
Sample records for arterial esencial posible

  1. Campo magnético discontinuo en adultos con hipertensión arterial esencial


    Enrique Arce Morera; Jorge Remis Sotelo; Jesús Hernández Méndez; Ismael Castañeda Rodríguez


    Se realizó un estudio piloto a 44 casos remitidos al Departamento de Fisioterapia de nuestro municipio con diagnóstico de hipertensión arterial esencial ligera y moderada, aplicándosele 15 sesiones de campo magnético discontinuo durante 15 min. Para buscar el grado de efectividad se utilizó el método estadístico de Mc Nemar, resultando muy significativa la reducción en los valores de la presión arterial, principalmente la máxima. Hubo un favorable efecto socioeconómico, pues se ahorró en el e...

  2. Alteraciones lipídicas en la hipertensión arterial esencial

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    René LLapur Milián

    Full Text Available Introducción: la hipertensión arterial infantil se ha incrementado en los años debido a estilos de vida inadecuados, y se acompaña de otras comorbilidades que incluyen a las dislipidemias. Objetivo: determinar la frecuencia de dislipidemia en niños y adolescentes con hipertensión arterial esencial y su relación con otros factores de riesgo cardiovascular. Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal cuyo universo estuvo constituido por 100 niños y adolescentes de 4 a 18 años de edad, atendidos en la consulta de hipertensión arterial del Hospital Pediátrico de Centro Habana, en el periodo de enero de 2009 a diciembre de 2010, para lo cual se utilizaron variables demográficas, antropométricas y bioquímicas. Resultados: se encontró 7 % de niños con cifras de colesterol elevado y 6 % de riesgo, así como 9 % de triglicéridos elevados, con mayor frecuencia en el grupo de 10 a 14 años, seguido del grupo de 15 a 18 años; el 100 % de los niños con colesterol elevado tuvieron antecedentes familiares de hipertensión arterial y dislipidemia, y el 83,3 % de diabetes, sin diferencia significativa entre los grupos, excepto la dislipidemia. No se encontró relación entre los antecedentes familiares y los triglicéridos. El colesterol presentó una asociación significativa con la obesidad en los niños. Conclusiones: la dislipidemia se presentó en casi la quinta parte de los niños estudiados, y la hipercolesterolemia estuvo asociada con los antecedentes familiares de dislipidemia y la obesidad en los niños.

  3. Campo magnético discontinuo en adultos con hipertensión arterial esencial

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    Enrique Arce Morera


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio piloto a 44 casos remitidos al Departamento de Fisioterapia de nuestro municipio con diagnóstico de hipertensión arterial esencial ligera y moderada, aplicándosele 15 sesiones de campo magnético discontinuo durante 15 min. Para buscar el grado de efectividad se utilizó el método estadístico de Mc Nemar, resultando muy significativa la reducción en los valores de la presión arterial, principalmente la máxima. Hubo un favorable efecto socioeconómico, pues se ahorró en el empleo de medicamentos $481.32 al aplicarse esta técnica.A pilot study was made on 44 cases referred to the Department of Physiotherapy of our municipality and diagnosed with light and moderate essential blood hypertension. They were administered 15 sessions of discontinuous electromagnetic field for 15 minutes. To find the level of effectiveness, we used the McNemar´s statistical method and the reduction in blood pressure values, mainly the maximum pressure was really very significant. There was also a favorable socio-economic effect since the saving in terms of drug consumption was $481.32 after the application of this technique.

  4. Apoyo familiar en el apego al tratamiento de la hipertensión arterial esencial

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    Marín-Reyes Florentina


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Determinar la asociación entre apoyo familiar (AF y apego al tratamiento de la hipertensión arterial esencial (HAS. Material y métodos. Estudio de casos y controles al que se integraron 80 sujetos con diagnóstico establecido de HAS, con 40 pacientes en cada grupo. Se consideró como casos a los pacientes con apego y como controles a los pacientes sin apego al tratamiento. El estudio se realizó de mayo a diciembre de 1999, en el Hospital Regional del IMSS, en la ciudad de Durango, Durango, México. La edad, género, duración de la HAS, escolaridad y estado civil fueron criterios de pareamiento. Las diferencias se establecieron con las pruebas ji cuadrada y t de student. Se calculó la razón de momios para estimar la fuerza de asociación. El diagnóstico de hipertensión arterial secundaria, o de otras enfermedades crónicas fueron criterios de exclusión. Resultados. No hubo diferencias entre los grupos respecto a las variables sociodemográficas, modalidad de tratamiento ni conocimiento que el enfermo tenía sobre su enfermedad. Tenían control de la presión arterial 31 (77.5% pacientes con apego y 11 (27.5% sin apego, p= 0.003. El AF se asoció de manera independiente con apego al tratamiento, RM 6.9, IC 95% 2.3-21.1. Conclusiones. El apego se vincula de forma significativa con el apoyo que los familiares otorgan al enfermo. El texto completo en inglés de este artículo está disponible en:

  5. Caracterización química y evaluación de la actividad antifúngica del aceite esencial foliar de Lippia alba contra Colletotrichum gloeosporioides

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    Alexander Pérez Cordero


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este estudio fue caracterizar y evaluar in vitro la eficiencia del aceite esencial foliar de Lippia alba contra Colletotrichum gloeosporioides. Se extrajo el aceite esencial a partir de las hojas mediante el método de hidrodestilación asistida por microondas (MWHD y se identificaron sus metabolitos mediante una cromatografía de gases acoplada a espectrometría de masas (GC/MS. La evaluación in vitro se realizó empleando 4 concentraciones del aceite esencial (500, 1000, 3000 y 10000 ppm diluidas en acetona; se utilizó un control positivo con Benomil 1 g/L, un control negativo con acetona y un testigo absoluto; la eficiencia del aceite se midió mediante el porcentaje de índice antifúngico (%I.A. El componente mayoritario en el aceite esencial fue el citral (34.62 a 40.03% y que el mayor %I.A se encontró a la concentración de 10000 ppm (97.8%, muy similar a la del Benomil (100%. Lo anterior demostraría la eficacia del aceite esencial de L. alba para controlar a C. gloeosporioides, y su posible uso como fungicida biológico.

  6. Perfil emocional y cognitivo de la hipertensión arterial esencial mantenida frente a la normotensión

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    Inés Magán Uceda


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este estudio ha siso analizar el perfil psicológico de la hipertensión arterial esencial (HTA-E respecto a los siguientes constructos emocionales: ira rasgo, expresión y control de la ira, ansiedad, depre- sión y estrés, incluyéndose como novedad el análisis de los pensamientos automáticos y actitudes disfuncionales relacionadas con la ira-hostilidad. Para ello se comparó un grupo de 57 adultos con HTA-E mantenida con un grupo de 37 adultos con normotensión en diferentes medidas psicométricas de dichos constructos emocionales y cognitivos. Los resultados sugieren que las personas con HTA-E, en comparación a las normotensas, muestran niveles significativamente más elevados de ansiedad y de pensamientos de afrontamiento de la ira-hostilidad así como una tendencia casi significativa a una mayor frecuencia de pensamientos hostiles y físicamente agresivos. Se discuten las implicaciones de estos hallazgos para los modelos psicológicos de la HTA-E y para el diseño o mejora de las intervenciones psicológicas en HTA-E.

  7. Estudio molecular de pacientes colombianos afectados por enanismo esencial


    Navarrete Vargas, Julie Viviana


    Los síndromes de enanismo esencial microcefálico son un grupo de enfermedades monogénicas infrecuentes que se caracterizan principalmente por talla baja extrema proporcionada de inicio prenatal y microcefalia severa. En los pacientes que formaron parte del presente estudio se investigaron variantes en el gen PCNT debido a que presentaban hallazgos clínicos compatibles con el síndrome MOPD II (enanismo esencial osteodisplásico microcefálico tipo II). Posteriormente, se amplió el estudio con...

  8. Evaluación nematicida del aceite esencial de Tagetes zypaquirensis en el manejo del nematodo Meloidogyne spp.

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    David Eduardo Álvarez


    Full Text Available El lulo (Solanum quitoense Lam. es un frutal andino de gran importancia económica en Colombia, sin embargo, las áreas sembradas y rendimientos han sufrido una evidente reducción debido al ataque de patógenos como el nematodo Meloidogyne spp., que ha ocasionado pérdidas de hasta 50%. En la naturaleza existen diferentes recursos vegetales con propiedades nematicidas, destacándose al género Tagetes. El objetivo de esta investigación fue evaluar la actividad nematicida del aceite esencial de Tagetes zypaquirensis sobre Meloidogyne spp. Bajo condiciones de invernadero se evaluaron cuatro concentraciones del aceite esencial (100, 200, 400, 800mg/kg de suelo las cuales fueron aplicadas a un suelo con juveniles de segundo estadio del nematodo +400 J2/100g. Además, se establecieron tres comparadores: un tratamiento sin aplicación de aceite esencial, un suelo sin nematodo y un suelo tratado con i.a carbofuran (33,2% bajo una dosis de 2cc/L. Para cada tratamiento, las variables a evaluar fueron: severidad, altura de planta, peso fresco y seco al aire, peso fresco radical, número de huevos del nematodo/100g raíz y número de J2/100g de suelo. Los componentes mayoritarios del aceite esencial de T. zypaquirensis fueron dihidrotagetona y E-tagetona con una proporción relativa de 42,2 y 22,9%, respectivamente. Los resultados indicaron, que la concentración 800mg/kg de aceite esencial presentó la misma acción nematicida que el suelo tratado con carbofuran al reducir las poblaciones de Meloidogyne spp. y presentar valores similares en las variables fitométricas. Se concluye que el aceite esencial T. zypaquirensis puede ser una alternativa para el manejo de la enfermedad del nudo radical.



    Palacios Ambrocio, Andrianov Lenin; Universidad Nacional del Santa Ancash - Chimbote - Perú; Castillo Martinez, Williams Esteward; Universidad Nacional del Santa Ancash - Chimbote - Perú


    Los Aceites Esenciales tienen una importante demanda en la industria de alimentos, farmacéutica y de cosméticos. La presente investigación evalúa la cinética extracción de aceite esencial de Aloysia citriodora y Schinus molle evaluadas a dos caudales de vapor (4 y 6 Kg de vapor/h). Se empleó un equipo de extracción por arrastre de vapor a nivel piloto.El rendimiento de aceite esencial de las dos materia primas evaluadas se ajustan al modelo matemático de la cinética de Monod y la  cinética de...

  10. Apoyo familiar en el apego al tratamiento de la hipertensión arterial esencial Family support and drug therapy compliance in essential hypertension

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    Florentina Marín-Reyes


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Determinar la asociación entre apoyo familiar (AF y apego al tratamiento de la hipertensión arterial esencial (HAS. Material y métodos. Estudio de casos y controles al que se integraron 80 sujetos con diagnóstico establecido de HAS, con 40 pacientes en cada grupo. Se consideró como casos a los pacientes con apego y como controles a los pacientes sin apego al tratamiento. El estudio se realizó de mayo a diciembre de 1999, en el Hospital Regional del IMSS, en la ciudad de Durango, Durango, México. La edad, género, duración de la HAS, escolaridad y estado civil fueron criterios de pareamiento. Las diferencias se establecieron con las pruebas ji cuadrada y t de student. Se calculó la razón de momios para estimar la fuerza de asociación. El diagnóstico de hipertensión arterial secundaria, o de otras enfermedades crónicas fueron criterios de exclusión. Resultados. No hubo diferencias entre los grupos respecto a las variables sociodemográficas, modalidad de tratamiento ni conocimiento que el enfermo tenía sobre su enfermedad. Tenían control de la presión arterial 31 (77.5% pacientes con apego y 11 (27.5% sin apego, p= 0.003. El AF se asoció de manera independiente con apego al tratamiento, RM 6.9, IC 95% 2.3-21.1. Conclusiones. El apego se vincula de forma significativa con el apoyo que los familiares otorgan al enfermo. El texto completo en inglés de este artículo está disponible en: To assess the relationship between family support and drug therapy compliance in essential hypertension. Material and methods. A case-control study was conducted between May and December 1999, at Mexican Institute of Social Security Regional Hospital in Durango, among 80 hypertensive subjects; 40 were cases and 40 controls. Cases were subjects who complied with drug therapy and controls were those who did not, matched by age, gender, schooling, hypertensive disease duration, and marital status

  11. Efecto del aceite esencial de Eucalyptus citriodora sobre el metabolismo energético mitocondrial

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    Luis Carlos Vesga


    Full Text Available Con el fin de contribuir al conocimiento de su actividad a nivel celular, se evaluó el mecanismo de acción del aceite esencial de Eucalyptus citriodora (Fam. Myrtaceae sobre la bioenergética mitocondrial, su efecto sobre la velocidad de consumo de oxígeno de mitocondrias energizadas (estados 3 y 4 y su coeficiente de control respiratorio (CCR. Además, se analizó la actividad de los complejos de la cadena respiratoria usando técnicas espectrofotométricas. Los resultados obtenidos indican que el aceite esencial de E. citriodora aumenta la velocidad del consumo de oxígeno en los estados 3 y 4, disminuye el CCR, desacopla la fosforilación oxidativa, aumenta la actividad de la citocromo c oxidasa y aumenta la actividad ATPasa en mitocondrias íntegras, a partir de la concentración de 10 μg/mL. Estos resultados sugieren que el aceite esencial o sus metabolitos afectan el funcionamiento normal del transporte de electrones de la cadena respiratoria y la síntesis de ATP.



    López-De Ávila, Lina M.; Castaño-Peláez, Hader I.; Mejía-Gómez, Carlos E.


    El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la actividad antimicrobiana del aceite esencial de Salvia officinalis L. sobre microorganismos transmitidos por alimentos con alto potencial patogénico en humanos. Para determinar su efectividad como alternativa en la conservación de alimentos se comparó con la actividad antimicrobiana de compuestos químicos utilizados ampliamente en la industria de alimentos. El aceite esencial de S. officinalis demostró un amplio espectro de inhibición microbiana sobr...

  13. Composición Química y Actividad Antibacteriana del Aceite Esencial de Minthostachys mollis


    Torrenegra-Alarcón, Miladys; Granados-Conde, Clemente; Durán-Lengua, Marlene; León-Méndez, Glicerio; Yáñez-Rueda, Xiomara; Martínez, César; Pájaro-Castro, Nerlis


    Se evaluó la composición química y la actividad antibacteriana del aceite esencial Minthostachys mollis cultivado en el departamento de Norte de Santander, Colombia.El aceite esencial fue obtenido por hidrodestilación convencional, a partir de las hojas; se determinó densidad relativa a 20°C, índice de refracción; solubilidad de los aceites esenciales en etanol (70% v/v) y rotación óptica. La composición química se evaluó mediante cromatografía de gases/espectrómetro de masa. La actividad se ...


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    Luis Chávez Torres


    Full Text Available Objetivo: El presente trabajo tuvo como propósito determinar el efecto sinérgico antibacteriano entre el aceite esencial de Origanum vulgare y la Gentamicina en aislados de Escherichia coli. Diseño: Estudio experimental Lugar: Centro Latinoamericano de Enseñanza e Investigación en Bacteriología Alimentaria (CLEIBA Participantes: Placas Petri conteniendo E. Coli ATCC 25922, aceite esencial de orégano y Gentamicina. Intervenciones: Se aplicó el método de Kirby Bauer (discos de difusión en 20 placas Petri. Se aisló la cepa Escherichia coli ATCC 25922. El grupo Experimental fue tratado con discos de papel filtro, embebidos con Gentamicina y aceite esencial de orégano al 75%; mientras que el grupo Control, con discos de Gentamicina sola. Se realizó la medición de los halos y se registraron los datos. Principales medidas de resultados: Se evaluó el diámetro de los halos de inhibición Resultados: Los halos de inhibición del grupo Experimental resultaron 22,375 mm., mayores que los del grupo Control (20,75 mm. La prueba T determinó que la diferencia era estadísticamente significativa, p = 0,001 (p < 0,05. Conclusiones: Existe un efecto sinérgico antibacteriano in vitro entre el aceite esencial de Origanum vulgare y la gentamicina en E. coli.

  15. Composición química y actividad antibacteriana del aceite esencial de Peperomia acuminata de los Andes venezolanos

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    Flor D. Mora-Vivas


    Full Text Available El género Peperomia (Piperaceae, es bien conocido por sus especies ornamentales y usos etnomedicinales. En el presente trabajo se describe la caracterización química y la actividad antibacteriana del aceite esencial de Peperomia acuminata Ruiz & Pav. proveniente del Estado Mérida Venezuela. El aceite esencial se obtuvo por hidrodestilación de las hojas y la separación de los componentes se realizó por Cromatografía de gases-Espectrometría de Masas (CG/EM. Se logró la elucidación de ocho compuestos (96,7%, siendo el 2E-dodecenal el componente mayoritario (65% seguido de dodecanal (14,8% y tetradecanal (9,2%. Esta investigación muestra el potencial del aceite esencial de P. acuminata frente a bacterias Gram positivas (Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923 y Enterococcus faecalis 29212, con un valor de Concentración inhibitoria mínima de 1μL/mL. Este es el primer reporte sobre la composición química del aceite esencial de esta especie, por lo tanto una contribución importante al estudio del género Peperomia.

  16. Actividad antimicótica in vitro y metabolitos del aceite esencial de las hojas de Minthostachys Mollis (muña

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    Carlos Cano


    Full Text Available Objetivos. Demostrar la actividad antimicótica in vitro y la elucidación de algunos de los metabolitos del aceite esencial de hojas de Minthostachys mollis (muña proveniente del distrito de Huacrapuquio (2700 msnm, Junín. Materiales y métodos. El aceite esencial se obtuvo por el método de destilación por arrastre de vapor de agua. Este fue sometido a análisis físico-químico y determinación de la composición química mediante cromatografía de gases. Mediante el método de agar en difusión se evaluó la inhibición del crecimiento fúngico de Candida albicans y también por el método de dilución en tubo para Trichophytun tonsurans, Trichophytun mentagrophytes, Microsporun canis. Resultados. Se encontraron los siguientes monoterpenos: pulegona, mentona, limoneno y mirceno. El aceite esencial de muña inhibió completamente el desarrollo de T. tonsurasn, T. mentagrophytes y M. canis con ambos métodos de evaluación y dosis, para C. albicans se logró un halo de inhibición de 30 mm para el aceite esencial al 100% y de 35 mm al 50%. Conclusiones. Se demostró la actividad antimicótica del aceite esencial de muña, probablemente por la acción de los monoterpenos encontrados.

  17. Fisiopatología de la hipertensión arterial

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    Patrick Wagner-Grau


    Full Text Available Diversos factores están implicados en la fisiopatología de la hipertensión arterial esencial. El elemento básico es la disfunción endotelial y la ruptura del equilibrio entre los factores vasoconstrictores y los vasodilatadores. Contribuyen a lo anterior, de modo importante, diversos factores hormonales, como el sistema captación y descarboxilación de los precursores de grupos amino (APUD digestivo y el síndrome anémico.

  18. Efecto sinérgico del aceite esencial de Origanum vulgare a la Gentamicina en cultivos de Escherichia coli.

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    Luis Chávez Torres


    Full Text Available Objetivo: El presente trabajo tuvo como propósito determinar el efecto sinérgico antibacteriano entre el aceite esencial de Origanum vulgare y la Gentamicina en aislados de Escherichia coli. Diseño: Estudio experimental Lugar: Centro Latinoamericano de Enseñanza e Investigación en Bacteriología Alimentaria (CLEIBA Participantes: Placas Petri conteniendo E. Coli ATCC 25922, aceite esencial de orégano y Gentamicina. Intervenciones: Se aplicó el método de Kirby Bauer (discos de difusión en 20 placas Petri. Se aisló la cepa Escherichia coli ATCC 25922. El grupo Experimental fue tratado con discos de papel filtro, embebidos con Gentamicina y aceite esencial de orégano al 75%; mientras que el grupo Control, con discos de Gentamicina sola. Se realizó la medición de los halos y se registraron los datos. Principales medidas de resultados: Se evaluó el diámetro de los halos de inhibición Resultados: Los halos de inhibición del grupo Experimental resultaron 22,375 mm., mayores que los del grupo Control (20,75 mm. La prueba T determinó que la diferencia era estadísticamente significativa, p = 0,001 (p < 0,05. Conclusiones: Existe un efecto sinérgico antibacteriano in vitro entre el aceite esencial de Origanum vulgare y la gentamicina en E. coli.

  19. Contenido del aceite esencial en el follaje de Pinus caribaea Morelet según la época del Año. I

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    Rolando Quert Álvarez


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio con el objetivo de determinar el contenido de aceite esencial en el follaje verde de la especie Pinus caribaea Morelet y cómo varía éste según los diferentes meses del año. Se determinaron el tiempo de destilación del aceite esencial a escala de laboratorio, el tamaño de muestra en nuestras condiciones de trabajo y el contenido de aceite esencial durante 2 años, mediante el análisis del contenido de aceite esencial de enero a diciembre. El tiempo de destilación obtenido fue de 3 h y el tamaño de muestra de 3 árboles. Los más altos rendimientos de aceite esencial se obtuvieron en los meses de marzo y abril y los más bajos entre noviembre y diciembre.A study was conducted aimed at determining the content of essential oil in the green foliage of the Pinus caribea Morelet species and at knowing how it varies according to the month of the year. The time of distillation of the essential oil at laboratory scale, the size of the sample under our working conditions, and the content of essential oil during two years were determined by analyzing the content of essential oil from January to December. The distillation time obtained was of 3 hours and the size of the sample was of 3 trees. The highest yields of essential oil were obtained in March and April, where as the lowest ones were attained between November and December.

  20. Efecto antitumoral in vitro del aceite esencial de Piper aduncum L. (matico y su toxicidad oral en ratones

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    Jorge Arroyo


    Full Text Available Introducción: Piper aduncum (matico es una especie utilizada por sus propiedades medicinales en desórdenes gastrointestinales y genitourinarios. Objetivos: Evaluar el efecto antitumoral del aceite esencial de Piper aduncum (matico in vitro en siete líneas celulares tumorales humanas y determinar la toxicidad oral en ratones. Diseño: Experimental. Institución: Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Perú. Material biológico: Líneas celulares tumorales humanas H460, DU-145, ME-180, K562, HT-29, MCF 7, M14, K562; fibroblastos normales de ratón 3T3 y ratones albinos machos Balb/C53. Intervenciones: Las líneas celulares fueron expuestas a cuatro concentraciones del aceite esencial de P. aduncum y 5-fluorouracilo (5-FU. Para la toxicidad oral se utilizó ratones albinos machos Balb C/53 de 40 días post destete, a cinco dosis de tratamiento, evaluándose el número de muertes en cada dosis. Principales medidas de los resultados: Porcentaje de inhibición del crecimiento celular (IC50, dosis letal 50 (DL50. Resultados: El aceite esencial mostró IC50 mayor a 250 ug/mL para las líneas celulares M-14 (r = -0,99; p 2 000 mg /kg. Conclusiones: El aceite esencial de P. aduncum no presentó efecto antitumoral in vitro para las siete líneas celulares tumorales humanas y no fue tóxico.

  1. Efecto del polimorfismo del receptor ? 2 adrenérgico sobre la respuesta antihipertensiva en pacientes con hipertensión esencial

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    Juan McEwen


    Full Text Available La hipertensión arterial esencial (HTE es uno de los principales factores de riesgo cardiovascular y generador indirecto de la enfermedad coronaria, la mayor causa de muertes en Colombia y el mundo [1].
    El Sistema Nervioso Simpático (SNS modifica la resistencia
    arterial periférica a través del receptor ? 2 adrenérgico,  generando señales intracelulares que regulan la relajación del
    músculo liso vascular. Este receptor experimenta un proceso
    denominado desensibilización, es decir, cuando es activado por
    un agonista por tiempo prolongado, la respuesta no será de la
    misma intensidad a la inicial. La desensibilización del receptor
    ? 2 parece estar determinada por la estructura de aminoácidos
    polimórficos: Arginina 16 Glicina y Ácido glutámico 27 Glutamina
    amino terminales. Estas variantes son codificadas por polimorfismos de un solo nucleótido (SNP 46 y 79. La función
    de estos polimorfismos y su efecto en la función vascular es
    controversial. Evidencias clínica e in vitro sugieren que la Glicina
    16 se desensibiliza mas rápido que la Arginina; igualmente, el
    Ácido glutámico 27 facilita la desensibilización versus

  2. Efecto de la poda sobre la cantidad y el rendimiento del aceite esencial de Laurus nobilis

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    Ana María Callejas-Leguizamon


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Conocer el comportamiento de la planta de laurel con diferentes podas, en cuanto a su rendimiento y cantidad de aceite esencial para satisfacer las demandas del mercado. Materiales y métodos. Se monitorearon 48 plantas, ubicadas en el municipio de Nuevo Colón, Boyacá, en un diseño completamente al azar, con tres tratamientos (deshoje, despunte y el testigo sin poda en 5 estadios fenológicos, con cuatro repeticiones. Se evaluó la respuesta en cuanto a tres solventes usados en la extracción y diferentes tipos de poda. Resultados. El hexano fue el solvente que permitió mayor extracción de aceite esencial de las hojas de laurel, seguido de etanol y cloroformo-metanol, respectivamente. Asimismo, en los diferentes tratamientos de poda se demostró que la mayor cantidad de aceite esencial (p≤0,01 se obtuvo en hojas de laurel con despunte, mientras que con deshoje se obtuvo la menor cantidad. Analizando el rendimiento, se encontraron rendimientos (2,32% en las hojas de laurel con despunte, seguido de las plantas testigo (2,05% y por último las plantas con deshoje (1,24%. Conclusiones. El despunte, como práctica agronómica, en laurel representa mayores beneficios al productor y es una alternativa de valor agregado.

  3. Efecto anti-Trypanosoma cruzi del aceite esencial de Cymbopogon citratus (DC Stapf (hierba luisa en ratones Balb/c

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    Juan Rojas


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar la actividad anti-Trypanosoma cruzi in vivo del aceite esencial de Cymbopogon citratus en ratones Balb/c. Diseño: Estudio experimental, prospectivo. Institución: Instituto de Investigaciones Clínicas e Instituto de Medicina Tropical de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Perú. Material biológico: Aceite esencial de Cymbopogon citratus; ratones albinos Balb/c. Intervenciones: Los animales fueron asignados aleatoriamente a seis grupos de 15 ratones cada uno: infectados y no tratados (G1, infectados y tratados con benznidazol 100 mg/kg (G2, infectados y tratados con aceite esencial de Cymbopogon citratus 100 mg/kg y 250 mg/kg (G3 y G4, respectivamente, no infectados y no tratados (G5, y no infectados y tratados con 250 mg de Cymbopogon citratus (G6. La infección con T. cruzi se realizó con 10(4 trypomastigotes sanguíneos y el tratamiento empezó en el 8º día post infección (dpi hasta el 28° dpi. La parasitemia se determinó con microscopia óptica cada dos días en 5 µL de sangre de la cola. En el 14°, 21° y 28° dpi, cinco animales de cada grupo fueron sacrificados y se removió el corazón para estudio histopatológico. Principales medidas de resultados: Parasitemia, número de nidos de amastigotes e infiltrados inflamatorios. Resultados: El aceite esencial de Cymbopogon citratus 250 mg/kg/día produjo una reducción significativa en el pico de parasitemia desde 113,92 ± 25,66 hasta 74,60 ± 12,37 tripomastigotes/mL (p < 0,05. Con 100 mg/kg/día se produjo una reducción hasta 77,40 ± 14,93 tripomastigotes/ mL (p < 0,05. También redujo el número de amastigotes y de infiltrados inflamatorios en el corazón. Conclusiones: El aceite esencial de Cymbopogon citratus tuvo efecto anti-Trypanosoma cruzi en ratones Balb/c en lo referente a la disminución de la parasitemia, el número de nidos de amastigotes y los resultados inflamatorios.

  4. Actividad inhibitoria del aceite esencial de Lippia origanoides H.B.K sobre el crecimiento de Phytophthora infestans

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    óscar Arango Bedoya


    Full Text Available Phytophthora infestans (Mont. de Bary es el fitopatógeno más perjudicial de la papa (Solanum tuberosum al causar la enfermedad conocida como ‘gota o tizón tardío’. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar la actividad in vitro del aceite esencial obtenido de una especie de orégano silvestre (Lippia origanoides H.B.K. sobre Phytophthora infestans. Para el efecto se evaluaron diferentes concentraciones de este aceite esencial (10, 50, 100, 150, 200, 250 µg/ml y de un fungicida comercial usado como testigo. La actividad antifúngica se determinó con base en la evaluación del crecimiento del micelio mediante el método de dilución en agar tomate. A partir de una concentración de aceite de 150 µg/ml se inhibió completamente el crecimiento del patógeno, por lo que ésta fue considerada como la concentración letal. Este estudio demostró que el aceite esencial de orégano silvestre del Alto Patía, Colombia, es un potencial agente antifúngico que podría ser usado en sistemas de control integrado de P. infestans.

  5. Validación clínica y seguimiento en la oficina de farmacia de la utilidad del aceite esencial de romero como agente hipertensor


    Fernández Martín, Luis Fernando


    El objetivo de esta tesis doctoral es probar que el uso tradicional del aceite esencial de romero en el tratamiento de la hipotensión esencial o primaria se basa en una evidencia que puede ser puesta de manifiesto mediante la realización e interpretación un estudio clínico.


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    D. V. Castro


    Full Text Available El aceite esencial de eneldo tiene propiedades antimicrobianas y antifúngicas, por lo que puede ser utilizado para evitar el deterioro de los alimentos. En esta investigación se evaluó la capacidad inhibitoria del aceite esencial de eneldo sobre Staphylococcus aureus , coliformes y hongos presentes en la carne de trucha ( Oncorhynchus mykiss , utilizando 50 y 100 μL de aceite esencial. Se evaluaron diferentes condiciones de extracción del aceite esencial mediante el método de hidrodestilación y se logró un rendimiento máximo en base seca de 1,32% utilizando una relación 1:5 de agua y material vegetal durante 90 minutos. Al evaluar la capacidad antimicrobiana, el mayor efecto inhibitorio se obtuvo al aplicar 100 μL de aceite esencial de eneldo en cultivos de Staphylococcus aureus , coliformes fecales, coliformes totales y hongos, evidenciándose un mayor halo de inhibición para coliformes totales.

  7. Efecto del aceite esencial de Cymbopogon citratus sobre propiedades fisicoquímicas en películas de quitosano

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    María del Carmen Vázquez - Briones


    Full Text Available Se investigó el efecto de la incorporación de aceite esencial de zacate limón ( Cymbopogon citratus , en concentraciones de 0, 200 y 400 ppm, en las propiedades fisicoquímicas (espesor, humedad, solubilidad, permeabilidad al vapor de agua, color, transparencia y mecánicas (resistencia a la tensión y elongación de películas de quitosano a dos concentraciones (1 y 3%. Los resultados mostraron un efecto significativo (p ≤ 0,05 en los valores del espesor de las películas a las dos concentraciones de quitosano. Se observó un efecto significativo (p ≤ 0,05 en los valores de humedad a concentraciones de 0, 200 y 400 ppm de aceite esencial. La adición de aceite esencial en películas de quitosano mostró un efecto significativo (p ≤ 0,05 en los valores de permeabili dad al vapor de agua. La concentración de quitosano mostró un efecto significativo (p ≤ 0,05 en transparencia y en los parámetros de color L* , a* , b* . Al variar la concentración de quitosano se observó un incremento significativo (p ≤ 0,05 en los valores de resistencia a la tensión de las películas de quitosano.

  8. Marcadores Hemoquímicos de afectación al tejido nervioso como indicadores de daño en la hipertensión arterial esencial y en el ictus


    González García, Sergio


    En el presente trabajo se aborda la aplicabilidad clínica de las determinaciones séricas de algunos marcadores hemoquímicos de daño del SNC (NSE y S100B), inflamatorios (PCR, C3, C4 y AAT), de trombosis (fibrinógeno y DD) y de disfunción endotelial (μalb) en dos enfermedades íntimamente relacionadas, donde la afectación vascular constituye la base fisiopatológica: la HTA esencial y el ictus agudo. El objetivo principal de esta investigación fue evaluar la utilidad de marcadores hemoquímicos c...

  9. Composición química y actividad antibacteriana del aceite esencial del Origanum vulgare (orégano

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    Emilia Albado Plaus


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar la actividad antimicrobiano en el aceite esencial (Carvacrol del Origanum vulgare. Material y métodos: El aceite esencial se obtuvo por destilación por arrastre con vapor de agua, a partir de las hojas y flores desecadas de O. vulgare; se determinó la gravedad especifica con un pinnómetro y el índice de refracción con refractómetro de Abbc; la composición química se evaluó mediante cromatografía de gas con detector de masa (GL-SM. La actividad antimicrobiana del aceite de O. vulgare se realizó por el método semicuantitativo de incorporación y de disco difusión en agar. Resultados: La densidad especifica del producto resultó 0.9234 a 20°C y el índice de refracción 1.4774; el cromatograma mostró un contenido de 9% de Carvacrol, 12.19% de Terpineol, 6.86% de P-cimeno y la presencia de otros compuesto relacionados metabolicamente con los tres antes citados. Las bacterias gram-negativas: Escherichia coli, Pseudomona aeruginosa, Salmonella tiphymurium, Salmonella cholerae suis y Vibrio cholerae y las bacterias gram-positivas: Staphylococcus aureus y Bacillus cereus, mostraron diferentes grados de sensibilidad. De los microorganismos evaluados solo pseudomonas aeruginosa mostró resistencia. Conclusión: El aceite esencial posee actividad microbiana contra todas las bacterias evaluadas, excepto antes para P. aeruginosa.(Rev Med Hered 2001; 12: 16-19 .

  10. Efecto del aceite esencial de Cymbopogon citratus (DC.) stapf “hierba luisa” en los niveles de ansiedad de estudiantes de educación secundaria


    Soto Vásquez, Marilú Roxana; Universidad Nacional de Trujillo; Alvarado García, Paúl Alan Arkin; Rosales Cerquin, Luis Enrique; Cerna Castillo, José


    El objetivo de la investigación fué evaluar el efecto del aceite esencial de Cymbopogon citratus (DC.) Stapf “hierba luisa” en los niveles de ansiedad de estudiantes del quinto grado de educación secundaria de una institución educativa pública. Se realizó un estudio cuasiexperimental, pretest y postest, con una muestra de 54 alumnos, divididos en un grupo experimental tratado con aromaterapia del aceite esencial estudiado, vía inhalatoria, y un grupo control, al cual no se le aplicó ningún es...

  11. Extracción, caracterización y evaluación de la actividad antibacteriana del aceite esencial de Senecio graveolens Wedd (Wiskataya

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    Kiev Ochoa Pumaylle


    Full Text Available El objetivo del presente trabajo fue extraer, caracterizar y evaluar la actividad antibacteriana del aceite esencial de Senecio graveolens Wedd (Wiskataya frente a Escherichia coli y Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 29923. Las hojas y tallos se recolectaron a una altitud de 3800 m.s.n.m. en el distrito de Puquio, provincia de Lucanas, departamento de Ayacucho. El aceite esencial se obtuvo por destilación por arrastre con vapor de agua, a partir de las hojas y tallos desecados de S. graveolens, con rendimiento de 1,26 % (p/p. La muestra extraída fue caracterizada a través de ensayos físicos. La composición química del aceite se evaluó mediante cromatografía de gas con detector de masa (CG-SM. La actividad antibacteriana del aceite de S. graveolens se realizó por el método de difusión en agar en pocillos, utilizando cepas de microorganismos gram positivo como S. aureus y gram negativo como E. coli. La densidad del producto resultó 0,8755 g/ml a 20 ºC; índice de refracción 1,4726; índice de rotación 102°85’ y soluble en etanol; el cromatograma mostró componentes mayoritarios con un contenido de 52,39 % Sabineno, 8,20 % (+-4-careno, 7,11 % τ-terpineno, 6,74 % β-myrceno, 3,78 % 4-terpinenol, 3,67 % Pulegona. Los resultados mostraron actividad antibacteriana marcada y moderada, para S. aureus y E. coli, respectivamente, observándose formación de halos de inhibición para concentraciones del aceite esencial a 80, 90 y 100 %. El aceite esencial de S. graveolens se presenta con actividad antibacteriana promisoria.


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    Elizabeth Murillo


    Full Text Available Se estudió la composición química del aceite esencial de Ocimum americanum L. (albahaca querendona morada obtenido por hidrodestilación de vegetales recolectados en Chapetón-Ibagué. El análisis realizado por cromatografía de gases de alta eficiencia/detector selectivo de masas (HRGC/MSD reveló que la esencia está constituida en un 85,4% por cinamato de metilo y un 5% de estragol. Adicionalmente, se caracterizó el aceite esencialmediante la determinación de la densidad, índice de refracción, pH, solubilidad y los espectros IR y UV.

  13. Actividad antioxidante de compuestos aislados del residuo no-volátil del aceite esencial de naranja.

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    Vargas-Arispuro, L.


    Full Text Available There has been a growing interest in the food industry and in preventive medicine to search for «natural antioxidants». Therefore the objetive of this study was to evaluate the antioxidant activity of the non-volatile residue of essential orange oil in the oxidation of unrefined and freshly extracted olive oil. Essential orange oil was distilled to obtain a non-volatile residue and fracctionated on a Silica Gel 60 column. The antioxidant activity was determined by measuring peroxide value obtained after heating olive oil at 70 °C for 48 h. Six compounds were isolated and purified, four of these had antioxidant activity, α-tocopherol and three methoxylated flavones were identified using spectroscopic methods. This study confirmed that non-volatile fractions of essential orange oil contain natural antioxidants diferent from α-tocopherol.

    Existe un creciente interés en la industria alimentaria y en la medicina preventiva por la búsqueda de «antioxidantes naturales», por lo que nos planteamos evaluar la actividad antioxidante del residuo no volátil del aceite esencial de naranja contra la oxidación del aceite de oliva sin retinar y de reciente extracción. Mediante destilación del aceite esencial de naranja se obtuvo el residuo no-volátil, el cual se fraccionó en columna de silica gel 60. La actividad antioxidante fue medida por el valor de peróxidos producidos por el aceite de oliva al provocar la oxidación por calentamiento a 70 °C durante 48 h. Se aislaron seis compuestos mediante HPLC preparativo de los cuales cuatro tuvieron actividad antioxidante. Usando métodos espectroscópicos se identificaron α-tocoferol y tres flavonas metoxiladas. Con este estudio se confirmó que la fracción no volátil del aceite esencial de naranja contiene antioxidantes naturales diferentes al α-tocoferol.

  14. ¿Es posible la transformación docente?

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    Agustín de la Herrán Gascón


    Full Text Available Se presenta un ensayo en torno a dos cuestiones fundamentales: si es posible la transformación docente y si tiene sentido una formación orientada más allá del conocimiento y la efectividad. Se construyó tras una acción formativa (Herrán, 2015b que tuvo lugar el 20 de junio de 2015 en la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM, con directivos de escuelas y facultades de Informática y Computación. En aquella ocasión, la ponencia tenía por título: “¿Es posible la transformación docente? Más allá de la necesidad de efectividad en la gestión y de la apropiación del conocimiento”. El objetivo del ensayo es ahondar aún más en la formación pedagógica del profesorado universitario como un reto no sólo irresuelto, sino insuficiente y mal planteado, y generar controversia científica en este sentido. La metodología es dialéctica, hermenéutica, dialógica y destructiva de convicciones y certezas, obviamente con una última finalidad constructiva. Se recurre a una experiencia didáctica como hilo conductor explicativo. Las conclusiones apuntan a dos cuestiones: que la transformación docente sólo es posible o superficialmente o en la profundidad de la formación, que incluye planos y constructos inéditos o excluidos de la formación ordinaria del profesor universitario, y que si la formación no trasciende el conocimiento y la efectividad, no es tal.

  15. Cromatografía de gases–espectrometría de masas de compuestos fitobioactivos del aceite esencial de Satureja incana

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    Joseph Ricaldi Sarapura


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Analizar la composición de fitobioactivos del aceite esencial de Satureja incana por cromatografía de gases acoplada a espectrometría de masas (GC-MS, por sus siglas en inglés; y determinar rendimiento extractivo y características físico-químicas del aceite esencial de Satureja incana. Métodos: Se colectó ramas tiernas en estado de floración, con cortes de 20-35 cm, ubicación de recolecta a una altitud 2 682 msnm; distrito de Palca, provincia Tarma, región Junín. Extracción: equipo extractor de acero inoxidable, tiempo 1 hora. Caracterización físico-química: Norma Técnica Peruana. Análisis GC-SM: gas helio flujo 20 ml.min-1, inyección de 0,2 μl de aceite esencial, configuración térmica en gradiente. Resultados: El rendimiento de extracción fue 0,49 base seca con densidad relativa 0,9816; índice de refracción 1,4879 e índice de acidez 1,9860; y la composición fitoquímica: predomina concentración sesquiterpenica 66,37 % y monoterpenos 30,07 %; siendo los compuestos mayoritarios: germacreno D 25,91 %, β cariofileno 22,10 %, α-ocimeno 12,62 %, 4(8-p-mentona 6,73 %, humuleno 3,95 %, cariofileno óxido 3,08 %, limoneno 2,44 %; y minoritarios: β-bourbeneno 1,95 %, β-ocimeno 1,78 %, espatulenol 1,66 %, β-linalol 1,64 %, dlisopulegol 1,66 %, α-cubebeno 1,51 %, δ-Cadineno 0,89 %, α-pineno 0,45 %, β-pineno 0,52 %. Conclusiones: La presencia de algunos compuestos químicos respalda su uso etnofitofarmacobotánico. Presenta potencial característica para utilizarlo en formulaciones para plaguicidas debido a la presencia de germacreno D en alta concentración.

  16. Contenido del aceite esencial en el follaje de Pinus Caribaea morelet en función de la edad del árbol. II

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    Rolando Quert Álvarez


    Full Text Available Se presentan los resultados obtenidos en la cuantificación del contenido de aceite esencial de la especie Pinus caribaea Morelet endémica de Cuba, en función de la edad del árbol. El estudio se realizó con árboles existentes en áreas de la Estación Experimental Forestal de Viñales, provincia de Pinar del Río, con edades de entre 8-30 a. El tamaño de muestra fue de 3 árboles y el tiempo de destilación para la extracción del aceite esencial de 3 h. Los resultados obtenidos demostraron que el contenido de aceite esencial varía significativamente con la edad del árbol en forma ascendente, con el valor más bajo (0,12 % en peso a los 8 a y el más alto (0,27 % en peso a los 30 a.The results obtained in the quantitation of the content of essential oil of the Pinus caribaea Morelet, an endemic species from Cuba, according to the age of the tree, are presented. The study was conducted with trees existing in the areas of the Experimental Forestal Station in Viñales, province of Pinar del Río, at ages 8-30. The size of the sample was of 3 trees and the distillation time for the extraction of essential oil was of 3 hours. The results obtained showed that the content of esential oil increases significantly with age. The lowest value (0.12% in weight was registered at 8 and the highest (0,27% in weight at 30.



    Cerquera Escobar, Flor Ángela


    En la investigación y estudio del Transporte, el contexto de la configuración geográfica es esencial y en muy poco o en nada se toma en cuenta para el análisis, esta es continuamente olvidada; ¿será por ello que los problemas del transporte día a día son mayores?; pues es básico observar y entender dentro del proceso analítico las relaciones espaciales que se producen en los sistemas de transporte, lo que ha dado lugar a varias falacias sobre el transporte. Una mejor comprensión de las relaci...

  18. Bioactivity of Lantana camara L. essential oil against Callosobruchus maculatus (Fabricius Bioactividad de aceite esencial de Lantana camara L. contra Callosobruchus maculatus (Fabricius

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    Nooshin Zandi-Sohani


    Full Text Available Lantana camara L. is a widespread plant species mostly native to subtropical and tropical regions of the world. In this study, insecticidal and repellent activities of L. camara essential oil were evaluated against Callosobruchus maculatus (Fabricius (Col: Bruchidae. Analysis of chemical composition by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS showed high amounts of sesquiterpenes, mainly α-humelene (23.3% and cis-caryophyllene (16.2%. The results showed that the essential oil of L. camara has strong repellent activity against adults of C. maculatus at all tested concentrations. After 2 and 4 h, 97.4 and 100% repellency was seen at highest concentrations of 0.4 μL cm-2, respectively. Moreover, the oil was found to be toxic to adults when applied by fumigation. Responses varied with the gender of insect and exposure time. The LC50 values were 282.7 and 187.9 μL L-1 for females and males, respectively. An increase in the exposure time from 3 to 24 h caused increasing in mortality from 23.6 to 100% in males and from 14.1 to 97.1% in females, at highest concentration (1160 μL L-1. According to these results, L. camara essential oil may be useful as an alternative for bean protection against C. maculatus.Lantana camara L. es una especie vegetal nativa de las regiones subtropicales y tropicales del mundo. En este estudio se evaluaron las actividades insecticida y repelente del aceite esencial de L. camara contra Callosobruchus maculatus (Fabricius. El análisis de la composición volátil de este aceite esencial mediante cromatografía de gas/ espectrometría de masa (GC/MS demostró la presencia de elevadas cantidades de sesquiterpenos, principalmente α-humuleno (23.3% y ci's-cariofileno (16.2%. Los resultados obtenidos demostraron que el aceite esencial de L. camara tiene una elevada actividad repelente contra los adultos de C. maculatus a todas las concentraciones ensayadas. Después de 2 y 4 h la concentración de 0.4 μL cm-2 causó 97

  19. ¿Es posible el capitalismo sostenible?

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    James O´Connor


    Full Text Available ¿Es posible el capitalismo sostenible? En este artículo se analiza una evidencia relativa a esta pregunta, haciendo énfasis en algunos de los diferentes conceptos de "sostenibilidad" planteados por los verdes y por el sector empresarial. Se hace un breve recuento de las condiciones de sostenibilidad económica y se discute la "primera" contradicción del capitalismo y la naturaleza de la acumulación capitalista, además de un breve examen del proceso de formación de una crisis mundial en la década de los ochenta.

  20. Hipotensión arterial y variabilidad de la frecuencia cardiaca en pacientes embarazadas llevadas a cesarea bajo anestesia raquídea


    Amaya Rios, Juan Carlos; Garcia Montaño, Nestor Ivan


    INTRODUCCION La hipotensión arterial por anestesia raquídea en embarazadas llevadas a cesárea es frecuente y deletérea para la madre y el feto, sin que a la fecha exista una herramienta clínicamente útil para predecirla. La variabilidad de la frecuencia cardiaca es una medida que estima la actividad del sistema nervioso autónomo y algunos estudio iniciales indican una posible utilidad como herramienta predictiva de hipotensión arterial en esta población. METODOLOGIA Se realizó un es...

  1. Composición y propiedades antibacterianas del aceite esencial de Lippia alba (Mill. n. e. Brown

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    Jorge A Pino Alea


    Full Text Available Con ayuda de la cromatografía gaseosa capilar, espectrometría de masas y espectroscopia infrarroja, se estudiaron los componentes volátiles del aceite esencial de Lippia alba (Mill. N. E. Br., lográndose identificar 43 compuestos, de los cuales 20 se informan por primera vez. Se encontró un alto contenido de carvona que hace suponer que se está en presencia de un nuevo quimiotipo. Se evaluó la actividad antibacteriana del aceite esencial sobre una bacteria integrada por 9 especies de bacterias, mediante la determinación de las concentraciones mínimas inhibitorias y con el empleo del método de las diluciones seriadas dobles en medio líquido. El aceite presentó actividad antibacteriana, siendo mayor en general, sobre los gérmenes grampositivos, con valores de las concentraciones mínimas inhibitorias entre 0,3 y 0,63 mg/mL.With the aid of capillary gas chromatography, mass spectrometry, and infrared spectroscopy, the volatile components of Lippia alba (Mill. N.E. Br. essential oil, were studied, achieving the identification of 43 compounds, 20 of them reported for the first time. A high contents of carvone (carvona was found, and this suggests the presence of a new chemotype. The antibacterial activity of the essential oil on a bacteria integrated by 9 bacterial species, was valuated by determining the inhibitory minimal concentrations, and with the use of the method of double dilution series in a liquid medium. The oil presented antibacterial activity, generally being higher on gram-positive germs, with values of the inhibitory minimal concentrations between 0,3 and 0,63 mg/L.

  2. Influencia del aceite esencial de ajo sobre la fermentación ruminal y la diversidad bacteriana en fermentadores Rusitec


    García Rodríguez, J.; Carro Travieso, Maria Dolores; Saro, C.; Mateos, I.; Tejido, M. L.; Ranilla, M. J.


    En los últimos años se han estudiado múltiples estrategias alternativas al uso de antibióticos promotores del crecimiento como aditivos en la alimentación de los rumiantes. Entre estas estrategias se encuentra el uso de los compuestos bioactivos de las plantas, como son los aceites esenciales, capaces de modificar la fermentación ruminal. El aceite esencial de ajo ha mostrado resultados prometedores en anteriores estudios in vitro de corta duración (Busquet et al, 2005; Mateos ...

  3. Potencial terapéutico del aceite esencial de Chenopodium ambrosioides y algunos de sus componentes frente a Leishmania


    Monzote Fidalgo, Lianet


    La leishmaniosis es una enfermedad causada por parásitos protozoos del género Leishmania, clasificada por la Organización Mundial de la Salud como una de las infecciones tropicales más importantes. Los fármacos disponibles son tóxicos, costosos y la resistencia parasitaria ha emergido. En las áreas endémicas la población depende fundamentalmente de la medicina natural para el tratamiento de la leishmaniosis. En este trabajo, se evaluó la actividad del aceite esencial extraído de Chenopodium a...

  4. Evaluación de la presión arterial media durante la cirugía de implante dental

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    Rolando Carrasco


    Conclusión: Se observa un alza significativa en los valores de PM registrados en los individuos durante la cirugía de implantes, por lo que es importante considerar esta alza en todos los pacientes que serán sometidos a dicho procedimiento y más aún en aquellos que ya posean valores elevados de su presión arterial de manera a evitar posibles complicaciones.

  5. Characterization of Volatile Compounds in the Essential Oil of Sweet Lime (Citrus limetta Risso Caracterización de Compuestos Volátiles en Aceite esencial de Lima Dulce (Citrus limetta Risso

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    Maria C Colecio-Juárez


    Full Text Available The essential oil of citrus fruit contains components pleasant sensory characteristics that are appreciated in food, pharmaceutical, and cosmetics industries. In the case of sweet lime (Citrus limetta Risso, is necessary to characterize the essential oil components, to identify potential uses of this fruit. The essential oil of sweet lime was obtained from lime flavedo in four different maturation stages. Steam distillation was employed and then compared with hexane extraction. The identification of the components in the essential oil was carried out by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. A total of 46 components were found in the essence of lime, among which the highest concentration of compounds present were aldehydes such as limonene. Linalool, sabinene, and bergamol were more abundant than in other varieties. The best extraction method was steam distillation, and the concentrations in stage III from the main terpenic portion were d-limonene with 74.4%, bergamol with 8.23%, and β-pinene with 7.62%.El aceite esencial de frutos cítricos contiene componentes de características sensoriales agradables que son apreciadas en las industrias alimentaria, farmacéutica y de cosméticos. En el caso de la lima dulce (Citrus limetta Risso, es necesaria la caracterización de los componentes de su aceite esencial para identificar usos potenciales de este fruto. El aceite esencial de lima dulce se obtuvo a partir del flavedo de lima en cuatro etapas de maduración diferentes. Se utilizó destilación por arrastre de vapor y se comparó con la extracción con hexano. La identificación de los componentes en el aceite esencial se realizó por cromatografía de gases y espectrometría de masas. Se encontró un total de 46 componentes en el aceite esencial de lima, entre los cuales la mayor concentración de compuestos presentes son aldehídos como el limoneno. Linalol, sabineno y bergamol fueron más abundantes que en otras variedades. El mejor m


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    Luis null


    Full Text Available La concepción e interpretación de la sociedad civil que, desde su teoría de la acción comunicativa (1981 hasta sus últimos escritos políticos, ha ido construyendo el filósofo alemán Jürgen Habermas refleja un proceso de ajuste a la realidad empírica con el consiguiente aflojamiento de los elementos normativos de su teoría. En este sentido, el lenguaje jurídico pasa a primer plano en detrimento del lenguaje filosófico-moral, lo que permite articular democracia y capitalismo en el marco de un Derecho que, recogiendo la esencial determinación de individuo, se encarga de armonizar distintos intereses contrapuestos y de manejar las contingencias de un modelo social que, en lo esencial, sigue dando preocupantes muestras de incoherencia y debilidad.

  7. Características morfológicas y posibles implicaciones clínicas de las arterias nodales Morphological characteristics and potential clinical implications of nodal arteries

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    Luis E Ballesteros


    Full Text Available La expresión morfológica de las arterias nodales es relevante en el diagnóstico y manejo de eventos clínicos y en abordajes quirúrgicos del corazón. Se estudiaron 88 arterias nodales de corazones obtenidos como material de autopsia. Las arterias coronarias se inyectaron con resina poliéster pigmentada de color rojo. Se registraron las formas de presentación de las arterias nodales y sus características morfométricas. La arteria del nodo sinoatrial se originó de la coronaria derecha en 52 casos (59,1%, de la circunfleja en 33 corazones (37,35% y de ambas en 3 (3,4%. Su calibre proximal fue de 1,31 mm (± 0,3, correspondiente a las arterias originadas de la coronaria derecha de 1,25 mm (± 0,3 mientras que las que se originaron de la arteria circunfleja obtuvieron un calibre de 1,42 mm (± 0,3, siendo esta diferencia significativa (p= 0,01. Se originó con mayor frecuencia en el tercio anteromedial, tanto de la coronaria derecha como de la circunfleja (54,6% y 61,2% respectivamente. En su segmento final cruzó por delante de la desembocadura de la vena cava superior en la mayoría de los casos (44%, mientras que en 22 corazones (24,5% cursó alrededor de la cava. Se observó arteria en forma de «S» en 14 casos (15,9% del total de la muestra y 42,4% de las originadas de la arteria circunfleja. La arteria del nodo atrioventricular se originó del segmento en «U» invertida de la coronaria derecha, al nivel de la cruz cardiaca, en 81 corazones (92%, y presentó un calibre proximal de 1,06 mm (± 0,22. Con relación al calibre y al origen se evidencian hallazgos que coinciden con estudios previos. Se destaca la alta prevalencia de la arteria en forma de «S» y de la trayectoria de la arteria sinoatrial alrededor de la vena cava superior.The morphological expression of nodal arteries is important in the diagnosis and management of cardiac clinical events and surgical approaches. 88 nodal arteries of hearts obtained from autopsies were

  8. Rendimiento de aceite esencial en Pinus caribaea MorElet según el secado al sol y a la sombra. III

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    Rolando Quert Álvarez


    Full Text Available Se presentan los resultados obtenidos en la determinación del rendimiento de aceite esencial Pinus caribaea Moralet (pino macho, en función de las condiciones y tiempo de exposición al sol y a la sombra del follaje de dicha especie endémica de Cuba. El estudio se realizó con árboles existentes en áreas de la Estación Experimental Forestal de Viñales, provincia de Pinar del Río con edad de 30 a. El tamaño de muestra fue de 3 árboles y el tiempo de destilación para la extracción del aceite esencial de 3 h. Se tomaron muestra del follaje entre 1 y 20 d expuesto a las condiciones de secado, en intervalos de 1, 3, 6, 10 y 20 d. Los resultados obtenidos demostraron que el follaje expuesto a la sombra contiene un mayor porcentaje de aceite esencial que el follaje expuesto al sol, y que el tiempo de exposición al sol, influye significativamente sobre el rendimiento a partir del tercer día, mientras que en el follaje expuesto a la sombra, las diferencias se hacen significativas a partir de los 6 d.The results obtained in the determination of the yield of the essential oil from Pinus caribaea Moralet (male pine according to the conditions and time of exposure to the sun and to the shade of the foliage of this Cuban endemic species are presented. Trees of 30 years old located in the areas of the Experimental Forestal Station of Viñales, Pinar del Río province, were used in the study. The size of the sample was of 3 trees and the time of distillation for the extraction of the essential oil was of 3 hours. Specimens of the foliage were taken at intervals of 1, 3, 6, 10 and 20 days. The results obtained showed that the foliage exposed to the shade has a higher percentage of essential oil that the foliage exposed to the sun, and that the time of exposure to the sun influences significantly on the yield starting from the third day on, whereas in the foliage exposed to the shade the differences are remarkable from the sixth day on.

  9. Estudio in vitro de la viabilidad de células Caco-2 en presencia de componentes del aceite esencial de Allium spp


    M. Llana Ruiz-Cabello; M. Puerto; D. Gutiérrez-Praena; S. Pichardo; A. Jos; A. M. Cameán


    El aceite esencial de los componentes del género Allium, principalmente ajo y cebolla, presenta propiedades antioxidantes y antibacterianas debidas a la presencia de compuestos azufrados en su composición. La industria alimentaria ha comenzado a desarrollar nuevos sistemas de envasado activo a partir de polímeros seleccionados, a los que se incorporan aceites esenciales que, por sus propiedades, contribuyen a aumentar la vida útil de los alimentos perecederos. En este sentido, se hace necesar...


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    Katherine M Alcalá-Marcos


    Full Text Available Objetivo.- Demostrar el efecto antimicótico del aceite esencial de las hojas de Minthostachys mollis (muña en comparación con el Fluconazol en cultivo de Candida albicans. Materiales y Método.- Estudio experimental. El efecto antimicótico se estudió midiendo 80 halos de inhibición distribuidos en 5 grupos mediante el método Kirby-Bauer. Se utilizó una cepa clínica de Candida albicans. Los grupos de estudio fueron grupo muña 25% (GM25%, grupo muña 50% (GM50%, grupo muña 100% (GM100%, un grupo control positivo (Fluconazol, y un grupo control negativo (aceite mineral. El análisis estadístico se realizó mediante la Prueba de Kruskal-Wallis y el Test de Dunn usando el paquete SPSS v.17.0. Se consideró un nivel de significancia 0,05.Conclusión.- El aceite esencial de las hojas de Minthostachys mollis (al 100% tuvo mayor efecto contra la Candida albicans que el Fluconazol; además, el efecto antimicótico del Fluconazol fue mayor que la Minthostachys mollis al 25%, y fue el mismo que la Minthostachys mollis al 50%.

  11. Bases genéticas de la hipertensión arterial esencial en Colombia: avances en nueve años de estudio Genetic basis of essential arterial hypertension in Colombia: advances in nine years of work

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    Dagnóvar Aristizábal

    Full Text Available Las enfermedades cardiovasculares se han consolidado como las principales causas de enfermedad y muerte no violenta en Colombia. La hipertensión arterial es el desorden cardiovascular más frecuente en nuestra nación, con una prevalencia que oscila entre 13% y 23% (1, 2. Por la alta frecuencia en la población adulta, la hipertensión arterial es un factor de riesgo mayor para el desarrollo de enfermedad coronaria así como de enfermedad cerebrovascular y renal. Por más de cincuenta años se han investigado las causas de la hipertensión arterial y se ha descubierto que existen factores ambientales y genéticos que afectan la respuesta de órganos como el riñón o el cerebro y del sistema cardiovascular, que además provocan alteraciones en el control de la presión arterial y la hipertensión crónica. Algunos factores ambientales como exceso de calorías y sal en la dieta, sobrepeso, estrés sicosocial y consumo significativo de alcohol elevan la presión arterial (3, lo cual se ha corroborado en nuestra población (4. Sin embargo, poco se sabe acerca de qué factores genéticos participan en el desarrollo de la hipertensión. En la actualidad, se considera que el componente genético, aun no clarificado, determina un 30% a 50% de los niveles de presión arterial en las poblaciones (5. Para iniciar el estudio genético se tomó una población colombiana de tamaño mediano. De un total de 5.720 personas entre 18 y 65 años, se evaluaron 3.000, de donde se excluyeron individuos con primer grado de consanguinidad (1.998 sujetos. Se obtuvo la curva de distribución de la presión arterial con 1.002 individuos sin parentesco en quienes se estudiaron varios genes candidatos para hipertensión (6-22. Se ha encontrado que genes candidatos como el gen del angiotensinógeno (AGT regulan la función renal y provocan retención de sal y vasoconstricción sistémica (23, 24. Otros genes están implicados en el trasporte molecular de sodio en el ri

  12. Elementos para la evaluación eficaz de productos naturales con posibles efectos antihipertensivos Elements for the effective evaluation of natural products with possible antihypertensive effects

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    Mario Francisco Guerrero


    Full Text Available Desde el contexto de la farmacología experimental, en este ensayo se discuten algunos criterios que pueden ser útiles para estimar el potencial de productos naturales con posible actividad farmacológica para el tratamiento de la hipertensión, una de las enfermedades de mayor impacto epidemiológico en Colombia y en el mundo. Se acude para ello al análisis de algunas pruebas farmacológicas accesibles en nuestro medio: modelos de hipertensión arterial en la rata de laboratorio, pruebas in vitro e in vivo, y análisis microscópicos, que implementados con los protocolos adecuados y cotejadas en conjunto, pueden arrojar información valiosa a la hora de considerar las perspectivas de un producto natural en el campo de la hipertensión arterial.Within the context of experimental pharmacology, some criteria are discussed for estimating the potential of natural products with possible pharmacological activity for the treatment of hypertension. This disorder has great epidemiological impact in Colombia as well as elsewhere. Discovery of these products can be accomplished by use of accessible pharmacological tests such as the following: developing models of arterial hypertension in the laboratory rat, in vitro tests, in vivo tests and microscopic analysis. Suitable protocols associated with these techniques can capture valuable information about possible effects on hypertension during the evaluation phase of a natural product.

  13. Antibacterial and antioxidant activities of the essential oil of Artemisia echegarayi Hieron. (Asteraceae Actividad antibacteriana y antioxidante del aceite esencial extraído de Artemisia echegarayi Hieron. (Asteraceae

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    A. Laciar


    Full Text Available Artemisia echegarayi Hieron. (Asteraceae is commonly known in Argentina as “ajenjo”. Many studies report high efficacy of essential oils against food-borne pathogenic bacteria. The antimicrobial activity and minimal inhibitory concentration of A. echegarayi essential oil were evaluated against seven bacterial species of significant importance in food hygiene, by using the disc diffusion assay and the micro-well dilution method, respectively. Volatile components of the extract were analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and major components were determined. Furthermore, the essential oil was tested for its antioxidant activity. The essential oil inhibited the growth of gram-positive and gram-negative tested bacteria, with the exception of Proteus mirabilis. A. echegarayi essential oil presented the lowest minimal inhibitory concentration against Listeria monocytogenes and Bacillus cereus. Two terpenes, thujone and camphor, were identified from this essential oil as the principal constituents responsible for antibacterial activity. The oil showed a free radical scavenging activity equivalent to 50% of the reference compound. These preliminary studies showed promising results since this essential oil may provide an alternative to promote its use as a natural food additive.Artemisia echegarayi Hieron. (Asteraceae, conocida como “ajenjo”, es una planta típica de la región de Cuyo (Argentina. En este trabajo se evaluó la actividad antimicrobiana in vitro y la concentración inhibitoria mínima del aceite esencial extraído de sus partes aéreas frente a especies bacterianas que con frecuencia contaminan los alimentos. Se utilizaron las técnicas de difusión con discos en agar y microdilución en placa respectivamente. Además, se determinó la actividad antioxidante de este aceite esencial in vitro por espectrofotometría. En general, tanto las bacterias gram-positivas como las gram-negativas fueron inhibidas por este aceite, con


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    Juliet Prieto


    Full Text Available En este estudio se determinó la composición química de los aceites esenciales de hojas de Ocotea longifolia y O. macrophylla obtenidos mediante destilación por arrastre con vapor, y se evaluó la actividad antifúngica e insecticida de los aceites esenciales para estimar su uso como posibles plaguicidas. El rendimiento del aceite esencial de O. longifolia fue superior al 0,2%, mientras que el rendimiento del aceite esencial de O. macrophylla fue inferior al 0,1%. El análisis de los aceites por CG/EM permitió la identificación de -terpinoleno (80,91% y -felandreno (4,74% como componentes principales del aceite O. longifolia, y espatulenol (15,91%, -muuroleno (15,4% y biciclogermacreno (14,58% como los principales componentes de O. macrophylla. El aceite esencial de O. longifolia mostró actividad fumigante significativa contra Sitophilus zeamais (CL50 280,5 L/L aire. Adicionalmente se evaluó la actividad antifúngica de los aceites esenciales, encontrándose un bajo efecto inhibidor en el crecimiento de los hongos fitopatógenos Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. dianthi y Botrytis cinerea.

  15. Natural and controlled expansion of expanded clays for the production of lightweight aggregates

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    Neumann-Venevere, P.


    Full Text Available Not availableLa modificación de una materia prima hace posible definir las propiedades del producto a manufacturar a partir de ella (fig. 1. La calidad de los áridos ligeros de diversos tipos, hechos con diferentes materias primas, puede juzgarse únicamente por su idoneidad como un constituyente del hormigón ligero. Por consiguiente, es esencial valorar la influencia del árido sobre ciertas características bien definidas del hormigón ligero.

  16. Nash y von Neumann: mundos posibles y juegos de lenguaje

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    Salazar , Boris


    Full Text Available Este ensayo emplea las nociones de juego de lenguaje y de equivalencia entre juegos para examinar la decisión de John Nash de no jugar el juego coalicional que propuso John von Neumann. El argumento central es que Nash concibió una clase de mundos posibles incompatible con la de von Neumann, y que en el origen de esa divergencia estarían sus distintas nociones de racionalidad.

  17. Las Estrategias Competitivas: lo esencial para la Gestión Estratégica

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    Carlos Manuel Vilariño Corella


    Full Text Available conocimiento de donde radica su ventaja potencial aun estando presentes las restricciones del mercado, tomando en consideración que las dos estrategias básicas para lograr una ventaja competitiva en la magnitud deseada son: el liderazgo en los costos y la diferenciación. En el trabajo se señala que lo esencial radica en el desarrollo interno de la organización que es donde se define la verdadera relación de los procesos y se logra un efecto sinérgico a favor de la competitividad por lo que toda organización ha de tener bien definido como resultado de su propio diagnóstico que para lograr el éxito competitivo primeramente debe centrar la atención en las necesidades del mercado, la concentración en los mercados globales, generar el compromiso de mantener y aumentar la participación en el mercado y buscar alternativas como compromiso de inversiones, tanto en el desarrollo de nuevos productos, en investigaciones, en procesos que han de incluir lograr patentes y propiedad intelectual, las ventas, la seguridad y por sobre todo la calidad.

  18. Actividad antimicótica del aceite esencial de las hojas de Minthostachys mollis (muña comparado con el Fluconazol en cultivo de Candida albicans

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    Katherine M Alcalá-Marcos


    Full Text Available Objetivo.- Demostrar el efecto antimicótico del aceite esencial de las hojas de Minthostachys mollis (muña en comparación con el Fluconazol en cultivo de Candida albicans. Materiales y Método.- Estudio experimental. El efecto antimicótico se estudió midiendo 80 halos de inhibición distribuidos en 5 grupos mediante el método Kirby-Bauer. Se utilizó una cepa clínica de Candida albicans. Los grupos de estudio fueron grupo muña 25% (GM25%, grupo muña 50% (GM50%, grupo muña 100% (GM100%, un grupo control positivo (Fluconazol, y un grupo control negativo (aceite mineral. El análisis estadístico se realizó mediante la Prueba de Kruskal-Wallis y el Test de Dunn usando el paquete SPSS v.17.0. Se consideró un nivel de significancia  0,05.Conclusión.- El aceite esencial de las hojas de Minthostachys mollis (al 100% tuvo mayor efecto contra la Candida albicans que el Fluconazol; además, el efecto antimicótico del Fluconazol fue mayor que la Minthostachys mollis al 25%, y fue el mismo que la Minthostachys mollis al 50%.

  19. Use of a 10-Channel Linear Scanner in the Differential Diagnosis of Arterial Hypertension; Empleo de un Centelleografo Lineal de Diez Canales en el Diagnostico Diferencial de la Hipertension Arterial

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cuaron, A.; Ortiz-Quezada, F.; Gordon, F.; Trevino, H. [Hospital General del Centro Medico Nacional, IMSS, Mexico D.F. (Mexico)


    ischaemia. The authors believe that in the study of arterial hypertension scintigraphic scanning should be carried out in conjunction with the plot of a curve showing renal concentration of chlormerodrin. This is to avoid possible errors due to differences in geometry of the two kidneys in relation to the detector. (author) [Spanish] Durante mucho tiempo se ha reconocido la necesidad de una prueba clinica sencilla que permita seleccionar a los pacientes cuya hipertension arterial tenga un origen renovascular. Durante el ultimo ano hemos empleado un centelleografo lineal con diez detectores en paralelo, para la delineacion de las lesiones localizadas en el rinon y para la estimacion de la velocidad de la concentracion renal de la cloromerodrina marcada con {sup 203}Hg. Este centelleografo nos permite obtener imagenes renales muy satisfactorias en 263 min, despues de la administracion endovenosa de 100 a 250 {mu}Ci del radiofarmaco. Despues de la administracion del compuesto radiactivo se obtuvieron imagenes centelleograficas de ambos rinones a los 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 y 60 min, sin suprimir la radiactividad de fondo. Todos los datos fueron registrados en una cinta magnetica para posteriormente seleccionar los factores tecnicos necesarios para reproducir una imagen con cualidades optimas de contraste e intensidad. El integrador de pulsos, incluido en el instrumento, fue empleado para estimar la radiactividad en cada uno de los rinones durante cada exploracion centelleografica. Los resultados fueron expresados como la relacion de la radiactividad renal a un tiempo dado (C{sub t}) sobre la radiactividad renal a los 5 min (C{sub 5}), (C{sub t}/C{sub 5}); este valor fue denominado indice de la concentracion renal (ICR). Para diferenciar la isquemia renal bilateral de la hipertension arterial esencial, el ICR del rinon derecho (RD) fue dividido por el ICR del rinon izquierdo (RI), obteniendose un indice de comparacion entre ambos rinones (comp. I). Se concluye que el

  20. Ética pública y transparencia


    Naessens , Hilda


    International audience; La promoción de la ética en el servicio público está estrechamente vinculada con la transparencia, la cual actúa como elemento revelador del buen funcionamiento del Estado, promoviendo el comportamiento responsable de los servidores públicos. En este sentido, la ética pública adquiere dimensiones relevantes al construir una cultura de servicio público, haciendo de la transparencia una herramienta esencial en dicho proceso. No es posible hoy hablar de un gobierno transp...

  1. Modelo de inteligencia de negocio para la toma de decisiones en la empresa San Roque S.A.


    AUTOR: S??nchez Guevara, Omar Antonio


    Las empresas comercializadoras de dulces tradicionales crecen en el mercado peruano, esto obliga a dichas empresas a volverse m??s competitivas y para ello toman decisiones las cuales presentan riesgos, por lo tanto para minimizar el riesgo es esencial la cantidad y calidad de informaci??n que se tiene disponible, tal es el caso de la empresa San Roque S.A. donde la informaci??n disponible para generar y analizar las propuestas de las posibles promociones de ventas, es insuficiente, generando...

  2. Alteraciones metabólicas en hijos de padres con hipertensión arterial

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    Miguel H. Vicco


    Full Text Available El antecedente familiar de hipertensión arterial en jóvenes sanos se ha asociado a hiperinsulinemia, que a su vez produciría aumento en el cortisol sérico, confluyendo ambos mecanismos en daño endotelial renal con la presencia de microalbuminuria. El objetivo del estudio consistió en evaluar en jóvenes sanos, hijos de hipertensos, la asociación entre los niveles de insulinemia, cortisol sérico y microalbuminuria, debido a su relación con mayor riesgo cardiovascular. Se realizó un trabajo transeccional y correlacional en la ciudad de Santa Fe, incluyendo 145 jóvenes sanos mayores de 18 años de edad, que se asignaron a dos grupos: aquellos con antecedente de primer grado de hipertensión arterial esencial (grupo de estudio y sin dicho antecedente (grupo control. Se valoraron las concentraciones séricas en ayunas de insulina, cortisol, y los niveles de microalbuminuria en primera orina matutina. La media de edad fue de 20 ± 2.9 años, siendo el 58% mujeres. El grupo de estudio incluyó el 48% (n = 69. El 4.8% presentó insulino-resistencia, 13.8% microalbuminuria y el 52% hipercortisolinemia, no encontrándose diferencias significativas de los niveles séricos de insulina y cortisol, ni de microalbuminuria entre los grupos, así como tampoco correlación entre estas variables. No se encontró asociación entre el antecedente de 1er grado de hipertensión arterial y alteraciones de la homeostasis de insulina o cortisol así como tampoco evidencia de daño endotelial con presencia de microalbuminuria.

  3. Implementación de un servicio web para la transferencia de los resultados de la investigación de la Región de Murcia mediante tecnologías de la web semántica y de gestión de contenidos


    Soler del Pozo, Julio


    Las universidades, como instituciones que preservan, generan y transmiten el conocimiento, deben realizar estas funciones lo más eficiente y efectiva posible como parte de su responsabilidad con la sociedad que la financia y apoya. La investigación es uno de los pilares sobre los que se sustentan las universidades y su mayor fuente de conocimientos y tecnologías innovadoras. La transferencia de los resultados de la investigación resulta esencial con el objeto de ser aplicados en un entorno pr...

  4. Neuropsicología y Educación. De las neuronas espejo a la teoría de la mente


    García García, Emilio


    Las recientes investigaciones en Neurociencias y particularmente en Neuropsicología ofrecen aportaciones de gran interés para la educación. El cerebro es la conquista evolutiva que hace posibles los aprendizajes y enseñanza. Una conquista clave en el proceso de hominización fue la capacidad mentalista, que resulta esencial en los procesos de aprendizaje-enseñanza. El ser humano dispone de unas capacidades mentales que le permiten interpretar y predecir la conducta de los otros. Gracias a la T...

  5. ¿Es posible combinar lo tradicional y lo moderno?

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    Hugo Celso Felipe Mansilla


    Full Text Available En contra de las actuales tendencias posmodérnicas, el autor postula una simbiosis entre los elementos positivos de lo premoderno y los correspondientes de la modernidad. Cree posible rescatar las llamadas tradiciones razonable, y combinarlas con lo positivo de la modernidad. Estos factores positivos de la tradicionalidad serían la religión en cuanto fuente de sentido y consuelo, la monarquía y la aristocracia hereditarias como modelos institucionales que nos unen con la historia, y la concepción del arte y la literatura como una estética fundamentada en lo bello. Esfuerzos sincretistas similares constituyen gran parte de la historia universal.

  6. Tratamientos psicologicos en la hipertension arterial

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    Lilia Mabel Labiano


    Full Text Available En vista que las evidencias obtenidas acerca del beneticio percibido por los sujetos hipertensos leves con los tratamientos farmacológicos resultan conflictivas, se ha considerado importante para estos pacientes, la aplicación de intervenciones psicológicas y comportamentales. Se presentan en este trabajo, distintos tipos de tratamientos psicológicos que en los últimos años han demostrado su efectividad en la reducción de la presión arterial esencial. Se consideraron importantes para individuos hipertensos leves, la implementación de procedimientos tales como: la relajación, el entrenamiento autógeno, la retroalimentación biológica, la meditación, el Hatha -Yoga, la reestructuración cognitiva y el entrenamiento en habilidades sociales, porque contribuyeron a la reducción, no solo de los niveles hipertensivos sino también de los efectos adversos de la medicación farmacológica que afectan la calidad de vida. Es necesario evidentemente que el individuo generalice las estrategias aprendidas en el contexto clínico-experimental, a los diferentes contextos vitales. La técnica empleada, las características del terapeuta y el tipo de personalidad del paciente son componentes principales en la determinación del éxito del tratamiento. La práctica diaria sostenida fuera del contexto clínico, es un elemento de crucial importancia para el mantenimiento de la mejoría lograda.



    Katherine M Alcalá-Marcos; A. Giancarlo Alvarado-Gamarra; L Arturo Alejandro-Paredes; Eduardo Huayané-Linares


    Objetivo.- Demostrar el efecto antimicótico del aceite esencial de las hojas de Minthostachys mollis (muña) en comparación con el Fluconazol en cultivo de Candida albicans. Materiales y Método.- Estudio experimental. El efecto antimicótico se estudió midiendo 80 halos de inhibición distribuidos en 5 grupos mediante el método Kirby-Bauer. Se utilizó una cepa clínica de Candida albicans. Los grupos de estudio fueron grupo muña 25% (GM25%), grupo muña 50% (GM50%), grupo muña 100% (GM100%), un g...

  8. Posibility for application of froth separation process in beneficiation of raw minerals

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    František Tichánek


    Full Text Available Froth separation belongs to newer flotation methods that are suitable for the separation of fine-grained raw materials whose size is too big for regular flotation. The technology of coarse-grained flotation has a significant economical effect because it allows a decrease in the costs for mineral processing. The article concerneds the posibility of using the froth separation process during the mineral processing of bituminous coal.

  9. Aspectos beneficiosos del zinc en la salud ocular. Intervención en el tratamiento de patologías oculares


    Martínez Ortega, Patricia Nerea


    En el presente trabajo de investigación se lleva a cabo una revisión bibliográfica del efecto del zinc en la salud ocular, realizándose una evaluación de sus aspectos metabólicos en el organismo y valorando los efectos beneficiosos y los posibles efectos tóxicos de una suplementación con altas dosis de este elemento. Los efectos del zinc en el ser humano son principalmente beneficiosos ya que se trata de un oligoelemento esencial para el mismo y cuya deficiencia ocasiona severos problemas ...

  10. Zinc: an essential oligoelement


    Rubio, C.; González Weller, D.; Martín-Izquierdo, R. E.; Revert, C.; Rodríguez, I.; Hardisson, A.


    En este artículo se hace una revisión exhaustiva del zinc, elemento metálico esencial para el funcionamiento del organismo. Repasamos y reflejamos aspectos relacionados con la farmacocinética, con las fuentes dietéticas más importantes, así como las IDR (Ingestas Dietéticas Recomendadas) del mismo. También se hace mención a los signos y síntomas relacionados tanto con una ingesta deficiente, como con posibles efectos tóxicos, derivados de ingestas excesivas.This article comprehensively review...

  11. Diseño de un cojinete lineal para entornos criogénicos basado en levitación magnética pasiva


    Castro Fernández, Víctor


    El sistema magnético compuesto por el superconductor y el imán permanente se encuentra en un entorno criogénico, esencial para poder conseguir el efecto Meissner. El imán permanente produce un campo magnético, donde cierta parte de este campo es absorbido por el superconductor, que hace posible que éste se encuentre en estado Meissner siempre y cuando no se supere un cierto límite. Tal efecto provoca que el superconductor expulse el campo magnético de su interior generando un conjunto de fuer...

  12. Terapia anticipada de Aspergilosis Invasora en pacientes oncohematológicos de alto riesgo mediante el uso de PCR para la detección precoz de Aspergillus. Estudio de los polimorfismos genéticos de la vía NFKB y su implicación en las Arpergilosis Invasora


    Villaescusa de la Rosa, María Teresa


    [ES] La aspergilosis invasora (AI) es un problema fundamental en el manejo de muchos pacientes hematológicos, por lo que es esencial un diagnóstico precoz que permita instaurar un tratamiento adecuado lo antes posible con el fin de disminuir la morbimortalidad de esta complicación. Nuestra hipótesis es que la asociación del galactomanano con una técnica de detección del ADN de aspergillus, como es la PCR de aspergillus, podría reducir la incidencia de AI probable o probada según los criterios...

  13. El tiempo de trabajo en España y Perú. Ideas sobre la regulación de un elemento esencial en vida de los trabajadores


    Ulloa Miralles, Daniel


    La tesis analiza y comenta las principales ideas relacionadas a la regulación del tiempo de trabajo (esencialmente a la jornada) existente en la Unión Europea, España y Perú, a fin de comparar las respuestas a diversas situaciones existentes relacionadas con este elemento esencial del contrato de trabajo. Así, se discute sobre su concepto, su ámbito de aplicación, sus límites máximos, sus casos especiales, sus excepciones, las horas extras, su importancia en la forma de trabajo del siglo XXI,...

  14. Un posible recinto campamental romano en O Cornado (Negreira, Galicia

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    Manuel Gago Mariño


    Full Text Available Presentamos en este artículo las evidencias y el contexto geográfico y arqueológico de una fortificación localizada en el municipio de Negreira (A Coruña y que por sus características puede corresponder a un posible campamento romano. El sitio arqueológico está ubicado en una zona de gran interés para comprender la romanización del occidente de Galicia, con actividad minera, asentamientos y vías de comunicación de la época. Las nuevas tecnologías LIDAR, el acceso abierto al «vuelo americano» de 1956 y otras bases de datos de imágenes aéreas, junto con técnicas más convencionales, han propiciado el hallazgo o, más bien, la propuesta de revisión cronológica y funcional de este yacimiento. El posible campamento podría pertenecer a una fase final o inmediatamente posterior de la conquista romana. This article presents the evidence and the geographical and archaeological context of a large fortress located in the municipality of Negreira (A Coruña and whose characteristics may correspond to a possible Roman camp. The archaeological site is located in an area of great interest (with minery, settlements and roads of those times, which help us to understand the Romanization of the western Gallaecia. New LIDAR technologies and open access to the 1956 «American flight» and other aerial imagery databases, combined with more traditional techniques have led to the discovery, or rather, to propose a chronological and functional requalification of this site. This new camp could have been built in the final phase of the Roman conquest or at the beginning of the Romanization process.

  15. Uso de TIC: posibles relaciones con habilidades cognitivas e interpersonales en un grupo de adolescentes

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    Gabriela Raynaudo


    Full Text Available Grandes cambios han acontecido en la vida cotidiana por la introducción de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (tic, aventurándonos en la Sociedad de la Información. En este artículo se describen hábitos de uso de tecnologías y habilidades cognoscitivas e interpersonales en un grupo de adolescentes con la finalidad de encontrar posibles relaciones entre los temas estudiados. De este estudio exploratorio y transversal, participaron 19 jóvenes entre 15 y 17 años. Se administraron cuestionarios sobre uso de tic y habilidades interpersonales y seis subtests de la batería wisc-iii. A nivel descriptivo, encontramos relaciones entre los puntajes obtenidos en las pruebas y la exposición a pantallas. Si bien estas diferencias no fueron estadísticamente significativas, en general los sujetos más expuestos tuvieron un mejor desempeño en las pruebas cognoscitivas y los menos expuestos en habilidades interpersonales. Se discuten posibles estudios posteriores e implicancias educativas.



    Ruiz Stull,Miguel


    Esta indagación sobre la relación entre experiencia y tiempo en la obra de Henri Bergson tiene como propósito articular ambas nociones a partir de un análisis de la operación de la intuición en el contexto del pensamiento bergsoniano. De este modo, será posible considerar que el método de la intuición cobra un rol esencial en la emergencia de conceptos como duración, memoria y elan vital, los cuales colocan en relieve el singular empirismo con que puede ser ilustrado el discurso filosófico de...

  17. INTUICIÓN, LA EXPERIENCIA Y EL TIEMPO EN EL PENSAMIENTO DE BERGSON Intuition, experience and time in the thinking of Bergson


    Miguel Ruiz Stull


    Esta indagación sobre la relación entre experiencia y tiempo en la obra de Henri Bergson tiene como propósito articular ambas nociones a partir de un análisis de la operación de la intuición en el contexto del pensamiento bergsoniano. De este modo, será posible considerar que el método de la intuición cobra un rol esencial en la emergencia de conceptos como duración, memoria y elan vital, los cuales colocan en relieve el singular empirismo con que puede ser ilustrado el discurso filosófico de...

  18. Campañas políticas y Comunicación

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    Luis Eladio Proaño


    Full Text Available Una vez que los partidos políticos eligen sus candidatos las campañas presidenciales se centran en un esencial objetivo: ganar. En las páginas que siguen se explica cómo ese triunfo fue posible en diferentes países de América Latina. En este editorial recogeré los rasgos fundamentales, aplicables a cualquier campaña, evitando pasar juicios de valor sobre ellos y con el solo propósito de delinear un marco referencial que pueda servir de guía en la diversidad de apreciaciones que los ensayistas nos ofrecen.

  19. Papel del diacilglicerol en el tráfico de membranas en la zona entre el retículo endoplasmático y el complejo de Golgi, El


    Fernández Ulibarri, Inés


    DE LA TESIS:El DAG es esencial para formar los intermediarios de transporte que se dirigen a la membrana plasmática. Sin embargo, no existen evidencias de su posible participación en las etapas tempranas de la vía secretora. Por tanto, nos centramos en averiguar la implicación del DAG en el transporte de proteínas en la zona del ER/Golgi. Para ello, utilizamos una variedad de fármacos conocidos que inhiben las enzimas responsables de la producción del DAG. Nuestros datos indican que el DAG es...

  20. El Papel del diacilglicerol en el tráfico de membranas en la zona entre el retículo endoplasmático y el complejo de Golgi


    Fernández Ulibarri, Inés


    [spa] DE LA TESIS: El DAG es esencial para formar los intermediarios de transporte que se dirigen a la membrana plasmática. Sin embargo, no existen evidencias de su posible participación en las etapas tempranas de la vía secretora. Por tanto, nos centramos en averiguar la implicación del DAG en el transporte de proteínas en la zona del ER/Golgi. Para ello, utilizamos una variedad de fármacos conocidos que inhiben las enzimas responsables de la producción del DAG. Nuestros datos indican que el...

  1. Argentina y la bipolaridad Estados Unidos-China: Implicancias de un escenario posible


    Roberto Miranda


    En el presente siglo Argentina afrontó dos situaciones internacionales bien diferentes. Una fue la ventaja comercial obtenida gracias a la gravitación mundial de Asia y, sobre todo, al vínculo especial con China. Este país representó un punto de apoyo coyuntural. Otra situación fue la marginación de Argentina del poder inversor transnacional por la interposición norteamericana. El escenario posible de una bipolaridad entre Estados Unidos y China no sería una buena noticia para el país sudamer...

  2. Efecto del aceite esencial de Aloysia triphylla britton (cedrón sobre el Trypanosoma cruzi en ratones The effect of the essential oil from Aloysia triphylla britton (lemon verbena on Trypanosoma cruzi in mice

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    Juan Rojas


    Full Text Available Objetivos. Determinar la actividad anti-Trypanosoma cruzi in vivo del aceite esencial de Aloysia triphylla en ratones. Materiales y Métodos. Los animales fueron asignados aleatoriamente a los siguientes grupos (n = 15 por grupo: infectados y no tratados (G1, infectados y tratados con benznidazol 100 mg/kg (G2, infectados y tratados con aceite esencial de Aloysia triphylla 100 mg/kg (G3, infectados y tratados con aceite esencial de Aloysia triphylla 250 mg/kg (G4; no infectados y no tratados (G5, y no infectados y tratados con 250 mg/kg de Aloysia triphyla (G6. La infección con T. cruzi se realizó con 104 tripomastigotes sanguíneos y el tratamiento empezó en el octavo día postinfección (dpi hasta el 28 dpi. La parasitemia se determinó con microscopía óptica cada dos días en 5 μL de sangre extraída de la cola. En el 14, 21 y 28 dpi se obtuvo sangre de la cola para el ensayo de creatina kinasa-MB (CK-MB, alanina aminotransferasa y creatinina; después, los animales fueron sacrificados y se extrajo el corazón para el estudio histopatológico. Resultados. El aceite esencial de cedrón produjo una reducción significativa de 85,4% del pico de parasitemia con la dosis de 250 mg/kg; también produjo reducción del número de amastigotes e infiltrados inflamatorios en el corazón. El nivel plasmático de CK-MB también disminuyó en el 28 dpi por efecto de dicho tratamiento. Conclusiones. En condiciones experimentales, el aceite esencial de Aloysia triphylla tiene efecto anti-Trypanosoma cruzi in vivo en ratones.Objectives. To determine the in-vivo anti-Trypanosoma cruzi activity of the essential oil from Aloysia triphylla in mice. Materials and methods. The mice (n = 15 in the study were randomly assigned to the following groups: infected and untreated (G1, infected and treated with benznidazole 100 mg/kg (G2, infected and treated with of Aloysia triphylla essential oil 100 mg/kg (G3, infected and treated with of Aloysia triphylla

  3. La pedagogía como espacio posible de convergencia de las humanidades y la ingeniería

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    Patricia Reyes Aparicio


    Full Text Available Más que afirmaciones, el presente texto se pregunta por la eventualidad de hacer converger, en el campo abierto por la pedagogía, el discurso de las humanidades y el de las ingenierías: ¿es acaso esto posible? ¿Qué con- diciones habría que crear para que esa convergencia reportara beneficios en la perspectiva del pensamiento, de la investigación? Mostrar, enseñar, exponer-se: posibilidades que quedan abiertas cuando de pensar de peda- gogía se trata. De modo que, antes que fronteras disciplinares, horizontes de riesgo, planos abiertos de emergencia a impensables modos del ser y de sus relaciones, porque incluso en estos campos los desarrollos de las subjetividades son posibles, y con ellos, las transformaciones del mismo pensamiento disciplinar sobre el que se ha erigido el mundo, hecho que admite y hasta reclama transformaciones.

  4. ANOMALOUS PREVERTEBRAL COURSE OF THE LEFT VERTEBRAL ARTERY. Recorrido prevertebral anómalo de la arteria vertebral izquierda

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    Prakash B Billakanti


    Full Text Available La arteria vertebral es una de las arterias que irriga el cerebro. El conocimiento de la anatomía normal y las variantes de la arteria vertebral adquiere importancia en la práctica clínica y la radiología vascular. El origen anómalo de la arteria vertebral del arco de la aorta o cualquiera de las arterias del cuello ha sido reportado por muchos autores. En este informe se presenta una variación del curso prevertebral de la arteria vertebral izquierda. La arteria vertebral tenía su origen habitual en la arteria subclavia con un largo curso prevertebral y entraba en el foramen transversarium de la vértebra CII. El origen y recorrido de la arteria vertebral en el lado derecho fue normal. Clínicamente es importante conocer el origen y curso del segmento prevertebral de la arteria vertebral y las posibles variaciones. El presente informe debería ser de interés para el médico vascular con respecto a las variaciones en el cuello y región torácica, y puede dar idea para dilucidar el mecanismo de desarrollo de la angiogénesis. Vertebral artery is one of the arteries supplying the brain. Knowledge of the normal and variant anatomy of the vertebral artery assumes importance in clinical practice and vascular radiology. Anomalous origins of the vertebral artery from the arch of the aorta or any one of the arteries of the neck have been reported by several authors. In this report a variation of the prevertebral course of the left vertebral artery is being presented. The Vertebral artery had usual origin from the subclavian artery and had a longer prevertebral course to enter the foramen transversarium of the CII vertebra. The origin and course of the vertebral artery on the right side was normal. It is clinically important to know the origin and course of the prevertebral segment of the vertebral artery and possible variations. The present report should be of interest for clinicians with regard to vascular variations in the neck and thoracic

  5. Comportamiento de los factores de riesgo cardiovascular en niños y adolescentes con hipertensión arterial esencial Behavior of cardiovascular risk factors in children and adolescents with essential hypertension

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    René Llapur Milián


    Full Text Available Es conocido que la hipertensión arterial del adulto está relacionada con la presencia de factores de riesgo de enfermedad cardiovascular y que comienza en la niñez, muchas veces de manera asintomática, por lo que es importante diagnosticar los factores de riesgo que más se relacionan con la hipertensión en el niño, motivo por el cual realizamos esta investigación. Se estudiaron 100 hipertensos esenciales, de uno y otro sexo, cuyas edades oscilaban entre los 5 y los 18 años. Los pacientes fueron atendidos en la Consulta de Referencia del Hospital Pediátrico de Centro Habana, de enero de 2003 a mayo de 2004. Se utilizaron variables como: edad, sexo, color de la piel, peso, talla, peso al nacer, ejercicio físico, tabaquismo activo y pasivo, y además los antecedentes personales y familiares de hipertensión arterial, diabetes mellitus, hipercolesterolemia y obesidad. El objetivo fundamental consistió en establecer la relación de los factores de riesgo cardiovascular con la hipertensión arterial. Encontramos una mayor frecuencia en el sexo masculino (55 %, el color de piel blanco (71 %, así como en el grupo etáreo de 10 a 18 años (85 %. Con relación a los antecedentes familiares, aparece la hipertensión arterial (94 % como el factor de riesgo cardiovascular más frecuente. Se encontró la presencia de tres o más factores de riesgo en el 80 % de los familiares de los pacientes. El sobrepeso corporal y el sedentarismo fueron los factores de riesgo personales que predominaron. El 89 % de los pacientes tenían 3 o más factores de riesgo personales.


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    Foyaca-Sibat H. MD.


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT We report one patient with Klippel-Feil (KFS syndrome, other associated anomalies, uncontrolled arterial hypertension, and renal artery stenosis. Because this patient underwent for surgical revascularization with unsuccessful result, all proposed way of treatments are revised, and we have hypothesized that probably for patients with KFS and unilateral renal artery stenosis, medical treatment with ACE inhibitors can provide more benefits than surgical revascularization or percutaneous transluminal angioplasty. We considered that those patients should be manage by a team of medical doctors being aware of their common associated anomalies, identifying all of them when it is possible then, making an integral evaluation of the each individual situation for establishing their medical priorities in order, and then address its treatments accordingly. If at this stage any surgical treatment is required, is important to bring those problems to the anesthesiologist’s attention for a very careful manipulation of the neck and head during induction of anesthesia. The final results will be strongly related with the capacity of management of the underlying cardio-respiratory, renal, skeletal, urogenital, and nervous system problems. . We also propose the term of Klippel-Feil syndrome "Plus" for those patients with cervical vertebral fusion and many other associated deformities rather than to add new eponyms to the long list that already exist. _____________ RESUMEN: HIPERTENSION RENOVASCULAR DEBIDO A ESTENOSIS DE LA ARTERIA RENAL EN EL SÍNDROME DE KLIPPEL-FEIL Reportamos un paciente afectado por un syndrome de Klippel-Feil, otras anormalias congenitas, hipertension arterial incontrolada y una estenosis unilateral de la arteria renal. Este paciente fue sometido a un tratamiento quirÚrgico de la estenosis de la arteria renal, cuyos resultados fueron no satisfactorios por lo que revisamos todas las alternativas de tratamiento para la estenosis

  7. Estudio de la utilidad del índice de cintura-cadera como predictor del riesgo de hipertensión arterial en niños y adolescentes


    Emilio González-Jiménez; Miguel Ángel Montero-Alonso; Jacqueline Schmidt-Rio Valle


    Objetivos: Los objetivos de este estudio fueron verificar la existencia de una asociación significativa entre el estado nutricional de los alumnos y los valores del índice de cintura-cadera. En segundo lugar, comprobar una posible correlación entre los valores del índice de cintura-cadera y los niveles de presión arterial sistólica y diastólica. Muestra y metodología: Una población de 1001 adolescentes de entre 9 y 17 años de edad, pertenecientes a 18 centros educativos de las provincias de G...


    NARCIS (Netherlands)


    From September 1989 to September 1992, the right gastroepiploic artery in combination with one or both internal mammary arteries was used as a graft in 300 patients who underwent coronary artery bypass grafting. The gastroepiploic artery was the primary choice in preference to the saphenous vein.

  9. Perfil de micro ARNs exosomales asociados a daño glomerular en pacientes hipertensos con microalbuminuria


    Pérez Hernández, Javier


    Introducción: La hipertensión arterial esencial (HTA) es la enfermedad crónica con mayor prevalencia a nivel mundial y constituye uno de los factores de riesgo cardiovascular primario. Pese al control de la presión arterial con antihipertensivos, la aparición de daño renal en la HTA es frecuente y se mide clínicamente como un aumento en la excreción urinaria de albúmina (EUA). Este daño incipiente se define como microalbuminuria, puede progresar a macroalbuminuria y proteinuria durante el cur...

  10. Bilateral Internal Carotid Artery Occlusion, External Carotid Artery Stenosis, and Vertebral Artery Kinking: May It Be Asymptomatic? (United States)

    Fatic, Nikola; Jaffer, Usman; Ivana, Saicic; Gordana, Globarevic-Vukcevic; Markovic, Dragan; Kostic, Dusan; Davidovic, Lazar


    The clinical spectrum of internal carotid artery occlusion ranges from being a completely asymptomatic occlusion to a devastating stroke or death. The prevalence of asymptomatic internal carotid artery occlusion is unknown, particularly for bilateral occlusion. The distal branches of the external carotid artery anastomose with distal branches of the internal carotid artery provide important sources of collateral circulation to the brain. Stenosis of the external carotid artery with ipsilateral/bilateral internal occlusion may result in ischemic sequelae. Coiling or kinking of the vertebral artery is a rare morphological entity that is infrequently reported because it remains asymptomatic and has no clinical relevance. Currently, there is little evidence to support management strategies for this disease entity and no official recommendations for asymptomatic bilateral carotid artery occlusion. We present a case of a 62-year-old female with asymptomatic bilateral internal carotid artery occlusion, bilateral external carotid artery stenoses, and bilateral kinking of the vertebral artery at the V2 segment, who has been successfully managed conservatively for over 5 years. An individualized approach to management of patients with bilateral internal carotid artery occlusion, especially in combination with external carotid artery stenosis and elongation malformations of the vertebral artery is key to a successful strategy. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  11. COURSE OF THE MAXILLARY ARTERY THROUGH THE LOOP OF THE AURICULOTEMPORAL NERVE. Recorrido de la arteria maxilar a través del bucle del nervio aurículotemporal

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    Kavya Bhat


    Full Text Available Las variaciones en el curso de la arteria maxilar se describen a menudo, con sus relaciones con el músculo pterigoideo lateral. En el presente caso informamos una variación exclusiva en el curso de la arteria maxilar que no fue publicada antes. En un cadáver masculino de 75 años arteria maxilar derecho estaba pasando por el bucle del nervio auriculo-temporal. La arteria meníngea media provenía de la arteria maxilar con un bucle del nervio auriculo-temporal. La arteria maxilar pasaba profunda con respecto al nervio dentario inferior pero superficial al nervio lingual. El conocimiento de estas variaciones es importante para el cirujano y también serviría para explicar la posible participación de estas variaciones en la etiología del dolor mandibular. Variations in the course of the maxillary artery are often described with its relations to the lateral pterygoid muscle. In the present case we report a unique variation in the course of the maxillary artery which was not reported before. In a 75 years old male cadaver the right maxillary artery passed through the loop of the auriculotemporal nerve. The middle meningeal artery was arising from the maxillary artery within the nerve loop of auriculotemporal nerve. Further the maxillary artery passed deep to the inferior alveolar nerve but superficial to the lingual nerve. The knowledge of these variations is important for surgeons and it would also explain the possible involvement of these variations in etiology of the craniomandibular pain.

  12. Superselective intra-arterial infusion via the superficial temporal artery and occipital artery for gingival carcinoma of the mandible. Simultaneous catheter placement to the maxillary artery and facial artery

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Iwai, Toshinori; Mitsudo, Kenji; Fukui, Takafumi


    Superselective intra-arterial infusion via the superficial temporal artery (STA) has become useful for oral cancer. Approaching via the occipital artery (OA) enables superselective intra-arterial infusion when catheter placement via the STA is impossible. Therefore, simultaneous catheter placement via the STA and OA is possible. We report a surgical method of simultaneous catheter placement via the STA and OA to achieve retrograde superselective intra-arterial infusion for gingival carcinoma of the mandible. Preoperatively, three-dimensional computed tomography angiography was performed to identify the route of the external carotid artery and branches such as the STA, OA, maxillary artery, and facial artery (FA). Thirteen patients with mandibular gingival cancer underwent catheter placement via the STA and OA under local anesthesia. Catheter placement via the STA and OA was superselectively successful in all the patients. The mean operating time was 150.8 min. Catheter placed to the FA via the OA was dislocated during the treatment in one patient, and so the catheter was replaced. This method is useful to enable superselective intra-arterial chemotherapy to the whole gingival carcinoma of the mandible from the start of treatment compared with approaching via the STA. (author)

  13. Desafíos y estado futuro de la convivencia en Colombia al 2025

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    Catalina Bello Montes


    Full Text Available Se analizan los principales retos y desafíos de la convivencia en Colombia al 2025. En esta línea se explora el tema como fin esencial de los cuerpos policiales, al igual que las principales tendencias de la convivencia, con el propósito de presentar un análisis de los posibles escenarios y desafíos futuros en el país. Se diseñaron cuatro escenarios, a partir de un proceso de consulta con expertos en temas de seguridad y convivencia, con fundamento en métodos prospectivos. El debate se centra en los principales escenarios futuros frente a los cambios que se presentan en los ámbitos político, económico, social y cultural, y en las posibles estrategias que pueden ser desarrolladas por las instituciones para anticiparse a ellos y enfrentarlos de manera efectiva. Finalmente, el artículo presenta una aproximación a los lineamientos para la policía colombiana, a fin de ajustar su papel frente a las nuevas circunstancias.

  14. Retinal artery occlusion during carotid artery stenting with distal embolic protection device. (United States)

    Kohara, Kotaro; Ishikawa, Tatsuya; Kobayashi, Tomonori; Kawamata, Takakazu


    Retinal artery occlusion associated with carotid artery stenosis is well known. Although it can also occur at the time of carotid artery stenting, retinal artery occlusion via the collateral circulation of the external carotid artery is rare. We encountered two cases of retinal artery occlusion that were thought to be caused by an embolus from the external carotid artery during carotid artery stenting with a distal embolic protection device for the internal carotid artery. A 71-year-old man presented with central retinal artery occlusion after carotid artery stenting using the Carotid Guardwire PS and a 77-year-old man presented with branch retinal artery occlusion after carotid artery stenting using the FilterWire EZ. Because additional new cerebral ischaemic lesions were not detected in either case by postoperative diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging, it was highly likely that the debris that caused retinal artery occlusion passed through not the internal carotid artery but collaterals to retinal arteries from the external carotid artery, which was not protected by a distal embolic protection device. It is suggested that a distal protection device for the internal carotid artery alone cannot prevent retinal artery embolisation during carotid artery stenting and protection of the external carotid artery is important to avoid retinal artery occlusion.

  15. Systemic Arterial-to-Pulmonary Artery Shunt Utilization

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    In certain circumstances, such as cyanotic neonates with tetralogy of Fallot (4) or cyanotic patients with. Tetralogy of Fallot and hypoplastic pulmonary arteries. (5), better outcomes are obtained if definitive surgery. (total correction or palliation) is preceded by creation of a systemic arterial-to-pulmonary artery shunt (SAPAS).


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    Satheesha Nayak B


    Full Text Available Knowledge of variations at and in the surroundings of cubital fossa is useful for the orthopedic surgeons, plastic surgeons and medical practitioners in general. During routine dissection, we observed arterial and muscular variations in and around the cubital fossa. The brachial artery terminated 2 inches above the base of the cubital fossa. The radial and ulnar arteries entered the cubital fossa by passing in front of the tendons of brachialis and biceps brachii respectively. The ulnar artery was surrounded by the third head of pronator teres which took its origin from the fascia covering the distal part of the brachialis muscle. This muscle joined pronator teres tendon distally and was supplied by a branch of median nerve. This muscle could alter the blood flow in the ulnar artery and may cause difficulties in recording the blood pressure.El conocimiento de las variaciones en los alrededores de la fosa cubital es útil para cirujanos ortopédicos, cirujanos plásticos y médicos en general. Observamos las variaciones arteriales y musculares en y alrededor de la fosa cubital. La arteria braquial terminó 2 pulgadas por encima de la base de la fosa cubital. Las arterias radiales y cubitales entraron en la fosa cubital pasando delante de los tendones de los músculos braquial y bíceps braquial respectivamente. La arteria cubital estaba rodeada por el tercer fascículo del pronador teres, que tuvo su origen en la fascia cubriendo la parte distal del músculo braquial. Este músculo se unió a tendón de pronador teres distalmente y fue suministrado por una rama del nervio mediano. Este músculo podría alterar el flujo sanguíneo en la arteria cubital y puede causar dificultades para el registro de la presión sanguínea.

  17. Efectos crónicos de un programa de alargamiento pasivo sobre los valores de la presión arterial sanguinea y el estrés en adultos con hipertensión arterial. Chronics effects of a passive stretching program on the blood pressures and stress levels of hypertensions adults.

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    Bezerra da Silva, Elirez


    Full Text Available ResumenEl objetivo de este estudio fue analizar los efectos crónicos de un programa de alargamiento pasivo sobre la presión arterial sanguínea y estrés en adultos con hipertensión arterial. Participaron de este estudio, 12 personas de ambos sexos, con edad media de 52,12±5,5 años, sedentarios y con diagnóstico médico de hipertensión arterial. Las variables recolectadas para la realización de la investigación fueron la presión arterial sanguínea y el estrés de dichas personas. El tratamiento estadístico fue realizado por análisis descriptivos y análisis de inferencia. Los tests estadísticos de naturaleza comparativa fueron realizado a través de los análisis de variancia (ANOVA one-way yuxtapuesto con el test de Post hoc de Tukey, para identificar las posibles diferencias entre los datos de la presión arterial sanguínea. El test de Kruskal-Wallis fue usado para comparar las respuestas del cuestionario de estrés. Fue admitido el valor de pAbstractPurpose of this study was verifier the chronics effects of passive stretching programs on the stress and blood pressure levels of adults with arterial hypertension. 12 subjects of both gender, age average of 52,12 52,12±5,52 year, sedentary and with screening of arterial hypertension, volunteered to participate this study. The variables identified to the conduction of the respective study were the blood pressure, physical activity level and stress of the subjects. Statistic treatment was compost for descriptive and inferential analysis across of the variance analysis test (ANOVA two-way, concomitant with Post hoc test of Tukey, to estimate the differences in the average of the variables during the diverse moments of test. Kuskal-Wallis test was realized to compare the replies of the stress questionnaire. A value of p

  18. Posibles influencias de la migración en los cambios de fecundidad

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    Full Text Available Las estadísticas de fertilidad de las mujeres nacidas en Barcelona, España, 1970-1981, se comparan con las de las mujeres migrantes (mujeres nacidas fuera de Cataluña. La relación entre migración, nupcialidad y fertilidad aparece como algo complejo. Se investigan las distintas y posibles explicaciones. La fertilidad de las mujeres migrantes no es necesariamente más alta que la de las catalanas, pero las mayores variaciones son observables entre los grupos migratorios, sugiriendo diferencias intrínsecas entre las comunidades origen. Los resultados sugieren que las mujeres que contemplan la migración tienden a retrasar el matrimonio y el parto hasta después del movimiento migratorio.

  19. Testicular artery arising from an aberrant right renal artery | Suluba ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    This case report we discovered the rare variation of the origin of the right testicular artery arising from the right aberrant renal artery with double renal artery irrigating both left and right kidneys. These variations in the testicular arteries and renal arteries have implication to surgical procedures such as orchidopexy repair for ...

  20. Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension and Neonatal Arterial Switch Surgery for Correction of Transposition of the Great Arteries. (United States)

    Domínguez Manzano, Paula; Mendoza Soto, Alberto; Román Barba, Violeta; Moreno Galdó, Antonio; Galindo Izquierdo, Alberto


    There are few reports of the appearance of pulmonary arterial hypertension following arterial switch surgery in the neonatal period to correct transposition of the great arteries. We assessed the frequency and clinical pattern of this complication in our series of patients. Our database was reviewed to select patients with transposition of the great arteries corrected by neonatal arterial switch at our hospital and who developed pulmonary hypertension over time. We identified 2 (1.3%) patients with transposition of the great arteries successfully repaired in the first week of life who later experienced pulmonary arterial hypertension. The first patient was a 7-year-old girl diagnosed with severe pulmonary hypertension at age 8 months who did not respond to medical treatment and required lung transplantation. The anatomic pathology findings were consistent with severe pulmonary arterial hypertension. The second patient was a 24-month-old boy diagnosed with severe pulmonary hypertension at age 13 months who did not respond to medical therapy. Pulmonary hypertension is a rare but very severe complication that should be investigated in all patients with transposition of the great arteries who have undergone neonatal arterial switch, in order to start early aggressive therapy for affected patients, given the poor therapeutic response and poor prognosis involved. Copyright © 2016 Sociedad Española de Cardiología. Published by Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  1. Posible relación de loratadina con el desenlace fatal en un paciente de riesgo


    Yanguas, Emilio Pol; Mirch, Rita; Mayoral Borrell, Enrique; Martínez Granados, Paco


    Un varón de 62 años, polimedicado de forma crónica por enfermedad mental grave y persistente, EPOC, diabetes e hipotiroidismo, estabilizado desde hace bastantes meses, inició un tratamiento con loratadina por rinitis. Al día siguiente es encontrado desvanecido sin conocimiento y trasladado de urgencia al hospital general para cuidados intensivos, donde fallece un día después. El análisis del caso revela un posible “efecto mariposa” con desenlace fatal, desencadenado por un fármaco de bajo rie...

  2. POSSIBLE ENTRAPMENT OF THE ULNAR ARTERY BY THE THIRD HEAD OF PRONATOR TERES MUSCLE. El posible atrapamiento de la arteria ulnar por el tercer fascículo del músculo pronador teres

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    Naveen Kumar


    Full Text Available El conocimiento de las variaciones en los alrededores de la fosa cubital es útil para cirujanos ortopédicos, cirujanos plásticos y médicos en general. Observamos las variaciones arteriales y musculares en y alrededor de la fosa cubital. La arteria braquial terminó 2 pulgadas por encima de la base de la fosa cubital. Las arterias radiales y cubitales entraron en la fosa cubital  pasando delante de los tendones de los músculos braquial y bíceps braquial respectivamente. La arteria cubital estaba rodeada por el tercer fascículo del pronador teres, que tuvo su origen en la fascia cubriendo la parte distal del músculo braquial. Este músculo se unió a tendón de pronador teres distalmente y fue suministrado por una rama del nervio mediano. Este músculo podría alterar el flujo sanguíneo en la arteria cubital y puede causar dificultades para el registro de la presión sanguínea. Knowledge of variations at and in the surroundings of cubital fossa is useful for the orthopedic surgeons, plastic surgeons and medical practitioners in general. During routine dissection, we observed arterial and muscular variations in and around the cubital fossa. The brachial artery terminated 2 inches above the base of the cubital fossa. The radial and ulnar arteries entered the cubital fossa by passing in front of the tendons of brachialis and biceps brachii respectively. The ulnar artery was surrounded by the third head of pronator teres which took its origin from the fascia covering the distal part of the brachialis muscle. This muscle joined pronator teres tendon distally and was supplied by a branch of median nerve. This muscle could alter the blood flow in the ulnar artery and may cause difficulties in recording the blood pressure.


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    Antonio Buljan


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se presenta una investigación teórica sobre los posibles sitios de ocupación de los átomos de tritio en la estructura de titanato de litio. Para esto se utilizó un método de Teoría Funcional de la Densidad (DFT periódico utilizando el paquete computacional VASP. Fueron identificados dos posibles sitios donde un átomo de tritio puede sustituir a un átomo de Li. Uno de estos sitios está en la capa de átomos de titanio y el otro en la capa de litio. Este estudio demuestra que el tritio liberado puede ocupar mas favorablemente el sitio en las capas de litio que de titanio. En efecto, si se comparan los átomos de tritio que ocupan posiciones en las capas de litio con aquellos que ocupan posiciones en las capas de titanio, son estos últimos los que requieren mayor energía para ser liberados. Por último, se encontró una interesante relación entre los resultados reportados en este estudio y los datos experimentales reportados en la literatura.

  4. Aspectos jurídicos y perspectivas políticas de una posible retirada de la Unión Europea por parte del Reino Unido

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    Werner Miguel Kühn Baca


    Full Text Available El artículo ofrece un análisis de la situación actual de las relaciones entre el Reino Unido y la Unión Europea. El enfoque se encuentra en los aspectos jurídicos y las perspectivas políticas de una posible retirada por parte de este Estado miembro del proceso de integración europeo. Se evalúan los posibles escenarios y consecuencias, tomando en cuenta tanto el marco jurídico cómo el entorno político actual. En base a dicho análisis, se proponen soluciones que podrían satisfacer los intereses del Reino Unido y la Unión Europea.

  5. Double profunda brachii artery

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    Gavishiddappa A Hadimani


    Full Text Available Brachial artery (BA is a continuation of the axillary artery at the lower border of teres major. In the cubital fossa, BA divides into radial artery and ulnar artery as terminal branches. Large branch given from the BA in the upper part is profunda brachii artery. In the present case, we noticed double profunda brachii that arises from the BA. They are profunda brachii artery 1 and profunda brachii artery 2. Profunda brachii artery 1 arises in the proximal part of the BA and profunda brachii artery 2 arises distal to the profunda brachii artery 1. Both the arteries run inferolaterally in the spiral groove along with radial nerve. Variations of profunda brachii artery are important during harvesting of the lateral arm flaps and may lead to inadvertent injury during percutaneous arterial catheterization or injection of drugs.

  6. Fatores de risco para doença arterial coronariana em idosos: análise por enfermeiros utilizando ferramenta computacional Factores de riesgo para enfermedad arterial coronaria en ancianos: análisis por enfermeras utilizando herramienta computacional Risk factors for coronary artery disease in the elderly: analysis by nurses using computational tool

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    Silvia Sidnéia da Silva


    riesgo para DAC en clientes ancianos es esencial y que la tecnología de la información puede apoyar en la tomada de decisiones estratégicas de promoción de salud.This study aimed to investigate the occurrence of risk factors for coronary artery disease among the elderly participants in a community campaign using a computational tool by nurses. In order to carry out the investigation, a database built during a particular event in the community has been used. The information concerns risk factors; anthropometric data; readings of glucose, cholesterol and blood pressure levels; occurrence of cardiac disease and others. The multidimensional structure was generated and handled by the Analysis Services tool. The elderly population represented 40.4% of the total, and one-third of that population showed altered levels of systemic blood pressure, 53.8% presented body mass index above 25 Kg/m², 40.3% reported hypertension and 20.3% diabetes mellitus. It can be inferred that it is essential to control risk factors for CAD among the elderly, and that information technology can be useful to make strategic decisions in health care promotion.

  7. Aberrant overian artery originating from the Ilolumbar artery: A case report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lee, Ji Eun; Lee, Jae Myeong [Dept. of Radiology, Soonchunhyang University College of Medicine, Bucheon Hospital, Bucheon (Korea, Republic of)


    Here, we report a case of a 30-year-old woman who presented with primary postpartum hemorrhage due to uterine atony. She received uterine artery embolization (UAE). During left internal iliac arteriography, an aberrant left ovarian artery originating from the left iliolumbar artery was visualized. The aberrant left ovarian artery was connected to the left uterine artery via prominent collateral vessels. It supplied a significant amount of blood to the fundus of the uterus. Bilateral hypertrophied uterine arteries were embolized very carefully so that the embolic material did not reflux into the aberrant left ovarian artery. After the procedure, her vaginal bleeding was successfully controlled. Accurate understanding of anatomical variations of the ovarian artery is essential to avoid failure in controlling postpartum hemorrhage with UAE.

  8. Aberrant overian artery originating from the Ilolumbar artery: A case report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Ji Eun; Lee, Jae Myeong


    Here, we report a case of a 30-year-old woman who presented with primary postpartum hemorrhage due to uterine atony. She received uterine artery embolization (UAE). During left internal iliac arteriography, an aberrant left ovarian artery originating from the left iliolumbar artery was visualized. The aberrant left ovarian artery was connected to the left uterine artery via prominent collateral vessels. It supplied a significant amount of blood to the fundus of the uterus. Bilateral hypertrophied uterine arteries were embolized very carefully so that the embolic material did not reflux into the aberrant left ovarian artery. After the procedure, her vaginal bleeding was successfully controlled. Accurate understanding of anatomical variations of the ovarian artery is essential to avoid failure in controlling postpartum hemorrhage with UAE

  9. Cerebellar arteries originating from the internal carotid artery: angiographic evaluation and embryologic explanations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Jae Young; Han, Moon Hee; Yu, In Gyu; Chang, Ki Hyun; Kim, Eui Jong; Kim, Dae Ho


    To find and describe the cerebellar arteries arising from the internal carotid artery, explain them embryologically, and evaluate their clinical implication. To determine the point in the internal carotid artery from which the cereballar artery arose anomalously, consecutive angiographic studies performed in the last three years were reviewed. The distribution of such anomalous cerebellar arteries, the point in the internal carotid artery from which the anomalous vessels originated, and associated findings were analyzed. Five anomalous origins of cerebellar arteries arising arising directly from the internal carotid artery were found in five patients. Three anterior inferior cerebellar arteries (AICA) and one common trunk of an AICA and a posterior inferior cerebellar artery (PICA) were found to originate from the internal carotid artery at a point close to the origin of the primitive trigeminal artery. A PICA arose from an artery presenting a course similar to the proatlantal intersegmental artery. Intracranial aneurysms in two patients, Moyamoya disease in one, and facial arteriovenous malformation in one. In our series, AICAs supplied from the arteries considered to be persistent trigeminal artery variants were the most common type. A correlation between type of anomalous cerebellar artery and type of carotid-vertebrobasilar anastomosis may exist. Cerebellar arteries originating anomalously from the internal carotid artery seem to occur as a result of the persistence of carotid-vertebrobasilar anastomoses associated with incomplete fusion of the longitudinal neural arteries. An understanding of these anomalous cerebellar arteries may help prevent accidents during therapeutic embolization and surgical treatment, as well as misinterpretation

  10. Aberrant ovarian artery arising from the common Iliac artery: Case report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, Won Kyung [Dept. of Radiology, Soonchunhyang University Bucheon Hospital, Soonchunhyang University College of Medicine, Bucheon (Korea, Republic of); Yang, Seung Boo; Lee, Jae Myeong [Dept. of Radiology, Soonchunhyang University Gumi Hospital, Soonchunhyang University College of Medicine, Gumi (Korea, Republic of); Goo, Dong Erk; Kim, Yong Jae; Chang, Yun Woo [Dept. of Radiology, Soonchunhyang University Seoul Hospital, Soonchunhyang University College of Medicine, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    A 46-year-old Vietnamese woman received embolization therapy in order to control postpartum hemorrhage. Angiography revealed an aberrant ovarian artery arising from the right common iliac artery. Superselective catheterization and subsequent embolization of the aberrant ovarian artery and bilateral uterine arteries were performed. Precise knowledge of the anatomic variations of the ovarian artery is important for successful embolization.

  11. Aberrant ovarian artery arising from the common Iliac artery: Case report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Won Kyung; Yang, Seung Boo; Lee, Jae Myeong; Goo, Dong Erk; Kim, Yong Jae; Chang, Yun Woo


    A 46-year-old Vietnamese woman received embolization therapy in order to control postpartum hemorrhage. Angiography revealed an aberrant ovarian artery arising from the right common iliac artery. Superselective catheterization and subsequent embolization of the aberrant ovarian artery and bilateral uterine arteries were performed. Precise knowledge of the anatomic variations of the ovarian artery is important for successful embolization.

  12. Access to the ophthalmic artery by retrograde approach through the posterior communicating artery for intra-arterial chemotherapy of retinoblastoma

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pham, Chi-Tuan; Blanc, Raphael; Pistocchi, Silvia; Bartolini, Bruno; Piotin, Michel [Fondation Rothschild Hospital, Department of Interventional Neuroradiology, Paris (France); Lumbroso-Le Rouic, Livia [Institut Curie, Department of Ocular Oncology, Paris (France)


    Intra-arterial infusion of chemotherapy into the ophthalmic artery for treatment of retinoblastoma has been realized after catheterization of the internal carotid and temporary balloon occlusion beyond the orifice of the ophthalmic artery, or more recently after superselective canulation of the ophthalmic artery by a microcatheter. The superselective catheterization of the ophthalmic artery could be cumbersome because of the implantation of the ostium on the carotid siphon or because of the tortuosity of the carotid siphon. We report our experience of using a retrograde approach through the posterior communicating artery that allows a more direct angle of access to the origin of the ophthalmic artery. (orig.)

  13. Evaluación de la toxicidad del aceite esencial de Aloysia triphylla Britton (cedrón y de la actividad anti-Trypanosoma cruzi del citral, in vivo

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    Juan Rojas Armas


    Full Text Available Introducción: Existe escasa investigación en enfermedades olvidadas. Las plantas medicinales son una potencial fuente de compuestos antimicrobianos. Objetivos: Determinar la toxicidad del aceite esencial de Aloysia triphylla y la actividad del citral contra Trypanosoma cruzi en ratones. Diseño: Estudio experimental preclínico in vivo. Institución: Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Perú. Material: Ratones albinos. Intervenciones: La toxicidad aguda oral a dosis única fue evaluada en ratas albinas. Para la actividad tripanocida se utilizaron ratones asignados a los siguientes grupos: infectados y no tratados (G1, infectados y tratados con citral en dosis de 50, 150 y 300 mg/kg/día (G2, G3 y G4, respectivamente, infectados y tratados con benznidazol 100 mg/kg (G5 y no infectados y no tratados (G6. La parasitemia fue determinada individualmente cada 2 días por microscopia directa. En los días 14, 21 y 28 post infección, cinco ratones de cada grupo fueron sacrificados y los corazones procesados para análisis histopatológico. Principales medidas de resultados: Signos de toxicidad y mortalidad, y parasitemia. Resultados: La dosis límite de 2 000 mg/kg no provocó signos ni síntomas de toxicidad y los estudios anatomopatológicos macroscópicos y microscópicos no mostraron alteración de los órganos estudiados. La parasitemia fue reducida significativamente con la dosis de 300 mg/kg en los días 16° 18° y 20° post infección (p < 0,05. El número de nidos de amastigotes y de infiltrados inflamatorios en corazón fueron reducidos en 67,7% y 51,7%, respectivamente, con 300 mg/kg en el día 28°. Conclusiones: El aceite esencial de Aloysia triphylla es calificado como no tóxico y el citral en dosis de 300 mg/kg tuvo actividad contra Trypanosoma cruzi en ratones.

  14. Arterial scan versus radiographic angiography in detection of shallow arterial ulcers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pollak, E.W.; Webber, M.M.; Cragin, M.D.; Wolfman, E.F. Jr.


    A comparison of 99m-technetium albumin aggregated arterial scan and radiographic angiography for detection of shallow intimal carotid artery ulcerations was made in a series of 12 anesthetized dogs, having a total of 16 acute arterial ulcerations. Radiographic angiography showed positive findings related to presence of stenosis or mural thrombosis in 12 instances. Direct visualization of ulceration was only exceptionally encountered. Arterial scan detected 14 of 16 intimal ulcers. The radionuclide method was reliable even in absence of stenosis or when only minimal mural thrombosis was present. Moreover, autopsy scan of the isolated arterial segments detected all 16 intimal lesions. These results indicate that the arterial scan was a more reliable method for detection of shallow arterial ulcers in this experimental model than radiographic angiography, especially when arterial lumen stenosis or mural thrombosis was minimal or absent

  15. Prediction of parent artery of anterior communicating artery aneurysm on CT angiography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chung, Jin Young; Han, Tae Il; Kim, Dae Hong; Han, Hyun Young; Kim, Hyun Jung; Song, Mun Kab


    To determine whether CT angiography can predict the parent artery of an anterior communicating aneurysm on the basis of characteristics of the aneurysm and precommunication anterior cerebral artery. Eighteen patients with anterior communication aneurysm were studied prospectively using CT angiography and conventional angiography. The parent artery of an aneurysm was predicted by evaluating aneurysm neck location, direction of aneurysm projection, and size of the precommunicating anterior cerebral artery, as seen on CT angiography. A somatom Plus-4 spiral CT scanner was used and shaded-surface display three-dimensional images were constructed. Aneurysm neck was located near the parent artery in 12 cases(66.7%), and aneurysm projection was against the parent artery in 11 cases(61.1%). The parent artery of the anterior cerebral artery was larger in 15 cases(83.3%), including ten cases of hypoplasia or agenesis of the contralateral anterior cerebral artery. In 17 of 18 aneurysms(94.4%) the parent artery seen on DSA was correctly predicted by CT angiography. The parent artery of an anterior communicating aneurysm can be predicted by evaluating aneurysm neck location, direction of aneurysm projection, and precommunicating anterior cerebral artery, as seen on CT angiography

  16. Double profunda brachii artery


    Gavishiddappa A Hadimani; Jyoti V Hadimani; Ishwar B Bagoji; Shardha Bai Rathod; Balappa M Bannur


    Brachial artery (BA) is a continuation of the axillary artery at the lower border of teres major. In the cubital fossa, BA divides into radial artery and ulnar artery as terminal branches. Large branch given from the BA in the upper part is profunda brachii artery. In the present case, we noticed double profunda brachii that arises from the BA. They are profunda brachii artery 1 and profunda brachii artery 2. Profunda brachii artery 1 arises in the proximal part of the BA and profunda brachii...

  17. Anomalous external carotid artery-internal carotid artery anastomosis in two patients with proximal internal carotid arterial remnants

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, Chang Hun [Dept. of Neurology, Stroke Center, Myongji Hospital, Goyang (Korea, Republic of); Cho, Young Dae; Kang, Hyun Seung; Kim, Jeong Eun; Han, Moon Hee [Seoul National University Hospital, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul (Korea, Republic of); Jung, Seung Chai [Dept. of Radiology, Asan Medical Center, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Seoul (Korea, Republic of); Ahn, Jun Hyong [Dept. of Neurosurgery, Hallym University Sacred Heart Hospital, Hallym University College of Medicine, Anyang (Korea, Republic of)


    Two angiographic instances of anomalous external carotid artery (ECA) and internal carotid artery (ICA) anastomosis are described, each occurring at the C2-3 level and bearing remnants of proximal ICA. The ICA remnant of one patient (identifiable immediately upon bifurcation of the common carotid artery) was hypoplastic, and that of the other patient was an occluded arterial stump. These features are not typical of non-bifurcating ICA. The occipital artery originated from an anomalous connection in one instance and from the main trunk of the ECA (just past the ECA-ICA connection) in the other.

  18. Insecticidal Activity of Peumus boldus Molina Essential Oil against Sitophilus zeamais Motschulsky Actividad Insecticida del Aceite Esencial de Peumus boldus Molina sobre Sitophilus zeamais Motschulsky

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    Jessica Betancur R


    Full Text Available In stored grains, the main agents diminishing production are insects, which can produce losses between 20% and 80% before harvest or under storage. The insecticidal properties of the essential oil of fresh leaves of Peumus boldus Molina against maize weevil (Sitophilus zeamais Motschulsky adults were determined under laboratory conditions. The highest mortality (100% was achieved at 4% concentration by contact with a treated glass surface. The same concentration in impregnated corn (Zea mays L. grain, resulted in 98.7% mortality. Mortality by fumigant action at 6 h was 100% with 35 µL oil in 0.15 L (air volume. Concentrations 1, 2 and 4% of essential oil produced 0% F1 adult emergence. At 10 d of residual effect, the 4% concentration reached 63.7% mortality. All treatments were repellent to adults of S. zeamais and corn grain germination was not affected by any treatment.Los principales agentes que disminuyen la producción en los granos almacenados son los insectos, antes de la cosecha y en el almacenamiento pueden causar pérdidas de 20 a 80%. Se evaluaron las propiedades insecticidas del aceite esencial de hojas frescas de Peumus boldus Molina para el control de adultos de gorgojo del maíz (Sitophilus zeamais Motschulsky en laboratorio. La mayor mortalidad (100% por contacto con una superficie de vidrio tratada se obtuvo con la concentración de 4%. Esta misma concentración produjo 98,7% de mortalidad en exposición a grano de maíz (Zea mays L. tratado. El efecto fumigante a las 6 h de exposición fue 100% con 35 µL de aceite en 0,15 L (volumen de aire. Con las concentraciones de 1, 2 y 4% de aceite esencial, el porcentaje de emergencia de la F1 fue 0%. A los 10 d de efecto residual se alcanzó 63,7% de mortalidad con la concentración de 4%. Todos los tratamientos fueron repelentes para adultos de S. zeamais y ningún tratamiento afectó la germinación de los granos.

  19. Primeros ensayos para el cultivo y caracterización del aceite esencial de Conobea scoparioides (Cham. & Schltdl. Benth. para el Pacífico colombiano

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    Robert Tulio González Mina


    Full Text Available Conobea scoparioides (Cham. & Schltdl. Benth. es una planta silvestre de humedales de la que no hay antecedentes de su cultivo o domesticación. El presente trabajo intenta obtener resultados preliminares para su reproducción en condiciones experimentales de siembras simulando su entorno natural contrastada con siembras en materas. Como se ha reportado previamente interés por esta especie como fuente de aceites esenciales ricos en timol, sustancia valiosa de uso industrial y medicinal, se analiza la composición cromatográfica de los volátiles para una población local. Se enuncia un nuevo quimiotipo para el aceite esencial de C. scoparioides procedente de los humedales del Pacífico colombiano. Se presentan los resultados de los ensayos sobre la reproducción vegetativa y por semillas de la especie en cuestión, aunque los resultados reproductivos indican un limitado potencial agrícola para esta especie.

  20. Primeros ensayos para el cultivo y caracterización del aceite esencial de Conobea scoparioides (Cham. & Schltdl. Benth. para el Pacífico colombiano

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    Robert Tulio González Mina


    Full Text Available Conobea scoparioides (Cham. & Schltdl. Benth. es una planta silvestre de humedales de la que no hay antecedentes de su cultivo o domesticación. El presente trabajo intenta obtener resultados preliminares para su reproducción en condiciones experimentales de siembras simulando su entorno natural contrastada con siembras en materas. Como se ha reportado previamente interés por esta especie como fuente de aceites esenciales ricos en timol, sustancia valiosa de uso industrial y medicinal, se analiza la composición cromatográfica de los volátiles para una población local. Se enuncia un nuevo quimiotipo para el aceite esencial de C. scoparioides procedente de los humedales del Pacífico colombiano. Se presentan los resultados de los ensayos sobre la reproducción vegetativa y por semillas de la especie en cuestión, aunque los resultados reproductivos indican un limitado potencial agrícola para esta especie.

  1. Association between internal carotid artery dissection and arterial tortuosity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Saba, Luca; Piga, Mario; Argiolas, Giovanni Maria; Siotto, Paolo; Sumer, Suna; Wintermark, Max; Raz, Eytan; Sanfilippo, Roberto; Montisci, Roberto


    Carotid artery dissection is an important cause of ischemic stroke in all age groups, particularly in young patients. The purpose of this work was to assess whether there is an association between the presence of an internal carotid artery dissection (ICAD) and the arterial tortuosity. This study considered 124 patients (72 males and 52 females; median age 57 years) with CT/MR diagnosis of ICAD of the internal carotid artery were considered in this multi-centric retrospective study. The arterial tortuosity was evaluated and, when present, was categorized as elongation, kinking, or coiling. For each patient, both the right and left sides were considered for a total number of 248 arteries in order to have the same number of cases and controls. Fisher's exact test was applied to test the association between elongation, kinking, coiling, dissection, and the side affected by CAD. Fisher's exact test showed a statistically significant association between the ICAD and kinking (p = 0.0089) and coiling (p = 0.0251) whereas no statistically significant difference was found with arterial vessel elongation (p = 0.444). ICAD was more often seen on the left side compared to the right (p = 0.0001). These results were confirmed using both carotid arteries of the same patient as dependent parameter with p = 0.0012, 0.0129, and 0.3323 for kinking, coiling, and elongation, respectively. The presence of kinking and coiling is associated with ICAD. (orig.)

  2. Association between internal carotid artery dissection and arterial tortuosity

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Saba, Luca; Piga, Mario [Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria (A.O.U.), Department of Radiology, Monserrato, Cagliari (Italy); Argiolas, Giovanni Maria; Siotto, Paolo [Azienda Ospedaliero Brotzu (A.O.B.), Department of Radiology, di Cagliari (Italy); Sumer, Suna; Wintermark, Max [Neuroradiology Division, Neuroradiology, UVA Department of Radiology, Charlottesville, VA (United States); Raz, Eytan [New York University School of Medicine, Department of Radiology, New York, NY (United States); Sapienza University of Rome, Department of Neurology and Psychiatry, Rome (Italy); Sanfilippo, Roberto; Montisci, Roberto [Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria (A.O.U.), Department of Vascular Surgery, di Cagliari (Italy)


    Carotid artery dissection is an important cause of ischemic stroke in all age groups, particularly in young patients. The purpose of this work was to assess whether there is an association between the presence of an internal carotid artery dissection (ICAD) and the arterial tortuosity. This study considered 124 patients (72 males and 52 females; median age 57 years) with CT/MR diagnosis of ICAD of the internal carotid artery were considered in this multi-centric retrospective study. The arterial tortuosity was evaluated and, when present, was categorized as elongation, kinking, or coiling. For each patient, both the right and left sides were considered for a total number of 248 arteries in order to have the same number of cases and controls. Fisher's exact test was applied to test the association between elongation, kinking, coiling, dissection, and the side affected by CAD. Fisher's exact test showed a statistically significant association between the ICAD and kinking (p = 0.0089) and coiling (p = 0.0251) whereas no statistically significant difference was found with arterial vessel elongation (p = 0.444). ICAD was more often seen on the left side compared to the right (p = 0.0001). These results were confirmed using both carotid arteries of the same patient as dependent parameter with p = 0.0012, 0.0129, and 0.3323 for kinking, coiling, and elongation, respectively. The presence of kinking and coiling is associated with ICAD. (orig.)

  3. Normal variation of hepatic artery

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Inn; Nam, Myung Hyun; Rhim, Hyun Chul; Koh, Byung Hee; Seo, Heung Suk; Kim, Soon Yong


    This study was an analyses of blood supply of the liver in 125 patients who received hepatic arteriography and abdominal aortography from Jan. 1984 to Dec. 1986 at the Department of Radiology of Hanyang University Hospital. A. Variations in extrahepatic arteries: 1. The normal extrahepatic artery pattern occurred in 106 of 125 cases (84.8%) ; Right hepatic and left hepatic arteries arising from the hepatic artery proper and hepatic artery proper arising from the common hepatic artery. 2. The most common type of variation of extrahepatic artery was replaced right hepatic artery from superior mesenteric artery: 6 of 125 cases (4.8%). B. Variations in intrahepatic arteries: 1. The normal intrahepatic artery pattern occurred in 83 of 125 cases (66.4%). Right hepatic and left hepatic arteries arising from the hepatic artery proper and middle hepatic artery arising from lower portion of the umbilical point of left hepatic artery. 2. The most common variation of intrahepatic arteries was middle hepatic artery. 3. Among the variation of middle hepatic artery; Right, middle and left hepatic arteries arising from the same location at the hepatic artery proper was the most common type; 17 of 125 cases (13.6%)

  4. Massive cerebral arterial air embolism following arterial catheterization

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yang, C.W. [Northwestem University Feinberg School of Medicine, Department of Radiology, Chicago, IL (United States); Yang, B.P. [Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Department of Neurological Surgery, Chicago, IL (United States)


    Microscopic cerebral arterial air embolism (CAAE) has been described in many patients undergoing cardiac surgery as well as other invasive diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. However, massive CAAE is rare. We report a 42-year-old woman who initially presented with thalamic and basal ganglia hemorrhages. Shortly after a radial arterial catheter was inserted, the patient suffered a generalized seizure and CT demonstrated intra-arterial air in bilateral cerebral hemispheres. (orig.)

  5. Sobre Comunicología y Comunicometodología: primera guía de apuntes sobre horizontes de lo posible

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jesús Galindo Cáceres


    Full Text Available El texto se compone de cinco partes. En la primera se plantea la situación actual del campo académico de la comunicación como base histórica para la construcción de un nuevo proyecto de configuración científico y tecnológico. La segunda parte propone las coordenadas generales del proyecto. En la tercera se presentan las bases para la emergencia de una Comunicología posible, una ciencia de la comunicación inexistente hasta hoy como disciplina científica. En la cuarta se propone la parte complementaria de la Comunicología, a la Comunicometodología, como la dimensión práctica, aplicada, de la ciencia teórica en una dimensión de ingeniería constructiva de la comunicación. En la última se cierra el argumento de la ciencia y la ingeniería de la comunicación con una propuesta de horizontes de lo posible en la investigación de la comunicación, con la comunicación y en la comunicación.

  6. La reducción de lo posible. René Thom y el determinismo causal

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    Miguel Espinoza


    Full Text Available La tesis principal de este ensayo estipula que el determinismo causal es una propiedad de la naturaleza y el primer principio de la inteligibilidad natural. El desarrollo de esta tesis utiliza como hilo conductor el pensamiento de René Thom. Esto significa que el determinismo causal se examina en su relación con la estabilidad y la inestabilidad, el desafío de la mecánica cuántica, las raíces aporéticas de la ciencia tal como la dualidad determinismo-indeterminismo, y finalmente, en su relación con el método para ponerlo de manifiesto, es decir la reducción de lo posible.

  7. Acute arterial occlusion - kidney (United States)

    ... main artery to the kidney is called the renal artery. Reduced blood flow through the renal artery can hurt kidney function. ... need include: Duplex Doppler ultrasound exam of the renal arteries to test blood flow MRI of the kidney arteries, which can show ...

  8. Posible papel de Bacteroides fragilis enterotoxigénico en la etiología de la vaginitis infecciosa


    Polanco, Nina; Manzi, Lorna; Carmona, Oswaldo


    La vaginitis es un trastorno ginecológico frecuente producido por distintas causas, algunas de las cuales permanecen desconocidas. Bacteroides fragilis es el anaerobio más importante en bacteriología clínica. Algunas cepas son enterotoxigénicas y se asocian con síndromes intestinales y extraintestinales. Recientemente han sido aisladas de pacientes con vaginitis. En este trabajo se planteó investigar la posible asociación de B. fragilis enterotoxigénico con la vaginitis infecciosa. Fueron pro...

  9. Carotid artery surgery (United States)

    Carotid endarterectomy; CAS surgery; Carotid artery stenosis - surgery; Endarterectomy - carotid artery ... through the catheter around the blocked area during surgery. Your carotid artery is opened. The surgeon removes ...

  10. Evaluación del proceso integral para la obtención de aceite esencial y pectina a partir de la cáscara de naranja Integral evaluation process for obtaining pectin and essential oil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ivonne Cerón-Salazar


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se presentó la extraccion de aceite esencial y pectina a partir dela cascara de naranja (Citrus sinensis como un proceso integral. Se realizó elproceso de extracción utilizando un simulador comercial adaptandose al procesoreal. Se realizaron pruebas experimentales con un kilogramo de cáscara de naranja procesado a las mismas condiciones de la simulacion con el fin de comparar los rendimientos obtenidos, logrando una concordancia aceptable. Posteriormente se escaló el proceso a una tonelada. Como resultado no solo se demuestran las ventajas del proceso integral, sino tambien la posibilidadde su implementacion a nivel industrial. Se concluye ademas que las tecnicas de simulacion son una herramienta poderosa que permite minimizar tiempo,costos y experimentacion en el diseñode procesos como los de extraccion de aceite esencial y pectina.In this paper, an alternative for essential oil and pectin extraction from orange peel (Citrus sinensis as an integral process was presented. The extraction units were simulated using commercial simulator software for real process conditions. Experimental tests were carried out with a kilogram of orange peel with the same conditions used in of the simulation with the aim of comparing the experimental and calculated yields. Subsequently, the process was scaled to 1000 kg. Advantages of the integrated process and its possibilities of implementation at industrial level were showed. Moreover, it was concluded that simulation techniques are powerful tools that allows minimizing time, costs and experimentation in the design of processes such as essential oil extraction and pectin extraction.

  11. The Features of Extrahepatic Collateral Arteries Related to Hepatic Artery Occlusion and Benefits in the Trans arterial Management of Liver Tumors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yang, L.; Zhang, X.M.; Ren, Y.J.; Miao, N.D.; Huang, X.H.; Dong, G.L.


    To investigate the extrahepatic collateral arteries related to hepatic artery occlusion (HAO) and to determine its benefits in the trans arterial management of liver tumors. Methods and Findings. Eleven patients (7 hepatocellular carcinomas, 3 liver metastases, and 1 with hemangioma) with HAO confirmed with digital subtraction angiography (DSA) were admitted to our hospital. Of the 11 patients, 7 were men and 4 were women, with an average age of 41.5 ± 15.5 years (range: 29 to 70 years). DSA was performed to evaluate the collateral routes to the liver. In the 11 patients with HAO, DSA showed complete occlusion of the common hepatic artery in 9 patients and the proper hepatic artery (PHA) in 2 patients. Extrahepatic collateral arteries supplying the liver were readily evident. The collateral arteries originated from the superior mesenteric artery (SMA) in 8 patients, from the gastroduodenal artery in 2 patients, and from the left gastric artery (LGA) in 1 patient. Transcatheter treatment was successfully performed via the collateral artery in all patients except the one who had hemangioma. Conclusions. DSA is an effective method for detecting collateral circulation related to HAO and may provide information to guide transcatheter management decisions.

  12. [Efferent innervation of the arteries of human leptomeninx in arterial hypertension]. (United States)

    Chertok, V M; Kotsiuba, A E; Babich, E V


    Structure of the efferent nerve plexuses (adrenergic, acetylcholinestherase- and cholinacetyltranspherase-positive, NO-dependent), was studied in the arteries of human leptomeninx with different diameters. Material was obtained from the corpses of the healthy people and of the patients with initial stages of arterial hypertension (AH). It was shown that the concentrations of cholinergic and adrenergic nerve fibers and varicosities in axon terminal part, innervating the arteries with the diameters ranging from 450 till 100 microm, were not significantly different. In these arteries, NO-ergic plexuses were also detected. In patients with AH, regardless the arterial diameters, the significant increase (up to 15-20%) of adrenergic nerve fiber and varicosity concentrations was found. The changes in cholinergic nerve fiber concentration were found to depend on the vessel diameter: the significant decrease of these parameter was observed only in arteries with the diameter of 100-200 microm. No significant changes in nerve plexus concentration was noticed in the arteries with greater or smaller diameter. In NO-ergic neural conductors, the enzyme activity decreased only in the large arteries, and remained almost unchanged in the small vascular branches. The changes in the vasomotor innervation described in AH, are interpreted as a vasomotor innervation dysfunction of the leptomeninx arteries that may result in the hemodynamic disturbances.

  13. Aberrant Ovarian Collateral Originating from External Iliac Artery During Uterine Artery Embolization

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kwon, Joon Ho; Kim, Man Deuk, E-mail:; Lee, Kwang-hun; Lee, Myungsu; Lee, Mu Sook; Won, Jong Yun; Park, Sung Il; Lee, Do Yun [Yonsei University College of Medicine, Department of Radiology, Research Institute of Radiological Science, Severance Hospital (Korea, Republic of)


    We report a case of a 35-year-old woman who underwent uterine artery embolization (UAE) for symptomatic multiple uterine fibroids with collateral aberrant right ovarian artery that originated from the right external iliac artery. We believe that this is the first reported case in the literature of this collateral uterine flow by the right ovarian artery originated from the right external iliac artery. We briefly present the details of the case and review the literature on variations of ovarian artery origin that might be encountered during UAE.

  14. Aberrant Ovarian Collateral Originating from External Iliac Artery During Uterine Artery Embolization

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kwon, Joon Ho; Kim, Man Deuk; Lee, Kwang-hun; Lee, Myungsu; Lee, Mu Sook; Won, Jong Yun; Park, Sung Il; Lee, Do Yun


    We report a case of a 35-year-old woman who underwent uterine artery embolization (UAE) for symptomatic multiple uterine fibroids with collateral aberrant right ovarian artery that originated from the right external iliac artery. We believe that this is the first reported case in the literature of this collateral uterine flow by the right ovarian artery originated from the right external iliac artery. We briefly present the details of the case and review the literature on variations of ovarian artery origin that might be encountered during UAE.

  15. Hepatic falciform artery

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jaques, Paul F.; Mauro, Matthew A.; Sandhu, Jeet


    The hepatic falciform artery is an occasional terminal branch of the left or middle hepatic artery, and may provide an uncommon but important collateral route when the principal visceral arteries are occluded

  16. Feeding Arteries of Primary Tongue Cancers on Intra-arterial Infusion Chemotherapy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kamitani, Takeshi, E-mail: [Kyushu University, Department of Clinical Radiology, Graduate School of Medical Sciences (Japan); Kawanami, Satoshi, E-mail: [Kyushu University, Department of Molecular Imaging and Diagnosis, Graduate School of Medical Sciences (Japan); Asayama, Yoshiki, E-mail:; Matsuo, Yoshio, E-mail:; Yonezawa, Masato, E-mail:; Yamasaki, Yuzo, E-mail: [Kyushu University, Department of Clinical Radiology, Graduate School of Medical Sciences (Japan); Nagao, Michinobu, E-mail: [Kyushu University, Department of Molecular Imaging and Diagnosis, Graduate School of Medical Sciences (Japan); Yamanouchi, Torahiko, E-mail: [Kyushu University, Department of Clinical Radiology, Graduate School of Medical Sciences (Japan); Yabuuchi, Hidetake, E-mail: [Kyushu University, Department of Health Sciences, Graduate School of Medical Sciences (Japan); Nakamura, Katsumasa, E-mail: [Kyushu University, Department of Clinical Radiology, Graduate School of Medical Sciences (Japan); Nakashima, Torahiko, E-mail: [Kyushu University, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Graduate School of Medical Sciences (Japan); Honda, Hiroshi, E-mail: [Kyushu University, Department of Clinical Radiology, Graduate School of Medical Sciences (Japan)


    PurposeTo evaluate the frequency and the predictive factor of each feeding artery on intra-arterial infusion chemotherapy (IAIC) in primary tongue cancer.Materials and MethodsWe retrospectively evaluated 20 patients who received IAIC for primary tongue cancer. The main and accompanying feeding arteries were identified on super-selective angiography of the branches of the external carotid artery. Tumor diameter, and extension to the contralateral side, tongue extrinsic muscles (TEMs), and lateral mesopharyngeal wall were determined based on magnetic resonance imaging or computed tomography findings.ResultsThe main feeding artery was the ipsilateral lingual artery (LA) in 15 of the 20 examined tumors and the contralateral LA in the other 5. Ten cancers had only one feeding artery, and multiple feeding arteries were detected in the remaining 10. Tumors >4 cm (n = 9), those with extension to the contralateral side (n = 13), and those with extension to TEMs (n = 15) were supplied by significantly larger numbers of feeding arteries compared to tumors without these features (P = 0.01, 0.049, and 0.02, respectively). The frequency of feeding from the contralateral LA was 64 % (9/14) and 17 % (1/6) in tumors with and without extension to the contralateral side, respectively. Feeding from a facial artery (FA) was not detected in tumors ≤4 cm, while 5 of the 9 (56 %) tumors >4 cm were supplied by a FA (P = 0.01).ConclusionA careful search for feeding arteries is required, especially in large tumors with extension to the contralateral side or to TEMs.

  17. Feeding Arteries of Primary Tongue Cancers on Intra-arterial Infusion Chemotherapy. (United States)

    Kamitani, Takeshi; Kawanami, Satoshi; Asayama, Yoshiki; Matsuo, Yoshio; Yonezawa, Masato; Yamasaki, Yuzo; Nagao, Michinobu; Yamanouchi, Torahiko; Yabuuchi, Hidetake; Nakamura, Katsumasa; Nakashima, Torahiko; Honda, Hiroshi


    To evaluate the frequency and the predictive factor of each feeding artery on intra-arterial infusion chemotherapy (IAIC) in primary tongue cancer. We retrospectively evaluated 20 patients who received IAIC for primary tongue cancer. The main and accompanying feeding arteries were identified on super-selective angiography of the branches of the external carotid artery. Tumor diameter, and extension to the contralateral side, tongue extrinsic muscles (TEMs), and lateral mesopharyngeal wall were determined based on magnetic resonance imaging or computed tomography findings. The main feeding artery was the ipsilateral lingual artery (LA) in 15 of the 20 examined tumors and the contralateral LA in the other 5. Ten cancers had only one feeding artery, and multiple feeding arteries were detected in the remaining 10. Tumors >4 cm (n = 9), those with extension to the contralateral side (n = 13), and those with extension to TEMs (n = 15) were supplied by significantly larger numbers of feeding arteries compared to tumors without these features (P = 0.01, 0.049, and 0.02, respectively). The frequency of feeding from the contralateral LA was 64 % (9/14) and 17 % (1/6) in tumors with and without extension to the contralateral side, respectively. Feeding from a facial artery (FA) was not detected in tumors ≤4 cm, while 5 of the 9 (56 %) tumors >4 cm were supplied by a FA (P = 0.01). A careful search for feeding arteries is required, especially in large tumors with extension to the contralateral side or to TEMs.

  18. Comunicación y Paz Activa: un diálogo posible

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maximiliano Martín Vicente

    Full Text Available ResumenEl presente texto tiene como finalidad demostrar que es posible relacionar la Comunicación con la Cultura de la Paz, ambas entendidas como herramientas dinamizadoras y transformadoras de realidades sociales. Para eso se realiza, en un primer momento, una revisión bibliográfica de los estudios de la Comunicación y la Paz identificando sus convergencias y divergencias, tanto metodológicas como de contenido. En segundo lugar, siguiendo el método de procedimiento de la pragmática del Periodismo (Motta, 2007, que permite entender los hechos con profundidad identificando los intereses ocultos, se hace una análisis de la primavera árabe tal como mostrada por Le Monde Diplomatique. Finalmente, en tercer lugar, teniendo como referencia el caso árabe, presentamos lo que entendemos por Comunicación y Paz Activa y cómo deben proceder para actuar conjuntamente para establecer acciones más críticas y transformadoras que lleven a una sociedad más justa e armónica.

  19. Recanalization of superficial femoral artery by retrograde approach via popliteal artery

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Jae Kyu; Kim, Hyung Kil; Yun, Ung; Seo, Jeong Jin; Kang, Heoung Keun


    To recanalize the occlusive lesion of superficial femoral artery at origin site by retrograde approach via popliteal artery. 15 patients, who were poor surgical candidates due to coronary artery disease and who had severe occlusive lesion of superficial femoral artery close to its origin with good distal runoffs to popliteal artery, were selected. Patients were all men and range of age were from 53 years to 66 years (mean age: 63 years). Range of lesion length were from 15 cm to 30 cm (mean length: 22.4 cm). Localization of popliteal artery was done with Doppler stethoscope or 'road-map' DSA. The method of recanalization were transluminal endarterectomy catheter (TEC), TEC and angioplasty, thrombolysoangioplasty (TLA). Retrograde puncture of popliteal artery was done in 15 patients successfully. TEC and PTA was performed in 9 patients, TEC only in 2 patients, and TLA and PTA in 2 patients. During the follow-up period of 5 months to 2 years reocclusion did not occur in 10 patients except for 1 patient with poor cardiac output in whom it occurred 1 day later. Remained 4 patients were lost in follow up. Any neurologic or vascular complication did not occur. Retrograde approach of superficial femoral artery via popliteal artery in patients with difficult vascular intervention by common method provides a useful, alternative recanalization method

  20. Recanalization of superficial femoral artery by retrograde approach via popliteal artery

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, Jae Kyu; Kim, Hyung Kil; Yun, Ung; Seo, Jeong Jin; Kang, Heoung Keun [Chonnam University Medical School, Kwangju (Korea, Republic of)


    To recanalize the occlusive lesion of superficial femoral artery at origin site by retrograde approach via popliteal artery. 15 patients, who were poor surgical candidates due to coronary artery disease and who had severe occlusive lesion of superficial femoral artery close to its origin with good distal runoffs to popliteal artery, were selected. Patients were all men and range of age were from 53 years to 66 years (mean age: 63 years). Range of lesion length were from 15 cm to 30 cm (mean length: 22.4 cm). Localization of popliteal artery was done with Doppler stethoscope or 'road-map' DSA. The method of recanalization were transluminal endarterectomy catheter (TEC), TEC and angioplasty, thrombolysoangioplasty (TLA). Retrograde puncture of popliteal artery was done in 15 patients successfully. TEC and PTA was performed in 9 patients, TEC only in 2 patients, and TLA and PTA in 2 patients. During the follow-up period of 5 months to 2 years reocclusion did not occur in 10 patients except for 1 patient with poor cardiac output in whom it occurred 1 day later. Remained 4 patients were lost in follow up. Any neurologic or vascular complication did not occur. Retrograde approach of superficial femoral artery via popliteal artery in patients with difficult vascular intervention by common method provides a useful, alternative recanalization method.

  1. Chemical Composition and Allelopathyc Activity of Essential Oil of Lippia sidoides Cham Composición química y actividad alelopática del aceite esencial de Lippia sidoides Cham

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cláudia Araújo Marco


    Full Text Available The allelopathy is a process for which products of the secondary metabolism, as terpenes phenolic, of a certain vegetal intervene significantly, generally of antagonistic form, in the development of other species of plants. The objective of this work was to chemically characterize the essential oil of Lippia sidoides Cham. growing in the Cariri cearense region, Brazil, and evaluate the allelopathyc effect of this oil on the germination of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L., arugula (Eruca sativa Mill., and cauliflower (Brassica oleracea L., in pre-plantation application. The monoterpene thymol (84.90% has been identified as the principal constituent in the essential oil. The experiment was done in randomized complete block, in 4 x 3 factorial; being used four essential oil combinations applied in three different species in pre-plantation applications. Emergence velocity index (EVI, germination percentage and mean time to germination (MTG, had been analyzed through daily counting carried out until the 14th day after sowing. Through qualitative analysis performed by gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (GC/MS were identified seven chemical constituents representing 97.82% of essential oil of L. sidoides, being that the constituent present in greater concentration in oil was the thymol (84.90%. Could be verified the occurrence of the negative allelopathyc effect of lettuce crop, because its present low EVI and greater MTG, for the other vegetable species there were no allelopathic effect.La alelopatía es un proceso mediante el cual productos metabólicos secundarios, tales como terpenos fenoles, producidos por una planta en particular interfieren significativamente, y de manera antagónica, en el desarrollo de otras especies vegetales. Nuestros objetivos fueron caracterizar químicamente el aceite esencial de Lippia sidoides Cham., cultivada en la región de Cariri Ceará, y evaluar el efecto alelopático del aceite aplicado en pre-siembra en

  2. Hepatic artery aneurysms (HAAs)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nosratini, H.


    The hepatic artery aneurysms are rare, especially in interahepatic branches, The frequency consists of 75-80% extrahepatic and 20-25% intrahepatic. Catheterization is achieved usually from common femoral artery, other methods implemented in the case of unsuccessful catheterization from femoral artery, are translumbar and brachial catheterization. The study consist of 565 patients that were referred to the angiography ward, During seven years of assessment, five cases of hepatic artery aneurysm were found; this is a rare condition reported in the English literature. In the literature as well as in this case report the hepatic artery aneurysms are rare. In reported series the extrahepatic artery aneurysms are found more often than in the intrahepatic artery aneurysm but in this case report intrahepatic artery aneurysms are more than extrahepatic one. (author)

  3. Basilar artery angulation and vertigo due to the hemodynamic effect of dominant vertebral artery. (United States)

    Cosar, Murat; Yaman, Mehmet; Eser, Olcay; Songur, Ahmet; Ozen, Oguz A


    Vertebral arteries form the basilar artery at the pontobulbar junction. The vertebral artery may have dominancy in one of them. The branches of basilar arteries supply blood for the vestibular nuclei and its connections. Vertigo is seen generally in the upper middle aged patients. Vertigo can be observed in dolichoectasia of basilar artery such as angulation and elongation, because of the diminished blood supply and changed hemodynamic factors of vestibular nuclei and its connections. We hypothesized that angulation or elongation of basilar artery can be estimated according to the unilateral vertebral artery dominant hypertensive patients. The basilar artery can angulate from the dominant side of vertebral artery to the recessive side. These angulation and elongation can effect the hemodynamic factors in absence of growing collateral arteries. So, the vertigo attacks may occur in these patients.

  4. Endovascular rescue from arterial rupture and thrombosis during middle cerebral artery stenting

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ahn, J.Y.; Chung, Y.S. [Department of Neurosurgery, College of Medicine, Pundang CHA Hospital, 351 Yatap-ding, Pundang-gu, 463-712, Sungnam (Korea); Lee, B.H. [Department of Interventional Neuroradiology, College of Medicine, Pundang CHA Hospital, 351 Yatap-dong, Pundang-gu, 463-712, Sungnam (Korea); Kim, O.J. [Department of Emergency Medicine, College of Medicine, Pundang CHA Hospital, 351 Yatap-dong, Pundang-gu, 463-712, Sungnam (Korea)


    Intravascular stents are being used with increasing frequency in interventional neuroradiology. Iatrogenic arterial rupture is an uncommon but serious complication. We present a case of arterial rupture and subarachnoid haemorrhage during middle cerebral artery stenting, treated by emergency additional, overlapping stenting and balloon tamponade of the dissected vessel. Thrombotic occlusion of the artery was managed by intra-arterial abciximab. Normal vessel patency was re-established within 20 min and the patient recovered with no neurological deficit. (orig.)

  5. Ausencia de correlación entre las cifras tensionales, el daño de órgano blanco y la presencia de retinopatía en el modelo animal de hipertensión con L-NAME: ¿Son necesarios nuevos modelos animales en hipertensión arterial?


    Jorge Hernán Ramírez; Mauricio Palacios; Hugo Ocampo; Claudia Zuluaga; Oscar Gutiérrez


    La comunidad científica nacional e internacional utiliza ampliamente modelos animales de hipertensión para el estudio de posibles fármacos antihipertensivos. Sin embargo, algunas de las complicaciones de la hipertensión arterial no se expresan por completo en los modelos animales. En este artículo se presenta la falta de correlación de las cifras tensionales con la retinopatía, en el modelo de ratas hipertensas por L-NAME. Además, plantea interrogantes con respecto al desarrollo de nuevos mod...

  6. Arterial stiffness

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    Ursula Quinn


    Full Text Available Measurements of biomechanical properties of arteries have become an important surrogate outcome used in epidemiological and interventional cardiovascular research. Structural and functional differences of vessels in the arterial tree result in a dampening of pulsatility and smoothing of blood flow as it progresses to capillary level. A loss of arterial elastic properties results a range of linked pathophysiological changes within the circulation including increased pulse pressure, left ventricular hypertrophy, subendocardial ischaemia, vessel endothelial dysfunction and cardiac fibrosis. With increased arterial stiffness, the microvasculature of brain and kidneys are exposed to wider pressure fluctuations and may lead to increased risk of stroke and renal failure. Stiffening of the aorta, as measured by the gold-standard technique of aortic Pulse Wave Velocity (aPWV, is independently associated with adverse cardiovascular outcomes across many different patient groups and in the general population. Therefore, use of aPWV has been proposed for early detection of vascular damage and individual cardiovascular risk evaluation and it seems certain that measurement of arterial stiffness will become increasingly important in future clinical care. In this review we will consider some of the pathophysiological processes that result from arterial stiffening, how it is measured and factors that may drive it as well as potential avenues for therapy. In the face of an ageing population where mortality from atheromatous cardiovascular disease is falling, pathology associated with arterial stiffening will assume ever greater importance. Therefore, understanding these concepts for all clinicians involved in care of patients with cardiovascular disease will become vital.

  7. Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA) of supra-aortic arteries especially the internal carotid artery

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kachel, R.; Basche, S. (Medizinische Akademie, Erfurt (Germany, F.R.). Radiologische Klinik); Heerklotz, I.; Grossmann, K. (Medizinische Akademie, Erfurt (Germany, F.R.). Klinik fuer Innere Medizin); Endler, S. (Medizinische Akademie, Erfurt (Germany, F.R.). Klinik fuer Neurologie und Psychiatrie)


    We present our experience with 105 patients in whom percutaneous transluminal angioplasty was performed in 112 stenosed or occluded supra-aortic arteries. Symtoms of cerebrovascular and/or vertebrobasilar insufficiency were present in 104 of the 105 patients. The angioplasty was successful in 35 stenoses of the internal carotid artery, 2 stenoses of the common carotid artery, 1 stenosis of the external carotid artery, 15 stenoses of the vertebral artery, 3 stenoses of the innominate artery and 44 stenoses of the subclavian artery. There were only 4 minor-complications (2 haematomas, 1 transient ischemic attack, 1 small thrombus of the internal carotid artery which was detected by 111-indium platelet scintigraphy and treated by thrombendarterectomy before the appearance of neurological symptoms). All patients were symptom free after angioplasty. During the observations period of 3 to 109 months (average 58 months) there were only two cases with re-stenosis after subclavian angioplasty. The results of more than 700 personal and international published percutaneous transluminal angioplasties of supra-aortic arteries are presented. The results suggest that angioplasty of supra-aortic arteries is an effective method. On strict definition of the indications, the complication rate for angioplasty of the supra-aortic arteries is not likely to be higher than that for operative treatment. (orig.).

  8. Posible transmisión oral de la enfermedad de Chagas en trabajadores del sector de los hidrocarburos en Casanare, Colombia, 2014

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    Liliana Patricia Zuleta-Dueñas


    Conclusiones. Mediante el análisis de las características epidemiológicas, ambientales y sanitarias, se confirmó un brote agudo de enfermedad de Chagas por exposición ocupacional y de posible transmisión oral, que podría ser el de mayor proporción reportado hasta la fecha en Colombia.

  9. Hipertensão arterial sistêmica e anestesia Hipertensión arterial sistémica y anestesia Systemic hypertension and anesthesia

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    Michelle Nacur Lorentz


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Devido à grande prevalência da hipertensão arterial sistêmica na população e a falta de consenso sobre que níveis pressóricos o anestesiologista deve aceitar para induzir uma anestesia para cirurgia eletiva, realizou-se uma revisão na literatura que trata da associação hipertensão arterial e anestesia. Considerando que a suspensão de uma cirurgia implica em gastos, o que torna a Medicina cada vez mais cara, e que, por outro lado, o ato anestésico deve ser realizado com a maior segurança possível, o objetivo desse trabalho foi analisar as evidências da literatura que possam nortear a prática clínica. CONTEÚDO: O artigo apresenta incidência e classificação da hipertensão arterial sistêmica além de relatar e comentar trabalhos relevantes que abordam a hipertensão arterial no paciente cirúrgico. CONCLUSÕES: Ainda não estão estabelecidos quais níveis máximos de pressão são compatíveis com uma cirurgia eletiva, sendo que, atualmente, os critérios para a suspensão da cirurgia no paciente hipertenso mal controlado são muito mais baseados em dados empíricos que em evidências. Existe uma tendência em postergar a cirurgia quando a PA é superior a 180/110 mmHg, mas cada caso deve ser analisado isoladamente, valorizando mais lesões em órgãos alvo que a pressão arterial propriamente dita.JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: Debido a la grande superioridad de la hipertensión arterial sistémica en la población y la falta de acuerdo sobre que niveles presóricos el anestesiologista debe aceptar para inducir una anestesia para cirugía electiva, se realizó una revisión en la literatura que trata de la asociación hipertensión arterial y anestesia. Considerando que la suspensión de una cirugía implica en gastos, lo que hace la Medicina cada vez más cara, y que, por otro lado, el acto anestésico debe ser realizado con la mayor seguridad posible, la finalidad de ese trabajo fue analizar las

  10. El estrés oxidativo como posible diana terapéutica en la osteoporosis asociada al envejecimiento


    Portal-Núñez, S.; de la Fuente, M.; Díez, A.; Esbrit, P.


    La osteoporosis senil o involutiva es un problema de primera magnitud en el mundo desarrollado. Estudios recientes apuntan al aumento del estrés oxidativo asociado al envejecimiento -cronológico o biológico- como un factor importante en su desarrollo. En esta revisión nos centraremos en las alteraciones del tejido óseo con la edad, en el origen del estrés oxidativo y su influencia negativa en el tejido óseo. Finalmente, abordaremos las posibles terapias antiestrés oxidativo que actualmente se...

  11. Long-term facial artery catheter implantation for serial arterial blood sampling and invasive arterial blood pressure measurement in horses. (United States)

    Dias, Deborah Penteado Martins; Teixeira, Luisa Gouvêa; Canola, Paulo Aléscio; Albernaz, Raquel Mincarelli; Marques, José Antônio; Neto, José Corrêa de Lacerda


    The purpose of this investigation was to evaluate surgical catheter implantation in the facial artery of horses and the long-term maintenance of such arteries using heparin and ascorbic acid as filling solution. Nine horses were implanted with a polyurethane catheter. The catheters were flushed with a heparin/ascorbic acid solution every 8h and remained patent for 25 days. Arterial blood samples were collected twice a day, and one exercise test that included serial blood samples and arterial pressure recordings was performed on a treadmill. Polyurethane catheters surgically implanted in the facial artery can be kept patent by filling with a heparin/ascorbic acid solution and provide convenient invasive arterial access in horses which is suitable for use for serial blood sampling and blood pressure recordings, even during exercise on treadmill. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  12. Congenital coronary artery fistula

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oh, Yeon Hee; Kim, Hong; Zeon, Seoc Kil; Suh, Soo Jhi


    Congenital coronary artery fistula (CCAF) is communication of a coronary artery or its main branch with one of the atria or ventricles, the coronary sinus, the superior vena cava, or the pulmonary artery. In Korean peoples, only 4 cases of the CCAF were reported as rare as worldwide and authors want to report another case of CCAF, confirmed by operation. 10-year-old girl shows a fistula between sinus node artery of the right coronary artery and right atrium on root aortogram with left-to-right shunt and Qp/Qs=1.58, in which simple ligation of the sinus node artery from right coronary artery was performed. All of the 5 Korean CCAF (4 were previously reported and 1 of authors) were originated from right coronary artery, and of which 4 were opening into right ventricle and 1 of authors were into right atrium. Associated cardiac anomaly was noted in only 1 case as single coronary artery. Ages were from 9 months of age to 10 years old and no adult left case were found. 3 were female and 2 were male patients.

  13. Arterial occlusion to treat basilar artery dissecting aneurysm

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Cui, Qing Ke; Liu, Wei Dong; Liu, Peng; Li, Xue Yuan; Zhang, Lian Qun; Ma, Long Jia; Ren, Yun Fei; Wu, Ya Ping; Wang, Zhi Gang


    Object: To explore the clinical feasibility of employing occlusion to treat basilar artery dissecting aneurysm. Methods: One patient, male and 46 years old, suffered transient numbness and weakness on the right limbs. Cerebral angiography indicated basilar artery dissecting aneurysm. The patient

  14. Spiral CT angiography (SCTA) study of celiac artery and superior mesenteric artery

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yuan Zhenguo; Zhou Cunsheng; Xu Zuodong; Shi Hao; Wang Tao


    Objective: To study the visualization capability and scanning technique of SCTA in celiac artery, superior mesenteric artery (SMA) and other branches. Methods: Thirty patients, with normal abdominal SCTA results, were given small injection test dose after plain scan. The abdominal aorta parallel to the body of pancreas was chosen as target vessel, the peak-time plus 2 seconds as the best delay scan time. Iodine contrast medium 90∼110 ml was injected into antecubital vein at the speed of 3.5 ml/s, then scan from cranial to caudal was performed. Pitch 1.0 and slice thickness 3.2 mm were selected as the scan parameters. Maximum intensity projection (MaxIP) was employed in all patients and shaded surface display (SSD) in 23 cases. Results: The display rate using MaxIP and SSD of celiac artery, splenic artery, common hepatic artery, proper hepatic artery and SMA were all 100%, the gastroduodenal artery 100% and 91%, the left gastric artery 83% and 87%, respectively. Conclusions: SCTA as a minimally invasive examination is a valuable method to detect and diagnose disease or variations of celiac artery, its branches and SMA. Spiral scanning technique and image processing have a decisive effect on the image quality

  15. Calculation of arterial wall temperature in atherosclerotic arteries: effect of pulsatile flow, arterial geometry, and plaque structure

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    Kim Taehong


    Full Text Available Abstract Background This paper presents calculations of the temperature distribution in an atherosclerotic plaque experiencing an inflammatory process; it analyzes the presence of hot spots in the plaque region and their relationship to blood flow, arterial geometry, and inflammatory cell distribution. Determination of the plaque temperature has become an important topic because plaques showing a temperature inhomogeneity have a higher likelihood of rupture. As a result, monitoring plaque temperature and knowing the factors affecting it can help in the prevention of sudden rupture. Methods The transient temperature profile in inflamed atherosclerotic plaques is calculated by solving an energy equation and the Navier-Stokes equations in 2D idealized arterial models of a bending artery and an arterial bifurcation. For obtaining the numerical solution, the commercial package COMSOL 3.2 was used. The calculations correspond to a parametric study where arterial type and size, as well as plaque geometry and composition, are varied. These calculations are used to analyze the contribution of different factors affecting arterial wall temperature measurements. The main factors considered are the metabolic heat production of inflammatory cells, atherosclerotic plaque length lp, inflammatory cell layer length lmp, and inflammatory cell layer thickness dmp. Results The calculations indicate that the best location to perform the temperature measurement is at the back region of the plaque (0.5 ≤ l/lp ≤ 0.7. The location of the maximum temperature, or hot spot, at the plaque surface can move during the cardiac cycle depending on the arterial geometry and is a direct result of the blood flow pattern. For the bending artery, the hot spot moves 0.6 millimeters along the longitudinal direction; for the arterial bifurcation, the hot spot is concentrated at a single location due to the flow recirculation observed at both ends of the plaque. Focusing on the

  16. Dynamic contrast-enhanced ultrasound and transient arterial occlusion for quantification of arterial perfusion reserve in peripheral arterial disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Amarteifio, E.; Wormsbecher, S.; Krix, M.; Demirel, S.; Braun, S.; Delorme, S.; Böckler, D.; Kauczor, H.-U.; Weber, M.-A.


    Objective: To quantify muscular micro-perfusion and arterial perfusion reserve in peripheral arterial disease (PAD) with dynamic contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) and transient arterial occlusion. Materials and methods: This study had local institutional review board approval and written informed consent was obtained from all subjects. We examined the dominant lower leg of 40 PAD Fontaine stage IIb patients (mean age, 65 years) and 40 healthy volunteers (mean age, 54 years) with CEUS (7 MHz; MI, 0.28) during continuous intravenous infusion of 4.8 mL microbubbles. Transient arterial occlusion at mid-thigh level simulated physical exercise. With time–CEUS–intensity curves obtained from regions of interest within calf muscles, we derived the maximum CEUS signal after occlusion (max) and its time (t max ), slope to maximum (m), vascular response after occlusion (AUC post ), and analysed accuracy, receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves, and correlations with ankle-brachial index (ABI) and walking distance. Results: All parameters differed in PAD and volunteers (p max was delayed (31.2 ± 13.6 vs. 16.7 ± 8.5 s, p post as optimal parameter combination for diagnosing PAD and therefore impaired arterial perfusion reserve. Conclusions: Dynamic CEUS with transient arterial occlusion quantifies muscular micro-perfusion and arterial perfusion reserve. The technique is accurate to diagnose PAD.

  17. Venous digital subtraction angiography for diagnosis of renal artery stenosis in arterial hypertony

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schoerner, W.; Kempter, H.; Banzer, D.; Aviles, C.; Weiss, T.; Felix, R.


    Venous digital subtraction angiography was performed in 248 patients for the diagnosis of renal arterial stenosis. In 88% of the investigations the stenosis could be found. Comparison of digital angiography and conventional angiography was made for 57 renal arteries (25 investigations). In 52 renal arteries we found the same results with both methods, in 5 renal arteries we found the same results with both methods, in 5 renal arteries the digital angiography showed false positive results. The spatial resolution of digital subtraction angiography is sufficient for the correct diagnosis of significant renal arterial stenosis. With regard to the lower invasion of digital subtraction angiography compared to conventional angiography the first method should be used for clarification of renal arterial hypertension. (orig.)

  18. Imaging of Dual Ophthalmic Arteries: Identification of the Central Retinal Artery

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    Louise Louw


    Full Text Available Identification of the origin of the central retinal artery (CRA is imperative in tailoring angiographic studies to resolve a given clinical problem. A case with dual ophthalmic arteries (OAs, characterized by different origins and distinct branching patterns, is documented for training purposes. Pre-clinical diagnosis of a 9-year-old child who presented with a sharp wire in the left-side eyeball was primarily corneal laceration. For imaging, a selected six-vessel angiographic study with the transfemoral approach was performed. Embolization was not required and the wire could be successfully removed. Right-side OA anatomy was normal, while left-side dual OAs with external carotid artery (ECA and internal carotid artery (ICA origins were seen. The case presented with a left-side meningo-ophthalmic artery (M-OA anomaly via the ECA, marked by a middle meningeal artery (MMA (origin: Maxillary artery; course: Through foramen spinosum with normal branches (i.e. anterior and posterior branches, and an OA variant (course: Through superior orbital fissure with a distinct orbital branching pattern. A smaller OA (origin: ICA; course: Through optic foramen with a distinct ocular branching pattern presented with the central retinal artery (CRA. The presence of the dual OAs and the M-OA anomaly can be explained by disturbed evolutionary changes of the primitive OA and stapedial artery during development. The surgical interventionist must be aware of dual OAs and M-OA anomalies with branching pattern variations on retinal supply, because of dangerous extracranial-intracranial anastomotic connections. It is of clinical significance that the origin of the CRA from the ICA or ECA must be determined to avoid complications to the vision.

  19. Relationship of daily arterial blood pressure monitoring readings and arterial stiffness profile in male patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease combined with arterial hypertension

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    Karoli N.A.


    Full Text Available The aim of the study was to determine correlation between arterial blood pressure daily rhythm and daily profile of arterial stiffness in male patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD and arterial hypertension. Materials et methods: Prospective investigation comprised 45 male patients with COPD and arterial hypertension. Individuals of 40 years younger and 80 years elder, patients with diabetes, stroke, angina pectoris, or heart infarction, vascular diseases, and exacerbation of chronic disease, bronchial and pulmonary diseases of other etiology were excluded from the analyses. Comparison group included 47 patients with essential arterial hypertension and without chronic respiratory diseases closely similar on general parameters with patients from main clinical series. Twenty-four-hour arterial blood pressure monitoring (ABPM and daily arterial stiffness monitoring were performed using BPLab® MnSDP-2 apparatus (Petr Telegin, Russian Federation. Results: Patients with COPD combined with arterial hypertension with raised arterial stiffness measures prevail over individuals in essential hypertension group. There is pathological alteration of the ABPM circadian rhythm and raised «Pressure load» values in raised arterial stiffness group. Conclusion: We found ABPM raised parameters in patients with COPD and arterial hypertension. It confirms necessity of ABPM in daily arterial stiffness assessment in patients with COPD.

  20. Autoconocimiento, adherencia al tratamiento y control de la hipertensión arterial en el Perú: una revisión narrativa

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    Percy Herrera-Añazco

    Full Text Available RESUMEN Se describe la producción científica peruana sobre hipertensión arterial (HTA que se publicó en la literatura médica, mediante una revisión bibliográfica no sistemática hasta diciembre del 2016. Los resultados se dividieron en tres áreas temáticas: autoconocimiento, adherencia al tratamiento y control. Se encontraron 197 artículos, pero solo 15 se utilizaron para el análisis. Los resultados sugieren que el nivel de autoconocimiento de la HTA es deficiente, aunque ha mejorado en los últimos años. Esto es mejor en las poblaciones urbanas y en general, peor que en otras ciudades latinoamericanas. De igual forma, aunque el control de la HTA ha mejorado, es insuficiente y por debajo de otros países latinoamericanos. Finalmente, es posible que la adherencia al tratamiento sea peor en provincias.

  1. Fungicidal activity of Eucalyptus tereticornis essential oil on the pathogenic fungus Fusarium oxysporum Actividad antimicótica del aceite esencial a partir de Eucalyptus tereticornis sobre el hongo patógeno Fusarium oxysporum

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    Walter Murillo Arango


    Full Text Available The objective of present paper was to determine the antifungal activity of the Eucalyptus tereticornis (Myrtaceae essential oil and two fractions on the Fusarium oxysporum mushroom, a pathogen with clinical and agricultural significance. The total citronelal (44.8 % and geraniol (9.78 % essential oil had a fungicidal effect at a 3 g/L concentration and a fungicidal activity at small concentrations. The A and B fractions composed most of p-mentane-3,8-diol (18.95 % and geraniol acetate (24.34 %, respectively were more active than the total extract. The observations at microscopic level showed damages and changes in hyphae and chlamydospores, as well as a decrease in the number of conidia. The observed fungicidal activity and the morphologic damages were dependent on the concentration.El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar la actividad antifúngica del aceite esencial de Eucalyptus tereticornis (Myrtaceae y 2 fracciones sobre el hongo Fusarium oxysporum, patógeno de importancia tanto clínica como agrícola. El aceite esencial total, compuesto principalmente por citronelal (44,8 %, citronelol (9,78 % presentó un efecto fungicida a una concentración de 3 g/L y actividad fungistática a concentraciones menores. La fracciones A y B compuestas en su mayoría por p-mentano-3,8-diol (18,95 % y acetato de citronelol (24,34 % respectivamente fueron más activas que el extracto total. Las observaciones a nivel microscópico mostraron daños y cambios en hifas y clamidosporas, así como disminución en el número de conidias. La actividad fungistática observada y los daños morfológicos fueron dependientes de la concentración.

  2. ¿Es posible provocar la madurez del conflicto? A propósito de la correspondencia entre Medófilo Medina y Timoleón Jiménez

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    Adolfo León Atehortúa Cruz


    Full Text Available A partir del intercambio epistolar entre Medófilo Medina y Timoleón Jiménez, el presente artículo debate los puntos centrales de la correspondencia aludida: la vigencia de la lucha armada, la concepción de dominación y dependencia y las vías de la democracia en Colombia. Finalmente, explora la madurez del conflicto armado en nuestro país y las posibilidades de una salida negociada con participación de la sociedad. Como conclusión, ofrece respuesta a dos preguntas: ¿Será posible una salida negociada que preserve la dignidad de los combatientes? Más aún, ¿será posible inducir esa salida desde la sociedad?

  3. An isolated left subclavian artery supplied by a collateral artery from the abdominal aorta

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ming, Zhu; Qian, Wang


    An isolated left subclavian artery is a rare anomaly. We report a 9-month-old boy with an isolated left subclavian artery associated with tetralogy of Fallot and the right aortic arch. MRI and angiography show that the blood supply through the left subclavian artery was maintained by a large tortuous collateral artery from the abdominal aorta. This type of collateral artery structure is unique. (orig.)

  4. An isolated left subclavian artery supplied by a collateral artery from the abdominal aorta

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ming, Zhu; Qian, Wang [Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine, Department of Radiology, Shanghai Children' s Medical Center, Shanghai (China)


    An isolated left subclavian artery is a rare anomaly. We report a 9-month-old boy with an isolated left subclavian artery associated with tetralogy of Fallot and the right aortic arch. MRI and angiography show that the blood supply through the left subclavian artery was maintained by a large tortuous collateral artery from the abdominal aorta. This type of collateral artery structure is unique. (orig.)

  5. Pressure drop and arterial compliance - Two arterial parameters in one measurement. (United States)

    Rotman, Oren M; Zaretsky, Uri; Shitzer, Avraham; Einav, Shmuel


    Coronary artery pressure-drop and distensibility (compliance) are two major, seemingly unrelated, parameters in the cardiovascular clinical setting, which are indicative of coronary arteries patency and atherosclerosis severity. While pressure drop is related to flow, and therefore serves as a functional indicator of a stenosis severity, the arterial distensibility is indicative of the arterial stiffness, and hence the arterial wall composition. In the present study, we hypothesized that local pressure drops are dependent on the arterial distensibility, and hence can provide information on both indices. The clinical significance is that a single measurement of pressure drop could potentially provide both functional and bio-mechanical metrics of lesions, and thus assist in real-time decision making prior to stenting. The goal of the current study was to set the basis for understanding this relationship, and define the accuracy and sensitivity required from the pressure measurement system. The investigation was performed using numerical fluid-structure interaction (FSI) simulations, validated experimentally using our high accuracy differential pressure measurement system. Simplified silicone mock coronary arteries with zero to intermediate size stenoses were used, and various combinations of arterial distensibility, diameter, and flow rate were simulated. Results of hyperemic flow cases were also compared to fractional flow reserve (FFR). The results indicate the potential clinical superiority of a high accuracy pressure drop-based parameter over FFR, by: (i) being more lesion-specific, (ii) the possibility to circumvent the FFR dependency on pharmacologically-induced hyperemia, and, (iii) by providing both functional and biomechanical lesion-specific information. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  6. Anomalous right coronary artery arising from the pulmonary artery and constrictive pericarditis: an unusual association (United States)

    Silvestre, Odilson Marcos; Adam, Eduardo Leal; de Melo, Dirceu Thiago Pessoa; Dias, Ricardo Ribeiro; Ramires, Felix J. A.; Mady, Charles


    ABSTRACT The association of anomalous right coronary artery originating from the pulmonary artery and constrictive pericarditis has never been showed in the literature. We present the first case of this unusual association in a patient with right heart failure. After diagnosis, the patient was referred to surgery and underwent phrenic-to-phrenic pericardiectomy; graft implant of right internal thoracic artery to right coronary artery; and ligation of the anomalous origin of the right coronary artery from the pulmonary artery. Such procedures solved the potential risk of sudden death related to anomalous right coronary artery originating from the pulmonary artery and alleviated the symptoms of heart failure caused by constrictive pericarditis. PMID:24136766



    Prajkta A Thete; Mehera Bhoir; M.V.Ambiye


    Routine dissection of a male cadaver revealed the presence of bilateral double renal arteries. On the right side the accessory renal artery originated from the abdominal aorta just above the main renal artery. On the left side the accessory renal artery originated from the abdominal aorta about 1 cm above the main renal artery. Knowledge of the variations of renal vascular anatomy has importance in exploration and treatment of renal trauma, renal transplantation, renal artery embolization, su...

  8. Aplicación de las Máquinas de Soporte Vectorial (SVM al diagnóstico clínico de la Enfermedad de Párkinson y el Temblor Esencial

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    Roberto González


    Full Text Available Resumen: Los enfermos de Párkinson (EP y de temblor esencial (TE suponen un porcentaje importante de la casuística clínica en los trastornos del movimiento, que impiden a los sujetos afectados el llevar una vida normal, produciendo discapacidad física y una no menos importante exclusión social en muchos de los casos. Las vías de tratamiento son dispares, de ahí que sea crítico acertar con precisión en el diagnóstico en las etapas iniciales de la enfermedad. Hasta la actualidad, los profesionales y expertos en medicina, utilizan unas escalas cualitativas para diferenciar la patología y su grado de afectación. Dichas escalas también se utilizan para efectuar un seguimiento clínico y registrar la historia del paciente. En este trabajo se propone la utilización de clasificadores binarios centrados en las Máquinas de Soporte Vectorial (SVM para obtener un diagnóstico diferencial entre las dos patologías de temblor mencionadas. Abstract: Parkinson's Disease (PD and Essential Tremor (ET patients represent a significant percentage of the clinical cases in movement disorders pathologies, which prevents to the affected people leading a normal life. A physical disability results and important social exclusion in many cases are produced. The treatment methods are very differents, so it is critical hitting with the diagnosis in the early stages of these diseases. Until today, professionals and experts in medicine, use qualitative scales to differentiate pathology cases and its level of affectation. These scales are used to follow up clinically and register the patient's history. This work proposes the use of binary classifiers focused on the Vector Support Machines (SVM to obtain a differential diagnosis between the essential tremor and Parkinson's disease. Palabras clave: Ayuda al diagnóstico, clasificadores binarios, clasificación Párkinson-Esencial, medida objetiva del temblor, análisis de patrones, extracción de caracter

  9. Intra-arterial thrombolysis of digital artery occlusions in a patient with polycythemia vera. (United States)

    Jud, Philipp; Hafner, Franz; Gary, Thomas; Ghanim, Leyla; Lipp, Rainer; Brodmann, Marianne


    There are limited therapeutic options for the resolution of digital artery occlusions. Intra-arterial thrombolysis with anticoagulative and thrombolytic drugs successfully restored the blood flow in the affected digital arteries.

  10. Anomalous Origin of Left Coronary Artery from Pulmonary Artery (ALCAPA)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Younus, Z.; Ahmed, I.; Iftikhar, R.


    Anomalous origin of the left coronary artery from the pulmonary artery also recognized as Bland White Garland syndrome is a very rare congenital condition. A two-months old baby boy presented with dyspnoea for two weeks and a pansystolic murmur on auscultation. The base line investigations showed cardiomegaly and bilateral basal haze on X-ray chest. ECG showed ST elevation in leads l and AVl and echocardiography showed situs solitus, levocardia, hypokinetic intraventricular septum, ejection fraction of 30%, mitral regurgitation of grade-I and an anomalous origin of the left coronary artery from pulmonary artery was diagnosed. Patient was in left heart failure. It was rectified surgically by creating a transpulmonary tunnel (Takeuchi repair). Postoperative course was uneventful and he was finally discharged in stable condition. (author)

  11. Intra-arterial high signals on arterial spin labeling perfusion images predict the occluded internal carotid artery segment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sogabe, Shu; Satomi, Junichiro; Tada, Yoshiteru; Kanematsu, Yasuhisa; Kuwayama, Kazuyuki; Yagi, Kenji; Yoshioka, Shotaro; Mizobuchi, Yoshifumi; Mure, Hideo; Yamaguchi, Izumi; Kitazato, Keiko T.; Nagahiro, Shinji; Abe, Takashi; Harada, Masafumi; Yamamoto, Nobuaki; Kaji, Ryuji


    Arterial spin labeling (ASL) involves perfusion imaging using the inverted magnetization of arterial water. If the arterial arrival times are longer than the post-labeling delay, labeled spins are visible on ASL images as bright, high intra-arterial signals (IASs); such signals were found within occluded vessels of patients with acute ischemic stroke. The identification of the occluded segment in the internal carotid artery (ICA) is crucial for endovascular treatment. We tested our hypothesis that high IASs on ASL images can predict the occluded segment. Our study included 13 patients with acute ICA occlusion who had undergone angiographic and ASL studies within 48 h of onset. We retrospectively identified the high IAS on ASL images and angiograms and recorded the occluded segment and the number of high IAS-positive slices on ASL images. The ICA segments were classified as cervical (C1), petrous (C2), cavernous (C3), and supraclinoid (C4). Of seven patients with intracranial ICA occlusion, five demonstrated high IASs at C1-C2, suggesting that high IASs could identify stagnant flow proximal to the occluded segment. Among six patients with extracranial ICA occlusion, five presented with high IASs at C3-C4, suggesting that signals could identify the collateral flow via the ophthalmic artery. None had high IASs at C1-C2. The mean number of high IAS-positive slices was significantly higher in patients with intra- than extracranial ICA occlusion. High IASs on ASL images can identify slow stagnant and collateral flow through the ophthalmic artery in patients with acute ICA occlusion and help to predict the occlusion site. (orig.)

  12. Intra-arterial high signals on arterial spin labeling perfusion images predict the occluded internal carotid artery segment

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sogabe, Shu; Satomi, Junichiro; Tada, Yoshiteru; Kanematsu, Yasuhisa; Kuwayama, Kazuyuki; Yagi, Kenji; Yoshioka, Shotaro; Mizobuchi, Yoshifumi; Mure, Hideo; Yamaguchi, Izumi; Kitazato, Keiko T.; Nagahiro, Shinji [Tokushima University Graduate School, Department of Neurosurgery, Tokushima (Japan); Abe, Takashi; Harada, Masafumi [Tokushima University Graduate School, Department of Radiology, Tokushima (Japan); Yamamoto, Nobuaki; Kaji, Ryuji [Tokushima University Graduate School, Department of Clinical Neurosciences, Institute of Biomedical Biosciences, Tokushima (Japan)


    Arterial spin labeling (ASL) involves perfusion imaging using the inverted magnetization of arterial water. If the arterial arrival times are longer than the post-labeling delay, labeled spins are visible on ASL images as bright, high intra-arterial signals (IASs); such signals were found within occluded vessels of patients with acute ischemic stroke. The identification of the occluded segment in the internal carotid artery (ICA) is crucial for endovascular treatment. We tested our hypothesis that high IASs on ASL images can predict the occluded segment. Our study included 13 patients with acute ICA occlusion who had undergone angiographic and ASL studies within 48 h of onset. We retrospectively identified the high IAS on ASL images and angiograms and recorded the occluded segment and the number of high IAS-positive slices on ASL images. The ICA segments were classified as cervical (C1), petrous (C2), cavernous (C3), and supraclinoid (C4). Of seven patients with intracranial ICA occlusion, five demonstrated high IASs at C1-C2, suggesting that high IASs could identify stagnant flow proximal to the occluded segment. Among six patients with extracranial ICA occlusion, five presented with high IASs at C3-C4, suggesting that signals could identify the collateral flow via the ophthalmic artery. None had high IASs at C1-C2. The mean number of high IAS-positive slices was significantly higher in patients with intra- than extracranial ICA occlusion. High IASs on ASL images can identify slow stagnant and collateral flow through the ophthalmic artery in patients with acute ICA occlusion and help to predict the occlusion site. (orig.)

  13. Pharmacological modulation of arterial stiffness.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Boutouyrie, Pierre


    Arterial stiffness has emerged as an important marker of cardiovascular risk in various populations and reflects the cumulative effect of cardiovascular risk factors on large arteries, which in turn is modulated by genetic background. Arterial stiffness is determined by the composition of the arterial wall and the arrangement of these components, and can be studied in humans non-invasively. Age and distending pressure are two major factors influencing large artery stiffness. Change in arterial stiffness with drugs is an important endpoint in clinical trials, although evidence for arterial stiffness as a therapeutic target still needs to be confirmed. Drugs that independently affect arterial stiffness include antihypertensive drugs, mostly blockers of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, hormone replacement therapy and some antidiabetic drugs such as glitazones. While the quest continues for \\'de-stiffening drugs\\

  14. Sistema cenagoso de ayapel como posible sitio Ramsar en Colombia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tatiana Puerta Quintana


    Full Text Available Colombia, al ser parte de la Convención internacional de humedales Ramsar, tiene como tarea la gestión de los humedales del país, incluyendo aquellos ecosistemas estratégicos que cumplan con uno o más criterios según los lineamientos dispuestos por la Convención. Este artículo describe el procedimiento a seguir para postular el sistema cenagoso de Ayapel como posible sitio Ramsar en Colombia. Se consolidaron los trabajos de investigación para demostrar que el sistema cenagoso de Ayapel cumple con varios criterios establecidos por la Convención. Como resultado relevante se obtuvo el insumo base para el proceso de postulación en la Convención (Ficha Ramsar. Este es el primer paso de un proyecto marco encaminado a la gestión y conservación de un ecosistema que sufre perturbaciones y transformaciones por actividades antrópicas, del cual depende en gran medida una población humana, de fauna y flora vulnerable, asociada a la dinámica de funcionamiento y servicios ecosistémicos del humedal. Además, se muestra el proceso de socialización de la Ficha Ramsar con la comunidad directamente involucrada, la cual acoge el proyecto de manera positiva.

  15. Frequency and predictors of renal artery stenosis in patients with coronary artery disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shah, S.S.; Hafeezullah, M.


    Background: Renal artery stenosis (RAS) is a common finding in patients undergoing coronary angiography. We designed this study to look for the frequency and any predictors of renal artery stenosis in patients with coronary artery disease (CAD). Methods: A total of 201 consecutive patients with CAD confirmed by coronary angiography underwent an abdominal aortogram in the same sitting to screen for RAS. Patient demographics and co-morbidities were analysed for any association with RAS. Results: Forty-one of the patients were female (20.4%); ninety patients were hypertensive (44.8%); 49 patients (24.4%) were smokers; 19 patients (9.5%) had renal insufficiency; 88 patients (43.8%) had high cholesterol levels; 44 patients (21.9%) were diabetic. Thirty-two patients (15.9%) had single coronary artery disease, 59 patients (29.4%) had two vessel disease, and 110 patients (54.7%) had three vessel disease. Significant renal artery stenosis (less or equal to 50% stenosis) was present in 26 patients (12.9%). Among the variables studied, only female gender was found to be associated with a higher frequency of renal artery stenosis (24.39% vs 10.0%, p=0.01). Conclusions: The frequency of renal artery stenosis in patients with coronary artery disease is 12.9%. Female gender is associated with a higher frequency of renal artery stenosis in patients with CAD. (author)

  16. Coronary Artery Anomalies in Animals

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Brian A. Scansen


    Full Text Available Coronary artery anomalies represent a disease spectrum from incidental to life-threatening. Anomalies of coronary artery origin and course are well-recognized in human medicine, but have received limited attention in veterinary medicine. Coronary artery anomalies are best described in the dog, hamster, and cow though reports also exist in the horse and pig. The most well-known anomaly in veterinary medicine is anomalous coronary artery origin with a prepulmonary course in dogs, which limits treatment of pulmonary valve stenosis. A categorization scheme for coronary artery anomalies in animals is suggested, dividing these anomalies into those of major or minor clinical significance. A review of coronary artery development, anatomy, and reported anomalies in domesticated species is provided and four novel canine examples of anomalous coronary artery origin are described: an English bulldog with single left coronary ostium and a retroaortic right coronary artery; an English bulldog with single right coronary ostium and transseptal left coronary artery; an English bulldog with single right coronary ostium and absent left coronary artery with a prepulmonary paraconal interventricular branch and an interarterial circumflex branch; and a mixed-breed dog with tetralogy of Fallot and anomalous origin of all coronary branches from the brachiocephalic trunk. Coronary arterial fistulae are also described including a coronary cameral fistula in a llama cria and an English bulldog with coronary artery aneurysm and anomalous shunting vessels from the right coronary artery to the pulmonary trunk. These examples are provided with the intent to raise awareness and improve understanding of such defects.

  17. Prevalence of significant carotid artery stenosis in Iranian patients with peripheral arterial disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ghabili K


    Full Text Available Abolhassan Shakeri Bavil1, Kamyar Ghabili2, Seyed Ebrahim Daneshmand3, Masoud Nemati3, Moslem Shakeri Bavil4, Hossein Namdar5, Sheyda Shaafi61Tuberculosis and Lung Disease Research Center, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran; 2Medical Philosophy and History Research Center, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran; 3Department of Radiology, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran; 4Department of Neurosurgery, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran; 5Department of Cardiology, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran; 6Neuroscience Research Center, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, IranBackground: Generalized screening for carotid artery stenosis with carotid duplex ultrasonography in patients with peripheral arterial disease is controversial.Objectives: The aim of the present study was to determine the prevalence of significant internal carotid artery (ICA stenosis in a group of Iranian patients with peripheral arterial disease.Methods: We prospectively screened 120 patients with a known diagnosis of peripheral vascular disease for carotid artery stenosis. Based on the angiographic assessment of abdominal aorta and arteries of the lower extremities, patients with stenosis greater than 70% in the lower extremity arteries were included. A group of healthy individuals aged ≥50 years was recruited as a control. Risk factors for atherosclerosis including smoking, diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidemia, ischemic heart disease, and cerebrovascular disease were recorded. Common carotid arteries (CCAs and the origins of the internal and external arteries were scanned with B-mode ultrasonogaphy. Significant ICA stenosis, >70% ICA stenosis but less than near occlusion of the ICA, was diagnosed when the ICA/CCA peak systolic velocity ratio was ≥3.5.Results: Ninety-five patients, with a mean age of 58.52 ± 11.04 years, were studied. Twenty-five patients had a history of smoking, six

  18. Establishing experimental model of human internal carotid artery siphon segment in canine common carotid artery

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cui Xuee; Li Minghua; Wang Yongli; Cheng Yingsheng; Li Wenbin


    Objective: To study the feasibility of establishing experimental model of human internal carotid artery siphon segment in canine common carotid artery (CCA) by end-to-end anastomoses of one side common carotid artery segment with the other side common carotid artery. Methods: Surgical techniques were used to make siphon model in 8 canines. One side CCA was taken as the parent artery and anastomosing with the cut off contra-lateral CCA segment which has passed through within the S-shaped glass tube. Two weeks after the creation of models angiography showed the model siphons were patent. Results: Experimental models of human internal carotid artery siphon segment were successfully made in all 8 dogs. Conclusions: It is practically feasible to establish experimental canine common carotid artery models of siphon segment simulating human internal carotid artery. (authors)

  19. Hemodynamic effects of innominate artery occlusive disease on anterior cerebral artery. (United States)

    Tan, Teng-Yeow; Lien, Li-Ming; Schminke, Ulf; Tesh, Paul; Reynolds, Patrick S; Tegeler, Charles H


    Stenoses of the innominate artery (IA) may affect flow conditions in the carotid arteries. However, alternating flow in ipsilateral anterior cerebral artery (ACA) due to IA stenosis is extremely rare. A 49-year-old woman who was evaluated for symptomatic cerebrovascular disease presented with right latent subclavian and right carotid system steal. Transcranial Doppler examination displayed systolic deceleration wave-forms in the right terminal internal carotid artery and alternating flow in the right ACA. Magnetic resonance angiography demonstrated tight stenosis of the right IA. For a thorough study of the hemodynamic effects of IA stenosis, a combination of duplex and transcranial Doppler examination is required.

  20. Jet pump assisted artery (United States)


    A procedure for priming an arterial heat pump is reported; the procedure also has a means for maintaining the pump in a primed state. This concept utilizes a capillary driven jet pump to create the necessary suction to fill the artery. Basically, the jet pump consists of a venturi or nozzle-diffuser type constriction in the vapor passage. The throat of this venturi is connected to the artery. Thus vapor, gas, liquid, or a combination of the above is pumped continuously out of the artery. As a result, the artery is always filled with liquid and an adequate supply of working fluid is provided to the evaporator of the heat pipe.

  1. Calcified Plaque of Coronary Artery: Factors Influencing Overestimation of Coronary Artery Stenosis on Coronary CT Angiography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Mok Hee; Kim, Yun Hyeon; Choi, Song; Seon, Hyun Ju; Jeong, Gwang Woo; Park, Jin Gyoon; Kang, Heoung Keun; Ko, Joon Seok


    To assess the influence of calcified plaque characteristics on the overestimation of coronary arterial stenosis on a coronary CT angiography (CCTA). The study included 271 coronary arteries with calcified plaques identified by CCTA, and based on 928 coronary arteries from 232 patients who underwent both CCTA and invasive coronary angiography (ICA). Individual coronary arteries were classified into two groups by agreement based on the degree of stenosis from each CCTA and ICA: 1) group A includes patients with concordant CCTA and ICA results and, 2) group B includes patients with an overestimation of CCTA compared to ICA. Parameters including total calcium score, calcium score of an individual coronary artery, calcium burden number of an individual coronary artery, and the density of each calcified plaque (calcium score / number of calcium burden) for each individual coronary artery were compared between the two groups. Of the 271 coronary arteries, 164 (60.5%) were overestimated on CCTA. The left anterior descending artery (LAD) had a significantly low rate of overestimation (47.1%) compared to the other coronary arteries (p=0.001). No significant differences for total calcium score, calcium score of individual coronary artery, and the density of each calcified plaque from individual coronary arteries between two groups was observed. However, a decreasing tendency for the rate of overestimation on CCTA was observed with an increase in calcium burden of individual coronary arteries (p<0.05). The evaluation of coronary arteries suggests that the degree of coronary arterial stenosis had a tendency to be overestimated by calcified plaques on CCTA. However, the rate of overestimation for the degree of coronary arterial stenosis by calcified plaques was not significantly influenced by total calcium score, calcium score of individual coronary artery, and density of each calcified plaque

  2. Bilateral renal artery variation


    Üçerler, Hülya; Üzüm, Yusuf; İkiz, Z. Aslı Aktan


    Each kidney is supplied by a single renal artery, although renal artery variations are common. Variations of the renal arteryhave become important with the increasing number of renal transplantations. Numerous studies describe variations in renalartery anatomy. Especially the left renal artery is among the most critical arterial variations, because it is the referred side forresecting the donor kidney. During routine dissection in a formalin fixed male cadaver, we have found a bilateral renal...

  3. Perforating arteries originating from the posterior communicating artery: a 7.0-Tesla MRI study

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Conijn, Mandy M.A.; Hendrikse, Jeroen; Takahara, Taro; Mali, Willem P.T.M. [University Medical Center Utrecht, Department of Radiology (Hp E 01.132), P.O. Box 85500, Utrecht (Netherlands); Zwanenburg, Jaco J.M. [University Medical Center Utrecht, Image Sciences Institute, Utrecht (Netherlands); Geerlings, Mirjam I. [University Medical Center Utrecht, Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care, Utrecht (Netherlands); Luijten, Peter R. [University Medical Center Utrecht, Department of Radiology (Hp E 01.132), P.O. Box 85500, Utrecht (Netherlands); University Medical Center Utrecht, Image Sciences Institute, Utrecht (Netherlands)


    The aim of this study was to investigate the ability of time-of-flight (TOF) magnetic resonance (MR) angiography at 7.0 Tesla to show the perforating branches of the posterior communicating artery (PCoA), and to investigate the presence of such visible perforating branches in relation to the size of the feeding PCoA. The secondary aim was to visualise and describe the anterior choroidal artery and the perforating branches of the P1-segment of posterior cerebral artery (P1). Forty-six healthy volunteers underwent TOF MR angiography at 7.0 Tesla. With 7.0-Tesla imaging, we visualised for the first time perforating arteries originating from the PCoA in vivo without the use of contrast agents. A perforating artery from the PCoA was found in a large proportion of the PCoAs (64%). The presence was associated with a larger diameter of the underlying PCoA (1.23 versus 1.06 mm, P = 0.03). The anterior choroidal artery was visible bilaterally in all participants. In 83% of all P1s, one or two perforating branches were visible. Non-invasive assessment of the perforating arteries of the PCoA together with the anterior choroidal artery and the perforating arteries of the P1 may increase our understanding of infarcts in the deep brain structures supplied by these arteries. (orig.)

  4. Perforating arteries originating from the posterior communicating artery: a 7.0-Tesla MRI study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Conijn, Mandy M.A.; Hendrikse, Jeroen; Takahara, Taro; Mali, Willem P.T.M.; Zwanenburg, Jaco J.M.; Geerlings, Mirjam I.; Luijten, Peter R.


    The aim of this study was to investigate the ability of time-of-flight (TOF) magnetic resonance (MR) angiography at 7.0 Tesla to show the perforating branches of the posterior communicating artery (PCoA), and to investigate the presence of such visible perforating branches in relation to the size of the feeding PCoA. The secondary aim was to visualise and describe the anterior choroidal artery and the perforating branches of the P1-segment of posterior cerebral artery (P1). Forty-six healthy volunteers underwent TOF MR angiography at 7.0 Tesla. With 7.0-Tesla imaging, we visualised for the first time perforating arteries originating from the PCoA in vivo without the use of contrast agents. A perforating artery from the PCoA was found in a large proportion of the PCoAs (64%). The presence was associated with a larger diameter of the underlying PCoA (1.23 versus 1.06 mm, P = 0.03). The anterior choroidal artery was visible bilaterally in all participants. In 83% of all P1s, one or two perforating branches were visible. Non-invasive assessment of the perforating arteries of the PCoA together with the anterior choroidal artery and the perforating arteries of the P1 may increase our understanding of infarcts in the deep brain structures supplied by these arteries. (orig.)

  5. Perforating arteries originating from the posterior communicating artery: a 7.0-Tesla MRI study. (United States)

    Conijn, Mandy M A; Hendrikse, Jeroen; Zwanenburg, Jaco J M; Takahara, Taro; Geerlings, Mirjam I; Mali, Willem P Th M; Luijten, Peter R


    The aim of this study was to investigate the ability of time-of-flight (TOF) magnetic resonance (MR) angiography at 7.0 Tesla to show the perforating branches of the posterior communicating artery (PCoA), and to investigate the presence of such visible perforating branches in relation to the size of the feeding PCoA. The secondary aim was to visualise and describe the anterior choroidal artery and the perforating branches of the P1-segment of posterior cerebral artery (P1). Forty-six healthy volunteers underwent TOF MR angiography at 7.0 Tesla. With 7.0-Tesla imaging, we visualised for the first time perforating arteries originating from the PCoA in vivo without the use of contrast agents. A perforating artery from the PCoA was found in a large proportion of the PCoAs (64%). The presence was associated with a larger diameter of the underlying PCoA (1.23 versus 1.06 mm, P = 0.03). The anterior choroidal artery was visible bilaterally in all participants. In 83% of all P1s, one or two perforating branches were visible. Non-invasive assessment of the perforating arteries of the PCoA together with the anterior choroidal artery and the perforating arteries of the P1 may increase our understanding of infarcts in the deep brain structures supplied by these arteries.

  6. Isolated anomalous origin of the vertebral artery from the common carotid artery. (United States)

    Kesler, William W; Sabat, Shyamsunder B


    Anomalous origins of the vertebral arteries are uncommon and typically associated with other abnormalities of the great vessels. We present a case of an isolated origin of the right vertebral artery from the ipsilateral common carotid artery detected using magnetic resonance angiography. Such variants can significantly affect endovascular and surgical planning.

  7. Central retinal and posterior ciliary artery occlusion after particle embolization of the external carotid artery system. (United States)

    Mames, R N; Snady-McCoy, L; Guy, J


    A 15-year-old boy underwent neuroradiologic embolization of the left internal maxillary artery with polyvinyl alcohol to stop traumatic epistaxis after failure of surgical clipping and nasal packing. Selective catheterization of the external carotid artery before embolization showed a faint choroidal blush. Although the procedure provided hemostasis, embolization to the central retinal artery and ciliary arteries resulted in loss of vision. The route of the emboli to the eye was via the anastomotic network of the lacrimal artery supplied by the external carotid artery system. Neuroradiologic embolization of the external carotid artery is an effective mode of therapy for dural-cavernous fistulas when fed by the external carotid artery system. Because the blood flow to the brain and eye is predominantly supplied by the internal carotid artery, embolization of the external carotid artery is considered relatively safe. The authors document the importance of recognition of the choroidal blush during selective external carotid artery angiography as a sign of collateral blood flow to the eye. Physicians and patients need to be aware of the risk of blindness as a complication of external carotid artery embolization when this sign is present.

  8. An unreported type of coronary artery naomaly in congenitally corrected transposition of great arteries

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kwak, Min Kyu; Jeong, Yeon Joo; Lee, Gee Won; Lee, Nam Kyung; Choi, Jung Hyun; Lee, Ji Won [Medical Research Institute, Pusan National University Hospital, Busan (Korea, Republic of)


    Coronary artery variations are associated anomalies in 45% of congenitally corrected transposition of the great arteries (ccTGA) cases, and it is important to detect any coronary artery anomalies before cardiac surgery. We report a case of a 51-year-old woman with ccTGA and an unreported type of coronary artery anomaly.

  9. Missed Total Occlusion Due to the Occipital Artery Arising from the Internal Carotid Artery

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ustunsoz, Bahri; Gumus, Burcak; Koksal, Ali; Koroglu, Mert; Akhan, Okan


    A 56-year-old man was referred for digital subtraction angiography (DSA) with an ultrasound diagnosis of right proximal internal carotid artery (ICA) stenosis for possible carotid artery stenting. DSA revealed total occlusion of the ICA and an occipital artery arising from the stump and simulating continuation of the ICA. An ascending pharyngeal artery also arose from the same occipital artery. This case is of interest because this is a rare variation besides being a cause of misdiagnosis at carotid ultrasound

  10. Arterial stiffness and cognitive impairment. (United States)

    Li, Xiaoxuan; Lyu, Peiyuan; Ren, Yanyan; An, Jin; Dong, Yanhong


    Arterial stiffness is one of the earliest indicators of changes in vascular wall structure and function and may be assessed using various indicators, such as pulse-wave velocity (PWV), the cardio-ankle vascular index (CAVI), the ankle-brachial index (ABI), pulse pressure (PP), the augmentation index (AI), flow-mediated dilation (FMD), carotid intima media thickness (IMT) and arterial stiffness index-β. Arterial stiffness is generally considered an independent predictor of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. To date, a significant number of studies have focused on the relationship between arterial stiffness and cognitive impairment. To investigate the relationships between specific arterial stiffness parameters and cognitive impairment, elucidate the pathophysiological mechanisms underlying the relationship between arterial stiffness and cognitive impairment and determine how to interfere with arterial stiffness to prevent cognitive impairment, we searched PUBMED for studies regarding the relationship between arterial stiffness and cognitive impairment that were published from 2000 to 2017. We used the following key words in our search: "arterial stiffness and cognitive impairment" and "arterial stiffness and cognitive impairment mechanism". Studies involving human subjects older than 30years were included in the review, while irrelevant studies (i.e., studies involving subjects with comorbid kidney disease, diabetes and cardiac disease) were excluded from the review. We determined that arterial stiffness severity was positively correlated with cognitive impairment. Of the markers used to assess arterial stiffness, a higher PWV, CAVI, AI, IMT and index-β and a lower ABI and FMD were related to cognitive impairment. However, the relationship between PP and cognitive impairment remained controversial. The potential mechanisms linking arterial stiffness and cognitive impairment may be associated with arterial pulsatility, as greater arterial pulsatility

  11. Arterial mapping of lower limbs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Acuna Allen, Rafael


    A bibliographic review is realized in the arterial mapping of lower limbs by ultrasonographic. The physical properties of the Doppler effect applied to diagnostic ultrasound are described. The anatomical characteristics of the general arterial system and specifically of the lower limbs arterial system are mentioned. Pathologies of the ischemic arterial disease of lower limbs are explained. The study characteristics of lower limbs arterial mapping are documented to determine its importance as appropriate method for the assessment of lower limb ischemia. An adequate arterial mapping of lower limbs is recognized in atherosclerotic ischemic disease as a reliable initial method alternative to arteriography. Arteriography is considered as reference pattern for therapeutic decision making in patients with critical ischemia of the lower limbs. Non-invasive methods to assess the arterial system of lower limbs has evidenced the advantages of the arterial mapping with Doppler, according to the consulted literature. The combination morphological and hemodynamic information has been possible and a map of the explored zone is made. The arterial mapping by ultrasonography has offered similar reliability to angiography [es


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Leonardo Garnier Rímolo


    Full Text Available Este artículo es una versión ligeramente modificada de un trabajo escrito a finales de 1994 a solicitud del Fondo de las Naciones Unidas para la Infancia (UNICEF, para ser incluido en una publicación que contendrá los análisis retrospectivos de los procesos de desarrollo social de varios países en desarrollo. Se trata de países que, como Costa Rica, han logrado avances significativos en los niveles de bienestar de sus poblaciones, a pesar de sus históricas limitaciones estructurales.La principal pregunta que se busca contestar en el artículo se podría plantear de la siguiente manera: ¿cómo fue posible que ese pequeño país que es Costa Rica, con una economía típica del capitalismo periférico, pudiera alcanzar niveles de calidad de vida más cercanos a los de los países industrializados que a los de los países en desarrollo, a pesar de que el producto económico que genera no supera el nivel medio-bajo en el contexto internacional?Para abordar esa cuestión, se ofrece una interpretación de los rasgos esenciales del proceso de desarrollo social que ha experimentado el país desde la mitad del siglo veinte hasta principios de la década de los noventa. También se analizan los factores que han hecho posible ese proceso, se resaltan los principales instrumentos institucionales que lo han impulsado, y se discute sobre su sostenibilidad futura.

  13. Duplicated middle cerebral artery (United States)

    Perez, Jesus; Machado, Calixto; Scherle, Claudio; Hierro, Daniel


    Duplicated middle cerebral artery (DMCA) is an anomalous vessel arising from the internal carotid artery. The incidence DMCA is relatively law, and an association between this anomaly and cerebral aneurysms has been documented. There is a controversy whether DMCA may have perforating arteries. This is an important fact to consider in aneurysm surgery. We report the case of a 34-year-old black woman who suffered a subarachnoid hemorrhage and the angiography a left DMCA, and an aneurysm in an inferior branch of the main MCA. The DMCA and the MCA had perforating arteries. The aneurysm was clipped without complications. The observation of perforating arteries in our patient confirms that the DMCA may have perforating arteries. This is very important to be considered in cerebral aneurysms surgery. Moreover, the DMCA may potentially serve as a collateral blood supply to the MCA territory in cases of MCA occlusion. PMID:22140405

  14. Transcatheter Arterial Embolization of Cystic Artery Pseudoaneurysm in Acalculous Cholecystitis: A Case Report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lee, Hyung Ook; Lee, Young Hwan [Dept. of Radiology, Daegu Catholic University College of Medicine, Daegu (Korea, Republic of); Kim, Young Hwan [Dept. of Diagnostic Radiology, Dongsan Medical Center, Keimyung University College of Medicine, Daegu (Korea, Republic of)


    A pseudoaneurysm of the cystic artery is a rare complication of cholecystitis, and is manifested by hemobilia or hematemesis. An early diagnosis is required for the successful treatment by cholecystectomy and ligation of the cystic artery. Herein, we report a case of a pseudoaneurysm of the cystic artery diagnosed by color Doppler ultrasonography and CT, and successfully treated by transcatheter arterial embolization with N-butyl cyanoacrylate in a high-risk surgical patient.

  15. Bilateral triple renal arteries

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pestemalci, Turan; Yildiz, Yusuf Zeki; Yildirim, Mehmet; Mavi, Ayfer; Gumusburun, Erdem


    Knowledge of the variations of the renal artery has grown in importance with increasing numbers of renal transplants, vascular reconstructions and various surgical and radio logic techniques being performed in recent years. We report the presence of bilateral triple renal arteries, discovered on routine dissection of a male cadaver. On the right side, one additional renal artery originated from the abdominal aorta (distributed to superior pole of the kidney) and one other originated from the right common iliac artery (distributed to lower pole of the kidney). On the left side, both additional renal arteries originated from the abdominal aorta. Our observation has been compared with variations described in the literature and their clinical importance has been emphasized. (author)

  16. Arterial vascularization of the pineal gland. (United States)

    Kahilogullari, Gokmen; Ugur, Hasan Caglar; Comert, Ayhan; Brohi, Recep Ali; Ozgural, Onur; Ozdemir, Mevci; Karahan, Suleyman Tuna


    The arterial vascularization of the pineal gland (PG) remains a debatable subject. This study aims to provide detailed information about the arterial vascularization of the PG. Thirty adult human brains were obtained from routine autopsies. Cerebral arteries were separately cannulated and injected with colored latex. The dissections were carried out using a surgical microscope. The diameters of the branches supplying the PG at their origin and vascularization areas of the branches of the arteries were investigated. The main artery of the PG was the lateral pineal artery, and it originated from the posterior circulation. The other arteries included the medial pineal artery from the posterior circulation and the rostral pineal artery mainly from the anterior circulation. Posteromedial choroidal artery was an important artery that branched to the PG. The arterial supply to the PG was studied comprehensively considering the debate and inadequacy of previously published studies on this issue available in the literature. This anatomical knowledge may be helpful for surgical treatment of pathologies of the PG, especially in children who develop more pathology in this region than adults.

  17. Neurofibromatosis Type 1: Transcatheter Arterial Embolization for Ruptured Occipital Arterial Aneurysms

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kanematsu, Masayuki; Kato, Hiroki; Kondo, Hiroshi; Goshima, Satoshi; Tsuge, Yusuke; Kojima, Toshiaki; Watanabe, Haruo


    Two cases of ruptured aneurysms in the posterior cervical regions associated with type-1 neurofibromatosis treated by transcatheter embolization are reported. Patients presented with acute onset of swelling and pain in the affected areas. Emergently performed contrast-enhanced CT demonstrated aneurysms and large hematomas widespread in the posterior cervical regions. Angiography revealed aneurysms and extravasations of the occipital artery. Patients were successfully treated by percutaneous transcatheter arterial microcoil embolization. Transcatheter arterial embolization therapy was found to be an effective method for treating aneurysmal rupture in the posterior cervical regions occurring in association with type-1 neurofibromatosis. A literature review revealed that rupture of an occipital arterial aneurysm, in the setting of neurofibromatosis type 1, has not been reported previously.

  18. Congenital coronary-pulmonary artery fistula originating from right and left coronary artery

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ali Kemal Gür


    Full Text Available Coronary artery fistula (CAF is a rare congenital anomalywith an incidence of 1 in 50 000 live births. The fistula wasobserved at the right coronary artery in 53%, the left coronaryartery in 42% and both coronary artery in 5% of thecases. Echocardiography examination in a 46 year-oldwoman with the symptoms of chest pain, palpitation anddyspnea revealed a severe mitral valve insufficiency anda moderate to severe tricuspid valve insufficiency. A CAForiginating from the proximal part of the left anterior descendingartery (LAD and another fistula originating fromosteal part of the right coronary artery (RCA were detectedby coronary angiography. Both fistulas were draininginto the main pulmonary artery. The coronary artery fistulaclosed under cardiopulmonary by-pass. Mitral insufficiencyoriginated from the posterior leaflet was diagnosedintra-operative exploration, and thereafter it was repairedwith mitral annuloplasty including a quadrangular resectionand use of a 32 No St Jude mitral ring. Tricuspid valvewas repaired with Calangos Ring annuloplasty. Followingsix day hospital stay, the woman was discharged free ofany symptom.Key words: Dyspnea, double arteriovenous fistula, mitral and tricuspid insufficiency

  19. A Renal Perforating Artery Mistaken for Arterial Bleeding after Percutaneous Renal Biopsy: A Case Report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Ye Lim; Lee, Chang Hee; Kim, Kyeong Ah; Park, Cheol Min


    Perirenal hematoma after a renal biopsy is a common complication that usually resolves spontaneously, but this rarely requires transfusions or surgical/radiological intervention. We report here on a case of a renal perforating artery that was mistaken for renal arterial bleeding in a 53-year-old woman who was complicated with perirenal hematoma after undergoing a percutaneous renal biopsy. On the color and pulsed wave Doppler ultrasonography, linear blood flow was seen in the perirenal hematoma, which extended perpendicularly from the renal parenchyma into the perirenal space, and this linear blood flow exhibited an arterial pulse wave. On CT angiography, the renal perforating artery was demonstrated as a curvilinear vessel coursing tangentially to the renal margin and we decided that it was a pseudolesion caused by the renal perforating artery. A renal perforating artery may be mistaken for renal arterial bleeding after a percutaneous renal biopsy. A renal perforating artery and arterial bleeding can be differentiated by the location and shape seen on a color Doppler examination and the pulse waves characteristics

  20. A Renal Perforating Artery Mistaken for Arterial Bleeding after Percutaneous Renal Biopsy: A Case Report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, Ye Lim; Lee, Chang Hee; Kim, Kyeong Ah; Park, Cheol Min [Korea University College of Medicine, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    Perirenal hematoma after a renal biopsy is a common complication that usually resolves spontaneously, but this rarely requires transfusions or surgical/radiological intervention. We report here on a case of a renal perforating artery that was mistaken for renal arterial bleeding in a 53-year-old woman who was complicated with perirenal hematoma after undergoing a percutaneous renal biopsy. On the color and pulsed wave Doppler ultrasonography, linear blood flow was seen in the perirenal hematoma, which extended perpendicularly from the renal parenchyma into the perirenal space, and this linear blood flow exhibited an arterial pulse wave. On CT angiography, the renal perforating artery was demonstrated as a curvilinear vessel coursing tangentially to the renal margin and we decided that it was a pseudolesion caused by the renal perforating artery. A renal perforating artery may be mistaken for renal arterial bleeding after a percutaneous renal biopsy. A renal perforating artery and arterial bleeding can be differentiated by the location and shape seen on a color Doppler examination and the pulse waves characteristics

  1. Duplication of Inferior Gluteal Artery and Course of Superior Gluteal Artery Through the Lumbosacral Trunk

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Satheesha Nayak B


    Full Text Available Internal iliac artery (IIA shows great deal of variations in its branching pattern. The knowledge of its variant branches is required for successful surgical, orthopedic, plastic surgery and radiological procedures. We observed variations of some of the branches of right IIA in an adult male cadaver. The iliolumbar artery originated from the main trunk of the IIA. After this, IIA divided into anterior and posterior divisions. The posterior division gave lateral sacral and superior gluteal arteries. Superior gluteal artery pierced the lumbosacral trunk before leaving the pelvis. The anterior division further divided into anterior and posterior trunks. Anterior trunk gave rise to superior vesical, inferior vesical, middle rectal and obturator arteries. The posterior trunk gave two inferior gluteal arteries and an internal pudendal artery.

  2. Arterial Stiffness and its Correlation with the Extent of Coronary Artery Disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hourak Poorzand


    Full Text Available Introduction: Coronary artery disease secondary to atherosclerosis is the most common cause of mortality. Coronary angiography is the most precise method for determining the extent of disease in the coronary vascular bed. Arterial stiffness has been proposed as a marker of atherosclerosis in some studies. One of the noninvasive methods for the determination of arterial stiffness is Doppler echocardiography. In this study, we aimed to find the correlation between arterial stiffness as measured by echocardiography and the extent of coronary artery disease as evaluated through angiography. Materials and Methods: Aortic pulse wave velocity (APWV was measured by using the Doppler method in 70 patients, who were candidates for coronary angiography. The extent of coronary artery disease was determined quantitatively in terms of Friesinger index and semi-quantitatively as the number of vessels with stenosis of over 50%. Then, the correlation between arterial stiffness and these factors was evaluated. Results: The mean APWV was 9.1±5 m/s. There was a direct relationship between APWV and Friesinger index, which was not statistically significant (P=0.67. The mean APWV for patients with one-vessel disease was 4.4±1.8 m/s, while it was 9.9±3.6 m/s in patients with two and 7.9±4 m/s in three-vessel disease which did not show statistically significant difference. Conclusion: Doppler echocardiography to measure APWV was not considered as a promising tool to predict the extent of coronary artery disease.

  3. Long-term outcomes of internal carotid artery disease treated using radial artery graft

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Murai, Yasuo; Teramoto, Akira; Mizunari, Takayuki; Kobayashi, Shiro; Umeoka, Katsuya; Tateyama, Kojiro


    Complex internal carotid artery disease presents a surgical challenge because limitations and difficulty are encountered with either clipping or endovascular treatment. Our review of previous reports suggests that no current vascular assessment can accurately predict occurrence of ischemic complications after internal carotid artery ligation. The present study concerns long-term clinical outcome of radial artery grafting followed by parent artery trapping or proximal occlusion for management of these difficult lesions. Between September 1997 and October 2007, we performed radial artery grafting followed immediately by parent artery occlusion in 20 sides of 19 patients with complex internal carotid arteries disease with follow-up for more than 36 months (5 men, 14 women; mean follow-up duration, 62 months). All patients underwent postoperative MRI and MR angiography (MRA) every year to assess graft patency, ischemic complications, and de novo aneurysm. Another 20 carotid aneurysms with visual disturbance were assessed concerning outcome. Among 13 patients with cranial nerve (III and VI) disturbances, all dysfunctions were improved in cases treated within 8 months of onset to operation. On the other hand, patients with second cranial nerve disturbances were not improved in cases treated after 4 months of onset. No long-term complications were discovered with MRI and MRA. With appropriate attention to surgical technique, radial artery grafting followed by acute parent artery occlusion is a safe treatment for complex internal carotid artery aneurysms. Long-term safety is satisfactory, with no delayed complications such as graft stenosis, ischemic complications or de novo aneurysm formations in follow-up periods of more than 3 years. Good clinical outcome of cranial nerve palsy was achieved in patients treated within 8 months of onset for cranial nerve (CN) III and VI, and 4 of CN II palsy. (author)

  4. Hepatocellular carcinoma with extensive hepatic artery injury: transcatheter arterial chemoembolization through collaterals after coil embolizatoin of gastric arteries

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Gab Choul; Yoon, Hyun Ki; Hwang, Jae Cheol; Lee, Duck Hee; Song, Ho Young; Suh, Dong Jin; Lee, Yung Sang; Chung, Young Hwa; Sung, Gyu Bo; Ko, Ki Young


    To evaluate the efficacy and safety of transcatheter arterial chemoembolization(TACE) after coil embolization of the gastroduodenal artery in hepatocellular carcinoma cases with multiple collateral arteries caused by proper hepatic artery injury. Between March 1997 and November 1998, a prospective trial of transcatheter arterial chemoembolization (TACE) was performed through collaterals from the gastroduodenal artery of 31 hepatocellular carcinoma patients with extensive proper hepatic artery injury due to repeated TACE. Among this number, 16 (group A) underwent TACE after coil embolization of the right gastric and gastroduodenal artery. The other 15 patients (group B) underwent TACE without coil embolization. The two groups had the same TNM stage and Clild-Pugh status. During the follow-up period, group A underwent additional TACE 3.3 times, and group B 2.8 times. The therapeutic effect of TACE was evaluated with computed tomography and by measuring alpha-fetoprotein levels. Complications were evaluated by means of gastrofibroscopy, laboratory data, and evaluation of the patients' clinical symptoms. The results obtained after six months and one year were compared within and between each group. At six months follow-up, CT findings had improved or were unchanged in 11 patients(69 %) in group A, and four patients(27 %) in group B(p = 0.032). In ten patients in each group, the level of alpha-fetoprotein was above 200 ng/ml. Its level was decreased in five patients(50 %) and three patients(30 %), respectively. The six-month survival rate was 81 % (13/16) in group A and 67% (10/15) in group B (p 0.43), while the one-year survival figures for these two groups were 50 % (8/16) and 20 % (3/15), respectively(p = 0.135). In group A, the CT findings were steady in five out of eight patients(63 %), while in groupB, CT findings showed that tumors with increased alpha-fetoprotein levels had increased in size and/or number. In group A, it was found that in two (33 %) of six

  5. Hepatocellular carcinoma with extensive hepatic artery injury: transcatheter arterial chemoembolization through collaterals after coil embolizatoin of gastric arteries

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, Gab Choul; Yoon, Hyun Ki; Hwang, Jae Cheol; Lee, Duck Hee; Song, Ho Young; Suh, Dong Jin; Lee, Yung Sang; Chung, Young Hwa; Sung, Gyu Bo [Ulsan Univ. College of Medicine, Seoul (Korea, Republic of); Ko, Ki Young [Catholic Univ. College of Medicine, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    To evaluate the efficacy and safety of transcatheter arterial chemoembolization(TACE) after coil embolization of the gastroduodenal artery in hepatocellular carcinoma cases with multiple collateral arteries caused by proper hepatic artery injury. Between March 1997 and November 1998, a prospective trial of transcatheter arterial chemoembolization (TACE) was performed through collaterals from the gastroduodenal artery of 31 hepatocellular carcinoma patients with extensive proper hepatic artery injury due to repeated TACE. Among this number, 16 (group A) underwent TACE after coil embolization of the right gastric and gastroduodenal artery. The other 15 patients (group B) underwent TACE without coil embolization. The two groups had the same TNM stage and Clild-Pugh status. During the follow-up period, group A underwent additional TACE 3.3 times, and group B 2.8 times. The therapeutic effect of TACE was evaluated with computed tomography and by measuring alpha-fetoprotein levels. Complications were evaluated by means of gastrofibroscopy, laboratory data, and evaluation of the patients' clinical symptoms. The results obtained after six months and one year were compared within and between each group. At six months follow-up, CT findings had improved or were unchanged in 11 patients(69 %) in group A, and four patients(27 %) in group B(p = 0.032). In ten patients in each group, the level of alpha-fetoprotein was above 200 ng/ml. Its level was decreased in five patients(50 %) and three patients(30 %), respectively. The six-month survival rate was 81 % (13/16) in group A and 67% (10/15) in group B (p 0.43), while the one-year survival figures for these two groups were 50 % (8/16) and 20 % (3/15), respectively(p = 0.135). In group A, the CT findings were steady in five out of eight patients(63 %), while in groupB, CT findings showed that tumors with increased alpha-fetoprotein levels had increased in size and/or number. In group A, it was found that in two (33 %) of six

  6. Severe gastric variceal haemorrhage due to splenic artery thrombosis and consecutive arterial bypass

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wasmuth Hermann E


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Upper gastrointestinal haemorrhage is mainly caused by ulcers. Gastric varicosis due to portal hypertension can also be held responsible for upper gastrointestinal bleeding. Portal hypertension causes the development of a collateral circulation from the portal to the caval venous system resulting in development of oesophageal and gastric fundus varices. Those may also be held responsible for upper gastrointestinal haemorrhage. Case presentation In this study, we describe the case of a 69-year-old male with recurrent severe upper gastrointestinal bleeding caused by arterial submucosal collaterals due to idiopathic splenic artery thrombosis. The diagnosis was secured using endoscopic duplex ultrasound and angiography. The patient was successfully treated with a laparoscopic splenectomy and complete dissection of the short gastric arteries, resulting in the collapse of the submucosal arteries in the gastric wall. Follow-up gastroscopy was performed on the 12th postoperative week and showed no signs of bleeding and a significant reduction in the arterial blood flow within the gastric wall. Subsequent follow-up after 6 months also showed no further gastrointestinal bleeding as well as subjective good quality of life for the patient. Conclusion Submucosal arterial collaterals must be excluded by endosonography via endoscopy in case of recurrent upper gastrointestinal bleeding. Laparoscopic splenectomy provides adequate treatment in preventing any recurrent bleeding, if gastric arterial collaterals are caused by splenic artery thrombosis.

  7. Traumatic Distal Ulnar Artery Thrombosis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ahmet A. Karaarslan


    Full Text Available This paper is about a posttraumatic distal ulnar artery thrombosis case that has occurred after a single blunt trauma. The ulnar artery thrombosis because of chronic trauma is a frequent condition (hypothenar hammer syndrome but an ulnar artery thrombosis because of a single direct blunt trauma is rare. Our patient who has been affected by a single blunt trauma to his hand and developed ulnar artery thrombosis has been treated by resection of the thrombosed ulnar artery segment. This report shows that a single blunt trauma can cause distal ulnar artery thrombosis in the hand and it can be treated merely by thrombosed segment resection in suitable cases.

  8. Occlusion of Heubner's artery

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sato, Manabu; Kidooka, Minoru


    A case of occlusion of the left Heubner's artery in a right-handed, 51-year-old man is reported. Cardinal clinical features were transient right hemiparesis and mental disturbance, especially intellectual defect. Low density areas were found at CT in the globus pallidus, putamen, anterior limb of the internal capsule and a part of the caudate nucleus. It is well known that the occlusion of the Heubner's artery causes transient motor paresis of upper extremity on the contralaterl side. However, in the case where the Heubner's artery is remarkably well developed when compared with the medial striate arteries as was the case in this patient, it should be noted that the occlusion of the Heubner's artery may well causes grave mental disturbance, in addition. (author)

  9. Measurement of Blood Flow in an Intracranial Artery Bypass From the Internal Maxillary Artery by Intraoperative Duplex Sonography. (United States)

    Yu, Zaitao; Shi, Xiang'en; Brohi, Shams Raza; Qian, Hai; Liu, Fangjun; Yang, Yang


    This study explored the hemodynamic characteristics of a subcranial-intracranial bypass from the internal maxillary artery by measuring blood flow on intraoperative duplex sonography. The hemodynamic parameters of the internal maxillary artery (n = 20), radial artery (n = 20), internal maxillary artery-middle cerebral artery bypass (n = 42), and internal maxillary artery-posterior cerebral artery bypass (n = 9) were measured by intraoperative duplex sonography. There was no significant difference in the internal diameters of the internal maxillary and radial arteries (mean ± SD, 2.51 ± 0.34 versus 2.56 ± 0.22 mm; P = .648). The mean radial artery graft length for subcranial-intracranial bypasses was 88.5 ± 12.78 mm (95% confidence interval [CI], 80.8-90.2 mm). Internal maxillary artery-middle cerebral artery bypasses required a shorter radial artery graft than internal maxillary artery-posterior cerebral artery bypasses (77.8 ± 2.47 versus 104.8 ± 4.77 mm; P = .001). The mean flow volumes were 85.3 ± 18.5 mL/min (95% CI, 76.6-93.9 mL/min) for the internal maxillary artery, 72.6 ± 26.4 mL/min (95% CI, 64.3-80.9 mL/min) for internal maxillary artery-middle cerebral artery bypasses, and 45.4 ± 6.7 mL/min (95% CI, 40.7-50.0 mL/min) for internal maxillary artery-posterior cerebral artery bypasses. All grafts were opened after the success of the salvage procedures had been established, and the early patency rates (1 month after the operation) were 95% for internal maxillary artery-middle cerebral artery bypasses and 100% the internal maxillary artery-posterior cerebral artery bypasses. Measurement of blood flow by intraoperative sonography can be helpful in decision making and predicting graft patency and success after neurosurgical bypass procedures. © 2016 by the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine.

  10. Intra-arterial port implantation for intra-arterial chemotherapy : comparison between PIPS(Percutaneously Implantable Port System) and port system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yoon, Sang Jin; Shim, Hyung Jin; Jung, Hun Young; Choi, Yong Ho; Kim, Yang Soo; Song, In Sup; Kwak, Byung Kook


    To compare the techniques and complications of intra-arterial port implantation for intra-arterial chemotherapy between PIPS and the port system. For intra-arterial port implantation, 27 cases in 27 patients were retrospectively evaluated using PIPS(PIPS-200, William Cook Europe, Denmark) while for 21 cases in 19 patients a pediatric venous port system(Port-A-Cath, 5.8F, SIMS Deltec, U. S. A.) was used. All intra-arterial port implantation was performed percuteneously in an angiographic ward. Hepatocellular carcinoma was diagnosed in 18 patients and hepatic metastasis in 16. Peripheral cholangiocarcinoma, and pancreatic gastric, ovarian, renal cell and colon carcinoma were included. We compared the techniques and complications between PIPS and the port system. The follow up period ranged from 23 to 494(mean, 163) days in PIPS and from 12 to 431(mean, 150) days in the port system. In all cases, intra-arterial port implantations were technically successful. Port catheter tips were located in the common hepatic artery(n=8), proper hepatic artery(n=7), right hepatic artery(n=5), gastroduodenal artery(n=2), left hepatic artery(n=1), pancreaticoduodenal artery(n=1), inferior mesenteric artery(n=1), lumbar artery(n=1), and renal artery(n=1) in PIPS, and in the proper hepatic artery(n=6), gastroduodenal artery(n=6), common hepatic artery(n=3), right hepatic artery(n=4), inferior mesenteric artery(n=1), and internal iliac artery(n=1) in the port system. Port chambers were buried in infrainguinal subcutaneous tissue. Using PIPS, complications developed in seven cases(25.9%) and of these, four (57.1%) were catheter or chamber related. In the port system, catheter or chamber related complications developed in four cases(19.0%). Because PIPS and the port system have relative merits and demetrits, successful intra-arterial port implantation is possible if equipment is properly selected

  11. Anomalous left the pulmonary dilemma coronary artery artery from a ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Anomalous origin ofthe left coronary artery from the pulmonary artery is an unusual congenital ... led us to review our experience of this anomaly over the past 10 years. During this .... New York: McGraw-Hill, 1978: 1345. 5. Bland EF, White PO, ...

  12. Correlation of femoral artery vs radial artery pressures with central pressure after cardiopulmonary bypass in children

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yaseen, R.; Memon, H.


    To assess the effectiveness of femoral and radial arterial lines on the correlation of peripheral and central mean arterial blood pressure in children after discontinuation of cardiopulmonary bypass. Fifty children scheduled for cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass were included in the study. After approval from the hospital ethics committee and informed consent. 50 children undergoing cardiac surgical procedures with cardiopulmonary bypass were randomly assigned to two different groups. In Group- A (RAP, n-2) a radial arterial line and in Group-B (FAP, n-25) a femoral arterial line was used to monitor the blood pressure. Simultaneous mean peripheral arterial pressure and mean central aortic pressure were recorded before cardiopulmonary bypass and 5 mins after separation from the cardiopulmonary bypass. The correlation of mean peripheral arterial pressure (radial and femoral) versus mean aortic pressure were compared. The data was recorded as Mean +- SD and P-value. The ages of children ranged from 4-12 years and their weight from 14.1-28.5 kg. In all of them following cardiopulmonary bypass, aortic pressure correlates better with femoral arterial pressure (p<0.001). The radial arterial line readings under estimated central aortic pressure when compared to femoral arterial line readings. Aortic pressure readings correlate better with femoral arterial pressure than radial arterial pressure in children. (author)

  13. Renal Branch Artery Stenosis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersson, Zarah; Thisted, Ebbe; Andersen, Ulrik Bjørn


    Renovascular hypertension is a common cause of pediatric hypertension. In the fraction of cases that are unrelated to syndromes such as neurofibromatosis, patients with a solitary stenosis on a branch of the renal artery are common and can be diagnostically challenging. Imaging techniques...... that perform well in the diagnosis of main renal artery stenosis may fall short when it comes to branch artery stenosis. We report 2 cases that illustrate these difficulties and show that a branch artery stenosis may be overlooked even by the gold standard method, renal angiography....

  14. Imaging the vertebral artery

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tay, Keng Yeow; U-King-Im, Jean Marie; Trivedi, Rikin A.; Higgins, Nicholas J.; Cross, Justin J.; Antoun, Nagui M. [Addenbrooke' s Hospital and University of Cambridge, Department of Radiology, Cambridge (United Kingdom); Davies, John R.; Weissberg, Peter L. [Addenbrooke' s Hospital and University of Cambridge, Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, Cambridge (United Kingdom); Gillard, Jonathan H. [Addenbrooke' s Hospital and University of Cambridge, Department of Radiology, Cambridge (United Kingdom); Addenbrooke' s Hospitald, University Department of Radiology, Cambridge (United Kingdom)


    Although conventional intraarterial digital subtraction angiography remains the gold standard method for imaging the vertebral artery, noninvasive modalities such as ultrasound, multislice computed tomographic angiography and magnetic resonance angiography are constantly improving and are playing an increasingly important role in diagnosing vertebral artery pathology in clinical practice. This paper reviews the current state of vertebral artery imaging from an evidence-based perspective. Normal anatomy, normal variants and a number of pathological entities such as vertebral atherosclerosis, arterial dissection, arteriovenous fistula, subclavian steal syndrome and vertebrobasilar dolichoectasia are discussed. (orig.)

  15. Imaging the vertebral artery

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tay, Keng Yeow; U-King-Im, Jean Marie; Trivedi, Rikin A.; Higgins, Nicholas J.; Cross, Justin J.; Antoun, Nagui M.; Davies, John R.; Weissberg, Peter L.; Gillard, Jonathan H.


    Although conventional intraarterial digital subtraction angiography remains the gold standard method for imaging the vertebral artery, noninvasive modalities such as ultrasound, multislice computed tomographic angiography and magnetic resonance angiography are constantly improving and are playing an increasingly important role in diagnosing vertebral artery pathology in clinical practice. This paper reviews the current state of vertebral artery imaging from an evidence-based perspective. Normal anatomy, normal variants and a number of pathological entities such as vertebral atherosclerosis, arterial dissection, arteriovenous fistula, subclavian steal syndrome and vertebrobasilar dolichoectasia are discussed. (orig.)

  16. [Ultrastructure of the intima of human pial arteries in arterial hypertension]. (United States)

    Chertok, V M; Kotsiuba, A E; Babich, E V


    Ultrastructure of the intima of human pial arteries obtained from 5 male cadavers of practically healthy individuals and from 8 cadavers of the patients with the intravitally diagnosed grade I arterial hypertension (AH) was studied by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. AH was found to be associated with the remodeling of the intimal structural elements in the pial arteries. In most arteries, the changes were detected in the microrelief of the luminal surface and in the permeability of the vascular endothelial lining and of the subendothelial layer. During this remodeling, some endothelial cells were found in the state of structural and functional adaptation to the elevated arterial pressure, while the others were undergoing the dystrophic changes. The latter include the cells containing lipid inclusions, as well as the endothelial cells presumably in the state of apoptosis. The destruction of the intercellular junctions, the disturbances in the endothelium permeability contributed to the development of subendothelial layer edema, resulting in its significant thickening. This layer became looser and contained abundant collagen fibrils.

  17. Recanalization of Splenic Artery Aneurysm After Transcatheter Arterial Embolization Using N-Butyl Cyanoacrylate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Matsumoto, Keiji; Ushijima, Yasuhiro; Tajima, Tsuyoshi; Nishie, Akihiro; Hirakawa, Masakazu; Ishigami, Kousei; Yamaji, Yukiko; Honda, Hiroshi


    A 65-year-old woman who had been diagnosed as having microscopic polyangiitis developed sudden abdominal pain and entered a state of shock. Abdominal CT showed massive hemoperitoneum, and emergent angiography revealed a ruptured splenic artery aneurysm. After direct catheterization attempts failed due to tortuous vessels and angiospasm, transcatheter arterial embolization using an n-butyl cyanoacrylate (NBCA)-lipiodol mixture was successfully performed. Fifty days later, the patient developed sudden abdominal pain again. Repeated angiography demonstrated recanalization of the splenic artery and splenic artery aneurysm. This time, the recanalized aneurysm was embolized using metallic coils with the isolation method. Physicians should keep in mind that recanalization can occur after transcatheter arterial embolization using N-butyl cyanoacrylate, which has been used as a permanent embolic agent.

  18. Arterial responses during migraine headache

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Iversen, Helle Klingenberg; Nielsen, T H; Olesen, J


    The superficial temporal artery has been thought to be the main focus of pain during migraine attacks, but its diameter has never been measured directly. The use of a new, high-resolution ultrasound machine to measure arterial size in 25 migraine patients with unilateral head pain showed...... that the lumen was wider on the painful than on the non-painful side during a migraine attack. The diameters of both radial arteries and the temporal artery on the non-painful side were smaller during than between attacks. The generalised vasoconstriction was not shared by the temporal artery on the affected...... side, which suggests a local vasodilatory response. The findings suggest that cephalic arteries may play a role in migraine pathogenesis....

  19. Clinical efficacy of intra-arterial thrombolsis for basilar artery occlusion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tao Hua; Li Shenmao; Zhu Fengshui; Zhao Huipin; Xu Yanjie


    Objective: To evaluate the efficacy and influence of intra-arterial thrombolysis for basilar artery occlusion. Methods: Thirty-three consecutive cases of basilar artery occlusion treated by intra-arterial thrombolysis were retrospectively reviewed. They were 25 males and 8 females aged from 28 to 71 years old (average: 56±11 years). The recovery was graded by Glasgow outcome scale, which 1 to 3 point is unfavorable and 4 to 5 is favorable. The short-term follow-up was performed referring to the medical record at the time of discharge and the long-term follow-up was performed by telephone. The differences between the favorable and unfavorable, including sex, age, time to thrombolysis, dizziness, nystagmus, coma, bilateral babinski syndrome, occlusive part, revascularization, angioplasty and its type, were compared by Fisher exact test where P<0.05 was significant. Results: The short-term follow-up was evaluated during the admission (2 to 63 days, 21±16 days). Eighteen eases were favorable and 15 cases were unfavorable and 3 cases died. Twenty one cases showed revascularization and 19 cases showed bilateral positive Babinski sign. The positive Babinski sign, revascularization and coma had significant difference between the favorable and unfavorable (P<0.05). The sex, age, time to thrombolysis between the favorable and unfavorable showed no statistical difference. The long-term follow-up were performed after 1 year and 9 cases missed. 15 of them were favorable and 6 were unfavorable (4 cases died). Conclusion: The intra-arterial thrombolysis could improved the prognosis of basilar artery occlusion. (authors)

  20. A Case of Duplicated Right Vertebral Artery. (United States)

    Motomura, Mayuko; Watanabe, Koichi; Tabira, Yoko; Iwanaga, Joe; Matsuuchi, Wakako; Yoshida, Daichi; Saga, Tsuyoshi; Yamaki, Koh-Ichi


    We encountered a case of duplicated right vertebral artery during an anatomical dissection course for medical students in 2015. Two vertebral arteries were found in the right neck of a 91-year-old female cadaver. The proximal leg of the arteries arose from the area between the right subclavian artery and the right common carotid artery that diverged from the brachiocephalic artery. The distal leg arose from the right subclavian artery as expected. The proximal leg entered the transverse foramen of the fourth cervical vertebra and the distal leg entered the transverse foramen of the sixth cervical vertebra. The two right vertebral arteries joined to form one artery just after the origin of the right vertebral artery of the brachiocephalic artery entered the transverse foramen of the fourth cervical vertebra. This artery then traveled up in the transverse foramina and became the basilar artery, joining with the left vertebral artery. We discuss the embryological origin of this case and review previously reported cases.

  1. A Novel External Carotid Arterial Sheath System for Intra-arterial Infusion Chemotherapy of Head and Neck Cancer. (United States)

    Ii, Noriko; Fuwa, Nobukazu; Toyomasu, Yutaka; Takada, Akinori; Nomura, Miwako; Kawamura, Tomoko; Sakuma, Hajime; Nomoto, Yoshihito


    The purpose of this study was to describe a novel system for treating advanced head and neck cancer consisting of an external carotid arterial sheath (ECAS) and a microcatheter to inject drugs retrogradely into multiple feeding arteries through the superficial temporal artery (STA). Four consecutive patients with head and neck cancer that had more than one feeding artery were enrolled in this study. The ECAS was made of polyurethane and surface-coated with heparin resin to prevent thrombus formation, allowing it to remain in place for a prolonged period of time. The ECAS was inserted through the STA, and its tip was placed between the maxillary artery and facial artery. The tumor-feeding arteries were selected using a hooked-shaped microcatheter through the ECAS. A total of 13 target arteries were selected in the four patients. The microcatheter inserted via the ECAS was used to catheterize ten arteries (five lingual arteries and five facial arteries). The remaining three lingual arteries were directly selected by the catheter without ECAS. All of the target arteries were able to be catheterized superselectively. The technical success rate was 100%. Vascular occlusion, which might have been caused by the ECAS, was observed in one patient. No neurologic toxicities occurred. This ECAS system is a new approach for retrograde superselective intra-arterial chemotherapy that covers the entire tumor with anticancer drugs. It has the potential to increase the effectiveness of therapy for advanced head and neck cancer. Level 4, Case Series.

  2. Implication of molecular vascular smooth muscle cell heterogeneity among arterial beds in arterial calcification.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Olivier Espitia

    Full Text Available Vascular calcification is a strong and independent predictive factor for cardiovascular complications and mortality. Our previous work identified important discrepancies in plaque composition and calcification types between carotid and femoral arteries. The objective of this study is to further characterize and understand the heterogeneity in vascular calcification among vascular beds, and to identify molecular mechanisms underlying this process. We established ECLAGEN biocollection that encompasses human atherosclerotic lesions and healthy arteries from different locations (abdominal, thoracic aorta, carotid, femoral, and infrapopliteal arteries for histological, cell isolation, and transcriptomic analysis. Our results show that lesion composition differs between these locations. Femoral arteries are the most calcified arteries overall. They develop denser calcifications (sheet-like, nodule, and are highly susceptible to osteoid metaplasia. These discrepancies may derive from intrinsic differences between SMCs originating from these locations, as microarray analysis showed specific transcriptomic profiles between primary SMCs isolated from each arterial bed. These molecular differences translated into functional disparities. SMC from femoral arteries showed the highest propensity to mineralize due to an increase in basal TGFβ signaling. Our results suggest that biological heterogeneity of resident vascular cells between arterial beds, reflected by our transcriptomic analysis, is critical in understanding plaque biology and calcification, and may have strong implications in vascular therapeutic approaches.

  3. Arterial hypertension in cirrhosis: arterial compliance, volume distribution, and central haemodynamics

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Henriksen, Jens Henrik Sahl; Fuglsang, S; Bendtsen, F


    , was significantly better in hypertensive cirrhotics than in their normotensive counterparts (pportal pressure was similar (HVPG 13 v 15 mm Hg; NS). AC was significantly lower and normal in the arterial hypertensive cirrhotic group (1.07 v 1.39 mm Hg/ml; p...BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Arterial hypertension is a common disorder. Hyperkinetic circulation and reduced effective volaemia are central elements in the haemodynamic dysfunction in cirrhosis. The aim of the present study was to investigate whether cirrhotic patients with arterial hypertension...... are normokinetic and normovolaemic or whether they reveal the same circulatory dysfunction as their normotensive counterparts. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Thirty three patients with arterial hypertension were identified among 648 patients with cirrhosis: 14 in Child class A, 12 in class B, and seven in class C. Controls...

  4. Locally advanced pancreatic duct adenocarcinoma: pancreatectomy with planned arterial resection based on axial arterial encasement. (United States)

    Perinel, J; Nappo, G; El Bechwaty, M; Walter, T; Hervieu, V; Valette, P J; Feugier, P; Adham, M


    Pancreatectomy with arterial resection for locally advanced pancreatic duct adenocarcinoma (PDA) is associated with high morbidity and is thus considered as a contraindication. The aim of our study was to report our experience of pancreatectomy with planned arterial resection for locally advanced PDA based on specific selection criteria. All patients receiving pancreatectomy for PDA between October 2008 and July 2014 were reviewed. The patients were classified into group 1, pancreatectomy without vascular resection (66 patients); group 2, pancreatectomy with isolated venous resection (31 patients), and group 3, pancreatectomy with arterial resection for locally advanced PDA (14 patients). The primary selection criteria for arterial resection was the possibility of achieving a complete resection based on the extent of axial encasement, the absence of tumor invasion at the origin of celiac trunk (CT) and superior mesenteric artery (SMA), and a free distal arterial segment allowing reconstruction. Patient outcomes and survival were analyzed. Six SMA, two CT, four common hepatic artery, and two replaced right hepatic artery resections were undertaken. The preferred arterial reconstruction was splenic artery transposition. Group 3 had a higher preoperative weight loss, a longer operative time, and a higher incidence of intraoperative blood transfusion. Ninety-day mortality occurred in three patients in groups 1 and 2. There were no statistically significant differences in the incidence, grade, and type of complications in the three groups. Postoperative pancreatic fistula and postpancreatectomy hemorrhage were also comparable. In group 3, none had arterial wall invasion and nine patients had recurrence (seven metastatic and two loco-regional). Survival and disease-free survival were comparable between groups. Planned arterial resection for PDA can be performed safely with a good outcome in highly selected patients. Key elements for defining the resectability is based on

  5. Aproximación conceptual al “acceso efectivo a la administración de justicia” a partir de la teoría de la acción procesal

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    Fredy Hernando Toscano López


    Full Text Available La teoría de la acción procesal en su sentido abstracto puede servir de fundamento para la construcción conceptual del derecho fundamental al acceso efectivo a la administración de justicia, puesto que solo bajo dicha concepción es posible afirmar que todo sujeto de derecho, tenga o no la razón desde el punto de vista del derecho sustancial, tiene que ser escuchado en el proceso. Así las cosas, este derecho fundamental deja de ser una simple institución teórica o formalista, para convertirse en un elemento esencial al Estado de derecho, pues legitima al proceso judicial como genuino instrumento institucionalizado de solución pacífica de controversias (heterocomposición, al contribuir con la proscripción de la justicia por mano propia.

  6. ¿Qué hacer en la formación inicial del profesorado de ciencias de secundaria?

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    Carrascosa Alís, J.


    Full Text Available La publicación del acuerdo del Consejo de Ministros, por el que se regula el plan de estudios en España para la futura formación inicial del profesorado de secundaria (ved BOE de 21 y 29 de diciembre de 2007, abre nuevas expectativas en un campo hastaahora muy descuidado, pero esencial para poder mejorar el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje en ese nivel educativo. En este trabajo, tras analizar diversos problemas del modelo de formación que se ha venido desarrollando hasta ahora, se consideran algunos criterios que deberían orientar la formación inicial del profesorado de física y química de educación secundaria y se proponen unos posibles contenidos a contemplar dentro del bloque específico del plan de estudios correspondiente.

  7. [Endarterectomy of the coronary arteries]. (United States)

    Fischer, V; Simkovic, I; Holoman, M; Verchvodko, P; Janotík, P; Galbánek, J; Hulman, M; Kostelnicák, J; Jurco, R; Slezák, J


    The authors analyze 50 patients with endarterectomy of the coronary arteries during the periods of 1972-1974 and 1988-1990. The results of endarterectomy of the right and left coronary artery provide evidence of its justification in indicated cases whereby contrary to some departments the results of endarterectomy of the left coronary artery are comparable with endarterectomy of the right coronary artery.

  8. La Ley de Auditoria Española, su Significación y Bases para una Posible Reforma

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    Alejandro Larriba Díaz-Zorita


    Full Text Available La Ley de Auditoria lleva vigente algo más de una década y numerosas voces reclaman su modifica, por lo que este trabajo aborda las posibles orientaciones que podrían contemplarse en la reforma de algunos de los puntos más controvertidos de la ley actual. Se revisan así los problemas derivados del procedimiento de acceso a la profesión y del régimen transitorio inicial que dispuso la ley, el grado de intervencionismo y su posible reducción, el carácter de profesión de la actividad auditora, el papel de las corporaciones de auditores, la problemática de la formación continuada de los profesionales, los controvertidos temas de la responsabilidad, la independencia prestación de otros servicios paralelos a las empresas auditadas, y el contexto internacional en que desarrollarse la ley y sus consecuencias de cara a la libre circulación de auditores en la Unión Europea.The Spanish Auditory Law is ten years old now and there is now a generalised call for its reform & paper therefore puts forward some possible trends with in this reform, especially in the more controversial sections of the present law. Topics analyzed are the procedure to enter in the auditor career, specially in the transitory way observed by the law, the intervencionisme of the public authorities versus the regulation, the profesional character of the auditor's activity, the role of the auditor's associations problems of permanent training, the highlights themes of responsability, independence and the treatement of other relationships between auditors and companies: consultant and legal services and its implications and the influence in the new law of the international environment, mainly in the free circulation of auditing services in the European Union.

  9. Arterial function of carotid and brachial arteries in postmenopausal vegetarians

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    Su T


    Full Text Available Ta-Chen Su1, Pao-Ling Torng2, Jiann-Shing Jeng3, Ming-Fong Chen1, Chiau-Suong Liau1,41Division of Cardiology, Department of Internal Medicine, 2Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 3Department of Neurology, National Taiwan University Hospital, National Taiwan University College of Medicine, 4Cardiovascular Center, Taipei Buddist Tzu-Chi Hospital, Hsin-Dian, Taipei, TaiwanBackground: Vegetarianism is associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease. However, studies of arterial function in vegetarians are limited.Methods: This study investigated arterial function in vegetarianism by comparing 49 healthy postmenopausal vegetarians with 41 age-matched omnivores. The arterial function of the common carotid artery was assessed by carotid duplex, while the pulse dynamics method was used to measure brachial artery distensibility (BAD, compliance (BAC, and resistance (BAR. Fasting blood levels of glucose, lipids, lipoprotein (a, high-sensitivity C-reactive protein, homocysteine, and vitamin B12 were also measured.Results: Vegetarians had significantly lower serum cholesterol, high-density and low-density lipoprotein, and glucose compared with omnivores. They also had lower vitamin B12 but higher homocysteine levels. Serum levels of lipoprotein (a and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein were no different between the two groups. There were no significant differences in carotid beta stiffness index, BAC, and BAD between the two groups even after adjustment for associated covariates. However, BAR was significantly lower in vegetarians than in omnivores. Multiple linear regression analysis revealed that age and pulse pressure were two important determinants of carotid beta stiffness index and BAD. Vegetarianism is not associated with better arterial elasticity.Conclusion: Apparently healthy postmenopausal vegetarians are not significantly better in terms of carotid beta stiffness index, BAC, and BAD, but have significantly decreased BAR than

  10. Coronary artery aneurysms

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Koischwitz, D.; Harder, T.; Schuppan, U.; Thurn, P.


    Seven saccular coronary artery aneurysms have been demonstrated in the course of 1452 selective coronary artery angiograms. In six patients they were arterio-sclerotic; in one patient the aneurysm must have been congenital or of mycotic-embolic origin. The differential diagnosis between true aneurysms and other causes of vascular dilatation is discussed. Coronary artery aneurysms have a poor prognosis because of the possibility of rupture with resultant cardiac tamponade, or the development of thrombo-embolic myocardial infarction. These aneurysms can only be diagnosed by means of coronary angiography and require appropriate treatment.

  11. Anatomical variations of hepatic arterial system, coeliac trunk and renal arteries: an analysis with multidetector CT angiography. (United States)

    Ugurel, M S; Battal, B; Bozlar, U; Nural, M S; Tasar, M; Ors, F; Saglam, M; Karademir, I


    The purpose of our investigation was to determine the anatomical variations in the coeliac trunk-hepatic arterial system and the renal arteries in patients who underwent multidetector CT (MDCT) angiography of the abdominal aorta for various reasons. A total of 100 patients were analysed retrospectively. The coeliac trunk, hepatic arterial system and renal arteries were analysed individually and anatomical variations were recorded. Statistical analysis of the relationship between hepatocoeliac variations and renal artery variations was performed using a chi(2) test. There was a coeliac trunk trifurcation in 89% and bifurcation in 8% of the cases. Coeliac trunk was absent in 1%, a hepatosplenomesenteric trunk was seen in 1% and a splenomesenteric trunk was present in 1%. Hepatic artery variation was present in 48% of patients. Coeliac trunk and/or hepatic arterial variation was present in 23 (39.7%) of the 58 patients with normal renal arteries, and in 27 (64.3%) of the 42 patients with accessory renal arteries. There was a statistically significant correlation between renal artery variations and coeliac trunk-hepatic arterial system variations (p = 0.015). MDCT angiography permits a correct and detailed evaluation of hepatic and renal vascular anatomy. The prevalence of variations in the coeliac trunk and/or hepatic arteries is increased in people with accessory renal arteries. For that reason, when undertaking angiographic examinations directed towards any single organ, the possibility of variations in the vascular structure of other organs should be kept in mind.

  12. A coincidental variation of the axillary artery: the brachioradial artery and the aberrant posterior humeral circumflex artery passing under the tendon of the latissimus dorsi muscle

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marek Konarik


    Full Text Available A case of anomalous terminal branching of the axillary artery was encountered and described in a left upper limb of a male cadaver. A series of 214 upper limbs of Caucasian race was dissected. A variant artery, stemming from the very end of the axillary artery followed a superficial course distally. It passed the cubital fossa, ran on the lateral side of the forearm as usual radial artery, crossed ventrally to the palm and terminated in the deep palmar arch. This vessel is a case of the brachioradial artery (incorrectly termed as the “radial artery with high origin”. Moreover, it was associated with another variation, concerning the aberrant posterior humeral circumflex artery passing under the tendon of the latissimus dorsi muscle. The anatomical knowledge of the axillary region is essential for radiodiagnostic, surgical and traumatologic procedures. The superficially located artery brings an elevated danger of heavy bleeding in all unexpected situations, its variant branching can cause problems in radial catheterization procedures and the anomalously coursing other arterial variant poses an elevated danger in surgical procedures concerning the surgical neck of humerus.

  13. The use of the inferior epigastric artery for accessory lower polar artery revascularization in live donor renal transplantation. (United States)

    El-Sherbiny, M; Abou-Elela, A; Morsy, A; Salah, M; Foda, A


    This study describes the surgical technique and outcomes of live donor renal allografts with multiple arteries in which the lower polar artery was anastomosed to the inferior epigastric artery after declamping. Between 1988 and 2004, 477 consecutive live donor renal transplants were performed, including 429 with single and 48 with multiple arteries. Anastomosis of the lower polar artery to the inferior epigastric artery was used for 15 grafts with multiple arteries. Successful revascularization of all areas of the transplanted graft was confirmed by Doppler ultrasonography in most patients and radionuclide renal scanning +/- MRA in some patients. In live donor renal transplantation with multiple arteries, the anastomosis of the lower polar artery to the inferior epigastric artery after declamping avoids prolongation of the ischemia time that occurs with other surgical and microsurgical techniques of intracorporeal and ex vivo surgeries.

  14. [The state of carotid arteries in young men with arterial hypertension]. (United States)

    Safarova, A F; Iurtaeva, V R; Kotovskaia, Iu V; Kobalava, Zh D


    To study elastic properties of carotid arteries in young men with arterial hypertension (AH). We examined men aged 18-25 years (mean 21.1+/-0.14 years): 36 with normal blood pressure (BP), 123 with stable and 51 with unstable AH. Parameters studied comprised intima-media thickness (IMT) of carotid arteries, their M-mode measured maximal systolic and minimal diastolic diameters (Ds and Dd), stiffness of common carotid artery (CCA) wall determined on the basis of analysis of elasticity and distensibility coefficients (CC and DC), Peterson's and Young's modules of elasticity (Ep and E), and index of flow deformation (CS). Compared with young men with normal BP and unstable AH patients with stable AH had abnormal elastic properties of CCA and increased IMT. Stable AH in young men is associated with signs of remodeling of CCA walls and increase of their rigidity.

  15. Atypical presentation of popliteal artery entrapment syndrome: involvement of the anterior tibial artery. (United States)

    Bou, Steven; Day, Carly


    Popliteal artery entrapment syndrome (PAES) is a rare condition that should be suspected in a young patient with exertional lower extremity pain. We report the case of an 18-year-old female volleyball player with bilateral exertional lower extremity pain who had been previously diagnosed with tendinitis and periostitis. Diagnostic studies showed entrapment of the left popliteal artery and the left anterior tibial artery. To our knowledge, there has only been 1 previous report of anterior tibial artery involvement in PAES. Copyright © 2014 American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  16. The new technique of using the epigastric arteries in renal transplantation with multiple renal arteries

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    Mohammad Ali Amirzargar


    Full Text Available The most common anatomic variant seen in the donor kidneys for renal transplantation is multiple renal arteries (MRA, which can cause an increased risk of complications. We describe the long-term outcomes of 16 years of experience in 76 kidney transplantations with MRAs. In a new reconstruction technique, we remove arterial clamps after anastomosing the donor to the recipient′s main renal vessels, which cause backflow from accessory arteries to prevent thrombosis. By this technique, we reduce the ischemic times as well as the operating times. Both in live or cadaver donor kidneys, lower polar arteries were anastomosed to the inferior epigastric artery and upper polar arteries were anastomosed to the superior epigastric arteries. Injection of Papaverine and ablation of sympathic nerves of these arteries dilate and prevent them from post-operative spasm. Follow-up DTPA renal scan in all patients showed good perfusion and function of the transplanted kidney, except two cases of polar arterial thrombosis. Mean creatinine levels during at least two years of follow-up remained acceptable. Patient and graft survival were excellent. No cases of ATN, hypertension, rejection and urologic complications were found. In conclusion, this technique can be safely and successfully utilized for renal transplantation with kidneys having MRAs, and may be associated with a lower complication rate and better graft function compared with the existing techniques.

  17. Internal thoracic artery collateral to the external iliac artery in chronic aortoiliac occlusive disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Jinna; Won, Jong Yun; Park, Sung Il; Lee, Do Yun


    To evaluate the incidence and angiographic findings of the collateral pathway involving the internal thoracic artery in patients with chronic aortoiliac occlusive disease. Between March 2000 and Februrary 2001, 124 patients at our hospital underwent angiographic evaluation of chronic aortoiliac occlusive disease, and in 15 of these complete obstruction or severe stenosis of the aortoiliac artery was identified. The aortograms and collateral arteriograms obtained, including internal thoracic arteriograms, as well as the medical records of the patients involved, were evaluated. In nine patients there was complete occlusion of the infrarenal aorta, or diffuse stenosis of 75% or more in the descending thoracic aorta, and in the other six, a patent aorta but complete occlusion or stenosis of 75% or more of the common iliac artery was demonstrated. Collateral perfusion via hypertrophied internal thoracic arteries and rich anastomoses between the superior and inferior epigastric arteries, reconstituting the external iliac artery, were noted in all fifteen patients, regardless of symptom duration, which ranged from six months to twelve years. In patients with chronic aortoiliac occlusive disease, the internal thoracic artery, along with visceral collaterals and those from the contralateral side, is one of the major parietal collateral pathways

  18. Isolated Unilateral Absent Branch Pulmonary Artery with Peripheral Pulmonary Stenosis and Coronary Artery Disease

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    Sunil Abhishek B


    Full Text Available Isolated Unilateral Absent Pulmonary Artery (UAPA is a rare congenital anomaly. It is usually associated with congenital heart defects. A 45 year old male patient presented with complaints of fever with cough and expectoration for 15 days and retrosternal chest discomfort for the previous 2 days. ECG showed diffuse ST segment depression with T wave inversion in the inferior and lateral leads. Coronary Angiogram done through the right femoral approach revealed diffusely diseased Left Anterior Descending (LAD artery that was totally cut off at the mid segment. The Left Circumflex (LCx artery was providing blood supply to the right middle and lower lung areas. There was another collateral arising from the Left Subclavian Artery supplying the right middle and lower lung areas. The left pulmonary artery was normal, but branches supplying the middle and lower lobes of the right lung were absent and the upper lobe branch had pulmonary stenosis. UAPA is a rare clinical entity; collaterals from coronaries are extremely rare in this condition and till now there has not been any case report of unilateral absent branch pulmonary artery with peripheral stenosis of other branches, on the affected side and associated coronary artery disease.

  19. Extrahepatic Arteries Originating from Hepatic Arteries: Analysis Using CT During Hepatic Arteriography and Visualization on Digital Subtraction Angiography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ozaki, Kumi; Kobayashi, Satoshi; Matsui, Osamu; Minami, Tetsuya; Koda, Wataru; Gabata, Toshifumi


    PurposeTo investigate the prevalence and site of origin of extrahepatic arteries originating from hepatic arteries on early phase CT during hepatic arteriography (CTHA) was accessed. Visualization of these elements on digital subtraction hepatic angiography (DSHA) was assessed using CTHA images as a gold standard.Materials and MethodsA total of 943 patients (mean age 66.9 ± 10.3 years; male/female, 619/324) underwent CTHA and DSHA. The prevalence and site of origin of extrahepatic arteries were accessed using CTHA and visualized using DSHA.ResultsIn 924 (98.0%) patients, a total of 1555 extrahepatic branches, representing eight types, were found to originate from hepatic arteries on CTHA. CTHA indicated the following extrahepatic branch prevalence rates: right gastric artery, 890 (94.4%); falciform artery, 386 (40.9%); accessory left gastric artery, 161 (17.1%); left inferior phrenic artery (IPA), 43 (4.6%); posterior superior pancreaticoduodenal artery, 33 (3.5%); dorsal pancreatic artery, 26 (2.8%); duodenal artery, 12 (1.3%); and right IPA, 4 (0.4%). In addition, 383 patients (40.6%) had at least one undetectable branch on DSHA. The sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of visualization on DSHA were as follows: RGA, 80.0, 86.8, and 80.4%; falciform artery, 53.9, 97.7, and 80.0%; accessory LGA, 64.6, 98.6, and 92.3%; left IPA, 76.7, 99.8, and 98.7%; PSPDA, 100, 99.7, and 99.9%; dorsal pancreatic artery, 57.7, 100, and 98.8%; duodenal artery, 8.3, 99.9, and 98.7%; and right IPA, 0, 100, and 99.6%, respectively.ConclusionExtrahepatic arteries originating from hepatic arteries were frequently identified on CTHA images. These arteries were frequently overlooked on DSHA.

  20. Extrahepatic Arteries Originating from Hepatic Arteries: Analysis Using CT During Hepatic Arteriography and Visualization on Digital Subtraction Angiography

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ozaki, Kumi, E-mail: [Kanazawa University Graduate School of Medical Science, Department of Radiology (Japan); Kobayashi, Satoshi [Kanazawa University Graduate School of Medical Science, Department of Quantum Medicine Technology (Japan); Matsui, Osamu; Minami, Tetsuya; Koda, Wataru; Gabata, Toshifumi [Kanazawa University Graduate School of Medical Science, Department of Radiology (Japan)


    PurposeTo investigate the prevalence and site of origin of extrahepatic arteries originating from hepatic arteries on early phase CT during hepatic arteriography (CTHA) was accessed. Visualization of these elements on digital subtraction hepatic angiography (DSHA) was assessed using CTHA images as a gold standard.Materials and MethodsA total of 943 patients (mean age 66.9 ± 10.3 years; male/female, 619/324) underwent CTHA and DSHA. The prevalence and site of origin of extrahepatic arteries were accessed using CTHA and visualized using DSHA.ResultsIn 924 (98.0%) patients, a total of 1555 extrahepatic branches, representing eight types, were found to originate from hepatic arteries on CTHA. CTHA indicated the following extrahepatic branch prevalence rates: right gastric artery, 890 (94.4%); falciform artery, 386 (40.9%); accessory left gastric artery, 161 (17.1%); left inferior phrenic artery (IPA), 43 (4.6%); posterior superior pancreaticoduodenal artery, 33 (3.5%); dorsal pancreatic artery, 26 (2.8%); duodenal artery, 12 (1.3%); and right IPA, 4 (0.4%). In addition, 383 patients (40.6%) had at least one undetectable branch on DSHA. The sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of visualization on DSHA were as follows: RGA, 80.0, 86.8, and 80.4%; falciform artery, 53.9, 97.7, and 80.0%; accessory LGA, 64.6, 98.6, and 92.3%; left IPA, 76.7, 99.8, and 98.7%; PSPDA, 100, 99.7, and 99.9%; dorsal pancreatic artery, 57.7, 100, and 98.8%; duodenal artery, 8.3, 99.9, and 98.7%; and right IPA, 0, 100, and 99.6%, respectively.ConclusionExtrahepatic arteries originating from hepatic arteries were frequently identified on CTHA images. These arteries were frequently overlooked on DSHA.

  1. Cannabis-associated arterial disease. (United States)

    Desbois, Anne Claire; Cacoub, Patrice


    The aim of this study was to describe the different arterial complications reported in cannabis smokers. This study was a literature review. Cannabis use was found to be associated with stroke, myocardial infarction, and lower limb arteritis. Arterial disease involved especially young men. There was a very strong temporal link between arterial complications and cannabis use for stroke and myocardial infarction episodes. Patient outcome was closely correlated with cannabis withdrawal and relapses associated with cannabis rechallenge. Cannabis use was associated with particular characteristics of arterial disease. The increased risk of myocardial infarction onset occurred within 1 hour of smoking marijuana compared with periods of non-use. Strokes occurred mainly in the posterior cerebral circulation. Compared with cohorts of thromboangiitis obliterans patients, those with cannabis-associated limb arteritis were younger, more often male, and had more frequent unilateral involvement of the lower limbs at clinical presentation. Cannabis use is associated with arterial disease such as stroke, myocardial infarction, and limbs arteritis. It appears essential to investigate cannabis use in young patients presenting with such arterial manifestations, as outcome is closely correlated with cannabis withdrawal. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  2. Anomalous origin of the left coronary artery from the pulmonary artery in children: diagnostic use of multidetector computed tomography

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shen, Quanli; Yao, Qiong; Hu, Xihong [Children' s Hospital of Fudan University, Department of Radiology, Shanghai (China)


    Anomalous origin of the left coronary artery from the pulmonary artery is a rare congenital anomaly. It is important to demonstrate the anomalous origin of the left coronary artery and its course before surgery. To explore the clinical diagnostic use of multidetector CT coronary angiography in detecting anomalous origin of the left coronary artery from the pulmonary artery in children. Nine children (2 boys, 7 girls) ages 2 months to 9 years with surgically confirmed anomalous origin of the left coronary artery from the pulmonary artery were studied. Clinical data, transthoracic echocardiography and CT coronary angiography images were retrospectively analyzed. Transthoracic echocardiography correctly diagnosed anomalous origin of the left coronary artery from the pulmonary artery in 7 of 9 patients (95% CI: 40-97%). CT coronary angiography revealed the anomalous origin of the left coronary artery in all children (95% CI: 66-100%). In a 4-year-old girl and a 9-year-old girl, CT coronary angiography showed dilation of the right coronary artery and collateral circulation between the right and the left coronary arteries. CT coronary angiography is a useful method to show the anomalous origin of the coronary artery in children with anomalous origin of the left coronary artery from the pulmonary artery, especially for patients in whom origin of the left coronary artery cannot be detected by transthoracic echocardiography. (orig.)

  3. Anomalous origin of the left coronary artery from the pulmonary artery in children: diagnostic use of multidetector computed tomography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shen, Quanli; Yao, Qiong; Hu, Xihong


    Anomalous origin of the left coronary artery from the pulmonary artery is a rare congenital anomaly. It is important to demonstrate the anomalous origin of the left coronary artery and its course before surgery. To explore the clinical diagnostic use of multidetector CT coronary angiography in detecting anomalous origin of the left coronary artery from the pulmonary artery in children. Nine children (2 boys, 7 girls) ages 2 months to 9 years with surgically confirmed anomalous origin of the left coronary artery from the pulmonary artery were studied. Clinical data, transthoracic echocardiography and CT coronary angiography images were retrospectively analyzed. Transthoracic echocardiography correctly diagnosed anomalous origin of the left coronary artery from the pulmonary artery in 7 of 9 patients (95% CI: 40-97%). CT coronary angiography revealed the anomalous origin of the left coronary artery in all children (95% CI: 66-100%). In a 4-year-old girl and a 9-year-old girl, CT coronary angiography showed dilation of the right coronary artery and collateral circulation between the right and the left coronary arteries. CT coronary angiography is a useful method to show the anomalous origin of the coronary artery in children with anomalous origin of the left coronary artery from the pulmonary artery, especially for patients in whom origin of the left coronary artery cannot be detected by transthoracic echocardiography. (orig.)

  4. Insecticidal Activity of the Essential Oil Isolated from Azilia eryngioides (Pau Hedge et Lamond Against Two Beetle Pests Actividad Insecticida del Aceite Esencial Aislado de Azilia eryngioides (Pau Hedge et Lamond contra Dos Escarabajos Plaga

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    Asgar Ebadollah


    Full Text Available A large number of plant essential oils have been used against diverse insect pests since they, unlike conventional pesticides, present no risk to humans and the environment. This study was conducted to determine the toxicity of Azilia eryngioides (Pau Hedge et Lamond (Apiaceae essential oil against 1- to 7-d-old Sitophilus granarius (L. (Curculionidae and Tribolium castaneum (Herbst (Tenebrionidae adults. The essential oil was obtained from aerial parts of the plant using a Clevenger apparatus and analyzed by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. The major constituents of the oil were α-Pinene and bornyl acetate. Fumigation bioassays revealed that A. eryngioides oil had a strong insecticidal activity on adult test insects that were exposed to 37.03, 74.07, 111.11, and 148.14 µL L-1 to estimate mean lethal time (LT50 values. Mortality increased as concentration and exposure time increased, and reached 100% at the 39-h exposure time and concentrations higher than 111.11 µL L-1. Another experiment was designed to determine the mean lethal concentration at the 24-h exposure time (LC50-, and these values indicated that S. granarius was more susceptible than T. castaneum. It can be concluded that the essential oil of A. eryngioides has potential against two stored-product pests, S. granarius and T. castaneum.Una gran cantidad de aceites esenciales de plantas se han utilizado como agentes de control biológico contra diversos insectos plaga, ya que no presentan riesgo para los seres humanos y el medio ambiente, a diferencia de los pesticidas convencionales. Se determinó la toxicidad del aceite esencial de Azilia eryngioides (Pau Hedge et Lamond (Apiaceae contra adultos de 1 a 7 días de edad de Sitophilus granarius (L. (Curculionidae y Tribolium castaneum (Herbst (Tenebrionidae. El aceite esencial se obtuvo de las partes aéreas de la planta utilizando un aparato de Clevenger y se analizó por cromatografía de gases por espectrometría de



    Jairo Alejandro Fernández Ortega; José Antonio de Paz Fernández


    La evidencia científica ha demostrado la importancia de la actividad física como una estrategia efectiva para disminuir el riesgo y la recidiva del cáncer de mama. Sin embargo, hasta el momento no se conocen con precisión los mecanismos de acción biológicos del ejercicio sobre el cáncer de mama. El propósito de este artículo es realizar una revisión sistemática exhaustiva de la literatura e identificar las posibles hipótesis que se plantean de los mecanismos de acción biológicos del ejercicio...

  6. Pulmonary artery aneurysm

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Introduction. Pulmonary artery aneurysms are a rare finding in general radiological practice. The possible causes are myriad and diverse in pathophysiolo- gy. Patients with post-stenotic dilata- tion of the main pulmonary artery usually present fairly late with insidi- ous cardiorespiratory symptoms. Diagnosis requires ...

  7. Análisis de posibles factores determinantes de la proporción sexual secundaria en una población Toba

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lanza, Norberto


    Full Text Available En mamíferos, una de las posibles estrategias para maximizar el éxito reproductivo de las hembras, es ajustar la proporción sexual de sus descendientes. Como Trivers y Willard propusieron en 1973 si la varianza en el éxito reproductivo es mayor en un sexo que en el otro y este éxito está determinado por la condición física de la madre, aquellas que se encuentren en buenas condiciones favorecerían el sexo que mayor varianza tenga en el éxito reproductivo. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar esta hipótesis en una población rural Toba de la provincia de Formosa. Se relevaron 154 historias reproductivas, comprendiendo 635 nacimientos. Se analizó la variación de la proporción sexual secundaria con relación a la edad de madre, el orden de parición y el intervalo intergenésico. Nuestros resultados muestran que la proporción de varones al nacimiento aumenta con la edad de la madre, el orden de parición y el intervalo intergenésico. Sin embargo, es posible que estos factores no sean buenos predictores de la condición física materna. Esto plantea un marco de análisis más complejo y la necesidad de considerar otros parámetros que detallen mejor la historia de vida de los individuos.

  8. Vertebrobasilar Artery Occlusion

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    Schoen, Jessica


    Full Text Available The presentation of vertebrobasilar artery occlusion varies with the cause of occlusion and location of ischemia. This often results in delay in diagnosis. Areas of the brain supplied by the posterior circulation are difficult to visualize and usually require angiography or magnetic resonance imaging. Intravenous thrombolysis and local-intra arterial thrombolysis are the most common treatment approaches used. Recanalization of the occluded vessel significantly improves morbidity and mortality. Here we present a review of the literature and a case of a patient with altered mental status caused by vertebrobasilar artery occlusion. [West J Emerg Med. 2011;12(2:233-239.

  9. Transcatheter arterial embolization of a pseudoaneurysm of gastroduodenal artery: a case report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Han, Young Min; Kang, Sung Soo; Lee, Jeong Min; Chung, Jin Young; Lee, Sang Yong; Chung, Gyung Ho; Kim, Chong Soo; Sohn, Myung Hee; Choi, Ki Chul [Chonbuk National University School of Medicine, Chonju (Korea, Republic of)


    Gastroduodenal artery pseudoaneurysm is a relatively rare and potentionally life-threatening complication of chronic pancreatitis, which is thought to occur because of autodigestion of arterial walls by pancreatic enzymes. Embolotherapy should probably be the first method of treatment, since surgical treatment carries a high risk of mortality and morbidity. We report the case of 30-year-old male with gastroduodenal artery pseudoaneurysm caused by chronic pancreatitis which was successfully treated by transcatheter embolization using Gianturco spring coils.

  10. Transcatheter arterial embolization of a pseudoaneurysm of gastroduodenal artery: a case report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Han, Young Min; Kang, Sung Soo; Lee, Jeong Min; Chung, Jin Young; Lee, Sang Yong; Chung, Gyung Ho; Kim, Chong Soo; Sohn, Myung Hee; Choi, Ki Chul


    Gastroduodenal artery pseudoaneurysm is a relatively rare and potentionally life-threatening complication of chronic pancreatitis, which is thought to occur because of autodigestion of arterial walls by pancreatic enzymes. Embolotherapy should probably be the first method of treatment, since surgical treatment carries a high risk of mortality and morbidity. We report the case of 30-year-old male with gastroduodenal artery pseudoaneurysm caused by chronic pancreatitis which was successfully treated by transcatheter embolization using Gianturco spring coils

  11. Arterial innervation in development and disease. (United States)

    Eichmann, Anne; Brunet, Isabelle


    Innervation of arteries by sympathetic nerves is well known to control blood supply to organs. Recent studies have elucidated the mechanisms that regulate the development of arterial innervation and show that in addition to vascular tone, sympathetic nerves may also influence arterial maturation and growth. Understanding sympathetic arterial innervation may lead to new approaches to treat peripheral arterial disease and hypertension. Copyright © 2014, American Association for the Advancement of Science.

  12. Cardiac tamponade and coronary artery pseudoaneurysm after brachial arterial embolectomy, possible role for an aberrant origin of the right coronary artery

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Irit Stessman-Lande, MD


    Full Text Available A patient developed hemopericardium shortly after left brachial arterial embolectomy using an embolectomy catheter. Evaluation disclosed evolving pseudoaneurysm of the right coronary artery that was successfully managed by stenting. Misplacement of the embolectomy catheter within the coronary vessel was facilitated by an anomalous origin of the right coronary artery. This complication highlights the importance of correct insertion of the embolectomy catheter using the markers to avoid maladvancement and damage to central vessels.

  13. Long-term results after carotid artery stenting. Restenosis after carotid artery stenting using self-expandable stent

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Matsumoto, Yasushi; Furui, Eisuke; Tsuboi, Ken; Takahashi, Akira; Ezura, Masayuki


    Carotid artery stenting has emerged as an acceptable treatment alternative in patients with carotid artery stenosis. Although early clinical results of carotid artery stenting have shown promise, long, term clinical results remain less certain. We report the frequency, management, and clinical results of in-stent restenosis after carotid artery stenting using a self-expandable stent. Between August 1998 and September 2004, 80 carotid artery stenting procedures in 78 patients were performed. We evaluated 76 of the 80 procedures in 75 of the 78 patients treated during this period who had a minimum 6-month clinical and imaging (ultrasound and/or magnetic resonance angiography) follow-up. Recurrent stenosis (≥50%) after carotid artery stenting occurred in 3 (3.9%) patients. The recurrent stenosis occurred within one year after the procedure in all cases. The low rate of in-stent restenosis using self-expandable stent suggested that carotid artery stenting may be an effective alternative treatment for carotid artery stenosis, but more data of long-term follow-up are required. (author)

  14. Posibles efectos en la salud asociados con la metalurgia precolombina.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alvaro Javier Idrovo


    Full Text Available En el Viejo Mundo algunos investigadores piensan que los efectos adversos en la salud relacionados con la exposición a arsénico influyeron para que se cambiara de usar aleaciones de cobre con arsénico a otras menos tóxicas. En este artículo se evalúa esta hipótesis para las tres grandes tradiciones metalúrgicas precolombinas: Andes centrales, área intermedia y occidente mexicano. Los artefactos metálicos revelan que las concentraciones de arsénico en los Andes centrales fueron similares a las del Viejo Mundo (0,5% a 1%, en el área intermedia los valores eran muy inferiores, mientras en el occidente mexicano fueron muy superiores (7% a 25%. En los Andes centrales se observó inicialmente el uso de bronce arsenical, pero rápidamente se conocieron las aleaciones de cobre-estaño; estas últimas fueron cada vez más preferidas y difundidas por todo el imperio inca. Las evidencias, osteológicas y en objetos artísticos, de amputaciones de los pies entre individuos moches de los Andes centrales apoyan la idea de la presencia de la ?enfermedad del pie negro? entre las poblaciones precolombinas. En conclusión, es posible que los efectos nocivos del arsénico se hayan observado en el Nuevo Mundo, y favorecido el cambio hacia aleaciones menos tóxicas. Se requieren nuevos estudios específicos para verificar esta hipótesis.

  15. Historia y cine: un mapa de posibles líneas de análisis en el eje realidad / representación

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Emilce Fabricio


    Full Text Available El artículo rastrea algunas posibles líneas de análisis abiertas para historiadores e historiadoras en el campo de intersecciones de los estudios cinematográficos y de la sociedad. Comienza planteando los orígenes del mismo, para adentrarse en las consideraciones del cine como fuente para la historia y de la historia en el cine. Finalmente se considera el caso particular del cine documental y se problematiza la dualidad realidad/representación.

  16. Constriction of collateral arteries induced by "head-up tilt" in patients with occlusive arterial disease of the legs

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Agerskov, K; Henriksen, O; Tønnesen, K H


    The effect of head-up tilt on leg blood flow and segmental arterial blood pressures was studied in 21 patients with occlusion or severe stenosis of the common or superficial femoral artery. Arterial pressure was measured directly in the brachial artery, common femoral artery and popliteal artery....... Relative change in blood flow in the leg during tilt was estimated by changes in arterio-venous oxygen differences and by the indicator dilution technique in nine patients. Head-up tilt caused a decrease in leg blood flow of 36% corresponding to an increase in total vascular resistance of 57%. Tilt did...... not change the pressure gradient from femoral to popliteal artery in the patients with occlusion of the superficial femoral artery, indicating that the flow resistance offered by the collateral arteries had increased. In a bilateral sympathectomised patient the increase in collateral resistance was almost...

  17. Contrast Media Delivery in the Assessment of Anomalous Left Coronary Artery From the Pulmonary Artery. (United States)

    Saade, Charbel; Al-Hamra, Salam; Al-Mohiy, Hussain; El-Merhi, Fadi


    A patient with a history of mitral valve prolapse and regurgitation that was corrected with a mitral ring repair 15 years earlier received a diagnosis of anomalous left coronary artery arising from the pulmonary artery and underwent repair. Coronary computed tomography angiography (CTA) was employed to image the patient before surgical intervention. Synchronizing contrast media administration to opacify the right coronary artery in the arterial phase and the left coronary artery in the venous phase required a test-bolus approach. Matching compromised cardiovascular dynamics with patient-specific contrast media administration protocols was improved considerably with the use of a test-bolus technique during electrocardiography-gated coronary CTA.

  18. Safety and Outcome of Intra-Arterial Treatment for Basilar Artery Occlusion

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Houwelingen, Reinier C.; Luijckx, Gert-Jan; Mazuri, Aryan; Bokkers, Reinoud P. H.; Eshghi, Omid S.; Uyttenboogaart, Maarten


    IMPORTANCE After the many positive results in thrombectomy trials in ischemic stroke of the anterior circulation, the question arises whether these positive results also apply to the patient with basilar artery occlusion (BAO). OBJECTIVE To report up-to-date outcome data of intra-arterial (IA)

  19. Right Coronary Artery Originated from the Left Anterior Descending Artery in a Patient with Congenital Pulmonary Valvular Stenosis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yusuf Hoşoğlu


    Full Text Available The single coronary artery, anomalous origin of the right coronary artery from the left anterior descending artery, is a benign and very rare coronary artery anomaly. We firstly present a case with this type of single coronary artery and congenital pulmonary valvular stenosis with large poststenotic dilatation.

  20. Absent right common carotid artery associated with aberrant right subclavian artery. (United States)

    Uchino, Akira; Uwabe, Kazuhiko; Osawa, Iichiro


    Rarely, the external and internal carotid arteries arise separately from the brachiocephalic trunk and right subclavian artery (SA) or the aortic arch and reflect the absence of a common carotid artery (CCA). We report a 45-year-old man with absent right CCA associated with aberrant right SA, an extremely rare combination, diagnosed by computed tomography (CT) angiography during follow-up for postoperative aortic dissection. Retrospective careful observation of preoperative postcontrast CT revealed the absent right CCA. Previously reported arch variations associated with absent CCA include cervical aortic arch, double aortic arch, and right aortic arch.

  1. Liver cirrhosis and arterial hypertension

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Henriksen, Jens Henrik; Møller, Søren


    blood pressure. This review considers the alterations in systemic hemodynamics in patients with cirrhosis in relation to essential hypertension and arterial hypertension of the renal origin. Subjects with arterial hypertension (essential, secondary) may become normotensive during the development......Characteristic findings in patients with cirrhosis are vasodilatation with low overall systemic vascular resistance, high arterial compliance, increased cardiac output, secondary activation of counter-regulatory systems (renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, sympathetic nervous system, release...... of cirrhosis, and arterial hypertension is rarely manifested in patients with cirrhosis, even in cases with renovascular disease and high circulating renin activity. There is much dispute as to the understanding of homoeostatic regulation in cirrhotic patients with manifest arterial hypertension. This most...

  2. Cervicocephalic arterial dissection

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Suyama, Kazuhiko; Hayashi, Kentaro; Nagata, Izumi


    The authors review the clinical and neuroradiological features of cervicocephalic arterial dissection, which is occasionally seen in young adults, with special reference to the differences in the region of occurrence of these lesions between patients in Western countries and Japan. In Western countries, the cervical internal carotid artery is the most common site of occurrence of these lesions; however, in Japan, these lesions have been frequently reported to occure in the intracranial vertebral artery. Most clinical manifestations of cervical arterial dissection are non-hemorrhagic events such as headaches associated with arterial dissection or cerebral ischemia caused by a distal embolism following thrombus formation in the cervical lesion. On the other hand, a subarachnoid hemorrhage and cerebral infarction are frequently observed in intracranial arterial dissections. Non-invasive procedures, including MR imaging, are useful for demonstrating characteristic features of this condition such as the presence of an intimal flap or a double lumen, and for monitoring the chronological changes in the lesions, which may regress spontaneously. Since the pathological mechanisms underlying the progression and/or the regression of this condition are still unknown, the clinical evidence indicating the optimal therapeutic strategies has not yet been reported. Nevertheless, conservative therapy, including antithrombotic treatment, is widely used for the treatment of non-hemorrhagic lesions, which generally results in good clinical outcomes. Further, surgical intervention is essential for the treatment of lesions with a subarachnoid hemorrhage to prevent fatal rebleeding, and it is also required for the treatment of certain non-hemorrhagic lesions. Recent advancements in surgical procedures, especially endovascular treatments, may therefore be helpful in the management of similar complicated vascular conditions. (author)

  3. Localized arterial occlusion following irradiation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kikuchi, S; Hasue, M [Japan Red Cross Medical Center, Tokyo; Fujiwara, M


    Occlusion of the major artery (the iliac artery in 2 cases and subclavicular artery in one) was reported, which occurred in association with bone necrosis 5 - 21 years after postoperative radiotherapy for malignant tumors (uterine cancer in 2 cases and mammary cancer in one).

  4. Physiologic assessment of coronary artery fistula

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gupta, N.C.; Beauvais, J. (Creighton Univ., Omaha, NE (USA))


    Coronary artery fistula is an uncommon clinical entity. The most common coronary artery fistula is from the right coronary artery to the right side of the heart, and it is less frequent to the pulmonary artery. The effect of a coronary artery fistula may be physiologically significant because of the steal phenomenon resulting in coronary ischemia. Based on published reports, it is recommended that patients with congenital coronary artery fistulas be considered candidates for elective surgical correction to prevent complications including development of congestive heart failure, angina, subacute bacterial endocarditis, myocardial infarction, and coronary aneurysm formation with rupture or embolization. A patient is presented in whom treadmill-exercise thallium imaging was effective in determining the degree of coronary steal from a coronary artery fistula, leading to successful corrective surgery.

  5. Physiologic assessment of coronary artery fistula

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gupta, N.C.; Beauvais, J.


    Coronary artery fistula is an uncommon clinical entity. The most common coronary artery fistula is from the right coronary artery to the right side of the heart, and it is less frequent to the pulmonary artery. The effect of a coronary artery fistula may be physiologically significant because of the steal phenomenon resulting in coronary ischemia. Based on published reports, it is recommended that patients with congenital coronary artery fistulas be considered candidates for elective surgical correction to prevent complications including development of congestive heart failure, angina, subacute bacterial endocarditis, myocardial infarction, and coronary aneurysm formation with rupture or embolization. A patient is presented in whom treadmill-exercise thallium imaging was effective in determining the degree of coronary steal from a coronary artery fistula, leading to successful corrective surgery

  6. Transcatheter Arterial Embolization of Arterial Esophageal Bleeding with the Use of N-Butyl Cyanoacrylate

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Park, Ji Hoon; Kim, Hyo Cheol; Chung, Jin Wook; Jae, Hwan Jun; Park, Jae Hyung [Seoul National University Hospita, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    To evaluate the clinical efficacy and safety of a transcatheter arterial embolization (TAE) with N-butyl cyanoacrylate (NBCA) for the treatment of arterial esophageal bleeding. Between August 2000 and April 2008, five patients diagnosed with arterial esophageal bleeding by conventional angiography, CT angiography or endoscopy, underwent a TAE with NBCA. We mixed NBCA with iodized oil at ratios of 1:1 to 1:4 to supply radiopacity and achieve a proper polymerization time. After embolization, we evaluated the angiographic and clinical success, recurrent bleeding, and procedure-related complications. The bleeding esophageal artery directly originated from the aorta in four patients and from the left inferior phrenic artery in one patient. Although four patients had an underlying coagulopathy at the time of the TAE, angiographic and clinical success was achieved in all five patients. In addition, no procedurerelated complications such as esophageal infarction were observed during this study. NBCA can be an effective and feasible embolic agent in patients with active arterial esophageal bleeding, even with pre-existing coagulopathy.

  7. Transcatheter Arterial Embolization of Arterial Esophageal Bleeding with the Use of N-Butyl Cyanoacrylate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Park, Ji Hoon; Kim, Hyo Cheol; Chung, Jin Wook; Jae, Hwan Jun; Park, Jae Hyung


    To evaluate the clinical efficacy and safety of a transcatheter arterial embolization (TAE) with N-butyl cyanoacrylate (NBCA) for the treatment of arterial esophageal bleeding. Between August 2000 and April 2008, five patients diagnosed with arterial esophageal bleeding by conventional angiography, CT angiography or endoscopy, underwent a TAE with NBCA. We mixed NBCA with iodized oil at ratios of 1:1 to 1:4 to supply radiopacity and achieve a proper polymerization time. After embolization, we evaluated the angiographic and clinical success, recurrent bleeding, and procedure-related complications. The bleeding esophageal artery directly originated from the aorta in four patients and from the left inferior phrenic artery in one patient. Although four patients had an underlying coagulopathy at the time of the TAE, angiographic and clinical success was achieved in all five patients. In addition, no procedurerelated complications such as esophageal infarction were observed during this study. NBCA can be an effective and feasible embolic agent in patients with active arterial esophageal bleeding, even with pre-existing coagulopathy

  8. Popliteal artery entrapment syndrome.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    O'Leary, D P


    Popliteal artery entrapment syndrome is a rare abnormality of the anatomical relationship between the popliteal artery and adjacent muscles or fibrous bands in the popliteal fossa. The following is a case report of a 19 year old female, in whom popliteal artery entrapment syndrome was diagnosed, and successfully treated surgically. A review of literature is also presented and provides details on how PAES is classified, diagnosed both clinically and radiologically, and treated surgically.

  9. Liver cirrhosis and arterial hypertension

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Henriksen, Jens Henrik; Møller, Søren


    blood pressure. This review considers the alterations in systemic hemodynamics in patients with cirrhosis in relation to essential hypertension and arterial hypertension of the renal origin. Subjects with arterial hypertension (essential, secondary) may become normotensive during the development...... of cirrhosis, and arterial hypertension is rarely manifested in patients with cirrhosis, even in cases with renovascular disease and high circulating renin activity. There is much dispute as to the understanding of homoeostatic regulation in cirrhotic patients with manifest arterial hypertension. This most...

  10. Renal artery stenosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Desberg, A.; Paushter, D.M.; Lammert, G.K.; Hale, J.; Troy, R.; Novic, A.; Nally, J. Jr.


    Renal artery disease is a potentially correctable cause of hypertension. Previous studies have suggested the utility of duplex sonography in accurately detecting and grading the severity of renal artery stenosis. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate color flow Doppler for this use. Forty-three kidneys were examined by color-flow Doppler and conventional duplex sampling in patients with suspected renovascular hypertension or those undergoing aortography for unrelated reasons. Doppler tracings were obtained from the renal arteries and aorta with calculation of the renal aortic ratio (RAR) and resistive index (RI). Results of Doppler sampling with color flow guidance were compared with aortograms in a blinded fashion

  11. Demonstration of the dorsal pancreatic artery by CTA to facilitate superselective arterial infusion of stem cells into the pancreas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lin Yuning; Yang Xizhang; Chen Ziqian; Tan Jianming; Zhong Qun; Yang Li; Wu Zhixian


    Purpose: To investigate the diagnostic performance of 64-section CTA in the detection of dorsal pancreatic artery before interventional therapy for patients with diabetes. Materials and methods: The study was approved by the institutional ethics committee; written informed consent was obtained. Forty-two consecutive patients with diabetes received an experimental treatment of autologous bone marrow-derived stem cell transplantation by means of infusion into the dorsal pancreatic artery. All cases underwent abdominal CTA before angiography of pancreatic arteries in order to locate the origin and course of dorsal pancreatic artery. Angiography of coeliac artery, splenic artery, common hepatic artery and superior mesenteric artery were performed both in CTA and DSA. Superselective catheterization of dorsal pancreatic artery was carried out for the infusion of stem cell. Sensitivity, specificity and accuracy for the detection of dorsal pancreatic artery with CTA were calculated using DSA images as the reference standard. Results: Thirty-five and thirty-six dorsal pancreatic arteries were detected by CTA and DSA respectively. Dorsal pancreatic artery was not visualized in either CTA or DSA in 5 patients. The sensitivity, specificity and accuracy for CTA were 94.4%, 83.3% and 92.9%. Conclusion: 64-section CTA is accurate for the detection of dorsal pancreatic artery. It may be useful for the facilitation of superselective arterial infusion of stem cells to pancreas.

  12. Technique for arterial-phase contrast-enhanced three-dimensional MR angiography of the carotid and vertebral arteries. (United States)

    Isoda, H; Takehara, Y; Isogai, S; Takeda, H; Kaneko, M; Nozaki, A; Sun, Y; Foo, T K


    Our goal was to evaluate whether contrast-enhanced three-dimensional MR angiography using the MR Smartprep technique would enable us to obtain arterial-phase MR angiograms of the carotid and vertebral arteries. The study included 35 patients with suspected lesions of the neck in whom the MR Smartprep technique was used for MR angiography performed with a 1.5-T superconducting system. The tracker volume was placed primarily in the middle part of the right common carotid artery. The imaging volume was placed in a coronal direction to include the carotid and vertebral arteries from the aortic arch to the skull base. A centric phase-ordering scheme was used. Imaging times were 20 to 38 seconds for 14 patients and 11 to 16 seconds for 21 patients. By using a smaller tracker volume and an imaging time of less than 16 seconds, we were able to achieve a 100% successful triggering rate and to delineate selectively arterial-phase carotid and vertebral arteries with almost no venous contamination. Contract-enhanced 3-D MR angiography with the MR Smartprep technique was useful for showing arterial-phase carotid and vertebral arteries selectively.

  13. Transcatheter Splenic Artery Occlusion for Treatment of Splenic Artery Steal Syndrome After Orthotopic Liver Transplantation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Uflacker, Renan; Selby, J. Bayne; Chavin, Kenneth; Rogers, Jeffrey; Baliga, Prabhakar


    Purpose: To review some aspects of the problem of splenic artery steal syndrome as cause of ischemia in transplanted livers and treatment by selective splenic artery occlusion. Materials and Methods: Eleven liver transplant patients from a group of 350 patients, nine men and two women,ranging in age from 40 years to 61 years (mean 52 years), presented with biochemical evidences of liver ischemia and failure, ranging from one to 60 days following orthotopic liver transplantation. Diagnosis of splenic artery steal syndrome was suspected by elevated enzymes, Doppler ultrasound and confirmed by celiac angiogram. Patients with confirmed hepatic artery thrombosis before angiography were excluded from the study. Embolization with Gianturco coils was performed. Results: All patients were treated by splenic artery embolization with Gianturco coils. The 11 patients improved clinically within 24 hours of the procedure with significant change in the biochemical and clinical parameters. Followup ranged from one month to two years. One of the 11 patient initially improved, but developed hepatic artery thrombosis within 24 hours of the embolic treatment,requiring surgical repair. Conclusion: Splenicartery steal syndrome following liver transplantation surgery can be diagnosed by celiac angiography, and effectively treated by splenic artery embolization with coils. Embolization is one of the treatments available, it is minimally invasive, and leads to immediate clinical improvement. Hepatic artery thrombosis is a possible complication of the procedure

  14. Tuberothalamic Artery Infarction Following Coil Embolization of a Ruptured Posterior Communicating Artery Aneurysm Belonging to a Transitional Type Posterior Cerebral Artery (United States)

    Lee, Kyeong Duk; Kwon, Soon Chan; Muniandy, Sarawana; Park, Eun Suk; Sim, Hong Bo; Lyo, In Uk


    Summary There are many potential anatomical variations in the connection between the internal carotid artery and the posterior circulation through the posterior communicating artery (PCoA). We describe the endovascular treatment of an aneurysm arising near the origin of the PCoA belonging to a transitional type posterior cerebral artery. Coil embolization subsequently resulted in thrombo-occlusion of the adjacent PCoA causing thalamic infarction even though sufficient retrograde flow had been confirmed pre-operatively by Allcock’s test. PMID:24070079

  15. Feasibility Study of Ex Ovo Chick Chorioallantoic Artery Model for Investigating Pulsatile Variation of Arterial Geometry.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kweon-Ho Nam

    Full Text Available Despite considerable research efforts on the relationship between arterial geometry and cardiovascular pathology, information is lacking on the pulsatile geometrical variation caused by arterial distensibility and cardiomotility because of the lack of suitable in vivo experimental models and the methodological difficulties in examining the arterial dynamics. We aimed to investigate the feasibility of using a chick embryo system as an experimental model for basic research on the pulsatile variation of arterial geometry. Optical microscope video images of various arterial shapes in chick chorioallantoic circulation were recorded from different locations and different embryo samples. The high optical transparency of the chorioallantoic membrane (CAM allowed clear observation of tiny vessels and their movements. Systolic and diastolic changes in arterial geometry were visualized by detecting the wall boundaries from binary images. Several to hundreds of microns of wall displacement variations were recognized during a pulsatile cycle. The spatial maps of the wall motion harmonics and magnitude ratio of harmonic components were obtained by analyzing the temporal brightness variation at each pixel in sequential grayscale images using spectral analysis techniques. The local variations in the spectral characteristics of the arterial wall motion were reflected well in the analysis results. In addition, mapping the phase angle of the fundamental frequency identified the regional variations in the wall motion directivity and phase shift. Regional variations in wall motion phase angle and fundamental-to-second harmonic ratio were remarkable near the bifurcation area. In summary, wall motion in various arterial geometry including straight, curved and bifurcated shapes was well observed in the CAM artery model, and their local and cyclic variations could be characterized by Fourier and wavelet transforms of the acquired video images. The CAM artery model with

  16. Exclusive use of arterial grafts in coronary artery bypass operations for three-vessel disease : Use of both thoracic arteries and the gastroepiploic artery in 256 consecutive patients

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Grandjean, JG; Voors, AA; Boonstra, PW; denHeyer, P; Ebels, T


    Methods: From September 1989 to September 1994 we operated on a consecutive group of 256 patients with three-vessel disease in whom we used the right gastroepiploic artery together with both internal thoracic arteries, Vein grafts were not used in these patients, This population consisted of 233 men

  17. Anomalies of radial and ulnar arteries

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rajani Singh

    Full Text Available Abstract During dissection conducted in an anatomy department of the right upper limb of the cadaver of a 70-year-old male, both origin and course of the radial and ulnar arteries were found to be anomalous. After descending 5.5 cm from the lower border of the teres major, the brachial artery anomalously bifurcated into a radial artery medially and an ulnar artery laterally. In the arm, the ulnar artery lay lateral to the median nerve. It followed a normal course in the forearm. The radial artery was medial to the median nerve in the arm and then, at the level of the medial epicondyle, it crossed from the medial to the lateral side of the forearm, superficial to the flexor muscles. The course of the radial artery was superficial and tortuous throughout the arm and forearm. The variations of radial and ulnar arteries described above were associated with anomalous formation and course of the median nerve in the arm. Knowledge of neurovascular anomalies are important for vascular surgeons and radiologists.

  18. Catheter placement via the occipital artery to achieve superselective intra-arterial chemotherapy for oral cancer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Iwai, Toshinori; Mitsudo, Kenji; Fukui, Takafumi


    Superselective intra-arterial chemotherapy via the superficial temporal artery (STA) has become useful for oral cancer. However, this method can not be performed if catheter placement via the STA is impossible. Therefore, we report a surgical method for catheter placement via the occipital artery (OA) to achieve retrograde superselective intra-arterial chemotherapy. Preoperatively, three-dimensional computed tomography angiography was performed to identify the course of the external carotid artery and the relationship between OA and the target artery. Ten patients with oral cancer underwent catheter placement via the OA with Doppler ultrasound and Harmonic Scalpel under local anesthesia. Catheter placement via the OA was superselectively successful in all the patients. The mean exposure time of OA and mean operating time were 17.5 min and 70.5 min, respectively. Catheter placement via the OA is useful when catheter placement via the STA is impossible. Three-dimensional vascular mapping and the use of Doppler ultrasound and Harmonic Scalpel can shorten the surgical time. (author)

  19. Netrin-1 controls sympathetic arterial innervation. (United States)

    Brunet, Isabelle; Gordon, Emma; Han, Jinah; Cristofaro, Brunella; Broqueres-You, Dong; Liu, Chun; Bouvrée, Karine; Zhang, Jiasheng; del Toro, Raquel; Mathivet, Thomas; Larrivée, Bruno; Jagu, Julia; Pibouin-Fragner, Laurence; Pardanaud, Luc; Machado, Maria J C; Kennedy, Timothy E; Zhuang, Zhen; Simons, Michael; Levy, Bernard I; Tessier-Lavigne, Marc; Grenz, Almut; Eltzschig, Holger; Eichmann, Anne


    Autonomic sympathetic nerves innervate peripheral resistance arteries, thereby regulating vascular tone and controlling blood supply to organs. Despite the fundamental importance of blood flow control, how sympathetic arterial innervation develops remains largely unknown. Here, we identified the axon guidance cue netrin-1 as an essential factor required for development of arterial innervation in mice. Netrin-1 was produced by arterial smooth muscle cells (SMCs) at the onset of innervation, and arterial innervation required the interaction of netrin-1 with its receptor, deleted in colorectal cancer (DCC), on sympathetic growth cones. Function-blocking approaches, including cell type-specific deletion of the genes encoding Ntn1 in SMCs and Dcc in sympathetic neurons, led to severe and selective reduction of sympathetic innervation and to defective vasoconstriction in resistance arteries. These findings indicate that netrin-1 and DCC are critical for the control of arterial innervation and blood flow regulation in peripheral organs.

  20. Bronchial arterial infusion versus bronchial combined pulmonary arterial infusion for pulmonary metastatic tumors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dong Sheng; Dong Weihua; Jia Ningyang; Zhang Dianbo; Xiao Xiangsheng


    Objective: To evaluate the pulmonary metastatic tumor response to different ways of transcatheter arterial infusion. Methods: Thirty-five patients with pulmonary metastatic tumors were randomized divided into two groups: 15 patients with 49 lesions treated with bronchial arterial infusion (BAI) and 20 patients with 65 lesions treated with bronchial arterial infusion (BM)combined with pulmonary arterial infusion (PAI). The therapeutic response was assessed by the WHO evaluation criteria. Results: The total effective rate(CR + PR) of BAI was 65.3% (32/49), PAI + BAI was 61.5%(40/65) showing no statistical difference. The median survival time of BAI was 9 mo, BAI + PAI was 11.5 mo, demonstrating no statistical significance. Conclusions: BAI should be the primary treatment for pulmonary metastatic tumor. (authors)

  1. Bronchial arteries: anatomy, function, hypertrophy, and anomalies. (United States)

    Walker, Christopher M; Rosado-de-Christenson, Melissa L; Martínez-Jiménez, Santiago; Kunin, Jeffrey R; Wible, Brandt C


    The two main sources of blood supply to the lungs and their supporting structures are the pulmonary and bronchial arteries. The bronchial arteries account for 1% of the cardiac output but can be recruited to provide additional systemic circulation to the lungs in various acquired and congenital thoracic disorders. An understanding of bronchial artery anatomy and function is important in the identification of bronchial artery dilatation and anomalies and the formulation of an appropriate differential diagnosis. Visualization of dilated bronchial arteries at imaging should alert the radiologist to obstructive disorders that affect the pulmonary circulation and prompt the exclusion of diseases that produce or are associated with pulmonary artery obstruction, including chronic infectious and/or inflammatory processes, chronic thromboembolic disease, and congenital anomalies of the thorax (eg, proximal interruption of the pulmonary artery). Conotruncal abnormalities, such as pulmonary atresia with ventricular septal defect, are associated with systemic pulmonary supply provided by aortic branches known as major aortopulmonary collaterals, which originate in the region of the bronchial arteries. Bronchial artery malformation is a rare left-to-right or left-to-left shunt characterized by an anomalous connection between a bronchial artery and a pulmonary artery or a pulmonary vein, respectively. Bronchial artery interventions can be used successfully in the treatment of hemoptysis, with a low risk of adverse events. Multidetector computed tomography helps provide a vascular road map for the interventional radiologist before bronchial artery embolization. RSNA, 2015


    Polyakov, V Ya; Nikolaev, Yu A; Pegova, S V; Matsievskaya, T R; Obukhov, I V


    The study included 1172 patients (410 men and 762 women) at the mean age of 60.3 ± 10.4 years with grade I-II (stage I-II) arterial hypertension (AH) admitted to the clinic of Institute of Experimental Medicine. The patients were divided into 2 groups based on the results of clinical and laboratory diagnostics. Group 1 (n = 525) included patients with AH and hepatobiliary system (HBS) diseases, group 2 (n = 647) patients with AH without HBS diseases. The patients group 1 had a thicker intima-media complex of carotid arteries, higher peak systolic bloodflow rate in the internal and vertebral carotid arteries, more pronounced coiling of internal carotid arteries than patients of group 2. Patients with AH and HBS diseases exhibited correlation between bloodflow rate in external carotid arteries and atherogenicity coefficient. Duplex scanning of neck vessels of in patients with AH without HBS diseases revealed peculiar changes of the intima-media thickness and hemodynamically significant changes of the blood flow in the internal carotid arteries that may be of prognostic value in this nosological syntropy and require the personified approach to diagnostics, treatment, and prevention of these conditions.

  3. In-stent restenosis of innominate artery with critical stenosis of right internal carotid artery

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hussain, S.; Raza, A.; Ahmed, W.


    A lady with aortitis syndrome developed in-stent restenosis (ISR) of the innominate artery stent and critical stenosis of right internal carotid artery. The therapeutic challenge was gaining access to the carotid vessel, after treating the innominate artery ISR and all the while using distal protection to circumvent potential cerebral embolism. Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA) with or without stenting is a safe therapeutic option for re-vascularization of the supra aortic vessels. In the event of re-stenosis, re-treatment with PTA and stenting is safe. Ample evidence-base exists now for carotid artery stenting (CAS) in preference to carotid endarterectomy in patients with stenotic lesions of the carotid vessels. (author)

  4. Médicos de la familia ante los traumatismos del sistema nervioso: Pueden disminuir la mortalidad?

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    Ramiro Pereira Riverón


    Full Text Available La mortalidad y las secuelas permanentes de los pacientes con traumatismos craneoencefálicos o raquimedulares graves, pueden disminuir por acciones de los médicos generales integrales y otros miembros de las áreas de salud. Aparte del esencial trabajo de prevención de accidentes, impedir o tratar rápidamente la hipoxia y la hipotensión arterial postraumática son factores decisivosThe mortality and permanent sequelae of patients suffering from severe head or spinal cord injuries may be reduced by the actions of the specialists in general comprehensive medicine and other members of the health area. Besides the essential work carried out to avoid accidents, to prevent or treat the posttraumatic hypoxia and arterial hypertension quickly are also decisive factors

  5. [Ultrasonographic study of blood flow in the renal arteries of patients with arterial hypertension]. (United States)

    Makarenko, E S; Dombrovskiĭ, V I; Nelasov, N Iu


    Vascular duplex ultrasound duplex with simultaneous ECG registration was made to estimate the quantitative and time parameters of blood flow in the renal arteries with grade 1-2 arterial hypertension. There were increases in vascular resistance indices and acceleration phase index and a reduction in systolic phase index. There were correlations of the time parameters of blood flow in the renal arteries with age and lipidogram values.

  6. Arterial grafts balance survival between incomplete and complete revascularization: a series of 1000 consecutive coronary artery bypass graft patients with 98% arterial grafts. (United States)

    Kieser, Teresa M; Curran, Helen J; Rose, M Sarah; Norris, Colleen M; Graham, Michelle M


    Coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) with incomplete revascularization (ICR) is thought to decrease survival. We studied the survival of patients with ICR undergoing total arterial grafting. In a consecutive series of all-comer 1000 patients with isolated CABG, operative and midterm survival were assessed for patients undergoing complete versus ICR, with odds ratios and hazard ratios, adjusted for European System for Cardiac Operative Risk Evaluation category, CABG urgency, age, and comorbidities. In this series of 1000 patients with 98% arterial grafts (2922 arterial, 59 vein grafts), 73% of patients with multivessel disease received bilateral internal mammary artery grafts. ICR occurred in 140 patients (14%). Operative mortality was 3.8% overall, 8.6% for patients with ICR, and 3.2% for patients with complete revascularization (P = .008). For operative mortality using multivariable logistic regression, after controlling for European System for Cardiac Operative Risk Evaluation category (P System for Cardiac Operative Risk Evaluation category (P reserved.

  7. Clinical factors useful for the differentiation of acute arterial embolism from acute arterial thrombosis of the lower extremities

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Xia Caifeng; Gu Jianping; Lou Wensheng; He Xu; Chen Liang; Chen Guoping; Su Haobo; Song Jinhua; Wang Tao


    Objective: To assess the clinical factors useful for the differentiation of acute arterial embolism from acute arterial thrombosis in patients with acute lower extremity ischemia. Methods: A total of 73 patients with acute arterial embolism or acute arterial thrombosis of lower extremity, who were admitted to the hospital during the period from May 2005 to June 2010, were enrolled in the study. Depending on the DSA findings, the patients were divided into arterial embolism group (n=52) and arterial thrombosis group (n=21). The clinical data, including general information, the onset of the disease, the obstructed sites, the condition of the diseased limb, the clinical manifestations and the severity of ischemia, were retrospectively analyzed and compared between the two groups. Results: The acute arterial embolism occurred usually on the iliofemoral artery (χ 2 =5.44, P 2 =4.15, P 2 =9.42, P 2 =18.10, P 2 =10.01, P 2 =5.44, P 2 =12.37, P 2 =7.96, P = 8.18, P 2 =14.00, P 2 =4.24, P<0.05) was only seen in patients with acute arterial embolism. Conclusion: The clinical factors helpful for differentiating acute arterial embolism from acute arterial thrombosis include: clinical manifestations (dyskinesia, impaired sensation and peripheral pulse condition of the healthy limb), the obstructed sites, the history of intermittent claudication and previous arterial embolism, the severity of ischemia, and the high-risk factors of the peripheral vascular disease (atrial fibrillation, hypertension, diabetes mellitus and smoking habit). (authors)

  8. Factores de riesgo de los ictus arteriales isquémicos en la infancia Risk factors of arterial ischemic strokes in children

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    José Vargas Díaz


    Full Text Available Los ictus isquémicos infantiles pueden ocurrir en territorio arterial, la mayoría de ellos en la zona carotídea. Menos frecuentemente se presentan obstrucciones senovenosas, cuyo diagnóstico requiere adecuados índices de sospecha y técnicas de diagnóstico por la imagen capaces de detectarlas. Existen múltiples factores de riesgo genéticos y adquiridos relacionados con los ictus isquémicos. Las enfermedades cardíacas, los trastornos de la coagulación sanguínea, la anemia de células falciformes, las infecciones, el síndrome moyamoya, la disección arterial y otros trastornos genéticos infrecuentes, están entre los factores de riesgo más frecuentemente documentados. Las obstrucciones senovenosas parecen estar más relacionadas con infecciones de la cabeza o cuello, deshidratación, complicaciones perinatales y trastornos de la coagulación. Existe además la posibilidad de que varios de estos factores actúen al unísono en un paciente con ictus. La identificación y posible control de los factores de riesgo de los ictus infantiles son motivo de intensa investigación multicéntrica, en un intento de esclarecer la fisiopatogenia y verdadera relación causal de estos.Ischemic stroke in children may occur in the arterial area, most of them in the carotid zone. The sinovenous obstructions, whose diagnosis requires proper rates of suspicion and imaging diagnostic techniques capable of detecting them are less common. There are many genetic and acquired risk factors related to ischemic stroke. Cardiac diseases, blood coagulation disorders, sickle cell anemia, infections, moyamoya syndrome, arterial dissection, and other rare genetic disorders, are among the most frequent documented risk factors. Sinovenous obstructions seem to be connected with head or neck infections, dehydratation, perinatal complications, and coagulation disorders. There is also the possibility that many of these factors act at the same time on the patient with

  9. Principios básicos de diseño gráfico aplicados a la preparación de ayudas visuales para presentaciones científicas y de negocios

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    Juan David Velásquez Henao, Ph.D


    Full Text Available La capacidad para hablar en público es una habilidad esencial para los administradores y otros profesionales. Sin embargo, muchas presentaciones son descritas como malas, aburridas, sin foco o incomprensibles. Uno de los principales errores es la falta de ayudas visuales que estén bien diseñadas; ejemplos comunes de ello son una excesiva cantidad de texto, el uso de fondos de bajo contraste, letras muy pequeñas para su lectura y el abuso de efectos artísticos, entre otros. En este trabajo se presentan los resultados de una revisión sistemática para responder la pregunta: ¿Qué es una ayuda visual correctamente diseñada?. Se encontró que, aplicando varios principios básicos y simples de diseño gráfico, es posible obtener ayudas visuales efectivas. Adicionalmente, se presentan varios ejemplos.

  10. Principios básicos de diseño gráfico aplicados a la preparación de ayudas visuales para presentaciones científicas y de negocios

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    Full Text Available La capacidad para hablar en público es una habilidad esencial para los administradores y otros profesionales. Sin embargo, muchas presentaciones son descritas como malas, aburridas, sin foco o incomprensibles. Uno de los principales errores es la falta de ayudas visuales que estén bien diseñadas; ejemplos comunes de ello son una excesiva cantidad de texto, el uso de fondos de bajo contraste, letras muy pequeñas para su lectura y el abuso de efectos artísticos, entre otros. En este trabajo se presentan los resultados de una revisión sistemática para responder la pregunta: ¿Qué es una ayuda visual correctamente diseñada?. Se encontró que, aplicando varios principios básicos y simples de diseño gráfico, es posible obtener ayudas visuales efectivas. Adicionalmente, se presentan varios ejemplos.

  11. ¿Podemos hablar? Mujeres en onda corta a nivel mundial

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    Sarath Fletcher Luther


    Full Text Available La autora concibe que la liberación y bienestar de la mujer va de la mano con la liberación y bienestar del hombre. Considera además que la voz de la mujer es un componente esencial en la movilización por la paz, contra el militarismo y para la protección del medio ambiente. Sostiene que la oposición a la discriminación, opresión y violencia contra la mujer y la niñez no estará en la agenda de discusión hasta que la mujer participe plenamente en fomentar este debate. La idea de que los asuntos de la mujer trascienden las líneas divisorias de nación, raza clase y grupos étnicos dio lugar a creer que era posible la construcción del feminismo internacional utilizando la radio.

  12. Formación y Enseñanza de las Ciencias. Estudio de Caso de una profesora de Ciencias de Secundaria

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    Bartolomé VÁZQUEZ BERNAL


    Full Text Available En el artículo se describe un estudio de caso, centrado en el análisis de la reflexión de una profesora de educación secundaria a lo largo de dos cursos consecutivos, incidiendo en los aspectos formativos, así como su influencia en el desarrollo profesional y todo ello bajo la Hipótesis de la Complejidad. El estudio comprende dos niveles metodológicos: uno de naturaleza cualitativa y otro crítico. Analizamos dos campos de estudio: Formación del Profesorado y Didáctica de las Ciencias. Los resultados sugieren que la profesora se encuentra en proceso de volver más complejas sus reflexiones, permitiéndonos aproximarnos a sus posibles perspectivas de desarrollo, resultando de esencial importancia el papel del Conocimiento Didáctico del Contenido y su pertenencia a un grupo de trabajo.

  13. A unique case of bifid left testicular artery having its anomalous high origin from renal artery


    Ashwini P Aithal; Naveen Kumar; Swamy S Ravindra; Jyothsna Patil


    The testicular arteries are known to originate from the ventrolateral aspect of the abdominal aorta and descend obliquely to the pelvic cavity and supply the testis. An anatomical description of an uncommon variation of the left testicular artery is presented in this case report, highlighting its clinical implications. During routine dissection of a male cadaver, we found that the left testicular artery was bifid and it was arising from the left renal artery. After its origin, it then coursed...

  14. Genetics Home Reference: pulmonary arterial hypertension (United States)

    ... Home Health Conditions Pulmonary arterial hypertension Pulmonary arterial hypertension Printable PDF Open All Close All Enable Javascript ... view the expand/collapse boxes. Description Pulmonary arterial hypertension is a progressive disorder characterized by abnormally high ...

  15. Analysis of transit time flow of the right internal thoracic artery anastomosed to the left anterior descending artery compared to the left internal thoracic artery (United States)

    Milani, Rodrigo; de Moraes, Daniela; Sanches, Aline; Jardim, Rodrigo; Lumikoski, Thais; Miotto, Gabriela; Santana, Vitor Hugo; Brofman, Paulo Roberto


    Introduction We evaluated with transit time flow the performance of the right and left thoracic arteries when used as a graft for the left anterior descending artery. Methods Fifty patients undergoing surgery for myocardial revascularization without cardiopulmonary bypass were divided into two groups. In group A patients received graft of right internal mammary artery to the anterior interventricular branch. In group B patients received graft of left internal mammary artery to the same branch. At the end of the operation the flow was assessed by measuring transit time. Results In group A, mean age was 60.6±9.49 years. The average height and weight of the group was 80.4±10.32 kg and 169.2±6.86 cm. The average number of grafts per patient in this group was 3.28±1.49. The mean flow and distal resistance obtained in right internal thoracic artery was 42.1±23.4 ml/min and 2.8±0.9 respectively. In group B, the mean age was 59.8±9.7 years. The average height and weight of this group was 77.7±14.22 kg and 166.0±8.2 cm. The average number of grafts per patient in this group was 3.08 ±0.82. The mean flow and distal resistance observed in this group was 34.2±19.1 ml/min and 2.0±0.7. There were no deaths in this series. Conclusion Right internal mammary artery presented a similar behavior to left internal mammary artery when anastomosed to the anterior interventricular branch of the left coronary artery. There was no statistical difference between the measured flow obtained between both arteries. PMID:25140463

  16. Renal Artery Stenosis (RAS) Case study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zaater, M.K.


    Renal Artery Stenosis (RAS), is one of the causes of secondary hypertension; there are many causes of renal artery stenosis, as atherosclerosis of the renal artery which account for 90% of cases of RAS; fibromuscular dysplasia accounts for 10% of RAS. Various causes of thrombophilia either due congenital causes or acquired causes and can lead to RAS. Our patient was presented by acute attack of epistaxis and hypertension. Angiography of the Renal Arteries,are showed no sign of renal artery stenosis. However, the right kidney showed upper pole infarction, and the left kidney showed evidence of functional lower pole renal artery stenosis, although there is no anatomical stenosis detected in angiography. Work up for the cause of thrombophilia did not help in the diagnosis, which may be due to an undiscovered cause of thrombophilia

  17. Similar Outcomes in Diabetes Patients After Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting With Single Internal Thoracic Artery Plus Radial Artery Grafting and Bilateral Internal Thoracic Artery Grafting. (United States)

    Raza, Sajjad; Blackstone, Eugene H; Houghtaling, Penny L; Koprivanac, Marijan; Ravichandren, Kirthi; Javadikasgari, Hoda; Bakaeen, Faisal G; Svensson, Lars G; Sabik, Joseph F


    The purpose of this study was to determine in patients with diabetes mellitus whether single internal thoracic artery (SITA) plus radial artery (RA) grafting yields outcomes similar to those of bilateral internal thoracic artery (BITA) grafting. From January 1994 to January 2011, 1,325 diabetic patients underwent primary isolated coronary artery bypass graft surgery with either (1) SITA plus RA with or without saphenous vein (SV) grafts (n = 965) or (2) BITA with or without SV grafts (n = 360); an internal thoracic artery was used in all patients to graft the left anterior descending coronary artery. Endpoints were in-hospital outcomes and time-related mortality. Median follow-up was 7.4 years, with a total follow-up of 9,162 patient-years. Propensity score matching was performed to identify 282 well-matched pairs for adjusted comparisons. Unadjusted in-hospital mortality was 0.52% for SITA plus RA with or without SV grafts and 0.28% for BITA with or without SV grafts, and prevalence of deep sternal wound infection was 3.2% and 1.7%, respectively. Unadjusted survival at 1, 5, 10, and 14 years was 97%, 88%, 68%, and 51% for SITA plus RA with or without SV grafts, and 97%, 95%, 80%, and 66% for BITA with or without SV grafts, respectively. Among propensity-matched patients, in-hospital mortality (0.35% versus 0.35%) and prevalence of deep sternal wound infection (1.4% versus 1.4%) were similar (p > 0.9) in the two groups, as was 1-, 5-, 10-, and 14-year survival: 97%, 90%, 70%, and 58% for SITA plus RA with or without SV grafting versus 97%, 93%, 79%, and 64% for BITA with or without SV grafting, respectively (early p = 0.8, late p = 0.2). For diabetic patients, SITA plus RA with or without SV grafting and BITA with or without SV grafting yield similar in-hospital outcomes and long-term survival after coronary artery bypass graft surgery. Therefore, both SITA plus RA and BITA plus SV grafting should be considered for these patients. Copyright © 2017 The Society

  18. Multiple arterial grafts in coronary artery bypass grafting, Sohag University Hospital's initial experience

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    A.A.A. Elsayed


    Conclusions: Using multiple arterial grafts did not add a significant risk or time to the classic CABG. With accumulating evidence about better patency rate in arterial grafts, MAR is recommended especially in younger patients undergoing CABG.

  19. Hepatocellular carcinoma: the correlation between the enhancement in arterial-phase and lipiodol accumulation after the trans-arterial chemoembotherapy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tan Lilian; Li Yangbing; Li Shuxin; Jiang Jindai; Li Zhimin; Liang Tongjie; Zhou Shaoping; Han Minjun


    Objective: To investigate the relationship between enhancement in arterial-phase, indicating arterial blood supply of the lesions of hepatocellular carcinoma and lipiodol accumulation after the trans-arterial chemoembotherapy. Methods: CT images of primary hepatocellular carcinoma in 32 cases during the hepatic arterial-phase were retrospectively compared with the CT images of lipiodol distribution within the tumor after the trans-arterial chemoembotherapy. Results: The lipiodol distribution was classified into five types: homogeneous and compact(n=11), inhomogeneous though compact (n=7), scanty(n=5), poorly filled(n=3) and miscellaneous (n=3). The lipiodol has a homogeneous or inhomogeneous but compact distribution when remarkable enhancement of the tumor or dominant neoplastic vascularity was demonstrated during hepatic arterial-phase. The lipiodol distribution was scanty, poorly filled, or miscellaneous distributed in the nidus of the hepatocellular carcinoma with no or poor enhancement, or with hypo-vascularity during hepatic arterial-phase. Where there was abundant vascularity of the tumor, there would be a satisfying accumulation of the lipiodol. Conclusion: The CT assessmant of the arterial-phase vascularity of the hepatocellular provides valuable information of lipiodol accumulation after the trans-arterial chemoembotherapy. (authors)

  20. Topography of the accessory left gastric artery (ALGA) analyzed by CT angiography from the left hepatic artery

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shioyama, Yasukazu; Takasaka, Isao; Onaya, Hiroaki


    To avoid gastric complications when we perform transcatheter treatment via left hepatic artery, we analyzed the topography of ALGA (accessory left gastric artery) by left hepatic arteriography and CT angiography from left hepatic artery. Six hundred seventy eight cases of CT angiography were performed between 1995 and 2000. Among them, selective left hepatic arteriography was done in 85 cases. We analyzed the frequency and the course of ALGA on the hepatic angiogram and CT angiogram. ALGA were identified in eighteen (21.2 %) of the 85 cases. We classified them into eleven cases of the proximal type and six cases of the distal type. When ALGA bifurcated from the left hepatic artery very close to the bifurcation of A2 (dorsolateral branch) and A3 (ventrolateral branch), we classified them as the distal type on hepatic angiogram. On the other hand, when ALGA bifurcated from the left hepatic artery apart from the bifurcation of A2 and A3 they were classified as the proximal type. In one rare case ALGA originated from the dorsolateral branch of the left hepatic artery. ALGA were classified as the distal and proximal types. Distal type of ALGA often overlapped dorsolateral branch of the left hepatic artery, and it was sometimes difficult to notice the existence of them. We should check the existence of ALGA on the arterial phase of dynamic CT before we plan to make a transcatheter treatment from the left hepatic artery. Then we can avoid gastric complications caused by a transcatheter treatment from the left hepatic artery. (author)

  1. Identification of the segmental artery feeding the anterior spinal artery. Correlation between helical CT and angiography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nishimura, Jun-ichi; Lee, Jin; Koike, Shigeomi


    We investigated whether identification of the segmental artery feeding the anterior spinal artery (ASA) is possible by single-slice helical CT. Enhanced CT and angiography were performed in 14 patients with retroperitoneal, liver, or bone tumor. A single-slice helical CT scanner with 7 mm collimation and a 1.0 helical pitch was used. Scanning was started 25 to 30 sec after an intravenous injection of 100 ml of contrast medium at a rate of 3.0 ml/sec. We predicted the segmental artery feeding the ASA in all 14 patients using enhanced CT images. In 12 of the 14 patients, the segmental artery feeding the ASA was angiographically identified. In 7 of these 12 patients, the level of the segmental artery feeding the ASA identified on segmental arteriogram was the same level as that predicted by enhanced CT. In the remaining 5 patients, the level of the segmental artery feeding the ASA identified on segmental arteriogram was one level higher or lower than the predicted spinal level. We could identify the segmental artery feeding the ASA by detailed examination and interpretation of single-slice helical CT images. (author)

  2. A unique case of bifid left testicular artery having its anomalous high origin from renal artery

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    Ashwini P Aithal


    Full Text Available The testicular arteries are known to originate from the ventrolateral aspect of the abdominal aorta and descend obliquely to the pelvic cavity and supply the testis. An anatomical description of an uncommon variation of the left testicular artery is presented in this case report, highlighting its clinical implications. During routine dissection of a male cadaver, we found that the left testicular artery was bifid and it was arising from the left renal artery. After its origin, it then coursed behind the left renal vein, passed between the left testicular vein and left ureter and at the lower pole of the left kidney, this bifid testicular artery joined to form a single testicular artery which thereafter presented a normal course. Anatomy of the testicular artery has been studied in detail because of its importance in testicular physiology, as well as its significance in testicular and renal surgery. This vascular variation shows a major significance in renal surgery, partial or total nephrectomy, and renal transplant. In addition, this anatomical variation enhances the importance of arteriography or the Doppler ultrasound examination of the renal hilum before surgeries.

  3. Evaluation of Asymptomatic Peripheral Arterial Disease by Ankle-brachial Index in Patients with Concomitant Coronary Arterial Disease

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    Hosein Vakili


    Full Text Available Background: Peripheral arterial disease is associated with adverse cardiovascular outcomes. As such, it is found that screening for peripheral arterial disease (PAD improves risk assessment. Thus, intensive risk factor modification and medical treatment in these patients are necessary. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence of asymptomatic peripheral arterial disease in patients with concomitant coronary arterial disease. Methods: Asymptomatic peripheral arterial disease was investigated in 400 patients (60% males, 40% females, aged 59.7± 11.3 with a documented coronary arterial disease. Results: Among patients with documented CAD, 12% had asymptomatic PAD with the ABI ratio of less than 0.9. Conclusions: It is advisable to screen for PAD not only as a disease but also as a risk assessment method for atherosclerosis.


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    Banavathu Daya Bharath Singh


    Full Text Available Anastomosis found in the adulthood between the carotid and vertebro - basilar systems, apart from the posterior communicating artery, are extremely infrequent and are due to the persistence of vessels that joined both systems during the fetal period. This carotid - vertebrobasilar anastomosis are the trigeminal, otic, and hypoglossal and proatlantal arteries. P ersistent trigeminal artery is the commonest of the above mentioned four arteries. The reported incidence is about 0.2%. Patients may be asymptomatic or present symptoms due to low flow of posterior circulation or carotid microembolization from posterior circulation. PTA can cause trigemina l neuralgia. We report in this paper a case of a persistant trigeminal artery found in an adult female with a para p com aneurysm who had persistent trigeminal artery which was seen in C T angiogram .

  5. Superselective pseudo-continuous arterial spin labeling angiography

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jensen-Kondering, Ulf [Department of Radiology and Neuroradiology, University Medical Center Schleswig-Holstein, Kiel (Germany); Lindner, Thomas, E-mail: [Department of Radiology and Neuroradiology, University Medical Center Schleswig-Holstein, Kiel (Germany); Osch, Matthias J.P. van [C. J. Gorter Center for High Field MRI, Department of Radiology, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden (Netherlands); Rohr, Axel; Jansen, Olav [Department of Radiology and Neuroradiology, University Medical Center Schleswig-Holstein, Kiel (Germany); Helle, Michael [Department of Radiology and Neuroradiology, University Medical Center Schleswig-Holstein, Kiel (Germany); Now with Philips GmbH Innovative Technologies, Research Laboratories, Hamburg (Germany)


    Highlights: • Superselective arterial spin labeling was capable of acquiring angiograms of individually selected arteries. • Image quality was similar compared with a routinely used time-of-flight angiography. • Superselective arterial spin labeling was utilized in patients with arterio-venous malformations and made it possible to visualize individual feeding vessels in a complete non-invasive way - Abstract: Purpose: To evaluate the utility of a novel non-contrast enhanced, vessel-selective magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) approach based on superselective pseudo-continuous arterial spin labeling (ASL) for the morphologic assessment of intracranial arteries when compared to a clinically used time-of-flight (TOF) MRA. Materials and methods: Three sets of selective ASL angiographies (right and left internal carotid artery, basilar artery) as well as one TOF data set were obtained from each of the five volunteers included in this study on a clinical 1.5T system. The depiction of arterial segments as well as their delineation was evaluated and independently analyzed by two radiologists. Additionally, the ASL angiography approach was performed in two patients suffering from arterio-venous malformations (AVM) in order to illustrate potential applications in a clinical setting. Results: In both angiography techniques, intracranial arteries and their segments (distal branches up to A5 segments of the anterior cerebral arteries, M8 segments of the middle cerebral arteries, and P5 segments of the posterior cerebral arteries) were continuously depicted with excellent inter-reader agreement (κ > 0.81). In AVM patients, reconstructed images of the TOF angiography presented similar information about the size and shape of the AVM as did superselective ASL angiography. In addition, the acquired ASL angiograms of selected vessels allowed assessing the blood supply of individually labeled arteries to the AVM which could also be confirmed by digital subtraction angiography

  6. Superselective pseudo-continuous arterial spin labeling angiography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jensen-Kondering, Ulf; Lindner, Thomas; Osch, Matthias J.P. van; Rohr, Axel; Jansen, Olav; Helle, Michael


    Highlights: • Superselective arterial spin labeling was capable of acquiring angiograms of individually selected arteries. • Image quality was similar compared with a routinely used time-of-flight angiography. • Superselective arterial spin labeling was utilized in patients with arterio-venous malformations and made it possible to visualize individual feeding vessels in a complete non-invasive way - Abstract: Purpose: To evaluate the utility of a novel non-contrast enhanced, vessel-selective magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) approach based on superselective pseudo-continuous arterial spin labeling (ASL) for the morphologic assessment of intracranial arteries when compared to a clinically used time-of-flight (TOF) MRA. Materials and methods: Three sets of selective ASL angiographies (right and left internal carotid artery, basilar artery) as well as one TOF data set were obtained from each of the five volunteers included in this study on a clinical 1.5T system. The depiction of arterial segments as well as their delineation was evaluated and independently analyzed by two radiologists. Additionally, the ASL angiography approach was performed in two patients suffering from arterio-venous malformations (AVM) in order to illustrate potential applications in a clinical setting. Results: In both angiography techniques, intracranial arteries and their segments (distal branches up to A5 segments of the anterior cerebral arteries, M8 segments of the middle cerebral arteries, and P5 segments of the posterior cerebral arteries) were continuously depicted with excellent inter-reader agreement (κ > 0.81). In AVM patients, reconstructed images of the TOF angiography presented similar information about the size and shape of the AVM as did superselective ASL angiography. In addition, the acquired ASL angiograms of selected vessels allowed assessing the blood supply of individually labeled arteries to the AVM which could also be confirmed by digital subtraction angiography

  7. Congenital Absence of Left Circumflex Coronary Artery

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    Zahra Ansari


    Full Text Available Congenital absence of left circumflex artery is a rare congenitalanomaly of the coronary arteries. The prevalence of theanomaly in different studies ranges from 0.6% to 1.3%. Ofthese, 80% are benign and asymptomatic and 20% are clinicallyimportant. We report a 56-year-old man presented withacute resting chest pain who was diagnosed as having acuteanterolateral infarction accompanied by electrocardiographicchanges and elevated cardiac enzymes. Coronary angiographyin different views was conducted, however, no left circumflexartery was found. The territory supplied by the artery had beenperfused by the super dominant right coronary artery. Therewas no left circumflex coronary artery with anomalous origin.Sever stenosis of left anterior ascending artery superimposedto the absent left circumflex artery was presented as acute anterolateralinfarction. Although absence of the artery is mostlyconsidered as a benign condition, atherosclerotic lesions maybe more important in such cases because of diminished compensatingmechanisms.

  8. Percutaneous angioplasty of carotid artery stenoses

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Freitag, G.; Freitag, J.; Koch, R.D.; Wagemann, W.


    Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA) is a well-established method to remedy stenoses and short occlusions in the femoro-popliteal region and has also proved worthwhile in dilating stenoses of pelvic, renal and coronary arteries. Following successful experiments in animals, Mathias et al. employed angioplasty to treat carotid artery stenoses in the same way. To date, successful treatment of carotid artery stenoses has been described only in isolated recent reports. For fear of embolism, angioplasty has not yet become standard practice in this region. Because of the limited number of carotid artery stenoses treated so far, the risk involved cannot be reliably assessed. It is remarkable that no embolism has been reported for the greater number of dilated stenoses of the subclavian artery. Moreover, the report by Mathias et al. indicated that for 350 angioplasties of pelvifemoral arteries 1.1% embolisms occured after artery occlusions only, while no embolism was observed after stenoses. Having gained experience of applying PTA to the treatment of vascular obstructions of extremities, we have adopted this technique in the carotid area as well.

  9. Programación fetal de la hipertensión arterial del adulto: mecanismos celulares y moleculares Fetal programming of adult arterial hypertension: cellular and molecular mechanisms

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Robinson Ramírez


    Full Text Available Cambios metabólicos in utero establecen patrones fisiológicos y estructurales a largo plazo que pueden "programar" la salud durante la vida adulta, teoría popularmente conocida como "hipótesis de Barker". La programación fetal implica que durante los períodos críticos del crecimiento prenatal, ciertos cambios en el entorno hormonal y nutricional del embrión, pueden alterar la expresión del genoma fetal, en tejidos con funciones fisiológicas y metabólicas en la etapa adulta. La evidencia sugiere que patologías como enfermedad vascular (por ejemplo, hipertensión, síndrome metabólico y diabetes mellitus tipo 2, pueden "programarse" durante las primeras etapas del desarrollo fetal y manifestarse en etapas tardías, al interactuar con el estilo de vida y otros factores de riesgo adquiridos convencionales con el medio ambiente. El objetivo de esta revisión es presentar evidencia adicional que apoye la asociación entre el bajo peso al nacer, con el aumento en la prevalencia de la hipertensión arterial en la edad adulta. Se revisan la función endotelial, el estrés oxidativo, la resistencia a la insulina y la función mitocondrial, como posibles mecanismos celulares y moleculares.Metabolic changes in utero establish long-term physiological and structural patterns which can "program" health in adulthood, theory popularly known as "Barker hypothesis". The fetal programming implies that during critical periods of prenatal growth, some changes in hormonal and nutritional environment of the embryo can alter fetal genome expression in tissues with physiological and metabolic functions in adulthood. Evidence suggests that pathologies like vascular disease (eg, hypertension, metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes mellitus, may "be programmed" during the early stages of fetal development and manifest in later stages, when interacting with lifestyle and other conventional acquired risk factors with the environment. The aim of this review is to

  10. Two cases of upper gingival cancer with a new superselective intra-arterial chemotherapy method from superficial temporal artery. Combined with arterial redistribution and preoperative embolization

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tange, Kazuhisa; Fukuta, Kohta; Higa, Teruo


    We have begun to apply arterial redistribution and preoperative embolization in superselective intra-arterial chemotherapy from the superficial temporal artery. This study examines two typical cases of upper gingival cancer. Case 1 was a male, age 61, with T4N0M0 upper gingival cancer. Drug dosage began with 50-100 mg/m 2 /day of 5-fluorouracil (FU), while 15 mg/m 2 /hour of Docetaxel was also given once a week for three weeks. At the same time, radiation therapy with a total of 30 Gy (2 Gy at a time) was given. Immediately before the operation, embolization in the internal maxillary artery was performed in order to limit bleeding. Case 2 was a female, age 73, with T3N0M0 upper gingival cancer. This patient was also given 5-FU and Docetaxel for four weeks respectively with a total of 40 Gy radiation therapy. No operation was performed. Both cases gained complete response (CR) with a sole side effect of grade 3 mucositis. Superselective intra-arterial chemotherapy with arterial redistribution in the oral area is highly effective due to local, concentrated dosage of anticancer drug and reduced side effects. It is a promising method to replace surgical operation especially in cases of upper gingival cancer, whose tumor is often limited to the internal maxillary artery alone. (author)

  11. Parameters of Blood Flow in Great Arteries in Hypertensive ISIAH Rats with Stress-Dependent Arterial Hypertension. (United States)

    Seryapina, A A; Shevelev, O B; Moshkin, M P; Markel', A L


    Magnetic resonance angiography was used to examine blood flow in great arteries of hypertensive ISIAH and normotensive Wistar rats. In hypertensive ISIAH rats, increased vascular resistance in the basin of the abdominal aorta and renal arteries as well as reduced fraction of total renal blood flow were found. In contrast, blood flow through both carotid arteries in ISIAH rats was enhanced, which in suggests more intensive blood supply to brain regulatory centers providing enhanced stress reactivity of these rats characterized by stress-dependent arterial hypertension.

  12. Relationship of left ventricular, elastic and muscular arteries remodeling in patients with uncontrolled arterial hypertension

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    S. Ya. Dotsenko


    Full Text Available Introduction. Uncontrolled hypertension is observed in 65-92% of hypertensive patients. It plays an important role in the development of adverse cardiovascular events and survival, which depend on subclinical target organ damage. There are reports on the relationship between ineffective hypertension control and left ventricular (LV hypertrophy or large arteries stiffness. However, the nature of the remodeling in uncontrolled hypertension remains poorly understood. Objective: to study the character and relationship of left ventricular and arterial remodeling depending on effectiveness of hypertension control. Design and method. We performed a study of 363 hypertensive patients (160 men and 203 women aged 50,8 ± 1,2 years without comorbidities, which were divided into 3 groups according to the effectiveness of blood pressure (BP control: 160 patients with controlled hypertension, 142 patients with uncontrolled hypertension and 61 patients with resistant hypertension. Uncontrolled BP based on measured systolic BP≥140 mmHg and diastolic BP≥90 mmHg. Remodeling indexes of left ventricular, elastic (common carotid and muscular (brachial artery were evaluated by the ultrasonic method. The severity and character of diastolic dysfunction, hypertrophy, types of remodeling and stiffness were assessed. Statistical processing of the results was performed using Student's t criterion and Pearson correlation analysis. Results and discussion. According to the results of the study, uncontrolled hypertension affected the development of subclinical cardiovascular lesions negatively. Thus, LV hypertrophy was detected more frequently in the third group (91,8% in resistant hypertension versus 46,8% in controlled hypertension, p<0,05. Differences in LV geometry with increasing of concentric remodeling types were also observed more frequently in the third group, where concentric remodeling and concentric hypertrophy types were founded in 14,8% and 59


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    Kevin Perromat Agustín


    Full Text Available La literatura arábiga medieval posee la singularidad de haber elaborado una teoría considerable sobre la intertextualidad y los límites de la apropiación e imitación poéticas. En este contexto, los tratadistas árabes consideraron simultánea y paradojicamente el plagio (sariqa como infracción de las normas literarias y como uno más de los recursos literarios legítimos del poeta. Por el momento se desconoce su posible ascendiente en las poéticas medievales del Occidente cristiano, aunque, a la luz de determinadas evidencias, no es descartable una influencia tangencial o implícita. Por este motivo, el estudio de los autores de al-Ándalus, así como de otros territorios fronterizos, reviste un gran interés en tanto escenarios privilegiados de estos intercambios textuales.

  14. Percutaneous coronary intervention versus coronary-artery bypass grafting for severe coronary artery disease

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    P.W.J.C. Serruys (Patrick); M-C. Morice (Marie-Claude); A.P. Kappetein (Arie Pieter); A. Colombo (Antonio); D.R. Holmes Jr (David); M.J. Mack (Michael); E. Stahle (Elisabeth); T.E. Feldman (Ted); M.J.B.M. van den Brand (Marcel); E.J. Bass (Eric); N. van Dyck (Nic); K. Leadly (Katrin); K.D. Dawkins (Keith); F.W. Mohr (Friedrich)


    textabstractBACKGROUND Percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) involving drug-eluting stents is increasingly used to treat complex coronary artery disease, although coronary-artery bypass grafting (CABG) has been the treatment of choice historically. Our trial compared PCI and CABG for treating

  15. Anatomical variation of celiac axis, superior mesenteric artery, and hepatic artery: Evaluation with multidetector computed tomography angiography

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    Maryam Farghadani


    Full Text Available Background: The celiac axis, superior mesenteric artery (SMA, and hepatic artery are the most important branches of abdominal aorta due to their vascularization field. The aim of our study was to evaluate the prevalence of different anatomical variation of celiac axis, SMA, hepatic artery, and its branches with multidetector computed tomography (MDCT angiography of upper abdomen arteries. Materials and Methods: MDCT of 607 kidney donor and traumatic patients that referred to MDCT unit at Al Zahra Hospital in Isfahan from 2012 to 2015 were retrospectively evaluated. We excluded patients with history of abdominal vascular surgery and hepatic or pancreatic surgery. Computed tomography images of the patient were obtained with 64-row MDCT scanner and anatomical variations were analyzed. Results: Three hundred and eighty-eight (63.9% of the 607 patients had classic arterial anatomy and 219 (36.1% patients had variant types. The most common type of variation was the origin of the right hepatic artery (RHA from SMA (9.6%, and the next common variation was the origin of the left hepatic artery (LHA from the left gastric artery (6.9%. Variations in the origin of the common hepatic artery (CHA were seen in 16 (2.6% patients. Buhler arc was identified in two patients. The RHA originated from the celiac axis in 11 (1.8% patients and from the aorta in 8 (1.3% patients. Trifurcation of CHA into gastroduodenal artery, RHA, and LHA was detected in 11 (1.8% patients. Conclusion: The results of the present study showed that anatomical variation occurs in a high percentage of patients. Detection of these variations can guide surgical and radiological interventional planning.

  16. Fibulin-4 is essential for maintaining arterial wall integrity in conduit but not muscular arteries. (United States)

    Halabi, Carmen M; Broekelmann, Thomas J; Lin, Michelle; Lee, Vivian S; Chu, Mon-Li; Mecham, Robert P


    Homozygous or compound heterozygous mutations in fibulin-4 ( FBLN4 ) lead to autosomal recessive cutis laxa type 1B (ARCL1B), a multisystem disorder characterized by significant cardiovascular abnormalities, including abnormal elastin assembly, arterial tortuosity, and aortic aneurysms. We sought to determine the consequences of a human disease-causing mutation in FBLN4 (E57K) on the cardiovascular system and vascular elastic fibers in a mouse model of ARCL1B. Fbln4 E57K/E57K mice were hypertensive and developed arterial elongation, tortuosity, and ascending aortic aneurysms. Smooth muscle cell organization within the arterial wall of large conducting vessels was abnormal, and elastic fibers were fragmented and had a moth-eaten appearance. In contrast, vessel wall structure and elastic fiber integrity were normal in resistance/muscular arteries (renal, mesenteric, and saphenous). Elastin cross-linking and total elastin content were unchanged in large or small arteries, whereas elastic fiber architecture was abnormal in large vessels. While the E57K mutation did not affect Fbln4 mRNA levels, FBLN4 protein was lower in the ascending aorta of mutant animals compared to wild-type arteries but equivalent in mesenteric arteries. We found a differential role of FBLN4 in elastic fiber assembly, where it functions mainly in large conduit arteries. These results suggest that elastin assembly has different requirements depending on vessel type. Normal levels of elastin cross-links in mutant tissue call into question FBLN4's suggested role in mediating lysyl oxidase-elastin interactions. Future studies investigating tissue-specific elastic fiber assembly may lead to novel therapeutic interventions for ARCL1B and other disorders of elastic fiber assembly.

  17. Bland-White-Garland syndrome of anomalous left coronary artery arising from the pulmonary artery (ALCAPA): a historical review

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cowles, Robert A.; Berdon, Walter E.


    The landmark 1933 case report from Massachusetts General Hospital by Bland, White and Garland (Am Heart J 8:787-801) described a 3-month-old child with progressive feeding problems, cardiomegaly on chest radiography, and EKG evidence of left ventricular damage. Of interest was the fact that the vigilant father of the infant was Aubrey Hampton, a radiologist and future chairman of radiology at Massachusetts General Hospital. At autopsy, the left coronary artery originated from the pulmonary artery rather than from the aorta. Effective treatment for this condition was not available until 1960 when Sabiston, Neill and Taussig showed that the blood flowed from the left coronary artery toward the pulmonary artery. The anomalous left coronary artery was ligated at its junction with the pulmonary artery and the child survived. This historical review of Bland-White-Garland syndrome, now known as anomalous left coronary artery arising from the pulmonary artery (ALCAPA), stresses the continued diagnostic significance of cardiomegaly on chest radiography and EKG changes suggesting left ventricular damage in 2- to 3-month-old infants with feeding intolerance or irritability. With a high index of suspicion, an echocardiogram can be obtained to confirm the diagnosis. Modern surgical methods involve left coronary artery translocation and afford excellent outcomes. (orig.)

  18. Angiographic manifestation and transcatheter arterial embolization of proper esophageal artery in hemoptysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jiang Sen; Zhu Xiaohua; Sun Xiwen; Zhi Wenxiang; Jie Bing; You Zhengqian; Yu Dong; Peng Gang


    Objective: To investigate the angiographic manifestation of the proper esophageal artery (PEA), the high risk factors for the presence of the anomalous PEA in hemoptysis and to evaluate the safety of transcatheter arterial embolization (TAE) of the PEA using gelatin sponge (GS). Methods: Selective esophageal arteriography was performed in forty-three patients with hemoptysis, including 15 cases of pulmonary tuberculosis, 18 cases of bronchiectasis, 7 cases of posttuberculous bronchiectasis and three cases of lung cancer. One case experienced failure of bronchial arterial embolization. The angiographic manifestation of the PEAs was studied. The complications of the procedure and clinical results were observed in the patients who underwent TAE using GS. Results: Thirty-nine PEAs were catheterized selectively in 37 patients (86.0%). Eighteen anomalous PEAs (46.2%) were catheterized selectively in 17 patients (45.9%). The anomalous PEAs showed tortuosity, dilatation, hyperplasia, shunting with pulmonary artery and anastomosis with the bronchial artery. All lesions involved basal segment of inferior pulmonary lobar. Bronchiectasis was the most frequent disease for PEA abnormality. No complications occurred and satisfactory curative effect was achieved with TAE of the anomalous PEAs. Conclusions: It is necessary to perform selective proper esophageal arteriography when the lesion involves basal segment of inferior pulmonary lobar in hemoptysis. Supplemental TAE of the anomalous PEA using GS is safe and valuable in the management of hemoptysis. (authors)

  19. Successful transcatheter closure of coronary artery fistula in a child with single coronary artery: a heavy load and a long road. (United States)

    Phasalkar, Manjunath; Thakkar, Bhavesh; Poptani, Vishal


    Single coronary artery is an uncommon variation of the coronary circulation. After transposition of great arteries, coronary artery fistulas are the most common associated cardiac anomalies in these patients. Transcatheter closure of coronary artery fistula (CAF) involving single coronary artery is a challenging intervention. In the absence of contralateral coronary artery, a complex anatomy of the CAF and a large myocardial perfusion territory of the dominant circulation pose an additional risk during interventional procedure. We report our experience of a successful transcatheter closure of a coronary artery fistula in a patient with single coronary artery. Copyright © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  20. Coronary artery with aberrant origin malignant right

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ozcan, E.; Bozlar, U.; Demirkol, S.; Saglam, M.


    Full text: Introduction: Congenital anomalies of the coronary arteries is a major cause of sudden death, especially in young patients. Objectives and tasks: In this study we aim to present a young patient with chest pain who had malignant right coronary artery (RCA) with aberrant origin. Materials and methods: 24-year-old man who applied cardiology clinic for chest pain and palpitations especially after exercise, was referred to our clinic for coronary computed tomography (CT) angiography to evaluate coronary artery anomalies. Results: In CT angiography; we detected aberrant RCA with origin of tubularly part of ascendant aorta with a malignant course between aorta and pulmonary artery. Left main coronary artery, left anterior descending and circumflex artery had normal origin and course. Conclusion: Coronary artery with malignant course may cause sudden death especially after exercise. Coronary CT angiography has an important role in diagnosis of congenital coronary artery anomalies, with high resolution multiplanner reformatted images

  1. [Secondary Arterial Hypertension: Uncertainties in Diagnosis]. (United States)

    Dinis, Paulo Gomes; Cachulo, Maria Carmo; Fernandes, Andreia; Paiva, Luis; Gonçalves, Lino


    Arterial hypertension is regarded today as a global public health problem, and the prevalence rate in Portugal is 26.9%. According to the etiology, is classified into primary or secondary arterial hypertension. In about 90% of cases it is not possible to establish a cause, so is called primary arterial hypertension. In the remaining 5 to 10%, it can be identified secondary causes, which are potentially treatable. For secondary arterial hypertension study to be cost-effective, it is essential to understand which patients investigate, and evaluate the best strategy to adopt. The main causes identified as responsible for secondary arterial hypertension are: kidney disease; endocrine and vascular diseases and obstructive sleep apnea. Among these some are consensual, and others more controversial in the literature. In this regard we present two cases of arterial hypertension, which are potentially secondary in etiology, but still focus of debate.

  2. Left bronchial artery arising from a replaced left hepatic artery in a patient with massive hemoptysis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Khil, Eun Kyung; Lee, Jae Myung [Dept. of Radiology, Soonchunhyang University College of Medicine, Bucheon Hospital, Bucheon (Korea, Republic of)


    A 70-year-old man with a 3-year history of bronchiectasis presented with massive hemoptysis that had lasted for 3 days. In our attempt to perform bronchial artery embolization, upper abdominal angiography was required to locate the left bronchial artery, which in this case was of anomalous origin, arising from a replaced left hepatic artery, which arose from the left gastric artery-a very unusual anatomical variant. We performed embolization with polyvinyl alcohol particles, and the patient's symptoms resolved completely, with no additional complications after conservative treatment.

  3. Mechanical design in arteries. (United States)

    Shadwick, R E


    The most important mechanical property of the artery wall is its non-linear elasticity. Over the last century, this has been well-documented in vessels in many animals, from humans to lobsters. Arteries must be distensible to provide capacitance and pulse-smoothing in the circulation, but they must also be stable to inflation over a range of pressure. These mechanical requirements are met by strain-dependent increases in the elastic modulus of the vascular wall, manifest by a J-shaped stress-strain curve, as typically exhibited by other soft biological tissues. All vertebrates and invertebrates with closed circulatory systems have arteries with this non-linear behaviour, but specific tissue properties vary to give correct function for the physiological pressure range of each species. In all cases, the non-linear elasticity is a product of the parallel arrangement of rubbery and stiff connective tissue elements in the artery wall, and differences in composition and tissue architecture can account for the observed variations in mechanical properties. This phenomenon is most pronounced in large whales, in which very high compliance in the aortic arch and exceptionally low compliance in the descending aorta occur, and is correlated with specific modifications in the arterial structure.

  4. Tuberothalamic Artery Infarction Following Coil Embolization of a Ruptured Posterior Communicating Artery Aneurysm Belonging to a Transitional Type Posterior Cerebral Artery: A Case Report


    Lee, Kyeong Duk; Kwon, Soon Chan; Muniandy, Sarawana; Park, Eun Suk; Sim, Hong Bo; Lyo, In Uk


    There are many potential anatomical variations in the connection between the internal carotid artery and the posterior circulation through the posterior communicating artery (PCoA). We describe the endovascular treatment of an aneurysm arising near the origin of the PCoA belonging to a transitional type posterior cerebral artery. Coil embolization subsequently resulted in thrombo-occlusion of the adjacent PCoA causing thalamic infarction even though sufficient retrograde flow had been confirm...

  5. Bronchial Artery and Systemic Artery Embolization in the Management of Primary Lung Cancer Patients with Hemoptysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Park, Hong Suk; Kim, Young Il; Kim, Hyae Young; Zo, Jae-Ill; Lee, Joo Hyuk; Lee, Jin Soo


    Purpose. To assess the safety and effectiveness of arterial embolization in lung cancer patients with hemoptysis. Methods. Nineteen primary lung cancer patients with hemoptysis underwent bronchial artery and systemic artery embolization from April 2002 to March 2005. There were 17 men and 2 women, with a mean age of 59 years. Histologic analysis revealed squamous cell carcinoma in 10 patients and poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma in 9 patients. The amount of hemoptysis was bleeding of 25-50 ml within 24 hr in 8 patients, recurrent blood-tinged sputum in 6, and bleeding of 100 ml or more per 24 hr in 5. Embolization was done with a superselective technique using a microcatheter and polyvinyl alcohol particles to occlude the affected vessels. Results. Arterial embolization was technically successful in all patients and clinically successful in 15 patients (79%). The average number of arteries embolized was 1.2. Bronchial arteriography revealed staining (all patients), dilatation of the artery or hypervascularity (10 patients), and bronchopulmonary shunt (6 patients). The recurrence rate was 33% (5/15) and 11 patients were alive with a mean follow-up time of 148 days (30-349 days). Conclusion. Arterial embolotherapy for hemoptysis in patients with primary lung cancer is an effective, safe therapeutic modality despite the fact the vascular changes are subtle on angiography

  6. Roentgenologic anatomy of dog arteries

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rehak, J.; Hlava, A.; Bavor, J.


    In catheter methods in dogs the knowledge of the roentgenologic anatomy of blood vessels is very important. Because of lacking in such roentgenologic anatomic schemes 5 arterial schemes in relation to the skeleton were elaborated. The system of arteries was divided into five regions: chest, head and neck in submentooccipital and lateral projection, abdomen and pelvis. The schemes comprise 75 of the main arteries of the dog. (author)

  7. The artery blood supply variant of the upper limb (United States)



    Variations of arterial patterns in the upper limb have represented the most common subject of vascular anatomy. Different types of artery branching pattern of the upper limb are very important for orthopedists in angiographic and microvascular surgical practice. The brachial artery (BA) is the most important vessel in the normal vascular anatomy of the upper limb. The classical pattern of the palmar hand region distribution shows the superficial palmar arch. Normally this arch is formed by the superficial branch of the ulnar artery and completed on the lateral side by one of these arteries: the superficial palmar branch of the radial artery, the princeps pollicis artery, the superficial palmar branch of the radial artery or the median artery. After the routine dissection of the right upper limb of an adult male cadaver, we found a very rare variant of the superficial arch artery – a division in a higher level brachial artery. We found this division at 10.4 cm from the beginning of the brachial artery. This superficial brachial artery became a radial artery and was not involved in the formation of the palm arch. In the forearm region, the artery variant was present with the median artery and the ulnar artery, which form the superficial palm arch. PMID:26733754

  8. Development of extrahepatic arterial blood supply to the liver during hepatic arterial infusion chemotherapy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Seki, H.; Kimura, M.; Yoshimura, N.; Yamamoto, S.; Ozaki, T.; Sakai, K.


    The aim of this study was to evaluate the correlation of development of the collateral circulation to the liver during hepatic arterial infusion chemotherapy (HAIC) with the presence of hepatic tumours adjacent to the hepatic surface, and with pretreatment occlusion of aberrant hepatic arteries. In 102 patients with unresectable malignant hepatic tumours treated with HAIC using an implantable port system, development of collaterals to the liver was assessed with CT arteriography using the implantable port and pre- and postoperative angiography. Aberrant hepatic arteries, if present, were occluded prior to treatment for hepatic arterial redistribution. Collaterals to the liver were seen in 29 patients, who had 35 areas with collateral perfusion: 22 areas were in the right posterosuperior area, 6 in the left peripheral area and 7 in the right or left lobar area. Collaterals were revealed more frequently in patients with hepatic tumours adjacent to the hepatic surface than in those without hepatic tumours in peripheral areas in the liver (p < 0.0001). In addition, collaterals developed more frequently in patients with an aberrant hepatic arterial anatomy compared with those with conventional anatomy (p = 0.0007). Our results indicated that patients with hepatic tumours adjacent to the hepatic surface and with pretreatment occlusion of aberrant hepatic arteries had the potential to develop collaterals to the liver during HAIC. (orig.)

  9. Magnetic resonance imaging of popliteal artery pathologies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Holden, Andrew; Merrilees, Stephen; Mitchell, Nicola; Hill, Andrew


    This paper illustrates examples of popliteal artery pathologies imaged with contrast enhanced magnetic resonance angiography (CE-MRA) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) at a single tertiary referral centre. Popliteal artery pathologies were identified in 1710 patients referred over a 6-year period with symptoms suggesting lower limb arterial occlusive disease. Common pathologies such as atherosclerotic occlusive disease, thromboemboli and aneurysm disease are discussed as well as unusual pathologies such as cystic adventitial disease, mycotic aneurysm and arterial entrapment. The combination of CE-MRA and the excellent soft tissue resolution of MRI allow detailed evaluation of arterial and peri-arterial pathologies, and facilitate appropriate management decisions

  10. Magnetic resonance imaging of popliteal artery pathologies

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Holden, Andrew [Department of Radiology, Auckland City Hospital, Park Road, Grafton, Auckland 9 (New Zealand)], E-mail:; Merrilees, Stephen [Department of Radiology, Auckland City Hospital, Park Road, Grafton, Auckland 9 (New Zealand)], E-mail:; Mitchell, Nicola [Department of Radiology, Auckland City Hospital, Park Road, Grafton, Auckland 9 (New Zealand)], E-mail:; Hill, Andrew [Department of Vascular Surgery, Auckland City Hospital, Park Road, Grafton, Auckland 9 (New Zealand)], E-mail:


    This paper illustrates examples of popliteal artery pathologies imaged with contrast enhanced magnetic resonance angiography (CE-MRA) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) at a single tertiary referral centre. Popliteal artery pathologies were identified in 1710 patients referred over a 6-year period with symptoms suggesting lower limb arterial occlusive disease. Common pathologies such as atherosclerotic occlusive disease, thromboemboli and aneurysm disease are discussed as well as unusual pathologies such as cystic adventitial disease, mycotic aneurysm and arterial entrapment. The combination of CE-MRA and the excellent soft tissue resolution of MRI allow detailed evaluation of arterial and peri-arterial pathologies, and facilitate appropriate management decisions.

  11. Evaluation of different diameter arterial tubing and arterial cannulae in simulated neonatal/pediatric cardiopulmonary bypass circuits. (United States)

    Wang, Shigang; Rosenthal, Tami; Kunselman, Allen R; Ündar, Akif


    The objective of this study is to evaluate three different diameters of arterial tubing and three diameters of arterial cannulae in terms of pressure drop, and hemodynamic energy delivery in simulated neonatal/pediatric cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) circuits. The CPB circuit consisted of a Terumo Capiox Baby FX05 oxygenator (Terumo Corporation, Tokyo, Japan), arterial tubing (1/4 in, 3/16 in, or 1/8 in × 150 cm), and a Medtronic Bio-Medicus arterial cannula (8, 10, or 12 Fr; Medtronic, Inc., Minneapolis, MN, USA). The pseudo patient's pressure was maintained at 50 mm Hg. The circuit was primed using lactated Ringer's solution and heparinized packed human red blood cells (hematocrit 30%). Trials were conducted at different flow rates and temperatures (35 and 28°C). Flow and pressure data were collected using a custom-based data acquisition system. Using 8 Fr arterial cannula at 500 mL/min, small diameter arterial tubing generated higher circuit pressure (294.6 ± 0.1 mm Hg [1/8 in], 213.5 ± 0.5 mm Hg [3/16 in], 208.4 ± 0.4 mm Hg [1/4 in] at 35°C) and arterial line pressure drop (158.3 ± 0.1 mm Hg [1/8 in], 79.6 ± 0.1 mm Hg [3/16 in], 62.1 ± 0.1 mm Hg [1/4 in] at 35°C). Using 10 Fr arterial cannula at 1000 mL/min, pre-oxygenator pressures were 266.8 ± 0.2 mm Hg (3/16 in) and 248.0 ± 0.3 mm Hg (1/4 in); arterial line pressure drops were 111.6 ± 0.0 mm Hg (3/16 in) and 74.0 ± 0.1 mm Hg (1/4 in) at 35°C. When using 12 Fr arterial cannula at 1500 mL/min, preoxygenator pressures reached 324.4 ± 0.3 mm Hg (3/16 in) and 302.5 ± 0.4 mm Hg (1/4 in); arterial line pressure drops were 154.0 ± 0.1 mm Hg (3/16 in) and 92.0 ± 0.2 mm Hg (1/4 in) at 35°C. Pressure drops across arterial line tubing were main CPB circuit pressure drops. High flow rate, hypothermia, small diameter arterial tubing. and

  12. Brachiomedian artery (arteria brachiomediana revisited: a comprehensive review

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    David Kachlik


    Full Text Available This article reviews in detail the superficial brachiomedian artery (arteria brachiomediana superficialis, a very rare variant of the main arterial trunks of the upper limb. It branches either from the axillary artery or the brachial artery, descends superficially in the arm (similar to the course of the superficial brachial artery and continues across the cubital fossa, runs superficially in the forearm, approaches the median nerve and enters the carpal canal to reach the hand. It usually terminates in the superficial palmar arch. The first drawing was published, in 1830, and the first description was published, in 1844. Altogether, to our knowledge, only 31 cases of a true, superficial brachiomedian artery have been reported (Some cases are incorrectly reported as superficial brachioradiomedian artery or superficial brachioulnomedian artery. Based on a meta-analysis of known, available studies, the incidence is 0.23% in Caucasians and 1.48% in Mongolians. Knowing whether or not this arterial variant is present is important in clinical medicine and relevant for: The catheterization via the radial or ulnar artery; harvesting the vascular pedicle for a forearm flap based on the radial, ulnar or superficial brachiomedian arteries; the possible collateral circulation in cases of the arterial closure; and the surgical management of carpal tunnel syndrome. Its presence can elevate the danger of an injury to the superficially located variant artery or of an accidental injection.

  13. Hypothenar hammer syndrome: long-term follow-up after ulnar artery reconstruction with the lateral circumflex femoral artery. (United States)

    de Niet, A; Van Uchelen, J H


    In symptomatic patients with hypothenar hammer syndrome, the occluded part of the ulnar artery can be reconstructed with an autologous graft. Venous grafts are used frequently, but they are known for their low patency rate. Arterial grafts show better patency rates than venous grafts in coronary bypass surgery. We performed 11 ulnar artery reconstructions with the descending branch of the lateral circumflex femoral artery and compared these with previously performed venous reconstructions. All patients with an arterial graft reconstruction had a patent graft at a mean follow-up of 63 months. In addition, nine out of 11 patients reported improvement in their symptoms. The patency rate of venous reconstructions in hypothenar hammer syndrome is significantly lower. Arterial grafting for hypothenar hammer syndrome has superior patency compared with venous grafting; we recommend it as the surgical treatment of choice for symptomatic hypothenar hammer syndrome. 4.

  14. Predictors of antegrade flow at internal carotid artery during carotid artery stenting with proximal protection. (United States)

    Harada, Kei; Kakumoto, Kosuke; Oshikata, Shogo; Fukuyama, Kozo


    Carotid artery stenting (CAS) with proximal occlusion effectively prevent distal cerebral embolism by flow arrest at internal carotid artery (ICA); however, the method can expose antegrade flow at ICA due to incomplete flow arrest. The aim of this study was to identify predictors of antegrade flow during CAS with proximal protection. We retrospectively analyzed clinical and angiographic data among 143 lesions treated with CAS with proximal protection by occluding the common carotid artery (CCA) and external carotid artery (ECA). Flow arrest or antegrade flow at ICA was confirmed by contrast injection during proximal protection. Antegrade flow at ICA was observed in 12 lesions (8.4%). Compared with lesions in which flow arrest of ICA was achieved, the diameter of the superior thyroid artery (STA) was significantly larger (2.4 ± 0.34 vs. 1.4 ± 0.68 mm, p protection should be combined with proximal protection for the lesions with antegrade flow to prevent distal migration of the carotid debris.

  15. Aneurysmal coronary artery disease: An overview (United States)

    ElGuindy, Mohamed S.

    Aneurysmal coronary artery disease (ACAD) comprises both coronary artery aneurysms (CAA) and coronary artery ectasia (CAE). The reported prevalence of ACAD varies widely from 0.2 to 10%, with male predominance and a predilection for the right coronary artery (RCA). Atherosclerosis is the commonest cause of ACAD in adults, while Kawasaki disease is the commonest cause in children and adolescents, as well as in the Far East. Most patients are asymptomatic, but when symptoms do exist, they are usually related to myocardial ischemia. Coronary angiography is the mainstay of diagnosis, but follow up is best achieved using noninvasive imaging that does not involve exposure to radiation. The optimal management strategy in patients with ACAD remains controversial. Medical therapy is indicated for the vast majority of patients and includes antiplatelets and/or anticoagulants. Covered stents effectively limit further expansion of the affected coronary segments. Surgical ligation, resection, and coronary artery bypass grafting are appropriate for large lesions and for associated obstructive coronary artery disease. PMID:29564347

  16. Continuous intra-arterial blood-gas monitoring (United States)

    Divers, George A.; Riccitelli, Samuel D.; Blais, Maurice; Hui, Henry K.


    Fiber optic technology and optical fluorescence have made the continuous monitoring of arterial blood gases a reality. Practical products that continuously monitor blood gases by use of an invasive sensor are now available. Anesthesiologists and intensive care physicians are beginning to explore the practical implications of this technology. With the advent of intra- arterial blood gas monitors it is possible to assess arterial blood gas values without the labor intensive steps of drawing blood and transporting a blood sample to the lab followed by the actual analysis. These intra-arterial blood gas monitors use new optical sensor technologies that can be reduced in size to the point that the sensor can be inserted into the arterial blood flow through a 20-gauge arterial cannula. In the best of these technologies the sensors accuracy and precision are similar to those in vitro analyzers. This presentation focuses on background technology and in vivo performance of a device developed, manufactured, and marketed by Puritan-Bennett Corporation.

  17. Fractura de elastómeros EPDM cargados con microesferas de vidrio mediante el trabajo esencial de fractura

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Velasco, J. I.


    Full Text Available In this work, the essential work of fracture concept (EWF has been applied to untreated and silane- treated glass bead-filled EPDM. It has been proved that this theory is not applicable to pure EPDM due to its high elastic character, but being possible in glass bead-filled EPDM, thus the presence of these particles induces certain plasticity on the EPDM. The results show that the higher adhesion between matrix and particles, the higher value of plastic work of fracture, and the higher final instability of crack propagation. Moreover the influence of processing temperature on the mechanical characteristics of these materials has been studied, noticing a marked drop of stiffness and strength from a temperature processing of 200 ºC. The higher adhesion obtained between EPDM matrix and glass beads through surface treatment has been confirmed by scanning electron microscopy.

    En el presente trabajo se ha aplicado el concepto de trabajo esencial de fractura (EWF a una serie de compuestos de EPDM y microesferas de vidrio, sin tratamiento superficial y tratadas con silanos. Se ha comprobado que esta teoría no es aplicable al EPDM puro debido a su elevado carácter elástico, pudiéndose en cambio aplicar a sus compuestos cargados con microesferas de vidrio, pues la presencia de estas partículas induce cierta plasticidad en el EPDM. Los resultados indican que una mayor adhesión entre partícula y matriz se traduce en un mayor valor de trabajo plástico de fractura, así como en una mayor inestabilidad final en la propagación de la grieta. Asimismo se ha estudiado la influencia de la temperatura de procesado sobre las características mecánicas de estos materiales, observándose una caída acusada de la rigidez y de la resistencia a la tracción en todos los compuestos a partir de una temperatura de procesado de 200 ºC. La mayor adhesión que se consigue entre la matriz de EPDM y las microesferas de vidrio mediante el tratamiento superficial

  18. Tuberothalamic artery infarction following coil embolization of a ruptured posterior communicating artery aneurysm belonging to a transitional type posterior cerebral artery. A case report. (United States)

    Lee, Kyeong Duk; Kwon, Soon Chan; Muniandy, Sarawana; Park, Eun Suk; Sim, Hong Bo; Lyo, In Uk


    There are many potential anatomical variations in the connection between the internal carotid artery and the posterior circulation through the posterior communicating artery (PCoA). We describe the endovascular treatment of an aneurysm arising near the origin of the PCoA belonging to a transitional type posterior cerebral artery. Coil embolization subsequently resulted in thrombo-occlusion of the adjacent PCoA causing thalamic infarction even though sufficient retrograde flow had been confirmed pre-operatively by Allcock's test.

  19. Early results of coronary artery bypass grafting with coronary endarterectomy for severe coronary artery disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Toischer Karl


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Despite the existence of controversial debates on the efficiency of coronary endarterectomy (CE, it is still used as an adjunct to coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG. This is particularly true in patients with endstage coronary artery disease. Given the improvements in cardiac surgery and postoperative care, as well as the rising number of elderly patient with numerous co-morbidities, re-evaluating the pros and cons of this technique is needed. Methods Patient demographic information, operative details and outcome data of 104 patients with diffuse calcified coronary artery disease were retrospectively analyzed with respect to functional capacity (NYHA, angina pectoris (CCS and mortality. Actuarial survival was reported using a Kaplan-Meyer analysis. Results Between August 2001 and March 2005, 104 patients underwent coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG with adjunctive coronary endarterectomy (CE in the Department of Thoracic-, Cardiac- and Vascular Surgery, University of Goettingen. Four patients were lost during follow-up. Data were gained from 88 male and 12 female patients; mean age was 65.5 ± 9 years. A total of 396 vessels were bypassed (4 ± 0.9 vessels per patient. In 98% left internal thoracic artery (LITA was used as arterial bypass graft and a total of 114 vessels were endarterectomized. CE was performed on right coronary artery (RCA (n = 55, on left anterior descending artery (LAD (n = 52 and circumflex artery (RCX (n = 7. Ninety-five patients suffered from 3-vessel-disease, 3 from 2-vessel- and 2 from 1-vessel-disease. Closed technique was used in 18%, open technique in 79% and in 3% a combination of both. The most frequent endarterectomized localization was right coronary artery (RCA = 55%. Despite the severity of endstage atherosclerosis, hospital mortality was only 5% (n = 5. During follow-up (24.5 ± 13.4 months, which is 96% complete (4 patients were lost caused by unknown address 8 patients died (cardiac

  20. Intraoperative echocardiographic imaging of coronary arteries and graft anastomoses during coronary artery bypass grafting without cardiopulmonary bypass. (United States)

    Suematsu, Y; Takamoto, S; Ohtsuka, T


    No accepted approach exists for the intraoperative evaluation of the quality of coronary arteries and the technical adequacy of graft anastomoses during coronary artery bypass grafting without cardiopulmonary bypass. We assessed the accuracy of high-frequency epicardial echocardiography and power Doppler imaging in evaluating coronary arteries during coronary artery bypass grafting without cardiopulmonary bypass. To validate measurements of coronary arteries and graft anastomoses by high-frequency epicardial echocardiography and power Doppler imaging, we compared luminal diameters determined by these methods with diameters determined histologically in a study of off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting in 20 dogs. Technical errors were deliberately created in 10 grafts (stenosis group). The results of these animal validation studies showed that the maximum luminal diameters of coronary arteries and graft anastomoses measured by high-frequency epicardial echocardiography (HEE) and power Doppler imaging (PDI) correlated well with the histologic measurements: HEE = 1.027 x Histologic measurements + 0.005 (P anastomoses were examined intraoperatively by high-frequency epicardial echocardiography and power Doppler imaging, and luminal diameters determined by power Doppler imaging were compared with those determined by postoperative coronary angiography. The results demonstrated that graft anastomosis by power Doppler imaging correlated well with the angiographic measurements: PDI = 1.018 x Angiographic measurements - 0.106 (P anastomoses and can detect technical errors and inadequacies during coronary artery bypass grafting without cardiopulmonary bypass.

  1. Treatment of complex internal carotid artery aneurysms using radial artery grafts. Surgical technique, perioperative complications, and results in 17 patients

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Murai, Yasuo; Teramoto, Akira; Mizunari, Takayuki; Kobayashi, Shiro; Kamiyama, Hiroyasu


    Complex giant or large internal carotid artery aneurysms present a surgical challenge because limitations and difficulty are encountered with either clipping or endovascular treatment. Our review of previous reports suggests that no current vascular assessment can accurately predict the occurrence of ischemic complications after internal carotid artery ligation. The present study concerns surgical technique, complications, and clinical outcome of radial artery grafting followed by parent artery trapping or proximal occlusion for management of these difficult lesions. Between September 1997 and October 2005, we performed radial artery grafting followed immediately by parent artery occlusion in 17 patients with giant or large complex intracranial carotid aneurysms (3 men, 14 women; mean follow-up duration, 62 months). All patients underwent postoperative digital subtraction angiography to assess graft patency and aneurysm obliteration. All 17 aneurysms were excluded from the cerebral circulation, with all radial artery grafts patent. Among 4 patients with cranial nerve disturbances, dysfunction was temporary in 5; in the others, oculomotor nerve paresis persisted. No perioperative cerebral infarction occurred. Sensory aphasia reflecting cerebral contusions caused by temporal lobe retraction resolved within 2 months, as did hemiparesis from a postoperative epidural hematoma. With appropriate attention to surgical technique, radial artery grafting followed by acute parent artery occlusion is a safe treatment for complex internal carotid artery aneurysms. Graft patency and aneurysm thrombosis were achieved in all patients. Cranial nerve dysfunction (III, VI) caused by altered blood flow from the internal carotid artery after occlusion was the most common complication and typically was temporary. In our experience with these difficult aneurysms, not only clipping but also reconstruction of the internal carotid artery was required, especially for wide-necked symptomatic

  2. The Features of Extrahepatic Collateral Arteries Related to Hepatic Artery Occlusion and Benefits in the Transarterial Management of Liver Tumors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yang, Lin; Zhang, Xiao Ming; Ren, Yong Jun; Miao, Nan Dong; Huang, Xiao Hua; Dong, Guo Li


    Purpose. To investigate the extrahepatic collateral arteries related to hepatic artery occlusion (HAO) and to determine its benefits in the transarterial management of liver tumors. Methods and Findings. Eleven patients (7 hepatocellular carcinomas, 3 liver metastases, and 1 with hemangioma) with HAO confirmed with digital subtraction angiography (DSA) were admitted to our hospital. Of the 11 patients, 7 were men and 4 were women, with an average age of 41.5 ± 15.5 years (range: 29 to 70 years). DSA was performed to evaluate the collateral routes to the liver. In the 11 patients with HAO, DSA showed complete occlusion of the common hepatic artery in 9 patients and the proper hepatic artery (PHA) in 2 patients. Extrahepatic collateral arteries supplying the liver were readily evident. The collateral arteries originated from the superior mesenteric artery (SMA) in 8 patients, from the gastroduodenal artery in 2 patients, and from the left gastric artery (LGA) in 1 patient. Transcatheter treatment was successfully performed via the collateral artery in all patients except the one who had hemangioma. Conclusions. DSA is an effective method for detecting collateral circulation related to HAO and may provide information to guide transcatheter management decisions

  3. Aborted sudden cardiac death in a young male with anomalous left coronary artery arising from the pulmonary artery

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Chih-Han Huang


    Full Text Available Anomalous left coronary artery arising from the pulmonary artery (ALCAPA is a rare type of congenital coronary abnormality that may be associated with early infant mortality and sudden adult cardiac death. We report a case regarding a 23-year-old male who collapsed during a marathon race and was resuscitated with cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Subsequent workups verified the diagnosis of ALCAPA. The patient underwent surgical intervention with obliteration of the ALCAPA orifice and coronary artery bypass grafting with left internal mammary artery to left anterior descending coronary artery. The procedure was done smoothly, and he was discharged uneventfully.

  4. Peripheral arterial tonometry cannot detect patients at low risk of coronary artery disease

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    M.M. van den Heuvel (Mieke); O. Sorop (Oana); P. Musters (Paul); R.T. van Domburg (Ron); T.W. Galema (Tjebbe); D.J.G.M. Duncker (Dirk); W.J. van der Giessen (Wim); K. Nieman (Koen)


    textabstractBackground Endothelial dysfunction precedes coronary artery disease (CAD) and can be measured by peripheral arterial tonometry (PAT). We examined the applicability of PAT to detect a low risk of CAD in a chest pain clinic. Methods In 93 patients, PAT was performed resulting in reactive

  5. Perforating arteries originating from the posterior communicating artery: a 7.0-Tesla MRI study


    Conijn, Mandy M. A.; Hendrikse, Jeroen; Zwanenburg, Jaco J. M.; Takahara, Taro; Geerlings, Mirjam I.; Mali, Willem P. Th. M.; Luijten, Peter R.


    The aim of this study was to investigate the ability of time-of-flight (TOF) magnetic resonance (MR) angiography at 7.0?Tesla to show the perforating branches of the posterior communicating artery (PCoA), and to investigate the presence of such visible perforating branches in relation to the size of the feeding PCoA. The secondary aim was to visualise and describe the anterior choroidal artery and the perforating branches of the P1-segment of posterior cerebral artery (P1). Forty-six healthy ...

  6. Intracranial cerebral artery stenosis with associated coronary artery and extracranial carotid artery stenosis in Turkish patients

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Alkan, Ozlem [Department of Radiology, Baskent University, Faculty of Medicine, Ankara (Turkey)], E-mail:; Kizilkilic, Osman; Yildirim, Tulin [Department of Radiology, Baskent University, Faculty of Medicine, Ankara (Turkey); Atalay, Hakan [Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Baskent University, Faculty of Medicine, Ankara (Turkey)


    Purpose: Although it has been demonstrated that there is a high prevalence of extracranial carotid artery stenosis (ECAS) in patients with severe coronary artery disease, intracranial cerebral artery stenosis (ICAS) is rarely mentioned. We evaluated the prevalence of ICAS in patients with ECAS having elective coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) surgery to determine the relations between ICAS, ECAS and atherosclerotic risk factors. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed the digital subtraction angiography findings of 183 patients with ECAS {>=} 50% preparing for CABG surgery. The analyses focused on the intracranial or extracranial location and degree of the stenosis. The degree of extracranial stenoses were categorized as normal, <50%, 50-69%, 70-89%, and 90-99% stenosis and occluded. The degree of intracranial stenosis was classified as normal or {<=}25%, 25-49%, and {>=}50% stenosis and occluded. Traditional atherosclerotic risk factors were recorded. Results: ECAS < 70% in 42 patients and ECAS {>=} 70% in 141 patients. ICAS was found in 51 patients and ICAS {>=} 50% in 30 patients. Regarding risk factors, we found hypertension in 135 patients, diabetes mellitus in 91 patients, hyperlipidemia in 84 patients, and smoking in 81 patients. No risk factor was significant predictors of intracranial atherosclerosis. The severity of ICAS was not significantly associated with that of the ECAS. Conclusions: We found ICAS in 27.8% of the patients with ECAS > 50% on digital subtraction angiography preparing for CABG. Therefore a complete evaluation of the neck vessels with magnetic resonance or catheter angiography seems to be indicated as well as intracranial circulation for the risk assessment of CABG.

  7. Aberrant hepatic artery

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Konstam, M.A.; Novelline, R.A.; Athanasoulis, C.A.


    In a patient undergoing selective hepatic arteriography for suspected liver trauma, a nonopacified area of the liver, initially thought to represent a hepatic hematoma, was later discovered to be due to the presence of an accessory right hepatic artery arising from the superior mesenteric artery. This case illustrates the need for a search for aberrant vasculature whenever a liver hematoma is suspected on the basis of a selective hepatic arteriogram. (orig.) [de

  8. ¿ Es posible la Intervención Dietética dentro del tratamiento del Síndrome de Ovario Poliquístico?


    Vicente Ferreras, Sonia


    En este trabajo se ha intentado hacer una puesta al día del Síndrome de Ovario Poliquístico para entender, posteriormente, el abordaje dietético-nutricional que se ha estudiado en las mujeres con esta patología. Para ello, en primer lugar se explica lo que es el Síndrome de Ovario Poliquístico y las posibles causas que podrían producir esta patología. A continuación, se explicará cómo se diagnostica este trastorno por los diferentes criterios que existen. A continuación, se comentará tanto...

  9. Dll4-Notch signaling determines the formation of native arterial collateral networks and arterial function in mouse ischemia models. (United States)

    Cristofaro, Brunella; Shi, Yu; Faria, Marcella; Suchting, Steven; Leroyer, Aurelie S; Trindade, Alexandre; Duarte, Antonio; Zovein, Ann C; Iruela-Arispe, M Luisa; Nih, Lina R; Kubis, Nathalie; Henrion, Daniel; Loufrani, Laurent; Todiras, Mihail; Schleifenbaum, Johanna; Gollasch, Maik; Zhuang, Zhen W; Simons, Michael; Eichmann, Anne; le Noble, Ferdinand


    Arteriogenesis requires growth of pre-existing arteriolar collateral networks and determines clinical outcome in arterial occlusive diseases. Factors responsible for the development of arteriolar collateral networks are poorly understood. The Notch ligand Delta-like 4 (Dll4) promotes arterial differentiation and restricts vessel branching. We hypothesized that Dll4 may act as a genetic determinant of collateral arterial networks and functional recovery in stroke and hind limb ischemia models in mice. Genetic loss- and gain-of-function approaches in mice showed that Dll4-Notch signaling restricts pial collateral artery formation by modulating arterial branching morphogenesis during embryogenesis. Adult Dll4(+/-) mice showed increased pial collateral numbers, but stroke volume upon middle cerebral artery occlusion was not reduced compared with wild-type littermates. Likewise, Dll4(+/-) mice showed reduced blood flow conductance after femoral artery occlusion, and, despite markedly increased angiogenesis, tissue ischemia was more severe. In peripheral arteries, loss of Dll4 adversely affected excitation-contraction coupling in arterial smooth muscle in response to vasopressor agents and arterial vessel wall adaption in response to increases in blood flow, collectively contributing to reduced flow reserve. We conclude that Dll4-Notch signaling modulates native collateral formation by acting on vascular branching morphogenesis during embryogenesis. Dll4 furthermore affects tissue perfusion by acting on arterial function and structure. Loss of Dll4 stimulates collateral formation and angiogenesis, but in the context of ischemic diseases such beneficial effects are overruled by adverse functional changes, demonstrating that ischemic recovery is not solely determined by collateral number but rather by vessel functionality.

  10. Dll4-Notch signaling determines the formation of native arterial collateral networks and arterial function in mouse ischemia models (United States)

    Cristofaro, Brunella; Shi, Yu; Faria, Marcella; Suchting, Steven; Leroyer, Aurelie S.; Trindade, Alexandre; Duarte, Antonio; Zovein, Ann C.; Iruela-Arispe, M. Luisa; Nih, Lina R.; Kubis, Nathalie; Henrion, Daniel; Loufrani, Laurent; Todiras, Mihail; Schleifenbaum, Johanna; Gollasch, Maik; Zhuang, Zhen W.; Simons, Michael; Eichmann, Anne; le Noble, Ferdinand


    Arteriogenesis requires growth of pre-existing arteriolar collateral networks and determines clinical outcome in arterial occlusive diseases. Factors responsible for the development of arteriolar collateral networks are poorly understood. The Notch ligand Delta-like 4 (Dll4) promotes arterial differentiation and restricts vessel branching. We hypothesized that Dll4 may act as a genetic determinant of collateral arterial networks and functional recovery in stroke and hind limb ischemia models in mice. Genetic loss- and gain-of-function approaches in mice showed that Dll4-Notch signaling restricts pial collateral artery formation by modulating arterial branching morphogenesis during embryogenesis. Adult Dll4+/- mice showed increased pial collateral numbers, but stroke volume upon middle cerebral artery occlusion was not reduced compared with wild-type littermates. Likewise, Dll4+/- mice showed reduced blood flow conductance after femoral artery occlusion, and, despite markedly increased angiogenesis, tissue ischemia was more severe. In peripheral arteries, loss of Dll4 adversely affected excitation-contraction coupling in arterial smooth muscle in response to vasopressor agents and arterial vessel wall adaption in response to increases in blood flow, collectively contributing to reduced flow reserve. We conclude that Dll4-Notch signaling modulates native collateral formation by acting on vascular branching morphogenesis during embryogenesis. Dll4 furthermore affects tissue perfusion by acting on arterial function and structure. Loss of Dll4 stimulates collateral formation and angiogenesis, but in the context of ischemic diseases such beneficial effects are overruled by adverse functional changes, demonstrating that ischemic recovery is not solely determined by collateral number but rather by vessel functionality. PMID:23533173

  11. Regional blood flow analysis and its relationship with arterial branch lengths and lumen volume in the coronary arterial tree

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Molloi, Sabee; Wong, Jerry T


    The limitations of visually assessing coronary artery disease are well known. These limitations are particularly important in intermediate coronary lesions (30-70% diameter stenosis) where it is difficult to determine whether a particular lesion is the cause of ischaemia. Therefore, a functional measure of stenosis severity is needed. The purpose of this study is to determine whether the expected maximum coronary blood flow in an arterial tree is predictable from its sum of arterial branch lengths or lumen volume. Using a computer model of a porcine coronary artery tree, an analysis of blood flow distribution was conducted through a network of millions of vessels that included the entire coronary artery tree down to the first capillary branch. The flow simulation results show that there is a linear relationship between coronary blood flow and the sum of its arterial branch lengths. This relationship holds over the entire arterial tree. The flow simulation results also indicate that there is a 3/4 er relation between coronary blood flow (Q) and the sum of its arterial lumen volume (V). Moreover, there is a linear relationship between normalized Q and normalized V raised to a power of 3/4 over the entire arterial tree. These results indicate that measured arterial branch lengths or lumen volumes can be used to predict the expected maximum blood flow in an arterial tree. This theoretical maximum blood flow, in conjunction with an angiographically measured blood flow, can potentially be used to calculate fractional flow reserve based entirely on angiographic data

  12. Sudden Death Due to Coronary Artery Lesions Long-term After the Arterial Switch Operation: A Systematic Review.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Wijk, Sebastiaan W.H.; van der Stelt, Femke; ter Heide, Henriëtte; Schoof, Paul H.; Doevendans, Pieter A.F.M.; Meijboom, Folkert J.; Breur, Johannes M.P.J.


    Background The arterial switch operation (ASO) is the preferred procedure for children with dextrotransposition of the great arteries or Taussig-Bing anomaly. Short- as well as long-term outcome of ASO are excellent, but coronary artery stenoses are reported as a common long-term complication. It

  13. Arterial endothelial function measurement method and apparatus

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Maltz, Jonathan S; Budinger, Thomas F


    A "relaxoscope" (100) detects the degree of arterial endothelial function. Impairment of arterial endothelial function is an early event in atherosclerosis and correlates with the major risk factors for cardiovascular disease. An artery (115), such as the brachial artery (BA) is measured for diameter before and after several minutes of either vasoconstriction or vasorelaxation. The change in arterial diameter is a measure of flow-mediated vasomodification (FMVM). The relaxoscope induces an artificial pulse (128) at a superficial radial artery (115) via a linear actuator (120). An ultrasonic Doppler stethoscope (130) detects this pulse 10-20 cm proximal to the point of pulse induction (125). The delay between pulse application and detection provides the pulse transit time (PTT). By measuring PTT before (160) and after arterial diameter change (170), FMVM may be measured based on the changes in PTT caused by changes in vessel caliber, smooth muscle tone and wall thickness.

  14. Arterial And Ventricular Elastance And Ventriculo-arterial Coupling In Asthmatic Children

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ozkan, E. A.; Gecit, A.; Beysel, P.


    Objective: To compare arterial and ventricular end-systolic elastance and ventriculo-arterial coupling between asthma and healthy children and correlate these all three parameters with pulmonary function tests in subjects with asthma. Study Design: Across-sectional analytical study. Place and Duration of Study: Department of Pediatrics, Bozok University Medical Faculty,Yozgat, Turkey, from January 2012 to November 2014. Methodology: Transthoracic and Doppler echocardiography and pulmonary function tests in patients with asthma aged 7 - 12 years and control subjects. Forty stable asthma patients on prophylactic inhaled corticosteroids and 97 healthy subjects were investigated. Both groups were matched for age, gender, blood pressure, heart rate, body surface area, echocardiographic parameters and pulmonary function tests. Results: There was no difference regarding left ventricular elastance at end-systole derived by single beat/body surface area (Ees(sb)/BSA) between asthmatic patients and healthy children (2.59 ±1.29 mmHg/ml/m2, 2.43 ±1.28 mmHg/ml/m2 respectively, p=0.504), arterial elastance/BSA(Ea/BSA) (2.10 ±0.97, 1.75 ±0.89 respectively, p=0.041), and ventriculoarterial coupling (VAC) (0.83 ±0.13, 0.74 ±0.13, respectively, p < 0.001) were higher in asthmatic group than controls. There was no correlation between Ea, Ees (sb), VAC and pulmonary function tests. Conclusion: Arterial elastance increase and stiffness decrease in asthmatic patients. This may be due to using prophylactic inhaled corticosteroids. Using inhaled corticosteroids have protective effects against atherosclerosis. As a result of this higher arterial elastance, asthmatic children had higher VAC resulting in less efficient cardiovascular function. (author)

  15. Improved calculation of the equilibrium magnetization of arterial blood in arterial spin labeling

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ahlgren, André; Wirestam, Ronnie; Knutsson, Linda


    PURPOSE: To propose and assess an improved method for calculating the equilibrium magnetization of arterial blood ( M0a), used for calibration of perfusion estimates in arterial spin labeling. METHODS: Whereas standard M0a calculation is based on dividing a proton density-weighted image by an ave...

  16. Funcionamiento del ascensor social en España y posibles mejoras. Informe SESPAS 2014

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anna García-Altés


    Full Text Available En este artículo nos preocuparemos por el grado en que la situación socioeconómica de un individuo se hereda y cómo puede aumentarse la igualdad de oportunidades para mejorar la movilidad social. La pobreza y la deprivación pueden dejar de ser dinásticas si el ascensor social funciona. En España, la desigualdad de renta, medida por el coeficiente de Gini, ha pasado de 0,31 en 2006 a 0,35 en 2012 (nos alejamos de los países escandinavos y centroeuropeos para asemejarnos más en desigualdades de renta al Reino Unido o Estados Unidos, y el grado de movilidad intergeneracional se sitúa entre el de Italia y el de Estados Unidos. Para cambiar esta situación y hacer que el ascensor social funcione es necesario mejorar la educación primaria y orientar el sistema sanitario hacia la atención primaria, lo cual no será posible sin una mejor calidad de la política y de las instituciones que la están condicionando.

  17. Fatores de risco modificáveis para doença arterial coronariana nos trabalhadores de enfermagem Factores de riesgo modificables para la enfermedad arterial coronaria en los trabajadores de enfermería Modifiable risk factors for coronary artery disease among nursing staff of a general hospital

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cyntia Oliveira Maia


    N: este estudio muestra la identificación y cuantificación de los diferentes FR para DAC, pues la partir del conocimiento de la realidad epidemiológica, es posible desarrollar acciones y educación en salud relevantes en la intervención preventiva.OBJECTIVE: to identify the modifiable risk factors for coronary artery disease (CAD among nursing staff of a general hospital. METHODS: the sample consisted of 209 nursing staff. Data included anthropometric and blood pressure measurements, body mass index (BMI, and cholesterol and glucose levels. A questionnaire was also used to measure physical activity and stress level. Risk factors for CAD were identified and quantified. RESULTS: the findings suggest that nursing staff was stressed (19.1% and had high blood pressure (29.7% and total cholesterol >200mg/dl (27.7%. Nursing assistants had higher BMI than nursing licensed practical nurses or registered nurses; and licensed practical nurses had the higher level of stress. Sedentary life style was common in more than half of the nursing staff. CONCLUSION: it is important to identify and quantify risk factors for CAD. This epidemiological knowledge might lead to educational interventions to prevent the development of the disease.

  18. Dual-artery stenting of a type III single coronary artery from right aortic sinus

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Shivanad Patil


    Full Text Available A single coronary artery presenting with stenosis in two of the three vessels arising from a common ostium is a rare anomaly Lipton et al. proposed a classification, which was modified by Yamanaka and Hobbs. In our case, a single coronary artery was giving rise to the LAD, left circumflex (LCx, and the right coronary artery (RCA. There was 80% stenosis in the ostium of the LCx. The RCA in the mid and distal segment had stenosis of 80% and 70%, respectively. We were able to successfully stent the three stenotic segments.

  19. Permanent Cortical Blindness After Bronchial Artery Embolization

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Doorn, Colette S. van, E-mail:; De Boo, Diederick W., E-mail: [Academic Medical Centre, Department of Radiology (Netherlands); Weersink, Els J. M., E-mail: [Academic Medical Centre, Department of Pulmonology (Netherlands); Delden, Otto M. van, E-mail:; Reekers, Jim A., E-mail:; Lienden, Krijn P. van, E-mail: [Academic Medical Centre, Department of Radiology (Netherlands)


    A 35-year-old female with a known medical history of cystic fibrosis was admitted to our institution for massive hemoptysis. CTA depicted a hypertrophied bronchial artery to the right upper lobe and showed signs of recent bleeding at that location. Bronchial artery embolization (BAE) was performed with gelfoam slurry, because pronounced shunting to the pulmonary artery was present. Immediately after BAE, the patient developed bilateral cortical blindness. Control angiography showed an initially not opacified anastomosis between the embolized bronchial artery and the right subclavian artery, near to the origin of the right vertebral artery. Cessation of outflow in the bronchial circulation reversed the flow through the anastomosis and allowed for spill of embolization material into the posterior circulation. Unfortunately the cortical blindness presented was permanent.

  20. Tentorial artery embolization in tentorial dural arteriovenous fistulas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rooij, Willem Jan van; Sluzewski, Menno [St. Elisabeth Ziekenhuis, Department of Radiology, Tilburg (Netherlands); Beute, Guus N [St. Elisabeth Ziekenhuis, Department of Neurosurgery, Tilburg (Netherlands)


    The tentorial artery is often involved in arterial supply to tentorial dural fistulas. The hypertrophied tentorial artery is accessible to embolization, either with glue or with particles. Six patients are presented with tentorial dural fistulas, mainly supplied by the tentorial artery. Two patients presented with intracranial hemorrhage, two with pulsatile tinnitus and one with progressive tetraparesis, and in one patient the tentorial dural fistula was an incidental finding. Different endovascular techniques were used to embolize the tentorial artery in the process of endovascular occlusion of the fistulas. All six tentorial dural fistulas were completely occluded by endovascular techniques, confirmed at follow-up angiography. There were no complications. When direct catheterization of the tentorial artery was possible, glue injection with temporary balloon occlusion of the internal carotid artery at the level of the tentorial artery origin was effective and safe. Different endovascular techniques may be successfully applied to embolize the tentorial artery in the treatment of tentorial dural fistulas. (orig.)

  1. Tentorial artery embolization in tentorial dural arteriovenous fistulas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rooij, Willem Jan van; Sluzewski, Menno; Beute, Guus N.


    The tentorial artery is often involved in arterial supply to tentorial dural fistulas. The hypertrophied tentorial artery is accessible to embolization, either with glue or with particles. Six patients are presented with tentorial dural fistulas, mainly supplied by the tentorial artery. Two patients presented with intracranial hemorrhage, two with pulsatile tinnitus and one with progressive tetraparesis, and in one patient the tentorial dural fistula was an incidental finding. Different endovascular techniques were used to embolize the tentorial artery in the process of endovascular occlusion of the fistulas. All six tentorial dural fistulas were completely occluded by endovascular techniques, confirmed at follow-up angiography. There were no complications. When direct catheterization of the tentorial artery was possible, glue injection with temporary balloon occlusion of the internal carotid artery at the level of the tentorial artery origin was effective and safe. Different endovascular techniques may be successfully applied to embolize the tentorial artery in the treatment of tentorial dural fistulas. (orig.)

  2. Observaciones en el Ornithodoros Forcosus sobre su posible rol como vector de la Fiebre Recurrente

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Arístides Herrer


    Full Text Available Tratando de verificar la posible infección por borrelias en el Ornithodoros Forcosus Neumann, 1908, se realizaron observaciones experimentales en las que se utilizó un total de 1,655 especímenes de esta garrapata. En tales estudios se emplearon pericotes blancos y cobayos. Con triturado de garrapatas fueron inoculados 68 animales (64 pericotes y 4 cobayos y 37 (16 pericotes y 21 cobayos fueron empleados para alimentar sobre ellos varios lotes de garrapatas. Los resultados de todas estas observaciones fueron negativas. Las garrapatas con las que se han efectuado estos estudios procedían de las localidades de Limabamba, Mariscal Benavides, Camporredondo, Ocalli y Luya, todas en el departamento de Amazonas, y a altitudes que varían entre 1,400 y 2,300 metros sobre el nivel del mar. Desde que la fiebre recurrente parece ser endémica en el Perú, especialmente en localidades de considerable altitud, es de suponer que en este país sea trasmitida principalmente por piojos.

  3. El cultivo de trigo en Colombia: Su agonía y posible desaparición

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    David Álvarez Sánchez


    Full Text Available El Trigo (Triticum aestivum L. en Colombia es considerado un alimento básico además de requerir en su cadena productiva un número elevado de mano de obra, sin embargo, a nivel nacional desde el año de 1970 el área y producción del Trigo cultivado ha tenido una disminución constante representada en las estadísticas oficiales, siendo importante conocer las razones de dicho fenómeno y el impacto generado. Por lo anterior, esta revisión buscó identificar los aspectos nocivos que explican la agonía y posible desaparición de este sistema productivo en el país en tres periodos históricos: i desde 1920 hasta 1989, ii desde 1990 hasta 2000 y iii perspectivas a futuro. Para ello, se recopiló información de diferentes fuentes primarias y secundarias, concluyendo que el Trigo a lo largo del tiempo ha soportado coyunturas macroeconómicas y el desamparo gubernamental en el sector, poniendo en duda la sustentabilidad del cultivo en Colombia.

  4. Bilateral Superior Cerebellar Artery Embolic Occlusion with a Fetal-Type Posterior Cerebral Artery Providing Collateral Circulation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Taylor J. Bergman


    Full Text Available Bilateral infarction of the superior cerebellar arteries with sparing of the rest of the posterior circulation, particularly the posterior cerebral arteries, is an uncommon finding in neurological practice. Most commonly, the deficits of the superior cerebellar arteries and posterior cerebral arteries occur together due to the close proximity of their origins at the top of the basilar artery. A patient was transferred to the neurological intensive care unit with a history of recent-onset falls from standing, profound hypertension, dizziness, and headaches. The neurological exam revealed cerebellar signs, including dysmetria of the right upper extremity and a decreased level of consciousness. Computed tomography of the head and neck revealed decreased attenuation throughout most of the cerebellar hemispheres suggestive of ischemic injury with sparing of the rest of the brain. Further investigation with a computed tomography angiogram revealed a fetal-type posterior cerebral artery on the right side that was providing collateral circulation to the posterior brain. Due to this embryological anomaly, the patient was spared significant morbidity and mortality that would have likely occurred had the circulation been more typical of an adult male.

  5. Skin autofluorescence is increased in patients with carotid artery stenosis and peripheral artery disease

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Noordzij, Marjon J.; Lefrandt, Joop D.; Loeffen, Erik A. H.; Saleem, Ben R.; Meerwaldt, Robbert; Lutgers, Helen L.; Smit, Andries J.; Zeebregts, Clark J.

    Advanced glycation end products (AGEs) have a pivotal role in atherosclerosis. We evaluated skin autofluorescence (SAF), a non-invasive measurement of tissue AGE accumulation, in patients with carotid artery stenosis with and without coexisting peripheral artery occlusive disease (PAOD). SAF was

  6. Arterial spin labeling in patients with chic cerebral artery steno-occlusive disease - Correlation with 15O-PET

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kamano, Hironori; Yoshiura, Takashi; Hiwatashi, Akio; Abe, Koichiro; Yamashita, Koji; Honda, Hiroshi; Togao, Osamu


    Background: Heterogeneity of arterial transit time due to cerebral artery steno-occlusive lesions hampers accurate regional cerebral blood flow measurement by arterial spin labeling (ASL). Purpose: To assess the feasibility of regional cerebral blood flow measurement by ASL with multiple-delay time sampling in patients with steno-occlusive diseases by comparing with positron emission tomography (PET), and to determine whether regional arterial transit time measured by this ASL technique is correlated with regional mean transit time, a PET index of perfusion pressure. Material and Methods: Sixteen patients with steno-occlusive diseases received both ASL and 15 O-PET. The mean regional cerebral blood flow measured by ASL and PET, regional arterial transit time by ASL, and regional mean transit time by PET were obtained by a region-of-interest analysis. Correlation between regional cerebral blood flow by ASL and that by PET, and correlation between regional arterial transit time by ASL and regional mean transit time by PET were tested using Pearson's correlation coefficient for both absolute and relative values. A multivariate regression analysis was performed to test whether regional arterial transit time by ASL was a significant contributor in modeling regional mean transit time by PET after controlling the effect of regional cerebral blood flow by ASL. Results: A significant positive correlation was found between regional cerebral blood flow by ASL and that by PET for both absolute (r = 0.520, P < 0.0001) and relative (r = 0.691, P < 0.0001) values. A significant positive correlation was found between regional arterial transit time by ASL and regional mean transit time by PET both for absolute (r = 0.369, P = 0.0002) and relative (r = 0.443, P < 0.0001) values. The regression analysis revealed that regional arterial transit time by ASL was a significant contributor in modeling regional mean transit time by PET after controlling regional cerebral blood flow by ASL

  7. Primary extracranial vertebral artery aneurysms. (United States)

    Morasch, Mark D; Phade, Sachin V; Naughton, Peter; Garcia-Toca, Manuel; Escobar, Guillermo; Berguer, Ramon


    Extracranial vertebral artery aneurysms are uncommon and are usually associated with trauma or dissection. Primary cervical vertebral aneurysms are even rarer and are not well described. The presentation and natural history are unknown and operative management can be difficult. Accessing aneurysms at the skull base can be difficult and, because the frail arteries are often afflicted with connective tissue abnormalities, direct repair can be particularly challenging. We describe the presentation and surgical management of patients with primary extracranial vertebral artery aneurysms. In this study we performed a retrospective, multi-institutional review of patients with primary aneurysms within the extracranial vertebral artery. Between January 2000 and January 2011, 7 patients, aged 12-56 years, were noted to have 9 primary extracranial vertebral artery aneurysms. All had underlying connective tissue or another hereditary disorder, including Ehler-Danlos syndrome (n=3), Marfan's disease (n=2), neurofibromatosis (n=1), and an unspecified connective tissue abnormality (n=1). Eight of 9 aneurysms were managed operatively, including an attempted bypass that ultimately required vertebral ligation; the contralateral aneurysm on this patient has not been treated. Open interventions included vertebral bypass with vein, external carotid autograft, and vertebral transposition to the internal carotid artery. Special techniques were used for handling the anastomoses in patients with Ehler-Danlos syndrome. Although endovascular exclusion was not performed in isolation, 2 hybrid procedures were performed. There were no instances of perioperative stroke or death. Primary extracranial vertebral artery aneurysms are rare and occur in patients with hereditary disorders. Operative intervention is warranted in symptomatic patients. Exclusion and reconstruction may be performed with open and hybrid techniques with low morbidity and mortality. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights

  8. Branches of the Facial Artery. (United States)

    Hwang, Kun; Lee, Geun In; Park, Hye Jin


    The aim of this study is to review the name of the branches, to review the classification of the branching pattern, and to clarify a presence percentage of each branch of the facial artery, systematically. In a PubMed search, the search terms "facial," AND "artery," AND "classification OR variant OR pattern" were used. The IBM SPSS Statistics 20 system was used for statistical analysis. Among the 500 titles, 18 articles were selected and reviewed systematically. Most of the articles focused on "classification" according to the "terminal branch." Several authors classified the facial artery according to their terminal branches. Most of them, however, did not describe the definition of "terminal branch." There were confusions within the classifications. When the inferior labial artery was absent, 3 different types were used. The "alar branch" or "nasal branch" was used instead of the "lateral nasal branch." The angular branch was used to refer to several different branches. The presence as a percentage of each branch according to the branches in Gray's Anatomy (premasseteric, inferior labial, superior labial, lateral nasal, and angular) varied. No branch was used with 100% consistency. The superior labial branch was most frequently cited (95.7%, 382 arteries in 399 hemifaces). The angular branch (53.9%, 219 arteries in 406 hemifaces) and the premasseteric branch were least frequently cited (53.8%, 43 arteries in 80 hemifaces). There were significant differences among each of the 5 branches (P < 0.05) except between the angular branch and the premasseteric branch and between the superior labial branch and the inferior labial branch. The authors believe identifying the presence percentage of each branch will be helpful for surgical procedures.

  9. Fenestration of the anterior cerebral artery

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ito, J.; Washiyama, K.; Hong Kim, C.; Ibuchi, Y.


    Three cases of angiographically demonstrated fenestration of the anterior cerebral artery are reported. Fenestration occurred at the medial half of the horizontal segment of the anterior cerebral artery in all cases. Its embryology and clinical significance are briefly discussed, and the anatomical and radiological literature on fenestration of the anterior cerebral artery is reviewed. (orig.)

  10. Renal artery origins: best angiographic projection angles. (United States)

    Verschuyl, E J; Kaatee, R; Beek, F J; Patel, N H; Fontaine, A B; Daly, C P; Coldwell, D M; Bush, W H; Mali, W P


    To determine the best projection angles for imaging the renal artery origins in profile. A mathematical model of the anatomy at the renal artery origins in the transverse plane was used to analyze the amount of aortic lumen that projects over the renal artery origins at various projection angles. Computed tomographic (CT) angiographic data about the location of 400 renal artery origins in 200 patients were statistically analyzed. In patients with an abdominal aortic diameter no larger than 3.0 cm, approximately 0.5 mm of the proximal part of the renal artery and origin may be hidden from view if there is a projection error of +/-10 degrees from the ideal image. A combination of anteroposterior and 20 degrees and 40 degrees left anterior oblique projections resulted in a 92% yield of images that adequately profiled the renal artery origins. Right anterior oblique projections resulted in the least useful images. An error in projection angle of +/-10 degrees is acceptable for angiographic imaging of the renal artery origins. Patients sex, site of interest (left or right artery), and local diameter of the abdominal aorta are important factors to consider.

  11. Angiographic diagnosis of the carotid artery pseudoaneurysm

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Qi Yueyong; Zou Liguang; Dai Shuhua; Tan Yinghui; Li Zhongyu; Zhou Zheng


    Objective: To create a further understanding of the angiographic features of the carotid artery pseudoaneurysm (CAPA) and to explore the clinical diagnostic value of angiography. Methods: Sixteen cases of CAPA with clinical and angiographic data were analyzed retrospectively. The angiographic appearances in all of the patients were observed dynamically and precisely with a double blind method by two experienced radiologists together and formed a consensus interpretation. Results: Angiography provided a definite diagnosis for all cases. The parent arteries included the common carotid artery (1 case), common carotid artery bifurcation (9 cases), internal carotid artery (5 cases) and external carotid artery (1 case). The angiographic features of the CAPA were: All cases showed the contrast media retension in the aneurysms; turbulent flow within aneurysm in 9 cases; the 'jetting sign' at the leak of the parent artery in 7 cases; increase angulation of the bifurcation of internal and external carotid arteries in 12 cases. Conclusions: Angiography is the most valuable examination method in diagnosis of CAPA, and it can not only provide definite diagnosis, but also play an important role in selection of therapeutic plan. (authors)

  12. Espejo, periodista esencial

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hernán Rodríguez Castelo


    Full Text Available El 5 de enero de 1792 circuló en Quito el primer periódico, obra de un único redactor, que era, a la vez, director y hasta distribuidor: el Dr. Francisco Eugenio Javier de Santa Cruz y Espejo. Ello lo convierte en el fundador del periodismo ecuatoriano, y así lo hemos recordado los del oficio al cumplirse más de doscientos años de aquella empres y de su aciaga muerte en prisión, en 1795.

  13. Imaging in acute basilar artery thrombosis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Castillo, M. (Dept. of Radiology, Univ. of North Carolina School of Medicine, Chapel Hill, NC (United States)); Falcone, S. (Dept. of Radiology, Univ. of Miami School of Medicine, Miami, FL (United States)); Naidich, T.P. (Dept. of Radiology, Univ. of Miami School of Medicine, Miami, FL (United States)); Bowen, B. (Dept. of Radiology, Univ. of Miami School of Medicine, Miami, FL (United States)); Quencer, R.M. (Dept. of Radiology, Univ. of Miami School of Medicine, Miami, FL (United States))


    The aim of this study was to review the imaging features in acute (< 24 h) basilar artery thrombosis. CT and MR studies in 11 patients with clinical diagnosis of acute basilar artery thrombosis were retrospectively reviewed. MR angiography was obtained in 4 patients. Correlation with clinical symptoms was performed. Multiple cranial nerve palsies and hemiparesis were the most common clinical symptoms at presentation. CT revealed hyperdense basilar arteries (n = 7) and hypodensities in the posterior circulation territory (n = 8). In one instance, the infarction was hemorrhagic. MR imaging showed absence of flow void within the basilar in 6 patients and MRA (using both PC and TOF techniques) confirmed absence of blood flow in 4 basilar arteries. One week after presentation, 5 patients died. Autopsy was obtained in 1 case and confirmed the diagnosis of basilar artery thrombosis. Basilar artery thrombosis has fairly typical imaging features by both CT and MR. MRA may be used to confirm the diagnosis. Prompt recognition may lead to early thrombolytic treatment and may improve survival. (orig.)

  14. Heart transplantation and arterial elasticity

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Colvin-Adams M


    Full Text Available Monica Colvin-Adams,1 Nonyelum Harcourt,1 Robert LeDuc,2 Ganesh Raveendran,1 Yassir Sonbol,3 Robert Wilson,1 Daniel Duprez11Cardiovascular Division, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA; 2Division of Biostatistics University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA; 3Cardiovascular Division, St Luke's Hospital System, Sugar Land, TX, USAObjective: Arterial elasticity is a functional biomarker that has predictive value for cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in nontransplant populations. There is little information regarding arterial elasticity in heart transplant recipients. This study aimed to characterize small (SAE and large (LAE artery elasticity in heart transplant recipients in comparison with an asymptomatic population free of overt cardiovascular disease. A second goal was to identify demographic and clinical factors associated with arterial elasticity in this unique population.Methods: Arterial pulse waveform was registered noninvasively at the radial artery in 71 heart transplant recipients between 2008 and 2010. SAEs and LAEs were derived from diastolic pulse contour analysis. Comparisons were made to a healthy cohort of 1,808 participants selected from our prevention clinic database. Multiple regression analyses were performed to evaluate associations between risk factors and SAE and LAE within the heart transplant recipients.Results: LAE and SAE were significantly lower in heart transplant recipients than in the normal cohort (P <0.01 and P < 0.0001, respectively. Female sex and history of ischemic cardiomyopathy were significantly associated with reduced LAE and SAE. Older age and the presence of moderate cardiac allograft vasculopathy were also significantly associated with reduced SAE. Transplant duration was associated with increased SAE.Conclusion: Heart transplants are associated with peripheral endothelial dysfunction and arterial stiffness, as demonstrated by a significant reduction in SAE and LAE when compared with a

  15. Relationship between Renal Artery Stenosis and Severity of Coronary Artery Disease in Patients with Coronary Atherosclerotic Disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Amirfarhang Zandparsa


    Full Text Available Objective: The aim of the present investigation was to explore probable association of renal artery stenosis (RAS with coronary artery disease (CAD and the prevalence of renal artery stenosis (RAS in patients with CAD. Patients and methods: This study comprised 165 consecutive patients with CAD, including 52.7% males and 47.2% females with respective mean ages of 60.3 ±8.9 and 59.5±10.1. The patients underwent simultaneous coronary and renal angiographies, and the lumen reduction of 50% or more was considered as significant stenosis. Indeed, stenosis of more than 70% of the arterial lumen was regarded as severe. Results: According to our findings, the prevalence of renal artery stenosis in our hypertensive and normotensive patients were 46.2% and 19.5% respectively (p=0.002. Renal artery angiography revealed that 64 (38.8% of the patients had simultaneous renal artery stenosis. RAS is more common in females than males (p=0.031. Multivariate analysis revealed that among all examined factors, hypertension and serum creatinine were associated with RAS. There was no correlations found between gensini score and RAS (p=0.63. Conclusion: We found a relatively high prevalence of RAS including 46.2% in hypertensive and 19.5% in normotensive patients in our patients with CAD.

  16. Flash fluorescence with indocyanine green videoangiography to identify the recipient artery for bypass with distal middle cerebral artery aneurysms: operative technique. (United States)

    Rodríguez-Hernández, Ana; Lawton, Michael T


    Distal middle cerebral artery (MCA) aneurysms frequently have nonsaccular morphology that necessitates trapping and bypass. Bypasses can be difficult because efferent arteries lie deep in the opercular cleft and may not be easily identifiable. We introduce the "flash fluorescence" technique, which uses videoangiography with indocyanine green (ICG) dye to identify an appropriate recipient artery on the cortical surface for the bypass, enabling a more superficial and easier anastomosis. Flash fluorescence requires 3 steps: (1) temporary clip occlusion of the involved afferent artery; (2) videoangiography demonstrating fluorescence in uninvolved arteries on the cortical surface; and (3) removal of the temporary clip with flash fluorescence in the involved efferent arteries on the cortical surface, thereby identifying a recipient. Alternatively, temporary clips can occlude uninvolved arteries, and videoangiography will demonstrate initial fluorescence in efferent arteries during temporary occlusion and flash fluorescence in uninvolved arteries during reperfusion. From a consecutive series of 604 MCA aneurysms treated microsurgically, 22 (3.6%) were distal aneurysms and 11 required a bypass. The flash fluorescence technique was used in 3 patients to select the recipient artery for 2 superficial temporal artery-to-MCA bypasses and 1 MCA-MCA bypass. The correct recipient was selected in all cases. The flash fluorescence technique provides quick, reliable localization of an appropriate recipient artery for bypass when revascularization is needed for a distal MCA aneurysm. This technique eliminates the need for extensive dissection of the efferent artery and enables a superficial recipient site that makes the anastomosis safer, faster, and less demanding.

  17. Ultrasound evaluation of forearm arteries in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention via radial artery access: results of one-year follow-up. (United States)

    Peruga, Jan Przemysław; Peruga, Jan Zbigniew; Kasprzak, Jarosław D; Kręcki, Radosław; Jankowski, Łukasz; Zając, Piotr; Plewka, Michał


    A proven advantage of radial over femoral arterial access has led to an increase in the number of interventions performed via radial artery access in patients with acute coronary syndromes. Both assessment of the pulse volume and the Allen's test are subjective and subject to investigator bias. An ultrasound examination of the forearm arteries provides important information about the anatomy of the forearm vessels, and indirectly also about the efficiency of collateral blood supply to the hand. It also enables determination of the relevant vessel diameter before the planned intervention, and may be used to assess local complications. To assess the morphology of forearm blood vessels and measure the diameter of both radial and ulnar arteries at the cannulation site using ultrasound imaging. We also aimed to identify potential vascular anomalies and local complications associated with radial artery puncture. The study included 109 patients with cardiologic indications for coronary angiography or coronary angioplasty. An ultrasound evaluation of forearm arteries was performed prior to the intervention, and the vascular anatomy was later verified by angiography during the procedure. Ultrasound measurements of the vessel diameter were also performed and local complications of the cannulation were assessed. Measurements were performed immediately after the procedure and at 30 days and 12 months. Fifty-nine right and 50 left forearm arteries were evaluated. Women were 29% of the study population. The mean patient age was 59.2 ± 7.9 years. The mean diameter of the right radial artery was 2.17 ± 0.54 mm, and the mean diameter of the left radial artery was 2.25 ± 0.43 mm. The measurements revealed gender-related differences in forearm artery diameter (p = 0.003). Vascular anomalies of the radial artery were identified by ultrasound examination in 10% of subjects. A significant dilatation of the cannulated blood vessel was observed which lasted up to 12 months. An

  18. Interventional treatment of transplanted renal artery stenosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhou Haihong; Chen Weiguo; Lu Wei; Chen Yong; Yan Xinmin; Zhou Jianyong; Li Yanhao


    Purpose: To evaluate the clinical application of percutaneous transluminal renal artery angioplasty (PTRA) in the treatment of transplanted renal artery stenosis. Methods: Nine patients with transplanted renal artery stenosis were treated by PTRA with balloon catheter through the f amoral artery. Metal stent was placed in 3 patients out of 9. Results: Technical success was obtained in all procedures. In 7 patients normal blood pressure was restored and serum creatinine remarkably decreased. But anti-hypertension drugs were still needed in rest 2 patients. Conclusion: PTRA and stent implantation are useful and valuable method in the treatment of transplanted renal artery stenosis

  19. MRI Assessment of Uterine Artery Patency and Fibroid Infarction Rates 6 Months after Uterine Artery Embolization with Nonspherical Polyvinyl Alcohol

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Das, Raj; Gonsalves, Michael; Vlahos, Ioannis; Manyonda, Issac; Belli, Anna-Maria


    Purpose: We have observed significant rates of uterine artery patency after uterine artery embolization (UAE) with nonspherical polyvinyl alcohol (nsPVA) on 6 month follow-up MR scanning. The study aim was to quantitatively assess uterine artery patency after UAE with nsPVA and to assess the effect of continued uterine artery patency on outcomes. Methods: A single centre, retrospective study of 50 patients undergoing bilateral UAE for uterine leiomyomata was undertaken. Pelvic MRI was performed before and 6 months after UAE. All embolizations were performed with nsPVA. Outcome measures included uterine artery patency, uterine and dominant fibroid volume, dominant fibroid percentage infarction, presence of ovarian arterial collaterals, and symptom scores assessed by the Uterine Fibroid Symptom and Quality of Life questionnaire (UFS-QOL). Results: Magnetic resonance angiographic evidence of uterine artery recanalization was demonstrated in 90 % of the patients (64 % bilateral, 26 % unilateral) at 6 months. Eighty percent of all dominant fibroids demonstrated >90 % infarction. The mean percentage reduction in dominant fibroid volume was 35 %. No significant difference was identified between nonpatent, unilateral, and bilateral recanalization of the uterine arteries with regard to percentage dominant fibroid infarction or dominant fibroid volume reduction. The presence of bilaterally or unilaterally patent uterine arteries was not associated with inferior clinical outcomes (symptom score or UFS-QOL scores) at 6 months. Conclusion: The high rates of uterine artery patency challenge the current paradigm that nsPVA is a permanent embolic agent and that permanent uterine artery occlusion is necessary to optimally treat uterine fibroids. Despite high rates of uterine artery recanalization in this cohort, satisfactory fibroid infarction rates and UFS-QOL scores were achieved

  20. MRI Assessment of Uterine Artery Patency and Fibroid Infarction Rates 6 Months after Uterine Artery Embolization with Nonspherical Polyvinyl Alcohol

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Das, Raj, E-mail:; Gonsalves, Michael; Vlahos, Ioannis [St George' s Healthcare NHS Trust, Blackshaw, Department of Radiology (United Kingdom); Manyonda, Issac [St George' s Healthcare NHS Trust, Department of Gynaecology (United Kingdom); Belli, Anna-Maria [St George' s Healthcare NHS Trust, Blackshaw, Department of Radiology (United Kingdom)


    Purpose: We have observed significant rates of uterine artery patency after uterine artery embolization (UAE) with nonspherical polyvinyl alcohol (nsPVA) on 6 month follow-up MR scanning. The study aim was to quantitatively assess uterine artery patency after UAE with nsPVA and to assess the effect of continued uterine artery patency on outcomes. Methods: A single centre, retrospective study of 50 patients undergoing bilateral UAE for uterine leiomyomata was undertaken. Pelvic MRI was performed before and 6 months after UAE. All embolizations were performed with nsPVA. Outcome measures included uterine artery patency, uterine and dominant fibroid volume, dominant fibroid percentage infarction, presence of ovarian arterial collaterals, and symptom scores assessed by the Uterine Fibroid Symptom and Quality of Life questionnaire (UFS-QOL). Results: Magnetic resonance angiographic evidence of uterine artery recanalization was demonstrated in 90 % of the patients (64 % bilateral, 26 % unilateral) at 6 months. Eighty percent of all dominant fibroids demonstrated >90 % infarction. The mean percentage reduction in dominant fibroid volume was 35 %. No significant difference was identified between nonpatent, unilateral, and bilateral recanalization of the uterine arteries with regard to percentage dominant fibroid infarction or dominant fibroid volume reduction. The presence of bilaterally or unilaterally patent uterine arteries was not associated with inferior clinical outcomes (symptom score or UFS-QOL scores) at 6 months. Conclusion: The high rates of uterine artery patency challenge the current paradigm that nsPVA is a permanent embolic agent and that permanent uterine artery occlusion is necessary to optimally treat uterine fibroids. Despite high rates of uterine artery recanalization in this cohort, satisfactory fibroid infarction rates and UFS-QOL scores were achieved.

  1. Continuous inhaled iloprost in a neonate with d-transposition of the great arteries and severe pulmonary arterial hypertension. (United States)

    Dykes, John C; Torres, Marilyn; Alexander, Plato J


    This report describes the case of a neonate with d-transposition of the great arteries and severe pulmonary arterial hypertension stabilised in the post-operative period with continuous iloprost nebulisation. To our knowledge, this is the first documented method of treating post-operative severe pulmonary arterial hypertension with continuous inhaled iloprost in a patient with complex CHD. We found this method of delivering the drug very effective in stabilising haemodynamic swings in the setting of severe pulmonary arterial hypertension.

  2. Angioplasty in stenosis of the innominate artery

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kobinia, G.S.; Bergmann, H. Jr.


    We describe a successful percutaneous transluminal dilatation (PTD) of an innominate artery stenosis in a 40-year-old patient with aortic arch syndrome. Five years earlier both a left central carotid artery occlusion and an innominate and left subclavian artery stenosis were treated by grafting from the aorta to the distal vessels. At recurrence of the neurological symptoms, reocclusion of the graft to the innominate artery and subtotal stenosis of the left carotid anastomosis were noted. The prevent the hazards of a reoperation, the innominate artery stenosis was dilated by means of PTD via the right brachial artery. Success of the procedure was demonstrated by Doppler sonography and angiography. It appears that PTD serves as an excellent method of treating stenoses of the aortic arch branches in aortic arch syndrome. (orig.)

  3. Cephalic pancreaticoduodenectomy with preservation of a right coronary artery bypass graft using the right gastro-epiploic artery: a case report. (United States)

    Homsy, K; Paquay, J-L; Farghadani, H


    Pancreatic cancer is a rare disease with a high mortality rate, for which complete surgical resection, when possible, is the preferred therapeutic. Pancreaticoduodenectomy represents the surgical technique of choice. Abdominal surgeons can be faced with the challenge of patients with a history of coronary artery bypass graft in which the right gastro-epiploic artery is used. We report the case of a patient with an adenocarcinoma of the pancreatic head, stage IIA, having previously undergone a triple coronary artery bypass, one of which being a right gastro-epiploic graft. Our challenge was underlined by the necessity of a complete oncological resection through a cephalic pancreaticoduodenectomy while preserving the necessary cardiac perfusion via the right gastro-epiploic artery. We have been able to preserve a right gastro-epiploic artery as a coronary bypass during a cephalic pancreaticoduodenectomy for a cephalic pancreatic adenocarcinoma. We have successfully been able to preserve and re-implant the right gastro-epiploic artery to the origin of the gastroduodenal artery while insuring R0 resection of the tumor. A coronary artery bypass using the right gastro-epiploic artery should therefore not be considered as an obstacle to a Whipple's procedure if total oncological resection is obtainable.

  4. Pulmonary artery-to-pulmonary artery anastomoses: angiographic demonstration in patients with chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hodson, J.; Graham, A.; Hughes, J.M.B.; Gibbs, J.S.R.; Jackson, J.E.


    AIM: To describe direct pulmonary artery-to-pulmonary artery anastomoses seen at pulmonary angiography in patients with chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension and discuss their possible significance. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Between 1 August 2000 and 31 July 2004 43 patients (male-to-female ratio 25:18) with a diagnosis of chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH) underwent selective pulmonary angiography to assess the extent of disease and suitability for surgical pulmonary endarterectomy. The mean pulmonary artery pressure ranged from 27-84 mmHg (average of 51 mmHg). Selective bilateral digital subtraction pulmonary angiograms performed in all individuals were reviewed for the presence of intrapulmonary collaterals. RESULTS: In 15 of the 43 patients (male-to-female ratio =7:8) definite (n=12) or probable (n=3) pulmonary artery-to-pulmonary artery anastomoses were demonstrated. Of the remaining 28 patients in whom intrapulmonary collaterals were not seen it was felt that in 16 the angiograms were of insufficient diagnostic quality (grades 4-5) to exclude their presence. Twelve patients, eight of whom had angiograms of sufficient diagnostic quality (grades 1-3), demonstrated one or more areas of luxury perfusion but intrapulmonary collaterals were not seen. CONCLUSION: Direct pulmonary artery-to-pulmonary artery anastomoses were demonstrated in patients with chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension, which to our knowledge have not been previously described. The importance of these collateral vessels is unclear but they may play a role in the maintenance of pulmonary parenchymal viability in patients with chronic pulmonary embolic disease. The rate of development of these collaterals and their prognostic significance in patients with chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension are areas worthy of further study

  5. Pulmonary artery-to-pulmonary artery anastomoses: angiographic demonstration in patients with chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hodson, J. [Department of Imaging, Imperial College School of Medicine, Hammersmith Hospital, Du Cane Road, London (United Kingdom); Graham, A. [Department of Imaging, Imperial College School of Medicine, Hammersmith Hospital, Du Cane Road, London (United Kingdom); Hughes, J.M.B. [Department of Respiratory Medicine, Imperial College School of Medicine, Hammersmith Hospital, Du Cane Road, London (United Kingdom); Gibbs, J.S.R. [Department of Cardiology, Imperial College School of Medicine, Hammersmith Hospital, Du Cane Road, London (United Kingdom); Jackson, J.E. [Department of Imaging, Imperial College School of Medicine, Hammersmith Hospital, Du Cane Road, London (United Kingdom)]. E-mail:


    AIM: To describe direct pulmonary artery-to-pulmonary artery anastomoses seen at pulmonary angiography in patients with chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension and discuss their possible significance. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Between 1 August 2000 and 31 July 2004 43 patients (male-to-female ratio 25:18) with a diagnosis of chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH) underwent selective pulmonary angiography to assess the extent of disease and suitability for surgical pulmonary endarterectomy. The mean pulmonary artery pressure ranged from 27-84 mmHg (average of 51 mmHg). Selective bilateral digital subtraction pulmonary angiograms performed in all individuals were reviewed for the presence of intrapulmonary collaterals. RESULTS: In 15 of the 43 patients (male-to-female ratio =7:8) definite (n=12) or probable (n=3) pulmonary artery-to-pulmonary artery anastomoses were demonstrated. Of the remaining 28 patients in whom intrapulmonary collaterals were not seen it was felt that in 16 the angiograms were of insufficient diagnostic quality (grades 4-5) to exclude their presence. Twelve patients, eight of whom had angiograms of sufficient diagnostic quality (grades 1-3), demonstrated one or more areas of luxury perfusion but intrapulmonary collaterals were not seen. CONCLUSION: Direct pulmonary artery-to-pulmonary artery anastomoses were demonstrated in patients with chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension, which to our knowledge have not been previously described. The importance of these collateral vessels is unclear but they may play a role in the maintenance of pulmonary parenchymal viability in patients with chronic pulmonary embolic disease. The rate of development of these collaterals and their prognostic significance in patients with chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension are areas worthy of further study.

  6. Aberrant origin of the upper left lobe anterior and superior lingular segmental pulmonary artery arising from the right pulmonary artery: A case report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cho, Yong Seok; Kang, Mi Jin; Bae, Kyung Eun; Lee, Jin Hae; Lee, Han Bee; Kim, Jae Hyung; Jeong, Myeong Ja; Kang, Tae Kyung


    Aberrant origins of the pulmonary artery are rare anomalies, but are being reported several times in the world literature. Among them, pulmonary artery sling is the most well known anomaly, which is the left pulmonary artery arising from the right pulmonary artery. In case of pulmonary artery sling, the left pulmonary artery causes compression of the trachea and esophagus while it courses in between. In this case, we describe a case on incidentally found aberrant origin of the upper left lobe anterior and superior lingular segmental pulmonary artery without any compressions of the esophagus or trachea. In the world literature, aberrant origins of the left pulmonary artery without pulmonary artery sling was reported at one time, but currently, this is the first case of aberrant origin of the upper left lobe anterior and superior lingular segmental pulmonary artery arising from the right pulmonary artery.

  7. Aberrant origin of the upper left lobe anterior and superior lingular segmental pulmonary artery arising from the right pulmonary artery: A case report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cho, Yong Seok; Kang, Mi Jin; Bae, Kyung Eun; Lee, Jin Hae; Lee, Han Bee; Kim, Jae Hyung; Jeong, Myeong Ja; Kang, Tae Kyung [Sanggye Paik Hospital, Inje University College of Medicine, Seoul, (Korea, Republic of)


    Aberrant origins of the pulmonary artery are rare anomalies, but are being reported several times in the world literature. Among them, pulmonary artery sling is the most well known anomaly, which is the left pulmonary artery arising from the right pulmonary artery. In case of pulmonary artery sling, the left pulmonary artery causes compression of the trachea and esophagus while it courses in between. In this case, we describe a case on incidentally found aberrant origin of the upper left lobe anterior and superior lingular segmental pulmonary artery without any compressions of the esophagus or trachea. In the world literature, aberrant origins of the left pulmonary artery without pulmonary artery sling was reported at one time, but currently, this is the first case of aberrant origin of the upper left lobe anterior and superior lingular segmental pulmonary artery arising from the right pulmonary artery.

  8. Intraluminal milrinone for dilation of the radial artery graft. (United States)

    García-Rinaldi, R; Soltero, E R; Carballido, J; Mojica, J


    There is renewed interest in the use of the radial artery as a conduit for coronary artery bypass surgery. The radial artery is, however, a very muscular artery, prone to vasospasm. Milrinone, a potent vasodilator, has demonstrated vasodilatory properties superior to those of papaverine. In this report, we describe our technique of radial artery harvesting and the adjunctive use of intraluminal milrinone as a vasodilator in the preparation of this conduit for coronary artery bypass grafting. We have used these techniques in 25 patients who have undergone coronary artery bypass grafting using the radial artery. No hand ischemic complications have been observed in this group. Intraluminal milrinone appears to dilate and relax the radial artery, rendering this large conduit spasm free and very easy to use. We recommend the skeletonization technique for radial artery harvesting and the use of intraluminal milrinone as a radial artery vasodilator in routine myocardial revascularization. PMID:10524740

  9. Intra-arterial digital subtraction angiography of the carotid arteries

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nakstad, P.; Bakke, S.J.; Kjartansson, O.; Nyhus, S.


    A cross-over test in intra-arterial digital subtraction angiography (IADSA) of the carotid arteries was performed in 50 patients to evaluate image quality and side-effects with iohexol and metrizoate injected at concentrations of 100 mg I/ml by hand. The image quality was excellent or good in all cases. Although the severity and the frequency of side-effects were higher with metrizoate, both contrast media were suitable for IADSA at this low concentration. No complications were seen. It was assumed that the risk with IADSA was less than that of conventional-selectivity and with small amounts of contrast media, as in this study. (orig.)

  10. Single Coronary Artery with Aortic Regurgitation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Katsetos, Manny C.; Toce, Dale T.


    An isolated single coronary artery can be associated with normal life expectancy; however, patients are at an increased risk of sudden death. A case is reported of a 54-year-old man with several months of chest pressure with activity. On exercise Sestamibi stress testing, the patient developed a hypotensive response with no symptoms and minimal electrocardiographic changes. Nuclear scanning demonstrated reversible septal and lateral perfusion defects consistent with severe ischemia. Coronary angiography revealed a single coronary artery with the right coronary artery arising from the left main. There were high-grade stenotic lesions in the left anterior descending and circumflex arteries with only moderate atherosclerotic disease in the right coronary artery. An aortogram showed 2-3+ aortic regurgitation, with an ejection fraction of 45% on ventriculography. The patient underwent four-vessel revascularization and aortic valve replacement and did well postoperatively

  11. Anomalous left coronary artery from the pulmonary artery with a large patent ductus arteriosus: aversion of a catastrophe. (United States)

    Aggarwal, Sanjeev; Delius, Ralph E; Pettersen, Michael D


    We present an infant who had an anomalous left coronary artery arising from the pulmonary artery (ALCAPA) and a large patent ductus arteriosus (PDA), who was diagnosed before a potentially catastrophic closure of PDA. In the presence of normal left ventricular function and the absence of coronary artery collaterals, it is difficult to diagnose ALCAPA. A disproportionate degree of left ventricular dilation and severity of mitral valve regurgitation relative to the degree of PDA shunt, and echogenic papillary muscles on an echocardiogram should raise a suspicion of coronary artery anomalies. The infant underwent surgical ligation of PDA with translocation of coronary arteries and had an uneventful recovery. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  12. Relationship between the arterial calcification detected in mammography and coronary artery disease

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Topal, Ugur [Department of Radiology, Uludag University, Medical School, Goeruekle Campus, 16059 Bursa (Turkey)], E-mail:; Kaderli, Aysel [Department of Cardiology, Uludag University, Medical School, Goeruekle Campus, 16059 Bursa (Turkey); Topal, Naile Bolca [Department of Radiology, Uludag University, Medical School, Goeruekle Campus, 16059 Bursa (Turkey); Ozdemir, Buelent; Yesilbursa, Dilek; Cordan, Jale [Department of Cardiology, Uludag University, Medical School, Goeruekle Campus, 16059 Bursa (Turkey); Ediz, Buelent [Department of Statistics, Uludag University, Medical School, Goeruekle Campus, 16059 Bursa (Turkey); Aydinlar, Ali [Department of Cardiology, Uludag University, Medical School, Goeruekle Campus, 16059 Bursa (Turkey)


    Objective: Arterial calcification is frequently encountered in mammography. The frequency of breast arterial calcification (BAC) increases with increasing age. Studies have shown that BAC is seen more frequently among the people who are under the risk of coronary artery diseases (CAD) such as diabetes and hypertension. The objective of this study is to investigate the relationship between the arterial calcification detected in mammography and the CAD. Material and methods: Screening mammography was performed in 123 women above the age of 40 years who had been examined with coronary angiography for the evaluation of CAD. The presence of BAC, number of affected vessels, and the distribution of calcification in the vessel wall were evaluated in the mammography. Subjects were questioned in terms of the cardiovasculary risk factors. The severity of CAD was evaluated according to the Gensini scoring. In addition, the number of blood vessels with stenosis of more than 50% was used as the vascular score. The correlation between Gensini and the vascular scores, and BAC was statistically evaluated using Mann-Whitney U and Kruskal-Wallis tests. Results: Eighty (65%) of 123 patients had CAD. BAC was detected in the mammography of 49 (39.8%) subjects. The ages and duration of menopause of the cases with BAC were significantly higher than those without BAC (p < 0.001). There was an almost significant correlation between the BAC and Gensini scores (p = 0.059). There was a significant increase in the frequency of BAC among subjects with more than two vessels with stenosis (p = 0.033). Conclusion: Frequency of BAC increases with increasing age. BAC is also frequently seen in subjects having severe coronary artery disease. Although increasing age may be a factor increasing the frequency of BAC, BAC may also be an indicator of CAD. Therefore, the mentioning of arterial calcification in mammography reports may be important in warning the clinician in terms of CAD.

  13. A Segmental Hypoplastic Anterior Tibial Artery Coexisting with a Hypertrophied Perforating Fibular Artery a Case Report and Clinical Implications


    Ariyo, Olutayo


    Vascular injuries of the lower limb, especially from penetrating gunshot wounds, and peripheral arterial diseases are on the increase and management of these and many other lower limb injuries involve increasing usage of vascular interventions like by-pass surgery, per-cutaneous transluminal angioplasty, arterial cannulation, arterial bypass graft or minimally invasive measures like percutaneous trans-arterial catheterization, among others. A thorough knowledge of infrapopliteal branching mos...

  14. Transesophageal echocardiography in the assessment of coronary arteries

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Adamek-Kosmider, A.; Kasprzak, J.; Kosmider, M.; Krzeminska-Pakula, M.


    The study was undertaken to assess the usefulness of TEE for evaluation of morphology and flow in coronary arteries. TEE (2D, spectral and color Doppler imaging) and coronary angiography were performed in 75 patients - 41 with valvular heart disease and 34 with ischemic heart disease. Proximal coronary artery stenosis was detected by coronarography in 11 pts (9-left main coronary artery, 2-right coronary artery). TEE visualization of proximal coronary arteries was possible in all pts. Echocardiographic features of artery stenosis were: the narrowing of the vessel in 2D image (9 pts), high flow velocity spectral Doppler (4 pts, mean 135 cm/s vs 55 cm/s in normal arteries) and mosaic, turbulent flow in color Doppler (10 pts). Sensitivity and specificity of TEE for coronary artery stenosis detection was respectively 81%/98% for 2D imaging and 90%/100% for color Doppler. TEE is a new, noninvasive and safe method for the evaluation of proximal coronary arteries. Detection of LMCA stenosis prior to atheterization may enhance the safety of coronary angiography. (author)

  15. Persistence of stapedial artery: a case report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Carvalho, Bruna Vilaca de; Gaiotti, Juliana Oggioni; Diniz, Renata Lopes Furletti Caldeira; Ribeiro, Marcelo Almeida; Motta, Emilia Guerra Pinto Coelho; Moreira, Wanderval


    Persistent stapedial artery is a rare congenital anomaly that occurs by a failure in the involution of such artery. Most patients with persistent stapedial artery are asymptomatic. The imaging diagnosis is made principally by means of multidetector computed tomography. In the present case, persistent stapedial artery was an incidental computed tomography finding. The authors discuss the embryogenesis, computed tomography findings and the importance of an early diagnosis of such anomaly. (author)

  16. Abnormal splenic artery diameter/hepatic artery diameter ratio in cirrhosis-induced portal hypertension (United States)

    Zeng, Dao-Bing; Dai, Chuan-Zhou; Lu, Shi-Chun; He, Ning; Wang, Wei; Li, Hong-Jun


    AIM: To determine an optimal cutoff value for abnormal splenic artery diameter/proper hepatic artery diameter (S/P) ratio in cirrhosis-induced portal hypertension. METHODS: Patients with cirrhosis and portal hypertension (n = 770) and healthy volunteers (n = 31) underwent volumetric computed tomography three-dimensional vascular reconstruction to measure the internal diameters of the splenic artery and proper hepatic artery to calculate the S/P ratio. The cutoff value for abnormal S/P ratio was determined using receiver operating characteristic curve analysis, and the prevalence of abnormal S/P ratio and associations between abnormal S/P ratio and major complications of portal hypertension were studied using logistic regression. RESULTS: The receiver operating characteristic analysis showed that the cutoff points for abnormal splenic artery internal diameter and S/P ratio were > 5.19 mm and > 1.40, respectively. The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value were 74.2%, 45.2%, 97.1%, and 6.6%, respectively. The prevalence of an abnormal S/P ratio in the patients with cirrhosis and portal hypertension was 83.4%. Patients with a higher S/P ratio had a lower risk of developing ascites [odds ratio (OR) = 0.708, 95%CI: 0.508-0.986, P = 0.041] and a higher risk of developing esophageal and gastric varices (OR = 1.483, 95%CI: 1.010-2.175, P = 0.044) and forming collateral circulation (OR = 1.518, 95%CI: 1.033-2.230, P = 0.034). After splenectomy, the portal venous pressure and maximum and mean portal venous flow velocities were reduced, while the flow rate and maximum and minimum flow velocities of the hepatic artery were increased (P portal hypertension, and it can be used as an important marker of splanchnic hemodynamic disturbances. PMID:23483462

  17. Alteraciones en el reclutamiento y activación de proteínas Rab durante la infección micobacteriana

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Diana Castaño


    La expresión de mutantes constitutivamente activos de las Rab de endosomas tempranos impide la maduración de fagosomas que contienen esferas de látex o micobacterias inactivadas por calor. Mientras que su silenciamiento, mediante ARN de interferencia o mediante dominantes negativos, induce la maduración de fagosomas micobacterianos. Los mecanismos exactos por los que las micobacterias alteran la dinámica de expresión de estas GTPasas, afectando la maduración fagolisosómica, no se han establecido. El problema podría explicarse por defectos en el reclutamiento de las proteínas que interactúan con Rab, como la cinasa-3 del fosfatidilinositol y el antígeno endosómico temprano 1. La identificación de los mecanismos empleados por Mycobacterium spp. para interrumpir el ciclo de activación de las Rab, será esencial para comprender la fisiopatología de la infección micobacteriana y útil como posibles blancos farmacológicos.

  18. Economía política de la comunicación y Teoría Crítica: Apuntes y tendencias

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Francisco Sierra Caballero


    Full Text Available Las actividades de información-comunicación constituyen una parte esencial de la base económica en la que se fundamenta el modelo tardocapitalista, también denominado Capitalismo Cognitivo. Superando el tradicional desinterés de la academia por esta realidad, en el último lustro han tenido lugar en Iberoamérica diferentes experiencias que apuntan la posibilidad de recuperación del pensamiento crítico emancipador. La Economía Política de la Comunicación o del Conocimiento debe ser capaz de imaginar otra comunicación posible. Information-communication activities are an essential part in the economic basis on which late-capitalism model, also called Cognitive Capitalism, is based. Exceeding the usual lack of interest of academia in this fact, different recent experiences in Latin America focus on chances of recovering critical thinking. Political Economy of Knowledge must be able of imagining another possible communication.

  19. Communication and organizacional change / Comunicación y cambio organizacional

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M.A. Luz Ernestina Fierro Murga


    Full Text Available Communication is an essential element in organizational life, thanks to this process, through which human beings share experiences, it is possible for persons to accomplish joint actions, generate agreements, commitments and participate in organizational change. The purpose of this investigation is to analyze -through open messages in the form of a poster- the influence of communications as strategies of power in organizational change.Resumen: La comunicación es un elemento esencial en la vida de las organizaciones, gracias e este proceso, a través del cual se ponen en común las experiencias y vivencias del ser humano, es posible que las personas realicen acciones conjuntas, generen acuerdos, compromisos y participen en el cambio organizacional. En esta investigación se tiene como propósito analizar -a través de las circulares abiertas en forma de cartel- la influencia que tienen las comunicaciones como estrategias de poder en el cambio organizacional.

  20. Coronary artery anomalies in Turner Syndrome. (United States)

    Viuff, Mette H; Trolle, Christian; Wen, Jan; Jensen, Jesper M; Nørgaard, Bjarne L; Gutmark, Ephraim J; Gutmark-Little, Iris; Mortensen, Kristian H; Gravholt, Claus Højbjerg; Andersen, Niels H

    Congenital heart disease, primarily involving the left-sided structures, is often seen in patients with Turner Syndrome. Moreover, a few case reports have indicated that coronary anomalies may be more prevalent in Turner Syndrome than in the normal population. We therefore set out to systematically investigate coronary arterial anatomy by computed tomographic coronary angiography (coronary CTA) in Turner Syndrome patients. Fifty consecutive women with Turner Syndrome (mean age 47 years [17-71]) underwent coronary CTA. Patients were compared with 25 gender-matched controls. Coronary anomaly was more frequent in patients with Turner Syndrome than in healthy controls [20% vs. 4% (p = 0.043)]. Nine out of ten abnormal cases had an anomalous left coronary artery anatomy (absent left main trunk, n = 7; circumflex artery originating from the right aortic sinus, n = 2). One case had a tubular origin of the right coronary artery above the aortic sinus. There was no correlation between the presence of coronary arterial anomalies and karyotype, bicuspid aortic valve, or other congenital heart defects. Coronary anomalies are highly prevalent in Turner Syndrome. The left coronary artery is predominantly affected, with an absent left main coronary artery being the most common anomaly. No hemodynamically relevant coronary anomalies were found. Copyright © 2016 Society of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography. All rights reserved.

  1. Angiographic predictors of 3-year patency of bypass grafts implanted on the right coronary artery system: a prospective randomized comparison of gastroepiploic artery, saphenous vein, and right internal thoracic artery grafts. (United States)

    Glineur, David; D'hoore, William; de Kerchove, Laurent; Noirhomme, Philippe; Price, Joel; Hanet, Claude; El Khoury, Gebrine


    Saphenous vein, in situ right gastroepiploic artery, and right internal thoracic artery grafts are routinely used to revascularize the right coronary artery. Little is known about the predictive value of objective preoperative angiographic parameters on midterm graft patency. We prospectively enrolled 210 consecutive patients undergoing coronary revascularization. Revascularization of the right coronary artery was randomly performed with the saphenous vein grafts in 81 patients and the right gastroepiploic artery in 92 patients. During the same study period, 37 patients received right coronary artery revascularization with the right internal thoracic artery used in a Y-composite fashion. All patients underwent a protocol-driven coronary angiogram 3 years after surgery. Preoperative angiographic parameters included minimum lumen diameter percent stenosis measured by quantitative angiography. A graft was considered "not functional" with patency scores of 0 to 2 and "functional" with patency scores of 3 or 4. Angiographic follow-up was 100% complete. A significant difference in the distribution of flow patterns was observed in the 3 groups. In multivariate analysis, the use of a saphenous vein graft was associated with superior graft functionality compared with the other conduits (odds ratio, 6.1; 95% confidence interval, 2.4-15). Graft function was negatively influenced by the minimum lumen diameter (odds ratio, 0.11; confidence interval, 0.05-0.25). In the right gastroepiploic artery and right internal thoracic artery groups, the proportion of functional grafts was higher when the minimum lumen diameter was below a threshold value in the third minimum lumen diameter quartile (0.64-1.30 mm). Preoperative angiography predicts graft patency in the right gastroepiploic artery and right internal thoracic artery, whereas the flow pattern in saphenous vein grafts is significantly less influenced by quantitative angiographic parameters. Copyright © 2011 The American

  2. Left Circumflex Coronary Artery Fistula Connected to the Right Bronchial Artery Associated with Bronchiectasis: Multidetector CT and Coronary Angiography Findings

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nam, Kyung Jin; Choo, Ki Seok [Dept. of Radiology, Medical Research Institute, Pusan National University Yangsan Hospital, Pusan National University School of Medicine, Yangsan (Korea, Republic of)


    Coronary to bronchial artery fistula is a rare vascular anomaly secondary to enlargement of pre-existing vascular anastomosis between the coronary and bronchial arteries. This occurs when there is a constant disturbance of the pressure equilibrium involving either coronary or broncho-pulmonary disorder. Localized bronchiectasis is the most common related condition in patients with a coronary to bronchial artery fistula. Herein, we report on a case of a large left circumflex coronary artery to right bronchial artery fistula associated with bronchiectasis.

  3. Aberrant right vertebral artery originating from the aortic arch distal to the left subclavian artery: A case report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Baek, Soo Heui; Baek, Hye Jin [Dept. of Radiology, Haeundae Paik Hospital, Inje University College of Medicine, Busan (Korea, Republic of)


    We present a rare case of an aberrant right vertebral artery originated from the distal aortic arch. This issue has been incidentally detected on a preoperative CT angiography after a stabbing injury of the cervical spinal cord. Normally, the right vertebral artery originates from the right subclavian artery. Therefore, in this case report we will review the incidence and the embryological mechanism of this aberrant course of the right vertebral artery and we will discuss as well the clinical importance of this variation.

  4. Angiographic imaging of the branching of the popliteal artery into the arteries of the lower leg

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Prayer, L.; Karnel, F.; Schurawitzki, H.


    For the anatomic analysis of the branching of the popliteal artery into the lower leg arteries, 414 intra-arterial DSA images of the lower extremity (obtained in 223 patients) were available. In 90.1% of the material examined, a 'normal' branching was found. If one leg of a patient showed 'normal' branching, there was a probability of 6.9% to find a different branching of the artery in the other leg. In 9.9% of the examined legs deviations from standard branching were observed. If there was a deviation from standard observed in one leg, the probability of finding a variant of branching in the other leg as well was 4.4%. (orig./MG) [de

  5. Evaluación del trabajo esencial de fractura en chapa de un acero de alta resistencia de fase dual

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gutiérrez, D.


    Full Text Available Fracture toughness of advanced high strength steels (AHSS, can be used to optimize crash behavior of structural components. However it cannot be readily measured in metal sheet because of the sheet thickness. In this work, the Essential Work of Fracture (EWF methodology is proposed to evaluate the fracture toughness of metal sheets. It has been successfully applied in polymers films and some metal sheets. However, their information about the applicability of this methodology to AHSS is relatively scarce. In the present work the fracture toughness of a Dual Phase (strength of 800 MPa and drawing steel sheets has been measured by means of the EWF. The results show that the test requirements are met and also show the clear influence of notch radii on the measured values, specially for the AHSS grade. Thus, the EWF is postulated as a methodology to evaluate the fracture toughness in AHSS sheets.

    La tenacidad de fractura de aceros de alta resistencia (AHSS, es una propiedad interesante para optimizar el comportamiento a impacto, pero su caracterización experimental en chapas metálicas es compleja debido a su espesor. En este trabajo se plantea el método del Trabajo Esencial de Fractura (TEF, como alternativa al cálculo de la tenacidad. Este método ya ha sido utilizado con éxito en polímeros y aceros dúctiles, aunque la información sobre su aplicación en AHSS es escasa. Se ha evaluado la tenacidad en un acero de fase dual de 800 MPa de resistencia y se ha comparado con la de un acero de embutición. Los resultados muestran que se cumplen los requisitos del método y ponen en evidencia la influencia del radio de entalla en el valor obtenido de TEF, especialmente para AHSS. Con todo ello, el método TEF se puede usar para caracterizar la tenacidad de AHSS en formato chapa.

  6. [Peculiarities of the course of arterial hypertension in patients with atherosclerotic stenoses of brachiocephalic arteries before and after surgery on carotid arteries]. (United States)

    Kosacheva, N B; Tuev, A V


    Study aim was to investigate relationship between atherosclerosis of carotid arteries (CA) and the presence of arterial hypertension (AH) and possibilities of correction of AH after surgery. We examined 70 patients with episodes of elevation of arterial pressure (AP) scheduled for surgical interventions on brachiocephalic arteries (BCA) because of CA stenoses (n=50, group 1) or anomalies of BCA development (n=20, group 2). Before operation patients of group 1 had higher mean AP than patients of group 2 (103.6+/-11.3 and 91.7+/-6.6 mm Hg, respectively, p=0.00007). This difference disappeared after surgery. In postoperative period in patients with CA stenoses levels of both systolic and diastolic AP decreased (from 145.1+/-14.7 to 135.6+/-12.3, p=0.02; and from 83.3+/-10.2 78.1+/-9.7 mm Hg, =0.02, respectively). In group 2 no significant AP reduction was observed. Thus AP elevation in patients with involvement of BCA to a considerable degree is caused by CA stenosis. Surgical treatment of these patients facilitates lowering of AP.

  7. Transcatheter arterial embolization for traumatic bleeding control

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ryu, Choon Wook; Lee, Sang Kwon; Suh, Kyung Jin; Kim, Tae Heon; Kim, Yong Joo; Kang, Duck Sik


    Angiography is essential for the detection of bleeding vessels in traumatic vascular injury. Immediately after the diagnosis, transcatheter embolization can be performed for the control of bleeding effectively and easily with proper use of embolic materials. Transcatheter embolization is believed to be the treatment of choice when emergency control is needed, where surgical approach is difficult and in those who are poor candidate for surgery. We have tried bleeding control in 18 cases of trauma over recent 4 years. The results were as follows; 1. Causes of bleeding(cases): Blunt or penetrating trauma (10), latrogenic trauma (8), (Postoperative (5), Needle biopsy (2), Percutaneous hepatic procedure (1)) 2. Embolized vessels: Renal artery branches (8), Hepatic artery branches (2), Arteries supplying chest wall (2), External carotid artery branches (3), Internal carotid artery (1), Circumflex humeral artery (1), Internal iliac artery branches (1). 3. Embolic agents: Gelfoam cubes (16), Stainless steel coils (3), Detachable latex balloon (1). 4. Successful bleeding control was achieved in 17 cases and reduction of the amount of bleeding in one case without significant complications

  8. Bacteria of leg atheromatous arteries responsible for inflammation. (United States)

    Olszewski, Waldemar Lech; Rutkowska, Joanna; Moscicka-Wesolowska, Maria; Swoboda-Kopec, Ewa; Stelmach, Ewa; Zaleska, Marzanna; Zagozda, Malgorzata


    Ischaemia of the lower limbs is frequently followed by inflammation and, in advanced cases, necrosis of peripheral tissues. Whether this is caused by arterial hypoperfusion only or by the presence of bacteria in the arterial walI as well remains unclear. The aim of the study was to prove the presence and source of bacteria in arterial specimens and evaluate their chemotactic properties resulting in the formation of periarterial cellular infiltrates. Bacterial culture and testing for 16sRNA were performed in fragments of popliteal artery harvested from amputated limbs. Carotid artery plaques served as controls. Fragments of arteries were transplanted into scid mice to evaluate their chemotactic activity for macrophages. a) higher prevalence of isolates and 16sRNA in atherosclerotic popliteal than carotid arteries, b) high density of plaque and periarterial infiltrates and mRNA level for pro-inflammatory cytokines in popliteal arteries, c) prevalent microbes were Staphylococcus aureus, S. epidermidis and Enterococci, d) foot skin and arterial bacterial phenotypes and DNA revealed evident similarities, and e) more intensive mouse macrophage accumulation in popliteal than carotid implants into scid mice. The presence of bacteria in the lower limb arterial wall was documented. They may predispose to inflammation secondary to ischaemic changes.

  9. Coronary artery anatomy and variants

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Malago, Roberto; Pezzato, Andrea; Barbiani, Camilla; Alfonsi, Ugolino; Nicoli, Lisa; Caliari, Giuliana; Pozzi Mucelli, Roberto [Policlinico G.B. Rossi, University of Verona, Department of Radiology, Verona (Italy)


    Variants and congenital anomalies of the coronary arteries are usually asymptomatic, but may present with severe chest pain or cardiac arrest. The introduction of multidetector CT coronary angiography (MDCT-CA) allows the detection of significant coronary artery stenosis. Improved performance with isotropic spatial resolution and higher temporal resolution provides a valid alternative to conventional coronary angiography (CCA) in many patients. MDCT-CA is now considered the ideal tool for three-dimensional visualization of the complex and tortuous anatomy of the coronary arteries. With multiplanar and volume-rendered reconstructions, MDCT-CA may even outperform CCA in determining the relative position of vessels, thus providing a better view of the coronary vascular anatomy. The purpose of this review is to describe the normal anatomy of the coronary arteries and their main variants based on MDCT-CA with appropriate reconstructions. (orig.)

  10. Uterine Artery Anatomy Relevant to Uterine Leiomyomata Embolization

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gomez-Jorge, Jackeline; Keyoung, Andrew; Levy, Elliot B.; Spies, James B.


    To categorize the anatomic variants of uterine arteries, and determine the incidence of menopausal symptoms where the tubo-ovarian branches were seen prior to embolization. Between July 1997 and June 2000, 257 (n = 257) uterine fibroid embolizations were performed at our institution. Arteriograms were retrospectively evaluated. Uterine arteries were classified into groups: type I (the uterine artery as first branch of the inferior gluteal artery), type II (the uterine artery as second or third branch of the inferior gluteal artery), type III (the uterine artery, the inferior gluteal and the superior gluteal arteries arising as a trifurcation), type IV (the uterine artery as first branch of the hypogastric artery), inconclusive, or not studied. Tubo-ovarian branches were recorded if visualized prior to and/or after embolization. Menopausal symptoms were recorded (n = 175 at 3 months, n = 139 at 6 months, n = 98 at 1 year, n = 22 at 2 years) using written questionnaires. Five hundred and fourteen uterine arteries (n = 514) were evaluated. There were 38% classifiable types, 23% inconclusive, and 39% not studied. Classification was as follows: type I, 45%; type II, 6%; type III, 43%; type IV, 6%. Among 256 patients, tubo-ovarian arteries were seen in 36 prior to embolization, but not afterwards. In this group, 25 patients reported transient menopausal symptoms (hot flashes, amenorrhea). Five patients did not report any menopausal symptoms. Six patients did not answer the questionnaires. Type I is the most common type of anatomy, followed by type III. The tubo-ovarian arteries may be visualized prior to and/or after embolization. The embolization was monitored to avoid embolization of the tubo-ovarian branches. Menopausal symptoms were transient all patients when the tubo-ovarian branches were seen prior to embolization

  11. Analysis, reconstruction and manipulation using arterial snakes

    KAUST Repository

    Li, Guo; Liu, Ligang; Zheng, Hanlin; Mitra, Niloy J.


    , and manipulating such arterial surfaces. The core of the algorithm is a novel deformable model, called arterial snake, that simultaneously captures the topology and geometry of the arterial objects. The recovered snakes produce a natural decomposition of the raw

  12. Description of the celiac artery in domestic pigeons (Columba livia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cibele Geeverghese


    Full Text Available This paper aimed to define the origin and distribution of the celiac artery and its collateral branches in 15 fowls from the Columba livia species, which were obtained from the Zoonosis Control Center of Brasilia, Brazil. In order to mark the arterial system of the specimens, the left brachiocephalic trunk was canullated and a colored water-latex solution was injected there. Afterwards, fowls were fixed in a 10% v/v formaldehyde solution and dissected with appropriate equipment, presenting the results described in this paper. The celiac artery originated from the ventral face of the descendent aorta. The first collateral branch arose from the celiac artery itself, forming the esophageal artery. Then, the celiac artery has bifurcated into two branches, named left and right branches of the celiac artery. The left branch emitted the proventricular ventral artery, followed by the splenic arteries, proventricular dorsal artery, and the left hepatic artery. The left branch has bifurcated into two branches, known as ventral and left gastric arteries. The right branch emitted the right hepatic artery, followed by the ileal artery and the right gastric artery. Finally, the right branch turned into the pancreaticoduodenal artery. Our findings showed a great similarity with the avian lineages of the Gallus gallus species, except for the lack of ileocecal artery, cystic branches, and dorsal gastric artery.

  13. Embolisation of the splenic artery

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Essler, G; Duex, A


    In bleeding of oesophageal varices with resistance to common treatment embolisation of the splenic artery causes depression of the portal hypertension by forty per cent. Thrombosis of the splenic or portal vein as in splenectomies are not to be expected. The splenic vein remains open for later spleno-renal anastomosis. By occlusion of the splenic artery we were successful in stopping oesophageal bleeding. In a patient with dominant hypersplenism in portal hypertension the severity of the syndrome decreased after embolisation of the splenic artery. Thrombocytes, leukocytes and gammaglobulin increased.

  14. Parent artery occlusion for ruptured “true” posterior communicating artery aneurysm


    Mitsuhashi, Takashi; Takeda, Nobuaki; Oishi, Hidenori; Arai, Hajime


    A case of a patient with a ruptured true posterior communicating artery (PCoA) aneurysm is reported, who had been managed by early endovascular parent artery occlusion with coils. The small blister aneurysm was located at the proximal PCoA itself and directed superiorly. Postoperative course was uneventful. During 1-month follow-up, the patient recovered well and could care for herself. Aneurysms of the PCoA itself are very rare. As reported to date, surgical procedures would favor microsurgi...

  15. Isolated Left Pulmonary Artery Agenesis: A Case Report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tansel Ansal Balcı


    Full Text Available Unilateral pulmonary artery agenesis without any cardiovascular malformation is a rare anomaly. We present the imaging findings of a patient who was diagnosed as isolated left pulmonary artery agenesis. A 27-year-old female patient was admitted to our hospital due to dyspnea during exercise for five years. Chest X-ray revealed minimally small left pulmonary hilum and left lung. She was admitted to our clinic with the suspicion of pulmonary artery pathology. Absent perfusion of the left lung with normal ventilation was visualized on scintigraphy. MDCT angiography of pulmonary arteries showed absent left main pulmonary artery with systemic collaterals around left hemithorax. Pulmonary artery agenesis can be asymptomatic and isolated until adulthood. Both scintigraphy and CT angiography images of pulmonary artery agenesis of a patient are rare in the literature. Pulmonary ventilation- perfusion scintigraphy can be used not only for pulmonary embolism but also pathologies involving pulmonary artery and its branches. (MIRT 2012;21:80-83

  16. Arterial pressure profile in patients with cirrhosis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Henriksen, Jens H; Fuglsang, Stefan; Bendtsen, Flemming


    Patients with cirrhosis have cardiovascular dysfunction and altered mechanical properties of large and small arteries. This study was undertaken in order to analyze the arterial pressure curve in relation to mean arterial pressure level, stroke volume, and severity of liver disease....

  17. Pulmonary arterial hypertension : an update

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hoendermis, E. S.


    Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH), defined as group 1 of the World Heart Organisation (WHO) classification of pulmonary hypertension, is an uncommon disorder of the pulmonary vascular system. It is characterised by an increased pulmonary artery pressure, increased pulmonary vascular resistance

  18. Effect of angiotensin II-induced arterial hypertension on the voltage-dependent contractions of mouse arteries. (United States)

    Fransen, Paul; Van Hove, Cor E; Leloup, Arthur J A; Schrijvers, Dorien M; De Meyer, Guido R Y; De Keulenaer, Gilles W


    Arterial hypertension (AHT) affects the voltage dependency of L-type Ca(2+) channels in cardiomyocytes. We analyzed the effect of angiotensin II (AngII)-induced AHT on L-type Ca(2+) channel-mediated isometric contractions in conduit arteries. AHT was induced in C57Bl6 mice with AngII-filled osmotic mini-pumps (4 weeks). Normotensive mice treated with saline-filled osmotic mini-pumps were used for comparison. Voltage-dependent contractions mediated by L-type Ca(2+) channels were studied in vaso-reactive studies in vitro in isolated aortic and femoral arteries by using extracellular K(+) concentration-response (KDR) experiments. In aortic segments, AngII-induced AHT significantly sensitized isometric contractions induced by elevated extracellular K(+) and depolarization. This sensitization was partly prevented by normalizing blood pressure with hydralazine, suggesting that it was caused by AHT rather than by direct AngII effects on aortic smooth muscle cells. The EC50 for extracellular K(+) obtained in vitro correlated significantly with the rise in arterial blood pressure induced by AngII in vivo. The AHT-induced sensitization persisted when aortic segments were exposed to levcromakalim or to inhibitors of basal nitric oxide release. Consistent with these observations, AngII-treatment also sensitized the vaso-relaxing effects of the L-type Ca(2+) channel blocker diltiazem during K(+)-induced contractions. Unlike aorta, AngII-treatment desensitized the isometric contractions to depolarization in femoral arteries pointing to vascular bed specific responses of arteries to hypertension. AHT affects the voltage-dependent L-type Ca(2+) channel-mediated contraction of conduit arteries. This effect may contribute to the decreased vascular compliance in AHT and explain the efficacy of Ca(2+) channel blockers to reduce vascular stiffness and central blood pressure in AHT.

  19. Emergency interventional therapy of peripheral arterial stenosis and thrombosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cai Fengquan; Yu Xixiang


    Objective: To evaluate the clinical value of emergency interventional therapy of stenosis and thrombosis of peripheral arteries. Methods: 26 patients suffered from stenosis and thrombosis of peripheral arteries including, 3 subclavical arteries, 5 iliac arteries, 7 femoral arteries, 4 popliteal arteries, 4 posterior or anterior tibial arteries, 2 graft vessels and 1 instent restenosis were undertaken interventional ATD or urokinase infusion thrombolysis, percutanous transluminal angioplasty (PTA) and stent placement. Results: The stenotic arteries were recanalized after PTA or stent placement and the thrombosis vanished after thrombolysis with distal flowes improved or resumed. Clinical symptom was ameliorated. No more complication occurred except one patient with alimentary hemorrhage after thrombolysis. The patients were followed up from 1 to 20 months with all the involved arteries keeping in constant patency without any amputation. Conclusions: Emergency thrombolysis by machine or drug along with PTA or stent placement can effectively cure the stenosis or thrombosis of peripheral artery with recanalization and no amputation. (authors)

  20. Endovascular treatment of renal artery stenoses

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lashari, M.N.


    To evaluate the procedure success and effect on hypertension after stenting of incidentally diagnosed atherosclerotic renal artery stenoses. Study Design: An experimental study. Place and Duration of Study: A multicentric study was conducted at the Plastic Surgery and General Hospital, National Medical Center and Ziauddin University Hospital, Karachi, Pakistan from January 2009 to March 2013. Methodology: Hypertension (systolic blood pressure > 160 and diastolic > 90 mmHg with two or more than two medications) with coronary artery disease were initially evaluated for coronary angiography, Renal artery angiography was also endovascular performed and stent was deployed for atherosclerotic renal artery stenosis when found. Blood pressure readings, reduction in need of antihypertensive medication and serum creatinine levels were taken as outcome measures. Patients having renal artery stenoses secondary to connective tissue disorders and fibromuscular dysplasia were excluded. Results: There were 25 patients, 14 (56%) male and 11 (44%) female, with mean age of 49 +- 6 years. Diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia and smoking were seen in 11 (44%), 10 (40%) and 4 (16%) patients respectively. Renal insufficiency (serum creatinine > 1.5 mg/dl) was seen in one (04%) patient. Bilateral, and isolated right and left renal artery stenoses was seen in 5 (20%), 9 (36%) and 11(44%) patients respectively. Mean percentage of renal artery stenoses was 89%, ranged from 70% to 99% while ostial lesion was found in 20 (80%) patients. A significant decrease in systolic (168.20 +- 9.987 vs. 140.60 +- 5.649 mmHg, p < 0.001) and diastolic blood pressure (88.60 +- 5.50 vs. 77.20 +- 5.017 mmHg, p < 0.001) and reduction of medication (2.72 +- 0.458 vs. 1.5 +- 0.510, p < 0.01) were noted without a change in renal function (p= 0.061) after renal artery stenting. Conclusion: Endovascular stenting of renal artery stenoses in patients with poorly controlled hypertension is a safe and effective treatment

  1. Elevated arterial compliance in patients with cirrhosis is not related to arterial endothelin-1

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Møller, Søren; Gülberg, V; Becker, U


    study was to investigate a potential relation between altered arterial compliance and arterial ET-1 in patients with cirrhosis. As ET-1 may be manipulated by somastostatin, the study includes infusion of octreotide in a subset of patients. METHODS: A total of 67 patients with cirrhosis and 27 controls...

  2. Duplex ultrasound for identifying renal artery stenosis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Zachrisson, Karin; Herlitz, Hans; Lönn, Lars


    Background Renal artery duplex ultrasound (RADUS) is an established method for diagnosis of renal artery stenosis (RAS), but there is no consensus regarding optimal RADUS criteria. Purpose To define optimal cutoff values for RADUS parameters when screening for RAS using intra-arterial trans...

  3. Anomalous left coronary artery from the pulmonary artery (United States)

    ... anomalies of mitral valve. In: Sellke FW, del Nido PJ, Swanson SJ, eds. Sabiston and Spencer Surgery ... of the coronary arteries. In: Sellke FW, del Nido PJ, Swanson SJ, eds. Sabiston and Spencer Surgery ...

  4. Anatomy of Inferior Mesenteric Artery in Fetuses

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ayesha Nuzhat


    Full Text Available Aim. To analyze Inferior Mesenteric Artery in fetuses through its site of origin, length, diameter, and variation of its branches. Method. 100 fetuses were collected from various hospitals in Warangal at Kakatiya Medical College in Andhra Pradesh, India, and were divided into two groups, group I (second-trimester fetuses and group II (third-trimester fetuses, followed by dissection. Result. (1 Site of Origin. In group I fetuses, origin of Inferior Mesenteric Artery was at third lumbar vertebra in 33 out of 34 fetuses (97.2%. In one fetus it was at first lumbar vertebra, 2.8%. In all group II fetuses, origin of Inferior Mesenteric Artery was at third lumbar vertebra. (2 Length. In group I fetuses it ranged between 18 and 30 mm, average being 24 mm except in one fetus where it was 48 mm. In group II fetuses the length ranged from 30 to 34 mm, average being 32 mm. (3 Diameter. In group I fetuses it ranged from 0.5 to 1 mm, and in group II fetuses it ranged from 1 to 2 mm, average being 1.5 mm. (4 Branches. Out of 34 fetuses of group I, 4 fetuses showed variation. In one fetus left colic artery was arising from abdominal aorta, 2.9%. In 3 fetuses, Inferior Mesenteric Artery was giving a branch to left kidney, 8.8%. Out of 66 fetuses in group II, 64 had normal branching. In one fetus left renal artery was arising from Inferior Mesenteric Artery, 1.5%, and in another fetus one accessory renal artery was arising from Inferior Mesenteric Artery and entering the lower pole of left kidney. Conclusion. Formation, course, and branching pattern of an artery depend on development and origin of organs to attain the actual adult position.

  5. Uterine arterial embolization to treat uterine leiomyoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Huali; Han Lu; Wang Feng


    Objective: To assess the clinical effects of uterine arterial embolization on uterine leiomyoma. Methods: The authors treated 21 patients with uterine leiomyoma by Seldinger's uterine arterial embolization. The 4.0 F Cobra catheter was laced into the double uterine arteries with Polyvinyl Alcohol Foam (PVA) particles as the embolization. At 3 and 6 months postoperatively, the authors investigated the effects of the embolization. Results: After uterine arterial embolization, the volume of uterine leiomyoma decreased and menorrhagia was under controlled. The symptoms of anemia and oppression were relieved. The physiologic functions of ovary and uterus were preserved completely. Conclusions: Uterine arterial embolization is an effective and less invasive way to treat uterine leiomyoma

  6. Prevalence of self-reported systemic arterial hypertension in urban and rural environments in Brazil: a population-based study Prevalencia de hipertensión arterial sistémica autorreferida en los ambientes urbano y rural de Brasil: un estudio de base poblacional Prevalência de hipertensão arterial sistêmica autorreferida nos ambientes urbano e rural do Brasil: um estudo de base populacional

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jessica Pronestino de Lima Moreira


    Full Text Available The aims of this paper were to estimate the prevalence rates of self-reported high blood pressure among adults in urban and rural environments in Brazil and identify possible associations stratified according to household location. Data from the Brazilian National Household Sample Survey (PNAD was used, incorporating information from the sampling plan. Logistic regression was used to obtain the odds ratio (OR as a measure of association between variables and the outcome. The prevalence of self-reported high blood pressure in Brazil was 20.9%: 21% in urban areas and 20.1% in rural areas (OR = 1.06. In both areas, the likelihood of reporting high blood pressure increased with age and women, former smokers, migrants and individuals with morbidities, non-white individuals and individuals with health insurance were more likely to report this disease. Also, in both rural and urban areas, prevalence of high blood pressure was lower among workers and decreased with increasing levels of schooling. All variables showed an association with self-reported high blood pressure in both rural and urban areas, but differences in magnitude were observed in relation to sex and age group. These differences could help justify the promotion of better access and intervention methods at prevention clinics for different population groups.Este artículo tiene por objetivo estimar las prevalencias de la hipertensión arterial sistémica autorreferida de adultos, en los ambientes urbano y rural de Brasil, e identificar posibles asociaciones, estratificadas por situación del domicilio. Se utilizó el Estudio Nacional por Muestra de Domicilios (PNAD, incorporando la información del mismo. Se utilizaron regresiones logísticas para obtener las medidas de asociación odds ratio (OR. La prevalencia de hipertensión arterial sistémica autorreferida en Brasil fue de un 20,9%, siendo un 21% (urbana y un 20,1% (rural (OR = 1,06. En ambas áreas, la oportunidad de informar sobre

  7. The internal carotid artery stenosis or occlusion. The evaluation for the posterior communicating artery on DSA and MRA

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhao Yunhui; Gao Xinjiang; Ma Zhubin; Xu Yikai


    Objective: To study the changes of the posterior communicating artery in patients with internal carotid artery (ICA) severe stenosis or occlusion on digital subtract angiography (DSA) and magnetic resonance angiography (MRA). Methods: DSA or MRA findings were analyzed in 74 patients with ICA stenosis or occlusion and in 120 persons selected in the control group, who were unremarkable on cerebral DSA or MRA. Results: On DSA, the presence rate of ipsilateral posterior communicating artery (PCoA) between the study group and the control group had no significant difference; on MRA the rate in the study group was significantly higher than the control group (P 0.05). In the study group, the presence rate of PCoA on DSA was significantly higher than that on MRA (P 0.05). The presence rate of PCoA shown no significant difference between the cases with unilateral ICA involved and cases with bilateral ICA involved. Conclusion: The posterior communicating artery is very important to the patients with the internal carotid artery stenosis or occlusion. Its dilatation on DSA and MRA or appearance on MRA shows its compensation. DSA is valuable in the evaluation of the posterior communicating artery. MRA is a noninvasive and functional imaging method for evaluation the posterior communicating artery

  8. Denervation (ablation) of nerve terminalis in renal arteries: early results of interventional treatment of arterial hypertension in Poland. (United States)

    Bartuś, Krzysztof; Sadowski, Jerzy; Kapelak, Bogusław; Zajdel, Wojciech; Godlewski, Jacek; Bartuś, Stanisław; Bochenek, Maciej; Bartuś, Magdalena; Żmudka, Krzysztof; Sobotka, Paul A


    Arterial hypertension is one of the main causes of cardiovascular disease morbidity and overall mortality. To report the single centre experiences with changes in arterial blood pressure (BP) in patients after intra-arterial application of radiofrequency (RF) energy to cause renal sympathetic efferent and somatic afferent nerve and report vascular and kidney safety in a six month follow up. Twenty-eight patients, with hypertension despite medical therapy (median age 52.02 years, range 42-72 years) consented to therapeutic renal nerve ablation. SIMPLICITY RF catheters and generator provided by Ardian (currently Medtronic Inc., USA) were used to perform renal artery angiography and ablation. The mean BP at baseline, and after one month, three months and six months were measured [mm Hg]: systolic 176.6; 162.3 (p = 0.004); 150.6 (p arterial renal nerve denervation was not associated with either vascular or renal complications out to six months. Nerve ablation of renal arteries led to significant reduction of mean values of arterial systolic, diastolic BP and significant reduction of pulse pressure. The Polish experience is not significantly different compared to that reported in the Symplicity I and Symplicity II international cohorts. The long term durability of this therapy and its application to earlier stages of hypertension or other disease states will require further investigation.

  9. Daily concurrent chemoradiotherapy using superselective intra-arterial infusion via superficial temporal artery. Preoperative therapy for stage III, IV oral cancer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tohnai, Iwai; Mitsudo, Kenji; Nishiguchi, Hiroaki; Fukui, Takafumi; Yamamoto, Noriyuki; Ueda, Minoru; Fuwa, Nobukazu


    Recently, daily concurrent chemoradiotherapy using new superselective intra-arterial infusion via superficial temporal arterial artery is attracting attention. The catheter with curved tip is inserted superselectively to the feeding artery of the tumor via the superficial temporal artery, allowing long-term catheterization. Forty-one patients with stage III, IV oral cancer were treated. Radiotherapy (total dose: 40 Gy/4 weeks) and superselective intra-arterial infusion chemotherapy using docetaxel (total dose: 60 mg/m 2 , 15 mg/m 2 /week) and cisplatin (total dose: 100 mg/m 2 , 5 mg/m 2 /day) were concurrently performed daily, followed by surgery. In 35 patients, intra-arterial infusion was successful (success rate: 85.4%) and no major complication was observed. The clinical effects were complete response (CR) in 29 patients (82.9%), and pathological effects of resected tumor after surgery were pathological CR in 31 (88.6%). This method promises to be a new strategy of choice for the treatment of oral cancer. (author)

  10. 21 CFR 868.1100 - Arterial blood sampling kit. (United States)


    ...) MEDICAL DEVICES ANESTHESIOLOGY DEVICES Diagnostic Devices § 868.1100 Arterial blood sampling kit. (a) Identification. An arterial blood sampling kit is a device, in kit form, used to obtain arterial blood samples... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Arterial blood sampling kit. 868.1100 Section 868...

  11. Acute transplant renal artery thrombosis due to distal renal artery stenosis: A case report and review of the literature


    Fallahzadeh, Mohammad Kazem; Yatavelli, Rajini Kanth; Kumar, Ajay; Singh, Neeraj


    Background: Acute renal artery thrombosis is a devastating complication of renal transplantation that can result in graft loss if not detected early. Surgical and technical errors are the major cause of renal artery thrombosis. In this article, for the first time, we are reporting a case of acute renal artery thrombosis that developed early post-transplantation due to distal renal artery stenosis. Case Presentation: A 71-year-old woman presented with nausea, vomiting and decreased urine outpu...

  12. Identification of coronary artery anatomy on dual-source cardiac computed tomography before arterial switch operation in newborns and young infants. Comparison with transthoracic echocardiography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Goo, Hyun Woo


    Considering inherent limitations of transthoracic echocardiography, the diagnostic accuracy of cardiac CT in identifying coronary artery anatomy before arterial switch operation needs to be investigated with recently improved coronary artery visibility using electrocardiogram (ECG)-synchronized dual-source CT. To compare diagnostic accuracy between cardiac CT using a dual-source scanner and transthoracic echocardiography in identifying coronary artery anatomy before arterial switch operation in newborns and young infants. The study included 101 infants (median age 4 days, range 0 days to 10 months; M:F=78:23) who underwent ECG-synchronized cardiac dual-source CT and transthoracic echocardiography before arterial switch operation between July 2011 and December 2016. We evaluated and classified coronary artery anatomy on cardiac CT and transthoracic echocardiography. With the surgical findings as the reference standard, we compared the diagnostic accuracy for identifying coronary artery anatomy between cardiac CT and transthoracic echocardiography. The most common coronary artery pattern was the usual pattern (left coronary artery from sinus 1 and right coronary artery from sinus 2; 64.4%, 65/101), followed by a single coronary artery from sinus 2 and a conal branch from sinus 1 (7.9%, 8/101), the inverted pattern (5.9%, 6/101), the right coronary artery and left anterior descending artery from sinus 1 and the left circumflex artery from sinus 2 (5.9%, 6/101), and others. In 96 infants with surgically proven coronary artery anatomy, the diagnostic accuracy of cardiac CT was significantly higher than that of transthoracic echocardiography (91.7%, 88/96 vs. 54.2%, 52/96; P<0.0001). Diagnostic accuracy of cardiac CT is significantly higher than that of echocardiography in identifying coronary artery anatomy before arterial switch operation in newborns and young infants. (orig.)

  13. Identification of coronary artery anatomy on dual-source cardiac computed tomography before arterial switch operation in newborns and young infants. Comparison with transthoracic echocardiography

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Goo, Hyun Woo [University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Asan Medical Center, Department of Radiology and Research Institute of Radiology, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    Considering inherent limitations of transthoracic echocardiography, the diagnostic accuracy of cardiac CT in identifying coronary artery anatomy before arterial switch operation needs to be investigated with recently improved coronary artery visibility using electrocardiogram (ECG)-synchronized dual-source CT. To compare diagnostic accuracy between cardiac CT using a dual-source scanner and transthoracic echocardiography in identifying coronary artery anatomy before arterial switch operation in newborns and young infants. The study included 101 infants (median age 4 days, range 0 days to 10 months; M:F=78:23) who underwent ECG-synchronized cardiac dual-source CT and transthoracic echocardiography before arterial switch operation between July 2011 and December 2016. We evaluated and classified coronary artery anatomy on cardiac CT and transthoracic echocardiography. With the surgical findings as the reference standard, we compared the diagnostic accuracy for identifying coronary artery anatomy between cardiac CT and transthoracic echocardiography. The most common coronary artery pattern was the usual pattern (left coronary artery from sinus 1 and right coronary artery from sinus 2; 64.4%, 65/101), followed by a single coronary artery from sinus 2 and a conal branch from sinus 1 (7.9%, 8/101), the inverted pattern (5.9%, 6/101), the right coronary artery and left anterior descending artery from sinus 1 and the left circumflex artery from sinus 2 (5.9%, 6/101), and others. In 96 infants with surgically proven coronary artery anatomy, the diagnostic accuracy of cardiac CT was significantly higher than that of transthoracic echocardiography (91.7%, 88/96 vs. 54.2%, 52/96; P<0.0001). Diagnostic accuracy of cardiac CT is significantly higher than that of echocardiography in identifying coronary artery anatomy before arterial switch operation in newborns and young infants. (orig.)

  14. Interventional treatment of arterial complications in post renal transplantation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Qian Xiaojun; Dai Dingke; Zhai Renyou


    Objective: To report our experience of interventional procedure for arterial complications in post renal transplantation and to evaluate its clinical value. Methods: In a retrospective analysis of renal transplantations in our center, 52 cases of renal allograft artery abnormalities had taken angiography. Interventional procedure included transluminal angioplasty of arterial stenoses, treatment of arterial occlusion, and embolization of pseudoaneurysm. Results: Renal allograft artery abnormalities included artery stenosis (n=21), artery thrombosis (n=13) and embolision (n=1), renal artery pseudoaneurysms (n=2), and decrease of renal artery flow (n=3). Of the 21 artery stenosis, 2 grafts with artery stenosis were lost because the stenosis could not be corrected, and 3 with mild stenosis received no treatment. Another 16 accepted renal artery angioplasty (balloon dilation, n=12, and stent implantation, n=4). 14 achieved long-term allograft function. 1 graft was lost because renal function failed to recover. Restenosis occurred in one stent implantation, and lost the allograft function after secondary dilation. 13 cases received thrombolytic therapy through artery catheter for thrombosis and 9 achieved long-term allograft function. Thrombolyses failed in 3 cases, and renal function failed to recover in 1 case. One pseudoaneurysm received stent implantation after embolization, and got a short-term allograft function. The other one received allograft excision. Conclusion: Intravascular interventional therapy will be the first-line therapy for any indications of complication in post renal transplantation, and it can surely save the kidney in a majority of instances. (authors)

  15. Histomorphometric study of brachiocephalic artery of Japanese quail. (United States)

    Shariati, Sarah; Rahmanifar, Farhad; Tamadon, Amin


    Brachiocephalic arteries in quails are large arteries which are arising separately from the aortic arch. The aim of the present study was to determine the histomorphometric aspects of brachiocephalic arteries in the Japanese quail. The different layers of the brachiocephalic artery were studied quantitatively in 10, 20 and 60 days-old Japanese quail; (n = 6) and both sexes. Luminal diameter, thickness of the intima, media and adventitia, the percentage of the intima, media and adventitia, as compared with the total wall thickness were determined. It was found that luminal diameter and whole artery thickness increased by age (p < 0.05). In addition, the tunica media was the thickest layer, then tunica intima and at last tunica adventitia (p < 0.05). The muscularity of the right brachiocephalic artery was more than that of the left one (p < 0.05). Histomorphometric study of brachiocephalic arteries of Japanese quails showed that increasing of age causes increase of internal and external diameters of the artery and this increase in females was more than males.

  16. Arterial hypertension and chronic liver disease

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Henriksen, Jens Henrik Sahl; Møller, S


    , calcitonin gene-related peptide, nitric oxide, and other vasodilators, and is most pronounced in the splanchnic area. This provides an effective (although relative) counterbalance to raised arterial blood pressure. Subjects with arterial hypertension (essential, secondary) may become normotensive during......This review looks at the alterations in the systemic haemodynamics of patients with chronic liver disease (cirrhosis) in relation to essential hypertension and arterial hypertension of renal origin. Characteristic findings in patients with cirrhosis are vasodilatation with low overall systemic...... vascular resistance, high arterial compliance, increased cardiac output, secondary activation of counterregulatory systems (renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, sympathetic nervous system, release of vasopressin), and resistance to vasopressors. The vasodilatory state is mediated through adrenomedullin...

  17. Increased arterial compliance in decompensated cirrhosis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Henriksen, Jens Henrik; Møller, Søren; Schifter, S


    BACKGROUND/AIMS: In patients with cirrhosis, the systemic circulation is hyperdynamic with low arterial blood pressure and reduced systemic vascular resistance. The present study was undertaken to estimate the compliance of the arterial tree in relation to severity of cirrhosis, circulating level...... of the vasodilator, calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) and mean arterial blood pressure (MAP). METHODS: Arterial compliance (COMPart=deltaV/deltaP) was determined as the stroke volume relative to pulse pressure (i.e. systolic minus diastolic blood pressure) during a haemodynamic evaluation of portal hypertension...... of CGRP (r=0.34, pcompliance in cirrhosis is directly related to the severity of the disease and to the elevated level of circulating vasodilator peptide CGRP, and inversely related...

  18. Increased arterial compliance in decompensated cirrhosis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Henriksen, Jens Henrik Sahl; Møller, Søren; Schifter, S


    of the vasodilator, calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) and mean arterial blood pressure (MAP). METHODS: Arterial compliance (COMPart=deltaV/deltaP) was determined as the stroke volume relative to pulse pressure (i.e. systolic minus diastolic blood pressure) during a haemodynamic evaluation of portal hypertension......BACKGROUND/AIMS: In patients with cirrhosis, the systemic circulation is hyperdynamic with low arterial blood pressure and reduced systemic vascular resistance. The present study was undertaken to estimate the compliance of the arterial tree in relation to severity of cirrhosis, circulating level...... of CGRP (r=0.34, parterial compliance in cirrhosis is directly related to the severity of the disease and to the elevated level of circulating vasodilator peptide CGRP, and inversely related...

  19. Pseudoaneurysms of large arteries associated with AIDS

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    Carlos Eli Piccinato

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Several vascular complications are known to occur in association with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS and recent publications have called attention to the development of pseudoaneurysms of large arteries in patients with AIDS. CASE REPORT: We report on 2 patients with AIDS aged 23 and 31 years with pseudoaneurysms of the abdominal aorta and common iliac arteries. After clinical and radiological evaluation by arteriography and computed tomography, the patients were submitted to aneurysmectomy, with the placement of a patch of dacron in the first case and the interposition of a right aorto-iliac and left femoral prosthesis in the second. The second patient developed new aneurysms of the right subclavian and left popliteal arteries 2 months after surgery. Proximal ligation of the right subclavian artery was performed to treat the first aneurysm and resection and interposition of a reversed saphenous vein was carried out to treat the pseudoaneurysm of the popliteal artery. Histopathological examination of the popliteal artery revealed necrotizing arteritis.


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    Gaetano Ferrieri


    Full Text Available Se analizan la s características geográficas y la s implicaciones socio-económicas de los recientes flujos inmigratorios que re cibe España, relacionando las tendencias econó- micas y las tendencias migratorias; el ejempl o español se estudia en el contexto de la Europa meridional, como nueva meta de las migraciones internacionales. El estudio concluye con la propuesta de una posible te oría sobre el ciclo migratorio-económico.

  1. Stenosis of calcified carotid artery detected on Panoramic Radiography

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cho, So Yang; Oh, Won Mann; Yoon, Suk Ja; Yoon, Woong; Lee, Jae Seo; Kang, Byung Cheol [School of Dentistry, Chonnam National University, Seoul (Korea, Republic of); Palomo, Juan M. [Department of Orthodontics, School of Dental Medicine, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland (United States)


    This study aimed to investigate the luminal stenosis of the internal carotid artery with calcification detected on panoramic radiographs. This study used fifty carotid arteries of 36 dental patients whose panoramic radiograph and computed tomography angiography (CTA) revealed the presence of carotid artery calcification. A neuroradiologist interpreted CTA to determine the degree of stenosis of the internal carotid arteries. The degree of stenosis was stratified in four stages; normal (no stenosis), mild stenosis (1-49%), moderate stenosis (50-69%) and severe stenosis (70-99%). Among the fifty carotid arteries with calcification detected on both panoramic radiography and CTA, 20 carotid arteries (40%) were normal, 29 carotid arteries (18%) had mild stenosis, 1 carotid artery (2%) had moderate stenosis, and there was none with severe stenosis. Sixty percent of the carotid arteries with calcification detected on both panoramic radiography and CTA had internal luminal stenosis, and two percent had moderate stenosis. When carotid atheroma is detected on panoramic radiograph, it is possible that the dental patient has luminal stenosis of the internal carotid artery.

  2. Coronary artery calcification in Kawasaki disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ino, T.; Shimazaki, S.; Akimoto, K.; Park, I.; Nishimoto, K.; Yabuta, K.; Tanaka, A.


    To evaluate the angiographic features of coronary lesions in Kawasaki disease with coronary artery calcification, cinefluoroscopy and cineangiography were retrospectively reviewed in 116 patients who had undergone coronary angiography between 1982 and 1989. Angiographic abnormalities of coronary arteries were demonstrated in 55 of 116 patients. In 5 (9.1%) of the 55 patients, 9 with calcification were identified by cinefluoroscopy and chest X-ray. Eight of the 9 calcified lesions showed a circular or ring-shape configuration. Coronary angiography revealed a total occlusion of the right coronary artery with collateral circulation from the distal left coronary artery in 2 patients and a severe stenosis of the right coronary artery in 2 patients, in whom anticoagulant therapy had not been continued during the follow-up periods. The remaining patient in whom anticoagulant therapy had been continued had bilateral aneurysms but no significant stenosis. These results indicate that a ring-shape calcification on chest X-ray in 2 patients with a history of Kawasaki disease may suggest an involvement by coronary artery stenosis even when anticoagulant drugs had been given. Therefore, coronary angiography should be performed to evaluate the stenotic lesions if this type of calcification is found by routine radiographic examination. (orig.)

  3. Traumatic Anterior Cerebral Artery Pseudoaneurysmal Epistaxis. (United States)

    Liu, Qing Lin; Xue, Hao; Qi, Chang Jing; Zhao, Peng; Wang, Dong Hai; Li, Gang


    Pseudoaneurysmal epistaxis is a rare but emergent condition. We report a case of traumatic anterior cerebral artery pseudoaneurysmal epistaxis and review the published literature. A 49-year-old man sustained severe head trauma. He was diagnosed with multiple skull bone fractures, left subdural hematoma, subarachnoid hemorrhage, pneumocephalus, and right frontal hematoma. Subdural hematoma evacuation was done at a local hospital. In the following months, he experienced repeated epistaxis that required nasal packing to stop the bleeding. Digital subtraction angiography showed an anterior cerebral artery pseudoaneurysm protruding into the posterior ethmoid sinus. Embolization of the aneurysm was performed with microcoils, and the parent artery was occluded by thrombosis. The patient presented 1 month later with another epistaxis episode. Digital subtraction angiography showed recanalization of the parent artery and recurrence of the aneurysm. The parent artery was occluded for the second time with coils and Onyx embolic agent. Pseudoaneurysmal epistaxis is rare, and this is the first report of an anterior cerebral artery pseudoaneurysm that manifested with epistaxis. Endovascular intervention has become the first choice of treatment for this disease. The high recurrence rate is the main disadvantage of endovascular intervention. Aneurysm trapping with bypass surgery is another treatment option. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  4. Marginal artery stump pressure in left colic artery-preserving rectal cancer surgery: a clinical trial. (United States)

    Guo, Yuchen; Wang, Daguang; He, Liang; Zhang, Yang; Zhao, Shishun; Zhang, Luyao; Sun, Xuan; Suo, Jian


    The aim of this clinical trial is to evaluate the influence of high and low ligation of the inferior mesenteric artery with apical lymph node dissection on the anastomotic blood supply, lymph node retrieval rate, operative time and anastomotic leakage rate in rectal cancer surgery. A total of 57 Chinese patients were randomly distributed into group A and group B and underwent radical resection of rectal cancer. Patients in group A underwent high ligation of the inferior mesenteric artery, and patients in group B underwent apical lymph node resection around the root of the inferior mesenteric artery with preservation of the left colic artery. The marginal artery stump pressure was measured after colon and artery reconstruction. Systemic pressure, distal colon length, operative time and lymph node retrieval rate were measured and recorded. The results were analysed and related to patient characteristics and post-operative complications. The anastomotic blood supply negatively and linearly correlated with age and distal colon length and showed a positive linear correlation with systemic pressure. Patients who received low ligation with apical lymph node dissection had a better anastomotic blood supply than those who received high ligation. No differences were found in lymph node retrieval rate, operative time and anastomotic leakage rate. Anastomotic leakage was associated with a worse anastomotic blood supply. Low ligation with apical lymph node dissection in rectal cancer treatment provides better anastomotic blood supply but is not associated with differences in node retrieval rate or operation time. © 2015 Royal Australasian College of Surgeons.

  5. Empirical description of bronchial and nonbronchial arteries with MDCT

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yu Hong, E-mail: [Department of Imageology, Changzheng hospital, Second Military Medical University, Shanghai 200003 (China); Liu Shiyuan, E-mail: [Department of Imageology, Changzheng hospital, Second Military Medical University, Shanghai 200003 (China); Li Huimin, E-mail: [Department of Imageology, Changzheng hospital, Second Military Medical University, Shanghai 200003 (China); Xiao Xiangsheng, E-mail: [Department of Imageology, Changzheng hospital, Second Military Medical University, Shanghai 200003 (China); Dong Weihua, E-mail: [Department of Imageology, Changzheng hospital, Second Military Medical University, Shanghai 200003 (China)


    Purpose: We aimed to retrospectively evaluate bronchial and nonbronchial systemic arteries using multi-detector row helical computed tomographic (MDCT) angiography in patients with pulmonary disorders. Materials and Methods: Thirty-nine patients (24 men, 15 women; mean age, 63.4 years; range, 20-82 years) with congenital and acquired pulmonary disorders of the bronchial and nonbronchial systemic arteries underwent multi-detector row helical computed tomographic angiography of the thorax using a 16-detector row scanner. Each of these patients had experienced an episode of hemoptysis. Computed tomographic angiogram data, which included maximum intensity projections, multiplanar reconstruction, and three-dimensional volume-rendered images, were used to retrospectively analyse the characteristics of the bronchial and nonbronchial systemic arteries. Results: We identified a total of 128 bronchial arteries (76 on the right side and 52 on the left) in 39 patients. We detected 42 nonbronchial systemic artery branches, including 19 internal mammary artery branches, 8 subclavian artery branches, 8 inferior phrenic artery branches, 5 intercostal artery branches, 1 thyrocervical trunk branch, and 1 celiac trunk branch. Thirty-five dilated and tortuous nonbronchial systemic arteries entered into the lung parenchyma and extended down to the lesions. Every case, except the one case of sequestration, was associated with pleural thickening where the vascular structures passed through the extrapleural fat. Conclusions: The variations in both the bronchial artery anatomy and the location and type of the nonbronchial arteries were great. Nonbronchial arteries may be a significant source of hemoptysis. MDCT angiography can be used to detect detailed anatomical information about the origins and courses of bronchial and nonbronchial systemic arteries and their pathophysiologic features.

  6. Aberrant Left Inferior Bronchial Artery Originating from the Left Gastric Artery in a Patient with Acute Massive Hemoptysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jiang, Sen; Sun, Xi-Wen; Yu, Dong; Jie, Bing


    Massive hemoptysis is a life-threatening condition, and the major source of bleeding in this condition is the bronchial circulation. Bronchial artery embolization is a safe and effective treatment for controlling hemoptysis. However, the sites of origin of the bronchial arteries (BAs) have numerous anatomical variations, which can result in a technical challenge to identify a bleeding artery. We present a rare case of a left inferior BA that originated from the left gastric artery in a patient with recurrent massive hemoptysis caused by bronchiectasis. The aberrant BA was embolized, and hemoptysis has been controlled for 8 months

  7. Aberrant Left Inferior Bronchial Artery Originating from the Left Gastric Artery in a Patient with Acute Massive Hemoptysis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jiang, Sen, E-mail:; Sun, Xi-Wen, E-mail:; Yu, Dong, E-mail:; Jie, Bing, E-mail: [Shanghai Pulmonary Hospital, Tongji University School of Medicine, Department of Radiology (China)


    Massive hemoptysis is a life-threatening condition, and the major source of bleeding in this condition is the bronchial circulation. Bronchial artery embolization is a safe and effective treatment for controlling hemoptysis. However, the sites of origin of the bronchial arteries (BAs) have numerous anatomical variations, which can result in a technical challenge to identify a bleeding artery. We present a rare case of a left inferior BA that originated from the left gastric artery in a patient with recurrent massive hemoptysis caused by bronchiectasis. The aberrant BA was embolized, and hemoptysis has been controlled for 8 months.

  8. El compromiso de la investigación social en la construcción de otra escuela posible

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    Full Text Available Este artículo recoge una serie de experiencias y reflexiones entorno a la investigaciónDiversidad y convivencia en los cen-tros educativosllevada a cabo desde la Universidad Complu-tense de Madrid en 2013 y centrada en el análisis de bue-nas prácticas educativas en atención a la diversidad. Nosinterrogamos acerca de cómo la elección de la metodología,el formato en el que se elaboran los resultados y su posteriordifusión son decisiones fundamentales para que una investi-gación académica desarrolle todo su potencial de cambiosocial. En nuestro caso, la vertiente aplicada de la investiga-ción ha estado orientada a analizar y visibilizar en el contex-to escolar la diversidad sexual y familiar, así como diferentesidentidades de género, haciendo de ellas una oportunidadeducativa para el cambio hacia otra escuela posible.

  9. Venous thromboembolism and arterial complications. (United States)

    Prandoni, Paolo; Piovella, Chiara; Pesavento, Raffaele


    An increasing body of evidence suggests the likelihood of a link between venous and arterial thrombosis. The two vascular complications share several risk factors, such as age, obesity, smoking, diabetes mellitus, blood hypertension, hypertriglyceridemia, and metabolic syndrome. Moreover, there are many examples of conditions accounting for both venous and arterial thrombosis, such as the antiphospholipid antibody syndrome, hyperhomocysteinemia, malignancies, infections, and the use of hormonal treatment. Finally, several recent studies have consistently shown that patients with venous thromboembolism are at a higher risk of arterial thrombotic complications than matched control individuals. We, therefore, speculate the two vascular complications are simultaneously triggered by biological stimuli responsible for activating coagulation and inflammatory pathways in both the arterial and the venous system. Future studies are needed to clarify the nature of this association, to assess its extent, and to evaluate its implications for clinical practice. Thieme Medical Publishers 333 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10001, USA.

  10. Detection of patent ductus arteriosus with intraoperative transesophageal echocardiography in a patient undergoing closure of coronary artery to pulmonary artery fistula. (United States)

    Miyata, Yuka; Hayashi, Yukio


    Coronary artery to pulmonary artery fistula is an unusual vascular anomaly, and the shunt ratio of this fistula is usually small. We report anesthetic management of a 55-year-old female with annuloaortic ectasia, aortic valve regurgitation, and coronary artery to pulmonary artery fistula undergoing radical repair. We calculated the left-to-right shunt ratio after placement of a pulmonary artery catheter and found that the ratio was unexpectedly high. Thus, we explored the presence of another shunt by intraoperative transesophageal echocardiography and found patent ductus arteriosus undiagnosed before operation. A combination of a pulmonary artery catheter and transesophageal echocardiography is useful to explore the presence of another shunt, such as patent ductus arteriosus during anesthesia.

  11. Gender differences in the prevalence of coronary artery tortuosity and its association with coronary artery disease

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    Joseph Chiha


    Conclusion: There is a significant relationship between coronary artery tortuosity and gender. Women with severe tortuosity are more likely to have normal coronary arteries or less severe disease than men despite presenting with chest pain.

  12. Distal vertebral artery reconstruction when managing vertebrobasilar insufficiency

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    D. M. Galaktionov


    Full Text Available This article presents a literature review devoted to the reconstruction of the distal vertebral artery and a clinical case of successful surgical treatment of a patient suffering from vertebrobasilar insufficiency caused by occlusion of the vertebral artery in a proximal segment. The external carotid artery-distal vertebral artery bypass was performed by using the radial artery.Received 27 February 2017. Revised 25 July 2017. Accepted 3 August 2017.Funding: The study did not have sponsorship.Conflict of interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest. 

  13. N-butyl Cyanoacrylate Glue Embolization of Arterial Networks to Facilitate Hepatic Arterial Skeletonization before Radioembolization

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Samuelson, Shaun D.; Louie, John D.; Sze, Daniel Y., E-mail: [Stanford University School of Medicine, Division of Interventional Radiology (United States)


    Purpose. Avoidance of nontarget microsphere deposition via hepatoenteric anastomoses is essential to the safety of yttrium-90 radioembolization (RE). The hepatic hilar arterial network may remain partially patent after coil embolization of major arteries, resulting in persistent risk. We retrospectively reviewed cases where n-butyl cyanoacrylate (n-BCA) glue embolization was used to facilitate endovascular hepatic arterial skeletonization before RE. Methods. A total of 543 RE procedures performed between June 2004 and March 2012 were reviewed, and 10 were identified where n-BCA was used to embolize hepatoenteric anastomoses. Arterial anatomy, prior coil embolization, and technical details were recorded. Outcomes were reviewed to identify subsequent complications of n-BCA embolization or nontarget RE. Results. The rate of complete technical success was 80 % and partial success 20 %, with one nontarget embolization complication resulting in a minor change in treatment plan. No evidence of gastrointestinal or biliary ischemia or infarction was identified, and no microsphere-related gastroduodenal ulcerations or other evidence of nontarget RE were seen. Median volume of n-BCA used was <0.1 ml. Conclusion. n-BCA glue embolization is useful to eliminate hepatoenteric networks that may result in nontarget RE, especially in those that persist after coil embolization of major vessels such as the gastroduodenal and right gastric arteries.

  14. Computer model analysis of the radial artery pressure waveform. (United States)

    Schwid, H A; Taylor, L A; Smith, N T


    Simultaneous measurements of aortic and radial artery pressures are reviewed, and a model of the cardiovascular system is presented. The model is based on resonant networks for the aorta and axillo-brachial-radial arterial system. The model chosen is a simple one, in order to make interpretation of the observed relationships clear. Despite its simplicity, the model produces realistic aortic and radial artery pressure waveforms. It demonstrates that the resonant properties of the arterial wall significantly alter the pressure waveform as it is propagated from the aorta to the radial artery. Although the mean and end-diastolic radial pressures are usually accurate estimates of the corresponding aortic pressures, the systolic pressure at the radial artery is often much higher than that of the aorta due to overshoot caused by the resonant behavior of the radial artery. The radial artery dicrotic notch is predominantly dependent on the axillo-brachial-radial arterial wall properties, rather than on the aortic valve or peripheral resistance. Hence the use of the radial artery dicrotic notch as an estimate of end systole is unreliable. The rate of systolic upstroke, dP/dt, of the radial artery waveform is a function of many factors, making it difficult to interpret. The radial artery waveform usually provides accurate estimates for mean and diastolic aortic pressures; for all other measurements it is an inadequate substitute for the aortic pressure waveform. In the presence of low forearm peripheral resistance the mean radial artery pressure may significantly underestimate the mean aortic pressure, as explained by a voltage divider model.

  15. Programación fetal de la hipertensión arterial del adulto: mecanismos celulares y moleculares

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    Robinson Ramírez, FT., PhD


    Full Text Available Cambios metabólicos in utero establecen patrones fisiológicos y estructurales a largo plazo que pueden “programar” la salud durante la vida adulta, teoría popularmente conocida como “hipótesis de Barker”. La programación fetal implica que durante los períodos críticos del crecimiento prenatal, ciertos cambios en el entorno hormonal y nutricional del embrión, pueden alterar la expresión del genoma fetal, en tejidos con funciones fisiológicas y metabólicas en la etapa adulta. La evidencia sugiere que patologías como enfermedad vascular (por ejemplo, hipertensión, síndrome metabólico y diabetes mellitus tipo 2, pueden “programarse” durante las primeras etapas del desarrollo fetal y manifestarse en etapas tardías, al interactuar con el estilo de vida y otros factores de riesgo adquiridos convencionales con el medio ambiente. El objetivo de esta revisión es presentar evidencia adicional que apoye la asociación entre el bajo peso al nacer, con el aumento en la prevalencia de la hipertensión arterial en la edad adulta. Se revisan la función endotelial, el estrés oxidativo, la resistencia a la insulina y la función mitocondrial, como posibles mecanismos celulares y moleculares.

  16. La virtualidad: un escenario posible para la construcción de conocimientos matemáticos

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    Guillermo Arraiz


    Full Text Available Es un hecho innegable que el fenómeno de la virtualidad ha impregnado todas las esferas sociales, culturales, económicas y educativas a escala global. En este contexto, el empleo de entornos virtuales de aprendizaje, específicamente en los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje de la matemática, plantea a docentes y estudiantes estrategias alternativas que resultan potencialmente valiosas en la construcción de conocimientos matemáticos. El propósito de este artículo es hacer un seguimiento exploratorio sobre algunos avances de la comunidad científica en el campo de la educación en línea para aproximar algunas reflexiones de índole tecnológica y didáctica que expongan la virtualidad como un escenario posible para la construcción de los conocimientos matemáticos. Aunque se identificaron patrones de resistencia y desconfianza manifiesta hacia la virtualización de la enseñanza matemática por parte de docentes y alumnos, se hace evidente el potencial de los medios virtuales, dada la curiosidad y disposición de docentes y estudiantes por estas experiencias de aprendizaje.

  17. Pulmonary arterial hypertension in children: diagnosis using ratio of main pulmonary artery to ascending aorta diameter as determined by multi-detector computed tomography. (United States)

    Caro-Domínguez, Pablo; Compton, Gregory; Humpl, Tilman; Manson, David E


    The ratio of the transverse diameter of the main pulmonary artery (MPA) to ascending aorta as determined at multi-detector CT is a tool that can be used to assess the pulmonary arterial size in cases of pulmonary arterial hypertension in children. To establish a ratio of MPA to ascending aorta diameter using multi-detector CT imaging suggestive of pulmonary arterial hypertension in children. We hypothesize that a defined ratio of MPA to ascending aorta is identifiable on multi-detector CT and that higher ratios can be used to reliably diagnose the presence of pulmonary arterial hypertension in children. We calculated the multi-detector CT ratio of MPA to ascending aorta diameter in 44 children with documented pulmonary arterial hypertension by right heart catheterization and in 44 age- and gender-matched control children with no predisposing factors for pulmonary arterial hypertension. We compared this multi-detector-CT-determined ratio with the MPA pressure in the study group, as well as with the ratio of MPA to ascending aorta in the control group. A threshold ratio value was calculated to accurately identify children with pulmonary arterial hypertension. Children with documented primary pulmonary arterial hypertension have a significantly higher ratio of MPA to ascending aorta (1.46) than children without pulmonary arterial hypertension (1.11). A ratio of 1.3 carries a positive likelihood of 34 and a positive predictive value of 97% for the diagnosis of pulmonary arterial hypertension. The pulmonary arteries were larger in children with pulmonary arterial hypertension than in a control group of normal children. A CT-measured ratio of MPA to ascending aorta of 1.3 should raise the suspicion of pulmonary arterial hypertension in children.

  18. Computerized analysis of coronary artery disease: Performance evaluation of segmentation and tracking of coronary arteries in CT angiograms

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zhou, Chuan, E-mail:; Chan, Heang-Ping; Chughtai, Aamer; Kuriakose, Jean; Agarwal, Prachi; Kazerooni, Ella A.; Hadjiiski, Lubomir M.; Patel, Smita; Wei, Jun [Department of Radiology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109 (United States)


    Purpose: The authors are developing a computer-aided detection system to assist radiologists in analysis of coronary artery disease in coronary CT angiograms (cCTA). This study evaluated the accuracy of the authors’ coronary artery segmentation and tracking method which are the essential steps to define the search space for the detection of atherosclerotic plaques. Methods: The heart region in cCTA is segmented and the vascular structures are enhanced using the authors’ multiscale coronary artery response (MSCAR) method that performed 3D multiscale filtering and analysis of the eigenvalues of Hessian matrices. Starting from seed points at the origins of the left and right coronary arteries, a 3D rolling balloon region growing (RBG) method that adapts to the local vessel size segmented and tracked each of the coronary arteries and identifies the branches along the tracked vessels. The branches are queued and subsequently tracked until the queue is exhausted. With Institutional Review Board approval, 62 cCTA were collected retrospectively from the authors’ patient files. Three experienced cardiothoracic radiologists manually tracked and marked center points of the coronary arteries as reference standard following the 17-segment model that includes clinically significant coronary arteries. Two radiologists visually examined the computer-segmented vessels and marked the mistakenly tracked veins and noisy structures as false positives (FPs). For the 62 cases, the radiologists marked a total of 10191 center points on 865 visible coronary artery segments. Results: The computer-segmented vessels overlapped with 83.6% (8520/10191) of the center points. Relative to the 865 radiologist-marked segments, the sensitivity reached 91.9% (795/865) if a true positive is defined as a computer-segmented vessel that overlapped with at least 10% of the reference center points marked on the segment. When the overlap threshold is increased to 50% and 100%, the sensitivities were 86

  19. Arterial Stiffness in Children: Pediatric Measurement and Considerations (United States)

    Savant, Jonathan D.; Furth, Susan L.; Meyers, Kevin E.C.


    Background Arterial stiffness is a natural consequence of aging, accelerated in certain chronic conditions, and predictive of cardiovascular events in adults. Emerging research suggests the importance of arterial stiffness in pediatric populations. Methods There are different indices of arterial stiffness. The present manuscript focuses on carotid-femoral pulse wave velocity and pulse wave analysis, although other methodologies are discussed. Also reviewed are specific measurement considerations for pediatric populations and the literature describing arterial stiffness in children with certain chronic conditions (primary hypertension, obesity, diabetes, chronic kidney disease, hypercholesterolemia, genetic syndromes involving vasculopathy, and solid organ transplant recipients). Conclusions The measurement of arterial stiffness in children is feasible and, under controlled conditions, can give accurate information about the underlying state of the arteries. This potentially adds valuable information about the functionality of the cardiovascular system in children with a variety of chronic diseases well beyond that of the brachial artery blood pressure. PMID:26587447

  20. Hemi-central retinal artery occlusion in young adults

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    Rishi Pukhraj


    Full Text Available Amongst the clinical presentations of retinal artery occlusion, hemi-central retinal artery occlusion (Hemi-CRAO is rarely described. This case series of four adults aged between 22 and 36 years attempts to describe the clinical profile, etiology and management of Hemi-CRAO. Case 1 had an artificial mitral valve implant. Polycythemia and malignant hypertension were noted in Case 2. The third patient had Leiden mutation while the fourth patient had Eisenmenger′s syndrome. Clinical examination and fundus fluorescein angiography revealed a bifurcated central retinal artery at emergence from the optic nerve head, in all cases. Color Doppler examination of the central retinal artery confirmed branching of the artery behind the lamina cribrosa. It is hypothesized that bifurcation of central retinal artery behind the lamina cribrosa may predispose these hemi-trunks to develop an acute occlusion if associated with underlying risk factors. The prognosis depends upon arterial recanalisation and etiology of the thromboembolic event.

  1. Circumflex coronary artery with aberrant origin and atherosclerosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ozcan, E.; Bozlar, U.; Celik, T.; Tasar, M.


    Full text: Introduction: Circumflex (Cx) coronary artery congenital anomaly is reported to be less than 1% incidence. Coronary arteries with aberrant origin are more likely to have atherosclerosis according to some published literatures. Objectives and tasks: In this study we aim to present computed tomography (CT) angiography findings of a patient, who has Cx artery with aberrant origin and atherosclerotic. Materials and methods: 57-year-old woman without any symptoms who has risk factors to atherosclerosis was referred to our clinic for coronary CT angiography. Results: In CT angiography; we detected Cx coronary artery with aberrant origin (right sinus of valsalva) and retroaortic course. Also we saw intimal irregularities and calcified plaque causing severe narrowing in the proximal segment of artery. Right coronary and left anterior descendant arteries had mild atherosclerosis. Conclusion: Coroner CT angiography, which allows multiplanar imaging with high resolution, is an effective diagnostic tool for coronary artery disease, like not only congenital anomalies but also acquired atherosclerotic disease

  2. Celiac artery stenosis/occlusion treated by interventional radiology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ikeda, Osamu; Tamura, Yoshitaka; Nakasone, Yutaka; Yamashita, Yasuyuki


    Severe stenosis/occlusion of the proximal celiac trunk due to median arcuate ligament compression (MALC), arteriosclerosis, pancreatitis, tumor invasion, and celiac axis agenesis has been reported. However, clinically significant ischemic bowel disease attributable to celiac axis stenosis/occlusion appears to be rare because the superior mesenteric artery (SMA) provides for rich collateral circulation. In patients with celiac axis stenosis/occlusion, the most important and frequently encountered collateral vessels from the SMA are the pancreaticoduodenal arcades. Patients with celiac artery stenosis/occlusion are treated by interventional radiology (IR) via dilation of the pancreaticoduodenal arcade. In patients with dilation of the pancreaticoduodenal arcade on SMA angiograms, IR through this artery may be successful. Here we provide several tips on surmounting these difficulties in IR including transcatheter arterial chemoembolization for hepatocellular carcinoma, an implantable port system for hepatic arterial infusion chemotherapy to treat metastatic liver tumors, coil embolization of pancreaticoduodenal artery aneurysms, and arterial stimulation test with venous sampling for insulinomas.

  3. Celiac artery stenosis/occlusion treated by interventional radiology

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ikeda, Osamu [Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Kumamoto University Graduate School of Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 1-1-1, Honjo Kumamoto 860-8505 (Japan)], E-mail:; Tamura, Yoshitaka; Nakasone, Yutaka; Yamashita, Yasuyuki [Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Kumamoto University Graduate School of Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 1-1-1, Honjo Kumamoto 860-8505 (Japan)


    Severe stenosis/occlusion of the proximal celiac trunk due to median arcuate ligament compression (MALC), arteriosclerosis, pancreatitis, tumor invasion, and celiac axis agenesis has been reported. However, clinically significant ischemic bowel disease attributable to celiac axis stenosis/occlusion appears to be rare because the superior mesenteric artery (SMA) provides for rich collateral circulation. In patients with celiac axis stenosis/occlusion, the most important and frequently encountered collateral vessels from the SMA are the pancreaticoduodenal arcades. Patients with celiac artery stenosis/occlusion are treated by interventional radiology (IR) via dilation of the pancreaticoduodenal arcade. In patients with dilation of the pancreaticoduodenal arcade on SMA angiograms, IR through this artery may be successful. Here we provide several tips on surmounting these difficulties in IR including transcatheter arterial chemoembolization for hepatocellular carcinoma, an implantable port system for hepatic arterial infusion chemotherapy to treat metastatic liver tumors, coil embolization of pancreaticoduodenal artery aneurysms, and arterial stimulation test with venous sampling for insulinomas.

  4. Sympathetic Innervation Promotes Arterial Fate by Enhancing Endothelial ERK Activity. (United States)

    Pardanaud, Luc; Pibouin-Fragner, Laurence; Dubrac, Alexandre; Mathivet, Thomas; English, Isabel; Brunet, Isabelle; Simons, Michael; Eichmann, Anne


    Arterial endothelial cells are morphologically, functionally, and molecularly distinct from those found in veins and lymphatic vessels. How arterial fate is acquired during development and maintained in adult vessels is incompletely understood. We set out to identify factors that promote arterial endothelial cell fate in vivo. We developed a functional assay, allowing us to monitor and manipulate arterial fate in vivo, using arteries isolated from quails that are grafted into the coelom of chick embryos. Endothelial cells migrate out from the grafted artery, and their colonization of host arteries and veins is quantified. Here we show that sympathetic innervation promotes arterial endothelial cell fate in vivo. Removal of sympathetic nerves decreases arterial fate and leads to colonization of veins, whereas exposure to sympathetic nerves or norepinephrine imposes arterial fate. Mechanistically, sympathetic nerves increase endothelial ERK (extracellular signal-regulated kinase) activity via adrenergic α1 and α2 receptors. These findings show that sympathetic innervation promotes arterial endothelial fate and may lead to novel approaches to improve arterialization in human disease. © 2016 American Heart Association, Inc.

  5. Investigación narrativa con docentes sobre mundos posibles para la educación: la recreación de otros sentidos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Norma Georgina Gutiérrez Serrano

    Full Text Available Resumen: Este artículo se desprende de un trabajo más amplio de investigación narrativa con docentes de una escuela rural de educación básica, en México, que tiene por objetivo coproducir, entre docentes e investigadores, un libro sobre la historia de conformación de dicha escuela. Evoca la memoria colectiva por medio de relatos docentes del hacer educativo cotidiano, sobre la construcción del espacio escolar, en escenario rural y en un contexto histórico particular. Como parte de los resultados de esta investigación está la identificación de mundos posibles, que como núcleos temáticos de sentido dentro de los relatos, permiten inspirar y orientar la práctica docente dentro de la escuela. Con entrevistas abiertas a los miembros de la comunidad escolar y la generación de diálogos, se recuperaron los relatos de la labor profesional de siete docentes, quienes expresaron sus sueños, aspiraciones y acciones educativas con sus estudiantes y la comunidad de padres en relación con las acciones desplegadas por ellos para la construcción del espacio escolar al que pertenecen - por ejemplo, el establecimiento de un comedor escolar, la construcción de los espacios físicos necesarios para la labor educativa (aulas suficientes para cada grado, canchas de juegos, plaza cívica, salones de cómputo y logro de condiciones de seguridad (barda perimetral, organización de vigilancia y comisiones de seguridad. Los mundos posibles de los docentes se recrean en las formas autogestivas y comunitarias escolares, en fuerte vínculo con la historia y los modos de existencia de su pueblo originario.

  6. anomalous left anterior cerebral artery with hypoplastic right anterior ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Feb 28, 2018 ... We report an extremely rare anomalous variation of left anterior cerebral artery arising from the ... paraclinoid internal carotid artery and right ... Studies on the arteries of the brain: II-The anterior cerebral artery: Some anatomic ...

  7. Arterial Complications of Percutaneous Transhepatic Biliary Drainage

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    L'Hermine, Claude; Ernst, Olivier; Delemazure, Olivier; Sergent, Geraldine


    Purpose: To report on the frequency and treatment of arterial complications due to percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage (PTBD).Materials: Lesions of the intrahepatic artery were encountered in 10 of 525 patients treated by PTBD (2%). Hemobilia followed in 9 patients and subcapsular hematoma in 1. Seven patients had a benign biliary stenosis and 3 had a malignant stenosis.Results: The bleeding resolved spontaneously in 3 patients. In 7 it required arterial embolization, which was successfully achieved either through the percutaneous catheter (n= 3) or by arteriography (n= 4).Conclusion: Arterial bleeding is a relatively rare complication of PTBD that can easily be treated by selective arterial embolization when it does not resolve spontaneously. In this series its frequency was much higher (16%) when the stenosis was benign than when it was malignant (0.6%)

  8. Computed tomographic diagnosis of pulmonary artery aneurysm

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maeno, Kouji; Kontani, Kazuhiro; Ito, Makoto; Sakurai, Noboru; Sawada, Taisei; Fukeda, Yasuhiko; Takata, Shigeo; Ikeda, Takayuki; Hattori, Nobu.


    Pulmonary artery aneurysms are rare lesions. Clagett et al reported that one aneurysm of the pulmonary artery may be found in approximately 14,000 necropsies. We have experienced a case of giant pulmonary artery aneurysm confirmed by computed tomography. A 38 year-old man with atrial septal defect admitted to Kanazawa City Hospital. He had been pointed out of a right hilar mass when he was 26 years old. His complaint was bloody sputum and cough. Pulmonary angiography was not useful for the definite diagnosis because of its mural thrombi. Enhanced computed tomography showed a giant pulmonary artery aneurysm with a mural thrombi in its cavity. This shows that enhanced computed tomography is very useful for the diagnosis of a pulmonary artery aneurysm with a mural thrombi in its cavity. (author)

  9. Computed tomographic diagnosis of pulmonary artery aneurysm

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Maeno, Kouji; Kontani, Kazuhiro; Ito, Makoto; Sakurai, Noboru; Sawada, Taisei; Fukeda, Yasuhiko; Takata, Shigeo; Ikeda, Takayuki; Hattori, Nobu


    Pulmonary artery aneurysms are rare lesions. Clagett et al reported that one aneurysm of the pulmonary artery may be found in approximately 14,000 necropsies. We have experienced a case of giant pulmonary artery aneurysm confirmed by computed tomography. A 38 year-old man with atrial septal defect admitted to Kanazawa City Hospital. He had been pointed out of a right hilar mass when he was 26 years old. His complaint was bloody sputum and cough. Pulmonary angiography was not useful for the definite diagnosis because of its mural thrombi. Enhanced computed tomography showed a giant pulmonary artery aneurysm with a mural thrombi in its cavity. This shows that enhanced computed tomography is very useful for the diagnosis of a pulmonary artery aneurysm with a mural thrombi in its cavity.

  10. The relationship between total arterial revascularization and blood transfusion following coronary artery bypass grafting. (United States)

    Djordjevic, Jasmina; Ngaage, Dumbor L


    Blood transfusion adversely affects the outcome of coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG), yet blood transfusion after CABG is still common. Total arterial revascularisation (TAR) is increasingly used in current practice but its impact on postoperative blood transfusion is not known. We reviewed the cardiothoracic and blood bank databases and collected data for isolated primary CABG patients from July 2007 to June 2012, excluding patients who had a single graft (n = 148). Perioperative variables of TAR patients (n = 745) were compared with patients who had one or more venous grafts (SVG, n = 1,761) for first-time isolated CABG. The conduits used in TAR patients were predominantly left internal thoracic and radial arteries. Matched group comparison of TAR and SVG patients was performed. The association of TAR with blood transfusion was investigated using multivariate and matched analysis. Of 2,506 patients, the 745 (29.7 %) that had TAR were generally younger, with less complex coronary artery disease and less often diabetic. After correcting for these by 1:1 matching, the mean chest tube drainage and rates of blood transfusion remained significantly lower (p transfused in TAR patients. By multivariate analysis, TAR had an independent effect on reducing blood transfusion after CABG [odds ratio (OR) 0.67, 95 % confidence interval (CI) 0.47-0.97, p = .03]. TAR achieved predominantly with left internal thoracic and radial arteries substantially reduced blood transfusion rates after primary CABG. Further studies are warranted.

  11. Renal artery stenosis after radiotherapy for Ewing's sarcoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tacconi, S.; Bieri, S.


    Background: the fact that therapeutic irradiation can induce significant stenosis in the arteries of the head, neck, and chest, as welt as in the aorta and the iliac arteries, is familiar in daily practice and well documented in the literature. By contrast, radiation-induced renal artery stenosis seems to be a less widely known complication. Patients and methods: the sudden onset of medically refractory arterial hypertension and coma in a 27-year-old man is reported, who had been treated at age 20 with chemotherapy and radiotherapy for Ewing's sarcoma in the lumbar region. This treatment had been performed at the hospital of Sion, Switzerland in 2001. Also, the relevant literature from 1965 to 2007 is reviewed to underscore various aspects of this problem and to demonstrate the clinical relevance of renal artery stenosis as a potential long-term sequela of radiotherapy. Conclusion: radiation-induced renal artery stenosis has only rarely been described in the literature, but arterial hypertension due to radiation-induced renal artery stenosis is a serious long-term sequela that can appear at a latency of up to 20 years after treatment. The paucity of reports presumably reflects the lesser frequency of radiotherapy for retroperitoneal tumors as compared to head-and-neck cancers, as well as lower awareness of the problem due to diagnostic bias in the era before CT and MRI were in routine use: at that time, carotid artery stenosis was easy to diagnose by ultrasonography, while radiation-induced renal artery stenosis, whose real incidence may well be higher, probably often went undetected. Thus, when a patient with a history of abdominal or retroperitoneal radiotherapy unexpectedly develops intractable hypertension, radiation-induced renal artery stenosis must be included in the differential diagnosis. (orig.)

  12. Hepatocellular Carcinoma Supplied by the Right Lumbar Artery

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Miyayama, Shiro; Yamashiro, Masashi; Okuda, Miho; Yoshie, Yuichi; Sugimori, Natsuki; Igarashi, Saya; Nakashima, Yoshiko; Matsui, Osamu


    This study evaluated the clinical features of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) supplied by the right lumbar artery. Eleven patients with HCC supplied by the right lumbar artery were treated with chemoembolization. The patients' medical records were retrospectively analyzed. All patients underwent 6.7 ± 3.7 (mean ± SD) chemoembolization sessions, and the hepatic arterial branches were noted as being attenuated. The right inferior phrenic artery (IPA) was also embolized in 10 patients. The interval between initial chemoembolization and chemoembolization of the lumbar artery supply was 53.2 ± 26.9 months. Mean tumor diameter was 3.1 ± 2.4 cm and was located at the surface of S7 and S6. The feeding-branch arose proximal to the bifurcation of the dorsal ramus and muscular branches (n = 8) or from the muscular branches (n = 3) of the right first (n = 10) or second lumbar artery (n = 1). The anterior spinal artery originated from the tumor-feeding lumbar artery in one patient. All feeders were selected, and embolization was performed after injection of iodized oil and anticancer drugs (n = 10) or gelatin sponge alone in a patient with anterior spinal artery branching (n = 1). Eight patients died from tumor progression 10.1 ± 4.6 months later, and two patients survived 2 and 26 months, respectively. The remaining patient died of bone metastases after 32 months despite liver transplantation 10 months after chemoembolization. The right lumbar artery supplies HCC located in the bare area of the liver, especially in patients who undergo repeated chemoembolization, including chemoembolization by way of the right IPA. Chemoembolization by way of the right lumbar artery may be safe when the feeder is well selected.

  13. Analysis of linguistic terms of variables representing the wave of arterial diameter variation in radial arteries using fuzzy entropies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nuno Almirantearena, F; Introzzi, A; Clara, F; Burillo Lopez, P


    In this work we use 53 Arterial Diameter Variation (ADV) waves extracted from radial artery of normotense males, along with the values of variables that represent the ADV wave, obtained by means of multivariate analysis. Then, we specify the linguistic variables and the linguistic terms. The variables are fuzzified using triangular and trapezoidal fuzzy numbers. We analyze the fuzziness of the linguistic terms by applying discrete and continuous fuzzy entropies. Finally, we infer which variable presents the greatest disorder associated to the loss of arterial elasticity in radial artery

  14. Incidentally diagnosed Takayasu arteritis on thyroid ultrasonography showing prominent collateral vessels of thyroidal arteries and common carotid artery occlusion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nam, Se Jin; Kim, Eun Kyung [Dept. of Radiology, Research Institute of Radiological Science, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    We report a case of middle-aged woman incidentally diagnosed with Takayasu arteritis during the ultrasonography of a thyroid gland nodule. Prominent collaterals of the thyroidal arteries and a thin common carotid artery with mural thickening and deficient intraluminal flow signals were initially depicted on the ultrasonography with color Doppler. Subsequent magnetic resonance angiography and computed tomography aortography confirmed the diagnosis with the imaging features of a bilateral long segment common carotid artery occlusion and segmental stenosis of the left subclavian artery in addition to the suggestive physical findings.

  15. Relationship between the Direction of Ophthalmic Artery Blood Flow and Ocular Microcirculation before and after Carotid Artery Stenting. (United States)

    Ishii, Masashi; Hayashi, Morito; Yagi, Fumihiko; Sato, Kenichiro; Tomita, Goji; Iwabuchi, Satoshi


    When internal carotid artery stenosis is accompanied by ocular ischemic syndrome, intervention is recommended to prevent irreversible visual loss. In this study, we used laser speckle flowgraphy to measure the ocular microcirculation in the optic nerve head before and after carotid artery stenting (CAS) of 40 advanced internal carotid stenosis lesions from 37 patients. The aim was to investigate the relationship between ocular microcirculation and the direction of ophthalmic artery blood flow obtained by angiography. We found that there was a significant increase in blood flow after CAS ( P = 0.003). Peak systolic velocity as an indicator of the rate of stenosis was also significantly higher in the group with retrograde/undetected flow of the ophthalmic artery than in the group with antegrade flow ( P = 0.002). In all cases where retrograde flow of the ophthalmic artery was observed before stenting, the flow changed to antegrade after stenting. Through the use of laser speckle flowgraphy, this study found that CAS can improve ocular microcirculation. Furthermore, while patients displaying retrograde flow of the ophthalmic artery before stenting have a poor prognosis, CAS corrected the flow to antegrade, suggesting that visual loss can be prevented by improving the ocular microcirculation.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Masoud Poormoghaddas


    Full Text Available Abstract    BACKGROUND: Coronary artery fistula is an abnormal communication between a coronary artery and a cardiac chamber or major cardiac vessels, mostly congenital but some of them are acquired as a consequence of coronary artery perforation.    CASE PRESENTATION: We report a case of cavity spilling coronary artery perforation during percutaneous coronary intervention 7 years ago. Because of continuing symptoms and risk of developing heart failure and pulmonary hypertension we were ought to treat this iatrogenically formed coronary artery fistula. We used stent graft implantation to treat it with acceptable results.    CONCLUSION: Beside their application as a rescue for acute coronary artery perforations, stent grafts can be used with acceptable results in iatrogenically acquired coronary artery coronary artery fistula      Keywords: Coronary artery perforation, Coronary artery fistula, Stent graft.

  17. Analysis, reconstruction and manipulation using arterial snakes

    KAUST Repository

    Li, Guo


    Man-made objects often consist of detailed and interleaving structures, which are created using cane, coils, metal wires, rods, etc. The delicate structures, although manufactured using simple procedures, are challenging to scan and reconstruct. We observe that such structures are inherently 1D, and hence are naturally represented using an arrangement of generating curves. We refer to the resultant surfaces as arterial surfaces. In this paper we approach for analyzing, reconstructing, and manipulating such arterial surfaces. The core of the algorithm is a novel deformable model, called arterial snake, that simultaneously captures the topology and geometry of the arterial objects. The recovered snakes produce a natural decomposition of the raw scans, with the decomposed parts often capturing meaningful object sections. We demonstrate the robustness of our algorithm on a variety of arterial objects corrupted with noise, outliers, and with large parts missing. We present a range of applications including reconstruction, topology repairing, and manipulation of arterial surfaces by directly controlling the underlying curve network and the associated sectional profiles, which are otherwise challenging to perform. © 2010 ACM.

  18. Elastin in large artery stiffness and hypertension (United States)

    Wagenseil, Jessica E.; Mecham, Robert P.


    Large artery stiffness, as measured by pulse wave velocity (PWV), is correlated with high blood pressure and may be a causative factor in essential hypertension. The extracellular matrix components, specifically the mix of elastin and collagen in the vessel wall, determine the passive mechanical properties of the large arteries. Elastin is organized into elastic fibers in the wall during arterial development in a complex process that requires spatial and temporal coordination of numerous proteins. The elastic fibers last the lifetime of the organism, but are subject to proteolytic degradation and chemical alterations that change their mechanical properties. This review discusses how alterations in the amount, assembly, organization or chemical properties of the elastic fibers affect arterial stiffness and blood pressure. Strategies for encouraging or reversing alterations to the elastic fibers are addressed. Methods for determining the efficacy of these strategies, by measuring elastin amounts and arterial stiffness, are summarized. Therapies that have a direct effect on arterial stiffness through alterations to the elastic fibers in the wall may be an effective treatment for essential hypertension. PMID:22290157

  19. Arterial glomerulus at the hilum of the right kidney and the abnormal course of the right testicular artery: a case report.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Badagabettu Satheesha Nayak


    Full Text Available Variations in the origin of arteries in the abdomen are very common. With the invention of new operative techniques within the abdomen cavity, the anatomy of abdominal vessels has assumed a great deal of clinical importance. We report here a rare case of formation of an "arterial glomerulus" at the hilum of the right kidney by the branches of right renal artery. There were 2 renal veins; a superficial and a deep. The deep vein had a peculiar course through the arterial glomerulus. The right testicular vein drained into the deep renal vein. We also observed a variant origin and course of right testicular artery. Prior knowledge of unusual branching pattern of renal vessels is necessary in the surgical interventions which require hilar dissection. Similarly, abnormal origin or course of testicular artery becomes apparent during surgical procedures like varicocele and undescended testes. Therefore, knowledge of such an anomaly in the testicular artery helps to avoid iatrogenic injuries during radiological or surgical procedures.

  20. Functional assessment of sequential coronary artery fistula and coronary artery stenosis with fractional flow reserve and stress adenosine myocardial perfusion imaging

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kuan Leong Yew


    Full Text Available Coronary artery fistula is an abnormal connection between one coronary artery to another coronary artery or cardiac chambers. The coronary artery fistula may cause significant shunting of blood and cause “pseudo-stenosis” or “steal phenomenon”. This will also accentuate pre-existing mild-moderate de novo coronary lesions with resultant greater pressure gradient difference across the lesions. Thus, fractional flow reserve can be a useful tool to guide intervention decision on the coronary artery fistula. There are very few published reports regarding the use of FFR to assess coronary artery fistula. In fact, there is no outcome data regarding the deferment of coronary artery fistula intervention when the FFR is not physiologically significant. This case highlighted the use of FFR to evaluate the functional significance of coronary fistula in the setting of ischemia evaluation and it was proven to be safe to defer intervention with good 3 year clinical outcome. Stress adenosine myocardial perfusion imaging correlated with the FFR result.

  1. Pulmonary arterial hypertension in children: diagnosis using ratio of main pulmonary artery to ascending aorta diameter as determined by multi-detector computed tomography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Caro-Dominguez, Pablo; Manson, David E.; Compton, Gregory; Humpl, Tilman


    The ratio of the transverse diameter of the main pulmonary artery (MPA) to ascending aorta as determined at multi-detector CT is a tool that can be used to assess the pulmonary arterial size in cases of pulmonary arterial hypertension in children. To establish a ratio of MPA to ascending aorta diameter using multi-detector CT imaging suggestive of pulmonary arterial hypertension in children. We hypothesize that a defined ratio of MPA to ascending aorta is identifiable on multi-detector CT and that higher ratios can be used to reliably diagnose the presence of pulmonary arterial hypertension in children. We calculated the multi-detector CT ratio of MPA to ascending aorta diameter in 44 children with documented pulmonary arterial hypertension by right heart catheterization and in 44 age- and gender-matched control children with no predisposing factors for pulmonary arterial hypertension. We compared this multi-detector-CT-determined ratio with the MPA pressure in the study group, as well as with the ratio of MPA to ascending aorta in the control group. A threshold ratio value was calculated to accurately identify children with pulmonary arterial hypertension. Children with documented primary pulmonary arterial hypertension have a significantly higher ratio of MPA to ascending aorta (1.46) than children without pulmonary arterial hypertension (1.11). A ratio of 1.3 carries a positive likelihood of 34 and a positive predictive value of 97% for the diagnosis of pulmonary arterial hypertension. The pulmonary arteries were larger in children with pulmonary arterial hypertension than in a control group of normal children. A CT-measured ratio of MPA to ascending aorta of 1.3 should raise the suspicion of pulmonary arterial hypertension in children. (orig.)

  2. Pulmonary arterial hypertension in children: diagnosis using ratio of main pulmonary artery to ascending aorta diameter as determined by multi-detector computed tomography

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Caro-Dominguez, Pablo; Manson, David E. [University of Toronto, Department of Diagnostic Imaging, The Hospital for Sick Children, Department of Medical Imaging, Toronto, ON (Canada); Compton, Gregory [University of Toronto, Department of Diagnostic Imaging, The Hospital for Sick Children, Department of Medical Imaging, Toronto, ON (Canada); Epworth Hospital, Epworth Medical Imaging, Richmond, VIC (Australia); Humpl, Tilman [University of Toronto, Division of Cardiology, Department of Pediatrics, The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, ON (Canada)


    The ratio of the transverse diameter of the main pulmonary artery (MPA) to ascending aorta as determined at multi-detector CT is a tool that can be used to assess the pulmonary arterial size in cases of pulmonary arterial hypertension in children. To establish a ratio of MPA to ascending aorta diameter using multi-detector CT imaging suggestive of pulmonary arterial hypertension in children. We hypothesize that a defined ratio of MPA to ascending aorta is identifiable on multi-detector CT and that higher ratios can be used to reliably diagnose the presence of pulmonary arterial hypertension in children. We calculated the multi-detector CT ratio of MPA to ascending aorta diameter in 44 children with documented pulmonary arterial hypertension by right heart catheterization and in 44 age- and gender-matched control children with no predisposing factors for pulmonary arterial hypertension. We compared this multi-detector-CT-determined ratio with the MPA pressure in the study group, as well as with the ratio of MPA to ascending aorta in the control group. A threshold ratio value was calculated to accurately identify children with pulmonary arterial hypertension. Children with documented primary pulmonary arterial hypertension have a significantly higher ratio of MPA to ascending aorta (1.46) than children without pulmonary arterial hypertension (1.11). A ratio of 1.3 carries a positive likelihood of 34 and a positive predictive value of 97% for the diagnosis of pulmonary arterial hypertension. The pulmonary arteries were larger in children with pulmonary arterial hypertension than in a control group of normal children. A CT-measured ratio of MPA to ascending aorta of 1.3 should raise the suspicion of pulmonary arterial hypertension in children. (orig.)

  3. Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of the superficial femoral artery by retrograde catheterization via the popliteal artery

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Tønnesen, K H; Sager, P; Karle, A


    We report the results of 50 angioplasty procedures via the popliteal artery. A 3-year follow-up including control of blood pressures at ankle and toe levels show results comparable to reports in the literature. This new approach for angioplasty of the superficial femoral artery and eventually of ...

  4. Axillary artery to left anterior descending coronary artery bypass with an externally stented graft: a technical report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Salvador Loris


    Full Text Available Abstract With the proliferation of minimally invasive cardiac surgery a number of alternative inflow sites for coronary artery bypass grafting have been utilized, especially in higher risk patients. The use of axillary-coronary artery bypass is a safe and effective alternative especially in the case of patients requiring redo coronary revascularization. However, the length and convoluted course of the axillary-coronary vein graft makes is susceptible to twisting, trauma and neointimal hyperplasia. We therefore report a case of an axillary-coronary artery bypass in a high risk patient in which a Dacron conduit was used to externally support and protect the vein graft to the left anterior descending artery. Surgical technique and considerations are presented and discussed.

  5. Relationship between occupational exposure to lead and local arterial stiffness and left ventricular diastolic function in individuals with arterial hypertension

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Poreba, Rafal; Gac, Pawel; Poreba, Malgorzata; Antonowicz-Juchniewicz, Jolanta; Andrzejak, Ryszard


    Relationship between occupational exposure to lead and frequency of complications in persons with arterial hypertension has been poorly investigated. This study aimed at evaluation of the relationship between occupational exposure to lead and manifestation of an increased local arterial stiffness and left ventricular diastolic dysfunction. The studies included 105 men (mean age: 44.47 ± 9.12 years) with arterial hypertension, treated with hypotensive drugs: group I - men occupationally exposed to lead (n = 53), and group II - men not exposed to lead (n = 52). In echocardiographic examination, the left ventricular diastolic dysfunction was diagnosed significantly more frequently in group I than in group II. In eTracking examination mean values of stiffness parameter (β), augmentation index (AI) and one-point pulse wave velocity (PWV-β) were significantly higher and mean values of arterial compliance (AC) were significantly lower in group I than in group II. The logistic regression showed that in the group of persons with arterial hypertension occupationally exposed to lead a more advanced age, higher blood lead concentration and higher mean values of augmentation index represent independent risk factors of left ventricular diastolic dysfunction. The multifactorial regression showed that amongst persons with arterial hypertension occupationally exposed to lead higher blood zinc protoporphyrin concentration, a more advanced age and higher value of body mass index (BMI) represent independent risk factors of an increased local arterial stiffness. In summary, we should note that in the group of persons with arterial hypertension occupationally exposed to lead the study has demonstrated a significantly more frequent manifestation of left ventricular diastolic dysfunction and an increase in local arterial stiffness. - Highlights: → Amongst persons with AH exposed to Pb higher ZnPP represent independent risk factor of increased local arterial stiffness. → Higher Pb

  6. Skeletonization of Left Internal Mammary Artery in Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chaudhri, M.S.; Shah, M.U.A.; Asghar, M.I.; Janjua, A.M.; Iqbal, A.; Siddiqi, R.


    Objective: To compare mean per-operative flow capacity between skeletonized and pedicled left internal mammary artery (LIMA) in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) surgery. Study Design: Randomized control trial. Place and Duration of Study: Department of Cardiac Surgery, Armed Forces Institute of Cardiology and National Institute of Heart Diseases (AFIC-NIHD), Rawalpindi, Pakistan from February to August, 2013. Methodology: Patients undergoing CABG for coronary artery disease, under 80 years, excluded by the exclusion criteria; and fulfilling the inclusion criteria were randomly assigned to two groups of 70 each. One group underwent skeletonized and the other underwent pedicled technique of LIMA harvesting. Free flow was checked just before anastamosis of each LIMA to the LAD, manually in blood flow in ml per minute during cardiopulmonary bypass by allowing it to bleed into a 100 ml container over 20 seconds. A specialized proforma was used to record the age, gender, weight, disease, type of IMA used, and free flow of the IMA. Data was analyzed using SPSS 18. Result: The mean age of the patients was 57.16 years in 40 patients, ranging from 36 to 75 years. Disease pattern analysis showed 5 percent, 10.7 percent and 84.3 percent single, double and triple vessel coronary artery disease, respectively. There was significantly higher free flow in the skeletonized group than the pedicled group (p=0.04). Conclusion: Skeletonized IMA had superior flow to pedicled IMA in addition to its traditional proven advantages, which justifies its further use as a conduit for myocardial revascularization. (author)

  7. SU-G-IeP1-12: Size Selective Arterial Cerebral Blood Volume Mapping Using Multiple Inversion Time Arterial Spin Labeling

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jung, Y; Johnston, M; Whitlow, C [Wake Forest School of Medicine, Winston-salem, NC (United States); Liu, H [UT MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX (United States)


    Purpose: To demonstrate the feasibility of a novel method for size specific arterial cerebral blood volume (aCBV) mapping using pseudo-continuous arterial spin labeling (PCASL), with multiple TI. Methods: Multiple PCASL images were obtained from a subject with TI of [300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500, 3000, 3500, 4000] ms. Each TI pair was averaged six times. Two scans were performed: one without a flow crusher gradient and the other with a crusher gradient (10cm/s in three directions) to remove signals from large arteries. Scan times were 5min. without a crusher gradient and 5.5 min with a crusher gradient. Non-linear fitting algorithm finds the minimum mean squared solution of per-voxel based aCBV, cerebral blood flow, and arterial transit time, and fits the data into a hemodynamic model that represents superposition of blood volume and flow components within a single voxel. Results: aCBV maps with a crusher gradient represent signals from medium and small sized arteries, while those without a crusher gradient represent signals from all sized arteries, indicating that flow crusher gradients can be effectively employed to achieve size-specific aCBV mapping. Regardless of flow crusher, the CBF and ATT maps are very similar in appearance. Conclusion: Quantitative size selective blood volume mapping controlled by a flow crusher is feasible without additional information because the ASL quantification process doesn’t require an arterial input function measured from a large artery. The size specific blood volume mapping is not interfered by sSignals from large arteries do not interfere with size specific aCBV mapping in the applications of interest in for applications in which only medium or small arteries are of interest.

  8. Fenestration of axillary vein by a variant axillary artery. (United States)

    Hadimani, S; Desai, S D; Bagoji, I B; Patil, B S


    Variations of venous pattern in the arm are common. In this case report, we present a variation of axillary artery and vein. During routine educational dissections of axillary region, it was observed that a fenestrated axillary vein was perforated by a variant axillary artery in right arm of an old male cadaver. The axillary artery which was fenestrated through axillary vein had only two branches arising from its second part and no branches from its remaining distal parts. The branches are thoraco-acromial (usual) and another large collateral (unusual) branch. This collateral branch is the origin of several important arteries as the subscapular, circumflex scapular, posterior circumflex humeral and lateral thoracic arteries. We propose to name this artery as collateral axillary arterial trunk. The course of this collateral axillary arterial trunk and its branches and also clinical significance of this variation are discussed in the paper.

  9. Determinants of systemic zero-flow arterial pressure. (United States)

    Brunner, M J; Greene, A S; Sagawa, K; Shoukas, A A


    Thirteen pentobarbital-anesthetized dogs whose carotid sinuses were isolated and perfused at a constant pressure were placed on total cardiac bypass. With systemic venous pressure held at 0 mmHg (condition 1), arterial inflow was stopped for 20 s at intrasinus pressures of 50, 125, and 200 mmHg. Zero-flow arterial pressures under condition 1 were 16.2 +/- 1.3 (SE), 13.8 +/- 1.1, and 12.5 +/- 0.8 mmHg, respectively. In condition 2, the venous outflow tube was clamped at the instant of stopping the inflow, causing venous pressure to rise. The zero-flow arterial pressures were 19.7 +/- 1.3, 18.5 +/- 1.4, and 16.4 +/- 1.2 mmHg for intrasinus pressures of 50, 125, and 200 mmHg, respectively. At all levels of intrasinus pressure, the zero-flow arterial pressure in condition 2 was higher (P less than 0.005) than in condition 1. In seven dogs, at an intrasinus pressure of 125 mmHg, epinephrine increased the zero-flow arterial pressure by 3.0 mmHg, whereas hexamethonium and papaverine decreased the zero-flow arterial pressure by 2 mmHg. Reductions in the hematocrit from 52 to 11% resulted in statistically significant changes (P less than 0.01) in zero-flow arterial pressures. Thus zero-flow arterial pressure was found to be affected by changes in venous pressure, hematocrit, and vasomotor tone. The evidence does not support the literally interpreted concept of the vascular waterfall as the model for the finite arteriovenous pressure difference at zero flow.

  10. Pelvic Arterial Anatomy Relevant to Prostatic Artery Embolisation and Proposal for Angiographic Classification

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Assis, André Moreira de, E-mail:; Moreira, Airton Mota, E-mail:; Paula Rodrigues, Vanessa Cristina de, E-mail: [University of Sao Paulo Medical School, Interventional Radiology and Endovascular Surgery Department, Radiology Institute (Brazil); Harward, Sardis Honoria, E-mail: [The Dartmouth Center for Health Care Delivery Science (United States); Antunes, Alberto Azoubel, E-mail:; Srougi, Miguel, E-mail: [University of Sao Paulo Medical School, Urology Department (Brazil); Carnevale, Francisco Cesar, E-mail: [University of Sao Paulo Medical School, Interventional Radiology and Endovascular Surgery Department, Radiology Institute (Brazil)


    PurposeTo describe and categorize the angiographic findings regarding prostatic vascularization, propose an anatomic classification, and discuss its implications for the PAE procedure.MethodsAngiographic findings from 143 PAE procedures were reviewed retrospectively, and the origin of the inferior vesical artery (IVA) was classified into five subtypes as follows: type I: IVA originating from the anterior division of the internal iliac artery (IIA), from a common trunk with the superior vesical artery (SVA); type II: IVA originating from the anterior division of the IIA, inferior to the SVA origin; type III: IVA originating from the obturator artery; type IV: IVA originating from the internal pudendal artery; and type V: less common origins of the IVA. Incidences were calculated by percentage.ResultsTwo hundred eighty-six pelvic sides (n = 286) were analyzed, and 267 (93.3 %) were classified into I–IV types. Among them, the most common origin was type IV (n = 89, 31.1 %), followed by type I (n = 82, 28.7 %), type III (n = 54, 18.9 %), and type II (n = 42, 14.7 %). Type V anatomy was seen in 16 cases (5.6 %). Double vascularization, defined as two independent prostatic branches in one pelvic side, was seen in 23 cases (8.0 %).ConclusionsDespite the large number of possible anatomical variations of male pelvis, four main patterns corresponded to almost 95 % of the cases. Evaluation of anatomy in a systematic fashion, following a standard classification, will make PAE a faster, safer, and more effective procedure.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jairo Alejandro Fernández Ortega


    Full Text Available La evidencia científica ha demostrado la importancia de la actividad física como una estrategia efectiva para disminuir el riesgo y la recidiva del cáncer de mama. Sin embargo, hasta el momento no se conocen con precisión los mecanismos de acción biológicos del ejercicio sobre el cáncer de mama. El propósito de este artículo es realizar una revisión sistemática exhaustiva de la literatura e identificar las posibles hipótesis que se plantean de los mecanismos de acción biológicos del ejercicio sobre el cáncer de mama. Se realizó una revisión sistemática de la literatura publicada desde 1990 hasta 2011 sobre los efectos del ejercicio en el cáncer de mama.

  12. Pulmonary Artery Agenesis: A Case Series

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Meltem Ağca


    Full Text Available Pulmonary artery agenesis is a rare congenital abnormality in which atresia was encountered in the short segment of the right or left pulmonary arteries. It can be isolated or associated with cardiac abnormalities such as tetralogy of Fallot, septal defects or pulmonary stenosis.The majority of cases are diagnosed in childhood whereas some cases yield no symptoms until adulthood. We evaluated retrospectively 5 pulmonary artery agenesis cases diagnosed in our clinics between 1998-2010 with respect to the literature.

  13. Sex differences in intracranial arterial bifurcations

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lindekleiv, Haakon M; Valen-Sendstad, Kristian; Morgan, Michael K


    Subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) is a serious condition, occurring more frequently in females than in males. SAH is mainly caused by rupture of an intracranial aneurysm, which is formed by localized dilation of the intracranial arterial vessel wall, usually at the apex of the arterial bifurcation. T....... The female preponderance is usually explained by systemic factors (hormonal influences and intrinsic wall weakness); however, the uneven sex distribution of intracranial aneurysms suggests a possible physiologic factor-a local sex difference in the intracranial arteries....

  14. Endoscopic Radial Artery Harvest for Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kuan-Ming Chiu


    Conclusion: Endoscopic harvest of the radial artery is technically demanding, but excellent results can be achieved. The endoscopic approach can provide suitable conduits in a less invasive way than the open harvest technique.

  15. Angioplasty and stent placement - peripheral arteries (United States)

    ... Angioplasty and stent placement - peripheral arteries To use the sharing features ... inside the arteries and block blood flow. A stent is a small, metal mesh tube that keeps ...

  16. Studies on diagnosis and treatment of renal artery stenosis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    P. Krijnen (Pieta)


    textabstractThis thesis describes studies on ~onosis and treatment of renal artery stenosis in patients with drug-resistant hypertension. In Chapter 1, the clinical problem of renal artery stenosis is discussed. Renal artery stenosis, a narrowing of the renal artery, is a potential cause of

  17. Parent artery occlusion for ruptured “true” posterior communicating artery aneurysm (United States)

    Takeda, Nobuaki; Oishi, Hidenori; Arai, Hajime


    A case of a patient with a ruptured true posterior communicating artery (PCoA) aneurysm is reported, who had been managed by early endovascular parent artery occlusion with coils. The small blister aneurysm was located at the proximal PCoA itself and directed superiorly. Postoperative course was uneventful. During 1-month follow-up, the patient recovered well and could care for herself. Aneurysms of the PCoA itself are very rare. As reported to date, surgical procedures would favor microsurgical clipping over endovascular coil embolization. Endovascular treatment may be a good alternative to surgical trapping for true PCoA blister aneurysm. PMID:25953771

  18. Acute Iliac Artery Rupture: Endovascular Treatment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chatziioannou, A.; Mourikis, D.; Katsimilis, J.; Skiadas, V.; Koutoulidis, V.; Katsenis, K.; Vlahos, L.


    The authors present 7 patients who suffered iliac artery rupture over a 2 year period. In 5 patients, the rupture was iatrogenic: 4 cases were secondary to balloon angioplasty for iliac artery stenosis and 1 occurred during coronary angioplasty. In the last 2 patients, the rupture was secondary to iliac artery mycotic aneurysm. Direct placement of a stent-graft was performed in all cases, which was dilated until extravasation was controlled. Placement of the stent-graft was successful in all the cases, without any complications. The techniques used, results, and mid-term follow-up are presented. In conclusion, endovascular placement of a stent-graft is a quick, minimally invasive, efficient, and safe method for emergency treatment of acute iliac artery rupture, with satisfactory short- and mid-term results

  19. Arteries of the falciform ligament on C-arm CT hepatic arteriography: The hepatic falciform artery and the Sappey's superior artery

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hur, Saebeom; Chung, Jin Wook; Lee, Jae Hwan; Cho, SooBeum; Kim, Minuk; Lee, Myungsu; Kim, Hyo-Cheol; Jae, Hwan Jun [Seoul National University Hospital, Department of Radiology, Seoul (Korea, Republic of); Zhou, Chun Gao [First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University, Department of Interventional Radiology, Nanjing, Jangsu (China)


    To investigate the prevalence, anatomy and distribution of the hepatic falciform artery (HFA) and Sappey's superior artery (SSA) using C-arm CT hepatic arteriography (C-arm CTHA). From January 2011 to December 2012, 220 patients who underwent C-arm CTHA during initial transarterial treatment for hepatocellular carcinoma were included in this retrospective study. The HFAs and SSAs prevalence and origin were evaluated using axial images of C-arm CTHA. A 5-point scale for HFAs and a 4-point scale for SSAs were used to designate the radiologically conspicuous arteries. The prevalences of the total HFAs and SSAs were 95 % (n=209) and 22 % (n=49), while those of radiologically conspicuous HFAs and SSAs were 62 % (n=137) and 10 % (n=22), respectively. Thirty HFAs (22 % of radiologically conspicuous HFAs and 14 % of the total study population) were distributed in the subcutaneous layer of the anterior abdominal wall, while the majority of SSAs ran through the superior part of the falciform ligament in the left-anterior direction and anastomosed with left inferior phrenic artery. Our study using C-arm CTHA revealed that the prevalence of the HFA is higher than the existing knowledge and proved the existence of the SSA radiologically for the first time. (orig.)

  20. Arteries of the falciform ligament on C-arm CT hepatic arteriography: The hepatic falciform artery and the Sappey's superior artery

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hur, Saebeom; Chung, Jin Wook; Lee, Jae Hwan; Cho, SooBeum; Kim, Minuk; Lee, Myungsu; Kim, Hyo-Cheol; Jae, Hwan Jun; Zhou, Chun Gao


    To investigate the prevalence, anatomy and distribution of the hepatic falciform artery (HFA) and Sappey's superior artery (SSA) using C-arm CT hepatic arteriography (C-arm CTHA). From January 2011 to December 2012, 220 patients who underwent C-arm CTHA during initial transarterial treatment for hepatocellular carcinoma were included in this retrospective study. The HFAs and SSAs prevalence and origin were evaluated using axial images of C-arm CTHA. A 5-point scale for HFAs and a 4-point scale for SSAs were used to designate the radiologically conspicuous arteries. The prevalences of the total HFAs and SSAs were 95 % (n=209) and 22 % (n=49), while those of radiologically conspicuous HFAs and SSAs were 62 % (n=137) and 10 % (n=22), respectively. Thirty HFAs (22 % of radiologically conspicuous HFAs and 14 % of the total study population) were distributed in the subcutaneous layer of the anterior abdominal wall, while the majority of SSAs ran through the superior part of the falciform ligament in the left-anterior direction and anastomosed with left inferior phrenic artery. Our study using C-arm CTHA revealed that the prevalence of the HFA is higher than the existing knowledge and proved the existence of the SSA radiologically for the first time. (orig.)