
Sample records for atlas fuer klinik

  1. Pembuatan Sistem Informasi Manajemen Klinik dengan Rekam Medis: Studi Kasus di Klinik Kebon Arum Boyolali

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    Yanuar Wisnu Triaji


    Proses pendaftaran, pemeriksaan, pembayaran, pelaporan dan karyawan administrasi di klinik sangat tidak efisien, dibutuhkan suatu sistem untuk membantu dan mempermudah pengguna dalam proses rekam medis. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan sistem informasi manajemen untuk klinik, yaitu klinik Kebon Arum di Boyolali. Metode pengembangan sistem yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode Waterfall yang terdiri dari rencana kebutuhan, proses desain, dan implementasi. Aplikasi ini dibangun dengan bahasa pemrograman PHP, codeigniter framework, serta basis data MySQL. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah sebuah aplikasi sistem informasi manajemen klinik dan sistem ini dapat mengatasi masalah pada pendaftaran klinik, antrian, layanan, pembayaran dan data pasien.

  2. A retrospective data acquisition and evaluation on the characterization and prognosis for 776 patients with differentiated thyroid carcinomas in the Klinik und Poliklinik fuer Nuklearmedizin der Universitaet zu Koeln in the period from 1990 to 2005; Eine retrospektive Datenerhebung und Auswertung zur Charakterisierung und Prognose von 776 Patienten mit differenziertem Schilddruesenkarzinom der Klinik und Poliklinik fuer Nuklearmedizin der Universitaet zu Koeln im Zeitraum von 1990-2005

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Meixner, Markus


    The author describes the retrospective data acquisition and evaluation on the characterization and prognosis for 776 patients (average age 40:1 years) with differentiated thyroid carcinomas in the Klinik und Poliklinik fuer Nuklearmedizin der Universitaet zu Koeln in the period from 1990 to 2005. The methodology includes patient-relevant data, examination data, imaging techniques and biochemical tests. Clinically important differences were found for papillary and follicular thyroid carcinoma. Further differences concern the localization of metastases. The author discusses the prognostic significance of the primary tumor radius in comparison with the so-called TNM classification for papillary and follicular thyroid carcinomas. It is concluded that the new version of the TNM classification offers only slight advantages with respect to the former version. It was also shown that the primary tumor size is adequate for prognostic estimations.


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    Rahmatini Rahmatini


    Full Text Available AbstrakUji klinik adalah suatu pengujian khasiat obat baru pada manusia, dimana sebelumnya diawali oleh pengujian pada binatang atau uji pra klinik. Pada dasarnya uji klinik memastikan efektivitas, keamanan dan gambaran efek samping yang sering timbul pada manusia akibat pemberian suatu obat. Bila uji klinik tidak dilakukan maka dapat terjadi malapetaka pada banyak orang bila langsung dipakai secara umum seperti pernah terjadi dengan talidomid (1959-1962 dan obat kontrasepsi pria (gosipol di Cina. Setiap obat yang ditemukan melalui eksperimen in vitro atau hewan coba tidak terjamin bahwa khasiatnya benar-benar akan terlihat pada penderita. Pengujian pada manusia sendirilah yang dapat “menjamin” apakah hasil in vitro atau hewan sama dengan manusia.Uji klinik terdiri dari 4 fase, yaitu uji klinik fase I.Uji klinik fase II, uji klinik fase III dan uji klinik fase IV. Uji klinik fase I dilakukan pada manusia sehat, bertujuan untuk menentukan dosis tunggal yang dapat diterima, Uji klinik fase II, dilakukan pada 100-200 orang penderita untuk melihat apakah efek farmakologik yang tampak pada fase I berguna atau tidak untuk pengobatan. Uji klinik fase III dilakukan pada sekitar 500 penderita yang bertujuan untuk memastikan bahwa suatu obat baru benar-benar berkhasiat. Uji klinik fase IV merupakan pengamatan terhadap obat yang telah dipasarkan. Fase ini bertujuan menentukan pola penggunaan obat di masyarakat serta pola efektifitas dan keamanannya pada penggunaan yang sebenarnya.Uji klinik yang baik dilakukan dengan prosedur yang sudah digariskan dan komponen- komponennya disiapkan dengan matang sehingga hasilnya betul- betul dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai acuan pengobatan.Kata kunci : Khasiat- keamanan- uji klinikAbstractClinical trials is a new drug efficacy testing in humans, which previously preceded by testing on animals or pre-clinical testing. Basically, clinical trials confirm description of effectiveness, safety and side effects that often arise

  4. A retrospective data acquisition and evaluation on the characterization and prognosis for 776 patients with differentiated thyroid carcinomas in the Klinik und Poliklinik fuer Nuklearmedizin der Universitaet zu Koeln in the period from 1990 to 2005

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Meixner, Markus


    The author describes the retrospective data acquisition and evaluation on the characterization and prognosis for 776 patients (average age 40:1 years) with differentiated thyroid carcinomas in the Klinik und Poliklinik fuer Nuklearmedizin der Universitaet zu Koeln in the period from 1990 to 2005. The methodology includes patient-relevant data, examination data, imaging techniques and biochemical tests. Clinically important differences were found for papillary and follicular thyroid carcinoma. Further differences concern the localization of metastases. The author discusses the prognostic significance of the primary tumor radius in comparison with the so-called TNM classification for papillary and follicular thyroid carcinomas. It is concluded that the new version of the TNM classification offers only slight advantages with respect to the former version. It was also shown that the primary tumor size is adequate for prognostic estimations.

  5. A DICOM based PACS for nuclear medicine; Ein DICOM-basiertes PACS fuer die Nuklearmedizin

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lassmann, M.; Reiners, C. [Wuerzburg Univ. (Germany). Klinik und Poliklinik fuer Nuklearmedizin


    The installation of a radiology information system (RIS) connected to a hospital information system (HIS) and a picture archiving and communications system (PACS) seems mandatory for a nuclear medicine department in order to guarantee a high patient throughput. With these systems a fast transmission of reports, images to the in- and out-patients' wards and private practitioners is realized. Therefore, since April 2000, at the department of nuclear medicine of the university of Wuerzburg a completely DICOM based PACS has been implemented in addition to the RIS. With this system a DICOM based workflow is realized throughout the department of nuclear medicine for reporting and archiving. The PACS is connected to six gamma-cameras, a PET scanner, a bone densitometry system and an ultrasound device. The volume of image data archived per month is 4 GByte. Patient demographics are provided to the modalities via DICOM-Worklist. With these PACS components a department specific archive purely based on DICOM can be realized. During the installation process problems occurred mainly because of the complex DICOM standard for nuclear medicine. Related to that is the problem that most of the software implementations still contain bugs or are not adapted to the needs of a nuclear medicine department (particularly for PET). A communication software for the distribution of nuclear medicine reports and images based on techniques used for the worldwide web is currently tested. (orig.) [German] Fuer eine nuklearmedizinische Klinik ist ein Klinikinformationssystem (KIS) gekoppelt mit einem Radiologieinformationssystem (RIS) sowie einem Bildarchivierungs- und Verteilungssystem (PACS) unabdingbar, um einen schnellen Patientendurchsatz sowie die zeitnahe Uebermittlung von Befunden inklusive nuklearmedizinischen Bildern an zuweisende Stationen, Ambulanzen und externe Zuweiser zu gewaehrleisten. Daher wurde im April 2000 an der Klinik und Poliklinik fuer Nuklearmedizin der Universitaet


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    Adityarani Putranti


    Full Text Available Kebutuhan masyarakat yang semakin tinggi akan jasa layanan kesehatan membuat ekspektasi masyarakat terhadap layanan kesehatan yang baik juga semakin tinggi. Pelayanan gigi dan mulut, merupakan salah satu pelayanan kesehatan dasar pada masyarakat. Klinik gigi My Dental Care Surabaya merupakan salah satu klinik gigi yang terletak di Surabaya Selatan. Klinik Gigi My Dental Care memiliki permasalahan belum tercapainya target jumlah kunjungan pasien sebesar 120 pasien per bulan selama tahun 2013-2014. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian analitik observasional dengan pengumpulan data secara cross sectional. Pengambilan sampel dengan metode simple random sampling dan jumlah sampel sebesar 30 orang. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada pasien yang melakukan perawatan gigi di Klinik Gigi My Dental Care Surabaya. Kata Kunci: Kepuasan Pelanggan, Kualitas Pelayanan, Klinik Gigi My Dental Care Surabaya

  7. Penerapan Konsep Model View Controller Pada Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Klinik Kesehatan Berbasis Web

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Devy Ferdiansyah


    Full Text Available Klinik merupakan sebuah institusi layanan publik yang bergerak dalam bidang jasa kesehatan. Saat ini, masih banyak klinik yang mencatat kegiatan operasional harian secara manual dalam arsip kertas, seperti pendaftaran pasien, pengelolaan data rekam medik, dan sebagainya. Arsip berbagai data klinik menjadi bertumpuk, sehingga membutuhkan ruang penyimpanan yang lebih luas dan pemeliharaan yang lebih ekstra agar kertas catatan tersebut tidak hilang atau mudah rusak. Proses pencarian data pasien dan rekam medik membutuhkan waktu lama, akibat berada di tumpukan arsip yang semakin banyak. Tujuan penelitian adalah membangun sebuah sistem informasi klinik kesehatan berbasis web untuk membantu staff dalam mengelola data klinik kesehatan. Pembangunan Sistem berbasis web ini menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP dan database MySQL, dengan menerapkan konsep  Model View Controller(MVC dalam teknik pemrogramannya. Penerapan metode MVC bertujuan untuk memberikan kemudahan bagi pemrogram web dalam membangun website, karena memisahkan data (Model dari tampilannya (View dan cara bagaimana mengolahnya (Controller. Penelitian ini menghasilkan sebuah aplikasi sistem informasi klinik kesehatan berbasis web, yang merubah pola kerja staff dari cara manual dan membutuhkan waktu lama, menjadi terkomputerisasi dengan waktu kerja yang lebih cepat, serta cara kerja yang lebih praktis dan efisien. Penelitian ini memberikan arahan yang jelas tentang bagaimana sebaiknya membangun sebuah sistem informasi berbasis web dengan baik, sehingga tidak menyulitkan pemrogram web saat harus memperbaiki atau mengembangkan sistem di kemudian hari.

  8. Implementasi Business Intelligence untuk Menganalisis Data Persalinan Anak di Klinik Ani Padang dengan Menggunakan Aplikasi Tableau Public

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    Afdhal Zikri


    Full Text Available Pengelolaan data merupakan hal penting dari sebuah perusahaan namun prosesnya tidaklah mudah. Seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi, terciptalah banyak cara dalam mengolah dan mengatur data salah satunya yaitu Business intelligence (BI yang merupakan sebuah proses untuk melakukan ekstrasi data-data operasional perusahaan dan mengumpulkannya  dalam sebuah data warehouse. BI tidak hanya digunakan untuk perusahaan saja tetapi bisa diterapkan pada hal lainnya. Klinik Ani merupakan klinik yang telah berdiri sebelum tahun 2000. Klinik tersebut memiliki record data dari tiap pasien yang telah ditanganinya, salah satunya persalinan. Namun karena proses yang digunakan masih berbentuk manual, klinik tersebut masih belum bisa meningkatkan efektifitas dak efisiensinya sebaik mungkin. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan informasi-informasi yang berguna untuk meningkatkan efektifitas dan efisiensi pada klinik tersebut dengan dasar Business intelligence. Dalam penelitian ini, analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan aplikasi Tableau Public. Tableau Public adalah perangkat lunak bisnis intelijen yang mudah untuk digunakan, terutama dalam hal membuat visualisasi data, analisis data, dan pelaporan. Dengan metodologi deskriptif  yang didapatkan dari hasil observasi terhadap data yang ada, akan didapatkan sebuah output berupa informasi tentang tren kelahiran/persalinan anak dalam empat semester terakhir di Klinik Ani Padang Sumatera Barat.

  9. Functional brain imaging - baric and clinical questions; Funktionelle Bildgebung in der Psychiatrie - Fragestellungen der Klinik und der Forschung

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mager, T. [Psychiatrische Klinik und Poliklinik, Klinikum Innenstadt, Muenchen Univ. (Germany); Moeller, H.J. [Psychiatrische Klinik und Poliklinik, Klinikum Innenstadt, Muenchen Univ. (Germany)


    The advancing biological knowledge of disease processes plays a central part in the progress of modern psychiatry. An essential contribution comes from the functional and structural brain imaging techniques (CT, MRI, SPECT, PET). Their application is important for biological oriented research in psychiatry and there is also a growing relevance in clinical aspects. This development is taken into account by recent diagnostic classification systems in psychiatry. The capabilities and limitations of functional brain imaging in the context of research and clinic will be presented and discussed by examples and own investigations. (orig.) [Deutsch] Der Fortschritt in der Psychiatrie der letzten Jahre ist eng verknuepft mit neuen biologischen Erkenntnissen ueber Krankheitsprozesse. Einen wesentlichen Beitrag hierzu leistet die moderne funktionelle und strukturelle Bildgebung, deren Anwendung ein wichtiger Bestandteil biologischer Forschung ist und zunehmend auch an klinischer Bedeutung gewinnt. In den neuen Klassifikationssystemen der Psychiatrie wird diese Entwicklung beruecksichtigt. Moeglichkeiten und Grenzen funktioneller Bildgebung fuer die Psychiatrie werden mit Blick auf die Klinik und wissenschaftliche Fragestellungen im folgenden anhand von Beispielen und eigenen Untersuchungen skizziert und diskutiert. (orig.)

  10. Melatonin ve Klinik Önemi


    Fehmi, Özgüner; Özcankaya, Ramazan; Delibaş, Namık; Koyu, Ahmet; Çalışkan, Sadettin


    SüleymanDemirel Üniversitesi TIP FAKÜLTESİ DERGİSİ: 1995 Aralık; 2(4) Melatonin ve Klinik Önemi Fehmi Özgüner Ramazan Özcankaya Namık Delibaş Ahmet Koyu Sadettin Çalışkan . Özet Melatonin karanlık periyotta sentezlenir ve salınır, ayrıca karanlığın süresi hakkındaki bilginin değerlendirilmesine aracılık eder. Melatonin sirkadiyan ritmi, gençlerde oldukça düzenlidir, yaşlılıkta sıklıkla siklus bozulma gösterir ve bir hipomelatoninemi sendromu ola...

  11. Modern technology for psychological well-being. Facility management systems at the psychiatric therapy center `Hard` at Embrach; Moderne Technik fuer gute Psyche. Einsatz von Gebaeudeautomation im Psychiatrie-Zentrum Hard in Embrach

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Boxler, C. [Boxler MSRL-Engineering fuer Gebaeudeautomation AG, Jona (Switzerland)


    The central heating system of Hard hospital center was due for modernisation. The new control systems were to be integrated in the existing facility management system. The contribution describes the modernisation and reconstruction project, from the preliminary projecting stages to the start-up of the new system. (orig.) [Deutsch] Bei der Klinik Hard musste die Heizzentrale saniert und die Waermeerzeugung modernisiert werden. Dabei sollte die Regel- und Steuerungstechnik in das bestehende Gebaeudeautomationssystem integriert werden. Der folgende Beitrag erlaeutert das entsprechende Projekt fuer die Sanierung und den Umbau der Heizzentrale, von der MSRL-Planung bis hin zur Gewerkeuebergabe. (orig.)

  12. Konseling Psikologi dan Kecemasan pada Penderita Hipertiroid di Klinik Litbang Gaki Magelang

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    Diah Yunitawati


    Full Text Available KONSELING PSIKOLOGI DAN KECEMASAN PADA PENDERITA HIPERTIROID DI KLINIK LITBANG GAKI MAGELANG Psychological Counseling And Anxiety In Patients With Hyperthyroidism In Klinik Litbang GAKI Magelang ABSTRACT Background. Hyperthyroidism may cause clinical symptoms and physiological changes in thyroid function, and interference in cognitive function, behavioral problems, and a change of feeling (mood and anxiety. Anxiety is negative emotions, which is characterized by feeling worried and fear that is sometimes experienced in different levels. One method to overcome anxiety is by counseling. Counseling is a process of providing information through systematically interpersonal communication. Objective. The aim of this study is determine the effect of psychological counseling and relationships of age, education, and work with the level of anxiety in hyperthyroid patients in Klinik Litbang GAKI Magelang. Method. This study was conducted with pre experimental method with pre-test post-test one group design. The variables are psychological counseling and anxiety. Level of anxiety was measured using the beck anxiety inventory (BAI, which has 21 items and measure physical, cognitive, and emotional aspects. Subjects were asked what she felt for four weeks. Total score indicates the level of anxiety. The subjects were 45 women of childbearing age with hyperthyroid in Klinik Litbang GAKI Magelang. Screening is done by examining level of TSH thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH and free Tetraiodothyronin (fT4. Results. Subjects who have severe disease and are pregnant were excluded. There was a change between the percentage of each category of anxiety before and after counseling. The analysis showed that anxiety scores after and before counseling process have a statistically significant difference. Age, education, and jobs not related to anxiety in patients with hyperthyroidism. Conclusion. Psychological counseling may be an option to reduce the level of anxiety in

  13. Multi-Chip-Modul-Entwicklung fuer den ATLAS-Pixeldetektor

    CERN Document Server

    Stockmanns, Tobias


    Abstract: The innermost layer of the ATLAS tracking system is a silicon pixel detector. The use of radiation tolerant components is mandatory due to the harsh radiation environment. The smallest independent component of the pixel detector is a hybride pixel module consisting of a large oxygen enriched silicon sensor and 16 specifically developed ASICs. To achieve the necessary radiation tolerance the ASICs are produced in a 0.25 µm technology in combination with special design techniques. The measurements of the readout electronics during all stages of production of a full module are presented and the performance of the modules is compared with the strict requirements of the ATLAS pixel detector. Furthermore a new powering scheme for pixel detectors is presented, aiming at reducing the total power consumption, the material for the electrical services and the amount of power cables. The advantages and disadvantages of this concept are discussed on the example of the ATLAS pixel detector with pixel modules mo...

  14. Atlas Asse. Information about the Asse II mine (2009-2016); Atlas Asse. Informationen ueber die Schachtanlage Asse II (2009-2016)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The newly published ''Atlas Asse'' provides an overview of the challenges and tasks of the Asse decommissioning project. On about 140 pages you will find a selection of reports, graphics and reports, which have been published since 2009 with the first publication of the magazine ''Asse Einblicke''. The atlas also provides orientation for those who have so far dealt little or little with the complex topic. [German] Einen Ueberblick rund um die Herausforderungen und Aufgaben des Stilllegungsprojektes Asse liefert der neu herausgegebene Atlas Asse. Auf etwa 140 Seiten findet sich eine Auswahl von Reportagen, Grafiken und Berichten, die seit 2009 mit dem ersten Erscheinen des Magazins ''Asse Einblicke'' veroeffentlicht wurden. Der Atlas verschafft Orientierung auch fuer diejenigen, die sich bislang wenig oder kaum mit dem komplexen Thema beschaeftigt haben.

  15. Uji Klinik Fase II Ramuan Jamu sebagai Pelindung Fungsi Hati

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    zuraida - zulkarnain


    Full Text Available AbstractThe human liver is susceptible to interference due to its complex function. The development ofhepatoprotective from jamu formula is still needed as to produce more effective, cheaper andsafer hepatoprotective. The result of previous study showed that the hepatoprotective from jamuformula was safe and efficacious. This phase 2 trial was conducted to evaluate the efficacy andsafety of hepatoprotective from jamu formula which consists of Curcuma longa rhizomes, Curcumaxanthorrhiza rhizomes, and Taraxacum officinale leaves. The design was open label randomizedclinical trial with silimarin as a comparison for 42 days intervention. Two hundreds of humansubjects participated in this study. The trial held in 2015 and involved 50 physician members ofSaintifikasi Jamu Network at several regencies in Indonesia. The parameters for assessing efficacywere SGPT, SGOT and as for safety were routine blood, urea, and creatinine. Clinical symptoms andpossible side effects were also observed. The results showed that the jamu formula can reduce theaverage value of SGPT and SGOT equal to silimarin. Jamu formula can relieve clinical symptomsarising from liver function disruption, and it is safe, it does not alter kidney function, hemoglobin,leukocyte count and platelet count in its use for 42 days.Keywords: hepatoprotective, Saintifikasi Jamu, Curcuma longa, Curcuma AbstrakHati mudah mengalami gangguan disebabkan fungsinya yang kompleks. Saat ini masih diperlukanpengembangan ramuan jamu untuk melindungi dan memperbaiki sel-sel hati (hepatoprotektor yanglebih efektif, murah dan aman. Hasil penelitian observasi klinik terdahulu menunjukkan bahwaformula jamu untuk hepatoprotektor aman dan berkhasiat sehingga dilanjutkan dengan uji klinik fase2. Tujuan uji ini untuk menilai khasiat dan keamanan ramuan jamu sebagai hepatoprotektor dengankomposisi rimpang temulawak, rimpang kunyit, dan daun jombang. Rancangan uji adalah open labelrandomised clinical trial dengan

  16. Disorders of the cerebellopontine angle; Klinik der Kleinhirnbrueckenwinkelerkrankungen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Block, F. [Helios-Kliniken Schwerin (Germany). Neurologische Klinik


    Disorders of the cerebellopontine angle may present by symptoms like vertigo, hearing problems, affection of the trigeminal or facial nerve. Ipsilateral ataxia and contralateral hemiparesis develop in case of a rather large tumor in this region and display an involvement of the cerebellum and/or brainstem. However, some of these typical symptoms are not recognized by the patient. Thus, in case of a suspicion of a disorder of the cerebellopontine angle the relevant functions have to be tested clinically. In addition, electrophysiology can confirm dysfunction of these cranial nerves. Mainstay of the therapy should be the treatment of the underlying cause. Nevertheless, not seldom it is necessary to treat symptoms like vertigo or facial pain. (orig.) [German] Schwindel, Hoerstoerungen, Affektionen des N. trigeminus oder des N. facialis stellen die wesentlichen und haeufigen Symptome bei Kleinhirnbrueckenwinkelerkrankungen dar. Ipsilaterale Gliedmassenataxie und kontralaterale Hemiparese sprechen fuer eine Mitbeteiligung von Kleinhirn und/oder Hirnstamm, die meist nur bei grossen Prozessen in dieser Region auftreten. Da einige Veraenderungen sich fuer den Patienten unbemerkt entwickeln, ist bei Verdacht eine gezielte klinische Untersuchung dieser Funktionen angezeigt, die durch elektrophysiologische Diagnostik wie z. B. akustisch evozierte Potenziale oder Blinkreflexe untermauert werden kann. Auch wenn natuerlich die kausale Therapie im Vordergrund steht, ist es gar nicht selten notwendig, eine symptomatische Behandlung durchzufuehren. Dies trifft besonders fuer Symptome wie Schwindel oder Gesichtsschmerzen zu. (orig.)

  17. Fractures of the atlantoaxial complex in the elderly: assessment of radiological spectrum of fractures and factors influencing imaging diagnosis; Frakturen des Atlas und Axis bei aelteren Patienten: Untersuchung des Radiologischen Spektrums der Frakturen und bedeutsamer Faktoren fuer die Bildgebende Diagnostik

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lomoschitz, F.M. [Universitaetsklinik fuer Radiodiagnostik, AKH Wien, Wien (Germany); Dept. of Radiology, Harborview Medical Center, Univ. of Washington, Seattle, WA (United States); Blackmore, C.C.; Linnau, K.F.; Mann, F.A. [Dept. of Radiology, Harborview Medical Center, Univ. of Washington, Seattle, WA (United States); Stadler, A. [Universitaetsklinik fuer Radiodiagnostik, AKH Wien, Wien (Germany)


    Objective: to describe patterns of atlantoaxial fractures in a population of consecutive elderly patients, including assessment of type, distribution and associated clinical and radiological findings, and to analyze any influence of the causative trauma mechanism on the individual fracture pattern. Materials and methods: the distribution and type of 123 atlantoaxial fractures in 95 subjects older than 65 years (range: 65-102; mean age: 79 years) were retrospectively assessed. For each subject, trauma mechanism and clinical and neurological status were recorded at admission. Initial imaging studies of the cervical spine were reviewed. Preexistent degenerative changes were assessed and the atlantoaxial fractures classified. Data were evaluated for the frequency of different types of fractures of C1 and C2 and for accompanying fractures of cervical vertebrae or the occipital condyles, respectively. Results: the majority of patients with injuries of the atlantoaxial complex had fractures of C2 (90 of 95, 95%). A large proportion of these patients (67 of 90, 74%) had odontoid fractures. An isolated fracture of C1 was present in only 5 (5%) patients. Associated fractures of the occipital condyles or other cervical vertebrae were rare (10 of 95, 11%). The main trauma mechanism for atlantoaxial injuries was a fall (56 of 95, 59%). Elderly patients injured in motor vehicle accidents were more likely to have isolated fractures of C2 and Type III fractures of the odontoid (p < 0.02). Conclusion: in elderly patients, fractures of the atlantoaxial complex are mainly caused by falls and almost always involve C2. The trauma mechanism influences the fracture pattern (orig.) [German] Untersuchung von Frakturen des Atlas (C1) und Axis (C2) in einer konsekutiven Population aelterer Patienten ({>=} 65 Jahre) hinsichtlich Fraktur-Typus, -Haeufigkeit, und -Kombinationen, und Analyse von assoziierter Klinik sowie Einfluss von unfall-ursaechlichen Faktoren auf Frakturen des atlanto

  18. Combined PACS and intranet information system in a University Hospital; Kombiniertes PACS und Intranet-Informationssystem an einem Universitaetsklinikum

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Heiss, D.; Pfluger, T.; Pfeifer, K.J.; Hahn, K. [Muenchen Univ. (Germany). Inst. fuer Radiologische Diagnostik; Koenig, A.; Endres, S. [Muenchen Univ. (Germany). Medizinische Klinik Innenstadt


    Purpose: The Department of Radiology at the University Hospital Innenstadt Munich provides all clinical departments of a large university hospital with several radiology units at different locations. During the last four years all units have been fully digitalized with a stepwise installation of a PACS. The PACS also processes images from the Nuclear Medicine Department. Methods: As image modalities, archive systems and review workstations, we use devices from multiple vendors, which are integrated into a consistent system using the DICOM standard. The hospital has developed its own RIS and an intranet information system, which provides access to all reports and images from radiology for all clinical departments inside the hospital. Additionally, other clinical information such as laboratory results or ECG examinations are available through the system. Results: After one year of operation, the system succeeded in the clinical routine work as the primary source for radiological reports and images as well as for laboratory values. Conclusion: The advantages of digitalization were, besides reduction of film cost, especially optimizations of work flow with access to digital images from every where at any time. (orig.) [German] Ziel: Das Institut fuer Radiologische Diagnostik am Universitaetsklinikum Muenchen - Innenstadt versorgt mit mehreren, dezentral gelegenen Roentgenbereichen alle klinischen Abteilungen eines grossen Universitaetsklinikums. In einem Projekt der vergangenen vier Jahre wurden alle Bereiche durch die schrittweise Installation eines PACS vollstaendig digitalisiert. Dabei wurden auch nuklearmedizinische Bilddaten aus der Klinik und Poliklinik fuer Nuklearmedizin im System verarbeitet. Methoden: Eingesetzt wurden als Bilderzeuger, Archivsystem und Befundungsstationen Geraete unterschiedlicher Hersteller, die dank des DICOM Standards in einem einheitlichen System integriert sind. Neben dem PACS wurde von Mitarbeitern der Klinik ein RIS und ein Intranet

  19. Energy-Atlas Bavaria. Route planner for your energy transformation; Energie-Atlas Bayern. Routenplaner fuer Ihre Energiewende

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schneider, Michael [Bayerisches Landesamt fuer Umwelt, Augsburg (Germany). Oekoenergie-Institut; Bock, Melanie; Bleckmann, Friederike [Bayerisches Landesamt fuer Umwelt, Augsburg (Germany). Ref. 12 Kommunikation, internationale Zusammenarbeit


    The energy-atlas offers among others following contents: Overview about facilities for the production of renewable energies, favorable and less favorable sites for the production of renewable energies, foundations for the planning, contact persons and examples from practice, informations on technologies, fundings, and authorizations, tips for the correct proceeding in the application of renewable energies. (HSI)

  20. GSF-Forschungszentrum fuer Umwelt und Gesundheit, Institut fuer Hydrologie. Annual report 1995; GSF-Forschungszentrum fuer Umwelt und Gesundheit, Institut fuer Hydrologie. Jahresbericht 1995

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The 1995 annual report of the Institute of Hydrology presents the findings of 19 current research projects on different subjects in hydrology. It is supplemented by information on cooperation with other scientific institutions in the form of lists of publications and reports, lectures and posters, university teaching projects, and finished and current dissertations. (VHE) [Deutsch] Der Jahresbericht 1995 des Institutes fuer Hydrologie im GSF-Forschungszentrum fuer Umwelt und Gesundheit stellt die Ergebnisse von derzeit 19 laufenden Untersuchungen zu unterschiedlichen hydrologischen Themen vor. Ergaenzt werden die Ausfuehrungen durch einen Ueberblick ueber die Zusammenarbeit mit anderen wissenschaftlichen Institutionen in Form von Verzeichnissen der Veroeffentlichungen und Berichte, der Vortraege und Poster, der Beitraege zur Lehre an Hochschulen sowie der abgeschlossenen und laufenden Dissertationen. (VHE)


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    Halimah Halimah


    Full Text Available Background: Life expectacy in Indonesia was increasing every year as impact of access to health services. On 2004 number of elderly people is 16.5 million, 52.6% is female. The most health problem facing by female elderly was osteoporosis that it proved by incidence of osteoporosis among female was higher than male. In fact of that one out of three female tends to have osteoporosis; meanwhile the incidence among male is one out of seven. The objective of this study was to know the length of time for bone development in order to increase the mineral bone density up to 1.5% and 3 percentages in three measurement locations (lumbal, femur, radius. Method: The study has probed as well as the influence factors of bone growth among the osteoporosis patients who were examinated their bone at Klinik Makmal Terpadu Imunoendokrinologi FK UI. This is a longitudinal study with scope in clinical area which include the secondary data analysis form medical record data. The total sample was 52 osteoporosis patients. Analysis survival application is performed for data analysis by using variable time and event from January 2004 to December 2007. The analysis in this study is univariate, bivariate,Kaplan-Meier method, and multivariate with double regresi cox. The factors related with time of remodeling bone were medication standard operating procedure (SOP, and body mass index (BMI. Results: Medication SOP in Klinik Makmal has faster time of remodeling bone and significant result comparing with SOP in other policlinic; on lumbal (event 1.5% and 3% and femur (event 1.5%. Patients with BMI <25 has faster time remodeling bone than patients BMI >25 on femur 1.5%. Contraception group and patient’s age have not enough provided the different time of remodeling bone in those measurement. SOP hazard ratio on lumbal was 3.359, it means patient who receive therapy in Klinik Makmal has 3.36 times chance to have lumbal remodeling bone up to 1.5%. Meanwhile, medication SOP

  2. Controlling applied to information processing: quality management applied to IP projects and IP services; Informationsverarbeitungs-Controlling: Qualitaetsmanagement fuer IV-Projekte und fuer IV-Service

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Becker, B. [Vereinigung Deutscher Elektrizitaetswerke e.V. (VDEW), Frankfurt am Main (Germany); Beckers, F. [Isar-Amperwerke AG, Muenchen (Germany); Dewald, N. [Bayernwerk AG, Muenchen (Germany); Hauffe, P. [Pfalzwerke AG, Ludwigshafen am Rhein (Germany); Hein, F. [EVS AG Stuttgart (Germany); Hoederath, M. [Vereinigte Elektrizitaetswerke Westfalen AG (VEW), Dortmund (Germany); Seyen, R. [Staedtische Werke Nuernberg GmbH (Germany)


    The working group on information processing (IP) basics (in German: `IV-Grundlagen`) has prepared this contribution dealing with controlling applied to information processing. This new report, on the one hand, takes into consideration the role of the organizational IP unit as one offering its services to all sections of a company. On the other hand, information processing as an operational infrastructure influencing all business processes becomes increasingly important with respect to the competitiveness of the EVU. Therefore, quality management applied to IP projects and IP services must support this development. (orig./RHM) [Deutsch] Der VDEW Arbeitskreis `IV-Grundlagen` hat einen Beitrag zum Controlling fuer die Informationsverarbeitung erstellt. Hier geht zum einen die Rolle der Organisationseinheit IV als Dienstleister fuer alle Unternehmensbereiche ein. Zum anderen gewinnt die Informationsverarbeitung als betriebliche Infrastruktur fuer alle Geschaeftsprozesse zunehmende Bedeutung fuer die Wettbewerbsfaehigkeit der EVU. Das Qualitaetsmanagement fuer IV-Projekte und fuer IV-Service muss dies unterstuetzen. (orig./RHM)

  3. The GABA-A benzodiazepine receptor complex: Role of pet and spect in neurology and psychiatry; Der GABA-A-benzodiazepinrezeptorkomplex: Rolle von PET und SPECT in Neurologie und Psychiatrie

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Juengling, F.D. [Abt. fuer Nuklearmedizin, Radiologie III, Universitaetsklinik Ulm (Germany); Schaefer, M.; Heinz, A. [Klinik fuer Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie, Charite, Humboldt-Univ. zu Berlin (Germany)


    Nuclear medicine imaging techniques such as positron emission tomography (PET) and single photon emission tomography (SPECT) for selective depiction of GABA-A-benzodiazepine receptor (GBZR) binding are complementary investigations in the diagnostic process of neurological and psychiatric disorders. This review summarizes the current knowledge about options and limitations of PET and SPECT for in vivo diagnostics in neurology and psychiatry. The growing importance of GBZR-imaging for the understanding of pathophysiology and pharmacological treatment in different psychiatric syndromes is discussed. (orig.) [German] Mit der Entwicklung selektiver Liganden fuer den GABA-A-Benzodiazepinrezeptorkomplex (GBZR) hat die nuklearmedizinische Bildgebung mittels positronen-emissionstomographie (PET) und single-photon-emissionscomputertomographie (SPECT) einen festen Stellenwert fuer Klinik und Forschung in der Neurologie und Psychiatrie erlangt. Die vorliegende Ueberblicksarbeit fasst den aktuellen Wissensstand von Anwendungsmoeglichkeiten und -grenzen der nuklearmedizinischen Bildgebung der GBZR in vivo zusammen und beleuchtet ihren klinischen Nutzen. Die wachsende Bedeutung fuer das Verstaendnis der Pathophysiologie und pharmakotherapeutischer Konzepte unterschiedlicher psychiatrischer Erkrankungen wird herausgestellt. (orig.)

  4. Ultrasound motion tracking for radiation therapy; Ultraschallbewegungstracking fuer die Strahlentherapie

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jenne, J. [Fraunhofer-Institut fuer Bildgestuetzte Medizin MEVIS, Bremen (Germany); Mediri GmbH, Heidelberg (Germany); Schwaab, J. [Mediri GmbH, Heidelberg (Germany)


    bzw. -kompensation werden zurzeit untersucht oder schon in der Klinik angewendet. Die Sonographie ist eine vielversprechende Option, die nun kurz vor der klinischen Implementierung steht. Hoher Weichteilkontrast, Echtzeitfaehigkeit, Verzicht auf ionisierende Strahlung sowie relativ geringe Anschaffungskosten zeichnen den Ultraschall besonders fuer diesen Zweck aus. Ultraschallbewegungstracking ist ein bildbasierter Ansatz, d. h. das Zielvolumen oder eine damit verbundene Struktur werden direkt beobachtet und deren Bewegung automatisch auf dem Ultraschallbild nachverfolgt. Diverse Algorithmen stehen derzeit zur Verfuegung, die sowohl aus 2-D- als auch 3-D-Bildern die aktuellen Koordinaten einer Zielstruktur liefern. Die Auswahl eines passenden Schallfensters ist jedoch nicht trivial, und ein Goldstandard fuer die Positionierung und Halterung des Schallkopfs wurde noch nicht erarbeitet. Ausserdem sind die Verarbeitung der Koordinateninformation an der Therapieeinheit sowie die dynamische Anpassung des Strahlfeldes grosse Herausforderungen. Es ist offen, ob sich Ultraschallbewegungstracking in der klinischen Routine etabliert, obwohl alle technischen Voraussetzungen als erfuellt angesehen werden koennen, sodass weiterhin spannende Entwicklungen in diesem Forschungsfeld zu erwarten sind. (orig.)

  5. Bundesanstalt fuer Strahlenschutz. Annual report 2013; Bundesanstalt fuer Strahlenschutz. Jahresbericht 2013

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ebermann, Lutz (comp.)


    The annual report 2013 of the Bundesamt fuer Strahlenschutz covers the following issues: from scientific research to preventive consumer protection, actual questions of radiation protection actual challenges in the frame of environmental radiation monitoring; radioactive waste disposal; actual questions on the safety of nuclear technology. The report includes a list of publications.

  6. Comparative retrospective studies on the findings of CT, sonography, urography, and angiography in retroperitoneal organ structures - random study on a mixed group of subjects

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Spahn, J.


    The objective of this dissertation was, in a retrospective study, to compare the diagnostic accuracy of the CT with that of sonography and, as far as possible, of other X-ray methods for kidneys, the pancreas, suprarenal glands and retroperitoneal lymph nodes. The data of all patients was looked at who were examined in the afore mentioned regions using a computerised tomograph, at the Deutsche Klinik fuer Diagnostik in Wiesbaden between May 1978 and January 1980. In all, 288 cases were studied. (orig./MG) [de

  7. Fibre-reinforced ceramics for vehicle brakes; Faserverstaerkte Keramiken fuer Bremsenanwendungen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Krenkel, W. [DLR Deutsches Zentrum fuer Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V., Stuttgart (Germany). Inst. fuer Bauweisen- und Konstruktionsforschung


    In the context of their aerospace research activities, DLR (Deutsches Zentrum fuer Luft- und Raumfahrt) developed a new process for producing ceramic fibre composite materials that are extremely light and tough. Apart from their applications in aerospace engineering, they have great potential for motor brakes with improved friction and wear characteristics. Excellent results were achieved with the new materials even with conventional brake liners. With customised liners, brake life may be prolonged to match the car life. Further applications are expected in trucks for transport in hazardous materials, high-speed trains, aircraft, industrial machinery and plants, and conveyor systems. [German] Im Rahmen der Raumfahrt-Forschung wurde vom Deutschen Zentrum fuer Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR) das Fluessigsilicier-Verfahren zur Herstellung von keramischen Verbundwerkstoffen entwickelt. Diese extrem leichten und bruchzaehen Faserkeramiken haben sich unter den besonderen Bedingungen des Weltraums beispielsweise fuer Hitzeschutzstrukturen von Raumfahrzeugen hervorragend bewaehrt. Darueber hinaus zeigten Untersuchungen ein hohes Anwendungspotenzial fuer neue Bremsen mit deutlich verbesserten Reibungs- und Verschleisseigenschaften. Weiterentwicklungen des keramischen Gefueges fuehrten zu innovativen Leichtbau- bzw. Hochleistungs-Bremsen auf der Basis dieser harten und hitzebestaendigen Verbundwerkstoffe. Bereits mit serienmaessigen Bremsbelaegen wurden die heute geltenden Verschleiss- und Reibwertanforderungen teilweise weit uebertroffen. Die Leistungsfaehigkeit heutiger Bremssysteme kann damit deutlich gesteigert und die ungefederte Masse des Fahrwerks drastisch reduziert werden. Mit der zielgerichteten Anpassung geeigneter Belaege auf die neuen Keramik-Bremsscheiben scheint erstmals ein Einsatz von Lebensdauerbremsen moeglich zu sein, deren geringe Verschleissraten einen Austausch der Bremsscheiben waehrend der Betriebszeit eines Fahrzeugs ueberfluessig machen. Neben der

  8. Oncology. Pt. 1. General part, epidemiology - pathogenesis - basic principles of therapy. 2. upd. ed.; Die Onkologie. T. 1. Allgemeiner Teil, Epidemiologie - Pathogenese - Grundprinzipien der Therapie

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hiddemann, Wolfgang [Muenchen Univ. Klinikum Grosshadern (Germany). Medizinische Klinik und Poliklinik III; Bartram Claus R. (eds.) [Heidelberg Univ. (Germany). Inst. fuer Humangenetik


    The book Oncology is aimed to communicate the compiled knowledge on tumor development and cancer: fundamental knowledge base, practice related know-how for diagnostics and therapy. Part 1 includes the following chapters: epidemiology and pathogenesis, basic principles of diagnostics, basic principles of therapy, complication of malign growth, tumors in the gastrointestinal tract, female genital carcinomas, kidney and urinary tract carcinomas, respiratory tract and lung carcinomas, carcinomas in the head - neck area, bone and soft tissue carcinomas, pediatric tumors, hematological neoplasm, other carcinomas. The book can be used as reference for clinical work. [German] Die gesamte Onkologie - verlaessliches Wissen fuer Ihre Kompetenz. ''Die Onkologie'' stellt sich der Herausforderung, das staendig wachsende Wissen ueber Tumorerkrankungen in seiner Gesamtheit zu vermitteln. Sowohl inhaltlich als auch didaktisch auf hoechsten Niveau: Fundiertes Grundlagenwissen zum umfassenden Nachschlagen Praxisrelevantes Know-how fuer Diagnostik und Therapie Systematischer Aufbau fuer das Verstaendnis der komplexen Zusammenhaenge Die Onkologie - eine Enzyklopaedie der modernen klinischen Tumorlehre. Angesehene Experten aus Klinik, Forschung und Praxis liefern Ihnen in Teil1 klinisches Grundlagenwissen zu den Grundprinzipien der Therapie, Epidemiologie, Aetiologie und Pathogenese, sowie zu Komplikationen des malignen Wachstums. Zum Nachschlagen und Anwenden: finden Sie alle Optionen - auch fuer Ihren schwierigsten Fall. Der uebersichtliche Aufbau und die exzellenten Abbildungen erleichtern Ihnen das schnelle Auffinden und Verstaendnis der gesuchten Informationen. Fuer den Alltag onkologisch taetiger Aerzte ist Die Onkologie ein unentbehrlicher Meilenstein. (orig.)

  9. Post-operative X-ray morphology: Joints. Handbook and atlas for clinical and practical use. Postoperative Roentgenmorphologie: Gelenke. Handbuch und Atlas fuer Klinik und Praxis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vogel, H.


    The description of X-ray findings after operations with the object of implanting protheses in joints makes up most of the contents of this book. The reconstruction of joints after trauma is only marginally dealt with. Among the various indications for implanting protheses, the replacement of joints destroyed by wear and trauma is the most important. Also considered were X-ray examinations after hallux-valgus operations and plastic surgery on hands and feet, as well as X-ray findings following operations on the lumbar part of the vertebral column (disc surgery).

  10. Research for energy efficiency; Forschung fuer Energieeffizienz

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The Federal Ministry of Economy enhanced its funding for research in the field of non-nuclear energy in the programme ''Forschung fuer Energieeffizienz'' (Research for Energy Efficiency). The programme focuses on established areas like modern power plant technologies (''Moderne Kraftwerkstechnologien''), fuel cells and hydrogen (''Brennstoffzelle, Wasserstoff''), and energy-optimized building construction (''Energieoptimiertes Bauen''). New subjects are energy-efficient towns and cities (''Energieeffiziente Stadt''), power grids for future power supply (''Netze fuer die Stromversorgung der Zukunft''), power storage (''Stromspeicher''), and electromobility (''Elektromobilitaet''). The brochure presents research and demonstration projects that illustrate the situation in 2010 when the programme was initiated. (orig.)

  11. Fibre-reinforced ceramics for vehicle brakes; Faserverstaerkte Keramiken fuer Bremsenanwendungen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Krenkel, W. [DLR Deutsches Zentrum fuer Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V., Stuttgart (Germany). Inst. fuer Bauweisen- und Konstruktionsforschung


    Fibre-reinforced ceramics are extremely light, with a high fracture toughness, and have a high potential for applications in motor brakes. It is envisaged that they will last through the whole vehicle life. They can be used in passenger cars, industrial vehicles, high-speed trains, aircraft and in safety brakes in machines, plants and haulage systems. [German] Im Rahmen der Raumfahrt-Forschung wurde vom Deutschen Zentrum fuer Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR) das Fluessigsilicier-Verfahren zur Herstellung von keramischen Verbundwerkstoffen entwickelt. Diese extrem leichten und bruchzaehen Faserkeramiken haben sich unter den besonderen Bedingungen des Weltraums beispielsweise fuer Hitzeschutzstrukturen von Raumfahrzeugen hervorragend bewaehrt. Darueber hinaus zeigten Untersuchungen ein hohes Anwendungspotenzial fuer neue Bremsen mit deutlich verbesserten Reibungs- und Verschleisseigenschaften. Weiterentwicklungen des keramischen Gefueges fuehrten zu innovativen Leichtbau- bzw. Hochleistungs-Bremsen auf der Basis dieser harten und hitzebestaendigen Verbundwerkstoffe. Bereits mit serienmaessigen Bremsbelaegen wurden die heute geltenden Verschleiss- und Reibwertanforderungen teilweise weit uebertroffen. Die Leistungsfaehigkeit heutiger Bremssysteme kann damit deutlich gesteigert und die ungefederte Masse des Fahrwerks drastisch reduziert werden. Mit der zielgerichteten Anpassung geeigneter Belaege auf die neuen Keramik-Bremsscheiben scheint erstmals ein Einsatz von Lebensdauerbremsen moeglich zu sein, deren geringe Verschleissraten einen Austausch der Bremsscheiben waehrend der Betriebszeit eines Fahrzeugs ueberfluessig machen. Neben der Verwendung dieser innovativen Leichtbaubremsen im PKW-Bereich wird zukuenftig deren Einsatz auch fuer Gefahrguttransporter, Hochgeschwindigkeitszuege, Flugzeuge und fuer Sicherheitsbremsen im Maschinen- und Anlagenbau sowie in der Foerdertechnik erwartet. (orig.)

  12. CERN: 500 Millionen fuer neuen Teilchenbeschleuniger

    CERN Multimedia


    "Die 20 Mitgliederlaender des Europaeischen Labors fuer Teilchenphysik in Genf CERN haben einen Sparplan zur Finanzierung eines neuen Teilchenbeschleunigers gut geheissen. Rund 500Millionen Franken sollen zu diesem Zweck uminvestiert werden" (1/2 page).

  13. The chromatography plant in Wuerzburg for the decontamination of sewage containing 131I

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lassmann, M.; Haenscheid, H.; Alt, P.; Boerner, W.


    The effluents of the radioiodine therapy ward of the Klinik und Poliklinik fuer Nuklearmedizin der Universitaet Wuerzburg are decontaminated by a new plant working by the chromatography principle. The decontamination effect is caused by adsorption of 131 I to activated coal. From January 1992 to September 1993 1280 GBq 131 I were administered to patients. During this period 1028 m 3 of sewage was gathered in the plant corresponding to an input of 0.15 m 3 per patient and day. The water leaving the chromatography plant was contaminated with less than 7 kBq/m 3 131 I. (orig.) [de

  14. Bundesamt fuer Strahlenschutz 1989-2014

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ebermann, Lutz


    The information on the Bundesamt fuer Strahlenschutz 1989-2014 includes the following contributions: Bfs concentrates the radiation protection expertise; knowledge generation, knowledge testing knowledge application: the BfS as scientific organization; radiation protection and health; radiation protection and environment, safety of nuclear waste management; safety in nuclear technology; specific challenges for BfS.

  15. Bundesforschungsanstalt fuer Ernaehrung. Annual report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The 1994 annual report of the Bundesforschungsanstalt fuer Ernaehrung describes the tasks, structure and staff and fields of research of this institution and its scientific cooperation with other institutions. The report is supplemented by an alphabetic list off all publications. The BFE specializes in research on nutritional, food and ecotrophological sciences. (vhe) [de


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Am Maisarah Disrinama


    Full Text Available Intention of buying product or service is very important thing on purchasing stage. It depends on alternatives evaluation process on pre purchasing stage.  K4 Pregnant woman has to decide the place to birth. The objective of this study is to create recommendation to increase Normal Labour on K4 Pregnant Women using Brand Image Analysis dan Three Stage Model of Service Consumption in Klinik Pratama Rawat Inap Rumah Bersalin Gratis Rumah Zakat. This research uses observasional analytic and prospective cohort. The primary data is collected two times, before and after delivery process. There are 54 respondents, whether all of K4 pregnant women with pregnancy age are more than 32 weeks. The samples were taken from March to August 2014. The result shows that some characteristics have relationship with purchasing decision. The recommendations consist of product, place, promotion, people, process, and physical evidence. Overall, the head of branch needs to fix the service for mother and child evaluation soon.

  17. The use potential of aquifer thermal energy storage systems in Canada; Das Anwendungspotential fuer Aquiferwaermespeichersysteme in Kanada

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cruickshanks, F. [Environment Canada, Dartmouth, ON (Canada); Morofski, E. [Government Services Canada, Ottawa, ON (Canada). Technology RD and D


    This paper offers a brief overview of the historical and technical aspects of aquifer thermal energy storage and its use potential in commercial buildings in Canada. Aquifer thermal energy storage systems are now attractive both for new commercial buildings in Canada and for some already existing ones. This holds true especially of the Atlantic region, where fuel costs are rising and electric power rates vary according to the time of day. The simple pay-back period for ATES systems is between zero and five years. The economic aspects of the use of ATES systems in buildings are pointed out. (orig./BWI) [Deutsch] Dieser Beitrag gibt eine kurze Uebersicht der historischen und technischen Aspekte der Waermespeicherung in Aquiferen und deren Verwendungspotential in kommerziellen Gebaeuden in Kanada. Aquiferwaermespeicherungssysteme sind nunmehr attraktiv sowohl fuer neue als auch fuer manche bereits bestehenden kommerziellen Gebaeude in Kanada. Dies gilt insbesondere fuer die atlantische Region wegen der dort steigenden Kosten fuer Brennstoffe und tageszeitabhaengigen fuer elektrischen Strom. Die einfache Amortisationszeit fuer ATES-Systeme liegt zwischen null und fuenf Jahren. Die wirtschaftlichen Gesichtspunkte des Einsatzes von ATES-Systemen in kommerziellen Gebaeuden werden angefuehrt. (orig./BWI)

  18. Feasibility study for new ecolabels for the product group: Wood pellet firings. Final report; Machbarkeitsstudie fuer neue Umweltzeichen fuer die Produktgruppe: Holzpelletfeuerungen. Endbericht

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hoffmann, E.; Weiss, J.; Hirschl, B.


    This assessment is a feasibility study according to ISO 14024. It deals with the question whether an ecolabel is suitable for wood pellet heating systems and how concrete criteria for an ecolabel for wood pellet heating plants could be specified. The study begins with a comprehensive market analysis in order to identify possible plants for which an ecolabel would make sense. In the main part of the study, the environmental relevance of the chosen plants is analysed. For this analysis, plant manufacturers were interviewed and a comparison between wood pellet heating systems and heating systems which use gas, oil or wood was carried out. On the basis of this analysis, it was possible to derive a number of criteria which were discussed with company representatives and other experts in this field. As a result of this dialogue and the investigation process as a whole, the introduction of an ecolabel for wood pellet heating plants can be recommended. Wood pellet heating systems are characterized by their high level of automatation and the use of standardized fuels with constant high quality. Thus, they reach high combustion quality with low emission rates, and risks of misuse are minimized. They may contribute to the increased use of renewable energies and thereby to the achievement of climate protection goals. The proposed certification principles comprise requirements regarding (a) the efficient energy use (efficiency factor under partial load and nominal load, plant's supplementary energy consumption), (b) emission values for CO, NO{sub x}, dust and organic substances, (c) the offer of additional services, as well as (d) requirements with regard to the operating instructions. The transcription of the label is proposed as 'Ecolabel.. because low emission and energy-efficient'. (orig.) [German] Beim vorliegenden Gutachten handelt es sich um eine Machbarkeitsstudie nach ISO 14024. Es behandelt die Frage, ob ein Umweltzeichen fuer Holzpelletfeuerungen

  19. Bundesanstalt fuer Strahlenschutz. Annual report 2013

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ebermann, Lutz


    The annual report 2013 of the Bundesamt fuer Strahlenschutz covers the following issues: from scientific research to preventive consumer protection, actual questions of radiation protection actual challenges in the frame of environmental radiation monitoring; radioactive waste disposal; actual questions on the safety of nuclear technology. The report includes a list of publications.

  20. Postsurgical telecobalt radiotherapy of mammary carcinomas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liebl, R.


    The first part of the study is a literature survey. The second part deals with patients and results of radiotherapy of the Klinik and Poliklinik fuer Radiologie der Universitaet Muenchen. The patients with mammary carcinomas, who were treated between 1960 and 1969 were classified according to the TNM classification or they were attributed to stage I or II or III. When the therapy was begun, the mean age of the patients was 55 years, 80% of the patients was between 40 and 60 years old, 45% of the patients were in stage I, 35% in stage II and almost 20% in stage III. (orig./MG) [de

  1. Atlas and toolbook of MR mammography; Lehratlas der MR-Mammographie

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fischer, U. [Universitaetsklinikum Goettingen (Germany). Abt. Roentgendiagnostik I; Brinck, U. [Universitaetsklinikum Goettingen (Germany). Abt. Pathologie und Pathologische Anatomie


    This richly illustrated toolbook and atlas contains information on all aspects of nmr diagnostic imaging of benign or malignant neoplasms of female and male mammary glands. It offers pinpointed guidance and insight for vocational training and continuing training of radiology assistants, students and medical radiologists. (orig./AJ) [German] Die MRT als hochaufloesendes und schaedigungsfreies Diagnostikum gewinnt gerade in der emotional stark besetzten Mammadiagnostik zunehmend an Bedeutung. Dennoch beherrschen nur wenige Zentren im deutschsprachigen Raum diese Technik, die - eine hohe Reproduzierbarkeit bei fehlender Belastung fuer die Patientin bietet, - invasive Karzinome bereits ab einer Groesse von 5 mm mit hoher Zuverlaessigkeit ausschliessen kann und - gerade bei widerspruechlichen Befunden zwischen klinischer Untersuchung, Roentgenmammographie und perkutaner Biopsie eine wesentliche Entscheidungshilfe bieten kann. Aus einem der fuehrenden Zentren in der MR-Mammographie wurde daher dieser praxisnahe, opulent ausgestattete und weit ueber die reine Bildinformation hinausgehende 'Einstiegs- und Lehratlas' entwickelt. Er bietet Radiologen in Fort- und Weiterbildung, aber auch Gynaekologen mit ueber 400 Abbildungen klare Antworten auf die Fragen. (orig./AJ)

  2. Bayerisches Landesamt fuer Umweltschutz. Annual report 1999; Bayerisches Landesamt fuer Umweltschutz. Taetigkeitsbericht 1999

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The annual report informs about the activities of the Bavarian Land Office for Environmental Protection in the following fields: clean air policy, waste management, management of soil pollution and remedial action, nuclear energy and radiation protection, nature conservation and landscape conservation, LfU laboratory, environmental hygiene, and data processing (SR) [German] Der vorliegende Bericht beschreibt die Taetigkeiten des Bayerischen Landesamtes fuer Umweltschutz auf folgenden Gebieten: Immissionsschutz, Abfallwirtschaft, Altlasten und Bodenschutz, Kernenergie und Strahlenschutz, Naturschutz und Landschaftspflege, Zentrallabors und Umwelthygiene, sowie Datenverarbeitung. (SR)

  3. Part-turn gearboxes for electric actuators; Schwenkgetriebe fuer elektrische Stellantriebe

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Herbstritt, M. [Riester (W.) GmbH und Co. KG, Muellheim (Germany)


    Different types of gearboxes provide a useful complement to the electric actuator type ranges. The gearboxes can be combined with the actuators in many ways. Multi-turn actuators, for example, can be turned into part-turn actuators. When using a modular system, a suitable solution for almost any automation task in the field of industrial valves can be found. (orig.) [German] Sinnvoll ergaenzt werden elektrische Stellantriebe fuer Armaturen durch verschiedene Arten von Getrieben. Die Getriebe sind in vielfaeltiger Weise mit den Stellantrieben kombinierbar. So werden beispielsweise aus Drehantrieben Schwenkantriebe. Mit einem Baukasten-System laesst sich so fuer nahezu jede Automatisierungsaufgabe im Bereich der Industriearmaturen eine passende Loesung finden. (orig.)

  4. Testing of corrosion resistant materials for evaporation plants for waste water from wet scrubbing of flue gas from power plants; Erprobung korrosionsbestaendiger Werkstoffe fuer Eindampfanlagen fuer Abwasser aus der Rauchgasreinigung von Grossfeuerungsanlagen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Riedel, G. [Institut fuer Korrosionsschutz GmbH, Dresden (Germany); Stenner, F.; Brill, U. [Krupp-VDM GmbH, Werdohl (Germany)


    High alloyed superaustenitic steels and NiCrMo alloys are recommended in consequence of the results of extensive laboratory corrosion experiments under the strong corrosive conditions with up to 360 g chloride content at temperatures up to 85 C. Because results of laboratory corrosion tests are only of limited relevance to the behaviour in practice, field tests were carried out with immersion of welded materials and of heat exchanger tubes under operating conditions of an evaporation plant for waste water from flue gas desulphurization of a coal-fired power plant. Different kinds of high alloy superaustenitic steels and NiCrMo alloys were studied as TIG-welded specimens in immersion tests. (orig.) [German] Hochlegierte Sonderedelstaehle und NiCrMo-Legierungen empfehlen sich aufgrund der Ergebnisse umfassender Laboruntersuchungen unter den stark korrosiven Bedingungen fuer Eindampfanlagen fuer Abwasser aus der Nassreinigung von Rauchgasen von Grossfeuerungsanlagen mit bis zu 360 g/l Chloridgehalt und Temperaturen bis zu 85 C. Weil aber Ergebnisse von Laborpruefungen nur begrenzte Aussagefaehigkeit fuer das Verhalten unter Praxisbedingungen haben, wurden Feldversuche mit der Auslagerung geschweisster Werkstoffe und von Waermetauscherrohren unter Betriebsbedingungen einer Eindampfanlage fuer Abwasser aus der Rauchgasentschwefelung eines kohlebefeuerten Kraftwerks durchgefuehrt. (orig.)

  5. Utilizing offshore potentials for wind power generation; Nutzung der Offshore-Potentiale fuer die Windenergie

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hannemann, H. [Neptun Industrie GmbH, Rostock (Germany)


    The contribution discusses the importance of the offshore market and recommends measures to develop it. A turnkey offer is required for exports, which means that all organisations cooperating in the pilot project must prove their competence. The status of a pilot project in the Baltic Sea and the further plans for the park (20 systems, 40 MW, more than 10 km off the coast, water depth about 20 m) are reviewed. [German] Zur Erschliessung des Offshore - Marktes fuer Windenergieanlagen ist es erforderlich, die Technologie ''vor der eigenen Haustuer'' demonstrieren zu koennen. Nach einer Betrachtung der europaeischen Offshore - Windenergie - Potentiale und der davon moeglicherweise nutzbaren Anteile wird die Bedeutung des Offshore - Marktes deutlich. Besonders fuer die Hersteller ist der Offshore - Markt fuer den langfristigen Export von besonderer Bedeutung. Um den Export zu realisieren, ist ein Turnkey - Angebot erforderlich, so dass im Pilotprojekt alle an der gesamten Realisation beteiligten Organisationen ihre Kompetenz beweisen muessen und koennen. Der Stand eines Pilotprojektes in der Ostsee und die weitere Planung fuer den Park (20 Anlagen, 40 MW, >10 km Kuestenentfernung, ca. 20 m Wassertiefe) wird dargestellt. (orig.)

  6. Gesellschaft fuer Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS). Annual report 2013/14; Gesellschaft fuer Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS). Jahresbericht 2013/14

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The annual report 2013/14 of the Gesellschaft fuer Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS) includes projects and key activities on the following issues: reactor safety, waste disposal, radiation protection, environmental protection and the support of foreign authorities and TSO. The project executing organizations, the governmental funding, share holding and subsidiaries are summarized.

  7. Cross-disciplinary management of polytrauma patients: radiological screening and comparison; Interdisziplinaeres Management von polytraumatisierten Patienten: Beitrag der Radiologie

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Messmer, P. [Universitaetskliniken Basel, Dept. Chirurgie, Allgemeinchirurgische Klinik, Abt. Traumatologie (Switzerland); Loew, R.; Jacob, A.L. [Universitaetskliniken Basel, Dept. Medizinische Radiologie, Abt. Diagnostische Radiologie (Switzerland)


    The comprehensive survey addresses the various modalities available today for trauma screening and presents a comparative assessment of their value in respect of type of trauma and evidence provided. (orig./CB) [German] Die Versorgung polytraumatischer Patienten stellt hoechste Anforderungen an das Koennen des Radiologen. Neben einer schnellen und schonenden Durchfuehrung der notwendigen Diagnostik darf keine potenziell lebensbedrohende Verletzung uebersehen werden. Die Kriterien fuer eine rationelle Diagnostik wurden im ATLS-Kurs (Advanced Trauma Life Support) zusammengefasst. Es gilt, die sog. 'golden hour' moeglichst effektiv fuer die Primaerdiagnostik und -therapie zu nutzen. Haeufige Verletzungsformen beim Polytrauma sind das Schaedel-Hirn-Trauma, Thoraxverletzungen, Milzverletzungen, Leberverletzungen und Frakturen von Becken, Wirbelsaeule und Extremitaeten. Die Primaere und Sekundaere Radiologische Diagnostik ist abhaengig von der Ausstattung der Klinik und besteht aus einer abdominellen Sonographie, Thorax ap, Beckenuebersicht ap, Halswirbelsaeule seitlich sowie falls vorhanden aus CT und Angiographie. Ein definitiver Schritt zur Verkuerzung der Zeit bis zur Behandlung waeren sterile OP-Einheiten mit integrierter Roentgendiagnostik (moeglichst nativ und CT), die ein staendiges Umlagern und Transportieren des Patienten verhindern koennten. (orig.)

  8. Noninfectious differential diagnoses of pneumonia; Nichtinfektioese Differenzialdiagnosen von Pneumonien

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wielandner, A.; Toelly, A. [Medizinische Universitaet Wien, Universitaetsklinik fuer Radiologie und Nuklearmedizin, Wien (Austria); Agarwal, P. [Medizinische Universitaet Freiburg, Universitaetsklinik fuer Radiologie, Freiburg (Germany); Bardach, C. [Krankenhaus Hietzing, Abteilung fuer Radiologie, Wien (Austria)


    In patients with a clinical suspicion of pneumonia, typical clinical and laboratory features along with the detection of infiltrates on chest X-ray are as a rule considered diagnostic and therapy is immediately initiated; however, studies have shown that in up to 5% of patients with an initial suspicion of pneumonia, another noninfectious pulmonary disease was the underlying cause. Early recognition and differentiation of diseases mimicking pneumonia are prerequisites for an adequate therapy. The aim of this review is to present the important noninfectious differential diagnoses of pneumonia and to provide the reader with tools for a systematic diagnostic approach. A literature search was carried out. As alterations in the lungs often result in similar imaging appearances and a differentiation between transudates, exsudates, blood and cells is not feasible by chest X-ray or CT, a systematic approach is essential to make an appropriate diagnosis. Hence, consideration of the temporal course, predominant pattern, distribution of findings, additional findings and clinical presentation are indispensable. (orig.) [German] Bei der Verdachtsdiagnose Pneumonie sind die Kombination aus typischer Klinik, Labor und der Nachweis einer Verdichtung in der Roentgenthoraxaufnahme in der Regel diagnostisch und es wird umgehend mit der Therapie begonnen. Studien haben jedoch gezeigt, dass bei bis zu 5 % der Patienten mit Erstverdacht auf Pneumonie eine andere (pulmonale) Erkrankung zugrunde liegt. Ein fruehzeitiges Erkennen und eine Differenzierung von Erkrankungen, die eine Pneumonie vortaeuschen, sind fuer die weitere Behandlung essenziell. Uebersicht ueber wesentliche nichtinfektioese Differenzialdiagnosen der Pneumonie. Es wurde eine Literaturrecherche durchgefuehrt. Da krankhafte Lungenveraenderungen oft aehnliche Bilder hervorrufen und anhand der Roentgenthoraxaufnahme oder der CT-Untersuchung nicht zwischen Blut, Transsudat, Exsudat und Zellen differenziert werden kann, ist

  9. Bipolar tip-II bozuklukta ötimik dönemde psikososyal işlevselliğin klinik ve bilişsel yordayıcıları


    İLHAN, Rifat Serav


    Amaç: Bipolar bozukluğu (BB) olan hastaların, iyileşme dönemlerinde de psikososyal işlevsellik kusuru yaşadıkları bildirilmektedir. Klinik belirtilerin ve bilişsel işlevlerdeki bozulmanın, hastaların ötimik dönemde psikososyal işlevselliğindeki bozulmayı yordadığı üzerinde durulmaktadır. Ancak bu konuya ilişkin bilgiler çoğunlukla, bipolar tip I bozuk...

  10. Steam supply for the Principality of Liechtenstein. Process heat for industrial applications; Dampflieferung fuer das Fuerstentum Liechtenstein. Prozesswaerme fuer die Industrie

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dokter, Ernst [VfA Buchs fuer Kraft-Waerme-Kopplung und das Ferndampfsystem, Buchs (Switzerland)


    Switzerland is leading the world in thermal waste management. There are 29 incinerators (KVA - Kehrichtverbrennungsanlagen) with a capacity of 3.7 million t.p.a. They are operated by industrial or municipal owners and by the Verein fuer Abfallentsorgung Buchs SG. (orig.)

  11. Multiple brain atlas database and atlas-based neuroimaging system. (United States)

    Nowinski, W L; Fang, A; Nguyen, B T; Raphel, J K; Jagannathan, L; Raghavan, R; Bryan, R N; Miller, G A


    For the purpose of developing multiple, complementary, fully labeled electronic brain atlases and an atlas-based neuroimaging system for analysis, quantification, and real-time manipulation of cerebral structures in two and three dimensions, we have digitized, enhanced, segmented, and labeled the following print brain atlases: Co-Planar Stereotaxic Atlas of the Human Brain by Talairach and Tournoux, Atlas for Stereotaxy of the Human Brain by Schaltenbrand and Wahren, Referentially Oriented Cerebral MRI Anatomy by Talairach and Tournoux, and Atlas of the Cerebral Sulci by Ono, Kubik, and Abernathey. Three-dimensional extensions of these atlases have been developed as well. All two- and three-dimensional atlases are mutually preregistered and may be interactively registered with an actual patient's data. An atlas-based neuroimaging system has been developed that provides support for reformatting, registration, visualization, navigation, image processing, and quantification of clinical data. The anatomical index contains about 1,000 structures and over 400 sulcal patterns. Several new applications of the brain atlas database also have been developed, supported by various technologies such as virtual reality, the Internet, and electronic publishing. Fusion of information from multiple atlases assists the user in comprehensively understanding brain structures and identifying and quantifying anatomical regions in clinical data. The multiple brain atlas database and atlas-based neuroimaging system have substantial potential impact in stereotactic neurosurgery and radiotherapy by assisting in visualization and real-time manipulation in three dimensions of anatomical structures, in quantitative neuroradiology by allowing interactive analysis of clinical data, in three-dimensional neuroeducation, and in brain function studies.

  12. Feasibility study for new ecolabels according to ISO 14024 (type 1) within the product group: wood pellet heating systems; Machbarkeitsstudie fuer neue Umweltzeichen fuer die Produktgruppe: Holzpelletfeuerungen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hoffmann, E.; Weiss, J.; Hirschl, B. [Institut fuer Oekologische Wirtschaftsforschung (IOEW) gGmbH, Berlin (Germany)


    This assessment is a feasibility study according to ISO 14024. It deals with the question whether an ecolabel is suitable for wood pellet heating systems and how concrete criteria for an ecolabel for wood pellet heating plants could be specified. The study begins with a comprehensive market analysis in order to identify possible plants for which an ecolabel would make sense. In the main part of the study, the environmental relevance of the chosen plants is analysed. For this analysis, plant manufacturers were interviewed and a comparison between wood pellet heating systems and heating systems which use gas, oil or wood was carried out. On the basis of this analysis, it was possible to derive a number of criteria which were discussed with company representatives and other experts in this field. As a result of this dialogue and the investigation process as a whole, the introduction of an ecolabel for wood pellet heating plants can be recommended. Wood pellet heating systems are characterized by their high level of automatation and the use of standardized fuels with constant high quality. Thus, they reach high combustion quality with low emission rates, and risks of misuse are minimized. They may contribute to the increased use of renewable energies and thereby to the achievement of climate protection goals. The proposed certification principles comprise requirements regarding (a) the efficient energy use (efficiency factor under partial load and nominal load, plant's supplementary energy consumption), (b) emission values for CO, NO{sub x}, dust and organic substances, (c) the offer of additional services, as well as (d) requirements with regard to the operating instructions. The transcription of the label is proposed as 'Ecolabel.. because low emission and energy-efficient'. (orig.) [German] Beim vorliegenden Gutachten handelt es sich um eine Machbarkeitsstudie nach ISO 14024. Es behandelt die Frage, ob ein Umweltzeichen fuer Holzpelletfeuerungen

  13. Bayerisches Landesamt fuer Umweltschutz. Annual report 2004; Bayerisches Landesamt fuer Umweltschutz. Jahresbericht 2004

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Subjects: Central services; Air pollution abatement; Noise and vibration protection; Protection against non-ionising radiation; Waste management, land pollution and soil protection; Nuclear power and radiation protection; Conservation and landscaping; Central technical issues. The tasks of the Landesamt are illustrated by practical examples. [German] Das bayerische Landesamt fuer Umweltschutz stellt in seinem Jahresbericht die Aufgabenschwerpunkte und Taetigkeitwsfelder dar. Der Bericht gliedert sich in die Bereiche: Zentrale Dienste; Luftreinhaltung; Laerm- und Erschuetterungsschutz, Schutz vor nichtionisierender Strahlung; Abfallwirtschaft, Altlasten und Bodenschutz; Kernenergie und Strahlenschutz; Naturschutz und Landschaftspflege; Zentrale Fachaufgaben. Dabei werden anhand von konkreten Beispielen die Aufgaben des Landesamtes erlaeutert. (uke)

  14. Macromolecular contrast media. A new approach for characterising breast tumors with MR-mammography; Makromolekulare Kontrastmittel fuer die MR-Mammographie. Ein neuer Ansatz fuer die Charakterisierung von Mammatumoren

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Daldrup, H.E. [Contrast Media Lab., Dept. of Radiology, California Univ., San Francisco, CA (United States)]|[Muenster Univ. (Germany). Inst. fuer Klinische Radiologie; Roberts, T.P.L.; Roberts, H.C. [Contrast Media Lab., Dept. of Radiology, California Univ., San Francisco, CA (United States)]|[Mainz Univ. (Germany). Klinik und Poliklinik fuer Radiologie; Muehler, A. [Contrast Media Lab., Dept. of Radiology, California Univ., San Francisco, CA (United States)]|[Berlex Laboratories, Wayne, NJ (United States); Gossmann, A. [Contrast Media Lab., Dept. of Radiology, California Univ., San Francisco, CA (United States)]|[Koeln Univ. (Germany). Inst. und Poliklinik fuer Radiologische Diagnostik; Wendland, M.; Brasch, R.C. [Muenster Univ. (Germany). Inst. fuer Klinische Radiologie; Rosenau, W. [California Univ., San Francisco, CA (United States). Dept. of Pathology


    The value of macromolecular contrast agents (MMCM) for the characterization of benign and malignant breast tumors will be demonstrated in this review. Animal studies suggest a high potential of MMCM to increase the specificity of MR-mammography. The concept of tumor differentiation is based on the pathological hyperpermeability of microvessels in malignant tumors. MMCM show a leak into the interstitium of carcinomas, whereas they are confined to the intravascular space in benign tumors. Capabilities and limitations of the MMCM-prototype. Albumin-Gd-DTPA, for breast tumor characterization will be summarized and compared to the standard low molecular weight contrast agent Gd-DTPA. Initial experience with new MMCM, such as Dendrimers, Gd-DTPA-Polylysine and MS-325 will be outlined. The potential of `blood-pool`-iron oxides, such as AMI-227 for the evaluation of tumor microvascular permeabilities will be discussed. (orig.) [Deutsch] Diese Uebersicht stellt den Stellenwert makromolekularer Kontrastmittel (MMKM) fuer die MR-tomographische Charakterisierung von benignen und malignen Mammatumoren dar. Aufgrund experimenteller Studien lassen MMKM eine signifikante Verbesserung der Spezifitaet der dynamischen kontrastmittelunterstuetzten MR-Mammographie erwarten. Das differentialdiagnostische Konzept beruht auf der pathologischen Hyperpermeabilitaet von Kapillaren in Karzinomen, die einen MMKM-Austritt in das Tumorinterstitium bedingt, waehrend die intakten Kapillaren benigner Tumoren nicht permeabel fuer MMKM sind. Diagnostische Moeglichkeiten und Grenzen des MMKM-Prototyps, Albumin-Gd-DTPA (92 kD), werden dargestellt und mit dem niedermolekularen Standard-Kontrastmittel Gd-DTPA (500 D) verglichen. Erste Erfahrungen mit neuen, fuer die klinische Anwendung optimierten MMKM-Praeparaten, wie das Kaskadenpolymer, Gd-DTPA-Polylysine und das MS-325 werden vorgestellt. Das Potential von Blood-pool-Eisenoxidpraeparaten, z.B. AMI-227, fuer die Bestimmung von

  15. 50. Annual meeting of the Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Neuroradiologie. Abstracts

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The volume on the 50th annual meeting of the Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Neuroradiologie includes the abstracts concerning the following issues: infectious central nervous system diseases, neurodegenerations, infarction, petrosal bone pathology, neurointerventions.

  16. 49. Annual meeting of the Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Neuroradiologie. Abstracts

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The conference proceedings of the 48. Annual meeting of the Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Neuroradiologie contain abstracts on the following issues: neuro-oncological imaging, multimodal imaging concepts, subcranial imaging, spinal codes, interventional neuroradiology.

  17. Energy revolution for Africa; Energierevolution fuer Afrika

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gies, Erica


    Decreasing energy costs from renewable sources could enable many African countries to make the leap into a clean future. This would save the continent the detour via the classic dirty sources. [German] Sinkende Kosten fuer Energie aus erneuerbaren Quellen koennten vielen afrikanischen Laendern den Sprung in eine saubere Zukunft ermoeglichen. Damit wuerde sich der Kontinent den Umweg ueber die klassischen schmutzigen Quellen sparen.

  18. Technology for the future; Technik fuer die Zukunft

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dennenmoser, Martin; Steininger, Sebastian [Fraunhofer Institut fuer Solare Energiesysteme ISE, Freiburg im Breisgau (Germany). Electrical Energy Systems (EES)


    The presented case study by the Fraunhofer Institute ISE shows that the market for stationary electrochemical storage prices are currently too high for economical operation. In winter, a battery in Germany is not always fully loaded because of low sunlight. Therefore, the combination of a battery with a PV system at this time of year does not have enough full cycles to be economical. For more complete cycles of the year and consequently lower specific storage cost wind turbines or other power generators can be connected. Since - in contrast to lead acid batteries - there is no experience with long-term storage in lithium and redox flow batteries, this study is based on current forecasts. Compared to lithium-ion batteries, lead-acid and redox flow batteries have a lower efficiency, so that the investment costs of the battery must be lower because fewer savings can be achieved. Especially for short-term storage, the production costs must be reduced. The cost reduction potential of redox flow and lithium-ion batteries is due to the current technical state of development compared to lead acid batteries very high. This means that an economic operation in the future is possible with constant development of electricity and battery prices. [German] Die vorgestellte Fallstudie des Fraunhofer Instituts ISE zeigt, dass die Marktpreise fuer stationaere elektrochemische Speicher aktuell fuer einen wirtschaftlichen Betrieb zu hoch sind. Im Winter wird eine Batterie in Deutschland aufgrund der niedrigen Sonneneinstrahlung nicht immer komplett geladen. Daher hat die Kombination eines Speichers mit einer PV-Anlage zu dieser Jahreszeit nicht genug Vollzyklen, um wirtschaftlich zu sein. Fuer mehr Vollzyklen im Jahr und demzufolge geringere spezifische Speicherkosten koennen Windkraftanlagen oder andere Stromerzeuger angeschlossen werden. Da es- im Gegensatz zu Bleisaeure- Batterien - noch keine Erfahrung mit Langzeitspeichern im Bereich Lithium und Redox-Flow gibt, beruht diese

  19. Threshold limit values, test values and sanitation values for soil sanitation; Richt-, Pruef- und Sanierungswerte fuer den Bodenschutz

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Karlaganis, G.; Dettwiler, J. [Bundesamt fuer Umwelt, Wald und Landschaft (BUWAL), Bern (Switzerland). Abt. Stoffe, Boden, Biotechnologie


    Soils, the basis for human, plant and animal life, are exposed to quantitative and qualitative deterioration. Quantitative deterioration refers to paving of ground but also to erosion and soil destruction. There are new regulations for physical protection of soil which refer to soil erosion, compacting and handling of soil during building construction. (orig.) [Deutsch] Boden als natuerliche Lebensgrundlage fuer Mensch, Tiere und Pflanzen ist quantitativen und qualitativen Beeintraechtigungen ausgesetzt. Als quantitative Beeintraechtigung gilt jede Art von Verminderungen der Boeden durch Bauten und Anlagen, aber auch durch Erosion oder Bodenschwund. Erlassen worden sind nun neue Bestimmungen fuer drei Bereiche des physikalischen Bodenschutzes, naemlich fuer die Bodenerosion, die Bodenverdichtung und fuer den Umgang mit dem Boden vor allem beim Bauen. Die Verordnung vom 1. Juli 1998 ueber Belastungen des Bodens (VBBo`98) erhaelt neu drei Arten von Beurteilungs- bzw. Massnahmewerten, naemlich Richtwerte, Sanierungswerte und Pruefwerte. (orig./ABI)

  20. EMUs for the Oeresund link; Elektrische Triebzuege fuer die Oeresundverbindung

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bengtsson, J.E. [Bombardier Transportation GmbH, Vaesteraas (Sweden)


    Danish and Swedish Railways jointly purchased new EMUs type Contessa for the Oresund Link, starting operation in summer 2000. By high acceleration the three car electric multiple units reach a top speed of 180 km/h. Several EMUs can be coupled quickly to the Flexfrontsystem technology. Further special features are equipments for two different line voltages as well as for two signalling and automatic train control systems and a low floor part. (orig.) [German] Die daenische und die schwedische Eisenbahn haben gemeinsam fuer die Oresund-Verbindung neue dreiteilige Triebzuege Contessa beschafft und im Sommer 2000 in Betrieb genommen. Die elektrischen Triebzuege erreichen mit hoher Beschleunigung 180 km/h Hoechstgeschwindigkeit und koennen dank des Flexfrontsystems schnell zu mehreren gekuppelt werden. Weitere Merkmale sind die Ausruestungen fuer zwei Fahrleitungsspannungen, zwei Signal- und Zugbeeinflussungssysteme sowie ein Niederflurbereich. (orig.)

    1. Significance of CT analysis of regional lymph node metastases in colorectal cancer; Bedeutung der CT fuer die Beurteilung regionaerer Lymphknotenmetastasen bei kolorektalen Karzinomen

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Gomille, T.; Christ, F. [Duesseldorf Univ. (Germany). Abt. fuer Radiologie und Nuklearmedizin; Aleksic, M.; Ulrich, B. [Krankenhaus Gerresheim (Germany). Chirurgische Klinik


      Purpose: For preoperative staging of colorectal cancer a CT scan is frequently performed. This report examines the sensitivity of CT for regional lymph node metastasis of colorectal cancer using different criteria. Materials and methods: Preoperative CT scans of 153 patients with colorectal cancer were analyzed using different criteria for N1. The results were then compared to the postoperative histological findings. Results: For N1=lymph nodes (LN)>1 cm the sensitivity was 47%. For N1=LN>1 cm or an increased number of LN<1 cm the sensitivity was 71%. In patients with a primary tumor seen on CT, sensitivity rose to 87%. Discussion: Evidence of regional nodal metastatic disease is only relevant for rectal cancer, colon polyps, and for locally excised tumors when considering present surgical concepts for the treatment of colorectal cancer. In these cases CT analysis using the broadened criteria for N1 proposes a valuable argument regarding possible preoperative radiotherapy or an operative revision. (orig.) [Deutsch] Die Sensitivitaet fuer den Nachweis regionaerer Lymphknotenmetastasen kolorektaler Karzinome wurde unter Anwendung verschiedener Kriterien fuer das N1-Stadium an Patienten mit histologisch gesichertem Lymphknotenbefund untersucht. Fuer das Kriterium N1=Lymphknoten (LK)>1 cm betrug die Sensitivitaet 47%. Fuer N1=LK>1 cm/vermehrte Anzahl LK<1 cm war sie 71%, bei erkennbarem Primaertumor sogar 87%. Unter Beruecksichtigung der derzeit geltenden operativen Therapiekonzepte ist der Nachweis von regionaeren Lymphknotenmetastasen nur bei Rektumkarzinom bzw. fuer Kolonpolypen oder fuer lokal exzidierte Karzinome fuer das therapeutische Vorgehen relevant. In diesen Faellen leistet die CT mit den erweiterten Kriterien fuer ein N1-Stadium trotz hoeherer falsch-positiver Raten eine wertvolle Hilfestellung fuer die Entscheidung ueber eine neoadjuvante Bestrahlung oder eine Nachresektion. (orig.)

    2. Particle Reduction Strategies - PAREST. Energy scenarios for PAREST. Sub-report; Strategien zur Verminderung der Feinstaubbelastung - PAREST. Energieszenarien fuer PAREST. Teilbericht

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Joerss, Wolfram; Degel, Melanie [Institut fuer Zukunftsstudien und Technologiebewertung gGmbH (IZT), Berlin (Germany)


      In the research project PAREST emission scenarios to 2020 for particulate matter (PM{sub 10} und PM{sub 2,5}), and aerosol precursors SO{sub 2}, NO{sub x}, NH{sub 3} and NMVOC were prepared for Germany and Europe, mitigation measures evaluated and the results used to model the PM pollution load for Germany. In this part of the report to PAREST energy scenarios used for PAREST are presented. [German] Im Forschungsvorhaben PAREST wurden Emissionsszenarien bis 2020 fuer Feinstaub (PM{sub 10} und PM{sub 2,5}) und die Aerosol-Vorlaeufersubstanzen SO{sub 2}, NO{sub x}, NH{sub 3} und NMVOC fuer Deutschland und Europa erstellt, Minderungsmassnahmen evaluiert und daraus die PM-Immissionsbelastung fuer Deutschland modelliert. In diesem Teilbericht zu PAREST werden die fuer PAREST benutzten Energieszenarien vorgestellt.

    3. Gesellschaft fuer Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS). Annual report 2010/2011; Gesellschaft fuer Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS). Jahresbericht 2010/2011

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



      The annual report 2010/11 of the Gesellschaft fuer Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS) covers the following topics: organization, corporate development and public relations; reactor accident in Fukushima; Projects and work priorities (reactor safety; waste management; radiation and environmental protection; international projects); project management and project support; equity participations and subsidiaries (RISKAUDIT IRSN/GRS International; institute for safety technologies (ISTec), European Nuclear Safety Training and Tutoring Institute (ENSTTI)).

    4. Bundesamt fuer Strahlenschutz. Annual report 1992

      International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


      The progress report submitted by Bundesamt fuer Strahlenschutz reveals that this federal radiation protection agency is not only entrusted with the fulfillment of the federal administrative tasks imposed by law but engages in applications-oriented research regarding the operational, metrological and health-related aspects of radiation protection, regarding nuclear safety and radioactive waste management. In addition, BfS takes care of public-relations tasks. The reports submitted by the BfS departments are completed by summaries of the main research results. (orig.) [de

    5. Integral energy concepts for office and residential buildings; Integrale Energiekonzepte fuer Buero- und Wohngebaeude

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Velten, W.


      It has been confirmed by practical project experience that integral energy concepts are an excellent basis for the construction of energy-efficient buildings. In the extreme case buildings can even be self-sufficient in their energy supply. Uniting the responsibility for the overall energy and technology concept in the hands of a single contractor can help reduce frictional losses between those involved in the planning as well costs. A good example of this is the use of a simulation calculation for the prescribed demonstration of proper heat insulation. The presented projects show that it is possible to construct ecologically answerable buildings at attractively low costs. The presented concepts appear particularly convincing from the viewpoint of long-term maintenance of value and user-specific advantages such as agreeable working conditions. [Deutsch] Die konkreten Projekterfahrungen bestaetigen, dass durch integrale Energiekonzepte sowohl im Verwaltungs- als auch im Wohnungsbau hervorragende Voraussetzungen fuer energiesparende Gebaeude geschaffen werden koennen. Im Extremfall kann sogar eine autarke Energieversorgung erreicht werden. Durch Zusammenfassung der Gesamtverantwortung fuer das Energie- und Technikkonzept in einer Hand koennen Reibungsverluste zwischen den Planungsbeteiligten reduziert und Kosten gesenkt werden. Ein Beispiel hierfuer ist die Verbindung des vorgeschriebenen Waermeschutznachweises mit einer fuer alle Beteiligten wesentlich aussagekraeftigeren Simulationsrechnung. Die vorgestellten Projekte zeigen, dass oekologisch sinnvolle Gebaeude auch zu oekonomisch attraktiven Kosten erstellt werden koennen, wobei insbesondere der Aspekt des langfristigen Werterhalts und die nutzerspezifischen Vorteile, z.B. durch angenehmere Arbeitsbedingungen, fuer die vorgestellten Konzepte spricht. (orig.)

    6. The Institut for Mining - Chair in the Theory of Mining Methods and Operations at Clausthal Technological University; Das Institut fuer Bergbau - Professur fuer Bergbauliche Verfahrens- und Betriebslehre der TU Clausthal

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Knissel, W.; Mischo, H. [Technische Univ. Clausthal, Clausthal-Zellerfeld (Germany). Inst. fuer Bergbau


      The Chair in the Theory of Mining Methods and Operations (Deep Mines) at the Institute for Mining at Clausthal Technological University deals with the theory of and research into underground extraction of solid mineral raw materials. With the concentration and concentration of the German mining industry the department has focussed more attention on foreign mining industries and utilisation of the earth's crust in general. The extractive mining industry is augmented by the underground utilisation of cavities for disposal purposes and for infrastructural tasks. Accordingly the courses offered have been extended towards environmental protection and geotechnics. In particular basic research in the field of disposal in mines has become one of the main areas of research in the department not least of all because of the financing from public funds. Theory, research and further training now cover underground extraction in mines, disposal in mines and rehabilitation of contaminated industrial sites. (orig.) [German] Die Proffesur fuer Bergbauliche Verfahrens- und Betriebslehre (Tiefbau) am Institut fuer Bergbau der TU Clausthal befasst sich in Lehre und Forschung mit der untertaegigen Gewinnung von festen mineralischen Rohstoffen. Mit dem Rueckgang und der Konzentration des deutschen Bergbaus hat sich der Lehrstuhl staerker dem Auslandsbergbau und allgemein der Erdkrustennutzung zugewandt. Der Gewinnungsbergbau findet seine Ergaenzung in der untertaegigen Nutzung von Hohlraeumen fuer Entsorgungszwecke und fuer Infrastrukturaufgaben. Dementsprechend ist das Studienangebot in Richtung Umweltschutz und Geotechnik erweitert worden. Insbesondere die Grundlagenforschung auf dem Gebiet des Entsorgungsbergbaus ist zu einem Forschungsschwerpunkt des Lehrstuhls geworden, nicht zuletzt aufgrund der Finanzierung aus oeffentlichen Mitteln. Lehre, Forschung und Weiterbildung decken heute den untertaegigen Gewinnungsbergbau, den Entsorgungsbergbau sowie die Sanierung von

    7. Advances in ATLAS@Home towards a major ATLAS computing resource

      CERN Document Server

      Cameron, David; The ATLAS collaboration


      The volunteer computing project ATLAS@Home has been providing a stable computing resource for the ATLAS experiment since 2013. It has recently undergone some significant developments and as a result has become one of the largest resources contributing to ATLAS computing, by expanding its scope beyond traditional volunteers and into exploitation of idle computing power in ATLAS data centres. Removing the need for virtualization on Linux and instead using container technology has made the entry barrier significantly lower data centre participation and in this paper, we describe the implementation and results of this change. We also present other recent changes and improvements in the project. In early 2017 the ATLAS@Home project was merged into a combined LHC@Home platform, providing a unified gateway to all CERN-related volunteer computing projects. The ATLAS Event Service shifts data processing from file-level to event-level and we describe how ATLAS@Home was incorporated into this new paradigm. The finishing...

    8. The effect of morphometric atlas selection on multi-atlas-based automatic brachial plexus segmentation

      International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

      Van de Velde, Joris; Wouters, Johan; Vercauteren, Tom; De Gersem, Werner; Achten, Eric; De Neve, Wilfried; Van Hoof, Tom


      The present study aimed to measure the effect of a morphometric atlas selection strategy on the accuracy of multi-atlas-based BP autosegmentation using the commercially available software package ADMIRE® and to determine the optimal number of selected atlases to use. Autosegmentation accuracy was measured by comparing all generated automatic BP segmentations with anatomically validated gold standard segmentations that were developed using cadavers. Twelve cadaver computed tomography (CT) atlases were included in the study. One atlas was selected as a patient in ADMIRE®, and multi-atlas-based BP autosegmentation was first performed with a group of morphometrically preselected atlases. In this group, the atlases were selected on the basis of similarity in the shoulder protraction position with the patient. The number of selected atlases used started at two and increased up to eight. Subsequently, a group of randomly chosen, non-selected atlases were taken. In this second group, every possible combination of 2 to 8 random atlases was used for multi-atlas-based BP autosegmentation. For both groups, the average Dice similarity coefficient (DSC), Jaccard index (JI) and Inclusion index (INI) were calculated, measuring the similarity of the generated automatic BP segmentations and the gold standard segmentation. Similarity indices of both groups were compared using an independent sample t-test, and the optimal number of selected atlases was investigated using an equivalence trial. For each number of atlases, average similarity indices of the morphometrically selected atlas group were significantly higher than the random group (p < 0,05). In this study, the highest similarity indices were achieved using multi-atlas autosegmentation with 6 selected atlases (average DSC = 0,598; average JI = 0,434; average INI = 0,733). Morphometric atlas selection on the basis of the protraction position of the patient significantly improves multi-atlas-based BP autosegmentation accuracy

    9. Use of process observers at sewage treatment plants; Einsatz von Prozessbeobachtern fuer Klaeranlagen

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Jumar, U.; Alex, J. [Institut fuer Kommunikation und Automation e.V. Magdeburg (IFAK), Barleben (Germany); Rosenwinkel, K.H.; Obenaus, F. [Hannover Univ. (Germany). Inst. fuer Siedlungswasserwirtschaft und Abfalltechnik


      The paper describes the use of online simulation for prognosticating plant behaviour, training plant operators, and for obtaining state data not to be obtained otherwise. Whereas, for the mathematical modelling of the process, the established approaches Activated Sludge Model (ASM) 1 and 2 could be reverted to, new methodics needed to be developed for continuous model tracking in order to solve the conflict between a large number of parameters in the model and scarce online measuring data on the spot. The result is a practicable solution which harnesses available knowledge concerning the significance of suitable parameters for model adaptation. First of all, essential demands on and objectives of a process observer for sewage treatment plants are elaborated. Then a software system is described with reference to successful pilot installations which permits model-based process control and remote monitoring of sewage treatment plant. (orig.) [German] Der Beitrag beschreibt die Nutzung der Online-Simulation fuer die Prognose des Anlagenverhaltens, das Training der Anlagenfahrer und die Gewinnung ansonsten nicht messbarer Zustandsinformationen. Waehrend fuer die mathematische Modellierung des Prozesses auf die etablierten Ansaetze ASM 1 und 2 (Activated Sludge Model) zurueckgegriffen werden konnte, musste fuer die laufende Modellnachfuehrung eine neue Methodik entwickelt werden, um den Konflikt zwischen grosser Parameteranzahl im Modell und geringer Online-Messinformation vor Ort zu loesen. Das Ergebnis ist eine praktikable Loesung, die das vorhandene Wissen um die Signifikanz zur Modellanpassung geeigneter Parameter ausnutzt. In den folgenden Ausfuehrungen werden zunaechst wesentliche Anforderungen und Zielstellungen eines Prozessbeobachters fuer Klaeranlagen herausgearbeitet. Unter Bezugnahme auf erfolgreiche Pilotinstallationen wird anschliessend ein Software-System vorgestellt, das eine modellgestuetzte Betriebsfuehrung und Fernueberwachung von Klaeranlagen

    10. Power electronics for local fuel cell/-battery plants; Leistungselektronik fuer dezentrale Brennstoffzellen/-Batterieanlagen

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Krykunov, Oleksandr


      With their high efficiency and modular structure, fuel cells are an attractive option for decentral power supply. An important component of decentral power supply systems is the power-electronic control element for supply of electric power from the fuel cell to the three-phase electricity grid. Control elements can be constructed of a unidirectional DC/DC converter with a current inverter connnected in series. The investigation focused on the development of the DC/DC converter with minimum constructional and control requirements and optimum adaption of the DC/DC converter to the characteristics of the fuel cell. (orig.) [German] Die Brennstoffzelle stellt mit ihrem hohen Wirkungsgrad und ihrem modularen Aufbau eine attraktive Option fuer die Verwendung in einem dezentralen Energieversorgungssystem dar. Eine wichtige Komponente des dezentralen Energieversorgungssystems sind die leistungselektronischen Stellglieder fuer die Einspeisung der elektrischen Energie aus der Brennstoffzelle in das dreiphasige Netz. Die leistungselektronischen Stellglieder koennen aus einem undirektionalen DC/DC-Wandler und einem nachgeschalteten Wechselrichter realisiert werden. Die Entwicklung des DC/DC-Wandlers mit einem moeglichst geringeren Bauelemente- und Steuerungsaufwand fuer diese leistungselektronischen Stellglieder und die Anpassung des DC/DC-Wandlers an die Eigenschaften der Brennstoffzelle war das Ziel dieser Arbeit. (orig.)

    11. Pleading for a rational energy policy; Fuer eine aufgeklaerte Energiepolitik

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Tillessen, U. [Colenco Power Consulting AG, Baden (Switzerland)


      To the argument that the long half-life values of the most important products of fission represent an unacceptable burden for coming generations, the author retorts that this is an emotion-directed pseudo-argument. Anyone who ventures into deep geological strata, such as the final storage area Konrad, should also count in terms of geological periods. From this point of view, a million years - however difficult to imagine for the average human being - is not a very long time. Toxic chemical waste is accepted by society, even if the toxicity should remain for all time. The article is an extract from a lecture given by the author to the Franco-German Society for Science and Technology. (orig.) [German] Dem Argument, die langen Halbwertszeiten der wichtigsten Spaltprodukte beinhalte eine nicht zu verantwortende Belastung fuer die nachfolgenden Generationen, haelt Autor Tillessen entgegen, dass dies ein auf Emotionen abzielendes Scheinargument sei. Wer sich, wie zum Beispiel beim Endlager Konrad, in tiefe geologische Schichten begebe, duerfe auch in geologischen Zeitraeumen rechnen. Und da sei eine Million Jahre, so wenig vorstellbar das auch fuer den Durchschnitts-Menschen sei, eben keine allzulange Zeit. Chemische Giftabfaelle wuerden von der Gesellschaft akzeptiert, obwohl ihre Toxitaet ewig waehre. Der Beitrag des Autors ist ein Auszug aus einer Rede, die er vor der Deutsch-Franzoesischen Gesellschaft fuer Wissenschaft und Technik gehalten hat. Aus diesem Anlass hatte Tillessen vorgeschlagen, ein von einer Stiftung getragenes deutsch-franzoesisches Institut zu gruenden, dessen Aufgabe es sein soll, mit mehr Rationalitaet die von teutonischer Romantik dominierte Technikdiskussion zu versachlichen. (orig.)

    12. ATLAS Outreach Highlights

      CERN Document Server

      Cheatham, Susan; The ATLAS collaboration


      The ATLAS outreach team is very active, promoting particle physics to a broad range of audiences including physicists, general public, policy makers, students and teachers, and media. A selection of current outreach activities and new projects will be presented. Recent highlights include the new ATLAS public website and ATLAS Open Data, the very recent public release of 1 fb-1 of ATLAS data.

    13. CERN Open Days 2013, Point 1 - ATLAS: ATLAS Experiment

      CERN Multimedia

      CERN Photolab


      Stand description: The ATLAS Experiment at CERN is one of the largest and most complex scientific endeavours ever assembled. The detector, located at collision point 1 of the LHC, is designed to explore the fundamental components of nature and to study the forces that shape our universe. The past year’s discovery of a Higgs boson is one of the most important scientific achievements of our time, yet this is only one of many key goals of ATLAS. During a brief break in their journey, some of the 3000-member ATLAS collaboration will be taking time to share the excitement of this exploration with you. On surface no restricted access  The exhibit at Point 1 will give visitors a chance to meet these modern-day explorers and to learn from them how answers to the most fundamental questions of mankind are being sought. Activities will include a visit to the ATLAS detector, located 80m below ground; watching the prize-winning ATLAS movie in the ATLAS cinema; seeing real particle tracks in a cloud chamber and discussi...

    14. Bundesanstalt fuer Martialforschung und -pruefung (BAM). Annual report 2001; Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM). Jahresbericht 2001

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



      The volume reports the activities of the BAM, (Federal Office for Materials Research and Testing), and its departments for Analytical Chemistry/Reference Materials, Chemical Safety Engineering, Hazardous Materials Containment, Environmental Compatibility of Materials, Technology of Structural Materials, Polymers, Structural Stability and Safety, Materials Protection/Nondestructive Testing, and for Scientific-Technical Interdisciplinary Activities. (MM) [German] Der vorliegende Band berichtet ueber die Aktivitaeten der Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung und ihrer Abteilungen Analytische Chemie/Referenzmaterialien, Chemische Sicherheitstechnik, Gefahrgutumschliessungen, Umweltvertraeglichkeit von Materialien, Werkstofftechnik der Konstruktionswerkstoffe, Funktion von Polymeren, Bauwerkssicherheit, Materialschutz/Zerstoerungsfreie Pruefung und Technisch-wissenschaftliche Querschnittsfunktionen. (MM)

    15. Adaptive real-time models of vehicle dynamics; Adaptive Echtzeitmodelle fuer die Kraftfahrzeugdynamik

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Halfmann, C.; Holzmann, H.; Isermann, R. [Technische Univ. Darmstadt (Germany). Inst. fuer Automatisierungstechnik; Hamann, C.D.; Simm, N. [Opel (A.) AG, Ruesselsheim (Germany). Gruppe Chassis und Fahrerassistenzsysteme


      The application of modern simulation tools offering additional support during the vehicle development process is accepted to a large extent by most car manufacturers. Just like new model-based control strategies, these simulation investigations require very accurate - and thus very complex - models of vehicle dynamics, which can be processed in real time. As an example of such a vehicle model, this article describes a real-time vehicle simulation model which was developed at the Institute of Automatic Control at Darmstadt University of Technology, in co-operation with the ITDC of the Adam OPEL AG. By applying modern adaptation techniques, this vehicle model is able to calculate onboard the important variables describing the actual driving state even if the environmental conditions change. (orig.) [German] Der Einsatz von Simulationswerkzeugen zur Unterstuetzung der Fahrzeugentwicklung hat sich bei den meisten Automobilherstellern weitgehend durchgesetzt. Ebenso wie neuartige modellbasierte Regelstrategien verlangen diese Simulationsuntersuchungen nach immer exakteren - und damit komplexeren - fahrdynamischen Modellen, die in Echtzeit ausgewertet werden. Als Beispiel fuer ein solches Gesamtfahrzeugmodell beschreibt dieser Beitrag ein echtzeitfaehiges Modell fuer die Bewegung des Fahrzeugs um alle drei Hauptachsen, das am Institut fuer Automatisierungstechnik der TU Darmstadt in Kooperation mit dem Internationalen Technischen Entwicklungszentrum (ITEZ) der Adam Opel AG entwickelt wurde. Es ist durch den Einsatz von Adaptionsmethoden in der Lage, wichtige fahrdynamische Zustandsgroessen im Fahrzeug auch unter veraenderlichen Umgebungsbedingungen zu ermitteln. (orig.)

    16. ATLAS Thesis Award 2017

      CERN Multimedia

      Anthony, Katarina


      Winners of the ATLAS Thesis Award were presented with certificates and glass cubes during a ceremony on 22 February, 2018. They are pictured here with Karl Jakobs (ATLAS Spokesperson), Max Klein (ATLAS Collaboration Board Chair) and Katsuo Tokushuku (ATLAS Collaboration Board Deputy Chair).

    17. Communicating to gain public acceptance of energy projects; Akzeptanzkommunikation fuer Energieprojekte

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Pust, M. [TECSOL GmbH, Friedeburg (Germany)


      Whoever plans to execute energy projects in today's world should be aware of the fact that the social framework conditions surrounding such projects have changed significantly. For the organization executing the project to merely adhere to the legally prescribed authorization procedure and leave it until the end of the planning procedure to inform those affected is often no longer sufficient for gaining public acceptance. Large parts of the population criticise the usual procedures because they have lost confidence in this kind of decision making, which offers them too little scope for co-determination. Thus for some years there has been a growing number of cases where citizens demand full public participation and early information on why the project in question is needed and what kinds of impact it will have. Lack of acceptance can lead to resistance, with negative effects on the project and the companies involved. TECSOL takes care of the communication management alongside energy projects, taking its bearings by the existing standards for voluntary early information of the public, as recommended by the VDI (Guideline 7001) and required by the legislature (PlVereinhG = Law for Improvement of Public Participation and Harmonisation of Plan Approval Procedures). The lecture outlines the societal challenges involved as well as the possibilities for dealing fairly with demands of the population in the context of energy projects. This is illustrated using the model case of the ''Etzel cultural landscape'' as a practical example, in which TECSOL played a prominent role on behalf of IVG Caverns GmbH. [German] Wer heute Energieprojekte umsetzen will, muss sich im Klaren darueber sein, dass sich die gesellschaftlichen Rahmenbedingungen stark veraendert haben. Es reicht fuer die Akzeptanz des Vorhabens haeufig nicht mehr aus, dass ein Vorhabentraeger den rechtlich vorgegebenen Weg des Genehmigungsprozesses beschreitet und die betroffenen Buerger erst

    18. ATLAS

      CERN Multimedia

      Akhnazarov, V; Canepa, A; Bremer, J; Burckhart, H; Cattai, A; Voss, R; Hervas, L; Kaplon, J; Nessi, M; Werner, P; Ten kate, H; Tyrvainen, H; Vandelli, W; Krasznahorkay, A; Gray, H; Alvarez gonzalez, B; Eifert, T F; Rolando, G; Oide, H; Barak, L; Glatzer, J; Backhaus, M; Schaefer, D M; Maciejewski, J P; Milic, A; Jin, S; Von torne, E; Limbach, C; Medinnis, M J; Gregor, I; Levonian, S; Schmitt, S; Waananen, A; Monnier, E; Muanza, S G; Pralavorio, P; Talby, M; Tiouchichine, E; Tocut, V M; Rybkin, G; Wang, S; Lacour, D; Laforge, B; Ocariz, J H; Bertoli, W; Malaescu, B; Sbarra, C; Yamamoto, A; Sasaki, O; Koriki, T; Hara, K; Da silva gomes, A; Carvalho maneira, J; Marcalo da palma, A; Chekulaev, S; Tikhomirov, V; Snesarev, A; Buzykaev, A; Maslennikov, A; Peleganchuk, S; Sukharev, A; Kaplan, B E; Swiatlowski, M J; Nef, P D; Schnoor, U; Oakham, G F; Ueno, R; Orr, R S; Abouzeid, O; Haug, S; Peng, H; Kus, V; Vitek, M; Temming, K K; Dang, N P; Meier, K; Schultz-coulon, H; Geisler, M P; Sander, H; Schaefer, U; Ellinghaus, F; Rieke, S; Nussbaumer, A; Liu, Y; Richter, R; Kortner, S; Fernandez-bosman, M; Ullan comes, M; Espinal curull, J; Chiriotti alvarez, S; Caubet serrabou, M; Valladolid gallego, E; Kaci, M; Carrasco vela, N; Lancon, E C; Besson, N E; Gautard, V; Bracinik, J; Bartsch, V C; Potter, C J; Lester, C G; Moeller, V A; Rosten, J; Crooks, D; Mathieson, K; Houston, S C; Wright, M; Jones, T W; Harris, O B; Byatt, T J; Dobson, E; Hodgson, P; Hodgkinson, M C; Dris, M; Karakostas, K; Ntekas, K; Oren, D; Duchovni, E; Etzion, E; Oren, Y; Ferrer, L M; Testa, M; Doria, A; Merola, L; Sekhniaidze, G; Giordano, R; Ricciardi, S; Milazzo, A; Falciano, S; De pedis, D; Dionisi, C; Veneziano, S; Cardarelli, R; Verzegnassi, C; Soualah, R; Ochi, A; Ohshima, T; Kishiki, S; Linde, F L; Vreeswijk, M; Werneke, P; Muijs, A; Vankov, P H; Jansweijer, P P M; Dale, O; Lund, E; Bruckman de renstrom, P; Dabrowski, W; Adamek, J D; Wolters, H; Micu, L; Pantea, D; Tudorache, V; Mjoernmark, J; Klimek, P J; Ferrari, A; Abdinov, O; Akhoundov, A; Hashimov, R; Shelkov, G; Khubua, J; Ladygin, E; Lazarev, A; Glagolev, V; Dedovich, D; Lykasov, G; Zhemchugov, A; Zolnikov, Y; Ryabenko, M; Sivoklokov, S; Vasilyev, I; Shalimov, A; Lobanov, M; Paramoshkina, E; Mosidze, M; Bingul, A; Nodulman, L J; Guarino, V J; Yoshida, R; Drake, G R; Calafiura, P; Haber, C; Quarrie, D R; Alonso, J R; Anderson, C; Evans, H; Lammers, S W; Baubock, M; Anderson, K; Petti, R; Suhr, C A; Linnemann, J T; Richards, R A; Tollefson, K A; Holzbauer, J L; Stoker, D P; Pier, S; Nelson, A J; Isakov, V; Martin, A J; Adelman, J A; Paganini, M; Gutierrez, P; Snow, J M; Pearson, B L; Cleland, W E; Savinov, V; Wong, W; Goodson, J J; Li, H; Lacey, R A; Gordeev, A; Gordon, H; Lanni, F; Nevski, P; Rescia, S; Kierstead, J A; Liu, Z; Yu, W W H; Bensinger, J; Hashemi, K S; Bogavac, D; Cindro, V; Hoeferkamp, M R; Coelli, S; Iodice, M; Piegaia, R N; Alonso, F; Wahlberg, H P; Barberio, E L; Limosani, A; Rodd, N L; Jennens, D T; Hill, E C; Pospisil, S; Smolek, K; Schaile, D A; Rauscher, F G; Adomeit, S; Mattig, P M; Wahlen, H; Volkmer, F; Calvente lopez, S; Sanchis peris, E J; Pallin, D; Podlyski, F; Says, L; Boumediene, D E; Scott, W; Phillips, P W; Greenall, A; Turner, P; Gwilliam, C B; Kluge, T; Wrona, B; Sellers, G J; Millward, G; Adragna, P; Hartin, A; Alpigiani, C; Piccaro, E; Bret cano, M; Hughes jones, R E; Mercer, D; Oh, A; Chavda, V S; Carminati, L; Cavasinni, V; Fedin, O; Patrichev, S; Ryabov, Y; Nesterov, S; Grebenyuk, O; Sasso, J; Mahmood, H; Polsdofer, E; Dai, T; Ferretti, C; Liu, H; Hegazy, K H; Benjamin, D P; Zobernig, G; Ban, J; Brooijmans, G H; Keener, P; Williams, H H; Le geyt, B C; Hines, E J; Fadeyev, V; Schumm, B A; Law, A T; Kuhl, A D; Neubauer, M S; Shang, R; Gagliardi, G; Calabro, D; Conta, C; Zinna, M; Jones, G; Li, J; Stradling, A R; Hadavand, H K; Mcguigan, P; Chiu, P; Baldelomar, E; Stroynowski, R A; Kehoe, R L; De groot, N; Timmermans, C; Lach-heb, F; Addy, T N; Nakano, I; Moreno lopez, D; Grosse-knetter, J; Tyson, B; Rude, G D; Tafirout, R; Benoit, P; Danielsson, H O; Elsing, M; Fassnacht, P; Froidevaux, D; Ganis, G; Gorini, B; Lasseur, C; Lehmann miotto, G; Kollar, D; Aleksa, M; Sfyrla, A; Duehrssen-debling, K; Fressard-batraneanu, S; Van der ster, D C; Bortolin, C; Schumacher, J; Mentink, M; Geich-gimbel, C; Yau wong, K H; Lafaye, R; Crepe-renaudin, S; Albrand, S; Hoffmann, D; Pangaud, P; Meessen, C; Hrivnac, J; Vernay, E; Perus, A; Henrot versille, S L; Le dortz, O; Derue, F; Piccinini, M; Polini, A; Terada, S; Arai, Y; Ikeno, M; Fujii, H; Nagano, K; Ukegawa, F; Aguilar saavedra, J A; Conde muino, P; Castro, N F; Eremin, V; Kopytine, M; Sulin, V; Tsukerman, I; Korol, A; Nemethy, P; Bartoldus, R; Glatte, A; Chelsky, S; Van nieuwkoop, J; Bellerive, A; Sinervo, J K; Battaglia, A; Barbier, G J; Pohl, M; Rosselet, L; Alexandre, G B; Prokoshin, F; Pezoa rivera, R A; Batkova, L; Kladiva, E; Stastny, J; Kubes, T; Vidlakova, Z; Esch, H; Homann, M; Herten, L G; Zimmermann, S U; Pfeifer, B; Stenzel, H; Andrei, G V; Wessels, M; Buescher, V; Kleinknecht, K; Fiedler, F M; Schroeder, C D; Fernandez, E; Mir martinez, L; Vorwerk, V; Bernabeu verdu, J; Salt, J; Civera navarrete, J V; Bernard, R; Berriaud, C P; Chevalier, L P; Hubbard, R; Schune, P; Nikolopoulos, K; Batley, J R; Brochu, F M; Phillips, A W; Teixeira-dias, P J; Rose, M B D; Buttar, C; Buckley, A G; Nurse, E L; Larner, A B; Boddy, C; Henderson, J; Costanzo, D; Tarem, S; Maccarrone, G; Laurelli, P F; Alviggi, M; Chiaramonte, R; Izzo, V; Palumbo, V; Fraternali, M; Crosetti, G; Marchese, F; Yamaguchi, Y; Hessey, N P; Mechnich, J M; Liebig, W; Kastanas, K A; Sjursen, T B; Zalieckas, J; Cameron, D G; Banka, P; Kowalewska, A B; Dwuznik, M; Mindur, B; Boldea, V; Hedberg, V; Smirnova, O; Sellden, B; Allahverdiyev, T; Gornushkin, Y; Koultchitski, I; Tokmenin, V; Chizhov, M; Gongadze, A; Khramov, E; Sadykov, R; Krasnoslobodtsev, I; Smirnova, L; Kramarenko, V; Minaenko, A; Zenin, O; Beddall, A J; Ozcan, E V; Hou, S; Wang, S; Moyse, E; Willocq, S; Chekanov, S; Le compte, T J; Love, J R; Ciocio, A; Hinchliffe, I; Tsulaia, V; Gomez, A; Luehring, F; Zieminska, D; Huth, J E; Gonski, J L; Oreglia, M; Tang, F; Shochet, M J; Costin, T; Mcleod, A; Uzunyan, S; Martin, S P; Pope, B G; Schwienhorst, R H; Brau, J E; Ptacek, E S; Milburn, R H; Sabancilar, E; Lauer, R; Saleem, M; Mohamed meera lebbai, M R; Lou, X; Reeves, K B; Rijssenbeek, M; Novakova, P N; Rahm, D; Steinberg, P A; Wenaus, T J; Paige, F; Ye, S; Kotcher, J R; Assamagan, K A; Oliveira damazio, D; Maeno, T; Henry, A; Dushkin, A; Costa, G; Meroni, C; Resconi, S; Lari, T; Biglietti, M; Lohse, T; Gonzalez silva, M L; Monticelli, F G; Saavedra, A F; Patel, N D; Ciodaro xavier, T; Asevedo nepomuceno, A; Lefebvre, M; Albert, J E; Kubik, P; Faltova, J; Turecek, D; Solc, J; Schaile, O; Ebke, J; Losel, P J; Zeitnitz, C; Sturm, P D; Barreiro alonso, F; Modesto alapont, P; Soret medel, J; Garzon alama, E J; Gee, C N; Mccubbin, N A; Sankey, D; Emeliyanov, D; Dewhurst, A L; Houlden, M A; Klein, M; Burdin, S; Lehan, A K; Eisenhandler, E; Lloyd, S; Traynor, D P; Ibbotson, M; Marshall, R; Pater, J; Freestone, J; Masik, J; Haughton, I; Manousakis katsikakis, A; Sampsonidis, D; Krepouri, A; Roda, C; Sarri, F; Fukunaga, C; Nadtochiy, A; Kara, S O; Timm, S; Alam, S M; Rashid, T; Goldfarb, S; Espahbodi, S; Marley, D E; Rau, A W; Dos anjos, A R; Haque, S; Grau, N C; Havener, L B; Thomson, E J; Newcomer, F M; Hansl-kozanecki, G; Deberg, H A; Takeshita, T; Goggi, V; Ennis, J S; Olness, F I; Kama, S; Ordonez sanz, G; Koetsveld, F; Elamri, M; Mansoor-ul-islam, S; Lemmer, B; Kawamura, G; Bindi, M; Schulte, S; Kugel, A; Kretz, M P; Kurchaninov, L; Blanchot, G; Chromek-burckhart, D; Di girolamo, B; Francis, D; Gianotti, F; Nordberg, M Y; Pernegger, H; Roe, S; Boyd, J; Wilkens, H G; Pauly, T; Fabre, C; Tricoli, A; Bertet, D; Ruiz martinez, M A; Arnaez, O L; Lenzi, B; Boveia, A J; Gillberg, D I; Davies, J M; Zimmermann, R; Uhlenbrock, M; Kraus, J K; Narayan, R T; John, A; Dam, M; Padilla aranda, C; Bellachia, F; Le flour chollet, F M; Jezequel, S; Dumont dayot, N; Fede, E; Mathieu, M; Gensolen, F D; Alio, L; Arnault, C; Bouchel, M; Ducorps, A; Kado, M M; Lounis, A; Zhang, Z P; De vivie de regie, J; Beau, T; Bruni, A; Bruni, G; Grafstrom, P; Romano, M; Lasagni manghi, F; Massa, L; Shaw, K; Ikegami, Y; Tsuno, S; Kawanishi, Y; Benincasa, G; Blagov, M; Fedorchuk, R; Shatalov, P; Romaniouk, A; Belotskiy, K; Timoshenko, S; Hooft van huysduynen, L; Lewis, G H; Wittgen, M M; Mader, W F; Rudolph, C J; Gumpert, C; Mamuzic, J; Rudolph, G; Schmid, P; Corriveau, F; Belanger-champagne, C; Yarkoni, S; Leroy, C; Koffas, T; Harack, B D; Weber, M S; Beck, H; Leger, A; Gonzalez sevilla, S; Zhu, Y; Gao, J; Zhang, X; Blazek, T; Rames, J; Sicho, P; Kouba, T; Sluka, T; Lysak, R; Ristic, B; Kompatscher, A E; Von radziewski, H; Groll, M; Meyer, C P; Oberlack, H; Stonjek, S M; Cortiana, G; Werthenbach, U; Ibragimov, I; Czirr, H S; Cavalli-sforza, M; Puigdengoles olive, C; Tallada crespi, P; Marti i garcia, S; Gonzalez de la hoz, S; Guyot, C; Meyer, J; Schoeffel, L O; Garvey, J; Hawkes, C; Hillier, S J; Staley, R J; Salvatore, P F; Santoyo castillo, I; Carter, J; Yusuff, I B; Barlow, N R; Berry, T S; Savage, G; Wraight, K G; Steele, G E; Hughes, G; Walder, J W; Love, P A; Crone, G J; Waugh, B M; Boeser, S; Sarkar, A M; Holmes, A; Massey, R; Pinder, A; Nicholson, R; Korolkova, E; Katsoufis, I; Maltezos, S; Tsipolitis, G; Leontsinis, S; Levinson, L J; Shoa, M; Abramowicz, H E; Bella, G; Gershon, A; Urkovsky, E; Taiblum, N; Gatti, C; Della pietra, M; Lanza, A; Negri, A; Flaminio, V; Lacava, F; Petrolo, E; Pontecorvo, L; Rosati, S; Zanello, L; Pasqualucci, E; Di ciaccio, A; Giordani, M; Yamazaki, Y; Jinno, T; Nomachi, M; De jong, P J; Ferrari, P; Homma, J; Van der graaf, H; Igonkina, O B; Stugu, B S; Buanes, T; Pedersen, M; Turala, M; Olszewski, A J; Koperny, S Z; Onofre, A; Castro nunes fiolhais, M; Alexa, C; Cuciuc, C M; Akesson, T P A; Hellman, S L; Milstead, D A; Bondyakov, A; Pushnova, V; Budagov, Y; Minashvili, I; Romanov, V; Sniatkov, V; Tskhadadze, E; Kalinovskaya, L; Shalyugin, A; Tavkhelidze, A; Rumyantsev, L; Karpov, S; Soloshenko, A; Vostrikov, A; Borissov, E; Solodkov, A; Vorob'ev, A; Sidorov, S; Malyaev, V; Lee, S; Grudzinski, J J; Virzi, J S; Vahsen, S E; Lys, J; Penwell, J W; Yan, Z; Bernard, C S; Barreiro guimaraes da costa, J P; Oliver, J N; Merritt, F S; Brubaker, E M; Kapliy, A; Kim, J; Zutshi, V V; Burghgrave, B O; Abolins, M A; Arabidze, G; Caughron, S A; Frey, R E; Radloff, P T; Schernau, M; Murillo garcia, R; Porter, R A; Mccormick, C A; Karn, P J; Sliwa, K J; Demers konezny, S M; Strauss, M G; Mueller, J A; Izen, J M; Klimentov, A; Lynn, D; Polychronakos, V; Radeka, V; Sondericker, J I I I; Bathe, S; Duffin, S; Chen, H; De castro faria salgado, P E; Kersevan, B P; Lacker, H M; Schulz, H; Kubota, T; Tan, K G; Yabsley, B D; Nunes de moura junior, N; Pinfold, J; Soluk, R A; Ouellette, E A; Leitner, R; Sykora, T; Solar, M; Sartisohn, G; Hirschbuehl, D; Huning, D; Fischer, J; Terron cuadrado, J; Glasman kuguel, C B; Lacasta llacer, C; Lopez-amengual, J; Calvet, D; Chevaleyre, J; Daudon, F; Montarou, G; Guicheney, C; Calvet, S P J; Tyndel, M; Dervan, P J; Maxfield, S J; Hayward, H S; Beck, G; Cox, B; Da via, C; Paschalias, P; Manolopoulou, M; Ragusa, F; Cimino, D; Ezzi, M; Fiuza de barros, N F; Yildiz, H; Ciftci, A K; Turkoz, S; Zain, S B; Tegenfeldt, F; Chapman, J W; Panikashvili, N; Bocci, A; Altheimer, A D; Martin, F F; Fratina, S; Jackson, B D; Grillo, A A; Seiden, A; Watts, G T; Mangiameli, S; Johns, K A; O'grady, F T; Errede, D R; Darbo, G; Ferretto parodi, A; Leahu, M C; Farbin, A; Ye, J; Liu, T; Wijnen, T A; Naito, D; Takashima, R; Sandoval usme, C E; Zinonos, Z; Moreno llacer, M; Agricola, J B; Mcgovern, S A; Sakurai, Y; Trigger, I M; Qing, D; De silva, A S; Butin, F; Dell'acqua, A; Hawkings, R J; Lamanna, M; Mapelli, L; Passardi, G; Rembser, C; Tremblet, L; Andreazza, W; Dobos, D A; Koblitz, B; Bianco, M; Dimitrov, G V; Schlenker, S; Armbruster, A J; Rammensee, M C; Romao rodrigues, L F; Peters, K; Pozo astigarraga, M E; Yi, Y; Desch, K K; Huegging, F G; Muller, K K; Stillings, J A; Schaetzel, S; Xella, S; Hansen, J D; Colas, J; Daguin, G; Wingerter, I; Ionescu, G D; Ledroit, F; Lucotte, A; Clement, B E; Stark, J; Clemens, J; Djama, F; Knoops, E; Coadou, Y; Vigeolas-choury, E; Feligioni, L; Iconomidou-fayard, L; Imbert, P; Schaffer, A C; Nikolic, I; Trincaz-duvoid, S; Warin, P; Camard, A F; Ridel, M; Pires, S; Giacobbe, B; Spighi, R; Villa, M; Negrini, M; Sato, K; Gavrilenko, I; Akimov, A; Khovanskiy, V; Talyshev, A; Voronkov, A; Hakobyan, H; Mallik, U; Shibata, A; Konoplich, R; Barklow, T L; Koi, T; Straessner, A; Stelzer, B; Robertson, S H; Vachon, B; Stoebe, M; Keyes, R A; Wang, K; Billoud, T R V; Strickland, V; Batygov, M; Krieger, P; Palacino caviedes, G D; Gay, C W; Jiang, Y; Han, L; Liu, M; Zenis, T; Lokajicek, M; Staroba, P; Tasevsky, M; Popule, J; Svatos, M; Seifert, F; Landgraf, U; Lai, S T; Schmitt, K H; Achenbach, R; Schuh, N; Kiesling, C; Macchiolo, A; Nisius, R; Schacht, P; Von der schmitt, J G; Kortner, O; Atlay, N B; Segura sole, E; Grinstein, S; Neissner, C; Bruckner, D M; Oliver garcia, E; Boonekamp, M; Perrin, P; Gaillot, F M; Wilson, J A; Thomas, J P; Thompson, P D; Palmer, J D; Falk, I E; Chavez barajas, C A; Sutton, M R; Robinson, D; Kaneti, S A; Wu, T; Robson, A; Shaw, C; Buzatu, A; Qin, G; Jones, R; Bouhova-thacker, E V; Viehhauser, G; Weidberg, A R; Gilbert, L; Johansson, P D C; Orphanides, M; Vlachos, S; Behar harpaz, S; Papish, O; Lellouch, D J H; Turgeman, D; Benary, O; La rotonda, L; Vena, R; Tarasio, A; Marzano, F; Gabrielli, A; Di stante, L; Liberti, B; Aielli, G; Oda, S; Nozaki, M; Takeda, H; Hayakawa, T; Miyazaki, K; Maeda, J; Sugimoto, T; Pettersson, N E; Bentvelsen, S; Groenstege, H L; Lipniacka, A; Vahabi, M; Ould-saada, F; Chwastowski, J J; Hajduk, Z; Kaczmarska, A; Olszowska, J B; Trzupek, A; Staszewski, R P; Palka, M; Constantinescu, S; Jarlskog, G; Lundberg, B L A; Pearce, M; Ellert, M F; Bannikov, A; Fechtchenko, A; Iambourenko, V; Kukhtin, V; Pozdniakov, V; Topilin, N; Vorozhtsov, S; Khassanov, A; Fliaguine, V; Kharchenko, D; Nikolaev, K; Kotenov, K; Kozhin, A; Zenin, A; Ivashin, A; Golubkov, D; Beddall, A; Su, D; Dallapiccola, C J; Cranshaw, J M; Price, L; Stanek, R W; Gieraltowski, G; Zhang, J; Gilchriese, M; Shapiro, M; Ahlen, S; Morii, M; Taylor, F E; Miller, R J; Phillips, F H; Torrence, E C; Wheeler, S J; Benedict, B H; Napier, A; Hamilton, S F; Petrescu, T A; Boyd, G R J; Jayasinghe, A L; Smith, J M; Mc carthy, R L; Adams, D L; Le vine, M J; Zhao, X; Patwa, A M; Baker, M; Kirsch, L; Krstic, J; Simic, L; Filipcic, A; Seidel, S C; Cantore-cavalli, D; Baroncelli, A; Kind, O M; Scarcella, M J; Maidantchik, C L L; Seixas, J; Balabram filho, L E; Vorobel, V; Spousta, M; Strachota, P; Vokac, P; Slavicek, T; Bergmann, B L; Biebel, O; Kersten, S; Srinivasan, M; Trefzger, T; Vazeille, F; Insa, C; Kirk, J; Middleton, R; Burke, S; Klein, U; Morris, J D; Ellis, K V; Millward, L R; Giokaris, N; Ioannou, P; Angelidakis, S; Bouzakis, K; Andreazza, A; Perini, L; Chtcheguelski, V; Spiridenkov, E; Yilmaz, M; Kaya, U; Ernst, J; Mahmood, A; Saland, J; Kutnink, T; Holler, J; Kagan, H P; Wang, C; Pan, Y; Xu, N; Ji, H; Willis, W J; Tuts, P M; Litke, A; Wilder, M; Rothberg, J; Twomey, M S; Rizatdinova, F; Loch, P; Rutherfoord, J P; Varnes, E W; Barberis, D; Osculati-becchi, B; Brandt, A G; Turvey, A J; Benchekroun, D; Nagasaka, Y; Thanakornworakij, T; Quadt, A; Nadal serrano, J; Magradze, E; Nackenhorst, O; Musheghyan, H; Kareem, M; Chytka, L; Perez codina, E; Stelzer-chilton, O; Brunel, B; Henriques correia, A M; Dittus, F; Hatch, M; Haug, F; Hauschild, M; Huhtinen, M; Lichard, P; Schuh-erhard, S; Spigo, G; Avolio, G; Tsarouchas, C; Ahmad, I; Backes, M P; Barisits, M; Gadatsch, S; Cerv, M; Sicoe, A D; Nattamai sekar, L P; Fazio, D; Shan, L; Sun, X; Gaycken, G F; Hemperek, T; Petersen, T C; Alonso diaz, A; Moynot, M; Werlen, M; Hryn'ova, T; Gallin-martel, M; Wu, M; Touchard, F; Menouni, M; Fougeron, D; Le guirriec, E; Chollet, J C; Veillet, J; Barrillon, P; Prat, S; Krasny, M W; Roos, L; Boudarham, G; Lefebvre, G; Boscherini, D; Valentinetti, S; Acharya, B S; Miglioranzi, S; Kanzaki, J; Unno, Y; Yasu, Y; Iwasaki, H; Tokushuku, K; Maio, A; Rodrigues fernandes, B J; Pinto figueiredo raimundo ribeiro, N M; Bot, A; Shmeleva, A; Zaidan, R; Djilkibaev, R; Mincer, A I; Salnikov, A; Aracena, I A; Schwartzman, A G; Silverstein, D J; Fulsom, B G; Anulli, F; Kuhn, D; White, M J; Vetterli, M J; Stockton, M C; Mantifel, R L; Azuelos, G; Shoaleh saadi, D; Savard, P; Clark, A; Ferrere, D; Gaumer, O P; Diaz gutierrez, M A; Liu, Y; Dubnickova, A; Sykora, I; Strizenec, P; Weichert, J; Zitek, K; Naumann, T; Goessling, C; Klingenberg, R; Jakobs, K; Rurikova, Z; Werner, M W; Arnold, H R; Buscher, D; Hanke, P; Stamen, R; Dietzsch, T A; Kiryunin, A; Salihagic, D; Buchholz, P; Pacheco pages, A; Sushkov, S; Porto fernandez, M D C; Cruz josa, R; Vos, M A; Schwindling, J; Ponsot, P; Charignon, C; Kivernyk, O; Goodrick, M J; Hill, J C; Green, B J; Quarman, C V; Bates, R L; Allwood-spiers, S E; Quilty, D; Chilingarov, A; Long, R E; Barton, A E; Konstantinidis, N; Simmons, B; Davison, A R; Christodoulou, V; Wastie, R L; Gallas, E J; Cox, J; Dehchar, M; Behr, J K; Pickering, M A; Filippas, A; Panagoulias, I; Tenenbaum katan, Y D; Roth, I; Pitt, M; Citron, Z H; Benhammou, Y; Amram, N Y N; Soffer, A; Gorodeisky, R; Antonelli, M; Chiarella, V; Curatolo, M; Esposito, B; Nicoletti, G; Martini, A; Sansoni, A; Carlino, G; Del prete, T; Bini, C; Vari, R; Kuna, M; Pinamonti, M; Itoh, Y; Colijn, A P; Klous, S; Garitaonandia elejabarrieta, H; Rosendahl, P L; Taga, A V; Malecki, P; Malecki, P; Wolter, M W; Kowalski, T; Korcyl, G M; Caprini, M; Caprini, I; Dita, P; Olariu, A; Tudorache, A; Lytken, E; Hidvegi, A; Aliyev, M; Alexeev, G; Bardin, D; Kakurin, S; Lebedev, A; Golubykh, S; Chepurnov, V; Gostkin, M; Kolesnikov, V; Karpova, Z; Davkov, K I; Yeletskikh, I; Grishkevich, Y; Rud, V; Myagkov, A; Nikolaenko, V; Starchenko, E; Zaytsev, A; Fakhrutdinov, R; Cheine, I; Istin, S; Sahin, S; Teng, P; Chu, M L; Trilling, G H; Heinemann, B; Richoz, N; Degeorge, C; Youssef, S; Pilcher, J; Cheng, Y; Purohit, M V; Kravchenko, A; Calkins, R E; Blazey, G; Hauser, R; Koll, J D; Reinsch, A; Brost, E C; Allen, B W; Lankford, A J; Ciobotaru, M D; Slagle, K J; Haffa, B; Mann, A; Loginov, A; Cummings, J T; Loyal, J D; Skubic, P L; Boudreau, J F; Lee, B E; Redlinger, G; Wlodek, T; Carcassi, G; Sexton, K A; Yu, D; Deng, W; Metcalfe, J E; Panitkin, S; Sijacki, D; Mikuz, M; Kramberger, G; Tartarelli, G F; Farilla, A; Stanescu, C; Herrberg, R; Alconada verzini, M J; Brennan, A J; Varvell, K; Marroquim, F; Gomes, A A; Do amaral coutinho, Y; Gingrich, D; Moore, R W; Dolejsi, J; Valkar, S; Broz, J; Jindra, T; Kohout, Z; Kral, V; Mann, A W; Calfayan, P P; Langer, T; Hamacher, K; Sanny, B; Wagner, W; Flick, T; Redelbach, A R; Ke, Y; Higon-rodriguez, E; Donini, J N; Lafarguette, P; Adye, T J; Baines, J; Barnett, B; Wickens, F J; Martin, V J; Jackson, J N; Prichard, P; Kretzschmar, J; Martin, A J; Walker, C J; Potter, K M; Kourkoumelis, C; Tzamarias, S; Houiris, A G; Iliadis, D; Fanti, M; Bertolucci, F; Maleev, V; Sultanov, S; Rosenberg, E I; Krumnack, N E; Bieganek, C; Diehl, E B; Mc kee, S P; Eppig, A P; Harper, D R; Liu, C; Schwarz, T A; Mazor, B; Looper, K A; Wiedenmann, W; Huang, P; Stahlman, J M; Battaglia, M; Nielsen, J A; Zhao, T; Khanov, A; Kaushik, V S; Vichou, E; Liss, A M; Gemme, C; Morettini, P; Parodi, F; Passaggio, S; Rossi, L; Kuzhir, P; Ignatenko, A; Ferrari, R; Spairani, M; Pianori, E; Sekula, S J; Firan, A I; Cao, T; Hetherly, J W; Gouighri, M; Vassilakopoulos, V; Long, M C; Shimojima, M; Sawyer, L H; Brummett, R E; Losada, M A; Schorlemmer, A L; Mantoani, M; Bawa, H S; Mornacchi, G; Nicquevert, B; Palestini, S; Stapnes, S; Veness, R; Kotamaki, M J; Sorde, C; Iengo, P; Campana, S; Goossens, L; Zajacova, Z; Pribyl, L; Poveda torres, J; Marzin, A; Conti, G; Carrillo montoya, G D; Kroseberg, J; Gonella, L; Velz, T; Schmitt, S; Lobodzinska, E M; Lovschall-jensen, A E; Galster, G; Perrot, G; Cailles, M; Berger, N; Barnovska, Z; Delsart, P; Lleres, A; Tisserant, S; Grivaz, J; Matricon, P; Bellagamba, L; Bertin, A; Bruschi, M; De castro, S; Semprini cesari, N; Fabbri, L; Rinaldi, L; Quayle, W B; Truong, T N L; Kondo, T; Haruyama, T; Ng, C; Do valle wemans, A; Almeida veloso, F M; Konovalov, S; Ziegler, J M; Su, D; Lukas, W; Prince, S; Ortega urrego, E J; Teuscher, R J; Knecht, N; Pretzl, K; Borer, C; Gadomski, S; Koch, B; Kuleshov, S; Brooks, W K; Antos, J; Kulkova, I; Chudoba, J; Chyla, J; Tomasek, L; Bazalova, M; Messmer, I; Tobias, J; Sundermann, J E; Kuehn, S S; Kluge, E; Scharf, V L; Barillari, T; Kluth, S; Menke, S; Weigell, P; Schwegler, P; Ziolkowski, M; Casado lechuga, P M; Garcia, C; Sanchez, J; Costa mezquita, M J; Valero biot, J A; Laporte, J; Nikolaidou, R; Virchaux, M; Nguyen, V T H; Charlton, D; Harrison, K; Slater, M W; Newman, P R; Parker, A M; Ward, P; Mcgarvie, S A; Kilvington, G J; D'auria, S; O'shea, V; Mcglone, H M; Fox, H; Henderson, R; Kartvelishvili, V; Davies, B; Sherwood, P; Fraser, J T; Lancaster, M A; Tseng, J C; Hays, C P; Apolle, R; Dixon, S D; Parker, K A; Gazis, E; Papadopoulou, T; Panagiotopoulou, E; Karastathis, N; Hershenhorn, A D; Milov, A; Groth-jensen, J; Bilokon, H; Miscetti, S; Canale, V; Rebuzzi, D M; Capua, M; Bagnaia, P; De salvo, A; Gentile, S; Safai tehrani, F; Solfaroli camillocci, E; Sasao, N; Tsunada, K; Massaro, G; Magrath, C A; Van kesteren, Z; Beker, M G; Van den wollenberg, W; Bugge, L; Buran, T; Read, A L; Gjelsten, B K; Banas, E A; Turnau, J; Derendarz, D K; Kisielewska, D; Chesneanu, D; Rotaru, M; Maurer, J B; Wong, M L; Lund-jensen, B; Asman, B; Jon-and, K B; Silverstein, S B; Johansen, M; Alexandrov, I; Iatsounenko, I; Krumshteyn, Z; Peshekhonov, V; Rybaltchenko, K; Samoylov, V; Cheplakov, A; Kekelidze, G; Lyablin, M; Teterine, V; Bednyakov, V; Kruchonak, U; Shiyakova, M M; Demichev, M; Denisov, S P; Fenyuk, A; Djobava, T; Salukvadze, G; Cetin, S A; Brau, B P; Pais, P R; Proudfoot, J; Van gemmeren, P; Zhang, Q; Beringer, J A; Ely, R; Leggett, C; Pengg, F X; Barnett, M R; Quick, R E; Williams, S; Gardner jr, R W; Huston, J; Brock, R; Wanotayaroj, C; Unel, G N; Taffard, A C; Frate, M; Baker, K O; Tipton, P L; Hutchison, A; Walsh, B J; Norberg, S R; Su, J; Tsybyshev, D; Caballero bejar, J; Ernst, M U; Wellenstein, H; Vudragovic, D; Vidic, I; Gorelov, I V; Toms, K; Alimonti, G; Petrucci, F; Kolanoski, H; Smith, J; Jeng, G; Watson, I J; Guimaraes ferreira, F; Miranda vieira xavier, F; Araujo pereira, R; Poffenberger, P; Sopko, V; Elmsheuser, J; Wittkowski, J; Glitza, K; Gorfine, G W; Ferrer soria, A; Fuster verdu, J A; Sanchis lozano, A; Reinmuth, G; Busato, E; Haywood, S J; Mcmahon, S J; Qian, W; Villani, E G; Laycock, P J; Poll, A J; Rizvi, E S; Foster, J M; Loebinger, F; Forti, A; Plano, W G; Brown, G J A; Kordas, K; Vegni, G; Ohsugi, T; Iwata, Y; Cherkaoui el moursli, R; Sahin, M; Akyazi, E; Carlsen, A; Kanwal, B; Cochran jr, J H; Aronnax, M V; Lockner, M J; Zhou, B; Levin, D S; Weaverdyck, C J; Grom, G F; Rudge, A; Ebenstein, W L; Jia, B; Yamaoka, J; Jared, R C; Wu, S L; Banerjee, S; Lu, Q; Hughes, E W; Alkire, S P; Degenhardt, J D; Lipeles, E D; Spencer, E N; Savine, A; Cheu, E C; Lampl, W; Veatch, J R; Roberts, K; Atkinson, M J; Odino, G A; Polesello, G; Martin, T; White, A P; Stephens, R; Grinbaum sarkisyan, E; Vartapetian, A; Yu, J; Sosebee, M; Thilagar, P A; Spurlock, B; Bonde, R; Filthaut, F; Klok, P; Hoummada, A; Ouchrif, M; Pellegrini, G; Rafi tatjer, J M; Navarro, G A; Blumenschein, U; Weingarten, J C; Mueller, D; Graber, L; Gao, Y; Bode, A; Capeans garrido, M D M; Carli, T; Wells, P; Beltramello, O; Vuillermet, R; Dudarev, A; Salzburger, A; Torchiani, C I; Serfon, C L G; Sloper, J E; Duperrier, G; Lilova, P T; Knecht, M O; Lassnig, M; Anders, G; Deviveiros, P; Young, C; Sforza, F; Shaochen, C; Lu, F; Wermes, N; Wienemann, P; Schwindt, T; Hansen, P H; Hansen, J B; Pingel, A M; Massol, N; Elles, S L; Hallewell, G D; Rozanov, A; Vacavant, L; Fournier, D A; Poggioli, L; Puzo, P M; Tanaka, R; Escalier, M A; Makovec, N; Rezynkina, K; De cecco, S; Cavalleri, P G; Massa, I; Zoccoli, A; Tanaka, S; Odaka, S; Mitsui, S; Tomasio pina, J A; Santos, H F; Satsounkevitch, I; Harkusha, S; Baranov, S; Nechaeva, P; Kayumov, F; Kazanin, V; Asai, M; Mount, R P; Nelson, T K; Smith, D; Kenney, C J; Malone, C M; Kobel, M; Friedrich, F; Grohs, J P; Jais, W J; O'neil, D C; Warburton, A T; Vincter, M; Mccarthy, T G; Groer, L S; Pham, Q T; Taylor, W J; La marra, D; Perrin, E; Wu, X; Bell, W H; Delitzsch, C M; Feng, C; Zhu, C; Tokar, S; Bruncko, D; Kupco, A; Marcisovsky, M; Jakoubek, T; Bruneliere, R; Aktas, A; Narrias villar, D I; Tapprogge, S; Mattmann, J; Kroha, H; Crespo, J; Korolkov, I; Cavallaro, E; Cabrera urban, S; Mitsou, V; Kozanecki, W; Mansoulie, B; Pabot, Y; Etienvre, A; Bauer, F; Chevallier, F; Bouty, A R; Watkins, P; Watson, A; Faulkner, P J W; Curtis, C J; Murillo quijada, J A; Grout, Z J; Chapman, J D; Cowan, G D; George, S; Boisvert, V; Mcmahon, T R; Doyle, A T; Thompson, S A; Britton, D; Smizanska, M; Campanelli, M; Butterworth, J M; Loken, J; Renton, P; Barr, A J; Issever, C; Short, D; Crispin ortuzar, M; Tovey, D R; French, R; Rozen, Y; Alexander, G; Kreisel, A; Conventi, F; Raulo, A; Schioppa, M; Susinno, G; Tassi, E; Giagu, S; Luci, C; Nisati, A; Cobal, M; Ishikawa, A; Jinnouchi, O; Bos, K; Verkerke, W; Vermeulen, J; Van vulpen, I B; Kieft, G; Mora, K D; Olsen, F; Rohne, O M; Pajchel, K; Nilsen, J K; Wosiek, B K; Wozniak, K W; Badescu, E; Jinaru, A; Bohm, C; Johansson, E K; Sjoelin, J B R; Clement, C; Buszello, C P; Huseynova, D; Boyko, I; Popov, B; Poukhov, O; Vinogradov, V; Tsiareshka, P; Skvorodnev, N; Soldatov, A; Chuguev, A; Gushchin, V; Yazici, E; Lutz, M S; Malon, D; Vanyashin, A; Lavrijsen, W; Spieler, H; Biesiada, J L; Bahr, M; Kong, J; Tatarkhanov, M; Ogren, H; Van kooten, R J; Cwetanski, P; Butler, J M; Shank, J T; Chakraborty, D; Ermoline, I; Sinev, N; Whiteson, D O; Corso radu, A; Huang, J; Werth, M P; Kastoryano, M; Meirose da silva costa, B; Namasivayam, H; Hobbs, J D; Schamberger jr, R D; Guo, F; Potekhin, M; Popovic, D; Gorisek, A; Sokhrannyi, G; Hofsajer, I W; Mandelli, L; Ceradini, F; Graziani, E; Giorgi, F; Zur nedden, M E G; Grancagnolo, S; Volpi, M; Nunes hanninger, G; Rados, P K; Milesi, M; Cuthbert, C J; Black, C W; Fink grael, F; Fincke-keeler, M; Keeler, R; Kowalewski, R V; Berghaus, F O; Qi, M; Davidek, T; Tas, P; Jakubek, J; Duckeck, G; Walker, R; Mitterer, C A; Harenberg, T; Sandvoss, S A; Del peso, J; Llorente merino, J; Gonzalez millan, V; Irles quiles, A; Crouau, M; Gris, P L Y; Liauzu, S; Romano saez, S M; Gallop, B J; Jones, T J; Austin, N C; Morris, J; Duerdoth, I; Thompson, R J; Kelly, M P; Leisos, A; Garas, A; Pizio, C; Venda pinto, B A; Kudin, L; Qian, J; Wilson, A W; Mietlicki, D; Long, J D; Sang, Z; Arms, K E; Rahimi, A M; Moss, J J; Oh, S H; Parker, S I; Parsons, J; Cunitz, H; Vanguri, R S; Sadrozinski, H; Lockman, W S; Martinez-mc kinney, G; Goussiou, A; Jones, A; Lie, K; Hasegawa, Y; Olcese, M; Gilewsky, V; Harrison, P F; Janus, M; Spangenberg, M; De, K; Ozturk, N; Pal, A K; Darmora, S; Bullock, D J; Oviawe, O; Derkaoui, J E; Rahal, G; Sircar, A; Frey, A S; Stolte, P; Rosien, N; Zoch, K; Li, L; Schouten, D W; Catinaccio, A; Ciapetti, M; Delruelle, N; Ellis, N; Farthouat, P; Hoecker, A; Klioutchnikova, T; Macina, D; Malyukov, S; Spiwoks, R D; Unal, G P; Vandoni, G; Petersen, B A; Pommes, K; Nairz, A M; Wengler, T; Mladenov, D; Solans sanchez, C A; Lantzsch, K; Schmieden, K; Jakobsen, S; Ritsch, E; Sciuccati, A; Alves dos santos, A M; Ouyang, Q; Zhou, M; Brock, I C; Janssen, J; Katzy, J; Anders, C F; Nilsson, B S; Bazan, A; Di ciaccio, L; Yildizkaya, T; Collot, J; Malek, F; Trocme, B S; Breugnon, P; Godiot, S; Adam bourdarios, C; Coulon, J; Duflot, L; Petroff, P G; Zerwas, D; Lieuvin, M; Calderini, G; Laporte, D; Ocariz, J; Gabrielli, A; Ohska, T K; Kurochkin, Y; Kantserov, V; Vasilyeva, L; Speransky, M; Smirnov, S; Antonov, A; Bulekov, O; Tikhonov, Y; Sargsyan, L; Vardanyan, G; Budick, B; Kocian, M L; Luitz, S; Young, C C; Grenier, P J; Kelsey, M; Black, J E; Kneringer, E; Jussel, P; Horton, A J; Beaudry, J; Chandra, A; Ereditato, A; Topfel, C M; Mathieu, R; Bucci, F; Muenstermann, D; White, R M; He, M; Urban, J; Straka, M; Vrba, V; Schumacher, M; Parzefall, U; Mahboubi, K; Sommer, P O; Koepke, L H; Bethke, S; Moser, H; Wiesmann, M; Walkowiak, W A; Fleck, I J; Martinez-perez, M; Sanchez sanchez, C A; Jorgensen roca, S; Accion garcia, E; Sainz ruiz, C A; Valls ferrer, J A; Amoros vicente, G; Vives torrescasana, R; Ouraou, A; Formica, A; Hassani, S; Watson, M F; Cottin buracchio, G F; Bussey, P J; Saxon, D; Ferrando, J E; Collins-tooth, C L; Hall, D C; Cuhadar donszelmann, T; Dawson, I; Duxfield, R; Argyropoulos, T; Brodet, E; Livneh, R; Shougaev, K; Reinherz, E I; Guttman, N; Beretta, M M; Vilucchi, E; Aloisio, A; Patricelli, S; Caprio, M; Cevenini, F; De vecchi, C; Livan, M; Rimoldi, A; Vercesi, V; Ayad, R; Mastroberardino, A; Ciapetti, G; Luminari, L; Rescigno, M; Santonico, R; Salamon, A; Del papa, C; Kurashige, H; Homma, Y; Tomoto, M; Horii, Y; Sugaya, Y; Hanagaki, K; Bobbink, G; Kluit, P M; Koffeman, E N; Van eijk, B; Lee, H; Eigen, G; Dorholt, O; Strandlie, A; Strzempek, P B; Dita, S; Stoicea, G; Chitan, A; Leven, S S; Moa, T; Brenner, R; Ekelof, T J C; Olshevskiy, A; Roumiantsev, V; Chlachidze, G; Zimine, N; Gusakov, Y; Grigalashvili, N; Mineev, M; Potrap, I; Barashkou, A; Shoukavy, D; Shaykhatdenov, B; Pikelner, A; Gladilin, L; Ammosov, V; Abramov, A; Arik, M; Sahinsoy, M; Uysal, Z; Azizi, K; Hotinli, S C; Zhou, S; Berger, E; Blair, R; Underwood, D G; Einsweiler, K; Garcia-sciveres, M A; Siegrist, J L; Kipnis, I; Dahl, O; Holland, S; Barbaro galtieri, A; Smith, P T; Parua, N; Franklin, M; Mercurio, K M; Tong, B; Pod, E; Cole, S G; Hopkins, W H; Guest, D H; Severini, H; Marsicano, J J; Abbott, B K; Wang, Q; Lissauer, D; Ma, H; Takai, H; Rajagopalan, S; Protopopescu, S D; Snyder, S S; Undrus, A; Popescu, R N; Begel, M A; Blocker, C A; Amelung, C; Mandic, I; Macek, B; Tucker, B H; Citterio, M; Troncon, C; Orestano, D; Taccini, C; Romeo, G L; Dova, M T; Taylor, G N; Gesualdi manhaes, A; Mcpherson, R A; Sobie, R; Taylor, R P; Dolezal, Z; Kodys, P; Slovak, R; Sopko, B; Vacek, V; Sanders, M P; Hertenberger, R; Meineck, C; Becks, K; Kind, P; Sandhoff, M; Cantero garcia, J; De la torre perez, H; Castillo gimenez, V; Ros, E; Hernandez jimenez, Y; Chadelas, R; Santoni, C; Washbrook, A J; O'brien, B J; Wynne, B M; Mehta, A; Vossebeld, J H; Landon, M; Teixeira dias castanheira, M; Cerrito, L; Keates, J R; Fassouliotis, D; Chardalas, M; Manousos, A; Grachev, V; Seliverstov, D; Sedykh, E; Cakir, O; Ciftci, R; Edson, W; Prell, S A; Rosati, M; Stroman, T; Jiang, H; Neal, H A; Li, X; Gan, K K; Smith, D S; Kruse, M C; Ko, B R; Leung fook cheong, A M; Cole, B; Angerami, A R; Greene, Z S; Kroll, J I; Van berg, R P; Forbush, D A; Lubatti, H; Raisher, J; Shupe, M A; Wolin, S; Oshita, H; Gaudio, G; Das, R; Konig, A C; Croft, V A; Harvey, A; Maaroufi, F; Melo, I; Greenwood jr, Z D; Shabalina, E; Mchedlidze, G; Drechsler, E; Rieger, J K; Blackston, M; Colombo, T


      % ATLAS \\\\ \\\\ ATLAS is a general-purpose experiment for recording proton-proton collisions at LHC. The ATLAS collaboration consists of 144 participating institutions (June 1998) with more than 1750~physicists and engineers (700 from non-Member States). The detector design has been optimized to cover the largest possible range of LHC physics: searches for Higgs bosons and alternative schemes for the spontaneous symmetry-breaking mechanism; searches for supersymmetric particles, new gauge bosons, leptoquarks, and quark and lepton compositeness indicating extensions to the Standard Model and new physics beyond it; studies of the origin of CP violation via high-precision measurements of CP-violating B-decays; high-precision measurements of the third quark family such as the top-quark mass and decay properties, rare decays of B-hadrons, spectroscopy of rare B-hadrons, and $ B ^0 _{s} $-mixing. \\\\ \\\\The ATLAS dectector, shown in the Figure includes an inner tracking detector inside a 2~T~solenoid providing an axial...

    19. Supporting ATLAS

      CERN Multimedia


      Eighteen feet made of stainless steel will support the barrel ATLAS detector in the cavern at Point 1. In total, the ATLAS feet system will carry approximately 6000 tons, and will give the same inclination to the detector as the LHC accelerator. The installation of the feet is scheduled to finish during January 2004 with an installation precision at the 1 mm level despite their height of 5.3 metres. The manufacture was carried out in Russia (Company Izhorskiye Zavody in St. Petersburg), as part of a Russian and JINR Dubna in-kind contribution to ATLAS. Involved in the installation is a team from IHEP-Protvino (Russia), the ATLAS technical co-ordination team at CERN, and the CERN survey team. In all, about 15 people are involved. After the feet are in place, the barrel toroid magnet and the barrel calorimeters will be installed. This will keep the ATLAS team busy for the entire year 2004.

    20. A module concept for the upgrades of the ATLAS pixel system using the novel SLID-ICV vertical integration technology

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Beimforde, M; Andricek, L; Macchiolo, A; Moser, H-G; Nisius, R; Richter, R H; Weigell, P, E-mail: [Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physik, Foehringer Ring 6, D-80805, Muenchen (Germany)


      The presented R and D activity is focused on the development of a new pixel module concept for the foreseen upgrades of the ATLAS detector towards the Super LHC employing thin n-in-p silicon sensors together with a novel vertical integration technology. A first set of pixel sensors with active thicknesses of 75 {mu}m and 150 {mu}m has been produced using a thinning technique developed at the Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physik (MPP) and the MPI Semiconductor Laboratory (HLL). Charge Collection Efficiency (CCE) measurements of these sensors irradiated with 26 MeV protons up to a particle fluence of 10{sup 16}n{sub eq}cm{sup -2} have been performed, yielding higher values than expected from the present radiation damage models. The novel integration technology, developed by the Fraunhofer Institut EMFT, consists of the Solid-Liquid InterDiffusion (SLID) interconnection, being an alternative to the standard solder bump-bonding, and Inter-Chip Vias (ICVs) for routing signals vertically through electronics. This allows for extracting the digitized signals from the back side of the readout chips, avoiding wire-bonding cantilevers at the edge of the devices and thus increases the active area fraction. First interconnections have been performed with wafers containing daisy chains to investigate the efficiency of SLID at wafer-to-wafer and chip-to-wafer level. In a second interconnection process the present ATLAS FE-I3 readout chips were connected to dummy sensor wafers at chip-to-wafer level. Preparations of ICV within the ATLAS readout chips for back side contacting and the future steps towards a full demonstrator module will be presented.

    1. A module concept for the upgrades of the ATLAS pixel system using the novel SLID-ICV vertical integration technology

      International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

      Beimforde, M; Andricek, L; Macchiolo, A; Moser, H-G; Nisius, R; Richter, R H; Weigell, P


      The presented R and D activity is focused on the development of a new pixel module concept for the foreseen upgrades of the ATLAS detector towards the Super LHC employing thin n-in-p silicon sensors together with a novel vertical integration technology. A first set of pixel sensors with active thicknesses of 75 μm and 150 μm has been produced using a thinning technique developed at the Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physik (MPP) and the MPI Semiconductor Laboratory (HLL). Charge Collection Efficiency (CCE) measurements of these sensors irradiated with 26 MeV protons up to a particle fluence of 10 16 n eq cm -2 have been performed, yielding higher values than expected from the present radiation damage models. The novel integration technology, developed by the Fraunhofer Institut EMFT, consists of the Solid-Liquid InterDiffusion (SLID) interconnection, being an alternative to the standard solder bump-bonding, and Inter-Chip Vias (ICVs) for routing signals vertically through electronics. This allows for extracting the digitized signals from the back side of the readout chips, avoiding wire-bonding cantilevers at the edge of the devices and thus increases the active area fraction. First interconnections have been performed with wafers containing daisy chains to investigate the efficiency of SLID at wafer-to-wafer and chip-to-wafer level. In a second interconnection process the present ATLAS FE-I3 readout chips were connected to dummy sensor wafers at chip-to-wafer level. Preparations of ICV within the ATLAS readout chips for back side contacting and the future steps towards a full demonstrator module will be presented.

    2. 17 April 2008 - Head of Internal Audit Network meeting visiting the ATLAS experimental area with CERN ATLAS Team Leader P. Fassnacht, ATLAS Technical Coordinator M. Nessi and ATLAS Resources Manager M. Nordberg.

      CERN Multimedia

      Mona Schweizer


      17 April 2008 - Head of Internal Audit Network meeting visiting the ATLAS experimental area with CERN ATLAS Team Leader P. Fassnacht, ATLAS Technical Coordinator M. Nessi and ATLAS Resources Manager M. Nordberg.

    3. Gesellschaft fuer Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS). Annual report 2013/14

      International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


      The annual report 2013/14 of the Gesellschaft fuer Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS) includes projects and key activities on the following issues: reactor safety, waste disposal, radiation protection, environmental protection and the support of foreign authorities and TSO. The project executing organizations, the governmental funding, share holding and subsidiaries are summarized.

    4. Bayerisches Landesamt fuer Umweltschutz. 1997 annual report and abstracts of publications; Bayerisches Landesamt fuer Umweltschutz. Taetigkeitsbericht 1997 und Kurzbeitraege

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



      The annual report informs about the activities of the Bavarian Land Office for Environmental Protection in the following fields: clean air policy, waste management, management of soil pollution and remedial action, nuclear energy and radiation protection, nature conservation and landscape conservation, LfU laboratory, environmental hygiene, and data processing (SR) [Deutsch] Der vorliegende Bericht beschreibt die Taetigkeiten des Bayerischen Landesamtes fuer Umweltschutz auf folgenden Gebieten: Immissionsschutz, Abfallwirtschaft, Altlasten und Bodenschutz, Kernenergie und Strahlenschutz, Naturschutz und Landschaftspflege, Zentrallabors und Umwelthygiene, sowie Datenverarbeitung. (SR)

    5. Solar building construction - new technologies; Solares Bauen - Neue Technologien fuer Gebaeude

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Luther, J.; Voss, K.; Wittwer, V. [Fraunhofer-Inst. fuer Solare Energiesysteme, Freiburg (Germany). Abt. ``Thermische und Optische Systeme``


      There is an increasing demand for integrated building concepts in order to reduce energy consumption. Building design, construction and heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) technology are decisive in this respect. Thus, an essentially higher energy efficiency is achieved and solar energy becomes the main energy source. An `active building envelope` assumes the task of controlling the energy flows between inside and outside. This paper reports on new components, system concepts and planning tools for solar building. (orig.) [Deutsch] Fuer zukuenftige Bauten werden in hohem Masse Forderungen nach integrierten Konzepten zur Begrenzung des Energieverbrauchs gestellt. Gestalt, Konstruktion und Klimatechnik sind dabei massgebliche Einflussfaktoren. Hierdurch wird eine wesentlich hoehere Energieeffizienz erzielt und Solarenergie kann die uebrigen Energiequellen zurueckdraengen. Eine `aktive Gebaeudehuelle` uebernimmt die Aufgabe, den Energiefluss zwischen Innen und Aussen zu steuern. Der Beitrag berichtet ueber neue Komponenten, Systemkonzepte und Planungswerkzeuge fuer das Solare Bauen. (orig.)

    6. Probabilistic liver atlas construction. (United States)

      Dura, Esther; Domingo, Juan; Ayala, Guillermo; Marti-Bonmati, Luis; Goceri, E


      Anatomical atlases are 3D volumes or shapes representing an organ or structure of the human body. They contain either the prototypical shape of the object of interest together with other shapes representing its statistical variations (statistical atlas) or a probability map of belonging to the object (probabilistic atlas). Probabilistic atlases are mostly built with simple estimations only involving the data at each spatial location. A new method for probabilistic atlas construction that uses a generalized linear model is proposed. This method aims to improve the estimation of the probability to be covered by the liver. Furthermore, all methods to build an atlas involve previous coregistration of the sample of shapes available. The influence of the geometrical transformation adopted for registration in the quality of the final atlas has not been sufficiently investigated. The ability of an atlas to adapt to a new case is one of the most important quality criteria that should be taken into account. The presented experiments show that some methods for atlas construction are severely affected by the previous coregistration step. We show the good performance of the new approach. Furthermore, results suggest that extremely flexible registration methods are not always beneficial, since they can reduce the variability of the atlas and hence its ability to give sensible values of probability when used as an aid in segmentation of new cases.

    7. Advertising campaign for natural gas vehicles is getting along; Werbung fuer Erdgasfahrzeuge kommt ins Rollen

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Koerner, I. [me-gas, Projektgruppe Erdgasfahrzeuge, Berlin (Germany)


      Six students of the Berlin University of Arts developed a nationwide communication campaign for natural gas vehicles. The campaign is the first of its kind which is not restricted to industrial and commercial users. Apart from the innovative and unusual creations, it was the results of market research that created a sensation. [German] Sechs Studenten der Berliner Universitaet der Kuenste haben eine bundesweite Kommunikationskampagne fuer Erdgasfahrzeuge erarbeitet, die zum ersten Mal nicht nur die gewerblichen Vielfahrer ansprechen soll. Neben den ungewoehnlichen und zum Teil gewagten Kreationen waren es die Ergebnisse aus der Marktforschung, die fuer Ueberraschungen sorgten. (orig.)

    8. Report to users of ATLAS

      International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

      Ahmad, I.; Glagola, B.


      This report contains discussing in the following areas: Status of the Atlas accelerator; highlights of recent research at Atlas; concept for an advanced exotic beam facility based on Atlas; program advisory committee; Atlas executive committee; and Atlas and ANL physics division on the world wide web

    9. ATLAS Distributed Computing Automation

      CERN Document Server

      Schovancova, J; The ATLAS collaboration; Borrego, C; Campana, S; Di Girolamo, A; Elmsheuser, J; Hejbal, J; Kouba, T; Legger, F; Magradze, E; Medrano Llamas, R; Negri, G; Rinaldi, L; Sciacca, G; Serfon, C; Van Der Ster, D C


      The ATLAS Experiment benefits from computing resources distributed worldwide at more than 100 WLCG sites. The ATLAS Grid sites provide over 100k CPU job slots, over 100 PB of storage space on disk or tape. Monitoring of status of such a complex infrastructure is essential. The ATLAS Grid infrastructure is monitored 24/7 by two teams of shifters distributed world-wide, by the ATLAS Distributed Computing experts, and by site administrators. In this paper we summarize automation efforts performed within the ATLAS Distributed Computing team in order to reduce manpower costs and improve the reliability of the system. Different aspects of the automation process are described: from the ATLAS Grid site topology provided by the ATLAS Grid Information System, via automatic site testing by the HammerCloud, to automatic exclusion from production or analysis activities.

    10. How to promote solar power. Strategic application of consumer and environmental psychology; Fuer Solarenergie. Konsumenten- und Umweltpsychologie strategisch anwenden

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Huebner, G. [Halle Univ. (Germany). Lehrstuhl fuer Sozial- und Organisationspsychologie; Felser, G. [Halle Univ. (Germany). Lehrstuhl fuer Differentielle Psychologie und Psychologische Diagnostik


      Why are solar systems still so few and far between? The book presents answers based on a systematic analysis of the psychological aspects of the decision, e.g. consumer needs and motives. 'Social Marketing' is presented as a differentiated outline concept for developing strategies for selling solar power. The book addresses solar and agenda initiatives, environmental organisations, communities and energy-minded citizens as well as students of environmental science and psychology. [German] Warum sind Solaranlagen noch immer so selten? Antworten auf diese Frage finden sich im Buch, in dem aus Sicht der Konsumenten- und Umweltpsychologie die psychologischen Facetten der Entscheidung fuer Solarenergie, z.B. - die Beduerfnisse und Motive der Konsumenten von Solaranlagen - die Wirkungen von Informationsmaterial auf die Kaufentscheidung, erstmals systematisch analysiert werden. Mit dem 'Sozialen Marketing' wird ein differenziertes Rahmenkonzept fuer die Gestaltung von Strategien fuer Solarenergie vorgestellt. Dieses Buch ist vor allem hilfreich fuer Solar- und Agendainitiativen, Umweltverbaende, Kommunen und energiebewusste Buerger, da es praxisnahe Informationen und Handlungsempfehlungen vermittelt. Es wendet sich aber auch an Studierende der Umweltwissenschaften und der Psychologie. Es bereichert die Diskussion ueber Solarenergie mit Argumenten, die der Komplexitaet des Themas Rechnung tragen. (orig.)

    11. Development of a concept for sustainable agriculture in the Elbe wetlands of Niedersachsen; Konzeptentwicklung fuer eine nachhaltige Landbewirtschaftung in den niedersaechsischen Elbtalauen

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Prueter, J. [Alfred Toepfer Akademie fuer Naturschutz (NNA), Schneverdingen (Germany); Horlitz, T.; Sander, A. [Arbeitsgemeinschaft Umweltplanung (ARUM), Hannover (Germany)


      Since late 1997, a cooperative project headed by Alfred Toepfer Akademie fuer Naturschutz has been investigating ''Models of conservation and its application in agriculture - goals, instruments and cost of sustainable, environment-friendly agriculture in the Elbe river valley in Niedersachsen''. The project receives funds in the context of the BMBF project ''Elbe river ecology''. Using the specific methods and tools of ecology, landscaping, agriculture and economics, the fundamentals for future interdisciplinary landscape development concepts will be established. The contribution presents the methodology of concept development and some exemplary goals for sustainable agricultural development in the context of the project. [German] Seit Ende 1997 widmet sich im Rahmen der BMBF-Forschungsfoerderung ''Elbe-Oekologie'' ein Verbundforschungsvorhaben unter Federfuehrung der Alfred Toepfer Akademie fuer Naturschutz dem Thema ''Leitbilder des Naturschutzes und deren Umsetzung mit der Landwirtschaft - Ziele, Instrumente und Kosten einer umweltschonenden und nachhaltigen Landwirtschaft im niedersaechsischen Elbetal''. Mit den spezifischen Methoden und fachlichen Instrumenten der Oekologie, der Landschaftsplanung sowie der Agrarwissenschaften einschliesslich Oekonomie sollen Grundlagen fuer moegliche ressortuebergreifend getragene Konzepte fuer die zukuenftige Landschaftsentwicklung erarbeitet werden. Im folgenden werden methodische Grundlagen der Konzeptentwicklung und beispielhafte Zielaussagen fuer eine nachhaltige Landbewirtschaftung aus dem laufenden Projekt vorgestellt. (orig.)

    12. ATLAS-AWS

      International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

      Gehrcke, Jan-Philip; Stonjek, Stefan; Kluth, Stefan


      We show how the ATLAS offline software is ported on the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2). We prepare an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) on the basis of the standard ATLAS platform Scientific Linux 4 (SL4). Then an instance of the SLC4 AMI is started on EC2 and we install and validate a recent release of the ATLAS offline software distribution kit. The installed software is archived as an image on the Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) and can be quickly retrieved and connected to new SL4 AMI instances using the Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS). ATLAS jobs can then configure against the release kit using the ATLAS configuration management tool (cmt) in the standard way. The output of jobs is exported to S3 before the SL4 AMI is terminated. Job status information is transferred to the Amazon SimpleDB service. The whole process of launching instances of our AMI, starting, monitoring and stopping jobs and retrieving job output from S3 is controlled from a client machine using python scripts implementing the Amazon EC2/S3 API via the boto library working together with small scripts embedded in the SL4 AMI. We report our experience with setting up and operating the system using standard ATLAS job transforms.

    13. EnviroAtlas (United States)

      City and County of Durham, North Carolina — This EnviroAtlas web service supports research and online mapping activities related to EnviroAtlas ( The layers in this web...

    14. Meteorological systems for hydrological applications; Meteorologische Systeme fuer hydrologische Anwendungen

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



      The development of hydrology with its many practical applications in water management has led to a great demand for hydrometeorological data, variables derived from meteorological measurements, and models. The report shows the many fields in which meteorological data are required in hydrology and water management. Measuring networks and methods are described and critically assessed, including remote measurement by radar and satellite. For the hydrologist, the most important variables to be derived are the regional precipitation and evaporation, each with the error source and size. Other factors of interest are the snowbreak, the expected maximum precipitation (rain), the statistical derivation of strong rain, and regionalisation methods for all variables derived. These methods are presented. The possibilities of meteorology, especially (WMO) in the field of data transmission systems are assessed. (orig./KW) [Deutsch] Die Entwicklung der Hydrologie mit ihren zahlreichen wasserwirtschaftlichen Anwendungen hat zu einem grossen Bedarf an hydrometeorologischen Daten, aus meteorologischen Messungen abgeleiteten Groessen und auch an Modellen gefuehrt. Wo ueberall sich ein Bedarf an meteorologischen Daten in Hydrologie und Wasserwirtschaft eingestellt hat, ist in diesem Bericht zusammengefasst. Es werden die verschiedenen Messnetze und Messverfahren beschrieben und kritisch beurteilt, auch die Radar- und Satellitenfernerkundung gehoeren dazu. Fuer den Hydrologen zaehlt zu den wichtigsten abgeleiteten Groessen der Gebietsniederschlag und die Gebietsverdunstung, jeweils mit Angabe von Fehlerquelle und Fehlerschwankung. Von Interesse sind auch die Schneeschmelze, der vermutlich maximale Niederschlag (Regen), die statistische Ableitung von Starkregen und Regionalisierungsmethoden aller abgeleiteten Groessen. Diese Verfahren werden vorgestellt. Die quantitative Niederschlagsvorhersage wird wegen ihrer Bedeutung fuer die operationellen hydrologischen Vorhersagen eingehend

    15. Dear ATLAS colleagues,

      CERN Multimedia

      PH Department


      We are collecting old pairs of glasses to take out to Mali, where they can be re-used by people there. The price for a pair of glasses can often exceed 3 months salary, so they are prohibitively expensive for many people. If you have any old spectacles you can donate, please put them in the special box in the ATLAS secretariat, bldg.40-4-D01 before the Christmas closure on 19 December so we can take them with us when we leave for Africa at the end of the month. (more details in ATLAS e-news edition of 29 September 2008: many thanks! Katharine Leney co-driver of the ATLAS car on the Charity Run to Mali

    16. Encoding atlases by randomized classification forests for efficient multi-atlas label propagation. (United States)

      Zikic, D; Glocker, B; Criminisi, A


      We propose a method for multi-atlas label propagation (MALP) based on encoding the individual atlases by randomized classification forests. Most current approaches perform a non-linear registration between all atlases and the target image, followed by a sophisticated fusion scheme. While these approaches can achieve high accuracy, in general they do so at high computational cost. This might negatively affect the scalability to large databases and experimentation. To tackle this issue, we propose to use a small and deep classification forest to encode each atlas individually in reference to an aligned probabilistic atlas, resulting in an Atlas Forest (AF). Our classifier-based encoding differs from current MALP approaches, which represent each point in the atlas either directly as a single image/label value pair, or by a set of corresponding patches. At test time, each AF produces one probabilistic label estimate, and their fusion is done by averaging. Our scheme performs only one registration per target image, achieves good results with a simple fusion scheme, and allows for efficient experimentation. In contrast to standard forest schemes, in which each tree would be trained on all atlases, our approach retains the advantages of the standard MALP framework. The target-specific selection of atlases remains possible, and incorporation of new scans is straightforward without retraining. The evaluation on four different databases shows accuracy within the range of the state of the art at a significantly lower running time. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

    17. ISH. HVAC engineering yearbook 1999; ISH. Jahrbuch fuer Gebaeudetechnik 1999

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



      The 1999 HVAC engineering yearbook contains contributions on energy conservation and optimization in the fields of ventilation and air conditioning: inter alia, solar cooling and air conditioning, optimum rating of ventilator units, and cooling ceilings with ventilation function. In the field of heating, the following topics are addressed, equally under the aspect of energy conservation: condensing boiler technology, hydraulic balancing of heating pipe systems and sequential boiler switching using fuzzy control. Further works deal with rational use of electricity in buildings, and building automation. 17 papers are individually listed in the Energy database. [Deutsch] Das Jahrbuch fuer Gebaeudetechnik 1999 enthaelt Beitraege zur Energieeinsparung und Optimierung auf den Gebieten Lueftung und Klimatisierung, u. a. solare Kuehlung und Klimatisierung, optimale Auslegung von Ventilator-Aggregaten und Kuehldecken mit Lueftungsfunktion. Auf dem Gebiet der Heizung werden ebenfalls unter dem Gesichtspunkt Energieeinsparung die Brennwerttechnologie, der hydraulische Abgleich von Heizungsrohrnetzen sowie Kesselfolgeschaltungen mit Fuzzy Control angesprochen. Weitere Arbeiten befassen sich mit der rationellen Elektrizitaetsverwendung in Geb auden sowie der Gebaeudeautomation. Fuer die Datenbank Energy wurden 17 Arbeiten separat aufgenommen.

    18. Recent ATLAS Articles on WLAP

      CERN Multimedia

      Goldfarb, S


      As reported in the September 2004 ATLAS eNews, the Web Lecture Archive Project is a system for the archiving and publishing of multimedia presentations, using the Web as medium. We list here newly available WLAP items relating to ATLAS: Atlas Software Week Plenary 6-10 December 2004 North American ATLAS Physics Workshop (Tucson) 20-21 December 2004 (17 talks) Physics Analysis Tools Tutorial (Tucson) 19 December 2004 Full Chain Tutorial 21 September 2004 ATLAS Plenary Sessions, 17-18 February 2005 (17 talks) Coming soon: ATLAS Tutorial on Electroweak Physics, 14 Feb. 2005 Software Workshop, 21-22 February 2005 Click here to browse WLAP for all ATLAS lectures.

    19. Multi-atlas pancreas segmentation: Atlas selection based on vessel structure. (United States)

      Karasawa, Ken'ichi; Oda, Masahiro; Kitasaka, Takayuki; Misawa, Kazunari; Fujiwara, Michitaka; Chu, Chengwen; Zheng, Guoyan; Rueckert, Daniel; Mori, Kensaku


      Automated organ segmentation from medical images is an indispensable component for clinical applications such as computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) and computer-assisted surgery (CAS). We utilize a multi-atlas segmentation scheme, which has recently been used in different approaches in the literature to achieve more accurate and robust segmentation of anatomical structures in computed tomography (CT) volume data. Among abdominal organs, the pancreas has large inter-patient variability in its position, size and shape. Moreover, the CT intensity of the pancreas closely resembles adjacent tissues, rendering its segmentation a challenging task. Due to this, conventional intensity-based atlas selection for pancreas segmentation often fails to select atlases that are similar in pancreas position and shape to those of the unlabeled target volume. In this paper, we propose a new atlas selection strategy based on vessel structure around the pancreatic tissue and demonstrate its application to a multi-atlas pancreas segmentation. Our method utilizes vessel structure around the pancreas to select atlases with high pancreatic resemblance to the unlabeled volume. Also, we investigate two types of applications of the vessel structure information to the atlas selection. Our segmentations were evaluated on 150 abdominal contrast-enhanced CT volumes. The experimental results showed that our approach can segment the pancreas with an average Jaccard index of 66.3% and an average Dice overlap coefficient of 78.5%. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

    20. ATLAS people can run!

      CERN Multimedia

      Claudia Marcelloni de Oliveira; Pauline Gagnon

      It must be all the training we are getting every day, running around trying to get everything ready for the start of the LHC next year. This year, the ATLAS runners were in fine form and came in force. Nine ATLAS teams signed up for the 37th Annual CERN Relay Race with six runners per team. Under a blasting sun on Wednesday 23rd May 2007, each team covered the distances of 1000m, 800m, 800m, 500m, 500m and 300m taking the runners around the whole Meyrin site, hills included. A small reception took place in the ATLAS secretariat a week later to award the ATLAS Cup to the best ATLAS team. For the details on this complex calculation which takes into account the age of each runner, their gender and the color of their shoes, see the July 2006 issue of ATLAS e-news. The ATLAS Running Athena Team, the only all-women team enrolled this year, won the much coveted ATLAS Cup for the second year in a row. In fact, they are so good that Peter Schmid and Patrick Fassnacht are wondering about reducing the women's bonus in...

    1. Groundwater monitoring programme. A guide for groundwater sampling and analysis. 2. ed.; Grundwasserueberwachungsprogramm. Leitfaden fuer Probenahme und Analytik von Grundwasser

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



      Quality assurance guidelines have been developed and introduced in Baden-Wuerttemberg for groundwater monitoring. The contribution contains the fundamentals and technical guides for sampling and measurement of the Baden-Wuerttemberg groundwater monitoring programme, as well as parameter groups and a preliminary assessment of the methods. [German] Bei der Gewinnung von Umweltdaten sind hohe Anforderungen an die Qualitaet der erhobenen Daten zu stellen. Dies trifft in besonderem Masse gerade auch fuer Grundwasseruntersuchungen zu, da hier haeufig Konzentrationen im Bereich der Nachweisgrenze auftreten. Fuer das Grundwassermessnetz Baden-Wuerttemberg sind qualitaetssichernde Regelungen entwickelt und eingefuehrt worden. In der vorliegenden Zusammenstellung sind die Grundsatzpapiere, bzw. Technischen Anleitungen aus dem Grundwasserueberwachungsprogramm Baden-Wuerttemberg fuer die Grundwasserprobennahme sowie zu Messverfahren, Parametergruppen und zur ersten Beurteilung der Messergebnisse enthalten. (orig.)

    2. Measurement of the charmonium production and energy calibration for electrons with the ATLAS experiment; Messung der Charmonium-Produktion und Energiekalibration fuer Elektronen mit dem Atlas-Experiment

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Handel, Carsten


      The cross section of Charmonium production was measured using data from pp collisions at {radical}(s)=7 TeV taken by the Atlas experiment at the LHC in 2010. To improve the necessary knowledge of the detector performance, a calibration of the energy was performed. Using electrons from decays of the Charmonium, the energy scale of the electromagnetic calorimeters was studied at low energies. After applying the calibration, deviations in the energy measurement were found to be lower than 0.5% by comparing with energies determined in Monte Carlo simulations.rnrnrnWith an integrated luminosity of 2.2 pb{sup -1}, a first measurement of the inclusive cross section of the process pp{yields}J/{psi}(e{sup +}e{sup -})+X at {radical}(s)=7 TeV was done. For this, the accessible region of transverse momenta p{sub T,ee}>7 GeV and of rapidities vertical stroke y{sub ee} vertical stroke <2.4 was used. Differential cross sections for the transverse momentum p{sub T,ee}, and for the rapidity vertical stroke y{sub ee} vertical stroke were determined. Integration of the differential cross sections yields the values (85.1{+-}1.9{sub stat}{+-}11.2{sub syst}{+-} 2.9{sub Lum}) nb, and (75.4 {+-} 1.6{sub stat} {+-} 11.9{sub syst} {+-} 2.6{sub Lum}) nb for {sigma} (pp{yields}J/{psi}X)BR(J/{psi}{yields}e{sup +}e{sup -}), being compatible within systematics. Comparisons with measurements of the process pp{yields} J/{psi}({mu}{sup +}{mu}{sup -})+X done by Atlas and CMS have shown good agreement. To compare with theory, predictions from different models in next-to-leading order, and partially considering contributions in next-to-next-to-leading order were combined. Comparisons show a good agreement when taking into account contributions in next-to-next-to-leading order.

    3. Good organization is essential for success. Pt. 1. Energy management for commercial buildings.; Eine gute Organisation ist Voraussetzung fuer den Erfolg. T. 1. Energiemanagement fuer die Gebaeudetechnik.

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Rader, Michael [CentraLine c/o Honeywell, Schoenaich (Germany)


      Energy costs caused by heating, ventilation, air-conditioning and lighting systems, represent a significant portion of the total operating costs of a building. continuously rising prices of gas, oil and electricity increase the cost pressure on the building operators and users: energy efficiency is becoming a major factor for the competitiveness of a company. In the manufacturing sector, trade and hotel the energy costs have a direct impact on the company's margins. Thus, the willingness to invest in energy saving measures increased. [German] Energiekosten, verursacht durch Heizungs-, Lueftungs-, Klima- und Beleuchtungsanlagen, stellen einen signifikanten Anteil der Gesamtbetriebskosten eines Gebaeudes dar. Kontinuierlich steigende Preise fuer Gas, Oel und Elektrizitaet erhoehen den Kostendruck auf die Gebaeudebetreiber und -nutzer: Energieeffizienz wird zu einem bestimmenden Faktor fuer die Wettbewerbsfaehigkeit eines Unternehmens. Im produzierenden Gewerbe, im Handel und im Hotelgewerbe haben Energiekosten einen direkten Einfluss auf die Margen des Unternehmens. Dadurch erhoeht sich die Bereitschaft, in Energiesparmassnahmen zu investieren.

    4. Recent ATLAS Articles on WLAP

      CERN Multimedia

      J. Herr

      As reported in the September 2004 ATLAS eNews, the Web Lecture Archive Project is a system for the archiving and publishing of multimedia presentations, using the Web as medium. We list here newly available WLAP items relating to ATLAS: Atlas Physics Workshop 6-11 June 2005 June 2005 ATLAS Week Plenary Session Click here to browse WLAP for all ATLAS lectures.

    5. New format for ATLAS e-news

      CERN Multimedia

      Pauline Gagnon

      ATLAS e-news got a new look! As of November 30, 2007, we have a new format for ATLAS e-news. Please go to: . ATLAS e-news will now be published on a weekly basis. If you are not an ATLAS colaboration member but still want to know how the ATLAS experiment is doing, we will soon have a version of ATLAS e-news intended for the general public. Information will be sent out in due time.

    6. The Rossendorf research site. The Rossendorf Research Center (FZR). The Rossendorf Verein fuer Kernverfahrenstechnik und Analytik (VKTA). The Rossendorf Foerderverein fuer Wissenschaft, Forschung und Technologie (ROTECH)

      International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


      The illustrated brochure presents the Rossendorf research site at a glance. There are two major new establishments, the Rossendorf Research Center and the Verein fuer Kernverfahrenstechnik und Analytik Rossendorf (VKTA), whose main activities cover basic research and tasks in the field of nuclear facilities decommissioning and radwaste management on site. (DG) [de

    7. A comparison of three different types of collectors for process heat uses; Vergleich von drei verschiedenen Kollektortypen fuer Prozesswaermeanwendungen

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Brunold, S. [Solarenergie Pruef- und Forschungsstelle SPF-ITR, Rapperswil (Switzerland); Frey, R. [Solarenergie Pruef- und Forschungsstelle SPF-ITR, Rapperswil (Switzerland); Frei, U. [Solarenergie Pruef- und Forschungsstelle SPF-ITR, Rapperswil (Switzerland)


      A comparison of the measured and simulated values of three collector types shows that evacuated tube collectors are superior to transparent-insulation flat collectors in the case of high-temperature uses. At temperatures of 150 C and above good results were obtained using evacuated tube collectors with compound parabolic concentrators manufactured by Microtherm. CORTEC collectors are suited for temperatures in the range of 100 C to 150 C provided that the surface ratio is irrelevant. Costs play a decisive role when selecting systems. The results obtained show that improved transparent-insulation flat collectors can compete with evacuated tube collectors in the 100 C to 150 C temperature range. (orig.) [Deutsch] Ein Vergleich der gemessenen und simulierten Werte der drei Kollektoren zeigt, dass die Vakuumroehrenkollektoren fuer den Einsatz in Hochtemperaturanwendungen dem mit transparenter Waermedaemmung isolierten Flachkollektor ueberlegen sind. Der Vakuumroehrenkollektor mit CPC von Microtherm erzielt gute Resultate ab 150 C und mehr. Wogegen der CORTEC-Kollektor fuer den Einsatz im Temperaturbereich zwischen 100 C und 150 C geeignet ist, solange das Flaechenverhaeltnis keine Rolle spielt. Wie fuer die meisten Anwendungen spielen die Kosten eine entscheidende Rolle fuer die Wahl des eingesetzten Systems. Die Resultate zeigen, dass ein verbesserter mit TWD ausgeruesteter Flachkollektor im Temperaturbereich von 100 C bis 150 C konkurrenzfaehig zu Vakuumroehrenkollektoren sein kann. (orig.)

    8. ATLAS Virtual Visits bringing the world into the ATLAS control room

      CERN Document Server

      AUTHOR|(CDS)2051192; The ATLAS collaboration; Yacoob, Sahal


      ATLAS Virtual Visits is a project initiated in 2011 for the Education & Outreach program of the ATLAS Experiment at CERN. Its goal is to promote public appreciation of the LHC physics program and particle physics, in general, through direct dialogue between ATLAS physicists and remote audiences. A Virtual Visit is an IP-based videoconference, coupled with a public webcast and video recording, between ATLAS physicists and remote locations around the world, that typically include high school or university classrooms, Masterclasses, science fairs, or other special events, usually hosted by collaboration members. Over the past two years, more than 10,000 people, from all of the world’s continents, have actively participated in ATLAS Virtual Visits, with many more enjoying the experience from the publicly available webcasts and recordings. We present an overview of our experience and discuss potential development for the future.

    9. Environmental criteria for building site selection; Umweltkriterien bei der Standortsuche fuer Bauvorhaben

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Locher, B [Umweltbundesamt, Berlin (Germany)


      The author of the present paper provides information on the application of ecological standards as part of the regulation of development planning. (HW) [Deutsch] Die Autorin gibt in ihrem Vortrag Hinweise auf die Anwendung von oekologischen Standards als Regelungsbestandteile fuer die Bauleitplanung. (HW)

    10. Supporting ATLAS

      CERN Multimedia

      maximilien brice


      Eighteen feet made of stainless steel will support the barrel ATLAS detector in the cavern at Point 1. In total, the ATLAS feet system will carry approximately 6000 tons, and will give the same inclination to the detector as the LHC accelerator.

    11. Bundesamt fuer Strahlenschutz (BfS). Annual report 1991

      International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


      The progress report submitted by Bundesamt fuer Strahlenschutz reveals that this federal radiation protection agency is not only entrusted with the fulfillment of the federal administrative tasks imposed by law but engages in applications-oriented research regarding the operational, metrological and health-related aspects of radiation protection, regarding nuclear safety and radioactive waste management. In addition, BfS takes care of public-relations tasks. The reports submitted by the BfS departments are completed by summaries of the main research results. (DG) [de

    12. Applied chemistry and environmental engineering for engineers. Manual for students and practicians. 2. ed.; Angewandte Chemie und Umwelttechnik fuer Ingenieure. Handbuch fuer Studium und betriebliche Praxis

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Fessmann, J.; Orth, H.


      This is a practically oriented textbook for chemistry and environmental protection training of students of mechanical engineering, vehicle engineering, electrical engineering, space HVAc engineering etc. Students are also given useful information on the practical applications of chemistry and on environmental protection in industrial practice. The book also contains problem solutions for managing engineers in organizations of the metal and electrical branch who are confronted with chemical problems in chemical engineering, quality assurance, industrial safety and environmental protection. [German] Das Handbuch vermittelt in konzentrierter Form die Grundlagen der Chemie und Umwelttechnik und schlaegt rasch die Bruecke zur industriellen Anwendung bevorzugt in der Metall- und Elektroindustrie. Das Handbuch ist ein praxisorientiertes Lehrbuch fuer die Chemie- und Umweltschutzausbildung von Ingenieurstudenten der Fachrichtungen Maschinenbau, Fahrzeugtechnik, Elektrotechnik, Versorgungstechnik u.a. Darueberhinaus finden Schueler von Chemieleistungskursen an Gymnasien oder Chemiestudenten an Fachhochschulen oder Universitaeten viele nuetzliche Informationen ueber die Anwendungen von Chemie und Umweltschutz in der industriellen Praxis. Nicht zuletzt enthaelt das Buch Problemloesungen fuer Betriebsingenieure, insbesondere aus dem Bereich der Metall- und Elektrobranche, die mit chemischen Fragestellungen in der Verfahrenstechnik, Qualitaetssicherung oder Arbeits-/Umweltschutzueberwachung konfrontiert sind. (orig.)

    13. First robotized assembly line in for multivalve cylinder heads in Europe; Erste roborterautomatisierte Montagelinie fuer Mehrventilzylinderkoepfe in Europa

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Simonis, G. [ABB Flexible Automation GmbH, Langenfeld (Germany)


      From its earliest days the automotive industry has pioneered the automation of factory operations. This reputation is being added to by yet another new development in the assembly area. The trendsetter is ABB Flexible Automation GmbH, based in Butzbach, Germany, which has developed a future-oriented concept for vehicle engine assembly in which jointed-arm robots play a key role. The new concept has been adopted for Europe`s first robotized assembly line for multivalve cylinder heads, installed by ABB for the German carmaker Audi in Gyoer, Hungary. (orig.) [Deutsch] Die Automobilindustrie war und ist Vorreiter in der Automatisierung betrieblicher Ablaeufe. Einmal mehr zeigt sich dies im Montagebereich. Trendsetter ist hier die ABB Flexible Automation GmbH, Butzbach/Deutschland, die fuer die Montage von Fahrzeugaggregaten ein zukunftweisendes Konzept entwickelt hat. Gelenkarmroboter spielen dabei eine entscheidende Rolle. Ein Beispiel dafuer: Die erste roboterautomatisierte Montageanlage fuer Mehrventilzylinderkoepfe in Europa, die ABB fuer den Automobilhersteller Audi im ungarischen Gyoer realisiert hat. (orig.)

    14. Combined expander-compressor for carbon dioxide in free piston design; Kombinierte Expansions-Kompressions-Maschine fuer Kohlendioxid in Freikolbenbauweise

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Heyl, P.; Quack, H. [TU, Dresden (Germany). Lehrstuhl fuer Kaelte- und Kryotechnik; Kuehne, M. [TU, Dresden (Germany). Lehrstuhl fuer Pumpen, Verdichter und Apparate


      The renaissance of carbon dioxide in refrigeration engineering is impressive. The contribution shows that the disadvantages of this refrigerating fluid can be compensated by modifying the refrigeration circuit. A combined expander-compressor working by the free piston principle and developed at Dresden Technical University is described. [German] Kohlendioxid erlebt im Bereich der Kaeltetechnik infolge der schwierigen Suche nach umweltvertraeglichen Ersatzkaeltemitteln fuer die Fluorchlorkohlenwasserstoffe eine beeindruckende Renaissance. Es soll anhand thermodynamischer Prozessberechnungen gezeigt werden, dass durch die Modifikation des Kreisprozesses unter Beachtung der besonderen thermodynamischen Eigenschaften des Kohlendioxids diese Nachteile bereits bei der theoretischen Leistungszahl ausgeglichen werden koennen. Dafuer wird das Kohlendioxid in einem Prozess mit zweistufiger Verdichtung arbeitsleistend entspannt. Die Besonderheit dieses Prozesses ist die Verwendung einer speziell fuer diesen Anwendungsfall entwickelten Maschine, die die gewonnene Expansionsarbeit direkt fuer die Verdichtung des Kohlendioxids in der zweiten Verdichtungsstufe nutzt. Es handelt sich dabei um eine nach dem Freikolbenprinzip arbeitende Expansions-Kompressions-Maschine, die an der TU Dresden entwickelt und gegenwaertig getestet wird. (orig.)

    15. Report to users of Atlas

      International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

      Ahmad, I.; Glagola, B.


      This report contains the following topics: Status of the ATLAS Accelerator; Highlights of Recent Research at ATLAS; Program Advisory Committee; ATLAS User Group Executive Committee; FMA Information Available On The World Wide Web; Conference on Nuclear Structure at the Limits; and Workshop on Experiments with Gammasphere at ATLAS

    16. Two-stage atlas subset selection in multi-atlas based image segmentation

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Zhao, Tingting, E-mail:; Ruan, Dan, E-mail: [The Department of Radiation Oncology, University of California, Los Angeles, California 90095 (United States)


      Purpose: Fast growing access to large databases and cloud stored data presents a unique opportunity for multi-atlas based image segmentation and also presents challenges in heterogeneous atlas quality and computation burden. This work aims to develop a novel two-stage method tailored to the special needs in the face of large atlas collection with varied quality, so that high-accuracy segmentation can be achieved with low computational cost. Methods: An atlas subset selection scheme is proposed to substitute a significant portion of the computationally expensive full-fledged registration in the conventional scheme with a low-cost alternative. More specifically, the authors introduce a two-stage atlas subset selection method. In the first stage, an augmented subset is obtained based on a low-cost registration configuration and a preliminary relevance metric; in the second stage, the subset is further narrowed down to a fusion set of desired size, based on full-fledged registration and a refined relevance metric. An inference model is developed to characterize the relationship between the preliminary and refined relevance metrics, and a proper augmented subset size is derived to ensure that the desired atlases survive the preliminary selection with high probability. Results: The performance of the proposed scheme has been assessed with cross validation based on two clinical datasets consisting of manually segmented prostate and brain magnetic resonance images, respectively. The proposed scheme demonstrates comparable end-to-end segmentation performance as the conventional single-stage selection method, but with significant computation reduction. Compared with the alternative computation reduction method, their scheme improves the mean and medium Dice similarity coefficient value from (0.74, 0.78) to (0.83, 0.85) and from (0.82, 0.84) to (0.95, 0.95) for prostate and corpus callosum segmentation, respectively, with statistical significance. Conclusions: The authors

    17. Two-stage atlas subset selection in multi-atlas based image segmentation. (United States)

      Zhao, Tingting; Ruan, Dan


      Fast growing access to large databases and cloud stored data presents a unique opportunity for multi-atlas based image segmentation and also presents challenges in heterogeneous atlas quality and computation burden. This work aims to develop a novel two-stage method tailored to the special needs in the face of large atlas collection with varied quality, so that high-accuracy segmentation can be achieved with low computational cost. An atlas subset selection scheme is proposed to substitute a significant portion of the computationally expensive full-fledged registration in the conventional scheme with a low-cost alternative. More specifically, the authors introduce a two-stage atlas subset selection method. In the first stage, an augmented subset is obtained based on a low-cost registration configuration and a preliminary relevance metric; in the second stage, the subset is further narrowed down to a fusion set of desired size, based on full-fledged registration and a refined relevance metric. An inference model is developed to characterize the relationship between the preliminary and refined relevance metrics, and a proper augmented subset size is derived to ensure that the desired atlases survive the preliminary selection with high probability. The performance of the proposed scheme has been assessed with cross validation based on two clinical datasets consisting of manually segmented prostate and brain magnetic resonance images, respectively. The proposed scheme demonstrates comparable end-to-end segmentation performance as the conventional single-stage selection method, but with significant computation reduction. Compared with the alternative computation reduction method, their scheme improves the mean and medium Dice similarity coefficient value from (0.74, 0.78) to (0.83, 0.85) and from (0.82, 0.84) to (0.95, 0.95) for prostate and corpus callosum segmentation, respectively, with statistical significance. The authors have developed a novel two-stage atlas

    18. Two-stage atlas subset selection in multi-atlas based image segmentation

      International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

      Zhao, Tingting; Ruan, Dan


      Purpose: Fast growing access to large databases and cloud stored data presents a unique opportunity for multi-atlas based image segmentation and also presents challenges in heterogeneous atlas quality and computation burden. This work aims to develop a novel two-stage method tailored to the special needs in the face of large atlas collection with varied quality, so that high-accuracy segmentation can be achieved with low computational cost. Methods: An atlas subset selection scheme is proposed to substitute a significant portion of the computationally expensive full-fledged registration in the conventional scheme with a low-cost alternative. More specifically, the authors introduce a two-stage atlas subset selection method. In the first stage, an augmented subset is obtained based on a low-cost registration configuration and a preliminary relevance metric; in the second stage, the subset is further narrowed down to a fusion set of desired size, based on full-fledged registration and a refined relevance metric. An inference model is developed to characterize the relationship between the preliminary and refined relevance metrics, and a proper augmented subset size is derived to ensure that the desired atlases survive the preliminary selection with high probability. Results: The performance of the proposed scheme has been assessed with cross validation based on two clinical datasets consisting of manually segmented prostate and brain magnetic resonance images, respectively. The proposed scheme demonstrates comparable end-to-end segmentation performance as the conventional single-stage selection method, but with significant computation reduction. Compared with the alternative computation reduction method, their scheme improves the mean and medium Dice similarity coefficient value from (0.74, 0.78) to (0.83, 0.85) and from (0.82, 0.84) to (0.95, 0.95) for prostate and corpus callosum segmentation, respectively, with statistical significance. Conclusions: The authors

    19. Solar thermal power plants for the Mediterranean region: A chance for a new era in the field of electricity supply; Solarthermische Kraftwerke fuer den Mittelmeerraum: Chance fuer eine neue Aera der Elektrizitaetsversorgung

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Nitsch, J [DLR, Stuttgart (Germany)


      One promising option for a really environmentally and climaticly friendly electricity supply is the erection of solar thermal power plants in regions of the earth with a considerably high solar irradiation. In this work the technical and economical chances for this technology are analysed and explanations are given as to which energetic and econmic marginal conditions must be created for a successful market introduction, which could already be initiated with several demonstration power plants. (orig.) [Deutsch] Eine der vielversprechenden Optionen fuer wirklich umwelt- und klimafreundliche Elektrizitaetsversorgung stellt der Bau solarthermischer Kraftwerke in den einstrahlungsreichen Regionen der Erde dar. Der Beitrag analysiert die technisch-oekonomischen Chancen dieser Technologie und zeigt auf, welche energiewirtschaftlichen Randbedingungen als Voraussetzung fuer eine erfolgreiche Markteinfuehrung geschaffen werden muessen, die schon jetzt mit einer Reihe von Demonstrationskraftwerken beginnen koennte. (orig.)

    20. The ATLAS Analysis Model

      CERN Multimedia

      Amir Farbin

      The ATLAS Analysis Model is a continually developing vision of how to reconcile physics analysis requirements with the ATLAS offline software and computing model constraints. In the past year this vision has influenced the evolution of the ATLAS Event Data Model, the Athena software framework, and physics analysis tools. These developments, along with the October Analysis Model Workshop and the planning for CSC analyses have led to a rapid refinement of the ATLAS Analysis Model in the past few months. This article introduces some of the relevant issues and presents the current vision of the future ATLAS Analysis Model. Event Data Model The ATLAS Event Data Model (EDM) consists of several levels of details, each targeted for a specific set of tasks. For example the Event Summary Data (ESD) stores calorimeter cells and tracking system hits thereby permitting many calibration and alignment tasks, but will be only accessible at particular computing sites with potentially large latency. In contrast, the Analysis...

    1. Gesellschaft fuer Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS). Annual report 2010/2011

      International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


      The annual report 2010/11 of the Gesellschaft fuer Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS) covers the following topics: organization, corporate development and public relations; reactor accident in Fukushima; Projects and work priorities (reactor safety; waste management; radiation and environmental protection; international projects); project management and project support; equity participations and subsidiaries (RISKAUDIT IRSN/GRS International; institute for safety technologies (ISTec), European Nuclear Safety Training and Tutoring Institute (ENSTTI)).

    2. ATLAS Distributed Computing

      CERN Document Server

      Schovancova, J; The ATLAS collaboration


      The poster details the different aspects of the ATLAS Distributed Computing experience after the first year of LHC data taking. We describe the performance of the ATLAS distributed computing system and the lessons learned during the 2010 run, pointing out parts of the system which were in a good shape, and also spotting areas which required improvements. Improvements ranged from hardware upgrade on the ATLAS Tier-0 computing pools to improve data distribution rates, tuning of FTS channels between CERN and Tier-1s, and studying data access patterns for Grid analysis to improve the global processing rate. We show recent software development driven by operational needs with emphasis on data management and job execution in the ATLAS production system.

    3. ATLAS Review Office

      CERN Multimedia

      Szeless, B

      The ATLAS internal reviews, be it the mandatory Production Readiness Reviews, the now newly installed Production Advancement Reviews, or the more and more requested different Design Reviews, have become a part of our ATLAS culture over the past years. The Activity Systems Status Overviews are, for the time being, a one in time event and should be held for each system as soon as possible to have some meaning. There seems to a consensus that the reviews have become a useful project tool for the ATLAS management but even more so for the sub-systems themselves making achievements as well as possible shortcomings visible. One other recognized byproduct is the increasing cross talk between the systems, a very important ingredient to make profit all the systems from the large collective knowledge we dispose of in ATLAS. In the last two months, the first two PARs were organized for the MDT End Caps and the TRT Barrel Modules, both part of the US contribution to the ATLAS Project. Furthermore several different design...

    4. Berliner Philarmoniker ATLAS visit

      CERN Multimedia

      ATLAS Collaboration


      The Berliner Philarmoniker in on tour through Europe. They stopped on June 27th in Geneva, for a concert at the Victoria Hall. An ATLAS visit was organised the morning after, lead by the ATLAS spokesperson Karl Jakobs (welcome and overview talk) and two ATLAS guides (AVC visit and 3D movie).

    5. Software Validation in ATLAS

      International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

      Hodgkinson, Mark; Seuster, Rolf; Simmons, Brinick; Sherwood, Peter; Rousseau, David


      The ATLAS collaboration operates an extensive set of protocols to validate the quality of the offline software in a timely manner. This is essential in order to process the large amounts of data being collected by the ATLAS detector in 2011 without complications on the offline software side. We will discuss a number of different strategies used to validate the ATLAS offline software; running the ATLAS framework software, Athena, in a variety of configurations daily on each nightly build via the ATLAS Nightly System (ATN) and Run Time Tester (RTT) systems; the monitoring of these tests and checking the compilation of the software via distributed teams of rotating shifters; monitoring of and follow up on bug reports by the shifter teams and periodic software cleaning weeks to improve the quality of the offline software further.

    6. ATLAS Open Data project

      CERN Document Server

      The ATLAS collaboration


      The current ATLAS model of Open Access to recorded and simulated data offers the opportunity to access datasets with a focus on education, training and outreach. This mandate supports the creation of platforms, projects, software, and educational products used all over the planet. We describe the overall status of ATLAS Open Data ( activities, from core ATLAS activities and releases to individual and group efforts, as well as educational programs, and final web or software-based (and hard-copy) products that have been produced or are under development. The relatively large number and heterogeneous use cases currently documented is driving an upcoming release of more data and resources for the ATLAS Community and anyone interested to explore the world of experimental particle physics and the computer sciences through data analysis.

    7. AGIS: The ATLAS Grid Information System

      CERN Document Server

      Anisenkov, A; The ATLAS collaboration; Klimentov, A; Senchenko, A


      The ATLAS Computing model embraces the Grid paradigm and a high degree of decentralization and computing resources able to meet ATLAS requirements of petabytes scale data operations. In this paper we present ATLAS Grid Information System (AGIS) designed to integrate configuration and status information about resources, services and topology of whole ATLAS Grid needed by ATLAS Distributed Computing applications and services.

    8. The stuff of enlightening diagnoses; Stoff fuer erhellende Diagnosen

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Huebner, Karl


      Doctors today already frequently rely on positron emission tomography - PET for short - in cancer diagnostics. However, in order to use this method for other diseases, too, they need suitable tracer substances containing radioactive fluorine-18 - a challenge for Tobias Ritter and his team at the Max Planck Institut fuer Kohlenforschung in Muelheim an der Ruhr. The chemists are searching for ways to label diverse molecules with fluorine-18 and thus expand the range of possibilities for medical specialists.

    9. Driver assistance - Firstly a contribution to primary safety or rather to comfort?; Fahrerassistenz primaer zum Komfort oder fuer die Sicherheit?

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Bubb, H. [TU Muenchen, Garching (Germany). Lehrstuhl fuer Ergonomie


      Doubtless assistance systems should contribute to the safety of car driving. They support simultaneously a comfortable use of the car. Especially the operation comfort is characterised by clarity, self explaining, robustness against errors, and so on. Operation comfort doesn't give an inessential contribution to a reliable and appropriate interaction between driver and vehicle that means also a contribution to a reliable function of the total system and thereby to safety. Therefore the subjective experience of assistance systems is of excellent importance with view on the subjective and public confidence in new assistance systems. Are they seen rather as a gain of comfort, as it is preferred by the producer by reasons of production related liability, or as an easing of the driver's behaviour providing safety? Consists in the last called tendency a new kind of danger? In this connection juristic problems may not be unmentioned. The driver may not or not completely be called to account for procedures on which he has no influence or thinks to have no influence. In this case the account for the not compensated damage is contributed to the producer of the system. Therefore, by considering human characteristics and abilities of the driver during the development of assistance systems unwanted juristic consequences should be prevented. (orig.) [German] Assitenzsysteme sollen zweifellos einen Beitrag fuer die Sicherheit des Autofahrers liefern. Zugleich dienen sie aber auch fuer eine komfortable Nutzung des Fahrzeugs. Speziell der Bedienkomfort ist durch leichte Verstaendlichkeit, Selbsterklaerbarkeit, Fehlerrobustheit charakterisiert. Durch ihn wird ein nicht unwesentlicher Beitrag zur sicheren und zweckdienlichen Interaktion zwischen Fahrer und Fahrzeug geleistet, also auch ein Beitrag fuer die zuverlaessige Funktion des Systems und damit fuer die Sicherheit. Von herausragender Bedeutung insbesondere im Hinblick auf das subjektive und das oeffentliche

    10. Cartea de Colorat a Experimentului ATLAS - ATLAS Experiment Colouring Book in Romanian

      CERN Multimedia

      Anthony, Katarina


      Language: Romanian - The ATLAS Experiment Colouring Book is a free-to-download educational book, ideal for kids aged 5-9. It aims to introduce children to the field of High-Energy Physics, as well as the work being carried out by the ATLAS Collaboration. Limba: Română - Cartea de Colorat a Experimentului ATLAS este o carte educativă gratuită, ideală pentru copiii cu vârsta cuprinsă între 5-9 ani. Scopul său este de a introduce copii în domeniul fizicii de înaltă energie, precum și activitatea desfășurată de colaborarea ATLAS.

    11. From competence in electronics to competence in mechatronics; Von der Elektronik- zur Mechatronikkompetenz

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Buechling, J.


      AFT Atlas Fahrzeugtechnik GmbH (Werdohl), a subsidiary of LuK and Temic Telefunken Microelectronic, has set its sights on the tasks of the future. AFT supplies the world-wide automotive and component industry with measurement and application systems for engine/transmission control systems and vehicle testing. AFT has installed a new dynamic test rig for refining running gear and power train acoustics. The company is particularly active in the cutting-edge sector of mechatronics. (orig.) [Deutsch] Die AFT Atlas Fahrzeugtechnik GmbH (Werdohl), eine Tochtergesellschaft der LuK und der TEMIC TELEFUNKEN microelectronic GmbH, nimmt die Aufgaben der Zukunft ins Visier. AFT beliefert die Automobil- und Zulieferindustrie weltweit mit Mess- und Applikationssystemen fuer Motor-/Getriebesteuerungen und Fahrzeugversuche. Fuer die Auslegung von Fahrwerks- und Antriebsstrangakustik hat AFT einen neuen Rollenpruefstand in Betrieb genommen. Auf dem zukunftstraechtigen Sektor Mechatronik forciert AFT seine Aktivitaeten. (orig.)

    12. An Open-Source Label Atlas Correction Tool and Preliminary Results on Huntingtons Disease Whole-Brain MRI Atlases. (United States)

      Forbes, Jessica L; Kim, Regina E Y; Paulsen, Jane S; Johnson, Hans J


      The creation of high-quality medical imaging reference atlas datasets with consistent dense anatomical region labels is a challenging task. Reference atlases have many uses in medical image applications and are essential components of atlas-based segmentation tools commonly used for producing personalized anatomical measurements for individual subjects. The process of manual identification of anatomical regions by experts is regarded as a so-called gold standard; however, it is usually impractical because of the labor-intensive costs. Further, as the number of regions of interest increases, these manually created atlases often contain many small inconsistently labeled or disconnected regions that need to be identified and corrected. This project proposes an efficient process to drastically reduce the time necessary for manual revision in order to improve atlas label quality. We introduce the LabelAtlasEditor tool, a SimpleITK-based open-source label atlas correction tool distributed within the image visualization software 3D Slicer. LabelAtlasEditor incorporates several 3D Slicer widgets into one consistent interface and provides label-specific correction tools, allowing for rapid identification, navigation, and modification of the small, disconnected erroneous labels within an atlas. The technical details for the implementation and performance of LabelAtlasEditor are demonstrated using an application of improving a set of 20 Huntingtons Disease-specific multi-modal brain atlases. Additionally, we present the advantages and limitations of automatic atlas correction. After the correction of atlas inconsistencies and small, disconnected regions, the number of unidentified voxels for each dataset was reduced on average by 68.48%.

    13. Energy price report for Baden-Wuerttemberg 2016. Final report; Energiepreisbericht fuer Baden-Wuerttemberg 2016. Endbericht

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Guel, Sarah; Cherkasky, Jenny


      This report describes the historical development of energy prices in recent years up to and including 2016 in Germany and Baden-Wuerttemberg and estimates the future development until 2023. The report addresses the markets for oil, gas, electricity and heat, which are summarized below. In addition, an estimate of the energy costs for households and industry and the associated burden is made. [German] Der vorliegende Bericht beschreibt die historische Entwicklung der Energiepreise der letzten Jahre bis einschliesslich 2016 in Deutschland und in Baden-Wuerttemberg und schaetzt die zukuenftige Entwicklung bis 2023 ab. Dabei geht der Bericht auf die Maerkte fuer Oel, Gas, Strom und Waerme ein, welche im Folgenden zusammengefasst werden. Zudem wird eine Abschaetzung der Energiekosten fuer Haushalte und Industrie und der damit verbundenen Belastung vorgenommen.

    14. AGIS: The ATLAS Grid Information System

      CERN Document Server

      Anisenkov, Alexey; Di Girolamo, Alessandro; Gayazov, Stavro; Klimentov, Alexei; Oleynik, Danila; Senchenko, Alexander


      ATLAS is a particle physics experiment at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. The experiment produces petabytes of data annually through simulation production and tens petabytes of data per year from the detector itself. The ATLAS Computing model embraces the Grid paradigm and a high degree of decentralization and computing resources able to meet ATLAS requirements of petabytes scale data operations. In this paper we present ATLAS Grid Information System (AGIS) designed to integrate configuration and status information about resources, services and topology of whole ATLAS Grid needed by ATLAS Distributed Computing applications and services.

    15. Computational and mathematical methods in brain atlasing. (United States)

      Nowinski, Wieslaw L


      Brain atlases have a wide range of use from education to research to clinical applications. Mathematical methods as well as computational methods and tools play a major role in the process of brain atlas building and developing atlas-based applications. Computational methods and tools cover three areas: dedicated editors for brain model creation, brain navigators supporting multiple platforms, and atlas-assisted specific applications. Mathematical methods in atlas building and developing atlas-aided applications deal with problems in image segmentation, geometric body modelling, physical modelling, atlas-to-scan registration, visualisation, interaction and virtual reality. Here I overview computational and mathematical methods in atlas building and developing atlas-assisted applications, and share my contribution to and experience in this field.

    16. Wind Atlas for Egypt

      DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

      The results of a comprehensive, 8-year wind resource assessment programme in Egypt are presented. The objective has been to provide reliable and accurate wind atlas data sets for evaluating the potential wind power output from large electricityproducing wind turbine installations. The regional wind...... climates of Egypt have been determined by two independent methods: a traditional wind atlas based on observations from more than 30 stations all over Egypt, and a numerical wind atlas based on long-term reanalysis data and a mesoscale model (KAMM). The mean absolute error comparing the two methods is about...... 10% for two large-scale KAMM domains covering all of Egypt, and typically about 5% for several smaller-scale regional domains. The numerical wind atlas covers all of Egypt, whereas the meteorological stations are concentrated in six regions. The Wind Atlas for Egypt represents a significant step...

    17. Wind Atlas for Egypt

      DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

      Mortensen, Niels Gylling; Said Said, Usama; Badger, Jake


      The results of a comprehensive, 8-year wind resource assessment programme in Egypt are presented. The objective has been to provide reliable and accurate wind atlas data sets for evaluating the potential wind power output from large electricityproducing wind turbine installations. The regional wind...... climates of Egypt have been determined by two independent methods: a traditional wind atlas based on observations from more than 30 stations all over Egypt, and a numerical wind atlas based on long-term reanalysis data and a mesoscale model (KAMM). The mean absolute error comparing the two methods is about...... 10% for two large-scale KAMM domains covering all of Egypt, and typically about 5% for several smaller-scale regional domains. The numerical wind atlas covers all of Egypt, whereas the meteorological stations are concentrated in six regions. The Wind Atlas for Egypt represents a significant step...

    18. Recent ATLAS Articles on WLAP

      CERN Multimedia

      Goldfarb, S.

      As reported in the September 2004 ATLAS eNews, the Web Lecture Archive Project is a system for the archiving and publishing of multimedia presentations, using the Web as medium. We list here newly available WLAP items relating to ATLAS: June ATLAS Plenary Meeting Tutorial on Physics EDM and Tools (June) Freiburg Overview Week Ketevi Assamagan's Tutorial on Analysis Tools Click here to browse WLAP for all ATLAS lectures.

    19. Estimate of the neutron fields in ATLAS based on ATLAS-MPX detectors data

      International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

      Bouchami, J; Dallaire, F; Gutierrez, A; Idarraga, J; Leroy, C; Picard, S; Scallon, O; Kral, V; PospIsil, S; Solc, J; Suk, M; Turecek, D; Vykydal, Z; Zemlieka, J


      The ATLAS-MPX detectors are based on Medipix2 silicon devices designed by CERN for the detection of different types of radiation. These detectors are covered with converting layers of 6 LiF and polyethylene (PE) to increase their sensitivity to thermal and fast neutrons, respectively. These devices allow the measurement of the composition and spectroscopic characteristics of the radiation field in ATLAS, particularly of neutrons. These detectors can operate in low or high preset energy threshold mode. The signature of particles interacting in a ATLAS-MPX detector at low threshold are clusters of adjacent pixels with different size and form depending on their type, energy and incidence angle. The classification of particles into different categories can be done using the geometrical parameters of these clusters. The Medipix analysis framework (MAFalda) - based on the ROOT application - allows the recognition of particle tracks left in ATLAS-MPX devices located at various positions in the ATLAS detector and cavern. The pattern recognition obtained from the application of MAFalda was configured to distinguish the response of neutrons from other radiation. The neutron response at low threshold is characterized by clusters of adjoining pixels (heavy tracks and heavy blobs) left by protons and heavy ions resulting from neutron interactions in the converting layers of the ATLAS-MPX devices. The neutron detection efficiency of ATLAS-MPX devices has been determined by the exposure of two detectors of reference to radionuclide sources of neutrons ( 252 Cf and 241 AmBe). With these results, an estimate of the neutrons fields produced at the devices locations during ATLAS operation was done.

    20. Concepts for `superior process control` in the energy industry; Konzepte fuer die uebergeordnete Prozessfuehrung in der Energiewirtschaft

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Doellen, U.C. von


      The work concerns the task of control described as dispatching of extensive energy supply and distribution networks. Due to the special contractual situation, there are special long-term targets in firms, which must be achieved in addition to the extensive operational tasks of control and monitoring of the networks. The concepts introduced in the work offer a framework for a target-orientated design of computer-aided menus for this superior process control in the energy industry. (orig./GL) [Deutsch] Die Arbeit betrachtet die als Dispatching bezeichnete Aufgabe der Fuehrung ausgedehnter Energieversorgungs- und verteilungsnetze. Aus den speziellen Vertragssituationen ergeben sich in den Unternehmen besondere, langfristige Zielvorgaben an die mit der Betriebsfuehrung beauftragen Operateure, die zusaetzlich zu den umfangreichen operativen Aufgaben der Fuehrung und Ueberwachung der Netze zu erreichen sind. Die in der Arbeit vorgestellten Konzepte bieten den Rahmen fuer einen zielgerichteten Entwurf rechnergestuetzter Hilfsmittel fuer diese uebergeordnete Prozessfuehrung in der Energiewirtschaft. Das erstellte Gesamtsystem wird abschliessend zur Loesung einer konkreten, energiewirtschaftlichen Problemstellung eingesetzt. Die entwickelte Anwendungsloesung wird als Hilfsmittel fuer die technische und vertragliche Optimierung im Dispatching eingesetzt. Wesentliche Zielsetzung ist ein technisch und wirtschaftlich optimaler Einsatz von Energiespeichern zur Deckung von Spitzenlasten. (orig./GL)

    1. Double-layer capacitors as dynamic stores for PV applications. Final report; Doppelschichtkondensatoren als dynamische Speicher fuer PV-Anwendungen. Abschlussbericht

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Willer, B.; Knorr, R.; Broeker, C.; Burger, B.; Wollny, M.


      Double layer capacitors are the system of choice whenever a large number of cycles and high capacity are required. They have the advantages of high cyclic strength, high capacity, freedom of servicing, insensitivity to high temperatures and long life. Drawbacks are low energy density, high self-discharge and high cost.Applications in water pumps, pathfinders and roller blind control systems were investigated. [German] Mit den Ergebnissen steht ein detailliertes Wissen ueber den weltweiten Entwicklungsstand und die physikalischen Eigenschaften von Doppelschichtkondensatoren zur Verfuegung. Ihre Eigenschaften wurden in Bezug auf moegliche photovoltaische Anwendungen hin analysiert. Anwendungsfehlder ergeben sich vorzugsweise dann, wenn hohe Zyklenzahl und Leistungsfaehigkeit gefordert werden. Die Vorteile des neuen Energiespeichers sind seine hohe Zyklenfestigkeit und Leistungsfaehigkeit, seine Wartungsfreiheit, Temperaturunempfindlichkeit und lange Lebensdauer. Ihnen stehen die Nachteile einer geringen Energiedichte, hohen Selbstentladung und hoher Kosten gegenueber. Eine deutliche Steigerung der Gesamteffizienz von photovoltaischen Versorgungseinheiten beim Einsatz von Doppelschichtkondensatoren ergeben energetische Simulationen unterschiedlicher Systeme. Fuer ausgewaehlte photovoltaisch versorgte Anwendungen konnte die Einsatzfaehigkeit von Doppelschichtkondensatoren in Feldtests erprobt und nachgewiesen werden. Wasserpumpensysteme, Pathfinders und eine Rolladensteuerung fuer ein Fenster wurden getestet. Der Einsatz von Doppelschichtkondensatoren zur weiteren Verbreitung photovoltaischer Anwendungen ist bereits heute fuer spezielle Anwendungen sinnvoll und wirtschaftlich. Mit weiter fallenden Preisen fuer die Kondensatoren und der Entwicklung von Kondensatorsystemen mit hoeheren Spannungen werden weitere Anwendungsfelder hinzukommen. Die Basis zur Entwicklung der notwendigen Systemtechnik und ihrer Demonstration in Feldversuchen ist durch die Ergebnisse des

    2. ATLAS@Home looks for CERN volunteers

      CERN Multimedia

      Rosaria Marraffino


      ATLAS@Home is a CERN volunteer computing project that runs simulated ATLAS events. As the project ramps up, the project team is looking for CERN volunteers to test the system before planning a bigger promotion for the public.   The ATLAS@home outreach website. ATLAS@Home is a large-scale research project that runs ATLAS experiment simulation software inside virtual machines hosted by volunteer computers. “People from all over the world offer up their computers’ idle time to run simulation programmes to help physicists extract information from the large amount of data collected by the detector,” explains Claire Adam Bourdarios of the ATLAS@Home project. “The ATLAS@Home project aims to extrapolate the Standard Model at a higher energy and explore what new physics may look like. Everything we’re currently running is preparation for next year's run.” ATLAS@Home became an official BOINC (Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network ...

    3. Integrated energy data solution for energy markets of Europe: Energy Data Warehouse; Integrierte Energiedatenloesung fuer Europas Energiemaerkte: Energy Data Warehouse

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



      According to Ralf Hoffmann, head of the sales department of Goerlitz Computerbau AG, integrated problem solutions for Europe's new energy markets must be developed fast, without delay and with all efforts available. [German] 'Integrierte Problemloesungen fuer Europas neue Energiemaerkte muessen schnell und investitionssicher fuer die Anwender realisiert werden. Sie dulden keinen Aufschub. Alle unternehmerische Kraft muss und wird in die Befriedigung dieser Anforderungen gelegt.' So aeussert sich der Vorstand Absatzwirtschaft der Goerlitz Computerbau AG, Ralf Hoffmann. (orig.)

    4. Implementation of the ATLAS trigger within the ATLAS Multi­Threaded Software Framework AthenaMT

      CERN Document Server

      Wynne, Benjamin; The ATLAS collaboration


      We present an implementation of the ATLAS High Level Trigger that provides parallel execution of trigger algorithms within the ATLAS multi­threaded software framework, AthenaMT. This development will enable the ATLAS High Level Trigger to meet future challenges due to the evolution of computing hardware and upgrades of the Large Hadron Collider, LHC, and ATLAS Detector. During the LHC data­taking period starting in 2021, luminosity will reach up to three times the original design value. Luminosity will increase further, to up to 7.5 times the design value, in 2026 following LHC and ATLAS upgrades. This includes an upgrade of the ATLAS trigger architecture that will result in an increase in the High Level Trigger input rate by a factor of 4 to 10 compared to the current maximum rate of 100 kHz. The current ATLAS multiprocess framework, AthenaMP, manages a number of processes that process events independently, executing algorithms sequentially in each process. AthenaMT will provide a fully multi­threaded env...

    5. A teststand for photo detectors and beamtests for ILC polarimetry; Aufbau eines Teststandes fuer Photodetektoren und Teststrahlmessungen fuer die Strahlpolarisationsmessung am ILC

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Velte, Ulrich


      -Lichts charakterisiert und auf ihre Eignung fuer die spezielle Anwendung im ILC-Polarimeter ueberprueft werden koennen. Die bislang beste Polarisationsmessung wurde im Rahmen des SLD-Experimentes am SLAC in Kalifornien erreicht ({delta}P/P{approx}0.5%). Zur Zeit befindet sich der Cerenkov-Detektor des SLD-Polarimeters am DESY und wird dort benutzt, um verschiedene fuer die ILC-Polarimetrie in Frage kommende Photodetektoren im Teststrahl zu vermessen. Um an die Erfahrungen aus dem SLD-Experiment anknuepfen zu koennen, werden im Rahmen dieser Arbeit Teststrahlmessungen am Cerenkov-Detektor, ausgewertet und die ersten Entwicklungen hin zu einem Polarimeter fuer den ILC beschrieben. (orig.)

    6. Report to users of ATLAS

      International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

      Ahmad, I.; Glagola, B.


      This report covers the following topics: (1) status of the ATLAS accelerator; (2) progress in R and D towards a proposal for a National ISOL Facility; (3) highlights of recent research at ATLAS; (4) the move of gammasphere from LBNL to ANL; (5) Accelerator Target Development laboratory; (6) Program Advisory Committee; (7) ATLAS User Group Executive Committee; and (8) ATLAS user handbook available in the World Wide Web. A brief summary is given for each topic

    7. Estimate of the neutron fields in ATLAS based on ATLAS-MPX detectors data

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Bouchami, J; Dallaire, F; Gutierrez, A; Idarraga, J; Leroy, C; Picard, S; Scallon, O [Universite de Montreal, Montreal, Quebec H3C 3J7 (Canada); Kral, V; PospIsil, S; Solc, J; Suk, M; Turecek, D; Vykydal, Z; Zemlieka, J, E-mail: [Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics of the CTU in Prague, Horska 3a/22, CZ-12800 Praha2 - Albertov (Czech Republic)


      The ATLAS-MPX detectors are based on Medipix2 silicon devices designed by CERN for the detection of different types of radiation. These detectors are covered with converting layers of {sup 6}LiF and polyethylene (PE) to increase their sensitivity to thermal and fast neutrons, respectively. These devices allow the measurement of the composition and spectroscopic characteristics of the radiation field in ATLAS, particularly of neutrons. These detectors can operate in low or high preset energy threshold mode. The signature of particles interacting in a ATLAS-MPX detector at low threshold are clusters of adjacent pixels with different size and form depending on their type, energy and incidence angle. The classification of particles into different categories can be done using the geometrical parameters of these clusters. The Medipix analysis framework (MAFalda) - based on the ROOT application - allows the recognition of particle tracks left in ATLAS-MPX devices located at various positions in the ATLAS detector and cavern. The pattern recognition obtained from the application of MAFalda was configured to distinguish the response of neutrons from other radiation. The neutron response at low threshold is characterized by clusters of adjoining pixels (heavy tracks and heavy blobs) left by protons and heavy ions resulting from neutron interactions in the converting layers of the ATLAS-MPX devices. The neutron detection efficiency of ATLAS-MPX devices has been determined by the exposure of two detectors of reference to radionuclide sources of neutrons ({sup 252}Cf and {sup 241}AmBe). With these results, an estimate of the neutrons fields produced at the devices locations during ATLAS operation was done.

    8. Estimate of the neutron fields in ATLAS based on ATLAS-MPX detectors data (United States)

      Bouchami, J.; Dallaire, F.; Gutiérrez, A.; Idarraga, J.; Král, V.; Leroy, C.; Picard, S.; Pospíšil, S.; Scallon, O.; Solc, J.; Suk, M.; Turecek, D.; Vykydal, Z.; Žemlièka, J.


      The ATLAS-MPX detectors are based on Medipix2 silicon devices designed by CERN for the detection of different types of radiation. These detectors are covered with converting layers of 6LiF and polyethylene (PE) to increase their sensitivity to thermal and fast neutrons, respectively. These devices allow the measurement of the composition and spectroscopic characteristics of the radiation field in ATLAS, particularly of neutrons. These detectors can operate in low or high preset energy threshold mode. The signature of particles interacting in a ATLAS-MPX detector at low threshold are clusters of adjacent pixels with different size and form depending on their type, energy and incidence angle. The classification of particles into different categories can be done using the geometrical parameters of these clusters. The Medipix analysis framework (MAFalda) — based on the ROOT application — allows the recognition of particle tracks left in ATLAS-MPX devices located at various positions in the ATLAS detector and cavern. The pattern recognition obtained from the application of MAFalda was configured to distinguish the response of neutrons from other radiation. The neutron response at low threshold is characterized by clusters of adjoining pixels (heavy tracks and heavy blobs) left by protons and heavy ions resulting from neutron interactions in the converting layers of the ATLAS-MPX devices. The neutron detection efficiency of ATLAS-MPX devices has been determined by the exposure of two detectors of reference to radionuclide sources of neutrons (252Cf and 241AmBe). With these results, an estimate of the neutrons fields produced at the devices locations during ATLAS operation was done.

    9. Dimensioning and design rules for sliding bearings; optimisation problems; Bemessungs- und Gestaltungsregeln fuer Gleitlager: Optimierungsfragen

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Spiegel, K. [Fachhochschule Duesseldorf (Germany); Fricke, J.


      Already in the design stage of sliding bearings, optimal conditions for operation at a later stage should be envisaged. The contribution presents hints for optimal design and calculation of radial and axial bearings, e.g. gap design, optimised supporting strength, friction loss and lubricant throughput, lubricant exchange and lubricant heat exchange, and improved control of internal lubricant flow. [German] Bei der Auslegung von Gleitlagern ist es von Interesse, moeglichst optimale Bedingungen fuer den spaeteren Betrieb zu schaffen. Im vorliegenden Beitrag werden einige bereits bekannte und auch neue Hinweise zur optimalen Gestaltung und Berechnung, sowohl fuer Radial- als auch Axiallager gegeben. Dies betreffen im wesentlichen: die Gestaltung des Spaltverlaufs, Empfehlungen zur Optimierung der Tragfaehigkeit, der Reibungsverluste und des Schmierstoffdurchsatzes, Hinweise zum Schmierstoff- bzw. Schmierstoff-Waermeaustausch und die Verbesserung der inneren Schmierstofffuehrung. (orig.)

    10. ATLAS Colouring Book

      CERN Multimedia

      Anthony, Katarina


      The ATLAS Experiment Colouring Book is a free-to-download educational book, ideal for kids aged 5-9. It aims to introduce children to the field of High-Energy Physics, as well as the work being carried out by the ATLAS Collaboration.

    11. SU-E-J-128: Two-Stage Atlas Selection in Multi-Atlas-Based Image Segmentation

      International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

      Zhao, T; Ruan, D


      Purpose: In the new era of big data, multi-atlas-based image segmentation is challenged by heterogeneous atlas quality and high computation burden from extensive atlas collection, demanding efficient identification of the most relevant atlases. This study aims to develop a two-stage atlas selection scheme to achieve computational economy with performance guarantee. Methods: We develop a low-cost fusion set selection scheme by introducing a preliminary selection to trim full atlas collection into an augmented subset, alleviating the need for extensive full-fledged registrations. More specifically, fusion set selection is performed in two successive steps: preliminary selection and refinement. An augmented subset is first roughly selected from the whole atlas collection with a simple registration scheme and the corresponding preliminary relevance metric; the augmented subset is further refined into the desired fusion set size, using full-fledged registration and the associated relevance metric. The main novelty of this work is the introduction of an inference model to relate the preliminary and refined relevance metrics, based on which the augmented subset size is rigorously derived to ensure the desired atlases survive the preliminary selection with high probability. Results: The performance and complexity of the proposed two-stage atlas selection method were assessed using a collection of 30 prostate MR images. It achieved comparable segmentation accuracy as the conventional one-stage method with full-fledged registration, but significantly reduced computation time to 1/3 (from 30.82 to 11.04 min per segmentation). Compared with alternative one-stage cost-saving approach, the proposed scheme yielded superior performance with mean and medium DSC of (0.83, 0.85) compared to (0.74, 0.78). Conclusion: This work has developed a model-guided two-stage atlas selection scheme to achieve significant cost reduction while guaranteeing high segmentation accuracy. The benefit

    12. Imaging of chronic osteomyelitis; Chronische Infektionen des Skelettsystems. Bildgebende Diagnostik

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Glaser, C.; Matzko, M.; Reiser, M. [Klinikum Grosshadern, Muenchen (Germany). Inst. fuer Radiologische Diagnostik


      The diagnosis of chronic osteomyelitis is made on the basis of clinical, radiologic and histologic findings. The role of imaging in patients with known chronic osteomyelitis is to detect and to delineate areas of active infection. To correctly interpret the imaging findings, it is essential to take both the individual clinical findings and previous imaging studies into account. Reliable signs of active infection are bone marrow abscess, sequestra and sinus tract formation. Only the combined evaluation of bony changes together with alterations of the adjacent soft tissues provides good diagnostic accuracy. Projection radiography gives an overview of the condition of the bone, which provides the basis for follow-up and the selection of further imaging modalities. Computed tomography can be used to evaluate even discrete or complex bony alterations and to guide percutaneous biopsy or drainage. Magnetic resonance imaging achieves the best diagnostic sensitivity and specificity and provides superior contrast as well as anatomical resolution in both bone marrow and soft tissues. In this paper the features and clinical relevance of imaging in primary chronic osteomyelitis, posttraumatic osteomyelitis, tuberculous spondylitis and osteomyelitis of the diabetic foot are reviewed, with particular respect to MRI. (orig.) [German] Die Diagnose der chronischen Osteomyelitis wird durch Klinik, Bildgebung und Histologie gestellt. Bei bekannter chronischer Osteomyelitis soll die Bildgebung einen floriden Prozess und die betroffenen Kompartimente herausarbeiten. Die Klinik des Patienten, seine individuelle Krankheitskonstellation und die Verlaufsbeobachtung sind essentiell fuer die Befundinterpretation. Erst die kombinierte Beurteilung der Veraenderungen am Knochen selbst sowie die der umgebenden Weichteile fuehrt zu einer validen Aussage. Sichere Zeichen einer floriden Osteomyelitis sind lediglich (Knochenmarks)abzess, Sequester und Fistelgang. Die Projektionsradiographie gibt

    13. ATLAS Cloud R&D

      CERN Document Server

      Panitkin, S; The ATLAS collaboration; Caballero Bejar, J; Benjamin, D; DiGirolamo, A; Gable, I; Hendrix, V; Hover, J; Kucharczuk, K; Medrano LLamas, R; Love, P; Ohman, H; Paterson, M; Sobie, R; Taylor, R; Walker, R; Zaytsev, A


      The computing model of the ATLAS experiment was designed around the concept of grid computing and, since the start of data taking, this model has proven very successful. However, new cloud computing technologies bring attractive features to improve the operations and elasticity of scientific distributed computing. ATLAS sees grid and cloud computing as complementary technologies that will coexist at different levels of resource abstraction, and two years ago created an R&D working group to investigate the different integration scenarios. The ATLAS Cloud Computing R&D has been able to demonstrate the feasibility of offloading work from grid to cloud sites and, as of today, is able to integrate transparently various cloud resources into the PanDA workload management system. The ATLAS Cloud Computing R&D is operating various PanDA queues on private and public resources and has provided several hundred thousand CPU days to the experiment. As a result, the ATLAS Cloud Computing R&D group has gained...

    14. ATLAS MPGD production status

      CERN Document Server

      Schioppa, Marco; The ATLAS collaboration


      Micromegas (MICRO MEsh GAseous Structure) chambers are Micro-Pattern Gaseous Detectors designed to provide a high spatial resolution and reasonable good time resolution in highly irradiated environments. In 2007 an ambitious long-term R\\&D activity was started in the context of the ATLAS experiment, at CERN: the Muon ATLAS Micromegas Activity (MAMMA). After years of tests on prototypes and technology breakthroughs, Micromegas chambers were chosen as tracking detectors for an upgrade of the ATLAS Muon Spectrometer. These novel detectors will be installed in 2020 at the end of the second long shutdown of the Large Hadron Collider, and will serve mainly as precision detectors in the innermost part of the forward ATLAS Muon Spectrometer. Four different types of Micromegas modules, eight layers each, up to $3 m^2$ area (of unprecedented size), will cover a surface of $150 m^2$ for a total active area of about $1200 m^2$. With this upgrade the ATLAS muon system will maintain the full acceptance of its excellent...

    15. ATLAS' major cooling project

      CERN Multimedia


      In 2005, a considerable effort has been put into commissioning the various units of ATLAS' complex cryogenic system. This is in preparation for the imminent cooling of some of the largest components of the detector in their final underground configuration. The liquid helium and nitrogen ATLAS refrigerators in USA 15. Cryogenics plays a vital role in operating massive detectors such as ATLAS. In many ways the liquefied argon, nitrogen and helium are the life-blood of the detector. ATLAS could not function without cryogens that will be constantly pumped via proximity systems to the superconducting magnets and subdetectors. In recent weeks compressors at the surface and underground refrigerators, dewars, pumps, linkages and all manner of other components related to the cryogenic system have been tested and commissioned. Fifty metres underground The helium and nitrogen refrigerators, installed inside the service cavern, are an important part of the ATLAS cryogenic system. Two independent helium refrigerators ...

    16. ATLAS: Exceeding all expectations

      CERN Multimedia

      CERN Bulletin


      “One year ago it would have been impossible for us to guess that the machine and the experiments could achieve so much so quickly”, says Fabiola Gianotti, ATLAS spokesperson. The whole chain – from collision to data analysis – has worked remarkably well in ATLAS.   The first LHC proton run undoubtedly exceeded expectations for the ATLAS experiment. “ATLAS has worked very well since the beginning. Its overall data-taking efficiency is greater than 90%”, says Fabiola Gianotti. “The quality and maturity of the reconstruction and simulation software turned out to be better than we expected for this initial stage of the experiment. The Grid is a great success, and right from the beginning it has allowed members of the collaboration all over the world to participate in the data analysis in an effective and timely manner, and to deliver physics results very quickly”. In just a few months of data taking, ATLAS has observed t...

    17. Future ATLAS Higgs Studies

      CERN Document Server

      Smart, Ben; The ATLAS collaboration


      The High-Luminosity LHC will prove a challenging environment to work in, with for example $=200$ expected. It will however also provide great opportunities for advancing studies of the Higgs boson. The ATLAS detector will be upgraded, and Higgs prospects analyses have been performed to assess the reach of ATLAS Higgs studies in the HL-LHC era. These analyses are presented, as are Run-2 ATLAS di-Higgs analyses for comparison.

    18. The Chernobyl reactor accident, ten years on. Teaching projects for mathematics instruction in interdisciplinary working groups; 10 Jahre nach Tschernobyl. Unterrichtsprojekte fuer den Mathematikunterricht in faecheruebergreifenden Kooperationen

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Boer, H. [comp.; Delle, E. [comp.; Mies, K. [comp.; Warmeling, A. [comp.


      The booklet presents background information and addresses the following aspects: ionizing radiation and radiation effects; safety of German nuclear power plants; statistical evidence of radiation injuries; short-lived and long-lived ionizing radiation; radioactive waste; CO{sub 2} emissions as an argument in favour of nuclear power generation. The material presented is intended for use by a school project team interested in the subjects, or as a basis for collaborative, interdisciplinary teaching in working groups, and it offers information and problems for mathematics teaching. (HP) [Deutsch] Neben vielen Informationen behandelt die Broschuere: Strahlen und Strahlenwirkungen; Sicherheit deutscher Kernkraftwerke; statistischer Nachweis von Strahlenschaeden; Kurz- und Langfestigkeit der Strahlenbelastung; radioaktiver Abfall; CO{sub 2}-Problematik als Argument fuer die Kernenergie. Die Broschuere ist gedacht z.B. fuer eine Projektgruppe, einen Projekttag, fuer eine Lerngruppe in faecheruebergreifender Kooperation. Die Materialien sind ausgearbeitet fuer die Themembearbeitung im Mathematikunterricht mit Uebungsaufgaben. (HP)

    19. Feasibility study for new ecolabels according to ISO 14024 (type I) within the product group: small cogeneration plants; Machbarkeitsstudie fuer neue Umweltzeichen in Anlehnung an ISO 14024 (Type I) fuer die Produktgruppe: Kleine Blockheizkraftwerk-Module

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Hoffmann, E.; Hirschl, B.; Kaliske, J. [Institut fuer Oekologische Wirtschaftsforschung (IOEW) gGmbH, Berlin (Germany); Reese, I.; Grimpe, T. [Hamburg Gas Consult (HGC) GmbH (Germany)


      available data, it is not possible at the moment to derive concrete criteria for an ecolabel in this field. After the introduction of initial products onto the market, corresponding requirements for plants based on this new technology should be specified. (orig.) [German] Beim vorliegenden Gutachten handelt es sich um eine Machbarkeitsstudie nach ISO 14024. Es behandelt die Frage, ob ein Umweltzeichen fuer kleine BHKW-Module gerechtfertigt ist, und welche Anforderungen diese im Vergabefall erfuellen sollten. Im Rahmen der Untersuchung wurde zunaechst eine umfassende Marktanalyse durchgefuehrt, um daraus die Anlagen zu identifizieren, die fuer ein Umweltzeichen in Frage kommen. Im Hauptteil der Studie ging es um die vertiefende Analyse der Umweltrelevanz der ausgewaehlten Anlagen. Hierzu wurde eine Herstellerbefragung durchgefuehrt und ausgeaehlte BHKW anhand eines Systemvergleiches mit Gas- und Oelheizkesseln verglichen. Auf der Basis dieser Analyse wurden Anforderungskataloge fuer Gas- und Diesel-BHKW-Module abgeleitet, die in einem Fachgespraech in einer breiten Runde von Experten und Herstellern vorgestellt und diskutiert wurden. Aus der Studie und dem Fachgespraech konnte ein deutliches Votum fuer ein Umweltzeichen fuer die untersuchten BHWK-Module abgeleitet werden. Die vorgeschlagenen Vergabegrundlagen umfassen Anforderungen an Richtlinienkonformitaet, rationelle Energienutzung (Elektrischer und Gesamtwirkungsgrad bei Nennlast und Teillast, Angabe des Hilfsstrombedarfes), Emissionswerte von CO, NO{sub x}, Staub und organischen Stoffen, Schallemissionen, Angebot von Wartungsvertraegen, Ruecknahmeverpflichtung sowie Anforderungen an die Bedienungsanleitung. Als moegliche Umschrift eines Zeichens fuer kleine BHKW-Module wird empfohlen: 'Umweltzeichen... weil energieefizient'. Neben motorischen BHKW wurden auch kleine Brennstoffzellen-BHKW untersucht. Diese befinden sich zur Zeit noch in einer Feldtest- und Erprobungsphase. Sie weisen deutliche oekologische

    20. Baby brain atlases. (United States)

      Oishi, Kenichi; Chang, Linda; Huang, Hao


      The baby brain is constantly changing due to its active neurodevelopment, and research into the baby brain is one of the frontiers in neuroscience. To help guide neuroscientists and clinicians in their investigation of this frontier, maps of the baby brain, which contain a priori knowledge about neurodevelopment and anatomy, are essential. "Brain atlas" in this review refers to a 3D-brain image with a set of reference labels, such as a parcellation map, as the anatomical reference that guides the mapping of the brain. Recent advancements in scanners, sequences, and motion control methodologies enable the creation of various types of high-resolution baby brain atlases. What is becoming clear is that one atlas is not sufficient to characterize the existing knowledge about the anatomical variations, disease-related anatomical alterations, and the variations in time-dependent changes. In this review, the types and roles of the human baby brain MRI atlases that are currently available are described and discussed, and future directions in the field of developmental neuroscience and its clinical applications are proposed. The potential use of disease-based atlases to characterize clinically relevant information, such as clinical labels, in addition to conventional anatomical labels, is also discussed. Copyright © 2018. Published by Elsevier Inc.

    1. Bauran Pemasaran (4P+Physical Evidence Dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Keputusan Konsumen Dalam Menggunakan Jasa Laboratorium Klinik Prodia Surakarta

      Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

      Sarsi Hartiningsih


      Full Text Available ABSTRACT This research is a descriptive study, provides an overview of the influence of the dimensions of the marketing mix consisting of product, price, promotion, distribution channels/locations and the physical evidence against the customers decisions. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of each variable product, price, promotion, distribution channels/locations and the physical evidence against the customers decision in using the services of Prodia Clinical Laboratory in Surakarta. The samples used were 75 consumers. Instument test result data indicates that every marketing mix variables (5P has the highest r count>r table and Cronbach's alpha values>0.60 so that the data is valid and reliable and can be used for further research. Hypothesis test results show that each variable product, price, promotion, distribution channels/locations and physical evidence has the value t count>t table with a significance value of r tabel dan nilai cronbach’s alpha > 0.60 sehingga data bersifat valid dan reliabel dan dapat digunakan untuk penelitian selanjutnya. Hasil uji hipotesis menunjukkan bahwa masing-masing variabel produk, harga, promosi, saluran distribusi/lokasi dan bukti fisik mempunyai nilai t hitung > t tabel dengan nilai signifikasi < 0.05 sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa produk, harga, promosi, saluran distribusi/lokasi dan bukti fisik berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap keputusan konsumen dalam menggunakan jasa Laboratorium Klinik Prodia Kata kunci  : produk, harga, promosi, saluran distribusi/lokasi dan bukti fisik keputusan konsumen.

    2. Glance Information System for ATLAS Management

      International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

      Grael, F F; Maidantchik, C; Évora, L H R A; Karam, K; Moraes, L O F; Cirilli, M; Nessi, M; Pommès, K


      ATLAS Experiment is an international collaboration where more than 37 countries, 172 institutes and laboratories, 2900 physicists, engineers, and computer scientists plus 700 students participate. The management of this teamwork involves several aspects such as institute contribution, employment records, members' appointment, authors' list, preparation and publication of papers and speakers nomination. Previously, most of the information was accessible by a limited group and developers had to face problems such as different terminology, diverse data modeling, heterogeneous databases and unlike users needs. Moreover, the systems were not designed to handle new requirements. The maintenance has to be an easy task due to the long lifetime experiment and professionals turnover. The Glance system, a generic mechanism for accessing any database, acts as an intermediate layer isolating the user from the particularities of each database. It retrieves, inserts and updates the database independently of its technology and modeling. Relying on Glance, a group of systems were built to support the ATLAS management and operation aspects: ATLAS Membership, ATLAS Appointments, ATLAS Speakers, ATLAS Analysis Follow-Up, ATLAS Conference Notes, ATLAS Thesis, ATLAS Traceability and DSS Alarms Viewer. This paper presents the overview of the Glance information framework and describes the privilege mechanism developed to grant different level of access for each member and system.

    3. Glance Information System for ATLAS Management (United States)

      Grael, F. F.; Maidantchik, C.; Évora, L. H. R. A.; Karam, K.; Moraes, L. O. F.; Cirilli, M.; Nessi, M.; Pommès, K.; ATLAS Collaboration


      ATLAS Experiment is an international collaboration where more than 37 countries, 172 institutes and laboratories, 2900 physicists, engineers, and computer scientists plus 700 students participate. The management of this teamwork involves several aspects such as institute contribution, employment records, members' appointment, authors' list, preparation and publication of papers and speakers nomination. Previously, most of the information was accessible by a limited group and developers had to face problems such as different terminology, diverse data modeling, heterogeneous databases and unlike users needs. Moreover, the systems were not designed to handle new requirements. The maintenance has to be an easy task due to the long lifetime experiment and professionals turnover. The Glance system, a generic mechanism for accessing any database, acts as an intermediate layer isolating the user from the particularities of each database. It retrieves, inserts and updates the database independently of its technology and modeling. Relying on Glance, a group of systems were built to support the ATLAS management and operation aspects: ATLAS Membership, ATLAS Appointments, ATLAS Speakers, ATLAS Analysis Follow-Up, ATLAS Conference Notes, ATLAS Thesis, ATLAS Traceability and DSS Alarms Viewer. This paper presents the overview of the Glance information framework and describes the privilege mechanism developed to grant different level of access for each member and system.

    4. ATLAS Cloud R&D (United States)

      Panitkin, Sergey; Barreiro Megino, Fernando; Caballero Bejar, Jose; Benjamin, Doug; Di Girolamo, Alessandro; Gable, Ian; Hendrix, Val; Hover, John; Kucharczyk, Katarzyna; Medrano Llamas, Ramon; Love, Peter; Ohman, Henrik; Paterson, Michael; Sobie, Randall; Taylor, Ryan; Walker, Rodney; Zaytsev, Alexander; Atlas Collaboration


      The computing model of the ATLAS experiment was designed around the concept of grid computing and, since the start of data taking, this model has proven very successful. However, new cloud computing technologies bring attractive features to improve the operations and elasticity of scientific distributed computing. ATLAS sees grid and cloud computing as complementary technologies that will coexist at different levels of resource abstraction, and two years ago created an R&D working group to investigate the different integration scenarios. The ATLAS Cloud Computing R&D has been able to demonstrate the feasibility of offloading work from grid to cloud sites and, as of today, is able to integrate transparently various cloud resources into the PanDA workload management system. The ATLAS Cloud Computing R&D is operating various PanDA queues on private and public resources and has provided several hundred thousand CPU days to the experiment. As a result, the ATLAS Cloud Computing R&D group has gained a significant insight into the cloud computing landscape and has identified points that still need to be addressed in order to fully utilize this technology. This contribution will explain the cloud integration models that are being evaluated and will discuss ATLAS' learning during the collaboration with leading commercial and academic cloud providers.

    5. Research for the thermal change. Contributions; Forschung fuer die Waermewende. Beitraege

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Szczepanski, Petra; Wunschick, Franziska; Martin, Niklas (comps.)


      The energy transition in the heating sector is not a sure-fire success and it is too slow. This is alarming since the heating / cooling sector is responsible for more than half of the final energy demand. That the ''thermal change'' has accelerated hardly despite many efforts by politics, industry and research in recent years, is the reason for the scientists the FVEE institutes to examine the perspectives of renewable energy and the need to increase efficiency in the heating sector systematically. therefore FVEE-2015 Annual Meeting, is entitled ''Research for the thermal change''. The contributions of this conference proceedings present the latest research results and show ways to implement the heat change technically, economically and politically. They are dedicated to the drivers, but also the barriers of heat change. The authors report on innovative projects to provide buildings with heat from geothermal energy, biomass and solar thermal energy. Several contributions are dedicated to the application of efficient components, such as thermal insulation, thermal storage and heat pumps. [German] Die Energiewende im Waermesektor ist kein Selbstlaeufer und kommt zu langsam voran. Das ist alarmierend, da der Waerme-/Kaeltesektor fuer ueber die Haelfte des Endenergiebedarfs verantwortlich ist. Dass die ''Waermewende'' trotz vielerlei Bemuehungen von Politik, Industrie und Forschung in den letzten Jahren kaum Fahrt aufgenommen hat, ist Anlass fuer die Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler der FVEE-Institute, die Perspektiven der erneuerbaren Energien und der notwendigen Effizienzsteigerung im Waermesektor systematisch zu untersuchen. Die FVEE-Jahrestagung 2015 steht deshalb unter dem Leitthema ''Forschung fuer die Waermewende''. Die Beitraege dieses Tagungsbandes praesentieren aktuelle Forschungsergebnisse und zeigen Wege auf, um die Waermewende technisch, wirtschaftlich und politisch

    6. The Irish Wind Atlas

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Watson, R [Univ. College Dublin, Dept. of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, Dublin (Ireland); Landberg, L [Risoe National Lab., Meteorology and Wind Energy Dept., Roskilde (Denmark)


      The development work on the Irish Wind Atlas is nearing completion. The Irish Wind Atlas is an updated improved version of the Irish section of the European Wind Atlas. A map of the irish wind resource based on a WA{sup s}P analysis of the measured data and station description of 27 measuring stations is presented. The results of previously presented WA{sup s}P/KAMM runs show good agreement with these results. (au)

    7. O Livro de Colorir da Experiência ATLAS - ATLAS Experiment Colouring Book in Portuguese

      CERN Multimedia

      Anthony, Katarina


      Language: Portuguese - The ATLAS Experiment Colouring Book is a free-to-download educational book, ideal for kids aged 5-9. It aims to introduce children to the field of High-Energy Physics, as well as the work being carried out by the ATLAS Collaboration. Língua: Português - O Livro de Colorir da Experiência ATLAS é um livro educacional gratuito para descarregar, ideal para crianças dos 5 aos 9 anos de idade. Este livro procura introduzir as crianças ao estudo da Física de Alta-Energia, bem como ao trabalho desenvolvido pela Colaboração ATLAS.

    8. Maľovanka Experiment ATLAS - ATLAS Experiment Colouring Book in Slovak

      CERN Multimedia

      Anthony, Katarina


      Language: Slovak - The ATLAS Experiment Colouring Book is a free-to-download educational book, ideal for kids aged 5-9. It aims to introduce children to the field of High-Energy Physics, as well as the work being carried out by the ATLAS Collaboration.

    9. ATLAS Deneyi Boyama Kitabı - ATLAS Experiment Colouring Book in Turkish

      CERN Multimedia

      Anthony, Katarina


      Language: Turkish - The ATLAS Experiment Colouring Book is a free-to-download educational book, ideal for kids aged 5-9. It aims to introduce children to the field of High-Energy Physics, as well as the work being carried out by the ATLAS Collaboration.

    10. AGIS: The ATLAS Grid Information System (United States)

      Anisenkov, A.; Di Girolamo, A.; Klimentov, A.; Oleynik, D.; Petrosyan, A.; Atlas Collaboration


      ATLAS, a particle physics experiment at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN, produced petabytes of data annually through simulation production and tens of petabytes of data per year from the detector itself. The ATLAS computing model embraces the Grid paradigm and a high degree of decentralization and computing resources able to meet ATLAS requirements of petabytes scale data operations. In this paper we describe the ATLAS Grid Information System (AGIS), designed to integrate configuration and status information about resources, services and topology of the computing infrastructure used by the ATLAS Distributed Computing applications and services.

    11. Knitted structures of endless fibers for gas cleaning. Pt. 2; Gestrickte Strukturen aus Endlosfasern fuer die Abgasreinigung. T. 2

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Mayer, A.; Mayer, J.; Wintermantel, E.; Buck, A.; Schmidt, R.M.; Mattes, P.; Sudmanns, H.; Bressler, H.


      Knittings based on ceramic filament yarns can be used to clean polluted air and exhaust gas efficiently up to temperatures of 1000 C. They provide interesting properties for the filtration of Diesel particles as well as for catalysis and adsorption of toxic gas components. The special knitting technology can handle any brittle fibers, producing elastic structures, which are thermochoc-resistent and can therefore even be used for preturbo applications. The first part of this paper, published in MTZ 56 (1995) 2 deals with the basic properties of this cleaning medium. This second part concentrates on Diesel particulate trop applications. These new trap and catalyst concepts are under development by Buck/Bondorf with TTM/Niederrohrdorf. Basic research is delegated to ETH Zuerich and Universitaet by Gillet/Edenkoben and, with focus on preturbo-applications by MTU/Friedrichshafen. (orig.) [Deutsch] Gestricke aus keramischen Endlosfasern sind bis zu Temperaturen um 1000 C fuer die Abluft- und Abgasreinigung einsetzbar. Sie eignen sich fuer die Filtration von Dieselpartikeln, insbesondere deren Feinstfraktionen ebenso wie fuer die Katalyse und fuer die Adsorption gasfoermiger Schadstoffkomponenten. Die Strukturen sind volumenelastisch, unempfindlich gegen Thermoschock und daher auch im motornahen Bereich risikoarm einsetzbar. In einem ersten Teilbeitrag in der Februarausgabe der MTZ wurden grundlegende Erkenntnisse dieses Abgasreinigungsmediums beschrieben. Der vorliegende zweite Teil beschreibt Anwendungen mit Schwerpunkt Dieselpartikelfilter. Diese neue Fasertechnik wird bei Buck, Bondorf, zusammen mit TTM, Niderrohrdorf, entwickelt. Forschungsarbeiten werden an der ETH Zuerich und der Universitaet Erlangen im Rahmen des BMFT-Projektes 01 VQ 9305/9 durchgefuehrt. Fragen zu motornachgeschalteten Anwendungen untersucht Gillett, Edenkoben, Moeglichkeiten der Motorintegration solcher Filter die MTU Friedrichshafen. (orig.)

    12. The Cerefy Neuroradiology Atlas: a Talairach-Tournoux atlas-based tool for analysis of neuroimages available over the internet. (United States)

      Nowinski, Wieslaw L; Belov, Dmitry


      The article introduces an atlas-assisted method and a tool called the Cerefy Neuroradiology Atlas (CNA), available over the Internet for neuroradiology and human brain mapping. The CNA contains an enhanced, extended, and fully segmented and labeled electronic version of the Talairach-Tournoux brain atlas, including parcelated gyri and Brodmann's areas. To our best knowledge, this is the first online, publicly available application with the Talairach-Tournoux atlas. The process of atlas-assisted neuroimage analysis is done in five steps: image data loading, Talairach landmark setting, atlas normalization, image data exploration and analysis, and result saving. Neuroimage analysis is supported by a near-real-time, atlas-to-data warping based on the Talairach transformation. The CNA runs on multiple platforms; is able to process simultaneously multiple anatomical and functional data sets; and provides functions for a rapid atlas-to-data registration, interactive structure labeling and annotating, and mensuration. It is also empowered with several unique features, including interactive atlas warping facilitating fine tuning of atlas-to-data fit, navigation on the triplanar formed by the image data and the atlas, multiple-images-in-one display with interactive atlas-anatomy-function blending, multiple label display, and saving of labeled and annotated image data. The CNA is useful for fast atlas-assisted analysis of neuroimage data sets. It increases accuracy and reduces time in localization analysis of activation regions; facilitates to communicate the information on the interpreted scans from the neuroradiologist to other clinicians and medical students; increases the neuroradiologist's confidence in terms of anatomy and spatial relationships; and serves as a user-friendly, public domain tool for neuroeducation. At present, more than 700 users from five continents have subscribed to the CNA.

    13. Preparing a new book on ATLAS

      CERN Multimedia

      Claudia Marcelloni de Oliveira

      A book about the ATLAS project and the ATLAS collaboration is going to be published and available for sale in mid 2008. The book is intended to be a symbol of appreciation for all the people from ATLAS institutes, triggering fond memories through photos, interviews, short commentaries and anecdotes about the daily life and milestones encountered while designing, constructing and completing ATLAS. We would like to give you the opportunity to collaborate with this project in two different ways: Firstly, please send us the best anecdotes related to ATLAS that you remember. To submit anecdotes, send an email to Secondly, you are invited to participate in our PHOTO COMPETITION. Please send the best photos you have of ATLAS attached with a description, the location, and date taken. The categories are: Milestones in the process of designing and building the detector, People at work and Important gatherings. To submit photos you should go to the CDS page and select ATLAS Photo Competi...

    14. Lead-free sliding overplate for highly loaded big end bearings; Bleifreie Laufschicht fuer hochbelastete Haupt- und Pleuellager

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Graham, N.; Schnell, L.; Arnold, G. [Federal-Mogul Wiesbaden GmbH and Co. KG (Germany)


      Lead has always been an important metal in plain bearing technology. Completely lead-free solutions for high-end engine applications are still not considered to be technically achievable. Therefore, the European End of Life Directive (2000/53/EC), which took effect on 1 July 2003, lists copper-based lead/bronze bearings as an exception. The bearing group of Federal-Mogul has now announced its exit from the lead industry and addresses the issue layer by layer. A recently introduced adaptive bearing offers a lead-free overplate for high-performance internal combustion engine applications. This new bearing changes its technical characteristics during the running-in phase. (orig.) [German] Blei war schon immer eine wichtige Komponente in der Gleitlagertechnik. Bis heute gelten vollstaendig bleifreie Loesungen fuer hochbelastete Gleitlager als technisch nicht machbar. Deshalb nennt die europaeische Altautoverordnung (2000/53/EG), die seit dem 1. Juli 2003 in Kraft ist, als Ausnahme die kupferbasierten Bleibronzelager. Die Gleitlagergruppe von Federal-Mogul hat jetzt ihren Rueckzug aus der Verarbeitung von Blei angekuendigt und geht das Thema Schicht fuer Schicht an. Ein kuerzlich eingefuehrtes, anpassungsfaehiges Lager fuer High-End-Verbrennungsmotoren verfuegt ueber eine bleifreie Laufschicht. Bei diesem neuen Lager veraendern sich die technischen Eigenschaften waehrend der Einlaufphase. (orig.)

    15. ATLAS B-physics potential

      International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

      Smizanska, M.


      Studies since 1993 have demonstrated the ability of ATLAS to pursue a wide B physics program. This document presents the latest performance studies with special stress on lepton identification. B-decays containing several leptons in ATLAS statistically dominate the high-precision measurements. We present new results on physics simulations of CP violation measurements in the B s 0 → J/Ψphi decay and on a novel ATLAS programme on beauty production in central proton-proton collisions of LHC

    16. Selection of compressors and drives for natural gas storage and transport - technical and economic aspects; Auswahl von Verdichtern und Antriebsmaschinen fuer die Erdgasspeicherung und den Erdgastransport - technische und wirtschaftliche Aspekte

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Heyer, F.; Wieke, S. [Heyer und Wieke Engineering, Muenchen (Germany)


      Selection of the proper compressor/drive combination is indispensable for optimizing natural gas storage. The contribution presents a comparison of the available systems. (orig.) [Deutsch] Fuer die Verdichtung von Erdgas fuer die Erdgasspeicherung und den Erdgastransport ist die Auswahl der fuer den jeweiligen Anwendungsfall geeigneten Verdichter-Antriebskombination eine wesentliche Voraussetzung fuer einen technisch und wirtschaftlich optimalen Betrieb. Unter Beruecksichtigung des Marktes werden die Varianten (Verdichter-Antriebskombinationen) definiert und in einem technischen Vergleich Vor- und Nachteile der einzelnen Alternativen gegenuebergestellt und bewertet. Die Einhaltung der Betriebsanforderungen und der Anforderungen der TA-Luft und TA-Laerm, der Wirkungsgrad, die Zuverlaessigkeit und Verfuegbarkeit muessen einer besonders intensiven Pruefung und Beurteilung unterzogen werden. Das Ergebnis der vergleichenden Bewertung der Varianten kann eine neue Definition der Varianten oder der Anforderungen notwendig machen. (orig.)

    17. ATLAS Award for Shield Supplier

      CERN Multimedia


      ATLAS technical coordinator Dr. Marzio Nessi presents the ATLAS supplier award to Vojtech Novotny, Director General of Skoda Hute.On 3 November, the ATLAS experiment honoured one of its suppliers, Skoda Hute s.r.o., of Plzen, Czech Republic, for their work on the detector's forward shielding elements. These huge and very massive cylinders surround the beampipe at either end of the detector to block stray particles from interfering with the ATLAS's muon chambers. For the shields, Skoda Hute produced 10 cast iron pieces with a total weight of 780 tonnes at a cost of 1.4 million CHF. Although there are many iron foundries in the CERN member states, there are only a limited number that can produce castings of the necessary size: the large pieces range in weight from 59 to 89 tonnes and are up to 1.5 metres thick.The forward shielding was designed by the ATLAS Technical Coordination in close collaboration with the ATLAS groups from the Czech Technical University and Charles University in Prague. The Czech groups a...

    18. ATLAS Facility Description Report

      International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

      Kang, Kyoung Ho; Moon, Sang Ki; Park, Hyun Sik; Cho, Seok; Choi, Ki Yong


      A thermal-hydraulic integral effect test facility, ATLAS (Advanced Thermal-hydraulic Test Loop for Accident Simulation), has been constructed at KAERI (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute). The ATLAS has the same two-loop features as the APR1400 and is designed according to the well-known scaling method suggested by Ishii and Kataoka to simulate the various test scenarios as realistically as possible. It is a half-height and 1/288-volume scaled test facility with respect to the APR1400. The fluid system of the ATLAS consists of a primary system, a secondary system, a safety injection system, a break simulating system, a containment simulating system, and auxiliary systems. The primary system includes a reactor vessel, two hot legs, four cold legs, a pressurizer, four reactor coolant pumps, and two steam generators. The secondary system of the ATLAS is simplified to be of a circulating loop-type. Most of the safety injection features of the APR1400 and the OPR1000 are incorporated into the safety injection system of the ATLAS. In the ATLAS test facility, about 1300 instrumentations are installed to precisely investigate the thermal-hydraulic behavior in simulation of the various test scenarios. This report describes the scaling methodology, the geometric data of the individual component, and the specification and the location of the instrumentations in detail

    19. TU-CD-BRA-05: Atlas Selection for Multi-Atlas-Based Image Segmentation Using Surrogate Modeling

      International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

      Zhao, T; Ruan, D


      Purpose: The growing size and heterogeneity in training atlas necessitates sophisticated schemes to identify only the most relevant atlases for the specific multi-atlas-based image segmentation problem. This study aims to develop a model to infer the inaccessible oracle geometric relevance metric from surrogate image similarity metrics, and based on such model, provide guidance to atlas selection in multi-atlas-based image segmentation. Methods: We relate the oracle geometric relevance metric in label space to the surrogate metric in image space, by a monotonically non-decreasing function with additive random perturbations. Subsequently, a surrogate’s ability to prognosticate the oracle order for atlas subset selection is quantified probabilistically. Finally, important insights and guidance are provided for the design of fusion set size, balancing the competing demands to include the most relevant atlases and to exclude the most irrelevant ones. A systematic solution is derived based on an optimization framework. Model verification and performance assessment is performed based on clinical prostate MR images. Results: The proposed surrogate model was exemplified by a linear map with normally distributed perturbation, and verified with several commonly-used surrogates, including MSD, NCC and (N)MI. The derived behaviors of different surrogates in atlas selection and their corresponding performance in ultimate label estimate were validated. The performance of NCC and (N)MI was similarly superior to MSD, with a 10% higher atlas selection probability and a segmentation performance increase in DSC by 0.10 with the first and third quartiles of (0.83, 0.89), compared to (0.81, 0.89). The derived optimal fusion set size, valued at 7/8/8/7 for MSD/NCC/MI/NMI, agreed well with the appropriate range [4, 9] from empirical observation. Conclusion: This work has developed an efficacious probabilistic model to characterize the image-based surrogate metric on atlas selection

    20. A universal concept for IV-supported operation management; Ein universelles Konzept fuer die IV-gestuetzte Betriebsfuehrung

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Sturm, A.


      The continuing rise in cost pressure calls for measures for enhancing the efficiency of operation management and maintenance. At the same time it is necessary to maintain the requisite reliability of production and keep abreast of the ever more stringent requirements of working safety and environment protection. This paper presents an integral operation management system for production plants which does justice to both the productive and the and the conserving function of operation management. The development and introduction of this system to conventional power plants has meanwhile begun. The system consistently gives consideration to the fact that operation management depends on processing data and information of different properties. Whereas process data can show strong fluctuations, there are many kinds of information on the plant concerning, for example, plant installations, processes, damage, and maintenance which hardly fluctuate at all or only change over long time periods. These latter include plant and installation addresses, technical data on the system or on maintenance. In operation management systems designed for production plants it can therefore be useful to organise the handling of process data (dynamic data) and plant data (static data) separately. [Deutsch] Der immer staerkere Kostendruck erfordert Massnahmen zur Effizienzsteigerung der Betriebsfuehrung und der Instandhaltung bei Erhaltung der erforderlichen Zuverlaessigkeit der Produktion, steigenden Anforderungen an Arbeitssicherheit und Umweltschutz. Ein Gesamtbetriebsfuehrungssystem, das sowohl die Produktionsfunktion, als auch die Erhaltungsfunktion abdeckt, wurde fuer Produktionsanlagen konzipiert. Fuer konventionelle Kraftwerke wurde die Entwicklung und Einfuehrung begonnen. Dieses System beruecksichtigt konsequent, dass bei der Betriebsfuehrung Daten und Informationen mit unterschiedlichen Eigenschaften zu verarbeiten sind. Waehrend die Prozessdaten hoch fluktuierende Daten sein koennen

    1. Integral energy concepts for housing estates; Integrale Energiekonzepte fuer Wohnsiedlungen

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Fisch, M.N.; Kuehl, L. [Technische Univ. Braunschweig (Germany)


      Integral energy concepts for housing estates require an early cooperation between architects, planners, and specialist engineers on the basis of a holistic planning approach. This is how future-oriented, sustainable concepts evolve which do justice to the multifarious requirements on the integral energy system of a housing estate. The present paper elucidates different approaches to optimising the energy efficiency of buildings such as the implementation of low-energy house concepts, building site and architectural planning, and detailed planning of heat insulation concepts, ventilation and air tightness concepts, and adapted heating systems. The solarisation of development plans has an influence on the arrangement of buildings, which are now planned to give the greatest possible passive and active solar energy gains. The authors also describe solar-assisted district heating systems for housing estates. [Deutsch] Integrale Energiekonzepte fuer Wohnsiedlungen erfordern die fruehe Zusammenarbeit von Architekten, Planern und Fachingenieuren im Rahmen einer ganzheitlichen Planung. So entstehen zukunftsweisende und tragfaehige Konzepte, die den vielschichtigen Anforderungen des Gesamtenergiesystems ``Wohnsiedlung`` gerecht werden. Im Folgenden wird die energetische Optimierung von Gebaeuden wie die Umsetzung von Niedrigenergiehaus-Konzepten, Standort und Gebaeudeplanung sowie Detailplanung in Bezug auf das Waermedaemmkonzept, Lueftungs-/Dichtheitskonzept und auf angepasste Waermeversorgungssysteme erl autert. Die Solarisierung von Bebauungsplaenen beeinflusste Anordnung der Gebaeude hinsichtlich der Nutzung passivsolarer Gewinne sowie des Einsatzes von Systemen der aktiven Solarenergienutzung. Solarunterstuetzte Nahwaermenetze fuer Wohnsiedlungen werden ebenfalls beschrieben.

    2. Shaft barriers for underground waste repositories in abandoned salt mines. Preparatory project. Vol. 2. Annex; Schachtverschluesse fuer untertaegige Deponien in Salzbergwerken. Vorprojekt. Bd. 2. Anhang

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Schmidt, M W [GSF - Forschungszentrum fuer Umwelt und Gesundheit, Remlingen (Germany). Forschungsbergwerk Asse; Fruth, R [GSF - Forschungszentrum fuer Umwelt und Gesundheit, Remlingen (Germany). Forschungsbergwerk Asse; Stockmann, N [GSF - Forschungszentrum fuer Umwelt und Gesundheit, Remlingen (Germany). Forschungsbergwerk Asse; Birthler, H [Gesellschaft fuer Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit mbH Greece, Braunschweig (Germany). Fachbereich Endlagersicherheitsforschung; Boese, B [Gesellschaft fuer Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit mbH Greece, Braunschweig (Germany). Fachbereich Endlagersicherheitsforschung; Storck, R [Gesellschaft fuer Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit mbH Greece, Braunschweig (Germany). Fachbereich Endlagersicherheitsforschung; Sitz, P [Technische Univ. Bergakademie Freiberg (Germany). Inst. fuer Bergbau; Krausse, A [Technische Univ. Bergakademie Freiberg (Germany). Inst. fuer Bergbau; Eulenberger, K H [Technische Univ. Bergakademie Freiberg (Germany). Inst. fuer Bergbau; Schleinig, J P [Technische Univ. Bergakademie Freiberg (Germany). Inst. fuer Bergbau; Duddeck, H [Technische Univ. Braunschweig (Germany). Inst. fuer Statik; Ahrens, H [Technische Univ. Braunschweig (Germany). Inst. fuer Statik; Menzel, W [IfG Inst. fuer Gebirgsmechanik GmbH, Leipzig (Germany); Salzer, K [IfG Inst. fuer Gebirgsmechanik GmbH, Leipzig (Germany); Minkley, W [IfG Inst. fuer Gebirgsmechanik GmbH, Leipzig (Germany); Busche, H [Kali und Salz AG, Kassel (Germany); Lindloff, U [Kali und Salz AG, Kassel (Germany); Gierenz, S [Kali und Salz AG, Kassel (Germany)


      This preparatory study, ``Shaft barriers for underground waste repositories in abandoned salt mines``, was to demonstrate the current scientific and technological know-how based on a comprehensive analysis of the barrier design concepts or established structures intended to serve as barriers in abandoned shafts of potash or rock salt mines. Taking as a basis the current regulatory regime and the available know-how on barrier systems in underground waste repositories taken into account so far in plan approval and licensing procedures, as well as the state of the art, concepts are developed as technical guides and models of barrier systems for mine shafts. The required research work for the various components of a shaft barrier is shown, particularly relating to aspects such as materials suitability and technical realisation. Immediate demand for research activities is shown with regard to the available potentials of mathematic and numeric geotechnical and hydrogeologic calculation models required in order to give proof of the long-term workability of shaft barriers. The authors are of the opinion that the following activities are required in order to meet the research demand quantified: (1) Laboratory and bench-scale experiments for determination of the efficiency of various sealing materials and backfilling materials, and (2) an in-situ, large-scale experiment in order to demonstrate the suitability of low-consolidation shotter columns, or constructional technologies. The laboratory work can be done in the facilities of the GSF research mine of Asse, the Freiburg Mining Academy, and the Institut fuer Gebirgsmechanik in Leipzig, and the benchmark experiments also at the Asse site in the research mine. The Kali und Salz Beteiligungs AG is prepared to offer its mine Salzdetfurth II as a site for the large-scale experiment. (orig.) [Deutsch] Im Rahmen der Vorstudie ``Schachtverschluesse fuer Untertagedeponien in Salzbergwerken`` wird ausgehend von einer umfangreichen

    3. Shaft barriers for underground waste repositories in abandoned salt mines. Preparatory project. Vol. 2. Annex; Schachtverschluesse fuer untertaegige Deponien in Salzbergwerken. Vorprojekt. Bd. 2. Anhang

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Schmidt, M.W. [GSF - Forschungszentrum fuer Umwelt und Gesundheit, Remlingen (Germany). Forschungsbergwerk Asse; Fruth, R. [GSF - Forschungszentrum fuer Umwelt und Gesundheit, Remlingen (Germany). Forschungsbergwerk Asse; Stockmann, N. [GSF - Forschungszentrum fuer Umwelt und Gesundheit, Remlingen (Germany). Forschungsbergwerk Asse; Birthler, H. [Gesellschaft fuer Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit mbH Greece, Braunschweig (Germany). Fachbereich Endlagersicherheitsforschung; Boese, B. [Gesellschaft fuer Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit mbH Greece, Braunschweig (Germany). Fachbereich Endlagersicherheitsforschung; Storck, R. [Gesellschaft fuer Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit mbH Greece, Braunschweig (Germany). Fachbereich Endlagersicherheitsforschung; Sitz, P. [Technische Univ. Bergakademie Freiberg (Germany). Inst. fuer Bergbau; Krausse, A. [Technische Univ. Bergakademie Freiberg (Germany). Inst. fuer Bergbau; Eulenberger, K.H. [Technische Univ. Bergakademie Freiberg (Germany). Inst. fuer Bergbau; Schleinig, J.P. [Technische Univ. Bergakademie Freiberg (Germany). Inst. fuer Bergbau; Duddeck, H. [Technische Univ. Braunschweig (Germany). Inst. fuer Statik; Ahrens, H. [Technische Univ. Braunschweig (Germany). Inst. fuer Statik; Menzel, W. [IfG Inst. fuer Gebirgsmechanik GmbH, Leipzig (Germany); Salzer, K. [IfG Inst. fuer Gebirgsmechanik GmbH, Leipzig (Germany); Minkley, W. [IfG Inst. fuer Gebirgsmechanik GmbH, Leipzig (Germany); Busche, H. [Kali und Salz AG, Kassel (Germany); Lindloff, U. [Kali und Salz AG, Kassel (Germany); Gierenz, S. [Kali und Salz AG, Kassel (Germany)


      This preparatory study, ``Shaft barriers for underground waste repositories in abandoned salt mines``, was to demonstrate the current scientific and technological know-how based on a comprehensive analysis of the barrier design concepts or established structures intended to serve as barriers in abandoned shafts of potash or rock salt mines. Taking as a basis the current regulatory regime and the available know-how on barrier systems in underground waste repositories taken into account so far in plan approval and licensing procedures, as well as the state of the art, concepts are developed as technical guides and models of barrier systems for mine shafts. The required research work for the various components of a shaft barrier is shown, particularly relating to aspects such as materials suitability and technical realisation. Immediate demand for research activities is shown with regard to the available potentials of mathematic and numeric geotechnical and hydrogeologic calculation models required in order to give proof of the long-term workability of shaft barriers. The authors are of the opinion that the following activities are required in order to meet the research demand quantified: (1) Laboratory and bench-scale experiments for determination of the efficiency of various sealing materials and backfilling materials, and (2) an in-situ, large-scale experiment in order to demonstrate the suitability of low-consolidation shotter columns, or constructional technologies. The laboratory work can be done in the facilities of the GSF research mine of Asse, the Freiburg Mining Academy, and the Institut fuer Gebirgsmechanik in Leipzig, and the benchmark experiments also at the Asse site in the research mine. The Kali und Salz Beteiligungs AG is prepared to offer its mine Salzdetfurth II as a site for the large-scale experiment. (orig.) [Deutsch] Im Rahmen der Vorstudie ``Schachtverschluesse fuer Untertagedeponien in Salzbergwerken`` wird ausgehend von einer umfangreichen

    4. Development and Implementation of a Corriedale Ovine Brain Atlas for Use in Atlas-Based Segmentation.

      Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

      Kishan Andre Liyanage

      Full Text Available Segmentation is the process of partitioning an image into subdivisions and can be applied to medical images to isolate anatomical or pathological areas for further analysis. This process can be done manually or automated by the use of image processing computer packages. Atlas-based segmentation automates this process by the use of a pre-labelled template and a registration algorithm. We developed an ovine brain atlas that can be used as a model for neurological conditions such as Parkinson's disease and focal epilepsy. 17 female Corriedale ovine brains were imaged in-vivo in a 1.5T (low-resolution MRI scanner. 13 of the low-resolution images were combined using a template construction algorithm to form a low-resolution template. The template was labelled to form an atlas and tested by comparing manual with atlas-based segmentations against the remaining four low-resolution images. The comparisons were in the form of similarity metrics used in previous segmentation research. Dice Similarity Coefficients were utilised to determine the degree of overlap between eight independent, manual and atlas-based segmentations, with values ranging from 0 (no overlap to 1 (complete overlap. For 7 of these 8 segmented areas, we achieved a Dice Similarity Coefficient of 0.5-0.8. The amygdala was difficult to segment due to its variable location and similar intensity to surrounding tissues resulting in Dice Coefficients of 0.0-0.2. We developed a low resolution ovine brain atlas with eight clinically relevant areas labelled. This brain atlas performed comparably to prior human atlases described in the literature and to intra-observer error providing an atlas that can be used to guide further research using ovine brains as a model and is hosted online for public access.

    5. Taking ATLAS to new heights

      CERN Document Server

      Abha Eli Phoboo, ATLAS experiment


      Earlier this month, 51 members of the ATLAS collaboration trekked up to the highest peak in the Atlas Mountains, Mt. Toubkal (4,167m), in North Africa.    The physicists were in Marrakech, Morocco, attending the ATLAS Overview Week (7 - 11 October), which was held for the first time on the African continent. Around 300 members of the collaboration met to discuss the status of the LS1 upgrades and plans for the next run of the LHC. Besides the trek, 42 ATLAS members explored the Saharan sand dunes of Morocco on camels.  Photos courtesy of Patrick Jussel.

    6. ATLAS DataFlow Infrastructure: Recent results from ATLAS cosmic and first-beam data-taking

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Vandelli, Wainer, E-mail: wainer.vandelli@cern.c


      The ATLAS DataFlow infrastructure is responsible for the collection and conveyance of event data from the detector front-end electronics to the mass storage. Several optimized and multi-threaded applications fulfill this purpose operating over a multi-stage Gigabit Ethernet network which is the backbone of the ATLAS Trigger and Data Acquisition System. The system must be able to efficiently transport event-data with high reliability, while providing aggregated bandwidths larger than 5 GByte/s and coping with many thousands network connections. Nevertheless, routing and streaming capabilities and monitoring and data accounting functionalities are also fundamental requirements. During 2008, a few months of ATLAS cosmic data-taking and the first experience with the LHC beams provided an unprecedented test-bed for the evaluation of the performance of the ATLAS DataFlow, in terms of functionality, robustness and stability. Besides, operating the system far from its design specifications helped in exercising its flexibility and contributed in understanding its limitations. Moreover, the integration with the detector and the interfacing with the off-line data processing and management have been able to take advantage of this extended data taking-period as well. In this paper we report on the usage of the DataFlow infrastructure during the ATLAS data-taking. These results, backed-up by complementary performance tests, validate the architecture of the ATLAS DataFlow and prove that the system is robust, flexible and scalable enough to cope with the final requirements of the ATLAS experiment.

    7. ATLAS DataFlow Infrastructure: Recent results from ATLAS cosmic and first-beam data-taking

      International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

      Vandelli, Wainer


      The ATLAS DataFlow infrastructure is responsible for the collection and conveyance of event data from the detector front-end electronics to the mass storage. Several optimized and multi-threaded applications fulfill this purpose operating over a multi-stage Gigabit Ethernet network which is the backbone of the ATLAS Trigger and Data Acquisition System. The system must be able to efficiently transport event-data with high reliability, while providing aggregated bandwidths larger than 5 GByte/s and coping with many thousands network connections. Nevertheless, routing and streaming capabilities and monitoring and data accounting functionalities are also fundamental requirements. During 2008, a few months of ATLAS cosmic data-taking and the first experience with the LHC beams provided an unprecedented test-bed for the evaluation of the performance of the ATLAS DataFlow, in terms of functionality, robustness and stability. Besides, operating the system far from its design specifications helped in exercising its flexibility and contributed in understanding its limitations. Moreover, the integration with the detector and the interfacing with the off-line data processing and management have been able to take advantage of this extended data taking-period as well. In this paper we report on the usage of the DataFlow infrastructure during the ATLAS data-taking. These results, backed-up by complementary performance tests, validate the architecture of the ATLAS DataFlow and prove that the system is robust, flexible and scalable enough to cope with the final requirements of the ATLAS experiment.

    8. Results report on research and development work 1980 of the Institut fuer Nukleare Entsorgungstechnik

      International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


      The Institut fuer Nukleare Entsorgungstechnik performs research and development work on the treatment, solidification and final storage of radioactive wastes. The main target of the work is to develop processes and concepts for a safe disposal of radioactive wastes from nuclear plants. The work on waste treatment is carried out within the framework of the reprocessing and waste treatment project. It comprises of the development and characterization of ultimate storable waste products as well as the development of processes for the treatment and solidification of radioactive wastes mainly from reprocessing irradiated nuclear fuels. The studies on the ultimate storage are carried out together with the 'Gesellschaft fuer Strahlen- und Umweltforschung'. Their main concern is the analysis of processes in the neighbourhood of ultimate storage (waste product, packing, filling and immediate surrounding storage medium) for normal and accident conditions and their safety technical optimization. The report is supplemented by a list of publications and lectures of the institute coworkers in 1980. (orig./RB) [de

    9. The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for high-voltage overhead lines; Umweltvertraeglichkeitspruefung (UVP) fuer Hochspannungsfreileitungen

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Klockow, S. [Landesentwicklungsgesellschaft Baden-Wuerttemberg, Stuttgart (Germany). Abt. Umwelt


      In some of the federal states of Germany the licensing of new or the laying or existing high-voltage overhead lines requires an environmental impact assessment. For many utility companies, however, environmental impact assessments for high-voltage lines are virgin territory. Experience shows that preparing the documentation is not a major problem. Questions usually arise over details such as the calculation of possible incidents or the comparison of different layouts. The authors describes general approaches and strategies and looks at specific problems. (orig.) [Deutsch] Bei der Genehmigung neuer oder der Verlegung vorhandener Hochspannungsfreileitungen ist in einigen Bundeslaendern eine Umweltvertraeglichkeitspruefung durchzufuehren. Fuer viele Energieversorgungsunternehmen ist die Erarbeitung von Umweltvertraeglichkeitsstudien fuer Hochspannungsleitungen aber noch Neuland. Praxiserfahrungen zeigen, dass die Erarbeitung der erforderlichen Unterlagen ohne groessere Schwierigkeiten moeglich ist. Fragen ergeben sich dabei aber bei speziellen Details, z.B. bei der Betrachtung von moeglichen Stoerfaellen oder beim Vergleich von Trassenvarianten. Der Verfasser skizziert das allgemeine Vorgehen und erlaeutert ausfuehrlich die Detailprobleme. (orig.)

    10. Brief retrospection on Hungarian school atlases (United States)

      Klinghammer, István; Jesús Reyes Nuñez, José


      The first part of this article is dedicated to the history of Hungarian school atlases to the end of the 1st World War. Although the first maps included in a Hungarian textbook were probably made in 1751, the publication of atlases for schools is dated almost 50 years later, when professor Ézsáiás Budai created his "New School Atlas for elementary pupils" in 1800. This was followed by a long period of 90 years, when the school atlases were mostly translations and adaptations of foreign atlases, the majority of which were made in German-speaking countries. In those years, a school atlas made by a Hungarian astronomer, Antal Vállas, should be highlighted as a prominent independent piece of work. In 1890, a talented cartographer, Manó Kogutowicz founded the Hungarian Geographical Institute, which was the institution responsible for producing school atlases for the different types of schools in Hungary. The professional quality of the school atlases published by his institute was also recognized beyond the Hungarian borders by prizes won in international exhibitions. Kogutowicz laid the foundations of the current Hungarian school cartography: this statement is confirmed in the second part of this article, when three of his school atlases are presented in more detail to give examples of how the pupils were introduced to the basic cartographic and astronomic concepts as well as how different innovative solutions were used on the maps.

    11. Marine environment protection of the North Sea and Baltic Sea. Special report - February 2004; Meeresumweltschutz fuer Nord- und Ostsee. Sondergutachten - Februar 2004

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



      The marine environment of the North Sea and Baltic Sea is still heavily polluted. The marine ecosystems are under severe stress from overfishing, water pollution, raw materials production and tourism. Environmental protection in this region necessitates decisive political initiatives and strict corrections especially in fishery policy, agricultural policy and chemical substances control. This is the balance of the special expert opinion of the Council of Environmental Experts. The publication specifies the main problem areas, the current pollution situation, the fields where action is most urgently required - especially in fishery, chemical substances, agricultural and sea travel policies - and presents suggestions for an integrated European and national marine protection policy including a regional development concept for the marine environment. (orig.) [German] Die Meeresumwelt von Nord- und Ostsee ist nach wie vor stark belastet. Ueberfischung, Schadstoffeintraege und Ueberduengung sowie die intensive Nutzung durch Schifffahrt, Rohstoffabbau und Tourismus beeintraechtigen vielfach massiv die marinen Oekosysteme. Ein wirksamer Meeresumweltschutz erfordert daher einschneidende politische Initiativen und grundlegende Korrekturen insbesondere in der Fischereipolitik, der Agrarpolitik und bei der Chemikalienregulierung. Diese Bilanz zieht der Rat von Sachverstaendigen fuer Umweltfragen in seinem aktuellen Sondergutachten 'Meeresumweltschutz fuer Nord- und Ostsee'. Das Sondergutachen - gibt einen Ueberblick ueber die wichtigsten Problemfelder und die aktuelle Belastungslage, - zeigt den wesentlichen Handlungsbedarf auf, insbesondere fuer die Fischerei-, Chemikalien-, Agrar- und Schifffahrtspolitik und - entwickelt Vorschlaege fuer eine integrierte europaeische und nationale Meeresschutzpolitik einschliesslich einer Merresraumordnung. (orig.)

    12. ATLAS Maintenance and Operation management system

      CERN Document Server

      Copy, B


      The maintenance and operation of the ATLAS detector will involve thousands of contributors from 170 physics institutes. Planning and coordinating the action of ATLAS members, ensuring their expertise is properly leveraged and that no parts of the detector are understaffed or overstaffed will be a challenging task. The ATLAS Maintenance and Operation application (referred to as Operation Task Planner inside the ATLAS experiment) offers a fluent web based interface that combines the flexibility and comfort of a desktop application, intuitive data visualization and navigation techniques, with a lightweight service oriented architecture. We will review the application, its usage within the ATLAS experiment, its underlying design and implementation.

    13. Taus at ATLAS

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Demers, Sarah M. [Yale Univ., New Haven, CT (United States). Dept. of Physics


      The grant "Taus at ATLAS" supported the group of Sarah Demers at Yale University over a period of 8.5 months, bridging the time between her Early Career Award and her inclusion on Yale's grant cycle within the Department of Energy's Office of Science. The work supported the functioning of the ATLAS Experiment at CERN's Large Hadron Collider and the analysis of ATLAS data. The work included searching for the Higgs Boson in a particular mode of its production (with a W or Z boson) and decay (to a pair of tau leptons.) This was part of a broad program of characterizing the Higgs boson as we try to understand this recently discovered particle, and whether or not it matches our expectations within the current standard model of particle physics. In addition, group members worked with simulation to understand the physics reach of planned upgrades to the ATLAS experiment. Supported group members include postdoctoral researcher Lotte Thomsen and graduate student Mariel Pettee.

    14. Forest report 2015 for Baden-Wuerttemberg; Waldzustandsbericht 2015 fuer Baden-Wuerttemberg

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Meining, Stefan [Buero fuer Umweltueberwachung, Freiburg (Germany); Wilpert, Klaus v.; Hoelscher, Andrea [Forstliche Versuchs- und Forschungsanstalt Baden-Wuerttemberg, Freiburg im Breisgau (Germany); and others


      In Baden-Wuerttemberg, the state of forests has been recorded since the 1980s in the course of an annual forest status report. In 2015, a decline in forest damage can be reported. As an indicator for the evaluation of the forest state, the crown condition of the trees applies. The average crown defoliation has been reduced by two percentage points to around 24 percent, while the share of healthy forest areas increased by five percentage points to a total of 29 percent. The clearly damaged forest areas decreased by six percentage points to 36 percent. Concerns are causing a relatively new fungus disease in the tree species ash, the ash dieback. [German] In Baden-Wuerttemberg wird der Zustand der Waelder seit den 1980er Jahren im Zuge eines jaehrlichen Waldzustandsberichtes erfasst. Fuer das Jahr 2015 kann erfreulicherweise einen Rueckgang der Waldschaeden verzeichnet werden. Als Indikator fuer die Beurteilung des Waldzustandes gilt der Kronenzustand der Baeume. Die durchschnittliche Kronenverlichtung hat sich um zwei Prozentpunkte auf rund 24 Prozent verringert, waehrend sich der Anteil der gesunden Waldflaeche um fuenf Prozentpunkte auf insgesamt 29 Prozent erhoehte. Die deutlich geschaedigten Waldflaechen verringerten sich um sechs Prozentpunkte auf 36 Prozent. Sorgen bereitet eine relativ neue Pilzerkrankung bei der Baumart Esche, das Eschentriebsterben.

    15. PM-materials for hot working tools; PM-Werkstoffe fuer warmgehende Werkzeuge

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Berns, H.; Broeckmann, C.; Theisen, W. [Bochum Univ. (Germany). Fakultaet fuer Maschinenbau; Wewers, B.


      Tools and wear parts for compacting tools are subjected to high abrasive wear and mechanical loading at elevated temperatures. MMC's based in iron- or nickel with hard particles are developed and investigated. The materials were manufactured from powders by hot isostatic pressing (HIP) and subsequently heat treated. Diffusion between hard phases and metal matrix brings about certain micro structures which were tested with respect to the resistance against sliding abrasion at room and elevated temperatures. Three-point bending tests and thermal cycling of the material was utilized to characterise the mechanical behaviour. Based on this results a toolkit for a roller press for briquetting was produced and brought into application. (orig.) [German] Werkzeuge und Verschleissteile fuer die Verarbeitung von mineralischen Guetern bei erhoehter Temperatur unterliegen sowohl hohem abrasivem Verschleiss als auch hohen mechanischen Lasten. Es werden hartphasenhaltige Verbundwerkstoffe auf Eisen- und Nickelbasis entwickelt und untersucht. Die Fertigung dieser MMC's erfolgt durch heiss isostatisches Pressen (HIP) und anschliessende Waermebehandlung. Durch Diffusion zwischen Hartphasen und Metallmatrix entstehen Gefuege, die bezueglich ihres Widerstandes gegen Abrasivverschleiss bei Raumtemperatur und gegen Korngleitverschliess bei erhoehter Temperatur geprueft werden. Zur Charakterisierung der mechanischen Eigeschaften werden Dreipunktbiegeversuche und thermsiche Ermuedungsversuche durchgefuehrt. Die gewonnenen Erkenntnisse werden genutzt, um einen Werkzeugsatz fuer eine Brikettierpresse herzustellen und in Einsatz zu bringen. (orig.)

    16. Soft QCD at CMS and ATLAS

      CERN Document Server

      Starovoitov, Pavel; The ATLAS collaboration


      A short overview of the recent soft QCD results from the ATLAS and CMS collaborations is presented. The inelastic cross section measurement by CMS at 13 TeV is summarised. The contribution of the diffractive processes to the very forward photon spectra studied by ATLAS and LHCf is discussed. The ATLAS measurements of the exclusive two-photon production of the muon pairs is presented and compared to the previous ATLAS and CMS results.

    17. AGIS: The ATLAS Grid Information System


      Anisenkov, Alexey; Belov, Sergey; Di Girolamo, Alessandro; Gayazov, Stavro; Klimentov, Alexei; Oleynik, Danila; Senchenko, Alexander


      ATLAS is a particle physics experiment at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. The experiment produces petabytes of data annually through simulation production and tens petabytes of data per year from the detector itself. The ATLAS Computing model embraces the Grid paradigm and a high degree of decentralization and computing resources able to meet ATLAS requirements of petabytes scale data operations. In this paper we present ATLAS Grid Information System (AGIS) designed to integrate configurat...

    18. ATLAS B-physics potential

      CERN Document Server

      Smizanska, M


      Studies since 1993 have demonstrated the ability of ATLAS to pursue a wide B physics program. This document presents the latest performance studies with special stress on lepton identification. B-decays containing several leptons in ATLAS statistically dominate the high- precision measurements. We present new results on physics simulations of CP violation measurements in the B/sub s//sup 0/ to J/ psi phi decay and on a novel ATLAS programme on beauty production in central proton-proton collisions at the LHC. (7 refs).

    19. Devital dişlerin ıntrakoronal ağartmasında kullanılan iki farklı materyalin klinik etkinliğinin karşılaştırılması


      Keçeci, Diljin


      SüleymanDemirel Üniversitesi TIP FAKÜLTESİ DERGİSİ: 2006 Eylül; 13(3) Devital dişlerin ıntrakoronal ağartmasında kullanılan iki farklı materyalin klinik etkinliğinin karşılaştırılması Diljin Keçeci Devital diş renklenmeleri diş dizisinde kolayca ayırt edilebildiği için özellikle ön dişlerde estetik sorunlara yol açmaktadır. Bu çalışmada kanal tedavisi uygulanmış veya travmaya maruz kalmış, ön dişlerde ortaya çıkan renklenmelerin ağartılması amacıyla bir sodyum perborat (Starbrite, Dentr...

    20. ATLAS. LHC experiments

      International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



      In Greek mythology, Atlas was a Titan who had to hold up the heavens with his hands as a punishment for having taken part in a revolt against the Olympians. For LHC, the ATLAS detector will also have an onerous physics burden to bear, but this is seen as a golden opportunity rather than a punishment. The major physics goal of CERN's LHC proton-proton collider is the quest for the long-awaited£higgs' mechanism which drives the spontaneous symmetry breaking of the electroweak Standard Model picture. The large ATLAS collaboration proposes a large general-purpose detector to exploit the full discovery potential of LHC's proton collisions. LHC will provide proton-proton collision luminosities at the aweinspiring level of 1034 cm2 s~1, with initial running in at 1033. The ATLAS philosophy is to handle as many signatures as possible at all luminosity levels, with the initial running providing more complex possibilities. The ATLAS concept was first presented as a Letter of Intent to the LHC Committee in November 1992. Following initial presentations at the Evian meeting (Towards the LHC Experimental Programme') in March of that year, two ideas for generalpurpose detectors, the ASCOT and EAGLE schemes, merged, with Friedrich Dydak (MPI Munich) and Peter Jenni (CERN) as ATLAS cospokesmen. Since the initial Letter of Intent presentation, the ATLAS design has been optimized and developed, guided by physics performance studies and the LHC-oriented detector R&D programme (April/May, page 3). The overall detector concept is characterized by an inner superconducting solenoid (for inner tracking) and large superconducting air-core toroids outside the calorimetry. This solution avoids constraining the calorimetry while providing a high resolution, large acceptance and robust detector. The outer magnet will extend over a length of 26 metres, with an outer diameter of almost 20 metres. The total weight of the detector is 7,000 tonnes. Fitted with its end

    1. ATLAS Grid Workflow Performance Optimization

      CERN Document Server

      Elmsheuser, Johannes; The ATLAS collaboration


      The CERN ATLAS experiment grid workflow system manages routinely 250 to 500 thousand concurrently running production and analysis jobs to process simulation and detector data. In total more than 300 PB of data is distributed over more than 150 sites in the WLCG. At this scale small improvements in the software and computing performance and workflows can lead to significant resource usage gains. ATLAS is reviewing together with CERN IT experts several typical simulation and data processing workloads for potential performance improvements in terms of memory and CPU usage, disk and network I/O. All ATLAS production and analysis grid jobs are instrumented to collect many performance metrics for detailed statistical studies using modern data analytics tools like ElasticSearch and Kibana. This presentation will review and explain the performance gains of several ATLAS simulation and data processing workflows and present analytics studies of the ATLAS grid workflows.

    2. Innovative inspection system for reactor pressure vessels; Innovative Pruefsysteme fuer Reaktordruckbehaelter

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Mertens, K.; Trautmann, H.


      The versatile, compact and modern underwater systems described, the DELPHIN manipulators and MIDAS submarines, are innovative systems enabling RPV inspections at considerably reduced efforts and time, thus reducing the total time required for ISI of reactors. (orig./CB) [Deutsch] Die vorgestellten kleinen, flexiblen und modernen Schwimmsysteme (DELPHIN-Manipulatoren und MIDAS-U-Boote) sind innovative Systeme fuer die Reduzierung der Aufwaende und Zeit zur Pruefung des Reaktordruckbehaelters und damit zur Reduktion der Revisionszeiten der Reaktoranlagen. (orig.)

    3. Oil-free piston compressors for compressed air and gas; Oellose Kolbenkompressoren fuer Druckluft und Gase

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Frefel, B. [Fritz Haug AG, St. Gallen (Switzerland)


      Oil-free compressors are lubricated with special materials in dry operation. The technology was developed 35 years ago by the Swiss company, Fritz Haug AG. Originally developed for 10 - 40 bar, oil-free compressors are now available for both the low-pressure and high-pressure range. [German] Unter dem Begriff ''oellose Kompressoren'' versteht man Verdichter, die in der ganzen Anlage keinen Tropfen Oel verwenden, weder im Fuehrungs- und Verdichtungstell noch im Triebwerk. Die Schmierung erfolgt mit speziellen Materiallen im Trockenlauf. Die Technik der oellosen und trockenlaufenden Kolbenkompressoren wurde bereits vor rund 35 Jahren von der schweizer Firma Fritz Haug AG entwickelt. Anfaenglich war die Anwendung der Verdichtung von Luft auf 10 bis 40 bar vorbehalten. Durch Weiterentwicklungen in neue Materiallen und in der Konstruktion besteht heute auch ein umfangreiches Sortiment an Kompressoren fuer die oellose und trockene Verdichtung von Gasen fuer den Nieder- und Hochdruckbereich. (orig.)

    4. Increasing Drought Sensitivity and Decline of Atlas Cedar (Cedrus atlantica in the Moroccan Middle Atlas Forests

      Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

      Jesús Julio Camarero


      Full Text Available An understanding of the interactions between climate change and forest structure on tree growth are needed for decision making in forest conservation and management. In this paper, we investigated the relative contribution of tree features and stand structure on Atlas cedar (Cedrus atlantica radial growth in forests that have experienced heavy grazing and logging in the past. Dendrochronological methods were applied to quantify patterns in basal-area increment and drought sensitivity of Atlas cedar in the Middle Atlas, northern Morocco. We estimated the tree-to-tree competition intensity and quantified the structure in Atlas cedar stands with contrasting tree density, age, and decline symptoms. The relative contribution of tree age and size and stand structure to Atlas cedar growth decline was estimated by variance partitioning using partial-redundancy analyses. Recurrent drought events and temperature increases have been identified from local climate records since the 1970s. We detected consistent growth declines and increased drought sensitivity in Atlas cedar across all sites since the early 1980s. Specifically, we determined that previous growth rates and tree age were the strongest tree features, while Quercus rotundifolia basal area was the strongest stand structure measure related to Atlas cedar decline. As a result, we suggest that Atlas cedar forests that have experienced severe drought in combination with grazing and logging may be in the process of shifting dominance toward more drought-tolerant species such as Q. rotundifolia.

    5. Integrating Networking into ATLAS

      CERN Document Server

      Mc Kee, Shawn Patrick; The ATLAS collaboration


      Networking is foundational to the ATLAS distributed infrastructure and there are many ongoing activities related to networking both within and outside of ATLAS. We will report on the progress in a number of areas exploring ATLAS's use of networking and our ability to monitor the network, analyze metrics from the network, and tune and optimize application and end-host parameters to make the most effective use of the network. Specific topics will include work on Open vSwitch for production systems, network analytics, FTS testing and tuning, and network problem alerting and alarming.

    6. ATLAS End-cap Part II

      CERN Multimedia


      The epic journey of the ATLAS magnets is drawing to an end. On Thursday 12 July, the second end-cap of the ATLAS toroid magnet was lowered into the cavern of the experiment with the same degree of precision as the first (see Bulletin No. 26/2007). This spectacular descent of the 240-tonne component, is one of the last transport to be completed for ATLAS.

    7. ATLAS experiment : mapping the secrets of the universe

      CERN Multimedia

      ATLAS Outreach


      This 4 page color brochure describes ATLAS and the LHC, the ATLAS inner detector, calorimeters, muon spectrometer, magnet system, a short definition of the terms "particles," "dark matter," "mass," "antimatter." It also explains the ATLAS collaboration and provides the ATLAS website address with some images of the detector and the ATLAS collaboration at work.

    8. Mindboggle: Automated brain labeling with multiple atlases

      International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

      Klein, Arno; Mensh, Brett; Ghosh, Satrajit; Tourville, Jason; Hirsch, Joy


      To make inferences about brain structures or activity across multiple individuals, one first needs to determine the structural correspondences across their image data. We have recently developed Mindboggle as a fully automated, feature-matching approach to assign anatomical labels to cortical structures and activity in human brain MRI data. Label assignment is based on structural correspondences between labeled atlases and unlabeled image data, where an atlas consists of a set of labels manually assigned to a single brain image. In the present work, we study the influence of using variable numbers of individual atlases to nonlinearly label human brain image data. Each brain image voxel of each of 20 human subjects is assigned a label by each of the remaining 19 atlases using Mindboggle. The most common label is selected and is given a confidence rating based on the number of atlases that assigned that label. The automatically assigned labels for each subject brain are compared with the manual labels for that subject (its atlas). Unlike recent approaches that transform subject data to a labeled, probabilistic atlas space (constructed from a database of atlases), Mindboggle labels a subject by each atlas in a database independently. When Mindboggle labels a human subject's brain image with at least four atlases, the resulting label agreement with coregistered manual labels is significantly higher than when only a single atlas is used. Different numbers of atlases provide significantly higher label agreements for individual brain regions. Increasing the number of reference brains used to automatically label a human subject brain improves labeling accuracy with respect to manually assigned labels. Mindboggle software can provide confidence measures for labels based on probabilistic assignment of labels and could be applied to large databases of brain images

    9. Development of thin sensors and a novel interconnection technology for the upgrade of the ATLAS pixel system

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Andricek, L. [Max-Planck-Institut Halbleiterlabor, Otto Hahn Ring 6, 81739 Muenchen (Germany); Beimforde, M., E-mail: [Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physik, Foehringer Ring 6, 80805 Muenchen (Germany); Macchiolo, A. [Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physik, Foehringer Ring 6, 80805 Muenchen (Germany); Moser, H.-G. [Max-Planck-Institut Halbleiterlabor, Otto Hahn Ring 6, 81739 Muenchen (Germany); Nisius, R. [Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physik, Foehringer Ring 6, 80805 Muenchen (Germany); Richter, R.H. [Max-Planck-Institut Halbleiterlabor, Otto Hahn Ring 6, 81739 Muenchen (Germany)


      A new pixel module concept is presented utilizing thin sensors and a novel vertical integration technique for the ATLAS pixel detector in view of the foreseen LHC luminosity upgrades. A first set of pixel sensors with active thicknesses of 75 and 150{mu}m has been produced from wafers of standard thickness using a thinning process developed at the Max-Planck-Institut Halbleiterlabor (HLL) and the Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physik (MPP). Pre-irradiation characterizations of these sensors show a very good device yield and high break down voltage. First proton irradiations up to a fluence of 10{sup 15} n{sub eq} cm{sup -2} have been carried out and their impact on the electrical properties of thin sensors has been studied. The novel ICV-SLID vertical integration technology will allow for routing signals vertically to the back side of the readout chips. With this, four-side buttable detector devices with an increased active area fraction are made possible. A first production of SLID test structures was performed and showed a high connection efficiency for different pad sizes and a mild sensitivity to disturbances of the surface planarity.

    10. Development of thin sensors and a novel interconnection technology for the upgrade of the ATLAS pixel system

      International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

      Andricek, L.; Beimforde, M.; Macchiolo, A.; Moser, H.-G.; Nisius, R.; Richter, R.H.


      A new pixel module concept is presented utilizing thin sensors and a novel vertical integration technique for the ATLAS pixel detector in view of the foreseen LHC luminosity upgrades. A first set of pixel sensors with active thicknesses of 75 and 150μm has been produced from wafers of standard thickness using a thinning process developed at the Max-Planck-Institut Halbleiterlabor (HLL) and the Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physik (MPP). Pre-irradiation characterizations of these sensors show a very good device yield and high break down voltage. First proton irradiations up to a fluence of 10 15 n eq cm -2 have been carried out and their impact on the electrical properties of thin sensors has been studied. The novel ICV-SLID vertical integration technology will allow for routing signals vertically to the back side of the readout chips. With this, four-side buttable detector devices with an increased active area fraction are made possible. A first production of SLID test structures was performed and showed a high connection efficiency for different pad sizes and a mild sensitivity to disturbances of the surface planarity.

    11. ATLAS Visitors Centre

      CERN Multimedia

      claudia Marcelloni


      ATLAS Visitors Centre has opened its shiny new doors to the public. Officially launched on Monday February 23rd, 2009, the permanent exhibition at Point 1 was conceived as a tour resource for ATLAS guides, and as a way to preserve the public’s opportunity to get a close-up look at the experiment in action when the cavern is sealed.

    12. ATLAS rewards industry

      CERN Document Server

      Maximilien Brice


      For contributing vital pieces to the ATLAS puzzle, three industries were recognized on Friday 5 May during a supplier awards ceremony. After a welcome and overview of the ATLAS experiment by spokesperson Peter Jenni, CERN Secretary-General Maximilian Metzger stressed the importance of industry to CERN's scientific goals. Picture 30 : representatives of the three award-wining companies after the ceremony

    13. The ATLAS Experiment Laboratory - Overview

      International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

      Malecki, P.


      Full text: ATLAS Experiment Laboratory has been created by physicists and engineers preparing a research programme and detector for the LHC collider. This group is greatly supported by members of other Departments taking also part (often full time) in the ATLAS project. These are: J. Blocki, J. Godlewski, Z. Hajduk, P. Kapusta, B. Kisielewski, W. Ostrowicz, E. Richter-Was, and M. Turala. Our ATLAS Laboratory realizes its programme in very close collaboration with the Faculty of Physics and Nuclear Technology of the University of Mining and Metallurgy. ATLAS, A Toroidal LHC ApparatuS Collaboration groups about 1700 experimentalists from about 150 research institutes. This apparatus, a huge system of many detectors, which are technologically very advanced, is going to be ready by 2005. With the start of the 2 x 7 TeV LHC collider ATLAS and CMS (the sister experiment at LHC) will begin their fascinating research programme at beam energies and intensities which have never been exploited. (author)

    14. ATLAS Award for Difficult Task

      CERN Multimedia


      Two Russian companies were honoured with an ATLAS Award, for supply of the ATLAS Inner Detector barrel support structure elements, last week. On 23 March the Russian company ORPE Technologiya and its subcontractor, RSP Khrunitchev, were jointly presented with an ATLAS Supplier Award. Since 1998, ORPE Technologiya has been actively involved in the development of the carbon-fibre reinforced plastic elements of the ATLAS Inner Detector barrel support structure. After three years of joint research and development, CERN and ORPE Technologiya launched the manufacturing contract. It had a tight delivery schedule and very demanding specifications in terms of mechanical tolerance and stability. The contract was successfully completed with the arrival of the last element of the structure at CERN on 8 January 2004. The delivery of this key component of the Inner Detector deserves an ATLAS Award given the difficulty of manufacturing the end-frames, which very few companies in the world would have been able to do at an ...

    15. ATLAS & Google - The Data Ocean Project

      CERN Document Server

      Lassnig, Mario; The ATLAS collaboration


      With the LHC High Luminosity upgrade the workload and data management systems are facing new major challenges. To address those challenges ATLAS and Google agreed to cooperate on a project to connect Google Cloud Storage and Compute Engine to the ATLAS computing environment. The idea is to allow ATLAS to explore the use of different computing models, to allow ATLAS user analysis to benefit from the Google infrastructure, and to give Google real science use cases to improve their cloud platform. Making the output of a distributed analysis from the grid quickly available to the analyst is a difficult problem. Redirecting the analysis output to Google Cloud Storage can provide an alternative, faster solution for the analyst. First, Google's Cloud Storage will be connected to the ATLAS Data Management System Rucio. The second part aims to let jobs run on Google Compute Engine, accessing data from either ATLAS storage or Google Cloud Storage. The third part involves Google implementing a global redirection between...

    16. The ATLAS hadronic tau trigger

      International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

      Shamim, Mansoora


      The extensive tau physics programs of the ATLAS experiment relies heavily on trigger to select hadronic decays of tau lepton. Such a trigger is implemented in ATLAS to efficiently collect signal events, while keeping the rate of multi-jet background within the allowed bandwidth. This contribution summarizes the performance of the ATLAS hadronic tau trigger system during 2011 data taking period and improvements implemented for the 2012 data collection.


      NARCIS (Netherlands)

      M Ed Uwe Krause


      Uwe Krause: Atlas of Eurpean Values De Atlas of European Values is een samenwerkingsproject met bijbehorende website van de Universiteit van Tilburg en Fontys Lerarenopleiding in Tilburg, waarbij de wetenschappelijke data van de European Values Study (EVS) voor het onderwijs toegankelijk worden

    18. ATLAS brochure (Italian version)

      CERN Multimedia

      Lefevre, C


      ATLAS is the largest detector at the LHC, the most powerful particle accelerator in the world. ATLAS is a multi-purpose detector, designed to throw light on fundamental questions such as the origin of mass and the nature of the Universe's dark matter.

    19. ATLAS brochure (French version)

      CERN Multimedia

      Lefevre, C


      ATLAS is the largest detector at the LHC, the most powerful particle accelerator in the world. ATLAS is a multi-purpose detector, designed to throw light on fundamental questions such as the origin of mass and the nature of the Universe's dark matter.

    20. ATLAS brochure (German version)

      CERN Multimedia

      Lefevre, C


      ATLAS is the largest detector at the LHC, the most powerful particle accelerator in the world. ATLAS is a multi-purpose detector, designed to throw light on fundamental questions such as the origin of mass and the nature of the Universe's dark matter.

    1. ATLAS brochure (Danish version)

      CERN Multimedia

      Lefevre, C


      ATLAS is the largest detector at the LHC, the most powerful particle accelerator in the world. ATLAS is a multi-purpose detector, designed to throw light on fundamental questions such as the origin of mass and the nature of the Universe's dark matter.

    2. The Hatfield SCT lunar atlas photographic atlas for Meade, Celestron, and other SCT telescopes

      CERN Document Server


      In a major publishing event for lunar observers, the justly famous Hatfield atlas is updated in even more usable form. This version of Hatfield’s classic atlas solves the problem of mirror images, making identification of left-right reversed imaged lunar features both quick and easy. SCT and Maksutov telescopes – which of course include the best-selling models from Meade and Celestron – reverse the visual image left to right. Thus it is extremely difficult to identify lunar features at the eyepiece of one of the instruments using a conventional Moon atlas, as the human brain does not cope well when trying to compare the real thing with a map that is a mirror image of it. Now this issue has at last been solved.   In this atlas the Moon’s surface is shown at various sun angles, and inset keys show the effects of optical librations. Smaller non-mirrored reference images are also included to make it simple to compare the mirrored SCT plates and maps with those that appear in other atlases. This edition s...

    3. Last piece of the puzzle for ATLAS

      CERN Multimedia

      Clare Ryan

      At around 15.40 on Friday 29th February the ATLAS collaboration cracked open the champagne as the second of the small wheels was lowered into the cavern. Each of ATLAS' small wheels are 9.3 metres in diameter and weigh 100 tonnes including the massive shielding elements. They are the final parts of ATLAS' muon spectrometer. The first piece of ATLAS was installed in 2003 and since then many detector elements have journeyed down the 100 metre shaft into the ATLAS underground cavern. This last piece completes this gigantic puzzle.


      Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

      Nikolay S. Kasimov


      Full Text Available The National Atlas of the Arctic is a set of spatio-temporal information about the geographic, ecological, economic, historical-ethnographic, cultural, and social features of theArcticcompiled as a cartographic model of the territory. The Atlas is intended for use in a wide range of scientific, management, economic, defense, educational, and public activities. The state policy of theRussian Federationin the Arctic for the period until 2020 and beyond, states that the Arctic is of strategic importance forRussiain the 21st century. A detailed description of all sections of the Atlas is given. The Atlas can be used as an information-reference and educational resource or as a gift edition.

    5. EnviroAtlas Proximity to Parks Web Service (United States)

      U.S. Environmental Protection Agency — This EnviroAtlas web service supports research and online mapping activities related to EnviroAtlas ( This EnviroAtlas dataset shows...

    6. Development, deployment and operations of ATLAS databases

      International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

      Vaniachine, A. V.; von der Schmitt, J. G.


      In preparation for ATLAS data taking, a coordinated shift from development towards operations has occurred in ATLAS database activities. In addition to development and commissioning activities in databases, ATLAS is active in the development and deployment (in collaboration with the WLCG 3D project) of the tools that allow the worldwide distribution and installation of databases and related datasets, as well as the actual operation of this system on ATLAS multi-grid infrastructure. We describe development and commissioning of major ATLAS database applications for online and offline. We present the first scalability test results and ramp-up schedule over the initial LHC years of operations towards the nominal year of ATLAS running, when the database storage volumes are expected to reach 6.1 TB for the Tag DB and 1.0 TB for the Conditions DB. ATLAS database applications require robust operational infrastructure for data replication between online and offline at Tier-0, and for the distribution of the offline data to Tier-1 and Tier-2 computing centers. We describe ATLAS experience with Oracle Streams and other technologies for coordinated replication of databases in the framework of the WLCG 3D services

    7. ATLAS (United States)

      Federal Laboratory Consortium — ATLAS is a particle physics experiment at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research. Scientists from Brookhaven have played...

    8. The Cerefy registered clinical brain atlas on CD-ROM. Based on the classic Talairach-Tournoux and Schaltenbrand-Wahren brain atlases. 2. ed.

      International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

      Nowinski, W.L.; Thirunavuukarasuu, A.


      This remarkable CD-ROM provides enhanced and extended versions of three world-famous Thieme atlases, (Schaltenbrand and Wahren's Atlas for Stereotaxy of the Human Brain, Talairach and Tournoux's Co-Planar Stereotaxis Atlas of the Human Brain and Referentially Oriented Cerebral MRI Anatomy). It contains the electronic atlases as well as an easy navigation system to facilitate searching for and displaying more than 525 anatomical structures. Revolutionizing the field of brain anatomy, the authors have segmented, labeled, and cross referenced all the information contained in the books, and created contours for all three atlases. The Cerefy registered Clinical Brain Atlas now allows you to electronically navigate these atlases simultaneously on axial, coronal, and sagittal planes, and enjoy the ability to: 1. Access 210 high-quality, fully segmented, and labeled atlas images with corresponding contours, 2. Display and manipulate spatially co-registered atlases, 3. Dynamically label images with structure names and descriptions, and then highlight selected structures in the atlas image, 4. Image zoom in five different levels, mensurate, search, set triplanar, get coordinates, save, and print, 5. Access on-line help, glossary, and supportive atlas materials. (orig.)

    9. ATLAS brochure (Norwegian version)

      CERN Multimedia

      Lefevre, C


      ATLAS is the largest detector at the LHC, the most powerful particle accelerator in the world. ATLAS is a multi-purpose detector, designed to throw light on fundamental questions such as the origin of mass and the nature of the Universe's dark matter. Français

    10. A Slice of ATLAS

      CERN Document Server


      An entire section of the ATLAS detector is being assembled at Prévessin. Since May the components have been tested using a beam from the SPS, giving the ATLAS team valuable experience of operating the detector as well as an opportunity to debug the system.

    11. The Latest from ATLAS

      CERN Multimedia


      Since November 2008, ATLAS has undertaken detailed maintenance, consolidation and repair work on the detector (see Bulletin of 20 July 2009). Today, the fraction of the detector that is operational has increased compared to last year: less than 1% of dead channels for most of the sub-systems. "We are going to start taking data this year with a detector which is even more efficient than it was last year," agrees ATLAS Spokesperson, Fabiola Gianotti. By mid-September the detector was fully closed again, and the cavern sealed. The magnet system has been operated at nominal current for extensive periods over recent months. Once the cavern was sealed, ATLAS began two weeks of combined running. Right now, subsystems are joining the run incrementally until the point where the whole detector is integrated and running as one. In the words of ATLAS Technical Coordinator, Marzio Nessi: "Now we really start physics." In parallel, the analysis ...

    12. A thermosiphon for ATLAS

      CERN Multimedia

      Rosaria Marraffino


      A new thermosiphon cooling system, designed for the ATLAS silicon detectors by CERN’s EN-CV team in collaboration with the experiment, will replace the current system in the next LHC run in 2015. Using the basic properties of density difference and making gravity do the hard work, the thermosiphon promises to be a very reliable solution that will ensure the long-term stability of the whole system.   Former compressor-based cooling system of the ATLAS inner detectors. The system is currently being replaced by the innovative thermosiphon. (Photo courtesy of Olivier Crespo-Lopez). Reliability is the major issue for the present cooling system of the ATLAS silicon detectors. The system was designed 13 years ago using a compressor-based cooling cycle. “The current cooling system uses oil-free compressors to avoid fluid pollution in the delicate parts of the silicon detectors,” says Michele Battistin, EN-CV-PJ section leader and project leader of the ATLAS thermosiphon....

    13. Solarsupport for schools. Utilization of sleeping photovoltaic plants for environmental communication; Solarsupport fuer Schulen. Schlafende Fotovoltaikanlagen fuer die Umweltkommunikation nutzen

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Scharp, Michael; Dinziol, Martin; Kliche, Florian


      A central question of today's political debates is: Which means are there for ensuring a long-term and sustainable energy supply? Here, strategies for covering tomorrow's energy supply assign renewable energies a decisive role. In face of constantly rising prices for fossil fuels like carbon, oil and gas or the still open question concerning the removal of atomic waste, these discussions are eminently urgent. In order to confront climatic change, renewable energies are needed, so that also in the future a longterm and sustainable energy supply is secured. Sustainable energy supply is the context for the project Solarsupport, which has been supported by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (FKZ 0327613). The project has been coordinated by the Institute for Environmental Questions (''Unabhaengige Institut fuer Umweltfragen e.V.'' - UFU) and conducted in cooperation with the Institute for Future Studies and Technology Assessment (''Institut fuer Zukunfststudien und Technologiebewertung gGmbH'' - IZT) and the German Society for Solar Energy, Regional Association Berlin-Brandenburg (Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Sonnenenergie Regionalverband Berlin-Brandenburg e.V. - DGS). Particularly, the project is concerned with the pedagogical use of solar energy at school. Despite the relatively high number of solar plants at schools, only a few use their plants for pedagogical means. The project Solarsupport surveyed schools with solar plants. As the main reason for the insufficient pedagogical use of solar plants the interviewed teachers named the la ck of a pedagogical concept and their colleagues' disinterest, two factors which are able to reinforce one another. Moreover, it became clear that because of their insufficient technical equipment (no displays, no means for evaluating the plants' output, no connection with the school computers and internet) a high number of the

    14. The High-Resolution IRAS Galaxy Atlas (United States)

      Cao, Yu; Terebey, Susan; Prince, Thomas A.; Beichman, Charles A.; Oliversen, R. (Technical Monitor)


      An atlas of the Galactic plane (-4.7 deg is less than b is less than 4.7 deg), along with the molecular clouds in Orion, rho Oph, and Taurus-Auriga, has been produced at 60 and 100 microns from IRAS data. The atlas consists of resolution-enhanced co-added images with 1 min - 2 min resolution and co-added images at the native IRAS resolution. The IRAS Galaxy Atlas, together with the Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory H(sub I) line/21 cm continuum and FCRAO CO (1-0) Galactic plane surveys, which both have similar (approx. 1 min) resolution to the IRAS atlas, provides a powerful tool for studying the interstellar medium, star formation, and large-scale structure in our Galaxy. This paper documents the production and characteristics of the atlas.

    15. ATLAS Fact Sheet : To raise awareness of the ATLAS detector and collaboration on the LHC

      CERN Multimedia

      ATLAS Outreach


      Facts on the Detector, Calorimeters, Muon System, Inner Detector, Pixel Detector, Semiconductor Tracker, Transition Radiation Tracker,, Surface hall, Cavern, Detector, Magnet system, Solenoid, Toroid, Event rates, Physics processes, Supersymmetric particles, Comparing LHC with Cosmic rays, Heavy ion collisions, Trigger and Data Acquisition TDAQ, Computing, the LHC and the ATLAS collaboration. This fact sheet also contains images of ATLAS and the collaboration as well as a short list of videos on ATLAS available for viewing.

    16. The geosystems of complex geographical atlases

      Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

      Jovanović Jasmina


      Full Text Available Complex geographical atlases represent geosystems of different hierarchical rank, complexity and diversity, scale and connection. They represent a set of large number of different pieces of information about geospace. Also, they contain systematized, correlative and in the apparent form represented pieces of information about space. The degree of information revealed in the atlas is precisely explained by its content structure and the form of presentation. The quality of atlas depends on the method of visualization of data and the quality of geodata. Cartographic visualization represents cognitive process. The analysis converts geospatial data into knowledge. A complex geographical atlas represents information complex of spatial - temporal coordinated database on geosystems of different complexity and territorial scope. Each geographical atlas defines a concrete geosystem. Systemic organization (structural and contextual determines its complexity and concreteness. In complex atlases, the attributes of geosystems are modeled and pieces of information are given in systematized, graphically unique form. The atlas can be considered as a database. In composing a database, semantic analysis of data is important. The result of semantic modeling is expressed in structuring of data information, in emphasizing logic connections between phenomena and processes and in defining their classes according to the degree of similarity. Accordingly, the efficiency of research of needed pieces of information in the process of the database use is enabled. An atlas map has a special power to integrate sets of geodata and present information contents in user - friendly and understandable visual and tactile way using its visual ability. Composing an atlas by systemic cartography requires the pieces of information on concrete - defined geosystems of different hierarchical level, the application of scientific methods and making of adequate number of analytical, synthetic

    17. Alpine solar power station on Sareiserjoch - application of and sturdiness test on a new plastic mounting system; Alpines Solarkraftwerk Sareiserjoch - Anwendung und Haertetest fuer ein neues Kunststoff-Montagesystem

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Krause, J. [NEWTEC, Plaston AG, Widnau (Switzerland)


      In Malbun in Liechtenstein a grid-connected 22 kW{sub p} PV system has been set up at an altitude of 1900 metres. This system serves its operator as a test of potovoltaics in general and of the mounting systems used in its load-bearing contruction and the fastening of its modules. The present article describes the load-bearing construction and plastic mounting cramp employed. (HW) [Deutsch] Im liechtensteinischen Malbun wurde auf 1900 Metern ueber Meer eine netzgekoppelte 11 kWp-PV-Anlage erstellt, die fuer den Anlagenbetreiber als Test fuer die Photovoltaik im allgemeinen wie auf fuer neue Montagesysteme sowohl bei der Tragkonstruktion als auch bei der Modulbefestigung dienen soll. Tragkonstruktion und Kunststoff-Montageklammer werden dargestellt. (HW)

    18. The ATLAS distributed analysis system


      Legger, F.


      In the LHC operations era, analysis of the multi-petabyte ATLAS data sample by globally distributed physicists is a challenging task. To attain the required scale the ATLAS Computing Model was designed around the concept of grid computing, realized in the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid (WLCG), the largest distributed computational resource existing in the sciences. The ATLAS experiment currently stores over 140 PB of data and runs about 140,000 concurrent jobs continuously at WLCG sites. During...

    19. Forest report 2012 for Baden-Wuerttemberg; Waldzustandsbericht 2012 fuer Baden-Wuerttemberg

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Meining, Stefan [Buero fuer Umweltueberwachung, Freiburg (Germany); Wilpert, Klaus v.; Schaeffer, Juergen; Hartmann, Peter; Schumacher, Joerg; Delb, Horst [Forstliche Versuchs- und Forschungsanstalt Baden-Wuerttemberg, Freiburg im Breisgau (Germany); Augustin, Nicole [Bath Univ. (United Kingdom)


      The Forest State Report 2012 systematically records the health status of the forest resources in the country on a scientific basis. Environmental information is measured, recorded and evaluated in the context of forest environmental monitoring using a measuring network. More than a third of the forest area has suffered significant damage. The share of undamaged forest areas has declined by almost one third to 26 percent since last year. Compared to the previous year, the crown damage increased by an average of 2.5 percentage points. More important, however, is the fact that for the two main tree species spruce and beech since the turn of the millennium, there has been a marked increase in the damage intensity for all age groups. [German] Der Waldzustandsbericht 2012 erfasst auf wissenschaftlicher Basis systematisch den Gesundheitszustand der Waldbestaende im Land. Im Rahmen des Forstlichen Umweltmonitorings werden mit Hilfe eines Messnetzes Umweltinformationen gemessen, erfasst und ausgewertet. Ueber ein Drittel der Waldflaeche weist deutliche Schaeden auf. Der Anteil der ungeschaedigten Waldflaechen ist seit dem letzten Jahr um fast ein Drittel auf 26 Prozent zurueckgegangen. Die Kronenschaeden haben gegenueber dem Vorjahr um durchschnittlich 2,5 Prozentpunkte zugenommen. Wichtiger ist jedoch der Befund, dass fuer die beiden Hauptbaumarten Fichte und Buche seit der Jahrtausendwende ein deutlicher Anstieg der Schadensintensitaet fuer alle Altersklassen zu beobachten ist.

    20. ATLAS brochure (Catalan version)

      CERN Multimedia

      Lefevre, C


      ATLAS is the largest detector at the LHC, the most powerful particle accelerator in the world, which will start up in 2008. ATLAS is a multi-purpose detector, designed to throw light on fundamental questions such as the origin of mass and the nature of the Universe's dark matter.

    1. ATLAS Brochure (french version)

      CERN Multimedia

      Marcastel, F


      ATLAS is the largest detector at the LHC, the most powerful particle accelerator in the world, which will start up in 2008. ATLAS is a multi-purpose detector, designed to throw light on fundamental questions such as the origin of mass and the nature of the Universe's dark matter.

    2. ATLAS brochure (Polish version)

      CERN Multimedia

      Lefevre, C


      ATLAS is the largest detector at the LHC, the most powerful particle accelerator in the world, which will start up in 2008. ATLAS is a multi-purpose detector, designed to throw light on fundamental questions such as the origin of mass and the nature of the Universe's dark matter.

    3. ATLAS Brochure (german version)

      CERN Multimedia

      Marcastel, F


      ATLAS is the largest detector at the LHC, the most powerful particle accelerator in the world, which will start up in 2008. ATLAS is a multi-purpose detector, designed to throw light on fundamental questions such as the origin of mass and the nature of the Universe's dark matter.

    4. ATLAS Brochure (english version)

      CERN Multimedia

      Marcastel, F


      ATLAS is the largest detector at the LHC, the most powerful particle accelerator in the world, which will start up in 2008. ATLAS is a multi-purpose detector, designed to throw light on fundamental questions such as the origin of mass and the nature of the Universe's dark matter.

    5. ATLAS Brochure (English version)

      CERN Multimedia

      Lefevre, Christiane


      ATLAS is the largest detector at the LHC, the most powerful particle accelerator in the world, which will start up in 2008. ATLAS is a multi-purpose detector, designed to throw light on fundamental questions such as the origin of mass and the nature of the Universe's dark matter.

    6. ATLAS brochure (Spanish version)

      CERN Multimedia

      Lefevre, C


      ATLAS is the largest detector at the LHC, the most powerful particle accelerator in the world, which will start up in 2008. ATLAS is a multi-purpose detector, designed to throw light on fundamental questions such as the origin of mass and the nature of the Universe's dark matter.

    7. The energy-optimized house at Zittau - a new teaching and research buliding for gas and HVAC engineering; Das Niedrigenergiehaus Zittau - ein neues Lehr- und Foschungsgebaeude fuer die Gas- und die Versorgungstechnik

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Wilsdorf, J. [Hochschule fuer Technik, Wirtschaft und Sozialwesen, Zittau/Goerlitz, Zittau (Germany). Fachbereich Bauwesen, Lehrgebiet Gastechnik


      By means of the new energy-optimized building at Zittau, an education and research object, the Hochschule fuer Technik, Wirtschaft und Sozialwesen of Zittau is enhancing the practice-oriented education of students especially in the curricula hvac engineering and structural engineering. As an experimental building it is, at the same time, a complex system demonstrating energy-saving construction and heating and permitting to carry out research and development work. The article describes the concepts and execution of the building. (orig.) [Deutsch] Mit dem neuen Lehr- und Forschungsgebaeude `Niedrigenergiehaus Zittau` verbessert die Hochschule fuer Technik, Wirtschaft und Sozialwesen Zittau die praxisbezogene Ausbildung der Studenten vor allem in den Studiengaengen der Ver- und Entsorgungstechnik und des Bauingenieurwesens. Zugleich ist es als Experimentalbau ein komplexes System fuer energiesparendes Bauen und Heizen und bietet hervorragende Voraussetzungen fuer die Durchfuehrung von Forschungs- und Entwicklungsarbeiten. Im Artikel werden Konzepte und Einrichtungen des Gebaeudes beschrieben. (orig.)

    8. 48. Annual meeting of the Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Neuroradiologie. Joint annual meeting of the DGNR and OeGNR. Abstracts; 48. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft fuer Neuroradiologie. Gemeinsame Jahrestagung der DGNR und OeGNR. Abstracts

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



      The conference proceedings of the 48. Annual meeting of the Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Neuroradiologie contain abstracts on the following issues: neuro-oncological imaging, multimodal imaging concepts, subcranial imaging, spinal codes, interventional neuroradiology, innovative techniques like high-field MRT and hybrid imaging methods, inflammable and metabolic central nervous system diseases and epilepsy.

    9. TU-AB-202-10: How Effective Are Current Atlas Selection Methods for Atlas-Based Auto-Contouring in Radiotherapy Planning?

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Peressutti, D; Schipaanboord, B; Kadir, T; Gooding, M [Mirada Medical Limited, Science and Medical Technology, Oxford (United Kingdom); Soest, J van; Lustberg, T; Elmpt, W van; Dekker, A [Maastricht University Medical Centre, Department of Radiation Oncology MAASTRO - GROW School for Oncology Developmental Biology, Maastricht (Netherlands)


      Purpose: To investigate the effectiveness of atlas selection methods for improving atlas-based auto-contouring in radiotherapy planning. Methods: 275 H&N clinically delineated cases were employed as an atlas database from which atlases would be selected. A further 40 previously contoured cases were used as test patients against which atlas selection could be performed and evaluated. 26 variations of selection methods proposed in the literature and used in commercial systems were investigated. Atlas selection methods comprised either global or local image similarity measures, computed after rigid or deformable registration, combined with direct atlas search or with an intermediate template image. Workflow Box (Mirada-Medical, Oxford, UK) was used for all auto-contouring. Results on brain, brainstem, parotids and spinal cord were compared to random selection, a fixed set of 10 “good” atlases, and optimal selection by an “oracle” with knowledge of the ground truth. The Dice score and the average ranking with respect to the “oracle” were employed to assess the performance of the top 10 atlases selected by each method. Results: The fixed set of “good” atlases outperformed all of the atlas-patient image similarity-based selection methods (mean Dice 0.715 c.f. 0.603 to 0.677). In general, methods based on exhaustive comparison of local similarity measures showed better average Dice scores (0.658 to 0.677) compared to the use of either template image (0.655 to 0.672) or global similarity measures (0.603 to 0.666). The performance of image-based selection methods was found to be only slightly better than a random (0.645). Dice scores given relate to the left parotid, but similar results patterns were observed for all organs. Conclusion: Intuitively, atlas selection based on the patient CT is expected to improve auto-contouring performance. However, it was found that published approaches performed marginally better than random and use of a fixed set of

    10. Report to users of ATLAS, January 1998

      International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

      Ahmad, I.; Hofman, D.


      This report is aimed at informing users about the operating schedule, user policies, and recent changes in research capabilities. It covers the following subjects: (1) status of the Argonne Tandem-Linac Accelerator System (ATLAS) accelerator; (2) the move of Gammasphere from LBNL to ANL; (3) commissioning of the CPT mass spectrometer at ATLAS; (4) highlights of recent research at ATLAS; (5) Program Advisory Committee; and (6) ATLAS User Group Executive Committee

    11. Device for applying organic chemicals to lysimeter surfaces; Applikationsvorrichtung fuer organische Chemikalien auf Lysimeteroberflaechen

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Schroll, R. [GSF - Forschungszentrum fuer Umwelt und Gesundheit Neuherberg GmbH, Oberschleissheim (Germany). Inst. fuer Bodenoekologie


      One of the aims of environmental research at the GSF Research Centre for the Environment and Health is to determine the behaviour of environmentally consequential chemicals in terrestrial ecosystems under as natural conditions as possible. The GSF lysimeter plant in Neuherberg permits studying the environmental behaviour of organic chemicals in different soils. Collaborators at GSF have developed a means of applying -14-marked substances in field lysimeters so as to be able to refind released chemicals, identify their conversion products and set up mass balances for the chemicals. [Deutsch] Ein Ziel der Umweltforschung im GSF-Forschungszentrum fuer Umwelt und Gesundheit ist es, das Verhalten von Umweltchemikalien in terrestrischen Oekosystemen unter moeglichst natuerlichen Bedingungen zu bestimmen. In der GSF-Lysimeteranlage Neuherberg kann das Umweltverhalten von Organika in verschiedenen Boeden untersucht werden. Zur Wiedererkennung der ausgebrachten Chemikalie bzw. zur Identifizierung aus ihr entstandener Umwandlungsprodukte und letztendlich auch zur Erstellung einer Massenbilanz fuer das ausgebrachte Praeparat wurde in der GSF die Moeglichkeit geschaffen, {sup 14}C-markierte Substanzen in Freilandlysimetern applizieren zu koennen. (orig.)

    12. First ATLAS Events Recorded Underground

      CERN Multimedia

      Teuscher, R

      As reported in the CERN Bulletin, Issue No.30-31, 25 July 2005 The ATLAS barrel Tile calorimeter has recorded its first events underground using a cosmic ray trigger, as part of the detector commissioning programme. This is not a simulation! A cosmic ray muon recorded by the barrel Tile calorimeter of ATLAS on 21 June 2005 at 18:30. The calorimeter has three layers and a pointing geometry. The light trapezoids represent the energy deposited in the tiles of the calorimeter depicted as a thick disk. On the evening of June 21, the ATLAS detector, now being installed in the underground experimental hall UX15, reached an important psychological milestone: the barrel Tile calorimeter recorded the first cosmic ray events in the underground cavern. An estimated million cosmic muons enter the ATLAS cavern every 3 minutes, and the ATLAS team decided to make good use of some of them for the commissioning of the detector. Although only 8 of the 128 calorimeter slices ('superdrawers') were included in the trigg...

    13. ATLAS construction status

      International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

      Jenni, P.


      The ATLAS detector is being constructed at the LHC, in view of a data-taking startup in 2007. This report concentrates on the progress and the technical challenges of the detector construction, and summarizes the status of the work as of August 2004. The project is on track to allow the highly motivated ATLAS Collaboration to enter into a new exploratory domain of high-energy physics in 2007. (author)

    14. ATLAS cloud R and D

      International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

      Panitkin, Sergey; Bejar, Jose Caballero; Hover, John; Zaytsev, Alexander; Megino, Fernando Barreiro; Girolamo, Alessandro Di; Kucharczyk, Katarzyna; Llamas, Ramon Medrano; Benjamin, Doug; Gable, Ian; Paterson, Michael; Sobie, Randall; Taylor, Ryan; Hendrix, Val; Love, Peter; Ohman, Henrik; Walker, Rodney


      The computing model of the ATLAS experiment was designed around the concept of grid computing and, since the start of data taking, this model has proven very successful. However, new cloud computing technologies bring attractive features to improve the operations and elasticity of scientific distributed computing. ATLAS sees grid and cloud computing as complementary technologies that will coexist at different levels of resource abstraction, and two years ago created an R and D working group to investigate the different integration scenarios. The ATLAS Cloud Computing R and D has been able to demonstrate the feasibility of offloading work from grid to cloud sites and, as of today, is able to integrate transparently various cloud resources into the PanDA workload management system. The ATLAS Cloud Computing R and D is operating various PanDA queues on private and public resources and has provided several hundred thousand CPU days to the experiment. As a result, the ATLAS Cloud Computing R and D group has gained a significant insight into the cloud computing landscape and has identified points that still need to be addressed in order to fully utilize this technology. This contribution will explain the cloud integration models that are being evaluated and will discuss ATLAS' learning during the collaboration with leading commercial and academic cloud providers.

    15. The ATLAS Pixel Detector

      CERN Document Server

      Huegging, Fabian


      The contruction of the ATLAS Pixel Detector which is the innermost layer of the ATLAS tracking system is prgressing well. Because the pixel detector will contribute significantly to the ATLAS track and vertex reconstruction. The detector consists of identical sensor-chip-hybrid modules, arranged in three barrels in the centre and three disks on either side for the forward region. The position of the detector near the interaction point requires excellent radiation hardness, mechanical and thermal robustness, good long-term stability for all parts, combined with a low material budget. The final detector layout, new results from production modules and the status of assembly are presented.

    16. Bundesamt fuer Strahlenschutz (BfS). Annual report 2011; Bundesamt fuer Strahlenschutz (BfS). Jahresbericht 2011

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Ebermann, Lutz (comp.)


      The annual report 2011 of the Bundesamt fuer Strahlenschutz (BfS) includes the following main articles: Fukushima and the consequences, new power lines across Germany and the management of radioactive wastes in Germany. Further topics of the BfS were reasonable exposure to sun and skin cancer prevention, individual health assessment of lung cancer with low-dose CT, occupational radiation exposure in medicine, radiation protection at setting up digital radio of security authorities and organizations, importance of laboratory ring experiments for incorporation monitoring, defence against nuclear hazards: cooperation and exercises in 2011, new developments with regard to radioactivity in drinking water, reportable events in nuclear facilities in 2011, decommissioning of a permanently shut down NPP. The environmental research program of the Federal Environmental ministry - research for strengthening nuclear safety and radiation protection: German uranium miners biobank: consequences of uranium mining and radiological impacts, German miners cohort study, health effects of strong magnetic fields of NMR imaging, radiation exposure due to nuclear medical examinations, national survey on the radio-cesium contamination of wild boars.

    17. The Next Generation ATLAS Production System

      CERN Document Server

      Borodin, Mikhail; The ATLAS collaboration; Golubkov, Dmitry; Klimentov, Alexei; Maeno, Tadashi; Mashinistov, Ruslan; Vaniachine, Alexandre


      The ATLAS experiment at LHC data processing and simulation grows continuously, as more data and more use cases emerge. For data processing the ATLAS experiment adopted the data transformation approach, where software applications transform the input data into outputs. In the ATLAS production system, each data transformation is represented by a task, a collection of many jobs, dynamically submitted by the ATLAS workload management system (PanDA/JEDI) and executed on the Grid, clouds and supercomputers. Patterns in ATLAS data transformation workflows composed of many tasks provided a scalable production system framework for template definitions of the many-tasks workflows. User interface and system logic of these workflows are being implemented in the Database Engine for Tasks (DEFT). Such development required using modern computing technologies and approaches. We report technical details of this development: database implementation, server logic and Web user interface technologies.

    18. Hidden Valley Search at ATLAS

      CERN Document Server

      Verducci, M


      A number of extensions of the Standard Model result in neutral and weakly-coupled particles that decay to multi hadrons or multi leptons with macroscopic decay lengths. These particles with decay paths that can be comparable with ATLAS detector dimensions represent, from an experimental point of view, a challenge both for the trigger and for the reconstruction capabilities of the ATLAS detector. We will present a set of signature driven triggers for the ATLAS detector that target such displaced decays and evaluate their performances for some benchmark models and describe analysis strategies and limits on the production of such long-lived particles. A first estimation of the Hidden Valley trigger rates has been evaluated with 6 pb-1 of data collected at ATLAS during the data taking of 2010.

    19. The ATLAS detector simulation application

      International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

      Rimoldi, A.


      The simulation program for the ATLAS experiment at CERN is currently in a full operational mode and integrated into the ATLAS common analysis framework, Athena. The OO approach, based on GEANT4, has been interfaced within Athena and to GEANT4 using the LCG dictionaries and Python scripting. The robustness of the application was proved during the test productions since 2004. The Python interface has added the flexibility, modularity and interactivity that the simulation tool requires in order to be able to provide a common implementation of different full ATLAS simulation setups, test beams and cosmic ray applications. Generation, simulation and digitization steps were exercised for performance and robustness tests. The comparison with real data has been possible in the context of the ATLAS Combined Test Beam (2004-2005) and cosmic ray studies (2006)

    20. ATLAS end-cap detector

      CERN Multimedia

      Maximilien Brice


      Three scientists from the Institute of Nuclear Phyiscs at Novossibirsk with one of the end-caps of the ATLAS detector. The end-caps will be used to detect particles produced in the proton-proton collisions at the heart of the ATLAS experiment that are travelling close to the axis of the two beams.

    1. R-Hadron Search at ATLAS

      DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

      Heisterkamp, Simon Johann Franz

      In this thesis I motivate and present a search for long lived massive R-hadrons using the data collected by the ATLAS detector in 2011. Both ionisation- and time-of-ight-based methods are described. Since no signal was found, a lower limit on the mass of such particles is set. The analysis was also...... published by the ATLAS collboration in Phys.Lett.B. titled `Searches for heavy long-lived sleptons and R-Hadrons with the ATLAS detector in pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV'....


      Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

      Sri Muljati


      Full Text Available THE PROBABILITY OF NUTRITIONAL STATUS IMPROVEMENT AMONG WASTING CHILDREN ACCORDING TO ROUTINE VISITS TO KLINIK GIZI BOGOR.Background: Prevalence of malnutrition on todler in Indonesia still high. It's an indication that nutrition prevention is not yet safisfiying. SKRT 2004 data shows that 9.3% todler in the cities and 11.1% In the village include in category at thin and very thin. Data from departement of health of RI 2005, Prevalence of malnutrition on todler is still on 19.2% and severe malnutrition is 8.8%. Bogor nutritional clinic is already develop severe malnutrition treament by out patient.Aims: To analize data of nutritional clinic visitors on 2001-2005. To now the probability of cured until Z_skore ≥ -2.5 SD dan Z_skore ≥ -2.0 SD, by using weight for height index on thin todlers and very thin todlers after six months of treatment. Methods: 294 todlers are devided in to two categories, which are 192 thin subject (≥-3SD s/d <-2 SD and 102 very thin (<-3 SD or thin with clinical indication. Inclution criteria in this anallsis, that the subject doesn't have such as down syndrome, heart disorder, thalasemia, hydrocephalus and microcephalus. Results: The study revealed that father education, mother age, todler age and compliance of treatment were correlated with probability of cured until Z_skore ≥ -2.5 SD dan Z_skore ≥ -2.0 SD, on thin todlers and very thin todlers after six months of treatment.Keywords: severe wasting, under five years, compliance

    3. The ATLAS Women's Network: one year of activities

      CERN Multimedia

      Paula Eerola

      The idea for an ATLAS Women's Network was born during the ATLAS overview week in October 2005, when a few of us discussed our experiences and were pondering about what we could do. We felt that it was important to increase the visibility of women working in ATLAS in order to make a better and more effective use of the ATLAS human resources, that is, make sure that women are duly included at all levels. Furthermore, it is our belief that making ATLAS a better working environment for female collaborators and other female co-workers will benefit both us and the collaboration as a whole. On the individual level, all of us thought that we could benefit from peer support and experience sharing, and an ATLAS Women's Network could facilitate this by developing contacts between the ATLAS Women in ATLAS Institutes worldwide. Finally, we thought that it was important to increase the number of women studying physics and working in the field of physics research by identifying gender barriers in the career paths of women i...

    4. ATLAS Thesis Awards 2015

      CERN Multimedia

      Biondi, Silvia


      Winners of the ATLAS Thesis Award were presented with certificates and glass cubes during a ceremony on Thursday 25 February. The winners also presented their work in front of members of the ATLAS Collaboration. Winners: Javier Montejo Berlingen, Barcelona (Spain), Ruth Pöttgen, Mainz (Germany), Nils Ruthmann, Freiburg (Germany), and Steven Schramm, Toronto (Canada).

    5. Renewable Energy Atlas of the United States

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Kuiper, J. [Environmental Science Division; Hlava, K. [Environmental Science Division; Greenwood, H. [Environmentall Science Division; Carr, A. [Environmental Science Division


      The Renewable Energy Atlas (Atlas) of the United States is a compilation of geospatial data focused on renewable energy resources, federal land ownership, and base map reference information. This report explains how to add the Atlas to your computer and install the associated software. The report also includes: A description of each of the components of the Atlas; Lists of the Geographic Information System (GIS) database content and sources; and A brief introduction to the major renewable energy technologies. The Atlas includes the following: A GIS database organized as a set of Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI) ArcGIS Personal GeoDatabases, and ESRI ArcReader and ArcGIS project files providing an interactive map visualization and analysis interface.

    6. The ATLAS IBL CO2 Cooling System

      CERN Document Server

      AUTHOR|(INSPIRE)INSPIRE-00237783; The ATLAS collaboration; Zwalinski, L.; Bortolin, C.; Vogt, S.; Godlewski, J.; Crespo-Lopez, O.; Van Overbeek, M.; Blaszcyk, T.


      The ATLAS Pixel detector has been equipped with an extra B-layer in the space obtained by a reduced beam pipe. This new pixel detector called the ATLAS Insertable B-Layer (IBL) is installed in 2014 and is operational in the current ATLAS data taking. The IBL detector is cooled with evaporative CO2 and is the first of its kind in ATLAS. The ATLAS IBL CO2 cooling system is designed for lower temperature operation (<-35⁰C) than the previous developed CO2 cooling systems in High Energy Physics experiments. The cold temperatures are required to protect the pixel sensors for the high expected radiation dose up to 550 fb^-1 integrated luminosity.


      Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

      Hardisman Hardisman


      Full Text Available AbstrakPenatalaksanaan gawat darurat merupakan kompetensi yang vital dan harus dimiliki oleh setiap dokter. Selain itu, sejak tahun ajaran 2007/2008 pada tahapan klinik, FK-UNAND melakukan penataan lebih baik pada sistim kepaniteraan. Oleh karea itu perlu dilihat apakah peroses pendidikan di UGD juga telah memberikan pengalaman belajar klinis yang optimal? Serta apa hambatan dalam mendapatkan pengalaman klinis tersebut?.Desain penelitian ini adalah cross sectional study dan dilaksanakan pada bulan September 2007 - Maret 2008. Instrument pengumpulan data adalah kuisioner terstruktur dan sebagian besar menggunakan sistim skala. Populasi dan sampel penelitian ini adalah seluruh mahasiswa yang sedang menjalankan rotasi kepaniteraan klinik di Instalasi Gawat darurat (IGD yang diambil pada dua siklus. Data-data kuantitatif dianalisa secara deskriptif. Untuk melihat bagaimana perbedaan gender dalam mendapatkan pengalaman belajar klinis dianalisa secara statistik (t-test.Kesempatan belajar memperoleh pengalaman klinis oleh mahasiswa mencapai skala 3 lebih (sedang dan tidak ada perbedaan antara laki-laki dan perempuan (p>0,05. Secara sepesifik, kesempatan melakukan tindakan penatalaksanaan jalan nafas (airway management merupakan kesempatan yang paling jarang didapatkan (skala 2,11. Kesempatan melakukan penatalaksanaan dan menjahit luka serta melakukan injeksi cukup sering, dengan skala 4,05 dan 4,25. Hambatan utama dalam memperoleh pengalaman klinis adalah karena jumlah pasein yang kurang (39,7% kurangnya bimbingan (32,9% dan sikap penerimaan atau penolakan dari staf perawat (16,4%.Kesempatan mendapatkan pengalaman dan pencapaian kompetensi klinis mahasiswa di UGD belumlah optimal. Hal ini dipengaruhi oleh beberapa hambatan seperti jumlah pasien dan bimbingan yang kurang serta sikap penerimaan dan kerjasama staf perawat.Kata Kunci: Pengalaman belajar klinis dan pendidikan kedokteran.ARTIKEL PENELITIAN9AbstractClinical competency in management of

    8. Commissioning of the ATLAS pixel detector

      International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

      Golling, Tobias


      The ATLAS pixel detector is a high precision silicon tracking device located closest to the LHC interaction point. It belongs to the first generation of its kind in a hadron collider experiment. It will provide crucial pattern recognition information and will largely determine the ability of ATLAS to precisely track particle trajectories and find secondary vertices. It was the last detector to be installed in ATLAS in June 2007, has been fully connected and tested in-situ during spring and summer 2008, and is ready for the imminent LHC turn-on. The highlights of the past and future commissioning activities of the ATLAS pixel system are presented

    9. Prime wires for ATLAS

      CERN Multimedia


      In an award ceremony on 3 September, ATLAS honoured the French company Axon Cable for its special coaxial cables, which were purpose-built for the Liquid Argon calorimeter modules. Working for CERN since the 1970s, Axon' Cable received the ATLAS supplier award last week for its contribution to the liquid argon calorimeter cables of ATLAS (LAL/Orsay, France and University of Victoria, Canada), started in 1996. Its two sets of minicoaxial cables, called harnesses "A" and "B", are designed to function in the harsh conditions in the liquid argon (at 90 Kelvin or -183°C) and under extreme radiation (up to several Mrads). The cables are mainly used for the readout of the calorimeters, and are connected to the outside world by 114 signal feedthroughs with 1920 channels each. The signal from the detectors is transmitted directly without any amplification, which imposes tight restrictions on the impedance and on the signal propagation time of the cables. Peter Jenni, ATLAS spokesperson, gives the award for best s...

    10. ATLAS solenoid operates underground

      CERN Multimedia


      A new phase for the ATLAS collaboration started with the first operation of a completed sub-system: the Central Solenoid. Teams monitoring the cooling and powering of the ATLAS solenoid in the control room. The solenoid was cooled down to 4.5 K from 17 to 23 May. The first current was established the same evening that the solenoid became cold and superconductive. 'This makes the ATLAS Central Solenoid the very first cold and superconducting magnet to be operated in the LHC underground areas!', said Takahiko Kondo, professor at KEK. Though the current was limited to 1 kA, the cool-down and powering of the solenoid was a major milestone for all of the control, cryogenic, power and vacuum systems-a milestone reached by the hard work and many long evenings invested by various teams from ATLAS, all of CERN's departments and several large and small companies. Since the Central Solenoid and the barrel liquid argon (LAr) calorimeter share the same cryostat vacuum vessel, this achievement was only possible in perfe...

    11. Diagnostic systems for motor vehicles. From diagnosis and moni; Diagnosesysteme fuer Kraftfahrzeuge. Von der Diagnose und Ueberwachung bis zum E-Commerce

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Baeker, B.; Forchert, T. [DB DaimlerChrysler AG, Stuttgart (Germany). Abt. FT2/ED


      Starting from the technical necessity of having monitoring and diagnostic systems in all compartments of modern passenger cars, the contribution discusses how new service concepts can be integrated as well. New diagnostic approaches are outlined which, in addition to failure detection, also enable optimization of the development process chain. At the same time, the depth of diagnosis is improved in order to obtain a multitude of new meta information while driving, which will serve as a basis for installing new services in the vehicle. [German] Gestiegend Komfortanforderungen und die gewachsene Komplexitaet in heutigen und zukuenftigen Elektrik/Elektronik-Systemen fuer Kraftfahrzeuge erfordern leistungsfaehige Diagnosesysteme. Um gleichzeitig im Rahmen der Globalisierung die Wertschoepfungskette weiter zu staerken, muessen als logische Konsequenz des Marktes Ansaetze fuer neuartige Dienstleistungskonzepte erdacht und integriert werden. Dieser Aufsatz diskutiert ausgehend von der technischen Notwendigkeit zukuenftiger Ueberwachungs- und Diagnosesysteme in allen Bereichen moderner Kraftfahrzeuge moegliche Wege zu derartigen Ansaetzen denkbarer systemuebergreifender Dienstleistungsschritte am Fahrzeug. Dabei werden technologisch neuartige Diagnoseansaetze skizziert, die neben einer Fehlererkennung auch die Optimierung der Entwicklungsprozesskette zulassen. Eine gleichzeitige Erhoehung der Diagnosetiefe schafft die Grundlage, eine Vielzahl neuer Meta-Informationen waehrend der Fahrt zu generieren. Diese bilden die Basis fuer neue Dienste am Fahrzeug. (orig.)

    12. ATLAS DDM integration in ARC

      DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

      Behrmann, Gerd; Cameron, David; Ellert, Mattias


      The Nordic Data Grid Facility (NDGF) consists of Grid resources running ARC middleware in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden. These resources serve many virtual organisations and contribute a large fraction of total worldwide resources for the ATLAS experiment, whose data is distributed and mana......The Nordic Data Grid Facility (NDGF) consists of Grid resources running ARC middleware in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden. These resources serve many virtual organisations and contribute a large fraction of total worldwide resources for the ATLAS experiment, whose data is distributed...... and managed by the DQ2 software. Managing ATLAS data within NDGF and between NDGF and other Grids used by ATLAS (the Enabling Grids for E-sciencE Grid and the Open Science Grid) presents a unique challenge for several reasons. Firstly, the entry point for data, the Tier 1 centre, is physically distributed...

    13. Validating atlas-guided DOT: a comparison of diffuse optical tomography informed by atlas and subject-specific anatomies. (United States)

      Cooper, Robert J; Caffini, Matteo; Dubb, Jay; Fang, Qianqian; Custo, Anna; Tsuzuki, Daisuke; Fischl, Bruce; Wells, William; Dan, Ippeita; Boas, David A


      We describe the validation of an anatomical brain atlas approach to the analysis of diffuse optical tomography (DOT). Using MRI data from 32 subjects, we compare the diffuse optical images of simulated cortical activation reconstructed using a registered atlas with those obtained using a subject's true anatomy. The error in localization of the simulated cortical activations when using a registered atlas is due to a combination of imperfect registration, anatomical differences between atlas and subject anatomies and the localization error associated with diffuse optical image reconstruction. When using a subject-specific MRI, any localization error is due to diffuse optical image reconstruction only. In this study we determine that using a registered anatomical brain atlas results in an average localization error of approximately 18 mm in Euclidean space. The corresponding error when the subject's own MRI is employed is 9.1 mm. In general, the cost of using atlas-guided DOT in place of subject-specific MRI-guided DOT is a doubling of the localization error. Our results show that despite this increase in error, reasonable anatomical localization is achievable even in cases where the subject-specific anatomy is unavailable. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

    14. Atlas C++ Coding Standard Specification

      CERN Document Server

      Albrand, S; Barberis, D; Bosman, M; Jones, B; Stavrianakou, M; Arnault, C; Candlin, D; Candlin, R; Franck, E; Hansl-Kozanecka, Traudl; Malon, D; Qian, S; Quarrie, D; Schaffer, R D


      This document defines the ATLAS C++ coding standard, that should be adhered to when writing C++ code. It has been adapted from the original "PST Coding Standard" document ( CERN-UCO/1999/207. The "ATLAS standard" comprises modifications, further justification and examples for some of the rules in the original PST document. All changes were discussed in the ATLAS Offline Software Quality Control Group and feedback from the collaboration was taken into account in the "current" version.

    15. Hidden Valley Searches at ATLAS

      CERN Document Server

      Ventura, D; The ATLAS collaboration


      A number of extensions of the Standard Model result in neutral and weakly-coupled particles that decay to multi hadrons or multi leptons with macroscopic decay lengths. These particles with decay paths that can be comparable with ATLAS detector dimensions represent, from an experimental point of view, a challenge both for the trigger and for the reconstruction capabilities of the ATLAS detector. We will present a set of signature driven triggers for the ATLAS detector that target such displaced decays and evaluate their performances for some benchmark models.

    16. Networks in ATLAS (United States)

      McKee, Shawn; ATLAS Collaboration


      Networks have played a critical role in high-energy physics (HEP), enabling us to access and effectively utilize globally distributed resources to meet the needs of our physicists. Because of their importance in enabling our grid computing infrastructure many physicists have taken leading roles in research and education (R&E) networking, participating in, and even convening, network related meetings and research programs with the broader networking community worldwide. This has led to HEP benefiting from excellent global networking capabilities for little to no direct cost. However, as other science domains ramp-up their need for similar networking it becomes less clear that this situation will continue unchanged. What this means for ATLAS in particular needs to be understood. ATLAS has evolved its computing model since the LHC started based upon its experience with using globally distributed resources. The most significant theme of those changes has been increased reliance upon, and use of, its networks. We will report on a number of networking initiatives in ATLAS including participation in the global perfSONAR network monitoring and measuring efforts of WLCG and OSG, the collaboration with the LHCOPN/LHCONE effort, the integration of network awareness into PanDA, the use of the evolving ATLAS analytics framework to better understand our networks and the changes in our DDM system to allow remote access to data. We will also discuss new efforts underway that are exploring the inclusion and use of software defined networks (SDN) and how ATLAS might benefit from: • Orchestration and optimization of distributed data access and data movement. • Better control of workflows, end to end. • Enabling prioritization of time-critical vs normal tasks • Improvements in the efficiency of resource usage

    17. EnviroAtlas Near Road Tree Buffer Web Service (United States)

      U.S. Environmental Protection Agency — This EnviroAtlas web service supports research and online mapping activities related to EnviroAtlas ( This EnviroAtlas dataset...

    18. 28 May 2010 - Representatives of the Netherlands School of Public Administration guided in the ATLAS visitor centre by ATLAS Collaboration Member and NIKHEF G. Bobbink and ATLAS Magnet Project Leader H.ten Kate.

      CERN Document Server

      Maximilien Brice


      28 May 2010 - Representatives of the Netherlands School of Public Administration guided in the ATLAS visitor centre by ATLAS Collaboration Member and NIKHEF G. Bobbink and ATLAS Magnet Project Leader H.ten Kate.

    19. ATLAS DataFlow Infrastructure recent results from ATLAS cosmic and first-beam data-taking

      CERN Document Server

      Vandelli, W


      The ATLAS DataFlow infrastructure is responsible for the collection and conveyance of event data from the detector front-end electronics to the mass storage. Several optimized and multi-threaded applications fulfill this purpose operating over a multi-stage Gigabit Ethernet network which is the backbone of the ATLAS Trigger and Data Acquisition System. The system must be able to efficiently transport event-data with high reliability, while providing aggregated bandwidths larger than 5 GByte/s and coping with many thousands network connections. Nevertheless, routing and streaming capabilities and monitoring and data accounting functionalities are also fundamental requirements. During 2008, a few months of ATLAS cosmic data-taking and the first experience with the LHC beams provided an unprecedented testbed for the evaluation of the performance of the ATLAS DataFlow, in terms of functionality, robustness and stability. Besides, operating the system far from its design specifications helped in exercising its fle...

    20. Analytics Platform for ATLAS Computing Services

      CERN Document Server

      Vukotic, Ilija; The ATLAS collaboration; Bryant, Lincoln


      Big Data technologies have proven to be very useful for storage, processing and visualization of derived metrics associated with ATLAS distributed computing (ADC) services. Log file data and database records, and metadata from a diversity of systems have been aggregated and indexed to create an analytics platform for ATLAS ADC operations analysis. Dashboards, wide area data access cost metrics, user analysis patterns, and resource utilization efficiency charts are produced flexibly through queries against a powerful analytics cluster. Here we explore whether these techniques and analytics ecosystem can be applied to add new modes of open, quick, and pervasive access to ATLAS event data so as to simplify access and broaden the reach of ATLAS public data to new communities of users. An ability to efficiently store, filter, search and deliver ATLAS data at the event and/or sub-event level in a widely supported format would enable or significantly simplify usage of machine learning tools like Spark, Jupyter, R, S...

    1. ATLAS Cloud Computing R&D project

      CERN Document Server

      Panitkin, S; The ATLAS collaboration; Caballero Bejar, J; Benjamin, D; DiGirolamo, A; Gable, I; Hendrix, V; Hover, J; Kucharczuk, K; Medrano LLamas, R; Ohman, H; Paterson, M; Sobie, R; Taylor, R; Walker, R; Zaytsev, A


      The computing model of the ATLAS experiment was designed around the concept of grid computing and, since the start of data taking, this model has proven very successful. However, new cloud computing technologies bring attractive features to improve the operations and elasticity of scientific distributed computing. ATLAS sees grid and cloud computing as complementary technologies that will coexist at different levels of resource abstraction, and two years ago created an R&D working group to investigate the different integration scenarios. The ATLAS Cloud Computing R&D has been able to demonstrate the feasibility of offloading work from grid to cloud sites and, as of today, is able to integrate transparently various cloud resources into the PanDA workload management system. The ATLAS Cloud Computing R&D is operating various PanDA queues on private and public resources and has provided several hundred thousand CPU days to the experiment. As a result, the ATLAS Cloud Computing R&D group has gained...

    2. ATLAS: last few metresfor the Calorimeter

      CERN Multimedia


      On Friday 4th November, the ATLAS Barrel Calorimeter was moved from its assembly point at the side of the ATLAS cavern to the centre of the toroidal magnet system. The detector was finally aligned, to the precision of within a millimetre, on Wednesday 9th November. The ATLAS installation team, led by Tommi Nyman, after having positioned the Barrel Calorimeter in its final location in the ATLAS experimental cavern UX15. The Barrel Calorimeter which will absorb and measure the energy of photons, electrons and hadrons at the core of the ATLAS detector is 8.6 meters in diameter, 6.8 meters long, and weighs over 1600 Tonnes. It consists of two concentric cylindrical detector elements. The innermost comprises aluminium pressure vessels containing the liquid argon electromagnetic calorimeter and the solenoid magnet. The outermost is an assembly of 64 hadron tile calorimeter sectors. Assembled 18 meters away from its final position, the Barrel Calorimeter was relocated with the help of a railway, which allows the ...

    3. The ATLAS Level-1 Calorimeter Trigger

      International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

      Achenbach, R; Andrei, V; Adragna, P; Apostologlou, P; Barnett, B M; Brawn, I P; Davis, A O; Edwards, J P; Asman, B; Bohm, C; Ay, C; Bauss, B; Bendel, M; Dahlhoff, A; Eckweiler, S; Booth, J R A; Thomas, P Bright; Charlton, D G; Collins, N J; Curtis, C J


      The ATLAS Level-1 Calorimeter Trigger uses reduced-granularity information from all the ATLAS calorimeters to search for high transverse-energy electrons, photons, τ leptons and jets, as well as high missing and total transverse energy. The calorimeter trigger electronics has a fixed latency of about 1 μs, using programmable custom-built digital electronics. This paper describes the Calorimeter Trigger hardware, as installed in the ATLAS electronics cavern

    4. The ATLAS Level-1 Calorimeter Trigger

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Achenbach, R; Andrei, V [Kirchhoff-Institut fuer Physik, University of Heidelberg, D-69120 Heidelberg (Germany); Adragna, P [Physics Department, Queen Mary, University of London, London E1 4NS (United Kingdom); Apostologlou, P; Barnett, B M; Brawn, I P; Davis, A O; Edwards, J P [STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Harwell Science and Innovation Campus, Didcot, Oxon OX11 0QX (United Kingdom); Asman, B; Bohm, C [Fysikum, Stockholm University, SE-106 91 Stockholm (Sweden); Ay, C; Bauss, B; Bendel, M; Dahlhoff, A; Eckweiler, S [Institut fuer Physik, University of Mainz, D-55099 Mainz (Germany); Booth, J R A; Thomas, P Bright; Charlton, D G; Collins, N J; Curtis, C J [School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Birmingham, Birmingham B15 2TT (United Kingdom)], E-mail: (and others)


      The ATLAS Level-1 Calorimeter Trigger uses reduced-granularity information from all the ATLAS calorimeters to search for high transverse-energy electrons, photons, {tau} leptons and jets, as well as high missing and total transverse energy. The calorimeter trigger electronics has a fixed latency of about 1 {mu}s, using programmable custom-built digital electronics. This paper describes the Calorimeter Trigger hardware, as installed in the ATLAS electronics cavern.

    5. Quality assurance for the incorporation surveillance in Germany; Qualitaetssicherung fuer die Inkorporationsueberwachung in Deutschland

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Buchholz, Werner; Gerstmann, Udo; Hartmann, Martina; Loescher, Simone; Meisenberg, Oliver; Woidy, Patrick [Bundesamt fuer Strahlenschutz, Oberschleissheim (Germany). FB Strahlenschutz und Gesundheit


      The coordination center of the Bundesamt fuer Strahlenschutz is performing annual ring experiments for in-vivo and in-vitro measuring points. This procedure allows checking the measuring data and the competence of the personnel. In the last years these tests included also radionuclides that are important in radiation emergency protection. Case studies for dose determination based on incorporation scenarios are included.

    6. Customer care policy for utilities - demonstrated with the example of a call center; Customer Care fuer EVU - Wirkungszusammenhaenge am Beispiel des Telefon-Service

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Weisse, D. [Consulting und Services, pdv Unternehmensberatung GmbH, Roesrath (Germany)


      Customer care policy, for preventing change to another provider and consolidating customer loyalty, is becoming a strategic (powerful) instrument for a utility in the competitive market. But what does this really imply for the day-to-day process of dealing with client-specific operations and workflows? The article describes the interactions between strategic marketing for ensuring client satisfaction and the resulting requirements to be met by a utility's call center, and also describes the key 'parameters' and requirements for successful day-to-day management of call centers. (orig./CB) [German] Customer Care zur Reduzierung der Wechselbereitschaft bzw. zur Erhoehung der Kundenbindung wird fuer EVU zu einem strategischen Instrument im Kampf um die Kunden. Aber was bedeutet dies fuer die operative Abwicklung der kundenbezogenen Geschaeftsprozesse? Der Verfasser erlaeutert die Zusammenhaenge zwischen dem strategischen Ziel der Kundenzufriedenheit und der operativen Umsetzung des Telefon-Service und beschreibt die 'Stellschrauben', die fuer diesen Zweck bei der Planung aber auch im taeglichen Management eines Call Centers zur Verfuegung stehen. (orig.)

    7. Water emission inventory for the Federal Republic of Germany; Emissionsinventar Wasser fuer die Bundesrepublik Deutschland

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Boehm, E.; Hillenbrand, T.; Marscheider-Weidemann, F.; Schempp, C. [Fraunhofer-Institut fuer Systemtechnik und Innovationsforschung (ISI), Karlsruhe (Germany); Fuchs, S.; Scherer, U. [Karlsruhe Univ. (T.H.) (Germany). Inst. fuer Siedlungswasserwirtschaft; Luettgert, M. [RISA Sicherheitsanalysen GmbH, Berlin (Germany)


      Within the frame of this project, a concept for setting up exemplary emission inventories for water was put forward. An overview is given of the international activities on emission inventories and the status of national emission inventories. Based on the data situation in Germany, it was necessary to include both plant-specific, aggregated and calculated data of the point sources in the inventories. Due to their increasing significance, diffuse material emissions into water were also taken into account. Based on the conceptual work, exemplary emission inventories were compiled for nitrogen, phosphorous and adsorbable organic combined halides (AOX) as well as the heavy metals arsenic, cadmium, chrome, copper, mercury, nickel, lead and zinc. These were evaluated according to the areas of origin (sectors) or the emission paths as well as according to the large river basins Danube, Rhine, Ems, Weser, Elbe, Oder, North Sea and Baltic Sea. In addition, lists of the ten largest industrial direct dischargers were compiled. (orig.) [German] Im Rahmen dieses Vorhabens wurde ein Konzept fuer die Erstellung von beispielhaften Emissionsinventaren fuer Gewaesser erarbeitet. Es wird ein Ueberblick ueber die internationalen Aktivitaeten zu Emissionsinventaren und den Stand beim Aufbau von nationalen Emissionsinventaren gegeben. Auf Grund der Datensituation in Deutschland war es erforderlich, dass sowohl anlagenspezifische als auch aggregierte sowie berechnete Daten der Punktquellen in die Inventare einbezogen wurden. Wegen ihrer zunehmenden Bedeutung werden die diffusen Stoffeintraege in die Gewaesser ebenfalls beruecksichtigt. Aufbauend auf den konzeptionellen Arbeiten wurden beispielhafte Emissionsinventare fuer Stickstoff, Phosphor und adsorbierbare organisch gebundene Halogene (AOX) sowie die Schwermetalle Arsen, Cadmium, Chrom, Kupfer, Quecksilber, Nickel, Blei und Zink zusammengestellt. Die Auswertung erfolgte sowohl nach den Herkunftsbereichen (Branchen) bzw. den

    8. Atlas of Yellowstone (United States)

      Pierce, Kenneth L.; Marcus, A. W.; Meachan, J. E.; Rodman, A. W.; Steingisser, A. Y.; Allan, Stuart; West, Ross


      Established in 1872, Yellowstone National Park was the world’s first national park. In a fitting tribute to this diverse and beautiful region, the Atlas of Yellowstone is a compelling visual guide to this unique national park and its surrounding area. Ranging from art to wolves, from American Indians to the Yellowstone Volcano, and from geysers to population, each page explains something new about the dynamic forces shaping Yellowstone. Equal parts reference and travel guide, the Atlas of Yellowstone is an unsurpassed resource.

    9. ATLAS Facility and Instrumentation Description Report

      International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

      Kang, Kyoung Ho; Moon, Sang Ki; Park, Hyun Sik


      A thermal-hydraulic integral effect test facility, ATLAS (Advanced Thermal-hydraulic Test Loop for Accident Simulation), has been constructed at KAERI (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute). The ATLAS is a half-height and 1/288-volume scaled test facility with respect to the APR1400. The fluid system of the ATLAS consists of a primary system, a secondary system, a safety injection system, a break simulating system, a containment simulating system, and auxiliary systems. The primary system includes a reactor vessel, two hot legs, four cold legs, a pressurizer, four reactor coolant pumps, and two steam generators. The secondary system of the ATLAS is simplified to be of a circulating looptype. Most of the safety injection features of the APR1400 and the OPR1000 are incorporated into the safety injection system of the ATLAS. In the ATLAS test facility, about 1300 instrumentations are installed to precisely investigate the thermal-hydraulic behavior in simulation of the various test scenarios. This report describes the scaling methodology, the geometric data of the individual component, and the specification and the location of the instrumentations which are specific to the simulation of 50% DVI line break accident of the APR1400 for supporting the 50 th OECD/NEA International Standard Problem Exercise (ISP-50)

    10. Life cycle assessment of different disposal routes of sewage sludge; Oekobilanz verschiedener Entsorgungsmoeglichkeiten fuer Klaerschlamm

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Chassot, G.M.; Candinas, T. [Eidgenoessische Forschungsanstalt fuer Agraroekologie und Landbau (FAL), Inst. fuer Umweltschutz und Landwirtschaft IUL Liebefeld, Bern (Switzerland)


      The ecological impact of six different disposal routes for sewage sludge of a major sewage treatment plant (three options for agricultural use in liquid, dried and limetreated form, and three options of incineration in a mono-sewage sludge incineration plant, a cement factory and a `Schwel-Brenn` type incinerator for municipal solid waste) has been studied with an comprehensive inventory and five impact assessment methods. Three methods show the important role of soil pollution. Existing methods are not yet able to consider all the factors necessary. The inventories should be completed concerning natural phosphorus resources and organic micropollutants. (orig.) [Deutsch] Sechs Entsorgungsvarianten (drei betreffen die landwirtschaftliche Verwendung in fluessiger, thermisch getrockneter und gekalkter Form und drei die Verbrennung in einer Schlammverbrennungsanlage, einem Zementofen und einer Schwel-Brenn-Anlage fuer Kehricht) fuer den Klaerschlamm einer grossen ARA werden mittels Inventarisierung der verursachten Umweltbelastung und fuenf Bewertungsmethoden untersucht. Drei Methoden zeigen die wichtige Rolle der Bodenbelastung. Die verfuegbaren Methoden koennen aber wichtige Einflussgroessen noch nicht beruecksichtigen. Ferner sollten die Inventare bezueglich P-Ressourcen und organischen Schadstoffen vervollstaendigt werden. (orig.)

    11. Report to users of ATLAS, December 1995

      International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

      Ahmad, I.; Glagola, B.


      This report covers the following: status of ATLAS accelerator; highlights of recent research at ATLAS; research related concept for an Advanced Exotic Beam Facility on ATLAS; program advisory committee; and ATLAS user group executive committee. Research highlights are given for the following: APEX progress report; transport efficiency of the Argonne Fragment Mass Analyzer; collective motion in light polonium isotopes; angular correlation measurements for 12 C(g.s.) + 12 C(3-,9.64MeV) inelastic scattering; and the AYE-ball (Argonne-Yale-European gamma spectrometer) used to study the structure of nuclei far from stability

    12. The forward Detectors of the ATLAS experiment

      CERN Document Server

      Vittori, Camilla; The ATLAS collaboration


      In this poster, a review of the ATLAS forward detectors operating in the 2015-2016 data taking is given. This includes a description of LUCID, the preferred ATLAS luminosity provider; of the ALFA detector, aimed to measure elastically scattered protons at small angle for the total proton-proton cross section measurement; of the ATLAS Forward Proton project AFP, which was partially installed and took the first data in 2015, and of the Zero Degree Calorimeter ZDC built for the ATLAS Heavy Ions physics program. The near future plans for these detectors will also be addressed.

    13. Trigger Menu-aware Monitoring for the ATLAS experiment

      CERN Document Server

      AUTHOR|(INSPIRE)INSPIRE-00441925; The ATLAS collaboration


      Changes in the trigger menu, the online algorithmic event-selection of the ATLAS experiment at the LHC, are followed by adjustments to the ATLAS trigger monitoring systems. During Run 1, and so far in Run 2, ATLAS has deployed monitoring updates with the installation of new software releases at Tier-0, the first level of the ATLAS computing grid. Having to wait for a new software release to be installed at Tier-0, in order to update ATLAS offline trigger monitoring configurations, results in a lag with respect to the modification of the trigger menu. We present the design and implementation of a `trigger menu-aware' monitoring system that aims to simplify the ATLAS operational workflows by allowing monitoring configuration changes to be made at the Tier-0 site by utilising an Oracle SQL database.

    14. ATLAS production system

      CERN Document Server

      Borodin, Mikhail; The ATLAS collaboration; De, Kaushik; Klimentov, Alexei; Golubkov, Dmitry; Maeno, Tadashi; Mashinistov, Ruslan; Wenaus, Torre; Padolski, Siarhei


      The second generation of the ATLAS production system called ProdSys2 is a distributed workload manager which used by thousands of physicists to analyze the data remotely, with the volume of processed data is beyond the exabyte scale, across a more than hundred heterogeneous sites. It achieves high utilization by combining dynamic job definition based on many criterias, such as input and output size, memory requirements and CPU consumption with manageable scheduling policies and by supporting different kind of computational resources, such as GRID, clouds, supercomputers and volunteering computers. Besides jobs definition Production System also includes flexible web user interface, which implements user-friendly environment for main ATLAS workflows, e.g. simple way of combining different data flows, and real-time monitoring, optimised for using with huge amount of information to present. We present an overview of the ATLAS Production System major components: job and task definition, workflow manager web user i...

    15. ATLAS rewards industry

      CERN Multimedia


      Showing excellence in mechanics, electronics and cryogenics, three industries are honoured for their contributions to the ATLAS experiment. Representatives of the three award-wining companies after the ceremony. For contributing vital pieces to the ATLAS puzzle, three industries were recognized on Friday 5 May during a supplier awards ceremony. After a welcome and overview of the ATLAS experiment by spokesperson Peter Jenni, CERN Secretary-General Maximilian Metzger stressed the importance of industry to CERN's scientific goals. Close interaction with CERN was a key factor in the selection of each rewarded company, in addition to the high-quality products they delivered to the experiment. Alu Menziken Industrie AG, of Switzerland, was honoured for the production of 380,000 aluminium tubes for the Monitored Drift Tube Chambers (MDT). As Giora Mikenberg, the Muon System Project Leader stressed, the aluminium tubes were delivered on time with an extraordinary quality and precision. Between October 2000 and Jan...

    16. Thermal solar systems in domestic buildings. Evaluation of the Hessen state funding programme for thermal solar systems; Thermische Solaranlagen in Wohngebaeuden. Auswertung des Solarthermischen Foerderprogrammes des Landes Hessen fuer die Jahre 1992 - 1996

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Lackschewitz, U.


      The report presents statistical information on all solar systems that received state funds. Problems concerning the installation of solar systems are gone into. The report focuses on service water heating systems both for single-family buildings and multiple dwellings. Further, four enquiries were carried out among operators and producers of thermal solar systems, and 29 state-funded solar systems were visited and investigated in situ. Based on the analysis of the funding programme so far, further measures are suggested. [German] Nach einer fuenfjaehrigen Laufzeit des Solarthermischen Foerderprogramms fuer Wohngebaeude beauftragte das Hessische Ministerium fuer Umwelt, Energie, Jugend, Familie und Gesundheit die Gesellschaft fuer umweltfreundliche Technologie e.V. in Kassel mit einer Auswertung des Foerderprogrammes fuer die Jahre 1992 bis 1996. Die Auswertung gibtzunaechst einen Ueberblick ueber alle gefoerderten Solaranlagen. Darueber hinaus wurden wichtige Fragestellungen, die bei der Installation thermischer Solaranlagen in Wohngebaeuden auftreten, anhand einer groesseren Zahl gefoerderter Solaranlagen untersucht. Schwerpunkte dieser Untersuchung bilden Solaranlagen zur Brauchwassererwaermung zum einen in Einfamilienhaeusern und zum anderen in groesseren Mehrfamilienhaeusern. Neben der Auswertung der Foerderantraege wurden dazu vier Umfragen bei Betreibern und Anbietern thermischer Solaranlagen durchgefuehrt und 29 gefoerderte Solaranlagen besichtigt. Aufbauend auf der Analyse des bisherigen Foerderprogrammes werden Vorschlaege fuer weitere Massnahmen des Landes zur Foerderung thermischer Solaranlagen unterbreitet. (orig.)

    17. Das Ausmalbuch zum ATLAS-Experiment

      CERN Multimedia

      Anthony, Katarina


      Deutsche Fassung - The ATLAS Experiment Colouring Book is a free-to-download educational book, ideal for kids aged 5-9. It aims to introduce children to the field of High-Energy Physics, as well as the work being carried out by the ATLAS Collaboration.

    18. Automated Loads Analysis System (ATLAS) (United States)

      Gardner, Stephen; Frere, Scot; O’Reilly, Patrick


      ATLAS is a generalized solution that can be used for launch vehicles. ATLAS is used to produce modal transient analysis and quasi-static analysis results (i.e., accelerations, displacements, and forces) for the payload math models on a specific Shuttle Transport System (STS) flight using the shuttle math model and associated forcing functions. This innovation solves the problem of coupling of payload math models into a shuttle math model. It performs a transient loads analysis simulating liftoff, landing, and all flight events between liftoff and landing. ATLAS utilizes efficient and numerically stable algorithms available in MSC/NASTRAN.

    19. The ATLAS Distributed Data Management project: Past and Future

      CERN Document Server

      Garonne, V; The ATLAS collaboration; Lassnig, M; Molfetas, A; Barisits, M; Beermann, T; Nairz, A; Goossens, L; Barreiro Megino, F; Serfon, C; Oleynik, D; Petrosyan, A


      ATLAS has recorded almost 8PB of RAW data since the LHC started running at the end of 2009. Many more derived data products and complimentary simulation data have also been produced by the collaboration and, in total, 90PB is currently stored in the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid by ATLAS. All this data is managed by the ATLAS Distributed Data Management system, called Don Quijote 2 (DQ2). DQ2 has evolved rapidly to help ATLAS Computing operations manage these large quantities of data across the many grid sites at which ATLAS runs, and to help ATLAS physicists get access to this data. In this paper, we describe new and improved DQ2 services, and the experience of data management operation in ATLAS computing, showing how these services enable the management of petabyte scale computing operations. We also present the concepts of the new version of the ATLAS Distributed Data Management (DDM) system, Rucio.

    20. The ATLAS Distributed Data Management project: Past and Future

      International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

      Garonne, Vincent; Stewart, Graeme A; Lassnig, Mario; Molfetas, Angelos; Barisits, Martin; Beermann, Thomas; Nairz, Armin; Goossens, Luc; Barreiro Megino, Fernando; Serfon, Cedric; Oleynik, Danila; Petrosyan, Artem


      ATLAS has recorded more than 8 petabyte(PB) of RAW data since the LHC started running at the end of 2009. Many more derived data products and complimentary simulation data have also been produced by the collaboration and, in total, 90PB are currently stored in the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid by ATLAS. All these data are managed by the ATLAS Distributed Data Management system, called Don Quijote 2 (DQ2). DQ2 has evolved rapidly to help ATLAS Computing operations manage these large quantities of data across the many grid sites at which ATLAS runs, and to help ATLAS physicists get access to these data. In this paper, we describe new and improved DQ2 services, and the experience of data management operation in ATLAS computing, showing how these services enable the management of PB scale computing operations. We also present the concepts of the new version of the ATLAS Distributed Data Management (DDM) system, Rucio.

    1. The ATLAS Distributed Data Management project: Past and Future (United States)

      Garonne, Vincent; Stewart, Graeme A.; Lassnig, Mario; Molfetas, Angelos; Barisits, Martin; Beermann, Thomas; Nairz, Armin; Goossens, Luc; Barreiro Megino, Fernando; Serfon, Cedric; Oleynik, Danila; Petrosyan, Artem


      ATLAS has recorded more than 8 petabyte(PB) of RAW data since the LHC started running at the end of 2009. Many more derived data products and complimentary simulation data have also been produced by the collaboration and, in total, 90PB are currently stored in the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid by ATLAS. All these data are managed by the ATLAS Distributed Data Management system, called Don Quijote 2 (DQ2). DQ2 has evolved rapidly to help ATLAS Computing operations manage these large quantities of data across the many grid sites at which ATLAS runs, and to help ATLAS physicists get access to these data. In this paper, we describe new and improved DQ2 services, and the experience of data management operation in ATLAS computing, showing how these services enable the management of PB scale computing operations. We also present the concepts of the new version of the ATLAS Distributed Data Management (DDM) system, Rucio.

    2. Cassini Tour Atlas Automated Generation (United States)

      Grazier, Kevin R.; Roumeliotis, Chris; Lange, Robert D.


      During the Cassini spacecraft s cruise phase and nominal mission, the Cassini Science Planning Team developed and maintained an online database of geometric and timing information called the Cassini Tour Atlas. The Tour Atlas consisted of several hundreds of megabytes of EVENTS mission planning software outputs, tables, plots, and images used by mission scientists for observation planning. Each time the nominal mission trajectory was altered or tweaked, a new Tour Atlas had to be regenerated manually. In the early phases of Cassini s Equinox Mission planning, an a priori estimate suggested that mission tour designers would develop approximately 30 candidate tours within a short period of time. So that Cassini scientists could properly analyze the science opportunities in each candidate tour quickly and thoroughly so that the optimal series of orbits for science return could be selected, a separate Tour Atlas was required for each trajectory. The task of manually generating the number of trajectory analyses in the allotted time would have been impossible, so the entire task was automated using code written in five different programming languages. This software automates the generation of the Cassini Tour Atlas database. It performs with one UNIX command what previously took a day or two of human labor.

    3. Dedication of the massive ATLAS art mural painted by Josef Kristofoletti directly above the cavern of the ATLAS Experiment at CERN

      CERN Multimedia

      Claudia Marcelloni, Michael Barnett


      Ceremony to celebrate the massive mural of the ATLAS detector at CERN painted by artist Josef Kristofoletti. The mural is located at the ATLAS Experiment site, and it shows on two perpendicular walls the detector with a collision event superimposed. The event on the large wall shows a simulation of an event that would be recorded in ATLAS if a Higgs boson was produced. The cavern of the ATLAS Experiment with the detector is 100 meters directly below the mural. The height of the mural is about 12 meters (40 feet). The actual ATLAS detector is more than twice as big.

    4. ProstAtlas: A digital morphologic atlas of the prostate

      International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

      Betrouni, N.; Iancu, A.; Puech, P.; Mordon, S.; Makni, N.


      Computer-aided medical interventions and medical robotics for prostate cancer have known an increasing interest and research activity. However before the routine deployment of these procedures in clinical practice becomes a reality, in vivo and in silico validations must be undertaken. In this study, we developed a digital morphologic atlas of the prostate. We were interested by the gland, the peripheral zone and the central gland. Starting from an image base collected from 30 selected patients, a mean shape and most important deformations for each structure were deduced using principal component analysis. The usefulness of this atlas was highlighted in two applications: image simulation and physical phantom design

    5. ATLAS Distributed Computing: Its Central Services core

      CERN Document Server

      Lee, Christopher Jon; The ATLAS collaboration


      The ATLAS Distributed Computing (ADC) Project is responsible for the off-line processing of data produced by the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN. It facilitates data and workload management for ATLAS computing on the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid (WLCG). ADC Central Services operations (CSops)is a vital part of ADC, responsible for the deployment and configuration of services needed by ATLAS computing and operation of those services on CERN IT infrastructure, providing knowledge of CERN IT services to ATLAS service managers and developers, and supporting them in case of issues. Currently this entails the management of thirty seven different OpenStack projects, with more than five thousand cores allocated for these virtual machines, as well as overseeing the distribution of twenty nine petabytes of storage space in EOS for ATLAS. As the LHC begins to get ready for the next long shut-down, which will bring in many new upgrades to allow for more data to be captured by the on-line syste...

    6. Argonne Tandem Linac Accelerator System (ATLAS) (United States)

      Federal Laboratory Consortium — ATLAS is a national user facility at Argonne National Laboratory in Argonne, Illinois. The ATLAS facility is a leading facility for nuclear structure research in the...

    7. Bone age assessment in Hispanic children: digital hand atlas compared with the Greulich and Pyle (G&P) atlas (United States)

      Fernandez, James Reza; Zhang, Aifeng; Vachon, Linda; Tsao, Sinchai


      Bone age assessment is most commonly performed with the use of the Greulich and Pyle (G&P) book atlas, which was developed in the 1950s. The population of theUnited States is not as homogenous as the Caucasian population in the Greulich and Pyle in the 1950s, especially in the Los Angeles, California area. A digital hand atlas (DHA) based on 1,390 hand images of children of different racial backgrounds (Caucasian, African American, Hispanic, and Asian) aged 0-18 years was collected from Children's Hospital Los Angeles. Statistical analysis discovered significant discrepancies exist between Hispanic and the G&P atlas standard. To validate the usage of DHA as a clinical standard, diagnostic radiologists performed reads on Hispanic pediatric hand and wrist computed radiography images using either the G&P pediatric radiographic atlas or the Children's Hospital Los Angeles Digital Hand Atlas (DHA) as reference. The order in which the atlas is used (G&P followed by DHA or vice versa) for each image was prepared before actual reading begins. Statistical analysis of the results was then performed to determine if a discrepancy exists between the two readings.

    8. Advances in service and operations for ATLAS data management

      International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

      Stewart, Graeme A; Garonne, Vincent; Lassnig, Mario; Molfetas, Angelos; Barisits, Martin; Calvet, Ivan; Beermann, Thomas; Megino, Fernando Barreiro; Campana, Simone; Zhang, Donal; Tykhonov, Andrii; Serfon, Cedric; Oleynik, Danila; Petrosyan, Artem


      ATLAS has recorded almost 5PB of RAW data since the LHC started running at the end of 2009. Many more derived data products and complimentary simulation data have also been produced by the collaboration and, in total, 70PB is currently stored in the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid by ATLAS. All of this data is managed by the ATLAS Distributed Data Management system, called Don Quixote 2 (DQ2). DQ2 has evolved rapidly to help ATLAS Computing operations manage these large quantities of data across the many grid sites at which ATLAS runs and to help ATLAS physicists get access to this data. In this paper we describe new and improved DQ2 services: popularity; space monitoring and accounting; exclusion service; cleaning agents; deletion agents. We describe the experience of data management operation in ATLAS computing, showing how these services enable management of petabyte scale computing operations. We illustrate the coupling of data management services to other parts of the ATLAS computing infrastructure, in particular showing how feedback from the distributed analysis system in ATLAS has enabled dynamic placement of the most popular data, helping users and groups to analyse the increasing data volumes on the grid.

    9. Advances in service and operations for ATLAS data management (United States)

      Stewart, Graeme A.; Garonne, Vincent; Lassnig, Mario; Molfetas, Angelos; Barisits, Martin; Zhang, Donal; Calvet, Ivan; Beermann, Thomas; Barreiro Megino, Fernando; Tykhonov, Andrii; Campana, Simone; Serfon, Cedric; Oleynik, Danila; Petrosyan, Artem; ATLAS Collaboration


      ATLAS has recorded almost 5PB of RAW data since the LHC started running at the end of 2009. Many more derived data products and complimentary simulation data have also been produced by the collaboration and, in total, 70PB is currently stored in the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid by ATLAS. All of this data is managed by the ATLAS Distributed Data Management system, called Don Quixote 2 (DQ2). DQ2 has evolved rapidly to help ATLAS Computing operations manage these large quantities of data across the many grid sites at which ATLAS runs and to help ATLAS physicists get access to this data. In this paper we describe new and improved DQ2 services: popularity; space monitoring and accounting; exclusion service; cleaning agents; deletion agents. We describe the experience of data management operation in ATLAS computing, showing how these services enable management of petabyte scale computing operations. We illustrate the coupling of data management services to other parts of the ATLAS computing infrastructure, in particular showing how feedback from the distributed analysis system in ATLAS has enabled dynamic placement of the most popular data, helping users and groups to analyse the increasing data volumes on the grid.

    10. Budker INP in ATLAS

      CERN Multimedia


      The Novosibirsk group has proposed a new design for the ATLAS liquid argon electromagnetic end-cap calorimeter with a constant thickness of absorber plates. This design has signifi- cant advantages compared to one in the Technical Proposal and it has been accepted by the ATLAS Collaboration. The Novosibirsk group is responsible for the fabrication of the precision aluminium structure for the e.m.end-cap calorimeter.

    11. Custom-made power for ATLAS

      CERN Multimedia


      A small team of engineers and technicians has recently finished the design of power supplies specially tailored to working in the demanding environment of the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter. Mass production of the units has now begun. The ATLAS Tile Calorimeter power supply development team (left to right): Ivan Hruska (holding brick), Francisca Calheiros, Bohuslav Palan, Jiri Palacky and Zdenek Kotek. Power supplies are an important component of any particle detector. In ATLAS, as in the other experiments at the Large Hadron Collider, it is not easy to use standard, 'off the shelf' power supplies; they must survive radiation, tolerate magnetic fields, and satisfy limited space and water-cooling constraints. For the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter, these constraints all proved challenging for the engineers designing the power supplies. The aim was to produce a universal power module in terms of input/output voltage, delivered power and cooling, for general use in a radiation environment. The result is a distributed low-vo...

    12. Two new wheels for ATLAS

      CERN Multimedia


      Juergen Zimmer (Max Planck Institute), Roy Langstaff (TRIUMF/Victoria) and Sergej Kakurin (JINR), in front of one of the completed wheels of the ATLAS Hadronic End Cap Calorimeter. A decade of careful preparation and construction by groups in three continents is nearing completion with the assembly of two of the four 4 m diameter wheels required for the ATLAS Hadronic End Cap Calorimeter. The first two wheels have successfully passed all their mechanical and electrical tests, and have been rotated on schedule into the vertical position required in the experiment. 'This is an important milestone in the completion of the ATLAS End Cap Calorimetry' explains Chris Oram, who heads the Hadronic End Cap Calorimeter group. Like most experiments at particle colliders, ATLAS consists of several layers of detectors in the form of a 'barrel' and two 'end caps'. The Hadronic Calorimeter layer, which measures the energies of particles such as protons and pions, uses two techniques. The barrel part (Tile Calorimeter) cons...

    13. The ATLAS Distributed Analysis System

      CERN Document Server

      Legger, F; The ATLAS collaboration; Pacheco Pages, A; Stradling, A


      In the LHC operations era, analysis of the multi-petabyte ATLAS data sample by globally distributed physicists is a challenging task. To attain the required scale the ATLAS Computing Model was designed around the concept of grid computing, realized in the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid (WLCG), the largest distributed computational resource existing in the sciences. The ATLAS experiment currently stores over 140 PB of data and runs about 140,000 concurrent jobs continuously at WLCG sites. During the first run of the LHC, the ATLAS Distributed Analysis (DA) service has operated stably and scaled as planned. More than 1600 users submitted jobs in 2012, with 2 million or more analysis jobs per week, peaking at about a million jobs per day. The system dynamically distributes popular data to expedite processing and maximally utilize resources. The reliability of the DA service is high but steadily improving; grid sites are continually validated against a set of standard tests, and a dedicated team of expert shifters ...

    14. The ATLAS Distributed Analysis System

      CERN Document Server

      Legger, F; The ATLAS collaboration


      In the LHC operations era, analysis of the multi-petabyte ATLAS data sample by globally distributed physicists is a challenging task. To attain the required scale the ATLAS Computing Model was designed around the concept of grid computing, realized in the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid (WLCG), the largest distributed computational resource existing in the sciences. The ATLAS experiment currently stores over 140 PB of data and runs about 140,000 concurrent jobs continuously at WLCG sites. During the first run of the LHC, the ATLAS Distributed Analysis (DA) service has operated stably and scaled as planned. More than 1600 users submitted jobs in 2012, with 2 million or more analysis jobs per week, peaking at about a million jobs per day. The system dynamically distributes popular data to expedite processing and maximally utilize resources. The reliability of the DA service is high but steadily improving; grid sites are continually validated against a set of standard tests, and a dedicated team of expert shifters ...

    15. ATLAS: Now under new management

      CERN Multimedia

      Katarina Anthony


      On 1 March, the ATLAS Collaboration welcomed a new spokesperson, Dave Charlton (University of Birmingham), and two new deputy spokespersons, Thorsten Wengler (CERN) and Beate Heinemann (University of California, Berkeley and LBNL). The Bulletin takes a look at what’s in store for one of the world’s largest scientific collaborations.   ATLAS members at the 2010 collaboration meeting in Copenhagen. Image: Rune Johansen and Troels Petersen. ATLAS spokesperson Dave Charlton has seen the collaboration through countless milestones: from construction to start-up to the 4 July 2012 announcement, he’s been an integral part of the team. Now, after twelve years with the collaboration, Dave is moving into the main office for the next two years. “2012 was a landmark year for ATLAS,” says Dave. “We spent a lot of time in the limelight and, in many ways, all eyes are still on us. But with the shutdown now under way, our focus is ...

    16. ATLAS recognises its best suppliers

      CERN Multimedia

      Jenni, P

      The ATLAS Collaboration has recently rewarded two of its suppliers in the construction of very major detector components, fabricated in Japan. The ATLAS Supplier Award in recognition of excellent supplier performance was attributed on 2nd September 2002 during a ceremony in Hall 180 to Kawasaki Heavy Industries, while Toshiba Corporation received the award two months before at their headquarters in Japan. The ATLAS experiment will become a reality thanks to a large international collaboration partnership. The industrial suppliers for the components all over the world play a major role in the construction of this gigantic jigsaw for the LHC. And sometimes they perform so well, that their work deserves specially to be recognised. This is the case for Kawasaki Heavy Industries and Toshiba Corporation, producers of the Liquid Argon Barrel Cryostat and of the Superconducting Central Solenoid, respectively. With these awards, the ATLAS Collaboration wants to congratulate Kawasaki and Toshiba for fulfilling the hi...

    17. ATLAS Software Installation on Supercomputers

      CERN Document Server

      Undrus, Alexander; The ATLAS collaboration


      PowerPC and high performance computers (HPC) are important resources for computing in the ATLAS experiment. The future LHC data processing will require more resources than Grid computing, currently using approximately 100,000 cores at well over 100 sites, can provide. Supercomputers are extremely powerful as they use resources of hundreds of thousands CPUs joined together. However their architectures have different instruction sets. ATLAS binary software distributions for x86 chipsets do not fit these architectures, as emulation of these chipsets results in huge performance loss. This presentation describes the methodology of ATLAS software installation from source code on supercomputers. The installation procedure includes downloading the ATLAS code base as well as the source of about 50 external packages, such as ROOT and Geant4, followed by compilation, and rigorous unit and integration testing. The presentation reports the application of this procedure at Titan HPC and Summit PowerPC at Oak Ridge Computin...

    18. Non-collision backgrounds in ATLAS

      CERN Document Server

      Gibson, S M; The ATLAS collaboration


      The proton-proton collision events recorded by the ATLAS experiment are on top of a background that is due to both collision debris and non-collision components. The latter comprises of three types: beam-induced backgrounds, cosmic particles and detector noise. We present studies that focus on the first two of these. We give a detailed description of beam-related and cosmic backgrounds based on the full 2011 ATLAS data set, and present their rates throughout the whole data-taking period. Studies of correlations between tertiary proton halo and muon backgrounds, as well as, residual pressure and resulting beam-gas events seen in beam-condition monitors will be presented. Results of simulations based on the LHC geometry and its parameters will be presented. They help to better understand the features of beam-induced backgrounds in each ATLAS sub-detector. The studies of beam-induced backgrounds in ATLAS reveal their characteristics and serve as a basis for designing rejection tools that can be applied in physic...

    19. Fabiola Gianotti, the newly elected Spokesperson of ATLAS

      CERN Multimedia


      On 11 July Fabiola Gianotti was elected by the ATLAS Collaboration as its future Spokesperson. Her term of office will start on 1 March 2009 and will last for two years. She will take over from Peter Jenni who has been ATLAS Spokesperson since its formalization in 1992. Three distinguished physicists stood as candidates for this election: Fabiola Gianotti (CERN), Marzio Nessi (CERN), and Leonardo Rossi (INFN Genova, Italy). The nomination process started on 30 October 2007, with a general email sent to the ATLAS collaboration calling for nominations, and closed on 25 January 2008. Any ATLAS physicist could nominate a candidate, and 24 nominees were proposed before the ATLAS search committee narrowed them to the final three. After the voting process, which concluded the ATLAS general meeting in Bern, the Collaboration Board greeted the result with warm applause.

    20. Special people visit the ATLAS cavern

      CERN Multimedia


      ATLAS has been host to many important visitors lately. Here are a selected few: Professor Stephen Hawking visits the ATLAS cavern On Tuesday 26 September 2006 the ATLAS Collaboration was honoured by a very special visit to the detector in the underground cavern. We were pleased to guide Professor Stephen Hawking, the famous cosmologist holding the post of Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge University (position held by Isaac Newton in the 17th century), on a tour of the ATLAS pit and the LHC tunnel. The visit was accompanied by a few colleagues from the CERN Theory group, and was only possible thanks to the professional assistance of Olga Beltramello and Bernard Lebegue, who had also taken care of all the necessary preparatory work in the cavern. Professor Hawking was very keen to check for himself the status of the detector installation, and he admired, in particular, the spectacular TGC big wheel on side C. (left) Stephen Hawking in the ATLAS cavern side-C (right) and in the LHC tunnel...

    1. The Pig PeptideAtlas

      DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

      Hesselager, Marianne Overgaard; Codrea, Marius; Sun, Zhi


      Biological research of Sus scrofa, the domestic pig, is of immediate relevance for food production sciences, and for developing pig as a model organism for human biomedical research. Publicly available data repositories play a fundamental role for all biological sciences, and protein data...... repositories are in particular essential for the successful development of new proteomic methods. Cumulative proteome data repositories, including the PeptideAtlas, provide the means for targeted proteomics, system-wide observations, and cross-species observational studies, but pigs have so far been...... underrepresented in existing repositories. We here present a significantly improved build of the Pig PeptideAtlas, which includes pig proteome data from 25 tissues and three body fluid types mapped to 7139 canonical proteins. The content of the Pig PeptideAtlas reflects actively ongoing research within...

    2. Luminosity Monitoring in ATLAS with MPX Detectors

      CERN Document Server



      The ATLAS-MPX detectors are based on the Medipix2 silicon devices designed by CERN for the detection of multiple types of radiation. Sixteen such detectors were successfully operated in the ATLAS detector at the LHC and collected data independently of the ATLAS data-recording chain from 2008 to 2013. Each ATLAS-MPX detector provides separate measurements of the bunch-integrated LHC luminosity. An internal consistency for luminosity monitoring of about 2% was demonstrated. In addition, the MPX devices close to the beam are sensitive enough to provide relative-luminosity measurements during van der Meer calibration scans, in a low-luminosity regime that lies below the sensitivity of the ATLAS calorimeter-based bunch-integrating luminometers. Preliminary results from these luminosity studies are presented for 2012 data taken at $\\sqrt{s}=8$ TeV proton-proton collisions.

    3. Digital atlas of fetal brain MRI

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Chapman, Teresa; Weinberger, E. [Department of Radiology, Seattle Children' s Hospital, Seattle, WA (United States); Matesan, Manuela [University of Washington, Department of Radiology, Seattle, WA (United States); Bulas, Dorothy I. [Division of Diagnostic Imaging and Radiology, Children' s National Medical Center, Washington, DC (United States)


      Fetal MRI can be performed in the second and third trimesters. During this time, the fetal brain undergoes profound structural changes. Interpretation of appropriate development might require comparison with normal age-based models. Consultation of a hard-copy atlas is limited by the inability to compare multiple ages simultaneously. To provide images of normal fetal brains from weeks 18 through 37 in a digital format that can be reviewed interactively. This will facilitate recognition of abnormal brain development. T2-W images for the atlas were obtained from fetal MR studies of normal brains scanned for other indications from 2005 to 2007. Images were oriented in standard axial, coronal and sagittal projections, with laterality established by situs. Gestational age was determined by last menstrual period, earliest US measurements and sonogram performed on the same day as the MR. The software program used for viewing the atlas, written in C, permits linked scrolling and resizing the images. Simultaneous comparison of varying gestational ages is permissible. Fetal brain images across gestational ages 18 to 37 weeks are provided as an interactive digital atlas and are available for free download. Improved interpretation of fetal brain abnormalities can be facilitated by the use of digital atlas cataloging of the normal changes throughout fetal development. Here we provide a description of the atlas and a discussion of normal fetal brain development. (orig.)

    4. Digital atlas of fetal brain MRI

      International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

      Chapman, Teresa; Weinberger, E.; Matesan, Manuela; Bulas, Dorothy I.


      Fetal MRI can be performed in the second and third trimesters. During this time, the fetal brain undergoes profound structural changes. Interpretation of appropriate development might require comparison with normal age-based models. Consultation of a hard-copy atlas is limited by the inability to compare multiple ages simultaneously. To provide images of normal fetal brains from weeks 18 through 37 in a digital format that can be reviewed interactively. This will facilitate recognition of abnormal brain development. T2-W images for the atlas were obtained from fetal MR studies of normal brains scanned for other indications from 2005 to 2007. Images were oriented in standard axial, coronal and sagittal projections, with laterality established by situs. Gestational age was determined by last menstrual period, earliest US measurements and sonogram performed on the same day as the MR. The software program used for viewing the atlas, written in C, permits linked scrolling and resizing the images. Simultaneous comparison of varying gestational ages is permissible. Fetal brain images across gestational ages 18 to 37 weeks are provided as an interactive digital atlas and are available for free download. Improved interpretation of fetal brain abnormalities can be facilitated by the use of digital atlas cataloging of the normal changes throughout fetal development. Here we provide a description of the atlas and a discussion of normal fetal brain development. (orig.)

    5. A practical workflow for making anatomical atlases for biological research. (United States)

      Wan, Yong; Lewis, A Kelsey; Colasanto, Mary; van Langeveld, Mark; Kardon, Gabrielle; Hansen, Charles


      The anatomical atlas has been at the intersection of science and art for centuries. These atlases are essential to biological research, but high-quality atlases are often scarce. Recent advances in imaging technology have made high-quality 3D atlases possible. However, until now there has been a lack of practical workflows using standard tools to generate atlases from images of biological samples. With certain adaptations, CG artists' workflow and tools, traditionally used in the film industry, are practical for building high-quality biological atlases. Researchers have developed a workflow for generating a 3D anatomical atlas using accessible artists' tools. They used this workflow to build a mouse limb atlas for studying the musculoskeletal system's development. This research aims to raise the awareness of using artists' tools in scientific research and promote interdisciplinary collaborations between artists and scientists. This video ( demonstrates a workflow for creating an anatomical atlas.

    6. Report from the ATLAS Architecture TaskForce

      CERN Document Server

      Haywood, S


      In this report, the activities and conclusions of the ATLAS Architecture TaskForce (ATF) are summarised. A key part of the ATF's work has been the first attempt at a design of the global architecture for the ATLAS Offline Software. This is contained in this document and an auxillary report and should lead to a realisation of the ATLAS Framework.

    7. ATLAS Silicon Microstrip Tracker Operation and Performance

      CERN Document Server

      Rosendahl, P L; The ATLAS collaboration


      The Semi-Conductor Tracker (SCT) is a silicon microstrip detector part of the ATLAS experiment at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC). Together with the rest for the ATLAS Inner Detector (ID) it provides vital precision tracking information of charged particles. In this paper the performance and operational status of the SCT in the last two years of ATLAS data taking are reviewed.

    8. EnviroAtlas - Cleveland, OH - Block Groups (United States)

      U.S. Environmental Protection Agency — This EnviroAtlas dataset is the base layer for the Cleveland, OH EnviroAtlas community. The block groups are from the US Census Bureau and are included/excluded...

    9. ATLAS DAQ/HLT rack DCS

      International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

      Ermoline, Yuri; Burckhart, Helfried; Francis, David; Wickens, Frederick J.


      The ATLAS Detector Control System (DCS) group provides a set of standard tools, used by subsystems to implement their local control systems. The ATLAS Data Acquisition and High Level Trigger (DAQ/HLT) rack DCS provides monitoring of the environmental parameters (air temperatures, humidity, etc.). The DAQ/HLT racks are located in the underground counting room (20 racks) and in the surface building (100 racks). The rack DCS is based on standard ATLAS tools and integrated into overall operation of the experiment. The implementation is based on the commercial control package and additional components, developed by CERN Joint Controls Project Framework. The prototype implementation and measurements are presented

    10. Volunteer computing experience with ATLAS@Home

      CERN Document Server

      AUTHOR|(INSPIRE)INSPIRE-00068610; The ATLAS collaboration; Bianchi, Riccardo-Maria; Cameron, David; Filipčič, Andrej; Lançon, Eric; Wu, Wenjing


      ATLAS@Home is a volunteer computing project which allows the public to contribute to computing for the ATLAS experiment through their home or office computers. The project has grown continuously since its creation in mid-2014 and now counts almost 100,000 volunteers. The combined volunteers’ resources make up a sizeable fraction of overall resources for ATLAS simulation. This paper takes stock of the experience gained so far and describes the next steps in the evolution of the project. These improvements include running natively on Linux to ease the deployment on for example university clusters, using multiple cores inside one task to reduce the memory requirements and running different types of workload such as event generation. In addition to technical details the success of ATLAS@Home as an outreach tool is evaluated.

    11. Volunteer Computing Experience with ATLAS@Home

      CERN Document Server

      Cameron, David; The ATLAS collaboration; Bourdarios, Claire; Lan\\c con, Eric


      ATLAS@Home is a volunteer computing project which allows the public to contribute to computing for the ATLAS experiment through their home or office computers. The project has grown continuously since its creation in mid-2014 and now counts almost 100,000 volunteers. The combined volunteers' resources make up a sizable fraction of overall resources for ATLAS simulation. This paper takes stock of the experience gained so far and describes the next steps in the evolution of the project. These improvements include running natively on Linux to ease the deployment on for example university clusters, using multiple cores inside one job to reduce the memory requirements and running different types of workload such as event generation. In addition to technical details the success of ATLAS@Home as an outreach tool is evaluated.

    12. Volunteer Computing Experience with ATLAS@Home (United States)

      Adam-Bourdarios, C.; Bianchi, R.; Cameron, D.; Filipčič, A.; Isacchini, G.; Lançon, E.; Wu, W.; ATLAS Collaboration


      ATLAS@Home is a volunteer computing project which allows the public to contribute to computing for the ATLAS experiment through their home or office computers. The project has grown continuously since its creation in mid-2014 and now counts almost 100,000 volunteers. The combined volunteers’ resources make up a sizeable fraction of overall resources for ATLAS simulation. This paper takes stock of the experience gained so far and describes the next steps in the evolution of the project. These improvements include running natively on Linux to ease the deployment on for example university clusters, using multiple cores inside one task to reduce the memory requirements and running different types of workload such as event generation. In addition to technical details the success of ATLAS@Home as an outreach tool is evaluated.

    13. ATLAS DDM integration in ARC

      DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

      Behrmann, Gerd; Cameron, David; Ellert, Mattias

      by the DQ2 software. Managing ATLAS data within NDGF and between NDGF and other Grids used by ATLAS (the LHC Computing Grid and the Open Science Grid) presents a unique challenge for several reasons. Firstly, the entry point for data, the Tier 1 centre, is physically distributed among heterogeneous...

    14. Morphometric Atlas Selection for Automatic Brachial Plexus Segmentation

      International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

      Van de Velde, Joris; Wouters, Johan; Vercauteren, Tom; De Gersem, Werner; Duprez, Fréderic; De Neve, Wilfried; Van Hoof, Tom


      Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of atlas selection based on different morphometric parameters, on the accuracy of automatic brachial plexus (BP) segmentation for radiation therapy planning. The segmentation accuracy was measured by comparing all of the generated automatic segmentations with anatomically validated gold standard atlases developed using cadavers. Methods and Materials: Twelve cadaver computed tomography (CT) atlases (3 males, 9 females; mean age: 73 years) were included in the study. One atlas was selected to serve as a patient, and the other 11 atlases were registered separately onto this “patient” using deformable image registration. This procedure was repeated for every atlas as a patient. Next, the Dice and Jaccard similarity indices and inclusion index were calculated for every registered BP with the original gold standard BP. In parallel, differences in several morphometric parameters that may influence the BP segmentation accuracy were measured for the different atlases. Specific brachial plexus-related CT-visible bony points were used to define the morphometric parameters. Subsequently, correlations between the similarity indices and morphometric parameters were calculated. Results: A clear negative correlation between difference in protraction-retraction distance and the similarity indices was observed (mean Pearson correlation coefficient = −0.546). All of the other investigated Pearson correlation coefficients were weak. Conclusions: Differences in the shoulder protraction-retraction position between the atlas and the patient during planning CT influence the BP autosegmentation accuracy. A greater difference in the protraction-retraction distance between the atlas and the patient reduces the accuracy of the BP automatic segmentation result

    15. The ATLAS distributed analysis system

      International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

      Legger, F


      In the LHC operations era, analysis of the multi-petabyte ATLAS data sample by globally distributed physicists is a challenging task. To attain the required scale the ATLAS Computing Model was designed around the concept of Grid computing, realized in the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid (WLCG), the largest distributed computational resource existing in the sciences. The ATLAS experiment currently stores over 140 PB of data and runs about 140,000 concurrent jobs continuously at WLCG sites. During the first run of the LHC, the ATLAS Distributed Analysis (DA) service has operated stably and scaled as planned. More than 1600 users submitted jobs in 2012, with 2 million or more analysis jobs per week, peaking at about a million jobs per day. The system dynamically distributes popular data to expedite processing and maximally utilize resources. The reliability of the DA service is high and steadily improving; Grid sites are continually validated against a set of standard tests, and a dedicated team of expert shifters provides user support and communicates user problems to the sites. Both the user support techniques and the direct feedback of users have been effective in improving the success rate and user experience when utilizing the distributed computing environment. In this contribution a description of the main components, activities and achievements of ATLAS distributed analysis is given. Several future improvements being undertaken will be described.

    16. The ATLAS distributed analysis system (United States)

      Legger, F.; Atlas Collaboration


      In the LHC operations era, analysis of the multi-petabyte ATLAS data sample by globally distributed physicists is a challenging task. To attain the required scale the ATLAS Computing Model was designed around the concept of Grid computing, realized in the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid (WLCG), the largest distributed computational resource existing in the sciences. The ATLAS experiment currently stores over 140 PB of data and runs about 140,000 concurrent jobs continuously at WLCG sites. During the first run of the LHC, the ATLAS Distributed Analysis (DA) service has operated stably and scaled as planned. More than 1600 users submitted jobs in 2012, with 2 million or more analysis jobs per week, peaking at about a million jobs per day. The system dynamically distributes popular data to expedite processing and maximally utilize resources. The reliability of the DA service is high and steadily improving; Grid sites are continually validated against a set of standard tests, and a dedicated team of expert shifters provides user support and communicates user problems to the sites. Both the user support techniques and the direct feedback of users have been effective in improving the success rate and user experience when utilizing the distributed computing environment. In this contribution a description of the main components, activities and achievements of ATLAS distributed analysis is given. Several future improvements being undertaken will be described.

    17. The social atlas of women from ethnic minorities

      NARCIS (Netherlands)

      Saskia Keuzenkamp; Ans Merens


      Original title: Sociale atlas van vrouwen uit etnische minderheden. The Social atlas of women from ethnic minorities (Sociale atlas van vrouwen uit etnische minderheden) offers a look in breadth and depth at the social position and participation of these women. The themes covered


      Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

      Mahdalena Lubis


      ditujukan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pencapaian brand corporate melalui brand activation experiential marketing yang dilakukan oleh Laboratorium Klinik dengan objek PT. Prodia Widyahusada Tbk. Penelitian dengan metode studi kasus deskriptif ini memperoleh data melalui wawancara dan pengamatan. Penelitian ini menemukan fakta bahwa perusahaan melakukan brand activation untuk mencapai brand corporate dilakukan secara holistic untuk memaksimalkan brand di persaingan kompetitif, namun untuk menciptakan experiential marketing, perusahaan dapat menekankan poin-poin tertentu sesuai dengan tujuan yang diinginkan oleh perusahaan. Sekaligus bantahan terhadap teori Schmitt yang menyatakan kejutan (think adalah yang paling penting, berbeda dengan yang dilakukan di objek penelitian bahwa sense dan feel adalah yang paling kuat sesuai dengan kebutuhan atau sasaran pelanggan perusahaan. Pemanfaatan brand activation experiential marketing dapat menciptakan kepercayaan, engagement, loyalitas, akuisisi, share, pembeda dengan kompetitor dan bermuara pada pencapaian brand corporate berupa reputasi.

    19. Utilization scenarios for driving support systems in cargo traffic and their evaluation; Einsatzszenarien fuer Fahrerassistenzsysteme im Gueterverkehr und deren Bewertung

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Henning, K.; Preuschoff, E. (eds.)


      The report presents a summary of the project of the above title (EFAS project). While earlier projects focused on the technical side, EFAS is the first to present a systematic analysis, presentation and evaluation of the parameters influencing driving support systems. With the aid of a systemic analysis, the key influencing factors are defined and analyzed, and three scenarios are developed which take account of user-oriented, organizational, operational, technical, infrastructural and legal aspects. The scenarios are evaluated with the aid of driving and traffic simulations in the fields of humans, organization and technology, and actions are recommended on this basis for driving support systems in cargo transport. [German] Der Bericht fasst die Ergebnisse des Projektes ''Einsatzszenarien fuer Fahrerassistenzsysteme im Gueterverkehr'' (EFAS) zusammen. Bisher wurde die Thematik Fahrerassistenzsysteme hauptsaechlich auf der Seite der Fahrzeugtechnik vorangetrieben. Das Projekt EFAS stellt nun zum ersten Mal eine umfassende Analyse, Darstellung und Bewertung dar. Mit Hilfe einer systemischen Analyse werden die wesentlichen Einflussfaktoren fuer die Einbindung von Fahrerassistenzsystemen in das Gesamtsystem ''Verkehr'' bestimmt und untersucht. Hieraus werden drei Einsatzszenarien entwickelt, die nutzerbezogene, organisatorische, betriebliche, fahrzeugtechnische, infrastukturelle und rechtliche Aspekte zu Zukunftsbildern zusammenfuegen. Die Szenarien werden mit Hilfe von Fahr- und Verkehrssimulationen in den Bereichen Mensch, Organisation und Technik bewertet. Aus den Ergebnissen werden konkrete Handlungsempfehlungen fuer den Einsatz von Fahrerassistenzsystemen im Strassengueterverkehr abgeleitet. (orig.)

    20. A digital atlas of the dog brain.

      Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

      Ritobrato Datta

      Full Text Available There is a long history and a growing interest in the canine as a subject of study in neuroscience research and in translational neurology. In the last few years, anatomical and functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI studies of awake and anesthetized dogs have been reported. Such efforts can be enhanced by a population atlas of canine brain anatomy to implement group analyses. Here we present a canine brain atlas derived as the diffeomorphic average of a population of fifteen mesaticephalic dogs. The atlas includes: 1 A brain template derived from in-vivo, T1-weighted imaging at 1 mm isotropic resolution at 3 Tesla (with and without the soft tissues of the head; 2 A co-registered, high-resolution (0.33 mm isotropic template created from imaging of ex-vivo brains at 7 Tesla; 3 A surface representation of the gray matter/white matter boundary of the high-resolution atlas (including labeling of gyral and sulcal features. The properties of the atlas are considered in relation to historical nomenclature and the evolutionary taxonomy of the Canini tribe. The atlas is available for download (

    1. Development of new layer systems for sliding bearings under high mechanical and tribological stress. Final report; Entwicklung neuer Schichtsysteme fuer den Einsatz bei mechanisch-tribologisch hochbeanspruchten Gleitlagern. Abschlussbericht

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Mathias, M.; Herrmann, B.


      The report describes the sputtering technique as a coating method for sliding bearings of high-speed diesel engines. The project aimed at the development of a heavy-duty, wear-resistant sputtered layer on a copper-lead basis for sliding bearings. (HW) [Deutsch] Es wird berichtet ueber die Einfuehrung der Sputtertechnik als Beschichtungsverfahren fuer Gleitlager fuer schnell laufende Dieselmotoren. Ziel des Projektes war die Entwicklung einer hochbelastbaren, verschleissfesten Gleitlager-Sputterschicht auf Kupfer-Blei-Basis. (HW)

    2. EnviroAtlas - Durham, NC - Demo (Parent) (United States)

      U.S. Environmental Protection Agency — This EnviroAtlas dataset is the base layer for the Durham, NC EnviroAtlas Area. The block groups are from the US Census Bureau and are included/excluded based on...

    3. AGIS: The ATLAS Grid Information System

      CERN Document Server

      Anisenkov, A; The ATLAS collaboration; Klimentov, A; Oleynik, D; Petrosyan, A


      In this paper we describe ATLAS Grid Information System (AGIS), the system designed to integrate configuration and status information about resources, services and topology of the computing infrastructure used by ATLAS Distributed Computing applications and services.

    4. AGIS: The ATLAS Grid Information System


      Anisenkov, A; Di Girolamo, A; Klimentov, A; Oleynik, D; Petrosyan, A


      In this paper we describe ATLAS Grid Information System (AGIS), the system designed to integrate configuration and status information about resources, services and topology of the computing infrastructure used by ATLAS Distributed Computing applications and services.

    5. EnviroAtlas - Phoenix, AZ - Block Groups (United States)

      U.S. Environmental Protection Agency — This EnviroAtlas dataset is the base layer for the Phoenix, AZ EnviroAtlas area. The block groups are from the US Census Bureau and are included/excluded based on...

    6. EnviroAtlas - Fresno, CA - Block Groups (United States)

      U.S. Environmental Protection Agency — This EnviroAtlas dataset is the base layer for the Fresno, CA EnviroAtlas area. The block groups are from the US Census Bureau and are included/excluded based on...

    7. Wind Energy Resource Atlas of Oaxaca

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Elliott, D.; Schwartz, M.; Scott, G.; Haymes, S.; Heimiller, D.; George, R.


      The Oaxaca Wind Resource Atlas, produced by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory's (NREL's) wind resource group, is the result of an extensive mapping study for the Mexican State of Oaxaca. This atlas identifies the wind characteristics and distribution of the wind resource in Oaxaca. The detailed wind resource maps and other information contained in the atlas facilitate the identification of prospective areas for use of wind energy technologies, both for utility-scale power generation and off-grid wind energy applications.

    8. Picturing diversity in the ATLAS collaboration

      CERN Document Server

      Biondi, Silvia; The ATLAS collaboration


      With over 3000 members from 178 institutes, the ATLAS Collaboration is naturally diverse. However, capturing this diversity through pictures can be a challenge. Photography is a powerful tool, allowing us to reveal the faces behind a story and give the public the unique opportunity to understand and appreciate the human aspects of ATLAS's scientific research. The role of photographs in portraying the diversity of the ATLAS Collaboration and on various communication platforms will be described. Their impact will be examined, with focus on engagement of new audiences.

    9. ATLAS recognises its best suppliers

      CERN Multimedia


      The ATLAS Collaboration has recently rewarded two of its suppliers in the construction of very major detector components, fabricated in Japan. The ATLAS Supplier Award in recognition of excellent supplier performance has just been attributed to Kawasaki Heavy Industries, while Toshiba Corporation received the award two months ago at their headquarters in Japan.

    10. ATLAS Job Transforms

      CERN Document Server

      Stewart, G A; The ATLAS collaboration; Maddocks, H J; Harenberg, T; Sandhoff, M; Sarrazin, B


      The need to run complex workflows for a high energy physics experiment such as ATLAS has always been present. However, as computing resources have become even more constrained, compared to the wealth of data generated by the LHC, the need to use resources efficiently and manage complex workflows within a single grid job have increased. In ATLAS, a new Job Transform framework has been developed that we describe in this paper. This framework manages the multiple execution steps needed to `transform' one data type into another (e.g., RAW data to ESD to AOD to final ntuple) and also provides a consistent interface for the ATLAS production system. The new framework uses a data driven workflow definition which is both easy to manage and powerful. After a transform is defined, jobs are expressed simply by specifying the input data and the desired output data. The transform infrastructure then executes only the necessary substeps to produce the final data products. The global execution cost of running the job is mini...

    11. ATLAS Job Transforms

      CERN Document Server

      Stewart, G A; The ATLAS collaboration; Maddocks, H J; Harenberg, T; Sandhoff, M; Sarrazin, B


      The need to run complex workflows for a high energy physics experiment such as ATLAS has always been present. However, as computing resources have become even more constrained, compared to the wealth of data generated by the LHC, the need to use resources efficiently and manage complex workflows within a single grid job have increased. In ATLAS, a new Job Transform framework has been developed that we describe in this paper. This framework manages the multiple execution steps needed to 'transform' one data type into another (e.g., RAW data to ESD to AOD to final ntuple) and also provides a consistent interface for the ATLAS production system. The new framework uses a data driven workflow definition which is both easy to manage and powerful. After a transform is defined, jobs are expressed simply by specifying the input data and the desired output data. The transform infrastructure then executes only the necessary substeps to produce the final data products. The global execution cost of running the job is mini...

    12. ATLAS Upgrade Plans

      CERN Document Server

      Hopkins, W; The ATLAS collaboration


      After the successful LHC operation at the center-of-mass energies of 7 and 8 TeV in 2010-2012, plans are actively advancing for a series of upgrades of the accelerator, culminating roughly ten years from now in the high-luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) project, delivering of the order of five times the LHC nominal instantaneous luminosity along with luminosity leveling. The final goal is to extend the dataset from about few hundred fb−1 expected for LHC running to 3000/fb by around 2035 for ATLAS and CMS. In parallel, the experiments need to be keep lockstep with the accelerator to accommodate running beyond the nominal luminosity this decade. Current planning in ATLAS envisions significant upgrades to the detector during the consolidation of the LHC to reach full LHC energy and further upgrades. The challenge of coping with the HL-LHC instantaneous and integrated luminosity, along with the associated radiation levels, requires further major changes to the ATLAS detector. The designs are developing rapidly for a new...

    13. An important step for the ATLAS toroid magnet

      CERN Multimedia


      The ATLAS experiment's prototype toroid coil arrives at CERN from the CEA laboratory in Saclay on 6 October. The world's largest superconducting toroid magnet is under construction for the ATLAS experiment. A nine-metre long fully functional prototype coil was delivered to CERN at the beginning of October and has since been undergoing tests in the West Area. Built mainly by companies in France and Italy under the supervision of engineers from the CEA-Saclay laboratory near Paris and Italy's INFN-LASA, the magnet is a crucial step forward in the construction of the ATLAS superconducting magnet system. Unlike any particle detector that has gone before, the ATLAS detector's magnet system consists of a large toroidal system enclosing a small central solenoid. The barrel part of the toroidal system will use eight toroid coils, each a massive 25 metres in length. These will dwarf the largest toroids in the world when ATLAS was designed, which measure about six metres. So the ATLAS collaboration decided to build a...

    14. Alignment of the ATLAS Inner Detector Tracking System

      CERN Document Server

      Moles-Valls, R


      The ATLAS experiment is equipped with a tracking system for c harged particles built on two technologies: silicon and drift tube base detectors. These kind of detectors compose the ATLAS Inner Detector (ID). The Alignment of the ATLAS ID tracking s ystem requires the determination of almost 36000 degrees of freedom. From the tracking point o f view, the alignment parameters should be know to a few microns precision. This permits to att ain optimal measurements of the parameters of the charged particles trajectories, thus ena bling ATLAS to achieve its physics goals. The implementation of the alignment software, its framewor k and the data flow will be discussed. Special attention will be paid to the recent challenges wher e large scale computing simulation of the ATLAS detector has been performed, mimicking the ATLAS o peration, which is going to be very important for the LHC startup scenario. The alignment r esult for several challenges (real cosmic ray data taking and computing system commissioning) will be...

    15. A detailed and verified wind resource atlas for Denmark

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Mortensen, N G; Landberg, L; Rathmann, O; Nielsen, M N [Risoe National Lab., Roskilde (Denmark); Nielsen, P [Energy and Environmental Data, Aalberg (Denmark)


      A detailed and reliable wind resource atlas covering the entire land area of Denmark has been established. Key words of the methodology are wind atlas analysis, interpolation of wind atlas data sets, automated generation of digital terrain descriptions and modelling of local wind climates. The atlas contains wind speed and direction distributions, as well as mean energy densities of the wind, for 12 sectors and four heights above ground level: 25, 45, 70 and 100 m. The spatial resolution is 200 meters in the horizontal. The atlas has been verified by comparison with actual wind turbine power productions from over 1200 turbines. More than 80% of these turbines were predicted to within 10%. The atlas will become available on CD-ROM and on the Internet. (au)

    16. Preventive strategy for nanomaterials. Special report; Vorsorgestrategien fuer Nanomaterialien. Sondergutachten

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



      knowledge of which nanomaterials are used in which products. The SRU sees a need for greater transparency here to enable public authorities to react swiftly whenever evidence of health or environmental risks arises. Consumers should in principle enjoy freedom of choice. For this reason the SRU recommends creating a registry of nanoproducts and supplementation of existing labelling requirements. [German] In diesem Sondergutachten gibt der Sachverstaendigenrat fuer Umweltfragen (SRU) Empfehlungen fuer einen verantwortungsvollen, vorsorgeorientierten Umgang mit dieser Technologie. Ziel ist es, Innovationen zu ermoeglichen, aber auch Risiken fruehzeitig zu erkennen und zu mindern. Der SRU sieht dringenden Handlungsbedarf bei der Regulierung von Nanomaterialien und fordert mehr Transparenz bei Verbraucherprodukten ein. Sobald ein begruendeter Anlass zur Besorgnis besteht, muss nach dem Vorsorgeprinzip gehandelt und zwischen Risiken und Chancen abgewogen werden. Um dies zu ermoeglichen, sind zahlreiche rechtliche Aenderungen erforderlich. Nanomaterialien und Nano-Produkte unterliegen grundsaetzlich dem Stoff-, Produkt- und Umweltrecht. In der Praxis fuehren aber die Besonderheiten von Nanomaterialien dazu, dass nicht alle rechtlichen Instrumente greifen. So werden Nanomaterialien bei der Registrierung von Chemikalien und bei der Zulassung von Produkten nicht immer separat erfasst und damit bewertet. Der SRU empfiehlt, solche nanospezifischen Regelungsluecken schnell zu schliessen. Dazu ist es notwendig, Nanomaterialien verbindlich zu definieren, sie grundsaetzlich bei der Risikobewertung von Chemikalien wie eigenstaendige Stoffe zu behandeln und mit einem eigens auf sie zugeschnittenen Datensatz zu registrieren. Dabei duerfen die Risiken von Nanomaterialien nicht pauschal bewertet werden, weil manche Materialien nach heutigem Kenntnisstand unbedenklich sind, waehrend bei anderen ein Risikopotenzial besteht. Einen Anlass zur Besorgnis sieht der SRU vor allem bei der Verwendung von

    17. The Offshore New European Wind Atlas (United States)

      Karagali, I.; Hahmann, A. N.; Badger, M.; Hasager, C.; Mann, J.


      The New European Wind Atlas (NEWA) is a joint effort of research agencies from eight European countries, co-funded under the ERANET Plus Program. The project is structured around two areas of work: development of dynamical downscaling methodologies and measurement campaigns to validate these methodologies, leading to the creation and publication of a European wind atlas in electronic form. This atlas will contain an offshore component extending 100 km from the European coasts. To achieve this, mesoscale models along with various observational datasets are utilised. Scanning lidars located at the coastline were used to compare the coastal wind gradient reproduced by the meso-scale model. Currently, an experimental campaign is occurring in the Baltic Sea, with a lidar located in a commercial ship sailing from Germany to Lithuania, thus covering the entire span of the south Baltic basin. In addition, satellite wind retrievals from scatterometers and Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) instruments were used to generate mean wind field maps and validate offshore modelled wind fields and identify the optimal model set-up parameters.The aim of this study is to compare the initial outputs from the offshore wind atlas produced by the Weather & Research Forecasting (WRF) model, still in pre-operational phase, and the METOP-A/B Advanced Scatterometer (ASCAT) wind fields, reprocessed to stress equivalent winds at 10m. Different experiments were set-up to evaluate the model sensitivity for the various domains covered by the NEWA offshore atlas. ASCAT winds were utilised to assess the performance of the WRF offshore atlases. In addition, ASCAT winds were used to create an offshore atlas covering the years 2007 to 2016, capturing the signature of various spatial wind features, such as channelling and lee effects from complex coastal topographical elements.

    18. Digital atlas of fetal brain MRI. (United States)

      Chapman, Teresa; Matesan, Manuela; Weinberger, Ed; Bulas, Dorothy I


      Fetal MRI can be performed in the second and third trimesters. During this time, the fetal brain undergoes profound structural changes. Interpretation of appropriate development might require comparison with normal age-based models. Consultation of a hard-copy atlas is limited by the inability to compare multiple ages simultaneously. To provide images of normal fetal brains from weeks 18 through 37 in a digital format that can be reviewed interactively. This will facilitate recognition of abnormal brain development. T2-W images for the atlas were obtained from fetal MR studies of normal brains scanned for other indications from 2005 to 2007. Images were oriented in standard axial, coronal and sagittal projections, with laterality established by situs. Gestational age was determined by last menstrual period, earliest US measurements and sonogram performed on the same day as the MR. The software program used for viewing the atlas, written in C#, permits linked scrolling and resizing the images. Simultaneous comparison of varying gestational ages is permissible. Fetal brain images across gestational ages 18 to 37 weeks are provided as an interactive digital atlas and are available for free download from . Improved interpretation of fetal brain abnormalities can be facilitated by the use of digital atlas cataloging of the normal changes throughout fetal development. Here we provide a description of the atlas and a discussion of normal fetal brain development.

    19. A Lego version of ATLAS

      CERN Multimedia

      Laëtitia Pedroso


      There's nothing very unusual about a small child making simple objects out of Lego. But wouldn't you be surprised to learn that one six-year old has just made a life-like model of the ATLAS detector?   Bastian with his Lego ATLAS detector. © Photo provided by Kai Nicklas, Bastian's father. It all began a month ago when the boy's father was watching a video about the construction of the ATLAS detector on the Internet. He hadn't noticed that his son was watching it over his shoulder. The small boy was fascinated by what he was seeing on the computer screen and his first reaction was to exclaim: "Wow! That's a terrific machine! I think the people who built it must be really clever." The detector must have really fired his imagination because, after asking his father a few questions, he decided to make a Lego model of it. Look at the photo and you will see how closely the model he produced resembles the actual ATLAS detector. Is the little boy in question, Bastia...

    20. The ATLAS semiconductor tracker (SCT)

      International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

      Jackson, J.N.


      The ATLAS detector (CERN,LHCC,94-43 (1994)) is designed to study a wide range of physics at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at luminosities up to 10 34 cm -2 s -1 with a bunch-crossing rate of 40 MHz. The Semiconductor Tracker (SCT) forms a key component of the Inner Detector (vol. 1, ATLAS TDR 4, CERN,LHCC 97-16 (1997); vol. 2, ATLAS TDR 5, CERN,LHCC 97-17 (1997)) which is situated inside a 2 T solenoid field. The ATLAS Semiconductor Tracker (SCT) utilises 4088 silicon modules with binary readout mounted on carbon fibre composite structures arranged in the forms of barrels in the central region and discs in the forward region. The construction of the SCT is now well advanced. The design of the SCT modules, services and support structures will be briefly outlined. A description of the various stages in the construction process will be presented with examples of the performance achieved and the main difficulties encountered. Finally, the current status of the construction is reviewed

    1. The Atlas load protection switch

      CERN Document Server

      Davis, H A; Dorr, G; Martínez, M; Gribble, R F; Nielsen, K E; Pierce, D; Parsons, W M


      Atlas is a high-energy pulsed-power facility under development to study materials properties and hydrodynamics experiments under extreme conditions. Atlas will implode heavy liner loads (m~45 gm) with a peak current of 27-32 MA delivered in 4 mu s, and is energized by 96, 240 kV Marx generators storing a total of 23 MJ. A key design requirement for Atlas is obtaining useful data for 95601130f all loads installed on the machine. Materials response calculations show current from a prefire can damage the load requiring expensive and time consuming replacement. Therefore, we have incorporated a set of fast-acting mechanical switches in the Atlas design to reduce the probability of a prefire damaging the load. These switches, referred to as the load protection switches, short the load through a very low inductance path during system charge. Once the capacitors have reached full charge, the switches open on a time scale short compared to the bank charge time, allowing current to flow to the load when the trigger pu...

    2. 16 December 2011 - Israeli Minister of Industry, Trade and Labour S.Simhon visiting ATLAS undeground area, ATLAS visitor centre and LHC tunnel with Senior Physicist G. Mikenberg. ATLAS Collaboration Former Spokesperson is also present.

      CERN Multimedia

      Maximilien Brice


      Israeli minister of industry, trade and labour, Shalom Simhon, was welcomed in the ATLAS visitor centre before he toured the ATLAS underground experimental area, where he could see the ATLAS detector. He also had a chance to see the LHC tunnel and the CERN Control Centre.

    3. Hidden Valley Search at ATLAS

      CERN Document Server

      Verducci, M; The ATLAS collaboration


      A number of extensions of the Standard Model result in neutral and weakly-coupled particles that decay to multi hadrons or multi leptons with macroscopic decay lengths. These particles with decay paths that can be comparable with ATLAS detector dimensions represent, from an experimental point of view, a challenge both for the trigger and for the reconstruction capabilities of the ATLAS detector. We will present a set of signature driven triggers for the ATLAS detector that target such displaced decays and evaluate their performances for some benchmark models. and describe analysis strategies and limits on the production of such long-lived particles that can be achieved with the first 100 pb-1.

    4. The ATLAS IBL CO2 Cooling System

      CERN Document Server

      Verlaat, Bartholomeus; The ATLAS collaboration


      The Atlas Pixel detector has been equipped with an extra B-layer in the space obtained by a reduced beam pipe. This new pixel detector called the ATLAS Insertable B-Layer (IBL) is installed in 2014 and is operational in the current ATLAS data taking. The IBL detector is cooled with evaporative CO2 and is the first of its kind in ATLAS. The ATLAS IBL CO2 cooling system is designed for lower temperature operation (<-35⁰C) than the previous developed CO2 cooling systems in High Energy Physics experiments. The cold temperatures are required to protect the pixel sensors for the high expected radiation dose up to 550 fb^-1 integrated luminosity. This paper describes the design, development, construction and commissioning of the IBL CO2 cooling system. It describes the challenges overcome and the important lessons learned for the development of future systems which are now under design for the Phase-II upgrade detectors.

    5. Support system for ATLAS distributed computing operations

      CERN Document Server

      Kishimoto, Tomoe; The ATLAS collaboration


      The ATLAS distributed computing system has allowed the experiment to successfully meet the challenges of LHC Run 2. In order for distributed computing to operate smoothly and efficiently, several support teams are organized in the ATLAS experiment. The ADCoS (ATLAS Distributed Computing Operation Shifts) is a dedicated group of shifters who follow and report failing jobs, failing data transfers between sites, degradation of ATLAS central computing services, and more. The DAST (Distributed Analysis Support Team) provides user support to resolve issues related to running distributed analysis on the grid. The CRC (Computing Run Coordinator) maintains a global view of the day-to-day operations. In this presentation, the status and operational experience of the support system for ATLAS distributed computing in LHC Run 2 will be reported. This report also includes operations experience from the grid site point of view, and an analysis of the errors that create the biggest waste of wallclock time. The report of oper...

    6. Overview of ATLAS PanDA Workload Management (United States)

      Maeno, T.; De, K.; Wenaus, T.; Nilsson, P.; Stewart, G. A.; Walker, R.; Stradling, A.; Caballero, J.; Potekhin, M.; Smith, D.; ATLAS Collaboration


      The Production and Distributed Analysis System (PanDA) plays a key role in the ATLAS distributed computing infrastructure. All ATLAS Monte-Carlo simulation and data reprocessing jobs pass through the PanDA system. We will describe how PanDA manages job execution on the grid using dynamic resource estimation and data replication together with intelligent brokerage in order to meet the scaling and automation requirements of ATLAS distributed computing. PanDA is also the primary ATLAS system for processing user and group analysis jobs, bringing further requirements for quick, flexible adaptation to the rapidly evolving analysis use cases of the early datataking phase, in addition to the high reliability, robustness and usability needed to provide efficient and transparent utilization of the grid for analysis users. We will describe how PanDA meets ATLAS requirements, the evolution of the system in light of operational experience, how the system has performed during the first LHC data-taking phase and plans for the future.

    7. Overview of ATLAS PanDA Workload Management

      International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

      Maeno, T.; De, K.; Wenaus, T.; Nilsson, P.; Stewart, G.A.; Walker, R.; Stradling, A.; Caballero, J.; Potekhin, M.; Smith, D.


      The Production and Distributed Analysis System (PanDA) plays a key role in the ATLAS distributed computing infrastructure. All ATLAS Monte-Carlo simulation and data reprocessing jobs pass through the PanDA system. We will describe how PanDA manages job execution on the grid using dynamic resource estimation and data replication together with intelligent brokerage in order to meet the scaling and automation requirements of ATLAS distributed computing. PanDA is also the primary ATLAS system for processing user and group analysis jobs, bringing further requirements for quick, flexible adaptation to the rapidly evolving analysis use cases of the early datataking phase, in addition to the high reliability, robustness and usability needed to provide efficient and transparent utilization of the grid for analysis users. We will describe how PanDA meets ATLAS requirements, the evolution of the system in light of operational experience, how the system has performed during the first LHC data-taking phase and plans for the future.

    8. Heavy ion collisions with the ATLAS detector

      International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

      Nevski, Pavel


      The ATLAS detector is designed to study high-p T physics in proton-proton collisions at the LHC design luminosity. The detector capabilities for heavy-ion physics are now being evaluated. This paper reports on a preliminary assessment of the baseline ATLAS detector potential for heavy-ion physics. The ATLAS sensitivity to some of the expected signatures from the quark-gluon plasma (e.g. jet quenching, Υ suppression) is discussed. (orig.)

    9. PeptideAtlas (United States)

      U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — PeptideAtlas is a multi-organism, publicly accessible compendium of peptides identified in a large set of tandem mass spectrometry proteomics experiments. Mass...

    10. Mongolian Atlas (United States)

      National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Climatic atlas dated 1985, in Mongolian, with introductory material also in Russian and English. One hundred eight pages in single page PDFs.

    11. Selection of procedures for inservice inspections; Auswahl der Verfahren fuer wiederkehrende Pruefungen

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Brast, G [Preussische Elektrizitaets-AG (Preussenelektra), Hannover (Germany); Britz, A [Bayernwerk AG, Muenchen (Germany); Maier, H J [Stuttgart Univ. (Germany). Staatliche Materialpruefungsanstalt; Seidenkranz, T [TUEV Energie- und Systemtechnik GmbH, Mannheim (Germany)


      At present, selection of procedures for inservice inspection has to take into account the legal basis, i.e. the existing regulatory codes, and the practical aspects, i.e. experience and information obtained by the general, initial inservice inspection or performance data obtained by the latest, recurrent inspection. However, regulatory codes are being reviewed to a certain extent in order to permit integration of technological progress. Depending on the degree of availability in future, of inspection task-specific, sensitive and qualified NDE techniques for inservice inspections (`risk based ISI`), the framework of defined inspection intervals, sites, and detection limits will be broken up and altered in response to progress made. This opens up new opportunities for an optimization of inservice inspections for proof of component integrity. (orig./CB) [Deutsch] Zur Zeit muss sich die Auswahl der Pruefverfahren an den gueltigen Regelwerken und, da es sich um wiederkehrende Pruefungen handelt, an der Basispruefung bzw. der letzten wiederkehrenden Pruefung orientieren. Jedoch vollzieht sich zur Zeit eine Oeffnung der Regelwerke, mit der man auch der Weiterentwicklung der Prueftechniken Rechnung traegt. In dem Masse, wie zukuenftig auf die Pruefaufgabe/Pruefaussage optimal abgestimmte und qualifizierte Prueftechniken mit einer hohen Nachweisempfindlichkeit am Bauteil fuer zielgerichtete wiederkehrende Pruefungen (als `risk based ISI`) zur Verfuegung stehen, wird der Rahmen mit festgelegten Pruefintervallen, Prueforten und festen Registriergrenzen gesprengt und variabel gestaltet werden koennen. Damit ergeben sich neue Moeglichkeiten fuer eine Optimierung der WKP zum Nachweis der Integritaet des Bauteils. (orig./MM)

    12. ATLAS-Canada Network

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Gable, I; Sobie, R J [HEPnet/Canada, Victoria, BC (Canada); Bedinelli, M; Butterworth, S; Groer, L; Kupchinsky, V [University of Toronto, Toronto, ON (Canada); Caron, B; McDonald, S; Payne, C [TRIUMF Laboratory, Vancouver, BC (Canada); Chambers, R [University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB (Canada); Fitzgerald, B [University of Victoria, Victoria, BC (Canada); Hatem, R; Marshall, P; Pobric, D [CANARIE Inc., Ottawa, ON (Canada); Maddalena, P; Mercure, P; Robertson, S; Rochefort, M [McGill University, Montreal, QC (Canada); McWilliam, D [BCNet, Vancouver, BC (Canada); Siegert, M [Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC (Canada)], E-mail: (and others)


      The ATLAS-Canada computing model consists of a WLCG Tier-1 computing centre located at the TRIUMF Laboratory in Vancouver, Canada, and two distributed Tier-2 computing centres in eastern and western Canadian universities. The TRIUMF Tier-1 is connected to the CERN Tier-0 via a 10G dedicated circuit provided by CANARIE. The Canadian institutions hosting Tier-2 facilities are connected to TRIUMF via 1G lightpaths, and routing between Tier-2s occurs through TRIUMF. This paper discusses the architecture of the ATLAS-Canada network, the challenges of building the network, and the future plans.

    13. LUCID in ATLAS

      CERN Document Server

      Groth-Jensen, J; The ATLAS collaboration


      This talk is to be given at the workshop DIFF2010 : Diffractive and electromagnetic processes at the LHC , early January next year. The aim of the talk is to give a overview/status update of the LUCID detector in ATLAS. As such the presentation will be focused on the design and current layout of the detector - with emphasis on the hardware side. The first few slides will be used to give an overview of the location, design and layout LUCID with respect to ATLAS. Afterwards some hardware issues will be address and finally some results from first LHC data will be shown.

    14. The Herschel ATLAS (United States)

      Eales, S.; Dunne, L.; Clements, D.; Cooray, A.; De Zotti, G.; Dye, S.; Ivison, R.; Jarvis, M.; Lagache, G.; Maddox, S.; hide


      The Herschel ATLAS is the largest open-time key project that will be carried out on the Herschel Space Observatory. It will survey 570 sq deg of the extragalactic sky, 4 times larger than all the other Herschel extragalactic surveys combined, in five far-infrared and submillimeter bands. We describe the survey, the complementary multiwavelength data sets that will be combined with the Herschel data, and the six major science programs we are undertaking. Using new models based on a previous submillimeter survey of galaxies, we present predictions of the properties of the ATLAS sources in other wave bands.

    15. The GNAM system in the ATLAS online monitoring framework

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Salvatore, D. [INFN Cosenza and Dip. di Fisica, Universita della Calabria, ponte P. Bucci 31 C, 87036 Rende (Italy)], E-mail:; Adragna, P. [Queen Mary, University of London, London (United Kingdom); Bosman, M. [IFAE, Institut de Fisica de Altes Energies, UAB/Barcelona (Spain); Burckhart, D. [CERN, Geneva (Switzerland); Caprini, M. [National Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Bucharest (Romania); Corso-Radu, A. [University of California Irvine, Irvine, California (United States); Costa, M.J. [CERN, Geneva (Switzerland); Della Pietra, M. [INFN Sezione diNapoli, Napoli (Italy); Dotti, A. [Universita and INFN Pisa, Pisa (Italy); Eschrich, I. [University of California Irvine, Irvine, California (United States); Ferrari, R. [INFN Sezione di Pavia, Pavia (Italy); Ferrer, M.L. [INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, Frascati (Italy); Gaudio, G. [INFN Sezione di Pavia, Pavia (Italy); Hadavand, H. [Southern Methodist University, Dallas (United States); Hauschild, M. [CERN, Geneva (Switzerland); Hillier, S. [University of Birmingham, Birmingham (United Kingdom); Kehoe, B. [Southern Methodist University, Dallas (United States); Kolos, S. [University of California Irvine, Irvine, California (United States); Kordas, K. [INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, Frascati (Italy); Mcpherson, R. [University of Victoria, Vancouver (Canada)] (and others)


      ATLAS [ATLAS Collaboration, 'ATLAS Technical Proposal', CERN/LHHCC/94-43, LHCC/P2, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, 1994] is one of the four experiments under construction along the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) ring, which will produce interactions at a center of mass energy of 14 TeV at 40 MHz rate. The detector consists of more than 140 million electronic channels. The challenging experimental environment and the extreme detector complexity impose the necessity of a common scalable distributed monitoring framework, which can be tuned for the optimal use by different ATLAS detectors at the various levels of the ATLAS data flow.

    16. The GNAM system in the ATLAS online monitoring framework

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Salvatore, D. [INFN Cosenza and Dip. di Fisica, Universita della Calabria, ponte P. Bucci 31 C, 87036 Rende (Italy)], E-mail:; Adragna, P [Queen Mary, University of London, London (United Kingdom); Bosman, M [IFAE, Institut de Fisica de Altes Energies, UAB/Barcelona (Spain); Burckhart, D [CERN, Geneva (Switzerland); Caprini, M [National Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Bucharest (Romania); Corso-Radu, A [University of California Irvine, Irvine, California (United States); Costa, M J [CERN, Geneva (Switzerland); Della Pietra, M [INFN Sezione diNapoli, Napoli (Italy); Dotti, A [Universita and INFN Pisa, Pisa (Italy); Eschrich, I [University of California Irvine, Irvine, California (United States); Ferrari, R [INFN Sezione di Pavia, Pavia (Italy); Ferrer, M L [INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, Frascati (Italy); Gaudio, G [INFN Sezione di Pavia, Pavia (Italy); Hadavand, H [Southern Methodist University, Dallas (United States); Hauschild, M [CERN, Geneva (Switzerland); Hillier, S [University of Birmingham, Birmingham (United Kingdom); Kehoe, B [Southern Methodist University, Dallas (United States); Kolos, S [University of California Irvine, Irvine, California (United States); Kordas, K [INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, Frascati (Italy); Mcpherson, R [University of Victoria, Vancouver (Canada)


      ATLAS [ATLAS Collaboration, 'ATLAS Technical Proposal', CERN/LHHCC/94-43, LHCC/P2, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, 1994] is one of the four experiments under construction along the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) ring, which will produce interactions at a center of mass energy of 14 TeV at 40 MHz rate. The detector consists of more than 140 million electronic channels. The challenging experimental environment and the extreme detector complexity impose the necessity of a common scalable distributed monitoring framework, which can be tuned for the optimal use by different ATLAS detectors at the various levels of the ATLAS data flow.

    17. The GNAM system in the ATLAS online monitoring framework

      International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

      Salvatore, D.; Adragna, P.; Bosman, M.; Burckhart, D.; Caprini, M.; Corso-Radu, A.; Costa, M.J.; Della Pietra, M.; Dotti, A.; Eschrich, I.; Ferrari, R.; Ferrer, M.L.; Gaudio, G.; Hadavand, H.; Hauschild, M.; Hillier, S.; Kehoe, B.; Kolos, S.; Kordas, K.; Mcpherson, R.


      ATLAS [ATLAS Collaboration, 'ATLAS Technical Proposal', CERN/LHHCC/94-43, LHCC/P2, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, 1994] is one of the four experiments under construction along the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) ring, which will produce interactions at a center of mass energy of 14 TeV at 40 MHz rate. The detector consists of more than 140 million electronic channels. The challenging experimental environment and the extreme detector complexity impose the necessity of a common scalable distributed monitoring framework, which can be tuned for the optimal use by different ATLAS detectors at the various levels of the ATLAS data flow

    18. Brain transcriptome atlases : A computational perspective

      NARCIS (Netherlands)

      Mahfouz, A.M.E.T.A.; Huisman, S.M.H.; Lelieveldt, B.P.F.; Reinders, M.J.T.


      The immense complexity of the mammalian brain is largely reflected in the underlying molecular signatures of its billions of cells. Brain transcriptome atlases provide valuable insights into gene expression patterns across different brain areas throughout the course of development. Such atlases

    19. LASER monitoring system for the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter

      International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

      Viret, S.


      The ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN uses a scintillator-iron technique for its hadronic Tile Calorimeter (TileCal). Scintillating light is readout via 9852 photomultiplier tubes (PMTs). Calibration and monitoring of these PMTs are made using a LASER based system. Short light pulses are sent simultaneously into all the TileCal photomultiplier's tubes (PMTs) during ATLAS physics runs, thus providing essential information for ATLAS data quality and monitoring analyses. The experimental setup developed for this purpose is described as well as preliminary results obtained during ATLAS commissioning phase in 2008.

    20. The ATLAS online High Level Trigger framework experience reusing offline software components in the ATLAS trigger

      CERN Document Server

      Wiedenmann, W


      Event selection in the Atlas High Level Trigger is accomplished to a large extent by reusing software components and event selection algorithms developed and tested in an offline environment. Many of these offline software modules are not specifically designed to run in a heavily multi-threaded online data flow environment. The Atlas High Level Trigger (HLT) framework based on the Gaudi and Atlas Athena frameworks, forms the interface layer, which allows the execution of the HLT selection and monitoring code within the online run control and data flow software. While such an approach provides a unified environment for trigger event selection across all of Atlas, it also poses strict requirements on the reused software components in terms of performance, memory usage and stability. Experience of running the HLT selection software in the different environments and especially on large multi-node trigger farms has been gained in several commissioning periods using preloaded Monte Carlo events, in data taking peri...

    1. Aluminum or steel? Mounting systems for solar generators - a practice report; Aluminium oder Stahl? Montagesysteme fuer Solargeneratoren - ein Praxisreport

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Schnitzer, Sandy [Mounting Systems GmbH, Rangsdorf (Germany); Hannemann, Lydia


      Mounting systems for solar generators must be solid and reliable as long as possible so that they carry the modules. Which material is best? [German] Montagesysteme fuer Solargeneratoren muessen solide sein, damit sie moeglichst lange und zuverlaessig die Module tragen.

    2. New aspects from legislation, guidelines and safety standards for MRI; Neues aus Gesetzen, Richtlinien und Sicherheitsstandards fuer die MRT

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Muehlenweg, M. [Krankenhaus Martha-Maria Halle-Doelau, Institut fuer Radiologie, Halle (Saale) (Germany); Schaefers, G. [MR:comp GmbH, Gelsenkirchen (Germany); Trattnig, S. [Exzellenzzentrum Hochfeld-Magnetresonanz, Medizinische Universitaet Wien, Universitaetsklinik fuer Radiodiagnostik, Wien (Austria)


      Betriebsanleitung der MR-Scanner. Die verpflichtenden Inhalte der Betriebsanleitung werden in einer zentralen Norm der International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) 60601-2-33 geregelt. In dieser Norm wurde juengst die Anwendung statischer Magnetfelder in der MRT bis zu 8 Tesla (T) in der klinischen Routine (kontrollierte Betriebsart 1. Stufe) zugelassen. Die ebenfalls notwendige CE-Zertifizierung der Ultrahochfeldscanner (7-8 T) in Europa ist fuer zukuenftige Geraete zu erwarten. Bestehende Installationen werden nicht automatisch zertifiziert, sondern behalten ihren experimentellen Status. Die aktuelle Erweiterung der IEC 60601-2-33 fuehrt eine neue Zusatzoption, die sog. ''fixed parameter option'' (FPO) ein. Diese Option kann zusaetzlich zu den etablierten Betriebsarten geschaltet werden und definiert eine fixe Geraetekonstellation und bestimmte Parameter des Energieoutputs von MR-Scannern, die zukuenftig die Untersuchungen von Implantatpatienten vereinfachen soll. Die Beschaeftigung schwangerer Mitarbeiterinnen in einer MRT-Einrichtung ist nach wie vor nicht allgemein in Europa geregelt. In Deutschland und Oesterreich wurden 2014 in Teilregionen Beschaeftigungsverbote fuer Schwangere und Stillende im der MR-Kontrollzone (0,5 mT) erteilt. Zugrunde liegt die meist ungeklaerte Frage der Anwendbarkeit von Grenzwerten fuer Beschaeftigte (Extremitaetenexposition fuer statische Magnetfelder bis 8 T erlaubt) oder der Grenzwerte fuer die Allgemeinbevoelkerung (maximal bis 400 mT). Das Verwerfen von Muttermilch nach i.v.-Gabe von gadoliniumhaltigen Kontrastmitteln bei einer stillenden Frau wird laut Gesellschaft fuer urogenitale Radiologie (ESUR) nur noch bei Gabe von Kontrastmitteln der Nephrogenic-systemic-fibrosis(NSF)-Hochrisikoklasse empfohlen. (orig.)

    3. The ATLAS electromagnetic calorimeter

      CERN Multimedia

      Maximilien Brice


      Michel Mathieu, a technician for the ATLAS collaboration, is cabling the ATLAS electromagnetic calorimeter's first end-cap, before insertion into its cryostat. Millions of wires are connected to the electromagnetic calorimeter on this end-cap that must be carefully fed out from the detector so that data can be read out. Every element on the detector will be attached to one of these wires so that a full digital map of the end-cap can be recreated.

    4. ATLAS accelerator laboratory report

      International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

      Den Hartog, P.


      The operation of the ATLAS Accelerator is reported. Modifications are reported, including the installation of conductive tires for the Pelletron chain pulleys, installation of a new high frequency sweeper system at the entrance to the linac, and improvements to the rf drive ports of eight resonators to correct failures in the thermally conductive ceramic insulators. Progress is reported on the positive-ion injector upgrade for ATLAS. Also reported are building modifications and possible new uses for the tandem injector

    5. Atlas – a data warehouse for integrative bioinformatics

      Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

      Yuen Macaire MS


      Full Text Available Abstract Background We present a biological data warehouse called Atlas that locally stores and integrates biological sequences, molecular interactions, homology information, functional annotations of genes, and biological ontologies. The goal of the system is to provide data, as well as a software infrastructure for bioinformatics research and development. Description The Atlas system is based on relational data models that we developed for each of the source data types. Data stored within these relational models are managed through Structured Query Language (SQL calls that are implemented in a set of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs. The APIs include three languages: C++, Java, and Perl. The methods in these API libraries are used to construct a set of loader applications, which parse and load the source datasets into the Atlas database, and a set of toolbox applications which facilitate data retrieval. Atlas stores and integrates local instances of GenBank, RefSeq, UniProt, Human Protein Reference Database (HPRD, Biomolecular Interaction Network Database (BIND, Database of Interacting Proteins (DIP, Molecular Interactions Database (MINT, IntAct, NCBI Taxonomy, Gene Ontology (GO, Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM, LocusLink, Entrez Gene and HomoloGene. The retrieval APIs and toolbox applications are critical components that offer end-users flexible, easy, integrated access to this data. We present use cases that use Atlas to integrate these sources for genome annotation, inference of molecular interactions across species, and gene-disease associations. Conclusion The Atlas biological data warehouse serves as data infrastructure for bioinformatics research and development. It forms the backbone of the research activities in our laboratory and facilitates the integration of disparate, heterogeneous biological sources of data enabling new scientific inferences. Atlas achieves integration of diverse data sets at two levels. First

    6. Two ATLAS suppliers honoured

      CERN Multimedia


      The ATLAS experiment has recognised the outstanding contribution of two firms to the pixel detector. Recipients of the supplier award with Peter Jenni, ATLAS spokesperson, and Maximilian Metzger, CERN Secretary-General.At a ceremony held at CERN on 28 November, the ATLAS collaboration presented awards to two of its suppliers that had produced sensor wafers for the pixel detector. The CiS Institut für Mikrosensorik of Erfurt in Germany has supplied 655 sensor wafers containing a total of 1652 sensor tiles and the firm ON Semiconductor has supplied 515 sensor wafers (1177 sensor tiles) from its foundry at Roznov in the Czech Republic. Both firms have successfully met the very demanding requirements. ATLAS’s huge pixel detector is very complicated, requiring expertise in highly specialised integrated microelectronics and precision mechanics. Pixel detector project leader Kevin Einsweiler admits that when the project was first propo...

    7. The ATLAS Inner Detector

      CERN Document Server

      Gray, HM; The ATLAS collaboration


      The ATLAS experiment at the LHC is equipped with a charged particle tracking system, the Inner Detector, built on three subdetectors, which provide high precision measurements made from a fine detector granularity. The Pixel and microstrip (SCT) subdetectors, which use the silicon technology, are complemented with the Transition Radiation Tracker. Since the LHC startup in 2009, the ATLAS inner tracker has played a central role in many ATLAS physics analyses. Rapid improvements in the calibration and alignment of the detector allowed it to reach nearly the nominal performance in the timespan of a few months. The tracking performance proved to be stable as the LHC luminosity increased by five orders of magnitude during the 2010 proton run, New developments in the offline reconstruction for the 2011 run will improve the tracking performance in high pile-up conditions as well as in highly boosted jets will be discussed.

    8. The ATLAS Tau Trigger

      CERN Document Server

      Rados, PK; The ATLAS collaboration


      Physics processes involving tau leptons play a crucial role in understanding particle physics at the high energy frontier. The ability to efficiently trigger on events containing hadronic tau decays is therefore of particular importance to the ATLAS experiment. During the 2012 run, the Large Hadronic Collder (LHC) reached instantaneous luminosities of nearly $10^{34} cm^{-2}s^{-1}$ with bunch crossings occurring every $50 ns$. This resulted in a huge event rate and a high probability of overlapping interactions per bunch crossing (pile-up). With this in mind it was necessary to design an ATLAS tau trigger system that could reduce the event rate to a manageable level, while efficiently extracting the most interesting physics events in a pile-up robust manner. In this poster the ATLAS tau trigger is described, its performance during 2012 is presented, and the outlook for the LHC Run II is briefly summarized.

    9. Calorimetry triggering in ATLAS

      CERN Document Server

      Igonkina, O; Adragna, P; Aharrouche, M; Alexandre, G; Andrei, V; Anduaga, X; Aracena, I; Backlund, S; Baines, J; Barnett, B M; Bauss, B; Bee, C; Behera, P; Bell, P; Bendel, M; Benslama, K; Berry, T; Bogaerts, A; Bohm, C; Bold, T; Booth, J R A; Bosman, M; Boyd, J; Bracinik, J; Brawn, I, P; Brelier, B; Brooks, W; Brunet, S; Bucci, F; Casadei, D; Casado, P; Cerri, A; Charlton, D G; Childers, J T; Collins, N J; Conde Muino, P; Coura Torres, R; Cranmer, K; Curtis, C J; Czyczula, Z; Dam, M; Damazio, D; Davis, A O; De Santo, A; Degenhardt, J; Delsart, P A; Demers, S; Demirkoz, B; Di Mattia, A; Diaz, M; Djilkibaev, R; Dobson, E; Dova, M, T; Dufour, M A; Eckweiler, S; Ehrenfeld, W; Eifert, T; Eisenhandler, E; Ellis, N; Emeliyanov, D; Enoque Ferreira de Lima, D; Faulkner, P J W; Ferland, J; Flacher, H; Fleckner, J E; Flowerdew, M; Fonseca-Martin, T; Fratina, S; Fhlisch, F; Gadomski, S; Gallacher, M P; Garitaonandia Elejabarrieta, H; Gee, C N P; George, S; Gillman, A R; Goncalo, R; Grabowska-Bold, I; Groll, M; Gringer, C; Hadley, D R; Haller, J; Hamilton, A; Hanke, P; Hauser, R; Hellman, S; Hidvgi, A; Hillier, S J; Hryn'ova, T; Idarraga, J; Johansen, M; Johns, K; Kalinowski, A; Khoriauli, G; Kirk, J; Klous, S; Kluge, E-E; Koeneke, K; Konoplich, R; Konstantinidis, N; Kwee, R; Landon, M; LeCompte, T; Ledroit, F; Lei, X; Lendermann, V; Lilley, J N; Losada, M; Maettig, S; Mahboubi, K; Mahout, G; Maltrana, D; Marino, C; Masik, J; Meier, K; Middleton, R P; Mincer, A; Moa, T; Monticelli, F; Moreno, D; Morris, J D; Mller, F; Navarro, G A; Negri, A; Nemethy, P; Neusiedl, A; Oltmann, B; Olvito, D; Osuna, C; Padilla, C; Panes, B; Parodi, F; Perera, V J O; Perez, E; Perez Reale, V; Petersen, B; Pinzon, G; Potter, C; Prieur, D P F; Prokishin, F; Qian, W; Quinonez, F; Rajagopalan, S; Reinsch, A; Rieke, S; Riu, I; Robertson, S; Rodriguez, D; Rogriquez, Y; Rhr, F; Saavedra, A; Sankey, D P C; Santamarina, C; Santamarina Rios, C; Scannicchio, D; Schiavi, C; Schmitt, K; Schultz-Coulon, H C; Schfer, U; Segura, E; Silverstein, D; Silverstein, S; Sivoklokov, S; Sjlin, J; Staley, R J; Stamen, R; Stelzer, J; Stockton, M C; Straessner, A; Strom, D; Sushkov, S; Sutton, M; Tamsett, M; Tan, C L A; Tapprogge, S; Thomas, J P; Thompson, P D; Torrence, E; Tripiana, M; Urquijo, P; Urrejola, P; Vachon, B; Vercesi, V; Vorwerk, V; Wang, M; Watkins, P M; Watson, A; Weber, P; Weidberg, T; Werner, P; Wessels, M; Wheeler-Ellis, S; Whiteson, D; Wiedenmann, W; Wielers, M; Wildt, M; Winklmeier, F; Wu, X; Xella, S; Zhao, L; Zobernig, H; de Seixas, J M; dos Anjos, A; Asman, B; Özcan, E


      The ATLAS experiment is preparing for data taking at 14 TeV collision energy. A rich discovery physics program is being prepared in addition to the detailed study of Standard Model processes which will be produced in abundance. The ATLAS multi-level trigger system is designed to accept one event in 2 105 to enable the selection of rare and unusual physics events. The ATLAS calorimeter system is a precise instrument, which includes liquid Argon electro-magnetic and hadronic components as well as a scintillator-tile hadronic calorimeter. All these components are used in the various levels of the trigger system. A wide physics coverage is ensured by inclusively selecting events with candidate electrons, photons, taus, jets or those with large missing transverse energy. The commissioning of the trigger system is being performed with cosmic ray events and by replaying simulated Monte Carlo events through the trigger and data acquisition system.

    10. NODC Standard Product: International ocean atlas Volume 11 - Climatic atlas of the Sea of Azov 2008 (1 disc set) (NODC Accession 0098574) (United States)

      National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This Atlas, Climatic Atlas of the Sea of Azov 2008 on CD-ROM, is an update to Volume 10, Climatic Atlas of the Sea of Azov 2006 on CD-ROM (NODC Accession 0098572),...

    11. AGIS: Evolution of Distributed Computing Information system for ATLAS

      CERN Document Server

      Anisenkov, Alexey; The ATLAS collaboration; Alandes Pradillo, Maria; Karavakis, Edward


      The variety of the ATLAS Computing Infrastructure requires a central information system to define the topology of computing resources and to store the different parameters and configuration data which are needed by the various ATLAS software components. The ATLAS Grid Information System is the system designed to integrate configuration and status information about resources, services and topology of the computing infrastructure used by ATLAS Distributed Computing applications and services.

    12. Non-local statistical label fusion for multi-atlas segmentation. (United States)

      Asman, Andrew J; Landman, Bennett A


      Multi-atlas segmentation provides a general purpose, fully-automated approach for transferring spatial information from an existing dataset ("atlases") to a previously unseen context ("target") through image registration. The method to resolve voxelwise label conflicts between the registered atlases ("label fusion") has a substantial impact on segmentation quality. Ideally, statistical fusion algorithms (e.g., STAPLE) would result in accurate segmentations as they provide a framework to elegantly integrate models of rater performance. The accuracy of statistical fusion hinges upon accurately modeling the underlying process of how raters err. Despite success on human raters, current approaches inaccurately model multi-atlas behavior as they fail to seamlessly incorporate exogenous intensity information into the estimation process. As a result, locally weighted voting algorithms represent the de facto standard fusion approach in clinical applications. Moreover, regardless of the approach, fusion algorithms are generally dependent upon large atlas sets and highly accurate registration as they implicitly assume that the registered atlases form a collectively unbiased representation of the target. Herein, we propose a novel statistical fusion algorithm, Non-Local STAPLE (NLS). NLS reformulates the STAPLE framework from a non-local means perspective in order to learn what label an atlas would have observed, given perfect correspondence. Through this reformulation, NLS (1) seamlessly integrates intensity into the estimation process, (2) provides a theoretically consistent model of multi-atlas observation error, and (3) largely diminishes the need for large atlas sets and very high-quality registrations. We assess the sensitivity and optimality of the approach and demonstrate significant improvement in two empirical multi-atlas experiments. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

    13. Final environmental statement related to the Atlas Minerals Division, Atlas Corporation, Atlas Uranium Mill (Grand County, Utah)

      International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


      The proposed action is the continuation of Source Material License SUA-917 issued to Atlas Corporation for the operation of the Atlas Uranium Mill in Grand County, Utah, near Moab (Docket No. 40-3453). The present mill was designed for an 1100 MT (1200 ton) per day processing rate with 0.25% uranium ore feed. The actual ore processing rate may vary up to 1450 MT (1600 ton) per day if lower grade ores are processed, but the annual production rate of 836 MT (921 tons) U 3 O 8 will not be exceeded. Possible environmental impacts and adverse effects are identified. Conditions for the protection of the environment are set forth before the license can be renewed

    14. T.D Lee and Lisa Randall visit ATLAS

      CERN Multimedia

      Pauline Gagnon

      Professor Tsung-Dao Lee, who received the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1957 for postulating that parity is not conserved in weak interactions, visited the ATLAS detector this month. He is seen here in the company of Peter Jenni, spokesperson for ATLAS. T.D. Lee is still very active at over 80, pursuing his theory work to this day. Professor Lisa Randall from Harvard University, the well-known theorist behind the Randall-Sundrum theory for extra dimensions, was also part of the group visiting the ATLAS detector. She is seen here with Fabiola Gianotti, deputy spokesperson for ATLAS. Lisa Randall's two initial papers have been quoted both more than 2500 times, making her the most cited theoretical physicist in the world in the last five years as of last autumn - a total of about 10,000 citations! One wonders here if Peter is pointing to a CP-violating graviton spotted in the ATLAS cavern... From left to right: Fabiola Gianotti, Gustaaf Brooijmans, convener of the ATLAS Exotics physics gro...

    15. Gas generation from biomass for decentralized power supply systems; Gaserzeugung fuer dezentrale Energiesysteme auf der Basis von Biomasse

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Kubiak, H; Papamichalis, A; Heek, K.H. van [DMT-Inst. fuer Kokserzeugung und Brennstofftechnik, Essen (Germany)


      By a reaction with steam, bioresidues and plants can be converted into a gas consisting mainly of hydrogen, carbon monoxide and methane which can be used for electric power generation in gas engines, gas turbins and fuel cells. The conversion processes, especially the fuel cell process, are environment-friendly and efficient. For decentralized applications (i.e. for biomass volumes of 0.5 to 1 t/h), an allothermal process is recommended which is described in detail. (orig) [Deutsch] Durch Reaktion mit Wasserdampf lassen sich Bioreststoffe und Energiepflanzen zu einem Gas umsetzen, das im wesentlichen aus Wasserstoff, Kohlenmonoxid und Methan besteht und z.B. ueber Gasmotoren, Gasturbinen, vorzugsweise aber Brennstoffzellen zu Strom umgewandelt werden kann. Die Umwandlungsverfahren, insbesondere unter Benutzung von Brennstoffzellen, sind umweltfreundlich und haben einen hohen Wirkungsgrad. Als Vergasungsverfahren eignet sich fuer die dezentrale Anwendung. - d.h. fuer eine Biomassemenge von 0,5 bis 1 t/h - insbesondere das hier beschriebene allotherme Verfahren. (orig)

    16. Gas generation from biomass for decentralized power supply systems; Gaserzeugung fuer dezentrale Energiesysteme auf der Basis von Biomasse

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Kubiak, H.; Papamichalis, A.; Heek, K.H. van [DMT-Inst. fuer Kokserzeugung und Brennstofftechnik, Essen (Germany)


      By a reaction with steam, bioresidues and plants can be converted into a gas consisting mainly of hydrogen, carbon monoxide and methane which can be used for electric power generation in gas engines, gas turbins and fuel cells. The conversion processes, especially the fuel cell process, are environment-friendly and efficient. For decentralized applications (i.e. for biomass volumes of 0.5 to 1 t/h), an allothermal process is recommended which is described in detail. (orig) [Deutsch] Durch Reaktion mit Wasserdampf lassen sich Bioreststoffe und Energiepflanzen zu einem Gas umsetzen, das im wesentlichen aus Wasserstoff, Kohlenmonoxid und Methan besteht und z.B. ueber Gasmotoren, Gasturbinen, vorzugsweise aber Brennstoffzellen zu Strom umgewandelt werden kann. Die Umwandlungsverfahren, insbesondere unter Benutzung von Brennstoffzellen, sind umweltfreundlich und haben einen hohen Wirkungsgrad. Als Vergasungsverfahren eignet sich fuer die dezentrale Anwendung. - d.h. fuer eine Biomassemenge von 0,5 bis 1 t/h - insbesondere das hier beschriebene allotherme Verfahren. (orig)

    17. Statistical-dynamic climate forecast for Europe and Germany. Final report; Statistisch-dynamische Klimavorhersage fuer Europa und Deutschland. Abschlussbericht

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Denhard, M.; Schoenwiese, C.D.


      Principal Correlation Pattern Analysis (PCPA) maps the local circulation, temperature and precipitation anomalies in the northern hemisphere in monthly resolution and permits an interpretation of their causes. Calculations are made for the El Nino phenomenon, NAO, and the quasi-11-year cycle of solar radiation variation. Especially the El Nino calculations show the efficiency of PCPA. [German] Mit Hilfe der Principal Correlation Pattern Analysis (PCPA) koennen die von verschiedenen Klimaantrieben erzeugten lokalen Zirkulations-, Temperatur- und Niederschlagsanomalien auf der Nordhemisphaere in monatlicher Aufloesung dargestellt und ursaechlich interpretiert werden. Diese Rechnungen wurden fuer das El Nino Phaenomen, die NAO und den quasi 11-jaehrigen Zyklus der solaren Strahlungsschwankungen durchgefuehrt. Insbesondere die Untersuchungen zu Wirkungen von El Nino auf Europa zeigen, dass die PCPA die Kopplungen eines Prozesses mit dem Klimasystem sehr genau beschreibt und somit die Voraussetzungen schafft, die Wirkungen dieses Klimaantriebs zu modellieren und ihn zur Vorhersage zu nutzen. Erste einfache Vorhersageexperimente fuer das europaeische Klima bestaetigen diese Aussage. (orig.)

    18. Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe. Institut fuer Datenverarbeitung in der Technik: Progress report on research and development works in 1984

      International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


      The Institut fuer Datenverarbeitung in der Technik (Institute for Data Processing in Engineering) works in the field of applied computer and systems analysis. The present report describes the activities of this Institute within the following KfK-projects: Reprocessing, Fusion Technology, Nuclear Material Safeguards, Nuclear Safety, and the Fast Breeder Project. (WB) [de


      Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

      MENG Fanhang; LIU Cuiping; RENG Xiaoping; JIANG Lian


      Objectives To explore clinical application on brain atlas in paediatrics. Methode: Brain atlas was applied in diagnosis and treatment of paediatric diseases and its clinical value was discussed in 1990 ~2001. The manifestation of these diseases in brain atlas were analysed and the manifestation of CT of 67 cases and manifestations of EEG of 37 cases with that of BA were compared. Results The changes of cerebral electrical activity of these diseases were reflected objectively and showed directly in BA. Conclusion Brain atlas not only can point out quality of disease but also define position of disease. Therefore, brain atlas has important clinical value in paediatrics.

    20. Lowering the first ATLAS toroid

      CERN Document Server

      Maximilien Brice


      The ATLAS detector on the LHC at CERN will consist of eight toroid magnets, the first of which was lowered into the cavern in these images on 26 October 2004. The coils are supported on platforms where they will be attached to form a giant torus. The platforms will hold about 300 tonnes of ATLAS' muon chambers and will envelop the inner detectors.

    1. ATLAS Experiment Colouring Book in Arabic

      CERN Multimedia

      Anthony, Katarina


      Language: Arabic - The ATLAS Experiment Colouring Book is a free-to-download educational book, ideal for kids aged 5-9. It aims to introduce children to the field of High-Energy Physics, as well as the work being carried out by the ATLAS Collaboration.

    2. Atlas positive-ion injector project

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Pardo, R C; Bollinger, L M; Shepard, K W


      The goal of the Argonne Positive Ion Injector project is to replace the ATLAS tandem injector with a facility which will increase the beam currents presently available by a factor of 100 and to make beams of essentially all elements including uranium available at ATLAS. The beam quality expected from the facility will be at least as good as that of the tandem based ATLAS. The project combines two relatively new technologies - the electron cyclotron resonance ion source, which provides ions of high charge states at microampere currents, and rf superconductivity which has been shown to be capable of generating accelerating fields as high as 10 MV/m resulting in an essentially new method of acceleration for low-energy heavy ions.

    3. AGIS: Integration of new technologies used in ATLAS Distributed Computing

      CERN Document Server

      AUTHOR|(INSPIRE)INSPIRE-00291854; The ATLAS collaboration; Di Girolamo, Alessandro; Alandes Pradillo, Maria


      The variety of the ATLAS Distributed Computing infrastructure requires a central information system to define the topology of computing resources and to store different parameters and configuration data which are needed by various ATLAS software components. The ATLAS Grid Information System (AGIS) is the system designed to integrate configuration and status information about resources, services and topology of the computing infrastructure used by ATLAS Distributed Computing applications and services. Being an intermediate middleware system between clients and external information sources (like central BDII, GOCDB, MyOSG), AGIS defines the relations between experiment specific used resources and physical distributed computing capabilities. Being in production during LHC Runl AGIS became the central information system for Distributed Computing in ATLAS and it is continuously evolving to fulfil new user requests, enable enhanced operations and follow the extension of the ATLAS Computing model. The ATLAS Computin...

    4. EnviroAtlas National Layers Master Web Service (United States)

      U.S. Environmental Protection Agency — This EnviroAtlas web service supports research and online mapping activities related to EnviroAtlas ( This web service includes...

    5. ATLAS program for advanced thermal-hydraulic safety research

      International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

      Song, Chul-Hwa; Choi, Ki-Yong; Kang, Kyoung-Ho


      Highlights: • Major achievements of the ATLAS program are highlighted in conjunction with both developing advanced light water reactor technologies and enhancing the nuclear safety. • The ATLAS data was shown to be useful for the development and licensing of new reactors and safety analysis codes, and also for nuclear safety enhancement through domestic and international cooperative programs. • A future plan for the ATLAS testing is introduced, covering recently emerging safety issues and some generic thermal-hydraulic concerns. - Abstract: This paper highlights the major achievements of the ATLAS program, which is an integral effect test program for both developing advanced light water reactor technologies and contributing to enhancing nuclear safety. The ATLAS program is closely related with the development of the APR1400 and APR"+ reactors, and the SPACE code, which is a best-estimate system-scale code for a safety analysis of nuclear reactors. The multiple roles of ATLAS testing are emphasized in very close conjunction with the development, licensing, and commercial deployment of these reactors and their safety analysis codes. The role of ATLAS for nuclear safety enhancement is also introduced by taking some examples of its contributions to voluntarily lead to multi-body cooperative programs such as domestic and international standard problems. Finally, a future plan for the utilization of ATLAS testing is introduced, which aims at tackling recently emerging safety issues such as a prolonged station blackout accident and medium-size break LOCA, and some generic thermal-hydraulic concerns as to how to figure out multi-dimensional phenomena and the scaling issue.

    6. Atlas of Vega: 3850-6860 Å (United States)

      Kim, Hyun-Sook; Han, Inwoo; Valyavin, G.; Lee, Byeong-Cheol; Shimansky, V.; Galazutdinov, G. A.


      We present a high resolving power (λ/Δλ = 90,000) and high signal-to-noise ratio (˜700) spectral atlas of Vega covering the 3850-6860 Å wavelength range. The atlas is a result of averaging of spectra recorded with the aid of the echelle spectrograph BOES fed by the 1.8 m telescope at Bohyunsan Observatory (Korea). The atlas is provided only in machine-readable form (electronic data file) and will be available in the SIMBAD database upon publication. Based on data collected with the 1.8 m telescope operated at BOAO Observatory, Korea.

    7. ATLAS@Home: Harnessing Volunteer Computing for HEP

      International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

      Adam-Bourdarios, C; Cameron, D; Filipčič, A; Lancon, E; Wu, W


      A recent common theme among HEP computing is exploitation of opportunistic resources in order to provide the maximum statistics possible for Monte Carlo simulation. Volunteer computing has been used over the last few years in many other scientific fields and by CERN itself to run simulations of the LHC beams. The ATLAS@Home project was started to allow volunteers to run simulations of collisions in the ATLAS detector. So far many thousands of members of the public have signed up to contribute their spare CPU cycles for ATLAS, and there is potential for volunteer computing to provide a significant fraction of ATLAS computing resources. Here we describe the design of the project, the lessons learned so far and the future plans. (paper)

    8. ATLAS@Home: Harnessing Volunteer Computing for HEP

      CERN Document Server

      Bourdarios, Claire; Filipcic, Andrej; Lancon, Eric; Wu, Wenjing


      A recent common theme among HEP computing is exploitation of opportunistic resources in order to provide the maximum statistics possible for Monte-Carlo simulation. Volunteer computing has been used over the last few years in many other scientific fields and by CERN itself to run simulations of the LHC beams. The ATLAS@Home project was started to allow volunteers to run simulations of collisions in the ATLAS detector. So far many thousands of members of the public have signed up to contribute their spare CPU cycles for ATLAS, and there is potential for volunteer computing to provide a significant fraction of ATLAS computing resources. Here we describe the design of the project, the lessons learned so far and the future plans.

    9. Restructuring of the electricity market. New general framework and management strategies for municipalities. Documentation of contributions to the IKU seminar; Strommarkt im Umbruch. Neue Rahmenbedingungen und Strategien fuer Kommunen. Veranstaltungsunterlagen

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Schaefer, C. (comp.)


      The titles of the seven papers presented at the IKU seminar are as follows: 1. The emerging competitive electricity markets - Perspectives for municipalities. - 2. New supply offers and terms and conditions for power procurement of municipalities. - 3. Power procurement and awarding of contracts - legal framework and recommendations for municipalities in designing the tendering procedure in the competitive market environment. - 4. Experience of a municipality in the process of establishing a local pool of buyers. - 5. Experience obtained in defining new tender conditions and specifications for power supply to a municipal undertaking. - 6. Experience of a municipality obtained in negotiations with electricity supply undertakings. - 7. Invitations to tender for energy supply to municipalities - experience of the hessenENERGIE GmbH. (orig./CB) [German] Die Titel der in diesem Dokument abgedruckten sieben Beitraege zum IKU Seminar lauten: 1. Wettbewerb auf den Strommaerkten - Perspektiven fuer Kommunen. - 2. Neue Angebote und neue Konditionen fuer den Strombezug von Kommunen. - 3. Strombezug und Vergaberecht - Rechtlicher Rahmen und Empfehlungen zur Gestaltung der Vergabe bei oeffentlichen Auftraggebern. - 4. Erfahrungen mit der Bildung eines kommunalen Nachfragepools. - 5. Erfahrungen mit der Ausschreibung von Stromlieferungen fuer einen oeffentlichen Auftraggeber. - 6. Erfahrungen einer Kommune aus Verhandlungen ueber den Strombezug mit Versorgungsunternehmen. - 7. Ausschreibung von Energielieferungen fuer Kommunen - Erfahrungen und Angebote der hessenENERGIE GmbH. (orig./CB)

    10. The ATLAS online High Level Trigger framework: Experience reusing offline software components in the ATLAS trigger

      International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

      Wiedenmann, Werner


      Event selection in the ATLAS High Level Trigger is accomplished to a large extent by reusing software components and event selection algorithms developed and tested in an offline environment. Many of these offline software modules are not specifically designed to run in a heavily multi-threaded online data flow environment. The ATLAS High Level Trigger (HLT) framework based on the GAUDI and ATLAS ATHENA frameworks, forms the interface layer, which allows the execution of the HLT selection and monitoring code within the online run control and data flow software. While such an approach provides a unified environment for trigger event selection across all of ATLAS, it also poses strict requirements on the reused software components in terms of performance, memory usage and stability. Experience of running the HLT selection software in the different environments and especially on large multi-node trigger farms has been gained in several commissioning periods using preloaded Monte Carlo events, in data taking periods with cosmic events and in a short period with proton beams from LHC. The contribution discusses the architectural aspects of the HLT framework, its performance and its software environment within the ATLAS computing, trigger and data flow projects. Emphasis is also put on the architectural implications for the software by the use of multi-core processors in the computing farms and the experiences gained with multi-threading and multi-process technologies.

    11. Physics potential of ATLAS detector with high luminosity

      International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

      Zhou, Bing


      The ATLAS detector is designed to exploit the full physics potential in the TeV energy region opened up by the Large Hadron Collider at a center of mass energy of 14 TeV with very high luminosities. The physics performance of the ATLAS detector on Higgs, extra-dimension and strong symmetry breaking scenario is summarized in this note. ATLAS experiment has great discovery potential for these new phenomena with high luminosity. Triple gauge couplings are very sensitive for probing new physics at TeV scale. We show that ATLAS can measure these couplings very precisely with high luminosity. (orig.)

    12. EnviroAtlas - Paterson, NJ - 51m Riparian Buffer Forest Cover (United States)

      This EnviroAtlas dataset describes the percentage of a 51-m riparian buffer that is forested. There is a potential for decreased water quality in areas where the riparian buffer is less forested. The displayed line represents the center of the analyzed riparian buffer. The water bodies analyzed include hydrologically connected streams, rivers, connectors, reservoirs, lakes/ponds, ice masses, washes, locks, and rapids within the Atlas Area. EnviroAtlas defines tree buffer for this community as only trees and forest. This dataset was produced by the US EPA to support research and online mapping activities related to EnviroAtlas. EnviroAtlas ( allows the user to interact with a web-based, easy-to-use, mapping application to view and analyze multiple ecosystem services for the contiguous United States. The dataset is available as downloadable data ( or as an EnviroAtlas map service. Additional descriptive information about each attribute in this dataset can be found in its associated EnviroAtlas Fact Sheet (

    13. ATLAS DDM integration in ARC

      International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

      Behrmann, G; Cameron, D; Ellert, M; Kleist, J; Taga, A


      The Nordic Data Grid Facility (NDGF) consists of Grid resources running ARC middleware in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden. These resources serve many virtual organisations and contribute a large fraction of total worldwide resources for the ATLAS experiment, whose data is distributed and managed by the DQ2 software. Managing ATLAS data within NDGF and between NDGF and other Grids used by ATLAS (the Enabling Grids for E-sciencE Grid and the Open Science Grid) presents a unique challenge for several reasons. Firstly, the entry point for data, the Tier 1 centre, is physically distributed among heterogeneous resources in several countries and yet must present a single access point for all data stored within the centre. The middleware framework used in NDGF differs significantly from other Grids, specifically in the way that all data movement and registration is performed by services outside the worker node environment. Also, the service used for cataloging the location of data files is different from other Grids but must still be useable by DQ2 and ATLAS users to locate data within NDGF. This paper presents in detail how we solve these issues to allow seamless access worldwide to data within NDGF

    14. Event visualization in ATLAS

      CERN Document Server

      AUTHOR|(INSPIRE)INSPIRE-00211497; The ATLAS collaboration; Boudreau, Joseph; Konstantinidis, Nikolaos; Martyniuk, Alex; Moyse, Edward; Thomas, Juergen; Waugh, Ben; Yallup, David


      At the beginning, HEP experiments made use of photographical images both to record and store experimental data and to illustrate their findings. Then the experiments evolved and needed to find ways to visualize their data. With the availability of computer graphics, software packages to display event data and the detector geometry started to be developed. Here, an overview of the usage of event display tools in HEP is presented. Then the case of the ATLAS experiment is considered in more detail and two widely used event display packages are presented, Atlantis and VP1, focusing on the software technologies they employ, as well as their strengths, differences and their usage in the experiment: from physics analysis to detector development, and from online monitoring to outreach and communication. Towards the end, the other ATLAS visualization tools will be briefly presented as well. Future development plans and improvements in the ATLAS event display packages will also be discussed.

    15. ATLAS TDAQ System Administration:

      CERN Document Server

      Lee, Christopher Jon; The ATLAS collaboration; Bogdanchikov, Alexander; Ballestrero, Sergio; Contescu, Alexandru Cristian; Dubrov, Sergei; Fazio, Daniel; Korol, Aleksandr; Scannicchio, Diana; Twomey, Matthew Shaun; Voronkov, Artem


      The ATLAS Trigger and Data Acquisition (TDAQ) system is responsible for the online processing of live data, streaming from the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN. The online farm is composed of ̃3000 servers, processing the data readout from ̃100 million detector channels through multiple trigger levels. During the two years of the first Long Shutdown (LS1) there has been a tremendous amount of work done by the ATLAS TDAQ System Administrators, implementing numerous new software applications, upgrading the OS and the hardware, changing some design philosophies and exploiting the High Level Trigger farm with different purposes. During the data taking only critical security updates are applied and broken hardware is replaced to ensure a stable operational environment. The LS1 provided an excellent opportunity to look into new technologies and applications that would help to improve and streamline the daily tasks of not only the System Administrators, but also of the scientists who wil...

    16. Calorimetry triggering in ATLAS

      International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

      Igonkina, O; Achenbach, R; Andrei, V; Adragna, P; Aharrouche, M; Bauss, B; Bendel, M; Alexandre, G; Anduaga, X; Aracena, I; Backlund, S; Bogaerts, A; Baines, J; Barnett, B M; Bee, C; P, Behera; Bell, P; Benslama, K; Berry, T; Bohm, C


      The ATLAS experiment is preparing for data taking at 14 TeV collision energy. A rich discovery physics program is being prepared in addition to the detailed study of Standard Model processes which will be produced in abundance. The ATLAS multi-level trigger system is designed to accept one event in 2 | 10 5 to enable the selection of rare and unusual physics events. The ATLAS calorimeter system is a precise instrument, which includes liquid Argon electro-magnetic and hadronic components as well as a scintillator-tile hadronic calorimeter. All these components are used in the various levels of the trigger system. A wide physics coverage is ensured by inclusively selecting events with candidate electrons, photons, taus, jets or those with large missing transverse energy. The commissioning of the trigger system is being performed with cosmic ray events and by replaying simulated Monte Carlo events through the trigger and data acquisition system.

    17. Calorimetry Triggering in ATLAS

      International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

      Igonkina, O.; Achenbach, R.; Adragna, P.; Aharrouche, M.; Alexandre, G.; Andrei, V.; Anduaga, X.; Aracena, I.; Backlund, S.; Baines, J.; Barnett, B.M.; Bauss, B.; Bee, C.; Behera, P.; Bell, P.; Bendel, M.; Benslama, K.; Berry, T.; Bogaerts, A.; Bohm, C.; Bold, T.; Booth, J.R.A.; Bosman, M.; Boyd, J.; Bracinik, J.; Brawn, I.P.; Brelier, B.; Brooks, W.; Brunet, S.; Bucci, F.; Casadei, D.; Casado, P.; Cerri, A.; Charlton, D.G.; Childers, J.T.; Collins, N.J.; Conde Muino, P.; Coura Torres, R.; Cranmer, K.; Curtis, C.J.; Czyczula, Z.; Dam, M.; Damazio, D.; Davis, A.O.; De Santo, A.; Degenhardt, J.


      The ATLAS experiment is preparing for data taking at 14 TeV collision energy. A rich discovery physics program is being prepared in addition to the detailed study of Standard Model processes which will be produced in abundance. The ATLAS multi-level trigger system is designed to accept one event in 2/10 5 to enable the selection of rare and unusual physics events. The ATLAS calorimeter system is a precise instrument, which includes liquid Argon electro-magnetic and hadronic components as well as a scintillator-tile hadronic calorimeter. All these components are used in the various levels of the trigger system. A wide physics coverage is ensured by inclusively selecting events with candidate electrons, photons, taus, jets or those with large missing transverse energy. The commissioning of the trigger system is being performed with cosmic ray events and by replaying simulated Monte Carlo events through the trigger and data acquisition system.

    18. Calorimetry triggering in ATLAS

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Igonkina, O [Nikhef National Institute for Subatomic Physics, Amsterdam (Netherlands); Achenbach, R; Andrei, V [Kirchhoff Institut fuer Physik, Universitaet Heidelberg, Heidelberg (Germany); Adragna, P [Physics Department, Queen Mary, University of London, London (United Kingdom); Aharrouche, M; Bauss, B; Bendel, M [Institut fr Physik, Universitt Mainz, Mainz (Germany); Alexandre, G [Section de Physique, Universite de Geneve, Geneva (Switzerland); Anduaga, X [Universidad Nacional de La Plata, La Plata (Argentina); Aracena, I [Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC), Stanford (United States); Backlund, S; Bogaerts, A [European Laboratory for Particle Physics (CERN), Geneva (Switzerland); Baines, J; Barnett, B M [STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Harwell Science and Innovation Campus, Didcot, Oxon (United Kingdom); Bee, C [Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille, IN2P3-CNRS, Marseille (France); P, Behera [Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa (United States); Bell, P [School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manchester, Manchester (United Kingdom); Benslama, K [University of Regina, Regina (Canada); Berry, T [Department of Physics, Royal Holloway and Bedford New College, Egham (United Kingdom); Bohm, C [Fysikum, Stockholm University, Stockholm (Sweden)


      The ATLAS experiment is preparing for data taking at 14 TeV collision energy. A rich discovery physics program is being prepared in addition to the detailed study of Standard Model processes which will be produced in abundance. The ATLAS multi-level trigger system is designed to accept one event in 2 | 10{sup 5} to enable the selection of rare and unusual physics events. The ATLAS calorimeter system is a precise instrument, which includes liquid Argon electro-magnetic and hadronic components as well as a scintillator-tile hadronic calorimeter. All these components are used in the various levels of the trigger system. A wide physics coverage is ensured by inclusively selecting events with candidate electrons, photons, taus, jets or those with large missing transverse energy. The commissioning of the trigger system is being performed with cosmic ray events and by replaying simulated Monte Carlo events through the trigger and data acquisition system.

    19. EnviroAtlas - Paterson, NJ - Proximity to Parks (United States)

      U.S. Environmental Protection Agency — This EnviroAtlas dataset shows the approximate walking distance from a park entrance at any given location within the EnviroAtlas community boundary. The zones are...

    20. EnviroAtlas Impervious Proximity Gradient Web Service (United States)

      U.S. Environmental Protection Agency — This EnviroAtlas web service supports research and online mapping activities related to EnviroAtlas ( In any given 1-square meter...

    1. The ATLAS beam pick-up based timing system

      International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

      Ohm, C.; Pauly, T.


      The ATLAS BPTX stations are composed of electrostatic button pick-up detectors, located 175 m away along the beam pipe on both sides of ATLAS. The pick-ups are installed as a part of the LHC beam instrumentation and used by ATLAS for timing purposes. The usage of the BPTX signals in ATLAS is twofold: they are used both in the trigger system and for LHC beam monitoring. The BPTX signals are discriminated with a constant-fraction discriminator to provide a Level-1 trigger when a bunch passes through ATLAS. Furthermore, the BPTX detectors are used by a stand-alone monitoring system for the LHC bunches and timing signals. The BPTX monitoring system measures the phase between collisions and clock with a precision better than 100 ps in order to guarantee a stable phase relationship for optimal signal sampling in the sub-detector front-end electronics. In addition to monitoring this phase, the properties of the individual bunches are measured and the structure of the beams is determined. On September 10, 2008, the first LHC beams reached the ATLAS experiment. During this period with beam, the ATLAS BPTX system was used extensively to time in the read-out of the sub-detectors. In this paper, we present the performance of the BPTX system and its measurements of the first LHC beams.

    2. Yucca Mountain Project Site Atlas: Volume 1: Draft

      International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


      The Nevada Nuclear Waste Storage Investigations (NNWSI) Project Site Atlas is a reference document of field activities which have been, or are being, conducted by the US Department of Energy (DOE) to support investigations of Yucca Mountain as a potential site for an underground repository for high-level radioactive waste. These investigations, as well as future investigations, will yield geologic, geophysical, geochemical, geomechanical, hydrologic, volcanic, seismic, and environmental data necessary to characterize Yucca Mountain and its regional setting. This chapter summarizes the background of the NNWSI Project and the objective, scope, structure, and preparation of the Site Atlas. Chapter 2 describes in more detail the bibliography and map portfolio portions of the Atlas, which are presented in Chapter 4 and Volume 2, respectively. Chapter 3 describes how to use the Atlas. The objective of the Site Atlas is to create a management tool for the DOE Waste Management Project Office (WMPO) that will allow the WMPO to compile and disseminate information regarding the location of NNWSI Project field investigations, and document the permits acquired and the environmental, archaeological, and socioeconomic surveys conducted to support those investigations. The information contained in the Atlas will serve as a historical reference of site investigation field activities. A companion document to the Atlas is the NNWSI Project Surface Based Investigations Plan (SBIP)

    3. Analysis facility infrastructure (Tier-3) for ATLAS experiment

      International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

      Gonzalez de la Hoz, S.; March, L.; Ros, E.; Sanchez, J.; Amoros, G.; Fassi, F.; Fernandez, A.; Kaci, M.; Lamas, A.; Salt, J.


      In the ATLAS computing model the tiered hierarchy ranged from the Tier-0 (CERN) down to desktops or workstations (Tier-3). The focus on defining the roles of each tiered component has evolved with the initial emphasis on the Tier-0 and Tier-1 definition and roles. The various LHC (Large Hadron Collider) projects, including ATLAS, then evolved the tiered hierarchy to include Tier-2's (Regional centers) as part of their projects. Tier-3 centres, on the other hand, have been defined as whatever an institution could construct to support their Physics goals using institutional and otherwise leveraged resources and therefore have not been considered to be part of the official ATLAS computing resources. However, Tier-3 centres are going to exist and will have implications on how the computing model should support ATLAS physicists. Tier-3 users will want to access LHC data and simulations and will want to enable their resources to support their analysis and simulation work. This document will define how IFIC (Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular de Valencia), after discussing with the ATLAS Tier-3 task force, should interact with the ATLAS computing model, detail the conditions under which Tier-3 centres can expect some level of support and set reasonable expectations for the scope and support of ATLAS Tier-3 sites. (orig.)


      Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



      Full Text Available The historical cartography in the 19th century: Karl Spruner von Merz (1803-1892 and his Historisch - geographischer Hand-Atlas: Atlas antiquus. The historical atlases publish during the 19th century have changed the level of knowledge of the people regarding the ancient geographical space. The present study focuses on the activity of Karl Spruner von Merz (1803-1892, one of the most important cartographers of the 19th, close collaborator of the famous Justus Perthes’s publishing house in Germany. In 1855, the first section of the atlas edited by Karl Spruner was published: Historisch - geographischer Hand-Atlas: Atlas antiquus, Justus Perthes Verlag, Gotha, 1855. The first section of the atlas included only four pages of texts and commentaries. The atlas was published in three editions. The third one is entitled Spruner-Menke atlas antiquus. Karoli Spruneri opus. Tertio edidit, Theodorus Menke. Gothae: Sumtibus Justi Perthes, anno MDCCCLXV. Thirty-one maps were published. Many of the maps published in this atlas represent a mix of data gathered from ancient geographical sources. By comparing the information from these maps, one can establish the level of modern knowledge regarding the geographical space of the ancient regions of the world.

    5. The ATLAS Education and Outreach Group

      CERN Multimedia

      M. Barnett

      With the unprecedented scale and duration of ATLAS and the unique possibilities to make groundbreaking discoveries in physics, ATLAS has special opportunities to communicate the importance and role of our accomplishments. We want to participate in educating the next generation of scientific and other leaders in our society by involving students of many levels in our research. The Education and Outreach Group has focused on producing informational material of various sorts - like brochures, posters, a film, animations and a public website - to assist the members of the collaboration in their contacts with students, teachers and the general public. Another aim is to facilitate the teaching of particle physics and particularly the role of the ATLAS Experiment by providing ideas and educational material. The Education and Outreach Group meets every ATLAS week, with an attendance of between 25 and 40 people. The meetings have become an interesting forum for education and outreach projects and new ideas. The comi...

    6. Luminosity Measurements with the ATLAS Detector

      CERN Document Server

      Maettig, Stefan; Pauly, T

      For almost all measurements performed at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) one crucial ingredient is the precise knowledge about the integrated luminosity. The determination and precision on the integrated luminosity has direct implications on any cross-section measurement, and its instantaneous measurement gives important feedback on the conditions at the experimental insertions and on the accelerator performance. ATLAS is one of the main experiments at the LHC. In order to provide an accurate and reliable luminosity determination, ATLAS uses a variety of different sub-detectors and algorithms that measure the luminosity simultaneously. One of these sub-detectors are the Beam Condition Monitors (BCM) that were designed to protect the ATLAS detector from potentially dangerous beam losses. Due to its fast readout and very clean signals this diamond detector is providing in addition since May 2011 the official ATLAS luminosity. This thesis describes the calibration and performance of the BCM as a luminosity detec...

    7. Production of the Finnish Wind Atlas

      DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

      Tammelin, Bengt; Vihma, Timo; Atlaskin, Evgeny


      ) the parameterization method for gust factor was extended to be applicable at higher altitudes; and (vii) the dissemination of the Wind Atlas was based on new technical solutions. The AROME results were calculated for the heights of 50, 75, 100, 125, 150, 200, 300 and 400 m, and the WAsP results for the heights of 50......, 75, 100, 125 and 150 m. In addition to the wind speed, the results included the values of the Weibull distribution parameters, the gust factor, wind power content and the potential power production, which was calculated for three turbine sizes. The Wind Atlas data are available for each grid point......The Finnish Wind Atlas was prepared applying the mesoscale model AROME with 2.5 km horizontal resolution and the diagnostic downscaling method Wind Atlas Analysis and Application Programme (WAsP) with 250 m resolution. The latter was applied for areas most favourable for wind power production: a 30...

    8. ATLAS PhD Grant Scholarship Programme

      CERN Multimedia

      Abha Eli Phoboo


      On 11 February, the first recipients of the ATLAS PhD Grant were presented with a certificate by the programme’s selection committee. The three scholars - Lailin Xu of China, Josefina Alconada of Argentina and Gagik Vardanyan of Armenia - were delighted at being able to continue their PhD programmes at CERN.   With certificates, from left: Lailin Xu, Josefina Alconada, and Gagik Vardanyan. The selection committee members, from left: IFAE Barcelona’s Martine Bosman, Fabiola Gianotti, Peter Jenni and from CERN HR James Purvis. (Image: ATLAS/Claudia Marcelloni). Former ATLAS spokespersons Peter Jenni and Fabiola Gianotti started the fund with the Fundamental Physics Prize award money they received last year. Both have used the entirety of their prizes for educational and humanitarian programmes. "We wanted to do something for students who are working on ATLAS, in particular those who otherwise could not come here and actually see the detector they are working on,&am...

    9. ATLAS rewards two pixel detector suppliers

      CERN Multimedia


      Peter Jenni, ATLAS spokesperson, presented the ATLAS supplier award to Herbert Reichl, IZM director, and to Simonetta Di Gioia, from the SELEX company.Two of ATLAS’ suppliers were awarded prizes at a ceremony on Wednesday 13 June attended by representatives of the experiment’s management and of CERN. The prizes went to the Fraunhofer Institut für Zuverlässigkeit und Mikrointegration (IZM) in Berlin and the company SELEX Sistemi Integrati in Rome for the manufacture of modules for the ATLAS pixel detector. SELEX supplied 1500 of the modules for the tracker, while IZM produced a further 1300. The modules, each made up of 46080 channels, form the active part of the ATLAS pixel detector. IZM and SELEX received the awards for the excellent quality of their work: the average number of faulty channels per module was less than 2.10-3. They also stayed within budget and on schedule. The difficulty they faced was designing modules based on electronic components and sensor...

    10. The new ATLAS Fast Calorimeter Simulation

      CERN Document Server

      Dias, Flavia; The ATLAS collaboration


      A very large number of simulated events is required for physics and performance studies with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider. Producing these with the full GEANT4 detector simulation is highly CPU intensive. As a very detailed detector simulation is not always required, fast simulation tools have been developed to reduce the calorimeter simulation time by a few orders of magnitude. The fast simulation of ATLAS for the calorimeter systems used in Run 1, called Fast Calorimeter Simulation (FastCaloSim), provides a parameterized simulation of the particle energy response at the calorimeter read-out cell level. It is then interfaced to the ATLAS digitization and reconstruction software. In Run 1, about 13 billion events were simulated in ATLAS, out of which 50% were produced using fast simulation. For Run 2, a new parameterisation is being developed to improve the original version: It incorporates developments in geometry and physics lists of the last five years and benefits from knowledge acquire...

    11. Safety aspects and safety measures for the refrigerants N{sub 3} and F-CFC and CFC; Sicherheitsaspekte/Sicherheitsmassnahmen fuer Kaeltemittel NH{sub 3} und FCKW/FKW

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Stuerchler, P. [GfG AG, Binz (Switzerland)


      Experts agree that ammonia is the best and most economical refrigerant for a number of applications, e.g. in skating rinks, the food industry, chemical plants, etc. It has good thermodynamic properties and a low ozone-depleting potential, but it is also an aggressive and toxic substance. The potential hazard to humans and plants can be reduced, however, by early detection of leaks. There are different specifications in different European countries. In Switzerland, the EKAS regulations apply. [German] In der Kaelteindustrie herrscht eine Uebereinstimmung, dass fuer eine Vielzahl von Anlagen, z.B. Eissportanlagen, Lebensmittelbetriebe, Chemieanlagen u.v.m., Ammoniak als das beste und wirtschaftlichste Kaeltemittel betrachtet wird. Die guten thermodynamischen Eigenschaften und das geringe Ozonabbaupotential haben Ammoniak zum wichtigsten Kaeltemittel in mittleren und Grossanlagen gemacht. Die aggressive und giftige Chemikalie Ammoniak birgt jedoch ein nicht zu unterschaetzendes Gefahrenpotential fuer Mensch und Anlage. Diese Gefahr kann weitestgehend eingedaemmt werden. Eine fruehe und zuverlaessige Erkennung von Leckagen minimiert deren Auswirkungen und Schaeden. Die Vorschriften hierzu sind laenderspezifisch in den Verordnungen und Richtlinien festgelegt. Fuer die Schweiz gelten die Richtlinien der EKAS. (orig.)

    12. Atlas-guided prostate intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) planning

      International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

      Sheng, Yang; Li, Taoran; Zhang, You; Lee, W Robert; Yin, Fang-Fang; Wu, Q Jackie; Ge, Yaorong


      An atlas-based IMRT planning technique for prostate cancer was developed and evaluated. A multi-dose atlas was built based on the anatomy patterns of the patients, more specifically, the percent distance to the prostate and the concaveness angle formed by the seminal vesicles relative to the anterior-posterior axis. A 70-case dataset was classified using a k-medoids clustering analysis to recognize anatomy pattern variations in the dataset. The best classification, defined by the number of classes or medoids, was determined by the largest value of the average silhouette width. Reference plans from each class formed a multi-dose atlas. The atlas-guided planning (AGP) technique started with matching the new case anatomy pattern to one of the reference cases in the atlas; then a deformable registration between the atlas and new case anatomies transferred the dose from the atlas to the new case to guide inverse planning with full automation. 20 additional clinical cases were re-planned to evaluate the AGP technique. Dosimetric properties between AGP and clinical plans were evaluated. The classification analysis determined that the 5-case atlas would best represent anatomy patterns for the patient cohort. AGP took approximately 1 min on average (corresponding to 70 iterations of optimization) for all cases. When dosimetric parameters were compared, the differences between AGP and clinical plans were less than 3.5%, albeit some statistical significances observed: homogeneity index (p  >  0.05), conformity index (p  <  0.01), bladder gEUD (p  <  0.01), and rectum gEUD (p  =  0.02). Atlas-guided treatment planning is feasible and efficient. Atlas predicted dose can effectively guide the optimizer to achieve plan quality comparable to that of clinical plans. (paper)

    13. Assessment of the potential of the Mainfranken region, northern Bavaria, for underground storage of geothermal energy; Erkundung des regionalen Potentials fuer die Untergrundspeicherung thermischer Energie in Mainfranken (UTEM)

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Barthel, R; Heinrichs, G; Udluft, P [Lehr- und Forschungsbereich Hydrogeologie und Umwelt, Inst. fuer Geologie, Univ. Wuerzburg (Germany); Ebert, H P; Fricke, J [Abt. Waermedaemmung/Waermetransport, Bayerisches Zentrum fuer Angewandte Energieforschung e.V., Wuerzburg (Germany)


      The following paper presents a research project that is planned as a cooperation of the Geological Institute, University of Wuerzburg and the Bavarian Center of Applied Energy Research. In this project the potentials for underground thermal energy storage will be investigated in the region of Mainfranken, Northern Bavaria (Main = the river `Main`, Franken = Franconia). All aspects of underground storage will be studied with respect to the specific geographical and geological situation of the area. The study will provide a detailed map of possible storage sites, from which several case studies and at least one demonstration projects will result. (orig.) [Deutsch] Im vorliegenden Beitrag wird ein Forschungsprojekt vorgestellt, das gemeinsam vom Institut fuer Geologie der Universitaet Wuerzburg und dem Zentrum fuer Angewandte Energieforschung in Bayern geplant wird. Ziel des Projekts ist die Erkundung des Potentials fuer die Untergrundspeicherung thermischer Energie in Mainfranken (Nordbayern). Alle Aspekte der Untergrundspeicherung werden regionalspezifisch betrachtet. Neben der Erstellung differenzierter Karten geeigneter Standorte sind Fallstudien und Demonstrationsprojekte in Planung. (orig.)

    14. 3. Workshop on measuring instruments for steady and transient multiphase flow; 3. Workshop: Messtechnik fuer stationaere und transiente Mehrphasenstroemungen

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Prasser, H.M. [ed.


      The emphasis of the conference was on methods of measurement that show spatial distributions of phase fractions and velocity, particle sizes and bubbles of the disperse phase. Among the methods described were 3D X-ray tomography, grid sensor measurement of velocity profiles, and simultaneous measurement of bubble sizes and gas and liquid flow rates using an optical particle tracking method. Also presented were interesting developments in the field of local probes, e.g. an electrodiffusion probe. Another new development was the attempt to use optical tomography for investigations of two-phase flows. [German] Am 14. Oktober 1999 wurde in Rossendorf die dritte Veranstaltung in einer Serie von Workshops ueber Messtechnik fuer stationaere und transiente Mehrphasenstroemungen durchgefuehrt. Dieses Jahr koennen wir auf 11 interessante Vortraege zurueckblicken. Besonders hervorzuheben sind die beiden Hauptvortraege, die von Herrn Professor Hetsroni aus Haifa und Herrn Dr. Sengpiel aus Karlsruhe gehalten wurden. Ihnen und allen anderen Vortragenden moechten wir herzlich fuer ihren Beitrag zum Gelingen des Workshops danken. Erneut lag ein wichtiger Schwerpunkt auf Messverfahren, die raeumliche Verteilungen von Phasenanteilen und Geschwindigkeiten sowie die Groesse von Partikeln bzw. Blasen der dispersen Phase zugaenglich machen. So wurde ueber einen dreidimensional arbeitenden Roentgentomographen, ein Verfahren zur Messung von Geschwindigkeitsprofilen mit Gittersensoren und eine Methode zur simultanen Messung von Blasengroessen sowie Feldern von Gas- und Fluessigkeitsgeschwindigkeit mit einer optischen Partikelverfolgungstechnik vorgetragen. Daneben wurden interessante Entwicklungen auf dem Gebiet der lokalen Sonden vorgestellt, wie z.B. eine Elektrodiffusionssonde. Neue messtechnische Ansaetze waren ebenfalls vertreten; hervorzuheben ist der Versuch, die Methode der optischen Tomographie fuer die Untersuchung von Zweiphasenstroemungen nutzbar zu machen. (orig.)

    15. Skywards - climate design for the Moscow Federation Tower; Dem Himmel entgegen - Klimadesign fuer den Federation Tower Moskau

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Reiser, Claudius [Ebert-Ingenieure GmbH and Co. KG, Competence Center Nachhaltiges Bauen, Nuernberg (Germany)


      Advanced simulation tools were used in developing the climate design for the roof covering the taller of the two blocks at Moscow's Federation Tower. The all-glass roof space at a height of 365 m is designed to accommodate the finest and most exclusive hotel areas. Several restaurants, bars and lounges and a Sky Dance Club will offer entertainment and fabulous views across the whole city. Simulations were used to develop and verify a design that ensures thermal comfort taking into account architectural, climate and utilisation requirements. The structure and the building services were simulated based on a 3D model, and simulations were carried out for summer and winter scenarios. This paper describes the design process including load calculations and the development and assessment of the climate design by means of simulation. (Abstract Copyright [2008], Wiley Periodicals, Inc.) [German] In der Entwicklung des Klimakonzeptes der Turmkappe Ost des Federation Towers in Moskau wurden modernste Simulationswerkzeuge eingesetzt. Die vollstaendig glaeserne Turmkappe in 365 m Hoehe soll Raum fuer einen der schoensten und exklusivsten Bereiche des Hotels geben. Diverse Restaurants, Bars und Lounges sowie ein Sky Dance Club sollen einmal zum Verweilen und zur naechtlichen Vergnuegung einladen und dabei stets einen traumhaften Blick ueber die gesamte Stadt ermoeglichen. Mit Hilfe der Simulation wurde fuer die Turmkappe ein Klimakonzept entwickelt und ueberprueft, das die thermische Behaglichkeit unter Beruecksichtigung von Architektur, Klima und Nutzung gewaehrleistet. Dazu wurde die Architektur inklusive der Klimatechnik in einem 3D-Modell abgebildet und fuer den Sommer- und Winterfall berechnet. Der vorliegende Beitrag vollzieht den Planungsablauf von der Lastberechnung bis hin zur Erstellung und Bewertung des Klimakonzeptes in der Simulation. (Abstract Copyright [2008], Wiley Periodicals, Inc.)

    16. Mesure des champs de radiation dans le detecteur ATLAS et sa caverne avec les detecteurs au silicium a pixels ATLAS-MPX (United States)

      Bouchami, Jihene

      The LHC proton-proton collisions create a hard radiation environment in the ATLAS detector. In order to quantify the effects of this environment on the detector performance and human safety, several Monte Carlo simulations have been performed. However, direct measurement is indispensable to monitor radiation levels in ATLAS and also to verify the simulation predictions. For this purpose, sixteen ATLAS-MPX devices have been installed at various positions in the ATLAS experimental and technical areas. They are composed of a pixelated silicon detector called MPX whose active surface is partially covered with converter layers for the detection of thermal, slow and fast neutrons. The ATLAS-MPX devices perform real-time measurement of radiation fields by recording the detected particle tracks as raster images. The analysis of the acquired images allows the identification of the detected particle types by the shapes of their tracks. For this aim, a pattern recognition software called MAFalda has been conceived. Since the tracks of strongly ionizing particles are influenced by charge sharing between adjacent pixels, a semi-empirical model describing this effect has been developed. Using this model, the energy of strongly ionizing particles can be estimated from the size of their tracks. The converter layers covering each ATLAS-MPX device form six different regions. The efficiency of each region to detect thermal, slow and fast neutrons has been determined by calibration measurements with known sources. The study of the ATLAS-MPX devices response to the radiation produced by proton-proton collisions at a center of mass energy of 7 TeV has demonstrated that the number of recorded tracks is proportional to the LHC luminosity. This result allows the ATLAS-MPX devices to be employed as luminosity monitors. To perform an absolute luminosity measurement and calibration with these devices, the van der Meer method based on the LHC beam parameters has been proposed. Since the ATLAS

    17. Damage Atlas for Photographic materials

      Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

      Kristel Van Camp


      Full Text Available La conservation des documents photographiques peut nécessiter des interventions préventives ou curatives. Ce choix est guidé par leur état de conservation. Une meilleure connaissance des détériorations est donc cruciale. Le répertoire présenté ici essaie de les classifier selon des caractéristiques spécifiques et leur niveau de gravité. Les différents types de dégradation sont illustrés et décrits avec une terminologie précise. L’auteur propose en regard de ceux-ci l’intervention qui semble la plus appropriée. Ce répertoire s’adresse à toutes les personnes concernées par la photographie, qu’ils soient dans le milieu de la conservation ou dans le domaine artistique, dans les musées ou dans les archives. In order to rescue a damaged photographic object, preventive or conservative actions are needed. Knowing the specific characteristics of different types of damage is crucial. A damage atlas can provide these characteristics. With this atlas the damage can be recognised and appropriate actions can be taken. This damage atlas offers a first attempt to such a characterisation in the field of photography. The damage atlas contains images and the necessary information about damage on photographic material. The atlas with special annotations about the terminology and the grade of the damage is meant for everybody who works with photographic material, as well in museums as in archives.

    18. MRI-based treatment planning with pseudo CT generated through atlas registration. (United States)

      Uh, Jinsoo; Merchant, Thomas E; Li, Yimei; Li, Xingyu; Hua, Chiaho


      To evaluate the feasibility and accuracy of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)-based treatment planning using pseudo CTs generated through atlas registration. A pseudo CT, providing electron density information for dose calculation, was generated by deforming atlas CT images previously acquired on other patients. The authors tested 4 schemes of synthesizing a pseudo CT from single or multiple deformed atlas images: use of a single arbitrarily selected atlas, arithmetic mean process using 6 atlases, and pattern recognition with Gaussian process (PRGP) using 6 or 12 atlases. The required deformation for atlas CT images was derived from a nonlinear registration of conjugated atlas MR images to that of the patient of interest. The contrasts of atlas MR images were adjusted by histogram matching to reduce the effect of different sets of acquisition parameters. For comparison, the authors also tested a simple scheme assigning the Hounsfield unit of water to the entire patient volume. All pseudo CT generating schemes were applied to 14 patients with common pediatric brain tumors. The image similarity of real patient-specific CT and pseudo CTs constructed by different schemes was compared. Differences in computation times were also calculated. The real CT in the treatment planning system was replaced with the pseudo CT, and the dose distribution was recalculated to determine the difference. The atlas approach generally performed better than assigning a bulk CT number to the entire patient volume. Comparing atlas-based schemes, those using multiple atlases outperformed the single atlas scheme. For multiple atlas schemes, the pseudo CTs were similar to the real CTs (correlation coefficient, 0.787-0.819). The calculated dose distribution was in close agreement with the original dose. Nearly the entire patient volume (98.3%-98.7%) satisfied the criteria of chi-evaluation (pediatric brain tumor patients. The doses calculated from pseudo CTs agreed well with those from real CTs

    19. Searches for Supersymmetry in ATLAS

      CERN Document Server

      Cervelli, Alberto; The ATLAS collaboration


      After the discovery of the Higgs boson in ATLAS first run of data taking, and due to the lack of observation of new physics, searches for new particles such as Supersymmetric states are one of the main area of interest for the general purpose detectors operating at LHC. In this talk we will present a review of the searches for Supersymmetric particles, performed by the ATLAS experiment

    20. Evaluation and development of soil values for the pathway 'soil to plant'. Transfer factors soil to plant; Ueberpruefung und Fortentwicklung der Bodenwerte fuer den Boden-Pflanze-Pfad. Teilbericht 1: Transferfaktoren Boden-Pflanze

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Trapp, S.; Matthies, M.; Reiter, B.; Gaeth, S.


      Within the research project 'Ueberpruefung und Fortentwicklung der Bodenwerte fuer den Boden-Pflanzen-Pfad', transfer factors soil to plant were calculated for compounds of the substance classes PCB and PAH. Literature studies, experiments undertaken by the LUA/Essen at the lysimeter research station Waldfeucht, and model simulations were used. The transfer differs for the plant species. For kale and wheat straw, the dominant uptake is from air. For lettuce and spinach, a significant uptake from soil was found. The main transport seems to occur via soil resuspension and volatilization, followed by sorption to leaf surfaces. These processes act mainly on low growing harvest products. Uptake from the soil solution and translocation within the plant do not seem to play a role except for phenanthren. The carrots and potatoes investigated showed only a contamination of the peel. The transfer factors of the PCB were throughout higher than that of the PAH. We assume that photolytic processes of PAH on plant surfaces are responsible. Furthermore, there are hints in literature that the metabolism of PAH in plants is faster than that of the PCB. (orig.) [German] Im Rahmen des Forschungsvorhabens 'Ueberpruefung und Fortentwicklung der Bodenwerte fuer den Boden-Pflanze-Pfad' wurden fuer organische Schadstoffe aus den Stoffklassen PCB und PAK Transferfaktoren Boden-Pflanze errechnet. Hierzu wurden Literaturstudien, Experimente der LUA von der Lysimeteranlage Waldfeucht sowie Modellsimulationen eingesetzt. Der Transfer ist fuer die untersuchten Pflanzen nicht einheitlich. Fuer Gruenkohl und Weizenstroh wurde eine Dominanz des Eintrags aus der Luft festgestellt. Demgegenueber zeigte sich fuer Salatpflanzen und Spinat deutliche Aufnahme aus dem Boden. Als Haupttransportweg werden Resuspension von Bodenpartikeln und Ausgasung aus dem Boden mit nachfolgender Sorption an Blattflaechen vermutet. Diese Prozesse wirken vorwiegend auf niedrig wirkende Ernteprodukte

    1. Development of a numerical wind atlas for South Africa

      DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

      Lennard, Christopher; Hahmann, Andrea N.; Badger, Jake


      Two verified wind atlases have been developed for South Africa. The first adopted a statistical-dynamical approach and the second a novel, fully dynamical approach. We verify the atlases against an observational wind atlas generated from three years of data from 10 measurement masts...

    2. Preparation of Northern Mid-Continent Petroleum Atlas

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Lee C. Gerhard; Timothy R. Carr; W. Lynn Watney


      As proposed, the third year program will continue and expand upon the Kansas elements of the original program, and provide improved on-line access to the prototype atlas. The third year of the program will result in a digital atlas sufficient to provide a permanent improvement in data access to Kansas operators. The ultimate goal of providing an interactive history-matching interface with a regional database will be demonstrated as the program covers more geographic territory and the database expands. The atlas will expand to include significant reservoirs representing the major plays in Kansas, and North Dakota. Primary products of the third year prototype atlas will be on-line accessible digital databases and technical publications covering two additional petroleum plays in Kansas and one in North Dakota. Regional databases will be supplemented with geological field studies of selected fields in each play. Digital imagery, digital mapping, relational data queries, and geographical information systems will be integral to the field studies and regional data sets. Data sets will have relational links to provide opportunity for history-matching, feasibility, and risk analysis tests on contemplated exploration and development projects. The flexible "web-like" design of the atlas provides ready access to data, and technology at a variety of scales from regional, to field, to lease, and finally to the individual well bore. The digital structure of the atlas permits the operator to access comprehensive reservoir data and customize the interpretative products (e.g., maps and cross-sections) to their needs. The atlas will be accessible in digital form on-line using a World-Wide-Web browser as the graphical user interface. Regional data sets and field studies will be freestanding entities that will be made available on-line through the Internet to users as they are completed. Technology transfer activities will be ongoing from the earliest part of this project, providing

    3. Processes and materials for photovoltaic applications. Workshop; Verfahren und Materialien fuer die Photovoltaik. Workshop

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



      Solar energy will surely continue to be the most important renewable energy source. Since 1985, solar cell production has doubled every five years while the per unit price decreased continuously. This trend is expected to continue. Germany made important contributions both in the construction of new solar cell production plants and in the development of new PV materials and material combinations, as well as in technology and PV plant construction. The states of Thuringia and Saxony were significant contributors. In Thuringia, two solar cell production plants were constructed, while Saxon vacuum coating technology was used in nearly all new German production plants. This workshop presented the activities in Thuringia in Saxony. Contacts were to be established between partners from industry and research, joint projects were to be initiated, and society and politicians were to be informed on the success and new chances achieved. The workshop was held on the occasion of the termination of construction and the starting of experimental production of the ANTEC Solar GmbH factory at Rudisleben. [German] Im Mix der erneuerbaren Energien spielt die Solarenergie kuenftig wohl die wichtigste Rolle. Seit 1985 verdoppelt sich die Solarzellenproduktion in jeweils fuenf Jahren, gleichzeitig sank der Preis pro Leistungseinheit kontinuierlich. Dieser Trend wird weiter anhalten. Deutschland leistete in den letzten Jahren wichtige Beitraege zu dieser Entwicklung, sowohl beim Aufbau neuer Fertigungskapazitaeten fuer Solarzellen, als auch bei der Entwicklung neuer Photovoltaik-Materialien bzw. -Materialkombinationen und auf den Gebieten der Technologie und des Anlagenbaus. Der Anteil Thueringens und Sachsens an dieser positiven Entwicklung ist groesser als generell vermutet. In Thueringen entstanden zwei Unternehmen fuer die Solarzellenproduktion, der saechsische Vakuumbeschichtungs-Anlagenbau war am Aufbau fast aller neuen deutschen Fertigungsstaetten beteiligt. Auf dem Workshop werden

    4. EnviroAtlas 15m Riparian Buffer Forest Cover Web Service (United States)

      U.S. Environmental Protection Agency — This EnviroAtlas web service supports research and online mapping activities related to EnviroAtlas ( This EnviroAtlas dataset...

    5. EnviroAtlas 51m Riparian Buffer Vegetated Cover Web Service (United States)

      U.S. Environmental Protection Agency — This EnviroAtlas web service supports research and online mapping activities related to EnviroAtlas ( This EnviroAtlas dataset...

    6. EnviroAtlas - Potential Wetland Areas - Contiguous United States Web Service (United States)

      U.S. Environmental Protection Agency — This EnviroAtlas web service supports research and online mapping activities related to EnviroAtlas ( The EnviroAtlas Potential...

    7. Instrumentation and measurement method for the ATLAS test facility

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Yun, Byong Jo; Chu, In Chul; Eu, Dong Jin; Kang, Kyong Ho; Kim, Yeon Sik; Song, Chul Hwa; Baek, Won Pil


      An integral effect test loop for pressurized water reactors (PWRs), the ATLAS is constructed by thermal-hydraulic safety research division in KAERI. The ATLAS facility has been designed to have the length scale of 1/2 and area scale of 1/144 compared with the reference plant, APR1400 which is a Korean evolution type nuclear reactors. A total 1300 instrumentations is equipped in the ATLAS test facility. In this report, the instrumentation of ATLAS test facility and related measurement methods were introduced.

    8. ATLAS job monitoring in the Dashboard Framework

      CERN Document Server

      Sargsyan, L; The ATLAS collaboration; Campana, S; Karavakis, E; Kokoszkiewicz, L; Saiz, P; Schovancova, J; Tuckett, D


      Monitoring of the large-scale data processing of the ATLAS experiment includes monitoring of production and user analysis jobs. The Experiment Dashboard provides a common job monitoring solution, which is shared by ATLAS and CMS experiments. This includes an accounting portal as well as real-time monitoring. Dashboard job monitoring for ATLAS combines information from PanDA job processing database, Production system database and monitoring information from jobs submitted through GANGA to Workload Management System (WMS) or local batch systems. Usage of Dashboard-based job monitoring applications will decrease load on the PanDA database and overcome scale limitations in PanDA monitoring caused by the short job rotation cycle in the PanDA database. Aggregation of the task/job metrics from different sources provides complete view of job processing activity in ATLAS scope.

    9. Lifetime measurement of trapped staus using ATLAS

      CERN Document Server

      Sibley, Logan

      I study the creation of long-lived staus at a 14 TeV centre of mass energy in proton-proton collisions at the LHC using both the ATLAS and ACME detectors. The ATLAS overburden or underburden, or even ATLAS itself, may trap the semi-stable staus at that place where they will remain until the time at which they decay, where the stau lifetime ranges between seven days and one year. Using a novel method, one may count the number of muons and pions originating from the stau decay using the standard ATLAS cosmic ray trigger. Using an idealized detector model, I find that this method can lead to measurements of the stau lifetime and SUSY cross-section to within statistical uncertainties of 6% and 1% of their actual values, respectively.

    10. ATLAS job monitoring in the Dashboard Framework

      International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

      Andreeva, J; Campana, S; Karavakis, E; Kokoszkiewicz, L; Saiz, P; Tuckett, D; Sargsyan, L; Schovancova, J


      Monitoring of the large-scale data processing of the ATLAS experiment includes monitoring of production and user analysis jobs. The Experiment Dashboard provides a common job monitoring solution, which is shared by ATLAS and CMS experiments. This includes an accounting portal as well as real-time monitoring. Dashboard job monitoring for ATLAS combines information from the PanDA job processing database, Production system database and monitoring information from jobs submitted through GANGA to Workload Management System (WMS) or local batch systems. Usage of Dashboard-based job monitoring applications will decrease load on the PanDA database and overcome scale limitations in PanDA monitoring caused by the short job rotation cycle in the PanDA database. Aggregation of the task/job metrics from different sources provides complete view of job processing activity in ATLAS scope.

    11. ATLAS TDAQ application gateway upgrade during LS1

      CERN Document Server



      The ATLAS Gateway service is implemented with a set of dedicated computer nodes to provide a fine-grained access control between CERN General Public Network (GPN) and ATLAS Technical Control Network (ATCN). ATCN connects the ATLAS online farm used for ATLAS Operations and data taking, including the ATLAS TDAQ (Trigger and Data Aquisition) and DCS (Detector Control System) nodes. In particular, it provides restricted access to the web services (proxy), general login sessions (via SSH and RDP protocols), NAT and mail relay from ATCN. At the Operating System level the implementation is based on virtualization technologies. Here we report on the Gateway upgrade during Long Shutdown 1 (LS1) period: it includes the transition to the last production release of the CERN Linux distribution (SLC6), the migration to the centralized configuration management system (based on Puppet) and the redesign of the internal system architecture.

    12. 4th July 2011 - Russian Deputy Director-General Director of Directorate for Scientific and Technical Complex ROSATOM V. Pershukov in the ATLAS underground experimental area with Adviser T. Kurtyka, ATLAS Technical Coordinator M. Nessi and ATLAS Russian users.

      CERN Multimedia

      Maximilien Brice


      4th July 2011 - Russian Deputy Director-General Director of Directorate for Scientific and Technical Complex ROSATOM V. Pershukov in the ATLAS underground experimental area with Adviser T. Kurtyka, ATLAS Technical Coordinator M. Nessi and ATLAS Russian users.

    13. Design and use of numerical anatomical atlases for radiotherapy; Creation et utilisation d'atlas anatomiques numeriques pour la radiotherapie

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Commowick, O


      The main objective of this thesis is to provide radio-oncology specialists with automatic tools for delineating organs at risk of a patient undergoing a radiotherapy treatment of cerebral or head and neck tumors. To achieve this goal, we use an anatomical atlas, i.e. a representative anatomy associated to a clinical image representing it. The registration of this atlas allows us to segment automatically the patient structures and to accelerate this process. Contributions in this method are presented on three axes. First, we want to obtain a registration method which is as independent as possible from the setting of its parameters. This setting, done by the clinician, indeed needs to be minimal while guaranteeing a robust result. We therefore propose registration methods allowing a better control of the obtained transformation, using rejection techniques of inadequate matching or locally affine transformations. The second axis is dedicated to the consideration of structures associated with the presence of the tumor. These structures, not present in the atlas, indeed lead to local errors in the atlas-based segmentation. We therefore propose methods to delineate these structures and take them into account in the registration. Finally, we present the construction of an anatomical atlas of the head and neck region and its evaluation on a database of patients. We show in this part the feasibility of the use of an atlas for this region, as well as a simple method to evaluate the registration methods used to build an atlas. All this research work has been implemented in a commercial software (Imago from DOSIsoft), allowing us to validate our results in clinical conditions. (author)

    14. ATLAS note ATL-COM-PHYS-2009

      International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

      Chekanov, S.; Boomsma, J.


      The program InvMass has been developed to perform a general model-independent search for new particles using the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), a proton-proton collider at CERN. The search is performed by examining statistically significant variations from the Standard Model predictions in exclusive event classes classified according to the number of identified objects. The program, called InvMass, finds all relevant particle groups identified with the ATLAS detector and analyzes their production rates, invariant masses and the total transverse momenta. The generic code of InvMass can easily be adapted for any particle types identified with the ATLAS detector. Several benchmark tests are presented.

    15. The new ATLAS Fast Calorimeter Simulation

      CERN Document Server

      AUTHOR|(INSPIRE)INSPIRE-00223142; The ATLAS collaboration


      Current and future need for large scale simulated samples motivate the development of reliable fast simulation techniques. The new Fast Calorimeter Simulation is an improved parameterized response of single particles in the ATLAS calorimeter that aims to accurately emulate the key features of the detailed calorimeter response as simulated with Geant4, yet approximately ten times faster. Principal component analysis and machine learning techniques are used to improve the performance and decrease the memory need compared to the current version of the ATLAS Fast Calorimeter Simulation. A prototype of this new Fast Calorimeter Simulation is in development and its integration into the ATLAS simulation infrastructure is ongoing.

    16. The new ATLAS Fast Calorimeter Simulation (United States)

      Schaarschmidt, J.; ATLAS Collaboration


      Current and future need for large scale simulated samples motivate the development of reliable fast simulation techniques. The new Fast Calorimeter Simulation is an improved parameterized response of single particles in the ATLAS calorimeter that aims to accurately emulate the key features of the detailed calorimeter response as simulated with Geant4, yet approximately ten times faster. Principal component analysis and machine learning techniques are used to improve the performance and decrease the memory need compared to the current version of the ATLAS Fast Calorimeter Simulation. A prototype of this new Fast Calorimeter Simulation is in development and its integration into the ATLAS simulation infrastructure is ongoing.

    17. ATLAS rewards two Japanese suppliers of major detector components.

      CERN Multimedia

      Patrice Loïez


      The ATLAS supplier award in recognition of excellence has just been attributed to Kawasaki Heavy Industries, who produced the liquid-argon barrel cryostat. Kawasaki received its award in Hall 189 on the Meyrin site, where the cryostat is currently located. Toshiba Corporation's award for the superconducting central solenoid was presented two months ago at the Toshiba headquarters in Japan. Photo 01: P. Pailler, project leader for the ATLAS liquid-argon cryostats, addressing the Kawasaki delegation. Photo 04: H. Oberlack, project leader for the ATLAS liquid-argon system, addressing the Kawasaki delegation. Photo 11: P. Jenni (left), ATLAS Collaboration spokesperson, presenting the ATLAS supplier award for the barrel cryostat for the liquid-argon calorimeter to Mr. S. Nose, General Manager of Kawasaki Heavy Industries Ltd. Photo 18: J. Sondericker (left), liquid-argon barrel cryostat project engineer (BNL), presenting Mr. Nose (Kawasaki) an award from Brookhaven for the barrel cryostat for the ATLAS liquid-argo...

    18. Brain atlas for functional imaging. Clinical and research applications

      International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

      Nowinski, W.L.; Thirunavuukarasuu, A.; Kennedy, D.N


      This CD-ROM: Allows anatomical and functional images to be loaded and registered. Enables interactive placement of the Talairach landmarks in 3D Space. Provides automatic data-to-atlas warping based on the Talairaich proportional gridsystem transformation. Real-time interactive warping for fine tuning is also available. Allows the user to place marks on the activation loci in the warped functional images, display these marks with the atlas, and edit them in three planes. Mark placement is assisted by image thresholding. Provides simultaneous display of the atlas, anatomical image and functional image within one interactively blended image. Atlas-data blending and anatomical-functional image blending are controlled independently. Labels the data by means of the atlas. The atlas can be flipped left/right so that Brodmann's areas and gyri can be labeled on both hemispheres. Provides additional functions such as friendly navigation, cross-referenced display, readout of the Talairach coordinates and intensities, load coordinates, save, on-line help. (orig.)

    19. Brain atlas for functional imaging. Clinical and research applications

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Nowinski, W.L.; Thirunavuukarasuu, A.; Kennedy, D.N


      This CD-ROM: Allows anatomical and functional images to be loaded and registered. Enables interactive placement of the Talairach landmarks in 3D Space. Provides automatic data-to-atlas warping based on the Talairaich proportional gridsystem transformation. Real-time interactive warping for fine tuning is also available. Allows the user to place marks on the activation loci in the warped functional images, display these marks with the atlas, and edit them in three planes. Mark placement is assisted by image thresholding. Provides simultaneous display of the atlas, anatomical image and functional image within one interactively blended image. Atlas-data blending and anatomical-functional image blending are controlled independently. Labels the data by means of the atlas. The atlas can be flipped left/right so that Brodmann's areas and gyri can be labeled on both hemispheres. Provides additional functions such as friendly navigation, cross-referenced display, readout of the Talairach coordinates and intensities, load coordinates, save, on-line help. (orig.)

    20. ATLAS data sonification : a new interface for musical expression

      CERN Document Server

      Hill, Ewan; The ATLAS collaboration


      The goal of this project is to transform ATLAS data into sound and explore how ATLAS audio can be a source of inspiration and education for musicians and for the general public. Real-time ATLAS data is sonified and streamed as music on a dedicated website. Listeners may be motivated to learn more about the ATLAS experiment and composers have the opportunity to explore the physics in the collision data through a new medium. The ATLAS collaboration has shared its expertise and access to the live data stream from which the live event displays are generated. This poster tells the story of a long journey from the hallways of CERN where the project collaboration began to the halls of the Montreux Jazz Festival where harmonies were performed. The mapping of the data to sound will be outlined and interactions with musicians and contributions to conferences dedicated to human-computer interaction will also be discussed. It is a partnership between the ATLAS collaboration and the MIT multimedia lab.

    1. EnviroAtlas - Austin, TX - Ecosystem Services by Block Group (United States)

      This EnviroAtlas dataset presents environmental benefits of the urban forest in 750 block groups in Austin, Texas. Carbon attributes, temperature reduction, pollution removal and value, and runoff effects are calculated for each block group using i-Tree models (, local weather data, pollution data, EPA provided city boundary and land cover data, and U.S. Census derived block group boundary data. This dataset was produced by the US Forest Service to support research and online mapping activities related to EnviroAtlas. EnviroAtlas ( allows the user to interact with a web-based, easy-to-use, mapping application to view and analyze multiple ecosystem services for the contiguous United States. The dataset is available as downloadable data ( or as an EnviroAtlas map service. Additional descriptive information about each attribute in this dataset can be found in its associated EnviroAtlas Fact Sheet (

    2. EnviroAtlas - Paterson, NJ - 51m Riparian Buffer Vegetated Cover (United States)

      This EnviroAtlas dataset describes the percentage of a 51-m riparian buffer that is vegetated. There is a potential for decreased water quality in areas where the riparian buffer is less vegetated. The displayed line represents the center of the analyzed riparian buffer. The water bodies analyzed include hydrologically connected streams, rivers, connectors, reservoirs, lakes/ponds, ice masses, washes, locks, and rapids within the Atlas Area. EnviroAtlas defines vegetated buffer for this community as trees and forest and grass and herbaceous. This dataset was produced by the US EPA to support research and online mapping activities related to EnviroAtlas. EnviroAtlas ( allows the user to interact with a web-based, easy-to-use, mapping application to view and analyze multiple ecosystem services for the contiguous United States. The dataset is available as downloadable data ( or as an EnviroAtlas map service. Additional descriptive information about each attribute in this dataset can be found in its associated EnviroAtlas Fact Sheet (

    3. ATLAS Detector Upgrade Prospects

      International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

      Dobre, M


      After the successful operation at the centre-of-mass energies of 7 and 8 TeV in 2010-2012, the LHC was ramped up and successfully took data at the centre-of-mass energies of 13 TeV in 2015 and 2016. Meanwhile, plans are actively advancing for a series of upgrades of the accelerator, culminating roughly ten years from now in the high-luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) project, which will deliver of the order of five times the LHC nominal instantaneous luminosity along with luminosity levelling. The ultimate goal is to extend the dataset from about few hundred fb −1 expected for LHC running by the end of 2018 to 3000 fb −1 by around 2035 for ATLAS and CMS. The challenge of coping with the HL-LHC instantaneous and integrated luminosity, along with the associated radiation levels, requires further major changes to the ATLAS detector. The designs are developing rapidly for a new all-silicon tracker, significant upgrades of the calorimeter and muon systems, as well as improved triggers and data acquisition. ATLAS is also examining potential benefits of extensions to larger pseudorapidity, particularly in tracking and muon systems. This report summarizes various improvements to the ATLAS detector required to cope with the anticipated evolution of the LHC luminosity during this decade and the next. A brief overview is also given on physics prospects with a pp centre-of-mass energy of 14 TeV. (paper)

    4. EnviroAtlas - New York, NY - Block Groups (United States)

      U.S. Environmental Protection Agency — This EnviroAtlas dataset is the base layer for the New York, NY EnviroAtlas community. The block groups are from the US Census Bureau and are included/excluded based...

    5. Telematics for hazardous goods transportation; Anwendungen fuer den Transport von kritischen Guetern

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Stingl, D [Danzas Logistics GmbH, Hamburg (Germany)


      In the course of the integration of the customer Langnese Iglo in autumn 1997 and in view of the already existing general conditions for the implementation of the equlations of the directive on food hygiene (HACCP-concept) as well as the permanently in reasing demand for quality of logistics DANZAS Logistics GmbH, cooperating closely with in deep-frozen goods customer Langnese-Iglo decided to develop a new system of quality assurance for the transportation of deep-frozen goods and apply this system to all its activities. First ideas about standard demands, technical solutions and multi-functional design showed that the project had to be handled in such a flexible way that temperature controlling (for the transportation of deep-frozen goods, temperature-controlled DANZAS-warehouses and all future temperature-controlled transportation) and the monitoring of security-relevant transportation can be integrated in one and the same project. (orig.) [German] Im Zuge der Integration des Kunden Langnese Iglo im Herbst 1997 und unter Beruecksichtigung der bereits vorliegenden Rahmenbedingungen zur Umsetzung der Bestimmungen der Lebensmittelhygieneverordnung (HACCP-Konzept) sowie des staendig wachsenden Qualitaetsanspruches an logistische Dienstleistungen, hat sich die DANZAS Logistics GmbH in enger Zusammenarbeit mit dem TK-Kunden Langnese Iglo entschlossen, ein innovatives System zur Qualitaetssicherung im Tiefkuehltransport zu erarbeiten und flaechendeckend einzusetzen. Die ersten Gedanken bezueglich Standardanforderungen, technischer Loesungsansaetze und multifunktionaler Ausrichtung zeigten, dass dieses Projekt so variabel zu gestalten ist, dass sowohl Temperaturcontrolling (fuer TK-Transporte, fuer die temperaturgefuehrten DANZAS-Laeger und zukuenftig alle temperaturgefuehrten Transporte) als auch die Ueberwachung sicherheitsrelevanter Transporte zu integrieren sind. (orig.)

    6. Complex terrain experiments in the New European Wind Atlas

      DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

      Mann, Jakob; Angelou, Nikolas; Arnqvist, Johan


      The New European Wind Atlas project will create a freely accessible wind atlas covering Europe and Turkey, develop the model chain to create the atlas and perform a series of experiments on flow in many different kinds of complex terrain to validate the models. This paper describes the experiment...

    7. The Institute for Mining Science I at the Rhineland-Westphalia Technological University in Aachen; Das Institut fuer Bergbaukunde I der RWTH Aachen

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Martens, P.N.; Moellerherm, S.; Rattmann, L. [Technische Hochschule Aachen (Germany). Lehrstuhl und Inst. fuer Bergbaukunde 1


      The Institute for Mining Science I has been associated with the extraction of raw materials for over one hundred years. The main areas of work of the Institute have always been adapted to current requirements according to general developments in the raw materials sector and in this environment. The work in research and teaching has recently been extended by new fields. Today mining and sustained handling of resources, geotechnics, raw material management and underground disposal of waste are examples of parts of a comprehensive range of competences. The close interlinking of theory and practice allows students to broaden their knowledge in interdisciplinary and international projects. The graduates are thus prepared in an excellent manner for their future tasks. (orig.) [German] Seit ueber hundert Jahren steht das Institut fuer Bergbaukunde I fuer Gewinnung von Rohstoffen. Schwerpunkte der Arbeiten des Instituts wurden, allgemeinen Entwicklungen in der Rohstoffbranche und in deren Umfeld entsprechend, stets den aktuellen Erfordernissen angepasst. Die Arbeit in Forschung und Lehre ist in den letzten Jahren um neue Bereiche erweitert worden. Heute sind Bergbau und nachhaltiger Umfang mit Ressourcen, Geotechnik, Rohstoffwirtschaft sowie untertaegige Abfallentsorgung als Beispiele fuer Teile eines umfassenden Kompetenzspektrums zu nennen. Die enge Verzahnung von Theorie und Praxis ermoeglicht Studierenden, ihre Kenntnisse fruehzeitig in interdisziplinaeren und internationalen Projekten zu vertiefen. Damit werden die Absolventen auf ihre zukuenftigen Aufgaben in hervorragender Weise vorbereitet. (orig.)

    8. Profil Pasien HIV di Klinik VCT Sehati RSUD Dr. T.C. Hillers Maumere Tahun 2014

      Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

      Lidwina Anissa


      Full Text Available Infeksi HIV merupakan masalah kesehatan dunia. Terdapat peningkatan jumlah infeksi baru di Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui profil  pasien HIV di area rural. Studi ini merupakan studi potong lintang dengan data register pasien dalam periode Januari – Desember 2014. HIV di Klinik VCT Sehati RSUD Dr.TC Hillers Maumere, Kabupaten Sikka. Terdapat 104 pasien  yang terdiagnosis HIV positif, 64,4% di antaranya adalah laki-laki. Tingkat pendidikan terbanyak adalah tingkat pendidikan menengah (46,2% dan rendah (44,2%. Rute transmisi terbanyak adalah hubungan seksual heteroseksual (74%. Gejala terbanyak yang dikeluhkan pasien adalah batuk lama, penurunan berat badan dan demam naik turun. Infeksi oportunistik terbanyak adalah TB paru dan kandidosis oral. Infeksi HIV membutuhkan penangan secara holistik yang menjamin kualitas hidup pasien baik dari aspek fisik dan psikis. Edukasi kesehatan reproduksi terutama HIV dan infeksi menular seksual lainnya memegang peranan penting dalam rangka upaya meningkatkan wawasan mengenai HIV sekaligus sebagai upaya pencegahan infeksi baru dan pemutusan rantai penularan. Dukungan peer group memiliki peranan penting dalam peningkatan kualitas hidup pasien. Kata kunci: HIV, heteroseksual, homoseksual, infeksi oportunistik, rute transmisi.   HIV Patients’ Profile in Sehati VCT Clinic Dr.T.C. Hillers Maumere in 2014 Abstract HIV infection is one of global health problems. The number of new infection is increasing in Indonesia. This research aims to study the profile of HIV patients in rural area. This reasearch is a cross-sectional study on patients registers in Sehati Voluntary Counseling Testing / HIV care unit in Dr.TC Hillers District General Hospital, Sikka Regency during January untill December 2014 period. There were 104 subjects diagnosed as HIV positive and 64.4% of them were male. The most common education level was middle school (46.2% and elementary school (44.2%. The most frequent

    9. Photovoltaics for appliances and small systems. Enhancement of the PVS for Windows simulation program for development and simulation of PV appliances and small systems. Final report; Photovoltaik fuer Geraete und Kleinsysteme. Erweiterung des Simulationsprogramms PVS fuer Windows zur Entwicklung und Simulation von PV-versorgten Geraeten und Kleinsystemen. Schlussbericht

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Vogt, R.; Imann, C.; Jung, V.


      The PVS simulation program for Windows was to be extended to the development and simulation of PV-supported equipment and small systems. The following new functions were to be integrated: a) Simulation and dimensioning of indoor power supply of systems with different light sources and independent outdoor systems. b)Integration of small wind generators in the simulation and dimensioning of isolated autonomous systems, including wind data and a component database for small wind turbines; c) Differentiation of the PVS battery model for different battery types (lead, Ni/Cd, Li etc.), optimized operating strategies and flexible dimensioning including an additional component database for battery types; d) Extensive cost analysis for PV-supported appliances and small systems, from investments to consumption, operation and maintenance. This will facilitate investment decisions and help systems of this type along in the market. All program components were designed for high flexibility. Users should be able to vary as many parameters as possible, and to generate and modify their own records. The current project focused on the user interface, i.e. input, data processing, and output. Parallel to this, the Fraunhofer ISE Institute worked on modifications of the computer hardware. [German] Das Projekt zielte auf eine Erweiterung des Simulationsprogramms PVS fuer Windows zur Entwicklung und Simulation von PV-versorgten Geraeten und Kleinsystemen hin. Das Entwicklungsprodukt sollte zusaetzlich zu den bisherigen Funktionen insbesondere Folgendes leisten: (a) Simulation und Dimensionierung der Energieversorgung von Geraeten im Indoor-Bereich, wobei unterschiedliche Lichtquellen verarbeitet werden muessen, sowie von sonstigen netzfreien (Outdoor-) Kleinsystemen. (b) Einbindung kleiner Windgeneratoren in die Simulation und Dimensionierung von netzfernen Systemen (Insel-Anlagen), einschliesslich Bereitstellung der Wind-Daten und einer zusaetzlichen Komponenten-Datenbank fuer kleine

    10. Atlas de Recursos Eólicos del Estado de Oaxaca (The Spanish version of Wind Energy Resource Atlas of Oaxaca)

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Elliott, D.; Schwartz, M.; Scott, G.; Haymes, S.; Heimiller, D.; George, R.


      The Oaxaca Wind Resource Atlas, produced by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory's (NREL's) wind resource group, is the result of an extensive mapping study for the Mexican State of Oaxaca. This atlas identifies the wind characteristics and distribution of the wind resource in Oaxaca. The detailed wind resource maps and other information contained in the atlas facilitate the identification of prospective areas for use of wind energy technologies, both for utility-scale power generation and off-grid wind energy applications.

    11. ATLAS: Full power for the toroid magnet

      CERN Multimedia


      The 9th of November was a memorable day for ATLAS. Just before midnight, the gigantic Barrel toroid magnet reached its nominal field of 4 teslas in the coil windings, with an electrical current of 21000 amperes (21 kA) passing through the eight superconducting coils (as seen on the graph). This achievement was obtained after several weeks of commissioning. The ATLAS Barrel Toroid was first cooled down for about six weeks in July-August to -269°C (4.8 K) and then powered up step-by-step in successive test sessions to 21 kA. This is 0.5 kA above the current required to produce the nominal magnetic field. Afterwards, the current was safely switched off and the stored magnetic energy of 1.1 gigajoules was dissipated in the cold mass, raising its temperature to a safe -218°C (55 K). 'We can now say that the ATLAS Barrel Toroid is ready for physics,' said Herman ten Kate, project leader for the ATLAS magnet system. The ATLAS barrel toroid magnet is the result of a close collaboration between the magnet la...

    12. ATLAS & Google — "Data Ocean" R&D Project

      CERN Document Server

      The ATLAS collaboration


      ATLAS is facing several challenges with respect to their computing requirements for LHC Run-3 (2020-2023) and HL-LHC runs (2025-2034). The challenges are not specific for ATLAS or/and LHC, but common for HENP computing community. Most importantly, storage continues to be the driving cost factor and at the current growth rate cannot absorb the increased physics output of the experiment. Novel computing models with a more dynamic use of storage and computing resources need to be considered. This project aims to start an R&D project for evaluating and adopting novel IT technologies for HENP computing. ATLAS and Google plan to launch an R&D project to integrate Google cloud resources (Storage and Compute) to the ATLAS distributed computing environment. After a series of teleconferences, a face-to-face brainstorming meeting in Denver, CO at the Supercomputing 2017 conference resulted in this proposal for a first prototype of the "Data Ocean" project. The idea is threefold: (a) to allow ATLAS to explore the...

    13. ATLAS Rewards Russian Supplier for Scintillating Tile Production

      CERN Multimedia


      At a ceremony held at CERN on 30 July, the ATLAS collaboration awarded Russian firm SIA Luch from Podolsk in the Moscow region an ATLAS Suppliers Award. This follows delivery by the company of the final batch of scintillating tiles for the collaboration's Tile Calorimeter some six months ahead of schedule.   Representatives of Russian firm Luch Podolsk received the ATLAS Suppliers Award in the collaboration's Tile Calorimeter instrumentation plant at CERN on 30 July. In front of one Tile Calorimeter module instrumented by scintillating tiles are (left to right) IHEP physicists Evgueni Startchenko and Andrei Karioukhine, Luch Podolsk representatives Igor Karetnikov and Yuri Zaitsev, Tile Calorimeter Project Leader Rupert Leitner, ATLAS spokesperson Peter Jenni, and CERN Tile Calorimeter group leader Ana Henriques-Correia. Scintillating tiles form the active part of the ATLAS hadronic Tile Calorimeter, which will measure the energy and direction of particles produced in LHC collisions. They are emb...

    14. Alignment of the ATLAS Inner Detector Tracking System

      CERN Document Server

      Lacuesta, V; The ATLAS collaboration


      ATLAS is a multipurpose experiment that records the LHC collisions. To reconstruct trajectories of charged particles produced in these collisions, ATLAS tracking system is equipped with silicon planar sensors and drift‐tube based detectors. They constitute the ATLAS Inner Detector. In order to achieve its scientific goals, the alignment of the ATLAS tracking system requires the determine accurately its almost 36000 degrees of freedom. Thus the demanded precision for the alignment of the silicon sensors is below 10 micrometers. This implies to use a large sample of high momentum and isolated charge particle tracks. The high level trigger selects those tracks online. Then the raw data with the hits information of the triggered tracks is stored in a calibration stream. Tracks from cosmic trigger during empty LHC bunches are also used as input for the alignment. The implementation of the track based alignment within the ATLAS software framework unifies different alignment approaches and allows the alignment of ...

    15. A high resolution atlas of Mg II profiles (United States)

      Ewald, R.; Nichols-Bohlin, Joy Y.; Kondo, Yoji


      An atlas of high dispersion Mg II profiles for standard stars of spectral types B0 through G9 is presented. The atlas contains plots of the Mg II profiles for approximately 65 stars and associated equivalent width measurements for both absorption and emission components, and the subordinate lines. The atlas is used to investigate systematic behavior of the Mg II profiles and correlation of the behavior with spectral classification.

    16. Conference Report: The First ATLAS.ti User Conference

      Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

      Jeanine C. Evers


      Full Text Available This report on the First ATLAS.ti User Conference shares our impressions and experiences as longstanding ATLAS.ti users and trainers about the First ATLAS.ti User Conference in Berlin 2013. The origins, conceptual principles and development of the program are outlined, the conference themes discussed and experiences shared. Finally, the future of the program is discussed. URN:

    17. National Atlas of Arctic: structure and creation approaches

      Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

      N. S. Kasimov


      Full Text Available On the instructions of President and Government of the Russian Federation, works for development of National Atlas of Arctic are started in the country. In this article the authors present their ideas from viewpoint of geographers who are well experienced in the field of cartographic works. A structure of future Atlas and lines of approaches to its development are proposed. The totality of experiences of preparation of other geographical atlases in both, the USSR and Russia, as well as the latest achievements of cartography, aerospace sources and GIS-technologies are recommended to be used. The National Atlas of Arctic is understood as a collection of knowledge of spatial-temporal information about geographical, ecological, economic, historical-ethnographic, cultural and social features of the Arctic. This cartographic model of the territory is designed for using in a wide range of scientific, managing, economic, defensive and social activities. A hard copy of the atlas is intended to be used as scientific-reference publication while its electronic version will make it possible to renovate its content and to improve it by means of actualization according to various directions of its practical use 16 sections proposed in a draft of the Atlas content are as follows: introductory, geological structure, relief, mineral resources, environment evolution, climate, land waters, seas, seashores, snow cover, glaciers, permafrost, soils, flora and fauna, state of the environment and the Nature protection, population, economics, and prospects for future. The popular-scientific edition of the Atlas is intended for use by wide circle of readers and also as a textbook for all levels of education. Presentation of material in the Atlas should combine a high scientific level and accessible language. In a popular form it will clarify traditions of careful treatment to the Nature and the nature-protective ethics of religious confessions of local people

    18. Superconducting rf development at ATLAS

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Shepard, K.W.; Kedzie, M.; Clifft, B.E. [Argonne National Lab., IL (United States); Roy, A.; Potukuchi, P. [Nuclear Science Centre, New Delhi (India); Givens, J.; Potter, J.; Crandall, K. [AccSys Technology, Inc., Pleasanton, CA (United States); Added, N. [Sao Paulo Univ., SP (Brazil)


      The ATLAS superconducting heavy-ion linac began operation in 1978 and has operated nearly continuously since that time, while undergoing a series of upgrades and expansions, the most recent being the ``uranium upgrade`` completed earlier this year and described below. In its present configuration the ATLAS linac consists of an array of 64 resonant cavities operating from 48 to 145 MHz, which match a range of particle velocities .007 < {beta} = v/c < .2. The linac provides approximately 50 MV of effective accelerating potential for ions of q/m > 1/10 over the entire periodic table. Delivered beams include 5 {minus} 7 pnA of {sup 238}U{sup 39+} at 1535 MeV. At present more than 10{sup 6} cavity-hours of operation at surface electric fields of 15 MV/m have been accumulated. Superconducting structure development at ATLAS is aimed at improving the cost/performance of existing low velocity structures both for possible future ATLAS upgrades, and also for heavy-ion linacs at other institutions. An application of particular current interest is to develop structures suitable for accelerating radioactive ion beams. Such structures must accelerate very low charge to mass ratio beams and must also have very large transverse acceptance.

    19. Wind Resource Atlas of Oaxaca (CD-ROM)

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Elliott, D.; Schwartz, M.; Scott, G.; Haymes, S.; Heimiller, D.; George, R.


      The CD version of the Oaxaca Wind Resource Atlas, produced by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory's (NREL's) wind resource group, is the result of an extensive mapping study for the Mexican State of Oaxaca. This atlas identifies the wind characteristics and distribution of the wind resource in Oaxaca. The detailed wind resource maps and other information contained in the atlas facilitate the identification of prospective areas for use of wind energy technologies, both for utility-scale power generation and off-grid wind energy applications.

    20. Run 2 ATLAS Trigger and Detector Performance

      CERN Document Server

      Solovyanov, Oleg; The ATLAS collaboration


      The 2nd LHC run has started in June 2015 with a proton-proton centre-of-mass collision energy of 13 TeV. During the years 2016 and 2017, LHC delivered an unprecedented amount of luminosity under the ever-increasing challenging conditions in terms of peak luminosity, pile-up and trigger rates. In this talk, the LHC running conditions and the improvements made to the ATLAS experiment in the course of Run 2 will be discussed, and the latest ATLAS detector and ATLAS trigger performance results from the Run 2 will be presented.

    1. Physics with Photons at the ATLAS experiment

      International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

      Perez-Reale, V.


      The identification of photons in the ATLAS experiment is crucial for the study of a number of physics channels, including the search for a Higgs boson decaying to photon pairs, and measurements of direct production of single photons and photon pairs. The photon-photon and photon-jet channels are interesting in their own right, allowing the study of QCD at the new energy range of the LHC. The photon-identification strategy in ATLAS will be presented along with photon-jet cross section measurements and the potential ATLAS constrains on the gluon structure function

    2. Women of ATLAS - International Women's Day 2016

      CERN Multimedia

      Biondi, Silvia


      Women play key roles in the ATLAS Experiment: from young physicists at the start of their careers to analysis group leaders and spokespersons of the collaboration. Celebrate International Women's Day by meeting a few of these inspiring ATLAS researchers.

    3. AGIS: Integration of new technologies used in ATLAS Distributed Computing


      Anisenkov, Alexey; Di Girolamo, Alessandro; Alandes Pradillo, Maria


      The variety of the ATLAS Distributed Computing infrastructure requires a central information system to define the topology of computing resources and to store different parameters and configuration data which are needed by various ATLAS software components. The ATLAS Grid Information System (AGIS) is the system designed to integrate configuration and status information about resources, services and topology of the computing infrastructure used by ATLAS Distributed Computing applications and s...

    4. Top quark properties at ATLAS

      CERN Document Server

      Dilip, Jana


      The ATLAS potential for the study of the top quark properties and physics beyond the Standard Model in the top quark sector, is described. The measurements of the top quark charge, the spin and spin correlations, the Standard Model decay (t-> bW), rare top quark decays associated to flavour changing neutral currents (t-> qX with X = gluon, Z, photon) and ttbar resonances are discussed. The sensitivity of the ATLAS experiment is estimated for an expected luminosity of 1fb-1 at the LHC. The full simulation of the ATLAS detector is used. For the Standard Model measurements the expected precision is presented. For the tests of physics beyond the Standard Model, the 5 sigma discovery potential (in the presence of a signal) and the 95% Confidence Level (CL) limit (in the absence of a signal) are given.

    5. The ATLAS positive ion injector

      International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

      Shepard, K.W.; Bollinger, L.M.; Pardo, R.C.


      This paper reviews the design, construction status, and beam tests to date of the positive ion injector (PII) which is replacing the tandem injector for the ATLAS heavy-ion facility. PII consists of an ECR ion source on a 350 KV platform injecting a very low velocity superconducting linac. The linac is composed of an independently-phased array of superconducting four-gap interdigital resonators which accelerate over a velocity range of .006 to .05c. In finished form, PII will be able to inject ions as heavy as uranium into the existing ATLAS linac. Although at the present time little more than 50% of the linac is operational, the indenpently-phased array is sufficiently flexible that ions in the lower half of the periodic table can be accelerated and injected into ATLAS. Results of recent operational experience will be discussed. 5 refs

    6. ATLAS Muon Drift Tube Electronics

      CERN Document Server

      Arai, Y; Beretta, M; Boterenbrood, H; Brandenburg, G W; Ceradini, F; Chapman, J W; Dai, T; Ferretti, C; Fries, T; Gregory, J; Guimarães da Costa, J; Harder, S; Hazen, E; Huth, J; Jansweijer, P P M; Kirsch, L E; König, A C; Lanza, A; Mikenberg, G; Oliver, J; Posch, C; Richter, R; Riegler, W; Spiriti, E; Taylor, F E; Vermeulen, J; Wadsworth, B; Wijnen, T A M


      This paper describes the electronics used for the ATLAS monitored drift tube (MDT) chambers. These chambers are the main component of the precision tracking system in the ATLAS muon spectrometer. The MDT detector system consists of 1,150 chambers containing a total of 354,000 drift tubes. It is capable of measuring the sagitta of muon tracks to an accuracy of 60 microns, which corresponds to a momentum accuracy of about 10% at pT = 1 TeV. The design and performance of the MDT readout electronics as well as the electronics for controlling, monitoring and powering the detector will be discussed. These electronics have been extensively tested under simulated running conditions and have undergone radiation testing certifying them for more than 10 years of LHC operation. They are now installed on the ATLAS detector and are operating during cosmic ray commissioning runs.

    7. The ATLAS positive ion injector

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Shepard, K.W.; Bollinger, L.M.; Pardo, R.C.


      This paper reviews the design, construction status, and beam tests to date of the positive ion injector (PII) which is replacing the tandem injector for the ATLAS heavy-ion facility. PII consists of an ECR ion source on a 350 KV platform injecting a very low velocity superconducting linac. The linac is composed of an independently-phased array of superconducting four-gap interdigital resonators which accelerate over a velocity range of .006 to .05c. In finished form, PII will be able to inject ions as heavy as uranium into the existing ATLAS linac. Although at the present time little more than 50% of the linac is operational, the indenpently-phased array is sufficiently flexible that ions in the lower half of the periodic table can be accelerated and injected into ATLAS. Results of recent operational experience will be discussed. 5 refs.

    8. Simple Stirling engine as cogeneration unit in residential areas; Einfacher Stirling-Motor fuer die Waerme-Kraft-Kopplung (WKK) in kleinen Wohngebaeuden

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Budliger, J.P.


      Free-piston Stirling engines have been recognized for long as an ideally suited unit for combined heat and power (CHP) production in homes. The considerably improved use of fossil fuel as compared to their separate production, the clean, external combustion process and low noise are major assets, favouring the use of this technology in residential areas. However, up to present, the complexity and correspondingly high cost of these units hampered their practical application. A new, simple concept has recently been devised, which can easily be controlled and operated according to demand. Cost may be reduced substantially as compared to presently known concepts, giving promise for their widespread use in residential homes, as well as in a variety of other applications. (orig.) [German] Freikolben-Stirling-Motoren sind ideale Aggregate fuer die Waerme-Kraft-Kopplung (WKK oder KWK) in kleineren Wohnhaeusern. Der Brennstoff kann wesentlich besser genutzt werden als bei getrennter Bereitung der benoetigten Heizwaerme und der elektrischen Energie. Die saubere, kontinuierliche aeussere Verbrennung und der geringe abgegebene Laerm stellen wichtige Bedingungen fuer einen erfolgreichen Einsatz solcher Systeme im Wohnbereich dar. Bisher verhinderten aber die Komplexitaet der verfuegbaren Systeme den praktischen Einsatz dieser Einheiten. Im Folgenden wird ein neues, einfaches Konzept vorgestellt, welches zuverlaessig funktioniert und auch unter Teillast, dem benoetigten Waermebedarf genau angepasst, betrieben werden kann. Die Herstellungskosten sind wesentlich geringer als bei den bisher bekannten Systemen, was ideale Voraussetzungen fuer deren verbreitete Anwendung im Haushalt, wie in vielfaeltigen anderen Einsatzgebieten darstellt. (orig.)

    9. Transformations and algorithms in a computerized brain atlas

      International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

      Thurfjell, L.; Bohm, C.; Eriksson, L.; Karolinska Institute/Hospital, Stockholm


      The computerized brain atlas constructed at the Karolinska Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden, has been further developed. This atlas was designed to be employed in different fields of neuro imaging such as positron emission tomography (PET), single photon emission tomography (SPECT), computerized tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MR). The main objectives with the atlas is to aid the interpretation of functional images by introducing anatomical information, to serve as a tool in the merging of data from different imaging modalities and to facilitate the comparisons of data from different individuals by allowing for anatomical standardization of individual data. The purpose of this paper is to describe the algorithms and transformations used in the implementation of the atlas software

    10. 6 June 2012 - Chinese Nanjing University President J.Chen in the ATLAS visitor centre with Member of the ATLAS Collaboration I. Wingerter and International Relations Office Adviser E. Tsesmelis. M. Qi, Nanjing University and ATLAS Collaboration, accompanies the delegation.

      CERN Multimedia

      Maximilien Brice


      6 June 2012 - Chinese Nanjing University President J.Chen in the ATLAS visitor centre with Member of the ATLAS Collaboration I. Wingerter and International Relations Office Adviser E. Tsesmelis. M. Qi, Nanjing University and ATLAS Collaboration, accompanies the delegation.

    11. A three-dimensional histological atlas of the human basal ganglia. II. Atlas deformation strategy and evaluation in deep brain stimulation for Parkinson disease. (United States)

      Bardinet, Eric; Bhattacharjee, Manik; Dormont, Didier; Pidoux, Bernard; Malandain, Grégoire; Schüpbach, Michael; Ayache, Nicholas; Cornu, Philippe; Agid, Yves; Yelnik, Jérôme


      The localization of any given target in the brain has become a challenging issue because of the increased use of deep brain stimulation to treat Parkinson disease, dystonia, and nonmotor diseases (for example, Tourette syndrome, obsessive compulsive disorders, and depression). The aim of this study was to develop an automated method of adapting an atlas of the human basal ganglia to the brains of individual patients. Magnetic resonance images of the brain specimen were obtained before extraction from the skull and histological processing. Adaptation of the atlas to individual patient anatomy was performed by reshaping the atlas MR images to the images obtained in the individual patient using a hierarchical registration applied to a region of interest centered on the basal ganglia, and then applying the reshaping matrix to the atlas surfaces. Results were evaluated by direct visual inspection of the structures visible on MR images and atlas anatomy, by comparison with electrophysiological intraoperative data, and with previous atlas studies in patients with Parkinson disease. The method was both robust and accurate, never failing to provide an anatomically reliable atlas to patient registration. The registration obtained did not exceed a 1-mm mismatch with the electrophysiological signatures in the region of the subthalamic nucleus. This registration method applied to the basal ganglia atlas forms a powerful and reliable method for determining deep brain stimulation targets within the basal ganglia of individual patients.

    12. Fracture-mechanical analysis of metal/ceramic composites for applications in high-temperature fuel cells (SOFC); Bruchmechanische Untersuchung von Metall/Keramik-Verbunsystemen fuer die Anwendung in der Hochtemperaturbrennstoffzelle (SOFC)

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Kuhn, Bernd Josef


      The author investigated the deformation and damage behaviour of soldered ceramic/metal joints in SOFC stacks, using thermochemical methods. Methods for analyzing sandwich systems and for mechanical characterization of joints were adapted and modified in order to provide fundamental understanding of the mechanical properties of soldered joints. [German] In dieser Arbeit wurde das Verformungs- und Schaedigungsverhalten von Keramik/ Metall-Loetverbindungen fuer SOFC-Stacks thermomechanisch untersucht. Verfahren zur Analyse von Schichtsystemen und fuer die mechanische Charakterisierung von Fuegeverbindungen wurden adaptiert und weiterentwickelt, um zu einem grundlegenden Verstaendnis der mechanischen Eigenschaften von Loetverbindungen zu gelangen.

    13. PET/CT in lymphoma patients; PET-CT bei Lymphompatienten

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Steinert, H.C. [Universitaetsspital Zuerich, Klinik und Poliklinik fuer Nuklearmedizin (Switzerland)


      First results of PET/CT in Hodgkin's disease (HD) and aggressive non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL) are reported. From March 2001 to August 2004 822 PET/CT were performed at our clinic in lymphoma patients for primary staging, restaging after therapy, and diagnosis of recurrence. For coregistration non contrast-enhanced low-dose CT were used. Due to the exact anatomic localization of {sup 18}F-FDG accumulating lesions equivocal or false positive PET findings are avoided. In comparison to contrast enhanced CT, PET/CT has a higher sensitivity and specificity in patients with HD and aggressive NHL. Integration of PET/CT in treatment planning of radiation therapy optimizes the field volume. Even in the initial phase of clinical evaluation, PET/CT has proven useful in staging and restaging of lymphoma. The exact anatomic localization of the PET findings is essential for a precise report, for treatment planning of radiation therapy, and for planning surgical biopsy. (orig.) [German] Erste Ergebnisse der PET-CT bei Morbus Hodgkin (HD) und den aggressiven Non-Hodgkin-Lymphomen (NHL) werden beschrieben. Von Maerz 2001 bis August 2004 wurden 822 PET-CT bei Lymphompatienten zum primaeren Staging, zum Restaging nach Therapie und zur Rezidivdiagnostik an unserer Klinik durchgefuehrt. Fuer die Koregistration wurde ein Low-dose-CT ohne i.v.-Kontrastmittel verwendet. Durch die exakte anatomische Zuordnung der {sup 18}F-FDG aufnehmenden Laesionen wurden unklare oder falsch-positive PET-Befunde vermieden. Die PET-CT erzielte im Vergleich zur KM-verstaerkten CT eine hoehere Sensitivitaet und Spezifitaet bei Patienten mit HD und aggressiven NHL. Die Integration der PET-CT in die Planung der Strahlentherapie fuehrte zu einer Optimierung der Feldgrenzen. Die PET-CT hat sich bereits in der Phase der initialen klinischen Evaluation als wertvoll beim Staging und Restaging von Lymphomen erwiesen. Die exakte anatomische Zuordnung der PET-Informationen ist fuer eine sichere Befundung


      Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

      Rosa Evangelina de Santana BELLI RODRIGUES


      Full Text Available The objective of this work is to analyze the methodology adopted by the Linguistic Atlas of Paraná – APLR (AGUILERA, 1990 and to describe its results in relation to other Brazilian atlas. To meet this objective, we first present the modifications, mainly methodological, under gone by Geolinguistics towards a more complete and in depth description of linguistic variation. The Pluridimensional Geolinguistics and Contractual model of Harald Thun (1998 and the Linguistics Atlas of Brazil – ALiB (CARDOSO et all, 2014, published in October, 2014, are presented. It was also necessary to describe, although briefly, the most traditional Geolinguistics research method, characteristic of the ALPR, before referring the text back to Aguilera’s Atlas. After discussing the criteria on which the ALPR was constructed, from choice of informers to the Geolinguistics charts that compose it, as well as its complementation by the ALPR II (ALTINO, 2007, it was possible to analyze the results and relate them to the hypotheses posed by the thesis which gave origin to it.

    15. ATLAS book wins the IPPY awards

      CERN Multimedia

      Abha Eli Phoboo


      Hunting the Higgs, published by Papadakis Publishers in collaboration with the ATLAS experiment has won the Bronze prize in the Science category of the Independent Publisher Book Awards (see here). The Award ceremony will be held on 28 May in New York on the eve of the BookExpo America (see here).   “Ours is a souvenir book that gives viewers a glimpse of the discovery of the Higgs boson and the collaborative effort behind it of thousands of scientists in ATLAS,” says Claudia Marcelloni, communications officer of the ATLAS Experiment, who worked on the book with freelance science writer Colin Barras. “The science is noble and the collaboration heartwarming, and the IPPY Award is a great way to celebrate the mind-blowing story of human achievement.” Hunting the Higgs is the inside story of the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider. It tells the journey of the experiment, from before the detector was born to the announcement of the discovery of t...

    16. ATLAS honours one of its suppliers

      CERN Multimedia


      On 12 February the Netherlands firm Schelde Exotech was awarded a prize for best ATLAS supplier for the construction of the two vacuum chambers for the ATLAS endcap toroid magnets. The award for best supplier is handed over to representatives of the firm Schelde Exotech in front of one of the two vacuum chambers built by the firm. From left to right: E. Baynham (RAL), H. Geerink (NIKHEF), Y. Lefevere (NIKHEF), J. Engelen (NIKHEF), P. Jenni (CERN), E. Holtom (RAL), R. Boddaert (Schelde Exotech), G. Luijckx (NIKHEF), H. Klumpus (Schelde Exotech), M. Nessi (CERN), H. ten Kate (CERN), M. Nordberg (CERN), H. Hoffmann (CERN).This ceremony has now become something of a tradition. For the third consecutive year, ATLAS has given best supplier awards for the most exceptional contributors to the construction of the future detector. The Netherlands firm Schelde Exotech has just received the award for the construction of the two vacuum chambers for the ATLAS endcap toroid magnets. With a diameter of 11 metres and a volum...

    17. First modules of ATLAS's great accordion

      CERN Multimedia


      The first CERN-built module of the barrel section of ATLAS's electromagnetic calorimeter has just been completed. This is the second in a series of 32 modules that will make up the final detector. These accordion-shaped structures will give precise measurements of the energy of particles produced in the LHC. The first CERN-built module of the barrel section of ATLAS's electromagnetic calorimeter nearing completion. Behind the module, from left to right: Ralf Huber, Andreas Bies and Jorgen Beck Hansen. In front of the module, from left to right: Philippe Lançon and Edward Wood. The builders of the ATLAS electromagnetic calorimeter are masters in the art of folding! To find out why, just take a look inside Hall 184, where the first CERN-built module of ATLAS's electromagnetic calorimeter has just been completed. It is the second in a long series, the first having been completed at the Saclay Laboratory of France's Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique just a few weeks ago. Thirty more remain...

    18. The ATLAS Electron and Photon Trigger

      CERN Document Server

      Jones, Samuel David; The ATLAS collaboration


      ATLAS electron and photon triggers covering transverse energies from 5 GeV to several TeV are essential to record signals for a wide variety of physics: from Standard Model processes to searches for new phenomena. To cope with ever-increasing luminosity and more challenging pile-up conditions at a centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV, the trigger selections need to be optimized to control the rates and keep efficiencies high. The ATLAS electron and photon trigger performance in Run 2 will be presented, including both the role of the ATLAS calorimeter in electron and photon identification and details of new techniques developed to maintain high performance even in high pile-up conditions.

    19. Development of the ATLAS simulation framework

      International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

      DellAcqua, A.; Stavrianakou, M.; Amako, K.; Kanzaki, J.; Morita, Y.; Murakami, K.; Sasaki; Kurashige, H.; Rimoldi, A.; Saeki, T.; Ueda, I.; Tanaka, S.; Yoshida, H.


      Object-oriented (OO) approach is the key technology to develop a software system in the LHC/ATLAS experiment. The authors developed a OO simulation framework based on the Geant4 general-purpose simulation toolkit. Because of complexity of simulation in ATLAS, the authors paid most attention to the scalability in the design. Although the first target to apply this framework is to implement the ATLAS full detector simulation program, there is no experiment-specific code in it, therefore it can be utilized for the development of any simulation package, not only for HEP experiments but also for various different research domains. The authors discuss our approach of design and implementation of the framework

    20. AGIS: Evolution of Distributed Computing information system for ATLAS (United States)

      Anisenkov, A.; Di Girolamo, A.; Alandes, M.; Karavakis, E.


      ATLAS, a particle physics experiment at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN, produces petabytes of data annually through simulation production and tens of petabytes of data per year from the detector itself. The ATLAS computing model embraces the Grid paradigm and a high degree of decentralization of computing resources in order to meet the ATLAS requirements of petabytes scale data operations. It has been evolved after the first period of LHC data taking (Run-1) in order to cope with new challenges of the upcoming Run- 2. In this paper we describe the evolution and recent developments of the ATLAS Grid Information System (AGIS), developed in order to integrate configuration and status information about resources, services and topology of the computing infrastructure used by the ATLAS Distributed Computing applications and services.