
Sample records for ativados pelo laser

  1. Avaliação do processo de adsorção da microcistina-LR por carvão ativado


    Wagner Sampaio da Silva, Paulo


    Em virtude do aumento do número de relatos de intoxicações agudas e crônicas, tanto de animais como em seres humanos, por toxinas produzidas por cianobactérias presentes na água, já existe uma grande preocupação por parte das companhias responsáveis pelo tratamento e distribuição de água potável. A aplicação do processo de adsorção por carvão ativado em sistemas de tratamento de água vem sendo largamente utilizado para a remoção de contaminantes específicos. Neste trabalho ...

  2. Avaliação da adsorção de Fenol e Bisfenol A em carvões ativados comerciais de diferentes matrizes carbonáceas

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    Carla Rênes de Alencar Machado


    Full Text Available A remoção de compostos orgânicos tóxicos e micropoluentes orgânicos, provenientes de efluentes industriais, é uma crescente preocupação a fim de aumentar a qualidade da água para reúso. Para alcançar tal qualidade, alguns tratamentos têm se mostrado eficientes, tais como a adsorção em carvão ativado. Assim, o presente estudo avaliou a adsorção de fenol e bisfenol A (BPA em carvões ativados comerciais de diferentes matrizes carbonáceas: betuminosa (CB e vegetal (CV. Os carvões foram caracterizados por microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV acoplada ao espectro de energia dispersiva (EDS, infravermelho (FTIR e área superficial BET (Brunauer, Emmett, Teller. Foram realizados ensaios para definição de tempo de equilíbrio e ensaios para ajuste de isotermas de adsorção (Freundlich e Langmuir. A adsorção de fenol pelos dois tipos de carvões mostrou-se favorável, com remoção de 96% para o carvão CB e 91% para o carvão CV. No entanto, a adsorção de bisfenol A foi eficiente apenas para o carvão CB, com eficiências de remoção em torno de 90% contra 20% alcançado pelo carvão CV. As capacidades adsortivas encontradas para o carvão CB foram de 125 mg fenol.g-1 e 76 mg BPA.g-1, enquanto que para o carvão CV foram 99 mg fenol.g-1 e 27 mg BPA.g-1. Esses resultados estão associados à maior presença de grupos ácidos no carvão CV e à hidrofobicidade do BPA, o que torna o processo de adsorção desfavorável.

  3. Pós-tratamento de lixiviado de aterro sanitário com carvão ativado

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    Flávia Kawahigashi


    Full Text Available A degradação física, química e biológica da matéria orgânica presente dos resíduos sólidos gera um subproduto altamente poluidor, denominado lixiviado. Várias técnicas de tratamento aplicadas a esse efluente vêm sendo investigadas a fim de adequá-lo ao lançamento no corpo receptor sem causar prejuízos ao meio ambiente. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a aplicabilidade do Carvão Ativado Granular (CAG na remoção de compostos poluentes presentes no lixiviado. Os ensaios em CAG foram divididos em duas fases. A fase A para a seleção do CAG de maior eficiência e a fase B para a avaliação da eficiência ao longo de sucessivos ensaios de adsorção/filtração com o CAG selecionado na fase A. O lixiviado produzido pelo CAG selecionado apresentou, ao longo dos 4 ensaios, elevada eficiência com remoções variando entre 94 e 100% para a cor verdadeira, entre 45 e 76% para a demanda química de oxigênio e entre 23 e 67% para o carbono orgânico total, com valores máximos absolutos de 8 uH, 167 mg.L−1 e 93 mg.L−1, respectivamente.

  4. Utilização de carvão ativado biológico para o tratamento de água para consumo humano

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    Ana Paula Campos Westphalen

    Full Text Available RESUMO: Este artigo de revisão aborda o uso do carvão ativado biológico no tratamento das águas para consumo humano. O tratamento biológico tem aplicação na redução da instabilidade da água potável causada por matéria orgânica biodegradável e compostos inorgânicos reduzidos presentes em baixas concentrações. A instabilidade tem efeitos prejudiciais à qualidade da água potável, tais como o crescimento de bactérias e a formação de biofilmes na rede de distribuição. O artigo discute as causas e consequências da instabilidade, as medidas de avaliação da matéria orgânica, os mecanismos de formação e controle de biofilmes no carvão ativado granular e as técnicas de avaliação microbiológica e da biodiversidade nos biofilmes. Além disso, analisa-se também a integração do carvão ativado biológico com outros processos usados no tratamento de água para consumo humano.

  5. Eficiência de uma ETE em escala real composta por reator UASB seguido de lodo ativado


    Ferraz, Danillo Luiz de Magalhães


    No Rio Grande do Norte (RN), Brasil existe cerca de 80 sistemas de tratamento de esgotos sendo a tecnologia das lagoas de estabilização a predominantemente utilizada. A ETE do Baldo, devido a sua localização e disponibilidade de área foi concebida como um sistema convencional híbrido (UASB lodos ativados com biodiscos) em nível terciário, sendo a ETE mais avançada do Estado e com maior capacidade de tratamento (1620 m 3 /h). O tra...

  6. Eletroquímica do citocromo C em filme nanoestruturado \\"dendrímero-Pt\\" ativado


    Claudia do Amaral Razzino


    Esta tese aborda a utilização de um filme fino nanoestruturado de dendrímero-Pt, eletroquimicamente ativado, no estudo da eletroquímica do citocromo C. O objetivo do estudo de proteínas redox em eletrodos é elucidar os mecanismos de transferência de elétrons das proteínas que estão envolvidas em processos redox biológicos, como a fotossíntese e a cadeia respiratória, e a exploração de enzimas redox para o desenvolvimento de biossensores eletroquímicos, células de biocombustíveis e aplicações ...


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    Glaydson Simões dos Reis


    Full Text Available O aumento exponencial na produção de lodo de esgoto, decorrente da melhoria dossistemas de tratamento sanitário em grandes centro urbanos, pode representar um problemaambiental se este não for disposto adequadamente. Converter lodo de esgoto em adsorventesatravés da pirólise tem sido proposto desde 1971 como alternativa a destinação final desteresíduo. Como alternativa para disposição do excesso de lodo que é retirado do reator UASBna Estação de Tratamento de Esgoto Subaé, Feira de Santana, Bahia, a proposta deste trabalhofoi obter carvão ativado em diferentes fases de estabilização do lodo de esgoto e avaliar suacapacidade de adsorção na remoção do azul de metileno em solução aquosa. As propriedadesdo lodo como sólidos totais e voláteis totais, carbono orgânico, nitrogênio, foramdeterminadas seguindo recomendações do Standard Methods APHA. As amostras de lodoforam pirolisadas a 450°C sob atmosfera inerte e o carvão ativado produzido foi caracterizadopor CHN, adsorção de nitrogênio e ensaios de adsorção. Pelas análises físico-químicas, o lodode esgoto apresentou baixos teores de carbono e nutrientes, independentemente do tempo deretenção no leito de secagem, quando comparados a típicos Iodos de sistemas anaeróbios. Osespectros de infravermelho confirmam a presença de grande quantidade de silicatosdecorrente da baixa eficiência da ETE-Subaé. Os ensaios de adsorção, usando o azul demetileno como adsorvato, mostraram que estes carvões são adsorventes potenciais pararemoção de corantes em efluentes líquidos. As isotermas de adsorção foram estudadas e osresultados foram ajustados pelos modelos de Langmuir e Freundlich. O modelo de Langmuirdescreveu melhor o processo de adsorção. Os resultados da adsorção, grau de enriquecimentode carbono e a razão molar N/C, indicaram que a melhor amostra para preparar carvão ativadoda ETE-Subaé é o lodo LES08, àquela que permaneceu mais tempo no leito

  8. Remoção de microcistina-LR de águas eutrofizadas por clarificação e filtração seguidas de adsorção em carvão ativado granular


    Guerra,Alaine de Brito; Tonucci,Marina Caldeira; Ceballos,Beatriz Susana Ovruski de; Guimarães,Hindria Renally Cavalcanti; Lopes,Wilton Silva; Aquino,Sérgio Francisco de; Libânio,Marcelo


    RESUMO Usualmente, o tratamento convencional de águas com altas densidades de cianobactérias e concentração de cianotoxinas não garante efluente consoante o padrão de potabilidade vigente (1,0 µg.L-1 de microcistina). Etapas adicionais fazem-se necessárias, destacando-se a adsorção por carvão ativado granular ou pulverizado. Neste contexto, o objetivo geral deste trabalho foi avaliar em escala de bancada a remoção de microcistina em água natural por adsorção em colunas de carvão ativado granu...

  9. Influência da concentração de lodo sobre o consumo de energia para aeração em sistemas de lodo ativado

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    Silvânia Lucas dos Santos

    Full Text Available RESUMO Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar quantitativamente a influência da concentração de lodo sobre os fatores que afetam a capacidade de aeração em sistemas de lodo ativado. A investigação experimental foi desenvolvida aplicando a técnica da respirometria, que possibilitou a determinação da taxa de consumo de oxigênio e das variáveis que afetam a transferência de oxigênio. Os resultados experimentais indicam que a concentração de lodo afeta de maneira significativa a capacidade de aeração em sistemas de lodo ativado e, consequentemente, aumenta consideravelmente o consumo de energia. A viabilidade econômica de sistemas que permitem aumento da concentração de lodo, como reatores biológicos com membranas e reatores biológicos com leito móvel, é questionável quando se comparam os custos de implementação com os benefícios resultantes.

  10. Estudo comparativo das alterações histológicas imediatas causadas pelo uso do laser de CO2 e do laser de erbium na pele de ratos wistar Comparative study of histopathological abnormalities induced by CO2 and erbium laser on the skin of wistar rats

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    Lúcia de Noronha


    Full Text Available O presente estudo tem como objetivo analisar, do ponto de vista anatomopatológico, os efeitos térmicos encontrados na pele de ratos wistar após a aplicação do laser de CO2 e do laser erbium. Utilizaram-se oito ratos submetidos a tricotomia em toda a região toracodorsal. Selecionaram-se duas áreas separadas, as quais receberam a aplicação do laser. Na primeira foram realizadas duas passadas do laser de CO2 e na segunda, duas passadas do laser erbium. A área-controle correspondeu àquela imediatamente adjacente à área submetida ao laser. A análise microscópica da lesão causada pelo laser de CO2 revela lesão em forma de U, com ablação completa da epiderme em toda a sua extensão. A derme superficial apresenta degeneração do colágeno, correspondendo ao dano térmico residual, e a transição deste para a derme normal é bem demarcada. Na pele lesada com laser erbium observa-se também extensa área de pele lesada em forma de platô, com algumas pequenas áreas de pele não-lesada. Pode-se observar, ainda, dano do colágeno na derme superficial, porém mais discreto que aquele causado pelo CO2.The aim of this paper is to analyses the histopathology of the termal effects on the skin of Wistar rats after the application of CO2 and erbium laser. Eight rats had their flanks shaved and two areas were selected for the use of the laser. The first area received two applications of CO2 laser, and the second area two applications of the erbium laser. The skin adjacent to the laser application site was used as a control area. The microscopic analysis of the injury caused by CO2 laser revealed a complete ablation of epidermis and an injury that looked like an "U" in shape. The superficial dermis presented a degeneration of the collagen that corresponded to the residual thermal injury, to normal dermis was sharply demarcated. The injury caused by erbium laser was observed as a plateau injured area with a few small normal areas. The collagen

  11. Inibição da colonização por Bradyrhizobium elkanii mas não por Glomus intraradices em soja pelo ativador de defesa vegetal BTH

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    Hoffmann Lúcia Vieira


    Full Text Available O produto BTH controla doenças através da ativação dos mecanismos de resistência de plantas, cujo modo de ação tem sido caracterizado através da identificação de genes ou enzimas ativados durante esta reação. Os mesmos genes e enzimas podem ser ativados como parte da reação das plantas à colonização por microssimbiontes mutualistas. Então, a aplicação de BTH pode inibir também essas simbioses. Um experimento foi conduzido para verificar se BTH tem efeito sobre a colonização de raízes de soja pelos microssimbiontes Glomus intraradices e Bradyrhizobium elkanii. Plantas controle ou inoculadas com o fungo micorrízico ou rizóbio foram tratadas com 20 mL de BTH 25 mg L-1 por meio da aplicação em sementes, via radicular ou via foliar. As plantas que receberam aplicação radicular de BTH tiveram desenvolvimento vegetativo reduzido. A colonização de raízes por B. elkanii foi menor nas plantas que receberam aplicação de BTH via radicular do que naquelas não tratadas ou tratadas por via foliar apenas. A colonização de raízes de soja por G. intraradices não foi afetada por BTH em quaisquer dos modos de aplicação. A aplicação radicular de BTH deve ser evitada na cultura da soja. Não há indício de restrição de aplicação foliar do produto.

  12. Neocolagenização induzida pelo resurfacing com laser erbium:YAG isolado e associado a lifting cutâneo: estudo morfométrico comparativo em ratos Comparison of single erbium:YAG laser resurfacing to a combination with cutaneous lifting: a morphometric study of neocollagenization in rats

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    Lucia Noronha


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: Diferente do lifting, cuja tração mecânica é a responsável pelo efeito clínico de rejuvenescimento sobre rugas profundas, a fibroplasia (ou neocolagenização é a responsável direta pelo resultado final da ação do laser sobre a pele com rugas superficiais, conferindo-lhe aparência mais jovem. O uso combinado dessas duas técnicas pode ser vantajoso, pois permite um resultado estético melhor com um único procedimento anestésico e cirúrgico em um curto período de recuperação. OBJETIVOS: O presente estudo morfométrico se propõe a avaliar se ocorre alguma alteração na espessura da fibroplasia induzida pelo resurfacing a laser erbium:YAG quando este se associa ao lifting cutâneo. MÉTODO: Foram utilizados 50 ratos da linhagem Wistar, divididos em dois grupos de 25, sendo que o primeiro grupo foi submetido à aplicação exclusiva de laser erbium:YAG no dorso de cada animal e o outro sofreu a aplicação de laser Erbium: YAG combinada ao lifting, o qual foi representado, no animal de experimentação, por retalho cutâneo dorsal pediculado. A fibroplasia foi avaliada nos dois grupos com medidas morfométricas lineares realizadas após o sacrifício dos animais nos dias 14, 28, 56, 84 e 112 do pós-operatório. RESULTADO: Foi observado aumento da fibroplasia em ambos os grupos estudados, porém o crescimento do colágeno foi superior no grupo submetido à terapia isolada com laser Erbium: YAG. CONCLUSÃO: A espessura da fibroplasia induzida pelo resurfacing a laser Erbium: YAG foi influenciada pela associação de um segundo procedimento cirúrgico no mesmo tempo operatório, neste caso, o lifting cutâneo.INTRODUCTION: The fibroplasia is the responsible for the final aesthetic results induced by laser resurfacing upon skin with superficial wrinkles. On the other hand, the lifting is responsible for the deeper wrinkles removal, produced by mechanic results. The use of the combination of these two rejuvenation

  13. Produção de carvão ativado a partir de bagaço e melaço de canade- açúcar = Production of granular activated carbons from sugar cane bagasse and molasses

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    Gilberto da Cunha Gonçalves


    Full Text Available Carvões ativados foram preparados a partir de diferentes misturas de bagaço e melaço de cana-de-açúcar. A relação mássica bagaço:melaço variou de 1:0 a 1:2. Cada mistura foi prensada, formando pellets, os quais foram submetidos a uma pirólise sob fluxo de 150 mL·min-1 de N2, a 850°C, por 1 hora. Os carvões pirolisados foram ativados comCO2, sob fluxo de 75 mL·min-1, a 850°C, durante 30 min. A caracterização dos carvões ativados foi realizada pela análise de isotermas de adsorção física de N2 (77 K, pH e descoloração de soluções de melaço de cana (1% p/v. O rendimento médio dos carvõesativados foi de 23% em relação aos pellets iniciais. A área superficial específica dos carvões variou de 272 a 455 m2·g-1 com predominância de micro e mesoporos. Os carvões ativados preparados com pequena adição de melaço apresentaram-se tão eficientes na descoloração quanto um carvão ativado comercial, utilizado como referência.Activated carbons were prepared from mixtures of sugar cane bagasse and molasses in bagasse:molasses mass ratios from 1:0 to 1:2. The mixture was pressed to form pellets, and pyrolyzed under N2 flow of 150 mL·min-1, at 850°C, for 1 hour. The pyrolyzed carbons were activated with CO2, under the flow of 75 mL·min-1 at 850°C for 30 min. The activated carbons were characterized by an analysis of nitrogen adsorption isotherms (77 K, pH, and solutions decolorization of sugar cane molasses (1% w/v. Results showed that the activated carbons presented yield of 23% in relation to the initial pellets, surface areas from 272 to 455 m2·g-1, and that micro and mesopores were predominant in the pore size distribution. Activated carbons made with a smaller amount of molasses in the mixture were as efficient in the decolorization as a commercial reference carbon.

  14. Cultivo de embriões imaturos de citros em diferentes concentrações de carvão ativado e ácido giberélico Activated charcoal and giberellic acid concentrations on immature embryos culture

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    Edvan Alves Chagas


    Full Text Available Adição de carvão ativado e giberelina no meio de cultura podem proporcionar melhores condições no desenvolvimento de embriões imaturos de citros. Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito de carvão ativado e GA3 (ácido giberélico no cultivo de embriões imaturos provenientes do cruzamento entre laranjeira 'Pêra Rio' x tangerineira 'Poncã'. Após 118 dias da polinização, frutos imaturos, com 3 a 4 cm de diâmetro, foram coletados, suas sementes removidas e tratadas com álcool (70% por cinco minutos, hipoclorito de sódio (2% por 20 minutos e, posteriormente, lavadas três vezes em água destilada e autoclavada. Em condições assépticas, os tegumentos das sementes foram separados, os embriões globulares excisados e inoculados em tubos de ensaio contendo 15 mL do meio MT, acrescido de carvão ativado (0; 0,5; 1; 1,5 e 2 g L-1 e GA3 (0; 0,01; 0,1; 1 e 10 mg L-1. Após a inoculação, os embriões permaneceram por 90 dias em sala de crescimento a 27+1ºC, fotoperíodo de 16 horas e irradiância de 32 mmol m-2 s-1. Maior comprimento da parte aérea foi obtido em meio MT, acrescido de 0,1 e 1 mg L-1 de GA3, combinado com 2 g L-1 de carvão ativado. Maior comprimento do sistema radicular, massa da matéria fresca e número de folhas de plântulas foram obtidos em meio MT, acrescido de 0,01 mg L-1 de GA3, na ausência de carvão ativado. A adição de carvão ativado influenciou na concentração de ácido giberélico acrescido no meio de cultura.Activated charcoal and gibberelin provides better conditions on development of citrus immature embryos. Activated charcoal and GA3 (gibberelic acid on 'Pêra Rio' sweet orange x 'Poncã' mandarin immature embryos culture was evaluated. After 118 days-pollination, imature fruits with 3 to 4 cm of diameter were collected, seeds removed and treated with alcohol (70% for five min., sodium hypoclorite (2% for 20 min. and three times washed with distilled and autoclaved water. In aseptic conditions, the teguments

  15. Emprego do carvão ativado para remoção de atrazina em água de abastecimento público


    Coelho,Edumar Ramos Cabral; Vazzoler,Heverton; Leal,Waldileira Pereira


    A atrazina é um dos herbicidas mais utilizados no mundo, sendo encontrada em águas superficiais e subterrâneas. Pertence à classe das s-triazinas, possui potencial carcinogênico e apresenta toxicidade como disruptor endócrino. A reconhecida limitação dos processos de tratamento de água, os quais empregam a coagulação química na remoção da atrazina e os efeitos na saúde, motivou este trabalho, considerando a adsorção em carvão ativado como tecnologia alternativa. O estudo experimental consisti...

  16. Activated charcoal and graphite for the micropropagation of Cattleya bicolor Lindl. and a orchid double-hybrid ‘BLC Pastoral Innocence’=Carvão ativado e grafite para a micropropagação de Cattleya bicolor Lindl. e um duplo híbrido de orquídea ‘BLC Pastoral Innocence’

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    Claudete Aparecida Mangolin


    Full Text Available No previous studies have investigated the use of graphite instead of activated charcoal in orchids. In this work, different concentrations of activated charcoal or graphite were added to KC medium to darken the culture medium and stimulate the in vitro propagation of Cattleya bicolor and of a double hybrid orchid (‘BLC Pastoral Innocence’. The seedlings were inoculated on growth regulator-free KC medium; the effects of activated charcoal (0.0, 1.5, 3.0, 4.5, 6.0, and 7.5 g L-1 and graphite (0.0, 1.5, 3.0, 4.5, 6.0, and 7.5 g L-1 concentrations were tested separately. Each flask contained fifteen seedlings, and the experiments had a randomised, two-way factorial design. The two tested variables were culture medium and illumination levels; eleven culture levels (different concentrations of graphite or activate charcoal and two illumination levels (14-hr photoperiod or continuous illumination were evaluated. Three replicates of each combination were utilised. After six months of culture, the average numbers of induced buds and roots per seedling were recorded for each concentration of activated charcoal or graphite. Whereas the largest number of buds in C. bicolor seedlings occurred on media containing 6.0 or 7.5 g L-1 graphite, the largest number of roots occurred on media containing 6.0 g L-1 activated charcoal. In the hybrid ‘BLC Pastoral Innocence’, the largest number of buds and roots was reported in medium with 4.5 g L-1 activated charcoal. When using graphite in place of activated charcoal, we obtained disparate the results in root formation that suggest that graphite is not a recommended substitute for activated charcoal.Nenhum estudo prévio tem investigado o uso de grafite como substituto do carvão ativado em orquídeas. No presente trabalho, concentrações diferentes de carvão ativado ou de grafite foram adicionadas ao meio KC para escurecer o meio de cultura e estimular a propagação in vitro de Cattleya bicolor e de um

  17. Uso de filtros de carvão ativado granular associado a microrganismos para remoção de fármacos no tratamento de água de abastecimento

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    Rívea Medri Borges

    Full Text Available RESUMO O modo de vida das sociedades modernas originou o aporte diário, nos ambientes aquáticos, de fármacos e outras inúmeras moléculas de uso contínuo, compostos emergentes, com potencial de risco à saúde humana principalmente pela exposição em razão da inevitável contaminação dos mananciais de abastecimento de água e da transferência para as estações de tratamento de água (ETA, onde não são removidos. O uso de carvão ativado granular na filtração demonstra ser uma opção viável para ETA, porém, uma eficiência satisfatória requer regeneração periódica do material, onerando o tratamento. Contudo, observa-se que em baixas taxas de filtração a colonização natural dos filtros por microrganismos - formação de biofilme - pode ser uma alternativa para aumentar o tempo de vida útil do carvão, bem como para decompor essas moléculas complexas em elementos minerais assimiláveis, reintroduzindo-os nos ciclos biogeoquímicos naturais. Este trabalho avaliou, durante 24 semanas, em condições de laboratório, o carvão ativado com biofilme como meio filtrante para remoção dos fármacos: diclofenaco de sódio, ibuprofeno, naproxeno e amoxicilina; experimentou em sistema batch o potencial dos microrganismos colonizadores de filtros em degradar os fármacos testados, assim como identificou filogeneticamente os microrganismos predominantes na biodegradação. Os resultados demonstram a remoção dos fármacos acima de 80%. Constatou-se a presença das bactérias dos gêneros Bacillus , Burkholderia , Cupriavidus , Pseudomonas , Shinella , e Sphingomonas . Este estudo permite inferir a capacidade de remoção de fármacos por bactérias presentes em filtros de carvão ativado e o possível uso dessa tecnologia como alternativa de controle e remoção dessas substâncias no tratamento de água potável.

  18. Utilização de carvão ativado biológico para o tratamento de água para consumo humano


    Westphalen,Ana Paula Campos; Corção,Gertrudes; Benetti,Antônio Domingues


    RESUMO: Este artigo de revisão aborda o uso do carvão ativado biológico no tratamento das águas para consumo humano. O tratamento biológico tem aplicação na redução da instabilidade da água potável causada por matéria orgânica biodegradável e compostos inorgânicos reduzidos presentes em baixas concentrações. A instabilidade tem efeitos prejudiciais à qualidade da água potável, tais como o crescimento de bactérias e a formação de biofilmes na rede de distribuição. O artigo discute as causas e ...

  19. Remoção de microcistina-LR de águas eutrofizadas por clarificação e filtração seguidas de adsorção em carvão ativado granular

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    Alaine de Brito Guerra


    Full Text Available RESUMO Usualmente, o tratamento convencional de águas com altas densidades de cianobactérias e concentração de cianotoxinas não garante efluente consoante o padrão de potabilidade vigente (1,0 µg.L-1 de microcistina. Etapas adicionais fazem-se necessárias, destacando-se a adsorção por carvão ativado granular ou pulverizado. Neste contexto, o objetivo geral deste trabalho foi avaliar em escala de bancada a remoção de microcistina em água natural por adsorção em colunas de carvão ativado granular de casca de coco, após as etapas de clarificação e filtração em areia. Os resultados mostraram que o transpasse no carvão de maior granulometria ocorreu em menor tempo de contato (2 h, quando comparado ao de menor granulometria. Tais resultados abrem perspectiva de emprego em escala real por garantir efluente com concentração inferior ao que estabelece a Portaria 2914 por mais tempo e utilizando menor massa de carvão.

  20. Remoção de diclofenaco, ibuprofeno, naproxeno e paracetamol em filtro ecológico seguido por filtro de carvão granular biologicamente ativado Removal of diclofenac, ibuprofen, naproxen, and paracetamol in ecological filter followed by granular carbon filter biologically active

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    Caroline Moço Erba


    Full Text Available O filtro ecológico representa uma promissora tecnologia de tratamento, em razão desta não necessitar da aplicação de produtos químicos, além de sua constatada eficiência. Nele, estabelece-se entre os seres vivos a relação de cadeia alimentar. Inicialmente uma matriz aquosa foi acrescida de quatro fármacos (diclofenaco, naproxeno, ibuprofeno e paracetamol e posteriormente analisada por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência para avaliar a remoção desses compostos pelo filtro ecológico seguido pelo filtro de carvão granular biologicamente ativado. Parâmetros, entre eles turbidez, coliformes totais e termotolerantes, cor aparente e cor verdadeira, foram mensurados para verificar a eficiência dos filtros. Houve remoção de 97,43% do diclofenaco, 85,03% do ibuprofeno: 94,11% do naproxeno e 84,07% do paracetamol.The ecological filter represents a promising treatment technology, because this doesn't require the application of chemicals and is efficient. In it, is between living beings the relationship of the food chain. Initially an aqueous matrix was added to four drugs (diclofenac, naproxen, ibuprofen and paracetamol, and subsequently analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography to evaluate the removal of these compounds by ecological filter followed by granular activated carbon filter biologically active. The pharmacological compounds and parameters such as turbity, total and fecal coliforms, apparent color and true color were measured to evaluate the effectiveness of filters. There was removal of the drugs applied and the parameters measured. The percentages of removal were 97,43% of diclofenaco,85,03% of ibuprofen, 94,11% of naproxen and 84,07% of paracetamol.

  1. Occurrence of Giardia cysts and Cryptosporidium oocysts in activated sludge samples in Campinas, SP, Brazil Ocorrência de cistos de Giardia e oocistos de Cryptosporidium em amostras de lodo ativado em Campinas, SP, Brasil

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    Luciana Urbano Santos


    Full Text Available Giardia and Cryptosporidium have caused several outbreaks of gastroenteritis in humans associated with drinking water. Contaminated sewage effluents are recognized as a potential source of waterborne protozoa. Due to the lack of studies about the occurrence of these parasites in sewage samples in Brazil, we compared the efficiency of two procedures for concentrating cysts and oocysts in activated sludge samples of one sewage treatment plant. For this, the samples were submitted to i concentration by the ether clarification procedure (ECP and to ii purification by sucrose flotation method (SFM and aliquots of the pellets were examined by immunofluorescence. Giardia cysts were present in all samples (100.0%; n = 8 when using ECP and kit 1 reagents, while kit 2 resulted in six positive samples (85.7%; n = 7. As for SFM, cysts were detected in 75.0% and 100.0% of these samples (for kit 1 and 2, respectively. Regarding Cryptosporidium, two samples (25.0%; kit 1 and 28.5% for kit 2 were detected positive by using ECP, while for SFM, only one sample (examined by kit 1 was positive (12.5%. The results of the control trial revealed Giardia and Cryptosporidium recovery efficiency rates for ECP of 54.5% and 9.6%, while SFM was 10.5% and 3.2%, respectively. Considering the high concentration detected, a previous evaluation of the activated sludge before its application in agriculture is recommended and with some improvement, ECP would be an appropriate simple technique for protozoa detection in sewage samples.Giardia e Cryptosporidium causaram vários surtos epidêmicos de gastroenterite, associados à água potável. Efluentes de esgoto contaminados foram incriminados como uma fonte potencial de cistos e oocistos. Uma investigação foi conduzida para verificar a presença de cistos de Giardia e oocistos de Cryptosporidium em amostras de lodo ativado de uma Estação de Tratamento de Esgoto. Para isto as amostras foram submetidas: i a concentração pelo

  2. Obtenção e caracterização de carbono ativado a partir de resíduos provenientes de bandas de rodagem Preparation and characterization of activated carbons from thread of tire waste

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    Irene T. S. Garcia


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho foi investigada a preparação de carbonos ativados através da pirólise de composições elastoméricas provenientes de resíduos de bandas de rodagem de pneus de automóveis. O material foi processado nas temperaturas de 500, 620 e 700 °C, em atmosfera de N2, utilizando-se o hidróxido de potássio como agente ativador. Os produtos resultantes foram caracterizados pela fisisorção de N2 a 77 K, através de isotermas de Brunauer, Emmet e Teller e por microscopia eletrônica de varredura. Esses carbonos ativados apresentam estruturas típicas de sólidos mesoporosos e a temperatura de pirólise tem grande influência na área específica e distribuição de volume de poros. O carbono ativado obtido a 700 °C apresentou maior área específica e estrutura porosa compacta. Esse material apresenta melhor desempenho frente à adsorção de azul de metileno, removendo até 1,0 x 10-1 g de corante por grama de carbono utilizado, em tempos inferiores a 300 s.In this work, the preparation of activated carbons through the pyrolysis of elastomers, arising from car threads of tire waste, was investigated. The material was processed at 500, 620 and 700 °C, under N2 atmosphere, by using potassium hydroxide as activating agent. The resulting products were characterized by physisorption of N2 at 77 K, through Brunauer, Emmet and Teller isotherms, and scanning electron microscopy. The carbons obtained display a characteristic structure of mesoporous materials and the pyrolysis temperature has strong influence on the specific area and porous volume distribution. The activated carbon obtained at 700 °C has high specific area and compact structure. It exhibited high performance for adsorption of methylene blue solution, removing 1.1 x 10-1 g of the dye per gram of carbon in less than 300 s.

  3. Linfadenocromatografia perigástrica com carbono ativado (CH40: estudo experimental Perigastric lymphadenochromatography with activated carbon (CH40: experimental study

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    Minao Okawa


    Full Text Available RACIONAL: Procedimento cirúrgico bem instituído e planejado constitui ainda a única terapêutica efetiva para o câncer gástrico. Entretanto, os resultados de cura não têm melhorado significativamente nas últimas décadas, principalmente no ocidente. O principal benefício de introdução endoscópica de corantes na submucosa gástrica está na facilitação de linfadenectomias regradas, podendo facilitar a localização acurada dos linfonodos. Além disso, a linfadenocromatografia possibilita futuras pesquisas para a detecção do linfonodo sentinela e sua aplicabilidade racional e seletiva na indicação precisa da linfadenectomia, principalmente dos grupos de linfonodos de ressecção mais trabalhosa e com maiores possibilidades de complicações. A linfadenocromatografia com carbono ativado (CH40 foi analisada neste estudo experimental (fase 1. OBJETIVOS: Testar a efetividade e inocuidade da linfadenocromatografia com CH40, em três espécies animais diferentes. MÉTODOS: Como preconizado pela Associação Brasileira de Pesquisas Clínicas (Resoluções nº 196/96 e 251/97, CNS/MS, foram utilizados três espécies diferentes de animais: 3 cães, 10 coelhos e 20 ratos. Em todos os cães, a introdução de CH40 na camada submucosa de estômago foi realizada através da endoscopia gástrica e utilizando, cateter de polietileno agulhado, usualmente empregado na esclerose de varizes esofageanas. O período de observação variou de 43 a 125 dias, quando o procedimento cirúrgico foi realizado. Em todos os coelhos e ratos a introdução de CH40 foi realizada através de agulha hipodérmica e seringa insulínica, na região subcutânea inguinal. O período de observação foi de 102 a 105 dias e 110 a 122 dias, respectivamente. RESULTADOS: Nos períodos de observação, desde a injeção até a eutanásia, não se detectou em nenhum animal efeito colateral ou óbito. Nos cães, linfonodos perigástricos foram corados pelo CH40. Em todos os

  4. Remoção em fase líquida do fármaco diclofenac por adsorção em coluna de leito fixo com carvão vegetal ativado


    Lopes, Marlene Sofia Correia


    A qualidade de água potável está a ser afetada, principalmente pela descarga de efluentes contendo contaminantes emergentes, como o composto diclofenac (DCF). Este é um fármaco amplamente usado a nível mundial como anti-inflamatório e é considerado um composto potencialmente perigoso para o ambiente aquático. O processo de adsorção com carvão ativado é considerado competitivo e versátil no tratamento de águas, no entanto, este tem um elevado custo, por isso a procura de adsorventes alterna...

  5. Remoção de microcistina-LR da Microcystis aeruginosa utilizando bagaço de cana-de-açúcar in natura e carvão ativado


    Almeida,Aline Rafaela de; Passig,Fernando Hermes; Pagioro,Thomaz Aurélio; Nascimento,Priscila Tiemi Higuti do; Carvalho,Karina Querne de


    Resumo Microcistina-LR é um tipo de toxina liberada pela cianobactéria Microcystis aeruginosa encontrada em mananciais de água usados para abastecimento humano que pode causar doenças e até mesmo a mortandade do homem se não for totalmente removida no tratamento convencional da água. A retenção desta toxina é muitas vezes realizada através do processo de adsorção em carvão ativado nas estações de tratamento de água. Neste estudo foi avaliada a utilização do bagaço de cana-de-açúcar in natura ...

  6. Hierarquização da eficiência de remoção de cianotoxinas por meio de adsorção em carvão ativado granular


    Maria Natália Costa e Silva; Rui de Oliveira; Beatriz Susana Ovruski Ceballos; Alaine Brito Guerra; Sérgio Francisco de Aquino; Marcelo Libânio


    RESUMO O trabalho objetivou avaliar a remoção concomitante de duas cianotoxinas - microcistina-LR e saxitoxina-STX - por meio da adsorção em carvão ativado granular. Em primeira etapa, três carvões de granulometrias distintas, dois de coco de dendê e um mineral, foram avaliados na adsorção de microcistina-LR em água destilada e tratada com concentrações de 3,9 a 9,4 ug.L-1. O carvão de coco de dendê de menor granulometria apresentou desempenho mais uniforme, tanto no que tange à remoção (%) d...

  7. Produção de filtrantes ativados a partir de aproveitamento de resíduos: uma proposta para a proteção respiratória ocupacional


    Silva, Walquíria Joseane da


    A Proteção Respiratória Ocupacional é atualmente uma exigência legal do Ministério do Trabalho e Emprego para garantia da saúde e segurança de milhares de trabalhadores que labutam com exposição habitual a substâncias nocivas que possam ocasionar doenças ocupacionais por inalação de ar contaminado no local de trabalho, cuja principal via de penetração no organismo humano é o Sistema Respiratório. Carvões ativados são materiais obtidos a partir de fontes carbonáceas e utilizados como elemento ...

  8. Tratamento de água de reservatórios por dupla filtração, oxidação e adsorção em carvão ativado granular


    Silva,Giulliano Guimarães; Naval,Liliana Pena; Di Bernardo,Luiz; Dantas,Angela Di Bernardo


    Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o tratamento de água bruta proveniente de um reservatório de água, utilizando instalação piloto de dupla filtração (DF), composta por filtro ascendente de pedregulho (FAP) e filtro rápido descendente de areia (FRD), seguida de uma unidade de pós-tratamento com carvão ativado granular (CAG). Adicionalmente, foi verificado o efeito da pré e interoxidação (entre o FAP e o FRD) na eficiência global do tratamento e na formação de subprodutos orgânicos halog...

  9. O uso do carvão ativado produzido a partir da casca da Moringa oleifera, como adsorvente na remoção de metais pesados presentes na água.


    Nogueira, Marcopaulo Wanderley


    A necessidade de atender os padrões de qualidade da água de acordo com a legislação ambiental tanto para o consumo humano quanto para o lançamento de efluentes levam a busca de soluções de baixo custo e eficientes para que seja viável o avanço do saneamento ambiental. O carvão ativado produzido a partir das cascas da semente da Moringa oleifera tem sido estudado e apontado como solução alternativa para remoção de poluentes em regiões tropicais onde a p...

  10. Avaliação do tratamento com diferentes glitazonas sobre o endotélio de camudongos C57BL6/J submetidos á dieta aterogênica


    Karolina Soares e Silva, Amanda


    A aterosclerose caracteriza-se pelo espessamento da parede arterial sendo considerada a causa primária de doença arterial coronariana e doença cerebrovascular. As tiazolidinadionas (TZDs) são uma classe de fármacos utilizadas clinicamente para tratar pacientes com diabetes mellitus tipo 2, sendo consideradas ligantes sintéticos para o receptor-g ativado por proliferadores de peroxissomos (PPARg). Estudos têm indicado que em adição à sua atividade antidiabética, as TZDs também p...

  11. Remoção de atrazina e metabólitos pela filtração lenta com leito de areia e carvão ativado granular Removal of atrazine and metabolites through slow filtration by sand and granular activated carbon

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    Edumar Ramos Cabral Coelho


    Full Text Available A atrazina (ATZé um herbicida largamente utilizado no mundo, sendo encontrada associada aos seus produtos de degradação em águas superficiais e subterrâneas. Pertence à classe das s-triazinas e, juntamente com os metabólitos clorados deetilatrazina (DEA e deisopropilatrazina (DIA, possui potencial carcinogênico e toxicidade como disruptores endócrinos. A limitação dos processos que empregam a coagulação química na remoção de ATZ, a conhecida capacidade do carvão ativado em remover microcontaminantes em água e o risco que a ATZ e seus metabólitos apresentam à saúde motivaram o estudo da filtração lenta com leito de areia e carvão ativado granular. Os resultados apontaram a eficiência do processo de filtração lenta com camada intermediária de carvão ativado granular na remoção de ATZ e a limitação deste na remoção dos metabólitos DEA, DIA e deetilhidroxiatrazina (DEHA.Atrazine (ATZ is widely used as herbicide, commonly found in association to its degradation products in surface water and groundwater. It belongs to the class of s-triazines and together with the chlorinated metabolites dieethylatrazine (DEA and deisopropilatrazine (DIA have carcinogenic potential and toxicity as endocrine disruptors. The limitation of the processes employing chemical coagulation in the removal of atrazine, the known ability of activated carbon to remove microcontaminants in water and the risk that atrazine and the potential toxicity to human health of its metabolits motivated the study of slow sand filtration bed combined with granular activated carbon. The results showed the high efficiency of the slow filtration process with intermediate layer of granular activated carbon in the removal of atrazine and its limitation on the removal of the metabolites DEA, DIA and diethylhidroxiatrazine (DEHA.

  12. Remoção de compostos orgânicos causadores de gosto e odor em águas de abastecimento em sistemas pós-filtros adsorvedores de carvão ativado granular.


    Carolina Alves de Souza Ferreira


    O objetivo desta pesquisa foi o de estudar o desempenho de pós-filtros adsorvedores de carvão ativado granular de origem mineral e de origem vegetal, com relação a, principalmente, remoção de 2-metilisoborneol e trans-1,10-dimetiltrans- 9-decalol. Os ensaios experimentais foram conduzidos na estação de tratamento de água Alto da Boa Vista, empregando-se quatro filtros piloto em acrílico com diâmetro interno de 14,2 cm e 1,5 m de profundidade de meio filtrante cada, sendo dois deles preenchido...

  13. In vitro evaluation of dental bleaching effectiveness using hybrid lights activation = Avaliação in vitro da eficácia da fotoativação no clareamento dental utilizando a técnica em consultório

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    Araújo, Rodrigo Maximo de


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Avaliar se fontes de luz aumentam a eficácia do peróxido de hidrogênio na técnica de clareamento profissional. Metodologia: Foram empregados 60 dentes incisivos bovinos, com dimensões coronárias e radiculares padronizadas a partir do limite amelo-cementário, sendo descartada a porção lingual. Os corpos-de-prova (cp foram limpos em ultra-som por 20 min e a dentina condicionada com H3PO4 a 38% por 15 s, sendo os (cp imersos em solução de café solúvel a 25% por duas semanas. A dentina foi impermeabilizada com esmalte e os (cp divididos em 5 grupos, sendo a cor inicial mensurada através do espectofotômetro-EasyShade (VITA. Todos os (cp receberam três aplicações por 10 min do gel clareador Opalescence Xtra-Boost (Ultradent conforme segue: Grupo 1 – controle, não recebeu fotoativação, Grupo 2 – ativado com luz halôgena, Grupo 3 – ativado com LED azul/LASER, Grupo 4 – ativado com LED verde/LASER e Grupo 5 – ativado com LED vermelho. Após o clareamento foi mensurada a variação de cor ?E, ?a*, ?b*e ?L* e as referentes à escala de cor Vita Clássico. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância, teste de Tukey e de Dunn (a=5%. Resultados: A diferença geral da cor foi reduzida quando se empregou LED Azul e Luz Halógena, sendo que o desempenho do peróxido de hidrogênio a 38 % foi intensificado dependendo da fonte de luz utilizada. A avaliação quantitativa de cor, obtida por espectrofotômetro e pela escala de cor Vita Clássico, foram coincidentes. Conclusão: O tipo de fonte de luz empregada interfere na eficácia do agente clareador

  14. Distúrbios causados pelo frio e pelo calor durante corridas de longa distância

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    Full Text Available Muitos corredores amadores e de elite participam todos os anos de corridas de longa distância. Quando estes eventos ocorrem em temperaturas altas ou baixas, aumenta o risco de distúrbios térmicos. Contudo, a hipertermia induzida pelo exercício, a hipotermia, a desidratação e outros problemas relacionados podem ser minimizados através de esclarecimentos e um preparo antes do evento. Este documento fornece recomendações para o diretor médico e outras autoridades da organização das corridas nas seguintes áreas: planejamento, profissionais envolvidos na organização, instalações, suprimentos, equipamento e comunicação; fornecimento de esclarecimentos aos participantes; avaliação do estresse térmico; fornecimento de líquidos; e prevenção de questões legais em potencial. Este posicionamento oficial também descreve as condições predisponentes, as formas de diagnóstico e o tratamento dos quatro distúrbios ambientais mais comuns: exaustão pelo calor, colapso pelo calor, hipotermia e congelamento de extremidades. Os objetivos deste documento são: 1 Educar os organizadores e os participantes de corridas de longa distância a respeito das formas mais comuns de distúrbios térmicos incluindo as condições predisponentes, sinais de alerta, suscetibilidade e a redução de sua incidência; 2 Alertar os organizadores sobre as suas responsabilidades civis em potencial no que concerne à segurança do evento e à prevenção de lesões; 3 Recomendar que os organizadores consultem arquivos locais de meteorologia e planejem eventos em horas que provavelmente causem menos estresse térmico de modo a minimizar os efeitos deletérios sobre os participantes; 4 Estimular os organizadores a alertar os participantes sobre o estresse térmico no dia da corrida e as suas implicações no que tange aos distúrbios causados pelo frio e pelo calor; 5 Informar os organizadores sobre as ações preventivas que podem reduzir a incidência dos

  15. Remoção do herbicida 2,4-D por meio do tratamento convencional da água e adsorção em carvão ativado granular em instalação piloto


    Brega, Renata Santos


    O crescimento populacional empurra a produção agrícola em direção ao uso intensivo dos agrotóxicos que aumentam a produtividade. Porém, seu uso incorreto pode resultar em grave problema para as estações de tratamento da água e impactar negativamente na saúde pública. Segundo estudos em escala laboratorial, o tratamento convencional, um dos mais utilizados no Brasil, apresenta remoção insignificante do 2,4-D. A adsorção em carvão ativado tem se demonstrado como tecnologia eficiente na remoção ...

  16. Avaliação em escala de bancada do emprego de carvão ativado granular na remoção de microcistina-LR na potabilização de águas eutrofizadas do semiárido nordestino


    Guerra, Alaine de Brito


    Usualmente, a potabilização de águas eutrofizadas com alta densidade de cianobactérias e toxinas dissolvidas pela tecnologia convencional não garante que a água produzida esteja dentro dos valores máximos permissíveis de 1,0 µg/L de microcistina (Portaria 2914/2011). Processos adicionais são necessários, e o uso de carvão ativado é considerado medida eficaz na solução deste problema. Neste contexto, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo principal avaliar em escala de bancada a...

  17. Análise da camada de fibras nervosas pelo GDx em pacientes pseudofácicos com opacidades da cápsula posterior Analysis of the nerve fiber layer using GDx in pseudophakic patients with posterior capsular opacification

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    Tatiana Azevedo Arraes


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar se a opacificação de cápsula posterior (OCP influenciaria na análise da camada de fibras nervosas pela polarimetria "scanning laser" (GDx. MÉTODOS: Trinta e sete pacientes pseudofácicos não glaucomatosos foram submetidos a análise da camada de fibras nervosas pelo GDx antes e após a realização de capsulotomia com Nd:YAG laser. RESULTADOS: Em cinco olhos, o GDx não conseguiu imagens aceitáveis pelos parâmetros de aquisição do aparelho. Em todos os outros, não foi observada diferença significante entre os valores médios das variáveis antes e após a realização da capsulotomia posterior. CONCLUSÃO: A presença de OCP em graus moderados e/ou quando há imagens aceitáveis em pacientes pseudofácicos não influencia o resultado da análise das imagens das fibras do nervo óptico pelo GDx. Apenas intensos graus de OCP que impeçam a obtenção de imagem analisável pelo aparelho inviabilizam o exame.PURPOSE: To evaluate if posterior capsule opacification (PCO would alter the analysis of nerve fiber layer using the scanning laser polarimetry (GDx. METHODS: Pseudophakic non-glaucomatosous eyes (37 patients underwent nerve fiber layer analysis using GDx before and after posterior capsulotomy with Nd:YAG Laser. RESULTS: In five eyes, GDx did not obtain acceptable images using the device's parameters of acquisition. In the others, mean variable values did not reach significant difference before and after posterior capsulotomy. CONCLUSION: Moderate degrees of PCO and/or acceptable images in pseudophakic patients do not alter the analysis of nerve fiber layer by GDx. Only intense degrees of PCO that hinder analyzable images make the examination impracticable.

  18. Uso de carvão ativado e resina de troca iônica para limpeza e concentração de enzimas em extratos de madeira biodegradada - 10.4025/actascitechnol.v32i4.5671

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    Walter Carvalho


    Full Text Available Ceriporiopsis subvermispora foi utilizado para a biodegradação de cavacos de Eucalyptus grandis na presença ou ausência de cossubstratos (glicose e milhocina durante 7, 14 e 28 dias. Os cavacos obtidos em cada um desses períodos foram extraídos com tampão acetato de sódio 50 mM (pH 5,5 adicionado de 0,01% de Tween 60. A atividade de manganês peroxidases (MnPs nos extratos foi marcante ao longo de todo o período de biodegradação, tanto na ausência (430, 765 e 896 UI kg-1, respectivamente quanto na presença de cossubstratos (1.013, 2.066 e 2.323 UI kg-1, respectivamente. Os extratos apresentaram elevadas relações entre absorbância a 280 e a 405 nm, indicando forte abundância de compostos aromáticos derivados da lignina em relação à heme-peroxidases. A adsorção em carvão ativado se mostrou uma estratégia adequada para reduzir a absorbância a 280 nm em todos os extratos. Além disso, permitiu maximizar a capacidade de um leito de resina trocadora de ânions (DEAE Sepharose, utilizado para concentrar as MnPs presentes nos referidos extratos. Concluiu-se que o uso de carvão ativado seguido de adsorção em DEAE Sepharose é uma estratégia que pode ser utilizada para concentrar MnPs em extratos obtidos durante a biodegradação de E. grandis por C. subvermispora.

  19. Biotransformación del pelo residual de curtiembres

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    Ruth Viviana Numpaque


    Full Text Available La industria de curtiembres genera una alta carga contaminante representada por residuos líquidos, sólidos y gaseosos. Entre los residuos sólidos, el pelo residual es vertido directamente al río Bogotá y/o en rellenos sanitarios, desencadenando serios conflictos de orden ambiental, social y económico. El objetivo de esta investigación fue evaluar la capacidad de los microorganismos del EM y Agroplux en la transformación del pelo residual en compost. Se evaluaron tres tratamientos con pelo residual y materiales orgánicos de plaza en diferentes porcentajes y dos controles, utilizando el diseño completamente al azar, con tres repeticiones. Durante el compostaje se determinaron las variables temperatura, formación de agregados, pH y conductividad eléctrica. El desarrollo de la temperatura ocurrió en ciclos que concordaron con los volteos y re-inoculaciones. En el tercer ciclo el mayor incremento de temperatura fue obtenido en los tres tratamientos, cuando ya se había agotado la mayor parte de los residuos orgánicos. La formación de agregados indicó que el proceso se llevó a efecto principalmente en el tratamiento con 20% de pelo residual más 80% de residuos orgánicos. Además de su color oscuro y la ausencia de olor y fragmentos, el compost producido mediante dicho tratamiento mostró la conductividad eléctrica más baja y un pH casi neutro. Se concluye que los microorganismos del EM y Agroplux tienen capacidad para transformar el pelo residual en compost y por lo tanto representan una alternativa viable para la continuación del funcionamiento de la industria de curtiembres en Villapinzón (Cundinamarca y en otras regiones de Colombia.

  20. Análise proteômica comparativa entre neutrófilos quiescentes e neutrófilos ativo por n-formil-metionil-leucil-fenilalanina (fMLP)


    Neves, Anne Caroline Dias


    Os neutrófilos são células do sistema imune responsáveis pelo combate inicial contra microrganismos, tais como bactérias e fungos. Possuem uma vida curta, em torno de 6 a 10h na circulação periférica sendo os primeiros a chegarem ao local injuriado. Os neutrófilos podem ser ativados por várias substâncias, entre elas o fMLP (N-formil Metionil-Leucil-Fenilalanina), um peptídeo presente em bactérias Gram-positivas responsável pela ativação dos neutrófilos principalmente em pacientes acometidos ...

  1. Efeitos de ácido giberélico e carvão ativado no cultivo in vitro de Citrus limonia Osbeck chiPoncirus trifoliata (L. Raf Effects of gibberellic acid (GA3 and activated coal on in vitro culture of Citrus limonia Osbeck chi Poncirus trifoliata L. Raf. Embryos

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    Valtemir Gonçalves Ribeiro


    Full Text Available Pesquisou-se o desenvolvimento in vitro de embriões de um híbrido do cruzamento Citrus limonia Osb. chi Poncirus trifoliata (L. Raf. em meio MS, acrescido de GA3 (0,0, 0,01, 0,1 e 1,0 mg/L e carvão ativado (0,0, 0,5, 1,0 e 2,0 g/L, em todas as combinações possíveis. Após a excisão das sementes os embriões obtidos, independentemente dos estádios, foram inoculados nos respectivos meios de cultura. Cada tratamento permaneceu por 48 horas no escuro e 40 dias em sala de crescimento à temperatura de 27 ± 1ºC, com 16 horas de luminosidade. Após esse período, as plântulas foram avaliadas, considerando-se o porcentual de sobrevivência e comprimento da haste caulinar e do sistema radicular. Verificou-se que a concentação de 0,1 mg/L de GA3 interagiu antagonicamente em meio de cultivo contendo até 2,0 g/L de carvão ativado. O GA3 a 0,01 mg/L associado a concentrações de carvão ativado a partir de 0,5 g/L até 2,0 g/L, maximizou o porcentual de sobrevivência dos em- briões. Os embriões apresentaram o maior comprimento de raiz (4,5 cm e da haste caulinar (2,1 cm com carvão ativado na concentração de 0,5 g/L e 2,0 g/L, respectivamente.This work utilized fruits of a single plant obtained from the cross between Citrus limonia Osb. chi Poncirus trifoliata L. Raf. Seeds were removed and after excision, all the embryos, regardless their development stages, were inoculated in MS medium added with GA3 (0.0, 0.01, 0.1 and 1.0 mg/L and activated coal (0.0, 0.5, 1.0 and 2.0 g/L in every possible combination. These treatments remained for 48 hours in the dark and afterwards in growth room at the temperature of 27 ± 1ºC with 16 hours lighting. After 40 days, seedlings were evaluated by the lengths of the aerial part and root system and percent of survival. The concentration of 0.1 mg/L of GA3 interacts negatively in culture medium containing up to 2.0 g/L of activated coal. The concentration of 0.01 mg/L of GA3 associated to activated coal

  2. Crescimento in vitro e aclimatização de Cattleya loddigesii Lindley (Orchidaceae com carvão ativado sob dois espectros luminosos In vitro growth and acclimatization of Cattleya loddigesii Lindley (Orchidaceae with actived charcoal in two light spectra

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    Renato Fernandes Galdiano Júnior


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a adição de concentrações de carvão ativado em meio de cultura ½ MS (com metade da concentração dos macronutrientes sob dois espectros luminosos para a obtenção de plântulas in vitro de Cattleya loddigesii. Plântulas com aproximadamente 90 dias foram subcultivadas em oito tratamentos, nos quais foi testada a adição ao meio de cultura ½ MS com carvão ativado (0; 0,5; 1,0 e 2,0g L-1 e combinados sob espectro de luz branca e luz vermelha. Após 180 dias da germinação, foram mensurados dados biométricos (raiz e parte aérea, massa fresca e teores de pigmentos fotossintéticos. Em plântulas aclimatizadas em casa de vegetação, foram avaliadas a taxa de sobrevivência após 120 dias. As concentrações de clorofila total, clorofila a e carotenoides foram maiores nos tratamentos sob luz branca, enquanto a luz vermelha influenciou significativamente maior clorofila b, plântulas com menos raízes e de menor comprimento e elevada mortalidade ex vitro. A adição de 2,0g L-1 de carvão ativado ao meio de cultura e o uso de luz branca proporcionaram maior eficiência de desenvolvimento tanto para as culturas in vitro quanto para a sobrevivência ex vitro das plantas.The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of different concentrations of activated charcoal in ½ MS (half concentration of macronutrients culture medium under two light spectra on the in vitro growth of Cattleya loddigesii seedlings. Plantlets with approximately 90 days were subcultured under eight treatments, consisting of different active charcoal concentrations (0; 0.5; 1.0 and 2.0g L-1 in ½ MS medium combined with white and red light spectra. After 180 days of germination, biometric data, fresh weight, and the level of photosynthetic pigments were evaluated. Plantlets acclimatized in a greenhouse were evaluated for survival after 120 days. Total chlorophyll, chlorophyll a, and carotenoid concentrations were higher in

  3. Use of sawdust Eucalyptus sp. in the preparation of activated carbons Utilização de serragem de Eucalyptus sp. na preparação de carvões ativados

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    Gabriela Martucci Couto


    Full Text Available Wood sawdust is a solid residue, generated in the timber industry, which is of no profitable use and can cause serious environmental problems if disposed inadequately. The aim of this study was to use the eucalyptus sawdust in the preparation of activated carbons AC and test them as adsorbents of methylene blue (MB and phenol, representative pollutants from aqueous effluents of various industries. The eucalyptus sawdust was characterized by instrumental analysis such as elementary analysis (CHNS-O, thermogravimetric analysis (TGA, infrared spectroscopy (FTIR and scanning electron microscopy (SEM. The activated carbons were prepared by physical activation with carbon dioxide AC_CO2, (10º C min-1, 850º C, 1h and by chemical activation with potassium carbonate AC_K2CO3 (10º C min-1, 850º C, 3h. The AC_CO2 and AC_K2CO3 were characterized by CHN-O, TGA, FTIR, N2 adsorption/desorption (BET to evaluate the specific surface area and SEM. The resulting activated carbons were tested for their ability to adsorb MB and phenol in water. The activated carbons produced in this work were predominantly microporous and showed specific surface area of about 535 m² g-1. The AC_K2CO3 was more effective in the adsorption of MB (81 mg g-1 and phenol (330 mg g-1 than AC_CO2 (32 mg g-1 and 172 mg g-1, respectively, for MB and phenol.A serragem é um resíduo sólido, gerado na indústria madeireira, que não tem uso rentável e pode causar sérios problemas ambientais quando disposta inadequadamente. Neste estudo, objetivou-se utilizar a serragem de eucalipto na preparação de carvões ativados (AC e testá-los como adsorventes do corante azul de metileno (MB e fenol; moléculas que representam poluentes de efluentes industriais. A serragem de eucalipto foi caracterizada por análises instrumentais, tais como: análise elementar (CHNS-O, análise termogravimétrica (TGA, espectroscopia na região do infravermelho (FTIR e microscopia eletrônica de varredura (SEM

  4. Determinação de hormônios estrogênicos em esgoto bruto e efluente de uma estação descentralizada de tratamento por lodos ativados

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    Rossana Borges Teixeira


    Full Text Available Hormônios estrogênicos, provenientes dos esgotos, atingem os corpos hídricos e podem causar perturbações aos organismos aquáticos. Os tratamentos secundários das estações de tratamento de esgoto (ETE possibilitam alguma remoção destes compostos, mesmo em ETEs descentralizadas, apesar de ainda haver poucos estudos sobre elas. Em sistemas por lodos ativados, a eficiência tem sido relacionada ao tempo de detenção hidráulica (TDH, à idade de lodo, à desnitrificação biológica e à carga de alimentação. O objetivo deste trabalho foi quantificar os hormônios estrona (E1, 17-β-estradiol (E2, estriol (E3 e 17-α-etinilestradiol (EE2 no esgoto e no efluente de uma ETE descentralizada por lodos ativados, além de caracterizar a ETE do Campus Universitário da EEL-USP quanto à matéria orgânica recebida, ao tempo de detenção hidráulica e a remoção de nitrogênio. Cromatografia líquida com detecção UV foi utilizada na determinação dos hormônios. Os resultados mostraram concentrações dos hormônios superiores às encontradas na literatura, em ambos: esgoto (5,158 ± 2,747; 7,434 ± 4,356; 5,200 ± 3,331 e 5,638 ± 4,312 μg L-1 de E1, E2, E3 e EE2 e efluente (5,062 ± 3,366; 4,191 ± 3,527; 7,743 ± 3,951, 2,550± 2,162 de E1, E2, E3 e EE2. No esgoto, as altas concentrações podem ser relacionadas à maior predominância de urina, visto os altos níveis de nitrogênio detectados, à menor geração de esgoto e a amostragem em período seco causando reduzida diluição dos hormônios. Remoção insuficiente dos hormônios devido a menor TDH (2h05 e irregularidade na desnitrificação (-54 a 61% pode ser o motivo das altas concentrações de estrógenos no efluente. Ademais, a desconjugação dos hormônios pode ter ocorrido durante o tratamento.


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    Thomaz Antônio Godoy Perilli


    Full Text Available A possibilidade de remoção de manganês contido em efluentes de mineração de elevada concentração, i.e., até 140mg/L, foi estudada através de adsorção em carvão ativado. Inicialmente, foi feito um tratamento térmico no carvão em duas temperaturas distintas, com o intuito de avaliar a importância dos sítios de adsorção no processo. Os ensaios de adsorção foram conduzidos em batelada, utilizando-se uma solução de laboratório para simular os altos níveis de manganês típicos de drenagem ácida de mina. Os resultados mostraram que os carvões tratados termicamente apresentaram queda de capacidade adsorvente. Análises da superfície específica dos materiais e do ponto de carga zero apontam para um mecanismo de quimiossorção, em acordo com o mecanismo de troca catiônica proposto em outros estudos. A decomposição de sítios ativos de adsorção durante o tratamento térmico pode explicar a redução na remoção do manganês entre os carvões tratados e o carvão in natura. Em nenhum dos casos testados a solução atingiu a concentração permitida pela legislação brasileira, de 1mg/L, sendo o melhor resultado 20mg/L.

  6. Contribuições para interação pelo olhar com teclados virtuais


    Antonio Díaz Tula


    A presente tese de doutorado insere-se na área de interação pelo olhar. A interação pelo olhar é uma forma de comunicação com o computador utilizando os movimentos oculares do usuário. Pessoas com deficiência física, que não conseguem usar dispositivos convencionais como um teclado e um mouse de computador, podem se beneficiar da interação pelo olhar para se comunicarem e se inserirem na sociedade. Para isso a entrada de texto ou digitação pelo olhar é um recurso importante e assunto principa...

  7. Avaliação de um reator de lodo ativado aplicado à nitrificação utilizando ensaios cinéticos = Evaluation of an activated sludge reactor applied to nitrification using kinetic assays

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    Valeria Reginatto


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho, um reator em escala laboratorial de lodo ativado, aplicado ao processo da nitrificação, foi acompanhado por meio de ensaios cinéticos de atividade específica. A atividade de nitrificação da biomassa foi determinada por respirometria nacaracterização do inóculo e na avaliação da biomassa do reator em duas condições: durante a alimentação do reator com meio sintético autotrófico; e após a sua alimentação com efluente de um reator UASB, utilizado para desnitrificação. O reator atingiu uma eficiência em torno de 90% de nitrificação em ambas as condições de operação. O modelo cinético de Andrews, que inclui uma constante da inibição pelo substrato (Ki, ajustou-se melhor aos resultados obtidos nos testes de atividade do que o de Monod. Entretanto, observou-se aumento daconstante de inibição (Ki do lodo após operação do reator em relação ao inóculo, demonstrando a adaptação da biomassa às novas condições (cargas de nitrificação.In this work, an activated sludge lab-scale reactor used fornitrification was monitored by specific activity kinetic assays. The nitrification biomass activity was carried out by respirometric methods in order to characterize the inoculum and the reactor sludge after two different operation conditions: during the feeding of the reactor with synthetic autotrophic medium, and after feeding it with effluent from an UASB reactor used for denitrification. The efficiency of nitrification reached 90% in both operation conditions. Results obtained by the kinetic activity assays were better adjusted by the kinetic model of Andrews, which includes the inhibition constant by the substrate (Ki, than the Monod model. However, an increase was observed in the inhibition constant (Ki of the sludge after the operation of the reactor as compared with the inoculum. This effect demonstrates an adaptation of the biomass to the new nitrification conditions (loading rate.


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    Vitor Edson Marques Junior


    Full Text Available Embora os shoppings centers estejam em franco processo de ampliação na economia brasileira ainda são poucas as análises envolvendo shoppings centers e atributos motivadores de escolha pelos consumidores. Este trabalho tem por objetivo analisar os fatores motivacionais determinantes para a escolha de um shopping por parte dos consumidores. A amostra deste estudo foi composta por alunos de graduação de cursos de Administração. Adicionalmente, foi realizada uma entrevista em profundidade com os gestores dos três shoppings centers da cidade de Ribeirão Preto. O estudo revelou que os atributos motivadores mais valorizados no processo de escolha foram: limpeza, manutenção, segurança dentro do shopping e qualidade do serviço prestado. Este trabalho pretende contribuir com a compreensão da importância dos fatores valorados pelos consumidores de shoppings centers e assim sendo, fornecer material para a melhoria da gestão destes empreendimentos.

  9. Efeitos bioestimulantes do laser de baixa potência no processo de reparo Biostimulation effects of low-power laser in the repair process

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    Ruthinéia Diógenes Alves Uchôa Lins


    Full Text Available Os lasers de baixa potência promovem efeitos biológicos benéficos, de caráter analgésico, antiinflamatório e cicatrizante, por meio de um fenômeno de bioestimulação. A radiação emitida pelo laser terapêutico afeta os processos metabólicos das células-alvo, produzindo efeitos bioestimulantes que resultam na ocorrência de eventos celulares e vasculares, os quais parecem interferir diretamente no processo de reparo. Este trabalho visa estudar o fenômeno da bioestimulação e destacar os principais efeitos bioestimulantes do laser de baixa potência na reparação tecidual.The wound healing process has always been an excellent subject for researchers. The use of low-power laser on wounds during the postoperative phase has increased the speed of the healing process. It has been implied that low power radiation affects cellular metabolic processes and promotes beneficial biological effects (analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and healing. Laser biostimulation appears to influence the behavior of the repair process. This paper aims at reviewing the most interesting aspects of the use of low-power laser in the tissue-repair process.

  10. Hierarquização da eficiência de remoção de cianotoxinas por meio de adsorção em carvão ativado granular

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    Maria Natália Costa e Silva


    Full Text Available RESUMO O trabalho objetivou avaliar a remoção concomitante de duas cianotoxinas - microcistina-LR e saxitoxina-STX - por meio da adsorção em carvão ativado granular. Em primeira etapa, três carvões de granulometrias distintas, dois de coco de dendê e um mineral, foram avaliados na adsorção de microcistina-LR em água destilada e tratada com concentrações de 3,9 a 9,4 ug.L-1. O carvão de coco de dendê de menor granulometria apresentou desempenho mais uniforme, tanto no que tange à remoção (% de microcistina-LR, quanto ao volume de efluente produzido consoante com as recomendações do padrão de potabilidade brasileiro. Em segunda etapa, apenas para o carvão selecionado na etapa precedente, concentrações de microcistina-LR e saxitoxina-STX aproximadamente 50% superiores dos limites do mesmo padrão de potabilidade foram dispersas em água destilada. Tais ensaios de adsorção evidenciaram que apenas a adsorção de saxitonina não foi influenciada pela simultaneidade das duas cianotoxinas.


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    Sebastião Pereira Nascimento


    Full Text Available São apresentadas 564 expressões orais populares utilizadas pelos habitantes do lavrado em Roraima. A maioria dos significados dos termos é originária da herança cultural trazida pelo povo nordestino radicado nos Campos do Rio Branco desde o século XIX. As línguas indígenas também têm influência nestas expressões orais locais, com destaque para as famílias linguísticas Karib e Aruak. Alguns termos têm influências culturais de outras regiões brasileiras e fragmentos de línguas estrangeiras.

  12. Uso de fator VII recombinante ativado para tratamento e profilaxia de grandes sangramentos Use of recombinant activated factor VII for treatment and prophylaxis of major bleeding

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    Flávio Augusto Henriques Vince


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: O fator VII recombinante ativado (rFVIIa é uma proteína produzida por engenharia genética, cuja estrutura é muito semelhante à do fator VII intrínseco ativado (FVII. Sua ação se baseia no conhecimento do mecanismo de coagulação in vivo agindo na ativação direta do fator X resultando em formação independente de trombina no local da lesão e contribuindo dessa forma para formação de coágulo estável de fibrina sem a ação dos fatores VIII e IX. MÉTODOS: Foi realizada ampla revisão da literatura com o objetivo de determinar os achados recentes relacionados ao uso de fator VII recombinante ativado em pacientes com sangramento severo. RESULTADOS: Constatou-se que o uso de rFVIIa foi iniciado na década de 80 para profilaxia e tratamento de sangramento em pacientes com antecedente de hemofilia A ou B com inibidores de fator VIII e IX, deficiência de fator VII e trombastenia de Glanzmann refratários à reposição plaquetária. Em 1999 seu uso foi ampliado para outras situações clínicas e dessa forma, começaram a ser publicados diversos trabalhos mostrando a eficácia do rFVIIa como agente pró-hemostático em paciente com outras coagulopatias ou pacientes previamente hígidos com história de sangramento agudo de grande monta. Trauma é a principal causa de mortalidade no mundo sendo sangramento incontrolado o principal desafio no atendimento a estes pacientes. É comum a associação de trauma com coagulopatia, necessitando em algumas situações de terapia específica para o tratamento da mesma. Neste momento a terapia adjuvante com rFVIIa deve ser considerada. Outras causas comuns de sangramento são as operações cardíacas e ginecológicas/ obstétricas e doenças envolvendo o fígado. A coagulopatia nesses casos ocorre por deficiência dos fatores dependentes de vitamina K, sendo o FVII o com menor meia-vida. CONCLUSÃO: O uso de rFVIIa tem sido sugerido como opção terapêutica promissora para esses

  13. The concept of ’Musa-pelo and the medicinal use of shrubby legumes (Fabaceae in Lesotho

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    A. Moteetee


    Full Text Available In the Kingdom of Lesotho, 20 plant species are commonly known as  'Musa-pelo. The term literally means ‘the one who brings back or tums around the heart’.  'Musa-pelo is traditionally used as a sedative and is given as a first aid treatment to bereaved people who are under severe psychological duress or stress. Of the 20 species known as  'Musa-pelo, 17 belong to nine genera of the Fabaceae  (Argyrolobium, Crotalaria, Indigofera, Lessertia, Lotononis, Melolobium, Sutherlandia, Tephrosia and  Trifolium. The three remaining species namely Cleome monophylla, Heliophila carnosa and  Cysticapnos pruinosa, belong to the families Capparaceae, Brassicaceae and Fumariaceae, respectively. In this paper, the concept of 'Musa-pelo in traditional medicine is explored.

  14. Respuesta reproductiva de ovejas de pelo sincronizadas con progesterona o prostaglandinas


    Arroyo-Ledezma, Jaime; De La Torre-Barrera, Jannette; Ávila-Serrano, N. Ysac


    La sincronización ajusta los estros a tiempos específicos y permite usar tecnologías reproductivas. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la respuesta reproductiva de 30 ovejas de pelo sincronizadas con progesterona (P4) o prostaglandinas. Las ovejas de pelo eran 5/8 Pelibuey x 2/8 Black Belly x 1/8 Dorper, de 3.5 a 4.0 años de edad, con peso promedio de 37.8 ±3.0 kg; el último parto fue 8 meses previos al experimento. Los tratamientos fueron; 1) aplicación por 11 d de 300 mg de P4 impregna...

  15. Tratamento de água para abastecimento público por ultrafiltração: avaliação comparativa através dos custos diretos de implantação e operação com os sistemas convencional e convencional com carvão ativado Drinking water treatment by ultrafiltration: comparative evaluation through direct capital and operational costs with conventional and conventional with activated carbon systems

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    José Carlos Mierzwa


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho é apresentada uma avaliação comparativa preliminar entre os sistemas de tratamento de água por ultrafiltração, convencional e convencional com carvão ativado, com base nos custos diretos de implantação e operação, utilizando-se os resultados obtidos em uma unidade piloto de ultrafiltração, instalada junto à captação de água no Reservatório Guarapiranga. Para comparação considerou-se os dados relativos à eficiência da remoção de Carbono Orgânico Total. A avaliação de custos foi feita pelo método de cálculo do período de retorno de investimento, obtendo-se valores de R$ 0,20/m³ para o sistema convencional e R$ 0,40/m³ para os outros sistemas. Estes resultados mostram o potencial de processos de separação por membranas no tratamento de água para abastecimento público.In this work it is presented a comparative evaluation for ultrafiltration, conventional, and conventional with activated carbon water treatment systems, considering direct capital and operational costs, based on the results of an ultrafiltration pilot unit, installed at the Guarapiranga’s Reservoir. In order to compare the costs it was considered Total Organic Carbon removal efficiency. Cost evaluation was performed based on the pay back method, resulting in a value of R$ 0.20/m3 for conventional water treatment system, and R$ 0.40/m3 for the others. These results clearly demonstrate the high potential of membrane separation technology for drinking water treatment.

  16. Operação periódica de um leito gotejante de carvão ativado para redução da emissão do poluente atmosférico SO2 com geração de ácido sulfúrico.


    Sandro Megale Pizzo


    O desempenho dos modos periódico e contínuo de operação para o tratamento de uma mistura gasosa de SO2 em ar foi analisado utilizando-se um reator de aço inox, em escala de bancada de 77,92mm de diâmetro interno, contendo leito fixo de carvão ativado de 80,00mm de altura, com partículas de 2,00 a 2,36mm. Foram obtidas as eficiências médias de remoção do gás e as concentrações de ácido sulfúrico produzido nas soluções líquidas de saída, em função da concentração inicial de SO2 (500, 1.000 e 1....


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    Juliana Fabiani Miranda


    Full Text Available A fibrose hepática é uma condição clínica presente na maioria das doenças hepáticas, caracterizada pelo aumento na síntese dos componentes da matriz extracelular na tentativa de cicatrização do tecido lesionado. A principal célula responsável pelo desenvolvimento da fibrose hepática é a célula estrelada hepática, localizada no espaço de Disse. Esta apresenta dois fenótipos: o quiescente e o ativado. O metabolismo de lipídeo na célula estrelada está relacionado com o fornecimento de energia para a iniciação e perpetuação do seu estado ativado. Dentro deste contexto a ácido graxo sintase (FASN, proteína chave da síntese de ácido graxo de novo torna-se alvo do estudo, uma vez que o metabolismo de lipídeos está intimamente relacionado ao processo fibrosante em células estreladas hepáticas. Sabe-se que o fármaco triclosan (TCS é inibidor da proteína FASN na síntese de ácido graxo de novo, com potencial alteração do processo fibrosante em células estreladas hepáticas. Sendo assim, avaliamos os aspectos celulares e moleculares do efeito do fármaco TCS na modulação do metabolismo de lipídeo através da inibição da FASN em modelo de células estreladas hepáticas LX-2. Os resultados demonstraram que o TCS na concentração 50 µM em cultura celular LX-2 crescida em 10% de soro bovino fetal (SBF – estado ativado- promove alterações morfofuncionais nas células; tanto pela despolimerização dos filamentos de actina quanto pela formação de estruturas globulares de actina no citoesqueleto celular. Desta maneira, o fármaco TCS apresentou características possivelmente citotóxicas em células LX-2 com 10% de SBF. Por outro lado, o estudo da inibição da proteína FASN demonstrou resultados que sugerem uma transdiferenciação celular correlacionada com a reversão do quadro pró-fibrosante hepático em células LX-2, com o aumento das gotículas de lipídeo no citoplasma e aumento da expressão dos

  18. Ciclofotocoagulação com laser diodo em glaucoma refratário, resultado a longo prazo Cyclophotocoagulation with diode laser in refractory glaucoma, long-term results

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    Vera Christina Waller de Lima


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Relatar experiência de longo prazo com ciclofotocoagulação com laser diodo em glaucomas refratários. MÉTODOS: Foram selecionados casos de glaucomas refratários com indicação de ciclofotocoagulação com laser diodo acoplado a uma sonda G (Iris Medical. Todos os procedimentos foram realizados pelo mesmo cirurgião que realizou 20 aplicações (em média com 2000 mW de potência em 270 graus de extensão, com a sonda colocada a 1,5 mm do limbo, por 2,0 a 2,5 s. Foram incluídos somente casos com pelo menos 6 meses de seguimento. Considerou-se sucesso cirúrgico Po final PURPOSE: To report long-term experience with cyclophotocoagulation using diode laser in refractory glaucomas. METHODS: We selected cases of refractory glaucoma with indication for cyclophotocoagulation (CPC with diode laser using a G probe (Iris Medical. All procedures were performed by the same surgeon: twenty applications of 2000 mW power at 270- degree extension. The probe placed set at 1.5 mm from the limbus during 2.0 a 2.5 s. Only cases with at least 6 months of follow-up were included. The procedure was considered successful when IOP was < 24 mmHg or decrease was larger or equal to 30% of the initial IOP with remission of symptoms. Only 25 patients (18.75% concluded the study (36 months. RESULTS: One hundred and thirty cases had a mean follow-up of 18,1 ± 9,6 months with 116 (87.2% successful cases and 17 (12,7% insuccess ful cases. Initial and final IOP were, 48.20 ± 12.11mmHg and 19.93 ± 11,93mmHg respectively (p < 0.0001. Main complications were: "Phthisis bulbi" in 7 (5.2% cases and long-term hypotony in 6 (4.5% cases. CONCLUSIONS: Considering the severity of our cases, we conclude that the long-term results of cyclophotocoagulation with diode laser for refractory glaucomas were satisfactory, with an acceptable incidence of complications.

  19. Equivalente esférico e valores da espessura da camada de fibras nervosas obtidas com o GDX TM Scanning Laser System® Spherical equivalent and nerve fiber layer thickness assessed with GDX TM Scanning Laser System®

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    Lênio Souza Alvarenga


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Estudar a influência do equivalente esférico nos valores obtidos pelo GDX TM Scanning Laser System®. Métodos: Foram avaliados 41 olhos de 41 voluntários sem doenças oculares e com campo visual sem alterações. Foi realizada a polarimetria de varredura a laser com o GDX TM Scanning Laser System® de acordo com as instruções contidas no manual do aparelho. Foram comparados os valores obtidos nesse exame em um grupo de pacientes com equivalente esférico positivo e em um outro com este valor nulo ou negativo, pelo teste de Mann-Whitney. Resultados: Não se verificou diferença estatística entre os valores obtidos nos olhos de pacientes do grupo I e os do grupo II. Não foi encontrada correlação entre o equivalente esférico e os valores obtidos com o GDX TM Scanning Laser System®. Conclusões: Na amostra estudada não houve diferença estatística entre os valores obtidos em um grupo de olhos com equivalente esférico positivo e outro com este valor negativo ou nulo, usando-se o GDX TM Scanning Laser System®.Purpose: To evaluate the effect of spherical equivalent on the acquisition of nerve fiber layer (NFL thickness with GDX TM Scanning Laser System®. Methods: Forty-one eyes of 41 volunteers were enrolled in this study. All of them presented with no ocular disease and no visual field defect. The NFL thickness was measured with GDX TM Scanning Laser System® as described in its manual. The values obtained in a group of volunteers with negative spherical equivalent (group I were compared to those from a group with a positive spherical equivalent (group II by the Mann-Whitney test. Results: There was no statistical difference between mea-surements in eyes of group I and those in group II. The NFL thickness measurements were not correlated with the sphe-rical equivalent. Conclusions: In the studied group there was no statistical difference in the GDX TM Scanning Laser System® parameters related to spherical equivalent.

  20. Asma induzida pelo exercício: aspectos atuais e recomendações


    Laitano,Orlando; Meyer,Flávia


    OBJETIVO: Descrever os mecanismos da asma induzida pelo exercício (AIE), bem como os efeitos de diferentes tipos de treinamento físico na função pulmonar e nas capacidades aeróbia e anaeróbia. Destaca-se a importância de um diagnóstico correto mediante o teste de exercício e, no manejo, o uso de drogas beta-adrenérgicas e anticolinérgicas. FONTE DOS DADOS: Os artigos foram criteriosamente escolhidos utilizando as bases de dados PubMed e Scielo pelo ano de publicação e dando preferência a ensa...

  1. Remoção da prata em efluentes radiográficos = Silver removal in radiographic wastewaters

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    Edmilson Cesar Bortoletto


    Full Text Available O efluente proveniente da etapa de fixação e a água de enxágüe gerada no processamento de filmes radiográficos contêm prata na forma de complexo negativo de tiossulfato de prata, o que torna este efluente extremamente tóxico a organismos aquáticos. Neste trabalho foi realizado o estudo da remoção da prata presente nestes efluentes. Para a remoção da prata presente no fixador foi realizado o estudo da precipitação utilizando diferentes agentes precipitantes. A maior porcentagem de remoção de prata (84% foi obtida utilizando-se H2O2 a 0,17 mol L-1. Além disso, foi realizado o estudo da remoção da pratapresente na água residual pelo processo de adsorção com carvão ativado e zeólitas. A zeólita não apresentou afinidade com o complexo de prata. Os melhores resultados de remoção de prata foram obtidos com o uso de carvão ativado granular de coco de babaçu, obtendo-seuma remoção de 0,42 mg de prata g-1 de carvão ativado.Fixing bath solution as well as radiographic wastewaters contain silver in deleterious concentration to the aquatic ecosystems. Unfortunately such effluents do not receive adequate treatment in order to remove such ion. Therefore the present work aimed to investigate silver removal from fixing baths and radiographic wastewaters from the odontological clinic of the UniversityHospital of Maringá. Treatments here investigated included precipitation of silver from fixing bath and adsorption in zeolites and activated carbon. The highest silver removal for the first treatment (around 84% was obtained with 0.17 mol L-1 of H2O2. Concerning the adsorption process, it was concluded that zeolites A, X and mordenite were inefficient to retain the silver complex. Nevertheless activated carbon from babassu coconut was able toremove up to 0.42 mg of silver g-1 of activated carbon.

  2. Arremessar por cima do ombro e a distância percorrida pelo implemento


    Silva,Samuel Bento da; Vilela Junior,Guanis de Barros; Toloka,Rute Estanislava


    A habilidade de arremessar por cima do ombro tem sido bastante estudada, observando-se a velocidade do implemento, porém enquanto muitas tarefas têm como objetivo arremessar o mais longe possível, a distância percorrida pelo objeto ainda não tem sido investigada. O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar se existe relação entre o estágio de desenvolvimento motor nesta habilidade e a distância percorrida pelo implemento e observar diferenças entre os gêneros masculino e feminino; 50 crianças, com ...

  3. Aferição dos equipamentos de laser de baixa intensidade Calibration of low-level laser therapy equipment

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    Thiago Y. Fukuda


    Full Text Available CONTEXTUALIZAÇÃO: A laserterapia de baixa intensidade (LBI vem sendo cada vez mais utilizada, porém ainda não há consenso na literatura quanto ao tempo em que os equipamentos devem ser submetidos à aferição ou calibragem. OBJETIVO: Analisar a potência média real (PmR dos equipamentos de LBI na região da Grande São Paulo. MÉTODOS: Para análise dos equipamentos, utilizou-se um potenciômetro (Lasercheck, próprio para aferição de equipamentos contínuos, o qual foi programado com dados referentes ao comprimento de onda do laser a ser avaliado, obtendo-se assim a PmR emitida. Os equipamentos foram analisados de duas formas: uma, com o LBI desaquecido, e outra, após 10 minutos de uso (aquecido, sendo que três análises foram feitas para cada condição. A caneta emissora foi acoplada ao potenciômetro, o qual fornecia a PmR emitida pelo LBI. Todos os dados e informações referentes à aplicação do laser foram coletados por um questionário respondido pelos responsáveis. RESULTADOS: Os 60 equipamentos avaliados mostraram déficit na PmR com os equipamentos desaquecidos e aquecidos. A análise estatística (ANOVA mostrou diminuição significativa (PBACKGROUND: Despite the increase in the use of low-level laser therapy (LLLT, there is still a lack of consensus in the literature regarding how often the equipment must be calibrated. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the real average power of LLLT devices in the Greater São Paulo area. METHODS: For the evaluation, a LaserCheck power meter designed to calibrate continuous equipment was used. The power meter was programmed with data related to the laser's wavelength to gauge the real average power being emitted. The LLLT devices were evaluated in two ways: first with the device cooled down and then with the device warmed up for 10 minutes. For each condition, three tests were performed. The laser probe was aligned with the power meter, which provided the real average power being emitted by the

  4. Obtenção e caracterização de carvão ativado de caroço de buriti (Mauritia flexuosa L. f. para a avaliação do processo de adsorção de cobre (II Production and characterization of the activated carbon from buriti stone (Mauritia flexuosa L. f. to evaluate the adsorption's process of copper (II

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    Marcos Vinicios de Souza Pinto


    Full Text Available Na região amazônica, algumas indústrias despejam cobre nos corpos receptores que, em elevadas concentrações, é tóxico para os seres vivos. A remoção de cobre de efluentes industriais é realizada por diversos processos como a adsorção. Neste trabalho mostrou-se o resultado da adsorção de cobre (II em carvão ativado de caroço de buriti carbonizado a 400 °C e ativado a 900 °C. O carvão ativado foi caracterizado em termos de área específica, tamanho dos poros, densidades aparente e real, porosidade, microscopia eletrônica de varredura, conteúdo de cinzas, pH, umidade, carbono fixo e grupos funcionais de superfície. O estudo de equilíbrio de adsorção avaliou a influência do diâmetro das partículas do carvão, do tempo de contato adsorvente/adsorbato, do pH e da concentração inicial da solução de cobre (II sobre a remoção de cobre (II. Com base nos resultados, concluiu-se que há uma maior eficiência de remoção de cobre (II para diâmetro In the Amazon region some industries discharges copper into watercourse that in high concentrations is toxic to the biota. The removal of copper from industrial effluent is performed by several processes such as adsorption. This work shows the result of copper (II adsorption on activated carbon obtained from buriti kernel, carbonized at 400 °C and activated at 900 °C. The activated carbon was characterized according to specific area, pore size, apparent and real density, porosity, scanning electron microscopy, ash content, pH, moisture, fixed carbon and surface functional groups. The study of adsorption equilibrium evaluated the influence of the coal particles diameter, contact time adsorbent/adsorbate, pH and copper (II solution initial concentration on copper (II remotion. The results showed a higher removal efficiency of copper (II to the diameter D < 0.595 mm, contact time of 300 minutes, pH of 4.01 and the copper (II initial concentrations of 50 and 80 mg L-1. The

  5. Comparative study of the action of two different types of bleaching agents activated by two different types of irradiation fonts: xenon plasma arc lamp and 960 nm diode laser; Avaliacao da cor e estudo comparativo da acao de dois tipos diferentes de agentes clareadores ativados pelo laser de diodo e lampada xenonio plasmatica, na superficie do esmalte

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    Walverde, Debora Ayala


    This in vitro study compares two different types of tooth bleaching agents stimulated with two different irradiation fonts. These fonts accelerate the action of the bleaching agents upon the enamel surface by heating up the materials. We used the xenon plasma arc lamp and a 960 nm fiber-coupled diode laser to irradiate the two materials containing 35% of hydrogen peroxide (Opus White and Opalescence extra). The color of the teeth was measured with a spectrophotometer using the CIELAB color system that gives the numeric values of L{sup *}a{sup *}b{sup *}. (author)

  6. Infestaçao humana pelo Dipylidium caninum


    Carlos Henrique Lemos; Clarice de Resende Oliveira


    Os autores descrevem um caso de infestação pelo Dipylidium caninum numa criança residente em Araguari, Minas Gerais, que apresentou lesões cutâneas, insônia, irritabilidade, vômitos eperda do apetite. Relatam a eliminação abundante deproglotes quando a paciente foi tratada com medicamentos caseiros e a remissão dos sintomas, após dois tratamentos com mebendazol. Contudo não puderam concluir sobre a eficiência das drogas, devido à medicação empírica e ã administração de 200 mg/dia de mebendazo...

  7. Opção pelo curso de Medicina em Angola: o caso da Universidade Agostinho Neto

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    Maria Fernanda Afonso Dias Monteiro

    Full Text Available O presente trabalho pretende: (i identificar os motivos que conduzem os jovens a optar pelo curso de Medicina na Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade Agostinho Neto (FMUAN; (ii identificar como é percebida a profissão médica; (iii determinar se existe influência das características sociodemográficas sobre os fatores identificados como determinantes que os orientam para a pretensão de ser médico. O estudo contou com uma amostra de 1.815 candidatos (96,2%. Os dados recolhidos correspondem a uma amostra obtida por intermédio de inquéritos de opinião. Os candidatos identificaram como principais razões de opção pelo curso de Medicina as seguintes: Altruísmo (mediana = 87,5; Vocação (mediana = 81,3; Influência Familiar (mediana = 75,0; Prestígio Social (mediana = 75,0; Interesse Científico (mediana = 68,7; Pessoas na Família Exercendo a Profissão (mediana = 62,5; Mercado de Trabalho (mediana = 50,0. Não consideraram como razões de opção pelo curso: Benefício Econômico (mediana = 45,0, Sucesso (mediana = 43,8 e os Problemas de Saúde na Família (mediana = 37,5. Podemos concluir que os candidatos ao curso de Medicina se distinguem pela dedicação aos outros e pelo compromisso com as pessoas, constituindo a Vocação e o Altruísmo as principais forças impulsionadoras da opção pelo curso.


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    Alexandre Simões Lorenzon


    Full Text Available RESUMOEste trabalho foi desenvolvido na Estação de Pesquisas, Treinamento e Educação Ambiental Mata do Paraíso, situada no Município de Viçosa, na Zona da Mata de Minas Gerais, Brasil, e teve como objetivo avaliar o escoamento pelo tronco em um fragmento de Mata Atlântica, no período de agosto de 2009 a março de 2011. Para quantificar esse escoamento, foram demarcadas seis parcelas de 10 x 10 m, sendo em cada parcela adaptados coletores à base de poliuretano nos troncos das árvores com circunferência 15,0 cm. Um pluviômetro foi instalado em local aberto para quantificar a água diretamente da chuva. Além disso, realizou-se uma análise qualitativa dos indivíduos do escoamento pelo troco, avaliando a qualidade do fuste e da copa, posição no estrato da floresta e infestação de cipó. Em todo o período de análises, foram realizadas 75 medições. Nas parcelas de escoamento pelo tronco foram amostrados 126 indivíduos, distribuídos em 29 famílias e 59 espécies. A precipitação em aberto foi de 2.391,63 mm, e o escoamento pelo tronco somou 31,59 mm, ou 1,32% da precipitação em aberto. A espécie com maior escoamento pelo tronco foi a Euterpe edulis, com um volume médio de água escoado de 637,00 L. Das espécies com maior escoamento pelo tronco, 73,91% encontravam-se no estrato inferior da floresta, evidenciando que algumas espécies possuem algum tipo de adaptação morfológica para captação da água da chuva.

  9. Obtenção e caracterização de materiais argilosos quimicamente ativados para utilização em catálise Preparation and characterization of chemically activated clays for use in catalysis

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    M. G. F. Rodrigues


    Full Text Available O principal objetivo deste trabalho é caracterizar argilas esmectíticas "Chocolate" de Boa-Vista, PB, tanto na sua forma natural quanto tratada quimicamente, visando sua aplicação em catálise. As argilas foram caracterizadas por fluorescência de raios X, difração de raios X e espectrofotometria de absorção óptica na região do infravermelho. Os resultados mostraram que o tratamento ácido alterou a estrutura da montmorilonita. A reação de isomerização do meta-xileno, para o material ativado, mostrou que a argila ácida foi mais ativa que a natural.The main objective of this paper is to characterize the chocolate smectite clays of Boa-Vista, PB, Brazil, in their natural form, and after chemical treatment, for their application in catalysis. The experimental methods were: X-ray fluorescence, X-ray diffraction and infrared spectroscopy. The results show that the acid treatment altered the montimorillonite structure. The obtained reaction (isomerization of m-xylene for the treated material showed that treated clays were more active than the natural ones.

  10. Os encantos da Veneza Americana e da propaganda pelo cinema: os filmes financiados pelo governo Sergio Loreto em Pernambuco (1922-1926

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    Luciana Corrêa de Araújo


    Full Text Available Este artigo aborda a produção cinematográfica financiada pelo governo Sergio Loreto em Pernambuco (1922-1926. Por meio de textos históricos, pesquisa em periódicos e análise fílmica, pretendemos destacar a relevância do estímulo oficial ao incipiente meio cinematográfico local e analisar como se constroem, nos filmes, as relações entre estratégias de propaganda e procedimentos estéticos e narrativos.


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    Rodrigo de Medeiros Silva


    Full Text Available Este artigo versa sobre as violações cometidas pelo Regime Militar ao povo Krenak e o possível dano ao projeto de vida. Conceituando esta espécie de dano como violação de direitos humanos, irá discorrer sobre a criação da Guarda Rural Indígena (GRIN, a instalação do presídio indígena em suas terras chamado “Reformatório Krenak” e o deslocamento forçado para outro centro de detenção indígena, denominado fazenda Guarani, no município de Carmésia/MG. Procurará se demonstrar que as ações cometidas a este povo, pelo Estado Brasileiro, devem ser reparadas também por atingir o modo e a expectativa de vida que possuíam a época. Para melhor identificar estes danos causados, o trabalho recorrerá à peça inicial da Ação Civil Pública nº 64483-95.2015.4.01.3800, impetrada pelo Ministério Público Federal, que trata das violações sofridas pelos Krenak e o Relatório da Comissão Nacional da Verdade, Volume II. Também se demostrará que a Corte Interamericana de Direitos Humanos já vem entendendo que este tipo de dano deve ser reparado.

  12. Aspectos histopatológicos das lesões renais em gatos experimentalmente infectados pelo vírus da imunodeficiência felina

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    Leonardo P. Mesquita


    Full Text Available A infecção pelo vírus da imunodeficiência felina (FIV em gatos domésticos é caracterizada por distúrbios imunológicos, que geralmente se manifestam tardiamente na doença. Semelhante à infecção pelo vírus da imunodeficiência humana (HIV em humanos, a infecção pelo FIV geralmente está associada a infecções oportunistas e ao desenvolvimento progressivo de nefropatia. Portanto, o objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar as alterações histopatológicas em rins de 10 gatos experimentalmente infectados pelo FIV submetidos a eutanásia 60 meses após a inoculação viral. Nos rins de 100% dos gatos infectados pelo FIV foram visualizadas lesões glomerulares e tubulointersticiais. As lesões glomerulares eram caracterizadas principalmente por espessamento global ou segmentar da membrana basal glomerular (glomerulonefrite membranosa. Glomeruloesclerose e, em dois casos, proliferação de células epiteliais intraglomerulares (crescente glomerular, também foram observados. Nefrite intersticial linfoplasmocítica foi a alteração tubulointersticial mais frequente, visualizada em diferentes intensidades nos rins de 100% dos gatos. Os resultados do presente estudo demonstram que o tempo prolongado entre a infecção e a avaliação histopatológica pode ter sido decisivo para o surgimento das lesões renais em todos os gatos infectados pelo FIV e para o agravamento dessas lesões em alguns gatos.


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    Luís Gustavo Finger de Oliveira


    Full Text Available Este artigo propõe uma reflexão sobre as narrativas audiovisuais contemporâneas marcadas pelo choque do real ou pela paixão pelo real. Em perspectivas semelhantes, os autores defendem a ideia de que, diante da experiência virtualizada e fragmentada atual, as produções audiovisuais construídas a partir da estética realista buscam ofertar um real mais real do que o real, portanto, explícito e contundente, buscando reduzir as mediações e artifícios em seu narrar. A observação deste fenômeno, bem como o estudo das estratégias de autenticação da linguagem audiovisual foram feitas no filme “12 Anos de Escravidão”, de Steve McQueen, vencedor de três Oscars e integrante de uma safra de filmes oscarizados que, em boa parte, foram resultantes da retratação de histórias reais de anônimos.

  14. Dificuldades enfrentadas pelos pais de crianças com doença do refluxo gastroesofágico


    Cordeiro,Jacqueline Andréia Bernardes Leão; Gualberto,Sacha Martins; Brasil,Virginia Visconde; Oliveira,Grazielle Borges de; Silva,Antonio Márcio Teodoro Cordeiro


    Objetivo Identificar as dificuldades enfrentadas pelos pais de crianças com doença do refluxo gastroesofágico.Métodos Pesquisa qualitativa realizada com 16 familiares de crianças com doença do refluxo gastroesofágico. Foi utilizada uma questão norteadora, as entrevistas foram gravadas e transcritas. Utilizou-se a técnica de análise de conteúdo.Resultados Emergiram oito categorias relacionadas às dificuldades enfrentadas pelos pais: v...

  15. In vitro study of morphological and chemical modification threshold of bovine dental enamel irradiated by the holmium laser; Estudo in vitro das alteracoes morfologicas e quimicas do esmalte dental bovino irradiado pelo laser de holmio

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    Eduardo, Patricia Lerro de Paula


    The aim of this study is to investigate the Ho:YLF laser effects on the dental enamel surface with regards to its morphology, thermal variations during its irradiation in the pulp chamber and its increased resistance to demineralization through quantitative analysis of calcium and phosphorous atoms reactive concentrations in samples. Twenty samples of bovine enamel were used and divided in four groups: control - acidulated phosphate fluoride (APF) application followed by demineralization treatment with lactic acid; irradiation with Ho:YLF laser (100 J/cm{sup 2}) followed by APF topic application and demineralization treatment with lactic acid; irradiation with Ho:YLF laser (350 J/cm{sup 2}) followed by APF topic application and demineralization treatment with lactic acid: and irradiation with Ho:YLF laser ( 450 J/cm{sup 2}) followed by APF topic application and demineralization treatment with lactic acid. Ali samples were quantified according to their calcium and phosphorous atoms relative concentrations before and after the treatments above. X-Ray fluorescence spectrochemical analysis and scanning electron microscopy were carried out. It was observed an increase on the calcium and phosphorous atoms concentration ratio and therefore the enamel demineralization reduction as a result of the lactic acid treatment in the samples irradiated with the holmium laser followed by the APF application. In order to evaluate the feasibility of this study for clinical purposes, morphological changes caused by the holmium laser irradiation were analyzed. Such modifications were characterized by melted and re-solidified regions of the enamel with consequent changes on its permeability and solubility. Temperature changes of ten human pre-molars teeth irradiated with 350 J/cm{sup 2} and 450 J/cm{sup 2} were also monitored in the pulp chamber in real time. Temperature increases over 4,20 C did not occur. The results obtained from this study along with the results from previous

  16. Respostas cardiovasculares agudas em ambiente virtualmente simulado pelo Nintendo Wii

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    Renato Aparecido de Souza


    Full Text Available DOI: Recentemente, tem sido verificada a utilização do Nintendo Wii no contexto da saúde. O objetivo do presente estudo foi analisar as respostas cardiovasculares agudas monitoradas por meio do comportamento da frequência cardíaca, pressão arterial sistólica, pressão arterial diastólica e duplo produto, em ambiente virtualmente simulado pelo console Nintendo Wii. A amostra foi composta por 18 universitários saudáveis, com média de idade de 22,07 ± 1,34 anos. As variáveis foram observadas com uso de deltas (valor final - inicial após 25 arremessos de basquetebol em duas situações experimentais: (I com o voluntário sentado e, (II com o voluntário saltando verticalmente. Os resultados sugerem que a prática de atividade física em ambiente virtual emulado pelo Nintendo Wii é capaz de alterar as respostas cardiovasculares agudas, especialmente, quando realizada em associação a saltos verticais. Assim, os resultados sustentam a viabilidade do uso do Nintendo Wii em programas de treinamento e favorecem sua indicação de forma mais segura.

  17. Scanning laser polarimetry in glaucomatous and nonglaucomatous Brazilian subjects Polarimetria de varredura a laser em grupos de brasileiros glaucomatosos e não glaucomatosos

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    Christiane Rolim de Moura


    Full Text Available PURPOSE: To compare the results of scanning laser polarimetry of the retinal nerve fiber layer obtained by using the GDx Scanning Laser System® in primary open angle glaucoma (POAG and nonglaucomatous Brazilian subjects over 40 years, also analyzing the differences between the data obtained from right and left eyes. METHODS: Forty-six POAG patients and 44 normal subjects were enrolled in this study. Retardation data were assessed by the GDx Scanning Laser System®. The medians of the parameters printed in the result were compared in these two groups, separately in the right and left eyes, using Mann-Whitney's test. Also the frequencies of outside normal parameters and quadrants of deviation from normal graph were compared in these two groups, using chi-square or Fisher's exact test. RESULTS: All parameters obtained by GDx differed in a statistically significant way between the two groups, except symmetry for left eyes. The frequency of inferior quadrant with pOBJETIVOS: Comparar os resultados da polarimetria de varredura a laser da camada de fibras nervosas obtidas por meio do GDx Scanning Laser System® em brasileiros portadores de glaucoma primário de ângulo aberto e indivíduos não glaucomatosos acima de 40 anos, analisando também as diferenças obtidas entre olhos direitos e esquerdos. MÉTODOS: Foram incluídos neste estudo 46 pacientes portadores de glaucoma primário de ângulo aberto e 44 pacientes normais. Os dados de retardo polarimétrico foram obtidos por meio do GDx Scanning Laser System®. As medianas dos parâmetros impressos no resultado foram comparadas nesses dois grupos, separadamente para olhos direitos e esquerdos, usando o teste de Mann-Whitney. A freqüência de parâmetros impressa como fora da normalidade e quadrantes estatisticamente alterados do gráfico "deviation from normal" foram comparados nesses dois grupos usando chi-quadrado e o teste exato de Fischer. RESULTADOS: Todos os parâmetros obtidos pelo GDx

  18. Infecção pelo HIV: descritores de mortalidade em pacientes hospitalizados

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    Luiz Claudio Santos Thuler


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Estudar os descritores clínico-epidemiológicos da mortalidade em pacientes internados por condições clínicas associadas à infecção pelo HIV. MÉTODO: Estudo retrospectivo de todos os pacientes adultos hospitalizados em 1990, 1992 e 1994 em hospital universitário. Os resultados foram descritos como números absolutos, percentagens e médias, sendo a significância estatística entre as diferenças avaliada pelos testes do qui-quadrado, exato de Fisher ou t de Student, conforme o caso. Um modelo de regressão logística foi elaborado visando a identificar os principais fatores associados ao risco de evolução para o óbito. RESULTADOS: Foram incluídos no estudo 240 pacientes. Entre 1990 e 1994 a idade média dos pacientes aumentou de 35,0 para 36,9 anos, a razão entre os sexos masculino e feminino caiu de 9,8 para 2,0, a proporção de não brancos cresceu de 18,5 para 41,3 e registrou-se um aumento do tempo médio entre a descoberta da infecção pelo HIV e a hospitalização de 0,7 para 2,5 anos. Observou-se a redução do número médio de dias de hospitalização de 31,3 para 25,3 e aumento da proporção de pacientes em acompanhamento ambulatorial de 47,8 para 83,3%. As infecções respiratórias representaram a principal causa de hospitalização (58% e as infecções oportunistas apresentadas com maior freqüência foram: candidíase oral (27,1%, tuberculose (18,3%, pneumonia por Pneumocystis carinii (15,4% e neurotoxoplasmose (10,4%. Na análise multivariada, apenas o tempo de hospitalização menor ou igual a 7 dias (Odds Ratio [OR]=3,88; p=0,02 e a ausência de acompanhamento ambulatorial (OR=3,29; p=0,01 mostraram-se associados a um maior risco de evolução para óbito. CONCLUSÃO: O conhecimento dos fatores associados a um risco aumentado de morte pode ser útil na tomada de decisão frente a pacientes hospitalizados com infecção pelo HIV.

  19. Adolescentes e crack: pelo caminho das pedras

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    Eduardo Tomm


    Full Text Available Nos últimos anos, a sociedade tem observado uma rápida expansão no uso de crack, especialmente por adolescentes e jovens. É evidente a necessidade de ouvir esses sujeitos de para melhor compreender sua situação. Para atender a essa necessidade, desenvolvemos uma pesquisa qualitativa descritivo-exploratória cujo foco foi um grupo terapêutico para adolescentes usuários de crack que ocorreu no Centro de Atenção Psicossocial Infanto-Juvenil (CAPSi em uma cidade do interior do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Amparados na modalidade expost-facto, analisamos documentos produzidos nessa instituição. O resultado foi uma cartografia que acompanhou discursivamente os adolescentes pelo "caminho das pedras": os lugares, tratamentos, pessoas, ideias e momentos dos quais falam.

  20. In vitro study of hydroxy apatite and enamel powder fused in human enamel by Nd:YAG laser; Estudo in vitro da fusao de hidroxiapatita e esmalte em superficies de esmalte humano pelo laser de Nd:YAg

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ferrreira, Marcus Vinicius Lucas


    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of pulsed Nd:YAG (1064 nm) laser irradiation on hydroxyapatite and enamel powder fusion. This laser beam is not well absorbed by this two compounds for this reason they were mixed with vegetal coal to increase the absorption of the laser beam. Fifteen enamel flat surfaces and six occlusal enamel surfaces were prepared with three different substances: hydroxyapatite mixed with vegetal coal (3:1 in weigh); enamel powder mixed with vegetal coal (3:1 in weigh); vegetal coal. The occlusal surfaces were utilized to determine if the compounds could seal pits and fissures. Flat surfaces were utilized to determine fusion of hydroxyapatite and enamel powder. All samples were irradiated with Nd:YAG laser with the parameters: 80 mJ, 15 Hz, 1,2 W, 100 {mu}s pulse-width, 131,1 J/cm{sup 2}. Laser beam was delivered to the samples with a 300 {mu}m diameter fiber optic. Morphology of the irradiated surfaces were examined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The compounds with hydroxyapatite and enamel powder were fused to enamel surfaces. Only partial pits and fissures sealing could be observed. (author)

  1. Marginal microleakage in vitro study of occlusal fissures sealing prepared and etched or not with Er: YAG laser; Avaliacao in vitro da microinfiltracao marginal em selamentos oclusais preparados e condicionados ou nao pelo laser de Er:YAG

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Youssef, Fernanda de Almeida


    The aim of this in vitro study was to evaluate the degree of marginal microleakage in occlusal sealing by invasive techniques, after preparation with Er:YAG laser followed or not by Er:YAG laser etching and compared to the conventional technique. Thirty human premolars were divided into three groups: A (control group) - cavities were prepared with high speed and etched with 37% orthophosphoric acid; group B - cavities were prepared with Er:YAG (350 mJ, 4 Hz and 112 J /cm{sup 2}) and etched with 37% orthophosphoric acid; group C - cavities were prepared with Er:YAG laser (350 mJ, 4 Hz and 112 J/cm{sup 2}), and etched with Er:YAG laser (80 mJ, 4 Hz and 25 m/cm{sup 2}). All cavities were treated with the same adhesive system and restored with flow composite according to manufacturer instructions. Teeth were submitted to thermal cycling procedures and immersed in 50% Silver Nitrate Solutions for 8 hours in total darkness. Teeth were sectioned longitudinally in the bucco-lingual direction, in slices of 1 mm thick. Each slice was immersed into photo developing solution under 16 hours of fluorescent light. Slices were photographed and microleakage was scored from 0 to 7 J by three standard examiners. Results showed statistically significant differences for group C (Er:YAG laser preparation and etching). We concluded that Er:YAG laser can be used for cavity preparation of occlusal sealing, like the conventional high speed method. However, this laser, used as enamel etching agent, could not promote an adequate surface for adhesive procedures. (author)


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    Michele Romero da Costa*


    Full Text Available Este trabalho tem ênfase em apresentar a espécie de responsabilidade adotada pelo Código Brasileiro de Defesa do Consumidor para os fornecedores de produtos e serviços,  qual seja a responsabilidade objetiva, demonstrando uma inovação trazida por este diploma para responsabilidade civil do Direito pátrio. Bem como a sua fundamentação e noções gerais a fim de que se identifiquem as relações em que deve ser o código aplicado, entendidas essas como relações de consumo.

  3. Infestaçao humana pelo Dipylidium caninum

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    Carlos Henrique Lemos


    Full Text Available Os autores descrevem um caso de infestação pelo Dipylidium caninum numa criança residente em Araguari, Minas Gerais, que apresentou lesões cutâneas, insônia, irritabilidade, vômitos eperda do apetite. Relatam a eliminação abundante deproglotes quando a paciente foi tratada com medicamentos caseiros e a remissão dos sintomas, após dois tratamentos com mebendazol. Contudo não puderam concluir sobre a eficiência das drogas, devido à medicação empírica e ã administração de 200 mg/dia de mebendazol, contrariando a dosagem recomendada para Cestodas, que é de 400 mg/dia. Relatam, ainda, que exames das fezes do cão de propriedade da família revelaram apenas a presença de ancilostomídeos.

  4. Multiplicação e enraizamento in vitro de amoreira-preta 'Xavante': efeito da concentração de sais, do tipo de explante e de carvão ativado no meio de cultura Blackberry 'Xavante' in vitro multiplication and rooting: salt concentrations effect, explant type, and activated coal on culture medium

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    Luciane Nolasco Leitzke


    Full Text Available Atualmente, além da propagação tradicional, a micropropagação da amoreira-preta é considerada uma alternativa viável, com o intuito de obter-se plantas livres de vírus, geneticamente uniformes e em curto espaço de tempo. Objetivou-se, com este experimento, determinar o melhor tipo de explante e concentração de sais para a multiplicação in vitro e a melhor concentração de carvão ativado e de sais no meio de cultura, para o enraizamento in vitro de amoreira-preta 'Xavante'. O primeiro experimento constituiu-se de segmentos nodais caulinares com cerca de 1 cm, oriundas do cultivo in vitro, inoculadas em quatro diferentes concentrações de meio MS, suplementada com 7,5 µM de BAP, 30 g L-1 de sacarose, 100 mg L-1 de mio-inositol e 6 g L-1 de ágar, e dois tipos de explante, totalizando 8 tratamentos. O segundo experimento constituiu-se de microestacas apicais, com cerca de 1 a 1,5 cm de comprimento, e duas folhas, inoculadas em três diferentes concentrações de meio MS, acrescido de 30 g L-1 de sacarose, 100 mg L-1 de mio-inositol e 6 g L-1 de ágar e suplementado com três concentrações de carvão ativado, totalizando nove tratamentos, com delineamento inteiramente casualizado. Pode-se concluir que o T1, ou seja, explante com folhas, na concentração de 125% de sais do meio MS foi mais eficiente, induzindo maior número de folhas, gemas, brotações e comprimento das brotações e que o uso de 75% de sais sem a suplementação de carvão ativado é o mais indicado para o enraizamento in vitro de amoreira-preta 'Xavante'.Besides the traditional propagation, blackberry micropropagation has currently been considered a feasible alternative, with the purpose of obtaining plants free from virus, genetically uniform and in the short run. The objective of this experiment was to determine the best explant type and the optimum in vitro multiplication salts concentration as well as to determine the activated coal and salts optimum


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    Vanessa Jordão Marcato Fernandes

    Full Text Available Esse artigo apresenta um método de filtragem de nuvem de pontos LASER para obtenção de um Modelo Digital de Terreno (MDT. O processo de filtragem é realizado com base em uma superfície aproximada gerada a partir de pontos amostrados sobre vias urbanas. Esses pontos são determinados por meio de linhas detectadas na imagem de intensidade do pulso laser via detector de Steger. A principal suposição do método é que o terreno tem um comportamento suave no interior das quadras e, dessa forma, os pontos amostrados ao longo das vias permitem, utilizando o método de interpolação por krigagem, uma representação adequada do terreno no interior das quadras, ou seja, relativamente próxima dos pontos LASER de terreno dessas regiões. Assim, a filtragem é realizada pela verificação da proximidade dos pontos da nuvem LASER original com a superfície aproximada gerada. Por fim, um MDT é obtido da nova amostra pelo método de interpolação por krigagem, melhorando a descrição da superfície. A partir dos experimentos realizados foi possível verificar a viabilidade do método proposto, com resultados de boa coerência visual e indicadores numéricos satisfatórios

  6. Laser e luz pulsada de alta energia: indução e tratamento de reações alérgicas relacionadas a tatuagens Laser and intense pulsed light: induction and treatment of allergic reactions related to tattoos

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    Tatiana Sacks


    Full Text Available Os autores apresentam dois casos de reações alérgicas relacionadas a tatuagens, em que o laser e a luz pulsada de alta energia tiveram papel fundamental na indução e no tratamento dessas reações. No primeiro, houve surgimento de lesão eczematosa no local do pigmento vermelho utilizado na tatuagem. Após várias tentativas terapêuticas, a luz pulsada de alta energia foi utilizada com sucesso na remoção do pigmento e desaparecimento dos sintomas. No segundo, os autores demonstram um caso de reação anafilática induzida pelo laser Nd:YAG de pulso longo.The authors describe two cases of allergic reactions related to tattoos, in which laser and intense pulsed light had an important role in inducing and treating these allergic reactions. In the first case, the patient developed eczematous lesions at the site of the red pigment used in tattooing. After several unsuccessful therapeutic attempts, intense pulsed light was used. It successfully removed the red pigment and treated the allergy symptoms. In the second case, the authors describe a case of anaphylactic reaction precipitated by the long pulse Nd:YAD laser.

  7. Movimentos sociais pelo transporte coletivo no Brasil manifestações, estratégias de luta e desafios

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    Kader Carvalho Assad


    Full Text Available O artigo trata dos movimentos sociais pelo transporte coletivo no Brasil, enfatizando suas trajetórias, agendas e estratégias de luta pelo acesso ao transporte, entendido como condição imprescindível não apenas para a democratização do espaço urbano, mas também para o acesso aos direitos civis, políticos, sociais, econômicos, culturais e ambientais. A revisão de literatura revela que na trajetória analisada os movimentos pelo transporte recorreram a diferentes estratégias: de manifestações espontâneas como os quebra-quebras e interdição de vias públicas à organização em coletivos abertos e descentralizados; de reivindicações contra o aumento no preço das passagens e protestos contra as péssimas condições de manutenção dos veículos à luta pela gratuidade e estatização do sistema, revelando assim o caráter radical e anticapitalista que adquiriram as lutas desencadeadas nos últimos anos.

  8. Laser for the treatment of twin to twin transfusion syndrome Laser na terapia da síndrome de transfusão feto-fetal

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    Denise Araújo Lapa Pedreira


    Full Text Available PURPOSE: To report the initial experience in our country with a new technique for twin to twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS treatment, using laser to coagulate the placental vessels responsible for the twin transfusion during gestation. METHODS: Prospective study of eight cases diagnosed with TTTS evaluated in our service from january 2001 to june 2005. Through percutaneous introduction of a 2,0mm diameter fetoscope in the uterine cavity, placental surface vessels where directly visualized. Those identified as responsible for the transfusion were laser coagulated. The procedure combines ultrasonography and fetoscopy, in a so-called sonoendoscopic technique (FETENDO. RESULTS: Among the eight pregnancies evaluated, five cases were submitted to the procedure (10 fetuses. All fetuses survived for at least five weeks after surgery. A total of eight fetuses were born alive and five survived the neonatal period. In a 18 months follow-up after birth, all five are still alive and well and their mean age is now 10,6 months. The total survival rate was 50% and in three pregnancies, at least one fetus survived. CONCLUSIONS: Laser fetoscopy is actually the "gold-standard" treatment of TTTS. Nevertheless is a sophisticated technique that epends of proper training. Our service is the first in our country to offer this therapeutic technique. Our success rate is comparable with the international literature.OBJETIVO: Nosso objetivo é relatar a experiência inicial no país com uma nova técnica de tratamento para a síndrome de transfusão feto-fetal (STT, onde se utiliza o raio laser para coagulação dos vasos placentários responsáveis pela transfusão entre gêmeos durante a gravidez. MÉTODOS: Estudo prospectivo de 8 casos com diagnóstico de STT avaliados pelo nosso serviço de janeiro de 2001 a junho de 2005. Introduzindo-se um fetoscópio de 2,0 mm de diâmetro na cavidade uterina, por via percutânea, foram diretamente visualizados os vasos da superf

  9. Tratamento da criptococose do sistema nervoso pelo Amphotericin B

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    Dante Giorgi


    Full Text Available Os autores descrevem a evolução dos conhecimentos sôbre a meningoen-cefalite produzida pelo Criptococcus neoformans, analisando as dificuldades anteriormente havidas para o diagnóstico em vida, as quais foram superadas depois que se usou rotineiramente a pesquisa do cogumelo no LCR pelo método de coloração de tinta da China e pela cultura. Assinalam, a seguir, o aparecimento do Amphotericin B, novo antibiótico fungicida que veio modificar o prognóstico desta afecção. Apresentam sua experiência com 14 casos de meningite por criptococos diagnosticados em vida e referem pormenorizadamente 2 casos tratados com o Amphotericin B. O primeiro, de paciente portadora desta afecção, evoluindo de maneira crônica, com períodos de exacerbação que melhoram nitidamente com o Amphotericin B e que está com uma sobrevida de 20 meses. O segundo, de paciente portadora de forma aguda desta afecção que teve cura clínica e está com LCR absolutamente normal, com seguimento de 11 meses. Em ambos os casos foi usada a via endovenosa, sendo feitas séries de 10 injeções, cada uma de 50 mg de Amphotericin B em 500 ml de sôro glicosado a 5%. No primeiro caso foram feitas 4 séries e no segundo apenas duas. Não foram registradas reações colaterais de importância. Os autores terminam considerando o Amphotericin B como um elemento que veio tornar muito mais favorável o prognóstico desta afecção até então mortal.

  10. Integração de dados do laser scanner com a banda pan-cromática do sensor QuickBird II para a identificação de edificações através das redes neurais numa abordagem orientação a regiões - DOI: 10.4025/actascitechnol.v27i2.1489

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    Mosar Faria Botelho


    Full Text Available A imagens produzidas pelo sensor QuickBird II e pelos dados laser scanner são produtos caros para comercialização, porém têm mostrado seu valor técnico-científico no processamento digital de imagens. O objetivo deste estudo está em mostrar uma alternativa viável para a identificação de edificações através da classificação de imagem de alta resolução utilizando dados do sistema laser scanner e imagens do QuickBird II. No intuito de diminuir os custos na aquisição dos dados para o processamento digital, foram utilizados dados de intensidade e altimetria do laser, integrando-os com a banda pan-cromática do sensor QuickBird II, por meio do algoritmo de redes neurais e uma abordagem orientada a regiões. O trabalho justifica-se por utilizar tecnologias recentes (laser scanner e imagem QuickBird II e um algoritmo integrador de variáveis de diferentes origens (as redes neurais artificiais, na elaboração de mapas temáticos com custos menores. O método mostrou-se viável para a elaboração de mapa temático


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    Juliana Lôbo Froio

    Full Text Available RESUMO Introdução: A laserterapia de baixa potência tem entre seus propósitos auxiliar a recuperação de tecidos biológicos, atenuando os efeitos da fadiga muscular e contribuindo com a melhora do desempenho em atletas. Aspectos metodológicos ainda limitam as conclusões do efeito agudo da laserterapia sobre o desempenho muscular. Objetivo: Verificar o efeito agudo do laser terapêutico de baixa potência na fadiga induzida do bíceps braquial de atletas de voleibol. Métodos: Este foi um estudo randomizado e duplo-cego, aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética da UNESP de Marília. Participaram do estudo 19 atletas de voleibol de ambos os sexos. Realizou-se coleta de dados eletromiográficos do músculo bíceps braquial no exercício isométrico de flexão de cotovelo antes e após a aplicação do laser terapêutico. Um haltere com 75% do pico de força, obtido por uma célula de carga, foi utilizado para o protocolo de fadiga. Em seguida, os voluntários foram submetidos à aplicação do laser (ativo ou placebo em seis pontos do músculo bíceps braquial. Os dados eletromiográficos foram analisados no domínio da frequência, utilizando-se o software Myosystem®. Verificou-se a distribuição de normalidade dos dados pelo teste de Shapiro-Wilk, e utilizou-se Anova (split plot de medidas repetidas a fim de testar a interação entre tempo e grupo. Resultados: Para nenhuma das variáveis analisadas foi observada interação significativa entre grupo e tempo, indicando que o grupo irradiado não apresentou vantagens com relação ao grupo placebo. Conclusão: Após o protocolo de fadiga proposto, uma única aplicação de laser de baixa potência não foi suficiente para produzir efeitos positivos no desempenho de força e no sinal eletromiográfico do músculo bíceps braquial de atletas de voleibol.

  12. Responsabilidade civil das empresas de construção civil pelos vícios e defeitos do produto


    Guedes Júnior, Alberto Augusto


    Responsabilidade civil das empresas de construção civil pelos vícios e defeitos do produto. A discussão ocorre através da análise rápida da evolução do sistema da responsabilidade civil o ordenamento geral e na legislação do consumidor, considerando o afastamento da teoria da culpa e o fortalecimento da responsabilização objetiva com fundamento a boa-fé. Este conflito e interação entre os códigos no que tange a responsabilização civil pelos acidentes de consumo traça a base dos ...

  13. Valores de referência para macronutrientes em eucalipto obtidos pelos métodos DRIS e chance matemática

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    P. G. S. Wadt


    Full Text Available Informações de 1.213 árvores de plantios comerciais foram obtidas, entre os anos de 1988 a 1994, de híbridos de Eucalyptus grandis x E. urophylla, da Aracruz Celulose S.A., cultivados no estado do Espírito Santo, Brasil. Os resultados da produtividade e concentração dos macronutrientes em quatro órgãos das árvores foram utilizados na obtenção dos valores de referência para a concentração dos nutrientes, pelos métodos da Chance Matemática e do DRIS. Empregou-se, no cálculo dos índices DRIS, a fórmula de Jones (1981, a divisão da população-base em estratos de idade e a seleção das relações entre os nutrientes pelo teste F. O nível crítico dos nutrientes foi atingido pelo DRIS por meio de dois critérios: pela concentração média dos nutrientes nos talhões nutricionalmente balanceados e produtivos (NCO e pelo critério gráfico (NCG. O primeiro critério mostrou-se mais promissor, inclusive em relação ao método da Chance Matemática, o qual foi adequado principalmente para a determinação de faixa ótima que poderia ser adotada como referência para o limite inferior e o superior de árvores com níveis adequados dos nutrientes.

  14. Espíritos cheios de bichos: A fauna nas viagens de Louis Agassiz e Richard Francis Burton pelo Brasil oitocentista

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    Janaina Zito Losada


    Full Text Available O Brasil do século XIX foi alvo de inúmeras viagens realizadas por cientistas estrangeiros. O objetivo deste artigo é analisar as impressões sobre a fauna brasileira presentes nos relatos das viagens realizadas pelo naturalista suíço Louis Agassiz, em 1865, e pelo explorador inglês Richard Francis Burton, em 1868. Destes relatos privilegiam-se as descrições do meio natural de diferentes regiões brasileiras e das particularidades da fauna silvestre por eles encontrada.

  15. Estudo da topografia e da osseointegração de implante de titânio sob ação do LASER, com ou sem deposição de hidroxiapatita, em coelhos


    Sisti, Karin Ellen


    Objetivo: Estudar a topografia a osseointegração de implantes de titânio sob ação do LASER de alta intensidade com e sem deposição química de hidroxiapatita, em coelhos. Método: Foram utilizados 30 coelhos albinos que receberam em suas tíbias 3 tipos de superfície de implantes: grupo controle(GI) implantes usinados, grupo(GII) irradiado LASER(Yb), e grupo irradiado e depositado hidroxiapatita pelo método biomimético(GIII). Após os períodos de avaliações (30 e 60 dias) os implantes foram subme...

  16. Estimativa do risco de infecção tuberculosa em populações vacinadas pelo BCG

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    Arantes Gilberto Ribeiro


    Full Text Available A revacinação de escolares com BCG, capaz de restaurar a alergia remanescente de vacinação realizada nos primeiros meses de vida, porém incapaz de modificar a alergia devida à infecção pelo M. tuberculosis, possibilitaria a quantificação da parcela dessa população infectada pelo bacilo de Koch. Foi desenvolvida pesquisa com o objetivo de avaliar a aplicabilidade desses pressupostos na estimativa do risco de infecção tuberculosa em áreas sob elevada cobertura com BCG. A população de estudo foi constituída por escolares com 6 a 9 anos de idade freqüentando escolas municipais da zona leste da cidade de São Paulo, durante o primeiro semestre letivo de 1988. De 11.455 vacinados, apenas 7.470 foram submetidos ao teste tuberculínico, revacinados em seguida e retestados dez semanas depois. Destes, 3.314 tinham sido vacinados no primeiro trimestre de vida com meia dose e os demais 4.156 receberam dose plena acima dessa idade (75% no primeiro ano de vida, 20% no segundo e 5% no terceiro. A contagem dos infectados, pelo confronto dos resultados pré e pós vacinais em tabelas de correlação, foi realizada segundo os critérios do método original e modificação introduzida pelos autores, separadamente para os vacinados no primeiro trimestre de vida e após essa idade. O risco de infecção foi, respectivamente, 0,35% e 0,37% com o critério original e 0,45% e 0,49% com o modificado. O referencial médio disponível para a área estudada, estimado por outros métodos, foi 0,55%. As diferenças entre critérios e idades e destes com o referencial não foram significantes (P > 0,05. Os resultados sugerem que o método é aplicável para a estimativa do risco de infecção tuberculosa na idade escolar, em vacinados com BCG no primeiro ano de vida, com dose plena de vacina.

  17. Estimativa do risco de infecção tuberculosa em populações vacinadas pelo BCG

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    Gilberto Ribeiro Arantes


    Full Text Available A revacinação de escolares com BCG, capaz de restaurar a alergia remanescente de vacinação realizada nos primeiros meses de vida, porém incapaz de modificar a alergia devida à infecção pelo M. tuberculosis, possibilitaria a quantificação da parcela dessa população infectada pelo bacilo de Koch. Foi desenvolvida pesquisa com o objetivo de avaliar a aplicabilidade desses pressupostos na estimativa do risco de infecção tuberculosa em áreas sob elevada cobertura com BCG. A população de estudo foi constituída por escolares com 6 a 9 anos de idade freqüentando escolas municipais da zona leste da cidade de São Paulo, durante o primeiro semestre letivo de 1988. De 11.455 vacinados, apenas 7.470 foram submetidos ao teste tuberculínico, revacinados em seguida e retestados dez semanas depois. Destes, 3.314 tinham sido vacinados no primeiro trimestre de vida com meia dose e os demais 4.156 receberam dose plena acima dessa idade (75% no primeiro ano de vida, 20% no segundo e 5% no terceiro. A contagem dos infectados, pelo confronto dos resultados pré e pós vacinais em tabelas de correlação, foi realizada segundo os critérios do método original e modificação introduzida pelos autores, separadamente para os vacinados no primeiro trimestre de vida e após essa idade. O risco de infecção foi, respectivamente, 0,35% e 0,37% com o critério original e 0,45% e 0,49% com o modificado. O referencial médio disponível para a área estudada, estimado por outros métodos, foi 0,55%. As diferenças entre critérios e idades e destes com o referencial não foram significantes (P > 0,05. Os resultados sugerem que o método é aplicável para a estimativa do risco de infecção tuberculosa na idade escolar, em vacinados com BCG no primeiro ano de vida, com dose plena de vacina.

  18. Avaliação do potencial de compostos naturais (argila, turfa e carvão na remoção de chumbo e toxicidade de um efluente industrial

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    Richard Clayton Tomasella


    Full Text Available Métodos de tratamento avançado utilizando-se de materiais adsorventes alternativos podem substituir ou complementar tratamentos convencionais existentes, auxiliando na remoção de substâncias tóxicas provindas de diversos processos industriais. Espectrometria e testes biológicos (toxicidade aguda e crônica auxiliam no monitoramento dos rejeitos industriais, avaliando a eficiência desses sistemas alternativos de tratamento de efluentes. O trabalho objetivou promover a redução da concentração do chumbo (Pb e da toxicidade de um efluente industrial utilizando o potencial de compostos naturais (argilominerais e turfa e do carvão ativado (controle como adsorventes em ensaios em batelada. O carvão ativado permitiu remover 99,4% do Pb no efluente (15 min, e para os demais adsorventes a remoção ocorreu progressivamente até 24 horas, resultando em eficiências de remoção de 88,0% (argila do Vale do Paraíba - VP, 73,6% (argila de Ajapí - A e 63,5% (turfa. A toxicidade aguda foi completamente removida com a utilização do carvão ativado, enquanto eficiências de remoção maiores do que 50% foram obtidas utilizando compostos naturais. Efeito tóxico significativo não foi observado após o tratamento com o carvão ativado e argila VP com relação à toxicidade crônica. Os resultados indicam a possibilidade de utilização da argila VP como adsorvente de baixo custo comercial em métodos de tratamento avançado.

  19. New solid laser: Ceramic laser. From ultra stable laser to ultra high output laser

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ueda, Kenichi


    An epoch-making solid laser is developed. It is ceramic laser, polycrystal, which is produced as same as glass and shows ultra high output. Ti 3+ :Al 2 O 3 laser crystal and the CPA (chirped pulse amplification) technique realized new ultra high output lasers. Japan has developed various kinds of ceramic lasers, from 10 -2 to 67 x 10 3 w average output, since 1995. These ceramic lasers were studied by gravitational radiation astronomy. The scattering coefficient of ceramic laser is smaller than single crystals. The new fast ignition method is proposed by Institute of Laser Engineering of Osaka University, Japan. Ultra-intense short pulse laser can inject the required energy to the high-density imploded core plasma within the core disassembling time. Ti 3+ :Al 2 O 3 crystal for laser, ceramic YAG of large caliber for 100 kW, transparent laser ceramic from nano-crystals, crystal grain and boundary layer between grains, the scattering coefficient of single crystal and ceramic, and the derived release cross section of Yb:YAG ceramic are described. (S.Y.)

  20. Riscos percebidos pelo consumidor e estratégias para minimizá-los no consumo de saladas de horataliças cruas em restaurantes à la carte


    Mariana Schievano Danelon


    Resumo: O padrão alimentar da população brasileira tem sido caracterizado, entre outros aspectos, pelo reduzido consumo de hortaliças e pelo crescimento do número de refeições realizadas fora do domicílio. A utilização dos serviços de alimentação pode representar oportunidade para a inclusão de variedade de hortaliças na dieta. Tem sido pouco estudado, no Brasil, o comportamento do consumidor quando se alimenta fora de casa. Este pode ser influenciado pelos riscos percebidos em uma situação d...

  1. A Disputa pelo sentido: o jogo de poder na Comunicação Organizacional

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    Márcia Maria Garçon


    Full Text Available Este trabalho adotou como aporte teórico, os clássicos de Blumer (1980, Bakhtin (1995, Foucalt (1996 e Galbraith (1986 e os estudos contemporâneos da Comunicação Organizacional pautados no paradigma da produção de sentido (OLIVEIRA; PAULA, 2008 e da gestão sistêmica (YANAZE, 2011 com o objetivo de identificar as relações de poder e luta pelo sentido do projeto social Comunidade Educativa, promovido pela Fundação Bunge na E.E. Henrique Dumont Villares, na capital paulista. Foram realizadas entrevistas qualitativas, em profundidade, com os representantes da Fundação e da Escola e suas narrativas, classificadas em categorias léxico-semânticas de semelhança, complementaridade, diversidade e divergência, sendo posteriormente confrontadas, a fim de identificar o embate dos sentidos. Os resultados apontaram que os interesses particulares pautaram a luta pelo sentido e o poder, que a princípio esteve de posse da Fundação, migrou para o campo dos professores, sendo o significado construído entre estes sujeitos, o hegemônico nesta interação.


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    Caroline Metzger


    Full Text Available O presente artigo retrata um estudo relacionado aos benefícios percebidos pelos principais stakeholders de uma rede de empresas. Para tanto, desenvolveu-se uma pesquisa bibliográfica sobre a pequena empresa, os antecedentes históricos das redes de empresas, os conceitos relacionados, as tipologias e características estruturais, os benefícios proporcionados pelas redes e apresentou-se o Programa Redes de Cooperação no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Descreveram-se também os conceitos de stakeholders, as suas classificações e os benefícios do relacionamento destes grupos. Considerando este contexto, o objetivo deste artigo foi identificar e analisar os benefícios percebidos pelos principais stakeholders envolvidos com a rede de cooperação Hipereletro. A metodologia utilizada foi o estudo de caso a partir dos dados coletados através da pesquisa de campo, por meio de um questionário aplicado a quatro grupos envolvidos com a Hipereletro. Após a análise dos dados, identificaram-se os benefícios percebidos por cada stakeholder. Os associados perceberam benefícios nas ações de marketing, nas negociações em conjunto e no relacionamento entre as empresas, destacam-se as promoções realizadas pelo grupo, obtenção de melhores preços nas compras e troca de informações, conhecimentos e experiências. Já os funcionários apontaram a melhora na apresentação da empresa, realização de eventos e a troca de informações entre as lojas. Para os fornecedores, os primeiros reflexos da parceria com a rede foram o aumento das vendas, a garantia de pagamento e a fidelidade das empresas. E, quanto aos clientes, destacaram-se a percepção em relação à mudança da fachada da loja, as promoções e a diferença nos preços dos produtos. Pela pesquisa, concluiu-se que todos percebem benefícios ao se relacionarem com a rede, alguns mais, outros menos. Porém, devido ao pouco tempo de existência da Hipereletro, todos acreditam no

  3. Avaliação do ventrículo direito pelo ecocardiograma com doppler tecidual na embolia pulmonar aguda

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    Ana Clara Tude Rodrigues


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: A avaliação da função Ventricular Direita (VD pelo ecocardiograma em pacientes com Tromboembolismo Pulmonar (TEP é complexa, frequentemente qualitativa; o Doppler tecidual tem sido utilizado para avaliação semiquantitativa dessa câmara, com algumas limitações. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a função do VD no TEP pelo ecocardiograma com Doppler tecidual, complementando com o peptídeo atrial natriurético (BNP. MÉTODOS: Foram estudados pacientes com TEP pelo ecocardiograma com Doppler tecidual e BNP até 24 horas do diagnóstico, obtendo-se as velocidades miocárdicas (s', strain, strain rate e índice de performance miocárdica do VD; disfunção do VD foi iagnosticada por hipocinesia da câmara, movimento anormal septal e relação VD/VE >1. De acordo com o BNP os pacientes foram divididos em Grupo I, BNP 50 pg/mL. RESULTADOS: De 118 pacientes, 100 (60 homens, idade = 55 ± 17 anos foram analisados; observou-se disfunção do VD em 28%, mais frequentemente no grupo II (19 vs. 9 pacientes, p < 0,001. O grupo II era mais idoso (64 ± 19 vs. 50 ± 15 anos, apresentava menor velocidade de s' (10,5 ± 3,5 vs. 13,2 ± 3,1 cm/s e maior pressão pulmonar (48 ± 11 vs. 35 ± 11 mmHg, p < 0,001 para todos. O ponto de corte de s' para disfunção do VD foi de 10,8 cm/s (especificidade = 85%, sensibilidade = 54%, com moderada correlação entre o BNP e a onda s'(r = -0,39. CONCLUSÃO: No TEP, a disfunção do VD pelo ecocardiograma se acompanha de elevação do BNP; apesar confirmar adequadamente a presença de disfunção do VD, o Doppler tecidual apresenta sensibilidade limitada para este diagnóstico.

  4. Democracia digital? Os usos da Internet pelos sindicatos da saúde


    Marques Alves, P.


    Os movimentos sindicais dos países capitalistas desenvolvidos vêm enfrentando uma crise profunda desde os anos 70. As suas causas são múltiplas, nelas se mesclando fatores que lhes são exógenos com outros endógenos, remetendo para a sua burocratização. Visando revitalizar-se, eles têm vindo a implementar ações diversificadas, onde se conta a adoção das TIC e da Internet. Este artigo apresenta os resultados de um estudo sobre a adoção e os usos da Internet pelos sindicatos da saúde. Visou-se c...

  5. Resistência à corrosão de junta dissimilar soldada pelo processo TIG composta pelos aços inoxidáveis AISI 316L e AISI 444

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    Luis Henrique Guilherme


    Full Text Available O aço inoxidável AISI 444 tornou-se uma opção para substituir a liga AISI 316L devido ao seu menor custo e satisfatória resistência à corrosão. Entretanto, o uso da liga AISI 444 no feixe tubular de trocadores de calor acarreta na soldagem de uma junta dissimilar. O presente estudo teve por objetivo avaliar a resistência à corrosão da junta tubo-espelho soldada pelo processo TIG composta pelas ligas AISI 316L e AISI 444. A manufatura das amostras consistiu em replicar o projeto da junta tubo-espelho de trocadores de calor. Realizou-se em juntas soldadas ensaios de sensitização, perda de massa por imersão desde a temperatura ambiente até 90 ºC, e ensaios eletroquímicos de polarização potenciodinâmica nos eletrólitos 0,5 mol/L de HCl e 0,5 mol/L de H2SO4. Os resultados mostraram que a junta dissimilar sofreu corrosão galvânica com maior degradação na zona afetada pelo calor (ZAC do tubo AISI 444. Porém, os mecanismos de corrosão localizada (pite e intergranular demonstraram ser mais ativos para a liga AISI 316L. Conclui-se que a junta dissimilar apresentou melhor resistência à corrosão do que a junta soldada composta unicamente pela liga AISI 316L em temperaturas de até 70 ºC, conforme as condições observadas neste trabalho.

  6. Nota Fiscal Paulista: principais características percebidas pelos cidadãos paulistas

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    Sérgio Roberto da Silva


    Full Text Available Estima-se que 60% dos valores de tributos são sonegados pelo varejo (ROLLI e FERNANDES, 2008. Como resposta o governo Paulista criou o projeto NFP-Nota Fiscal Paulista. Nesse projeto a identificação do contribuinte através do CPF gera créditos (benefícios financeiros ao comprador/contribuinte e assegura o pagamento dos tributos por parte do fornecedor/ comerciante. O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar as  principais características percebidas pelos cidadãos paulistas com relação ao projeto.  A pesquisa envolveu 132 pessoas em um formulário com 25 assertivas no estilo Likert.  Os resultados indicam que os contribuintes aceitam e participam do projeto. No entanto desconhecem outras características do projeto, por exemplo, doação de créditos a instituições filantrópicas. A maior forma de ressarcimento dos créditos é o depósito em conta corrente. Parte dos contribuintes acredita que as informações referentes aos valores de credito não são repassados a Receita Federal. Dessa forma busca-se contribuir com um estudo sob a ótica dos contribuintes em relação a esse projeto.Nota Fiscal Paulista, análise fatorial, sonegação de tributos





    Las proteínas ricas en prolinas (PRPs) son proteínas estructurales involucradas en el ensamblaje de la pared celular. En Arabidopsis dos miembros de esta familia de genes, ATPRP1 y ATPRP3, se expresan específicamente en células de pelo radicular. Los pelos radiculares elongan mediante crecimiento por el ápice a partir de células epidermales especializadas denominadas tricoblastos. El crecimiento por el ápice involucra la secreción polarizada de los materiales necesarios para formar la memb...

  8. O adoecimento pelo cancer de laringe The illness narrative for larynx cancer

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    Márcia Maria Fontão Zago


    Full Text Available Com a finalidade de aprimorar a assistência ao laringectomizado, este estudo teve o objetivo de compreender o adoecimento pelo câncer de laringe na visão do paciente e sua família. Participaram do estudo 14 pacientes laringectomizados e familiares, em diferentes períodos pós-operatórios. Na análise das narrativas identificamos categorias que foram interpretadas sob a visão antropológica da cultura. Na interpretação dos participantes, o processo é permeado pelo sofrimento, pela busca de estratégias de enfrentamento, pela valorização de sobreviver à cirurgia, ou seja, pressupostos culturais que diferem do modelo biomédico dos profissionais e que devem ser considerados na sua reabilitação.With the purpose of improving the care of laryngectomized patients, the aim is to understand the illness experience of patients and families of having larynx cancer. The participants were 14 laryngectomized patients and their families, in different post-surgical periods. The narrative analysis searched for categories which were understood on the basis of an anthropological focusing the culture. The understanding that the participants had of the illness experience of having a larynx cancer shows us that this process is one of suffering, of searching of strategies of coping, of evaluating the survival to the surgical treatment, which were based on the cultural system, which is different from the biomedical model of the health professionals and they must be considered in the approach for the rehabilitation.

  9. A diversidade de lagartos na Caatinga é mediada pelos térmitas?


    Souza, Heitor Bruno de Araujo


    Ao tentar explicar a extraordinária taxa de coexistência de lagartos em desertos Australianos, Morton & James (1988) formularam uma hipótese em que a diversidade de térmitas promoveria uma diversificação dos lagartos. O presente estudo visa verificar se essa hipótese é válida para as taxocenoses de lagartos da Caatinga. Objetiva-se também verificar se os mecanismos de defesa dos térmitas influenciam a taxa com que esses são consumidos pelos lagartos e se esse padrão difere entre diferentes li...


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    Emilly de Oliveira Silva


    Full Text Available O Papilomavírus Humano (HPV é atualmente a principal causa de virose sexualmente transmissível, sendo sua principal consequência o câncer de colo de útero. Neste contexto, este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar as alterações citológicas em mulheres atendidas em um hospital. Tratou-se de uma pesquisa do tipo quantitativa, de caráter documental, composta por 198 mulheres que apresentaram lesão devido à infecção pelo HPV e atendidas no Hospital Alpheu de Quadros. Os dados foram coletados por meio de registros arquivados no computador do hospital. Das mulheres infectadas pelo HPV, 66,7% tinham entre 20 e 39 anos e das que relataram sua iniciação sexual 61,6% tinham entre 16 e 20 anos. A maioria dessas mulheres foi diagnosticada com lesão intraepitelial de alto grau (HSIL seja na citologia ou na biópsia. O resultado pós Cirurgia de Alta Frequência apresentou-se positivo, pois houve diminuição de HSIL das mulheres. Ações de saúde pública podem prevenir a incidência e mortalidade pelo câncer de colo de útero quase que totalmente, desde que o planejamento destas ações esteja em concordância com o conhecimento científico atual.

  11. Laser-diode pumped Nd:YAG lasers; Laser diode reiki Nd:YAG lasear

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yuasa, H.; Akiyama, Y.; Nakayama, M. [Toshiba Corp., Tokyo (Japan)


    Laser-diode pumped Nd:YAG lasers are expected to be applied to laser processing fields such as welding, cutting, drilling, and marking due to their potential for high efficiency and compactness. We are designing and developing laser-diode pumped Nd:YAG lasers using numerical analysis simulation techniques such as ray tracing and thermal analysis. We have succeeded in achieving a laser power of more than 3 kW with 20% efficiency, which is the best ever obtained. In addition, we have developed a laser-diode pumped green laser by second harmonic generation, for precision machining on silicon wafers. (author)

  12. Requerimientos energéticos de ovinos de pelo en las regiones tropicales de Latinoamérica. Revisión

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    Alfonso Juventino Chay-Canul


    Full Text Available Los ovinos de pelo juegan un papel importante en la producción animal en las regiones tropicales; sin embargo, sus requerimientos nutricionales no se han determinado en la misma medida que los de las razas de lana. Debido a las condiciones ambientales de las regiones tropicales (clima, calidad y disponibilidad de alimentos, es razonable la hipótesis de que los requerimientos de energía metabolizable (EM y la eficiencia de utilización de la EM pueden ser diferentes entre los ovinos de razas de pelo y de lana. La información disponible en ovinos de pelo muestra una gran discrepancia en cuanto a las necesidades de energía. Con base en datos de la literatura disponible para hembras ovinas, el requerimiento de EM para mantenimiento (EMm fue de 419±129 kJ/kg PC0.75 (media ± desviación estándar y para machos fue 388±123 kJ/kg BW0.75. El requerimiento de energía neta para la ganancia de peso (ENg varió de 8.75 a 14.06 kJ/g (11.63±1.86 kJ/g. Las eficiencias de utilización de la EM para el mantenimiento (km y la ganancia de peso (kg fueron de 0.66±0.023 y 0.42±0.044, respectivamente. Esta revisión también indicó que la información es escasa para ovejas adultas en diferentes etapas fisiológicas (mantenimiento, lactancia y gestación. Se requiere más trabajo de investigación con relación a la estimación de las necesidades de energía de los ovinos de pelo, con el fin de hacer ajustes a los modelos existentes de alimentación, con el objetivo de predecir la respuesta de los animales con la condición que prevalece en los trópicos (tipo de animal, medio ambiente y alimentos disponibles.

  13. Contexto, Conhecimento Enciclopédico e a Construção de Inferências Metonímicas e Metafóricas

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    Mara Sophia Zanotto


    Full Text Available Resumo: Este artigo faz parte do projeto de pesquisa que tem por objetivo central investigar empiricamente o que a metáfora realmente significa para leitores reais. A investigação tem sido realizada com metodologia interpretativista, tendo como método principal o Pensar Alto em Grupo, que é uma prática dialógica vivenciada por vários grupos de leitores, constituindo, assim, um estudo de caso coletivo. Nos dois estudos de caso realizados, ocorreu uma complexa interação de inferências metonímicas e metafóricas na construção das leituras. Desse achado emergiram novas questões de pesquisa, que serão focalizadas neste trabalho: “Qual o papel dos contextos evocados e dos conhecimentos ativados pelos leitores na construção das inferências metonímicas e metafóricas?”; e “Qual o papel da metonímia conceptual na construção dos sentidos?” Para responder a essas questões, foram analisados e discutidos os dados de um grupo do segundo estudo de caso.


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    Marcos Antonio de Souza


    Full Text Available Toda produção econômica possui uma determinada territorialidade, cuja gestão deste território está orientada no desenvolvimento de estratégias que primem pela rentabilidade da produção, prioritariamente em patamares diferenciais. Partindo-se da premissa de que o território não é uma mera localização, a agroindústria canavieira não se localiza pura e simplesmente em uma base física qualquer. Antes, há uma seletividade espacial marcada pelas disputas territoriais e a partir destas há o exercício do controle sob os elementos necessários para realizar a sua produção, subordinando a terra, a força de trabalho, os recursos naturais ao seu negócio que prima pela reprodução ampliada do capital. Trata-se na verdade de um conjunto de estratégias espaciais, onde o poder econômico ao controlar o território, reserva para si a gestão deste no âmbito do pacto social engendrado pelos grupos hegemônicos, resultando em um território gerido e ordenado pelo capital que aí se territorializou. Nesse contexto, este trabalho busca apresentar as principais estratégias espaciais dos agroindustriais do setor canavieiro desenvolvidas nas últimas três décadas no Norte do Paraná.

  15. Avaliação da determinação da fibra em detergente neutro e da fibra em detergente ácido pelo sistema ANKOM

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    Berchielli Telma Teresinha


    Full Text Available O objetivo do trabalho foi comparar os valores de fibra em detergente neutro (FDN e os de fibra em detergente ácido (FDA obtidos com o equipamento ANKOM e pelo método convencional (Van Soest. No primeiro ensaio foram analisados cinco materiais diferentes (cana-de-açúcar, capim-braquiária, silagem de milho, polpa cítrica e fezes bovina e testados quatro tipos de saquinhos para filtragem de amostra. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados, em um fatorial 5x4 (cinco materiais diferentes e quatro tipos de saquinhos de filtragem, com três repetições. As médias obtidas foram comparadas àquelas obtidas com método convencional. No segundo ensaio procurou-se avaliar o efeito da quantidade de amostra por saquinho (0,5; 0,8 e 1,0 g sobre os teores de FDN e FDA em três tipos de alimentos, utilizando o ANKOM. Neste ensaio, o delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados em esquema fatorial 3x3 (três alimentos x três quantidades, com três repetições. Os tipos de saquinhos de filtragem utilizados não influenciaram os teores de FDN nos diferentes alimentos, com exceção das fezes, cujos saquinhos de náilon resultaram em concentrações de FDN inferiores. Não houve diferença entre os valores de FDN e FDA, obtidos pelo equipamento ANKOM ou pelo convencional, para os alimentos estudados, com exceção da polpa cítrica, cujo valor médio de FDA pelo ANKOM foi inferior àquele obtido pelo método convencional. A quantidade não exerceu efeito sobre a concentração de FDN dos alimentos analisados no equipamento ANKOM.

  16. Laser Scanner Terrestre: teoria, aplicações e prática

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    Rodrigo da Silva Ferraz


    Full Text Available A utilização de um Sistema de Varredura Laser Terrestre (SVLT possui inúmeras aplicações nas diversas áreas envolvidas em levantamentos tridimensionais. Possui ampla utilização na mineração para cálculos de volumes, registro de monumentos históricos, geração de modelos digitais de superfície (MDS, modelos digitais de terreno (MDT e aplicações na arquitetura. O produto principal gerado por um SVLT é uma nuvem de pontos com coordenadas tridimensionais referenciadas ao centro de fase do sensor, que, após processos matemáticos denominado de registro, gera uma nuvem de pontos georreferenciada. Além das coordenadas tridimensionais o SVLT fornece também a intensidade de retorno do sinal, que é a energia captada pelo sensor em função da resposta espectral emitida pelo alvo. Dependendo das características do sistema, à nuvem de pontos pode-se adicionar cores a partir de fotografias das cenas que são obtidas durante as varreduras. As nuvens de pontos modelam diferentes tipos de feições existentes no terreno como vegetação, edificações, rochas, estruturas, etc. Assim, o objetivo desse trabalho é realizar uma abordagem dos principais conceitos envolvidos em relação a um SVLT, classificação de dados oriundos das nuvens de pontos e suas aplicações na geração de MDT.

  17. Seleção de progênies de eucalipto pelo índice Z por MQM e Blup

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    Cristiane Aparecida Fioravante Reis


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a eficiência do índice Z (índice somatório das variáveis padronizadas na seleção de progênies de irmãos completos entre Eucalyptus grandis e Eucalyptus urophylla via método dos quadrados mínimos (MQM e da melhor predição linear não viesada (Blup. Os experimentos foram realizados em dois tipos de solo e de ambiente, em blocos ao acaso com cinco repetições, oito plantas por parcela e espaçamento de 3x2 m. Aos três anos de idade, as plantas foram avaliadas quanto ao incremento médio anual de madeira, à densidade básica, ao rendimento de celulose e ao álcali efetivo. Para a comparação da eficiência da seleção das melhores progênies, pelos procedimentos MQM e Blup, foi obtido o índice Z para cada indivíduo. Posteriormente, foram obtidas as médias preditas das progênies para o índice Z, ranqueadas em sentido favorável ao melhoramento. O índice clássico também foi utilizado. A coincidência entre as melhores progênies selecionadas pelos índices clássico e Z foi boa. No entanto, o índice Z permite visualização gráfica, o que possibilita verificar em quais caracteres uma determinada progênie apresenta alguma deficiência. Não há diferença entre as melhores progênies selecionadas pelo índice Z via MQM e Blup.

  18. A centralidade ocupada pelos sujeitos que participam das pesquisas do Serviço Social = The centrality occupied by the subjects who participate in researches from Social Work

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    Bourguignon, Jussara Ayres


    Full Text Available Com este texto temos por objetivo debater a posição ocupada pelos sujeitos participantes das pesquisas desenvolvidas pelo Serviço Social. Como fundamento, entendemos que a pesquisa é constitutiva e constituinte da prática profissional do Serviço Social, sendo determinada pela sua natureza interventiva e pela sua inserção histórica na divisão sociotécnica do trabalho. Este pressuposto tem como interface a preocupação com a centralidade que as pesquisas desenvolvidas pelo Serviço Social garantem aos sujeitos que delas são participantes, bem como com o alcance social dos seus resultados

  19. Lasers '89

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Harris, D.G.; Shay, T.M.


    This book covers the following topics: XUV, X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Lasers, excimer lasers, chemical lasers, nuclear pumped lasers, high power gas lasers, solid state lasers, laser spectroscopy. The paper presented include: Development of KrF lasers for fusion and Nuclear driven solid-state lasers

  20. Laser safety at high profile laser facilities

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Barat, K.


    Complete text of publication follows. Laser safety has been an active concern of laser users since the invention of the laser. Formal standards were developed in the early 1970's and still continue to be developed and refined. The goal of these standards is to give users guidance on the use of laser and consistent safety guidance and requirements for laser manufacturers. Laser safety in the typical research setting (government laboratory or university) is the greatest challenge to the laser user and laser safety officer. This is due to two factors. First, the very nature of research can put the user at risk; consider active manipulation of laser optics and beam paths, and user work with energized systems. Second, a laser safety culture that seems to accept laser injuries as part of the graduate student educational process. The fact is, laser safety at research settings, laboratories and universities still has long way to go. Major laser facilities have taken a more rigid and serious view of laser safety, its controls and procedures. Part of the rationale for this is that these facilities draw users from all around the world presenting the facility with a work force of users coming from a wide mix of laser safety cultures. Another factor is funding sources do not like bad publicity which can come from laser accidents and a poor safety record. The fact is that injuries, equipment damage and lost staff time slow down progress. Hence high profile/large laser projects need to adapt a higher safety regimen both from an engineering and administrative point of view. This presentation will discuss all these points and present examples. Acknowledgement. This work has been supported by the University of California, Director, Office of Science.

  1. Dismorfia muscular: A busca pelo corpo hiper musculoso

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    Andréa Pires Azevedo


    Full Text Available A dismorfia muscular tem sido identificada tanto em homens quanto em mulheres, provocando alterações da perceção da autoimagem e prejuízos socioculturais, e na saúde e bem-estar dos indivíduos. Nesse sentido, o objetivo deste estudo é analisar os aspetos socioculturais, psicológicos e o uso de recursos ergogênicos relacionados à dismorfia muscular, bem como, identificar os riscos promovidos pelo transtorno. Participaram 20 indivíduos, inscritos na rede mundial de computadores. Utilizou-se um questionário para coleta de dados e a análise documental para interpretação das respostas. Os resultados demonstram que as preocupações com a imagem corporal geram insegurança social, baixa autoestima e sentimentos de inferioridade, que seriam resolvidos se a pessoa tivesse corpos belos e fortes. A dismorfia muscular pode aumentar o risco de uso dos esteroides anabolizantes e o uso indiscriminado de suplementos alimentares. Conclui-se que a dismorfia muscular causa sofrimentos e prejuízos psicológicos, socioculturais e, desse modo, compromete a saúde das pessoas.

  2. Occurrence of feline immunodeficiency virus infection in cats Ocorrência da infecção pelo vírus da imunodeficiência felina em gatos

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    Valéria Maria Lara


    Full Text Available The occurrence of feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV in Brazil has been previously described. This study aimed to investigate the frequency of FIV infection in 454 blood samples from healthy and sick domestic cats from 13 cities of São Paulo State, Brazil as well as to evaluate the risk factors associated with the infection. The results showed that 14.7% (67/454 of the cats were infected with FIV. The clinical evaluation showed that 29.2% of the FIV-positive animals were sick, while 7.3% did not show any type of clinical manifestation. In addition, the vast majority (23.1% of positive cases corresponded to free-roaming owned cats. The incidence of FIV infection was higher in males (20.3% than in females (9.7%. The results suggest that certain characteristics such as gender, health status and lifestyle may be associated with the risk of being infected with FIV in the population of cats studied.No Brasil, a ocorrência da infecção pelo vírus da imunodeficiência felina (FIV já foi descrita. Neste estudo, objetivou-se investigar a freqüência da infecção pelo FIV em 454 amostras de sangue de gatos domésticos doentes e sadios, oriundos de 13 cidades do Estado de São Paulo, assim como avaliar os fatores de risco associados à infecção pelo FIV. Os resultados demonstraram que 14,7% (67/454 dos gatos estavam infectados pelo FIV. A avaliação clínica dos animais investigados mostrou que 29,2% dos animais soropositivos para FIV estavam doentes, enquanto 7,3% não apresentavam nenhuma manifestação clínica. Além disso, a vasta maioria dos animais positivos (23,1% vivia em residências e tinha livre acesso à rua. A incidência da infecção pelo FIV foi maior nos gatos machos (20,3% do que nas fêmeas (9,7%. Os resultados sugerem que certas características como sexo, estilo de vida e estado de saúde podem estar associadas ao risco de contrair a infecção pelo FIV na população de gatos estudada.

  3. Laser in urology. Laser i urologien

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Breisland, H.O. (Aker Sykehus, Oslo (Norway))


    The neodymium YAG laser is particularly suited for endoscopic urologic surgery because the YAG laser light can be conducted in flexible fibers. Superficial bladder tumours can be treated under local anaesthesia in the outpatient department. The frequency of local recurrences is low, significantly lower than after electrosection or electrocoagulation. Selected cases of T2-muscle invasive bladder tumours can be cured with laser coagulation applied subsequently to transurethral resection. Combined treatment with electrosection and laser coagulation of localized prostatic cancer is a promising method which compares favourably with results obtained by other treatment modalities. Tumours in the upper urinary tract can be laser-treated through ureteroscopes or nephroscopes, but the treatment should be limited to low stage, low grade tumours. Laser is the treatment of choice for intraurethral condylomatas. Laser treatment of penil carcinoma gives excellent cosmetic and functional results and few local recurrences. Laser lithotripsy is a new technique for treatment of ureteric stones and photodynamic laser therapy is a promising tecnique for treatment of carcinoma in situ in the bladder empithelium. However, neither of these techniques are available for clinical use in Norway as yet. 17 refs., 3 figs., 1 tabs.

  4. Estimulação cognitiva para idoso com Doença de Alzheimer realizada pelo cuidador

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    Thiara Joanna Peçanha da Cruz


    Full Text Available RESUMOObjetivo:conhecer a influência da estimulação cognitiva no domicílio, realizada pelo cuidador de idosos com Doença de Alzheimer.Método:realizado estudo de caso com cinco idosos com Doença de Alzheimer e seus cuidadores. As etapas de desenvolvimento da pesquisa foram: orientação aos cuidadores, seleção dos idosos e cuidadores; abordagem dos sujeitos no domicílio, encontros semanais e reaplicação dos testes para acompanhamento da função cognitiva do idoso.Resultados:no período de três meses foi possível identifi car melhora da cognição, verificada pelo resultado do Mini Exame do Estado Mental (MEEM. Os demais testes (KATZ, LAWTON, TDR e TFV mantiveram os escores iniciais.Conclusões:esta estratégia pode ser considerada uma tecnologia leve do cuidado de enfermagem para idosos com demência. Quando o cuidador realiza este cuidado, após o suporte do enfermeiro, sente-se menos ansioso e com maior compreensão da doença.

  5. O Goodwill gerado pelo Passivo

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    Eliseu Martins


    Full Text Available Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo está relacionado à figura do Goodwill originado do Passivo de uma empresa, ou seja, não é a do Goodwill normalmente constituído pelos Ativos Intangíveis capazes de produzir uma rentabilidade anormal e que fazem com que o valor da entidade como um todo, em funcionamento, seja maior do que a soma algébrica dos valores justos de seus elementos patrimoniais. Trata-se de uma visão que se pode entender como novidade para muitos, ou seja, a do Goodwill originado do Passivo e, não, dos Ativos de uma empresa. Existem empresas que sequer conseguem remunerar o risco que seus Ativos carregam, mas podem apresentar Goodwill devido à forma com que suas atividades são financiadas. Método: Como ensaio, são apresentados conceitos básicos e de formulação, normalmente utilizados em avaliações de empresas. Na sequência, são apresentadas simulações que demonstram, de forma objetiva, o verdadeiro sentido técnico da formulação. Resultados: Sabendo-se que determinadas agências estatais de desenvolvimento e o próprio BNDES acabam financiando determinadas atividades com taxas de juros generosas, este estudo apresenta ainda um caso real de existência de Goodwill originado do Passivo de uma empresa brasileira. Contribuições: Este trabalho tem como uma de suas principais contribuições a exposição de um tema que é praticamente desconhecido no mundo acadêmico, totalmente desconsiderado pelas normas e legislações contábeis, mas presente no mundo dos analistas e investidores mais bem preparados, e o faz pela não disseminação desse conceito, com apresentação e redação acessíveis a todos os níveis de leitores.

  6. Infarto cerebral em duas crianças infectadas pelo HIV-1 Ischaemic stroke in two children with HIV-1

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    Cristiane Rocha


    Full Text Available Os quadros vasculares são incomuns não somente nos pacientes adultos (1% como também nas crianças. Nosso objetivo é alertar para a possibilidade da infecção pelo HIV-1 em crianças com manifestações cerebrovasculares. Das 204 crianças infectadas pelo HIV acompanhadas no Ambulatório de SIDA, descrevemos dois pacientes pré-escolares do gênero masculino, com quadro agudo febril, rebaixamento do nível de consciência, status epilepticus e hemiparesia como primeira manifestação de infecção pelo HIV-1. Nos dois casos evidenciou-se extensa isquemia em território da artéria cerebral média. Um dos pacientes evoluiu com tetraparesia espástica grave, sem contactuar com o meio, epilepsia parcial e óbito 4 anos após o diagnóstico, sem melhora do quadro neurológico. O outro paciente apresentou hemiparesia direita e afasia global, evoluindo com regressão completa do quadro neurológico. A infreqüência desses achados torna importante o seu relato, visando a inclusão da infecção pelo HIV-1 no diagnóstico diferencial das quadros cerebrovasculares na criança.Cerebral ischaemia caused by inflammatory vasculopathies has been described as a complication of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV infection. The goal of our study is to report two cases of pediatric human immunodeficiency virus infection and cerebrovascular manifestations. We describe two pre-school boys, from a group of 204 outpatients, who presented fever, seizures, hemiparesis and impairment of conscience level as a first symptom of HIV-1 infection. The serial imaging studies revealed infarction of middle cerebral artery in both cases. The first one child had a severe spastic tetraparesis and partial epilepsy and died four years later without any improvement despite of the antiretroviral therapy. The second patient had a right hemiparesis and global aphasia totally recovered two years later with antiretroviral and rehabilitation therapies. HIV infection should be included

  7. Laser system using ultra-short laser pulses (United States)

    Dantus, Marcos [Okemos, MI; Lozovoy, Vadim V [Okemos, MI; Comstock, Matthew [Milford, MI


    A laser system using ultrashort laser pulses is provided. In another aspect of the present invention, the system includes a laser, pulse shaper and detection device. A further aspect of the present invention employs a femtosecond laser and binary pulse shaping (BPS). Still another aspect of the present invention uses a laser beam pulse, a pulse shaper and a SHG crystal.

  8. Application of Various Lasers to Laser Trimming Resistance System

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    SUN Ji-feng


    Though the laser trimming resistance has been an old laser machining industry for over 30 years, the development of technology brings new alternative lasers which can be used for the traditional machining. The paper describes application of various lasers to laser trimming resistance system including early traditional krypton arc lamp pumped Nd:YAG to laser, modern popular diode pumped solid state laser and the present advanced harmonic diode pumped solid state laser. Using the new alternative lasers in the laser trimming resistance system can dramatically improve the yields and equipment performance.

  9. Effects of 960 nm diode laser irradiation on dental enamel in vitro: temperature and morphological analysis and evaluation of enamel demineralization; Estudo in vitro dos efeitos promovidos pelo laser de diodo em 960 nm no esmalte dental humano: analise de temperatura, analise morfologica e avaliacao da resistencia a desmineralizacao

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kato, Ilka Tiemy


    The aim of this study is to determine the effects of diode laser irradiation on enamel demineralization. To achieve this goal appropriate photon absorbing substances for the laser radiation, safe laser parameters and adequate temperature measuring apparatus had to be determined. Next, the effects of diode laser and acidulated phosphate fluoride on enamel demineralization by calcium content analysis were evaluated with inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES). In the first part of the study, five dyes consisting of vegetable coal diluted in five different liquids were analyzed and vegetable coal diluted in physiological solution was chosen for use as absorber. Methodologies to measure pulp chamber temperature were evaluated and modeling clay was chosen as fixture for the enamel samples held at body temperature. In the second part of the study, different energy density parameters (1.8 J/cm{sup 2}, 3.7 J/cm{sup 2}, 5.6 J/cm{sup 2}, 7.4 J/cm{sup 2} and 9.3 J/cm{sup 2}) exposure times (10, 15, 20, 25 e 30 seconds) and time intervals between dye application and laser irradiation (5, 30, 60, 90 e 120 seconds) were evaluated with respect to temperature changes in the pulp chamber. The enamel morphology was analyzed by scanning electron microscopy. Acid resistance was measured using seventy five enamel specimens, divided in five groups (control, fluoride, laser, laser + fluoride and fluoride + laser). The amount of calcium lost during demineralization in lactic acid was measured by ICP-AES. The results obtained in this experiment permit the conclusion that diode laser irradiation did not increase acid resistance. When associated with fluoride, the acid resistance did not differ from the results obtained with fluoride alone. (author)

  10. Malformações detectadas pelo ultrassom abdominal em crianças com cardiopatia congênita

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    Rosana Cardoso Manique Rosa

    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: Malformações extracardíacas podem estar presentes em pacientes com cardiopatia congênita (CC, trazendo maior risco de comorbidade e mortalidade. OBJETIVO: Verificar a frequência e os tipos de anormalidades abdominais detectadas em crianças com e sem CC através do ultrassom abdominal (USA, comparar os pacientes quanto a seus achados dismórficos/citogenéticos e realizar uma estimativa do custo-benefício da triagem pelo USA. MÉTODOS: Foi realizado um estudo transversal com controle. Os casos consistiram de pacientes com CC admitidos pela primeira vez em uma unidade de terapia intensiva pediátrica; os controles consistiram de crianças sem CC submetidas ao USA no hospital logo após cada caso. Todos os pacientes com CC foram submetidos ao USA, ao cariótipo de alta resolução e à hibridização in situ fluorescente (FISH para microdeleção 22q11.2. RESULTADOS: USA identificou anormalidades clinicamente significativas em 12,2% dos casos e em 5,2% dos controles (p = 0,009, com um poder de significância de 76,6%. A maioria das malformações com significado clínico foi de anomalias renais (10,4% nos casos e 4,9% nos controles, p = 0,034. No Brasil, o custo de um exame de USA pelo Sistema Único de Saúde é de 21 dólares. Uma vez que anormalidades clinicamente significativas foram observadas em um a cada 8,2 pacientes com CC, o custo para identificar uma criança afetada foi de 176 dólares. CONCLUSÃO: Pacientes com CC apresentam uma frequência significativa de anomalias detectadas pelo USA, um método diagnóstico barato e não invasivo, com boa sensibilidade. O custo da triagem para esses defeitos é consideravelmente menor que o custo para tratar as complicações do diagnóstico tardio de malformações abdominais, como a doença renal.

  11. A escolha da unidade de atuação pelo docente da Escola Pública Estadual do Ensino Médio: Fatores relevantes

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    Carlos Vital Giordano


    Full Text Available Este artigo pesquisou sobre quais são os fatores que levam o professor a escolher a escola de atuação, e relacionar se esses fatores possuem alguma associação com a formação ou, se a escolha apresenta outros aspectos, além dos pedagógicos. Por meio de entrevistas com os docentes, utilizando-se questionários, a pesquisa mostra o cenário de uma escola da Diretoria Regional de Ensino Sul I, que no ano de 2014 alcançou as metas de Ensino Médio estabelecidas pelo IDESP. Os resultados apresentados no artigo indicam quais os fatores considerados pelos docentes a atuar na escola, em seus variados graus de importância.

  12. Cartografia do lugar de moradia dos adolescentes com passagem pelo CENSE I de Londrina

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    Claudemir Zulim


    Full Text Available Este artigo apresenta os resultados da análise dos dados documentais obtidos na pesquisa realizada no Centro de Socioeducação I - CENSE I, de Londrina, que objetiva identificar, mapear e analisar as condições sócio-espaciais dos bairros de origem dos adolescentes com passagem pela Unidade. O CENSE I é uma unidade de internação provisória por onde passam todos os adolescentes apreendidos em flagrante de ato infracional e encaminhados à autoridade policial competente, que avalia se eles serão liberados para seus familiares ou se de acordo com a gravidade dos fatos que eles sejam ouvidos pelo representante do Ministério Público, enquanto aguardam as entrevistas para a realização das oitivas junto ao Juizado da Vara da Infância e Adolescência. Analisa os dados sobre o lugar de moradia dos adolescentes com passagem pela Unidade no ano de 2009. Utiliza as técnicas de Cartografia e de programas específicos com os quais foram produzidos gráficos e mapas onde são facilmente visualizados os locais de residência desses adolescentes. Verifica que os locais de maior concentração de adolescentes com passagem pelo CENSE I também concentram graves problemas sócio-espaciais, geralmente ligados a ocupações irregulares e em fundos de vale.

  13. Laser optically pumped by laser-produced plasma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Silfvast, W.T.; Wood, O.R. II.


    Laser solids, liquids and gases are pumped by a new technique in which the output from an efficient molecular laser, such as a CO 2 laser, ionizes a medium, such as xenon, into a generally cylindrical plasma volume, in proximity to the pumped laser body. Breakdown yields a visible and ultraviolet-radiation-emitting plasma in that volume to pump the laser body. The spectral radiance of the plasma is significantly higher than that produced by a dc-discharge-heated plasma at nearly all wavelengths in the plasma spectrum. The risetime of radiation from the laser-produced plasma can also be significantly shorter than that of a dc heated plasma. A further advantage resides in the fact that in some applications the attenuating walls needed by flashlamps may be eliminated with the result that laser threshold is more readily reached. Traveling wave excitation may be provided by oblique incidence of the pumping laser beam through the ionizable medium to create sequential ionization of portions of that medium along the length of the pumped laser body. (auth)

  14. Diode laser-pumped Ho:YLF laser

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hemmati, H.


    The author reports laser action in Ho:YLF at 2.06 μm following optical pumping with a cw diode laser array. Diode laser-pumped Nd-YAG and Ho:YAG have been reported recently. Lasers with a wavelength of 2 μm have medical and optical communication applications. The diode laser light is focused with a 60-mm focal length lens onto the YLF crystal. A high-reflectivity mirror with 100-mm radius of curvature was used as the output coupler. The lasing threshold was at 5 mWof incident power. This is higher than expected considering that a high reflector was used as the output coupler. However, a more uniform cooling of the crystal is expected to lower the lasing threshold. With 100 mW of pump power coupled into the crystal, --20 mW of 2-μm radiation was observed from this unoptimized setup. The 2-μm laser output is highly sensitive to output coupler alignment, YLF crystal temperature, and pump laser wavelength. The 20% optical conversion efficiency achieved in his preliminary measurements is expected to be improved by better crystal cooling, proper matching of laser wavelength to crystal absorption, variations in the concentration of Ho and sensitizers and use of a proper output coupler. A study of the parameters mentioned above and the effect of crystal temperature on the laser output is under way

  15. Lasers for the SILVA laser isotope separation process

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lapierre, Y.


    The main principles of the laser isotope separation process for the production of enriched uranium at lower cost, are reviewed and the corresponding optimal laser characteristics are described. The development of the SILVA laser isotope separation process involved researches in the various domains of pump lasers, dye lasers, laser and optics systems and two test facilities for the feasibility studies which are expected for 1997

  16. Development of frequency tunable Ti:sapphire laser and dye laser pumped by a pulsed Nd:YAG laser

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yi, Jong Hoon; Horn, Roland; Wendt, K.


    We investigated lasing characteristics of two kinds of tunable laser, liquid dye laser and solid Ti:sapphire crystal laser, pumped by high pulse repetition rate Nd:YAG laser. Dye laser showed drastically reduced pulsewidth compared with that of pump laser and it also contained large amount of amplified spontaneous emission. Ti:sapphire laser showed also reduced pulsewidth. But, the laser conversion pump laser and Ti:sapphire laser pulse, we used a Brewster-cut Pockel's cell for Q-switching. The laser was frequency doubled by a type I BBO crystal outside of the cavity.

  17. O impacto de um projeto de educação pelo esporte no desenvolvimento infantil

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    Paula Xavier Machado

    Full Text Available Este artigo trata de um estudo com pré-teste (T1 e pós-teste (T2 que avaliou o impacto de um projeto esportivo no desenvolvimento infantil. Participaram 39 estudantes de 6 a 11 anos, matriculados da 1a a 4a séries do Ensino Fundamental de escola pública. Eles foram distribuídos em dois grupos: G1 (24 integrantes do projeto esportivo e G2 (15 crianças do grupo comparativo e os professores dos estudantes também participaram. O impacto foi avaliado pelas diferenças em desempenho escolar, stress, qualidade de vida e avaliação de atitudes acadêmicas e sociais do aluno pelo professor. De T1 para T2, houve aumento significativo no desempenho escolar em G1 e G2. O stress diminuiu para todas as crianças, de T1 para T2, embora seja significativo apenas para G1. A percepção da qualidade de vida diminuiu, entre T1 e T2, para G1 e G2, sendo significativo apenas para G2. Não houve diferença significativa na avaliação dos alunos de G1 e G2, em T1 e T2, pelos professores.

  18. Mulheres em situação de violência pelo parceiro íntimo: tomada de decisão por apoio institucional especializado

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    Leônidas de Albuquerque Netto

    Full Text Available RESUMO Objetivo Propõe-se analisar fatores envolvidos na tomada de decisão de mulheres em situação de violência interpessoal, praticada pelo parceiro íntimo, na busca por apoio institucional de referência. Métodos Pesquisa qualitativa, descritiva e exploratória. Dezesseis mulheres foram entrevistadas, entre junho e setembro de 2012, em um Centro de Referência à Mulher de Duque de Caxias, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, por meio de instrumento semiestruturado e individual. Os relatos foram analisados pelo método do Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo. Resultados As mulheres buscaram suporte psicossocial quando a violência interpessoal alcançou o limite da tolerância. Este suporte possibilitou o resgate da autoestima e da confiança, além da tomada de consciência para a necessidade de mudança de vida e de autonomia econômica. Conclusões As mulheres alcançaram sua autoconfiança com a superação da violência, o que possibilitou o resgate da autoestima e a tomada de decisão para a saída da situação de violência interpessoal praticada pelo parceiro íntimo.

  19. Abordagem pedagógica e diversificação dos cenários de ensino médico: projetos selecionados pelo PROMED

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    Lucia Maria Horta Figueiredo Goulart

    Full Text Available Este trabalho analisa as principais propostas de abordagem pedagógica e diversificação de cenários do processo de ensino apresentadas pelas escolas selecionadas pelo Programa de Incentivo a Mudanças Curriculares nas Escolas de Medicina (Promed, instituído em 2002 pelos ministérios da Saúde e da Educação. Foi realizada pesquisa documental, utilizando-se roteiro com base no termo de referência do programa para a leitura dos projetos. Verificou-se que todas as escolas selecionadas já se encontravam em processo de mudança curricular por ocasião do edital Promed. Embora buscassem alcançar os objetivos apresentados pelo programa, os projetos selecionados apontaram diferentes caminhos para sua realização. Conhecer essas propostas e a maneira como se articularam entre si e com o objetivo final do Promed é de capital importância para os educadores da área de saúde envolvidos com mudanças curriculares em suas instituições, bem como para os gestores dessa área que vêm apresentando suas demandas em consonância com as necessidades de saúde da população

  20. Aplicação do laser 808nm na dor articular crônica de ratos Wistar Aplication of 808nm laser in chronic joint pain in Wistar rats

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    Gladson Ricardo Flor Bertolini


    Full Text Available Durante o processo inflamatório, alguns tipos de células predominam e estão envolvidos com a produção de dor. O laser de baixa potência mostra-se útil no controle de mediadores inflamatórios, mas a ampla divergência nos parâmetros dosimétricos, conduz a variações nos resultados positivos. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar o uso do laser 808nm, na dor articular crônica e edema de ratos Wistar submetidos a sinovite. Foram utilizados 10 ratos Wistar, divididos em dois grupos: GC - indução de sinovite em joelho direito e tratamento placebo; GT - indução de sinovite e irradiado com laser 10J/cm². Para a produção de sinovite foram injetados 100µl de formalina a 5%, no espaço articular tibiofemoral direito. A avaliação da dor ocorreu pelo tempo de elevação da pata (TEP. No 10º dia após a indução de sinovite, iniciou-se o tratamento com laser sobre a face articular medial do joelho, procedimento mantido no decorrer de 10 dias. Os resultados mostraram que o laser apresentou efeitos analgésicos, visto que, para o grupo tratado, houve redução significativa nos valores de TEP, indicando redução da dor, quando comparados os valores pós-tratamento com os pré-tratamento, o que não ocorreu para o grupo que recebeu tratamento placebo; para o edema, o laser também mostrou redução significativa do mesmo. Concluiu-se que o laser 808nm, com 10J/cm², é eficaz na redução da dor articular crônica e edema, em animais submetidos a sinovite experimental.During the inflammatory process some kinds of cells are predominant and are involved with pain production. Low power laser seems to be useful in the control of inflammatory mediators, but wide divergence in the dosemetric parameters leads to variations in its positive results. The aim of this study was to assess the use of the 808nm laser in the chronic joint pain and edema of Wistar rats submitted to synovitis. Sample was composed of 10 Wistar rats divided in two groups

  1. High susceptibility of activated lymphocytes to oxidative stress-induced cell death

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    Giovanna R. Degasperi


    Full Text Available The present study provides evidence that activated spleen lymphocytes from Walker 256 tumor bearing rats are more susceptible than controls to tert-butyl hydroperoxide (t-BOOH-induced necrotic cell death in vitro. The iron chelator and antioxidant deferoxamine, the intracellular Ca2+ chelator BAPTA, the L-type Ca2+ channel antagonist nifedipine or the mitochondrial permeability transition inhibitor cyclosporin A, but not the calcineurin inhibitor FK-506, render control and activated lymphocytes equally resistant to the toxic effects of t-BOOH. Incubation of activated lymphocytes in the presence of t-BOOH resulted in a cyclosporin A-sensitive decrease in mitochondrial membrane potential. These results indicate that the higher cytosolic Ca2+ level in activated lymphocytes increases their susceptibility to oxidative stress-induced cell death in a mechanism involving the participation of mitochondrial permeability transition.O presente estudo demonstra que linfócitos ativados de baço de ratos portadores do tumor de Walker 256 são mais susceptíveis à morte celular necrótica induzida por tert-butil hidroperóxido (t-BOOH in vitro quando comparados aos controles. O quelante de ferro e antioxidante deferoxamina, o quelante intracelular de Ca2+ BAPTA, o antagonista de canal de Ca2+ nifedipina ou o inibidor da transição de permeabilidade mitocondrial ciclosporina-A, mas não o inibidor de calcineurina FK-506, inibiram de maneira similar a morte celular induzida por t-BOOH em linfócitos ativados e controles. Os linfócitos ativados apresentaram redução do potencial de membrana mitocondrial induzida por t-BOOH num mecanismo sensível a ciclosporina-A. Nossos resultados indicam que o aumento da concentração de Ca2+ citosólico em linfócitos ativados aumenta a susceptibilidade dos mesmos à morte celular induzida por estresse oxidativo, num mecanismo envolvendo a participação do poro de transição de permeabilidade mitocondrial.

  2. Psicodiagnostico : a busca de novas abordagens e a maneira como vem sendo desenvolvido pelos psicologos da região do Vale do Paraiba-SP


    Ana Cristina Araujo do Nascimento


    Resumo: O trabalho investiga a prática psicodiagnóstica realizada pelos psicólogos do Vale do Paraíba, no Estado de São Paulo. Objetivamos caracterizar a fonna como esse recurso é desenvolvido na região, no que diz respeito ao modelo utilizado, aos objetivos para sua realização, ao referencial teórico que o fundamenta, aos locais de desenvolvimento e à preparação oferecida pelos cursos de graduação que atendem a região. Da mesma fonna, procuramos saber o nível de conhecimento e engajamento do...

  3. Efeito do tratamento clínico de um corredor de longa distância com broncoespasmo induzido pelo exercício: relato de caso


    Teixeira,Renata Nakata; Gonçalves,Raquel Calvo; Costa,Luiz Augusto Riani; Silva,Leonardo Borges de Barros e; Martins,Milton de Arruda; Teixeira,Luzimar Raimundo; Carvalho,Celso Ricardo Fernandes


    O broncoespasmo induzido pelo exercício (BIE) é uma condição que se caracteriza pelo estreitamento transitório das vias aéreas durante ou após o esforço físico e afeta principalmente portadores de asma. Em atletas profissionais que praticam esportes de alta intensidade, a prevalência também é alta; no entanto, seu diagnóstico permanece subestimado. O presente estudo descreve o caso de um atleta do sexo masculino, 23 anos, corredor de longa distância sem histórico de asma, que após um teste gr...

  4. Photonic bandgap fiber lasers and multicore fiber lasers for next generation high power lasers

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Shirakawa, A.; Chen, M.; Suzuki, Y.


    Photonic bandgap fiber lasers are realizing new laser spectra and nonlinearity mitigation that a conventional fiber laser cannot. Multicore fiber lasers are a promising tool for power scaling by coherent beam combination. © 2014 OSA....

  5. Laser 830nm na viabilidade do retalho cutâneo de ratos submetidos à nicotina Laser 830nm on the viability of skin flaps in rats submitted of nicotine

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    Lais Mara Siqueira das Neves


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Investigar os possíveis efeitos da laserterapia com laser diodo 830nm ao se contrapor a ação da nicotina na viabilidade do retalho cutâneo em ratos. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizados 16 ratos Wistar, distribuídos em 2 grupos de 8: Grupo 1- submetido à técnica cirúrgica, para obtenção dos retalhos cutâneos randômicos de base cranial, com injeção subcutânea de nicotina em uma dose de 2mg/Kg/dia, uma semana antes e uma semana após o procedimento cirúrgico e simulação da radiação laser; Grupo 2- similar ao grupo 1, cujos retalhos cutâneos randômicos de base cranial foram submetidos à irradiação do laser imediatamente após a cirurgia e nos 4 dias subsequentes. Após a eutanásia, as áreas de necrose e de tecido viável foram examinadas através do método de pesagem do Gabarito de Papel e pelo método semi-automático de análise de imagens (Mini-Mop®. RESULTADOS: Os resultados foram analisados estatisticamente através do teste ANOVA. Os valores de porcentagem de área de necrose através do método de análise mostraram uma diminuição da área de necrose no grupo 2 onde foi aplicado laser. CONCLUSÃO: O laser 830nm foi eficaz na melhora da viabilidade do retalho cutâneo em ratos submetido à ação da nicotina. Nível de evidência II: Estudos terapêuticos - Investigação dos resultados do tratamento.OBJECTIVE: To investigate the possible effects of laser diode 830nm counter to the action of nicotine on the viability of the skin flap in rats. METHODS: 24 Wistar-albino rats were used, divided into 3 groups of 8: Group 1 - subject to the surgical technique to obtain the random skin flap in cranial base, subcutaneous injection of nicotine of 2mg/Kg/dia a week before and one week after surgery and simulation of laser. Group 2 - similar to group 1, the random skin flap in the cranial base were subjected to laser irradiation immediately after surgery and on thesubsequent 4 days. After euthanasia, areas of necrosis and

  6. Facilitação da memória olfativa pelo etanol em ratos


    Prediger, Rui Daniel Schröder


    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências Biológicas. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Farmacologia. Um crescente número de estudos em humanos, e em outros animais, têm revelado uma facilitação dos processos de memória pelo etanol quando este é administrado imediatamente após o treino e os indivíduos são posteriormente testados sem a ação da droga. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos de uma única dose de etanol (0,5; 1,0 e 2,0 g/Kg),...

  7. Conhecendo as estrategias de acao e interacao utilizadas pelos clientes para o enfrentamento da dialise peritoneal

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    Felipe Kaezer dos Santos


    Full Text Available Este artigo teve por objetivo apresentar as principais estratégias de ação e interação utilizadas pelos clientes portadores de doença renal crônica para o enfrentamento da diálise peritoneal. O referencial teórico utilizado foi o Interacionismo Simbólico, por ser um arcabouço que valoriza o significado da interação como determinante do comportamento humano. A Teoria Fundamentada nos Dados foi utilizada como referencial metodológico. Após a sua obtenção, realizada por meio de um roteiro de entrevista semi-estruturado, os dados foram gravados, transcritos, codificados e organizados para compor a teoria explicativa sobre o fenômeno estudado. Durante a análise foram identificados vários recursos utilizados pelos clientes, como a necessidade de obter informações sobre a diálise peritoneal, o refúgio na espiritualidade e a falsa ilusão da cura. Destaca-se também a importância da rede de apoio, em que o enfermeiro poderá atuar como facilitador do processo de enfrentamento, em prol da adaptação dos clientes à nova realidade.

  8. Laser power sources and laser technology for accelerators

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lowenthal, D.


    The requirements on laser power sources for advanced accelerator concepts are formidable. These requirements are driven by the need to deliver 5 TeV particles at luminosities of 10/sup 33/ - 10/sup 34/ cm/sup -2/ sec/sup -1/. Given that optical power can be transferred efficiently to the particles these accelerator parameters translate into single pulse laser output energies of several kilojoules and rep rates of 1-10 kHz. The average laser output power is then 10-20 MW. Larger average powers will be needed if efficient transfer proves not to be possible. A laser plant of this magnitude underscores the importance of high wall plug efficiency and reasonable cost in $/Watt. The interface between the laser output pulse format and the accelerator structure is another area that drives the laser requirements. Laser accelerators break up into two general architectures depending on the strength of the laser coupling. For strong coupling mechanisms, the architecture requires many ''small'' lasers powering the accelerator in a staged arrangement. For the weak coupling mechanisms, the architecture must feature a single large laser system whose power must be transported along the entire accelerator length. Both of these arrangements have demanding optical constraints in terms of phase matching sequential stages, beam combining arrays of laser outputs and optimizing coupling of laser power in a single accelerating stage

  9. Laser pumped lasers for isotope separation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fry, S.M.


    A study of the isotope separation laser requirements reveals that high pressure polyatomic molecular gas laser pumped lasers can attain the necessary characteristics including tunability, energy output, pulse width, and repetition rate. The results of a search, made for molecules meeting the appropriate requirements for one of several pump schemes utilizing a CO 2 laser and with output in the 12 μm or 16μm wavelength range, are presented. Several methods of pumping are reviewed and two novel pump schemes are presented. A laser pumped laser device design is given, and operation of this device and associated diagnostic equipment is confirmed by repeating experiments in OCS and NH 3 . The results of OCS laser experiments show that an improvement in pump rate and output per unit length is obtained with the device, using a wedged transverse pumping scheme. A new multi-line laser system in NH 3 pumped by a TEA CO 2 laser is reported. More than forty transitions spanning the wavelength range of 9.2 to 13.8 μm are observed and identified. A strong output at 12.08 μm is one of the closest lines yet found to the required laser isotope separation wavelength. Far infrared emission near 65 μm is observed and is responsible for populating levels which lase in pure ammonia near 12.3 μm. Buffer gas (e.g., N 2 or He) pressures of approximately 40--800 torr cause energy transfer by collision-induced rotationaltransitions from the pumped antisymmetric to the lasing symmetric levels in the nu 2 = 1 band of ammonia. Most of the observed lines are aP(J,K) transitions which originate from the nu 2 /sup s/ band. Measurements of the pressure dependence of the laser output shows that some lines lase at pressures greater than one atmosphere. Transient behavior of the 12.08 μm line is calculated from a simplified analytic model and these calculations are compared to the experimental results

  10. Future prospects of laser diodes and fiber lasers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ueda, Ken-ichi


    For the next century we should develop new concepts for coherent control of light generation and propagation. Owing to the recent development of ultra fine structures in semiconductor lasers, fiber lasers, and various kinds of waveguide structure, we can make optical devices which control the light propagation artificially. But, the phase locking and phase control of multiple laser oscillators are one of the most important directions of laser science and technology. The coherent summation has been a dream of laser since 1960. Is it possible to solve this old and quite challenging problem for laser science? This is also a very basic concept because the laser action based on the stimulated emission is the process of coherent summation of huge number of photons emitted from individual atoms. In this paper, I discuss the fundamental direction of laser research in the next ten or twenty years. The active optics and laser technology should be combined intrinsically in near future. (author)

  11. YCOB lasers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Richardson, Martin; Hammons, Dennis; Eichenholz, Jason; Chai, Bruce; Ye, Qing; Jang, Won; Shah, Lawrence


    We review new developments with a new laser host material, YCa 4 O(BO 3 ) 3 or YCOB. Lasers based on this host material will open new opportunities for the development of compact, high-power, frequency-agile visible and near IR laser sources, as well as sources for ultrashort pulses. Efficient diode-pumped laser action with both Nd-doped and Yb-doped YCOB has already been demonstrated. Moreover, since these materials are biaxial, and have high nonlinear optical coefficients, they have become the first laser materials available as efficient self-frequency-doubled lasers, capable of providing tunable laser emission in several regions of the visible spectrum. Self-frequency doubling eliminates the need for inclusion of a nonlinear optical element within or external to the laser resonator. These laser materials possess excellent thermal and optical properties, have high laser-damage thresholds, and can be grown to large sizes. In addition they are non-hygroscopic. They therefore possess all the characteristics necessary for laser materials required in rugged, compact systems. Here we summarize the rapid progress made in the development of this new class of lasers, and review their potential for a number of applications. (author)

  12. Parameters in fractional laser assisted delivery of topical anesthetics: Role of laser type and laser settings. (United States)

    Meesters, Arne A; Nieboer, Marilin J; Kezic, Sanja; de Rie, Menno A; Wolkerstorfer, Albert


    Efficacy of topical anesthetics can be enhanced by pretreatment of the skin with ablative fractional lasers. However, little is known about the role of parameters such as laser modality and laser density settings in this technique. Aims of this study were to compare the efficacy of pretreatment with two different ablative fractional laser modalities, a CO 2 laser and an Er:YAG laser, and to assess the role of laser density in ablative fractional laser assisted topical anesthesia. In each of 15 healthy subjects, four 10 × 10 mm test regions on the back were randomized to pretreatment (70-75 μm ablation depth) with CO 2 laser at 5% density, CO 2 laser at 15% density, Er:YAG laser at 5% density or Er:YAG laser at 15% density. Articaine hydrochloride 40 mg/ml + epinephrine 10 μg/ml solution was applied under occlusion to all four test regions. After 15 minutes, a pass with the CO 2 laser (1,500 μm ablation depth) was administered as pain stimulus to each test region. A reference pain stimulus was given on unanesthetized skin. The main outcome parameter, pain, was scored on a 0-10 visual analogue scale (VAS) after each pain stimulus. Median VAS scores were 1.50 [CO 2 5%], 0.50 [CO 2 15%], 1.50 [Er:YAG 5%], 0.43 [Er:YAG 15%], and 4.50 [unanesthetized reference]. VAS scores for all pretreated test regions were significantly lower compared to the untreated reference region (P laser pretreated regions. However, VAS scores were significantly lower at 15% density compared to 5% density for both for the CO 2 laser (P laser (P laser was considered slightly more painful than pretreatment with Er:YAG laser by the subjects. Fractional laser assisted topical anesthesia is effective even with very low energy settings and an occlusion time of only 15 minutes. Both the CO 2 laser and the Er:YAG laser can be used to assist topical anesthesia although the CO 2 laser pretreatment is experienced as more painful. In our study settings, using articaine

  13. Laser beam cutting method. Laser ko ni yoru kaitai koho

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kutsumizu, A. (Obayashi Corp., Osaka (Japan))


    In this special issue paper concerning the demolition of concrete structures, was introduced a demolition of concrete structures using laser, of which practical application is expected due to the remarkable progress of generating power and efficiency of laser radiator. The characteristics of laser beam which can give a temperature of one million centigrade at the irradiated spot, the laser radiator consisting of laser medium, laser resonator and pumping apparatus, and the laser kinds for working, such as CO{sub 2} laser, YAG laser and CO laser, were described. The basic constitution of laser cutting equipment consisting of large generating power radiator, beam transmitter, beam condenser, and nozzle for working was also illustrated. Furthermore, strong and weak points in the laser cutting for concrete and reinforcement were enumerated. Applications of laser to cutting of reinforced and unreinforced concrete constructions were shown, and the concept and safety measure for application of laser to practical demolition was discussed. 5 refs., 8 figs.

  14. Análise da eficácia do laser de baixa potência no tratamento da dor tendínea em ratos imunossuprimidos Analysis of low-level laser therapy efficacy on tendon pain treatment in immunosuppressed rats

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    Fernanda de Oliveira Busarello


    Full Text Available O comprometimento do sistema imune, que pode ser apresentado por indivíduos com doenças crônicas, leva à baixa resposta imunológica. Um dos tratamentos utilizados para lesões agudas em tendões é o laser de baixa potência, contudo há uma lacuna em relação ao seu uso em imunodepressão. O objetivo do presente estudo foi analisar se o laser de baixa potência é eficaz para o tratamento da dor em ratos imunodeprimidos submetidos a trauma tendíneo. Foram utilizados 23 ratos, machos, da linhagem Wistar, divididos aleatoriamente em três grupos: grupo controle, placebo e laser. Os animais foram imunodeprimidos (por administração de Ciclosporina A e submetidos à lesão no tendão calcâneo direito, com impacto de cerca de 0,40 J. Para o tratamento, utilizou-se laser de baixa potência, 670 nm, 30 mW e dose de 2 J/cm², durante 3 dias. A avaliação da dor foi realizada pelo teste de incapacidade funcional e por filamento de Von Frey digital. Os resultados apresentaram valores significativos para o grupo laser, com diminuição de dor funcional e da dor à pressão na superfície plantar e no local lesionado (tendão calcâneo direito. Portanto, concluiu-se que o laser de baixa potência é eficaz para reduzir a dor em ratos imunodeprimidos submetidos a trauma tendíneo.The commitment of immune system, which may be presented by individuals with chronic diseases, leading to a low immune response. One of the treatments used for acute injuries in tendons is the low-power laser, however there is a gap in relation to its use in immunosuppression. The objective of this study was to analyze if low-level laser therapy is effective for the treatment of pain in immunosuppressed rats subjected to trauma tendon. We used 23 male rats of Wistar strain, divided randomly in three groups: control group, placebo and laser. The animals were immunosuppressed (by administration of Cyclosporin A and underwent right Achilles tendon injury, with impact of about

  15. Ultrashort pulse laser technology laser sources and applications

    CERN Document Server

    Schrempel, Frank; Dausinger, Friedrich


    Ultrashort laser pulses with durations in the femtosecond range up to a few picoseconds provide a unique method for precise materials processing or medical applications. Paired with the recent developments in ultrashort pulse lasers, this technology is finding its way into various application fields. The book gives a comprehensive overview of the principles and applications of ultrashort pulse lasers, especially applied to medicine and production technology. Recent advances in laser technology are discussed in detail. This covers the development of reliable and cheap low power laser sources as well as high average power ultrashort pulse lasers for large scale manufacturing. The fundamentals of laser-matter-interaction as well as processing strategies and the required system technology are discussed for these laser sources with respect to precise materials processing. Finally, different applications within medicine, measurement technology or materials processing are highlighted.

  16. O conhecimento pré-colombiano do Brasil pelos portugueses

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    Thomaz Oscar Marcondes de Souza


    Full Text Available A brilhante emprêsa marítima realizada pelo infante D. Henrique ao longo da costa ocidental da África; a passagem do cabo da Boa Esperança em 1488 por Bartolomeu Dias; o desco-brimento do caminho marítimo para a índia por Vasco da Ga-ma em 1498; as guerras e conquistas na Ásia com a figura ím-par de Afonso de Albuquerque; o ter Portugal mantido por mais de três séculos a integridade territorial do Brasil, vencendo fran-ceses, holandeses e espanhóis, não satisfazem a vaidade nacio-nal de certos historiadores portuguêses . Querem mais . Que-rem que tudo que possa constituir prioridade, em se tratando de descobrimento marítimos, pertença a Portugal. Navegado-res do quilate de Colombo, Caboto, Vespucci, Pinzon, Verraz-zano, Cartier e outros, não passam de medíocres, de embustei-ros e de falsos descobridores que se apropriaram de glórias alheias, sendo que o Genovês, o pouco que sabia de navegação, aprendeu em Portugal.

  17. Perda auditiva induzida pelo ruído em trabalhadores de metalúrgica Noise induced hearing loss in metallurgical workers

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    Simone Adad Araújo

    Full Text Available Introdução: A perda auditiva induzida pelo ruído é uma patologia insidiosa cumulativa, que cresce ao longo dos anos de exposição ao ruído associado ao ambiente de trabalho. Objetivos: Identificar e quantificar a ocorrência de alterações auditivas sugestivas de Perda Auditiva Induzida pelo Ruído e os principais sintomas otorrinolaringológicos referidos pelos trabalhadores. Forma de estudo: prospectivo clínico randomizado. Casuística e métodos: Pesquisa realizada no período de janeiro a março de 2000 com 187 trabalhadores de indústria metalúrgica no município de Goiânia, avaliados por médicos otorrinolaringologistas através de roteiro de entrevista e audiometria ocupacional. Resultados: Foram obtidas audiometrias ocupacionais sendo: 21% sugestivas de PAIR, 72%, normais e 7%, sugestivas de outras doenças auditivas. Os sintomas auditivos mais freqüentes foram: dificuldade de compreensão da fala, 12%; hipoacusia, 7%; tinitus, 13%; sensação de plenitude auricular, 4%; otorreia, 6%; tonturas, 12%. Conclusão: Concluímos que em metalúrgica há ocorrência de alterações auditivas sugestivas de Perda Auditiva Induzida pelo Ruído e queixa de sintomas otorrinolaringológicos significativos.Introduction: Noise induced hearing loss is a cumulative pathological disease that increases over the years with exposure to noise associated with the work atmosphere. Objectives: To identify and quantify the occurrence of hearing loss suggestive of Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL and the principle otolaryngological symptoms referred to by workers. Study design: prospective clinical randomized. Material and method: Research was carried out from January to March of 2000 with 187 metallurgical workers in the city of Goiânia, who were evaluated by otolaryngologists by means of a combination of interviews and occupational hearing exams. Results: Occupational hearing tests results were: 21% suggestive of NIHL, 72% normal, and 7% suggestive of

  18. Infestaçao humana pelo Dipylidium caninum

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    Carlos Henrique Lemos


    Full Text Available Os autores descrevem um caso de infestação pelo Dipylidium caninum numa criança residente em Araguari, Minas Gerais, que apresentou lesões cutâneas, insônia, irritabilidade, vômitos eperda do apetite. Relatam a eliminação abundante deproglotes quando a paciente foi tratada com medicamentos caseiros e a remissão dos sintomas, após dois tratamentos com mebendazol. Contudo não puderam concluir sobre a eficiência das drogas, devido à medicação empírica e ã administração de 200 mg/dia de mebendazol, contrariando a dosagem recomendada para Cestodas, que é de 400 mg/dia. Relatam, ainda, que exames das fezes do cão de propriedade da família revelaram apenas a presença de ancilostomídeos.The authors describe a case of Dipylidium caninum infestation in a child living in Araguari, state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, who has presented skin lesions, insomnia, irritability, vomitingand lossof appetite. When the patient was treated with folk medicine they noticed excessive elimination of proglotids and the elimination of symptoms after being treated twice with mebendazol. However it was not possible to conclude anything about the drugs, due to the empiric medication and the administration of mebendazol in a dose of200 mg daily, which is not the quantity recommended for Cestodes (400 mg daily. The fecal examination of the dog that belongs to the family showed only ancylostomides.

  19. Análise de Distorções na Soldagem de Juntas em “X” e “V” em Modelos Reduzidos em Escala de Anéis Segmentados Utilizando o Monitoramento Contínuo com Sensores a Laser

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    Jonathas Henrique Pereira


    Full Text Available Resumo Distorções em componentes soldados são alterações permanente de forma e dimensões resultantes das deformações plásticas que ocorrem devido as tensões térmicas desenvolvidas durante o processo de soldagem. Em função dos elevados custos para corrigir essas distorções de soldagem, existe grande interesse das indústrias em prever, monitorar e controlar estas distorções. Este trabalho compara as distorções ocorridas durante a soldagem de modelos de anel segmentado em escala reduzida com dois tipos de juntas (“X” e “V” utilizando a metodologia de monitoramento contínuo da evolução das distorções de soldagem com sensores a laser. Para o monitoramento contínuo são utilizados sensores a laser que são apoiados sobre a peça e os feixes foram projetados em um anteparo translúcido colocado em frente ao mesmo. Com a progressão da distorção durante a soldagem os feixes luminosos se movimentam pelo anteparo proporcionalmente a deformações ocorridas na peça. Os deslocamentos dos pontos luminosos refletidos no anteparo são filmados pelo lado oposto do anteparo. A discretização da filmagem permite analisar as deformações ao longo do processo soldagem e determinar a evolução das distorções em função do tempo. Foi confirmado que as soldagens realizadas em juntas em “X” apresentam menores valores de distorções que as juntas em “V”. Os resultados demostram que para os corpos de prova utilizados neste experimento pelo menos 60% da distorção ocorreu após a extinção do arco. Pelos testes experimentais foi possível afirmar que a técnica de monitoramento com sensores a laser é viável para utilizar na indústria e laboratórios de soldagem, porém faz-se necessário otimizar o processamento dos dados obtidos pela filmagem, permitindo um monitoramento instantâneo. A informação sobre a evolução das distorções durante a soldagem será útil para definir e monitorar de forma mais eficiente o

  20. Laser beam diagnostics for kilowatt power pulsed YAG laser

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu, Yi; Leong, Keng H.


    There is a growing need for high power YAG laser beam diagnostics with the recent introduction of such lasers in laser material processing. In this paper, we will describe the use of a commercially available laser beam analyzer (Prometec) to profile the laser beam from a 1600 W pulsed Nd:YAG laser that has a 1 mm fiber optic beam delivery system. The selection of laser pulse frequency and pulse width for the measurement is discussed. Laser beam propagation parameters by various optical components such as fibers and lenses can be determined from measurements using this device. The importance of such measurements will be discussed

  1. Laser materials processing with diode lasers


    Li, Lin; Lawrence, Jonathan; Spencer, Julian T.


    Laser materials processing is currently dominated by CO2, Nd-YAG and Excimer lasers. Continuous advances in semiconductor laser technology over the last decade have increased the average power output of the devices annualy by two fold, resulting in the commercial availability of the diode lasers today with delivery output powers in excess of 60W in CW mode and 5kW in qasi-CW mode. The advantages of compactness, high reliability, high efficiency and potential low cost, due to the mass producti...

  2. Transurethral vaporesection of prostate: diode laser or thulium laser? (United States)

    Tan, Xinji; Zhang, Xiaobo; Li, Dongjie; Chen, Xiong; Dai, Yuanqing; Gu, Jie; Chen, Mingquan; Hu, Sheng; Bai, Yao; Ning, Yu


    This study compared the safety and effectiveness of the diode laser and thulium laser during prostate transurethral vaporesection for treating benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH). We retrospectively analyzed 205 patients with BPH who underwent a diode laser or thulium laser technique for prostate transurethral vaporesection from June 2016 to June 2017 and who were followed up for 3 months. Baseline characteristics of the patients, perioperative data, postoperative outcomes, and complications were compared. We also assessed the International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS), quality of life (QoL), maximum flow rate (Q max ), average flow rate (AFR), and postvoid residual volume (PVR) at 1 and 3 months postoperatively to evaluate the functional improvement of each group. There were no significant differences between the diode laser and thulium laser groups related to age, prostate volume, operative time, postoperative hospital stays, hospitalization costs, or perioperative data. The catheterization time was 3.5 ± 0.8 days for the diode laser group and 4.7 ± 1.8 days for the thulium laser group (p diode laser and thulium laser contributes to safe, effective transurethral vaporesection in patients with symptomatic BPH. Diode laser, however, is better than thulium laser for prostate transurethral vaporesection because of its shorter catheterization time. The choice of surgical approach is more important than the choice of laser types during clinical decision making for transurethral laser prostatectomy.

  3. Comparação entre capsulotomia assistida por laser de femtossegundo e capsulorrexe curvilínea contínua guiada por imagem digital

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    Wilson Takashi Hida


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Medir e comparar o tamanho e forma de capsulotomias realizadas com laser de femtossegundo com os de capsulorrexes curvilíneas contínuas (CCC realizadas com auxilio guiado por imagem digital e avaliar o resultado refracional. Métodos: Durante cirurgia de catarata, 40 olhos de 40 pacientes tiveram a capsulotomia realizada com auxílio do laser de femtossegundo e seus resultados foram comparados com os de 40 olhos de 40 outros pacientes que tiveram a capsulorrexe guiada por sistema de imagem digital. Os parâmetros de circularidade, forma e overlap foram medidos usando o Adobe Photoshop (Adobe Systems Inc. e os resultados refracionais pós-operatórios foram avaliados em ambos os grupos. Resultados: Os diâmetros, tamanho e forma de alta precisão e previsibilidade foram atingidos com laser de femtossegundo e houve diferença estatística entre os grupos. Quando comparado o equivalente esférico entre os grupos, não houve diferença estatística. Conclusão: As capsulotomias realizadas pelo laser de femtossegundo possuem circularidade programada, diâmetro pretendido e valores de desvio padrão médios, indicando resultados reprodutíveis mais elevados. No entanto, CCC realizada por um cirurgião experiente com auxílio guiado de imagem digital, com configurações apropriadas, fornece resultados semelhantes e sugere que diferentes técnicas são igualmente eficazes.


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    Patrícia de Almeida Cardoso


    Full Text Available A doutrina relaciona à atividade probatória os princípios da verdade material e da verdade formal. Entretanto, o presente trabalho tem por escopo demonstrar a impropriedade desta divisão principiológica. Transportando-se para o Direito o conceito de verdade para a Filosofia, em destaque à Escola do Pragmatismo e do Neopragmatismo, bem como, apresentando-se o conjunto de limitações intrínsecas à natureza humana e criadas pelo ordenamento jurídico, busca-se evidenciar a intangibilidade da verdade pelo sistema jusprocessual e individualizar o que, de fato, é retratado pelas sentenças penal e civil.

  5. Acesso aos medicamentos para tratamento da doença de Alzheimer fornecidos pelo Sistema Único de Saúde em Minas Gerais, Brasil

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    Celline Cardoso Almeida-Brasil

    Full Text Available Resumo: Avaliou-se as barreiras de acesso ao tratamento da doença de Alzheimer com base nos processos administrativos de medicamentos inibidores da colinesterase (IChE, enviados à Secretaria de Estado de Saúde de Minas Gerais, Brasil, entre 2012 e 2013. Utilizando-se informações de 165 processos selecionados aleatoriamente, abordaram-se as dimensões de acesso: acessibilidade geográfica, acomodação, aceitabilidade, disponibilidade e capacidade aquisitiva. O trâmite administrativo para o fornecimento dos IChE levou em média 39 dias e foi influenciado por características do trajeto percorrido pelo usuário. A maioria dos prescritores cumpriu menos de 80% dos critérios exigidos pelo Protocolo Clínico e Diretrizes Terapêuticas (PCDT da doença de Alzheimer. Como resultado, 38% dos processos não foram deferidos. A capacidade aquisitiva para o tratamento privado mensal com IChE foi de cerca de 21 dias de salário mínimo. Conclui-se que a burocracia do trâmite administrativo e a dificuldade de seguimento do PCDT pelos prescritores prejudicam o acesso ao tratamento da doença de Alzheimer e constituem uma grande carga para o orçamento dos pacientes.

  6. Reverse spontaneous laser line sweeping in ytterbium fiber laser

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Navrátil, Petr; Peterka, Pavel; Honzátko, Pavel; Kubeček, V.


    Roč. 14, č. 3 (2017), č. článku 035102. ISSN 1612-2011 R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GA16-13306S Institutional support: RVO:67985882 ; RVO:68378271 Keywords : laser line sweeping * ytterbium * fiber lasers Subject RIV: BH - Optics, Masers, Lasers; BH - Optics, Masers, Lasers (FZU-D) OBOR OECD: Optics (including laser optics and quantum optics); Optics (including laser optics and quantum optics) (FZU-D) Impact factor: 2.537, year: 2016

  7. A relação entre o preço pago pelo consumidor de carne bovina em Santa Maria e o recebido pelo produtor de gado de corte no Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil Relationship between price paid by consumers in Santa Maria and prices paid to beef cattle farmers in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    João Garibaldi Almeida Viana


    Full Text Available Este estudo analisa em que medida os preços pagos pelos consumidores de carne bovina - ponto final da cadeia - são repassados ao produtor. Os preços dos diferentes cortes de carne foram coletados através de pesquisa mensal de preços, em quatro supermercados de Santa Maria, RS, Brasil. Depois de obtidos os valores percentuais dos diferentes cortes na composição da carcaça, estes valores foram multiplicados pelo preço pago pelo consumidor, obtendo-se assim os preços e as proporções dos cortes referentes ao valor ajustado de um quilo de carcaça pago pelo consumidor. Para a obtenção do preço médio do kg do boi vivo recebido pelos produtores, foram considerados os preços coletados pela EMATER-RS. Verificou-se uma baixa variação ao longo do ano das partes componentes da carcaça, na contribuição do preço total. Na média, o dianteiro contribui com 26,10%, o costilhar com 13,40% e o traseiro com 60,50% do preço total da carcaça. O setor a jusante na cadeia bovina tem função reguladora do preço final ao consumidor, com uma margem de operação de 7,61 pontos ao longo do ano. Nos três quadrimestres ao longo do ano, a associação entre o preço recebido pelo produtor (PRP e o pago pelo consumidor (PPC teve um comportamento diferenciado. As associações verificadas foram fraca, negativamente forte e positivamente muito forte para o primeiro, segundo e terceiro quadrimestres, respectivamente.This study analyses how much of prices paid by the consumers of beef meat are passed on to the farmer. The prices of different types of beef cuts were collected monthly in four supermarkets in Santa Maria-RS, Brazil. The percentage values of different cuts were obtained and multiplied by the price paid by consumers. Thus, it was calculated the adjusted price of kilogram of carcass commercialized at supermarket. The average price per kilogram of live steers received by the farmer was collected by EMATER-RS. There was a low price variation

  8. Análise da biodegradação dos componentes do óleo cítrico por CG/EM e análise da população microbiana de um reator de lodo ativado no tratamento de água residuária de uma indústria cítrica Analysis of biodegradation of citric oil compounds by GC/MSD and analysis of the microbial population of an activated sludge reactor in the treatment of a citric wastewater

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    Alexandre Nunes Ponezi


    Full Text Available Água residuária da indústria cítrica foi utilizada como objeto de estudo de biodegradação através de um sistema de lodo ativado por batelada. As análises realizadas por CG/EM mostraram que os compostos provenientes do óleo de laranja como o limoneno, foram resistentes a biodegradação. A avaliação microbiológica realizada no decorrer do período mostrou que o número e tipo de colônias bacterianas variaram de acordo com o tempo, e pode ser observada uma sucessão de microrganismos durante a biodegradação do efluente cítrico. O microrganismo identificado como LAB-9 (Pseudomonas struzieri e LAB-7 (não identificado prevaleceram durante todo o processo, sugerindo que estes são organismos importantes para remoção da matéria orgânica no processo ou são melhores adaptados ao tipo de água residuária. O sistema de lodo ativado foi eficiente na redução de DBO e DQO, alcançando valores de 79 e 78% respectivamente, num período de 15 h de reação, com uma relação F/M 4:2.Wastewater from citric industry was used to biodegradation study through an activated sludge system. The analyses accomplished by CG/MSD showed that compounds of the orange oil as the limoneno, was resistant to biodegradation. The microbiological evaluation developed during the biodegradation period showed that the number and type of bacteria present in the system varied according to the time, and a succession of microorganisms can be observed. The microrganism identified as LAB-9 (Pseudomonas struzieri and LAB-7 (not identified prevailed during whole the process, suggesting that they were the main responsible for the removal of the organic matter or the better adapted to the type of wastewater. The system of activated sludge was efficient in the reduction of DBO and DQO, reaching values of 79 and 78%, respectively, in a period of 15 h, with a relationship F/M 4:2.

  9. High-energy molecular lasers self-controlled volume-discharge lasers and applications

    CERN Document Server

    Apollonov, V V


    This book displays the physics and design of high-power molecular lasers. The lasers described are self-controlled volume-discharge lasers. The book explains self-sustained discharge lasers, self-initiated discharge lasers and technical approaches to laser design. Important topics discussed are laser efficiency, laser beam quality and electric field homogeneity. The book contains many new innovative applications.

  10. Laser safety considerations for a mobile laser program (United States)

    Flor, Mary


    An increased demand for advanced laser technology, especially in the area of cutaneous and cosmetic procedures has prompted physicians to use mobile laser services. Utilization of a mobile laser service allows physicians to provide the latest treatments for their patients while minimizing overhead costs. The high capital expense of laser systems is often beyond the financial means of individual clinicians, group practices, free-standing clinics and smaller community hospitals. Historically rapid technology turnover with laser technology places additional risk which is unacceptable to many institutions. In addition, health care reform is mandating consolidation of equipment within health care groups to keep costs at a minimum. In 1994, Abbott Northwestern Hospital organized an in-house mobile laser technology service which employs a group of experienced laser specialists to deliver and support laser treatments for hospital outreach and other regional physicians and health care facilities. Many of the hospital's internal safety standards and policies are applicable to the mobile environment. A significant challenge is client compliance because of the delicate balance of managing risk while avoiding being viewed as a regulator. The clinics and hospitals are assessed prior to service to assure minimum laser safety standards for both the patient and the staff. A major component in assessing new sites is to inform them of applicable regulatory standards and their obligations to assure optimum laser safety. In service training is provided and hospital and procedures are freely shared to assist the client in establishing a safe laser environment. Physician and nursing preceptor programs are also made available.

  11. Dermatological laser treatment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Moerk, N.J.; Austad, J.; Helland, S.; Thune, P.; Volden, G.; Falk, E.


    The article reviews the different lasers used in dermatology. Special emphasis is placed on the treatment of naevus flammeus (''portwine stain'') where lasers are the treatment of choice. Argon laser and pulsed dye laser are the main lasers used in vascular skin diseases, and the article focuses on these two types. Copper-vapour laser, neodymium-YAG laser and CO 2 laser are also presented. Information is provided about the availability of laser technology in the different health regions in Norway. 5 refs., 2 figs

  12. Laser Ablation of Biological Tissue Using Pulsed CO2 Laser

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hashishin, Yuichi; Sano, Shu; Nakayama, Takeyoshi


    Laser scalpels are currently used as a form of laser treatment. However, their ablation mechanism has not been clarified because laser excision of biological tissue occurs over a short time scale. Biological tissue ablation generates sound (laser-induced sound). This study seeks to clarify the ablation mechanism. The state of the gelatin ablation was determined using a high-speed video camera and the power reduction of a He-Ne laser beam. The aim of this study was to clarify the laser ablation mechanism by observing laser excision using the high-speed video camera and monitoring the power reduction of the He-Ne laser beam. We simulated laser excision of a biological tissue by irradiating gelatin (10 wt%) with radiation from a pulsed CO 2 laser (wavelength: 10.6 μm; pulse width: 80 ns). In addition, a microphone was used to measure the laser-induced sound. The first pulse caused ablation particles to be emitted in all directions; these particles were subsequently damped so that they formed a mushroom cloud. Furthermore, water was initially evaporated by laser irradiation and then tissue was ejected.

  13. Aplicação do processo laser CO2 de soldagem em aço ARBL na fabricação de rotores para máquinas elétricas


    Conz, Roberto [UNESP


    O objetivo deste trabalho foi substituir um bloco de grandes dimensões em aço forjado, por chapas finas de aço, laminadas a quente, soldadas pelo processo LASER CO2, destinadas à fabricação de rotores para máquinas elétricas com até 40 MW de potência, para tanto foram utilizadas chapas com 3 mm de espessura, empilhadas, compactadas e fixadas por tirantes. Considerando que a largura das bobinas e blanks disponíveis no mercado nacional não atendem às necessidades dimensionais do produto fez-se ...

  14. Laser applications in nanotechnology: nanofabrication using laser ablation and laser nanolithography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Makarov, G N


    The fact that nanoparticles and nanomaterials have fundamental properties different both from their constituent atoms or molecules and from their bulk counterparts has stimulated great interest, both theoretical and practical, in nanoparticles and nanoparticle-based assemblies (functional materials), with the result that these structures have become the subject of explosive research over the last twenty years or so. A great deal of progress in this field has relied on the use of lasers. In this paper, the directions followed and results obtained in laser nanotechnology research are reviewed. The parameters, properties, and applications of nanoparticles are discussed, along with the physical and chemical methods for their fabrication and investigation. Nanofabrication applications of and fundamental physical principles behind laser ablation and laser nanolithography are discussed in detail. The applications of laser radiation are shown to range from fabricating, melting, and evaporating nanoparticles to changing their shape, structure, size, and size distribution, through studying their dynamics and forming them into periodic arrays and various structures and assemblies. The historical development of research on nanoparticles and nanomaterials and the application of laser nanotechnology in various fields are briefly reviewed. (reviews of topical problems)

  15. Laser spectroscopy and laser isotope separation of atomic gadolinium

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen, Y. W.; Yamanaka, C.; Nomaru, K.; Kou, K.; Niki, H.; Izawa, Y.; Nakai, S.


    Atomic vapor laser isotope separation (AVLIS) is a process which uses intense pulsed lasers to selectively photoionize one isotopic species of a chemical element, after which these ions are extracted electromagnetically. The AVLIS has several advantages over the traditional methods based on the mass difference, such as high selectivity, low energy consumption, short starting time and versatility to any atoms. The efforts for atomic vapor laser isotope separation at ILT and ILE, Osaka University have been concentrated into the following items: 1) studies on laser spectroscopy and laser isotope separation of atomic gadolinium, 2) studies on interaction processes including coherent dynamics, propagation effects and atom-ion collision in AVLIS system, 3) development of laser systems for AVLIS. In this paper, we present experimental results on the laser spectroscopy and laser isotope separation of atomic gadolinium.


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    Keiti Oliveira Alessio


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar, em microescala, o processo de adsorção/precipitação por contato, em carvão ativado, para a remoção do excesso de íons fluoreto de águas subterrâneas. Para isso foram montadas microcolunas de desfluoretação com diâmetro de 2,3 cm e altura de 10 cm, contendo 27 g de carvão ativado de osso. A vazão do sistema foi controlada por uma bomba peristáltica, e a concentração de íons fluoreto no efluente da coluna foi monitorada continuamente. No instante em que ocorre a saturação do meio adsorvente foram adicionadas soluções de sais de cálcio e fósforo na entrada da coluna, iniciando o processo de precipitação por contato. Os resultados obtidos comprovaram a eficiência do carvão ativado de osso na remoção do excesso de íons fluoretos, bem como comprovaram que o processo de precipitação por contato aumenta significativamente a vida útil dos sistemas de filtração, mantendo o nível de íons fluoretos dentro do limite estabelecido pela portaria n° 2914 do Ministério da Saúde (1,5 mgL-1.

  17. The Newest Laser Processing

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Baek Yeon


    This book mentions laser processing with laser principle, laser history, laser beam property, laser kinds, foundation of laser processing such as laser oscillation, characteristic of laser processing, laser for processing and its characteristic, processing of laser hole including conception of processing of laser hole and each material, and hole processing of metal material, cut of laser, reality of cut, laser welding, laser surface hardening, application case of special processing and safety measurement of laser.

  18. Aplicabilidade das ações preconizadas pelo método canguru Share applicability recommended by kangaroo method

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alessandra Patricia Stelmak


    Full Text Available Objetivo:Identificar a prevalência das ações preconizadas pelo MC, na prática de cuidados ao recém-nascido pré-termo e/ou baixo peso, pela equipe de enfermagem de uma unidade de terapia intensiva neonatal que é referência estadual para o MC. Método: Pesquisa descritiva quantitativa, realizada através da aplicação de um questionário estruturado com 37 profissionais de enfermagem de nível médio, em Unidade de Terapia Intensiva Neonatal, de fevereiro a abril de 2014. Resultados: o acolhimento, o incentivo ao toque, o aleitamento materno e o controle ambiental são as ações mais executadas pela equipe, apresentando cada uma 97% de aplicabilidade prática, e como ações menos executadas, a troca de fralda em decúbito lateral (83%, e o banho envolto em cueiros (58%. Conclusão: Esta equipe realiza as ações humanizadas de cuidado conforme preconizados pelo MC, e compreende a importância desses cuidados para o desenvolvimento infantil dos recém-nascidos. Existe necessidade de processo de educação permanente em serviço.

  19. Perfis de consumo alcoolico entre pacientes da atencao primaria a saude e seu reconhecimento pelos profissionais de saude

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    Maira Lemos de Castro Taufick


    Full Text Available Neste estudo transversal verificaram-se os perfis de consumo alcoólico entre pacientes das Equipes de Saúde da Família (ESF em uma cidade do sudeste brasileiro, e o reconhecimento deste consumo pelos profissionais das ESF. Avaliaram-se 932 pacientes adultos entre novembro de 2010 e novembro de 2011. Entre todos, 17,5% faziam consumo de risco (AUDIT ≥ 8, que foi mais frequente em homens, entre as pessoas mais jovens e aqueles sem doenças crônicas. O questionário CAGE foi positivo em 98 (10,5% pacientes, sendo mais frequente em homens. Homens, pessoas com idades ≥ 55 anos, com doenças crônicas ou com consumo alcoólico mais grave foram mais frequentemente questionadas sobre o uso do álcool (438/932; 47,8%. Homens, pessoas de 35 a 54 anos ou com consumo alcoólico mais grave foram mais frequentemente reconhecidos como alcoolistas (22/175; 12,6%. Conclui-se que o consumo do álcool é frequente entre os pacientes atendidos pelas ESF, é pouco reconhecido pelos profissionais e a minoria dos alcoolistas é orientada quanto aos seus riscos.

  20. Características epidemiológicas e genéticas associadas à gravidade da bronquiolite viral aguda pelo vírus sincicial respiratório

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    Alfonso E. Alvarez


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: avaliar os fatores epidemiológicos e genéticos associados à gravidade da Bronquiolite Viral Aguda (BVA pelo Vírus Sincicial Respiratório (VSR. FONTE DOS DADOS: foram utilizados descritores "bronchiolitis", "risk factor", "genetics" e "respiratory syncytial virus" e todas as combinações entre eles, nas bases de dados PubMed, SciELO e Lilacs publicados após o ano de 2000 e que incluíram indivíduos menores de dois anos de idade. SÍNTESE DOS DADOS: foram encontrados 1.259 artigos e lidos seus respectivos resumos. Destes foram selecionados 81 que avaliaram fatores de risco para a gravidade da BVA para leitura na íntegra, e foram incluídos os 60 estudos mais relevantes. Os fatores epidemiológicos associados com a gravidade da BVA pelo VSR foram: prematuridade, tabagismo passivo, baixa idade, ausência de aleitamento materno, doença pulmonar crônica, cardiopatia congênita, sexo masculino, etnia, coinfecção viral, baixo peso na admissão hospitalar, tabagismo materno na gestação, dermatite atópica, ventilação mecânica no período neonatal, antecedente materno de atopia e/ou asma na gestação, estação do nascimento, baixo nível socioeconômico, síndrome de Down, poluição ambiental, morar em altitude acima de 2.500 metros do nível do mar e parto cesariana. Em contrapartida, algumas crianças com BVA grave não apresentam nenhum desses fatores de risco. Neste sentido, estudos recentes têm verificado a influência de fatores genéticos relacionados à gravidade da BVA pelo VSR. Polimorfismos dos genes TLRs, RANTES, JUN, IFNA5, NOS2, CX3CR1, ILs e VDR têm-se mostrado associados com a evolução mais grave da BVA pelo VSR. CONCLUSÃO: a gravidade da BVA pelo VSR é um fenômeno dependente da interação entre variáveis epidemiológicas, ambientais e genéticas em seus diferentes graus de interação.

  1. Electrodeless excimer laser; Laser a eccimeri senza elettrodi

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lisi, N. [ENEA, Divisione Nuovi Materiali, Centro Ricerche Casaccia, Rome (Italy)


    In this paper it is proposed how to build an excimer laser based on an electrodeless discharge (or Dielectric Barrier Discharge). Such laser could operate with a low energy per pulse (<100 mJ) and a high repetition rate (<100 kHz). The most relevant advantage an electrodeless DBD laser is the much longer gas mixture lifetime. This feature could allow the operation of a sealed laser emitting higher average power with respect to commercially available excimer lasers. Such discharge scheme could be advantageous in order to excite the F{sub 2} excimer molecule, whose emission wavelength in the VUV range (157 nm) at high reprate is particularly interesting in the micro-lithography field. [Italian] In questo documento viene proposto come costruire un laser a eccimeri basato su una scarica priva di elettrodi, o Dielectric Barrier Discharge. Tale laser puo' funzionare con una bassa energia per impulso (<100 mJ) ad alta frequenza di ripetizione (<100 kHz). Il vantaggio fondamentale di un laser a DBD e quindi privo di elettrodi e' la vita media della miscela gassosa molto piu' alta che potrebbe permettere alla camera laser di operare sigillata ad una potenza media superiore a quella dei laser a eccimeri attuali. Tale schema di pompaggio potrebbe essere particolarmente vantaggioso per eccitare la molecola eccimero F{sub 2} la cui lunghezza di emissione nel VUV (157 nm) ad elevata frequenza di ripetizione presenta un notevole interesse nel campo della produzione di microcircuiti.

  2. Laser technologies for laser accelerators. Annual report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The primary result of the work reported is the determination of laser system architectures that satsify the requirements of high luminosity, high energy (about 1 TeV), electron accelerators. It has been found that high laser efficiency is a very hard driver for these accelerators as the total average laser output optical power is likely to fall above 10 MW. The luminosity requires rep rates in the kHz range, and individual pulse lengths in the 1-10 psec range are required to satisfy acceleration gradient goals. CO 2 and KrF lasers were chosen for study because of their potential to simultaneously satisfy the given requirements. Accelerator luminosity is reviewed, and requirements on laser system average power and rep rate are determined as a function of electron beam bunch parameters. Laser technologies are reviewed, including CO 2 , excimers, solid state, and free electron lasers. The proposed accelerator mechanisms are summarized briefly. Work on optical transport geometries for near and far field accelerators are presented. Possible exploitation of the CO 2 and DrF laser technology to generate the required pulse lengths, rep rates, and projected efficiencies is illustrated and needed development work is suggested. Initial efforts at developing a 50 GeV benchmark conceptual design and a 100 MeV demonstration experiment conceptual design are presented

  3. Laser ion sources

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bykovskij, Yu


    The characteristics a laser source of multiply-ionized ions are described with regard to the interaction of laser radiation and matter, ion energy spectrum, angular ion distribution. The amount of multiple-ionization ions is evaluated. Out of laser source applications a laser injector of multiple-ionization ions and nuclei, laser mass spectrometry, laser X-ray microradiography, and a laser neutron generators are described.

  4. Laser Physics and Physics with Lasers - Recent Advances

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Marowsky, G.


    This contribution reviews the development as well as recent technological advances in the field of optics with lasers and laser-related applications. Topics ranging from 'attoscience' to 'zero-modes' shall be dealt with in this presentation. Further reading in the following references is suggested: Springer Handbook of Lasers and Optics (F. Trager, ed.), 2007, ISBN-13: 978-0-387-95579-7; Chapter 11.7, Part C: Ultraviolet Lasers: Excimers, Fluorine (F2), Nitrogen (N2), pp. 764-776; Excimer Laser Technology (D. Basting, G. Marowsky, eds.) 2005, Springer, ISBN-13 978-3-540-20056-7



    龍見, 雅美; 佐々木, 徹; 高山, 恭宜


    Laser processing by using UV pulsed laser was carried out on single crystal such as sapphire and diamond in order to understand the fundamental laser processing on single crystal. The absorption edges of diamond and sapphire are longer and shorter than the wave length of UV laser, respectively. The processed regions by laser with near threshold power of processing show quite different state in each crystal.

  6. Design windows of laser fusion power plants and conceptual design of laser-diode pumped slab laser

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kozaki, Y.; Eguchi, T.; Izawa, Y.


    An analysis of the design space available to laser fusion power plants has been carried out, in terms of design key parameters such as target gain, laser energy and laser repetition rate, the number of fusion react ion chambers, and plant size. The design windows of economically attractive laser fusion plants is identified with the constraints of key design parameters and the cost conditions. Especially, for achieving high repetition rate lasers, we have proposed and designed a diode-pumped solid-state laser driver which consists of water-cooled zig-zag path slab amplifiers. (author)

  7. Laser de baixa intensidade (830 nm na recuperação funcional do nervo isquiático de ratos Low intensity laser (830 nm functional to recover of the sciatic nerve in rats

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alexandre Marcio Marcolino


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar o efeito do laser de baixa intensidade na melhora funcional da marcha de ratos após esmagamento do nervo ciático. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizados 18 ratos divididos alea-to-riamente em dois grupos: controle (sham e irradiado com densidade de energia de 40J/cm², em 21 dias consecutivos, utilizando o laser 830nm (AsGaAl. Os animais foram submetidos ao esmagamento do nervo ciático direito com o dispositivo portátil de peso morto e avaliados pelo "Índice Funcional do Ciático" (IFC. As pegadas foram coletadas no pré-operatório, 7º, 14º e 21º dias pós-operatório. RESULTADOS: Os resultados do IFC foram significantes quando comparados os grupos no 7º e 14º dia pós-operatório (pOBJECTIVE: This study aimed to evaluate the effect of low-intensity laser on functional improvement of the walking of rats after sciatic nerve axonotmesis. METHODS: We used 18 rats divided randomly in two groups: control (Sham and irradiated with an energy density of 40J/cm² for 21 consecutive days, using 830nm laser (AsGaAl. The animals were subjected to right sciatic nerve crushing by a portable device and assessed by the "Sciatic Functional Index" (SFI at an acrylic platform through video recorded by a digital camera. The footprints were collected preoperatively, and on the 7th, 14th and 21st postoperative days. RESULTS: The results of the SFI were significant when comparing the groups on the 7th and 14th postoperative day (p<0.05. On the 21st postoperative day there was no difference between groups. There were intra-group differences detected in each evaluated week (p<0.01. The irradiated animals showed improvement in motion pattern, shown by the SFI values in the initial periods, but after 3 weeks, there was a similar recovery. CONCLUSION: The low-intensity laser has shown to be effective in accelerating regeneration of the sciatic nerve of rats after crushing.

  8. Analysis of the collagen birefringence and the relative attenuation coefficient of health and burned skin irradiated with linearly polarized He-Ne laser; Analise da birrefringencia do colageno e do coeficiente de atenuacao de amostras de pele sadia e queimada irradiadas pelo laser de He-Ne linearmente polarizado

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Silva, Daniela de Fatima Teixeira da


    Low-intensity laser therapy is characterized by its ability to induce athermic effects and nondestructive photobiological processes. Although it has been in use for more than 40 years, this phototherapy is still not an established therapeutic modality. The objectives of this study were: to quantify the collagen fibers organization by polarized light microscopy in normal and burned skin samples at day 17 post-injury considering preferential axis as the animal's spinal column and aligning the linear laser polarization in two directions of polarization, parallel or perpendicular to this axis; to determine the relative attenuation coefficient for the intensity light by the technique of imaging the light distribution in normal and burned skin during wound healing process taking only parallel direction of polarization. To reach the objectives, burns about 6 mm in diameter were created with liquid N{sub 2} on the back of the rats and the lesions were irradiated on days 3, 7, 10 and 14 post-wounding, D= 1 J/cm{sup 2}, to investigate the effects of low-intensity linearly polarized He-Ne laser beam on skin wounds healing. Control lesions were not irradiated. The results have demonstrated that: the skin samples irradiated with linearly parallel polarized He-Ne laser beam showed collagen fibers more organized; burned skin samples presents a higher attenuation coefficient than normal skin samples. These results are important to optimize low intensity laser therapy dosimetry on acceleration wound healing. (author)

  9. Lasers

    CERN Document Server

    Milonni, Peter W


    A comprehensive introduction to the operating principles and applications of lasers. Explains basic principles, including the necessary elements of classical and quantum physics. Provides concise discussions of various laser types including gas, solid state, semiconductor, and free electron lasers, as well as of laser resonators, diffraction, optical coherence, and many applications including holography, phase conjugation, wave mixing, and nonlinear optics. Incorporates many intuitive explanations and practical examples. Discussions are self-contained in a consistent notation and in a style that should appeal to physicists, chemists, optical scientists and engineers.

  10. Development of laser materials processing and laser metrology techniques

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Cheol Jung; Chung, Chin Man; Kim, Jeong Mook; Kim, Min Suk; Kim, Kwang Suk; Baik, Sung Hoon; Kim, Seong Ouk; Park, Seung Kyu


    The applications of remote laser materials processing and metrology have been investigated in nuclear industry from the beginning of laser invention because they can reduce the risks of workers in the hostile environment by remote operation. The objective of this project is the development of laser material processing and metrology techniques for repairing and inspection to improve the safety of nuclear power plants. As to repairing, we developed our own laser sleeve welding head and innovative optical laser weld monitoring techniques to control the sleeve welding process. Furthermore, we designed and fabricated a 800 W Nd:YAG and a 150 W Excimer laser systems for high power laser materials processing in nuclear industry such as cladding and decontamination. As to inspection, we developed an ESPI and a laser triangulation 3-D profile measurement system for defect detection which can complement ECT and UT inspections. We also developed a scanning laser vibrometer for remote vibration measurement of large structures and tested its performance. (author). 58 refs., 16 tabs., 137 figs

  11. Development of short pulse laser pumped x-ray lasers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dunn, J; Osterheld, A L; Hunter, J R; Shlyaptsev, V N


    X-ray lasers have been extensively studied around the world since the first laboratory demonstration on the Novette laser at LLNL in 1984 [l]. The characteristic properties of short wavelength, high monochromaticity, collimation and coherence make x-ray lasers useful for various applications. These include demonstrations of biological imaging within the water window, interferometry of laser plasmas and radiography of laser-heated surfaces. One of the critical issues has been the high power pump required to produce the inversion. The power scaling as a function of x-ray laser wavelength follows a -k4 to law. The shortest x-ray laser wavelength of ∼ 35 (angstrom) demonstrated for Ni-like All was at the limit of Nova laser capabilities. By requiring large, high power lasers such as Nova, the shot rate and total number of shots available have limited the rapid development of x-ray lasers and applications. In fact over the last fifteen years the main thrust has been to develop more efficient, higher repetition rate x-ray lasers that can be readily scaled to shorter wavelengths. The recent state of progress in the field can be found in references. The objective of the project was to develop a soft x-ray laser (XRL) pumped by a short pulse laser of a few joules. In effect to demonstrate a robust, worlung tabletop x-ray laser at LLNL for the first time. The transient collisional scheme as proposed by Shlyaptsev et al [8, 9] was the candidate x-ray laser for study. The successful endeavour of any scientific investigation is often based upon prudent early decisions and the choice of this scheme was both sound and fruitful. It had been demonstrated very recently for Ne-like Ti at 326 A using a small tabletop laser [10] but had not yet reached its full potential. We chose this scheme for several reasons: (a) it was a collisional-type x-ray laser which has been historically the most robust; (b) it had the promise of high efficiency and low energy threshold for lasing; (c) the

  12. Laser-supported detonation waves and pulsed laser propulsion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kare, J.


    A laser thermal rocket uses the energy of a large remote laser, possibly ground-based, to heat an inert propellant and generate thrust. Use of a pulsed laser allows the design of extremely simple thrusters with very high performance compared to chemical rockets. The temperatures, pressures, and fluxes involved in such thrusters (10 4 K, 10 2 atmospheres, 10 7 w/cm 2 ) typically result in the creation of laser-supported detonation (LSD) waves. The thrust cycle thus involves a complex set of transient shock phenomena, including laser-surface interactions in the ignition of the LSD wave, laser-plasma interactions in the LSD wave itself, and high-temperature nonequilibrium chemistry behind the LSD wave. The SDIO Laser Propulsion Program is investigating these phenomena as part of an overall effort to develop the technology for a low-cost Earth-to-orbit laser launch system. We will summarize the Program's approach to developing a high performance thruster, the double-pulse planar thruster, and present an overview of some results obtained to date, along with a discussion of the many research question still outstanding in this area


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Caird, J.A.; Agrawal, V.; Bayramian, A.; Beach, R.; Britten, J.; Chen, D.; Cross, R.; Ebbers, C.; Erlandson, A.; Feit, M.; Freitas, B.; Ghosh, C.; Haefner, C.; Homoelle, D.; Ladran, T.; Latkowski, J.; Molander, W.; Murray, J.; Rubenchik, S.; Schaffers, K.; Siders, C.W.; Stappaerts, E.; Sutton, S.; Telford, S.; Trenholme, J.; Barty, C.J.


    We have developed preliminary conceptual laser system designs for the Laser ICF (Inertial Confinement Fusion) Fission Energy (LIFE) application. Our approach leverages experience in high-energy Nd:glass laser technology developed for the National Ignition Facility (NIF), along with high-energy-class diode-pumped solid-state laser (HEC-DPSSL) technology developed for the DOE's High Average Power Laser (HAPL) Program and embodied in LLNL's Mercury laser system. We present laser system designs suitable for both indirect-drive, hot spot ignition and indirect-drive, fast ignition targets. Main amplifiers for both systems use laser-diode-pumped Nd:glass slabs oriented at Brewster's angle, as in NIF, but the slabs are much thinner to allow for cooling by high-velocity helium gas as in the Mercury laser system. We also describe a plan to mass-produce pump-diode lasers to bring diode costs down to the order of $0.01 per Watt of peak output power, as needed to make the LIFE application economically attractive

  14. Técnicas de análise multivariada na avaliação de injúrias pelo frio em mangas cv. Tommy Atkins

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ana Carolina Almeida Miguel


    Full Text Available Este trabalho objetivou identificar as variáveis que se associam às injúrias pelo frio e determinar as diferenças nos parâmetros de qualidade que melhor caracterizam mangas 'Tommy Atkins' submetidas à condição de injúria pelo frio, utilizando-se da análise de fatores em componentes principais e a análise de agrupamentos. Frutos colhidos no estádio "de vez" foram cuidadosamente transportados, selecionados, padronizados quanto a coloração, tamanho e ausência de injúrias, e tratados com fungicida antes de serem armazenados a 2 ºC (74,8% UR, 5 °C (75,4% UR e 12 °C (76,4% UR, por até 28 dias. Os frutos foram avaliados semanalmente quanto à ocorrência de danos pelo frio, coloração da casca e da polpa, firmeza da polpa, teores de sólidos solúveis, acidez titulável, açúcares solúveis e redutores, ácido ascórbico e atividade das enzimas peroxidase, polifenoloxidase e fenilalanina amônia-liase. A análise estatística multivariada dos fatores em componentes principais e agrupamentos permitiram melhor compreensão do efeito do armazenamento, sob condição de chilling, no metabolismo de mangas 'Tommy Atkins' e indicaram que o dano está intimamente relacionado com a casca e que a resposta da polpa ao estresse ocorre de forma tardia.

  15. Laser fusion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Eliezer, S.


    In this paper, the physics of laser fusion is described on an elementary level. The irradiated matter consists of a dense inner core surrounded by a less dense plasma corona. The laser radiation is mainly absorbed in the outer periphery of the plasma. The absorbed energy is transported inward to the ablation surface where plasma flow is created. Due to this plasma flow, a sequence of inward going shock waves and heat waves are created, resulting in the compression and heating of the core to high density and temperature. The interaction physics between laser and matter leading to thermonuclear burn is summarized by the following sequence of events: Laser absorption → Energy transport → Compression → Nuclear Fusion. This scenario is shown in particular for a Nd:laser with a wavelength of 1 μm. The wavelength scaling of the physical processes is also discussed. In addition to the laser-plasma physics, the Nd high power pulsed laser is described. We give a very brief description of the oscillator, the amplifiers, the spatial filters, the isolators and the diagnostics involved. Last, but not least, the concept of reactors for laser fusion and the necessary laser system are discussed. (author)

  16. Movement disorders in 28 HIV-infected patients Distúrbios do movimento em 28 pacientes infectados pelo HIV

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    James Pitágoras de Mattos


    . Todos com hemicoréia/hemiballismo eram homens e estavam relacionados com toxoplasmose nos gânglios da base. Nos quatro pacientes com mioclonia, em dois era generalizada, relacionada, em um, com toxoplasmose e, em outro, com a encefalopatia pelo HIV; nos outros dois era de origem medular. Nos dois pacientes com painful legs and moving toes, ficou demonstrada a neuropatia axonal pela biópsia do nervo periférico. Toxoplasmose da gânglia basal estava relacionada com hemidistonia contralateral. No paciente com tremor de Holmes havia lesões no mesencéfalo e no cerebelo, secundárias à co-infecção pelo bacilo da tuberculose e pelo Toxoplasma gondii. Concluímos que diversos distúrbios do movimento podem ocorrer em pacientes infectados pelo HIV. Costumam estar relacionados às infecções oportunísticas, ao uso de certos medicamentos, às lesões com efeito de massa e, possivelmente, à ação direta ou indireta do HIV.

  17. New power lasers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yamanaka, Masanobu; Daido, Hiroyuki; Imasaki, Kazuo.


    As the new power lasers which are expected to exert large extending effect to the fields of advanced science and technology including precision engineering as well as laser nuclear fusion, LD-excited solid laser, X-ray laser and free electron laser are taken up and outlined. Recently, the solid laser using high power output, high efficiency semiconductor laser as the exciting beam source has been developed. This is called laser diode (LD)-excited solid laser, and the heightening of power output and efficiency and the extension of life are planned. Its present status and application to medical use, laser machining, laser soldering and so on are described. In 1960, the laser in visible region appeared, however in 1985, the result of observing induced emission beam by electron collision exciting method was reported in USA. In the wavelength range of 200 A, holography and contact X-ray microscope applications were verified. The various types of soft X-ray laser and the perspective hereafter are shown. The principle of free electron laser is explained. In the free electron laser, wavelength can be changed by varying electron beam energy, the period of wiggler magnetic field and the intensity of magnetic field. Further, high efficiency and large power output are possible. Its present status, application and the perspective hereafter are reported. (K.I.)

  18. An application of the theory of laser to nitrogen laser pumped dye laser

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Osman, Fatima Ahmed


    In this thesis we gave a general discussion on lasers, reviewing some of their properties, types and application. We also conducted an experiment where we obtained a dye laser pumped by nitrogen laser with a wave length of 337.1 nm and a power of 5 Mw.It was noticed that the produced radiation possesses characteristics different from those of other types of laser. This characteristics determine the tunability i.e the possibility of choosing the appropriately required wave-length of radiation for various applications.(Author)

  19. Toxicidade ocular causada pelo tamoxifeno: relato de caso Ocular toxicity caused by tamoxifen: case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eliane Terumi Inada


    Full Text Available O objetivo desse trabalho é relatar um caso de toxicidade ocular pelo tamoxifeno. Para isso, aferiu-se a melhor acuidade visual corrigida de ambos os olhos em tabela de Snellen. Foram realizados biomicroscopia do segmento anterior, refração, oftalmoscopia, angiofluoresceinografia e retinografia numa paciente de 63 anos, sexo feminino, cor branca, em uso de tamoxifeno 20 mg/dia há 4 anos, com acuidade visual corrigida de 20/70 e 20/40. A biomicroscopia do segmento anterior apresentava ceratopatia verticilata e catarata nuclear e cortical posterior de 1+/4 em ambos os olhos. À oftalmoscopia, foi verificado alteração do brilho macular de ambos os olhos. E a angiofluoresceinografia mostrou hiperfluorescência na área macular em fase precoce (defeito em janela. Relata-se um caso de ceratopatia e maculopatia causadas pelo tamoxifeno.To report tamoxifen ocular toxicity. The best visual acuity was measured in both eyes with Snellen chart, slit-lamp examination of anterior segment, refraction, dilated fundus examination, fluorescein angiography and retinography in a 63-year-old patient, female, white, using tamoxifen 20 mg/day for 4 years, with 20/70 and 20/40 corrected visual acuity. The anterior segment examination showed corneal linear subepithelial opacity inferior to the visual axis and nuclear and posterior cortical cataract (1+/4 in both eyes. Fundus examination showed alteration of macular color in both eyes. Fluorescein angiography presented hyperfluorescence in the macular area at an early phase (window defect. Report of keratopathy and maculopathy caused by tamoxifen.

  20. Laser propulsion for orbit transfer - Laser technology issues (United States)

    Horvath, J. C.; Frisbee, R. H.


    Using reasonable near-term mission traffic models (1991-2000 being the assumed operational time of the system) and the most current unclassified laser and laser thruster information available, it was found that space-based laser propulsion orbit transfer vehicles (OTVs) can outperform the aerobraked chemical OTV over a 10-year life-cycle. The conservative traffic models used resulted in an optimum laser power of about 1 MW per laser. This is significantly lower than the power levels considered in other studies. Trip time was taken into account only to the extent that the system was sized to accomplish the mission schedule.

  1. Efficiencies of laser dyes for atomic vapor laser isotope separation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maeda, Mitsuo; Oki, Yuji; Uchiumi, Michihiro; Takao, Takayuki; Igarashi, Kaoru; Shimamoto, Kojiro.


    Efficiencies of 30 laser dyes for the atomic vapor laser isotope separation (AVLIS) are experimentally evaluated with a dye laser pumped by a frequency-doubled Nd:YAG laser. On the other hand, a simulation code is developed to describe the laser action of Rhodamine 6G, and the dependence of the laser efficiency on the pump wavelength is calculated. Following conclusions are obtained by these considerations:space: 1) Pyrromethene 567 showed 16% higher laser efficiency than Rhodamine 6G by 532 nm pumping, and Pyrromethene 556 has an ability to provide better efficiency by green light pumping with a Cu vapor laser; 2) Kiton red 620 and Rhodamine 640, whose efficiencies were almost the same as Rhodamine 6G by 532 nm pumping, will show better efficiencies by two-wavelength pumping with a Cu vapor laser. (author)

  2. Laser frequency modulator for modulating a laser cavity (United States)

    Erbert, Gaylen V.


    The present invention relates to a laser frequency modulator for modulating a laser cavity. It is known in the prior art to utilize a PZT (piezoelectric transducer) element in combination with a mirror to change the cavity length of a laser cavity (which changes the laser frequency). Using a PZT element to drive the mirror directly is adequate at frequencies below 10 kHz. However, in high frequency applications (100 kHz and higher) PZT elements alone do not provide a sufficient change in the cavity length. The present invention utilizes an ultrasonic concentrator with a PZT element and mirror to provide modulation of the laser cavity. With an ultrasonic concentrator, the mirror element at the end of a laser cavity can move at larger amplitudes and higher frequencies.

  3. Adsorção em carvão ativado em pó para remoção de microcistina de água de abastecimento público Powdered activated carbon adsorption for microcystin removal from public water supply

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carla Cristine Müller


    Full Text Available A ocorrência de florações de cianobactérias em mananciais de abastecimento público prejudica a qualidade da água, podendo, inclusive, ocasionar a presença de cianotoxinas. A dificuldade de remover as cianotoxinas da água motivou o presente trabalho, cujo objetivo foi o de avaliar a remoção da cianotoxina microcistina empregando diferentes carvões ativados em pó (CAPs. Os CAPs foram caracterizados quanto ao número de iodo, granulometria, distribuição e volume de poros, além das isotermas de Freundlich. Os resultados mostraram que os CAPs de madeira apresentaram os maiores valores do número de iodo, capacidade máxima adsortiva (qe, máx e volume de microporos secundários e mesoporos. A adequada caracterização do CAP é uma etapa importante na sua aquisição pelas estações de tratamento de água, pois índices isolados podem não avaliar corretamente o CAP.The cyanobacterial bloom's occurrence in sources of public supplying harms water quality, even causing cianotoxins presence. The difficulty of the cianotoxins removal from the water has motivated the present work, which objective was to evaluate the removal of the cianotoxin microcystin through the use of different powdered activated carbons (PACs. The PACs were characterized according to its iodine number, granulometry, distribution and volume of pores, besides the Freundlich isotherms. The results showed that the wood PACs presented the highest values of iodine number, maximum adsorptive capacity (qe, max and volume of secondary micropores and mesoporos. The adequate characterization of the PACs is an important stage in its acquisition by the water treatment plants, because isolated indices can not evaluate the PACs correctly.

  4. Laser Technology. (United States)

    Gauger, Robert


    Describes lasers and indicates that learning about laser technology and creating laser technology activities are among the teacher enhancement processes needed to strengthen technology education. (JOW)


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Caird, J A; Agrawal, V; Bayramian, A; Beach, R; Britten, J; Chen, D; Cross, R; Ebbers, C; Erlandson, A; Feit, M; Freitas, B; Ghosh, C; Haefner, C; Homoelle, D; Ladran, T; Latkowski, J; Molander, W; Murray, J; Rubenchik, S; Schaffers, K; Siders, C W; Stappaerts, E; Sutton, S; Telford, S; Trenholme, J; Barty, C J


    We have developed preliminary conceptual laser system designs for the Laser ICF (Inertial Confinement Fusion) Fission Energy (LIFE) application. Our approach leverages experience in high-energy Nd:glass laser technology developed for the National Ignition Facility (NIF), along with high-energy-class diode-pumped solid-state laser (HEC-DPSSL) technology developed for the DOE's High Average Power Laser (HAPL) Program and embodied in LLNL's Mercury laser system. We present laser system designs suitable for both indirect-drive, hot spot ignition and indirect-drive, fast ignition targets. Main amplifiers for both systems use laser-diode-pumped Nd:glass slabs oriented at Brewster's angle, as in NIF, but the slabs are much thinner to allow for cooling by high-velocity helium gas as in the Mercury laser system. We also describe a plan to mass-produce pump-diode lasers to bring diode costs down to the order of $0.01 per Watt of peak output power, as needed to make the LIFE application economically attractive.

  6. The influence of laser-particle interaction in laser induced breakdown spectroscopy and laser ablation inductively coupled plasma spectrometry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lindner, Helmut; Loper, Kristofer H.; Hahn, David W.; Niemax, Kay


    Particles produced by previous laser shots may have significant influence on the analytical signal in laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) and laser ablation inductively coupled plasma (LA-ICP) spectrometry if they remain close to the position of laser sampling. The effects of these particles on the laser-induced breakdown event are demonstrated in several ways. LIBS-experiments were conducted in an ablation cell at atmospheric conditions in argon or air applying a dual-pulse arrangement with orthogonal pre-pulse, i.e., plasma breakdown in a gas generated by a focussed laser beam parallel and close to the sample surface followed by a delayed crossing laser pulse in orthogonal direction which actually ablates material from the sample and produces the LIBS plasma. The optical emission of the LIBS plasma as well as the absorption of the pre-pulse laser was measured. In the presence of particles in the focus of the pre-pulse laser, the plasma breakdown is affected and more energy of the pre-pulse laser is absorbed than without particles. As a result, the analyte line emission from the LIBS plasma of the second laser is enhanced. It is assumed that the enhancement is not only due to an increase of mass ablated by the second laser but also to better atomization and excitation conditions favored by a reduced gas density in the pre-pulse plasma. Higher laser pulse frequencies increase the probability of particle-laser interaction and, therefore, reduce the shot-to-shot line intensity variation as compared to lower particle loadings in the cell. Additional experiments using an aerosol chamber were performed to further quantify the laser absorption by the plasma in dependence on time both with and without the presence of particles. The overall implication of laser-particle interactions for LIBS and LA-ICP-MS/OES are discussed.

  7. The influence of laser-particle interaction in laser induced breakdown spectroscopy and laser ablation inductively coupled plasma spectrometry (United States)

    Lindner, Helmut; Loper, Kristofer H.; Hahn, David W.; Niemax, Kay


    Particles produced by previous laser shots may have significant influence on the analytical signal in laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) and laser ablation inductively coupled plasma (LA-ICP) spectrometry if they remain close to the position of laser sampling. The effects of these particles on the laser-induced breakdown event are demonstrated in several ways. LIBS-experiments were conducted in an ablation cell at atmospheric conditions in argon or air applying a dual-pulse arrangement with orthogonal pre-pulse, i.e., plasma breakdown in a gas generated by a focussed laser beam parallel and close to the sample surface followed by a delayed crossing laser pulse in orthogonal direction which actually ablates material from the sample and produces the LIBS plasma. The optical emission of the LIBS plasma as well as the absorption of the pre-pulse laser was measured. In the presence of particles in the focus of the pre-pulse laser, the plasma breakdown is affected and more energy of the pre-pulse laser is absorbed than without particles. As a result, the analyte line emission from the LIBS plasma of the second laser is enhanced. It is assumed that the enhancement is not only due to an increase of mass ablated by the second laser but also to better atomization and excitation conditions favored by a reduced gas density in the pre-pulse plasma. Higher laser pulse frequencies increase the probability of particle-laser interaction and, therefore, reduce the shot-to-shot line intensity variation as compared to lower particle loadings in the cell. Additional experiments using an aerosol chamber were performed to further quantify the laser absorption by the plasma in dependence on time both with and without the presence of particles. The overall implication of laser-particle interactions for LIBS and LA-ICP-MS/OES are discussed.

  8. Excimer Laser Technology

    CERN Document Server

    Basting, Dirk


    This comprehensive survey on Excimer Lasers investigates the current range of the technology, applications and devices of this commonly used laser source, as well as the future of new technologies, such as F2 laser technology. Additional chapters on optics, devices and laser systems complete this compact handbook. A must read for laser technology students, process application researchers, engineers or anyone interested in excimer laser technology. An effective and understandable introduction to the current and future status of excimer laser technology.

  9. Laser systems for on-line laser ion sources

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Geppert, Christopher


    Since its initiation in the middle of the 1980s, the resonant ionization laser ion source has been established as a reliable and efficient on-line ion source for radioactive ion beams. In comparison to other on-line ion sources it comprises the advantages of high versatility for the elements to be ionized and of high selectivity and purity for the ion beam generated by resonant laser radiation. Dye laser systems have been the predominant and pioneering working horses for laser ion source applications up to recently, but the development of all-solid-state titanium:sapphire laser systems has nowadays initiated a significant evolution within this field. In this paper an overview of the ongoing developments will be given, which have contributed to the establishment of a number of new laser ion source facilities worldwide during the last five years.

  10. Histologic evaluation of laser lipolysis: pulsed 1064-nm Nd:YAG laser versus cw 980-nm diode laser. (United States)

    Mordon, Serge; Eymard-Maurin, Anne Françoise; Wassmer, Benjamin; Ringot, Jean


    The use of the laser as an auxiliary tool has refined the traditional technique for lipoplasty. During laser lipolysis, the interaction between the laser and the fat produced direct cellular destruction before the suction, reduced bleeding, and promoted skin tightening. This study sought to perform a comparative histologic evaluation of laser lipolysis with the pulsed 1064-nm Nd:YAG laser versus a continuous 980-nm diode laser. A pulsed 1064-nm Nd:YAG (Smart-Lipo; Deka, Italy) and a CW 980-nm diode laser (Pharaon, Osyris, France) were evaluated at different energy settings for lipolysis on the thighs of a fresh cadaver. The lasers were coupled to a 600-microm optical fiber inserted in a 1-mm diameter cannula. Biopsy specimens were taken on irradiated and non-irradiated areas. Hematoxylin-erythrosin-safran staining and immunostaining (anti-PS100 polyclonal antibody) were performed to identify fat tissue damage. In the absence of laser exposures (control specimens), cavities created by cannulation were seen; adipocytes were round in appearance and not deflated. At low energy settings, tumescent adipocytes were observed. At higher energy settings, cytoplasmic retraction, disruption of membranes, and heat-coagulated collagen fibers were noted; coagulated blood cells were also present. For the highest energy settings, carbonization of fat tissue involving fibers and membranes was clearly seen. For equivalent energy settings, 1064-nm and 980-nm wavelengths gave similar histologic results. Laser lipolysis is a relatively new technique that is still under development. Our histologic findings suggest several positive benefits of the laser, including skin retraction and a reduction in intraoperative bleeding. The interaction of the laser with the tissue is similar at 980 nm and 1064 nm with the same energy settings. Because higher volumes of fat are removed with higher total energy, a high-power 980-nm diode laser could offer an interesting alternative to the 1064-nm Nd

  11. Tapered diode laser pumped 946 nm Nd:YAG laser

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Cheng, Haynes Pak Hay; Jensen, Ole Bjarlin; Petersen, Paul Michael


    We successfully implemented a 946 nm Nd:YAG laser based on a 808 nm tapered diode pump laser. The tapered diode is developed at the Ferdinand-Braun-Institute fur Hochstfrequenztechnik in Germany. Figure 2 shows the experimental setup and results of each pump source coupled into a 1.5 mm crystal...... laser, we show that tapered diode laser pumping potentially increase the power of 946 nm lasers by a factor of two and reduce the threshold by a factor of three....

  12. High power lasers & systems


    Chatwin, Chris; Young, Rupert; Birch, Philip


    Some laser history;\\ud Airborne Laser Testbed & Chemical Oxygen Iodine Laser (COIL);\\ud Laser modes and beam propagation;\\ud Fibre lasers and applications;\\ud US Navy Laser system – NRL 33kW fibre laser;\\ud Lockheed Martin 30kW fibre laser;\\ud Conclusions

  13. Spectroscopic and imaging diagnostics of pulsed laser deposition laser plasmas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Thareja, Raj K.


    An overview of laser spectroscopic techniques used in the diagnostics of laser ablated plumes used for thin film deposition is given. An emerging laser spectroscopic imaging technique for the laser ablation material processing is discussed. (author)

  14. Vulvovaginites em mulheres infectadas pelo vírus da imunodeficiência humana Vaginal infections in human immunodeficiency virus-infected women

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    Paula Matos Oliveira


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: comparar a freqüência de vulvovaginites em mulheres infectadas pelo vírus da imunodeficiência humana (HIV com mulheres não infectadas. MÉTODOS: estudo de corte transversal com 64 mulheres infectadas pelo HIV e 76 não infectadas. Foram calculadas as freqüências de vaginose bacteriana, candidíase e tricomoníase, que foram diagnosticadas por critérios de Amsel, cultura e exame a fresco, respectivamente. Para análise dos dados, utilizaram-se o teste do c2, teste exato de Fisher e regressão múltipla para verificar a independência das associações. RESULTADOS: a infecção vaginal foi mais prevalente em pacientes infectadas pelo HIV quando comparadas ao Grupo Controle (59,4 versus 28,9%, pPURPOSE: to compare the frequency of vulvovaginitis in women infected with human imunnodeficiency virus (HIV with the frequency in non-infected women. METHODS: a transversal study including 64 HIV infected women and 76 non-infected ones. The frequencies of bacterial vaginosis, candidiasis and trichomoniasis, diagnosed by Amsel's criteria, culture and fresh exam, respectively, were calculated. Chi-square test, Fisher's exact test and multiple regressions to verify the independence of associations were used to analyze the data. RESULTS: the vaginal infection was more prevalent in HIV infected patients, as compared to the control group (59.4 versus 28.9%, p<0,001; Odds Ratio=2.7, IC95%=1.33-5.83, p=0.007. Bacterial vaginosis occurred in 26.6% of the positive-HIV women; vaginal candidiasis, in 29.7% and trichomoniasis, in 12.5% of them. All the infections were significantly more frequent in the group of HIV infected women (p=0.04, 0.02 e 0.04, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: vulvovaginitis is more frequent in HIV infected women.

  15. Laser-diode pumped 40-W Yb:YAG ceramic laser. (United States)

    Hao, Qiang; Li, Wenxue; Pan, Haifeng; Zhang, Xiaoyi; Jiang, Benxue; Pan, Yubai; Zeng, Heping


    We demonstrated a high-power continuous-wave (CW) polycrystalline Yb:YAG ceramic laser pumped by fiber-pigtailed laser diode at 968 nm with 400 mum fiber core. The Yb:YAG ceramic laser performance was compared for different Yb(3+) ion concentrations in the ceramics by using a conventional end-pump laser cavity consisting of two flat mirrors with output couplers of different transmissions. A CW laser output of 40 W average power with M(2) factor of 5.8 was obtained with 5 mol% Yb concentration under 120 W incident pump power. This is to the best of our knowledge the highest output power in end-pumped bulk Yb:YAG ceramic laser.

  16. Ceramic Laser Materials

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    Guillermo Villalobos


    Full Text Available Ceramic laser materials have come a long way since the first demonstration of lasing in 1964. Improvements in powder synthesis and ceramic sintering as well as novel ideas have led to notable achievements. These include the first Nd:yttrium aluminum garnet (YAG ceramic laser in 1995, breaking the 1 KW mark in 2002 and then the remarkable demonstration of more than 100 KW output power from a YAG ceramic laser system in 2009. Additional developments have included highly doped microchip lasers, ultrashort pulse lasers, novel materials such as sesquioxides, fluoride ceramic lasers, selenide ceramic lasers in the 2 to 3 μm region, composite ceramic lasers for better thermal management, and single crystal lasers derived from polycrystalline ceramics. This paper highlights some of these notable achievements.

  17. Infrared laser system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cantrell, C.D.; Carbone, R.J.


    An infrared laser system and method for isotope separation may comprise a molecular gas laser oscillator to produce a laser beam at a first wavelength, Raman spin flip means for shifting the laser to a second wavelength, a molecular gas laser amplifier to amplify said second wavelength laser beam to high power, and optical means for directing the second wavelength, high power laser beam against a desired isotope for selective excitation thereof in a mixture with other isotopes. The optical means may include a medium which shifts the second wavelength high power laser beam to a third wavelength, high power laser beam at a wavelength coincidental with a corresponding vibrational state of said isotope and which is different from vibrational states of other isotopes in the gas mixture

  18. Ceramic Laser Materials (United States)

    Sanghera, Jasbinder; Kim, Woohong; Villalobos, Guillermo; Shaw, Brandon; Baker, Colin; Frantz, Jesse; Sadowski, Bryan; Aggarwal, Ishwar


    Ceramic laser materials have come a long way since the first demonstration of lasing in 1964. Improvements in powder synthesis and ceramic sintering as well as novel ideas have led to notable achievements. These include the first Nd:yttrium aluminum garnet (YAG) ceramic laser in 1995, breaking the 1 KW mark in 2002 and then the remarkable demonstration of more than 100 KW output power from a YAG ceramic laser system in 2009. Additional developments have included highly doped microchip lasers, ultrashort pulse lasers, novel materials such as sesquioxides, fluoride ceramic lasers, selenide ceramic lasers in the 2 to 3 μm region, composite ceramic lasers for better thermal management, and single crystal lasers derived from polycrystalline ceramics. This paper highlights some of these notable achievements. PMID:28817044

  19. Laser cutting: industrial relevance, process optimization, and laser safety (United States)

    Haferkamp, Heinz; Goede, Martin; von Busse, Alexander; Thuerk, Oliver


    Compared to other technological relevant laser machining processes, up to now laser cutting is the application most frequently used. With respect to the large amount of possible fields of application and the variety of different materials that can be machined, this technology has reached a stable position within the world market of material processing. Reachable machining quality for laser beam cutting is influenced by various laser and process parameters. Process integrated quality techniques have to be applied to ensure high-quality products and a cost effective use of the laser manufacturing plant. Therefore, rugged and versatile online process monitoring techniques at an affordable price would be desirable. Methods for the characterization of single plant components (e.g. laser source and optical path) have to be substituted by an omnivalent control system, capable of process data acquisition and analysis as well as the automatic adaptation of machining and laser parameters to changes in process and ambient conditions. At the Laser Zentrum Hannover eV, locally highly resolved thermographic measurements of the temperature distribution within the processing zone using cost effective measuring devices are performed. Characteristic values for cutting quality and plunge control as well as for the optimization of the surface roughness at the cutting edges can be deducted from the spatial distribution of the temperature field and the measured temperature gradients. Main influencing parameters on the temperature characteristic within the cutting zone are the laser beam intensity and pulse duration in pulse operation mode. For continuous operation mode, the temperature distribution is mainly determined by the laser output power related to the cutting velocity. With higher cutting velocities temperatures at the cutting front increase, reaching their maximum at the optimum cutting velocity. Here absorption of the incident laser radiation is drastically increased due to

  20. Laser wakefield acceleration with high-power, few-cycle mid-IR lasers


    Papp, Daniel; Wood, Jonathan C.; Gruson, Vincent; Bionta, Mina; Gruse, Jan-Niclas; Cormier, Eric; Najmudin, Zulfikar; Légaré, François; Kamperidis, Christos


    The study of laser wakefield electron acceleration (LWFA) using mid-IR laser drivers is a promising path for future laser driven electronaccelerators, when compared to traditional near-IR laser drivers uperating at 0.8-1 {\\mu}m central wavelength ({\\lambda}laser), as the necessary vector potential a_0 for electron injection can be achieved with smaller laser powers due to the linear dependence on {\\lambda}laser. In this work, we perform 2D PIC simulations on LWFA using few-cycle high power (5...

  1. Laser requirements for a laser fusion energy power plant

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Stephen; E.Bodner; Andrew; J.Schmitt; John; D.Sethian


    We will review some of the requirements for a laser that would be used with a laser fusion energy power plant, including frequency, spatial beam smoothing, bandwidth, temporal pulse shaping, efficiency, repetition rate, and reliability. The lowest risk and optimum approach uses a krypton fluoride gas laser. A diode-pumped solid-state laser is a possible contender.

  2. Zona Franca de Manaus : um estudo sobre a renúncia tributária dos entes federativos e os benefícios socioeconômicos gerados pelo modelo


    Jofre Luís da Costa Oliveira


    O presente trabalho avalia a renúncia tributária dos entes federativos e os benefícios socioeconômicos gerados pelo modelo da Zona Franca de Manaus (ZFM). Nosso objetivo foi mensurar os custos sociais do modelo por intermédio da desoneração tributária ou gastos tributários dos Entes e confrontá-los com os benefícios locais que foram medidos pelos diversos indicadores socioeconômicos. A plataforma teórica tem como sustentáculo a teoria dos pólos de Desenvolvimento e a Teoria da Base Exportador...

  3. LaserFest Celebration

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dr. Alan Chodos; Elizabeth A. Rogan


    LaserFest was the yearlong celebration, during 2010, of the 50th anniversary of the demonstration of the first working laser. The goals of LaserFest were: to highlight the impact of the laser in its manifold commercial, industrial and medical applications, and as a tool for ongoing scientific research; to use the laser as one example that illustrates, more generally, the route from scientific innovation to technological application; to use the laser as a vehicle for outreach, to stimulate interest among students and the public in aspects of physical science; to recognize and honor the pioneers who developed the laser and its many applications; to increase awareness among policymakers of the importance of R&D funding as evidenced by such technology as lasers. One way in which LaserFest sought to meet its goals was to encourage relevant activities at a local level all across the country -- and also abroad -- that would be identified with the larger purposes of the celebration and would carry the LaserFest name. Organizers were encouraged to record and advertise these events through a continually updated web-based calendar. Four projects were explicitly detailed in the proposals: 1) LaserFest on the Road; 2) Videos; 3) Educational material; and 4) Laser Days.

  4. Development of high-power CO2 lasers and laser material processing (United States)

    Nath, Ashish K.; Choudhary, Praveen; Kumar, Manoj; Kaul, R.


    Scaling laws to determine the physical dimensions of the active medium and optical resonator parameters for designing convective cooled CO2 lasers have been established. High power CW CO2 lasers upto 5 kW output power and a high repetition rate TEA CO2 laser of 500 Hz and 500 W average power incorporated with a novel scheme for uniform UV pre- ionization have been developed for material processing applications. Technical viability of laser processing of several engineering components, for example laser surface hardening of fine teeth of files, laser welding of martensitic steel shroud and titanium alloy under-strap of turbine, laser cladding of Ni super-alloy with stellite for refurbishing turbine blades were established using these lasers. Laser alloying of pre-placed SiC coating on different types of aluminum alloy, commercially pure titanium and Ti-6Al-4V alloy, and laser curing of thermosetting powder coating have been also studied. Development of these lasers and results of some of the processing studies are briefly presented here.

  5. Determinação e análise de isotermas de adsorção do corante azul 5G em leito fixo de carvão ativado=Mathematical model of the adsorption column, in activate Carbon, used in the renovation of blue-colorant 5G

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    Jorge Antonio Lopes Dal Piva


    Full Text Available Visando o desenvolvimento de um processo de tratamento de efluentes têxteis, este trabalho teve por objetivo estudar o processo de adsorção do corante reativo azul 5G de um efluente sintético em carvão ativado. As isotermas de adsorção, com seus respectivos parâmetros ajustados, em sistema batelada foram obtidas para as temperaturas de 30, 40 e 60C (com pH controlado na faixa de 6,0 a 8,0 e também com tempo de contato entre o sistema corante-carvão de 90 horas segundo os modelos de Langmuir e Freundlich. A partir daí estes parâmetros foram colocados em função da temperatura, apresentando bons resultados frente aos dados experimentais.This work, to looking for the development of process for wastes textile treatment, had the objective to study the adsorption process of the blue reactive dyes 5G from the synthetic effluent in coal activated. The isotherms of adsorption in batch system was made for temperatures of 30, 40 and 60C (the pH was controlled in 6.0 until 8.0 and the time of contact between the system dye-coal was 90 hours with posterior adjustment of the models for Langmuir and Freundlich equations. After, these parameters were put in function of temperature, with good results when compared to the experimental data.

  6. Laser plasma instability experiments with KrF lasers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Weaver, J. L.; Karasik, M.; Serlin, V.; Obenschain, S.; Chan, L-Y.; Kehne, D.; Schmitt, A. J.; Colombant, D.; Velikovich, A.; Oh, J.; Lehmberg, R. H.; Afeyan, B.; Phillips, L.; Seely, J.; Brown, C.; Feldman, U.; Aglitskiy, Y.; Mostovych, A. N.; Holland, G.


    Deleterious effects of laser-plasma instability (LPI) may limit the maximum laser irradiation that can be used for inertial confinement fusion. The short wavelength (248 nm), large bandwidth, and very uniform illumination available with krypton-fluoride (KrF) lasers should increase the maximum usable intensity by suppressing LPI. The concomitant increase in ablation pressure would allow implosion of low-aspect-ratio pellets to ignition with substantial gain (>20) at much reduced laser energy. The proposed KrF-laser-based Fusion Test Facility (FTF) would exploit this strategy to achieve significant fusion power (150 MW) with a rep-rate system that has a per pulse laser energy well below 1 MJ. Measurements of LPI using the Nike KrF laser are presented at and above intensities needed for the FTF (I∼2x10 15 W/cm 2 ). The results to date indicate that LPI is indeed suppressed. With overlapped beam intensity above the planar, single beam intensity threshold for the two-plasmon decay instability, no evidence of instability was observed via measurements of (3/2)ω o and (1/2)ω o harmonic emissions

  7. Healing activity of laser InGaAlP (660nm in rats Atividade cicatrizante do laser AlGaInP (660nm em ratos

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    Kelly Cristina Borges Tacon


    densidades de energia de 3J/cm² (L3 ou 6J/cm²(L6. O grupo controle não recebeu irradiação. No 5,10 e 15º dia após o procedimento cirúrgico os animais foram eutanasiados e a área de reparo foi removida e os cortes histológicos foram corados com hematoxilina-eosina e picrossírius. Foram avaliados aspectos macroscópicos e histológicos das lesões nos tempos citados, bem como análises morfométricas da angiogênese e do conteúdo de colágeno. RESULTADOS: A atividade cicatrizante do laser AlGaInP foi evidenciada pelo aumento da angiogênese do grupo L3 e L6 em relação ao grupo controle (GC no 5º dia (p=0,0001 e diminuição do infiltrado de polimorfonucleares e hemorragia (p=0,045 e p=0,007 respectivamente dos grupos L3 e L6 em relação ao controle. No 10 e 15ºdias observou-se também que nos grupos tratados com laser L3 e L6 houve estimulo acentuado a fibroplasia(p=0,0003 e p=0,034 respectivamente, quando comparados ao grupo controle (GC. CONCLUSÃO: O laser AlGaInP atuou de forma positiva sobre a cicatrização de feridas cutâneas em ratos.

  8. Physics of laser fusion. Volume III. High-power pulsed lasers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Holzrichter, J.F.; Eimerl, D.; George, E.V.; Trenholme, J.B.; Simmons, W.W.; Hunt, J.T.


    High-power pulsed lasers can deliver sufficient energy on inertial-confinement fusion (ICF) time scales (0.1 to 10 ns) to heat and compress deuterium-tritium fuel to fusion-reaction conditions. Several laser systems have been examined, including Nd:glass, CO 2 , KrF, and I 2 , for their ICF applicability. A great deal of developmental effort has been applied to the Nd:glass laser and the CO 2 gas laser systems; these systems now deliver > 10 4 J and 20 x 10 12 W to ICF targets. We are constructing the Nova Nd:glass laser at LLNL to provide > 100 kJ and > 100 x 10 12 W of 1-μm radiation for fusion experimentation in the mid-1980s. For ICF target gain > 100 times the laser input, we expect that the laser driver must deliver approx. 3 to 5 MJ of energy on a time scale of 10 to 20 ns. In this paper we review the technological status of fusion-laser systems and outline approaches to constructing high-power pulsed laser drivers

  9. Avaliação da correção da energia pelo balanço de nitrogênio em alimentos para frangos de corte

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    R.C. Andrade


    Full Text Available Com o objetivo de determinar valores de energia metabolizável aparente e de energia metabolizável aparente corrigida pelo balanço de nitrogênio de alimentos para frangos de corte, bem como avaliar os efeitos da correção da energia sobre seu desempenho, foram conduzidos dois experimentos: I determinação da energia do milho, do farelo de soja, da farinha de carne e ossos, da farinha de vísceras e da farinha de penas, pelo método de coleta total de excretas, utilizando-se 450 pintos de corte com um dia de idade, distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente ao acaso, sendo seis tratamentos e cinco repetições; II desempenho de 960 frangos de corte, distribuídos ao acaso, em cinco tratamentos e seis repetições. As aves que receberam os tratamentos A (matriz energética de acordo com Rostagno et al. (2011 e E (energia sem correção com ajuste pela idade apresentaram melhor desempenho, e as aves do tratamento E tiveram melhor conversão alimentar. Portanto, formulações com energia sem correção pelo balanço de nitrogênio e ajustadas pela idade são viáveis tanto sob o ponto de vista zootécnico, quanto econômico.

  10. Raman fiber lasers

    CERN Document Server


    This book serves as a comprehensive, up-to-date reference about this cutting-edge laser technology and its many new and interesting developments. Various aspects and trends of Raman fiber lasers are described in detail by experts in their fields. Raman fiber lasers have progressed quickly in the past decade, and have emerged as a versatile laser technology for generating high power light sources covering a spectral range from visible to mid-infrared. The technology is already being applied in the fields of telecommunication, astronomy, cold atom physics, laser spectroscopy, environmental sensing, and laser medicine. This book covers various topics relating to Raman fiber laser research, including power scaling, cladding and diode pumping, cascade Raman shifting, single frequency operation and power amplification, mid-infrared laser generation, specialty optical fibers, and random distributed feedback Raman fiber lasers. The book will appeal to scientists, students, and technicians seeking to understand the re...

  11. Effect of laser spot size on energy balance in laser induced plasmas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pant, H.C.; Sharma, S.; Bhawalkar, D.D.


    The effect of the laser spot size on laser light absorption in laser induced plasmas from solid targets was studied. It was found that at a constant laser intensity on the target, reduction in the laser spot size enhances the net laser energy absorption. It was also observed that the laser light reflection from the target becomes more diffused when the focal spot size is reduced

  12. Adsorção de cromo (VI por carvão ativado granular de soluções diluídas utilizando um sistema batelada sob pH controlado Chromium (VI adsorption by GAC from diluted solutions in batch system and controlled ph

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    Renata Santos Souza


    Full Text Available Na Amazônia o cromo é empregado principalmente na indústria de couro e de madeira, sendo responsável por vários problemas de saúde porque é tóxico para os seres vivos. A remoção de cromo de efluentes industriais é feita por meio de diversos processos como a adsorção. Este trabalho mostra os resultados da adsorção de Cr(VI por carvão ativado granular comercial (CAG como adsorvente de soluções diluídas empregando um sistema de adsorção batelada com controle de pH. Os grupos funcionais da superfície do CAG foram determinados pelo método de Boehm. Além disso, o efeito do pH na adsorção de Cr(VI, o equilíbrio e a cinética de adsorção foram estudados nas condições experimentais (pH = 6, MA = 6g, tempo de adsorção 90min.. Na superfície do CAG, os grupos carboxílicos foram determinados em maior concentração (MAS=0,43 mmol/gCAG, estes, presentes em concentrações elevadas aumentam a adsorção do metal, principalmente em valores de pH ácidos. A capacidade de adsorção é dependente do pH da solução, devido a sua influência nas propriedades de superfície do CAG e nas diferentes formas iônicas das soluções de Cr(VI. Os dados de equilíbrio da adsorção foram ajustados satisfatoriamente pela isoterma de Langmuir (R²=0,988, tipo favorável. A partir da cinética de adsorção a 5mg/L e 20mg/L, os resultados obtidos foram compatíveis com o valor limite preconizado na legislação nacional (Res. nº 357/05. Portanto, para o sistema experimental utilizando CAG foi eficiente na remoção de Cr(VI a partir de correntes líquidas contendo baixas concentrações do metal.In Amazonia, chromium is mainly used in the leather and wood industries. It is responsible for many health problems, because of its toxicity. These industries remove chromium waste by various processes, such as adsorption. This work shows the results of Cr(VI adsorption by commercial granular activated carbon (GAC as adsorbent from diluted

  13. Influence of laser parameters on laser ultrasonic efficiency

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Forbes, A


    Full Text Available , TEA CO2 lasers, laser chemistry, short pulses 1. INTRODUCTION Polymer-matrix composites are increasingly used in the aerospace industry, particularly in the manufacture of modern fighter planes1-3. The number and complexity of such composites... efficiency can be improved by utilising short pulses in the 3–4 µm and 10 µm spectral regions1. Short pulse 10 µm radiation can be produced by transversely excited, atmospheric CO2 (TEA CO2) lasers. Due to the technological maturity of these lasers...

  14. Sentidos e Processos Psicossociais envolvidos na Inclusão pelo Trabalho na Saúde Mental

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    Ramiz Candeloro Pedroso de Moraes

    Full Text Available Resumo As mudanças teóricas, políticas e sociais no campo da reabilitação psicossocial têm trazido novas possibilidades de investigação da prática. Neste artigo, investigamos os processos psicossociais que influenciam no trabalho solidário dos sujeitos da Saúde Mental, enfatizando cotidiano e sentidos. O método que utilizamos é orientado pela concepção de mundo da Psicologia Sócio-histórica, sendo uma pesquisa de epistemologia qualitativa. Realizamos um estudo de caso com inspiração etnográfica, por meio de entrevistas e observações participantes em uma cooperativa de reciclagem em Santos, Brasil. Os sujeitos entrevistados foram seis homens e quatro mulheres e, do total, oito são usuários dos serviços de Saúde Mental e dois são técnicos. A maioria tem mais de 50 anos, não completou o ensino fundamental e trabalha na cooperativa há mais de três anos. A análise pela Hermenêutica de Profundidade resultou que, entre complexas relações institucionais, os cooperados trazem sentidos positivos ao trabalho, seja pelo afeto, pelo retorno financeiro ou pelas reconfigurações familiares e sociais. Estas novas formas de sociabilidade vêm destruindo as barreiras da dialética exclusão/inclusão social e desmistificando o preconceito com o louco e o pobre. A não competição, aliada à participação social e uma cultura solidária, tende a potencializar estes projetos e seus sujeitos.

  15. Improving the laser brightness of a commercial laser system (United States)

    Naidoo, Darryl; Litvin, Igor; Forbes, Andrew


    We investigate the selection of a flat-top beam and a Gaussian beam inside a laser cavity on opposing mirrors. The concept is tested external to the laser cavity in a single pass and double pass regime where the latter mimics a single round trip in the laser. We implement this intra-cavity selection through the use of two 16 level diffractive optical elements. We consider a solid-state diode side-pumped laser resonator in a typical commercial laser configuration that consists of two planar mirrors where the DOEs are positioned at the mirrors. We out couple the Gaussian and flat-top distributions and we show that we improve the brightness of the laser with active mode control. We also demonstrate that the quality of the beam transformations determine the brightness improvement.

  16. Percepção de Tutores quanto a Sua Avaliação pelos Discentes de um Curso Médico

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    Nair Amélia Prates Barreto

    Full Text Available RESUMO Entre as metodologias ativas de ensino-aprendizagem, a Aprendizagem Baseada em Problemas proporciona novos papéis aos agentes desse processo. O docente passa de detentor único do conhecimento a facilitador do processo ensino-aprendizagem. Por outro lado, o discente deixa o papel de sujeito passivo neste processo, participando ativamente na construção do conhecimento. O presente estudo objetivou analisar o significado atribuído pelo tutor às avaliações realizadas pelos discentes do curso médico da Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros sobre o seu desempenho profissional. Trata-se de estudo qualitativo, descritivo e exploratório, cujos sujeitos foram 11 tutores do Módulo Conteúdo Específico do primeiro e sétimo períodos do segundo semestre de 2009. Utilizou-se entrevista estruturada na coleta de dados, com análise e interpretação dos resultados segundo análise temática. Os tutores são, na maior parte, docentes do sexo feminino com curso de especialização e mestrado; há predomínio do regime de trabalho de 40 horas semanais. Das falas dos entrevistados emergiram as seguintes categorias temáticas: aspectos que influenciaram a escolha da tutoria: convites e necessidade da instituição; capacitação para tutoria: somente alguns docentes fizeram capacitação, alguns sujeitos tornaram-se tutores observando a ação de outros tutores; conhecimento da avaliação realizada pelos discentes no final de cada módulo: a avaliação feita pelo discente não se realiza de forma compromissada; docentes e gestores não se envolvem nos resultados obtidos; e, por último, as categorias concepção do tutor quanto à avaliação e percepção do tutor sobre a avaliação via intranet: nota-se que todos os sujeitos conhecem e sabem da importância da realização de tal processo, porém alguns docentes não se interessam pelas avaliações discentes. Espera-se que os resultados contribuam para melhoria da percepção do docente

  17. Análise da vitamina C sérica e ingerida e estresse oxidativo em crianças e adolescentes infectados pelo vírus da imunodeficiência humana

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    Karoline Faria de Oliveira


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Verificar adequação do consumo de vitamina C em crianças e adolescentes infectados pelo vírus da imunodeficiência humana (HIV, avaliar níveis séricos da vitamina e indicadores de estresse oxidativo, comparar ao grupo não infectado, correlacionar a vitamina sérica ao estresse oxidativo e associá-los segundo os valores de referência. MÉTODOS: Estudo seccional transversal comparativo. Dois grupos com 27 crianças e adolescentes cada, de 3 a 19 anos, sendo G1 infectados pelo HIV por transmissão vertical atendidos em ambulatório regional e G2 indivíduos convidados sem histórico de infecção pelo HIV. Foram pareados por sexo, idade e condição socioeconômica. Avaliou-se: antropometria (índice de massa corporal para idade, ingestão e consumo do micronutriente, análise sérica da vitamina C, proteína C reativa e albumina. RESULTADOS: Idade média encontrada de 12 anos, prevalência do sexo feminino (17 - 63% e da classe econômica C (27 - 50%. Diagnóstico nutricional prevalente foi eutrofia em 20 (74,1% em G1 e 21 (77,8% em G2. O consumo de vitamina C foi significativamente maior em G1 (p = 0,006; t = 2,987 pelo método recordatório 24 horas. Houve diferença significativa da dosagem sérica de vitamina C, sendo menor em G1 (p = 0,000; t = -7,309. Em relação ao estresse oxidativo, os valores da proteína C reativa em G1 foram significativamente maiores (p = 0,007; t = 2,958. Não houve relação entre deficiência da vitamina, proteína C reativa e albumina. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados encontrados mostram que indivíduos infectados pelo HIV apresentam baixos valores da vitamina C, não relacionados à alimentação, uma vez que o consumo desse micronutriente foi superior ao grupo comparativo, que não apresentou essa depleção. Existem peculiaridades nos indivíduos infectados que aumentam o estresse oxidativo, evidenciado pelo aumento da proteína C reativa.

  18. Análise metalográfica do titânio puro submetido à soldagem laser Nd: YAG e TIG

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    Ana Cláudia Gabrielli Piveta

    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: Os métodos de soldagem mais utilizados em Odontologia não podem ser aplicados ao titânio puro e às suas ligas em função da alta reatividade do titânio com elementos atmosféricos; dessa forma, o mesmo não deve ser soldado por processo comum. OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a característica metalúrgica do titânio comercialmente puro sem solda e submetido aos processos de soldagem a laser e TIG. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Foram confeccionados 15 corpos de prova em titânio comercialmente puro, cinco para cada condição, na forma de hastes cilíndricas, obtidas por fundição odontológica, sob atmosfera de gás argônio e vácuo, com calor produzido por um arco voltaico, com a injeção do titânio sob vácuo-pressão. Três grupos foram formados I: soldagem a laser; II: soldagem TIG, e III: sem solda. Os corpos de prova do grupo I e II foram seccionados ao meio e soldados por TIG e por laser, respectivamente; o grupo III foi mantido sem corte e sem solda, como controle. A análise metalográfica foi realizada sob aumentos de 50×, 100× e 200×, em microscópio. RESULTADO: Pelos resultados obtidos nas micrografias, o titânio comercialmente puro apresentou uma morfologia de grãos equiaxiais da fase α, o cordão de solda a laser apresentou estrutura martensítica e, na TIG, microestrutura Widmanstätten. CONCLUSÃO: A microestrutura martensítica é condizente com a alta taxa de resfriamento proveniente do processo de soldagem a laser. As estruturas martensítica e Widmansttäten são mais refinadas quando comparadas à microestrutura do metal base.

  19. Navigated Pattern Laser System versus Single-Spot Laser System for Postoperative 360-Degree Laser Retinopexy. (United States)

    Kulikov, Alexei N; Maltsev, Dmitrii S; Boiko, Ernest V


    Purpose . To compare three 360°-laser retinopexy (LRP) approaches (using navigated pattern laser system, single-spot slit-lamp (SL) laser delivery, and single-spot indirect ophthalmoscope (IO) laser delivery) in regard to procedure duration, procedural pain score, technical difficulties, and the ability to achieve surgical goals. Material and Methods . Eighty-six rhegmatogenous retinal detachment patients (86 eyes) were included in this prospective randomized study. The mean procedural time, procedural pain score (using 4-point Verbal Rating Scale), number of laser burns, and achievement of the surgical goals were compared between three groups (pattern LRP (Navilas® laser system), 36 patients; SL-LRP, 28 patients; and IO-LRP, 22 patients). Results . In the pattern LRP group, the amount of time needed for LRP and pain level were statistically significantly lower, whereas the number of applied laser burns was higher compared to those in the SL-LRP group and in the IO-LRP group. In the pattern LRP, SL-LRP, and IO-LRP groups, surgical goals were fully achieved in 28 (77.8%), 17 (60.7%), and 13 patients (59.1%), respectively ( p > 0.05). Conclusion . The navigated pattern approach allows improving the treatment time and pain in postoperative 360° LRP. Moreover, 360° pattern LRP is at least as effective in achieving the surgical goal as the conventional (slit-lamp or indirect ophthalmoscope) approaches with a single-spot laser.

  20. Practical laser safety

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Winburn, D.C.


    This book includes discussions of the following topics: characteristics of lasers; eye components; skin damage thresholds; classification of lasers by ANSI Z136.1; selecting laser-protective eyewear; hazards associated with lasers; and, an index

  1. Lasers technology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Laser Technology Program of IPEN is developed by the Center for Lasers and Applications (CLA) and is committed to the development of new lasers based on the research of new optical materials and new resonator technologies. Laser applications and research occur within several areas such as Nuclear, Medicine, Dentistry, Industry, Environment and Advanced Research. Additional goals of the Program are human resource development and innovation, in association with Brazilian Universities and commercial partners

  2. LASERS: A cryogenic slab CO laser (United States)

    Ionin, Andrei A.; Kozlov, A. Yu; Seleznev, L. V.; Sinitsyn, D. V.


    A compact capacitive transverse RF-discharge-pumped slab CO laser with cryogenically cooled electrodes, which operates both in the cw and repetitively pulsed regimes, is fabricated. The laser operation is studied in the free running multifrequency regime at the vibrational - rotational transitions of the fundamental (V + 1 → V) vibrational bands of the CO molecule in the spectral region from 5.1 to 5.4 μm. Optimal operation conditions (gas mixture composition and pressure, RF pump parameters) are determined. It is shown that only gas mixtures with a high content of oxygen (up to 20% with respect to the concentration of CO molecules) can be used as an active medium of this laser. It is demonstrated that repetitively pulsed pumping is more efficient compared to cw pumping. In this case, quasi-cw lasing regime can be obtained. The maximum average output power of ~12 W was obtained for this laser operating on fundamental bands and its efficiency achieved ~14 %. The frequency-selective operation regime of the slab RF-discharge-pumped CO laser was realised at ~ 100 laser lines in the spectral region from 5.0 to 6.5 μm with the average output power of up to several tens of milliwatts in each line. Lasing at the transitions of the first vibrational overtone (V + 2 → V) of the CO molecule is obtained in the spectral region from 2.5 to 3.9 μm. The average output power of the overtone laser achieved 0.3 W. All the results were obtained without the forced gas mixture exchange in the discharge chamber. Under fixed experimental conditions, repetitively pulsed lasing (with fluctuations of the output characteristics no more than ±10 %) was stable for more than an hour.

  3. Laser Stabilization with Laser Cooled Strontium

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, Bjarke Takashi Røjle

    The frequency stability of current state-of-the-art stabilized clock lasers are limited by thermal fluctuations of the ultra-stable optical reference cavities used for their frequency stabilization. In this work, we study the possibilities for surpassing this thermal limit by exploiting the nonli......The frequency stability of current state-of-the-art stabilized clock lasers are limited by thermal fluctuations of the ultra-stable optical reference cavities used for their frequency stabilization. In this work, we study the possibilities for surpassing this thermal limit by exploiting...... the nonlinear effects from coupling of an optical cavity to laser cooled atoms having a narrow transition linewidth. Here, we have realized such a system where a thermal sample of laser cooled strontium-88 atoms are coupled to an optical cavity. The strontium-88 atoms were probed on the narrow 1S0-3P1 inter......-combination line at 689 nm in a strongly saturated regime. The dynamics of the atomic induced phase shift and absorption of the probe light were experimentally studied in details with the purpose of applications to laser stabilization. The atomic sample temperature was in the mK range which brought this system out...

  4. Measurements of laser parameters for the Shiva laser fusion facility

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ozarski, R.G.


    Large laser systems require numerous laser diagnostics to provide configuration, performance and maintenance data to permit efficient operation. The following diagnostics for a large laser system named Shiva are discussed: (1) description of Shiva laser system, (2) what measurements are desired and or required and why, (3) what measurement techniques and packages are employed and a brief description of the operating principles of the sensors employed, and (4) the laser diagnostic data acquisition and display system

  5. Laser beam-plasma plume interaction during laser welding (United States)

    Hoffman, Jacek; Moscicki, Tomasz; Szymanski, Zygmunt


    Laser welding process is unstable because the keyhole wall performs oscillations which results in the oscillations of plasma plume over the keyhole mouth. The characteristic frequencies are equal to 0.5-4 kHz. Since plasma plume absorbs and refracts laser radiation, plasma oscillations modulate the laser beam before it reaches the workpiece. In this work temporary electron densities and temperatures are determined in the peaks of plasma bursts during welding with a continuous wave CO2 laser. It has been found that during strong bursts the plasma plume over the keyhole consists of metal vapour only, being not diluted by the shielding gas. As expected the values of electron density are about two times higher in peaks than their time-averaged values. Since the plasma absorption coefficient scales as ~N2e/T3/2 (for CO2 laser radiation) the results show that the power of the laser beam reaching the metal surface is modulated by the plasma plume oscillations. The attenuation factor equals 4-6% of the laser power but it is expected that it is doubled by the refraction effect. The results, together with the analysis of the colour pictures from streak camera, allow also interpretation of the dynamics of the plasma plume.

  6. Para-hydrogen raman laser and its application to laser induced chemistry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tashiro, Hideo


    The report outlines the mechanism of the para-hydrogen Raman laser as a infrared light source, and its application to laser induced chemistry. The Stoke's wave number after a Raman shift is equal to the difference between the wave number of the CO 2 laser used for excitation and the rotation Raman wave number of the hydrogen molecule. A Raman laser can serve as an infrared source. CO 2 laser oscillation beam in the range of 9∼11 micrometers is selected and the frequency of infrared beam is varied by changing the wave number of the CO 2 laser beam. A problem with the Raman laser is that the Raman scatterring gain is small due to a large wavelength. In developing equipment, a special mechanism is required to solve this problem. A Raman laser comprises a CO 2 laser for excitation and multi-pulse Raman cells. The combination of a TEA oscillator and amplifiers gives CO 2 pulses with a peak power of about several tens of MW. Many heavy metal compounds including fluorides, carbonyl compounds and other organic compounds, absorb light with wavelengths in the same range as those of the Raman laser. Such compounds can be dissociated directly by applying Raman laser beams. The laser will be helpful for separation of isotopes, etc. (Nogami, K.)

  7. Laser material processing

    CERN Document Server

    Steen, William


    This text moves from the basics of laser physics to detailed treatments of all major materials processing techniques for which lasers are now essential. New chapters cover laser physics, drilling, micro- and nanomanufacturing and biomedical laser processing.

  8. Lasers in space (United States)

    Michaelis, M. M.; Forbes, A.; Bingham, R.; Kellett, B. J.; Mathye, A.


    A variety of laser applications in space, past, present, future and far future are reviewed together with the contributions of some of the scientists and engineers involved, especially those that happen to have South African connections. Historically, two of the earliest laser applications in space, were atmospheric LIDAR and lunar ranging. These applications involved atmospheric physicists, several astronauts and many of the staff recruited into the Soviet and North American lunar exploration programmes. There is a strong interest in South Africa in both LIDAR and lunar ranging. Shortly after the birth of the laser (and even just prior) theoretical work on photonic propulsion and space propulsion by laser ablation was initiated by Georgii Marx, Arthur Kantrowitz and Eugen Saenger. Present or near future experimental programs are developing in the following fields: laser ablation propulsion, possibly coupled with rail gun or gas gun propulsion; interplanetary laser transmission; laser altimetry; gravity wave detection by space based Michelson interferometry; the de-orbiting of space debris by high power lasers; atom laser interferometry in space. Far future applications of laser-photonic space-propulsion were also pioneered by Carl Sagan and Robert Forward. They envisaged means of putting Saenger's ideas into practice. Forward also invented a laser based method for manufacturing solid antimatter or SANTIM, well before the ongoing experiments at CERN with anti-hydrogen production and laser-trapping. SANTIM would be an ideal propellant for interstellar missions if it could be manufactured in sufficient quantities. It would be equally useful as a power source for the transmission of information over light year distances. We briefly mention military lasers. Last but not least, we address naturally occurring lasers in space and pose the question: "did the Big Bang lase?"

  9. Frequency-doubled diode laser for direct pumping of Ti:sapphire lasers

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Müller, André; Jensen, Ole Bjarlin; Unterhuber, Angelika


    . However, the superior electro-optical efficiency of the diode laser improves the overall efficiency of the Ti:sapphire laser by a factor > 2. The optical spectrum emitted by the Ti:sapphire laser shows a spectral width of 112 nm (FWHM). Based on autocorrelation measurements, pulse widths of less than 20...... fs are measured. These results open the opportunity of establishing diode laser pumped Ti:sapphire lasers for e.g. biophotonic applications like retinal optical coherence tomography or pumping of photonic crystal fibers for CARS microscopy.......A single-pass frequency doubled high-power tapered diode laser emitting nearly 1.3 W of green light suitable for direct pumping of Ti:sapphire lasers generating ultrashort pulses is demonstrated. The pump efficiencies reached 75 % of the values achieved with a commercial solid-state pump laser...

  10. Excimer laser applications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fantoni, R.


    This lecture deals with laser induced material photoprocessing, especially concerning those processes which are initiated by u.v. lasers (mostly excimer laser). Advantages of using the u.v. radiation emitted by excimer lasers, both in photophysical and photochemical processes of different materials, are discussed in detail. Applications concerning microelectronics are stressed with respect to other applications in different fields (organic chemistry, medicine). As further applications of excimer lasers, main spectroscopic techniques for ''on line'' diagnostics which employ excimer pumped dye lasers, emitting tunable radiation in the visible and near u.v. are reviewed

  11. Technological laser application

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shia, D.O.; Kollen, R.; Rods, U.


    Problems of the technological applications of lasers are stated in the popular form. Main requirements to a technological laser as well as problems arising in designing any system using lasers have been considered. Areas of the laser applications are described generally: laser treatment of materials, thermal treatment, welding, broach and drilling of holes, scribing, microtreatment and adjustment of resistors, material cutting, investigations into controlled thermonuclear fussion

  12. O efeito do laser de baixa energia no crescimento bacteriano "in vitro" Low level laser effect in "in vitro" bacterial growth

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fernando Coutinho


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar, por meio de estudo bacteriológico in vitro, o efeito de dois tipos de laser de baixa energia (LBE sobre diferentes populações bacterianas habitualmente presentes em feridas pós-traumáticas. MÉTODOS: Foram colhidos swabs diretamente do sítio de infecção de pacientes internados com osteomielite pós-traumática crônica. As bactérias isoladas foram Acinetobacter baumanii complex, Escherichia coli, Haemophilus influenzae, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonela sp, Serratia sp e Staphylococcus aureus. O material coletado foi semeado em meio ágar-sangue, através de alça estéril, utilizando-se 30 placas de Petri para cada germe. Foram utilizados dois aparelhos de LBE: Ibramed Laser Pulse #01189, com 15W/904nm por 200 segundos, e Phisiolux dual Bioset #9909001, com 20W/904nm por 230 segundos. Nos grupos I (n = 10 e II (n = 10, as bactérias sofreram irradiação pelo laser. O grupo III (n = 10 serviu de controle, não sendo irradiado. As bactérias dos grupos I e II foram irradiadas em câmara de fluxo laminar, previamente esterilizada por raio ultravioleta. O laser foi administrado de forma direta, central e perpendicularmente à superfície de cultivo das bactérias, com distância-padrão de 1cm, através de orifício confeccionado na tampa das placas. O crescimento bacteriano foi analisado após 12 e 24 horas da irradiação. Os resultados foram processados estatisticamente, utilizando-se o teste não-paramétrico de Kruskall-Wallis, com nível de significância p OBJECTIVE: To perform an in vitro bacteriologic study to evaluate the effect of two types of low level laser (LLL on different bacterial populations usually present in post-traumatic wounds. METHODS: Swabs were prepared directly at the infection site of patients hospitalized with chronic post-traumatic osteomyelitis. Isolated bacteria were Acinetobacter baumanii complex, Escherichia coli, Haemophilus influenzae, Klebsiella pneumoniae

  13. Effects of laser fluence on silicon modification by four-beam laser interference

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhao, Le; Li, Dayou; Wang, Zuobin; Yue, Yong; Zhang, Jinjin; Yu, Miao; Li, Siwei


    This paper discusses the effects of laser fluence on silicon modification by four-beam laser interference. In this work, four-beam laser interference was used to pattern single crystal silicon wafers for the fabrication of surface structures, and the number of laser pulses was applied to the process in air. By controlling the parameters of laser irradiation, different shapes of silicon structures were fabricated. The results were obtained with the single laser fluence of 354 mJ/cm 2 , 495 mJ/cm 2 , and 637 mJ/cm 2 , the pulse repetition rate of 10 Hz, the laser exposure pulses of 30, 100, and 300, the laser wavelength of 1064 nm, and the pulse duration of 7–9 ns. The effects of the heat transfer and the radiation of laser interference plasma on silicon wafer surfaces were investigated. The equations of heat flow and radiation effects of laser plasma of interfering patterns in a four-beam laser interference distribution were proposed to describe their impacts on silicon wafer surfaces. The experimental results have shown that the laser fluence has to be properly selected for the fabrication of well-defined surface structures in a four-beam laser interference process. Laser interference patterns can directly fabricate different shape structures for their corresponding applications

  14. Laser innovated manufacturing technology; Laser ga seisan gijutsu wo kakushinshita

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Maruyama, I. [Honda Motor Co. Ltd., Tokyo (Japan)


    This paper looks back the history of applications of laser processing in the automobile industry, and introduces contents of some particularly unique applications from among them. The CO2 laser and YAG laser that are used mainly have increased their outputs with the times, and 50-kW CO2 laser and 4-kW YAG laser have now become available commercially. The laser processing has become used widely for cutting purpose in Japan, which is in contrast with their high application to welding in Europe and America. Cutting thick plates has been developed recently, which is applicable to plates as thick as about 25 mm. A flexible system in which YAG laser is combined with an optical fiber/articulated robot is operating for three-dimensional shape processing. Automobile makers are adopting laser processing for welding in place of the electron beam welding that has been used conventionally. The process is used also for a number of other applications including surface reformation, such as surface quenching for cylinder liner, and valve seat padding. 8 refs., 8 figs.

  15. Infecção experimental pelo Trypanosoma cruzi em camundongos: influência do exercício físico versus linhagens e sexos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Roberta Cristhiany Occhi Soares


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: A doença de Chagas é uma infecção causada pelo Trypanosoma cruzi que afeta oito milhões de pessoas na América Latina. Um fator ligado ao estilo de vida que interfere significativamente na resposta à infecção é o exercício físico, dependendo do tipo, intensidade e frequência da atividade praticada. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a influência do exercício físico aeróbio moderado crônico pré-infecção na evolução da infecção experimental pelo T. cruzi em camundongos de duas linhagens distintas pertencentes aos dois sexos. MÉTODOS: Camundongos Swiss e BALB/c (machos e fêmeas com 30 dias de idade foram divididos em quatro grupos para cada linhagem e sexo (total de 16 e nomeados como segue: SM (Swiss machos, SF (Swiss fêmeas, BM (BALB/c machos e BF (BALB/c fêmeas. Os grupos foram: NT+NI (não treinado+não infectado, T+NI (treinado+não infectado, NT+I (não treinado+infectado e T+I (treinado+infectado. O programa de exercício físico aeróbio moderado crônico pré-infecção foi realizado durante oito semanas, com uma sessão diária de treinamento, cinco vezes na semana. O inóculo foi de 1.400 tripomastígotas sanguíneos da cepa Y do T. cruzi, via intraperitoneal. Foi avaliado o pico de parasitos, parasitemia total média e as medidas das atividades séricas de CK e CK-MB. RESULTADOS E CONCLUSÃO: O treinamento físico promoveu nas duas linhagens e em ambos os sexos redução no pico de parasitos e na parasitemia total média em animais infectados pelo T. cruzi. O treinamento físico promoveu redução nas atividades séricas de CK e CK-MB em animais infectados pelo T. cruzi, de ambos os sexos, das duas linhagens, exceto para fêmeas Swiss na atividade de CK e CK-MB.

  16. Auto cuidado no tratamento pelo método de Ilizarov: um estudo de caso

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marisa Toshiko Ono Tashiro


    Full Text Available As autoras realizaram um estudo de caso com aplicação do modelo de auto cuidado de Dorothea Orem, no tratamento pelo método de Ilizarov, utilizando cuidados e orientações específicas para a recuperação e prevenção de complicações. A operacionalização do estudo constou de procedimentos relativos às demandasdecuida dos universais e terapêuticos, durante a hospitalização. As demandas foram detectadas no pré-operatório e os cuidados desenvolvidos no pós-operatório, facilitando ao paciente o aprendizado e a realização dos procedimentos necessários a dar continuidade dos mesmos no seu domicílio.

  17. Alterações anatomopatologicas da mucosa gastrica associadas a infecção pelo helicobacter pylori


    Correa, Esther Buzaglo Dantas


    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciencias da Saude Foram comparadas as alterações anátomo-patológicas observadas na mucosa gástrica (inflamação, atividade da gastrite, atrofia, metaplasia intestinal e folículos linfóides) de 64 pacientes portadores de infecção pelo Helicobacter pylori com as alterações presentes na mucosa de 20 pacientes sem infecção. Inflamação, atividade da gastrite e folículos linfóides foram mais freqüentes na mucosa de corpo e...

  18. A definição da estratégia empresarial pelos tomadores de decisão


    Teixeira, Alexandre Andrade


    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Produção. A pesquisa tem como objetivo descrever o processo de definição da estratégia de uma empresa estatal, com ênfase na análise do meio ambiente. Esta ênfase na análise do meio ambiente é devida à crença do autor que um dos principais estimuladores do comportamento empresarial advém da percepção do ambiente empresarial pelos tomadores de decisão da empresa. ...

  19. The Mercury Laser Advances Laser Technology for Power Generation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ebbers, C A; Caird, J; Moses, E


    The National Ignition Facility (NIF) at Lawrence Livermore Laboratory is on target to demonstrate 'breakeven' - creating as much fusion-energy output as laser-energy input. NIF will compress a tiny sphere of hydrogen isotopes with 1.8 MJ of laser light in a 20-ns pulse, packing the isotopes so tightly that they fuse together, producing helium nuclei and releasing energy in the form of energetic particles. The achievement of breakeven will culminate an enormous effort by thousands of scientists and engineers, not only at Livermore but around the world, during the past several decades. But what about the day after NIF achieves breakeven? NIF is a world-class engineering research facility, but if laser fusion is ever to generate power for civilian consumption, the laser will have to deliver pulses nearly 100,000 times faster than NIF - a rate of perhaps 10 shots per second as opposed to NIF's several shots a day. The Mercury laser (named after the Roman messenger god) is intended to lead the way to a 10-shots-per-second, electrically-efficient, driver laser for commercial laser fusion. While the Mercury laser will generate only a small fraction of the peak power of NIF (1/30,000), Mercury operates at higher average power. The design of Mercury takes full advantage of the technology advances manifest in its behemoth cousin (Table 1). One significant difference is that, unlike the flashlamp-pumped NIF, Mercury is pumped by highly efficient laser diodes. Mercury is a prototype laser capable of scaling in aperture and energy to a NIF-like beamline, with greater electrical efficiency, while still running at a repetition rate 100,000 times greater.

  20. Laser program overview

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Storm, E.; Coleman, L.W.


    The objectives of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Laser Fusion program are to understand and develop the science and technology of inertial confinement fusion (ICF), and to utilize ICF in short- and long-term military applications, and, in the long-term, as a candidate for central-station civilian power generation. In 1984, using the Novette laser system, the authors completed experiments showing the very favorable scaling of laser-plama interactions with short-wavelength laser light. Their Novette experiments have unequivocally shown that short laser wavelength, i.e., less than 1 μm, is required to provide the drive necessary for efficient compression, ignition, and burn of DT fusion fuel. In other experiments with Novette, the authors made the first unambiguous observation of amplified spontaneous emission in the soft x-ray regime. The authors also conducted military applications and weapons physics experiments, which they discuss in detail in the classified volume of our Laser Program Annual Report. In the second thrust, advanced laser studies, they develop and test the concepts, components, and materials for present and future laser systems. Over the years, this has meant providing the technology base and scientific advances necessary to construct and operate a succession of six evermore-powerful laser systems. The latest of these, Nova, a 100-TW/100-kJ-class laser system, was completed in 1984. The Nd:glass laser continues to be the most effective and versatile tool for ICF and weapons physics because of its scalability in energy, the ability to efficiently convert its 1=μm output to shorter wavelengths, its ability to provide flexible, controlled pulse shaping, and its capability to adapt to a variety of irradiation and focusing geometries. For these reasons, many of our advanced laser studies are in areas appropriate to solid state laser technologies

  1. Cartografia da ação: mapeamento das ocupações de vazios urbanos pelos movimentos de sem-teto de Maceió, AL (1999-2009

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos Eduardo Nobre


    Full Text Available Apresentamos uma descrição das ações de ocupações de vazios urbanos engendradas por dois movimentos de sem-teto que atuaram na década de 2000, na cidade de Maceió, Alagoas. Propomos uma leitura das ocupações a partir da Cartografia da Ação como proposta por Ribeiro et al. (2001. Tal leitura nos permite apreender a um só tempo a localização dos objetos – vazios urbanos –; as ações dirigidas pelos sem-teto – as ocupações –; e os deslocamentos espontâneos e compulsórios mediante a realocação das famílias para conjuntos habitacionais implantados pelos órgãos públicos da prefeitura e do governo do estado. A partir do registro dos deslocamentos vislumbra-se uma cartografia da ação, isto é, o território sendo usado (SILVEIRA, 2009 pelos agentes hegemonizados que são constantemente forçados ao confinamento e à segregação territorial a partir de forças de comando hegemônicas pautadas no uso corporativo do território (SANTOS; SILVEIRA, 2005 e na sua negação de uso social.

  2. Power balancing of multibeam laser fusion lasers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Seka, W.; Morse, S.; Letzring, S.; Kremens, R.; Kessler, T.J.; Jaanimagi, P.; Keck, R.; Verdon, C.; Brown, D.


    The success of laser fusion depends to a good degree on the ability to compress the target to very high densities of ≥1000 times liquid DT. To achieve such compressions require that the irradiation nonuniformity must not exceed ∼1% rms over the whole time of the compression, particularly during the early phases of irradiation. The stringent requirements for the irradiation uniformity for laser fusion have been known for quite some time but until recently the energy balance was mistakenly equated to power balance. The authors describe their effort on energy balance and irradiation patterns on the target. They significantly improved the laser performance with respect to overall intensity distributions on target including the implementation of distributed (random) phase plates in each high power beam. However, the slightly varying performance of the third harmonic conversion crystals in the twenty-four beams of their laser system was generally compensated for by appropriately adjusted 1.054μm input laser energy. Computational analysis of the results of the recent high density campaign are shown

  3. Biocavity Lasers

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gourley, P.L.; Gourley, M.F.


    Laser technology has advanced dramatically and is an integral part of today's healthcare delivery system. Lasers are used in the laboratory analysis of human blood samples and serve as surgical tools that kill, burn or cut tissue. Recent semiconductor microtechnology has reduced the size o f a laser to the size of a biological cell or even a virus particle. By integrating these ultra small lasers with biological systems, it is possible to create micro-electrical mechanical systems that may revolutionize health care delivery.

  4. An overview of the laser ranging method of space laser altimeter (United States)

    Zhou, Hui; Chen, Yuwei; Hyyppä, Juha; Li, Song


    Space laser altimeter is an active remote sensing instrument to measure topographic map of Earth, Moon and planetary. The space laser altimeter determines the range between the instrument and laser footprint by measuring round trip time of laser pulse. The return pulse reflected from ground surface is gathered by the receiver of space laser altimeter, the pulsewidth and amplitude of which are changeable with the variability of the ground relief. Meantime, several kinds of noise overlapped on the return pulse signal affect its signal-to-noise ratio. To eliminate the influence of these factors that cause range walk and range uncertainty, the reliable laser ranging methods need to be implemented to obtain high-precision range results. Based on typical space laser altimeters in the past few decades, various ranging methods are expounded in detail according to the operational principle of instruments and timing method. By illustrating the concrete procedure of determining time of flight of laser pulse, this overview provides the comparison of the employed technologies in previous and undergoing research programs and prospect innovative technology for space laser altimeters in future.

  5. Novel laterally pumped by prism laser configuration for compact solid-state lasers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dascalu, T; Salamu, G; Sandu, O; Voicu, F; Pavel, N


    We propose a new laser configuration in which the pump radiation is coupled into the laser crystal through a prism. The laser medium is square shaped and the prism is attached on one of its lateral sides, near one of the crystal extremities. The diode-laser fiber end is placed close to the prism hypotenuse, the pump radiation is coupled into the laser crystal through the opposite surface of the prism and propagates into the crystal through total internal reflections. This laser geometry is simple to align and permits the realization of compact diode-pumped laser systems, as well as power scaling. A diode-pumped Nd:YAG laser yielding pulses of 2.1 mJ energy under a pump with pulses of 9.9 mJ is demonstrated. The laser slope efficiency is 0.22. Furthermore, this geometry enables one to obtain passively Q-switched lasers with the saturable absorber crystal placed between the resonator high-reflectivity mirror and the laser crystal. A Nd:YAG laser, passively Q-switched by a Cr 4+ :YAG crystal with initial transmission T 0 = 0.90, delivering laser output with a pulsed energy of 93 μJ, a duration of 26 ns and a pump threshold of 1.9 mJ, is realized in order to prove the concept. (letter)

  6. A Laser Technology Test Facility for Laser Inertial Fusion Energy (LIFE)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bayramian, A.J.; Campbell, R.W.; Ebbers, C.A.; Freitas, B.L.; Latkowski, J.; Molander, W.A.; Sutton, S.B.; Telford, S.; Caird, J.A.


    A LIFE laser driver needs to be designed and operated which meets the rigorous requirements of the NIF laser system while operating at high average power, and operate for a lifetime of >30 years. Ignition on NIF will serve to demonstrate laser driver functionality, operation of the Mercury laser system at LLNL demonstrates the ability of a diode-pumped solid-state laser to run at high average power, but the operational lifetime >30 yrs remains to be proven. A Laser Technology test Facility (LTF) has been designed to specifically address this issue. The LTF is a 100-Hz diode-pumped solid-state laser system intended for accelerated testing of the diodes, gain media, optics, frequency converters and final optics, providing system statistics for billion shot class tests. These statistics will be utilized for material and technology development as well as economic and reliability models for LIFE laser drivers.

  7. Teste rápido para detecção da infecção pelo HIV-1 em gestantes Rapid test to detect HIV-1 infection among pregnant women

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    Geraldo Duarte


    Full Text Available Objetivos: avaliar os resultados do teste de diagnóstico rápido da infecção pelo HIV-1 disponibilizado pelo Ministério da Saúde, para identificação de gestantes contaminadas por este vírus. Métodos: avaliação prospectiva de 443 gestantes sem teste sorológico para HIV no pré-natal, atendidas no Departamento de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto-Universidade de São Paulo (HCFMRP-USP, entre fevereiro e junho de 2000. As amostras destas pacientes foram submetidas ao teste rápido imunocromatográfico, sendo comparadas com ELISA e confirmadas pela aglutinação. Resultados: dentre as 443 gestantes submetidas ao teste rápido (20,1% dos partos no período, 16 apresentaram resultados positivos (3,6%. Nenhuma amostra negativa pelo teste rápido foi positiva pelo ELISA. Entretanto, das 16 amostras positivas pelo teste rápido, duas foram negativas pelos testes confirmatórios. Logo, a sensibilidade do teste rápido foi de 100,0%, especificidade 99,5%, valor preditivo positivo 87,5% e valor preditivo negativo 100,0%. Conclusões: os resultados obtidos na avaliação do teste para o diagnóstico rápido da infecção pelo HIV-1 em gestantes revelaram sensibilidade, especificidade e valores preditivos que o credenciam como recurso extremamente importante na indicação de medidas que reduzem a transmissão perinatal desse vírus.Purpose: to evaluate the results of a rapid diagnostic test for HIV-1 infection made available by the Health Ministry for the identification of pregnant women contaminated by this virus. Methods: we evaluated prospectively 443 pregnant women with no prenatal serologic anti-HIV test seen at the Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics of the Faculty of Medicine of Ribeirão Preto, University of São Paulo, from February to June, 2000. Samples from these patients were submitted to the rapid immunochromatographic test, which was compared with ELISA and submitted to a confirmatory

  8. Reexistências na luta pelo lugar: Uma análise da hidrelétrica Candonga na Zona da Mata Mineira

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    Marina de Oliveira Penido


    Full Text Available O artigo apresenta uma análise das contradições erigidas entre o reassentamento do Novo Soberbo, planejado pelo Setor Elétrico, e a realidade dos reassentados, atingidos pela hidrelétrica Candonga. As contradições existentes na relação reassentados/reassentamento expressam a oposição entre dois modos distintos de apropriar e significar o espaço: de um lado a racionalidade técnica e economicista do Consórcio Candonga, manifesta na concepção do reassentamento, em sua estruturação citadina; e de outro lado as práticas e representações dos atingidos, vinculadas a um modo de vida essencialmente rural. O reassentamento, como técnica para solução dos impactos originários do processo de deslocamento compulsório, engendra novas opressões e ameaças à reprodução da vida dos atingidos. Frente à desestruturação do modo de vida dos reassentados surgem mobilizações, resistências e reexistência na luta pelo lugar.

  9. Robot-laser system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Akeel, H.A.


    A robot-laser system is described for providing a laser beam at a desired location, the system comprising: a laser beam source; a robot including a plurality of movable parts including a hollow robot arm having a central axis along which the laser source directs the laser beam; at least one mirror for reflecting the laser beam from the source to the desired location, the mirror being mounted within the robot arm to move therewith and relative thereto to about a transverse axis that extends angularly to the central axis of the robot arm; and an automatic programmable control system for automatically moving the mirror about the transverse axis relative to and in synchronization with movement of the robot arm to thereby direct the laser beam to the desired location as the arm is moved

  10. Saúde mental e economia solidária: a família na inclusão pelo trabalho

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    Carmen Lúcia Alves Filizola


    Full Text Available A Reforma Psiquiátrica traz à tona a inclusão social pelo trabalho na perspectiva da Economia Solidária e envolvimento familiar. Em município do interior paulista foi criado empreendimento solidário de usuários do Centro de Atenção Psicossocial. Esta pesquisa qualitativa teve como objetivos: identificar a composição e relações das famílias de integrantes desse empreendimento; conhecer as percepções dos familiares sobre a inclusão pelo trabalho dos usuários e a possibilidade de protagonismo da família nesse processo. Foram realizadas entrevistas, utilizando o genograma e ecomapa Modelo Calgary de Avaliação da Família e questões abertas sobre as percepções das famílias, pautadas na análise de conteúdo. Os resultados mostram que a maioria das famílias é nuclear, chefiada por mulheres. A maior parte dos usuários não apresenta relação familiar conflituosa e os que relatam apresentar, referem-se aos pais. Reconhecem a importância do trabalho como espaço de criação de sentidos e novas relações e apontam várias formas para o co-envolvimento.

  11. Development of a compact vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser end-pumped actively Q-switched laser for laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Li, Shuo; Chen, Rongzhang; Nelsen, Bryan; Chen, Kevin, E-mail: [Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15260 (United States); Liu, Lei; Huang, Xi; Lu, Yongfeng [Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, Nebraska 68588 (United States)


    This paper reports the development of a compact and portable actively Q-switched Nd:YAG laser and its applications in laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS). The laser was end-pumped by a vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser (VCSEL). The cavity lases at a wavelength of 1064 nm and produced pulses of 16 ns with a maximum pulse energy of 12.9 mJ. The laser exhibits a reliable performance in terms of pulse-to-pulse stability and timing jitter. The LIBS experiments were carried out using this laser on NIST standard alloy samples. Shot-to-shot LIBS signal stability, crater profile, time evolution of emission spectra, plasma electron density and temperature, and limits of detection were studied and reported in this paper. The test results demonstrate that the VCSEL-pumped solid-state laser is an effective and compact laser tool for laser remote sensing applications.

  12. As Competências Gerenciais Desenvolvidas pelos Secretários Executivos

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    Conceição de Maria Pinheiro Barros


    Full Text Available O profissional de Secretariado Executivo está diretamente envolvido nos processos de gestão da empresa, pois sua atuação se dá em cargos de assessoria a diretores, gerentes, supervisores, assim como em cargos específicos de gestão, como encarregado administrativo, gerente, responsável pelo departamento, coordenador do setor, consultor e tantas outras nomenclaturas existentes. Este trabalho tem como objetivo geral investigar as competências gerenciais na atuação do profissional de Secretariado Executivo. Para o alcance dos objetivos propostos foi realizada uma pesquisa qualitativa, a partir de um levantamento bibliográfico e uma pesquisa de campo. Após a análise dos dados percebeu-se que as competências gerenciais são utilizadas em Secretariado Executivo nas suas diversas responsabilidades, contribuindo para o alcance de objetivos e metas organizacionais por meio do desenvolvimento de atividades que envolvem o gerenciamento, participação no planejamento, na condução e estímulo às pessoas e ao controle. Esse profissional vem superando grandes desafios, ampliando suas competências e seu campo de inserção e contribuindo efetivamente para o bom desempenho organizacional.DOI:10.7769/gesec.v4i2.131

  13. Laser in urology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Breisland, H.O.


    The neodymium YAG laser is particularly suited for endoscopic urologic surgery because the YAG laser light can be conducted in flexible fibers. Superficial bladder tumours can be treated under local anaesthesia in the outpatient department. The frequency of local recurrences is low, significantly lower than after electrosection or electrocoagulation. Selected cases of T2-muscle invasive bladder tumours can be cured with laser coagulation applied subsequently to transurethral resection. Combined treatment with electrosection and laser coagulation of localized prostatic cancer is a promising method which compares favourably with results obtained by other treatment modalities. Tumours in the upper urinary tract can be laser-treated through ureteroscopes or nephroscopes, but the treatment should be limited to low stage, low grade tumours. Laser is the treatment of choice for intraurethral condylomatas. Laser treatment of penil carcinoma gives excellent cosmetic and functional results and few local recurrences. Laser lithotripsy is a new technique for treatment of ureteric stones and photodynamic laser therapy is a promising tecnique for treatment of carcinoma in situ in the bladder empithelium. However, neither of these techniques are available for clinical use in Norway as yet. 17 refs., 3 figs., 1 tabs

  14. Laser-induced interactions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Green, W.R.


    This dissertation discusses some of the new ways that lasers can be used to control the energy flow in a medium. Experimental and theoretical considerations of the laser-induced collision are discussed. The laser-induced collision is a process in which a laser is used to selectively transfer energy from a state in one atomic or molecular species to another state in a different species. The first experimental demonstration of this process is described, along with later experiments in which lasers were used to create collisional cross sections as large as 10 - 13 cm 2 . Laser-induced collisions utilizing both a dipole-dipole interaction and dipole-quadrupole interaction have been experimentally demonstrated. The theoretical aspects of other related processes such as laser-induced spin-exchange, collision induced Raman emission, and laser-induced charge transfer are discussed. Experimental systems that could be used to demonstrate these various processes are presented. An experiment which produced an inversion of the resonance line of an ion by optical pumping of the neutral atom is described. This type of scheme has been proposed as a possible method for constructing VUV and x-ray lasers

  15. Ensino-aprendizagem colaborativo mediado pelo Wiki do Moodle Collaborative learning-teaching mediated by Wiki Moodle

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ilse Abegg


    Full Text Available Mediados pela ferramenta Wiki do Moodle, desenvolvemos atividades a distância no Curso de Física da UFSM com o intuito de produzir um objeto escolar hipermídia tematizado pelo Tema Estruturador do Ensino de Física 2: Calor, Ambiente e usos de Energia (oriundo dos PCN+ , locando o diálogo-problematizador na transversalidade curricular "Meio Ambiente". Problematizamos esta atividade, caracterizada como uma produção colaborativa de hipermídia de divulgação científico-tecnológica, ao longo do período letivo da disciplina Didática I da Física da instância curricular integradora. O trabalho em grupo mediado pelo wiki do Moodle tem sido implementado através do PEA (Planejamento, Execução e Avaliação de forma cíclico-espiralada, estudando os casos. Os resultados indicam boa potencialidade da mediação tecnológica, no âmbito do diálogo-problematizador e empowerment, para este tipo de trabalho escolar colaborativo a distância.Through the wiki Moodle, we developed distance education activities in the Physics Course at UFSM, aiming at producing a hypermedia school subject related to the discipline Physics 2 structuring teaching theme: Heat, Environment and uses of Energy (coming from the PCN+, placing the problematic dialogue in the transversal theme "Environment". We designed this activity, described as a collaborative production of hypermedia for scientific-technological dissemination, over the period of school discipline Didactic I from the Physics Course. The working group mediated by the wiki Moodle has been implemented through the PEA (Planning, Execution, and Assessment. The results are positive on the use of technology mediation concerning problematic dialogue and empowerment, in this type of collaborative and distance education.

  16. Multimegajoule laser project: new compact multipass laser design

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Holzrichter, J.F.


    A simple laser design that has the fewest laser components of all fusion systems that the authors have studied and that packs closely, thus minimizing space requirements is shown. The Advanced Laser Program objectives are determined by the requirements of the subsystems. The requirements consists of the following elements: high damage thresholds on reflectors; AR layers and dichroic coatings; high-efficiency amplifiers; low-cost production of laser glass, pulse power, and optical elements; and special optical elements, such as an effective phase conjugator and isolator. The combination of a compact architecture and lower-cost, higher-performance components can lead to significant reduction in overall system cost

  17. Laser Propulsion - Quo Vadis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bohn, Willy L.


    First, an introductory overview of the different types of laser propulsion techniques will be given and illustrated by some historical examples. Second, laser devices available for basic experiments will be reviewed ranging from low power lasers sources to inertial confinement laser facilities. Subsequently, a status of work will show the impasse in which the laser propulsion community is currently engaged. Revisiting the basic relations leads to new avenues in ablative and direct laser propulsion for ground based and space based applications. Hereby, special attention will be devoted to the impact of emerging ultra-short pulse lasers on the coupling coefficient and specific impulse. In particular, laser sources and laser propulsion techniques will be tested in microgravity environment. A novel approach to debris removal will be discussed with respect to the Satellite Laser Ranging (SRL) facilities. Finally, some non technical issues will be raised aimed at the future prospects of laser propulsion in the international community

  18. Distributed feedback dye laser pumped with copper-vapor laser emission

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mirza, S Yu; Soldatov, A N; Sukhanov, V B


    The power-spectrum characteristics of the emission of a distributed feedback dye laser pumped with a copper vapor laser have been studied. Laser action has been observed in five dyes over a tuning range of 530-723 nm with an efficiency of 12.4%. The specfic features of the distributed feedback dye laser operating at pulse repetition rates of 4 kHz are discussed.

  19. Influence of the laser pulse duration on laser-produced plasma properties

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Drogoff, B Le; Margot, J; Vidal, F; Laville, S; Chaker, M; Sabsabi, M; Johnston, T W; Barthelemy, O


    In the framework of laser-induced plasma spectroscopy (LIPS) applications, time-resolved characteristics of laser-produced aluminium plasmas in air at atmospheric pressure are investigated for laser pulse durations ranging from 100 fs to 270 ps. Measurements show that for delays after the laser pulse longer than ∼100 ns, the plasma temperature increases slightly with the laser pulse duration, while the electron density is independent of it. In addition, as the pulse duration increases, the plasma radiation emission lasts longer and the spectral lines arise later from the continuum emission. The time dependence of the continuum emission appears to be similar whatever the duration of the laser pulse is, while the temporal evolution of the line emission seems to be affected mainly by the plasma temperature. Finally, as far as spectrochemical applications (such as LIPS) of laser-produced plasmas are concerned, this study highlights the importance of the choice of appropriate temporal gating parameters for each laser pulse duration

  20. Laser cleaning of pulsed laser deposited rhodium films for fusion diagnostic mirrors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Uccello, A.; Maffini, A.; Dellasega, D.; Passoni, M.


    Highlights: ► Pulsed laser deposition is exploited to produce Rh films for first mirrors. ► Pulsed laser deposition is exploited to produce tokamak-like C contaminants. ► Rh laser damage threshold has been evaluated for infrared pulses. ► Laser cleaning of C contaminated Rh films gives promising results. -- Abstract: In this paper an experimental investigation on the laser cleaning process of rhodium films, potentially candidates to be used as tokamak first mirrors (FMs), from redeposited carbon contaminants is presented. A relevant issue that lowers mirror's performance during tokamak operations is the redeposition of sputtered material from the first wall on their surface. Among all the possible techniques, laser cleaning, in which a train of laser pulses is launched to the surface that has to be treated, is a method to potentially mitigate this problem. The same laser system (Q-switched Nd:YAG laser with a fundamental wavelength of 1064-nm and 7-ns pulses) has been employed with three aims: (i) production by pulsed laser deposition (PLD) of Rh film mirrors, (ii) production by PLD of C deposits with controlled morphology, and (iii) investigation of the laser cleaning method onto C contaminated Rh samples. The evaluation of Rh films laser damage threshold, as a function of fluence and number of pulses, is discussed. Then, the C/Rh films have been cleaned by the laser beam. The exposed zones have been characterized by visual inspection and scanning electron microscopy (SEM), showing promising results

  1. Attenuation of laser power of a focused Gaussian beam during interaction between a laser and powder in coaxial laser cladding

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu Jichang; Li Lijun; Zhang Yuanzhong; Xie Xiaozhu


    The power of a focused laser beam with a Gaussian intensity profile attenuated by powder in coaxial laser cladding is investigated experimentally and theoretically, and its resolution model is developed. With some assumptions, it is concluded that the attenuation of laser power is an exponential function and is determined by the powder feed rate, particle moving speed, spraying angles and waist positions and diameters of the laser beam and powder flow, grain diameter and run of the laser beam through the powder flow. The attenuation of laser power increases with powder feed rate or run of laser beam through the powder flow. In the experiment presented, 300 W laser power from a focused Gaussian beam is attenuated by a coaxial powder flow. The experimental results agree well with the values calculated with the developed model

  2. Vaporização a laser do cervix para tratamento da neoplasia intraepitelial cervical

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    Euridice Maria de Almeida Figueiredo

    Full Text Available O câncer cérvico-uterino é muito comum em vários países da América Latina. As estatísticas de mortalidade e as taxas de incidência demonstram a sua real importância. O cânver cérvico-uterino freqüentemente é uma doença progressiva iniciada com mudanças intra-epiteliais, que podem se transformar em um processo invasivo, sendo o nosso objetivo tratar precocemente estas lesões quando ainda é possível a cura de 100%. Em nosso estudo prospectivo foram selecionadas 21 pacientes com neoplasia cervical intra-epitelial reatreadas pela citplogia e diagnosticadas pela histopatologia após biópsia dirigida pela colposcopia. O método terapêutico empregado foi a vaporização a laser com o CO2. Tiveram como pré-requisito os seguintes critérios: informação segura pela colposcopia da zona de transformação e afastar a presença de câncer invasivo; a neoplasia epitelial cervical deve ocupar a ectocervix sem nenhuma extensão para o canal cervical e correlação positiva entre a citologia, colposcopia e histologia. O uso de laser CO2 com microscópio permitiu precisão na aplicação e com vantagens de ser um procedimento ambulatorial diminuindo estresse cirúrgico das pacientes. Foi realizado sem anestesia e com duração média de 15 minutos. A cicatrização completou-se em torno de três semanas e com cuidados operatórios mínimos. Somente dois casos tiveram sangramento vaginal discreto no quinto e décimo dia de pós-operatório, resolvido com tamponamento vaginal por 24 horas. A colposcopia, cirurgia e o seguimento foram feitos pelo autor, tendo uma paciente sido submetida a uma segunda vaporização no quinto mês de controle. Somente uma paciente teve recidiva no 26° mês de seguimento e complementará o tratamento. As vinte outras restantes estão em controle sem recidiva de doença. Em vista dos resultados obtivemos um percentual de cura de 95%, que coincide com a literatura. O uso de laser CO2 no tratamento das neoplasias

  3. Produtividade do cacaueiro em função de características do solo: II. características físico-morfológicas e alguns elementos extraídos pelo ataque sulfúrico

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    J. O. Souza Jr.


    Full Text Available Com base na produtividade em sete anos (1989 a 1995 de 36 talhões produtivos de cacau, cultivados numa propriedade agrícola no sul da Bahia, foram obtidas as médias dos três anos mais e menos produtivos, correspondendo, respectivamente, a anos de maior e menor quantidade de chuvas. Essas produtividades foram relacionadas, por análise de trilha, com as características físico-morfológicas do solo (profundidade do horizonte A; cor, porosidade, densidades aparente e de partícula dos horizontes A e B; textura das camadas de 0-20 e 30-50 cm e presença de cascalho ou pedras até à profundidade de 50 cm e com os teores totais de elementos (Ti, K, Cu, Fe, Mn e Zn, obtidos pelo ataque sulfúrico, na camada de 30-50 cm de profundidade. Os micronutrientes extraídos pelo ataque sulfúrico foram correlacionados com aqueles extraídos pelo Mehlich-1. Em geral, as características físicas explicaram melhor a produtividade dos anos mais secos, enquanto os teores de elementos extraídos pelo ataque sulfúrico correlacionaram-se melhor com a produtividade dos anos mais chuvosos. Os talhões mais produtivos tinham horizonte A mais profundo, solo mais poroso, com maiores teores de micronutrientes catiônicos e Ti e menor teor de K obtido pelo ataque sulfúrico. Em anos mais secos, os talhões mais produtivos foram aqueles que apresentavam solo com maior teor de argila e menores teores de silte e areia. A presença de cascalho até à profundidade de 50 cm e a cor dos horizontes do solo não se correlacionaram significativamente com a produtividade das plantas. Cobre, Mn e, ou, Zn, extraídos pelo ataque sulfúrico, indicaram solos de maior fertilidade natural em micronutrientes catiônicos para o cacaueiro.

  4. Tunable laser applications

    CERN Document Server

    Duarte, FJ


    Introduction F. J. Duarte Spectroscopic Applications of Tunable Optical Parametric Oscillators B. J. Orr, R. T. White, and Y. He Solid-State Dye Lasers Costela, I. García-Moreno, and R. Sastre Tunable Lasers Based on Dye-Doped Polymer Gain Media Incorporating Homogeneous Distributions of Functional Nanoparticles F. J. Duarte and R. O. James Broadly Tunable External-Cavity Semiconductor Lasers F. J. Duarte Tunable Fiber Lasers T. M. Shay and F. J. Duarte Fiber Laser Overview and Medical Applications

  5. REGENERAÇÃO IN VITRO DE LOURO-PARDO (Cordia trichotoma (Vellozo Arrabida ex Steudel

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nilton César Mantovani


    Full Text Available A regeneração in vitro foi desenvolvida para louro-pardo (Cordia trichotoma (Vellozo Arrabida ex Steudel. Segmentos nodais foram desinfestados e inoculados em dois meios básicos de cultura: WPM (Wood Plant Médium, 1981 e MS (Murashige & Skoog, 1962 suplementados com BAP (6-Benzilaminopurina, TDZ (Thidiazuron, ANA (Ácido-1-Naftaleno Acético, GA3 (Ácido Giberélico, AIB (Ácido Indol-3-Butírico e CA (Carvão Ativado em diferentes combinações e concentrações para cada fase de desenvolvimento. As maiores taxas de multiplicação e alongamento de brotações foram obtidas com o meio WPM acrescido de 0,1 mg.l-1 de BAP e GA3. O melhor enraizamento das brotações foi obtido com AIB (0,5 mg.l-1 combinado ao Carvão Ativado (1,5 g.l-1 acrescidos ao meio de cultura.

  6. Greco Laser-matter interaction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Research program in 1985 at GRECO ILM (Group of Coordinated Research: Interaction Laser Matter) continued with its principal direction in fundamental physics of laser inertial confinement; also researches on X-ray lasers hare been undergone and new high power laser application fields with particle acceleration, material processing and X-ray sources. A six beam laser was operated. Wavelength effects were studied. Atomic physics was deeply stressed as dense medium diagnostics from multicharged ions. Research development in ultra-dense medium was also important X-ray laser research gave outstanding results. New research fields were developed this year: laser acceleration of particles by wave beating or Raman instability; dense laser produced plasma use as X-ray source; material processing by laser shocks [fr

  7. Laser applications in materials processing

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ready, J.F.


    The seminar focused on laser annealing of semiconductors, laser processing of semiconductor devices and formation of coatings and powders, surface modification with lasers, and specialized laser processing methods. Papers were presented on the theoretical analysis of thermal and mass transport during laser annealing, applications of scanning continuous-wave and pulsed lasers in silicon technology, laser techniques in photovoltaic applications, and the synthesis of ceramic powders from laser-heated gas-phase reactants. Other papers included: reflectance changes of metals during laser irradiation, surface-alloying using high-power continuous lasers, laser growth of silicon ribbon, and commercial laser-shock processes

  8. HF laser

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Suzuki, Kazuya; Iwasaki, Matae


    A review is made of the research and development of HF chemical laser and its related work. Many gaseous compounds are used as laser media successfully; reaction kinetics and technological problems are described. The hybrid chemical laser of HF-CO 2 system and the topics related to the isotope separation are also included. (auth.)

  9. Soroprevalência da infecção pelo vírus da hepatite A em catadores de materiais recicláveis em Goiânia, Goiás


    Soares, Helen de Oliveira


    O vírus da hepatite A (HAV) é transmitido principalmente pela via oral-fecal. A prevalência da infecção pelo HAV está associada às condições socioeconômicas e de higiene. No Brasil, a hepatite A é considerada uma infecção endêmica e alguns estudos têm revelado uma mudança no perfil de endemicidade de alto para intermediário. A maioria dos catadores de materiais recicláveis vive em condições sociais, culturais e ambientais precárias. A situação epidemiológica da infecção pelo HAV desses trabal...

  10. Multibeam Fibre Laser Cutting

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Olsen, Flemming Ove

    The appearance of the high power high brilliance fibre laser has opened for new possibilities in laser materials processing. In laser cutting this laser has demonstrated high cutting performance compared to the dominating cutting laser, the CO2-laser. However, quality problems in fibre......-laser cutting have until now limited its application in metal cutting. In this paper the first results of proof-of-principle studies applying a new approach (patent pending) for laser cutting with high brightness short wavelength lasers will be presented. In the approach, multi beam patterns are applied...... to control the melt flow out of the cut kerf resulting in improved cut quality in metal cutting. The beam patterns in this study are created by splitting up beams from 2 single mode fibre lasers and combining these beams into a pattern in the cut kerf. The results are obtained with a total of 550 W of single...

  11. Multibeam fiber laser cutting

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Olsen, Flemming Ove; Hansen, Klaus Schütt; Nielsen, Jakob Skov


    The appearance of the high power high brilliance fiber laser has opened for new possibilities in laser materials processing. In laser cutting this laser has demonstrated high cutting performance compared to the dominating Cutting laser, the CO2 laser. However, quality problems in fiber......-laser cutting have until now limited its application to metal cutting. In this paper the first results of proof-of-principle Studies applying a new approach (patent pending) for laser cutting with high brightness and short wavelength lasers will be presented. In the approach, multibeam patterns are applied...... to control the melt flow out of the cut kerf resulting in improved cut quality in metal cutting. The beam patterns in this study are created by splitting up beams from two single mode fiber lasers and combining these beams into a pattern in the cut kerf. The results are obtained with a total of 550 W...

  12. Lasers in periodontics. (United States)

    Elavarasu, Sugumari; Naveen, Devisree; Thangavelu, Arthiie


    Laser is one of the most captivating technologies in dental practice since Theodore Maiman in 1960 invented the ruby laser. Lasers in dentistry have revolutionized several areas of treatment in the last three and a half decades of the 20(th) century. Introduced as an alternative to mechanical cutting device, laser has now become an instrument of choice in many dental applications. Evidence suggests its use in initial periodontal therapy, surgery, and more recently, its utility in salvaging implant opens up a wide range of applications. More research with better designs are a necessity before lasers can become a part of dental armamentarium. This paper gives an insight to laser in periodontics.

  13. Laser-driven ion acceleration with hollow laser beams

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brabetz, C.; Kester, O.; Busold, S.; Bagnoud, V.; Cowan, T.; Deppert, O.; Jahn, D.; Roth, M.; Schumacher, D.


    The laser-driven acceleration of protons from thin foils irradiated by hollow high-intensity laser beams in the regime of target normal sheath acceleration (TNSA) is reported for the first time. The use of hollow beams aims at reducing the initial emission solid angle of the TNSA source, due to a flattening of the electron sheath at the target rear side. The experiments were conducted at the PHELIX laser facility at the GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH with laser intensities in the range from 10 18  W cm −2 to 10 20  W cm −2 . We observed an average reduction of the half opening angle by (3.07±0.42)° or (13.2±2.0)% when the targets have a thickness between 12 μm and 14 μm. In addition, the highest proton energies were achieved with the hollow laser beam in comparison to the typical Gaussian focal spot

  14. Laser-driven ion acceleration with hollow laser beams

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Brabetz, C., E-mail:; Kester, O. [Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, 60323 Frankfurt (Germany); GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH, 64291 Darmstadt (Germany); Busold, S.; Bagnoud, V. [GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH, 64291 Darmstadt (Germany); Helmholtz-Institut Jena, 07743 Jena (Germany); Cowan, T. [Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, 01328 Dresden (Germany); Technische Universität Dresden, 01069 Dresden (Germany); Deppert, O.; Jahn, D.; Roth, M. [Technische Universität Darmstadt, 64277 Darmstadt (Germany); Schumacher, D. [GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH, 64291 Darmstadt (Germany)


    The laser-driven acceleration of protons from thin foils irradiated by hollow high-intensity laser beams in the regime of target normal sheath acceleration (TNSA) is reported for the first time. The use of hollow beams aims at reducing the initial emission solid angle of the TNSA source, due to a flattening of the electron sheath at the target rear side. The experiments were conducted at the PHELIX laser facility at the GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH with laser intensities in the range from 10{sup 18} W cm{sup −2} to 10{sup 20} W cm{sup −2}. We observed an average reduction of the half opening angle by (3.07±0.42)° or (13.2±2.0)% when the targets have a thickness between 12 μm and 14 μm. In addition, the highest proton energies were achieved with the hollow laser beam in comparison to the typical Gaussian focal spot.

  15. High-power pulsed lasers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Holzrichter, J.F.


    The ideas that led to the successful construction and operation of large multibeam fusion lasers at the Lawrence Livermore Laboratory are reviewed. These lasers are based on the use of Nd:glass laser materials. However, most of the concepts are applicable to any laser being designed for fusion experimentation. This report is a summary of lectures given by the author at the 20th Scottish University Summer School in Physics, on Laser Plasma Interaction. This report includes basic concepts of the laser plasma system, a discussion of lasers that are useful for short-pulse, high-power operation, laser design constraints, optical diagnostics, and system organization

  16. Advanced lasers for fusion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Krupke, W.F.; George, E.V.; Haas, R.A.


    Laser drive systems' performance requirements for fusion reactors are developed following a review of the principles of inertial confinement fusion and of the technical status of fusion research lasers (Nd:glass; CO 2 , iodine). These requirements are analyzed in the context of energy-storing laser media with respect to laser systems design issues: optical damage and breakdown, medium excitation, parasitics and superfluorescence depumping, energy extraction physics, medium optical quality, and gas flow. Three types of energy-storing laser media of potential utility are identified and singled out for detailed review: (1) Group VI atomic lasers, (2) rare earth solid state hybrid lasers, and (3) rare earth molecular vapor lasers. The use of highly-radiative laser media, particularly the rare-gas monohalide excimers, are discussed in the context of short pulse fusion applications. The concept of backward wave Raman pulse compression is considered as an attractive technique for this purpose. The basic physics and device parameters of these four laser systems are reviewed and conceptual designs for high energy laser systems are presented. Preliminary estimates for systems efficiencies are given. (Auth.)

  17. Only lasers can be used for low level laser therapy. (United States)

    Moskvin, Sergey Vladimirovich


    The question of lasers' exclusivity, as well as the degree of influence of special properties of low-intensity laser illumination (LILI), such as coherence, polarity and monochromaticity, on the effectiveness of low level laser therapy (LLLT) continues to cause arguments. The study analyzes publications from 1973 to 2016, in which laser and conventional light sources are compared, and the following conclusions are drawn. First, there are a lot of publications with incorrect comparison or unfounded statements. Secondly, other sources of light are often meant by LILI without any justification. Thirdly, all studies, in which the comparison is carried out correctly and close parameters of the impact and the model are used, have a firm conclusion that laser light is much more effective. Fourthly, it is uniquely identified that the most important parameter that determines the efficiency of lasers is monochromaticity, i.e., a much narrower spectral width than for all other light sources. Only laser light sources can be used for LLLT! © Author(s) 2017. This article is published with open access by China Medical University.

  18. Laser Research Lab (United States)

    Federal Laboratory Consortium — The Laser Research lab is thecenter for the development of new laser sources, nonlinear optical materials, frequency conversion processes and laser-based sensors for...

  19. Laser Cutting of Thick Diamond Films Using Low-Power Laser

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Park, Y.J.; Baik, Y.J. [Korea Institute of Science and Technology, Seoul (Korea)


    Laser cutting of thick diamond films is studied rising a low-power(10 W) copper vapor laser. Due to the existence of the saturation depth in laser cutting, thick diamond films are not easily cut by low-power lasers. In this study, we have adopted a low thermal- conductivity underlayer of alumina and a heating stage (up to 500 deg. C in air) to prevent the laser energy from consuming-out and, in turn, enhance the cutting efficiency. Aspect ratio increases twice from 3.5 to 7 when the alumina underlayer used. Adopting a heating stage also increases aspect ratio and more than 10 is obtained at higher temperatures than 400 deg. C. These results show that thick diamond films can be cut, with low-power lasers, simply by modifying the thermal property of underlayer. (author). 13 refs., 5 figs.

  20. Laser solenoid: an alternate use of lasers in fusion power

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rose, P.H.


    A unique laser assisted fusion approach is under development at Mathematical Sciences Northwest, Inc. (MSNW). This approach captures one of the most developed aspects of high energy laser technology, the efficient, large, scalable, pulsed electron beam initiated, electric discharge, CO 2 infrared laser. This advanced technology is then combined with the simple geometry of a linear magnetic confinement system. The laser solenoid concept will be described, current work and experimental progress will be discussed, and the technological problems of building such a system will be assessed. Finally a comparison will be made of the technology and economics for the laser solenoid and alternative fusion approaches

  1. Organic solid-state lasers

    CERN Document Server

    Forget, Sébastien


    Organic lasers are broadly tunable coherent sources, potentially compact, convenient and manufactured at low-costs. Appeared in the mid 60’s as solid-state alternatives for liquid dye lasers, they recently gained a new dimension after the demonstration of organic semiconductor lasers in the 90's. More recently, new perspectives appeared at the nanoscale, with organic polariton and surface plasmon lasers. After a brief reminder to laser physics, a first chapter exposes what makes organic solid-state organic lasers specific. The laser architectures used in organic lasers are then reviewed, with a state-of-the-art review of the performances of devices with regard to output power, threshold, lifetime, beam quality etc. A survey of the recent trends in the field is given, highlighting the latest developments with a special focus on the challenges remaining for achieving direct electrical pumping of organic semiconductor lasers. A last chapter covers the applications of organic solid-state lasers.

  2. Quantum well lasers

    CERN Document Server

    Zory, Jr, Peter S; Kelley, Paul


    This book provides the information necessary for the reader to achieve a thorough understanding of all aspects of QW lasers - from the basic mechanism of optical gain, through the current technolgoical state of the art, to the future technologies of quantum wires and quantum dots. In view of the growing importance of QW lasers, this book should be read by all those with an active interest in laser science and technology, from the advanced student to the experienced laser scientist.* The first comprehensive book-length treatment of quantum well lasers* Provides a detailed treatment

  3. Lasers in space.

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Michaelis, MM


    Full Text Available cube, laser beam reflectors, placed on the Moon half a century ago. These early achievements will soon be followed by a plethora of experiments involving lasers in low earth orbit (LEO) or at Lagrange points. And not much later, laser communications... will stretch out as far as Mars and beyond. One important low Earth orbit (LEO) application is the removal of space debris by Earth based or LEO relayed lasers as promoted by Phipps et al.3. Another is military communication. The prominent L1 laser space...

  4. Bleaching Dengan Teknologi Laser




    Penulisan tentang bleaching dengan laser dimaksudkan untuk menambah wawasan serta pengetahuan dari pembaca di bidang kedokteran gigi. Macam-macam laser yang dipergunakan dalam bleaching yaitu argon, CO2 serta dioda laser. Contoh merek produk laser yaitu Blulaze, Dentcure untuk argonlaser, Novapulse untuk C02 serta Opus 5 untuk dioda laser. Laser bleaching hasilnya dapat dicapai dalam satu kunjungan saja, cepat, efisien namun biayanya relatif mahal, dapat menimbulkan burn, sensitivitas se...

  5. Diode-pumped solid state laser. (Part V). ; Short pulse laser oscillation. Handotai laser reiki kotai laser. 5. ; Tan pulse hasshin

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kuwabara, M.; Bando, N. (Asahi Glass Co. Ltd., Tokyo (Japan))


    A semiconductor laser (LD) excited solid state laser using an LD as an excited light source is under discussion for its practical applications to measurements, processing, communications, office automation, and medical areas. This paper describes the discussions given on the short pulse transmission using AOQ switching elements in the LD excited solid state laser with a long wave length band (1.3{mu}m), which is expected of its application in the communications and measurements area. Based on a possibility of raising a measurements resolution by making the pluses in the LD excited solid state laser, and experiments were performed using Nd:YLF as a laser host. as a results, it was found that the smaller the effective mode volume V {sub eff},the smaller the pulse width, and that the ratio of number of initial inversion distribution (N{sub i}/N{sub t}), an important parameter to determine pulse widths, can be obtained from the ratio of the LD exciting light to the input power (P{sub in}/P{sub t}). 7 refs., 14 figs., 2 tabs.

  6. Wavelength sweepable laser source

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)


    Wavelength sweepable laser source is disclosed, wherein the laser source is a semiconductor laser source adapted for generating laser light at a lasing wavelength. The laser source comprises a substrate, a first reflector, and a second reflector. The first and second reflector together defines...... and having a rest position, the second reflector and suspension together defining a microelectromechanical MEMS oscillator. The MEMS oscillator has a resonance frequency and is adapted for oscillating the second reflector on either side of the rest position.; The laser source further comprises electrical...... connections adapted for applying an electric field to the MEMS oscillator. Furthermore, a laser source system and a method of use of the laser source are disclosed....

  7. Mathematical modeling of a photovoltaic-laser energy converter for iodine laser radiation (United States)

    Walker, Gilbert H.; Heinbockel, John H.


    Space-based laser power systems will require converters to change laser radiation into electricity. Vertical junction photovoltaic converters are promising devices for this use. A promising laser for the laser power station is the t-C4F9I laser which emits radiation at a wavelength of 1.315 microns. This paper describes the results of mathematical modeling of a photovoltaic-laser energy converter for use with this laser. The material for this photovoltaic converter is Ga(53)In(47)As which has a bandgap energy of 0.94 eV, slightly below the energy of the laser photons (0.943 eV). Results of a study optimizing the converter parameters are presented. Calculated efficiency for a 1000 vertical junction converter is 42.5 percent at a power density of 1 x 10 to the 3d power w/sq cm.

  8. Laser Materials and Laser Spectroscopy - A Satellite Meeting of IQEC '88 (United States)

    Wang, Zhijiang; Zhang, Zhiming


    The Table of Contents for the book is as follows: * Laser Materials * Laser Site Spectroscopy of Transition Metal Ions in Glass * Spectroscopy of Chromium Doped Tunable Laser Materials * Spectroscopic Properties of Nd3+ Ions in LaMgAl11O19 Crystal * Spectral Study and 2.938 μm Laser Emission of Er3+ in the Y3Al5O12 Crystal * Raman-infrared Spectra and Radiationless Relaxation of Laser Crystal NdAl3(BO3)4 * A Study on HB and FLN in BaFCl0.5Br0.5:Sm2+ at 77K * Pair-pumped Upconversion Solid State Lasers * CW Upconversion Laser Action in Neodymium and Erbium doped Solids * Ultra-high Sensitive Upconversion Fluorescence of YbF3 Doped with Trace Tm3+ and Er3+ * The Growth and Properties of NYAB and EYAB Multifunctional Crystal * Study on Fluorescence and Laser Light of Er3+ in Glass * Growth and Properties of Single Crystal Fibers for Laser Materials * A Study on the Quality of Sapphire, Ruby and Ti3+ Doped Sapphire Grown by Temperature Gradient Technique (TGT) and Czochralski Technique (CZ) * The Measurement of Output Property of Ti3+ Al2O3 Laser Crystal * An Xα Study of the Laser Crystal MgF2 : V2+ * Q-switched NAB Laser * Miniature YAG Lasers * Study of High Efficiency {LiF}:{F}^-_2 Color Center Crystals * Study on the Formation Conditions and Optical Properties of (F2+)H Color Center in NaCl:OH- Crystals * Novel Spectroscopic Properties of {LiF}:{F}^+_3 - {F}_2 Mixed Color Centers Laser Crystals * Terraced Substrate Visible GaAlAs Semiconductor Lasers with a Large Optical Cavity * The Temperature Dependence of Gain Spectra, Threshold Current and Auger Recombination in InGaAsP-InP Double Heterojunction Laser diode * Time-resolved Photoluminescence and Energy Transfer of Bound Excitons in GaP:N Crystals * Optical Limiting with Semiconductors * A Critical Review of High-efficiency Crystals for Tunable Lasers * Parametric Scattering in β - BaB2O4 Crystal Induced by Picosecond Pulses * Generation of Picosecond Pulses at 193 nm by Frequency Mixing in β - BaB2O4

  9. Ultraviolet laser transverse profile shaping for improving x-ray free electron laser performance

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li, S.; Alverson, S.; Bohler, D.; Egger, A.; Fry, A.


    The photocathode rf gun is one of the most critical components in x-ray free electron lasers. The drive laser strikes the photocathode surface, which emits electrons with properties that depend on the shape of the drive laser. Most free electron lasers use photocathodes with work function in the ultraviolet, a wavelength where direct laser manipulation becomes challenging. In this paper, we present a novel application of a digital micromirror device (DMD) for the 253 nm drive laser at the Linear Coherent Light Source. Laser profile shaping is accomplished through an iterative algorithm that takes into account shaping error and efficiency. Next, we use laser shaping to control the X-ray laser output via an online optimizer, which shows improvement in FEL pulse energy. Lastly, as a preparation for electron beam shaping, we use the DMD to measure the photocathode quantum efficiency across cathode surface with an averaged laser rms spot size of 59 μm. In conclusion, our experiments demonstrate promising outlook of using DMD to shape ultraviolet lasers for photocathode rf guns with various applications.

  10. Ultraviolet laser transverse profile shaping for improving x-ray free electron laser performance (United States)

    Li, S.; Alverson, S.; Bohler, D.; Egger, A.; Fry, A.; Gilevich, S.; Huang, Z.; Miahnahri, A.; Ratner, D.; Robinson, J.; Zhou, F.


    The photocathode rf gun is one of the most critical components in x-ray free electron lasers. The drive laser strikes the photocathode surface, which emits electrons with properties that depend on the shape of the drive laser. Most free electron lasers use photocathodes with work function in the ultraviolet, a wavelength where direct laser manipulation becomes challenging. In this paper, we present a novel application of a digital micromirror device (DMD) for the 253 nm drive laser at the Linear Coherent Light Source. Laser profile shaping is accomplished through an iterative algorithm that takes into account shaping error and efficiency. Next, we use laser shaping to control the X-ray laser output via an online optimizer, which shows improvement in FEL pulse energy. Lastly, as a preparation for electron beam shaping, we use the DMD to measure the photocathode quantum efficiency across cathode surface with an averaged laser rms spot size of 59 μ m . Our experiments demonstrate promising outlook of using DMD to shape ultraviolet lasers for photocathode rf guns with various applications.

  11. Laser sampling

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gorbatenko, A A; Revina, E I


    The review is devoted to the major advances in laser sampling. The advantages and drawbacks of the technique are considered. Specific features of combinations of laser sampling with various instrumental analytical methods, primarily inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, are discussed. Examples of practical implementation of hybrid methods involving laser sampling as well as corresponding analytical characteristics are presented. The bibliography includes 78 references

  12. Studies on corrosion protection of laser hybrid welded AISI 316 by laser remelting

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Olsen, Flemming Ove; Ambat, Rajan; Rasmussen, A.J.


    laser surface melting on microstructure and corrosion behaviour of AISI 316L welds. Welding and laser treatment parameters were varied. General corrosion behaviour of the weld and laser treated surface was characterised using a gel visualization test. The local electrochemistry of the weld and laser......Unlike in autogenous laser welding, hybrid laser welding of stainless steel could introduce grain boundary carbides due to low cooling rates. Formation of grain boundary carbides leads to reduced corrosion properties. Studies have initially been carried out on hybrid laser welding and subsequent...... treated surface was investigated using a novel micro electrochemical technique with a tip resolution of ~1 mm. Results show that hybrid laser welding of 316L has increased corrosion susceptibility probably as a result of grain boundary carbide formation. However a suitable post laser treatment could...

  13. Excimer laser decontamination (United States)

    Sentis, Marc L.; Delaporte, Philippe C.; Marine, Wladimir; Uteza, Olivier P.


    The application of excimer laser ablation process to the decontamination of radioactive surfaces is discussed. This technology is very attractive because it allows to efficiently remove the contaminated particles without secondary waste production. To demonstrate the capability of such technology to efficiently decontaminate large area, we studied and developed a prototype which include a XeCl laser, an optical fiber delivery system and an ablated particles collection cell. The main physical processes taking place during UV laser ablation will be explained. The influence of laser wavelength, pulse duration and absorption coefficient of material will be discussed. Special studies have been performed to understand the processes which limit the transmission of high average power excimer laser through optical fiber, and to determine the laser conditions to optimize the value of this transmission. An in-situ spectroscopic analysis of laser ablation plasma allows the real time control of the decontamination. The results obtained for painting or metallic oxides removal from stainless steel surfaces will be presented.

  14. Efficient Ho:YLF laser pumped by a Tm:fiber laser

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Koen, W


    Full Text Available A thulium fiber laser pumped Ho:YLF laser delivering 45.1 W in a near diffraction limited beam when pumped with 84.7 W is demonstrated. The optical-to-optical efficiency of 53 % compares favorably with similar Ho:YAG lasers....

  15. Biodegradabilidade e propriedades mecânicas de novas misturas poliméricas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rosa Derval S.


    Full Text Available O plástico tem sido cada vez mais usado em nosso cotidiano em diversos tipos de produtos: garrafas, embalagens, automóveis, etc. Diversas alternativas têm sido buscadas para minimizar o impacto ambiental causado pelos polímeros convencionais. Uma importante alternativa é o uso de polímeros biodegradáveis, que podem ser degradados pela ação de microorganismos, tais como bactérias, fungos ou algas. As aplicações tecnológicas de polímeros biodegradáveis normalmente requerem melhorias nas suas propriedades mecânicas. Neste contexto, novas misturas poliméricas vêm sendo obtidas para aplicações inovadoras e mais baratas. Neste trabalho, será apresentada a metodologia de preparação de novas misturas poliméricas, contendo diferentes teores de amido, com Policaprolactona (PCL, Polihidróxibutirato (PHB e um copolímero Poli(hidróxibutirato-co-valerato (PHBV. A resistência à tração das blendas com 50% em massa de amido é 35% e 60% menor do que a dos polímeros PCL e PHBV puros, respectivamente. Quando expostas a microorganismos em lodo ativado, as misturas de PCL ou PHBV com maiores dosagens de amido apresentam maiores taxas de degradação.

  16. Catalisadores sol-gel de Ni-SiO2 e Ni-Al2O3 aplicados na reforma de metano com CO2 - DOI: 10.4025/actascitechnol.v27i1.1492

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Giane Gonçalves


    Full Text Available A reação de reforma do metano com CO2 apresenta-se como um processo promissor de geração de gás de síntese e hidrogênio. Neste sentido, foram preparados catalisadores de níquel-sílica e níquel-alumina pelo método sol-gel, com carga metálica nominal de 8% em massa. Os catalisadores foram caracterizados por redução à temperatura programada, análise termogravimétrica e determinação da área superficial específica. A reação de reforma do metano com CO2 foi realizada em um micro-reator contendo 500 mg de catalisador, previamente ativado em uma mistura redutora contendo hidrogênio. Os ensaios de reforma a seco do metano foram realizados a 800C, na pressão atmosférica, por um período de 12 horas, com uma razão molar de alimentação de [CO2:CH4] = 6. Os produtos da reação foram analisados por cromatografia gasosa. Dentre os catalisadores avaliados, nas condições de reação estudadas, o catalisador de níquel suportado em sílica foi o que apresentou o melhor desempenho

  17. Laser Safety Evaluation of the MILES and Mini MILES Laser Emitting Components; TOPICAL

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    Laser safety evaluation and output emission measurements were performed (during October and November 2001) on SNL MILES and Mini MILES laser emitting components. The purpose, to verify that these components, not only meet the Class 1 (eye safe) laser hazard criteria of the CDRH Compliance Guide for Laser Products and 21 CFR 1040 Laser Product Performance Standard; but also meet the more stringent ANSI Std. z136.1-2000 Safe Use of Lasers conditions for Class 1 lasers that govern SNL laser operations. The results of these measurements confirmed that all of the Small Arms Laser Transmitters, as currently set (''as is''), meet the Class 1 criteria. Several of the Mini MILES Small Arms Transmitters did not. These were modified and re-tested and now meet the Class 1 laser hazard criteria. All but one System Controllers (hand held and rifle stock) met class 1 criteria for single trigger pulls and all presented Class 3a laser hazard levels if the trigger is held (continuous emission) for more than 5 seconds on a single point target. All units were Class 3a for ''aided'' viewing. These units were modified and re-tested and now meet the Class 1 hazard criteria for both ''aided'' as well as ''unaided'' viewing. All the Claymore Mine laser emitters tested are laser hazard Class 1 for both ''aided'' as well as ''unaided'' viewing

  18. Laser ablation principles and applications

    CERN Document Server


    Laser Ablation provides a broad picture of the current understanding of laser ablation and its many applications, from the views of key contributors to the field. Discussed are in detail the electronic processes in laser ablation of semiconductors and insulators, the post-ionization of laser-desorbed biomolecules, Fourier-transform mass spectroscopy, the interaction of laser radiation with organic polymers, laser ablation and optical surface damage, laser desorption/ablation with laser detection, and laser ablation of superconducting thin films.

  19. CO2-laser fusion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stark, E.E. Jr.


    The basic concept of laser fusion is described, with a set of requirements on the laser system. Systems and applications concepts are presented and discussed. The CO 2 laser's characteristics and advantages for laser fusion are described. Finally, technological issues in the development of CO 2 laser systems for fusion applications are discussed

  20. Laser dynamics of asynchronous rational harmonic mode-locked fiber soliton lasers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jyu, Siao-Shan; Jiang, Guo-Hao; Lai, Yinchieh


    Laser dynamics of asynchronous rational harmonic mode-locked (ARHM) fiber soliton lasers are investigated in detail. In particular, based on the unique laser dynamics of asynchronous mode-locking, we have developed a new method for determining the effective active modulation strength in situ for ARHM lasers. By measuring the magnitudes of the slowly oscillating pulse timing position and central frequency, the effective phase modulation strength at the multiplication frequency of rational harmonic mode-locking can be accurately inferred. The method can be a very useful tool for developing ARHM fiber lasers. (paper)

  1. Redução de cor ICUMSA em soluções concentradas de açúcar bruto por processo oxidativo com peróxido de hidrogênio

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juliana Lorenz Mandro


    Full Text Available Resumo A clarificação/purificação do açúcar refinado a partir de açúcares brutos, como Very High Polarization (VHP, é realizada atualmente pelo uso de resinas de troca-iônica ou carvão ativado. No entanto, são metodologias de alto custo, que necessitam de constante regeneração/recuperação e apresentam perda de capacidade em função do tempo de processamento. Neste sentido, estudos sobre tecnologias alternativas ao uso de resinas de troca-iônica e carvão ativado vêm sendo cada vez mais relacionados, para aumentar a economia do setor. O peróxido de hidrogênio em solução comercial (35%, v/v pode também ser entendido como agente promotor de redução de cor ICUMSA, na cadeia produtiva do açúcar refinado. Com isso, foram realizados tratamentos a fim de testar a eficiência do agente oxidante na clarificação de açúcar bruto do tipo VHP. Os tratamentos foram avaliados frente a diferentes doses de peróxido de hidrogênio, pH e temperaturas, durante um tempo reacional de uma hora. Todas as amostras tratadas apresentaram redução de cor ICUMSA, sendo que o maior decréscimo esteve na faixa de 67 a 70%. O aumento da dose de agente oxidante foi proporcional ao aumento de precipitados no meio, em que o tratamento com maior concentração de peróxido de hidrogênio apresentou índice de turbidez de 142 NTU em relação ao valor da amostra bruta (17 NTU, sendo o ensaio com maior turbidez. A degradação de sacarose ocorreu de forma mais pronunciada nos tratamentos com valores de pH abaixo de 5,0. Com isso, o peróxido de hidrogênio se mostrou uma alternativa viável para redução de cor ICUMSA e precipitação de não-açúcares e os tratamentos com melhor redução de cor também não foram críticos na degradação de sacarose.

  2. Radiological protection against lasers

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ballereau, P


    A brief description of the biological effects of laser beams is followed by a review of the factors involved in eye and skin damage (factors linked with the nature of lasers and those linked with the organ affected) and a discussion of the problems involved in the determination of threshold exposure levels. Preventive measures are recommended, according to the type of laser (high-energy pulse laser, continuous laser, gas laser). No legislation on the subject exists in France or in Europe. Types of lasers marketed, threshold exposure levels for eye and skin, variations of admissible exposure levels according to wavelength, etc. are presented in tabular form. Nomogram for determination of safe distance for direct vision of a laser is included.

  3. Laser-tissue interaction in tattoo removal by q-switched lasers. (United States)

    Barua, Shyamanta


    Q-switched (QS) lasers are widely considered the gold standard for tattoo removal, with excellent clinical results, impressive predictability, and a good safety profile. The generation of giant pulses by the method of Q-switching is responsible for the unique laser-tissue interaction that is seen in tattoo removal by QS lasers. The QS lasers work by impaction and dissolution of the tattoo pigments. Mechanical fragmentation of the tattoo pigments encased in intracellular lamellated organelles followed by their phagocytosis by macrophages is thought to be the major event in the clearance of pigments by QS lasers. A few novel techniques have been tried in recent times to hasten the clearance of tattoo pigments.

  4. Traveling-wave laser-produced-plasma energy source for photoionization laser pumping and lasers incorporating said (United States)

    Sher, Mark H.; Macklin, John J.; Harris, Stephen E.


    A traveling-wave, laser-produced-plasma, energy source used to obtain single-pass gain saturation of a photoionization pumped laser. A cylindrical lens is used to focus a pump laser beam to a long line on a target. Grooves are cut in the target to present a surface near normal to the incident beam and to reduce the area, and hence increase the intensity and efficiency, of plasma formation.

  5. 5W intracavity frequency-doubled green laser for laser projection (United States)

    Yan, Boxia; Bi, Yong; Li, Shu; Wang, Dongdong; Wang, Dongzhou; Qi, Yan; Fang, Tao


    High power green laser has many applications such as high brightness laser projection and large screen laser theater. A compact and high power green-light source has been developed in diode-pumped solid-state laser based on MgO doped periodically poled LiNbO3 (MgO:PPLN). 5W fiber coupled green laser is achieved by dual path Nd:YVO4/MgO:PPLN intra-cacity frequency-doubled. Single green laser maximum power 2.8W at 532nm is obtained by a 5.5W LD pumped, MgO:PPLN dimensions is 5mm(width)×1mm(thickness)×2mm(length), and the optical to optical conversion efficiency is 51%. The second LD series connected with the one LD, the second path green laser is obtained using the same method. Then the second path light overlap with the first path by the reflection mirrors, then couple into the fiber with a focus mirror. Dual of LD, Nd:YVO4, MgO:PPLN are placed on the same heat sink using a TEC cooling, the operating temperature bandwidth is about 12°C and the stablity is 5% in 96h. A 50×50×17mm3 laser module which generated continuous-wave 5 W green light with high efficiency and width temperature range is demonstrated.

  6. Designing of Raman laser

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zidan, M. D.; Al-Awad, F.; Alsous, M. B.


    In this work, we describe the design of the Raman laser pumped by Frequency doubled Nd-YAG laser (λ=532 nm) to generate new laser wavelengths by shifting the frequency of the Nd-YAG laser to Stokes region (λ 1 =683 nm, λ 2 =953.6 nm, λ 3 =1579.5 nm) and Antistokes region (λ ' 1 =435 nm, λ ' 2 =369.9 nm, λ ' 3=319.8 nm). Laser resonator has been designed to increase the laser gain. It consists of two mirrors, the back mirror transmits the pump laser beam (λ=532 nm) through the Raman tube and reflects all other generated Raman laser lines. Four special front mirrors were made to be used for the four laser lines λ 1 =683 nm, λ 2 =953.6 nm and λ ' 1 = 435 nm, λ ' 2 =369.9 nm. The output energy for the lines υ 1 s, υ 2 s, υ 1 as,υ 2 as was measured. The output energy of the Raman laser was characterized for different H 2 pressure inside the tube. (Author)

  7. Development of Cr,Nd:GSGG laser as a pumping source of Ti:sapphire laser

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tamura, Koji; Arisawa, Takashi


    Since efficiency of Cr,Nd doped gadolinium scandium gallium garnet (GSGG) laser is in principle higher than that of Nd:YAG laser, it can be a highly efficient pumping source for Ti:sapphire laser. We have made GSGG laser, and measured its oscillation properties. It was two times more efficient than Nd:YAG laser at free running mode operation. At Q-switched mode operation, fundamental output of 50 mJ and second harmonics output of 8 mJ were obtained. The developed laser had appropriate spatial profile, temporal duration, long time stability for solid laser pumping. Ti:sapphire laser oscillation was achieved by the second harmonics of GSGG laser. (author)

  8. Soft x-ray lasers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Matthews, D.L.; Rosen, M.D.


    One of the elusive dreams of laser physicists has been the development of an x-ray laser. After 25 years of waiting, the x-ray laser has at last entered the scientific scene, although those now in operation are still laboratory prototypes. They produce soft x rays down to about five nanometers. X-ray lasers retain the usual characteristics of their optical counterparts: a very tight beam, spatial and temporal coherence, and extreme brightness. Present x-ray lasers are nearly 100 times brighter that the next most powerful x-ray source in the world: the electron synchrotron. Although Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) is widely known for its hard-x-ray laser program which has potential applications in the Strategic Defense Initiative, the soft x-ray lasers have no direct military applications. These lasers, and the scientific tools that result from their development, may one day have a place in the design and diagnosis of both laser fusion and hard x-ray lasers. The soft x-ray lasers now in operation at the LLNL have shown great promise but are still in the primitive state. Once x-ray lasers become reliable, efficient, and economical, they will have several important applications. Chief among them might be the creation of holograms of microscopic biological structures too small to be investigated with visible light. 5 figs

  9. History and principle of lasers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Townes, Ch.H.; Schwob, C.; Julien, J.; Forget, S.; Robert-Philip, I.; Balcou, Ph.


    In the first article C.H. Townes, the inventor of the maser, describes the work and ideas that led to the invention of the laser. The second article explains how a laser operate and the third article reviews the main different types of laser: solid lasers, gas lasers, diode lasers and dye lasers

  10. Laser Safety and Hazard Analysis for the Trailer (B70) Based AURA Laser System

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    A laser safety and hazard analysis was performed for the AURA laser system based on the 2000 version of the American National Standards Institute's (ANSI) Standard Z136.1, for ''Safe Use of Lasers'' and the 2000 version of the ANSI Standard Z136.6, for ''Safe Use of Lasers Outdoors''. The trailer based AURA laser system is a mobile platform, which is used to perform laser interaction experiments and tests at various national test sites. The trailer (B70) based AURA laser system is generally operated on the United State Air Force Starfire Optical Range (SOR) at Kirtland Air Force Base (KAFB), New Mexico. The laser is used to perform laser interaction testing inside the laser trailer as well as outside the trailer at target sites located at various distances from the exit telescope. In order to protect personnel, who work inside the Nominal Hazard Zone (NHZ), from hazardous laser emission exposures it was necessary to determine the Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE) for each laser wavelength (wavelength bands) and calculate the appropriate minimum Optical Density (OD min ) of the laser safety eyewear used by authorized personnel and the Nominal Ocular Hazard Distance (NOHD) to protect unauthorized personnel who may have violated the boundaries of the control area and enter into the laser's NHZ

  11. On-Chip Laser-Power Delivery System for Dielectric Laser Accelerators (United States)

    Hughes, Tyler W.; Tan, Si; Zhao, Zhexin; Sapra, Neil V.; Leedle, Kenneth J.; Deng, Huiyang; Miao, Yu; Black, Dylan S.; Solgaard, Olav; Harris, James S.; Vuckovic, Jelena; Byer, Robert L.; Fan, Shanhui; England, R. Joel; Lee, Yun Jo; Qi, Minghao


    We propose an on-chip optical-power delivery system for dielectric laser accelerators based on a fractal "tree-network" dielectric waveguide geometry. This system replaces experimentally demanding free-space manipulations of the driving laser beam with chip-integrated techniques based on precise nanofabrication, enabling access to orders-of-magnitude increases in the interaction length and total energy gain for these miniature accelerators. Based on computational modeling, in the relativistic regime, our laser delivery system is estimated to provide 21 keV of energy gain over an acceleration length of 192 μ m with a single laser input, corresponding to a 108-MV/m acceleration gradient. The system may achieve 1 MeV of energy gain over a distance of less than 1 cm by sequentially illuminating 49 identical structures. These findings are verified by detailed numerical simulation and modeling of the subcomponents, and we provide a discussion of the main constraints, challenges, and relevant parameters with regard to on-chip laser coupling for dielectric laser accelerators.

  12. Laser therapy for cancer (United States)

    ... this page: // Laser therapy for cancer To use the sharing features ... Lasers are also used on the skin. How Laser Therapy is Used Laser therapy can be used ...

  13. Lasers in Cancer Treatment (United States)

    ... the advantages of laser therapy? What are the disadvantages of laser therapy? What does the future hold ... therapy is appropriate for them. What are the disadvantages of laser therapy? Laser therapy also has several ...

  14. Laser therapy (image) (United States)

    A laser is used for many medical purposes. Because the laser beam is so small and precise, it enables ... without injuring surrounding tissue. Some uses of the laser are retinal surgery, excision of lesions, and cauterization ...

  15. Tunable laser optics

    CERN Document Server

    Duarte, FJ


    This Second Edition of a bestselling book describes the optics and optical principles needed to build lasers. It also highlights the optics instrumentation necessary to characterize laser emissions and focuses on laser-based optical instrumentation. The book emphasizes practical and utilitarian aspects of relevant optics including the essential theory. This revised, expanded, and improved edition contains new material on tunable lasers and discusses relevant topics in quantum optics.

  16. Laser cutting system (United States)

    Dougherty, Thomas J


    A workpiece cutting apparatus includes a laser source, a first suction system, and a first finger configured to guide a workpiece as it moves past the laser source. The first finger includes a first end provided adjacent a point where a laser from the laser source cuts the workpiece, and the first end of the first finger includes an aperture in fluid communication with the first suction system.

  17. Laser cooling of solids

    CERN Document Server

    Petrushkin, S V


    Laser cooling is an important emerging technology in such areas as the cooling of semiconductors. The book examines and suggests solutions for a range of problems in the development of miniature solid-state laser refrigerators, self-cooling solid-state lasers and optical echo-processors. It begins by looking at the basic theory of laser cooling before considering such topics as self-cooling of active elements of solid-state lasers, laser cooling of solid-state information media of optical echo-processors, and problems of cooling solid-state quantum processors. Laser Cooling of Solids is an important contribution to the development of compact laser-powered cryogenic refrigerators, both for the academic community and those in the microelectronics and other industries. Provides a timely review of this promising field of research and discusses the fundamentals and theory of laser cooling Particular attention is given to the physics of cooling processes and the mathematical description of these processes Reviews p...

  18. Máxima velocidade aeróbia calculada pelo custo da frequência cardíaca: relação com a performance

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    D.F. da Silva


    Conclusões: A vFCmax em corredores recreacionais de meia idade tem elevada relação com as performances de 10 e 15 km e não foi diferente da Vpico (para vFCmax de Lacour et al., apresentando resultados semelhantes aos observados pelos métodos baseados no custo de oxigênio.

  19. Levomepromazina e acepromazina no bloqueio da arritmia induzida pela adrenalina em cães anestesiados pelo halotano

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    Rezende Márlis Langenegger de


    Full Text Available Com este experimento, objetivou-se comparar os efeitos antiarritmogênicos da levomepromazina e da acepromazina em cães anestesiados pelo halotano e submetidos a doses crescentes de adrenalina. Foram empregados 19 animais adultos, sadios, separados em dois grupos, sendo um de 10 (G1 e outro de 09 (G2. O G1 recebeu, por via intravenosa, levomepromazina, na dose de 1mg/kg, seguida 15 minutos após, pela aplicação de propofol, pela mesma via, na dose de 5 ± 1,3mg/kg. Procedeu-se à intubação orotraqueal e iniciou-se a administração de halotano, diluído em oxigênio, na concentração de 3 CAM (2,5 V%, em circuito anestésico semi-fechado. Decorridos 50 minutos da indução anestésica, iniciou-se a administração contínua, intravenosa, de solução de adrenalina a 4% em doses crescentes de 4, 5, 6, 7 e 8mig/kg/min, com incremento da dose a intervalos de 10 minutos. Para o G2, empregou-se a mesma metodologia, substituindo-se a levomepromazina pela acepromazina, na dose de 0,1mg/kg. A eletrocardiografia e as pressões arteriais (sistólica, diastólica e média dos animais permaneceram sob monitoramento contínuo, com início imediatamente antes da aplicação dos fármacos e término ao final do período experimental. As colheitas dos valores numéricos tiveram início imediatamente antes da aplicação dos fármacos (M1, seguidas de novas mensurações realizadas nos momentos correspondentes às doses crescentes de adrenalina (4, 5, 6, 7, 8mig/kg/minuto; M2, M3, M4, M5, M6, respectivamente. Os valores obtidos na eletrocardiografia referem o número total de batimentos ventriculares ectópicos correspondentes às doses crescentes de adrenalina. Apenas um animal de cada grupo apresentou arritmia ventricular sustentada, sendo que o animal pré-tratado com acepromazina foi à óbito. Os resultados obtidos permitiram concluir que a levomepromazina e a acepromazina minimizam a arritmia ventricular induzida pela adrenalina, nas doses empregadas


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    Bruno Pereira Melo

    Full Text Available RESUMO O treinamento físico é uma estratégia importante para a saúde de pessoas que vivem com HIV/AIDS; contudo, suas respostas a curto prazo ainda não foram amplamente estudadas, o que limita o entendimento dos efeitos e da segurança da prescrição do treinamento para essa população. Portanto, objetivou-se revisar sistematicamente as respostas agudas decorrentes do exercício físico em pessoas com HIV sobre variáveis fisiológicas e imunológicas. Para isso, foi realizada uma revisão sistemática a partir de trabalhos indexados nas seguintes bases de dados: Medline, Lilacs, Scielo, Web of Science e Science Direct. Os descritores utilizados foram: acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, HIV, AIDS, seropositive, acute session, short, physical activity, exercise, training. As buscas foram realizadas em fevereiro de 2015 e atualizadas em dezembro de 2015 e foram conduzidas sem restrição de datas de publicação ou idioma específico. Foram incluídos para esta revisão artigos que avaliaram as respostas agudas decorrentes de algum modelo de prescrição de treinamento físico envolvendo exercícios aeróbicos, com pesos ou combinados (exercícios aeróbicos e com pesos relacionados com variáveis fisiológicas e imunológicas em pessoas infectadas pelo HIV. Foram encontrados 2.422 títulos, dos quais, após exclusão das duplicatas e a aplicação dos critérios de elegibilidade, foram selecionados sete artigos para síntese qualitativa. De acordo com os resultados reportados pelos estudos há evidências de que, imediatamente após a realização do exercício físico, ocorre um aumento do número de células circulantes, incluindo leucócitos totais, neutrófilos, monócitos e linfócitos T CD8+ em pessoas infectadas pelo HIV. Além disso, também se observaram alterações significantes nas concentrações de lactato, triglicerídeos, epinefrina e norepinefrina imediatamente após a realização do treinamento aer

  1. Laser physics and a review of laser applications in dentistry for children. (United States)

    Martens, L C


    The aim of this introduction to this special laser issue is to describe some basic laser physics and to delineate the potential of laser-assisted dentistry in children. A brief review of the available laser literature was performed within the scope of paediatric dentistry. Attention was paid to soft tissue surgery, caries prevention and diagnosis, cavity preparation, comfort of the patient, effect on bacteria, long term pulpal vitality, endodontics in primary teeth, dental traumatology and low level laser therapy. Although there is a lack of sufficient evidence taking into account the highest standards for evidence-based dentistry, it is clear that laser application in a number of different aetiologies for soft tissue surgery in children has proven to be successful. Lasers provide a refined diagnosis of caries combined with the appropriate preventive adhesive dentistry after cavity preparation. This will further lead to a new wave of micro-dentistry based on 'filling without drilling'. It has become clear from a review of the literature that specific laser applications in paediatric dentistry have gained increasing importance. It can be concluded that children should be considered as amongst the first patients for receiving laser-assisted dentistry.

  2. Femtosecond laser inscribed cladding waveguide lasers in Nd:LiYF4 crystals (United States)

    Li, Shi-Ling; Huang, Ze-Ping; Ye, Yong-Kai; Wang, Hai-Long


    Depressed circular cladding, buried waveguides were fabricated in Nd:LiYF4 crystals with an ultrafast Yb-doped fiber master-oscillator power amplifier laser. Waveguides were optimized by varying the laser writing conditions, such as pulse energy, focus depth, femtosecond laser polarization and scanning velocity. Under optical pump at 799 nm, cladding waveguides showed continuous-wave laser oscillation at 1047 nm. Single- and multi-transverse modes waveguide laser were realized by varying the waveguide diameter. The maximum output power in the 40 μm waveguide is ∼195 mW with a slope efficiency of 34.3%. The waveguide lasers with hexagonal and cubic cladding geometry were also realized.

  3. Pré-tratamento de lixiviados de aterros sanitários por filtração direta ascendente e coluna de carvão ativado Landfill leachate pre-treatment by upflow direct filtration and column of activated carbon

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Armando Borges de Castilhos Junior


    Full Text Available Vários problemas ambientais no Brasil decorrem do acelerado crescimento dos setores produtivos e, consequentemente, da multiplicidade dos resíduos sólidos urbanos gerados. A disposição destes em aterros sanitários é prática comum; entretanto, essa deposição requer medidas de proteção ambiental, incluindo o tratamento dos lixiviados. Este trabalho, conduzido em filtros de areia e coluna de carvão ativado, trata de proposta de tratamento físico-químico do lixiviado como alternativa ao processo biológico. No que se refere ao processo de filtração, observaram-se reduções de até 74% para DQO, 47% para DBO, 93% para cor, 90% para amônia e aumento de 0,3 para 0,9 na relação DBO5/DQO. Constataram-se limitações com relação à duração das carreiras de filtração, para o que se sugere avaliar outras granulometrias de areia e até mesmo tecnologias de tratamento.Several environmental problems in Brazil are due to the rapid growth of various productive sectors, and the resulting qualitative multiplicity of municipal solid waste that are generated. The disposal of solid waste in landfills is a common practice; however, it requires environment protection measures, including the treatment of leachate. This work conducted in sand filters and activated carbon column refers to physical and chemical treatment of leachate as an alternative to the biological process. Regarding the filtration process, the results showed reductions of up to 74% for COD, 47% for BOD, 93% for color, 90% for ammonia and an increase from 0.3 to 0.9 in BOD5/COD relation. Limitations were found in relation to filtration run, which suggests the evaluation of other size grains and even treatment technologies.

  4. O sujeito biotecnológico na viagem pelo reino das batatas trangênicas, porquinhos fosforecentes e almas codificadas


    Hüning, Simone Maria


    Este estudo versa sobre a centralidade que as biotecnologias vêm assumindo na constituição e compreensão da subjetividade na contemporaneidade a partir de uma pesquisa que analisa a proliferação das biotecnologias e a intensificação de enunciados sobre as mesmas na vida cotidiana. Tomando as ferramentas conceituais oferecidas pelos trabalhos de Bruno Latour e Michel Foucault, iniciase esta tese pela análise da constituição da mesma, que é permeada por questões políticas, éticas, institucionai...

  5. Alterações neuroquímicas e morfológicas induzidas pelo hipertireoidismo no hipocampo de ratos imaturos


    Andrade, Camila Mariana


    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências Biológicas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Bioquímica, Florianópolis, 2014. O hipertireoidismo está relacionado a diversas manifestações neurológicas. Todavia, os mecanismos precisos pelos quais os HT induzem seus efeitos no cérebro durante o desenvolvimento ainda são controversos. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram analisar o efeito desta patologia sobre a indução de estresse oxidativo, bem como as defesas an...

  6. Advanced Laser Architecture for Two-Step Laser Tandem Mass Spectrometer (United States)

    Fahey, Molly E.; Li, Steven X.; Yu, Anthony W.; Getty, Stephanie A.


    Future astrobiology missions will focus on planets with significant astrochemical or potential astrobiological features, such as small, primitive bodies and the icy moons of the outer planets that may host diverse organic compounds. These missions require advanced instrument techniques to fully and unambiguously characterize the composition of surface and dust materials. Laser desorptionionization mass spectrometry (LDMS) is an emerging instrument technology for in situ mass analysis of non-volatile sample composition. A recent Goddard LDMS advancement is the two-step laser tandem mass spectrometer (L2MS) instrument to address the need for future flight instrumentation to deconvolve complex organic signatures. The L2MS prototype uses a resonance enhanced multi-photon laser ionization mechanism to selectively detect aromatic species from a more complex sample. By neglecting the aliphatic and inorganic mineral signatures in the two-step mass spectrum, the L2MS approach can provide both mass assignments and clues to structural information for an in situ investigation of non-volatile sample composition. In this paper we will describe our development effort on a new laser architecture that is based on the previously flown Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter (LOLA) laser transmitter for the L2MS instrument. The laser provides two discrete midinfrared wavelengths (2.8 m and 3.4 m) using monolithic optical parametric oscillators and ultraviolet (UV) wavelength (266 nm) on a single laser bench with a straightforward development path toward flight readiness.

  7. Laser in operative dentistry

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    E. Yasini


    Full Text Available Today laser has a lot of usage in medicine and dentistry. In the field of dentistry, laser is used in soft tissue surgery, sterilization of canals (in root canal therapy and in restorative dentistry laser is used for cavity preparation, caries removal, sealing the grooves (in preventive dentistry, etching enamel and dentin, composite polymerization and removal of tooth sensitivity. The use of Co2 lasers and Nd: YAG for cavity preparation, due to creating high heat causes darkness and cracks around the region of laser radiation. Also due to high temperature of these lasers, pulp damage is inevitable. So today, by using the Excimer laser especially the argon floride type with a wavelength of 193 nm, the problem of heat stress have been solved, but the use of lasers in dentistry, especially for cavity preparation needs more researches and evaluations.

  8. Flexible Laser Metal Cutting

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Villumsen, Sigurd; Jørgensen, Steffen Nordahl; Kristiansen, Morten


    This paper describes a new flexible and fast approach to laser cutting called ROBOCUT. Combined with CAD/CAM technology, laser cutting of metal provides the flexibility to perform one-of-a-kind cutting and hereby realises mass production of customised products. Today’s laser cutting techniques...... possess, despite their wide use in industry, limitations regarding speed and geometry. Research trends point towards remote laser cutting techniques which can improve speed and geometrical freedom and hereby the competitiveness of laser cutting compared to fixed-tool-based cutting technology...... such as punching. This paper presents the concepts and preliminary test results of the ROBOCUT laser cutting technology, a technology which potentially can revolutionise laser cutting....

  9. Measurement of the emission spectrum of a semiconductor laser using laser-feedback interferometry. (United States)

    Keeley, James; Freeman, Joshua; Bertling, Karl; Lim, Yah L; Mohandas, Reshma A; Taimre, Thomas; Li, Lianhe H; Indjin, Dragan; Rakić, Aleksandar D; Linfield, Edmund H; Davies, A Giles; Dean, Paul


    The effects of optical feedback (OF) in lasers have been observed since the early days of laser development. While OF can result in undesirable and unpredictable operation in laser systems, it can also cause measurable perturbations to the operating parameters, which can be harnessed for metrological purposes. In this work we exploit this 'self-mixing' effect to infer the emission spectrum of a semiconductor laser using a laser-feedback interferometer, in which the terminal voltage of the laser is used to coherently sample the reinjected field. We demonstrate this approach using a terahertz frequency quantum cascade laser operating in both single- and multiple-longitudinal mode regimes, and are able to resolve spectral features not reliably resolved using traditional Fourier transform spectroscopy. We also investigate quantitatively the frequency perturbation of individual laser modes under OF, and find excellent agreement with predictions of the excess phase equation central to the theory of lasers under OF.

  10. Lasers in chemical processing

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Davis, J.I.


    The high cost of laser energy is the crucial issue in any potential laser-processing application. It is expensive relative to other forms of energy and to most bulk chemicals. We show those factors that have previously frustrated attempts to find commercially viable laser-induced processes for the production of materials. Having identified the general criteria to be satisfied by an economically successful laser process and shown how these imply the laser-system requirements, we present a status report on the uranium laser isotope separation (LIS) program at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

  11. Laser power supply

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bernstein, D.


    The laser power supply includes a regulator which has a high voltage control loop based on a linear approximation of a laser tube negative resistance characteristic. The regulator has independent control loops for laser current and power supply high voltage

  12. Lasers in endodontics: an overview (United States)

    Frentzen, Matthias; Braun, Andreas; Koort, Hans J.


    The interest in endodontic use of dental laser systems is increasing. Developing laser technology and a better understanding of laser effects widened the spectrum of possible endodontic indications. Various laser systems including excimer-, argon+-, diode-, Nd:YAG-, Er:YAG- and CO2-lasers are used in pulp diagnosis, treatment of hypersensitivity, pulp capping, sterilization of root canals, root canal shaping and obturation or apicoectomy. With the development of new delivery systems - thin and flexible fibers - for many different wavelengths laser applications in endodontics may increase. Since laser devices are still relatively costly, access to them is limited. Most of the clinical applications are laser assisted procedures such as the removing of pulp remnants and debris or disinfection of infected root canals. The essential question is whether a laser can provide improved treatment over conventional care. To perform laser therapy in endodontics today different laser types with adopted wavelengths and pulse widths are needed, each specific to a particular application. Looking into the future we will need endodontic laser equipment providing optimal laser parameters for different treatment modalities. Nevertheless, the quantity of research reports from the last decade promises a genuine future for lasers in endodontics.

  13. Cutting using the CO laser. Trennen mit dem CO-Laser

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Maisenhaelder, F.; Stoehr, M. (DLR, Inst. fuer Technische Physik, Stuttgart (Germany))


    Several cutting experiments were performed to investigate the maximum cutting speed when using CO or CO{sub 2} laser radiation. The material which was used for these experiments was mild steel (St 37) and stainless steel (V2A; X5CrNi 189), the material thickness varied from 0.5 mm to 4 mm. The cutting parameters, especially the focal power density and the focal diameter, were equal for both laser wavelengths. The experimental result shows an increased cutting speed with CO laser beams in comparison to CO{sub 2} laser beams.

  14. Laser marking method and device

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Okazaki, Yuki; Aoki, Nobutada; Mukai, Narihiko; Sano, Yuji; Yamamoto, Seiji.


    An object is disposed in laser beam permeating liquid or gaseous medium. Laser beams such as CW laser or pulse laser oscillated from a laser device are emitted to the object to apply laser markings with less degradation of identification and excellent corrosion resistance on the surface of the object simply and easily. Upon applying the laser markings, a liquid or gas as a laser beam permeating medium is blown onto the surface of the object, or the liquid or gas in the vicinity of the object is sucked, the laser beam-irradiated portion on the surface can be cooled positively. Accordingly, the laser marking can be formed on the surface of the object with less heat affection to the object. In addition, if the content of a nitrogen gas in the laser beam permeating liquid medium is reduced by degassing to lower than a predetermined value, or the laser beam permeating gaseous medium is formed by an inert gas, a laser marking having high corrosion resistance and reliability can be formed on the surface of the objective member. (N.H.)

  15. Absorção intestinal de D-xilose em crianças infectadas pelo vírus da imunodeficiência humana

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    PERIN Nilza Medeiros


    Full Text Available Objetivos - Avaliar a absorção intestinal em crianças de 18 meses a 14 anos infectadas pelo HIV, atendidas em uma unidade de ambulatório e verificar se existe associação entre má absorção, diarréia, estado nutricional, alteração imunológica, parasitas entéricos clássicos e Cryptosporidium. Metodologia - A absorção intestinal foi investigada utilizando-se a medida da D-xilose sérica. Amostras fecais foram colhidas para a pesquisa de pátogenos entéricos clássicos e Cryptosporidium. O tamanho da amostra foi calculado considerando a prevalência de 30% com precisão de 5% de alteração na absorção da D-xilose em crianças infectadas pelo HIV. Os procedimentos estatísticos utilizados foram: medidas descritivas, análise de correspondência múltipla e regressão logística. Resultados - Das 104 crianças estudadas, somente 8 (7,7% apresentaram o teste da D-xilose alterado e 33 (31,73% foram positivas para Cryptosporidium. A análise de correspondência múltipla aplicada aos dados encontrados sugeriu a associação entre o teste da D-xilose alterado e a presença de Cryptosporidium. Não se encontrou associação entre o teste alterado e diarréia, estado nutricional, alteração imunológica e parasistas entéricos clássicos. Conclusões - A má absorção intestinal avaliada pelo teste da D-xilose foi infreqüente nas crianças HIV positivas estudadas. O comprometimento intestinal, quando presente, parece estar relacionado com a presença de Cryptosporidium, porém não com diarréia, estado nutricional, alteração imunológica e parasistas entéricos clássicos.

  16. CO laser angioplasty system: efficacy of manipulatable laser angioscope catheter (United States)

    Arai, Tsunenori; Kikuchi, Makoto; Mizuno, Kyoichi; Sakurada, Masami; Miyamoto, Akira; Arakawa, Koh; Kurita, Akira; Nakamura, Haruo; Takeuchi, Kiyoshi; Utsumi, Atsushi; Akai, Yoshiro


    A percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty system using a unique combination of CO laser (5 micrometers ) and As-S infrared glass fiber under the guidance of a manipulatable laser angioscope catheter is described. The ablation and guidance functions of this system are evaluated. The angioplasty treatment procedure under angioscope guidance was studied by in vitro model experiment and in vivo animal experiment. The whole angioplasty system is newly developed. That is, a transportable compact medical CO laser device which can emit up to 10 W, a 5 F manipulatable laser angioscope catheter, a thin CO laser cable of which the diameter is 0.6 mm, an angioscope imaging system for laser ablation guidance, and a system controller were developed. Anesthetized adult mongrel dogs (n equals 5) with an artificial complete occlusion in the femoral artery and an artificial human vessel model including occluded or stenotic coronary artery were used. The manipulatability of the catheter was drastically improved (both rotation and bending), therefore, precise control of ablation to expand stenosis was obtained. A 90% artificial stenosis made of human yellow plaque in 4.0 mm diameter in the vessel was expanded to 70% stenosis by repetitive CO laser ablations of which total energy was 220 J. All procedures were performed and controlled under angioscope visualization.

  17. Laser welding engineering

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bhieh, N. M.; El Eesawi, M. E.; Hashkel, A. E.


    Laser welding was in its early life used mainly for unusual applications where no other welding process would be suitable that was twenty five years ago. Today, laser welding is a fully developed part of the metal working industry, routinely producing welds for common items such as cigarette lighters, which springs, motor/transformer lamination, hermetic seals, battery and pacemaker cans and hybrid circuit packages. Yet very few manufacturing engineering have seriously considers employing lasers in their own operations. Why? There are many reasons, but a main one must be not acquainted with the operation and capabilities of a laser system. Other reasons, such as a relatively high initial cost and a concern about using lasers in the manufacturing environment, also are frequently cited, and the complexity of the component and flexibility of the light delivery system. Laser welding could be used in place of many different standard processes, such as resistance (spot or seam), submerged arc, RF induction, high-frequency resistance, ultrasonic and electronic and electron-beam. while each of these techniques has established an independent function in the manufacturing world, the flexible laser welding approach will operate efficiently and economically in many different applications. Its flexibility will even permit the welding system to be used for other machining function, such as drilling, scribing, sealing and serializing. In this article, we will look at how laser welding works and what benefits it can offer to manufacturing engineers. Some industry observers state that there are already 2,000 laser machine tools being used for cutting, welding and drilling and that the number could reach 30,000 over the next 15 years as manufacturing engineers become more aware of the capabilities of lasers [1). While most laser applications are dedicated to one product or process that involves high-volume, long-run manufacturing, the flexibility of a laser to supply energy to hard

  18. A infância (recontada pelo fio da memória de psicoterapeutas septuagenários

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Manoel Antônio dos Santos


    Full Text Available Este estudo teve por objetivo investigar os relatos de psicoterapeutas idosos sobre sua infância, buscando identificar, nas experiências de vida narradas, elementos relacionados às vivências familiares. O estudo é de caráter descritivo e exploratório, de abordagem qualitativa com a utilização do método clínico-qualitativo. Participaram cinco psicoterapeutas septuagenários, escolhidos pelo critério de prestígio desfrutado junto aos pares dentro e fora de instituições psicanalíticas. Foi utilizada entrevista aberta, audiogravada e, posteriormente, transcrita na íntegra. Os relatos foram submetidos à análise de conteúdo temática. Os dados foram interpretados com base no referencial teórico psicanalítico da transmissão psíquica. A análise resultou na construção de três categorias temáticas: (1 A família como rede simbólica que define a posição subjetiva de seus membros; (2 Entre a reverência e a rebeldia: a possibilidade de reinventar a tradição familiar; e (3 Construindo o pertencimento à cadeia geracional. Constatou-se que as narrativas dos psicoterapeutas sobre a infância se estruturaram em torno da vida familiar, pautada em hábitos e papéis familiares bem delimitados, com rígida divisão de funções entre pai, mãe e filhos. A posição ocupada pelo sujeito na fratria e a submissão a um mito fundador da linhagem são elementos que auxiliam na compreensão do engendramento de cada participante na cadeia intergeracional.

  19. Teradiode's high brightness semiconductor lasers (United States)

    Huang, Robin K.; Chann, Bien; Burgess, James; Lochman, Bryan; Zhou, Wang; Cruz, Mike; Cook, Rob; Dugmore, Dan; Shattuck, Jeff; Tayebati, Parviz


    TeraDiode is manufacturing multi-kW-class ultra-high brightness fiber-coupled direct diode lasers for industrial applications. A fiber-coupled direct diode laser with a power level of 4,680 W from a 100 μm core diameter, BPP) of 3.5 mm-mrad and is the lowest BPP multi-kW-class direct diode laser yet reported. This laser is suitable for industrial materials processing applications, including sheet metal cutting and welding. This 4-kW fiber-coupled direct diode laser has comparable brightness to that of industrial fiber lasers and CO2 lasers, and is over 10x brighter than state-of-the-art direct diode lasers. We have also demonstrated novel high peak power lasers and high brightness Mid-Infrared Lasers.

  20. Color speckle in laser displays (United States)

    Kuroda, Kazuo


    At the beginning of this century, lighting technology has been shifted from discharge lamps, fluorescent lamps and electric bulbs to solid-state lighting. Current solid-state lighting is based on the light emitting diodes (LED) technology, but the laser lighting technology is developing rapidly, such as, laser cinema projectors, laser TVs, laser head-up displays, laser head mounted displays, and laser headlamps for motor vehicles. One of the main issues of laser displays is the reduction of speckle noise1). For the monochromatic laser light, speckle is random interference pattern on the image plane (retina for human observer). For laser displays, RGB (red-green-blue) lasers form speckle patterns independently, which results in random distribution of chromaticity, called color speckle2).

  1. Recent laser experiments on the Aurora KrF/ICF laser system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Turner, T.P.; Jones, J.E.; Czuchlewski, S.J.; Watt, R.G.; Thomas, S.J.; Kang, M.; Tallman, C.R.; Mack, J.M.; Figueira, J.F.


    The Aurora KrF/ICF Laser Facility at Los Alamos is operational at the kilojoule-level for both laser and target experiments. We report on recent laser experiments on the system and resulting system improvements. 3 refs., 4 figs

  2. Utilização do laser de argônio na remoção de sutura corneana Use of argon laser in corneal suture removal

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Edélcio Vieira


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Descrever a técnica da retirada de sutura em córnea clara, evitando-se o contato da parte externa do fio com o meio intra-ocular e avaliar se esse procedimento evitaria infecções. MÉTODOS: Foi realizado estudo retrospectivo de 1.233 casos de retirada de sutura de mononylon 10.0 em córnea clara, utilizando-se laser de argônio para cortar o fio, no qual se avaliou a incidência de infecções. RESULTADOS: Em 1.071 olhos, um tiro foi suficiente para cortar o ponto. Em 162 olhos, o tiro do laser atingiu a parte epitelial da sutura, sendo necessários disparos extras para cortar a parte intra-estromal e, assim, retirá-la sem que a parte externa do fio passasse pelo interior da córnea. Não ocorreram complicações após a retirada da sutura. CONCLUSÕES: A técnica utilizada mostrou-se eficaz na remoção das suturas e possivelmente apresenta risco menor de infecção, uma vez que a parte do fio sobrejacente ao epitélio não entra em contato com as camadas mais internas da córnea, nem com a câmara anterior, não tendo sido observado nenhum caso de infecção nesta pesquisa.PURPOSE: To describe the technique of clear-cornea suture removal, that avoids the contact of the external part of the thread with the intraocular medium, and to evaluate whether this procedure would prevent infections. METHODS: A retrospective study of 1.233 cases of clear-cornea mononylon 10.0 suture removal, by the use of an argon laser to cut the thread, was performed. Incidence of infection was then assessed. RESULTS: In 1.071 eyes, one shot was enough to cut the stitch. In 162 eyes, the laser shot hit the epithelial part of the suture, making new shots necessary to cut the intrastromal part, and thus to remove it assuring that the outer part of the stitch would not come in to contact with the interior of the cornea. There were no complications after suture removal. CONCLUSIONS: The technique has shown to be effective in suture removal. And, possibly

  3. Laser for fusion energy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Holzrichter, J.F.


    Solid state lasers have proven to be very versatile tools for the study and demonstration of inertial confinement fusion principles. When lasers were first contemplated to be used for the compression of fusion fuel in the late 1950s, the laser output energy levels were nominally one joule and the power levels were 10 3 watts (pulse duration's of 10 -3 sec). During the last 25 years, lasers optimized for fusion research have been increased in power to typically 100,000 joules with power levels approaching 10 14 watts. As a result of experiments with such lasers at many locations, DT target performance has been shown to be consistent with high gain target output. However, the demonstration of ignition and gain requires laser energies of several megajoules. Laser technology improvements demonstrated over the past decade appear to make possible the construction of such multimegajoule lasers at affordable costs. (author)

  4. Laser Processing and Chemistry

    CERN Document Server

    Bäuerle, Dieter


    This book gives an overview of the fundamentals and applications of laser-matter interactions, in particular with regard to laser material processing. Special attention is given to laser-induced physical and chemical processes at gas-solid, liquid-solid, and solid-solid interfaces. Starting with the background physics, the book proceeds to examine applications of lasers in “standard” laser machining and laser chemical processing (LCP), including the patterning, coating, and modification of material surfaces. This fourth edition has been enlarged to cover the rapid advances in the understanding of the dynamics of materials under the action of ultrashort laser pulses, and to include a number of new topics, in particular the increasing importance of lasers in various different fields of surface functionalizations and nanotechnology. In two additional chapters, recent developments in biotechnology, medicine, art conservation and restoration are summarized. Graduate students, physicists, chemists, engineers, a...

  5. Laser applications for energy. Fifty years since advent of laser and next thirty years

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nakai, Sadao


    The utilization of light has been changed since the advent of lasers about fifty years ago. Now in the twenty first century, laser science is being applied in every industry as the fundamental technology. In the recent years, remarkable progresses have been made in the semiconductor lasers of high power and wide wavelength region. The amazing developments of ceramics laser materials like YAG and nonlinear optics materials of organic crystals have been achieved as well as the big progress in the fiber lasers. It is also to be pointed out that very high power ultra short laser pulses have become available. In the field of power photonics, which is based on the power semiconductor lasers, fiber lasers and new laser materials, various industrial applications are expected to be constructed further in civil engineering, manufacturing technology, agricultural and biological applications, medical utilization and space sciences. It is expected, by the development of ultra short pulse and ultra high mean power lasers, that particle accelerations, ultra high density sciences, nuclear fusion neutron sources and laser fusion power reactors are to be advanced drastically. Recent development and future prospects of high power lasers are illustrated. Lasers are now regarded as one of the key technologies in line with the national policy toward the creation of innovative industries. Realization of the laser fusion reactor is the most challenging target in the coming thirty years. (S. Funahashi)

  6. Disk laser: a new generation of industrial lasers (United States)

    Brockmann, Rüdiger; Havrilla, David


    The disk laser concept aggregates high efficiency, excellent beam quality, high average and peak power with moderate cost and high reliability. Therefore it became one major technology in industrial laser material processing. In several large scale installations in the automotive industry, high power cw- systems make already use of the high brightness and high efficiency of disk lasers, e.g. in remote welding [1,2]. Other applications including cutting, drilling, deep welding and hybrid welding are arising. This report highlights the latest results in cw disk laser development. A 1.5 kW source with a beam parameter product (BPP) of 2 mm mrad is described as well as the demonstration of a 14 kW system out of three disks with a BPP of 8 mm mrad. The future prospects regarding increased power and even further improved productivity and economics are presented. A new industrial disk laser series with output powers up to 16 kW and a beam parameter product of 8 mm*mrad will enable both, new applications in the thick sheet area and very cost efficient high productive applications like welding and cutting of thin sheets.

  7. Laser development for laser fusion applications. Research progress report, October 1979-September 1980

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Research conducted during this period is reported on the following: (1) rare-gas-halogen lasers, (2) XeCl laser at excitation rates of 1.7 to 4.7 MW/cm 3 , (3) rare gas halogen laser modeling, (4) three-body ion recombination coefficients, (5) electron beam accelerators, (6) power conditioning studies for accelerators, (7) chemically pumped iodine lasers, (8) hydrogen fluoride lasers, and (9) supporting research

  8. A low-cost, tunable laser lock without laser frequency modulation (United States)

    Shea, Margaret E.; Baker, Paul M.; Gauthier, Daniel J.


    Many experiments in optical physics require laser frequency stabilization. This can be achieved by locking to an atomic reference using saturated absorption spectroscopy. Often, the laser frequency is modulated and phase sensitive detection used. This method, while well-proven and robust, relies on expensive components, can introduce an undesirable frequency modulation into the laser, and is not easily frequency tuned. Here, we report a simple locking scheme similar to those implemented previously. We modulate the atomic resonances in a saturated absorption setup with an AC magnetic field created by a single solenoid. The same coil applies a DC field that allows tuning of the lock point. We use an auto-balanced detector to make our scheme more robust against laser power fluctuations and stray magnetic fields. The coil, its driver, and the detector are home-built with simple, cheap components. Our technique is low-cost, simple to setup, tunable, introduces no laser frequency modulation, and only requires one laser. We gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the NSF through Grant # PHY-1206040.

  9. CO2 laser pulse shortening by laser ablation of a metal target

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Donnelly, T.; Mazoyer, M.; Lynch, A.; O'Sullivan, G.; O'Reilly, F.; Dunne, P.; Cummins, T.


    A repeatable and flexible technique for pulse shortening of laser pulses has been applied to transversely excited atmospheric (TEA) CO 2 laser pulses. The technique involves focusing the laser output onto a highly reflective metal target so that plasma is formed, which then operates as a shutter due to strong laser absorption and scattering. Precise control of the focused laser intensity allows for timing of the shutter so that different temporal portions of the pulse can be reflected from the target surface before plasma formation occurs. This type of shutter enables one to reduce the pulse duration down to ∼2 ns and to remove the low power, long duration tails that are present in TEA CO 2 pulses. The transmitted energy is reduced as the pulse duration is decreased but the reflected power is ∼10 MW for all pulse durations. A simple laser heating model verifies that the pulse shortening depends directly on the plasma formation time, which in turn is dependent on the applied laser intensity. It is envisaged that this plasma shutter will be used as a tool for pulse shaping in the search for laser pulse conditions to optimize conversion efficiency from laser energy to useable extreme ultraviolet (EUV) radiation for EUV source development.

  10. Laser safety tools and training

    CERN Document Server

    Barat, Ken


    Lasers perform many unique functions in a plethora of applications, but there are many inherent risks with this continually burgeoning technology. Laser Safety: Tools and Training presents simple, effective ways for users in a variety of facilities to evaluate the hazards of any laser procedure and ensure they are following documented laser safety standards.Designed for use as either a stand-alone volume or a supplement to Laser Safety Management, this text includes fundamental laser and laser safety information and critical laser use information rarely found in a single source. The first lase

  11. Injection-controlled laser resonator (United States)

    Chang, J.J.


    A new injection-controlled laser resonator incorporates self-filtering and self-imaging characteristics with an efficient injection scheme. A low-divergence laser signal is injected into the resonator, which enables the injection signal to be converted to the desired resonator modes before the main laser pulse starts. This injection technique and resonator design enable the laser cavity to improve the quality of the injection signal through self-filtering before the main laser pulse starts. The self-imaging property of the present resonator reduces the cavity induced diffraction effects and, in turn, improves the laser beam quality. 5 figs.

  12. High power laser research and development at the Laboratory for Laser Energetics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Soures, J.M.; McCrory, R.L.; Cerqua, K.A.


    As part of its research mission - to investigate the interaction of intense radiation with matter - the Laboratory for Laser Energetics (LLE) of the University of Rochester is developing a number of high-peak power and high-average-power laser systems. In this paper we highlight some of the LLE work on solid-state laser research, development and applications. Specifically, we discuss the performance and operating characteristics of Omega, a twenty-four beam, 4000 Joule, Nd:glass laser system which is frequently tripled using the polarization mismatch scheme. We also discuss progress in efforts to develop high-average-power solid-state laser systems with active-mirror and slab geometries and to implement liquid-crystal devices in high-power Nd:glass lasers. Finally we present results from a program to develop a compact, ultrahigh-peak-power solid-state laser using the concept of frequency chirped pulse amplification

  13. Verification of a characterization method of the laser-induced selective activation based on industrial lasers

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Zhang, Yang; Hansen, Hans Nørgaard; Tang, Peter T.


    In this article, laser-induced selective activation (LISA) for subsequent autocatalytic copper plating is performed by several types of industrial scale lasers, including a Nd:YAG laser, a UV laser, a fiber laser, a green laser, and a short pulsed laser. Based on analysis of all the laser......-machined surfaces, normalized bearing area curves and parameters are used to characterize the surface quantitatively. The range of normalized bearing area curve parameters for plate-able surface is suggested. PBT/PET with 40 % glass fiber was used as the substrate material. For all of the studied lasers......, the parameters were varied in a relatively large range, and matrixes of the laser-machined surface were obtained. The topography of those laser-machined surfaces was examined by scanning electronic microscope (SEM). For each sample examined by SEM, there was an identical workpiece plated by for 90 min...

  14. Dependence of Parameters of Laser-Produced Au Plasmas on the Incident Laser Energy of Sub-Nanosecond and Picosecond Laser Pulses

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Woryna, E.; Badziak, J.; Makowski, J.; Parys, P.; Vankov, A.B.; Wolowski, J.; Krasa, J.; Laska, L.; Rohlena, K.


    The parameters of Au plasma as functions of laser energy for ps pulses are presented and compared with the ones for sub-ns pulses at nearly the same densities of laser energy. The experiments were performed at the IPPLM with the use of CPA (chirped pulse amplification) Nd:glass laser system. Thick Au foil targets were irradiated by normally incident focused laser beams with maximum intensities of 8x10 16 and 2x10 14 W/cm 2 for ps and sub-ns laser pulses, respectively. The characteristics of ion streams were investigated with the use of ion diagnostics methods based on the time-of flight technique. In these experiments the laser energies were changed in the range from 90 to 700 mJ and the measurements were performed at a given focus position FP = 0 and along the target normal for both the laser pulses. The charge carried by the ions, the maximum ion velocities of fast and thermal ion groups, the maximum ion current density as well as the area of photopeak in dependence on the incident laser energy for sub-ns and ps pulses were investigated and discussed. (author)

  15. Significados atribuídos ao tema “Mudanças Climáticas” em Livros Didáticos de Ciências Naturais do Ensino Fundamental II Aprovados pelo PNLD de 2014


    Rumenos, Nijima Novello; Silva, Luciano Fernandes; Cavalari, Rosa Maria Feiteiro


    Resumo: Esta investigação teve como objetivo identificar e analisar os significados atribuídos ao tema Mudanças Climáticas presentes nos livros didáticos de Ciências do ensino fundamental II, indicados pelo PNLD 2014. Analisamos dezenove das vinte coleções aprovadas pelo programa de acordo com os procedimentos da Análise de Conteúdo. A sistematização dos dados nos possibilitou a construção de cinco categorias. De modo geral, podemos indicar que as coleções apresentam considerações sobre as Mu...

  16. Active-passively mode-locked dye laser for diagnosis of laser-produced plasmas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Teng, Y.L.; Fedosejevs, R.; Sigel, R.


    In this report an active-passively mode-locked, flashlamp-pumped dye laser for diagnosis of laser-produced plasmas is described. This dye laser system used as a pulsed light source for high-speed photography of laser-target experiments was synchronized to the ASTERIX III iodine laser pulse with better than 100 ps accuracy. The single pulse energy was 10 μJ, pulse duration less than 10 ps. In 111 shots clear shadowgrams were obtained during a total of 151 target shots, i.e. the system worked well in 74% of the shots. (orig.)

  17. Solar pumped laser (United States)

    Lee, J. H.; Hohl, F.; Weaver, W. R. (Inventor)


    A solar pumped laser is described in which the lasant is a gas that will photodissociate and lase when subjected to sunrays. Sunrays are collected and directed onto the gas lasant to cause it to lase. Applications to laser propulsion and laser power transmission are discussed.

  18. Diode lasers optimized in brightness for fiber laser pumping (United States)

    Kelemen, M.; Gilly, J.; Friedmann, P.; Hilzensauer, S.; Ogrodowski, L.; Kissel, H.; Biesenbach, J.


    In diode laser applications for fiber laser pumping and fiber-coupled direct diode laser systems high brightness becomes essential in the last years. Fiber coupled modules benefit from continuous improvements of high-power diode lasers on chip level regarding output power, efficiency and beam characteristics resulting in record highbrightness values and increased pump power. To gain high brightness not only output power must be increased, but also near field widths and far field angles have to be below a certain value for higher power levels because brightness is proportional to output power divided by beam quality. While fast axis far fields typically show a current independent behaviour, for broadarea lasers far-fields in the slow axis suffer from a strong current and temperature dependence, limiting the brightness and therefore their use in fibre coupled modules. These limitations can be overcome by carefully optimizing chip temperature, thermal lensing and lateral mode structure by epitaxial and lateral resonator designs and processing. We present our latest results for InGaAs/AlGaAs broad-area single emitters with resonator lengths of 4mm emitting at 976nm and illustrate the improvements in beam quality over the last years. By optimizing the diode laser design a record value of the brightness for broad-area lasers with 4mm resonator length of 126 MW/cm2sr has been demonstrated with a maximum wall-plug efficiency of more than 70%. From these design also pump modules based on 9 mini-bars consisting of 5 emitters each have been realized with 360W pump power.

  19. Longitudinally excited CO2 laser with multiple laser tubes (United States)

    Uno, Kazuyuki; Akitsu, Tetsuya; Jitsuno, Takahisa


    We developed a longitudinally excited CO2 laser system that was constituted of two or three laser tubes and a single driving circuit. The multiple laser tubes simultaneously produced almost the same short laser pulses with a spike pulse width of about 164 ns and a pulse tail length of about 74 μs with a single driving circuit. The double-tube system was constituted of two 30 cm-long laser tubes with inner diameters of 13 mm and 16 mm and a single driving circuit with an input energy of 2.18 J. The output energy of the 13 mm-tube was 23.3 mJ, and that of the 16 mm-tube was 21.9 mJ at a gas pressure of 4.2 kPa (CO2:N2:He = 1:1:2). The triple-tube system was constituted of three 30 cm-long laser tubes with inner diameters of 9 mm, 13 mm, and 16 mm and a single driving circuit with an input energy of 2.18 J. The output energy of the 9 mm tube was 15.9 mJ, that of the 13 mm tube was 24.1 mJ, and that of the 16 mm tube was 19.2 mJ at a gas pressure of 4.2 kPa. With the same driving circuit and the same input energy, the total output energies of the multitube laser systems were higher than the output energy of a single-tube system.

  20. Technology of discharge and laser resonators for high power CO2 lasers. Koshutsuryoku CO2 laser ni tsukawareru hoden reiki laser kyoshinki gijutsu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Takenaka, Y.; Kuzumoto, M. (Mitsubishi Electric Corp., Tokyo (Japan))


    This paper describes discharge excitation technology and resonator technology as basic technologies for high power CO2 lasers. As a result of progress in high-frequency power element techniques, the discharge excitation technology now generally uses laser excitation using AC discharge of capacity coupling type. Its representative example is silent discharge (SD) excitation. This is a system to excite laser by applying high voltages with as high frequency as 100 kHz to 1 MHz across a pair of electrodes covered with a dielectric material. The system maintains stability in discharge even if power supply voltage amplitude is modulated, and easily provides pulse outputs. Discharge excitation for diffusion cooled type CO2 laser generates a discharge in a gap with a gap length of about 2 mm, and can perform gas cooling by means of thermal conduction of gas, whereas a compact resonator can be fabricated. A resonator for the diffusion cooled type CO2 laser eliminates gas circulation and cooling systems, hence the device can be made more compact. A report has been given that several of these compact resonators were combined, from which a laser output of 85W was obtained by using RF discharge of 2kW. 43 refs., 21 figs.

  1. Nuclear-pumped lasers

    CERN Document Server

    Prelas, Mark


    This book focuses on Nuclear-Pumped Laser (NPL) technology and provides the reader with a fundamental understanding of NPLs, a review of research in the field, and exploration of large scale NPL system design and applications. Early chapters look at the fundamental properties of lasers, nuclear-pumping and nuclear reactions that may be used as drivers for nuclear-pumped lasers. The book goes on to explore the efficient transport of energy from the ionizing radiation to the laser medium and then the operational characteristics of existing nuclear-pumped lasers. Models based on Mathematica, explanations and a tutorial all assist the reader’s understanding of this technology. Later chapters consider the integration of the various systems involved in NPLs and the ways in which they can be used, including beyond the military agenda. As readers will discover, there are significant humanitarian applications for high energy/power lasers, such as deflecting asteroids, space propulsion, power transmission and mining....

  2. Atomic iodine laser

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fisk, G.A.; Gusinow, M.A.; Hays, A.K.; Padrick, T.D.; Palmer, R.E.; Rice, J.K.; Truby, F.K.; Riley, M.E.


    The atomic iodine photodissociation laser has been under intensive study for a number of years. The physics associated with this system is now well understood and it is possible to produce a 0.1 nsec (or longer) near-diffraction-limited laser pulse which can be amplified with negligible temporal distortion and little spatial deformation. The output of either a saturated or unsaturated amplifier consists of a high-fidelity near-diffraction-limited, energetic laser pulse. The report is divided into three chapters. Chapter 1 is a survey of the important areas affecting efficient laser operation and summarizes the findings of Chap. 2. Chapter 2 presents detailed discussions and evaluations pertinent to pumps, chemical regeneration, and other elements in the overall laser system. Chapter 3 briefly discusses those areas that require further work and the nature of the work required to complete the full-scale evaluation of the applicability of the iodine photodissociation laser to the inertial confinement program

  3. Principles of Lasers

    CERN Document Server

    Svelto, Orazio


    This new Fifth Edition of Principles of Lasers incorporates corrections to the previous edition. The text’s essential mission remains the same: to provide a wide-ranging yet unified description of laser behavior, physics, technology, and current applications. Dr. Svelto emphasizes the physical rather than the mathematical aspects of lasers, and presents the subject in the simplest terms compatible with a correct physical understanding. Praise for earlier editions: "Professor Svelto is himself a longtime laser pioneer and his text shows the breadth of his broad acquaintance with all aspects of the field … Anyone mastering the contents of this book will be well prepared to understand advanced treatises and research papers in laser science and technology." (Arthur L. Schawlow, 1981 Nobel Laureate in Physics) "Already well established as a self-contained introduction to the physics and technology of lasers … Professor Svelto’s book, in this lucid translation by David Hanna, can be strongly recommended for...

  4. Improvements of the ruby laser oscillator system for laser scattering

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yamauchi, Toshihiko; Kumagai, Katsuaki; Kawakami, Tomohide; Matoba, Tohru; Funahashi, Akimasa


    A ruby laser oscillator system is used to measure electron temperatures of the Tokamak plasmas(JFT-2 and JFT-2a). Improvements have been made of the laser oscillator to obtain the correct values. Described are the improvements and the damages of a ruby rod and a KD*P crystal for Q-switching by laser beam. Improvement are the linear Xe lamp replaced by a helical Xe lamp and in the electrical circuit for Q-switching. The damage of an optical component by a laser beam should be clarified from the damage data; the cause is not found yet. (author)

  5. Direct pumping of ultrashort Ti:sapphire lasers by a frequency doubled diode laser

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Müller, André; Jensen, Ole Bjarlin; Unterhuber, Angelika


    electro-optical efficiency of the diode laser. Autocorrelation measurements show that pulse widths of less than 20 fs can be expected with an average power of 52 mW when using our laser. These results indicate the high potential of direct diode laser pumped Ti: sapphire lasers to be used in applications....... When using our diode laser system, the optical conversion efficiencies from green to near-infrared light reduces to 75 % of the values achieved with the commercial pump laser. Despite this reduction the overall efficiency of the Ti: sapphire laser is still increased by a factor > 2 due to the superior...... like retinal optical coherence tomography (OCT) or pumping of photonic crystal fibers for CARS (coherent anti-stokes Raman spectroscopy) microscopy....

  6. Laser-induced stresses versus mechanical stress power measurements during laser ablation of solids

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shannon, M.A.; Russo, R.E.


    Laser-induced stresses resulting from high-power laser-material interactions have been studied extensively. However, the rate of change in mechanical energy, or stress power, due to laser-induced stresses has only recently been investigated. An unanswered question for monitoring laser-material interactions in the far-field is whether stress power differs from stresses measured, particularly with respect to laser-energy coupling to a solid target. This letter shows experimental acoustic data which demonstrate that stress power measured in the far field of the target shows changes in laser-energy coupling, whereas the stresses measured do not. For the ambient medium above the target, stress power and stress together reflect changes in laser-energy coupling. copyright 1995 American Institute of Physics

  7. Determinants of holmium:yttrium-aluminum-garnet laser time and energy during ureteroscopic laser lithotripsy. (United States)

    Molina, Wilson R; Marchini, Giovanni S; Pompeo, Alexandre; Sehrt, David; Kim, Fernando J; Monga, Manoj


    To evaluate the association of preoperative noncontrast computed tomography stone characteristics, laser settings, and stone composition with cumulative holmium:yttrium-aluminum-garnet (Ho:YAG) laser time/energy. We retrospectively reviewed patients who underwent semirigid/flexible ureteroscopy and Ho:YAG laser lithotripsy (200 or 365 μm laser fiber; 0.8-1.0 J energy; and 8-10 Hz rate) at 2 tertiary care centers (April 2010-May 2012). Studied parameters were as follows: patient's characteristics; stone characteristics (location, burden, hardness, and composition); total laser time and energy; and surgical outcomes. One hundred patients met our inclusion criteria. Mean stone size was 1.01 ± 0.42 cm and volume 0.33 ± 0.04 cm(3). Mean stone radiodensity was 990 ± 296 HU, and Hounsfield units density 13.8 ± 6.0 HU/mm. All patients were considered stone free. Stone size and volume had a significant positive correlation with laser energy (R = 0.516, P R = 0.621, P R = 0.477, P R = 0.567, P stone size, only the correlation between HU and laser time was significant (R = 0.262, P = .011). In the multivariate analysis, with exception of stone composition (P = .103), all parameters significantly increased laser energy (R(2) = 0.524). Multivariate analysis revealed a positive significant association of laser time with stone volume (P R(2) = 0.512). In multivariate analysis for laser energy, only calcium phosphate stones required less energy to fragment compared with uric acid stones. No significant differences were found in the multivariate laser time model. Ho:YAG laser cumulative energy and total time are significantly affected by stone dimensions, hardness location, fiber size, and power. Kidney location, laser fiber size, and laser power have more influence on the final laser energy than on the total laser time. Calcium phosphate stones require less laser energy to fragment. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  8. Lasers: principles, applications and energetic measures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Subran, C.; Sagaut, J.; Lapointe, S.


    After having recalled the principles of a laser and the properties of the laser beam, the authors describe the following different types of lasers: solid state lasers, fiber lasers, semiconductor lasers, dye lasers and gas lasers. Then, their applications are given. Very high energy lasers can reproduce the phenomenon of nuclear fusion of hydrogen atoms. (O.M.)

  9. Laser performance upgrade for precise ICF experiment in SG-Ⅲ laser facility

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wanguo Zheng


    Full Text Available The SG-Ⅲ laser facility (SG-Ⅲ is the largest laser driver for inertial confinement fusion (ICF researches in China, which has 48 beamlines and can deliver 180 kJ ultraviolet laser energy in 3 ns. In order to meet the requirements of precise physics experiments, some new functionalities need to be added to SG-Ⅲ and some intrinsic laser performances need upgrade. So at the end of SG-Ⅲ's engineering construction, the 2-year laser performance upgrade project started. This paper will introduce the newly added functionalities and the latest laser performance of SG-Ⅲ. With these function extensions and performance upgrade, SG-Ⅲ is now fully prepared for precise ICF experiments and solidly paves the way towards fusion ignition.

  10. Agressividade na escola: realidades vivenciadas pelos profissionais na educação básica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Elisângela Cristina dos Santos


    Full Text Available O tema da Agressividade Escolar e as realidades vividas pelos profissionais da Educação Básica são apresentados neste trabalho trazendo a definição de agressividade como sendo um comportamento que resulta em dano pessoal e em destruição de propriedade, sendo que este dano pode ser tanto psicológico quanto físico. A agressividade é explicada conforme diferentes teorias, desde sua explicação por fatores genéticos, psicológicos, afetivos, emocionais, transtornos neuropsiquiátricos, problemas domésticos, pode ser gerado pelo bullying, sendo também considerada por alguns teóricos como sendo o fruto das influencias sociais, resultado dos modelos observados pelas crianças bem como a forma de vida moderna. A criança não é agressiva “porque quer”, mas não se pode negar a existência da agressão na Educação Básica. Entre 15 professores entrevistados, 10 relataram terem sofrido agressões em sala de aula e nas dependências da escola, agressões estas que se deram nas mais diversas formas, desde a agressão verbal direta e indireta até a agressão física de forma direta. As formas de agressão e a análise destes comportamentos são debatidas ao longo deste trabalho e que traz em sua conclusão o parecer de uma psicóloga que foi entrevistada e apresenta as formas que o profissional e educadores devem agir diante de comportamentos de agressividade Os principais autores foram Alan Train, GabrielMoser, dentre outros. Esta pesquisa foi importante, pois o assunto em questão é muito discutido entre professores, pais e comunidade em geral que reconhece o quanto à agressividade está presente na sociedade.Palavras-chave: educação; educação infantil; agressão; agressividade; comportamento agressivo.

  11. Stabilizing laser energy density on a target during pulsed laser deposition of thin films (United States)

    Dowden, Paul C.; Jia, Quanxi


    A process for stabilizing laser energy density on a target surface during pulsed laser deposition of thin films controls the focused laser spot on the target. The process involves imaging an image-aperture positioned in the beamline. This eliminates changes in the beam dimensions of the laser. A continuously variable attenuator located in between the output of the laser and the imaged image-aperture adjusts the energy to a desired level by running the laser in a "constant voltage" mode. The process provides reproducibility and controllability for deposition of electronic thin films by pulsed laser deposition.

  12. Laser transmitter system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dye, R.A.


    A laser transmitter system is disclosed which utilizes mechanical energy for generating an output pulse. The laser system includes a current developing device such as a piezoelectric crystal which charges a storage device such as a capacitor in response to a mechanical input signal. The capacitor is coupled to a switching device, such as a silicon controlled rectifier (SCR). The switching device is coupled to a laser transmitter such as a GaAs laser diode, which provides an output signal in response to the capacitor being discharged

  13. Regenerative similariton laser

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Thibault North


    Full Text Available Self-pulsating lasers based on cascaded reshaping and reamplification (2R are capable of initiating ultrashort pulses despite the accumulation of large amounts of nonlinearities in all-fiber resonators. The spectral properties of pulses in self-similar propagation are compatible with cascaded 2R regeneration by offset filtering, making parabolic pulses suitable for the design of a laser of this recently introduced class. A new type of regenerative laser giving birth to similaritons is numerically investigated and shows that this laser is the analog of regenerative sources based solely on self-phase modulation and offset filtering. The regenerative similariton laser does not suffer from instabilities due to excessive nonlinearities and enables ultrashort pulse generation in a simple cavity configuration.

  14. 1.8kW laser diode pumped YAG laser; Shutsuryoku 1.8kW no handotai laser reiki YAG laser

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Toshiba Corporation, as a participant in Ministry of International Trade and Industry`s `photon measurement and processing technology project` since August, 1997, is engaged in the development of an energy-efficient LD (laser diode) pumped semiconductor YAG (yttrium-aluminum-garnet) laser device to be used for welding and cutting. It is a 5-year project and the goal is a mean output of 10kW and efficiency of 20%. In this article, a simulation program is developed which carries out calculation about element technology items such as the tracking of the beam from the pumping LD and the excitation distribution, temperature distribution, thermal stress distribution, etc., in the YAG rod. An oscillator is constructed, based on the results of the simulation, and it exhibits a world-high class continuous laser performance of a 1.8kW output and 13% efficiency. The record of 13% efficiency is five times higher than that achieved by the conventional lamp-driven YAG laser device. (translated by NEDO)

  15. High temperature semiconductor diode laser pumps for high energy laser applications (United States)

    Campbell, Jenna; Semenic, Tadej; Guinn, Keith; Leisher, Paul O.; Bhunia, Avijit; Mashanovitch, Milan; Renner, Daniel


    Existing thermal management technologies for diode laser pumps place a significant load on the size, weight and power consumption of High Power Solid State and Fiber Laser systems, thus making current laser systems very large, heavy, and inefficient in many important practical applications. To mitigate this thermal management burden, it is desirable for diode pumps to operate efficiently at high heat sink temperatures. In this work, we have developed a scalable cooling architecture, based on jet-impingement technology with industrial coolant, for efficient cooling of diode laser bars. We have demonstrated 60% electrical-to-optical efficiency from a 9xx nm two-bar laser stack operating with propylene-glycolwater coolant, at 50 °C coolant temperature. To our knowledge, this is the highest efficiency achieved from a diode stack using 50 °C industrial fluid coolant. The output power is greater than 100 W per bar. Stacks with additional laser bars are currently in development, as this cooler architecture is scalable to a 1 kW system. This work will enable compact and robust fiber-coupled diode pump modules for high energy laser applications.

  16. Laser Plasma Instability Experiments with KrF Lasers

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Weaver, J. L; Oh, J; Afeyan, B; Phillips, L; Seely, J; Feldman, U; Brown, C; Karasik, , M; Serlin, V; Aglitskiy, Y; Mostovych, A. N


    ...) with a rep-rate system that has a per pulse laser energy well below 1 megajoule. Measurements of LPI using the Nike KrF laser are presented at and above intensities needed for the FTF (Ĩ2x1015 W/cm2...

  17. Laser cladding with powder

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Schneider, M.F.; Schneider, Marcel Fredrik


    This thesis is directed to laser cladding with powder and a CO2 laser as heat source. The laser beam intensity profile turned out to be an important pa6 Summary rameter in laser cladding. A numerical model was developed that allows the prediction of the surface temperature distribution that is

  18. Visible Solid State Lasers

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hikmet, R.A.M.


    Diode lasers can be found in various applications most notably in optical communication and optical storage. Visible lasers were until recently were all based on IR diode lasers. Using GaN, directly blue and violet emitting lasers have also been introduced to the market mainly in the area of optical

  19. Development of laser technology in Research Center of Laser Fusion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zheng Wanguo; Deng Ying; Zhou Wei


    This paper reviews the progress in the construction of SG-Ⅲ laser facility, integrated Testbed and XG-Ⅲ laser facility and that in the upgrade of the prototype of SG-Ⅲ, and the development in assembling and installing technology, and the achievements in maintaining cleanliness project and metrology in Laser Fusion Research Center, China Academy of Engineering Physics in China in 2012. (authors)

  20. Laser systems configured to output a spectrally-consolidated laser beam and related methods (United States)

    Koplow, Jeffrey P [San Ramon, CA


    A laser apparatus includes a plurality of pumps each of which is configured to emit a corresponding pump laser beam having a unique peak wavelength. The laser apparatus includes a spectral beam combiner configured to combine the corresponding pump laser beams into a substantially spatially-coherent pump laser beam having a pump spectrum that includes the unique peak wavelengths, and first and second selectively reflective elements spaced from each other to define a lasing cavity including a lasing medium therein. The lasing medium generates a plurality of gain spectra responsive to absorbing the pump laser beam. Each gain spectrum corresponds to a respective one of the unique peak wavelengths of the substantially spatially-coherent pump laser beam and partially overlaps with all other ones of the gain spectra. The reflective elements are configured to promote emission of a laser beam from the lasing medium with a peak wavelength common to each gain spectrum.

  1. Laser ablation of UHMWPE-polyethylene by 438 nm high energy pulsed laser

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Torrisi, L.; Gammino, S.; Mezzasalma, A.M.; Visco, A.M.; Badziak, J.; Parys, P.; Wolowski, J.; Woryna, E.; Krasa, J.; Laska, L.; Pfeifer, M.; Rohlena, K.; Boody, F.P


    Pulsed laser ablation of ultra-high-molecular-weight-polyethylene (UHMWPE) is investigated at Prague Asterix Laser System (PALS) Laboratory. The high ablation yield as a function of laser energy is presented at 438 nm laser wavelength. The mechanisms of the polymer ablation are studied on the base of ''in situ'' analysis, such as mass quadrupole spectrometry and time-of-flight measurements, and ''ex situ'' analysis, such as SEM investigations and Raman spectroscopy. Results show that the laser irradiation induces a strong polymer dehydrogenation and molecular emission due to different C{sub x}H{sub y} groups having high kinetic energy and high charge state. At a laser pulse energy of 150 J the H{sup +}, C{sup n+} ions (n=1 to 6) are emitted from the plasma with velocities of the order of 10{sup 8} cm/s, while the C{sub x}H{sub y} groups and the carbon clusters, detected up to C{sub 16}, have a velocity about one or two order magnitude lower. The laser ablation process produces a deep crater in the polymer, which depth depends on the laser pulse energy and it is of the order of 500 {mu}m. The crater volume increases with the laser pulse energy. Results demonstrated that the laser radiation modifies the polymer chains because dehydrogenated material and carbon-like structures are detected in the crater walls and in the bottom of the crater, respectively. A comparison of the experimental results with the data available in literature is presented and discussed.

  2. Double pulse laser ablation and plasma: Laser induced breakdown spectroscopy signal enhancement

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Babushok, V.I.; DeLucia, F.C.; Gottfried, J.L.; Munson, C.A.; Miziolek, A.W.


    A review of recent results of the studies of double laser pulse plasma and ablation for laser induced breakdown spectroscopy applications is presented. The double pulse laser induced breakdown spectroscopy configuration was suggested with the aim of overcoming the sensitivity shortcomings of the conventional single pulse laser induced breakdown spectroscopy technique. Several configurations have been suggested for the realization of the double pulse laser induced breakdown spectroscopy technique: collinear, orthogonal pre-spark, orthogonal pre-heating and dual pulse crossed beam modes. In addition, combinations of laser pulses with different wavelengths, different energies and durations were studied, thus providing flexibility in the choice of wavelength, pulse width, energy and pulse sequence. The double pulse laser induced breakdown spectroscopy approach provides a significant enhancement in the intensity of laser induced breakdown spectroscopy emission lines up to two orders of magnitude greater than a conventional single pulse laser induced breakdown spectroscopy. The double pulse technique leads to a better coupling of the laser beam with the plasma plume and target material, thus providing a more temporally effective energy delivery to the plasma and target. The experimental results demonstrate that the maximum effect is obtained at some optimum separation delay time between pulses. The optimum value of the interpulse delay depends on several factors, such as the target material, the energy level of excited states responsible for the emission, and the type of enhancement process considered. Depending on the specified parameter, the enhancement effects were observed on different time scales ranging from the picosecond time level (e.g., ion yield, ablation mass) up to the hundred microsecond level (e.g., increased emission intensity for laser induced breakdown spectroscopy of submerged metal target in water). Several suggestions have been proposed to explain

  3. Laser safety and practice

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Low, K.S.


    Lasers are finding increasing routine applications in many areas of science, medicine and industry. Though laser radiation is non-ionizing in nature, the usage of high power lasers requires specific safety procedures. This paper briefly outlines the properties of laser beams and various safety procedures necessary in their handling and usage. (author)



    Grandez R., Ricardo; Bowler T., Brenda; Miguel de Priego G., Claudia; Yi A., Pedro; Torres P., Luis; Valencia L., Roberto


    Un canino de la raza Perro sin Pelo del Perú, de dos meses de edad, fue atendido con historia de regurgitación por un mes y pérdida progresiva de su condición corporal desde el destete. Al examen clínico presentó un estado de alerta y baja condición corporal. El paciente recibió tratamiento de sostén y se le realizó estudios imagenológicos, radiografía cervical, torácica y esofagografía, evidenciando una dilatación de esófago craneal al corazón. Se realizó la eutanasia a solicitud del propiet...

  5. Laser Applications in Orthodontics (United States)

    Heidari, Somayeh; Torkan, Sepideh


    A laser is a collimated single wavelength of light which delivers a concentrated source of energy. Soon after different types of lasers were invented, investigators began to examine the effects of different wavelengths of laser energy on oral tissues, routine dental procedures and experimental applications. Orthodontists, along with other specialist in different fields of dentistry, can now benefit from several different advantages that lasers provide during the treatment process, from the beginning of the treatment, when separators are placed, to the time of resin residues removal from the tooth surface at the end of orthodontic treatment. This article outlines some of the most common usages of laser beam in orthodontics and also provides a comparison between laser and other conventional method that were the standard of care prior to the advent of laser in this field. PMID:25606324

  6. Lasers in materials science

    CERN Document Server

    Ossi, Paolo; Zhigilei, Leonid


    This book covers various aspects of lasers in materials science, including a comprehensive overview on basic principles of laser-materials interactions and applications enabled by pulsed laser systems.  The material is organized in a coherent way, providing the reader with a harmonic architecture. While systematically covering the major current and emerging areas of lasers processing applications, the Volume provides examples of targeted modification of material properties achieved through careful control of the processing conditions and laser irradiation parameters. Special emphasis is placed on specific strategies aimed at nanoscale control of material structure and properties to match the stringent requirements of modern applications.  Laser fabrication of novel nanomaterials, which expands to the domains of photonics, photovoltaics, sensing, and biomedical applications, is also discussed in the Volume. This book assembles chapters based on lectures delivered at the Venice International School on Lasers...

  7. Laser-powered lunar base

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Costen, R.; Humes, D.H.; Walker, G.H.; Williams, M.D.; Deyoung, R.J.


    The objective was to compare a nuclear reactor-driven Sterling engine lunar base power source to a laser-to-electric converter with orbiting laser power station, each providing 1 MW of electricity to the lunar base. The comparison was made on the basis of total mass required in low-Earth-orbit for each system. This total mass includes transportation mass required to place systems in low-lunar orbit or on the lunar surface. The nuclear reactor with Sterling engines is considered the reference mission for lunar base power and is described first. The details of the laser-to-electric converter and mass are discussed. The next two solar-driven high-power laser concepts, the diode array laser or the iodine laser system, are discussed with associated masses in low-lunar-orbit. Finally, the payoff for laser-power beaming is summarized

  8. Fast-electron-relaxation measurement for laser-solid interaction at relativistic laser intensities

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen, H.; Shepherd, R.; Chung, H. K.; Kemp, A.; Hansen, S. B.; Wilks, S. C.; Ping, Y.; Widmann, K.; Fournier, K. B.; Beiersdorfer, P.; Dyer, G.; Faenov, A.; Pikuz, T.


    We present measurements of the fast-electron-relaxation time in short-pulse (0.5 ps) laser-solid interactions for laser intensities of 10 17 , 10 18 , and 10 19 W/cm 2 , using a picosecond time-resolved x-ray spectrometer and a time-integrated electron spectrometer. We find that the laser coupling to hot electrons increases as the laser intensity becomes relativistic, and that the thermalization of fast electrons occurs over time scales on the order of 10 ps at all laser intensities. The experimental data are analyzed using a combination of models that include Kα generation, collisional coupling, and plasma expansion

  9. Research of time fiducial and imaging VISAR laser for Shenguang-III laser facility (United States)

    Zhang, Rui; Wang, Zhenguo; Tian, Xiaocheng; Zhou, Dandan; Zhu, Na; Wang, Jianjun; Li, Mingzhong; Xu, Dangpeng; Dang, Zhao; Hu, Dongxia; Zhu, Qihua; Zheng, Wanguo; Wang, Feng


    Time fiducial laser is an important tool for the precise measurement in high energy density physics experiments. The VISAR probe laser is also vital for shock wave diagnostics in ICF experiments. Here, time fiducial laser and VISAR light were generated from one source on SG-III laser facility. After generated from a 1064-nm DFB laser, the laser is modulated by an amplitude modulator driven by 10 GS/s arbitrary waveform generator. Using time division multiplexing technology, the ten-pulse time fiducial laser and the 20-ns VISAR pulse were split by a 1×2 multiplexer and then chosen by two acoustic optic modulators. Using the technique, cost of the system was reduced. The technologies adopted in the system also include pulse polarization stabilization, high precision fiber coupling and energy transmission. The time fiducial laser generated synchronized 12-beam 2ω and 4-beam 3ω laser, providing important reference marks for different detectors and making it convenient for the analysis of diagnostic data. After being amplified by fiber amplifiers and Nd:YAG rod amplifiers, the VISAR laser pulse was frequency-converted to 532-nm pulse by a thermally controlled LBO crystal with final output energy larger than 20 mJ. Finally, the green light was coupled into a 1-mm core diameter, multimode fused silica optical fiber and propagated to the imaging VISAR. The VISAR laser has been used in the VISAR diagnostic physics experiments. Shock wave loading and slowdown processes were measured. Function to measure velocity history of shock wave front movement in different kinds of materials was added to the SG-III laser facility.

  10. Laser antisepsis of Phorphyromonas gingivalis in vitro with dental lasers (United States)

    Harris, David M.


    It has been shown that both pulsed Nd:YAG (1064nm) and continuous diode (810nm) dental lasers kill pathogenic bacteria (laser antisepsis), but a quantitative method for determining clinical dosimetry does not exist. The purpose of this study was to develop a method to quantify the efficacy of ablation of Porphyromonas gingivalis (Pg) in vitro for two different lasers. The ablation thresholds for the two lasers were compared in the following manner. The energy density was measured as a function of distance from the output of the fiber-optic delivery system. Pg cultures were grown on blood agar plates under standard anaerobic conditions. Blood agar provides an approximation of gingival tissue for the wavelengths tested in having hemoglobin as a primary absorber. Single pulses (Nd:YAG: 100- Œs diode: 100-msec) of laser energy were delivered to Pg colonies and the energy density was increased until the appearance of a small plume was observed coincident with a laser pulse. The energy density at this point defines the ablation threshold. Ablation thresholds to a single pulse were determined for both Pg and for blood agar alone. The large difference in ablation thresholds between the pigmented pathogen and the host matrix for pulsed-Nd:YAG represented a significant therapeutic ratio and Pg was ablated without visible effect on the blood agar. Near threshold the 810-nm diode laser destroyed both the pathogen and the gel. Clinically, the pulsed Nd:YAG may selectively destroy pigmented pathogens leaving the surrounding tissue intact. The 810-nm diode laser may not demonstrate this selectivity due to its longer pulse length and greater absorption by hemoglobin.

  11. Latest development of laser cutting


    Wetzig, Andreas; Herwig, Patrick; Hauptmann, Jan; Goppold, Cindy; Baumann, Robert; Fürst, Andreas; Rose, Michael; Pinder, Thomas; Mahrle, Achim; Beyer, Eckhard


    Laser cutting was one of the first applications of laser material processing. Today, laser cutting is the most widespread application among laser material processing besides laser marking. Meanwhile, nearly each material can be cut by means of a laser, in particular since ultra short pulse lasers are available in the power range of up to 100 W. The to be cut material can come with thicknesses from a few microns till tens of millimeters as flat stock or as free form shapes. The paper will conc...

  12. High power lasers

    CERN Document Server

    Niku-Lari, A


    The use of lasers for the working and treatment of materials is becoming increasingly common in industry. However, certain laser applications, for example, in welding, cutting and drilling, are more widely exploited than others. Whilst the potential of lasers for the surface treatment of metals is well recognised, in practice, this particular application is a relative newcomer. The 24 papers in this volume present the latest research and engineering developments in the use of lasers for processes such as surface melting, surface alloying and cladding, and machining, as well as discussing th

  13. Performance of a 200-J KrF laser amplifier for laser fusion research

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Owadano, Y.; Okuda, I.; Tanimoto, M.; Kasai, T.; Matsumoto, Y.; Yaoita, A.; Nemoto, F.; Komeiji, S.; Yano, M.


    An e-beam-pumped KrF laser has been developed as a middle-stage amplifier of a 1-kJ system for laser fusion research. The laser consists of one Marx generator (1MV, 11kJ), two PFLs (4.6 Ω, 100ns) with laser triggered output switches, two e-beam diodes (10 X 60 cm/sup 2/), and a laser cell (20- X 20- X 60-cm/sup 3/ active volume). Two e-beams are injected into the cell through carbon-sprayed Kapton anode and pressure foils. Up to now, a 120-J (70-ns) laser pulse has been generated with a 90% output coupling flat-flat resonator at 80% voltage operation. Overall efficiency is 1.5% in this case. A series of experiments has been performed with the laser to measure gain characteristics of a Kr-rich mixture, which is predicted to be more efficient than a normal Ar mixture in a high-laser-intensity region (>10 MW cm/sup -2/). An injection-locked oscillator mode was used to obtain a well-defined high-intensity laser beam, and a saturated intracavity intensity was measured

  14. Fluorescence-pumped photolytic gas laser system for a commercial laser fusion power plant

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Monsler, M.J.


    The first results are given for the conceptual design of a short-wavelength gas laser system suitable for use as a driver (high average power ignition source) for a commercial laser fusion power plant. A comparison of projected overall system efficiencies of photolytically excited oxygen, sulfur, selenium and iodine lasers is described, using a unique windowless laser cavity geometry which will allow scaling of single amplifier modules to 125 kJ per aperture for 1 ns pulses. On the basis of highest projected overall efficiency, a selenium laser is chosen for a conceptual power plant fusion laser system. This laser operates on the 489 nm transauroral transition of selenium, excited by photolytic dissociation of COSe by ultraviolet fluorescence radiation. Power balances and relative costs for optics, electrical power conditioning and flow conditioning of both the laser and fluorescer gas streams are discussed for a system with the following characteristics: 8 operating modules, 2 standby modules, 125 kJ per module, 1.4 pulses per second, 1.4 MW total average power. The technical issues of scaling visible and near-infrared photolytic gas laser systems to this size are discussed

  15. Laser lipolysis: skin tightening in lipoplasty using a diode laser. (United States)

    Wolfenson, Moisés; Hochman, Bernardo; Ferreira, Lydia Massako


    New devices have been developed for surgical repair of deformities caused by localized fat deposits associated with skin laxity. The use of these devices requires the adoption of safety parameters. The aim of this study was to investigate skin tightening by laser lipolysis, using a dual-wavelength diode laser. This prospective, cross-sectional study was conducted between June of 2008 and July of 2010 with 41 consecutive patients who underwent laser lipolysis to correct contour deformities. Laser lipolysis was performed with a diode laser operating at two wavelengths (924 and 975 nm) controlled independently, and using three different tip lengths, allowing treatment of small, medium, and large areas of adipose tissue. The procedure was performed under local anesthesia in a surgical setting. To calculate the optimal cumulative energy, a total energy dose of 5 kJ/10 × 10-cm skin area was used as a safety parameter to prevent treatment complications. The circumferences of body regions were measured preoperatively, immediately after surgery, and 90 days later. Measurements were compared using the Wilcoxon test at a significance level of 0.05 (p Laser lipolysis results in progressive skin tightening over time. Therapeutic, IV.

  16. Theoretical and experimental aspects of laser cutting with a direct diode laser (United States)

    Costa Rodrigues, G.; Pencinovsky, J.; Cuypers, M.; Duflou, J. R.


    Recent developments in beam coupling techniques have made it possible to scale up the power of diode lasers with a laser beam quality suitable for laser cutting of metal sheets. In this paper a prototype of a Direct Diode Laser (DDL) source (BPP of 22 mm-mrad) is analyzed in terms of efficiency and cut performance and compared with two established technologies, CO2 and fiber lasers. An analytical model based on absorption calculations is used to predict the performance of the studied laser source with a good agreement with experimental results. Furthermore results of fusion cutting of stainless steel and aluminium alloys as well as oxygen cutting of structural steel are presented, demonstrating that industrial relevant cutting speeds with high cutting quality can now be achieved with DDL.

  17. Note: Digital laser frequency auto-locking for inter-satellite laser ranging. (United States)

    Luo, Yingxin; Li, Hongyin; Yeh, Hsien-Chi


    We present a prototype of a laser frequency auto-locking and re-locking control system designed for laser frequency stabilization in inter-satellite laser ranging system. The controller has been implemented on field programmable gate arrays and programmed with LabVIEW software. The controller allows initial frequency calibrating and lock-in of a free-running laser to a Fabry-Pérot cavity. Since it allows automatic recovery from unlocked conditions, benefit derives to automated in-orbit operations. Program design and experimental results are demonstrated.

  18. Note: Digital laser frequency auto-locking for inter-satellite laser ranging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Luo, Yingxin; Yeh, Hsien-Chi; Li, Hongyin


    We present a prototype of a laser frequency auto-locking and re-locking control system designed for laser frequency stabilization in inter-satellite laser ranging system. The controller has been implemented on field programmable gate arrays and programmed with LabVIEW software. The controller allows initial frequency calibrating and lock-in of a free-running laser to a Fabry-Pérot cavity. Since it allows automatic recovery from unlocked conditions, benefit derives to automated in-orbit operations. Program design and experimental results are demonstrated.

  19. Note: Digital laser frequency auto-locking for inter-satellite laser ranging

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Luo, Yingxin; Yeh, Hsien-Chi, E-mail: [MOE Key Laboratory of Fundamental Quantities Measurement, School of Physics, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074 (China); Li, Hongyin [MOE Key Laboratory of Fundamental Quantities Measurement, School of Physics, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074 (China); School of Automation, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074 (China)


    We present a prototype of a laser frequency auto-locking and re-locking control system designed for laser frequency stabilization in inter-satellite laser ranging system. The controller has been implemented on field programmable gate arrays and programmed with LabVIEW software. The controller allows initial frequency calibrating and lock-in of a free-running laser to a Fabry-Pérot cavity. Since it allows automatic recovery from unlocked conditions, benefit derives to automated in-orbit operations. Program design and experimental results are demonstrated.

  20. CO2 laser and plasma microjet process for improving laser optics (United States)

    Brusasco, Raymond M.; Penetrante, Bernardino M.; Butler, James A.; Grundler, Walter; Governo, George K.


    A optic is produced for operation at the fundamental Nd:YAG laser wavelength of 1.06 micrometers through the tripled Nd:YAG laser wavelength of 355 nanometers by the method of reducing or eliminating the growth of laser damage sites in the optics by processing the optics to stop damage in the optics from growing to a predetermined critical size. A system is provided of mitigating the growth of laser-induced damage in optics by virtue of very localized removal of glass and absorbing material.

  1. Laser wakefield acceleration

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Esarey, E.; Ting, A.; Sprangle, P.


    The laser wakefield accelerator (LWFA) is a novel plasma based electron acceleration scheme which utilizes a relativistic optical guiding mechanism for laser pulse propagation. In the LWFA, a short, high power, single frequency laser pulse is propagated through a plasma. As the laser pulse propagates, its radial and axial ponderomotive forces nonresonantly generate large amplitude plasma waves (wakefields) with a phase velocity equal to the group velocity of the pulse. A properly phased electron bunch may then be accelerated by the axial wakefield and focused by the transverse wakefield. Optical guiding of the laser pulse in the plasma is necessary in order to achieve high energies in a single stage of acceleration. At sufficiently high laser powers, optical guiding may be achieved through relativistic effects associated with the plasma electrons. Preliminary analysis indicates that this scheme may overcome some of the difficulties present in the plasma beat wave accelerator and in the plasma wakefield accelerator. Analytical and numerical calculations are presented which study both laser pulse propagation within a plasma as well as the subsequent generation of large amplitude plasma waves. In addition, the generation of large amplitude plasma waves in regimes where the plasma waves become highly nonlinear is examined

  2. Synergistic skin heat shock protein expression in response to combined laser treatment with a diode laser and ablative fractional lasers. (United States)

    Paasch, Uwe; Sonja, Grunewald; Haedersdal, Merete


    Diode laser-based skin heating has been shown to minimise scars by interfering with wound healing responses through the induction of heat shock proteins (HSP). HSP are also induced after ablative fractional laser (AFXL) wound healing. AFXL itself is highly recommended for scar treatment. Therefore, the sequential combination of both modalities may produce superior outcomes. The aim of this study was to examine the pretreatment effects of a diode laser before AFXL on wound healing responses in terms of HSP up-regulation in an in vitro model. Immediate responses and responses on days 1, 3 or 6 post-procedure were studied in an in vitro porcine skin model (n = 240). Untreated samples served as control. Immunohistochemical investigation (Hsp70) was performed in all untreated controls, diode laser-, AFXL-, and in diode laser + AFXL-treated samples. Hsp70 was shown to be up-regulated by all interventions between days 1 and 6 after interventions. The largest effect was caused by the combination of a diode laser and an AFXL procedure. Diode laser exposure induces a skin HSP response that can be further enhanced by sequential AFXL treatment. Clinical studies are necessary to investigate the dose response of HSP on scar formation and refine suitable laser exposure settings.

  3. Development and characterization of femtosecond laser driven soft x-ray lasers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bettaibi, I.


    Coherent soft x-ray sources have an important potential for scientific, medical and industrial applications. The development of high intensity laser systems allowed the realization of new coherent and fast soft x-ray sources like high order harmonic generation and soft x-ray lasers. These sources are compact, cheaper than traditional sources such as synchrotrons, and are thus interesting. This thesis presents the study of a new soft x-ray laser pumped by a femto-second laser beam working at 10 Hz. The circularly polarized ultra intense laser is longitudinally focused in a cell filled with xenon or krypton, to obtain the amplification of two lasing lines at 41.8 nm and 32.8 nm in Pd-like xenon and Ni-like krypton respectively. We carry out an experimental and numerical study of the source to understand the importance of different parameters such as the laser intensity and polarization, the gas pressure and the cell length. We have also spatially and temporally characterized the soft x-ray laser beam. To compensate the refraction of the driving laser we have investigated guiding techniques consisting in creating a plasma channel by electric discharge or using the multiple reflections of the driving laser on the internal walls of the dielectric tubes of sapphire or glass. A spectacular improvement of the source performances has been observed in both cases. Finally, we present a preliminary study on a different x-ray scheme: the inner shell photo pumping of neutral atoms. We have developed an optical system, which should create the appropriate conditions for the realisation of short wavelength x-ray amplifier. (author)

  4. New photoionization lasers pumped by laser-induced plasma radiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hube, M.; Dieckmann, M.; Beigang, R.; Welling, H.; Wellegehausen, B.


    Innershell photoionization of atomic gases and vapors by soft x rays from a laser-produced plasma is a potential method for making lasers at short wavelengths. Normally, in such experiments only a single plasma spot or plasma line is created for the excitation. This gives high excitation rates but only a short excitation length. At high excitation rates detrimental influences, such as amplified spontaneous emission, optical saturation, or quenching processes, may decrease or even destroy a possible inversion. Therefore, it seems to be more favorable to use a number of separated plasma spots with smaller excitation rates and larger excitation lengths. As a test, a three-plasma spot device was constructed and used in the well-known Cd-photoionization laser at 442 nm. With a 600-mJ Nd:YAH laser (pulse length, 8 ns) for plasma production, output energies up to 300 μJ have been measured, which is more than a doubling of so far obtained data. On innershell excitation, levels may be populated that allow direct lasers as in the case of Cd or that are metastable and cannot be directly coupled to lower levels. In this case modifications in the excitation process are necessary. Such modifications may be an optical pump process in the atom prior to the innershell photoionization or an optical pump process (population transfer process) after the innershell ionization, leading to Raman or anti-Stokes Raman-type laser emissions. With these techniques and the developed multiplasma spot excitation device a variety of new laser emissions in K and Cs ions have been achieved which are indicated in the level schemes

  5. In vitro evaluation of the morphologic changes on the root dentine irradiated by CO{sub 2} laser associated or not to calcium hydroxide application; Avaliacao in vitro das alteracoes morfologicas da superficie da dentina radicular irradiada pelo laser de CO{sub 2} associado ou nao a aplicacao de hidroxido de calcio

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Romano, Ana Cristina Cury Camargo


    This in vitro study has evaluated the structural changes on the root dentine irradiated by a CO{sub 2} laser associated or not to calcium hydroxide application, from the irradiated surface analysis by means of Scanning Electronic Microscopy (SEM). The purpose of this evaluation has been the study of an alternative method for the treatment of dentine hypersensitivity. Fourteen human teeth were utilized, third molars, divided into 7 groups. Group I (control group) to which no treatment was applied; Groups II, III and IV were given an application of Ca (OH){sub 2} paste followed by C0{sub 2} laser irradiation, lasting 5 seconds each with intervals of 10 seconds between each application, with continuous emission, power of 0.5 W (Group II), 1.0 W (Group III), and 1.5 W (Group IV); Groups V, VI, and VII were given laser irradiations without the Ca (OH){sub 2} paste following the same parameters applied to groups II, III, and IV respectively. Morphologic changes suggesting to fusion and re-solidification have been observed, as well as the presence of material obstructing the whole analyzed surface on groups II, III, and IV (laser + Ca (OH){sub 2}). As for groups V, VI, and VII, it has been observed fusion, re-solidification, and cracks, and these results being statistically significant when compared the '(Ca (OH){sub 2})' groups to the laser groups. No statistically significant differences were observed regarding the different powers applied in the groups that used the same treatment. Despite this result, it can be stated that powers above 1.0 W (DP = 125,38 W/cm{sup 2}) are unfavorable due to the undesirable morphologic alterations and aesthetic compromising. (author)

  6. In vitro evaluation of the morphologic changes on the root dentine irradiated by CO{sub 2} laser associated or not to calcium hydroxide application; Avaliacao in vitro das alteracoes morfologicas da superficie da dentina radicular irradiada pelo laser de CO{sub 2} associado ou nao a aplicacao de hidroxido de calcio

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Romano, Ana Cristina Cury Camargo


    This in vitro study has evaluated the structural changes on the root dentine irradiated by a CO{sub 2} laser associated or not to calcium hydroxide application, from the irradiated surface analysis by means of Scanning Electronic Microscopy (SEM). The purpose of this evaluation has been the study of an alternative method for the treatment of dentine hypersensitivity. Fourteen human teeth were utilized, third molars, divided into 7 groups. Group I (control group) to which no treatment was applied; Groups II, III and IV were given an application of Ca (OH){sub 2} paste followed by C0{sub 2} laser irradiation, lasting 5 seconds each with intervals of 10 seconds between each application, with continuous emission, power of 0.5 W (Group II), 1.0 W (Group III), and 1.5 W (Group IV); Groups V, VI, and VII were given laser irradiations without the Ca (OH){sub 2} paste following the same parameters applied to groups II, III, and IV respectively. Morphologic changes suggesting to fusion and re-solidification have been observed, as well as the presence of material obstructing the whole analyzed surface on groups II, III, and IV (laser + Ca (OH){sub 2}). As for groups V, VI, and VII, it has been observed fusion, re-solidification, and cracks, and these results being statistically significant when compared the '(Ca (OH){sub 2})' groups to the laser groups. No statistically significant differences were observed regarding the different powers applied in the groups that used the same treatment. Despite this result, it can be stated that powers above 1.0 W (DP = 125,38 W/cm{sup 2}) are unfavorable due to the undesirable morphologic alterations and aesthetic compromising. (author)

  7. Laser spectroscopy

    CERN Document Server

    Demtröder, Wolfgang

    Keeping abreast of the latest techniques and applications, this new edition of the standard reference and graduate text on laser spectroscopy has been completely revised and expanded. While the general concept is unchanged, the new edition features a broad array of new material, e.g., ultrafast lasers (atto- and femto-second lasers) and parametric oscillators, coherent matter waves, Doppler-free Fourier spectroscopy with optical frequency combs, interference spectroscopy, quantum optics, the interferometric detection of gravitational waves and still more applications in chemical analysis, medical diagnostics, and engineering.

  8. Laser induced nuclear reactions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ledingham, Ken; McCanny, Tom; Graham, Paul; Fang Xiao; Singhal, Ravi; Magill, Joe; Creswell, Alan; Sanderson, David; Allott, Ric; Neely, David; Norreys, Peter; Santala, Marko; Zepf, Matthew; Watts, Ian; Clark, Eugene; Krushelnick, Karl; Tatarakis, Michael; Dangor, Bucker; Machecek, Antonin; Wark, Justin


    Dramatic improvements in laser technology since 1984 have revolutionised high power laser technology. Application of chirped-pulse amplification techniques has resulted in laser intensities in excess of 10 19 W/cm 2 . In the mid to late eighties, C. K. Rhodes and K. Boyer discussed the possibility of shining laser light of this intensity onto solid surfaces and to cause nuclear transitions. In particular, irradiation of a uranium target could induce electro- and photofission in the focal region of the laser. In this paper it is shown that μCi of 62 Cu can be generated via the (γ,n) reaction by a laser with an intensity of about 10 19 Wcm -2

  9. Temperature stabilization of injection lasers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Albanese, A.


    Apparatus which stabilizes the temperature, and thereby the output wavelength, of an injection laser. Means monitor the laser terminal voltage across a laser and derive a voltage therefrom which is proportional to the junction voltage of the laser. Means compares the voltage to a reference value from source and a temperature controller adjusts the laser temperature in response to the results of the comparison. Further embodiments of the present invention vary the output wavelength of the laser by varying the reference value from source against which the laser junction voltage is compared. (author)

  10. IceBridge Riegl Laser Altimeter L1B Time-Tagged Laser Ranges (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — The NASA IceBridge Riegl Laser Altimeter L1B Time-Tagged Laser Ranges (ILUTP1B) data set contains laser ranges, returned pulses, and deviation for returned pulses in...

  11. New-laser research and development

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    Two new-laser research efforts were initiated during the reporting period; the chemically pumped iodine laser and HgXe exciplex excitation by electric discharge. The chemically pumped iodine laser was recently discovered by personnel at the Air Force Weapons Laboratory. The laser offers exciting possibilities as an ICF driver because it does not require a capital-intensive pulse power source to drive it, and up to 10% efficiency may be possible. Modeling studies of the laser are in progress and its potential as a high-average power laser seems to be very favorable at this time. The HgXe exciplex radiates in a band centered at 265 nm. This system is being studied because it could be used to pump an iodine laser. Its potential as a high-power laser candidate will be assessed. An advanced oscillator system based upon a microprocessor-controlled Nd:YAG-pumped pulsed dye laser is being developed so that it can be used as the front end of new laser-fusion lasers and utilized in testing and making germane laser amplifier measurements of candidate laser systems for the wavelength region of 4000 A to 8000 A and extended range with frequency doubling and mixing. The operating requirements of the oscillator system include long-term stability, high reliability, absolute wavelength calibration and control, tunability, hands-off operation, and variable pulse width generation in the nanosecond regime

  12. D2O laser pumped by an injection-locked CO2 laser for ion-temperature measurements

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Okada, Tatsuo; Ohga, Tetsuaki; Yokoo, Masakazu; Muraoka, Katsunori; Akazaki, Masanori.


    The cooperative Thomson scattering method is one of the various new techniques proposed for measuring the temperature of ions in nuclear fusion critical plasma, for which a high-performance FIR laser pumped by an injection-locked CO 2 laser is required. This report deals with D 2 O laser with a wavelength of 385 μm which is pumped by injection-locked single-mole TEA CO 2 laser composed of a driver laser and an output-stage laser. A small-sized automatic pre-ionization type laser is employed for the driver. The resonator of the driver laser consists of a plane grating of littrow arrangement and ZnSe plane output mirrors with reflection factor of 50 %. An aperture and ZnSe etalon are inserted in the resonator to produce single transverse- and longitudinal-mode oscillation, respectively. The output-stage laser is also of the automatic pre-ionization type. Theoretically, an injection power of 0.1 pW/mm 3 is required for a CO 2 laser. Single-mode oscillation of several hundred nW/mm 3 can be produced by the CO 2 laser used in this study. Tuning of the output-stage laser is easily controlled by the driver laser. High stability of the injection-locked operation is demonstrated. CO 2 laser beam is introduced into the D 2 O laser through a KCl window to excite D 2 O laser beam in the axial direction. Input and output characteristics of the D 2 O laser are shown. Also presented are typical pulse shapes from the D 2 O laser pumped by a free-running CO 2 laser pulse or by an injection-locked single-mode CO 2 laser pulse. (Nogami, K.)

  13. Diode lasers and arrays

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Streifer, W.


    This paper discusses the principles of operation of III-V semiconductor diode lasers, the use of distributed feedback, and high power laser arrays. The semiconductor laser is a robust, miniature, versatile device, which directly converts electricity to light with very high efficiency. Applications to pumping solid-state lasers and to fiber optic and point-to-point communications are reviewed

  14. Trends in laser micromachining (United States)

    Gaebler, Frank; van Nunen, Joris; Held, Andrew


    Laser Micromachining is well established in industry. Depending on the application lasers with pulse length from μseconds to femtoseconds and wavelengths from 1064nm and its harmonics up to 5μm or 10.6μm are used. Ultrafast laser machining using pulses with pico or femtosecond duration pulses is gaining traction, as it offers very precise processing of materials with low thermal impact. Large-scale industrial ultrafast laser applications show that the market can be divided into various sub segments. One set of applications demand low power around 10W, compact footprint and are extremely sensitive to the laser price whilst still demanding 10ps or shorter laser pulses. A second set of applications are very power hungry and only become economically feasible for large scale deployments at power levels in the 100+W class. There is also a growing demand for applications requiring fs-laser pulses. In our presentation we would like to describe these sub segments by using selected applications from the automotive and electronics industry e.g. drilling of gas/diesel injection nozzles, dicing of LED substrates. We close the presentation with an outlook to micromachining applications e.g. glass cutting and foil processing with unique new CO lasers emitting 5μm laser wavelength.

  15. A inclusão social pelo trabalho no processo de minimização do estigma social pela doença

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pâmela Moraes Volz


    Full Text Available Com o objetivo de refletir sobre a importância da inclusão social pelo trabalho no processo de redução do estigma social pela doença, este artigo apresenta a narrativa de três usuárias, vinculadas às Oficinas de Geração de Trabalho e Renda da Reabilitação Trabalho e Arte (Retrate, que sofrem com o preconceito e a discriminação por serem portadoras de transtornos mentais. Pautando-se nas contribuições teóricas de Erving Goffman e valendo-se da proposta metodológica trazida pela sociologia da vida cotidiana e pela história oral de vida, o resultado obtido aponta que a inclusão social pelo trabalho é o principal meio para a positivação da identidade dos portadores de transtornos mentais e para a redução da estigmatização social pela doença. Ao sentirem-se reconhecidos por seu trabalho e conceberem o grupo como uma "família", esses sujeitos têm a baixa autoestima, os sentimentos de anormalidade, o medo e a desvalorização visivelmente minimizados.

  16. Quality and performance of laser cutting with a high power SM fiber laser

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kristiansen, Morten; Selchau, Jacob; Olsen, F. O.


    The introduction of high power single mode fiber lasers allows for a beam of high power and a good beam quality factor (M2 ” 1.2), compared to the multimode fiber lasers often utilised in macro laser metal cutting. This paper describes fundamental studies of macro laser metal cutting with a singl...

  17. Laser Light: Using Laser Refractometry to Determine Concentration. (United States)

    Gauger, Robert


    Laser refractometry is a science-technology-based activity that requires students to manipulate a variety of equipment, tools, materials, and critical-thinking skills. Students use a laser to measure the percent of glucose in a solution by calibrating the system, taking measurements, and computing the concentration. (MKR)

  18. Laser experimental system as teaching aid for demonstrating basic phenomena of laser feedback

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Xu, Ling; Zhao, Shijie; Zhang, Shulian


    An experimental laser teaching system is developed to demonstrate laser feedback phenomena, which bring great harm to optical communication and benefits to precision measurement. The system consists of an orthogonally polarized He-Ne laser, a feedback mirror which reflects the laser output light into the laser cavity, and an optical attenuator which changes the intensity of the feedback light. As the feedback mirror is driven by a piezoelectric ceramic, the attenuator is adjusted and the feedback mirror is tilted, the system can demonstrate many basic laser feedback phenomena, including weak, moderate and strong optical feedback, multiple feedback and polarization flipping. Demonstrations of these phenomena can give students a better understanding about the intensity and polarization of lasers. The system is well designed and assembled, simple to operate, and provides a valuable teaching aid at an undergraduate level. (paper)

  19. Micromachining with copper lasers (United States)

    Knowles, Martyn R. H.; Bell, Andy; Foster-Turner, Gideon; Rutterford, Graham; Chudzicki, J.; Kearsley, Andrew J.


    In recent years the copper laser has undergone extensive development and has emerged as a leading and unique laser for micromachining. The copper laser is a high average power (10 - 250 W), high pulse repetition rate (2 - 32 kHz), visible laser (511 nm and 578 nm) that produces high peak power (typically 200 kW), short pulses (30 ns) and very good beam quality (diffraction limited). This unique set of laser parameters results in exceptional micro-machining in a wide variety of materials. Typical examples of the capabilities of the copper laser include the drilling of small holes (10 - 200 micrometer diameter) in materials as diverse as steel, ceramic, diamond and polyimide with micron precision and low taper (less than 1 degree) cutting and profiling of diamond. Application of the copper laser covers the electronic, aerospace, automotive, nuclear, medical and precision engineering industries.

  20. ORION laser target diagnostics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bentley, C. D.; Edwards, R. D.; Andrew, J. E.; James, S. F.; Gardner, M. D.; Comley, A. J.; Vaughan, K.; Horsfield, C. J.; Rubery, M. S.; Rothman, S. D.; Daykin, S.; Masoero, S. J.; Palmer, J. B.; Meadowcroft, A. L.; Williams, B. M.; Gumbrell, E. T.; Fyrth, J. D.; Brown, C. R. D.; Hill, M. P.; Oades, K.


    The ORION laser facility is one of the UK's premier laser facilities which became operational at AWE in 2010. Its primary mission is one of stockpile stewardship, ORION will extend the UK's experimental plasma physics capability to the high temperature, high density regime relevant to Atomic Weapons Establishment's (AWE) program. The ORION laser combines ten laser beams operating in the ns regime with two sub ps short pulse chirped pulse amplification beams. This gives the UK a unique combined long pulse/short pulse laser capability which is not only available to AWE personnel but also gives access to our international partners and visiting UK academia. The ORION laser facility is equipped with a comprehensive suite of some 45 diagnostics covering optical, particle, and x-ray diagnostics all able to image the laser target interaction point. This paper focuses on a small selection of these diagnostics.

  1. ORION laser target diagnostics. (United States)

    Bentley, C D; Edwards, R D; Andrew, J E; James, S F; Gardner, M D; Comley, A J; Vaughan, K; Horsfield, C J; Rubery, M S; Rothman, S D; Daykin, S; Masoero, S J; Palmer, J B; Meadowcroft, A L; Williams, B M; Gumbrell, E T; Fyrth, J D; Brown, C R D; Hill, M P; Oades, K; Wright, M J; Hood, B A; Kemshall, P


    The ORION laser facility is one of the UK's premier laser facilities which became operational at AWE in 2010. Its primary mission is one of stockpile stewardship, ORION will extend the UK's experimental plasma physics capability to the high temperature, high density regime relevant to Atomic Weapons Establishment's (AWE) program. The ORION laser combines ten laser beams operating in the ns regime with two sub ps short pulse chirped pulse amplification beams. This gives the UK a unique combined long pulse/short pulse laser capability which is not only available to AWE personnel but also gives access to our international partners and visiting UK academia. The ORION laser facility is equipped with a comprehensive suite of some 45 diagnostics covering optical, particle, and x-ray diagnostics all able to image the laser target interaction point. This paper focuses on a small selection of these diagnostics.

  2. Laser safety in dentistry (United States)

    Wigdor, Harvey A.


    One of the major causes of anxiety in the dental clinic is the dental handpiece. Because dentists wish to provide a method which can replace the drill there has often been a premature use of the laser in dentistry. Various lasers have been introduced into the clinic before research has shown the laser used is of clinical benefit. Any new treatment method must not compromise the health of the patient being treated. Thus a method of evaluating the clinical abilities of dentists and their understanding the limitations of the laser used must be developed. Dentist must be trained in the basic interaction of the laser on oral tissues. The training has to concentrate on the variation of the laser wavelength absorption in the different tissues of the oral cavity. Because of the differences in the optical properties of these tissues great care must be exercised by practitioners using lasers on patients.

  3. Avaliação de Revestimentos de Liga de Níquel 625 Depositados pelo Processo Eletroescória


    Sandes, Soraia Simões; Alvarães, Camila Pereira; Mendes, Matheus Campolina; Araújo, Leonardo Sales; Souza, Luis Felipe Guimarães de; Jorge, Jorge Carlos Ferreira


    Resumo A aplicação de revestimentos de ligas de níquel é comumente realizada na indústria de petróleo e gás para aumento da vida de equipamentos em ambientes agressivos, dado que este procedimento melhora a resistência à corrosão, sem um aumento significativo do custo de produção quando comparado com equipamentos maciços fabricados com outras ligas. Normalmente, as juntas são soldadas pelos processos de eletrodos revestidos, MIG/MAG ou TIG. Neste aspecto, o processo eletroescória realiza depo...



    Laeber, Izabel Maria; Mainardes, Emerson Wagner; Monte-mor, Danilo Soares


    Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a percepção dos estudantes dos cursos técnicos em Administração sobre o seu entendimento das atividades realizadas por um profissional de Marketing. O referencial teórico abrange conceitos sobre marketing, mix de marketing formado pelos 4 Ps (produto, preço, praça e promoção) e o ensino de marketing. No que se refere aos aspectos metodológicos, realizou-se um estudo de caráter descritivo e de natureza quantitativa, tendo como instrumento de coleta de dad...

  5. Co-branding de marcas coletivas de azeite: avaliação do valor atribuído pelos consumidores


    Ribeiro, Diana Raquel Coutinho


    Dissertação de Mestrado em Gestão A associação de marcas (ou Co-branding) ocorre quando duas ou mais marcas existentes são combinadas num mesmo produto, onde cada uma delas espera que o nome da outra fortaleça a preferência pela marca ou tenha como resultado a obtenção de um novo nicho de mercado. Cooperar para competir, nomeadamente através do Co-Branding, é uma estratégia fundamental nos dias de hoje, pelo que importa avaliar a sua utilidade em diversas situações. Um dos objetivos des...

  6. Lasers in tattoo and pigmentation control: role of the PicoSure(®) laser system. (United States)

    Torbeck, Richard; Bankowski, Richard; Henize, Sarah; Saedi, Nazanin


    The use of picosecond lasers to remove tattoos has greatly improved due to the long-standing outcomes of nanosecond lasers, both clinically and histologically. The first aesthetic picosecond laser available for this use was the PicoSure(®) laser system (755/532 nm). Now that a vast amount of research on its use has been conducted, we performed a comprehensive review of the literature to validate the continued application of the PicoSure(®) laser system for tattoo removal. A PubMed search was conducted using the term "picosecond" combined with "laser", "dermatology", and "laser tattoo removal". A total of 13 articles were identified, and ten of these met the inclusion criteria for this review. The majority of studies showed that picosecond lasers are an effective and safe treatment mode for the removal of tattoo pigments. Several studies also indicated potential novel applications of picosecond lasers in the removal of various tattoo pigments (eg, black, red, and yellow). Adverse effects were generally mild, such as transient hypopigmentation or blister formation, and were rarely more serious, such as scarring and/or textural change. Advancements in laser technologies and their application in cutaneous medicine have revolutionized the field of laser surgery. Computational modeling provides evidence that the optimal pulse durations for tattoo ink removal are in the picosecond domain. It is recommended that the PicoSure(®) laser system continue to be used for safe and effective tattoo removal, including for red and yellow pigments.

  7. Resposta de testes de hipersensibilidade tardia utilizando PPD e outros antígenos em crianças e adolescentes saudáveis e infectados pelo HIV-1 e vacinados com BCG

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Natalia Moriya Xavier da Costa


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: A contagem de células CD4+ representa marcador da resposta imune celular em pacientes infectados pelo HIV-1. Testes cutâneos de hipersensibilidade tardia (DTH podem ser empregados para avaliar in vivo respostas celulares a antígenos comuns. MÉTODOS: DTH para derivado proteico purificado de tuberculina (PPD, esporotriquina, tricofitina, candidina e estreptoquinase/estreptodornase foram realizados. Foram testados crianças/adolescentes infectados pelo HIV-1 (n=36 e indivíduos saudáveis (n=56, soronegativos para HIV-1/HIV-2 pareados por sexo-idade, todos com cicatriz vacinal por BCG. Teste exato de Fisher foi aplicado (p<0,05. RESULTADOS: Entre as crianças/adolescentes infectados pelo HIV-1, mediana de idade=8,1 anos; 20/36 eram do sexo masculino; 35 casos de transmissão vertical; 34 casos de AIDS sob terapia antirretroviral; mediana de carga viral = 3.04lc10 cópias/ml; mediana de contagem de células CD4+ = 701 células/μl. Entre os infectados e saudáveis a reatividade DTH a pelo menos um dos antígenos foi, respectivamente, 25% (9/36 e 87,5% (49/56 (p<0,001. Reatividade à candidina predominou nos infectados (8/36, 22% e ao PPD nos indivíduos saudáveis (40/56, 71,4%. A reatividade ao PPD entre infectados foi de 8,3% (p<0,01. A mediana da induração ao PPD foi 2,5mm (variação: 2-5mm entre infectados e 6,0mm (variação: 3-15mm entre os saudáveis. Não observamos correlação entre positividade ao PPD e idade. No grupo de infectados, não observamos correlação entre contagens de células CD4+ e reatividade ao DTH. CONCLUSÕES: Respostas DTH significativamente diminuídas, incluindo a reatividade ao PPD foram observadas em crianças/adolescentes infectados pelo HIV-1 comparadas com controles saudáveis, provavelmente refletindo doença avançada e supressão da imunidade mediada por células T.

  8. Laser Therapy (United States)

    ... for Every Season How to Choose the Best Skin Care Products In This Section Dermatologic Surgery What is dermatologic ... for Every Season How to Choose the Best Skin Care Products Laser Resurfacing Uses for Laser Resurfacing Learn more ...

  9. Performance of a high repetition pulse rate laser system for in-gas-jet laser ionization studies with the Leuven laser ion source LISOL

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ferrer, R.; Sonnenschein, V.T.; Bastin, B.; Franchoo, S.; Huyse, M.; Kudryavtsev, Yu.; Kron, T.; Lecesne, N.; Moore, I.D.; Osmond, B.; Pauwels, D.; Radulov, D.; Raeder, S.; Rens, L.


    The laser ionization efficiency of the Leuven gas cell-based laser ion source was investigated under on- and off-line conditions using two distinctly different laser setups: a low-repetition rate dye laser system and a high-repetition rate Ti:sapphire laser system. A systematic study of the ion signal dependence on repetition rate and laser pulse energy was performed in off-line tests using stable cobalt and copper isotopes. These studies also included in-gas-jet laser spectroscopy measurements on the hyperfine structure of 63 Cu. A final run under on-line conditions in which the radioactive isotope 59 Cu (T 1/2 = 81.5 s) was produced, showed a comparable yield of the two laser systems for in-gas-cell ionization. However, a significantly improved time overlap by using the high-repetition rate laser system for in-gas-jet ionization was demonstrated by an increase of the overall duty cycle, and at the same time, pointed to the need for a better shaped atomic jet to reach higher ionization efficiencies.

  10. Laser Safety Inspection Criteria

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Barat, K


    A responsibility of the Laser Safety Officer (LSO) is to perform laser safety audits. The American National Standard Z136.1 Safe use of Lasers references this requirement in several sections: (1) Section 1.3.2 LSO Specific Responsibilities states under Hazard Evaluation, ''The LSO shall be responsible for hazards evaluation of laser work areas''; (2) Section, Safety Features Audits, ''The LSO shall ensure that the safety features of the laser installation facilities and laser equipment are audited periodically to assure proper operation''; and (3) Appendix D, under Survey and Inspections, it states, ''the LSO will survey by inspection, as considered necessary, all areas where laser equipment is used''. Therefore, for facilities using Class 3B and or Class 4 lasers, audits for laser safety compliance are expected to be conducted. The composition, frequency and rigueur of that inspection/audit rests in the hands of the LSO. A common practice for institutions is to develop laser audit checklists or survey forms. In many institutions, a sole Laser Safety Officer (LSO) or a number of Deputy LSO's perform these audits. For that matter, there are institutions that request users to perform a self-assessment audit. Many items on the common audit list and the associated findings are subjective because they are based on the experience and interest of the LSO or auditor in particular items on the checklist. Beam block usage is an example; to one set of eyes a particular arrangement might be completely adequate, while to another the installation may be inadequate. In order to provide more consistency, the National Ignition Facility Directorate at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (NIF-LLNL) has established criteria for a number of items found on the typical laser safety audit form. These criteria are distributed to laser users, and they serve two broad purposes: first, it gives the user an expectation of what will be reviewed by an auditor, and second, it is an

  11. Synchronisation of a femtosecond laser and a Q-switched laser to within 50 ps

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Katin, E V; Lozhkarev, V V; Palashov, O V; Khazanov, E A


    A Nd:YLF laser emitting 2-ns pulses synchronised with a femtosecond Cr:forsterite laser is built. The pulse duration and synchronisation are ensured by two Pockels cells, in which voltage pulses are synchronised with the femtosecond laser by fast emitter-coupled logic elements. One of the Pockels cells ensures Q-switching, while the other cuts a short pulse from a 15-ns Q-switched pulse. The experimental results show that the two-step scheme proposed for synchronisation of a Q-switched laser and a passively mode-locked laser provides quite simple and reliable synchronisation of these lasers with a jitter of a few tens of picoseconds. (control of laser radiation parameters)

  12. Introduction to laser technology

    CERN Document Server

    Hitz, C Breck; Hecht, Jeff; Hitz, C Breck; John Wiley & Sons


    Electrical Engineering Introduction to Laser Technology , Third Edition. Would you like to know how a laser works, and how it can be modified for your own specific tasks? This intuitive third edition-previously published as Understanding Laser Technology , First and Second Editions-introduces engineers, scientists, technicians, and novices alike to the world of modern lasers, without delving into the mathematical details of quantum electronics. It is the only introductory text on the market today that explains the underlying physics and engineering applicable to all lasers. A unique combinatio.

  13. The laser thermonuclear fusion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Coutant, J.; Dautray, R.; Decroisette, M.; Watteau, J.P.


    Principle of the thermonuclear fusion by inertial confinement: required characteristics of the deuterium-tritium plasma and of the high power lasers to be used Development of high power lasers: active media used; amplifiers; frequency conversion; beam quality; pulse conditioning; existing large systems. The laser-matter interaction: collision and collective interaction of the laser radiation with matter; transport of the absorbed energy; heating and compression of deuterium-tritium; diagnoses and their comparison with the numerical simulation of the experiment; performances. Conclusions: difficulties to overcome; megajoule lasers; other energy source: particles beams [fr

  14. Laser Cutting, Development Trends

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Olsen, Flemming Ove


    In this paper a short review of the development trends in laser cutting will be given.The technology, which is the fastest expanding industrial production technology will develop in both its core market segment: Flat bed cutting of sheet metal, as it will expand in heavy industry and in cutting...... of 3-dimensional shapes.The CO2-laser will also in the near future be the dominating laser source in the market, although the new developments in ND-YAG-lasers opens for new possibilities for this laser type....

  15. Coherent laser beam combining

    CERN Document Server

    Brignon, Arnaud


    Recently, the improvement of diode pumping in solid state lasers and the development of double clad fiber lasers have allowed to maintain excellent laser beam quality with single mode fibers. However, the fiber output power if often limited below a power damage threshold. Coherent laser beam combining (CLBC) brings a solution to these limitations by identifying the most efficient architectures and allowing for excellent spectral and spatial quality. This knowledge will become critical for the design of the next generation high-power lasers and is of major interest to many industrial, environme

  16. Tratamento das formas severas de miastenia pelo ACTH por via intravenosa

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Lamartine de Assis


    Full Text Available O autor inicia o trabalho referindo as bases bioquímicas, fisiopatológicas e anátomo-patológicas do tratamento da miastenia pelo ACTH. Na miastenia grave há diminuição da síntese da acetilcolina no organismo, atuando o ACTH no sentido de aumentar esta síntese seja diretamente, por ativação da colinacetilase, seja indiretamente, mediante a redução da massa dos tecidos linfóides, em particular do timo, responsáveis pela elaboração de substâncias que diminuem a síntese da acetilcolina. O autor empregou o ACTH "Armour" e a Cortrofina "Organon", nas doses de 2,5 a 25 mg, sempre pela via intravenosa, diluídos em 250 a 1.000 ml de soluto glicosado a 5%, administrado gota a gôta, na velocidade média de 20 gôtas por minuto, durante 8 horas. Como medicação associada foi administrada a Prostigmina a todos os pacientes, substituída, depois, em alguns casos, pelo Mestinon ou pela Mytelaze. Como adjuvantes foram empregados o cloreto de potássio (2 a 8 g por dia e o sulfato de efedrina (25 mg 3 vêzes ao dia. Os pacientes foram mantidos em regime hiperprotéico e acloretado, sendo tomados todos os cuidados inerentes ao uso do ACTH. Foram estudados 10 pacientes portadores de miastenia com sintomatologia acentuada (8 casos e média (2 casos. Todos os doentes vinham sendo tratados com drogas anticolinesterásicas em doses adequadas (Prostigmina, Mestinon, Mytelaze e a sua sintomatologia respondia cada vez menos a esta terapêutica. Em alguns casos haviam sido tentados outros tratamentos (timectomia, denervação do seio carotídeo, irradiação da região tímica sem resultado. É de notar que as remissões espontâneas neste grupo de enfermos foram excepcionais e de curta duração. A evolução foi acompanhada do ponto de vista clínico, com a sintomatologia classificada como muito acentuada, acentuada, média e leve. Em todos os casos houve remissão completa ou quase completa da sintomatologia após dosagens variáveis de ACTH; no

  17. Lasers in Ophthalmology

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)


    In recent years,lasers have entered every fieldof medicine and especially so in ophthalmol-ogy.The scientific basis of lasers in ophthal-mology is based on three mechanisms:1.Photothermal effectLasers:argon,krypton,dye and diodeA thermal effect is generated when laserenergy is absorbed by pigment leading to in-creased vibration and therefore heat content.A

  18. Padrões nutricionais para lavouras arrozeiras irrigadas por inundação pelos métodos da CDN chance matemática

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Paulo Guilherme Salvador Wadt


    Full Text Available Para o arroz irrigado, poucos trabalhos utilizam métodos de diagnose foliar desenvolvidos para as condições locais de clima, solo ou cultivares. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os métodos da Diagnose da Composição Nutricional e da Chance Matemática na definição dos padrões nutricionais de lavouras arrozeiras do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Resultados de produtividade de grãos e teores foliares de N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, B, Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn e Mo de 356 lavouras arrozeiras cultivadas sob sistema de irrigação por inundação foram utilizados para a determinação das faixas de suficiência calculadas pelo método da Chance Matemática. As faixas de suficiência foram comparadas com valores críticos propostos pela literatura e com o intervalo de confiança do teor médio dos nutrientes em lavouras consideradas nutricionalmente equilibradas, identificadas pelo método Diagnose da Composição Nutricional. Observou-se pouca concordância entre os valores das faixas de suficiência indicados pelos métodos da Chance Matemática e da Diagnose da Composição Nutricional e os respectivos valores indicados na literatura. A faixa de teores foliares adequados, consistentes com maior produtividade média das lavouras arrozeiras, foi indicada ser de 23 a 28 g kg-1 para N; 11 a 14 g kg-1 para K; 1,4 a 2,0 g kg-1 para S; 6 a 12 mg kg-1 para B; e 70 a 200 mg kg-1 para Fe. Para os teores foliares de P, Ca, Mg, B, Cu, Mn e Zn e Mo nenhuma das faixas adequadas testadas indicou capacidade para distinguir as lavouras arrozeiras quanto à produtividade média.

  19. Corpos estranhos caminham pelo corpo em direção ao coração? Do foreign bodies migrate through the body towards the heart?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rui Celso Martins Mamede


    Full Text Available A fixação dos CE, principalmente os pontiagudos, favorece a migração pelo corpo, gerando a expressão popular: "os CEs caminham pelo corpo em direção ao coração". OBJETIVO: Descrever os mecanismos envolvidos na migração do CE e a forma de diagnosticá-los. METODOLOGIA: Numa população de 3.000 casos de corpos estranhos, em 40 anos, foram analisados quatro que tiveram deslocamento extraluminal. Foram tomados os dados clínicos, radiológicos, endoscópicos e ultrassonográficos coletadas no serviço de documentação médica. RESULTADOS: São apresentadas três histórias clínicas em que o CE era de espinha de peixe e uma de cartilagem de peixe. Em todos se analisou o deslocamento. Em dois a migração se iniciou no esôfago, um para a aorta e outro para a região cervical e nos dois outros, o deslocamento ocorreu a partir da faringe: um para a fáscia pré-vertebral e outro se exteriorizou na região submandibular. Discutem os mecanismos pelos quais ocorre a migração dos CEs pelo corpo e os riscos que tais deslocamentos promovem para o paciente e a forma de diagnosticá-los. CONCLUSÕES: Os CE podem caminhar pelo corpo, porém não para o coração. Em casos de histórias arrastadas de ingestão de CEs, o estudo por imagens se faz obrigatório, previamente ao exame endoscópico.Fixation of foreign bodies (FB, in the mucosa, can favor its migration, giving origin to the popular saying: "FB walk to the heart". AIM: describe the mechanisms involved in FB migration and how to diagnose them. METHODOLOGY: From a sample of 3,000 foreign bodies, during 40 years, we analyzed four which had extra-lumen migration. We analyzed clinical, radiologic, endoscopic and ultrasound data collected at the medical documentation service. RESULTS: three clinical histories are presented, describing two fish bones and one piece of fish cartilage. FB shifting was analyzed in all of them. Migration started in the esophagus in two, one going to the aorta and

  20. Integrated Laser-Target Interaction Experiments on the RAL Petawatt Laser

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Patel, P. K.; Key, M. H.; Mackinnon, A. J.; Akli, K.; Berry, R.; Borghesi, M.; Brummit, P. A.; Chambers, D.; Clarke, R. J.; Damian, C.; Chen, H.; Eagleton, R.; Freeman, R.; Glenzer, S.; Gregori, G.; Heathcote, R.; Izumi, N.; Kar, S.; King, J. A.; Kock, J.; Kuba, J.; May, M.; Moon, S.; Neely, D.; Neville, D. R.; Nikroo, A.; Niles, A.; Pasley, J.; Patel, N.; Park, H. S.; Romagnani, L.; Shepherd, R.; Snavely, R. A.; Stephens, R.; Stoeckl, C.; Storm, M.; Theobald, W.; Van Maren, R.; Wilks, S. C.; Zhang, B.


    We report on two recent experimental campaigns performed on the new Petawatt laser at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in the UK.The laser has recently demonstrated performance characteristics of 400 J of laser energy being delivered on target in a sub 400 fs pulse, reaching a peak focal intensity on the order of 10''21 W/cm''2. The experiments covered multiplic areas of investigation including hot electron transport in planar foil and cone focus geometries, relativistic laser-solid interactions proton beam focusing and heating, and high energy K-alpha production and radiography. A somewhat novel approach was taken to the experiments in that all of the diagnostics required for the different areas of study were fielded simultaneously and operated on all shots. Thus, we were able to obtain extensive sets of measurements on a single-shot basis which provides significant benefit to our understanding of the laser-target interaction conditions and plasma properties. (Author)

  1. Femtosecond laser micromachining of sapphire capillaries for laser-wakefield acceleration

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Messner, Philipp; Delbos, Niels Matthias; Maier, Andreas R. [CFEL, Center for Free-Electron Laser Science, 22607 Hamburg (Germany); University of Hamburg, Institute of Experimental Physics, 22761 Hamburg (Germany); Calmano, Thomas [University of Hamburg, Institute of Experimental Physics, 22761 Hamburg (Germany)


    Laser-plasma accelerator are promising candidates to provide ultra-relativistic electron beams for compact light sources. One factor that limits the achievable electron beam energy in a laser plasma accelerator is the Rayleigh length of the driver laser, which dictates the length over which the electron beams can effectively be accelerated. To overcome this limitation lasers can be guided in a capillary waveguide to extend the acceleration length beyond the Rayleigh length. The production of waveguide structures on scales, that are suitable for plasma acceleration is very challenging. Here, we present experimental results from waveguide machining in sapphire crystals using a Clark MXR CPA 2010 laser with a wavelength of 775nm, 1KHZ repetition rate and a pulse duration of 160 fs. We discuss the effects of different parameters like energy, lens types, writing speed and polarisation on the size and shape of the capillaries, and compare the performance of different parameter sets.

  2. Semiconductor laser shearing interferometer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ming Hai; Li Ming; Chen Nong; Xie Jiaping


    The application of semiconductor laser on grating shearing interferometry is studied experimentally in the present paper. The method measuring the coherence of semiconductor laser beam by ion etching double frequency grating is proposed. The experimental result of lens aberration with semiconductor laser shearing interferometer is given. Talbot shearing interferometry of semiconductor laser is also described. (author). 2 refs, 9 figs

  3. Dye laser principles with applications

    CERN Document Server

    Duarte, Frank J; Liao, Peter F; Kelley, Paul


    A tutorial introduction to the field of dye lasers, Dye Laser Principles also serves as an up-to-date overview for those using dye lasers as research and industrial tools. A number of the issues discussed in this book are pertinent not only to dye lasers but also to lasers in general. Most of the chapters in the book contain problem sets that expand on the material covered in the chapter.Key Features* Dye lasers are among the most versatile and successful laser sources currently available in use Offering both pulsed and continuous-wave operation and tunable from the near ultraviole

  4. A luta dos sem-teto pelo direito à cidade na área central da cidade do Rio de Janeiro


    Marcelo Quintino da Silva


    Esta pesquisa busca ampliar o debate sobre os movimentos sociais de luta por moradia no contexto da cidade capitalista. Embasados no conceito de direito à cidade, objetivamos analisar as espacialidades dos movimentos sociais de luta por moradia na primeira década do século XXI, na área central do Rio de Janeiro. A presença de terrenos e edifícios vazios públicos ou privados suscita questionamentos pelo fato de um município com elevado déficit habitacional possuir tantos espaços vazios. Contra...

  5. Present and future of laser welding machine; Laser yosetsuki no genjo to tenbo

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Taniu, Y. [Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries Co. Ltd., Tokyo (Japan)


    This paper describes recent trends of laser welding machine. For CO2 laser welding machine, seam weld of large diameter weld pipes using a 25 kW-class machine, and plate weld of steel plate using a 45 kW-class machine are reported. For YAG laser welding machine, high-output 5.5 kW-class machines are commercialized. Machines with slab structure of plate-like YAG chrystal have been developed which show high-oscillation efficiency and can be applied to cutting. Machines have been developed in which YAG laser output with slab structure is transmitted through GI fiber. High-speed welding of aluminum alloys can be realized by improving the converging performance. Efficiency of YAG laser can be enhanced through the time-divided utilization by switching the beam transmission path using fiber change-over switch. In the automobile industry, CO2 laser is mainly used, and a system combining CO laser with articulate robot is realized. TIG and MIG welding is often used for welding of aluminum for railway vehicles. It is required to reduce the welding strain. In the iron and steel industry, the productivity has been improved by the laser welding. YAG laser is put into practice for nuclear reactors. 5 refs., 8 figs., 1 tab.

  6. X-ray lasers

    CERN Document Server

    Elton, Raymond C


    The first in its field, this book is both an introduction to x-ray lasers and a how-to guide for specialists. It provides new entrants and others interested in the field with a comprehensive overview and describes useful examples of analysis and experiments as background and guidance for researchers undertaking new laser designs. In one succinct volume, X-Ray Lasers collects the knowledge and experience gained in two decades of x-ray laser development and conveys the exciting challenges and possibilities still to come._Add on for longer version of blurb_M>The reader is first introduced

  7. Free electron laser

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ortega, J.M.; Billardon, M.


    Operation principle of a laser and an oscillator are recalled together with the klystron one. In the free electron laser, electrons go through an undulator or an optical klystron. Principles of the last one are given. The two distinct ways of producing coherent radiation with an undulator and an optical klystron are presented. The first one is the use of the free electron laser, the second is to make use of the spontaneous emission generation (harmonics generation). The different current types of free electron lasers are presented (Stanford, Los Alamos, Aco at Orsay). Prospects and applications are given in conclusion [fr

  8. Solid-state laser engineering

    CERN Document Server

    Koechner, Walter


    Solid-State Laser Engineering, written from an industrial perspective, discusses in detail the characteristics, design, construction, and performance of solid-state lasers. Emphasis is placed on engineering and practical considerations; phenomenological aspects using models are preferred to abstract mathematical derivations. This new edition has extensively been updated to account for recent developments in the areas of diode-laser pumping, laser materials, and nonlinear crystals. Walter Koechner received a doctorate in Electrical Engineering from the University of Technology in Vienna, Austria, in 1965. He has published numerous papers in the fields of solid-state physics, optics, and lasers. Dr. Koechner is founder and president of Fibertek, Inc., a research firm specializing in the design, development, and production of advanced solid-state lasers, optical radars, and remote-sensing systems.

  9. Experimental comparison of laser energy losses in high-quality laser-oxygen cutting of low-carbon steel using radiation from fibre and CO2 lasers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Golyshev, A A; Malikov, A G; Orishich, A M; Shulyat'ev, V B


    We report a comparative experimental study of laseroxygen cutting of low-carbon steel using a fibre laser with a wavelength of 1.07 μm and a CO 2 laser with a wavelength of 10.6 μm at the sheet thickness of 3 – 16 mm. For the two lasers we have measured the dependence of the cutting speed on the radiation power and determined the cutting speed at which the surface roughness is minimal. The coefficient of laser radiation absorption in the laser cutting process is measured for these lasers at different values of the cutting speed and radiation power. It is found that the minimal roughness of the cut surface is reached at the absorbed laser energy per unit volume of the removed material, equal to 11 – 13 J mm -3 ; this value is the same for the two lasers and does not depend on the sheet thickness. (laser technologies)

  10. Laser-material interactions: A study of laser energy coupling with solids

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shannon, Mark Alan [Univ. of California, Berkeley, CA (United States)


    This study of laser-light interactions with solid materials ranges from low-temperature heating to explosive, plasma-forming reactions. Contained are four works concerning laser-energy coupling: laser (i) heating and (ii) melting monitored using a mirage effect technique, (iii) the mechanical stress-power generated during high-powered laser ablation, and (iv) plasma-shielding. First, a photothermal deflection (PTD) technique is presented for monitoring heat transfer during modulated laser heating of opaque solids that have not undergone phase-change. Of main interest is the physical significance of the shape, magnitude, and phase for the temporal profile of the deflection signal. Considered are the effects that thermophysical properties, boundary conditions, and geometry of the target and optical probe-beam have on the deflection response. PTD is shown to monitor spatial and temporal changes in heat flux leaving the surface due to changes in laser energy coupling. The PTD technique is then extended to detect phase-change at the surface of a solid target. Experimental data shows the onset of melt for indium and tin targets. The conditions for which melt can be detected by PTD is analyzed in terms of geometry, incident power and pulse length, and thermophysical properties of the target and surroundings. Next, monitoring high-powered laser ablation of materials with stress-power is introduced. The motivation for considering stress-power is given, followed by a theoretical discussion of stress-power and how it is determined experimentally. Experiments are presented for the ablation of aluminum targets as a function of energy and intensity. The stress-power response is analyzed for its physical significance. Lastly, the influence of plasma-shielding during high-powered pulsed laser-material interactions is considered. Crater size, emission, and stress-power are measured to determine the role that the gas medium and laser pulse length have on plasma shielding.

  11. Laser-material interactions: A study of laser energy coupling with solids

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shannon, M.A.; California Univ., Berkeley, CA


    This study of laser-light interactions with solid materials ranges from low-temperature heating to explosive, plasma-forming reactions. Contained are four works concerning laser-energy coupling: laser (i) heating and (ii) melting monitored using a mirage effect technique, (iii) the mechanical stress-power generated during high-powered laser ablation, and (iv) plasma-shielding. First, a photothermal deflection (PTD) technique is presented for monitoring heat transfer during modulated laser heating of opaque solids that have not undergone phase-change. Of main interest is the physical significance of the shape, magnitude, and phase for the temporal profile of the deflection signal. Considered are the effects that thermophysical properties, boundary conditions, and geometry of the target and optical probe-beam have on the deflection response. PTD is shown to monitor spatial and temporal changes in heat flux leaving the surface due to changes in laser energy coupling. The PTD technique is then extended to detect phase-change at the surface of a solid target. Experimental data shows the onset of melt for indium and tin targets. The conditions for which melt can be detected by PTD is analyzed in terms of geometry, incident power and pulse length, and thermophysical properties of the target and surroundings. Next, monitoring high-powered laser ablation of materials with stress-power is introduced. The motivation for considering stress-power is given, followed by a theoretical discussion of stress-power and how it is determined experimentally. Experiments are presented for the ablation of aluminum targets as a function of energy and intensity. The stress-power response is analyzed for its physical significance. Lastly, the influence of plasma-shielding during high-powered pulsed laser-material interactions is considered. Crater size, emission, and stress-power are measured to determine the role that the gas medium and laser pulse length have on plasma shielding

  12. Laser Dyes

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    amplification or generation of coherent light waves in the UV,. VIS, and near IR region. .... ciency in most flashlamp pumped dye lasers. It is used as reference dye .... have led to superior laser dyes with increased photostabilities. For instance ...

  13. Plasma cutting or laser cutting. Plasma setsudan ka laser setsudan ka

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nakamura, A. (Tanaka Engineering Works Ltd., Saitama (Japan))


    Comparisons and discussions were made on the plasma cutting and laser cutting in sheet steel cutting, referring partly to gas cutting. Historically, the cutting has been developed from gas, plasma, and laser in that order, and currently these three methods are used mixedly. Generally, the plasma cutting is superior in cutting speed, but inferior in cut face quality, and it requires measures of dust collection. Due to high accuracy and quality in cut face, the laser cutting has been practically used for quite some time in the thin sheet industry, but medium to thick sheet cutting had a problem of unavailability of high output laser suitable for these ranges. However, the recent technologies have overcome the problem as a result of development at the authors {prime} company of a 2 kW class laser cutter capable of cutting 19 mm thick sheet. The cutter has been proven being particularly excellent in controllability. Choice of whether plasma or laser would depend upon which priority is to be taken, cost or accuracy. 15 figs., 3 tabs.

  14. Really Large Scale Computer Graphic Projection Using Lasers and Laser Substitutes (United States)

    Rother, Paul


    This paper reflects on past laser projects to display vector scanned computer graphic images onto very large and irregular surfaces. Since the availability of microprocessors and high powered visible lasers, very large scale computer graphics projection have become a reality. Due to the independence from a focusing lens, lasers easily project onto distant and irregular surfaces and have been used for amusement parks, theatrical performances, concert performances, industrial trade shows and dance clubs. Lasers have been used to project onto mountains, buildings, 360° globes, clouds of smoke and water. These methods have proven successful in installations at: Epcot Theme Park in Florida; Stone Mountain Park in Georgia; 1984 Olympics in Los Angeles; hundreds of Corporate trade shows and thousands of musical performances. Using new ColorRayTM technology, the use of costly and fragile lasers is no longer necessary. Utilizing fiber optic technology, the functionality of lasers can be duplicated for new and exciting projection possibilities. The use of ColorRayTM technology has enjoyed worldwide recognition in conjunction with Pink Floyd and George Michaels' world wide tours.

  15. Solid-State Random Lasers

    CERN Document Server

    Noginov, Mikhail A


    Random lasers are the simplest sources of stimulated emission without cavity, with the feedback provided by scattering in a gain medium. First proposed in the late 60’s, random lasers have grown to a large research field. This book reviews the history and the state of the art of random lasers, provides an outline of the basic models describing their behavior, and describes the recent advances in the field. The major focus of the book is on solid-state random lasers. However, it also briefly describes random lasers based on liquid dyes with scatterers. The chapters of the book are almost independent of each other. So, the scientists or engineers interested in any particular aspect of random lasers can read directly the relevant section. Researchers entering the field of random lasers will find in the book an overview of the field of study. Scientists working in the field can use the book as a reference source.

  16. Alternate laser fusion drivers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pleasance, L.D.


    One objective of research on inertial confinement fusion is the development of a power generating system based on this concept. Realization of this goal will depend on the availability of a suitable laser or other system to drive the power plant. The primary laser systems used for laser fusion research, Nd 3+ : Glass and CO 2 , have characteristics which may preclude their use for this application. Glass lasers are presently perceived to be incapable of sufficiently high average power operation and the CO 2 laser may be limited by and issues associated with target coupling. These general perceptions have encouraged a search for alternatives to the present systems. The search for new lasers has been directed generally towards shorter wavelengths; most of the new lasers discovered in the past few years have been in the visible and ultraviolet region of the spectrum. Virtually all of them have been advocated as the most promising candidate for a fusion driver at one time or another

  17. Laser-driven hydrothermal process studied with excimer laser pulses (United States)

    Mariella, Raymond; Rubenchik, Alexander; Fong, Erika; Norton, Mary; Hollingsworth, William; Clarkson, James; Johnsen, Howard; Osborn, David L.


    Previously, we discovered [Mariella et al., J. Appl. Phys. 114, 014904 (2013)] that modest-fluence/modest-intensity 351-nm laser pulses, with insufficient fluence/intensity to ablate rock, mineral, or concrete samples via surface vaporization, still removed the surface material from water-submerged target samples with confinement of the removed material, and then dispersed at least some of the removed material into the water as a long-lived suspension of nanoparticles. We called this new process, which appears to include the generation of larger colorless particles, "laser-driven hydrothermal processing" (LDHP) [Mariella et al., J. Appl. Phys. 114, 014904 (2013)]. We, now, report that we have studied this process using 248-nm and 193-nm laser light on submerged concrete, quartzite, and obsidian, and, even though light at these wavelengths is more strongly absorbed than at 351 nm, we found that the overall efficiency of LDHP, in terms of the mass of the target removed per Joule of laser-pulse energy, is lower with 248-nm and 193-nm laser pulses than with 351-nm laser pulses. Given that stronger absorption creates higher peak surface temperatures for comparable laser fluence and intensity, it was surprising to observe reduced efficiencies for material removal. We also measured the nascent particle-size distributions that LDHP creates in the submerging water and found that they do not display the long tail towards larger particle sizes that we had observed when there had been a multi-week delay between experiments and the date of measuring the size distributions. This is consistent with transient dissolution of the solid surface, followed by diffusion-limited kinetics of nucleation and growth of particles from the resulting thin layer of supersaturated solution at the sample surface.

  18. Influence of ingaalp laser (660nm on the healing of skin wounds in diabetic rats Influência do laser ingaalp (660nm na cicatrização de feridas cutâneas em ratos diabéticos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Paulo de Tarso Camillo de Carvalho


    laser arsenieto de gálio e alumínio dopado com, fosforeto de índio - InGaAlP (tipo Photon Laser III DMC® com uma potência contínua de 100 mW e comprimento de onda (? de 660 nm (4 J/cm² por 24 s. cinco animais de cada grupo foi sacrificado no 3, 7 e 14 dias após a lesão. As amostras obtidas foram emblocadas em parafina, coradas com hematoxilina-eosina, tricrômico de Masson, e para a analise dos macrófagos foi realizado um imunohistoquímico. Os resultados foram avaliados morfometricamente pelo programa Image Pro Plus 4.5. RESULTADOS: Os dados foram tratados estatisticamente pela análise de variância (ANOVA e pós-teste de Tukey. O nível de significância foi fixado em 0,05 ou 5%. CONCLUSÃO: O laser de baixa potência (660 nm mostrou-se capaz de influenciar o percentual de colágeno em feridas cutâneas, aumentando a quantidade média de fibras colágenas e macrófagos.

  19. Degenerate band edge laser (United States)

    Veysi, Mehdi; Othman, Mohamed A. K.; Figotin, Alexander; Capolino, Filippo


    We propose a class of lasers based on a fourth-order exceptional point of degeneracy (EPD) referred to as the degenerate band edge (DBE). EPDs have been found in parity-time-symmetric photonic structures that require loss and/or gain; here we show that the DBE is a different kind of EPD since it occurs in periodic structures that are lossless and gainless. Because of this property, a small level of gain is sufficient to induce single-frequency lasing based on a synchronous operation of four degenerate Floquet-Bloch eigenwaves. This lasing scheme constitutes a light-matter interaction mechanism that leads also to a unique scaling law of the laser threshold with the inverse of the fifth power of the laser-cavity length. The DBE laser has the lowest lasing threshold in comparison to a regular band edge laser and to a conventional laser in cavities with the same loaded quality (Q ) factor and length. In particular, even without mirror reflectors the DBE laser exhibits a lasing threshold which is an order of magnitude lower than that of a uniform cavity laser of the same length and with very high mirror reflectivity. Importantly, this novel DBE lasing regime enforces mode selectivity and coherent single-frequency operation even for pumping rates well beyond the lasing threshold, in contrast to the multifrequency nature of conventional uniform cavity lasers.

  20. Precise femtosecond laser ablation of dental hard tissue: preliminary investigation on adequate laser parameters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hikov, Todor; Pecheva, Emilia; Petrov, Todor; Montgomery, Paul; Antoni, Frederic; Leong-Hoi, Audrey


    This work aims at evaluating the possibility of introducing state-of-the-art commercial femtosecond laser system in restorative dentistry by maintaining well-known benefits of lasers for caries removal, but also in overcoming disadvantages such as thermal damage of irradiated substrate. Femtosecond ablation of dental hard tissue is investigated by changing the irradiation parameters (pulsed laser energy, scanning speed and pulse repetition rate), assessed for enamel and dentin. The femtosecond laser system used in this work may be suitable for cavity preparation in dentin and enamel, due to the expected effective ablation and low temperature increase when using ultra short laser pulses. If adequate laser parameters are selected, this system seems to be promising for promoting a laser-assisted, minimally invasive approach in restorative dentistry. (paper)

  1. Semiconductor lasers stability, instability and chaos

    CERN Document Server

    Ohtsubo, Junji


    This book describes the fascinating recent advances made concerning the chaos, stability and instability of semiconductor lasers, and discusses their applications and future prospects in detail. It emphasizes the dynamics in semiconductor lasers by optical and electronic feedback, optical injection, and injection current modulation. Applications of semiconductor laser chaos, control and noise, and semiconductor lasers are also demonstrated. Semiconductor lasers with new structures, such as vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers and broad-area semiconductor lasers, are intriguing and promising devices. Current topics include fast physical number generation using chaotic semiconductor lasers for secure communication, development of chaos, quantum-dot semiconductor lasers and quantum-cascade semiconductor lasers, and vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers. This fourth edition has been significantly expanded to reflect the latest developments. The fundamental theory of laser chaos and the chaotic dynamics in se...

  2. uv dye lasers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Abakumov, G.A.; Fadeev, V.V.; Khokhlov, R.V.; Simonov, A.P.


    The most important property of visible dye lasers, that is, continuous wavelength tuning, stimulated the search for dyes capable to lase in uv. They were found in 1968. Now the need for tunable uv lasers for applications in spectroscopy, photochemistry, isotope separation, remote air and sea probing, etc. is clearly seen. A review of some recent advances in uv dye lasers is reviewed

  3. Laser fusion: an overview

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Boyer, K.


    The laser fusion concept is described along with developments in neodymium and carbon dioxide lasers. Fuel design and fabrication are reviewed. Some spin-offs of the laser fusion program are discussed. (U.S.)

  4. High energy HF pulsed lasers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Patterson, E.L.; Gerber, R.A.


    Recent experiments show that pulsed HF lasers are capable of producing high energy with good efficiency. Preliminary experiments show that the laser radiation from the high-gain medium can be controlled with a low-power probe laser beam or with low-level feedback. These results indicate that the HF laser may have potential for second-generation laser fusion experiments

  5. Optical pumping of Rb by Ti:Sa laser and high-power laser diode

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Buchta, Zdeněk; Rychnovský, Jan; Lazar, Josef


    Roč. 8, č. 1 (2006), s. 350-354 ISSN 1454-4164 R&D Projects: GA AV ČR IAA1065303; GA ČR GA102/04/2109 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z20650511 Keywords : optical pumping * Ti:Sa laser * laser diode * emission linewidth * spectroscopy * laser frequency stabilization Subject RIV: BH - Optics, Masers, Lasers Impact factor: 1.106, year: 2006

  6. The suppression of radiation reaction and laser field depletion in laser-electron beam interaction (United States)

    Ong, J. F.; Moritaka, T.; Takabe, H.


    The effects of radiation reaction (RR) have been studied extensively by using the interaction of ultraintense lasers with a counter-propagating relativistic electron. At the laser intensity at the order of 1023 W/cm2, the effects of RR are significant in a few laser periods for a relativistic electron. However, a laser at such intensity is tightly focused and the laser energy is usually assumed to be fixed. Then, the signal of RR and energy conservation cannot be guaranteed. To assess the effects of RR in a tightly focused laser pulse and the evolution of the laser energy, we simulated this interaction with a beam of 109 electrons by means of a Particle-In-Cell method. We observe that the effects of RR are suppressed due to the ponderomotive force and accompanied by a non-negligible amount of laser field energy reduction. This is because the ponderomotive force prevents the electrons from approaching the center of the laser pulse and leads to an interaction at the weaker field region. At the same time, the laser energy is absorbed through ponderomotive acceleration. Thus, the kinetic energy of the electron beam has to be carefully selected such that the effects of RR become obvious.

  7. Integrated laser-target interaction experiments on the RAL petawatt laser

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Patel, P K; Key, M H; Mackinnon, A J


    We review a recent experimental campaign to study the interaction physics of petawatt laser pulses incident at relativistic intensities on solid targets. The campaign was performed on the 500 J sub-picosecond petawatt laser at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory. An extensive suite of optical, x-ray, and particle diagnostics was employed to characterise the processes of laser absorption, electron generation and transport, thermal and K-alpha x-ray generation, and proton acceleration

  8. Vacuum ultraviolet Ar2*laser pumped by a high-intensity laser

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kubodera, Shoichi; Kaku, Masanori; Higashiguchi, Takeshi


    We observed a small-signal gain of Ar 2 * emission at 126 nm by use of an Ar-filled hollow fiber to guide the ultrashort-pulse high-intensity laser propagation. The small signal gain coefficient was measured to be 0.05 cm -1 at 126 nm. Kinetic analysis revealed that the electrons produced by the high-intensity laser through an optical-field ionization process initiated the Ar 2 * production process. This laser scheme could be combined with high harmonic radiation of the pump laser in the vacuum ultraviolet (VUV), leading to the production of amplified ultrashort VUV pulses. (author)

  9. Lasers in tattoo and pigmentation control: role of the PicoSure® laser system

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Torbeck R


    Full Text Available Richard Torbeck,1 Richard Bankowski,2 Sarah Henize,3 Nazanin Saedi,11Department of Dermatology and Cutaneous Biology, Sidney Kimmel Medical College, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA, 2Cynosure, Inc, Westford, MA, 3Huron Consulting Group, Chicago, IL, USABackground and objectives: The use of picosecond lasers to remove tattoos has greatly improved due to the long-standing outcomes of nanosecond lasers, both clinically and histologically. The first aesthetic picosecond laser available for this use was the PicoSure® laser system (755/532 nm. Now that a vast amount of research on its use has been conducted, we performed a comprehensive review of the literature to validate the continued application of the PicoSure® laser system for tattoo removal.Study design and methods: A PubMed search was conducted using the term "picosecond" combined with "laser", "dermatology", and "laser tattoo removal".Results: A total of 13 articles were identified, and ten of these met the inclusion criteria for this review. The majority of studies showed that picosecond lasers are an effective and safe treatment mode for the removal of tattoo pigments. Several studies also indicated potential novel applications of picosecond lasers in the removal of various tattoo pigments (eg, black, red, and yellow. Adverse effects were generally mild, such as transient hypopigmentation or blister formation, and were rarely more serious, such as scarring and/or textural change.Conclusion: Advancements in laser technologies and their application in cutaneous medicine have revolutionized the field of laser surgery. Computational modeling provides evidence that the optimal pulse durations for tattoo ink removal are in the picosecond domain. It is recommended that the PicoSure® laser system continue to be used for safe and effective tattoo removal, including for red and yellow pigments.Keywords: tattoo, removal, laser, picosecond 

  10. Femtosecond Fiber Lasers (United States)

    Bock, Katherine J.

    This thesis focuses on research I have done on ytterbium-doped femtosecond fiber lasers. These lasers operate in the near infrared region, lasing at 1030 nm. This wavelength is particularly important in biomedical applications, which includes but is not limited to confocal microscopy and ablation for surgical incisions. Furthermore, fiber lasers are advantageous compared to solid state lasers in terms of their cost, form factor, and ease of use. Solid state lasers still dominate the market due to their comparatively high energy pulses. High energy pulse generation in fiber lasers is hindered by either optical wave breaking or by multipulsing. One of the main challenges for fiber lasers is to overcome these limitations to achieve high energy pulses. The motivation for the work done in this thesis is increasing the output pulse peak power and energy. The main idea of the work is that decreasing the nonlinearity that acts on the pulse inside the cavity will prevent optical wave breaking, and thus will generate higher energy pulses. By increasing the output energy, ytterbium-doped femtosecond fiber lasers can be competitive with solid state lasers which are used commonly in research. Although fiber lasers tend to lack the wavelength tuning ability of solid state lasers, many biomedical applications take advantage of the 1030 microm central wavelength of ytterbium-doped fiber lasers, so the major limiting factor of fiber lasers in this field is simply the output power. By increasing the output energy without resorting to external amplification, the cavity is optimized and cost can remain low and economical. During verification of the main idea, the cavity was examined for possible back-reflections and for components with narrow spectral bandwidths which may have contributed to the presence of multipulsing. Distinct cases of multipulsing, bound pulse and harmonic mode-locking, were observed and recorded as they may be of more interest in the future. The third

  11. Single frequency semiconductor lasers

    CERN Document Server

    Fang, Zujie; Chen, Gaoting; Qu, Ronghui


    This book systematically introduces the single frequency semiconductor laser, which is widely used in many vital advanced technologies, such as the laser cooling of atoms and atomic clock, high-precision measurements and spectroscopy, coherent optical communications, and advanced optical sensors. It presents both the fundamentals and characteristics of semiconductor lasers, including basic F-P structure and monolithic integrated structures; interprets laser noises and their measurements; and explains mechanisms and technologies relating to the main aspects of single frequency lasers, including external cavity lasers, frequency stabilization technologies, frequency sweeping, optical phase locked loops, and so on. It paints a clear, physical picture of related technologies and reviews new developments in the field as well. It will be a useful reference to graduate students, researchers, and engineers in the field.

  12. Strong field laser physics

    CERN Document Server


    Since the invention of the laser in the 1960s, people have strived to reach higher intensities and shorter pulse durations. High intensities and ultrashort pulse durations are intimately related. Recent developments have shown that high intensity lasers also open the way to realize pulses with the shortest durations to date, giving birth to the field of attosecond science (1 asec = 10-18s). This book is about high-intensity lasers and their applications. The goal is to give an up to date introduction to the technology behind these laser systems and to the broad range of intense laser applications. These applications include AMO (atomic molecular and optical) physics, x-ray science, attosecond science, plasma physics and particle acceleration, condensed matter science and laser micromachining, and finally even high-energy physics.

  13. Direct diode lasers with comparable beam quality to fiber, CO2, and solid state lasers (United States)

    Huang, Robin K.; Chann, Bien; Burgess, James; Kaiman, Michael; Overman, Robert; Glenn, John D.; Tayebati, Parviz


    TeraDiode has produced kW-class ultra-high brightness fiber-coupled direct diode lasers. A fiber-coupled direct diode laser with a power level of 2,040 W from a 50 μm core diameter, 0.15 numerical aperture (NA) output fiber at a single center wavelength was demonstrated. This was achieved with a novel beam combining and shaping technique using COTS diode lasers. The fiber-coupled output corresponds to a Beam Parameter Product (BPP) of 3.75 mm-mrad and is the lowest BPP kW-class direct diode laser yet reported. This laser is suitable for industrial materials processing applications, including sheet metal cutting and welding. This 2-kW fiber-coupled direct diode laser has comparable brightness to that of industrial fiber lasers and CO2 lasers, and is over 10x brighter than state-of-the-art direct diode lasers.

  14. Pulsed CH3OH terahertz laser radiation pumped by 9P(36) CO2 lasers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jiu Zhixian; Zuo Duluo; Miao Liang; Cheng Zuhai


    An efficient pulsed CH 3 OH terahertz (THz) laser pumped by a TEA CO 2 laser was investigated experimentally. A simple terahertz cavity and a TEA CO 2 laser for the optically pumped THz radiation were studied experimentally. To improve THz laser energy and photon conversion efficiency, two different TEA CO 2 lasers were developed to pump CH 3 OH. When CH 3 OH was pumped by the 9P(36) line with different powers of the CO 2 laser, the generation of terahertz radiation with energy as high as 0.307mJ and 23.75mJ were obtained, respectively. The corresponding photon conversion efficiencies were 0.29% and 2.4%. The photon conversion efficiency increases by a factor of about 8. Meanwhile, higher peak power of pump laser effectively improves the photon conversion efficiency. And the optimum THz laser pressure increases with narrower pulse width of pump laser because of increasing absorptive gases molecules of CH 3 OH with higher peak power of pump laser.

  15. Lasers '90: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Lasers and Applications, San Diego, CA, Dec. 10-14, 1990

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Harris, D.G.; Herbelin, J.


    The general topics considered are: x-ray lasers; FELs; solid state lasers; techniques and phenomena of ultrafast lasers; optical filters and free space laser communications; discharge lasers; tunable lasers; applications of lasers in medicine and surgery; lasers in materials processing; high power lasers; dynamics gratings, wave mixing, and holography; up-conversion lasers; lidar and laser radar; laser resonators; excimer lasers; laser propagation; nonlinear and quantum optics; blue-green technology; imaging; laser spectroscopy; chemical lasers; dye lasers; and lasers in chemistry

  16. Laser Wakefield Acceleration Driven by a CO2 Laser (STELLA-LW) - Final Report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kimura, Wayne D


    The original goals of the Staged Electron Laser Acceleration – Laser Wakefield (STELLA-LW) program were to investigate two new methods for laser wakefield acceleration (LWFA). In pseudo-resonant LWFA (PR-LWFA), a laser pulse experiences nonlinear pulse steepening while traveling through the plasma. This steepening allows the laser pulse to generate wakefields even though the laser pulse length is too long for resonant LWFA to occur. For the conditions of this program, PR-LWFA requires a minimum laser peak power of 3 TW and a low plasma density (10^16 cm^-3). Seeded self-modulated LWFA (seeded SM-LWFA) combines LWFA with plasma wakefield acceleration (PWFA). An ultrashort (~100 fs) electron beam bunch acts as a seed in a plasma to form a wakefield via PWFA. This wakefield is subsequently amplified by the laser pulse through a self-modulated LWFA process. At least 1 TW laser power and, for a ~100-fs bunch, a plasma density ~10^17 cm^-3 are required. STELLA-LW was located on Beamline #1 at the Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) Accelerator Test Facility (ATF). The ATF TW CO2 laser served as the driving laser beam for both methods. For PR-LWFA, a single bunch was to probe the wakefield produced by the laser beam. For seeded SM-LWFA, the ATF linac would produce two bunches, where the first would be the seed and the second would be the witness. A chicane would compress the first bunch to enable it to generate wakefields via PWFA. The plasma source was a short-length, gas-filled capillary discharge with the laser beam tightly focused in the center of the capillary, i.e., no laser guiding was used, in order to obtain the needed laser intensity. During the course of the program, several major changes had to be made. First, the ATF could not complete the upgrade of the CO2 laser to the 3 TW peak power needed for the PR-LWFA experiment. Therefore, the PR-LWFA experiment had to be abandoned leaving only the seeded SM-LWFA experiment. Second, the ATF discovered that the

  17. Laser Doppler flowmetry evaluation of gingival recovery response after laser treatment (United States)

    Todea, Carmen; Cânjǎu, Silvana; Dodenciu, Dorin; Miron, Mariana I.; Tudor, Anca; Bǎlǎbuc, Cosmin


    This study was performed in order to evaluate in vivo the applicability of Laser Doppler Flowmetry (LDF) in recording the gingival blood flow and to assess the changes of gingival blood flow following gingival reshaping performed with Er:YAG and 980 nm diode lasers. The LDF evaluation was performed on 20 anterior teeth, which underwent reshaping of gingiva, corresponding to 5 female patients (4 anterior teeth/patient), aged between 20 and 35. One part of the mouth was treated with Er:YAG laser (LP, VLP modes, 140 - 250 mJ, 10 - 20 Hz, using cylindrical sapphire tips) and other part with 980 nm diode laser (CW, 4 W, contact mode and saline solution cooling). The gingival blood flow was monitored using a MoorLab laser Doppler equipment (Moor Instruments Ltd., Axminster, UK) with a straight optical probe, MP3b, 10 mm. The data were processed using statistical analysis software SPSS v16.0.1. The investigation showed an evident decrease in perfusion for both areas in comparison with the baseline values 24 hours after treatment. The microvascular blood flow increased significantly after 7 days in both areas but mostly in diode area (pdiode area remained at a high level after 14 days. Both lasers proved efficiency in the surgical treatment of gingival tissue. Moreover, Laser Doppler Flowmetry is adequate for recording changes in gingival blood flow following periodontal surgery.

  18. Pulsed laser facilities operating from UV to IR at the Gas Laser Lab of the Lebedev Institute (United States)

    Ionin, Andrei; Kholin, Igor; Vasil'Ev, Boris; Zvorykin, Vladimir


    Pulsed laser facilities developed at the Gas Lasers Lab of the Lebedev Physics Institute and their applications for different laser-matter interactions are discussed. The lasers operating from UV to mid-IR spectral region are as follows: e-beam pumped KrF laser (λ= 0.248 μm) with output energy 100 J; e-beam sustained discharge CO2(10.6 μm) and fundamental band CO (5-6 μm) lasers with output energy up to ~1 kJ; overtone CO laser (2.5-4.2 μm) with output energy ~ 50 J and N2O laser (10.9 μm) with output energy of 100 J; optically pumped NH3 laser (11-14 μm). Special attention is paid to an e-beam sustained discharge Ar-Xe laser (1.73 μm ~ 100 J) as a potential candidate for a laser-propulsion facility. The high energy laser facilities are used for interaction of laser radiation with polymer materials, metals, graphite, rocks, etc.

  19. Femtosecond Laser Filamentation

    CERN Document Server

    Chin, See Leang


    Femtosecond Laser Filamentation gives a comprehensive review of the physics of propagation of intense femtosecond laser pulses in optical media (principally air) and the applications and challenges of this new technique. This book presents the modern understanding of the physics of femtosecond laser pulse propagation, including unusual new effects such as the self-transformation of the pulse into a white light laser pulse, intensity clamping, the physics of multiple filamentation and competition, and how filaments’ ability to melt glass leads to wave guide writing. The potential applications of laser filamentation in atmospheric sensing and the generation of other electromagnetic pulses from the UV to the radio frequency are treated, together with possible future challenges in the excitation of super-excited states of molecules. Exciting new phenomena such as filament induced ultrafast birefringence and the excitation of molecular rotational wave packets and their multiple revivals in air (gases) will also ...

  20. Applications of lasers and electro-optics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tan, B.C.; Low, K.S.; Chen, Y.H.; Harith bin Ahmad; Tou, T.Y.


    Supported by the IRPA Programme on Laser Technology and Applications, many types of lasers have been designed, constructed and applied in various areas of science, medicine and industries. Amongst these lasers constructed were high power carbon dioxide lasers, rare gas halide excimer lasers, solid state Neodymium-YAG lasers, nitrogen lasers, flashlamp pumped dye lasers and nitrogen and excimer laser pumped dye lasers. These lasers and the associated electro-optics system, some with computer controlled, are designed and developed for the following areas of applications: 1. Industrial applications of high power carbon dioxide lasers for making of i.c. components and other materials processing purposes. Prototype operational systems have been developed. 2. Medical applications of lasers for cancer treatment using the technique of photodynamic therapy. A new and more effective treatment protocol has been proposed. 3. Agricultural applications of lasers in palm oil and palm fruit-fluorescence diagnostic studies. Fruit ripeness signature has been developed and palm oil oxidation level were investigated. 4. Development of atmospheric pollution monitoring systems using laser lidar techniques. Laboratory scale systems were developed. 5. Other applications of lasers including laser holographic and interferometric methods for the non destructive testing of materials. The activities of the group (from 1988-1990) have resulted in the submission of a patent for a laser device, publication of many research paper sin local and overseas journals and conference proceedings, completion of 1 Ph.D. dissertation and 6 M. Phil theses. Currently (1991), a total of 3 Ph.D., 6 M. Phil research programmes are involved in this research and development programme