
Sample records for arteria umbilical humana

  1. Estudio del perfil proteico de tejido y secretoma de la arteria coronaria humana en la enfermedad aterosclerótica


    Cuesta Marina, Fernando de la


    El objetivo principal de la presente Tesis Doctoral es el estudio del perfil proteico de las capas íntima y media de la arteria coronaria aterosclerótica humana, la evaluación de las proteínas alteradas en estas capas en la coronaria, con el desarrollo de la aterosclerosis, así como la caracterización del secretoma de la coronaria aterosclerótica y la evaluación de las proteínas específicamente secretadas por esta arteria, con respecto a otras arterias humanas no afectadas.

  2. Lípidos y lipoproteínas en restricción intrauterina del crecimiento con velocimetría Doppler anormal de la arteria umbilical

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    E. Reyna-Villasmil


    Conclusión: Los neonatos con restricción en el crecimiento intrauterino con reversión o ausencia de la onda de flujo diastólica final de la arteria umbilical muestran alteraciones significativas de las concentraciones de lípidos y lipoproteínas.

  3. Acción in vitro de la cafeína en anillos de arteria mamaria interna utilizada en cirugía de revascularización cardiaca

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    Darío Echeverry


    Conclusiones. Aunque la nitroglicerina fue un vasodilatador más potente, la cafeína tuvo un fuerte efecto vasodilatador arterial in vitro independientemente de la funcionalidad del endotelio en arterias humanas.

  4. A case of a double variant of the arterial system in the upper extremity: Arteria brachialis accessoria et arteria comitans nervi mediani

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    Kachlik D.


    Full Text Available A thorough knowledge of arteries of the upper extremity is necessary for catheterization, graft harvesting, shunt application, and Astrup’s examination. Coincidences of two different variants are rather rare. We present a case of the coincidental presence of arteria brachialis accessoria stemming from the arteria axillaris and reuniting with the arteria brachialis 1.5cm below the origin of the arteria collateralis ulnaris inferior; and arteria comitans nervi median originated in association with the arteria interossea communis from the arteria ulnaris, passing into the palm and towards the arteriae digitales palmares to the thumb, index and lateral side of the third finger. Such coincidence has never been reported before.

  5. Estudo proteômico da interação do Aspergillus fumigatus com células endoteliais da veia umbilical humana (HUVECs)


    Nathália Curty Andrade


    O Aspergillus fumigatus é o principal agente etiológico da aspergilose invasiva, uma infecção fúngica oportunista que acomete, principalmente, pacientes de Unidades Hematológicas, como aqueles com neutropenia profunda e prolongada. Após a filamentação este fungo angioinvasivo é capaz de ativar e causar danos em células endoteliais de veia umbilical humana (HUVEC) que passam a expressar um fenótipo pró-trombótico. A ativação destas células, dependente de contato célulacélula, é mediada por ...

  6. Diagnostic evaluation of rare lesions of the arteria poplitea

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schmitt, R.; Christopoulos, G.; Froehner, S.; Binder, F.; Schweiger, H.


    Clinical and radiological findings of six patients are discussed who, due to a specific pathology of the arteria poplitea, developed claudicatio primarily in the lower leg. Applying MS-CT and MRI, the following lesions of the arteria poplitea wer found: bilateral aneurysm verum (1 case), unilateral aneurysm spurium (1 case), the arteria magna syndrome (1 case), entrapment syndrome (2 cases), and cystic adventitia degeneration. The outstanding diagnostic value of MR angiography combined with MR imaging is explained. Good knowledge of the specific pathology of the arteria poplitea is pre-requisite of efficient diagnostic evaluation, and prevention of thromboembolic complications, or ineffective therapy. (orig./CB) [de

  7. Arteria sinuosa del colon: su importancia en la circulación colateral intestinal

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    Edgar Giovanni Corzo Gómez,


    Full Text Available La circulación colateral de la vascularización mesentéricaha sido bien descrita. La arteria Marginal o arteria deDrummond, se ubica paralela al borde mesentérico delintestino grueso, y el arco de Riolan, conecta la ramaizquierda de la arteria cólica media con la rama ascendentede la arteria cólica izquierda a través de una porción de laarteria Marginal. Recientemente Moskowitz y colabora-dores describieron la arteria mesentérica sinuosa, como unnuevo vaso colateral con grandes implicacionesquirúrgicas. El objetivo de este artículo es describir laimportancia clínica y quirúrgica de esta arteria.

  8. Características morfológicas y posibles implicaciones clínicas de las arterias nodales

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    Luis E. Ballesteros, MD., MSc.


    Full Text Available La expresión morfológica de las arterias nodales es relevante en el diagnóstico y manejo de eventos clínicos y en abordajes quirúrgicos del corazón. Se estudiaron 88 arterias nodales de corazones obtenidos como material de autopsia. Las arterias coronarias se inyectaron con resina poliéster pigmentada de color rojo. Se registraron las formas de presentación de las arterias nodales y sus características morfométricas. La arteria del nodo sinoatrial se originó de la coronaria derecha en 52 casos (59,1%, de la circunfleja en 33 corazones (37,35% y de ambas en 3 (3,4%. Su calibre proximal fue de 1,31 mm (± 0,3, correspondiente a las arterias originadas de la coronaria derecha de 1,25 mm (± 0,3 mientras que las que se originaron de la arteria circunfleja obtuvieron un calibre de 1,42 mm (± 0,3, siendo esta diferencia significativa (p= 0,01. Se originó con mayor frecuencia en el tercio anteromedial, tanto de la coronaria derecha como de la circunfleja (54,6% y 61,2% respectivamente. En su segmento final cruzó por delante de la desembocadura de la vena cava superior en la mayoría de los casos (44%, mientras que en 22 corazones (24,5% cursó alrededor de la cava. Se observó arteria en forma de «S» en 14 casos (15,9% del total de la muestra y 42,4% de las originadas de la arteria circunfleja. La arteria del nodo atrioventricular se originó del segmento en «U» invertida de la coronaria derecha, al nivel de la cruz cardiaca, en 81 corazones (92%, y presentó un calibre proximal de 1,06 mm (± 0,22. Con relación al calibre y al origen se evidencian hallazgos que coinciden con estudios previos. Se destaca la alta prevalencia de la arteria en forma de «S» y de la trayectoria de la arteria sinoatrial alrededor de la vena cava superior.

  9. Variaciones de la arteria del nodo sinoatrial en población colombiana

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    Yobany Quijano Blanco


    Full Text Available Antecedentes. El conocimiento exacto de la integración anatomofisiológica del sistema de conducción del corazón, es fundamental para la comprender la fisiopatología, el diagnóstico y el manejo de muchas de las complicaciones de la enfermedad coronaria y de las cardiopatías en general. Uno de los aspectos fundamentales, más variable y con mayores repercusiones clínicas corresponde al origen y recorrido de las arterias encargadas de irrigar el nódulo sinoatrial. Objetivo. Determinar el origen, recorrido y distribución de las arterias que irrigan el nódulo sinoatrial en una muestra de población colombiana.  Material y métodos. La muestra de análisis fueron 60 bloques cardiopulmonares y digestivos seleccionados a través de muestreo por conveniencia. A estos se les realizó una disección convencional de los genitales para la determinación del sexo y posteriormente se procedió con la disección de las arterias coronarias específicamente de la arteria del nódulo sinoatrial, con el fin de establecer su origen y recorrido. Resultados. Como hallazgo principal se encontró que el origen de la arteria del nódulo sinoatrial en 75% provenía  de la coronaria derecha, un 15% procedía de la arteria circunfleja y el 10% restante fue codominante. En cuanto al trayecto 86,6% fueron lineales, mientras 13,4% tuvieron formas alternas como Y, doble Y o en tridente. Conclusiones. Se evidenció predominio del  origen de la arteria del nódulo sinoatrial en la coronaria derecha, hallazgo coincidente con investigaciones similares e independiente de la procedencia geográfica y el origen racial. Sin embargo, en este estudio se evidenciaron  recorridos no reportados en la literatura como la distribución en Y, en doble Y, en K invertida y en tridente.

  10. Plummer-Vinson syndrome combined with arteria lusoria

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Prokopenko, O.P.


    Role of X-ray methods in diagnosis of Plummer-Vinson syndrome combined with arteria lusoria is described. X-ray patterns of esophagus illustrating its pathological changes are presented. Concrete recommendations for diagnosis of the above-mentioned disease in carrying out X-ray investigations are given

  11. Anatomía de la arteria temporal superficial: importancia quirúrgica: estudio piloto en cadáveres

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    J.J. Pradel-Mora


    Full Text Available El conocimiento preciso de los patrones vasculares permite mejorar los resultados de la reconstrucción regional del pabellón auricular y el diseño de colgajos regionales dependientes de la arteria temporal superficial para la reconstrucción facial. En México, no contamos en la actualidad con descripciones anatómicas de las variantes vasculares normales de la arteria temporal superficial. El objetivo de este trabajo es la descripción de las variantes anatómicas de la arteria temporal superficial a través de la disección de este vaso en 12 regiones tempo-parieto-occipitales en cadáveres. Nuestros resultados muestran que la arteria temporal superficial siempre se divide en dos ramas, una anterior y otra posterior, la distribución de ésta se sitúa en el cuarto más posterior de la región temporal, con una bifurcación alta. La distribución de la anatomía vascular, tomando en cuenta el calibre mayor de la arteria temporal superficial con respecto a la arteria auricular posterior, la ausencia de esta última en 4 de las regiones estudiadas, así como la distancia de dichos vasos con respecto al conducto auditivo externo, sugieren que en nuestra población la irrigación del pabellón auricular depende de la arteria temporal superficial, restándole importancia a la aportación del riego sanguíneo de esta región por parte de la arteria auricular posterior. Nuestro estudio arroja resultados que indican la existencia de variaciones importantes en la anatomía vascular regional que justifican la realización de estudios posteriores que permitan una descripción mas detallada de la misma para aumentar el éxito de las intervenciones quirúrgicas.

  12. ANOMALOUS PREVERTEBRAL COURSE OF THE LEFT VERTEBRAL ARTERY. Recorrido prevertebral anómalo de la arteria vertebral izquierda

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    Prakash B Billakanti


    Full Text Available La arteria vertebral es una de las arterias que irriga el cerebro. El conocimiento de la anatomía normal y las variantes de la arteria vertebral adquiere importancia en la práctica clínica y la radiología vascular. El origen anómalo de la arteria vertebral del arco de la aorta o cualquiera de las arterias del cuello ha sido reportado por muchos autores. En este informe se presenta una variación del curso prevertebral de la arteria vertebral izquierda. La arteria vertebral tenía su origen habitual en la arteria subclavia con un largo curso prevertebral y entraba en el foramen transversarium de la vértebra CII. El origen y recorrido de la arteria vertebral en el lado derecho fue normal. Clínicamente es importante conocer el origen y curso del segmento prevertebral de la arteria vertebral y las posibles variaciones. El presente informe debería ser de interés para el médico vascular con respecto a las variaciones en el cuello y región torácica, y puede dar idea para dilucidar el mecanismo de desarrollo de la angiogénesis. Vertebral artery is one of the arteries supplying the brain. Knowledge of the normal and variant anatomy of the vertebral artery assumes importance in clinical practice and vascular radiology. Anomalous origins of the vertebral artery from the arch of the aorta or any one of the arteries of the neck have been reported by several authors. In this report a variation of the prevertebral course of the left vertebral artery is being presented. The Vertebral artery had usual origin from the subclavian artery and had a longer prevertebral course to enter the foramen transversarium of the CII vertebra. The origin and course of the vertebral artery on the right side was normal. It is clinically important to know the origin and course of the prevertebral segment of the vertebral artery and possible variations. The present report should be of interest for clinicians with regard to vascular variations in the neck and thoracic

  13. Origen anómalo de la arteria coronaria izquierda en la arteria coronaria derecha y curso ínter-arterial

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    Nilson López, MD


    Full Text Available El origen del tronco coronario principal izquierdo a partir de la arteria coronaria derecha o del seno de Valsava opuesto, es una anomalía extremadamente rara con un riesgo potencial de mortalidad. En este informe se describe el caso de una paciente con esta anomalía, inicialmente detectada por coronariografía y posteriormente confirmada mediante resonancia magnética cardiaca.

  14. Determinación fenotípica de subpoblaciones de células madre derivadas de sangre de cordón umbilical.

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    Viviana Marcela Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Introducción. La sangre de cordón umbilical humana es una alternativa para la obtención de células madre hematopoyéticas; sin embargo, no es clara la expresión conjunta de los antígenos CD34, CD38 y HLA-DR, ni de antígenos embrionarios asociados con este tipo de muestra. Objetivos. Determinar la expresión en membrana de los antígenos CD34, CD38 y HLA-DR, así como de los antígenos embrionarios SSEA-4 (Specific Stage Embryonic Antigen?4 y CD13. Materiales y métodos. El estudio se realizó en muestras de sangre de cordón umbilical obtenidas de ochenta mujeres en estado de gravidez normal a término que asistieron al servicio de ginecobstetricia del Hospital Universitario San Ignacio. Los antígenos se determinaron mediante citometría de flujo. Resultados. El rango de células CD34+ presentes en sangre de cordón umbilical humana fue mayor al 0,2% (p=0,0010: a partir de esta población el rango de CD34+/ D38-/ HLA-DR- fue de 0,0153% a 0,0234%, de CD34+/CD38+/HLA-DR- fue de 0,0191% a 0,296%, de CD34+/ CD38-/HLA-DR+ fue de 0,0427% a 0,0676%, y de CD34+/CD38+/HLA-DR+ fue de 0,2427% a 0,5117%. La expresión de los antígenos embrionarios SSEA-4 y CD13 se determinó con el mismo método y se encontraron ocho muestras positivas para la expresión de estos antígenos. Conclusiones. El fenotipo que se expresa con mayor frecuencia en sangre de cordón umbilical corresponde a CD34+ CD38+ HLA DR+; además, el hallazgo de antígenos embrionarios podría indicar que en sangre de cordón umbilical humana existen poblaciones celulares con fenotipos similares a los progenitores celulares adultos multipotentes (Multipotent Adult Progenitor Cells descritos en médula ósea.

  15. Tratamiento fisioterapico en pacientes con lesión en territorio de la arteria cerebral media.


    Bays Moneo, Ana Beatriz


    Paciente de 70 años que padece una hemiparesia derecha con afasia de Broca de casi dos años de evolución como consecuencia de una oclusión de arteria carótida interna que provocó un infarto en el territorio de la arteria cerebral media. Para su tratamiento se ha utilizado el concepto Bobath. Durante el mismo, tuvo una frecuencia de tres sesiones por semana de 45 minutos durante cuatro meses. El paciente mostraba como problema principal, un pie con gran tendencia al equ...

  16. Efecto de la endotelina-1 sobre las arterias tumorales de pacientes con neoplasia colorrectal Effect of endothelin-1 on tumor arteries in patients with colorectal cancer

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    E. Ferrero Herrero


    Full Text Available La endotelina-1 es un péptido vasoconstrictor producido por el endotelio vascular, cuyos niveles plasmáticos están aumentados en los pacientes con cáncer colorrectal y que puede participar en la regulación del flujo sanguíneo tumoral. Para estudiar si la respuesta a este péptido está alterada en las arterias tumorales, se obtuvieron, de 13 pacientes intervenidos quirúrgicamente por cáncer colorrectal, arterias mesentéricas irrigando el tumor y arterias mesentéricas de una región alejada del tumor, y asimismo se obtuvieron arterias mesentéricas de pacientes intervenidos por diverticulitis (n = 4 o enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal (n = 3. Las arterias mesentéricas se montaron en una preparación para el registro de la contracción isométrica en un baño de órganos, encontrándose que la endotelina-1 producía contracción en los tres tipos de arterias, pero la sensibilidad a este péptido fue mayor en las arterias irrigando el tumor que en las arterias alejadas del tumor o en las arterias de pacientes sin patología tumoral. Estos resultados indican que la endotelina-1 puede regular el flujo sanguíneo en los tumores colorrectales, produciendo una mayor vasoconstricción en las arterias que irrigan el tumor que en las arterias no tumorales.Endothelin-1 is an endothelium-derived vasoconstrictor peptide whose plasma levels are increased in patients with colorectal cancer, and which may be involved in tumor blood flow regulation. To study whether response to this peptide is altered in tumor arteries, mesenteric arteries supplying blood flow to colorectal tumors, and mesenteric arteries far from said tumors were obtained from 13 patients undergoing colectomy; mesenteric arteries were also obtained from patients with diverticulitis (n = 4 or inflammatory bowel disease (n = 3. Arteries were prepared for isometric tension recording in an organ bath, and in this preparation it was found that endothelin-1 induced contraction in all three

  17. Tratamiento de la compresión del tronco de la arteria coronaria izquierda en pacientes con hipertensión pulmonar

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    María L. Talavera


    Full Text Available La angina de pecho es un síntoma frecuente en pacientes con hipertensión pulmonar (HP de cualquier etiología. Aunque su fisiopatología no está aclarada, las causas propuestas son: la isquemia subendocárdica por aumento del estrés parietal del ventrículo derecho, la dilatación de la arteria pulmonar por incrementos transitorios de la presión pulmonar y la compresión extrínseca del tronco de la arteria coronaria izquierda (TCI por la arteria pulmonar (AP dilatada. Se presentan tres casos que muestran la relación entre la angina de pecho y la compresión del TCI en pacientes con HP asociada a cardiopatías congénitas, tratados mediante implante de stent coronario.

  18. La arteria radial puede ser una alternativa a la vena safena

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    Oscar Gil-Albarova


    Full Text Available La arteria radial se ha propuesto como alternativa a la vena safena en cirugía de revascularización miocárdica con el objetivo de mejorar la permeabilidad a largo plazo de los injertos. Se analizan los datos provenientes de los estudios prospectivos aleatorizados y los de trabajos retrospectivos con gran número de pacientes y seguimiento a largo plazo.

  19. Características morfológicas y posibles implicaciones clínicas de las arterias nodales Morphological characteristics and potential clinical implications of nodal arteries

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    Luis E Ballesteros


    Full Text Available La expresión morfológica de las arterias nodales es relevante en el diagnóstico y manejo de eventos clínicos y en abordajes quirúrgicos del corazón. Se estudiaron 88 arterias nodales de corazones obtenidos como material de autopsia. Las arterias coronarias se inyectaron con resina poliéster pigmentada de color rojo. Se registraron las formas de presentación de las arterias nodales y sus características morfométricas. La arteria del nodo sinoatrial se originó de la coronaria derecha en 52 casos (59,1%, de la circunfleja en 33 corazones (37,35% y de ambas en 3 (3,4%. Su calibre proximal fue de 1,31 mm (± 0,3, correspondiente a las arterias originadas de la coronaria derecha de 1,25 mm (± 0,3 mientras que las que se originaron de la arteria circunfleja obtuvieron un calibre de 1,42 mm (± 0,3, siendo esta diferencia significativa (p= 0,01. Se originó con mayor frecuencia en el tercio anteromedial, tanto de la coronaria derecha como de la circunfleja (54,6% y 61,2% respectivamente. En su segmento final cruzó por delante de la desembocadura de la vena cava superior en la mayoría de los casos (44%, mientras que en 22 corazones (24,5% cursó alrededor de la cava. Se observó arteria en forma de «S» en 14 casos (15,9% del total de la muestra y 42,4% de las originadas de la arteria circunfleja. La arteria del nodo atrioventricular se originó del segmento en «U» invertida de la coronaria derecha, al nivel de la cruz cardiaca, en 81 corazones (92%, y presentó un calibre proximal de 1,06 mm (± 0,22. Con relación al calibre y al origen se evidencian hallazgos que coinciden con estudios previos. Se destaca la alta prevalencia de la arteria en forma de «S» y de la trayectoria de la arteria sinoatrial alrededor de la vena cava superior.The morphological expression of nodal arteries is important in the diagnosis and management of cardiac clinical events and surgical approaches. 88 nodal arteries of hearts obtained from autopsies were

  20. Resultados del tratamiento quirúrgico de los aneurismas del complejo cerebral anterior-arteria comunicante anterior

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    Armando Alemán Rivera


    Full Text Available Se realiza un estudio de 30 pacientes con aneurismas localizados en el complejo de la arteria cerebral anterior-arteria comunicante anterior (ACoA, operados en el Servicio de Neurocirugía del Hospital Universitario "Arnaldo Milián Castro", durante un período de 7 años. Se analizan variables tales como edad, sexo, estado neurológico preoperatorio, momento quirúrgico, complicaciones y estado al egreso. La mortalidad general fue del 10 %The authors carried out a study in 30 patients with aneurysms located in the anterior communicating artery-anterior cerebral complex (ACA-ACC, that were operated on at the Neurosurgery Service of "Arnaldo Milián Castro" Teaching Hospital, during a period of 7 years. Variables such as age, sex, preoperative neurologic state, surgical moment, complications and status on discharge were analyzed. General mortality was 10 %

  1. Musica Humana og musikterapi

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schou, Karin


    I pressen har Musica Humanas projekter på flere danske sygehuse jævnligt været omtalt i de seneste to år, særligt i forbindelse med udgivelsen af serien MusiCure’s foreløbig fire Cd’er. Ordet ’musikterapi’ er blevet anvendt til beskrivelse af disse projekters metode. I artiklen redegøres for defi......I pressen har Musica Humanas projekter på flere danske sygehuse jævnligt været omtalt i de seneste to år, særligt i forbindelse med udgivelsen af serien MusiCure’s foreløbig fire Cd’er. Ordet ’musikterapi’ er blevet anvendt til beskrivelse af disse projekters metode. I artiklen redegøres...... for definitioner af relevante niveauer af musikterapi i denne sammenhæng; Musica Humanas formål; MusiCure’s tilblivelse; baggrunden for og relevansen af en musikterapeuts tilstedeværelse i Musica Humana, samt hvilken rolle musikterapeuten kan spille i denne sammenhæng. Medlemmer af Musica Humanas styregruppe...... bidrager med udsagn om deres opfattelse af relevansen af en musikterapeut som ressourceperson i Musica Humana....

  2. COURSE OF THE MAXILLARY ARTERY THROUGH THE LOOP OF THE AURICULOTEMPORAL NERVE. Recorrido de la arteria maxilar a través del bucle del nervio aurículotemporal

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    Kavya Bhat


    Full Text Available Las variaciones en el curso de la arteria maxilar se describen a menudo, con sus relaciones con el músculo pterigoideo lateral. En el presente caso informamos una variación exclusiva en el curso de la arteria maxilar que no fue publicada antes. En un cadáver masculino de 75 años arteria maxilar derecho estaba pasando por el bucle del nervio auriculo-temporal. La arteria meníngea media provenía de la arteria maxilar con un bucle del nervio auriculo-temporal. La arteria maxilar pasaba profunda con respecto al nervio dentario inferior pero superficial al nervio lingual. El conocimiento de estas variaciones es importante para el cirujano y también serviría para explicar la posible participación de estas variaciones en la etiología del dolor mandibular. Variations in the course of the maxillary artery are often described with its relations to the lateral pterygoid muscle. In the present case we report a unique variation in the course of the maxillary artery which was not reported before. In a 75 years old male cadaver the right maxillary artery passed through the loop of the auriculotemporal nerve. The middle meningeal artery was arising from the maxillary artery within the nerve loop of auriculotemporal nerve. Further the maxillary artery passed deep to the inferior alveolar nerve but superficial to the lingual nerve. The knowledge of these variations is important for surgeons and it would also explain the possible involvement of these variations in etiology of the craniomandibular pain.

  3. Origen anómalo de la coronaria izquierda en la arteria pulmonar: resultados de la cirugía correctora

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    Andrés J. Schlichter


    Full Text Available IntroducciónEl origen anómalo de la arteria coronaria izquierda en la arteria pulmonar es una cardiopatía congénita rara que produce isquemia miocárdica con disfunción ventricular izquierda e insuficiencia mitral de grado variable. Las técnicas actuales han modificado la historia natural de esta enfermedad mediante el restablecimiento de un sistema de doble irrigación coronaria.ObjetivosEvaluar la experiencia institucional en la corrección quirúrgica del origen anómalo de la coronaria izquierda en la arteria pulmonar.Material y métodosEntre febrero de 2000 y mayo de 2008 fueron operados 13 pacientes con este diagnóstico. Seis eran menores de 1 año; mediana: 2,5 años; rango: 45 días a 21 años. Antes de la cirugía, el 61% de los pacientes presentaban insuficiencia cardíaca, el 69% signos de infarto y el 84% cardiomegalia moderada a grave. La fracción de acortamiento promedio era del 26,07% y existía insuficiencia mitral moderada a grave en el 46% de los casos. El diagnóstico se confirmó por cateterismo en 11 pacientes.En un paciente se realizó cirugía de Takeuchi y en los 12 restantes se efectuó el reimplante de la coronaria izquierda en la aorta. En un paciente se realizó plástica mitral. Seis recibieron perfusión y cardioplejía de la coronaria anómala por la arteria pulmonar.ResultadosLa mortalidad al presente, con un seguimiento promedio de 74,76 meses, es del 0%. Ningún paciente presentaba insuficiencia cardíaca al alta. En 9 de los 11 pacientes con cardiomegalia, ésta se redujo. La fracción de acortamiento promedio posoperatoria fue del 39,92%. La insuficiencia mitral disminuyó en todos los que la presentaban, excepto en uno. Ninguno presentó insuficiencia grave en el posoperatorio alejado.ConclusionesLos resultados de la cirugía correctora del origen anómalo de la coronaria izquierda en la arteria pulmonar son excelentes en todos los grupos etarios, con mejoría significativa de la función mioc

  4. Umbilical Hernia (United States)

    ... Prompt diagnosis and treatment can help prevent complications. Causes During pregnancy, the umbilical cord passes through a small opening ... abdominal pressure can cause an umbilical hernia. Possible causes in adults include: ... pregnancies Fluid in the abdominal cavity (ascites) Previous abdominal ...

  5. Evolution of umbilicals in Brazil: optimizing deepwater umbilical applications with thermoplastic hoses and steel tubes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Guerra Neto, Mauro Del [DuPont do Brasil S.A., Barueri, SP (Brazil)


    Subsea umbilicals in the past 25 years have evolved in parallel with other subsea oil and gas technologies, as the search for hydrocarbons needed to drive the global economy has led offshore exploration and development companies to seek reserves ever-farther from shore in water thousands of meters deep. Relegated to little more than afterthought status before the push into deep water, modern umbilicals have now become crucial components linking deep water producers to their subsea wells, controlling subsea production systems through hydraulic and electrical power and injecting production chemicals for corrosion-, scale-, and hydrate-inhibition at subsea well heads. Particularly in subsea developments involving several deep water wells, umbilicals today are integral to both the production-system design and the chosen operating strategy. Failure of an umbilical linking a subsea well head in deep water to a host production facility can inflict severe economic consequences upon an operator by impairing production operations or halting production altogether. The additional cost of repairing or replacing a failed umbilical can run into the millions of dollars. As offshore oil and gas production has moved into ever-deeper water, umbilical manufacturers have begun introducing new stronger materials to handle the inherently higher pressures and temperatures. Today, two types of construction are used for fluid conduits in umbilical systems deployed in deep water: thermoplastic hoses and steel tubes. Steel tubes are generally more expensive than thermoplastic hoses, relatively stiff and considered to have high tensile strength, while thermoplastic hoses are extremely flexible and exhibit lower tensile strength. This lower tensile strength of the hoses may be compensated by including steel wire armoring in the umbilical. This also provides the added benefits of additional mechanical protection compared with the equivalent unarmored steel-tubes umbilicals. When either

  6. Aneurismas del complejo arteria cerebral anterior / arteria comunicante anterior: Resultados del tratamiento quirúrgico Aneurysms of the anterior cerebral artery-anterior communicating artery complex: Results of the surgical treatment

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    Justo L González González


    Full Text Available Los aneurismas del complejo arteria cerebral anterior-arteria comunicante anterior figuran entre los más frecuentes de localización intracraneal y, debido a su variabilidad anatómica y características hemodinámicas, constituyen un reto especial para cualquier esfuerzo terapéutico. Con el objetivo de caracterizarlos y evaluar los resultados del tratamiento quirúrgico de estas lesiones, se estudian los pacientes operados en el Servicio de Neurocirugía del Hospital Clinicoquirúrgico «Hermanos Ameijeiras», entre enero de 1983 y agosto de 1998. Se observó que el 71,1 % de la muestra egresó en excelente estado; el 13,44 %, con secuelas mínimas; el 3,48 %, con secuelas graves y que la mortalidad fue del 11,53 %. Se concluye que estos aneurismas son más frecuentes en el sexo masculino, en la cuarta y quinta décadas de la vida (media de 39,9 años y que el tamaño crítico de ruptura se ubica mayoritariamente entre 6 mm y 11 mm. De igual forma se observó que la edad, el tamaño sacular, el vasoespasmo y la ruptura transoperatoria influyen sobre los resultados y que la influencia de estas dos últimas complicaciones es muy fuerte. El infarto cerebral isquémico fue la causa de muerte más frecuente

  7. Origen anómalo de la arteria coronaria derecha del seno aórtico izquierdo

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    Francisco José Valera Martínez


    Full Text Available Se presenta el caso de un paciente de 32 años que presentó síntomas de fibrilación ventricular mientras estaba practicando una maratón. El estudio diagnóstico puso de manifiesto la existencia de un origen anómalo de la arteria coronaria derecha en el seno coronario izquierdo, con trayecto no intramural entre la aorta y la arteria pulmonar. La reparación quirúrgica consistió en la realización de una anastomosis laterolateral de la coronaria derecha al seno aórtico derecho. El postoperatorio del paciente transcurrió con normalidad. El origen aórtico anómalo de las coronarias es una alteración congénita rara asociada a un mayor riesgo de muerte súbita. En muchos casos la enfermedad es asintomática hasta producirse el infarto o la arritmia ventricular. Cuando la coronaria sigue un trayecto intramural la corrección mediante el unroofing es la técnica más empleada. Si no hay trayecto intramural y la translocación no es posible, la técnica descrita constituye una alternativa válida.


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    A.A. Skoromets


    Full Text Available Twenty seven patients with frequent episodic tension-type headache not associated with pericrania! tenderness (TTH aged from 18 to 69 years old were examined. Arteria meningea media (AMM and brachiocephalic arteries (BCA were examined by supersonic power Doppler scanning during the paroxysm of headache and without the paroxysm of headache. Results: Blood flow in AMM of patients with TTH was significantly different during the paroxysm of headache and without the paroxysm of headache (p<0.01. Blood flow in arteria carotid external did not change (p>0.05. The pattern of hypoperfusion in AMM was displayed in two groups during the paroxysm of headache. The increase of average blood velocity (TAmx in groups of patients with TTH in comparison with the control group.

  9. Ligadura de las arterias hipogástricas de urgencia

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    Juan Carlos Barrera Ortega


    Full Text Available Se reportan 13 enfermas con ligadura de arterias hipogástricas de urgencia durante 1996 y 1998. Las causas más frecuentemente diagnosticadas fueron el cáncer de cuello uterino sangrante y la sepsis puerperal, en este último complementado con histerectomía abdominal. No se presentaron complicaciones en el procedimiento quirúrgico. Se obtuvieron óptimos resultados al controlar el sangramiento presente o evitar que éste se produjeraHypogastric artery ligation under emergency situations was applied in 13 female patients during 1996 and 1998. The most frequent causes were the bleeding cervix carcinoma and peripheral sepsis, the latter being combined with abdominal hysterectomy. No complications were found in the original procedure. Optimal results in controlling bleeding or preventing it were obtained

  10. Umbilical scarring in hatchling American alligators (United States)

    Wiebe, J.J.; Sepulveda, M.S.; Buckland, J.E.; Anderson, S.R.; Gross, T.S.


    Umbilical scarring is the presence of excess scar tissue deposited between abdominal dermal layers at the site of yolk sac absorption in hatchling American alligators (Alligator mississippiensis). The presence of this dermal condition plays a key evaluatory role in the overall quality and subsequent value for various commercial leather products. Despite the prevalent nature of this condition, currently the industry has no standardized protocols for its quantification. The objectives of this study were to examine the relationship between hatchling weight and age and incidence of umbilical scarring and to develop a quantifiable and reproducible technique to measure this dermal condition in hatchling American alligators. Thirty eggs from each of nine clutches were incubated in two separate incubators at different facilities and hatchling umbilical scarring was measured at 2 and 10 days of age using digital calipers. Umbilical area was calculated by multiplying umbilical length times umbilical width. There was a significant effect of both age and clutch on umbilical area (overall decline of 64%) by 10 days post-hatch. However, only five of the nine clutches utilized expressed a noticeable decline in the size of this dermal condition (range 67-74%). We had hypothesized that larger hatchlings would have larger umbilical areas and a slower rate of improvement in this condition during the first few days post-hatch. The differences in umbilical area and percent decline with age across clutches, however, were not associated with differences in initial hatchling weights. Within clutches and time periods, hatchling weight had no significant effect on the size and/or rate of decline of this condition. ?? 2004 Published by Elsevier B.V.

  11. Incarcerated umbilical hernia in children. (United States)

    Chirdan, L B; Uba, A F; Kidmas, A T


    Umbilical hernia is common in children. Complications from umbilical hernias are thought to be rare and the natural history is spontaneous closure within 5 years. A retrospective analysis was performed of the medical records of a series of 23 children who presented with incarcerated umbilical hernias at our institution over an 8-year period. Fifty-two children with umbilical hernias were seen in the hospital over the period. Twenty-three (44.2%) had incarceration. Seventeen (32.7%) had acute incarceration while 6 (11.5%) had recurrent incarceration. There were 16 girls and 7 boys. The ages of the children with acute incarceration ranged from 3 weeks to 12 years (median 4 years), while the ages of those with recurrent incarceration ranged from 3-15 years (median 8.5 years). Incarceration occurred in hernias of more than 1.5 cm in diameter (in those whose defect size was measured). Twenty-one children (15 with acute and all six with recurrent incarceration) underwent repair of the umbilical hernia using standard methods. The parents of two children with acute incarceration declined surgery after spontaneous reduction of the hernia in one and taxis in the other. One boy had gangrenous bowel containing Meckel's diverticulum inside the sac, for which bowel resection with end-to-end anastomosis was done. Operation led to disappearance of pain in all 6 children with recurrent incarceration. Superficial wound infection occurred in one child. There was no mortality. Incarcerated umbilical hernia is not as uncommon as thought. Active observation of children with umbilical hernia is necessary to prevent morbidity from incarceration.

  12. Umbilical hernia repair - series (image) (United States)

    ... treatment. The indications for umbilical hernia repair include: incarcerated (strangulated) umbilical hernia defects not spontaneously closed by 4 to 5 years of age children under 2 with very large defects unacceptable to ...

  13. Determinación de las características anatómicas de las arterias coronarias de cerdo mediante técnica de inyección con látex

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    Guillermo Rivera


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar las características anatómicas de las arterias coronarias del cerdo, mediante inyección con látex. Materiales y métodos: Se usaron 100 corazones de cerdo. Se insertaron sondas Nelaton a través de las arterias coronarias y se les inyectó solución de látex y tinta china. Se determinó el diámetro y el punto de origen para la coronaria derecha, coronaria izquierda, interventricular paraconal y circunfleja. Se cuantificaron el número de ramas diagonales, marginales ventriculares izquierdas y postero laterales. Se determinó frecuencia de ramus intermedius y tipo de dominancia. Se realizó análisis estadístico con un error estándar del 5%, con el Epidat 3,1. Resultados: El 100% de los orígenes anatómicos de las arterias coronarias fueron normales. La dominancia mas frecuente fue la derecha, 73%. El promedio de número de ramas marginales izquierdas, diagonales y posterolaterales fue de 3. La frecuencia de ramus intermedius fue de 12%. El calculo de chi cuadrado de Pearson mostró significancia entre el ramus intermedius y número de ramas marginales izquierdas (p=0,0009. Conclusiones: Las características anatómicas de las arterias coronarias del cerdo son similares a las del humano. El ramus intermedius se comporta como una primera rama marginal izquierda y no como una primera rama diagonal como lo afirman algunos autores.

  14. Pregnancy Complications: Umbilical Cord Abnormalities (United States)

    ... Umbilical cord abnormalities Umbilical cord abnormalities Now playing: E-mail to a friend Please fill in all fields. ... blood supply) to the baby. The two arteries transport waste from the baby to the placenta (where ...

  15. Incarcerated umbilical cord hernia containing the gallbladder

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    Ann M. Kulungowski


    Full Text Available A 16 day-old boy infant with an umbilical mass underwent operative exploration of the umbilicus. The mass proved to be a gallbladder incarcerated in a hernia of the umbilical cord. Distinguishing an omphalocele from an umbilical cord hernia is not obvious and can be arbitrary. Morphologically, the two terms both describe congenital abdominal wall defects covered by a membrane, typically containing abdominal organs. Subtle differences and clinical features between omphalocele and umbilical cord hernia are highlighted in this report.

  16. Umbilical Cable Recovery Load Analysis

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    YAN Shu-wang; JIA Zhao-lin; FENG Xiao-wei; LI Shi-tao


    Umbilical cable is a kind of integrated subsea cable widely used in the exploration and exploitation of oil and gas field.The severe ocean environment makes great challenges to umbilical maintenance and repair work.Damaged umbilical is usually recovered for the regular operation of the offshore production system.Analysis on cables in essence is a two-point boundary problem.The tension load at the mudline must be known first,and then the recovery load and recovery angle on the vessel can be solved by use of catenary equation.The recovery analysis also involves umbilicalsoil interaction and becomes more complicated.Calculation methods for recovery load of the exposed and buried umbilical are established and the relationship between the position of touch down point and the recovery load as well as the recovery angle and recovery load are analyzed.The analysis results provide a theoretical reference for offshore on-deck operation.

  17. Religious perspectives on umbilical cord blood banking. (United States)

    Jordens, Christopher F C; O'Connor, Michelle A C; Kerridge, Ian H; Stewart, Cameron; Cameron, Andrew; Keown, Damien; Lawrence, Rabbi Jeremy; McGarrity, Andrew; Sachedina, Abdulaziz; Tobin, Bernadette


    Umbilical cord blood is a valuable source of haematopoietic stem cells. There is little information about whether religious affiliations have any bearing on attitudes to and decisions about its collection, donation and storage. The authors provided information about umbilical cord blood banking to expert commentators from six major world religions (Catholicism, Anglicanism, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism and Buddhism) and asked them to address a specific set of questions in a commentary. The commentaries suggest there is considerable support for umbilical cord blood banking in these religions. Four commentaries provide moral grounds for favouring public donation over private storage. None attach any particular religious significance to the umbilical cord or to the blood within it, nor place restrictions on the ethnicity or religion of donors and recipients. Views on ownership of umbilical cord blood vary. The authors offer a series of general points for those who seek a better understanding of religious perspectives on umbilical cord blood banking.

  18. Bio-Ingeniería Computacional en el Estudio de la Hemodinámica y su Interacción con Arterias Bio-Ingeniería Computacional en el Estudio de la Hemodinámica y su Interacción con Arterias

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    Teodoro Córdova


    Full Text Available This article deals with the importance of studying hemodynamics as an outstanding factorfor prediction of vascular diseases. First the governing equations to study arteries and hemodynamics are given. Next discretization of the governing equations for its solution with the finite element method are exposed. Finally an efficient and robust algorithm to analyze the fluid-structure interaction of blood circulation in arteries is explained. Several example problems are presented showing the capabilities of the formulation presented.En este artículo se revisa la importancia del estudio de la hemodinámica como factor relevanteen el diagnóstico de enfermedades vasculares. En primer lugar se presenta la forma de estudiar las arterias y la hemodinámica como un sistema físico, para lo cual se presentan las ecuaciones generales de gobierno del problema. A continuación se plantea la discretización de las ecuaciones generales para proceder a su solución mediante el método de los elementos finitos. Finalmente se presenta un método eficiente que permite hacer la interacción entre el flujo sanguíneo y las arterias. Se exponen diferentes casos estudiados utilizando las técnicas anteriormente descritas.

  19. Colgajo de perforantes de la arteria colateral cubital inferior para defectos por quemadura eléctrica en fosa cubital

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    I. González-Alaña


    Full Text Available Las quemaduras eléctricas producen lesiones profundas, especialmente las debidas a la entrada y salida de la corriente y al arco voltaico, que pueden dejar expuestas estructuras nobles y afectar áreas de flexo-extensión, como la fosa antecubital. Los defectos resultantes pueden cubrirse mediante colgajos libres o pediculados de brazo y antebrazo. Entre las distintas opciones quirúrgicas, el colgajo medial del brazo evita la interrupción de los ejes vasculares mayores y la secuela en la zona donante es discreta. Sin embargo, su uso está poco extendido por considerarse un colgajo de difícil disección debido a la variabilidad anatómica de las arterias colaterales cubitales superior e inferior que lo irrigan. Presentamos la cobertura para un defecto secundario a quemadura eléctrica en la fosa antecubital mediante un colgajo medial del brazo basado en las ramas perforantes de la arteria colateral cubital inferior. Aunque confirmamos en este caso la variabilidad vascular, la disección resultó sencilla y el resultado estético y funcional fue excelente.

  20. A neonate with an intact congenital umbilical appendix: an alternative theory on the etiology of the appendico-umbilical fistula.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Fuijkschot, J.; Wijnen, R.M.H.; Gerrits, G.P.J.M.; Dubois, S.V.; Rieu, P.N.M.A.


    Neonatal umbilical anomalies usually represent remains of the vitelline duct or the allantois. We describe a case of an umbilical appendix in a neonate. The vermiform appendix was found to be positioned in the umbilical cord. In a brief literature review we found eight other reports concerning

  1. Relationship between newborn Acid-Base status and umbilical cord morphology

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    Marssosi V


    Full Text Available ess the relationship between umbilical cord blood gases at birth and morphology of umbilical cord, in a prospective study of 200 consecutive term delivery, we investigated the relationship between umbilical cord morphology characteristics (umbilical crd length, number of vascular coil, coiling index and color of amniotic fluid and umbilical vessel blood gases. Statistically significant linear correlation was found between umblicial venous PH and the umbilical cord length (r=0.39, 95% CI 0.25, 0.53, P<0.03, umber of vascular coils (r=0.45 95% CI 0.31-0.59 P<0.012, and coiling index (r=0.34, 95% CI 0.12-0.48, P<0.04, and also negative linear correlation was found between umbilical venous partial pressure of carbon dioxide & of coli (r=0.3, 95% CI –0.44, -0.16 P<0.03. No relation was found between umbilical cord indices and meconium staining of amniotic fluid.Placental weight also correlated with umbilical cord length (r=0.17, 95% CI 0.03-0.31, P<0.03, but not with umbilical cord coils or coiling index.Umbilical venous pH is related to umbilical cord morphology but umbilical venous PCO2 was only related to the number of coils and umbilicat artery pH wa only related to the number of coils and not related to length or coiling index of umbilical cord morphology. The morphology of umbilical cord can affect maternal-fetal gas exchange

  2. Cost-effectiveness of private umbilical cord blood banking. (United States)

    Kaimal, Anjali J; Smith, Catherine C; Laros, Russell K; Caughey, Aaron B; Cheng, Yvonne W


    To investigate the cost-effectiveness of private umbilical cord blood banking. A decision-analytic model was designed comparing private umbilical cord blood banking with no umbilical cord blood banking. Baseline assumptions included a cost of $3,620 for umbilical cord blood banking and storage for 20 years, a 0.04% chance of requiring an autologous stem cell transplant, a 0.07% chance of a sibling requiring an allogenic stem cell transplant, and a 50% reduction in risk of graft-versus-host disease if a sibling uses banked umbilical cord blood. Private cord blood banking is not cost-effective because it cost an additional $1,374,246 per life-year gained. In sensitivity analysis, if the cost of umbilical cord blood banking is less than $262 or the likelihood of a child needing a stem cell transplant is greater than 1 in 110, private umbilical cord blood banking becomes cost-effective. Currently, private umbilical cord blood banking is cost-effective only for children with a very high likelihood of needing a stem cell transplant. Patients considering private blood banking should be informed of the remote likelihood that a unit will be used for a child or another family member. III.

  3. Evidence-based pathology: umbilical cord coiling. (United States)

    Khong, T Y


    The generation of a pathology test result must be based on criteria that are proven to be acceptably reproducible and clinically relevant to be evidence-based. This review de-constructs the umbilical cord coiling index to illustrate how it can stray from being evidence-based. Publications related to umbilical cord coiling were retrieved and analysed with regard to how the umbilical coiling index was calculated, abnormal coiling was defined and reference ranges were constructed. Errors and other influences that can occur with the measurement of the length of the umbilical cord or of the number of coils can compromise the generation of the coiling index. Definitions of abnormal coiling are not consistent in the literature. Reference ranges defining hypocoiling or hypercoiling have not taken those potential errors or the possible effect of gestational age into account. Even the way numerical test results in anatomical pathology are generated, as illustrated by the umbilical coiling index, warrants a critical analysis into its evidence base to ensure that they are reproducible or free from errors.

  4. Origen anómalo de arterias coronarias Reporte de un caso y revisión de la literatura

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    Nohra P. Romero, MD


    Full Text Available Las alteraciones anatómicas de las arterias coronarias representan un amplio espectro de anormalidades que son diagnosticadas habitualmente como un hallazgo incidental en autopsia o durante la realización de una arteriografía coronaria. Sin embargo, algunas de éstas tienen una significancia clínica variable y pueden estar asociadas con morbilidad cardiaca significativa, incluyendo muerte súbita en la infancia, la adolescencia o la vida adulta.

  5. Diagnóstico y tratamiento de los aneurismas saculares de la arteria cerebral anterior

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    Raúl F. Matera


    Full Text Available Hacemos un estudio anátomo-funcional de la arteria cerebral anterior recalcando la importancia que tiene la ligadura de esta arteria. Sintetizamos la patogenia de los aneurismas en cuatro hechos fundamentales: los aneurismas vestigiales originados en brotes vasculares no desarrollados o que no han involucionado normalmente; la falta de desarrollo de la túnica elástica en la zona de bifurcación de los grandes vasos; la arterioesclerosis; los procesos inflamatorios de la túnica media (sífilis y micosis. Hacemos un estudio clínico de los aneurismas del complejo cerebral-comunicante anterior, llamando la atención sobre aquellos en los que, a las hemorragias subaracnoidales, se asocian manifestaciones en el fondo de ojo, trastornos psíquicos y fenómenos motores. Llamamos la atención sobre las formas pseudo-tumorales quiasmáticas y los denominados aneurismas trombosantes que originan el síndrome progresivo fronto-cíngulo-calloso. Estudiamos la radiología simple de los aneurismas de esta región, llamando la atención sobre las calcificaciones cirsoideas suprasellares y los fenómenos de erosión de la silla turca. Llamamos la atención sobre la importancia de la arteriografía para confirmar el diagnóstico, estudiar la circulación colateral, el tamaño, la forma y el pedículo del aneurisma, elementos fundamentales para el plan operatório. En el tratamiento quirúrgico descartamos, por ineficaz, la ligadura de la carótida interna en el cuello. Es fundamental el abordaje intracraneano por vía subfrontal en los aneurismas de la porción précomunicante y comunicante con desarrollo hacia abajo, mientras que, la via sagital-frontal se utilizará en los aneurismas de desarrollo hacia arriba ya sea de la comunicante o de la porción distal de la arteria cerebral anterior o sus ramas. Insistimos sobre un hecho muy importante cual es la anestesia y, en especial, el uso de la hipotensión controlada, insistiendo de que la tensión se

  6. Endometriose umbilical sem cirurgia pélvica prévia Umbilical endometriosis without previous pelvic surgery

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    Bruno Ramalho de Carvalho


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: apresentar série de casos de endometriose na cicatriz umbilical, em pacientes no menacme, sem cirurgias pélvicas prévias. MÉTODOS: foram incluídas no estudo quatro pacientes com idade entre 33 e 43 anos, com queixa de sangramento umbilical associado ou não a dor pélvica, com evolução de dois meses a quatro anos. A ultra-sonografia da parede abdominal foi utilizada para o diagnóstico, procedendo-se à exérese cirúrgica das lesões sugestivas de endometriose umbilical e confirmação anatomopatológica. RESULTADOS: as avaliações ultra-sonográficas das quatro pacientes evidenciaram imagens umbilicais hipoecogênicas compatíveis com a hipótese diagnóstica de endometriose e, assim, todas elas foram encaminhadas para exérese cirúrgica da lesão. A dosagem do marcador sérico CA-125 foi realizada em três das quatro pacientes, com níveis dentro da normalidade, variando de 6,8 a 10,1 U/mL. A concomitância de endometriose pélvica apenas foi confirmada em uma paciente. Durante o seguimento de um ano, as pacientes não apresentaram recidiva dos sintomas nem das lesões. CONCLUSÕES: a endometriose umbilical é uma entidade nosológica rara, mas que deve ser sempre lembrada quando da presença de nodulações ou sangramento umbilicais, ainda que não exista relato de cirurgia pélvica prévia com manipulação endometrial. Seu tratamento cirúrgico é, em geral, suficiente para a remissão total da lesão e dos sintomas.PURPOSE: to present a series of cases of umbilical endometriosis in patients in reproductive age, with no previous pelvic surgery. METHODS: four patients aged between 33 and 43 years were included in the study. They all presented umbilical bleeding associated or not with pelvic pain, and medical history varied from two months to four years. Abdominal wall ultrasound was performed for diagnosis support before surgical excision of the umbilical lesions, and histological examination was also performed. RESULTS

  7. Pseudo-aneurisma post-traumático de tronco de arteria coronaria izquierda

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    Melina M. Gallo


    Full Text Available El pseudo-aneurisma de arteria coronaria es extremadamente raro. Su historia natural es poco conocida y su tratamiento discutido. Se presenta el caso de un paciente con pseudo-aneurisma de tronco de la coronaria izquierda e infarto antero-apical del ventrículo izquierdo cinco años después de un paro cardíaco secundario a un traumatismo no penetrante de tórax. Se consideró entonces que la lesión no era pasible de corrección percutánea o quirúrgica por lo que se optó por tratamiento médico conservador. Una angiografía coronaria por tomografía computarizada multicorte realizada 10 años después del evento inicial mostró ausencia de progresión de la lesión.

  8. Intrauterine thrombosis of umbilical artery - case report

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    Gustavo Henrique de Oliveira

    Full Text Available ABSTRACT: CONTEXT: Umbilical cord thrombosis is related to greater fetal and perinatal morbidity and mortality. It is usually associated with umbilical cord abnormalities that lead to mechanical compression with consequent vascular ectasia. Its correct diagnosis and clinical management remains a challenge that has not yet been resolved. CASE REPORT: This study reports a case of umbilical artery thrombosis that occurred in the second half of a pregnancy. The umbilical cord was long, thin and overly twisted and the fetus presented severe intrauterine growth restriction. The clinical and histopathological findings from this case are described. CONCLUSIONS: This case report emphasizes the difficulty in diagnosing and clinically managing abnormalities of intrauterine life with a high chance of perinatal complications.


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    Satheesha Nayak B


    Full Text Available Knowledge of variations at and in the surroundings of cubital fossa is useful for the orthopedic surgeons, plastic surgeons and medical practitioners in general. During routine dissection, we observed arterial and muscular variations in and around the cubital fossa. The brachial artery terminated 2 inches above the base of the cubital fossa. The radial and ulnar arteries entered the cubital fossa by passing in front of the tendons of brachialis and biceps brachii respectively. The ulnar artery was surrounded by the third head of pronator teres which took its origin from the fascia covering the distal part of the brachialis muscle. This muscle joined pronator teres tendon distally and was supplied by a branch of median nerve. This muscle could alter the blood flow in the ulnar artery and may cause difficulties in recording the blood pressure.El conocimiento de las variaciones en los alrededores de la fosa cubital es útil para cirujanos ortopédicos, cirujanos plásticos y médicos en general. Observamos las variaciones arteriales y musculares en y alrededor de la fosa cubital. La arteria braquial terminó 2 pulgadas por encima de la base de la fosa cubital. Las arterias radiales y cubitales entraron en la fosa cubital pasando delante de los tendones de los músculos braquial y bíceps braquial respectivamente. La arteria cubital estaba rodeada por el tercer fascículo del pronador teres, que tuvo su origen en la fascia cubriendo la parte distal del músculo braquial. Este músculo se unió a tendón de pronador teres distalmente y fue suministrado por una rama del nervio mediano. Este músculo podría alterar el flujo sanguíneo en la arteria cubital y puede causar dificultades para el registro de la presión sanguínea.

  10. Genética humana e sociedade


    Rosa, Vivian Leyser da


    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências da Educação. Análise do campo de estudos sobre o entendimento público da ciência, distinguindo os modelos de deficit cognitivo e interativo, bem como suas implicações na esfera educacional. Estudo do panorama dos avanços atuais da genética humana, do ponto de vista científico, ético e social. Análise de aspectos relativos ao ensino de genética humana nos cursos de graduação da área da saúde, em nove Universidades...

  11. Aneurysmatic dissection of an aberrant right subclavian artery; Disseziierendes Aneurysma einer aberranten Arteria subclavia dextra: Diagnose mittels Ultrafast-CT

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Reittner, P. [Universitaetsklinik fuer Radiologie, Graz (Austria). Abt. fuer Allgemeine Radiologie; Stacher, R. [Universitaetsklinik fuer Radiologie, Graz (Austria). Abt. fuer Allgemeine Radiologie


    Diagnosis with Ultrafast-CT: An aneurysm of an aberrant right subclavian artery is a very rare cause for dysphagia. We describe such a case in a 67-year-old patient, diagnosed with Ultrafast-CT and discuss it together in concert with the embryology and the radiological findings. (orig.) [Deutsch] Eine aberrierende Arteria subclavia dextra ist eine seltene Ursache fuer Dysphagie. Anhand eines 67jaehrigen Patienten werden Embryologie und radiologische Charakteristika, diagnostiziert mittels Ultrafast-CT, diskutiert. (orig.)

  12. Brachiomedian artery (arteria brachiomediana revisited: a comprehensive review

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    David Kachlik


    Full Text Available This article reviews in detail the superficial brachiomedian artery (arteria brachiomediana superficialis, a very rare variant of the main arterial trunks of the upper limb. It branches either from the axillary artery or the brachial artery, descends superficially in the arm (similar to the course of the superficial brachial artery and continues across the cubital fossa, runs superficially in the forearm, approaches the median nerve and enters the carpal canal to reach the hand. It usually terminates in the superficial palmar arch. The first drawing was published, in 1830, and the first description was published, in 1844. Altogether, to our knowledge, only 31 cases of a true, superficial brachiomedian artery have been reported (Some cases are incorrectly reported as superficial brachioradiomedian artery or superficial brachioulnomedian artery. Based on a meta-analysis of known, available studies, the incidence is 0.23% in Caucasians and 1.48% in Mongolians. Knowing whether or not this arterial variant is present is important in clinical medicine and relevant for: The catheterization via the radial or ulnar artery; harvesting the vascular pedicle for a forearm flap based on the radial, ulnar or superficial brachiomedian arteries; the possible collateral circulation in cases of the arterial closure; and the surgical management of carpal tunnel syndrome. Its presence can elevate the danger of an injury to the superficially located variant artery or of an accidental injection.

  13. POSSIBLE ENTRAPMENT OF THE ULNAR ARTERY BY THE THIRD HEAD OF PRONATOR TERES MUSCLE. El posible atrapamiento de la arteria ulnar por el tercer fascículo del músculo pronador teres

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    Naveen Kumar


    Full Text Available El conocimiento de las variaciones en los alrededores de la fosa cubital es útil para cirujanos ortopédicos, cirujanos plásticos y médicos en general. Observamos las variaciones arteriales y musculares en y alrededor de la fosa cubital. La arteria braquial terminó 2 pulgadas por encima de la base de la fosa cubital. Las arterias radiales y cubitales entraron en la fosa cubital  pasando delante de los tendones de los músculos braquial y bíceps braquial respectivamente. La arteria cubital estaba rodeada por el tercer fascículo del pronador teres, que tuvo su origen en la fascia cubriendo la parte distal del músculo braquial. Este músculo se unió a tendón de pronador teres distalmente y fue suministrado por una rama del nervio mediano. Este músculo podría alterar el flujo sanguíneo en la arteria cubital y puede causar dificultades para el registro de la presión sanguínea. Knowledge of variations at and in the surroundings of cubital fossa is useful for the orthopedic surgeons, plastic surgeons and medical practitioners in general. During routine dissection, we observed arterial and muscular variations in and around the cubital fossa. The brachial artery terminated 2 inches above the base of the cubital fossa. The radial and ulnar arteries entered the cubital fossa by passing in front of the tendons of brachialis and biceps brachii respectively. The ulnar artery was surrounded by the third head of pronator teres which took its origin from the fascia covering the distal part of the brachialis muscle. This muscle joined pronator teres tendon distally and was supplied by a branch of median nerve. This muscle could alter the blood flow in the ulnar artery and may cause difficulties in recording the blood pressure.

  14. [Do you know "Humanae Vitae"?]. (United States)

    Gakwaya, D


    This work, appearing on the 25th anniversary of "Humanae Vitae," describes the contents of the encyclical on family planning, summarizes reactions to it from western church leaders, and reflects on its relevance to modern societies. "Humanae Vitae" begins with a statement acknowledging the problems posed by population growth to societies and to individual families. Deteriorating conditions of housing and employment and increasing economic and educational inadequacies often make it difficult to raise large families in the modern world. Views of the role of women in society and of the value of marital love and the significance of the sex act in relation to marital love have undergone change. The document raised the question of whether it is time to entrust to couples greater responsibility in regulating their fertility. The document referred to the reasons why the Pope and the Church have the authority to answer such a question and described the care with which the document was prepared before moving to the second major part of the article, that concerning doctrinal principles. After remarking on the respect due to nature, to the purposes of the conjugal act which were identified as union and procreation, and to faithfulness to God's design, the Pope moved on to condemn means of birth regulation termed illicit, which include abortion and direct sterilization as well as contraception. 2 exceptions were recognized, therapeutic sterilization and recourse to infertile periods for couples who for serious reasons wished to avoid pregnancy. The third section instructed priests, couples, bishops, and others in their duties in relation to the contents of Humanae Vitae. The encyclical was praised by some church leaders but also questioned. The fact that the work was not presented as infallible and possible conflicts with the duty of men affirmed in Vatican II not to act against their consciences were noted. When Humanae Vitae was published, the world population was 3.6 billion

  15. Rare Abdominal Wall Malformation: Case Report of Umbilical Cord Hernia

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    Andro Gliha


    Full Text Available The umbilical cord hernia is the rarest form of abdominal wall malformations, anatomically completely different from gastroschisis and omphalocele. It occurs due to the permanent physiological evisceration of abdominal organs into umbilical celom and persistence of a patent umbilical ring. The umbilical cord hernia is often mistaken for omphalocele and called “small omphalocele”. Here we present a case of a female newborn with umbilical cord hernia treated in our Hospital. After preoperative examinations surgery was done on the second day of life. The abdominal wall was closed without tension. The aim of this article is to present the importance of the proper diagnose of these three entities and to stimulate academic community for the answer, is this umbilical cord hernia or small omphalocele.

  16. Rare Abdominal Wall Malformation: Case Report of Umbilical Cord Hernia. (United States)

    Gliha, Andro; Car, Andrija; Višnjić, Stjepan; Zupancic, Bozidar; Kondza, Karmen; Petracic, Ivan

    The umbilical cord hernia is the rarest form of abdominal wall malformations, anatomically completely different from gastroschisis and omphalocele. It occurs due to the permanent physiological evisceration of abdominal organs into umbilical celom and persistence of a patent umbilical ring. The umbilical cord hernia is often mistaken for omphalocele and called "small omphalocele". Here we present a case of a female newborn with umbilical cord hernia treated in our Hospital. After preoperative examinations surgery was done on the second day of life. The abdominal wall was closed without tension. The aim of this article is to present the importance of the proper diagnose of these three entities and to stimulate academic community for the answer, is this umbilical cord hernia or small omphalocele.

  17. Traumatismos de la arteria poplítea

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    Erix Boxón


    Full Text Available En síntesis se presenta una serie de 24 casos de trauma vascular sobre la arteria poplítea en un período de 8 años, 1961-1969, se anota el predominio franco en jóvenes siendo la edad más afectada la tercera década de la vida, se mencionan las causas más frecuentes predominando las heridas por arma de fuego y los traumatismos cerrados con fracturas concomitantes 33 por ciento; el diagnóstico es sobre todo clínico y la arteriografía es complementaria del mismo. No obstante debe insistirse en el estudio arteriográfico en casos sospechosos sin evidencia clínica. Se ilustran varios casos con el problema de manejo clínico que plantea este grupo de pacientes. El tratamiento ideal es el quirúrgico el cual debe hacerse precozmente y consiste en restablecer la continuidad vascular por diversos procedimiento que incluyen los injertos venosos, las suturas y anastomosis primarias y los puentes venosos. Se pueden tener controles arteriográficos operatorios que demuestran un buen lecho distal. Se debe trabajar en equipo con ortopedistas y la reducción ortopédica debe preceder al procedimiento vascular; señalamos una cifra de amputación de sólo el 12.5 por ciento que consideramos baja si comparamos con otros informes de la literatura mundial y otra comunicación de este mismo hospital. Finalmente nuestra mortalidad es del 0 por ciento.

  18. Primary umbilical endometriosis: a case report | Muluka | Journal of ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Umbilical endometriosis is a rare presentation especially in the absence of prior pelvic surgery. This report presents a rare case of symptomatic primary umbilical endometriosis in a 28 year old female who presented with a 2 year history of umbilical mass associated with cyclical bleeding at the time of her menses.

  19. Totally Contact Umbilical Lightlike Hypersurfaces of Indefinite -Manifolds

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    Rachna Rani


    Full Text Available We study totally contact umbilical lightlike hypersurfaces of indefinite -manifolds and prove the nonexistence of totally contact umbilical lightlike hypersurface in indefinite -space form.

  20. Tratamiento quirúrgico del aneurisma de arteria circunfleja con fístula a seno coronario e insuficiencia aórtica


    Valera, Francisco J.; Doñate, Lucía; Hernández, Carlos E.; Schuler, Mona; Bel, Ana; Montero, José A.


    Presentamos el manejo quirúrgico para la corrección de un aneurisma gigante de arteria circunfleja con fístula al seno coronario e insuficiencia valvular aórtica, una combinación muy infrecuente. El procedimiento consistió en el cierre epicárdico de la fístula, la resección del aneurisma y plicatura del seno coronario, junto con reemplazo valvular aórtico. Se discuten otras modalidades de manejo quirúrgico.

  1. Comunicación humana


    Revista Chasqui


    La mirada del autor. Lo específicamente humano de la comunicación humana. Estraído de Manuel Martín Serrano, 2007, "Teoría de la comunicación. La comunicación la vida y la sociedad" p. 265. Madrid, McGraw-Hill / interamericana de España.

  2. Validación del sistema ultramicroelisa en la certificación de placenta humana como materia prima farmacéutica y cosmética

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    Maydelin Trujillo Alfonso

    Full Text Available Introducción: el Laboratorio de Control Viral de la Planta Derivados de la Placenta realiza la certificación de la placenta humana como materia prima farmacéutica y cosmética mediante el sistema ultramicroanalítico. Objetivo: validar el sistema ultramicroelisa de determinación de antígeno de superficie del virus de la hepatitis B, anticuerpos contra el virus de la hepatitis C y virus de inmunodeficiencia humana tipo 1 y 2 en muestras de suero de cordón umbilical. Métodos: se realizó la calificación de la operación y la validación del desempeño analítico de los sistemas UMELISA HBsAg Plus, UMELISA HCV y UMELISA HIV 1+2 Recombinant empleandocomo sistemas de referencia el Hepanostika HBsAg Uni-FormII, Hepanostika HCV Ultra y Vironostika HIV-Uni-Form II Ag/Ab. Resultados: la calificación de la operación para las tres técnicas analíticas resultó satisfactoria. Los parámetros de especificidad diagnóstica y analítica fueron de 100 %, así como la concordancia con las técnicas de referencia. El coeficiente de variación fue menor del 10 % durante el estudio de precisión interensayo, menor que el 20 % intraensayo y se demostró la robustez de las técnicas para pequeños cambios en la temperatura de incubación. Conclusiones: los sistemas ultramicroelisa utilizados como método de control de la calidad de la placenta humana resultaron específicos, precisos y robustos en las condiciones ensayadas, por lo que pueden emplearse de manera segura y confiable.





    La muerte es constitutiva a la naturaleza humana y por ello tiene que acontecer de forma natural. Pero hay dos realidades que, principalmente, la falsifican: la eutanasia y la obstinación terapéutica. Dos opciones erróneas que no aceptan la realidad humana de la muerte (la primera adelantándola y la otra retrasándola). Desde el punto de vista filosófico y ético ambas son rechazadas, porque atentan contra la dignidad humana al final de la vida. Aparte de estas, en este artículo también se rech...

  4. Morphological aspects of buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis umbilical cord Aspectos Morfológicos do cordão umbilical de búfalos (Bubalus bubalis

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    Guilherme J. Ferreira


    Full Text Available Buffalo is an important livestock resource, with a great participation in agricultural systems, providing milk, meat, and work power. Umbilical cord is responsible for maternal-fetal nutrients exchange during pregnancy, and its alterations can compromise the fetal development. We investigated ten pregnant uteruses collected from cross-bread buffaloes in different stages of gestation. Pregnancy and fetal age was determined by measuring the apex sacral length and development period was calculated by previously published formula. Umbilical cords were measured for length determination. Umbilical cord vascular net and anastomosis were observed by injection of Neoprene latex. Histological sections of the umbilical cord were studied after stain with HE, picrossirius, toluidine blue, orceine, and PAS reaction. Buffaloes' umbilical cord was formed by two central arteries, an allantois duct and two peripheral veins. The artery wall was composed by large quantity of collagen, elastic fibers, fibroblasts and large number of vasa vasorum. The allantois duct was located between the arteries and presented a great number of small nourishing vessels. Small nourishing vessels should be carefully considered to avoid to be mistaken to the arterials and veins vasa vasorum. Medium length of umbilical cord from buffalos was 11.8cm (minimum of 6.8cm and maximum of 17.4cm.Búfalo é uma importante fonte de recurso nos rebanhos animais, apresentando uma grande participação na agropecuária, provendo leite, carne e força de trabalho. O Cordão umbilical é responsável pela troca de nutrientes materno-fetais durante a gestação, e suas alterações podem comprometer o desenvolvimento fetal. Nós investigamos dez úteros gravídicos de búfalos de raças cruzadas em fases diferentes de gestação. O período de gestação e a idade fetal foram determinados pelo comprimento ápice sacral, aplicando fórmulas previamente estabelecidas. Posteriormente mediu-se o


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    Édgar Antonio López López


    Full Text Available En este artículo, se propone la calidad de vida como una expresión concreta de la dignidad humana que permite superar el relativismo en la discusión bioética sobre la diversidad cultural y los límites de una concepción universalista de los derechos humanos. Después de hacer referencia al proceso mediante el cual las nociones cristianas de dignidad humana y de derecho natural fueron secularizadas, se hace examen de la conservadora crítica culturalista de Lee Kwan yew y de la crítica comunitarista de Charles Taylor a la concepción universal de los derechos humanos. A partir de las respuestas de Thomas Pogge y de Amartya Sen a dichas críticas, fi nalmente se establece la relación que hay entre libertad, calidad de vida y capacidades humanas en la teoría de Sen.

  6. [Pathophysiological changes of umbilical vessels in intrauterine growth restriction]. (United States)

    Jakó, Mária; Surányi, Andrea; Kaiser, László; Domokos, Dóra; Gáspár, Róbert; Bártfai, György


    The prevalence of intrauterine growth restriction is 4-5000/100,000 births, and they give the majority of perinatal morbidity. The aim of the authors was to compare the pathomorphologic data and vasoreactivity of umbilical vessels and placenta of small for date newborns to that of the normal pregnancies. Samples of the umbilical cord and placenta were divided into case and control groups. Two 10 cm long segments were cut of the umbilical cord at placental insertion. Tissue bath experiment was performed on umbilical vessels and pathomorphologic data were collected according to the Royal College of Pathologists' protocol. After the development of basal tone, oxytocin and desmopressin did not enhance the vascular contraction, but the pathomorphological and ultrasonographic data were significantly different in the two groups. The results indicate that umbilical vessels might not have oxytocin or vasopressin receptors. The pathomorphologic and flowmetric differences could be the causes of small birth weight.

  7. Teoria organizacional para la gerencia humana como factor de desarrollo a escala humana

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    Gregoria Polo de Lobatón


    Full Text Available Hoy, se debate en los países subdesarrollados y hasta en desarrollo caso América Latina el estancamiento económico rodeado de un mar de pobreza y exclusión social, en contrario, los paísesdesarrollados a partir de la crisis de 1929 muestran su crecimiento a partir de modelos de desarrollo económico como sustento teórico del pensamiento administrativo captado para las prácticas gerenciales; resultó útil identificar los aportes de la teoría del desarrollo como fundamentación de las teorías organizacionales y su incidencia en las prácticas gerenciales como factor de desarrollo. Metodológicamente la investigación se orientó en el enfoque cualitativo para el análisis fenomenológico de los datos encontrados en revisiones documentales. Los resultados determinaron que las prácticas gerenciales se fundamentan en teorías organizacionales clásicas y contemporáneas centradas en principios de eficiencia y productividad. A partir de las teorías contemporáneas un dinamismo con enfoques sociales y ambientales, su fundamento la escuela humana con los pensadores: Weber, Elton Mayo, reformistas y otros pensadores, que tenidas en cuenta para las prácticas gerenciales centradas en la suficiencia manifiestan interés por el acercamiento al desarrollo a escala humana.Palabras clave: Teorías organizacionales; paradigma de Gerencia Humana; Desarrollo a escala humana.Organizational theory for human management as a development factor to human scale AbstractToday, there are discussions in underdeveloped countries and even in developing ones, Latin American case, the economic halt surrounded by a sea of poverty and social exclusion, in contrast, developed countries starting from the crisis of 1929 show their growth from economic development models as a theoretical backup of the management thinking captured for management practices; proved useful to identify the contributions of development theory as the foundation of organizational theories and

  8. Neonatal oxidative stress depends on oxygen blood pressure in umbilical artery. (United States)

    Proietti, F; De Bernardo, G; Longini, M; Sordino, D; Scaramuzzini, G; Tataranno, M L; Belvisi, E; Bazzini, F; Perrone, S; Buonocore, G


    With advancing gestation, partial pressure of oxygen (pO2) and pH fall significantly. Hypoxia is a main factor inducing free radical generation and thereby oxidative stress (OS). Placental and fetal tissue response when oxygen becomes restricted is complex and partially known. We tested the hypothesis that changes in umbilical artery and vein blood gas concentrations modulate OS occurrence in the newborn. Seventy umbilical artery and vein plasma samples were collected from healthy term newborns immediately after delivery. F2 Isoprostanes (F2-Isop) were measured in all samples as reliable markers of lipid peroxidation. Significantly lower pCO2 and higher pO2 and pH were found in umbilical vein than in artery, as expected. A positive correlation was detected between pH and pO2 only in umbilical artery (p=0.019). F2-Isop levels were no different between artery and vein in cord blood. Significant correlations were found between F2-Isop and pCO2 (p=0.025) as well as between F2-Isop and pH in umbilical vein (p=0.027). F2-Isop correlated with pCO2 (p=0.007) as well as with pO2 values (p=0.005) in umbilical artery blood. Oxidative stress (OS) in newborns depends on oxygen concentrations in umbilical artery. OS biomarkers significantly correlate with pO2 and in umbilical artery but not in umbilical vein. In normoxic conditions fetal-maternal gas exchanges occurring in placenta re-establish normal higher oxygen levels in umbilical vein than artery, with a normal production of free radicals without any deleterious effects.

  9. Disección traumática de la arteria carótida interna y embolismo cerebral en un jugador de fútbol: Reporte del primer caso

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    Luisa S. Talledo Paredes


    Full Text Available Reportamos el caso de un varón de 18 años quien sufrió contusión cervical por impacto con balón de fútbol. Tres días después fue hospitalizado con hemiplejia derecha directa y afasia de expresión. La resonancia magnética cerebral mostró lesión isquémica izquierda en ganglios basales. El doppler carotideo evidenció trombo desde el origen de la arteria carótida común izquierda extendida a la arteria carótida interna izquierda (CII y la angiotomografía documentó disección de CII (lesión traumática carotídea tipo IV. Se optó por anticoagulación con warfarina y fisioterapia de rehabilitación; con evolución favorable. La incidencia de la injuria traumática carotídea es muy rara, más aún en futbolistas; el tratamiento es aún controversial, por lo que consideramos de interés el reporte de este caso.

  10. ANATOMÍA MACROSCÓPICA E IMAGENOLÓGICA DE LAS RAMAS PRECOCES DE LA ARTERIA CEREBRAL MEDIA. Macroscopic and radiological anatomy of early branches of the middle cerebral artery

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    Fernando Martínez


    Full Text Available Las ramas precoces de la arteria cerebral media son ramas corticales originadas del tronco de la citada arteria. Se trata de arterias que pueden nutrir importantes áreas de los lóbulos temporal, frontal o la ínsula. Por lo tanto, la oclusión de una de estas ramas producirá un área de isquemia con potenciales consecuencias. Se estudiaron 20 hemisferios cerebrales  de cadáveres adultos conservados en formol, y 20 angiografías silvianas realizando una comparación y correlación. En las piezas anatómicas, la arteria cerebral media terminó por bifurcación en el 100% de los casos y dicha bifurcación se sitúo en la porción esfenoidal (M1 en la mayoría de las piezas. Se encontraron ramas precoces en número de1 a4 en el 80%, totalizando 28 arterias, de las cuales 23 tenían destino temporal y 5 frontales. En el material angiográfico la cerebral media terminó por bifurcación en el 95% de los casos y la misma se ubicó en M1 en la mayoría de los casos. Se encontraron ramas precoces en el 70% de los estudios analizados, totalizando 19 ramos. De los mismos, 16 fueron temporales, 1 frontal y en 2 casos no se pudo determinar su destino. Consideramos que los datos anatómicos y angiográficos obtenidos por este y otros estudios son de utilidad en la planificación del clipado de  los aneurismas de la cerebral media. The early branches of the middle cerebral artery are cortical branches that arise from the trunk of this artery. These branches can supply significant areas in the temporal, frontal or insular lobes. Therefore, their occlusion may lead to ischemia and potential sequelae. We studied 20 cerebral hemispheres of formalin-fixed adult cadavers and 20 silvian angiographies in order to compare and correlate them. In the anatomical specimens, the middle cerebral artery ended bifurcating in 100% of the cases and such bifurcation occurred at the sphenoidal segment (M1 in most cases. Early branches ranging from 1 to 4 were found in 80


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    Full Text Available En este artículo se hace referencia a las tendencias y las perspectivas de gestión humana que se imponen en el mundo en la actualidad y que, a su manera, pretenden optimizar la administración del personal de la organización y contribuir al desarrollo e incremento de la productividad y la competitividad. Mediante la realización de un Estado del Arte se logran determinar algunas de las tendencias más relevantes en la actualidad y se concluye que, cada vez con mayor fuerza, dichas tendencias se sustentan en discursos que pretenden "rescatar" al ser humano dentro de la organización, lo que no necesariamente se traduce en los procesos de gestión humana que se realizan en las organizaciones nacionales e internacionales.

  12. Predicting intrapartum fetal compromise using the fetal cerebro-umbilical ratio. (United States)

    Sabdia, S; Greer, R M; Prior, T; Kumar, S


    The aim of this study was to explore the association between the cerebro-umbilical ratio measured at 35-37 weeks and intrapartum fetal compromise. This retrospective cross sectional study was conducted at the Mater Mothers' Hospital in Brisbane, Australia. Maternal demographics and fetal Doppler indices at 35-37 weeks gestation for 1381 women were correlated with intrapartum and neonatal outcomes. Babies born by caesarean section or instrumental delivery for fetal compromise had the lowest median cerebro-umbilical ratio 1.60 (IQR 1.22-2.08) compared to all other delivery groups (vaginal delivery, emergency delivery for failure to progress, emergency caesarean section for other reasons or elective caesarean section). The percentage of infants with a cerebro-umbilical ratio cerebro-umbilical ratio between the 10th-90th centile and 9.6% of infants with a cerebro-umbilical ratio > 90th centile required delivery for the same indication (p cerebro-umbilical ratio was associated with an increased risk of emergency delivery for fetal compromise, OR 2.03 (95% CI 1.41-2.92), p cerebro-umbilical ratio measured at 35-37 weeks is associated with a greater risk of intrapartum compromise. This is a relatively simple technique which could be used to risk stratify women in diverse healthcare settings. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  13. An umbilical polyp in an infant. (United States)

    Swanson, David L; Pakzad, Betty


    The persistence at birth of the omphalomesenteric (vitelline) duct may result in life-threatening consequences. Early identification of this congenital anomaly is essential for prompt surgical treatment to eliminate the risk of prolapse and herniation. A neonatal umbilical polyp may indicate the presence of an omphalomesenteric duct remnant. We describe the diagnosis and surgical treatment of an infant with an umbilical polyp. We also present an overview of the diagnosis and treatment of vitelline duct remnants and their associated anomalies.

  14. Postura Scanner - Mapeamento e Interpretação da postura humana

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    João Ricardo R. de Moraes


    Full Text Available Este trabalho tem a finalidade de projetar um software capaz de mapear e interpretar a condição clínica da postura humana por meio de imagens, tendo como foco a identificação de patologias que atuam sobre o formato das curvas fisiológicas da coluna vertebral humana. Além disso, será um banco de informações a ser consultado por médicos e pacientes, através de exames que exerceram interações com o software segundo a sua natureza. Neste estudo, relatase como são definidas a postura humana, a coluna vertebral e as medidas das curvas fisiológicas e apresentam-se as técnicas de processamento de imagens que permitem a obtenção dos dados requeridos para o processo. Finalmente, mostra-se a modelagem e implementação do software, bem como a forma de mapeamento e a interpretação da postura humana.

  15. Adaptación del algoritmo MARACAS para segmentación de la arteria carótida y cuantificación de estenosis en imágenes TAC

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    Marcela Hernandez


    Full Text Available En este artículo se describen las adaptaciones hechas al algoritmo MARACAS para segmentar y cuantificar estructuras vasculares en imágenes TAC de la arteria carótida. El algoritmo MARACAS, que está basado en un modelo elástico y en un análisis de los valores y vectores propios de la matriz de inercia, fue inicialmente diseñado para segmentar una sola arteria en imágenes ARM. Las modificaciones están principalmente enfocadas a tratar las especificidades de las imágenes TAC, así como la presencia de bifurcaciones. Los algoritmos implementados en esta nueva versión se clasifican en dos niveles. 1 Los procesamientos de bajo nivel (filtrado de ruido y de artificios direccionales, presegmentación y realce destinados a mejorar la calidad de la imagen y presegmentarla. Estas técnicas están basadas en información a priori sobre el ruido, los artificios y los intervalos típicos de niveles de gris del lumen, del fondo y de las calcificaciones. 2 Los procesamientos de alto nivel para extraer la línea central de la arteria, segmentar el lumen y cuantificar la estenosis. A este nivel, se aplican conocimientos a priori sobre la forma y anatomía de las estructuras vasculares. El método fue evaluado en 31 imágenes suministradas en el concurso “Carotid Lumen Segmentation and Stenosis Grading Grand Challenge” 2009. Los resultados obtenidos en la segmentación arrojaron un coeficiente de similitud de Dice promedio de 80.4% comparado con la segmentación de referencia, y el error promedio de la cuantificación de estenosis fue 14.4%.

  16. Intrauterine growth restriction is associated with structural alterations in human umbilical cord and decreased nitric oxide-induced relaxation of umbilical vein. (United States)

    Peyter, A-C; Delhaes, F; Baud, D; Vial, Y; Diaceri, G; Menétrey, S; Hohlfeld, P; Tolsa, J-F


    Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) affects ∼8% of all pregnancies and is associated with major perinatal mortality and morbidity, and with an increased risk to develop cardiovascular diseases in adulthood. Despite identification of several risk factors, the mechanisms implicated in the development of IUGR remain poorly understood. In case of placental insufficiency, reduced delivery of oxygen and/or nutrients to the fetus could be associated with alterations in the umbilical circulation, contributing further to the impairment of maternal-fetal exchanges. We compared the structural and functional properties of umbilical cords from growth-restricted and appropriate for gestational age (AGA) term newborns, with particular attention to the umbilical vein (UV). Human umbilical cords were collected at delivery. Morphological changes were investigated by histomorphometry, and UV's reactivity by pharmacological studies. Growth-restricted newborns displayed significantly lower growth parameters, placental weight and umbilical cord diameter than AGA controls. Total cross-section and smooth muscle areas were significantly smaller in UV of growth-restricted neonates than in controls. Maximal vasoconstriction achieved in isolated UV was lower in growth-restricted boys than in controls, whereas nitric oxide-induced relaxation was significantly reduced in UV of growth-restricted girls compared to controls. IUGR is associated with structural alterations of the UV in both genders, and with a decreased nitric oxide-induced relaxation in UV of newborn girls, whereas boys display impaired vasoconstriction. Further investigations will allow to better understand the regulation of umbilical circulation in growth-restricted neonates, which could contribute to devise potential novel therapeutic strategies to prevent or limit the development of IUGR. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  17. Umbilical endometriosis mimicking as papilloma to general surgeons: A case report

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    A Singh


    Full Text Available IntroductionCutaneous or umbilical endometriosis is a rare entity that isoften overlooked because of chronic abdominal pain. Wepresent a case of umbilical hernia that presented to thegeneral surgeons due to chronic abdominal pain and nodulein the umbilicus, which was clinically diagnosed as umbilicalpapilloma.Case presentationA 48-year old multiparous Caucasian woman presented withpainful nodule in the umbilicus for two and half years. Thenodule was excised and the histopathological diagnosis wasumbilicus endometriosis.ConclusionUmbilical endometriosis is a very rare disease but should beconsidered as a differential diagnosis in women presentingwith umbilical swelling.

  18. Doppler ultrasound scan during normal gestation: umbilical circulation; Ecografia Doppler en la gestacion normal: circulacion umbilical

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ruiz, T.; Sabate, J.; Martinez-Benavides, M. M.; Sanchez-Ramos, J. [Hospital Virgen Macarena. Sevilla (Spain)


    To determine normal umbilical circulation patterns by means of Doppler ultrasound scan in a healthy gestating population without risk factors and with normal perinatal results, and to evaluate any occurring modifications relative to gestational age by obtaining records kept during pregnancy. One hundred and sixteen pregnant women carrying a single fetus have been studied. These women had no risk factors, with both clinical and analytical controls, as well as ultrasound scans, all being normal. There were performed a total of 193 Doppler ultrasound scans between weeks 15 and 41 of gestation, with blood-flow analysis in the arteries and vein of the umbilical cord. The obtained information was correlated with parameters that evaluate fetal well-being (fetal monitoring and/or oxytocin test) and perinatal result (delivery type, birth weight, Apgar score). Statistical analysis was performed with the programs SPSS 6.0.1 for Windows and EPIINFO 6.0.4. With pulsed Doppler, the umbilical artery in all cases demonstrated a biphasic morphology with systolic and diastolic components and without retrograde blood flow. As the gestation period increased, there was observed a progressive decrease in resistance along with an increase in blood-flow velocity during the diastolic phase. The Doppler ultrasound scan is a non-invasive method that permits the hemodynamic study of umbilical blood circulation. A knowledge of normal blood-flow signal morphology, as well as of the normal values for Doppler indices in relation to gestational age would permit us to utilize this method in high-risk pregnancies. (Author) 30 refs.

  19. The umbilical and paraumbilical veins of man. (United States)

    Martin, B F; Tudor, R G


    During its transit through the umbilicus structural changes occur in the thick wall of the extra-abdominal segment of the umbilical vein whereby the components of the intra-abdominal segment acquire an essentially longitudinal direction and become arranged in fibro-elastic and fibro-muscular zones. The vein lumen becomes largely obliterated by asymmetrical proliferation of loose subendothelial conective tissue. The latter forms a new inner zone within which a small segment of the lumen persists in an eccentric position. This residual lumen transmits blood to the portal system from paraumbilical and systemic sources, and is retained in the upper part of the vein, even in old age. A similar process of lumen closure is observed in the ductus venosus. In early childhood the lower third of the vein undergoes breakdown, with fatty infiltration, resulting in its complete division into vascular fibro-elastic strands, and in old age some breakdown occurs in the outermost part of the wall of the upper two thirds. The paraumbilical veins are thick-walled and of similar structure to the umbilical vein. Together they constitute an accessory portal system which is confined between the layers of the falciform ligament and is in communication with the veins of the ventral abdominal wall. The constituents form an ascending series, namely, Burow's veins, the umbilical vein, and Sappey's inferior and superior veins. The main channel of Sappey's inferior veins may be the remnant of the right umbilical vein since it communicates with the right rectus sheath and often communicates directly with the portal system within the right lobe of the liver. The results are of significance in relation to clinical usage of the umbilical vein.

  20. ACOG committee opinion number 399, February 2008: umbilical cord blood banking. (United States)


    Two types of banks have emerged for the collection and storage of umbilical cord blood--public banks and private banks. Public banks promote allogenic (related or unrelated) donation, analogous to the current collection of whole blood units in the United States. Private banks were initially developed to store stem cells from umbilical cord blood for autologous use (taken from an individual for subsequent use by the same individual) by a child if the child develops disease later in life. If a patient requests information on umbilical cord blood banking, balanced and accurate information regarding the advantages and disadvantages of public versus private banking should be provided. The remote chance of an autologous unit of umbilical cord blood being used for a child or a family member (approximately 1 in 2,700 individuals) should be disclosed. The collection should not alter routine practice for the timing of umbilical cord clamping. Physicians or other professionals who recruit pregnant women and their families for for-profit umbilical cord blood banking should disclose any financial interests or other potential conflicts of interest.

  1. Myiasis gastrointestinal humana por Eristalis tenax

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    Marcelo Kun


    Full Text Available Son caracterizadas las myiasis registradas en Bariloche y establecidas las condiciones probables bajo las cuales se produjeron las infestaciones. Las larvas obtenidas a partir de heces de 2 pacientes fueron identificadas como Eristalis tenax (Diptera: Syrphidae de acuerdo a las claves de Hartley (1961 y Organización Panamericana de la Salud (1962. Estos 2 casos de myiasis gastrointestinal humana constituyen los primeros registrados en Bariloche (Patagonia, Argentina y sus características responden a las registradas para esta especie de Díptera en otras partes del mundo. La falta de control específico en el sistema domiciliario de suministro de agua ha sido la causa más probable de la infestación. Este registro extiende la distribución de E. tenax y de las myiasis gastrointestinales humanas en América del Sur hasta los 41º 03' S.

  2. Myiasis gastrointestinal humana por Eristalis tenax

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    Kun Marcelo


    Full Text Available Son caracterizadas las myiasis registradas en Bariloche y establecidas las condiciones probables bajo las cuales se produjeron las infestaciones. Las larvas obtenidas a partir de heces de 2 pacientes fueron identificadas como Eristalis tenax (Diptera: Syrphidae de acuerdo a las claves de Hartley (1961 y Organización Panamericana de la Salud (1962. Estos 2 casos de myiasis gastrointestinal humana constituyen los primeros registrados en Bariloche (Patagonia, Argentina y sus características responden a las registradas para esta especie de Díptera en otras partes del mundo. La falta de control específico en el sistema domiciliario de suministro de agua ha sido la causa más probable de la infestación. Este registro extiende la distribución de E. tenax y de las myiasis gastrointestinales humanas en América del Sur hasta los 41º 03' S.

  3. Alcohol application natural drying of umbilical cord

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shafique, M.F.; Ali, S.; Roshan, E.; Jamal, S.


    To compare the outcome, between the application of Alcohol and natural drying to umbilical stump in low risk newborns. Newborns delivered in Military Hospital and Combined Military Hospital Rawalpindi were randomized into group A (70% Alcohol) and group B (No antiseptic). In group A, 70% Alcohol was applied once daily to the umbilical stump, whereas no antiseptic was applied in group B. These newborns were followed till four weeks of life. Age at separation of umbilical cord was noted. Cases showing signs of neonatal sepsis and omphalitis were documented. Of 100 singleton full-term newborns enrolled, 90 completed the study. No newborn in either group developed a cord infection or neonatal sepsis. The difference of cord separation time between the two groups was statistically significant. Evidence does not support continued use of alcohol for low risk newborn cord care. (author)

  4. ORIGIN OF THE FACIAL ARTERY FROM THE LINGUAL-FACIAL TRUNK AND ITS COURSE THROUGH THE SUBMANDIBULAR SALIVARY GLAND: A CASE REPORT. Origen de la arteria facial desde el tronco lingual-facial y su curso a través de la glándula salival submandibular: informe

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    Srinivasa Rao Sirasanagandla


    Full Text Available La disección cuidadosa del tercio posterior de la parte superficial de la glándula salival submandibular es uno de los pasos quirúrgicos esenciales en la extirpación endoscópica glandular, evitando daños en la arteria facial. Un buen conocimiento de la poco común relación entre la arteria facial y la glándula salival submandibular es de vital importancia para llevar a cabo de forma eficiente y segura la extirpación de la glándula submandibular. Las variaciones del patrón de ramificación de la arteria facial son bien conocidas y han sido expuestas en el pasado. Sin embargo, las variaciones en su origen y trayectoria son poco frecuentes. Durante una rutinaria disección de cabeza y cuello para los estudiantes universitarios de Medicina, observamos la inusual trayectoria de la arteria facial en el triángulo digástrico derecho en un cadáver de un varón de origen indio de aproximadamente 60 años. La arteria facial derecha se originó de la común lingual-facial del tronco por encima del nivel del asta mayor del hueso hioides, y luego atravesar a través de la sustancia de la parte superficial de la glándula submandibular, sin la formación de un bucle. Después la arteria entraba en la cara por el ángulo anteroinferior del masetero. A continuación, en su trayectoria intraglandular, esta arteria mostraba pequeñas ramificaciones glandulares.  Careful dissection of the posterior one third of the superficial part of the submandibular salivary gland is one of the essential surgical steps in endoscopic glandular excision, to avoid injury to the facial artery. A sound knowledge of unusual relationship of the facial artery with the submandibular salivary gland is essentially important to perform the safe and efficient submandibular gland excision. Different types of variations in the branching pattern of the facial artery have been reported in the past. However, variations in the origin and course of the facial artery are very rare

  5. Umbilical Cord Blood: Counselling, Collection, and Banking. (United States)

    Armson, B Anthony; Allan, David S; Casper, Robert F


    To review current evidence regarding umbilical cord blood counselling, collection, and banking and to provide guidelines for Canadian health care professionals regarding patient education, informed consent, procedural aspects, and options for cord blood banking in Canada. Selective or routine collection and banking of umbilical cord blood for future stem cell transplantation for autologous (self) or allogeneic (related or unrelated) treatment of malignant and non-malignant disorders in children and adults. Cord blood can be collected using in utero or ex utero techniques. Umbilical cord blood counselling, collection, and banking, education of health care professionals, indications for cord blood collection, short- and long-term risk and benefits, maternal and perinatal morbidity, parental satisfaction, and health care costs. Published literature was retrieved through searches of Medline and PubMed beginning in September 2013 using appropriate controlled MeSH vocabulary (fetal blood, pregnancy, transplantation, ethics) and key words (umbilical cord blood, banking, collection, pregnancy, transplantation, ethics, public, private). Results were restricted to systematic reviews, randomized control trials/controlled clinical trials, and observational studies. There were no date limits, but results were limited to English or French language materials. Searches were updated on a regular basis and incorporated in the guideline to September 2014. Grey (unpublished) literature was identified through searching the websites of health technology assessment and health technology-related agencies, clinical practice guideline collections, and national and international medical specialty societies. The quality of evidence in this document was rated using the criteria described in the Report of the Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care (Table 1). Umbilical cord blood is a readily available source of hematopoetic stem cells used with increasing frequency as an alternative to


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    Full Text Available El artículo es resultado de una investigación que busca describir el mercado de la consultoría de gestión humana para empresas medianas de Medellín. Se identifi can el concepto y las características de la consultoría gerencial y se plantea su pertinencia para cada proceso de gestión humana. Con una muestra de 57 empresas medianas y 19 empresas consultoras, se analiza el comportamiento de la demanda y la oferta en el contexto local. Se identifi can los atributos de las empresas demandantes y sus dependencias de gestión humana, la composición de las empresas consultoras, las necesidades y ofertas de consultoría actuales y futuras, el proceso de compra y las difi cultades frecuentes de los proyectos de consultoría.

  7. comunicación humana

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    Constanza Moya Pardo


    Full Text Available Este artículo pretende mostrar los planteamientos cognitivos más representativos de la Teoría de la Relevancia propuesta por Spelber & Wilson con respecto al modelo ostensivoinferencial. Este modelo plantea un mecanismo deductivo explícito que da cuenta de los procesos y estrategias que permiten el paso del significado literal a la interpretación pragmática de los mensajes en el proceso de comunicación humana.

  8. Cribado de preeclampsia con estudio doppler de las arterias uterinas


    Figueras Falcón, Tatiana


    Programa de doctorado: Patología quirúrgica, Reproducción humana y factores psicológicos y el proceso de enfermar. La fecha de publicación es la fecha de lectura. [ES]La Preeclampsia (PE) es una de las principales causas de morbimortalidad maternofetal. Es un síndrome en el que existe una disfunción endotelial multisistémica. Varias teorías pretenden explicar el porqué de la PE para establecer factores de riesgo que puedan predisponer a su aparició...

  9. Human action in a Genomic Era: debates on human nature Ação humana na Era do Genoma: debates sobre a natureza humana

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    Tatiana Gomes Rotondaro


    Full Text Available The supposed properties of 'genes' have led natural scientists to claim authority to explain the reasons of human action, behavior, and even human nature, which has traditionally been the object of study of the humanities. The aim of this paper is to discuss the possibilities of sociological theory dealing with the biological reductionism that establishes the strict articulation between 'human nature' and 'human action', presented in several speeches and papers by scientists and journalists and supported by features of 'genes'. I intend to argue that sociological theories may broaden their scope of analysis by encompassing biological dimensions, which does not necessarily mean adopting a biological reductionist approach.As supostas propriedades dos 'genes' levam os cientistas naturais a reivindicar autoridade para explicar as razões de atos, comportamentos e até a natureza humana, tradicional objeto de estudo das ciências humanas. O objetivo deste artigo é discutir as possibilidades de a teoria sociológica lidar com o reducionismo biológico, que estabelece uma articulação exata entre 'natureza humana' e 'ação humana'. Tal reducionismo está presente em discursos e artigos de cientistas e jornalistas, e é embasado por características dos 'genes'. Argumento que as teorias sociológicas podem ampliar suas possibilidades de análise se incorporarem dimensões biológicas, o que não implica necessariamente adotar uma abordagem reducionista.

  10. Poorly understood and often miscategorized congenital umbilical cord hernia: an alternative repair method. (United States)

    İnce, E; Temiz, A; Ezer, S S; Gezer, H Ö; Hiçsönmez, A


    Umbilical cord hernia is poorly understood and often miscategorized as "omphalocele minor". Careless clamping of the cord leads to iatrogenic gut injury in the situation of umbilical cord hernia. This study aimed to determine the characteristics and outcomes of umbilical cord hernias. We also highlight an alternative repair method for umbilical cord hernias. We recorded 15 cases of umbilical cord hernias over 10 years. The patients' data were retrospectively reviewed, and preoperative preparation of the newborn, gestational age, birth weight, other associated malformations, surgical technique used, enteral nutrition, and length of hospitalization were recorded. This study included 15 neonates with umbilical cord hernias. The mean gestational age at the time of referral was 38.2 ± 2.1 umbilical cord hernia, the body folds develop normally and form the umbilical ring. The double purse-string technique is easy to apply and produces satisfactory cosmetic results in neonates with umbilical cord hernias.

  11. Umbilical site for temporary colostomy in anorectal malformations: is ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Umbilical site for temporary colostomy in anorectal malformations: is it cosmetically preferable? Taha Alkhatrawi, Radi Elsherbini and Djamal Ouslimane. Purpose In an attempt to minimize the scars and improve the cosmetic outcome in children, the umbilical site has been chosen for colostomy formation in patients with.

  12. Umbilical cord blood glucose levels in full-term newborns

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    A. L. Karpova


    Full Text Available The purpose of the investigation was to determine the umbilical cord venous blood level of glucose in full-term newborns and its relationship to the mode of delivery. The investigation included 102 full-term newborn infants, including 33 and 69 babies born via cesar-ean and vaginal delivery, respectively. Umbilical cord serum glucose levels were determined by the glucose oxidase test using a Sap-phire-400 biochemical analyzer. In healthy full-term newborns, the mean umbilical cord blood glucose levels were 4,29±0,88 mmol/1 (minimum, 2,9 mmol/1 and maximum, 5,9 mmol/1. In the babies born via cesarean delivery, the umbilical cord blood concentration of glucose was ascertained to be significantly lower than in those born vaginally (3,84+0,71 mmol/1 versus 4,51+0,87 mmol/1; /><0,0001. Abdominal delivery can be apparently considered to be a risk factor for hypoglycemia in neonatal infants.

  13. Prospect for application of umbilical cord blood to clinical treatment of radiation sickness

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jia Tingzhen; Ke Xiaoyan


    Objective: To look forward to the prospect for application of umbilical cord blood to clinical treatment of radiation sickness by analyzing the results using umbilical cord blood in laboratory experiments and clinical research. Method: The data on umbilical cord blood published in literature are reviewed. Results: The umbilical blood is rich in hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells, low in immunological activity of lymphocytes, expanded significantly ex vivo under selected culture condition readily available and collected easily. Conclusion: With the above advantages, the prospect for application of umbilical cord blood is encouraging, particularly in the clinical treatment of radiation sickness

  14. Upcycling umbilical cords: bridging regenerative medicine with neonatology. (United States)

    Moreira, Alvaro; Alayli, Yasmeen; Balgi, Saloni; Winter, Caitlyn; Kahlenberg, Samuel; Mustafa, Shamimunisa; Hornsby, Peter


    Preterm birth is a major health concern that affects 10% of all worldwide deliveries. Many preterm infants are discharged from the hospital with morbidities that lead to an increased risk for neurodevelopmental impairment, recurrent hospitalizations, and life-long conditions. Unfortunately, the treatment of these conditions is palliative rather than curative, which calls for novel and innovative strategies. Progress in regenerative medicine has offered therapeutic options for many of these conditions. Specifically, human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) and cord blood (UCB) cells have shown promise in treating adult-onset diseases. Unlike bone-marrow and embryonic derived stem cells, umbilical cord-derived cells are easily and humanely obtained, have low immunogenicity, and offer the potential of autologous therapy. While there are several studies to uphold the efficacy of umbilical cord MSCs in adult therapies, there remains an unmet need for the investigation of its use in treating neonates. The purpose of this review is to provide a summary of current information on the potential therapeutic benefits and clinical applicability of umbilical cord MSCs and UCB cells. Promising preclinical studies have now led to a research movement that is focusing on cell-based therapies for preterm infants.

  15. umbilical cord parameters in ilorin: correlates and foetal outcome

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Aug 8, 2014 ... The foetal outcomes were assessed by APGAR scores, birth weight, admission to neonatal intensive ... between the umbilical cord parameters and perinatal events such as Apgar scores and birth weight. .... Suzuki S, Fuse Y. Length of the Umbilical Cord and. Perinatal Outcomes in Japanese Singleton ...

  16. Y-to-V umbilicoplasty for proboscoid umbilical hernia | Almetaher ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Background/purpose Several techniques are proposed for reconstruction of proboscoid umbilical hernia in the pediatric patients. In this work, we reported our experience with Y-to-V umbilicoplasty in the surgical repair of proboscoid umbilical hernia in infants and children. Patients and methods A 3-year prospective study ...

  17. Mercury in the Umbilical Cord: Implications for Risk Assessment for Minamata Disease

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dalgård, Christine; Grandjean, Philippe; Jørgensen, Poul Jørgen


    Umbilical cord tissue was obtained from 50 births in the Faroe Islands, where high mercury intake is due to ingestion of pilot whale meat. The mercury concentration correlated significantly with the frequency of maternal whale meat dinners during pregnancy and with mercury concentrations in umbil...... mercury concentration of 4.95 nmol/g dry weight in Minamata would correspond to 668 nmol/l cord blood and 114 nmol/g maternal hair. These levels agree well with other evidence of susceptibility of the fetus to increased exposure to methylmercury....... in umbilical cord blood and in maternal hair. The results were compared with published values for mercury in umbilical cord tissue from 12 infants diagnosed with congenital methylmercury poisoning in Minamata, Japan. From the regression coefficients obtained in the Faroese samples, the median umbilical cord...

  18. Gestión humana: tendencias y perspectivas

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    Juan Guillermo Saldarriaga Ríos


    Full Text Available En este artículo se hace referencia a las tendencias y las perspectivas de gestión humana que se imponen en el mundo en la actualidad y que, a su manera, pretenden optimizar la administración del personal de la organización y contribuir al desarrollo e incremento de la productividad y la competitividad. Mediante la realización de un Estado del Arte se logran determinar algunas de las tendencias más relevantes en la actualidad y se concluye que, cada vez con mayor fuerza, dichas tendencias se sustentan en discursos que pretenden “rescatar” al ser humano dentro de la organización, lo que no necesariamente se traduce en los procesos de gestión humana que se realizan en las organizaciones nacionales e internacionales.

  19. CMS ECAL Endcap (EE) - Preparatory work for umbilical noise studies

    CERN Multimedia

    Lodge, T


    Possible mapping solution, done inside connector, top and bottom sides of MB MB with umbilical + free pins, all identical until position on Dee known Then pins to connector in specific order for that position. All SC umbilicals to mating connector identical.

  20. El cambio climático, la salud humana y el desarrollo sostenible

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    Martens W. J. M.


    Full Text Available El cambio climático debido a actividades humanas pone en peligro los ecosistemas y la salud humana a escala mundial. Con el fin de hacer frente a las amenazas que se ciernen sobre los ecosistemas en todo el mundo, en el decenio de 1980 se introdujo el concepto del desarrollo sostenible. Desde entonces, ese concepto se ha aplicado ampliamente para guiar y enfocar la formulación de políticas. En el presente artículo se examinan las consecuencias sanitarias que tiene el cambio climático debido a actividades humanas para el desarrollo sostenible, en particular su posible efecto en el abastecimiento de alimentos, los desastres naturales, las enfermedades infecciosas, los ecosistemas y la elevación del nivel del mar. Se discute un modelo integrado que contiene los principales indicadores del desarrollo sostenible. También se examina la importancia que tienen el cambio climático, la salud humana y el desarrollo sostenible para las políticas internacionales pertinentes.

  1. Pseudoaneurisma de arteria renal principal asociado a fistula cecal tras nefrectomia radical: caso clínico y revisión de la literatura


    A. Hernando Arteche; C. Alpuente Roman; R. Martin del Toro; A. Pérez-Piqueras Gómez; F. Sainz González; JA. Cabrera Cabrera


    Las complicaciones vasculares secundarias al tratamiento quirúrgico del cáncer de riñón localizado son más frecuentes cuando se realiza una cirugía conservadora de nefronas. Sin embargo, la nefrectomía radical no está exenta de ellas. Presentamos el caso de un pseudoaneurisma de la arteria renal principal con comunicación fistulosa a colon ascendente tras nefrectomía radical. El paciente debutó con un episodio de shock hipovolémico debido a hemorragia digestiva baja.

  2. Umbilicoplasty in children with huge umbilical hernia | Komlatsè ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    With a mean follow-up of 10 months, we had 10 excellent results and two fair results according to our criteria. Conclusion: Our two lateral fl aps umbilicoplasty is well-adapted to HUH in children. Itis simple and assures a satisfactory anatomical and cosmetic result. Key words: Children, huge umbilical hernia, Togo, umbilical ...

  3. Optimization of informed consent for umbilical cord blood banking. (United States)

    Sugarman, Jeremy; Kurtzberg, Joanne; Box, Tamara L; Horner, Ronnie D


    The purpose of this project was to evaluate the informed consent process for donation to a public umbilical cord blood bank. Telephone interviews were conducted with 170 women who had given consent to donate their newborn infants' umbilical cord blood. Of the 170 women who were contacted, 96.8% of the women reported that all their questions had been answered. Nevertheless, approximately one third of the respondents did not consider themselves to be in research, and almost one quarter of the respondents did not know how to contact the umbilical cord blood bank if they or their infant became seriously ill. Further, a substantial proportion of the respondents did not understand the full range of alternatives to donation and incorrectly endorsed potential benefits. Informed consent could be optimized by (1) having those personnel who obtain consent emphasize that banking involves research and to explain the true benefits of donation, (2) ensuring that parents know how and when to contact the umbilical cord blood bank after donation, and (3) using phone surveys to continue assessments and to monitor changes in the process.

  4. Hernia of the umbilical cord associated with a patent omphalomesenteric duct

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    M Raicevic


    Full Text Available Congenital hernia of the cord is a different type of ventral abdominal wall defect in which the bowel usually herniates into the base of normally inserted umbilical cord through a patent umbilical ring. It is rare congenital anomaly with incidence of 1 in 5000. Although it was described as a distinct entity since 1920s it is often misdiagnosed as a small omphalocele. We present an unusal case of term male newborn with umbilical cord hernia associated with patent omphalomesenteric duct. The diagnose was made after birth despite antenatal ultrasound scans and it is managed successfully with uneventful recovery. If this is missdiagnosed, it could cause iatrogenic atresia of the ileum by clamping the umbilical cord after birth.

  5. Embolización de la arteria esplénica como tratamiento del hiperesplenismo en pacientes hemofílicos, HIV-1 y HCV seropositivos

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    M. E. Corti


    Full Text Available La trombocitopenia es una anomalía usual e importante en pacientes con coinfección por HIV-1/HCV. La esplenomegalia es un hallazgo frecuente en estos pacientes y, usualmente, causa hiperesplenismo y trombocitopenia. Analizamos los resultados clínicos de un método invasivo mínimo (embolización de la arteria esplénica para el tratamiento de la trombocitopenia secundaria al hiperesplenismo y refractaria a otras terapias en dos pacientes hemofílicos, infectados por el HIV-1 y con cirrosis causada por la infección crónica por HCV. Estos resultados sugieren que la embolización de la arteria esplénica es un método seguro, poco traumático y efectivo para el tratamiento de la esplenomegalia y el hiperesplenismo en pacientes con coinfección por HIV-1/HCV.Thrombocytopenia is an important and common hematological abnormality in patients with HIV-1/HCV coinfection. Splenomegaly is a frequent finding in these patients and usually causes hypersplenism and thrombocytopenia. We analyzed the clinical results of a minimal invasive treatment (splenic artery embolization for thrombocytopenia secondary to hypersplenism and refractory to other therapies in two hemophiliac patients, HIV seropositive and with cirrhosis due to chronic HCV infection. The results suggest that splenic artery embolization is a safe, relatively atraumatic and effective method for the treatment of splenomegaly and hypersplenism in selected patients with HIV-1/HCV coinfection.

  6. Umbilical cord rupture: a case report and review of literature. (United States)

    Naidu, Madhusudhan; Nama, Vivek; Karoshi, Mahantesh; Kakumani, Vijayasri; Worth, Richard


    The umbilical cord acts as a mechanical conduit between the fetus and placenta, allowing movement of water and nutrient substances between the fetal circulation and the amniotic fluid. Complications can occur antenatally or intranatally and are usually acute events that require immediate delivery to prevent intrauterine death. Even though the majority of the cord complications are unpreventable, significant improvement in perinatal mortality and morbidity can be achieved if such an event can be predicted. Umbilical cord rupture is not uncommon, but significantly underreported. We present an unusual cause of umbilical cord rupture and a review of literature.

  7. Naturaleza humana y política en Denis Diderot

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    Pablo Scotto Benito


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo se propone relacionar la concepción que Diderot tiene del ser humano con sus ideas políticas. A pesar de que no se pueda hallar en la obra del “filósofo” un tratado sistemático en el que el estudio de la naturaleza humana sirva como fundamentación de un determinado sistema político, la epistemología empirista y el monismo materialista diderotianos, con la consecuente revalorización de las pasiones corporales, conducen a una moral y una política universalistas, acordes con la naturaleza humana y centradas en la felicidad de los individuos.

  8. Actitudes del personal sanitario ante la clonación humana


    Lupiani Giménez, María Mercedes


    Las Ciencias Biosanitarias -como la Física en su día- se han convertido en TECNOLOGÍA, adquiriendo el poder de manipular la estructura de la vida y producirla artificialmente por CLONACIÓN. ¡ Presumiblemente incluso la humana!. Pero en este campo, como sucede con las Tecnologías poderosas, existen FUERTES CONTRADICCIONES, habiéndose abierto un DEBATE SOCIAL áspero y apasionante que ha alcanzado a todos los tejidos sociales, incluido el político. Sin duda, la Clonación Humana, junto con la Ing...

  9. Considerations on umbilical cord resistance to traction

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    Bianca Hanganu


    Full Text Available Neonaticide represents a particular issue both to society and forensic field, being admitted nowadays as a crime all over the world. Apart from common gross and microscopic examination of the newborn cadaver, thorough examination of the umbilical cord during autopsy proved many times its major utility in solving neonaticide cases. Although by its constituents, the umbilical cord is a quite resistant structure to bending and compression, mechanical properties vary along its surface, with gestational age or various pregnancy disorders, as well as genetic anomalies of the fetus, so that a rupture may occur. The authors present the case of a newborn found dead in a sink – about whom mother states that he accidentally fell in the feces, the moment of the birth being a surprise – and discuss on the circumstances when the umbilical cord may rupture. This issue is most important when is a need to differentiate between a true accident and an intentional newborn homicide by the mother set forth as an accident.

  10. Certain Red Blood Cell Indices of Maternal and Umbilical Cord ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Background: Umbilical cord blood analysis may give a clue to the state of health of both pregnant mothers and their neonates. However ... Keywords: Umbilical cord blood; maternal blood; haemoglobin concentration; packed cell volume; red cell indices. Received on .... The packed cell volume was measured using the.

  11. Survey of Umbilical Cord care and Separation time in Healthy ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Background: The interval between delivery and umbilical cord separation varies worldwide. Some maternal, foetal and perinatal factors including cord care practices are known to affect this interval. Objectives: To establish the mean umbilical cord separation time and the effect of maternal and infant characteristics, perinatal ...

  12. Tamizaje y prevención de pre-eclampsia guiado por Doppler de arterias uterinas: revisión sistemática de la literatura


    Sáez O, Nicolás; Carvajal C, Jorge


    Antecedentes: La pre-eclampsia (PE) es una enfermedad grave asociada al embarazo con una prevalencia de ~3%. La identificación de las mujeres en riesgo podría mejorar el resultado materno y perinatal. La estimación de riesgo individual de PE permitiría ofrecer un tratamiento preventivo para ésta [ej: aspirina (AAS)]. Se ha descrito el Doppler de arterias uterinas (DAUt) en primer y segundo trimestre como un método de tamizaje de PE. Objetivo: Recopilar la evidencia disponible sobre el uso del...

  13. Pseudoaneurisma de arteria renal principal asociado a fistula cecal tras nefrectomia radical: caso clínico y revisión de la literatura


    Hernando Arteche, A.; Alpuente Roman, C.; Martin del Toro, R.; Pérez-Piqueras Gómez, A.; Sainz González, F.; Cabrera Cabrera, JA.


    Las complicaciones vasculares secundarias al tratamiento quirúrgico del cáncer de riñón localizado son más frecuentes cuando se realiza una cirugía conservadora de nefronas. Sin embargo, la nefrectomía radical no está exenta de ellas. Presentamos el caso de un pseudoaneurisma de la arteria renal principal con comunicación fistulosa a colon ascendente tras nefrectomía radical. El paciente debutó con un episodio de shock hipovolémico debido a hemorragia digestiva baja. Vascular complications...

  14. La agresividad humana

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    Olimpia López Avendaño


    Full Text Available En este artículo se comparan los planteamientos de Sigmund Freud, Herbert Marcusse y Erich Fromm en torno a la agresividad humana. Analizar esta temática en el contexto actual es relevante dado el incremento de acciones que conllevan gran dosis de violencia tanto en el plano físico, como en el psicológico y espiritual, así como la urgencia de plantear soluciones. La posición de los tres autores permite visualizar la pertinencia de explicaciones que tienden a asumirse en la vida cotidiana en torno a este fenómeno y, sobre todo, construir nuevas perspectivas que las relean, trasciendan y enriquezcan.

  15. Ultrastructural characterization of bovine umbilical cord blood cells Caracterização ultra-estrutural das células sanguíneas do cordão umbilical bovino

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    Gustavo C Rodrigues


    Full Text Available The umbilical cord blood (UCB is an important source of pluripotent stem cells, which motivated researches on ontogeny and transplantation. The morphological characterization of umbilical cord cells is the first step to establish subsequent experiments on these areas. Although some information on humans can be found, no data on UCB is available for bovines. Therefore, this work is the first attempt to conduct an ultrastructural characterization of bovine umbilical cord blood. Blood was collected from the umbilical cord of twenty fetuses by punction of the umbilical vein. Samples were processed for whole leucocytes observation by centrifugation and the buffy coat was collected. Cells were washed and pelleted and prepared according to the standard protocol of the transmission electron microscopy. The presence of cells with morphologic characteristics compatible with the precursors from the erythrocytic, neutrophilic, eosinophilic, basophilic, and lymphocytic lineages was observed. Atypical cells with peculiar morphological features, strongly similar to apoptotic cells, were seen. Bovine neutrophils with three types of cytoplasmic granules were also found in the blood. The ultrastructural characteristics of observed bovine UCB cells where similar to those found in other species, suggesting that bovines could possibly constitute an experimental model for approaches on UCB cells research.O sangue de cordão umbilical (SCU é uma importante fonte de células progenitoras pluripotentes, que motiva pesquisas em ontogenia e transplantes. A caracterização morfológica das células de cordão umbilical é o primeiro passo para se estabelecer experimentos subsequentes nessas áreas. Embora algumas informações sobre SCU em humanos possam ser encontradas, não existe nenhuma informação disponível sobre elas em bovinos. Portanto, este trabalho é a primeira tentativa de se conduzir uma caracterização ultra-estrutural do sangue de cordão umbilical

  16. Different Angiogenic Potentials of Mesenchymal Stem Cells Derived from Umbilical Artery, Umbilical Vein, and Wharton’s Jelly

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    Lu Xu


    Full Text Available Human mesenchymal stem cells derived from the umbilical cord (UC are a favorable source for allogeneic cell therapy. Here, we successfully isolated the stem cells derived from three different compartments of the human UC, including perivascular stem cells derived from umbilical arteries (UCA-PSCs, perivascular stem cells derived from umbilical vein (UCV-PSCs, and mesenchymal stem cells derived from Wharton’s jelly (WJ-MSCs. These cells had the similar phenotype and differentiation potential toward adipocytes, osteoblasts, and neuron-like cells. However, UCA-PSCs and UCV-PSCs had more CD146+ cells than WJ-MSCs (P<0.05. Tube formation assay in vitro showed the largest number of tube-like structures and branch points in UCA-PSCs among the three stem cells. Additionally, the total tube length in UCA-PSCs and UCV-PSCs was significantly longer than in WJ-MSCs (P<0.01. Microarray, qRT-PCR, and Western blot analysis showed that UCA-PSCs had the highest expression of the Notch ligand Jagged1 (JAG1, which is crucial for blood vessel maturation. Knockdown of Jagged1 significantly impaired the angiogenesis in UCA-PSCs. In summary, UCA-PSCs are promising cell populations for clinical use in ischemic diseases.

  17. Use of Otoscope as a Diagnostic and Therapeutic Aid in Umbilical ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    DISCUSSION. Umbilical pilonidal sinus is a rare entity as compared ... The theory of the acquired origin of umbilical pilonidal sinus was ... knowledge, this is the first study reporting the use of otoscope ... Financial support and sponsorship. Nil.

  18. Evaluation of home care management of umbilical cord stumps by ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Background: Umbilical cord care is an integral part of neonatal care in all communities and cultures and appropriate cord care reduces the risk of infection in the newborn infant. Objective: The present study assessed the home care management of the umbilical stump by the mothers at Ilesa, Southwestern Nigeria. Subjects ...

  19. Transplante de sangue de cordão umbilical - SCU Umbilical cord blood transplantation

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    Celso A. Rodrigues


    Full Text Available A frequente utilização de sangue de cordão umbilical - SCU como fonte de células- tronco hematopoéticas - CTH, tanto em crianças, como em adultos, que não dispõem de doador na família, tem levado ao estabelecimento da padronização de critérios em sua seleção, objetivando a obtenção de melhores resultados. A escolha da unidade de SCU deve basear-se no número total de células nucleadas e no número de diferenças de antígenos leucocitários humanos (HLA. Diante de uma unidade com celularidade mínima, deve-se considerar a possibilidade da utilização de duplo cordão. Frente a mais de uma unidade com características semelhantes, a realização da contagem de células CD34 e da compatibilidade ABO, assim como a qualidade e a rapidez para obtenção da unidade, podem definir a escolha.The frequent use of umbilical cord blood as the source of hematopoietic stem cells, both in children and adults who do not have related donors, has led to the establishment of a better standardization of selection criteria aiming at improving the results. The choice of the umbilical cord blood unit should be based on the total number of nucleated cells and the number of differences in the human leukocyte antigen (HLA system. When a unit has minimal cellularity, the use of a double cord blood transplant should be considered. When two or more units have similar characteristics, the choice may be determined by the CD34 count, ABO compatibility and the quality and speed to obtain the unit.

  20. El Principio de la Dignidade Humana como Concepto de Interpretación

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    Fernanda Sartor Meinero


    Full Text Available Transformaciones sociales y nuevas tecnologías terminan por modificar la comprensión sobre los derechos humanos. La dignidad de la persona humana es, así, un concepto interpretativo que se modificará de acuerdo con los desafíos del futuro. Por lo tanto, esta investigación tiene como objetivo analizar la evolución histórica del principio de dignidad de la persona humana, con enfoque jurídico-constitucional y discutir de qué modo los desafíos contemporáneos influyen en la interpretación y aplicación de este principio. De este modo, se muestra importante la contribución de la hermenéutica jurídica para reinterpretar el contenido de la dignidad humana, actualizándolo.


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    Adreana Dulcina Platt


    Full Text Available No presente artigo pretendemos debater a análise crítico-reflexiva das premissas que sustentam a práxis da formação humana perpassando transversalmente os conceitos de desenvolvimento humano e o currículo. Entendemos o currículo de formação humana a partir da filosofia da práxis. Coadunando com nossas perspectivas epistemológicas, concordamos com a leitura de Semeraro (2001b, quando aponta que Gramsci melhor desvela o processo de elaboração da filosofia da práxis a partir de novas relações sociais; ou seja, desligado das puras abstrações, o filósofo italiano observa na “unidade das tensões dualistas e as contradições ricas e complexas” (“entre teoria/prática, intelectuais/massa, organização/espontaneidade, sociedade política/sociedade civil, ocidente/oriente, norte/sul, história do mundo/história particular”, a articulação para o desenvolvimento da atividade humana plena. A partir destes pressupostos colocados aqui enquanto premissas para a sistematização de nossos estudos, nos debruçaremos sobre dois grandes objetivos: (1 compreender o processo de humanização a partir da esfera das objetivações sociais e (2 a constituição do currículo de formação humana atrelado aos diferentes modos de produção, uma vez que demanda em diferentes formações sociais.

  2. La tarea hermenéutica de las ciencias humanas

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    Rafael Ávila Penagos


    Full Text Available En este trabajo el autor sustenta la importancia y pertinencia de la tradición hermenéutica para todos los investigadores de las ciencias humanas. Dos casos paradigmáticos sirven para abrir y cerrar el texto. En ellos se muestra, de manera contundente, el impacto de las actividades hermenéuticas sobre la configuración de nuevos sentidos, el cambio en las maneras de mirar y el acceso a nuevas formas de vida en el universo social. En el intermedio, el autor describe el progresivo distanciamiento de las ciencias humanas respecto al paradigma positivista. Se detiene en la conceptualización de cuatro categorías fundamentales de la actividad hermenéutica: la comprensión, la explicación, la interpretación y la traducción. Sostiene que la traducción del comprender es la tarea complementaria de la comprensión del comprender, e incorpora la propuesta de Paul Ricoeur para una nueva comprensión de la explicación en este ámbito. Finalmente, argumenta que la autocomprensión y la autovaloración de las ciencias humanas dependen de su capacidad reflexiva para considerar sus teorías y sus prácticas como textos susceptibles de autoexamen.

  3. En torno a la realidad humana en Xavier Zubiri

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    Espinoza Lolas, Ricardo


    Full Text Available This article inquires into the nature of human reality and its connection to the concept of person in the philosophy of Xavier Zubiri(1898-1983. The methodology of the analysis consists in reviewing the nature of human reality through the prism of noology, i.e., the final period of this author’s work, in order to introduce man from its always incarnate, prominently physical, dimension of human reality. This allows individual development and the historical and social display of the human being from a physical perspective to be represented.Este artículo indaga acerca del carácter de la realidad humana y su relación al concepto de persona en el pensamiento de Xavier Zubiri (1898-1983. La metodología de análisis consiste en revisar el carácter de la realidad humana desde la noología, esto es, la última etapa de la obra del autor, a fin de presentar al hombre desde su dimensión eminentemente física y siempre encarnada de la realidad humana, permitiendo repensar desde una perspectiva física el desarrollo individual, así como también, el despliegue social e histórico del ser humano.

  4. Gerente de projetos: habilidades humanas e comportamentais / Project manager: human and behaviours skills

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    Edson Coutinho da Silva


    Full Text Available Um gerente de projetos deve priorizar as habilidades humanas e comportamentais do que as habilidades técnicas para a obtenção de êxito de projetos; uma vez que são as pessoas e a equipe que compõem um projeto. O artigo tem o propósito de descrever as habilidades humanas requeridas para um gestor conduzir a implementação de um projeto em uma organização, na busca de mitigar os conflitos com os stakeholders. Foi elaborada uma pesquisa descritiva alicerçadas por técnicas como a pesquisa-ação e estudo de caso. Os dados foram obtidos por meio da experiência de um dos pesquisadores deste artigo no projeto e por meio de seis entrevistas com membros da equipe. Os pesquisadores estabeleceram cinco habilidades humanas e comportamentais que são requeridas aos gerentes: liderança, comunicação, gestão de mudança, motivação e gestão de conflito; e as usou para fins de análise e discussão dos resultados. Concluiu-se, pelo projeto de implementação do ERP pesquisado neste estudo, que esta organização considerou prioritariamente as habilidades técnicas do que as humanas ao selecionar alguns de seus gestores; e foi exatamente a ausência de repertório de habilidades humanas que comprometeu o gerenciamento do projeto.

  5. Serum immunoglobulin from Nellore cattle produced by in vitro fertilization and treated for umbilical diseases

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    Celso Antonio Rodrigues

    Full Text Available ABSTRACT: The aim of this study was to measure serum immunoglobulin concentrations of Nellore cattle produced by in vitro fertilization (IVF with umbilical diseases and to evaluate surgical excision as a method of treatment. Sixteen cattle with ages ranging from 1 to 15 months, males and females, affected by umbilical diseases were enrolled in the study. Blood samples were collected for cell counts and the determination of immunoglobulin concentrations by electrophoresis and zinc sulphate turbidimetry (ZST. Four calves were presented with umbilical herniation, two with an umbilical herniation associated with a persistent urachus, two with an umbilical herniation with a persistent urachus and omphaloarteritis, three with an umbilical herniation and an urachal diverticulum, three with a persistent urachus, one with an urachal diverticulum, and one with omphalitis. The blood cell counts pre- and post-surgical revealed differences in cell volume and the number of leukocytes. The immunoglobulin values measured by electrophoresis values were below normal in most animals, whereas the ZST showed normal levels in most of them. Most of the calves affected by umbilical diseases and produced by IVF presented hypoglobulinaemia. Correlations between umbilical diseases, failure of passive transfer of immunity and IVF could not be demonstrated.

  6. The relation between umbilical cord characteristics and the outcome of external cephalic version. (United States)

    Kuppens, Simone M I; Waerenburgh, Evelyne R; Kooistra, Libbe; van der Donk, Riet W P; Hasaart, Tom H M; Pop, Victor J M


    Umbilical cords of fetuses in breech presentation differ in length and coiling from their cephalic counterparts and it might be hypothesised that these cord characteristics may in turn affect ECV outcome. To investigate the relation between umbilical cord characteristics and the outcome of external cephalic version (ECV). Prospective cohort study. Women (>35 weeks gestation) with a singleton fetus in breech presentation, suitable for external cephalic version. Demographic, lifestyle and obstetrical parameters were assessed at intake. ECV success was based on cephalic presentation on ultrasound post-ECV. Umbilical cord length (UCL) and umbilical coiling index (UCI) were measured after birth. The relation between umbilical cord characteristics (cord length and coiling) and the success of external cephalic version. ECV success rate was overall 79/146 (54%), for multiparas 37/46(80%) and for nulliparas 42/100 (42%). Multiple logistic regression showed that UCL (OR: 1.04, CI: 1.01-1.07), nulliparity (OR: 0.20, CI: 0.08-0.51), frank breech (OR: 0.37, 95% CI: 0.15-0.90), body mass index (OR: 0.85, CI: 0.76-0.95), placenta anterior (OR: 0.27, CI: 0.12-0.63) and birth weight (OR: 1.002, CI: 1.001-1.003) were all independently related to ECV success. Umbilical cord length is independently related to the outcome of ECV, whereas umbilical coiling index is not. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  7. Total parenteral alimentation via indwelling umbilical catheters in the newborn period. (United States)

    Hall, R T; Rhodes, P G


    Total parenteral alimentation (TPA) was delivered to 80 infants via indwelling umbilical artery and to 9 via indwelling umbilical venous catheters. The primary indication for catheter placement and maintenance was monitoring of arterial blood gases (umbilical venous catheter tip in left atrium) in a group of sick neonates requiring increased inspired oxygen or assisted ventilation. Results were compared with those from 23 infants who had tunnelled jugular catheters for a variety of chronic medical and surgical problems preventing gastric or intestinal feeding. A mean weight gain was achieved in both groups. Mortality and morbidity rates were similar in both groups. The most common complications were infection and thrombotic phenomena. Metabolic complications were few. It is concluded that infusing TPA solutions via indwelling umbilical catheters presents no greater risk than infusion via tunnelled jugular catheters, and provides a method for supplying adequate caloric intake for growth during the acute stage of illness. PMID:827978

  8. Desenvolvimento de biomaterial a partior de matriz amniótica humana


    Francisco, Júlio César


    Resumo: A membrana amniótica tem sido estudada como possível biomaterial na Medicina Regenerativa, sobretudo de uso externo. Os protocolos são controversos entre os métodos descelularização e manutenção da integridade de seus componentes. Objetivo: desenvolver um biomaterial a partir de matriz amniótica humana. Material e Métodos: Realizado protocolo modificado de placenta humana a base detergentes iônicos para remoção de todos os componentes celulares da membrana amniótica. Placentas obtidas...


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    Full Text Available Como pedagogos constituimos una gran organización  de sinceros aspirantes al poder que proviene del conocimiento,  y el conocimiento es el único poder que necesitamos.  Nos circundan por todos lados las más poderosas fuerzas,  podemos pensar que la dinámica es un poder maravilloso,  una fuerza de gran potencia, cuando se le deja libre,  pero este poder no es nada en comparación con la potencia  del poder y fuerza contenidos en el electrón invisible o átomo  de materia, si pudiéramos liberarlo con tal facilidad como  lo hacemos con la fuerza de la dinámica.  La fuerza llamada de gravitación no es más potente que la  fuerza que cualquier motor eléctrico halla sido capaz de  producir. La fuerza y poder que existe dentro del cuerpo  humano, llamada también vitalidad humana o magnetismo  es mucho mas grande y dinámica de lo que nos imaginamos.  Tenemos también el poder, la fuerza potente que se  manifiesta a través de la mente humana.

  10. Amnioinfusion for umbilical cord compression in labour. (United States)

    Hofmeyr, G J


    Amnioinfusion aims to prevent or relieve umbilical cord compression during labour by infusing a solution into the uterine cavity. The objective of this review was to assess the effects of amnioinfusion on maternal and perinatal outcome for potential or suspected umbilical cord compression or potential amnionitis. The Cochrane Pregnancy and Childbirth Group trials register and the Cochrane Controlled Trials Register were searched. Randomised trials of amnioinfusion compared with no amnioinfusion in women with babies at risk of umbilical cord compression; and women at risk of intrauterine infection. Eligibility and trial quality were assessed by the reviewer. Twelve studies were included. Transcervical amnioinfusion for potential or suspected umbilical cord compression was associated with the following reductions: fetal heart rate decelerations (relative risk 0.54, 95% confidence interval 0.43 to 0.68); caesarean section for suspected fetal distress (relative risk 0.35, 95% confidence interval 0.24 to 0.52); neonatal hospital stay greater than 3 days (relative risk 0.40, 95% confidence interval 0. 26 to 0.62); maternal hospital stay greater than 3 days (relative risk 0.46, 95% 0.29 to 0.74). Transabdominal amnioinfusion showed similar results. Transcervical amnioinfusion to prevent infection in women with membranes ruptured for more than 6 hours was associated with a reduction in puerperal infection (relative risk 0.50, 95% confidence interval 0.26 to 0.97). Amnioinfusion appears to reduce the occurrence of variable heart rate decelerations and lower the use of caesarean section. However the studies were done in settings where fetal distress was not confirmed by fetal blood sampling. The results may therefore only be relevant where caesarean sections are commonly done for abnormal fetal heart rate alone. The trials reviewed are too small to address the possibility of rare but serious maternal adverse effects of amnioinfusion.

  11. Estimation of the total number of mast cells in the human umbilical cord. A methodological study

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Engberg Damsgaard, T M; Windelborg Nielsen, B; Sørensen, Flemming Brandt


    The aim of the present study was to estimate the total number of mast cells in the human umbilical cord. Using 50 microns-thick paraffin sections, made from a systematic random sample of umbilical cord, the total number of mast cells per cord was estimated using a combination of the optical...... disector and fractionated sampling. The mast cell of the human umbilical cord was found in Wharton's jelly, most frequently in close proximity to the three blood vessels. No consistent pattern of variation in mast cell numbers from the fetal end of the umbilical cord towards the placenta was seen....... The total number of mast cells found in the umbilical cord was 5,200,000 (median), range 2,800,000-16,800,000 (n = 7), that is 156,000 mast cells per gram umbilical cord (median), range 48,000-267,000. Thus, the umbilical cord constitutes an adequate source of mast cells for further investigation...

  12. O modelo de tomasello sobre a evolução cognitivo-linguística humana

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    Sylvio Állan

    Full Text Available O presente trabalho buscou apresentar o modelo de Michael Tomasello sobre a evolução da cognição humana e uma teoria, derivada desse modelo, sobre a aquisição e o desenvolvimento de competências linguístico-simbólicas. Tomasello propõe que a aquisição e o desenvolvimento simbólico dependem de uma cognição cultural exclusivamente humana, mas derivada de adaptações biológicas características da cognição primata. Essas propostas constituem alternativas para as abordagens tradicionais do desenvolvimento cognitivo e linguístico-simbólico humano, uma vez que: (1 destacam aspectos biológicos e culturais como determinantes da cognição humana; (2 consideram as atividades humanas como essencialmente simbólicas; (3 fornecem uma nova concepção de linguagem.

  13. Transposición de grandes arterias asociado a drenaje venoso anómalo parcial: reparación «uno y medio»

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    Judit Llevadias


    Full Text Available Presentamos el caso de un lactante de 8 meses con una cardiopatía congénita compleja consistente en transposición de grandes arterias y retorno venoso anómalo parcial de venas pulmonares superior y media derecha a vena cava superior. La clínica consistía en fallo cardíaco congestivo, desnutrición y cianosis importante. El diagnóstico se estableció en la intervención. Se realizó corrección fisiológica de las dos cardiopatías con buen resultado y con resolución de la sintomatología.

  14. Utilidad de la ecocardiografía en la detección de la insuficiencia cardiaca en un adulto joven con síndrome de origen anómalo de la arteria coronaria izquierda del tronco de la arteria pulmonar y válvula mitral asimétrica similar al paracaídas

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    Luis Cordero


    Full Text Available Resumen: Objetivo: describir un caso de un paciente joven con insuficiencia cardiaca, secundaria a dos malformaciones cardiacas infrecuentes, síndrome de ALCAPA y válvula mitral asimétrica, parecida al paracaídas, resaltando la utilidad de la ecocardiografía. Métodos: se analiza el caso a la luz de la literatura médica. Conclusiones: El origen anómalo de la arteria coronaria izquierda del tronco de la arteria pulmonar y la válvula mitral asimétrica parecida al paracaídas, son malformaciones raras, asociadas a insuficiencia mitral severa e insuficiencia cardiaca. No se encontraron reportes en la literatura acerca de la coexistencia de las dos patologías en un paciente. Abstract: Objective: To describe a case of a young adult with heart failure, secondary to two rare cardiac malformations, anomalous left coronary artery from the pulmonary artery (ALCAPA syndrome and parachute-like asymmetric mitral valve, highlighting the use of echocardiography. Material and methods: A case is analysed along with a search in the medical literature. Conclusions: The anomalous origin of left coronary artery from the pulmonary artery and parachute-like asymmetric mitral valve are rare malformations associated with severe mitral insufficiency and heart failure. No reports were found in the literature as regards the existence of these two diseases in a patient. Palabras clave: Insuficiencia cardiaca, Insuficiencia mitral, Coronaria izquierda, Cardiopatía congénita, Keywords: Heart failure, Mitral insufficiency, Left coronary artery, Congenital heartdisease

  15. Doppler ultrasound scan during normal gestation: umbilical circulation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ruiz, T.; Sabate, J.; Martinez-Benavides, M. M.; Sanchez-Ramos, J.


    To determine normal umbilical circulation patterns by means of Doppler ultrasound scan in a healthy gestating population without risk factors and with normal perinatal results, and to evaluate any occurring modifications relative to gestational age by obtaining records kept during pregnancy. One hundred and sixteen pregnant women carrying a single fetus have been studied. These women had no risk factors, with both clinical and analytical controls, as well as ultrasound scans, all being normal. There were performed a total of 193 Doppler ultrasound scans between weeks 15 and 41 of gestation, with blood-flow analysis in the arteries and vein of the umbilical cord. The obtained information was correlated with parameters that evaluate fetal well-being (fetal monitoring and/or oxytocin test) and perinatal result (delivery type, birth weight, Apgar score). Statistical analysis was performed with the programs SPSS 6.0.1 for Windows and EPIINFO 6.0.4. With pulsed Doppler, the umbilical artery in all cases demonstrated a biphasic morphology with systolic and diastolic components and without retrograde blood flow. As the gestation period increased, there was observed a progressive decrease in resistance along with an increase in blood-flow velocity during the diastolic phase. The Doppler ultrasound scan is a non-invasive method that permits the hemodynamic study of umbilical blood circulation. A knowledge of normal blood-flow signal morphology, as well as of the normal values for Doppler indices in relation to gestational age would permit us to utilize this method in high-risk pregnancies. (Author) 30 refs

  16. Aspectos Bioéticos Relacionados con el Comienzo y el Valor de la Vida Humana


    León C, A


    Los opiniones acerca del comienzo de la vida humana han seguido dos vías de acción: 1. En términos de las conclusiones acerca del comienzo real de la vida humana, las cuales comprenden desde el momento de la concepción y hasta los diversos estados del desarrollo fetal, viabilidad y hasta cierto tiempo luego del nacimiento; 2. En términos de los criterios utilizados para determinar el comienzo de la vida humana: a) biológico-individual, b) racional, c) múltiple y d) la concesión de derechos po...

  17. Origen anómalo de la coronaria izquierda en la arteria pulmonar: una serie de casos Anomalous origin of the left coronary artery: a series of cases

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    Jaiber Gutiérrez


    Full Text Available La anomalía de la arteria coronaria izquierda que nace en la arteria pulmonar (ALCAPA por su sigla en Inglés: anomalous left coronary artery from the pulmonary artery, es una enfermedad cardiaca congénita, de baja incidencia y de espectro clínico amplio. La principal forma de presentación es la falla cardiaca por miocardiopatía dilatada. Mediante la revisión de historias clínicas se recolectaron cinco casos consecutivos de ALCAPA, de los que se describen sus cuadros clínicos, así como su diagnóstico y tratamiento. Todos fueron dados de alta en mejores condiciones y asisten a controles periódicos. Estos casos ilustran al origen anómalo de la coronaria izquierda, como diagnóstico diferencial de la miocardiopatía dilatada.Anomalous origin of the left coronary artery from the pulmonary artery (ALCAPA is a congenital cardiac anomaly with low incidence and a broad clinical spectrum. Its main form of presentation is congestive heart failure due to dilated cardiomyopathy. We reviewed clinical histories and collected 5 consecutive ALCAPA cases; its clinical symptoms, diagnosis and treatment were described. All five patients were discharged in better clinical conditions and continue attending to periodic medical follow-up. These cases illustrate the ALCAPA as part of the differential diagnosis of dilated cardiomyopathy.

  18. Ansiedade e impaciência: cânceres sociais na Educação e Relações Humanas

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    Antonio Mendes Silva Filho


    Full Text Available Os hábitos dizem muito da natureza humana e podem ajudar ou dificultar a formação humana. Aristóteles nos ensina a entender a natureza humana quando diz que “somos aquilo que fazemos repetidamente”. Hábitos consistem de padrões comportamentais realizados costumeiramente, frutos da frequente repetição de atos. Portanto, hábitos constituem traços que seres humanos podem desenvolver ao longo da vida. Os hábitos ajudam a compreender a natureza humana, pois eles os acompanham ao longo da vida como virtudes ou defeitos. Mas, a virtude torna-se em vício se mal aplicada. Este artigo explora e discute hábitos, cânceres sociais, que têm afetado a educação e relações humanas

  19. Fetal demise by umbilical cord around abdomen and stricture. (United States)

    Tan, Shun-Jen; Chen, Chi-Huang; Wu, Gwo-Jang; Chen, Wei-Hwa; Chang, Cheng-Chang


    Umbilical cord abnormalities are accepted as conditions associated with intrauterine fetal demise (IUFD), and umbilical cord stricture is most frequently encountered. In addition, although cord entanglement with multiple loops rarely increases the perinatal mortality, it is associated with a significant increase in variable kind of morbidity such as growth restriction. We describe a 27-year-old woman, with a missed abortion history at about 10 weeks' gestation in her first pregnancy, who presented to our outpatient department at 34 4/7 weeks of gestation due to decreased fetal activity during the preceding week. No fetal heart activity and blood flow had been detected by ultrasonography and pulsed-wave Doppler. A demised fetus with umbilical cord stricture and three loops around abdomen was delivered and was weighted 1,830 g that was below the tenth percentile for the gestational age. Either umbilical cord stricture or entanglement around the body can affect the development of the fetus and even be lethal. The former might play a more important role in this case. Their etiology and the sequence of the events are still undetermined, and additional evaluation such as autopsy and further research may be needed. In addition, counsel and frequent fetal surveillance should be done in patients with previous IUFD attributed to cord stricture during next pregnancy because of undetermined risk of recurrence.

  20. Fraccionando la microbiota gastrointestinal humana


    Peris Bondia, Francisco


    La microbiota gastrointestinal humana es una de las comunidades microbianas más diversa y compleja que se puede encontrar en la naturaleza. Las nuevas tecnologías de secuenciación permiten obtener una amplia visión de la diversidad microbiana, lo que ha revelado una gran cantidad de bacterias no cultivables. A pesar del potencial de estas tecnologías de alto rendimiento la metagenómica no muestra la imagen completa. La citometría de flujo es una metodología que permite describir y/o separa...

  1. Fonoaudiología y lactancia humana

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Karen Eliana Ramírez-Gómez


    Conclusiones. Se ratificó la acción del fonoaudiólogo como especialista en la organización desde la correlación anatómica y funcional de estructuras y órganos involucrados, tanto en la madre como en el infante, durante la lactancia. Además, se comprobó la pertinencia de la metodología IAP durante la consejería en fonoaudiología en entornos comunitarios y lactancia humana.

  2. Aspectos médico legales de la clonación humana


    Marco Mairena Navarro; Ramón Zamora Montes


    Las técnicas de reproducción asistida, y entre ellas la clonación humana, suscitan interrogantes éticas. Su empleo promete beneficios para la humanidad y, específicamente para parejas infértiles la satisfacción de ser madres y padres. En este artículo se debaten las regulaciones y las implicaciones jurídicas de dicha actividad, actualizándonos en el acontecer mundial y nacional del tema. Se argumenta que la clonación humana ya es una realidad y como si esta técnica se regula promueve la vida ...

  3. La consultoría de gestión humana en empresas medianas1

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    Esteban López Zapata


    Full Text Available El artículo es resultado de una investigación que busca describir el mercado de la consultoría de gestión humana para empresas medianas de Medellín. Se identifican el concepto y las características de la consultoría gerencial y se plantea su pertinencia para cada proceso de gestión humana. Con una muestra de 57 empresas medianas y 19 empresas consultoras, se analiza el comportamiento de la demanda y la oferta en el contexto local. Se identifican los atributos de las empresas demandantes y sus dependencias de gestión humana, la composición de las empresas consultoras, las necesidades y ofertas de consultoría actuales y futuras, el proceso de compra y las dificultades frecuentes de los proyectos de consultoría.

  4. Cell therapy of congenital corneal diseases with umbilical mesenchymal stem cells: lumican null mice.

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    Hongshan Liu

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Keratoplasty is the most effective treatment for corneal blindness, but suboptimal medical conditions and lack of qualified medical personnel and donated cornea often prevent the performance of corneal transplantation in developing countries. Our study aims to develop alternative treatment regimens for congenital corneal diseases of genetic mutation. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Human mesenchymal stem cells isolated from neonatal umbilical cords were transplanted to treat thin and cloudy corneas of lumican null mice. Transplantation of umbilical mesenchymal stem cells significantly improved corneal transparency and increased stromal thickness of lumican null mice, but human umbilical hematopoietic stem cells failed to do the same. Further studies revealed that collagen lamellae were re-organized in corneal stroma of lumican null mice after mesenchymal stem cell transplantation. Transplanted umbilical mesenchymal stem cells survived in the mouse corneal stroma for more than 3 months with little or no graft rejection. In addition, these cells assumed a keratocyte phenotype, e.g., dendritic morphology, quiescence, expression of keratocyte unique keratan sulfated keratocan and lumican, and CD34. Moreover, umbilical mesenchymal stem cell transplantation improved host keratocyte functions, which was verified by enhanced expression of keratocan and aldehyde dehydrogenase class 3A1 in lumican null mice. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Umbilical mesenchymal stem cell transplantation is a promising treatment for congenital corneal diseases involving keratocyte dysfunction. Unlike donated corneas, umbilical mesenchymal stem cells are easily isolated, expanded, stored, and can be quickly recovered from liquid nitrogen when a patient is in urgent need.

  5. Nationwide prospective study on readmission after umbilical or epigastric hernia repair

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Helgstrand, F; Jørgensen, L N; Rosenberg, J


    The primary aim of the present study was to investigate risk factors for readmission after elective umbilical and epigastric hernia repair and secondarily to evaluate causes for readmission.......The primary aim of the present study was to investigate risk factors for readmission after elective umbilical and epigastric hernia repair and secondarily to evaluate causes for readmission....

  6. Fundamentos filosóficos de la dignidad humana y su incidencia en los derechos humanos


    Torres Bardales, Coloníbol


    El ser humano tiene dos vidas. Una física y otra humana. Ambas son diferentes pero están íntimamente relacionadas. La vida humana no es biológica, no es la persona de carne y huesos; no son los músculos ni la masa encefálica, ni los demás órganos que le dan existencia física. Su origen se encuentra en la organización de la sociedad, en las instituciones sociales, y entre ellas, la familia es clave fundamental. La dignidad humana es el epicentro de la constitución política del Estado, base fil...

  7. Hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy in newborns linked to placental and umbilical cord abnormalities. (United States)

    Nasiell, Josefine; Papadogiannakis, Nikos; Löf, Erika; Elofsson, Fanny; Hallberg, Boubou


    Birth asphyxia and hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) of the newborn remain serious complications. We present a study investigating if placental or umbilical cord abnormalities in newborns at term are associated with HIE. A prospective cohort study of the placenta and umbilical cord of infants treated with hypothermia (HT) due to hypoxic brain injury and follow-up at 12 months of age has been carried out. The study population included 41 infants treated for HT whose placentas were submitted for histopathological analysis. Main outcome measures were infant development at 12 months, classified as normal, cerebral palsy, or death. A healthy group of 100 infants without HIE and normal follow-up at 12 months of age were used as controls. A velamentous or marginal umbilical cord insertion and histological abruption was associated with the risk of severe HIE, OR = 5.63, p = 0.006, respectively, OR = 20.3, p = 0.01 (multiple-logistic regression). Velamentous or marginal umbilical cord insertion was found in 39% among HIE cases compared to 7% in controls. Placental and umbilical cord abnormalities have a profound association with HIE. A prompt examination of the placentas of newborns suffering from asphyxia can provide important information on the pathogenesis behind the incident and contribute to make a better early prognosis.

  8. Exploring the umbilical and vaginal port during minimally invasive surgery. (United States)

    Tinelli, Andrea; Tsin, Daniel A; Forgione, Antonello; Zorron, Ricardo; Dapri, Giovanni; Malvasi, Antonio; Benhidjeb, Tahar; Sparic, Radmila; Nezhat, Farr


    This article focuses on the anatomy, literature, and our own experiences in an effort to assist in the decision-making process of choosing between an umbilical or vaginal port. Umbilical access is more familiar to general surgeons; it is thicker than the transvaginal entry, and has more nerve endings and sensory innervations. This combination increases tissue damage and pain in the umbilical port site. The vaginal route requires prophylactic antibiotics, a Foley catheter, and a period of postoperative sexual abstinence. Removal of large specimens is a challenge in traditional laparoscopy. Recently, there has been increased interest in going beyond traditional laparoscopy by using the navel in single-incision and port-reduction techniques. The benefits for removal of surgical specimens by colpotomy are not new. There is increasing interest in techniques that use vaginotomy in multifunctional ways, as described under the names of culdolaparoscopy, minilaparoscopy-assisted natural orifice surgery, and natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery. Both the navel and the transvaginal accesses are safe and convenient to use in the hands of experienced laparoscopic surgeons. The umbilical site has been successfully used in laparoscopy as an entry and extraction port. Vaginal entry and extraction is associated with a lower risk of incisional hernias, less postoperative pain, and excellent cosmetic results.

  9. Laser-assisted fibrinogen bonding of umbilical vein grafts. (United States)

    Oz, M C; Williams, M R; Souza, J E; Dardik, H; Treat, M R; Bass, L S; Nowygrod, R


    Despite success with autologous tissue welding, laser welding of synthetic vascular prostheses has not been possible. The graft material appears inert and fails to allow the collagen breakdown and electrostatic bonding that results in tissue welding. To develop a laser welding system for graft material, we repaired glutaraldehyde-tanned human umbilical cord vein graft incisions using laser-assisted fibrinogen bonding (LAFB) technology. Modified umbilical vein graft was incised transversely (1.2 cm). Incisions were repaired using sutures, laser energy alone, or LAFB. For LAFB, indocyanine green dye was mixed with human fibrinogen and the compound applied with forceps onto the weld site prior to exposure to 808 nm diode laser energy (power density 4.8 W/cm 2). Bursting pressures for sutured repairs (126.6 +/- 23.4 mm Hg) were similar to LAFB anastomoses (111.6 +/- 55.0 mm Hg). No evidence of collateral thermal injury to the graft material was noted. In vivo evaluation of umbilical graft bonding with canine arteries demonstrates that LAFB can reliably reinforce sutured anastomoses. The described system for bonding graft material with laser exposed fibrinogen may allow creation or reinforcement of vascular anastomoses in procedures where use of autologous tissue is not feasible.

  10. Long-term follow-up results of umbilical hernia repair. (United States)

    Venclauskas, Linas; Jokubauskas, Mantas; Zilinskas, Justas; Zviniene, Kristina; Kiudelis, Mindaugas


    Multiple suture techniques and various mesh repairs are used in open or laparoscopic umbilical hernia (UH) surgery. To compare long-term follow-up results of UH repair in different hernia surgery groups and to identify risk factors for UH recurrence. A retrospective analysis of 216 patients who underwent elective surgery for UH during a 10-year period was performed. The patients were divided into three groups according to surgery technique (suture, mesh and laparoscopic repair). Early and long-term follow-up results including hospital stay, postoperative general and wound complications, recurrence rate and postoperative patient complaints were reviewed. Risk factors for recurrence were also analyzed. One hundred and forty-six patients were operated on using suture repair, 52 using open mesh and 18 using laparoscopic repair technique. 77.8% of patients underwent long-term follow-up. The postoperative wound complication rate and long-term postoperative complaints were significantly higher in the open mesh repair group. The overall hernia recurrence rate was 13.1%. Only 2 (1.7%) patients with small hernias ( 30 kg/m 2 , diabetes and wound infection were independent risk factors for umbilical hernia recurrence. The overall umbilical hernia recurrence rate was 13.1%. Body mass index > 30 kg/m 2 , diabetes and wound infection were independent risk factors for UH recurrence. According to our study results, laparoscopic medium and large umbilical hernia repair has slight advantages over open mesh repair concerning early postoperative complications, long-term postoperative pain and recurrence.

  11. La condición humana desde la visión socio-antropológico-cultural del ser humano

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    Dr. Cs. Homero Calixto Fuentes-González


    Full Text Available Se incursiona en la búsqueda de respuestas sobre la condición humana del sujeto contemporáneo, en la relación entre su existencia y esencia, para interpretar el desarrollo de la cultura desde el proceso de construcción del conocimiento científico acerca del ser humano como ser vivo que interactúa con el medio, lo transforma y se transforma a sí mismo, condicionando su naturaleza biológica y ecológica, en la unidad con lo social y lo espiritual.Al considerar el desarrollo de la condición humana se hace indispensable el reconocimiento de los estadios del progreso filogenético del ser humano, significando que son expresión de la identidad humana, la sensibilidad humana cultural y lo humano universal que trascienden en una sucesión continua y sistemática cuando se interpreta el desarrollo humano y se cualifica como dignidad humana en constante transformación.

  12. Severe Hemorrhage from the Umbilical Cord at Birth: A Preventable Cause of Neonatal Shock

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    Neetu Singh


    Full Text Available Posthemorrhagic anemia is a rare but important cause of anemia in neonates, second only to hemolytic anemia of newborn. Most cases of posthemorrhagic anemia are reported from fetomaternal hemorrhage or umbilical cord accidents in utero. This case report describes a preterm infant who developed severe anemia and shock immediately after delivery related to an acute hemorrhage through patent umbilical cord vessels secondary to a tear in the umbilical cord at the site of cord clamping. We believe that umbilical cord bleeding from errors in cord clamping could be an important cause of acute blood loss in the delivery room and that it may result in significant clinical morbidity, especially in extremely premature infants.

  13. Severe hemorrhage from the umbilical cord at birth: a preventable cause of neonatal shock. (United States)

    Singh, Neetu; Suresh, Gautham


    Posthemorrhagic anemia is a rare but important cause of anemia in neonates, second only to hemolytic anemia of newborn. Most cases of posthemorrhagic anemia are reported from fetomaternal hemorrhage or umbilical cord accidents in utero. This case report describes a preterm infant who developed severe anemia and shock immediately after delivery related to an acute hemorrhage through patent umbilical cord vessels secondary to a tear in the umbilical cord at the site of cord clamping. We believe that umbilical cord bleeding from errors in cord clamping could be an important cause of acute blood loss in the delivery room and that it may result in significant clinical morbidity, especially in extremely premature infants.

  14. Umbilical metastasis (Sister Mary Joseph's nodule diagnosed by fine-needle aspiration

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    Tatomirović Željka


    Full Text Available Sister Mary Joseph’s nodule is the eponym for metastatic involvement of the umbilicus. This less common entity is the sign of disseminated malignant disease, mainly of digestive and gynecologic origin, and is associated with a poor prognosis. A case of Sister Mary Joseph’s nodule in a 76-year-old woman in whom the umbilical metastasis was the first sign of malignant disease in presented. The diagnosis of metastatic adenocarcinoma was established by fine needle aspiration cytology of the umbilical nodule. Radiological and ultrasonographic investigation disclosed carcinoma of the gallbladder with pancreas, stomach, and colon invasion as well as peritoneal dissemination. The diagnosis was confirmed by exploratory laparatomy and histological examination of the excised umbilical nodule.

  15. 75 FR 70703 - Humana Insurance Company a Division of Carenetwork, Inc. Front End Operations and Account... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Employment and Training Administration [TA-W-74,281] Humana Insurance Company... negative determination regarding the eligibility of workers and former workers of Humana Insurance Company... workers in the group threatened with total or partial separation from employment on date of certification...


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    Full Text Available El artículo destaca la importancia de los atributos de la condición humana y del desarrollo del potencial humano en la optimización de las competencias de los gerentes de hoy. Se plantea que con el propósito de mejorar la gestión del talento humano y poder comprender y gestionar mejor a su equipo de trabajo, el gerente debe conocer cuáles son los atributos de la condición humana y cómo desarrollar las competencias para trabajarlos con optimismo, de manera tal que implemente estrategias para la mejora del talento de su gente. En este marco el talento se observa como una variable inagotable y susceptible de permanente desarrollo. El documento concluye haciendo un llamado al reconocimiento de la condición humana en las organizaciones, como estrategia necesaria para afrontar las inequidades de la sociedad actual.

  17. Changing pattern of causative factors in development of umbilical infections (omphalitis) in newborns

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nadeem, A.Z.; Malik, R.


    Despite the drastic decrease in the incidence of neonatal tetanus due to better aseptic techniques in cutting and tying of umbilical cord at birth, an increase in the prevalence of umbilical infections has been noticed. Objectives The objectives were to assess the ongoing practices in umbilical care, detect the prevailing causative factors responsible for umbilical infections in newborns and suggest measures for minimizing these infections. Design setting This descriptive study was a collaborative effort at CMH Nowshera, Mardan and Lahore from January 2007 through 2009. Patients and Methods Three hundred consecutive cases of umbilical sepsis ( omphalitis), infants less than 20 days old were included irrespective of place of delivery and severity of infection. Those with congenital anomalies of umbilicus were excluded. A detailed questionnaire was filled for every patient covering related aspects. Results Antisepsis (mainly spirit) was used in 91 % cases irrespective of place of delivery. Major tool for cutting the cord was surgical or new common blade (277 cases). Clamp was used in 138 cases. Cord was intentionally attended in subsequent weeks after birth in only 48 cases. Hand washing practice was found in only 62 parents in subsequent weeks after birth. Diapers were used in 261 cases, majority of these were found covering the umbilicus or umbilical stump when initially examined (81 %). 48% of infected unshed cords were more than 3 inches long. Use of unwarranted substances applied on cord was found in only 16 cases. (author)

  18. Postpartum deaths: piglet, placental, and umbilical characteristics. (United States)

    Rootwelt, V; Reksen, O; Farstad, W; Framstad, T


    The fetal growth of the piglet is highly dependent on its placenta, and the newborn piglet birth weight is highly associated with postpartum death. However, there is little information available in the literature on the assessment of the placenta in relation to postpartum death in piglets. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of the placental area and placental weight, status of the umbilical cord, and piglet birth characteristics, such as blood parameters, vitality score, and birth weight on postpartum death. All live born piglets in litters from 26 Landrace-Yorkshire sows were monitored during farrowing and the status of each was recorded, including placental area and placental weight and blood variables obtained from the piglets and umbilical veins. Out of the 386 live-born piglets, 16.8% died before weaning at 5 wk. Among these, 78.5% died within the first 3 d of life. Mean blood concentration of lactate was increased in piglets that did not survive to weaning (P = 0.003). Concentrations of hemoglobin and hematocrit were decreased (P vitality score vs. piglets born with an intact umbilical cord (P = 0.021), and they had an increased probability of dying before weaning (P = 0.050). Mean birth weight, body mass index, placental area (P live litter size. Blood concentrations of IgG and albumin recorded at d 1 were decreased in piglets that died before weaning (P < 0.01), and blood concentration of albumin was positively associated with placental area (P < 0.001). We conclude that placental area and placental weight, status of the umbilical cord, birth weight, body mass index, blood concentrations of lactate, hemoglobin, and hematocrit recorded at birth, and blood concentrations of IgG and albumin recorded at d 1 were associated with postpartum death in this study. These results may indicate that there is an upper uterine limitation of litter size and that placental area and placental weight influence postpartum survival.

  19. Umbilical hernia rupture with evisceration of omentum from massive ascites: a case report

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Good, Daniel W


    Abstract Introduction The incidence of hernias is increased in patients with alcoholic liver disease with ascites. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of an acute rise in intra-abdominal pressure from straining for stool as the cause of a ruptured umbilical hernia. Case presentation An 81-year-old Caucasian man with a history of alcoholic liver disease presented to our emergency department with an erythematous umbilical hernia and clear, yellow discharge from the umbilicus. On straining for stool, after initial clinical assessment, our patient noted a gush of fluid and evisceration of omentum from the umbilical hernia. An urgent laparotomy was performed with excision of the umbilicus and devitalized omentum. Conclusion We report the case of a patient with a history of alcoholic liver disease with ascites. Ascites causes a chronic increase in intra-abdominal pressure. A sudden increase in intra-abdominal pressure, such as coughing, vomiting, gastroscopy or, as in this case, straining for stool can cause rupture of an umbilical hernia. The presence of discoloration, ulceration or a rapid increase in size of the umbilical hernia signals impending rupture and should prompt the physician to reduce the intra-abdominal pressure.

  20. In vitro cardiomyogenic potential of human umbilical vein-derived mesenchymal stem cells

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kadivar, Mehdi; Khatami, Shohreh; Mortazavi, Yousef; Shokrgozar, Mohammad Ali; Taghikhani, Mohammad; Soleimani, Masoud


    Cardiomyocyte loss in the ischemically injured human heart often leads to irreversible defects in cardiac function. Recently, cellular cardiomyoplasty with mesenchymal stem cells, which are multipotent cells with the ability to differentiate into specialized cells under appropriate stimuli, has emerged as a new approach for repairing damaged myocardium. In the present study, the potential of human umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal stem cells to differentiate into cells with characteristics of cardiomyocyte was investigated. Mesenchymal stem cells were isolated from endothelial/subendothelial layers of the human umbilical cords using a method similar to that of human umbilical vein endothelial cell isolation. Isolated cells were characterized by transdifferentiation ability to adipocytes and osteoblasts, and also with flow cytometry analysis. After treatment with 5-azacytidine, the human umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal stem cells were morphologically transformed into cardiomyocyte-like cells and expressed cardiac differentiation markers. During the differentiation, cells were monitored by a phase contrast microscope and their morphological changes were demonstrated. Immunostaining of the differentiated cells for sarcomeric myosin (MF20), desmin, cardiac troponin I, and sarcomeric α-actinin was positive. RT-PCR analysis showed that these differentiated cells express cardiac-specific genes. Transmission electron microscopy revealed a cardiomyocyte-like ultrastructure and typical sarcomers. These observations confirm that human umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal stem cells can be chemically transformed into cardiomyocytes and can be considered as a source of cells for cellular cardiomyoplasty

  1. Umbilical cord blood lactate: a valuable tool in the assessment of fetal metabolic acidosis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gjerris, Anne Cathrine Roslev; Staer-Jensen, Jette; Jørgensen, Jan Stener


    The aim of the present study was (1) to evaluate the relationship between umbilical cord arterial blood lactate and pH, standard base excess (SBE), and actual base excess (ABE) at delivery and (2) to suggest a cut-off level of umbilical cord arterial blood lactate in predicting fetal asphyxia usi...... ROC-curves, where an ABE value less than -12 was used as "gold standard" for significant intrapartum asphyxia.......The aim of the present study was (1) to evaluate the relationship between umbilical cord arterial blood lactate and pH, standard base excess (SBE), and actual base excess (ABE) at delivery and (2) to suggest a cut-off level of umbilical cord arterial blood lactate in predicting fetal asphyxia using...

  2. La comunicación humana : principios básicos


    Viana Orta, María Isabel


    Principios básicos de la comunicación humana. Comunicación oral, no verbal y persuasiva. El material forma parte de cursos de formación en temas de resolución de conflictos, comunicación y mediación.

  3. Impact of ethanol, dry care and human milk on the time for umbilical cord separation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Golshan, M.; Hossein, N.


    Objective: To compare the extraction time and infection rate of umbilical cord by applying ethanol, human milk or dry care. Method: The parallel single-blinded randomised clinical trial was performed on 300 neonates at Shahid Sadougi University of Medical Sciences and Health Service, Yazd, Iran, between March and September 2010. The neonates were divided into three random but numerically equal groups. Each group was assigned the application of ethanol or mother's milk or to keep the stump dry. The neonates were visited on the 3rd and the 7th day after birth and follow-up was maintained telephonically until umbilical separation. Umbilical separation time and umbilical local infection frequency were considered as the study outcome, which was compared among the three groups according to age, gender and delivery type of the neonates. Results: Umbilical separation time in neonates of the human milk group had significant difference with the ethanol group (p=0.0001) and drying groups (p=0.003). Frequency of omphalitis had no significant difference among the three groups. Conclusion: Topical usage of human milk on umbilical cord stamp decreased separation time and incidence rate of omphalitis. (author)

  4. Severe Hemorrhage from the Umbilical Cord at Birth: A Preventable Cause of Neonatal Shock


    Singh, Neetu; Suresh, Gautham


    Posthemorrhagic anemia is a rare but important cause of anemia in neonates, second only to hemolytic anemia of newborn. Most cases of posthemorrhagic anemia are reported from fetomaternal hemorrhage or umbilical cord accidents in utero. This case report describes a preterm infant who developed severe anemia and shock immediately after delivery related to an acute hemorrhage through patent umbilical cord vessels secondary to a tear in the umbilical cord at the site of cord clamping. We believe...

  5. Umbilical Hernia Repair and Pregnancy: Before, during, after…

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    Hakan Kulacoglu


    Full Text Available Umbilical hernias are most common in women than men. Pregnancy may cause herniation or render a preexisting one apparent, because of progressively raised intra-abdominal pressure. The incidence of umbilical hernia among pregnancies is 0.08%. Surgical algorithm for a pregnant woman with a hernia is not thoroughly clear. There is no consensus about the timing of surgery for an umbilical hernia in a woman either who is already pregnant or planning a pregnancy. If the hernia is incarcerated or strangulated at the time of diagnosis, an emergency repair is inevitable. If the hernia is not complicated, but symptomatic an elective repair should be proposed. When the patient has a small and asymptomatic hernia it may be better to postpone the repair until she gives birth. If the hernia is repaired by suture alone, a high risk of recurrence exists during pregnancy. Umbilical hernia repair during pregnancy can be performed with minimal morbidity to the mother and baby. Second trimester is a proper timing for surgery. Asymptomatic hernias can be repaired, following childbirth or at the time of cesarean section (C-section. Elective repair after childbirth is possible as early as postpartum of eighth week. A 1-year interval can give the patient a very smooth convalescence, including hormonal stabilization and return to normal body weight. Moreover, surgery can be postponed for a longer time even after another pregnancy, if the patients would like to have more children. Diastasis recti are very frequent in pregnancy. It may persist in postpartum period. A high recurrence risk is expected in patients with rectus diastasis. This risk is especially high after suture repairs. Mesh repairs should be considered in this situation.

  6. Umbilical cord-care practices in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review

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    Patricia S. Coffey


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Neonatal sepsis is the third leading cause of deaths for infants in their first month of life. The newly cut umbilical cord can be a pathway for bacteria that can cause newborn sepsis and death. Optimal umbilical cord care practices for newborns and during the first week of life, especially in settings with poor hygiene, has the potential to avoid these preventable neonatal deaths. The purpose of this review of cord care practices is to assist in the development of behavior-change strategies to support introduction of novel cord-care regimens, particularly 7.1% chlorhexidine digluconate for umbilical cord care. Methods We searched domestic and international databases for articles that were published in English between January 1, 2000, and August 24, 2016. We found 321 articles and reviewed 65 full-text articles using standardized inclusion criteria. The primary criteria for inclusion was a description of substances applied to the umbilical cord stump in the days following birth. Results We included 46 articles in this review of umbilical cord-care practices. Articles included data from 15 low- and middle-income countries in sub-Saharan Africa (8 countries, Asia (5 countries, North Africa (1 country, and Latin America and the Caribbean (1 country. Findings from this review suggest that documentation of cord-care practices is not consistent throughout low- and middle-income countries, yet existing literature depicts a firm tradition of umbilical cord care in every culture. Cord-care practices vary by country and by regions or cultural groups within a country and employ a wide range of substances. The desire to promote healing and hasten cord separation are the underlying beliefs related to application of substances to the umbilical cord. The frequency of application of the substance (either the number of days or the number of times per day the substance was applied, and source and cost of products used is not well

  7. Stem cells of umbilical blood cord – therapeutic use

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Beata Bielec


    Full Text Available For many years, the transplantation of hematopoietic stem cells has been used to treat some diseases of the hematopoietic system. For a very long time, only bone marrow was used as a source of hematopoietic stem cells for this method of treatment. However, to comply with allogeneic bone marrow transplantation, an antigenically compatible donor is necessary. Transplantations from unrelated donors are associated with increased risk of a graft-versus-host reaction, transplant rejection and, consequently, increased mortality. Many years ago, it was found that umbilical cord blood as well as bone marrow and peripheral blood contains hematopoietic stem cells and mesenchymal cells able to differentiate into different cell types and that the umbilical cord blood can be a source of stem cells for transplantation. Following this discovery, numerous attempts were made for its potential use in the treatment of hematologic diseases, metabolic diseases as well as regenerative medicine. Umbilical cord blood stem cells exhibit intermediate characteristics between embryonic and adult stem cells. They are distinguished from the latter by telomere length, telomerase activity, and lower risk of accumulation of DNA mutations or chromosomal aberrations. The only transplantation limitation appears to be the amount of cord blood collected, which on average is sufficient for transplantation in a 40-50 kg child. Collection of cord blood is a simple, short-lasting treatment, not causing any danger for a newborn or the mother. Umbilical cord blood is obtained during labor, and then frozen and stored at cord blood banks all over the world.

  8. Reference Values for Umbilical Cord Blood Gases of Newborns Delivered by Elective Cesarean Section. (United States)

    Manomayangkul, Kattiya; Siriussawakul, Arunotai; Nimmannit, Akarin; Yuyen, Thassayu; Ngerncham, Sopapan; Reesukumal, Kanit


    Umbilical cord blood gas values are better indicators of perinatal asphyxia than Apgar scores. Many studies have reported normal ranges of umbilical cord blood gases, which vary greatly due to many factors. This study aimed to establish the reference values of umbilical cord blood gases of normal cesarean newborns in a university hospital setting. Blood samples from the umbilical artery and vein were collected from 160 newborns delivered by elective cesarean section. The indications for caesarean section were not due to fetal distress, intrauterine growth retardation, or non-reassuring fetal heart rate. The blood samples were collected immediately after birth in the operating room and then sent for blood-gas analysis. The blood-gas values were statistically analyzed and reported. The cord blood collected from 160 newborns was analyzed in this study. Seventy-eight percent (115) of the parturients were hypotensive before delivery. All Apgar scores at one and five minutes after delivery were at least 7. The calculated reference range of the umbilical arterial pH was 7.18-7.42, of pO₂was 6.43-29.43 mmHg, of pCO₂was 33.44-66.56 mmHg, and of HCO₃was 15.60-30.70 mEq/L. The reference range obtained for the umbilical venous pH was 7.28-7.44,for pO₂was 13.97-37.13 mmHg, for pCO₂was 30.70-57.0 mmHg, and for HCO₃was 18.50-29.90 mEq/L. The study determined normal reference values as a result of umbilical cord blood gas analyses.


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    Patrícia Oliveira Machado


    Full Text Available Albert Camus descreve a condição humana como sendo contingente, frágil e absurda, para isso ele utiliza a noção de “muros absurdos”, que são situações que enfrentamos e contra as quais não podemos escapar. Se a princípio, a morte, a velhice, a desumanidade parecem experiências banais, no pensamento camusiano, elas se revelam como possibilidade de tomada de consciência do absurdo de nossa condição. Palavras-chave: absurdo; condição humana; consciência.

  10. Attitudes of Swiss mothers toward unrelated umbilical cord blood banking 6 months after donation. (United States)

    Danzer, Enrico; Holzgreve, Wolfgang; Troeger, Carolyn; Kostka, Ulrike; Steimann, Sabine; Bitzer, Johanes; Gratwohl, Alois; Tichelli, André; Seelmann, Kurt; Surbek, Daniel V


    During the past decade, the use of umbilical cord blood (CB) as a source of transplantable hematopoietic stem cells has been increasing. Little is known about the psychosocial consequences that later affect parents after unrelated CB donation. The objective of this study was to evaluate the attitudes of mothers toward unrelated donation of umbilical CB for transplantation 6 months after giving birth. A prospective study was performed with a standardized, anonymous questionnaire distributed to 131 women 6 months after CB donation. The questionnaire included topics concerning views about the ethical accuracy of having donated CB, emotional responses after donation, concerns about genetic testing and research with CB samples, attitude toward anonymity between her child and possible unrelated CB recipient, and willingness to repeatedly donate umbilical CB in a next pregnancy. The vast majority (96.1%) stated that they would donate umbilical CB again, and all respondents were certain that their decision to have donated umbilical CB was ethical. With regard to the potential risks of genetic testing and "experimentation" of umbilical CB, a significant correlation (p = 0.01) was found between negative attitudes and the decision not to donate umbilical CB again. Additionally, it was observed that women who had a negative experience concerning the donation of CB would not donate again (p = 0.004). This study shows a high degree of satisfaction of unrelated umbilical CB donation for banking in women 6 months after delivery. Despite a well-performed and detailed informed consent procedure, one of the ongoing issues for the donators in CB banking involves the concern regarding of improper use of the cells, such as genetic testing or experimentation. Accurate and detailed counseling of pregnant women and their partners therefore maximizes the likelihood that they will donate CB for unrelated banking. These data provide a basis for the improvement of donor selection procedures

  11. Current obstetrical practice and umbilical cord prolapse. (United States)

    Usta, I M; Mercer, B M; Sibai, B M


    The aim of this study was to assess the contribution of current obstetrical practice to the occurrence and complications of umbilical cord prolapse. Maternal and neonatal charts of 87 pregnancies complicated by true umbilical cord prolapse during a 5-year period were reviewed. Twin gestation and noncephalic presentations were common features (14 and 41%, respectively). Eighty-nine percent (77) of infants were delivered by cesarean section of which 29% were classical and 88% were primary. The mean gestational age at delivery was 34.0 +/- 6.0 weeks, and the mean birth weight was 2318 +/- 1159 g. Obstetrical intervention preceded 41 (47%) cases (the obstetrical intervention group): amniotomy (9), scalp electrode application (4), intrauterine pressure catheter insertion (6), attempted external cephalic version (7), expectant management of preterm premature rupture of membranes (14), manual rotation of the fetal head (1), and amnioreduction (1). There were 11 perinatal deaths. Thirty-three percent of the infants (32) had a 5-min Apgar score < 7 and 34% had a cord pH < 7.20. Neonatal seizures, intracerebral hemorrhage, necrotizing enterocolitis, hyaline membrane disease, persistent fetal circulation, sepsis, assisted ventilation, and perinatal mortality were comparable in the "obstetrical intervention" and "no-intervention" groups. Most of the neonatal complications occurred in infants < 32 weeks' gestation. We conclude that obstetrical intervention contributes to 47% of umbilical cord prolapse cases; however, it does not increase the associated perinatal morbidity and mortality.

  12. Endovascular treatment of splenic artery aneurysms; Trattamento endovascolare degli aneurismi dell'arteria splenica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lagana, Domenico; Carrafiello, Gianpaolo; Mangini, Monica; Fontana, Federico; Dizonno, Massimiliano; Fugazzola, Carlo [Insubria Univ., Varese (Italy). Cattedra di radiologia; Castelli, Patrizio [Insubria Univ., Varese (Italy). Chirurgia vascolare


    techniques, endovascular treatment is feasible in nearly all SAAs. It ensures good immediate and long term results, and no doubt presents some advantages in comparison to surgical treatment, as it less invasive and allows the preservation of splenic function. [Italian] Scopo. Verificare l'efficacia del trattamento endovascolare degli aneurismi dell'arteria splenica (AAS). Materiale e metodi. Nel periodo compreso tra maggio 2000 e giugno 2003 sono stati trattati 11 AAS veri in 9 pazienti (7 femmine e 2 maschi; eta media 58 anni), 8 sacciformi e 3 fusiformi, 4 localizzati al tratto medio, 5 al tratto distale e 2 intrasplenici. La diagnosi e stata effettuata con eco color Doppler e/o angio-TC ed e risultata occasionate in 7 pazienti e conseguente a dolore in ipocondrio sinistro in 1 caso; un AAS e stato riscontrato in fase di fissurazione. Quattro AAS sono stati esclusi mediante embolizzazione della sacca con microspirali, con preservazione della continuita dell'asse vascolare; in 2 casi e stata associata l'iniezione transcatetere di cianoacrilato. In 4 casi e stata effettuata una legatura endovascolare, con ischemia settoriaie della milza. Un AAS fisstirato e stato trattato in urgenza con embolizzazione massiva mediante cianoacrilato dell'arteria splenica. I 2 aneurismi intrasplenici sono stati esclusi, l'uno mediante embolizzazione dell'arteria afferente con cianoacrilato e l'altro con iniezione transcatetere di trombina nella sacca aneurismatica. Risultati. E stata ottenuta la devascolarizzazione completa di tutti gli AAS (in 10/11 al termine della procedura; in 1/11 al controllo TC, effettuato dopo 3 giorni). Il follow-up (durata media 18 mesi; range 6-36 mesi) e stato espletato con eco color Doppler e/o angio-TC a 3, 6, 12 mesi e successivamente una volta all'anno; la completa esclusione degli aneurismi e stata confermata in 11/11 casi. Le complicanze riscontrate sono state: 4 casi di pleurite sinistra di modesta entita; febbre

  13. Epidemiologia da raiva humana na Guanabara

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    Alfredo R. Matta B. da Silva


    Full Text Available A raiva humana se mantém como problema de Saúde Pública, especialmente nas áreas urbanas, onde o cão atua como principal reservatório e fonte imediata de infecção. A deficiência de programas de controle de cães vadios, de imunização sistemática e de educação sanitária, contribui para a perpetuação da cadeia epidemiológioa. O presente estudo analisa todos os casos de raiva humana, observados em habitantes do Estado da Guanabara, no período 1965-1969, segundo as variáveis: idade, sexo, côr, variação estacional, período de incubação e de duração da fase clínica, fonte de infecção, local de mordedura e uso de vacina posterior à exposição. Os principais resultados foram: 1. A ravia na Guanabara, parece ser mais comum nos grupos etários mais jovens e nos homens. 2. Não se observou variação estacional. 3. O período de incubação mediano foi de 45 dias e de duração da fase clínica de 3 dias. 4. Ocorreu uma associação entre período de incubação menor e vacinação incompleta.

  14. Good practices in collecting umbilical cord and placental blood. (United States)

    Lopes, Lauren Auer; Bernardino, Elizabeth; Crozeta, Karla; Guimarães, Paulo Ricardo Bittencourt


    to identify the factors related to the quality of umbilical cord and placental blood specimens, and define best practices for their collection in a government bank of umbilical cord and placental blood. this was a descriptive study, quantitative approach, performed at a government umbilical cord and placental blood bank, in two steps: 1) verification of the obstetric, neonatal and operational factors, using a specific tool for gathering data as non-participant observers; 2) definition of best practices by grouping non-conformities observed before, during and after blood collection. The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and the following statistical software: Statistica(r) and R(r). while there was a correlation with obstetrical and neonatal factors, there was a larger correlation with operational factors, resulting in the need to adjust the professional practices of the nursing staff and obstetrical team involved in collecting this type of blood. Based on these non-conformities we defined best practices for nurses before, during and after blood collection. the best practices defined in this study are an important management tool for the work of nurses in obtaining blood specimens of high cell quality. identificar fatores relacionados à qualidade das amostras do sangue de cordão umbilical e placentário e definir boas práticas para sua coleta em um banco público de sangue de cordão umbilical e placentário. pesquisa descritiva, abordagem quantitativa, realizada em um banco público de sangue de cordão umbilical e placentário, desenvolvida em duas etapas: 1) verificação dos fatores obstétricos, neonatais e operacionais, obtidos por coleta em instrumento próprio e observação não participante; 2) definição das boas práticas, por meio do agrupamento de não-conformidades observadas antes, durante e após a coleta do sangue. Os dados foram analisados por meio da estatística descritiva, utilizando-se dos softwares Statistica(r) e R(r). houve

  15. Análisis multisistémico de la comunicación humana

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    José Torregrosa-Azor


    Full Text Available En aquest article es presenta el mètode multisistèmic per a l’anàlisi de la comunicació humana. En primer lloc, es fa una revisió del concepte comunicació humana multisistèmica que s’entén com l’intercanvi de missatges complexos que es transmeten mitjançant una modalitat combinatòria de canals físics i somàtics. Aquests missatges són codificats i descodificats per sistemes semiòtics semblants, però alhora distints, que es coestructuren internament i s’interrelacionen els uns amb els altres amb l’únic objectiu de comunicar. Així doncs, la  comunicació humana multisistèmica no només és possible a través del sistema lingüístic que ens caracteritza y diferencia com a espècie, sinó que, a més a més, hi intervenen altres sistemes semiòtics que es coestructuren internament, s’interrelacionen els uns amb els altres i són coexpressius amb el llenguatge verbal. En segon lloc, es descriuen les investigacions més rellevants en aquest camp que examinen la correlació que es produeix entre els diferents sistemes semiòtics de la comunicació humana -principalment, llenguatge, parallenguatge i kinèsica-. Per tant, l’anàlisi de la comunicació humana multisistèmica estudia no només la diversitat de sistemes semiòtics que interactuen i s’interrelacionen, sinó també els mecanismes que regulen la relació que s’hi estableix. És per això que es considera el concepte de ‘sistema’ fonamentat en la Teoria General de Sistemes, i es justifica la selecció del mot ‘multisistèmic’ com l’alternativa més clara i inequívoca. Finalment, s’exposa el procés d’anàlisi multisistèmic, la descripció de les fases analítiques i els mètodes emprats, així com també la selecció dels instruments d’anàlisi que s’hi fan servir.

  16. Associations between intrapartum death and piglet, placental, and umbilical characteristics. (United States)

    Rootwelt, V; Reksen, O; Farstad, W; Framstad, T


    Intrapartum death in multiparous gestations in sows (Sus scrofa) is often caused by hypoxia. There is little information in the literature on the assessment of the placenta in relation to intrapartum death in piglets. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of the placental area and weight upon piglet birth characteristics and intrapartum death. Litters from 26 Landrace-Yorkshire sows were monitored during farrowing and the status of each piglet was recorded, including blood parameters of piglets and their umbilical veins. Of 413 piglets born, 6.5% were stillborn. Blood concentrations of glucose, lactate, and CO(2) partial pressure were increased in the stillborn piglets (P birth was increased for piglets born dead vs. live (P birth weight for piglets born dead was not different from live-born piglets (P = 0.631), whereas mean body mass index was reduced (P 0.2). Piglet BW was positively correlated with placental area and placental weight (P birth order group, and broken umbilical cords explained 71% of the stillbirths (P = 0.001). We conclude that placental area and placental weight are both positively associated with piglet birth weight, but not with the probability of being born dead. Placental area was a better predictor of piglet vitality than placental weight. Because umbilical cord rupture and prolonged birth time were associated with being born dead, umbilical cord rupture and placental detachment seem to be probable causes of intrapartum death.

  17. Good practices in collecting umbilical cord and placental blood

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lauren Auer Lopes

    Full Text Available Abstract Objective: to identify the factors related to the quality of umbilical cord and placental blood specimens, and define best practices for their collection in a government bank of umbilical cord and placental blood. Method: this was a descriptive study, quantitative approach, performed at a government umbilical cord and placental blood bank, in two steps: 1 verification of the obstetric, neonatal and operational factors, using a specific tool for gathering data as non-participant observers; 2 definition of best practices by grouping non-conformities observed before, during and after blood collection. The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and the following statistical software: Statistica(r and R(r. Results: while there was a correlation with obstetrical and neonatal factors, there was a larger correlation with operational factors, resulting in the need to adjust the professional practices of the nursing staff and obstetrical team involved in collecting this type of blood. Based on these non-conformities we defined best practices for nurses before, during and after blood collection. Conclusion: the best practices defined in this study are an important management tool for the work of nurses in obtaining blood specimens of high cell quality.

  18. Hidatidosis humana en el Perú


    Luis Guerra Montero; María Ramírez Breña


    El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido conocer el estado de la hidatidosis humana, por la gran incidencia que presenta en nuestro país, principalmente en la región central andina. La recopilación de datos fue a partir de la revisión de fuentes primarias sobre epidemiología, el ciclo vital del parásito y del manejo del paciente afecto de Hidatidosis. Algunos hallazgos permiten afirmar que la hidatidosis es una enfermedad producida por el estado larval del cestodo Echinococcus del género Granulosu...

  19. Complications of umbilical vein catherisation. Case Report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bothur-Nowacka, J.; Czech-Kowalska, J.; Gruszfeld, D.; Nowakowska-Rysz, M.; Dobrzanska, A.; Kosciesza, A.; Polnik, D.


    Umbilical vein catheterization is a relatively easy procedure performed routinely on the neonate intensive care units. It provides a fast central vein access, but some complications have been described in the literature. Case Reports: We presented a case report of a premature infant (34 hbd) with extravasation of the parenteral nutrition and drugs to the liver after umbilical vein catheterization. Fever and increasing biochemical markers of infection were observed. USG revealed a heterogenic, well-limited space of 4 cm in diameter, located in the right lobe of the liver. CT excluded liver abscess. Considering neoplastic process or incorrect location of the catheter of the central vein, we performed liver biopsy. Results: Cytological and biochemical analysis of the aspirated fluid revealed extravasation of parenteral nutrition to the liver.Our case confirms the necessity of controlling a proper location of the central catheter right after its insertion and during hospitalization. (authors)

  20. Microbial load of umbilical cord blood Ureaplasma species and Mycoplasma hominis in preterm prelabor rupture of membranes. (United States)

    Kacerovsky, Marian; Pliskova, Lenka; Menon, Ramkumar; Kutova, Radka; Musilova, Ivana; Maly, Jan; Andrys, Ctirad


    To evaluate Ureaplasma species and M. hominis DNA in the umbilical cord blood and its correlation with its microbial load in the amniotic fluid, as a measure of microbial burden in fetal inflammatory response and neonatal outcome in pregnancies complicated by preterm prelabor rupture of membranes (pPROM). A retrospective study of 158 women with singleton pregnancies complicated by pPROM between 24(0/7) and 36(6/7) weeks was conducted. Amniotic fluid was obtained from all women by transabdominal amniocentesis, and umbilical cord blood was obtained by venipuncture from umbilical cords immediately after the delivery of the neonates. The Ureaplasma species and M. hominis DNA was quantitated using absolute quantification techniques. Ureaplasma species and M. hominis DNA was identified in 9% of the umbilical cord blood samples. No correlation between the amniotic fluid and umbilical cord blood microbial load was observed. The presence of Ureaplasma species and M. hominis DNA in the umbilical cord blood had no impact on short-term neonatal morbidity. A high microbial load of genital mycoplasma Ureaplasma species DNA in the umbilical cord in pregnancies complicated by pPROM is not associated with a high fetal inflammatory response and is therefore not associated with serious neonatal morbidity.

  1. Hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCHs) in placenta and umbilical cord blood and dietary intake for women in Beijing, China

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yu, Yanxin; Wang, Bin; Wang, Xilong; Wang, Rong; Wang, Wentao; Shen, Guofeng; Shen, Huizhong; Li, Wei; Wong, Minghong; Liu, Wenxin; Tao, Shu


    Placenta and umbilical cord blood are important media for investigating maternal–fetal exposure to environmental pollutants. Historically hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCHs) were once widely-used in China. In this study, residues of HCHs were measured in placenta and umbilical cord blood samples for 40 women from Beijing. The measured median values of HCHs were 62.0 and 68.8 ng/g fat in placenta and umbilical cord blood, respectively. Concentrations of HCHs in placenta and umbilical cord blood of urban cohort were higher than those of rural group due to enhanced consumption of fish, meat, and milk. Residues of HCHs in placenta were significantly correlated with total food consumption, dietary intake, and maternal age, and could be predicted using the parameters dependent upon ingestion of meat and milk. The transplacental exposure of fetuses to HCHs was revealed by a close association between the residual levels in the paired placenta and the paired umbilical cord blood samples. -- Highlights: •Medians of HCH in placenta and umbilical cord blood of 40 puerperal women from Beijing were 62.0 and 68.8 ng/g⋅fat. •HCHs in placenta and umbilical cord blood of urban cohort were higher than those of rural one. •HCH residues in placenta were significantly correlated with total food consumption, daily dietary intake, and maternal age. •The transplacental exposure of fetus to HCHs was revealed. -- HCHs in placenta of women in Beijing were significantly correlated with total food consumption, dietary intake, and maternal age

  2. Trans-umbilical Laparoscopic Appendectomy for Acute Appendicitis ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Trans-umbilical Laparoscopic Appendectomy for Acute Appendicitis without Raising Skin-flaps: An Easy-to-use Modification Applied to the Series of 164 Patients from a Rural Institute of Central India. Priyadarshan Anand Jategaonkar, Sudeep Pradeep Yadav1. INTRODUCTION. Laparoscopic appendectomy (LA) is widely ...

  3. Evaluation of three high abundance protein depletion kits for umbilical cord serum proteomics

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    Nie Jing


    Full Text Available Abstract Background High abundance protein depletion is a major challenge in the study of serum/plasma proteomics. Prior to this study, most commercially available kits for depletion of highly abundant proteins had only been tested and evaluated in adult serum/plasma, while the depletion efficiency on umbilical cord serum/plasma had not been clarified. Structural differences between some adult and fetal proteins (such as albumin make it likely that depletion approaches for adult and umbilical cord serum/plasma will be variable. Therefore, the primary purposes of the present study are to investigate the efficiencies of several commonly-used commercial kits during high abundance protein depletion from umbilical cord serum and to determine which kit yields the most effective and reproducible results for further proteomics research on umbilical cord serum. Results The immunoaffinity based kits (PROTIA-Sigma and 5185-Agilent displayed higher depletion efficiency than the immobilized dye based kit (PROTBA-Sigma in umbilical cord serum samples. Both the PROTIA-Sigma and 5185-Agilent kit maintained high depletion efficiency when used three consecutive times. Depletion by the PROTIA-Sigma Kit improved 2DE gel quality by reducing smeared bands produced by the presence of high abundance proteins and increasing the intensity of other protein spots. During image analysis using the identical detection parameters, 411 ± 18 spots were detected in crude serum gels, while 757 ± 43 spots were detected in depleted serum gels. Eight spots unique to depleted serum gels were identified by MALDI- TOF/TOF MS, seven of which were low abundance proteins. Conclusions The immunoaffinity based kits exceeded the immobilized dye based kit in high abundance protein depletion of umbilical cord serum samples and dramatically improved 2DE gel quality for detection of trace biomarkers.

  4. Umbilical cord blood lactate: a valuable tool in the assessment of fetal metabolic acidosis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gjerris, A.C.; Staer-Jensen, J.; Jorgensen, J.S.


    asphyxia using ROC-curves, where an ABE value less than -12 was used as "gold standard" for significant intrapartum asphyxia. STUDY DESIGN: This is a descriptive study of umbilical cord arterial blood samples from 2554 singleton deliveries. The deliveries took place at the Department of Obstetrics......OBJECTIVE: The aim of the present study was (1) to evaluate the relationship between umbilical cord arterial blood lactate and pH, standard base excess (SBE), and actual base excess (ABE) at delivery and (2) to suggest a cut-off level of umbilical cord arterial blood lactate in predicting fetal...

  5. Música y cerebro: influencia del arte musical en la biología humana


    Siesto Sánchez, Violeta


    Trabajo de fin de grado. Grado en Biología. Curso académico 2016-2017 El trabajo analiza la posible influencia de la música en el desarrollo de las habilidades humanas. Se analiza la anatomía humana relacionada en el proceso, desde el sistema auditivo hasta la corteza cerebral. La segunda parte del estudio lo pone en relación con el proceso de percepción y se refiere a la relaciónd el hombre con la música a lo largo de la historia, con particular atención a la influencia que pueda haber t...

  6. Effect of hypertensive disorders during pregnancy on neonatal outcomes and umbilical artery flow

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dong-mei ZHENG


    Full Text Available Objective To observe the effect of hypertensive disorders during pregnancy (HDP on neonatal outcomes and umbilical artery flow. Methods A prospective cohort study method was employed, and 60 pregnant women met the HDP diagnostic criteria (HDP group, aged 31.2±6.0 years, gestation time 251.0±9.0d, hospitalized from Sep. 2011 to May. 2012, and delivered live-born infants and 63 pregnant women with normal blood pressure and without medical or surgical ailments (control group, aged 30.2±2.8 years, gestation time 251.9±7.7d, hospitalized in the the same period, and had live birth were involved in present study. The indexes of umbilical artery blood flow were measured, the adverse neonatal outcomes (neonatal asphyxia, low birth weight babies and premature labor were recorded, and the correlation was analyzed between the adverse neonatal outcomes and the indexes of umbilical artery blood flow. Results The incidence of adverse neonatal outcomes (neonatal asphyxia, low birth weight newborns and premature labor was higher in HDP group (58.3%, 45.0% and 53.3%, respectively than in control group (6.3%, 3.2% and 3.2%, respectively, P<0.05. The results of umbilical artery blood flow indexes, including pulsatility index (PI, resistance index (RI and systolic/diastolic ratio (S/D in HDP group (0.897±0.176, 0.588±0.701 and 2.655±0.346, respectively were significantly higher than in control group (0.741±0.123, 0.525±0.650 and 2.120±0.364, respectively, P<0.05. The indexes of umbilical artery blood flow (PI, RI and S/D in newborns with adverse outcomes were significantly higher than in those newborn without adverse outcomes. Multivariate logistic regression revealed a positive correlation between RI and adverse neonatal outcomes. Conclusions The indexes of umbilical artery blood flow appear to be abnormal in pregnant women with HDP, and adverse neonatal conditions (neonatal asphyxia, low birth weight newborns and premature labor are prone to

  7. Periodismo de Frontera y Dignidad Humana


    Cetina Presuel, Rodrigo (ed.); Gutiérrez Atala, Fernando (ed.); Corredoira y Alfonso, Loreto (ed.)


    El presente libro explora cuál es el papel del Derecho y la Ética de la información en la protección de la dignidad humana, particularmente en relación con las actividades informativas que se dan en ámbitos transfronterizos, ya sea entre países colindantes o entre países y organizaciones que tienen influencia regional y en los asuntos internos de otros terceros países. Entre otros temas, el libro también mira hacia procesos de paz como el vivido en Colombia y por extensión analiza temas a...

  8. [Umbilical blood-gas status at cesarean section for breech presentation: a comparison with vertex presentation]. (United States)

    Haruta, M; Saeki, N; Naka, Y; Funato, T; Ohtsuki, Y


    Umbilical blood-gas status at elective cesarean section with oxygen inhalation for breech presentation (25 cases) was compared with that for vertex presentation (25 cases), so as to confirm the security of full-term breech fetuses delivered by cesarean section under spinal anesthesia. Umbilical arterial oxygen levels were significantly lower in the breech group (Mean PO2:18.9 mmHg; SO2:37.3%; Oxygen content:7.6 ml/dl). The number of hypoxemic fetuses was significantly higher in the breech group (the breech: 7; the vertex; 0). The other umbilical blood-gas values revealed no significant differences between the breech and vertex groups, and were within normal limits in both groups. Oxygen extraction in the breech (Mean: 49.0%) was higher than that in the vertex (32.9%). Therefore decreased umbilical blood flow in the breech was suggested. The incidence of depression at 1 minute after delivery in the breech infants (24%) was significantly higher than that in the vertex infants (0%). It became obvious in the breech that as the interval between the uterine incision and delivery increased, umbilical arterial blood tended to acidosis and the 1 minute Apgar score decreased. Cesarean section for breech presentation requires sufficient and optimal incisions of the abdominal wall and uterus as well as a skillful manual delivery technique, because the fetus or neonate should be protected against asphyxia resulting from umbilical compression and prolonged delivery interval.

  9. Umbilical melanoma: case report and review of anatomical and therapeutic aspects

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brandao, Eduardo Miranda; Gomes, Alexandre Santos de Almeida; Ribeiro, Edilana Sa; Vilaca, Thiago Guimaraes; Macedo, Francisco Igor Bulcao de; Santos, Rogerio Luiz dos; Pernambuco Univ., Recife, PE


    Full text of publication follows: Background: Malignant melanoma corresponds to 5% of cutaneous neoplasias. However, umbilical melanoma is a rare occurrence, with only 13 cases reported on the literature. The purpose of this article is to present a case of umbilical primary melanoma, discuss the anatomy and lymphatic drainage of this region, and the therapeutic aspects. Clinical description: Three years ago, a 65 years-old white woman from Recife-PE, presented an umbilical pigmented nevus. It grew in size and one year ago the pigmentation increased. Examination showed depressed umbilical scarring completely filled by pigmented lesion with 1.5 cm, irregular borders and a depigmented area; no enlarged inguinal and axillary lymph nodes. Chest X-Ray, CT scan of abdomen and pelvis, and ultrasonography of groin and axillary lymphatic chains were normal. The pathological diagnosis after incisional biopsy was ulcerated malignant melanoma, without defining Breslow classification. Subsequently a complete excision of the lesion was performed; slide showed Breslow 8 mm and 1 mm of margin. Lymphoscintillography showed three left axillary lymph nodes. During surgical widening, the peritoneum seemed disease-free. Lymphatic mapping identified three lymph nodes, one of them not coloured by vital blue. All the lymph nodes were free of metastasis on histopathological and immunohistochemical examination. Discussion: Among the umbilical tumors, 80% are metastatic, the most common branch of which is the gastrointestinal tract. Melanoma is included in the other 20% corresponding to primary neoplasias of the umbilicus, which also include sarcomas, basal cell carcinomas and squamous cell carcinomas. From the embryological point of view, the umbilical scar can contain residues of several types of epithelial tissue of the gastrointestinal duct remaining from the omphalomesenteric duct. Anatomical aspects remain to be studied, such as the cylindrical form and the content within its thickness

  10. Delivery route determines the presence of immune complexes on umbilical cord erythrocytes. (United States)

    de Lima, Andrés; Franco, Luis C; Sarmiento, Andrés; González, John M


    Umbilical cord blood offers a unique opportunity to study the basal level of immunoglobulin complexes. This study aims to determine the presence of immune complexes and complement deposition on erythrocytes from umbilical cord blood from normal, full-term pregnancies. In vitro pre-formed IgA, IgG, and IgM complexes were used as positive control for flow cytometry detection, and for C3d deposition. Blood samples (34) of umbilical cord blood taken from vaginal and cesarean deliveries were tested for the presence of immunoglobulin complexes. Fourteen samples from vaginal deliveries and 20 samples from cesarean deliveries were assessed. IgG and IgM complexes were detected on erythrocytes, whereas no IgA complexes or complement deposition was observed. Interestingly, the percentage of IgG complexes was higher on erythrocytes from vaginal delivery samples compared to those from cesarean deliveries. No other associations between immune complexes and other maternal or newborn variables were found. IgG and IgM complexes seem to be normally present on umbilical cord erythrocytes. Erythrocytes from vaginal deliveries have a higher percentage of IgG complexes present compared to that from cesarean deliveries. Since no C3d activity was detected, these complexes are non-pathological and should be part of the newborn's initial innate immune response.

  11. Mitos y tabúes en la sexualidad humana

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    Ignacio González Labrador


    Full Text Available Se realizan consideraciones muy generales sobre el origen de los géneros y cómo esta formación favorece la presencia de mitos y tabúes en la expresión de la sexualidad de la pareja humana.Very general considerations are presented on the origin of genders and how this formation has favored myths and taboos in the expression of the human couple's sexuality.

  12. Efeito protetor da lactoferrina humana no trato gastrintestinal Efecto protector de la lactoferrina humana en el sistema gastrointestinal Protective effect of human lactoferrin in the gastrointestinal tract

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    Valterlinda Alves de O. Queiroz


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Descrever os mecanismos de ação da lactoferrina humana na proteção de morbidades gastrintestinais. FONTES DE DADOS: Revisão não sistemática da literatura utilizando como estratégia de busca pesquisa bibliográfica em bases de dados, as quais incluíram SciELO, Lilacs e MedLine entre 1990 e 2011. Os descritores utilizados foram: lactoferrina, leite materno/humano, gastrintestinal e imunidade, nos idiomas português e inglês. SÍNTESE DOS DADOS: A lactoferrina é a segunda proteína predominante no leite humano, com concentrações mais elevadas no colostro (5,0 a 6,7mg/mL em relação ao leite maduro (0,2 a 2,6mg/mL. Em contraste, o leite de vaca contém teores inferiores, 0,83mg/mL no colostro e 0,09mg/mL no leite maduro. A lactoferrina desempenha diversas funções fisiológicas na proteção do trato gastrintestinal. A atividade antimicrobiana está relacionada à capacidade de sequestrar ferro dos fluidos biológicos e/ou de desestruturar a membrana de micro-organismos. A lactoferrina possui também a capacidade de estimular a proliferação celular. A ação anti-inflamatória desempenhada pela lactoferrina está associada à capacidade de penetrar no núcleo do leucócito e bloquear a transcrição do fator nuclear Kappa B. Diante da importância da lactoferrina na prevenção de doenças infecciosas em crianças aleitadas ao peito, a indústria vem, por meio da engenharia genética, desenvolvendo tecnologias para expressar esta proteína recombinante humana em plantas e animais, na tentativa de adequar a composição das fórmulas infantis àquela do leite humano. CONCLUSÕES: A lactoferrina humana é um peptídeo com potencial para prevenir morbidades, especialmente às gastrintestinais. Evidências científicas dos efeitos protetores da lactoferrina humana fortalecem ainda mais a recomendação para prática do aleitamento materno.OBJETIVO: Describir los mecanismos de acción de la lactoferrina humana en la protecci

  13. Association of maternal and umbilical cord blood leptin concentrations and abnormal color Doppler indices of umbilical artery with fetal growth restriction

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    Elahe Zareaan


    Full Text Available Background: Fetal growth restriction (FGR is a condition with heterogeneous pathophysiology which characterized by fetal weight less than the tenth percentile for gestational age. Several factors have impact on maternal, placental and fetal due to growth restriction. Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between levels of leptin in the cord, and serum leptin of mothers also abnormal color Doppler indices of umbilical artery with fetal growth restriction. Materials and Methods: This is a cross sectional study conducted in Isfahan, Iran, 2015-2016. We recruited 40 women with singleton pregnancies complicated by fetal growth restriction (Group I and 40 pregnant women with normal fetal growth (Group II with matched age. Maternal serum and umbilical artery leptin levels were determined with Enzyme-Linked immunosorben method. Also, color Doppler ultrasound of umbilical artery was performed. Results: Mean maternal and fetal leptin levels were lower in the FGR group compared to the normal group (36.58±(20.99 and 7.42 ±(4.08vs. 47.32±(22.50 and 30.49±(14.50 respectively. Also, mean fetal leptin level was lower in the group with abnormal color Doppler sonographic indices compared to the normal group (7. 40 ±(4.10vs 27.06±(15.80, respectively. Conclusion: This study indicated that maternal and fetal leptin levels are correlated with FGR originating from damaged placental function; also fetal leptin level can indicate changes in color Doppler sonographic indices.

  14. A comparative study on the uniaxial mechanical properties of the umbilical vein and umbilical artery using different stress-strain definitions. (United States)

    Karimi, Alireza; Navidbakhsh, Mahdi


    The umbilical cord is part of the fetus and generally includes one umbilical vein (UV) and two umbilical arteries (UAs). As the saphenous vein and UV are the most commonly used veins for the coronary artery disease treatment as a coronary artery bypass graft (CABG), understating the mechanical properties of UV has a key asset in its performance for CABG. However, there is not only a lack of knowledge on the mechanical properties of UV and UA but there is no agreement as to which stress-strain definition should be implemented to measure their mechanical properties. In this study, the UV and UA samples were removed after caesarean from eight individuals and subjected to a series of tensile testing. Three stress definitions (second Piola-Kichhoff stress, engineering stress, and true stress) and four strain definitions (Almansi-Hamel strain, Green-St. Venant strain, engineering strain, and true strain) were employed to determine the linear mechanical properties of UVs and UAs. The nonlinear mechanical behavior of UV/UA was computationally investigated using hyperelastic material models, such as Ogden and Mooney-Rivlin. The results showed that the effect of varying the stress definition on the maximum stress measurements of the UV/UA is significant but not when calculating the elastic modulus. In the true stress-strain diagram, the maximum strain of UV was 92 % higher, while the elastic modulus and maximum stress were 162 and 42 % lower than that of UA. The Mooney-Rivlin material model was designated to represent the nonlinear mechanical behavior of the UV and UA under uniaxial loading.

  15. Accuracy of chest radiography for positioning of the umbilical venous catheter

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    Adriana F.M. Guimarães


    Full Text Available Objectives: To evaluate the accuracy of the simultaneous analysis of three radiographic anatomical landmarks – diaphragm, cardiac silhouette, and vertebral bodies – in determining the position of the umbilical venous catheter distal end using echocardiography as a reference standard. Methods: This was a cross-sectional, observational study, with the prospective inclusion of data from all neonates born in a public reference hospital, between April 2012 and September 2013, submitted to umbilical venous catheter insertion as part of their medical care. The position of the catheter distal end, determined by the simultaneous analysis of three radiographic anatomical landmarks, was compared with the anatomical position obtained by echocardiography; sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value, and accuracy were calculated. Results: Of the 162 newborns assessed by echocardiography, only 44 (27.16% had the catheter in optimal position, in the thoracic portion of the inferior vena cava or at the junction of the inferior vena cava with the right atrium. The catheters were located in the left atrium and interatrial septum in 54 (33.33% newborns, in the right atrium in 26 (16.05%, intra-hepatic in 37 (22.84%, and intra-aortic in-one newborn (0.62%. The sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of the radiography to detect the catheter in the target area were 56%, 71%, and 67.28%, respectively. Conclusion: Anteroposterior radiography of the chest alone is not able to safely define the umbilical venous catheter position. Echocardiography allows direct visualization of the catheter tip in relation to vascular structures and, whenever possible, should be considered to identify the location of the umbilical venous catheter. Resumo: Objetivos: Avaliar a acurácia da análise simultânea dos três marcos anatômicos radiográficos – diafragma, silhueta cardíaca e corpos vertebrais, na determinação da posição da extremidade

  16. Umbilical vein oxytocin in the management of third stage of labour.

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    Athavale R


    Full Text Available The aim of the study was to evaluate the efficacy of intra-umbilical oxytocin in minimizing the blood loss during 3rd and 4th stage of labour. Seventy-five pregnant multigravidas without any obstetric or medical complications were studied. It was found that the expulsion of the placenta was rapid as compared to the group treated with normal saline but not with methylergometrine. The drop in hemoglobin and hematocrit was comparable in patients receiving intra-umbilical oxytocin and those with active management of 3rd stage with methylergometrine.


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    Full Text Available La gestión humana y cultura organizacional son conceptos inseparables en cualquier tipo de organización y han sido tratados extensamente en el ámbito académico general, pero no en el caso de las PyMES. Las condiciones sociales, económicas y culturales de este nuevo siglo hacen imprescindible que las empresas medianas y pequeñas sean altamente creativas, innovadoras, se adapten ágilmente a los cambios, sobrevivan y crezcan, y para lograrlo necesariamente deben contar con una fuerza laboral comprometida, capacitada y motivada, que trabaje en busca del logro de la misión de la organización, pero que a la vez sienta que están logrando satisfacer sus deseos, expectativas y necesidades más profundas. En este artículo se revisan algunos planteamientos que profundizan sobre gestión humana y cultura organizacional de manera integral y que sirven de guía básica temática para el diseño de un modelo de gestión humana.

  18. Seguridad humana en Colombia: donde no hay bienestar no puede haber paz

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    María Teresa Aya Smitmans


    Full Text Available Este artículo trata sobre los retos que amenazan a la soberanía clásica en el sistema internacional y, en especial, a la seguridad humana. Ésta, entendida como una concepción ampliada de la seguridad tradicional, refuerza la idea del individuo como centro de las relaciones internacionales y pone su seguridad por encima de la seguridad estatal. Asimismo, el surgimiento de nuevos actores hacen que la gobernabilidad estatal se vea debilitada a menos que se piense en aumentar la responsabilidad estatal para con sus ciudadanos. Es así como la seguridad humana constituye un concepto importante en el siglo XXI para una gobernabilidad responsable. El artículo examina el caso colombiano.

  19. A Comparative Study of Blood Culture Sampling from Umbilical Catheter Line versus Peripheral Site

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    Abdolkarim Hamedi


    Full Text Available Neonatal sepsis is an important cause of death and morbidity in newborns and is diagnosed by isolation of organism in blood culture. In several reports,reliablity of blood cultures were done from umbi lical catheters,have been demonstrated. The objective of the present study was to determine,wether an inde welling umbilical catheter, could be an alternative site for blood culture. In a prospective study over 6 months during 2006,141 paired blood cultures from 134 infant,were done simultaneously from peripheral site and umbilical catheter (mostly U. V. C,during the first four days of life. Majority of these infants were preterm and admitted to NICU for special care. these infants had indwelling umbilical line and had indication of sepsis workup. A total of 141 pairs of blood cultures were obtained from 134 infants. In 16 infants blood culture pairs were positive for one organism in both peripheral vein and umbilical site. 71. 6% of total cultures (n=11pairs were negative in boths site. A total of 22 pairs were positive in one site only,with 5 positive from peripheral vein only and the other 17 from umblical site. Two pairs were positve in boths site with two different organism. In over all 16 infant (11%of blood were considered to be contaminated. Contamination rate were 2. 4% and 9. 2% for peripheral and umbilical catheter site. Contamination rate increased after 48 hours of age in umbilical catheter. The result showed that after 2 days contamination rate for blood culture taken from catheter line increased and specifity decreased. We recommended that blood culture via umblical catheter in first 2 days in sick neonates with indwelling catheter can be a alternate site of blood culture sampelling.

  20. Genomic biomarkers of prenatal intrauterine inflammation in umbilical cord tissue predict later life neurological outcomes.

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    Sloane K Tilley

    Full Text Available Preterm birth is a major risk factor for neurodevelopmental delays and disorders. This study aimed to identify genomic biomarkers of intrauterine inflammation in umbilical cord tissue in preterm neonates that predict cognitive impairment at 10 years of age.Genome-wide messenger RNA (mRNA levels from umbilical cord tissue were obtained from 43 neonates born before 28 weeks of gestation. Genes that were differentially expressed across four indicators of intrauterine inflammation were identified and their functions examined. Exact logistic regression was used to test whether expression levels in umbilical cord tissue predicted neurocognitive function at 10 years of age.Placental indicators of inflammation were associated with changes in the mRNA expression of 445 genes in umbilical cord tissue. Transcripts with decreased expression showed significant enrichment for biological signaling processes related to neuronal development and growth. The altered expression of six genes was found to predict neurocognitive impairment when children were 10 years old These genes include two that encode for proteins involved in neuronal development.Prenatal intrauterine inflammation is associated with altered gene expression in umbilical cord tissue. A set of six of the differentially expressed genes predict cognitive impairment later in life, suggesting that the fetal environment is associated with significant adverse effects on neurodevelopment that persist into later childhood.

  1. Ultrasonic character istics and clinical significance of umbilical cord blood flow in acute fetal distress

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    Wei Dai, Yin Xu


    Full Text Available Objective: To study ultrasonic characteristics of umbilical cord blood flow in acute fetal distress and its correlation with umbilical artery blood gas parameters, oxidative stress parameters, neonatal brain injury and myocardial injury. Methods: The pregnant women delivered in Department of Obstetrics of our hospital were chosen during the period from May 2012 to August 2015. The pregnant women with acute fetal distress were included in the distress group, and the healthy pregnant women with no acute fetal distress were included in the control group. The resistance index (RI, pulsatility index (PI and systolic/diastolic (S/D ratio of umbilical artery were measured at 24–30 weeks, 31–36 weeks and 37–41 weeks of pregnancy. After delivery, umbilical artery blood was taken for analysis of blood gas and determination of oxidative stress parameters. The venous blood of newborns was taken to measure the myocardial injury and brain injury parameters. Results: At 24–30 weeks, 31–36 weeks and 37–41 weeks of pregnancy, RI, S/D and PI in pregnant women of distress group were significantly higher than those in control group. The pH, contents of arterial partial pressure of oxygen, vitamin C, vitamin E, superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase in umbilical artery blood in pregnant women of distress group was significantly lower than those in control group and negatively correlated with the umbilical artery RI, PI and S/D. The contents of partial pressure of carbon dioxide in artery, lactic acid and malondialdehyde in pregnant women of distress group were significantly higher than those in control group and positively correlated with the umbilical artery RI, PI and S/D. The contents of lactate dehydrogenase, hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase, creatine kinase, creatine kinase-MB, S100B, neuron-specific enolase, creatine kinase-BB and Tau in newborns' venous blood in distress group were significantly higher than those in control group and

  2. Human umbilical cord mesenchymal stromal cells in regenerative medicine. (United States)

    Detamore, Michael S


    Cells of the human umbilical cord offer tremendous potential for improving human health. Cells from the Wharton’s jelly (umbilical cord stroma) in particular, referred to as human umbilical cord mesenchymal stromal cells (HUCMSCs), hold several advantages that make them appealing for translational research. In the previous issue of Stem Cell Research & Therapy, Chon and colleagues made an important contribution to the HUCMSC literature not only by presenting HUCMSCs as an emerging cell source for intervertebral disc regeneration in general and the nucleus pulposus in particular, but also by demonstrating that an extracellular matrix-based strategy might be preferred over the use of growth factors. By culturing HUCMSCs under hypoxia in serum-free conditions in the presence of Matrigel with laminin-111, they were able to achieve intense collagen II staining by 21 days without the addition of exogenous growth factors. There is tremendous translational significance here in that such raw materials may alleviate the need for the use of growth factors in some instances, and this may have important ramifications in reducing product cost and streamlining regulatory approval. Chon and colleagues provide a promising example of the potential of HUCMSCs, demonstrating the ability to guide HUCMSC differentiation even in the absence of serum and growth factors and supporting the use of HUCMSCs as a viable alternative in intervertebral disc regeneration.

  3. Amnioinfusion for potential or suspected umbilical cord compression in labour. (United States)

    Hofmeyr, G Justus; Lawrie, Theresa A


    Amnioinfusion aims to prevent or relieve umbilical cord compression during labour by infusing a solution into the uterine cavity. To assess the effects of amnioinfusion for potential or suspected umbilical cord compression on maternal and perinatal outcome . We searched the Cochrane Pregnancy and Childbirth Group's Trials Register (31 October 2011). Randomised trials of amnioinfusion compared with no amnioinfusion in women with babies at risk of umbilical cord compression in labour. The original review had one author only (Justus Hofmeyr (GJH)). For this update, two authors (GJH and T Lawrie) assessed 13 additional trial reports for eligibility and quality. We extracted data and checked for accuracy. We have included 19 studies, with all but two studies having fewer than 200 participants. Transcervical amnioinfusion for potential or suspected umbilical cord compression was associated with the following reductions: caesarean section overall (13 trials, 1493 participants; average risk ratio (RR) 0.62, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.46 to 0.83); fetal heart rate (FHR) decelerations (seven trials, 1006 participants; average RR 0.53, 95% CI 0.38 to 0.74); Apgar score less than seven at five minutes (12 trials, 1804 participants; average RR 0.47, 95% CI 0.30 to 0.72); meconium below the vocal cords (three trials, 674 participants, RR 0.53, 95% CI 0.31 to 0.92); postpartum endometritis (six trials, 767 participants; RR 0.45, 95% CI 0.25 to 0.81) and maternal hospital stay greater than three days (four trials, 1051 participants; average RR 0.45, 95% CI 0.25 to 0.78). Transabdominal amnioinfusion showed similar trends, though numbers studied were small.Mean cord umbilical artery pH was higher in the amnioinfusion group (seven trials, 855 participants; average mean difference 0.03, 95% CI 0.00 to 0.06) and there was a trend toward fewer neonates with a low cord arterial pH (less than 7.2 or as defined by trial authors) in the amnioinfusion group (eight trials, 972

  4. Todos iguais, todos diferentes : a variabilidade genética humana.


    Lima, Manuela


    A secção Biologia é coordenada pelo Professor Universitário Armindo Rodrigues. O estudo da variabilidade genética humana revela informações cruciais que permitem, ao nível biomédico, avanços nos conhecimentos acerca de várias doenças.

  5. Agrotóxicos e saúde humana: contribuição dos profissionais do campo da saúde Agrotóxicos y salud humana: contribución de los profesionales de la salud Agrochemicals and human health: contributions of healthcare professionals

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    Soraia Lemos de Siqueira


    Full Text Available Focaliza a produção científica dos profissionais da saúde, em especial das enfermeiras, sobre o tema agrotóxico e saúde humana. O ensaio reúne e apresenta informações por meio de pesquisa bibliográfica, procurando reconhecer a contribuição de cada autor e sua utilidade para o campo da saúde humana. Foram localizados 32 artigos de pesquisa publicados em periódicos brasileiros. A análise dos artigos destaca que a contribuição dos profissionais de saúde é focada na saúde humana - especialmente na saúde do trabalhador e na qualidade dos alimentos. No intuito de minimizar os efeitos dos agrotóxicos para a saúde ambiental e humana, os autores expõem sugestões de ação, tanto para os profissionais da saúde como para os órgãos competentes.Enfocase la producción científica de los profesionales de la salud, en especial de las enfermeras, sobre el tema agrotóxico y salud humana. El ensayo agrupa y muestra informaciones a través de la investigación bibliográfica, con el objetivo de reconocer la contribución de cada autor y la utilidad para el campo de la salud humana. Fueron encontrados 32 artículos de investigación, publicados en periódicos brasileños. El análisis destaca que la contribución de los profesionales de salud es dirigida a la salud humana, específicamente en las ��reas de salud del trabajador y calidad de los alimentos. Los autores brindan recomendaciones tanto para los profesionales de la salud, como para los organismos competentes con la finalidad de disminuir los efectos de los agrotóxicos para la salud ambiental y humana.This paper focuses on the scientific production of health professionals, especially nurses, about agrochemicals and human health. The essay combines and presents information by means of literature review, with a view to acknowledge the contribution of each author and their use for the human health field. Thirty-two research articles, published in Brazilian journals, were

  6. Leche humana y nutrición en el prematuro pequeño Human milk and very low birth weight nutrition


    G. Torres; L. Argés; M. Alberto; R. Figueroa


    Introducción: En los últimos años ha cambiado de manera significativa el momento de iniciar el aporte enteral en el recién nacido de Muy Bajo Peso de Nacimiento (RNMBPN). Además existen controversias sobre cuál es el mejor régimen para alimentar a este grupo de alto riesgo debido a las cantidades insuficientes de algunos nutrientes de la leche humana. El enriquecimiento de la leche humana con fortificadores de la leche humana mejora los índices de crecimiento conservando los beneficios inmuno...

  7. Is "Delayed Umbilical Cord Clamping" Beneficial for Premature Newborns?

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    Amir-Mohammad Armanian


    Full Text Available Background: The appropriate moment for clamping the umbilical cord is controversial. Immediate cord clamping (ICC is an item of active management of the third stage of labor (AMTSL. Unclamped umbilical cord may cause inconvenience in preterm neonates because they commonly need some levels of emergent services. Some studies revealed delayed cord clamping (DCC of preterm neonates results in better health conditions like lower rates of respiratory distress syndrome (RDS, less morbidities in labor room and lower risk of postpartum hemorrhage. The aim of the present study was to determine the effect of delayed umbilical cord clamping on premature neonatal outcomes. Materials and Methods: In this single‑center randomized control trial study, sixty premature neonates (gestational age ≤ 34 weeks were randomly assigned to ICC (cord clamped at 5–10 seconds or DCC (30–45 seconds groups and followed up in neonatal intensive care unit (NICU. Primary outcomes were 1st and 5th minute Apgar score, average of level of hematocrit after birth, intra ventricle hemorrhage and need some levels of resuscitation. Results: Differences in demographic characteristics were not statistically significant. After birth, neonates who had delayed clamping had significantly higher mean hematocrit after at 4-hour of birth (49.58+5.15gr/dl vs. 46.58+5.40gr/dlin DCC vs. ICC groups, respectively (P=0.031. Delayed cord clamping reduced the duration of need to nasal continues positive airway pressure (NCPAP (86.7% and 60.0% in ICC and DCC groups, respectively, P= 0.039. Attractively, the results showed lower incidence of clinical sepsis in delayed cord clamping neonates (53.3% vs. 23.3% in ICC and DCC groups, respectively, P=0.033. Conclusion: Prematurity complications might decrease by delay umbilical cord clamping which improve the hematocrit, duration of need to NCPAP and incidence of clinical sepsis. Furthermore, DCC may have no negative impact on neonatal resuscitation.

  8. Oligosacáridos de la leche humana. Crecimiento y desarrollo


    José Armando Madrazo de la Garza


    La leche humana es considerada como un tejido en forma líquida, compuesto por células vivas y múltiples factores bioquímicos funcionales que aportan, más que ninguna otra fórmula, grandes ventajas al crecimiento y desarrollo del ser humano al inicio de la vida.

  9. Origen anómalo de la arteria pulmonar derecha de la aorta ascendente: Descripción de un caso clínico Anomalous origin of the right pulmonary artery from the ascending aorta: Description of a clinical case

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    Miguel Ruz


    Full Text Available Se reporta el caso de un recién nacido de diecisiete días de vida, de 3,4 kg de peso, con cuadro clínico de síndrome de bajo gasto: dificultad respiratoria y mala perfusión tisular, por lo cual requirió ventilación mecánica y soporte inotrópico. La ecocardiografía indicó conducto arterioso permeable, foramen, hipertensión arterial pulmonar y origen anómalo de la rama derecha de la arteria pulmonar de la aorta ascendente. Se realizó cateterismo cardiaco que mostró origen anómalo de la arteria pulmonar derecha de la aorta ascendente, hipertensión arterial pulmonar y ductus arterioso permeable. A los veintiún días de vida se llevó a cirugía por esternotomía medial y bajo circulación extracorpórea se realizó reanastomosis de la arteria pulmonar derecha al tronco de la pulmonar, así como ligadura del ductus arterioso. Fue dado de alta cuarenta días después de la cirugía, con tratamiento médico. No mostró signos de hipertensión pulmonar y falla cardiaca.We present the case of a 17 days old newborn weighing 3,4 kg with a low output syndrome: breathing difficulty and poor tissue perfusion, requiring mechanical ventilation and inotropic support. An echocardiogram showed a patent ductus arteriosus (PDA, foramen, arterial pulmonary hypertension ad anomalous origin of the right pulmonary artery branch from the ascending aorta. Cardiac catheterization was performed and showed anomalous origin of the right pulmonary artery from the ascending aorta, arterial pulmonary hypertension and patent ductus arteriosus. He underwent surgery through median sternotomy and under extracorporeal circulation. Reanastomosis of the right pulmonary artery to the pulmonary trunk and ductus arteriosus ligation was performed. He was released forty days after surgery under medical treatment and had no signs of pulmonary hypertension or heart failure.

  10. Reseña del libro: No hay dos iguales. Individualidad humana y naturaleza humana || Review of the book: No two alike. Human Nature and Human Individuality

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    Silvia López-Larrosa


    Full Text Available Reseña de: Harris. J.R. (2015. No hay dos iguales. Individualidad humana y naturaleza humana. Madrid: Funambulista. 482 pp. ISBN: 978-84-943026-6-4. Depósito legal: M -36933-2041. [Original: No Two Alike. Human Nature and Human Individuality (2006.] El libro “No hay dos iguales” de Judith Rich Harris trata de responder a una pregunta difícil: por qué somos como somos, por qué incluso los hermanos, habiendo recibido una educación similar y compartiendo una dotación genética similar, son diferentes entre sí. Si alguien se había hecho antes esta pregunta, la autora, tras un recorrido casi detectivesco, le dará algunas respuestas basadas en nuestras dotaciones genéticas, en nuestras únicas interacciones con los demás y en la elaboración que como humanos hacemos de la información que nos proporcionan los que nos rodean.

  11. Surfactant Protein D Levels in Umbilical Cord Blood and Capillary Blood of Premature Infants

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dahl, Marianne; Holmskov, Uffe; Husby, Steffen


    of SP-D in capillary blood day 1 was 1,466 ng/mL (range 410-5,051 ng/mL), with lowest values in infants born with ROM and delivered vaginally. High SP-D levels in umbilical cord blood and capillary blood on day 1 were found to be more likely in infants in need for respiratory support or surfactant...... treatment and susceptibility to infections. We conclude that SP-D concentrations in umbilical cord blood and capillary blood in premature infants are twice as high as in mature infants and depend on several perinatal conditions. High SP-D levels in umbilical cord blood and capillary blood on day 1 were...... found to be related to increased risk of RDS and infections....

  12. Acquired umbilical hernias in four captive polar bears (Ursus maritimus). (United States)

    Velguth, Karen E; Rochat, Mark C; Langan, Jennifer N; Backues, Kay


    Umbilical hernias are a common occurrence in domestic animals and humans but have not been well documented in polar bears. Surgical reduction and herniorrhaphies were performed to correct acquired hernias in the region of the umbilicus in four adult captive polar bears (Ursus maritimus) housed in North American zoos. Two of the four bears were clinically unaffected by their hernias prior to surgery. One bear showed signs of severe discomfort following acute enlargement of the hernia. In another bear, re-herniation led to acute abdominal pain due to gastric entrapment and strangulation. The hernias in three bears were surgically repaired by debridement of the hernia ring and direct apposition of the abdominal wall, while the large defect in the most severely affected bear was closed using polypropylene mesh to prevent excessive tension. The cases in this series demonstrate that while small hernias may remain clinically inconsequential for long periods of time, enlargement or recurrence of the defect can lead to incarceration and acute abdominal crisis. Umbilical herniation has not been reported in free-ranging polar bears, and it is suspected that factors such as body condition, limited exercise, or enclosure design potentially contribute to the development of umbilical hernias in captive polar bears.

  13. Umbilical cord sparing technique for repair of congenital hernia into the cord and small omphalocele. (United States)

    Ceccanti, Silvia; Falconi, Ilaria; Frediani, Simone; Boscarelli, Alessandro; Musleh, Layla; Cozzi, Denis A


    Current repair of small omphaloceles and hernias into the umbilical cord is a straightforward procedure, whose repair may result in a suboptimal cosmetic outcome. We describe a novel repair technique retaining the umbilical cord elements in an attempt to improve the cosmetic appearance of the umbilicus. Eight neonates were consecutively treated more than a ten-year period. Size of the fascial defects ranged 1 to 3cm (median, 2). Present technique entails incision of the amniotic sac without its detachment from the skin, reduction of the extruded contents under direct vision, and closure of the abdominal wall defect by circumferential suturing of peritoneum and fascia around the base of the amniotic sac. The amniotic sac is then re-approximated and folded to create an umbilical stump, which is trimmed and left to shed naturally. All patients achieved a scarless abdomen with a normal appearing umbilicus in 6. The remaining 2 patients are awaiting surgery for persisting umbilical hernia repair and umbilicoplasty, respectively. Poor esthetic outcome was significantly associated with initial fascial defect ≥2.5cm in size (p=0.03). Present technique is a simple and cosmetically appealing repair for umbilical cord hernias and small omphaloceles, especially effective when the size of the fascial defect is less than 2.5cm. IV (Treatment Study). Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  14. Simultaneous isolation of vascular endothelial cells and mesenchymal stem cells from the human umbilical cord. (United States)

    Kadam, Sachin S; Tiwari, Shubha; Bhonde, Ramesh R


    The umbilical cord represents the link between mother and fetus during pregnancy. This cord is usually discarded as a biological waste after the child's birth; however, its importance as a "store house" of stem cells has been explored recently. We developed a method of simultaneous isolation of endothelial cells (ECs) from the vein and mesenchymal stem cells from umbilical cord Wharton's jelly of the same cord. The isolation protocol has been simplified, modified, and improvised with respect to choice of enzyme and enzyme mixture, digestion time, cell yield, cell growth, and culture medium. Isolated human umbilical vascular ECs (hUVECs) were positive for von-Willibrand factor, a classical endothelial marker, and could form capillary-like structures when seeded on Matrigel, thus proving their functionality. The isolated human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells (hUCMSCs) were found positive for CD44, CD90, CD 73, and CD117 and were found negative for CD33, CD34, CD45, and CD105 surface markers; they were also positive for cytoskeleton markers of smooth muscle actin and vimentin. The hUCMSCs showed multilineage differentiation potential and differentiated into adipogenic, chondrogenic, osteogenic, and neuronal lineages under influence of lineage specific differentiation medium. Thus, isolating endothelial cells as well as mesenchymal cells from the same umbilical cord could lead to complete utilization of the available tissue for the tissue engineering and cell therapy.

  15. El nuevo paradigma genético y la naturaleza humana: Una perspectiva desde la bioética reflexiva y secular


    Orlando, Mejía


    La genética se ha convertido en el área científica con mayores implicaciones bioéticas y sociales, debido al poder de transformación que tiene sobre lo que se ha considerado, hasta ahora, como la naturaleza humana. En este trabajo se propone analizar la relación entre el nuevo paradigma genético, la noción histórica de la esencia humana y los contemporáneos modelos antropocéntrico y evolutivo de la naturaleza humana. Utilizando elementos conceptuales que correspondan a una bioética reflexiva,...

  16. Abnormal umbilical cord Dopplers may predict impending demise in fetuses with sacrococcygeal teratoma. A report of 2 cases. (United States)

    Olutoye, Oluyinka O; Johnson, Mark P; Coleman, Beverly G; Crombleholme, Timothy M; Adzick, N Scott; Flake, Alan W


    To identify factors predictive of fetal demise in fetuses with sacrococcygeal teratoma (SCT). The recent management of monochorionic twins discordant for a large SCT and a singleton with a large SCT were reviewed. Serial fetal echocardiography and ultrasonography with Doppler flow measurements documented rapid growth of the SCT in both cases with a relatively modest increase in combined cardiac output. No placentomegaly or hydrops was observed at any time. In both fetuses with SCT, evolution of abnormal umbilical artery waveforms was observed with the ultimate development of reversed end-diastolic umbilical arterial flow that was followed by sudden fetal demise. Death in these 2 fetuses with large SCTs in the absence of placentomegaly/hydrops or hemodynamic changes suggestive of evolving high-output failure suggests a previously unrecognized mechanism of death in fetuses with large rapidly growing SCTs. In these cases, fetal demise may only be heralded by abnormal umbilical artery waveforms that progress to the premorbid observation of reversed diastolic umbilical artery blood flow. Umbilical artery waveform analysis should be closely monitored with other hemodynamic parameters in fetuses with large SCTs. In such fetuses, depending on the gestational age, abnormalities in umbilical artery waveform should be considered indications for early delivery or in utero intervention to prevent fetal demise. Copyright 2003 S. Karger AG, Basel

  17. ¿Qué pasa en el cerebro de los perros cuando ven caras humanas?

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    Laura V. Cuaya


    Full Text Available Cuando tu perro te ve, no sólo se iluminan sus ojos, también su cerebro. Aquí resumimos un experimento que realizamos para conocer el procesamiento cerebral de las caras humanas en perros, utilizando imágenes de resonancia magnética funcional, en el que encontramos actividad en la corteza temporal, frontal y el núcleo caudado. La actividad en la corteza temporal sugiere que los perros procesan las caras de manera similar a nosotros. Fue inesperado encontrar actividad en el núcleo caudado, porque sugiere que los perros procesan las caras humanas como recompensas, incluso si son caras de humanos desconocidos.

  18. Absence of robust ischemic preconditioning by five 1-minute total umbilical cord occlusions in fetal sheep.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Lotgering, F.K.; Bishai, J.M.; Struijk, P.C.; Blood, A.B.; Hunter, C.J.; Oberg, K.C.; Power, G.G.; Longo, L.D.


    OBJECTIVE: To determine to what extent a series of five 1-minute total umbilical cord occlusions, intended to induce ischemic preconditioning (IP), affects the physiologic responses to a 10-minute total umbilical cord occlusion (damaging insult [DI]) 1 hour later and provides cardio- and

  19. [Multicenter clinical study on umbilical cord arterial blood gas parameters for diagnosis of neonatal asphyxia]. (United States)


    To obtain the normal range of statistics of umbilical artery blood gas parameters of the newborns for diagnosis of neonatal asphyxia. From March 2008 through September 2009, 17 978 singleton term appropriate for gestational age (AGA) or larger than gestational age (LGA) newborns in six hospitals of five provinces/autonomous regions were consecutively enrolled in this prospective study. The normal ranges of umbilical artery blood gas parameters were obtained from 17 645 newborns with 1 min Apgar score ≥ 8. The correlations between umbilical artery blood pH, BE and prenatal high-risk factors, Apgar scores, and organ damage were analyzed. The diagnostic criteria for asphyxia included the following: (1) Having high-risk factors that might cause asphyxia; (2) 1 min Apgar score ≤ 7 (the respiratory depression must be present); (3) At least one organ showed evidence of hypoxic damage; (4) Other causes of low Apgar score were excluded. The study focused on the distributive characteristics of umbilical artery blood pH (clinically corrected by Eisenberg formula) and BE values of the asphyxiated and non-asphyxiated cases in low Apgar score group, as well as the sensitivity and specificity of different selected pH and BE threshold spots within their distributing ranges. Among the 17 978 singleton term AGA or LGA newborns, the statistically normal range of umbilical artery blood pH, BE for the 17 645 cases with 1 min Apgar scores ≥ 8 were 7.20 ± 0.20 (x(-) ± 1.96 s) and -7.64 ± 10.02 (x(-) ± 1.96 s), respectively. The pH well correlated positively with BE (r = 0.734, P blood pH and BE values correlated positively with the Apgar scores. The umbilical artery blood pH and BE values correlated negatively with organ damage (r = 1, the P values = 0.000 for both). Among the 333 low Apgar score cases, the umbilical artery blood pH corrected values and BE values of the asphyxiated group (163 cases) were 7.011 ± 0.09 (x(-) ± s) and -14.98 ± 2.99 (x(-) ± s), being lower than

  20. Comparison between mechanical properties of human saphenous vein and umbilical vein

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    Hamedani Borhan


    Full Text Available Abstract Background As a main cause of mortality in developed countries, Coronary Artery Disease (CAD is known as silent killer with a considerable cost to be dedicated for its treatment. Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG is a common remedy for CAD for which different blood vessels are used as a detour. There is a lack of knowledge about mechanical properties of human blood vessels used for CABG, and while these properties have a great impact on long-term patency of a CABG. Thus, studying these properties, especially those of human umbilical veins which have not been considered yet, looks utterly necessary. Methods Umbilical vein, as well as human Saphenous vein, are respectively obtained after cesarean and CABG. First, histological tests were performed to investigate different fiber contents of the samples. Having prepared samples carefully, force-displacement results of samples were rendered to real stress–strain measurements and then a fourth-order polynomial was used to prove the non-linear behavior of these two vessels. Results Results were analyzed in two directions, i.e. circumferentially and longitudinally, which then were compared with each other. The comparison between stiffness and elasticity of these veins showed that Saphenous vein’s stiffness is much higher than that of umbilical vein and also, it is less stretchable. Furthermore, for both vessels, longitudinal stiffness was higher than that of circumferential and in stark contrast, stretch ratio in circumferential direction came much higher than longitudinal orientation. Conclusion Blood pressure is very high in the region of aorta, so there should be a stiff blood vessel in this area and previous investigations showed that stiffer vessels would have a better influence on the flow of bypass. To this end, the current study has made an attempt to compare these two blood vessels’ stiffness, finding that Saphenous vein is stiffer than umbilical vein which is somehow as stiff as

  1. Contra a "violência de inexistir": psicologia crítica e diversidade humana

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nuno Santos Carneiro


    Full Text Available Ancorado numa perspectiva crítica, este artigo propõe uma revisão teórica sobre as abordagens psicológicas em torno da diversidade humana. Num primeiro momento, são examinadas as evoluções conceptuais que a noção de diversidade foi assumindo na psicologia. Posteriormente, elencamos algumas propostas epistemológicas consonantes com a perspectiva crítica adoptada. Por fim, procedemos a uma sistematização de princípios orientadores de uma praxis crítica celebrante da diversidade humana e combativa do que sugerimos ser a "violência de inexistir", representada pela rejeição das inumeráveis realidades subjectivas e relacionais que sempre nos caracterizam na diversidade.

  2. Ascitis fetal masiva idiopática aislada

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yolimar Navarro Briceño


    Full Text Available La ascitis fetal esta comúnmente asociada a malformaciones gastrointestinales y urinarias, anemia, infección y anomalías cromosómicas. La ascitis fetal masiva idiopática es rara. Se reporta un caso de una embarazada de 33 años referida a las 17 semanas después que se detectó ascitis en ausencia de anomalías estructurales. La evaluación cardiaca y las pruebas diagnósticas de infecciones virales fueron negativas. A las 28 semanas se detectó ascitis masiva sin otros signos de hidrops fetal. La velocidad sistólica pico de la arteria cerebral media fetal estaba elevada. El Doppler de la arteria umbilical, crecimiento fetal y volumen de líquido amniótico estaban normales. El ecocardiograma fetal estaba normal. Se realizó la amniocentesis con resultados normales del cariotipo. A pesar de la persistencia de la ascitis masiva durante el seguimiento, el crecimiento fetal y el volumen de líquido amniótico eran normales con valores elevados de la velocidad sistólica pico de la arteria cerebral media fetal. A las 33 semanas la paciente se realizó cesárea de emergencia por sufrimiento fetal agudo. Se obtuvo un recién nacido vivo femenino normal con valores normales de hemoglobina al nacer. El flujo vascular hepático, vesical y hepato-portal fueron normales. La ascitis se resolvió completamente al octavo día después del nacimiento y el recién nacido fue dado de alta a los 15 días.

  3. A case report of umbilical ring constriction with application of amnioinfusion. (United States)

    Tokunaka, Mayumi; Hasegawa, Junichi; Nakamura, Masamitsu; Hamada, Shoko; Matsuoka, Ryu; Ichizuka, Kiyotake; Sekizawa, Akihiko; Okai, Takashi


    This is a case report of a pregnant 38-year-old primigravida woman. Due to severe fetal growth restriction and oligohydramnios, she was referred to our tertiary perinatal center at 24 weeks' gestation. To rule out chromosomal abnormalities and facilitate ultrasound evaluation of fetal morphology, we performed amniocentesis and subsequent amnioinfusion. Thereafter, a precise ultrasound examination revealed no obvious fetal morphological abnormalities except for a hyper-coiled cord and marginal placenta previa. During expectant management, the amount of amniotic fluid was maintained at 20-26 mm for a few days; however, the pregnancy resulted in intrauterine fetal death after 26 weeks + 5 days of gestation. The stillborn infant weighed 530 g (-3.3 SD) and had no obvious external abnormalities apart from umbilical ring constriction. Although a postmortem autopsy was not performed, it is suspected that the fetal growth restriction and the intrauterine fetal death were associated with the hyper-coiled cord and the umbilical ring constriction. It is thought that umbilical ring constriction might therefore be an irreversible fatal condition in cases with a hyper-coiled cord.

  4. Abnormal systemic venous connection possibly associated with a persistent right umbilical vein; a case report

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    Smevik Bjarne


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Abnormal venous connections involving a persistent right umbilical vein are rare. In a minority of cases the liver is entirely bypassed and the condition is associated with multiple congenital malformations. Case presentation The described case illustrates a systemic venous drainage that was severely abnormal in a newborn girl with a truncus arteriosus type II congenital heart defect. Injection of contrast medium through the umbilical vein catheter revealed a very peculiar venous connection that passed anterio-laterally through the right hemithorax before crossing in an oblique fashion towards the superior vena cava. Conclusions This venous drainage may be the result of a persistent right umbilical vein connecting with the superior vena cava.

  5. Evolucion humana y el ADN mitocondrial (II)


    Amat Olazabal, Hernan


    En el presente ensayo nos proponemos mostrar un recorrido por la historia de nuestros antepasados desde que nos separamaos del linaje de los chimpancés, hace 5 a 6 millones hasta la aparición del Homo sapiens, resultado de una serie de cambios evolutivos trascendentales. Tratamos de presentar los estudios más recientes acerca de la evolución humana y el ADN mt, que evidencia que todos procedemos desde África, y en un época pródiga en descubrimientos paleontólógicos y arqueológicos y de debate...

  6. Correlation between the umbilical artery flow ultrasound parameters of intrauterine fetal distress and fetal ischemic hypoxic damage

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    Hai-Ying Gu


    Full Text Available Objective: To study the correlation between the umbilical artery flow ultrasound parameters of intrauterine fetal distress and fetal ischemic hypoxic damage. Methods: A total of 158 puerperae who gave birth in our hospital between July 2016 and June 2017 were selected and divided into the intrauterine distress group (Apgar<7 points and normal pregnancy group (Apgar≥7 points according to the neonatal Apgar score, the umbilical artery flow ultrasound parameters at 24-30 weeks, 31-36 weeks and 37-41 weeks of gestation were determined, and the umbilical arterial blood gas parameters and oxidative stress molecule levels were determined. Results: At 24-30 weeks, 31-36 weeks and 37-41 weeks of gestation, umbilical arterial RI, PI and S/D of intrauterine distress group were significantly higher than those of normal pregnancy group; umbilical arterial pH and PaO2 of intrauterine distress group were significantly lower than those of normal pregnancy group and negatively correlated with RI, PI and S/D while PaCO2 and lactic acid levels were significantly higher than those of normal pregnancy group and positively correlated with RI, PI and S/D; SOD, GSH-px and CAT levels in umbilical artery of intrauterine distress group were significantly lower than those of normal pregnancy group and negatively correlated with RI, PI and S/D while MDA and 8-OHdG levels were significantly higher than those of normal pregnancy group and positively correlated with RI, PI and S/D. Conclusion: Umbilical artery flow ultrasound characteristics of intrauterine fetal distress are characterized by the increased resistance and decreased blood flow and are correlated with the degree of fetal hypoxia and oxidative stress.

  7. A genome-wide comparison of mesenchymal stem cells derived from human placenta and umbilical cord

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    Sen-Wen Teng


    Conclusion: We identified the consistence and specific DEGs of human placenta and umbilical cord based on the genome-wide comparison. Our results indicated that hMSCs derived from umbilical cord and placenta have different gene expression patterns, and most of specific genes are involved in the cell cycle, cell division, cell death, and cell developmental processes.

  8. True Umbilical Cord Knot Leading to Fetal Demise

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    weight was 140 kg, height 1.69 m, blood pressure 120 mmHg. The booking ... The fetal heart tones were monitored using Doppler sonicaid. They remained normal throughout .... true knot, seemingly because the umbilical cord vessels can be compressed ... Therefore, the Wharton's jelly surrounding the fetal vessels has the ...

  9. Zur Genese der niederländischen Typoxylographien des Speculum humanae salvationis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Robbe, Joost Roger


    This article aims to reconstruct the genesis of the four typo-xylographic editions of the Speculum Humanae Salvationis (two in Latin and two in Dutch), which, from the 16th century onwards, have informed the debate on the origin of printing. The article first summarises the relevant philological...



    Perez, Daniel Omar


    O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar a possibilidade de formular o problema da relação entre teoria do juízo e natureza humana em termos kantianos. Tradicionalmente a filosofia kantiana tem sido interpretada de diversos modos, muitos deles focando a Crítica como trabalho de fundamentação, e pouco ou nenhum lugar tem merecido a reflexão sobre a natureza humana. Entretanto, encontramos nas obras kantianas uma série de referências do “humano” que precisam ser levadas em consideração à hora de es...

  11. Determination of the therapeutic potential of human umbilical cord ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    This research was conducted to evaluate the therapeutic potential of human umbilical cord blood, by determining their effect on bacterial pathogens which included: Streptobacillus sp, Corynebacterium diphtheriae, Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella typhimurium, and Escherichia coli. Cord blood samples were obtained ...

  12. Heart rate and flow velocity variability as determined from umbilical Doppler velocimetry at 10-20 weeks of gestation. (United States)

    Ursem, N T; Struijk, P C; Hop, W C; Clark, E B; Keller, B B; Wladimiroff, J W


    1. The aim of this study was to define from umbilical artery flow velocity waveforms absolute peak systolic and time-averaged velocity, fetal heart rate, fetal heart rate variability and flow velocity variability, and the relation between fetal heart rate and velocity variables in early pregnancy.2.A total of 108 women presenting with a normal pregnancy from 10 to 20 weeks of gestation consented to participate in a cross-sectional study design. Doppler ultrasound recordings were made from the free-floating loop of the umbilical cord.3. Umbilical artery peak systolic and time-averaged velocity increased at 10-20 weeks, whereas fetal heart rate decreased at 10-15 weeks of gestation and plateaued thereafter. Umbilical artery peak systolic velocity variability and fetal heart rate variability increased at 10-20 and 15-20 weeks respectively.4. The inverse relationship between umbilical artery flow velocity and fetal heart rate at 10-15 weeks of gestation suggests that the Frank-Starling mechanism regulates cardiovascular control as early as the late first and early second trimesters of pregnancy. A different underlying mechanism is suggested for the observed variability profiles in heart rate and umbilical artery peak systolic velocity. It is speculated that heart rate variability is mediated by maturation of the parasympathetic nervous system, whereas peak systolic velocity variability reflects the activation of a haemodynamic feedback mechanism.

  13. La agresividad humana

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    López Avendaño, Olimpia


    Full Text Available En este artículo se comparan los planteamientos de Sigmund Freud, Herbert Marcusse y Erich Fromm en torno a la agresividad humana. Analizar esta temática en el contexto actual es relevante dado el incremento de acciones que conllevan gran dosis de violencia tanto en el plano físico, como en el psicológico y espiritual, así como la urgencia de plantear soluciones. La posición de los tres autores permite visualizar la pertinencia de explicaciones que tienden a asumirse en la vida cotidiana en torno a este fenómeno y, sobre todo, construir nuevas perspectivas que las relean, trasciendan y enriquezcan. In this article the expositions regarding human aggressiveness by Sigmund Freud, Herbert Marcusse and Erich Fromm are compared. The relevance of this subject's analysis in the present context is due to the increase of actions that entail a great dose of violence in the physical, psychological and spiritual planes; and to the urgency of raising solutions. The three authors' position allows us to see how adequate are the explanations that tend to be assumed in everyday life; and above all allow us to build new perspectives that make a new interpretation of them, that extend and enrich them

  14. In Vitro Vasoactive Effects of Levobupivacaine and Ropivacaine on the Isolated Human Umbilical Artery and Vein

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alper Kılıçaslan


    Full Text Available Objective: In this in vitro study, we investigated the vasoactive effects of levobupivacaine and ropivacaine on vascular smooth muscle derived from human umbilical arteries and veins.Material and Methods: The strips were mounted in tissue baths at 37°C continuously gassed with 5% CO2 in oxygen for isometric recording of contractile activity on a polygraph. The endothelium of some tissues was mechanically removed to assess the influence of the endothelium on contractility. The strips were precontracted with serotonin (10-6 M 5-HT; n=7. After obtaining the maximal contraction, responses obtained by adding levobupivacaine and ropivacaine (10-9-10-4 M; n=7 cumulatively were recorded. Contractions were expressed as the (% of 5HT maximal response percentage of 5 HT’s maximal response.Results: Both levobupivacaine and ropivacaine induce a concentration-dependent contraction in the smooth muscle cells of umbilical arteries and veins. Maximum contractile response (Emax of levobupivacaine (79.2±2.5, 71.1±2.6 was higher than ropivacaine (68.4±2, 36.2±2.8 on both umbilical arteries and veins. There were no statistically significant differences between contraction responses of endothelium-intact and endothelium-denuded tissues. Conclusion: The results suggest that, in high concentrations, levobupivacaine and ropivacaine may affect umbilical blood flow by contracting the umbilical artery and vein, thus reducing fetal blood flow.

  15. Abnormal umbilical cord Doppler sonograms may predict impending demise in fetuses with sacrococcygeal teratoma. A report of two cases. (United States)

    Olutoye, Oluyinka O; Johnson, Mark P; Coleman, Beverly G; Crombleholme, Timothy M; Adzick, N Scott; Flake, Alan W


    To identify factors predictive of fetal demise in fetuses with sacrococcygeal teratoma (SCT). The recent management of monochorionic twins discordant for a large SCT and a singleton with a large SCT was reviewed. Serial fetal echocardiography and ultrasonography with Doppler flow measurements documented rapid growth of the SCT in both cases with a relatively modest increase in combined cardiac output. No placentomegaly or hydrops was observed at any time. In both fetuses with SCT, evolution of abnormal umbilical artery waveforms was observed with the ultimate development of reversed end-diastolic umbilical arterial flow that was followed by sudden fetal demise. Death in these 2 fetuses with large SCTs in the absence of placentomegaly/hydrops or hemodynamic changes suggestive of evolving high-output failure suggests a previously unrecognized mechanism of death in fetuses with large rapidly growing SCTs. In these cases, fetal demise may only be heralded by abnormal umbilical artery waveforms that progress to the premorbid observation of reversed diastolic umbilical artery blood flow. Umbilical artery waveform analysis should be closely monitored with other hemodynamic parameters in fetuses with large SCTs. In such fetuses, depending on the gestational age, abnormalities in umbilical artery waveform should be considered indications for early delivery or in utero intervention to prevent fetal demise. Copyright 2004 S. Karger AG, Basel


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    Eduardo Rodríguez Yunta


    Full Text Available El presente artículo reflexiona sobre las implicaciones éticas de usar modelos animales para el desarrollo de la medicina en seres humanos. Entre las posturas extremas de condenar toda investigación con animales considerándola irrelevante y la de exagerar y promocionar el importante papel de la investigación con animales como modelo para enfermedades humanas, se adopta la postura intermedia de considerar el uso de animales en investigación como necesario en el estado actual de la ciencia para ajustarse al imperativo moral de curar y prevenir enfermedades humanas, pero buscando formas de reemplazar y reducir el número de animales y de disminuir su sufrimientoO presente artigo reflete sobre as implicações ética de usar modelos animais para o desenvolvimento da medicina em sereres humanos. Entre as posturas extremas, uma é a de condenar todas as pesquisas com animais, considerando-a irrelevante e a outra postura, é a de exagerar e promover o importante papel da pesquisa com animais como modelo para enfermidades humanas. Adota-se uma postura intermediária de considerarar o uso de animais em pesquisa, como necessária para o estado atual da ciência para se ajustarao imperativo moral de curar e prevenir enfermidades humanas, porém buscando formas de substituir e reduzir o número de animais e de diminuir seu sofrimentoThis paper argues about the ethical implications of using animals as models for human medicine development. This reflection adopts an intermediate stand between the extreme positions of condemning all research with animals, considering it irrelevant, and that of exaggerating and promoting research with animals as models for human diseases. Our stand considers that in the current scientific state, research with animals is necessary for adjusting to the moral imperative of curing and preventing human diseases, but methods for replacing and reducing the number of animals as well as diminishing their suffering must be sought

  17. The Umbilical Artery Resistive Index and the Cerebro-Placental ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The Umbilical Artery Resistive Index and the Cerebro-Placental Ratio as a Predictor of Adverse Foetal Outcome in Patients with Hypertensive Disorders of ... East and Central African Journal of Surgery ... Background: Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy causes adverse effects both the maternal and faetal circulations.

  18. Determination of adrenomedullin and endothelin in cord blood and their expressions in umbilical cord vessel of patients with pregnancy-induced hypertension

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ruan Lihong; Zhu Fengquan; Wang Xing; Pan Yu


    Objective: To investigate the role of adrenomedullin (ADM) and endothelin-1 (ET-1) in the pathogenesis of pregnancy-induced hypertension (PIH). Methods: The plasma concentrations of ADM in human umbilical vein of PIH patients (n=30) and normal late trimester pregnancy women (n=12) were measured by radioimmunoassay. The expressions of ADM and ET-1 in umbilical cord vessel of PIH patients (n=40) and normal late trimester pregnancy women (n=12) were detected by immunohistochemistry (SABC). Results: 1) The plasma concentration of ADM in human umbilical vein of PIH patients was significantly higher than that of normal late trimester pregnancy women (P 0.05). 2) The expression of ADM was found in endothelium and smooth muscle cell of umbilical cord vessel, and it increased with the serious degree of PIH. The expression of ET-1 was only found in endothelium of umbilical cord vessel, and it decreased with the serious degree of PIH. Conclusion: The changes of ADM and ET-1 in umbilical cord plasma and vessel may related to regulation of fetoplacental circulation in PIH

  19. Correlation between placenta and umbilical cord morphplogy and ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Context: The ability of the fetus to grow and thrive in-utero depends on a number of factors of which the placenta is a contributor. The umbilical cord is an essential organ connecting the fetus to the placenta and a healthy placenta is essential for good perinatal outcome. Objectives: The study aims at determining the ...

  20. Illthrift in Suckling Lambs Secondary to Umbilical Infections and Possible Implication of Cryptosporidiosis as a Risk Factor

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    Nektarios D. Giadinis


    Full Text Available Illthrift was observed in 20/60 lambs aged 40–45 days in a dairy sheep flock in Greece. Cryptosporidiosis had been diagnosed and successfully treated with halofuginone lactate a month earlier. Parasitological examinations were negative for endoparasites while hematology and biochemistry were unremarkable. Necropsy of 5 lambs revealed lung and liver abscessation, presumably secondary to umbilical infections due to poor farm hygiene, though umbilical lesions were not observed. No new cases were observed following treatment of the umbilicus of newborn lambs with chlorexidine. Although umbilical infections are common, this is the first reported case of illthrift in lambs attributed to umbilical infection; illthrift may be the only clinical manifestation of such infections. The prior presence of cryptosporidiosis may have contributed to the severity of the infection through the reduction of local immunity. Recognition of this possibly underdiagnosed or underappreciated condition may improve medical, production, and welfare standards in the sheep industry.

  1. Umbilical venous catheter retrieval in a 970 gm neonate by a novel technique

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    Arima Nigam


    Full Text Available Umbilical venous catheterization is a necessity for the advanced care of very low birth weight neonates. Even with utmost care, few complications cannot be avoided. Fractured and retained catheter fragments are one of them. Endoluminal retrieval of such a catheter is an uncommon and challenging procedure for the interventionist. The only alternative is an open exploration of these patients. Various techniques have been described for retrieval of such foreign bodies. We describe a novel technique for percutaneous retrieval of an embolized umbilical venous catheter from a very low birth weight neonate.

  2. In vitro differentiation of human umbilical cord blood mesenchymal ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) were isolated by gradient density centrifugation from umbilical cord blood. Spindle-shaped adherent cells were permitted to grow to 70% confluence in primary culture media which was reached by day 12. Induction of differentiation started by culturing cells with differentiation medium ...


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    Vânia Thais Silva Gomes


    Full Text Available Este estudo tem por objetivo contextualizar os benefícios da biomassa de banana verde na saúde humana. A pergunta norteadora para a construção desta revisão integrativa foi: qual os benefícios da biomassa de banana verde para a saúde humana? Para a seleção dos estudos, utilizou-se as seguintes bases de dados eletrônicas: SCIELO (Scientific Eletronic Library Online, IBECS (Indice Bibliográfico Español de Ciencias de la Salud, LILACS (Literatura LatinoAmericana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde e MEDLINE (Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online. Concluiu-se que a biomassa da banana verde apresenta uma boa quantidade de nutrientes, vitaminas, fibras, o preparo é rápido e fácil, e o custo é acessível. É considerado um alimento funcional, pois apresenta prebióticos, amido resistente em sua composição, portanto considerada uma ótima fonte de nutrientes.

  4. A Newborn with a Large Umbilical Cord Pseudocyst with Hemangioma: A Case Report and Review of the Literature

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    İbrahim Akkoyun


    Full Text Available Umbilical cord pseudocysts in a newborn are very rare. They may be associated with patent urachus and hemangioma. Generally, they are localized in a particular section of the cord. Urachal or vitelline duct cysts, teratoma, omphalocele, umbilical cord hernia and hematoma are considered in differential diagnosis. In this case report, we discussed the clinicopathological findings of a pseudocyst with hemangioma involving the entire cord in a newborn, and in particular the confusing conditions related to the excision of the umbilical cord.

  5. [Plug-technique for umbilical hernia repair in the adult]. (United States)

    Brancato, G; Privitera, A; Gandolfo, L; Donati, M; Caglià, P


    Umbilical hernia represents 6% of all abdominal wall hernias in the adult. Surgical repair should always be carried out due to possible occurrence of complications. Aim of this paper is to evaluate the efficacy of the plug-technique. From October 1995 to April 2000, the authors performed 21 operations for acquired umbilical hernia with a defect smaller than 4 cm. Local anesthesia was used and a light intravenous sedation added in particularly anxious patients. The repair was achieved by insertion of a polypropylene dart plug sutured to the margins of the hernial defect. All patients were up and about straightaway and were discharged within 24 hours of surgery. Postoperative pain was mild and required hospital analgesia in only 19% of cases and domiciliary analgesia in 24%. During a follow-up ranging from 6 to 60 months (mean 30), only one recurrence has been recorded. This tension-free technique allows immediate rehabilitation, with few complications and a low recurrence rate.

  6. Interdisciplinaridade e complexidade: uma construção em ciências humanas

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    Carlos Alberto Severo Garcia Jr.


    Full Text Available O presente ensaio é um percurso de reflexão em torno de conceitos relacionados à construção e produção de conhecimentos interdisciplinar em ciências humanas. Parte-se de ponderações sobre os conceitos de disciplinaridade, multidisciplinaridade, interdisciplinaridade, transdisciplinaridade e desdobra-se na discussão do pensamento complexo proposto por Edgar Morin. Compreende-se que a partir da aventura interdisciplinar é possível ponderações acerca das relações e transformações da condição humana frente aos novos alicerces de saberes na modernidade e suas consequências sociais, econômicas e subjetivas.

  7. La vida humana como principio interpretativo radical en la filosofía de Ortega y Gasset




    En este artículo presentamos el concepto de vida humana como texto eterno en el pensamiento de Ortega y sus consecuencias para el problema de la interpretación. La filosofía de la razón vital de Ortega se fundamenta en el concepto de vida humana como realidad radical y principio interpretativo universal, y por esta razón se presenta desde el principio como una filosofía hermenéutica de la vida y no como una reducción hacia la conciencia trascendental. Esta hermenéutica se practica especialmen...

  8. Non-gated fetal MRI of umbilical blood flow in an acardiac twin

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hata, Nobuhiko [University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Tokyo (Japan); Brigham and Women' s Hospital, Department of Radiology, Boston, MA (United States); Wada, Toru [University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Tokyo (Japan); Kashima, Kyoko; Okada, Yoshiyuki [National Center for Child Health and Development, Department of Radiology, Tokyo (Japan); Unno, Nobuya [Nagano Children' s Hospital, Center for Perinatal Medicine, Nagano (Japan); Kitagawa, Michihiro [National Center for Child Health and Development, Department of Prenatal Medicine and Maternal Care, Tokyo (Japan); Chiba, Toshio [National Center for Child Health and Development, Department of Strategic Medicine, Tokyo (Japan)


    Currently, the standard method of diagnosis of twin reversed arterial perfusion (TRAP) sequence is ultrasound imaging. The use of MRI for flow visualization may be a useful adjunct to US imaging for assessing the presence of retrograde blood flow in the acardiac fetus and/or umbilical artery. The technical challenge in fetal MRI flow imaging, however, is that fetal electrocardiogram (ECG) monitoring required for flow imaging is currently unavailable in the MRI scanner. A non-gated MRI flow imaging technique that requires no ECG monitoring was developed using the t-test to detect blood flow in 20 slices of phase-contrast MRI images randomly scanned at the same location over multiple cardiac cycles. A feasibility study was performed in a 24-week acardiac twin that showed no umbilical flow sonographically. Non-gated MRI flow images clearly indicated the presence of blood flow in the umbilical artery to the acardiac twin; however, there was no blood flow beyond the abdomen. This study leads us to conjecture that non-gated MRI flow imaging is sensitive in detecting low-range blood flow velocity and can be an adjunct to Doppler US imaging. (orig.)

  9. Non-gated fetal MRI of umbilical blood flow in an acardiac twin

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hata, Nobuhiko; Wada, Toru; Kashima, Kyoko; Okada, Yoshiyuki; Unno, Nobuya; Kitagawa, Michihiro; Chiba, Toshio


    Currently, the standard method of diagnosis of twin reversed arterial perfusion (TRAP) sequence is ultrasound imaging. The use of MRI for flow visualization may be a useful adjunct to US imaging for assessing the presence of retrograde blood flow in the acardiac fetus and/or umbilical artery. The technical challenge in fetal MRI flow imaging, however, is that fetal electrocardiogram (ECG) monitoring required for flow imaging is currently unavailable in the MRI scanner. A non-gated MRI flow imaging technique that requires no ECG monitoring was developed using the t-test to detect blood flow in 20 slices of phase-contrast MRI images randomly scanned at the same location over multiple cardiac cycles. A feasibility study was performed in a 24-week acardiac twin that showed no umbilical flow sonographically. Non-gated MRI flow images clearly indicated the presence of blood flow in the umbilical artery to the acardiac twin; however, there was no blood flow beyond the abdomen. This study leads us to conjecture that non-gated MRI flow imaging is sensitive in detecting low-range blood flow velocity and can be an adjunct to Doppler US imaging. (orig.)

  10. [Hernia surgery in urology: part 1: inguinal, femoral and umbilical hernias - fundamentals of clinical diagnostics and treatment]. (United States)

    Franz, T; Schwalenberg, T; Dietrich, A; Müller, J; Stolzenburg, J-U


    Hernias are a common occurrence with correspondingly huge clinical and economic impacts on the healthcare system. The most common forms of hernia which need to be diagnosed and treated in routine urological work are inguinal and umbilical hernias. With the objective of reconstructing and stabilizing the inguinal canal there are the possibilities of open and minimally invasive surgery and both methods can be performed with suture or mesh repair. Indications for surgery of umbilical hernias are infrequent although this is possible with little effort under local anesthesia. This article presents an overview of the epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical symptoms, diagnostics and therapy of inguinal, femoral and umbilical hernias.

  11. Primary umbilical endometriosis: To scope or not to scope ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Background. Primary umbilical endometriosis (PUE) is a rare condition affecting 0.5 - 1% of all cases of extragenital endometriosis. The method of using routine laparoscopic inspection of the pelvis to exclude pelvic endometriosis has been applied extensively over the years. It has been demonstrated that even patients who ...

  12. Neurologic condition of healthy term infants at 18 months : Positive association with venous umbilical DHA status and negative association with umbilical trans-fatty acids

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bouwstra, Hylco; Dijck-Brouwer, Janneke; Decsi, Tamas; Boehm, Guenther; Boersma, E. Rudy; Muskiet, Frits A. J.; Hadders-Algra, Mijna

    Prenatal long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LCPUFAs) and trans-fatty acids may affect neurodevelopment. In healthy term children, we determined relationships between relative fatty acid contents of umbilical arteries and veins and neurodevelopment at 18 mo. The study comprised a mixed group of

  13. The umbilical and paraumbilical veins of man.


    Martin, B F; Tudor, R G


    During its transit through the umbilicus structural changes occur in the thick wall of the extra-abdominal segment of the umbilical vein whereby the components of the intra-abdominal segment acquire an essentially longitudinal direction and become arranged in fibro-elastic and fibro-muscular zones. The vein lumen becomes largely obliterated by asymmetrical proliferation of loose subendothelial conective tissue. The latter forms a new inner zone within which a small segment of the lumen persis...

  14. Antecedentes filosóficos e teológicos do conceito pascaliano de natureza humana

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    Luís C. G. Oliva


    Full Text Available O artigo pretende examinar os antecedentes do conceito pascaliano de natureza humana, desde a matriz aristotélica da idéia de natureza, passando pela absorção do conceito pelo pensamento cristão de Agostinho e Tomás, pela constituição do conceito teológico de pura natureza na escolástica tardia e sua crítica por Jansenius. Pascal aprofunda essa crítica, mostrando que a completude e a suficiência pressupostas na idéia de pura natureza são incompatíveis com a atual condição do homem, embora a infelicidade humana aponte para o fato de que a natureza humana permanece relevante como uma exigência irrealizável.The paper intends to examine the antecedents of the Pascalian concept of human nature, from the Aristotelian matrix of the idea of nature, going through the Christian absorption of this concept in Augustine and Thomas, to the elaboration of the theological concept of pure nature in Late Scholastics and its critic by Jansenius. Pascal deepens this criticism, showing that the completeness and sufficiency presupposed in the idea of pure nature are incompatible with the present human condition, though human unhappiness points to the fact that human nature remains relevant as an non-achievable demand.

  15. La energía humana el esfuerzo físico

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    Luis Suárez Flórez


    Full Text Available Se llama la atención sobre la energía humana, su importancia como elemento de productividad y como principio ó quizás como fin de la actividad deportiva. Se estudia el máximo esfuerzo físico, así como también algunos conceptos acerca de la energía aeróbica y la energía anaeróbica.

  16. Realidad humana y mundos de ficción


    González Fernández, Ángel


    Una filosofía de la literatura ha de ocuparse de dos problemas de honda significación para la Antropología Filosófica; por un lado, la dimensión existencial de la literatura: el porqué de la inveterada afición humana a crear y a instalarse en mundos de ficción. Por otra parte, la cuestión de la onticidad de las realidades literarias: en palabras de Unamuno,”¿quién es más real, Cervantes o don Quijote”? A philosophy of literature must address two problems of deep significance for Philosophi...

  17. Anatomical description of the umbilical arteries and impact of their ligation on pelvic and perineal vascular supply after cystectomy in women. (United States)

    Chantalat, E; Vaysse, C; Delchier, M C; Bordier, B; Game, X; Chaynes, P; Cavaignac, E; Roumiguié, M


    In radical cystectomy, the surgeon generally ligates the umbilical artery at its origin. This artery may give rise to several arteries that supply the sexual organs. Our aim was to evaluate pelvic and perineal devascularisation in women after total cystectomy. We carried out a prospective anatomical and radiological study. We performed bilateral pelvic dissections of fresh adult female cadavers to identify the dividing branches of the umbilical artery. In parallel, we examined and compared the pre- and postoperative imaging investigations [magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) angiography] in patients undergoing cystectomy for benign disease to quantify the loss of pelvic vascularisation on the postoperative images by identifying the occluded arteries. The anatomical study together with the radiological study visualised 35 umbilical arteries (n = 70) with their branching patterns and collateral arteries. The uterine artery originated from the umbilical artery in more than 75% of cases (n = 54) of the internal pudendal artery in 34% (n = 24) and the vaginal artery in 43% (n = 30). The postoperative MRI angiograms showed pelvic devascularisation in four patients. Devascularisation was dependent on the level of surgical ligation. In the four patients with loss of pelvic vascular supply, the umbilical artery had been ligated at its origin. The umbilical artery gives rise to various branches that supply the pelvis and perineum. If the surgeon ligates the umbilical artery at its origin during total cystectomy, there is a significant risk of pelvic and perineal devascularisation.

  18. Estudio descriptivo de la presentación de brucelosis humana en Colombia desde 2000 hasta 2012

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    Patricia Lopez Guarnizo


    Full Text Available El objetivo de la investigación fue realizar un estudio descriptivo de la ocurrencia de brucelosis humana en Colombia entre 2000 y 2012, y con base en estudios previos conocer la prevalencia e incidencia de la enfermedad, las limitaciones para el diagnóstico oportuno y el reconocimiento de la enfermedad por el sistema laboral colombiano. La investigación se basó en la búsqueda y análisis de la información publicada en artículos relacionados con brucelosis humana entre 2000 y 2012 en Colombia. En esta investigación se incluyó una fase de recopilación de información y entrevistas no estructuradas a representantes de programas de control de brucelosis y a profesionales expertos. Se analizaron 17 trabajos de brucelosis humana realizados en el personal a riesgo en plantas de beneficio, expendedores y vacunadores del programa de brucelosis animal, en los cuales se reportaron 10 estudios con prevalencias entre 0,14 % y 10,4 % y 7 con seropositividad. En estos se encontró alguna información pertinente a las limitaciones del diagnóstico y se evidenció el poco conocimiento de la comunidad médica frente a la enfermedad. En Colombia no hay una política clara respecto a esta zoonosis de riesgo ocupacional. Solo se menciona la brucelosis en el Decreto 2566 de 2009, en la cual se adopta la nueva tabla de enfermedades profesionales. Se concluye que la brucelosis humana en Colombia es una enfermedad subdiagnosticada y, por lo tanto, subnotificada, ya que no existe un sistema de notificación obligatoria.

  19. Influência do tipo de parto na hematologia do cordão umbilical de cães

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    Godoy Aline Vieira


    Full Text Available O sangue do cordão umbilical humano tem sido crescentemente utilizado como fonte de células-tronco. Os modelos experimentais de células-tronco da medula óssea, em cães, têm propiciado informações importantes para transplantes medulares em humanos. Vários trabalhos citam a influência do tipo de parto nas características do sangue do cordão umbilical (SCU humano. Entretanto, não existem relatos sobre a colheita do sangue do cordão umbilical de cães. O objetivo deste ensaio é avaliar a influência do tipo de parto na hematologia do cordão umbilical de cães. No presente protocolo experimental, foram estudados 54 fetos de cães, ao final da vida intra-uterina, provenientes de parto normal (n=24 e cesariana (n=30. A colheita de sangue do cordão umbilical foi realizada com seringa de cinco mL contendo solução anticoagulante EDTA (1mg/1mL sangue. Em seguida, a contagem global de hemácias, leucócitos, plaquetas, a determinação da concentração de hemoglobina, taxa de hematócrito, os índices eritrocitários foram realizados no contador automático de células. A contagem diferencial de leucócitos foi determinada em esfregaços de SCU corados com May-Grunwald-Giemsa (MGG. Com relação ao eritrograma e ao plaquetograma, não houve diferença significativa entre as amostras obtidas em cesarianas e partos normais. Os valores do leucograma do SCU colhido em partos normais foram superiores àqueles obtidos em cesarianas (P<0,05. Portanto, o tipo de parto influencia os valores hematológicos do cordão umbilical de cães.

  20. Did antepartum hypoxic insult caused by fetal vessel thrombosis influence the procalcitonin level in umbilical blood? A case report. (United States)

    Kaneko, Masatoki; Yamauchi, Aya; Yamashita, Rie; Sato, Yuichiro; Kodama, Yuki; Sameshima, Hiroshi


    We report a case of marked elevation of the procalcitonin level in umbilical blood and neonatal blood at birth. The mother did not perceive fetal motion. Antepartum fetal heart rate monitoring showed a loss of variability and absence of acceleration. No fetal breathing movement, fetal movement, or fetal tone were observed by ultrasonography. The female neonate was delivered by cesarean section at 25 weeks of gestation, with birthweight 774 g. The umbilical arterial pH value at birth was 7.29. Mild elevation in interleukin-6 and tumor necrosis factor-α in umbilical blood were observed. Cytochrome c showed a high level in umbilical and neonatal blood at birth. Placental histopathology revealed multiple fetal vessel thrombosis in the large stem villi and chorionic vessels. The neonate showed no infectious signs throughout the neonatal period. Computed tomography at 3 months of age revealed atrophy in the cerebrum and cerebellum. At 1 year after birth, the infant showed spastic quadriplegia. In this case, antepartum asphyxia due to fetal vessel thrombosis may have influenced the elevation of procalcitonin level in umbilical blood and neonatal blood at birth. © 2015 Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology.

  1. O papel criador do intérprete na efetividade do princípio da dignidade humana

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    Full Text Available Dignidade da pessoa humana, como conceituá-la? Cecília Meirelles definiu, de maneira poética, o vocábulo liberdade: “Essa palavra que o sonho humano alimenta. Que não há ninguém que explique e ninguém que não entenda”. Destarte, pode-se, por analogia, transportar os belos versos para o Direito, e, dessa forma, referir-se à dignidade humana. Realmente, não é tarefa simples definir dignidade, pois seus contornos são, propositadamente, imprecisos e vagos. Nesse sentido, este artigo expõe um estudo da dignidade humana como princípio e em seus aspectos filosóficos e jurídicos, levando ainda em conta a participação do Legislativo, do Judiciário e da própria sociedade para a sua concretização e efetivação, a fim de se chegar a uma análise ao menos razoável desse valor, e, assim, compreender a função do intérprete diante da perspectiva de sua atividade criativa e criadora.

  2. Human umbilical cord blood stem cells and brain-derived neurotrophic factor for optic nerve injury: a biomechanical evaluation

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    Zhong-jun Zhang


    Full Text Available Treatment for optic nerve injury by brain-derived neurotrophic factor or the transplantation of human umbilical cord blood stem cells has gained progress, but analysis by biomechanical indicators is rare. Rabbit models of optic nerve injury were established by a clamp. At 7 days after injury, the vitreous body received a one-time injection of 50 μg brain-derived neurotrophic factor or 1 × 10 6 human umbilical cord blood stem cells. After 30 days, the maximum load, maximum stress, maximum strain, elastic limit load, elastic limit stress, and elastic limit strain had clearly improved in rabbit models of optical nerve injury after treatment with brain-derived neurotrophic factor or human umbilical cord blood stem cells. The damage to the ultrastructure of the optic nerve had also been reduced. These findings suggest that human umbilical cord blood stem cells and brain-derived neurotrophic factor effectively repair the injured optical nerve, improve biomechanical properties, and contribute to the recovery after injury.

  3. Ultrasound-Guided Bipolar Umbilical Cord Occlusion in Complicated Monochorionic Pregnancies

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schou, Katrine V; Jensen, Lisa N; Jørgensen, Connie


    INTRODUCTION: Ultrasound-guided bipolar umbilical cord occlusion (UCO) is used in complicated monochorionic multiple pregnancies in Denmark. The aim of this study was to assess a learning curve in the procedure of UCO. MATERIALS AND METHODS: One hundred and two monochorionic pregnancies treated...

  4. Umbilical cord blood banking ethico-legal issues: review article ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The recent discovery that umbilical cord blood has a high concentration of haematopoeitic stem cells has led to cord blood being used to treat a variety of disorders. Collection of cord blood is easy, non-invasive and generally does not interfere with the delivery process. However, there are various ethical and logistical ...

  5. Minimal Incision Scar-Less Open Umbilical Hernia Repair in Adults - Technical Aspects and Short Term Results

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    Sanoop Koshy Zachariah


    Full Text Available Background: There is no gold standard technique for umbilical hernia repair .Conventional open umbilical hernia repair often produces an undesirable scar. Laparoscopic umbilical hernia repair requires multiple incisions beyond the umbilicus, specialized equipments, and expensive tissue separating mesh. We describe our technique of open umbilical hernia repair utilizing a small incision. The technique was derived from our experience with single incision laparoscopy. We report the technical details and short term results. Methods: This is a retrospective analysis of the first 20 patients who underwent minimal incision scar-less open umbilical hernia repair, from June 2011 to February 2014. A single intra-umbilical curved incision was used to gain access to the hernia sac. Primary suture repair was performed for defects upto 2cm.Larger defects were repaired using an onlay mesh. In patients with a BMI of 30 kg/m2 or greater, onlay mesh hernioplasty was performed irrespective of the defect size.Results: A total of 20 patients, 12 males and 8 females underwent the procedure. Mean age was 50 (range 29 - 82 years. Mean BMI was 26.27 (range 20. -33.1 kg/m2. Average size of the incision was 1.96 range (1.5 to 2.5 cm. Mesh hernioplasty was done in 9 patients. 11 patients underwent primary suture repair alone. There were no postoperative complications associated with his technique. Average post operative length of hospital stay was 3.9 (range 2-10 days. Mean follow-up was 29.94 months, (2 weeks to 2.78 years. On follow up there was no externally visible scar in any of the patients. There were no recurrences on final follow up. Conclusion: This technique provides a similar cosmetic effect as obtained from single port laparoscopy. It is easy to perform safe, offers good cosmesis, does not require incisions beyond the umbilicus and cost effective, with encouraging results on short term follow up. Further research is needed to assess the true potential of the

  6. Inflammatory markers in umbilical cord blood from small-for-gestational-age newborns

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lausten-Thomsen, Ulrik; Olsen, Marianne; Greisen, Gorm


    This study investigates the role of inflammation in intrauterine growth retardation by exploring the levels of inflammatory markers in umbilical cord blood from neonates who were born small-for-gestational-age (SGA) and comparing them to neonates who were born appropriate-for-gestational-age (AGA...... of elevated inflammatory markers in the cord blood from SGA infants compared to AGA infants, and consequently the results suggest an inflammatory component in intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR).......This study investigates the role of inflammation in intrauterine growth retardation by exploring the levels of inflammatory markers in umbilical cord blood from neonates who were born small-for-gestational-age (SGA) and comparing them to neonates who were born appropriate-for-gestational-age (AGA...

  7. Leonardo da Vinci y la nutrición humana


    Carretero Gómez, Mª Begoña


    En esta experiencia trabajamos el tema la nutrición humana con una perspectiva diferente. Para ello hemos utilizado el libro de cocina “Notas de cocina de Leonardo da Vinci” de Shelagh and Routh, como texto base del que hemos extraído diferentes fragmentos, recetas y variada información de cómo era la forma de alimentarse y nutrirse en el Renacimiento. Se han realizado comparaciones entre la época actual y la de Leonardo. Para redondear la experiencia hemos cocinado algunas receta...

  8. Generation of functional islets from human umbilical cord and placenta derived mesenchymal stem cells. (United States)

    Kadam, Sachin; Govindasamy, Vijayendran; Bhonde, Ramesh


    Bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (BM-MSCs) have been used for allogeneic application in tissue engineering but have certain drawbacks. Therefore, mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) derived from other adult tissue sources have been considered as an alternative. The human umbilical cord and placenta are easily available noncontroversial sources of human tissue, which are often discarded as biological waste, and their collection is noninvasive. These sources of MSCs are not subjected to ethical constraints, as in the case of embryonic stem cells. MSCs derived from umbilical cord and placenta are multipotent and have the ability to differentiate into various cell types crossing the lineage boundary towards endodermal lineage. The aim of this chapter is to provide a detailed reproducible cookbook protocol for the isolation, propagation, characterization, and differentiation of MSCs derived from human umbilical cord and placenta with special reference to harnessing their potential towards pancreatic/islet lineage for utilization as a cell therapy product. We show here that mesenchymal stromal cells can be extensively expanded from umbilical cord and placenta of human origin retaining their multilineage differentiation potential in vitro. Our report indicates that postnatal tissues obtained as delivery waste represent a rich source of mesenchymal stromal cells, which can be differentiated into functional islets employing three-stage protocol developed by our group. These islets could be used as novel in vitro model for screening hypoglycemics/insulin secretagogues, thus reducing animal experimentation for this purpose and for the future human islet transplantation programs to treat diabetes.

  9. Therapeutic potential of umbilical cord blood cells for type 1 diabetes mellitus. (United States)

    He, Binbin; Li, Xia; Yu, Haibo; Zhou, Zhiguang


    Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) is a chronic disorder that results from autoimmune-mediated destruction of pancreatic islet β-cells. However, to date, no conventional intervention has successfully treated the disease. The optimal therapeutic method for T1DM should effectively control the autoimmunity, restore immune homeostasis, preserve residual β-cells, reverse β-cell destruction, and protect the regenerated insulin-producing cells against re-attack. Umbilical cord blood is rich in regulatory T (T(reg)) cells and multiple types of stem cells that exhibit immunomodulating potential and hold promise in their ability to restore peripheral tolerance towards pancreatic islet β-cells through remodeling of immune responses and suppression of autoreactive T cells. Recently, reinfusion of autologous umbilical cord blood or immune cells from cord blood has been proposed as a novel therapy for T1DM, with the advantages of no risk to the donors, minimal ethical concerns, a low incidence of graft-versus-host disease and easy accessibility. In this review, we revisit the role of autologous umbilical cord blood or immune cells from cord blood-based applications for the treatment of T1DM. © 2015 Ruijin Hospital, Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine and Wiley Publishing Asia Pty Ltd.

  10. Umbilical Nodule with Cyclical Bleeding: A Case Report and Literature Review of Atypical Endometriosis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marlene Teixeira Andrade


    Full Text Available Endometriosis is defined as the presence of endometrial glands and stroma outside the uterus. It affects 3 to 10 percent of women of reproductive age. Umbilical endometriosis is rare, with an estimated incidence of 0.5–1.0% among all cases of endometriosis, and is usually secondary to prior laparoscopic surgery involving the umbilicus. In this report, we described a case of umbilical endometriosis treated with surgical resection and highlight the great importance of medical history compared to complementary diagnostic tests that can be sometimes inconclusive.

  11. [Systematic umbilical cord blood analysis at birth: feasibility and reliability in a French labour ward]. (United States)

    Ernst, D; Clerc, J; Decullier, E; Gavanier, G; Dupuis, O


    At birth, evaluation of neonatal well-being is crucial. It is though important to perform umbilical cord blood gas analysis, and then to analyze the samples. We wanted to establish the feasibility and reliability of systematic umbilical cord blood sampling in a French labour ward. Study of systematic umbilical cord blood gas analysis was realized retrospectively from 1000 consecutive deliveries. We first established the feasibility of the samples. Feasibility was defined by the ratio of complete cord acid-base data on the number of deliveries from alive newborns. Afterwards, we established the reliability on the remaining cord samples. Reliability was the ratio of samples that fulfilled quality criteria defined by Westgate et al. and revised by Kro et al., on the number of complete samples from alive newborns. At last, we looked for factors that would influence these results. The systematic umbilical cord blood sample feasibility reached 91.6%, and the reliability reached 80.7%. About the delivery mode, 38.6% of emergency caesarians (IC 95% [30.8-46.3]; Panalysis were significantly less validated during emergency caesarians. Realization of systematic cord blood gas analysis was followed by 8.4% of incomplete samples, and by 19.3% that were uninterpretable. Training sessions should be organized to improve the feasibility and reliability, especially during emergency caesarians. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  12. Ventilation onset prior to umbilical cord clamping (physiological-based cord clamping improves systemic and cerebral oxygenation in preterm lambs.

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    Graeme R Polglase

    Full Text Available As measurement of arterial oxygen saturation (SpO2 is common in the delivery room, target SpO2 ranges allow clinicians to titrate oxygen therapy for preterm infants in order to achieve saturation levels similar to those seen in normal term infants in the first minutes of life. However, the influence of the onset of ventilation and the timing of cord clamping on systemic and cerebral oxygenation is not known.We investigated whether the initiation of ventilation, prior to, or after umbilical cord clamping, altered systemic and cerebral oxygenation in preterm lambs.Systemic and cerebral blood-flows, pressures and peripheral SpO2 and regional cerebral tissue oxygenation (SctO2 were measured continuously in apnoeic preterm lambs (126±1 day gestation. Positive pressure ventilation was initiated either 1 prior to umbilical cord clamping, or 2 after umbilical cord clamping. Lambs were monitored intensively prior to intervention, and for 10 minutes following umbilical cord clamping.Clamping the umbilical cord prior to ventilation resulted in a rapid decrease in SpO2 and SctO2, and an increase in arterial pressure, cerebral blood flow and cerebral oxygen extraction. Ventilation restored oxygenation and haemodynamics by 5-6 minutes. No such disturbances in peripheral or cerebral oxygenation and haemodynamics were observed when ventilation was initiated prior to cord clamping.The establishment of ventilation prior to umbilical cord clamping facilitated a smooth transition to systemic and cerebral oxygenation following birth. SpO2 nomograms may need to be re-evaluated to reflect physiological management of preterm infants in the delivery room.

  13. Antropoceno: Una mirada desde la historia humana y la ética ambiental

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    Andrés Segovia Cuéllar


    Full Text Available Este artículo pretende realizar un breve análisis conceptual sobre el término Antropoceno, y cuál ha sido la reflexión respecto a su uso como categoría temporal para describir la historia ecológica en general, y humana en particular. Las preocupaciones por la problemática ambiental contemporánea, han conllevado a la concienciación mundial sobre las acciones humanas sobre el medio ambiente, y han permitido el inicio de profundas revoluciones conceptuales que abogan por una transformación en la actitud ciudadana frente a la sostenibilidad del planeta tierra. Se realizará una reflexión desde la ética ambiental, sobre los principios que rigen el cuidado del medio ambiente y el concepto de desarrollo sostenible en el mundo contemporáneo. Los intentos por establecer una actitud ambiental responsable carecen aún de una ética no antropocéntrica, necesaria para una transformación real de los conflictos ambientales.

  14. La tarea hermenéutica de las ciencias humanas


    Rafael Ávila Penagos


    En este trabajo el autor sustenta la importancia y pertinencia de la tradición hermenéutica para todos los investigadores de las ciencias humanas. Dos casos paradigmáticos sirven para abrir y cerrar el texto. En ellos se muestra, de manera contundente, el impacto de las actividades hermenéuticas sobre la configuración de nuevos sentidos, el cambio en las maneras de mirar y el acceso a nuevas formas de vida en el universo social. En el intermedio, el autor describe el progresivo distanciamien...

  15. Rnas inhibidores frente al virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana


    Sánchez Luque, Francisco José


    En la presente tesis se describe la generaci??n de peque??as mol??culas de RNA con funci??n inhibidora frente al Virus de la Inmunodeficiencia Humana de Tipo 1 (VIH-1). Este virus es el agente causal del S??ndrome de Inmunodeficiencia Adquirida y perteneciente al g??nero Lentivirus de la familia Retroviridae. El virus presenta una alternancia en cuanto al tipo de material gen??tico en su ciclo de vida, siendo RNA en las part??culas virales y DNA en el provirus (durante la fase de latencia o e...

  16. Leonardo da Vinci y la nutrición humana


    Mª Begoña Carretero Gómez


    En esta experiencia trabajamos el tema la nutrición humana con una perspectiva diferente. Para ello hemos utilizado el libro de cocina "Notas de cocina de Leonardo da Vinci" de Shelagh and Routh, como texto base del que hemos extraído diferentes fragmentos, recetas y variada información de cómo era la forma de alimentarse y nutrirse en el Renacimiento. Se han realizado comparaciones entre la época actual y la de Leonardo. Para redondear la experiencia hemos cocinado algunas recetas extraídas ...

  17. Leonardo da Vinci y la nutrición humana

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    Mª Begoña Carretero Gómez


    Full Text Available En esta experiencia trabajamos el tema la nutrición humana con una perspectiva diferente. Para ello hemos utilizado el libro de cocina “Notas de cocina de Leonardo da Vinci” de Shelagh and Routh, como texto base del que hemos extraído diferentes fragmentos, recetas y variada información de cómo era la forma de alimentarse ynutrirse en el Renacimiento. Se han realizado comparaciones entre la época actual y la de Leonardo. Para redondear la experiencia hemos cocinado algunas recetas extraídas del libro.

  18. Leonardo da Vinci y la nutrición humana

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    Mª Begoña Carretero Gómez


    Full Text Available En esta experiencia trabajamos el tema la nutrición humana con una perspectiva diferente. Para ello hemos utilizado el libro de cocina "Notas de cocina de Leonardo da Vinci" de Shelagh and Routh, como texto base del que hemos extraído diferentes fragmentos, recetas y variada información de cómo era la forma de alimentarse y nutrirse en el Renacimiento. Se han realizado comparaciones entre la época actual y la de Leonardo. Para redondear la experiencia hemos cocinado algunas recetas extraídas del libro.

  19. True Umbilical Cord Knot Leading to Fetal Demise | Ikechebelu ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The incidence of true knot of the umbilical cord is not only very low but it is often undiagnosed antenatally when present despite the availability of prenatal ultrasonography. When the true knot remains tight, it may impede the circulation of the fetus and may result to fetal death in utero especially in labor. We report a very ...

  20. Colgajos de perforantes de las arterias epigástricas inferiores profunda y superficial Deep and superficial inferior epigastric artery perforator flaps

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    A. R. Gagnon


    Full Text Available Con el desarrollo de los colgajos miocutáneos de recto abdominal (TRAM, el abdomen inferior ha sido reconocido como la principal área dadora de tejidos autólogos de alta calidad, especialmente útiles en reconstrucción mamaria. Más recientemente la habilidad para obtener componentes adiposocutáneos similares sin sacrificar el músculo recto ha revolucionado el campo de la Cirugía Reconstructiva. El advenimiento de los colgajos de perforantes ha permitido a los cirujanos plásticos lograr los mismos buenos resultados estéticos que con los colgajos miocutáneos tradicionales, pero con un considerable descenso en la morbilidad del área donante. Con los colgajos de perforantes de la arteria epigástrica inferior profunda (DIEP y de la arteria epigástrica inferior superficial (SIEA, los pacientes han incrementado sus opciones de reconstrucción. Este artículo revisa la anatomía quirúrgica de la pared abdominal relativa a los colgajos SIEA y DIEP. Se explican detalladamente los pasos principales para la preparación preoperatoria, la técnica quirúrgica y los cuidados postoperatorios. Se discuten las ventajas y desventajas y se presen- tan los trucos técnicos que pueden ayudar a mejorar el resultado final. Además se ilustran con ayuda de casos clínicos las indicaciones típicas y atípicas.Following the development of the transverse rectus abdominis myocutaneous (TRAM flap, the lower abdomen has been recognized as a prime source of high quality autogenous tissue, especially useful in breast reconstruction. More recently, the ability to harvest a similar adipocutaneous component without sacrifice of the rectus muscle has revolutionized the field of reconstructive surgery. The advent of perforator flaps has allowed plastic surgeons to achieve the same highly esthetic results as with the former myocutaneous flaps while significantly decreasing the donor site morbidity. With the deep inferior epigastric artery perforator (DIEP flap and

  1. Utilidad de la derivación aVR en la identificación de la arteria responsable en el infarto inferior

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    Yanina B. Castillo Costa


    Full Text Available El ECG es el método más simple para el diagnóstico de infarto inferior (IAMinf; sin embargo, su utilidad disminuye para determinar el vaso responsable. Objetivos 1. Analizar la utilidad del desnivel del ST en aVR en la identificación de oclusión de las arterias coronaria derecha (CD o circunfleja (CX. 2. Evaluar la utilidad agregada a los criterios clásicos. Material y métodos Se incluyeron en el estudio 65 pacientes con IAMinf a quienes se les realizó una cinecoronariografía (CCG durante la internación. Se analizaron los criterios clásicos, así como el desnivel del ST en aVR: ?ST =?1 mm, ?ST =?1 mm o nivelado (isoST a 0,08 seg del punto J y se calcularon la sensibilidad (S, la especificidad (E, el valor predictivo positivo (VPP, el valor predictivo negativo (VPN y el likelihood ratio (LR. Se incluyó la derivación aVR en un análisis multivariado para determinar su valor agregado a los criterios clásicos. Resultados La CD fue responsable de la oclusión en 47 pacientes (72% y la CX en 18 (28%. Signos clásicos : CD : la relación del ?STD3/D2 =?1 se halló en 52 pacientes (91,5%; p = 0,001 e ?STD1-aVL =?1 mm en 34 (61%; p 1 en 13 pacientes (50%; p = 0,001 y ?STV5-V6 =?1 mm en 12 (44%; p < 0,001. Derivación aVR : CD : ?ST o isoST en 46 pacientes (81%; p < 0,001; CX : ?ST =?1 mm en 19 (56%; p < 0,001. En el análisis multivariado, el ?ST o isoST en aVR identificó a la CD (OR IC 95% 4,7 (1,1-19,8; p = 0,03, mientras que el ?ST aVR identificó a la CX. Se propone un algoritmo diagnóstico para CD que refleja el valor aditivo de aVR a la presencia de los signos clásicos: ?ST o isoST en aVR (VPP 94%; LR+: 2. Conclusión La derivación aVR es una herramienta útil para la identificación de la arteria responsable en el IAMinf, ya que brinda información diagnóstica adicional a los signos clásicos.

  2. Birth weight and characteristics of endothelial and smooth muscle cell cultures from human umbilical cord vessels

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    Lurbe Empar


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Low birth weight has been related to an increased risk for developing high blood pressure in adult life. The molecular and cellular analysis of umbilical cord artery and vein may provide information about the early vascular characteristics of an individual. We have assessed several phenotype characteristics of the four vascular cell types derived from human umbilical cords of newborns with different birth weight. Further follow-up studies could show the association of those vascular properties with infancy and adulthood blood pressure. Methods Endothelial and smooth muscle cell cultures were obtained from umbilical cords from two groups of newborns of birth weight less than 2.8 kg or higher than 3.5 kg. The expression of specific endothelial cell markers (von Willebrand factor, CD31, and the binding and internalization of acetylated low-density lipoprotein and the smooth muscle cell specific α-actin have been evaluated. Cell culture viability, proliferation kinetic, growth fraction (expression of Ki67 and percentage of senescent cells (detection of β-galactosidase activity at pH 6.0 have been determined. Endothelial cell projection area was determined by morphometric analysis of cell cultures after CD31 immunodetection. Results The highest variation was found in cell density at the confluence of endothelial cell cultures derived from umbilical cord arteries (66,789 ± 5,093 cells/cm2 vs. 45,630 ± 11,927 cells/cm2, p 2, p Conclusion The analysis of umbilical cord artery endothelial cells, which demonstrated differences in cell size related to birth weight, can provide hints about the cellular and molecular links between lower birth weight and increased adult high blood pressure risk.

  3. Effect of the supine position on uterine and umbilical blood flow during the third trimester of uncomplicated pregnancies in multiparous patients. (United States)

    Jaffa, A J; Gull, I; Amster, R; Lessing, J B; Wolman, I


    We established the effects of the supine position on umbilical blood flow when measured during the third trimester in 30 multiparous, normotensive patients. Blood flow in the umbilical and uterine arteries and blood pressure in the brachial and popliteal arteries were blindly taken by two different observers: first in the lateral and 5 min later in the supine position. There was a significant difference in mean blood pressure between the two postures. However, there was no statistical difference in the pulse pressure or in systolic/diastolic ratio in the umbilical and uterine arteries between the two positions. Postural changes in normotensive multiparous patients do not affect uterine and umbilical blood flow during the third trimester of uncomplicated pregnancies. Copyright 2001 S. Karger AG, Basel

  4. The effects of compound danshen dripping pills and human umbilical cord blood mononuclear cell transplant after acute myocardial infarction. (United States)

    Jun, Yi; Chunju, Yuan; Qi, Ai; Liuxia, Deng; Guolong, Yu


    The low frequency of survival of stem cells implanted in the myocardium after acute myocardial infarction may be caused by inflammation and oxidative stress in the myocardial microenvironment. We evaluated the effects of a traditional Chinese medicine, Compound Danshen Dripping Pills, on the cardiac microenvironment and cardiac function when used alone or in combination with human umbilical cord blood mononuclear cell transplant after acute myocardial infarction. After surgically induced acute myocardial infarction, rabbits were treated with Compound Danshen Dripping Pills alone or in combination with human umbilical cord blood mononuclear cell transplant. Evaluation included histology, measurement of left ventricular ejection fraction and fractional shortening, leukocyte count, count of green fluorescent protein positive cells, superoxide dismutase activity, and malondialdehyde content. Combination treatment with Compound Danshen Dripping Pills and human umbilical cord blood mononuclear cell transplant significantly increased the survival of implanted cells, inhibited cardiac cell apoptosis, decreased oxidative stress, decreased the inflammatory response, and improved cardiac function. Rabbits treated with either Compound Danshen Dripping Pills or human umbilical cord blood mononuclear cells alone had improvement in these effects compared with untreated control rabbits. Combination therapy with Compound Danshen Dripping Pills and human umbilical cord blood mononuclear cells may improve cardiac function and morphology after acute myocardial infarction.


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    Ariputra -


    Full Text Available Primary peritonitis defined  as  a microbial  infection  of  the peritoneum  and peritoneal  fluid  in  theabsence of a gastrointestinal or visceral perforation. The source of infection is extra abdominal andmay arise  from  lymphatics  or blood  stream. One  of  the  infection  source  can be  extension  from anomphalitis  or  infected  umbilicus. Omphalitis  can  occur  due  to  complication  of Umbilical VeinCatheterization  (UVC. UVC  are used  to  provide  access  for  resuscitation,  frequent monitoring  ofblood, administration of fluids, blood and parenteral nutrition. We report a case of primary peritonitiswith  pocketed  intraperitoneal  abscess  caused  by umbilical  infection  in  22  days  old  baby. Patientpresent a clinical sign of peritonitis and severe omphalitis with history of using umbilical catheter. X-ray found a free fluid impression in the abdominal cavity. Patient undergo a laparotomy and pocketedintraperitoneal  abscess was  found  around  ligamentum  teres hepatis  area,  suspected  of  infectiouscomplications arising out from the use of umbilical catheter.  [MEDICINA 2014;45:193-198].

  6. El zinc, micronutriente importante en la salud humana


    Alicia Velázquez Pérez; Orelvis Pérez Duerto; Juan Rafael Pino de los Reyes


    La importancia biológica del zinc fue admitida por primera vez hace más de un siglo y en la actualidad continúan los estudios que avalan su valor en la nutrición humana. Se ha comprobado que la falta de zinc es bastante frecuente en la población de los países en vías de desarrollo, sobre todo en edades pediátricas, y se asocia en general a malnutrición y deficiencias de otros micronutrientes. El diagnóstico de la deficiencia leve de zinc en el hombre es difícil, ya que produce muchos síntomas...

  7. Short stature with umbilical hernia - Not always due to cretinism: A report of two cases

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    Sharvil S Gadve


    Full Text Available A 7-year-old boy presented with umbilical hernia and short stature. Growth retardation, recurrent upper respiratory tract infections and delayed developmental milestones were present from infancy. Umbilical hernia was diagnosed at the age of 5 years. On examination, he had short-trunk dwarfism, large head circumference, coarse facial features, joint stiffness, hepatosplenomegaly, and mild mental retardation. He had normal biochemical parameters, thyroid function tests and arterial blood gas analysis. Radiological evaluation showed that the child had Hunter syndrome with findings of J-shaped sellaturcica, proximal bulleting of metacarpals, spatulated ribs and anterior beaking of lumbar vertebrae. The second case was a 6-year-old girl with umbilical hernia, short stature, normal biochemistry and radiological findings of mucopolysaccharidosis. However, she also had corneal opacity; confirmed by slit-lamp examination, which led to the diagnosis of Hurler-Scheie syndrome. Enzymatic studies could not be done in both the cases, as they are not available at most centers.

  8. Umbilical Cord-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells Relieve Hindlimb Ischemia through Enhancing Angiogenesis in Tree Shrews

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    Cunping Yin


    Full Text Available Hindlimb ischemia is still a clinical problem with high morbidity and mortality. Patients suffer from consequent rest pain, ulcers, cool limbs, and even amputation. Angiogenesis is a promising target for the treatment of ischemic limbs, providing extra blood for the ischemic region. In the present study, we investigated the role of umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal stem cells (UC-MSCs in regulating angiogenesis and relieving hindlimb ischemia. UC-MSCs were isolated from the umbilical cord of tree shrews. Angiography results showed that UC-MSCs injection significantly promoted angiogenesis in tree shrews. Moreover, the ankle brachial index, transcutaneous oxygen pressure, blood perfusion, and capillary/muscle fiber ratio were all markedly increased by the application of UC-MSCs. In addition, the conditioned culture of human umbilical vein endothelial cells using medium collected from UC-MSCs showed higher expression of angiogenic markers and improved migration ability. In short, the isolated UC-MSCs notably contributed to restoring blood supply and alleviating the symptoms of limb ischemia through enhancing angiogenesis.

  9. Dignidade da pessoa humana e o décimo segundo camelo - sobre os limites da fundamentação de direitos

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    Sobottka, Emil Albert


    Full Text Available Dignidade da pessoa humana adquiriu em anos recentes um destaque como princípio fundamental a partir do qual são derivados direitos, considerados igualmente fundamentais. Com base na discussão provocada por Luhmann sobre recursos externos ao direito num sistema definido como operativamente fechado e cognitivamente aberto, o texto discute se a dignidade da pessoa humana consegue ocupar este lugar funcional

  10. Enhancing endogenous stem cells in the newbornvia delayed umbilical cord clamping

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Christopher Lawton; Sandra Acosta; Nate Watson; Chiara Gonzales-Portillo; hTeo Diamandis; Naoki Tajiri; Yuji Kaneko; Paul R. Sanberg; Cesar V. Borlongan


    There is currently no consensus among clinicians and scientists over the appropriate or optimal timing for umbilical cord clamping. However, many clinical studies have suggested that delayed cord clamping is associated with various neonatal beneifts including increased blood volume, reduced need for blood transfusion, increased cerebral oxygenation in pre-term infants, and decreased frequency of iron deifciency anemia in term infants. Human umbilical cord blood con-tains signiifcant amounts of stem and progenitor cells and is currently used in the treatment of several life-threatening diseases. We propose that delayed cord clamping be encouraged as it en-hances blood lfow from the placenta to the neonate, which is accompanied by an increase supply of valuable stem and progenitor cells, as well as may improve blood oxygenation and increase blood volume, altogether reducing the infant’s susceptibility to both neonatal and age-related diseases.

  11. Umbilical Cord-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells for Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation

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    Yu-Hua Chao


    Full Text Available Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT is becoming an effective therapeutic modality for a variety of diseases. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs can be used to enhance hematopoietic engraftment, accelerate lymphocyte recovery, reduce the risk of graft failure, prevent and treat graft-versus-host disease, and repair tissue damage in patients receiving HSCT. Till now, most MSCs for human clinical application have been derived from bone marrow. However, acquiring bone-marrow-derived MSCs involves an invasive procedure. Umbilical cord is rich with MSCs. Compared to bone-marrow-derived MSCs, umbilical cord-derived MSCs (UCMSCs are easier to obtain without harm to the donor and can proliferate faster. No severe adverse effects were noted in our previous clinical application of UCMSCs in HSCT. Accordingly, application of UCMSCs in humans appears to be feasible and safe. Further studies are warranted.

  12. Local perceptions, cultural beliefs and practices that shape umbilical cord care: a qualitative study in Southern Province, Zambia.

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    Julie M Herlihy

    Full Text Available Global policy regarding optimal umbilical cord care to prevent neonatal illness is an active discussion among researchers and policy makers. In preparation for a large cluster-randomized control trial to measure the impact of 4% chlorhexidine as an umbilical wash versus dry cord care on neonatal mortality in Southern Province, Zambia, we performed a qualitative study to determine local perceptions of cord health and illness and the cultural belief system that shapes umbilical cord care knowledge, attitudes, and practices.This study consisted of 36 focus group discussions with breastfeeding mothers, grandmothers, and traditional birth attendants, and 42 in-depth interviews with key community informants. Semi-structured field guides were used to lead discussions and interviews at urban and rural sites. A wide variation in knowledge, beliefs, and practices surrounding cord care was discovered. For home deliveries, cords were cut with non-sterile razor blades or local grass. Cord applications included drying agents (e.g., charcoal, baby powder, dust, lubricating agents (e.g., Vaseline, cooking oil, used motor oil and agents intended for medicinal/protective purposes (e.g., breast milk, cow dung, chicken feces. Concerns regarding the length of time until cord detachment were universally expressed. Blood clots in the umbilical cord, bulongo-longo, were perceived to foreshadow neonatal illness. Management of bulongo-longo or infected umbilical cords included multiple traditional remedies and treatment at government health centers.Umbilical cord care practices and beliefs were diverse. Dry cord care, as recommended by the World Health Organization at the time of the study, is not widely practiced in Southern Province, Zambia. A cultural health systems model that depicts all stakeholders is proposed as an approach for policy makers and program implementers to work synergistically with existing cultural beliefs and practices in order to maximize

  13. Influence of obstetric factors on osteogenic potential of umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal stem cells

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    Canella Alessandro


    Full Text Available Abstract Wharton's jelly from the umbilical cord is a noncontroversial source of mesenchymal stem cells (WJMSCs with high plasticity, proliferation rate and ability to differentiate towards multiple lineages. WJMSCs from different donors have been characterized for their osteogenic potential. Although there is large evidence of WJMSCs plasticity, recently scientific debate has focused on MSCs selection, establishing predictable elements to discriminate the cells with most promising osteoprogenitor cell potential. In the present study a comparative study between the presence of osteoblastic markers and different parameters that pertain to both the newborn and the mother was performed. Umbilical cords were collected after all patients signed the informed consent and local ethical commettee approved the study. Obstetric parameters, including baby's gender and birth weight, mother's age at delivery, gestational stage at parturition and mode of delivery were examined. After characterization and expansion, WJMSCs were analyzed for two osteoblastic markers, alkaline phosphatase (ALP activity, and the expression level of RUNX-2 transcription factor, and for their ability to deposit mineralized matrix after osteogenic induction. We found that osteoblastic potential was not influenced by baby's gender and mode of delivery. On the contrary, the highest degree of osteoblastic potential has been shown by WJMSCs with RUNX-2 high basal levels, selected from umbilical cords of the heaviest term babies. Even if further evaluation is required, our hypothesis is that our findings may help in selecting the optimal umbilical cord donors and in collecting high potential Wharton's jelly-derived osteoprogenitors efficiently.

  14. [Correlation analysis of the pre-pregnant body mass index, the gestational weight gain and umbilical cord blood C peptide]. (United States)

    Chen, X L; Han, Y; Zhao, X M; Liu, Y; Lü, J J


    Objective: To explore the correlation among the pre-pregnant body mass index (BMI), gestational weight gain (GWG) and umbilical cord blood C peptide, and to investigate the influence of maternal weight management on the incidence of baby long-term metabolic syndrome. Methods: During May to Aug.2015, 485 pregnant women in Zhejiang Taizhou first people's hospital and Taizhou Huangyan maternal &child care service centre were selected in random and divided into four groups according to pre-pregnant BMI: low body mass, normal body mass, over body mass and obese group, and also divided into two groups for getting gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) or not. According to the gestational weight gain (GWG), all the cases were divided into two groups: above the Institute Of Medicine (IMO) 2009 recommendations or not. According to the outcome, the GDM group which had received weight control treatment, was divided into successful treat group or not. At last, we tested the umbilical cord blood C peptide and birth weight of each newborn and compared the difference in all subgroups. The correlation between the umbilical cord blood C peptide and birth weight were analysed. Results: (1) In the pre-pregnant BMI groups, there were significant differences of incidence of GDM ( P 0.05). (2) Newborn birth weight and the umbilical cord blood C peptide were positively correlated ( r =0.673, P newborn birth weight in all subgroups. (4) All groups showed correlations with neonatal umbilical cord blood C peptide, the GDM mostly (β=0.58), pre-pregnant BMI secondly (β: 0.36, 0.38) , and GWG weakly (β=0.17). (5) By stratification analysis, in GDM group, low body mass was negatively correlated with umbilical cord blood C peptide ( P gestational weight gain and umbilical cord blood C peptide. Suitable maternal weight control especially pre-pregnant body mass index control will lower the baby long-term metabolic syndrome incidence.

  15. Paz y seguridad humana en África: una visión desde la Unión Africana

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    Jerónimo Delgado


    Full Text Available En este artículo se analizan las diferentes iniciativas que ha tenido el continente africano en materia de solución de conflictos y consolidación de la paz desde la perspectiva de la seguridad humana. En la primera parte, se identifican los componentes de la seguridad humana y los factores de inseguridad a los que se exponen los individuos en África, para luego examinar los avances del marco legal de la Unión Africana en la prevención de conflictos con énfasis en la seguridad de los individuos.La segunda parte contiene un estudio de las medidas enmarcadas dentro de la seguridad humana con las que cuentan los estados africanos y la comunidad internacional para la adecuada protección de los individuos, mientras se da un acercamiento entre las partes del conflicto para alcanzar el fin de las hostilidades. Finalmente, se afirma que África reconoce que la seguridad de sus ciudadanos es viable si se entienda que ésta es una responsabilidad compartida por todo el continente, en donde el individuo juega un papel central.

  16. Myiasis gastrointestinal humana por Eristalis tenax Gastrointestinal human myiasis for Eristalis tenax

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    Marcelo Kun


    Full Text Available Son caracterizadas las myiasis registradas en Bariloche y establecidas las condiciones probables bajo las cuales se produjeron las infestaciones. Las larvas obtenidas a partir de heces de 2 pacientes fueron identificadas como Eristalis tenax (Diptera: Syrphidae de acuerdo a las claves de Hartley (1961 y Organización Panamericana de la Salud (1962. Estos 2 casos de myiasis gastrointestinal humana constituyen los primeros registrados en Bariloche (Patagonia, Argentina y sus características responden a las registradas para esta especie de Díptera en otras partes del mundo. La falta de control específico en el sistema domiciliario de suministro de agua ha sido la causa más probable de la infestación. Este registro extiende la distribución de E. tenax y de las myiasis gastrointestinales humanas en América del Sur hasta los 41º 03' S.Foram caracterizadas as miasis registradas em Bariloche (Patagonia, Argentina e estabelecidas as prováveis condições sob as quais são produzidas as infestações. As larvas obtidas a partir das fezes de dois pacientes foram identificadas como Eristalis tenax (Diptera: Syrphdae. Esses dois casos de miasis gastrointestinal humana foram os primeiros registrados em Bariloche, Argentina, e suas características respondem às registradas para esta espécie de Diptera em outras partes do mundo. A falta de controle específico no sistema domiciliário de abastecimento de água tem sido a causa mais provável de infestação. Este registro amplia a distribuição de E. tenax e das miasis gastrointestinais humanas em América do Sul até os 41º 03's.The myiasis observed in Bariloche are characterized and the probable conditions under which the infestations took place established. The larvae obtained from faeces of 2 patients were identified as Eristalis tenax (Diptera: Syrphidae according to Hartley (1961 and Organización Panamericana de la Salud keys (1962. These 2 cases of human gastrointestinal myiasis were the

  17. Incarcerated umbilical hernia leading to small bowel ischemia. (United States)

    Lutwak, Nancy; Dill, Curt


    A 59-year-old male with history of hepatitis C, refractory ascites requiring multiple paracentesis and transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt placement presented to the emergency department with 2 days of abdominal pain. Physical examination revealed blood pressure of 104/66 and pulse of 94. The abdomen was remarkable for distention and a tender incarcerated umbilical hernia. The skin overlying the hernia was pale with areas of necrosis. The patient immediately underwent laparotomy which was successful.

  18. La percepción medioambiental del profesorado de primaria en el tema de la nutrición humana


    García-Barros, Susana; Martínez Losada, Cristina; Rivadulla-López, Juan Carlos


    En este trabajo se muestra como un proyecto de tesis doctoral, dirigido a estudiar el pensamiento del profesorado de educación primaria en ejercicio y en formación sobre la nutrición humana, se acerca a la problemática ambiental. En el artículo se justifica la dimensión medioambiental de la nutrición humana que sirve de referencia para las decisiones tomadas en la metodología planteada. Así mismo se presentan unos primeros resultados, que aunque todavía limitados, ponen de manifiesto que la s...

  19. Caminhos do desconhecido: busca da compreensão do conceito de dignidade humana pelas assistentes sociais em Lisboa


    Bittencourt, Moema Bragança


    A presente dissertação propõe-se perceber como as assistentes sociais em Lisboa conceituam a dignidade humana. Tendo como referencial teórico o conceito de dignidade humana de Sarlet (2011), que o apresenta como uma qualidade intrínseca ao ser humano mas que também necessita de um rol de direitos fundamentais que garantam condições concretas para sua vivência e exercício pelos indivíduos em sociedade. Partindo-se de uma análise histórica do conceito de homem, da humanidade como elo comum dos ...

  20. Carcinoma hepatocelular en una paciente con virus de inmunodeficiencia humana/sida y cirrosis hepática

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    Ernesto Arias Beatón


    Full Text Available Se presenta el caso clínico de una paciente de 42 años con positividad del virus de inmunodeficiencia humana desde hacía 3 años, quien acudió a la consulta de Cirugía del Hospital Gubernamental de Mbabane, en Swazilandia, por presentar un tumor abdominal doloroso en el cuadrante superior derecho, unido a astenia, anorexia y ligera ictericia. Fue evaluada en la consulta de Oncología y, luego de realizarle los exámenes complementarios necesarios, se le diagnosticó cáncer hepatocelular asociado a virus de inmunodeficiencia humana/sida y cirrosis hepática en estadio III. Posteriormente fue remitida a Sudáfrica para recibir radioterapia y quimioterapia combinadas

  1. Elefantes e intervención humana en los yacimientos del Pleistoceno Inferior y Medio de África y Europa


    Martos Romero, Juan Antonio


    En el presente artículo se revisan yacimientos africanos y europeos donde se ha planteado la existencia de una intervención humana sobre elefantes. Se establece una diferencia entre sitios con un sólo individuo (tipo 1) o un número alto de elefantes (tipo 2). Con independencia del carácter de la intervención humana, cuando ésta es evidente, tales diferencias responden a unos procesos de formación distintos con problemáticas singulares que condicionan finalmente la capacidad informativa del ya...

  2. The impact of umbilical and uterine artery Doppler indices on antenatal course, labor and delivery in a low-risk primigravid population.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Cooley, Sharon M


    AIMS: To evaluate the impact of umbilical and uterine artery Doppler in the second and third trimester on antenatal course, labor and delivery in a low-risk primigravid population. METHODS: Prospective recruitment of 1011 low-risk primigravidas with uterine and umbilical artery Doppler assessment at 22-24 weeks and 36 weeks. All mothers and infants were reviewed postnatally with a retrospective analysis of ultrasound and clinical outcome data. RESULTS: Elevated uterine artery indices were associated with increased rates of threatened miscarriage, higher rates of pre-eclampsia (PET) and a higher incidence of fetal birth weight <2nd and 9th centile for gestation. Uterine artery pulsatility index (PI) >95th centile for gestation was associated with statistically higher rates of small-for-gestational age (SGA) infants. Elevated umbilical artery indices were associated with higher rates of induction of labor and a higher incidence of fetal birth weight infants <2nd and 9th centile for gestation. Umbilical artery PI >95th centile for gestation was associated with statistically higher rates of SGA infants. CONCLUSION: Elevated uterine and umbilical artery indices are associated with higher rates of maternal and fetal disease.

  3. Human umbilical cord blood mononuclear cell transplantation for delayed encephalopathy after carbon monoxide intoxication

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    Gong D


    Full Text Available Dianrong Gong,1 Haiyan Yu,1 Weihua Wang,2 Haixin Yang,1 Fabin Han1,21Department of Neurology, 2Centre for Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine, Liaocheng People's Hospital, The Affiliated Liaocheng Hospital, Taishan Medical University, Shandong, People's Republic of ChinaAbstract: Stem cell transplantation is one of the potential treatments for neurological disorders. Since human umbilical cord stem cells have been shown to provide neuroprotection and promote neural regeneration, we have attempted to transplant the human umbilical cord blood mononuclear cells (hUCB-MNCs to treat patients with delayed encephalopathy after carbon monoxide intoxication (DEACOI. The hUCB-MNCs were isolated from fresh umbilical cord blood and were given to patients subarachnoidally. Physical examinations, mini-mental state examination scores, and computed tomography scans were used to evaluate the improvement of symptoms, signs, and pathological changes of the patient's brain before and after hUCB-MNC transplantation. A total of 12 patients with DEACOI were treated with hUCB-MNCs in this study. We found that most of the patients have shown significant improvements in movement, behavior, and cognitive function, and improved brain images in 1–4 months from the first transplantation of hUCB-MNCs. None of these patients have been observed to have any severe adverse effects. Our study suggests that the hUCB-MNC transplantation may be a safe and effective treatment for DEACOI. Further studies and clinical trials with more cases, using more systematic scoring methods, are needed to evaluate brain structural and functional improvements in patients with DEACOI after hUCB-MNC therapy.Keywords: human umbilical cord blood mononuclear cells, transplantation, delayed encephalopathy after carbon monoxide intoxication, MMSE

  4. A dignidade humana como afirmação histórica

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    Afonso Soares Oliveira Sobrinho


    Full Text Available Vivenciamos um mundo em que o econômico se sobrepõe ao político e as desigualdades sociais e culturais são tão marcantes e prevalece o consumismo sobre a vida tornando-a banal. A afirmação histórica da dignidade da pessoa humana como dimensão de direitos faz-se mister na busca pela efetividade dos direitos sociais no novo constitucionalismo.

  5. Nivel de conocimientos de médicos generales integrales de Las Tunas sobre nutrición humana

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    Eslhey Sánchez Domínguez


    Full Text Available La nutrición humana es un instrumento imprescindible a la hora de realizar intervenciones de salud, para ello se requiere de profesionales con un nivel adecuado de conocimientos sobre esta materia. Se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo, transversal, en las cuatro áreas de salud del municipio de Las Tunas, en el período comprendido entre septiembre de 2010 y febrero de 2011. El objetivo de la investigación fue caracterizar los niveles de conocimientos sobre nutrición humana que tienen los especialistas y los residentes en medicina general integral. La muestra quedó conformada por 162 profesionales, a los que se les aplicó un cuestionario estructurado en cinco temas. Se realizó el análisis porcentual de los resultados y, de acuerdo al análisis integral del cuestionario, el 56,2% demostró conocimientos en los niveles medio y alto, el resto evidenció insuficiencias significativas (71 profesionales. Por el tipo de pregunta, el 49,4% (80 profesionales reveló dificultades en diferentes aspectos que constituyen generalidades de nutrición humana. En contraste con ello, el 62,3% demostró niveles de conocimientos medios y altos acerca del empleo de la nutrición en la prevención y tratamiento de enfermedades. Por temas, las deficiencias se centraron en: Aspectos generales y Alimentos, con el 51,2 y 58,7%, respectivamente. Se concluye que en los profesionales incluidos en el estudio existió un discreto predominio de los que poseen niveles de conocimientos medios y altos sobre nutrición humana. Las mayores deficiencias cognoscitivas estuvieron al relacionar los nutrientes con los alimentos y en aspectos generales de nutrición, que es necesario tener presente a la hora de promocionar estilos de vida saludables

  6. Vitamin K1 levels in the umbilical cord blood of neonates in Arkhangelsk

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    L. G. Kiseleva


    Full Text Available The optimal course of biochemical processes needs adequate dietary intake of vitamins involved in the body’s metabolic reactions. The basis for the pathogenesis of neonatal hemorrhagic disease is deficiency of vitamin K, the level of which in the North-Western Region of Russia was estimated for the first time.Objective: to measure umbilical cord blood vitamin K1 levels in newborn infants.Methods. Forty full-term newborns were examined. Vitamin K1 levels were determined using high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry.Results. The mean umbilical blood cord level of vitamin K1 was very low and amounted to 0.05 (<0.03; 0.15 µg/l. This study revealed no relationship between the level of the above trace element and neonatal sex (p=0,854, maternal age (p=0,913, abortions (p=0,568, threatened abortion (p=0,109, smoking (p=0,923.Conclusion. The umbilical cord blood concentration of vitamin K1 in the newborns was found to be very low, which increases the risk of hemorrhagic disease and requires exogenous replenishment of the above vitamin after birth. 

  7. La cultura comunicada en el origen de la violencia humana


    Garrido Lora, Manuel


    La ciencia actual considera la preponderancia de los factores culturales sobre los biológicos en la determinación de la violencia humana intraespecífica.Con independencia de los propósitos –intrumentales o emocionales– y los agentes –individuos o grupos -, la violencia está presente en todas las culturas, como demuestran los más recientes estudios antropológicos. Los valores culturales dominantes determinan el desarrollo o inhibición de pautas de comportamiento violento a partir d...

  8. Outcomes after Unrelated Umbilical Cord Blood Transplantation for Children with Osteopetrosis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Chiesa, Robert; Ruggeri, Annalisa; Paviglianiti, Annalisa; Zecca, Marco; Gónzalez-Vicent, Marta; Bordon, Victoria; Stein, Jerry; Lawson, Sarah; Dupont, Sophie; Lanino, Edoardo; Abecasis, Manuel; Al-Seraihy, Amal; Kenzey, Chantal; Bierings, Marc; Locatelli, Franco; Gluckman, Eliane; Schulz, Ansgar; Gennery, Andrew; Page, Kristin; Kurtzberg, Joanne; Rocha, Vanderson


    Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) is the only curative treatment for most children with osteopetrosis (OP). Timing of HSCT is critical; therefore, umbilical cord blood transplantation (UCBT) is an attractive option. We analyzed outcomes after UCBT in 51 OP children. Median age at UCBT

  9. The idiopathic preterm delivery methylation profile in umbilical cord blood DNA

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Fernando, Febilla; Keijser, Remco; Henneman, Peter; van der Kevie-Kersemaekers, Anne-Marie F.; Mannens, Marcel Mam; van der Post, Joris Am; Afink, Gijs B.; Ris-Stalpers, Carrie


    Preterm delivery is the leading cause of neonatal morbidity and mortality. Two-thirds of preterm deliveries are idiopathic. The initiating molecular mechanisms behind spontaneous preterm delivery are unclear. Umbilical cord blood DNA samples are an easy source of material to study the neonatal state

  10. Five cases of caudal regression with an aberrant abdominal umbilical artery: Further support for a caudal regression-sirenomelia spectrum. (United States)

    Duesterhoeft, Sara M; Ernst, Linda M; Siebert, Joseph R; Kapur, Raj P


    Sirenomelia and caudal regression have sparked centuries of interest and recent debate regarding their classification and pathogenetic relationship. Specific anomalies are common to both conditions, but aside from fusion of the lower extremities, an aberrant abdominal umbilical artery ("persistent vitelline artery") has been invoked as the chief anatomic finding that distinguishes sirenomelia from caudal regression. This observation is important from a pathogenetic viewpoint, in that diversion of blood away from the caudal portion of the embryo through the abdominal umbilical artery ("vascular steal") has been proposed as the primary mechanism leading to sirenomelia. In contrast, caudal regression is hypothesized to arise from primary deficiency of caudal mesoderm. We present five cases of caudal regression that exhibit an aberrant abdominal umbilical artery similar to that typically associated with sirenomelia. Review of the literature identified four similar cases. Collectively, the series lends support for a caudal regression-sirenomelia spectrum with a common pathogenetic basis and suggests that abnormal umbilical arterial anatomy may be the consequence, rather than the cause, of deficient caudal mesoderm. (c) 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

  11. Umbilical blood flow ultrasound characteristics of perioperative fetal intrauterine hypoxia and their relationship with maternal and fetal oxidative stress injury

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    Yu-Mei He


    Full Text Available Objective: To study the relationship between umbilical blood flow ultrasound characteristics of perioperative fetal intrauterine hypoxia and maternal as well as fetal oxidative stress injury. Methods: 108 puerperae giving birth in our hospital between May 2014 and October 2016 were selected and divided into normal pregnancy group with neonatal Apgar score >7 points and intrauterine hypoxia group with neonatal Apgar score ≤7 points, color Doppler diasonograph was used to determine umbilical blood flow ultrasound parameters, umbilical cord blood was collected to determine the levels of oxidative stress products, and the placenta was collected to determine the levels of oxidative stress products and related apoptosis molecules. Results: During 24–30 weeks, 31–36 weeks and 37–41 weeks of pregnancy, umbilical blood flow resistance index (RI, pulsatility index (PI and diastolic velocity/systolic velocity (S/D of intrauterine hypoxia group were significantly higher than those of normal pregnancy group (P<0.05; malondialdehyde (MDA, oxidized low-density lipoprotein (ox- LDL, 8-isoprostanes (8-iso, and heat shock protein 70 (HSP-70 levels in umbilical cord blood of intrauterine hypoxia group were significantly higher than those of normal pregnancy group (P<0.05, MDA, oxLDL, 8-ios, HSP-70, Fas, FasL and Bax levels in placenta tissue were significantly higher than those of normal pregnancy group (P<0.05, and Bcl-2 and XIAP levels were significantly lower than those of normal pregnancy group (P<0.05; RI, PI and S/ D were positively correlated with MDA, oxLDL, 8-ios and HSP-70 levels in umbilical cord blood and placenta tissue, positively correlated with Fas, FasL and Bax levels in placenta tissue, and negatively correlated with Bcl-2 and XIAP levels in placental tissue. Conclusions: The increased umbilical blood flow resistance and decreased flow volume of fetal intrauterine hypoxia are closely related to maternal, fetal and placental oxidative

  12. Evaluation of hyaluronan from different sources: Streptococcus zooepidemicus, rooster comb, bovine vitreous, and human umbilical cord. (United States)

    Shiedlin, Aviva; Bigelow, Russell; Christopher, William; Arbabi, Saman; Yang, Laura; Maier, Ronald V; Wainwright, Norman; Childs, Alice; Miller, Robert J


    Sodium hyaluronate (HA) is widely distributed in extracellular matrixes and can play a role in orchestrating cell function. Consequently, many investigators have looked at the effect of exogenous HA on cell behavior in vitro. HA can be isolated from several sources (e.g., bacterial, rooster comb, umbilical cord) and therefore can possess diverse impurities. This current study compares the measured impurities and the differences in biological activity between HA preparations from these sources. It was demonstrated that nucleic acid and protein content was highest in human umbilical cord and bovine vitreous HA and was low in bacterial and rooster comb HA. Macrophages exposed to human umbilical cord HA produced significantly higher amounts of TNF-alpha relative to control or bacterial-derived HA. These results indicate that the source of HA should be considered due to differences in the amounts and types of contaminants that could lead to widely different behaviors in vitro and in vivo.

  13. Ocorrência de um novo caso de singamose humana em São Paulo, Brasil

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    V. A. Santos


    Full Text Available Os autores relatam um caso de Singamose humana pela espécie Syngamus laryngeus, RAILLIET, 1899, eliminada espontaneamente durante forte acesso de tosse. A presente nota registra o 12° caso humano dessa parasitose no Brasil e o 2." em São Paulo.

  14. Ocorrência de fascioliasis humana no município de Volta Redonda, RJ, Brasil

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    E Pile


    Full Text Available Através do resultado de exames coprológicos realizados em pacientes atendidos em postos de saúde e hospitais do município de Volta Redonda, assinala-se a primeira ocorrência da fascioliasis humana no Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.

  15. Ocorrência de fascioliasis humana no município de Volta Redonda, RJ, Brasil

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    Pile E


    Full Text Available Através do resultado de exames coprológicos realizados em pacientes atendidos em postos de saúde e hospitais do município de Volta Redonda, assinala-se a primeira ocorrência da fascioliasis humana no Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.

  16. A critical appraisal of the use of umbilical artery Doppler ultrasound in high-risk pregnancies: use of meta-analyses in evidence-based obstetrics

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Westergaard, H.B.; Langhoff-Roos, J.; Lingman, G.


    Doppler velocimetry; high-risk pregnancy; meta-analysis; intrauterine growth restriction; perinatal mortality; umbilical artery......Doppler velocimetry; high-risk pregnancy; meta-analysis; intrauterine growth restriction; perinatal mortality; umbilical artery...

  17. Monitorización ultrasonográfica de endarterectomía carotídea y angioplastia transluminal percutánea como procedimientos de revascularización carotídea en estenosis de alto grado de la arteria carótida interna extracraneal


    Benavente Fernández, Lorena


    INTRODUCCIÓN El ictus aterotrombótico por ateromatosis carotídea, es el responsable del 15-20% de todos los ictus. Siendo la arteria carótida interna (ACI) un vaso principal para la irrigación del parénquima cerebral, cuando dicha ateromatosis condiciona una estenosis significativa con alto riesgo tromboembólico se plantea la necesidad de un tratamiento revascularizador. La endarterectomía carotídea (EAC) y la angioplastia endoluminal (ASC) con o sin implante de stent son las dos opciones ...

  18. Características de la transmisión perinatal del virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana en la región zuliana


    Villalobos, Noren


    Objetivo: Determinar las características de la transmisión perinatal del virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana en la región zuliana, y establecer la efectividad de la terapia antirretroviral empleada. Método: Estudio retrospectivo, descriptivo, simple y estratificado de embarazadas con virus de inmunodeficiencia humana positivo diagnosticadas antes o durante el embarazo, entre el 1º de julio de 1996 hasta el 31 de diciembre de 2000. Ambiente: Departamento Obstétrico del Hospital Universitario ...

  19. Segurança de fármacos citotóxicos em medicina veterinária versus medicina humana


    Palminha, Joana Isabel Mariano


    Dissertação de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina Veterinária A utilização de fármacos citotóxicos em Medicina Humana iniciou-se na década de 40, e desde então tem vindo a evoluir, tornando-se numa prática corrente na terapêutica oncológica. A exposição a estes fármacos representa um risco de saúde ocupacional, documentado em diversos estudos. Por esta razão, em Medicina Humana, as regras de segurança para a manipulação destes fármacos constituem um assunto muito discutido, exis...

  20. The Impact of Umbilical Blood Flow Regulation on Fetal Development Differs in Diabetic and Non-Diabetic Pregnancy

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    Jian Li


    Full Text Available Background/Aims: Diabetes is well-known to influence endothelial function. Endothelial function and blood flow regulation might be different in diabetic and non-diabetic pregnancy. However, the impact of umbilical blood flow regulation in gestational diabetes on fetal development is unknown so far. Methods: In a prospective birth cohort study, we analyzed the association of the umbilical artery Doppler indices (pulsatility index, resistance index and systolic/diastolic ratio and fetal size measures (biparietal diameter, head circumference, abdominal circumference, femur length and birth weight in 519 non-gestational diabetes mellitus pregnancies (controls and 226 gestational diabetes mellitus pregnancies in middle (day 160.32 ±16.29 of gestation and late (day 268.12 ±13.04 of gestation pregnancy. Results: Multiple regression analysis considering confounding factors (gestational day of ultrasound examination, offspring sex, maternal body mess index before pregnancy, maternal age at delivery, maternal body weight at delivery and maternal hypertension showed that umbilical artery Doppler indices (pulsatility index, resistance index and systolic/diastolic ratio were associated with fetal head circumference and femur length in middle gestational diabetes mellitus pregnancy but not in non-gestational diabetes mellitus pregnancy. Head circumference, biparietal diameter, abdominal circumference and femur length in mid gestation were smaller in fetus of gestational diabetes mellitus pregnancy versus non-gestational diabetes mellitus pregnancy. In contrast to non-gestational diabetes mellitus pregnancy in late gestation, umbilical artery Doppler indices in gestational diabetes mellitus pregnancy were not associated with ultrasound measures of fetal growth. Birth weight was slightly increased in gestational diabetes mellitus pregnancy as compared to non-gestational diabetes mellitus pregnancy. Conclusions: The impact of umbilical blood flow on fetal

  1. La vida humana como principio interpretativo radical en la filosofía de Ortega y Gasset

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    Antonio Gutiérrez-Pozo


    Full Text Available En este artículo presentamos el concepto de vida humana como texto eterno en el pensamiento de Ortega y sus consecuencias para el problema de la interpretación. La filosofía de la razón vital de Ortega se fundamenta en el concepto de vida humana como realidad radical y principio interpretativo universal, y por esta razón se presenta desde el principio como una filosofía hermenéutica de la vida y no como una reducción hacia la conciencia trascendental. Esta hermenéutica se practica especialmente en el ámbito del arte. Pero para Ortega todo texto es hermenéutico y necesita por tanto la interpretación, porque ningún texto posee en sí mismo su verdad.

  2. Origem das artérias dos nós sinoatrial e atrioventricular em população do sul da Índia: um estudo angiográfico Origen de las arterias de los nódulos sinusal y atrioventricular en población del Sur de la India: un estudio angiográfico Origin of the sinoatrial and atrioventricular nodal arteries in South Indians: an angiographic study

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    Lakshmi Ramanathan


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: Estudar o suprimento arterial do sistema condutor e sua correlação com a dominância das artérias coronárias em população do sul da Índia. OBJETIVO: Determinar angiograficamente as origens da artéria do nó sinoatrial (AnSA e artéria do nó atrioventricular (AnAV em indianos. MÉTODOS: O ESTudo incluiu 300 pacientes consecutivos (114 do sexo feminino e 186 do sexo masculino; idade média, 55 anos, habitantes da região costeira ao sul da Índia, submetidos a cineangiocoronariografia devido a sintomas como dor no peito, angina pectoris ou teste ergométrico positivo. As angiografias incluíram ambas as artérias coronárias (direita e esquerda em posição oblíqua anterior direita e esquerda. A origem da AnSA e AnAV a partir das artérias coronárias foi observada e correlacionada à dominância arterial. RESULTADOS: O nó SA (sinoatrial recebeu suprimento pela artéria coronária direita (ACD em 53% dos casos, pelo ramo circunflexo (Cx da artéria coronária esquerda (ACE em 42,66% dos casos, e em 4,33% dos casos esse nó foi irrigado por ambas as artérias coronárias. O nó AV (atrioventricular também recebeu suprimento sanguíneo com mais frequência da ACD (72,33% dos casos do que do ramo Cx da ACE (27,66%. Surpreendentemente, em nenhum caso este nó recebeu suprimento de ambas as artérias coronárias. CONCLUSÃO: Os Resultados do presente estudo podem auxiliar os cirurgiões cardíacos, sobretudo em cirurgias relacionadas a valvopatias, devido à franca proximidade entre os ramos nodais e o complexo valvar.FUNDAMENTO: Estudiar el suministro arterial del sistema conductor y su correlación con la dominancia de las arterias coronarias en población del Sur de la India. OBJETIVO: Determinar angiográficamente los orígenes de la arteria del nódulo sinusal (AnSA y la arteria del nódulo atrioventricular (AnAV en indios. MÉTODOS: El estudio incluyó 300 pacientes consecutivos (114 del sexo femenino y 186 del sexo

  3. Double half-cone flap umbilicoplasty for proboscoid umbilical hernia in a 2 years old child with satisfactory results 2 years later. (United States)

    Ashu, Eseme Ebai; Leroy, Guifo Marc; Aristide, Bang Guy; Joss, Bitang Mafok Louis; Bonaventure, Jemea; Patrick, Savom Eric; Myriam, Fotso Guegne


    Surgical repair of large umbilical hernias may present a challenging surgical problem; standard surgical techniques have proven to be inadequate for both closing the fascial defect of the umbilicus and providing a satisfactory cosmetic result. We describe here a case of double half-cone flap umbilicoplasty that was performed in a 2 years old boy. The case of a 2 years old child with proboscoid umbilical hernia. The protruding umbilical skin was excised sharply by two V-shaped cuts leaving two half cones, a short cephalic (0.5cm) and a long caudal (1cm). A classic herniotomy was carried out, with repair of the facial defect. The caudal half cone was sutured from its apex till half it's length upon itself with interrupted sutures and it was anchored deeply to the fascia. Then we inverted the cephalic half cone which was sutured to the caudal cone to form the new umbilicus. The early result was excellent with no complications and the result after 2years revealed a cosmetically satisfactory shape of the umbilicus. this technique provides a good solution for reconstruction of the protruding umbilical skin and it is easy to learn, easy to be taught and perform in surgical environments and may be applicable for any kind of umbilical reconstruction.





    Se examina la naturaleza de la dignidad de la persona humana en la comunidad política desde la reflexión de Tomás de Aquino. La dignidad humana reconoce la dignidad ontológica del hombre como capacidad de conocer y amar su fin trascendente y la dignidad moral que concierne al ejercicio de la libertad para alcanzar la felicidad. La dimensión ontológica del hombre permite su dimensión moral al reconocer en el derecho natural humano las inclinaciones naturales a bienes intelectuales, morales y m...

  5. The effect of amniotic membrane extract on umbilical cord blood mesenchymal stem cell expansion: is there any need to save the amniotic membrane besides the umbilical cord blood?

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    Zahra Vojdani


    Full Text Available Objective(s: Umbilical cord blood is a good source of the mesenchymal stem cells that can be banked, expanded and used in regenerative medicine.  The objective of this study was to test whether amniotic membrane extract, as a rich source of growth factors such as basic-fibroblast growth factor, can promote the proliferation potential of the umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells. Materials and Methods: The study design was interventional. Umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells were isolated from voluntary healthy infants from hospitals in Shiraz, Iran, cultured in the presence of basic-fibroblast growth factor and amniotic membrane extracts (from pooled - samples, and compared with control cultures. Proliferation assay was performed and duplication number and time were calculated. The expression of stem cell’s specific markers and the differentiation capacity toward osteogenic and adipogenic lineages were evaluated. Results: Amniotic membrane extract led to a significant increase in the proliferation rate and duplication number and a decrease in the duplication time without any change in the cell morphology. Both amniotic membrane extract and basic-fibroblast growth factor altered the expressing of CD44 and CD105 in cell population. Treating basic-fibroblast growth factor but not the amniotic membrane extract favored the differentiation potential of the stem cells toward osteogenic lineage. Conclusion: The amniotic membrane extract administration accelerated cell proliferation and modified the CD marker characteristics which may be due to the induction of differentiation toward a specific lineage.  Amniotic membrane extract may enhance the proliferation rate and duplication number of the stem cell through changing the duplication time.

  6. In memoriam. La obra de Claude Lévi–Strauss (1908–2009. Unidad humana y diferencia cultural

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    Álvaro Pazos


    Full Text Available Uno de los temas fundamentales de la obra del antropólogo francés Claude Lévi–Strauss, recientemente fallecido, es el de la relación entre unidad humana y diferencia cultural. De diversas maneras, tanto en sus trabajos teóricos como en sus intervenciones públicas, Lévi– Strauss adoptó una particular forma de relativismo cultural. En este artículo se repasa lo que esta posición debe a los presupuestos básicos del estructuralismo; se refl exiona asimismo sobre las diversas nociones de Lévi–Strauss respecto de la unidad humana; y se introduce una crítica del relativismo estructuralista y una defensa de un universalismo de lo social.

  7. Comparative Proteomic Profile of the Human Umbilical Cord Blood Exosomes between Normal and Preeclampsia Pregnancies with High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry

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    Ruizhe Jia


    Full Text Available Background/Aims: Exosomes are extracellular vesicles that are involved in several biological processes. The roles of proteins from human umbilical cord blood exosomes in the pathogenesis of preeclampsia remains poorly understood. Methods: In this study, we used high-resolution LC-MS/MS technologies to construct a comparative proteomic profiling of human umbilical cord blood exosomes between normal and preeclamptic pregnancies. Results: A total of 221 proteins were detected in human umbilical cord blood exosomes, with 14 upregulated and 15 downregulated proteins were definitively identified between preeclamptic and control pregnancies. Further bioinformatics analysis (Gene ontology and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes pathway analysis indicated that these differentially expressed proteins correlate with enzyme regulator activity, binding, extracellular region, cell part, biological regulation, cellular process and complement and coagulation cascades occurring during pathological changes of preeclampsia. Conclusion: Our results show significantly altered expression profiles of proteins in human umbilical cord blood exosomes between normal and preeclampsia pregnancies. These proteins may be involved in the etiology of preeclampsia.

  8. Radioimmunological determination of 5a-pregnane-3,20-dione and progesterone in arterial and venous blood from the umbilical cord

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tannich, E.


    Radioimmunological investigations of arterial and venous blood from the umbilical cord for 5a-DHP and progesterone were carried out in 60 newly delivered infants using 3 H as a tracer substance. The following findings were revealed: 1) The correlation between progesterone and 5a-DHP was better in the venous blood than in the arterial blood from the umbilical cord and the concentrations measured for the two hormones were higher in the vein. 2) Both the umbilical vein and artery showed more elevated hormone levels in male infants as compared to female infants. 3) The duration of gestation, the concentration of hydrogen ions in the fetal plasma and various other maternal and fetal factors have an influence on the height of the 5a-DHP and progesterone levels in the umbilical blood. This was also concluded from the fact that the (arterial and venous) hormone concentrations measured in infants from primiparae were higher than those in infants from multiparae. The metabolisation of 5a-DHP varies between the sexes, which does not hold true for progosterone. (TRV) [de

  9. Effects of umbilical cord blood stem cells on healing factors for diabetic foot injuries. (United States)

    Çil, N; Oğuz, E O; Mete, E; Çetinkaya, A; Mete, G A


    The use of stem or progenitor cells from bone marrow, or peripheral or umbilical cord blood is becoming more common for treatment of diabetic foot problems. These cells promote neovascularization by angiogenic factors and they promote epithelium formation by stimulating cell replication and migration under certain pathological conditions. We investigated the role of CD34 + stem cells from human umbilical cord blood in wound healing using a rat model. Rats were randomly divided into a control group and two groups with diabetes induced by a single dose of 55 mg/kg intraperitoneal streptozocin. Scarred areas 5 mm in diameter were created on the feet of all rats. The diabetic rats constituted the diabetes control group and a diabetes + stem cell group with local injection into the wound site of 0.5 × 106 CD34 + stem cells from human umbilical cord blood. The newly formed skin in the foot wounds following CD34 + stem cell treatment showed significantly improvement by immunohistochemistry and TUNEL staining, and were closer to the wound healing of the control group than the untreated diabetic animals. The increase in FGF expression that accompanied the local injection of CD34 + stem cells indicates that FGF stimulation helped prevent apoptosis. Our findings suggest a promising new treatment approach to diabetic wound healing.

  10. The ovarian and uterine arteries in the chinchilla (Chinchilla lanigera

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    A. Cevik-Demirkana


    Full Text Available The purpose of this study was to describe arteries supplying the ovaries and uterus in the chinchilla. Five healthy adult female chinchillas were used. In order to reveal the arterial network by dissecting under a stereoscopic microscope, latex coloured with red ink was injected through the common carotid artery. The ovaries of the chinchilla are supplied by the arteriae ovaricae which formed end-to-end anastomoses with the cranial termination of the arteria uterina. Soon after leaving the aorta abdominalis, the arteriae ovaricae extended 2-3mm caudolaterally, then released 1 branch and extended caudally and bifurcated into 2 further branches. One of these supplied branches to fat tissue. The other branch coursed caudally and anastomosed with the arteria circumflexa ilium profunda and dispersed into fat tissue. The arteria ovarica further subdivided into 2 rami ovaricae. The origins of the uterine arteries were exclusively from the left arteria iliaca externa. The arteria uterina gave a branch to the arteria umbilicalis and consecutive branches which supplied to the ureter, urinary bladder and cranial aspects of the vagina. It also gave rise to 2-3 branches to the cervix and further supplied 10-12 meandering branches to the uterine horns. The arteria uterina gave rise to many tortuous arteries to the uterus and provided 2 further branches to the ovary.

  11. Enhancing endogenous stem cells in the newborn via delayed umbilical cord clamping

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    Christopher Lawton


    Full Text Available There is currently no consensus among clinicians and scientists over the appropriate or optimal timing for umbilical cord clamping. However, many clinical studies have suggested that delayed cord clamping is associated with various neonatal benefits including increased blood volume, reduced need for blood transfusion, increased cerebral oxygenation in pre-term infants, and decreased frequency of iron deficiency anemia in term infants. Human umbilical cord blood contains significant amounts of stem and progenitor cells and is currently used in the treatment of several life-threatening diseases. We propose that delayed cord clamping be encouraged as it enhances blood flow from the placenta to the neonate, which is accompanied by an increase supply of valuable stem and progenitor cells, as well as may improve blood oxygenation and increase blood volume, altogether reducing the infant′s susceptibility to both neonatal and age-related diseases.

  12. Surgical treatment of an umbilical hernia in a free-ranging sub-adult African elephant in Samburu National Reserve, Kenya


    Kaitho, Titus; Mijele,Dominic; Njoroge,Michael


    Domnic Mijele, Michael Njoroge, Titus Kaitho Veterinary Services Department, Species Conservation and Management Division, Kenya Wildlife Service, Nairobi, Kenya Abstract: A 10-year-old male African elephant (Loxodonta africana) at Samburu National Reserve in Northern Kenya, weighing approximately 1,600 kg, presented with an umbilical hernia in October 2013. Umbilical herniorrhaphy was carried out under field conditions. Anesthesia was induced and maintained using etorphine hydrochloride for...

  13. Appendicoumbilical Fistula: A Rare Reason for Neonatal Umbilical Mass


    Cevik, M.; Boleken, M. E.; Kadıoglu, E.


    The normal umbilicus is a simple structure, but the intrauterine development of the umbilicus is highly complex. Neonatal umbilical mass anomalies usually represent failure of obliteration of the vitelline duct or the allantois which results in persistence of remnants, which can lead to a wide variety of disorders. In this paper, we present a case of an appendicoumbilical fistula in a neonate along with the differential diagnosis and management options. Embryologic explanation of the etiology...

  14. Mesenchymal stem cells from human umbilical cord ameliorate testicular dysfunction in a male rat hypogonadism model

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    Zhi-Yuan Zhang


    Full Text Available Androgen deficiency is a physical disorder that not only affects adults but can also jeopardize children′s health. Because there are many disadvantages to using traditional androgen replacement therapy, we have herein attempted to explore the use of human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells for the treatment of androgen deficiency. We transplanted CM-Dil-labeled human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells into the testes of an ethane dimethanesulfonate (EDS-induced male rat hypogonadism model. Twenty-one days after transplantation, we found that blood testosterone levels in the therapy group were higher than that of the control group (P = 0.037, and using immunohistochemistry and flow cytometry, we observed that some of the CM-Dil-labeled cells expressed Leydig cell markers for cytochrome P450, family 11, subfamily A, polypeptide 1, and 3-β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase. We then recovered these cells and observed that they were still able to proliferate in vitro. The present study shows that mesenchymal stem cells from human umbilical cord may constitute a promising therapeutic modality for the treatment of male hypogonadism patients.

  15. Metabolomic profiling in blood from umbilical cords of low birth weight newborns

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    Ivorra Carmen


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Low birth weight has been linked to an increased risk to develop obesity, type 2 diabetes, and hypertension in adult life, although the mechanisms underlying the association are not well understood. The objective was to determine whether the metabolomic profile of plasma from umbilical cord differs between low and normal birth weight newborns. Methods Fifty healthy pregnant women and their infants were selected. The eligibility criteria were being born at term and having a normal pregnancy. Pairs were grouped according to their birth weight: low birth weight (LBW, birth weight th percentile, n = 20 and control (control, birth weight between the 75th-90th percentiles, n = 30. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR was used to generate metabolic fingerprints of umbilical cord plasma samples. Simultaneously, the metabolomic profiles of the mothers were analysed. The resulting data were subjected to chemometric, principal component and partial least squares discriminant analyses. Results Umbilical cord plasma from LBW and control newborns displayed a clearly differentiated metabolic profile. Seven metabolites were identified that discriminate the LBW from the control group. LBW newborns had lower levels of choline, proline, glutamine, alanine and glucose than did the control newborns, while plasma levels of phenylalanine and citrulline were higher in LBW newborns (p Conclusions Low birth weight newborns display a differential metabolomic profile than those of normal birth weight, a finding not present in the mothers. The meaning and the potential utility of the findings as biomarkers of risk need to be addressed in future studies.

  16. Amino acid composition of parturient plasma, the intervillous space of the placenta and the umbilical vein of term newborn infants

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    J.S. Camelo Jr.


    Full Text Available The objective of the present study was to determine the levels of amino acids in maternal plasma, placental intervillous space and fetal umbilical vein in order to identify the similarities and differences in amino acid levels in these compartments of 15 term newborns from normal pregnancies and deliveries. All amino acids, except tryptophan, were present in at least 186% higher concentrations in the intervillous space than in maternal venous blood, with the difference being statistically significant. This result contradicted the initial hypothesis of the study that the plasma amino acid levels in the placental intervillous space should be similar to those of maternal plasma. When the maternal venous compartment was compared with the umbilical vein, we observed values 103% higher on the fetal side which is compatible with currently accepted mechanisms of active amino acid transport. Amino acid levels of the placental intervillous space were similar to the values of the umbilical vein except for proline, glycine and aspartic acid, whose levels were significantly higher than fetal umbilical vein levels (average 107% higher. The elevated levels of the intervillous space are compatible with syncytiotrophoblast activity, which maintain high concentrations of free amino acids inside syncytiotrophoblast cells, permitting asymmetric efflux or active transport from the trophoblast cells to the blood in the intervillous space. The plasma amino acid levels in the umbilical vein of term newborns probably may be used as a standard of local normality for clinical studies of amino acid profiles.

  17. Differential gene expresison in umbilical cord blood and maternal peripheral blood

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Merkerová, M.; Vasiková, A.; Bruchová, H.; Líbalová, Helena; Topinka, Jan; Balaščak, I.; Šrám, Radim; Brdička, R.


    Roč. 83, č. 3 (2009), s. 183-190 ISSN 0902-4441 R&D Projects: GA MŠk 2B06088 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z50390512 Keywords : gene expression * umbilical cord blood * peripheral blood Subject RIV: DN - Health Impact of the Environment Quality Impact factor: 2.345, year: 2009

  18. Cuerpo y naturaleza humana en la obra de Hannah Arendt

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    Nicolás Patierno


    Full Text Available Comúnmente suele asociarse a Hannah Arendt con temas como la filosofía política, los totalitarismos y una postura crítica hacia los pilares de la modernidad, heredada de su vinculación teórica con Jaspers y Heidegger. Pese a esa lectura tradicional, la obra de la autora abarca diversas cuestiones histórico-políticas emparentadas con las nociones de cuerpo y naturaleza; entre otras problemáticas de interés social. Asumiendo una metodología histórica-hermenéutica basada en la revisión documental de fuentes primarias y secundarias, el objetivo del presente artículo radica en el rastreo de dichos conceptos a través de sus principales obras. Entre éstas se encuentran Los orígenes del totalitarismo y La condición humana como escritos fundamentales a la hora de interpretar el concepto de cuerpo subordinado a la esfera política. Arendt desmiente la existencia de una naturaleza humana innata, prescrita e incuestionable. Es a partir de la experiencia de los campos de concentración, que la idea de naturaleza, de origen “natural” de los pueblos, quedó relegada a la interpretación e instrumentación en manos del orden político imperante, concluyendo que el totalitarismo, es el mayor exponente de esta pretensión absoluta de apropiación de “lo natural”.

  19. The relationship between maternal and neonatal umbilical cord plasma homocyst(e)ine suggests a potential role for maternal homocyst(e)ine in fetal metabolism. (United States)

    Malinow, M R; Rajkovic, A; Duell, P B; Hess, D L; Upson, B M


    Data on fetal blood homocyst(e)ine concentrations are not available. We tested the hypothesis that homocyst(e)ine crosses the maternal/placental/fetal interphases and is sequestered by the fetus. The concentration of homocyst(e)ine was determined at parturition in peripheral venous plasma from 35 nulliparous healthy pregnant women and umbilical arterial and venous plasma from their conceptus. Findings demonstrated a descending concentration gradient of plasma homocyst(e)ine from maternal vein to umbilical vein and to umbilical artery; the decrease at each interphase approximated 1 micromol/L. The neonate weight and gestational age were inversely related to maternal homocyst(e)ine concentrations. The umbilical vein to umbilical artery homocyst(e)ine decrement suggests that uptake of homocyst(e)ine occurs in the fetus. The likely incorporation of homocyst(e)ine into the fetal metabolic cycle may implicate maternal homocyst(e)ine as having a potential nutritional role in the fetus. Further studies are required to explain the role of homocyst(e)ine in fetal metabolism and development.

  20. Placental disease and abnormal umbilical artery Doppler waveforms in trisomy 21 pregnancy: A case-control study. (United States)

    Corry, Edward; Mone, Fionnuala; Segurado, Ricardo; Downey, Paul; McParland, Peter; McAuliffe, Fionnuala M; Mooney, Eoghan E


    The objectives of this study were firstly to determine the proportion of placental pathology in fetuses affected by trisomy 21 (T21) using current pathological descriptive terminology and secondly to examine if a correlation existed between the finding of an abnormal umbilical artery Doppler (UAD) waveform, the presence of T21 and defined placental pathological categories. This case-control study assessed singleton fetuses with karyotypically confirmed trisomy 21 where placental histopathology had been conducted from 2003 to 2015 inclusive, within a university tertiary obstetric centre. This was compared with unselected normal singleton control pregnancies matched within a week of gestation at delivery. Data included birthweight centiles and placental histopathology. Comparisons of Doppler findings across placental pathological categories were performed using statistical analysis. 104 cases were analysed; 52 cases of trisomy 21 and 52 controls. Fetal vascular malperfusion (48.1% vs. 5.8%, p = 0.001) and maturation defects (39.2% vs. 15.7%, p = 0.023) were more common in trisomy 21 placentas. Compared with controls, trisomy 21 fetuses were more likely to have shorter umbilical cords (p = 0.001) and had more UAD abnormalities. Amongst T21 pregnancies, umbilical artery Doppler abnormalities are associated with the presence of maternal vascular malperfusion. Fetal vascular malperfusion and maturation defects are more common in trisomy 21 placentas. Abnormal umbilical artery Doppler waveforms are more common in T21 and are associated with maternal vascular malperfusion. Placental disease may explain the increased rate of intrauterine death in T21. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  1. Polybrominated diphenyl ethers in paired samples of maternal and umbilical cord blood plasma and associations with house dust in a Danish cohort

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Frederiksen, Marie; Thomsen, Cathrine; Frøshaug, May


    determined in placental tissue from the same individuals, and the relationship with the external exposure from house dust from the participants' homes was explored. Samples of maternal and umbilical cord plasma from a cohort of 51 pregnant women from the Copenhagen area were collected. Paired maternal...... and umbilical cord plasma were analysed for BDE-28, 37, 47, 85, 99, 100, 119, 138, 153, 154, 183, 209 and the brominated biphenyl BB-153 using automated SPE extraction and GC-HRMS for the tri- to hepta-BDEs and GC-LRMS (ECNI) for BDE-209. PBDEs were detected in all maternal and umbilical cord plasma samples...

  2. Clonación humana y otros conflictos éticos en La isla/ The Island (2005

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    Full Text Available Los avances científicos y biotecnológicos se acompañan siempre de problemas éticos, algunos de los cuales se pueden identificar en La Isla. Un desastre ecológico pone en peligro la supervivencia de la especie humana y se impide a los individuos tomar sus decisiones libre y voluntariamente, anulando su condición moral para ser utilizados como medios. El fin perseguido en la película (trasplante de órganos para salvar vidas no justifica los medios empleados (clonación de donantes que ignoran su condición y son sacrificados. La donación de vivo ha de ser siempre voluntaria y gratuita, realizada tras un adecuado proceso de información. La clonación humana reproductiva es unánimemente rechazada, pero aún si se realiza con fines terapéuticos o de investigación y aunque esté legalmente permitida, sigue siendo motivo de fuerte controversia ética.

  3. Intencionalidade em tomasello, searle, dennett e em abordagens comportamentais da cognição humana

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    Sylvio Állan

    Full Text Available A abordagem de Tomasello da evolução da cognição humana busca integrar processos biológicos, comportamentais e culturais em um mesmo sistema explicativo. No entanto, uma das principais críticas a essa abordagem é a necessidade de uma melhor elaboração do conceito de intencionalidade. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi: (1 analisar o tratamento de Tomasello do conceito de intencionalidade; e (2 estabelecer interlocuções desse tratamento com teorias da intencionalidade na filosofia da mente e com abordagens funcionalistas da cognição humana na psicologia comportamental. Sugerimos que o tratamento do conceito de intencionalidade na abordagem de Tomasello é compatível com essas teorias e abordagens. Além disso, a abordagem de Tomasello pode ampliar a investigação de processos simbólicos mais complexos do que aqueles tradicionalmente investigados pela psicologia comportamental.

  4. Formação humana e competências: o debate nas diretrizes curriculares de psicologia

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    Vinicius Cesca de Lima


    Full Text Available O artigo analisa as perspectivas de formação humana e de desenvolvimento de competências identificadas nas Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais para os Cursos de Graduação em Psicologia. A partir da crítica aos processos modernos de formação humana, realizada pela Teoria Crítica da Sociedade, analisamos sua institucionalização em práticas escolares, incluindo a pedagogia por competências, e mais especificamente na educação universitária. Por fim, discutimos essas questões na formação de psicólogos. Confrontando as propostas de formação para a emancipação e de formação para o desenvolvimento de competências, apontamos, a partir da matriz pautada nas Diretrizes Curriculares, que a formação em psicologia representa um processo contraditório que evidencia um projeto em disputa.

  5. Responsabilidad social y gestión del conocimiento como estrategias de gestión humana

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    Juan Guillermo Saldarriaga Ríos


    Full Text Available Este artículo aborda la responsabilidad social y la gestión del conocimiento como estrategias de gestión humana, conexas e inseparables, en las organizaciones. Estas estrategias hacen posible que la organización mire hacia sí misma y reconozca los impactos que estas prácticas tienen sobre sus miembros, asumiéndolas no solo exclusivamente como actividades que le genera ganancias económicas y visibilidad en el escenario social, sino como parte integral de su forma de concebir y administrar su talento humano. El artículo es producto de 2 investigaciones que pretenden analizar las tendencias y estrategias de gestión humana utilizadas tanto en el ámbito nacional como internacional, y en las cuales se recurre a un diseño metodológico flexible en el que se aborda el objeto de estudio tanto desde la perspectiva cuantitativa como desde la cualitativa.

  6. La multidimensionalidad ambiental desde algunas comunidades afrocolombianas: algunas implicaciones para la gestión ambiental y las necesidades humanas fundamentales.

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    Contreras Arias Jenni Marcela


    Full Text Available Este documento parte de una reflexión sobre el tipo de relaciones que algunas comunidades afrodescendientes del Pacífico colombiano han establecido con la naturaleza. De dicha reflexión, se deriva una tipología de diferentes dimensiones del sistema ambiental. Estas dimensiones tienen una estrecha relación con las necesidades humanas fundamentales y por tanto, se identificó un conjunto de objetivos de gestión ambiental que incorporan de una manera coherente las dimensiones propuestas y su aporte a la satisfacción de las necesidades humanas fundam entales.

  7. The in Vitro Assessment of Biochemical Factors in Hepatocyte like Cells Derived from Umbilical Cord Blood Stem Cells

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    A KHoramroodi


    Full Text Available Introduction & Objective: Umbilical cord blood (UCB is a source of Hematopoietic Stem Cells (HSC and progenitor cells that can reconstitute the hematopoietic system in patients with malignant and nonmalignant disorders. Mesenchymal stem cell-derived from umbilical cord blood (UCB have been differentiated to some kind of cells, such as osteobblast, adipoblast and chondroblast in Vitro. This study examined the differentiation of Umbilical Cord Blood (UCB derived stem cells to functional hepatocytes. Materials & Methods: The present study was an experimental study which was carried out in the Payam-e-Noor University of Tehran in cooperation with Hamedan University of Medical Sciences in 2008. Umbilical cord blood (UCB was obtained from Fatemieh hospital (Hamadan, Iran. Stem cells were isolated from the cord blood by combining density gradient centrifugation with plastic adherence. When the isolated cells reached 80% confluence, they differentiated to hepatocyte like cells. The medium which was used was consists of DMEM and 10% Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS supplemented with 20 ng/mL Hepatocyte Growth Factor (HGF, 10 ng/mL basic Fibroblast Growth Factor (bFGF and 20 ng/mL Oncostatin M (OSM.The medium was changed every 3 days and stored for Albumin (ALB, Alpha Fetoprotein (AFP, Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP, and urea assay. Finally PAS stain was done to study Glycogen storage in the differentiated cell. Results: Measurement of biochemical factors in different days showed that concentration of albumin (ALB, alpha fetoprotein (AFP, alkaline phosphatase (ALP, and Urea gradually increased. Also, PAS staining showed the storage of glycogen in these cells. Conclusion: Stem cell-derived from human umbilical cord blood (HUCB is a new source of cell types for cell transplantation therapy of hepatic diseases and under certain conditions these cells can differentiate into liver cells.

  8. A comparative study on trans-umbilical single-port laparoscopic approach versus conventional repair for incarcerated inguinal hernia in children


    Jun, Zhang; Juntao, Ge; Shuli, Liu; Li, Long


    Purpose: The purpose of this study is to determine whether singleport laparoscopic repair (SLR) for incarcerated inguinal hernia in children is superior toconventional repair (CR) approaches. Method: Between March 2013 and September 2013, 126 infants and children treatedwere retrospectively reviewed. All the patients were divided into three groups. Group A (48 patients) underwent trans-umbilical SLR, group B (36 patients) was subjected to trans-umbilical conventional two-port laparoscopic rep...

  9. Frutooligossacarídeos: implicações na saúde humana e utilização em alimentos

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    Passos Luciana Maria Liboni


    Full Text Available Os frutooligossacarídeos (FOS são açúcares não convencionais, não metabolizados pelo organismo humano e não calóricos. São considerados prebióticos uma vez que promovem seletivamente o crescimento de probióticos como Acidophillus e Bifidus. Essa característica faz com que os FOS promovam uma série de benefícios à saúde humana, desde a redução de colesterol sérico até o auxílio na prevenção de alguns tipos de câncer. Esta revisão aborda principalmente os efeitos da ingestão de FOS na saúde humana, e algumas de suas aplicações, principalmente na indústria de alimentos.

  10. Discriminação social: Um fenómeno que atenta contra a dignidade da pessoa humana

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    Anselmo Orlando Pinto


    Full Text Available A aparição do outro no nosso horizonte abre a porta a diferentes comportamentos e relações. Esta é a razão pela qual o reconhecimento da humanidade não implica necessariamente a simpatia ou a boa vontade porque pode também comportar conflitos e competitividade. Pretendemos reflectir sobre o conceito da dignidade da pessoa humana e o seu significado ético, tendo em conta a questão da discriminação social, com o intuito de perceber como é que este fenómeno constitui grave atentado à dignidade do homem. A categoria moral da dignidade humana se apoia sobre a afirmação prémoral ou ôntica do valor absoluto do homem.

  11. Relationship between the tensile strengths and diameters of human umbilical cords. (United States)

    Fernando, D M G; Gamage, S M K; Ranmohottige, S; Weerakkody, I; Abeyruwan, H; Parakrama, H


    Mothers of alleged infanticides might claim that umbilical cord broke during precipitate delivery causing injuries detected on baby at autopsy. There is paucity of evidence regarding this possibility. The objective of the study was to determine relationship between tensile strength and diameter or weight per unit length of cord. Diameters and weights per unit length of fresh umbilical cords were determined. Tensile strengths were measured by Hounsfield Testing Machine. Relationship between tensile strength versus cord diameter and weight per unit length were analyzed. Of 122 cords, average tensile strength, diameter and weight per centimeter were 50.4 N, 7.73 mm and 6.87 g respectively. The tensile strengths were directly proportional to diameter. There was no association between tensile strength and weight per centimeter. Measurement of the diameter of cord is important during autopsy to predict tensile strength and thereby to presume whether cord could have broken by the weight of the baby. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd and Faculty of Forensic and Legal Medicine. All rights reserved.

  12. Evaluación clínica de hernioplastia umbilical en bovinos: empleo de fascia abdominal autógena

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    Mastoby Martinez M


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Evaluar clínicamente la hernioplastia umbilical en terneros con el empleo de fascia abdominal autógena. Material y métodos. Fueron utilizados cinco terneros de raza Brahman (6-12 meses y peso promedio de 200 kg, los terneros se intervinieron quirúrgicamente por presentar hernia umbilical recidivante. El anillo herniario se reforzó con autoinjerto de fascia abdominal fijado con puntos en “U” horizontales, con sutura de poliamida (50 libras de presión. El tejido conectivo subcutáneo se suturó con polyglactin 910 del calibre 2-0 en patrón de puntos continuos. En el posoperatorio, se evaluó la evolución clínica de la cicatrización cutánea y la presencia o no de recidiva herniaria por un periodo de 60 días. Resultados. En todos los animales se observó edema intenso de los focos quirúrgicos (foco donador en la región inguinal y foco receptor en la región umbilical, sin dehiscencia de la herida cutánea, abscedación, ni recidiva de la hernia. Conclusiones. La técnica quirúrgica utilizada y el autoinjerto de fascia abdominal fueron eficientes en la corrección de hernia umbilical recidivante en terneros, hecho que permite recomendarla en casos semejantes.

  13. UV-activated 7-dehydrocholesterol-coated titanium implants promote differentiation of human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells into osteoblasts. (United States)

    Satué, María; Ramis, Joana M; Monjo, Marta


    Vitamin D metabolites are essential for bone regeneration and mineral homeostasis. The vitamin D precursor 7-dehydrocholesterol can be used after UV irradiation to locally produce active vitamin D by osteoblastic cells. Furthermore, UV-irradiated 7-dehydrocholesterol is a biocompatible coating for titanium implants with positive effects on osteoblast differentiation. In this study, we examined the impact of titanium implants surfaces coated with UV-irradiated 7-dehydrocholesterol on the osteogenic differentiation of human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells. First, the synthesis of cholecalciferol (D3) was achieved through the incubation of the UV-activated 7-dehydrocholesterol coating for 48 h at 23℃. Further, we investigated in vitro the biocompatibility of this coating in human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells and its potential to enhance their differentiation towards the osteogenic lineage. Human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells cultured onto UV-irradiated 7-dehydrocholesterol-coated titanium implants surfaces, combined with osteogenic supplements, upregulated the gene expression of several osteogenic markers and showed higher alkaline phosphatase activity and calcein blue staining, suggesting increased mineralization. Thus, our results show that the use of UV irradiation on 7-dehydrocholesterol -treated titanium implants surfaces generates a bioactive coating that promotes the osteogenic differentiation of human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells, with regenerative potential for improving osseointegration in titanium-based bone anchored implants. © The Author(s) 2015.

  14. Umbilical Microflora, Antiseptic Skin Preparation, and Surgical Site Infection in Abdominal Surgery. (United States)

    Kleeff, Jörg; Erkan, Mert; Jäger, Carsten; Menacher, Maximilian; Gebhardt, Friedemann; Hartel, Mark


    Surgical site infections (SSI) following abdominal surgery are frequent and a major cause of postoperative morbidity and prolonged hospital stay. Besides antibiotic prophylaxis, antiseptic skin preparation is an important measure to prevent SSI. Here we prospectively analyzed the effectiveness of antiseptic skin preparation in a cohort of 93 patients undergoing laparotomy, with special emphasis on the umbilical region. The microflora of the umbilicus contained a large number of resident (mostly staphylococci species and corynebacteria) and transient germs (including enterococci species). Following antiseptic skin preparation, bacteria could still be cultured from 24.7% of the patients' umbilici. In case of postoperative SSI, only one of seven SSI was caused by the microorganism that was present in the umbilicus before and after skin preparation. Antiseptic skin preparation fails to completely eradicate the microflora of the umbilical region in one quarter of the patients. However, at least in abdominal surgery, the vast majority of SSI are caused by intra-abdominal contamination rather than the skin microflora.

  15. Acceptance of Umbilical Cord Blood as an Alternative to Adult Blood ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Background: Inadequate supply of safe blood has been a source of worry to health facilities in Nigeria. One way of addressing this is problem is to consider the use of Umbilical Cord Blood (UCB) as an alternative to adult blood for the purpose of blood transfusion. This will only be possible if we accept this alternative.

  16. Expressões faciais e emoções humanas levantamento bibliográfico

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    Josinete Aparecida da Silva


    Full Text Available Este trabalho tem por objetivo registrar um levantamento bibliográfico feito nas áreas de conhecimento de Enfermagem e Psicologia, sobre as expressões faciais e as emoções humanas. Visa auxiliar os profissionais de saúde a refletirem sobre a importância da face nas relações interpessoais, mostrando as pesquisas mais citadas em bibliografia específica, primeiro referente às crianças e depois aos adultos.

  17. Relevancia e Inferencia: Procesos cognitivos propios de la comunicación humana

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    Moya Pardo Constanza


    Full Text Available Este artículo pretende mostrar los planteamientos cognitivos más representativos de la Teoría de la Relevancia propuesta por Spelber & Wilson con respecto al modelo ostensivoinferencial. Este modelo plantea un mecanismo deductivo explícito que da cuenta de los procesos y estrategias que permiten el paso del significado literal a la interpretación pragmática de los mensajes en el proceso de comunicación humana.

  18. Relevancia e Inferencia: Procesos cognitivos propios de la comunicación humana

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    Constanza Moya Pardo


    Full Text Available Este artículo pretende mostrar los planteamientos cognitivos más representativos de la Teoría de la Relevancia propuesta por Spelber & Wilson con respecto al modelo ostensivo-inferencial. Este modelo plantea un mecanismo deductivo explícito que da cuenta de los procesos y estrategias que permiten el paso del significado literal a la interpretación pragmática de los mensajes en el proceso de comunicación humana.

  19. Manifestaciones psiquiátricas desencadenadas por el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana


    Roberto Anselmo Ramos Valverde


    La alta morbilidad de perturbaciones mentales y del comportamiento, desencadenada por el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH), asombra a colaboradores cubanos en la ciudad de Maputo, capital de Mozambique. Solo apelando a los conocimientos actuales de la Psicoendocrinoneuroinmunologia, que describe la vinculación basada en la teoría de la complejidad de este suprasistema, que comparte receptores y mediadores químicos, se puede disipar el asombro y llegar a comprender la esencia científi...

  20. Effect of intrauterine resuscitation on umbilical cord blood parameters of full-term fetal distress and evaluation of neonatal nerve function

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mei-Hao Luo


    Full Text Available Objective: To study the effect of intrauterine resuscitation on umbilical cord blood parameters of fullterm fetal distress and neonatal nerve function. Methods: A total of 74 cases of women who gave birth in Gynecology and Obstetrics Department of our hospital and had fetal distress during labor from February 2008 to October 2010 were selected for study and randomly divided into two groups, observation group received intrauterine resuscitation, control group received conventional treatment, and then contents of umbilical arterial blood gas parameters and cytokines of two groups of patients, contents of serum nerve injury molecules of neonates as well as neonatal asphyxia condition and nerve function were compared. Results: pH value, PO2 and HCO3- in umbilical cord blood of observation group were higher than those of control group, and PCO2 and BE absolute value were lower than those of control group; IL-6, IL-8 and IFN-γ contents in umbilical arterial blood and umbilical venous blood of observation group of patients were significantly lower than those of control group; 1 d, 3 d, 5 d and 7 d after birth, serum NSE and S-100 protein contents of observation group of neonates were significantly lower than those of control group; neonatal asphyxia condition and nerve function were better than those of control group. Conclusion: Intrauterine resuscitation can improve intrauterine fetal anoxia and reduce acidosis while reduce neonatal nerve function injury and prevent neonatal asphyxia, and it is an ideal method to treat full-term fetal distress.

  1. Optoacoustic measurements of human placenta and umbilical blood oxygenation (United States)

    Nanovskaya, T. N.; Petrov, I. Y.; Petrov, Y.; Patrikeeva, S. L.; Ahmed, M. S.; Hankins, G. D. V.; Prough, D. S.; Esenaliev, R. O.


    Adequate oxygenation is essential for normal embryogenesis and fetal growth. Perturbations in the intrauterine oxidative environment during pregnancy are associated with several pathophysiological disorders such as pregnancy loss, preeclampsia, and intrauterine growth restriction. We proposed to use optoacoustic technology for monitoring placental and fetal umbilical blood oxygenation. In this work, we studied optoacoustic monitoring of oxygenation in placenta and umbilical cord blood ex vivo using technique of placenta perfusion. We used a medical grade, nearinfrared, tunable, optoacoustic system developed and built for oxygenation monitoring in blood vessels and in tissues. First, we calibrated the system for cord blood oxygenation measurements by using a CO-Oximeter (gold standard). Then we performed validation in cord blood circulating through the catheters localized on the fetal side of an isolated placental lobule. Finally, the oxygenation measurements were performed in the perfused placental tissue. To increase or decrease blood oxygenation, we used infusion of a gas mixture of 95% O2 + 5% CO2 and 95% N2 + 5% CO2, respectively. In placental tissue, up to four cycles of changes in oxygenation were performed. The optoacoustically measured oxygenation in circulating cord blood and in placental lobule closely correlated with the actual oxygenation data measured by CO-Oximeter. We plan to further test the placental and cord blood oxygenation monitoring with optoacoustics in animal and clinical studies.

  2. Short communication: The effect of 4 antiseptic compounds on umbilical cord healing and infection rates in the first 24 hours in dairy calves from a commercial herd. (United States)

    Robinson, A L; Timms, L L; Stalder, K J; Tyler, H D


    The objective of this study was to compare the effect of 4 antiseptic compounds on the healing rate and incidence of infection of umbilical cords in newborn calves (n=60). Late gestation Jersey cows were monitored at a commercial farm (Sioux Jersey, Salix, IA) and newborn purebred (n=30) and crossbred (n=30) calves were obtained within 30min after birth. Calves were alternately assigned by birth order to 4 treatment groups: 7% tincture of iodine, 0.1% chlorine created using a novel chlorine disinfectant technology, chlorohexidine gluconate 4.0% wt/vol, and 10% trisodium citrate. Prior to dipping (within 30min of birth), diameter of the umbilical cords (as an indicator of cord drying and healing) were determined using digital calipers. In addition, as an indicator of umbilical infections, surface temperature of the umbilical stump (along with a reference point at the midpoint of the sternum) was determined using a dual-laser infrared thermometer. These measurements were all repeated at 24±1 h of age. All data were analyzed using mixed model methods. All models included fixed effects of breed (Jersey or Jersey cross), sex (bull or heifer), and treatment. Fixed effect interactions were not included in the statistical model due to the relatively small sample size. No treatment differences were noted for healing rate of umbilical cords. Initially, mean umbilical cord diameter was 22.84±3.89mm and cords healed to a mean diameter of 7.64±4.12mm at 24 h of age. No umbilical infections were noted for calves on any treatment during the course of this study. Mean surface temperature of the umbilical stump was 33.1±2.2°C at birth (1.5±1.6°C higher than the sternal reference temperature), and at 24±1 h of age the mean temperature of the umbilical stump was 33.0±4.3°C (0.5±1.8°C lower than the sternal reference temperature). These data suggest that these antiseptic compounds are equally effective for preventing infections and permitting healing of the umbilical cord

  3. Evolución y emergencia de algunas enfermedades animales y humanas


    Blancou, Jean M.


    La atención de la opinión pública está particularmente centrada desde hace unos años en la evolución de las enfermedades animales y humanas que pueden entrañar un riesgo sanitario. Aunque ese riesgo se ha exagerado considerablemente, si se compara con el que siempre ha existido en nuestro planeta, no debe sin embargo ser ignorado. En realidad, ese riesgo se basa en una tendencia a la evolución de los agentes patógenos que se observa actualmente, tanto en medicina veterinaria como en...

  4. Generation of mesenchymal stromal cells in the presence of platelet lysate: a phenotypic and functional comparison of umbilical cord blood- and bone marrow-derived progenitors (United States)

    Avanzini, Maria Antonietta; Bernardo, Maria Ester; Cometa, Angela Maria; Perotti, Cesare; Zaffaroni, Nadia; Novara, Francesca; Visai, Livia; Moretta, Antonia; Del Fante, Claudia; Villa, Raffaella; Ball, Lynne M.; Fibbe, Willem E.; Maccario, Rita; Locatelli, Franco


    Background Mesenchymal stromal cells are employed in various different clinical settings in order to modulate immune response. However, relatively little is known about the mechanisms responsible for their immunomodulatory effects, which could be influenced by both the cell source and culture conditions. Design and Methods We tested the ability of a 5% platelet lysate-supplemented medium to support isolation and ex vivo expansion of mesenchymal stromal cells from full-term umbilical-cord blood. We also investigated the biological/functional properties of umbilical cord blood mesenchymal stromal cells, in comparison with platelet lysate-expanded bone marrow mesenchymal stromal cells. Results The success rate of isolation of mesenchymal stromal cells from umbilical cord blood was in the order of 20%. These cells exhibited typical morphology, immunophenotype and differentiation capacity. Although they have a low clonogenic efficiency, umbilical cord blood mesenchymal stromal cells may possess high proliferative potential. The genetic stability of these cells from umbilical cord blood was demonstrated by a normal molecular karyotype; in addition, these cells do not express hTERT and telomerase activity, do express p16ink4a protein and do not show anchorage-independent cell growth. Concerning alloantigen-specific immune responses, umbilical cord blood mesenchymal stromal cells were able to: (i) suppress T- and NK-lymphocyte proliferation, (ii) decrease cytotoxic activity and (iii) only slightly increase interleukin-10, while decreasing interferon-γ secretion, in mixed lymphocyte culture supernatants. While an indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase-specific inhibitor did not reverse mesenchymal stromal cell-induced suppressive effects, a prostaglandin E2-specific inhibitor hampered the suppressive effect of both umbilical cord blood- and bone marrow-mesenchymal stromal cells on alloantigen-induced cytotoxic activity. Mesenchymal stromal cells from both sources expressed HLA

  5. Changes of RAAS in maternal and placental blood during caesarean operation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Huang Daihua; Cui Bangping; Hu Wei; Zhou Wei


    To study changes of renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) and influence of anesthetic effect on it during caesarean operation, PRA, AT II and ALD in maternal and placental blood were determined by RIA for 30 healthy women scheduled for caesarean operation. Blood was taken before anesthesia(T 0 group) and just at the end of surgery (T 1 group) for comparison. Results showed that there were significant differences in PRA(P 0 and T 1 group, but there were no significant differences in ALD, PRA and AT II between placental blood, umbilical arteria and vein blood. The data suggest that there was obvious relationship between anesthetic effect and the secretion of RAAS. The levels of AT II, ALD and PRA in patients of partial block anesthesia were significantly than those in patients of complete block anesthesia. (authors)

  6. Congenital hernia of the umbilical cord associated with extracelomic colonic atresia and perforation of gut in a newborn

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    Kamalesh Pal


    Full Text Available Congenital hernia of the umbilical cord (CHUC is a rare congenital entity compared to more common post-natally occurring umbilical hernia. Although recognized as a distinct entity since 1920s, CHUC is often misdiagnosed as a small omphalocele, resulting in its underreporting. We present the first case report of CHUC associated with extracelomic colonic atresia, complicated by perinatal perforation in a newborn. We also discuss the differentiating features from other anterior abdominal wall defects such as omphalocele and gastroschisis including its embryogenesis.

  7. Presencia de residuos y contaminantes en leche humana

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    Prado Flores Guadalupe


    Full Text Available La contaminación de la leche humana por xenobióticos es un problema generalizado a nivel mundial, que se ve afectado por las variaciones geográficas, climáticas, culturales y socioeconómicas de cada lugar. Las políticas de salud pública han enfrentado la situación mediante una vigilancia sostenida y legislaciones restrictivas con el objeto de reducir los efectos perjudiciales sobre las poblaciones y el ambiente, sin embargo se registran datos objetivables, sobre todo en los países en desarrollo. En esta revisión se destacan aspectos generales y particulares de los residuos y contaminantes organoclorados, organofosforados, antibióticos, metales pesados, bifenilos policlorados, dioxinas y furanos, valores de sus contenidos, efectos tóxicos estudiados y los límites máximos permitidos por las legislaciones internacionales.


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    Guadalupe Prado Flores


    Full Text Available La contaminación de la leche humana por xenobióticos es un problema generalizado a nivel mundial, que se ve afectado por las variaciones geográficas, climáticas, culturales y socioeconómicas de cada lugar. Las políticas de salud pública han enfrentado la situación mediante una vigilancia sostenida y legislaciones restrictivas con el objeto de reducir los efectos perjudiciales sobre las poblaciones y el ambiente, sin embargo se registran datos objetivables, sobre todo en los países en desarrollo. En esta revisión se destacan aspectos generales y particulares de los residuos y contaminantes organoclorados, organofosforados, antibióticos, metales pesados, bifenilos policlorados, dioxinas y furanos, valores de sus contenidos, efectos tóxicos estudiados y los límites máximos permitidos por las legislaciones internacionales.

  9. Clonación humana : aspectos bioéticos y legales


    Huguet Santos, Paloma


    En nuestros días, la clonación es un tema que suscita un gran rechazo social por el hecho de poder aplicar las prácticas de clonación en la especie humana teniendo en cuenta las posibles consecuencias que ello podría acarrear. La clonación es la formación de un grupo de individuos con el mismo genotipo mediante multiplicación asexual.Cabe destacar que al hablar de clonación existen dos técnicas de clonación: la gemelación artificial y la transferencia de núcleos. En la gemelación artificial s...

  10. Inteligência Humana: Investigações e Aplicações


    Candeias, Adelinda Maria; Almeida, Leandro Silva


    Este livro reúne contributos teóricos, empíricos e práticos em torno de uma das variáveis mais relevantes e mais polémicas no seio da psicologia – a Inteligência –, estando a sua edição na sequência da realização, na Universidade de Évora (6-8 de Outubro, 2005) do I Simpósio Internacional “Inteligência Humana: Investigação e Aplicações”. Nesta primeira edição, o Congresso reportou-se a autores de Portugal, Espanha e Brasil, devendo este espectro alargar-se nas suas futura...

  11. Clonagem humana: um estudo sobre a gênese das Representações Sociais / Human cloning: a study about genesis of social representations


    Espíndula, Daniel Henrique Pereira; Trindade, Zeidi Araujo


    RESUMO: Compreender como o senso comum se apropria e reconstrói os saberes científicos é de interesse da Teoria das Representações Sociais. Esse estudo buscou compreender a gênese da representação da clonagem humana. Foram utilizadas duas fontes de dados: matérias publicadas na Folha de São Paulo e Veja nos anos de 1997 a 2007 e as cartas enviadas pelos leitores a essas fontes no mesmo período. Os descritores de busca foram: clone, clonagem, clonagem humana, clonagem terapêutica, engenharia g...

  12. Longitudinal study of aortic isthmus Doppler in appropriately grown and small-for-gestational-age fetuses with normal and abnormal umbilical artery Doppler.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Kennelly, M M


    To establish reference ranges using longitudinal data for aortic isthmus (AoI) Doppler indices in appropriate-for-gestational-age (AGA) fetuses and to document the longitudinal trends in a cohort of small-for-gestational-age (SGA) fetuses with normal umbilical artery Doppler and in fetuses with intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) and abnormal umbilical artery Doppler.

  13. Tela, piel, color: retratando los mercados de las Antillas como un inventario de la diversidad humana

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    Anne Lafont


    Full Text Available La confrontación de las poblaciones heterogéneas y de razas mixtas en las Indias Occidentales con el material pictórico (lienzo y pigmentos y los sistemas de clasificación humana propios de la era de las ilustraciones de la Enciclopedia, demuestra ser un campo de investigación notablemente interesante en términos de raza y el proceso de racialización,. Sin embargo, hasta hoy, la idea de pintura caribeña de la modernidad temprana no se ha presentado como tal, y esto es precisamente lo que propongo estudiar en este artículo. En efecto, la pintura caribeña, a partir de la creatividad figurativa y sus raíces en la especificidad geográfica, política e histórica de este archipiélago racial y cultural, creó un inventario pictórico original de la diversidad humana.


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    Maria Clara Dias


    Full Text Available O objetivo é criticar os argumentos bioconservadores de Jürgen Habermas contra a eugenia positiva (aperfeiçoamento humano. Em suma, ele sustenta a tese de que a natureza humana seria fundamento das ideias centrais que consubstanciariam a correta compreensão normativa das relações humanas. Assim, para ele, a biotecnociência deveria restringir-se à esfera da eugenia negativa (terapia, apresentando, contudo, argumentos que nos parecem amplamente questionáveis. Anteriormente, todavia, abordamos o debate em torno da noção de pós-humanidade, uma vez que o estágio pós-humano é considerado como uma consequência incontornável das biotécnicas de aperfeiçoamento humano, perfazendo um dos pontos fulcrais da discórdia dos bioconservadores com os transumanistas. Após isto, então, abordamos a perspectiva habermasiana, a fim de mostrar seus problemas.

  15. Responsabilidad social y gestión del conocimiento como estrategias de gestión humana1

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    Juan Guillermo Saldarriaga Ríos


    Full Text Available Este artículo aborda la responsabilidad social y la gestión del conocimiento como estrategias de gestión humana, conexas e inseparables, en las organizaciones. Estas estrategias hacen posible que la organización mire hacia sí misma y reconozca los impactos que estas prácticas tienen sobre sus miembros, asumiéndolas no solo exclusivamente como actividades que le genera ganancias económicas y visibilidad en el escenario social, sino como parte integral de su forma de concebir y administrar su talento humano. El artículo es producto de 2 investigaciones que pretenden analizar las tendencias y estrategias de gestión humana utilizadas tanto en el ámbito nacional como internacional, y en las cuales se recurre a un diseño metodológico flexible en el que se aborda el objeto de estudio tanto desde la perspectiva cuantitativa como desde la cualitativa.

  16. NAA for study of organohalogen levels in placenta, umbilical cord and hair of mothers with disabled newborns

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang, H.; Chai, Z.F.; Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing; Wang, J.B.


    The concentrations of extractable organohalogens (EOX) and extractable persistent organohalogens (EPOX) in placenta, umbilical cord and hair of mothers delivering disabled or normal newborns as well as the compositions of EPOCl in three analyzed matrices were determined by a combination of NAA, gas chromatography and chemical separation. The results indicated that both EOX and EPOX decreased in the order: hair > umbilical cord > placenta. Organochlorines were the major fraction of organohalogens. More than 77% of EPOCl were unidentified. High organohalogens exposure may induce adverse health effects, and hair, as a biomonitor for organohalogens assessment, is more recommendable. (author)

  17. La gestión humana en colombia: características y tendencias de la práctica y de la investigación

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    Gregorio Calderón Hernández


    Full Text Available El presente estudio de revisión aborda de manera sintética las relaciones entre la modernización empresarial y la gestión humana en el país, se describen las características de las áreas de gestión humana y de las prácticas de recursos humanos, se realiza una descripción del mercado laboral y las relaciones laborales en concordancia con la gestión de los recursos humanos, y por último se aborda la generación de conocimiento en Colombia, considerando las tres perspectivas más sobresalientes: la sociológica, la humanística y la estratégica, siendo desde esta última de donde se vincula el área de gestión humana y sus prácticas al logro de objetivos y metas estratégicas de la organización, en consideración de sus activos intangibles como fuente de ventaja competitiva sostenible.

  18. Umbilical hernia rupture with evisceration of omentum from massive ascites: a case report.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Good, Daniel W


    The incidence of hernias is increased in patients with alcoholic liver disease with ascites. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of an acute rise in intra-abdominal pressure from straining for stool as the cause of a ruptured umbilical hernia.

  19. Ciencias humanas y ciencias naturales, una relación ambigua desde la fenomenología

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    Javier San Martín


    Full Text Available A partir de la afirmación en la que Ortega dice que el científico se aloja en el ser humano, el texto pretende, por un lado y desde una perspectiva fenomenológica, abordar el vínculo entre las ciencias naturales y las ciencias humanas y sociales y, por otro lado, analizar las consecuencias de las maneras en las que estos dos grupos de ciencias se han relacionado a fin de imaginar la posición que tanto las ciencias naturales como las humanas y sociales deben ocupar. From a phenomenological perspective and begining with the statement from Ortega saying that a scientist lives inside a human being, this text has a twofold structure. First, the author analyzes the relationship among natural sciences and human and social sciences. Second, the author analyzes the consequences of the different ways in which bothsciences have interrelated, in order to imagine the place that either natural sciences, and social sciences and humanities, should occupy.

  20. Gastro-umbilical fistula as a rare complication of benign gastric ulcer perforation: a case report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lee, Ju Young; Jang, Kyung Mi; Yoon, Hoi Soo; Kim, Min Jeong; Lee, Kwan Seop; Lee, Yul; Bae, Sang Hoon [College of Medicine, Hallym University, Anyang (Korea, Republic of)


    As fistula occurring between the stomach and other abdominal internal organs or to the surface of the body is usually encountered as a complication of stomach cancer or colon cancer, peptic ulcer disease, or other variable causes. The most common type of gastric fistula is a gastro-colic fistula that is mainly found as a complication of a gastric carcinoma or of a carcinoma of the transverse colon invading each other. Sometimes, a benign gastric ulcer perforation also can cause a gastro-colic fistula. However, as far as we know, a fistula occurring between the stomach and the umbilicus has not been reported. Here we present a case report of a gastro-umbilical fistula in a young woman that manifested as a umbilical discharge.

  1. Gastro-umbilical fistula as a rare complication of benign gastric ulcer perforation: a case report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Ju Young; Jang, Kyung Mi; Yoon, Hoi Soo; Kim, Min Jeong; Lee, Kwan Seop; Lee, Yul; Bae, Sang Hoon


    As fistula occurring between the stomach and other abdominal internal organs or to the surface of the body is usually encountered as a complication of stomach cancer or colon cancer, peptic ulcer disease, or other variable causes. The most common type of gastric fistula is a gastro-colic fistula that is mainly found as a complication of a gastric carcinoma or of a carcinoma of the transverse colon invading each other. Sometimes, a benign gastric ulcer perforation also can cause a gastro-colic fistula. However, as far as we know, a fistula occurring between the stomach and the umbilicus has not been reported. Here we present a case report of a gastro-umbilical fistula in a young woman that manifested as a umbilical discharge

  2. Incisional abdominal hernia repair with concomitant abdominoplasty: Maintaining umbilical viability


    Robert Phan; Elan Kaplan; Jemma K. Porrett; Yik-Hong Ho; Warren M. Rozen


    Introduction: Abdominoplasty and abdominal hernia repair are often carried out in two-stage procedures, and those describing single-stage surgery require careful dissection to preserve often only partial blood supply to the umbilicus to maintain its viability. This paper aims to describe the surgical method of laparoscopic umbilical hernia repair in association with abdominoplasty. Case presentation: A patient presents with an incisional hernia at a previous periumbilical port site of size 14...

  3. Damage control apronectomy for necrotising fasciitis and strangulated umbilical hernia.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Coyle, P


    We present a case of a 50-year-old morbidly obese woman who presented with a case of necrotizing fasciitis of the anterior abdominal wall due to a strangulated umbilical hernia. The case was managed through damage control surgery (DCS) with an initial surgery to stabilise the patient and a subsequent definitive operation and biological graft hernia repair. We emphasise the relevance of DCS principles in the management of severe abdominal sepsis.

  4. Producción y caracterización de anticuerpos monoclonales frente a albúmina humana : Aplicación al estudio de la estructura antigénica de esta proteina


    García Pacheco, José Marcos


    Se han producido 10 anticuerpos monoclonales frente a albúmina humana, los cuales reconocen 6 epitopos de naturaleza conformacional sobre la superficie de la albúmina de esta molécula, habiéndose detectado diferencias antagónicas entre albúmina humana de diferente procedencia.

  5. Hyperbolic umbilic caustics from oblate water drops with tilted illumination: Observations (United States)

    Jobe, Oli; Thiessen, David B.; Marston, Philip L.


    Various groups have reported observations of hyperbolic umbilic diffraction catastrophe patterns in the far-field scattering by oblate acoustically levitated drops with symmetric illumination. In observations of that type the drop's symmetry axis is vertical and the illuminating light beam (typically an expanded laser beam) travels horizontally. In the research summarized here, scattering patterns in the primary rainbow region and drop measurements were recorded with vertically tilted laser beam illumination having a grazing angle as large as 4 degrees. The findings from these observations may be summarized as follows: (a) It remains possible to adjust the drop aspect ratio (diameter/height) = D/H so as to produce a V-shaped hyperbolic umbilic focal section (HUFS) in the far-field scattering. (b) The shift in the required D/H was typically an increase of less than 1% and was quadratic in the tilt. (c) The apex of the V-shaped HUFS was shifted vertically by an amount proportional to the tilt with a coefficient close to unity. The levitated drops had negligible up-down asymmetry. Our method of investigation should be useful for other generalized rainbows with tilted illumination.


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    Hartojo Hartojo


    Full Text Available Umbilical catheters are frequently required in the management of severely ill premature babies. The risk of complications may increase with duration of UVC use. Objective: To determine whether the risk of central line-associated bloodstream infections (CLA-BSIs and sepsis remained constant over the duration of umbilical vein catheters (UVCs in high-risk premature neonates. Methods:retrospective analysis. The data were collected from the medical record of high risk premature neonates who had a UVC placed in neonatal care unit of Husada Utama Hospital between April 1st 2008 to April 30th 2011 with purposive sampling. Catheter duration was observed before and after 14 days on placement. Blood and UVC culture was performed to establish the risk of CLA-BSIs and sepsis. Chi-square and logistic regression analysis were performed in the laboratorium data. Result: A total 44 high risk premature babies with UVCs were enrolled (sepsis group: n = 23 and non sepsis group: n = 21. Baseline demographics were similar between the groups. 15 babies in sepsis group have UVCs duration > 14 days, and 8 babies have UVCs 14 days show blood culture performance in 11 babies with positive evidence, UVCs culture performance is negative in 18 babies (p = 0.456. Burkholderia cepacia and Klebsiella pneumonia mostly appeared in blood culture performance. 25% of UVC culture performance shows Pseudomonas aeroginosa. Conclusions: The catheter duration have no significant difference in risk of sepsis in premature babies with Umbilical Vein Catheters.

  7. Surgical treatment of an umbilical hernia in a free-ranging sub-adult African elephant in Samburu National Reserve, Kenya

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    Mijele D


    Full Text Available Domnic Mijele, Michael Njoroge, Titus Kaitho Veterinary Services Department, Species Conservation and Management Division, Kenya Wildlife Service, Nairobi, Kenya Abstract: A 10-year-old male African elephant (Loxodonta africana at Samburu National Reserve in Northern Kenya, weighing approximately 1,600 kg, presented with an umbilical hernia in October 2013. Umbilical herniorrhaphy was carried out under field conditions. Anesthesia was induced and maintained using etorphine hydrochloride for 3 hours during the surgery. This case report details both the surgical and anesthetic procedure carried out to correct the hernia, and the eventual successful recovery of the elephant from anesthesia. However, the elephant died weeks after the surgery and a postmortem could not reveal the cause of death because predators had scavenged the carcass. The challenges of the surgical procedure and outcome including possible causes of death are highlighted in this report. Keywords: African elephant, general anesthesia, etorphine hydrochloride, local anesthesia Lignocaine + adrenaline, umbilical herniorrhaphy

  8. Expressões faciais e emoções humanas levantamento bibliográfico


    Silva,Josinete Aparecida da; Silva,Maria Júlia Paes da


    Este trabalho tem por objetivo registrar um levantamento bibliográfico feito nas áreas de conhecimento de Enfermagem e Psicologia, sobre as expressões faciais e as emoções humanas. Visa auxiliar os profissionais de saúde a refletirem sobre a importância da face nas relações interpessoais, mostrando as pesquisas mais citadas em bibliografia específica, primeiro referente às crianças e depois aos adultos. The present work intends to divulge some Nursing and Psychology'publications about huma...

  9. Direitos e valores fundamentais no início da vida humana

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    Ernestina Maria Veríssimo Batoca Silva


    Entendemos que os pais, por vezes, enfrentam dilemas éticos de difícil resolução e que no uso da sua autonomia e após ter sido fornecido o consentimento informado, é a eles que cabe a decisão dos caminhos a traçar.   Neste sentido, pretendemos sensibilizar os profissionais de saúde para o respeito da autonomia e dignidade dos pais, mas ao mesmo tempo motivar para a defesa e salvaguarda dos Direitos e valores subjacentes à vida humana seja do embrião, feto, recém-nascido – CRIANÇA.

  10. Importância do zinco na nutrição humana


    Mafra Denise; Cozzolino Sílvia Maria Franciscato


    Recentes pesquisas experimentais e clínicas têm reforçado a importância do zinco na saúde humana. O zinco possibilita várias funções bioquímicas, pois é componente de inúmeras enzimas, dentre estas, álcool desidrogenase, superóxido dismutase, anidrase carbônica, fosfatase alcalina e enzimas do sistema nervoso central. Participa na divisão celular, expressão genética, processos fisiológicos como crescimento e desenvolvimento, na transcrição genética, na morte celular, age como estabilizador de...

  11. Human umbilical cord blood-derived stem cells and brain-derived neurotrophic factor protect injured optic nerve: viscoelasticity characterization

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    Xue-man Lv


    Full Text Available The optic nerve is a viscoelastic solid-like biomaterial. Its normal stress relaxation and creep properties enable the nerve to resist constant strain and protect it from injury. We hypothesized that stress relaxation and creep properties of the optic nerve change after injury. More-over, human brain-derived neurotrophic factor or umbilical cord blood-derived stem cells may restore these changes to normal. To validate this hypothesis, a rabbit model of optic nerve injury was established using a clamp approach. At 7 days after injury, the vitreous body re-ceived a one-time injection of 50 µg human brain-derived neurotrophic factor or 1 × 106 human umbilical cord blood-derived stem cells. At 30 days after injury, stress relaxation and creep properties of the optic nerve that received treatment had recovered greatly, with patho-logical changes in the injured optic nerve also noticeably improved. These results suggest that human brain-derived neurotrophic factor or umbilical cord blood-derived stem cell intervention promotes viscoelasticity recovery of injured optic nerves, and thereby contributes to nerve recovery.

  12. Toxocariosis humana: ¿problema de salud pública?

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    Pedro Huapaya H


    Full Text Available Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica para actualizar y sistematizar la información existente sobre la infección humana por el género Toxocara. Se describe los mecanismos de transmisión, epidemiología, formas clínicas, métodos de diagnóstico, esquemas de tratamiento. Además, se resalta su importancia como causa infecciosa de ceguera, en población joven, que resulta potencialmente prevenible y curable mediante el diagnóstico precoz. Por lo cual, se plantea propuestas para implementar la vigilancia epidemiológica. Asimismo, algunas sugerencias para mejorar la legislación existente que permita disminuir el riesgo de la transmisión a la población en general e incrementar el conocimiento que existe sobre esta infección en nuestro país.

  13. A policy of routine umbilical cord blood gas analysis decreased missing samples from high-risk births. (United States)

    Ahlberg, M; Elvander, C; Johansson, S; Cnattingius, S; Stephansson, O


    This study compared obstetric units practicing routine or selective umbilical cord blood gas analysis, with respect to the risk of missing samples in high-risk deliveries and in infants with birth asphyxia. This was a Swedish population-based cohort study that used register data for 155 235 deliveries of live singleton infants between 2008 and 2014. Risk ratios and 95% confidence intervals were calculated to estimate the association between routine and selective umbilical cord blood gas sampling strategies and the risk of missing samples. Selective sampling increased the risk ratios when routine sampling was used as the reference, with a value of 1.0, and these were significant in high-risk deliveries and birth asphyxia. The risk ratios for selective sampling were large-for-gestational age (9.07), preterm delivery at up to 36 weeks of gestation (8.24), small-for-gestational age (7.94), two or more foetal scalp blood samples (5.96), an Apgar score of less than seven at one minute (2.36), emergency Caesarean section (1.67) and instrumental vaginal delivery (1.24). Compared with routine sampling, selective umbilical cord blood gas sampling significantly increased the risks of missing samples in high-risk deliveries and in infants with birth asphyxia. ©2016 Foundation Acta Paediatrica. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  14. Costello Syndrome and Umbilical Ligament Rhabdomyosarcoma in Two Pediatric Patients: Case Reports and Review of the Literature

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    Carlos Sánchez-Montenegro


    Full Text Available Costello syndrome is caused by heterozygous de novo missense mutations in the protooncogene HRAS with tumor predisposition, especially rhabdomyosarcoma. We here report two pediatric patients with Costello syndrome and umbilical ligament rhabdomyosarcoma. A review of the literature published in English in MEDLINE from January 1971 to June 2016 using the search terms “Costello syndrome” and “rhabdomyosarcoma” was performed, including two new cases that we describe. Twenty-six patients with Costello syndrome and rhabdomyosarcoma were recorded with mean age of diagnosis of 2 years and 8 months. The most common tumor location was the abdomen/pelvis, including four out of ten of those in the umbilical ligament. The most common histological subtype was embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma. Overall survival was 43%. A total of 17 rhabdomyosarcomas in pediatric patients arising in the umbilical ligament were recorded with mean age of diagnosis of 3 years and 4 months. Overall survival was 69%. Costello syndrome is a poorly known disorder in pediatric oncology but their predisposition to malignancies implies the need for a new perspective on early diagnosis and aggressive medical and surgical treatment.

  15. O cadáver no ensino da anatomia humana: uma visão metodológica e bioética

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    Gilliene Batista Ferreira da Costa

    Full Text Available Este trabalho teve por objetivos analisar a opinião de alunos sobre as metodologias de ensino aplicadas em aulas práticas de anatomia humana e abordar questões bioéticas envolvidas na utilização dos cadáveres. Este estudo foi realizado mediante aplicação de questionário a 542 alunos dos cursos do Centro de Ciências da Saúde da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco que cursavam a disciplina de anatomia humana em 2011. Os dados obtidos revelaram que 88,9% dos entrevistados consideraram indispensável o uso de cadáver humano nas aulas práticas e que 98,3% empregam materiais didáticos auxiliares. Quanto às questões bioéticas, 80,7% afirmaram ter recebido informação sobre o respeito ao manipular um cadáver. Observou-se que o uso de cadáveres humanos foi considerado indispensável ao processo de ensino-aprendizagem no estudo da anatomia humana e que a relação em seu manuseio se reflete na conduta do futuro profissional com os pacientes, fortalecendo a humanização dos profissionais de saúde.

  16. Responsabilidad social empresarial y gestión humana: una relación estratégica aplicada desde un modelo explicativo

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    Juan David Peláez-León


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo explicar la relación entre la Responsabilidad Social Empresarial (RSE y la Gestión Humana, aplicando un modelo explicativo en una empresa colombiana. La empresa corresponde a un caso de estudio elaborado por el grupo de investigación Humanismo y Gestión (2012, mediante entrevistas en profundidad a personal directivo y cuestionarios dirigidos a los trabajadores. Los resultados, producto de la revisión bibliográfica, el análisis del caso y la aplicación del modelo, permiten por un lado, evidenciar y describir las condiciones y dimensiones que explican la relación entre la RSE y la Gestión Humana desde una perspectiva estratégica, y por otro lado, identificar alternativas de investigación para validar las relaciones establecidas en el modelo propuesto, así como abarcar nuevas cuestiones. Finalmente, la contribución de estos resultados son en el campo académico y empresarial, especialmente para investigadores en gestión humana y RSE que deseen explorar alternativas de investigación, así como para el empresariado colombiano y estudiantes que estén interesados en generar estrategias desde estos dos enfoques para las empresas.

  17. Appendicoumbilical Fistula: A Rare Reason for Neonatal Umbilical Mass

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    M. Cevik


    Full Text Available The normal umbilicus is a simple structure, but the intrauterine development of the umbilicus is highly complex. Neonatal umbilical mass anomalies usually represent failure of obliteration of the vitelline duct or the allantois which results in persistence of remnants, which can lead to a wide variety of disorders. In this paper, we present a case of an appendicoumbilical fistula in a neonate along with the differential diagnosis and management options. Embryologic explanation of the etiology was discussed with the possible association with different forms of malpositioning and rotation of the gut.

  18. Appendicoumbilical fistula: a rare reason for neonatal umbilical mass. (United States)

    Cevik, M; Boleken, M E; Kadıoglu, E


    The normal umbilicus is a simple structure, but the intrauterine development of the umbilicus is highly complex. Neonatal umbilical mass anomalies usually represent failure of obliteration of the vitelline duct or the allantois which results in persistence of remnants, which can lead to a wide variety of disorders. In this paper, we present a case of an appendicoumbilical fistula in a neonate along with the differential diagnosis and management options. Embryologic explanation of the etiology was discussed with the possible association with different forms of malpositioning and rotation of the gut.

  19. La Psicología de la Reproducción: la Necesidad del Psicólogo en las Unidades de Reproducción Humana


    Carmen Moreno Rosset; Rosario Antequera Jurado; Cristina Jenaro Río; Yolanda Gómez Sánchez


    El presente trabajo justifica que la infertilidad es un tema central de la Psicología de la Reproducción y la necesidad del psicólogo en las Unidades de Reproducción Humana. La muestra está compuesta por 485 sujetos infértiles pertenecientes a Unidades de Reproducción Humana de dos Hospitales Universitarios españoles. Se realiza el análisis de las respuestas obtenidas en tres entrevistas semiestructuradas aplicadas en distintos momentos del proceso de diagnóstico y tratamiento de reproducción...

  20. Segurança humana na América do Sul: uma abordagem para as relações colombo-brasileira

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    Luis Fernando Vargas-Alzate


    Full Text Available El presente artículo ofrece un análisis de la concepción y aplicación de la seguridad humana en el contexto suramericano, particularmente en las relaciones colombo-brasileñas. Partiendo del análisis sobre la seguridad internacional, los autores ofrecen un panorama general del cambio de orientación de la misma una vez la Organización de las Naciones Unidas imprimió integralidad al concepto hasta llevarlo a la seguridad humana en las regiones. Como asunto específico de análisis, el artículo desarrolla un análisis histórico cualitativo de la seguridad en la zona de frontera entre Colombia y Brasil. Asimismo, se detiene en la construcción de una reflexión analítica sobre las políticas exteriores de ambos Estados y su aplicación en la región amazónica y la frontera en particular, punto focal del trabajo académico. Finalmente, concluye grandes distancias entre la aplicación del concepto de seguridad entre Suramérica y otras regiones, a la vez que identifica situaciones poco comunes dentro del marco de la institucionalidad para el área limítrofe entre los dos países suramericanos, en especial en la aplicación del concepto de seguridad humana.

  1. INCIDENCE OF ATLAS BRIDGES AND TUNNELS – THEIR PHYLOGENY, ONTOGENY AND CLINICAL IMPLICATIONS. 26\tIncidencia de los puentes y túneles del atlas – Su filogenia, ontogenia e implicancias clínicas

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    Monika Lalit


    Full Text Available En la vértebra atlas, los puentes posteriores, los puentes laterales y los túneles postero-laterales son las protrusiones óseas que pueden causar presión externa en la arteria vertebral cuando pasa  del foramen transverso de la vértebra cervical al foramen magnum del cráneo. Ejemplares que muestran dichas protrusiones fueron clasificadas según tengan puentes del atlas completos o incompletos que pueden predisponer a la insuficiencia vertebrobasilar y al síndrome cervicogénico especialmente durante los movimientos de cuello. El objetivo del estudio es saber la incidencia, ontogenia y filogenia de los puentes del atlas junto con las implicaciones clínicas. Este canal de la arteria vertebral del atlas y la morfología de los puentes fueron estudiados en un total de 60 (120 lados vértebras atlas humanas completas y secas obtenidas de la colección de esqueletos del Departamento de Anatomía del Government Medical College de Amritsar en Punjab. La incidencia de la impresión de la arteria vertebral (44, la impresión profunda de la arteria vertebral (42 era 71,66%, el puente parcial fue 13,33% y el puente lateral parcial fue 3,33% en el lado derecho y 5% en lado izquierdo. También se observaron doce anillos completos y un túnel 1.66% postero-lateral. La ocurrencia de estos puentes óseos abrazando la arteria vertebral es de suma importancia clínica, pueden causar efecto de comprensión en la arteria vertebral durante la rotación extrema de la cabeza y movimientos de cuello manifestándose en mareos, desmayos, diplopía temporal, vértigo y desórdenes neurológicos. El conocimiento de esta variación es importante para médicos, otorrinolaringólogos, neurólogos y ortopedistas que en la práctica diaria están en contacto con estas enfermedades de la columna vertebral y sus consecuencias.  In atlas vertebrae, the posterior bridges, lateral bridges and postero-lateral tunnels are the bony outgrowths which may cause external pressure

  2. Notas sobre o autotelismo discursivo em ciências humanas

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    Paulo Eduardo Lopes


    Full Text Available O Ateliê de Semiótica Discursiva, coordenado por Denis Bertrand, propôs focalizar, no ano letivo 1991-1992, a " Estética do Discurso Erudito", no quadro da temática "Estética da Ética" do Seminário de Semântica Geral, de A.J . Greimas, na Escola de Altos Estudos em Ciências Sociais de Paris (E. H. E. S. S.. Bertrand distribuiu cópias de trechos de textos célebres em ciências humanas (Lévi-Strauss, Deleuze e Guattari, Greimas, Barthes, Foucault e outros, sobre os quais os participantes deveriam realizar análises que tomassem como modelo, por exemplo, aquelas praticadas por Greimas e Landowski em lntroduction à L 'Analyse du Discours en Sciences Sociales ( 1979.

  3. Apolipoprotein E in umbilical cord blood plasma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Forte, T.M.; Davis, P.A.; Blum, C.B.


    Adolipoprotein E (apo E), with a molecular weight of approximately 37,000 daltons, is a minor apolipoprotein constituent in adult plasma lipoproteins. This apolipoprotein, like apolipoprotein B, is a ligand recognized by specific lipoprotein receptor sites (B-E receptors) on cell surfaces. We have recently shown that a pronounced apo E band appears in umbilical cord blood low-density (LDL) lipoproteins and also in high density (HDL) lipoproteins. Densitometric scans of Coomassie blue G-250 stained polyacrylamide gels suggested that apo E was probably elevated in cord blood lipoproteins. To pursue this suggestion, apo E in cord blood was quantitated by radioimmunoassay and correlated with cord blood lipid levels. In addition, apo E levels in 20 normal adult volunteers were also examined

  4. The prevalence of umbilical and epigastric hernia repair

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Burcharth, J; Pedersen, M S; Pommergaard, H-C


    in Denmark on December 31st, 2010 was performed. Within this population all umbilical and epigastric hernia repairs from January 1st, 2006 to December 31st, 2010 were identified using data from the Danish National Hospital Register, and 5-year prevalence estimates were calculated. RESULTS: The study...... hernia repairs was seen in males aged 60-70 years with a 5-year prevalence of 0.53 % (95 % CI 0.51-0.56 %) and the highest age-specific 5-year prevalence of epigastric hernia repair was seen in 40-50 year females with a 5-year prevalence of 0.086 % (95 % CI 0.077-0.095 %). CONCLUSION: The gender and age...

  5. Seguridad humana y recursos naturales - política de seguridad en Colombia


    Echeverría Rodríguez, Aura María


    El presente trabajo de grado atiende el nuevo concepto de política (biopolítica) que ha sido definido, por algunos autores como la política alrededor de la vida (bios), y el nuevo concepto de seguridad (seguridad humana) que cobija dentro de sus dimensiones, la seguridad medio ambiental. Esos nuevos conceptos justifican el interés de hacer un análisis de la política de seguridad en Colombia, especialmente, de la política de seguridad frente a los recursos naturales que son el fundamento de la...

  6. Quantitative determination of famotidine in human maternal plasma, umbilical cord plasma and urine using high-performance liquid chromatography - mass spectrometry (United States)

    Wang, Xiaoming; Rytting, Erik; Abdelrahman, Doaa R.; Nanovskaya, Tatiana N.; Hankins, Gary D.V.; Ahmed, Mahmoud S.


    The liquid chromatography with electrospray ionization mass spectrometry for the quantitative determination of famotidine in human urine, maternal and umbilical cord plasma was developed and validated. The plasma samples were alkalized with ammonium hydroxide and extracted twice with ethyl acetate. The extraction recovery of famotidine in maternal and umbilical cord plasma ranged from 53% to 64% and 72% to 79%, respectively. Urine samples were directly diluted with the initial mobile phase then injected into the HPLC system. Chromatographic separation of famotidine was achieved by using a Phenomenex Synergi™ Hydro-RP™ column with a gradient elution of acetonitrile and 10 mM ammonium acetate aqueous solution (pH 8.3, adjusted with ammonium hydroxide). Mass Spectrometric detection of famotidine was set in the positive mode and used a selected ion monitoring method. Carbon-13-labeled famotidine was used as internal standard. The calibration curves were linear (r2> 0.99) in the concentration ranges of 0.631-252 ng/mL for umbilical and maternal plasma samples, and of 0.075-30.0 μg/mL for urine samples. The relative deviation of method was less than 14% for intra- and inter-day assays, and the accuracy ranged between 93% and 110%. The matrix effect of famotidine in human urine, maternal and umbilical cord plasma is less than 17%. PMID:23401067


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    Iwona Kozikowska


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to determine the content of magnesium, copper, cadmium and iron in umbilical cord blood of the newborns depending on the number of pregnancies. It was established correlations between average concentrations these metals in cord blood and newborn’s parameters. The study material was collected immediately after delivery from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology in Bytom. The cord blood was taken from 99 women between 29-40 years old. Women were divided into two groups: nulliparous and multiparous. The concentration of metals in the cord blood was determined by flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS. The conducted study demonstrates that magnesium, copper, cadmium and iron were noted in all tissues, both nulliparous women and multiparous mothers. The maximum concentration of cadmium in umbilical cord blood was observed among multiparous mothers (2.229 d.m.. In group of nulliparous women was observed higher concentration of Fe, Mg and Cu in umbilical cord blood than in multiparous mothers. It was noted some statistically significant correlation between iron, copper and newborn’s parameters. Parity influences the concentration of cadmium in umbilical cord blood with higher level found in multiparous women. Average content of iron in cord blood did not decrease with parity, it indicate that this element is preferentially taken up by the child.

  8. 77 FR 56674 - United States v. Humana Inc. and Arcadian Management Services, Inc.; Public Comment and Response... (United States)


    ... students in the United States. The AMA's comment states that: MA [Medicare Advantage] plans in competitive... Services, Inc.; Public Comment and Response on Proposed Final Judgment Pursuant to the Antitrust Procedures... on the proposed Final Judgment in United States v. Humana Inc. and Arcadian Management Services, Inc...

  9. Cardiac function in offspring of women with diabetes using fetal ECG, umbilical cord blood pro-BNP, and neonatal interventricular septal thickness

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Halse, Karen; Lindegaard, Marie Louise Skakkebæk; Amer-Wahlin, Isis


    were included prospectively. Umbilical cord blood pro-BNP concentrations were measured immediately after delivery (n=68) and echocardiography was performed in the newborns (n=75). Fetal ECG in combination with cardiotocography, that is STAN technology was also performed during labor. Results......Objective: Increased pro-brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) concentrations in newborns of diabetic women are associated with fetal stress, and fetal ECG changes often occur in labor in diabetic women. These findings could reflect a degree of fetal cardiomyopathy. We aimed to explore possible relations......: The concentration of umbilical cord blood pro-BNP was associated positively with the neonatal cardiac interventricular septal thickness (P=0.025) and associated negatively with umbilical cord blood pH levels (P=0.036). Fetal ECG changes (STAN events) were recorded in 22 of 53 labors where STAN was used (42...

  10. Umbilical cord blood units for public storage donors screening for markers of infectious agents

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    A. B. Smolyaninov


    Full Text Available The screening of 3515 cord blood samples which had entered bank for public use for presence of markers of infectious agents was carried out. It was established that majority of cord blood units contain markers of cytomegalovirus and Toxoplasma (81% that is not a contraindication for storage and subsequent use of these samples. In 4.6% of cases umbilical cord blood units were subjected to disposal because of identification of viral hepatitis B and C, as well as Tr. pallidum markers, moreover, the largest share of the discarded units contained antibodies to HbscorAg – 71,3%. Inclusion of analysis on the presence of Anti-HBcor in the required laboratory screening of mothers-donors CB was proposed in order to reduce the percentage of discarded umbilical cord blood units for the public inventory.

  11. Cure of beta-thalassaemia major by umbilical cord blood transplantation--a case report of Malaysia's first cord blood transplantation. (United States)

    Chan, L L; Lin, H P


    A 25-month-old boy with beta-thalassaemia major was presented with an opportunity for umbilical cord blood transplantation when his unborn sibling was diagnosed in utero to be a beta-thalassaemia carrier and also human leucocyte antigen compatible. A barely adequate amount of cord blood was collected at the birth of his sibling and infused into the patient after appropriate chemo-conditioning. Engraftment occurred without major complications. The subject is now alive and well 9 months post-transplant, thus marking our first success in umbilical cord blood transplantation.


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    Arlindo F. Gonçalves


    Full Text Available Se trata de exponer y examinar los argumentos del filósofo Julián Marías en relación con el problema de la ética de la persona humana, desde la perspectiva de la vida humana y de la Antropología metafísica. Integrante de la "Escuela de Madrid", su pensamiento ha sido inspirado por la filosofía raciovitalista de Ortegay Gasset. En este trabajo se pretende recuperar el contexto de esa influencia, para introducir los principales conceptos de su modelo teórico, y presentar sus consideraciones sobre la vida como un argumento biográfico proyectivo, la instalación de las circunstancias y las mundanidades como formas de hacer la persona.

  13. Percepções Acadêmicas sobre o Ensino e a Aprendizagem em Anatomia Humana

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    Cléton Salbego

    Full Text Available Esta pesquisa investiga as percepções de acadêmicos sobre o processo de ensino e aprendizagem na disciplina de Anatomia Humana oferecida nos cursos de Ciências Biológicas e Enfermagem de uma universidade da Região Centro-Oeste do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, com caráter descritivo e exploratório, realizada com dez acadêmicos de cada um dos cursos envolvidos, regularmente matriculados na disciplina e frequentando o Laboratório de Anatomia Humana. Os depoimentos foram coletados por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas e analisados à luz da análise de conteúdo. Emergiram percepções acerca do processo de ensino e aprendizagem da disciplina e da sua relevância para a formação profissional. Conclui-se que as percepções dos acadêmicos apontam obstáculos enfrentados para uma aprendizagem efetiva. As dificuldades despertam nos estudantes sentimentos de impotência e desânimo. Nesse contexto, surge um grande desafio: propor estudos que considerem a opinião dos acadêmicos, promovendo espaços de troca e construção coletiva do processo de formação.

  14. Distinct adipogenic differentiation phenotypes of human umbilical cord mesenchymal cells dependent on adipogenic conditions (United States)

    The umbilical cord (UC) matrix is a source of multipotent mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) that have adipogenic potential and thus can be a model to study adipogenesis. However, existing variability in adipocytic differentiation outcomes may be due to discrepancies in methods utilized for adipogenic d...

  15. La inteligencia artificial como tecnolog??a de mejora humana y el debate sobre sus aplicaciones de doble uso


    Moreno Mu??oz, Miguel


    La comunicaci??n fue presentada en la Mesa 1 (Aula 19, viernes 15 de enero, 11:30-13:00 hs): Bio??tica, gobernanza y actuales posibilidades biotecnol??gicas de mejora humana. Coordinadores: Francisco Lara, David Rodr??guez-Arias y Carissa V??liz.

  16. Copeptin and MR-proADM in umbilical cord plasma reflect perinatal stress in neonates born to mothers with diabetes and MR-proANP reflects maternal diabetes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Smith, Julie; Halse, Karen G; Damm, Peter


    To examine concentrations of three cardiovascular propeptides in umbilical cord plasma of neonates born to mothers with Type 1, Type 2 and gestational diabetes. Measurement of cardiovascular markers in umbilical cord plasma may potentially help identify neonates at risk of postnatal complications...

  17. Genética humana: sociedade, saúde educação.


    Santos, Maria Concepción Novoa


    Esta pesquisa faz uma análise teórica da rapidez dos descobrimentos e avanços da Genética humana e suas implicações na medicina; na construção social dos conceitos de corpo, identidade, individualidade, saúde, doença; nas relações de poder; na economia; na política e na própria ciência, visando assim demonstrar a necessidade premente e indiscutível da difusão deste conhecimento em todos os níveis de ensino. Sendo as profissões de saúde, na sua interface com a educação, as que intermediam esta...

  18. Ocorrência de fascioliasis humana no município de Volta Redonda, RJ, Brasil


    Pile,E; Gazeta,G; Santos,JAA; Coelho,B; Serra-Freire,NM


    Através do resultado de exames coprológicos realizados em pacientes atendidos em postos de saúde e hospitais do município de Volta Redonda, assinala-se a primeira ocorrência da fascioliasis humana no Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.Through the result of coprologics exams, accomplished in patients assisted in Volta Redonda hospitals, the first occurrence of the human fascioliasis is marked in the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

  19. Brotes de rabia humana transmitida por vampiros en los municipios de Bajo y Alto Baudó, departamento del Chocó, Colombia 2004-2005


    Jessika Valderrama; Ingrid García; Germán Figueroa; Edilberto Rico; Juliana Sanabria; Nicolás Rocha; Edgar Parra; Cecilia Saad; Andrés Páez


    Introducción. Entre mayo y julio de 2004 ocurrió en la comunidad Embera de Birrinchao de cuenca del río Purricha, Bajo Baudó, Chocó un brote de rabia humana con 14 víctimas. En enero de 2005 otro brote similar ocurrió en las comunidades negras de Pató y Nauca, Alto Baudó, Chocó, con tres nuevas víctimas. Objetivos. Describir los brotes de rabia humana transmitida por vampiros de mayor magnitud hasta ahora reportados en Colombia. Describir las técnicas diagnósticas utilizadas y las acciones...

  20. A geometrically exact formulation for three-dimensional numerical simulation of the umbilical cable in a deep-sea ROV system (United States)

    Quan, Wei-cai; Zhang, Zhu-ying; Zhang, Ai-qun; Zhang, Qi-feng; Tian, Yu


    This paper proposes a geometrically exact formulation for three-dimensional static and dynamic analyses of the umbilical cable in a deep-sea remotely operated vehicle (ROV) system. The presented formulation takes account of the geometric nonlinearities of large displacement, effects of axial load and bending stiffness for modeling of slack cables. The resulting nonlinear second-order governing equations are discretized spatially by the finite element method and solved temporally by the generalized- α implicit time integration algorithm, which is adapted to the case of varying coefficient matrices. The ability to consider three-dimensional union action of ocean current and ship heave motion upon the umbilical cable is the key feature of this analysis. The presented formulation is firstly validated, and then three numerical examples for the umbilical cable in a deep-sea ROV system are demonstrated and discussed, including the steady configurations only under the action of depth-dependent ocean current, the dynamic responses in the case of the only ship heave motion, and in the case of the combined action of the ship heave motion and ocean current.

  1. Trace of heavy metals in maternal and umbilical cord blood samples in association with birth outcomes in Baghdad, Iraq (United States)

    Hasan Rhaif Al-Sahlanee, Mayyadah; Maizan Ramli, Ramzun; Abdul Hassan Ali, Miami; Fadhil Tawfiq, Nada; Zahirah Noor Azman, Nurul; Abdul Rahman, Azhar; Shahrim Mustafa, Iskandar; Noor Ashikin Nik Abdul Razak, Nik; Zakiah Yahaya, Nor; Mohammed Al-Marri, Hana; Syuhada Ayob, Nur; Zakaria, Nabela


    Trace elements are essential nutritional components in humans and inconvenient tissue content that have a significant influence on infant size. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effects of concentration of elements (uranium (U), lead (Pb) and iron (Fe)) and absorption of Pb and Fe on maternal and umbilical cord blood samples. The concentration and absorption of Pb and Fe in blood samples were determined by using atomic absorption spectrophotometry device, while the uranium concentration was determined by using CR-39 detector. Fifty women of age 16-44 years are involved in this study. Results show that the maximum and minimum values of both concentration and absorption in the maternal samples were for Pb and Fe, respectively. In addition, for umbilical cord, the maximum values of concentration and absorption were for Fe and the minimum concentration and absorption were for U and Pb, respectively. A significant correlation between maternal and umbilical cord blood samples was found. This indicates that the Pb, U and Fe elements can easily transfer from maternal to the fetal body which impacts the growth of fetus.

  2. Razão, emoção e ação em cena: a mente humana sob um olhar evolucionista

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    Angela Donato Oliva

    Full Text Available O conhecimento científico da mente humana tem avançado desde a fundação da Psicologia. Aspectos biológicos e culturais, psicológicos e neurológicos, emocionais e racionais foram privilegiados separadamente em diferentes épocas e perspectivas - a visão de mente foi por vezes focalizada e por vezes relegada à caixa preta da ciência psicológica. Contemporaneamente, assiste-se a buscas de integração entre mente e comportamento humanos. A mente é vista como objeto da ciência e produto da seleção natural na evolução da espécie do Homo sapiens sapiens. Este trabalho visa apresentar uma breve história das principais transformações na concepção da mente, e de modelos evolucionistas de mente que contemplem a razão, a emoção e as ações humanas. Busca-se integrar e discutir as evidências das pesquisas de diversas disciplinas (Antropologia, Etologia, Primatologia, Psicologia, etc oferecendo uma compreensão evolucionista da mente humana, de sua filogênese e ontogênese. Comportamentos cooperativos e competitivos serão discutidos a partir dessas perspectivas.

  3. [Persistence of the omphalomesenteric duct. Childhood differential diagnosis of umbilical granuloma]. (United States)

    Sánchez-Castellanos, M E; Sandoval-Tress, C; Hernández-Torres, M


    The omphalomesenteric duct is an embryonic structure which communicates the vitelline duct with the midgut. It normally disappears between the fifth and ninth weeks of intrauterine life. Anomalies related with the total or partial absence of this involution are show in 2 % of the population. We report a case of persistence of the omphalomesenteric duct and review the bibliography to establish the differences between this anomaly and umbilical granuloma, which is the main differential diagnosis.

  4. [Freezing umbilical-cord blood and bone marrow for one's own use: present-day quackery?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Braat, D.D.M.; Mummery, C.L.; Schattenberg, A.V.M.B.; Borst-Eilers, E.


    In the Netherlands, the practice of private freezing and banking of umbilical-cord blood is increasing. In a questionnaire, Dutch midwives and gynaecologists were asked about their attitude towards cord-blood collection if asked to perform this after delivery. The response rate was 35% (125/356) and

  5. Organochlorine pesticide levels in umbilical cord blood of newborn in Veracruz, Mexico. (United States)

    Herrero-Mercado, Margarita; Waliszewski, S M; Caba, M; Martínez-Valenzuela, C; Hernández-Chalate, F


    Organochlorine pesticides accumulate in lipid rich compartments of organisms. During pregnancy, the compounds pass through the placental barrier appear in cord blood. The aim of this study was to monitor the levels of organochlorine pesticides in 70 umbilical cord blood samples taken during deliveries in Veracruz in 2009. For organochlorine pesticides, only the presence β-HCH (4%, 3.9 μg/L median concentration on wet weight), pp'DDE (100%, 0.7 μg/L) and pp'DDT (4%, 1.4 μg/L) were detected. The total pool of samples divided according to sex of new born babies, showed no statistical differences among median concentrations. The number of deliveries considered as a determinant contamination factor affirmed there were no statistical differences among median concentrations; however pp'DDE levels increased from the one to two childbirth groups. Age of pregnant women as a discriminate factor manifests in a significant increase in contamination levels among first, second and third tertile. In general, umbilical cord blood samples in Veracruz contained organochlorine pesticides, especially pp'DDE, confirming the presence of these compounds in the environment and their transfer from the mother to the developing fetus.

  6. Differentiation of human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells into dermal fibroblasts in vitro

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Han, Yanfu [Department of Burn and Plastic Surgery, Burns Institute, First Hospital Affiliated to General Hospital of PLA, Beijing (China); Chai, Jiake, E-mail: [Department of Burn and Plastic Surgery, Burns Institute, First Hospital Affiliated to General Hospital of PLA, Beijing (China); Sun, Tianjun; Li, Dongjie; Tao, Ran [Department of Burn and Plastic Surgery, Burns Institute, First Hospital Affiliated to General Hospital of PLA, Beijing (China)


    Highlights: {yields} Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are potential seed cells for tissue-engineered skin. {yields} Tissue-derived umbilical cord MSCs (UCMSCs) can readily be isolated in vitro. {yields} We induce UCMSCs to differentiate into dermal fibroblasts via conditioned medium. {yields} Collagen type I and collagen type III mRNA level was higher in differentiated cells. {yields} UCMSCs-derived fibroblast-like cells strongly express fibroblast-specific protein. -- Abstract: Tissue-derived umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells (UCMSCs) can be readily obtained, avoid ethical or moral constraints, and show excellent pluripotency and proliferation potential. UCMSCs are considered to be a promising source of stem cells in regenerative medicine. In this study, we collected newborn umbilical cord tissue under sterile conditions and isolated UCMSCs through a tissue attachment method. UCMSC cell surface markers were examined using flow cytometry. On the third passage, UCMSCs were induced to differentiate into dermal fibroblasts in conditioned induction media. The induction results were detected using immunofluorescence with a fibroblast-specific monoclonal antibody and real time PCR for type I and type III collagen. UCMSCs exhibited a fibroblast-like morphology and reached 90% confluency 14 to 18 days after primary culture. Cultured UCMSCs showed strong positive staining for CD73, CD29, CD44, CD105, and HLA-I, but not CD34, CD45, CD31, or HLA-DR. After differentiation, immunostaining for collagen type I, type III, fibroblast-specific protein, vimentin, and desmin were all strongly positive in induced cells, and staining was weak or negative in non-induced cells; total transcript production of collagen type I and collagen type III mRNA was higher in induced cells than in non-induced cells. These results demonstrate that UCMSCs can be induced to differentiate into fibroblasts with conditioned induction media and, in turn, could be used as seed cells for tissue

  7. Differentiation of human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells into dermal fibroblasts in vitro

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Han, Yanfu; Chai, Jiake; Sun, Tianjun; Li, Dongjie; Tao, Ran


    Highlights: → Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are potential seed cells for tissue-engineered skin. → Tissue-derived umbilical cord MSCs (UCMSCs) can readily be isolated in vitro. → We induce UCMSCs to differentiate into dermal fibroblasts via conditioned medium. → Collagen type I and collagen type III mRNA level was higher in differentiated cells. → UCMSCs-derived fibroblast-like cells strongly express fibroblast-specific protein. -- Abstract: Tissue-derived umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells (UCMSCs) can be readily obtained, avoid ethical or moral constraints, and show excellent pluripotency and proliferation potential. UCMSCs are considered to be a promising source of stem cells in regenerative medicine. In this study, we collected newborn umbilical cord tissue under sterile conditions and isolated UCMSCs through a tissue attachment method. UCMSC cell surface markers were examined using flow cytometry. On the third passage, UCMSCs were induced to differentiate into dermal fibroblasts in conditioned induction media. The induction results were detected using immunofluorescence with a fibroblast-specific monoclonal antibody and real time PCR for type I and type III collagen. UCMSCs exhibited a fibroblast-like morphology and reached 90% confluency 14 to 18 days after primary culture. Cultured UCMSCs showed strong positive staining for CD73, CD29, CD44, CD105, and HLA-I, but not CD34, CD45, CD31, or HLA-DR. After differentiation, immunostaining for collagen type I, type III, fibroblast-specific protein, vimentin, and desmin were all strongly positive in induced cells, and staining was weak or negative in non-induced cells; total transcript production of collagen type I and collagen type III mRNA was higher in induced cells than in non-induced cells. These results demonstrate that UCMSCs can be induced to differentiate into fibroblasts with conditioned induction media and, in turn, could be used as seed cells for tissue-engineered dermis.

  8. Differentiation of isolated human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells into neural stem cells (United States)

    Chen, Song; Zhang, Wei; Wang, Ji-Ming; Duan, Hong-Tao; Kong, Jia-Hui; Wang, Yue-Xin; Dong, Meng; Bi, Xue; Song, Jian


    AIM To investigate whether umbilical cord human mesenchymal stem cell (UC-MSC) was able to differentiate into neural stem cell and neuron in vitro. METHODS The umbilical cords were obtained from pregnant women with their written consent and the approval of the Clinic Ethnics Committee. UC-MSC were isolated by adherent culture in the medium contains 20% fetal bovine serum (FBS), then they were maintained in the medium contain 10% FBS and induced to neural cells in neural differentiation medium. We investigated whether UC-MSC was able to differentiate into neural stem cell and neuron in vitro by using flow cytometry, reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and immunofluorescence (IF) analyzes. RESULTS A substantial number of UC-MSC was harvested using the tissue explants adherent method at about 2wk. Flow cytometric study revealed that these cells expressed common markers of MSCs, such as CD105 (SH2), CD73 (SH3) and CD90. After induction of differentiation of neural stem cells, the cells began to form clusters; RT-PCR and IF showed that the neuron specific enolase (NSE) and neurogenic differentiation 1-positive cells reached 87.3%±14.7% and 72.6%±11.8%, respectively. Cells showed neuronal cell differentiation after induced, including neuron-like protrusions, plump cell body, obviously and stronger refraction. RT-PCR and IF analysis showed that microtubule-associated protein 2 (MAP2) and nuclear factor-M-positive cells reached 43.1%±10.3% and 69.4%±19.5%, respectively. CONCLUSION Human umbilical cord derived MSCs can be cultured and proliferated in vitro and differentiate into neural stem cells, which may be a valuable source for cell therapy of neurodegenerative eye diseases. PMID:26949608

  9. Differentiation of isolated human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells into neural stem cells

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    Song Chen


    Full Text Available AIM: To investigate whether umbilical cord human mesenchymal stem cell (UC-MSC was able to differentiate into neural stem cell and neuron in vitro. METHODS: The umbilical cords were obtained from pregnant women with their written consent and the approval of the Clinic Ethnics Committee. UC-MSC were isolated by adherent culture in the medium contains 20% fetal bovine serum (FBS, then they were maintained in the medium contain 10% FBS and induced to neural cells in neural differentiation medium. We investigated whether UC-MSC was able to differentiate into neural stem cell and neuron in vitro by using flow cytometry, reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR and immunofluorescence (IF analyzes. RESULTS: A substantial number of UC-MSC was harvested using the tissue explants adherent method at about 2wk. Flow cytometric study revealed that these cells expressed common markers of MSCs, such as CD105 (SH2, CD73 (SH3 and CD90. After induction of differentiation of neural stem cells, the cells began to form clusters; RT-PCR and IF showed that the neuron specific enolase (NSE and neurogenic differentiation 1-positive cells reached 87.3%±14.7% and 72.6%±11.8%, respectively. Cells showed neuronal cell differentiation after induced, including neuron-like protrusions, plump cell body, obviously and stronger refraction. RT-PCR and IF analysis showed that microtubule-associated protein 2 (MAP2 and nuclear factor-M-positive cells reached 43.1%±10.3% and 69.4%±19.5%, respectively. CONCLUSION: Human umbilical cord derived MSCs can be cultured and proliferated in vitro and differentiate into neural stem cells, which may be a valuable source for cell therapy of neurodegenerative eye diseases.

  10. Altered protein expression profiles in umbilical veins: insights into vascular dysfunctions of the children born after in vitro fertilization. (United States)

    Gao, Qian; Pan, Hai-Tao; Lin, Xian-Hua; Zhang, Jun-Yu; Jiang, Ying; Tian, Shen; Chen, Lu-Ting; Liu, Miao-E; Xiong, Yi-Meng; Huang, He-Feng; Sheng, Jian-Zhong


    Cardiovascular dysfunction and remodeling have been found in some children conceived by in vitro fertilization (IVF). However, the underlying mechanisms remain unclear. In this study, the retrospective investigation showed that the blood pressure of IVF-conceived Chinese children was higher than that of naturally conceived (NC) children at ages 3-13 yr. We analyzed the expression profile of proteins in the umbilical veins of IVF and NC newborns by proteomic techniques. Using iTRAQ (isobaric tags for relative and absolute quantitation), 47 differentially expressed proteins (DEPs) were identified by feature selection in IVF umbilical veins compared with NC. Ingenuity Pathway Analysis, which is used to explore the signaling pathways of DEPs, revealed that these DEPs played important roles in vascular system development and carbon metabolism, implying that these DEPs might be potential candidates for further exploration of the mechanism(s) of vascular dysfunction in IVF children. We found that the serum estradiol (E₂) level in the cord blood of IVF newborns was significantly higher than that of NC newborns. High concentrations of E₂ induced alteration of lumican and vimentin expression in human umbilical vein endothelial cells, which was consistent with the proteomic results. These findings suggested that abnormal expression of proteins in umbilical veins might be related to the cardiovascular dysfunction and remodeling in IVF offspring. In conclusion, our data for the first time reveal the protein expression profile in blood vessels of IVF offspring and provide information for further mechanism study and evaluation of risks of cardiovascular abnormality in IVF children. © 2014 by the Society for the Study of Reproduction, Inc.

  11. Direito e reprodução humana assistida nas uniões homoafetivas

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    José Márcio Carvalho da Silva


    Full Text Available A reprodução humana assistida em uniões homoafetivas é uma temática envolta em controvérsias na sociedade contemporânea, motico pelo qual o Poder Judiciário frequentemente é acionado no intuito de dirimir os conflitos existentes. Apesar da união de pessoas do mesmo sexo ser uma configuração familiar cada vez mais frequente no Brasil, o ordenamento brasileiro ainda é frágil em relação ao deslinde da questão. A inexistência de mecanismos legais específicos no país coloca o assunto em uma posição vulnerável a questionamentos éticos, morais, médicos, religiosos e sociais. Considerando este cenário de inegável transformação da estrutura familiar, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo principal analisar as repercussões jurídicas da reprodução humana assistida nas uniões homoafetivas. As considerações trazidas por este trabalho sinalizam que mesmo diante de alguns avanços, lacunas importantes necessitam ser preenchidas no âmbito do Direito. Algumas sentenças já foram favoráveis ao reconhecimento da paternidade e maternidade de casais homoafetivos cujos filhos foram gerados por meio de métodos de reprodução assistida, entretanto, as respostas aos dilemas que envolvem esse tipo de cinstituição familiar contemporânea ainda carecem de mecanismos legais mais concretos.

  12. Effect of apple extracts on NF-kappaB activation in human umbilical vein endothelial cells

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Davis, P.A.; Polagruto, J.A.; Valacchi, G.; Phung, A.; Souček, Karel; Keen, C.L.; Gershwin, M.E.


    Roč. 231, č. 5 (2006), s. 594-598 ISSN 1535-3702 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z50040507 Keywords : human umbilical vascular endothelial cells * NF-kappaB * antioxidants Subject RIV: BO - Biophysics Impact factor: 2.845, year: 2006

  13. Comparison of the effect of topical application of human milk and dry cord care on the bacterial colonization of umbilical cord in newborn infants

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    Fatemeh Abbaszadeh


    Full Text Available Background: Breast milk contains significant amounts of compounds that act as natural antimicrobial agents. This study was conducted to compare the effect of topical application of human milk and dry cord care on bacterial colonization in the umbilical cord of newborn infants. Methods: This clinical trial study was carried out on 174 infants in Kashan. The newborns were randomized to mother's milk group and dry cord care group from the birth. In group 1, the mother rubbed her own milk on the cord stump every 12 hours from 3 hours after birth to 2 days after the umbilical cord separation. In group 2, the mother was recommended not to use any material on the cord. Then, the cord samples were taken four times; 3hours after birth, at days 3 and 7, and 2 days after the umbilical cord separation. Results: The findings of the culture two days after umbilical cord separation indicated that low percentage of neonates in the breast milk (23.1% and dry cord care (28.8% groups had bacterial colonization. Moreover, no significant difference was found between the two groups in terms of growth of pathogenic organisms and normal flora of the skin (P>0.05. Conclusion: Given the low prevalence of pathogenic microorganisms in the two groups, it seems using breast milk and dry cord care are equally effective methods of taking care of umbilical cord.

  14. Estudio histológico, inmuno-histoquímico y de cultivo celular de mamas humana y canina normal y cancerosa

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    Carine Fernandes B.


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Comparar las características morfológicas de células normales y cancerosas derivadas de glándulas mamarias de las especies humana y canina. Materiales y métodos. Fueron colectadas 10 muestras de parénquima mamario normal y 14 de parénquima tumoral de la especie canina, así como seis muestras de parénquima mamario normal y tres de parénquima tumoral de la especie humana. Para el cultivo de células fue utilizada la técnica de cultivo de células de mamíferos y para la histoquímica la técnica de la avidina- biotina- peroxidasa, con utilización del anticuerpo monoclonal 32-2B (anti-desmogléina-1. Resultados. A los estudios histológicos y morfológicos las células de la glándula mamaria normal humana demostraron semejanzas con las células de la glándula mamaria normal canina. Se observó adhesión y proliferación de células normales en ambas especies por aproximadamente tres meses de cultivo. Las células normales de las especies humana y canina mostraron baja actividad de proliferación cuando se compararon con las cancerosas de las especies en estudio. Los grupos de células epiteloides que se adhirieron al sustrato de los dos cultivos tuvieron dependencia de las células estromales, porque en la medida que las células fibroblastoides se retiraron, las células epiteloides detuvieron su crecimiento. Conclusiones. Comparando los resultados obtenidos por medio de análisis inmuno-histoquímico de células normales de mujeres y perras fue posible observar cambios en el patrón de coloración en células cancerosas en ambas especies, demostrando que las estructuras relacionadas con la adhesión celular (desmosomas pueden estar alteradas.


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    Maria Cristina Longo Cardoso Dias


    Full Text Available O objetivo desse artigo é compreender a diferença entre amoralidade dos sistemas filosóficos de Bentham e John Stuart Mill,bem como provar que há mais espaço para a elaboração de regrasmorais no utilitarismo de Mill, quando comparado ao utilitarismode Bentham. Contudo, para que se entenda como a moral nosistema de Bentham distingue-se da moral no sistema de Mill, énecessário ter uma clara noção da natureza humana dos indivíduosde ambos os autores e dos respectivos princípios de utilidade quederivam destas distintas noções de natureza humana, pois oconceito de moralidade de cada autor decorre das respectivas ideiasde natureza humana e do princípio de utilidade de tais autores.

  16. Operator auditory perception and spectral quantification of umbilical artery Doppler ultrasound signals.

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    Ann Thuring

    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: An experienced sonographer can by listening to the Doppler audio signals perceive various timbres that distinguish different types of umbilical artery flow despite an unchanged pulsatility index (PI. Our aim was to develop an objective measure of the Doppler audio signals recorded from fetoplacental circulation in a sheep model. METHODS: Various degrees of pathological flow velocity waveforms in the umbilical artery, similar to those in human complicated pregnancies, were induced by microsphere embolization of the placental bed (embolization model, 7 lamb fetuses, 370 Doppler recordings or by fetal hemodilution (anemia model, 4 lamb fetuses, 184 recordings. A subjective 11-step operator auditory scale (OAS was related to conventional Doppler parameters, PI and time average mean velocity (TAM, and to sound frequency analysis of Doppler signals (sound frequency with the maximum energy content [MAXpeak] and frequency band at maximum level minus 15 dB [MAXpeak-15 dB] over several heart cycles. RESULTS: WE FOUND A NEGATIVE CORRELATION BETWEEN THE OAS AND PI: median Rho -0.73 (range -0.35- -0.94 and -0.68 (range -0.57- -0.78 in the two lamb models, respectively. There was a positive correlation between OAS and TAM in both models: median Rho 0.80 (range 0.58-0.95 and 0.90 (range 0.78-0.95, respectively. A strong correlation was found between TAM and the results of sound spectrum analysis; in the embolization model the median r was 0.91 (range 0.88-0.97 for MAXpeak and 0.91 (range 0.82-0.98 for MAXpeak-15 dB. In the anemia model, the corresponding values were 0.92 (range 0.78-0.96 and 0.96 (range 0.89-0.98, respectively. CONCLUSION: Audio-spectrum analysis reflects the subjective perception of Doppler sound signals in the umbilical artery and has a strong correlation to TAM-velocity. This information might be of importance for clinical management of complicated pregnancies as an addition to conventional Doppler parameters.

  17. Endoscopic-assisted linea alba reconstruction plus mesh augmentation (ELAR plus for treatment of umbilical and/or epigastric hernias and rectus abdominis diastasis – Early results

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    Ferdinand eKöckerling


    Full Text Available IntroductionSymptomatic umbilical and/or epigastric hernias are often seen concomitantly with rectus abdominis diastasis (RAD, and suture repair of such defects has a high recurrence rate. In the literature there are reports of both endoscopic and open techniques for repair of symptomatic umbilical and/or epigastric hernias in association with RAD. This paper now reports on the early results of a hybrid technique used for reconstruction of the linea alba and mesh augmentation (ELAR plus.Material and methodsBetween 15 June 2015 and 31 January 2016, 40 patients with symptomatic umbilical and /or epigastric hernia and concomitant RAD underwent reconstruction of the linea alba using a hybrid technique involving a small umbilical incision and the use of video endoscopic equipment. The patients comprised 29 men and 11 women with a mean age of 53.6 years and mean BMI of 32.6. The mean operating time was 120 minutes. The mesh had a mean longitudinal extension of 18.6 cm and transverse extension of 9.1 cm. ResultsThirty-day follow-up results are available for all patients. Thirty-seven out of 40 patients (92.5 % experienced no postoperative complication. Two cases of discrete impaired umbilical wound healing and one seroma were successfully managed with conservative treatment. On 30-day follow-up, three out of 40 patients (7.5 % complained of intermittent pain on exertion, and two out of 40 patients (5 % still took painkillers when required.ConclusionEndoscopic-assisted linea alba reconstruction plus mesh augmentation (ELAR plus is a novel minimally invasive procedure for repair of symptomatic umbilical and/or epigastric hernias with concomitant RAD. Reconstruction of the linea alba via a minimally invasive access route is able to restore the normal anatomy of the abdominal wall.

  18. La reproducción humana asistida en el contexto de los derechos humanos

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    Maria Olga Sánchez Martínez


    Full Text Available Al abordar la legislación sobre Reproducción Humana Asistida, el legislador realiza una labor de mediación entre distintos derechos y principios que, en su pretensión de justicia, no está exenta de controversia. Tal labor no se realiza desde un punto de vista neutral, se han de tener en cuenta distintas opciones éticas e ideológicas propias de una sociedad democrática, sin abandonar la coherencia con el desarrollo de los distintos derechos humanos en juego, en definitiva, esa ética pública que configura los sistemas culturales, sociales y políticos: el derecho a la vida, a la dignidad, al libre desarrollo de la personalidad, a fundar una familia, a la intimidad personal y familiar, a la identidad, a la maternidad, a la salud, a la producción y creación científica y a gozar de los beneficios del progreso científico. Algunas Sentencias del Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos y de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos inciden en estos derechos al tratar las Reproducción Humana Asistida, lo cual permite, más allá de las legislaciones concretas, esbozar algunos consensos sobre unas técnicas en constante evolución, como las sociedades en las que tales técnicas se ponen a disposición de sus ciudadanos.

  19. Associação de variáveis ambientais à ocorrência de leptospirose canina e humana na cidade de São Paulo

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    R.I. Cipullo


    Full Text Available Foi realizada uma análise espacial da ocorrência de leptospirose humana e canina na Supervisão de Vigilância em Saúde do Butantã, situada no município de São Paulo, no ano de 2007, associada a variáveis ambientais de risco, tais como: focos de enchente e áreas de desratização. Foram encontrados aglomerados espaciais de pontos de alagamentos em 12 setores censitários e de casos de leptospirose humana em quatro setores censitários, sem correlação entre ambos. Não foram encontrados agrupamentos de casos em cães, possivelmente devido à subnotificação. As proporções casos humanos de leptospirose : população humana dentro e fora da área de desratização foram 7:199.600 e 9:257.980, respectivamente. Conclui-se que medidas de controle de roedores como a desratização foram responsáveis pela minimização dos efeitos dos fatores de risco para a transmissão de leptospirose para humanos.

  20. Leptospira spp. y leptospirosis humana

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    Claudia M. Romero-Vivas


    Full Text Available La leptospirosis, la enfermedad bacteriana zoonótica y emergente más importante en el mundo, es causada por las especies patógenas de Leptospira spp. Han sido descritas veinte especies de Leptospira spp.; se ha determinado la secuencia del ADN genómico de algunas cepas patógenas; la función de la mayoría de los genes involucrados en su patogénesis permanece desconocida. La leptospirosis humana presenta un rango de síntomas que van desde una fiebre indiferenciada hasta una ictericia, hemorragia, fallas renales y pulmonares severas. La administración temprana e intravenosa de penicilina G es requerida para reducir las tasas de mortalidad, pero los antibióticos pueden no ser efectivos en la enfermedad pulmonar severa. En las Américas, las áreas de alto riesgo son Brasil, Centroamérica y el Caribe. En Colombia se han realizado pocos estudios. La prueba serológica de oro, la microaglutinación, tiene alta sesibilidad y especificidad cuando se usan baterías de serovariedades locales, pero es serogrupo específica. Las vacunas generan respuestas específicas para la serovariedad usada, pero no previenen la infección o trasmisión. Problemas en el diagnóstico de laboratorio de la leptospirosis conllevan a un subregistro en el número de casos; altas tasas de mortalidad asociadas a fallas renal y pulmonar son resultado de las dificultades en el manejo de los casos.

  1. Standards for the culture and quality control of umbilical cord mesenchymal stromal cells for neurorestorative clinical application (2017

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    Ao Q


    Full Text Available Qiang Ao,1,* Juan Xiao,2,3,* Yanqiu Yu,4 Gengsheng Mao,2 Qingyan Zou,5 Wenyong Gao,2,3 Hongyun Huang2,3 On behalf of Neurorestoratology Professional Committee of Chinese Medical Doctor Association (Chinese Association of Neurorestoratology 1Department of Tissue Engineering, China Medical University, Shen Yang, 2Institute of Neurorestoratology, General Hospital of Armed Police Forces, Beijing, 3Cell Therapy Center, Beijing Hongtianji Neuroscience Academy, Beijing, 4Department of Pathophysiology, China Medical University, Shen Yang, 5Guangdong 999 Brain Hospital, Guangzhou, People’s Republic of China *These authors contributed equally to this work Abstract: Formulating common standards for the culture and quality control of umbilical cord mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs is crucial for the standardization of clinical neurorestorative therapy. But to date, there have been no standardized guidelines for the culture and quality control of MSCs in neurorestorative clinical application. Based on a relatively comprehensive review of published clinical studies as well as the existing methods of MSC culture and quality control, the Chinese Association of Neurorestoratology has developed standards for the culture and quality control of umbilical cord MSCs which possess the potential in neurorestorative clinical application. These guidelines include standardized training and management procedures for laboratory operators; standardized use and management of materials and equipment; standardized collection, culture and proliferation of umbilical cord MSCs; standardized management for cell preservation, transport and related safeguard measures; as well as standardization of a clean environment, routine maintenance and related tests and examinations and so on. These guidelines represent the minimum required standards for the culture and quality control of umbilical cord MSCs for potential use in current neurorestorative clinical therapy, and will be further

  2. Remodelamento da derme humana apos aplicação de salicilato de silanol


    Fernanda Oliveira Camargo Herreros


    Resumo: A intradermoterapia é um processo terapêutico com poucas publicações científicas em revistas indexadas. Em 2005, um estudo duplo-cego randomizado demonstrou os benefícios proporcionados para a pele, cabelos e unhas de mulheres com fotoenvelhecimento pelo consumo de um suplemento oral de silanol. Frente a esses dados, realizou-se um estudo com o objetivo de comparar as alterações histológicas entre a pele humana que recebeu injeção intradérmica de silanol e as encontradas na pele em qu...

  3. Reflexiones sobre la guerra y sus implicaciones en la salud humana

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    . Luis Angel Pérez Flerima


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo está dirigido a la reflexión de un fenómeno complejo y dramático para la vida de millones de seres humanos en el mundo como es la guerra, que con el avance científico- tecnológico ha hecho más terrible su impacto con la correspondiente secuela para la humanidad. Este artículo expresa sucintamente los orígenes de la guerra, el papel que los Estados Unidos desempeñan en los diferentes conflictos regionales como principal potencia imperialista. Por ello se valora el fenómeno de la guerra y sus implicaciones en la salud humana.


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    Luz Divia Mejía Reales


    Full Text Available Se develó el significado que docentes y estudiantes le dan a la condici6n humana como esencia en la formación de futuros profesionales de Enfermería. Se realizó un estudio cualitativo, interpretativo y fenomenológico. La muestra fue intencional o selectiva y, para el análisis e interpretación de los datos se utilizó la matriz des- criptiva. En la institución objeto de estudio, se evidenció un proceso curricular que condiciona el quehacer docente al logro de objetivos e influye en las caracteristicas actitudinales de estudiantes y docentes, así como la ausencia del valor de la condi- ción humana en el acto pedagógico del programa de Enfermería estudiado. AbstractA qualitative, interpretive, and phenomenology study was conducted making possi- ble to reveal the significance of human condition as the essence in Nursing profes- sionals training given by teachers and students. The sample was intentional or se- lective and a descriptive matrix was used for the analysis and interpretation of data. The institution taken as object of study, showed a curriculum process that conditions the teaching work to achieve goals and to influence students and teachers attitudinal characteristics, in like manner, the absence of human value in the pedagogical act in Nursing program.

  5. La seguridad humana como objetivo de la gestión de crisis en la Unión Europea


    Enríquez González, Carlos F.


    El presente trabajo de fin de máster trata el papel de las personas y sus necesidades básicas en el origen de los conflictos, que siempre encierran un importante déficit de Seguridad Humana. Tras definir este concepto y valorar poder y limitaciones leg

  6. Identificando señales de evolución no estocástica en la morfología craneofacial de poblaciones humanas modernas

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    Azevedo, Soledad de


    Full Text Available Las poblaciones humanas varían significativamente en su morfología craneana. Aún se debate hasta dónde ésta variabilidad se ha acumulado a través de procesos neutrales (e.g. deriva genética o bien por efecto de la selección natural. Entender los procesos evolutivos que dieron origen a esta variación es una de las metas de la biología humana en particular y de la biología evolutiva en general. Para analizar la relación entre los patrones de cambio y variación morfológica observados y los esperados bajo un escenario de evolución neutral, aplicamos un modelo genético cuantitativo sobre una muestra muy amplia de poblaciones que abarcan el continente Americano, Asia y Oceanía. La morfología craneofacial se estudió a partir de medidas lineales correspondientes al método craneofuncional, en donde treinta variables métricas describen los distintos componentes funcionales observables en el cráneo. Los resultados indican que los procesos aleatorios, tales como la deriva genética, no son suficientes para explicar la variación morfológica del cráneo en las poblaciones humanas modernas.

  7. A formação humana e a incapacidade de pensar: considerações sobre o problema do mal em Hannah Arendt

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    Marcos Alexandre Alves


    Full Text Available Este artigo pretende apresentar o tema da formação humana conectado à incapacidade de pensar, tecendo considerações sobre o problema do mal no pensamento de Hannah Arendt. A autora é conhecida como pensadora da política que concentrou atenção especial ao problema do mal que assolou o mundo na primeira metade do século XX. A partir da análise de Origens do Totalitarismo, de 1951, e de Eichmann em Jerusalém: um relato sobre a banalidade do mal, de 1963, pretende-se refletir acerca dos mecanismos que produzem o adormecimento da capacidade de pensar frente à necessidade da formação humana. A partir dessa análise, se perceberá que o problema do mal assume um viés radical, uma possibilidade de destruição completa do humano. Na análise do caso Eichmann, Arendt percebeu que o réu agia banalmente, manifestando sua incapacidade de pensar, o que tornou possível a normalização da insensibilidade frente o diferente. Portanto, a banalidade do mal implica na incapacidade de pensar, uma ameaça sempre constante à formação humana

  8. Réplicas y perfección humana: «Los niños del Brasil» y «GATTACA»

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    Full Text Available La posibilidad de la clonación humana se ha convertido en una preocupación social tras la aparición de la oveja Dolly en 1997. Los avances de la genética molecular y de las técnicas de reproducción en los últimos treinta años han planteado una situación que parecía muy lejana tras la clonación de ranas en 1952. La visión cinematográfica de la clonación humana ha oscilado desde el terror de La invasión de los ladrones de cuerpos (1956 a la comicidad de El dormilón (1973. En los últimos años diversas películas, utilizando una aproximación científica más creíble, han analizado negativamente lo que ocurriría si fuera posible. Como para gran parte de la población la única información sobre temas científicos proviene de los medios de comunicación y las películas comerciales, tiene interés su análisis y el de su contexto histórico-científico para valorar el conocimiento de tales temas. Para ilustrarlo se ha escogido Los niños del Brasil (1978 y GATTACA (1997. Ambas películas permiten la exposición de las posibles consecuencias de la clonación humana en un caso particular o como un instrumento socialmente aceptado. Asimismo, plantean el elemento crítico de si la identidad del individuo es consecuencia de un determinismo biológico, social o ambos


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    Julyana Gomes Freitas


    Full Text Available El objetivo fue caracterizar aspectos de la alimentación de niños nacidos expuestos al Virus de Inmunodeficiencia Humana. Estudio transversal realizado en un hospital de referencia para enfermedades infecciosas en Fortaleza-Ceará, entre enero y junio de 2010. La muestra fue de 62 madres que proporcionaron información sobre 64 niños nacidos expuestos al virus. En la consulta de enfermería fue utilizada la Escala de Evaluación de Capacidad del Cuidar de Niños Expuestos al Virus de Inmunodeficiencia Humana, y un formulario de caracterización sociodemográfica y alimentaria. Se encontró que 57,8% de los niños tenían ingesta inadecuada de leche, 55,0% tenía alimentación complementaria inadecuada, 87,0% de las madres tenía alta capacidad de suministro de leche en polvo, y en relación con la alimentación complementaria, la capacidad varió de moderado (45,7% a alta (48,5%. Fueron identificados 13 diagnósticos de enfermería que mostraron problemas de alimentación y déficit de atención que requieren intervenciones de enfermería apropiadas para el contexto social de cada paciente.

  10. Concurrent Mesh Repair of a Morgagni and Umbilical Hernia during a Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy in a Morbidly Obese Individual

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    N.R Kosai


    Full Text Available Morgagni Hernia is a rare form of diaphragmatic hernia. It is mainly asymptomatic and often identified incidentally during surgery. Tension-free synthetic mesh repair is the preferred treatment modality. However, the use of synthetic mesh concurrently during a clean-contaminated surgery such as sleeve gastrectomy remains controversial due to the remote possibility of mesh infection. A middle-aged female 2 with BMI of 47 Kg/m was admitted electively for laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy with concurrent umbilical hernia repair. Intra-operatively, a left Morgagni Hernia containing omentum and a segment of transverse colon was noted. She underwent a laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy and simultaneous laparoscopic tension-free composite mesh repair of both Morgagni and umbilical hernia. Outpatient review three months later revealed excess weight loss of almost 30% with no recurrence of either hernia. In conclusion, the advantages of concurrent hernia repair during bariatric surgery outweigh the risk of mesh infection and should be performed to prevent future risk of visceral herniation and strangulation. Laparoscopic mesh repair of a Morgagni Hernia and umbilical hernia in the setting of an electively planned sleeve gastrectomy is feasible, effective and safe in the hands of a trained laparoscopic surgeon.

  11. Serum selenium concentration in maternal and umbilical cord blood. Relation to course and outcome of pregnancy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bro, S; Berendtsen, H; Nørgaard, J


    The present knowledge of the role of selenium in human fetal and neonatal development is sparse. In this study we measured serum selenium concentrations in maternal and umbilical cord blood from 500 Danish mothers at delivery, looking for a relationship between various maternal and fetal complica......The present knowledge of the role of selenium in human fetal and neonatal development is sparse. In this study we measured serum selenium concentrations in maternal and umbilical cord blood from 500 Danish mothers at delivery, looking for a relationship between various maternal and fetal...... complications and selenium values. In mothers with uncomplicated pregnancies and deliveries serum selenium concentrations were 0.84 +/- 0.19 mumol/l (mean +/- SD), whereas in cord blood from full-term babies born adequate for gestational age and with no malformations serum selenium concentrations were 0...

  12. Efficacy of clonidine as an adjuvant to bupivacaine for caudal analgesia in children undergoing sub-umbilical surgery

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    Aruna Parameswari


    Full Text Available Caudal epidural analgesia with bupivacaine is very popular in paediatric anaesthesia for providing intra- and postoperative analgesia. Several adjuvants have been used to prolong the action of bupivacaine. We evaluated the efficacy of clonidine added to bupivacaine in prolonging the analgesia produced by caudal bupivacaine in children undergoing sub-umbilical surgery. One hundred children, age one to three years, undergoing sub-umbilical surgery, were prospectively randomized to one of two groups: caudal analgesia with 1 ml/kg of 0.25% bupivacaine in normal saline (Group A or caudal analgesia with 1 ml/kg of 0.25% bupivacaine with 1 μg/kg of clonidine in normal saline (Group B. Post-operative pain was assessed for 24 hours using the FLACC scale. The mean duration of analgesia was significantly longer in Group B (593.4 ± 423.3 min than in Group A (288.7 ± 259.1 min; P < 0.05. The pain score assessed using FLACC scale was compared between the two groups, and children in Group B had lower pain scores, which was statistically significant. The requirement of rescue medicine was lesser in Group B. Clonidine in a dose of 1 μg/kg added to 0.25% bupivacaine for caudal analgesia, during sub-umbilical surgeries, prolongs the duration of analgesia of bupivacaine, without any side effects.

  13. A comparative study on the transplantation of different concentrations of human umbilical mesenchymal cells into diabetic rats

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Jia-Hui; Kong; Dan; Zheng; Song; Chen; Hong-Tao; Duan; Yue-Xin; Wang; Meng; Dong; Jian; Song


    AIM: To observe the effects of intravitreal injections of different concentrations of human umbilical mesenchymal stem cells on retinopathy in rats with diabetes mellitus.METHODS: Healthy and adult male Sprague-Dawley(SD) rats were randomly assigned to a normal control group(group A), a diabetic retinopathy(DR) blank control group(group B), a high-concentration transplantation group(group C), a low-concentration transplantation group(group D) and a placebo transplantation group(group E). The expression of nerve growth factor(NGF)protein in the retinal layers was detected by immunohistochemical staining at 2, 4, 6 and 8wk.RESULTS: The expression of NGF was positive in group A and most positive in the retinal ganglion cell layer. In groups B and E, the expression of NGF was positive 2wk after transplantation and showed an increase in all layers. However, the level of expression had decreased in all layers at 4wk and was significantly reduced at 8wk. In groups C and D, the expression of NGF had increased at 2wk and continued to increase up to 8wk. The level of expression in group C was much higher than that in group D.CONCLUSION: DR can be improved by intravitreal injection of human umbilical mesenchymal stem cells.High concentrations of human umbilical mesenchymal stem cells confer a better protective effect on DR than low concentrations.

  14. Effects of propofol and sevoflurane on isolated human umbilical arteries pre-contracted with dopamine, adrenaline and noradrenaline. (United States)

    Gunduz, Ergun; Arun, Oguzhan; Bagci, Sengal Taylan; Oc, Bahar; Salman, Alper; Yilmaz, Setenay Arzu; Celik, Cetin; Duman, Ates


    To assess the effects of propofol and sevoflurane on the contraction elicited by dopamine, adrenaline and noradrenaline on isolated human umbilical arteries. Umbilical arteries were cut into endothelium-denuded spiral strips and suspended in organ baths containing Krebs-Henseleit solution bubbled with O2 +CO2 mixture. Control contraction to phenylephrine (10(-5)  M) was recorded. Response curves were obtained to 10(-5)  M dopamine, 10(-5)  M adrenaline or 10(-5)  M noradrenaline. Afterwards, either cumulative propofol (10(-6)  M, 10(-5)  M and 10(-4)  M) or cumulative sevoflurane (1.2%, 2.4% and 3.6%) was added to the organ bath, and the responses were recorded. Responses are expressed percentage of phenylephrine-induced contraction (mean ± standard deviation) (P adrenaline and noradrenaline (P adrenaline. High and highest concentrations of sevoflurane caused significantly higher relaxation compared with the high and highest concentrations of propofol on the contraction elicited by noradrenaline. Dopamine, adrenaline and noradrenaline elicit contractions in human umbilical arteries, and noradrenaline causes the highest contraction. Both propofol and sevoflurane inhibit these contractions in a dose-dependent manner. Propofol caused greater relaxation in the contractions elicited by dopamine and adrenaline while sevoflurane caused greater relaxation in the contraction elicited by noradrenaline. © 2014 The Authors. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research © 2014 Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology.

  15. Pseudo-aneurisma post-traumático de tronco de arteria coronaria izquierda Post-traumatic false (pseudo aneurysm of the left main coronary artery

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    Melina M. Gallo


    Full Text Available El pseudo-aneurisma de arteria coronaria es extremadamente raro. Su historia natural es poco conocida y su tratamiento discutido. Se presenta el caso de un paciente con pseudo-aneurisma de tronco de la coronaria izquierda e infarto antero-apical del ventrículo izquierdo cinco años después de un paro cardíaco secundario a un traumatismo no penetrante de tórax. Se consideró entonces que la lesión no era pasible de corrección percutánea o quirúrgica por lo que se optó por tratamiento médico conservador. Una angiografía coronaria por tomografía computarizada multicorte realizada 10 años después del evento inicial mostró ausencia de progresión de la lesión.Coronary pseudo-aneurysm is an extremely rare entity. Its natural history is scarcely known and its treatment is controversial. We report a case of pseudo-aneurysm of the left main coronary artery associated with an antero-apical infarct of the left ventricle diagnosed five years after a cardiac arrest following a non-penetrating thoracic trauma. The patient was treated conservatively because percutaneous or surgical correction were not considered suitable for this lesion. A multidetector computed tomography coronary angiogram performed 10 years after the initial event showed no evidence of progression.


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    Fischer, Hervé


    Full Text Available Estamos pasando de la era del fuego a la era digital, o sea, de la era de la energía, que incluye el fuego, el viento, el agua, la electricidad y la energía nuclear, a la era de la información. Pasamos así del binomio energía-materia a un nuevo paradigma epistemológico e instrumental, el de una codificación binaria y de una programación algorítmica con las cuales pretendemos reinterpretar el universo e instrumentarlo con una nueva potencia humana superior a la de las leyes habituales de la naturaleza. El hombre ha escogido marcar con su sello nuestra evolución y hablamos aquí de lo antropoceno. McLuhan fue el último gran pensador de la era del fuego, de los medios de difusión eléctricos; pero no podría ser el nuevo gurú de la era digital. La energía destruye le información. Lo digital la crea y la difunde.

  17. El zinc, micronutriente importante en la salud humana

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    Alicia Velázquez Pérez


    Full Text Available La importancia biológica del zinc fue admitida por primera vez hace más de un siglo y en la actualidad continúan los estudios que avalan su valor en la nutrición humana. Se ha comprobado que la falta de zinc es bastante frecuente en la población de los países en vías de desarrollo, sobre todo en edades pediátricas, y se asocia en general a malnutrición y deficiencias de otros micronutrientes. El diagnóstico de la deficiencia leve de zinc en el hombre es difícil, ya que produce muchos síntomas clínicos inespecíficos. Por todo ello se realizó una revisión bibliográfica, para contribuir a incrementar los conocimientos del personal médico sobre su importancia, alimentos donde se puede encontrar, patologías en las que más está indicado su uso en pediatría y la forma de administración

  18. Label-Free Imaging of Umbilical Cord Tissue Morphology and Explant-Derived Cells

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    Raf Donders


    Full Text Available In situ detection of MSCs remains difficult and warrants additional methods to aid with their characterization in vivo. Two-photon confocal laser scanning microscopy (TPM and second harmonic generation (SHG could fill this gap. Both techniques enable the detection of cells and extracellular structures, based on intrinsic properties of the specific tissue and intracellular molecules under optical irradiation. TPM imaging and SHG imaging have been used for label-free monitoring of stem cells differentiation, assessment of their behavior in biocompatible scaffolds, and even cell tracking in vivo. In this study, we show that TPM and SHG can accurately depict the umbilical cord architecture and visualize individual cells both in situ and during culture initiation, without the use of exogenously applied labels. In combination with nuclear DNA staining, we observed a variance in fluorescent intensity in the vessel walls. In addition, antibody staining showed differences in Oct4, αSMA, vimentin, and ALDH1A1 expression in situ, indicating functional differences among the umbilical cord cell populations. In future research, marker-free imaging can be of great added value to the current antigen-based staining methods for describing tissue structures and for the identification of progenitor cells in their tissue of origin.

  19. Clonación del cDNA del gen de la insulina humana en raíces aéreas de Brassica oleracea var italica (brócoli)


    Berenice García Reyes; María del Carmen Montes Horcasitas; Emma Gloria Ramos Ramírez; Armando Ariza Castolo; Josefina Pérez Vargas; Octavio Gómez Guzmán; Graciano Calva Calva


    La insulina humana es una proteína de actividad hormonal que regula los niveles de glucosa en sangre. Cuando la insulina falla se desarrolla el padecimiento conocido como diabetes. La insulina se ha expresado en bacterias, levaduras, hongos, células animales y sistemas vegetales por biotecnología vegetal. En este trabajo presentamos los resultados del uso de raíces transformadas de Brassica oleracea var italica (Brocoli) para producir insulina humana. Materiales y Métodos: El cDNA del corresp...

  20. How does tobacco smoke influence the morphometry of the fetus and the umbilical cord?-Research on pregnant women with intrauterine growth restriction exposed to tobacco smoke. (United States)

    Milnerowicz-Nabzdyk, Ewa; Bizoń, Anna


    Proper structure of the umbilical cord is important for the fetal development. We evaluated effects of toxic factors from tobacco smoke on fetal and umbilical cord morphometry. 109 women in weeks 29-40 of pregnancy (31 smokers with intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR); 28 non-smoking women with IUGR; 50 healthy pregnancies) were included. In smokers with IUGR, cotinine, cadmium and lead concentrations were significantly higher than in controls (mean 55.23ng/l; 1.52ng/ml; 14.85ng/ml vs 1.07; 0.34; 9.42) and inverse correlation between lead concentration and uncoiled umbilical cord was significant (r=-0.80). In smokers with IUGR, area of Wharton's jelly was increased compared to nonsmokers and controls. Inverse correlations occurred between cotinine and cadmium concentration and fetal percentile in smokers (r=-0.87; r=-0.87) and non-smokers (r=-0.47; r=-0.78) with IUGR. Exposure to tobacco smoke measured by cotinine, cadmium and lead concentration has an impact on fetal growth and umbilical cord morphometry and correlates with intensity of IUGR. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  1. Flexibilização dos direitos trabalhistas: ações afirmativas da dignidade da pessoa humana como forma de resistência

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    Rodrigo Goldschmidt, Doutor em Direito (UFSC, professor Unoesc, Brasil


    Full Text Available A tese apresenta uma construção teórica de resgate da dignidade da pessoa humana nos campos filosófico e jurídico, acoplando esse aporte às especificidades do Direito do Trabalho. A construção da tese, inédita nesse aspecto, fornece ao Direito do Trabalho as condições para fazer frente ao fenômeno da flexibilização, limitando ou impedindo os seus efeitos deletérios, respaldando as ações afirmativas da dignidade da pessoa do trabalhador, aqui propostas, também, com ineditismo. O estudo divide-se em quatro capítulos, sistematicamente ligados e estruturados. O primeiro parte da noção de dignidade da pessoa humana, plasmada em partes da filosofia e da ciência política. Estuda a dimensão jurídica da dignidade da pessoa humana, acompanhando a sua positivação nos tratados internacionais e na constituição. O segundo aborda a base principiológica e a crise do Direito do Trabalho contemporâneo, estabelecendo uma análise inicial da globalização econômica neoliberal e seus efeitos no mundo do trabalho. O terceiro estuda o fenômeno da flexibilização dos direitos trabalhistas, abordando temas conexos, como globalização, privatização e terceirização, estabelecendo o conceito e a tipologia da flexibilização e seus efeitos nocivos para o Direito do Trabalho. O quarto e derradeiro resgata as noções teóricas estabelecidas ao longo da pesquisa, defendendo a tese das ações afirmativas da dignidade da pessoa humana como forma de opor resistência aos efeitos nocivos da flexibilização dos direitos trabalhistas, destacando o papel que o Estado, a Sociedade Civil e o particular podem assumir no contexto. O método de abordagem é o indutivo e o de procedimento é o monográfico. As técnicas de pesquisa são a bibliográfica e a documental. O resultado final da pesquisa evidencia que as ações afirmativas do princípio da dignidade da pessoa humana, levadas a cabo pelo Estado, pela Sociedade Civil e pelos

  2. Por um fotojornalismo que respeite a dignidade humana: a dimensão ética como questão fundamental na contemporaneidade

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    Janaina Dias Barcelos


    Full Text Available Este trabalho propõe discutir sobre os limites éticos do uso pela imprensa de fotos que retratam dor e sofrimento humanos. O objetivo é refletir sobre o papel do fotojornalismo e o respeito à dignidade humana. Buscamos comparar cinco documentos, verificando similaridades e diferenças, e exemplificamos algumas discussões com fotografias selecionadas a partir de seu alcance e sua noticiabilidade. Buscamos aporte teórico em autores que abordam a dimensão ética do jornalismo, bem como naqueles que estudam o fotojornalismo. Em nossa análise, percebemos que existem orientações para os profissionais, voltadas ao respeito à dignidade humana, mas que ainda há um longo caminho a ser percorrido para que a mídia impressa cumpra esse papel social.

  3. Análisis Diagnóstico de la ecoaldea Aldeafeliz y propuesta de solución a la luz del Paradigma del Desarrollo a Escala Humana


    Amaya Amaya, Juan Sebastian


    El interés de este análisis diagnóstico es examinar, dentro de la nueva ruralidad, los niveles de calidad de vida en un tipo particular de asentamiento denominado ecoaldea. Para ello se realiza una inmersión en campo por medio de la construcción de una bitácora –etnografía-, para luego describir y analizar como se satisfacen las necesidades humanas en la ecoaldea Aldeafeliz (2006-2013) a la luz del Paradigma del Desarrollo a Escala Humana y el concepto mismo de ecoaldea, ent...

  4. Study of mesanchymal stem cells derived from human umbilical cord vein wall and determining the Process of differentiation to cartilage and bone

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    MohammadAli Zare


    Full Text Available Background: Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs comprise a rare population of multipotent progenitors capable of supporting hematopoiesis and differentiating into three (osteogenic, adipogenic, and chondrogenic or more (myogenic, cardiomyogenic, etc. lineages. Due to this ability, MSCs appear to be an attractive tool in the context of tissue engineering and cell-based therapy. Currently, bone marrow represents the main source of MSCs for both experimental and clinical studies. The purpose of this study was isolation and quantitative comparison of mesenchymal stem cells derived from umbilical vein. Materials and Methods: In this study, 35 samples of umbilical cord of healthy full- term newborn were studied. Results: The cells had fibroblastoid like appearance and had revealed the potential to differentiate into three linage of bone, Adipose and cartilage. Surface markers for mesenchymal nature were their demonstratives. Conclusion: Based on our findings the mesenchymal stem cells, from umbilical vein wall can be isolated, cultured and differentiated into three categories of bone, cartilage and adipose.

  5. A 26-Year-Old Retained Demised Abdominal Pregnancy Presenting with Umbilical Fistula (United States)

    Daniel, Nnadi; Bashir, Bello; Ibrahim, Ango; Swati, Singh


    This is a report on a 72-year-old postmenopausal woman who presented with passage of fetal bones through an umbilical fistula. She was diagnosed as a case of demised abdominal pregnancy, which had been retained for 26 years. She subsequently had exploratory laparotomy, evacuation of the abdominal pregnancy, hysterectomy, and bowel resection. The patient's condition remained unstable throughout the postoperative period and she died from septicemia on the eleventh day. PMID:24639908

  6. A 26-Year-Old Retained Demised Abdominal Pregnancy Presenting with Umbilical Fistula

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    Nnadi Daniel


    Full Text Available This is a report on a 72-year-old postmenopausal woman who presented with passage of fetal bones through an umbilical fistula. She was diagnosed as a case of demised abdominal pregnancy, which had been retained for 26 years. She subsequently had exploratory laparotomy, evacuation of the abdominal pregnancy, hysterectomy, and bowel resection. The patient’s condition remained unstable throughout the postoperative period and she died from septicemia on the eleventh day.

  7. Comércio de produtos biotecnológicos no Brasil: uma proposta de interpretação constitucional com base na dignidade da pessoa humana e no direito fundamental à saúde

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    ALBUQUERQUE, Victor V. Carneiro de


    Full Text Available A indústria farmacêutica investe no desenvolvimento de produtos baseados em substâncias humanas, sobretudo os obtidos por meio de manipulação celular e genética. Nada obstante, o marco legal brasileiro ainda se funda no paradigma de drogas sintéticas e, portanto, é pouco adaptado para regular novos produtos biotecnológicos em desenvolvimento. O presente artigo examina um dispositivo constitucional que traz norma sobre o comércio de substâncias humanas, com o objetivo de promover interpretação que melhor atenda ao princípio da dignidade da pessoa humana e promova o direito fundamental à saúde.

  8. Rupturas epistémicas y complejidad en los estudios de género, una aproximación a la conciencia humana feminizada

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    Ivonne Vizcarra Bordi


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este texto consiste en reflexionar sobre los aportes feministas teóricos y empíricos que permitieron posicionamientos de rupturas epistémicas para revelar otras perspectivas de las realidades sociales y humanas. Se consideraron cinco rupturas epistémicas que desconstruyen una realidad unidimensional y racional, para dar cabida a otra compleja, que alcanzaría al espacio político de la educación transversalizada de género: biologicista, tecnocientífica, binarista, heterosexual y la separación objeto-sujeto. Se concluyó que los estudios de género pueden promover una educación des-universalizada, para dar lugar al pensamiento complejo que transciende las disciplinas y la misma conciencia humana.

  9. Treatment of Duodenal Duplication by Trans-umbilical Exploratory Minimal Laparotomy

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    Li-Lan Chiang


    Full Text Available Duodenal duplication cysts are rare congenital lesions. Their presentation is often non-specific and physical examination and laboratory studies usually reveal no abnormal findings. The diagnosis of duodenal duplication cysts can thus be challenging and relies on ultrasonography, barium swallow, contrast enhanced computed tomography (CT, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI, and magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP. The management of duodenal duplication cyst is surgical. Laparotomy is usually necessary, and complete resection is the management goal. Subtotal excision with stripping of the mucosa due to close involvement of the pancreatobiliary tree, and endoscopic resection have Duodenal duplication cysts are rare congenital lesions usually diagnosed in infancy, although they may present in adulthood. Prenatal diagnosis is difficult, and postnatal diagnosis relies on ultrasonography, barium swallow, contrast-enhanced computerized tomography, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI, and magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography. A female newborn was diagnosed with an abdominal cyst (size around 6 ×; 5 × 4 cm at gestational age (GA 24 weeks, by regular prenatal examination. After her birth at GA 37 weeks, we performed abdominal ultrasonography and MRI, but there was no definite diagnosis. The usual management of an abdominal cyst involves resection by laparotomy (requiring a large incision or laparoscopy (requiring several small incisions. We performed an exploratory trans-umbilical minimal laparotomy excision for surgery, and the pathology revealed duodenal duplication. In our case, there was no recurrence of the cyst after 18 months follow-up, and the operation scar was almost undetectable. Trans-umbilical minimal laparotomy excision may be considered as an alternative choice for the management of abdominal and duodenal duplication cysts.

  10. La traducción automática vs. traducción humana: una tendencia creciente en la co­munidad científica actual

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    Dr. C. Adrian Abreus González


    Full Text Available El artículo refiere las observaciones de los autores en torno al proceso de traducción automática y humana. En él se presentan elementos relacionados con el surgimiento del tercer entorno de la comunicación y las demandas crecientes de la comunidad científica de divulgar los resultados de las investigaciones en idiomas extranjeros, básicamente el inglés. El objetivo esencial es reflexionar sobre las ventajas y desventajas que proporciona la traducción automática vs. traducción humana, para lo cual se proporcionan sugerencias que facilitan la comprensión por el lector.

  11. Biomarcadores inmunológicos de riesgo cardiovascular en la infección por el virus de inmunodeficiencia humana-1

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    María Teresa Rugeles-López


    Full Text Available La infección por el virus de inmunodeficiencia humana-1 se ha consolidado como una epidemia mundial. La masificación de la terapia antirretroviral altamente activa ha traído consigo un aumento importante en la expectativa de vida de los pacientes seropositivos, pero también serias preocupaciones por la aparición de diferentes comorbilidades; entre las cuales se destaca la enfermedad cardiovascular como la tercera causa de mortalidad no asociada al síndrome de inmunodeficiencia adquirida en estos pacientes. Este artículo muestra una revisión actualizada de los biomarcadores de la enfermedad cardiovascular en pacientes infectados con el virus de inmunodeficiencia humana-1, e incluye los marcadores inmunológicos que han sido identificados más recientemente. Ante la ausencia de una estrategia para estimar el riesgo de eventos cardiovasculares validada en esta población, se discute el potencial clínico y la investigación que poseen dichos biomarcadores.

  12. Altas tecnologías, conflictos armados y seguridad humana

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    Elena del Mar García Rico


    Full Text Available El examen de las amenazas para la seguridad y el bienestar de las personas inherentes al concepto de seguridad humana exige ocuparse también de las consecuencias que la utilización de las altas tecnologías puedan ocasionar en relación con los conflictos armados actuales. De ahí que en este trabajo abordemos los cambios relevantes en la naturaleza y características de los nuevos conflictos armados provocados por la celeridad y amplitud en el empleo de altas tecnologías y su desigual distribución entre los beligerantes, tal y como muestran las llamadas guerras de coste cero, de cuarta generación o asimétricas, e incluso las híbridas. Asimismo, el desarrollo reciente de las capacidades militares cibernéticas, de los sistemas de armas autónomos y de los vehículos aéreos no tripulados plantea nuevos retos al Derecho Internacional Humanitario, aspectos contemplados en este estudio.

  13. Carboxyhemoglobin levels in umbilical cord blood of women with pre-eclampsia and intrauterine growth restriction. (United States)

    Yusuf, Kamran; Kamaluddeen, Majeeda; Wilson, R Douglas; Akierman, Albert


    Pre-eclampsia (PE) and intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) are associated with abnormal placentation. Heme oxygenase (HO) and carbon monoxide (CO) are involved in normal placental development and function and vasomotor control in the placenta. The objective of our study was to measure CO levels, as assessed by carboxyhemoglobin (COHb) levels in the umbilical cord arterial blood of women with PE, normotensive IUGR (<10th percentile for birth weight), and normotensive pregnancies with appropriate-for-gestational age (AGA) infants. We prospectively analyzed COHb levels in the umbilical arterial blood of women with PE, normotensive IUGR, and normotensive AGA pregnancies. Exclusion criteria included cigarette smoke exposure, hemolytic disorders, a positive direct anti-globulin test, chronic hypertension, fever, and any significant medical illness. COHb levels were measured using the ABL 725 blood gas analyzer. There were 41 women in the normotensive AGA group, 42 in the PE group, and 36 in the normotensive IUGR group. Maternal age, mode of delivery, gravidity, parity, and gender of the infants were similar in the three groups. Gestational age and birth weight were significantly higher in the normotensive AGA group compared with the other two groups. COHb levels were significantly lower in the PE group compared with the normotensive AGA group (0.38±0.06% vs. 0.77±0.11%, P<0.05). COHb levels, although lower in the normotensive IUGR group compared with the normotensive AGA group, did not reach statistical significance. Our data suggests the HO-CO system may have a role in the pathogenesis of PE. We also, for the first time, provide information on umbilical arterial COHb levels in normotensive IUGR pregnancies.

  14. Misión y vocación universitaria y persona humana

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    Full Text Available RESUMEN: El artículo es una reflexión del autor sobre el sentido y fines que la Universidad debe buscar en Chile en la perspectiva de un nuevo siglo. La Universidad debe constituirse, en primer lugar, como comunidad humana e intelectual. Pero, en segundo lugar, la dimensión ética de la persona es una perspectiva de fondo que no puede abandonar ninguna tarea desarrollada en la Universidad.ABSTRACT: This article is a reflection about the meaning and goals of the University in Chile at the thresold of the next century. First of all, the University must be a human and intellectual community. But the ethical dimension of the person is also most important for the universitary task.

  15. The influence of sampling site and time upon umbilical cord blood acid-base status and PO2 in the newborn infant

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Paerregaard, A; Nickelsen, C N; Brandi, L


    Measurement of umbilical cord blood acid-base status is routinely carried out in many obstetric centers. Umbilical cord blood pH, PO2, PCO2 and SBE (standard base excess) may change between clamping of the cord and analysis due to diffusion and metabolism. It was the aim of this study to evaluate...... partum and pH, PO2 and PCO2 were measured and SBE calculated. As demonstrated in table I, the vein blood pH and PO2 values were higher and PCO2 values lower than in the artery blood. The changes over time are given in figure 1 with the 1 min values as points of reference. Changes within the first 15...... minutes were modest. A significant fall in vein pH, vein SBE and artery PO2 and a significant rise in artery PCO2 was found. Greater variation in the changes over time was found in artery than in vein blood, being most evident for the 30 min values. Although significant changes in the umbilical cord acid...


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    Juan de Dios Vial Correa


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo reflexiona sobre el concepto de "dignidad" desde sus orígenes y la evolución del término, en búsqueda de un sustrato filosófico y antropológico que fundamente el concepto, con el fin de que se respete la persona humana desde la fecundación hasta la muerte y la reflexión bioética tenga una base desde la cual proceder.O presente trabalho reflete sobre o conceito de "dignidade" desde suas origens e a evolução do termo. Busca um substrato filosófico e antropológico que fundamente o conceito, com a finalidade de que se respeite a pessoa humana desde a fecundação até a morte e que a reflexão bioética tenha uma base de ação.This work contemplates the concept of "dignity" from its origins and the evolution of the term, in search of a philosophical and anthropological substrate that grounds the concept, with the objective of the respect of the human being from its conception until death and the provision of a basis from which bioethical reflection may proceed.

  17. Post-test probability for neonatal hyperbilirubinemia based on umbilical cord blood bilirubin, direct antiglobulin test, and ABO compatibility results. (United States)

    Peeters, Bart; Geerts, Inge; Van Mullem, Mia; Micalessi, Isabel; Saegeman, Veroniek; Moerman, Jan


    Many hospitals opt for early postnatal discharge of newborns with a potential risk of readmission for neonatal hyperbilirubinemia. Assays/algorithms with the possibility to improve prediction of significant neonatal hyperbilirubinemia are needed to optimize screening protocols and safe discharge of neonates. This study investigated the predictive value of umbilical cord blood (UCB) testing for significant hyperbilirubinemia. Neonatal UCB bilirubin, UCB direct antiglobulin test (DAT), and blood group were determined, as well as the maternal blood group and the red blood cell antibody status. Moreover, in newborns with clinically apparent jaundice after visual assessment, plasma total bilirubin (TB) was measured. Clinical factors positively associated with UCB bilirubin were ABO incompatibility, positive DAT, presence of maternal red cell antibodies, alarming visual assessment and significant hyperbilirubinemia in the first 6 days of life. UCB bilirubin performed clinically well with an area under the receiver-operating characteristic curve (AUC) of 0.82 (95 % CI 0.80-0.84). The combined UCB bilirubin, DAT, and blood group analysis outperformed results of these parameters considered separately to detect significant hyperbilirubinemia and correlated exponentially with hyperbilirubinemia post-test probability. Post-test probabilities for neonatal hyperbilirubinemia can be calculated using exponential functions defined by UCB bilirubin, DAT, and ABO compatibility results. • The diagnostic value of the triad umbilical cord blood bilirubin measurement, direct antiglobulin testing and blood group analysis for neonatal hyperbilirubinemia remains unclear in literature. • Currently no guideline recommends screening for hyperbilirubinemia using umbilical cord blood. What is New: • Post-test probability for hyperbilirubinemia correlated exponentially with umbilical cord blood bilirubin in different risk groups defined by direct antiglobulin test and ABO blood group

  18. Patologias umbilicales en niños. Aporte de dos casos y revisión de la literature [Umbilical pathologies in children. Report of two cases and review of the literature

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    María Lorena Re Domínguez


    Full Text Available Son múltiples las patologías que pueden afectar al cordón umbilical, entre ellas se hallan las de tipo infeccioso, las relacionadas con anomalías del desarrollo, patologías degenerativas, relacionadas con la dinámica del cordón umbilical, de tipo vascular, tumorales y del amnios. El pólipo umbilical es una anomalía infrecuente por persistencia de parte o todo el conducto onfalomesentérico, histológicamente formado por mucosa intestinal o urinaria. Entre las patologías infecciosas se mencionan las verrugas umbilicales, que son proliferaciones epiteliales benignas, causadas por la infección del virus del papiloma humano. Se presentan dos casos de patologías umbilicales en niños, el primero en un lactante de sexo femenino de 1.5 meses con un pólipo umbilical, y el segundo caso un escolar de sexo masculino con una verruga umbilical, una localización infrecuente, tratada exitosamente con electrocoagulación. Hacemos además una revisión de las patologías más frecuentes de esta localización en pacientes pediátricos.

  19. Estandarización de la técnica de ELISA para el diagnóstico de Toxocariasis humana

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    Yrma Espinoza


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Estandarizar la técnica ELISA para el diagnóstico de infección humana por Toxocara canis con antígeno excretado-secretado preparado en nuestro medio. Material y Métodos: Se colectó huevos de T. canis y se les incubó con formol (2% a 28°C hasta obtener larvas de tercer estadio, las que luego de ser liberadas fueron incubadas en RPMI a 37°C por 7 días; se reemplazó el medio por otro similar y almacenó a -20°C. Se concentró el antígeno y se dosó proteínas. Para la técnica de ELISA se utilizó sueros de pacientes con toxocariasis y de niños recién nacidos, como controles positivos y negativos, respectivamente, diluidos desde ¼ hasta 1/1024. Se sensibilizó placas de poliestireno con varias concentraciones de antígeno, utilizándose conjugado de peroxidasa e IgG de carnero anti IgG humana y sustrato OPD. Se realizó lectura de absorbancia a 492 nm con espectrofotómetro (Multiskan plus labsystems, siendo el punto de corte el promedio aritmético de la absorbancia de los sueros negativos más 3 desviaciones estándar. Resultados: La concentración óptima del antígeno fue 50 ug/mL, la dilución del suero 1/128, la dilución del conjugado 1/1000 con densidad óptica mayor a 0,241. Conclusiones: La técnica de ELISA para diagnóstico serológico de infección humana por Toxocara canis podría ser utilizada en estudios epidemiológicos en nuestro país. Queda pendiente la evaluación de su eficacia en futuros estudios.

  20. Obtención y caracterización de un anticuerpo específico contra la hormona luteinizante humana

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    Adriana Umaña


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo se describe la obtención del anticuerpo policlonal específico contra la hormona luteinizante humana (HL. La hormona fue purificada a partir de una fracción rica en glicoproteínas, obtenida de hipófisis humanas, siguiendo el método desarrollado previamente en el proyecto basado en diferencias de solubilidad y constante dieléctrica entre las diferentes proteínas. El antisuero específico se obtuvo por inoculación del antígeno en conejos raza Nueva Zelanda y su producción controlada valorando el título por RIA. La caracterización parcial del antisuero se realizó mediante la determinación del título óptimo, afinidad, especificidad y su aplicabilidad para la cuantificación en términos de curva estándar y control de calidad, en comparación con un antisuero de referencia internacional. Los resultados indicaron que el anticuerpo obtenido puede emplearse en la cuantificación de HL por RIA.

  1. Patologias umbilicales en niños. Aporte de dos casos y revisión de la literature [Umbilical pathologies in children. Report of two cases and review of the literature


    María Lorena Re Domínguez; Beatriz Di Martino Ortiz; Mirtha Rodríguez Masi; Oilda Knopfelmacher Domínguez; Lourdes Bolla Agüero de Lezcano; Lourdes Lorena González Burgos


    Son múltiples las patologías que pueden afectar al cordón umbilical, entre ellas se hallan las de tipo infeccioso, las relacionadas con anomalías del desarrollo, patologías degenerativas, relacionadas con la dinámica del cordón umbilical, de tipo vascular, tumorales y del amnios. El pólipo umbilical es una anomalía infrecuente por persistencia de parte o todo el conducto onfalomesentérico, histológicamente formado por mucosa intestinal o urinaria. Entre las patologías infecciosas se mencionan...

  2. ¿Qué deben saber los niños de educación primaria sobre la nutrición humana según los maestros en formación?


    Rivadulla López, Juan


    En este trabajo se pretende ofrecer una primera visión sobre los aspectos que los futuros maestros de Educación Primaria consideran esenciales que alcancen los alumnos al terminar esta etapa educativa con respecto a la nutrición humana. Concretamente nos centramos en los aspectos sobre la nutrición humana en general, los sistemas que intervienen en la nutrición y la repercusión en el medio de la obtención/eliminación de sustancias.

  3. Contralateral lumbo-umbilical flap: A versatile technique for volar finger coverage

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    Akram Hussain Bijli


    Full Text Available Background: While contemplating any difficult soft tissue reconstruction, patient comfort and compliance is of paramount importance. Reconstruction of the volar aspect of fingers and hand by the ipsilateral pedicled flaps (groin flap, abdominal flaps is demanding as the flap inset is difficult for the surgeon and very uncomfortable for the patient. This often leads to flap complications. For the comfort of the patient, better compliance and ease of complete inset, we planned to manage soft tissue defects of the volar aspect of fingers and hand by a new contralateral pedicled lumbo-umbilical flap. This flap is based on the paraumbilical perforators of deep inferior epigastric artery. Materials and Methods: The contralateral pedicled lumbo-umbilical flap was used in eight patients with high-tension electrical burn injuries involving the volar aspect of fingers and hand. The patients were closely observed for first 6 weeks for any flap or donor site complications and then followed monthly to assess donor and recipient site characteristics for 6 months to 2 years. Results and Conclusion: Large flaps up to 8 cm × 16 cm were raised. All but one flaps survived completely. All patients were mobilised within 48 h and five were discharged in less than a week after initial inset. The flap is reliable, easy to harvest and easy to inset on the volar aspect of fingers. The arm is positioned in a very comfortable position. The main disadvantage, however, is a conspicuous abdominal scar.

  4. Umbilical artery doppler velocimetry: a valuable tool for antenatal fetal surveillance

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Khawar, N.; Umber, A.


    To determine umbilical artery Doppler velocity parameter systolic: diastolic ratio (S/D ratio) relation with fetal well being and outcome. Setting: Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Lady Willingdon Hospital, Lahore Duration of study: Six months from 27-02-2008 to 26-08-2008. Subjects and methods: Sixty patients fulfilling the inclusion criteria were included in this study. They were subdivided into two groups. Group 'A' included 30 normal pregnant women with no medical or obstetrical risk factors and group 'B' included 30 pregnant women having risk factors like, hypertension, diabetes, Rhesus incompatibility, discordant twins, intrauterine growth restriction and non immunehydropsfetalis. Results: In comparison of S/D ratio with risk factors it was observed that S/D ratio 3 was present in 19 patients (31.6%) in pregnancy with hypertension/preeclampsia, 3 patients (5%) with diabetes mellitus, 11 patients (18.3%) with intrauterine growth restriction, 15 patients (25.0%) with oligohydramnios and only 1 patient (1.6%) with twin pregnancy. It was observed that women with S/D ratio 3 S/D ratio delivered 10 neonates (16.6%) with <4 Apgar score at 1 minute, 23 (38.3%) with <6 score at 5 minutes and 23 neonates (38.3%) needed resuscitation, 21 (35.0%) were admitted to neonatal unit for asphyxia. Conclusion: Umbilical artery Doppler studies is an integral tool while evaluating health of high risk pregnancies. However, it is not appropriate as a screening tool for low risk pregnancies. (author)

  5. Ten-minute umbilical cord occlusion markedly reduces cerebral blood flow and heat production in fetal sheep.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Lotgering, F.K.; Bishai, J.M.; Struijk, P.C.; Blood, A.B.; Hunter, C.J.; Power, G.G.; Longo, L.D.


    OBJECTIVE: The study was undertaken to determine to what extent a 10-minute total umbilical cord occlusion affects autoregulation of cerebral blood flow and cerebral heat production in the fetus. STUDY DESIGN: In seven chronically catheterized late-gestation fetal sheep (127-131 days' gestation), we

  6. Magnetic resonance detection of CD34+ cells from umbilical cord blood using a 19F label

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    L.E. Duinhouwer (Lucia); Van Rossum, B.J.M. (Bernard J. M.); S.T. van Tiel (Sandra); R.M. van der Werf (Ramon); R.Q. Doeswijk (Ronald); J.C. Haeck (Joost); Rombouts, E.W.J.C. (Elwin W. J. C.); M.N.D. Ter Borg (Mariëtte N. D.); G. Kotek (Gyula); E. Braakman (Eric); J.J. Cornelissen (Jan); M.R. Bernsen (Monique)


    textabstractImpaired homing and delayed recovery upon hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) with hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) derived from umbilical cord blood (UCB) is a major problem. Tracking transplanted cells in vivo will be helpful to detect impaired homing at an early stage and

  7. Aproveitamento teórico-prático da disciplina anatomia humana do curso de fisioterapia

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    Rodrigo Moreira Arruda

    Full Text Available A Anatomia Humana estuda as estruturas do corpo humano e as relações entre elas. Assim, seu ensino a estudantes da área da saúde, incluindo alunos de Fisioterapia, é de extrema importância. É necessário um bom aproveitamento nesta disciplina para se tornar um bom profissional, porém as estratégias de ensino-aprendizagem nesta disciplina têm sido bastante discutidas. Com base nesta premissa, este estudo teve por objetivos avaliar o aproveitamento teórico-prático dos discentes do curso de Fisioterapia na disciplina Anatomia Humana, bem como descrever as facilidades e dificuldades enfrentadas e suas implicações durante o curso. Para tanto, foi elaborado um questionário específico e utilizada também a avaliação dos professores realizada pelo Colegiado de Fisioterapia. O tratamento estatístico foi composto por análise descritiva e correlação de Pearson, sendo os dados analisados pelos programas Microsoft Excel® 2007 e Graphpad Prism®. Não se observou correlação entre desempenho do aluno e grau de satisfação diante de diferentes parâmetros analisados neste trabalho. O estudo revelou que os alunos apresentam aproveitamento satisfatório, mas há grandes insatisfações quanto à forma como a disciplina é conduzida.

  8. Cambio climático y salud humana: una revisión desde la perspectiva colombiana

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    Jeadran N. Malagón-Rojas


    Full Text Available Este trabajo tiene como objetivo recoger la evidencia científica sobre los efectos del cambio cli-mático sobre la salud humana con énfasis en Colombia. Se llevó a cabo una revisión en bases dedatos y repositorios de revistas por medio de un algoritmo de términosMeSH. Fueron incluidosartículos originales, revisiones sistemáticas o metaanálisis que estuvieran disponibles en textocompleto o disponible en las bases de datos y repositorios consultados. Se usaron restrictoresde idioma, tiempo e idioma. Fueron elegidos 268 títulos en las bases de datos, repositorios derevistas y trabajos de literatura gris: 29 % correspondió a trabajos sobre seguridad alimentaria,25 % a publicaciones sobre enfermedades transmisibles, 35 % a efectos sobre la calidad del airey enfermedades respiratorias y 11 % a publicaciones que abordaban varios temas. Solo fueronencontradas 17 publicaciones sobre trabajos colombianos. La evidencia científica revisada per-mite afirmar que el cambio climático tiene una afectación transversal a la población mundiala distintos niveles y escenarios. El cambio climático afecta la salud humana de forma directa eindirecta. Por otro lado, es importante resaltar que las publicaciones que dan cuenta de los efectosdel cambio climático en Colombia se centran en las enfermedades transmitidas por vectores.

  9. Tutela penal de la vida humana y política criminal. Aborto y eutanasia


    Gutiérrez Gutiérrez, María Angélica


    Al ser la vida humana el derecho fundamental más importante, su tutela penal se ha llevado a cabo históricamente y en la actualidad, con mayor o menor intensidad, en todos los ordenamientos jurídicos del mundo. Dentro de la protección del derecho a la vida, mediante la tipificación del delito de homicidio y de asesinato, con sus distintas modalidades, nos encontramos con dos figuras jurídicas controvertidas por estar estrechamente vinculadas con la moral y, consiguientemente, por tener mucha ...

  10. Aneurisma del tronco principal de la arteria coronaria izquierda Descripción de un caso clínico y revisión de tema

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    Julio C. Rodríguez, MD


    Full Text Available El aneurisma arterial coronario constituye una entidad rara en la población; su incidencia varía entre 1,5% y 5%, siendo más frecuente en hombres. Existe escasa bibliografía acerca de esta patología a pesar de que su estudio se remonta a finales del siglo XVIII. La arteria que se afecta con mayor frecuencia es la coronaria derecha, aproximadamente en 40% de los casos. La dificultad al momento del diagnóstico clínico radica en que inicialmente el enfoque está dirigido a confirmar y tratar de manera oportuna el síndrome coronario agudo que con insistencia constituye la manifestación inicial con que cursan este tipo de pacientes; por ello el diagnóstico necesariamente requiere ayudas imaginológicas e intervencionistas, o ambas. Hay muchas causas que puedan producir aneurismas en la circulación coronaria, la más común de ellas es la aterosclerosisseguida por trastornos congénitos, enfermedades del tejido conectivo, vasculitis y consumo de cocaína entre otros. Recientemente se han publicado innovadores estudios respecto a la fisiopatología y los avances en terapéutica farmacológica e intervencionista, aunque el tratamiento debe enfocarse en los factores de riesgo, las patologías y las manifestaciones clínicas que presente el paciente.

  11. Retardo en la caída del cordón umbilical por persistencia del conducto onfalomesentérico. Presentación de caso

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    Luisa Marlen Viñet Espinosa,


    Full Text Available El cordón umbilical es la estructura que en la vida intrauterina se encarga del intercambio metabólico entre la placenta materna y el feto. Después del parto este conducto liga y secciona quedando un remanente que se desprende entre el 5to y 15to día de vida. Se presenta el caso de un lactante de 3 meses de edad con retardo en la caída del cordón umbilical por un cuidado inadecuado y la existencia de una malformación congénita como consecuencia de fallo en la involución del conducto onfalomesentérico. En conclusión, los médicos deben estar atentos ante un recién nacido con una caída tardía del cordón umbilical porque las malformaciones del conducto onfalomesentérico diagnosticadas a tiempo son susceptibles de corrección quirúrgica.

  12. Una hipótesis de trabajo para investigar el progreso en la comprensión de la alimentación humana por parte de los alumnos


    Cabello Garrido, A.


    Esta comunicación forma parte de un trabajo más amplio encaminado a estudiar el progreso en la comprensión de la alimentación humana por parte de los alumnos. Se encuadra en la línea de investigación sobre el progreso en la comprensión de dominios específicos desde las perspectivas de las teorías de los alumnos. Se presenta la elaboración del mapa del dominio sobre la alimentación humana, como hipótesis de trabajo. Para ello, se describen las dimensiones que se consideran importantes para la ...

  13. Quando o trabalho não dignifica as relações humanas: Um estudo sobre o assédio moral na Universidade Federal de Pernambuco


    Souza, Carla Neres; Barros, Natália Conceição Silva


    O presente artigo pretende expor uma análise das relações humanas no ambiente de trabalho com ênfase nas situações de assédio moral. A princípio apresentamos uma definição de assédio moral sob a ótica dos direitos humanos nos detendo principalmente nos princípios da dignidade humana. O artigo concentra-se especificamente nas situações de assédio moral que ocorrem nas relações de trabalho das instituições públicas teorizando sobre suas concepções, características e conseqüências. Ao final é ap...

  14. Human umbilical vein endothelium-derived exosomes play a role in foetoplacental endothelial dysfunction in gestational diabetes mellitus

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Sáez, Tamara; Salsoso, Rocío; Leiva, Andrea; Toledo, Fernando; de Vos, Paul; Faas, Marijke; Sobrevia, Luis

    Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) characterizes by foetoplacental endothelial dysfunction. Human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) from women with GDM show increased L-arginine transport via the human cationic amino acid transporter 1 (hCAT-1). Moreover, expression of endothelial nitric

  15. Human umbilical vein endothelium-derived exosomes play a role in foetoplacental endothelial dysfunction in gestational diabetes mellitus

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Sáez, Tamara; Salsoso, Rocío; Leiva, Andrea; Toledo, Fernando; de Vos, Paul; Faas, Marijke; Sobrevia, Luis


    Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) characterizes by foetoplacental endothelial dysfunction. Human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) from women with GDM show increased L-arginine transport via the human cationic amino acid transporter 1 (hCAT-1). Moreover, expression of endothelial nitric

  16. Improvement of renal function after human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cell treatment on chronic renal failure and thoracic spinal cord entrapment: a case report. (United States)

    Rahyussalim, Ahmad Jabir; Saleh, Ifran; Kurniawati, Tri; Lutfi, Andi Praja Wira Yudha


    Chronic renal failure is an important clinical problem with significant socioeconomic impact worldwide. Thoracic spinal cord entrapment induced by a metabolic yield deposit in patients with renal failure results in intrusion of nervous tissue and consequently loss of motor and sensory function. Human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells are immune naïve and they are able to differentiate into other phenotypes, including the neural lineage. Over the past decade, advances in the field of regenerative medicine allowed development of cell therapies suitable for kidney repair. Mesenchymal stem cell studies in animal models of chronic renal failure have uncovered a unique potential of these cells for improving function and regenerating the damaged kidney. We report a case of a 62-year-old ethnic Indonesian woman previously diagnosed as having thoracic spinal cord entrapment with paraplegic condition and chronic renal failure on hemodialysis. She had diabetes mellitus that affected her kidneys and had chronic renal failure for 2 years, with creatinine level of 11 mg/dl, and no urinating since then. She was treated with human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cell implantation protocol. This protocol consists of implantation of 16 million human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells intrathecally and 16 million human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells intravenously. Three weeks after first intrathecal and intravenous implantation she could move her toes and her kidney improved. Her creatinine level decreased to 9 mg/dl. Now after 8 months she can raise her legs and her creatinine level is 2 mg/dl with normal urinating. Human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cell implantations led to significant improvement for spinal cord entrapment and kidney failure. The major histocompatibility in allogeneic implantation is an important issue to be addressed in the future.

  17. Randomized Clinical Trial on the postoperative use of an abdominal binder after laparoscopic umbilical and epigastric hernia repair

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christoffersen, Mette; Olsen, B H; Rosenberg, J


    PURPOSE: Application of an abdominal binder is often part of a standard postoperative regimen after ventral hernia repair to reduce pain and seroma formation. However, there is lack of evidence of the clinical effects. The aim of the present study was to investigate the pain- and seroma......-reducing effect of an abdominal binder in patients undergoing laparoscopic umbilical or epigastric hernia repair. METHODS: Based on power analysis, a minimum of 54 patients undergoing laparoscopic umbilical and epigastric hernia repair were to be included. Patients were randomized to abdominal binders vs....... no abdominal binders during the first postoperative week. Standardized surgical technique, anaesthesia, and analgesic regimens were used and study observers were blinded towards the intervention. Postoperative pain (visual analogue score) on day 1 was the primary outcome. In addition, ultrasonographic...

  18. Sexualidade humana na formação do enfermeiro Sexualidad humana en la formación del enfermero Human sexuality in nurses' formation

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    Elucir Gir


    Full Text Available Aplicou-se um questionário aos alunos do curso de graduação em Enfermagem, com o objetivo de se verificar as noções que estes sujeitos apresentam acerca da temática sexualidade, no término do curso de graduação, bem como identificar alguns temas da sexualidade vivenciados por ocasião de suas atividades acadêmicas. Os resultados mostraram que os alunos apresentam, em sua maioria, noções fluídas e limitadas, sem embasamento norteador sobre sexualidade humana, além de empregarem os termos "sexo" e "sexualidade" como sinônimos. Os alunos referem ter necessidade de adquirir conhecimento sobre sexualidade. Apresenta-se, ainda, a classificação do embasamento recebido, as disciplinas do curso de graduação que viabilizaram discussões e as situações-tema enfrentadas ou abordadas nas atividades acadêmicas.Se aplicó un cuestionario a los alumnos del curso de pre-grado en enfermería, en el término del mismo, con el objetivo de verificar las acciones que estos sujetos presentan acerca de la temática de sexualidad, y también identificar algunos temas de la sexualidad vividos en sus actividades académicas. Los resultados demostraron que los alumnos presentan, en su mayoría, nociones fluidas y limitadas, sin una base de orientación sobre la sexualidad humana, además de usar el término "sexo" y "sexualidad" como sinónimos. Los alumnos refieren necesidad en adquirir conocimientos sobre sexualidad. Se presenta, además, la clasificación del conocimiento previo recibido, las asignaturas del curso de pre-grado que permitieron discusiones y las situaciones-tema enfrentadas y/o abordadas en las actividades académicas.A questionnaire was applied to undergraduate nursing students in order to verify the ideas on the sexuality theme they had absorbed from the notions they received in their nursing undergraduate program. Results showed that most of these students have slightly, limited and unbased notions concerning human sexuality. They

  19. Presentation of an umbilical cord cyst with a surprising jet: a case report of a patent urachus [v1; ref status: indexed,

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    John Svigos


    Full Text Available We report a baby with an unusual true umbilical cord cyst detected at 12 weeks gestation which as the pregnancy progressed became increasingly difficult to distinguish from a pseudocyst of the umbilical cord. Concern of the possibility of cord compression/cord accident led to an elective caesarean section being performed at 35+ week’s gestation with delivery of a healthy female infant weighing 2170g. At birth the cyst ruptured and the resultant thickened elongated cord was clamped accordingly. After the cord clamp fell off at 5 days post delivery an elongated umbilical stump was left behind from which a stream of urine surprisingly jetted out from the umbilicus each time the baby cried. A patent urachus was confirmed on ultrasound and the umbilical jet of urine resolved at 4 weeks post delivery after treatment of an Escherichia coli urinary tract infection. At 11 weeks post delivery a laparoscopic excision of the urachus was successfully performed. The baby, now 18 months of age, continues to thrive without incident.


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    Dolores Galindo

    Full Text Available Resumo Esse artigo visa a analisar as práticas de produção da subjetividade engendradas pelo mercado de células-tronco do cordão umbilical, que se constitui por meio da gestão de riscos e precauções do futuro biopolítico, no âmbito da família e da relação pais e filhos. O interesse da psicologia pela inovação biotecnológica pode ser visualizado tanto na problematização crítica realizada pelo campo científico sobre os modos de subjetivações que emergem do acoplamento entre biotécnicas e corpo quanto em seu campo de atuação profissional, por meio de psicoterapias de aconselhamento genético. Nas estratégias biopolíticas de controle e de manipulação das células-tronco do cordão umbilical, evidenciam-se subjetivações que emergem em uma rede complexa de produção tecnobiológica.