
Sample records for artroplastia total cementada

  1. Inestabilidad de la Artroplastia Total de Cadera


    Ezquerra Herrando, Laura; Albareda Albareda, Jorge; Seral García, Belén


    INTRODUCCIÓN La artroplastia total de cadera (ATC) es un procedimiento muy frecuente en los Servicios de Cirugía Ortopédica y Traumatología, y aunque su efectividad es muy elevada, no está exenta de complicaciones como son el aflojamiento aséptico, luxaciones, infección y fracturas periprotésicas. A pesar de los avances en las técnicas y modelos protésicos, la luxación sigue siendo la segunda complicación más frecuente después del aflojamiento aséptico en las artroplastias totales de cadera. ...

  2. Artroplastia total do joelho assistida por computador Computer-assisted knee total arthroplasty

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    Roberto Freire da Mota e Albuquerque


    Full Text Available Um dos avanços tecnológicos mais significativos da medicina atual é a cirurgia assistida por computador, sendo que na ortopedia uma das aplicações mais importantes dessa tecnologia é na artroplastia do joelho. A principal contribuição da cirurgia ortopédica assistida por computador (Computer Aided Orthopaedic Surgery’s - CAOS na artroplastia do joelho é o seu potencial em aprimorar a precisão da implantação das próteses e do alinhamento do membro operado contribuindo para a otimização e longevidade dos resultados. A navegação independente de imagens, baseada em referências anatômicas adquiridas durante o ato cirúrgico através de transmissores de raios infra-vermelho, tem sido a técnica preponderante na artroplastia do joelho. Utilizamos o sistema de navegação para artroplastia total do joelho "OrthoPilot" versão 2.2 para a colocação de 72 próteses de joelho "Search Evolution" da "Aesculap AG CO. KG" com ou sem estabilização posterior em uma série contínua. O objetivo foi aferir a precisão do alinhamento obtido com a navegação através de radiografias panorâmicas obtidas no período pós-operatório. Obtivemos um desvio médio do eixo mecânico nulo de 0,66º com desvio padrão de 0,7º, sendo que 98,6% dos joelhos ficaram dentro de uma margem de erro de 3º e 79,2% com erro inferior a 1º. Concluímos que o sistema é seguro e preciso, não adicionando morbidade à cirurgia convencional.One of the most significant technological advancements in current medicine is the computer-assisted surgery, which, for orthopaedics, one of the major uses of this technology is in knee arthroplasty. The main contribution provided by computer-assisted orthopaedic surgery (CAOS to knee arthroplasty is its potential to improve prosthesis implant precision and the operated limb alignment, contributing to results optimization and longevity. The image-independent navigation, based on anatomical references acquired during surgical

  3. Artroplastía de superficie en cadera. Resultados iniciales favorables en pacientes selectos. [Hip resurfacing arthroplasty: favorable initial results in selected patients


    Fernando Martín Comba; Gerardo Zanotti; Martín Buttaro; Francisco Piccaluga


    In­tro­duc­ción El objetivo del presente trabajo es reportar los resultados clínicos y radiológicos iniciales de una serie consecutiva de pacientes selectos tratados en nuestra institución con un único diseño de artroplastia de superficie, comparando además la tasa de revisión temprana con un grupo control de pacientes tratados en el mismo lapso con una artroplastia total de cadera no cementada. Material y ­Métodos Cuarenta y siete pacientes de sexo masculino (49 caderas) con diag...

  4. Polietileno tibial móvel na artroplastia total do joelho Mobile polyethylene bearing in total knee replacement

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    Hugo Alexandre de Araújo Barros Cobra


    Full Text Available O desgaste do polietileno tibial utilizado nas artroplastias de joelho origina partículas que, quando fagocitadas, dão início à cascata de eventos biológicos que levam à osteólise e consequente afrouxamento dos componentes da prótese. Assim sendo, alternativas para o polietileno têm sido pesquisadas com o objetivo de minimizar o desgaste e, com isso, aumentar a durabilidade das artroplastias. Uma dessas opções é a utilização de polietilenos tibiais móveis, que apresentam maior conformidade do que os polietilenos fixos, ao mesmo tempo em que permitem autoalinhamento rotacional entre os componentes, melhorando, dessa forma, a cinética e a cinemática da prótese. São apresentados aqui, de forma resumida, porém abrangente, o conceito, os fundamentos biomecânicos, as indicações, os resultados esperados e complicações dos polietilenos tibiais móveis nas artroplastias totais do joelho.Debris of polyethylene tibial bearings have been recognized as a major cause for the onset of the cascade of biological events leading to osteolysis and loosening of prosthetic components after total knee arthroplasty. Since then, research has been focused on alternative bearing surfaces in order to minimize the amount and rate of polyethylene wear off and, in doing so, increasing the survivorship rate for knee arthroplasties. One such option is to have a mobile tibial bearing allowing more conformity and rotational self-alignment of the components, improving kinetics and kinematics of the prosthesis. The authors present a resumed but throughout and comprehensive review of the rationale, biomechanics fundamentals, indications, pitfalls, outcomes and complications for the use of mobile tibial bearings in total knee replacement.

  5. Sellado marginal en restauraciones indirectas, cementadas con dos sistemas adhesivos diferentes


    Ehrmantraut Nogales,M; Terrazas Soto,P; Leiva Buchi,M


    Propósito: El propósito de esta investigación fue realizar un estudio in vitro del sellado marginal de 80 incrustaciones de resina compuesta cementadas con resina compuesta fluida utilizando un sistema adhesivo autograbante (Go!, SDI, Australia) y un sistema adhesivo con grabado ácido total (Stae, SDI, Australia). Método: Las piezas dentarias restauradas fueron puestas en una estufa a 37ºC y 100% de humedad relativa durante 48 horas para simular las condiciones bucales. Luego fueron sometidas...

  6. Artroplastia total de rodilla en pacientes jóvenes con artritis reumatoide. [Total knee arthroplasty in young patients with rheumatoid arthritis.

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    Germán Garabano


    Full Text Available In­tro­duc­ción: El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar retrospectivamente una serie de pacientes <55 años, con artritis reumatoide, tratados con artroplastia total de rodilla evaluando las características distintivas de este grupo (movilidad, dolor y supervivencia protésica. Materiales­ y ­Métodos: ­Se evaluaron 24 artroplastias totales de rodilla en 14 pacientes (12 mujeres, promedio de edad 47,4 años y un seguimiento de 5,8 años. Se realizaron 4 reemplazos unilaterales y 10 bilaterales. Se utilizaron 20 prótesis importadas y 4 nacionales; un paciente requirió un suplemento metálico en el platillo tibial interno y 2 necesitaron vástagos.  Resultados: Antes de la cirugía, 14 rodillas tenían déficit de extensión. El arco de movilidad preoperatorio promedio fue de 92,8º, de 90º a las 6 semanas y de 110º al año. El deseje preoperatorio fue valgo en 22 rodillas, con un promedio de 12º y 2 varos de 3º promedio. El Knee Society Score mejoró de 42 a 83 puntos poscirugía, el puntaje propio de rodilla fue de 42 a 89 en el posoperatorio, en promedio. Hubo 2 complicaciones: una rotura del aparato extensor resuturado, con desarrollo de una fístula sinovial que requirió 3 limpiezas quirúrgicas, con evolución favorable y un aflojamiento mecánico que requirió revisión. Conclusiones: A expensas de la mejora del dolor y la movilidad las artroplastias totales de rodilla impresionan ser un procedimiento con muy buenos resultados a mediano plazo en jóvenes con artritis reumatoide. Estos pacientes requieren una cuidadosa planificación preoperatoria, teniendo en cuenta la posibilidad de utilizar vástagos y suplementos metálicos.

  7. Migração de parafuso em artroplastia total do joelho: relato clínico Screw migration in total knee arthroplasty: case report

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    Fernando Fonseca


    Full Text Available As complicações das artroplastias totais do joelho devidas ao material implantado são raras, exceto o desgaste do polietileno. O relato de migração de parafusos dentro da articulação do joelho é muito raro. Os autores relatam a migração intra-articular de um parafuso de segurança do polietileno numa artroplastia total do joelho com sacrifício do ligamento cruzado posterior (ATJ tipo Performance; Biomet, Warsaw, IN que obrigou a nova cirurgia para remoção do parafuso, substituição do componente de polietileno e aplicação de novo parafuso de fixação.Complications in total knee arthroplasty directly related to the implanted material are rare, with the exception of polyethylene wear. Descriptions of screw migration into the joint cavity are very rare. The authors report an intra-articular migration of a polyethylene safety screw in a total knee arthroplasty, with sacrifice of the posterior cruciate ligament (ATJ Performance type; Biomet, Warsaw, IN requiring a new surgery to remove the screw, replace the polyethylene insert and insert a new fixation screw.

  8. Resultados de revisão de artroplastia total do joelho com haste não cimentada "Press-fit" Results of revision total knee arthroplasty using press-fit cementless stem

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    Maurício Masasi Iamaguchi


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Mostrar nossa experiência com haste não-cimentadas press-fit e fixação metafisária com cimento em série selecionada de pacientes que realizaram revisão de artroplastia total do joelho. MÉTODOS: Trinta e quatro pacientes (35 joelhos foram submetidos a revisão de artroplastia total do joelho usando técnica "press-fit". Seguimento mínimo foi de um ano (média de 2,2 anos e máximo de três anos. RESULTADOS: Dos 34 pacientes, 20 foram mulheres e 14 foram homens. Houve um óbito por causa não relacionada a artroplastia e perda de seguimento de um paciente. Não houve nenhum caso em que fosse necessária nova revisão. Os pacientes que foram submetidos à revisão apresentaram melhora clínica e funcional demonstrado pelos resultados do KSS, resultados do questionário de qualidade de vida SF-36, através do ganho de amplitude de movimento e da melhora no alinhamento do membro. CONCLUSÃO: Houve melhora clínica e funcional no pós-operatório em relação ao pré-operatório na revisão de artroplastia total do Joelho com haste não cimentada "press-fit". Nível de Evidência IV, Série de casos.OBJECTIVE: To show our experience with press-fit cementless stem and metaphyseal fixation with cement in a selected series of patients who underwent revision total knee arthroplasty. METHODS: Thirty-four patients (35 knees underwent revision total knee arthroplasty using the press-fit technique. Minimum follow-up was one year (mean 2.2 years with a maximum length of three years. RESULTS: Of 34 patients, 20 were women and 14 were men. There was one death due to causes not related to arthroplasty and one patient dropout. There were no cases in which further review was necessary. Patients who underwent revision had clinical and functional improvement demonstrated by the results of the KSS, results of the SF-36 quality of life questionnaire, through gains in range of motion and improved limb alignment. CONCLUSION: There was postoperative

  9. Estudio prospectivo randomizado sobre el uso de drenaje vs. no drenaje en artroplastia total de rodilla. [Prospective randomized study on the use of drainage in total knee arthroplasty.

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    Matias Pereira Duarte


    Full Text Available Introducción La utilización de drenaje en la artroplastia total de rodilla es una práctica ampliamente aceptada en la comunidad ortopédica; sin embargo, en la bibliografía, no se encuentra evidencia concluyente sobre su beneficio. El propósito de este estudio fue comparar dos grupos de pacientes sometidos a artroplastia total de rodilla         primaria con drenaje y sin él. Materiales y Métodos Se llevó a cabo un estudio prospectivo aleatorizado en el que se realizaron 76 artroplastias totales de rodilla primarias; se dividió a los pacientes en dos grupos: grupo A, con drenaje y grupo B, sin drenaje. Se evaluaron el número de unidades de sangre transfundidas, el débito de sangre en los pacientes con drenaje, las complicaciones posoperatorias y el tiempo de hospitalización. Antes de la cirugía y después de ella, se registró el diámetro del muslo, el rango de movilidad, el hematocrito y la hemoglobina en ambos grupos. Resultados No se hallaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en el diámetro del muslo, el rango de movilidad, el hematocrito, la hemoglobina, el número de transfusiones y la estadía hospitalaria. El número de complicaciones en el grupo B (sin drenaje fue mayor (p = 0,019: dos infecciones profundas, dos casos de celulitis, uno de flictena, una fractura de cadera, una trombosis venosa superficial, una trombosis venosa profunda y un tromboembolismo pulmonar. Conclusión Los pacientes sin drenaje posoperatorio sufrieron más complicaciones.

  10. Registro de artroplastias do ombro Shoulder arthroplasty records

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    Geraldo Motta Filho


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Determinar as características clínico-cirúrgicas referentes a 145 artroplastias do ombro realizadas no período entre julho de 2004 a dezembro de 2006. MÉTODOS: No período de estudo foram realizadas 145 artroplastias de ombro. Através de protocolo prospectivo, informações demográficas, da anamnese, exame físico e exame radiográfico foram armazenadas em um banco de dados. Os dados coletados foram organizados em três grandes grupos: doenças articulares degenerativas, fraturas e seqüelas traumáticas. Esses dados foram correlacionados a fim de definir o perfil epidemiológico dos pacientes, das lesões e artroplastias. RESULTADOS: Das 145 artroplastias de ombro realizadas 37% foram por seqüelas traumáticas, 30% por doença articular degenerativa e 33% com diagnóstico de fratura. Foram 12% artroplastias totais e 88% parciais. Ocorreram cinco complicações no pós-operatório recente. CONCLUSÃO: As artroplastias de ombro tornaram-se um procedimento frequente na prática ortopédica. Registros cirúrgicos são importantes a fim de demonstrar essa evolução progressiva e permitir avaliações de resultados clínicos no futuro.OBJECTIVE: The study's objective is to evaluate the characteristics and problems of patients who underwent shoulder arthroplasties between July 2004 and November 2006. METHODOLOGY: During the period of the study, 145 shoulder arthroplasties were performed. A prospective protocol was used for every patient; demographic, clinical and surgical procedure data were collected. All gathered data were included in the data base. The patients were divided in three major groups: fractures, degenerative diseases and trauma sequels. Information obtained from the data base was correlated in order to determine patients' epidemiologic, injuries, and surgical procedure profiles. RESULTS: Of the 145 shoulder arthroplasties performed, 37% presented trauma sequels, 30% degenerative diseases, and 33% proximal humerus

  11. Artroplastia total do quadril não cimentada em pacientes com artrite reumatóide Uncemented total hip arthroplasty in patients with rheumatoid arthritis

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    Bruno Tavares Rabello


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar os resultados clínico-funcional e radiográfico das artroplastias totais do quadril não cimentadas em pacientes com artrite reumatóide. MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo de 24 pacientes (28 quadris portadores de artrite reumatóide submetidos à artroplastia total do quadril, utilizando-se a prótese femoral não cimentada Secur Fit Osteonics®, com seguimento mínimo de dois anos. Clinicamente, os pacientes foram avaliados utilizando os critérios de Merle D'Aubigné, e os critérios de Engh, na avaliação radiográfica. RESULTADOS: O tempo médio de seguimento foi de 5,6 anos (dois anos a oito anos e 11 meses. Clinicamente, resultados bons e excelentes foram observados em 22 pacientes, com destaque para a melhora do parâmetro dor. Não foi evidenciado qualquer caso de afrouxamento. Complicações foram observadas em dois casos, um paciente apresentou trombose venosa profunda (TVP, comprovada com doppler, e um caso de fratura peroperatória distal ao calcar, tratada com cerclagem, sem repercussão na qualidade dos resultados clínico e radiográfico do paciente. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados sugerem, após seguimento médio de 5,6 anos, que a artroplastia total do quadril não cimentada pode ser opção satisfatória nas coxartroses de pacientes portadores de artrite reumatóide.OBJECTIVE: To analyze clinical, functional, and radiographic results of uncemented total hip arthroplasties in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. METHODS: Retrospective study of 24 patients (28 hips with rheumatoid arthritis submitted to total hip arthroplasty, using uncemented femoral prosthesis Secur Fit Osteonics®, with minimum follow-up of two years. The patients were clinically evaluated using the Merle D'Aubigné criteria and the Engh criteria in radiographic evaluation. RESULTS: Mean follow-up time was 5.6 years (two years to eight years and 11 months. Clinically, good and excellent results were observed in 22 patients, with emphasis on pain

  12. Prótesis total de rodilla en pacientes con enfermedad de Parkinson. Resultados preliminares. [Total ­knee­ arthroplasty­ in­ Parkinson’s ­disease­ patients. Preliminary results.

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    Juan P. Bonifacio


    Full Text Available In­tro­duc­ción: La enfermedad de Parkinson es un trastorno neurodegenerativo progresivo y crónico, con una incidencia aproximada de 31/100.000 habitantes en la Argentina. El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar un grupo de pacientes con enfermedad de Parkinson sometidos a artroplastia total de rodilla. Materiales­ y ­Métodos:­ Entre 2009 y 2011, se evaluó a 11 pacientes (edad promedio 68 años, rango 65-80 con enfermedad de Parkinson que fueron operados por artrosis de rodilla con prótesis cementadas estabilizadas a posteriori. Todos fueron evaluados con la escala analógica visual para el dolor, el Knee Society Scoring, el WOMAC y el grado de satisfacción subjetiva. El grado de afectación de la enfermedad de Parkinson se determinó con la escala modificada de Hoehn y Yahr. Se registraron las complicaciones. Resultados: El seguimiento promedio fue de 2 años (rango 1-3. Las evaluaciones para dolor y funcionales arrojaron los siguientes resultados: la escala analógica visual para el dolor mejoró 3 puntos promedio; KSS dolor 37/74; KSS funcional 36/51, WOMAC 67/31. El grado de satisfacción de los pacientes fue de bueno a excelente en 7 casos. La escala modificada de Hoehn y Yahr fue de 1,5 puntos en el preoperatorio y de 2,6 puntos en el posoperatorio. Hubo 6 complicaciones: dos síndromes confusionales, una trombosis venosa profunda, una luxación protésica y dos prótesis dolorosas. Conclusión:­ La artroplastia total de rodilla en pacientes con enfermedad de Parkinson es un procedimiento que mejora los resultados funcionales y el dolor, pero provoca mayores complicaciones que en la población general.

  13. Uma Metodologia para a avaliação dos gradientes de tenacidade à fratura ao longo da camada cementada do aço SAE 5115


    Sandor,Leonardo Taborda; Ferreira,Itamar


    Este trabalho propõe um modelo para avaliar pontualmente as variações de tenacidade à fratura ao longo da camada cementada de um aço SAE 5115. A pequena espessura dessas camadas impede a retirada de corpos de prova nas dimensões especificadas pelas normas de ensaios de tenacidade à fratura. Assim, para simular uma camada cementada retirou-se corpos-de-prova de tração e de tenacidade à fratura de amostras de aços SAE 5115, 5140, 5160 e 52100 assumindo a influência local apenas da variação do t...

  14. Aplicabilidade clínica dos resultados de enfermagem em pacientes com mobilidade física prejudicada submetidos à artroplastia total de quadril


    Marcos Barragan da Silva


    A Artroplastia Total de Quadril (ATQ) é um procedimento cirúrgico amplamente utilizado para o tratamento de afecções da articulação coxofemoral, sejam elas degenerativas inflamatórias ou traumáticas. Ela tornou-se um excelente método de tratamento no alívio da dor e melhora da capacidade funcional desses pacientes. No período pós-operatório, esses pacientes tornam-se dependentes da equipe enfermagem, devido à limitação para mobilizar-se e a restrição ao leito, visto que, não podem apoiar-se n...

  15. Infecções ortopédicas em pacientes submetidos a artroplastias total de quadril e joelho, hemiartroplastias e osteossínteses: incidência, fatores de risco e influência do ar do Centro Cirúrgico em um Hospital Universitário Brasileiro


    Dolinger, Elias José Oliveira Von


    Os objetivos foram avaliar o nível da contaminação do ar durante artroplastias total de quadril e joelho, hemiartroplastias e osteossínteses, incidência de infecção e fatores de risco associados a infecções ortopédicas em cirurgias primárias. As avaliações microbiológicas do ar foram em: sete artroplastias total de quadril e joelho, três de hemiartroplastias e sete de osteossínteses, com a exposição de placas de petri, por uma hora, no início e final da cirurgia. O número de pe...

  16. Tratamento das infecções pós artroplastia total de joelho: resultados com 2 anos de seguimento Treatment of infections following total knee arthroplasty: 2-year follow-up outcomes

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    Caio Oliveira D'Elia


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: A (ATJ Artroplastia Total do Joelho é cirurgia de grande porte e sujeita a complicações pós operatórias, sendo a infecção uma das piores e mais temidas. No Instituto de Ortopedia e Traumatologia da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo, a incidência de infecção nas ATJ tem se mantido ao redor de 3% nos últimos 3 anos. O objetivo desse estudo é analisar e padronizar o protocolo de tratamento das infecções pós artroplastia total de joelho. MATERIAIS AND MÉTODOS: Dentre os anos de 2003 e 2004, vinte e nove pacientes com o diagnóstico de infecção pós artroplastia total de joelho primária foram submetidos a o protocolo de tratamento, sendo o período médio de seguimento 20 meses. Dentre os casos nove eram de infecção superficial, três de infecção profunda aguda, e dezoito de infecção profunda crônica. A classificação é baseada em critérios clínicos locais e no tempo de apresentação dos sintomas. RESULTADOS: Foram tratados oito pacientes com quadro de infecção superficial e três pacientes com infecção profunda aguda, com índice de cura de 100%, sem nenhuma recidiva. Foram tratados dezoito casos de infecção profunda crônica, com cura sem recidiva no período de seguimento em 14 pacientes. CONCLUSÃO: Consideramos nossos resultados e nosso protocolo de tratamento adequados e compatíveis com a literatura.OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study is to analyze and standardize the treatment protocol of infections following total knee arthroplasty proposed by the Knee Group and the Infectology Group of IOT-HC-FMUSP. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Between 2003 and 2004, twenty-nine patients (19 women and 10 men, mean age: 67 years diagnosed with infection after total primary knee arthroplasty were hospitalized at IOT-HC FMUSP (Institute of Orthopedics and Traumatology of Hospital das Clínicas, Medical College, University of Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil and subjected to a treatment protocol. The mean

  17. Artroplastia total de cadera en pacientes con artritis reumatoide. [Total­ hip ­arthroplasty ­in ­rheumatoid­ arthritis.

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    Fernando Lopreite


    Full Text Available Intro­duc­ción: Alrededor del 15% de los pacientes con coxartrosis secundaria a artritis reumatoide necesitarán un reemplazo total de cadera, el patrón oro en el tratamiento. El objetivo es mostrar nuestra experiencia en reemplazo total de cadera en pacientes con artritis reumatoide, mediante un análisis retrospectivo, con énfasis en las alternativas protésicas y las complicaciones encontradas. Materiales­ y­ Métodos: Se analizaron 48 reemplazos totales de cadera primarios en 40 pacientes (edad promedio 58 años, con un seguimiento promedio de 6 años. Se realizaron 23 reemplazos totales de cadera cementados, 21 híbridos y 4 no cementados. Para el seguimiento, se contó con el examen clínico, la valoración del puntaje de Cadera de Harris y estudios radiológicos a los 21 y 45 días, 3 y 6 meses, al primer año y anualmente. Se evaluaron las zonas de DeLee-Charnley y Gruen para determinar el aflojamiento protésico. Resultados:­ El puntaje de Harris promedio fue de 29,8 en el preoperatorio y de 82,2 después de la cirugía. La supervivencia de la prótesis a los 5 años fue del 98%. A los 8 años de la cirugía, se agregaron 3 casos adicionales de aflojamiento protésico, y se calculó una supervivencia a mediano plazo del 87,5%. Todos los casos revisados correspondían a implantes protésicos cementados. No hubo signos de aflojamiento radiológico ni clínico en las prótesis híbridas y no cementadas. Conclusiones:­ El reemplazo total de cadera constituye un procedimiento válido que mejora notablemente la calidad de vida de los pacientes con artritis reumatoide y compromiso grave de las caderas. Los resultados dependen de varios factores: tipo de prótesis, estado clínico y técnica quirúrgica. Coincidiendo con la literatura internacional, la utilización de cotilos no cementados mejora la supervivencia de la prótesis a largo plazo.

  18. Rolamento posterior do fêmur na artroplastia total do joelho: comparação entre as próteses com preservação e com sacrifício do ligamento cruzado posterior Femoral roll back in total knee arthroplasty: comparison between prostheses that preserve and sacrifice the posterior cruciate ligament

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    Lúcio Honório de Carvalho Júnior


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Comparar a posteriorização do ponto de contato entre o componente femoral e o polietileno tibial à medida em que o joelho é fletido em dois tipos de artroplastia total do joelho, uma com sacrifício e outra com preservação do ligamento cruzado posterior (LCP. MÉTODOS: Foram analisados, sob fluoroscopia, 36 joelhos de 32 pacientes submetidos a artroplastia total do joelho. Analisando as imagens em perfil, foi medido o ponto de contato do fêmur com o polietileno tibial com o joelho em extensão completa e em 90 graus de flexão, mensurando-se o percentual de "rolamento" posterior do fêmur nas artroplastias em que o ligamento cruzado posterior (LCP foi sacrificado e naquelas nas quais esse foi preservado. RESULTADOS: O percentual médio de posteriorização do fêmur foi de 13,24% nos casos em que o LCP foi sacrificado e de 5,75% nos casos em que esse foi preservado. A diferença entre essas medidas foi estatisticamente significativa, com p = 0,026615. CONCLUSÃO: Na artroplastia total do joelho, sacrificar o LCP aumenta a translação posterior do ponto de contato entre o fêmur e a tíbia à medida em que o joelho é flexionado até 90 graus.OBJECTIVE: To compare the rollback of the contact point between the femoral component and the tibial polyethylene as the knee is flexed, in two types of total knee arthroplasty: one that sacrifices and the other that preserves the posterior cruciate ligament (PCL. METHODS: Under fluoroscopy, 36 knees from 32 patients who underwent total knee arthroplasty were evaluated. Using lateral images, the contact points between the femur and the tibial polyethylene with the knee in complete extension and at 90° of flexion were measured, thereby measuring the percentage rollback of the femur in arthroplasties in which the PCL was sacrificed and in those in which it was preserved. RESULTS: The mean percentage rollback of the femur was 13.24% in the cases in which the PCL was sacrificed and 5.75% in

  19. Infecções hospitalares em 46 pacientes submetidos a artroplastia total do quadril Hospital infections in 46 patients submitted to total hip replacement

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    Ana Lúcia Lei Munhoz Lima


    Full Text Available Foram estudados 46 pacientes submetidos a artroplastia total do quadril em um Instituto de Ortopedia de São Paulo, Brasil, no período de 1993 a 1995, com o objetivo de obter a real frequência das infecções hospitalares da ferida operatória superficial e profunda que ocorrem nessa cirurgia. O estudo baseou-se no acompanhamento pré-operatório, trans-operatório e pós-operatório com seguimento mínimo de três meses de todos os pacientes, no sentido de caracterizar os agentes etiológicos das infecções e os fatores de risco que contribuem para o seu desenvolvimento. Foi observada uma freqüência total de 15.1% de infecções hospitalares, sendo 6.5% de infecção superficial da ferida operatória, 6.5% de infecção profunda e 2.1% de infecção do trato urinário. Os agentes etiológicos encontrados foram Pseudomonas aeruginosa (2 casos, Staphylococcus coagulase negativo (2 casos, Morganella morgani (1 caso e associação de Acinetobacter calcoaceticus (2 casos. O fator de risco com significância estatística observado nesta casuística foi o tempo cirúrgico aumentado. Concluiu-se que a frequência de infecção da ferida cirúrgica superficial e profunda nas artroplastias totais de quadril foi maior, nesta casuística, do que a relatada na literatura internacional, com elevada participação de bacilos Gram-negativos como agentes etiológicos e tendo como principal fator de risco o tempo cirúrgico aumentado.We studied 46 patients submitted to total hip replacement at an Orthopaedics Institute in the city of São Paulo, Brazil, from 1993 to 1995, in order to determine the real frequency of hospital infections of the superficial and deep surgical wounds occurring in this operation. The study consisted of preoperative, transoperative and postoperative monitoring and a minimum follow-up period of three months for all patients in order to characterise the etiologic agents of the infections and risk factors contributing to the

  20. Artroplastía de superficie en cadera. Resultados iniciales favorables en pacientes selectos. [Hip resurfacing arthroplasty: favorable initial results in selected patients

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    Fernando Martín Comba


    Full Text Available In­tro­duc­ción El objetivo del presente trabajo es reportar los resultados clínicos y radiológicos iniciales de una serie consecutiva de pacientes selectos tratados en nuestra institución con un único diseño de artroplastia de superficie, comparando además la tasa de revisión temprana con un grupo control de pacientes tratados en el mismo lapso con una artroplastia total de cadera no cementada. Material y ­Métodos Cuarenta y siete pacientes de sexo masculino (49 caderas con diagnóstico de artrosis de cadera que fueron tratados quirúrgicamente con una artroplastia híbrida de superficie, entre noviembre de 2006 y julio de 2009. La edad promedio fue de 44,5 años (rango de 21 a 57. En todos los casos, la indicación de la artroplastia de superficie se realizó en pacientes jóvenes con alta expectativa funcional y siguiendo estrictos criterios de selección radiológicos. Se efectuó un seguimiento clínico y un meticuloso análisis radiológico. Resultados La escala funcional posoperatoria de Merle D’Aubigné-Postel fue, en promedio, de 17,3 puntos a los 43 meses de seguimiento promedio (rango 24-62 meses. El 85% de los pacientes refirió que practicaba alguna actividad deportiva con una escala UCLA promedio de 9,5 (rango 8-10. Un paciente requirió una cirugía de revisión (2,04% por fractura de cuello femoral. No existieron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en cuanto a la tasa de revisión temprana comparando con el grupo control (p = 0,55. Conclusiones En nuestra experiencia inicial con artroplastia de superficie, obtuvimos resultados a corto plazo favorables, en una serie de hombres con artrosis y alta demanda funcional, estrictamente seleccionados.

  1. Avaliação da perda sanguínea na artroplastia total do joelho com e sem soltura do torniquete Blood loss in total knee arthroplasty with and without tourniquet release

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    José Wanderley Vasconcelos


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar a perda sanguínea em pacientes submetidos à artroplastia total cimentada do joelho com e sem soltura trans-operatória do torniquete pneumático para a hemostasia. MÉTODOS: Foram estudados 72 pacientes submetidos à artroplastia total, num total de 80 joelhos, divididos em dois grupos: Grupo 1 onde se manteve o torniquete pneumático até a sutura e curativo da ferida operatória, e Grupo 2 onde foi realizada a soltura do torniquete pneumático após a cimentação da prótese, com realização de hemostasia direta, antes da sutura e curativo. Os pacientes foram avaliados quanto ao sangramento pelo dreno de sucção e à contagem de hemoglobina e hematócrito, considerando os intervalos de duas, 24 e 48 horas de pós-operatório. RESULTADOS: Não houve diferença significante entre os dois grupos quanto ao sangramento pós-operatório e decréscimo dos parâmetros hematimétricos. Somente um paciente do Grupo 2 necessitou transfusão de concentrado de hemáceas no pós-operatório. CONCLUSÃO: O sangramento pós-operatório na ATJ mostrou-se igual com e sem a soltura do torniquete pneumático para a realização da hemostasia.OBJECTIVE: To evaluate blood loss in patients submitted to cemented total knee arthroplasty with and without perioperative tourniquet release for hemostasis. METHODS: Seventy-two patients (eighty knees were submitted to total knee arthroplasty, allocated into two groups: in Group 1, in which the pneumatic tourniquet was maintained until suture and dressing of the operated wound, and Group 2, in which the pneumatic tourniquet was released intraoperatively after cementing the prosthesis, with direct hemostasis, before the suture and dressing. The patients were evaluated for blood loss by the suction drain, and hemoglobin and hematocrit counts, at intervals of 2, 24 and 48 hours in the postoperative period tube. RESULTS: There was no significant difference between the groups in terms of postoperative blood

  2. A influência da via de acesso na luxação das artroplastias totais do quadril The influence of the surgical approach concerning dislocation in total hip arthroplasty

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    José Ricardo Negreiros Vicente


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar a ocorrência de luxação nas artroplastias totais do quadril não cimentadas, comparando-se os acessos posterior e lateral direto. Métodos: Estudo retrospectivo comparativo com 232 pacientes submetidos à artroplastia total do quadril não cimentada, por diagnóstico de osteoartrose primária e secundária, sendo 105 submetidos ao acesso posterior e 127 ao acesso lateral. O modelo protético utilizado foi único, assim como o protocolo de reabilitação e cuidados pós-operatórios. Foram verificados ocorrência de luxação, posicionamento acetabular e componentes utilizados. RESULTADOS: Ocorreu um caso isolado de luxação no grupo do acesso lateral direto (0,8% contra 0% no grupo de pacientes submetidos ao acesso posterior, sem diferença significativa (p = 1. A luxação ocorreu em uma paciente de 47 anos de idade, que foi tratada com redução incruenta sem recidiva da luxação após três anos e um mês de seguimento. O tempo de seguimento dos dois grupos variou entre seis e 42 meses, com média de 23,7 meses. CONCLUSÃO: Os autores concluem que a prevalência de luxação nas artroplastias totais do quadril é similar nos dois acessos estudados e que medidas educativas, técnica cirúrgica adequada e utilização de próteses com offsets maiores podem diminuir o risco dessa complicação.OBJECTIVES: Our primary aim was to evaluate the occurrence of dislocation of non-cemented total hip arthroplasty, when using the posterior and the direct lateral approaches. METHODS: We performed a comparative retrospective study with 232 patients submitted to non-cemented total hip arthroplasty, due to the diagnosis of primary or secondary osteoarthritis. The posterior approach was used in 105 patients while direct lateral approach was used in 127 patients. There was only one prosthesis model and the same rehabilitation program and post-operative care was used for all patients. We checked the occurrence of dislocation, the

  3. Artroplastia total de disco cervical com prótese de Bryan: resultados clínicos e funcionais Artroplastía cervical total con prótesis de Bryan: resultados clínicos y funcionales Cervical total disc arthroplasty with Bryan disc: clinical and functional outcomes

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    Eduardo Machado de Menezes


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar resultados da artroplastia total disco cervical com a prótese de Bryan para tratamento da cervicobraquialgia (radiculopatia e da mielopatia compressiva. MÉTODOS: No período de 2002 a 2007, a equipe da CECOL operou 65 pacientes. Somente 28 pacientes foram localizados em 2010 para uma nova coleta de dados. Foi feita avaliação pré e pós-operatória, utilizando-se o questionário CSOQ (Cervical Spine Outcomes Questionnaire. Os critérios de Odom foram utilizados somente na avaliação pós-operatória. Ambos foram traduzidos e adaptados para cultura local. RESULTADOS: Houve melhora funcional e sintomática significativa na maioria dos pacientes. A atenuação da dor cervical (axial e braquial (radicular foi semelhante. Os critérios Odom indicaram 82,1% de bons e ótimos resultados, 10% satisfatórios e 7% ruins. Houve apenas uma complicação (3%, que foi revertida com a artrodese anterior. CONCLUSÕES: A artroplastia total de disco cervical demonstrou ser um método seguro e eficaz para tratamento de casos selecionados de hérnia de disco cervical associada a radiculopatia e/ou mielopatia a curto e médio prazo.OBJETIVO: Evaluar los resultados de la artroplastia discal cervical con la prótesis de Bryan para el tratamiento del radiculopatía y compresión de la médula espinal (mielopatía. MÉTODOS: El equipo de CECOL ha operado 65 pacientes en el período de 2002 a 2007. Sólo 28 pacientes fueron localizados en 2010 para una nueva recolección de datos. La evaluación pre y postoperatoria se realizó mediante un cuestionario CSOQ (Cervical Spine Outcomes Questionnaire. Los criterios de Odom sólo fueron utilizados en la evaluación postoperatoria. Ambos fueron traducidos y adaptados a la cultura local. RESULTADOS: Hubo una mejora significativa sintomática y funcional en la mayoría de los pacientes. La atenuación del dolor de cuello (axial y braquial (radicular fue similar. Los criterios Odom demostraron 82,1% de

  4. Bloqueio do plexo lombar pela via posterior para analgesia pós-operatória em artroplastia total do quadril: estudo comparativo entre Bupivacaína a 0,5% com Epinefrina e Ropivacaína a 0,5% Bloqueo del plexo lumbar por la vía posterior para analgesia postoperatoria en artroplastia total de la cadera: estudio comparativo entre Bupivacaína a 0,5% con Epinefrina y Ropivacaína a 0,5% Posterior lumbar plexus block in postoperative analgesia for total hip arthroplasty: a comparative study between 0.5% Bupivacaine with Epinephrine and 0.5% Ropivacaine

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    Leonardo Teixeira Domingues Duarte


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: O bloqueio do plexo lombar pela via posterior promove analgesia pós-operatória efetiva na artroplastia total do quadril. Ropivacaína e bupivacaína não apresentaram qualquer diferença na eficácia analgésica em diferentes bloqueios de nervos periféricos. O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar a eficácia da analgesia pós-operatória resultante da administração em dose única da bupivacaína a 0,5% ou da ropivacaína a 0,5% no bloqueio do plexo lombar pela via posterior na artroplastia total do quadril. MÉTODO: Trinta e sete pacientes foram alocados aleatoriamente em dois grupos, segundo o anestésico local utilizado no bloqueio: Grupo B - bupivacaína a 0,5% com epinefrina 1:200.000 ou Grupo R - ropivacaína a 0,5%. Durante o período pós-operatório, os escores de dor e o consumo de morfina na analgesia controlada pelo paciente foram comparados entre os grupos. O sangramento durante a operação e a incidência de efeitos adversos e de complicações também foram comparados. RESULTADOS: Apesar dos escores de dor terem sido menores no Grupo R 8, 12 e 24 horas após o bloqueio, essas diferenças não foram clinicamente significativas. Regressão linear múltipla não identificou o anestésico local como variável independente. Não houve diferença no consumo de morfina, no sangramento intraoperatório e na incidência de complicações e efeitos adversos entre os dois grupos. CONCLUSÕES: A bupivacaína a 0,5% e a ropivacaína a 0,5% produziram alívio eficaz e prolongado da dor pós-operatória após artroplastia total do quadril, sem diferença clínica, quando doses equivalentes foram administradas no bloqueio do plexo lombar pela via posterior.JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: El bloqueo del plexo lumbar por la vía posterior, genera una analgesia postoperatoria efectiva en la artroplastia total de la cadera. La ropivacaína y la bupivacaína no arrojaron ninguna diferencia en la eficacia analgésica en

  5. Evaluation of blood loss after early or late release of ischemia in patients undergoing total knee replacement Avaliação da perda sanguínea após a liberação precoce ou tardia da isquemia em pacientes submetidos à artroplastia total do joelho

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    Marcos George de Souza Leão


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: compare blood loss in 40 patients underwent to unilateral total knee replacement with the release of ischemia before and after skin closure and compressive dressing. METHODS: in a prospective randomized study, in 40 patients underwent to total knee replacement, dividing then into two groups: group A in which the ischemia was released before skin closure, allowing bleeding control and group B where the ischemia was released after skin suture and pressure dressing. We compared the results of laboratory tests of serum hemoglobin before surgery and 48 hours postoperatively, the blood volume contained in vacuum suction drain and the transfusions that was necessary. RESULTS: As a result, the post operative serum hemoglobin levels had a mean decrease of 3.57 g/dL in group A and 4.24 g/dL in group B with an average of 0.67g/dL difference between them, statistically insignificant.The observed mean drainage, in the vacuum drain, were 705 mL in group A and 700 mL in group B. The 5ml difference between medians was considered statistically insignificant. The number of patients who received transfusions was four patients in both groups and all received two units of red blood cells. CONCLUSION: the post operative serum hemoglobin levels, as well as the need of blood transfusion, in the patient underwent to total knee replacement, where the ischemia was released before wound closure, has no statistical effect in comparison with patients where the sutures and bandages were done after the ischemia release. Level of Evidence IB - Individual randomized controlled trial with narrow confidence interval. OBJETIVO: Avaliar comparativamente a perda sanguínea em pacientes submetidos à artroplastia total do joelho, com liberação da isquemia antes e após suturas e curativo compressivo. MÉTODOS: Fez-se um estudo prospectivo randomizado em 40 pacientes submetidos à artroplastia total do joelho divididos em dois grupos. No primeiro grupo a isquemia foi

  6. Avaliação comparativa da altura patelar pós-artroplastias totais do joelho com e sem preservação do ligamento cruzado posterior Comparative evaluation of patellar height after total knee arthroplasty with and without preservation of the posterior cruciate ligament

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    Alfredo Marques Villardi


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar possíveis alterações na altura da patela, pós-artroplastias totais do joelho com e sem preservação do ligamento cruzado posterior (LCP. MÉTODO: Foram analisadas radiografias pré e pós-operatórias, de 120 pacientes submetidos a artroplastias totais do joelho, realizadas no Instituto Nacional de Traumatologia e Ortopedia, no período compreendido entre janeiro de 2003 e janeiro de 2005, com implantes do tipo Johnson de plataforma rotatória. A amostra foi dividida em dois grupos, correspondendo o grupo I a exames radiográficos pré e pós-artroplastias totais do joelho com preservação do LCP (n = 60 e o grupo II, a exames radiográficos pré e pós-artroplastias sem preservação do LCP (n = 60. Para a mensuração dos valores pré e pós-operatórios foi utilizado o método de Blackburne-Peel, cujo valor normal é igual a 0,8 (± 0,2, variando, portanto, entre 0,6 e 1. RESULTADOS: O índice patelar médio pré-operatório do grupo I foi igual a 0,874 e, no grupo II, a média foi igual a 0,857. O índice médio de altura patelar pós-operatório do grupo I foi igual a 0,849, variando entre 0,54 e 1,03. No grupo II, o menor índice foi igual a 0,48, o maior igual a 0,94, sendo o índice médio igual a 0,79. A comparação dos valores pós-operatórios nos dois grupos apresentou diferença estatisticamente significativa (p OBJECTIVE: To evaluate possible changes in patellar height after total knee arthroplasties with and without preservation of the posterior cruciate ligament (PCL. METHOD: Analysis was made of pre- and post-operative X-rays of 120 patients submitted to total knee arthroplasties at the National Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics between January 2003 and January 2005, with Johnson-type rotary platform implants. The sample was divided into two groups, group I corresponding to radiographic exams before and after total knee arthroplasty with preservation of the PCL (n = 60, and group II corresponding

  7. Perfil clínico-epidemiológico dos pacientes em pós-operatório de artroplastia em um hospital do sul de Minas Gerais / Epidemiological clinical profile of patients in arthroplasty postoperative period in a hospital south of Minas Gerais

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    Verônica dos Santos Rezende


    Full Text Available Introdução: Conhecer a epidemiologia das artroplastias contribui para uma melhor assistência ao paciente, proporcionando medidas corretivas e preventivas das possíveis complicações. Objetivos: Traçar o perfil clínico-epidemiológico dos pacientes em pós-operatório (PO de artroplastia em um Hospital do Sul de Minas Gerais. Métodos: Foi realizado um estudo observacional, retrospectivo e transversal a partir da análise de prontuários e exames complementares de pacientes submetidos à artroplastia de quadril e joelho no Hospital Escola da Faculdade de Medicina de Itajubá (HE/FMIt. Resultados: Houve prevalência do gênero feminino; a idade média foi de 69,1 anos; 93,6% eram brancos; 49,4% eram casados; 92,0% eram católicos. Em relação à artroplastia de quadril e joelho, respectivamente, 48,4% tiveram fratura de fêmur e 73,3% artrose; 83,4% foram submetidos à artroplastia total de quadril e 100,0% à artroplastia total de joelho; 82,2% e 100,0% utilizaram prótese cimentada; 91,1% internados de 5 a 10 dias e 86,7% internados de 1 a 5 dias; 42,7% negaram comorbidades e 66,7% tinham hipertensão arterial; 46,5% e 60,0% relataram dor, 5,1% apresentaram luxação e 80,0% sem complicações. Destaca-se que 100,0% dos pacientes não foram encaminhados à fisioterapia. Conclusão: Conclui-se que a organização e sistematização de dados são fundamentais para a promoção da segurança do paciente, prevenindo suas complicações e aumentando a sua qualidade de vida. Introduction: To know the epidemiology of arthroplasties is a way to contribute to better patient care, by providing corrective and preventive measures of possible complications. Aims: To describe the clinical-epidemiological profile of patients in the postoperative period (PO of arthroplasty in a Hospital in the South of Minas Gerais State. Methods: An observational, retrospective and cross-sectional study was carried out and it was based on the analysis of charts and

  8. Atypical pyoderma gangrenosum following total knee replacement surgery: first report in dermatologic literature Pioderma gangrenoso atípico após artroplastia total do joelho: primeiro relato na literatura dermatológica

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    Shyam B. Verma


    Full Text Available An atypical pyoderma gangrenosum mimicking a post surgical cutaneous and subcutaneous infection is being reported for the first time in international literature after knee replacement surgery with the operation site being the starting point of pyoderma gangrenosum. Orthopedic surgeons and general surgeons should be aware of the existence of this disease and its association with surgical trauma.Um pioderma gangrenoso atípico, similar a uma infecção cutânea e subcutânea pós-operatório, está sendo relatado pela primeira vez na literatura mundial, depois de realização de artroplastia do joelho, tendo como foco inicial o local da cirurgia. Cirurgiões ortopédicos e gerais devem estar cientes da existência dessa doença e de sua associação ao trauma cirúrgico.

  9. Artropatia de manguito: o que esperar do resultado funcional da artroplastia reversa?

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    Rodrigo Caldonazzo Fávaro


    Full Text Available resumo Objetivo: Avaliar o resultado funcional da artroplastia reversa, suas complicações e relações com os tipos de lesões. Métodos: Foram tratados 27 ombros, de 26 mulheres e um homem. Os pacientes foram avalia dos pela escala funcional de UCLA. O modelo de implantes usado foi o Delta Xtend Depuy(r. As lesões foram classificadas segundo Seebauer para o grau de artropatia e Nerot para o notching. Resultado: Aidade média foi de 77,4 (67-89, o seguimento foi de 25,8 meses (6-51, o UCLA pré era de 10,1 (6-15 e o UCLA pós foi de 29,8 (22-35, com uma melhoria estatisticamente signi ficativa (p < 0,001. Pela classificação de Seebauer, cinco eram 1B, 19 eram 2 A e três eram 2 B. Tivemos 15 complicacões (55,5%, o notching foi o mais comum e ocorreu em 14 pacientes, nove deles grau I e cinco grau II, mas nenhum deles gerou instabilidade. Apenas uma paci ente (3,7% teve complicação maior, com luxacão no pós-operatório imediato. Dois pacientes (7,4% alegaram que não repetiriam o procedimento. Uma paciente (3,7% foi submetida a revisão. Conclusão: A artroplastia reversa mostrou-se uma excelente opção para o tratamento de pacientes com artropatia do manguito rotador com baixo índice de complicações maio res. O notching é uma complicação frequente, mas que na maioria dos casos não apresenta repercussão clínica

  10. Aloenxerto circunferencial de femur proximal em cirurgia de revisäo de artroplastia total de quadril: relato de casos com seguimento mínimo de 20 anos Circumferential proximal femoral allografts in revision surgery on total hip arthroplasty: case reports with a minimum follow-up of 20 years

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    Bruno Dutra Roos


    Full Text Available Dentre as opções para reconstrução femoral em cirurgias de revisão de artroplastia total do quadril (RATQ em defeitos circunferenciais extensos está a utilização de aloenxerto de fêmur proximal. O seu uso permite a correção do mecanismo abdutor do quadril e da discrepância de comprimento dos membros inferiores, além de apresentar potencial osteocondutivo. Os autores relatam os achados clínicos e radiográficos de dois casos de RATQ com uso desta técnica, em seguimento mínimo de 20 anos.Among the options for femoral reconstruction in total hip arthroplasty (THA revision procedures, in cases of extensive circumferential defects, is the use of proximal femoral allografts. This technique makes it possible to correct the hip abductor mechanism and the leg length discrepancy, as well as presenting osteoconductive potential. The authors report the clinical and radiographic results from two cases of THA revision using this technique, with a minimum follow-up of 20 years.

  11. Restauração do centro de rotação na artroplastia total do quadril minimamente invasiva Restoration of the rotation center in minimally-invasive total hip replacement

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    José Ricardo Negreiros Vicente


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Nosso objetivo foi avaliar a dificuldade de se obter uma restauração satisfatória do centro de rotação , assim como, um bom posicionamento acetabular, no acesso minimamente invasivo posterior nas artroplastias totais do quadril não cimentadas. METODOS: Realizamos um estudo não randomizado comparativo prospectivo, com 64 pacientes submetidos a artroplastia total do quadril com o acesso minimamente invasivo posterior, realizado por um único cirurgião. Todos os pacientes incluídos no estudo apresentavam migração superior e lateral do centro de rotação do quadril em comparação com o quadril contralateral.Os critérios de exclusão foram: fratura do colo femoral, quadris displásicos tipos 2,3 e 4 segundo a classificação de Crowe e osteoartrose do quadril contralateral. Entre os 64 pacientes, 39 apresentaram um planejamento acetabular radiográfico igual ou menor que 50mm e 25 pacientes igual ou maior que 52 mm. Consideramos bom resultado os seguintes quesitos: inclinação acetabular entre 35 e 50 graus, componente acetabular coincidente com a estimativa pré-operatória com contato nas três zonas de DeLee e Charnley, abaixamento e medialização do centro de rotação em relação as medidas pré-operatórias e uma discrepância final do membro menor que 10 mm. RESULTADOS: Uma melhor restauração do centro de rotação foi observada nos pacientes com componentes acetabulares iguais ou menores que 50, p=0.04. Devemos destacar duas situações de risco ao usarmos o acesso minimamente invasivo posterior: colocação do componente acetabular em posição vertical ou lateral devido a preparo e fresagem insuficientes do osso hospedeiro, com piora do contato do implante na zona 1 acetabular. CONCLUSÃO: Propomos em pacientes cujo acetábulo previsto seja igual ou maior que 52 mm, o uso de acessos cirúrgicos convencionais.PURPOSE: Our aim was to evaluate the challenges in obtaining a successful restoration of the rotation

  12. Avaliação do risco de dano da vértebra lombar após artroplastia


    Duarte, Ana Rita Pereira


    A substituição do disco intervertebral lombar tem sido considerada uma alternativa cirúrgica ao tratamento da doença degenerativa do disco lombar. Comparada com a fusão lombar, a artroplastia discal preserva a mobilidade entre segmentos e decresce potencialmente os problemas nos discos adjacentes a termo. Nas avaliações de longo prazo, a vantagem teórica de redução de problemas nos discos adjacentes não tem sido completamente evidenciada. Diferente dos sistemas de artrodese de fusão, que trab...

  13. Revisão da artroplastia total de joelho em dois tempos: o valor da cultura obtida por biópsia artroscópica Review of knee total arthroplasty in two steps: the value of culture obtained through arthroscopic biopsy

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    Marcos de Camargo Leonhardt


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: O tratamento mais utilizado para o tratamento das infecções profundas nas artroplastias totais do joelho tem sido a revisão em dois tempos. Mesmo seguindo os passos preconizados neste tipo de tratamento, ainda existe a dúvida do período certo para realizar o segundo tempo da revisão sem o risco de colocação de um novo implante em uma área ainda infectada. Nosso trabalho tem como objetivo determinar o valor da cultura obtida por biópsia artroscópica, a fim de determinar o momento adequado para a realização do segundo tempo da revisão e também o tempo adequado para manter o espaçador. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: Doze pacientes com o diagnóstico de infecção profunda pós-artroplastia total de joelho primária foram submetidos ao protocolo de revisão em dois tempos, e após seis semanas da colocação do espaçador e da antibioticoterapia, o paciente foi submetido à biópsia artroscópica no joelho infectado e através dela foram colhidas amostras para cultura a fim de verificar se o momento era adequado para a realização do segundo tempo da revisão. RESULTADOS: Os resultados das culturas de todos os pacientes submetidos à biópsia artroscópica foram negativos, sendo todos submetidos ao segundo tempo da revisão. Das culturas colhidas durante o implante da nova prótese, onze confirmaram a inexistência de processo infeccioso ativo no sítio cirúrgico; uma cultura foi positiva, sendo isolado neste paciente Staphyloccocus aureus sensível à oxacilina. CONCLUSÃO: Apesar do pequeno número de casos, concluímos que a cultura obtida pela biópsia artroscópica tem valor e mostrou que seis semanas é o tempo adequado para manutenção do espaçador.OBJECTIVE: The most commonly used treatment for deep infections in knee total arthroplasties has been the two-steps review. Even following the steps recommended for this kind of treatment, still doubts exist about the right period to perform the second step of the review without

  14. Resultados de artroplastia total de joelho com e sem implante de recapeamento (resurfacing patelar Results of total knee replacement with/without resurfacing of the patella

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    Abdul Khan


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Estudar a diferença de dor, estalido e crepitação patelofemoral no pós-operatório em pacientes com ou sem recapeamento patelar após 5 anos, os quais tinham dor patelofemoral antes da cirurgia. Estudar a incidência de dor, estalido e crepitação patelofemoral depois de pateloplastia em ambos os grupos. MÉTODOS: Revisão retrospectiva de 765 pacientes submetidos a artroplastia total do joelho (ATJ com ou sem recapeamento patelar. Os pacientes foram perguntados sobre dor pré e pós-operatória, 5 anos depois da cirurgia. Foram examinados por enfermeiro especializado 5 anos, após a cirurgia para verificar estalidos ou crepitação patelofemoral (PF. RESULTADOS: 688 pacientes (89,9% tinham dor PF pré-operatória. De 688 pacientes, 449 tinham recapeamento patelar (R e 239 não tinham (NR. Trinta e seis pacientes do grupo NR tinham pateloplastia. A incidência de dor PF pós-operatória foi 13,3% no grupo R e 13,6% no grupo NR. A incidência de estalido PF pós-operatório no grupo R foi 10,4% e apenas 1,3% no grupo NR (estatisticamente significante, p OBJECTIVE: To study the difference of post-op patellofemoral pain, clunk and crepitus in patients with/without resurfacing at 5 years who had pre-op patellofemoral pain. To study the incidence of post-operative patellofemoral pain, clunk and crepitus following patelloplasty in both the groups. METHODS: Retrospective review of 765 patients who had total knee replacement with/without resurfacing.Patients were asked about both pre-operative pain and also post-operative pain 5 years after the operation. Patients were examined by a specialist nurse at 5 years post-operatively to check for any patellofemoral clunk/crepitus. RESULTS: 688 patients (89.9% had preoperative PF pain. Of 688 patients, 449 had patellar resurfacing and 239 had not (NR. Thirty-six patients from the NR group had patelloplasty. The incidence of postoperative PF pain was 13.3% in the R group and 13.6% in the NR group

  15. Artroplastias de cadera y rodilla en Cataluña desde 1994 a 2005 Hip and knee arthroplasties in Catalonia (Spain from 1994 to 2005

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    Alejandro Allepuz


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Las artroplastias de cadera y rodilla están entre los procedimientos quirúrgicos más frecuentes en Cataluña. El objetivo de este estudio fue describir su evolución y los cambios en sus características entre 1994 y 2005. Métodos: Estudio transversal de altas por artroplastias totales primarias de cadera (ATC o rodilla (ATR y de revisión seleccionadas del Conjunto Mínimo Básico de Datos al Alta Hospitalaria: códigos 81.51, 81.53, 81.54 y 81.55 (CIE-9-MC. Se calcularon las tasas de ATC y ATR estandarizadas por edad y sexo, y la carga de revisión, analizando su evolución mediante la regresión de joinpoint. Se definieron 4 períodos y se analizaron las características de los pacientes y de los episodios asistenciales comparando los períodos 4 y 1 a partir de modelos de regresión logística. Resultados: Las tasas por 10.000 habitantes se incrementaron entre 1994 y 2000 en ATC, pasando de 4,1 a 6,6, y entre 1994 y 2005 en ATR, pasando de 2,6 a 15,5. La carga de revisión aumentó en la cadera hasta 2001 y en la rodilla durante todo el período de estudio. El principal motivo de artroplastia primaria fue la artrosis. Los pacientes de 75 años o mayores y la comorbilidad aumentaron en ATC y ATR. Conclusiones: El incremento de las tasas y el cambio del perfil de los pacientes reflejan una posible ampliación de los criterios de indicación. El previsible aumento de la cirugía de revisión se podría reducir mediante sistemas de evaluación de la supervivencia de las prótesis y el desarrollo de guías de práctica clínica.Objective: Hip and knee arthroplasties are the most frequent surgical procedures in Catalonia. The aim of this study was to describe changes in the rates of these procedures and in their characteristics between 1994 and 2005. Methods: We performed a cross-sectional study of total hip (THR and knee (TKR primary and revision joint replacement discharges using the Minimum Data Set (ICD-9-CM codes 81.51, 81

  16. Artroplastia total do joelho com o apoio tibial móvel: avaliação dos resultados a médio prazo Total knee arthroplasty with a mobile tibial bearing: medium-term follow-up results

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    Luiz Gabriel Betoni Guglielmetti


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliações dos resultados a médio prazo da aplicação da prótese com apoio tibial móvel. MÉTODOS: Noventa e seis pacientes (107 joelhos foram submetidos a artroplastia total do joelho realizada com um modelo de prótese com mobilidade rotatória no componente tibial. Os pacientes foram avaliados após um seguimento médio de 52,7 meses - desvio padrão 21,94 (mínimo de 24 meses e máximo de 120 meses, através do protocolo de avaliação "Knee Society Clinical Rating System" (KSCRS, com uma média de 78,22 pontos. RESULTADOS: Entre as complicações transoperatórias e pós operatórias imediatas ocorreram uma deiscência de sutura, com cura espontânea, duas fraturas de patela, uma fratura do côndilo medial do fêmur, três paresias do nervo fibular lateral e uma distrofia nervosa simpático reflexa. As complicações tardias foram uma fratura da patela, uma fratura distal do fêmur, quatro solturas assépticas e quatro infecções profundas, que necessitaram de revisão. CONCLUSÃO: Excluindo-se os casos que necessitaram de uma revisão, por soltura séptica ou asséptica, os autores concluem serem bons os resultados clínicos e funcionais obtidos com a prótese com o apoio tibial móvel num seguimento a médio prazo.OBJECTIVE: Evaluation of mid-term follow up results of the application of a total knee replacement with a mobile tibial bearing design. METHODS: Ninety six patients (107 knees were submitted to total knee Arthroplasty, performed with a model of prosthesis with rotating mobility in the tibial component. The patients were evaluated after a mean follow-up of 52.7 months - standard deviation 21.94 (minimum 24 months and maximum 120 months through the Knee Society Clinical Rating System (KSCRS, with a mean outcome of 78.22 points. RESULTS: The complications that occurred immediately after or during the surgery included: one wound dehiscence with spontaneous healing, two patellar fractures, one fracture of the medial

  17. Rango de movilidad y resultados funcionales en tres diseños diferentes de artroplastia de rodilla primaria. Estudio Comparativo. [Range of motion and functional results in three different designs of total knee arthroplasty].

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    Juan Pablo Bonifacio


    Full Text Available Introducción: El objetivo de este trabajo  fue analizar los resultados funcionales y el rango de movi­miento entre tres grupos de pacientes con ar­troplastia total de rodilla: dos utilizando prótesis de alta flexión y el otro con un diseño convencional. Materiales y Métodos: 64 pacientes fueron operados con prótesis total de rodilla  Zimmer NexGen®, y 34 pacientes operados con Optetrack ®  de alta flexión. Luego de la exclusión de pacientes;  22 pacientes  (grupo A fueron tratados con diseño de alta flexión de Zimmer, 21 pacientes (grupo B tratados con prótesis Zimmer convencional, y 25 pacientes (Grupo C con artroplastia  Optetrack® PS. La evaluación funcional se realizó con el Knee Society Score, el Western Ontario and McMaster Universities osteoathritis index y la escala analógica visual. Resultados:  En el posoperatorio, el promedio de flexión máxima del grupo A subió de 99° a 113º, con un aumento promedio de 14º, en el grupo B de 106° a 118º con una ganancia promedio de 12º y en el grupo C de 110° a 111° siendo la ganancia de 1°. Los resultados funcionales evaluados con KSS y el WOMAC presentaron mejorías en los tres grupos. Conclusión: Las evaluaciones clínicas funcionales son favorables en los tres diseños  evaluados. Este estudio muestra que no hay diferencias significativas en la flexión final lograda, y resultados funcionales entre los dos primeros diseños entre sí, si siendo estos significativamente superiores al diseño del tercer grupo luego de un año de seguimiento.  Palabras Claves: Prótesis total de rodilla, prótesis de alta flexión, prótesis convencionales, rango de movilidad

  18. Evaluación del impacto asistencial de la puesta en funcionamiento de una unidad funcional de artroplastia de rodilla Evaluation of the impact of the introduction of a functional knee arthroplasty unit

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    Marta Riu


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Evaluar el impacto sobre el consumo de recursos hospitalarios, la calidad y los costes directos del proceso asistencial, de la puesta en funcionamiento de una unidad funcional de artroplastia de rodilla en el Hospital de l'Esperança (Barcelona. Métodos: Estudio retrospectivo basado en dos cortes transversales, el primero con 317 pacientes intervenidos en 2004, antes de la implantación de la unidad funcional de artroplastia de rodilla, y el segundo con 624 pacientes intervenidos en 2005. Se recogieron datos de proceso, complicaciones y costes. Resultados: La estancia media disminuyó en 9 días (pObjectives: To evaluate the impact of a functional knee arthroplasty unit in Hospital de l'Esperança (Barcelona on resource consumption, quality indicators and the direct costs of the healthcare process. Method: We performed a retrospective study based on two cross-sections: the first in 317 patients who underwent surgery in 2004 before the implementation of the functional knee arthroplasty unit and the second in 624 patients who underwent surgery in 2005. Data related to the process, complications and costs were collected. Results: The mean length of hospital stay decreased by 9 days (p <0.001. The number of patients requiring convalescence after the intervention increased by 9.5% (p <0.001. Overall, the total cost of the healthcare process decreased by 16%, from 9,031.34 to 7,591.54 € (p <0.001. This cost reduction was due to decreases in the length of hospital stay (2,946.0 vs. 1,616.8 €, surgery costs (2,156.7 vs. 1,776.7 € and prosthesis costs (2,730.5 vs. 2,678.1 €. Conclusions: The implementation of the functional knee arthroplasty unit reduced overall costs and length of hospital stay and substantially increased activity while maintaining a similar complication rate.

  19. Fratura periprotética da tíbia combinada com fratura de fadiga da haste tibial de artroplastia total do joelho Tibial periprosthetic fracture combined with tibial stem stress fracture from total knee arthroplasty

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    Fernando Fonseca


    Full Text Available As complicações das artroplastias totais do joelho relacionadas com o próprio material são muito raras, exceto o desgaste do polietileno. Neste artigo os autores reportam o caso de uma paciente do sexo feminino de 58 anos referenciada ao pronto-socorro do nosso hospital por uma fratura periprotética tibial (tipo I da classificação da Mayo Clinic. Uma observação mais cuidadosa mostrou a presença concomitante da referida fratura da tíbia associada à fratura de fadiga da haste tibial. A prótese com a haste foi remetida a um laboratório de biomecânica independente onde foi avaliada e efetuada uma reconstrução com uso de sistema de elementos finitos em CAD de modo a verificar a existência de algum defeito de fabricação e as eventuais causas para o sucedido. Depois de avaliadas diversas hipóteses, concluiu-se que a fratura do material foi provocada por uma sobrecarga na zona de transição prato/haste secundária à falência óssea prévia (fratura. Da avaliação do caso ressalta-se novamente a necessidade de efetuar uma avaliação adequada da mineralização óssea e, em caso de dúvida, utilizar uma haste longa.Total knee arthroplasty complications related to the prosthetic material are very rare, except for polyethylene wear. We report the case of a 58-year-old woman who came to the emergency service of our hospital with a periprosthetic tibial fracture (Mayo Clinic type I. Careful examination showed that this fracture was concomitantly associated with a tibial stem fatigue fracture. The prosthesis and the stem were sent to an independent biomechanics laboratory for evaluation. A finite-element CAD system was used to make a reconstruction, so as to ascertain whether there had been any manufacturing defect and what the causes of the event might have been. After evaluation of several hypotheses, it was concluded that the fracture in the prosthetic material had been caused by overloading at the plate/stem transition zone

  20. Valor da avaliação radiográfica pré-operatória dos defeitos ósseos no joelho nas revisões de artroplastia Value of preoperative radiographic evaluations on knee bone defects for revision arthroplasty

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    Mauricio Masasi Iamaguchi


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar o valor da avaliação radiográfica pré-operatória nas revisões de artroplastias totais do joelho. MÉTODOS: Trinta e um joelhos operados no período de 2006 a 2008 em uma série consecutiva de casos de cirurgia de revisão de artroplastia total de joelho foram analisados retrospectivamente. CRITÉRIOS ANALISADOS: número de cunhas ou enxertos ósseos estruturados utilizados para preenchimento dos defeitos ósseos; localização das cunhas e enxertos ósseos utilizados e espessura média do polietileno utilizada. A classificação AORI era estabelecida previamente através de radiografias pré-operatórias segundo critérios preestabelecidos. Após a análise, os joelhos foram divididos em quatro grupos (I, IIA, IIB e III. RESULTADOS: O número médio de cunhas ou enxertos ósseos utilizados em cada joelho variou de maneira crescente entre os grupos (grupo I: 1,33; grupo IIA: 2; grupo IIB: 4,33; grupo III: 4,83 (P = 0,0012. As localizações mais comuns foram: medial na tíbia e posteromedial no fêmur. Não houve diferença estatisticamente significante na espessura do polietileno utilizado. CONCLUSÃO: A classificação AORI para defeitos ósseos no joelho baseada em radiografias pré-operatórias mostrou correlação crescente com a necessidade de utilização de cunhas e/ou enxertos estruturados na revisão de artroplastia total do joelho. Porém, até 46% dos joelhos dos grupos I e IIA apresentaram falhas ósseas de até 5mm não diagnosticadas através das radiografias pré-operatórias.OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the value of preoperative radiographic evaluations for total knee arthroplasty (TKA revision. METHODS: Thirty-one knees that were operated between 2006 and 2008, in a consecutive series of cases of TKA revision surgery were analyzed retrospectively. THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA WERE EVALUATED: number of wedges or structured bone grafts used for filling the bone defects; locations of the wedges and bone grafts used; and

  1. Impacto presupuestario para el Sistema Nacional de Salud de la Prevención del Trombolismo Venoso con apixaban en pacientes sometidos a artroplastia total de rodilla o cadera

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    Inmaculada Gómez Arrayas


    Full Text Available Fundamentos: Debido al elevado coste sanitario del tromboembolismo venoso (TEV es necesario realizar análisis económicos que determinen la eficiencia de sus diferentes tratamientos farmacológicos. El objetivo del trabajo es estimar el impacto presupuestario para el Sistema Nacional de Salud (SNS de la prevención del tromboembolismo venoso (TEV con apixaban en artroplastia total de cadera (ATC o rodilla (ATR. Métodos: Se consideraron los costes de los diferentes fármacos para la prevención del TEV (apixaban, dabigatrán, enoxaparina, fondaparinux, otras heparinas, rivaroxaban y warfarina y los de las complicaciones del TEV a corto plazo (90 días y a 5 años (trombosis venosa profunda, embolismo pulmonar, sangrados y síndrome postrombótico. La eficacia de la prevención se estimó mediante un metaanálisis. Las tasas de TEV y muerte con apixaban fueron inferiores en ATC y ATR a las observadas con enoxaparina (-3,5% y -10,0%, respectivamente y tuvo menos acontecimientos hemorrágicos (-0,7% y -1,6%, respectivamente. Los datos poblacionales y los costes se obtuvieron de fuentes españolas. Horizonte temporal: 5 años. Todos los costes se descontaron anualmente un 3,5%. Se estimó que a los cinco años de su comercialización el consumo de apixaban supondría el 23% de la prevención del TEV y el de enoxaparina descendería del 60% hasta el 33%. Resultados: La introducción de apixaban para la prevención del TEV produciría un ahorro para el SNS de 547.422 € en un periodo de 5 años. En el caso de considerar sin coste la administración ambulatoria de las heparinas, el ahorro quinquenal para el SNS ascendería a 270.068 €. Conclusiones: La introducción de apixaban podría reducir la tasa de TEV y sangrados en comparación con enoxaparina, reduciéndose el gasto del SNS en la prevención del TEV.

  2. Estudio Comparativo con prótesis total de rodilla de alta flexión. [Comparative ­study ­with ­high-flex ­total ­knee­ arthroplasty.

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    Matías Costa Paz


    Full Text Available In­tro­duc­ción: El objetivo de este trabajo comparativo fue analizar los resultados funcionales y el rango de movimiento de rodilla entre dos grupos de pacientes con artroplastia total de rodilla: uno utilizando prótesis de alta flexión y el otro con un diseño convencional. Materiales­ y ­Métodos: Setenta y cuatro pacientes fueron operados con artroplastia total de rodilla con prótesis de Zimmer NexGen®, EE.UU. Veintidós (grupo A fueron tratados con diseño de alta flexión. Dos con artritis reumatoide fueron excluidos. Cuarenta y dos pacientes fueron tratados con una convencional, 21 de ellos fueron excluidos, por lo que el grupo B estaba conformado por 21 pacientes. La evaluación funcional se realizó con el Knee Society Score (KSS, el Western Ontario and McMaster Universities osteoathritis index y la escala analógica visual. Resultados: El promedio de flexión máxima preoperatoria fue de 99º en el grupo A y de 106º en el grupo B. En el posoperatorio, el promedio de flexión máxima del grupo A subió a 114º, con un aumento promedio de 15º y, en el grupo B, a 118º con una ganancia promedio de 12º. No hubo diferencias estadísticamente significativas (p <0,05. El puntaje KSS preoperatorio del grupo A fue de 36/48 y mejoró a 90/92. En el grupo B, fue de 46/49 y de 94/90 en el posoperatorio. Conclusión: Las evaluaciones clínicas funcionales y radiológicas son favorables en los dos diseños de prótesis evaluados. Este estudio muestra que no hay diferencias significativas entre el rango de movimiento de una prótesis de alta flexión y una prótesis convencional luego de un año de seguimiento.

  3. Efeitos da analgesia peridural e do bloqueio contínuo do plexo lombar sobre a reabilitação funcional após artroplastia total do quadril Efectos de la analgesia epidural y del bloqueo continuo del plexo lumbar sobre la rehabilitación funcional después de la artroplastia total de cadera Effects of epidural analgesia and continuous lumbar plexus block on functional rehabilitation after total hip arthroplasty

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    Leonardo Teixeira Domingues Duarte


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A dor após artroplastia total do quadril (ATQ é intensa e agravada pelas mobilizações, o que demanda técnica analgésica eficaz e que permita mobilidade precoce, participação nas atividades de reabilitação e rápida recuperação funcional. O objetivo do estudo foi comparar os efeitos das técnicas de analgesia controlada pelo paciente (ACP pelas vias peridural e perineural do plexo lombar sobre a reabilitação funcional em pacientes submetidos à ATQ. MÉTODO: Pacientes estado físico ASA I a III foram alocados aleatoriamente nos grupos Peridural e Lombar. Para a ATQ, foi realizada anestesia peridural lombar contínua com ropivacaína a 0,5% (Peridural ou bloqueio contínuo do plexo lombar com ropivacaína a 0,5% (Lombar. Na sala de recuperação, iniciou-se ACP com infusão de ropivacaína a 0,2% (Lombar ou ropivacaína a 0,2% + fentanil 3 µg.mL-1 (Peridural. A eficácia da analgesia nas primeiras 48 horas após a ATQ (escores de dor, consumo de morfina de resgate e de bolos da bomba de ACP foi comparada entre os grupos. Diferentes parâmetros da reabilitação pós-operatória foram estudados. RESULTADOS: Quarenta e um pacientes foram submetidos à análise estatística. Os escores de dor em repouso foram semelhantes nos dois grupos. Apesar do controle mais efetivo da dor dinâmica no grupo Peridural e o uso de morfina ter sido maior, mais frequente e mais precoce no grupo Lombar, não houve diferença entre os grupos em nenhum dos parâmetros estudados de reabilitação. As técnicas de analgesia não influenciaram as falhas no processo de reabilitação. CONCLUSÕES: A maior efetividade da analgesia peridural não se traduziu em melhora no processo de reabilitação, nem reduziu o tempo necessário para alcançar os desfechos estudados.JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: El dolor después de la artroplastia total de la cadera (ATC es intenso y se agrava por los movimientos, lo que demanda una técnica analg

  4. Reabilitação funcional dos doentes submetidos a prótese total do joelho: revisão sistemática da literatura


    Oliveira, João Manuel Martins


    Curso de mestrado em enfermagem de reabilitação Introdução: A artroplastia total do joelho deve ser aplicada quando todas as outras técnicas convencionais falham ou não são suficientes. A prótese a aplicar depende da lesão e do estado do joelho, procurando-se sempre conservar o mais possível a arquitetura do joelho, preservando o osso. Por se tratar de uma patologia muito agressiva, devem ser tomadas todas as medidas terapêuticas para que a recuperação seja rápida e com suce...

  5. Coorte Sarar: atividade de doença, capacidade funcional e dano radiológico em pacientes com artrite reumatoide submetidos à artroplastia total de quadril e joelho

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    Bernardo Matos da Cunha


    Full Text Available RESUMOObjetivos:A coorte Sarar é composta por pacientes portadores de artrite reumatoide (AR e artrite idiopática juvenil (AIJ submetidos a artroplastias de quadril e joelho no hospital Sarah-Brasília. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar fatores clínicos e laboratoriais associados à atividade de doença, capacidade funcional e dano radiológico em pacientes com AR, participantes dessa coorte.Métodos:Estudo transversal, com coleta de dados em revisão de prontuário.Resultados:Foram incluídos 32 pacientes, com tempo médio de início da doença de 240 meses. Dezenove pacientes foram submetidos a ATJ e 17, a ATQ. Foi encontrada correlação positiva entre dose máxima de metotrexato (MTX durante a evolução e Clinical Disease Activity Index (CDAI (R = -0,46, p = 0,011 e negativa com Simplified Erosion and Narrowing Score (SENS (R = -0,58, p = 0,004. Valores de SENS foram maiores nos pacientes com fator reumatoide (FR (p = 0,005 e anticorpo antipeptídeo cíclico citrulinado 3 (anti-CCP3 positivo (p = 0,044, nos com maiores títulos de FR (p = 0,037 e anti-CCP3 (p = 0,025 e menores nos pacientes com história familiar de AR (p = 0,009. Valores de HAQ foram maiores em pacientes mais idosos (p = 0,031. Na regressão linear múltipla, somente “dose máxima de MTX” e “história familiar” permaneceram com associação significativa com SENS (r2= 0,73, p < 0,001 para ambas as variáveis. No modelo que avaliou CDAI, apenas “dose máxima de MTX” permaneceu com associação significativa (r2 = 0,35, p = 0,016.Conclusão:Na coorte Sarar, fatores clínicos e laboratoriais estiveram relacionados à atividade de doença, capacidade funcional e dano radiológico, semelhantemente a estudos que avaliaram pacientes com menor tempo de doença.

  6. Raquianestesia total após bloqueio do plexo lombar: relato de caso

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    Zafer Dogan


    Full Text Available O bloqueio do plexo lombar (BPL é um método adequado para uso em pacientes idosos e cirurgias na extremidade inferior. Muitas complicações podem ser observadas durante o BPL, mas não tanto quanto no bloqueio central. Neste relato de caso, nosso objetivo foi relatar uma raquianestesia total, uma complicação incomum. BPL com bloqueio ciático foi planejado para um paciente do sexo masculino, 76 anos, programado para artroplastia total do joelho por causa de gonartrose. O paciente ficou inconsciente após o bloqueio do compartimento do psoas com a técnica de Chayen para BPL. A operação terminou em 145 minutos. O paciente foi internado em unidade de terapia intensiva até o segundo dia pós-operatório e recebeu alta hospitalar no quinto dia pós-cirúrgico. A principal preocupação da monitoração do paciente deve ser a presença do anestesiologista. Dessa forma, conclui-se que o contato com o paciente deve ser garantido durante esses procedimentos.

  7. Ácido tranexámico endovenoso en el reemplazo total de rodilla sin manguito hemostático. [Intravenous­ tranexamic ­acid­ in­ total ­knee­ arthroplasty­ without­ tourniquet.

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    Fernando M. Bidolegui


    Full Text Available In­tro­duc­ción: La artroplastia de rodilla se asocia a grandes pérdidas de sangre perioperatorias y posoperatorias (600-1500 ml, y a porcentajes de transfusión de sangre hasta del 50%. El objetivo es estudiar el efecto del ácido tranexámico en la artroplastia primaria de rodilla sin manguito hemostático, valorando la pérdida sanguínea en el posoperatorio. Materiales­ y­ Métodos: Los pacientes fueron asignados, en forma aleatoria, a dos grupos: Grupo A, con ácido tranexámico, 25 pacientes (71,5 años y Grupo B, sin ácido tranexámico, 25 pacientes (72 años. Se determinó la hemoglobina y el hematocrito antes de la cirugía, y a las 24, 48 y 72 h. Se midió el débito del suctor a las 24 h. Resultados: El hematocrito posoperatorio a las 24, 48 y 72 h fue del 33,4%; 31,5% y 30,8%, respectivamente, en el grupo A, y del 28,5%; 27,9% y 27%, en el grupo B (p <0,001 en los 3 registros. Los valores de hemoglobina fueron 11, 10,3 y 10 g/dl en el grupoA y 9,4; 9,3 y 9 g/dl, en el grupo B, respectivamente (p <0,001; p = 0,004 y p = 0,002. La colección del drenaje a las 24 h en el grupo A fue de 363,4 ml (± 141ml y, en el grupo B, fue de 626 ml (± 260 ml (p <0,001. Se transfundió al 32% de los pacientes del grupo B y a ninguno del grupo A. No se registraron casos de enfermedad tromboembólica. Conclusión: El uso de ácido tranexámico disminuye la pérdida de sangre posoperatoria asociada a la artroplastia de rodilla; esto se refleja en menores porcentajes de transfusión de sangre sin un aumento en el riesgo de complicaciones.

  8. Radiographic and tomographic evaluation of total hybrid hip replacement in dogs; Avaliacao radiografica e tomografica de caes submetidosa artroplastia coxofemoral total hibrida

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Minto, B.W., E-mail: [Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho (UNESP), Jaboticabal, SP (Brazil); Brandao, C.V.S.; Pereira, G.J.C.; Babicsak, V.R.; Vulcano, L.C.; Rossetto, V.J.V. [Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho (UNESP), Botucatu, SP (Brazil)


    The total hip arthroplasty is the most effective surgical technique for the treatment of severe canine hip dysplasia. Currently, the radiographic examination is the most common method used to assess this procedure in dogs, but has some limitations. CT scan by computed tomography instead enables the acquisition of images without overlap, thereby determining the positioning of prosthetic components with greater accuracy. This research aimed to evaluate by radiography and CT scan examinations the use of a hybrid modular total hip prosthesis developed and made in Brazil, applied experimentally in healthy dogs. Six skeletally mature dogs, which previously underwent surgery on the left hip joint were used. The dogs underwent CT scan at 360 days and three years after surgery. All animals showed good positioning of prosthetic components, and proper joint reduction. In the CT scan, however, it was possible to detect irregular fill areas in some animals. In addition, CT scan allowed the detection and monitoring of areas of bone resorption around the acetabular component. Therefore, the CT scan was useful in the evaluation of prosthetic joints, with the advantage of optimum sharpness of the images and allowing for the possibility of quantifying peri-prosthetic changes and measure joint, fundamental relations for late postoperative follow-up. (author)

  9. Artroplastia parcial no tratamento das fraturas do colo do fêmur Hemiarthroplasty in the treatment of fractures of the femoral neck

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    Nelson Keiske Ono


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Realizar avaliação epidemiológica e clínica dos pacientes com fratura desviada do colo femoral, que foram submetidos ao tratamento cirúrgico, com artroplastia parcial do quadril cimentada. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados, de forma retrospectiva, todos os pacientes com fratura desviada do colo do fêmur (Garden III e IV submetidos à artroplastia parcial do quadril com prótese unipolar (Thompson, cimentada pela via de acesso posterolateral do quadril, no período de junho de 2005 a setembro de 2008. RESULTADOS: Foram avaliados, inicialmente, 70 pacientes. A média de idade foi de 83,1 anos. Houve predomínio de pacientes do sexo feminino (84,3%. Houve acompanhamento ambulatorial de 36 pacientes, cujo tempo de seguimento variou de 10 a 48 meses (média de 26,5 meses. Houve perda de seguimento de 15 pacientes. Dezenove pacientes foram a óbito, com uma taxa de mortalidade no primeiro ano de 25,4%. Os pacientes classificados como ASA III apresentaram taxa de 25,7%, enquanto os pacientes ASA II, uma taxa de 12,1%. Dois pacientes apresentaram trombose venosa profunda sintomática; um paciente, infecção do sítio operatório; e nenhum paciente apresentou luxação do quadril. A maioria dos pacientes evoluiu sem dor. Doze pacientes (33%, durante a evolução, apresentaram piora na capacidade de deambulação. CONCLUSÃO: Nenhum caso de luxação do quadril foi observado. Os pacientes classificados como ASA III apresentaram um índice de mortalidade mais elevado, em relação aos pacientes ASA I e II. Houve uma piora da capacidade de deambular em 33% dos pacientes. Não foi necessária revisão de nenhum paciente por soltura ou dor. Trinta pacientes não apresentavam dor (83,3%, quatro apresentavam dor moderada (11,1% e dois apresentavam dor intensa (5,5%.OBJETIVE: To epidemiologically and clinically evaluate patients with displaced femoral neck fractures that had surgical treatment with cemented hemiarthroplasty. METHODS: We evaluated

  10. Avaliação dos resultados da artroplastia parcial de ombro para tratamento da artropatia por lesão do manguito rotador Evaluating the results of partial shoulder arthroplasty for the treatment of arthropathy due to rotator cuff lesion

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    Sérgio Luiz Checchia


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar os resultados obtidos com a artroplastia parcial de ombro para o tratamento da artropatia por lesão do manguito rotador. MÉTODOS: No período de junho de 1989 a março de 2004, 11 ombros de 11 pacientes foram submetidos a artroplastia parcial de ombro para o tratamento de artropatia por LMR. O tempo de seguimento variou de 27 a 183 meses, com média de 69 meses. A idade média foi de 69,1 anos, variando de 44 a 78 anos. Houve predomínio do sexo feminino em 90,9% dos casos (10 pacientes. O membro dominante foi acometido em 10 pacientes. Os métodos escolhidos para avaliação dos pacientes, no seguimento pós-operatório, basearam-se nos critérios da UCLA; no índice de satisfação dos pacientes em relação ao alívio da dor; e no método de avaliação de objetivos limitados, proposto por Neer et al. RESULTADOS: O índice de satisfação dos pacientes em relação ao alívio da dor foi de 81,8%. Com o método de avaliação da UCLA, observamos média de 22,7 pontos. Por meio do método de avaliação de objetivos limitados, proposto por Neer et al, obtivemos seis pacientes com resultados satisfatórios e cinco insatisfatórios. CONCLUSÃO: A artroplastia parcial de ombro para o tratamento da artropatia por lesão do manguito rotador promove alívio do quadro doloroso e permite alguma melhora na função do membro para realização das atividades diárias; entretanto, é uma técnica que leva a altos índices de resultados insatisfatórios.OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the results achieved with partial arthroplasty of the shoulder to treat arthropathy due to rotator cuff lesion. METHODS: From June 1989 to March 2004, 11 shoulders of 11 patients were submitted to partial arthroplasty of the shoulder to treat an arthropathy due to rotator cuff lesion. Follow-up time varied from 27 to 182 months, with a mean of 69 months. Mean age was 69.1 years, ranging from 44 to 78 years. There was a predominance of the female gender, in 90.9% of

  11. Artroplastia total coxofemoral em cães: Estudo experimental com prótese nacional Total hip arthroplasty in dogs: Experimental study using a prosthesis made in Brazil

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    Bruno Watanabe Minto


    Full Text Available A prótese total da articulação coxofemoral representa uma das técnicas mais aceitas, nos Estados Unidos e na Europa, para o tratamento cirúrgico da displasia coxofemoral severa em cães. Entretanto, ainda é pouco difundida e estudada no Brasil. No presente trabalho, foi utilizada prótese confeccionada no Brasil, com o objetivo de avaliar a sua aplicação, evolução pós-operatória e complicações associadas. Foram utilizados dez cães, sadios e adultos. Todos foram submetidos ao procedimento de prótese total cimentada da articulação esquerda utilizando-se um componente femoral de cromo-cobalto, cabeça fixa, e uma cúpula acetabular de polietileno de alta densidade. As avaliações clínicas e radiográficas foram realizadas no pré-operatório e aos 30, 60, 90, 120 e 150 dias após a intervenção cirúrgica. A prótese total utilizada proporcionou um bom resultado funcional ao membro operado, em 80% dos animais. As principais complicações relacionadas foram a luxação protética e a soltura do componente acetabular.Total hip prosthesis is one of the most accepted methods used in the United States and Europe for the treatment of severe hip dysplasia in dogs. However, there are few studies with the technique and the procedure is still not well established in Brazil. A prosthesis made in Brazil was used. The purpose of this study was to evaluate its application and determine the postoperative finds and complications. Ten mature healthy dogs were used. A fixed-head cemented total hip prosthesis was applied on the left leg of the dogs. A chrome-cobalt femoral stem and high density polyetylene acetabular cup was used. Clinical and radiographic evaluations were performed before surgery and again at 30, 60, 90, 120 e 150 days post operation. Proper weight bearing was noticed on the operated limb in the majority of the dogs. The main complications were the dislocation and loosening of the acetabular cup.

  12. Tratamento da artrose unicompartimental medial do joelho com artroplastia unicompartimental tipo Repicci II: relato preliminar de 42 casos Treatment of medial unicompartmental arthrosis of the knee with Repicci II unicompartmental arthroplasty: preliminary report of 42 cases

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    Carlos Eduardo Sanches Vaz


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Relatar a evolução de pacientes com artrose unicompartimental medial do joelho submetidos à artroplastia unicompartimental tipo Repicci II, com o propósito de avaliar a validade do procedimento. MÉTODOS: Participaram do estudo 36 pacientes com artrose unicompartimental do joelho, seis dos quais apresentavam acometimento bilateral, totalizando 42 joelhos. A idade variou de 54 a 82 anos, com média de 67 anos. Trinta e dois pacientes eram do sexo feminino e 10 do masculino. Os critérios clínicos de seleção foram: pacientes acima dos 50 anos de idade, nível de atividade leve/moderado, amplitude articular de pelo menos 90º de flexão e -10º de extensão, deformidade em varo menor ou igual a 5º, ausência de instabilidade ligamentar anterior e dor restrita ao compartimento medial. Os critérios radiográficos foram: artrose confinada ao compartimento medial com ausência ou mínima artrose patelofemoral. Utilizou-se a classificação de Ahlbäck para quantificar o grau de extensão da artrose, indicando-se cirurgia nos graus II, III e IV. Para acompanhamento dos resultados, utilizou-se a escala da Knee International Society. RESULTADOS: O tempo médio de seguimento foi de 36 meses. Não ocorreram casos de infecção pós-operatória, trombose venosa profunda ou embolia. Dois pacientes evoluíram com dor importante sem melhora com acompanhamento clínico, sendo necessária a revisão com prótese total do joelho. Não foram observados casos de soltura asséptica, afundamento do componente tibial ou desgaste precoce do polietileno. O escore médio pré-operatório foi de 45 para o joelho e de 57 para a função global do paciente. O escore pós-operatório foi de, respectivamente, 76 e 90 pontos. CONCLUSÃO: A artroplastia unicompartimental tipo Repicci II é uma boa opção no tratamento da artrose unicompartimental medial do joelho, trazendo resultados consistentes e implicando alto nível de satisfação dos pacientes, desde

  13. Evaluación con resonancia magnética de artroplastias totales de rodilla sintomáticas. [MRI evaluation of symptomatic total knee arthroplasties ].

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    Francisco Jose Nally


    Full Text Available Introducción  Las artroplastías totales de rodilla (ATR sintomáticas con estudios normales resultan un desafío para el ortopedista. La resonancia magnética nuclear (RMN podría ser una alternativa para arribar al diagnóstico.  Objetivo Evaluar la utilidad de la RMN con secuencias optimizadas en ATR sintomática. Además, realizar un estudio interobservador  para determinar que estructuras anatómicas son evaluables. Material y métodos   Se evaluaron  retrospectivamente 15 casos de ATR operados entre 2007-2012 con dolor periprotésico, con radiografía, centellograma y laboratorio normales, sometidos a una RMN. Se realizó un análisis interobservador utilizando el Coeficiente de correlación intercalase (CCIC y Kappa entre 4 profesionales, un residente de diagnóstico por imágenes y otro de Ortopedia; y 2 médicos con 20 años de experiencia, uno en diagnóstico por imágenes y el otro en rodilla. Resultados  Se hayó líquido articular aumentado en 14 pacientes; sinovitis en 4; un osículo infrapatelar y en ningún caso osteólisis. En 7 casos los ligamentos colaterales pudieron ser evaluados correctamente. Los gemelos, el tejido celular subcutáneo y el aparato extensor  se evaluaron sin dificultad. La RMN encontró causas de dolor en 12 casos. El CCIC mostró concordancia para el ligamento colateral medial, el aparato extensor, gemelos y tejido celular subcutáneo.   Conclusión Nuestro estudio demuestra la utilidad del método en la toma de decisiones.  La concordancia interobservador fue estadísticamente significativa para el análisis del ligamento colateral medial, gemelos y tejido celular subcutáneo.   Nivel de evidencia: III , Estudio diagnóstico

  14. Prótese para substituição total de disco intervertebral: desenvolvimento de modelo computacional e análise por elementos finitos Prótese de reemplazo total del disco intervertebral: modelo de desarrollo computacional y análisis de elementos finitos Prosthesis for total intervertebral disc replacement: computacional model development and finite element analysis

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    Tiago Nunes Campello


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: a idéia de um disco intervertebral artificial não é nova. O campo de estudos sobre próteses para artroplastia de coluna desenvolve-se ao passo que novas tecnologias na área de materiais e engenharia médica são desenvolvidas ou introduzidas para o surgimento de novos projetos. OBJETIVO: estabelecer metodologia de desenvolvimento de produto em um projeto de prótese para substituição total de disco intervertebral pela utilização de ferramentas computacionais de engenharia. MÉTODOS: a metodologia de desenvolvimento de prótese para substituição total de disco iniciou-se com a definição do seu modelo virtual, seguida pela a análise mecânica virtual por elementos finitos. RESULTADOS: a prótese de disco foi concebida com três componentes, sendo eles o flange superior, o flange inferior e o núcleo. Aplicando o critério de von Mises para solução da análise virtual, verificou-se que o núcleo da prótese é o componente mais solicitado durante compressão axial e compressão/cisalhamento. CONCLUSÃO: este estudo demonstra a viabilidade do desenvolvimento de um projeto para fabricação de prótese para substituição total de disco intervertebral, por meio de metodologia computacional já consagrada em projetos mecânicos de engenharia, principalmente, nos ramos automotivo e aeronáutico.INTRODUCCIÓN: la idea de un disco intervertebral artificial no es nueva. Los estudios de la columna vertebral artroplastia prótesis están en desarrollo, mientras las nuevas tecnologías en el ámbito de la ingeniería y los materiales médicos son desarr llados o introducidos a la aparición de nuevos proyectos. OBJETIVO: establecer una metodología para el desarrollo de producto en un proyecto de prótesis para reemplazo total del disco intervertebral, a través del uso de herramientas de ingeniería computacional. MÉTODOS: la metodología de desarrollo de prótesis para reemplazo total del disco se inició con la definici

  15. Artrosis de tobillo y su tratamiento con artroplastía total de tobillo

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    Beat Hintermann, DR.


    Resultados clínicos alentadores para artroplastias de segunda generación son prometedores para pacientes con osteoartritis avanzada del tobillo. Sin embargo, las características mecánicas y fisiológicas únicas de la articulación del tobillo siguen siendo un desafío. A la fecha, los fracasos de implantes de tobillo continúan siendo más altos que implantes para otras articulaciones. De cierto modo, esto puede estar relacionado con la inhabilidad del cirujano para restaurar adecuadamente el rol estabilizador crítico de los ligamentos junto con una reproducción insuficiente de la mecánica normal de la articulación del tobillo. Sin embargo, la selección adecuada de pacientes, planificación preoperatoria cuidadosa, tratamiento apropiado de trastornos asociados (por ejemplo, inestabilidad, mal alineación y osteoartritis de articulaciones adyacentes y la minimización de complicaciones perioperatorias, ayudarán a maximizar la posibilidad de un resultado exitoso.

  16. Efecto de la adecuación de la profilaxis antibiótica en la infección de herida quirúrgica en cirugía ortopédica


    Ferrete Barroso, Ana María


    Tesis Doctoral leída en la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid en 2016. Director de la Tesis: Gil Rodríguez Caravaca Objetivo: Estudiar el efecto de la adecuación de la profilaxis antibiótica en las tasas de incidencia de Infección de Sitio Quirúrgico (ISQ) en el HUFA. Esta adecuación se evaluará en la cirugía ortopédica de artroplastia de cadera, artroplastia de rodilla y en cirugía de columna (fusión espinal). Diseño: Estudio analítico observacional de cohortes retrospectivo para ev...

  17. Avaliação da função e qualidade de vida em pacientes submetidos a artroplastia de ressecção tipo Girdlestone Evaluation of the function and quality of life of patients submitted to girdlestone's resection arthroplasty

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    Priscila Akemi Yamamoto


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Avaliar a função e a qualidade de vida dos pacientes pós-artroplastia de Girdlestone e comparar os resultados entre os grupos Girdlestone unilateral e o grupo com prótese total de quadril contralateral. MÉTODOS: estudo transversal no qual foram avaliados 9 pacientes com Girdlestone unilateral e 3 com Girdlestone em um quadril e prótese total no quadril contralateral. A avaliação constitui-se em aplicar o questionário genérico de qualidade de vida SF-36 e um questionário funcional específico para o quadril, Harris Hip Score (HHS. A comparação dos grupos foi realizada usando-se o teste t- Student e o teste de Fisher. RESULTADOS: Os pacientes do grupo Girdlestone unilateral apresentaram maior quantidade de domínios do SF-36 classificados como elevados, embora 77,8% destes tenham obtido resultados ruins no HHS. Todos os pacientes apresentaram o teste de Trendelenburg positivo e discrepância de membros, o que levou à marcha claudicante em 11 dos 12 pacientes avaliados. Destes, apenas 6 submeteram-se a fisioterapia pós-operatória. CONCLUSÃO: A qualidade de vida e a função pós-operatória de Girdlestone, na população brasileira, ainda necessita ser mais pesquisada, pois estes resultados são indicações do comportamento das variáveis de estudo e não podem ser consideradas encerradas.OBJECTIVES: To evaluate function and quality of life of patients submitted to Girdlestone's arthroplasty, and to compare outcomes between unilateral Girdlestone's group with the group with contralateral total hip prosthesis. METHODS: Cross-sectional study where 9 patients were evaluated with unilateral Girdlestone's and 3 with Girdlestone's in one hip and contralateral total hip prosthesis. The evaluation consisted in filling in a generic questionnaire on quality of life "SF-36" and a specific questionnaire for hip function "Harris Hip Score" (HHS. The comparison between groups was made by using the Student's t-test and the Fisher

  18. Fractura por fatiga atípica de la cabeza femoral sobre deslizamiento epifisario crónico


    Escribá Urios, I; Puertes Almenar, L.; Arnau, Rosana; Gomar Sancho, Francisco


    Presentamos el caso de un paciente joven con fractura de estrés desplazada cuyo trazo se localiza a nivel de la antigua placa físaria de la cabeza femoral. La imagen radiográfica era claramente de fractura de estrés, posiblemente sobre una secuela de epifisiolisis crónica de cabeza femoral. La cadera contralateral era normal y se descartó un cierre tardío de fisis por hipotiroidismo. Por el desplazamiento de la fractura y tiempo de evolución se trató mediante artroplastia total de sustitución...

  19. Nuevas orientaciones para calcular la profundidad efectiva de la capa endurecida en engranajes de acero cementado // New orientations to calculate the effective depth of the layer hardened in engagements of cemented steel


    G. González Rey


    Se exponen y discuten los inconvenientes de las clásicas y conocidas recomendaciones para decidir el espesor efectivo de capaendurecida en los dientes cementados de engranajes cilíndricos y cónicos. Además, se exponen los recientes trabajo realizados porISO TC60/WG 14 en la normalización de la profundidad efectiva de capa cementada, tomando como base las propuestas alemana yestadounidense. Es verificada mediante 5 ejemplos la aplicabilidad del estado actual de las recomendaciones de profundid...

  20. Estudio in vitro de la adaptación marginal, la resistencia compresiva y la estabilidad del color de materiales para restauraciones provisionales CAD-CAM comparados con diferentes materiales de provisionalización para técnica directa.


    Peñate González, Lissethe


    Las restauraciones provisionales en prótesis fijas son necesarias para proteger las superficies dentales de los efectos biológicos, mecánicos y físicos hasta el momento en que la restauración definitiva sea cementada. Por estos motivos, éstas requieren de materiales que proporcionen propiedades ópticas y mecánicas similares a las de la restauración definitiva, que aseguren una adecuada resistencia a la fractura, con una buena estabilidad dimensional y marginal. Éste tipo ...

  1. El bruxismo y su efecto en los planes de tratamiento


    Marchioni, Aldana Pamela; Ingeniero, María José


    Muchas señales clínicas advierten el hábito excesivo de rechinar los dientes. Las señales clínicas típicas del bruxismo incluyen aumento en el tamaño de los músculos temporales y maseteros, desviación de la apertura del maxilar inferior, apertura oclusal limitada, mayor movilidad dental, abfracción cervical, fracturas de los dientes o porcelana y coronas no cementadas o prótesis fijas. Las facetas de desgaste no funcional en las superficies oclusales pueden presentarse en dientes naturales o ...

  2. Radiological follow-up of uncemented knee prostheses. Preliminary study. Seguimiento radiologico de protesis de rodilla no cementadas. Estudio preliminar

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Martin Hervas, C.; Gomez Barrena, E.; Marquez Moreno, I.; Calle Yuste, F.; Ordoez Parra, J.M.


    The preliminary results of a prospective study of 40 uncemented total knee prostheses (TKP) are presented following a radiological protocol with fluoroscopic control and follow-up of over 2 years. The prosthesis-bone interface and the components alignment were assessed. Several radiological signs were studied to assess this interface with respect to the fixing of the component, but they showed little clinical correlation. Statistical significance (p<0.05, chisquare) was found only in the observation of sclerosis in areas of support for the tibital tray as a reaction of the bone. This radiological follow-up is of interest to determine the evolution of the interface and position of the implant to prevent complications (especially loosening) in patients, particularly those under 60 years old, who represent the group that can most benefit from prosthetic systems with uncemented anchorage because of their life expectation and level of activity. Author

  3. Artrosis de muñeca, estudio y opciones de tratamiento

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    Dr. G. Francisco Andrade


    Full Text Available La artrosis de muñeca es una patología que se origina generalmente tras una lesión ligamentosa intraósea del carpo, debido a una no unión de fractura de escafoides o después de una fractura articular del radio. Se sabe que la artrosis no mejora ni retrocede, por lo que se debe tener el tratamiento ideal para cada paciente según sus propias necesidades, que van desde el manejo médico (cambios de actividad, inmovilización, AINES o infiltración con corticoides. Cuando falla el tratamiento médico, se pueden realizar procedimientos poco invasivos como la denervación, carpectomía proximal o una artrodesis de cuatro esquinas. En estadios avanzados, sólo se puede proponer una artroplastia o artrodesis total de la muñeca.

  4. Tratamiento quirúrgico de la rizartrosis: evaluación de resultados de distintas técnicas

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    Francisco-Javier García-Bernal

    Full Text Available Introducción y Objetivo. Larizartrosis o artrosis de la articulación trapeciometacarpiana (TMC es uno de los principales motivos de consulta en una Unidad de Cirugía de Mano. Ante el fracaso del tratamiento conservador, recomendamos el tratamiento quirúrgico. Existen distintas opciones terapéuticas y la elección debe ser individualizada para cada paciente en función de varios factores: edad, grado de artrosis, demanda funcional, etc. En este trabajo analizamos los resultados obtenidos en nuestra práctica con las distintas técnicas. Material y Método. Entre abril de 2011 y febrero de 2015 intervinimos 97 casos de rizartrosis. La edad media de los pacientes fue de 54.01 años, con claro predominio del sexo femenino (85.5%. La técnica más frecuentemente empleada fue la artroplastia con reconstrucción ligamentaria y suspensión según técnica de Weilby, con 79 casos. En 9 casos realizamos una artroplastia artroscópica (ATK; en 4 una artrodesis TMC; y en 5 una ligamentoplastia. Resultados. De los 97 pacientes pudimos controlar postoperatoriamente a 49, con un seguimiento medio de 18,3 meses. Los pacientes experimentaron una mejoría de la fuerza de pinza del 24.28% con la técnica de Weilby; del 18.74% con la ATK; del 45.75% con la artrodesis TMC; y del 31.42% con la ligamentoplastia. Respecto al dolor, valorado según una escala visual analógica (0-10 la mejoría fue de 5.50, 5.1, 6.34 y 6.33 puntos respectivamente, en relación a la situación preoperatoria. Conclusiones. Los resultados obtenidos nos confirman la utilidad de la artroplastia de suspensión-interposición como técnica de elección para el paciente habitual de rizartrosis. En determinados casos, factores como la edad, la demanda funcional o el grado de degeneración articular nos encaminaran a elegir otras técnicas, buscando satisfacer las necesidades de cada paciente en concreto.

  5. Qualità totale e mobilità totale Total Quality and Total Mobility

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    Giuseppe Trieste


    Full Text Available FIABA ONLUS (Italian Fund for Elimination of Architectural Barriers was founded in 2000 with the aim of promoting a culture of equal opportunities and, above all, it has as its main goal to involve public and private institutions to create a really accessible and usable environment for everyone. Total accessibility, Total usability and Total mobility are key indicators to define quality of life within cities. A supportive environment that is free of architectural, cultural and psychological barriers allows everyone to live with ease and universality. In fact, people who access to goods and services in the urban context can use to their advantage time and space, so they can do their activities and can maintain relationships that are deemed significant for their social life. The main aim of urban accessibility is to raise the comfort of space for citizens, eliminating all barriers that discriminate people, and prevent from an equality of opportunity. “FIABA FUND - City of ... for the removal of architectural barriers” is an idea of FIABA that has already affected many regions of Italy as Lazio, Lombardy, Campania, Abruzzi and Calabria. It is a National project which provides for opening a bank account in the cities of referring, in which for the first time, all together, individuals and private and public institutions can make a donation to fund initiatives for the removal of architectural barriers within its own territory for a real and effective total accessibility. Last February the fund was launched in Rome with the aim of achieving a Capital without barriers and a Town European model of accessibility and usability. Urban mobility is a prerequisite to access to goods and services, and to organize activities related to daily life. FIABA promotes the concept of sustainable mobility for all, supported by the European Commission’s White Paper. We need a cultural change in management and organization of public means, which might focus on

  6. Resultados do tratamento cirúrgico da artropatia degenerativa do manguito rotador utilizando hemiartroplastia-CTA® Results of surgical treatment of denerative arthropathy of the rotator cuff using hemiarthroplasty-CTA®

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rômulo Brasil Filho


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar os resultados da artroplastia parcial de ombro tipo CTA® para o tratamento da artropatia degenerativa do manguito. MÉTODOS: De dezembro de 2006 a junho de 2009, 23 ombros de 23 pacientes foram submetidos à artroplastia parcial tipo CTA® para o tratamento de artropatia por lesão do manguito rotador. O tempo de seguimento pós-operatório variou de seis a 35 meses. A idade média foi de 74,1 anos. Houve predomínio do sexo feminino em 78,3% dos casos. O membro direito foi acometido em 18 pacientes. Todos os pacientes foram submetidos, sem melhora dos sintomas, ao tratamento fisioterápico prévio por pelo menos seis meses e foram submetidos à cirurgia pela mesma equipe cirúrgica. Nenhum dos pacientes havia realizado cirurgia prévia no ombro afetado. A avaliação dos pacientes no seguimento pós-operatório seguiu os critérios do escore da UCLA. RESULTADOS: Verificou-se melhora da dor em todos pacientes após a artroplastia. Pelo escore da UCLA, a média de pontos em relação à dor foi de 9,22 (variando de 10 a oito. Quanto à função, a média foi de seis (10 a dois. Encontramos nesses pacientes média de 2,39 na flexão frontal ativa (quatro a zero. Na força de flexão frontal a média foi de 4,09 com máxima de cinco e mínima de três. A média de pontos do escore da UCLA foi de 26,52. Noventa e cinco porcento dos pacientes ficaram satisfeitos com a cirurgia. CONCLUSÃO: A artroplastia parcial de ombro tipo CTA® tem resultados satisfatórios no tratamento da artropatia degenerativa do manguito rotador e apresenta baixa taxa de complicação.OBJECTIVE: To assess results of CTA® partial shoulder arthroplasty for treatment of degenerative arthropathy of the rotator cuff. METHODS: Between December 2006 and June 2009, 23 shoulders of 23 patients were submitted to CTA® type partial shoulder arthroplasty for treatment of arthropathy secondary to rotator cuff injury. Post-operative follow up time ranged from 6 to 35

  7. ¿Sirven los estudios de variabilidad geográfica de la práctica para informar la desinversión?: Varias cautelas y algunas reflexiones Are studies of geographical variation in medical practice useful in guiding decisions on disinvestmant?: Some pros and cons

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Enrique Bernal-Delgado


    Full Text Available Objetivo: La desinversión es el proceso explícito mediante el cual dejan de financiarse de forma parcial o completa "tecnologías" sanitarias consideradas de escaso valor. Los estudios de variaciones de práctica médica, en la medida en que muestran variaciones injustificadas en las tasas poblacionales de intervenciones, se han propuesto como una fuente útil para informar las políticas de desinversión. En este trabajo se ilustra y debate dicha utilidad. Metodología: Estudio ecológico sobre la variabilidad en las tasas estandarizadas de cuatro procedimientos quirúrgicos de dudosa utilidad: cirugía proctológica, revisión de artroplastia, reparación de hernia incisional y tonsilectomías. La variación entre las 199 áreas sanitarias estudiadas durante el periodo 2002-2007 se analizó mediante la razón de variación (RV, el estadístico empírico de Bayes (EB y la razón de utilización estandarizada (RUE. Resultados: Se analizaron 168.363 altas de cirugía proctológica, 41.066 revisiones de artroplastia, 222.427 hernias incisionales y 72.724 tonsilectomías. Los valores de RV oscilaron entre 3 para la reparación de hernia y 6,5 para la tonsilectomía. Los valores de EB oscilaron entre moderados y muy altos: 0,12 para la reparación de hernia y para proctología, y 0,30 para la tonsilectomía. El 25% de las áreas mostraron valores de RUE superiores a 1,24 en intervenciones proctológicas, 1,25 en la revisión de artroplastia, 1,32 en la hernia incisional y 1,35 en las tonsilectomías. Conclusiones: Los procedimientos estudiados mostraron una moderada o alta variabilidad sistemática, lo cual apoya la tesis de su utilidad para informar políticas de desinversión. No obstante, deben establecerse cautelas, en especial cuando las variaciones afectan a intervenciones cuyo balance beneficio-riesgo es incierto.Objective: Disinvestment has been defined as the explicit process of cutting funding, either totally or partially, from health

  8. Total protein (United States)

    ... page: // Total protein To use the sharing features on this page, please enable JavaScript. The total protein test measures the total amount of two classes ...

  9. Necrosis Avascular Bilateral de cadera en paciente con VIH y traumatismo de arma de fuego.

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    Belkis J. Menoni Blanco


    Full Text Available La Necrosis Avascular de Cadera (NAV es un proceso patológico infrecuente, originado por falta de irrigación de la articulación coxofemoral que implica necrosis y degeneración de los huesos que la conforman, causando dolor e impotencia funcional. Es más frecuente en varones jóvenes, pudiendo ser unilateral o bilateral. La etiología puede ser idiopática o estar relacionada a causas sistémicas como infección por VIH y su tratamiento depende de la severidad. En este reporte, se presenta un caso masculino de 35 años, seropositivo con tratamiento antirretroviral y antecedente de herida por arma de fuego de presentación inusual en cadera, sin lesión ósea aparente, quien refiere dolor de cadera izquierda, de fuerte intensidad, punzante, irradiado a rodilla izquierda, que produce limitación funcional. Al examen físico se evidencia marcha de Trendelemburg, con signos de Thomas y Patrick positivos. La radiografía demuestra NAV tipo Ficat-Arlet IV y es corregida mediante artroplastia total de cadera izquierda.

  10. Total algorithms

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Tel, G.

    We define the notion of total algorithms for networks of processes. A total algorithm enforces that a "decision" is taken by a subset of the processes, and that participation of all processes is required to reach this decision. Total algorithms are an important building block in the design of

  11. Artrodese do quadril: estudo retrospectivo com mais de 20 anos de seguimento Hip arthrodesis: a minimum 20 year follow-up retrospective study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Ricardo Negreiros Vicente


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar os resultados a longo prazo de setenta pacientes submetidos à artrodese do quadril pela técnica original descrita por Davis. MÉTODOS: Realizamos um estudo clínico retrospectivo com 70 pacientes, operados entre 1982 e 1995. A presença de sintomas sobre a coluna lombar, joelho ipsilateral e quadril contralateral foi aferida assim como o sucesso da consolidação da artrodese, o posicionamento da mesma e a eventual indicação para conversão à artroplastia total do quadril. RESULTADOS: O tempo médio de seguimento foi 21,6 anos. Uma consolidação satisfatória foi constatada em 48 pacientes (85,7%. A dor lombar foi presente em 11 pacientes (19,6% e osteoartrite dolorosa do joelho em quatro pacientes (7,1%. Discussão: Dois trabalhos com seguimento superior ao nosso estudo ( 35 e 38 anos apresentaram repercussões sobre a coluna lombar mais prevalentes (57% e 62%, assim como dor no joelho homolateral (45% e 57% e indicação para conversão em artroplastia total do quadril (17% e 28%. CONCLUSÃO: Concluímos que a artrodese do quadril pela técnica de Davis apresenta resultados satisfatórios até o vigésimo ano, porém a presença de dor lombar é mais frequente com o passar dos anos e a dor no joelho homolateral sugere associação com a posição inicial em abdução do quadril artrodesado. Nivel de Evidência III, estudo clinico.OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the long-term results of seventy patients who underwent hip arthrodesis using the original technique described by Davis. METHODS: We carried out a retrospective study involving seventy patients submitted to hip arthrodesis between 1982 and 1995. The presence of symptoms involving the lumbar spine, ipsilateral knee, and contralateral hip was noted, as well as the success of the arthrodesis fusion, its positioning, and the need for conversion surgery to total hip replacement. RESULTS: The mean follow-up time was 21.6 years. A satisfactory hip fusion was found in 48 patients

  12. Estudo do tratamento das fraturas da cabeça do fêmur Study of the treatment of femoral head fractures

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rodrigo Pereira Guimarães


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Estabelecer diretrizes para o tratamento das fraturas da cabeça femoral e determinar a melhor via de acesso nos casos tratados cirurgicamente. MÉTODOS: Avaliamos os resultados clínicos e radiográficos de 13 pacientes (13 fraturas tratados cirurgicamente entre maio de 1986 e julho de 1996 no Departamento de Ortopedia e Traumatologia da Santa Casa de Misericórdia de São Paulo (SCMSP, Pavilhão "Fernandinho Simonsen". RESULTADOS: Entre as seis fraturas Pipkin 1, cinco foram submetidas à ressecção do fragmento, o que nos levou a quatro resultados excelentes e um bom, sendo este com fixação do fragmento. Três pacientes apresentaram fraturas Pipkin 2 e todas foram fixadas, observados dois excelentes resultados e um regular. Dois pacientes Pipkin 3 foram submetidos à artroplastia primária. Dos dois pacientes com lesão Pipkin 4, um foi tratado com redução e osteossíntese da fratura do acetábulo, sem abordar o fragmento da cabeça que estava bem reduzido e resultou em artrose precoce, e o outro foi submetido à artroplastia total como tratamento primário. CONCLUSÃO: Concluímos após comparação da revisão da literatura com a análise dos nossos casos, que o tratamento da fratura da cabeça femoral deve ser cirúrgico e a escolha da via de acesso vai depender do tipo de fratura.OBJECTIVE: To establish guidelines for the treatment of femoral head fractures and to determine the best form of access in cases treated surgically. METHODS: We evaluated the clinical and radiological results of 13 patients (13 fractures treated surgically, between May 1986 and July 1996, at the Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology at the Santa Casa de Misericórdia de São Paulo (SCMSP, Fernandinho Simonsen Pavillion. RESULTS: Among six Pipkin 1 fractures, five had resection of the fragment, resulting in four excellent and one good result. The good result had fixation of the fragment. All three Pipkin 2 fractures had fixation of the fragment

  13. Lições sobre a substituição total de disco cervical após sete anos de acompanhamento Lecciones sobre el reemplazo total de disco cervical después de siete años de seguimiento Lessons learned on cervical total disc replacement after 7-year follow-up

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Thiago Coutinho


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Apresentar a experiência clínica e radiológica da artroplastia cervical no tratamento da degeneração do disco intervertebral, mantendo o movimento e reduzindo o estresse e a degeneração dos segmentos adjacentes. MÉTODOS: Foram estudadas as radiografias de 280 níveis em 161 pacientes (média de idade de 45,4 anos tratados entre os níveis cervicais C3-4 e C7-T1. Setenta e um pacientes foram operados em um único nível, 67 pacientes em dois, 17 em três, e seis em quatro níveis. Os resultados radiológicos e clínicos foram coletados no pré-operatório, 1 semana, 1, 3 e 6 meses e anualmente. Questionários NDI/VAS foram utilizados para avaliar a dor e os resultados funcionais. Para a análise da degeneração facetária, foi utilizada uma escala de quatro graus com base em tomografias computadorizadas. RESULTADOS: Os resultados clínicos melhoraram significativamente em todas as visitas pós-operatórias. A maioria dos pacientes evoluiu com grau I e II de degeneração facetária, e para esses casos não houve piora clínica, diferentemente de casos com grau III e IV. Entre os níveis estudados, 25 (8,93% revelaram algum grau de HO: 14 apresentaram grau I (56%, 7 de grau II (28%, 3 com grau III (12% e apenas um com grau IV (4%. Em 92% dos pacientes que desenvolveram HO havia presença de osteófitos incipientes. Ocorreu doença em nível adjacente em 5,7% dos pacientes. CONCLUSÃO: Os bons resultados clínicos também corroboram a superioridade do CTDR em comparação com a ACDF, já descritos na literatura.OBJETIVOS: Presentar las manifestaciones clínicas y radiológicas de la artroplastia cervical en el tratamiento de la degeneración del disco intervertebral, manteniendo el movimiento y reduciendo el estrés y la degeneración del segmento adyacente. MÉTODOS: Se estudiaron las radiografías de 280 niveles en 161 pacientes (edad promedio de 45,4 años tratados entre los niveles cervicales C3-4 a C7-T1. 71 pacientes

  14. Totally James (United States)

    Owens, Tom


    This article presents an interview with James Howe, author of "The Misfits" and "Totally Joe". In this interview, Howe discusses tolerance, diversity and the parallels between his own life and his literature. Howe's four books in addition to "The Misfits" and "Totally Joe" and his list of recommended books with lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender,…

  15. Comparison of Serum Concentrations of Total Cholesterol and Total ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Tuberculosis (TB) is one of the most dangerous tropical diseases that complicates HIV infection in Nigeria to date. Over two million Nigerians are known to be infected with TB and many more are at risk of the infection. Serum concentrations of total cholesterol and total lipid of 117 female TB patients attending chest clinic at ...

  16. Total curvature and total torsion of knotted random polygons in confinement (United States)

    Diao, Yuanan; Ernst, Claus; Rawdon, Eric J.; Ziegler, Uta


    Knots in nature are typically confined spatially. The confinement affects the possible configurations, which in turn affects the spectrum of possible knot types as well as the geometry of the configurations within each knot type. The goal of this paper is to determine how confinement, length, and knotting affect the total curvature and total torsion of random polygons. Previously published papers have investigated these effects in the unconstrained case. In particular, we analyze how the total curvature and total torsion are affected by (1) varying the length of polygons within a fixed confinement radius and (2) varying the confinement radius of polygons with a fixed length. We also compare the total curvature and total torsion of groups of knots with similar complexity (measured as crossing number). While some of our results fall in line with what has been observed in the studies of the unconfined random polygons, a few surprising results emerge from our study, showing some properties that are unique due to the effect of knotting in confinement.

  17. Necrosis Avascular Bilateral de cadera en paciente con VIH y traumatismo de arma de fuego.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Belkis J Menoni Blanco


    Full Text Available La Necrosis Avascular de Cadera (NAV es un proceso patológico infrecuente, originado por faltade irrigación de la articulación coxofemoral que implica necrosis y degeneración de los huesos que la conforman, causando dolor e impotencia funcional. Es más frecuente en varones jóvenes, pudiendo ser unilateral o bilateral. La etiología puede ser idiopática o estar relacionada a causas sistémicas como infección por VIH y su tratamiento depende de la severidad. En este reporte, se presenta un caso masculino de 35 años, seropositivo con tratamiento antirretroviral y antecedente de herida por arma de fuego de presentación inusual en cadera, sin lesión ósea aparente; quien refiere dolor de cadera izquierda, de fuerte intensidad, punzante, irradiado a rodilla izquierda, que produce limitación funcional. Al examen físico se evidencia marcha de Trendelemburg, con signos de Thomas y Patrick positivos. La radiografía demuestra NAV tipo Ficat-Arlet IV y es corregida mediante artroplastia total de cadera izquierda. Palabras claves: Necrosis Avascular de Cabeza de Fémur, VIH, Herida por arma de fuego.

  18. Laparoscopic total pancreatectomy (United States)

    Wang, Xin; Li, Yongbin; Cai, Yunqiang; Liu, Xubao; Peng, Bing


    Abstract Rationale: Laparoscopic total pancreatectomy is a complicated surgical procedure and rarely been reported. This study was conducted to investigate the safety and feasibility of laparoscopic total pancreatectomy. Patients and Methods: Three patients underwent laparoscopic total pancreatectomy between May 2014 and August 2015. We reviewed their general demographic data, perioperative details, and short-term outcomes. General morbidity was assessed using Clavien–Dindo classification and delayed gastric emptying (DGE) was evaluated by International Study Group of Pancreatic Surgery (ISGPS) definition. Diagnosis and Outcomes: The indications for laparoscopic total pancreatectomy were intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm (IPMN) (n = 2) and pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor (PNET) (n = 1). All patients underwent laparoscopic pylorus and spleen-preserving total pancreatectomy, the mean operative time was 490 minutes (range 450–540 minutes), the mean estimated blood loss was 266 mL (range 100–400 minutes); 2 patients suffered from postoperative complication. All the patients recovered uneventfully with conservative treatment and discharged with a mean hospital stay 18 days (range 8–24 days). The short-term (from 108 to 600 days) follow up demonstrated 3 patients had normal and consistent glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) level with acceptable quality of life. Lessons: Laparoscopic total pancreatectomy is feasible and safe in selected patients and pylorus and spleen preserving technique should be considered. Further prospective randomized studies are needed to obtain a comprehensive understanding the role of laparoscopic technique in total pancreatectomy. PMID:28099344

  19. Total body irradiation: current indications; L`irradiation corporelle totale: les indications actuelles

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Giraud, P.; Danhier, S.; Dubray, B.; Cosset, J.M. [Institut Curie, 75 - Paris (France)


    The choice of dose and fractionation for total body irradiation is made difficult by the large number of considerations to be taken into account. The outcome of bone marrow transplantation after total body irradiation can be understood in terms of tumor cell killing, engraftment, and normal tissue damage, each of these endpoints being influenced by irradiation-, disease-, transplant-, and patient- related factors. Interpretation of clinical data is further hampered by the overwhelming influence of logistic constraints, the small numbers of randomized studies, and the concomitant variations in total dose and fraction size or dose rate. So far, three cautious conclusions can be drawn in order to tentatively adapt the total body irradiation schedule to clinically-relevant situations. Firstly, the organs at risk for normal tissue damage (lung, liver, lens, kidney) are protected by delivering small doses per fraction at low dose rate. This suggests that, when toxicity is at stake (e.g. in children), fractionated irradiation should be preferred, provided that inter-fraction intervals are long enough. Secondly, fractionated irradiation should be avoided in case of T-cell depleted transplant, given the high risk of graft rejection in this setting. An alternative would be to increase total (or fractional) dose of fractionated total body irradiation, but this approach is likely to induce more normal tissue toxicity. Thirdly, clinical data have shown higher relapse rates in chronic myeloid leukemia after fractionated or low dose rate total body irradiation, suggesting that fractionated irradiation should not be recommended, unless total (or fractional) dose is increased. Total body irradiation-containing regimens, primarily cyclophosphamide / total body irradiation, are either equivalent to or better than the chemotherapy-only regimens, primarily busulfan / cyclophosphamide. Busulfan / cyclophosphamide certainly represents a reasonable alternative, especially in patients who

  20. Sobredentadura total superior implantosoportada Superior total overdenture on implants

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    Luis Orlando Rodríguez García


    Full Text Available Se presenta un caso de un paciente desdentado total superior, rehabilitado en la consulta de implantología de la Clínica "Pedro Ortiz" del municipio Habana del Este en Ciudad de La Habana, Cuba, en el año 2009, mediante prótesis sobre implantes osteointegrados, técnica que se ha incorporado a la práctica estomatológica en Cuba como alternativa al tratamiento convencional en los pacientes desdentados totales. Se siguió un protocolo que comprendió una fase quirúrgica, procedimiento con o sin realización de colgajo y carga precoz o inmediata. Se presenta un paciente masculino de 56 años de edad, que acudió a la consulta multidisciplinaria, preocupado, porque se le habían elaborado tres prótesis en los últimos dos años y ninguna reunía los requisitos de retención que él necesitaba para sentirse seguro y cómodo con las mismas. El resultado final fue la satisfacción total del paciente, con el mejoramiento de la calidad estética y funcional.This is the case of a total maxilla edentulous patient seen in consultation of the "Pedro Ortíz" Clinic Implant of Habana del Este municipality in 2009 and con rehabilitation by prosthesis over osteointegration implants added to stomatology practice in Cuba as an alternative to conventional treatment in patients totally edentulous. We follow a protocol including a surgery or surgical phase, technique without or with flap creation and early or immediate load. This is a male patient aged 56 came to our multidisciplinary consultation worried because he had three prostheses in last two years and any fulfilled the requirements of retention to feel safe and comfortable with prostheses. The final result was the total satisfaction of rehabilitated patient improving its aesthetic and functional quality.

  1. A method comparison of total and HMW adiponectin: HMW/total adiponectin ratio varies versus total adiponectin, independent of clinical condition. (United States)

    van Andel, Merel; Drent, Madeleine L; van Herwaarden, Antonius E; Ackermans, Mariëtte T; Heijboer, Annemieke C


    Total and high-molecular-weight (HMW) adiponectin have been associated with endocrine and cardiovascular pathology. As no gold standard is available, the discussion about biological relevance of isoforms is complicated. In our study we perform a method comparison between two commercially available assays measuring HMW and total adiponectin, in various patient groups, thus contributing further to this discussion. We determined levels of HMW and total adiponectin using assays by Lumipulse® and Millipore® respectively, in 126 patients with different clinical characteristics (n=29 healthy volunteers, n=22 dialysis patients, n=25 elderly with body mass index (BMI) LUMIPULSE ∗0.5-0.9=total adiponectin MILLIPORE , albeit with significant deviation from linearity (p<0.001). Pearson's correlation was R=0.987 (p=0.000). No significant differences between patient groups were observed (p=0.190). The HMW/total adiponectin ratio varies with total adiponectin concentration independent of clinical conditions studied. Our results imply that total and HMW adiponectin have similar utility when assessing adiponectin levels in blood, as the ratio is independent of clinical condition. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  2. Uso da biocerâmica no preenchimento de falhas ósseas Use of bioceramics in filling bone defects

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos Antônio Garrido


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Apresentar os resultados encontrados com o uso da biocerâmica no preenchimento das falhas ósseas decorrentes de lesões traumáticas ou ortopédicas. MÉTODO: Foram avaliados 36 pacientes, portadores de falhas ósseas de etiologia pós-traumática ou ortopédica, 19 pacientes do sexo masculino (52,8% e 17 do sexo feminino (47,2%. A idade variou de 19 a 84 anos, com média de 45,7 anos e mediana de 37 anos. Foram incluídos apenas os pacientes com falhas que necessitaram, no mínimo, cinco gramas de biocerâmica. Foram classificadas como ortopédicas o total de 18 casos; as falhas ósseas observadas nas revisões de artroplastias totais do quadril, 11 casos; artroplastia total do quadril, primária, por coxartrose, um caso; osteotomias de fêmur ou tíbia de cunha aberta, cinco casos, e artrodese do tarso, um caso. Como falhas pós-traumática, 18 casos; as pseudoartroses não infectadas, oito casos; fraturas recentes do planalto tibial com compressão do osso esponjoso, três casos; fraturas expostas tratadas com fixadores externos, sete casos. A técnica cirúrgica utilizada foi o de curetar e desbridar a lesão até se encontrar osso de aspecto viável a enxertia, a seguir utilizou-se a biocerâmica para preenchimento da falha e algum tipo de fixação. RESULTADO: Dos 36 pacientes avaliados, observou-se que 35 (97,2% apresentaram integração da biocerâmica, um caso de fratura exposta tratada com fixador externo apresentou integração deficiente da biocerâmica. CONCLUSÃO: O tratamento de falhas ósseas de etiologia pós-traumática ou ortopédica, com o uso da cerâmica fosfocálcica composta de hidroxiapatita, se revelou um método prático, eficaz e seguro.OBJETIVE: To present the results of the use of biological ceramic in filling bone defects resulting from traumatic or orthopedic injuries. METHODS: We evaluated 36 patients with bone defects caused by trauma or orthopedic injury. Nineteen patients were male (52.8% and 17

  3. Total parenteral nutrition (United States)

    ... Total parenteral nutrition To use the sharing features on this page, please enable JavaScript. Total parenteral nutrition (TPN) is a method of feeding that bypasses ...

  4. Changes in total and differential white cell counts, total lymphocyte ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Background: Published reports on the possible changes in the various immune cell populations, especially the total lymphocyte and CD4 cell counts, during the menstrual cycle in Nigerian female subjects are relatively scarce. Aim: To determine possible changes in the total and differential white blood cell [WBC] counts, ...

  5. Total lymphoid irradiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sutherland, D.E.; Ferguson, R.M.; Simmons, R.L.; Kim, T.H.; Slavin, S.; Najarian, J.S.


    Total lymphoid irradiation by itself can produce sufficient immunosuppression to prolong the survival of a variety of organ allografts in experimental animals. The degree of prolongation is dose-dependent and is limited by the toxicity that occurs with higher doses. Total lymphoid irradiation is more effective before transplantation than after, but when used after transplantation can be combined with pharmacologic immunosuppression to achieve a positive effect. In some animal models, total lymphoid irradiation induces an environment in which fully allogeneic bone marrow will engraft and induce permanent chimerism in the recipients who are then tolerant to organ allografts from the donor strain. If total lymphoid irradiation is ever to have clinical applicability on a large scale, it would seem that it would have to be under circumstances in which tolerance can be induced. However, in some animal models graft-versus-host disease occurs following bone marrow transplantation, and methods to obviate its occurrence probably will be needed if this approach is to be applied clinically. In recent years, patient and graft survival rates in renal allograft recipients treated with conventional immunosuppression have improved considerably, and thus the impetus to utilize total lymphoid irradiation for its immunosuppressive effect alone is less compelling. The future of total lymphoid irradiation probably lies in devising protocols in which maintenance immunosuppression can be eliminated, or nearly eliminated, altogether. Such protocols are effective in rodents. Whether they can be applied to clinical transplantation remains to be seen

  6. Image-guided total marrow and total lymphatic irradiation using helical tomotherapy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schultheiss, Timothy E.; Wong, Jeffrey; Liu, An; Olivera, Gustavo; Somlo, George


    Purpose: To develop a treatment technique to spare normal tissue and allow dose escalation in total body irradiation (TBI). We have developed intensity-modulated radiotherapy techniques for the total marrow irradiation (TMI), total lymphatic irradiation, or total bone marrow plus lymphatic irradiation using helical tomotherapy. Methods and Materials: For TBI, we typically use 12 Gy in 10 fractions delivered at an extended source-to-surface distance (SSD). Using helical tomotherapy, it is possible to deliver equally effective doses to the bone marrow and lymphatics while sparing normal organs to a significant degree. In the TMI patients, whole body skeletal bone, including the ribs and sternum, comprise the treatment target. In the total lymphatic irradiation, the target is expanded to include the spleen and major lymph node areas. Sanctuary sites for disease (brain and testes) are included when clinically indicated. Spared organs include the lungs, esophagus, parotid glands, eyes, oral cavity, liver, kidneys, stomach, small and large intestine, bladder, and ovaries. Results: With TBI, all normal organs received the TBI dose; with TMI, total lymphatic irradiation, and total bone marrow plus lymphatic irradiation, the visceral organs are spared. For the first 6 patients treated with TMI, the median dose to organs at risk averaged 51% lower than would be achieved with TBI. By putting greater weight on the avoidance of specific organs, greater sparing was possible. Conclusion: Sparing of normal tissues and dose escalation is possible using helical tomotherapy. Late effects such as radiation pneumonitis, veno-occlusive disease, cataracts, neurocognitive effects, and the development of second tumors should be diminished in severity and frequency according to the dose reduction realized for the organs at risk

  7. Total 2004 results

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This document presents the 2004 results of Total Group: consolidated account, special items, number of shares, market environment, adjustment for amortization of Sanofi-Aventis merger-related intangibles, 4. quarter 2004 results (operating and net incomes, cash flow), upstream (results, production, reserves, recent highlights), downstream (results, refinery throughput, recent highlights), chemicals (results, recent highlights), Total's full year 2004 results (operating and net income, cash flow), 2005 sensitivities, Total SA parent company accounts and proposed dividend, adoption of IFRS accounting, summary and outlook, main operating information by segment for the 4. quarter and full year 2004: upstream (combined liquids and gas production by region, liquids production by region, gas production by region), downstream (refined product sales by region, chemicals), Total financial statements: consolidated statement of income, consolidated balance sheet (assets, liabilities and shareholder's equity), consolidated statements of cash flows, business segments information. (J.S.)

  8. Total 2004 results

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This document presents the 2004 results of Total Group: consolidated account, special items, number of shares, market environment, adjustment for amortization of Sanofi-Aventis merger-related intangibles, 4. quarter 2004 results (operating and net incomes, cash flow), upstream (results, production, reserves, recent highlights), downstream (results, refinery throughput, recent highlights), chemicals (results, recent highlights), Total's full year 2004 results (operating and net income, cash flow), 2005 sensitivities, Total SA parent company accounts and proposed dividend, adoption of IFRS accounting, summary and outlook, main operating information by segment for the 4. quarter and full year 2004: upstream (combined liquids and gas production by region, liquids production by region, gas production by region), downstream (refined product sales by region, chemicals), Total financial statements: consolidated statement of income, consolidated balance sheet (assets, liabilities and shareholder's equity), consolidated statements of cash flows, business segments information. (J.S.)

  9. Total photon absorption

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Carlos, P.


    The present discussion is limited to a presentation of the most recent total photonuclear absorption experiments performed with real photons at intermediate energy, and more precisely in the region of nucleon resonances. The main sources of real photons are briefly reviewed and the experimental procedures used for total photonuclear absorption cross section measurements. The main results obtained below 140 MeV photon energy as well as above 2 GeV are recalled. The experimental study of total photonuclear absorption in the nuclear resonance region (140 MeV< E<2 GeV) is still at its beginning and some results are presented

  10. [Total artificial heart]. (United States)

    Antretter, H; Dumfarth, J; Höfer, D


    To date the CardioWest™ total artificial heart is the only clinically available implantable biventricular mechanical replacement for irreversible cardiac failure. This article presents the indications, contraindications, implantation procedere and postoperative treatment. In addition to a overview of the applications of the total artificial heart this article gives a brief presentation of the two patients treated in our department with the CardioWest™. The clinical course, postoperative rehabilitation, device-related complications and control mechanisms are presented. The total artificial heart is a reliable implant for treating critically ill patients with irreversible cardiogenic shock. A bridge to transplantation is feasible with excellent results.

  11. Total body water and total body potassium in anorexia nervosa

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dempsey, D.T.; Crosby, L.O.; Lusk, E.; Oberlander, J.L.; Pertschuk, M.J.; Mullen, J.L.


    In the ill hospitalized patient with clinically relevant malnutrition, there is a measurable decrease in the ratio of the total body potassium to total body water (TBK/TBW) and a detectable increase in the ratio of total exchangeable sodium to total exchangeable potassium (Nae/Ke). To evaluate body composition analyses in anorexia nervosa patients with chronic uncomplicated semistarvation, TBK and TBW were measured by whole body K40 counting and deuterium oxide dilution in 10 females with stable anorexia nervosa and 10 age-matched female controls. The ratio of TBK/TBW was significantly (p less than 0.05) higher in anorexia nervosa patients than controls. The close inverse correlation found in published studies between TBK/TBW and Nae/Ke together with our results suggest that in anorexia nervosa, Nae/Ke may be low or normal. A decreased TBK/TBW is not a good indicator of malnutrition in the anorexia nervosa patient. The use of a decreased TBK/TBW ratio or an elevated Nae/Ke ratio as a definition of malnutrition may result in inappropriate nutritional management in the patient with severe nonstressed chronic semistarvation.

  12. Total body water and total body potassium in anorexia nervosa

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dempsey, D.T.; Crosby, L.O.; Lusk, E.; Oberlander, J.L.; Pertschuk, M.J.; Mullen, J.L.


    In the ill hospitalized patient with clinically relevant malnutrition, there is a measurable decrease in the ratio of the total body potassium to total body water (TBK/TBW) and a detectable increase in the ratio of total exchangeable sodium to total exchangeable potassium (Nae/Ke). To evaluate body composition analyses in anorexia nervosa patients with chronic uncomplicated semistarvation, TBK and TBW were measured by whole body K40 counting and deuterium oxide dilution in 10 females with stable anorexia nervosa and 10 age-matched female controls. The ratio of TBK/TBW was significantly (p less than 0.05) higher in anorexia nervosa patients than controls. The close inverse correlation found in published studies between TBK/TBW and Nae/Ke together with our results suggest that in anorexia nervosa, Nae/Ke may be low or normal. A decreased TBK/TBW is not a good indicator of malnutrition in the anorexia nervosa patient. The use of a decreased TBK/TBW ratio or an elevated Nae/Ke ratio as a definition of malnutrition may result in inappropriate nutritional management in the patient with severe nonstressed chronic semistarvation

  13. Total well dominated trees

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Finbow, Arthur; Frendrup, Allan; Vestergaard, Preben D.

    cardinality then G is a total well dominated graph. In this paper we study composition and decomposition of total well dominated trees. By a reversible process we prove that any total well dominated tree can both be reduced to and constructed from a family of three small trees....

  14. Estonian total ozone climatology

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    K. Eerme

    Full Text Available The climatological characteristics of total ozone over Estonia based on the Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS data are discussed. The mean annual cycle during 1979–2000 for the site at 58.3° N and 26.5° E is compiled. The available ground-level data interpolated before TOMS, have been used for trend detection. During the last two decades, the quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO corrected systematic decrease of total ozone from February–April was 3 ± 2.6% per decade. Before 1980, a spring decrease was not detectable. No decreasing trend was found in either the late autumn ozone minimum or in the summer total ozone. The QBO related signal in the spring total ozone has an amplitude of ± 20 DU and phase lag of 20 months. Between 1987–1992, the lagged covariance between the Singapore wind and the studied total ozone was weak. The spring (April–May and summer (June–August total ozone have the best correlation (coefficient 0.7 in the yearly cycle. The correlation between the May and August total ozone is higher than the one between the other summer months. Seasonal power spectra of the total ozone variance show preferred periods with an over 95% significance level. Since 1986, during the winter/spring, the contribution period of 32 days prevails instead of the earlier dominating 26 days. The spectral densities of the periods from 4 days to 2 weeks exhibit high interannual variability.

    Key words. Atmospheric composition and structure (middle atmosphere – composition and chemistry; volcanic effects – Meteorology and atmospheric dynamics (climatology

  15. Totally optimal decision rules

    KAUST Repository

    Amin, Talha


    Optimality of decision rules (patterns) can be measured in many ways. One of these is referred to as length. Length signifies the number of terms in a decision rule and is optimally minimized. Another, coverage represents the width of a rule’s applicability and generality. As such, it is desirable to maximize coverage. A totally optimal decision rule is a decision rule that has the minimum possible length and the maximum possible coverage. This paper presents a method for determining the presence of totally optimal decision rules for “complete” decision tables (representations of total functions in which different variables can have domains of differing values). Depending on the cardinalities of the domains, we can either guarantee for each tuple of values of the function that totally optimal rules exist for each row of the table (as in the case of total Boolean functions where the cardinalities are equal to 2) or, for each row, we can find a tuple of values of the function for which totally optimal rules do not exist for this row.

  16. Totally optimal decision rules

    KAUST Repository

    Amin, Talha M.; Moshkov, Mikhail


    Optimality of decision rules (patterns) can be measured in many ways. One of these is referred to as length. Length signifies the number of terms in a decision rule and is optimally minimized. Another, coverage represents the width of a rule’s applicability and generality. As such, it is desirable to maximize coverage. A totally optimal decision rule is a decision rule that has the minimum possible length and the maximum possible coverage. This paper presents a method for determining the presence of totally optimal decision rules for “complete” decision tables (representations of total functions in which different variables can have domains of differing values). Depending on the cardinalities of the domains, we can either guarantee for each tuple of values of the function that totally optimal rules exist for each row of the table (as in the case of total Boolean functions where the cardinalities are equal to 2) or, for each row, we can find a tuple of values of the function for which totally optimal rules do not exist for this row.

  17. Total Quality Leadership (United States)


    More than 750 NASA, government, contractor, and academic representatives attended the Seventh Annual NASA/Contractors Conference on Quality and Productivity. The panel presentations and Keynote speeches revolving around the theme of total quality leadership provided a solid base of understanding of the importance, benefits, and principles of total quality management (TQM). The presentations from the conference are summarized.

  18. Total body irradiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Novack, D.H.; Kiley, J.P.


    The multitude of papers and conferences in recent years on the use of very large megavoltage radiation fields indicates an increased interest in total body, hemibody, and total nodal radiotherapy for various clinical situations. These include high dose total body irradiation (TBI) to destroy the bone marrow and leukemic cells and provide immunosuppression prior to a bone marrow transplant, high dose total lymphoid irradiation (TLI) prior to bone marrow transplantation in severe aplastic anemia, low dose TBI in the treatment of lymphocytic leukemias or lymphomas, and hemibody irradiation (HBI) in the treatment of advanced multiple myeloma. Although accurate provision of a specific dose and the desired degree of dose homogeneity are two of the physicist's major considerations for all radiotherapy techniques, these tasks are even more demanding for large field radiotherapy. Because most large field radiotherapy is done at an extended distance for complex patient geometries, basic dosimetry data measured at the standard distance (isocenter) must be verified or supplemented. This paper discusses some of the special dosimetric problems of large field radiotherapy, with specific examples given of the dosimetry of the TBI program for bone marrow transplant at the authors' hospital

  19. Use of total body electrical conductivity (TOBEC) to determine total body water

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cochran, W.; Wong, W.; Sheng, H.P.; Klein, P.; Klish, W.


    Total body electrical conductivity (TOBEC) has been introduced as a safe and rapid method to estimate body composition in infants and adults. Recently, a second generation instrument that operates in a scanning mode has been developed. A study was undertaken to calibrate this new instrument and to assess the feasibility of its use in estimating total body water. Six healthy adults, 3 males and 3 females, ranging in age from 25 to 57 years, and in weight from 43.3 to 104.7 kg were analyzed. Simultaneously, determinations of total body water were made by standard dilutional techniques using H 2 18 O. A baseline plasma sample was obtained and 60 mg 18 O/kg was given orally as H 2 18 O. Five hr later, a postdose plasma sample was obtained. The 18 O/ 16 O ratio in the plasma samples was determined as CO 2 by gas-isotope-ratio mass spectrometry and used to calculate the H 2 18 O volume of distribution. The total body water values ranged from 26.35 to 58.02 and represented 51 to 58% of body weight. There was good linear correlation between the total body water measurement and its phase average (TOBEC number) with a linear correlation coefficient of 0.998. The standard error of the estimate was 0.98. In addition to estimating fat and fat-free mass, the TOBEC method also estimates total body water with excellent correlation to physical dilutions methods

  20. Total volume versus bouts

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Chinapaw, Mai; Klakk, Heidi; Møller, Niels Christian


    BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: Examine the prospective relationship of total volume versus bouts of sedentary behaviour (SB) and moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) with cardiometabolic risk in children. In addition, the moderating effects of weight status and MVPA were explored. SUBJECTS....../METHODS: Longitudinal study including 454 primary school children (mean age 10.3 years). Total volume and bouts (i.e. ≥10 min consecutive minutes) of MVPA and SB were assessed by accelerometry in Nov 2009/Jan 2010 (T1) and Aug/Oct 2010 (T2). Triglycerides, total cholesterol/HDL cholesterol ratio (TC:HDLC ratio......, with or without mutual adjustments between MVPA and SB. The moderating effects of weight status and MVPA (for SB only) were examined by adding interaction terms. RESULTS: Children engaged daily in about 60 min of total MVPA and 0-15 min/week in MVPA bouts. Mean total sedentary time was around 7 h/day with over 3...

  1. Concentration and flux of total and dissolved phosphorus, total nitrogen, chloride, and total suspended solids for monitored tributaries of Lake Champlain, 1990-2012 (United States)

    Medalie, Laura


    Annual and daily concentrations and fluxes of total and dissolved phosphorus, total nitrogen, chloride, and total suspended solids were estimated for 18 monitored tributaries to Lake Champlain by using the Weighted Regressions on Time, Discharge, and Seasons regression model. Estimates were made for 21 or 23 years, depending on data availability, for the purpose of providing timely and accessible summary reports as stipulated in the 2010 update to the Lake Champlain “Opportunities for Action” management plan. Estimates of concentration and flux were provided for each tributary based on (1) observed daily discharges and (2) a flow-normalizing procedure, which removed the random fluctuations of climate-related variability. The flux bias statistic, an indicator of the ability of the Weighted Regressions on Time, Discharge, and Season regression models to provide accurate representations of flux, showed acceptable bias (less than ±10 percent) for 68 out of 72 models for total and dissolved phosphorus, total nitrogen, and chloride. Six out of 18 models for total suspended solids had moderate bias (between 10 and 30 percent), an expected result given the frequently nonlinear relation between total suspended solids and discharge. One model for total suspended solids with a very high bias was influenced by a single extreme value; however, removal of that value, although reducing the bias substantially, had little effect on annual fluxes.

  2. Genoptraening efter total knaealloplastik

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holm, Bente; Kehlet, Henrik


    The short- and long-term benefits of post-discharge physiotherapy regimens after total knee arthroplasty are debatable. A national survey including hospitals in Denmark that perform total knee arthroplasty showed a large variability in indication and regimen for post-knee arthroplasty rehabilitat......The short- and long-term benefits of post-discharge physiotherapy regimens after total knee arthroplasty are debatable. A national survey including hospitals in Denmark that perform total knee arthroplasty showed a large variability in indication and regimen for post-knee arthroplasty...... rehabilitation. Since hospital stay duration has decreased considerably, the need for post-discharge physiotherapy may also have changed. Thus, the indication for and types of rehabilitation programmes need to be studied within the context of fast-track knee arthroplasty....

  3. Genoptraening efter total knaealloplastik

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holm, Bente; Kehlet, Henrik


    The short- and long-term benefits of post-discharge physiotherapy regimens after total knee arthroplasty are debatable. A national survey including hospitals in Denmark that perform total knee arthroplasty showed a large variability in indication and regimen for post-knee arthroplasty rehabilitat......The short- and long-term benefits of post-discharge physiotherapy regimens after total knee arthroplasty are debatable. A national survey including hospitals in Denmark that perform total knee arthroplasty showed a large variability in indication and regimen for post-knee arthroplasty...... rehabilitation. Since hospital stay duration has decreased considerably, the need for post-discharge physiotherapy may also have changed. Thus, the indication for and types of rehabilitation programmes need to be studied within the context of fast-track knee arthroplasty. Udgivelsesdato: 2009-Feb-23...

  4. Technique of total thyroidectomy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rao, R.S.


    It is essential to define the various surgical procedures that are carried out for carcinoma of the thyroid gland. They are thyroid gland, subtotal lobectomy, total thyroidectomy and near total thyroidectomy

  5. Total parenteral nutrition - infants (United States)

    ... Total parenteral nutrition - infants To use the sharing features on this page, please enable JavaScript. Total parenteral nutrition (TPN) is a method of feeding that bypasses ...

  6. Total iron binding capacity (United States)

    ... page: // Total iron binding capacity To use the sharing features on this page, please enable JavaScript. Total iron binding capacity (TIBC) is a blood test to ...



    Merino Martijena, Adolfo


    Sixty Clinic Quirurgical Cases were Diagnostic with Anquilosis by the Pre Articular (Arthoplastic) Technique Using the Intra-Oral Activator design by the Author of this research the results were satisfactory in the one hundred per-cent of the treated cases.This Technique has the advantage of being very confortable don't cause pain is of casy manipulation and health in the rehabilitation process allowing the masticate recuperation and the mandible movements. Fueron efectuados 60 casos clíni...

  8. Totality eclipses of the Sun

    CERN Document Server

    Littmann, Mark; Willcox, Ken


    A total eclipse of the Sun is the most awesome sight in the heavens. Totality: Eclipses of the Sun takes you to eclipses of the past, present, and future, and lets you see - and feel - why people travel to the ends of the Earth to observe them. - ;A total eclipse of the Sun is the most awesome sight in the heavens. Totality: Eclipses of the Sun takes you to eclipses of the past, present, and future, and lets you see - and feel - why people travel to the ends of the Earth to observe them. Totality: Eclipses of the Sun is the best guide and reference book on solar eclipses ever written. It explains: how to observe them; how to photograph and videotape them; why they occur; their history and mythology; and future eclipses - when and where to see them. Totality also tells the remarkable story of how eclipses shocked scientists, revealed the workings of the Sun, and made Einstein famous. And the book shares the experiences and advice of many veteran eclipse observers. Totality: Eclipses of the Sun is profusely ill...

  9. Genoptraening efter total knaealloplastik

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holm, Bente; Kehlet, Henrik


    The short- and long-term benefits of post-discharge physiotherapy regimens after total knee arthroplasty are debatable. A national survey including hospitals in Denmark that perform total knee arthroplasty showed a large variability in indication and regimen for post-knee arthroplasty...

  10. Total 2004 annual report; TOTAL 2004 rapport annuel

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This annual report of the Group Total brings information and economic data on the following topics, for the year 2004: the corporate governance, the corporate social responsibility, the shareholder notebook, the management report, the activities, the upstream (exploration and production) and downstream (refining and marketing) operating, chemicals and other matters. (A.L.B.)

  11. Code development for eigenvalue total sensitivity analysis and total uncertainty analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wan, Chenghui; Cao, Liangzhi; Wu, Hongchun; Zu, Tiejun; Shen, Wei


    Highlights: • We develop a new code for total sensitivity and uncertainty analysis. • The implicit effects of cross sections can be considered. • The results of our code agree well with TSUNAMI-1D. • Detailed analysis for origins of implicit effects is performed. - Abstract: The uncertainties of multigroup cross sections notably impact eigenvalue of neutron-transport equation. We report on a total sensitivity analysis and total uncertainty analysis code named UNICORN that has been developed by applying the direct numerical perturbation method and statistical sampling method. In order to consider the contributions of various basic cross sections and the implicit effects which are indirect results of multigroup cross sections through resonance self-shielding calculation, an improved multigroup cross-section perturbation model is developed. The DRAGON 4.0 code, with application of WIMSD-4 format library, is used by UNICORN to carry out the resonance self-shielding and neutron-transport calculations. In addition, the bootstrap technique has been applied to the statistical sampling method in UNICORN to obtain much steadier and more reliable uncertainty results. The UNICORN code has been verified against TSUNAMI-1D by analyzing the case of TMI-1 pin-cell. The numerical results show that the total uncertainty of eigenvalue caused by cross sections can reach up to be about 0.72%. Therefore the contributions of the basic cross sections and their implicit effects are not negligible

  12. Feasibility study of helical tomotherapy for total body or total marrow irradiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hui, Susanta K.; Kapatoes, Jeff; Fowler, Jack; Henderson, Douglas; Olivera, Gustavo; Manon, Rafael R.; Gerbi, Bruce; Mackie, T. R.; Welsh, James S.


    Total body radiation (TBI) has been used for many years as a preconditioning agent before bone marrow transplantation. Many side effects still plague its use. We investigated the planning and delivery of total body irradiation (TBI) and selective total marrow irradiation (TMI) and a reduced radiation dose to sensitive structures using image-guided helical tomotherapy. To assess the feasibility of using helical tomotherapy (A) we studied variations in pitch, field width, and modulation factor on total body and total marrow helical tomotherapy treatments. We varied these parameters to provide a uniform dose along with a treatment times similar to conventional TBI (15-30 min). (B) We also investigated limited (head, chest, and pelvis) megavoltage CT (MVCT) scanning for the dimensional pretreatment setup verification rather than total body MVCT scanning to shorten the overall treatment time per treatment fraction. (C) We placed thermoluminescent detectors (TLDs) inside a Rando phantom to measure the dose at seven anatomical sites, including the lungs. A simulated TBI treatment showed homogeneous dose coverage (±10%) to the whole body. Doses to the sensitive organs were reduced by 35%-70% of the target dose. TLD measurements on Rando showed an accurate dose delivery (±7%) to the target and critical organs. In the TMI study, the dose was delivered conformally to the bone marrow only. The TBI and TMI treatment delivery time was reduced (by 50%) by increasing the field width from 2.5 to 5.0 cm in the inferior-superior direction. A limited MVCT reduced the target localization time 60% compared to whole body MVCT. MVCT image-guided helical tomotherapy offers a novel method to deliver a precise, homogeneous radiation dose to the whole body target while reducing the dose significantly to all critical organs. A judicious selection of pitch, modulation factor, and field size is required to produce a homogeneous dose distribution along with an acceptable treatment time. In

  13. Total and inorganic arsenic in foods of the first Hong Kong total diet study. (United States)

    Chung, Stephen Wai-cheung; Lam, Chi-ho; Chan, Benny Tsz-pun


    Arsenic (As) is a metalloid that occurs in different inorganic and organic forms, which are found in the environment from both natural occurrence and anthropogenic activity. The inorganic forms of As (iAs) are more toxic as compared with the organic As, but so far most of the occurrence data in food collected in the framework of official food control are still reported as total As without differentiating the various As species. In this paper, total As and iAs contents of 600 total diet study (TDS) samples, subdivided into 15 different food groups, were quantified by high-resolution inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (HR-ICP/MS) and hydride generation (HG) ICP/MS respectively. The method detection limits for both total As and iAs were 3 μg As kg(-1). As the samples were prepared for TDS, food items were purchased directly from the market or prepared as for normal consumption, i.e. table ready, in the manner most representative of and consistent with cultural habits in Hong Kong as far as practicable. The highest total As and iAs content were found in 'fish, seafood and their products' and 'vegetables and their products' respectively. Besides, this paper also presents the ratios of iAs and total As content in different ready-to-eat food items. The highest ratio of iAs to total As was found in 'vegetables and their products'. It is likely that iAs in vegetables maintained its status even after cooking.

  14. Total phenolics and total flavonoids in selected Indian medicinal plants. (United States)

    Sulaiman, C T; Balachandran, Indira


    Plant phenolics and flavonoids have a powerful biological activity, which outlines the necessity of their determination. The phenolics and flavonoids content of 20 medicinal plants were determined in the present investigation. The phenolic content was determined by using Folin-Ciocalteu assay. The total flavonoids were measured spectrophotometrically by using the aluminium chloride colorimetric assay. The results showed that the family Mimosaceae is the richest source of phenolics, (Acacia nilotica: 80.63 mg gallic acid equivalents, Acacia catechu 78.12 mg gallic acid equivalents, Albizia lebbeck 66.23 mg gallic acid equivalents). The highest total flavonoid content was revealed in Senna tora which belongs to the family Caesalpiniaceae. The present study also shows the ratio of flavonoids to the phenolics in each sample for their specificity.

  15. Carl Schmitt's attitude towards total war and total enemy on the eve of the outbreak of WWII

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Molnar Aleksandar


    Full Text Available Carl Schmitt is usually perceived as the theorist of total state, total war and total hostility. In the article, the author however tries to show that from 1937 to 1944, Schmitt was arguing that total war and total hostility were dangerous for Germany (as well as for the rest of Europe and warned against perpetuation of all efforts to totalize enemy that started in 1914. In his theoretical endeavors in this period there was place for the total state only - and especially for the total state strong enough to resist temptation of declaring total war on total enemy. The total state he recommended Hitler and his Nazi comrades was German Reich, as a part of Europe ordered and divided in the huge spaces (Grossraumordnung. Positioned in the centre of Europe, between the rest of the powers (France, Italy, USSR as well as the Scandinavian states, Germany should be careful enough to wage war only against its Eastern enemies (Poland and maybe USSR and only in order to achieve 'just' borders. Occupying in this way its huge space Germany should devote itself to the task of exploitation of various peoples such as Poles, Chechs and Slovaks, which were perceived as incapable of having their states and doomed to serve the master race - the Germans.

  16. Changes in total carbohydrate and total antioxidant activity induced by gamma irradiation of wheat flour

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Manupriya, B.R.; Shenoy, K. Bhasker; Patil, Shrikant L.; Somashekarappa, H.M.


    Wheat is a staple food grain in India after rice and occupies number one position in the world. The wheat crop not only gives food grains but also gives fodder for animals. Among many preservation methods irradiation is a current technique used to overcome infestation, contamination and spoilage of stored grains. The present study is aimed to check the changes in composition of irradiated wheat flour. Wheat flour was exposed to five different irradiation doses (0.25 KGy, 0.5KGy, 1KGy, 5KGy and 10 KGy) by using 60 Co gamma-irradiation chamber. Irradiated flour was stored in air sealed polyethylene pouch and plastic container at room temperature for different time intervals (0 th day, 1 month and 3 months). The stored flour was checked for total antioxidant activity by phosphomolybdate method and total carbohydrates concentration by phenol-sulphuric acid method. On 0 th day total antioxidant activity and total carbohydrate concentration was found to be increased at 0.5KGy (0.113 mg/ml and 0.045 mg/ml respectively) when compared to control (0.79 mg/ml and 39.5 mg/ml). Similarly for 1 month stored samples of air sealed polyethylene pouch total antioxidant activity and total carbohydrate concentration was observed to be increased at 0.5KGy (0.117 mg/ml and 0.045mg/ml respectively) when compared to control (0.096 mg/ml and 0.035 mg/ml). But in case of stored samples of plastic container total antioxidant activity increased at 0.25KGy (0.060 mg/ml) and total carbohydrate increased at 5KGy (0.051 mg/ml). Increased and decreased values were found in both factors for 3 months stored samples of air sealed polyethylene pouch and plastic container. Total antioxidant activity increased at 5KGy (0.072 mg/ml) for polyethylene bag samples and at 0.5KGy (0.137 mg/ml) for plastic container sample. Same way total carbohydrate concentration increased at 0.25KGy (0.046 mg/ml) and at 1KGy (0.045 mg/ml) respectively. This increase is due to affects of γ-irradiation on biomolecules by

  17. Use of the total motile sperm count to predict total fertilization failure in in vitro fertilization

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Repping, Sjoerd; van Weert, Janne-Meije; Mol, Ben W. J.; de Vries, Jan W. A.; van der Veen, Fulco


    Objective: To evaluate the capacity of baseline characteristics and total motile sperm count (TMC) to predict total fertilization failure (TIFF) in patients undergoing IVF. Design: Retrospective cohort study. Setting: University hospital. Patient(s): Eight hundred ninety-two couples with a total of

  18. Reverse-total shoulder arthroplasty cost-effectiveness: A quality-adjusted life years comparison with total hip arthroplasty. (United States)

    Bachman, Daniel; Nyland, John; Krupp, Ryan


    To compare reverse-total shoulder arthroplasty (RSA) cost-effectiveness with total hip arthroplasty cost-effectiveness. This study used a stochastic model and decision-making algorithm to compare the cost-effectiveness of RSA and total hip arthroplasty. Fifteen patients underwent pre-operative, and 3, 6, and 12 mo post-operative clinical examinations and Short Form-36 Health Survey completion. Short form-36 Health Survey subscale scores were converted to EuroQual Group Five Dimension Health Outcome scores and compared with historical data from age-matched patients who had undergone total hip arthroplasty. Quality-adjusted life year (QALY) improvements based on life expectancies were calculated. The cost/QALY was $3900 for total hip arthroplasty and $11100 for RSA. After adjusting the model to only include shoulder-specific physical function subscale items, the RSA QALY improved to 2.8 years, and its cost/QALY decreased to $8100. Based on industry accepted standards, cost/QALY estimates supported both RSA and total hip arthroplasty cost-effectiveness. Although total hip arthroplasty remains the quality of life improvement "gold standard" among arthroplasty procedures, cost/QALY estimates identified in this study support the growing use of RSA to improve patient quality of life.

  19. Comparison of serum leptin, glucose, total cholesterol and total protein levels in fertile and repeat breeder cows

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Saime Guzel


    Full Text Available In the present study we measured serum glucose, leptin, total cholesterol and total protein concentrations in repeat breeder cows and compared them with fertile cows. For this aim, 20 repeat breeder cows and 20 fertile cows were used as material. Repeat breeder cows were found to have lower levels of leptin and glucose as compared with fertile ones. No significant differences in total cholesterol and total protein levels were observed between the two groups. No significant correlation of leptin with glucose, total cholesterol and total protein was observed in fertile and repeat breeder cows. Low concentrations of glucose and leptin can have some effects on reproductive problems as repeat breeder and help to understand potential mechanisms impairing fertility in repeat breeder cows.

  20. Phytochemical screening, total phenolic, total flavonoids contents and antioxidant activity of cinchona ledgeriana leaves ethanol extract (United States)

    Sundowo, Andini; Artanti, Nina; Hanafi, M.; Minarti, Primahana, Gian


    C ledgeriana is a medicinal plant that contains alkaloids, especially on the barks for commercial production of quinine as antimalarial. The main alkaloids in this plant are cinchonine, cinchonidine, quinine and quinidine. Besides for antiamalarial this plant is also commonly used to treat whooping cough, influenza and dysentery. Compare to other medicinal plants, nowadays only very few studies were conducted in Cinchona species. Our current study aims to determine the content of phytochemical, total phenol and total flavonoids from C. ledgeriana leaves 70% ethanol extract. The extraction was performed by maceration method using 70% ethanol solvent and then fractionated into hexane, ethylacetate and butanol. Phytochemical screening was performed to determine the content of alkaloids, flavonoids, terpenoids, tannins and saponins. Total phenol and flavonoid contents of the extract were determined by Folin-Ciocalteu and alumunium chloride colorimetric methods using gallic acid and quercetin as standards. The antioxidant activity was determined by using 2, 2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging activity. The results of phytochemical screening showed that the 70% ethanol extract of C. ledgeriana leaves contained alkaloids, flavonoids, terpenoids, tannins and saponins. The total phenol and total flavonoids analysis showed that ethyl acetate fraction had the highest total phenol (40.23%) and total flavonoids (65.34%).

  1. Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH): ToxFAQs (United States)

    ... a state: This map displays locations where Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH) is known to be present. On ... I get more information? ToxFAQs TM for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH) ( Hidrocarburos Totales de Petróleo (TPH) ) August ...

  2. Total 2003 Results

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This document presents the 2003 results of Total Group: consolidated account, special items, number of shares, market environment, 4. quarter 2003 results, full year 2003 results, upstream (key figures, proved reserves), downstream key figures, chemicals key figures, parent company accounts and proposed dividends, 2004 sensitivities, summary and outlook, operating information by segment for the 4. quarter and full year 2003: upstream (combined liquids and gas production by region, liquids production by region, gas production by region), downstream (refinery throughput by region, refined product sales by region, chemicals), impact of allocating contribution of Cepsa to net operating income by business segment: equity in income (loss) and affiliates and other items, Total financial statements: consolidated statement of income, consolidated balance sheet (assets, liabilities and shareholder's equity), consolidated statements of cash flows, business segments information. (J.S.)

  3. Supravaginal eller total hysterektomi?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Edvardsen, L; Madsen, E M


    There has been a decline in the rate of hysterectomies in Denmark in general over the last thirteen years, together with a rise in the number of supravaginal operations over the last two years. The literature concerning the relative merits of the supravaginal and the total abdominal operation is ...... indicate a reduced frequency of orgasm after the total hysterectomy compared with the supravaginal operation. When there are technical problems peroperatively with an increased urologic risk the supravaginal operation is recommended....

  4. Resultados de un plan de gestión de listas de espera quirúrgica de prótesis articulares Results of a management plan for surgical waiting lists for hip and knee replacements

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Josep Martí-Valls


    Full Text Available Se describe un plan de gestión de las listas de espera quirúrgicas de prótesis articulares de cadera y rodilla y sus resultados a los 3 años. El plan de gestión se basó en la unificación de la información y programación, depuración periódica, guía clínica, gestión de la demanda, priorización por necesidad e incremento de la oferta. Durante el primer año se consiguió aflorar la lista de espera real, con un 23% más de pacientes de los contabilizados hasta entonces. A los 3 años, se depuró la lista en un 16% de los pacientes, se disminuyó la estancia media de estos procedimientos en 4 días, se evaluó el 59,5% de los pacientes con un instrumento de priorización y se incrementó la actividad de artroplastias en un 16%. Se redujo en un 14,7% los pacientes en espera de prótesis articulares y el tiempo de resolución de estos procedimientos disminuyó en 3 meses para las artroplastias de rodilla y en un mes para las de cadera.This study describes the implementation of a management plan for surgical joint replacement waiting lists and its results after 3 years. The plan was based on the following: unification of information and scheduling, periodic review, clinical guidelines, management of demand, prioritization according to need, and increasing the services provided. During the first year, the plan succeeded in revealing the real waiting list, with 23% more patients than previously included. Three years later, 16% of the patients had not turned up for surgery after being scheduled; the mean length of hospital stay for joint replacements had been reduced by 4 days; 59.5% of the patients joining the list had been assessed with a prioritization instrument, and the number of joint replacements had increased by 16% with a reduction of 14.7% in patients waiting for joint replacements. The resolution time for these procedures had also deceased by 3 months for knee arthroplasty and by 1 month for hip arthroplasty.

  5. Assessment of conservation easements, total phosphorus, and total suspended solids in West Fork Beaver Creek, Minnesota, 1999-2012 (United States)

    Christensen, Victoria G.; Kieta, Kristen A.


    This study examined conservation easements and their effectiveness at reducing phosphorus and solids transport to streams. The U.S. Geological Survey cooperated with the Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources and worked collaboratively with the Hawk Creek Watershed Project to examine the West Fork Beaver Creek Basin in Renville County, which has the largest number of Reinvest In Minnesota land retirement contracts in the State (as of 2013). Among all conservation easement programs, a total of 24,218 acres of agricultural land were retired throughout Renville County, and 2,718 acres were retired in the West Fork Beaver Creek Basin from 1987 through 2012. Total land retirement increased steadily from 1987 until 2000. In 2000, land retirement increased sharply because of the Minnesota River Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program, then leveled off when the program ended in 2002. Streamflow data were collected during 1999 through 2011, and total phosphorus and total suspended solids data were collected during 1999 through 2012. During this period, the highest peak streamflow of 1,320 cubic feet per second was in March 2010. Total phosphorus and total suspended solids are constituents that tend to increase with increases in streamflow. Annual flow-weighted mean total-phosphorus concentrations ranged from 0.140 to 0.759 milligrams per liter, and annual flow-weighted mean total suspended solids concentrations ranged from 21.3 to 217 milligrams per liter. Annual flow-weighted mean total phosphorus and total suspended solids concentrations decreased steadily during the first 4 years of water-quality sample collection. A downward trend in flow-weighted mean total-phosphorus concentrations was significant from 1999 through 2008; however, flow-weighted total-phosphorus concentrations increased substantially in 2009, and the total phosphorus trend was no longer significant. The high annual flow-weighted mean concentrations for total phosphorus and total suspended solids

  6. Determinations of total residue, total oxide and density of high-level liquid waste (HLLW) by gravimetric method

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li Yun; Gao Yueying; Yang Ming; Jin Liyun


    Gravimetric method for determination of total residue, total oxide and density of HLLW is developed. An aliquot of the original HLLW solution is piped on to the small quartz disc and put into the mini muffle furnace carefully. It is first heated to below 100 degree C (for 1.5 hours to remove the free water, and then heated to 180 degree C for 2 hours to remove the crystal water in a furnace. The total residue is weighed at room temperature. The precision is better than 3% for the determination of total residue and total oxide. An aliquot of the original HLLW solution is piped into the weighing bottle and weighed. The precision is better than 1%

  7. Total versus subtotal hysterectomy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gimbel, Helga; Zobbe, Vibeke; Andersen, Anna Birthe


    The aim of this study was to compare total and subtotal abdominal hysterectomy for benign indications, with regard to urinary incontinence, postoperative complications, quality of life (SF-36), constipation, prolapse, satisfaction with sexual life, and pelvic pain at 1-year postoperative. Eighty...... women chose total and 105 women chose subtotal abdominal hysterectomy. No significant differences were found between the 2 operation methods in any of the outcome measures at 12 months. Fourteen women (15%) from the subtotal abdominal hysterectomy group experienced vaginal bleeding and three women had...

  8. Total photon absorption

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Carlos, P.


    Experimental methods using real photon beams for measurements of total photonuclear absorption cross section σ(Tot : E/sub γ/) are recalled. Most recent σ(Tot : E/sub γ/)results for complex nuclei and in the nucleon resonance region are presented

  9. Operational resource theory of total quantum coherence (United States)

    Yang, Si-ren; Yu, Chang-shui


    Quantum coherence is an essential feature of quantum mechanics and is an important physical resource in quantum information. Recently, the resource theory of quantum coherence has been established parallel with that of entanglement. In the resource theory, a resource can be well defined if given three ingredients: the free states, the resource, the (restricted) free operations. In this paper, we study the resource theory of coherence in a different light, that is, we consider the total coherence defined by the basis-free coherence maximized among all potential basis. We define the distillable total coherence and the total coherence cost and in both the asymptotic regime and the single-copy regime show the reversible transformation between a state with certain total coherence and the state with the unit reference total coherence. Extensively, we demonstrate that the total coherence can also be completely converted to the total correlation with the equal amount by the free operations. We also provide the alternative understanding of the total coherence, respectively, based on the entanglement and the total correlation in a different way.

  10. Total quality management in American industry. (United States)

    Widtfeldt, A K; Widtfeldt, J R


    The definition of total quality management is conformance to customer requirements and specifications, fitness for use, buyer satisfaction, and value at an affordable price. The three individuals who have developed the total quality management concepts in the United States are W.E. Deming, J.M. Juran, and Philip Crosby. The universal principles of total quality management are (a) a customer focus, (b) management commitment, (c) training, (d) process capability and control, and (e) measurement through quality improvement tools. Results from the National Demonstration Project on Quality Improvement in Health Care showed the principles of total quality management could be applied to healthcare.

  11. CSF total protein (United States)

    CSF total protein is a test to determine the amount of protein in your spinal fluid, also called cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). ... The normal protein range varies from lab to lab, but is typically about 15 to 60 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL) ...

  12. 38 CFR 8.18 - Total disability-speech. (United States)


    ... 38 Pensions, Bonuses, and Veterans' Relief 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Total disability-speech... SERVICE LIFE INSURANCE Premium Waivers and Total Disability § 8.18 Total disability—speech. The organic loss of speech shall be deemed to be total disability under National Service Life Insurance. [67 FR...

  13. Mortality After Total Knee and Total Hip Arthroplasty in a Large Integrated Health Care System. (United States)

    Inacio, Maria C S; Dillon, Mark T; Miric, Alex; Navarro, Ronald A; Paxton, Elizabeth W


    The number of excess deaths associated with elective total joint arthroplasty in the US is not well understood. To evaluate one-year postoperative mortality among patients with elective primary and revision arthroplasty procedures of the hip and knee. A retrospective analysis was conducted of hip and knee arthroplasties performed in 2010. Procedure type, procedure volume, patient age and sex, and mortality were obtained from an institutional total joint replacement registry. An integrated health care system population was the sampling frame for the study subjects and was the reference group for the study. Standardized 1-year mortality ratios (SMRs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were calculated. A total of 10,163 primary total knee arthroplasties (TKAs), 4963 primary total hip arthroplasties (THAs), 606 revision TKAs, and 496 revision THAs were evaluated. Patients undergoing primary THA (SMR = 0.6, 95% CI = 0.4-0.7) and TKA (SMR = 0.4, 95% CI = 0.3-0.5) had lower odds of mortality than expected. Patients with revision TKA had higher-than-expected mortality odds (SMR = 1.8, 95% CI = 1.1-2.5), whereas patients with revision THA (SMR = 0.9, 95% CI = 0.4-1.5) did not have higher-than-expected odds of mortality. Understanding excess mortality after joint surgery allows clinicians to evaluate current practices and to determine whether certain groups are at higher-than-expected mortality risk after surgery.

  14. Total Productive Maintenance at Paccar INC


    Ştefan Farkas


    This paper reports the application of total productive maintenance method at Paccar Inc. truck’s plant in Victoria, Australia. The total productive maintenance method and total productive maintenance house are presented. The global equipment effectiveness is computed and exemplified. The production structure and organising maintenance are presented. Resultas of the variation of global equipment effectiveness and autonomous maintenance in a two weeks period of time are reported.

  15. A longitudinal study of quality of life and functional status in total hip and total knee replacement patients. (United States)

    Mandzuk, Lynda L; McMillan, Diana E; Bohm, Eric R


    Primary total hip and primary total knee surgeries are commonly performed to improve patients' quality of life and functional status. This longitudinal retrospective study (N = 851) examined self-reported quality of life and functional status over the preoperative and postoperative periods: 12 months prior to surgery, one month prior to surgery and 12 months following surgery. A linear mixed effects model was used to analyze the changes in quality of life and functional status over the sampling period. Patients in the convenience sample reported improvements in quality of life and functional status utilizing the SF-12 and Oxford Hip and Oxford Knee, although differences were noted by procedure and gender. Total hip patients tended to demonstrate greater improvement than total knee patients and males reported higher levels of physical and mental quality of life as well as functional status when compared to females. Of particular note was that mental health scores were consistently lower in both total hip and total knee replacement patients across the perioperative period and up to one year postoperative. This study identifies an opportunity for health care providers to proactively address the mental health of total hip and total knee replacement patients throughout their joint replacement trajectory. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  16. Total hip arthroplasty in Denmark

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Alma Becic; Johnsen, Søren Paaske; Overgaard, Søren


    The annual number of total hip arthroplasties (THA) has increased in Denmark over the past 15 years. There is, however, limited detailed data available on the incidence of THAs.......The annual number of total hip arthroplasties (THA) has increased in Denmark over the past 15 years. There is, however, limited detailed data available on the incidence of THAs....

  17. Congruences of totally geodesic surfaces

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Plebanski, J.F.; Rozga, K.


    A general theory of congruences of totally geodesic surfaces is presented. In particular their classification, based on the properties of induced affine connections, is provided. In the four-dimensional case canonical forms of the metric tensor admitting congruences of two-dimensional totally geodesic surfaces of rank one are given. Finally, congruences of two-dimensional extremal surfaces are studied. (author)

  18. Cataract incidence after total-body irradiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zierhut, D.; Lohr, F.; Schraube, P.; Huber, P.; Haas, R.; Hunstein, W.; Wannenmacher, M.


    Purpose: Aim of this retrospective study was to evaluate cataract incidence in a homogeneous group of patients after total-body irradiation followed by autologous bone marrow transplantation or peripheral blood stem cell transplantation. Method and Materials: Between 11/1982 and 6/1994 in total 260 patients received in our hospital total-body irradiation for treatment of haematological malignancy. In 1996-96 patients out of these 260 patients were still alive. 85 from these still living patients (52 men, 33 women) answered evaluable on a questionnaire and could be examined ophthalmologically. Median age of these patients was 38,5 years (15 - 59 years) at time of total-body irradiation. Radiotherapy was applied as hyperfractionated total-body irradiation with a median dose of 14,4 Gy in 12 fractions over 4 days. Minimum time between fractions was 4 hours, photons with a energy of 23 MeV were used, and the dose rate was 7 - 18 cGy/min. Results: Median follow-up is now 5,8 years (1,7 - 13 years). Cataract occurred in (28(85)) patients after a median time of 47 months (1 - 104 months). In 6 out of these 28 patients who developed a cataract, surgery of the cataract was performed. Whole-brain irradiation prior to total-body irradiation was more often in the group of patients developing a cataract (14,3%) vs. 10,7% in the group of patients without cataract. Conclusion: Cataract is a common side effect of total-body irradiation. Cataract incidence found in our patients is comparable to results of other centres using a fractionated regimen for total-body irradiation. The hyperfractionated regimen used in our hospital does obviously not result in a even lower cataract incidence. In contrast to acute and late toxicity in other organ/organsystems, hyperfractionation of total-body irradiation does not further reduce toxicity for the eye-lens. Dose rate may have more influence on cataract incidence


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    Anca ȘERBAN


    Full Text Available The purpose of this paper is to present the evolution of the Balanced Scorecard from a measurement instrument to a strategic performance management tool and to highlight the advantages of implementing the Total Performance Scorecard, especially for Human Resource Management. The study has been accomplished using the methodology of bibliographic study and various secondary sources. Implementing the classical Balanced Scorecard indicated over the years, repeatedly failure. It can be indicated that the crucial level is determined by the learning and growth perspective. It has been developed from a human perspective, which focused on staff satisfaction, innovation perspective with focus on future developments. Integrating the Total Performance Scorecard in an overall framework assures the company’s success, by keeping track of the individual goals, the company’s objectives and strategic directions. Like this, individual identity can be linked to corporate brand, individual aspirations to business goals and individual learning objectives to needed organizational capabilities.

  20. Total Productive Maintenance at Paccar INC

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ştefan Farkas


    Full Text Available This paper reports the application of total productive maintenance method at Paccar Inc. truck’s plant in Victoria, Australia. The total productive maintenance method and total productive maintenance house are presented. The global equipment effectiveness is computed and exemplified. The production structure and organising maintenance are presented. Resultas of the variation of global equipment effectiveness and autonomous maintenance in a two weeks period of time are reported.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anna Khumaira Sari


    Full Text Available The black rice contains anthocyanin compounds which are included in the flavonoids and phenolic compounds. Flavonoids contained in black rice are phenolic components that act as a preventive of hydroxyl and superoxide radicals by protecting membrane lipids against damaging oxidation reactions and phenol compounds also have bacteriocid, antimetic, antihelmintic, antiinflammatory, antimicrobial, anticancer and other degenerative diseases. The aim of this research were to measure total phenolic content and total flavonoid in ethanol extract of black rice (Oryza sativa L. Total phenol content were measured by Folin-Ciocalteu method with gallic acid mean while total flavonoid content were measured by colorimetry method using reagent AlCl3 10% and 5% acetic acid. There are seven variation samples of black rice obtained from seven different places in South Kalimantan. The result of this study, qualitative analysis showed that all samples positive contained flavonoids, alkaloids and tannins. The total phenol content of the seven samples was 100,58 ± 1,344; 91.14 ± 1.699; 96.50 ± 1.529; 77.64 ± 0.462; 81,16 ± 0,614; 112.47 ± 1.040; 81,50 ± 2,928 mgGAE/mg extract and the percent of total flavonoid content from seven samples was 8,53 ± 0,208%; 8.11 ± 0.343%; 7.69 ± 0.446%; 6.03 ± 0.227%; 4.97 ± 0.169%; 3.74 ± 0.210%; 5.02 ± 0.403%.

  2. Sobredentadura total superior implantosoportada

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luis Orlando Rodríguez García


    Full Text Available Se presenta un caso de un paciente desdentado total superior, rehabilitado en la consulta de implantología de la Clínica "Pedro Ortiz" del municipio Habana del Este en Ciudad de La Habana, Cuba, en el año 2009, mediante prótesis sobre implantes osteointegrados, técnica que se ha incorporado a la práctica estomatológica en Cuba como alternativa al tratamiento convencional en los pacientes desdentados totales. Se siguió un protocolo que comprendió una fase quirúrgica, procedimiento con o sin realización de colgajo y carga precoz o inmediata. Se presenta un paciente masculino de 56 años de edad, que acudió a la consulta multidisciplinaria, preocupado, porque se le habían elaborado tres prótesis en los últimos dos años y ninguna reunía los requisitos de retención que él necesitaba para sentirse seguro y cómodo con las mismas. El resultado final fue la satisfacción total del paciente, con el mejoramiento de la calidad estética y funcional.

  3. Positron interactions with water–total elastic, total inelastic, and elastic differential cross section measurements

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tattersall, Wade; Chiari, Luca; Machacek, J. R.; Anderson, Emma; Sullivan, James P.; White, Ron D.; Brunger, M. J.; Buckman, Stephen J.; Garcia, Gustavo; Blanco, Francisco


    Utilising a high-resolution, trap-based positron beam, we have measured both elastic and inelastic scattering of positrons from water vapour. The measurements comprise differential elastic, total elastic, and total inelastic (not including positronium formation) absolute cross sections. The energy range investigated is from 1 eV to 60 eV. Comparison with theory is made with both R-Matrix and distorted wave calculations, and with our own application of the Independent Atom Model for positron interactions

  4. Total internal reflection effect on gyrotropic interface (United States)

    Glushchenko, Alexander G.; Glushchenko, Eugene P.; Zhukov, Sergey V.


    This article considers the physical features of total internal reflection at gyrotropic and isotropic interfaces for two cases: electrical gyrotropy (plasma) and magnetic gyrotropy (ferrite). It is shown that the plasma magnetization may lead to the formation of the total internal reflection effect, which does not occur in isotropic plasma. The threshold values of the magnetic field, which are necessary for the total internal reflection effect, are determined. The total internal reflection effect on a ferrite-dielectric interface for waves emanating from different angles is observed in various frequency ranges and magnetization fields. The study points out the possibility of changing the total internal reflection angle value in large limits due to a change in the external magnetic field magnitude. The calculation results of the total internal reflection angle dependence on the external magnetic field magnitude are presented. The formulas are elaborated for calculating the total internal reflection angles of different interfaces for gyrotropic and isotropic media. The generalized formulas are defined for calculating the Doppler effect in the gyrotropic media. The study demonstrates how the velocity of the media interface affects the limiting angle of total internal refection.


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    Predrag Spirić


    Full Text Available Surgical technique of total laryngectomy is well presented in many surgical textbooks. Essentially, it has remained the same since Gluck an Soerensen in 1922 described all its details. Generally, it stresses the U shape skin incision with releasing laryngeal structures and removing larynx from up to down. Further, pharyngeal reconstruction is performed with different kinds of sutures in two or more layers and is finished with skin suture and suction drainage. One of worst complications following this surgery is pharyngocutaneous fistula (PF. Modifications proposed in this this article suggests vertical skin incision with larynx removal from below upwards. In pharyngeal reconstruction we used the running locked suture in submucosal plan with „tobacco sac“ at the end on the tongue base instead of traditional T shaped suture. Suction drains were not used.The aim of study was to present the modified surgical technique of total laryingectomy and its impact on hospital stay duration and pharyngocutanous fistula formation. In this randomized study we analyzed 49 patients operated with modified surgical technique compared to 49 patient operated with traditional surgical technique of total laryngectomy. The modified technique of total laryngectomy was presented. Using modified technique we managed to decrease the PF percentage from previous 20,41% to acceptable 8,16% (p=0,0334. Also, the average hospital stay was shortened from 14,96 to 10,63 days (t =-2.9850; p=0.0358.The modified technique of total laryngectomy is safe, short and efficient surgical intervention which decreases the number of pharyngocutaneos fistulas and shortens the hospital stay.

  6. Defense meteorological satellite measurements of total ozone

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lovill, J.E.; Ellis, J.S.; Luther, F.M.; Sullivan, R.J.; Weichel, R.L.


    A multichannel filter radiometer (MFR) on Defense Meteorological Satellites (DMS) that measured total ozone on a global-scale from March 1977 - February 1980 is described. The total ozone data measured by the MFR were compared with total ozone data taken by surfaced-based Dobson spectrophotometers. When comparisons were made for five months, the Dobson spectrophotometer measured 2-5% more total ozone than the MFR. Comparisons between the Dobson spectrophotometer and the MFR showed a reduced RMS difference as the comparisons were made at closer proximity. A Northern Hemisphere total ozone distribution obtained from MFR data is presented

  7. No clinical difference between large metal-on-metal total hip arthroplasty and 28-mm-head total hip arthroplasty?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Zijlstra, Wierd P; van den Akker-Scheek, Inge; Zee, Mark J M; van Raay, Jos J A M


    PURPOSE: We aimed to test the claim of greater range of motion (ROM) with large femoral head metal-on-metal total hip arthroplasty. METHODS: We compared 28-mm metal-on-polyethylene (MP) total hip arthroplasty with large femoral head metal-on-metal (MM) total hip arthroplasty in a randomised clinical

  8. Chinese National Strategy of Total War

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Good, Michael J


    ... concept of total warfare. This research seeks to determine if China is currently engaged in a total war with the United States across nontraditional forms of conflict including economic, political, information, financial...

  9. Fluorogenic membrane overlays to enumerate total coliforms, Escherichia coli, and total Vibrionaceae in shellfish and seawater (United States)

    Three assays were developed to enumerate total coliforms, Escherichia coli, and total Vibrionaceae in shellfish and other foods and in seawater and other environmental samples. Assays involve membrane overlays of overnight colonies on non-selective agar plates to detect ß-glucuronidase and lysyl am...

  10. Exchange of reactive nitrogen compounds: concentrations and fluxes of total ammonium and total nitrate above a spruce canopy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    V. Wolff


    Full Text Available Total ammonium (tot-NH4+ and total nitrate (tot-NO3 provide chemically conservative quantities in the measurement of surface exchange of reactive nitrogen compounds ammonia (NH3, particulate ammonium (NH4+, nitric acid (HNO3, and particulate nitrate (NO3, using the aerodynamic gradient method. Total fluxes were derived from concentration differences of total ammonium (NH3 and NH4+ and total nitrate (HNO3 and NO3 measured at two levels. Gaseous species and related particulate compounds were measured selectively, simultaneously and continuously above a spruce forest canopy in south-eastern Germany in summer 2007. Measurements were performed using a wet-chemical two-point gradient instrument, the GRAEGOR. Median concentrations of NH3, HNO3, NH4+, and NO3 were 0.57, 0.12, 0.76, and 0.48 μg m−3, respectively. Total ammonium and total nitrate fluxes showed large variations depending on meteorological conditions, with concentrations close to zero under humid and cool conditions and higher concentrations under dry conditions. Mean fluxes of total ammonium and total nitrate in September 2007 were directed towards the forest canopy and were −65.77 ng m−2 s−1 and −41.02 ng m−2 s−1 (in terms of nitrogen, respectively. Their deposition was controlled by aerodynamic resistances only, with very little influence of surface resistances. Including measurements of wet deposition and findings of former studies on occult deposition (fog water interception at the study site, the total N deposition in September 2007 was estimated to 5.86 kg ha−1.

  11. Total pollution effect of urban surface runoff. (United States)

    Luo, Hongbing; Luo, Lin; Huang, Gu; Liu, Ping; Li, Jingxian; Hu, Sheng; Wang, Fuxiang; Xu, Rui; Huang, Xiaoxue


    For pollution research with regard to urban surface runoff, most sampling strategies to date have focused on differences in land usage. With single land-use sampling, total surface runoff pollution effect cannot be evaluated unless every land usage spot is monitored. Through a new sampling strategy known as mixed stormwater sampling for a street community at discharge outlet adjacent to river, this study assessed the total urban surface runoff pollution effect caused by a variety of land uses and the pollutants washed off from the rain pipe system in the Futian River watershed in Shenzhen City of China. The water quality monitoring indices were COD (chemical oxygen demand), TSS (total suspend solid), TP (total phosphorus), TN (total nitrogen) and BOD (biochemical oxygen demand). The sums of total pollution loads discharged into the river for the four indices of COD, TSS, TN, and TP over all seven rainfall events were very different. The mathematical model for simulating total pollution loads was established from discharge outlet mixed stormwater sampling of total pollution loads on the basis of four parameters: rainfall intensity, total land area, impervious land area, and pervious land area. In order to treat surface runoff pollution, the values of MFF30 (mass first flush ratio) and FF30 (first 30% of runoff volume) can be considered as split-flow control criteria to obtain more effective and economical design of structural BMPs (best management practices) facilities.

  12. Leadership and Total Quality Management (United States)


    leadership and management skills yields increased productivity. This paper will focus on the skills required of senior level leaders (leaders at the...publication until it has been cleared by the appropriate mii..-, service or government agency. Leadership and Total Quality Management An Individual Study...llty Codes fAvti1 and/or DltISpecial Abstract AUTHOR: Harry D. Gatanas, LTC, USA TITLE: Leadership and Total Quality Management FORMAT- Individual

  13. Transmandibular approach to total maxillectomy


    Tiwari, R. M.


    Total Maxillectomy through transfacial approach has been practiced in the treatment of Cancer for more than a decade. Its role in T3 - T4 tumors extending posteriorly through gthe bony wall is questionable, since an oncological radical procedure is often not possible. Recurrences in the infratemporal fossa are common. Despite the addition of radiotherapy five year survivals have not significantly improved. Transmandibular approach to Total Maxillectomy overcomes this shortcoming by including ...

  14. A method comparison of total and HMW adiponectin : HMW/total adiponectin ratio varies versus total adiponectin, independent of clinical condition

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Andel, Merel; Drent, Madeleine L; van Herwaarden, Antonius E; Ackermans, Mariëtte T; Heijboer, Annemieke C

    BACKGROUND: Total and high-molecular-weight (HMW) adiponectin have been associated with endocrine and cardiovascular pathology. As no gold standard is available, the discussion about biological relevance of isoforms is complicated. In our study we perform a method comparison between two commercially

  15. A method comparison of total and HMW adiponectin: HMW/total adiponectin ratio varies versus total adiponectin, independent of clinical condition

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Andel, Merel; Drent, Madeleine L.; van Herwaarden, Antonius E.; Ackermans, Mariëtte T.; Heijboer, Annemieke C.


    Background: Total and high-molecular-weight (HMW) adiponectin have been associated with endocrine and cardiovascular pathology. As no gold standard is available, the discussion about biological relevance of isoforms is complicated. In our study we perform a method comparison between two commercially

  16. Total_Aktion

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Søndergaard, Morten


    digitale medier er registreringen og muligheden for at opbevare og håndtere digital data uden begrænsninger. Oplevelse, registrering og bevaring knyttes sammen i en ny museal virkelighed, hvor samlingens særlige dokumentariske karakter og fokus, som er unikt for Museet for Samtidskunst, er i centrum...... at mikse deres personlige drinks. TOTAL_AKTION viser Hørbar#3, som er en videreudvikling af den første version. METASYN af Carl Emil Carlsen: Metadata er centralt for Carl Emil Carlsens projekt, der betragter museets samling som et ”univers” af værker (analoge og digitale), beskrivelser og relationer. I...

  17. TUW at the First Total Recall Track (United States)


    TUW AT THE FIRST TOTAL RECALL TRACK MIHAI LUPU Abstract. For the first participation in the TREC Total Recall track, we set out to try some basic...significantly and consistently outperformed it. 1. Introduction As the organizers point out, the focus of the Total Recall Track is to evaluate methods to...TUW AT THE FIRST TOTAL RECALL TRACK 3 The only change we made was at a higher level. The Sofia ML library provides 5 more ML algorithms. The following

  18. Evaluation of total aboveground biomass and total merchantable biomass in Missouri (United States)

    Michael E. Goerndt; David R. Larsen; Charles D. Keating


    In recent years, the state of Missouri has been converting to biomass weight rather than volume as the standard measurement of wood for buying and selling sawtimber. Therefore, there is a need to identify accurate and precise methods of estimating whole tree biomass and merchantable biomass of harvested trees as well as total standing biomass of live timber for...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Elena-Sabina HODOR


    Full Text Available Total Rewards Management is a subject of major importance for companies, because, by using models for this, firms can achieve their objectives of high performance. In order to analyse a validated total rewards model in Romanian Accounting and Consulting Companies, it is used The WorldatWork Total Rewards Model, which depict what contributes to applicant attraction and employee motivation and retention. Thus, the methodology of the previous survey is adjusted to the local context. The conclusions for the methodological aspects illustrate that the present research involves three strategic steps in order to achieve the objectives presented: the analysis of organizational environment of the companies from the sample, checking if Total Rewards Model proposed in the previous research is applicable for the same romanian companies from the previous survey, the analysing of the differences between results, and, if necessary, the adaptation of the model for Romania.

  20. Investigation of total α and total β radioactive level of environment mediator in the Dushu lake campus of Suzhou university

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jiang Wenhua; Wan Jun; Liu Li; He Chao; Tang Hua; Tu Yu


    Objective: To get the message of natural radioactive level in the Dushu lake cam- pus of Suzhou university. Methods: Different types of water, soil and food in this region were collected, and then the level of total α and total β radioactivity of the sample was investigated applying model BH1216 equipment which measuring was used for low background total α and β radioactivity. Results: Total α in city water, surface water and soil were 0.061 Bq/L, 0.104 Bq/L, 1708 Bq/kg respectively, total β were 0.183 Bq/L, 0.319 Bq/L, 780 Bq/kg respectively, total α in chive, potato, water bamboo, pork, fish were 1.83, 2.36, 1.84, 3.40, 3.76 Bq/kg respectively, total α of Fish bone was at infra-monitoring lower limit, total β in them were 70.81, 96.71, 60.63, 86.20, 97.51, 73.94 Bq/kg respectively. Conclusion: The results of the investigation display that the total radioactivity in drinking water and food don't exceed limits, in surface water and soil is at normal natural background. It can be concluded that this region has not been polluted by the artificial radioactivity and the environment of human habitation is healthy and safe. (authors)

  1. Nutrición enteral total vs. nutrición parenteral total en pacientes con pancreatitis aguda grave Total enteral nutrition vs. total parenteral nutrition in patients with severe acute pancreatitis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M. Casas


    Full Text Available Objetivo: comparar la eficacia de la instauración precoz de nutrición enteral total (NET frente a nutrición parenteral total (NPT en pacientes con pancreatitis aguda grave (PAG. Métodos: estudio prospectivo aleatorio. Se incluyeron consecutivamente 22 pacientes con PAG aplicando los criterios APACHE II, valores de PCR y graduación de Balthazar en la TC. El grupo I (n = 11 recibió NPT y el grupo II (n = 12 NET. Se valoró la respuesta inflamatoria (PCR, TNF-alfa, IL-6, las proteínas viscerales (pre-albúmina, albúmina, la tasa de complicaciones (síndrome de respuesta inflamatoria sistémica, fallo multiorgánico, infecciones, las intervenciones quirúrgicas, la estancia hospitalaria y la mortalidad. Resultados: no hubo diferencias significativas en los primeros 10 días entre los dos grupos en la evolución de los criterios APACHE II, en las concentraciones de PCR, TNF-alfa e IL-6 ni tampoco en los valores de pre-albúmina y albúmina. Siete pacientes del grupo I presentaron complicaciones graves frente a 4 del grupo II. Requirieron intervención quirúrgica 3 pacientes del grupo I. La estancia hospitalaria fue similar en los dos grupos. Dos pacientes del grupo I fallecieron. Conclusiones: se ha observado una tendencia a una mejor evolución de los pacientes con PAG que utilizaron NET frente a los que utilizaron NPT.Objective: to compare the efficacy of early total enteral nutrition (TEN vs. total parenteral nutrition (TPN in patients with severe acute pancreatitis (SAP. Methods: a total of 22 consecutive patients with SAP were randomized to receive TPN (group I or TEN (group II. SAP was defined applying APACHE II score, C-reactive protein (CRP measurements and/or Balthazar CT scan score. Acute inflammatory response (CRP, TNF-alpha, IL-6, visceral proteins (pre-albumin, albumin, complications (systemic inflammatory response syndrome, multiorgan failure, infections, surgical interventions, length of hospital stay and mortality were

  2. TOTAL user manual (United States)

    Johnson, Sally C.; Boerschlein, David P.


    Semi-Markov models can be used to analyze the reliability of virtually any fault-tolerant system. However, the process of delineating all of the states and transitions in the model of a complex system can be devastatingly tedious and error-prone. Even with tools such as the Abstract Semi-Markov Specification Interface to the SURE Tool (ASSIST), the user must describe a system by specifying the rules governing the behavior of the system in order to generate the model. With the Table Oriented Translator to the ASSIST Language (TOTAL), the user can specify the components of a typical system and their attributes in the form of a table. The conditions that lead to system failure are also listed in a tabular form. The user can also abstractly specify dependencies with causes and effects. The level of information required is appropriate for system designers with little or no background in the details of reliability calculations. A menu-driven interface guides the user through the system description process, and the program updates the tables as new information is entered. The TOTAL program automatically generates an ASSIST input description to match the system description.

  3. Total and available metal contents in sediments by synchrotron radiation total reflection X-ray fluorescence

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Moreira, Silvana; Sobrinho, Gilmar A.; Jesus, Edgar F.O. de; Lopes, Ricardo T.


    In this work the total and available contents of Al, Si, Cl, K, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Sr, Zr, Ba, Ce and Pb in sediments from river Atibaia were determined by Synchrotron Radiation Total Reflection X-Ray Fluorescence technique. The detection limits for K series varies from 200 ng.mL -1 for Al to 2 ng.mL -1 for Zn while for L series the value varies from 20 ng.mL -1 for Ba to 10 ng.mL -1 for Pb. The samples were submitted to two different processes, in order to obtain the total and biological available metal contents. The information about metal content is a important parameter for a correct evaluation about the hydrologic cycle in Piracicaba basin. All the measure were carried out at the National Synchrotron Light Laboratory, Campinas, SP, Brazil, using a white beam for excitation. (author)

  4. Totally parallel multilevel algorithms (United States)

    Frederickson, Paul O.


    Four totally parallel algorithms for the solution of a sparse linear system have common characteristics which become quite apparent when they are implemented on a highly parallel hypercube such as the CM2. These four algorithms are Parallel Superconvergent Multigrid (PSMG) of Frederickson and McBryan, Robust Multigrid (RMG) of Hackbusch, the FFT based Spectral Algorithm, and Parallel Cyclic Reduction. In fact, all four can be formulated as particular cases of the same totally parallel multilevel algorithm, which are referred to as TPMA. In certain cases the spectral radius of TPMA is zero, and it is recognized to be a direct algorithm. In many other cases the spectral radius, although not zero, is small enough that a single iteration per timestep keeps the local error within the required tolerance.

  5. Timing the total reflection of light

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chauvat, Dominique; Bonnet, Christophe; Dunseath, Kevin; Emile, Olivier; Le Floch, Albert


    We have identified for the first time the absolute delay at total reflection, envisioned by Newton. We show that there are in fact two divergent Wigner delays, depending on the polarisation of the incident light. These measurements give a new insight on the passage from total reflection to refraction

  6. Sexuality after total vs. subtotal hysterectomy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Zobbe, Vibeke Bahn; Gimbel, Helga Margrethe Elisabeth; Andersen, Birthe Margrethe


    The effect of hysterectomy on sexuality is not fully elucidated and until recently total and subtotal hysterectomies have only been compared in observational studies.......The effect of hysterectomy on sexuality is not fully elucidated and until recently total and subtotal hysterectomies have only been compared in observational studies....

  7. Open Maximal Mucosa-Sparing Functional Total Laryngectomy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pavel Dulguerov


    Full Text Available BackgroundTotal laryngectomy after (chemoradiotherapy is associated with a high incidence of fistula and therefore flaps are advocated. The description of a transoral robotic total laryngectomy prompted us to develop similar minimally invasive open approaches for functional total laryngectomy.MethodsA retrospective study of consecutive unselected patients with a dysfunctional larynx after (chemoradiation that underwent open maximal mucosal-sparing functional total laryngectomy (MMSTL between 2014 and 2016 is presented. The surgical technique is described, and the complications and functional outcome are reviewed.ResultsThe cohorts included 10 patients who underwent open MMSTL. No pedicled flap was used. Only one postoperative fistula was noted (10%. All patients resumed oral diet and experienced a functional tracheo-esophageal voice.ConclusionMMSTL could be used to perform functional total laryngectomy without a robot and with minimal incidence of complications.

  8. Total neutron cross section of lead

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kanda, K.; Aizawa, O.


    The total thermal-neutron cross section of natural lead under various physical conditions was measured by the transmission method. It became clear that the total cross section at room temperature previously reported is lower than the present data. The total cross section at 400, 500, and 600 0 C, above the melting point of lead, 327 0 C, was also measured, and the changes in the cross section as a function of temperature were examined, especially near and below the melting point. The data obtained for the randomly oriented polycrystalline state at room temperature were in reasonable agreement with the theoretical values calculated by the THRUSH and UNCLE-TOM codes

  9. Creating the Total Quality Effective School. (United States)

    Lezotte, Lawrence W.

    This book shows how Deming's Total Quality Management (TQM) theory for organizational management can be integrated with the effective-schools literature. Part 1 compares the 14 principles of TQM with the tenets of effective-schools research. The second part develops a blueprint for creating the total quality effective school. The conceptual…

  10. Calidad total en el ICESI


    González Zamora, José Hipólito


    En primer lugar deseo dar la bienvenida esta reunión al ingeniero Francisco Gensini, director ejecutivo de INCOLDA, quien ha sido fuente constante de inspiración para el trabajo relacionado con Control Total de Calidad (C.T.C.) que se ha venido desarrollando en el ICESI. El ingeniero Gensini ha logrado aglutinar alrededor de INCOLDA al grupo de seis empresas de la región, líderes en el estudio y aplicación de los principios del Control Total de Calidad , es decir Rica Rondo S.A., Banco de Oc...

  11. MFTF TOTAL benchmark

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Choy, J.H.


    A benchmark of the TOTAL data base management system as applied to the Mirror Fusion Test Facility (MFTF) data base was implemented and run in February and March of 1979. The benchmark was run on an Interdata 8/32 and involved the following tasks: (1) data base design, (2) data base generation, (3) data base load, and (4) develop and implement programs to simulate MFTF usage of the data base

  12. Total Absorption Spectroscopy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rubio, B.; Gelletly, W.


    The problem of determining the distribution of beta decay strength (B(GT)) as a function of excitation energy in the daughter nucleus is discussed. Total Absorption Spectroscopy is shown to provide a way of determining the B(GT) precisely. A brief history of such measurements and a discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of this technique, is followed by examples of two recent studies using the technique. (authors)

  13. Total synthesis of ciguatoxin. (United States)

    Hamajima, Akinari; Isobe, Minoru


    Something fishy: Ciguatoxin (see structure) is one of the principal toxins involved in ciguatera poisoning and the target of a total synthesis involving the coupling of three segments. The key transformations in this synthesis feature acetylene-dicobalthexacarbonyl complexation.

  14. Development of meteorological parameters and total ozone during the total solar eclipse of August 11, 1999

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Peter Winkler


    Full Text Available During the total eclipse of August 11, 1999 frequent showers occurred due to a unstable stratification of the air mass. At different observation sites, meteorological effects from the eclipse (99.4% coverage at Hohenpeißenberg and from showers were superimposed making it partly difficult to unambiguously interpret the observations. The weather radar at Hohenpeißenberg observatory provided a general overview of the distribution of clouds and precipitation in this area (200 km diameter. From the Garching site in the zone of totality (100% temperature and wind data taken on a 50 m mast were evaluated. By selecting periods with relatively low cloud cover it was possible to approximately follow the development of the vertical temperature and wind profiles during the eclipse. The minimum temperature at Hohenpeißenberg (about 450 m above the altitude of Garching during the eclipse was comparable to that during the previous night, the corresponding value measured at Garching remained about 2 K above the minimum observed during clear sky conditions in the previous night. Showers before, during or after the eclipse may have induced vertical exchange of air parcels. Temperatures during a shower change towards the same direction at all altitudes, thus no inversion forms. Additionally, air parcels with relatively lower concentrations of trace constituents were transported down from aloft for time periods of 10–15 minutes. These mixing processes significantly determined the temporal variations of various trace substances measured during the eclipse. Total ozone measurements at Hohenpeißenberg were performed with both DOBSON and BREWER spectrophotometers and at another site within the zone of totality by using a portable Microtops II filter instrument. Different results were obtained for both sites. These differences can be to a large extend, but not exclusively, attributed to eclipse induced shifts (limb darkening and straylight effects in the atmosphere

  15. Total-factor energy efficiency in developing countries

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Xingping; Cheng Xiaomei; Yuan Jiahai; Gao Xiaojun


    This paper uses a total-factor framework to investigate energy efficiency in 23 developing countries during the period of 1980-2005. We explore the total-factor energy efficiency and change trends by applying data envelopment analysis (DEA) window, which is capable of measuring efficiency in cross-sectional and time-varying data. The empirical results indicate that Botswana, Mexico and Panama perform the best in terms of energy efficiency, whereas Kenya, Sri Lanka, Syria and the Philippines perform the worst during the entire research period. Seven countries show little change in energy efficiency over time. Eleven countries experienced continuous decreases in energy efficiency. Among five countries witnessing continuous increase in total-factor energy efficiency, China experienced the most rapid rise. Practice in China indicates that effective energy policies play a crucial role in improving energy efficiency. Tobit regression analysis indicates that a U-shaped relationship exists between total-factor energy efficiency and income per capita. - Research Highlights: → To measure the total-factor energy efficiency using DEA window analysis. → Focus on an application area of developing countries in the period of 1980-2005. → A U-shaped relationship was found between total-factor energy efficiency and income.

  16. Artrosis de cadera: tratamiento no protésico y alternativas de manejo con células madres mesenquimáticas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dr. P. Rodrigo Mardones


    Full Text Available La artrosis de cadera, ya sea focal o generalizada, constituye una patología frecuente y de difícil manejo, que genera dolor y discapacidad. El tratamiento médico está basado en el uso de analgésicos y antiinflamatorios, incluyendo aquellos de origen natural. Sin embargo, además de las complicaciones asociadas a su uso prolongado, a medida que la enfermedad avanza se van haciendo menos efectivos. En este punto cobra importancia las alternativas intervencionales de diferente grado. El tratamiento se dificulta debido a la localización y esfericidad de la articulación y generalmente está limitado a la artroplastia total de cadera en artrosis generalizada. Previo a ésta, existen alternativas para el tratamiento de lesiones condrales profundas o artrosis focal que incluyen la resección, debridamiento, condroplastía térmica y/o microfracturas con o sin coadyudancia biológica (Ácido Hialurónico, Plasma Rico en Plaquetas (PRP y Células Madre Mesenquimáticas (CMM. Esta revisión se enfoca en el uso de nuevas tecnologías que pudieran mejorar los resultados obtenidos con las técnicas convencionales, incluyendo las infiltraciones (Corticoides/Ácido Hialurónico/PRP/CMM. Se detalla el uso de terapias biológicas en base al uso de CMM, correspondientes a las inyecciones intraarticulares de CMM expandidas, concentrado de células mononucleares en una matriz de PRP y CMM expandidas sembradas en una membrana de colágeno.

  17. Airway Complications of Total Artificial Heart. (United States)

    Pathak, Vikas; Donovan, Colin; Malhotra, Rajiv


    The total artificial heart is the mechanical device which is used as a bridge to the heart transplant in patients with biventricular failure. Due to the mechanical nature of the device, patients receiving total artificial heart (TAH) require to be on anticoagulation therapy. Hemorrhage and coagulopathy are few of the known complications of TAH.

  18. Total and the Algerian shale gas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chapelle, Sophie; Petitjean, Olivier; Maurin, Wilfried; Balvet, Jacqueline; Combes, Maxime; Geze, Francois; Hamouchene, Hamza; Hidouci, Ghazi; Malti, Hocine; Renaud, Juliette; Simon, Antoine; Titouche, Fateh


    This publication proposes a rather detailed and discussed overview of the movement of mobilisation of Algerian people (notably those living in the Sahara) against projects of exploration and exploitation of shale gases in Algeria by the Total group. The authors also recall and comment the long and heavy history of hydrocarbon management in Algeria, the role of international firms and of western interests (notably French interests) in this country, and the position of Total regarding the stake related to shale gases. The authors outline problems created by shale gas exploitation regarding water consumption and waste waters. They also notice that the safety of wells is at the centre of the protest. Problems raised by hydraulic fracturing are reviewed: seismic activity, chemical pollution, air pollution and greenhouse gases, landscape destruction. The attitude of the Algerian government is commented. Then, the authors try to identify and describe the action of Total in the Algerian shale gas sector, discuss the possible French influence, and outline the presence of Total all over the world in this sector

  19. Mixed total screening for sulfur isotope

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cui Bin; Zhao Lei; Zhan Zhaoyang; He Zhijun


    The research on modern economic geology indicates that most ore deposits formed with characters of multi-origin, multi-stage and multi-genesis. Quantificational research of Sulfur isotope origin is a difficult problem that puzzles Geochemists all along. So the formation process of an ore deposit can be taken as the mix or the superposition of multi totals, which can be described by the mathematics model of mixed total screening. In the study of mid-down Yangtze River and Dongpo ore field in Hunan province, the authors successfully applied the mathematics model of mixed total screening, quantificationally resolved the problem of Sulfur isotope origin and mineralizing matter origin, and found out the mineralizing mechanism. This is very valuable. (authors)

  20. Apparatus and method for quantitatively evaluating total fissile and total fertile nuclide content in samples

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Caldwell, J.T.; Cates, M.R.; Franks, L.A.; Kunz, W.E.


    Simultaneous photon and neutron interrogation of samples for the quantitative determination of total fissile nuclide and total fertile nuclide material present is made possible by the use of an electron accelerator. Prompt and delayed neutrons produced from resulting induced fissions are counted using a single detection system and allow the resolution of the contributions from each interrogating flux leading in turn to the quantitative determination sought. Detection limits for 239 Pu are estimated to be about 3 mg using prompt fission neutrons and about 6 mg using delayed delayed neutrons

  1. Totally optimal decision trees for Boolean functions

    KAUST Repository

    Chikalov, Igor


    We study decision trees which are totally optimal relative to different sets of complexity parameters for Boolean functions. A totally optimal tree is an optimal tree relative to each parameter from the set simultaneously. We consider the parameters characterizing both time (in the worst- and average-case) and space complexity of decision trees, i.e., depth, total path length (average depth), and number of nodes. We have created tools based on extensions of dynamic programming to study totally optimal trees. These tools are applicable to both exact and approximate decision trees, and allow us to make multi-stage optimization of decision trees relative to different parameters and to count the number of optimal trees. Based on the experimental results we have formulated the following hypotheses (and subsequently proved): for almost all Boolean functions there exist totally optimal decision trees (i) relative to the depth and number of nodes, and (ii) relative to the depth and average depth.

  2. A note on totally normal spaces

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zougdani, H.K.


    In this note we give the necessary and sufficient condition for a topological space X such that the product space X x Y is totally normal for any (non discrete) metric space Y, and we show that a totally normal p-space need not be a perfectly normal in general, which makes Theorem 2 doubtful. (author). 6 refs

  3. The total energy policy in Flanders

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bouma, J.W.J.


    The policy of the Flemish region (Belgium) with regard to the total energy principle are presented. An overview of the main policy instruments to support energy saving and environmental-friendly investments as well as the development of new technologies is given. The total energy policy of the Flanders Region forms part of the general Flemish (energy) policy. (A.S.)

  4. The Total Quality Movement in Education. (United States)

    Leuenberger, John A.; Whitaker, Sheldon V., Jr.

    The total quality movement began as a result of the desire of W. Edwards Deming, an American statistician, to permit the economic system to maintain its edge in a growing global market. The 14 points Deming listed as essential to "total quality management" have recently been adapted to the field of education. The success of the total…

  5. Total Water Management - Report (United States)

    There is a growing need for urban water managers to take a more holistic view of their water resource systems as population growth, urbanization, and current operations put different stresses on the environment and urban infrastructure. Total Water Management (TWM) is an approac...

  6. Antibiotic impregnated total femur spacers: a technical tip

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Colin D. Canham, MD


    Full Text Available Simultaneous prosthetic joint infection of ipsilateral hip and knee arthroplasties is often accompanied by significant bone loss and presents a challenging reconstructive problem. Two-stage reconstruction is favored and requires the placement of a total femur spacer, which is not a commercially available device. We describe a surgical technique, reporting on 2 cases in which a customized total femur antibiotic impregnated spacer was created by combining an articulating knee spacer and an articulating hip spacer with a reinforced cement dowel construct connecting the 2 spacers. Custom total femoral spacers are useful in the management of infected femoral megaprostheses and cases with ipsilateral injected hip and knee arthroplasties and severe femoral bone loss. Keywords: total femur spacer, revision arthroplasty, total hip arthroplasty, total knee arthroplasty, prosthetic joint infection

  7. A strategic zone for Total's future

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Legros, E.J.


    In 1997, the Total company investments in the Middle East reached 1.2 billions of French Francs. This region is considered as a major growth zone by the French group. This paper summarizes the Total's participations in oil and gas activities and partnerships of Middle East countries (Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Oman, Qatar, Yemen): exploration, production, development, contracts, permits, technical assistance etc.. (J.S.)

  8. Indicators for estimating the total apparent digestibility in horses Indicadores para estimativa da digestibilidade aparente total em equinos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Roberta Ariboni Brandi


    Full Text Available The objective of this study to evaluate various indicators to estimate the total nutrient digestibility in horses. We used four adult mares, breed, grouped in a 4 x 4 Latin square balanced fed diets containing equal parts of hay Tifton 85 (Cynodon sp and concentrated experimental containing corn subjected to four processes: a diet containing ground corn ; flaked corn diet 2, 3 rolled corn, and 4 extruded corn. The weighting coefficient of digestibility of nutrients by the indicators was done through the bias. The accuracy and precision were determined by comparing the predicted and observed data, and the robustness of the biases by comparing with other factors studied. The chromic oxide methods showed similar values of apparent digestibility of nutrients when compared to the total collection method. We observed higher accuracy for the acid detergent lignin as compared to the other indicators tested. However, the acid detergent lignin underestimated the digestibility of nutrients when compared to the total collection. The acid detergent insoluble ash overestimated the digestibility of nutrients when compared to the total collection. The chromic oxide is presented as a better indicator for estimating the total apparent digestibility in horses due to its higher accuracy among the markers evaluated.Objetivou-se neste estudo avaliar diferentes indicadores para estimativa das digestibilidades aparente total em equinos. Foram utilizadas quatro éguas adultas, sem raça definida, agrupadas em um quadrado latino 4 x 4 balanceado, alimentadas com dietas que continham partes iguais de feno da gramínea Tifton 85 (Cynodon sp e concentrado experimental que continha milho submetido a quatro processamentos: dieta um milho triturado; dieta dois milho floculado; dieta três milho laminado e dieta quatro milho extrusado. A ponderação dos coeficientes de digestibilidade dos nutrientes pelos indicadores foi efetuada por meio do viés. A acurácia e a precis

  9. AQUILA: assessment of quality in lower limb arthroplasty. An expert Delphi consensus for total knee and total hip arthroplasty. (United States)

    Pijls, Bart G; Dekkers, Olaf M; Middeldorp, Saskia; Valstar, Edward R; van der Heide, Huub J L; Van der Linden-Van der Zwaag, Henrica M J; Nelissen, Rob G H H


    In the light of both the importance and large numbers of case series and cohort studies (observational studies) in orthopaedic literature, it is remarkable that there is currently no validated measurement tool to appraise their quality. A Delphi approach was used to develop a checklist for reporting quality, methodological quality and generalizability of case series and cohorts in total hip and total knee arthroplasty with a focus on aseptic loosening. A web-based Delphi was conducted consisting of two internal rounds and three external rounds in order to achieve expert consensus on items considered relevant for reporting quality, methodological quality and generalizability. The internal rounds were used to construct a master list. The first external round was completed by 44 experts, 35 of them completed the second external round and 33 of them completed the third external round. Consensus was reached on an 8-item reporting quality checklist, a 6-item methodological checklist and a 22-item generalizability checklist. Checklist for reporting quality, methodological quality and generalizability for case series and cohorts in total hip and total knee arthroplasty were successfully created through this Delphi. These checklists should improve the accuracy, completeness and quality of case series and cohorts regarding total hip and total knee arthroplasty.

  10. Total pressing Indonesian gas development, exports

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    Total is on track to become Indonesia's leading gas exporter by the turn of the century. Total's aggressive development of its Mahakam Delta acreage in East Kalimantan is intended to keep pace with growing liquefied natural gas demand, mainly from Japan but also increasingly from South Korea and Taiwan. A frantic scramble is under way among natural gas suppliers in the Pacific Rim region, particularly those with current LNG export facilities, to accommodate projections of soaring natural gas demand in the region. Accordingly, Total's Indonesian gas production goal is the centerpiece of a larger strategy to become a major player in the Far East Asia gas scene. Its goals also fall in line with Indonesia's. Facing flat or declining oil production while domestic oil demand continues to soar along with a rapidly growing economy, Indonesia is heeding some studies that project the country could become a net oil importer by the turn of the century. The paper describes Total's Far East strategy, the Mahakam acreage which it operates, the shift to gas development, added discoveries, future development, project spending levels, and LNG export capacity

  11. Digital versus analogue preoperative planning of total hip arthroplasties - A randomized clinical trial of 210 total hip arthroplasties

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    The, Bertram; Verdonschot, Nico; van Horn, Jim R.; van Ooijen, Peter M. A.; Diercks, Ron L.

    The objective of this randomized clinical trial was to compare the clinical and technical results of digital preoperative planning for primary total hip arthroplasties with analogue planning. Two hundred and ten total hip arthroplasties were randomized. All plans were constructed on standardized

  12. Global Landslide Total Economic Loss Risk Deciles (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — Global Landslide Total Economic Loss Risk Deciles is a 2.5 minute grid of global landslide total economic loss risks. A process of spatially allocating Gross...

  13. Global Drought Total Economic Loss Risk Deciles (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — Global Drought Total Economic Loss Risk Deciles is a 2.5 minute grid of global drought total economic loss risks. A process of spatially allocating Gross Domestic...

  14. Effect of sulfite treatment on total antioxidant capacity, total oxidant status, lipid hydroperoxide, and total free sulfydryl groups contents in normal and sulfite oxidase-deficient rat plasma. (United States)

    Herken, Emine Nur; Kocamaz, Erdogan; Erel, Ozcan; Celik, Hakim; Kucukatay, Vural


    Sulfites, which are commonly used as preservatives, are continuously formed in the body during the metabolism of sulfur-containing amino acids. Sulfite oxidase (SOX) is an essential enzyme in the pathway of the oxidative degradation of sulfite to sulfate protecting cells from sulfite toxicity. This article investigated the effect of sulfite on total antioxidant capacity (TAC), total oxidant status, lipid hydroperoxide (LOOH), and total free sulfydryl groups (-SH) levels in normal and SOX-deficient male albino rat plasma. For this purpose, rats were divided into four groups: control, sulfite-treated, SOX-deficient, and sulfite-treated SOX-deficient groups. SOX deficiency was established by feeding rats a low molybdenum diet and adding to their drinking water 200 ppm tungsten. Sulfite (70 mg/kg) was administered to the animals via their drinking water. SOX deficiency together with sulfite treatment caused a significant increase in the plasma LOOH and total oxidant status levels. -SH content of rat plasma significantly decreased by both sulfite treatment and SOX deficiency compared to the control. There was also a significant decrease in plasma TAC level by sulfite treatment. In conclusion, sulfite treatment affects the antioxidant/oxidant balance of the plasma cells of the rats toward oxidants in SOX-deficient groups.

  15. Novel Strategies Using Total Gastrodin and Gastrodigenin, or Total Gastrodigenin for Quality Control of Gastrodia elata. (United States)

    Tang, Chunlan; Wu, Bingchu; Wu, Jinyi; Zhang, Zheng; Yu, Bocheng


    Gastrodia elata Blume ( G. elata ), a traditional Chinese medicine, is widely used for treatment of various neuro dysfunctions. However, its quality control is still limited to the determination of gastrodin. In the present study, two novel strategies based on quantitative evaluation of total gastrodin and gastrodigenin with base hydrolysis and total gastrodigenin with base-enzymatic hydrolysis followed by HPLC-FLD were put forward and successfully applied to evaluate the quality of 47 batches of G. elata from eight localities. Meanwhile, a systematic comparison of the novel strategy with the multiple markers and the Pharmacopeia method was performed. The results showed that the parishins category could be completely hydrolyzed to gastrodin by sodium hydroxide solution, and gastrodin could further utterly hydrolyze to gastrodigenin with β-d-glucosidase buffer solution. The contents of total gastrodin and gastrodigenin ranged from 1.311% to 2.034%, and total gastrodigenin from 0.748% to 1.120% at the eight localities. From the comparison, we can conclude that the two novel strategies can comprehensively reveal the characteristics of overall active ingredients in G. elata for quality control. The present study provides a feasible and credible strategy for the quality control of G. elata , suggesting a revision of the latest Chinese Pharmacopoeia or European Pharmacopoeia methods for the modernization of G. elata use.

  16. Total Phenolics and Total Flavonoids Contents and Hypnotic Effect in Mice of Ziziphus mauritiana Lam. Seed Extract

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aye Moh Moh San


    Full Text Available The seeds of Ziziphus mauritiana Lam. have been traditionally used for treatment of various complications including insomnia and anxiety. They are popularly used as sedative and hypnotic drugs in China, Korea, Myanmar, Vietnam, and other Asian countries. However, no scientific proof on hypnotic activity of Z. mauritiana seeds (ZMS was reported. In this study, the hypnotic activity of 50% ethanolic extract from ZMS was observed on the loss of righting reflex in mice using pentobarbital-induced sleep mice method. The contents of total phenolics and total flavonoids in the extract were also determined. The results showed that the 50% ethanolic extract from ZMS contained total phenolics  mg gallic acid equivalent (GAE/g extract and total flavonoids  mg quercetin equivalent (QE/g extract. Oral administration of the extract at the dose of 200 mg/kg significantly increased the sleeping time in mice intraperitoneally administered with sodium pentobarbital (50 mg/kg body weight. These results supported the traditional use of ZMS for the treatment of insomnia. The seeds of Z. mauritiana should be further developed as an alternative sedative and/or hypnotic product.

  17. Total dominator chromatic number of a graph

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Adel P. Kazemi


    Full Text Available Given a graph $G$, the total dominator coloring problem seeks a proper coloring of $G$ with the additional property that every vertex in the graph is adjacent to all vertices of a color class. We seek to minimize the number of color classes. We initiate to study this problem on several classes of graphs, as well as finding general bounds and characterizations. We also compare the total dominator chromatic number of a graph with the chromatic number and the total domination number of it.

  18. Asymmetric total synthesis of cladosporin and isocladosporin. (United States)

    Zheng, Huaiji; Zhao, Changgui; Fang, Bowen; Jing, Peng; Yang, Juan; Xie, Xingang; She, Xuegong


    The first asymmetric total syntheses of cladosporin and isocladosporin were accomplished in 8 steps with 8% overall yield and 10 steps with 26% overall yield, respectively. The relative configuration of isocladosporin was determined via this total synthesis.

  19. 21 CFR 862.1710 - Total triiodothyronine test system. (United States)


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Total triiodothyronine test system. 862.1710... Systems § 862.1710 Total triiodothyronine test system. (a) Identification. A total triiodothyronine test system is a device intended to measure the hormone triiodothyronine in serum and plasma. Measurements...

  20. French government to trim direct stake in Total

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    This paper reports that the French government has decided to slash its direct stake in partly state owned oil company Total to 5% from 31.7%, a surprise move expected to raise 10 billion francs ($1.8 billion). At the same time, other state owned entities will be asked to boost their combined 2.2% stake in Total to 10%, leaving the government with a net 15% interest in Total vs. the current 34%. Initially, state owned insurance companies Groupe des Assurances Nationales and Assurances Generale de France will be asked to hike their stakes in Total, but others could be asked to join if needed to meet the 10% target. The government the its phase-down of participation in Total, established in 1924 to manage French interests in Iraq Petroleum Co., was prompted by the evolution of the oil context, which differs greatly from what had prompted a significant stake of the state in Total's capital

  1. Population: Census Bureau Total Estimates (2010-2012) (United States)

    Earth Data Analysis Center, University of New Mexico — Total population estimates are estimates of the total number of residents living in an area on July 1 of each year. The Census Bureau’s Population Division produces...

  2. Totally optimal decision trees for Boolean functions

    KAUST Repository

    Chikalov, Igor; Hussain, Shahid; Moshkov, Mikhail


    We study decision trees which are totally optimal relative to different sets of complexity parameters for Boolean functions. A totally optimal tree is an optimal tree relative to each parameter from the set simultaneously. We consider the parameters

  3. A high performance totally ordered multicast protocol (United States)

    Montgomery, Todd; Whetten, Brian; Kaplan, Simon


    This paper presents the Reliable Multicast Protocol (RMP). RMP provides a totally ordered, reliable, atomic multicast service on top of an unreliable multicast datagram service such as IP Multicasting. RMP is fully and symmetrically distributed so that no site bears un undue portion of the communication load. RMP provides a wide range of guarantees, from unreliable delivery to totally ordered delivery, to K-resilient, majority resilient, and totally resilient atomic delivery. These QoS guarantees are selectable on a per packet basis. RMP provides many communication options, including virtual synchrony, a publisher/subscriber model of message delivery, an implicit naming service, mutually exclusive handlers for messages, and mutually exclusive locks. It has commonly been held that a large performance penalty must be paid in order to implement total ordering -- RMP discounts this. On SparcStation 10's on a 1250 KB/sec Ethernet, RMP provides totally ordered packet delivery to one destination at 842 KB/sec throughput and with 3.1 ms packet latency. The performance stays roughly constant independent of the number of destinations. For two or more destinations on a LAN, RMP provides higher throughput than any protocol that does not use multicast or broadcast.

  4. Total lymphoid irradiation of intractable rheumatoid arthritis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Herbst, M.; Fritz, H.; Sauer, R.


    Eleven patients with intractable rheumatoid arthritis were treated with fractionated total lymphoid irradiation, (total dose 20 Gy). Lasting improvement in clinical symptoms was found in four patients during treatment and the remaining patients experienced similar benefit within 2 months of irradiation. There was marked reduction in exacerbations and number of joints involved. Morning stiffness, joint swelling and tenderness decreased. Complications included severe fatigue during treatment and acute bacterial arthritis in multiple joints in one patient. Four patients have since died, one of renal failure, another of cardiogenic shock following surgery 3 and 24 months after total lymphoid irradiation. Both had generalised amyloidosis. The third patient developed joint empyema and died of toxic cardiac failure. The fourth died 3 months after resection of a Kaposi's sarcoma complicated by wound infection which responded to treatment. Immunologically, total lymphoid irradiation resulted in suppression of the absolute lymphocyte count and reduction in T-helper cells, the number of T-suppressor cells remaining unchanged. These data provide evidence of T-cell involvement in the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis. Total lymphoid irradiation can induce sustained improvement in clinical disease activity, but severe, possibly fatal, side-effects cannot be ignored. (author)

  5. Total lymphoid irradiation of intractable rheumatoid arthritis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Herbst, M.; Fritz, H.; Sauer, R.


    Eleven patients with intractable rheumatoid arthritis were treated with fractionated total lymphoid irradiation, (total dose 20 Gy). Lasting improvement in clinical symptoms was found in four patients during treatment and the remaining patients experienced similar benefit within 2 months of irradiation. There was marked reduction in exacerbations and number of joints involved. Morning stiffness, joint swelling and tenderness decreased. Complications included severe fatigue during treatment and acute bacterial arthritis in multiple joints in one patient. Four patients have since died, one of renal failure, another of cardiogenic shock following surgery 3 and 24 months after total lymphoid irradiation. Both had generalised amyloidosis. The third patient developed joint empyema and died of toxic cardiac failure. The fourth died 3 months after resection of a Kaposi's sarcoma complicated by wound infection which responded to treatment. Immunologically, total lymphoid irradiation resulted in suppression of the absolute lymphocyte count and reduction in T-helper cells, the number of T-suppressor cells remaining unchanged. These data provide evidence of T-cell involvement in the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis. Total lymphoid irradiation can induce sustained improvement in clinical disease activity, but severe, possibly fatal, side-effects cannot be ignored.

  6. Total knee arthroplasty

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schrøder, Henrik M.; Petersen, Michael M.


    Total knee arthroplasty (TKA) is a successful treatment of the osteoarthritic knee, which has increased dramatically over the last 30 years. The indication is a painful osteoarthritic knee with relevant radiographic findings and failure of conservative measures like painkillers and exercise...... surgeon seems to positively influence the rate of surgical complications and implant survival. The painful TKA knee should be thoroughly evaluated, but not revised except if a relevant indication can be established. The most frequent indications for revision are: aseptic loosening, instability, infection...

  7. Total reflection X-ray fluorescence analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Michaelis, W.; Prange, A.


    In the past few years, total reflection X-ray flourescence analysis (TXRF) has found an increasing number of assignments and applications. Experience of trace element analysis using TXRF and examples of applications are already widespread. Therefore, users of TXRF had the opportunity of an intensive exchange of their experience at the 1st workshop on total reflection X-ray fluorescence analysis which took place on May 27th and 28th 1986 at the GKSS Research Centre at Geesthacht. In a series of lectures and discussions dealing with the analytical principle itself, sample preparation techniques and applications as well as comuter programs for spectrum evaluation, the present state of development and the range of applications were outlined. 3 studies out of a total of 14 were included separately in the INIS and ENERGY databases. With 61 figs., 12 tabs [de

  8. Total's LNG activities from Algeria to Yemen

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vedrenne, J.P.


    In March 1995, further to an international tender, Total was awarded the leadership of the first LNG project in Yemen. On January 1997 Total announced the extension of the share-holding of the Yemen LNG Co. to include the companies with interests in the Marib area (Hunt-Exxon-Yukong). The Marib area will supply the gas to the future liquefaction plant. The ratification of these agreements confirms the role of Total as lead shareholder with 36% in the share-holding structure and guarantees gas supply from the Marib licence, operated by Hunt-Exxon. (author)

  9. Vibrational enhancement of total breakup cross sections

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Haftel, M.I.; Lim, T.K.


    This paper considers the role of multi-two-body bound states, namely vibrational excitations, on total three-body breakup cross-sections. Total cross-sections are usually easy to measure, and they play a fundamental role in chemical kinetics. (orig.)

  10. Correlation of total, diffuse, and direct solar radiation (United States)

    Buyco, E. H.; Namkoong, D.


    Present requirements for realistic solar energy system evaluations necessitate a comprehensive body of solar-radition data. The data should include both diffuse and direct solar radiation as well as their total on an hourly (or shorter) basis. In general, however, only the total solar radiation values were recorded. This report presents a correlation that relates the diffuse component of an hourly total solar radiation value to the total radiation ratio of the maximum value attainable. The data used were taken at the Blue Hill Observatory in Milton, Massachusetts, for the period 1952. The relation - in the form of the data plots - can be used in situations in which only the hourly total radiation data are available but the diffuse component is desired.

  11. Total Quality Management Seminar. (United States)

    Massachusetts Career Development Inst., Springfield.

    This booklet is one of six texts from a workplace literacy curriculum designed to assist learners in facing the increased demands of the workplace. The booklet contains seven sections that cover the following topics: (1) meaning of total quality management (TQM); (2) the customer; (3) the organization's culture; (4) comparison of management…

  12. Total 2004 annual report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This annual report of the Group Total brings information and economic data on the following topics, for the year 2004: the corporate governance, the corporate social responsibility, the shareholder notebook, the management report, the activities, the upstream (exploration and production) and downstream (refining and marketing) operating, chemicals and other matters. (A.L.B.)

  13. Records Management in Organization and Total Quality

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fahrettin Özdemirci


    Full Text Available In this article the relationship between total quality management and records managemen t are examined. It has also been indicated that the records mana­gement has vita'ly important part for realizing the total quality management approach.

  14. A Total Factor Productivity Toolbox for MATLAB

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    B.M. Balk (Bert); J. Barbero (Javier); J.L. Zofío (José)


    textabstractTotal Factor Productivity Toolbox is a new package for MATLAB that includes functions to calculate the main Total Factor Productivity (TFP) indices and their decompositions, based on Shephard’s distance functions and using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) programming techniques. The

  15. Modeling of the Ionospheric Scintillation and Total Electron Content Observations during the 21 August 2017 Total Solar Eclipse (United States)

    Datta-Barua, S.; Gachancipa, J. N.; Deshpande, K.; Herrera, J. A.; Lehmacher, G. A.; Su, Y.; Gyuk, G.; Bust, G. S.; Hampton, D. L.


    High concentration of free electrons in the ionosphere can cause fluctuations in incoming electromagnetic waves, such as those from the different Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS). The behavior of the ionosphere depends on time and location, and it is highly influenced by solar activity. The purpose of this study is to determine the impact of a total solar eclipse on the local ionosphere in terms of ionospheric scintillations, and on the global ionosphere in terms of TEC (Total Electron Content). The studied eclipse occurred on 21 August 2017 across the continental United States. During the eclipse, we expected to see a decrease in the scintillation strength, as well as in the TEC values. As a broader impact part of our recently funded NSF proposal, we temporarily deployed two GNSS receivers on the eclipse's totality path. One GNSS receiver was placed in Clemson, SC. This is a multi-frequency GNSS receiver (NovAtel GPStation-6) capable of measuring high and low rate scintillation data as well as TEC values from four different GNSS systems. We had the receiver operating before, during, and after the solar eclipse to enable the comparison between eclipse and non-eclipse periods. A twin receiver collected data at Daytona Beach, FL during the same time, where an 85% partial solar eclipse was observed. Additionally, we set up a ground receiver onsite in the path of totality in Perryville, Missouri, from which the Adler Planetarium of Chicago launched a high-altitude balloon to capture a 360-degree video of the eclipse from the stratosphere. By analyzing the collected data, this study looks at the effects of partial and total solar eclipse periods on high rate GNSS scintillation data at mid-latitudes, which had not been explored in detail. This study also explores the impact of solar eclipses on signals from different satellite constellations (GPS, GLONASS, and Galileo). Throughout the eclipse, the scintillation values did not appear to have dramatic changes

  16. NIF total neutron yield diagnostic

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cooper, Gary W.; Ruiz, Carlos L.


    We have designed a total neutron yield diagnostic for the National Ignition Facility (NIF) which is based on the activation of In and Cu samples. The particular approach that we have chosen is one in which we calibrate the entire counting system and which we call the ''F factor'' method. In this method, In and/or Cu samples are exposed to known sources of DD and DT neutrons. The activated samples are then counted with an appropriate system: a high purity Ge detector for In and a NaI coincidence system for Cu. We can then calculate a calibration factor, which relates measured activity to total neutron yield. The advantage of this approach is that specific knowledge of such quantities as cross sections and detector efficiencies is not needed. Unless the actual scattering environment of the NIF can be mocked up in the calibration experiment, the F factor will have to be modified using the results of a numerical simulation of the NIF scattering environment. In this article, the calibration factor methodology will be discussed and experimental results for the calibration factors will be presented. Total NIF neutron yields of 10 9 --10 19 can be measured with this method assuming a 50 cm stand-off distance can be employed for the lower yields

  17. Refractometric total protein concentrations in icteric serum from dogs. (United States)

    Gupta, Aradhana; Stockham, Steven L


    To determine whether high serum bilirubin concentrations interfere with the measurement of serum total protein concentration by refractometry and to assess potential biases among refractometer measurements. Evaluation study. Sera from 2 healthy Greyhounds. Bilirubin was dissolved in 0.1M NaOH, and the resulting solution was mixed with sera from 2 dogs from which food had been withheld to achieve various bilirubin concentrations up to 40 mg/dL. Refractometric total protein concentrations were estimated with 3 clinical refractometers. A biochemical analyzer was used to measure biuret assay-based total protein and bilirubin concentrations with spectrophotometric assays. No interference with refractometric measurement of total protein concentrations was detected with bilirubin concentrations up to 41.5 mg/dL. Biases in refractometric total protein concentrations were detected and were related to the conversion of refractive index values to total protein concentrations. Hyperbilirubinemia did not interfere with the refractometric estimation of serum total protein concentration. The agreement among total protein concentrations estimated by 3 refractometers was dependent on the method of conversion of refractive index to total protein concentration and was independent of hyperbilirubinemia.

  18. Simultaneous and staged bilateral total hip arthroplasty

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lindberg-Larsen, Martin; Joergensen, Christoffer Calov; Husted, Henrik


    Bilateral total hip arthroplasty (BTHA) and bilateral simultaneous total hip arthroplasty (BSTHA) are done increasingly. Previous studies evaluating outcomes after bilateral procedures have found different results. The aim of this study was to investigate length of hospital stay (LOS), 30 days...

  19. Total Factbook 2003

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This report presents the activities and results of the Group Total-Fina-Elf for the year 2003. It brings information and economic data on the following topics: the corporate and business; the upstream activities with the reserves, the costs, standardized measure and changes of discounted future net cash flow,oil and gas acreage, drilling, liquefied natural gas, pipelines; downstream activities with refining and marketing maps, refinery, petroleum products, sales, retail gasoline outlets; chemicals with sales and operating income by sector, major applications, base chemicals and polymers, intermediates and performance polymers. (A.L.B.)

  20. Determination of dietary intake of total arsenic, inorganic arsenic and total mercury in the Chilean school meal program. (United States)

    Bastías, J M; Bermúdez, M; Carrasco, J; Espinoza, O; Muñoz, M; Galotto, M J; Muñoz, O


    The dietary intake of total arsenic (tAs), inorganic arsenic (iAs) and total mercury (tHg) in lunch and breakfast servings provided by the Chilean School Meal Program (SMP) was estimated, using the duplicate-portion variant of the total diet study. Lunch and breakfast samples were collected from 65 schools throughout the country in 2006. The population sample was a group of girls and boys between 6 and 18 years old. The tAs concentration was measured via hydride-generation atomic absorption spectrometry. The total mercury concentration was measured via cold-vapor atomic absorption spectroscopy. The estimated iAs intake was 12.5% (5.4 μg/day) of the Provisional tolerable daily intake (PTDI) as proposed by the FAO/WHO, and the tHg intake was 13.2% (1.9 μg/day) of the PTDI as proposed by the FAO/WHO. It was therefore concluded that tAs, iAs and tHg intake from food provided by the SMP do not pose risks to student health.

  1. Expressions for the Total Yaw Angle (United States)


    1. Introduction 1 2. Mathematical Notation 1 3. Total Yaw Expression Derivations 2 3.1 First Derivation 2 3.2 Second Derivation 4 3.3 Other...4 iv Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. 1. Introduction The total yaw angle, γt , of a ballistic projectile is... elevation angles from spherical coordinates.∗ We again place point A at the end point of V. Now imagine a plane parallel to the y-z plane that includes

  2. Failure of aseptic revision total knee arthroplasties. (United States)

    Leta, Tesfaye H; Lygre, Stein Håkon L; Skredderstuen, Arne; Hallan, Geir; Furnes, Ove


    In Norway, the proportion of revision knee arthroplasties increased from 6.9% in 1994 to 8.5% in 2011. However, there is limited information on the epidemiology and causes of subsequent failure of revision knee arthroplasty. We therefore studied survival rate and determined the modes of failure of aseptic revision total knee arthroplasties. This study was based on 1,016 aseptic revision total knee arthroplasties reported to the Norwegian Arthroplasty Register between 1994 and 2011. Revisions done for infections were not included. Kaplan-Meier and Cox regression analyses were used to assess the survival rate and the relative risk of re-revision with all causes of re-revision as endpoint. 145 knees failed after revision total knee arthroplasty. Deep infection was the most frequent cause of re-revision (28%), followed by instability (26%), loose tibial component (17%), and pain (10%). The cumulative survival rate for revision total knee arthroplasties was 85% at 5 years, 78% at 10 years, and 71% at 15 years. Revision total knee arthroplasties with exchange of the femoral or tibial component exclusively had a higher risk of re-revision (RR = 1.7) than those with exchange of the whole prosthesis. The risk of re-revision was higher for men (RR = 2.0) and for patients aged less than 60 years (RR = 1.6). In terms of implant survival, revision of the whole implant was better than revision of 1 component only. Young age and male sex were risk factors for re-revision. Deep infection was the most frequent cause of failure of revision of aseptic total knee arthroplasties.

  3. A method for total body irradiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yasukochi, Hiroshi; Higashi, Shizuka; Okuhata, Yoshitaka; Lee, Keiichi; Ishioka, Kuniaki; Murakami, Koji; Nagai, Jun; Kuniyasu, Yoshio


    In these two years, we have treated four infant patients of acute leukemia by Cobalt-60 total body irradiation and bone marrow transplantation. During total body irradiation, thermoluminescence dosimeters were attached to the skin of patients. For four patients, nine dosimetries were performed. Reliability of this method was examined by phantom experiment. Every irradiation for the patient per fraction was 2.4 Gy, that is, 60 cGy for each four positions, right decubitus A-P and PA directions and left decubitus A-P and PA directions under aseptic circumstances. Radiation dose was uniform by this technique for each patient, and average determined dose for surface of the patients was between 87 % and 106 % compared with the air dose of the center of aseptic space (wagon). As the result, we suggest that this method is suitable for the total body irradiation of acute leukemia of infant. (author)

  4. Total quality management in orthodontic practice. (United States)

    Atta, A E


    Quality is the buzz word for the new Millennium. Patients demand it, and we must serve it. Yet one must identify it. Quality is not imaging or public relations; it is a business process. This short article presents quality as a balance of three critical notions: core clinical competence, perceived values that our patients seek and want, and the cost of quality. Customer satisfaction is a variable that must be identified for each practice. In my practice, patients perceive quality as communication and time, be it treatment or waiting time. Time is a value and cost that must be managed effectively. Total quality management is a business function; it involves diagnosis, design, implementation, and measurement of the process, the people, and the service. Kazien is a function that reduces value services, eliminates waste, and manages time and cost in the process. Total quality management is a total commitment for continuous improvement.

  5. Total Lightning as an Indicator of Mesocyclone Behavior (United States)

    Stough, Sarah M.; Carey, Lawrence D.; Schultz, Christopher J.


    Apparent relationship between total lightning (in-cloud and cloud to ground) and severe weather suggests its operational utility. Goal of fusion of total lightning with proven tools (i.e., radar lightning algorithms. Preliminary work here investigates circulation from Weather Suveilance Radar- 1988 Doppler (WSR-88D) coupled with total lightning data from Lightning Mapping Arrays.

  6. Effect of gamma radiation on total antioxidant capacity, total lipid concentration and shelf life of finger millet flour

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lathika; Manupriya, B.R.; Shenoy, K.B.; Patil, S.L.; Somashekarappa, H.M.


    The present study is an attempt to study the impact of gamma radiation on the shelf life, total antioxidant capacity and total lipid concentration of finger millet (Eleusine coracana L.) flour. Finger millet flour was procured from market. Flour samples of 50 g were taken in triplicates in a polyethylene pouch, air sealed and subjected to gamma irradiation doses ranging from 0.25 to 10 kGy and stored in polyethylene bags and plastic containers for a period of 1 year. Within 24 hours of irradiation, the samples were tested for moisture (2 ± 0.2%), total antioxidant capacity (0.12 ± 0.010 mg) and lipid concentration (15 ± 0.4 mg)

  7. Total Quality Management Simplified. (United States)

    Arias, Pam


    Maintains that Total Quality Management (TQM) is one method that helps to monitor and improve the quality of child care. Lists four steps for a child-care center to design and implement its own TQM program. Suggests that quality assurance in child-care settings is an ongoing process, and that TQM programs help in providing consistent, high-quality…

  8. Total design of participation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Munch, Anders V.


    The idea of design as an art made not only for the people, but also by the people is an old dream going back at least to William Morris. It is, however, reappearing vigoriously in many kinds of design activism and grows out of the visions of a Total Design of society. The ideas of participation b...

  9. Total Product Life Cycle (TPLC) (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — The Total Product Life Cycle (TPLC) database integrates premarket and postmarket data about medical devices. It includes information pulled from CDRH databases...

  10. Total mercury in sharks along the southern Brazilian Coast Mercúrio total em tubarões capturados na costa brasileira

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    E.T. Mársico


    Full Text Available Pesquisou-se a concentração de mercúrio total na porção muscular de 39 exemplares de tubarões de três diferentes espécies Prionace glauca, Isurus oxyrhynchus, Sphyrna zygaena, capturados na costa sul do Brasil, Santa Catarina. O teor de mercúrio foi determinado por espectrofotometria de absorção atômica por vapor frio. Observou-se ampla variação na concentração de mercúrio total com valor individual máximo excedendo o limite estabelecido pela legislação brasileira, de 1.0µg.g-1 em um exemplar fêmea de P. glauca. Nessa espécie, a concentração de Hg-total aumentou proporcionalmente ao comprimento total (r=0,62; P<0,0001. Não foi evidenciada diferença estatisticamente significativa entre exemplares fêmeas e machos.

  11. Relative Hom-Hopf modules and total integrals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Guo, Shuangjian; Zhang, Xiaohui; Wang, Shengxiang


    Let (H, α) be a monoidal Hom-Hopf algebra and (A, β) a right (H, α)-Hom-comodule algebra. We first investigate the criterion for the existence of a total integral of (A, β) in the setting of monoidal Hom-Hopf algebras. Also, we prove that there exists a total integral ϕ : (H, α) → (A, β) if and only if any representation of the pair (H, A) is injective in a functorial way, as a corepresentation of (H, α), which generalizes Doi’s result. Finally, we define a total quantum integral γ : H → Hom(H, A) and prove the following affineness criterion: if there exists a total quantum integral γ and the canonical map ψ : A⊗ B A → A ⊗ H, a⊗ B b ↦ β −1 (a) b [0] ⊗ α(b [1] ) is surjective, then the induction functor A⊗ B −:ℋ ~ (ℳ k ) B →ℋ ~ (ℳ k ) A H is an equivalence of categories

  12. Resource use and costs associated with opioid-induced constipation following total hip or total knee replacement surgery

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wittbrodt ET


    Full Text Available Eric T Wittbrodt,1 Tong J Gan,2 Catherine Datto,1 Charles McLeskey,1 Meenal Sinha3 1US Medical Affairs, AstraZeneca, Wilmington, DE, USA; 2Department of Anesthesiology, Stony Brook Medicine, Stony Brook, NY, USA; 3Premier Applied Sciences, Premier, Inc., Charlotte, NC, USA Purpose: Constipation is a well-known complication of surgery that can be exacerbated by opioid analgesics. This study evaluated resource utilization and costs associated with opioid-induced constipation (OIC. Patients and methods: This retrospective, observational, and propensity-matched cohort study utilized the Premier Healthcare Database. The study included adults ≥18 years of age undergoing total hip or total knee replacement as inpatients who received an opioid analgesic and were discharged between January 1, 2012, and June 30, 2015. Diagnosis codes identified patients with OIC who were then matched 1:1 to patients without OIC. Generalized linear and logistic regression models were used to compare inpatient resource utilization, total hospital costs, inpatient mortality, and 30-day all-cause readmissions and emergency department visits. Results: Of 788,448 eligible patients, 40,891 (5.2% had OIC. Covariates were well balanced between matched patients with and without OIC (n=40,890 each. In adjusted analyses, patients with OIC had longer hospital lengths of stay (3.6 versus 3.3 days; p<0.001, higher total hospital costs (US$17,479 versus US$16,265; p<0.001, greater risk of intensive care unit admission (odds ratio [OR]=1.12, 95% CI: 1.01–1.24, and increased likelihood of 30-day hospital readmissions (OR=1.16, 95% CI: 1.11–1.22 and emergency department visits (OR=1.38, 95% CI: 1.07–1.79 than patients without OIC. No statistically significant difference was found with inpatient mortality (OR=0.89, 95% CI: 0.59–1.35. Conclusion: OIC was associated with greater resource utilization and hospital costs for patients undergoing primarily elective total hip or total knee

  13. Total energy system in the future

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hijikata, K.


    The possibility of improving the thermal efficiency of energy systems from an exergy point of view is discussed. In total energy systems, we should employ multi-pass recycling consisting of thermal and chemical energies. The recycling system is supported by electrical energy, which is provided by a renewable energy source or by excess commercial electric power. This total energy system should be considered not only in one country, but all around the globe. (author). 6 figs., 4 tabs., 8 refs

  14. Laparoscopic total pancreatectomy: Case report and literature review. (United States)

    Wang, Xin; Li, Yongbin; Cai, Yunqiang; Liu, Xubao; Peng, Bing


    Laparoscopic total pancreatectomy is a complicated surgical procedure and rarely been reported. This study was conducted to investigate the safety and feasibility of laparoscopic total pancreatectomy. Three patients underwent laparoscopic total pancreatectomy between May 2014 and August 2015. We reviewed their general demographic data, perioperative details, and short-term outcomes. General morbidity was assessed using Clavien-Dindo classification and delayed gastric emptying (DGE) was evaluated by International Study Group of Pancreatic Surgery (ISGPS) definition. The indications for laparoscopic total pancreatectomy were intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm (IPMN) (n = 2) and pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor (PNET) (n = 1). All patients underwent laparoscopic pylorus and spleen-preserving total pancreatectomy, the mean operative time was 490 minutes (range 450-540 minutes), the mean estimated blood loss was 266 mL (range 100-400 minutes); 2 patients suffered from postoperative complication. All the patients recovered uneventfully with conservative treatment and discharged with a mean hospital stay 18 days (range 8-24 days). The short-term (from 108 to 600 days) follow up demonstrated 3 patients had normal and consistent glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) level with acceptable quality of life. Laparoscopic total pancreatectomy is feasible and safe in selected patients and pylorus and spleen preserving technique should be considered. Further prospective randomized studies are needed to obtain a comprehensive understanding the role of laparoscopic technique in total pancreatectomy.

  15. Total Variation Depth for Functional Data

    KAUST Repository

    Huang, Huang


    There has been extensive work on data depth-based methods for robust multivariate data analysis. Recent developments have moved to infinite-dimensional objects such as functional data. In this work, we propose a new notion of depth, the total variation depth, for functional data. As a measure of depth, its properties are studied theoretically, and the associated outlier detection performance is investigated through simulations. Compared to magnitude outliers, shape outliers are often masked among the rest of samples and harder to identify. We show that the proposed total variation depth has many desirable features and is well suited for outlier detection. In particular, we propose to decompose the total variation depth into two components that are associated with shape and magnitude outlyingness, respectively. This decomposition allows us to develop an effective procedure for outlier detection and useful visualization tools, while naturally accounting for the correlation in functional data. Finally, the proposed methodology is demonstrated using real datasets of curves, images, and video frames.

  16. Effects of the Length of Stay on the Cost of Total Knee and Total Hip Arthroplasty from 2002 to 2013. (United States)

    Molloy, Ilda B; Martin, Brook I; Moschetti, Wayne E; Jevsevar, David S


    Utilization of total knee and hip arthroplasty has greatly increased in the past decade in the United States; these are among the most expensive procedures in patients with Medicare. Advances in surgical techniques, anesthesia, and care pathways decrease hospital length of stay. We examined how trends in hospital cost were altered by decreases in length of stay. Procedure, demographic, and economic data were collected on 6.4 million admissions for total knee arthroplasty and 2.8 million admissions for total hip arthroplasty from 2002 to 2013 using the National (Nationwide) Inpatient Sample, a component of the Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project. Trends in mean hospital costs and their association with length of stay were estimated using inflation-adjusted, survey-weighted generalized linear regression models, controlling for patient demographic characteristics and comorbidity. From 2002 to 2013, the length of stay decreased from a mean time of 4.06 to 2.97 days for total knee arthroplasty and from 4.06 to 2.75 days for total hip arthroplasty. During the same time period, the mean hospital cost for total knee arthroplasty increased from $14,988 (95% confidence interval [CI], $14,927 to $15,049) in 2002 to $22,837 (95% CI, $22,765 to $22,910) in 2013 (an overall increase of $7,849 or 52.4%). The mean hospital cost for total hip arthroplasty increased from $15,792 (95% CI, $15,706 to $15,878) in 2002 to $23,650 (95% CI, $23,544 to $23,755) in 2013 (an increase of $7,858 or 49.8%). If length of stay were set at the 2002 mean, the growth in cost for total knee arthroplasty would have been 70.8% instead of 52.4% as observed, and the growth in cost for total hip arthroplasty would have been 67.4% instead of 49.8% as observed. Hospital costs for joint replacement increased from 2002 to 2013, but were attenuated by reducing inpatient length of stay. With demographic characteristics showing an upward trend in the utilization of joint arthroplasty, including a shift

  17. Intrathoracic Hernia after Total Gastrectomy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yoshihiko Tashiro


    Full Text Available Intrathoracic hernias after total gastrectomy are rare. We report the case of a 78-year-old man who underwent total gastrectomy with antecolic Roux-Y reconstruction for residual gastric cancer. He had alcoholic liver cirrhosis and received radical laparoscopic proximal gastrectomy for gastric cancer 3 years ago. Early gastric cancer in the remnant stomach was found by routine upper gastrointestinal endoscopy. We initially performed endoscopic submucosal dissection, but the vertical margin was positive in a pathological result. We performed total gastrectomy with antecolic Roux-Y reconstruction by laparotomy. For adhesion of the esophageal hiatus, the left chest was connected with the abdominal cavity. A pleural defect was not repaired. Two days after the operation, the patient was suspected of having intrathoracic hernia by chest X-rays. Computed tomography showed that the transverse colon and Roux limb were incarcerated in the left thoracic cavity. He was diagnosed with intrathoracic hernia, and emergency reduction and repair were performed. Operative findings showed that the Roux limb and transverse colon were incarcerated in the thoracic cavity. After reduction, the orifice of the hernia was closed by suturing the crus of the diaphragm with the ligament of the jejunum and omentum. After the second operation, he experienced anastomotic leakage and left pyothorax. Anastomotic leakage was improved with conservative therapy and he was discharged 76 days after the second operation.

  18. Total space in resolution

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Bonacina, I.; Galesi, N.; Thapen, Neil


    Roč. 45, č. 5 (2016), s. 1894-1909 ISSN 0097-5397 R&D Projects: GA ČR GBP202/12/G061 EU Projects: European Commission(XE) 339691 - FEALORA Institutional support: RVO:67985840 Keywords : total space * resolution random CNFs * proof complexity Subject RIV: BA - General Mathematics Impact factor: 1.433, year: 2016

  19. Total cardiovascular disease risk assessment: a review.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Cooney, Marie Therese


    The high risk strategy for the prevention of cardiovascular disease (CVD) requires an assessment of an individual\\'s total CVD risk so that the most intensive risk factor management can be directed towards those at highest risk. Here we review developments in the assessment and estimation of total CVD risk.

  20. 26 CFR 1.801-5 - Total reserves. (United States)


    ... TAXES Life Insurance Companies § 1.801-5 Total reserves. (a) Total reserves defined. For purposes of... its highest aggregate reserve by taking State A's requirement of 10 against its life insurance business and adding it to State B's requirement of 7 against its annuity business. (b) Reserves required by...

  1. TOTAL FINA ELF. Annual report 2002

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This document is the annual report 2002 of Total-Fina-Elf society, great company on the hydrocarbons market. According to the company objective (set the standard not only with the financial performance, but also with stringent requirements in terms of social and environmental responsibility), it presents the Chairman message, the corporate governance, the social and environmental responsibility, the future of energy, the human resources policy, the investor relations, the overview of Total-Fina-Elf fiscal year with financial information and 2002 industrial events. (A.L.B.)

  2. Total quality accounting

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andrijašević Maja


    Full Text Available The focus of competitive "battle" shifted from the price towards non-price instruments, above all, towards quality that became the key variable for profitability increase and achievement of better comparative position of a company. Under such conditions, management of a company, which, according to the established and certified system of total quality, strives towards achieving of a better market position, faces the problem of quality cost measurement and determination. Management, above all, cost accounting can help in solving of this problem, but the question is how much of its potential is being used for that purpose.

  3. Comparison of the Proximate Composition, Total Carotenoids and Total Polyphenol Content of Nine Orange-Fleshed Sweet Potato Varieties Grown in Bangladesh

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mohammad Khairul Alam


    Full Text Available In an attempt to develop the food composition table for Bangladesh, the nutritional composition of nine varieties of orange-fleshed sweet potato was analyzed together with total carotenoids (TCC and total polyphenol content (TPC. Each variety showed significant variation in different nutrient contents. The quantification of the TCC and TPC was done by spectrophotometric measurement, and the proximate composition was done by the AOAC method. The obtained results showed that total polyphenol content varied from 94.63 to 136.05 mg gallic acid equivalent (GAE/100 g fresh weight. Among the selected sweet potatoes, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI Sweet Potato 7 (SP7 contained the highest, whereas BARI SP6 contained the lowest amount of total polyphenol content. The obtained results also revealed that total carotenoids content ranged from 0.38 to 7.24 mg/100 g fresh weight. BARI SP8 showed the highest total carotenoids content, whereas BARI SP6 showed the lowest. Total carotenoids content was found to be higher in dark orange-colored flesh varieties than their light-colored counterparts. The results of the study indicated that selected sweet potato varieties are rich in protein and carbohydrate, low in fat, high in polyphenol and carotenoids and, thus, could be a good source of dietary antioxidants to prevent free radical damage, which leads to chronic diseases, and also to prevent vitamin A malnutrition.

  4. Comparison of the Proximate Composition, Total Carotenoids and Total Polyphenol Content of Nine Orange-Fleshed Sweet Potato Varieties Grown in Bangladesh. (United States)

    Alam, Mohammad Khairul; Rana, Ziaul Hasan; Islam, Sheikh Nazrul


    In an attempt to develop the food composition table for Bangladesh, the nutritional composition of nine varieties of orange-fleshed sweet potato was analyzed together with total carotenoids (TCC) and total polyphenol content (TPC). Each variety showed significant variation in different nutrient contents. The quantification of the TCC and TPC was done by spectrophotometric measurement, and the proximate composition was done by the AOAC method. The obtained results showed that total polyphenol content varied from 94.63 to 136.05 mg gallic acid equivalent (GAE)/100 g fresh weight. Among the selected sweet potatoes, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI) Sweet Potato 7 (SP7) contained the highest, whereas BARI SP6 contained the lowest amount of total polyphenol content. The obtained results also revealed that total carotenoids content ranged from 0.38 to 7.24 mg/100 g fresh weight. BARI SP8 showed the highest total carotenoids content, whereas BARI SP6 showed the lowest. Total carotenoids content was found to be higher in dark orange-colored flesh varieties than their light-colored counterparts. The results of the study indicated that selected sweet potato varieties are rich in protein and carbohydrate, low in fat, high in polyphenol and carotenoids and, thus, could be a good source of dietary antioxidants to prevent free radical damage, which leads to chronic diseases, and also to prevent vitamin A malnutrition.

  5. Chemical Composition of the Essential Oil, Total Phenolics, Total Flavonoids and Antioxidant Activity of Methanolic Extracts of Satureja montana L.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Avni Hajdari


    Full Text Available Aerial parts of Satureja montana L. (Lamiaceae were collected from seven growing wild populations (four populations in Kosovo, two in Albania and one in Montenegro in 2013 with the aim of assessing the natural variation in the chemical composition of the essential oils, total flavonoids, total phenolics and the antioxidant activity of their methanolic extracts. Essential oils were obtained by steam distillation and analysed using GC-FID and GC-MS, whereas total flavonoids, total phenolics and antioxidant activities were determined using spectrophotometric methods. Sixty-one volatile constituents were identified. The main constituents were myrcene, p-cymene, γ-terpinene, linalool, thymol, carvacrol and viridiflorol. Total phenolics ranged from 68.1 to 102.6 mg/g dry mass, the total flavonoid content ranged from 38.3 to 67.0 mg/g dm, and the antioxidant activity according to the DPPH assay ranged from 253.3 to 342.9 mg TE/g dm and according to the FRAP assay ranged from 8.9 to 11.4 mg TE/g dm. Hierarchical cluster analysis and principal component analyses were used to assess the geographical variations in the essential oil composition. Statistical analysis revealed that the analysed populations are grouped into four main clusters that appear to reflect the environmental impact on the chemical composition, which is influenced by differences in habitat composition, altitude and microclimatic conditions.

  6. Effects of different components of Mao Dongqing's total flavonoids and total saponins on transient ischemic attack (TIA) model of rats. (United States)

    Miao, Ming-San; Peng, Meng-Fan; Ma, Rui-Juan; Bai, Ming; Liu, Bao-Song


    Objective: To study the effects of the different components of the total flavonoids and total saponins from Mao Dongqing's active site on the rats of TIA model, determine the optimal reactive components ratio of Mao Dongqing on the rats of TIA. Methods: TIA rat model was induced by tail vein injection of tert butyl alcohol, the blank group was injected with the same amount of physiological saline, then behavioral score wasevaluated. Determination the level of glutamic acid in serum, the activity of Na+-K+-ATP enzyme, CA ++ -ATP enzyme and Mg ++ -ATP enzyme in Brain tissue, observe the changes of hippocampus in brain tissue, the comprehensive weight method was used to evaluate the efficacy of each component finally. Results: The contents of total flavonoids and total saponins in the active part of Mao Dongqing can significantly improve the pathological changes of brain tissue in rats, improve the activity of Na + -K + -ATP enzyme, Ca ++ -ATP enzyme and Mg ++ -ATP enzyme in the brain of rats, and reduce the level of glutamic acid in serum. The most significant of the contents was the ratio of 10:6. The different proportions of total flavonoids and total saponins in the active part of Mao Dongqing all has a better effect on the rats with TIA, and the ratio of 10:6 is the best active component for preventing and controlling TIA.

  7. Total magnetic reconnection during a tokamak major disruption

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Goetz, J.A.; Dexter, R.N.; Prager, S.C.


    The safety factor within a tokamak plasma has been measured during a major disruption. During the disruption, the central safety factor jumps from below one to above one, while the total current is unchanged. This implies that total reconnection has occurred. This observation is in contract to the absence of total reconnection observed during a sawtooth oscillation in the same device. 11 refs., 6 figs

  8. Subtotal versus total abdominal hysterectomy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Lea Laird; Ottesen, Bent; Alling Møller, Lars Mikael


    OBJECTIVE: The objective of the study was to compare long-term results of subtotal vs total abdominal hysterectomy for benign uterine diseases 14 years after hysterectomy, with urinary incontinence as the primary outcome measure. STUDY DESIGN: This was a long-term follow-up of a multicenter......, randomized clinical trial without blinding. Eleven gynecological departments in Denmark contributed participants to the trial. Women referred for benign uterine diseases who did not have contraindications to subtotal abdominal hysterectomy were randomized to subtotal (n = 161) vs total (n = 158) abdominal...... from discharge summaries from all public hospitals in Denmark. The results were analyzed as intention to treat and per protocol. Possible bias caused by missing data was handled by multiple imputation. The primary outcome was urinary incontinence; the secondary outcomes were pelvic organ prolapse...

  9. 12 CFR 932.2 - Total capital requirement. (United States)


    ... 12 Banks and Banking 7 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Total capital requirement. 932.2 Section 932.2 Banks and Banking FEDERAL HOUSING FINANCE BOARD FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANK RISK MANAGEMENT AND CAPITAL STANDARDS FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANK CAPITAL REQUIREMENTS § 932.2 Total capital requirement. (a) Each Bank shall...

  10. Total Quality Management in Education. Second Edition. (United States)

    Sallis, Edward

    Quality is at the top of most agendas, and improving quality is probably the most important task facing any institution. In addition, quality is difficult to define or measure. This book, the second edition of "Total Quality Management in Education," introduces the key concepts of Total Quality Management (TQM) and demonstrates how they…

  11. Predicting thyroxine requirements following total thyroidectomy. (United States)

    Mistry, Dipan; Atkin, Stephen; Atkinson, Helen; Gunasekaran, Sinnappa; Sylvester, Deborah; Rigby, Alan S; England, R James


    Optimal thyroxine replacement following total thyroidectomy is critical to avoid symptoms of hypothyroidism. The aim of this study was to determine the best formula to determine the initiated replacement dose of levothyroxine immediately following total thyroidectomy. Prospective study. All patients were initiated on 100 μg levothyroxine and titrated to within the reference range for TSH and free T4. Correlations to height, weight, age, lean body mass (LBM), body surface area (BSA) and body mass index (BMI) were calculated. One hundred consecutive adult patients underwent total thyroidectomy for non-malignant disease. Comparison between three methods of levothyroxine dose prediction, aiming for a levothyroxine dose correct to within 25 μg of actual dose required. Correlations were seen between levothyroxine dose and patient age (r=-0.346, Pregression equation was calculated (predicted levothyroxine dose=[0·943 × bodyweight] + [-1.165 × age] + 125.8), simplified to (levothyroxine dose= bodyweight - age + 125) pragmatically. Initiating patients empirically on 100 μg post-operatively showed that 40% of patients achieved target within 25 μg of their required dose; this increased to 59% when using a weight-only dose calculation (1.6 μg/kg) and to 72% using the simplified regression equation. A simple calculated regression equation gives a more accurate prediction of initiated levothyroxine dose following total thyroidectomy, reducing the need for outpatient attendance for dose titration. © 2011 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

  12. Effect of extraction solvent on total phenol content, total flavonoid content, and antioxidant activity of Limnophila aromatica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Quy Diem Do


    Full Text Available Limnophila aromatica is commonly used as a spice and a medicinal herb in Southeast Asia. In this study, water and various concentrations (50%, 75%, and 100% of methanol, ethanol, and acetone in water were used as solvent in the extraction of L. aromatica. The antioxidant activity, total phenolic content, and total flavonoid content of the freeze-dried L. aromatica extracts were investigated using various in vitro assays. The extract obtained by 100% ethanol showed the highest total antioxidant activity, reducing power and DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl radical scavenging activity. The same extract also exhibited the highest phenolic content (40.5 mg gallic acid equivalent/g of defatted L. aromatica and the highest flavonoid content (31.11 mg quercetin equivalent/g of defatted L. aromatica. The highest extraction yield was obtained by using 50% aqueous acetone. These results indicate that L. aromatica can be used in dietary applications with a potential to reduce oxidative stress.

  13. Perioperative blood saving measures in total hip and knee arthroplasty

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Horstmann, W.G.


    This dissertation explores and discusses different aspects of blood loss and blood-saving measures in total hip and knee arthroplasty. Background: Worldwide, approximately 1 million total hip and 1 million total knee prostheses are implanted each year. Total hip arthroplasty and total

  14. TOTAL 2003 activities report in brief

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This activities report presents the activities of the petroleum industry Group Total for the year 2003. The following topics are detailed: the corporate social responsibility with the environment stewardship, the energy future management, the safety enhancing, the human resources and the ethics and local development; the shareholder information with the Total share and the share-holding structure; the activities with informations on the Group, the main events, the upstream exploration and production,, the downstream refining, marketing, trading and shipping, the chemicals with overview 2003, base chemical and polymers, performance and specialities. (A.L.B.)

  15. Correlations between corneal and total wavefront aberrations (United States)

    Mrochen, Michael; Jankov, Mirko; Bueeler, Michael; Seiler, Theo


    Purpose: Corneal topography data expressed as corneal aberrations are frequently used to report corneal laser surgery results. However, the optical image quality at the retina depends on all optical elements of the eye such as the human lens. Thus, the aim of this study was to investigate the correlations between the corneal and total wavefront aberrations and to discuss the importance of corneal aberrations for representing corneal laser surgery results. Methods: Thirty three eyes of 22 myopic subjects were measured with a corneal topography system and a Tschernig-type wavefront analyzer after the pupils were dilated to at least 6 mm in diameter. All measurements were centered with respect to the line of sight. Corneal and total wavefront aberrations were calculated up to the 6th Zernike order in the same reference plane. Results: Statistically significant correlations (p the corneal and total wavefront aberrations were found for the astigmatism (C3,C5) and all 3rd Zernike order coefficients such as coma (C7,C8). No statistically significant correlations were found for all 4th to 6th order Zernike coefficients except for the 5th order horizontal coma C18 (p equals 0.003). On average, all Zernike coefficients for the corneal aberrations were found to be larger compared to Zernike coefficients for the total wavefront aberrations. Conclusions: Corneal aberrations are only of limited use for representing the optical quality of the human eye after corneal laser surgery. This is due to the lack of correlation between corneal and total wavefront aberrations in most of the higher order aberrations. Besides this, the data present in this study yield towards an aberration balancing between corneal aberrations and the optical elements within the eye that reduces the aberration from the cornea by a certain degree. Consequently, ideal customized ablations have to take both, corneal and total wavefront aberrations, into consideration.

  16. Imaging Total Stations - Modular and Integrated Concepts (United States)

    Hauth, Stefan; Schlüter, Martin


    Keywords: 3D-Metrology, Engineering Geodesy, Digital Image Processing Initialized in 2009, the Institute for Spatial Information and Surveying Technology i3mainz, Mainz University of Applied Sciences, forces research towards modular concepts for imaging total stations. On the one hand, this research is driven by the successful setup of high precision imaging motor theodolites in the near past, on the other hand it is pushed by the actual introduction of integrated imaging total stations to the positioning market by the manufacturers Topcon and Trimble. Modular concepts for imaging total stations are manufacturer independent to a large extent and consist of a particular combination of accessory hardware, software and algorithmic procedures. The hardware part consists mainly of an interchangeable eyepiece adapter offering opportunities for digital imaging and motorized focus control. An easy assembly and disassembly in the field is possible allowing the user to switch between the classical and the imaging use of a robotic total station. The software part primarily has to ensure hardware control, but several level of algorithmic support might be added and have to be distinguished. Algorithmic procedures allow to reach several levels of calibration concerning the geometry of the external digital camera and the total station. We deliver insight in our recent developments and quality characteristics. Both the modular and the integrated approach seem to have its individual strengths and weaknesses. Therefore we expect that both approaches might point at different target applications. Our aim is a better understanding of appropriate applications for robotic imaging total stations. First results are presented. Stefan Hauth, Martin Schlüter i3mainz - Institut für Raumbezogene Informations- und Messtechnik FH Mainz University of Applied Sciences Lucy-Hillebrand-Straße 2, 55128 Mainz, Germany

  17. Relative Hom-Hopf modules and total integrals

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Guo, Shuangjian [School of Mathematics and Statistics, Guizhou University of Finance and Economics, Guiyang 550025 (China); Zhang, Xiaohui [Department of Mathematics, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096 (China); Wang, Shengxiang, E-mail: [School of Mathematics and Finance, Chuzhou University, Chuzhou 239000 (China); Department of Mathematics, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093 (China)


    Let (H, α) be a monoidal Hom-Hopf algebra and (A, β) a right (H, α)-Hom-comodule algebra. We first investigate the criterion for the existence of a total integral of (A, β) in the setting of monoidal Hom-Hopf algebras. Also, we prove that there exists a total integral ϕ : (H, α) → (A, β) if and only if any representation of the pair (H, A) is injective in a functorial way, as a corepresentation of (H, α), which generalizes Doi’s result. Finally, we define a total quantum integral γ : H → Hom(H, A) and prove the following affineness criterion: if there exists a total quantum integral γ and the canonical map ψ : A⊗{sub B}A → A ⊗ H, a⊗{sub B}b ↦ β{sup −1}(a) b{sub [0]} ⊗ α(b{sub [1]}) is surjective, then the induction functor A⊗{sub B}−:ℋ{sup ~}(ℳ{sub k}){sub B}→ℋ{sup ~}(ℳ{sub k}){sub A}{sup H} is an equivalence of categories.

  18. Total renin after gonadotropin stimulation in polycystic ovarian disease. (United States)

    Matinlauri, I; Anttila, L; Jaatinen, T A; Koskinen, P; Aalto, M; Irjala, K; Nikkanen, V


    To examine the influence of polycystic ovarian disease (PCOD) on the levels of total renin in plasma and follicular fluid (FF) after stimulation with hMG. Comparative study of the plasma and FF concentrations of total renin in women with and without PCOD after stimulation with hMG. In vitro fertilization-embryo transfer program at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, the University Central Hospital of Turku, Finland. Thirty-six women undergoing IVF-ET for infertility with (n = 10) or without (n = 26) ultrasonographically diagnosed PCOD. Of the latter group, 15 women had tubal infertility, and the rest suffered from an anovulatory infertility and reacted with PCO-like ovarian response to stimulation. The concentrations of total renin in plasma and FF, serum E2, and protein in FF. The concentrations of plasma total renin after the gonadotropin stimulation were significantly higher in the PCOD and PCO-like groups when compared with the tubal group. The concentration of total renin in FF and the ratio of total renin per protein in FF were higher in the PCOD and PCO-like groups than in the tubal group, but the differences did not reach statistical significance. Positive correlations were found between the plasma total renin and serum E2 concentrations in the PCO-like and in the tubal group and between plasma total renin concentrations and the number of mature follicles in all groups. Follicular fluid total renin did not correlate with FF protein in any group. All findings were independent of the total hMG dosage used and the body mass index of the patients. In the present study the concentrations of total renin in plasma were enhanced markedly after gonadotropin stimulation in women with PCOD compared with women having tubal infertility. The pattern of the hormonal secretions revealed a group of infertile patients reacting biochemically like women with PCOD.

  19. Total - annual report 2005

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This annual report presents the activities and results of TOTAL S.A., french society on oil and gas. It deals with statistics, the managers, key information on financial data and risk factors, information on the Company, unresolved Staff Comments, employees, major Shareholders, consolidated statements, markets, security, financial risks, defaults dividend arrearages and delinquencies, controls and procedures, code of ethics and financial statements. (A.L.B.)

  20. Heterotopic bone formation following total shoulder arthroplasty

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kjaersgaard-Andersen, P.; Frich, Lars Henrik; Sjøbjerg, J.O.


    The incidence and location of heterotopic bone formation following total shoulder arthroplasty were evaluated in 58 Neer Mark-II total shoulder replacements. One year after surgery, 45% had developed some ectopic ossification. In six shoulders (10%) the ossifications roentgenographically bridged...... the glenohumeral and/or the glenoacromial space. There was no correlation between shoulder pain and the development of ossification. Shoulders with grade III heterotopic bone formation had a limited range of active elevation compared with shoulders without or with only a milder lesion. Men and patients...... with osteoarthritis of the shoulder joint were significantly disposed to the development of heterotopic bone. Heterotopic bone formation following total shoulder arthroplasty is frequent, but disabling heterotopic ossifications seem to be rare....

  1. Totally Contact Umbilical Lightlike Hypersurfaces of Indefinite -Manifolds

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rachna Rani


    Full Text Available We study totally contact umbilical lightlike hypersurfaces of indefinite -manifolds and prove the nonexistence of totally contact umbilical lightlike hypersurface in indefinite -space form.

  2. Total cross section of highly excited strings

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lizzi, F.; Senda, I.


    The unpolarized total cross section for the joining of two highly excited strings is calculated. The calculation is performed by taking the average overall states in the given excitation levels of the initial strings. We find that the total cross section grows with the energy and momentum of the initial states. (author). 8 refs, 1 fig

  3. Is There a Role for Preoperative Iron Supplementation in Patients Preparing for a Total Hip or Total Knee Arthroplasty? (United States)

    Petis, Stephen M; Lanting, Brent A; Vasarhelyi, Edward M; Naudie, Douglas D R; Ralley, Fiona E; Howard, James L


    Several treatment modalities exist for the treatment of perioperative anemia. We determined the effect of oral iron supplementation on preoperative anemia, and the use of blood-conserving interventions before total hip arthroplasty (THA) and total knee arthroplasty (TKA). A total of 3435 total joint arthroplasties (1461 THAs and 1974 TKAs) were analyzed during 2 phases of a blood conservation program. The first phase used erythropoietin alfa (EPO) or intravenous (IV) iron for patients at risk for perioperative anemia. The second phase included these interventions, as well as preoperative iron supplementation. The effect on preoperative hemoglobin (Hb) and serum ferritin, as well as EPO and IV iron utilization, was determined. Oral iron therapy increased preoperative Hb level by 6 g/L (P iron reduced from 4% to 2% (P = .05) and 5% to 2% (P iron therapy reduced the burden of perioperative anemia and reduced utilization of other blood-conserving therapies before THA and TKA. Future research should delineate the cost-effectiveness of oral iron therapy. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  4. Nutritional management after total laryngectomy

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    28 September 2010 with a known diagnosis of cancer of the larynx. The patient, who underwent a total laryngectomy on 13 October, had a tracheostomy inserted .... status, leading to improved quality of life and better response to treatment.4.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ni Luh Payastiti Yunita


    Full Text Available Inadequate quality of food products that do not meet standard quality may lead to food poisoning cases and become a concern in public health sector. Nasi Jinggo is a small amount of cooked rice with little bit fried tempe, shredded spicy chicken, traditional made chili sauce that is packed with banana leaves, and all the cooking process usually done traditionally. Nasi jinggo is sold at night by street vendor with price ranged from Rp. 1.500,- to Rp. 2.000,- per package. The study was a quantitative descriptive study with cross-sectional design that was aimed to identify the microbiology quality of nasi jinggo that were sold in Denpasar Selatan area. From 48 population of nasi jinggo street vendor, 23 vendor was taken as samples. The microbiology quality being assessed was Total Plate Count (TPC, Total Coliform with MPN method and Escherichia coli content with Eosin Methylene Blue Agar as medium. Laboratory analysis showed that only 21,7% sample that met TPC standard with average value of 2,3 x 107 CFU/gram sample, only 8,7% that met Total Coliform standard with average value of 1,4 x 105 MPN/100 gram sample and 52,2% sample that met E. coli content standard with average value is 2,6 x 102 MPN/100 gram sample. It is recommended to the government to do quality check towards nasi jinggo in a regular basis as well as to provide education and assistance to nasi jinggo street vendors in order to improve the microbiology quality of food product and ensure food safety to the consumer.

  6. Z3 -vertex magic total labeling and Z3 -edge magic total labelingfor the extended duplicate graph of quadrilateral snake (United States)

    Indira, P.; Selvam, B.; Thirusangu, K.


    Based on the works of Kotzig, Rosa and MacDougall, we present algorithms and prove the existence of Z3-vertex magic total labeling and Z3-edge magic total labeling for the extended duplicate graph of quadrilateral snake.

  7. Comparative study of total shoulder arthroplasty versus total shoulder surface replacement for glenohumeral osteoarthritis with minimum 2-year follow-up

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kooistra, B.W.; Willems, W.J.H.; Lemmens, E.; Hartel, B.P.; Bekerom, M.P. van den; Deurzen, D.F.P. van


    BACKGROUND: Compared with total shoulder arthroplasty (TSA), total shoulder surface replacement (TSSR) may offer the advantage of preservation of bone stock and shorter surgical time, possibly at the expense of glenoid component positioning and increasing lateral glenohumeral offset. We hypothesized

  8. Expandable Total Humeral Replacement in a Child with Osteosarcoma

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eric R. Henderson


    Full Text Available Case. A right-handed 8-year-old female patient presented with a conventional, high-grade osteosarcoma involving her right humerus; through-shoulder amputation was recommended. After consultation, total humerus resection with expandable, total humeral endoprosthesis reconstruction was performed with a sleeve to encourage soft-tissue ingrowth. At three-year follow-up she has received one lengthening procedure and her functional scores are excellent. Conclusion. Total humeral resection and replacement in the pediatric population are rare and although early reports of expandable total humeral endoprosthesis outcomes demonstrate high failure rates, this patient’s success indicates that expandable total humeral replacement is a viable option.

  9. [Contents of total anthocyanins and total saponins as well as composition of saponin monomers of Purple and Green Notoginseng Radix et Rhizoma]. (United States)

    Zhao, Chang-ling; Yang, Sheng-chao; Chen, Zhong-jian; Shen, Yong; Wei, Fu-gang; Wang, Wu; Long, Ting-ju


    The contents of total anthocyanins and total saponins as well as the composition of saponin monomers of Purple and Green Notoginseng Radix et Rhizoma were studied to compare the medicinal quality and commercial values. Three-year-old Notoginseng Radix et Rhizoma was selected as the research materials. The contents of total anthocyanins and total saponins were determined by spectrophotometry. The compositions of saponin monomers were monitored by HPLC. The significance of content differences was determined by variance analysis. The contents of total anthocyanins and total saponins of Purple Notoginseng Radix et Rhizomawere about 204.85% and 33.86% higher than those of Green Notoginseng Radix et Rhizoma respectively. The Purple and Green Notoginseng Radix et Rhizoma both contained five saponin monomers whose contents were as follows: ginsenoside Rg1 > ginsenoside Rb1 > notoginsenoside R1 > ginsenoside Rd > ginsenoside Re. The contents of notoginsenoside R1, ginsenoside Rd and ginsenoside Re of Purple Notoginseng Radix et Rhizoma were about 16.03%, 10.83% and 5.39% higher than those of Green Notoginseng Radix et Rhizoma respectively. However, the contents of ginsenoside Rg1 and ginsenoside Rb1 of Green Notoginseng Radix et Rhizoma were about 0.93% and 3.33% higher than those of Purple Notoginseng Radix et Rhizoma respectively. With respect to Green Notoginseng Radix et Rhizoma, the increase of the total anthocyanins in Purple Notoginseng Radix et Rhizoma reached a significant level, but the increases of total saponins, notoginsenoside R1, ginsenoside Rd and ginsenoside Re and the decreases of ginsenoside Rg1 and ginsenoside Rb1 did not. The total anthocyanins accumulation in Notoginseng Radix et Rhizoma implies the content increases of the total saponins, notoginsenoside R1, ginsenoside Rd and ginsenoside Re, and the slight decreases of ginsenoside Rg1 and ginsenoside Rb1 contents; but the type and relative contents of saponin monomers remain unchanged. The medicinal

  10. Association Between Maternal Serum Total Oxidant Status Total Antioxidant Status and Preterm Labor: A Prospective - Controlled Clinical Study


    Hakan Kalaycı; Mete Gürol Uğur; Ebru Öztürk; Özcan Balat; Özcan Erel


    OBJECTIVE: To measure the levels of individual antioxidant components of pregnants with preterm labor to evaluate their total antioxidant status (TAS), total oxidant status (TOS) and oxidative stress index (OSI). STUDY DESIGN: Prospectively-controlled 31 pregnants with a diagnosis of preterm labor (group Ι) and 32 controls (group ΙΙ) were evaluated for demographic data, general and obstetrical physical examination, obstetrical sonography, and routine laboratory tests. TAS, TOS and OSI leve...

  11. [Eleven-Year Experience with Total Ankle Arthroplasty]. (United States)

    Popelka, S; Sosna, A; Vavřík, P; Jahoda, D; Barták, V; Landor, I


    PURPOSE OF THE STUDY Total joint replacement is one of the options in surgical treatment of advanced ankle arthritis. It allows the ankle to remain mobile but, unfortunately, it does not provide the same longevity as total knee or hip replacements. Therefore, decisions concerning the kind of treatment are very individual and depend on the clinical status and opinion of each patient. MATERIAL AND METHODS A total of 132 total ankle replacements were carried out in the period from 2004 to 2015. The prostheses used included the Ankle Evolutive System (AES) in 52 patients, Mobility Total Ankle System (DePuy) in 24 patients and, recently, Rebalance Total Ankle Replacement implant in 53 patients. Three patients allergic to metal received the Taric prosthesis. Revision arthroplasty using the Hintegra prosthesis was carried out in four patients. The outcome of arthroplasty was evaluated on the American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society (AOFAS) scoring scale. Indications for total ankle arthroplasty included post-traumatic arthritis in 83 patients, rheumatoid arthritis in 37 and primary arthritis in 12 patients. There were 78 women and 54 men, with an average age of 55.6 years at the time of surgery. RESULTS The average follow-up was 6.1 years (1-11 years). The average AOFAS score of the whole group increased from 33.2 before surgery to 82.5 after it. The primary indication had an important role. Arthroplasty outcomes were poorer in patients with post-traumatic arthritis than in those with rheumatoid arthritis or primary arthritis. In patients with post-traumatic arthritis, the average AOFAS score rose to 78.6 due to restricted motion of the ankle, and some patients continued to have pain when walking. The average AOFAS score in a total of 49 patients who had rheumatoid arthritis or primary arthritis reached a value of 86.4. Post-operative complications were recorded in ten patients (7.6%) in whom part of the wound was healing by second intention. Ossification was also a

  12. Total cross sections for electron scattering by He

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    De Heer, F.J.; Jansen, R.H.J.


    A set of total cross sections for scattering of electrons by He has been evaluated over the energy range of zero to 3000 eV by means of the analysis of experiments and theories on total cross sections for elastic scattering, ionisation and excitation, and on differential cross sections for elastic and inelastic scattering. Between 0 and 19.8 eV, where no inelastic processes occur, the total cross sections for scattering are equal to those for elastic scattering. Above 19.8 eV total cross sections for scattering of electrons have been evaluated by adding those for ionisation, excitation and elastic scattering. The total cross sections thus obtained are probably accurate to about 5% over a large part of the energy range. They appear to be in very good agreement with the recent experimental results of Blaauw et al. (J. Phys. B.; 10:L299 (1977)). The present results have already proved useful for application in the dispersion relation for forward scattering in electron-helium collisions. (author)

  13. Artropatia ocronótica Ochronotic arthropathy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fernando Peres A. Gonçalves


    Full Text Available Os autores apresentam o relato de caso de um paciente com artropatia ocronótica. A ocronose é uma doença rara, de herança autossômica recessiva, manifestação clínica da alcaptonúria. O paciente apresenta clinicamente dor crônica lombar, fraqueza e limitação funcional dos ombros e joelhos, associada a urina de cor escura. O objetivo do tratamento ortopédico é o controle da dor e melhora das funções das articulações acometidas, realizando artroplastias quando necessário.The authors report the case of a patient with ochronotic arthropathy. This rare, inherited disease of autossomal recessive trait is the clinical manifestation of alkaptonuria. The patient presented clinically with chronic low back pain, disability, pain and weakness / stiffness in his shoulders and knees associated with dark urine. The main purpose of the orthopaedic approach in this disease is to control the pain and improve the function of the affected joints by performing arthroplasties when necessary.

  14. Total and ionization cross sections of electron scattering by fluorocarbons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Antony, B K; Joshipura, K N; Mason, N J


    Electron impact total cross sections (50-2000 eV) and total ionization cross sections (threshold to 2000 eV) are calculated for typical plasma etching molecules CF 4 , C 2 F 4 , C 2 F 6 , C 3 F 8 and CF 3 I and the CF x (x 1-3) radicals. The total elastic and inelastic cross sections are determined in the spherical complex potential formalism. The sum of the two gives the total cross section and the total inelastic cross section is used to calculate the total ionization cross sections. The present total and ionization cross sections are found to be consistent with other theories and experimental measurements, where they exist. Our total cross section results for CF x (x = 1-3) radicals presented here are first estimates on these species

  15. Radiation induced changes in plasma total protein nitrogen and urinary total nitrogen in desert rodent and albino rats subjected to dietary protein deficiency

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Roushdy, H.; El-Husseini, M.; Saleh, F.


    The effect of gamma-irradiation on plasma total protein nitrogen and urinary total nitrogen was studied in the desert rodent, psammomy obesus obesus and albino rats subjected to dietary protein deficiency. In albino rats kept on high protein diet, the radiation syndrome resulted in urine retention, while in those kept on non-protein diet, such phenomenon was recorded only with the high radiation level of 1170r. Radiation exposure to 780 and 1170r caused remarkable diuresis in psammomys obesus obesus whereas they induced significant urine retention in albino rats. The levels of plasma total protein nitrogen and urinary total nitrogen were higher in albino rats maintained on high protein diet than in those kept on non-protein diet. Radiation exposure caused an initial drop in plasma total protein nitrogen concentration, concomitant with an initial rise in total urinary nitrogen, radiation exposure of psammomys obesus obesus caused significant increase in the levels of plasma protein nitrogen and urinary total nitrogen. Psammomys obesus obesus seemed to be more affected by radiation exposure than did the albino rats

  16. Physical activity of elderly patients after total hip arthroplasty. (United States)

    Cukras, Zbigniew; Praczko, Katarzyna; Kostka, Tomasz; Jegier, Anna


    Total hip arthroplasty (THA) is the most common method of treatment of severe hip osteoarthritis. There is little data concerning the physical activity of total hip arthroplasty patients in Poland and investigations to explore this area are useful. The aim of the study was to describe the post-operative physical activity of total hip arthroplasty patients. A total of 146 adult people were examined, among which 28 men and 41 women had undergone total hip arthroplasty due to primary osteoarthritis of the hip, while another 32 men and 41 women matched for age who had not undergone hip surgery for osteoarthritis served as controls. The physical activity of study participants was assessed with the 7-Day Physical Activity Recall Questionnaire. All participants were also asked about the type and amount of physical activity they engaged in to maintain good health. Physical activity measured as the total amount of calories expended through physical activity per week was similar in the post-THA patients compared to the controls. The only differences were a smaller amount of calories expended during low-intensity physical activity by men after total hip arthroplasty compared to men who had not undergone surgery for osteoarthritis and a smaller amount of calories expended through high-intensity physical activity by women after total hip arthroplasty compared to female controls. The kinds of recreational physical activity most commonly practised by patients a mean of two years after total hip arthroplasty were marching, bicycling and general body conditioning exercises (usually the continuation of exercises recommended during post-operative rehabilitation). The percentage of post-THA patients undertaking physical activity for the prevention of non-communicable diseases was low. Physical activity should be more effectively encouraged in patients after total hip arthroplasty.

  17. The "Total Immersion" Meeting Environment. (United States)

    Finkel, Coleman


    The designing of intelligently planned meeting facilities can aid management communication and learning. The author examines the psychology of meeting attendance; architectural considerations (lighting, windows, color, etc.); design elements and learning modes (furniture, walls, audiovisuals, materials); and the idea of "total immersion meeting…

  18. Predictors of revision, prosthetic joint infection and mortality following total hip or total knee arthroplasty in patients with rheumatoid arthritis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Cordtz, Rene Lindholm; Zobbe, Kristian; Højgaard, Pil


    OBJECTIVES: To investigate predictors of 10-year risk of revision and 1-year risk of prosthetic joint infection (PJI) and death following total hip/total knee arthroplasty (THA/TKA) in (1) patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) compared with patients with osteoarthritis (OA); and (2) patients...

  19. The total collision cross section in the glory region

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Biesen, J.J.H. van den.


    Chapter 1 presents a calculation of approximate total cross sections in the glory region from noble gas potentials. The relations between the main features of the total cross section and the properties of the potential to which these are sensitive are extensively investigated in chapter II. A beam apparatus has been developed, which allows for accurate measurements on the total cross section. All effects due to the finite angular and velocity resolution of the apparatus can be eliminated from the data to yield actual total cross sections as a function of the relative velocity. This facilitates a comparison to total cross sections predicted by potentials available in the literature. A brief description of the apparatus and of the data reduction is given in chapter III. The total cross section data obtained for various noble gas combinations are presented and analysed in chapter IV, where also a large number of potentials proposed in the literature is tested. In chapter V the quenching of the glories in the case of a non-spherical interaction is analysed. Subsequently, total cross section data for some atom-molecule systems are discussed. (Auth.)

  20. Total quality management analysis in printing industry | Ching ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Total quality management analysis in printing industry. ... Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences ... The organization is suggested to implement Total Quality Management (TQM) in order to improve the quality of the products and hence ...

  1. Severe Heterotopic Ossification following Total Knee Replacement

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alexander L. Dodds


    Full Text Available Although the incidence of minor heterotopic ossification is probably higher than what is usually expected, severe heterotopic ossification (HO is an extremely rare event following total knee replacement surgery. We present the case of a 66-year-old woman who initially had achieved an excellent range of motion following bilateral uncemented rotating platform total knee replacement, before presenting with pain and loss of range of motion at 2 months after surgery. Severe HO was diagnosed on X-rays. Treatment consisted of nonoperative measures only, including physiotherapy with hydrotherapy and anti-inflammatories. She eventually regained her range of motion when seen at 8 months after operation. This case illustrates that nonoperative treatment without the use of radiotherapy or surgery can be used to safely resolve stiffness caused by HO after total knee replacement.

  2. Multi sensor reanalysis of total ozone

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    R. J. van der A


    Full Text Available A single coherent total ozone dataset, called the Multi Sensor Reanalysis (MSR, has been created from all available ozone column data measured by polar orbiting satellites in the near-ultraviolet Huggins band in the last thirty years. Fourteen total ozone satellite retrieval datasets from the instruments TOMS (on the satellites Nimbus-7 and Earth Probe, SBUV (Nimbus-7, NOAA-9, NOAA-11 and NOAA-16, GOME (ERS-2, SCIAMACHY (Envisat, OMI (EOS-Aura, and GOME-2 (Metop-A have been used in the MSR. As first step a bias correction scheme is applied to all satellite observations, based on independent ground-based total ozone data from the World Ozone and Ultraviolet Data Center. The correction is a function of solar zenith angle, viewing angle, time (trend, and effective ozone temperature. As second step data assimilation was applied to create a global dataset of total ozone analyses. The data assimilation method is a sub-optimal implementation of the Kalman filter technique, and is based on a chemical transport model driven by ECMWF meteorological fields. The chemical transport model provides a detailed description of (stratospheric transport and uses parameterisations for gas-phase and ozone hole chemistry. The MSR dataset results from a 30-year data assimilation run with the 14 corrected satellite datasets as input, and is available on a grid of 1× 1 1/2° with a sample frequency of 6 h for the complete time period (1978–2008. The Observation-minus-Analysis (OmA statistics show that the bias of the MSR analyses is less than 1% with an RMS standard deviation of about 2% as compared to the corrected satellite observations used.

  3. Climate Change and Tropical Total Lightning (United States)

    Albrecht, R.; Petersen, W.; Buechler, D.; Goodman, S.; Blakeslee, R.; Christian, H.


    While global warming is regarded as a fact by many in the scientific community, its future impact remains a challenge to be determined and measured. The International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) assessment report (IPCC, 2007) shows inconclusive answers on global rainfall trends and general agreement on a future drier climate with increased global warming. The relationship between temperature, humidity and convection is not linear and is strongly dependent on regional scale features, such as topography and land cover. Furthermore, the relationship between convective lightning production (thunderstorms) and temperature is even more complicated, being subjected to the cloud dynamics and microphysics. Total lightning (intracloud and cloud-to-ground) monitoring is a relatively new field of observation. Global and tropical total lightning began to be more extensively measured by satellites in the mid 90s. In this scope, the Lightning Imaging Sensor (LIS) onboard of the Tropical Rainfall Measurement Mission (TRMM) has been operational for over 11 years. Here we address total lightning trends observed by LIS from 1998 to 2008 in different temporal (annual and seasonal) and spatial (large and regional) scales. The observed 11-year trends are then associate to different predicted/hypothesized climate change scenarios.

  4. The error in total error reduction. (United States)

    Witnauer, James E; Urcelay, Gonzalo P; Miller, Ralph R


    Most models of human and animal learning assume that learning is proportional to the discrepancy between a delivered outcome and the outcome predicted by all cues present during that trial (i.e., total error across a stimulus compound). This total error reduction (TER) view has been implemented in connectionist and artificial neural network models to describe the conditions under which weights between units change. Electrophysiological work has revealed that the activity of dopamine neurons is correlated with the total error signal in models of reward learning. Similar neural mechanisms presumably support fear conditioning, human contingency learning, and other types of learning. Using a computational modeling approach, we compared several TER models of associative learning to an alternative model that rejects the TER assumption in favor of local error reduction (LER), which assumes that learning about each cue is proportional to the discrepancy between the delivered outcome and the outcome predicted by that specific cue on that trial. The LER model provided a better fit to the reviewed data than the TER models. Given the superiority of the LER model with the present data sets, acceptance of TER should be tempered. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  5. Improved estimates of filtered total mercury loadings and total mercury concentrations of solids from potential sources to Sinclair Inlet, Kitsap County, Washington (United States)

    Paulson, Anthony J.; Conn, Kathleen E.; DeWild, John F.


    Previous investigations examined sources and sinks of mercury to Sinclair Inlet based on historic and new data. This included an evaluation of mercury concentrations from various sources and mercury loadings from industrial discharges and groundwater flowing from the Bremerton naval complex to Sinclair Inlet. This report provides new data from four potential sources of mercury to Sinclair Inlet: (1) filtered and particulate total mercury concentrations of creek water during the wet season, (2) filtered and particulate total mercury releases from the Navy steam plant following changes in the water softening process and discharge operations, (3) release of mercury from soils to groundwater in two landfill areas at the Bremerton naval complex, and (4) total mercury concentrations of solids in dry dock sumps that were not affected by bias from sequential sampling. The previous estimate of the loading of filtered total mercury from Sinclair Inlet creeks was based solely on dry season samples. Concentrations of filtered total mercury in creek samples collected during wet weather were significantly higher than dry weather concentrations, which increased the estimated loading of filtered total mercury from creek basins from 27.1 to 78.1 grams per year. Changes in the concentrations and loading of filtered and particulate total mercury in the effluent of the steam plant were investigated after the water softening process was changed from ion-exchange to reverse osmosis and the discharge of stack blow-down wash began to be diverted to the municipal water-treatment plant. These changes reduced the concentrations of filtered and particulate total mercury from the steam plant of the Bremerton naval complex, which resulted in reduced loadings of filtered total mercury from 5.9 to 0.15 grams per year. Previous investigations identified three fill areas on the Bremerton naval complex, of which the western fill area is thought to be the largest source of mercury on the base

  6. Asymptotic Behaviour of Total Generalised Variation

    KAUST Repository

    Papafitsoros, Konstantinos; Valkonen, Tuomo


    © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015. The recently introduced second order total generalised variation functional TGV2 β,α has been a successful regulariser for image processing purposes. Its definition involves two positive parameters α and β whose values determine the amount and the quality of the regularisation. In this paper we report on the behaviour of TGV2 β,α in the cases where the parameters α, β as well as their ratio β/α becomes very large or very small. Among others, we prove that for sufficiently symmetric two dimensional data and large ratio β/α, TGV2 β,α regularisation coincides with total variation (TV) regularization

  7. Total shoulder replacement in rheumatoid arthritis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sneppen, O; Fruensgaard, S; Johannsen, Hans Viggo


    A prospective study of 62 Neer mark II total shoulder arthroplasties performed during the period from 1981 to 1990 on 51 patients with rheumatoid arthritis was undertaken to evaluate factors associated with component loosening and proximal humeral migration. Thirty-two (51%) showed proximal......, range of movement, abduction force, or function. The risk of clinical asymptomatic loosening is a relatively late complication that is eventually followed by pronounced bone destruction related to the loose component. Long-term radiographic control of total shoulders with rheumatoid arthritis...... is recommended. Hemiarthroplasty with a cemented humeral prosthesis may be a better treatment in the end stage of rheumatoid arthritis of the shoulder....

  8. Failed total carpometacarpal joint prosthesis of the thumb

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Torben Bæk; Homilius, Morten


    Total joint prosthesis in carpometacarpal joint arthritis of the thumb often fails. Loosening of the implant is often treated by resection arthroplasty, and we reviewed 10 patients, mean age 54 years (range 47-63) who were treated by resection arthroplasty after a failed total joint prosthesis. T...... in eight of 10 patients, but the mean Disabilities of the arm, shoulder, and hand (DASH) scores, self-reported pinch-grip-related function, and pain were comparable with our earlier published results with the Elektra carpometacarpal total joint prosthesis.......Total joint prosthesis in carpometacarpal joint arthritis of the thumb often fails. Loosening of the implant is often treated by resection arthroplasty, and we reviewed 10 patients, mean age 54 years (range 47-63) who were treated by resection arthroplasty after a failed total joint prosthesis....... The male:female ratio was 1:4 and the mean duration of observation 32 months (range 6-52). In three patients the revised implant was a MOJE uncemented carpometacarpal joint prosthesis and in seven patients an Elektra uncemented one. At follow-up grip strength was reduced to less than 90% of the other hand...


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    Full Text Available act The analysis of the company’s expenses is mainly important in the management and control activity, because it highlights the way in which are used the resources (material, human, financial and the impact of their allocation on the company’s performances. The optimization of the level of costs or the their reduction, where it is possible, without affecting the quality of the products and working conditions of the activity, represent the primary objectives of the management of companies.[9] Expenses have been and will remain one of the key indicators of a company requiring continuous application of a control and monitoring mechanism because when it comes to expenses we never speak of their growth, but their reduction. This reduction is the main objective of any economic agent that will result in increasing the efficiency of the entire activity. The costs of a company reflect in cash the total consumption of material, human and financial resources used in manufacturing and selling of the products. The level, dynamics and structure of these expenses reflect synthetically the activity of industrial enterprises when using effectively the available resources. The purpose of this article is to analyze synthetically a company's expenses efficiency based on the efficiency ratio of total expenses at 1000 lei total revenues and the purpose of the article results in a set of conclusions that will highlight a number of important issues concerning the role and the importance of the efficiency of total expenses related to total revenue, as well as the result of the growth of the efficiency of total expenses.

  10. Target dependence of K+-nucleus total cross sections

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jiang, M.F.; Ernst, D.J.; Chen, C.M.


    We investigate the total cross section and its target dependence for K + -nucleus scattering using a relativistic momentum-space optical potential model which incorporates relativistically normalized wave functions, invariant two-body amplitudes, covariant kinematics, and an exact full-Fermi averaging integral. The definition of the total cross section in the presence of a Coulomb interaction is reviewed and the total cross section is calculated in a way that is consistent with what is extracted from experiment. In addition, the total cross sections for a nucleus and for the deuteron are calculated utilizing the same theory. This minimizes the dependence of the ratio of these cross sections on the details of the theory. The model dependence of the first-order optical potential calculations is investigated. The theoretical results are found to be systematically below all existing data

  11. 20 CFR 226.52 - Total annuity subject to maximum. (United States)


    ... 20 Employees' Benefits 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Total annuity subject to maximum. 226.52... COMPUTING EMPLOYEE, SPOUSE, AND DIVORCED SPOUSE ANNUITIES Railroad Retirement Family Maximum § 226.52 Total annuity subject to maximum. The total annuity amount which is compared to the maximum monthly amount to...

  12. Total Thyroidectomy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lopez Moris E


    Full Text Available Total thyroidectomy is a surgery that removes all the thyroid tissue from the patient. The suspect of cancer in a thyroid nodule is the most frequent indication and it is presume when previous fine needle puncture is positive or a goiter has significant volume increase or symptomes. Less frequent indications are hyperthyroidism when it is refractory to treatment with Iodine 131 or it is contraindicated, and in cases of symptomatic thyroiditis. The thyroid gland has an important anatomic relation whith the inferior laryngeal nerve and the parathyroid glands, for this reason it is imperative to perform extremely meticulous dissection to recognize each one of these elements and ensure their preservation. It is also essential to maintain strict hemostasis, in order to avoid any postoperative bleeding that could lead to a suffocating neck hematoma, feared complication that represents a surgical emergency and endangers the patient’s life.It is essential to run a formal technique, without skipping steps, and maintain prudence and patience that should rule any surgical act.

  13. Total Synthesis of Adunctin B. (United States)

    Dethe, Dattatraya H; Dherange, Balu D


    Total synthesis of (±)-adunctin B, a natural product isolated from Piper aduncum (Piperaceae), has been achieved using two different strategies, in seven and three steps. The efficient approach features highly atom economical and diastereoselective Friedel-Crafts acylation, alkylation reaction and palladium catalyzed Wacker type oxidative cyclization.

  14. Comparative Study between Standard and Totally Tubeless Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy. (United States)

    Yun, Sung Il; Lee, Yoon Hyung; Kim, Jae Soo; Cho, Sung Ryong; Kim, Bum Soo; Kwon, Joon Beom


    Several recent studies have reported the benefits of tubeless percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PNL). Postoperatively, tubeless PNL patients have an indwelling ureteral stent placed, which is often associated with stent-related morbidity. We have performed totally tubeless (tubeless and stentless) PNL in which no nephrostomy tube or ureteral stent is placed postoperatively. We evaluated the safety, effectiveness, and feasibility of totally tubeless PNL. From March 2008 to February 2012, 57 selected patients underwent standard or totally tubeless PNL. Neither a nephrostomy tube nor a ureteral stent was placed in the totally tubeless PNL group. We compared patient and stone characteristics, operation time, length of hospitalization, analgesia requirements, stone-free rate, blood loss, change in creatinine, and perioperative complications between the standard and totally tubeless PNL groups. There were no significant differences in preoperative patient characteristics, postoperative complications, or the stone-free rate between the two groups, but the totally tubeless PNL group showed a shorter hospitalization and a lesser analgesic requirement compared with the standard PNL group. Blood loss and change in creatinine were not significantly different between the two groups. Totally tubeless PNL appears to be a safe and effective alternative for the management of renal stone patients and is associated with a decrease in length of hospital stay.

  15. ISO 9000 and the total quality management models


    Pacios Lozano, Ana Reyes


    Establishes the most outstanding differences between the ISO 9000 norms and total quality management as forms or manners of managing quality used in some information services. Compares two models of total quality: European Foundation far Quality Management and Malcolm Baldrige Awards.

  16. Assay development status report for total cyanide

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Simpson, B.C.; Jones, T.E.; Pool, K.H.


    A validated cyanide assay that is applicable to a variety of tank waste matrices is necessary to resolve certain waste tank safety issues and for purposes of overall waste characterization. The target for this effort is an assay with an applicable range of greater than 1,000 ppM (0.10 wt%) total cyanide and a confidence level greater than 80%. Figure 1 illustrates the operating regime of the proposed cyanide assay method. The Assay Development Status Report for Total Cyanide will summarize the past experience with cyanide analyses on-tank waste matrices and will rate the status of the analytical methods used to assay total cyanide (CN - ion) in the tank waste matrices as acceptable or unacceptable. This paper will also briefly describe the current efforts for improving analytical resolution of the assays and the attempts at speciation

  17. Two-channel totally asymmetric simple exclusion processes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pronina, Ekaterina; Kolomeisky, Anatoly B


    Totally asymmetric simple exclusion processes, consisting of two coupled parallel lattice chains with particles interacting with hard-core exclusion and moving along the channels and between them, are considered. In the limit of strong coupling between the channels, the particle currents, density profiles and a phase diagram are calculated exactly by mapping the system into an effective one-channel totally asymmetric exclusion model. For intermediate couplings, a simple approximate theory, that describes the particle dynamics in vertical clusters of two corresponding parallel sites exactly and neglects the correlations between different vertical clusters, is developed. It is found that, similarly to the case of one-channel totally asymmetric simple exclusion processes, there are three stationary state phases, although the phase boundaries and stationary properties strongly depend on inter-channel coupling. Extensive computer Monte Carlo simulations fully support the theoretical predictions

  18. Tranexamic acid versus aminocaproic acid for blood management after total knee and total hip arthroplasty: A systematic review and meta-analysis. (United States)

    Liu, Qiuliang; Geng, Peishuo; Shi, Longyan; Wang, Qi; Wang, Pengliang


    To compare the efficacy and safety of tranexamic acid and aminocaproic acid for reducing blood loss and transfusion requirements after total knee and total hip arthroplasty. We conduct electronic searches of Medline (1966-2017.11), PubMed (1966-2017.11), Embase (1980-2017.11), ScienceDirect (1985-2017.11) and the Cochrane Library (1900-2017.11). The primary outcomes, including total blood loss, hemoglobin decline and transfusion requirements. Secondary outcomes include length of hospital stay and postoperative complications such as the incidence of deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism. Each outcome is combined and calculated using the statistical software STATA 12.0. Fixed/random effect model is adopted based on the heterogeneity tested by I 2 statistic. A total of 1714 patients are analyzed across three randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and one non-RCT. The present meta-analysis reveals that TXA is associated with a significantly reduction of total blood loss and postoperative hemoglobin drop compared with EACA. No significant differences are identified in terms of transfusion rates, length of hospital stay, and the incidence of postoperative complications. Although total blood loss and postoperative hemoglobin drop are significant greater in EACA groups, there is no significant difference between TXA and EACA groups in terms of transfusion rates. Based on the current evidence available, higher quality RCTs are still required for further research. Copyright © 2018 IJS Publishing Group Ltd. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  19. Studies towards a total synthesis of tagetitoxin


    Mahoney, Brian


    Tagetitoxin was first isolated over thirty five years ago and a total synthesis has not been achieved to date. A vast amount of research has been carried out on the biological activity of tagetitoxin with hundreds of literature reports. However, very few papers have been published regarding the synthesis and within this thesis we will explore a number of synthetic pathways some towards tagetitoxin. The first chapter reviews previous developments regarding the total synthesis of...

  20. Total medical costs of treating femoral neck fracture patients with hemi- or total hip arthroplasty: a cost analysis of a multicenter prospective study

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    P.T.P.W. Burgers (Paul); M. Hoogendoorn (Martine); E.A.C. Van Woensel; R.W. Poolman (Rudolf); M. Bhandari (Mohit); P. Patka (Peter); E.M.M. van Lieshout (Esther)


    textabstractSummary: The aim of this study was to determine the total medical costs for treating displaced femoral neck fractures with hemi- or total hip arthroplasty in fit elderly patients. The mean total costs per patient at 2 years of follow-up were €26,399. These results contribute to cost

  1. Overview of Total Group financial year

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    In 2004, the combination of very high crude oil prices with a strong rise of refining margins, and in the second half of 2004 of the start off again of the rise of petrochemical margins, has led Total Group to reach a record level of 9.04 billion euros for its net adjusted result, which represents a 23% rise with respect to 2003, and this despite a fall of the Dollar exchange rate. Total has also carried on its downstream strategy of natural gas production. This strategy aims at facilitating and optimizing the access to its present day and future productions and reserves, not only to traditional markets but also to markets opened to world competition. (J.S.)

  2. Response Surface Optimized Extraction of Total Triterpene Acids ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Purpose: To optimize extraction of total triterpene acids from loquat leaf and evaluate their in vitro antioxidant activities. Methods: The independent variables were ethanol concentration, extraction time, and solvent ratio, while the dependent variable was content of total triterpene acids. Composite design and response ...

  3. Total Addiction The Life of an Eclipse Chaser

    CERN Document Server

    Russo, Kate


    Seeing a total solar eclipse is often described as a once-in-a-lifetime experience. However, for many who have experienced totality, once-in-a-lifetime is simply not enough. They want more, and are willing to go to great lengths often at great expense to repeat the experience. What is it like to experience totality? What is it about the experience that motivates these eclipse chasers? Is there an eclipse chaser personality? Can eclipse chasing actually be described as an addiction? This book describes the people who dedicate their lives to chasing their dream.

  4. What is Total Quality Management? (United States)

    Bryan, William A.


    Provides a general overview of Total Quality Management (TQM) and explains why there is pressure for change in higher education institutions. Defines TQM and the various themes, tools, and beliefs that make it different from other management approaches. Presents 14 principles and how they might be applied to student affairs. (RJM)

  5. A totally diverting loop colostomy. (United States)

    Merrett, N. D.; Gartell, P. C.


    A technique is described where the distal limb of a loop colostomy is tied with nylon or polydioxanone. This ensures total faecal diversion and dispenses with the supporting rod, enabling early application of stoma appliances. The technique does not interfere with the traditional transverse closure of a loop colostomy. PMID:8379632

  6. Ethical Analysis of Withdrawing Total Artificial Heart Support. (United States)

    DeMartino, Erin S; Wordingham, Sara E; Stulak, John M; Boilson, Barry A; Fuechtmann, Kayla R; Singh, Nausheen; Sulmasy, Daniel P; Pajaro, Octavio E; Mueller, Paul S


    To describe the characteristics of patients who undergo withdrawal of total artificial heart support and to explore the ethical aspects of withdrawing this life-sustaining treatment. We retrospectively reviewed the medical records of all adult recipients of a total artificial heart at Mayo Clinic from the program's inception in 2007 through June 30, 2015. Management of other life-sustaining therapies, approach to end-of-life decision making, engagement of ethics and palliative care consultation, and causes of death were analyzed. Of 47 total artificial heart recipients, 14 patients or their surrogates (30%) requested withdrawal of total artificial heart support. No request was denied by treatment teams. All 14 patients were supported with at least 1 other life-sustaining therapy. Only 1 patient was able to participate in decision making. It is widely held to be ethically permissible to withdraw a life-sustaining treatment when the treatment no longer meets the patient's health care-related goals (ie, the burdens outweigh the benefits). These data suggest that some patients, surrogates, physicians, and other care providers believe that this principle extends to the withdrawal of total artificial heart support. Copyright © 2017 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  7. 21 CFR 862.1110 - Bilirubin (total or direct) test system. (United States)


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Bilirubin (total or direct) test system. 862.1110... Systems § 862.1110 Bilirubin (total or direct) test system. (a) Identification. A bilirubin (total or direct) test system is a device intended to measure the levels of bilirubin (total or direct) in plasma...

  8. Fast magnetic resonance imaging based on high degree total variation (United States)

    Wang, Sujie; Lu, Liangliang; Zheng, Junbao; Jiang, Mingfeng


    In order to eliminating the artifacts and "staircase effect" of total variation in Compressive Sensing MRI, high degree total variation model is proposed for dynamic MRI reconstruction. the high degree total variation regularization term is used as a constraint to reconstruct the magnetic resonance image, and the iterative weighted MM algorithm is proposed to solve the convex optimization problem of the reconstructed MR image model, In addtion, one set of cardiac magnetic resonance data is used to verify the proposed algorithm for MRI. The results show that the high degree total variation method has a better reconstruction effect than the total variation and the total generalized variation, which can obtain higher reconstruction SNR and better structural similarity.

  9. Total Quality Service and the Business College


    James Perotti


    Moving a business college to commit to a total quality service approach is much more difficult than the literature suggests. The commitment to customer satisfaction is the essential focus of total quality service. It is unlikely to occur in business colleges. While small incremental change is readily possible, the values and culture of the faculty and administration prevent the requisite acceptance by the faculty of students as their customers, and acceptance of the faculty as customers of th...

  10. Total Analysis System for Ship Structural Strength


    Takuya, Yoneya; Hiroyuki, Kobayashi; Abdul M., Rahim; Yoshimichi, Sasaki; Masaki, Irisawa; Technical Investigation and Information Department, Research Center; Technical Investigation and Information Department, Research Center; Singapore Office; Technical Investigation and Information Department, Research Center; Technical Investigation and Information Department, Research Center


    This paper outlines a total analysis system for ship hull structures, which integrates a wide variety of analysis functions to realise practical applications of rational methods for assessing ship structural strength. It is based on direct calculation of wave-induced loads as well as three-dimensional structural analysis of an entire-ship or hold structure. Three major analysis functions of the total system are ship motion and wave load analysis, ship structural analysis and statistical analy...

  11. Pancreas preserving total duodenectomy for complex duodenal injury. (United States)

    Wig, Jai Dev; Kudari, Ashwinikumar; Yadav, Thakur Deen; Doley, Rudra Prasad; Bharathy, Kishore Gurumoorthy Subramanya; Kalra, Naveen


    To assess the feasibility and safety of a pancreas-preserving total duodenectomy in the management of severe duodenal injury caused by abdominal trauma. Two patients with both extensive injury of the duodenum and diffuse peritonitis underwent pancreas preserving total duodenectomy at our tertiary care centre. These two young male patients (age 20 and 22 years) presented 2 days and 6 hours respectively following blunt abdominal trauma. The duodenum was almost completely separated from the pancreas. Ampulla was seen as a button on the pancreas. Following total duodenectomy, reconstruction was performed by suturing the jejunum to the head of the pancreas anteriorly and posteriorly away from the ampulla (invagination of the pancreas into the jejunum). There were no complications attributable to the procedure. Both patients are well on follow up. A Pancreas-preserving total duodenectomy offers a safe alternative to the Whipple procedure in managing complex duodenal injury. This procedure avoids unnecessary resection of the adjacent pancreas and anastomosis to undilated hepatic and pancreatic ducts.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Salagean Horatiu Catalin


    Full Text Available In the current market economy, companies are constantly struggling to achieve a sustained competitive advantage that will enable them to improve performance, which results in increased competitiveness, and of course, profit. Among the few competitive advantages that can become sustainable competitive advantages, quality plays a crucial role. Recent research shows that about 90% of buyers in the international market, consider quality as having at least equal importance with price in making the decision to purchase. In the opinion of some specialists in economic theory and practice, total quality refers to the holistic approach of quality, which actually means, addressing all aspects of economic and social development and technical of quality. Thus, the holistic approach of quality at organisation-wide involves procedural approach of quality, in this respect, the study focuses on this type of quality approach, i.e. the procedural approach, taking into account the strategic aspects of the continuous improvement of quality, which means in fact, the quality management. Total Quality Management is seen as a way to transform the economies of some countries to be more competitive than others. However, Total Quality Management brings not and will not produce results overnight, it is not a panacea for all the problems facing the organization. Total Quality Management requires a change in organizational culture, which must focus on meeting customer expectations and increasing the involvement of all employees to meet this objective, as an expression of the ethics of continuous improvement. In general, research on quality aiming identify why an organization should adopt the principles of total quality management, but attempts to identify the failing companies' attempts to implement total quality management principles are not so visible. Concerns companies to introduce quality management systems are becoming more pronounced, therefore, in this study we try to

  13. Total synthesis of nepetoidin B (United States)

    The total synthesis of nepetoidin B (the 2-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)ethenyl ester of 3-(3,4-dihydroxy¬phenyl)-2-propenoic acid) has been achieved in two steps from commercially available 1,5-bis(3,4-dimethoxyphenyl)-1,4-pentadien-3-one. Tetramethylated nepetoidin B was prepared directly by Baeyer-Villig...

  14. First total synthesis of Boehmenan

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    The first total synthesis of dilignan Boehmenan has been achieved. A biomimetic oxidative coupling of the ferulic acid methyl ester in the presence of silver oxide is the crucial step in the synthesis sequence, generating the dihydrobenzofuran skeleton. Hydroxyl group was protected with DHP and reducted with LiAlH4 to ...

  15. Should All Patients Be Included in Alternative Payment Models for Primary Total Hip Arthroplasty and Total Knee Arthroplasty? (United States)

    Rozell, Joshua C; Courtney, Paul M; Dattilo, Jonathan R; Wu, Chia H; Lee, Gwo-Chin


    Alternative payment models in total joint replacement incentivize cost effective health care delivery and reward reductions in length of stay (LOS), complications, and readmissions. If not adjusted for patient comorbidities, they may encourage restrictive access to health care. We prospectively evaluated 802 consecutive primary total hip arthroplasty and total knee arthroplasty patients evaluating comorbidities associated with increased LOS and readmissions. During this 9-month period, 115 patients (14.3%) required hospitalization >3 days and 16 (1.99%) were readmitted within 90 days. Univariate analysis demonstrated that preoperative narcotic use, heart failure, stroke, chronic kidney disease (CKD), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and liver disease were more likely to require hospitalization >3 days. In multivariate analysis, CKD and COPD were independent risk factors for LOS >3 days. A Charlson comorbidity index >5 points was associated with increased LOS and readmissions. Patients with CKD, COPD, and Charlson comorbidity index >5 points should not be included in alternative payment model for THA and TKA. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  16. Total Cross Sections at High Energies An update

    CERN Document Server

    Fazal-e-Aleem, M; Alam, Saeed; Qadee-Afzal, M


    Current and Future measurements for the total cross sections at E-811, PP2PP, CSM, FELIX and TOTEM have been analyzed using various models. In the light of this study an attempt has been made to focus on the behavior of total cross section at very high energies.

  17. Total Radiosynthesis: Thinking outside "the box". (United States)

    Liang, Steven H; Vasdev, Neil


    The logic of total synthesis transformed a stagnant state of medicinal and synthetic organic chemistry when there was a paucity of methods and reagents to synthesize drug molecules and/or natural products. Molecular imaging by positron emission tomography (PET) is now experiencing a renaissance in the way radiopharmaceuticals for molecular imaging are synthesized, however, a paradigm shift is desperately needed in the discovery pipeline to accelerate in vivo imaging studies. A significant challenge in radiochemistry is the limited choice of labeled reagents (or building blocks) available for the synthesis of novel radiopharmaceuticals with the most commonly used short-lived radionuclides carbon-11 ( 11 C; half-life ~20 minutes) and fluorine-18 ( 18 F; half-life ~2 hours). In fact, most drugs cannot be labeled with 11 C or 18 F due to a lack of efficient and diverse radiosynthetic methods. In general, routine radiopharmaceutical production relies on the incorporation of the isotope at the last or penultimate step of synthesis, ideally within one half-life of the radionuclide, to maximize radiochemical yields and specific activities thereby reducing losses due to radioactive decay. Reliance on radiochemistry conducted within the constraints of an automated synthesis unit ("box") has stifled the exploration of multi-step reactions with short-lived radionuclides. Radiopharmaceutical synthesis can be transformed by considering logic of total synthesis to develop novel approaches for 11 C- and 18 F-radiolabeling complex molecules via retrosynthetic analysis and multi-step reactions. As a result of such exploration, new methods, reagents and radiopharmaceuticals for in vivo imaging studies are discovered. A new avenue to develop radiotracers that were previously unattainable due to the lack of efficient radiosynthetic methods is necessary to work towards our ultimate, albeit impossible goal - the concept we term total radiosynthesis - to radiolabel virtually any molecule


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    N. L. Logvinov


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT. The goal of the article was to review Genesis II Total Knee System use according to AoA NJRR report. Genesis II has been widely used in Russian Federation since 1996. The AoA NJRR report was studied in order to learn connection between number of revision procedures and surgeon’s skills or type of the System, adequate choice among cemented, cementless and hybrid fixation, number of surgeries using Genesis II Total Knee System annually, average revision rate for Genesis II and early cumulative revision rate.CONCLUSION. The systematic study of AoA NJRR allows us to make a conclusion that cemented fixation of Genesis II Total Knee System is mostly effective, and this fact is confirmed by domestic experience. 

  19. Chambolle's Projection Algorithm for Total Variation Denoising

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Joan Duran


    Full Text Available Denoising is the problem of removing the inherent noise from an image. The standard noise model is additive white Gaussian noise, where the observed image f is related to the underlying true image u by the degradation model f=u+n, and n is supposed to be at each pixel independently and identically distributed as a zero-mean Gaussian random variable. Since this is an ill-posed problem, Rudin, Osher and Fatemi introduced the total variation as a regularizing term. It has proved to be quite efficient for regularizing images without smoothing the boundaries of the objects. This paper focuses on the simple description of the theory and on the implementation of Chambolle's projection algorithm for minimizing the total variation of a grayscale image. Furthermore, we adapt the algorithm to the vectorial total variation for color images. The implementation is described in detail and its parameters are analyzed and varied to come up with a reliable implementation.

  20. Cost-outcome analysis of joint replacement: evidence from a Spanish public hospital Análisis coste-resultado del remplazo de articulaciones: Evidencia de un hospital público español

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Luis Navarro Espigares


    Full Text Available Background and objectives: Efficiency-based healthcare decision-making has been widely accepted for some time, with cost per quality-adjusted life year (QALY as the main outcome measure. Nevertheless, for numerous medical procedures, little data are available on the cost per QALY gained. The aim of the present study was to calculate the cost per QALY gained with primary hip and knee replacement and to compare the result with the cost per QALY for other medical procedures, as well as with the maximum threshold cost considered acceptable in Spain. Methods: We performed a prospective cohort pre-test/post-test study of patients undergoing primary hip or knee arthroplasty. Age, sex, and clinical variables were recorded. Functional status and quality of life were measured by means of the WOMAC and EuroQol instruments, respectively, before the intervention and 6 months later. The direct costs of the intervention were calculated, with length of hospital stay and the prosthesis as the main cost drivers. Results: A total of 80 patients, 40 from each intervention, were included in this study. Both functional and perceived health status improved after the intervention. The number of QALYs gained in the knee cohort was 4.64, while that in the hip cohort was 0.86. The total cost of knee replacement was lower (6,865.52 € than that of hip replacement (7,891.21 €. The cost per QALY gained was 1,275.84 € and 7,936.12 € for knee and hip interventions, respectively. The calculations performed included a 6% discount rate for health outcomes, a 3% inflation rate for costs, and a success rate of 95% at 15 years. Conclusions: The costs of both knee and hip replacement were lower than the threshold of 30,000 € per QALY considered acceptable in Spain, and compared favorably with other medical and surgical procedures.Fundamento y objetivos: Está ampliamente aceptada la toma de decisiones sanitarias basada en la eficiencia, con el coste por año de vida ajustado

  1. Total antioxidant capacity in children with acute appendicitis. (United States)

    Kaya, M; Boleken, M E; Kanmaz, T; Erel, O; Yucesan, S


    This study aimed to investigate antioxidant capacity by using a novel automated method in children with acute appendicitis. Blood samples were obtained from consecutive patients with acute appendicitis (appendicitis group, n = 12) and acute abdominal pain due to non surgical disease (non-appendicitis group, n = 11), and from patients with inguinal hernia (healthy group, n = 12) as the control group. At admission, total antioxidant capacity (TAC) levels of plasma were evaluated in all patients by a method recently developed by Erel. Four other major individual plasma antioxidant components, the levels of total protein, albumin, uric acid and bilirubin, were also evaluated. Total antioxidant capacity in patients with acute appendicitis was statistically compared with the two other groups. While the TAC level in the appendicitis group was significantly greater than in the non-appendicitis group, no significant difference was found in healthy groups (p 0.05, 1.94 +/- 0.38, 1.40 +/- 0.36, and 1.99 +/- 0.35 respectively). Individual components of total antioxidant capacity, i.e. total protein, albumin, uric acid and bilirubin concentrations, were also higher in the patients with acute appendicitis than those of the other two control groups. Our data show that children with acute appendicitis do not have deficient blood plasma antioxidant capacity. These results provide evidence that acute appendicitis results in more induction of antioxidative response than non-surgical diseases.

  2. Acute tolerance of hyperfractionated accelerated total body irradiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Latz, D.; Schraube, P.; Wannenmacher, M.


    Background: Acute side effects of total body irradiation lead to intense molestations of the patients. Therefore, it is desirable to take measures to reduce these side effects. In a retrospective study the frequency on acute side effects of a hyperfractionated accelerated total body irradiation was assessed and compared to frequencies of other exposure schedules published in the literature. Additionally the influence of ondansetron on the frequency of nausea and vormiting was investigated. Patients and Method: From 1989 to 1992, 76 patients (47 male, 29 female; median age 38 years) underwent total body irradiation before autologeous bone marrow transplantation. They received 3 daily doses of 1.20 Gy each every 4 h on 4 successive days to a total dose of 14,40 Gy. Thirty-nine patients received 3x8 mg (daily, intravenous or per os) ondansetron during the whole course of irradiation. Results: The most relevant side effects were nausea and vomiting. Patients, who did not receive ondansetron (n=37) showed a nausea and emesis rate of 73%. With ondansetron (n=39) nausea and emesis were reduced to 38%. Also the grade of severity of these side effects was reduced. Conclusions: Ondansetron proved to be an effective medicament for relieving nausea and vormiting during total body irradiation. The results obtained are in concordance with those published in the literature. (orig.) [de

  3. SORCE Level 3 Total Solar Irradiance Daily Average V016 (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — The Total Solar Irradiance (TSI) data set SOR3TSID contains the total solar irradiance (a.k.a solar constant) data collected by the Total Irradiance Monitor (TIM)...

  4. The Total Performance Scorecard: Case at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Suhendra Suhendra


    Full Text Available This study aims to identify and analyse Total Human Resources Champions Management in relation to the Total Performance Scorecard. This study uses primary data by distributing questionnaires to the respondents, the 30 heads of department, 60 lecturers, 30 administrative staffs and 60 students of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. Partial Least Square (PLS had been used. Results from this study showed that all dimensions of Total Human Resources Champions Management (Human Resources Strategic Management, Infrastructure Management Firm, Management Employee Contribution, Management of Transformation and Changes, Spiritual and Campaign Management, Talent Management affected on Total Human Resources Champions Management, furthermore, Total Human Resources Champions Management has a significant positive effect on the Total Performance Scorecard course at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.DOI: 10.15408/etk.v15i2.3864

  5. Establishing a total information management program

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hegstrom, K.L.; Fisher, J.


    A total information management program manages documents for easy access and identifies data elements commonly found in all documents. The program thus links disparate documents by identifying information they share in common

  6. Total knee arthroplasty in patients with a previous patellectomy. (United States)

    Maslow, Jed; Zuckerman, Joseph D; Immerman, Igor


    Post-patellectomy patients represent a specific subgroup of patients that may develop arthritis and persistent knee pain and potentially require treatment with total knee arthroplasty. This article reviews the treatment and functional outcomes following total knee arthroplasty in patients with prior patellectomy. A case report is presented as an example of the clinical management of a post-patellectomy patient with significant knee pain and disability treated with total knee arthroplasty. Emphasis will be placed in decision- making, specifically with the use of a posterior stabilized implant. In addition, postoperative strengthening of the quadriceps is essential to compensate for the lack of the patella and increase the success of total knee arthroplasty in this subgroup of patients.

  7. Total Synthesis of Hyperforin. (United States)

    Ting, Chi P; Maimone, Thomas J


    A 10-step total synthesis of the polycyclic polyprenylated acylphloroglucinol (PPAP) natural product hyperforin from 2-methylcyclopent-2-en-1-one is reported. This route was enabled by a diketene annulation reaction and an oxidative ring expansion strategy designed to complement the presumed biosynthesis of this complex meroterpene. The described work enables the preparation of a highly substituted bicyclo[3.3.1]nonane-1,3,5-trione motif in only six steps and thus serves as a platform for the construction of easily synthesized, highly diverse PPAPs modifiable at every position.

  8. Total 2004 fact book

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This report presents the activities and results of the Group Total-Fina-Elf for the year 2004. It brings information and economic data on the following topics: the corporate and business; the upstream activities with the reserves, the costs, standardized measure and changes of discounted future net cash flow,oil and gas acreage, drilling, liquefied natural gas, pipelines; downstream activities with refining and marketing maps, refinery, petroleum products, sales, retail gasoline outlets; chemicals with sales and operating income by sector, major applications, base chemicals and polymers, intermediates and performance polymers. (A.L.B.)

  9. TOTAL annual report 2003

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This 2003 annual report of the Group Total provides economical results and information of the society on the following topics: keys data, the corporate governance (Directors charter, board of directors, audit committee, nomination and remuneration committee, internal control procedures, compensation of directors and executive officers), the corporate social responsibility (environmental stewardship, the future of energy management, the safety enhancement, the human resources, ethics and local development), the investor relations, the management report, the upstream exploration and production, the downstream refining, marketing, trading and shipping, the chemicals and financial and legal information. (A.L.B.)

  10. Recovery after total intravenous general anaesthesia or spinal anaesthesia for total knee arthroplasty

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Harsten, A; Kehlet, H; Toksvig-Larsen, S


    BACKGROUND: /st>This study was undertaken to compare the effects of general anaesthesia (GA) and spinal anaesthesia (SA) on the need for postoperative hospitalization and early postoperative comfort in patients undergoing fast-track total knee arthroplasty (TKA). METHODS: /st>One hundred and twenty....... Secondary outcome parameters included actual time of discharge, postoperative pain, intraoperative blood loss, length of stay in the Post Anaesthesia Care Unit, dizziness, postoperative nausea and vomiting, need for urinary catheterization and subject satisfaction. RESULTS: /st>GA resulted in shorter LOS...

  11. Determination of ferrous and total iron in refractory spinels

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Amonette, J.E. [Physical Sciences Division, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA 99352 (United States); Matyáš, J. [Material Science Department, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA 99352 (United States)


    Accurate and precise determination of the redox state of iron (Fe) in spinels presents a significant challenge due to their refractory nature. The resultant extreme conditions needed to obtain complete dissolution generally oxidize some of the Fe(II) initially present and thus prevent the use of colorimetric methods for Fe(II) measurements. To overcome this challenge we developed a hybrid oxidimetric/colorimetric approach, using Ag(I) as the oxidimetric reagent for determination of Fe(II) and 1,10-phenanthroline as the colorimetric reagent for determination of total Fe. This approach, which allows determination of Fe(II) and total Fe on the same sample, was tested on a series of four geochemical reference materials and then applied to the analysis of Fe(Ni) spinel crystals isolated from simulated high-level-waste (HLW) glass and of several reagent magnetites. Results for the reference materials were in excellent agreement with recommended values, with the exception of USGS BIR-1, for which higher Fe(II) values and lower total Fe values were obtained. The Fe(Ni) spinels showed Fe(II) values at the detection limit (ca. 0.03 wt% Fe) and total Fe values higher than obtained by ICP-AES analysis after decomposition by lithium metaborate/tetraborate fusion. For the magnetite samples, total Fe values were in agreement with reference results, but a wide range in Fe(II) values was obtained indicating various degrees of conversion to maghemite. Formal comparisons of accuracy and precision were made with 13 existing methods. Accuracy for Fe(II) and total Fe was at or near the top of the group. Precision varied with the parameter used to measure it but was generally in the middle to upper part of the group for Fe(II) while that for total Fe ranged from the bottom of the group to near the top. - Highlights: • Refractory samples, such as spinels, are the most difficult for Fe redox analysis. • Oxidimetric(Ag{sup +})/colorimetric (phen) method allows analysis of a single

  12. Total error vs. measurement uncertainty: revolution or evolution? (United States)

    Oosterhuis, Wytze P; Theodorsson, Elvar


    The first strategic EFLM conference "Defining analytical performance goals, 15 years after the Stockholm Conference" was held in the autumn of 2014 in Milan. It maintained the Stockholm 1999 hierarchy of performance goals but rearranged them and established five task and finish groups to work on topics related to analytical performance goals including one on the "total error" theory. Jim Westgard recently wrote a comprehensive overview of performance goals and of the total error theory critical of the results and intentions of the Milan 2014 conference. The "total error" theory originated by Jim Westgard and co-workers has a dominating influence on the theory and practice of clinical chemistry but is not accepted in other fields of metrology. The generally accepted uncertainty theory, however, suffers from complex mathematics and conceived impracticability in clinical chemistry. The pros and cons of the total error theory need to be debated, making way for methods that can incorporate all relevant causes of uncertainty when making medical diagnoses and monitoring treatment effects. This development should preferably proceed not as a revolution but as an evolution.

  13. The use of adaptive equipment following total knee replacement


    McNaught, Jamie; Paul, Lorna


    Introduction: This study evaluates the need for adaptive equipment following total knee replacement. There are no recent studies to guide occupational therapists in the optimum time adaptive equipment is required following total knee replacement.\\ud \\ud Method: A non-experimental, concurrent mixed methods approach was used. The study population was patients attending for total knee replacement at a large general hospital. Outcome measures were the Oxford Knee Score, the United Kingdom Functio...

  14. Total Quality Management as a Paradigm of Business Success

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luburić Radoica


    Full Text Available Total Quality Management denotes a path by which - both in a stable and a transitional environment, in a professional and scientific way and by applying a variety of methods and techniques, through constant improvements and involvement of all employees - one could get to a model that enables a simultaneous achievement of the top quality level on one hand, and the top management level, on the other. Total Quality Management is a paradigm of business success in the entire world because its set up, inter alia, improves internal functions of an organisation, instils confidence in customers and triggers improvement chain reactions with suppliers and stakeholders. Quality is the foundation and client orientation is the base of the entire concept of total quality management. Placing customers at the centre is the main idea behind the entire quality concept around which everything is built. Improving the capacity of an organization to understand and meet the actual customer needs, both stated and implied, is the main objective of the total quality management. Teamwork and team leadership play a specific role in the total quality management, top managers have the key responsibilities, and activities of the medium and lower level managers together with all employees are of immeasurable significance. Managing the teamwork within the total quality management is not only a requirement for its set up, development and implementation, but also for its survival. Total Quality Management is a managerial philosophy and a mode of running a business in order to achieve success.

  15. Prevalence of Total Hip and Knee Replacement in the United States. (United States)

    Maradit Kremers, Hilal; Larson, Dirk R; Crowson, Cynthia S; Kremers, Walter K; Washington, Raynard E; Steiner, Claudia A; Jiranek, William A; Berry, Daniel J


    Descriptive epidemiology of total joint replacement procedures is limited to annual procedure volumes (incidence). The prevalence of the growing number of individuals living with a total hip or total knee replacement is currently unknown. Our objective was to estimate the prevalence of total hip and total knee replacement in the United States. Prevalence was estimated using the counting method by combining historical incidence data from the National Hospital Discharge Survey and the Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP) State Inpatient Databases from 1969 to 2010 with general population census and mortality counts. We accounted for relative differences in mortality rates between those who have had total hip or knee replacement and the general population. The 2010 prevalence of total hip and total knee replacement in the total U.S. population was 0.83% and 1.52%, respectively. Prevalence was higher among women than among men and increased with age, reaching 5.26% for total hip replacement and 10.38% for total knee replacement at eighty years. These estimates corresponded to 2.5 million individuals (1.4 million women and 1.1 million men) with total hip replacement and 4.7 million individuals (3.0 million women and 1.7 million men) with total knee replacement in 2010. Secular trends indicated a substantial rise in prevalence over time and a shift to younger ages. Around 7 million Americans are living with a hip or knee replacement, and consequently, in most cases, are mobile, despite advanced arthritis. These numbers underscore the substantial public health impact of total hip and knee arthroplasties. Copyright © 2015 by The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, Incorporated.

  16. Revision Total Hip Arthoplasty: Factors Associated with Re-Revision Surgery


    Khatod, M; Cafri, G; Inacio, MCS; Schepps, AL; Paxton, EW; Bini, SA


    The survivorship of implants after revision total hip arthroplasty and risk factors associated with re-revision are not well defined. We evaluated the re-revision rate with use of the institutional total joint replacement registry. The purpose of this study was to determine patient, implant, and surgeon factors associated with re-revision total hip arthroplasty.A retrospective cohort study was conducted. The total joint replacement registry was used to identify patients who had undergone revi...

  17. Radiological evaluation of failed total hip replacement

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Raspa, V.; Aldrovandi, S.; Pompei, G.


    The retrospective study of 50 operated cases of cemented total hip replacement and a review of the literature enabled the authors to define the radiological features of the above-mentioned condition. These features include one or more of the following signs: calcar reabsorption, lacunar erosions, modified relatioships between the prosthesis components, sepsis and loosening, periarticular calcifications dislocation and fracture of prosthesis components. Careful evaluation of these radiological features is extremely important for both an early diagnosis of failed total hip replacement and the choice of an adequate surgical treatment

  18. A note on neighborhood total domination in graphs

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    [1] Arumugam S and Sivagnanam C, Neighborhood total domination in graphs, Opuscula. Mathematica 31 (2011) 519–531. [2] Chellali M and Haynes T W, A note on the total domination number of a tree, J. Combin. Math. Combin. Comput. 58 (2006) 189–193. [3] Haynes T W, Hedetniemi S T and Slater P J, Fundamentals ...

  19. Total variation-based neutron computed tomography (United States)

    Barnard, Richard C.; Bilheux, Hassina; Toops, Todd; Nafziger, Eric; Finney, Charles; Splitter, Derek; Archibald, Rick


    We perform the neutron computed tomography reconstruction problem via an inverse problem formulation with a total variation penalty. In the case of highly under-resolved angular measurements, the total variation penalty suppresses high-frequency artifacts which appear in filtered back projections. In order to efficiently compute solutions for this problem, we implement a variation of the split Bregman algorithm; due to the error-forgetting nature of the algorithm, the computational cost of updating can be significantly reduced via very inexact approximate linear solvers. We present the effectiveness of the algorithm in the significantly low-angular sampling case using synthetic test problems as well as data obtained from a high flux neutron source. The algorithm removes artifacts and can even roughly capture small features when an extremely low number of angles are used.

  20. Total oxidant status, total antioxidant capacity and ischemia modified albumin levels in children with celiac disease. (United States)

    Sayar, Ersin; Özdem, Sebahat; Uzun, Gülbahar; İşlek, Ali; Yılmaz, Aygen; Artan, Reha


    In our study, we aimed to investigate ischemia modified albumin (IMA) as an oxidative stress marker, as well as other oxidant and antioxidant markers that have not been evaluated in children with celiac disease. A total of 37 pediatric patients who were diagnosed with celiac disease (CD) and 29 healthy children were enrolled in this prospective study. We evaluated the IMA, total oxidant status, total antioxidant capacity, sulfhydryl, and advanced oxidation protein products in all of the subjects. We also compared the levels at the time of the diagnosis, and following a gluten-free diet (GFD) in the children with CD. While the IMA and the other oxidant marker levels were significantly higher in the patient group compared to the control group, the antioxidant marker levels were found to be significantly lower in the patient group, compared to the control group. We also determined that the tissue transglutaminase IgA showed a highly positive correlation, and that the IMA showed a moderately positive correlation with the Marsh-Oberhuber histopathological stage. Additionally, the IMA and other oxidant marker levels were significantly lower, while the antioxidant marker levels were significantly higher after the GFD, compared to the pre-diet period. We detected that oxidative stress played a role in the pathogenesis of CD, and that this could be evaluated using oxidative stress markers, which would regress after the GFD. We also detected that IMA is a marker that shows a correlation with the histopathological stage, and may be used in the diagnosis.

  1. A Newton Algorithm for Multivariate Total Least Squares Problems

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    WANG Leyang


    Full Text Available In order to improve calculation efficiency of parameter estimation, an algorithm for multivariate weighted total least squares adjustment based on Newton method is derived. The relationship between the solution of this algorithm and that of multivariate weighted total least squares adjustment based on Lagrange multipliers method is analyzed. According to propagation of cofactor, 16 computational formulae of cofactor matrices of multivariate total least squares adjustment are also listed. The new algorithm could solve adjustment problems containing correlation between observation matrix and coefficient matrix. And it can also deal with their stochastic elements and deterministic elements with only one cofactor matrix. The results illustrate that the Newton algorithm for multivariate total least squares problems could be practiced and have higher convergence rate.

  2. The First Total Synthesis of Isoliquiritin

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)


    A first total synthesis of isoliquiritin was accomplished starting from p-hydroxy- benzaldehyde and 2,4-dihydroxyacetylphenone. The key step is condensation reaction. In synthetic process need not protect the hydroxy group of reacting substance.

  3. Asymptotic behaviour of pion-pion total cross-sections

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Greynat, David [Dipartimento di Scienze Fisiche, Universita di Napoli “Federico II”,Via Cintia, 80126 Napoli (Italy); Rafael, Eduardo de [Aix-Marseille Université, CNRS,CPT, UMR 7332, 13288 Marseille (France); Université de Toulon, CNRS,CPT, UMR 7332, 83957 La Garde (France); Vulvert, Grégory [Departament de Física Teórica, IFIC,CSIC - Universitat de València, Apt. Correus 22085, E-46071 València (Spain)


    We derive a sum rule which shows that the Froissart-Martin bound for the asymptotic behaviour of the ππ total cross sections at high energies, if modulated by the Lukaszuk-Martin coefficient of the leading log{sup 2} s behaviour, cannot be an optimal bound in QCD. We next compute the total cross sections for π{sup +}π{sup −}, π{sup ±}π{sup 0} and π{sup 0}π{sup 0} scattering within the framework of the constituent chiral quark model (CχQM) in the limit of a large number of colours N{sub c} and discuss their asymptotic behaviours. The same ππ cross sections are also discussed within the general framework of Large-N{sub c} QCD and we show that it is possible to make an Ansatz for the isospin I=1 and I=0 spectrum which satisfy the Froissart-Martin bound with coefficients which, contrary to the Lukaszuk-Martin coefficient, are not singular in the chiral limit and have the correct Large-N{sub c} counting. We finally propose a simple phenomenological model which matches the low energy behaviours of the σ{sub π{sup ±}π{sup 0total}}(s) cross section predicted by the CχQM with the high energy behaviour predicted by the Large-N{sub c} Ansatz. The magnitude of these cross sections at very high energies is of the order of those observed for the pp and pp-bar scattering total cross sections.

  4. Edge colouring by total labellings

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brandt, Stephan; Rautenbach, D.; Stiebitz, M.


    We introduce the concept of an edge-colouring total k-labelling. This is a labelling of the vertices and the edges of a graph G with labels 1, 2, ..., k such that the weights of the edges define a proper edge colouring of G. Here the weight of an edge is the sum of its label and the labels of its...

  5. A generalization of total graphs

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    M Afkhami


    Apr 12, 2018 ... product of any lower triangular matrix with the transpose of any element of U belongs to U. The ... total graph of R, which is denoted by T( (R)), is a simple graph with all elements of R as vertices, and ...... [9] Badawi A, On dot-product graph of a commutative ring, Communications in Algebra 43 (2015). 43–50.

  6. Highlights of TOMS Version 9 Total Ozone Algorithm (United States)

    Bhartia, Pawan; Haffner, David


    The fundamental basis of TOMS total ozone algorithm was developed some 45 years ago by Dave and Mateer. It was designed to estimate total ozone from satellite measurements of the backscattered UV radiances at few discrete wavelengths in the Huggins ozone absorption band (310-340 nm). Over the years, as the need for higher accuracy in measuring total ozone from space has increased, several improvements to the basic algorithms have been made. They include: better correction for the effects of aerosols and clouds, an improved method to account for the variation in shape of ozone profiles with season, latitude, and total ozone, and a multi-wavelength correction for remaining profile shape errors. These improvements have made it possible to retrieve total ozone with just 3 spectral channels of moderate spectral resolution (approx. 1 nm) with accuracy comparable to state-of-the-art spectral fitting algorithms like DOAS that require high spectral resolution measurements at large number of wavelengths. One of the deficiencies of the TOMS algorithm has been that it doesn't provide an error estimate. This is a particular problem in high latitudes when the profile shape errors become significant and vary with latitude, season, total ozone, and instrument viewing geometry. The primary objective of the TOMS V9 algorithm is to account for these effects in estimating the error bars. This is done by a straightforward implementation of the Rodgers optimum estimation method using a priori ozone profiles and their error covariances matrices constructed using Aura MLS and ozonesonde data. The algorithm produces a vertical ozone profile that contains 1-2.5 pieces of information (degrees of freedom of signal) depending upon solar zenith angle (SZA). The profile is integrated to obtain the total column. We provide information that shows the altitude range in which the profile is best determined by the measurements. One can use this information in data assimilation and analysis. A side

  7. Effective Form of Reproducing the Total Financial Potential of Ukraine

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Portna Oksana V.


    Full Text Available Development of scientific principles of reproducing the total financial potential of the country and its effective form is an urgent problem both in theoretical and practical aspects of the study, the solution of which is intended to ensure the active mobilization and effective use of the total financial potential of Ukraine, and as a result — its expanded reproduction as well, which would contribute to realization of the internal capacities for stabilization of the national economy. The purpose of the article is disclosing the essence of the effective form of reproducing the total financial potential of the country, analyzing the results of reproducing the total financial potential of Ukraine. It has been proved that the basis for the effective form of reproducing the total financial potential of the country is the volume and flow of resources, which are associated with the «real» economy, affect the dynamics of GDP and define it, i.e. resource and process forms of reproducing the total financial potential of Ukraine (which precede the effective one. The analysis of reproducing the total financial potential of Ukraine has shown that in the analyzed period there was an increase in the financial possibilities of the country, but steady dynamics of reduction of the total financial potential was observed. If we consider the amount of resources involved in production, creating a net value added and GDP, it occurs on a restricted basis. Growth of the total financial potential of Ukraine is connected only with extensive quantitative factors rather than intensive qualitative changes.

  8. Total lipid profile with aqueous fruit extract of Solanum macrocarpum ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Abstract. Studies were undertaken to investigate the effects of the aqueous fruit extract of Solanum macrocarpum Linn. on the total lipid profile: total cholesterol, triglycerides, high density lipoprotein-cholesterol (HDL-C) and low density lipoprotein-cholesterol (LDL-C) on hypercholesterolaemic rats. Total serum cholesterol ...

  9. Total edge irregularity strength of (n,t)-kite graph (United States)

    Winarsih, Tri; Indriati, Diari


    Let G(V, E) be a simple, connected, and undirected graph with vertex set V and edge set E. A total k-labeling is a map that carries vertices and edges of a graph G into a set of positive integer labels {1, 2, …, k}. An edge irregular total k-labeling λ :V(G)\\cup E(G)\\to \\{1,2,\\ldots,k\\} of a graph G is a labeling of vertices and edges of G in such a way that for any different edges e and f, weights wt(e) and wt(f) are distinct. The weight wt(e) of an edge e = xy is the sum of the labels of vertices x and y and the label of the edge e. The total edge irregularity strength of G, tes(G), is defined as the minimum k for which a graph G has an edge irregular total k-labeling. An (n, t)-kite graph consist of a cycle of length n with a t-edge path (the tail) attached to one vertex of a cycle. In this paper, we investigate the total edge irregularity strength of the (n, t)-kite graph, with n > 3 and t > 1. We obtain the total edge irregularity strength of the (n, t)-kite graph is tes((n, t)-kite) = \\lceil \\frac{n+t+2}{3}\\rceil .

  10. Total generating costs: coal and nuclear plants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The study was confined to single and multi-unit coal- and nuclear-fueled electric-generating stations. The stations are composed of 1200-MWe PWRs; 1200-MWe BWRs; 800-and 1200-MWe High-Sulfur Coal units, and 800- and 1200-MWe Low-Sulfur Coal units. The total generating cost estimates were developed for commercial operation dates of 1985 and 1990; for 5 and 8% escalation rates, for 10 and 12% discount rates; and, for capacity factors of 50, 60, 70, and 80%. The report describes the methodology for obtaining annualized capital costs, levelized coal and nuclear fuel costs, levelized operation and maintenance costs, and the resulting total generating costs for each type of station. The costs are applicable to a hypothetical Middletwon site in the Northeastern United States. Plant descriptions with general design parameters are included. The report also reprints for convenience, summaries of capital cost by account type developed in the previous commercial electric-power cost studies. Appropriate references are given for additional detailed information. Sufficient detail is given to allow the reader to develop total generating costs for other cases or conditions

  11. Implementation of total responsibility management into corporate strategy


    Gorenak, Štefka; Bobek, Vito


    This contribution reports about relationship and potential synergies between the total quality management (TQM) and total responsibility management (TRM) as well as corporate citizenship. TRM principles and standards reflect the raising public expectations about corporate social responsibility. Many companies develop TRM as requisitely holistically and hence successfully manage their responsibilities toward their stakeholders and natural environment. The evolution and implementation of TRM in...

  12. Mammography in Norway: Image quality and total performance

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Olsen, J.B.; Skretting, A.; Widmark, A.


    This report describes a method for assessing the total performance in mammography based on Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) analysis. In the time period from December 1993 to March 1994 the method was applied to assess the total performance of all the 45 Norwegian mammography laboratories operative at that time. Image quality characteristics in each laboratory was established by use of well-known phantoms

  13. Comparative total phenolic content, anti-lipase and antioxidant ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Total phenol values are expressed in terms of Gallic acid equivalent (w/w of dry mass). Aframomum melegueta exhibited the highest phenolic content of 60.4 ± 2.36 mgGAE/g, a percentage antioxidant activity of 86.6 % at 200μg/ml and percentage lipase inhibition of 89% at 1mg/ml while Aframomum danielli revealed a total ...

  14. Testing EDM of Total Stations

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cirbus Ján


    Full Text Available The paper is devoted to testing electrooptical distance measuring devices (EDM built in total stations, than can be used for various tasks in the contemporary geodetic works. A rich market offer and availability of these universal measuring systems with satisfying distance range, excellent accuracy and other parameters, make total stations as dominant terrestrial geodetic instruments.For succesfully applying these instruments, above all for relliable distance measurements, the stability of the modulation frequency is the most important pre-condition. In the article, therefore, there are given some methods to verify the modulation frequency stability. In addition, some ways for determining the EDM distance constant and periodical corrections of the phase measuring unit are introduced for 4 types of EDM : LEICA 1700L, TOPCON GTS6A, TOPCON GTS2, C.ZEISS ELTA50. It were also investigated their possibilities for precise distance survey. Values of the determined constants and periodical corrections are presented in Tab. 2.Based on the investigation results of the 4 EDM types and using the values m obtained for different distances S, equations of the a posteriori standard deviations in form : m = (a+b.S were derived too.

  15. Qualidade total: Um novo paradigma?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Suzana da Rosa Tolfo


    Full Text Available Nos últimos anos, o movimento para a implantação da Gestão da Qualidade Total vem crescendo ao redor do mundo. Em razão disso, há uma diversidade de ações realizadas com o nome de "Qualidade Total'. Uma revisão da teoria é complexa, porque existem muitos autores que tratam da questão. Eles escolhem diferentes perspectivas de análises (teóricas e empíricas e há dificuldades em se identificar um corpo conceitual. Há uma ampla difusão de modelos, ferramentas, técnicas, mercado e consultores. Essa popularidade, muitas vezes, faz com que determinadas organizações adotem essa forma de gestão do trabalho sem o conhecimento necessário das implicações que um modelo dessa ordem representa; especialmente no caso brasileiro, suscetível a proposições importadas. O presente artigo propõe um exame daquilo que os fundadores têm articulado sobre TQM, as principais críticas nesta direção e a avaliação de como vem sendo aplicadono nosso país.

  16. Patterns of pharmacotherapy and health care utilization and costs prior to total hip or total knee replacement in patients with osteoarthritis. (United States)

    Berger, Ariel; Bozic, Kevin; Stacey, Brett; Edelsberg, John; Sadosky, Alesia; Oster, Gerry


    To examine patterns of pharmacotherapy and health care utilization and costs prior to total knee replacement (TKR) or total hip replacement (THR) in patients with osteoarthritis (OA). Using a large US health insurance claims database, we identified all patients with OA who were ages ≥40 years and had undergone TKR or THR between January 1, 2006 and December 31, 2007. Patients with care utilization and costs over the 2-year period preceding surgery. A total of 16,527 patients met all study entry criteria. Their mean ± SD age was 56.6 ± 6.1 years, and 56% of them were women. In the 2 years preceding surgery, 55% of patients received prescription nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs, 58% received opioids, and 50% received injections of corticosteroids. The numbers of patients receiving these drugs increased steadily during the presurgery period. The mean ± SD total health care costs in the 2 years preceding surgery were $19,466 ± 29,869, of which outpatient care, inpatient care, and pharmacotherapy represented 45%, 20%, and 20%, respectively. Costs increased from $2,094 in the eighth calendar quarter prior to surgery to $3,100 in the final quarter. Patients with OA who undergo THR or TKR have relatively high levels of use of pain-related pharmacotherapy and high total health care costs in the 2-year period preceding surgery. Levels of utilization and cost increase as the date of surgery approaches. Copyright © 2011 by the American College of Rheumatology.

  17. Estimation of Total Tree Height from Renewable Resources Evaluation Data (United States)

    Charles E. Thomas


    Many ecological, biological, and genetic studies use the measurement of total tree height. Until recently, the Southern Forest Experiment Station's inventory procedures through Renewable Resources Evaluation (RRE) have not included total height measurements. This note provides equations to estimate total height based on other RRE measurements.

  18. Diagnostic value of lipids, total antioxidants, and trace metals in ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Materials and Methods: Anthropometric characteristics, total prostate specific antigen (tPSA), serum lipids (total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, and triglycerides), Vit. E, total antioxidant status (TAS), and trace metals (Se, Cu, Fe, Zn, and Mn) were determined in 40 patients with histopathological diagnosis of ...

  19. Total elbow arthroplasty: a radiographic outcome study

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bai, Xue Susan [University of Washington, Department of Radiology, Box 357115, Seattle, WA (United States); Petscavage-Thomas, Jonelle M. [Penn State Hershey Medical Center, Department of Radiology, Hershey, PA (United States); Ha, Alice S. [University of Washington, Department of Radiology, Box 354755, Seattle, WA (United States)


    Total elbow arthroplasty (TEA) is becoming a popular alternative to arthrodesis for patients with end-stage elbow arthrosis and comminuted distal humeral fractures. Prior outcome studies have primarily focused on surgical findings. Our purpose is to determine the radiographic outcome of TEA and to correlate with clinical symptoms such as pain. This is an IRB-approved retrospective review from 2005 to 2015 of all patients with semiconstrained TEA. All available elbow radiographs and clinical data were reviewed. Data analysis included descriptive statistics and Kaplan-Meier survival curves for radiographic and clinical survival. A total of 104 total elbow arthroplasties in 102 patients were reviewed; 75 % were in women and the mean patient age was 63.1 years. Mean radiographic follow-up was 826 days with average of four radiographs per patient. Seventy TEAs (67 %) developed radiographic complications, including heterotopic ossification (48 %), perihardware lucency (27 %), periprosthetic fracture (23 %), hardware subluxation/dislocation (7 %), polyethylene wear (3 %), and hardware fracture/dislodgement (3 %); 56 patients (55 %) developed symptoms of elbow pain or instability and 30 patients (30 %) underwent at least one reoperation. In patients with radiographic complications, 66 % developed elbow pain, compared to 19 % of patients with no radiologic complications (p = 0.001). Of the patients with radiographic complications, 39 % had at least one additional surgery compared to 0 % of patients without radiographic complications (p = 0.056). Radiographic complications are common in patients after total elbow arthroplasty. There is a strong positive association between post-operative radiographic findings and clinical outcome. Knowledge of common postoperative radiographic findings is important for the practicing radiologist. (orig.)

  20. Can You Depend Totally on Computers?

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Home; Journals; Resonance – Journal of Science Education; Volume 3; Issue 2. Can You Depend Totally on Computers? Computer Security, Availability and Correctness. H N Mahabala. General Article Volume 3 Issue 2 February 1998 pp 35-44 ...

  1. US-Total Electron Content Product (USTEC) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — The US Total Electron Content (US-TEC) product is designed to specify TEC over the Continental US (CONUS) in near real-time. The product uses a Kalman Filter data...

  2. Detection limit calculations for different total reflection techniques

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sanchez, H.J.


    In this work, theoretical calculations of detection limits for different total-reflection techniques are presented.. Calculations include grazing incidence (TXRF) and gracing exit (GEXRF) conditions. These calculations are compared with detection limits obtained for conventional x-ray fluorescence (XRF). In order to compute detection limits the Shiraiwa and Fujino's model to calculate x-ray fluorescence intensities was used. This model made certain assumptions and approximations to achieve the calculations, specially in the case of the geometrical conditions of the sample, and the incident and takeoff beams. Nevertheless the calculated data of detection limits for conventional XRF and total-reflection XRF show a good agreement with previous results. The model proposed here allows to analyze the different sources of background and the influence of the excitation geometry, which contribute to the understanding of the physical processes involved in the XRF analysis by total reflection. Finally, a comparison between detection limits in total-reflection analysis at grazing incidence and at grazing exit is carried out. Here a good agreement with the theoretical predictions of the reversibility principle is found, showing that detection limits are similar for both techniques. (author)

  3. Total fact-book 2000-2005

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    TOTAL S.A., a French society incorporated in France on March 28, 1924, together with its subsidiaries and affiliates, is the fourth largest publicly-traded integrated oil and gas company in the world. This document provides statistical data and information on the corporate (highlights, statements), upstream (production, costs,main producing fields, drilling), upstream maps, downstream (refining, distillation, retail gasoline outlets) and chemicals (sales, specialities). (A.L.B.)

  4. Total fact-book 2000-2005

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    TOTAL S.A., a French society incorporated in France on March 28, 1924, together with its subsidiaries and affiliates, is the fourth largest publicly-traded integrated oil and gas company in the world. This document provides statistical data and information on the corporate (highlights, statements), upstream (production, costs,main producing fields, drilling), upstream maps, downstream (refining, distillation, retail gasoline outlets) and chemicals (sales, specialities). (A.L.B.)

  5. Employee benefits in a total rewards framework. (United States)

    Kwon, Jane; Hein, Pam


    Benefits represent one of the largest investments a company makes in its talent. However, our tendency can be to design, deliver and communicate benefits programs independently, without fully considering how those programs fit within a bigger picture of total rewards. Sure, we need to manage and execute individual benefit programs--but not at the expense of getting a real return on our more significant investment in talent. This article provides employers with perspectives on the value of managing benefits within the broader framework of total rewards, why it works and, most importantly, how to make it work.

  6. Development of kits for total PSA monitoring

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Suprarop, P.


    The development of kits for Total PSA assay has shown promising results. All essential components of the assay were prepared with reproducibility and used to optimize the assay. By choosing two steps method, we could avoid the hook effect and obtain satisfactory Q.C. parameters of the standard curve i.e. blank = 0.8%, maximum binding = 65%. If reference material for calibration of the standard is agree upon, the validation could then be carried out with total confidence. Our final goal is to reduce the step of incubation to just one step with no interference from hook effect


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    Full Text Available In order to reach the objective of supplying some relevant information regarding the liquidity inflows and outflows during a financial exercise, the total cash flow analysis must include the analysis of result cashable from operation, of payments and receipts related to the investment and of financing decisions of the last exercise, as well as the analysis of treasury variation (of cash items. The management of total cash flows ensures the correlation of current liquidness flows as consequence of receipts with the payments ’flows, in order to provide payment continuity of mature obligations.

  8. Total employment effect of biofuels

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stridsberg, S.


    The study examined the total employment effect of both direct production of biofuel and energy conversion to heat and electricity, as well as the indirect employment effect arising from investments and other activities in conjunction with the production organization. A secondary effect depending on the increased capital flow is also included in the final result. The scenarios are based on two periods, 1993-2005 and 2005-2020. In the present study, the different fuels and the different applications have been analyzed individually with regard to direct and indirect employment within each separate sector. The greatest employment effect in the production chain is shown for logging residues with 290 full-time jobs/TWh, whereas other biofuels range between 80 and 280 full-time jobs/TWh. In the processing chain, the corresponding range is 200-300 full-time jobs per each additional TWh. Additionally and finally, there are secondary effects that give a total of 650 full-time jobs/TWh. Together with the predicted increase, this suggests that unprocessed fuel will provide an additional 16 000 annual full-time jobs, and that fuel processing will contribute with a further 5 000 full-time jobs. The energy production from the fuels will provide an additional 13 000 full-time jobs. The total figure of 34 000 annual full-time jobs must then be reduced by about 4000 on account of lost jobs, mainly in the oil sector and to some extent in imports of biofuel. In addition, the anticipated increase in capital turnover that occurs within the biofuel sector, will increase full-time jobs up to year 2020. Finally, a discussion is given of the accomplishment of the programmes anticipated by the scenario, where it is noted that processing of biofuel to wafers, pellets or powder places major demands on access to raw material of good quality and that agrarian fuels must be given priority if they are to enter the system sufficiently fast. Straw is already a resource but is still not accepted by

  9. Frustrated Total Internal Reflection: A Simple Application and Demonstration. (United States)

    Zanella, F. P.; Magalhaes, D. V.; Oliveira, M. M.; Bianchi, R. F.; Misoguti, L.; Mendonca, C. R.


    Describes the total internal reflection process that occurs when the internal angle of incidence is equal to or greater than the critical angle. Presents a demonstration of the effect of frustrated total internal reflection (FTIR). (YDS)

  10. Total cholesterol and the risk of Parkinson disease. (United States)

    Hu, G; Antikainen, R; Jousilahti, P; Kivipelto, M; Tuomilehto, J


    To examine the association between serum total cholesterol at baseline and the risk of Parkinson disease (PD). Study cohorts included 24,773 Finnish men and 26,153 women aged 25 to 74 years without a history of PD and stroke at baseline. Hazard ratios (HRs) of incident PD were estimated for different levels of total cholesterol. During a mean follow-up period of 18.1 years, 321 men and 304 women developed incident PD. After adjustment for confounding factors (age, study years, body mass index, systolic blood pressure, education, leisure-time physical activity, smoking, alcohol consumption, coffee and tea consumption, and history of diabetes), the HRs of PD at different levels of total cholesterol (or=7 mmol/L) were 1.00, 1.33, 1.53, and 1.84 (p for trend = 0.035) in men; 1.00, 1.55, 1.57, and 1.86 (p for trend = 0.113) in women; and 1.00, 1.42, 1.56, and 1.86 (p for trend = 0.002) in men and women combined (adjusted also for sex). In both sexes combined, the increased risk of PD associated with increasing levels of serum total cholesterol was present both in subjects aged 25-44 years and in subjects aged 45-54 years at baseline, and in never smokers and smokers; however, no association was found among subjects aged 55 years or older at baseline. This large prospective study suggests that high total cholesterol at baseline is associated with an increased risk of Parkinson disease.

  11. Continuing versus discontinuing antiplatelet drugs, vasodilators, and/or cerebral ameliorators on perioperative total blood loss in total knee arthroplasty without pneumatic tourniquet

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sachiyuki Tsukada, MD


    Full Text Available Background: Although studies have supported the utility of perioperative continuation of antiplatelet drugs, vasodilators, and cerebral ameliorators in most procedures, no study compared total volume of blood loss after total knee arthroplasty (TKA in patients continuing and discontinuing these drugs. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed 266 consecutive patients undergoing TKA, and included 67 patients (25.2% taking antiplatelet drugs, vasodilators, or cerebral ameliorators in this study. All TKAs were performed without a pneumatic tourniquet. The primary outcome was perioperative total blood loss calculated from blood volume and change in hemoglobin. As subgroup analysis, we compared perioperative total blood loss in patients taking antiplatelet drugs. Results: There was no significant difference between the continuing group (n = 38 and discontinuing group (n = 29 in terms of the perioperative total blood loss (1025 ± 364 vs 1151 ± 327 mL, respectively; mean difference 126 mL; 95% confidence interval −45 to 298 mL; P = .15. No major bleeding or thrombotic events occurred in either group until postoperative 3-month follow-up. In patients taking antiplatelet drugs (n = 51, no significant difference was observed in the total blood loss between the continuing group (n = 30 and discontinuing group (n = 21 (1056 ± 287 vs 1151 ± 305 mL, respectively; mean difference 95 mL; 95% confidence interval −75 to 264 mL; P = .27. Conclusions: No significant differences in terms of perioperative total blood loss were observed between patients continuing and discontinuing study drugs. Continuing these drugs may be preferable in the perioperative period of TKA. Keywords: Knee, Primary arthroplasty, Bleeding events, Thrombotic events, Noncardiac surgery

  12. Total reflection X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy: A review

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kawai, Jun


    Total reflection X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (TRXPS) is reviewed and all the published papers on TRXPS until the end of 2009 are included. Special emphasis is on the historical development. Applications are also described for each report. The background reduction is the most important effect of total reflection, but interference effect, relation to inelastic mean free path, change of probing depth are also discussed.

  13. A phylogenetic approach to total evaporative water loss in mammals. (United States)

    Van Sant, Matthew J; Oufiero, Christopher E; Muñoz-Garcia, Agustí; Hammond, Kimberly A; Williams, Joseph B


    Maintaining appropriate water balance is a constant challenge for terrestrial mammals, and this problem can be exacerbated in desiccating environments. It has been proposed that natural selection has provided desert-dwelling mammals physiological mechanisms to reduce rates of total evaporative water loss. In this study, we evaluated the relationship between total evaporative water loss and body mass in mammals by using a recent phylogenetic hypothesis. We compared total evaporative water loss in 80 species of arid-zone mammals to that in 56 species that inhabit mesic regions, ranging in size from 4 g to 3,500 kg, to test the hypothesis that mammals from arid environments have lower rates of total evaporative water loss than mammals from mesic environments once phylogeny is taken into account. We found that arid species had lower rates of total evaporative water loss than mesic species when using a dichotomous variable to describe habitat (arid or mesic). We also found that total evaporative water loss was negatively correlated with the average maximum and minimum environmental temperature as well as the maximum vapor pressure deficit of the environment. Annual precipitation and the variable Q (a measure of habitat aridity) were positively correlated with total evaporative water loss. These results support the hypothesis that desert-dwelling mammals have lower rates of total evaporative water loss than mesic species after controlling for body mass and evolutionary relatedness regardless of whether categorical or continuous variables are used to describe habitat.

  14. Safety Precautions for Total Release Foggers (United States)

    Total release foggers, also known as bug bombs, are pesticide products containing aerosol propellants that release their contents at once to fumigate an area. They can pose a hazard if used incorrectly. Find safety information and videos on this page.

  15. Total Synthesis of balanol, Part 2

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Tanner, David Ackland; Kelly, Nicholas; Tedenborg, Lars


    A convergent enantioselective total synthesis of the natural product (-)-balanol (1) is described. In addition to benzophenone fragment 8, key intermediates are chiral bicyclic aziridine 3 and the corresponding epoxide 4, both of which undergo highly regio- and stereoselective nucleophilic ring...

  16. Prospective study of ascending venogram following total hip replacement or total knee replacement

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Youm, Chang Seon; Suh, Jin Seok; Lee, Jong Doo; Park, Chang Yun; Kim, Young Hoo [College of Medicine, Yonsei University, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    The ascending leg venogram was performed in one hundred forty six lower extremities on the 7th day following total hip replacement (THR) or total knee replacement (TKR). The results were as follows; 1.Overall incidence of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) in 146 limbs who underwent THR or TKR was 10%: DVT was detected in 8 limbs among 110 limbs following THR (7%) and 6 limbs among 36 limbs following TKR (17%). 2.The anatomic distribution of DVT was as follows: In THR, 12.5% in FV, 25% in FV and PV, 25% in FV and PV and CV, 12.5% in FV and CV, and 25% in CV. In TKR, 100% in CV. 3.There were many anatomic variations in deep veins of lower extremities: Accessory SFV (41 limbs), double PV(24), accessory SFV and double PV(7), duplication of SFV and PV(3), accessory SFV and multiple PV(2), and accessory SFV and double PV(1). 4.There were multiple SFV in 37%, and 19% of these limbs had DVT. It represented statistically higher than 4% in limbs with a single SFV (P-value < 0.05). 5.The incidence of DVT was 8% in cases of multiple PV, and there was no statistically significant difference between these groups and single PV groups. 6.We could assess number of values from popliteal vein to common femoral vein in 72 limbs. Mean number of value was 5.45 and there was no statistically significant difference between groups having valve over 5 and under 5.

  17. Total nitrogen and total phosphorus removal from brackish aquaculture wastewater using effective microorganism (United States)

    Mohamad, K. A.; Mohd, S. Y.; Sarah, R. S.; Mohd, H. Z.; Rasyidah, A.


    Aquaculture is one of dominant food based industry in the world with 8.3% annual growth rate and its development had led to adverse effect on the environment. High nutrient production in form of nitrogenous compound and phosphorus contributed to environmental deterioration such as eutrophication and toxicity to the industry. Usage of Effective Microorganism (EM), one of the biological approaches to remove Total Nitrogen (TN) and Total Phosphorus (TP) in aquaculture pond was proposed. Samples were obtained from the Sea Bass intensive brackish aquaculture wastewater (AW) from fish farm at Juru, Penang and the parameters used to measure the removal of nitrogenous compounds include, pH, EM dosage, shaking, contact time and optimum variable conditions. From the study, for effective contact time, day 6 is the optimum contact time for both TN and TP with 99.74% and 62.78% removal respectively while in terms of optimum pH, the highest TN removal was at pH 7 with 66.89 %. The optimum dosage of EM is 1.5 ml with ratio 1:166 for 81.5 % TN removal was also found appropriate during the experiment. At varied optimum conditions of EM, the removal efficiency of TN and TP were 81.53% and 38.94% respectively while the removal mechanism of TN was highly dependent on the decomposition rate of specific bacteria such as Nitrobacter bacteria, Yeast and Bacillus Subtilis sp. The study has established the efficacy of EM's ability to treat excessive nutrient of TN and TP from AW.

  18. Total lymphoid irradiation and total body irradiation for allogeneic bone marrow transplantation in aplastic anemia

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kurisu, Koichi; Hishikawa, Yoshio; Taniguchi, Midori; Kamikonya, Norihiko; Miura, Takashi; Kanamaru, Akihisa; Kakishita, Eizo; Kai, Shunro; Hara, Hiroshi (Hyogo Coll. of Medicine, Nishinomiya (Japan))

    Between April 1980 and June 1989, 15 patients with severe aplastic anemia (SAA) were treated at Hyogo College of Medicine with bone marrow transplantation (BMT) after preparation consisting of cyclophosphamide (CY) and total lymphoid irradiation (TLI) or total body irradiation (TBI) for the purpose of reducing the incidence of graft rejection. All patients had initial evidence of engraftment after the first transplantation except for one patient who died of heart failure due to CY on the third day after transplantation and could not be evaluated for engraftment. Rejection later occurred in four of these 14 patients, who then underwent successful regrafting. One of these four patients, who was conditioned with CY alone at the first grafting, underwent successful regrafting after a conditioning regimen of CY and TBI. In the other three patients, irradiation was performed twice as the conditioning regimen. Thus, 14 of 15 patients underwent successful BMT and are alive with restored hematopoietic function. From the above results, the combination of TLI or TBI and CY was considered to be very useful as a conditioning regimen for BMT in patients with SAA. (author).

  19. Persistent hyperthyroidism and de novo Graves' ophthalmopathy after total thyroidectomy. (United States)

    Tay, Wei Lin; Loh, Wann Jia; Lee, Lianne Ai Ling; Chng, Chiaw Ling


    We report a patient with Graves' disease who remained persistently hyperthyroid after a total thyroidectomy and also developed de novo Graves' ophthalmopathy 5 months after surgery. She was subsequently found to have a mature cystic teratoma containing struma ovarii after undergoing a total hysterectomy and salpingo-oophorectomy for an incidental ovarian lesion. It is important to investigate for other causes of primary hyperthyroidism when thyrotoxicosis persists after total thyroidectomy.TSH receptor antibody may persist after total thyroidectomy and may potentially contribute to the development of de novo Graves' ophthalmopathy.

  20. Measurements of total OH reactivity during PROPHET-AMOS 2016 (United States)

    Rickly, P.; Sakowski, J.; Bottorff, B.; Lew, M.; Stevens, P. S.; Sklaveniti, S.; Locoge, N.; Dusanter, S.


    As one of the main oxidant in the atmosphere, the hydroxyl radical (OH) initiates the oxidation of volatile organic compounds that can lead to the formation of ozone and secondary organic aerosols. Understanding both the sources and sinks of OH is therefore important to address issues related to air quality and climate change. Measurements of total OH reactivity can provide an important test of our understanding of the OH radical budget. Recent measurements of total reactivity in many environments have been greater than calculated based on the measured concentration of VOCs, suggesting that important OH sinks in these environments are not well characterized. Measurements of total OH reactivity were performed in a forested environment during the PROPHET - AMOS field campaign (Program for Research on Oxidants: PHotochemisty, Emissions, and Transport - Atmospheric Measurements of Oxidants in Summer) using the Comparative Reactivity Method (CRM) and the Total OH Loss Rate Method (TOHLM). The site is characterized by large emissions of isoprene and monoterpenes and low anthropogenic influence. Measurements of total OH reactivity using these two techniques agree to within their respective uncertainties, giving confidence in the measured OH reactivity. In addition, measurements of trace gases (VOCs, NOx, O3) were used to perform a comprehensive apportionment of OH sinks. These measurements are used in a chemical model using the Master Chemical Mechanism to calculate the expected OH reactivity. The results will be compared to previous measurements of total OH reactivity at this site.

  1. Total excision of intramedullary epidermoid cyst in one case

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    PU Ke


    Full Text Available Clinical experience of total excision in a 14-year-old female with intramedullary epidermoid cyst was reported. The patient with L3-4 intramedullary epidermoid cyst underwent total excision through posterior median approach under microscopy. The patient was admitted for progressive strephexopodia and urinary and fecal incontinence. Preoperative imaging examination showed scoliosis, incontionous L4-S1 and abnormal signal of L3-4. Total excision and spinal remodeling were performed under intraoperative neurophysiological monitoning. Epidermoid cyst and its membrane were totally removed without aseptic meningitis after surgery, and the neurologic symptoms of the patient were gradually improved. Completely removing the membrane of epidermoid cyst is the key point to prevent recurrence and aseptic meningitis postoperatively. Dissection should be strictly in accordance with the boundaries of the membrane and the spinal cord, in order to avoid spinal cord injury.

  2. Independence and totalness of subspaces in phase space methods (United States)

    Vourdas, A.


    The concepts of independence and totalness of subspaces are introduced in the context of quasi-probability distributions in phase space, for quantum systems with finite-dimensional Hilbert space. It is shown that due to the non-distributivity of the lattice of subspaces, there are various levels of independence, from pairwise independence up to (full) independence. Pairwise totalness, totalness and other intermediate concepts are also introduced, which roughly express that the subspaces overlap strongly among themselves, and they cover the full Hilbert space. A duality between independence and totalness, that involves orthocomplementation (logical NOT operation), is discussed. Another approach to independence is also studied, using Rota's formalism on independent partitions of the Hilbert space. This is used to define informational independence, which is proved to be equivalent to independence. As an application, the pentagram (used in discussions on contextuality) is analysed using these concepts.

  3. Estimation of salivary flow rate, pH, buffer capacity, calcium, total protein content and total antioxidant capacity in relation to dental caries severity, age and gender. (United States)

    Pandey, Pallavi; Reddy, N Venugopal; Rao, V Arun Prasad; Saxena, Aditya; Chaudhary, C P


    The aim of the study was to evaluate salivary flow rate, pH, buffering capacity, calcium, total protein content and total antioxidant capacity in relation to dental caries, age and gender. The study population consisted of 120 healthy children aged 7-15 years that was further divided into two groups: 7-10 years and 11-15 years. In this 60 children with DMFS/dfs = 0 and 60 children with DMFS/dfs ≥5 were included. The subjects were divided into two groups; Group A: Children with DMFS/dfs = 0 (caries-free) Group B: Children with DMFS/dfs ≥5 (caries active). Unstimulated saliva samples were collected from all groups. Flow rates were determined, and samples analyzed for pH, buffer capacity, calcium, total protein and total antioxidant status. Salivary antioxidant activity is measured with spectrophotometer by an adaptation of 2,2'-azino-di-(3-ethylbenzthiazoline-6-sulphonate) assays. The mean difference of the two groups; caries-free and caries active were proved to be statistically significant (P salivary calcium, total protein and total antioxidant level for both the sexes in the age group 7-10 years and for the age 11-15 years the mean difference of the two groups were proved to be statistically significant (P salivary calcium level for both the sexes. Salivary total protein and total antioxidant level were proved to be statistically significant for male children only. In general, total protein and total antioxidants in saliva were increased with caries activity. Calcium content of saliva was found to be more in caries-free group and increased with age.

  4. 20 CFR 718.204 - Total disability and disability causation defined; criteria for determining total disability and... (United States)


    ... 20 Employees' Benefits 3 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Total disability and disability causation... Section 718.204 Employees' Benefits EMPLOYMENT STANDARDS ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR FEDERAL COAL... than those listed in Table B1 (Males) or Table B2 (Females) in Appendix B to this part for an...

  5. On the link between martian total ozone and potential vorticity (United States)

    Holmes, James A.; Lewis, Stephen R.; Patel, Manish R.


    We demonstrate for the first time that total ozone in the martian atmosphere is highly correlated with the dynamical tracer, potential vorticity, under certain conditions. The degree of correlation is investigated using a Mars global circulation model including a photochemical model. Potential vorticity is the quantity of choice to explore the dynamical nature of polar vortices because it contains information on winds and temperature in a single scalar variable. The correlation is found to display a distinct seasonal variation, with a strong positive correlation in both northern and southern winter at poleward latitudes in the northern and southern hemisphere respectively. The identified strong correlation implies variations in polar total ozone during winter are predominantly controlled by dynamical processes in these spatio-temporal regions. The weak correlation in northern and southern summer is due to the dominance of photochemical reactions resulting from extended exposure to sunlight. The total ozone/potential vorticity correlation is slightly weaker in southern winter due to topographical variations and the preference for ozone to accumulate in Hellas basin. In northern winter, total ozone can be used to track the polar vortex edge. The ozone/potential vorticity ratio is calculated for both northern and southern winter on Mars for the first time. Using the strong correlation in total ozone and potential vorticity in northern winter inside the polar vortex, it is shown that potential vorticity can be used as a proxy to deduce the distribution of total ozone where satellites cannot observe for the majority of northern winter. Where total ozone observations are available on the fringes of northern winter at poleward latitudes, the strong relationship of total ozone and potential vorticity implies that total ozone anomalies in the surf zone of the northern polar vortex can potentially be used to determine the origin of potential vorticity filaments.

  6. Recurrent hemarthrosis after total knee arthroplasty

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Rukavina, A.; Kerkhoffs, G.M.M.J.; Schneider, P.; Kuster, M.S.


    This report describes a case of spontaneous recurrent hemarthrosis of the knee that presented 4 weeks after total knee arthroplasty. Femoral arteriography showed a false aneurysm of a branch of the inferior lateral geniculate artery. Therapeutic embolization of the arterial branch was performed

  7. Bilateral Laparoscopic Totally Extraperitoneal Repair Without Mesh Fixation


    Dehal, Ahmed; Woodward, Brandon; Johna, Samir; Yamanishi, Frank


    Background and Objectives: Mesh fixation during laparoscopic totally extraperitoneal repair is thought to be necessary to prevent recurrence. However, mesh fixation may increase postoperative chronic pain. This study aimed to describe the experience of a single surgeon at our institution performing this operation. Methods: We performed a retrospective review of the medical records of all patients who underwent bilateral laparoscopic totally extraperitoneal repair without mesh fixation for ing...

  8. Total gastrectomy for non-neoplastic diseases

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bjorn, Niels; Ainsworth, Alan Patrick; Mortensen, Michael Bau


    Background: The aim of this study was to describe patients who had total gastrectomy for non-neoplastic diseases within a well-defined geographical area. Material and Methods: Retrospective study of patients who had gastrectomy for a non-neoplastic disease at the Department of Surgery, Odense...... University Hospital from 1 January 2005 to 31 December 2014. Results: A total of 268 gastrectomies were performed with the 10-year period. Of these, ten (4%) were done for non-neoplastic diseases. Two were men and eight women with a median age of 51 years (range 31 to 96 years). Six had emergency surgery...... of 10 and 2 of 10, respectively. Histology of the resected specimens showed: Oedema, inflammation and/or necrosis (n=6), Menetrier's disease (n=2) and perforation (n=2). Conclusions: Gastrectomy for non-neoplastic diseases accounts for less than 5% of all gastrectomies. The majority of these cases...

  9. A Modern Approach to Total Wellbeing (United States)

    Hadzic, Maja; Chen, Meifania; Brouwer, Rick; Dillon, Tharam

    The events of the last decades have impacted our lives and our health significantly. We expected that the technology boom will improve our lives. While this may be true in a specific context, generally speaking our societies are suffering from moral decays, terrorism fears, wars, financial crisis and unpredictable acts of nature that are increasing in frequency and in intensity. The complex nature of the world we live is impacting our health and wellbeing considerably. Our health is not only determined by our physical health but is the end product of the interplay of the physical, mental, emotional, financial, relational and spiritual events of a lifetime. In this paper we develop a framework that will help us define and measure total wellbeing of individuals in our volatile societies. This framework will help us better understand the complex nature of total wellbeing and develop effective prevention and intervention strategies.

  10. An unusual case of total ophthalmoplegia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Chowdhury Ravindra


    Full Text Available An eight-year-old male child presented with drooping of the left eyelid with a history of penetrating injury of hard palate by an iron spoon seven days ago, which had already been removed by the neurosurgeon as the computed tomography scan revealed a spoon in the left posterior ethmoid and sphenoid bone penetrating into the middle cranial fossa. On examination, visual acuity was 20/20 in each eye and left eye showed total ophthalmoplegia. Oral cavity revealed a hole in the left lateral part of the hard palate. We managed the case with tapering dose of systemic prednisolone. The total ophthalmoplegia was markedly improved in one month. Cases of foreign bodies in the orbit with intracranial extension are not unusual, but the path this foreign body traveled through the hard palate without affecting the optic nerve, internal carotid artery or cavernous sinus makes an interesting variation.

  11. Total energy consumption in Finland increased by one percent

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Timonen, L.


    The total energy consumption in Finland increased by less than a percent in 1999. The total energy consumption in 1999 was 1310 PJ corresponding to about 31 million toe. The electric power consumption increased moderately by 1.6%, which is less than the growth of the gross national product (3.5%). The final consumption of energy grew even less, only by 0.5%. Import of electric power increased by 19% in 1999. The import of electric power was due to the availability of low-priced electric power on the Nordic electricity markets. Nuclear power generation increased by 5% and the consumption of wood-based fuels by 3%. The increment of the nuclear power generation increased because of the increased output capacity and good operability of the power plants. Wind power production doubles, but the share of it in the total energy consumption is only about 0.01%. The peat consumption decreased by 12% and the consumption of hydroelectric power by 15%. The decrease in production of hydroelectric power was compensated by an increase import of electric power. The consumption of fossil fuels, coal, oil and natural gas remained nearly the same as in 1998. The gasoline consumption, however, decreased, but the consumption of diesel oil increased due to the increased road transport. The share of the fossil fuels was nearly half of the total energy consumption. The consumption of renewable energy sources remained nearly the same, in 23% if the share of peat is excluded, and in 30% if the share of peat is included. Wood-based fuels are the most significant type of renewable fuels. The share of them in 1999 was over 80% of the total usage of the renewable energy sources. The carbon dioxide emissions in Finland decreased in 1999 by 1.0 million tons. The total carbon dioxide emissions were 56 million tons. The decrease was mainly due to the decrease of the peat consumption. The final consumption of energy increased by 0.5%, being hence about 1019 PJ. Industry is the main consumer of energy

  12. Liver failure in total artificial heart therapy. (United States)

    Dimitriou, Alexandros Merkourios; Dapunt, Otto; Knez, Igor; Wasler, Andrae; Oberwalder, Peter; Koerfer, Reiner; Tenderich, Gero; Spiliopoulos, Sotirios


    Congestive hepatopathy (CH) and acute liver failure (ALF) are common among biventricular heart failure patients. We sought to evaluate the impact of total artificial heart (TAH) therapy on hepatic function and associated clinical outcomes. A total of 31 patients received a Syncardia Total Artificial Heart. Preoperatively 17 patients exhibited normal liver function or mild hepatic derangements that were clinically insignificant and did not qualify as acute or chronic liver failure, 5 patients exhibited ALF and 9 various hepatic derangements owing to CH. Liver associated mortality and postoperative course of liver values were prospectively documented and retrospectively analyzed. Liver associated mortality in normal liver function, ALF and CH cases was 0%, 20% (P=0.03) and 44.4% (P=0.0008) respectively. 1/17 (5.8%) patients with a normal liver function developed an ALF, 4/5 (80%) patients with an ALF experienced a markedly improvement of hepatic function and 6/9 (66.6%) patients with CH a significant deterioration. TAH therapy results in recovery of hepatic function in ALF cases. Patients with CH prior to surgery form a high risk group with increased liver associated mortality.

  13. Total free radical species and oxidation equivalent in polluted air. (United States)

    Wang, Guoying; Jia, Shiming; Niu, Xiuli; Tian, Haoqi; Liu, Yanrong; Chen, Xuefu; Li, Lan; Zhang, Yuanhang; Shi, Gaofeng


    Free radicals are the most important chemical intermediate or agent of the atmosphere and influenced by thousands of reactants. The free radicals determine the oxidizing power of the polluted air. Various gases present in smog or haze are oxidants and induce organ and cellular damage via generation of free radical species. At present, however, the high variability of total free radicals in polluted air has prevented the detection of possible trends or distributions in the concentration of those species. The total free radicals are a kind of contaminants with colorless, tasteless characteristics, and almost imperceptible by human body. Here we present total free radical detection and distribution characteristics, and analyze the effects of total free radicals in polluted air on human health. We find that the total free radical values can be described by not only a linear dependence on ozone at higher temperature period, but also a linear delay dependence on particulate matter at lower temperature period throughout the measurement period. The total free radical species distribution is decrease from west to east in Lanzhou, which closely related to the distribution of the air pollutants. The total free radical oxidation capacity in polluted air roughly matches the effects of tobacco smoke produced by the incomplete combustion of a controlled amount of tobacco in a smoke chamber. A relatively unsophisticated chromatographic fingerprint similarity is used for indicating preliminarily the effect of total free radicals in polluted air on human health. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  14. Universal Laws and the Structure of the “Total Universe”

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    David McGraw Jr


    Full Text Available Recent developments in Particle Physics and Cosmology lead one naturally to the existence of many universes. Although direct confi rmation of other universes is diffi cult, it is not impossible. This paper is a look at a new theory of multiple universes. The idea of t = 0, goes back long before the creation of our universe. The “Total Universe’ contains many universes like our universe. The number of universes is infi nite, so some universes are far older than our universe. These ultimate areas of space were our universe started, is still creating new universes. Many big bangs have occurred in the past, and many big bangs will occur in the future. Big bangs are not something that happens just once or twice. Many diff erent universes exist; in this larger area of space we can call the ‘Total Universe’. In the ‘Total Universe’ the second law of thermodynamics is violated. The second Law of thermodynamics is a general law; it is not a universal law. The level of disorder in the ‘Total Universe’ is both increasing, and decreasing. In the ‘Total Universe’, entropy can increase, decrease, or remain constant. Individual universes are being created in the ‘Total Universe’; in these areas of the ‘Total Universe’ energy is not conserved. The ‘Total Universe’ is an energy creating machine. The conservation of energy is a general law because there are areas where external forces are being created so that the conservation of energy would not be valid.

  15. Prolonged heart xenograft survival using combined total lymphoid irradiation and cyclosporine

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Knechtle, S.J.; Halperin, E.C.; Saad, T.; Bollinger, R.R.


    Total lymphoid irradiation and cyclosporine have profound immunosuppressive properties and permit successful heart allotransplantation. Cyclosporine used alone has not permitted consistently successful transplantation between species in all cases. Total lymphoid irradiation has not been applied to xenotransplantation. The efficacy of total lymphoid irradiation alone and in combination with cyclosporine was examined using an animal model of heart xenotransplantation. Heterotopic heart transplants were performed using inbred Syrian hamsters as donors and Lewis rats as recipients. Total lymphoid irradiation was administered preoperatively over 3 weeks for a total dose of 15 gray. Cyclosporine was started on the day of surgery and was given as a daily intramuscular injection of 2.5, 5, or 10 mg/kg/day until rejection was complete. Neither total lymphoid irradiation nor cyclosporine alone markedly prolonged graft survival. However, combined total lymphoid irradiation and cyclosporine, 5 or 10 mg/kg/day, dramatically prolonged graft survival to greater than 100 days in most recipients. There were no treatment-related deaths. In conclusion, combined total lymphoid irradiation and cyclosporine permit successful long-term survival of heart xenotransplants in this hamster-to-rat model

  16. Total quality is people

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vogel, C.E.


    Confronted by changing market conditions and increased global competition, in 1983 the Commercial Nuclear Fuel Division (CNFD) of Westinghouse Electric embarked on an ambitious plan to make total quality the centerpiece of its long-term business strategy. Five years later, the division's efforts in making continuous quality improvement a way of life among its more than 2,000 employees gained national recognition when it was named a charter recipient of the Malcolm Baldridge National Quality Award. What CNFD achieved during the 1980s was a cultural transformation, characterized by an empowered work force committed to a common vision. The company's quality program development strategy is described

  17. Total Logistic Plant Solutions

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dusan Dorcak


    Full Text Available The Total Logistics Plant Solutions, plant logistics system - TLPS, based on the philosophy of advanced control processes enables complex coordination of business processes and flows and the management and scheduling of production in the appropriate production plans and planning periods. Main attributes of TLPS is to create a comprehensive, multi-level, enterprise logistics information system, with a certain degree of intelligence, which accepts the latest science and research results in the field of production technology and logistics. Logistic model of company understands as a system of mutually transforming flows of materials, energy, information, finance, which is realized by chain activities and operations

  18. Critical coupling of surface plasmons in graphene attenuated total reflection geometry

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cuevas, Mauro, E-mail: [Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET) and Facultad de Ingeniería y Tecnología Informática, Universidad de Belgrano, Villanueva 1324, C1426BMJ, Buenos Aires (Argentina); Grupo de Electromagnetismo Aplicado, Departamento de Física, FCEN, Universidad de Buenos Aires and IFIBA, Ciudad Universitaria, Pabellón I, C1428EHA, Buenos Aires (Argentina)


    We study the optical response of an attenuated total reflection (ATR) structure in Otto configuration with graphene sheet, paying especial attention to the occurrence of total absorption. Our results show that due to excitation of surface plasmons on the graphene sheet, two different conditions of total absorption may occur. At these conditions, the energy loss of the surface plasmon by radiation is equal to its energy loss by absorption into the graphene sheet. We give necessary conditions on ATR parameters for the existence of total absorption. - Highlights: • Attenuated total reflection (ATR) structure with graphene sheet. • Surface plasmons and power matched condition. • Necessary conditions on ATR parameters for the existence of total absorption.

  19. Critical coupling of surface plasmons in graphene attenuated total reflection geometry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cuevas, Mauro


    We study the optical response of an attenuated total reflection (ATR) structure in Otto configuration with graphene sheet, paying especial attention to the occurrence of total absorption. Our results show that due to excitation of surface plasmons on the graphene sheet, two different conditions of total absorption may occur. At these conditions, the energy loss of the surface plasmon by radiation is equal to its energy loss by absorption into the graphene sheet. We give necessary conditions on ATR parameters for the existence of total absorption. - Highlights: • Attenuated total reflection (ATR) structure with graphene sheet. • Surface plasmons and power matched condition. • Necessary conditions on ATR parameters for the existence of total absorption.

  20. Determination of total solutes in synfuel wastewaters

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wallace, J.R.; Bonomo, F.S.


    Efforts to investigate both lyophilization and the measurement of colligative properties as an indication of total solute content are described. The objective of the work described is to develop a method for measuring total dissolved material in retort wastewaters which is simple and rugged enough to be performed in a field laboratory in support of pollution control tests. The analysis should also be rapid enough to provide timely and pertinent data to the pollution control plant operator. To be of most value, the technique developed also should be applicable to other synfuel wastewaters, most of which contain similar major components as oil shale retort waters. 4 references, 1 table.

  1. $\\beta$-decay studies using total-absorption spectroscopy

    CERN Document Server

    Algora, A; García-Borge, M J; Cano-Ott, D; Collatz, R; Courtin, S; Dessagne, P; Fraile-Prieto, L M; Gadea, A; Gelletly, W; Hellström, M; Janas, Z; Jungclaus, A; Kirchner, R; Karny, M; Le Scornet, G; Miehé, C; Maréchal, F; Moroz, F; Nacher, E; Poirier, E; Roeckl, E; Rubio, B; Rykaczewski, K; Taín, J L; Tengblad, O; Wittmann, V


    $\\beta$-decay experiments are a primary source of information for nuclear-structure studies and at the same time complementary to in- beam investigations of nuclei far from stability. Although both types of experiment are mainly based on $\\gamma$-ray spectroscopy, they face different experimental problems. The so-called " Pandemonium effect " is a critical problem in $\\beta$-decay if we are to test theoretically calculated transition probabilities. In this contribution we will present a solution to this problem using total absorption spectroscopy methods. We will also present some examples of experiments carried out with the Total Absorption Spectrometer (TAS) at GSI and describe a new device LUCRECIA recently installed at CERN.

  2. Total-factor energy efficiency of regions in China

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hu, J.-L.; Wang, S.-C.


    This paper analyzes energy efficiencies of 29 administrative regions in China for the period 1995-2002 with a newly introduced index. Most existing studies of regional productivity and efficiency neglect energy inputs. We use the data envelopment analysis (DEA) to find the target energy input of each region in China at each particular year. The index of total-factor energy efficiency (TFEE) then divides the target energy input by the actual energy input. In our DEA model, labor, capital stock, energy consumption, and total sown area of farm crops used as a proxy of biomass energy are the four inputs and real GDP is the single output. The conventional energy productivity ratio regarded as a partial-factor energy efficiency index is computed for comparison in contrast to TFEE; our index is found fitting better to the real case. According to the TFEE index rankings, the central area of China has the worst energy efficiency and its total adjustmentof energy consumption amount is over half of China's total. Regional TFEE in China generally improved during the research period except for the western area. A U-shape relation between the area's TFEE and per capita income in the areas of China is found, confirming the scenario that energy efficiency eventually improves with economic growth

  3. Jones index, secret sharing and total quantum dimension (United States)

    Fiedler, Leander; Naaijkens, Pieter; Osborne, Tobias J.


    We study the total quantum dimension in the thermodynamic limit of topologically ordered systems. In particular, using the anyons (or superselection sectors) of such models, we define a secret sharing scheme, storing information invisible to a malicious party, and argue that the total quantum dimension quantifies how well we can perform this task. We then argue that this can be made mathematically rigorous using the index theory of subfactors, originally due to Jones and later extended by Kosaki and Longo. This theory provides us with a ‘relative entropy’ of two von Neumann algebras and a quantum channel, and we argue how these can be used to quantify how much classical information two parties can hide form an adversary. We also review the total quantum dimension in finite systems, in particular how it relates to topological entanglement entropy. It is known that the latter also has an interpretation in terms of secret sharing schemes, although this is shown by completely different methods from ours. Our work provides a different and independent take on this, which at the same time is completely mathematically rigorous. This complementary point of view might be beneficial, for example, when studying the stability of the total quantum dimension when the system is perturbed.

  4. The impact of total laryngectomy: the patient's perspective.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Noonan, Brendan J


    PURPOSE\\/OBJECTIVES: To describe the experiences of patients who had total laryngectomy from their perspective. RESEARCH APPROACH: Descriptive, qualitative study.Setting: Participants\\' homes or investigator\\'s hospital office. PARTICIPANTS: 10 patients after total laryngectomy. METHODOLOGIC APPROACH: Data were collected by semistructured, open-ended interviews during a period of six months, with an interview topic guide built on the framework of the literature review. Data were analyzed with descriptive content analysis. Trustworthiness of the study was enhanced through the use of verbatim quotations, audible data analysis trail, and a reflexive approach. MAIN RESEARCH VARIABLES: Patients\\' experiences of undergoing total laryngectomy. FINDINGS: Patients who have undergone a total laryngectomy report difficulties and concerns that are largely functional and psychological. The functional difficulties reported included descriptions of altered swallow, excess phlegm, speech difficulties, weak neck muscles, and altered energy levels. The psychological concerns reported included descriptions of depression, regrets, and personal resolve. CONCLUSIONS: As a group, patients experience a broad range of problems well after completion of treatment, reinforcing the need for rehabilitation management for prolonged periods after surgery. INTERPRETATION: Nurses are suitably positioned to support this group of patients across the disease management trajectory, from the initial preoperative period to the postoperative period and through to the rehabilitative period and beyond.

  5. Technique for laparoscopic autonomic nerve preserving total mesorectal excision. (United States)

    Breukink, S O; Pierie, J P E N; Hoff, C; Wiggers, T; Meijerink, W J H J


    With the introduction of total mesorectal excision (TME) for treatment of rectal cancer, the prognosis of patients with rectal cancer is improved. With this better prognosis, there is a growing awareness about the quality of life of patients after rectal carcinoma. Laparoscopic total mesorectal excision (LTME) for rectal cancer offers several advantages in comparison with open total mesorectal excision (OTME), including greater patient comfort and an earlier return to daily activities while preserving the oncologic radicality of the procedure. Moreover, laparoscopy allows good exposure of the pelvic cavity because of magnification and good illumination. The laparoscope seems to facilitate pelvic dissection including identification and preservation of critical structures such as the autonomic nervous system. The technique for laparoscopic autonomic nerve preserving total mesorectal excision is reported. A three- or four-port technique is used. Vascular ligation, sharp mesorectal dissection and identification and preservation of the autonomic pelvic nerves are described.

  6. Analysing relations between specific and total liking scores

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Menichelli, Elena; Kraggerud, Hilde; Olsen, Nina Veflen


    The objective of this article is to present a new statistical approach for the study of consumer liking. Total liking data are extended by incorporating liking for specific sensory properties. The approach combines different analyses for the purpose of investigating the most important aspects...... of liking and indicating which products are similarly or differently perceived by which consumers. A method based on the differences between total liking and the specific liking variables is proposed for studying both relative differences among products and individual consumer differences. Segmentation...... is also tested out in order to distinguish consumers with the strongest differences in their liking values. The approach is illustrated by a case study, based on cheese data. In the consumer test consumers were asked to evaluate their total liking, the liking for texture and the liking for odour/taste. (C...

  7. Total and antigen-specific Ige levels in umbilical cord blood

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sybilski AJ


    Full Text Available Abstract The present study was conducted to learn whether the perinatal and environmental factors could influence the total and antigen-specific IgE levels in umbilical cord blood. Retrospective data were obtained from 173 mother-infant pairs. Total and specific (for children's food, wheat/grass and house dust mite-HDM cord blood IgE levels were determined using the immunoassay test. The total cord blood IgE was between 0.0-23.08 IU/ml (mean 0.55 ± 2.07 IU/ml; median 0.16 IU/ml. Total IgE levels were significantly higher in boys compared with girls (OR = 2.2; P = 0.007, and in newborns with complicated pregnancy (OR = 2.7; P = 0.003. A greater number of siblings correlated with increases in the total cord blood IgE (P

  8. Total Survey Error for Longitudinal Surveys

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Lynn, Peter; Lugtig, P.J.


    This article describes the application of the total survey error paradigm to longitudinal surveys. Several aspects of survey error, and of the interactions between different types of error, are distinct in the longitudinal survey context. Furthermore, error trade-off decisions in survey design and

  9. Benchmarking, Total Quality Management, and Libraries. (United States)

    Shaughnessy, Thomas W.


    Discussion of the use of Total Quality Management (TQM) in higher education and academic libraries focuses on the identification, collection, and use of reliable data. Methods for measuring quality, including benchmarking, are described; performance measures are considered; and benchmarking techniques are examined. (11 references) (MES)

  10. Total lymphoid irradiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    An outline review notes recent work on total lymphoid irradiation (TLI) as a means of preparing patients for grafts and particularly for bone-marrow transplantation. T.L.I. has proved immunosuppressive in rats, mice, dogs, monkeys and baboons; when given before bone-marrow transplantation, engraftment took place without, or with delayed rejection or graft-versus-host disease. Work with mice has indicated that the thymus needs to be included within the irradiation field, since screening of the thymus reduced skin-graft survival from 50 to 18 days, though irradiation of the thymus alone has proved ineffective. A more lasting tolerance has been observed when T.L.I. is followed by an injection of donor bone marrow. 50% of mice treated in this way accepted allogenic skin grafts for more than 100 days, the animals proving to be stable chimeras with 50% of their peripheral blood lymphocytes being of donor origin. Experiments of a similar nature with dogs and baboons were not so successful. (U.K.)

  11. Genus of total graphs from rings: A survey

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    T. Tamizh Chelvam


    Full Text Available Let R be a commutative ring. The total graph T Γ ( R of R is the undirected graph with vertex set R and two distinct vertices x and y are adjacent if x + y is a zero divisor in R . In this paper, we present a survey of results on the genus of T Γ ( R and three of its generalizations. Keywords: Commutative ring, Total graph, Cayley graph, Genus, Planar

  12. Integrated Communications at America's Leading Total Quality Management Corporations. (United States)

    Gronstedt, Anders


    Examines how to create organizational processes that allow communication professionals with a variety of expertise to support each other through coordination and integration. Studies eight of America's leading total quality management corporations, including AT&T, Federal Express, Saturn, and Xerox. Explores how various total quality…

  13. Total-reflection X-ray fluorescence analysis of Austrian wine

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gruber, X.; Kregsamer, P.; Wobrauschek, P.; Streli, C.


    The concentration of major, minor and trace elements in Austrian wine was determined by total-reflection X-ray fluorescence using gallium as internal standard. A multi-elemental analysis was possible by pipetting 6 μl of wine directly on the reflector and drying. Total-reflection X-ray fluorescence analysis was performed with Atomika EXTRA II A (Cameca) X-rays from a Mo tube with a high-energy cut-off at 20 keV in total-reflection geometry. The results showed that it was possible to identify only by the elemental analysis as fingerprint the vineyards and year of vintage among 11 different wines

  14. Total-reflection X-ray fluorescence analysis of Austrian wine

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gruber, X. [Atominstitut der Osterreichischen Universitaeten, 1020 Vienna (Austria); Kregsamer, P. [Atominstitut der Osterreichischen Universitaeten, 1020 Vienna (Austria); Wobrauschek, P. [Atominstitut der Osterreichischen Universitaeten, 1020 Vienna (Austria); Streli, C. [Atominstitut der Osterreichischen Universitaeten, 1020 Vienna (Austria)]. E-mail:


    The concentration of major, minor and trace elements in Austrian wine was determined by total-reflection X-ray fluorescence using gallium as internal standard. A multi-elemental analysis was possible by pipetting 6 {mu}l of wine directly on the reflector and drying. Total-reflection X-ray fluorescence analysis was performed with Atomika EXTRA II A (Cameca) X-rays from a Mo tube with a high-energy cut-off at 20 keV in total-reflection geometry. The results showed that it was possible to identify only by the elemental analysis as fingerprint the vineyards and year of vintage among 11 different wines.

  15. Analysis of total and dissolved heavy metals in surface water of a Mexican polluted river by total reflection X-ray fluorescence spectrometry

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zarazua, G. [Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Nucleares, Gerencia de Ciencias Ambientales, Apartado Postal 18-1027, Mexico D.F., C.P. 11801 (Mexico)]. E-mail:; Avila-Perez, P. [Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Nucleares, Gerencia de Ciencias Ambientales, Apartado Postal 18-1027, Mexico D.F., C.P. 11801 (Mexico); Tejeda, S. [Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Nucleares, Gerencia de Ciencias Ambientales, Apartado Postal 18-1027, Mexico D.F., C.P. 11801 (Mexico); Barcelo-Quintal, I. [Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana, Unidad Azcapotzalco, Mexico, D.F. (Mexico); Martinez, T. [Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Facultad de Quimica, Mexico, D.F. (Mexico)


    The present area of study is located in the Upper Course of the Lerma River (UCLR). The Lerma is one of the most important rivers of Mexico, where it drains highly populated and industrialized regions. The aim of the present study is to determine the heavy metal concentration of Cr, Mn, Fe, Cu and Pb in dissolved and total phases of the UCLR by means of Total Reflection X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry (TXRF). The surface water samples were collected at 8 sites distributed following the stream flow direction of the river. Four sampling campaigns were carried out in each site in a 1-year period. A sample preparation method was applied in order to obtain the total and dissolved fraction and to destroy the organic matter. The total heavy metal average concentration decrease in the following order: Fe (2566 {mu}g/L) > Mn (300 {mu}g/L) > Cu (66 {mu}g/L) > Cr (21 {mu}g/L) > Pb (15 {mu}g/L). In general, the heavy metal concentrations in water of the UCLR are below the maximum permissible limits.

  16. Analysis of total and dissolved heavy metals in surface water of a Mexican polluted river by total reflection X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (United States)

    Zarazua, G.; Ávila-Pérez, P.; Tejeda, S.; Barcelo-Quintal, I.; Martínez, T.


    The present area of study is located in the Upper Course of the Lerma River (UCLR). The Lerma is one of the most important rivers of Mexico, where it drains highly populated and industrialized regions. The aim of the present study is to determine the heavy metal concentration of Cr, Mn, Fe, Cu and Pb in dissolved and total phases of the UCLR by means of Total Reflection X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry (TXRF). The surface water samples were collected at 8 sites distributed following the stream flow direction of the river. Four sampling campaigns were carried out in each site in a 1-year period. A sample preparation method was applied in order to obtain the total and dissolved fraction and to destroy the organic matter. The total heavy metal average concentration decrease in the following order: Fe (2566 μg/L) > Mn (300 μg/L) > Cu (66 μg/L) > Cr (21 μg/L) > Pb (15 μg/L). In general, the heavy metal concentrations in water of the UCLR are below the maximum permissible limits.

  17. Analysis of total and dissolved heavy metals in surface water of a Mexican polluted river by total reflection X-ray fluorescence spectrometry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zarazua, G.; Avila-Perez, P.; Tejeda, S.; Barcelo-Quintal, I.; Martinez, T.


    The present area of study is located in the Upper Course of the Lerma River (UCLR). The Lerma is one of the most important rivers of Mexico, where it drains highly populated and industrialized regions. The aim of the present study is to determine the heavy metal concentration of Cr, Mn, Fe, Cu and Pb in dissolved and total phases of the UCLR by means of Total Reflection X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry (TXRF). The surface water samples were collected at 8 sites distributed following the stream flow direction of the river. Four sampling campaigns were carried out in each site in a 1-year period. A sample preparation method was applied in order to obtain the total and dissolved fraction and to destroy the organic matter. The total heavy metal average concentration decrease in the following order: Fe (2566 μg/L) > Mn (300 μg/L) > Cu (66 μg/L) > Cr (21 μg/L) > Pb (15 μg/L). In general, the heavy metal concentrations in water of the UCLR are below the maximum permissible limits

  18. Correct statistical evaluation for total dose in rural settlement

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vlasova, N.G.; Skryabin, A.M.


    Statistical evaluation of dose reduced to the determination of an average value and its error. If an average value of a total dose in general can be determined by simple summarizing of the averages of its external and internal components, the evaluation of an error can be received only from its distribution. Herewith, considering that both components of the dose are interdependent, to summarize their distributions, as a last ones of a random independent variables, is incorrect. It follows that an evaluation of the parameters of the total dose distribution, including an error, in general, cannot be received empirically, particularly, at the lack or absence of the data on one of the components of the last one, that constantly is happens in practice. If the evaluation of an average for total dose was defined somehow, as the best, as an average of a distribution of the values of individual total doses, as summarizing the individual external and internal doses by the random type, that an error of evaluation had not been produced. The methodical approach to evaluation of the total dose distribution at the lack of dosimetric information was designed. The essence of it is original way of an interpolation of an external dose distribution, using data on an internal dose

  19. Total hip reconstruction in acetabular dysplasia.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Schller, H.M.; Dalstra, M.; Huiskes, R.; Marti, R.K.


    In acetabular dysplasia, fixation of the acetabular component of a cemented total hip prosthesis may be insecure and superolateral bone grafts are often used to augment the acetabular roof. We used finite element analysis to study the mechanical importance of the lateral acetabular roof and found

  20. Total spectral distributions from Hawking radiation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Broda, Boguslaw [University of Lodz, Department of Theoretical Physics, Faculty of Physics and Applied Informatics, Lodz (Poland)


    Taking into account the time dependence of the Hawking temperature and finite evaporation time of the black hole, the total spectral distributions of the radiant energy and of the number of particles have been explicitly calculated and compared to their temporary (initial) blackbody counterparts (spectral exitances). (orig.)

  1. Food safety and total quality management

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Barendsz, A.W.


    Food safety is a growing global concern not only because of its continuing importance for public health but also because of its impact on international trade. The application of total quality management (TQM) provides the best possible care by continuously improving products and services to meet or

  2. Gluconeogenesis continues in premature infants receiving total parenteral nutrition (United States)

    To determine the contribution of total gluconeogenesis, to glucose production in preterm infants receiving total parenteral nutrition (TPN) providing glucose exceeding normal infant glucose turnover rate, eight infants (0.955 +/- 0.066 kg, 26.5 - 0.5 wks, 4-1 d) were studied while receiving routine ...

  3. Time related total lactic acid bacteria population diversity and ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The total lactic acid bacterial community involved in the spontaneous fermentation of malted cowpea fortified cereal weaning food was investigated by phenotypically and cultivation independent method. A total of 74 out of the isolated 178 strains were Lactobacillus plantarum, 32 were Pediococcus acidilactici and over 60% ...

  4. Prestatiekenmerken van een TotalQuant-elementanalyse met ICP-MS

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Velde-Koerts T van der; LAC


    TotalQuant-analyse met ICP-MS is een geschikte methode om snel oplossingen van diverse materialen te scannen op alle elementen van het periodieke systeem, behalve H, N, O, F, edelgassen en kortlevende (radio-actieve) elementen. Bij een TotalQuant-analyse wordt gebruik gemaakt van een standaard

  5. Telerehabilitation Feasibility in Total Joint Replacement

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mark J. Nelson


    Full Text Available Despite documented benefits, many Total Joint Replacement (TJR patients find it difficult to access rehabilitation following discharge from hospital. One solution to improve access for TJR patients is telerehabilitation. This study aimed to assess the feasibility of introducing a telerehabilitation program for TJR patients.   TJR patients at QEII Jubilee Hospital were invited to complete a questionnaire regarding their access, feelings towards and preferences in using technology. Seventy-five patients were recruited. Most patients had computer access (72% and internet (69% at home. Sixty-five percent of participants were willing to participate in telerehabilitation. A significant difference was found between older and younger patients. Watching videos on an electronic device was the preferred method for a technology-based home exercise program and phone call the preferred method of communication.  Results indicate telerehabilitation in the TJR population is feasible from the perspective of access to, feelings toward, and preferences for technology. Keywords: Hip replacement, Knee replacement, Telerehabilitation, Telemedicine, Total joint replacement

  6. 1979-1999 satellite total ozone column measurements over West Africa

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    P. Di Carlo


    Full Text Available Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS instruments have been flown on NASA/GSFC satellites for over 20 years. They provide near real-time ozone data for Atmospheric Science Research. As part of preliminary efforts aimed to develop a Lidar station in Nigeria for monitoring the atmospheric ozone and aerosol levels, the monthly mean TOMS total column ozone measurements between 1979 to 1999 have been analysed. The trends of the total column ozone showed a spatial and temporal variation with signs of the Quasi Biennial Oscillation (QBO during the 20-year study period. The values of the TOMS total ozone column, over Nigeria (4-14°N is within the range of 230-280 Dobson Units, this is consistent with total ozone column data, measured since April 1993 with a Dobson Spectrophotometer at Lagos (3°21¢E, 6°33¢N, Nigeria.

  7. Total ozone retrieval from satellite multichannel filter radiometer measurements

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lovill, J.E.; Sullivan, T.J.; Weichel, R.L.; Ellis, J.S.; Huebel, J.G.; Korver, J.; Weidhaas, P.P.; Phelps, F.A.


    A total ozone retrieval model has been developed to process radiance data gathered by a satellite-mounted multichannel filter radiometer (MFR). Extensive effort went into theoretical radiative transfer modeling, a retrieval scheme was developed, and the technique was applied to the MFR radiance measurements. The high quality of the total ozone retrieval results was determined through comparisons with Dobson measurements. Included in the report are global total ozone maps for 20 days between May 12 and July 5, 1977. A comparison of MFR results for 13 days in June 1977 with Dobson spectrophotometer measurements of ozone for the same period showed good agreement: there was a root-mean-square difference of 6.2% (equivalent to 20.2 The estimated global total ozone value for June 1977 (296 was in good agreement with satellite backscatter ultraviolet data for June 1970 (304 and June 1971

  8. Total and soluble oxalate content of some Indian spices. (United States)

    Ghosh Das, Sumana; Savage, G P


    Spices, such as cinnamon, cloves, cardamom, garlic, ginger, cumin, coriander and turmeric are used all over the world as flavouring and colouring ingredients in Indian foods. Previous studies have shown that spices contain variable amounts of total oxalates but there are few reports of soluble oxalate contents. In this study, the total, soluble and insoluble oxalate contents of ten different spices commonly used in Indian cuisine were measured. Total oxalate content ranged from 194 (nutmeg) to 4,014 (green cardamom) mg/100 g DM, while the soluble oxalate contents ranged from 41 (nutmeg) to 3,977 (green cardamom) mg/100 g DM. Overall, the percentage of soluble oxalate content of the spices ranged from 4.7 to 99.1% of the total oxalate content which suggests that some spices present no risk to people liable to kidney stone formation, while other spices can supply significant amounts of soluble oxalates and therefore should be used in moderation.

  9. Fratura epifisiolise da extremidade proximal do úmero com luxação intratorácica: relato de caso Epiphysiolysis fracture of the proximal end of the humerus with intrathoracic dislocation: a case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jaime Guiotti Filho


    Full Text Available A fratura da extremidade proximal do úmero com luxação intratorácica foi relatada em 1949 por West, em que a fratura era, somente, do tubérculo maior. Desde então, poucos casos foram relatados na literatura, a maioria constituída por pessoas idosas, prevalecendo como indicação terapêutica artroplastia parcial. Os autores relatam o caso de um adolescente de 14 anos de idade, sexo masculino, que apresentou fratura epifisiolise da extremidade proximal do úmero com luxação intratorácica em decorrência de acidente ciclístico e que foi submetido a tratamento cirúrgico com redução, osteossíntese e reinserção do manguito rotador. A recuperação da cabeça do úmero totalmente desvitalizada e o acompanhamento do processo de necrose e revas cularização durante seis anos, em paciente adolescente, parece não terem sido previamente relatados.Fracture of the proximal end of the humerus with intrathoracic dislocation was reported in 1949 by West, and the fracture was only a fracture of the greater tubercle. Few cases have since been published, and most of them in elderly individuals, partial arthroplasty prevailing as the therapy indication. The authors report the case of a 14 year old boy who presented with an epiphysiolysis fracture of the proximal end of the humerus with intrathoracic dislocation resulting from a bicycle accident. The boy was submitted to surgical treatment with reduction, osteosynthesis, and reinsertion of the rotator cuff. The totally devitalized humeral head recovery and the monitoring of the necrosis and revascularization process for a period of six years in a teenager patient seems to have never been reported before.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Laela Atikah


    Full Text Available The purpose of this research is to know the effect of reliability, responsiveness, tangible, empathy, and assurance to student satisfaction through Total Quality Education as mediator variable. Population in this research is students of Universitas Negeri Semarang academic year 2015. Sampling used proportional random sampling with numbers of respondents more 395. Methods of data collection used questionnaires. Analysis methods were partial test and path analysis. The results showed that reliability, responsiveness, empathy, and assurance have positive and significant effect on student satisfaction with significance value 0,05. Reliability has a positive and significant impact on satisfaction through Total Quality Education with total influence of 0,121. Responsiveness has a positive and significant impact on satisfaction through Total Quality Education with total influence of 0,126. Tangible has a positive and significant impact on satisfaction through Total Quality Education with total influence of 0,130. Empathy has a positive and significant impact on satisfaction through Total Quality Education with total influence of 0,272. Assurance has a positive and significant impact on satisfaction through Total Quality Education with total influence of 0,250. It is can be concluced that Total Quality Education is a role as an intervening variable between reliability, responsivenesss, tangible, empathy, and assurance of student satisfaction.

  11. Corrección de mordida cruzada posterior vestibular en dentición primaria. Reporte de dos casos clínico

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jerusalén E. Mata T.


    Full Text Available La mordida cruzada posterior vestibular cruzada bucal o mordida en tijera ocurre cuando las cúspides linguales de los molares superiores ocluyen vestibularmente a las fosas centrales de los molares inferiores o cuando las caras palatinas de los dientes superiores están en contacto con las caras vestibulares de los dientes inferiores. Pueden ser funcionales, causadas por inclinación de los molares inferiores hacia lingual o por asimetrías mandibulares. El tratamiento temprano es recomendado para normalizar las relaciones transversales y promover un correcto desarrollo de la oclusión. Se presentan dos casos de mordida cruzada posterior vestibular unilateral en dentición primaria y mixta temprana. Caso 1: paciente masculino de 5 años de edad, presentó lesiones extensas de caries, normoclusión, mordida cruzada posterior vestibular unilateral derecha y fue tratado mediante aparato fijo tipo Bi-Helix con bandas cementadas a los segundos molares primarios. Caso 2: paciente masculino de 5 años de edad, presentó lesiones extensas de caries, normoclusión y mordida cruzada posterior vestibular unilateral Izquierda. Fueron colocadas pistas directas de resina. En ambos casos se logró una relación trasversal satisfactoria, corrigiendo la mordida cruzada vestibular. Conclusión: La mordida cruzada posterior vestibular puede presentarse debido a desviación mandibular por interferencias oclusales y a inclinaciones inapropiadas de los molares primarios. Cuando esta es la etiología, el tratamiento es exitoso al utilizar pistas directas de resina, eliminación de contactos prematuros y expansor inferior tipo Bi-Helix.

  12. [Renal excretion of total porphyrins and hippuric acid in rats]. (United States)

    Gartzke, J; Burck, D


    The amounts of total porphyrins, hippuric acid and creatinine, excreted in urine by adult male Wistar rats, exhibited normal distributions for hippuric acid and creatinine, but a bimodal distribution for total porphyrins. This typical distribution of total porphyrins was still observed when creatinine was used as reference parameter. In biochemical and toxicological experiments in rats, the tested parameters should be therefore be investigated for homogeneity.

  13. Quality control of dosimetry in total body irradiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kallinger, W.


    An on-line dose measurement system for the quality control of the treatment of leukemia by means of total body irradiation with Co-60 gamma radiation is introduced. An ionization chamber and 5 diodes arranged on the surface of the patient incorporated with a microprocessor provides useful information and data necessary for the treatment. Following the concerted treatment procedure employing this system, the treatment of leukemia by means of total body irradiation is expected to be improved

  14. Neutron total cross section measurements on 249Cf

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Carlton, R.F.; Harvey, J.A.; Hill, N.W.; Pandey, M.S.; Benjamin, R.W.


    Neutron total cross section measurements were performed on a sample of 249 Cf (5.65 mg total weight) with the ORELA as a source of pulsed neutrons. The sample, the inverse thickness of which was 1542 barns/atom, consisted of 85.3% 249 Cf and 14.4% 249 Bk, and was cooled to liquid nitrogen temperature. Analyses were also made of data from a thin sample (l/n = 17430) of 65% 249 Cf in the region of the large fission resonance at 0.7 eV. Fifty-five resonances in 249 Cf were observed and analyzed over the energy range 0.1 eV to 90 eV by use of an R-matrix multilevel formalism. The resonance parameters obtained were used to determine the level spacing and the s-wave neutron and fission strength functions. Thermal total cross section measurements were also performed. 5 figures, 3 tables

  15. The impact of a total reward system of work engagement

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Crystal Hoole


    Research purpose: The overall purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between total rewards and work engagement in a South African context and to determine which reward categories predict work engagement. The study further endeavoured to determine whether gender and age had a moderating effect on the relationship between total rewards and engagement. Motivation for the study: Statistics report that less than 30% of all working people are optimally engaged in their work. Considering that individuals spend more than a third of their lives at work committing themselves emotionally, physically and psychologically – research indicates that employees are no longer satisfied with traditional reward systems and want to feel valued and appreciated. Research approach, design and method: In this quantitative, cross-sectional research design using a non-probability convenience and purposive sampling strategy, 318 questionnaires were collected and analysed from financial institutions in Gauteng in which opinions were sought on the importance of different types of rewards structures and preferences, and how engaged they are in their workplace. The 17-item UWES and Nienaber total reward preference model were the chosen measuring instruments. Main findings: A small statistically significant correlation (r = 0.25; p < 0.05; small effect was found between total rewards and work engagement, and 12% of the variance of work engagement was explained. Only performance and career management significantly predicted work engagement. Practical/Managerial implications: Although small, the significant correlation between total rewards and work engagement implies that total rewards are important motivators for employees in the workplace. Of the total rewards scales tested, only performance and career management significantly predicted work engagement, suggesting that more research is needed. Organisations seeking to implement total reward strategies should pay specific

  16. Autologous blood transfusion in total knee replacement surgery. (United States)

    Sarkanović, Mirka Lukić; Gvozdenović, Ljiljana; Savić, Dragan; Ilić, Miroslav P; Jovanović, Gordana


    Total knee replacement (TKR) surgery is one of the most frequent and the most extensive procedures in orthopedic surgery, accompanied with some serious complications. Perioperative blood loss is one of the most serious losses, so it is vital to recognize and treat such losses properly. Autologous blood transfusion is the only true alternative for the allogeneic blood. The aim of this study was to to examine if autologous blood transfusion reduces usage of allogenic blood in total knee replacement surgery, as well as to examine possible effect of autologous blood transfusion on postoperative complications, recovery and hospital stay of patients after total knee replacement surgery. During the controlled, prospective, randomised study we compared two groups of patients (n = 112) with total prosthesis implanted in their knee. The group I consisted of the patients who received the transfusion of other people's (allogeneic) blood (n = 57) and the group II of the patients whose blood was collected postoperatively and then given them [their own (autologous) blood] (n = 55). The transfusion trigger for both groups was hemoglobin level of 85 g/L. In the group of patients whose blood was collected perioperatively only 9 (0.9%) of the patients received transfusion of allogeneic blood, as opposed to the control group in which 98.24% of the patients received the transfusion of allogeneic blood (p blood was collected stayed in hospital for 6.18 days, while the patients of the control group stayed 7.67 days (p blood transfusion is a very effective method for reducing consumption of allogenic blood and thus, indirectly for reducing all complications related to allogenic blood transfusion. There is also a positive influence on postoperative recovery after total knee replacement surgery due to the reduction of hospital stay, and indirectly on the reduction of hospital costs.

  17. Gait analysis after successful mobile bearing total ankle replacement.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Doets, H.C.; van Middelkoop, M.; Houdijk, J.H.P.; Nelissen, R.G.; Veeger, H.E.J.


    Background: The effect of total ankle replacement on gait is not fully known in terms of joint kinematics, ground reaction force, and activity of the muscles of the lower leg. Methods: A comparative gait study was done in 10 patients after uneventful unilateral mobile-bearing total ankle replacement

  18. Total tree, merchantable stem and branch volume models for ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Total tree, merchantable stem and branch volume models for miombo woodlands of Malawi. Daud J Kachamba, Tron Eid. Abstract. The objective of this study was to develop general (multispecies) models for prediction of total tree, merchantable stem and branch volume including options with diameter at breast height (dbh) ...

  19. Determination of the seasonal changes on total fatty acid ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Total fatty acid compositions and seasonal variations of Oncorhynchus mykiss in Ivriz Dam Lake, Turkey were investigated using gas chromatographic method. A total of 38 different fatty acids were determined in the fatty acid composition of rainbow trout. Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) were found to be higher than ...

  20. Total quality management of cobalt-60 sources

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Malkoske, G.R.


    Total Quality Management of Cobalt-60 sources by a supplier requires a life cycle approach to source management. This covers various aspects, including design, manufacturing, installation, field inspection, source surveillance and return of cobalt-60 sources at the end of their useful life. The Total Quality Management approach demonstrates a strong industry commitment to the beneficial use of gamma technology for industrial irradiation applications in both developed nations and in those nations who are developing their infrastructure and techniques for the beneficial use of this technology. MDS Nordion continues to demonstrate its support and commitment to the industry by developing and implementing state-of-the-art standards for the safe use of cobalt-60 sources

  1. Quality Indicators for the Total Testing Process. (United States)

    Plebani, Mario; Sciacovelli, Laura; Aita, Ada


    ISO 15189:2012 requires the use of quality indicators (QIs) to monitor and evaluate all steps of the total testing process, but several difficulties dissuade laboratories from effective and continuous use of QIs in routine practice. An International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine working group addressed this problem and implemented a project to develop a model of QIs to be used in clinical laboratories worldwide to monitor and evaluate all steps of the total testing process, and decrease error rates and improve patient services in laboratory testing. All laboratories are invited, at no cost, to enroll in the project and contribute to harmonized management at the international level. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  2. Implantation of total body irradiation in radiotherapy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Habitzreuter, Angela Beatriz


    Before implementing a treatment technique, the characteristics of the beam under irradiation conditions must be well acknowledged and studied. Each one of the parameters used to calculate the dose has to be measured and validated before its utilization in clinical practice. This is particularly necessary when dealing with special techniques. In this work, all necessary parameters and measurements are described for the total body irradiation implementation in facilities designed for conventional treatments that make use of unconventional geometries to generate desired enlarged field sizes. Furthermore, this work presents commissioning data of this modality at Hospital das Clinicas of Sao Paulo using comparison of three detectors types for measurements of entrance dose during total body irradiation treatment. (author)

  3. Diagnosing Total Quality Management. Part I

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bossink, B.A.G.; Gieskes, J.F.B.; Pas, T.N.M.


    From extensive literature research a total quality management (TQM) model is developed. This model describes the basic elements of the concept of TQM. It also provides the way in which the basic elements can be made operational in practice. Based on this model a quality-diagnostical instrument is

  4. Diagnosing Total Quality Management - part 2

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bossink, B.A.G.; Gieskes, J.F.B.; Pas, T.N.M.


    From extensive literature research a total quality management (TQM) model is developed. This model describes the basic elements of the concept of TQM. It also provides the way in which the basic elements can be made operational in practice. Based on this model a quality-diagnostical instrument is

  5. The Total Synthesis of Cephalosporin C

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    IAS Admin

    The Total Synthesis of Cephalosporin C. Edited by Setty Mallikarjuna Babu and Subramania Ranganathan. Keywords. Cephalosporin C. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry for 1965 has been awarded for contributions to the art of chemical synthesis. It gives me much pleasure to record here my gratification with the citation, ...

  6. Curriculum Transformation through Total Quality Management. (United States)

    Edwards, Barbara; Algozzine, Bob


    Describes a massive cultural transformation project at two Charlotte, North Carolina, elementary schools that used Deming's total quality management principles to restructure curricula according to Boyer's eight commonalities of learning. Shows how the FADE (focus, analyze, develop, and execute) model was used to develop a well-coordinated,…


    Karam, Matthew D; Willey, Michael; Shurr, Donald G


    Total knee replacement (TKR) is reserved for patients with severe and disabling arthritis that is non-responsive to conservative measures. Based on existing data, total knee replacement is a safe and cost-effective treatment for alleviating pain and improving physical function in patients who do not respond to conservative therapy. Despite the large variation in health status of patients and types of prosthesis implanted, total knee replacement has proven to be a relatively low risk and successful operation. Each year in the United States surgeons perform approximately 300,000 TKR.1 Likewise, lower extremity amputation is commonly performed in the United States with an annual incidence of 110,000 per year.2 Nearly 70% of all lower extremity amputations are performed as the result of chronic vascular disease, followed by trauma (22%), congenital etiology and tumor (4% each).3 Approximately 50% of all lower extremity amputations are performed secondary to complications from Diabetes Mellitus. Norvell et al. demonstrated that patients who have previously undergone transtibial amputation and ambulate with a prosthesis are more likely to develop degenerative joint disease in the con-tralateral extremity than the ipsilateral extremity.4 Further, radiographic changes consistent with osteoporosis have been demonstrated in up to 88% of limbs that have undergone transtibial amputation.8 To our knowledge, there have been only three reported cases of total knee replacement in patients with ipsilateral transtibial amputation.5,7 The purpose of the present study is to review the existing data on total knee replacement in patients who have undergone transtibial amputation. Further we present a patient with a transtibial amputation who underwent contralateral total knee replacement. PMID:21045987

  8. Total synthesis of (-)- and (+)-tedanalactam

    Digital Repository Service at National Institute of Oceanography (India)

    Majik, M.S.; Parameswaran, P.S.; Tilve, S.G.

    : The Journal of Organic Chemistry, vol.74(16); 6378-6381 1 Total Synthesis of (-) and (+)-Tedanalactam Mahesh S. Majik, † Peruninakulath S. Parameswaran, ‡ and Santosh G. Tilve* ,† Department of Chemistry, Goa University, Taleigao Plateau, Goa 403..., displaying a wide range of biological activities. 1 Piperidones are key synthetic intermediates 2 for the synthesis of piperidine ring due to the presence of keto function which allows the introduction of other groups. Piperidones are also known...

  9. Total and EDF invest

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Signoret, St.


    So as to prepare the future of their industrial sector,the Total company plans to invest (14 billion Euros in 2008) to increase its production capacities and strengthen in of other activities as the liquefied natural gas and the renewable energies; EDF plans to inject 35 billion Euros over three years to multiply the new projects of power plants (wind turbines, coal in Germany, gas in Great Britain and nuclear power in Flamanville). EDF wants to exploit its knowledge of leader to run more than ten E.P.R.(European pressurized water reactor) in the world before 2020, projects are in examination with China, Great Britain, South Africa and United States. (N.C.)

  10. Quality of life and deglutition after total laryngectomy (United States)

    Pernambuco, Leandro de Araújo; Oliveira, Jabson Herber Profiro de; Régis, Renata Milena Freitas Lima; Lima, Leilane Maria de; Araújo, Ana Maria Bezerra de; Balata, Patrícia Maria Mendes; Cunha, Daniele Andrade da; Silva, Hilton Justino da


    Summary Introduction: Total laryngectomy creates deglutition disorders and causes a decrease in quality of life Aim: To describe the impact of swallowing and quality of life of patients after total laryngectomy. Method: A case series study. Patients completed a Swallowing and Quality of Life questionnaire composed of 44 questions assessing 11 domains related to quality of life (burden, eating duration, eating desire, frequency of symptoms, food selection, communication, fear, mental health, social functioning, sleep, and fatigue). The analysis was performed using descriptive statistics, including measures of central tendency and variability. Results: The sample comprised 15 patients who underwent total laryngectomy and adjuvant radiotherapy. Of these, 66.7% classified their health as good and 73% reported no restrictions on food consistency. The domains “communication” and “fear” represented severe impact and “eating duration” represented moderate impact on quality of life. The items with lower scores were: longer time to eat than others (domain “eating duration”), cough and cough to remove the liquid or food of the mouth when they are stopped (domain “symptom frequency”), difficulties in understanding (domain “communication”) and fear of choking and having pneumonia (domain “fear”). Conclusion: After total laryngectomy, patients report that swallowing issues have moderate to severe impact in “communication,” “fear,” and “eating duration” domains. PMID:25991974

  11. Higher order total variation regularization for EIT reconstruction. (United States)

    Gong, Bo; Schullcke, Benjamin; Krueger-Ziolek, Sabine; Zhang, Fan; Mueller-Lisse, Ullrich; Moeller, Knut


    Electrical impedance tomography (EIT) attempts to reveal the conductivity distribution of a domain based on the electrical boundary condition. This is an ill-posed inverse problem; its solution is very unstable. Total variation (TV) regularization is one of the techniques commonly employed to stabilize reconstructions. However, it is well known that TV regularization induces staircase effects, which are not realistic in clinical applications. To reduce such artifacts, modified TV regularization terms considering a higher order differential operator were developed in several previous studies. One of them is called total generalized variation (TGV) regularization. TGV regularization has been successively applied in image processing in a regular grid context. In this study, we adapted TGV regularization to the finite element model (FEM) framework for EIT reconstruction. Reconstructions using simulation and clinical data were performed. First results indicate that, in comparison to TV regularization, TGV regularization promotes more realistic images. Graphical abstract Reconstructed conductivity changes located on selected vertical lines. For each of the reconstructed images as well as the ground truth image, conductivity changes located along the selected left and right vertical lines are plotted. In these plots, the notation GT in the legend stands for ground truth, TV stands for total variation method, and TGV stands for total generalized variation method. Reconstructed conductivity distributions from the GREIT algorithm are also demonstrated.

  12. Total quality in spent fuel pool reracking

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cranston, J.S.; Bradbury, R.B.; Cacciapouti, R.J.


    The nuclear utility environment is one of strict cost control under prescriptive regulations and increasing public scrutiny. This paper presents the results of A Total Quality approach, by a dedicated team, that addresses the need for increased on-site spent fuel storage in this environment. Innovations to spent fuel pool reracking, driven by utilities' specific technical needs and shrinking budgets, have resulted in both product improvements and lower prices. A Total Quality approach to the entire turnkey project is taken, thereby creating synergism and process efficiency in each of the major phases of the project: design and analysis, licensing, fabrication, installation and disposal. Specific technical advances and the proven quality of the team members minimizes risk to the utility and its shareholders and provides a complete, cost effective service. Proper evaluation of spent fuel storage methods and vendors requires a full understanding of currently available customer driven initiatives that reduce cost while improving quality. In all phases of a spent fuel reracking project, from new rack design and analysis through old rack disposal, the integration of diverse experts, at all levels and throughout all phases of a reracking project, better serves utility needs. This Total Quality environment in conjunction with many technical improvements results in a higher quality product at a lower cost

  13. Total neutron cross section for 181Ta

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Schilling K.-D.


    Full Text Available The neutron time of flight facility nELBE, produces fast neutrons in the energy range from 0.1 MeV to 10 MeV by impinging a pulsed relativistic electron beam on a liquid lead circuit [1]. The short beam pulses (∼10 ps and a small radiator volume give an energy resolution better than 1% at 1 MeV using a short flight path of about 6 m, for neutron TOF measurements. The present neutron source provides 2 ⋅ 104  n/cm2s at the target position using an electron charge of 77 pC and 100 kHz pulse repetition rate. This neutron intensity enables to measure neutron total cross section with a 2%–5% statistical uncertainty within a few days. In February 2008, neutron radiator, plastic detector [2] and data acquisition system were tested by measurements of the neutron total cross section for 181Ta and 27Al. Measurement of 181Ta was chosen because lack of high quality data in an anergy region below 700 keV. The total neutron cross – section for 27Al was measured as a control target, since there exists data for 27Al with high resolution and low statistical error [3].

  14. Total cross section for relativistic positronium interaction with atom

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pak, A.S.; Tarasov, A.V.


    Total cross sections of interaction of positronium relativistic atoms with atoms are calculated. Calculations are conducted within the framework of potential theory in Born approximaton. Contributions in total cross section of coherent (σsub(coh)) and incoherent (σsub(inc)) parts are analyzed. It is shown that for light elements σsub(inc) value is comparable with σsub(coh), and for heavy ones the ratio σsub(inc)/σsub(coh) sufficiently exceeds Zsup(-1) (Z-charge of the atomic nucleus. Numerical calculation results are presented. A conclusion is made on importance of the coherent part account during the calculation of total cross sections

  15. Total source charge and charge screening in Yang-Mills theories

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Campbell, W.B.; Norton, R.E.


    New gauge-invariant definitions for the total charge on a static Yang-Mills source are suggested which we argue are better suited for determining when true color screening has occurred. In particular, these new definitions imply that the Abelian Coulomb solution for a simple ''electric'' dipole source made up of two opposite point charges has zero total source charge and therefore no color screening. With the definition of total source charge previously suggested by other authors, such a source would have a total source charge of 2q and therefore a screening charge in the field of -2q, where q is the magnitude of the charge of either point charge. Our definitions for more general solutions are not unique because of the path dependence of the parallel transport of charges. Suggestions for removing this ambiguity are offered, but it is not known if a unique, physically meaningful definition of total source charge in fact exists

  16. Impact on quality culture of total quality management practices factors

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Faihan Mosaad Saud Alotaibi


    Full Text Available This study investigated total quality management practices and quality culture of Saudi Arabian contractors. Improving the quality can be achieved through implementation of total quality management although studies and researches work regarding this improvement is still lacking. A quantitative approach using the survey method was employed. With assistance from the Saudi Arabia Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs, survey questionnaires were distributed to selected contractors in Saudi Arabia. The collected data were analysed using correlation, and multiple regression analyses. The key findings were the confirmation of significant relationships between all total quality management practices and quality culture and a positive relationship between quality management practices and quality culture. Furthermore, total quality management practices were found to be able to explain 68.1% of the variance in quality culture, while quality culture explained 12.5% of the variance in competitiveness. Quality culture was found to only partially mediate the relationship between total quality management practices and competitiveness.

  17. Plasma Total Cysteine and Cardiovascular Risk Burden: Action and Interaction

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Benedetta De Chiara


    Full Text Available We hypothesized that redox analysis could provide sensitive markers of the oxidative pathway associated to the presence of an increasing number of cardiovascular risk factors (RFs, independently of type. We classified 304 subjects without cardiovascular disease into 4 groups according to the total number of RFs (smoking, hypertension, hypercholesterolaemia, hyperhomocysteinaemia, diabetes, obesity, and their combination. Oxidative stress was evaluated by measuring plasma total and reduced homocysteine, cysteine (Cys, glutathione, cysteinylglycine, blood reduced glutathione, and malondialdehyde. Twenty-seven percent of subjects were in group 0 RF, 26% in 1 RF, 31% in 2 RF, and 16% in ≥3 RF. By multivariable ordinal regression analysis, plasma total Cys was associated to a higher number of RF (OR = 1.068; 95% CI = 1.027–1.110, =0.002. Total RF burden is associated with increased total Cys levels. These findings support a prooxidant effect of Cys in conjunction with RF burden, and shed light on the pathophysiologic role of redox state unbalance in preclinical atherosclerosis.

  18. a locally adapted functional outcome measurement score for total

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Results and success of total hip arthroplasty are often measured using a functional outcome scoring system. Most current scores were developed in Europe and. North America (1-3). During the evaluation of a Total. Hip Replacement (THR) project in Ouagadougou,. Burkina Faso (4) it was felt that these scores were not.

  19. Total hip replacements at Kikuyu Hospital, Kenya | Kingori | East ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Background: Total joint arthroplasty is a highly effective procedure that is frequently performed in elderly patients. This is not so in the third world and is not frequently performed. Total hip replacement (THR) relieves the pain and functional disability experienced by patients with moderate to severe arthritis of the hip, ...

  20. Can Serum Albumin Level and Total Lymphocyte Count be Surrogates for Malnutrition to Predict Wound Complications After Total Knee Arthroplasty? (United States)

    Morey, Vivek M; Song, Young Dong; Whang, Ji Sup; Kang, Yeon Gwi; Kim, Tae Kyun


    Although the serum albumin level and total lymphocyte count (TLC) have been reported as valid and reliable markers for defining malnutrition, their cutoff levels and predictive values for wound complications in patients undergoing total knee arthroplasty (TKA) remain questionable. A total of 3169 TKAs performed between April 2003 and December 2013 were retrospectively reviewed. We determined the prevalence of malnutrition on applying different definitions, with various cutoff values of serum albumin and TLC and analyzed the variations in outcome. The differences between groups with and without malnutrition in terms of functional outcome and complications were determined using Student's t test and analysis of variance. Multivariate logistic regression analysis was conducted to identify the independent risk factors. Among all the patients (N = 3169), the serum albumin level and TLC varied widely, with means of 4.1 g/dL and 2189 cells/mm(3), respectively. The prevalence of malnutrition (21%) as per the conventional definition (serum albumin level malnutrition was defined as serum albumin malnutrition for predicting wound complications after TKA. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  1. Integrating total quality management in a library setting

    CERN Document Server

    Jurow, Susan


    Improve the delivery of library services by implementing total quality management (TQM), a system of continuous improvement employing participative management and centered on the needs of customers. Although TQM was originally designed for and successfully applied in business and manufacturing settings, this groundbreaking volume introduces strategies for translating TQM principles from the profit-based manufacturing sector to the library setting. Integrating Total Quality Management in a Library Setting shows librarians how to improve library services by implementing strategies such as employ

  2. Primary extra-cranial meningioma following total hip replacement

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Campbell, T.J.; Beggs, I. [Royal Infirmary, Department of Radiology, Edinburgh (United Kingdom); Patton, J.T.; Porter, D. [Royal Infirmary, Department of Orthopaedics, Edinburgh (United Kingdom); Salter, D.M.; Al-Nafussi, A. [Royal Infirmary, Department of Pathology, Edinburgh (United Kingdom)


    A 61-year-old man presented with pain at the left hip and decreased mobility 10 years after total hip replacement. Imaging demonstrated a large destructive expansile mass adjacent to the prosthesis. Histological analysis confirmed the presence of an extra-cranial meningioma. Primary tumours after total hip replacement are rare and include soft tissue sarcomas, bone sarcomas and lymphomas. To our knowledge, no previous cases of primary extracranial meningioma have been identified. The imaging features, histology, pathogenesis and differential diagnosis are discussed. (orig.)

  3. Staff Development and Total Quality Management. (United States)

    Norris, Gerald L.; Norris, Joye H.

    Professional development is an emerging view of faculty development that places teachers in charge of their own professional growth. The emergence of Total Quality Management (TQM) provides a vehicle for designing professional development to meet the needs of individuals and the organizations that employ them. The eight tenets of Deming's theory…

  4. Total Quality Management in Higher Education. (United States)

    Sherr, Lawrence A.; Lozier, G. Gredgory


    Total Quality Management, based on theories of W. Edward Deming and others, is a style of management using continuous process improvement characterized by mission and customer focus, a systematic approach to operations, vigorous development of human resources, long-term thinking, and a commitment to ensuring quality. The values espoused by this…

  5. Total and Added Sugar Intake: Assessment in Eight Latin American Countries

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mauro Fisberg


    Full Text Available Non-communicable diseases are growing at an alarming rate in Latin America. We assessed total and added sugar intake in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Peru, and Venezuela, to verify the adequacy of the World Health Organization’s recommendations, considering gender, socioeconomic level (SEL and age. A total of 9218 non-institutionalized individuals living in urban areas (age range 15–65 years were assessed in the Latin American Study of Nutrition and Health (ELANS, a multicenter household population-based cross-sectional survey. Socio-demographic data were collected. Total and added sugar intakes were measured using two non-consecutive 24-h dietary recalls. The prevalence of excessive sugar intake was estimated. A large proportion of individuals showed high consumption of total and added sugar intake, which reflected in the high prevalence of excessive sugar intake. With minimal differences across countries, in general, women, individuals with high SEL, and younger people had higher percentages of total energy intake from total and added sugar intake, and of contribution of carbohydrates from total and added sugars. Thus, there is high consumption of total and added sugar intake in the Latin American countries with some peculiarities considering socio-demographic variables, which should be considered in each country’s health intervention proposals.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Deddy Chrismianto


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan cara menganalisa dan menghitung hambatan total kapal menggunakan model 3D pada berbagai variasi bentuk buritan menggunakan CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamic.Berdasarkan hasil analisa dan perhitungan didapatkan hambatan total yang terkecil menggunakan CFD untuk berbagai variasi bentuk buritan kapal, dengan studi kasus pada type KCS (Kriso Container Ship. Hambatan total terkecil pada kondisi kecepatan fn 0.22 adalah 646.57 KN yaitu pada model 1, kemudian hambatan total terkecil pada kondisi kecepatan fn 0.26 adalah 2608.57 KN yaitu pada model original (asli, dan hambatan total terkecil pada kondisi kecepatan fn 0.30 adalah 4042.07 KN pada model 7.

  7. Total Value of Phosphorus Recovery. (United States)

    Mayer, Brooke K; Baker, Lawrence A; Boyer, Treavor H; Drechsel, Pay; Gifford, Mac; Hanjra, Munir A; Parameswaran, Prathap; Stoltzfus, Jared; Westerhoff, Paul; Rittmann, Bruce E


    Phosphorus (P) is a critical, geographically concentrated, nonrenewable resource necessary to support global food production. In excess (e.g., due to runoff or wastewater discharges), P is also a primary cause of eutrophication. To reconcile the simultaneous shortage and overabundance of P, lost P flows must be recovered and reused, alongside improvements in P-use efficiency. While this motivation is increasingly being recognized, little P recovery is practiced today, as recovered P generally cannot compete with the relatively low cost of mined P. Therefore, P is often captured to prevent its release into the environment without beneficial recovery and reuse. However, additional incentives for P recovery emerge when accounting for the total value of P recovery. This article provides a comprehensive overview of the range of benefits of recovering P from waste streams, i.e., the total value of recovering P. This approach accounts for P products, as well as other assets that are associated with P and can be recovered in parallel, such as energy, nitrogen, metals and minerals, and water. Additionally, P recovery provides valuable services to society and the environment by protecting and improving environmental quality, enhancing efficiency of waste treatment facilities, and improving food security and social equity. The needs to make P recovery a reality are also discussed, including business models, bottlenecks, and policy and education strategies.

  8. On the Total Edge Irregularity Strength of Generalized Butterfly Graph (United States)

    Dwi Wahyuna, Hafidhyah; Indriati, Diari


    Let G(V, E) be a connected, simple, and undirected graph with vertex set V and edge set E. A total k-labeling is a map that carries vertices and edges of a graph G into a set of positive integer labels {1, 2, …, k}. An edge irregular total k-labeling λ: V(G) ∪ E(G) → {1, 2, …, k} of a graph G is a total k-labeling such that the weights calculated for all edges are distinct. The weight of an edge uv in G, denoted by wt(uv), is defined as the sum of the label of u, the label of v, and the label of uv. The total edge irregularity strength of G, denoted by tes(G), is the minimum value of the largest label k over all such edge irregular total k-labelings. A generalized butterfly graph, BFn , obtained by inserting vertices to every wing with assumption that sum of inserting vertices to every wing are same then it has 2n + 1 vertices and 4n ‑ 2 edges. In this paper, we investigate the total edge irregularity strength of generalized butterfly graph, BFn , for n > 2. The result is tes(B{F}n)=\\lceil \\frac{4n}{3}\\rceil .

  9. Reference intervals for serum total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol and ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Reference intervals of total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol and non-HDL cholesterol concentrations were determined on 309 blood donors from an urban and peri-urban population of Botswana. Using non-parametric methods to establish 2.5th and 97.5th percentiles of the distribution, the intervals were: total cholesterol 2.16 ...

  10. Role of QA in total quality management environment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    McCarthy, J.B.; Ayres, R.A.


    A successful company in today's highly competitive business environment must emphasize quality in all activities at all times. For most companies, this requires a major cultural change to establish appropriate operating attitudes and priorities. A total quality environment is required where quality becomes a way of life, and this process must be carefully managed. It will not be accomplished in a few short months with a simple management pronouncement. Instead, it evolves over a period of years through continuous incremental improvement. This evolution towards total quality requires a dramatic change in the quality assurance (QA) function of most companies. Traditionally, quality was automatically equated to QA and its attendant procedures and personnel. Now, quality is becoming a global concept, and QA can play a significant role in the process. The QA profession must, however, recognize and accept a new role as consultant, coach, and partner in today's total quality game. The days of the hard-line enforcer of procedural requirements are gone

  11. Positron total scattering cross-sections for alkali atoms (United States)

    Sinha, Nidhi; Singh, Suvam; Antony, Bobby


    Positron-impact total scattering cross-sections for Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs and Fr atoms are calculated in the energy range from 5-5000 eV employing modified spherical complex optical potential formalism. The main aim of this work is to apply this formalism to the less studied positron-target collision systems. The results are compared with previous theoretical and experimental data, wherever available. In general, the present data show overall agreement and consistency with other results. Furthermore, we have done a comparative study of the results to investigate the effect of atomic size on the cross-sections as we descend through the group in the periodic table. We have also plotted a correlation graph of the present total cross-sections with polarizability and number of target electrons. The two correlation plots confirm the credibility and consistency of the present results. Besides, this is the first theoretical attempt to report positron-impact total cross-sections of alkali atoms over such a wide energy range.

  12. Percutaneous dilatational tracheostomy following total artificial heart implantation. (United States)

    Spiliopoulos, Sotirios; Dimitriou, Alexandros Merkourios; Serrano, Maria Rosario; Guersoy, Dilek; Autschbach, Ruediger; Goetzenich, Andreas; Koerfer, Reiner; Tenderich, Gero


    Coagulation disorders and an immune-altered state are common among total artificial heart patients. In this context, we sought to evaluate the safety of percutaneous dilatational tracheostomy in cases of prolonged need for mechanical ventilatory support. We retrospectively analysed the charts of 11 total artificial heart patients who received percutaneous dilatational tracheostomy. We focused on early and late complications. We observed no major complications and no procedure-related deaths. Early minor complications included venous oozing (45.4%) and one case of local infection. Late complications, including subglottic stenosis, stomal infection or infections of the lower respiratory tract, were not observed. In conclusion, percutaneous dilatational tracheostomy in total artificial heart patients is safe. Considering the well-known benefits of early tracheotomy over prolonged translaryngeal intubation, we advocate early timing of therapy in cases of prolonged mechanical ventilation. © The Author 2015. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery. All rights reserved.

  13. Radiographic and scintigraphic evaluation of total knee arthroplasty

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schneider, R.; Soudry, M.


    Various radiographic and scintigraphic methods are used to supplement clinical findings in the evaluation of total knee arthroplasty and its complications. Serial roentgenograms offer reliable information for diagnosing mechanical loosening. Wide and extensive radiolucency at the cement-bone interface and shift in position and alignment of prosthetic components can be seen in almost all cases by the time revision is necessary. Radiographic abnormalities are usually not present in acute infection, but are often present in chronic infection. Bone scanning has a high sensitivity for diagnosis of infection or loosening, but is nonspecific because increased uptake is often present around asymptomatic total knee arthroplasties with normal radiographs. Differential bone and Gallium scanning and scanning with Indium 111-labeled leukocytes have a greater specificity for diagnosis of infection than does bone or Gallium scanning alone. Routine radiographic and scintigraphic studies have shown a high incidence of deep vein thrombosis in the calf after total knee arthroplasty. Clinically significant pulmonary embolization is infrequent

  14. Total Radiosynthesis: Thinking outside “the box” (United States)

    Liang, Steven H.; Vasdev, Neil


    The logic of total synthesis transformed a stagnant state of medicinal and synthetic organic chemistry when there was a paucity of methods and reagents to synthesize drug molecules and/or natural products. Molecular imaging by positron emission tomography (PET) is now experiencing a renaissance in the way radiopharmaceuticals for molecular imaging are synthesized, however, a paradigm shift is desperately needed in the discovery pipeline to accelerate in vivo imaging studies. A significant challenge in radiochemistry is the limited choice of labeled reagents (or building blocks) available for the synthesis of novel radiopharmaceuticals with the most commonly used short-lived radionuclides carbon-11 (11C; half-life ~20 minutes) and fluorine-18 (18F; half-life ~2 hours). In fact, most drugs cannot be labeled with 11C or 18F due to a lack of efficient and diverse radiosynthetic methods. In general, routine radiopharmaceutical production relies on the incorporation of the isotope at the last or penultimate step of synthesis, ideally within one half-life of the radionuclide, to maximize radiochemical yields and specific activities thereby reducing losses due to radioactive decay. Reliance on radiochemistry conducted within the constraints of an automated synthesis unit (“box”) has stifled the exploration of multi-step reactions with short-lived radionuclides. Radiopharmaceutical synthesis can be transformed by considering logic of total synthesis to develop novel approaches for 11C- and 18F-radiolabeling complex molecules via retrosynthetic analysis and multi-step reactions. As a result of such exploration, new methods, reagents and radiopharmaceuticals for in vivo imaging studies are discovered. A new avenue to develop radiotracers that were previously unattainable due to the lack of efficient radiosynthetic methods is necessary to work towards our ultimate, albeit impossible goal – the concept we term total radiosynthesis - to radiolabel virtually any molecule

  15. Institutional total energy case studies

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wulfinghoff, D.


    Profiles of three total energy systems in institutional settings are provided in this report. The plants are those of Franciscan Hospital, a 384-bed facility in Rock Island, Illinois; Franklin Foundation Hospital, a 100-bed hospital in Franklin, Louisiana; and the North American Air Defense Command Cheyenne Mountain Complex, a military installation near Colorado Springs, Colorado. The case studies include descriptions of plant components and configurations, operation and maintenance procedures, reliability, relationships to public utilities, staffing, economic efficiency, and factors contributing to success.

  16. Lattice-Like Total Perfect Codes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Araujo Carlos


    Full Text Available A contribution is made to the classification of lattice-like total perfect codes in integer lattices Λn via pairs (G, Φ formed by abelian groups G and homomorphisms Φ: Zn → G. A conjecture is posed that the cited contribution covers all possible cases. A related conjecture on the unfinished work on open problems on lattice-like perfect dominating sets in Λn with induced components that are parallel paths of length > 1 is posed as well.

  17. Brutally Unfair Tactics Totally OK Now

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wilson, Douglas


    In this paper, I use a party game that I co-designed, Brutally Unfair Tactics Totally OK Now (B.U.T.T.O.N.), as a case study to suggest some alternative possibilities for the design of digitally-mediated play and games. Specifically, I argue that that intentionally “broken” or otherwise incomplet...

  18. Multicultural Leadership, Sustainable Total School Environment (United States)

    Yeung, See-Wai Alison; Lee, Yeung; Yue, K. W. Ryan


    Banks (2002) stated that to implement multicultural education successfully, we must think of the school as a social system. Therefore, if educational equity and excellence are to be provided to all students, a systemic Total School Environment [Banks (2001) "Cultural diversity and education: Foundations curriculum and teaching, 4th ed." Allyn and…

  19. Medicaid Financial Management Data – National Totals (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — This dataset reports summary state-by-state total expenditures by program for the Medicaid Program, Medicaid Administration and CHIP programs. These state...

  20. Activity and Quality of Life after Total Hip Arthroplasty. (United States)

    Świtoń, Anna; Wodka-Natkaniec, Ewa; Niedźwiedzki, Łukasz; Gaździk, Tadeusz; Niedźwiedzki, Tadeusz


    Coxarthrosis is a chronic musculoskeletal condition that causes severe pain and considerable limi-tation of the patient's motor performance. Total hip arthroplasty is one of the most common and effective methods used in the treatment of advanced degenerative changes. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the activity and quality of life of patients after unilateral total hip arthroplasty. The study was conducted in a group of 189 patients who had undergone unilateral total hip arthroplasty. Goniometry was used to determine the range of motion of both hip joints. Patients' physical ability and pain severity were assessed based on the Harris Hip Score (HHS) questionnaire. The examination of the range of motion in the lower extremities revealed statistically significant diffe-rences in flexion (p<0.01), abduction (p=<0.01), adduction (p<0.01) and external rotation (p<0.01) between the operated and the healthy extremity. The greatest limitation of motion was demonstrated for external rotation (<14°). Approximately 14% of the patients were not able to perform this motion in their healthy hip joint, while 17.5% of them could not do so in the affected hip joint. Analysis of HHS results (mean = 79 pts) revealed that more than 50% of the patients described their functional ability and quality of life as good and excellent. It was demonstrated that 54% of patients did not suffer from pain, whereas minor or mild pain was noted in 35%. 1. A subjective clinical assessment of patients after total hip arthroplasty showed that their quality of life had improved. 2. It is necessary to perform physiotherapy after total hip arthroplasty, on both the operated and healthy side. 3. Exacerbation of pain and impaired activity in patients after total hip arthroplasty were associated with the female sex to a considerable extent.

  1. Effects of thermal processing by nanofluids on vitamin C, total phenolics and total soluble solids of tomato juice. (United States)

    Jafari, S M; Jabari, S S; Dehnad, D; Shahidi, S A


    In this research, our main idea was to apply thermal processing by nanofluids instead of conventional pasteurization processes, to shorten duration of thermal procedure and improve nutritional contents of fruit juices. Three different variables of temperature (70, 80 and 90 °C), nanofluid concentration (0, 2 and 4%) and time (30, 60 and 90 s) were selected for thermal processing of tomato juices by a shell and tube heat exchanger. The results demonstrated that 4% nanofluid concentration, at 30 °C for 30 s could result in 66% vitamin C retention of fresh juice while it was about 56% for the minimum nanofluid concentration and maximum temperature and time. Higher nanoparticle concentrations made tomato juices that require lowered thermal durations, because of better heat transfer to the product, and total phenolic compounds dwindle less severely; In fact, after 30 s thermal processing at 70 °C with 0 and 4% nanoparticles, total phenolic compounds were maintained by 71.9 and 73.6%, respectively. The range of total soluble solids for processed tomato juices was 5.4-5.6, meaning that nanofluid thermal processing could preserve the natural condition of tomato juices successfully. Based on the indices considered, a nanofluid thermal processing with 4% nanoparticle concentration at the temperature of 70 °C for 30 s will result in the best nutritional contents of final tomato juices.

  2. Assessments of Total Lightning Data Utility in Weather Forecasting (United States)

    Buechler, Dennis E.; Goodman, Steve; LaCasse, Katherine; Blakeslee, Richard; Darden, Chris


    National Weather Service forecasters in Huntsville, Alabama have had access to total lightning data from the North Alabama Lightning Mapping Array (LMA) since 2003. Forecasters can monitor real-time total lightning observations on their AWIPS (Advanced Weather Interactive Processing System (AWIPS) workstations. The lightning data is used to supplement other observations such as radar and satellite data. The lightning data is updated every 2 min, providing more timely evidence of storm growth or decay than is available from 5 min radar scans. Total lightning observations have been used to positively impact warning decisions in a number of instances. A number of approaches are being pursued to assess the usefulness of total lightning measurements to the operational forecasting community in the warning decision process. These approaches, which include both qualitative and quantitative assessment methods, will be discussed. submitted to the American Meteorological Society (AMS) Conference on Meteorological Applications of Lightning Data to be held in San Diego, CA January 9-13,2005. This will be a presentation and an extended abstract will be published on a CD available from the AMS.

  3. Financial, operating results, assets total down for OGJ300

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    Financial and operating results of the Oil and Gas Journal 300 dropped again in 1992. It was the second consecutive set of declines for OGJ's list of the largest publicly traded, oil and gas producing companies in the U.S. Totals fell from 1991 results in almost all categories for financial and operating performance. Group net income fell sharply in 1992. Large, integrated companies reported sharp earnings declines, many of them related to special charges for restructuring and mandatory accounting changes. In addition, revenues were suppressed by lower crude and product prices below levels of 1991 and a decline in total crude production. This was partially offset by higher prices and demand for natural gas and by increased demand for petroleum products. The paper discusses the economic situation in the petroleum and natural gas industries then gives extensive data on the following: total assets, total income, net income, stockholders' equity, capital spending, worldwide and US liquids production, worldwide and US natural gas production, worldwide and US liquids reserves, worldwide and US natural gas reserves, and US net wells drilled

  4. Atomic resonances above the total ionization energy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Doolen, G.


    A rigorous result obtained using the theory associated with dilatation analytic potentials is that by performing a complex coordinate rotation, r/subj/ → r/subj/e/subi//sup theta/, on a Hamiltonian whose potential involves only pairwise Coulombic interactions, one can show that when theta = π/2, no complex eigenvalues (resonances) appear whose energies have a real part greater than the total ionization energy of the atomic system. This appears to conflict with experimental results of Walton, Peart, and Dolder, who find resonance behavior above the total ionization energy of the H -- system and also the theoretical stabilization results of Taylor and Thomas for the same system. A possible resolution of this apparent conflict is discussed and a calculation to check its validity is proposed

  5. Total body irradiation with a reconditioned cobalt teletherapy unit. (United States)

    Evans, Michael D C; Larouche, Renée-Xavière; Olivares, Marina; Léger, Pierre; Larkin, Joe; Freeman, Carolyn R; Podgorsak, Ervin B


    While the current trend in radiotherapy is to replace cobalt teletherapy units with more versatile and technologically advanced linear accelerators, there remain some useful applications for older cobalt units. The expansion of our radiotherapy department involved the decommissioning of an isocentric cobalt teletherapy unit and the replacement of a column-mounted 4-MV LINAC that has been used for total body irradiation (TBI). To continue offering TBI treatments, we converted the decommissioned cobalt unit into a dedicated fixed-field total body irradiator and installed it in an existing medium-energy LINAC bunker. This article describes the logistical and dosimetric aspects of bringing a reconditioned cobalt teletherapy unit into clinical service as a total body irradiator.

  6. Determination of total, and bound Se in sera by INAA

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Spate, V.L.; Mason, M.M.; Reams, C.L.; Baskett, C.K.; Morris, J.S.; Mills, D.S.


    The comparison between the total selenium in serum ('total Se') with that which is apparently bound to high molecular weight (> 12.000 D) species, presumably proteins ('bound Se') was reported. Nine hundred seventy seven (977) serum samples arising out of a population-based epidemiological study were prepared in duplicate for the determination of 'total Se' by pipeting directly into irradiation vials; and separate duplicate aliquots were dialyzed against DI water for the determination of 'bound Se'. All samples were analyzed by neutron activation analysis via 77m Se (17.4s) A small dialyzable Se component (∼ 6%) ('free Se'), defined as the difference between the 'total Se' minus the 'bound Se', was identified. (author) 2 refs.; 3 figs.; 5 tabs

  7. Optimal ship forms for minimum total resistance in shallow water


    Zhao, Lian-en


    Optimal ship forms for minimum total resistance in shallow water Optimal ship forms for minimum total resistance in shallow water: An attempt is made to obtain shallow-water optimal ship forms for total resistance by means of "tent" function representation under the constraints that the main dimensions of the ship and the water-line area were kept constant. The objective function in the quadratic programming is the sum of wave-making resistance calculated by Sretenski's formula and viscou...

  8. Complejidad versus simplicidad en prótesis total removible


    Escuin Henar, Tomás J. (Tomás José); Ferré de Guilarte, Antonio; Gascón Mayordomo, Francisco; Salsench Cabré, Juan


    En el presente trabajo valoramos los resultados a distancia (dos años) del método de elaboración de la Prótesis Total Removible, mediante la utilización de parámetros clínicos, con el fin de simplificar el proceso de elaboración de la Prótesis Total.

  9. Correlation between Soil Organic Matter, Total Organic Matter and ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    A total of four sites distributed in different soils of Kelantan State, Malaysia was identified for the study. Soils were collected by depth interval of 0-10cm, 10-20cm and 20-30cm. The correlation of soil organic matter (SOM) content, total organic carbon (TOC) content, water content and soils texture for industrial area at ...

  10. Total joint Perioperative Surgical Home: an observational financial review. (United States)

    Raphael, Darren R; Cannesson, Maxime; Schwarzkopf, Ran; Garson, Leslie M; Vakharia, Shermeen B; Gupta, Ranjan; Kain, Zeev N


    The numbers of people requiring total arthroplasty is expected to increase substantially over the next two decades. However, increasing costs and new payment models in the USA have created a sustainability gap. Ad hoc interventions have reported marginal cost reduction, but it has become clear that sustainability lies only in complete restructuring of care delivery. The Perioperative Surgical Home (PSH) model, a patient-centered and physician-led multidisciplinary system of coordinated care, was implemented at UC Irvine Health in 2012 for patients undergoing primary elective total knee arthroplasty (TKA) or total hip arthroplasty (THA). This observational study examines the costs associated with this initiative. The direct cost of materials and services (excluding professional fees and implants) for a random index sample following the Total Joint-PSH pathway was used to calculate per diem cost. Cost of orthopedic implants was calculated based on audit-verified direct cost data. Operating room and post-anesthesia care unit time-based costs were calculated for each case and analyzed for variation. Benchmark cost data were obtained from literature search. Data are presented as mean ± SD (coefficient of variation) where possible. Total per diem cost was $10,042 ± 1,305 (13%) for TKA and $9,952 ± 1,294 (13%) for THA. Literature-reported benchmark per diem cost was $17,588 for TKA and $16,267 for THA. Implant cost was $7,482 ± 4,050 (54%) for TKA and $9869 ± 1,549 (16%) for THA. Total hospital cost was $17,894 ± 4,270 (24%) for TKA and $20,281 ± 2,057 (10%) for THA. In-room to incision time cost was $1,263 ± 100 (8%) for TKA and $1,341 ± 145 (11%) for THA. Surgery time cost was $1,558 ± 290 (19%) for TKA and $1,930 ± 374 (19%) for THA. Post-anesthesia care unit time cost was $507 ± 187 (36%) for TKA and $557 ± 302 (54%) for THA. Direct hospital costs were driven substantially below USA benchmark levels using the Total Joint-PSH pathway. The incremental

  11. Asymptotic behaviour of pion-pion total cross-sections

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Greynat, David; Rafael, Eduardo de; Vulvert, Grégory


    We derive a sum rule which shows that the Froissart-Martin bound for the asymptotic behaviour of the ππ total cross sections at high energies, if modulated by the Lukaszuk-Martin coefficient of the leading log 2  s behaviour, cannot be an optimal bound in QCD. We next compute the total cross sections for π + π − , π ± π 0 and π 0 π 0 scattering within the framework of the constituent chiral quark model (CχQM) in the limit of a large number of colours N c and discuss their asymptotic behaviours. The same ππ cross sections are also discussed within the general framework of Large-N c QCD and we show that it is possible to make an Ansatz for the isospin I=1 and I=0 spectrum which satisfy the Froissart-Martin bound with coefficients which, contrary to the Lukaszuk-Martin coefficient, are not singular in the chiral limit and have the correct Large-N c counting. We finally propose a simple phenomenological model which matches the low energy behaviours of the σ π ± π 0 total (s) cross section predicted by the CχQM with the high energy behaviour predicted by the Large-N c Ansatz. The magnitude of these cross sections at very high energies is of the order of those observed for the pp and pp-bar scattering total cross sections

  12. Total process surveillance: (TOPS)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Millar, J.H.P.


    A Total Process Surveillance system is under development which can provide, in real-time, additional process information from a limited number of raw measurement signals. This is achieved by using a robust model based observer to generate estimates of the process' internal states. The observer utilises the analytical reduncancy among a diverse range of transducers and can thus accommodate off-normal conditions which lead to transducer loss or damage. The modular hierarchical structure of the system enables the maximum amount of information to be assimilated from the available instrument signals no matter how diverse. This structure also constitutes a data reduction path thus reducing operator cognitive overload from a large number of varying, and possibly contradictory, raw plant signals. (orig.)

  13. Practice of Totally Tubeless Nephrolitotomy among Patients with Renal Calculus

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Musa Ekici


    Full Text Available Purpose: We aimed to present the data on totally tubeless nephrolitotomy (PNL outcomes undergone in our clinic. Materials and Methods: We retrospectively analyzed 140 patients undergone totally tubeless PNL in our clinic between January 2010 and December 2012. Results: Mean patient age was 47,84 (5-73. Mean operative time was 88,8 (45-110 minutes where mean stone area was 375,3 (110-175 mm2 . 92,8% was our stone free rate. Remaining 10 patients had undergone ureterorenoscopy for ureteral stones. Two patients having non-opaque stones had residual kidney stones and treated by SWL. 8 patients (%5,7 needed blood transfusion, 2 patients needed perirenal hematoma and treated conservatively. No patients needed additional treatment or encountered vascular complications. One patient encountered serozal colon injury and treated conservatively. Conclusion: With regard to patient comfort, shorter hospital stay, low analgesic requirement, totally tubeless PNL gained popularity. We believe totally tubeless PNL may be used in suitable cases. Key Words: Kidney Stone, Totally Tubeless, Nephrolithotomy [Cukurova Med J 2013; 38(4.000: 636-641

  14. The Calculation Of Total Radioactivity Of Kartini Reactor Fuel Element

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Budisantoso, Edi Trijono; Sardjono, Y.


    The total radioactivity of Kartini reactor fuel element has been calculated by using ORIGEN2. In this case, the total radioactivity is the sum of alpha, beta, and gamma radioactivity from activation products nuclides, actinide nuclides and fission products nuclides in the fuel element. The calculation was based on irradiation history of fuel in the reactor core. The fuel element no 3203 has location history at D, E, and F core zone. The result is expressed in graphics form of total radioactivity and photon radiations as function of irradiation time and decay time. It can be concluded that the Kartini reactor fuel element in zone D, E, and F has total radioactivity range from 10 Curie to 3000 Curie. This range is for radioactivity after decaying for 84 days and that after reactor shut down. This radioactivity is happened in the fuel element for every reactor operation and decayed until the fuel burn up reach 39.31 MWh. The total radioactivity emitted photon at the power of 0.02 Watt until 10 Watt

  15. Total mercury of selected fish species from Laguna de Bay

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Relon, Milagros Lontoc


    Dalag Ophicephalus striatus Block, kanduli Arius thalassinus Ruppell, bia Amblygobius phalaena Cuvier et Valenciennes and tilapia Tilapia nilotica Linnnaeus collected from Laguna de Bay between Taguig and Binangonan area in August 1989 to July 1990 were analyzed for total mercury by atomic absorption spectrometry. The highest metal concentration in soft muscle tissue was observed in Dalag followed by kanduli, less in bia and least in tilapia with mean values of 0.021, 0.020, 0.013, and 0.008 ug/g, respectively. Analysis using two-way ANOVA showed a significant difference in the mean total mercury in ug/g in the difference fish samples, among the different months and the interaction between these two variables. Mean total mercury of the four fish samples were significantly higher in April than in October. The results show that the levels of total mercury in the fish samples are below the World Health Organization maximum tolerable consumption of mercury in food of 300 ug or 0.03 mg of total mercury per week. (author)

  16. Total cross section for chloroflouromethanes and CClx radicals by electron impact

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gupta, Dhanoj; Antony, Bobby


    Highlights: ► A model to find total CS for freons and CCl x by e − impact is employed. ► Complex optical potential formalism is used to find total inelastic and elastic CS. ► Result shows very good agreement with previous data wherever available. ► Maiden attempt to find cross section for the CCl x radicals. -- Abstract: We report here the total cross section for chloroflouromethanes namely CCl 3 F (Freon 11), CCl 2 F 2 (Freon 12), CClF 3 (Freon 13), CCl 4 and CCl x (x = 1–3), radicals by electron impact 50 to 5000 eV. The total inelastic and elastic cross sections are obtained employing a complex optical potential formalism and solving the Schrödinger equation through partial wave analysis. The total cross section is obtained as the sum of total inelastic and elastic cross sections. The results obtained are compared with the existing experimental and theoretical data, wherever available. The present result shows reasonable agreement with previous data. For the CCl x radicals, we have predicted the total cross sections for the first time. The data reported here has immense interest to atmospheric and technological plasma modelling

  17. TCTE Level 3 Total Solar Irradiance Daily Means V002 (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — The Total Solar Irradiance (TSI) Calibration Transfer Experiment (TCTE) data set TCTE3TSID contains daily averaged total solar irradiance (a.k.a solar constant) data...

  18. Myeloproliferative disorders in patients with rheumatoid arthritis treated with total body irradiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Urowitz, M.B.; Rider, W.D.


    Four patients with refractory rheumatoid arthritis were treated with total body irradiation administered in two sittings, 300 to 400 rads to each half of the body. All four patients had taken antimetabolites prior to receiving total body irradiation, and two continued to use them after total body irradiation. Two patients had taken alkylating agents before, and one had used them after total body irradiation. All patients showed clinical improvement. However, in two patients myeloproliferative disorders developed: a myelodysplastic preleukemia at 40 months after total body irradiation in one and acute myelogenous leukemia at 25 months in the other. Total body irradiation differs from total nodal irradiation in the total dose of irradiation (300 to 400 rads versus 2,000 to 3,000), and in the duration of the therapy (two sittings versus treatment over several weeks to months). Furthermore, the patients in the total body irradiation study frequently used cytotoxic drugs before and/or after irradiation, whereas in one total nodal irradiation study, azathioprine (2 mg/kg per day or less) was permitted, but no other cytotoxic agents were allowed. Rheumatologists may therefore face a binding decision when deciding to treat a patient with rheumatoid arthritis with either a cytotoxic drug or irradiation

  19. Quality-of-life outcomes in Graves disease patients after total thyroidectomy. (United States)

    Kus, Lukas H; Hopman, Wilma M; Witterick, Ian J; Freeman, Jeremy L


    Historically, research into surgical treatment of Graves disease has assessed subtotal rather than total thyroidectomy. Most clinicians now recommend total thyroidectomy, but little information is available regarding quality-of-life (QOL) outcomes for this procedure. Our aim was to assess QOL after total thyroidectomy. This is a retrospective, pilot study of patients with Graves disease who underwent total thyroidectomy from 1991 to 2007 at a high-volume tertiary referral center in Toronto, Canada. Questionnaires addressing disease-specific symptoms and global QOL concerns were sent to 54 patients. Analyses included parametric and nonparametric tests to assess the differences between perception of symptoms and global QOL before and after surgery. Forty patients responded (response rate: 74%) at a median of 4.8 years postoperatively. On a 10-point scale, overall wellness improved from 4.1 preoperatively to 8.7 postoperatively (p total thyroidectomy. Patients experienced marked and rapid improvement in QOL postoperatively. These findings suggest that total thyroidectomy is a safe and effective treatment.

  20. Centrality of collisions and total disintegration of nuclei

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sulejmanov, M.K.; Abdinov, O.B.; Anoshin, A.I.; Bogdanowicz, J.; Kuznetsov, A.A.


    The interrelation of the processes of total disintegration of nuclei with the process, characterized by the 'centrality' of collisions and a minimum flow of energy of secondary particles emitted at a zero angle in pC, dC, 4 HeC and 12 CC interactions, is investigated at 4.2 A · GeV/c. The events with total disintegration of nuclei are characterized by a high degree 'centrality' of collisions and similar to the events having a minimum flow of energy of particles emitted at a zero angle