infiltration for pain relief after total hip arthroplasty: a comparison with epidural and PCA analgesia. (United States)

    Pandazi, Ageliki; Kanellopoulos, Ilias; Kalimeris, Konstantinos; Batistaki, Chrysanthi; Nikolakopoulos, Nikolaos; Matsota, Paraskevi; Babis, George C; Kostopanagiotou, Georgia


    Epidural and intravenous patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) are established methods for pain relief after total hip arthroplasty (THA). Periarticular infiltration is an alternative method that is gaining ground due to its simplicity and safety. Our study aims to assess the efficacy of periarticular infiltration in pain relief after THA. Sixty-three patients undergoing THA under spinal anaesthesia were randomly assigned to receive postoperative analgesia with continuous epidural infusion with ropivacaine (epidural group), intraoperative periarticular infiltration with ropivacaine, clonidine, morphine, epinephrine and corticosteroids (infiltration group) or PCA with morphine (PCA group). PCA morphine provided rescue analgesia in all groups. We recorded morphine consumption, visual analog scale (VAS) scores at rest and movement, blood loss from wound drainage, mean arterial pressure (MAP) and adverse effects at 1, 6, 12, 24 h postoperatively. Morphine consumption at all time points, VAS scores at rest, 6, 12 and 24 h and at movement, 6 and 12 h postoperatively were lower in infiltration group compared to PCA group (p PCA group (p PCA with morphine after THA, providing better pain relief and lower opioid consumption postoperatively. Infiltration seems to be equally effective to epidural analgesia without having the potential side effects of the latter.

  14. The relationship between Prostate CAncer gene 3 (PCA3) and prostate cancer significance

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Poppel, Hein; Haese, Alexander; Graefen, Markus; de la Taille, Alexandre; Irani, Jacques; de Reijke, Theo; Remzi, Mesut; Marberger, Michael


    OBJECTIVE To evaluate the relationship between Prostate CAncer gene 3 (PCA3) and prostate cancer significance. PATIENTS AND METHODS Clinical data from two multi-centre European open-label, prospective studies evaluating the clinical utility of the PCA3 assay in guiding initial and repeat biopsy

  15. Perda auditiva sensorioneural em pacientes com acromegalia em tratamento Sensorineural hearing loss in acromegalic patients under treatment

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    Marcelo Alexandre Carvalho


    Full Text Available Acromegalia é uma doença endócrina rara. Poucos estudos avaliaram sua associação com deficiência auditiva (DA e os resultados são conflitantes. OBJETIVOS: Avaliar a prevalência e características da DA em um grupo de pacientes com acromegalia em tratamento. Analisar a transmissão auditiva central e periférica. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal. Um grupo de 34 pacientes com acromegalia submeteu-se à avaliação metabólica, audiometria tonal e potenciais evocados auditivos de tronco encefálico (PEATE. Considerou-se DA quando a média dos tons puros foi > 25 DBNA para baixas frequências (250, 500, 1000 e 2000 Hz ou altas frequências (3000, 4000, 6000 e 8000 Hz. Os pacientes foram divididos em grupo A (com DA e B (sem DA. RESULTADOS: Doze pacientes (35,3% mostraram DA sensorioneural (grupo A, sendo oito bilateral e quatro unilateral. Nenhum apresentou DA mista ou condutiva. A prevalência de diabetes/intolerância à glicose de jejum foi similar entre os grupos. As frequências de 3000, 4000, 6000 e 8000 Hz foram as mais afetadas e com padrão similar em ambos os lados. CONCLUSÃO: DA sensorioneural esteve presente em 35,3% dos casos. Não foram notadas diferenças clínicas ou metabólicas significativas entre os grupos, bem como na transmissão neural auditiva periférica e central.Acromegaly is a rare endocrine disease. Few studies have evaluated its association with hearing loss (HL and the results are conflicting. AIM: To evaluate the prevalence and features of HL in a group of patients being treated for acromegaly. To analyze peripheral and central auditory transmission. METHODS: Cross-sectional study. A group of 34 patients with acromegaly were submitted to metabolic evaluation, tonal audiometry and brainstem auditory evoked potentials. HL was considered when pure tone average was > 25 DBHL for low frequencies (250, 500, 1000 and 2000 Hz or high frequencies (3000, 4000, 6000 and 8000 Hz. The patients were divided in group

  16. Differential research of inflammatory and related mediators in BPH, histological prostatitis and PCa. (United States)

    Huang, T R; Wang, G C; Zhang, H M; Peng, B


    Prostate cancer (PCa) is one of the most common male malignancies in the world. It was aimed to investigate differential expression of inflammatory and related factors in benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), prostate cancer (PCa), histological prostatitis (HP) and explore the role of Inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), (VEGF) Vascular endothelial growth factor, androgen receptor (AR) and IL-2, IL-8 and TNF-α in the occurrence and development of prostate cancer. RT-PCR was used to detect the mRNA expression level of iNOS, VEGF, AR and IL-2, IL-8 and TNF-α in BPH, PCa and BPH+HP. Western blotting and immunohistochemical staining were used to detect the protein levels of various proteins in three diseases. The results showed the mRNA and protein levels of iNOS, VEGF and IL-2, IL-8 and TNF-α were significantly increased in PCa and BPH+HP groups compared with BPH group (p BPH+HP groups (p BPH+HP groups (p > .05). iNOS, VEGF, AR and IL-2, IL-8 and TNF-α are involved in the malignant transformation of prostate tissue and play an important role in the development and progression of Prostate cancer (PCa). © 2018 Blackwell Verlag GmbH.

  17. A percepção auditiva e visual das fricativas do Português Brasileiro diante da manipulação do sinal acústico

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    Audinéia Ferreira-Silva


    Full Text Available Neste artigo, nosso objetivo é avaliar o papel das informações auditiva e visual na percepção das fricativas do Português Brasileiro, quando apresentadas com ambiguidade/manipulação do sinal acústico.  Para tanto, montamos um corpus de palavras dissílabas, com estrutura silábica C1V1.C2V2, onde C1 é uma das fricativas, C2 é a oclusiva surda e V1 eV2 são uma das vogais/a/, /i/ ou /u/. Após a gravação do corpus, o sinal acústico das fricativas foi manipulado em termos de duração do ruído e frequência do espectro. Nossos resultados evidenciam que os índices de identificação das fricativas foram, de maneira geral, maiores quando elas apresentavam a informação audiovisual. Nossos achados atestam que, quando as fricativas têm seu sinal manipulado, em termos de duração e frequência, seu desempenho perceptual aumenta nos casos em que a informação visual é apresentada com a auditiva, ou seja, diante da manipulação do sinal, as fricativas apresentam médias de recuperação mais altas com a informação audiovisual do que com a informação, apenas, auditiva. Esses resultados corroboram os tradicionais estudos de Sumby e Pollack (1954 e McGurk e MacDonald (1976, que afirmam que, na percepção, os ouvintes integram visão e audição. Assim, e considerando os pressupostos do FLMP de Massaro (1987, nossos resultados evidenciam que, na percepção da fala, cada fonte de informação é mais influenciável, na medida em que a outra fonte é mais ambígua.

  18. Faults detection approach using PCA and SOM algorithm in PMSG-WT system

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    Mohamed Lamine FADDA


    Full Text Available In this paper, a new approach for faults detection in observable data system wind turbine - permanent magnet synchronous generator (WT-PMSG, the studying objective, illustrate the combination (SOM-PCA to build Multi-local-PCA models faults detection in system (WT-PMSG, the performance of the method suggested to faults detection in system data, finding good results in simulation experiment.

  19. PCA based clustering for brain tumor segmentation of T1w MRI images. (United States)

    Kaya, Irem Ersöz; Pehlivanlı, Ayça Çakmak; Sekizkardeş, Emine Gezmez; Ibrikci, Turgay


    Medical images are huge collections of information that are difficult to store and process consuming extensive computing time. Therefore, the reduction techniques are commonly used as a data pre-processing step to make the image data less complex so that a high-dimensional data can be identified by an appropriate low-dimensional representation. PCA is one of the most popular multivariate methods for data reduction. This paper is focused on T1-weighted MRI images clustering for brain tumor segmentation with dimension reduction by different common Principle Component Analysis (PCA) algorithms. Our primary aim is to present a comparison between different variations of PCA algorithms on MRIs for two cluster methods. Five most common PCA algorithms; namely the conventional PCA, Probabilistic Principal Component Analysis (PPCA), Expectation Maximization Based Principal Component Analysis (EM-PCA), Generalize Hebbian Algorithm (GHA), and Adaptive Principal Component Extraction (APEX) were applied to reduce dimensionality in advance of two clustering algorithms, K-Means and Fuzzy C-Means. In the study, the T1-weighted MRI images of the human brain with brain tumor were used for clustering. In addition to the original size of 512 lines and 512 pixels per line, three more different sizes, 256 × 256, 128 × 128 and 64 × 64, were included in the study to examine their effect on the methods. The obtained results were compared in terms of both the reconstruction errors and the Euclidean distance errors among the clustered images containing the same number of principle components. According to the findings, the PPCA obtained the best results among all others. Furthermore, the EM-PCA and the PPCA assisted K-Means algorithm to accomplish the best clustering performance in the majority as well as achieving significant results with both clustering algorithms for all size of T1w MRI images. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  20. Imaging network level language recovery after left PCA stroke. (United States)

    Sebastian, Rajani; Long, Charltien; Purcell, Jeremy J; Faria, Andreia V; Lindquist, Martin; Jarso, Samson; Race, David; Davis, Cameron; Posner, Joseph; Wright, Amy; Hillis, Argye E


    The neural mechanisms that support aphasia recovery are not yet fully understood. Our goal was to evaluate longitudinal changes in naming recovery in participants with posterior cerebral artery (PCA) stroke using a case-by-case analysis. Using task based and resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and detailed language testing, we longitudinally studied the recovery of the naming network in four participants with PCA stroke with naming deficits at the acute (0 week), sub acute (3-5 weeks), and chronic time point (5-7 months) post stroke. Behavioral and imaging analyses (task related and resting state functional connectivity) were carried out to elucidate longitudinal changes in naming recovery. Behavioral and imaging analysis revealed that an improvement in naming accuracy from the acute to the chronic stage was reflected by increased connectivity within and between left and right hemisphere "language" regions. One participant who had persistent moderate naming deficit showed weak and decreasing connectivity longitudinally within and between left and right hemisphere language regions. These findings emphasize a network view of aphasia recovery, and show that the degree of inter- and intra- hemispheric balance between the language-specific regions is necessary for optimal recovery of naming, at least in participants with PCA stroke.

  1. Alterações auditivas e fenilcetonúria: uma revisão sistemática Hearing disorders and phenylketonuria: a systematic review

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    Patrícia Cotta Mancini


    Full Text Available TEMA: a fenilcetonúria é uma doença genética que provoca alterações bioquímicas conduzindo a uma deficiência na síntese de proteínas e de neurotransmissores, e prejudicando o processo de mielinização. Mudanças estruturais e funcionais da mielina podem alterar os padrões de condutividade neuronal e ou diminuir a conexão sináptica em indivíduos com fenilcetonúria. Essencialmente, um tratamento dietético deve ser realizado dentro das primeiras semanas de vida para evitar as manifestações clínicas e bioquímicas da doença. Quando a dieta é mantida ininterruptamente, as crianças com fenilcetonúria apresentam desenvolvimento normal. Porém, foram observados déficits em funções executivas, na interação inter-hemisférica, na linguagem e memória mesmo em crianças com tratamento precoce e dieta adequada. Algumas pesquisas foram realizadas para investigação da relação entre fenilcetonúria e alterações auditivas. OBJETIVO: rever de forma sistemática os artigos científicos dedicados à pesquisa da relação entre alterações auditivas e hiperfenilalaninemias, destacando a fenilcetonúria clássica. As referências bibliográficas foram obtidas por meio de pesquisa nas bases de dados Lilacs, Medline, Biblioteca Cochrane e Scielo e por busca na lista de referência dos artigos identificados e selecionados. CONCLUSÃO: conclui-se que a relação entre hiperfenilalaninemias, incluindo a fenilcetonúria, e alterações auditivas ainda é controversa na literatura. Sugere-se a realização de mais investigações sobre a função auditiva nesses indivíduos a fim de elucidar essa possível relação.BACKGROUND: phenylketonuria is a genetic disorder that causes biochemical alterations, leading to a deficiency in the synthesis of proteins and neurotransmitters and thereby hindering the myelination process. Structural and functional changes in myelin can alter neural conductivity patterns and or reduce synaptic connection

  2. Modification of the grain boundary microstructure of the austenitic PCA stainless steel to improve helium embrittlement resistance

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maziasz, P.J.; Braski, D.N.


    Grain boundary MC precipitation was produced by a modified thermal-mechanical pretreatment in 25% cold worked (CW) austenitic prime candidate alloy (PCA) stainless steel prior to HFIR irradiation. Postirradiation tensile results and fracture analysis showed that the modified material (B3) resisted helium embrittlement better than either solution annealed (SA) or 25% CW PCA irradiated at 500 to 600 0 C to approx.21 dpa and 1370 at. ppM He. PCA SA and 25% CW were not embrittled at 300 to 400 0 C. Grain boundary MC survives in PCA-B3 during HFIR irradiation at 500 0 C but dissolves at 600 0 C; it does not form in either SA or 25% CW PCA during similar irradiation. The grain boundary MC appears to play an important role in the helium embrittlement resistance of PCA-B3

  3. The effectiveness of Patient Controlled Analgesia (PCA morphine-ketamine compared to Patient Controlled Analgesia (PCA morphine to reduce total dose of morphine and Visual Analog Scale (VAS in postoperative laparotomy surgery

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    I Gusti Ngurah Mahaalit Aribawa


    Full Text Available Background: Laparotomy may cause moderate to severe after surgery pain, thus adequate pain management is needed. The addition of ketamine in patient controlled analgesia (PCA morphine after surgery can be the option. This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of PCA morphine-ketamine compared to PCA morphine in patient postoperative laparotomy surgery to reduce total dose of morphine requirement and pain intensity evaluated with visual analog scale (VAS. Methods: This study was a double-blind RCT in 58 patients of ASA I and II, age 18-64 years, underwent an elective laparotomy at Sanglah General Hospital. Patients were divided into 2 groups. Group A, got addition of ketamine (1mg/ml in PCA morphine (1mg/ml and patients in group B received morphine (1mg/ml by PCA. Prior to surgical incision both group were given a bolus ketamine 0,15mg/ kg and ketorolac 0,5mg/kg. The total dose of morphine and VAS were measured at 6, 12, and 24 hours postoperatively. Result: Total dose of morphine in the first 24 hours postoperatively at morphine-ketamine group (5,1±0,8mg is lower than morphine only group (6,5±0,9mg p<0,001. VAS (resting 6 and 12 hour postoperative in morphine-ketamine group (13,4±4,8 mm and (10,7±2,6 mm are lower than morphine (17,9±4,1mm p≤0,05 and (12,8±5,3mm p≤0,05. VAS (moving 6, 12, and 24 hour postoperative morphineketamine group (24,8±5,1mm, (18±5,6mm and (9±5,6mm are lower than morphine (28,7±5,2mm p≤0,05, (23,1±6,0mm p≤0,05, and (12,8±5,3mm p≤0,05. Conclusions: Addition of ketamine in PCA morphine for postoperative laparotomy surgery reduces total morphine requirements in 24 hours compared to PCA morphine alone.

  4. Improved swelling resistance for PCA austenitic stainless steel under HFIR irradiation through microstructural control

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maziasz, P.J.; Braski, D.N.


    Swelling evaluation of PCA variants and 20%-cold-worked (N-Lot) type 316 stainless steel (CW 316) at 300 to 600 0 C was extended to 44 dpa. Swelling was negligible in all the steels at 300 0 C after approx. 44 dpa. At 500 to 600 0 C 25%-cold-worked PCA showed better void swelling resistance than type 316 at approx. 44 dpa. There was less swelling variation among alloys at 400 0 C, but again 25%-cold-worked PCA was the best

  5. Prostate health index (phi) and prostate cancer antigen 3 (PCA3) significantly improve diagnostic accuracy in patients undergoing prostate biopsy. (United States)

    Perdonà, Sisto; Bruzzese, Dario; Ferro, Matteo; Autorino, Riccardo; Marino, Ada; Mazzarella, Claudia; Perruolo, Giuseppe; Longo, Michele; Spinelli, Rosa; Di Lorenzo, Giuseppe; Oliva, Andrea; De Sio, Marco; Damiano, Rocco; Altieri, Vincenzo; Terracciano, Daniela


    Prostate health index (phi) and prostate cancer antigen 3 (PCA3) have been recently proposed as novel biomarkers for prostate cancer (PCa). We assessed the diagnostic performance of these biomarkers, alone or in combination, in men undergoing first prostate biopsy for suspicion of PCa. One hundred sixty male subjects were enrolled in this prospective observational study. PSA molecular forms, phi index (Beckman coulter immunoassay), PCA3 score (Progensa PCA3 assay), and other established biomarkers (tPSA, fPSA, and %fPSA) were assessed before patients underwent a 18-core first prostate biopsy. The discriminating ability between PCa-negative and PCa-positive biopsies of Beckman coulter phi and PCA3 score and other used biomarkers were determined. One hundred sixty patients met inclusion criteria. %p2PSA (p2PSA/fPSA × 100), phi and PCA3 were significantly higher in patients with PCa compared to PCa-negative group (median values: 1.92 vs. 1.55, 49.97 vs. 36.84, and 50 vs. 32, respectively, P ≤ 0.001). ROC curve analysis showed that %p2PSA, phi, and PCA3 are good indicator of malignancy (AUCs = 0.68, 0.71, and 0.66, respectively). A multivariable logistic regression model consisting of both the phi index and PCA3 score allowed to reach an overall diagnostic accuracy of 0.77. Decision curve analysis revealed that this "combined" marker achieved the highest net benefit over the examined range of the threshold probability. phi and PCA3 showed no significant difference in the ability to predict PCa diagnosis in men undergoing first prostate biopsy. However, diagnostic performance is significantly improved by combining phi and PCA3. Copyright © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  6. Anomalias oculares em pacientes portadores de deficiência auditiva genética Ocular abnormalities in genetically deaf people

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jane Chen


    Full Text Available Introdução: Para se verificar a prevalência de anomalias oculares em indivíduos portadores de deficiência auditiva de causa genética definitiva ou suspeita, este trabalho apresenta a avaliação oftalmológica de 97 indivíduos portadores de deficiência auditiva. Pacientes e Métodos: 97 indivíduos com diagnóstico definitivo ou suspeito de causa genética para disacusia foram submetidos a exame clínico oftalmológico completo; destes, 10 foram excluídos. Resultados: 42 (48,28% dos pacientes apresentaram uma ou mais anomalias oculares, 22 (25,29% pacientes apresentaram várias anormalidades oculares e quadro clínico compatíveis com síndromes genéticas estabelecidas. Conclusões: O exame oftalmológico é importante no diagnóstico sindrômico e etiológico de alguns quadros de disacusia, pois as alterações oculares podem ser a única anomalia associada à mesma.Purpose: In order to verify the prevalence of ocular abnormalities in patients who are deaf due to genetic causes, this paper presents the visual assessment of 97 deaf patients. Methods: 97 patients with definite or suspected diagno- sis of congenital and genetic deafness underwent a complete ophthalmologic evaluation; 10 patients were excluded. Results: 42 (48.28% patients presented one or more ocular abnormalities, 22 (25.29% patients presented several abnormalities and clinical manifestations of established genetic diseases. Conclusions: The ocular abnormalities may be the only clinical manifestations associated with deafness. Therefore the ophthalmological examination is a helpful tool for the etiological diagnosis of deafness.

  7. PCA3 noncoding RNA is involved in the control of prostate-cancer cell survival and modulates androgen receptor signaling

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ferreira, Luciana Bueno; Gimba, Etel Rodrigues Pereira; Palumbo, Antonio; Mello, Kivvi Duarte de; Sternberg, Cinthya; Caetano, Mauricio S; Oliveira, Felipe Leite de; Neves, Adriana Freitas; Nasciutti, Luiz Eurico; Goulart, Luiz Ricardo


    PCA3 is a non-coding RNA (ncRNA) that is highly expressed in prostate cancer (PCa) cells, but its functional role is unknown. To investigate its putative function in PCa biology, we used gene expression knockdown by small interference RNA, and also analyzed its involvement in androgen receptor (AR) signaling. LNCaP and PC3 cells were used as in vitro models for these functional assays, and three different siRNA sequences were specifically designed to target PCA3 exon 4. Transfected cells were analyzed by real-time qRT-PCR and cell growth, viability, and apoptosis assays. Associations between PCA3 and the androgen-receptor (AR) signaling pathway were investigated by treating LNCaP cells with 100 nM dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and with its antagonist (flutamide), and analyzing the expression of some AR-modulated genes (TMPRSS2, NDRG1, GREB1, PSA, AR, FGF8, CdK1, CdK2 and PMEPA1). PCA3 expression levels were investigated in different cell compartments by using differential centrifugation and qRT-PCR. LNCaP siPCA3-transfected cells significantly inhibited cell growth and viability, and increased the proportion of cells in the sub G0/G1 phase of the cell cycle and the percentage of pyknotic nuclei, compared to those transfected with scramble siRNA (siSCr)-transfected cells. DHT-treated LNCaP cells induced a significant upregulation of PCA3 expression, which was reversed by flutamide. In siPCA3/LNCaP-transfected cells, the expression of AR target genes was downregulated compared to siSCr-transfected cells. The siPCA3 transfection also counteracted DHT stimulatory effects on the AR signaling cascade, significantly downregulating expression of the AR target gene. Analysis of PCA3 expression in different cell compartments provided evidence that the main functional roles of PCA3 occur in the nuclei and microsomal cell fractions. Our findings suggest that the ncRNA PCA3 is involved in the control of PCa cell survival, in part through modulating AR signaling, which may raise new

  8. A g-factor metric for k-t SENSE and k-t PCA based parallel imaging. (United States)

    Binter, Christian; Ramb, Rebecca; Jung, Bernd; Kozerke, Sebastian


    To propose and validate a g-factor formalism for k-t SENSE, k-t PCA and related k-t methods for assessing SNR and temporal fidelity. An analytical gxf -factor formulation in the spatiotemporal frequency domain is derived, enabling assessment of noise and depiction fidelity in both the spatial and frequency domain. Using pseudoreplica analysis of cardiac cine data the gxf -factor description is validated and example data are used to analyze the performance of k-t methods for various parameter settings. Analytical gxf -factor maps were found to agree well with pseudoreplica analysis for 3x, 5x, and 7x k-t SENSE and k-t PCA. While k-t SENSE resulted in lower average gxf values (gx (avg) ) in static regions when compared with k-t PCA, k-t PCA yielded lower gx (avg) values in dynamic regions. Temporal transfer was better preserved with k-t PCA for increasing undersampling factors. The proposed gxf -factor and temporal transfer formalism allows assessing noise performance and temporal depiction fidelity of k-t methods including k-t SENSE and k-t PCA. The framework enables quantitative comparison of different k-t methods relative to frame-by-frame parallel imaging reconstruction. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  9. Efficacy and tolerability of intravenous morphine patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) in women undergoing cesarean delivery. (United States)

    Andziak, Marta; Beta, Jarosław; Barwijuk, Michal; Issat, Tadeusz; Jakimiuk, Artur J


    The aim of the study was to evaluate analgesic efficacy and tolerability of patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) with intravenous morphine. Our observational study included 50 women who underwent a Misgav-Ladach or modified Misgav-Ladach cesarean section. Automated PCA infusion device (Medima S-PCA Syringe Pump, Medima, Krakow, Poland) was used for postoperative pain control. Time of morphine administration or initiation of intravenous patient-controlled analgesia (IV PCA) with morphine was recorded, as well as post-operative pain at rest assessed by a visual analogue scale (VAS). All patients were followed up for 24 hours after discharge from the operating room, taking into account patient records, worst pain score at rest, number of IV PCA attempts, and drug consumption. Median of total morphine doses used during the postoperative period was 42.9mg (IQR 35.6-48.5), with median infusion time of 687.0 min. (IQR 531.0-757.5). Pain severity and total drug consumption improved after the first 3 hours following cesarean delivery (p PCA attempts per patient was 33 (IQR: 24-37), with median of 11 placebo attempts (IQR: 3-27). Patient-controlled analgesia with morphine is an efficient and acceptable analgesic method in women undergoing cesarean section.

  10. Copenhagen uPAR prostate cancer (CuPCa) database

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lippert, Solvej; Berg, Kasper D; Høyer-Hansen, Gunilla


    AIM: Urokinase plasminogen activator receptor (uPAR) plays a central role during cancer invasion by facilitating pericellular proteolysis. We initiated the prospective 'Copenhagen uPAR Prostate Cancer' study to investigate the significance of uPAR levels in prostate cancer (PCa) patients. METHODS...

  11. Synthesis and bioactivities of Phenazine-1-carboxylic acid derivatives based on the modification of PCA carboxyl group. (United States)

    Xiong, Zhipeng; Niu, Junfan; Liu, Hao; Xu, Zhihong; Li, Junkai; Wu, Qinglai


    Phenazine-1-carboxylic acid (PCA) as a natural product widely exists in microbial metabolites of Pseudomonads and Streptomycetes and has been registered for the fungicide against rice sheath blight in China. To find higher fungicidal activities compounds and study the effects on fungicidal activities after changing the carboxyl group of PCA, we synthesized a series of PCA derivatives by modifying the carboxyl group of PCA and their structures were confirmed by 1 H NMR and HRMS. Most compounds exhibited significant fungicidal activities in vitro. In particular, compound 6 exhibited inhibition effect against Rhizoctonia solani with EC 50 values of 4.35mg/L and compound 3b exhibited effect against Fusarium graminearum with EC 50 values of 8.30mg/L, compared to the positive control PCA with its EC 50 values of 7.88mg/L (Rhizoctonia solani) and 127.28mg/L (Fusarium graminearum), respectively. The results indicated that the carboxyl group of PCA could be modified to be amide group, acylhydrazine group, ester group, methyl, hydroxymethyl, chloromethyl and ether group etc. And appropriate modifications on carboxyl group of PCA were useful to extend the fungicidal scope. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  12. Lactate Oxidation Coupled to Iron or Electrode Reduction by Geobacter sulfurreducens PCA

    KAUST Repository

    Call, D. F.


    Geobacter sulfurreducens PCA completely oxidized lactate and reduced iron or an electrode, producing pyruvate and acetate intermediates. Compared to the current produced by Shewanella oneidensis MR-1, G. sulfurreducens PCA produced 10-times-higher current levels in lactate-fed microbial electrolysis cells. The kinetic and comparative analyses reported here suggest a prominent role of G. sulfurreducens strains in metaland electrode-reducing communities supplied with lactate. © 2011, American Society for Microbiology.

  13. Lactate Oxidation Coupled to Iron or Electrode Reduction by Geobacter sulfurreducens PCA

    KAUST Repository

    Call, D. F.; Logan, B. E.


    Geobacter sulfurreducens PCA completely oxidized lactate and reduced iron or an electrode, producing pyruvate and acetate intermediates. Compared to the current produced by Shewanella oneidensis MR-1, G. sulfurreducens PCA produced 10-times-higher current levels in lactate-fed microbial electrolysis cells. The kinetic and comparative analyses reported here suggest a prominent role of G. sulfurreducens strains in metaland electrode-reducing communities supplied with lactate. © 2011, American Society for Microbiology.

  14. k-t PCA: temporally constrained k-t BLAST reconstruction using principal component analysis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Henrik; Kozerke, Sebastian; Ringgaard, Steffen


    in applications exhibiting a broad range of temporal frequencies such as free-breathing myocardial perfusion imaging. We show that temporal basis functions calculated by subjecting the training data to principal component analysis (PCA) can be used to constrain the reconstruction such that the temporal resolution...... is improved. The presented method is called k-t PCA....

  15. External validation of a PCA-3-based nomogram for predicting prostate cancer and high-grade cancer on initial prostate biopsy. (United States)

    Greene, Daniel J; Elshafei, Ahmed; Nyame, Yaw A; Kara, Onder; Malkoc, Ercan; Gao, Tianming; Jones, J Stephen


    The aim of this study was to externally validate a previously developed PCA3-based nomogram for the prediction of prostate cancer (PCa) and high-grade (intermediate and/or high-grade) prostate cancer (HGPCa) at the time of initial prostate biopsy. A retrospective review was performed on a cohort of 336 men from a large urban academic medical center. All men had serum PSA PCa, PSA at diagnosis, PCA3, total prostate volume (TPV), and abnormal finding on digital rectal exam (DRE). These variables were used to test the accuracy (concordance index) and calibration of a previously published PCA3 nomogram. Biopsy confirms PCa and HGPCa in 51.0% and 30.4% of validation patients, respectively. This differed from the original cohort in that it had significantly more PCa and HGPCA (51% vs. 44%, P = 0.019; and 30.4% vs. 19.1%, P PCa detection the concordance index was 75% and 77% for overall PCa and HGPCa, respectively. Calibration for overall PCa was good. This represents the first external validation of a PCA3-based prostate cancer predictive nomogram in a North American population. Prostate 76:1019-1023, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  16. Caracterização do desempenho de escolares com dislexia do desenvolvimento em habilidades auditivas e fonológicas

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    Fábio Henrique Pinheiro


    Full Text Available Este estudo teve como objetivo caracterizar o desempenho de escolares com dislexia quanto às habilidades auditivas e fonológicas. Participaram deste estudo 20 escolares do 3º ao 5º ano subdivididos em GI: 10 estudantes com diagnóstico interdisciplinar de dislexia e GII: 10 estudantes com bom desempenho escolar, pareados segundo gênero e faixa etária com GI. Como procedimento, foram aplicadas as avaliações audiológica, do processamento auditivo e das habilidades fonológicas. Os resultados indicaram diferença estatisticamente significante entre as habilidades auditivas de sequência para sons verbais, mensagem competitiva ipsi e contralateral, dicótico de dígitos e dissílabos alternados e, ainda, nos subtestes de síntese, segmentação, manipulação e transposição silábicas e fonêmicas quando comparados GI e GII. Os escolares de GI apresentaram desempenho inferior nas provas auditivas e fonológicas, os quais interferem diretamente na percepção de aspectos acústicos, temporais e sequenciais dos sons necessários para formação de uma representação fonológica estável.Palavras-chave: Dislexia; Processamento auditivo; Consciência fonológica

  17. Habilidades pragmáticas em crianças deficientes auditivas: estudo de casos e controles Pragmatic abilities in hearing impaired children: a case-control study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luana Curti


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar as habilidades pragmáticas de um grupo de crianças deficientes auditivas e compará-las a seus pares normo-ouvintes. MÉTODOS: Estudo de casos e controles composto por 32 crianças de ambos os gêneros com idades entre dois e seis anos. Dentre estas, 16 deficientes auditivas de grau moderadamente severo a profundo sem outros comprometimentos orgânicos (casos e 16 crianças normo-ouvintes sem queixas fonoaudiológicas (controle pareadas por idade. A avaliação e a análise da pragmática foram realizadas a partir do Teste ABFW-Pragmática, seguindo as instruções do protocolo. RESULTADOS: A média de idade das crianças estudadas foi quatro anos (DP=1,3; houve diferença significativa em relação ao número de atos comunicativos por minuto entre casos e controles (p=0,001. As crianças deficientes auditivas apresentaram menos iniciativas comunicativas do que as crianças normo-ouvintes e o meio comunicativo gestual foi utilizado por 13 (81, 3% destas e por cinco (32,2% das crianças normo-ouvintes (p=0,004. Não houve diferença entre os grupos em relação às intenções comunicativas (p=0,465. CONCLUSÃO: As crianças deficientes auditivas foram capazes de interagir em situações contextualizadas utilizando-se de funções comunicativas semelhantes às das ouvintes, e se diferiram destas quanto ao meio comunicativo mais utilizado.PURPOSE: To evaluate the pragmatic abilities of a group of hearing impaired children, and compare them with normal-listener peers. METHODS: Case-control study composed by 32 children of both genders with ages between two and six years, paired by age: 16 hearing impaired with moderately severe to profound hearing loss without other organic dysfunctions (cases, and 16 children with normal hearing with no Speech-Language Pathology complaints (control. The evaluation and analysis of pragmatic abilities were carried out based on the ABFW-Pragmatics Test, following instructions of its own protocol

  18. Linking PCA and time derivatives of dynamic systems

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Stanimirovic, Olja; Hoefsloot, Huub C. J.; de Bokx, Pieter K.; Smilde, Age K.


    Low dimensional approximate descriptions of the high dimensional phase space of dynamic processes are very useful. Principal component analysis (PCA) is the most used technique to find the low dimensional subspace of interest. Here, it will be shown that mean centering of the process data across

  19. Efeito da retroalimentação auditiva atrasada na gagueira com e sem alteração do processamento auditivo central


    Picoloto, Luana Altran; Cardoso, Ana Cláudia Vieira; Cerqueira, Amanda Venuti; Oliveira, Cristiane Moço Canhetti de


    RESUMO Objetivo Verificar o efeito da retroalimentação auditiva atrasada na fluência da fala de indivíduos que gaguejam, com e sem alteração do processamento auditivo central. Método Participaram 20 indivíduos com gagueira, de sete a 17 anos, divididos em dois grupos, cada um com 10 indivíduos: Grupo Gagueira com Transtorno do Processamento Auditivo (GGTPA) e Grupo Gagueira (GG) sem alteração de processamento auditivo central. Os procedimentos foram: avaliação da fluência com retroalimentaç...

  20. Features and performance of PCa board which cuts off the electromagnetic wave. Electromagnetic shield building using the carbon fiber contamination PCa board; Denjiha wo shadansuru PCa ban no tokucho to seino. Tanso sen'i konnyu PCa ban wo mochiita denji shirudobiru

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yoshida, Katsuo; Kasai, Yasuaki [Obayashi Corp., Osaka (Japan); Okada, Shin' ichiro; Sakamoto, Shin [Osaka Gas Corp., Osaka (Japan)


    With the rapid popularization of public radio information communication equipment, portable telephones, wireless LAN, etc., the interception (building shield) of the electromagnetic wave internal and external the building becomes large problem. As process equal to the convention and the method in which the cost is possible, they did do not shield the whole building, and also ensure the comfort as an office, and PCa board which mixed the carbon fiber into the mortar was developed. They described the survey result of the electromagnetic shield performance of the building which constructed by using this in external wall. They explained electromagnetism characteristics of the contamination mortar and application to the PCa board and method. They carried out the measurement in the electromagnetic shield room laboratory, and they obtained next result. 1) There is seldom on the effect both only the concrete and only by the carbon fiber mesh. 2) They considered the effect that carbon fiber chop 1% are mixed into the concrete. 3) The effect became a maximum, when carbon fiber chop and carbon fiber mesh were mixed, and they confirmed being excellent cost-concerned. (NEDO)

  1. Use of principal components analysis (PCA) on estuarine sediment datasets: The effect of data pre-treatment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Reid, M.K.; Spencer, K.L.


    Principal components analysis (PCA) is a multivariate statistical technique capable of discerning patterns in large environmental datasets. Although widely used, there is disparity in the literature with respect to data pre-treatment prior to PCA. This research examines the influence of commonly reported data pre-treatment methods on PCA outputs, and hence data interpretation, using a typical environmental dataset comprising sediment geochemical data from an estuary in SE England. This study demonstrated that applying the routinely used log (x + 1) transformation skewed the data and masked important trends. Removing outlying samples and correcting for the influence of grain size had the most significant effect on PCA outputs and data interpretation. Reducing the influence of grain size using granulometric normalisation meant that other factors affecting metal variability, including mineralogy, anthropogenic sources and distance along the salinity transect could be identified and interpreted more clearly. - Data pre-treatment can have a significant influence on the outcome of PCA.

  2. La motivación para la comprensión auditiva de los estudiantes no hispanos de la ELAM

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Amys Salomé Sifontes Silva


    Full Text Available Los estudiantes no hispanohablantes de la Escuela Latinoamericana de Medicina revelan que la cognición y la comunicación se concretan en la personalidad y la actividad, en un entorno sociocultural, manifestándose la pertinencia de la interrelación entre las esferas inductora y ejecutora en el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje. No obstante, existen contradicciones para lograrlo eficientemente, por lo que el objetivo de este trabajo es proponer actividades que estimulen la motivación para el desarrollo y mejoramiento de la comprensión auditiva de los estudiantes no hispanohablantes de la ELAM, con enfoque cognitivo, comunicativo y sociocultural. Se aplicaron métodos científicos y técnicas participativas con enfoque dialéctico materialista, clasificados en teóricos, empíricos y matemáticos estadísticos, en una muestra intencional de la población. La metodología que se utilizó es una adaptación del enfoque cognitivo, comunicativo y socio cultural, por tareas, con énfasis en la estimulación de la motivación para la comprensión auditiva en español. Se apreciaron los logros alcanzados comparativamente con una prueba de entrada, una intermedia y una de salida. El trabajo tiene significación práctica y científica por el impacto y los resultados alcanzados por los estudiantes no hispanohablantes sin evidencias anteriores, ni nuevas inversiones, además de tener una visión contextualizada y científica de las actividades, con enfoque participativo, sistémico y personalizado al establecerse un puente coherente entre la ciencia lingüística, la teoría del aprendizaje, y los factores psicopedagógicos mediante la comunicación.

  3. Ações educativas com enfoque positivo em programa de conservação auditiva e sua avaliação Positive focus in educational interventions in a hearing conservation program and its evaluation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luciana Bramatti


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: avaliar o conhecimento adquirido pelos trabalhadores de uma empresa frigorífica após uma ação educativa sobre proteção auditiva. MÉTODOS: foram comparadas as atitudes, intenções e comportamentos de proteção da audição adotados por 61 trabalhadores pré e pós-treinamento, avaliando a efetividade das mensagens através do uso de estímulos positivos. Foram utilizados os questionários "Crenças e Atitudes sobre Proteção Auditiva e Perda Auditiva", os quais foram aplicados antes e após a intervenção na forma de treinamento coletivo. RESULTADOS: os escores dos questionários sobre a percepção de suscetibilidade de adquirir uma perda auditiva e a percepção de obstáculos para uma ação preventiva se mostraram associados às variáveis sexo e tempo de empresa; a percepção de severidade das conseqüências de uma perda auditiva associada ao nível de ruído; normas sociais associada ao tempo de empresa, e a auto-eficácia associada ao resultado da audiometria. CONCLUSÃO: o treinamento com enfoque positivo ocasionou mudanças significativas na percepção de benefícios e de obstáculos de uma ação preventiva em comparação ao grupo de trabalhadores que não recebeu treinamento. Esse estudo possibilitará uma intervenção cujo foco será nas áreas consideradas mais deficitárias com a elaboração de propostas e materiais mais específicos e eficazes para os treinamentos que fazem parte do Programa de Conservação Auditiva. O uso de um questionário sobre as crenças e atitudes como o selecionado permite a identificação de temas que necessitam de clarificação em ações educativas.PURPOSE: to evaluate the efficacy of an educational intervention on hearing protection in a group of 61 workers at a meat packing company. METHODS: one group of workers participated in a training session that used positive messages; the other group of workers received no intervention. The two versions of the NIOSH "Beliefs and

  4. Arabidopsis PCaP2 Functions as a Linker Between ABA and SA Signals in Plant Water Deficit Tolerance

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Xianling Wang


    Full Text Available Water stress has a major influence on plant growth, development, and productivity. However, the cross-talk networks involved in drought tolerance are not well understood. Arabidopsis PCaP2 is a plasma membrane-associated Ca2+-binding protein. In this study, we employ qRT-PCR and β-glucuronidase (GUS histochemical staining to demonstrate that PCaP2 expression was strongly induced in roots, cotyledons, true leaves, lateral roots, and whole plants under water deficit conditions. Compared with the wild type (WT plants, PCaP2-overexpressing (PCaP2-OE plants displayed enhanced water deficit tolerance in terms of seed germination, seedling growth, and plant survival status. On the contrary, PCaP2 mutation and reduction via PCaP2-RNAi rendered plants more sensitive to water deficit. Furthermore, PCaP2-RNAi and pcap2 seedlings showed shorter root hairs and lower relative water content compared to WT under normal conditions and these phenotypes were exacerbated under water deficit. Additionally, the expression of PCaP2 was strongly induced by exogenous abscisic acid (ABA and salicylic acid (SA treatments. PCaP2-OE plants showed insensitive to exogenous ABA and SA treatments, in contrast to the susceptible phenotypes of pcap2 and PCaP2-RNAi. It is well-known that SNF1-related kinase 2s (SnRK2s and pathogenesis-related (PRs are major factors that influence plant drought tolerance by ABA- and SA-mediated pathways, respectively. Interestingly, PCaP2 positively regulated the expression of drought-inducible genes (RD29A, KIN1, and KIN2, ABA-mediated drought responsive genes (SnRK2.2, -2.3, -2.6, ABF1, -2, -3, -4, and SA-mediated drought responsive genes (PR1, -2, -5 under water deficit, ABA, or SA treatments. Taken together, our results showed that PCaP2 plays an important and positive role in Arabidopsis water deficit tolerance by involving in response to both ABA and SA signals and regulating root hair growth. This study provides novel insights into the

  5. Enhancement of noisy EDX HRSTEM spectrum-images by combination of filtering and PCA. (United States)

    Potapov, Pavel; Longo, Paolo; Okunishi, Eiji


    STEM spectrum-imaging with collecting EDX signal is considered in view of the extraction of maximum information from very noisy data. It is emphasized that spectrum-images with weak EDX signal often suffer from information loss in the course of PCA treatment. The loss occurs when the level of random noise exceeds a certain threshold. Weighted PCA, though potentially helpful in isolation of meaningful variations from noise, might provoke the complete loss of information in the situation of weak EDX signal. Filtering datasets prior PCA can improve the situation and recover the lost information. In particular, Gaussian kernel filters are found to be efficient. A new filter useful in the case of sparse atomic-resolution EDX spectrum-images is suggested. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  6. Saúde auditiva dos recém-nascidos: atuação da fonoaudiologia na Estratégia Saúde da Família Newborn hearing health: speech therapy acting on Family Health Strategy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Raquel Martins Maia


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: analisar o acompanhamento dos recém-nascidos quanto à promoção da saúde auditiva após a inserção da fonoaudiologia na Estratégia Saúde da Família. MÉTODO: estudo retrospectivo e documental com abordagem quantitativa com 88 recém-nascidos que realizaram o teste da orelhinha, no período de fevereiro a maio de 2010, a partir dos relatórios mensais de devolutiva do Serviço de Atenção a Saúde Auditiva do município, consolidados mensais e prontuários de um Centro de Saúde da Família em Sobral-Ce. RESULTADOS: dos recém-nascidos avaliados, 35 (39,77% falharam no teste, entre estes, 7 (20% apresentam indicador de risco para deficiência auditiva e 28 (80% não apresentavam nenhum risco. Verificou-se também divergências entre os dados do Serviço de Atenção a Saúde Auditiva e os prontuários do Centro de Saúde da Família quanto a classificação dos indicadores de risco para a perda auditiva. Observou-se ainda que, o número de encaminhamentos para o teste da orelhinha aumentou 8,33%. Em relação ao reteste, 1 (7,69% criança retornou nos meses de março a agosto de 2009 e entre os meses de setembro/2009 a fevereiro/2010 após a atuação da fonoaudiologia no CSF do Sumaré 17 (65,38% crianças realizaram o reteste. CONCLUSÃO: os dados sugerem a importância da presença do fonoaudiólogo na atenção primária, sendo fundamental no acompanhamento e monitoramento do diagnóstico precoce das alterações auditivas.PURPOSE: to analyze the monitoring of the newborn and the promotion of hearing health after insertion of speech therapy at the Family Health Strategy. METHOD: this is a retrospective documentary study with quantitative approach using 88 infants who underwent OAE testing in the period from February to May 2010, we examined the monthly reports’ devolution of the Health Hearing Service of the Municipality, consolidated monthly statements and the handbooks of the Center for Family Health in Sobral

  7. PCA criterion for SVM (MLP) classifier for flavivirus biomarker from salivary SERS spectra at febrile stage. (United States)

    Radzol, A R M; Lee, Khuan Y; Mansor, W; Omar, I S


    Non-structural protein (NS1) has been conceded as one of the biomarkers for flavivirus that causes diseases with life threatening consequences. NS1 is an antigen that allows detection of the illness at febrile stage, mostly from blood samples currently. Our work here intends to define an optimum model for PCA-SVM with MLP kernel for classification of flavivirus biomarker, NS1 molecule, from SERS spectra of saliva, which to the best of our knowledge has never been explored. Since performance of the model depends on the PCA criterion and MLP parameters, both are examined in tandem. Input vector to classifier determined by each PCA criterion is subjected to brute force tuning of MLP parameters for entirety. Its performance is also compared to our previous works where a Linear and RBF kernel are used. It is found that the best PCA-SVM (MLP) model can be defined by 5 PCs from Cattel's Scree test for PCA, together with P1 and P2 values of 0.1 and -0.2 respectively, with a classification performance of [96.9%, 93.8%, 100.0%].

  8. Análise perceptivo-auditiva de parâmetros vocais em cantores da noite do estilo musical brega da cidade do Recife


    Silva,Elthon Gomes Fernandes da; Luna,Carmem Lúcia Cerqueira de


    OBJETIVO: avaliar de forma perceptivo-auditiva a voz dos cantores da noite do estilo musical Brega da cidade do Recife. MÉTODOS: pesquisa realizada na clínica-escola do curso de Fonoaudiologia da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco e na emissora de TV Rede Estação canal 14, ambos localizados na cidade do Recife. Trata-se de estudo observacional, transversal e descritivo. Com anuência de 13 cantores, maiores de 18 anos, houve gravação da voz falada na emissão sustentada de vogais e durante a mú...

  9. Improved swelling resistance for PCA austenitic stainless steel under HFIR irradiation through microstructural control

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maziasz, P.J.; Braski, D.N.


    Six microstructural variants of Prime Candidate Alloy (PCA) were evaluated for swelling resistance during HFIR irradiation, together with several heats of type 316 stainless steel (316). Swelling was negligible in all the steels at 300 0 C after approx. 44 dpa. At 500 to 600 0 C 25%-cold-worked PCA showed better void swelling resistance than type 316 at approx. 44 dpa. There was less swelling variability among alloys at 400 0 C, but again 25%-cold-worked PCA was the best. Microstructurally, swelling resistance correlated with development of fine, stable bubbles whereas high swelling was due to coarser distributions of bubbles becoming unstable and converting to voids (bias-driven cavities)

  10. A comparative study of PCA, SIMCA and Cole model for classification of bioimpedance spectroscopy measurements. (United States)

    Nejadgholi, Isar; Bolic, Miodrag


    Due to safety and low cost of bioimpedance spectroscopy (BIS), classification of BIS can be potentially a preferred way of detecting changes in living tissues. However, for longitudinal datasets linear classifiers fail to classify conventional Cole parameters extracted from BIS measurements because of their high variability. In some applications, linear classification based on Principal Component Analysis (PCA) has shown more accurate results. Yet, these methods have not been established for BIS classification, since PCA features have neither been investigated in combination with other classifiers nor have been compared to conventional Cole features in benchmark classification tasks. In this work, PCA and Cole features are compared in three synthesized benchmark classification tasks which are expected to be detected by BIS. These three tasks are classification of before and after geometry change, relative composition change and blood perfusion in a cylindrical organ. Our results show that in all tasks the features extracted by PCA are more discriminant than Cole parameters. Moreover, a pilot study was done on a longitudinal arm BIS dataset including eight subjects and three arm positions. The goal of the study was to compare different methods in arm position classification which includes all three synthesized changes mentioned above. Our comparative study on various classification methods shows that the best classification accuracy is obtained when PCA features are classified by a K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) classifier. The results of this work suggest that PCA+KNN is a promising method to be considered for classification of BIS datasets that deal with subject and time variability. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  11. MD-11 PCA - View of aircraft on ramp (United States)


    This McDonnell Douglas MD-11 is taxiing to a position on the flightline at NASA's Dryden Flight Research Center, Edwards, California, following its completion of the first and second landings ever performed by a transport aircraft under engine power only (on Aug. 29, 1995). The milestone flight, with NASA research pilot and former astronaut Gordon Fullerton at the controls, was part of a NASA project to develop a computer-assisted engine control system that enables a pilot to land a plane safely when its normal control surfaces are disabled. The Propulsion-Controlled Aircraft (PCA) system uses standard autopilot controls already present in the cockpit, together with the new programming in the aircraft's flight control computers. The PCA concept is simple. For pitch control, the program increases thrust to climb and reduces thrust to descend. To turn right, the autopilot increases the left engine thrust while decreasing the right engine thrust. The initial Propulsion-Controlled Aircraft studies by NASA were carried out at Dryden with a modified twin-engine F-15 research aircraft.

  12. Correlação entre as classificações de perdas auditivas e o reconhecimento de fala

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Willian Toledo dos Anjos


    Full Text Available Objetivo verificar quais médias tonais possuem maior correlação com o Limiar de Recepção da Fala e com o Índice de Reconhecimento da Fala. Métodos foram selecionados 241 exames de pacientes idosos com perda auditiva neurossensorial que realizaram audiometria tonal liminar e logoaudiometria. As avaliações audiométricas foram classificados com base nos limiares tonais de via aérea das seguinte formas: Média 1- Média das frequências de 500, 1000 e 2000 Hz; Média2-Média das frequências de 500, 1000, 2000 e 4000 Hz; Média 3 – Média das frequências de 500, 1000, 2000 e 3000 Hz e Média 4 –Média das frequências de 500, 1000, 2000, 3000 e 4000 Hz. Os dados foram comparados com os testesLimiar de Recepção da Fala e Índice de Reconhecimento da Fala e tratados estatisticamente. Resultados a Média 1 apresentou maior valor de correlação com o Limiar de Recepção da Fala (rho=0,934; IC=0,901 a 0,958; eqm=52,2. Em relação ao Índice de Reconhecimento da Fala, foi observado que amédia 3 apresentou omaior grau de correlação com o teste(rho= – 0,768; IC= –0,807 a –0,721; eqm = 245 seguido das médias 2 e 4. Conclusão para a população idosa com perda auditiva neurossensorial descendente, o Limiar de Recepção de Fala possui correlação mais forte com a média das frequências 500 Hz, 1000 Hz e 2000 Hz, enquanto o Índice de Reconhecimento de Fala possui maior correlação com as média que incluem as frequências de 3000 Hz e 4000 Hz.

  13. PCA-based bootstrap confidence interval tests for gene-disease association involving multiple SNPs

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Xue Fuzhong


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Genetic association study is currently the primary vehicle for identification and characterization of disease-predisposing variant(s which usually involves multiple single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs available. However, SNP-wise association tests raise concerns over multiple testing. Haplotype-based methods have the advantage of being able to account for correlations between neighbouring SNPs, yet assuming Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (HWE and potentially large number degrees of freedom can harm its statistical power and robustness. Approaches based on principal component analysis (PCA are preferable in this regard but their performance varies with methods of extracting principal components (PCs. Results PCA-based bootstrap confidence interval test (PCA-BCIT, which directly uses the PC scores to assess gene-disease association, was developed and evaluated for three ways of extracting PCs, i.e., cases only(CAES, controls only(COES and cases and controls combined(CES. Extraction of PCs with COES is preferred to that with CAES and CES. Performance of the test was examined via simulations as well as analyses on data of rheumatoid arthritis and heroin addiction, which maintains nominal level under null hypothesis and showed comparable performance with permutation test. Conclusions PCA-BCIT is a valid and powerful method for assessing gene-disease association involving multiple SNPs.

  14. Grassmann Averages for Scalable Robust PCA

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hauberg, Søren; Feragen, Aasa; Black, Michael J.


    As the collection of large datasets becomes increasingly automated, the occurrence of outliers will increase—“big data” implies “big outliers”. While principal component analysis (PCA) is often used to reduce the size of data, and scalable solutions exist, it is well-known that outliers can...... to vectors (subspaces) or elements of vectors; we focus on the latter and use a trimmed average. The resulting Trimmed Grassmann Average (TGA) is particularly appropriate for computer vision because it is robust to pixel outliers. The algorithm has low computational complexity and minimal memory requirements...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marijana Zekić-Sušac


    Full Text Available Despite increased interest in the entrepreneurial intentions and career choices of young adults, reliable prediction models are yet to be developed. Two nonparametric methods were used in this paper to model entrepreneurial intentions: principal component analysis (PCA and artificial neural networks (ANNs. PCA was used to perform feature extraction in the first stage of modelling, while artificial neural networks were used to classify students according to their entrepreneurial intentions in the second stage. Four modelling strategies were tested in order to find the most efficient model. Dataset was collected in an international survey on entrepreneurship self-efficacy and identity. Variables describe students’ demographics, education, attitudes, social and cultural norms, self-efficacy and other characteristics. The research reveals benefits from the combination of the PCA and ANNs in modeling entrepreneurial intentions, and provides some ideas for further research.

  16. PCA-MLP SVM distinction of salivary Raman spectra of dengue fever infection. (United States)

    Radzol, A R M; Lee, Khuan Y; Mansor, W; Wong, P S; Looi, I


    Dengue fever (DF) is a disease of major concern caused by flavivirus infection. Delayed diagnosis leads to severe stages, which could be deadly. Of recent, non-structural protein (NS1) has been acknowledged as a biomarker, alternative to immunoglobulins for early detection of dengue in blood. Further, non-invasive detection of NS1 in saliva makes the approach more appealing. However, since its concentration in saliva is less than blood, a sensitive and specific technique, Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS), is employed. Our work here intends to define an optimal PCA-SVM (Principal Component Analysis-Support Vector Machine) with Multilayer Layer Perceptron (MLP) kernel model to distinct between positive and negative NS1 infected samples from salivary SERS spectra, which, to the best of our knowledge, has never been explored. Salivary samples of DF positive and negative subjects were collected, pre-processed and analyzed. PCA and SVM classifier were then used to differentiate the SERS analyzed spectra. Since performance of the model depends on the PCA criterion and MLP parameters, both are examined in tandem. Its performance is also compared to our previous works on simulated NS1 salivary samples. It is found that the best PCA-SVM (MLP) model can be defined by 95 PCs from CPV criterion with P1 and P2 values of 0.01 and -0.2 respectively. A classification performance of [76.88%, 85.92%, 67.83%] is achieved.

  17. [The role of a single PCA3 test before a first negative prostate biopsy: 5-year follow-up]. (United States)

    Bernardeau, S; Charles, T; Fromont-Hankard, G; Irani, J


    We report a 5-year follow-up of a cohort of patients who underwent a first prostate biopsy following a prostate cancer antigen 3 (PCA3) test. We reviewed consecutive patients who had in 2008 a single urinary PCA3 test using the Gen-Probe ® assay before a first prostate biopsy for a prostate-specific antigen (PSA) between 3 and 20ng/mL and/or a suspicious digital rectal examination. PCA3 performances were analyzed in 2008 and then in 2013 after taking into account the results of repeat biopsies. At initial biopsy in 2008, among the 125 patients study cohort, prostate cancer was diagnosed in 47 patients (37.6%). Abnormal digital rectal exam, PSA density, prostate volume and PCA3 score were significantly associated with prostate cancer diagnosis. PCA3 area under the curve of the receiver operating curve was 0.67 [95%CI: 0.57-0.76] with an optimal threshold of PCA3 in this sample of 24 units. During the 5-year follow-up, among the 78 patients with a negative prostate biopsy in 2008, 23 (29.5%) had a repeat prostate biopsy of whom 14 were diagnosed with prostate cancer. PCA3 score measured in 2008 was associated with prostate cancer diagnosis (P=0.002). All 9 patients with a negative repeat prostate biopsy had a PCA3 score below the cut-off while this was the case in only 2 patients among the 14 with a positive repeat prostate biopsy. The results of a single PCA3 test before a first prostate biopsy seems to be a useful aid in deciding whether to perform a repeat biopsy. 4. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS.

  18. Benefício fornecido pelo uso de aparelhos de amplificação sonora individual em idosos de um programa de saude auditiva de Porto Velho - RO Benefit provided by the use of individual amplification device in older adults from a hearing health program in Porto Velho-RO

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Claudilena Cristine Costa Rodrigues


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: verificar o benefício do aparelho de amplificação sonora individual na população idosa de Porto Velho, Rondônia e região, além de comparar os achados encontrados com o grau da perda auditiva instalada na população estudada. MÉODO: fizeram parte deste estudo 18 idosos com idade entre 60 e 82 anos, portadores de deficiência auditiva neurossensorial de grau leve a moderadamente severo. O benefício foi avaliado por meio do questionário Abbreviated Profile of Hearing Aid Benefit - APHAB, nas condições sem e com prótese auditiva, sendo tal questionário aplicado no momento da adaptação e três meses após a mesma. Para análise das respostas foram consideradas as seguintes subescalas: Facilidade de comunicação, ruído ambiental, ruído reverberante e aversão a sons. O benefício obtido por subescala foi comparado com o grau da perda auditiva de cada sujeito. RESULTADOS: foi verificado benefício nas subescalas facilidade de comunicação, ruído ambiental e ruído reverberante, tendo tal achado apresentado diferença estatisticamente significante. Quanto à relação do benefício com o grau da perda, verificou-se, dentre os sujeitos com perda auditiva simétrica, maior benefício nos que apresentavam perda auditiva neurossensorial de grau moderado, porém dentre os indivíduos com perdas auditivas de graus diferentes, não foi possível verificar relação entre o grau da perda e o benefício obtido pelos mesmos. CONCLUSÃO: houve redução das dificuldades auditivas com o uso da amplificação sonora em ambientes favoráveis, reverberantes e com elevado nível de ruído.PURPOSE: to verify the benefit of an individual sound amplification device in the elderly people from Porto Velho, Rondônia and surrounding area, also comparing the results to the degree of hearing loss installed in this population. METHOD: 18 elderly people aged from 60 to 82 years old were part of this study. They suffer from mild to moderately

  19. Antineoplastic and immunomodulatory effect of polyphenolic components of Achyranthes aspera (PCA) extract on urethane induced lung cancer in vivo. (United States)

    Narayan, Chandradeo; Kumar, Arvind


    Polyphenolic compounds of Achyranthes aspera (PCA) extract is evaluated for anti-cancerous and cytokine based immunomodulatory effects. The PCA extract contains known components of phenolic acid and flavonoids such as mixture of quinic acid, chlorogenic acid, kaempferol, quercetin and chrysin along with many unknown components. PCA has been orally feed to urethane (ethyl carbamate) primed lung cancerous mice at a dosage of 100 mg/kg body weight for 30 consecutive days. 100 mg powder of A. aspera contains 2.4 mg phenolic acid and 1.1 mg flavonoid (2:1 ratio). Enhanced activities and expression of antioxidant enzymes GST, GR, CAT, SOD, while down regulated expression and activation of LDH enzymes in PCA feed urethane primed lung cancerous tissues as compared to PCA non-feed urethane primed lung cancerous tissues were observed. PCA feed urethane primed lung tissues showed down regulated expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-1β, IL-6 and TNF-α along with TFs, NF-κB and Stat3 while the expression of pro-apoptotic proteins Bax and p53 were enhanced in PCA feed urethane primed lung tissues. FTIR and CD spectroscopy data revealed that PCA resisted the urethane mediated conformational changes of DNA which is evident by the shift in guanine and thymine bands in FTIR from 1,708 to 1,711 cm(-1) and 1,675 to 1,671 cm(-1), respectively in PCA feed urethane primed lung cancerous tissues DNA in comparison to urethane primed lung cancerous tissues DNA. The present study suggests that PCA components have synergistic anti-cancerous and cytokine based immunomodulatory role and DNA conformation restoring effects. However, more research is required to show the effects of each component separately and in combination for effective therapeutic use to cure and prevent lung cancer including other cancers.

  20. Optimization of CNC end milling process parameters using PCA ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Optimization of CNC end milling process parameters using PCA-based Taguchi method. ... International Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology ... To meet the basic assumption of Taguchi method; in the present work, individual response correlations have been eliminated first by means of Principal Component ...

  1. Fundamental flow and fracture analysis of prime candidate alloy (PCA) for path a (austenitics)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lucas, G.E.; Jayakumar, M.; Maziasz, P.J.


    Room temperature microhardness tests have been performed on samples of Prime Candidate Alloy (PCA) for the austenitics (Path A) subjected to various thermomechanical treatments (TMT). The TMTs have effected various microstructures, which have been well characterized by optical metallography and TEM. For comparison, microhardness tests have been performed on samples of N-lot, DO heat and MFE 316 stainless steel with similar TMTs. The results indicate that the TMTs investigated can significantly alter the microhardness of the PCA in a manner which is consistent with microstructural changes. Moreover, while PCA had the lowest microhardness of the four alloys types after cold working, its microhardness increased while the others decreased to comparable values after aging for 2 h at 750 0 C

  2. [Interest of evaluation of professional practice for the improvement of the management of postoperative pain with patient controlled analgesia (PCA)]. (United States)

    Baumann, A; Cuignet-Royer, E; Cornet, C; Trueck, S; Heck, M; Taron, F; Peignier, C; Chastel, A; Gervais, P; Bouaziz, H; Audibert, G; Mertes, P-M


    To evaluate the daily practice of postoperative PCA in Nancy University Hospital, in continuity with a quality program of postoperative pain (POP) care conducted in 2003. A retrospective audit of patient medical records. A review of all the medical records of consecutive surgical patients managed by PCA over a 5-week period in six surgical services. Criteria studied: Evaluation of hospital means (eight criteria) and of medical and nursing staff practice (16 criteria). A second audit was conducted 6 months after the implementation of quality improvement measures. Assessment of the hospital means: temperature chart including pain scores and PCA drug consumption, patient information leaflet, PCA protocol, postoperative pre-filled prescription form (PFPF) for post-anaesthesia care including PCA, and optional training of nurses in postoperative pain management. EVALUATION OF PRACTICES: One hundred and fifty-nine files of a total of 176 patients were analyzed (88%). Improvements noted after 6 months: trace of POP evaluation progressed from 73 to 87%, advance prescription of PCA adjustment increased from 56 to 68% and of the treatment of adverse effects from 54 to 68%, trace of PCA adaptation by attending nurse from 15 to 43%, trace of the administration of the treatment of adverse effects by attending nurse from 24% to 64%, as did the use of PFPF from 59 to 70%. The usefulness of a pre-filled prescription form for post-anaesthesia care including PCA prescription is demonstrated. Quality improvement measures include: poster information and pocket guides on PCA for nurses, training of 3 nurses per service to act as "PCA advisers" who will in turn train their ward colleagues in PCA management and the use of equipment until an acute pain team is established. Copyright © 2010 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  3. Controversies in using urine samples for prostate cancer detection: PSA and PCA3 expression analysis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    S. Fontenete


    Full Text Available PURPOSE: Prostate cancer (PCa is one of the most commonly diagnosed malignancies in the world. Although PSA utilization as a serum marker has improved prostate cancer detection it still presents some limitations, mainly regarding its specificity. The expression of this marker, along with the detection of PCA3 mRNA in urine samples, has been suggested as a new approach for PCa detection. The goal of this work was to evaluate the efficacy of the urinary detection of PCA3 mRNA and PSA mRNA without performing the somewhat embarrassing prostate massage. It was also intended to optimize and implement a methodological protocol for this kind of sampling. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Urine samples from 57 patients with suspected prostate disease were collected, without undergoing prostate massage. Increased serum PSA levels were confirmed by medical records review. RNA was extracted by different methods and a preamplification step was included in order to improve gene detection by Real-Time PCR. RESULTS: An increase in RNA concentration with the use of TriPure Isolation Reagent. Despite this optimization, only 15.8% of the cases showed expression of PSA mRNA and only 3.8% of prostate cancer patients presented detectable levels of PCA3 mRNA. The use of a preamplification step revealed no improvement in the results obtained. CONCLUSION: This work confirms that prostate massage is important before urine collection for gene expression analysis. Since PSA and PCA3 are prostate specific, it is necessary to promote the passage of cells from prostate to urinary tract, in order to detect these genetic markers in urine samples.

  4. Developing and Evaluating Creativity Gamification Rehabilitation System: The Application of PCA-ANFIS Based Emotions Model (United States)

    Su, Chung-Ho; Cheng, Ching-Hsue


    This study aims to explore the factors in a patient's rehabilitation achievement after a total knee replacement (TKR) patient exercises, using a PCA-ANFIS emotion model-based game rehabilitation system, which combines virtual reality (VR) and motion capture technology. The researchers combine a principal component analysis (PCA) and an adaptive…

  5. Using a cross-model loadings plot to identify protein spots causing 2-DE gels to become outliers in PCA

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kristiansen, Luise Cederkvist; Jacobsen, Susanne; Jessen, Flemming


    The multivariate method PCA is an exploratory tool often used to get an overview of multivariate data, such as the quantified spot volumes of digitized 2-DE gels. PCA can reveal hidden structures present in the data, and thus enables identification of potential outliers and clustering. Based on PCA...

  6. Las interacciones educativas de padres con hijos con deficiencias auditivas. Una revisión desde la perspectiva del estatus auditivo de los padres


    Jiménez Morago, Jesús Miguel; Muñoz Silva, Alicia


    En el presente artículo se realiza una revisión de las características de las interacciones educativas de padres con hijos con defi ciencias auditivas. Para ello, se distingue entre las familias en las que los padres son oyentes de aquéllas en las que los padres también padecen pérdidas de audición. El análisis de las peculiaridades de las interacciones educativas en ambos tipos de familias arroja diferencias notables, principalmente relacionadas con la calidad de la estimulaci...

  7. Increasing patient knowledge on the proper usage of a PCA machine with the use of a post-operative instructional card. (United States)

    Shovel, Louisa; Max, Bryan; Correll, Darin J


    The purpose of this study was to see if an instructional card, attached to the PCA machine following total hip arthroplasty describing proper use of the device, would positively affect subjects' understanding of device usage, pain scores, pain medication consumption and satisfaction. Eighty adults undergoing total hip replacements who had been prescribed PCA were randomized into two study groups. Forty participants received the standard post-operative instruction on PCA device usage at our institution. The other 40 participants received the standard of care in addition to being given a typed instructional card immediately post-operatively, describing proper PCA device use. This card was attached to the PCA device during their recovery period. On post-operative day one, each patient completed a questionnaire on PCA usage, pain scores and satisfaction scores. The pain scores in the Instructional Card group were significantly lower than the Control group (p = 0.024). Subjects' understanding of PCA usage was also improved in the Instructional Card group for six of the seven questions asked. The findings from this study strongly support that postoperative patient information on proper PCA use by means of an instructional card improves pain control and hence the overall recovery for patients undergoing surgery. In addition, through improved understanding it adds an important safety feature in that patients and potentially their family members and/or friends may refrain from PCA-by-proxy. This article demonstrates that the simple intervention of adding an instructional card to a PCA machine is an effective method to improve patients' knowledge as well as pain control and potentially increase the safety of the device use.

  8. Investigation of domain walls in PPLN by confocal raman microscopy and PCA analysis (United States)

    Shur, Vladimir Ya.; Zelenovskiy, Pavel; Bourson, Patrice


    Confocal Raman microscopy (CRM) is a powerful tool for investigation of ferroelectric domains. Mechanical stresses and electric fields existed in the vicinity of neutral and charged domain walls modify frequency, intensity and width of spectral lines [1], thus allowing to visualize micro- and nanodomain structures both at the surface and in the bulk of the crystal [2,3]. Stresses and fields are naturally coupled in ferroelectrics due to inverse piezoelectric effect and hardly can be separated in Raman spectra. PCA is a powerful statistical method for analysis of large data matrix providing a set of orthogonal variables, called principal components (PCs). PCA is widely used for classification of experimental data, for example, in crystallization experiments, for detection of small amounts of components in solid mixtures etc. [4,5]. In Raman spectroscopy PCA was applied for analysis of phase transitions and provided critical pressure with good accuracy [6]. In the present work we for the first time applied Principal Component Analysis (PCA) method for analysis of Raman spectra measured in periodically poled lithium niobate (PPLN). We found that principal components demonstrate different sensitivity to mechanical stresses and electric fields in the vicinity of the domain walls. This allowed us to separately visualize spatial distribution of fields and electric fields at the surface and in the bulk of PPLN.

  9. Elemental concentration analysis in PCa, BPH and normal prostate tissues using SR-TXRF

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Leitao, Roberta G.; Anjos, Marcelino J.; Canellas, Catarine G.L.; Lopes, Ricardo T.


    Prostate cancer (PCa) is one of the main causes of illness and death all over the world. In Brazil, prostate cancer currently represents the second most prevalent malignant neoplasia in men, representing 21% of all cancer cases. Benign Prostate Hyperplasia (BPH) is an illness prevailing in men above the age of 50, close to 90% after the age of 80. The prostate presents a high zinc concentration, about 10-fold higher than any other body tissue. In this work, samples of human prostate tissues with cancer (PCa), BPH and normal tissue were analyzed utilizing the total reflection X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy using synchrotron radiation technique (SRTXRF) to investigate the differences in the elemental concentrations in these tissues. SR-TXRF analyses were performed at the X-Ray fluorescence beamline at Brazilian National Synchrotron Light Laboratory (LNLS), in Campinas, Sao Paulo. It was possible to determine the concentrations of the following elements: P, S, K, Ca, Fe, Cu, Zn, Br and Rb. By using Mann-Whitney U test it was observed that almost all elements presented concentrations with significant differences α = 0.05) between the groups studied. The elements and groups were: S, K, Ca, Fe, Zn, Br and Rb (PCa X Normal); S, Fe, Zn and Br (PCa X BPH); K, Ca, Fe, Zn, Br and Rb (BPH X Normal). (author)

  10. Regularized Pre-image Estimation for Kernel PCA De-noising

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Abrahamsen, Trine Julie; Hansen, Lars Kai


    The main challenge in de-noising by kernel Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is the mapping of de-noised feature space points back into input space, also referred to as “the pre-image problem”. Since the feature space mapping is typically not bijective, pre-image estimation is inherently illposed...

  11. pcaH, a molecular marker for estimating the diversity of the protocatechuate-degrading bacterial community in the soil environment

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    El Azhari, Najoi


    Microorganisms degrading phenolic compounds play an important role in soil carbon cycling as well as in pesticide degradation. The pcaH gene encoding a key ring-cleaving enzyme of the β-ketoadipate pathway was selected as a functional marker. Using a degenerate primer pair, pcaH fragments were cl......H sequences from Actinobacteria and Proteobacteria phyla. This confirms that the developed primer pair targets a wide diversity of pcaH sequences, thereby constituting a suitable molecular marker to estimate the response of the pca community to agricultural practices....

  12. Interleukin-6: a bone marrow stromal cell paracrine signal that induces neuroendocrine differentiation and modulates autophagy in bone metastatic PCa cells. (United States)

    Delk, Nikki A; Farach-Carson, Mary C


    Autophagy reallocates nutrients and clears normal cells of damaged proteins and organelles. In the context of metastatic disease, invading cancer cells hijack autophagic processes to survive and adapt in the host microenvironment. We sought to understand how autophagy is regulated in the metastatic niche for prostate cancer (PCa) cells where bone marrow stromal cell (BMSC) paracrine signaling induces PCa neuroendocrine differentiation (NED). In PCa, this transdifferentiation of metastatic PCa cells to neuronal-like cells correlates with advanced disease. Because autophagy provides a survival advantage for cancer cells and promotes cell differentiation, we hypothesized that autophagy mediates PCa NED in the bone. Thus, we determined the ability of paracrine factors in conditioned media (CM) from two separate BMSC subtypes, HS5 and HS27a, to induce autophagy in C4-2 and C4-2B bone metastatic PCa cells by characterizing the autophagy marker, LC3. Unlike HS27a CM, HS5 CM induced LC3 accumulation in PCa cells, suggesting autophagy was induced and indicating that HS5 and HS27a secrete a different milieu of paracrine factors that influence PCa autophagy. We identified interleukin-6 (IL-6), a cytokine more highly expressed in HS5 cells than in HS27a cells, as a paracrine factor that regulates PCa autophagy. Pharmacological inhibition of STAT3 activity did not attenuate LC3 accumulation, implying that IL-6 regulates NED and autophagy through different pathways. Finally, chloroquine inhibition of autophagic flux blocked PCa NED; hence autophagic flux maintains NED. Our studies imply that autophagy is cytoprotective for PCa cells in the bone, thus targeting autophagy is a potential therapeutic strategy.

  13. Automatic detection of optic disc based on PCA and mathematical morphology. (United States)

    Morales, Sandra; Naranjo, Valery; Angulo, Us; Alcaniz, Mariano


    The algorithm proposed in this paper allows to automatically segment the optic disc from a fundus image. The goal is to facilitate the early detection of certain pathologies and to fully automate the process so as to avoid specialist intervention. The method proposed for the extraction of the optic disc contour is mainly based on mathematical morphology along with principal component analysis (PCA). It makes use of different operations such as generalized distance function (GDF), a variant of the watershed transformation, the stochastic watershed, and geodesic transformations. The input of the segmentation method is obtained through PCA. The purpose of using PCA is to achieve the grey-scale image that better represents the original RGB image. The implemented algorithm has been validated on five public databases obtaining promising results. The average values obtained (a Jaccard's and Dice's coefficients of 0.8200 and 0.8932, respectively, an accuracy of 0.9947, and a true positive and false positive fractions of 0.9275 and 0.0036) demonstrate that this method is a robust tool for the automatic segmentation of the optic disc. Moreover, it is fairly reliable since it works properly on databases with a large degree of variability and improves the results of other state-of-the-art methods.

  14. Itinerários de cura e cuidado de idosos com perda auditiva Routes of healing and care of elderly individuals with hearing loss

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Josiane Cristina Scheffer


    Full Text Available A perda auditiva é um dos problemas de saúde que mais limitam a qualidade de vida da crescente população idosa do país e, como em outras situações de doença, buscam-se diferentes formas de solucionar o problema, envolvendo ou não os serviços de saúde formais. Este estudo qualitativo-exploratório visou compreender os itinerários de cura e cuidado de um grupo de idosos com perda auditiva. Realizamos entrevistas semiestruturadas com sujeitos com prescrição médica para uso de Aparelho de Amplificação Sonora Individual (AASI e que frequentavam um grupo de apoio a idosos em um serviço de audiologia. Os dados foram apresentados em duas categorias de análise: 1 A percepção da perda auditiva pelos sujeitos e seus familiares; 2 Itinerários de cura e cuidado. Os relatos apontaram as implicações negativas da perda auditiva no convívio com seus familiares. Observamos a busca de soluções nos setores informal, popular e profissional. Em todas as situações, os sujeitos relataram a busca da "cura", não encontrada em nenhum desses setores. No setor profissional, receberam indicação do AASI como única "solução". Identificamos a dificuldade de acesso ao tratamento indicado e a falta de apoio e acompanhamento após a aquisição do AASI. Como aspectos positivos, houve a participação no grupo de idosos e uma estratégia que propiciou acolhimento, compreensão da doença e adesão ao tratamento. Compreender o problema de saúde a partir da forma como o idoso vê sua doença pode melhorar a comunicação entre profissional de saúde e paciente, essencial em qualquer encontro no sistema de saúde.Hearing loss is one of the greatest problems affecting the health quality of the constantly growing elderly population in Brazil. When it occurs, as in other disease situations, people seek for different solutions, whether they lie in professional health care or not. This qualitative study aimed to understand the routes of healing and care

  15. SU-F-R-41: Regularized PCA Can Model Treatment-Related Changes in Head and Neck Patients Using Daily CBCTs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chetvertkov, M; Siddiqui, F; Chetty, I; Kumarasiri, A; Liu, C; Gordon, J


    Purpose: To use daily cone beam CTs (CBCTs) to develop regularized principal component analysis (PCA) models of anatomical changes in head and neck (H&N) patients, to guide replanning decisions in adaptive radiation therapy (ART). Methods: Known deformations were applied to planning CT (pCT) images of 10 H&N patients to model several different systematic anatomical changes. A Pinnacle plugin was used to interpolate systematic changes over 35 fractions, generating a set of 35 synthetic CTs for each patient. Deformation vector fields (DVFs) were acquired between the pCT and synthetic CTs and random fraction-to-fraction changes were superimposed on the DVFs. Standard non-regularized and regularized patient-specific PCA models were built using the DVFs. The ability of PCA to extract the known deformations was quantified. PCA models were also generated from clinical CBCTs, for which the deformations and DVFs were not known. It was hypothesized that resulting eigenvectors/eigenfunctions with largest eigenvalues represent the major anatomical deformations during the course of treatment. Results: As demonstrated with quantitative results in the supporting document regularized PCA is more successful than standard PCA at capturing systematic changes early in the treatment. Regularized PCA is able to detect smaller systematic changes against the background of random fraction-to-fraction changes. To be successful at guiding ART, regularized PCA should be coupled with models of when anatomical changes occur: early, late or throughout the treatment course. Conclusion: The leading eigenvector/eigenfunction from the both PCA approaches can tentatively be identified as a major systematic change during radiotherapy course when systematic changes are large enough with respect to random fraction-to-fraction changes. In all cases the regularized PCA approach appears to be more reliable at capturing systematic changes, enabling dosimetric consequences to be projected once trends are

  16. SU-F-R-41: Regularized PCA Can Model Treatment-Related Changes in Head and Neck Patients Using Daily CBCTs

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chetvertkov, M [Wayne State University, Detroit, MI (United States); Henry Ford Health System, Detroit, MI (United States); Siddiqui, F; Chetty, I; Kumarasiri, A; Liu, C; Gordon, J [Henry Ford Health System, Detroit, MI (United States)


    Purpose: To use daily cone beam CTs (CBCTs) to develop regularized principal component analysis (PCA) models of anatomical changes in head and neck (H&N) patients, to guide replanning decisions in adaptive radiation therapy (ART). Methods: Known deformations were applied to planning CT (pCT) images of 10 H&N patients to model several different systematic anatomical changes. A Pinnacle plugin was used to interpolate systematic changes over 35 fractions, generating a set of 35 synthetic CTs for each patient. Deformation vector fields (DVFs) were acquired between the pCT and synthetic CTs and random fraction-to-fraction changes were superimposed on the DVFs. Standard non-regularized and regularized patient-specific PCA models were built using the DVFs. The ability of PCA to extract the known deformations was quantified. PCA models were also generated from clinical CBCTs, for which the deformations and DVFs were not known. It was hypothesized that resulting eigenvectors/eigenfunctions with largest eigenvalues represent the major anatomical deformations during the course of treatment. Results: As demonstrated with quantitative results in the supporting document regularized PCA is more successful than standard PCA at capturing systematic changes early in the treatment. Regularized PCA is able to detect smaller systematic changes against the background of random fraction-to-fraction changes. To be successful at guiding ART, regularized PCA should be coupled with models of when anatomical changes occur: early, late or throughout the treatment course. Conclusion: The leading eigenvector/eigenfunction from the both PCA approaches can tentatively be identified as a major systematic change during radiotherapy course when systematic changes are large enough with respect to random fraction-to-fraction changes. In all cases the regularized PCA approach appears to be more reliable at capturing systematic changes, enabling dosimetric consequences to be projected once trends are

  17. Detección y programa de entrenamiento en Infantil para las dificultades visuales, auditivas, motrices y de lateralidad influyentes en la lectoescritura


    Barroso-Cortés, Laura


    Esta investigación se basa en el estudio neuropsicológico de factores tales como la funcionalidad visual, auditiva y motriz y la lateralidad y su influencia en el aprendizaje lectoescritor del alumnado correspondiente al tercer nivel de Educación infantil, entre 5 y 6 años de edad. Para ello, se ha contado con un total de 43 niños que han sido evaluados a través de una batería de pruebas: K-D, P.A.F, Cumanin y Test de Lateralidad de la prueba Neuropsicológica. Los resultados indican que exist...

  18. Dificultades en la discriminación auditiva en niños entre 3 y 7 años. Estudio diferencial por sexos


    Álvarez Alfageme, Manuela Isabel


    En este trabajo, intento plasmar, los resultados de un estudio realizado sobre dificultades en la discriminación auditiva, en una muestra de sujetos de ambos sexos entre los 3 y los 7 años de edad. Se aplicó una prueba de evaluación fonológica a una pequeña muestra de 12 niños que acuden a rehabilitación logopédica dos días por semana para mejorar sus problemas del lenguaje y/o habla. Los resultados muestran unas alteraciones comunes en todos ellos, y dichos fallos tiene relación con la...

  19. Perda auditiva associada à exposição ocupacional a solventes orgânicos: uma revisão sistemática

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lucienne Rezende Mont'Alverne

    Full Text Available Resumo Introdução: evidências apontam produtos químicos como agentes potencialmente otoneurotóxicos, todavia, ainda não há consenso quanto às associações entre as características das exposições e a ototoxicidade das diversas substâncias químicas presentes em ambientes laborais. Objetivo: revisar a literatura científica disponível, a fim de identificar estudos que apontem evidências de associação, ou não associação, entre dano auditivo e a exposição a solventes orgânicos. Método: revisão sistemática da literatura a partir da consulta a bases de dados eletrônicas, considerando artigos originais, publicados de janeiro de 1987 a fevereiro de 2013. Resultados: trinta e um estudos foram incluídos na revisão sistemática. Discussão: os estudos confirmaram a exposição a determinados solventes como fator de risco para perda auditiva de origem ocupacional, sobretudo na presença do ruído. Foram utilizados métodos variados de avaliação e classificação do desfecho coclear e/ou central, que contribuíram para a compreensão da extensão da perda auditiva induzida quimicamente, bem como com a identificação dos grupos populacionais susceptíveis. Contudo, dados sobre procedimentos diagnósticos adequados, níveis seguros e efeito dose-resposta da exposição química ainda não foram totalmente elucidados.

  20. 2L-PCA: a two-level principal component analyzer for quantitative drug design and its applications. (United States)

    Du, Qi-Shi; Wang, Shu-Qing; Xie, Neng-Zhong; Wang, Qing-Yan; Huang, Ri-Bo; Chou, Kuo-Chen


    A two-level principal component predictor (2L-PCA) was proposed based on the principal component analysis (PCA) approach. It can be used to quantitatively analyze various compounds and peptides about their functions or potentials to become useful drugs. One level is for dealing with the physicochemical properties of drug molecules, while the other level is for dealing with their structural fragments. The predictor has the self-learning and feedback features to automatically improve its accuracy. It is anticipated that 2L-PCA will become a very useful tool for timely providing various useful clues during the process of drug development.

  1. A Hold-out method to correct PCA variance inflation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Garcia-Moreno, Pablo; Artes-Rodriguez, Antonio; Hansen, Lars Kai


    In this paper we analyze the problem of variance inflation experienced by the PCA algorithm when working in an ill-posed scenario where the dimensionality of the training set is larger than its sample size. In an earlier article a correction method based on a Leave-One-Out (LOO) procedure...

  2. Chemical fingerprinting of petroleum biomakers using time warping and PCA

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, Jan H.; Tomasi, Giorgio; Hansen, Asger B.


    A new method for chemical fingerprinting of petroleum biomakers is described. The method consists of GC-MS analysis, preprocessing of GC-MS chromatograms, and principal component analysis (PCA) of selected regions. The preprocessing consists of baseline removal by derivatization, normalization...

  3. Amorphization of Fe-based alloy via wet mechanical alloying assisted by PCA decomposition

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Neamţu, B.V., E-mail: [Materials Science and Engineering Department, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, 103-105, Muncii Avenue, 400641, Cluj-Napoca (Romania); Chicinaş, H.F.; Marinca, T.F. [Materials Science and Engineering Department, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, 103-105, Muncii Avenue, 400641, Cluj-Napoca (Romania); Isnard, O. [Université Grenoble Alpes, Institut NEEL, F-38042, Grenoble (France); CNRS, Institut NEEL, 25 rue des martyrs, BP166, F-38042, Grenoble (France); Pană, O. [National Institute for Research and Development of Isotopic and Molecular Technologies, 65-103 Donath Street, 400293, Cluj-Napoca (Romania); Chicinaş, I. [Materials Science and Engineering Department, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, 103-105, Muncii Avenue, 400641, Cluj-Napoca (Romania)


    Amorphization of Fe{sub 75}Si{sub 20}B{sub 5} (at.%) alloy has been attempted both by wet and dry mechanical alloying starting from a mixture of elemental powders. Powder amorphization was not achieved even after 140 hours of dry mechanical alloying. Using the same milling parameters, when wet mechanical alloying was used, the powder amorphization was achieved after 40 h of milling. Our assumption regarding the powder amorphization capability enhancement by contamination with carbon was proved by X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) measurements which revealed the presence of carbon in the chemical composition of the wet mechanically alloyed sample. Using shorter milling times and several process control agents (PCA) (ethanol, oleic acid and benzene) with different carbon content it was proved that the milling duration required for powder amorphization is linked to the carbon content of the PCA. Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), thermomagnetic (TG) and X-ray Diffraction (XRD) measurements performed to the heated samples revealed the fact that, the crystallisation occurs at 488 °C, thus leading to the formation of Fe{sub 3}Si and Fe{sub 2}B. Thermogravimetry measurements performed under H{sub 2} atmosphere, showed the same amount of contamination with C, which is about 2.3 wt%, for the amorphous samples regardless of the type of PCA. Saturation magnetisation of the wet milled samples decreases upon increasing milling time. In the case of the amorphous samples wet milled with benzene up to 20 h and with oleic acid up to 30 h, the saturation magnetisation has roughly the same value, indicating the same degree of contamination. The XRD performed on the samples milled using the same parameters, revealed that powder amorphization can be achieved even via dry milling, just by adding the equivalent amount of elemental C calculated from the TG plots. This proves that in this system by considering the atomic species which can contaminate the powder, they can be

  4. Identification of beta-2 as a key cell adhesion molecule in PCa cell neurotropic behavior: a novel ex vivo and biophysical approach. (United States)

    Jansson, Keith H; Castillo, Deborah G; Morris, Joseph W; Boggs, Mary E; Czymmek, Kirk J; Adams, Elizabeth L; Schramm, Lawrence P; Sikes, Robert A


    Prostate cancer (PCa) is believed to metastasize through the blood/lymphatics systems; however, PCa may utilize the extensive innervation of the prostate for glandular egress. The interaction of PCa and its nerve fibers is observed in 80% of PCa and is termed perineural invasion (PNI). PCa cells have been observed traveling through the endoneurium of nerves, although the underlying mechanisms have not been elucidated. Voltage sensitive sodium channels (VSSC) are multimeric transmembrane protein complexes comprised of a pore-forming α subunit and one or two auxiliary beta (β) subunits with inherent cell adhesion molecule (CAM) functions. The beta-2 isoform (gene SCN2B) interacts with several neural CAMs, while interacting putatively with other prominent neural CAMs. Furthermore, beta-2 exhibits elevated mRNA and protein levels in highly metastatic and castrate-resistant PCa. When overexpressed in weakly aggressive LNCaP cells (2BECFP), beta-2 alters LNCaP cell morphology and enhances LNCaP cell metastasis associated behavior in vitro. We hypothesize that PCa cells use beta-2 as a CAM during PNI and subsequent PCa metastasis. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of beta-2 expression on PCa cell neurotropic metastasis associated behavior. We overexpressed beta-2 as a fusion protein with enhanced cyan fluorescence protein (ECFP) in weakly aggressive LNCaP cells and observed neurotropic effects utilizing our novel ex vivo organotypic spinal cord co-culture model, and performed functional assays with neural matrices and atomic force microscopy. With increased beta-2 expression, PCa cells display a trend of enhanced association with nerve axons. On laminin, a neural CAM, overexpression of beta-2 enhances PCa cell migration, invasion, and growth. 2BECFP cells exhibit marked binding affinity to laminin relative to LNECFP controls, and recombinant beta-2 ectodomain elicits more binding events to laminin than BSA control. Functional overexpression of VSSC

  5. Nonlinear peculiar-velocity analysis and PCA

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dekel, A. [and others


    We allow for nonlinear effects in the likelihood analysis of peculiar velocities, and obtain {approximately}35%-lower values for the cosmological density parameter and for the amplitude of mass-density fluctuations. The power spectrum in the linear regime is assumed to be of the flat {Lambda}CDM model (h = 0:65, n = 1) with only {Omega}{sub m} free. Since the likelihood is driven by the nonlinear regime, we break the power spectrum at k{sub b} {approximately} 0.2 (h{sup {minus}1} Mpc){sup {minus}1} and fit a two-parameter power-law at k > k{sub b} . This allows for an unbiased fit in the linear regime. Tests using improved mock catalogs demonstrate a reduced bias and a better fit. We find for the Mark III and SFI data {Omega}{sub m} = 0.35 {+-} 0.09 with {sigma}{sub 8}{Omega}P{sub m}{sup 0.6} = 0.55 {+-} 0.10 (90% errors). When allowing deviations from {Lambda}CDM, we find an indication for a wiggle in the power spectrum in the form of an excess near k {approximately} 0.05 and a deficiency at k {approximately} 0.1 (h{sup {minus}1} Mpc){sup {minus}1}--a cold flow which may be related to a feature indicated from redshift surveys and the second peak in the CMB anisotropy. A {chi}{sup 2} test applied to principal modes demonstrates that the nonlinear procedure improves the goodness of fit. The Principal Component Analysis (PCA) helps identifying spatial features of the data and fine-tuning the theoretical and error models. We address the potential for optimal data compression using PCA.

  6. MD-11 PCA - Closeup view of aircraft on ramp (United States)


    This McDonnell Douglas MD-11 has taxied to a position on the flightline at NASA's Dryden Flight Research Center, Edwards, California, following its completion of the first and second landings ever performed by a transport aircraft under engine power only (on Aug. 29, 1995). The milestone flight, with NASA research pilot and former astronaut Gordon Fullerton at the controls, was part of a NASA project to develop a computer-assisted engine control system that enables a pilot to land a plane safely when its normal control surfaces are disabled. The Propulsion-Controlled Aircraft (PCA) system uses standard autopilot controls already present in the cockpit, together with the new programming in the aircraft's flight control computers. The PCA concept is simple. For pitch control, the program increases thrust to climb and reduces thrust to descend. To turn right, the autopilot increases the left engine thrust while decreasing the right engine thrust. The initial Propulsion-Controlled Aircraft studies by NASA were carried out at Dryden with a modified twin-engine F-15 research aircraft.

  7. RXTE PCA and Swift BAT detects the millisecond pulsar Swift J1756.9-2508 in outburst

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Patruno, A.; Markwardt, C.B.; Strohmayer, T.E.; Swank, J.H.; Smith, S.E.; Pereira, D.


    We report a detection of increased activity of the accreting millisecond X-ray pulsar Swift J1756.9-2508 observed with the RXTE-PCA monitoring on July 8, 9hr UTC. Increased flux is detected simultaneously on the Swift-BAT camera. RXTE-PCA follow up observations starting on July 13, 23hr UTC,

  8. Performance evaluation of PCA-based spike sorting algorithms. (United States)

    Adamos, Dimitrios A; Kosmidis, Efstratios K; Theophilidis, George


    Deciphering the electrical activity of individual neurons from multi-unit noisy recordings is critical for understanding complex neural systems. A widely used spike sorting algorithm is being evaluated for single-electrode nerve trunk recordings. The algorithm is based on principal component analysis (PCA) for spike feature extraction. In the neuroscience literature it is generally assumed that the use of the first two or most commonly three principal components is sufficient. We estimate the optimum PCA-based feature space by evaluating the algorithm's performance on simulated series of action potentials. A number of modifications are made to the open source nev2lkit software to enable systematic investigation of the parameter space. We introduce a new metric to define clustering error considering over-clustering more favorable than under-clustering as proposed by experimentalists for our data. Both the program patch and the metric are available online. Correlated and white Gaussian noise processes are superimposed to account for biological and artificial jitter in the recordings. We report that the employment of more than three principal components is in general beneficial for all noise cases considered. Finally, we apply our results to experimental data and verify that the sorting process with four principal components is in agreement with a panel of electrophysiology experts.

  9. Biopsy and treatment decisions in the initial management of prostate cancer and the role of PCA3; a systematic analysis of expert opinion

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Tombal, Bertrand; Ameye, Filip; de la Taille, Alexandre; de Reijke, Theo; Gontero, Paolo; Haese, Alexander; Kil, Paul; Perrin, Paul; Remzi, Mesut; Schröder, Jörg; Speakman, Mark; Volpe, Alessandro; Meesen, Bianca; Stoevelaar, Herman


    The Prostate CAncer gene 3 (PCA3) assay may guide prostate biopsy decisions and predict prostate cancer (PCa) aggressiveness. This study explored the appropriateness of (1) PCA3 testing; (2) biopsy; (3) active surveillance (AS) and the value of the PCA3 Score for biopsy and AS decisions. Using the

  10. Perdas auditivas em paralisia facial periférica após cirurgia de descompressão Hearing loss in peripheral facial palsy after decompression surgery

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alexandre Augusto Kroskinsque Palombo


    Full Text Available A paralisia facial pode resultar de uma variedade de etiologias, sendo a mais comum a idiopática. A avaliação e o tratamento são particularmente complexos. O tratamento da paralisia facial aguda pode envolver cirurgia de descompressão do nervo facial. Qualquer estrutura perto do trajeto do nervo facial está em risco durante a cirurgia de descompressão via transmastoidea. OBJETIVO: Estudo retrospectivo que irá avaliar a perda auditiva após descompressão via transmastoidea e a evolução do grau de paralisia nos casos idiopáticos dos últimos 15 anos. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Foram selecionados prontuários de 33 pacientes submetidos à descompressão do nervo facial via transmastoidea nos últimos 15 anos e avaliou-se a perda auditiva e a paralisia facial. RESULTADOS: Observou-se alta porcentagem (61% dos pacientes com algum grau de perda auditiva após o procedimento e, em todos os casos, houve melhora da paralisia. CONCLUSÃO: O procedimento cirúrgico não é isento de riscos. Indicações, riscos e benefícios devem ser esclarecidos aos pacientes por meio de consentimento informado.Facial paralysis can result from a variety of etiologies; the most common is the idiopathic type. Evaluation and treatment are particularly complex. The treatment of acute facial paralysis may require facial nerve decompression surgery. Any structure near the path of the facial nerve is at risk during transmastoid decompression surgery. AIM: This is a retrospective study, carried out in order to evaluate hearing loss after transmastoid decompression and how idiopathic cases evolved in terms of their degree of paralysis in the last 15 years. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We selected the charts from 33 patients submitted to transmastoid facial nerve decompression in the past 15 years and we assessed their hearing loss and facial paralysis. RESULTS: There was a high percentage (61% of patients with some degree of hearing loss after the procedure and in all cases there

  11. A associação entre a suspeita inicial de perda auditiva e a ausência de comunicação verbal em crianças com transtornos do espectro autístico The association between an initial suspicion of hearing loss and the absence of verbal communication in children with autism spectrum disorders

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Elaine Colombo Sousa


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Averiguar a associação entre a suspeita inicial de deficiência auditiva e a ausência de comunicação verbal em crianças com diagnóstico de transtornos do espectro autístico. MÉTODOS: Por meio de estudo retrospectivo, analisamos 54 anamneses de indivíduos com diagnóstico de transtornos do espectro autístico. Inicialmente, obtivemos o registro da suspeita inicial de perda auditiva, mencionada pela família. O grau de associação entre a presença de suspeita inicial de perda auditiva e o tipo de desempenho comunicativo (não verbal e verbal foi verificado. Posteriormente, as avaliações audiológicas foram rastreadas para confirmarmos a pertinência da queixa auditiva mencionada. Para tratamento estatístico dos resultados utilizamos os Testes Qui-quadrado e Exato de Fisher. Estabeleceu-se nível de significância de 0,05. RESULTADOS: Verificamos que 62,96% dos pais de crianças autistas (verbais ou não apresentaram a suspeita inicial de perda auditiva como primeira etiologia. A avaliação audiológica mostrou que somente 11,11% dos indivíduos com comunicação não verbal e nenhum com comunicação verbal apresentaram algum tipo de deficiência auditiva. CONCLUSÕES: O número de crianças com suspeita inicial de perda auditiva mostrou-se significativo, independente destas serem verbais ou não. Na análise da associação entre desempenho comunicativo e suspeita de prejuízos na audição, os resultados foram estatisticamente significante maiores em crianças não verbais. Esses dados nos fazem refletir sobre a importância da sensibilização dos profissionais que atuam em clínica infantil quanto à busca pelo diagnóstico diferencial entre a deficiência auditiva e os transtornos do espectro autístico.PURPOSE: To determine the association between the initial suspicion of hearing loss and the absence of verbal communication in children with diagnosis of autistic spectrum disorders. METHODS: A retrospective study was

  12. Molecular Characterization of the Genes pcaG and pcaH, Encoding Protocatechuate 3,4-Dioxygenase, Which Are Essential for Vanillin Catabolism in Pseudomonas sp. Strain HR199 (United States)

    Overhage, Jörg; Kresse, Andreas U.; Priefert, Horst; Sommer, Horst; Krammer, Gerhard; Rabenhorst, Jürgen; Steinbüchel, Alexander


    Pseudomonas sp. strain HR199 is able to utilize eugenol (4-allyl-2-methoxyphenol), vanillin (4-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzaldehyde), or protocatechuate as the sole carbon source for growth. Mutants of this strain which were impaired in the catabolism of vanillin but retained the ability to utilize eugenol or protocatechuate were obtained after nitrosoguanidine mutagenesis. One mutant (SK6169) was used as recipient of a Pseudomonas sp. strain HR199 genomic library in cosmid pVK100, and phenotypic complementation was achieved with a 5.8-kbp EcoRI fragment (E58). The amino acid sequences deduced from two corresponding open reading frames (ORF) identified on E58 revealed high degrees of homology to pcaG and pcaH, encoding the two subunits of protocatechuate 3,4-dioxygenase. Three additional ORF most probably encoded a 4-hydroxybenzoate 3-hydroxylase (PobA) and two putative regulatory proteins, which exhibited homology to PcaQ of Agrobacterium tumefaciens and PobR of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, respectively. Since mutant SK6169 was also complemented by a subfragment of E58 that harbored only pcaH, this mutant was most probably lacking a functional β subunit of the protocatechuate 3,4-dioxygenase. Since this mutant was still able to grow on protocatechuate and lacked protocatechuate 4,5-dioxygenase and protocatechuate 2,3-dioxygenase, the degradation had to be catalyzed by different enzymes. Two other mutants (SK6184 and SK6190), which were also impaired in the catabolism of vanillin, were not complemented by fragment E58. Since these mutants accumulated 3-carboxy muconolactone during cultivation on eugenol, they most probably exhibited a defect in a step of the catabolic pathway following the ortho cleavage. Moreover, in these mutants cyclization of 3-carboxymuconic acid seems to occur by a syn absolute stereochemical course, which is normally only observed for cis,cis-muconate lactonization in pseudomonads. In conclusion, vanillin is degraded through the ortho-cleavage pathway

  13. Deficiência auditiva na toxoplasmose congênita detectada pela triagem neonatal Hearing loss in congenital toxoplasmosis detected by newborn screening

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gláucia Manzan Queiroz de Andrade


    Full Text Available A toxoplasmose congênita pode causar déficit neurossensorial em até 20% dos casos e o tratamento no primeiro ano de vida melhora o prognóstico. No Brasil, desconhece-se o impacto da infecção na hipoacusia. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a audição de crianças com toxoplasmose congênita identificadas pela triagem neonatal. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Estudo prospectivo de crianças com toxoplasmose congênita identificadas pela triagem neonatal (IgM anti-T. gondii em Belo Horizonte, durante 2003/2004. Realizada sorologia confirmatória (mãe/filho e consideradas positivas as crianças apresentando IgM e/ou IgA nos primeiros seis meses ou IgG aos 12 meses de vida. Avaliações auditivas ao diagnóstico e após 12 meses incluíram Audiometria Comportamental, Emissões Otoacústicas, Imitanciometria, Audiometria de Tronco Encefálico. RESULTADOS: Dentre 30.808 crianças triadas (97% dos nascidos vivos, 20 apresentavam toxoplasmose congênita, 15 (75% com infecção subclínica. Dezenove crianças realizaram avaliação auditiva. Quatro apresentaram déficit neurossensorial (21,1%. Uma criança apresentou outros fatores de risco para hipoacusia; nas outras três, a toxoplasmose foi o único fator observado. Duas crianças, tratadas adequadamente com antiparasitários, apresentaram déficit auditivo, em desacordo com a literatura. CONCLUSÃO: Os achados sugerem que a toxoplasmose congênita, prevalente no Brasil, é um fator de risco para hipoacusia e o impacto dessa infecção nas perdas auditivas deve ser estudado.Congenital toxoplasmosis may cause sensorineural deficit in up to 20% of the patients and proper treatment in the first year improves prognosis. In Brazil, this infection’s impact on hearing impairment is unknown. AIM: To evaluate hearing of newborns with congenital toxoplasmosis identified by the newborn screening service. METHOD: This prospective study analyzed children with congenital toxoplasmosis identified by newborn screening (IgM anti

  14. Polymorphous Computing Architecture (PCA) Application Benchmark 1: Three-Dimensional Radar Data Processing

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Lebak, J


    The DARPA Polymorphous Computing Architecture (PCA) program is building advanced computer architectures that can reorganize their computation and communication structures to achieve better overall application performance...

  15. Percepção de limitações de atividades comunicativas, resolução temporal e figura-fundo em perda auditiva unilateral Perception of limitations on communicative activities, temporal resolution and figure-to-ground in unilateral hearing loss

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    Márcia Ribeiro Vieira


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar os comportamentos auditivos de figura-fundo e resolução temporal, e a auto-percepção das limitações de atividades comunicativas de crianças e adolescentes portadores de perda auditiva unilateral. MÉTODOS: Participaram do estudo 38 indivíduos, com idades entre 8 e 19 anos, divididos em: grupo estudo (portadores de perda auditiva unilateral e grupo controle (ouvintes normais, cada um formado por 19 indivíduos, pareados conforme gênero, idade e escolaridade. Todos foram submetidos à anamnese, avaliação audiológica e aos procedimentos do estudo: questionário de auto-avaliação das limitações de atividades comunicativas, testes de processamento auditivo Gaps-in-Noise e Pediatric Speech Intelligibility Test. A análise estatística foi realizada por meio de testes não paramétricos. RESULTADOS: No grupo estudo, a perda auditiva unilateral na maioria dos participantes foi de grau profundo, com início na fase pré-escolar, com etiologias desconhecidas ou identificadas como meningite, traumas, caxumba e sarampo. A maioria dos indivíduos apresentou queixa de dificuldades de aprendizagem e mostrou limitações de atividades comunicativas de grau moderado predominantemente, e principalmente em situações ruidosas. No grupo estudo foram observadas as piores respostas tanto para os limiares de detecção de gap como no teste Pediatric Speech Intelligibility Test obtidas na orelha normal. Não houve correlação significativa entre os limiares de detecção de gap na orelha normal e o lado da orelha com perda auditiva. CONCLUSÃO: Indivíduos com perda auditiva unilateral apresentam limitações de atividades comunicativas, principalmente em ambientes ruidosos associadas a piores habilidades auditivas de resolução temporal e de figura-fundo.PURPOSE: To evaluate the hearing behavior of figure-to-ground and temporal resolution, and the self-perception of limitations on communicative activities of children and

  16. Autophagosomal Sequestration of Mitochondria as an Indicator of Antiandrogen Therapy Resistance of Prostate Cancer (PCa) (United States)


    Prostate Cancer (PCa) PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: George Wilding, M.D. CONTRACTING ORGANIZATION: University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center Houston, TX...Indicator of Antiandrogen Therapy Resistance of Prostate Cancer (PCa) 5b. GRANT NUMBER W81XWH-15-1-0509 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S...AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION REPORT NUMBER The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center 1515 Holcombe Blvd. Houston, TX 77030-4009

  17. Pre-processing data using wavelet transform and PCA based on ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Abazar Solgi


    Jul 14, 2017 ... Pre-processing data using wavelet transform and PCA based on support vector regression and gene expression programming for river flow simulation. Abazar Solgi1,*, Amir Pourhaghi1, Ramin Bahmani2 and Heidar Zarei3. 1. Department of Water Resources Engineering, Shahid Chamran University of ...

  18. Effect of process control agent (PCA) on the characteristics of mechanically alloyed Ti-Mg powders [Journal article

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Machio, Christopher N


    Full Text Available This paper reports the results of a study to determine the effect of process control agent (PCA) on the characteristics of Ti-Mg powders during milling. It has been shown that a 2% increase in PCA content leads to up to a 40% increase in yield...

  19. Qualidade de vida de adultos e idosos pós adaptação de próteses auditivas Quality of life of adults and elderly people after hearing aids adaptation

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    Adriane Ribeiro Teixeira


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Verificar se existe melhora na qualidade de vida de adultos e idosos após a adaptação da prótese auditiva e se a variável sexo influencia nos resultados. MÉTODOS: A amostra consistiu de 20 indivíduos, sendo nove mulheres e 11 homens, com idades entre 45 e 81 anos. A coleta de dados foi feita por meio do instrumento WHOQOL-bref, que foi aplicado antes da adaptação da prótese auditiva e após um mês de uso. RESULTADOS: Verificou-se que houve melhora da qualidade de vida, comparando-se os períodos pré e pós-adaptação. Essa melhora foi significante no domínio psicológico, bem como no escore global dos resultados. A variável sexo, no grupo estudado, não influenciou os resultados obtidos. CONCLUSÃO: A adaptação da prótese auditiva promoveu a melhora na qualidade de vida dos indivíduos avaliados, independentemente do sexo dos mesmos.PURPOSE: To verify whether adaptation of hearing aids contributes to the improvement of quality of life in adults and elderly people and if the variable gender influences the results. METHODS: The sample consisted of 20 individuals, nine women and 11 men, with ages between 45 and 81 years old. The instrument used for data collection was the WHOQOL-bref, which was applied before the hearing aids adaptation and after a one-month use period. RESULTS: Improvement in quality of life was verified comparing pre and post adaptation periods. This improvement was significant in the psychological domain, as well as in the global score results. Gender, as a variable, did not affect the results in the studied group. CONCLUSION: The adaptation of hearing aids allowed the improvement in the quality of life of the assessed individuals, regardless of gender.

  20. Audiometria de tronco encefálico (abr: o uso do mascaramento na avaliação de indivíduos portadores de perda auditiva unilateral Auditory brainstem response (abr: use of masking in unilateral hearing loss patients

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    Melissa M. T. Toma


    Full Text Available A necessidade do mascaramento na avaliação da audição por meio da ABR ainda é um assunto consideravelmente debatido (Durrant & Ferraro, 2001. OBJETIVO: O presente estudo propôs investigar a necessidade do mascaramento contralateral, empregado na orelha normal, ao realizar a ABR em indivíduos portadores de perda auditiva neurossensorial unilateral. FORMA DE ESTUDO: Clínico prospectivo. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: A amostra constituiu-se de 22 indivíduos portadores de perda auditiva neurossensorial unilateral de grau profundo, sendo 10 do sexo feminino e 12 do sexo masculino, com idades variando entre 9 e 44 anos. Todos os indivíduos foram submetidos a: audiometria tonal liminar, logoaudiometria (SRT, IPRF e SDT, medidas de imitância acústica (incluindo a pesquisa dos reflexos acústicos - modo ipsilateral e contralateral e audiometria de tronco encefálico na ausência e na presença do mascaramento. RESULTADOS: Todos os indivíduos apresentaram perda auditiva neurossensorial unilateral de grau profundo e curvas timpanométricas do tipo A bilateralmente. Na avaliação da ABR, 100% da amostra apresentou presença da Onda V na orelha comprometida, sendo que ao introduzir o mascaramento contralateral tais respostas não foram observadas. CONCLUSÕES: O mascaramento é um procedimento necessário para a avaliação da audição por meio da ABR em indivíduos portadores de perdas auditivas unilaterais, visando a obtenção de resultados fidedignos. Na ABR, a atenuação interaural para clicks foi maior (65 dB do que a observada na audiometria tonal liminar, sendo necessário, portanto, uma menor intensidade de mascaramento para eliminar a resposta da via auditiva contralateral.The need of masking in auditory brainstem response (ABR evaluation is still considerably debated issue (Durrant and Ferraro, 2001. AIM: In addition, the present study was to investigate the need of masking in ABR with unilateral hearing loss. STUDY DESIGN: Clinical

  1. Improved algorithms for the classification of rough rice using a bionic electronic nose based on PCA and the Wilks distribution. (United States)

    Xu, Sai; Zhou, Zhiyan; Lu, Huazhong; Luo, Xiwen; Lan, Yubin


    Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is one of the main methods used for electronic nose pattern recognition. However, poor classification performance is common in classification and recognition when using regular PCA. This paper aims to improve the classification performance of regular PCA based on the existing Wilks Λ-statistic (i.e., combined PCA with the Wilks distribution). The improved algorithms, which combine regular PCA with the Wilks Λ-statistic, were developed after analysing the functionality and defects of PCA. Verification tests were conducted using a PEN3 electronic nose. The collected samples consisted of the volatiles of six varieties of rough rice (Zhongxiang1, Xiangwan13, Yaopingxiang, WufengyouT025, Pin 36, and Youyou122), grown in same area and season. The first two principal components used as analysis vectors cannot perform the rough rice varieties classification task based on a regular PCA. Using the improved algorithms, which combine the regular PCA with the Wilks Λ-statistic, many different principal components were selected as analysis vectors. The set of data points of the Mahalanobis distance between each of the varieties of rough rice was selected to estimate the performance of the classification. The result illustrates that the rough rice varieties classification task is achieved well using the improved algorithm. A Probabilistic Neural Networks (PNN) was also established to test the effectiveness of the improved algorithms. The first two principal components (namely PC1 and PC2) and the first and fifth principal component (namely PC1 and PC5) were selected as the inputs of PNN for the classification of the six rough rice varieties. The results indicate that the classification accuracy based on the improved algorithm was improved by 6.67% compared to the results of the regular method. These results prove the effectiveness of using the Wilks Λ-statistic to improve the classification accuracy of the regular PCA approach. The results

  2. Treatment of a patient with posterior cortical atrophy (PCA) with chiropractic manipulation and Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization (DNS): A case report. (United States)

    Francio, Vinicius T; Boesch, Ron; Tunning, Michael


    Posterior cortical atrophy (PCA) is a rare progressive neurodegenerative syndrome which unusual symptoms include deficits of balance, bodily orientation, chronic pain syndrome and dysfunctional motor patterns. Current research provides minimal guidance on support, education and recommended evidence-based patient care. This case reports the utilization of chiropractic spinal manipulation, dynamic neuromuscular stabilization (DNS), and other adjunctive procedures along with medical treatment of PCA. A 54-year-old male presented to a chiropractic clinic with non-specific back pain associated with visual disturbances, slight memory loss, and inappropriate cognitive motor control. After physical examination, brain MRI and PET scan, the diagnosis of PCA was recognized. Chiropractic spinal manipulation and dynamic neuromuscular stabilization were utilized as adjunctive care to conservative pharmacological treatment of PCA. Outcome measurements showed a 60% improvement in the patient's perception of health with restored functional neuromuscular pattern, improvements in locomotion, posture, pain control, mood, tolerance to activities of daily living (ADLs) and overall satisfactory progress in quality of life. Yet, no changes on memory loss progression, visual space orientation, and speech were observed. PCA is a progressive and debilitating condition. Because of poor awareness of PCA by physicians, patients usually receive incomplete care. Additional efforts must be centered on the musculoskeletal features of PCA, aiming enhancement in quality of life and functional improvements (FI). Adjunctive rehabilitative treatment is considered essential for individuals with cognitive and motor disturbances, and manual medicine procedures may be consider a viable option.

  3. Application of EOF/PCA-based methods in the post-processing of GRACE derived water variations (United States)

    Forootan, Ehsan; Kusche, Jürgen


    Two problems that users of monthly GRACE gravity field solutions face are 1) the presence of correlated noise in the Stokes coefficients that increases with harmonic degree and causes ‘striping', and 2) the fact that different physical signals are overlaid and difficult to separate from each other in the data. These problems are termed the signal-noise separation problem and the signal-signal separation problem. Methods that are based on principal component analysis and empirical orthogonal functions (PCA/EOF) have been frequently proposed to deal with these problems for GRACE. However, different strategies have been applied to different (spatial: global/regional, spectral: global/order-wise, geoid/equivalent water height) representations of the GRACE level 2 data products, leading to differing results and a general feeling that PCA/EOF-based methods are to be applied ‘with care'. In addition, it is known that conventional EOF/PCA methods force separated modes to be orthogonal, and that, on the other hand, to either EOFs or PCs an arbitrary orthogonal rotation can be applied. The aim of this paper is to provide a common theoretical framework and to study the application of PCA/EOF-based methods as a signal separation tool due to post-process GRACE data products. In order to investigate and illustrate the applicability of PCA/EOF-based methods, we have employed them on GRACE level 2 monthly solutions based on the Center for Space Research, University of Texas (CSR/UT) RL04 products and on the ITG-GRACE03 solutions from the University of Bonn, and on various representations of them. Our results show that EOF modes do reveal the dominating annual, semiannual and also long-periodic signals in the global water storage variations, but they also show how choosing different strategies changes the outcome and may lead to unexpected results.

  4. F-15 PCA (Propulsion Controlled Aircraft) Simulation Cockpit (United States)


    The F-15 PCA (Propulsion Controlled Aircraft) simulation was used from 1990 to 1993. It was used for the development of propulsion algorithms and piloting techniques (using throttles only) to be used for emergency flight control in the advent of a major flight control system failure on a multi-engine aircraft. Following this program with the Dryden F-15, similiar capabilities were developed for other aircraft, such as the B-720, Lear 24, B-727, C-402, and B-747.

  5. EEG channels reduction using PCA to increase XGBoost's accuracy for stroke detection (United States)

    Fitriah, N.; Wijaya, S. K.; Fanany, M. I.; Badri, C.; Rezal, M.


    In Indonesia, based on the result of Basic Health Research 2013, the number of stroke patients had increased from 8.3 ‰ (2007) to 12.1 ‰ (2013). These days, some researchers are using electroencephalography (EEG) result as another option to detect the stroke disease besides CT Scan image as the gold standard. A previous study on the data of stroke and healthy patients in National Brain Center Hospital (RS PON) used Brain Symmetry Index (BSI), Delta-Alpha Ratio (DAR), and Delta-Theta-Alpha-Beta Ratio (DTABR) as the features for classification by an Extreme Learning Machine (ELM). The study got 85% accuracy with sensitivity above 86 % for acute ischemic stroke detection. Using EEG data means dealing with many data dimensions, and it can reduce the accuracy of classifier (the curse of dimensionality). Principal Component Analysis (PCA) could reduce dimensionality and computation cost without decreasing classification accuracy. XGBoost, as the scalable tree boosting classifier, can solve real-world scale problems (Higgs Boson and Allstate dataset) with using a minimal amount of resources. This paper reuses the same data from RS PON and features from previous research, preprocessed with PCA and classified with XGBoost, to increase the accuracy with fewer electrodes. The specific fewer electrodes improved the accuracy of stroke detection. Our future work will examine the other algorithm besides PCA to get higher accuracy with less number of channels.

  6. Neuroendocrine prostate cancer (NEPCa) increased the neighboring PCa chemo-resistance via altering the PTHrP/p38/Hsp27/androgen receptor (AR)/p21 signals (United States)

    Cui, Yun; Sun, Yin; Hu, Shuai; Luo, Jie; Li, Lei; Li, Xin; Yeh, Shuyuan; Jin, Jie; Chang, Chawnshang


    Prostatic neuroendocrine cells (NE) are an integral part of prostate cancer (PCa) that are associated with PCa progression. As the current androgen-deprivation therapy (ADT) with anti-androgens may promote the neuroendocrine PCa (NEPCa) development, and few therapies can effectively suppress NEPCa, understanding the impact of NEPCa on PCa progression may help us to develop better therapies to battle PCa. Here we found NEPCa cells could increase the docetaxel-resistance of their neighboring PCa cells. Mechanism dissection revealed that through secretion of PTHrP, NEPCa cells could alter the p38/MAPK/Hsp27 signals in their neighboring PCa cells that resulted in increased androgen receptor (AR) activity via promoting AR nuclear translocation. The consequences of increased AR function might then increase docetaxel-resistance via increasing p21 expression. In vivo xenograft mice experiments also confirmed NEPCa could increase the docetaxel-resistance of neighboring PCa, and targeting this newly identified PTHrP/p38/Hsp27/AR/p21 signaling pathway with either p38 inhibitor (SB203580) or sh-PTHrP may result in improving/restoring the docetaxel sensitivity to better suppress PCa. PMID:27375022

  7. [Identification of varieties of cashmere by Vis/NIR spectroscopy technology based on PCA-SVM]. (United States)

    Wu, Gui-Fang; He, Yong


    One mixed algorithm was presented to discriminate cashmere varieties with principal component analysis (PCA) and support vector machine (SVM). Cashmere fiber has such characteristics as threadlike, softness, glossiness and high tensile strength. The quality characters and economic value of each breed of cashmere are very different. In order to safeguard the consumer's rights and guarantee the quality of cashmere product, quickly, efficiently and correctly identifying cashmere has significant meaning to the production and transaction of cashmere material. The present research adopts Vis/NIRS spectroscopy diffuse techniques to collect the spectral data of cashmere. The near infrared fingerprint of cashmere was acquired by principal component analysis (PCA), and support vector machine (SVM) methods were used to further identify the cashmere material. The result of PCA indicated that the score map made by the scores of PC1, PC2 and PC3 was used, and 10 principal components (PCs) were selected as the input of support vector machine (SVM) based on the reliabilities of PCs of 99.99%. One hundred cashmere samples were used for calibration and the remaining 75 cashmere samples were used for validation. A one-against-all multi-class SVM model was built, the capabilities of SVM with different kernel function were comparatively analyzed, and the result showed that SVM possessing with the Gaussian kernel function has the best identification capabilities with the accuracy of 100%. This research indicated that the data mining method of PCA-SVM has a good identification effect, and can work as a new method for rapid identification of cashmere material varieties.

  8. Improved medical image fusion based on cascaded PCA and shift invariant wavelet transforms. (United States)

    Reena Benjamin, J; Jayasree, T


    In the medical field, radiologists need more informative and high-quality medical images to diagnose diseases. Image fusion plays a vital role in the field of biomedical image analysis. It aims to integrate the complementary information from multimodal images, producing a new composite image which is expected to be more informative for visual perception than any of the individual input images. The main objective of this paper is to improve the information, to preserve the edges and to enhance the quality of the fused image using cascaded principal component analysis (PCA) and shift invariant wavelet transforms. A novel image fusion technique based on cascaded PCA and shift invariant wavelet transforms is proposed in this paper. PCA in spatial domain extracts relevant information from the large dataset based on eigenvalue decomposition, and the wavelet transform operating in the complex domain with shift invariant properties brings out more directional and phase details of the image. The significance of maximum fusion rule applied in dual-tree complex wavelet transform domain enhances the average information and morphological details. The input images of the human brain of two different modalities (MRI and CT) are collected from whole brain atlas data distributed by Harvard University. Both MRI and CT images are fused using cascaded PCA and shift invariant wavelet transform method. The proposed method is evaluated based on three main key factors, namely structure preservation, edge preservation, contrast preservation. The experimental results and comparison with other existing fusion methods show the superior performance of the proposed image fusion framework in terms of visual and quantitative evaluations. In this paper, a complex wavelet-based image fusion has been discussed. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method enhances the directional features as well as fine edge details. Also, it reduces the redundant details, artifacts, distortions.

  9. Comparative evaluation of urinary PCA3 and TMPRSS2: ERG scores and serum PHI in predicting prostate cancer aggressiveness. (United States)

    Tallon, Lucile; Luangphakdy, Devillier; Ruffion, Alain; Colombel, Marc; Devonec, Marian; Champetier, Denis; Paparel, Philippe; Decaussin-Petrucci, Myriam; Perrin, Paul; Vlaeminck-Guillem, Virginie


    It has been suggested that urinary PCA3 and TMPRSS2:ERG fusion tests and serum PHI correlate to cancer aggressiveness-related pathological criteria at prostatectomy. To evaluate and compare their ability in predicting prostate cancer aggressiveness, PHI and urinary PCA3 and TMPRSS2:ERG (T2) scores were assessed in 154 patients who underwent radical prostatectomy for biopsy-proven prostate cancer. Univariate and multivariate analyses using logistic regression and decision curve analyses were performed. All three markers were predictors of a tumor volume≥0.5 mL. Only PHI predicted Gleason score≥7. T2 score and PHI were both independent predictors of extracapsular extension(≥pT3), while multifocality was only predicted by PCA3 score. Moreover, when compared to a base model (age, digital rectal examination, serum PSA, and Gleason sum at biopsy), the addition of both PCA3 score and PHI to the base model induced a significant increase (+12%) when predicting tumor volume>0.5 mL. PHI and urinary PCA3 and T2 scores can be considered as complementary predictors of cancer aggressiveness at prostatectomy.

  10. Comparative Evaluation of Urinary PCA3 and TMPRSS2: ERG Scores and Serum PHI in Predicting Prostate Cancer Aggressiveness

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    Lucile Tallon


    Full Text Available It has been suggested that urinary PCA3 and TMPRSS2:ERG fusion tests and serum PHI correlate to cancer aggressiveness-related pathological criteria at prostatectomy. To evaluate and compare their ability in predicting prostate cancer aggressiveness, PHI and urinary PCA3 and TMPRSS2:ERG (T2 scores were assessed in 154 patients who underwent radical prostatectomy for biopsy-proven prostate cancer. Univariate and multivariate analyses using logistic regression and decision curve analyses were performed. All three markers were predictors of a tumor volume ≥0.5 mL. Only PHI predicted Gleason score ≥7. T2 score and PHI were both independent predictors of extracapsular extension (≥pT3, while multifocality was only predicted by PCA3 score. Moreover, when compared to a base model (age, digital rectal examination, serum PSA, and Gleason sum at biopsy, the addition of both PCA3 score and PHI to the base model induced a significant increase (+12% when predicting tumor volume >0.5 mL. PHI and urinary PCA3 and T2 scores can be considered as complementary predictors of cancer aggressiveness at prostatectomy.

  11. Swelling and microstructural development in path A PCA and type 316 stainless steel irradiated in HFIR to about 22 dpa

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maziasz, P.J.; Braski, D.N.


    Irradiation of several microstructural variants of PCA and 20%-cold-worked N-lot type 316 stainess steel (CW 316) in HFIR to about 10 dpa produced no visible cavities at 300 0 C, bubbles at 400 0 C, and varying distributions of bubbles and voids at 500 and 600 0 C. The PCA-B1 swells the most and CW 316 (N-lot) the least at 600 0 C. Irradiations have been extended to about 22 dpa. The PCA-Al swells 0.06%/dpa at 600 0 C but at a much lower rate at 500 0 C. The PCA-A3 shows the lowest swelling at 600 0 C, about the half the swelling rate of type 316 stainless steel

  12. Pain management in patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis undergoing posterior spinal fusion: combined intrathecal morphine and continuous epidural versus PCA. (United States)

    Ravish, Matthew; Muldowney, Bridget; Becker, Aimee; Hetzel, Scott; McCarthy, James J; Nemeth, Blaise A; Noonan, Kenneth J


    A retrospective case-comparison study. Compare efficacy and safety of combined intrathecal morphine (ITM) and epidural analgesia (EPI) to that of conventional intravenous patient-controlled analgesia (IV-PCA) after posterior spinal fusion (PSF) for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS). Pain control after PSF in AIS has been managed traditionally with IV-PCA. More recently studies have shown improvement in pain control with the use of continuous EPI or intraoperative ITM. No studies to our knowledge have compared the use of both ITM and EPI analgesia to that of IV-PCA. An Institutional Review Board-approved retrospective case-comparison study was performed from 1989 to 2009 of all patients undergoing PSF for AIS. Patients received either IV-PCA or ITM/EPI. Daily pain scores were recorded along with total opioid and benzodiazepine use. Adverse events were recorded for all the patients. A total of 146 patients were initially included in the study; 95 patients received ITM/EPI and 51 received IV-PCA as a historical control. Eight patients from the ITM/EPI group were excluded from the pain comparison portion of the study. There were no statistical differences in age, sex, weight, or hospital stay between the 2 groups. The ITM/EPI group had, on average, 1 additional level of fusion (P = 0.001). Daily average pain scores were lower in the ITM/EPI group on all hospital days, and statistically lower in days 1 and 3 to 5. Total opioid requirement was significantly lower in the ITM/EPI patients, although oral opioid use was higher among this group. Total benzodiazepine use was lower among the IV-PCA group. A total of 15.7% of the IV-PCA patients had bladder hypotonia, compared with 1.1% of the ITM/EPI group (P = 0.002). The rate of illeus was 15.7% in the IV-PCA patients and 5.7% in the ITM/EPI (P = 0.071). Respiratory depression was reported in 4 ITM/EPI patients, 0 in our PCA group. Technical catheter malfunction was reported in 8.5% of the EPI group. The use of ITM

  13. Sensibilidade, especificidade e valores preditivos da queixa auditiva comparados com diferentes médias audiométricas Sensitivity, specificity and predictive values of hearing loss to different audiometric mean values

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    Karin Christine de Freitas Kasper Calviti


    Full Text Available A deficiência auditiva gera no idoso um dos mais incapacitantes distúrbios de comunicação, impedindo-o de desempenhar plenamente seu papel na sociedade. OBJETIVO: A proposta deste estudo foi determinar qual a melhor ferramenta que em conjunto com a audiometria representa melhor a queixa do paciente idoso, e quais frequências da audiometria tonal devem ser consideradas para atribuir o grau da perda. FORMA DE ESTUDO: Clínico prospectivo. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Foram avaliados 71 idosos, com idade entre 60 e 82 anos. Todos foram submetidos à avaliação audiológica básica e ao questionário Hearing Handicap Inventory for the Elderly (HHIE. Para classificação do grau de perda auditiva foram analisadas três médias audiométricas. Essas médias foram comparadas com a aplicação do HHIE em sua versão completa e reduzida (HHIE-S. RESULTADOS: A especificidade apresentou valores de 43,5% a 58,5% para a aplicação do HHIE dependendo da média audiométrica e 50% a 63,4% para a aplicação do HHIE-S. CONCLUSÃO: A inclusão dos limiares de 4kHz e 6kHz na média audiométrica da avaliação auditiva não contribuíram para a percepção da queixa auditiva. A correlação do HHIE-S com o PTA1 foi a melhor especificidade (63,4% e o melhor valor preditivo positivo (62,5%.Hearing loss in the elderly is one of the most incapacitating communication disorders, preventing them to fully perform their tasks in society. AIM: This study aimed to determine what is the best tool that together with the audiometric tests better represents the hearing loss reported by the elderly and which frequencies in the audiometric test must be considered to determine the hearing loss degree. STUDY: Clinical prospective. MATERIALS AND METHODS: 71 elderly with ages between 60 and 82 years old were assessed. The subjects were submitted to a conventional audiometric assessment and a Hearing Handicap Inventory for the Elderly (HHIE questionnaire. Three audiometric averages were

  14. Perda auditiva neurossensorial súbita idiopática: evolução na presença de hipertensão arterial sistêmica, diabetes melito e dislipidemias Idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss: evolution in the presence of hypertension, diabetes mellitus and dyslipidemias

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    Jayson Nagaoka


    Full Text Available Estudo retrospectivo com o objetivo de avaliar a interferência das doenças associadas na evolução e prognóstico da perda auditiva neurossensorial súbita idiopática. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Estudo caso controle. Trinta e cinco pacientes com perda auditiva neurossensorial súbita idiopática divididos em dois grupos, um com doenças associadas (hipertensão arterial sistêmica, diabetes melito e dislipidemias e outro sem doenças associadas. Avaliação das variáveis: idade, sexo, doença associada, presença de zumbido, tontura e plenitude aural, presença de microangiopatia cerebral na ressonância magnética, alteração no fundo de olho, tempo de início de tratamento, taxa de melhora auditiva, evolução do índice do reconhecimento da fala. Dados avaliados estatisticamente. RESULTADOS: O grupo com doença associada, quando comparado ao grupo sem doença associada, apresenta idade mais elevada, maior número de pacientes com microangiopatia cerebral na ressonância magnética e recuperação mais lenta do índice de reconhecimento da fala. CONCLUSÃO: Perda auditiva neurossensorial súbita idiopática na presença da hipertensão arterial sistêmica, diabetes melito e dislipidemias, em indivíduos mais velhos, está associada a uma maior prevalência de achados de microangiopatias cerebrais nos exames de ressonância magnética, e à recuperação auditiva mais lenta na melhora do índice de reconhecimento da fala.Retrospective study aiming at evaluating the interference of associate diseases in the evolution and prognosis of idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Case-Control Study. Thirty-five patients with idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss were divided in two groups, one of them with associate diseases (hypertension, diabetes mellitus and dyslipidemias, and another one without co-occurrence of such diseases. The groups were evaluated regarding: age, gender, associate diseases, presence of

  15. Limitação de atividades em idosos: estudo em novos usuários de próteses auditivas por meio do questionário APHAB Activity limitations in the elderly: a study of new hearing aid users using the APHAB questionnaire

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    Nayyara Glícia Calheiros Flores


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar limitações auditivas de idosos com perda auditiva sensorioneural de grau moderado a severo segundo variáveis escolaridade e grau da perda auditiva, por meio do questionário de auto-avaliação Abbreviate Profile of Hearing Aid Benefit (APHAB. MÉTODOS: Foi aplicado o questionário em 30 idosos antes e após três meses de uso da amplificação. A amostra foi composta por 60% mulheres e 40% homens, com média de idade de 71,6 anos. O grau de escolaridade foi distribuído em três categorias: não-alfabetizado, ensino fundamental e ensino médio. Os dados foram analisados estatisticamente. Os escores foram comparados por sub-escala, e a avaliação geral pela subtração desses escores. Além disso, foi calculada a associação entre benefício e grau de escolaridade e grau de perda auditiva. RESULTADOS: O estudo comparativo entre os escores obtidos na aplicação do questionário sem e com prótese auditiva revelou diferença nas sub-escalas Facilidade de Comunicação, Reverberação e Ruído Ambiental, com valores de pPURPOSE: To evaluate hearing limitations among elderly individuals with moderate to severe sensorineural hearing loss according to the variables educational level and degree of hearing loss, using the Abbreviated Profile of Hearing Aid Benefit self-assessment questionnaire. METHODS: The questionnaire was applied to 30 elderly subjects before and after three months of use of amplification. The sample was composed of 60% females and 40% males, with mean age of 71.6 years. Educational level was divided into three categories: illiterate, elementary school, and high school education. Data were analyzed statistically. Scores were compared by subscale and an overall assessment was conducted by subtracting these scores. Moreover, it was calculated the association between benefit and educational level and degree of hearing loss. RESULTS: The comparative study between scores obtained in the questionnaire with and

  16. Comparative Performance Of Using PCA With K-Means And Fuzzy C Means Clustering For Customer Segmentation

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    Fahmida Afrin


    Full Text Available Abstract Data mining is the process of analyzing data and discovering useful information. Sometimes it is called knowledge Discovery. Clustering refers to groups whereas data are grouped in such a way that the data in one cluster are similar data in different clusters are dissimilar. Many data mining technologies are developed for customer segmentation. PCA is working as a preprocessor of Fuzzy C means and K- means for reducing the high dimensional and noisy data. There are many clustering method apply on customer segmentation. In this paper the performance of Fuzzy C means and K-means after implementing Principal Component Analysis is analyzed. We analyze the performance on a standard dataset for these algorithms. The results indicate that PCA based fuzzy clustering produces better results than PCA based K-means and is a more stable method for customer segmentation.

  17. Management of Localized Prostate Cancer by Focal Transurethral Resection of Prostate Cancer: An Application of Radical TUR-PCa to Focal Therapy. (United States)

    Morita, Masaru; Matsuura, Takeshi


    Background. We analyzed radical TUR-PCa against localized prostate cancer. Patients and Methods. Seventy-nine out of 209 patients with prostate cancer in one lobe were studied. Patients' age ranged from 58 to 91 years and preoperative PSA, 0.70 to 17.30 ng/mL. In other 16 additional patients we performed focal TUR-PCa. Patients' age ranged from 51 to 87 years and preoperative PSA, 1.51 to 25.74 ng/mL. Results. PSA failure in radical TUR-PCa was 5.1% during the mean follow-up period of 58.9 months. The actuarial biochemical non-recurrence rate was 98.2% for pT2a and 90.5% for pT2b. Bladder neck contracture occurred in 28 patients (35.4%). In 209 patients, pathological study revealed prostate cancer of the peripheral zone near the neurovascular bundle bilaterally in 25%, unilaterally in 39% and no cancer bilaterally in 35%, suggesting the possibility of focal TUR-PCa. Postoperative PSA of 16 patients treated by focal TUR-PCa was stable between 0.007 and 0.406 ng/mL at 24.2 months' follow-up. No patients suffered from urinary incontinence. Bladder neck contracture developed in only 1 patient and all 5 patients underwent nerve-preserving TUR-PCa did not show erectile dysfunction. Conclusion. Focal TUR-PCa was considered to be a promising option among focal therapies against localized prostate cancer.

  18. Management of Localized Prostate Cancer by Focal Transurethral Resection of Prostate Cancer: An Application of Radical TUR-PCa to Focal Therapy

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    Masaru Morita


    Full Text Available Background. We analyzed radical TUR-PCa against localized prostate cancer. Patients and Methods. Seventy-nine out of 209 patients with prostate cancer in one lobe were studied. Patients’ age ranged from 58 to 91 years and preoperative PSA, 0.70 to 17.30 ng/mL. In other 16 additional patients we performed focal TUR-PCa. Patients’ age ranged from 51 to 87 years and preoperative PSA, 1.51 to 25.74 ng/mL. Results. PSA failure in radical TUR-PCa was 5.1% during the mean follow-up period of 58.9 months. The actuarial biochemical non-recurrence rate was 98.2% for pT2a and 90.5% for pT2b. Bladder neck contracture occurred in 28 patients (35.4%. In 209 patients, pathological study revealed prostate cancer of the peripheral zone near the neurovascular bundle bilaterally in 25%, unilaterally in 39% and no cancer bilaterally in 35%, suggesting the possibility of focal TUR-PCa. Postoperative PSA of 16 patients treated by focal TUR-PCa was stable between 0.007 and 0.406 ng/mL at 24.2 months’ follow-up. No patients suffered from urinary incontinence. Bladder neck contracture developed in only 1 patient and all 5 patients underwent nerve-preserving TUR-PCa did not show erectile dysfunction. Conclusion. Focal TUR-PCa was considered to be a promising option among focal therapies against localized prostate cancer.

  19. Triagem auditiva: perfil socioeconômico de mãe Socio-economic characteristic of mothers of a NHS program

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    Maria Luiza Lopes Timóteo de Lima


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: descrever as características socioeconômicas e demográficas das mães cujos filhos participaram da triagem auditiva neonatal. MÉTODOS: o estudo foi desenvolvido em maternidades públicas da cidade do Recife, por meio de entrevistas realizadas com as parturientes. Após a entrevista, as mães foram convidadas a comparecer às clínicas-escola de Fonoaudiologia da Universidade Católica de Pernambuco e da Faculdade Integrada do Recife, para realizar avaliação auditiva em seus filhos. RESULTADOS: participaram do estudo 1.021 mães, sendo observado que: a idade destas variou de 13 a 50 anos, com maioria (69,5% entre 20 e 35 anos; 59,4% são casadas ou têm união consensual; 39,1% são solteiras e a maior parte (34,1% possui primeiro grau incompleto e 3,4%, o 3°grau. Quanto ao fator renda pessoal, a maioria (72,8% apresenta inferior a um salário mínimo; 90,3% possuem bens, sendo que 83,6% televisão, 56,7% casa própria e 40,7% telefone e, como atividade, identificou-se (63,7% como sendo dona de casa. CONCLUSÃO: as características socioeconômicas e demográficas das mães participantes da triagem auditiva neonatal foram marcadas por mulheres adultas jovens, que possuem marido ou parceiros, baixa escolaridade e renda familiar, possuem acesso à televisão e não possuem trabalho fora de casa. Tais resultados representam uma importante base diagnóstica para as necessárias ações de gestão, assistência e ensino na área de saúde materno-infantil. Portanto, a partir dos achados pode-se melhor fundamentar programas direcionados para as mães com as características socioeconômicas e demográficas identificadas. Entretanto, para se atingir todas as mães, o estudo também forneceu indícios de grupos minoritários que merecem, certamente, novas pesquisas seqüenciais.PURPOSE: to describe the socio-economic and demographic aspects of mothers related to a newborn hearing screening program in Recife. METHODS: this study was

  20. Technology Marketing using PCA , SOM, and STP Strategy Modeling


    Sunghae Jun


    Technology marketing is a total processing about identifying and meeting the technological needs of human society. Most technology results exist in intellectual properties like patents. In our research, we consider patent document as a technology. So patent data are analyzed by Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Self Organizing Map (SOM) for STP(Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning) strategy modeling. STP is a popular approach for developing marketing strategies. We use STP strategy m...

  1. Piper-PCA-Fisher Recognition Model of Water Inrush Source: A Case Study of the Jiaozuo Mining Area

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    Pinghua Huang


    Full Text Available Source discrimination of mine water plays an important role in guiding mine water prevention in mine water management. To accurately determine water inrush source from a mine in the Jiaozuo mining area, a Piper trilinear diagram based on hydrochemical experimental data of stratified underground water in the area was utilized to determine typical water samples. Additionally, principal component analysis (PCA was used for dimensionality reduction of conventional hydrochemical variables, after which mutually independent variables were extracted. The Piper-PCA-Fisher water inrush source recognition model was established by combining the Piper trilinear diagram and Fisher discrimination theory. Screened typical samples were used to conduct back-discriminate verification of the model. Results showed that 28 typical water samples in different aquifers were determined through the Piper trilinear diagram as a water sample set for training. Before PCA was carried out, the first five factors covered 98.92% of the information quantity of the original data and could effectively represent the data information of the original samples. During the one-by-one rediscrimination process of 28 groups of training samples using the Piper-PCA-Fisher water inrush source model, 100% correct discrimination rate was achieved. During the prediction and discrimination process of 13 samples, one water sample was misdiscriminated; hence, the correct prediscrimination rate was 92.3%. Compared with the traditional Fisher water source recognition model, the Piper-PCA-Fisher water source recognition model established in this study had higher accuracy in both rediscrimination and prediscrimination processes. Thus it had a strong ability to discriminate water inrush sources.

  2. Short-term PV/T module temperature prediction based on PCA-RBF neural network (United States)

    Li, Jiyong; Zhao, Zhendong; Li, Yisheng; Xiao, Jing; Tang, Yunfeng


    Aiming at the non-linearity and large inertia of temperature control in PV/T system, short-term temperature prediction of PV/T module is proposed, to make the PV/T system controller run forward according to the short-term forecasting situation to optimize control effect. Based on the analysis of the correlation between PV/T module temperature and meteorological factors, and the temperature of adjacent time series, the principal component analysis (PCA) method is used to pre-process the original input sample data. Combined with the RBF neural network theory, the simulation results show that the PCA method makes the prediction accuracy of the network model higher and the generalization performance stronger than that of the RBF neural network without the main component extraction.

  3. Tracking polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) congener patterns in Newark Bay surface sediment using principal component analysis (PCA) and positive matrix factorization (PMF). (United States)

    Saba, Tarek; Su, Steave


    PCB congener data for Newark Bay surface sediments were analyzed using PCA and PMF, and relationships between the outcomes from these two techniques were explored. The PCA scores plot separated the Lower Passaic River Mouth samples from North Newark Bay, thus indicating dissimilarity. Although PCA was able to identify subareas in the Bay system with specific PCB congener patterns (e.g., higher chlorinated congeners in Elizabeth River), further conclusions reading potential PCB source profiles or potential upland source areas were not clear for the PCA scores plot. PMF identified five source factors, and explained the Bay sample congener profiles as a mix of these Factors. This PMF solution was equivalent to (1) defining an envelope that encompasses all samples on the PCA scores plot, (2) defining source factors that plot on that envelope, and (3) explaining the congener profile for each Bay sediment sample (inside the scores plot envelope) as a mix of factors. PMF analysis allowed identifying characteristic features in the source factor congener distributions that allowed tracking of source factors to shoreline areas where PCB inputs to the Bay may have originated. The combined analysis from PCA and PMF showed that direct discharges to the Bay are likely the dominant sources of PCBs to the sediment. Review of historical upland activities and regulatory files will be needed, in addition to the PCA and PMF analysis, to fully reconstruct the history of operations and PCB releases around the Newark Bay area that impacted the Bay sediment. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  4. Análise das habilidades auditivas de crianças com respiração oral Analysis of hearing abilities in mouth-breathing children

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    Bruna Machado Correa


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: destacar possíveis relações entre respiração oral e o sistema auditivo central de crianças em idade escolar, a partir da análise das habilidades auditivas de resolução temporal integração e separação binaural, atenção dividida, memória auditiva e fechamento auditivo. MÉTODOS: estudo em 102 escolares, entre 8 e 12 anos. Grupo I composto por 52 crianças com respiração oral e 50 crianças formaram o grupo II, com respiração nasal. Foram utilizados testes de Fala Filtrada, Teste de Padrões de Freqüência e Dicótico de Dissílabos Alternados (SSW. Os resultados dos testes foram analisados em relação ao tipo de habilidade alterada e sua ocorrência em crianças com respiração oral. Além de uma análise quanto à possível relação entre os testes e as ocorrências de alterações mais freqüentes entre os mesmos. RESULTADOS: indivíduos do grupo I obtiveram maior freqüência de alterações de grau severo e moderado. Comprovou-se diferença estatisticamente significante entre os grupos para as condições de: orelhas esquerda e direita competitiva, alteração relacionada a organização e integração auditiva, fechamento auditivo e padrão temporal. Não ocorreu diferença estatisticamente significante nos resultados da relação entre testes. CONCLUSÃO: crianças com respiração oral apresentam desempenho inferior nas habilidades do processamento auditivo do que crianças com padrão respiratório normal.PURPOSE: to highlight the possible relationships between mouth breathing and central auditory system of school-age children, based on an analysis of the auditory abilities of temporal resolution, binaural separation and integration, divided attention, auditory memory and closure. METHODS: a study of 102 school children, between 8 and 12-year old. Group I was composed of 52 children with mouth breathing and group II was composed of 50 children with nose breathing. The evaluation was carried out using

  5. Evaluation of PCA3 and multiparametric MRI’s: collective benefits before deciding initial prostate biopsy for patients with PSA level between 3-10ng/mL

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    Sezgin Okcelik


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT Objective To analyze the contribution of multiparametric MRI and PCA3 assay, pre- decision of initial biopsy in PSA level between 3-10 ng/mL patients with normal digital rectal examination(DRE. Materials and Methods PSA level 3-10 ng/mL ,patients, with normal DRE results and no previous prostate biopsy history, were included in this study. Each patient underwent multiparametric MRI one week before biopsy. Urine sample taking for PCA3 examination preceded the biopsy. Systematic and targeted biopsies were conducted. Patients with high PSA levels were seperated into two groups as: high PCA3 scored and low PCA3 scored. Then each group was divided into two sub-groups as: MRI lesion positive and negative. Tumor incidence, positive predictive values(PPV and negative predictive values(NPV were calculated. Results 53 patients were included between February 2013 and March 2014.Mean age 61.22 ± 1.06. Mean PSA value 5.13 ± 0.19 ng / mL. Mean PCA3 score 98.01 ± 23.13 and mean prostate size was 48.96 ± 2.67 grams. Fourty nine patients had both PCA3 score and multiparametric MRI. The PCA3’s PPV value was 58.33%. If multiparametric MRI lesions are added to high PCA3 scores , the PPV appears to elevate to 91.66%. NPV of PCA3 was 96%. NPV was 95% when there was no lesion in the multiparametric MRI with low PCA3 scores. Sensitivity was 91.66% , specificity was 95% respectively. Conclusion Adding multimetric MRI can also support biopsy decision for patients with high PCA3 value. When PCA3 value is low, patients can be survailled without any need to take a MRI.

  6. PHI and PCA3 improve the prognostic performance of PRIAS and Epstein criteria in predicting insignificant prostate cancer in men eligible for active surveillance. (United States)

    Cantiello, Francesco; Russo, Giorgio Ivan; Cicione, Antonio; Ferro, Matteo; Cimino, Sebastiano; Favilla, Vincenzo; Perdonà, Sisto; De Cobelli, Ottavio; Magno, Carlo; Morgia, Giuseppe; Damiano, Rocco


    To assess the performance of prostate health index (PHI) and prostate cancer antigen 3 (PCA3) when added to the PRIAS or Epstein criteria in predicting the presence of pathologically insignificant prostate cancer (IPCa) in patients who underwent radical prostatectomy (RP) but eligible for active surveillance (AS). An observational retrospective study was performed in 188 PCa patients treated with laparoscopic or robot-assisted RP but eligible for AS according to Epstein or PRIAS criteria. Blood and urinary specimens were collected before initial prostate biopsy for PHI and PCA3 measurements. Multivariate logistic regression analyses and decision curve analysis were carried out to identify predictors of IPCa using the updated ERSPC definition. At the multivariate analyses, the inclusion of both PCA3 and PHI significantly increased the accuracy of the Epstein multivariate model in predicting IPCa with an increase of 17 % (AUC = 0.77) and of 32 % (AUC = 0.92), respectively. The inclusion of both PCA3 and PHI also increased the predictive accuracy of the PRIAS multivariate model with an increase of 29 % (AUC = 0.87) and of 39 % (AUC = 0.97), respectively. DCA revealed that the multivariable models with the addition of PHI or PCA3 showed a greater net benefit and performed better than the reference models. In a direct comparison, PHI outperformed PCA3 performance resulting in higher net benefit. In a same cohort of patients eligible for AS, the addition of PHI and PCA3 to Epstein or PRIAS models improved their prognostic performance. PHI resulted in greater net benefit in predicting IPCa compared to PCA3.

  7. Identifikasi Wajah Manusia untuk Sistem Monitoring Kehadiran Perkuliahan menggunakan Ekstraksi Fitur Principal Component Analysis (PCA

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    Cucu Suhery


    Full Text Available Berbagai sistem monitoring presensi yang ada memiliki kekurangan dan kelebihan masing-masing, dan perlu  untuk terus dikembangkan sehingga memudahkan dalam proses pengolahan datanya. Pada penelitian ini dikembangkan suatu sistem monitoring presensi menggunakan deteksi wajah manusia yang diintegrasikan dengan basis data menggunakan bahasa pemrograman Python dan library opencv. Akuisisi data citra dilakukan dengan ponsel android, kemudian citra tersebut dideteksi dan dipotong sehingga hanya didapat bagian wajah saja.  Deteksi wajah menggunakan metode Haar-Cascade Classifier, kemudian ekstraksi fitur dilakukan menggunakan metode Principal Component Analysis (PCA. Hasil dari PCA diberi label sesuai dengan data manusia yang ada pada basis data. Semua citra yang telah memiliki nilai PCA dan tersimpan di basis data akan dicari kemiripannya dengan citra wajah pada proses pengujian menggunakan metoda Euclidian Distance. Pada penelitian ini basis data yang digunakan yaitu MySQL. Hasil deteksi citra wajah pada proses pelatihan memiliki tingkat keberhasilan 100% dan hasil identifikasi wajah pada proses pengujian memiliki tingkat keberhasilan 90%..   Kata kunci— android, haar-cascade classifier, principal component analysis, euclidian distance, MySQL, sistem monitoring presensi, deteksi wajah

  8. Relação entre achados em neuroimagem, habilidades auditivas e metafonológicas em escolares com dislexia do desenvolvimento Relationship between neuroimaging findings and auditory and metaphonological abilities in students with developmental dyslexia

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    Giseli Donadon Germano


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Relacionar as habilidades auditivas, metafonológicas e de neuroimagem em escolares com dislexia do desenvolvimento e comparar os achados dessas habilidades em escolares com bom desempenho acadêmico. MÉTODOS: Participaram deste estudo 20 escolares, sendo dez com diagnóstico interdisciplinar de dislexia do desenvolvimento e dez com bom desempenho acadêmico, submetidos a avaliações audiológica, do processamento auditivo e de consciência fonológica. Os escolares com dislexia do desenvolvimento foram submetidos a exame de imagem (SPECT. RESULTADOS: Os resultados indicaram diferença estatisticamente significante entre as habilidades auditivas de sequência para sons verbais, mensagem competitiva ipsi e contralateral, dicótico de dígitos e dissílabos alternados e habilidades de síntese, segmentação, manipulação e transposição fonêmica. Entre os escolares com dislexia do desenvolvimento, evidenciou-se hipoperfusão da porção mesial do lobo temporal. CONCLUSÃO: Os achados deste estudo evidenciaram correlação entre provas de memória auditiva e manipulação silábica e fonêmica e associação entre habilidades auditivas e fonológicas, sugerindo que os processos auditivos interferem diretamente na percepção de aspectos acústicos, temporais e sequenciais dos sons para formação de uma representação fonológica estável, e que isto pode ser decorrente da presença de alterações de fluxo sanguíneo no lobo temporal.PURPOSE: To correlate auditory and metaphonological abilities and neuroimaging in students with developmental dyslexia, and to compare these findings to those obtained with students with good academic performance. METHODS: Twenty children participated in this study: ten with an interdisciplinary diagnostic of developmental dyslexia, and ten students with good academic performance. All subjects carried out audiologic, auditory processing and phonological awareness evaluations. The students with

  9. Testing a Modified PCA-Based Sharpening Approach for Image Fusion

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    Jan Jelének


    Full Text Available Image data sharpening is a challenging field of remote sensing science, which has become more relevant as high spatial-resolution satellites and superspectral sensors have emerged. Although the spectral property is crucial for mineral mapping, spatial resolution is also important as it allows targeted minerals/rocks to be identified/interpreted in a spatial context. Therefore, improving the spatial context, while keeping the spectral property provided by the superspectral sensor, would bring great benefits for geological/mineralogical mapping especially in arid environments. In this paper, a new concept was tested using superspectral data (ASTER and high spatial-resolution panchromatic data (WorldView-2 for image fusion. A modified Principal Component Analysis (PCA-based sharpening method, which implements a histogram matching workflow that takes into account the real distribution of values, was employed to test whether the substitution of Principal Components (PC1–PC4 can bring a fused image which is spectrally more accurate. The new approach was compared to those most widely used—PCA sharpening and Gram–Schmidt sharpening (GS, both available in ENVI software (Version 5.2 and lower as well as to the standard approach—sharpening Landsat 8 multispectral bands (MUL using its own panchromatic (PAN band. The visual assessment and the spectral quality indicators proved that the spectral performance of the proposed sharpening approach employing PC1 and PC2 improve the performance of the PCA algorithm, moreover, comparable or better results are achieved compared to the GS method. It was shown that, when using the PC1, the visible-near infrared (VNIR part of the spectrum was preserved better, however, if the PC2 was used, the short-wave infrared (SWIR part was preserved better. Furthermore, this approach improved the output spectral quality when fusing image data from different sensors (e.g., ASTER and WorldView-2 while keeping the proper albedo

  10. Real-time dynamic MR image reconstruction using compressed sensing and principal component analysis (CS-PCA): Demonstration in lung tumor tracking. (United States)

    Dietz, Bryson; Yip, Eugene; Yun, Jihyun; Fallone, B Gino; Wachowicz, Keith


    This work presents a real-time dynamic image reconstruction technique, which combines compressed sensing and principal component analysis (CS-PCA), to achieve real-time adaptive radiotherapy with the use of a linac-magnetic resonance imaging system. Six retrospective fully sampled dynamic data sets of patients diagnosed with non-small-cell lung cancer were used to investigate the CS-PCA algorithm. Using a database of fully sampled k-space, principal components (PC's) were calculated to aid in the reconstruction of undersampled images. Missing k-space data were calculated by projecting the current undersampled k-space data onto the PC's to generate the corresponding PC weights. The weighted PC's were summed together, and the missing k-space was iteratively updated. To gain insight into how the reconstruction might proceed at lower fields, 6× noise was added to the 3T data to investigate how the algorithm handles noisy data. Acceleration factors ranging from 2 to 10× were investigated using CS-PCA and Split Bregman CS for comparison. Metrics to determine the reconstruction quality included the normalized mean square error (NMSE), as well as the dice coefficients (DC) and centroid displacement of the tumor segmentations. Our results demonstrate that CS-PCA performed superior than CS alone. The CS-PCA patient averaged DC for 3T and 6× noise added data remained above 0.9 for acceleration factors up to 10×. The patient averaged NMSE gradually increased with increasing acceleration; however, it remained below 0.06 up to an acceleration factor of 10× for both 3T and 6× noise added data. The CS-PCA reconstruction speed ranged from 5 to 20 ms (Intel i7-4710HQ CPU @ 2.5 GHz), depending on the chosen parameters. A real-time reconstruction technique was developed for adaptive radiotherapy using a Linac-MRI system. Our CS-PCA algorithm can achieve tumor contours with DC greater than 0.9 and NMSE less than 0.06 at acceleration factors of up to, and including, 10×. The

  11. Learning binary code via PCA of angle projection for image retrieval (United States)

    Yang, Fumeng; Ye, Zhiqiang; Wei, Xueqi; Wu, Congzhong


    With benefits of low storage costs and high query speeds, binary code representation methods are widely researched for efficiently retrieving large-scale data. In image hashing method, learning hashing function to embed highdimensions feature to Hamming space is a key step for accuracy retrieval. Principal component analysis (PCA) technical is widely used in compact hashing methods, and most these hashing methods adopt PCA projection functions to project the original data into several dimensions of real values, and then each of these projected dimensions is quantized into one bit by thresholding. The variances of different projected dimensions are different, and with real-valued projection produced more quantization error. To avoid the real-valued projection with large quantization error, in this paper we proposed to use Cosine similarity projection for each dimensions, the angle projection can keep the original structure and more compact with the Cosine-valued. We used our method combined the ITQ hashing algorithm, and the extensive experiments on the public CIFAR-10 and Caltech-256 datasets validate the effectiveness of the proposed method.

  12. A Study of Wind Turbine Comprehensive Operational Assessment Model Based on EM-PCA Algorithm (United States)

    Zhou, Minqiang; Xu, Bin; Zhan, Yangyan; Ren, Danyuan; Liu, Dexing


    To assess wind turbine performance accurately and provide theoretical basis for wind farm management, a hybrid assessment model based on Entropy Method and Principle Component Analysis (EM-PCA) was established, which took most factors of operational performance into consideration and reach to a comprehensive result. To verify the model, six wind turbines were chosen as the research objects, the ranking obtained by the method proposed in the paper were 4#>6#>1#>5#>2#>3#, which are completely in conformity with the theoretical ranking, which indicates that the reliability and effectiveness of the EM-PCA method are high. The method could give guidance for processing unit state comparison among different units and launching wind farm operational assessment.

  13. Prostate Health Index (Phi) and Prostate Cancer Antigen 3 (PCA3) significantly improve prostate cancer detection at initial biopsy in a total PSA range of 2-10 ng/ml. (United States)

    Ferro, Matteo; Bruzzese, Dario; Perdonà, Sisto; Marino, Ada; Mazzarella, Claudia; Perruolo, Giuseppe; D'Esposito, Vittoria; Cosimato, Vincenzo; Buonerba, Carlo; Di Lorenzo, Giuseppe; Musi, Gennaro; De Cobelli, Ottavio; Chun, Felix K; Terracciano, Daniela


    Many efforts to reduce prostate specific antigen (PSA) overdiagnosis and overtreatment have been made. To this aim, Prostate Health Index (Phi) and Prostate Cancer Antigen 3 (PCA3) have been proposed as new more specific biomarkers. We evaluated the ability of phi and PCA3 to identify prostate cancer (PCa) at initial prostate biopsy in men with total PSA range of 2-10 ng/ml. The performance of phi and PCA3 were evaluated in 300 patients undergoing first prostate biopsy. ROC curve analyses tested the accuracy (AUC) of phi and PCA3 in predicting PCa. Decision curve analyses (DCA) were used to compare the clinical benefit of the two biomarkers. We found that the AUC value of phi (0.77) was comparable to those of %p2PSA (0.76) and PCA3 (0.73) with no significant differences in pairwise comparison (%p2PSA vs phi p = 0.673, %p2PSA vs. PCA3 p = 0.417 and phi vs. PCA3 p = 0.247). These three biomarkers significantly outperformed fPSA (AUC = 0.60), % fPSA (AUC = 0.62) and p2PSA (AUC = 0.63). At DCA, phi and PCA3 exhibited a very close net benefit profile until the threshold probability of 25%, then phi index showed higher net benefit than PCA3. Multivariable analysis showed that the addition of phi and PCA3 to the base multivariable model (age, PSA, %fPSA, DRE, prostate volume) increased predictive accuracy, whereas no model improved single biomarker performance. Finally we showed that subjects with active surveillance (AS) compatible cancer had significantly lower phi and PCA3 values (pphi and PCA3 comparably increase the accuracy in predicting the presence of PCa in total PSA range 2-10 ng/ml at initial biopsy, outperforming currently used %fPSA.

  14. Cluster analysis of commercial samples of Bauhinia spp. using HPLC-UV/PDA and MCR-ALS/PCA without peak alignment procedure. (United States)

    Ardila, Jorge Armando; Funari, Cristiano Soleo; Andrade, André Marques; Cavalheiro, Alberto José; Carneiro, Renato Lajarim


    Bauhinia forficata Link. is recognised by the Brazilian Health Ministry as a treatment of hypoglycemia and diabetes. Analytical methods are useful to assess the plant identity due the similarities found in plants from Bauhinia spp. HPLC-UV/PDA in combination with chemometric tools is an alternative widely used and suitable for authentication of plant material, however, the shifts of retention times for similar compounds in different samples is a problem. To perform comparisons between the authentic medicinal plant (Bauhinia forficata Link.) and samples commercially available in drugstores claiming to be "Bauhinia spp. to treat diabetes" and to evaluate the performance of multivariate curve resolution - alternating least squares (MCR-ALS) associated to principal component analysis (PCA) when compared to pure PCA. HPLC-UV/PDA data obtained from extracts of leaves were evaluated employing a combination of MCR-ALS and PCA, which allowed the use of the full chromatographic and spectrometric information without the need of peak alignment procedures. The use of MCR-ALS/PCA showed better results than the conventional PCA using only one wavelength. Only two of nine commercial samples presented characteristics similar to the authentic Bauhinia forficata spp., considering the full HPLC-UV/PDA data. The combination of MCR-ALS and PCA is very useful when applied to a group of samples where a general alignment procedure could not be applied due to the different chromatographic profiles. This work also demonstrates the need of more strict control from the health authorities regarding herbal products available on the market. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  15. Improving the prediction of pathologic outcomes in patients undergoing radical prostatectomy: the value of prostate cancer antigen 3 (PCA3), prostate health index (phi) and sarcosine. (United States)

    Ferro, Matteo; Lucarelli, Giuseppe; Bruzzese, Dario; Perdonà, Sisto; Mazzarella, Claudia; Perruolo, Giuseppe; Marino, Ada; Cosimato, Vincenzo; Giorgio, Emilia; Tagliamonte, Virginia; Bottero, Danilo; De Cobelli, Ottavio; Terracciano, Daniela


    Several efforts have been made to find biomarkers that could help clinicians to preoperatively determine prostate cancer (PCa) pathological characteristics and choose the best therapeutic approach, avoiding over-treatment. On this effort, prostate cancer antigen 3 (PCA3), prostate health index (phi) and sarcosine have been presented as promising tools. We evaluated the ability of these biomarkers to predict the pathologic PCa characteristics within a prospectively collected contemporary cohort of patients who underwent radical prostatectomy (RP) for clinically localized PCa at a single high-volume Institution. The prognostic performance of PCA3, phi and sarcosine were evaluated in 78 patients undergoing RP for biopsy-proven PCa. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analyses tested the accuracy (area under the curve (AUC)) in predicting PCa pathological characteristics. Decision curve analyses (DCA) were used to assess the clinical benefit of the three biomarkers. We found that PCA3, phi and sarcosine levels were significantly higher in patients with tumor volume (TV)≥0.5 ml, pathologic Gleason sum (GS)≥7 and pT3 disease (all p-values≤0.01). ROC curve analysis showed that phi is an accurate predictor of high-stage (AUC 0.85 [0.77-0.93]), high-grade (AUC 0.83 [0.73-0.93]) and high-volume disease (AUC 0.94 [0.88-0.99]). Sarcosine showed a comparable AUC (0.85 [0.76-0.94]) only for T3 stage prediction, whereas PCA3 score showed lower AUCs, ranging from 0.74 (for GS) to 0.86 (for TV). PCA3, phi and sarcosine are predictors of PCa characteristics at final pathology. Successful clinical translation of these findings would reduce the frequency of surveillance biopsies and may enhance acceptance of active surveillance (AS). Copyright© 2015 International Institute of Anticancer Research (Dr. John G. Delinassios), All rights reserved.

  16. Estudo retrospectivo de crianças e jovens com deficiência auditiva: caracterização das etiologias e quadro audiológico Retrospective study of hearing impaired children and teenager: characterizing the etiologies and audiological aspects

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Altair Cadrobbi Pupo


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: conhecer os fatores de risco para deficiência auditiva e obter informações sobre o tempo transcorrido entre suspeita, diagnóstico e intervenção em crianças e jovens deficientes auditivos atendidos no Serviço de Audiologia Educacional, DERDIC-PUC-SP. MÉTODOS: estudo retrospectivo de 162 prontuários de deficientes auditivos com idade entre um e 17 anos e 6 meses, atendidos de 1999 a 2002. Para registro dos dados utilizou-se a adaptação do protocolo elaborado no Fórum de Reabilitação Aural do Encontro Internacional de Audiologia, no Brasil. RESULTADOS: 54% dos sujeitos eram do sexo masculino e 46% do feminino; 60% tinham idade entre três e oito anos e 11 meses; 43% tiveram a suspeita da deficiência auditiva no primeiro ano de vida. Em 25% dos casos, o diagnóstico ocorreu logo após a suspeita, em 34% ocorreu um intervalo de até um ano; 11% iniciaram atendimento fonoaudiológico após diagnóstico, 54% demoraram até um ano e 27% demoraram mais de um ano. Trinta e dois por cento apresentaram etiologia desconhecida, 18% genética, 17% presumida multifatorial, 15% meningite, 9% rubéola congênita. CONCLUSÃO: a prevalência da etiologia desconhecida aponta para a necessidade do aprofundamento no diagnóstico etiopatológico (estudos genéticos, de imagens e laboratoriais como rotina para se obter as causas da deficiência auditiva. Observou-se que mesmo após as campanhas de vacinação, a rubéola ainda foi a maior causa de deficiência auditiva congênita e a meningite a maior causa das deficiências auditivas adquiridas após o nascimento. Constatou-se um longo intervalo de tempo entre suspeita, confirmação e início da intervenção fonoaudiológica.PURPOSE: to become aware of the risks factors for hearing impairment and describe the time gap between the suspicions of the hearing loss, the diagnostic and the beginning of the rehabilitation for a group of hearing impaired children and teenagers from an institution in

  17. Observação do desenvolvimento de linguagem e funções auditiva e visual em lactentes Observation of language, visual and hearing function development in infants

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria Cecília Marconi Pinheiro Lima


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Investigar o desenvolvimento da linguagem e das funções auditiva e visual em lactentes de creche, a partir da avaliação realizada por educadores. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados 115 lactentes, nos anos de 1998 a 2001, usuários de uma creche da área da saúde de uma universidade do Estado de São Paulo. Foi utilizado o "Protocolo da Observação do Desenvolvimento de Linguagem e das Funções Auditiva e Visual", com 39 provas no total, para a avaliação dos lactentes de 3 até 12 meses de idade. A aplicação desse Protocolo foi feita pelas educadoras da creche, devidamente treinadas. Utilizou-se o teste de Qui-quadrado ou Exato de Fisher. O nível de significância adotado foi de 5%. RESULTADOS: Os lactentes apresentaram um padrão diferente no desenvolvimento da linguagem quanto ao início do balbucio e das primeiras palavras, bem como na função visual, quanto à imitação e uso de jogos gestuais e de seguir ordem com uso de gestos. CONCLUSÕES: O ambiente creche propicia condições para um outro padrão de desenvolvimento de linguagem e das funções auditiva e visual. Ações de prevenção na creche devem integrar as áreas de saúde e educação num objetivo comum.OBJECTIVE: To investigate language, visual and hearing function development among infants in a day-care center based on educators' assessments. METHODS: One hundred and fifteen infants who attended a day-care center at one university of the São Paulo State, Brazil, were assessed during the period between 1998 and 2001. The "Protocol for Observation of Language, Visual and Hearing Function Development," containing a total of 39 standardized tests, was utilized to assess infants from three to twelve months old. The protocol was applied by trained educators, members of the day-care center staff. Statistical analysis was carried out using Chi-square test or Fischer's exact test at p <0.05. RESULTS: Infants showed different language development patterns as for

  18. PCA3 Reference Set Application: T2-Erg-Martin Sanda-Emory (2014) — EDRN Public Portal (United States)

    We hypothesize that combining T2:erg (T2:erg) fusion and PCA3 detection in urine collected after digital rectal exam can improve the specificity of identifying clinically significant prostate cancer presence over the standard PSA and DRE. To address this hypothesis we propose to validate the performance of the urinary T2:erg in a multiplex model predicting the diagnosis of clinically significant prostate cancer on subsequent prostate biopsy using post-DRE pre biopsy urine specimens from a cohort of 900 men on the EDRN’s PCA3 trial.

  19. Ketamine PCA for treatment of end-of-life neuropathic pain in pediatrics. (United States)

    Taylor, Matthew; Jakacki, Regina; May, Carol; Howrie, Denise; Maurer, Scott


    Control of neuropathic pain (NP) for children at end of life is challenging. Ketamine improves control of NP, but its use in children is not well described. We describe a retrospective case review of 14 children with terminal prognoses treated with ketamine patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) for management of opioid-refractory NP at the end of life. Median ketamine dose was 0.06 mg/kg/h (range 0.014-0.308 mg/kg/h) with a 0.05 mg/kg (range 0.03-0.5mg/kg) demand dose available every 15 minutes (range 10-60 minutes). All patients noted subjective pain relief with ketamine, and 79% had no adverse effects. Benzodiazepines limited neuropsychiatric side effects. Ketamine treatment arrested dose escalation of opioids in 64% of patients, and 79% were discharged to home hospice. Ketamine PCA is an effective, well-tolerated therapy for opioid-refractory NP in pediatric end-of-life care. © The Author(s) 2014.

  20. PCA: Principal Component Analysis for spectra modeling (United States)

    Hurley, Peter D.; Oliver, Seb; Farrah, Duncan; Wang, Lingyu; Efstathiou, Andreas


    The mid-infrared spectra of ultraluminous infrared galaxies (ULIRGs) contain a variety of spectral features that can be used as diagnostics to characterize the spectra. However, such diagnostics are biased by our prior prejudices on the origin of the features. Moreover, by using only part of the spectrum they do not utilize the full information content of the spectra. Blind statistical techniques such as principal component analysis (PCA) consider the whole spectrum, find correlated features and separate them out into distinct components. This code, written in IDL, classifies principal components of IRS spectra to define a new classification scheme using 5D Gaussian mixtures modelling. The five PCs and average spectra for the four classifications to classify objects are made available with the code.

  1. Influencia de la actividad física, en el desarrollo motor de los estudiantes de básica intermedia, con discapacidad auditiva, de la Unidad Educativa Especial Claudio Neira, (octubre - marzo 2015)


    Naranjo Naranjo, Edwin Geovanny; Vera Bustamante, Braulio Ricardo


    Este proyecto demuestra que la actividad física, si influye en el desarrollo motor de los estudiantes con discapacidad sensorial auditiva de la UEE Claudio Neira; fundamentados en cuatro capítulos se investigaron, seleccionaron y aplicaron varios test y estrategias para mejorar las capacidades físicas, coordinativas y habilidades motrices básicas de los estudiantes. This project shows how the physical activity is a good stimulation for the student development whit special sensorial hearing...

  2. A neuro-fuzzy inference system for sensor failure detection using wavelet denoising, PCA and SPRT

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Na, Man Gyun


    In this work, a neuro-fuzzy inference system combined with the wavelet denoising, PCA(principal component analysis) and SPRT (sequential probability ratio test) methods is developed to detect the relevant sensor failure using other sensor signals. The wavelet denoising technique is applied to remove noise components in input signals into the neuro-fuzzy system. The PCA is used to reduce the dimension of an input space without losing a significant amount of information, The PCA makes easy the selection of the input signals into the neuro-fuzzy system. Also, a lower dimensional input space usually reduces the time necessary to train a neuro-fuzzy system. The parameters of the neuro-fuzzy inference system which estimates the relevant sensor signal are optimized by a genetic algorithm and a least-squares algorithm. The residuals between the estimated signals and the measured signals are used to detect whether the sensors are failed or not. The SPRT is used in this failure detection algorithm. The proposed sensor-monitoring algorithm was verified through applications to the pressurizer water level and the hot-leg flowrate sensors in pressurized water reactors

  3. Os pais conhecem as queixas auditivas de seus filhos? Are parents aware of their children's hearing complaints?

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    Keila Alessandra Baraldi Knobel


    Full Text Available A acurácia dos pais sobre a audição dos filhos é variável e pode diferir das queixas das crianças. OBJETIVO: Investigar as queixas auditivas de crianças e as impressões dos pais a respeito da audição das crianças. MÉTODOS: 477 crianças (2º ao 5º ano do ensino fundamental foram entrevistadas e seus pais responderam a pesquisa em casa. RESULTADOS: Vinte e nove porcento das crianças referiram dificuldade para entender fala no silêncio, 36,1% tinham história de um a três otites e 12,7% de quatro ou mais otites, 21,7% tinham zumbido contínuo (associação com exposição a sons intensos, p = 0.0007, 3,8% tinham zumbido pulsátil e 2,9% tinham alucinações auditivas. Vinte e oito e meio porcento referiram incômodo com sons intensos (associação com a queixa de zumbido, p = 0,0142, e com gênero, p = 0,0029 10,4% haviam feito avaliação audiológica, e os fatores determinantes foram história de otites (p The accuracy of parents' impressions about their child's hearing status is variable and may not correspond to the child's complaints. AIM: To investigate children's self-reported hearing symptoms and parents' impressions about it. METHODS: 477 children (2nd to 5th grades of elementary schools were interviewed and parents answered a survey at home. There were 393 matches between the children's interview and the parent's survey. RESULTS: 29% of the children reported trouble in understanding what people said, 36.1% had history of 1-3 ear infections, 12.7% had four or more ear infections, 21.7% had continuous tinnitus (positive association with history of exposure to loud sounds, p = 0.0007, 3.8% had pulsatile tinnitus and 2.9% had auditory hallucinations. 28.5% of the children were annoyed by loud sounds (associated with tinnitus, p = 0.0142, and gender, p = 0.0029 10.4% had had audiological tests, and the determinant factors were history of ear infections (p < 0.001 and parents' concern about their child's hearing (p = 0

  4. Accounting for baryonic effects in cosmic shear tomography: Determining a minimal set of nuisance parameters using PCA

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Eifler, Tim; Krause, Elisabeth; Dodelson, Scott; Zentner, Andrew; Hearin, Andrew; Gnedin, Nickolay


    Systematic uncertainties that have been subdominant in past large-scale structure (LSS) surveys are likely to exceed statistical uncertainties of current and future LSS data sets, potentially limiting the extraction of cosmological information. Here we present a general framework (PCA marginalization) to consistently incorporate systematic effects into a likelihood analysis. This technique naturally accounts for degeneracies between nuisance parameters and can substantially reduce the dimension of the parameter space that needs to be sampled. As a practical application, we apply PCA marginalization to account for baryonic physics as an uncertainty in cosmic shear tomography. Specifically, we use CosmoLike to run simulated likelihood analyses on three independent sets of numerical simulations, each covering a wide range of baryonic scenarios differing in cooling, star formation, and feedback mechanisms. We simulate a Stage III (Dark Energy Survey) and Stage IV (Large Synoptic Survey Telescope/Euclid) survey and find a substantial bias in cosmological constraints if baryonic physics is not accounted for. We then show that PCA marginalization (employing at most 3 to 4 nuisance parameters) removes this bias. Our study demonstrates that it is possible to obtain robust, precise constraints on the dark energy equation of state even in the presence of large levels of systematic uncertainty in astrophysical processes. We conclude that the PCA marginalization technique is a powerful, general tool for addressing many of the challenges facing the precision cosmology program.

  5. Prostate Health Index (Phi and Prostate Cancer Antigen 3 (PCA3 significantly improve prostate cancer detection at initial biopsy in a total PSA range of 2-10 ng/ml.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Matteo Ferro

    Full Text Available Many efforts to reduce prostate specific antigen (PSA overdiagnosis and overtreatment have been made. To this aim, Prostate Health Index (Phi and Prostate Cancer Antigen 3 (PCA3 have been proposed as new more specific biomarkers. We evaluated the ability of phi and PCA3 to identify prostate cancer (PCa at initial prostate biopsy in men with total PSA range of 2-10 ng/ml. The performance of phi and PCA3 were evaluated in 300 patients undergoing first prostate biopsy. ROC curve analyses tested the accuracy (AUC of phi and PCA3 in predicting PCa. Decision curve analyses (DCA were used to compare the clinical benefit of the two biomarkers. We found that the AUC value of phi (0.77 was comparable to those of %p2PSA (0.76 and PCA3 (0.73 with no significant differences in pairwise comparison (%p2PSA vs phi p = 0.673, %p2PSA vs. PCA3 p = 0.417 and phi vs. PCA3 p = 0.247. These three biomarkers significantly outperformed fPSA (AUC = 0.60, % fPSA (AUC = 0.62 and p2PSA (AUC = 0.63. At DCA, phi and PCA3 exhibited a very close net benefit profile until the threshold probability of 25%, then phi index showed higher net benefit than PCA3. Multivariable analysis showed that the addition of phi and PCA3 to the base multivariable model (age, PSA, %fPSA, DRE, prostate volume increased predictive accuracy, whereas no model improved single biomarker performance. Finally we showed that subjects with active surveillance (AS compatible cancer had significantly lower phi and PCA3 values (p<0.001 and p = 0.01, respectively. In conclusion, both phi and PCA3 comparably increase the accuracy in predicting the presence of PCa in total PSA range 2-10 ng/ml at initial biopsy, outperforming currently used %fPSA.

  6. News Schemes for Activity Recognition Systems Using PCA-WSVM, ICA-WSVM, and LDA-WSVM

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    M’hamed Bilal Abidine


    Full Text Available Feature extraction and classification are two key steps for activity recognition in a smart home environment. In this work, we used three methods for feature extraction: Principal Component Analysis (PCA, Independent Component Analysis (ICA, and Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA. The new features selected by each method are then used as the inputs for a Weighted Support Vector Machines (WSVM classifier. This classifier is used to handle the problem of imbalanced activity data from the sensor readings. The experiments were implemented on multiple real-world datasets with Conditional Random Fields (CRF, standard Support Vector Machines (SVM, Weighted SVM, and combined methods PCA+WSVM, ICA+WSVM, and LDA+WSVM showed that LDA+WSVM had a higher recognition rate than other methods for activity recognition.

  7. Age-related postoperative morphine requirements in children following major surgery--an assessment using patient-controlled analgesia (PCA)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Tom Giedsing; Henneberg, Steen Winther; Hole, P


    To investigate if small children require less morphine for postoperative analgesia than do older children and adolescents we analysed the morphine consumption pattern of 28 consecutive children on intravenous patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) following major surgery. The median age-specific morp......To investigate if small children require less morphine for postoperative analgesia than do older children and adolescents we analysed the morphine consumption pattern of 28 consecutive children on intravenous patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) following major surgery. The median age...

  8. La didáctica de la comprensión auditiva

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    Ernesto Martín Peris


    Full Text Available Este artículo pretende reflejar —desde un punto de vista muy anclado en mi experiencia como profesor de E/LE, aunque incorporando las reflexiones a las que me ha conducido la lectura de libros y artículos sobre este tema— algunas de las conclusiones a las que he llegado sobre las diversas posibilidades y formas de desarrollar las actividades de comprensión auditiva (CA en el aula. En otros artículos de este mismo número de CABLE se ofrecen aportaciones teóricas de diversos autores, y a ellos remito al lector interesado en una mayor profundización sobre el tema.El artículo está dividido en tres secciones. En la primera de ellas expondré una serie de principios generales sobre la CA, y acompañaré cada uno de ellos de un breve comentario centrado en dos aspectos: los rasgos que caracterizan a la CA en cuanto actividad mental y comunicativa, y las repercusiones que de tales rasgos se derivan para su práctica en el aula. En la segunda sección ofrezco unas tareas destinadas a los lectores, como propuesta para el trabajo individual o en grupo; aspiro a que aquéllos no se limiten a leer su contenido, sino que puedan utilizarlas como punto de partida para un trabajo en colaboración. Finalmente, la tercera sección contiene un cuestionario bastante amplio, que quiere recoger todos los criterios con los cuales se pueda medir la "calidad didáctica" de los ejercicios de CA; puede servir también para el trabajo individual o colectivo de los profesores de E/LE.Al final del artículo añado una página con la bibliografía básica sobre el tema. Se trata de una selección guiada por la intención de ofrecer a los lectores aquellos libros o artículos que me han resultado más útiles en mi trabajo.

  9. An EEMD-PCA approach to extract heart rate, respiratory rate and respiratory activity from PPG signal. (United States)

    Motin, Mohammod Abdul; Karmakar, Chandan Kumar; Palaniswami, Marimuthu


    The pulse oximeter's photoplethysmographic (PPG) signals, measure the local variations of blood volume in tissues, reflecting the peripheral pulse modulated by cardiac activity, respiration and other physiological effects. Therefore, PPG can be used to extract the vital cardiorespiratory signals like heart rate (HR), respiratory rate (RR) and respiratory activity (RA) and this will reduce the number of sensors connected to the patient's body for recording vital signs. In this paper, we propose an algorithm based on ensemble empirical mode decomposition with principal component analysis (EEMD-PCA) as a novel approach to estimate HR, RR and RA simultaneously from PPG signal. To examine the performance of the proposed algorithm, we used 45 epochs of PPG, electrocardiogram (ECG) and respiratory signal extracted from the MIMIC database (Physionet ATM data bank). The ECG and capnograph based respiratory signal were used as the ground truth and several metrics such as magnitude squared coherence (MSC), correlation coefficients (CC) and root mean square (RMS) error were used to compare the performance of EEMD-PCA algorithm with most of the existing methods in the literature. Results of EEMD-PCA based extraction of HR, RR and RA from PPG signal showed that the median RMS error (quartiles) obtained for RR was 0 (0, 0.89) breaths/min, for HR was 0.62 (0.56, 0.66) beats/min and for RA the average value of MSC and CC was 0.95 and 0.89 respectively. These results illustrated that the proposed EEMD-PCA approach is more accurate in estimating HR, RR and RA than other existing methods.

  10. Plaque Tissue Morphology-Based Stroke Risk Stratification Using Carotid Ultrasound: A Polling-Based PCA Learning Paradigm. (United States)

    Saba, Luca; Jain, Pankaj K; Suri, Harman S; Ikeda, Nobutaka; Araki, Tadashi; Singh, Bikesh K; Nicolaides, Andrew; Shafique, Shoaib; Gupta, Ajay; Laird, John R; Suri, Jasjit S


    Severe atherosclerosis disease in carotid arteries causes stenosis which in turn leads to stroke. Machine learning systems have been previously developed for plaque wall risk assessment using morphology-based characterization. The fundamental assumption in such systems is the extraction of the grayscale features of the plaque region. Even though these systems have the ability to perform risk stratification, they lack the ability to achieve higher performance due their inability to select and retain dominant features. This paper introduces a polling-based principal component analysis (PCA) strategy embedded in the machine learning framework to select and retain dominant features, resulting in superior performance. This leads to more stability and reliability. The automated system uses offline image data along with the ground truth labels to generate the parameters, which are then used to transform the online grayscale features to predict the risk of stroke. A set of sixteen grayscale plaque features is computed. Utilizing the cross-validation protocol (K = 10), and the PCA cutoff of 0.995, the machine learning system is able to achieve an accuracy of 98.55 and 98.83%corresponding to the carotidfar wall and near wall plaques, respectively. The corresponding reliability of the system was 94.56 and 95.63%, respectively. The automated system was validated against the manual risk assessment system and the precision of merit for same cross-validation settings and PCA cutoffs are 98.28 and 93.92%for the far and the near wall, respectively.PCA-embedded morphology-based plaque characterization shows a powerful strategy for risk assessment and can be adapted in clinical settings.

  11. A novel-type phosphatidylinositol phosphate-interactive, Ca-binding protein PCaP1 in Arabidopsis thaliana: stable association with plasma membrane and partial involvement in stomata closure. (United States)

    Nagata, Chisako; Miwa, Chika; Tanaka, Natsuki; Kato, Mariko; Suito, Momoe; Tsuchihira, Ayako; Sato, Yori; Segami, Shoji; Maeshima, Masayoshi


    The Ca(2+)-binding protein-1 (PCaP1) of Arabidopsis thaliana is a new type protein that binds to phosphatidylinositol phosphates and Ca(2+)-calmodulin complex as well as free Ca(2+). Although biochemical properties, such as binding to ligands and N-myristoylation, have been revealed, the intracellular localization, tissue and cell specificity, integrity of membrane association and physiological roles of PCaP1 are unknown. We investigated the tissue and intracellular distribution of PCaP1 by using transgenic lines expressing PCaP1 linked with a green fluorescence protein (GFP) at the carboxyl terminus of PCaP1. GFP fluorescence was obviously detected in most tissues including root, stem, leaf and flower. In these tissues, PCaP1-GFP signal was observed predominantly in the plasma membrane even under physiological stress conditions but not in other organelles. The fluorescence was detected in the cytosol when the 25-residue N-terminal sequence was deleted from PCaP1 indicating essential contribution of N-myristoylation to the plasma membrane anchoring. Fluorescence intensity of PCaP1-GFP in roots was slightly decreased in seedlings grown in medium supplemented with high concentrations of iron for 1 week and increased in those grown with copper. In stomatal guard cells, PCaP1-GFP was strictly, specifically localized to the plasma membrane at the epidermal-cell side but not at the pore side. A T-DNA insertion mutant line of PCaP1 did not show marked phenotype in a life cycle except for well growth under high CO2 conditions. However, stomata of the mutant line did not close entirely even in high osmolarity, which usually induces stomata closure. These results suggest that PCaP1 is involved in the stomatal movement, especially closure process, in leaves and response to excessive copper in root and leaf as a mineral nutrient as a physiological role.

  12. Concentrações de hemoglobina em adolescentes e sua associação com as habilidades de ordenação temporal e atenção auditiva


    Mendonça, Elisângela Barros Soares


    A anemia é um problema de saúde pública nos países em desenvolvimento e pode provocar repercussões no desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor, cognitivo, comprometendo a linguagem e a aprendizagem. As habilidades de ordenação temporal (OT) e atenção auditiva (AA) são importantes no desenvolvimento da linguagem e da aprendizagem. Avaliações eletrofisiológicas têm mostrado maior lentidão na condução do estímulo auditivo ao sistema nervoso central nos indivíduos anêmicos. Essa lentidão pode afetar as ha...

  13. Avaliação auditiva em uma população de estudantes da rede pública municipal Assessment of hearing in a municipal public school student population

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    Janaina Cândida Rodrigues Nogueira


    Full Text Available Para que haja um aprendizado adequado, a criança necessita ter audição satisfatória. A triagem auditiva escolar é importante, pois permite a detecção de casos que passaram despercebidos pela família. OBJETIVO: Avaliar audição de crianças na faixa etária de 4 a 15 anos, estudantes do pré-1 ao quinto ano, do ensino público do município de Cabedelo/PB. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Foi realizado um estudo prospectivo com 98 alunos, encaminhados pelos professores, de 18 escolas rede pública do município de Cabedelo, no período de junho de 2007 a junho de 2010. Estes alunos foram examinados pelo otorrinolaringologista e submetidos a exame audiométrico. RESULTADOS: Dezoito escolas participaram do estudo, a idade dos alunos variou de 4 a 15 anos, sendo 62% do sexo masculino e 38% do sexo feminino. Exame otorrinolaringológico foi normal em 85% dos casos, com 15% de alteração, sendo mais frequente cerume e retração de membrana timpânica. O exame audiométrico demonstrou audição normal bilateral em 66% das crianças, com perda auditiva em 34%. CONCLUSÃO: A triagem escolar torna-se um meio importante para diagnóstico de perda auditiva, sobretudo em populações de baixa renda.Children need good hearing for adequate learning. Hearing screening in students is important because it allows cases that go unnoticed by the family may be detected. AIM: To evaluate hearing in children aged 4-15 years - public school students from pre-first to the fifth grade in the city of Cabedelo, Paraíba state. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A prospective study of 98 students referred by teachers of 18 public schools in Cabedelo, from June 2007 to June 2010. Students were examined by an otolaryngologist and underwent audiometric testing. RESULTS: Eighteen schools were enrolled in this study. The student's age ranged from 4 to 15 years; 62% were male and 38% were female. Otolaryngological tests were normal in 85% of cases, and abnormal in 15% of cases. The most frequent

  14. SU-C-BRF-03: PCA Modeling of Anatomical Changes During Head and Neck Radiation Therapy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chetvertkov, M; Kim, J; Siddiqui, F; Kumarasiri, A; Chetty, I; Gordon, J


    Purpose: To develop principal component analysis (PCA) models from daily cone beam CTs (CBCTs) of head and neck (H and N) patients that could be used prospectively in adaptive radiation therapy (ART). Methods: : For 7 H and N patients, Pinnacle Treatment Planning System (Philips Healthcare) was used to retrospectively deformably register daily CBCTs to the planning CT. The number N of CBCTs per treatment course ranged from 14 to 22. For each patient a PCA model was built from the deformation vector fields (DVFs), after first subtracting the mean DVF, producing N eigen-DVFs (EDVFs). It was hypothesized that EDVFs with large eigenvalues represent the major anatomical deformations during the course of treatment, and that it is feasible to relate each EDVF to a clinically meaningful systematic or random change in anatomy, such as weight loss, neck flexion, etc. Results: DVFs contained on the order of 3×87×87×58=1.3 million scalar values (3 times the number of voxels in the registered volume). The top 3 eigenvalues accounted for ∼90% of variance. Anatomical changes corresponding to an EDVF were evaluated by generating a synthetic DVF, and applying that DVF to the CT to produce a synthetic CBCT. For all patients, the EDVF for the largest eigenvalue was interpreted to model weight loss. The EDVF for other eigenvalues appeared to represented quasi-random fraction-to-fraction changes. Conclusion: The leading EDVFs from single-patient PCA models have tentatively been identified with weight loss changes during treatment. Other EDVFs are tentatively identified as quasi-random inter-fraction changes. Clean separation of systematic and random components may require further work. This work is expected to facilitate development of population-based PCA models that can be used to prospectively identify significant anatomical changes, such as weight loss, early in treatment, triggering replanning where beneficial

  15. Prostate Health Index (Phi) and Prostate Cancer Antigen 3 (PCA3) Significantly Improve Prostate Cancer Detection at Initial Biopsy in a Total PSA Range of 2–10 ng/ml (United States)

    Perdonà, Sisto; Marino, Ada; Mazzarella, Claudia; Perruolo, Giuseppe; D’Esposito, Vittoria; Cosimato, Vincenzo; Buonerba, Carlo; Di Lorenzo, Giuseppe; Musi, Gennaro; De Cobelli, Ottavio; Chun, Felix K.; Terracciano, Daniela


    Many efforts to reduce prostate specific antigen (PSA) overdiagnosis and overtreatment have been made. To this aim, Prostate Health Index (Phi) and Prostate Cancer Antigen 3 (PCA3) have been proposed as new more specific biomarkers. We evaluated the ability of phi and PCA3 to identify prostate cancer (PCa) at initial prostate biopsy in men with total PSA range of 2–10 ng/ml. The performance of phi and PCA3 were evaluated in 300 patients undergoing first prostate biopsy. ROC curve analyses tested the accuracy (AUC) of phi and PCA3 in predicting PCa. Decision curve analyses (DCA) were used to compare the clinical benefit of the two biomarkers. We found that the AUC value of phi (0.77) was comparable to those of %p2PSA (0.76) and PCA3 (0.73) with no significant differences in pairwise comparison (%p2PSA vs phi p = 0.673, %p2PSA vs. PCA3 p = 0.417 and phi vs. PCA3 p = 0.247). These three biomarkers significantly outperformed fPSA (AUC = 0.60), % fPSA (AUC = 0.62) and p2PSA (AUC = 0.63). At DCA, phi and PCA3 exhibited a very close net benefit profile until the threshold probability of 25%, then phi index showed higher net benefit than PCA3. Multivariable analysis showed that the addition of phi and PCA3 to the base multivariable model (age, PSA, %fPSA, DRE, prostate volume) increased predictive accuracy, whereas no model improved single biomarker performance. Finally we showed that subjects with active surveillance (AS) compatible cancer had significantly lower phi and PCA3 values (p<0.001 and p = 0.01, respectively). In conclusion, both phi and PCA3 comparably increase the accuracy in predicting the presence of PCa in total PSA range 2–10 ng/ml at initial biopsy, outperforming currently used %fPSA. PMID:23861782

  16. The PCA3 test for guiding repeat biopsy of prostate cancer and its cut-off score: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Yong Luo


    Full Text Available The specificity of prostate-specific antigen (PSA for early intervention in repeat biopsy is unsatisfactory. Prostate cancer antigen 3 (PCA3 may be more accurate in outcome prediction than other methods for the early detection of prostate cancer (PCa. However, the results were inconsistent in repeated biopsies. Therefore, we performed a systematic review and meta-analysis to evaluate the role of PCA3 in outcome prediction. A systematic bibliographic search was conducted for articles published before April 2013, using PubMed, Medline, Web of Science, Embase and other databases from health technology assessment agencies. The quality of the studies was assessed on the basis of QUADAS criteria. Eleven studies of diagnostic tests with moderate to high quality were selected. A meta-analysis was carried out to synthesize the results. The results of the meta-analyses were heterogeneous among studies. We performed a subgroup analysis (with or without inclusion of high-grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (HGPIN and atypical small acinar proliferation (ASAP. Using a PCA3 cutoff of 20 or 35, in the two sub-groups, the global sensitivity values were 0.93 or 0.80 and 0.79 or 0.75, specificities were 0.65 or 0.44 and 0.78 or 0.70, positive likelihood ratios were 1.86 or 1.58 and 2.49 or 1.78, negative likelihood ratios were 0.81 or 0.43 and 0.91 or 0.82 and diagnostic odd ratios (ORs were 5.73 or 3.45 and 7.13 or 4.11, respectively. The areas under the curve (AUCs of the summary receiver operating characteristic curve were 0.85 or 0.72 and 0.81 or 0.69, respectively. PCA3 can be used for repeat biopsy of the prostate to improve accuracy of PCa detection. Unnecessary biopsies can be avoided by using a PCa cutoff score of 20.

  17. Saúde auditiva, o vírus da imunodeficiência humana e a síndrome da imunodeficiência adquirida: uma revisão Hearing health, the human immunodeficiency virus and the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome: a review

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    Thais Catalani Morata


    Full Text Available TEMA: a Síndrome da Imunodeficiência Adquirida (SIDA/AIDS é causada pelo Vírus da Imunodeficiência Humana (VIH/HIV, e resulta numa imunidade reduzida, o que torna o indivíduo mais susceptível a doenças e infecções oportunistas. Com o avanço da doença as estruturas do sistema auditivo central podem ser comprometidas pela ação direta do vírus ou decorrente de infecções secundárias e neoplasias. O portador do HIV/AIDS pode também se tornar mais vulnerável a outras patologias do ouvido. OBJETIVO: o objetivo desta revisão foi exploratório, visando identificar os possíveis pontos de interseção entre distúrbios auditivos e a Síndrome da Imunodeficiência Adquirida. Realizou-se uma revisão da literatura sobre a saúde auditiva dos portadores de HIV/AIDS e foi discutido o impacto potencial de patologias auditivas na qualidade de vida. CONCLUSÃO: a literatura sugere que várias possiveis associações existam entre os distúrbios auditivos e a Síndrome da Imunodeficiência Adquirida e o Vírus da Imunodeficiência Humana. Profissionais de saúde, inclusive aqueles dos serviços públicos no Brasil, deveriam examinar a necessidade de iniciativas de saúde auditiva dirigida aos portadores de HIV/AIDS para prevenir patologias auditivas ou reduzir seu impacto na qualidade de vida.BACKGROUND: Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (or Acquired immune deficiency syndrome or AIDS is caused by the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV and results in reduced immunity, leaving affected individuals more susceptible to illness and opportunistic infections. As the disease progresses, structures within the central auditory system can be affected either by the direct action of the virus or as a consequence of secondary infections. Other areas of the auditory system may also be more vulnerable to pathology in people living with HIV or AIDS. PURPOSE: the goal of this review was exploratory, to identify possible points of intersection between auditory

  18. Síndrome de Rubinstein-Taybi: anomalias físicas, manifestações clínicas e avaliação auditiva

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    Martins Regina H. G.


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: A Síndrome de Rubinstein-Taybi foi descrita pela primeira vez em 1963, após a observação dos traços físicos semelhantes apresentados por sete crianças com retardo mental, baixa estatura, polegares grandes e largos e anomalias faciais. Mais tarde, novas publicações definiram outras características dessa síndrome, a qual incide em 1 a cada 300.000 nascidos e apresenta etiologia incerta. Sintomas otorrinolaringológicos e fonoaudiológicos são freqüentes, daí a importância de melhor conhecimento dessa síndrome por esses especialistas. RELATO DE CASO: Apresentamos as principais manifestações clínicas, traços físicos e as avaliações auditivas de cinco crianças portadoras da Síndrome de Rubinstein-Taybi, em atendimento na Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu (UNESP. Para as avaliações auditivas foram realizados exames de audiometria tonal, imitanciometria e potenciais evocados do tronco encefálico (BERA. As principais características observadas foram: retardo mental, baixa estatura, polegares largos, pirâmide nasal alta, palato ogival, má oclusão dentária, atraso no desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor e de linguagem. DISCUSSÃO: Os traços físicos característicos dos portadores dessa síndrome facilitam o diagnóstico, e muitos deles são responsáveis por sintomas otorrinolaringológicos e fonoaudiológicos, como infeções de vias aéreas superiores, obstrução nasal, otites médias, hipertrofia adenoamigdaliana, surdez condutiva, hipotonia perioral e disfagia. O importante comprometimento cognitivo é responsável pelo atraso no desenvolvimento da linguagem e pelo baixo rendimento escolar. CONCLUSÕES: Frente às várias manifestações otorrinolaringológicas e fonoaudiológicas apresentadas pelas crianças portadoras da Síndrome de Rubinstein-Taybi, torna-se necessário que esses especialistas conheçam melhor essa síndrome para que possam fazer o diagnóstico precoce e orientar o tratamento dessas

  19. The Role of PCA 3 as a Prognostic Factor in Patients with Castration-resistant Prostate Cancer (CRPC) Treated with Docetaxel. (United States)

    Bourdoumis, Andreas; Chrisofos, Michael; Stasinou, Theodora; Christopoulos, Panagiotis; Mourmouris, Panagiotis; Kostakopoulos, Athanasios; Deliveliotis, Charalambos


    To investigate potential fluctuations in prostate cancer antigen 3 (PCA 3) scores in castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC) patients treated with docetaxel and investigate the assay as a potential prognostic factor. This was a prospective observational cohort study. Inclusion criteria included patients on hormonal treatment who were recently diagnosed with CRPC. Exclusion criteria included patients previously having radical treatment (surgery or radiotherapy) and patients who have completed the first cycle of chemotherapy. All urine samples were collected and analyzed using the Progensa® assay. Samples were collected before starting chemotherapy and at 12 months. A prospective database was created including routine blood tests, prostate staging and prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels throughout the study period. The effects of chemotherapy were also recorded. Between January 2010 and February 2013, 12 patients were included in the study out of an initial cohort of 23 patients with CRPC. Mean follow-up was 14.8 months. Mean age at CRPC diagnosis was 73.8 years (±3.6 SD). Mean Gleason score was 8, with PSA 84.23 ng/ml (±158 SD). Mean duration of androgen deprivation treatment (ADT) was 45.16 months (±34.9 SD). Mean time to castrate-resistant state was 46.58 months (±35.3 SD). All twelve (n=12, 100%) patients had non-assessable PCA 3 scores at baseline and at 12 months follow-up. As a direct consequence, statistical analysis was not performed as the anticipated change in PCA 3 scores was not identified and correlation between measurable differences was not possible. All patients tolerated chemotherapy and completed the scheduled cycles with no serious adverse effects. To our knowledge, this is the first prospective study to demonstrate lack of expression of PCA3 in CRPC, with the result apparently not influenced by chemotherapy. There appears to be a strong association between hormonal treatment and lack of PCA 3 expression. It is still unknown whether

  20. A Multi-Time Scale Morphable Software Milieu for Polymorphous Computing Architectures (PCA) - Composable, Scalable Systems

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Skjellum, Anthony


    Polymorphous Computing Architectures (PCA) rapidly "morph" (reorganize) software and hardware configurations in order to achieve high performance on computation styles ranging from specialized streaming to general threaded applications...

  1. Actividades de articulación y de percepción auditiva: uso de herramientas informáticas

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    Adrián Cabedo Nebot


    Full Text Available Desde hace dos décadas, las nuevas tecnologías se han convertido en un elemento imprescindible para que los estudiantes de lenguas extranjeras consigan mejorar sus niveles de producción articulatoria y de percepción auditiva. De hecho, no contribuyen solo en el aprendizaje de nuevos idiomas, sino que ofrecen también eficacia didáctica a los docentes, en el sentido de que los ejercicios se construyen de manera más ágil y flexible.Así pues, en este artículo se mostrará cómo el uso de algunas de estas herramientas informáticas puede convertirse en un elemento auxiliar para la enseñanza de la fonética en la clase de E/LE (español como lengua extranjera. El aprendizaje y dominio de estos recursos, por tanto, permitirá desarrollar actividades propias y dinámicas en el aula, tanto en cursos de enseñanza directa de la Fonética, como en aquellos en los que esta constituye un elemento transversal (clases de gramática, por ejemplo.

  2. Actividades de articulación y de percepción auditiva: uso de herramientas informáticas

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    Adrián Cabedo Nebot


    Full Text Available Desde hace dos décadas, las nuevas tecnologías se han convertido en un elemento imprescindible para que los estudiantes de lenguas extranjeras consigan mejorar sus niveles de producción articulatoria y de percepción auditiva.  De hecho, no contribuyen solo en el aprendizaje de nuevos idiomas, sino que ofrecen también eficacia didáctica a los docentes, en el sentido de que los ejercicios se construyen de manera más ágil y flexible. Así pues, en este artículo se mostrará cómo el uso de algunas de estas herramientas informáticas puede convertirse en un elemento auxiliar para la enseñanza de la fonética en la clase de E/LE (español como lengua extranjera. El aprendizaje y dominio de estos recursos, por tanto, permitirá desarrollar actividades propias y dinámicas en el aula, tanto en cursos de enseñanza directa de la Fonética, como en aquellos en los que esta constituye un elemento transversal (clases de gramática, por ejemplo.

  3. Ocorrência dos indicadores de risco para a deficiência auditiva infantil no decorrer de quatro anos em um programa de triagem auditiva neonatal de um hospital público Occurence of risk indicators for hearing loss over four years in a neonatal hearing screening program of a public hospital

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    Eliara Pinto Vieira


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Comparar a ocorrência dos indicadores de risco para a deficiência auditiva infantil ao longo de quatro anos, em um Programa de Triagem Auditiva Neonatal. MÉTODOS: Foram pesquisados os prontuários de 382 recém nascidos prematuros nascidos no Hospital São Paulo, de 2000 a 2004. RESULTADOS: Em 2000, encontramos 5,9% de casos de antecedentes familiares/consangüinidade, a qual aumentou de forma estatisticamente significante para 13,6% em 2003. A ventilação mecânica aumentou de forma estatisticamente significante de 24,6% casos em 2000, para 40,2% em 2004. O número de convulsões em RN foi de 4,2% em 2000 para 9,8% em 2004, aumento estatisticamente significante. Encontramos 11,0% de casos de infecção congênita em 2000, o que caiu para 4,3% em 2003. No ano de 2002, houve apenas um caso de sífilis, sendo que a ocorrência destas doenças diminuiu nos últimos anos. O HPIV foi de 15,3% no ano 2000 para 5% em 2003, com redução estatisticamente significante. Os casos de malformação caíram de 3,4% no ano 2000 para 0,7% em 2003. Os casos de ototoxicidade diminuíram de forma estatisticamente significante de 43,2% em 2000 para 30,0% em 2003. CONCLUSÃO: A análise estatística revelou aumento significante da ocorrência dos antecedentes familiares para a deficiência auditiva, do uso de ventilação mecânica e das convulsões neonatais. Os casos de infecção congênita e hemorragia periintraventricular diminuíram estatisticamente do ano 2000 para 2004. Os casos de malformação, baixo peso e ototoxicidade variaram de forma aleatória entre os anos estudados. E alguns indicadores de risco se mantiveram sem alterações estatisticamente significantes.PURPOSE: To compare the occurrence of risk indicators for hearing loss in children over a period of four years, in a Neonatal Hearing Screening Program. METHODS: Three hundred and eighty-two files of preterm infants born at Hospital São Paulo in the period from 2000 to 2004 were

  4. Audição e linguagem em crianças deficientes auditivas implantadas inseridas em ambiente bilíngue: um estudo de casos Auditory and language abilities in children with cochlear implants who live in bilingual homes: a cases report

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    Tatiana Mendes de Melo


    Full Text Available O implante coclear (IC tem sido indicado para crianças deficientes auditivas de grau severo e/ou profundo que não tem benefício com o aparelho de amplificação sonora individual (AASI, e que apresentem família adequada e motivada para o uso do dispositivo, bem como condições adequadas de reabilitação na cidade de origem. Atualmente, a procura pelo IC também ocorre por pais surdos, fluentes na Língua Brasileira de Sinais (LIBRAS, que recorrem a este tratamento para oferecer outra realidade para seus filhos. O ambiente destas crianças é bilíngue, dado pela LIBRAS dos pais e pela linguagem oral dos familiares próximos, do fonoaudiólogo e da escola. Neste sentido, o presente estudo visou acompanhar quatro crianças deficientes auditivas implantadas, sendo duas crianças filhas de pais deficientes auditivos fluentes na LIBRAS (expostas a ambiente bilíngue e duas crianças filhas de pais sem alterações auditivas (expostas a ambiente oral. Para tanto, as habilidades de audição e de aquisição da linguagem oral foram comparadas nas quatro crianças implantadas. Foi possível observar que as quatro crianças apresentaram habilidades auditivas e de linguagem semelhantes ao longo do primeiro ano de uso do IC. Contudo, a partir disto, as crianças inseridas em ambiente bilíngue apresentaram melhor desempenho auditivo e linguístico, comparado ao desenvolvimento das outras crianças. As crianças inseridas em ambiente bilíngue podem se beneficiar do IC, desenvolvendo habilidades auditivas e de linguagem similares às das crianças inseridas em ambiente oral. Ressalta-se que os benefícios do dispositivo são obtidos a partir de aspectos multifatoriais, e estudos mais aprofundados são necessários.The cochlear implant (CI has been indicated for children with severe and/or profound bilateral hearing loss who do not benefit from hearing aids and have adequate and motivated family for the use of the device, as well as adequate

  5. Extraction of prostatic lumina and automated recognition for prostatic calculus image using PCA-SVM. (United States)

    Wang, Zhuocai; Xu, Xiangmin; Ding, Xiaojun; Xiao, Hui; Huang, Yusheng; Liu, Jian; Xing, Xiaofen; Wang, Hua; Liao, D Joshua


    Identification of prostatic calculi is an important basis for determining the tissue origin. Computation-assistant diagnosis of prostatic calculi may have promising potential but is currently still less studied. We studied the extraction of prostatic lumina and automated recognition for calculus images. Extraction of lumina from prostate histology images was based on local entropy and Otsu threshold recognition using PCA-SVM and based on the texture features of prostatic calculus. The SVM classifier showed an average time 0.1432 second, an average training accuracy of 100%, an average test accuracy of 93.12%, a sensitivity of 87.74%, and a specificity of 94.82%. We concluded that the algorithm, based on texture features and PCA-SVM, can recognize the concentric structure and visualized features easily. Therefore, this method is effective for the automated recognition of prostatic calculi.

  6. Extraction of Prostatic Lumina and Automated Recognition for Prostatic Calculus Image Using PCA-SVM (United States)

    Wang, Zhuocai; Xu, Xiangmin; Ding, Xiaojun; Xiao, Hui; Huang, Yusheng; Liu, Jian; Xing, Xiaofen; Wang, Hua; Liao, D. Joshua


    Identification of prostatic calculi is an important basis for determining the tissue origin. Computation-assistant diagnosis of prostatic calculi may have promising potential but is currently still less studied. We studied the extraction of prostatic lumina and automated recognition for calculus images. Extraction of lumina from prostate histology images was based on local entropy and Otsu threshold recognition using PCA-SVM and based on the texture features of prostatic calculus. The SVM classifier showed an average time 0.1432 second, an average training accuracy of 100%, an average test accuracy of 93.12%, a sensitivity of 87.74%, and a specificity of 94.82%. We concluded that the algorithm, based on texture features and PCA-SVM, can recognize the concentric structure and visualized features easily. Therefore, this method is effective for the automated recognition of prostatic calculi. PMID:21461364

  7. Design and synthesis of prostate cancer antigen-1 (PCA-1/ALKBH3) inhibitors as anti-prostate cancer drugs. (United States)

    Nakao, Syuhei; Mabuchi, Miyuki; Shimizu, Tadashi; Itoh, Yoshihiro; Takeuchi, Yuko; Ueda, Masahiro; Mizuno, Hiroaki; Shigi, Naoko; Ohshio, Ikumi; Jinguji, Kentaro; Ueda, Yuko; Yamamoto, Masatatsu; Furukawa, Tatsuhiko; Aoki, Shunji; Tsujikawa, Kazutake; Tanaka, Akito


    A series of 1-aryl-3,4-substituted-1H-pyrazol-5-ol derivatives was synthesized and evaluated as prostate cancer antigen-1 (PCA-1/ALKBH3) inhibitors to obtain a novel anti-prostate cancer drug. After modifying 1-(1H-benzimidazol-2-yl)-3,4-dimethyl-1H-pyrazol-5-ol (1), a hit compound found during random screening using a recombinant PCA-1/ALKBH3, 1-(1H-5-methylbenzimidazol-2-yl)-4-benzyl-3-methyl-1H-pyrazol-5-ol (35, HUHS015), was obtained as a potent PCA-1/ALKBH3 inhibitor both in vitro and in vivo. The bioavailability (BA) of 35 was 7.2% in rats after oral administration. As expected, continuously administering 35 significantly suppressed the growth of DU145 cells, which are human hormone-independent prostate cancer cells, in a mouse xenograft model without untoward effects. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  8. Auditoria dos programas de prevenção de perdas auditivas em Curitiba (PPPA Hearing loss prevention programs control of Curitiba (HLPP

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    Regina C.M. Cavalli


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: O presente trabalho teve como objetivo examinar se medidas práticas de prevenção de perdas auditivas, adotadas por indústrias de Curitiba e região metropolitana, atendem às exigências da legislação trabalhista vigente e recomendações científicas que abordam este tema. FORMA DE ESTUDO: Coorte transversal. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Um questionário elaborado pelo instituto americano National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH em 1996, para auditoria de programas de prevenção de perdas auditivas (PPPA, nos serviu de instrumento para a coleta de dados. O instrumento original possui 89 questões divididas em oito temas relacionados à prática dos programas: treinamento e educação, envolvimento do supervisor, medição do ruído, controle de Engenharia e Administrativo, monitoração audiométrica e manutenção dos registros, encaminhamentos, equipamento de proteção individual e questões administrativas. A coleta de dados foi realizada com Médicos do Trabalho, Engenheiros e/ou Técnicos de Segurança das indústrias. As empresas foram divididas em dois grupos: o das empresas que possuem um PPPA e o das que não possuem. CONCLUSÃO: Com base nos dados obtidos concluímos que não houve diferença significativa de conduta entre os grupos e que ambos cumprem parcialmente a legislação trabalhista relacionada à prevenção dos efeitos do ruído. Quanto às questões que abordam aspectos que se excedem às exigências legais, concluímos que as empresas que possuem PPPA dedicam maiores esforços à prevenção de perdas auditivas. Com estes dados identificamos pontos fortes e fracos das medidas que vêm sendo adotadas pelas indústrias da região, os quais poderão nos direcionar à elaboração de medidas preventivas mais efetivas e de propostas para revisão da legislação vigente.AIM: The objective of this study is to examine if the hearing loss prevention practices in industries located in the greater

  9. AlleleCoder: a PERL script for coding codominant polymorphism data for PCA analysis (United States)

    A useful biological interpretation of diploid heterozygotes is in terms of the dose of the common allele (0, 1 or 2 copies). We have developed a PERL script that converts FASTA files into coded spreadsheets suitable for Principal Component Analysis (PCA). In combination with R and R Commander, two- ...


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    Luis Granada


    Full Text Available El PCA 1.0 se diseñó como herramienta de soporte para un Procedimiento Organizacional que colecta y trata la información obtenida en el monitoreo y control de contaminantes atmosféricos en Cali - Colombia1. El PCA 1.0 es una aplicación hecha en java con la Interfaz de Desarrollo (IDE NetBeans2. El software PCA 1.0 está diseñado para recepcionar, depurar, validar y generar reportes de manera sistemática de los datos obtenidos en la Red de Monitoreo de Calidad del Aire, Meteorología y de la Inspección Técnico Mecánica y de Gases. El PCA 1.0 estima los Factores de Emisión y la Carga Ambiental diaria generada por las fuentes móviles en kilogramos, así como el valor promedio horario de la concentración de contaminantes criterio. La metodología general del Procedimiento Organizacional se fundamentó en lo establecido en la ISO 14040 (Análisis del Ciclo de Vida. El resultado más importante de la aplicación del PCA 1.0, se evidencia en facilitar a la autoridad ambiental, sanitaria, tránsito y transporte, la toma de decisiones con base en la selección de escenarios de contaminación atmosférica y actuaciones encaminadas hacia la publicación de normas que buscan reducir el deterioro de la calidad del aire en Cali ¿ Colombia. Finalmente, el PCA 1.0 se perfila como una herramienta ágil y adaptable en los sistemas de gestión ambiental municipal en su componente aire.

  11. Serum crosslinked-N-terminal telopeptide of type I collagen (NTx) has prognostic implications for patients with initial prostate carcinoma (PCa): a pilot study. (United States)

    Jablonka, Fernando; Alves, Beatriz da Costa Aguiar; de Oliveira, Claudia Giorgia Bronzati; Wroclawski, Marcelo L; Szwarc, Marcelo; Vitória, Webster de Oliveira; Fonseca, Fernando; Del Giglio, Auro


    NTx is a type I collagen metabolite previously shown to be increased in patients with bone metastasis. We evaluate NTx potential prognostic role in PCa at diagnosis, when most of the patients have no overt bone involvement. Men with histologic diagnosis of PCa were included at diagnosis. Serum NTx was measured serially every 3 months up to two years by ELISA. Fifty-five PCa patients with a median age of 67 y (51-83 y) were included. Most (86%) had stage I; 4% stage II; 2% stage III and 10% stage IV disease. At entry, median NTx was 14.65 nMBCE and it did not correlate with age, Gleason score or PSA, but we observed a significant direct correlation with stage (p=0.0094). With a median follow up of 23 months, serum NTx correlated significantly with biochemical recurrence (p=0.012), as did Gleason score (p=0.00056), stage (p=0.012) and PSA (pPCa at diagnosis. These results emphasize the importance of bone metabolism biomarkers in patients with PCa even without evident overt bone involvement. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  12. An analytical approach based on ESI-MS, LC-MS and PCA for the quali-quantitative analysis of cycloartane derivatives in Astragalus spp. (United States)

    Napolitano, Assunta; Akay, Seref; Mari, Angela; Bedir, Erdal; Pizza, Cosimo; Piacente, Sonia


    Astragalus species are widely used as health foods and dietary supplements, as well as drugs in traditional medicine. To rapidly evaluate metabolite similarities and differences among the EtOH extracts of the roots of eight commercial Astragalus spp., an approach based on direct analyses by ESI-MS followed by PCA of ESI-MS data, was carried out. Successively, quali-quantitative analyses of cycloartane derivatives in the eight Astragalus spp. by LC-ESI-MS(n) and PCA of LC-ESI-MS data were performed. This approach allowed to promptly highlighting metabolite similarities and differences among the various Astragalus spp. PCA results from LC-ESI-MS data of Astragalus samples were in reasonable agreement with both PCA results of ESI-MS data and quantitative results. This study affords an analytical method for the quali-quantitative determination of cycloartane derivatives in herbal preparations used as health and food supplements. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  13. Contrasting Effects of Dissolved Organic Matter on Mercury Methylation by Geobacter sulfurreducens PCA and Desulfovibrio desulfuricans ND132. (United States)

    Zhao, Linduo; Chen, Hongmei; Lu, Xia; Lin, Hui; Christensen, Geoff A; Pierce, Eric M; Gu, Baohua


    Natural dissolved organic matter (DOM) affects mercury (Hg) redox reactions and anaerobic microbial methylation in the environment. Several studies have shown that DOM can enhance Hg methylation, especially under sulfidic conditions, whereas others show that DOM inhibits Hg methylation due to strong Hg-DOM complexation. In this study, we investigated and compared the effects of DOM on Hg methylation by an iron-reducing bacterium Geobacter sulfurreducens PCA and a sulfate-reducing bacterium Desulfovibrio desulfuricans ND132 under nonsulfidic conditions. The methylation experiment was performed with washed cells either in the absence or presence of DOM or glutathione, both of which form strong complexes with Hg via thiol-functional groups. DOM was found to greatly inhibit Hg methylation by G. Sulfurreducens PCA but enhance Hg methylation by D. desulfuricans ND132 cells with increasing DOM concentration. These strain-dependent opposing effects of DOM were also observed with glutathione, suggesting that thiols in DOM likely played an essential role in affecting microbial Hg uptake and methylation. Additionally, DOM and glutathione greatly decreased Hg sorption by G. sulfurreducens PCA but showed little effect on D. desulfuricans ND132 cells, demonstrating that ND132 has a higher affinity to sorb or take up Hg than the PCA strain. These observations indicate that DOM effects on Hg methylation are bacterial strain specific, depend on the DOM:Hg ratio or site-specific conditions, and may thus offer new insights into the role of DOM in methylmercury production in the environment.

  14. Correlação entre as restrições de participação em atividades de vida diária e o benefício do uso de próteses auditivas em adultos e idosos Correlation between the handicap and the benefit of hearing aid use in adults and elderly

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vívian Baptista da Luz


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Estudar o benefício obtido com o uso de próteses auditivas em ambientes acusticamente favoráveis à comunicação, reverberantes, ruidosos e com sons aversivos e correlacioná-lo com as restrições de participação e limitações de atividades de adultos e idosos deficientes auditivos. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados 42 indivíduos atendidos na instituição em que o estudo foi realizado. Estes responderam aos questionários Hearing Handicap Inventory for Elderly ou for Adults e Abbreviated Profile of Hearing Aid Benefit, no momento da dispensação das próteses auditivas e após três meses de uso efetivo destas. Foram estudadas as restrições de participação, limitações auditivas e o benefício com o uso de próteses auditivas. Os resultados foram analisados estatisticamente. RESULTADOS: Houve diferenças entre os escores dos questionários Hearing Handicap Inventory for Elderly e for Adults e entre os das subescalas Facilidade de Comunicação, Ambientes Reverberantes e Ruído Ambiental do questionário Abbreviated Profile of Hearing Aid Benefit, comparando as condições sem e com próteses auditivas. Houve correlação positiva entre o benefício mensurado na subescala Facilidade de Comunicação, nos idosos, e Ruído Ambiental, nos adultos, com a redução da restrição de participação. CONCLUSÃO: Houve redução das limitações de atividades e da restrição de participação em atividades de vida diária em adultos e idosos com o uso de próteses auditivas. Quanto maior o benefício obtido na subescala Facilidade de Comunicação em idosos e o benefício na subescala Ruído Ambiental nos adultos, maior a redução da restrição de participação.PURPOSE: To study the benefit obtained by the use of hearing aids in environments acoustically favorable to communication, reverberant, noisy and with aversive sounds, and to correlate the benefit with the handicap of adults and elderly with hearing loss. METHODS

  15. Prevalencia y caracterización de la pérdida auditiva en trabajadores expuestos a ruido industrial de una planta eléctrica turbogenerada en un complejo petroquímico


    Montiel-López, María; Corzo-Alvarez, Gilbert; Chacín-Almarza, Betulio; Rojas-González, Liliana; Quevedo, Ana; Lubo-Palma, Adonias; Rendiles, Hernando


    El propósito de este estudio fue determinar la prevalencia y caracterización de la pérdida auditiva por exposición laboral al ruido y su relación con otros factores, en trabajadores de una planta eléctrica turbogenerada en un complejo petroquímico del occidente de Venezuela. Se realizó un estudio de corte transversal donde se evaluaron 75 trabajadores a quienes se le practicó valoración médico ocupacional y audiometría tonal liminal. Se determinó el nivel de ruido en los lugares de trabajo me...

  16. Opioid patient controlled analgesia use during the initial experience with the IMPROVE PCA trial: a phase III analgesic trial for hospitalized sickle cell patients with painful episodes. (United States)

    Dampier, Carlton D; Smith, Wally R; Kim, Hae-Young; Wager, Carrie Greene; Bell, Margaret C; Minniti, Caterina P; Keefer, Jeffrey; Hsu, Lewis; Krishnamurti, Lakshmanan; Mack, A Kyle; McClish, Donna; McKinlay, Sonja M; Miller, Scott T; Osunkwo, Ifeyinwa; Seaman, Phillip; Telen, Marilyn J; Weiner, Debra L


    Opioid analgesics administered by patient-controlled analgesia (PCA)are frequently used for pain relief in children and adults with sickle cell disease (SCD) hospitalized for persistent vaso-occlusive pain, but optimum opioid dosing is not known. To better define PCA dosing recommendations,a multi-center phase III clinical trial was conducted comparing two alternative opioid PCA dosing strategies (HDLI—higher demand dose with low constant infusion or LDHI—lower demand dose and higher constant infusion) in 38 subjects who completed randomization prior to trial closure. Total opioid utilization (morphine equivalents,mg/kg) in 22 adults was 11.6 ± 2.6 and 4.7 ± 0.9 in the HDLI andin the LDHI arms, respectively, and in 12 children it was 3.7 ± 1.0 and 5.8 ± 2.2, respectively. Opioid-related symptoms were mild and similar in both PCA arms (mean daily opioid symptom intensity score: HDLI0.9 ± 0.1, LDHI 0.9 ± 0.2). The slow enrollment and early study termination limited conclusions regarding superiority of either treatment regimen. This study adds to our understanding of opioid PCA usage in SCD. Future clinical trial protocol designs for opioid PCA may need to consider potential differences between adults and children in PCA usage.

  17. Predicting the effectiveness of virtual reality relaxation on pain and anxiety when added to PCA morphine in patients having burns dressings changes. (United States)

    Konstantatos, A H; Angliss, M; Costello, V; Cleland, H; Stafrace, S


    Pain arising in burns sufferers is often severe and protracted. The prospect of a dressing change can heighten existing pain by impacting both physically and psychologically. In this trial we examined whether pre-procedural virtual reality guided relaxation added to patient controlled analgesia with morphine reduced pain severity during awake dressings changes in burns patients. We conducted a prospective randomized clinical trial in all patients with burns necessitating admission to a tertiary burns referral centre. Eligible patients requiring awake dressings changes were randomly allocated to single use virtual reality relaxation plus intravenous morphine patient controlled analgesia (PCA) infusion or to intravenous morphine patient controlled analgesia infusion alone. Patients rated their worst pain intensity during the dressing change using a visual analogue scale. The primary outcome measure was presence of 30% or greater difference in pain intensity ratings between the groups in estimation of worst pain during the dressing change. Of 88 eligible and consenting patients having awake dressings changes, 43 were assigned to virtual reality relaxation plus intravenous morphine PCA infusion and 43 to morphine PCA infusion alone. The group receiving virtual reality relaxation plus morphine PCA infusion reported significantly higher pain intensities during the dressing change (mean=7.3) compared with patients receiving morphine PCA alone (mean=5.3) (p=0.003) (95% CI 0.6-2.8). The addition of virtual reality guided relaxation to morphine PCA infusion in burns patients resulted in a significant increase in pain experienced during awake dressings changes. In the absence of a validated predictor for responsiveness to virtual reality relaxation such a therapy cannot be recommended for general use in burns patients having awake dressings changes.

  18. Corrosion of path A PCA and 12 Cr-1 MoVW steel in thermally convective lithium

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tortorelli, P.F.; DeVan, J.H.


    Exposure of path A PCA alloys to thermally convective lithium for 6700 h at 600 and 570 0 C resulted in corrosion reactions that were similar to what is observed for other austenitic alloys exposed under similar conditions. It corroded more rapidly than type 316 stainless steel, and the presence of nitride stringers in PCA did not affect the measured weight losses. Consideration of the weight change and surface analysis data for 12 Cr-1 MoVW steel exposed to thermally convective lithium between 500 and 350 0 C for 10,088 h revealed that reactions with carbon and nitrogen were probably the principal corrosion processes for this alloy in this temperature range. Corrosion was not severe

  19. Memória Auditiva-Verbal e Funções Executivas em Crianças Bilingues (Português Europeu/Francês) e Monolingues (Português Europeu) dos 10 aos 11 anos de idade


    Spínola, Jennifer Gomes


    O principal objectivo deste estudo foi verificar se o desempenho de crianças bilingues difere das monolingues no que concerne à memória auditiva-verbal e funções executivas. Neste estudo de carácter descritivo-comparativo participaram 70 estudantes do 5º ano de escolaridade, com idades compreendidas entre os 10 e 11 anos de idade. (M= 10,24; DP= 0,43). Dos 70 estudantes, 30 são bilingues (Português Europeu/ Francês) e frequentam o ensino bilingue e 40 são monolingues (Português Europeu) e fre...

  20. The effects of multidisciplinary rehabilitation: RePCa-a randomised study among primary prostate cancer patients

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dieperink, K B; Johansen, C; Hansen, Steinbjørn


    Background:The objective of this study is the effectiveness of multidisciplinary rehabilitation on treatment-related adverse effects after completed radiotherapy in patients with prostate cancer (PCa).Methods:In a single-centre oncology unit in Odense, Denmark, 161 PCa patients treated...... with radiotherapy and androgen deprivation therapy were randomly assigned to either a programme of two nursing counselling sessions and two instructive sessions with a physical therapist (n=79) or to usual care (n=82). Primary outcome was Expanded Prostate Cancer Index Composite (EPIC-26) urinary irritative sum......-score.Before radiotherapy, pre-intervention 4 weeks after radiotherapy, and after a 20-week intervention, measurements included self-reported disease-specific quality of life (QoL; EPIC-26, including urinary, bowel, sexual, and hormonal symptoms), general QoL (Short-form-12, SF-12), pelvic floor muscle strength (Modified...

  1. Statistical Fractal Models Based on GND-PCA and Its Application on Classification of Liver Diseases

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Huiyan Jiang


    Full Text Available A new method is proposed to establish the statistical fractal model for liver diseases classification. Firstly, the fractal theory is used to construct the high-order tensor, and then Generalized -dimensional Principal Component Analysis (GND-PCA is used to establish the statistical fractal model and select the feature from the region of liver; at the same time different features have different weights, and finally, Support Vector Machine Optimized Ant Colony (ACO-SVM algorithm is used to establish the classifier for the recognition of liver disease. In order to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method, PCA eigenface method and normal SVM method are chosen as the contrast methods. The experimental results show that the proposed method can reconstruct liver volume better and improve the classification accuracy of liver diseases.

  2. Location optimization of solar plants by an integrated hierarchical DEA PCA approach

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Azadeh, A.; Ghaderi, S.F.; Maghsoudi, A.


    Unique features of renewable energies such as solar energy has caused increasing demands for such resources. In order to use solar energy as a natural resource, environmental circumstances and geographical location related to solar intensity must be considered. Different factors may affect on the selection of a suitable location for solar plants. These factors must be considered concurrently for optimum location identification of solar plants. This article presents an integrated hierarchical approach for location of solar plants by data envelopment analysis (DEA), principal component analysis (PCA) and numerical taxonomy (NT). Furthermore, an integrated hierarchical DEA approach incorporating the most relevant parameters of solar plants is introduced. Moreover, 2 multivariable methods namely, PCA and NT are used to validate the results of DEA model. The prescribed approach is tested for 25 different cities in Iran with 6 different regions within each city. This is the first study that considers an integrated hierarchical DEA approach for geographical location optimization of solar plants. Implementation of the proposed approach would enable the energy policy makers to select the best-possible location for construction of a solar power plant with lowest possible costs

  3. The PCA learning effect: An emerging correlate of face memory during childhood. (United States)

    Gao, Xiaoqing; Maurer, Daphne; Wilson, Hugh R


    Human adults implicitly learn the prototype and the principal components of the variability distinguishing faces (Gao & Wilson, 2014). Here we measured the implicit learning effect in adults and 9-year-olds, and with a modified child-friendly procedure, in 7-year-olds. All age groups showed the implicit learning effect by falsely recognizing the average (the prototype effect) and the principal component faces as having been seen (the PCA learning effect). The PCA learning effect, but not the prototype effect increased between 9years of age and adulthood and at both ages was the better predictor of memory for the actually studied faces. In contrast, for the 7-year-olds, the better predictor of face memory was the prototype effect. The pattern suggests that there may be a developmental change between ages 7 and 9 in the mechanism underlying memory for faces. We provide the first evidence that children as young as age 7 can extract the most important dimensions of variation represented by principal components among individual faces, a key ability that grows stronger with age and comes to underlie memory for faces. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  4. PCA Based Stress Monitoring of Cylindrical Specimens Using PZTs and Guided Waves

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jabid Quiroga


    Full Text Available Since mechanical stress in structures affects issues such as strength, expected operational life and dimensional stability, a continuous stress monitoring scheme is necessary for a complete integrity assessment. Consequently, this paper proposes a stress monitoring scheme for cylindrical specimens, which are widely used in structures such as pipelines, wind turbines or bridges. The approach consists of tracking guided wave variations due to load changes, by comparing wave statistical patterns via Principal Component Analysis (PCA. Each load scenario is projected to the PCA space by means of a baseline model and represented using the Q-statistical indices. Experimental validation of the proposed methodology is conducted on two specimens: (i a 12.7 mm ( 1 / 2 ″ diameter, 0.4 m length, AISI 1020 steel rod, and (ii a 25.4 mm ( 1 ″ diameter, 6m length, schedule 40, A-106, hollow cylinder. Specimen 1 was subjected to axial loads, meanwhile specimen 2 to flexion. In both cases, simultaneous longitudinal and flexural guided waves were generated via piezoelectric devices (PZTs in a pitch-catch configuration. Experimental results show the feasibility of the approach and its potential use as in-situ continuous stress monitoring application.

  5. PCA-based algorithm for calibration of spectrophotometric analysers of food

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Morawski, Roman Z; Miekina, Andrzej


    Spectrophotometric analysers of food, being instruments for determination of the composition of food products and ingredients, are today of growing importance for food industry, as well as for food distributors and consumers. Their metrological performance significantly depends of the numerical performance of available means for spectrophotometric data processing; in particular – the means for calibration of analysers. In this paper, a new algorithm for this purpose is proposed, viz. the algorithm using principal components analysis (PCA). It is almost as efficient as PLS-based algorithms of calibration, but much simpler

  6. Automatic individual arterial input functions calculated from PCA outperform manual and population-averaged approaches for the pharmacokinetic modeling of DCE-MR images. (United States)

    Sanz-Requena, Roberto; Prats-Montalbán, José Manuel; Martí-Bonmatí, Luis; Alberich-Bayarri, Ángel; García-Martí, Gracián; Pérez, Rosario; Ferrer, Alberto


    To introduce a segmentation method to calculate an automatic arterial input function (AIF) based on principal component analysis (PCA) of dynamic contrast enhanced MR (DCE-MR) imaging and compare it with individual manually selected and population-averaged AIFs using calculated pharmacokinetic parameters. The study included 65 individuals with prostate examinations (27 tumors and 38 controls). Manual AIFs were individually extracted and also averaged to obtain a population AIF. Automatic AIFs were individually obtained by applying PCA to volumetric DCE-MR imaging data and finding the highest correlation of the PCs with a reference AIF. Variability was assessed using coefficients of variation and repeated measures tests. The different AIFs were used as inputs to the pharmacokinetic model and correlation coefficients, Bland-Altman plots and analysis of variance tests were obtained to compare the results. Automatic PCA-based AIFs were successfully extracted in all cases. The manual and PCA-based AIFs showed good correlation (r between pharmacokinetic parameters ranging from 0.74 to 0.95), with differences below the manual individual variability (RMSCV up to 27.3%). The population-averaged AIF showed larger differences (r from 0.30 to 0.61). The automatic PCA-based approach minimizes the variability associated to obtaining individual volume-based AIFs in DCE-MR studies of the prostate. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  7. Perda auditiva induzida por ruído e hipertensão em condutores de ônibus Noise-induced hearing loss and high blood pressure among city bus drivers

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Heleno Rodrigues Corrêa Filho


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Estimar as prevalências de perda auditiva induzida por ruído e hipertensão arterial em condutores de ônibus urbanos. MÉTODOS: Executou-se estudo transversal em amostra probabilística de 108 motoristas da cidade de Campinas, SP. Aplicou-se questionário sobre história profissional, jornadas de trabalho e repouso, e realizou-se exame físico e laboratorial incluindo medida da pressão arterial, audiometria tonal limiar, logoaudiometria e dados antropométricos, após a obtenção de consentimento. RESULTADOS: A prevalência de perda auditiva induzida por ruído foi de 32,7% do total examinado. Segundo a classificação de Merluzzi, nos 31 casos classificados em primeiro e segundo graus, observou-se que a freqüência audiométrica com perda auditiva mais acentuada foi a de 6 kHz (61,3%, seguida pela de 4 kHz (38,7%, sem diferenças significantes quanto à lateralidade. A prevalência de hipertensão arterial diastólica (PAD³90 mmHG; PAS³140 mmHG foi de 13,2% dos examinados. CONCLUSÕES: O risco de disacusia induzida por ruído foi maior para os motoristas com mais de seis anos de trabalho, após ajuste para a perda relacionada com a idade, com um odds ratio de 19,25 (1,59OBJECTIVE: To estimate the prevalence of occupational noise-induced hearing loss and arterial hypertension among city bus drivers. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was carried out on a probability random sample of 108 city bus drivers taken out of a total of 1,529 estimated professionals in the city of Campinas, Brazil, in 1991. Drivers were interviewed using questionnaires on job history, shift work and vacation schedules and underwent clinical and laboratory examinations including measures of blood pressure, pure-tone audiometry, speech audiometry, and anthropometric data analysis after an informed consent was obtained. RESULTS: The prevalence of noise-induced hearing loss was 32.7%. According to Merluzzi's classification, 91.2% (31 cases were classified as

  8. SU-G-BRA-03: PCA Based Imaging Angle Optimization for 2D Cine MRI Based Radiotherapy Guidance

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chen, T; Yue, N; Jabbour, S; Zhang, M [Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ (United States)


    Purpose: To develop an imaging angle optimization methodology for orthogonal 2D cine MRI based radiotherapy guidance using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) of target motion retrieved from 4DCT. Methods: We retrospectively analyzed 4DCT of 6 patients with lung tumor. A radiation oncologist manually contoured the target volume at the maximal inhalation phase of the respiratory cycle. An object constrained deformable image registration (DIR) method has been developed to track the target motion along the respiration at ten phases. The motion of the center of the target mass has been analyzed using the PCA to find out the principal motion components that were uncorrelated with each other. Two orthogonal image planes for cineMRI have been determined using this method to minimize the through plane motion during MRI based radiotherapy guidance. Results: 3D target respiratory motion for all 6 patients has been efficiently retrieved from 4DCT. In this process, the object constrained DIR demonstrated satisfactory accuracy and efficiency to enable the automatic motion tracking for clinical application. The average motion amplitude in the AP, lateral, and longitudinal directions were 3.6mm (min: 1.6mm, max: 5.6mm), 1.7mm (min: 0.6mm, max: 2.7mm), and 5.6mm (min: 1.8mm, max: 16.1mm), respectively. Based on PCA, the optimal orthogonal imaging planes were determined for cineMRI. The average angular difference between the PCA determined imaging planes and the traditional AP and lateral imaging planes were 47 and 31 degrees, respectively. After optimization, the average amplitude of through plane motion reduced from 3.6mm in AP images to 2.5mm (min:1.3mm, max:3.9mm); and from 1.7mm in lateral images to 0.6mm (min: 0.2mm, max:1.5mm), while the principal in plane motion amplitude increased from 5.6mm to 6.5mm (min: 2.8mm, max: 17mm). Conclusion: DIR and PCA can be used to optimize the orthogonal image planes of cineMRI to minimize the through plane motion during radiotherapy

  9. SU-G-BRA-03: PCA Based Imaging Angle Optimization for 2D Cine MRI Based Radiotherapy Guidance

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen, T; Yue, N; Jabbour, S; Zhang, M


    Purpose: To develop an imaging angle optimization methodology for orthogonal 2D cine MRI based radiotherapy guidance using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) of target motion retrieved from 4DCT. Methods: We retrospectively analyzed 4DCT of 6 patients with lung tumor. A radiation oncologist manually contoured the target volume at the maximal inhalation phase of the respiratory cycle. An object constrained deformable image registration (DIR) method has been developed to track the target motion along the respiration at ten phases. The motion of the center of the target mass has been analyzed using the PCA to find out the principal motion components that were uncorrelated with each other. Two orthogonal image planes for cineMRI have been determined using this method to minimize the through plane motion during MRI based radiotherapy guidance. Results: 3D target respiratory motion for all 6 patients has been efficiently retrieved from 4DCT. In this process, the object constrained DIR demonstrated satisfactory accuracy and efficiency to enable the automatic motion tracking for clinical application. The average motion amplitude in the AP, lateral, and longitudinal directions were 3.6mm (min: 1.6mm, max: 5.6mm), 1.7mm (min: 0.6mm, max: 2.7mm), and 5.6mm (min: 1.8mm, max: 16.1mm), respectively. Based on PCA, the optimal orthogonal imaging planes were determined for cineMRI. The average angular difference between the PCA determined imaging planes and the traditional AP and lateral imaging planes were 47 and 31 degrees, respectively. After optimization, the average amplitude of through plane motion reduced from 3.6mm in AP images to 2.5mm (min:1.3mm, max:3.9mm); and from 1.7mm in lateral images to 0.6mm (min: 0.2mm, max:1.5mm), while the principal in plane motion amplitude increased from 5.6mm to 6.5mm (min: 2.8mm, max: 17mm). Conclusion: DIR and PCA can be used to optimize the orthogonal image planes of cineMRI to minimize the through plane motion during radiotherapy

  10. The added value of percentage of free to total prostate-specific antigen, PCA3, and a kallikrein panel to the ERSPC risk calculator for prostate cancer in prescreened men. (United States)

    Vedder, Moniek M; de Bekker-Grob, Esther W; Lilja, Hans G; Vickers, Andrew J; van Leenders, Geert J L H; Steyerberg, Ewout W; Roobol, Monique J


    Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) testing has limited accuracy for the early detection of prostate cancer (PCa). To assess the value added by percentage of free to total PSA (%fPSA), prostate cancer antigen 3 (PCA3), and a kallikrein panel (4k-panel) to the European Randomised Study of Screening for Prostate Cancer (ERSPC) multivariable prediction models: risk calculator (RC) 4, including transrectal ultrasound, and RC 4 plus digital rectal examination (4+DRE) for prescreened men. Participants were invited for rescreening between October 2007 and February 2009 within the Dutch part of the ERSPC study. Biopsies were taken in men with a PSA level ≥3.0 ng/ml or a PCA3 score ≥10. Additional analyses of the 4k-panel were done on serum samples. Outcome was defined as PCa detectable by sextant biopsy. Receiver operating characteristic curve and decision curve analyses were performed to compare the predictive capabilities of %fPSA, PCA3, 4k-panel, the ERSPC RCs, and their combinations in logistic regression models. PCa was detected in 119 of 708 men. The %fPSA did not perform better univariately or added to the RCs compared with the RCs alone. In 202 men with an elevated PSA, the 4k-panel discriminated better than PCA3 when modelled univariately (area under the curve [AUC]: 0.78 vs. 0.62; p=0.01). The multivariable models with PCA3 or the 4k-panel were equivalent (AUC: 0.80 for RC 4+DRE). In the total population, PCA3 discriminated better than the 4k-panel (univariate AUC: 0.63 vs. 0.56; p=0.05). There was no statistically significant difference between the multivariable model with PCA3 (AUC: 0.73) versus the model with the 4k-panel (AUC: 0.71; p=0.18). The multivariable model with PCA3 performed better than the reference model (0.73 vs. 0.70; p=0.02). Decision curves confirmed these patterns, although numbers were small. Both PCA3 and, to a lesser extent, a 4k-panel have added value to the DRE-based ERSPC RC in detecting PCa in prescreened men. We studied the added

  11. The Comparison of Intrathecal Morphine and IV Morphine PCA on Pain Control, Patient Satisfaction, Morphine Consumption, and Adverse Effects in Patients Undergoing Reduction Mammoplasty. (United States)

    Karamese, Mehtap; Akdağ, Osman; Kara, İnci; Yıldıran, Gokce Unal; Tosun, Zekeriya


    Following breast reduction procedures, the level of postoperative pain can be severe, and sufficient pain control influences a patient's physiological, immunological, and psychological status. The aim of this study was to examine the use of intrathecal morphine (ITM) in breast reduction surgery with patient-controlled analgesia (PCA). Sixty-two female patients who underwent breast reductions with the same technique participated in this study. The study group (ITM + PCA) included 32 patients; a single shot (0.2 mg) of ITM and intravenous morphine with PCA were administered. In the control group, morphine PCA alone was intravenously administered to 30 patients. Comparisons between the groups of cumulative morphine consumption, visual analog scale scores, and patient satisfaction scores, which were the primary outcome measures, and adverse effects, which were the secondary outcome measures, were conducted. The patients in the 2 groups had similar degrees of pain and satisfaction scores. The study group had lower cumulative morphine consumption (P = .001) than the PCA-only control group; there was no statistically significant difference in adverse effects between the 2 groups. Intrathecal morphine may effectively control pain with lower total morphine consumption following breast reduction surgery.

  12. Factores nutricionales que modulan la progresión de la pérdida auditiva asociada al envejecimiento en el ratón: ácido fólico y ácidos grasos omega-3


    Martínez-Vega, Raquel


    La pérdida auditiva puede deberse a factores ambientales, genéticos o a una combinación de ambos. En contraste con la sordera congénita, no se conocen apenas los factores genéticos que contribuyen a la sordera por envejecimiento o presbiacusia, derivándose la mayor parte de la información disponible de los estudios realizados en modelos animales. El descenso en la funcionalidad del organismo como consecuencia del envejecimiento está asociado con la aparición de enfermedades crónicas, que ...

  13. Relación entre la memoria auditiva y el rendimiento neuropsicológico en pacientes de la tercera edad atendidos en el Centro Geriátrico y Gerontológico de la FAP


    Infantes Portilla, Igor Edmundo Martín


    Determina la relación entre la memoria auditiva y el rendimiento neuropsicológico en pacientes de la tercera edad atendidos en el Centro Geriátrico y Gerontológico de la FAP. La investigación es de tipo correlacional, con diseño descriptivo correlacional. La muestra de estudio quedó constituida por 212 historias clínicas de pacientes adultos mayores que fueron evaluados y diagnosticados como pacientes sin alteración cognitiva y con demencia: tipo Alzheimer, vascular y mixta, entre los años 20...

  14. Nivel de contaminación sonora y su repercusión en la salud auditiva de las personas en el Jirón próspero de la ciudad de Iquitos;


    D'Azevedo García, Gilberto Raymundo; D'Azevedo Reátegui, Ana Karina


    El presente trabajo de investigación tuvo como objetivos determinar el nivel de contaminación sonora que influye significativamente en la salud auditiva de las personas que viven y trabajan a lo largo del Jirón Próspero de la ciudad de !quitos, para ello se obtuvieron datos del nivel de ruido a lo largo de esta avenida. Se llegó a determinar que el nivel de ruido varía desde 68.56 a 92.51 decibeles, con un promedio de 80.56 decibeles y que las esquinas más ruidosas se encuentran entre las cal...

  15. Preliminary PCA/TT Results on MRO CRISM Multispectral Images (United States)

    Klassen, David R.; Smith, M. D.


    Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter arrived at Mars in March 2006 and by September had achieved its science-phase orbit with the Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer for Mars (CRISM) beginning its visible to near-infrared (VIS/NIR) spectral imaging shortly thereafter. One goal of CRISM is to fill in the spatial gaps between the various targeted observations, eventually mapping the entire surface. Due to the large volume of data this would create, the instrument works in a reduced spectral sampling mode creating "multispectral” images. From these data we can create image cubes using 64 wavelengths from 0.410 to 3.923 µm. We present here our analysis of these multispectral mode data products using Principal Components Analysis (PCA) and Target Transformation (TT) [1]. Previous work with ground-based images [2-5] has shown that over an entire visible hemisphere, there are only three to four meaningful components using 32-105 wavelengths over 1.5-4.1 µm the first two are consistent over all temporal scales. The TT retrieved spectral endmembers show nearly the same level of consistency [5]. The preliminary work on the CRISM images cubes implies similar results; three to four significant principal components that are fairly consistent over time. These components are then used in TT to find spectral endmembers which can be used to characterize the surface reflectance for future use in radiative transfer cloud optical depth retrievals. We present here the PCA/TT results comparing the principal components and recovered endmembers from six reconstructed CRISM multi-spectral image cubes. References: [1] Bandfield, J. L., et al. (2000) JGR, 105, 9573. [2] Klassen, D. R. and Bell III, J. F. (2001) BAAS 33, 1069. [3] Klassen, D. R. and Bell III, J. F. (2003) BAAS, 35, 936. [4] Klassen, D. R., Wark, T. J., Cugliotta, C. G. (2005) BAAS, 37, 693. [5] Klassen, D. R. (2009) Icarus, 204, 32.

  16. Distúrbio específico de linguagem: desempenho em testes de memória de trabalho fonológica e de habilidades auditivas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lidiane Yumi Sawasaki


    Full Text Available Hipóteses vêm sendo apontadas para explicar as dificuldades linguísticas de crianças com Distúrbio Específico de Linguagem (DEL, e, dentre elas, podemos citar alterações na memória de trabalho fonológica (MTF e no processamento auditivo temporal (PAT. Assim, o objetivo do presente estudo foi verificar o desempenho de sujeitos com DEL em testes de MTF, de PAT e de atenção auditiva sustentada (AAS e, ainda, verificar se há correlação entre eles. Foram selecionadas 12 crianças com idades entre 6 e 10 anos, sendo nove meninos, com diagnóstico de DEL da Clínica de Fonoaudiologia da FOBjUSP de Bauru. Foram aplicados os seguintes testes: prova de memória de trabalho fonológica (MTF não palavras e dígitos, teste da habilidade de resolução temporallZl Random Gap Detection Test (RGDT !li e teste de habilidade de atenção auditiva sustentada (THAAS. Nas três provas aplicadas IZIMTF, AAS e PAT !li foram encontrados resultados inferiores à normalidade. Na literatura há fortes evidências de que crianças com DEL apresentam desempenho inadequado em tarefas de MTF que envolvem o armazenamento de um estímulo verbal, fato também confirmado neste trabalho. Como se verificou neste trabalho, DEL pode também estar associado a dificuldades no processamento de elementos acústicos breves e na atenção sustentada. Foi possível verificar com este estudo que quadros de DEL podem apresentar dificuldades de MTF, de atenção sustentada e em habilidades de resolução temporal. Mesmo não havendo correlação entre os testes, a grande maioria das crianças com DEL apresentou desempenho deficitário nas habilidades testadas. O DEL decorre de uma dificuldade constitucional para o processamento neuropsicológico da linguagem, e, desse modo, pessoas com esse quadro podem apresentar disfunção em qualquer nível do processamento, incluindo o processamento auditivo.  

  17. La percepción sobre la inclusión del alumnado con discapacidad auditiva en la Educación Secundaria, Educación Superior y enseñanzas de régimen especial en Gran Canaria


    Mesa Suárez, José Luis


    Programa de doctorado: Formación del Profesorado. [ES] El objetivo principal de esta tesis doctoral es aportar resultados que permitan un mejor conocimiento de la situación de los estudiantes con discapacidad auditiva en la Educación Secundaria Obligatoria, Ciclos Formativos, Estudios Universitarios y Enseñanzas de Régimen Especial en Gran Canaria. Teniendo en cuenta el incremento de estudiantes con sordera o hipoacusia, que esperan ingresar en estas enseñanzas, se plantea la necesidad de ...

  18. Diseño de una estrategia comunicativa para sensibilizar a la población sobre la contaminación ambiental, auditiva y visual de la ciudad de Quito en el Centro Histórico.


    Naranjo Caicedo, María José; Pérez Robayo, María Belén


    La selección del tema “Diseño de una estrategia comunicativa para sensibilizar a la población sobre la contaminación ambiental, auditiva y visual de la Ciudad de Quito en el Centro Histórico”, se dio ante la preocupación del deterioro ambiental que se vive en esta ciudad, debido al crecimiento poblacional y por la negligencia de las autoridades y la poca sensibilidad de población en general. Al egresar de la Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, se siente la obligación de concienc...

  19. Microstructural design of PCA austenitic stainless steel for improved resistance to helium embrittlement under HFIR irradiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maziasz, P.J.; Braski, D.N.


    Several variants of Prime Candidate Alloy (PCA) with different preirradiation thermal-mechanical treatments were irradiated in HFIR and were evaluated for embrittlement resistance via disk-bend tensile testing. Comparison tests were made on two heats of 20%-cold-worked type 316 stainless steel. None of the alloys were brittle after irradiation at 300 to 400 0 C to approx. 44 dpa and helium levels of 3000 to approx.3600 at. ppm. However, all were quite brittle after similar exposure at 600 0 C. Embrittlement varied with alloy and pretreatment for irradiation to 44 dpa at 500 0 C and to 22 dpa at 600 0 C. Better relative embrittlement resistance among PCA variants was found in alloys which contained prior grain boundary MC carbide particles that remained stable under irradiation

  20. Prevalência de sequelas auditivas pós meningite piogênica em crianças Prevalence of auditory sequelae after pyogenic meningitis in children

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luzia Poliana Anjos da Silva


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar a prevalência de déficit auditivo e caracterizar as principais sequelas auditivas e neurológicas pós-meningite, correlacionando o tipo de antibiótico utilizado durante o período de internação e a frequência de surdez, além do tipo de meningite mais prevalente como causa de déficit auditivo. MÉTODOS: Trata-se de um estudo de coorte transversal. Foram enviadas 289 cartas para os responsáveis pelas crianças que apresentaram meningite piogênica entre 28 dias e 24 meses, admitidas no Hospital Couto Maia (HC Maia entre janeiro de 2002 a dezembro de 2003. A amostra foi constituída por 55 crianças que sobreviveram com ou sem sequelas evidentes, que compareceram para as avaliações audiológica e neurológica. Foi realizada avaliação audiológica completa, incluindo a bateria subjetiva e objetiva de avaliação, com utilização de instrumentos validados para investigação da audição da criança. RESULTADOS: A faixa etária, no momento da avaliação audiológica, variou de dois a cinco anos. A deficiência auditiva foi encontrada em 29% da amostra, sendo a maioria do tipo neurossensorial, bilateral e de grau profundo. As principais sequelas neurológicas encontradas foram epilepsia, hemiparesia, hidrocefalia, disfasia e hiperatividade. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados destacam a necessidade de monitoramento audiológico e acompanhamento neurológico nas crianças com história prévia de meningite piogênica, especialmente aquelas infectadas em idade precoce, buscando, desta forma, detectar as possíveis alterações auditivas e intervir o mais precocemente possível, por meio de intervenção especializada, protetização e reabilitação da linguagem oral.PURPOSE: To analyze the prevalence of hearing impairment and to characterize the main auditory and neurological sequelae after meningitis, correlating the type of antibiotic used during the hospitali66zation period and the frequency of deafness, as well as the most

  1. Masked-Volume-Wise PCA and "reference Logan" illustrate similar regional differences in kinetic behavior in human brain PET study using [11C]-PIB

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    Engler Henry


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Kinetic modeling using reference Logan is commonly used to analyze data obtained from dynamic Positron Emission Tomography (PET studies on patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD and healthy volunteers (HVs using amyloid imaging agent N-methyl [11C]2-(4'-methylaminophenyl-6-hydroxy-benzothiazole, [11C]-PIB. The aim of the present study was to explore whether results obtained using the newly introduced method, Masked Volume Wise Principal Component Analysis, MVW-PCA, were similar to the results obtained using reference Logan. Methods MVW-PCA and reference Logan were performed on dynamic PET images obtained from four Alzheimer's disease (AD patients on two occasions (baseline and follow-up and on four healthy volunteers (HVs. Regions of interest (ROIs of similar sizes were positioned in different parts of the brain in both AD patients and HVs where the difference between AD patients and HVs is largest. Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR and discrimination power (DP were calculated for images generated by the different methods and the results were compared both qualitatively and quantitatively. Results MVW-PCA generated images that illustrated similar regional binding patterns compared to reference Logan images and with slightly higher quality, enhanced contrast, improved SNR and DP, without being based on modeling assumptions. MVW-PCA also generated additional MVW-PC images by using the whole dataset, which illustrated regions with different and uncorrelated kinetic behaviors of the administered tracer. This additional information might improve the understanding of kinetic behavior of the administered tracer. Conclusion MVW-PCA is a potential multivariate method that without modeling assumptions generates high quality images, which illustrated similar regional changes compared to modeling methods such as reference Logan. In addition, MVW-PCA could be used as a new technique, applicable not only on dynamic human brain studies but also on

  2. Estudo comparativo da classificação do grau de perda auditiva em idosos institucionalizados Comparative study for classifying the hearing loss degree in institutionalized elderly

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cristhiane Emy Kano


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: comparar os resultados audiológicos de idosos institucionalizados, levando-se em consideração duas classificações distintas. MÉTODOS: foram avaliados 40 idosos de ambos os sexos, com faixa etária superior a 60 anos. Após levantar a história clínica audiológica e de realizar otoscopia, foram obtidos os limares tonais (via aérea e via óssea dos indivíduos, com o uso de audiômetro Eymasa, dentro de cabina acústica. RESULTADOS: demonstraram que a classificação proposta pela Recomendação 02/1 do Bureau International d'Audio Phonologie, foi mais sensível quanto a caracterização da perda auditiva na população idosa. CONCLUSÃO: a classificação utilizada pela Recomentação 02/1 é a que melhor representa o grau de perda auditiva nesta população, uma vez que leva em consideração além das freqüências da fala (500, 1k e 2kHz, a freqüência de 4 kHz para o cálculo da média.PURPOSE: to compare the audiological results for institutionalized elderly, taking into consideration two distinct classifications. METHODS: we evaluated 40 elderly of both genders, over 60-year-old, after assessing the clinical history and conduct of audiological otoscopy, we obtained the pure tone (via air and bone of the individuals, by using the audiometer Eymasa within an acoustic cabin. RESULTS: the classification used by Recommendation 02/1 of Bureau International d'Audio Phonologie, was more sensitive about hearing loss characterization in the elderly population. CONCLUSION: the classification used by Recommendation 02/1, is the one that better represents hearing loss degree in this population, since it takes in consideration in addition to the speech frequencies (500, 1k and 2kHz, the frequency of 4kHz for calculating the mean value.

  3. Improving the bioavailability and anticancer effect of the PCA-1/ALKBH3 inhibitor HUHS015 using sodium salt. (United States)

    Mabuchi, Miyuki; Shimizu, Tadashi; Ueda, Masahiro; Sasakawa, Yuka; Nakao, Syuhei; Ueda, Yuko; Kawamura, Akio; Tsujikawa, Kazutake; Tanaka, Akito


    Prostate cancer antigen (PCA)-1/AlkB homologue 3 (ALKBH3) has been identified as a clinically significant factor and siRNA of PCA-1 inhibits DU145 proliferation both in vitro and in vivo. HUHS015 ( 1: ), a previous reported PCA-1 small-molecule inhibitor, was also effective without any obvious side-effects or toxicity. The potency of HUHS015, however, is not satisfying. We thought the reason is poor solubility of HUHS015 because insoluble material remained at the injection site after subcutaneous administration. To improve this inhibitor's solubility, we prepared various salts of HUHS015 and examined their solubility, which resulted in the selection of HUHS015 sodium salt ( 2: ) for further studies in vivo. Next, we compared the pharmacokinetics of 1: and 2: via several administration routes. We observed significant improvements in the pharmacokinetic parameters. For example, subcutaneous administration of 2: increased the area under the curve (AUC)0-24 by 8-fold compared to 1 and increased the suppressive effect on the proliferation of DU145 cells in a xenograft model. Copyright © 2015 International Institute of Anticancer Research (Dr. John G. Delinassios), All rights reserved.

  4. Análise de cantores de baile em estilo de canto popular e lírico:perceptivo-auditiva, acústica e da configuração laríngea

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Zampieri Sueli A.


    Full Text Available Objetivo: deste estudo foi verificar os ajustes laríngeos realizados por cantores profissionais do gênero popular durante a imitação do canto em estilo lírico uma vez que muitas vezes ao ouvirmos um cantor popular interpretar uma música clássica percebemos que o mesmo faz modificações em sua qualidade vocal, tentando se aproximar, por imitação, do canto lírico. Forma de estudo: Clínico prospectivo. Material e método: Foram analisados 26 cantores profissionais do gênero popular, 10 homens e 16 mulheres, atuantes em baile. Foi aplicado questionário sobre perfil vocal, realizada análise perceptivo-auditiva e acústica das vozes e avaliação nasofibrolaringoscópica para análise da configuração laríngea nos estilos de canto popular e lírico. Resultado: A análise perceptivo-auditiva revelou que, ao cantar um trecho de música em estilo lírico, o cantor popular muda a qualidade vocal, aumentando o vibrato, o volume vocal, melhorando a ressonância vocal e sobrearticulando mais as palavras. Na análise espectrográfica não foi observada a ocorrência do formante do cantor em nenhuma das vozes. O ajuste laríngeo realizado por cantores populares ao imitarem o estilo de canto lírico foi predominantemente o aumento das constrições ântero-posterior e mediana sendo que a constrição mediana ocorreu mais no sexo masculino. Os valores de jitter e shimmer reduziram significantemente na vogal cantada em relação à vogal falada nas vozes femininas.

  5. Phase I/II clinical trial of dendritic-cell based immunotherapy (DCVAC/PCa) combined with chemotherapy in patients with metastatic, castration-resistant prostate cancer. (United States)

    Podrazil, Michal; Horvath, Rudolf; Becht, Etienne; Rozkova, Daniela; Bilkova, Pavla; Sochorova, Klara; Hromadkova, Hana; Kayserova, Jana; Vavrova, Katerina; Lastovicka, Jan; Vrabcova, Petra; Kubackova, Katerina; Gasova, Zdenka; Jarolim, Ladislav; Babjuk, Marek; Spisek, Radek; Bartunkova, Jirina; Fucikova, Jitka


    We conducted an open-label, single-arm Phase I/II clinical trial in metastatic CRPC (mCRPC) patients eligible for docetaxel combined with treatment with autologous mature dendritic cells (DCs) pulsed with killed LNCaP prostate cancer cells (DCVAC/PCa). The primary and secondary endpoints were safety and immune responses, respectively. Overall survival (OS), followed as a part of the safety evaluation, was compared to the predicted OS according to the Halabi and MSKCC nomograms. Twenty-five patients with progressive mCRPC were enrolled. Treatment comprised of initial 7 days administration of metronomic cyclophosphamide 50 mg p.o. DCVAC/PCa treatment consisted of a median twelve doses of 1 × 107 dendritic cells per dose injected s.c. (Aldara creme was applied at the site of injection) during a one-year period. The initial 2 doses of DCVAC/PCa were administered at a 2-week interval, followed by the administration of docetaxel (75 mg/m2) and prednisone (5 mg twice daily) given every 3 weeks until toxicity or intolerance was observed. The DCVAC/PCa was then injected every 6 weeks up to the maximum number of doses manufactured from one leukapheresis. No serious DCVAC/PCa-related adverse events have been reported. The median OS was 19 months, whereas the predicted median OS was 11.8 months with the Halabi nomogram and 13 months with the MSKCC nomogram. Kaplan-Meier analyses showed that patients had a lower risk of death compared with both MSKCC (Hazard Ratio 0.26, 95% CI: 0.13-0.51) and Halabi (Hazard Ratio 0.33, 95% CI: 0.17-0.63) predictions. We observed a significant decrease in Tregs in the peripheral blood. The long-term administration of DCVAC/PCa led to the induction and maintenance of PSA specific T cells. We did not identify any immunological parameter that significantly correlated with better OS. In patients with mCRPC, the combined chemoimmunotherapy with DCVAC/PCa and docetaxel was safe and resulted in longer than expected survival. Concomitant chemotherapy

  6. Discrimination of liver cancer in cellular level based on backscatter micro-spectrum with PCA algorithm and BP neural network (United States)

    Yang, Jing; Wang, Cheng; Cai, Gan; Dong, Xiaona


    The incidence and mortality rate of the primary liver cancer are very high and its postoperative metastasis and recurrence have become important factors to the prognosis of patients. Circulating tumor cells (CTC), as a new tumor marker, play important roles in the early diagnosis and individualized treatment. This paper presents an effective method to distinguish liver cancer based on the cellular scattering spectrum, which is a non-fluorescence technique based on the fiber confocal microscopic spectrometer. Combining the principal component analysis (PCA) with back propagation (BP) neural network were utilized to establish an automatic recognition model for backscatter spectrum of the liver cancer cells from blood cell. PCA was applied to reduce the dimension of the scattering spectral data which obtained by the fiber confocal microscopic spectrometer. After dimensionality reduction by PCA, a neural network pattern recognition model with 2 input layer nodes, 11 hidden layer nodes, 3 output nodes was established. We trained the network with 66 samples and also tested it. Results showed that the recognition rate of the three types of cells is more than 90%, the relative standard deviation is only 2.36%. The experimental results showed that the fiber confocal microscopic spectrometer combining with the algorithm of PCA and BP neural network can automatically identify the liver cancer cell from the blood cells. This will provide a better tool for investigating the metastasis of liver cancers in vivo, the biology metabolic characteristics of liver cancers and drug transportation. Additionally, it is obviously referential in practical application.

  7. Novel PCA-VIP scheme for ranking MRI protocols and identifying computer-extracted MRI measurements associated with central gland and peripheral zone prostate tumors. (United States)

    Ginsburg, Shoshana B; Viswanath, Satish E; Bloch, B Nicolas; Rofsky, Neil M; Genega, Elizabeth M; Lenkinski, Robert E; Madabhushi, Anant


    To identify computer-extracted features for central gland and peripheral zone prostate cancer localization on multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Preoperative T2-weighted (T2w), diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI), and dynamic contrast-enhanced (DCE) MRI were acquired from 23 men with confirmed prostate cancer. Following radical prostatectomy, the cancer extent was delineated by a pathologist on ex vivo histology and mapped to MRI by nonlinear registration of histology and corresponding MRI slices. In all, 244 computer-extracted features were extracted from MRI, and principal component analysis (PCA) was employed to reduce the data dimensionality so that a generalizable classifier could be constructed. A novel variable importance on projection (VIP) measure for PCA (PCA-VIP) was leveraged to identify computer-extracted MRI features that discriminate between cancer and normal prostate, and these features were used to construct classifiers for cancer localization. Classifiers using features selected by PCA-VIP yielded an area under the curve (AUC) of 0.79 and 0.85 for peripheral zone and central gland tumors, respectively. For tumor localization in the central gland, T2w, DCE, and DWI MRI features contributed 71.6%, 18.1%, and 10.2%, respectively; for peripheral zone tumors T2w, DCE, and DWI MRI contributed 29.6%, 21.7%, and 48.7%, respectively. PCA-VIP identified relatively stable subsets of MRI features that performed well in localizing prostate cancer on MRI. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  8. Biometric identification based on feature fusion with PCA and SVM (United States)

    Lefkovits, László; Lefkovits, Szidónia; Emerich, Simina


    Biometric identification is gaining ground compared to traditional identification methods. Many biometric measurements may be used for secure human identification. The most reliable among them is the iris pattern because of its uniqueness, stability, unforgeability and inalterability over time. The approach presented in this paper is a fusion of different feature descriptor methods such as HOG, LIOP, LBP, used for extracting iris texture information. The classifiers obtained through the SVM and PCA methods demonstrate the effectiveness of our system applied to one and both irises. The performances measured are highly accurate and foreshadow a fusion system with a rate of identification approaching 100% on the UPOL database.

  9. Comparison of PCA and ICA based clutter reduction in GPR systems for anti-personal landmine detection

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Karlsen, Brian; Larsen, Jan; Sørensen, Helge Bjarup Dissing


    This paper presents statistical signal processing approaches for clutter reduction in stepped-frequency ground penetrating radar (SF-GPR) data. In particular, we suggest clutter/signal separation techniques based on principal and independent component analysis (PCA/ICA). The approaches...

  10. Thermogravimetry/mass spectrometry study of woody residues and an herbaceous biomass crop using PCA techniques

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gomez, C.J.; Velo, E.; Puigjaner, L. [Department of Chemical Engineering, ETSEIB, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Avinguda Diagonal 647, G2, E-08028 Barcelona (Spain); Meszaros, E.; Jakab, E. [Institute of Materials and Environmental Chemistry, Chemical Research Center, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, P.O. Box 17, Budapest 1525 (Hungary)


    The devolatilization behaviour of pine and beech wood from carpentry residuals and an herbaceous product from an energy plantation (artichoke thistle) was investigated by thermogravimetry/mass spectrometry (TG/MS). The effect of three pre-treatments, hot-water washing, ethanol extraction and their combination, was also studied. Principal component analysis (PCA) was employed to help in the evaluation of the large data set of results. The characteristics of the thermal decomposition of the herbaceous crop are considerably different from that of the woody biomass samples. The evolution profiles of some characteristic pyrolysis products revealed that the thermal behaviour of wood and thistle is still considerably different after the elimination of some of the inorganic ions and extractive compounds, although the macromolecular components of the samples decompose at similar temperatures. With the help of the PCA calculations, the effect of the different pre-treatments on the production of the main pyrolysis products was evidenced. (author)

  11. Application of principal component analysis (PCA) as a sensory assessment tool for fermented food products. (United States)

    Ghosh, Debasree; Chattopadhyay, Parimal


    The objective of the work was to use the method of quantitative descriptive analysis (QDA) to describe the sensory attributes of the fermented food products prepared with the incorporation of lactic cultures. Panellists were selected and trained to evaluate various attributes specially color and appearance, body texture, flavor, overall acceptability and acidity of the fermented food products like cow milk curd and soymilk curd, idli, sauerkraut and probiotic ice cream. Principal component analysis (PCA) identified the six significant principal components that accounted for more than 90% of the variance in the sensory attribute data. Overall product quality was modelled as a function of principal components using multiple least squares regression (R (2) = 0.8). The result from PCA was statistically analyzed by analysis of variance (ANOVA). These findings demonstrate the utility of quantitative descriptive analysis for identifying and measuring the fermented food product attributes that are important for consumer acceptability.

  12. pcaGoPromoter--an R package for biological and regulatory interpretation of principal components in genome-wide gene expression data

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Morten; Gerds, Thomas Alexander; Nielsen, Ole Haagen


    Analyzing data obtained from genome-wide gene expression experiments is challenging due to the quantity of variables, the need for multivariate analyses, and the demands of managing large amounts of data. Here we present the R package pcaGoPromoter, which facilitates the interpretation of genome.......g., cell cycle progression and the predicted involvement of expected transcription factors, including E2F. In addition, unexpected results, e.g., cholesterol synthesis in serum-depleted cells and NF-¿B activation in inhibitor treated cells, were noted. In summary, the pcaGoPromoter R package provides...

  13. Caracterización de los niveles de contaminación auditiva en Bogotá: Estudio piloto

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Pacheco


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo fue caracterizar los niveles de contaminación auditiva en Bogotá. Para esto, se seleccionaron ocho microambientes en cuatro zonas de la ciudad así como varios corredores viales, en donde se llevaron a cabo mediciones de presión sonora y filmaciones de las condiciones de tráfico de la vía adyacente. Los niveles de ruido ambiental encontrados superaron en el 75 % de los casos los valores sugeridos por la norma nacional colombiana. Éste fue el caso incluso para sectores tales como parques y hospitales. Los resultados aquí reportados pueden ser utilizados para demostrar la importancia y complejidad del impacto que los vehículos tienen sobre los niveles de ruido en la ciudad./ The main goal of this research was to characterize the range of noise pollution in Bogota. To achieve such objective, we selected eight microenvironments and several roadways in different zones of the city. In the selected locations, we conducted sound pressure measurements and documented the traffic congestion using a digital video camera. 75% of the time the determined noise levels were above the national standards. This was the case even for sensitive zones such as those nearby parks and hospitals. The results obtained through this research demonstrate both, the importance and complexity of the vehicle traffic impact over the noise pollution in the city.

  14. An integrated DEA PCA numerical taxonomy approach for energy efficiency assessment and consumption optimization in energy intensive manufacturing sectors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Azadeh, A.; Amalnick, M.S.; Ghaderi, S.F.; Asadzadeh, S.M.


    This paper introduces an integrated approach based on data envelopment analysis (DEA), principal component analysis (PCA) and numerical taxonomy (NT) for total energy efficiency assessment and optimization in energy intensive manufacturing sectors. Total energy efficiency assessment and optimization of the proposed approach considers structural indicators in addition conventional consumption and manufacturing sector output indicators. The validity of the DEA model is verified and validated by PCA and NT through Spearman correlation experiment. Moreover, the proposed approach uses the measure-specific super-efficiency DEA model for sensitivity analysis to determine the critical energy carriers. Four energy intensive manufacturing sectors are discussed in this paper: iron and steel, pulp and paper, petroleum refining and cement manufacturing sectors. To show superiority and applicability, the proposed approach has been applied to refinery sub-sectors of some OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) countries. This study has several unique features which are: (1) a total approach which considers structural indicators in addition to conventional energy efficiency indicators; (2) a verification and validation mechanism for DEA by PCA and NT and (3) utilization of DEA for total energy efficiency assessment and consumption optimization of energy intensive manufacturing sectors

  15. Statistical Significance of the Contribution of Variables to the PCA Solution: An Alternative Permutation Strategy (United States)

    Linting, Marielle; van Os, Bart Jan; Meulman, Jacqueline J.


    In this paper, the statistical significance of the contribution of variables to the principal components in principal components analysis (PCA) is assessed nonparametrically by the use of permutation tests. We compare a new strategy to a strategy used in previous research consisting of permuting the columns (variables) of a data matrix…

  16. The Feasibility Study for Multigeometries Identification of Uranium Components Using PCA-LSSVM Based on Correlation Measurements

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mi Zhou


    Full Text Available The geometry of uranium components is one of the key characteristics and strictly confidential. The geometry identification of metal uranium components was studied using 252Cf source-driven correlation measurement method. For the 3 uranium samples with the same mass and enrichment, there are subtle differences in neutron signals. Even worse, the correlation functions were disturbed by scatter neutrons and include “accidental” coincidence, which is not conductive to the geometry identification. In this paper, we proposed an identification method combining principal component analysis and least-square support vector machine (PCA-LSSVM. The results based on PCA-LSSVM showed that the training precision was 100% and the test precision was 95.83% of the identification model. The total precision of the identification model was 98.41%, which indicated that the identification model was an effective way to identify the geometry properties with the correlation functions.

  17. Meta-Analysis of the Ease of Care From the Nurses' Perspective Comparing Fentanyl Iontophoretic Transdermal System (ITS) Vs Morphine Intravenous Patient-Controlled Analgesia (IV PCA) in Postoperative Pain Management. (United States)

    Pestano, Cecile R; Lindley, Pam; Ding, Li; Danesi, Hassan; Jones, James B


    The aim of this meta-analysis was to compare the ease of care (EOC) of fentanyl iontophoretic transdermal system (ITS) vs the morphine intravenous patient-controlled analgesia (IV PCA) as assessed by the nurse. Meta-analysis of three phase 3B randomized active-comparator trials. This meta-analysis according to Cochrane's approach assessed EOC using a validated nurse questionnaire (22 items grouped into three subscales, which include time efficiency, convenience, and satisfaction) in adult patients treated with fentanyl ITS or morphine IV PCA for postoperative pain management. The weighted mean difference (WMD) between treatments was calculated. EOC analyses were based on responses to questionnaires from 848 (fentanyl ITS) and 761 (morphine IV PCA) nurses. Fentanyl ITS was reported to provide significant advantages compared with morphine IV PCA in terms of nurses' overall EOC (WMD = -0.57, P PCA. Copyright © 2016 American Society of PeriAnesthesia Nurses. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  18. A Method for Aileron Actuator Fault Diagnosis Based on PCA and PGC-SVM

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    Wei-Li Qin


    Full Text Available Aileron actuators are pivotal components for aircraft flight control system. Thus, the fault diagnosis of aileron actuators is vital in the enhancement of the reliability and fault tolerant capability. This paper presents an aileron actuator fault diagnosis approach combining principal component analysis (PCA, grid search (GS, 10-fold cross validation (CV, and one-versus-one support vector machine (SVM. This method is referred to as PGC-SVM and utilizes the direct drive valve input, force motor current, and displacement feedback signal to realize fault detection and location. First, several common faults of aileron actuators, which include force motor coil break, sensor coil break, cylinder leakage, and amplifier gain reduction, are extracted from the fault quadrantal diagram; the corresponding fault mechanisms are analyzed. Second, the data feature extraction is performed with dimension reduction using PCA. Finally, the GS and CV algorithms are employed to train a one-versus-one SVM for fault classification, thus obtaining the optimal model parameters and assuring the generalization of the trained SVM, respectively. To verify the effectiveness of the proposed approach, four types of faults are introduced into the simulation model established by AMESim and Simulink. The results demonstrate its desirable diagnostic performance which outperforms that of the traditional SVM by comparison.

  19. A Hybrid PCA-CART-MARS-Based Prognostic Approach of the Remaining Useful Life for Aircraft Engines

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    Fernando Sánchez Lasheras


    Full Text Available Prognostics is an engineering discipline that predicts the future health of a system. In this research work, a data-driven approach for prognostics is proposed. Indeed, the present paper describes a data-driven hybrid model for the successful prediction of the remaining useful life of aircraft engines. The approach combines the multivariate adaptive regression splines (MARS technique with the principal component analysis (PCA, dendrograms and classification and regression trees (CARTs. Elements extracted from sensor signals are used to train this hybrid model, representing different levels of health for aircraft engines. In this way, this hybrid algorithm is used to predict the trends of these elements. Based on this fitting, one can determine the future health state of a system and estimate its remaining useful life (RUL with accuracy. To evaluate the proposed approach, a test was carried out using aircraft engine signals collected from physical sensors (temperature, pressure, speed, fuel flow, etc.. Simulation results show that the PCA-CART-MARS-based approach can forecast faults long before they occur and can predict the RUL. The proposed hybrid model presents as its main advantage the fact that it does not require information about the previous operation states of the input variables of the engine. The performance of this model was compared with those obtained by other benchmark models (multivariate linear regression and artificial neural networks also applied in recent years for the modeling of remaining useful life. Therefore, the PCA-CART-MARS-based approach is very promising in the field of prognostics of the RUL for aircraft engines.

  20. PCA and vTEC climatology at midnight over mid-latitude regions (United States)

    Natali, M. P.; Meza, A.


    The effect of the thermospheric vertical neutral wind on vertical total electron content (vTEC) variations including longitudinal anomaly, remaining winter anomaly, mid-latitude summer night anomaly, and semiannual anomaly is studied at mid-latitude regions around zero magnetic declination at midnight during high solar activity. By using the principal component analysis (PCA) numerical technique, this work studies the spatial and temporal variations of the ionosphere at midnight over mid-latitude regions during 2000-2002. PCA is applied to a time series of global vTEC maps produced by the International Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) Service. Four regions were studied in particular, each located at mid-latitude and approximately centered at zero magnetic declination, with two in the northern hemisphere and two in southern hemisphere, and all are located near and far from geomagnetic poles in each case. This technique provides an effective method to analyze the main ionospheric variabilities at mid-latitudes. PCA is also applied to the vTEC computed using the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) 2012 model, to analyze the capability of this model to represent ionospheric variabilities at mid-latitude. Also, the Horizontal Wind Model 2007 (HWM07) is used to improve our climatology interpretation, by analyzing the relationship between vTEC and thermospheric wind, both quantitatively and qualitatively. At midnight, the behavior of mean vTEC values strongly responds to vertical wind variation, experiencing a decrease of about 10-15% with the action of the positive vertical component of the field-aligned neutral wind lasting for 2 h in all regions except for Oceania. Notable results include: a significant increase toward higher latitudes during summer in the South America and Asia regions, associated with the mid-latitude summer night anomaly, and an increase toward higher latitudes in winter in the North America and Oceania regions, highlighting the

  1. Pesquisa auditiva en trabajadores expuestos al ruido industrial Hearing screening in workers exposed to industrial noise

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    René Esteban Moreno Rajadel


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal, en la Empresa de Productos Lácteos “Escambray”, de Cumanayagua, Cienfuegos, durante el período de junio a diciembre de 2005, con el objetivo de determinar los niveles de ruidos y evaluar la función auditiva en los 82 trabajadores expuestos a ruidos de intensidad igual o superior a los 85 dB-A. Las variables seleccionadas para el estudio fueron: intensidad de los ruidos, años de exposición, tipo de ruido, información previa sobre el uso de medios de protección y su vía de obtención, así como el uso de los medios de protección y las causas por las cuales no son usados. De las 24 áreas estudiadas, 15 (62,5 % tenían niveles de ruidos igual o superior a 85 dB-A. La información previa sobre el uso de los medios de protección para ruidos fue ínfima, pues el 96,3 % de los trabajadores no los usaban, el 62,2 % llevaba más de 10 años de exposición a ruidos y 24 obreros mostraron pérdidas auditivas, de ellos, 5 (20,8 % sin respuesta a intensidades de 25 dB, 12 (50,0 % a intensidades de 40 dB y 7 (29,2 % no respondieron a estímulos sonoros de 60 dB. A modo de conclusión, consideramos, que la contaminación sonora inherente a la entidad estudiada es elevada, los niveles medidos no cumplen con las recomendaciones que existen a escala internacional ni con los criterios higiénicos industriales, y actúan perjudicialmente sobre la audición, por lo que recomendamos la ejecución de medidas para proteger al personal y atenuar los altos índices de emisiones acústicas contaminantes.A descriptive, cross-sectional study was undertaken at the "Escambray" Dairies Enterprise of Cumanayagua, Cienfuegos, from June to December, 2005, aimed at determining the levels of noise and at evaluating the auditory function among 82 workers exposed to a noise intensity equal to or over 85 dB-A .The variables selected for the study were: noise intensity, years of exposure, type of noise, previous

  2. Wavelet Compressed PCA Models for Real-Time Image Registration in Augmented Reality Applications


    Christopher Cooper; Kent Wise; John Cooper; Makarand Deo


    The use of augmented reality (AR) has shown great promise in enhancing medical training and diagnostics via interactive simulations. This paper presents a novel method to perform accurate and inexpensive image registration (IR) utilizing a pre-constructed database of reference objects in conjunction with a principal component analysis (PCA) model. In addition, a wavelet compression algorithm is utilized to enhance the speed of the registration process. The proposed method is used to perform r...

  3. Convergence analysis of Chauvin's PCA learning algorithm with a constant learning rate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lv Jiancheng; Yi Zhang


    The convergence of Chauvin's PCA learning algorithm with a constant learning rate is studied in this paper by using a DDT method (deterministic discrete-time system method). Different from the DCT method (deterministic continuous-time system method), the DDT method does not require that the learning rate converges to zero. An invariant set of Chauvin's algorithm with a constant learning rate is obtained so that the non-divergence of this algorithm can be guaranteed. Rigorous mathematic proofs are provided to prove the local convergence of this algorithm

  4. Local Infiltration Analgesia Compared With Epidural and Intravenous PCA After Surgical Hip Dislocation for the Treatment of Femoroacetabular Impingement in Adolescents. (United States)

    Novais, Eduardo N; Kestel, Lauryn; Carry, Patrick M; Sink, Ernest; Strupp, Kim


    Open treatment of femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) through a surgical hip dislocation (SHD) approach has been reported to allow for improvement in pain and function. However, the approach require a trochanteric osteotomy and may be associated with high level of pain after surgery. Currently, there is no systematic approach for pain management after SHD for treatment of FAI. A retrospective chart review was used to collect data from 121 subjects (12 to 21 y and below) who received periarticular local infiltration analgesia (LIA, n=20), epidural analgesia (n=72), or intravenous patient-controlled analgesia (PCA, n=29) after SHD from January 2003 to June 2014. Verbal pain scores, opioid consumption, incidence of side effects/complications, and length of hospital stay (LOS) were recorded. All nonopioid medications with analgesic potential were included in the statistical models as potential confounding variables RESULTS:: Twelve hours after surgery, the odds of moderate/severe pain were higher in the PCA group (odds ratio, 20.5; 95% confidence interval (CI), 1.7-243.8; P=0.0166] and epidural group (odds ratio, 5.2; 95% CI, 0.7-92.0; P=0.3218) compared with the LIA group. There was no difference in pain scores across all groups 1 hour (P=0.0675) or 24 hours (P=0.3473) postoperatively. Total opioid consumption in the LIA group was 59.8% (95% CI, 15.0%-81.0%; P=0.0175) lower than the total opioid consumption in the epidural group and 60.7% (95% CI, 17.3-81.3; P=0.0144) lower than the total opioid consumption in the PCA group. LOS was increased in the epidural (mean difference, 22.1; 95% CI, 6.8-37.4 h; P=0.0051) and PCA (mean difference, 16 h; 95% CI, 1-31.5 h; P=0.0367) groups relative to the LIA group. There was 0 (0%) complication in the LIA group compared with 11 (15.3%) in the epidural group. LIA was more effective at controlling pain 12 hours after surgery in comparison with PCA with similar pain control to epidural. LIA was associated with significantly lower

  5. Application of PCA-LDA method to determine the geographical origin of tea based on determination of stable isotopes and multi-elements

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yuan Yuwei; Zhang Yongzhi; Yang Guiling; Zhang Zhiheng; Fu Haiyan; Han Wenyan; Li Shufang


    The ratio of stable isotope and concentration of multi-element in tea was determinated with isotope ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS) and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Pattern recognition techniques with principal component analysis (PCA) and linear discriminant analysis (LDA) were used to classify the geographical origins of tea from Fujian, Shandong and Zhejiang province, and Yuyao, Jinhua and Xihu region of Zhejiang. The results showed the values of δ"1"5N, δ"1"3C, δD, δ"1"8O and the ratios of "2"0"6Pb/"2"0"7Pb, "2"0"8Pb/"2"0"6Pb and "8"7Sr/"8"6Sr in tea samples were different from different origins. There was also large variable for the concentrations of 27 mineral elements, such as Li, Be, Na and so on, with a specific character of origin. The method of PCA could be used to classify the geographical origin of tea from different origins but with a cross in the scatter plot. However, PCA combining with LDA could gave correct assignation percentages of 99% for the tea samples among Fujian, Shandong and Zhejiang provinces, and 87% for the tea samples among Yuyao, Jinhua and Xihu region of Zhejiang. These results revealed that it was possible and feasible to classify the geographical origin of tea by the method of PCA-LDA based on the determination of isotopes and multi-elements. (authors)

  6. PCA-based ANN approach to leak classification in the main pipes of VVER-1000

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hadad, Kamal; Jabbari, Masoud; Tabadar, Z.; Hashemi-Tilehnoee, Mehdi


    This paper presents a neural network based fault diagnosing approach which allows dynamic crack and leaks fault identification. The method utilizes the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) technique to reduce the problem dimension. Such a dimension reduction approach leads to faster diagnosing and allows a better graphic presentation of the results. To show the effectiveness of the proposed approach, two methodologies are used to train the neural network (NN). At first, a training matrix composed of 14 variables is used to train a Multilayer Perceptron neural network (MLP) with Resilient Backpropagation (RBP) algorithm. Employing the proposed method, a more accurate and simpler network is designed where the input size is reduced from 14 to 6 variables for training the NN. In short, the application of PCA highly reduces the network topology and allows employing more efficient training algorithms. The accuracy, generalization ability, and reliability of the designed networks are verified using 10 simulated events data from a VVER-1000 simulation using DINAMIKA-97 code. Noise is added to the data to evaluate the robustness of the method and the method again shows to be effective and powerful. (orig.)

  7. Perfil pragmático longitudinal de uma criança no espectro da neuropatia auditiva Longitudinal pragmatic profile of a child with auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder

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    Andreza Carolina Bretanha


    Full Text Available A maior parte da comunicação humana depende da conversão de ideias em linguagem, envolvendo a interação de todos os seus componentes - fonológico, semântico, sintático e pragmático. A pragmática estuda a relação entre o significado social da linguagem e seu conteúdo semântico, manifestado pelo ato comunicativo em si. O espectro da neuropatia auditiva gera uma dessincronia na condução nervosa, contribuindo para o prejuízo na percepção da fala. Na criança deficiente auditiva, o processo de aquisição e desenvolvimento da linguagem pode ser estimulado com a intervenção. O objetivo dessa pesquisa foi realizar acompanhamento longitudinal do uso das habilidades pragmáticas de comunicação por uma criança com espectro da neuropatia auditiva. A criança realizou intervenção fonoaudiológica por três anos na área de Audiologia Educacional. Foram gravadas conversações espontâneas, ao início de cada ano, transcritas e analisadas segundo protocolo de habilidades comunicativas verbais. Na gravação inicial, a criança apresentou maior número de habilidade de respostas diretas; porém, estas foram ampliadas com o fornecimento de respostas mais complexas ao longo da intervenção. Na última gravação, já propõe novos tópicos de discurso, realiza narrativas e argumentações. O surgimento de habilidades comunicativas refinadas é explicado pelo desenvolvimento da linguagem, que é potencializado pela terapia com deficientes auditivos. Pode-se concluir que para o caso apresentado a intervenção fonoaudiológica proporcionou melhora nas habilidades pragmáticas de comunicação.Human communication depends mostly on the conversion of ideas into language, involving the interaction among all its components - phonological, semantic, syntactic and pragmatic. Pragmatics studies the relationship between the social meaning of language and its semantic content, expressed by the communicative act itself. Auditory neuropathy

  8. Effect of Spatial Alignment Transformations in PCA and ICA of Functional Neuroimages

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lukic, Ana S.; Wernick, Miles N.; Yang, Yongui


    this observation is true, not only for spatial ICA, but also for temporal ICA and for principal component analysis (PCA). In each case we find conditions that the spatial alignment operator must satisfy to ensure invariance of the results. We illustrate our findings using functional magnetic-resonance imaging (f......It has been previously observed that spatial independent component analysis (ICA), if applied to data pooled in a particular way, may lessen the need for spatial alignment of scans in a functional neuroimaging study. In this paper we seek to determine analytically the conditions under which...

  9. The Northern Norway Mother-and-Child Contaminant Cohort (MISA) Study: PCA analyses of environmental contaminants in maternal sera and dietary intake in early pregnancy. (United States)

    Veyhe, Anna Sofía; Hofoss, Dag; Hansen, Solrunn; Thomassen, Yngvar; Sandanger, Torkjel M; Odland, Jon Øyvind; Nieboer, Evert


    Although predictors of contaminants in serum or whole blood are usually examined by chemical groups (e.g., POPs, toxic and/or essential elements; dietary sources), principal component analysis (PCA) permits consideration of both individual substances and combined variables. Our study had two primary objectives: (i) Characterize the sources and predictors of a suite of eight PCBs, four organochlorine (OC) pesticides, five essential and five toxic elements in serum and/or whole blood of pregnant women recruited as part of the Mother-and-Child Contaminant Cohort Study conducted in Northern Norway (The MISA study); and (ii) determine the influence of personal and social characteristics on both dietary and contaminant factors. Recruitment and sampling started in May 2007 and continued for the next 31 months until December 2009. Blood/serum samples were collected during the 2nd trimester (mean: 18.2 weeks, range 9.0-36.0). A validated questionnaire was administered to obtain personal information. The samples were analysed by established laboratories employing verified methods and reference standards. PCA involved Varimax rotation, and significant predictors (p≤0.05) in linear regression models were included in the multivariable linear regression analysis. When considering all the contaminants, three prominent PCA axes stood out with prominent loadings of: all POPs; arsenic, selenium and mercury; and cadmium and lead. Respectively, in the multivariate models the following were predictors: maternal age, parity and consumption of freshwater fish and land-based wild animals; marine fish; cigarette smoking, dietary PCA axes reflecting consumption of grains and cereals, and food items involving hunting. PCA of only the POPs separated them into two axes that, in terms of recently published findings, could be understood to reflect longitudinal trends and their relative contributions to summed POPs. The linear combinations of variables generated by PCA identified prominent

  10. Tool Wear Prediction in Ti-6Al-4V Machining through Multiple Sensor Monitoring and PCA Features Pattern Recognition

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    Alessandra Caggiano


    Full Text Available Machining of titanium alloys is characterised by extremely rapid tool wear due to the high cutting temperature and the strong adhesion at the tool-chip and tool-workpiece interface, caused by the low thermal conductivity and high chemical reactivity of Ti alloys. With the aim to monitor the tool conditions during dry turning of Ti-6Al-4V alloy, a machine learning procedure based on the acquisition and processing of cutting force, acoustic emission and vibration sensor signals during turning is implemented. A number of sensorial features are extracted from the acquired sensor signals in order to feed machine learning paradigms based on artificial neural networks. To reduce the large dimensionality of the sensorial features, an advanced feature extraction methodology based on Principal Component Analysis (PCA is proposed. PCA allowed to identify a smaller number of features (k = 2 features, the principal component scores, obtained through linear projection of the original d features into a new space with reduced dimensionality k = 2, sufficient to describe the variance of the data. By feeding artificial neural networks with the PCA features, an accurate diagnosis of tool flank wear (VBmax was achieved, with predicted values very close to the measured tool wear values.

  11. A Principal Component Analysis (PCA Approach to Seasonal and Zooplankton Diversity Relationships in Fishing Grounds of Mannar Gulf, India

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    Full Text Available Principal component analysis (PCA is a technique used to emphasize variation and bring out strong patterns in a dataset. It is often used to make data easy to explore and visualize. The primary objective of the present study was to record information of zooplankton diversity in a systematic way and to study the variability and relationships among seasons prevailed in Gulf of Mannar. The PCA for the zooplankton seasonal diversity was investigated using the four seasonal datasets to understand the statistical significance among the four seasons. Two different principal components (PC were segregated in all the seasons homogeneously. PCA analyses revealed that Temora turbinata is an opportunistic species and zooplankton diversity was significantly different from season to season and principally, the zooplankton abundance and its dynamics in Gulf of Mannar is structured by seasonal current patterns. The factor loadings of zooplankton for different seasons in Tiruchendur coastal water (GOM is different compared with the Southwest coast of India; particularly, routine and opportunistic species were found within the positive and negative factors. The copepods Acrocalanus gracilis and Acartia erythrea were dominant in summer and Southwest monsoon due to the rainfall and freshwater discharge during the summer season; however, these species were replaced by Temora turbinata during Northeast monsoon season.

  12. Tool Wear Prediction in Ti-6Al-4V Machining through Multiple Sensor Monitoring and PCA Features Pattern Recognition (United States)


    Machining of titanium alloys is characterised by extremely rapid tool wear due to the high cutting temperature and the strong adhesion at the tool-chip and tool-workpiece interface, caused by the low thermal conductivity and high chemical reactivity of Ti alloys. With the aim to monitor the tool conditions during dry turning of Ti-6Al-4V alloy, a machine learning procedure based on the acquisition and processing of cutting force, acoustic emission and vibration sensor signals during turning is implemented. A number of sensorial features are extracted from the acquired sensor signals in order to feed machine learning paradigms based on artificial neural networks. To reduce the large dimensionality of the sensorial features, an advanced feature extraction methodology based on Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is proposed. PCA allowed to identify a smaller number of features (k = 2 features), the principal component scores, obtained through linear projection of the original d features into a new space with reduced dimensionality k = 2, sufficient to describe the variance of the data. By feeding artificial neural networks with the PCA features, an accurate diagnosis of tool flank wear (VBmax) was achieved, with predicted values very close to the measured tool wear values. PMID:29522443

  13. Tool Wear Prediction in Ti-6Al-4V Machining through Multiple Sensor Monitoring and PCA Features Pattern Recognition. (United States)

    Caggiano, Alessandra


    Machining of titanium alloys is characterised by extremely rapid tool wear due to the high cutting temperature and the strong adhesion at the tool-chip and tool-workpiece interface, caused by the low thermal conductivity and high chemical reactivity of Ti alloys. With the aim to monitor the tool conditions during dry turning of Ti-6Al-4V alloy, a machine learning procedure based on the acquisition and processing of cutting force, acoustic emission and vibration sensor signals during turning is implemented. A number of sensorial features are extracted from the acquired sensor signals in order to feed machine learning paradigms based on artificial neural networks. To reduce the large dimensionality of the sensorial features, an advanced feature extraction methodology based on Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is proposed. PCA allowed to identify a smaller number of features ( k = 2 features), the principal component scores, obtained through linear projection of the original d features into a new space with reduced dimensionality k = 2, sufficient to describe the variance of the data. By feeding artificial neural networks with the PCA features, an accurate diagnosis of tool flank wear ( VB max ) was achieved, with predicted values very close to the measured tool wear values.

  14. CT-guided thin needles percutaneous cryoablation (PCA) in patients with primary and secondary lung tumors: A preliminary experience

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pusceddu, Claudio, E-mail: [Division of Interventional Radiology, Department of Oncological Radiology, Businco Hospital, Regional Referral Center for Oncologic Diseases, Cagliari, Zip code 09100 (Italy); Sotgia, Barbara, E-mail: [Department of Oncological Radiology, Businco Hospital, Regional Referral Center for Oncological Diseases, Cagliari, Zip code 09100 (Italy); Fele, Rosa Maria, E-mail: [Department of Oncological Radiology, Businco Hospital, Regional Referral Center for Oncological Diseases, Cagliari, Zip code 09100 (Italy); Melis, Luca, E-mail: [Department of Oncological Radiology, Businco Hospital, Regional Referral Center for Oncological Diseases, Cagliari, Zip code 09100 (Italy)


    Purpose: To report the data of our initial experience with CT-guided thin cryoprobes for percutaneous cryoablation (PCA) in patients with primary and secondary pulmonary tumors. Material and methods: CT-guided thin needles PCA was performed on 34 lung masses (11 NSCLC = 32%; 23 secondary lung malignancies = 68%) in 32 consecutive patients (24 men and 8 women; mean age 67 ± 10 years) not suitable for surgical resection. Lung masses were treated using two types of cryoprobes: IceRod and IceSeed able to obtain different size of iceball. The number of probes used ranged from 1 to 5 depending on the size of the tumor. After insertion of the cryoprobes into the lesion, the PCA were performed with two 2 (91%) or 3 (9%) cycles each of 12 min of freezing followed by a 4 min active thawing phase and a 4 min passive thawing phase for each one for all treatments. Results: All cryoablation sessions were successfully completed. All primary and metastatic lung tumors were ablated. No procedure-related deaths occurred. Morbidity consisted of 21% (7 of 34) pneumothorax and 3% (1 of 34) cases asymptomatic small pulmonary hemorrhage, respectively, all of CTCAE grade 1 (Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events). Low density of entire lesion, central necrosis and solid mass appearance were identify in 21 (62%), 7 (21%) and 6 (17%) of cryoablated tumors, respectively. No lymphadenopathy developed in the region of treated lesions. Technical success (complete lack of enhancement) was achieved in 82%, 97% and 91% of treated lesions at 1-, 3- and 6-months CT follow-up scan, respectively (p < .000). Comparing the tumor longest diameter between the baseline and at 6 month CT images, technical success was revealed in 92% cases (p < .000). Conclusion: Our preliminary experience suggests that PCA is a feasible treatment option. Well-designed clinical trials with a larger patient population are necessary to further investigate the long-term results and prognostic factors.

  15. Fatores etiológicos da deficiência auditiva em crianças e adolescentes de um centro de referência APADA em Salvador-BA Etiology of hearing impairment in children and adolescents of a reference center APADA in the city of Salvador, state of Bahia

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    Luzia Poliana Anjos da Silva


    Full Text Available A audição representa a principal fonte para aquisição das habilidades de linguagem e fala da criança. A criança portadora de deficiência auditiva nos primeiros meses de vida é privada de estimulação sonora no período mais importante de seu desenvolvimento, e conseqüentemente, poderá apresentar alterações emocionais, sociais, e lingüísticas. Neste contexto é de suma relevância conhecer os principais fatores etiológicos que ocasionam a lesão auditiva para se traçar um perfil nosológico fidedigno, e serem tomadas as medidas cabíveis de prevenção e orientação as famílias sobre as repercussões da deficiência auditiva na infância. OBJETIVOS: Caracterizar o perfil etiológico da deficiência auditiva em um centro de referência para atendimento a crianças e adolescentes deficientes auditivos. METODOLOGIA: Foram realizadas entrevistas, triagem fonoaudiológica e avaliação de prontuários de 87 crianças deficientes auditivas cadastradas na Associação de Pais e Amigos dos Deficientes Auditivos do Estado da Bahia(APADA-BA, buscando-se determinar a etiologia, distribuição por sexo, idade do diagnóstico, grau de deficiência, idade de protetização e da reabilitação fonoaudiológica. RESULTADOS: Dentre as 87 crianças e adolescentes que passaram pela triagem fonoaudiológica, selecionamos uma amostra de 53 sujeitos, cujos pais compareceram as três sessões de anamnese e avaliação. O principal fator etiológico responsável pela deficiência auditiva na população avaliada foi a rubéola materna responsável por 32% dos casos de surdez, seguida pela meningite piogênica com 20%, causa idiopática com 15%, prematuridade com 9%, hereditariedade (pai ou mãe surdo e icterícia neonatal também apresentaram incidência de 6%; otite média crônica representou 4%, uso de misoprostol na gestação, sarampo, ototoxicidade e caxumba apareceram na amostra, cada fator, com 2%. CONCLUSÃO: O presente estudo demonstrou a

  16. Medición de habilidades de comprensión lectora y auditiva en estudiantes de Pedagogía en Inglés de una universidad chilena

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    Cecilia Cisterna-Zenteno


    Full Text Available Recibido 14 de noviembre de 2014 • Corregido 1 de junio de 2015 • Aceptado 17 de noviembre de 2015El artículo presenta los resultados de una investigación cuyo objetivo fue medir las habilidades de comprensión lectora y auditiva de estudiantes de Pedagogía en Inglés de una universidad chilena. Para ello se aplicaron tres exámenes estandarizados de la Universidad de Cambridge: el examen English Test KET (KET, el Preliminary English Test (PET y el First Certificate Exam (FCE, a estudiantes de segundo, tercer y quinto año, respectivamente. Los datos recolectados fueron analizados con el programa SPSS mediante estadísticas descriptivas. Adicionalmente, estos resultados se complementaron con información recabada de tres grupos focales que tuvieron como propósito determinar las principales dificultades que se presentaron durante la ejecución de los exámenes. Los resultados revelaron que el estudiantado presenta problemas en la habilidad de comprensión auditiva y en la comprensión lectora en los exámenes KET y FCE, donde este último examen es el que obtuvo el más bajo nivel de logro. En cambio, en el examen PET, los puntajes de aprobación alcanzaron un mejor nivel. En los grupos focales, el estudiantado manifestó que sus principales dificultades fueron entender adecuadamente las instrucciones de cada tarea, el alto nivel de concentración requerido para rendir estos exámenes y la poca exposición a ensayos de este tipo de instrumentos de medición. El artículo plantea una posible explicación de los bajos resultados obtenidos en dos de los exámenes, utilizando el concepto de efecto meseta en el proceso de aprendizaje de una lengua. Se concluye con una reflexión sobre la formación inicial del profesorado de inglés en Chile, la importancia del conocimiento del contenido y los desafíos que enfrenta el sistema educativo y las instituciones formadoras a partir de los nuevos estándares pedagógicos establecidos por el

  17. Research on distributed heterogeneous data PCA algorithm based on cloud platform (United States)

    Zhang, Jin; Huang, Gang


    Principal component analysis (PCA) of heterogeneous data sets can solve the problem that centralized data scalability is limited. In order to reduce the generation of intermediate data and error components of distributed heterogeneous data sets, a principal component analysis algorithm based on heterogeneous data sets under cloud platform is proposed. The algorithm performs eigenvalue processing by using Householder tridiagonalization and QR factorization to calculate the error component of the heterogeneous database associated with the public key to obtain the intermediate data set and the lost information. Experiments on distributed DBM heterogeneous datasets show that the model method has the feasibility and reliability in terms of execution time and accuracy.

  18. Decoupled ARX and RBF Neural Network Modeling Using PCA and GA Optimization for Nonlinear Distributed Parameter Systems. (United States)

    Zhang, Ridong; Tao, Jili; Lu, Renquan; Jin, Qibing


    Modeling of distributed parameter systems is difficult because of their nonlinearity and infinite-dimensional characteristics. Based on principal component analysis (PCA), a hybrid modeling strategy that consists of a decoupled linear autoregressive exogenous (ARX) model and a nonlinear radial basis function (RBF) neural network model are proposed. The spatial-temporal output is first divided into a few dominant spatial basis functions and finite-dimensional temporal series by PCA. Then, a decoupled ARX model is designed to model the linear dynamics of the dominant modes of the time series. The nonlinear residual part is subsequently parameterized by RBFs, where genetic algorithm is utilized to optimize their hidden layer structure and the parameters. Finally, the nonlinear spatial-temporal dynamic system is obtained after the time/space reconstruction. Simulation results of a catalytic rod and a heat conduction equation demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed strategy compared to several other methods.

  19. A construção da seriação auditiva: uma análise através da metodologia clínica

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    Patrícia Fernanda Carmem Kebach

    Full Text Available Esta pesquisa procura compreender a construção do conhecimento musical relacionado ao parâmetro sonoro altura, através da diferenciação de intervalos de notas e seriação auditiva da escala temperada. Os fundamentos teóricos encontram-se na epistemologia genética piagetiana. Para essa observação, 18 sujeitos com idade entre quatro e 12 anos foram entrevistadas através de provas de seriação baseadas no método clínico de Piaget, utilizadas como referência metodológica. Os resultados confirmam a hipótese inicial: a construção do conhecimento musical ocorre de forma homóloga aos níveis investigados pela Escola de Genebra para outros objetos de conhecimento. Além da confirmação dessa hipótese, a novidade desta pesquisa está em utilizar a metodologia clínica e uma concepção interacionista sobre a produção do conhecimento musical.

  20. Climate change adaptation: Uncovering constraints to the use of adaptation strategies among food crop farmers in South-west, Nigeria using principal component analysis (PCA

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    Moradeyo Adebanjo Otitoju


    Full Text Available This study focused on the constraints to the use of climate variability/change adaptation strategies in South-west Nigeria. Multistage random technique was employed to select the location and the respondents. Descriptive statistics and principal component analysis (PCA were the analytical tools engaged in this study. The constraints to climate variability and change examined before did not use PCA but generalized factor analysis. Hence, there is need to examine these constraints extensively using PCA. Uncovering the constraints to the use of climate variability/change adaptation strategies among crop framers is important to give a realistic direction in the development of farmer-inclusive climate policies in Nigeria. The PCA result showed that the principal constraints that the farmers faced in climate change adaptation were public, institutional and labour constraint; land, neighbourhood norms and religious beliefs constraint; high cost of inputs, technological and information constraint; farm distance, access to climate information, off-farm job and credit constraint; and poor agricultural programmes and service delivery constraint. These findings pointed out the need for both the government and non-government organizations to intensify efforts on institutional, technological and farmers’ friendly land tenure and information systems as effective measures to guide inclusive climate change adaptation policies and development in South-west Nigeria.

  1. PASS Reference Set Application: Lin UW (2010) TMPRSS2-ERG-PCA-PASS — EDRN Public Portal (United States)

    Active surveillance is used to manage low-risk prostate cancer. Both PCA3 and TMPRSS2:ERG are promising biomarkers that may be associated with aggressive disease. This study examines the correlation of these biomarkers with higher cancer volume and grade determined at the time of biopsy in an active surveillance cohort.

  2. On applicability of PCA, voxel-wise variance normalization and dimensionality assumptions for sliding temporal window sICA in resting-state fMRI. (United States)

    Remes, Jukka J; Abou Elseoud, Ahmed; Ollila, Esa; Haapea, Marianne; Starck, Tuomo; Nikkinen, Juha; Tervonen, Osmo; Silven, Olli


    Subject-level resting-state fMRI (RS-fMRI) spatial independent component analysis (sICA) may provide new ways to analyze the data when performed in the sliding time window. However, whether principal component analysis (PCA) and voxel-wise variance normalization (VN) are applicable pre-processing procedures in the sliding-window context, as they are for regular sICA, has not been addressed so far. Also model order selection requires further studies concerning sliding-window sICA. In this paper we have addressed these concerns. First, we compared PCA-retained subspaces concerning overlapping parts of consecutive temporal windows to answer whether in-window PCA and VN can confound comparisons between sICA analyses in consecutive windows. Second, we compared the PCA subspaces between windowed and full data to assess expected comparability between windowed and full-data sICA results. Third, temporal evolution of dimensionality estimates in RS-fMRI data sets was monitored to identify potential challenges in model order selection in a sliding-window sICA context. Our results illustrate that in-window VN can be safely used, in-window PCA is applicable with most window widths and that comparisons between windowed and full data should not be performed from a subspace similarity point of view. In addition, our studies on dimensionality estimates demonstrated that there are sustained, periodic and very case-specific changes in signal-to-noise ratio within RS-fMRI data sets. Consequently, dimensionality estimation is needed for well-founded model order determination in the sliding-window case. The observed periodic changes correspond to a frequency band of ≤0.1 Hz, which is commonly associated with brain activity in RS-fMRI and become on average most pronounced at window widths of 80 and 60 time points (144 and 108 s, respectively). Wider windows provided only slightly better comparability between consecutive windows, and 60 time point or shorter windows also provided the

  3. SU-E-J-257: A PCA Model to Predict Adaptive Changes for Head&neck Patients Based On Extraction of Geometric Features From Daily CBCT Datasets

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chetvertkov, M [Wayne State University, Detroit, MI (United States); Henry Ford Health System, Detroit, MI (United States); Siddiqui, F; Chetty, I; Kim, J; Kumarasiri, A; Liu, C; Gordon, J [Henry Ford Health System, Detroit, MI (United States)


    Purpose: Using daily cone beam CTs (CBCTs) to develop principal component analysis (PCA) models of anatomical changes in head and neck (H&N) patients and to assess the possibility of using these prospectively in adaptive radiation therapy (ART). Methods: Planning CT (pCT) images of 4 H&N patients were deformed to model several different systematic changes in patient anatomy during the course of the radiation therapy (RT). A Pinnacle plugin was used to linearly interpolate the systematic change in patient for the 35 fraction RT course and to generate a set of 35 synthetic CBCTs. Each synthetic CBCT represents the systematic change in patient anatomy for each fraction. Deformation vector fields (DVFs) were acquired between the pCT and synthetic CBCTs with random fraction-to-fraction changes were superimposed on the DVFs. A patient-specific PCA model was built using these DVFs containing systematic plus random changes. It was hypothesized that resulting eigenDVFs (EDVFs) with largest eigenvalues represent the major anatomical deformations during the course of treatment. Results: For all 4 patients, the PCA model provided different results depending on the type and size of systematic change in patient’s body. PCA was more successful in capturing the systematic changes early in the treatment course when these were of a larger scale with respect to the random fraction-to-fraction changes in patient’s anatomy. For smaller scale systematic changes, random changes in patient could completely “hide” the systematic change. Conclusion: The leading EDVF from the patientspecific PCA models could tentatively be identified as a major systematic change during treatment if the systematic change is large enough with respect to random fraction-to-fraction changes. Otherwise, leading EDVF could not represent systematic changes reliably. This work is expected to facilitate development of population-based PCA models that can be used to prospectively identify significant

  4. SU-E-J-257: A PCA Model to Predict Adaptive Changes for Head&neck Patients Based On Extraction of Geometric Features From Daily CBCT Datasets

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chetvertkov, M; Siddiqui, F; Chetty, I; Kim, J; Kumarasiri, A; Liu, C; Gordon, J


    Purpose: Using daily cone beam CTs (CBCTs) to develop principal component analysis (PCA) models of anatomical changes in head and neck (H&N) patients and to assess the possibility of using these prospectively in adaptive radiation therapy (ART). Methods: Planning CT (pCT) images of 4 H&N patients were deformed to model several different systematic changes in patient anatomy during the course of the radiation therapy (RT). A Pinnacle plugin was used to linearly interpolate the systematic change in patient for the 35 fraction RT course and to generate a set of 35 synthetic CBCTs. Each synthetic CBCT represents the systematic change in patient anatomy for each fraction. Deformation vector fields (DVFs) were acquired between the pCT and synthetic CBCTs with random fraction-to-fraction changes were superimposed on the DVFs. A patient-specific PCA model was built using these DVFs containing systematic plus random changes. It was hypothesized that resulting eigenDVFs (EDVFs) with largest eigenvalues represent the major anatomical deformations during the course of treatment. Results: For all 4 patients, the PCA model provided different results depending on the type and size of systematic change in patient’s body. PCA was more successful in capturing the systematic changes early in the treatment course when these were of a larger scale with respect to the random fraction-to-fraction changes in patient’s anatomy. For smaller scale systematic changes, random changes in patient could completely “hide” the systematic change. Conclusion: The leading EDVF from the patientspecific PCA models could tentatively be identified as a major systematic change during treatment if the systematic change is large enough with respect to random fraction-to-fraction changes. Otherwise, leading EDVF could not represent systematic changes reliably. This work is expected to facilitate development of population-based PCA models that can be used to prospectively identify significant

  5. Detection of l-Cysteine in wheat flour by Raman microspectroscopy combined chemometrics of HCA and PCA. (United States)

    Cebi, Nur; Dogan, Canan Ekinci; Develioglu, Ayşen; Yayla, Mediha Esra Altuntop; Sagdic, Osman


    l-Cysteine is deliberately added to various flour types since l-Cysteine has enabled favorable baking conditions such as low viscosity, increased elasticity and rise during baking. In Turkey, usage of l-Cysteine as a food additive isn't allowed in wheat flour according to the Turkish Food Codex Regulation on food additives. There is an urgent need for effective methods to detect l-Cysteine in wheat flour. In this study, for the first time, a new, rapid, effective, non-destructive and cost-effective method was developed for detection of l-Cysteine in wheat flour using Raman microscopy. Detection of l-Cysteine in wheat flour was accomplished successfully using Raman microscopy combined chemometrics of PCA (Principal Component Analysis) and HCA (Hierarchical Cluster Analysis). In this work, 500-2000cm -1 spectral range (fingerprint region) was determined to perform PCA and HCA analysis. l-Cysteine and l-Cystine were determined with detection limit of 0.125% (w/w) in different wheat flour samples. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  6. Epigenetic Signature: A New Player as Predictor of Clinically Significant Prostate Cancer (PCa) in Patients on Active Surveillance (AS). (United States)

    Ferro, Matteo; Ungaro, Paola; Cimmino, Amelia; Lucarelli, Giuseppe; Busetto, Gian Maria; Cantiello, Francesco; Damiano, Rocco; Terracciano, Daniela


    Widespread prostate-specific antigen (PSA) testing notably increased the number of prostate cancer (PCa) diagnoses. However, about 30% of these patients have low-risk tumors that are not lethal and remain asymptomatic during their lifetime. Overtreatment of such patients may reduce quality of life and increase healthcare costs. Active surveillance (AS) has become an accepted alternative to immediate treatment in selected men with low-risk PCa. Despite much progress in recent years toward identifying the best candidates for AS in recent years, the greatest risk remains the possibility of misclassification of the cancer or missing a high-risk cancer. This is particularly worrisome in men with a life expectancy of greater than 10-15 years. The Prostate Cancer Research International Active Surveillance (PRIAS) study showed that, in addition to age and PSA at diagnosis, both PSA density (PSA-D) and the number of positive cores at diagnosis (two compared with one) are the strongest predictors for reclassification biopsy or switching to deferred treatment. However, there is still no consensus upon guidelines for placing patients on AS. Each institution has its own protocol for AS that is based on PRIAS criteria. Many different variables have been proposed as tools to enrol patients in AS: PSA-D, the percentage of freePSA, and the extent of cancer on biopsy (number of positive cores or percentage of core involvement). More recently, the Prostate Health Index (PHI), the 4 Kallikrein (4K) score, and other patient factors, such as age, race, and family history, have been investigated as tools able to predict clinically significant PCa. Recently, some reports suggested that epigenetic mapping differs significantly between cancer patients and healthy subjects. These findings indicated as future prospect the use of epigenetic markers to identify PCa patients with low-grade disease, who are likely candidates for AS. This review explores literature data about the potential of

  7. Sistema de frequência modulada em crianças com deficiência auditiva: avaliação de resultados Frequency modulation systems in hearing impaired children: outcome evaluation

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    Regina Tangerino de Souza Jacob


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar a percepção da fala de crianças deficientes auditivas com o aparelho de amplificação sonora individual (AASI e sistema de frequência modulada (FM em situações de ruído em campo livre e em sala de aula. MÉTODOS: Participaram 13 crianças deficientes auditivas entre 7 e 17 anos. Foi aplicado o Hearing in Noise Test (HINT com AASI e com o FM. Também foi aplicado o questionário Avaliação do Sistema FM, respondido pelos professores das crianças, com o intuito de avaliar, individualmente, o desempenho da criança em diferentes situações auditivas somente com AASI e com o AASI e o sistema FM. RESULTADOS: Houve diferença para todas as situações com e sem FM no teste HINT. O mesmo aconteceu com os resultados do questionário, sendo que sem FM a pontuação foi sempre menor do que com FM, independentemente da condição. CONCLUSÃO: O uso de medidas subjetivas, como o questionário, é fundamental para determinar a eficácia da indicação dos dispositivos auxiliares para o deficiente auditivo. A efetividade do sistema FM pode ser observada pela "vantagem FM", que é a diferença média mínima de 10 dB encontrada nas avaliações de percepção da fala com e sem FM nas diferentes situações de ruído. Os benefícios encontrados na presente pesquisa com o uso do sistema FM na melhora da percepção da fala podem ser extrapolados não só para a sala de aula e para a legislação da educação inclusiva, mas também para atividades sociais e de lazer.PURPOSE: To assess speech perception of hearing impaired children with hearing aids (HA and frequency modulated system (FM in situations of noise in free field and in the classroom. METHODS: Subjects were 13 hearing impaired children between 7 and 17 years. It used the Hearing in Noise Test (HINT with hearing aids and FM. Questionnaire Evaluation System FM was also applied responded by teachers of children in order to assess individually the child's performance in

  8. Potencial evocado auditivo de tronco encefálico por via óssea em indivíduos com perda auditiva sensorioneural Brainstem auditory evoked potential in subjects with sensorineural hearing losses

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    Luciana Castelo Branco Camurça Fernandes


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: caracterizar os resultados do PEATE por via óssea em indivíduos com perda auditiva sensorioneural leve, comparando esses dados com o grupo controle, formado por indivíduos audiologicamente normais. MÉTODO: a amostra foi constituída por 40 adultos, de ambos os sexos, com faixa etária de 18 a 55 anos, distribuídos em um grupo controle de 30 indivíduos com audição normal e um grupo estudo composto de 10 indivíduos com perda auditiva sensorioneural de grau leve. O PEATE foi realizado com equipamento EP15, da marca Interacoustics. O estímulo utilizado foi o clique com taxa de apresentação de 27,7/s, em um total de 2000 estímulos, com polaridade de rarefação por VA e alternada para VO e filtro passa-banda de 50Hz e 3000Hz. RESULTADOS: em indivíduos com perda sensorioneural de grau leve, não houve diferenças estatisticamente significantes entre o limiar do PEATE por via aérea e óssea, estando esses limiares equivalentes, com GAP aéreo-ósseo menor que 10dB. A latência da onda V no limiar eletrofisiológico e a 50 dBnNA foram menores que as referidas latências observadas em indivíduos com audição normal. CONCLUSÃO: foram encontrados limiares eletrofisiológicos por via óssea equivalente aos limiares obtidos por via aérea, com presença de GAP aéreo-ósseo menor que 10dBnNA. Assim a utilização do PEATE por VO fornece dados para uma caracterização mais detalhada do tipo da perda auditiva.PURPOSE: to characterize the results of ABR via bone in subjects with mild sensorineural hearing loss, comparing these data with the control group made up by subjects with normal hearing. METHOD: the sample consisted of 40 adults of both genders, 18 - 55 year old, divided into a control group of 30 subjects with normal hearing and a study group made up of 10 subjects with mild sensorineural hearing loss. ABR was carried out with Interacoustics brand EP15. The stimulus was the click presentation rate of 27.7 / s, for a total of

  9. Innovación Pedagógica para la integración de los niños y niñas con discapacidad auditiva a la educación regular

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    Sonia Freyle Pérez


    Full Text Available Se analizó la integración de niños (as con discapacidad auditiva a escuelas regulares y la utilización de innovaciones pedagógicas que faciliten el aprendizaje de dichos niños. Se utilizó la obserrvación y entrevista validadas con la triangulación de fuentes. Metodología cualitativa. Se constató que la integración del discapacitado auditivo presentó debilidades en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje, por falta de acompañamiento, carencia de estrategias que coadyuven en la participación de los representates del niños discapacitado, tampoco existe actualización del docente. Se requiere un instructor-traductor en el lenguaje de señas. Se necesitan adecuaciones curriculares según las necesidades del discapacitado auditivo.

  10. Relationship between swelling and irradiation creep in cold-worked PCA stainless steel irradiated to similar 178 dpa at similar 400 C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Toloczko, M.B.; Garner, F.A.


    The eighth and final irradiation segment for pressurized tubes constructed from the fusion Prime Candidate Alloy (PCA) has been completed in FFTF. At 178 dpa and similar 400 C, the irradiation creep of 20% cold-worked PCA has become dominated by the ''creep disappearance'' phenomenon. The total diametral deformation rate has reached the limiting value of 0.33%/dpa at the three highest stress levels employed in this test. The stress-enhancement of swelling tends to camouflage the onset of creep disappearance, however, requiring the use of several non-traditional techniques to extract the creep coefficients. No failures occurred in these tubes, even though the swelling ranged from similar 20 to 40%. ((orig.))

  11. Relationship between swelling and irradiation creep in cold-worked PCA stainless steel irradiated to similar 178 dpa at similar 400 C

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Toloczko, M.B. (Department of Chemical and Nuclear Engineering, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106 (United States)); Garner, F.A. (Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Richland, WA 99352 (United States))


    The eighth and final irradiation segment for pressurized tubes constructed from the fusion Prime Candidate Alloy (PCA) has been completed in FFTF. At 178 dpa and similar 400 C, the irradiation creep of 20% cold-worked PCA has become dominated by the creep disappearance'' phenomenon. The total diametral deformation rate has reached the limiting value of 0.33%/dpa at the three highest stress levels employed in this test. The stress-enhancement of swelling tends to camouflage the onset of creep disappearance, however, requiring the use of several non-traditional techniques to extract the creep coefficients. No failures occurred in these tubes, even though the swelling ranged from similar 20 to 40%. ((orig.))

  12. Alterações condutivas em neonatos que falharam na triagem auditiva neonatal Conductive impairment in newborn who failed the newborn hearing screening

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    Priscila Karla Santana Pereira


    Full Text Available Na triagem auditiva neonatal pouca importância é atribuída às alterações de orelha média. As crianças que apresentam otites secretoras no período neonatal são de risco para desenvolver otite média no primeiro ano de vida. OBJETIVO: Verificar se as crianças que falharam na triagem auditiva por alteração condutiva têm mais episódios de comprometimento condutivo durante o primeiro ano de vida. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: O grupo estudo foi constituído por 62 crianças que falharam na triagem por comprometimento condutivo. O controle foi formado por 221 que passaram. Ambos tiveram acompanhamento audiológico e otorrinolaringológico e foram comparados quanto à ocorrência de comprometimento condutivo. Foram utilizados para análise estatística o teste Exato de Fisher e modelos de Regressão Logística. O estudo foi prospectivo e retrospectivo. RESULTADOS: As crianças que falharam na triagem por comprometimento condutivo tiveram mais episódios de otite média durante o primeiro ano de vida do que as que não falharam, com diferença significante. CONCLUSÃO: Os neonatos que falharam na triagem no primeiro mês de vida por alteração condutiva têm maior chance de apresentarem otite no primeiro ano de vida. A elevada ocorrência de otite indica a necessidade da atuação conjunta com otorrinolaringologista para o diagnóstico de tais alterações.In newborn hearing screening little importance is attributed to changes in the middle ear. Children with secretory otitis in the neonatal period are at risk for developing otitis media in the first year of life. AIM: To determine if children who failed the hearing screening because of conductive hearing loss have more episodes of conductive hearing impairment during their first years of life. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study group comprised 62 children who failed the screening for conductive impairment. The control was made up of 221 who passed. Both had audiologic and otolaryngological


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    Fernanda Carla Bock


    Full Text Available Este estudo teve por objetivo realizar a epoxidação de diferentes óleos vegetais (girassol, mamona e soja e realizar a identificação assim como o acompanhamento reacional através da espectroscopia no infravermelho médio aplicando métodos multivariados de análise (análise de componentes principais – PCA e análise de agrupamento hierárquico – HCA. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que é possível obter epóxidos a partir de ésteres dos óleos de mamona, soja e girassol e que a taxa de conversão está associada ao tempo, a quantidade de enzima e ao óleo vegetal empregado. O estudo também indica que é possível o acompanhamento reacional através da espectroscopia no infravermelho médio associado à análise de componentes principais (PCA e a identificação dos epóxidos obtidos a partir de óleos de girassol, mamona e soja através da espectroscopia no infravermelho médio associada à análise de componentes principais (PCA e análise por agrupamento hierárquico (HCA.

  14. Rastreamento da mutação mitocondrial A1555G em pacientes com deficiência auditiva sensorioneural Screening of the mitochondrial A1555G mutation in patients with sensorineural hearing loss

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    Luciano Pereira Maniglia


    Full Text Available A mutação mitocondrial A1555G é a principal alteração associada à surdez ocasionada pelo uso de aminoglicosídeos. OBJETIVO: Investigar a prevalência da mutação A1555G em pacientes com deficiência auditiva sensorioneural com e sem uso de antibióticos aminoglicosídeos. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Estudo em amostras de 27 pacientes com surdez, como casos, e em 100 neonatos, com audição normal, como grupo controle. O DNA foi extraído de leucócitos de amostras de sangue e "primers" específicos foram utilizados para amplificar o gene do citocromo b e a região que abrange a mutação A1555G do DNA mitocondrial, usando as técnicas da Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase e do Polimorfismo no Comprimento de Fragmentos de Restrição. DESENHO CIENTÍFICO: Estudo de casos em corte transversal. RESULTADOS: A região do gene do citocromo b foi amplificada, sendo confirmada a presença do DNA mitocondrial em todas as 127 amostras do estudo. A mutação A1555G não foi identificada nos 27 pacientes com deficiência auditiva e no grupo controle (100 neonatos. CONCLUSÕES: Os resultados são concordantes com estudos que relatam que a mutação A1555G não é prevalente nas Américas. Há interesse na determinação da real prevalência dessa mutação e na investigação de outras mutações que possam ocasionar deficiência auditiva associada ou não ao uso de aminoglicosídeos na população brasileira.The A1555G mitochondrial mutation is the main alteration associated with aminoglycoside-induced deafness. AIM: to investigate the prevalence of the A1555G mutation in patients sensorineural hearing loss patients with and without aminoglycosides antibiotic use. MATERIAL AND METHOD: a study of 27 cases with deafness as the sample, and 100 neonates with normal hearing as the control group. DNA was extracted from blood leukocyte samples, and specific oligonucleotide primers were designed to amplify the cytochrome b gene and the region which encloses the A1555

  15. Preliminary identification of unicellular algal genus by using combined confocal resonance Raman spectroscopy with PCA and DPLS analysis (United States)

    He, Shixuan; Xie, Wanyi; Zhang, Ping; Fang, Shaoxi; Li, Zhe; Tang, Peng; Gao, Xia; Guo, Jinsong; Tlili, Chaker; Wang, Deqiang


    The analysis of algae and dominant alga plays important roles in ecological and environmental fields since it can be used to forecast water bloom and control its potential deleterious effects. Herein, we combine in vivo confocal resonance Raman spectroscopy with multivariate analysis methods to preliminary identify the three algal genera in water blooms at unicellular scale. Statistical analysis of characteristic Raman peaks demonstrates that certain shifts and different normalized intensities, resulting from composition of different carotenoids, exist in Raman spectra of three algal cells. Principal component analysis (PCA) scores and corresponding loading weights show some differences from Raman spectral characteristics which are caused by vibrations of carotenoids in unicellular algae. Then, discriminant partial least squares (DPLS) classification method is used to verify the effectiveness of algal identification with confocal resonance Raman spectroscopy. Our results show that confocal resonance Raman spectroscopy combined with PCA and DPLS could handle the preliminary identification of dominant alga for forecasting and controlling of water blooms.

  16. O diagnóstico das zonas mortas na cóclea e sua importância no processo de reabilitação auditiva Diagnosing cochlear "dead" regions and its importance in the auditory rehabilitation process

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    Cristiane Padilha


    Full Text Available Cada vez mais na prática da audiologia é indispensável um bom diagnóstico audiológico, para que se tenha conhecimento das necessidades do paciente para seleção e adaptação de próteses auditivas. OBJETIVO: Expor literaturas recentes que referem conceitos de zonas mortas na cóclea, estratégias de diagnóstico e a importância deste no processo de seleção e adaptação de próteses auditivas. METODOLOGIA: Realizou-se um levantamento bibliográfico sobre zonas mortas na cóclea. As zonas mortas na cóclea foram descritas como regiões onde as células ciliadas internas e/ou neurônios adjacentes não se encontram funcionais. Assim, nessas regiões a informação gerada pela vibração da membrana basilar não é transmitida ao sistema nervoso central. Porém, um tom com freqüência correspondente a zona morta, desde que suficientemente intenso, pode ser percebido em regiões próximas a esta zona, onde às células ciliadas internas e/ou fibras nervosas ainda apresentam-se funcionais. CONCLUSÃO: A identificação das zonas mortas na cóclea está sendo utilizada visando melhores resultados no processo de seleção e adaptação de próteses auditivas, pois as informações geradas pelas CCI ao nervo auditivo são importantes para um melhor reconhecimento dos sons, principalmente os sons da fala.A good audiologic diagnosis is increasingly more important in the practice of audiology, in order to understand patients’ needs for selection and fitting of hearing aid devices. AIM: Show recent literature that mention the concept of cochlear dead regions, diagnostic strategies and its relevance in the process of selection and fitting of hearing aids. METHODS: to carry out a bibliographical survey on dead cochlear regions. Dead cochlear regions were described as regions where inner hair cells and/or adjacent neurons do not work. Therefore, in these regions, the information generated by basilar membrane vibration is not transmitted to the

  17. PCA/INCREMENT MEMORY interface for analog processors on-line with PC-XT/AT IBM

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Biri, S.; Buttsev, V.S.; Molnar, J.; Samojlov, V.N.


    The functional and operational descriptions on PCA/INCREMENT MEMORY interface are discussed. The following is solved with this unit: connection between the analogue signal processor and PC, nuclear spectrum acquisition up to 2 24 -1 counts/channel using increment or decrement method, data read/write from or to memory via data bus PC during the spectrum acquisition. Dual ported memory organization is 4096x24 bit, increment cycle time at 4.77 MHz system clock frequency is 1.05 μs. 6 refs.; 2 figs


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    Full Text Available Use of biometrics has increased over last few years due to its inherent advantages over customary identification tools such as token card and password, etc. In biometrics, after fingerprint, face recognition is second most preferred method with reasonably good accuracy. In some applications like CCTV cameras where face of a person is available for processing, face recognition techniques can to be very useful. In this paper, integration of face recognition techniques PCA, ICA and ILDA using fuzzy fusion method is detailed. The preliminary results clearly reveal that the fusion of methods improves the accuracy of the user identification.



    Lizano Sisa, Mónica Alexandra


    La presente investigación es efectuada considerando que en Centro de Educación Inicial “San Jacinto de Izamba” no se utiliza videos didácticos que favorezcan la discriminación auditiva, factor limitante para el desarrollo integral del escolar, afectando en la imaginación, dificultando el descubrimiento de conocimientos, la asimilación, la observación, comprensión, deteriorando la capacidad para identificar perceptivamente unidades fonéticas y fonológicas primordiales en la c...

  20. The singular value filter: a general filter design strategy for PCA-based signal separation in medical ultrasound imaging. (United States)

    Mauldin, F William; Lin, Dan; Hossack, John A


    A general filtering method, called the singular value filter (SVF), is presented as a framework for principal component analysis (PCA) based filter design in medical ultrasound imaging. The SVF approach operates by projecting the original data onto a new set of bases determined from PCA using singular value decomposition (SVD). The shape of the SVF weighting function, which relates the singular value spectrum of the input data to the filtering coefficients assigned to each basis function, is designed in accordance with a signal model and statistical assumptions regarding the underlying source signals. In this paper, we applied SVF for the specific application of clutter artifact rejection in diagnostic ultrasound imaging. SVF was compared to a conventional PCA-based filtering technique, which we refer to as the blind source separation (BSS) method, as well as a simple frequency-based finite impulse response (FIR) filter used as a baseline for comparison. The performance of each filter was quantified in simulated lesion images as well as experimental cardiac ultrasound data. SVF was demonstrated in both simulation and experimental results, over a wide range of imaging conditions, to outperform the BSS and FIR filtering methods in terms of contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) and motion tracking performance. In experimental mouse heart data, SVF provided excellent artifact suppression with an average CNR improvement of 1.8 dB with over 40% reduction in displacement tracking error. It was further demonstrated from simulation and experimental results that SVF provided superior clutter rejection, as reflected in larger CNR values, when filtering was achieved using complex pulse-echo received data and non-binary filter coefficients.

  1. Dimensionality Reduction Methods: Comparative Analysis of methods PCA, PPCA and KPCA

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    Jorge Arroyo-Hernández


    Full Text Available The dimensionality reduction methods are algorithms mapping the set of data in subspaces derived from the original space, of fewer dimensions, that allow a description of the data at a lower cost. Due to their importance, they are widely used in processes associated with learning machine. This article presents a comparative analysis of PCA, PPCA and KPCA dimensionality reduction methods. A reconstruction experiment of worm-shape data was performed through structures of landmarks located in the body contour, with methods having different number of main components. The results showed that all methods can be seen as alternative processes. Nevertheless, thanks to the potential for analysis in the features space and the method for calculation of its preimage presented, KPCA offers a better method for recognition process and pattern extraction

  2. Prostate health index and prostate cancer gene 3 score but not percent-free Prostate Specific Antigen have a predictive role in differentiating histological prostatitis from PCa and other nonneoplastic lesions (BPH and HG-PIN) at repeat biopsy. (United States)

    De Luca, Stefano; Passera, Roberto; Fiori, Cristian; Bollito, Enrico; Cappia, Susanna; Mario Scarpa, Roberto; Sottile, Antonino; Franco Randone, Donato; Porpiglia, Francesco


    To determine if prostate health index (PHI), prostate cancer antigen gene 3 (PCA3) score, and percentage of free prostate-specific antigen (%fPSA) may be used to differentiate asymptomatic acute and chronic prostatitis from prostate cancer (PCa), benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), and high-grade prostate intraepithelial neoplasia (HG-PIN) in patients with elevated PSA levels and negative findings on digital rectal examination at repeat biopsy (re-Bx). In this prospective study, 252 patients were enrolled, undergoing PHI, PCA3 score, and %fPSA assessments before re-Bx. We used 3 multivariate logistic regression models to test the PHI, PCA3 score, and %fPSA as risk factors for prostatitis vs. PCa, vs. BPH, and vs. HG-PIN. All the analyses were performed for the whole patient cohort and for the "gray zone" of PSA (4-10ng/ml) cohort (171 individuals). Of the 252 patients, 43 (17.1%) had diagnosis of PCa. The median PHI was significantly different between men with a negative biopsy and those with a positive biopsy (34.9 vs. 48.1, Pprostatitis and PCa was moderate, although it extended to a good range of threshold probabilities (40%-100%), whereas that from using %fPSA was negligible: this pattern was reported for the whole population as for the "gray zone" PSA cohort. In front of a good diagnostic performance of all the 3 biomarkers in distinguishing negative biopsy vs. positive biopsy, the clinical benefit of using the PCA3 score and PHI to estimate prostatitis vs. PCa was comparable. PHI was the only determinant for prostatitis vs. BPH, whereas no biomarkers could differentiate prostate inflammation from HG-PIN. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  3. Relationship between swelling and irradiation creep in cold-worked PCA stainless steel irradiated to ∼178 dpa at ∼400 degrees C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Toloczko, M.B.


    The eighth and final irradiation segment for pressurized tubes constructed from the fusion Prime Candidate Alloy (PCA) has been completed in FFTF. At 178 dpa and ∼400 degrees C, the irradiation creep of 20% cold-worked PCA has become dominated by the open-quotes creep disappearanceclose quotes phenomenon. The total diametral deformation rate has reached the limiting value of 0.33%/dpa at the three highest stress levels employed in this test. The stress-enhancement of swelling tends to camouflage the onset of creep disappearance, however, requiring the use of several non-traditional techniques to extract the creep coefficients. No failures occurred in these tubes, even though the swelling ranged from ∼20 to ∼40%

  4. Convergence analysis of Chauvin's PCA learning algorithm with a constant learning rate

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lv Jiancheng [Computational Intelligence Laboratory, School of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu 610054 (China); Yi Zhang [Computational Intelligence Laboratory, School of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu 610054 (China)]. E-mail:


    The convergence of Chauvin's PCA learning algorithm with a constant learning rate is studied in this paper by using a DDT method (deterministic discrete-time system method). Different from the DCT method (deterministic continuous-time system method), the DDT method does not require that the learning rate converges to zero. An invariant set of Chauvin's algorithm with a constant learning rate is obtained so that the non-divergence of this algorithm can be guaranteed. Rigorous mathematic proofs are provided to prove the local convergence of this algorithm.

  5. Low-Resolution Tactile Image Recognition for Automated Robotic Assembly Using Kernel PCA-Based Feature Fusion and Multiple Kernel Learning-Based Support Vector Machine

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    Yi-Hung Liu


    Full Text Available In this paper, we propose a robust tactile sensing image recognition scheme for automatic robotic assembly. First, an image reprocessing procedure is designed to enhance the contrast of the tactile image. In the second layer, geometric features and Fourier descriptors are extracted from the image. Then, kernel principal component analysis (kernel PCA is applied to transform the features into ones with better discriminating ability, which is the kernel PCA-based feature fusion. The transformed features are fed into the third layer for classification. In this paper, we design a classifier by combining the multiple kernel learning (MKL algorithm and support vector machine (SVM. We also design and implement a tactile sensing array consisting of 10-by-10 sensing elements. Experimental results, carried out on real tactile images acquired by the designed tactile sensing array, show that the kernel PCA-based feature fusion can significantly improve the discriminating performance of the geometric features and Fourier descriptors. Also, the designed MKL-SVM outperforms the regular SVM in terms of recognition accuracy. The proposed recognition scheme is able to achieve a high recognition rate of over 85% for the classification of 12 commonly used metal parts in industrial applications.

  6. Processamento temporal, fonologia e escrita em crianças contaminadas por chumbo

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    Tâmyne Ferreira Duarte de Moraes


    Full Text Available Objetivos : analisar o impacto das habilidades do processamento auditivo temporal e da fonologia na escrita de crianças contaminadas por chumbo.Método : participaram deste estudo 24 crianças de ambos os gêneros, com nível de plumbemia igual ou superior a 10µg/dL, sem alterações auditivas. Foram avaliados escrita espontânea, memória auditiva imediata, discriminação auditiva, consciência fonológica e feita triagem do processamento auditivo temporal. As crianças foram divididas em dois grupos (GE – crianças com trocas de consoante surda por sonora na escrita; GC – crianças sem alterações na escrita.Resultados : no GE, 8 crianças (67% apresentaram alteração de discriminação auditiva, na PCF e desempenho não esperado no AFT-R (Subteste 1. No GC, apenas 1 criança (8% apresentou alteração de discriminação auditiva e na PCF e desempenho não esperado no AFT-R (Subteste 1. O Teste Exato de Fisher indicou diferença significante entre os grupos nas habilidades de memória auditiva e discriminação auditiva.Conclusão : não houve diferença significante entre o desempenho na triagem do processamento auditivo temporal nos grupos avaliados. As crianças contaminadas pelo chumbo que apresentaram alteração de escrita obtiveram pior desempenho nas provas de consciência fonológica, discriminação auditiva, memória auditiva imediata.

  7. Predicting prostate cancer-specific outcome after radical prostatectomy among men with very high-risk cT3b/4 PCa: a multi-institutional outcome study of 266 patients. (United States)

    Moltzahn, F; Karnes, J; Gontero, P; Kneitz, B; Tombal, B; Bader, P; Briganti, A; Montorsi, F; Van Poppel, H; Joniau, S; Spahn, M


    The value of radical prostatectomy (RP) as an approach for very high-risk prostate cancer (PCa) patients is controversial. To examine the risk of 10-year cancer-specific mortality (CSM) and other-cause mortality (OCM) according to clinical and pathological characteristics of very high-risk cT3b/4 PCa patients treated with RP as the primary treatment option. In a multi-institutional cohort, 266 patients with very high-risk cT3b/4 PCa treated with RP were identified. All patients underwent RP and pelvic lymph-node dissection. Competing-risk analyses assessed 10-year CSM and OCM before and after stratification for age and Charlson comorbidity index (CCI). Overall, 34 (13%) patients died from PCa and 73 (28%) from OCM. Ten-year CSM and OCM rates ranged from 5.6% to 12.9% and from 10% to 38%, respectively. OCM was the leading cause of death in all subgroups. Age and comorbidities were the main determinants of OCM. In healthy men, CSM rate did not differ among age groups (10-year CSM rate for ⩽64, 65-69 and ⩾70 years: 16.2%, 11.5% and 17.1%, respectively). Men with a CCI ⩾1 showed a very low risk of CSM irrespective of age (10-year CSM: 5.6-6.1%), whereas the 10-year OCM rates increased with age up to 38% in men ⩾70 years. Very high-risk cT3b/4 PCa represents a heterogeneous group. We revealed overall low CSM rates despite the highly unfavorable clinical disease. For healthy men, CSM was independent of age, supporting RP even for older men. Conversely, less healthy patients had the highest risk of dying from OCM while sharing very low risk of CSM, indicating that this group might not benefit from an aggressive surgical treatment. Outcome after RP as the primary treatment option in cT3b/4 PCa patients is related to age and comorbidity status.

  8. Regionalization and classification of bioclimatic zones in the central-northeastern region of Mexico using principal component analysis (PCA)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pineda-Martinez, L.F.; Carbajal, N.; Medina-Roldan, E. [Instituto Potosino de Investigacion Cientifica y Tecnologica, A. C., San Luis Potosi (Mexico)]. E-mail:


    Applying principal component analysis (PCA), we determined climate zones in a topographic gradient in the central-northeastern part of Mexico. We employed nearly 30 years of monthly temperature and precipitation data at 173 meteorological stations. The climate classification was carried out applying the Koeppen system modified for the conditions of Mexico. PCA indicates a regionalization in agreement with topographic characteristics and vegetation. We describe the different bioclimatic zones, associated with typical vegetation, for each climate using geographical information systems (GIS). [Spanish] Utilizando un analisis de componentes principales, determinamos zonas climaticas en un gradiente topografico en la zona centro-noreste de Mexico. Se emplearon datos de precipitacion y temperatura medias mensuales por un periodo de 30 anos de 173 estaciones meteorologicas. La clasificacion del clima fue llevada a cabo de acuerdo con el sistema de Koeppen modificado para las condiciones de Mexico. El analisis de componentes principales indico una regionalizacion que concuerda con caracteristicas de topografia y vegetacion. Se describen zonas bioclimaticas, asociadas a vegetacion tipica para cada clima, usando sistemas de informacion geografica (SIG).

  9. Human Classification Based on Gestural Motions by Using Components of PCA

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aziz, Azri A; Wan, Khairunizam; Za'aba, S K; Shahriman A B; Asyekin H; Zuradzman M R; Adnan, Nazrul H


    Lately, a study of human capabilities with the aim to be integrated into machine is the famous topic to be discussed. Moreover, human are bless with special abilities that they can hear, see, sense, speak, think and understand each other. Giving such abilities to machine for improvement of human life is researcher's aim for better quality of life in the future. This research was concentrating on human gesture, specifically arm motions for differencing the individuality which lead to the development of the hand gesture database. We try to differentiate the human physical characteristic based on hand gesture represented by arm trajectories. Subjects are selected from different type of the body sizes, and then acquired data undergo resampling process. The results discuss the classification of human based on arm trajectories by using Principle Component Analysis (PCA)

  10. Projeto jovem doutor bauru: capacitação de estudantes do ensino médio em saúde auditiva Young doctor Bauru project: training of high school students in hearing health

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    Wanderléia Quinhoeiro Blasca


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: elaborar um programa de capacitação para alunos do ensino médio sobre o tema saúde auditiva. MÉTODO: 14 estudantes do ensino médio de duas escolas da rede pública participaram do programa de capacitação. O programa foi dividido em 3 etapas: atividade presencial, tutoração on line e atividade prática. Na 1ª etapa, os participantes frequentaram uma aula expositiva ministrada pelos tutores. Na 2ª etapa os participantes tiveram acesso a um tutor eletrônico baseado na Internet, o Cybertutor. Na 3ª etapa foram elaboradas atividades práticas, proporcionando aos alunos a construção e multiplicação do aprendizado. Para avaliar o material educacional on line os participantes responderam um questionário de avaliação sobre o Cybertutor no término do programa de capacitação. RESULTADOS: 100% dos participantes realizaram as 3 etapas do programa de capacitação. Seguindo a proposta do Projeto Jovem Doutor, os alunos foram intitulados "Jovens Doutores" e multiplicaram o conhecimento adquirido sobre saúde auditiva, através de uma feira expositiva, em suas respectivas escolas. Os dados do questionário de avaliação sobre o Cybertutor indicam que a maioria dos participantes apresentou opinião positiva, demostrando um alto índice aprovação do Cybertutor. CONCLUSÃO: este programa de capacitação em saúde auditiva favoreceu o aprendizado nesta temática para a população proposta. Iniciativas de educação em saúde, como o Projeto Jovem Doutor, além de proporcionar a multiplicação do conhecimento, possibilitou também a integração dos alunos participantes com a Universidade e da Universidade para com a comunidade, constituindo uma rede de aprendizagem colaborativa.PURPOSE: to develop a training program for high school students on hearing health. METHOD: 14 high school students from two public schools participated in the training program. The program was divided into three stages: classroom activities, online

  11. NOAA TIFF Image - 4m Bathymetric Principal Component Analysis (PCA) of Red Snapper Research Areas in the South Atlantic Bight, 2010 (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This dataset contains unified Bathymetric PCA GeoTiffs with 4x4 meter cell resolution describing the topography of 15 areas along the shelf edge off the South...

  12. Diversidad auditiva: imaginarios sociales e inclusión laboral: una aproximación intercultural

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    Gina Viviana Morales Acosta


    Full Text Available El propósito de este artículo de reflexión consiste en rastrear el imaginario para la inclusión al mercado laboral de la población sorda, teniendo en cuenta su diversidad auditiva. En este grupo hay una gama de personas que han optado por alternativas que van desde el uso de audífonos, implante coclear, oralizados y el uso de lengua de señas. Para la comprensión de la situación de inclusión, se requiere ubicar el desarrollo del modelo de calidad de vida propuesto por Verdugo, desde el cual se puede ver a la persona como un sujeto de deseos y necesidades. Además, se consideró la mediación intercultural que se genera en dos culturas: la de las personas oyentes con una lengua audio vocal y la cultura sorda con la lengua de señas en un formato viso-gestual. En este marco contextual, cabe preguntarse si el imaginario que se tiene de la persona sorda, incide en la forma cómo se interpreta y propone su inclusión laboral. También se indaga por la manera en que se propone el desarrollo de habilidades para el escenario laboral a estas personas y la forma de llegar a él. Abstract This paper aims to establish how deaf people might be incorporated into labor market, taking into account their aural diversity. In this group there is a range of those who use headphones, cochlear implants, orality, and sign language. In order to comprehend the inclusion aspect, it becomes necessary to identify the quality of life development suggested by Dr. Verdugo, where the subject is considered to have desires and needs. In addition, intercultural mediation generated in two cultures was considered: one of listeners with audio-vocal language and the other of deaf people with sign language with a visual-gestural format. In this way, it is necessary to ask if the imaginary of the deaf has an impact in the way their labor inclusion is interpreted and proposed.

  13. PCA-based detection of damage in time-varying systems (United States)

    Bellino, A.; Fasana, A.; Garibaldi, L.; Marchesiello, S.


    When performing Structural Health Monitoring, it is well known that the natural frequencies do not depend only on the damage but also on environmental conditions, such as temperature and humidity. The Principal Component Analysis is used to take this problem into account, because it allows eliminating the effect of external factors. The purpose of the present work is to show that this technique can be successfully used not only for time-invariant systems, but also for time-varying ones. Referring to the latter, one of the most studied systems which shows these characteristics is the bridge with crossing loads, such as the case of the railway bridge studied in present paper; in this case, the mass and the velocity of the train can be considered as "environmental" factors.This paper, after a brief description of the PCA method and one example of its application on time-invariant systems, presents the great potentialities of the methodology when applied to time-varying systems. The results show that this method is able to better detect the presence of damage and also to properly distinguish among different levels of crack depths.

  14. Comparative Effectiveness of Semantic Feature Analysis (SFA and Phonological Components Analysis (PCA for Anomia Treatment in Persian Speaking Patients With Aphasia

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    Zahra Sadeghi


    Discussion: While PCA is more effective for participants with phonological impairments, SFA is more effective for participants with semantic impairments. Therefore, a direct relationship between underlying functional deficit and response to specific treatment was established for all participants.

  15. Roteiro diagnóstico e de conduta frente à perda auditiva sensorioneural genética Diagnosis routine and approach in genetic sensorineural hearing loss

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    Fatima Regina Abreu Alves


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Propor um roteiro para a investigação das PASN genéticas sindrômicas e não-sindrômicas mais comuns, considerando os dados epidemiológicos, as informações e o desenvolvimento de novas tecnologias, as implicações clínicas e os aspectos bioéticos. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: Realizada uma revisão criteriosa, utilizando os descritores: perda auditiva, sensorioneural, genética e diagnóstico, para compor um roteiro de investigação e de conduta. CONCLUSÃO: Os dados epidemiológicos estimam que pelo menos 50% das perdas auditivas pré-linguais são determinadas por alterações genéticas. As histórias clínica e familiar são extremamente importantes na elaboração do diagnóstico das PASN genéticas e contribuem para a determinação do padrão de herança. Através de um alto índice de suspeita, causas sindrômicas podem ser diagnosticadas ou excluídas, com uma cuidadosa avaliação e a base molecular da PA pode ser determinada mais seguramente do que antes. Os testes genéticos e a herança mitocondrial devem ser considerados em famílias com múltiplos indivíduos afetados, estando esta última afastada se houver nítida transmissão através de um homem. Nas PASN não-sindrômicas a análise de mutação GJB2 deve ser proposta.AIM: To develop a screening in order to determine the more common syndromic and non-syndromic genetic SNHL, considering epidemiological data, information and the development of new technologies; clinical implications and bioethical issues. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We reviewed the literature in order to develop a screening that includes: history, patterns of inheritance, physical evaluation, laboratory tests, image studies, multidisciplinary approaches and genetic tests. CONCLUSION: The epidemiologic data estimates that at least 50% of prelingual HL can be determined by genetic alterations. Medical and family histories are extremely important to help one achieve a genetic-based SNHL diagnosis, and help

  16. Avaliação auditiva central com BERA e P300 na Doença de Parkinson

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    Pineroli José C.A.


    Full Text Available Introdução: A Doença de Parkinson (DP é um dos distúrbios do movimento mais encontrados na população idosa. Cursa com perda progressiva e irreversível de células da substância negra (locus niger do mesencéfalo, o que resultará numa diminuição da produção de dopamina, levando à sintomatologia da DP. Objetivo: Averiguar a relevância de testes eletrofisiológicos, capazes de monitorar a integridade funcional das vias cerebrais, no diagnóstico e/ou prognóstico de pacientes com DP, uma vez que tais testes não-invasivos são de fácil aplicabilidade, rápidos e facilmente compreendidos por quem participa de sua aplicação. Forma de estudo: Prospectivo clínico randomizado. Material e Método: Grupo de 32 pacientes com diagnóstico prévio de DP, submetidos aos testes de potencial evocado BERA e P300. Pacientes de ambos os sexos, entre 44 e 85 anos, com tempo de doença variando de 8 meses a 21 anos de evolução. Resultados: os valores do BERA e do P300 encontrados em pacientes com DP não se mostraram diferentes dos limites de normalidade para a idade. Conclusão: Observou-se integridade das vias auditivas em pacientes portadores de DP. Uma vez que a latência do P300 aumenta de forma linear com a idade, a partir dos 45 anos, aceitando-se um aumento de 1 a 1,5ms por ano¹; observou-se integridade nas vias cerebrais que refletem a habilidade de performance cognitiva em pacientes portadores de DP sem comprometimento demencial exuberante.

  17. Identificando necessidades de crianças com deficiência auditiva: uma contribuição para profissionais da saúde e educação Identificación de las necesidades de los niños con discapacidad auditiva: una contribución a los profesionales de la salud y la educación Identifying needs of children with hearing loss: a contribution to health and education professionals

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    Thais Pereira Scarpitta


    Full Text Available Por tratar-se de condição crônica de graves consequências para criança, família e sociedade, a deficiência auditiva tem sido objeto de preocupação por parte dos profissionais de saúde. Este estudo objetivou identificar crianças em idade escolar, matriculadas no ensino fundamental da rede pública do município, conhecer o tipo de acompanhamento de saúde que recebem e identificar junto à família as necessidades que vivenciam em decorrência da deficiência auditiva. Utilizamos o Interacionismo Simbólico (IS e a Narrativa como referenciais teórico e metodológico, respectivamente. Participaram da pesquisa seis famílias. As entrevistas foram gravadas e transcritas na íntegra. A família sente falta de suporte e infraestrutura do município para diagnóstico e reabilitação, além da falta de recursos e investimento no contexto escolar, sendo obrigada a se mobilizar para enfrentar essa situação. Esta pesquisa oferece subsídios para que ações de enfermagem e políticas públicas sejam pensadas para qualificar o cuidado à saúde desta população.La pérdida de audición ha sido objeto de preocupación entre los profesionales de salud, puesto que es una enfermedad crónica con graves consecuencias para los niños, las familias y la sociedad. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo identificar quienes son los niños en edad escolar matriculados en escuelas públicas de la ciudad, conocer el tipo de atención médica que reciben e identificar junto a las familias las dificultades que ellos viven a partir de la discapacidad auditiva de sus niños. Se utilizó la Interacción Simbólica (IS y la Narrativa como referenciales teórico y metodológico respectivamente. Seis familias participaron de la encuesta. Las entrevistas fueron grabadas y transcritas. La familia siente la ausencia de apoyo e infraestructura del municipio para el diagnóstico y rehabilitación, además de la escasez de recursos e inversiones en la escuela, lo que les

  18. Coarse-to-fine markerless gait analysis based on PCA and Gauss-Laguerre decomposition (United States)

    Goffredo, Michela; Schmid, Maurizio; Conforto, Silvia; Carli, Marco; Neri, Alessandro; D'Alessio, Tommaso


    Human movement analysis is generally performed through the utilization of marker-based systems, which allow reconstructing, with high levels of accuracy, the trajectories of markers allocated on specific points of the human body. Marker based systems, however, show some drawbacks that can be overcome by the use of video systems applying markerless techniques. In this paper, a specifically designed computer vision technique for the detection and tracking of relevant body points is presented. It is based on the Gauss-Laguerre Decomposition, and a Principal Component Analysis Technique (PCA) is used to circumscribe the region of interest. Results obtained on both synthetic and experimental tests provide significant reduction of the computational costs, with no significant reduction of the tracking accuracy.

  19. Permeability Estimation of Rock Reservoir Based on PCA and Elman Neural Networks (United States)

    Shi, Ying; Jian, Shaoyong


    an intelligent method which based on fuzzy neural networks with PCA algorithm, is proposed to estimate the permeability of rock reservoir. First, the dimensionality reduction process is utilized for these parameters by principal component analysis method. Further, the mapping relationship between rock slice characteristic parameters and permeability had been found through fuzzy neural networks. The estimation validity and reliability for this method were tested with practical data from Yan’an region in Ordos Basin. The result showed that the average relative errors of permeability estimation for this method is 6.25%, and this method had the better convergence speed and more accuracy than other. Therefore, by using the cheap rock slice related information, the permeability of rock reservoir can be estimated efficiently and accurately, and it is of high reliability, practicability and application prospect.

  20. Computation of mean and variance of the radiotherapy dose for PCA-modeled random shape and position variations of the target. (United States)

    Budiarto, E; Keijzer, M; Storchi, P R M; Heemink, A W; Breedveld, S; Heijmen, B J M


    Radiotherapy dose delivery in the tumor and surrounding healthy tissues is affected by movements and deformations of the corresponding organs between fractions. The random variations may be characterized by non-rigid, anisotropic principal component analysis (PCA) modes. In this article new dynamic dose deposition matrices, based on established PCA modes, are introduced as a tool to evaluate the mean and the variance of the dose at each target point resulting from any given set of fluence profiles. The method is tested for a simple cubic geometry and for a prostate case. The movements spread out the distributions of the mean dose and cause the variance of the dose to be highest near the edges of the beams. The non-rigidity and anisotropy of the movements are reflected in both quantities. The dynamic dose deposition matrices facilitate the inclusion of the mean and the variance of the dose in the existing fluence-profile optimizer for radiotherapy planning, to ensure robust plans with respect to the movements.