
Sample records for argamassa armada apos


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    Mohd Ridwan


    Full Text Available Domination of Foreign ship armada in trading activity of exsport/import and interisland in Indonesia,couse deficit state 99 trilium rupiah per year. The national shipping armada can not serve sea transportto support commercial activity. They have not provides enough ship armada capacity for tradingcommodity, and dosent enaugh funding development of new ship armada, so that national armada freightcapacity always downwards along increasingly ship age. Economic from transportation sector of seawhich capital intensive, labour intensive and high tech, requires a policy of government which insubvention with funding especially from banking sector and finance companies non bank. It is requiredmodel or funding pattern which to support the sector, expected later national ship armada can transportall commerce commodity of exsport/import and interisland in country

  2. Caracterização reológica de argamassas


    Paiva, Helena Maria da Costa


    O presente trabalho é realizado com o objectivo geral de estudar o comportamento reológico de argamassas. Pretende-se, por um lado, desenvolver um procedimento adequado para a análise reológica de uma argamassa e, por outro lado, avaliar o efeito de alguns adjuvantes essenciais à sua formulação sobre o comportamento reológico de uma argamassa específica (do tipo monomassa). Procura-se também estabelecer, sempre que possível, uma correlação entre a avaliação reométrica com um...

  3. Utilização da Areia Industrial em Argamassas de Revestimento

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    Luana Cechin


    Full Text Available Este trabalho tem como objetivo a caracterização da Areia Industrial identificando suas propriedades físicas e mecânicas, através de ensaios de laboratório. Esse trabalho compara essas propriedades com os resultados obtidos utilizando a areia natural, na confecção de argamassas. Para fazer estas análises foram realizados ensaios nas areias conforme as Normas Técnicas da ABNT (Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas, bem como nas argamassas moldadas em corpos de prova prismáticos. Foram realizados ensaios de compressão, e de tração na flexão. Para a comparação da ação dessas areias, foram usados (cinco traços diferentes na composição da argamassa, ou seja: 100% areia natural; 75% areia natural e 25% areia artificial; 50% areia natural e 50% areia artificial; 25% areia natural e 75% areia artificial; e 100% areia artificial. Como resultado observou-se que a areia industrial possui características que possibilitam o seu uso como componente de pastas de argamassas de revestimento. Observou-se ainda que para um mesmo fator água/cimento, ocorre a redução da trabalhabilidade, quando se compara com a argamasse feita com a areia natural.


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    Walney Gomes da Silva


    Full Text Available As argamassas colantes têm grande emprego na construção civil, com isso este trabalho pretende avaliar a utilização de resíduos de britagem de rochas calcárias nas argamassas colantes, devido à sua grande utilização para fixar revestimentos cerâmicos sobre substratos. Além da caracterização de uma argamassa colante à base de resíduos, também se viu uma preocupação quanto à utilização de arisco na formulação da mesma, caso muito frequente em Mossoró e região. Assim, começou-se um trabalho de levantamentos bibliográficos, estudos dos materiais e formulação de traços, a fim de demonstrar novas modalidades de argamassas colantes, regidas pelas normas técnicas, que a venham contribuir para um amplo campo de materiais que antes eram desperdiçados. Sempre levando em conta questões financeiras de forma a que esta venha não só reduzir desperdícios, que iria ocupar localidades, já ou prestes a serem desmatadas, onde se poderia ser utilizadas para outros fins, no caso das já desmatadas, ou trazendo novas fontes de rendas mesmo com a conservação da mata original. Mas também, a questão de redução de custos que se vem a partir do momento em que se trabalha com um material amplamente abundante o que o torna de custo mais acessível, entrando ai dados de custo-benefício.Deve-se ressaltar que toda formulação dessas argamassas são feitas de maneira a atender o mercado consumidor, em alternativas bem pensadas desde a escolha dos materiais a serem utilizados até os traços a serem trabalhados, onde destacamos suas escolhas pelas características regionais e já utilizadas na localidade em empresas que por aqui constam. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: argamassa colante, resíduo de britagem, propriedades.


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    Cleidson Carneiro Guimarães


    Full Text Available RESUMO: O setor da construção civil apresenta grande potencial para aproveitamento de vários tipos de resíduos industriais. A incorporação dos resíduos, principalmente nas argamassas e concretos, produtos com vasta aplicabilidade no setor, tem se mostrado como uma ótima alternativa na diversificação das matérias-primas e para a economia de recursos naturais. Esse trabalho avaliou as propriedades das argamassas, no estado fresco e endurecido, produzidas com substituição parcial da areia por resíduo de EVA (Ethylene Vinyl Acetate. Para isso, foram preparadas argamassas com teores de substituição do agregado 0% (referência, 5%, 10% e 15%, em massa. A relação água/cimento, para cada traço, foi determinada empiricamente e mantida constante para as argamassas com substituição. Os resultados apontam que as argamassas produzidas com agregado de EVA apresentam menor absorção de água e também um decréscimo da resistência mecânica. Desta forma, a produção de argamassas utilizando EVA em substituição ao agregado natural é viável, todavia é necessário avaliar os parâmetros mínimos de aplicação para cada finalidade. Dessa forma, o trabalho apresenta contribuição ao servir de suporte a gestores de empresas de argamassas ou gestores de obra a tomarem decisões acerca da inserção do resíduo de EVA na produção de argamassa. ABSTRACT: The construction sector has great potential for use of various types of industrial waste. The incorporation of waste, especially in mortar and concrete products with wide applicability in the industry, has proven to be a great alternative for diversification of raw materials and the economy of natural resources. This study evaluated the properties of mortars in fresh and hardened state, made with partial replacement of sand by waste EVA (Ethylene Vinyl Acetate. For this, mortars were prepared with substitution aggregate content 0%(reference, 5%, 10% and 15% by weight. The water

  6. Avaliação de argamassas mistas de revestimento produzidas com borracha de pneus

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    Nayra Alberici Pinto


    Full Text Available Estudos sobre a produção de argamassas com borracha de pneus demonstram a possibilidade de este material substituir, parcialmente, agregados de origem natural, contribuindo para o meio ambiente em função de utilizar um resíduo poluente e substituí-lo por materiais de fontes naturais finitas. Assim, neste trabalho estudaram-se três características de desempenho de argamassas mistas de revestimento (densidade de massa aparente no estado fresco e estado endurecido, absorção de água por capilaridade e perda de água por evaporação, em função da substituição de 4% e 10% (em volume do agregado miúdo por três diferentes granulometrias de borracha de pneus (fina #0,075 mm, média #1,19 mm e grossa #2,38 mm. Os resultados indicaram que as argamassas produzidas com borracha proporcionaram redução no valor da densidade de massa aparente. Quanto à absorção de água por capilaridade, os traços com borracha apresentaram maior absorção que o traço de referência, onde a granulometria grossa foi a que absorveu mais água. Pôde-se observar que todas as argamassas com borracha apresentaram praticamente a mesma taxa de evaporação e percentuais de retenção de água próximos. Teve-se como indicativo de melhores resultados a granulometria de borracha média, sendo possível afirmar, contudo, que é necessário ampliar o conhecimento sobre o comportamento de argamassas mistas produzidas com borracha de pneus.

  7. As Lições Aprendidas nas Forças Armadas


    Lopes, Henrique


    Este trabalho tem por objetivo geral identificar contributos para a criação de um sistema genérico conjunto de Lições Aprendidas para as Forças Armadas, visando o desenvolvimento do conhecimento e melhoria de capacidades. Projetamos o estabelecimento de uma capacidade de Lições Aprendidas no Estado-Maior General das Forças Armadas, cujo sistema na sua base seja transversal às Forças Armadas. Um sistema de Lições Aprendidas engloba um processo que procura aprender com a experiência, proporc...


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    Bruno Silva Mendes


    Full Text Available O uso de argamassas como meio de reciclagem materiais orgânico e inorgânicos não é de hoje. Vários estudos já foram realizados nesta área, já que a sociedade e a indústria da construção civil estão sempre procurando desenvolver novas tecnologias. Tendo em vista essa visão que este trabalho foi desenvolvido, propondo analisar as propriedades físicas de argamassas de revestimento de alvenaria produzidas a partir de diferentes proporções de resíduos de cerâmicas vermelhas recicladas (RCV através do processo de trituração, objetivando, assim, a redução dos custos de produção e da quantidade desses resíduos descartados no ambiente. Para se realizar a proposta estabelecida, os seguintes pontos foram destacados como objetivos principais: determinação das proporções otimizadas do “novo composto” de forma a se enquadrar nos parâmetros normativos em vigor referente às argamassas; analisar o comportamento do resíduo de cerâmica vermelha reciclada como agregado miúdo em argamassa de assentamento e/ou revestimento no que diz respeito as suas propriedades físicas; identificar a influência da quantidade de resíduos de cerâmicas vermelhas nas quatro proporções previamente estabelecidas (5%, 10%, 15% e 20% em substituição ao agregado miúdo (cal mantendo-se o mesmo fator água / cimento. Para tanto, foram realizados ensaios no estado fresco (índice de consistência, teor de ar incorporado e densidade de massa fluida. Os resultados demonstraram que a presença do RCV na argamassa aumenta o índice de consistência e o teor de ar incorporado e reduz a densidade de massa. As propriedades físicas das argamassas no estado fresco são otimizadas coma a adição do RCV. Palavras-chave: reciclagem, RCV, argamassa.

  9. Adição de resíduo do polimento de porcelanato em argamassas de restauro à base de cal

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    S. B. Breitenbach

    Full Text Available Resumo As argamassas de revestimento aplicadas ao restauro de obras e edifícios históricos devem ser compatíveis com os materiais pré-existentes, contribuindo com a preservação e reabilitação do patrimônio edificado sem comprometimento de seu valor arquitetônico. As argamassas mais empregadas no restauro de edifícios antigos são os traços de cal e agregado miúdo na razão de 1:3 por não serem tão duras quanto as de cimento. O desempenho e a durabilidade dessas argamassas podem ser melhorados, reduzindo o número de intervenções. A adição de resíduos finos pode contribuir com estes objetivos por meio do preenchimento de poros da argamassa no estado endurecido. O resíduo do polimento do porcelanato (RPP possui granulometria fina e pode ser aplicado substituindo parcialmente o agregado miúdo. Assim, o objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da adição de RPP em argamassas de restauro à base de cal, substituindo o agregado fino. Concentrações entre 5 e 30% foram estudadas e o comportamento comparado ao da argamassa padrão. Foram realizados ensaios de consistência, densidade de massa aparente, retenção de água e teor de ar incorporado no estado fresco. Para a avaliação do estado endurecido, foram moldados corpos de prova prismáticos ensaiados aos 90 dias de idade para avaliação da resistência mecânica à tração, flexão e compressão e aderência. Todos os ensaios realizados são normatizados pela ABNT. Os resultados mostraram que a substituição de areia por RPP resultou em maior densidade e compacidade em consequência da diminuição no teor de ar incorporado. As argamassas com concentrações de RPP entre 10 e 20% apresentaram melhor conjunto de propriedades no estado endurecido, com ganho em retração livre, maior resistência mecânica e aderência. A adição de RPP em substituição parcial da areia resultou em argamassas com melhor desempenho que sugere maior durabilidade, contribuindo para o

  10. Resistência à compressão de argamassas em função da adição de fibra de coco


    Silva,Everton J. da; Silva,Paola D. da; Marques,Maria L.; Fornari Junior,Celso C. M.; Garcia,Fermin C.; Luzardo,Francisco H. M.


    Neste trabalho se propôs analisar a influência que a variação do comprimento da fibra de coco exerce na resistência à compressão da argamassa, em busca de se determinar, experimentalmente, o comprimento mais próximo ao tamanho crítico. Foram confeccionadas argamassas com adição (0,3% em relação ao volume total da mistura) de 6 comprimentos diferentes de fibras de coco: 12,5; 25,0; 37,5; 50,0; 62,5 e 75,0 mm, além de uma argamassa de referência sem adição de fibra de coco. Para a avaliação do ...


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    Vagner Arruda de Castro


    Full Text Available A Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas publicou em maio de 2010 uma nova norma de desempenho, a NBR 15.575, referente as edificações de até cinco pavimentos. Essa norma trará impactos importantes a fabricantes de materiais, projetistas, construtoras e prestadores de serviços, portanto os laboratórios de construção civil, como o LCC do IFRN, devem estar atentos a implicações destas normas, buscando gerar conhecimento a cerca dos aspectos nela envolvida, quanto para estarem aptos a avaliarem os materiais de construção e os sistemas construtivos empregados nas edificações abordadas na norma. Dentro deste contexto este artigo pretende caracterizar argamassas de revestimento para uso em sistema de vedação vertical externo (SVVE compostos de blocos cerâmicos, revestidos com argamassas em diferentes composições, visando propor inovações tecnológicas aplicados ao processo de produção de SVVE, objetivando a melhoria de desempenho, qualidade e custo dos SVVE. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: argamassa de revestimento, sistemas de vedação vertical externo, propriedades no estado fresco.

  12. Avaliação da introdução de cal hidratada nas argamassas aplicadas sobre blocos cerâmicos e sua influência no desempenho e morfologia


    Giuliano Polito


    Este trabalho investiga a resistência de aderência de revestimentos argamassados sobre a alvenaria de blocos cerâmicos, concentrando-se na análise da microestrutura da interface argamassa/substrato, correlacionando-se ao comportamento mecânico da argamassa e à adição de cal hidratada na argamassa. Neste estudo foram avaliados cinco traços distintos, composto de cimento:cal:areia (1:0:6; 1:1:6; 1:2:8; 1:2:10; 0:1:6), aplicados sobre substrato de bloco cerâmico seco, com a utilização de técnica...


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    Robson Arruda dos Santos


    Full Text Available A indústria da construção civil consome muitos recursos naturais e é grande geradora de resíduos. Há uma grande problemática relacionada com o tratamento destes, sendo uma alternativa a sua reutilização como substituto de materiais naturais, por exemplo, na produção de argamassas e de concreto. Este trabalho tem como escopo estudar o reaproveitamento dos resíduos da britagem de granito como agregado em argamassa. Os resíduos foram ensaiados de acordo com as normas da ABNT para agregado miúdo utilizados na construção civil. Foram determinados dois traços com a substituição total da areia natural pelo resíduo em estudo e realizados ensaios de resistência nos corpos de prova, segundo a NBR 13279, bem como o estudo da influência do resíduo na aparência e no consumo de água. Constatou-se que a substituição refletiu positivamente na resistência à compressão e flexão da argamassa. Contudo, ressalta-se que para obter-se um agregado com bom desempenho é preciso classificar o material, sendo necessária a utilização de classificadores para se eliminar as frações mais finas e mais grossas possibilitando às suas aplicações um desempenho aceitável.


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    Wiwik Budiawan


    Full Text Available Keberadaan Bus Rapid Transit (BRT di Kota Semarang diharapkan dapat menjadi salah satu solusi akan permasalahan kemacetan, adanya BRT ini terutama pada trayek perjalanan koridor II, ternyata mendapatkan tanggapan positif dari masyarakat pengguna, terbukti dari meningkatnya permintaan yang terjadi dari tahun 2012 hingga 2013 yakni hampir menyentuh angka 90% dari tahun sebelumnya. Dari hasil pengamatan pada trayek perjalanan Koridor II yang telah dilakukan, ternyata diketahui bahwa pada beberapa shelter (halte terjadi permintaan yang cukup tinggi, dan akhirnya pada saat peak hour armada BRT tidak mampu menampung seluruh permintaan yang terjadi, sehingga mengakibatkan penumpang harus menunggu lebih lama untuk dilayani oleh armada tersebut. Hal tersebut memicu permasalahan baru yakni kurang optimalnya jumlah armada yang beroperasi dan juga jadwal antar keberangkatan armada yang kurang menyesuaikan kondisi ketika tingginya permintaan pada setiap halte. Adapun metode yang digunakan adalah dengan melakukan pendekatan sistem, yang selanjutnya melakukan pemodelan sistem transportasi dan simulasi computer yang terjadi pada rute perjalanan tersebut. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah rancangan model simulasi dalam bentuk model matematis dan simulasi komputer. Variabel pengendali pada model matematis dan simulasi komputer adalah frekuensi waktu antar kedatangan armada BRT, sehingga diharapkan mengurangi panjang antrian penumpang. Kata kunci: sistem transportasi, pemodelan sistem, simulasi komputer.

  15. La modernización de las Fuerzas Armadas

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    Serra, Eduardo


    Full Text Available This article briefly reviews the recent history of the Spanish Armed Forces, stressing the importance of the military institution and its role in contemporary Spanish history. Following Franco’s death there was an attempt to bring the command of the Armed Forces under democratic control within the constitution, a process in which General Gutiérrez Mellado played a crucial role. Since 1981, two important measures have been taken in the military sphere: “case 2/81”, prosecuting the perpetrators of the attempted coup in 1981, and Spain’s application to join the Atlantic Alliance (NATO, a very important step in shaping the country’s future and driving the modernisation of the Spanish Armed Forces, putting them on an equal footing with their peers elsewhere in the Western world. After the socialist victory in 1982, the PSOE government changed direction, skilfully transforming its initial anti-Americanism, obtaining Spain’s membership of NATO following the 1986 referendum, and profoundly changing the Armed Forces, thus eliminating military tensions. The last stage of the modernisation process was led by Aznar’s government, with the professionalisation of the Armed Forces and the integration of Spain in NATO’s military structure.El artículo realiza un breve repaso por la historia de las Fuerzas Armadas españolas destacando la importancia de la institución militar y su papel en la Historia contemporánea española. Desde de la muerte de Franco se intenta por encauzar a los mandos de las Fuerzas Armadas en la senda democrática y constitucional, siendo entonces crucial el papel del General Gutiérrez Mellado. A partir de 1981, se toman dos importantes medidas en la esfera militar: la llamada causa 2/81, para el enjuiciamiento de los responsables de la intentona golpista y la solicitud de ingreso de España en la Alianza Atlántica, paso muy importante que determinará el futuro del país y permitió la modernización de las Fuerzas

  16. Cidade Romana de Ammaia: estudo das argamassas


    Cardoso, Maria Inês Santos de Lemos


    Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Conservação e Restauro, Área de especialização: Pedra (argamassas) A cidade romana de Ammaia (Marvão) é considerada o testemunho mais importante da presença romana no distrito de Portalegre e a única cidade conhecida na região. De acordo com as evidências históricas e arqueológicas, a Ammaia terá sido edificada no século I a.C, atingindo o seu auge na segunda metade do século I até ao final do século II, como um importante centro urbano ...

  17. Estudo de argamassas adicionadas de cinzas de algaroba geradas no arranjo produtivo local de confecções do agreste pernambucano


    Melo, Marcio Couceiro Saraiva de


    Esse trabalho avaliou a incorporação em argamassas de revestimento de cinzas de topo e cinzas de base, provenientes da queima de lenha de Algaroba nas lavanderias do arranjo produtivo local (APL) de confecções da região agreste pernambucano-Brasil. As cinzas foram coletadas em uma lavanderia de médio porte representativa da região, peneiradas em malha 200, avaliadas quanto as suas características físico-químicas e adicionadas em argamassa do tipo emboço, com traço 1:2:9 (cim...

  18. Emprego de agentes retardadores em substituição aos desmoldantes convencionais na moldagem de concreto para recebimento do revestimento de argamassas.


    Mirella Pennacchi Assali


    As estruturas de concreto são moldadas em formas tratadas com desmoldantes e sua presença dificulta a adesão da argamassa fresca, com posterior descolamento no estado endurecido. Este estudo tem por objetivo explorar o potencial de uso de agentes retardadores em substituição aos desmoldantes convencionais na moldagem de concreto para obtenção de superfícies com maior capacidade de ancoragem das argamassas. A viabilidade do uso de agentes retardadores foi verificada determinando-se de modo com...

  19. Proposta de método de dosagem para argamassas de revestimento com areia artificial de britagem

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    White José dos Santos

    Full Text Available Resumo Este trabalho teve por objetivo propor e analisar um método de dosagem experimental para argamassas de revestimento utilizando como agregado miúdo a areia artificial de britagem. Buscou-se identificar e padronizar procedimentos de dosagem de modo a atender a uma condição de obra para um revestimento de argamassa externo, segundo as especificações da ABNT NBR 13281:2005 (ABNT, 2005a. O método de dosagem proposto foi verificado com ensaios de teor de ar incorporado, resistências à compressão e tração na flexão e por resistência de aderência à tração, módulo de elasticidade, absorção de água, porosidade, fissurabilidade, imagens de microscópio digital e testes estatísticos. Empregou-se cimento Portland do tipo II com escória de alto forno, cal hidratada do tipo I e areia artificial de britagem de gnaisse. Concluiu-se que o método proposto é eficiente e permite obter argamassas de revestimento de boa qualidade utilizando areia artificial de britagem, de acordo com as condições preestabelecidas. Há facilidade e flexibilidade na forma de obtenção dos teores de cada componente e do traço adequado, sendo uma boa alternativa para a realização desse tipo de dosagem.

  20. Assessment of industrial wastes in mortar layers deposited on stainless steel sheets of sinks Avaliação de resíduos industriais em camadas de argamassas depositadas sobre chapas de aço inoxidável de pias

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    E. Gemelli


    Full Text Available This work deals with the properties of alternative mortars destined to strengthen metal sheets of sinks. The performance of these mortars was compared to that of a basic mortar made of cement, sand, and water, named standard mortar (SM. One of these mortars, named alternative mortar 2 (AM2, and composed of cement, textile residue, polyurethane, polypropylene fibers and water, was developed recently to replace the current one, named alternative mortar 1 (AM1, composed of cement, sand, polystyrene, polypropylene fibers and water. These mortars were manufactured and aged in a room in atmospheric environment for 7, 14, 28, 60 and 90 days, either with or without initial drying in a furnace. After cure of 90 days the flexion strength stress of the SM, AM1 and AM2 mortars was 5.21, 3.84, and 1.42 MPa, respectively. The SM and AM1 mortars were constituted of C-S-H phases, Ca(OH2, SiO2, AFm and AFt (monossulphate/ettringite phases. The AM2 mortar presented, apart from the compounds mentioned above, CaCO3. This compound is from the textile residue that is composed essentially of CaCO3 and Ca(OH2. The reduction in flexion strength of AM1 mortar, compared to SM mortar, is caused by the polystyrene whereas the lowering mechanical strength of the AM2 is due to both polyurethane and textile residue. Even so, its mechanical strength is acceptable because the flexion strength stress required for the industrial application is 1.0 MPa.O objetivo desse trabalho foi estudar as propriedades de argamassas alternativas usadas para reforço de chapas metálicas de pias de cozinha. O desempenho dessas argamassas foi comparado com aquele de uma argamassa básica feita de cimento, areia e água, denominada argamassa padrão (SM. Uma dessas argamassas, denominada argamassa alternativa 2 (AM2, composta de cimento, resíduo, poliuretano, fibras de polipropileno e água, foi desenvolvida recentemente para substituir a atual, chamada argamassa alternativa 1 (AM1, composta de

  1. Argamassas autonivelantes industrializadas para contrapiso : análise do desempenho físico-mecânico frente às argamassas dosadas em obra


    Ariane Prevedello Rubin


    Devido à industrialização e à modernização dos sistemas construtivos, a busca por produtividade e otimização de prazos nos canteiros de obras está cada dia mais presente no setor da construção civil. A argamassa autonivelante para contrapiso, também conhecida como revestimento contínuo, é um material já conhecido em muitos países da Europa, Estados Unidos e América Latina, com forte tendência de implementação no Brasil. A principal característica é sua elevada fluidez, que permite que o mater...


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    Rafael C. Martínez Martínez


    Full Text Available Las complicadas relaciones civiles-militares en España tienen como elemento subyacente los duros años de dictadura franquista. En esa tesitura, preguntarse si las fuerzas armadas españolas han culminado su consolidación democrática y han dejado de ser poder político, para convertirse en administración militar resulta pertinente. El presente trabajo sustentado mediante datos de opinión pública y datos extraídos de diversos entrevistas y cuestionarios realizados a los futuros mandos de las fuerzas armadas españolas, devela qué progresos, intensos, se han realizado en ese sentido y qué déficits quedan todavía por solventar, concluyendo en el innegable talante democrático y asunción de la supremacía civil por parte de la oficialidad y suboficialidad más joven del ejército (Tierra, Armada y Aire Español.

  3. Estudo de argamassa à base de cal e metacaulim para intervenções em revestimento das edificações históricas


    Souza, Juliana Santa Cruz


    O objetivo deste trabalho é caracterizar argamassas a base de cal com teores diferenciados de metacaulim para a restauração de revestimento nas edificações históricas. Confrontou-se cinco traços de argamassa à base de cal, metacaulim e mistura binária de agregado miúdo, sendo mantida a proporção de ligante e agregado em massa constante 1:3. Os traços possuem modificação na proporção de cal e metacaulim, sendo a cal substituída em massa por metacaulim nas porcentagens de 0%, ...

  4. Un análisis prosopográfco de algunas formas actuales de movilización armada en Colombia

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    Juan Manuel Castellanos


    Full Text Available En este artículo sintetizo un análisis de algunas de las formas de la movilización armada en Colombia a finales del siglo XX y comienzos del siglo XXI. Combino el análisis del estado actual del campo y del mercado de la guerra interna en Colombia como condición estructural, con la exploración de una diversidad de formas de movilización armada asociadas en un grupo de reclutas de distintas agrupaciones armadas legales e ilegales en Colombia, sin incluir una referencia a miembros de bandas y agrupaciones de delincuencia común. Trato así de incorporar las relaciones de correspondencia entre las condiciones objetivas y las disposiciones subjetivas que se combinan en un modelo generativo de movilización política armada.

  5. Gene ARMADA: an integrated multi-analysis platform for microarray data implemented in MATLAB. (United States)

    Chatziioannou, Aristotelis; Moulos, Panagiotis; Kolisis, Fragiskos N


    The microarray data analysis realm is ever growing through the development of various tools, open source and commercial. However there is absence of predefined rational algorithmic analysis workflows or batch standardized processing to incorporate all steps, from raw data import up to the derivation of significantly differentially expressed gene lists. This absence obfuscates the analytical procedure and obstructs the massive comparative processing of genomic microarray datasets. Moreover, the solutions provided, heavily depend on the programming skills of the user, whereas in the case of GUI embedded solutions, they do not provide direct support of various raw image analysis formats or a versatile and simultaneously flexible combination of signal processing methods. We describe here Gene ARMADA (Automated Robust MicroArray Data Analysis), a MATLAB implemented platform with a Graphical User Interface. This suite integrates all steps of microarray data analysis including automated data import, noise correction and filtering, normalization, statistical selection of differentially expressed genes, clustering, classification and annotation. In its current version, Gene ARMADA fully supports 2 coloured cDNA and Affymetrix oligonucleotide arrays, plus custom arrays for which experimental details are given in tabular form (Excel spreadsheet, comma separated values, tab-delimited text formats). It also supports the analysis of already processed results through its versatile import editor. Besides being fully automated, Gene ARMADA incorporates numerous functionalities of the Statistics and Bioinformatics Toolboxes of MATLAB. In addition, it provides numerous visualization and exploration tools plus customizable export data formats for seamless integration by other analysis tools or MATLAB, for further processing. Gene ARMADA requires MATLAB 7.4 (R2007a) or higher and is also distributed as a stand-alone application with MATLAB Component Runtime. Gene ARMADA provides a

  6. Determinação de parâmetros reológicos de argamassas e concreto através de técnicas alternativas

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    M. P. Barbosa

    Full Text Available As pastas, juntamente com as argamassas e os concretos, são suspensões reativas, cuja consistência é modificada ao longo do tempo, sobretudo pela atuação do cimento. Eles apresentam um comportamento de fluido não-newtoniano e exibem uma viscosidade que varia com a tensão aplicada. Com base em técnicas alternativas, foram determinados, analisados e comparados o comportamento e as propriedades reológicas de argamassas e de concretos a partir de medidas experimentais de abatimento, cálculo da tensão crítica ou de escoamento, com e sem adição de aditivos, assim como valores de viscosidade. As técnicas alternativas utilizadas foram o cilindro de Pashias e o ensaio de abatimento de tronco de cone modificado para as argamassas e os concretos, respectivamente. Os valores de parâmetros reométricos obtidos a partir das técnicas alternativas para as argamassas e concretos testados foram comparados com resultados de ensaios realizados em reômetro, apontando boa aceitação das técnicas alternativas e menos onerosas na determinação de parâmetros reológicos de materiais à base cimentícia. Pôde-se inferir ainda que o modelo reológico binghamiano, com dois parâmetros reológicos (tensão crítica ou de escoamento e viscosidade, mostrou-se como condição necessária e suficiente para representar o comportamento das misturas estudadas neste trabalho.

  7. Avaliação dos mecanismos de aderência entre argamassa colante e substrato não poroso

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    Eduardo Pereira

    Full Text Available A resistência de aderência de um sistema de revestimento cerâmico é uma das mais importantes propriedades deste tipo de acabamento. O conhecimento das propriedades dos substratos e argamassas, e a capacidade de bem avaliar a interação entre os elementos são preceitos básicos para construírem-se revestimentos duráveis. Nesse sentido, o aperfeiçoamento dos modelos que descrevem os mecanismos de aderência, objetos de estudo deste trabalho, são essenciais, principalmente devido a diferenças nas características dos materiais relativas à porosidade, verificadas tanto em substratos como nas placas. O planejamento experimental consistiu no assentamento de um revestimento cerâmico externo utilizando-se a técnica de piso sobre piso, ensaios de resistência de aderência, aquisição de imagens em MEV dos pisos retirados do campo de testes e caracterização das argamassas colantes de estudo. Os resultados mostraram uma relação entre a resistência de aderência e a extensão de contato entre a argamassa e o substrato, indicando que o mecanismo de aderência para o assentamento de placas sobre substratos não porosos está diretamente relacionado com a extensão do contato entre os materiais, resultando em um modelo de aderência para o caso de revestimento cerâmico em substrato pouco poroso.

  8. Caracterização de argamassas de assentamento de azulejo antigas: contributo para a conservação deste tipo de revestimentos


    Damas, Ana Leonor Ortin


    Dada a situação em que o sector da construção civil se encontra, atravessando algumas dificuldades no que diz respeito a novas obras, surge cada vez mais um outro foco de interesse: o mercado da reabilitação de edifícios. De facto, com o aparecimento de novos estudos de caracterização de argamassas antigas e com a integração de novos materiais eco-eficientes na formulação de argamassas de revestimento para reabilitação de edifícios antigos, surge um novo fôlego na construção e novos e importa...

  9. Caracterização e influência do teor do resíduo de areia de fundição fenólica em argamassas de revestimento

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    Juliana Machado Casali

    Full Text Available Resumo Um dos resíduos gerados pela indústria de fundição que tem potencial de aplicação na construção civil é a areia de fundição. O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar e verificar a influência do teor do resíduo de areia de fundição fenólica em argamassas de revestimentos trabalháveis. Foram confeccionadas argamassas mistas, substituindo a areia natural, em volume, nos teores de 0%, 10%, 30% e 100% pelo resíduo de areia de fundição. Para os resíduos de areia de fundição e das argamassas foram realizados ensaios de corrosividade, reatividade, lixiviação e solubilização. Com os dados obtidos foi possível verificar a influência do resíduo de areia de fundição nas propriedades do estado fresco (principalmente na argamassa com 100% do resíduo de areia de fundição, que demandou uma quantidade de água maior para a mesma consistência e do endurecido (redução nas resistências, na densidade de massa e no módulo de elasticidade. Notou-se que as argamassas com resíduos de areia de fundição, em comparação com o resíduo de areia de fundição, apresentaram menor concentração de ferro, fluoreto e sódio, e maior de alumínio, cromo total e fenóis totais. Os resíduos estudados foram classificados como não perigosos - Classe II A - não inertes, segundo a NBR 10004 (ABNT, 2004.

  10. As Teses de “Jamil” e a luta armada dos anos 1960-70 no Brasil

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    Fábio André G. das Chagas


    Full Text Available A partir de outubro de 1969 a organização de esquerda armada Vanguarda Popular Revolucionária, adotou, com algumas modificações, os pressupostos táticoestratégicos elaborados pelo combatente de codinome “Jamil” (Ladislau Dowbor. Tais elaborações procuravam apontar formas de trabalho político-militares para a organização em destaque, dentro de um contexto marcado pelo isolamento das massas e uma situação de aguda clandestinidade. Passadas algumas décadas e analisando objetivamente, podemos apontar que as “teorias jamilistas” consistiram simultaneamente num esforço real de teorização da esquerda armada dos anos 1960-70, mas também numa tentativa de elaboração teórica que justificasse a permanência da luta armada contra a ditadura militar daqueles anos. Palavras-chave:

  11. Análise da retração por secagem em argamassas autonivelantes utilizando adições minerais como substitutos parciais do cimento portland


    Carvalho, Henrique Duarte Sales


    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Civil, Florianópolis, 2015 Uma das principais dificuldades geradas na produção de argamassas autonivelantes para pisos está relacionada com o empenamento dos cantos (curling), ocasionado pela retração. A utilização de adições minerais é um tema que vem sendo explorado na área de materiais de construção civil com a finalidade de melhorar as propriedades das argamassas...

  12. Viabilidade do emprego de agentes retardadores em substituição aos desmoldantes convencionais na moldagem de concreto para aplicação de argamassas de revestimento


    Assali, Mirella Pennacchi; Loh, Kai


    N presença do desmoldante na superfície estruturas de concreto armado pode dificultar a adesão da argamassa quando fresca, com posterior descolamento no estado endurecido. Este estudo tem por objetivo explorar o potencial de uso de agentes retardadores em substituição aos desmoldantes convencionais na moldagem de concreto para a obtenção de superfícies com maior capacidade de ancoragem das argamassas. A viabilidade do uso de agentes retardadores foi verificada determinando-se de modo comparat...

  13. Influência do uso de aditivo retentor de água à base de éter de celulose nas propriedades das argamassas de assentamento em alvenaria estrutural de blocos de concreto

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    Alexandre Lima Oliveira

    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a influência do uso de aditivo retentor de água à base de éter de celulose em argamassa de assentamento para alvenaria estrutural de blocos de concreto. Foi empregado um hidroxipropil-metilcelulose (HPMC em uma argamassa mista de cimento e cal, em diferentes teores (0,00%, 0,03%, 0,06% e 0,09% em relação à massa total de materiais secos para a avaliação da influência do referido aditivo nas propriedades das argamassas no estado fresco e endurecido. Além disso, foram confeccionados prismas com três blocos e miniprismas, com pedaços serrados de blocos, para avaliação da resistência à compressão, módulo de deformação e tensão de aderência. Os resultados mostraram que existe potencial para se empregarem retentores de água à base de éter de celulose para a confecção de argamassas de assentamento para alvenaria estrutural de blocos de concreto, haja vista que houve aumento da capacidade de retenção de água das argamassas e que o uso do referido produto não exerceu influência na resistência à compressão delas e na resistência à compressão dos prismas. Contudo, a resistência à compressão das juntas de assentamento, o módulo de elasticidade dos prismas e a resistência à aderência na flexão sofreram reduções significativas quando do emprego do éter de celulose.

  14. Avaliação do comportamento reológico na retração plástica e na fissuração de argamassas de concreto auto-adensável

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    L. S. Girotto

    Full Text Available Este artigo investigou a influência do teor de aditivo superplastificante e da adição mineral - sílica ativa e filer basáltico - na retração plástica ena fissuração de argamassas do concreto auto-adensável (CAA. Numa primeira fase foi realizada a análise do comportamento reológico dasfases pasta e argamassa das composições de CAA. Em seguida, foram mensuradas as deformações das argamassas pelo efeito da retração plástica e avaliada sua fissuração. Tanto na retração plástica quanto na fissuração, a composição com adição de sílica ativa apresentouresultados superiores, independente da ação do vento e teor de superplastificante. No entanto, no assentamento plástico, a composição comsílica ativa apresentou resultados superiores somente nos ensaios com ventilação imposta. O comportamento reológico afetou diretamente aretração plástica e fissuração nas primeiras idades, fato confirmado pela análise das pressões capilares das argamassas ensaiadas.


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    Romildo Dias Toledo Filho

    Full Text Available RESUMO Esta é a primeira parte de um artigo dividido em duas partes e visa avaliar, analítica e experimentalmente, o comportamento em compressão de argamassas reforçadas com fibras naturais. No presente artigo pretende-se mostrar, de forma experimental, como a adição de fibras de sisal e coco afeta, em várias frações volumétricas e comprimentos, o comportamento tensão-deformação, em compressão, de duas matrizes de argamassa. A influência dessas fibras no processo de fratura das argamassas é também avaliada. O efeito da substituição parcial do cimento Portland (OPC por micro- sílica e escória de alto forno no comportamento dos compósitos é também discutido. Os resultados indicam que a adição de fibras naturais reduziu a resistência a compressão das matrizes em cerca de 18% a 32% e, de forma desprezível o seu módulo de elasticidade mas, não modificou, de forma significativa, o coeficiente de Poisson. Por outro lado, as fibras confinaram o material retardando a propagação da primeira fissura e aumentando a tenacidade pós-carga de pico do material. Com relação ao processo de fratura da argamassa, os resultados indicam que, até a tensão de ruptura, o efeito da adição de fibras de sisal e coco é similar às características produzidas pelo acréscimo da quantidade de areia na matriz de argamassa. A substituição parcial de OPC por escória e micro-sílica conduziu a misturas com uma resistência a compressão ligeiramente mais alta que a das preparadas apenas com OPC. A substituição do OPC resultou tanto na redução quanto no aumento do módulo de elasticidade, enquanto o coeficiente de Poisson não foi modificado significativamente.


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    Maria Auxiliadora Mendes Aguiar


    Full Text Available A quantidade cada vez maior de resíduos gerados na fase de exploração e extração de minério de ferro constitui um problema ambiental às mineradoras, devido as grandes áreas requeridas para disposição dos mesmos, bem como a constante necessidade de gerenciamento desses locais. Neste estudo foi verificada a viabilidade técnica de utilização do resíduo gerado na exploração de um minério itabirítico como matéria prima para confecção de argamassa. Foram confeccionadas diferentes formulações de argamassas através da variação da proporção cimento/resíduo e da proporção água/cimento. Para cada amostra foram determinados o tempo de pega, viscosidade e densidade, no caso da amostra fresca, e densidade e resistência à compressão para a amostra solidificada. Concluiu-se que a argamassa confeccionada com maior quantidade de resíduo (traço 1:2,5 e menor relação água/cimento (0,95 foi aquela que apresentou menor tempo de pega e maior resistência à compressão. Este resultado foi bastante satisfatório, pois o aumento de resíduo incorporado favoreceu a resistência à compressão final do produto.


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    Juliana Oliveira Malta


    Full Text Available Normal 0 21 false false false PT-BR X-NONE X-NONE Os diferentes tratamentos dados aos agregados reciclados influenciam nas propriedades das argamassas nos estados fresco e endurecido. Como estes agregados também possuem características peculiares, tais como, elevada absorção, forma lamelar, textura áspera e menor massa específica, surge a necessidade de estudar as diferentes práticas empregadas na dosagem de misturas contendo resíduos. Este trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar a influência da incorporação de agregado miúdo reciclado em argamassas nos estados fresco e endurecido. Foram realizadas misturas de referência, e com teores de 25% e 50% de substituição de agregado miúdo natural por agregado miúdo reciclado. Para avaliar a influência da adição do resíduo nas argamassas no estado fresco utilizou-se o ensaio da mesa de consistência. Para avaliar essa influência no estado endurecido, foram realizados os ensaios de resistência à compressão axial nas idades de 3, 7 e 28 dias, além do ensaio de Absorção por imersão, na idade de 28 dias. Os resultados mostram que as misturas com agregado miúdo reciclado apresentaram-se menos resistentes e mais absorventes em relação às de referência. Este fato pode endossar a ideia de que a água de compensação utilizada para misturar as argamassas recicladas pode não permanecer no interior do agregado reciclado, migrando para a pasta, aumentando a relação a/c da mesma, tornando-a mais porosa e menos resistente. /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Tabela normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-qformat:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:11.0pt; font-family:"Calibri","sans-serif"; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso

  18. Tinjauan Yuridis Perjanjian Kerjasama Pengadaan Armada Kendaraan Bus Wisata Antara PT. Lingga Jati Al Manshurin Dengan P.O. Karona


    Sinabang, Rajamin P.


    Perkembangan masyarakat telah dipengaruhi oleh kemajuan teknologi. Hal ini yang memperbaharui penggunaan berbagai aturan hukum untuk bentuk-bentuk tertentu, hingga sampai pada bentuk pelayanan (service) tertentu dari pengusaha dalam bidang teknologi, khususnya dalam usaha pengangkutan darat. Sehingga dibutuhkan bus dari perusahaan penyedia armada kendaraan bus untuk pengangkutan tersebut, yaitu melalui perjanjian kerjasama pengadaan armada bus, yang dilakukan oleh PT. Lingga Jati Al Manshurin...

  19. Caracterização mecânica e durabilidade de argamassas térmicas


    Cunha, Sandra; Aguiar, José; Ferreira, Victor; Tadeu, António


    Comunicação apresentada no I Simpósio de Argamassas e Soluções Térmicas de Revestimento, Coimbra, 2014. O despertar da consciência ambiental pela sociedade, tem levantado problemas até então ignorados tais como os elevados consumos energéticos. Numa sociedade com um elevado ritmo de crescimento e padrões de conforto cada vez maiores, surge a necessidade de minimizar os elevados consumos energéticos verificados no sector residencial, tirando partido de fontes de energia renováveis. As a...

  20. Sobre las armadas de indias: la práctica del “beneficio” y la crisis de la avería (1660- 1700

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    Díaz Blanco, José Manuel


    Full Text Available This article aims at discovering the relationship between the crisis of the avería and the development of new models of funding for the armadas of Indies in 17th century. Through an analysis of general accounts of the “receptores” (receivers in the General Archive of the Indies, especially the “relaciones juradas” (sworn testimonies, it is possible to determine that the Crown made money by selling offices in Spain and America, which was spent it to pay the armadas after the crisis of 1660.Este estudio intenta descubrir la relación entre la crisis de la avería y el crecimiento de nuevos modelos de financiación para las armadas de Indias en el siglo XVII. Analizando las cuentas generales de los receptores en el Archivo General de Indias, especialmente las relaciones juradas, es posible determinar que la Corona ganó dinero beneficiando oficios en España y América y lo gastó en pagar las armadas después de la crisis de 1660.

  1. Relação entre a resistência à compressão da argamassa com adição de sílica ativa aplicada ao substrato e àquela obtida em corpos-de-prova cilíndricos normatizados

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    N. R. Vaske

    Full Text Available No uso de argamassa com adição de sílica ativa como material de reforço adotam-se valores de resistência à compressão provenientes de ensaios normatizados, que tendem a não representar a resistência à compressão da argamassa após lançada ao substrato. Na execução de um reforço, cada porção de argamassa que é lançada sofre um adensamento que varia em função da energia com que colide com o substrato, gerando, desta forma, pontos de diferentes resistências à compressão por toda a extensão do reforço, refletindo diretamente sobre a resistência do reforço como um todo, que por sua vez define a nova capacidade de carga do elemento estrutural que esta sendo reforçado. Procurando verificar o comportamento real da argamassa de reforço, executou-se uma placa de argamassa com adição de sílica ativa com dimensões iguais a um reforço de uma das faces de um pilar, sendo extraídas amostras prismáticas desta placa e ensaiadas à compressão. Deste ensaio foi de- terminada uma resistência à compressão média que, comparada com a resistência à compressão média obtida de corpos-de-prova cilíndricos, moldados com a mesma argamassa com que foi executada a placa, demonstrou que a resistência à compressão média das amostras prismáticas extraídas da placa apresenta, particularmente neste estudo, uma redução em relação à resistência à compressão média resultante dos corpos- de-prova cilíndricos da ordem de 35%.


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    Khakim Ghozali


    Full Text Available Normal 0 false false false IN X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-qformat:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:11.0pt; font-family:"Calibri","sans-serif"; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-fareast-theme-font:minor-fareast; mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-bidi-theme-font:minor-bidi;} Telepon Seluler (Ponsel merupakan salah satu teknologi yang paling diminati di dalam setiap aspek kehidupan manusia modern dan juga teknologi paling berkembang saat ini. Hampir setiap orang menggunakan teknologi ponsel ini untuk memperoleh informasi terkini yang dibutuhkannya. Tingkat penggunaan yang cukup tinggi inilah yang mendorong terciptanya beragam aplikasi dengan memanfaatkan teknologi ini. Aplikasi tracking armada yang memanfaatkan kemudahan teknologi ponsel tersebut menjadi alternatif tersendiri yang diharapkan mampu memberikan solusi di dalam permasalahan proses monitoring armada. Konsep bisnis yang ditawarkan adalah pemanfaatan layanan provider seluler sebagai sarana pelacak lokasi ponsel yang selanjutnya informasi tersebut dikembangkan lebih lanjut menjadi informasi berupa pemetaan data ke peta lokasi untuk melacak keberadaan armada. Sehingga diharapkan kehadiran solusi baru ini mampu memberikan sejumlah kemudahan dan efisiensi yang tidak dimiliki oleh alat lain. Kata Kunci : Perusahaan Logistik,Tracking Armada via BTS, SMS, Peta Lokasi.

  3. Caracterização de argamassa modificada por particula vegetal para nivelamento de contrapiso


    Francisca Julia França Ferreira de Melo


    Resumo: O presente trabalho se propõe desenvolver uma argamassa para nivelamento de contra piso modificada com partículas vegetais de Pinus caribaea e avaliar suas características físicas e mecânicas. Os resíduos de Pinus utilizados são provenientes do processo de fabricação de lápis. Os traços tiveram seu fator água/cimento determinado pela trabalhabilidade. As misturas foram elaboradas com Cimento Portland CPII-E 32, areia, adição de partículas vegetais de Pinus e água proporcional ao traço...

  4. Estado, Estado de Derecho y Violencia Armada en Colombia (2000-2011

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    Jerónimo Ríos Sierra


    Full Text Available Para la superación sostenible de la violencia armada en Colombia, con o sin negociaciones, la noción de “paz positiva” es imprescindible. El  éxito militar muestra su precariedad frente al necesario fortalecimiento del Estado de Derecho en un escenario de urgencias sociales, políticas y económicas. Durante la última década, tanto la Política de Seguridad Democrática como el Plan Colombia han priorizado el fortalecimiento del Estado en términos de seguridad, control territorial y fortaleza militar. Ello se debe a la idea de concebir la superación de la violencia armada en términos de ausencia de conflicto.Problemas tales como inequidad social, pobreza, parapolítica, connivencias de sectores políticos y del Estado con narcotráfico y actores armados, persistencia de la violencia guerrillera, paramilitarismo creciente, violaciones a los Derechos Humanos (DDHH y el Derecho Internacional Humanitario (DIH y/o desplazamiento forzado, tal y como se pondrá de manifiesto, persisten como desafíos por superar, más allá de la seguridad, si se pretende aspirar a una verdadera consecución de la paz en Colombia.

  5. Estudo comparativo entre traços de argamassa de revestimento utilizadas em Porto Alegre


    Eduardo Dubaj


    Existe hoje na construção civil uma grande variedade de traços de argamassa para revestimento. Estes traços são, muitas vezes, utilizados de maneira inadequada, não levando-se em consideração as solicitações a que estes revestimentos serão submetidos. Este uso inadequado é muitas vezes o responsável pelo surgimento de manifestações patológicas que conduzem a diminuição da vida útil de um componente ou de uma edificação como um todo, conduzindo a gastos com sua recuperação e até a total insati...

  6. Avaliação das propriedades físico-mecânicas de argamassa com utilização de resíduos de fundição

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    E. S. Rufino


    Full Text Available Resumo O grande volume de resíduos sólidos gerados diariamente pelas indústrias vem causando grandes danos ao meio ambiente, em virtude do destino incorreto, negligência humana e pelas grandes áreas ocupadas para o descarte. O presente trabalho objetivou desenvolver um estudo para a produção de mistura de argamassa utilizada na construção civil, com reutilização de resíduos de fundição, tais como escória de fornos por indução e areia calcinada de macharia, com adição de resina em pó de Poli (cloreto de vinila (PVC NORVIC P72HA e um aditivo plastificante liquido (Sulfonol NSDC na composição da argamassa onde a intenção é reduzir a absorção de água no material e melhorar suas propriedades físicas e mecânicas. Foram confeccionados 50 corpos de prova de mistura de argamassa, sendo dez de mistura de argamassa atualmente comercializada e quarenta de composições propostas, visando sua diferenciação através de ensaios físicos de absorção de água, porosidade aparente e densidade aparente e de ensaio mecânico, onde se avaliou o limite de resistência à compressão. De acordo com os resultados obtidos, pode-se constatar que as composições propostas apresentaram resultados nos ensaios físicos de 30% a menos na absorção de água e 31% a menos na porosidade aparente. Os resultados dos ensaios mecânicos ficaram em conformidade com as especificações da NBR 89531, porque os valores para a argamassa, quando comparados com os valores utilizados para concreto (com adição de brita, demonstraram propriedades semelhantes ao concreto C20 grupo I de resistência, para ser utilizado na construção civil. Porém, devido ao alto preço da resina (PVC NORVIC P72HA, sua produção ainda não se torna atrativa. Recomenda-se, com o objetivo de viabilizar a utilização da resina, fazer um estudo para verificar qual a menor proporção de adição da mesma que seja capaz de reproduzir os resultados de propriedades f

  7. Pascua Militar: las órdenes del Rey a las Fuerzas Armadas

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    Miguel Ballenilla y García de Gamarra


    Full Text Available La Pascua Militar constituye un so-lemne acto castrense presidido por S.M. el Rey al que asisten la Familia Real y las primeras autoridades del Estado. Por su carácter marca-damente institucional, el discurso del Rey es el más relevante de los que se dirigen a las Fuer-zas Armadas. En este trabajo se analiza la evo-lución del citado discurso en las últimas cuatro décadas, los elementos que centran su conteni-do, su relación con el papel que ejerce el Rey como Jefe Supremo de las Fuerzas Armadas, y los acontecimientos que afectan a los Ejércitos y la Defensa Nacional.Palabras clave: Discurso, Análisis, Pascua Mili-tar, Rey, Fuerzas Armadas, Constitución, Transi-ción, Terrorismo._______________ 800x600 Normal 0 21 false false false ES X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Tabla normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:10.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman","serif";} The “Pascua Militar” is a solemn mili-tary ceremony presided by HM The King at-tended by the Royal Family and the highest authorities of the state. The importance of this institutional event becomes the King’s speech as the most relevant of which are addressed to the Armed Forces. In this paper we analyse the evolution of that discourse in the last four dec-ades, we identify the elements that focus their content, it relationship to the role played by the King as Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces and the events affecting them and Na-tional Defence.Keywords: Speech, Analysis, King, Armed Forc-es, Constitution, Political change, Terrorism. Normal 0 21 false false false ES X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4

  8. Viabilidade do emprego de agentes retardadores em substituição aos desmoldantes convencionais na moldagem de concreto para aplicação de argamassas de revestimento

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    Mirella Pennacchi Assali

    Full Text Available N presença do desmoldante na superfície estruturas de concreto armado pode dificultar a adesão da argamassa quando fresca, com posterior descolamento no estado endurecido. Este estudo tem por objetivo explorar o potencial de uso de agentes retardadores em substituição aos desmoldantes convencionais na moldagem de concreto para a obtenção de superfícies com maior capacidade de ancoragem das argamassas. A viabilidade do uso de agentes retardadores foi verificada determinando-se de modo comparativo a resistência de aderência à tração da argamassa e do chapisco aplicados sobre placas de concreto moldadas com formas de madeira plastificada tratadas com agente retardador e com desmoldante convencional. O ensaio de aderência mostrou que a utilização de produtos retardadores possibilitou maior facilidade para a remoção da camada superficial do concreto, resultando em um aumento de rugosidade e absorção superficial. Posteriormente, foram avaliados produtos retardadores existentes no mercado para os quais foram observados desempenho na aplicação sobre as formas, impacto dos produtos na saúde do trabalhador e no meio ambiente. O estudo mostrou que o uso de desmoldante retardador pode ser uma técnica viável para evitar os problemas de descolamento do revestimento aplicado sobre superfícies de concreto.

  9. A Ação Libertadora Nacional, a revolução cubana e a luta armada no Brasil

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    Jean Rodrigues Sales


    Full Text Available O objetivo do artigo é analisar as relações da Ação Libertadora Nacional com a revolução cubana na década de 1960. Parte do pressuposto de que a revolução cubana representou um marco na história do socialismo no continente latino-americano. Uma das marcas distintivas dessa história foi a profunda influência que teve sobre as organizações que participaram da luta armada contra a ditadura brasileira implantada em 1964. Nesse caminho, discutiremos aqui o tipo de influência que a revolução cubana teve sobre a ALN, principalmente no que diz respeito ao seu projeto de luta armada.

  10. Análise hierárquica para escolha entre agregado natural e areia de britagem de rocha para confecção de argamassas de revestimento

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    Alécio Júnior Mattana

    Full Text Available Muitas vezes as tomadas de decisão na indústria da construção são complexas, pois envolvem muitas variáveis, sendo trabalhoso agrupá-las e realizar uma avaliação global do problema. O método de análise hierárquica (AHP é uma ferramenta que auxilia na tomada de decisão em problemas de engenharia, nos quais diversos fatores devem ser levados em conta na escolha de métodos, produtos ou materiais. O objetivo principal deste artigo é mostrar a forma de aplicação do método de análise hierárquica para sistematizar tomadas de decisões na indústria de argamassas industrializadas. É apresentado um roteiro para verificar o traço de argamassa que apresenta melhor desempenho, considerando determinados resultados de ensaios e um conjunto de critérios previamente estabelecidos. A aplicação da AHP para esse problema resulta em um índice global que caracteriza o desempenho dos materiais com relação ao conjunto de critérios utilizado. O resultado apontou que a técnica de análise hierárquica pode ser eficaz apara apoiar a tomada de decisões na escolha de argamassas industrializadas. Na análise hierárquica realizada neste estudo, concluiu-se que, para os materiais envolvidos neste trabalho, a substituição da areia natural por areia de britagem é vantajosa em 78% dos casos.

  11. Efeito do tempo de cura na rigidez de argamassas produzidas com cimento Portland Effect of the curing time on the stiffness of mortars produced with Portland cement

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    G. C. R. Garcia


    Full Text Available O concreto de cimento Portland é um dos materiais mais usados no mundo inteiro, entretanto, devido a sua estrutura ser muito complexa, torna-se imprescindível estudar suas propriedades com bastante profundidade. O concreto é produzido a partir de uma argamassa, de areia e cimento, com adição de agregados graúdos, sendo que suas propriedades estão basicamente suportadas nessa argamassa de constituição. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a variação da rigidez de duas argamassas de composições com razão cimento:areia de 1:2 e 1:3 em função do tempo de cura, tendo como parâmetro a variação do módulo de Young. Os resultados mostraram que o módulo de Young cresce até atingir o valor máximo no oitavo dia, sendo que nos três primeiros dias esse crescimento é mais acentuado. A análise dos resultados indica que grande parte do processo de hidratação do cimento, com formação das ligações químicas responsáveis pela rigidez da argamassa, acontece nos primeiros dias de cura.Concrete produced with Portland cement is one of building materials most widely used worldwide. However, due to its highly complex structure, its properties require in-depth studies. Concrete is a mortar consisting of a mixture of cement, sand and coarse aggregates, and its properties are represented basically by the mortar base. The aim of this work was to study the change in stiffness of two mortar compositions cured at 25 ºC with a cement-to-sand ratio of 1:2 and 1:3, as a function of curing time using the variation of Young modulus as the measuring parameter. The results showed that Young modulus increases up to a maximum value on the 8th day, and that this increase is more pronounced during the first three days. An analysis of the results indicates that a large part of the cement hydration process, involving the formation of chemical bonds that are responsible for the mortar stiffness, takes place in the early days of curing.

  12. Universidade das Forças Armadas e Ensino Superior Militar


    Fraga, Luís Alves de


    Faz-se uma breve resenha histórica da evolução do sistema de ensino e preparação dos oficiais das Forças Armadas, explicando-se o sistema de socialização militar. Depois, aborda-se a relação entre os conhecimentos que as Academias Militares foram proporcionando aos futuros oficiais e a evolução tecnológica dos armamentos e dá-se a necessária panorâmica para se perceber como as mutações da Revolução Industrial não tiveram um claro reflexo...

  13. Strategi Counterinsurgency Kolombia terhadap Farc (Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias De Colombia) 2010-2012


    Olivia, Yessi; Miranda, Dea


    This paper is analysing about counterinsurgency Colombia to against paramilitary group in Colombia to help address the humanitarian crisis that occurred because of civil conflict in Colombia. Conflict in Colombia involving the Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionaries de Colombia (FARC) and the Government of Colombia is one example of a threat to human security in this case is a citizen of Colombia. Thousands of people confirmed dead, and hundreds more injured and displaced into the surrounding area. C...

  14. Propriedades microestruturais de argamassas de cimento Portland com adições minerais e poliméricas utilizadas na fixação de porcelanato Study of the influence of additions on the adherence between polymer-modified mortars and porcelain stoneware tiles

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    A. E. F. S. Almeida


    Full Text Available Apesar de suas excelentes características técnicas e estéticas, a aplicação do porcelanato requer especial atenção quanto aos procedimentos de execução, devido ser um material diferente das cerâmicas convencionais, principalmente quando aplicados às fachadas as quais estão sujeitas a diversos agentes capazes de danificar os revestimentos cerâmicos. Podem ser encontrados na literatura trabalhos científicos que estudam as propriedades das argamassas colantes para assentamento de materiais cerâmicos com absorção de água superior a 3%, o que não é observado para os porcelanatos que apresentam absorção de água próxima de zero. Essa é a principal causa da perda ou falta de aderência entre o tardoz da placa de porcelanato e a argamassa, pois não permite o mecanismo de aderência mecânica existente nas cerâmicas porosas. O presente trabalho apresenta algumas propriedades de argamassas com adições de polímero e sílica ativa para a fixação de porcelanato, contribuindo para solucionar os problemas encontrados quanto a falta de aderência. A adição combinada de polímero e sílica ativa às argamassas resulta em excelentes propriedades, ideais para reparos e revestimentos que exigem elevado desempenho, o que viabiliza seu estudo visando a fixação de porcelanato. Os procedimentos experimentais para a determinação da aderência seguiram as prescrições constantes na NBR 14084 - Argamassa colante industrializada para assentamento de cerâmica - Determinação da resistência de aderência. Os resultados obtidos evidenciaram a importância da continuidade do estudo, além da aplicabilidade das argamassas especiais quanto a fixação do revestimento cerâmico em estudo. São apresentadas micrografias das amostras fraturadas das argamassas obtidas por microscopia eletrônica de varredura, assim como o diâmetro médio dos poros das argamassas obtido por porosimetria por intrusão de mercúrio.Despite the excellent

  15. Estudio prospectivo de la ciberdefensa en las Fuerzas Armadas del Ecuador


    Castro Peralvo, Edwin Javier


    Las guerras en la actualidad toman otra dimensión, ya no se trata de las clásicas operaciones que se desarrollan en el campo de batalla con las tradicionales armas de las Fuerzas Armadas y sus soldados enfrentándose por ocupar un territorio, actualmente se desarrolla otro tipo de guerra en otro escenario que es el ciberespacio. Existen ejemplos reales que se han desarrollado ciberguerras entre algunos países como el de Rusia y Estonia en el año 2007, Estonia fue atacada su infraestructura crí...

  16. A evolução do conceito de violência armada


    Sousa, Francisco Xavier de


    A violência armada provoca, por ano, milhares de mortos, rasga purulentos sulcos psíquicos e físicos em cidadãos e sociedades, arrasa equilí- brios, vidas e futuros, afetando progressos, economias, a paz e a segurança, regionais e mundiais. O aumento de Estados em situação de fragilidade, a corrupção, os totalitarismos, as discriminações raciais, étnicas e religiosas, as alterações nas polí- ticas devidas à economia, as heranças da Guerra Fria, os financiamentos dos...

  17. Influência da variação da velocidade de rotação e do tipo de cimento nas propriedades de argamassas de revestimento nos estados fresco e endurecido

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    D. R. Torres

    Full Text Available Resumo A etapa de mistura influencia as condições de execução do revestimento de argamassa, visto que desde o primeiro contato dos materiais sólidos com água uma série de eventos de aglomeração e desaglomeração no sistema é verificada. Acontece que durante o processamento das argamassas em obra a utilização de equipamentos com distintos mecanismos de mistura pode modificar o desempenho do sistema de revestimento. Este trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de avaliar a influência da condição de mistura durante o processamento de argamassas aditivadas com incorporador de ar e formuladas com diferentes tipos de cimento. As misturas foram realizadas em um reômetro rotacional variando-se a velocidade de rotação, porém mantendo-se o tempo total de batimento. Reometria de mistura, ciclo de cisalhamento e teor de ar incorporado foram as propriedades avaliadas no estado fresco, enquanto porosidade, resistência mecânica, módulo de elasticidade e permeabilidade ao ar foram utilizados para avaliação do estado endurecido. Com base nos resultados obtidos pôde-se afirmar que a variação da velocidade de rotação e o tipo de cimento utilizado impactaram as propriedades das composições nos estados fresco e endurecido.

  18. Influência da adição de resíduo de gesso no calor de hidratação da argamassa de revestimento interno

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    Luiz Fernando Bernhoeft

    Full Text Available O objetivo do presente trabalho foi analisar a influência da adição de resíduo beneficiado de pasta de gesso como agregado no calor de hidratação da argamassa de gesso para uso em revestimentos internos. Na metodologia utilizada foi fixada a relação água/gesso de 0,66, valor obtido por meio de ensaio de consistência normal, e executados ensaios comparativos entre o gesso natural e o gesso aditivado com 5% e 10 % de resíduo. Para as adições de 5% e 10% de resíduo, os resultados mostraram a diminuição dos tempos de pega (inicial e final diretamente correlacionado ao incremento da adição, claramente observados nas curvas de calor de hidratação, porém sem redução proporcional no tempo útil das argamassas, indicando uma alternativa para a diminuição do tempo improdutivo na mistura da pasta de gesso.

  19. Argamassas fotocatalíticas e concretos com adição de fibras de coco e sisal para a redução de impactos ambientais de gases poluentes

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    M. M. Bonato


    Full Text Available A construção civil movimenta, anualmente, toneladas de cimento para as suas mais diversas aplicações, mas, a sua fabricação gera teores elevados de poluentes ambientais. Decorrente disto tem-se uma constante busca por novos métodos sustentáveis e alternativos de fabricação. Neste trabalho, a pesquisa foi direcionada em dois aspectos: a adição de fibras de coco (FC e de sisal (FS a um concreto referência, com a intenção de aumentar suas demandas nacionais e diminuir o impacto ambiental resultante da quantidade de resíduos descartados no ambiente após o consumo do fruto, com redução do consumo de cimento em cada dosagem, respectivamente; e, a fotocatálise de gases poluentes por argamassas à base do nanocomposto dióxido de titânio, fase anatásio. Para a avaliação do concreto com adições foram realizados ensaios de resistência à compressão axial, variação dimensional de barras de argamassa expostas em solução agressiva de sulfato e o acompanhamento da durabilidade de corpos de prova (CPs envelhecidos em câmaras de intemperismo de névoa salina e de dióxido de enxofre pela técnica do potencial de corrosão. As argamassas com TiO2 foram avaliadas quanto ao seu potencial fotocatalítico para a redução na concentração de gases tipo NOx em câmara de UV-A, produzida para esta verificação. Os resultados indicaram um aumento em até 16% da resistência mecânica dos concretos com adições e uma eficiência das argamassas com teores de nano TiO2-fase anatásio a partir de 20% em massa, para promover a fotocatálise do NOx ao redor de 40%, em presença de radiação UV-A.

  20. Forças armadas para quê? Para isso Armed forces... for what? For this

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    Domício Proença Júnior


    Full Text Available Responde-se de maneira estrutural à pergunta: para que se tem Forças Armadas no Brasil? Isso leva a um trajeto expositivo que considera os contextos estratégicos e domésticos à luz das determinações constitucionais e dos termos de acordos internacionais que constrangem as alternativas brasileiras de uso de força. Conclui-se que o Brasil tem apenas três tarefas concretas para suas Forças Armadas: a defesa do território, a participação em ações internacionais e a garantia da lei e da ordem, circunscrito em todos os casos ao uso de armamentos convencionais. Responde-se à pergunta de partida afirmando que se tem Forças Armadas para sustentar a capacidade de realizar estas tarefas ao longo do tempo e em qualquer momento. Como e quanto se sustenta tal capacidade são os critérios essenciais para a formulação, condução e avaliação da política de defesa do Brasil.This article offers a structural answer to the question: what are Brazil's armed forces for? This leads to the appreciation of Brazil's strategic and domestic contexts of the use of armed force. It considers the constitutional imperatives and the terms of international agreements that curtail Brazilian alternatives. It argues that Brazil has only three concrete tasks for its armed forces: the defense of its territory, the participation in international missions, and the guarantee of law and order, being constrained further to the use of conventional weapons. It answers the question it began with as follows: Brazil's armed forces exist to sustain the capacity of carrying out these tasks over time and at any time. It concludes that how and how well a Brazilian defense policy sustains this capacity are the paramount criteria for its conception, management and evaluation.

  1. Diseño de un sistema de gestión en el manejo de inventarios en la empresa COSSFA S.A. Comisariatos Servicio Social de las Fuerzas Armadas.


    Castellanos Goyes, Verónica Cristina


    The preset work shows a management system to manage the company's inventory COSSFA S.A ComisariatosServicio Social de lasFuerzas Armadas. The company was founded in the year 2009 by the Group HOLDINGDINE SA and andactually It is part of the Instituto de Seguridad Social de lasFuerzas Armadas. Showing the management system and the inventory, its importance in business today and how to structure it, in addition to the starting point in devel...

  2. Desenvolvimento de argamassas microporosas para a construção civil Development of microporous mortar for the civil construction

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    M. A. Coimbra


    Full Text Available Esse trabalho consistiu na obtenção e estudo de uma argamassa de peso leve para o uso na construção civil através da adição combinada, de aditivos formadores de microporosidade, mais a utilização de cargas que incorporam resíduos industriais. A técnica vem sendo recentemente apontada como uma promissora alternativa para a construção de estruturas leves, onde o compromisso da resistência mecânica aliada às ações ambientais, tais como degradações físico-químicas provocadas por intemperismo, não representam pré-requisitos básicos da construção civil, que possam impedir a utilização de argamassas de baixa densidade, com micro porosidade controlada. Assim sendo, esse trabalho utilizou aditivos adequados para a formação de bolhas estáveis, e quando necessário, agentes promotores de resistência mecânica, tais que puderam compensar perdas de resistência devido a presença excessiva das bolhas. A avaliação da influência dos aditivos, bem como do método de preparação das argamassas leves que incluem o mecanismo de mistura, o desenvolvimento microestrutural e propriedades são correlacionados, visando a obtenção de uma composição adequada que possa ser utilizada na fabricação de estruturas leves.The purpose of that work was to obtain a lightweight mortar for use in the civil construction through the combined addition of micropore chemical formers and industrial residues. Recently, the lightweight mortar technique has been pointed out as an alternative for the construction of light structures, where the commitment of the mechanical resistance associated with the climate actions, such as physical-chemical degradation caused by environmental actions, do not represent basic requirements for civil construction that could restrain the use of low density mortar, with micropore controlled structure. The work analysed the influence of additives adapted for the formation of stable bubbles, and in some cases, the use of

  3. Reciclagem de resíduos da construção civil para a produção de argamassas Granite sawing waste recycling for mortar production

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    R. R. Menezes


    Full Text Available O volume de resíduos inorgânicos gerados a cada ano vem crescendo em todo mundo e apresenta um dos maiores problemas da sociedade moderna. Este trabalho tem por objetivo analisar a viabilidade de utilização do resíduo da serragem do granito e de resíduos da construção civil como materiais alternativos para a produção de argamassas. Os resíduos foram caracterizados física e mineralogicamente por meio da determinação de distribuição e tamanho de partículas, massa e área específica, composição química, difração de raios X e análise térmica diferencial. Foi determinado o índice de atividade pozolânica com cal dos resíduos da construção. Foram formuladas composições de argamassas substituindo parcialmente a cal pelos resíduos, e moldados corpos-de-prova. Os corpos-de-prova foram curados por 7, 14, 28 e 60 dias e, em seguida, foi determinada a resistência à compressão simples. Os resíduos apresentam elevados teores de SiO2, Al2O3 e Fe2O3 e possuem as fases cristalinas quartzo, mica, feldspato, carbonato de cálcio e óxido de ferro. A substituição do aglomerante por resíduos na produção de argamassas pode ser efetuada com sucesso em teores de até 50% e os resíduos com atividade pozolânica propiciam aumentos significativos na resistência à compressão simples das argamassas.Around the world the amount of inorganic wastes has increased dramatically and is one of the most important issues for modern society. This work has as aim to analyze the suitability of granite sawing waste and construction wastes as alternative raw materials for the production of mortars. The wastes were physically and mineralogical characterized by the determination of particle size distribution, specific mass and specific area, chemical composition, X-ray diffraction, and differential thermal analysis. The pozzolanic activity index with hydrated lime of construction wastes was determined. Mortar compositions were formulated

  4. Desenvolvimento de formulações de argamassas autonivelantes para pisos e avaliação da retração por secagem


    Silva, Sarah Honorato Lopes da


    Orientador : Profª. Drª. Marienne do Rocio de Mello Maron da Costa Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Tecnologia, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Construção Civil. Defesa: Curitiba, 15/04/2016 Inclui referências : f. 100-108 Resumo: Uma argamassa autonivelante deve apresentar como principais propriedades a alta fluidez e elevada resistência à segregação. Isto se torna possível devido ao equilíbrio entre a alta fluidez, viscosidade moderada e a coesão entre...



    Farias, José Airton de


    RESUMO Após o insucesso da guerrilha, prisão e condenação pela Justiça Militar, os militantes da esquerda armada no Ceará tiveram que cumprir suas penas no Instituto Penal Paulo Sarasate (IPPS). Ali, durante os anos 1970, os revolucionários, vistos como “terroristas”, mantidos à parte dos demais presos e alvos da atenção da ditadura militar, tiveram de enfrentar novos desafios. Buscaram brechas, fissuras, criaram espaços, usaram de estratégias e táticas dentro da estrutura autoritária impe...

  6. Luta Armada na Psicologia: Prática de Classe contra o Terrorismo de Estado

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    Juberto Antonio Massud de Souza

    Full Text Available Resumo: Este artigo tem como objetivo retomar parte da historiografia sobre os psicólogos e estudantes de Psicologia que integraram agrupamentos armados contra o golpe de classe de 1964. Para tal, consideramos que o processo de desenvolvimento da Psicologia, enquanto ciência e profissão, mostra-se interligado nas múltiplas contradições da formação da classe trabalhadora brasileira. Partindo dos pressupostos teórico-metodológicos do materialismo histórico-dialético, recompomos, no plano ideal, parte do movimento real produzido pela ação daqueles sujeitos. Resgatamos as trajetórias das pessoas que participaram da luta armada contra o terrorismo de estado a partir de casos ilustrativos que nos mostram suas presenças em organizações políticas das quais fizeram parte. Para tal, reconstruímos este movimento a partir das publicações existentes. Concluímos que existe um elo entre a vanguarda da luta armada, com a presença de algumas frações da Psicologia, composta majoritariamente por sua juventude, e a construção contraditória dentro da própria profissão no Brasil. Ambos são momentos da totalidade da história da Psicologia, que mostra a maneira pela qual alguns importantes setores posicionaram-se na luta contra a ditadura civil-militar.

  7. A crise Armada Colômbia-Equador no contexto da Guerra contra o Terrorismo Internacional

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    Full Text Available A recente crise armada entre Colômbia e Equador trouxe a América do Sul ao foco da mídia internacional. As FARC representam o maior barril de pólvora da América Latina, além de um determinante ator a ser combatido na luta contra o terrorismo internacional. Nesse sentido, o presente artigo busca analisar, sob o prisma da segurança e do direito internacional o papel das FARC em âmbito global e as maneiras segundo as quais elas são combatidas.

  8. The ARMADA Project: Bringing Oceanography and the Arctic to the Midwest (United States)

    Pazol, J.


    In the fall of 2009, I spent 6 weeks aboard the Coast Guard Icebreaker Healy on a mapping expedition in the Arctic Ocean, through participation in the University of Rhode Island's ARMADA Project. Because I grew up in the Midwest, went to college here, and teach in the Chicago suburbs, I had limited first-hand experience in oceanography, as did most of my students. During my time aboard the ship, I primarily served as a member of the mapping team, collecting bathymetric and seismic data. My other science activities included aiding geologists and acoustic engineers in dredging projects and deployment of under-ice recording devices. I collected water data, sent off weather balloons, and assisted marine mammal observers. For the ARMADA Project I kept an on-line journal, which had a far-reaching impact. Students in many schools kept track of my activities and communicated with me via e-mail. Colleagues and friends shared the journal through other media, such as Facebook. Several of my entries were published in blogs belonging to NOAA and the USGS. I received a grant for renting a satellite phone, and through it was able to make "Live from the Arctic" phone calls. After introductory PowerPoints I communicated with more than 420 students in 5 schools in 3 states. When I returned, I made a series of presentations about the Arctic and my adventures to hundreds of people and was featured in an educational magazine with a circulation of more than 90,000. I also participated in an in-depth mentoring program with a new teacher to help her succeed during the first years of her career. The results: My students and I now have a direct connection to the Arctic and to the fields of oceanography, acoustic engineering, and geology. On their own initiative, students have developed individual projects exploring aspects of my research. They have attended presentations from the Extreme Ice Center and have become involved in drilling issues in the Chukchi Sea. A group of students is

  9. Metodologia de Dimensionamento de Sistemas de Aquecimento em Piso, em Função da Temperatura e Espessura de Cama, para Criação de Frangos de Corte Heating Floor Systems on Poutry Breeding: Dimension Methodology Evaluating Litter Thickness and Temperature

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    PG Abreu


    Full Text Available Avaliou-se a temperatura e a espessura de cama ideal para os sistemas de aquecimento elétrico (fibra de vidro e argamassa armada, em relação a temperatura ambiental, a partir de testes realizados em galpão para aves, na EMBRAPA-CNPSA. Os valores de temperatura em cada ponto determinado foram coletados de 5 em 5 minutos. O sistema permaneceu em funcionamento até a superfície superior de cama sobre a placa atingir o valor de 35ºC. O sistema mais adequado foi aquele em que a espessura da argamassa e a espessura da fibra de vidro foram 0,06m e 0,08m, respectivamente, com uma espessura de cama total, fora do círculo, de 0,11m.The present study was conducted to evaluate the suitable temperature and thickness of the poultry litter related to the electric heating systems (glass fiber and armed mortar and regarding the ambient temperature variations. Temperature values were obtained in specific places of the litter each 5 minutes. The system keeps working up to 35ºC at the top layer of litter. The suitable system was the one in which the armed mortar and glass fiber thickness were respectively, 0,06 and 0,08 m. In this system, the total thickness outside the brooding area could be maintained at 0,11 m.

  10. Globalizacion, seguridad y crisis. El papel de las fuerzas armadas en el siglo XXI

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    Federico Aznar Fernández-Montesinos


    Full Text Available El siglo XXI es el siglo de la interconexión y la complejidad. Todo se encuentra interrelacionado, lo que ha obligado a incluir la Defensa en el marco de la Seguridad con el propósito de dar respuestas a los retos que plantea y que ya no son solo militares sino de toda índole, incluidas crisis y catástrofes. Las fuerzas Armadas pueden contribuir con gran eficacia a la hora de atender tales retos. La tendencia no es ya al conflicto entre naciones, sino a la defensa de la Seguridad Nacional e Internacional, lo que genera un enorme cambio en los medios, preparación y doctrina.

  11. Avaliação da reologia, da RAA e das propriedades de argamassas no estado fresco utilizando cinza de eucalipto como substituição parcial ao cimento Portland

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    Débhora Flávia Soto França

    Full Text Available Resumo De acordo com o Balanço Energético Nacional (ano-base 2013, o consumo nacional de lenha foi de 79,29 milhões de toneladas. Estima-se uma geração de cinza na ordem de 3% durante esse processo, o que ocasiona problemas de armazenamento e de descarte. Sendo assim, a potencial transformação desses resíduos em matéria-prima para elementos construtivos apresenta-se como uma oportunidade para a preservação do meio ambiente e para a redução do custo de materiais da construção civil. O presente trabalho objetiva, portanto, avaliar a viabilidade desse reaproveitamento por meio da análise das propriedades das argamassas no estado fresco, incluindo a reologia, além da reatividade potencial (RAA, utilizando cinza proveniente da queima de cavacos de eucalipto com teores de 10%, 20% e 30% de substituição, em massa, ao cimento Portland. Através dos ensaios realizados verificou-se que a utilização da cinza de eucalipto como substituição parcial ao cimento não altera significativamente as propriedades de argamassas no estado fresco e não apresenta reatividade significativa, apresentando-se como uma alternativa de uso tecnicamente viável.

  12. Potencialidades de um caulim calcinado como material de substituição parcial do cimento portland em argamassas Potentialities of a calcined kaolin as material of partial replacement of portland cement in mortars

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    Marilia P. de Oliveira


    Full Text Available A utilização de argilas calcinadas na forma de metacaulinita, como material pozolânico para argamassas e concretos, tem recebido atenção considerável nos últimos anos. Este trabalho objetivou avaliar o desempenho mecânico de argamassas, nas quais foi utilizado um caulim calcinado proveniente do Estado da Paraíba, como material de substituição parcial do cimento Portland. Utilizaram-se duas finuras do caulim: passando nas peneiras ABNT 200 (0,074 mm e 325 (0,044 mm e calcinados nas temperaturas de 700, 800 e 900 ºC pelo tempo de 2 h. As amostras foram caracterizadas através de análise química, análise térmica diferencial, difração de raios-X e área específica. Obteve-se o índice de atividade pozolânica com a cal e o cimento Portland. O percentual de substituição adotado foi de 0, 10, 20, 30 e 40%. A relação aglomerante: areia foi de 1:1,5 e a relação água/aglomerante fixada igual 0,4. O efeito da substituição parcial do cimento na argamassa foi avaliado através da resistência à compressão simples, nas idades de 7, 28 e 90 dias. As argamassas estudadas apresentaram resistência superior em relação à da referência, até o nível de 30% de substituição.The use of burnt clays, in the metakaolin form, as pozzolanic material for mortars and concretes has received a remarkable attention in the last years. This paper aimed to evaluate the mechanical property of mortars, in which a calcined kaolin originating from the State of Paraiba, was used as partial cement replacement material. Two finess of the kaolin were used: ABNT 200 (0.074 mm and 325 (0.044 mm and burnt at temperatures of 700, 800 and 900 ºC for a period of 2 h. Both materials were characterized by chemical analysis, differential thermal analysis, X-ray diffraction, specific area tests. The pozolanic activity index was obtanied using lime and cement Portland. The amounts of replacement were 10, 20, 30 and 40%, besides the reference mortar. The binder

  13. Hipótesis explicativas de la derrota estratégica de la insurgencia armada en el Caribe colombiano: los casos de las FARC-EP y el ELN

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    Luis Fernando Trejos


    Full Text Available Este trabajo tiene como objetivo plantear hipótesis explicativas que permitan aproximarse a las causas que generaron la derrota estratégica de la insurgencia armada en el Caribe colombiano. En este sentido, se utilizan teorías de la ciencia política que sostienen que el éxito de las luchas insurgentes se basa en la existencia de regímenes autoritarios o democracias restringidas; a esto se suman unas causas endógenas propias de esta región colombiana y condiciones internas de las macroestructuras insurgentes que operaron en ella. Con este trabajo se espera generar un marco interpretativo que permita analizar la derrota o continuidad de la insurgencia armada en otras regiones de Colombia. Este trabajo es exploratorio, cualitativo y documental.

  14. Argamassas com incorporação de Materiais de Mudança de Fase (PCM): Caracterização física, mecânica e durabilidade


    Cunha,Sandra; Aguiar,José; Ferreira,Victor; Tadeu,António


    O despertar da consciência ambiental pela sociedade, tem levantado problemas até então ignorados tais como os consumos energéticos. Numa sociedade com um elevado ritmo de crescimento e padrões de conforto cada vez maiores, surge a necessidade de minimizar os elevados consumos energéticos, tirando partido de fontes de energia renováveis. As argamassas com incorporação de materiais de mudança de fase (PCM) possuem a capacidade de regular a temperatura no interior dos edifícios, contribuindo des...


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    Full Text Available This study aims to identify the customer’s problem queue, specify the model queue, the arrival and customer service frequency distributions at PT. Armada Mobil Purwokerto. Methods of the research conducted by observing and measuring directly the research object, the data from the study was calculated according to the theory of queues. The result appropriate to single channel queuing model Poisson distribution of the arrivals, exponential distribution of the time service. The characteristized of Kendall’s notation is M/M/3/3/571.

  16. Atividade pozolânica dos resíduos do beneficiamento do caulim para uso em argamassas para alvenaria Pozolanic activity of kaolin processing residues for use in masonry mortars

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    Romualdo R. Menezes


    Full Text Available A indústria do beneficiamento do caulim gera enorme quantidade de resíduos, descartados indiscriminadamente no meio ambiente; assim, este trabalho tem por objetivo analisar a viabilidade técnica e a atividade pozolânica dos resíduos do beneficiamento do caulim para a produção de argamassas. Os resíduos foram caracterizados através da determinação de sua distribuição granulométrica e composição química, difração de raios X e análise térmica diferencial e gravimétrica; em seguida, determinou-se o índice de atividade pozolânica dos resíduos de caulim com a cal e o cimento Portland. Argamassas de cimento:cal:areia foram preparadas e o resíduo, na condição natural e após queima a 600 °C por 2 h, substituiu parcialmente o cimento nas proporções de 5, 10, 15 e 20% em massa. Corpos-de-prova foram moldados e determinada sua resistência a compressão simples. Conclui-se, com base nos resultados, que os resíduos são constituídos de caulinita, mica e quartzo e que a utilização do resíduo calcinado aumenta a resistência das argamassas após 28 dias de cura em até 150%.The kaolin processing industry generates large amounts of waste, which is indiscriminately dumped in open-air sites. This work evaluates the technical suitability and pozolanic activity of kaolin processing wastes for the production of mortars. The wastes were characterized by particle size distribution and chemical composition determination, X-ray diffraction and thermal differential and gravimetric analyses. The pozolanic activity index was determined using lime and Portland cement. Cement:lime:sand mortars were formulated and the kaolin wastes replaced cement by 5, 10, 15 and 20% on weight basis. The kaolin wastes were used in their natural condition and after thermal treatment at 600 °C for 2 h. Test specimens were produced and their compression strength determined. The results indicated that the waste consists of quartz, kaolinite and mica, and

  17. Influência da adição de resíduo de gesso no calor de hidratação da argamassa de revestimento interno


    Bernhoeft,Luiz Fernando; Gusmão,Alexandre Duarte; Tavares,Yêda Vieira Póvoas


    O objetivo do presente trabalho foi analisar a influência da adição de resíduo beneficiado de pasta de gesso como agregado no calor de hidratação da argamassa de gesso para uso em revestimentos internos. Na metodologia utilizada foi fixada a relação água/gesso de 0,66, valor obtido por meio de ensaio de consistência normal, e executados ensaios comparativos entre o gesso natural e o gesso aditivado com 5% e 10 % de resíduo. Para as adições de 5% e 10% de resíduo, os resultados mostraram a dim...

  18. La dinámica poblacional y la violencia armada en Colombia, 1985-2010

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    Hernán Eduardo Salaya


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Describir la evolución de la estructura poblacional de los municipios de Colombia de acuerdo con su situación de desplazamiento interno como consecuencia de la violencia armada MÉTODOS: Para llevar a cabo la investigación se desarrolló un estudio ecológico descriptivo. Se consultaron fuentes secundarias tomadas del Registro Único de Población Desplazada y del Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadística con el fin de calcular las tasas de expulsión y recepción de población desplazada por la violencia en los años comprendidos entre el 2002 y el 2010. En base a estas tasas se construyeron cuatro grupos de municipios clasificados de la siguiente manera: alta expulsión, baja expulsión, alta recepción y baja recepción con aquellos municipios que en ese período permanecieron todos los años en el cuartil extremo de cada tasa. Posteriormente se tomaron dos puntos de corte comparativos en el tiempo 1985 y 2010. Se construyeron pirámides poblacionales e indicadores de estructura para cada uno de los grupos de municipios RESULTADOS: Los municipios expuestos a altas tasas de expulsión y de recepción presentaron una transición epidemiológica más lenta, con una edad media e índice de envejecimiento menores. El índice de Sundbärg permitió establecer que el grupo de alta expulsión fue el que menos regresión presentó. El grupo de alta recepción fue el que más disminuyó su índice de masculinidad sobre todo en la población ecomómicamente activa y fue el que más creció CONCLUSIONES: La dinámica poblacional ha sido afectada por la violencia armada y no tiene una distribución regular a lo largo del territorio colombiano lo que genera consecuencias sociales, económicas y culturales trascendentales. Este estudio es útil para la toma de decisiones y la construcción de política pública.

  19. Desempenho produtivo e bioeconômico de frangos de corte criados em diferentes sistemas de aquecimento Productive and bioeconomical performance of broiler chicks grown under different heating systems

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    Paulo Giovanni de Abreu


    Full Text Available RESUMO - Este experimento foi realizado em duas fases para estudar o efeito de diferentes sistemas de aquecimento em piso sobre os desempenhos produtivo e bioeconômico de frangos de corte. Um total de 500 pintos de um dia, 50% macho e 50% fêmea, em cada círculo de proteção, foi distribuído em um delineamento experimental em blocos casualizados, com sete tratamentos e quatro blocos. Os sistemas de aquecimento testados foram: placa de fibra de vidro sem cobertura de lona plástica; placa de fibra de vidro com cobertura de lona plástica; resistência embutida no piso sem cobertura de lona plástica; resistência embutida no piso com cobertura de lona plástica; placa de argamassa armada sem cobertura de lona plástica; placa de argamassa armada com cobertura de lona plástica; e campânula a gás. O aquecimento foi mantido por 21 dias, iniciando com a temperatura de 35ºC na primeira semana, com redução de 3ºC por semana. Peso vivo, ganho de peso, consumo de ração, conversão alimentar e mortalidade foram avaliados. Os consumos de energia elétrica e de gás foram registrados durante todo o período de aquecimento, para comparação de custos. O sistema de aquecimento placa de argamassa com cobertura de lona plástica foi o mais indicado, pois propiciou boas condições térmicas e maior margem bruta no final do período de criação.ABSTRACT - This experiment was carried out in two phases to study the effect of different heating systems on the productive and bioeconomical performances in broilers. Five hundred one-day broiler chicks, 50% male and 50% female, in each protected circle, were allotted to a randomized block design with seven treatments and four blocks. The heating systems were: fiber glass plate without plastic sheet cover, fiber glass plate with plastic sheet cover; built-in floor resistance without plastic sheet cover, built-in floor resistance with plastic sheet cover; mortar plate without plastic sheet cover, mortar

  20. Viabilidade técnica e econômica de argamassas de revestimento produzidas com incorporação de resíduos de rochas ornamentais

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    Luís Gustavo Fiorese Vinco

    Full Text Available Resumo Na atualidade, além do desenvolvimento econômico, tem-se a questão do desenvolvimento sustentável, pelo qual se busca não apenas a redução de custos, mas também a redução dos impactos ambientais gerados pela construção civil. Uma das formas de redução desses impactos é através de medidas mitigatórias no que diz respeito ao resíduo do corte de rochas ornamentais (RCRO gerado no processo de fabricação de chapas. O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar a adição do RCRO em teores de 50%, 100% e 150% em relação ao volume de cimento na produção de argamassas para revestimento. Para tanto, foram realizados ensaios laboratoriais de retenção de água e consistência, massa específica, resistência à compressão e à tração. Analisou-se também a aplicação em obra e o custo de produção das argamassas. Além disso, foi proposto um processo de mistura para utilização do resíduo in natura. Os resultados apontam uma melhora nas propriedades avaliadas, tanto no estado fresco quanto endurecido, para todos os traços. Em obra, os traços com adição de 100% de RCRO mostraram melhores resultados. Com relação aos custos houve diminuição em todos os traços com a adição de RCRO. Por fim, o processo de mistura proposto mostrou-se eficiente para uso do resíduo in natura.

  1. Texto e imagen en España de sol a sol de Alfonso Armada

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    Champeau, Geneviève


    Full Text Available España de sol a sol (2001 by Alfonso Armada gives an example of the development of the «travel narrative» genre in Spain today. Faced with the «end of travel» (Marc Augé, he proposes a renovation of the perception of the familiar by travelling across Spain and Portugal and by substituting «endotic» (Georges Pérec for exotic.The poetics in the narrative differs greatly from that by travelling writers of «social realism», in the Spain of the sixties. Interpretation replaces information, the poetic image prevails over the referential function of language, and polysemy, omnipresent intertexuality and metatextuality play an important part. The change also affects the links between text and image, which are now more complementary than redundant. Playing with stereotypes, the photography actively contributes to establishing argumentative strategies meant to make the reader-viewer adhere to the message, all while affirming itself as an autonomous aesthetic experience.España de sol a sol (2001 de Alfonso Armada proporciona una muestra de la evolución del género del «libro de viajes» en la España contemporánea. Ante la imposibilidad del viaje (Marc Augé, propone renovar la percepción de lo familiar recorriendo el espacio nacional y sustituyendo el «endotismo» (Georges Pérec al exotismo. La poética del viaje que propone el relato difiere profundamente de la de los escritores viajeros del «realismo social», en la España de los años sesenta, anteponiendo la interpretación a la información, la imagen poética a la función referencial del lenguaje, cultivando la polisemia, una intertextualidad masiva y una reflexión metatextual. Distintos son también los vínculos que se establecen entre texto e imagen, de complementariedad más que de redundancia. La fotografía participa activamente, por la reelaboración de tópicos, del dispositivo argumentativo destinado a favorecer la adhesión del lector-espectador al mensaje y se afirma

  2. Are the Guerrillas Gone? A Historical Political Economy and Social Analysis of the Rise and Demise of the Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias Colombianas (FARC), 1964-2010 (United States)


    directed at the CNP and the Departamento Administrativo de Seguridad (DAS) two separate investigative agencies: Initial reports suggest that CNP...ed.). Bogotá: Ediciones Abejón Mono. Arenas, J., Barco, V., & Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia. (1990). Vicisitudes del proceso de paz...Organization of American States. (2004, December). II–120 Informe sobre el proceso de Desmobilización en Colombia. Retrieved July 2, 2009, from


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    Luciana Viana Amorim


    Full Text Available RESUMO Com o objetivo de se obter aglomerantes pozolânicos a partir da reciclagem de rejeitos da construção civil, foram estudadas duas amostras de entulho, uma de resíduo de cerâmica vermelha e uma pozolana artificial, e duas amostras de cal. As amostras foram caracterizadas através de análise química, análise térmica diferencial, difração de raios-X, área específica e determinação da atividade pozolânica. As amostras de entulho e resíduo cerâmico foram moídas em moinho de bolas por 90 min e a de pozolana artificial em moinho de discos. Foram preparadas argamassas alternativas, no traço 1:3 e, como aglomerante, cal pozolânica, em composições 30-70%, 40-60% e 50-50% de cal e pozolana. Os corpos de prova foram curados por períodos de 7, 28 e 60 dias e submetidos a ensaios de resistência a compressão simples, cujos resultados mostram que a reciclagem de rejeitos é promissora, podendo gerar elementos construtivos de baixo custo e que seu uso implica na preservação do meio ambiente e na melhoria da qualidade de vida da população em geral.

  4. Modernización del sistema de aire de alta presión de las corbetas misileras de la armada del Ecuador


    Espinoza Estrella, Bryan; Orces, Eduardo


    El estudio se lo hace al sistema de aire de alta presión en las corbetas misileras de la Armada del Ecuador. Este sistema de aire trabaja con presiones elevadas de 206 bar, el cual sirve para suministrar aire comprimido al sistema de armamento y a los sistemas contraincendios: Por razón del excesivo tiempo que tardaba el sistema en presurizarse cuando se requería usarlo, se optó en el año 95 por suministrar aire directamente del compresor a las diferentes unidades de servicio, evitando ac...

  5. Influência do procedimento de mistura em laboratório nas propriedades de argamassas

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    Marylinda Santos de França

    Full Text Available A mistura dos materiais sólidos com a água é uma das etapas mais importantes no preparo das argamassas. A condução do procedimento que é adotado interferirá nas propriedades no estado fresco, assim como no endurecido. A Norma ABNT NBR 13276:2005 indica que os materiais sólidos sejam introduzidos no líquido já disposto no recipiente. Essa ordem de introdução dos materiais é o inverso do que ocorre na prática e pode resultar na falta de homogeneidade da mistura. Estudos anteriores observaram que adicionar o líquido aos materiais sólidos de forma fracionada melhora as propriedades reológicas dos sistemas. Assim, utilizando uma argamassadeira de laboratório e uma mesma formulação, foram estudados distintos procedimentos de mistura em que a água é adicionada no material sólido em etapas. Esses procedimentos foram confrontados com o indicado pela ABNT NBR 13276:2005, e o comportamento reológico (squeeze-flow e ciclos de cisalhamento e as propriedades no estado endurecido (resistência à tração por compressão diametral e módulo de elasticidade dinâmico foram avaliados. Verificou-se que a adição do líquido ao material sólido em etapas distintas conduz a sistemas mais fluidos e com melhor desempenho no estado endurecido.

  6. As Forças Armadas Bolivarianas: povo em armas?

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    Natalia Scartezini


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho busca contextualizar, através de um levantamento histórico, a noção de pueblo en armas em voga na Venezuela atualmente para tratar da inserção dos militares na chamada Revolução Bolivariana, bem como da imanente militarização dos civis dentro desta perspectiva revolucionária. Através desta contextualização e do levantamento do que seria a idéia de pueblo en armas dentro das esferas oficiais do governo, busca-se entender qual é a nova configuração das Forças Armadas na Venezuela e levantar seus pontos passíveis de críticas tanto quanto aqueles que se demonstram interessantes para a construção do Socialismo no Século XXI. Para além de qualquer pretensão em exaurir o tema, o intuito maior deste texto é fomentar o debate sobre o assunto, que tem dado mostras claras de ser de indispensável estudo para àqueles que anseiem compreender a configuração socio-política da Venezuela Bolivariana.


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    Erfind Nurdin


    Full Text Available Sebagai alat bantu penangkapan ikan, rumpon berfungsi untuk menarik kelompok ikan agar berkumpul di sekitarnya. Dalam jangka pendek rumpon dapat meningkatkan produksi hasil tangkapan, efisiensi dan efektivitas operasi penangkapan ikan. Namun rumpon juga dapat berdampak negatif terhadap keberlajutan stok sumberdaya. Penelitian ini dilakukan di PPN Prigi, Jawa Timur, dengan tujuan untuk mengkaji status pemanfaatan perikanan tuna, optimasi jumlah unit armada dan rumpon serta musim penangkapan ikan.  Beberapa analisis yang digunakan antara lain linear goal programming (LGP, fishing power indeks (FPI, catch per unit of effort (CPUE, maximum sustainable yield (MSY, dan untuk mengetahui pola musim tangkap menggunakan Metode Persentase Rata-rata. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat indikasi pemanfaatan perikanan tuna yang berlebih pada tingkat pengupayaan yang melampaui batas maksimum (MSY = 2334,9 ton/tahun.  Jumlah optimum untuk armada jaring insang sebanyak 43 unit, pancing tonda 63 unit dan rumpon 33 unit pada luasan area penelitian 8.940 km². Musim tangkap berlangsung pada Bulan Juni sampai Desember dengan puncak musim di bulan Juli.    Fish Aggregating Device (FADs has a function to attract and aggregate fish schooling. In short term, the advantage of FADs used is to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of fishing operations and the fish caught by the fishers; however FADs might also result a negative impact on the sustainability of fish stock.This study was conducted in fishing area of Prigi National Fishing Port, East Java. The objective of this study is to investigate the tuna fisheries status, optimization number of fishing units and number of FADs. Some analysis methods applied in this study were linear goal programming (LGP, fishing power index (FPI, catch per unit of effort (CPUE, maximum sustainable yield (MSY, and analysis of fishing season using the Average Percentage Methods. The results showed that the tuna fisheries in

  8. A luta armada no cinema: ficção, documentário, memória.

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    Maria Cecília Ferreira De Nichile


    Full Text Available No livro A luta armada no cinema: ficção, documentário, memória, Fernando Seliprandy analisa dois filme, O que é isso Companheiro? (1996 e Hércules 56 (2006, que narram um mesmo evento: o sequestro do embaixador norte americano Charles Burke Elbrick, realizado pela ação guerrilheira em curso no Brasil no ano de 1969. Com a descrição do material audiovisual, o livro pretende apreender o uso da imagem fílmica na construção da memória histórica, bem como intenta chegar a possíveis conclusões historiográficas pela observação das relações entre o que é mostrado no discurso cinematográfico e aquilo que está além da narrativa, na conjuntura histórica da qual essas fitas emergiram.

  9. Construcción de un espacio deportivo con paredes de superficie reglada de cerámica armada

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    Vázquez Rodríguez, José A.


    Full Text Available This article tackles the construction process of a structure corresponding to the sports space of La Coruña University. It treats an uncommon solution consisting of supporting walls of I foot thick perforated brick masonry, that are folded, to form a surface of double curvature giving the walls stability, as they reach the height of 10 metres. The mentioned walls , apart from constituting the space closure, serve to support the structure of the covering which consists of a space truss of semiocthedric pilable modules conformed to hollow tubular pieces of laminated wood. This work manifests the interest and the validity of the use of reinforced ceramics f or the structural elements • as it efficiently umites an optimal mechanical behaviour with some indubitable formal possibililies. It is difficult to justify the omission of the use of this technique in the contemporary architecture.El presente artículo aborda el pro ceso constructivo de la estructura correspondiente a un espacio deportivo de la Universidad de A Coruña. Se trata de una solución singular constituida por muros portantes de fábrica armada de ladrillo perforado con un espesor de J pie, que se "pliegan" formando una superficie de doble curvatura al objeto de dotarlos de estabilidad. pues llegan a alcanzar los 10m de altura. Dichos muros. además de constituir el cerramiento del espacio. sirven para la sustentación de la estructura de cubierta. constituida por una malla espacial de módulos semioctaédricos apilables conformados con piezas tubulares huecas de madera laminada. Dicha obra pon e de manifiesto el interés y la validez de la utilización de la cerámica armada para la construcción de elementos estructurales. pues aúna de forma eficiente un óptimo comportamiento mecánico con unas indudables posibilidades formales . En consecuencia. el olvido de esta técnica dentro del panorama de la arquitectura con temporánea. resulta difícilmente justificable.

  10. Argamassas de reabilitação : estudo da sua utilização e do seu comportamento para o tratamento e recuperação de construções afetadas por eflorescências


    Guterres, Paulo Roberto Cabana


    Este registo pertence ao Repositório Científico do LNEC Ultimamente tem ocorrido, na região de Pelotas, uma maior preocupação com a recuperação do patrimônio histórico ou com construções atuais, que estejam apresentando elevado índice de deterioração, causado por eflorescências, o que muitas vezes torna o uso destes prédios prejudicado e até mesmo impróprio. O presente trabalho visa diagnosticar a patologia de argamassas de revestimento, em construções antigas, afetadas por sai...

  11. Are the Guerrillas Gone?: a historical political economy and social analysis of the rise and demise of the Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias Columbianas (FARC), 1964-2010


    Castano, Arturo Herrera; Tarrant, Shane L.


    Approved for public release, distribution unlimited This thesis looks at how the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) was able to survive and control significant parts of Colombia until relatively recently. It also explains the decline of the FARC as a significant insurgency (and as one of the last, if not the last significant guerrilla organization in the region). While a historical political economy and social analysis of the rise and demise of the Fuerzas Armadas Revolucio...

  12. La Flota, razón de ser de la Armada

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    Balbás Otal, José Antonio


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    El título de este artículo expresa con suficiente claridad el alcance de su contenido. La Flota es la expresión material del poder naval con que cuenta la Armada. Sus dotaciones, buques de superficie, submarinos, aeronaves, medios de guerra de minas, fuerzas de Infantería de Marina, centros de adiestramiento e instalaciones navales en tierra, constituyen el núcleo fundamental de la Fuerza Naval. A lo largo de su exposición, el Almirante de la Flota nos describe detalladamente la organización, composición y cometidos de las diferentes unidades, agrupaciones y dependencias que están bajo sus órdenes, poniendo especial énfasis en sus capacidades, estructura operativa y participación en ejercicios y operaciones de carácter nacional e internacional. Asimismo, hace referencia a la contribución a la OTAN y a otras fuerzas multinacionales, y a la participación más reciente de unidades de la Flota en operaciones reales. El artículo es una excelente síntesis para quien desee conocer cómo es y qué hace la Flota, cuál es su futuro en cuanto a incorporación de nuevas unidades, y qué procesos de reestructuración se están llevando a cabo, incluida la reciente creación de un Cuartel General Marítimo de Alta Disponibilidad, dentro de la estructura de fuerzas de la OTAN.

  13. A new Job's tear cultivar ''Hatohikari''

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ishida, M.; Chiba, I.; Kato, M.; Okuyama, Y.; Sugawara, S.; Tanosaki, S.; Shindo, K.; Ishikura, N.; Seki, K.; Endo, T.; Shibata, M.


    A new Job's tear cultivar ''Hatohikari'', developed at the Tohoku National Agricultural Experiment Station, Morioka, Japan was registered as Norin No.2 Job's tear and released by Japan's Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries in 1995. ''Hatohikari'' is a progeny from a gamma-ray radiated mutant of ''Okayama-zairai'' in 1980. ''Okayama-zairai'' shows high yield and good quality. However, its demerits are late maturity and long plant height. The major agronomic characteristics of the new cultivar ''Hatohikari'' are as follows: The maturity is earlier than that of ''Okayama0zairai'', yielding ability is 38% higher than that of ''Okayama-zairai , the plant height is 30 cm shorter than that of ''Okayama-zairai'' and it is suitable for combine harvest. ''Hatohikari'' has large seeds with good quality for tea processing. Shattering is easy, and resistance to leaf blight is medium. ''Hatohikari'' is adaptable to middle mountain regions in chugoku district of Japan. This cultivar has been recommended in Hiroshima prefecture since 1995

  14. El plan de desarrollo de la Fuerza Armada Nacional Bolivariana, "Plan Sucre 2007-2013”, y las implicaciones para la seguridad nacional de Colombia


    Hurtado, Camilo; Cadena Afanador, Walter René


    Este trabajo de investigación analiza, desde la cosmovisión neorrealista de las Relaciones Internacionales, los alcances del Plan de Desarrollo de la Fuerza Armada Nacional Bolivariana, Plan Sucre, y las repercusiones que su consolidación tendrá para la seguridad nacional de Colombia. Inicialmente se plantea un marco teórico y conceptual, lo cual permite avanzar al segundo capítulo el cual tiene como propósito fundamental describir en qué consiste el Plan Sucre. El capítulo tres analiza los a...

  15. Fuerzas Armadas y transición democrática. Argentina, 1983-1989

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    Andrés Alberto Masi Rius


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo procura analizar el grado de influencia que las instituciones militares tuvieron en la apertura democrática argentina en 1983. Se analizará la modalidad en que las Fuerzas Armadas influyeron en los discursos en la campaña electoral, las medidas implementadas por la Administración Alfonsín en materia militar, los desequilibrios internos del Ejército Argentino, la disposición (o no de las Fuerzas de subordinarse al poder civil y el rol que las mismas desempeñaron en los levantamientos de 1987 y 1989, líneas que permitirán una adecuado análisis de los aciertos y fragilidades de las estrategias de gobierno en la esfera castrense.______________________ABSTRACT:The research has the purpose of analyzing the influence of the Army institutions during the return to the argentinian democratic system in 1983. It tries to study the way in which the Army influenced in the speeches of the electoral campaign, the political decisions put in practice by the Alfonsin Administration in military order, the Argentinian Forces imbalances, the disposition (or not of subordinating to the civil power and their role during the mutinies between 1987 and 1989, ideas that will allow an adequate analysis of the abilities and fragilities of the government strategies in the military sphere.

  16. Development and deployment of a novel ''yellow'' demulsifier for the gullfaks ''A'' platform

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jackson, S.J.; Ingebrigtsen, T.; Breen, P.J.; Waage, J.; Thorstenson, T.; Melby, S.


    Oil producers are increasingly under pressure to produce their product in an environmentally sound manner. Releases to the environment are undesirable and, where permitted to make such releases, oil producers should minimise their environmental impact. The bulk of treatment chemicals designed to improve separation and provide clean water for disposal can themselves be harmful to the environment and must conform to very stringent rules to be considered environmentally acceptable, or ''green''. Here we present data on the development of a green demulsifier for Statoil's Gullfaks ''A'' platform, which not only meets the very stringent regulations but also exhibits a significant improvement in product performance. While the''bottle test'' remains the industry standard method for selecting demulsifiers, in recent years the ''mini trial'' method for product selection has gained favour. We describe using a combination of both methods for the development of the novel demulsifier technology described here. (Author) (tk)

  17. The strategic ''pull'' and operational ''push'' of total quality management in UK regional electricity service companies

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    McAdam, R.; McLean, J.; Henderson, J.


    The aim of this paper is to evaluate whether the UK regional electricity companies (RECs) has used total quality management (TQM) as a ''push'' or as a ''pull'' change methodology. ''Push'' is the operational improvement role of TQM; ''pull'' is the strategic or direction giving, improvement role of TQM. Following the onset of privatisation in 1990 there has been evidence of the RECs adopting TQM in both ''push'' and ''pull'' methodologies with varying degrees of success. An evaluation of the change processes involved will enable improved change models to be developed leading to increased business effectiveness in this 30 billion pounds sterling industry. Other possible benefits include the possible generalisations to other utilities such as water, roads, gas and telecoms. The research methodology includes a comparative case study analysis of five RECs, which have used TQM as their overarching approach to change. One of the cases is analysed to a more in-depth level based on the multiple case findings. The findings indicate that the ''push-pull'' analysis enables the full range of TQM activities to be evaluated in the RECs studied. Overall, there is a need to have a balanced portfolio of operational or ''push''-based TQM activity that is driven by strategic or ''pull'' based TQM planning and activity. (author)

  18. Estudo da durabilidade de argamassas alternativas contendo resíduos Durability study of alternative mortars containing wastes

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    J. Farias Filho


    Full Text Available O interesse pela preservação dos recursos naturais e a busca pelo desenvolvimento sustentável tem despertado interesse de um grande número de pesquisadores visando obter materiais de construção não convencionais. Dentre essas possibilidades, destacam-se os resíduos produzidos pela construção civil e pela indústria de beneficiamento de granito, em virtude do volume gerado e os impactos ambientais do seu descarte inadequado. Este trabalho tem como objetivo estudar a durabilidade das argamassas alternativas incorporadas com resíduos de construção civil e da serragem do granito. Para quantificar a durabilidade dos materiais estudados, foram realizados ensaios de envelhecimento natural e ensaios de envelhecimento acelerado através de ciclos de molhagem e secagem, visando simular condições de utilização e avaliar sua degradação. Nos estudos da durabilidade foram utilizados traços de argamassas para alvenaria de elevação, com percentagens de substituição, em peso, da cal por resíduo de 30% e 50%. Os resultados para o envelhecimento natural evidenciaram o comprometimento da durabilidade do material após 60 dias com redução no comportamento mecânico, sendo os melhores resultados para os corpos-de-prova com 30% e 50% de resíduo de construção. No envelhecimento acelerado, para os tratamentos adotados, os resultados evidenciaram a ação da formação de silicoaluminatos de cálcio e potássio que favoreceram um aumento do comportamento mecânico e, além disso, não foi observado o comprometimento da sua durabilidade.The preservation of natural resources and search for sustainable development are increase in interest by the researchers with the aim to obtain knowledge of non conventional materials. Among these possibilities stand out the recycling of residues from civil construction and from granite industry, which are producers of large amount of residues and causing great environmental impacts. The aim of this work is to


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    José Aparecido Canova


    Full Text Available RESUMO: Resíduos de pneus inservíveis têm sido avaliados em materiais a base de cimento. Assim, este trabalho objetivou estudar os efeitos desses resíduos em argamassa mista de revestimento, com foco na fissuração. Utilizou-se a cal virgem e areia natural no traço 1:6 (em volume. A mistura maturada foi seca em estufa, recebeu o cimento compondo o traço 1:1,5:9 (em volume e adições de pó de borracha nas proporções (6%, 8%, 10% e 12% em volume de agregado. Avaliou-se a massa específica, o teor de ar incorporado e a retenção de água no estado plástico, a resistências à compressão axial, a resistência à tração por compressão diametral, o módulo de deformação estática e a absorção de água por imersão no estado endurecido. Em corpos de prova aplicados sobre substratos avaliou-se a aderência à tração e a fissuração. A argamassa com resíduos de pneus apresentou menores incidências de fissuras visíveis, redução nas propriedades mecânicas e aumento no teor de ar incorporado. Como contribuição principal do trabalho, conclui-se que o produto estudado representa uma potencial alternativa que contribui para a redução de fissuras em revestimentos além de contribuir com a redução do passivo ambiental dos pneus inservíveis. ABSTRACT: Waste scrap tires have been appraised in cement base materials. Thus, this work aimed study the effects of these residues in the plastering mixed mortar, with a focus on cracking, we used quicklime powder and sand (natural sand in a proportion 1:6 (by volume. The ripened mixture was previously dried in an oven, this received cement, resulting in the proportions 1:1,5:9 (by volume and the addition of rubber powder in the proportions 6%, 8%, 10% and 12% by aggregate volume. We evaluated the specific mass, air content, water retention in the plastic state, the axial compressive strength, the tensile strength by diametrical compression, static deformation module, and water absorption

  20. Fuerzas Armadas y desarrollo energético en la Argentina: el papel de la Marina de Guerra en la primera mitad del siglo XX

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    Gustavo A. Pontoriero


    Full Text Available El interés de la Armada argentina por lograr el autoabastecimiento energético para movilizar sus buques y asegu-rar la defensa de la soberanía llevó a que un grupo de sus oficiales más destacados reclamaran a la institución y al Estado una actitud más decidida. Las lecciones que dejaron las sucesivas guerras desde fines del siglo XIX sobre el valor estratégico de los recursos energéticos y su disponibilidad para la producción y movilización de los ele-mentos bélicos, acentuaron aún más su preocupación al respecto. La Marina de Guerra intervino en la explora-ción y explotación de los recursos carboníferos, petroleros e hidroeléctricos, y luego su papel fue muy importante en el desarrollo de la energía nuclear en la Argentina. En este trabajo analizaremos los orígenes del proceso de formación de una élite técnica con alto grado de forma-ción profesional y conciencia industrialista en el seno de la Armada, e interesada en el desarrollo del sector ener-gético nacional. En el estudio, durante la primera mitad del siglo XX, utilizaremos artículos, conferencias, memo-rias e información de los expedientes personales de un grupo de oficiales navales que querían aumentar el control estatal sobre los recursos estratégicos y las industrias relacionadas con la defensa.

  1. Aspects of the cosmological ''coincidence problem''

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Velten, H.E.S.; Marttens, R.F. vom; Zimdahl, W. [Universidade Federal do Espirito Santo (UFES), Departamento de Fisica, Vitoria, Espirito Santo (Brazil)


    The observational fact that the present values of the densities of dark energy and dark matter are of the same order of magnitude, ρ{sub de0}/ρ{sub dm0} ∝ O(1), seems to indicate that we are currently living in a very special period of the cosmic history. Within the standard model, a density ratio of the order of one just at the present epoch can be seen as coincidental since it requires very special initial conditions in the early Universe. The corresponding ''why now'' question constitutes the cosmological ''coincidence problem''. According to the standard model the equality ρ{sub de} = ρ{sub dm} took place ''recently'' at a redshift z ∼ 0.55. The meaning of ''recently'' is, however, parameter dependent. In terms of the cosmic time the situation looks different. We discuss several aspects of the ''coincidence problem'', also in its relation to the cosmological constant problem, to issues of structure formation and to cosmic age considerations. (orig.)

  2. ''de novo'' aneurysms following endovascular procedures

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Briganti, F.; Cirillo, S.; Caranci, F. [Department of Neurological Sciences, Services of Neuroradiology, ' ' Federico II' ' University, Naples (Italy); Esposito, F.; Maiuri, F. [Department of Neurological Sciences, Services of Neurosurgery, ' ' Federico II' ' University, Naples (Italy)


    Two personal cases of ''de novo'' aneurysms of the anterior communicating artery (ACoA) occurring 9 and 4 years, respectively, after endovascular carotid occlusion are described. A review of the 30 reported cases (including our own two) of ''de novo'' aneurysms after occlusion of the major cerebral vessels has shown some features, including a rather long time interval after the endovascular procedure of up to 20-25 years (average 9.6 years), a preferential ACoA (36.3%) and internal carotid artery-posterior communicating artery (ICA-PCoA) (33.3%) location of the ''de novo'' aneurysms, and a 10% rate of multiple aneurysms. These data are compared with those of the group of reported spontaneous ''de novo'' aneurysms after SAH or previous aneurysm clipping. We agree that the frequency of ''de novo'' aneurysms after major-vessel occlusion (two among ten procedures in our series, or 20%) is higher than commonly reported (0 to 11%). For this reason, we suggest that patients who have been submitted to endovascular major-vessel occlusion be followed up for up to 20-25 years after the procedure, using non-invasive imaging studies such as MR angiography and high-resolution CT angiography. On the other hand, periodic digital angiography has a questionable risk-benefit ratio; it may be used when a ''de novo'' aneurysm is detected or suspected on non-invasive studies. The progressive enlargement of the ACoA after carotid occlusion, as described in our case 1, must be considered a radiological finding of risk for ''de novo'' aneurysm formation. (orig.)

  3. Estudo das reações alcalis-sílica associadas ao uso da lama vermelha em argamassas colantes e de revestimento Study of alkali-silica reactions associated with the use of red mud in plastering mortars

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    D. V. Ribeiro


    Full Text Available A incorporação de resíduos industriais em matrizes cimentícias, com o objetivo de inertização, é uma alternativa de reutilização que tem sido bastante estudada nos últimos anos. No presente trabalho, estudou-se a lama vermelha, resíduo sólido gerado no processo de beneficiamento da bauxita e que, devido a seu elevado pH, é considerado "perigoso". Apesar do uso deste resíduo ter sido reportada em trabalhos anteriores, algumas patologias podem estar associadas à sua utilização, devido à elevada concentração de íons alcalinos (principalmente o sódio, favorecendo as reações álcalis-sílica (RAS e às dificuldades de moldagem (reologia devido à elevada finura deste resíduo. Apesar destes prováveis problemas provenientes do uso indiscriminado da lama vermelha como adição às argamassas e concretos, ainda são poucas as pesquisas que os contemplam, sendo este o foco do presente trabalho. Foram verificadas as propriedades reológicas das argamassas, utilizando um reômetro e a avaliação da RAS, de acordo com as normas ASTM C 1260-07 e NBR 11582. Os resultados obtidos foram bastante satisfatórios quanto ao comportamento das argamassas frente à RAS, apesar da elevada concentração de álcalis na lama vermelha, com grande influência reológica.The incorporation of industrial wastes in cementitious matrices, with the goal of inertization, is an alternative of reuse that has been extensively studied in recent years. In this paper, the red mud, the main waste generated in aluminum and alumina production by the Bayer process from bauxite ore and considered "hazardous" due to the high pH, was studied. Despite the use of this waste have been reported in previous studies, some pathologies may be associated with its use, due to high concentration of alkali ions (mainly sodium, favoring the alkali-silica reactions (ASR and the difficulties of molding (rheology because of high fineness of this waste. Despite these potential

  4. Characterization and behavior in the environment of the crude oil ''Prestige''; Caracterisation et comportement dans l'environnement du fioul ''Prestige''

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This study presents analysis realized on the crude oil of the tanker ''Prestige'' which sunk the 19 november 2002. The specifications on the product and its behavior in sea water are detailed. All the analysis are compared to the ''Erika'' crude oil. (A.L.B.)

  5. ''Old'' locked inflation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Liu, Yang; Piao, Yun-Song [College of Physical Sciences, Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049 (China); Si, Zong-Guo, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail: [Department of Physics, Shandong University, Jinan 250100 (China)


    In this paper, we revisit the idea of locked inflation, which does not require a potential satisfying the normal slow-roll condition, but suffers from the problems associated with ''saddle inflation''. We propose a scenario based on locked inflation, however, with an alternative evolution mechanism of the ''waterfall field'' {phi}. Instead of rolling down along the potential, the {phi} field will tunnel to end the inflation stage like in old inflation, by which the saddle inflation could be avoided. Further, we study a cascade of old locked inflation, which can be motivated by the string landscape. Our model is based on the consideration of making locked inflation feasible so as to give a working model without slow roll; It also can be seen as an effort to embed the old inflation in string landscape.

  6. Reforço em compósito de cimento portland através da adição nanotubos de carbono de paredes múltiplas

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    Rogerio Daltro Knuth


    Full Text Available A pesquisa desenvolvida no presente trabalho esta embasada na aplicação da nanotecnologia a novos compósitos cimentícios, visando à melhoria das propriedades das argamassas. O objetivo do trabalho foi o de analisar o desempenho físico e mecânico e a ancoragem de uma argamassa de revestimento produzida com nanotubos de carbono de paredes múltiplas (NTCPM, adicionados na quantidade de 0,30% em relação à massa de cimento do compósito, comparativamente ao desempenho com uma argamassa industrializada. Para o presente estudo foi necessário funcionalizar e dispersar os NTCPM, utilizando-se os ácidos sulfúrico (H2SO4 e nítrico (HNO3, e a dispersão foi por ultrassom. Os NTCPM funcionalizados foram neutralizados com hidróxido de amônio (NH3. Foram realizados ensaios de caracterização física e mecânica no estado fresco e no estado endurecido nas argamassas de revestimento com NTCPM e industrializada e análise microestrutura. Os resultados obtidos indicam que a argamassa com NTCPM apresenta melhor desempenho que a argamassa industrializada, no tocante a densidade, consistência, viscosidade, resistência à tração e resistência a compressão axial. Palavras-chave: Argamassas de revestimento. Nanotubos de carbono. Compósitos. Propriedades físicas e mecânicas. Microestrutura.

  7. Igualdade de oportunidades nas Forças Armadas. O papel das políticas de integraçâo de género

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    Helena Carreiras


    Full Text Available Neste artigo discute-se o impacto de políticas organizacionais sobre a construção de igualdade de oportunidades e integração de género nas Forças Armadas. Após uma apresentação de dados empíricos que permitem a caracterização global dos factores condicionantes e da situação das mulheres militares nas democracias ocidentais, analisa-se o papel das políticas organizacionais na promoção da igualdade de oportunidades e integração de género nas Forças Armadas. Conclui-se que nem sempre políticas destinadas a promover a igualdade formal terão idênticos efeitos em termos de integração social, e que as políticas parecem ser condição necessária, mas não suficiente para assegurar maiores níveis de equidade entre sexos no universo militar. In this article, the impact of the organizational policies on the construction of the equality of opportunity and integration of the gender in the Armed Forces is discussed. After a presentation of the empirical data that allow the global characterization of the determining factors and the situation of the military women in Western democracies, the paper of the organizational policies in the promotion of the equality of opportunity and gender integration in the Armed Forces is analyzed. The conclusion is that not always the policies destined to promote the formal equality will have identical effects in terms of social integration, and that the policies seem to be a necessary condition, but not enough to assure greater levels of equality between sexes in the military universe.

  8. Intervencionismo militar y cambio de régimen político: la relación entre conservadurismo y fuerzas armadas en la Argentina

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    María Elina Zacarías


    Full Text Available Este artículo se propone estudiar el fenómeno del intervencionismo militar en la Argentina desde un enfoque que privilegia el análisis de las relaciones entre las fuerzas armadas y los partidos políticos conservadores. Con el foco puesto en la última experiencia de dictadura militar que tuvo lugar en el país (1976-1983, se desarrolla la tesis que postula una estrecha relación entre el grado de institucionalización de los partidos conservadores durante el periodo de la política de masas y la estabilidad del régimen democrático a lo largo del siglo XX.

  9. ''House in park'' gold plated. Subsequent certification for the new office building; ''Haus im Park'' vergoldet. Nachtraegliche LEED-Zertifizierung fuer neues Buerogebaeude

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Herzog, Kati; Wildhack, Alice [Bilfinger Berger AG, Mannheim (Germany). Abt. Nachhaltigkeit/Energieeffizienz


    In March 2011, the ''house in park'' received the signet LEED {sup registered} of the U.S. Green Building Council (Washington, North Carolina, U.S.A.) in ''gold''. In general, it is the second German project that was awarded with ''gold'' in the certification version ''New Construction, version 2009''. The special challenge: In the planning phase, no aspects relevant to planning and execution with regard to LEED were implemented. In total there are 15 LEED-certified buildings actually in Germany (worldwide: 7,894). 115 Projects are registered (worldwide: 23,238). The trend is increasing, both nationally as well as internationally.

  10. 'et' special: ''E-world of energy''; 'et'-special: ''E-world of energy''

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The 'et' special on the conference 'E-world of energy', held from February 13 - 15, 2001 in Essen (Germany) presents contributions of experts who offer solutions to issues and many topical questions arising in the business of traders and utilities as participants of (international) energy markets at various stages of transition towards workable competition. The translated titles of the 15 contributions reproduced in this 'et' special indicate the major contents of the conference papers: 1. Internet-based wholesale power trading as a competitive option to the power exchange. 2. Forward graphs in European electricity markets. 3. Portfolio management in energy trading. 4. Risk management concepts in energy trading. 5. E-commerce as a driving force of a change in the energy markets. 6. eHuman resources management - a vital aspect of corporate success. 7. A brand policy for electricity? 8. Is it really only the price that counts for the customers? 9. The City Power network: an example of successful customer loyalty strategy for local and regional utilities. 10. The Call Center, an important instrument for customer loyalty programmes. 11. eCommerce or eLlusion? 12. eBusiness as a corporate strategy. 13. Meeting the challenges of increasing IT requirements. 14. IT solutions for transmission and distribution network management. 15. Target costing - pinpointed cost planning and control for the energy supply industry. (orig./CB) [German] In dem 'et'-Special zur Konferenz 'E-world of energy', die vom 13.- 15. Februar 2001 in Essen stattfand, bieten Experten Loesungsvorschlaege fuer die aktuellen Fragen und Probleme an, die sich auf dem Weg zu liberalisierten Energiemaerkten stellen. Die folgenden Titel der 15 Beitraege geben eine Uebersicht ueber den Inhalt der Konferenzbeitraege. Themen: 1. Internetbasierte Grosshandelsmaerkte als Konkurrenz zu Energieboersen 2. Forward-Kurven in europaeischen Strommaerkten 3

  11. XVII International Scientific Conference ''RESHETNEV READINGS''

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The International Scientific Conference 'RESHETNEV READINGS' is dedicated to the memory of Mikhail Reshetnev, an outstanding scientist, chief-constructor of space-rocket systems and communication satellites. The current volume represents selected proceedings of the main conference materials which were published by XVII International Scientific Conference 'RESHETNEV READINGS' held on November 12 – 14, 2013. Plenary sessions, round tables and forums will be attended by famous scientists, developers and designers representing the space technology sector, as well as professionals and experts in the IT industry. A number of outstanding academic figures expressed their interest in an event of such a level including Jaures Alferov, Vice-president of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), Academician of RAS, Nobel laureate, Dirk Bochar, General Secretary of the European Federation of National Engineering Associates (FEANI), Prof. Yuri Gulyaev, Academician of RAS, Member of the Presidium of RAS, President of the International Union of Scientific and Engineering Associations, Director of the Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics of RAS, as well as rectors of the largest universities in Russia, chief executives of well-known research enterprises and representatives of big businesses. We would like to thank our main sponsors such as JSC ''Reshetnev Information Satellite Systems'', JSC ''Krasnoyarsk Engineering Plant'', Central Design Bureau ''Geophysics'', Krasnoyarsk Region Authorities. These enterprises and companies are leading ones in the aerospace branch. It is a great pleasure to cooperate and train specialists for them. (preface)

  12. Las fuerzas armadas en América Latina, antes y hoy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dirk Kruijt


    Full Text Available Se esboza en la primera parte del presente artículo el legado político de las fuerzas armadas: intromisión en el sistema político, golpes y dictaduras militares, pero también el hecho de que exmilitares son generalmente exitosos en elecciones democráticas. En un segundo momento se analiza tanto la ideología como las características de los “ejércitos políticos” en las décadas pasadas: el monopolio sobre el “patriotismo nacional”, traducido en doctrinas de seguridad nacional y el dominio sobre la inteligencia nacional y las fuerzas de la policía, la ejecución de programas cívico-militares de desarrollo local en zonas remotas y la inmunidad de facto con cierta base legal. Luego se presenta una tipología durante la transición hacia la democracia: tutelaje militar, control manso e impunidad. El análisis sigue con el desarrollo de otra tipología de militares y soldados en el poder bajo el régimen democrático electoral: caudillos militares transformados en demócratas y exguerrilleros como presidentes elegidos. Es seguido por dos formas recientes de sucesión presidencial por mecanismos no electorales: la expulsión de presidentes por revueltas populares y algunos (intentos de golpes. Luego se presenta un análisis de nuevas agendas de seguridad y nuevas misiones militares durante la primera década del presente siglo. Se enfatiza explícitamente la actuación militar en el contexto de la lucha (“guerra” contra el crimen organizado, la guerra contra la droga y los efectos sobre la seguridad interna.


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Charles McCormick; Andrew Lowe


    Herein we report the aqueous polymerization of acrylamide using reversible addition fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT) polymerization to perform a comprehensive study on the polymerization of acrylamide. More specifically, the effect of polymerization conditions on the polymerization kinetics, molecular weight control, and blocking ability were examined. With this in mind, it was necessary to prepare ''A'' block (corona of the micelle) from a hydrophilic monomer. The responsive ''B'' block present in the core will be disclosed in the next two reports.

  14. Results of Clinical Tests of Phytopreparation ''Tkis Nobati''

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Khositashvili, V.; Khositashvili, L.; Atuashvili, N.; Osmanova, V.; Chankseliani, Z.


    The present paper deals with the results of the study of natural vegetative extract of Folium pini. On the basis of multiple experiments it has been established that phytopreparation ''Tkis Nobati'' strengthens the leucocytoprotection of organism and improves physiological state in oncologic patients in the process of chemoradiotherapy treatment. The preparation ''Tkis Nobati'' provides the elimination of heavy metals from the organism. (author)

  15. First monitoring report ''The future of the power''; Erster Monitoring-Bericht ''Energie der Zukunft''

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The Federal Government has initiated the reconstruction of the energy supply towards a highly efficient and renewable energy systems using the energy concept from September, 2010, and using the energy political resolutions from June, 2011. The energy policy turnaround is ambitioned in its objectives as well as broadly defined. In order to consider the energy policy turnaround as well as the development of the energy market continuously, the Federal Government initiated the monitoring process ''Energy of the future'' with the aim to review regularly the implementation of the measures of the energy concepts as well as the progress in the goal achievement with a view on a secure, economical and environmentally compatible energy supply. The first monitoring report ''Energy of the future'' under consideration is the onset of this process. This report is an important basis for the current fact-based attendance of the energy policy turnaround.

  16. A utilização de resíduos de pneus inservíveis em argamassa de revestimento = The use of scrap rubber tire residues in finishing mortar for construction

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Aparecido Canova


    Full Text Available Este trabalho avalia uma argamassa de revestimento com resíduos de pneus inservíveis, produzida com cimento, cal virgem e areia, no traço 1: 1,5: 9 (em volume e adição de pó de borracha moída, nas proporções 0, 6, 8, 10 e 12% do volume de agregado. Avaliou-se a massa específica, o teor de ar incorporado e a retenção de água no estado plástico e em corpos de prova cilíndricos, a resistência à compressão axial, a resistência à tração por compressão diametral, o módulo de deformação estática e a absorção de água por imersão no estado endurecido; e a resistência de aderência à tração e a fissuração em corpos de prova aplicados sobre substrato. A argamassa com resíduo apresentou menores incidências de fissuras no revestimento, redução no módulo e na resistência e aumento noteor de ar incorporado. O produto estudado é uma alternativa que contribui para a redução de fissuras em revestimentos argamassados.This work evaluates a finishing mortar containing residues of discarded rubber tires, produced with cement, lime and sand, in a ratio of 1:1.5: 9, mixed by volume, with the addition of crushed rubber powder in the proportions of 0, 6, 8, 10 and 12% ofaggregate volume. Specific mass, the level of air content and water retention were evaluated in the plastic state. In cylindrical specimens, the axial compressive strength, traction resistance by diametral compression, static deformation module and water absorption by immersion were evaluated in the dry state; and the tensile bond strength and the fissuration in the specimens applied on substratum. The mortar with tire residues presented lower incidences of visible fissures in the finishing, reduction in the deformation module andresistance, and an increase in the level of air content. The studied product is an alternative that can contribute to the reduction of fissures in cemented coverings.

  17. Financial and tax risks at implementation of ''Chayanda- Lensk'' section of ''Sila Sibiri'' gas transportation system construction project

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sharf, I V; Chukhareva, N V; Kuznetsova, L P


    High social and economic importance of large-scale projects on gasification of East Siberian regions of Russia and diversifying gas exports poses the problem of complex risk analysis of the project. This article discusses the various types of risks that could significantly affect the timing of the implementation and effectiveness of the project for the construction of the first line of ''Sila Sibiri'', the ''Chayanda-Lensk'' section. Special attention is paid to financial and tax aspects of the project. Graphically presented analysis of the dynamics of financial indicators reflect certain periods of effectiveness in implementing the project. Authors also discuss the possible causes and consequences of risks

  18. Estudos preliminares sobre estabilização/solidificação - e/s - de lodo de tratamento de lavanderia têxtil para reutilização como argamassa de construção: exame de caso para Maringá, Estado do Paraná Preliminary studies on mud stabilization / solidification, from textile laundry treatments, for re-utilization as building mortar

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carmen Lúcia da Rocha Pietrobon


    Full Text Available As lavanderias e tinturarias industriais geram efluentes líquidos que, após tratamento por decantação da matéria em suspensão, produzem lodo. Esse resíduo tem composição química variada em virtude dos produtos usados no processo. Tal resíduo é considerado inadequado para a disposição, in natura, no meio ambiente, devendo ter como destinação final um aterro industrial. No caso em exame, não se dispõe desse tipo de aterro, e os resíduos são transportados por via rodoviária até cerca de 400km de distância, causando um forte impacto financeiro na produção de um emergente mercado local de indústria têxtil e de confecção. Este trabalho apresenta a caracterização físico-química do lodo proveniente de uma lavanderia industrial, para o estudo de sua disposição final, em processo de E/S, em pasta de cimento e em argamassa de cimento e areia normal. A adição de cimento portland - CPI 32 ou CP II Z - visa ao seu reaproveitamento em materiais de construção civil e objetiva minimizar os custos de disposição final deste resíduo. Nesta caracterização, analisaram-se: sedimentação, DQO, sólidos totais, fixos e voláteis no lodo, densidade, pH, e a presença de metais, sendo detectada a presença dos metais Fe, Mg, Al, Sn, Ca, Cr, Co, Cu, Mn e Zn. Corpos de prova de pasta e argamassa foram submetidos à análise de resistência à compressão e também testes de lixiviação na argamassa. Os resultados demonstraram que na pasta de cimento e lodo os valores de resistência mecânica, aos 28 dias, atingem valores maiores que 10 MPa. E, as argamassas com adição de teores de lodo menores que 25% em relação à massa de cimento, possuem valores de resistência mecânica maiores que 10 Mpa, aos 28 dias, o que permite sua utilização como material de construção civil secundário, sem função estrutural. Também de maneira geral, a lixiviação ocorrida nos corpos de prova de argamassa sem lodo incorporado foi da mesma

  19. Radiobiological study of the radioprotective activity of a natural Iranian compound, ''Shir-Khecht''; Etude radiobiologique de l'activite radioprotectrice d'un compose naturel Iranien: le ''Shir-Khecht''

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rouhanizadeh, N. [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, 92 - Fontenay-aux-Roses (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    After reviewing the primary mechanisms of the action of ionizing radiation, the possible mechanisms of the action of radioprotective substances, the various chemical structures having a protective effect and the methods for studying chemical radioprotection, the author presents the results he has obtained with natural Iranian product: ''Shir-Khecht''. Tests with this product at lethal and sublethal doses have been carried out on the rat using various means of introduction. The effect of radiation, both with and without protection, has been studied using histological and biochemical methods. The product examined has, in effect, a protective action; it is, furthermore, non-toxic and active when taken orally. (author) [French] Apres avoir rappele les mecanismes primaires de l'action des rayonnements ionisants, les mecanismes possibles de l'action des substances radioprotectrices, les diverses structures chimiques possedant un effet protecteur et les methodes d'etude de la radioprotection chimique, l'auteur presente les resultats qu'il a obtenus en utilisant un compose naturel iranien: le ''Shir-Khecht''. Des essais de ce produit, chez le rat, par diverses voies d'introduction, a dose letale et subletale ont ete effectues. L'effet des radiations, avec et sans protection, a ete etudie a l'aide de methodes histologiques et biochimiques. Le compose essaye possede un pouvoir protecteur; il est, de plus, non toxique et actif par voie orale. (auteur)

  20. Water source heat pumps at the ''Oceanopolis'' park of Brest; Des PAC sur boucle d'eau au parc ''Oceanopolis'' de Brest

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The creation of the new 'polar' and 'tropical' lodges of the 'Oceanopolis' park (aquarium and greenhouses) of Brest (Brittany, France) has led to chose the solution of water source heat pumps for the energy production. More than 30 thermodynamic machineries are used to supply both heat and coldness to the installations. This paper describes the technical characteristics of the heating/refrigerating installations, their energy performances and the estimated cost-benefit aspects. (J.S.)

  1. Investigation of vertebral ''end plate sclerosis''

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lee, S.W. [Dept. of Rehabilitation Sciences, Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ., Hung Hom (Hong Kong); Mathie, A.G.; Jackson, J.E. [Diagnostic Radiology, Royal Postgraduate Medical School, Hammersmith Hospital, London (United Kingdom); Hughes, S.P.F. [Div. of Surgery, Anaesthetics and Intensive Care, London (United Kingdom)


    To evaluate the association between vertebral &apos;&apos;end plate sclerosis&apos;&apos; and neck pain. A retrospective study was carried out of lateral cervical spine radiographs with a Picture Archive and Communication System (PACS). Two hundred patients&apos; files were randomly assessed, comprising four equal groups, A to D. The mean ages of the patients were 62{+-}7.4 years, 61{+-}7.5 years, 40{+-}5.6 years and 23{+-}5.6 years respectively. In group A, all patients had symptoms of neck pain and a radiographic diagnosis of &apos;&apos;end plate sclerosis&apos;&apos; of the cervical spine. In groups B to D, asymptomatic patients were recruited and their age groups were 50-69, 30-49 and 10-29 years respectively. Using the PACS, the radiographic density and the sagittal diameter, thickness and area of the end plates at the C5 level were measured. Results and conclusions: No significant differences were found in the radiographic density of the end plates either between the symptomatic and asymptomatic groups (groups A and B), or between different age groups (groups B, C and D). A significant increase in end plate area and thickness was found, however, in both group B (P<0.005) and group C (P<0.01) in comparison with group D. This indicates that the extent of end plate sclerosis increases with age. Our results suggest that the radiographic density of cervical vertebral end plates correlates neither with neck pain nor with increasing age. The radiological sign of &apos;&apos;end plate sclerosis&apos;&apos; may be over-reported, further limiting its value in the assessment of patients with cervical spondylosis. (orig.)

  2. Comparison of PCDD/Fs levels and profiles in leachates from &apos;'new'&apos; and &apos;'old'&apos; municipal landfills

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dudzinska, M.; Czerwinski, J.; Rut, B. [Lublin Univ. of Technology (Poland)


    Although the presence of PCDD/Fs in landfill leachates has been confirmed, not many experiments have been undertaken in this area, probably because of a very low solubility of PCDD/Fs in water. Modern, properly designed landfills should secure (seal) all deposited wastes and possible leakings within the damp. Leachates are collected and treated on the site or transported to a wastewater treatment plant, so they should not cause a release of any pollutants into the soil or groundwater. But PCDD/Fs as well as a number of chlorinated compounds, which may act as precursors of dioxins under aerobic or anaerobic conditions have been identified as trace contaminants in municipal wastes. The formation of dioxins during municipal waste deposition has not been studied, contrary to the formation of OCDD from precursors under aerobic conditions during composting of waste or treatment of sewage sludge5. Some information about the possible dioxin formation during landfilling might be obtained from the comparison of PCDD/F levels in the leachates from &apos;&apos;old - closed&apos;&apos; and &apos;'new'&apos; sites.

  3. Case story for upgrading of a &apos;'hot'&apos; ESP; Modernisation d&apos;un precipitateur electrostatique &apos;'chaud'&apos;

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chidambaram, T.V.S; Christensen


    The &apos;Hot&apos; Electrostatic Precipitator (ESP) equipped with COROMAX pulse system is a very attractive solution for dedusting of the &apos;Hot&apos; exhausted gases from the cement kilns especially on cement plants, where good quality of water is not available on the site. Furthermore, the Electrostatic Precipitator is still the preferred solution in the cement plants for dedusting the cement kiln. It is favored because of its high degree of reliability, its low power consumption, and its low maintenance cost. (author)

  4. Post-Copenhagen: the &apos;new&apos; math, legal &apos;additionality&apos; and climate warming

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ferrey, Steven


    Control of carbon emissions to the atmosphere is the environmental issue of this decade - perhaps of this entire generation. Its importance has been equated to the survival of the planet. It may all come down to the novel legal concept that sounds like second-grade math: &apos;'additionality.'&apos; However, it is the &apos;'new'&apos; math. (author)

  5. Preparation of data relevant to &apos;&apos;Equivalent Uniform Burnup&apos;&apos; and Equivalent Initial Enrichment&apos;&apos; for burnup credit evaluation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nomura, Yasushi; Okuno, Hiroshi [Japan Atomic Energy Research Inst., Tokai, Ibaraki (Japan). Tokai Research Establishment; Murazaki, Minoru [Tokyo Nuclear Service Inc., Tokyo (Japan)


    Based on the PWR spent fuel composition data measured at JAERI, two kinds of simplified methods such as &apos;&apos;Equivalent Uniform Burnup&apos;&apos; and &apos;&apos;Equivalent Initial Enrichment&apos;&apos; have been introduced. And relevant evaluation curves have been prepared for criticality safety evaluation of spent fuel storage pool and transport casks, taking burnup of spent fuel into consideration. These simplified methods can be used to obtain an effective neutron multiplication factor for a spent fuel storage/transportation system by using the ORIGEN2.1 burnup code and the KENO-Va criticality code without considering axial burnup profile in spent fuel and other various factors introducing calculated errors. &apos;&apos;Equivalent Uniform Burnup&apos;&apos; is set up for its criticality analysis to be reactivity equivalent with the detailed analysis, in which the experimentally obtained isotopic composition together with a typical axial burnup profile and various factors such as irradiation history are considered on the conservative side. On the other hand, Equivalent Initial Enrichment&apos;&apos; is set up for its criticality analysis to be reactivity equivalent with the detailed analysis such as above when it is used in the so called fresh fuel assumption. (author)

  6. A highly luminescent dinuclear Eu(III) complex based on 4,4&apos;-bis (4&apos;&apos;,4&apos;&apos;,4&apos;&apos;-trifluoro-1&apos;&apos;,3&apos;&apos;-dioxobutyl)-o-terphenyl for light-emitting diodes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Liu Shenggui [State Key Laboratory of Optoelectronic Materials and Technologies, Ministry of Education Laboratory of Bioinorganic and Synthetic Chemistry, School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510275 (China); School of Chemistry Science and Technology, Zhanjiang Normal University, New Materials Engineering and Technology Development Center of University in Guangdong, Zhanjiang 524048 (China); He Pei; Wang Huihui; Shi Jianxin [State Key Laboratory of Optoelectronic Materials and Technologies, Ministry of Education Laboratory of Bioinorganic and Synthetic Chemistry, School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510275 (China); Gong Menglian, E-mail: [State Key Laboratory of Optoelectronic Materials and Technologies, Ministry of Education Laboratory of Bioinorganic and Synthetic Chemistry, School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510275 (China)


    A dinuclear Eu(III) complex Eu{sub 2}(btbt){sub 3}.4H{sub 2}O.CH{sub 3}CH{sub 2}OH.N(CH{sub 2}CH{sub 3}){sub 3} was synthesized, where H{sub 2}(btbt) was 4,4&apos;-bis (4&apos;&apos;,4&apos;&apos;,4&apos;&apos;,-trifluoro-1&apos;&apos;,3&apos;&apos;-dioxobutyl)-o-terphenyl. The composition and structure of the complex were characterized by elemental analysis, IR, UV-vis and FAB-MS spectroscopy. The complex emits the characteristic red luminescence of Eu{sup 3+} ion due to the {sup 5}D{sub 0} {yields} {sup 7}F{sub J} (J = 0-4) transitions under {approx}395 nm-light excitation with good luminescent quantum efficiency (32%) and exhibits high thermal stability (337 deg. C). Bright red light-emitting diodes (LEDs) were fabricated by coating the complex onto a {approx}395 nm-emitting InGaN chip. When the mass ratio of the red phosphor to the silicone is 1:30, the efficiency of the fabricated LEDs with the europium complex is 0.98 lm w{sup -1}. The CIE chromaticity coordinates of the LEDs are x = 0.6057 and y = 0.3137, which are close to the National Television Standard Committee (NTSC) standard values for red color. The results indicate that the complex may act as a red component in the fabrication of near UV InGaN-based white light-emitting diodes with high color-rendering index.

  7. A new soybean variety &apos;'Ichihime'&apos;

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hajika, M.; Takahashi, M.; Igita, K.; Sakai, S.; Nakazawa, Y.


    Ichihime, a new soybean variety registered as &apos;&apos;Soybean Norin 103&apos;&apos;, was developed at Kyushu National Agricultural Experiment Station in 1995. It was selected from the progeny induced by a cross between Kankei 2 and Kankei 1 using gamma-ray irradiation. &apos;'Ichihime'&apos; is a medium-early maturing variety with determinate growth. It has broad leaflets, and purple flowers. The color of its pubescence is light tawny and its pods are dark brown. The main stem length, number of main stem nodes, and seed size are medium. It has strong resistance to the soybean mosaic virus (SMV), medium resistance to the soybean cyst nematode, and medium resistance to purple seed stain. The yield of Ichihime is slightly lower than Suzuyutaka, but classified as medium. The protein components of its seeds are medium and the firmness of the tofu (soybean curd) is the same as that of Suzuyutaka. Ichihime lacks all seed lipoxygenase isozymes and is recommended for new type of soybean food processing materials. Ichihime is suitable for growth in the southern part of the Tohoku area and the northern part of the Kanto area

  8. Hippocampal &apos;&apos;gliosis only&apos;&apos; on MR imaging represents a distinct entity in epilepsy patients

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hattingen, Elke; Enkirch, Simon Jonas; Jurcoane, Alina; Kruse, Maximilian [University Clinics Bonn, Neuroradiology, Department of Radiology, Bonn (Germany); Delev, Daniel [University Clinics Bonn, Department of Neurosurgery, Bonn (Germany); University Clinics Freiburg, Department of Neurosurgery, Freiburg (Germany); Grote, Alexander [University Clinics Bonn, Department of Neurosurgery, Bonn (Germany); Evangelic Hospital of Bethel, Department of Neurosurgery, Bielefeld (Germany); Becker, Albert [University Clinics Bonn, Institute of Neuropathology, Bonn (Germany)


    The purpose of this study is to evaluate whether patients with drug-resistant mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) due to hippocampal &apos;&apos;gliosis only&apos;&apos; have different MRI features than those with hippocampal sclerosis (HS). Most TLE patients have HS corresponding to severe neuronal loss and gliosis, but a few have &apos;&apos;gliosis only&apos;&apos; without significant reduction of neuronal density. We analyzed the morphology of cerebral 3 T MRIs (T1, T2, and FLAIR) of 103 patients with HS and 20 with &apos;&apos;gliosis only&apos;&apos; concerning hippocampal and amygdala aspect, volumes, and signal intensity (SI) using Fisher&apos;s exact test, Student&apos;s t test, and principal component analysis. Visually, the ipsilateral hippocampus was hyperintense in both groups, but SI was markedly increased in 74% of HS and in 25% of &apos;&apos;gliosis only&apos;&apos; patients; the ipsilateral hippocampus was smaller in 92% of HS and in 50% of &apos;&apos;gliosis only&apos;&apos; patients, and its internal architecture was lost in 57% of HS and 5% of &apos;&apos;gliosis only&apos;&apos; patients; the contralateral hippocampal SI was altered in 25% of HS and in 70% of &apos;&apos;gliosis only&apos;&apos; patients (all p < 0.001). Ipsilateral hippocampus of HS patients had lower volume (mean ± SD 2.86 ± 0.87 ml) compared with that of &apos;&apos;gliosis only&apos;&apos; patients (3.4 ± 1.02 ml) and had higher SI than the contralateral hippocampus of HS patients and then the hippocampus of &apos;&apos;gliosis only&apos;&apos; patients (all p < 0.01). &apos;&apos;Gliosis only&apos;&apos; has different MRI hippocampal characteristics than HS: less volume loss, less increase of the T2-w signal intensity, preservation of internal architecture, and more contralateral affection. (orig.)

  9. Hippocampal &apos;&apos;gliosis only&apos;&apos; on MR imaging represents a distinct entity in epilepsy patients

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hattingen, Elke; Enkirch, Simon Jonas; Jurcoane, Alina; Kruse, Maximilian; Delev, Daniel; Grote, Alexander; Becker, Albert


    The purpose of this study is to evaluate whether patients with drug-resistant mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) due to hippocampal &apos;&apos;gliosis only&apos;&apos; have different MRI features than those with hippocampal sclerosis (HS). Most TLE patients have HS corresponding to severe neuronal loss and gliosis, but a few have &apos;&apos;gliosis only&apos;&apos; without significant reduction of neuronal density. We analyzed the morphology of cerebral 3 T MRIs (T1, T2, and FLAIR) of 103 patients with HS and 20 with &apos;&apos;gliosis only&apos;&apos; concerning hippocampal and amygdala aspect, volumes, and signal intensity (SI) using Fisher&apos;s exact test, Student&apos;s t test, and principal component analysis. Visually, the ipsilateral hippocampus was hyperintense in both groups, but SI was markedly increased in 74% of HS and in 25% of &apos;&apos;gliosis only&apos;&apos; patients; the ipsilateral hippocampus was smaller in 92% of HS and in 50% of &apos;&apos;gliosis only&apos;&apos; patients, and its internal architecture was lost in 57% of HS and 5% of &apos;&apos;gliosis only&apos;&apos; patients; the contralateral hippocampal SI was altered in 25% of HS and in 70% of &apos;&apos;gliosis only&apos;&apos; patients (all p < 0.001). Ipsilateral hippocampus of HS patients had lower volume (mean ± SD 2.86 ± 0.87 ml) compared with that of &apos;&apos;gliosis only&apos;&apos; patients (3.4 ± 1.02 ml) and had higher SI than the contralateral hippocampus of HS patients and then the hippocampus of &apos;&apos;gliosis only&apos;&apos; patients (all p < 0.01). &apos;&apos;Gliosis only&apos;&apos; has different MRI hippocampal characteristics than HS: less volume loss, less increase of the T2-w signal intensity, preservation of internal architecture, and more contralateral affection. (orig.)

  10. &apos;&apos;Social capitalism&apos;&apos; in renewable energy generation: China and California comparisons

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Clark, Woodrow W. II.; Li, Xing [Clark Strategic Partners, PO Box 17975, Beverly Hills, CA 90210 (United States)


    With a population of over 1.3 billion people, demand for renewable energy is expected to grow to a USD $12 billion market in the near term. Under Renewable Energy Law (REL) in February 2005 in the People&apos;s Republic of China (PRC) passed by the National Congress, renewable energy projects will be able to receive a range of financial incentives starting in 2006, which will more than double the PRC current renewable energy generation from 7% to 15% by 2020. Most of the increase will be in hydroelectric generated power. Nonetheless, the nation and especially the provinces are moving rapidly to develop a wide range of renewable energy generation including solar, wind, geothermal and run of the river. Because China practices &apos;&apos;social capitalism&apos;&apos; as expressed in it&apos;s recurrent Five Year National Plans since 1999, the national government and all the provinces have programs, unlike many western and industrialized nations, to &apos;'plan'&apos; and provide for infrastructures. This paper concerns only the energy infrastructure sector and renewable energy generation in particular. The planning process includes financial incentives and investments which are a major part of the Chinese law focused on &apos;&apos;encouraging foreign investment industries&apos;&apos;. The key part of the law is to guarantee long-term power purchase agreements with state owned and controlled &apos;'utilities'&apos;. In short, China may have gotten the economics of the energy sector correct in its concern for planning and finance. The paper develops these energy infrastructure ideas along with the legal and financial requirements as &apos;'lessons'&apos; learned from the USA and especially California. These lessons now apply to China and allow it to learn from the American mistakes. Empirical data will be drawn from work done in China that examine the renewable energy generation and infrastructures and hence allow the RPC and its

  11. &apos;&apos;Die Dependance&apos;&apos; - Logistic center of the fair at Francfort; &apos;&apos;Die Dependance&apos;&apos; - Das Logistikzentrum der Messe Frankfurt

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Klein, W.; Fleischer, J. [Brendel Ingenieure, Frankfurt/Main (Germany); Hummel, D. [FH Zwickau (Germany)


    In early November 2004, the logistic center &apos;&apos;Die Dependance&apos;&apos; was commissioned after a construction time of 21 months. It is the second building (after Hall 3) designed by London&apos;s star architect Nicholas Grimshow for the Frankfurt Fair. The new building will house the fairground managers and the Accente Gastronomie Service GmbH. Accente is a modern caterer for the fairground halls, Its kitchen in the new building is big enough for preparing up to 10,000 meals every day. (orig.)

  12. Switzerland as Europe&apos;s &apos;'battery'&apos;. Wishful dream or reality?; Die Schweiz als &apos;&apos;Batterie Europas&apos;&apos;. Utopie oder Realitaet?

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kammer, Adrian; Zurmuehle, Damian; Salzmann, Michael; Baumgartner, Raphael; Mignone, Domenico [Bernische Kraftwerke (BKW), Bern (Switzerland). Energiewirtschaftliche Planung und Prognose


    There are plans for Swiss pumped hydrostorage systems to absorb large quantities of excess electricity from European wind and solar power generation. Model-based analyses have shown however that &apos;'Europe&apos;s battery&apos;&apos;, as Switzerland would like to see itself, will not be needed until the middle of this century. Even if all extension projects currently in progress should be completed, Switzerland will not have sufficient pump capacity or import capacity to absorb large amounts of excess electricity. Furthermore, the primary means of making storage capacity available for import electricity would be to reduce reservoir power plant capacity. In view of all this Switzerland&apos;s hopes for a role as a major European electricity storage provider appear somewhat exaggerated even in the long-term perspective.

  13. Pumped storage project &apos;&apos;Energiespeicher Riedl&apos;&apos;; Das Projekt Energiespeicher Riedl

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mayr, Dominik [Verbund Hydro Power AG, Vienna (Austria); Schmauss, Juergen [Regierung von Niederbayern, Landshut (Germany); Neuwerth, Sabine [Grenzkraftwerke GmbH, Simbach am Inn (Germany)


    The &apos;&apos;Donaukraftwerk Jochenstein AG&apos;&apos; (DKJ) plans at the river power plant Jochenstein on the Danube in the district of Passau, Bavaria, South-east Germany, the construction of a modern pumped-storage hydropower plant with a capacity of 300 megawatts, the pumped storage &apos;&apos;Energiespeicher Riedl&apos;&apos;. The planned plant is a regionally significant project by the Regional Planning act. Therefore, the DKJ as applicant submitted the documents for the regional planning proceedings to the Government of Lower Bavaria, which completed the process with the positive regional planning assessment under provisos on 01.08.2011, which led to an optimization of the project layout. (orig.)

  14. &apos;&apos;Measuring the Costs of Climate Change Policies&apos;&apos;

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Montgomery, W. D.; Smith, A. E.; Biggar, S. L.; Bernstein, P.M.


    Studies of the costs of climate change policies have utilized a variety of measures or metrics for summarizing costs. The leading economic models have utilized GNP, GDP, the &apos;&apos;area under a marginal cost curve,&apos;&apos; the discounted present value of consumption, and a welfare measure taken directly from the utility function of the model&apos;s representative agent (the &apos;&apos;Equivalent Variation&apos;&apos;). Even when calculated using a single model, these metrics do not necessarily give similar magnitudes of costs or even rank policies consistently. This paper discusses in non-technical terms the economic concepts lying behind each concept, the theoretical basis for expecting each measure to provide a consistent ranking of policies, and the reasons why different measures provide different rankings. It identifies a method of calculating the &apos;&apos;Equivalent Variation&apos;&apos; as theoretically superior to the other cost metrics in ranking policies. When regulators put forward new economic or regulatory policies, there is a need to compare the costs and benefits of these new policies to existing policies and other alternatives to determine which policy is most cost-effective. For command and control policies, it is quite difficult to compute costs, but for more market-based policies, economists have had a great deal of success employing general equilibrium models to assess a policy&apos;s costs. Not all cost measures, however, arrive at the same ranking. Furthermore, cost measures can produce contradictory results for a specific policy. These problems make it difficult for a policy-maker to determine the best policy. For a cost measures to be of value, one would like to be confident of two things. First one wants to be sure whether the policy is a winner or loser. Second, one wants to be confident that a measure produces the correct policy ranking. That is, one wants to have confidence in a policy measure&apos;s ability to correctly rank

  15. ApoE polymorphisms in narcolepsy (United States)

    Gencik, Martin; Dahmen, Norbert; Wieczorek, Stefan; Kasten, Meike; Gencikova, Alexandra; Epplen, Jorg T


    Background Narcolepsy is a common neuropsychiatric disorder characterized by increased daytime sleepiness, cataplexy and hypnagogic hallucinations. Deficiency of the hypocretin neurotransmitter system was shown to be involved in the pathogenesis of narcolepsy in animals and men. There are several hints that neurodegeneration of hypocretin producing neurons in the hypothalamus is the pathological correlate of narcolepsy. The ApoE4 allele is a major contributing factor to early-onset neuronal degeneration in Alzheimer disease and other neurodegenerative diseases as well. Methods To clarify whether the ApoE4 phenotype predisposes to narcolepsy or associates with an earlier disease onset, we have genotyped the ApoE gene in 103 patients with narcolepsy and 101 healthy controls. Results The frequency of the E4 allele of the ApoE gene was 11% in the patient and 15% in the control groups. Furthermore, the mean age of onset did not differ between the ApoE4+ and ApoE4- patient groups. Conclusion Our results exclude the ApoE4 allele as a major risk factor for narcolepsy. PMID:11560764

  16. ApoE polymorphisms in narcolepsy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kasten Meike


    Full Text Available Summary Background Narcolepsy is a common neuropsychiatric disorder characterized by increased daytime sleepiness, cataplexy and hypnagogic hallucinations. Deficiency of the hypocretin neurotransmitter system was shown to be involved in the pathogenesis of narcolepsy in animals and men. There are several hints that neurodegeneration of hypocretin producing neurons in the hypothalamus is the pathological correlate of narcolepsy. The ApoE4 allele is a major contributing factor to early-onset neuronal degeneration in Alzheimer disease and other neurodegenerative diseases as well. Methods To clarify whether the ApoE4 phenotype predisposes to narcolepsy or associates with an earlier disease onset, we have genotyped the ApoE gene in 103 patients with narcolepsy and 101 healthy controls. Results The frequency of the E4 allele of the ApoE gene was 11% in the patient and 15% in the control groups. Furthermore, the mean age of onset did not differ between the ApoE4+ and ApoE4- patient groups. Conclusion Our results exclude the ApoE4 allele as a major risk factor for narcolepsy.

  17. Report of working committee 4 &apos;&apos;transmission of gases&apos;&apos;; Rapport de la commission 4 &apos;&apos;transport des gaz&apos;&apos;

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Volskij, E.


    Report of the WOC 4 Transmission contains the results of works carried out during 1998-2000 by the Committee members and the three study groups. The most important is: - review of actual situation and prospects for the gas pipeline transmission system development; - report of SG-4.1 &apos;Pipeline Ageing and Rehabilitation&apos;, including analysis of pipeline steels, welding and insulation, methods of rehabilitation, the program of pipeline reconstruction; - report of SG-4.2 &apos;Emission monitoring&apos; including appraisal of gas losses and methods of lowering of methane and other emissions of the gas units in different countries; - report of SG-4.3 &apos;Pipelines Integrity Management and Safety&apos; including basic information on gas pipeline failure intensity, key elements of the Integrity Management System of the gas transmission, methods of risk evaluation and the effectiveness of the approach. (authors)

  18. 2001-2003 &apos;&apos;public utility&apos;&apos; contract between the French government and Gaz de France; Contrat de &apos;&apos;service public&apos;&apos; 2001-2003 entre l&apos;etat et Gaz de France

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The &apos;&apos;public utility&apos;&apos; contract aims at specifying the actions of Gaz de France (GdF), the French gas utility, in terms of national development and public utility presence at the local scale. It extends and completes the &apos;contract of group&apos; established between the government and GdF in the domain of quality of the services offered to clients, development of gas infrastructures and extension of gas supplies, and sustainable development. (J.S.)

  19. Switzerland as Europe&apos;s &apos;'battery'&apos;. Wishful dream or reality?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kammer, Adrian; Zurmuehle, Damian; Salzmann, Michael; Baumgartner, Raphael; Mignone, Domenico


    There are plans for Swiss pumped hydrostorage systems to absorb large quantities of excess electricity from European wind and solar power generation. Model-based analyses have shown however that &apos;'Europe&apos;s battery&apos;&apos;, as Switzerland would like to see itself, will not be needed until the middle of this century. Even if all extension projects currently in progress should be completed, Switzerland will not have sufficient pump capacity or import capacity to absorb large amounts of excess electricity. Furthermore, the primary means of making storage capacity available for import electricity would be to reduce reservoir power plant capacity. In view of all this Switzerland&apos;s hopes for a role as a major European electricity storage provider appear somewhat exaggerated even in the long-term perspective.

  20. Facility Management journal special feature on energy. Intelligent energy supply and air conditioning concept for the &apos;&apos;Bonner Bogen&apos;&apos; buildings; Facility Management-Special &apos;'Energie'&apos;. Intelligentes Energie- und Klimakonzept fuer den &apos;&apos;Bonner Bogen&apos;&apos;

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    In the &apos;&apos;Bonner Bogen&apos;&apos; construction project, the focus was on resources-saving technology and maximum user comfort, resulting in an integrated planning and implementation process. According to the investor, BonnVisio, the technical infrastructure and energy center of the building - based on groundwater geothermal energy with aquifer storage - is unique in Germany and Europe in terms of size, mode of operation, and efficiency. (orig.)

  1. &apos;Minergie&apos; as an opportunity for trade; &apos;Minergie&apos; als Chance fuer das Gewerbe

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Graf, R.; Buergi, H.; Hotz, R.


    This collection of short articles is dedicated to the promotion of the Swiss &apos;Minergie&apos; building standard, covering the following points: &apos;Minergie&apos; - a standard for the future; well-insulated and air-tight - two of the three main &apos;Minergie&apos; requirements; solar collectors as a &apos;Minergie&apos; component; radiators for low-energy-consumption buildings; hot water from the sun on six out of seven days; the &apos;Minergie&apos; module as a factor for success; the &apos;Habitus&apos; ventilation unit - a new Swiss product. The first contribution introduces the &apos;Minergie&apos; Standard. Its application in the building and building technical services trades offers from considerable advantages and opportunities for profit. The Standard, which aims to increase the comfort and reduce the energy consumption of buildings, is introduced and the basic principles involved, including energy usage figures, are discussed. A second contribution describes two of the three main requirements for reaching the &apos;Minergie&apos; Standard, air-tightness and good thermal insulation. The main advantage of the standard - a higher level of comfort - is emphasised and an example is given. The third short article takes a look at the use of thermal solar collectors as a source of heat in &apos;Minergie&apos; buildings. A solution involving a combined solar heating and hot-water supply is discussed. The fourth contribution discusses the use of low-temperature radiators in &apos;Minergie&apos; buildings. Examples are given of heat requirements calculation and the factors involved in dimensioning the radiators are discussed. A fifth article describes a commercially available compact solar hot-water system and discusses questions of solar fraction. Returning to basic aspects, the sixth contribution introduces a labelling system for the various components of a &apos;Minergie&apos; building - such as ventilation units, insulation material, radiators, boilers etc

  2. Korea&apos;s 1-watt plan &apos;&apos;Standby Korea 2010&apos;&apos;

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, Yungrae


    Korea announced standby power of all electronics shall be reduced to below 1W by 2010. Ministry of Knowledge Economy (MKE, Korean government) and Korea Energy Management Corporation (KEMCO) established &apos;&apos;Standby Korea 2010&apos;&apos; which is a roadmap to limit standby power below 1W by 2010. Korea implemented mandatory program over a relatively short period of time, incorporating the better elements from the more established national program and adding new initiatives, such as the threat of using mandatory warning label for products that fail to meet standby power targets.

  3. Design and implementation of a &apos;'cheese'&apos; phantom-based Tomotherapy TLD dose intercomparison

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schiefer, Hans; Buchauer, Konrad; Heinze, Simon [Medical Physics Group, Department of Radiation Oncology, St. Gallen (Switzerland); Henke, Guido; Plasswilm, Ludwig [Department of Radiation Oncology, St. Gallen (Switzerland)


    The unique beam-delivery technique of Tomotherapy machines (Accuray Inc., Sunnyvale, Calif.) necessitates tailored quality assurance. This requirement also applies to external dose intercomparisons. Therefore, the aim of the 2014 SSRMP (Swiss Society of Radiobiology and Medical Physics) dosimetry intercomparison was to compare two set-ups with different phantoms. A small cylindrical Perspex phantom, which is similar to the IROC phantom (Imaging and Radiation Oncology Core, Houston, Tex.), and the &apos;'cheese'&apos; phantom, which is provided by the Tomotherapy manufacturer to all institutions, were used. The standard calibration plans for the TomoHelical and TomoDirect irradiation techniques were applied. These plans are routinely used for dose output calibration in Tomotherapy institutions. We tested 20 Tomotherapy machines in Germany and Switzerland. The ratio of the measured (D{sub m}) to the calculated (D{sub c}) dose was assessed for both phantoms and irradiation techniques. The D{sub m}/D{sub c} distributions were determined to compare the suitability of the measurement set-ups investigated. The standard deviations of the TLD-measured (thermoluminescent dosimetry) D{sub m}/D{sub c} ratios for the &apos;'cheese'&apos; phantom were 1.9 % for the TomoHelical (19 measurements) and 1.2 % (11 measurements) for the TomoDirect irradiation techniques. The corresponding ratios for the Perspex phantom were 2.8 % (18 measurements) and 1.8 % (11 measurements). Compared with the Perspex phantom-based set-up, the &apos;'cheese'&apos; phantom-based set-up without individual planning was demonstrated to be more suitable for Tomotherapy dose checks. Future SSRMP dosimetry intercomparisons for Tomotherapy machines will therefore be based on the &apos;'cheese'&apos; phantom set-up. (orig.) [German] Die einzigartige Bestrahlungstechnik mit Tomotherapie-Bestrahlungsgeraeten (Accuray Inc., Sunnyvale, CA, USA) erfordert spezifische

  4. Radiological assessment of skull base changes in children with syndromic craniosynostosis: role of &apos;'minor'&apos; sutures

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Calandrelli, Rosalinda; D' Apolito, Gabriella; Gaudino, Simona; Stefanetti, Mariangela; Colosimo, Cesare [Universita Cattolica Sacro Cuore, Institute of Radiology, Rome (Italy); Massimi, Luca; Di Rocco, Concezio [Universita Cattolica Sacro Cuore, Institute of Neurosurgery, Rome (Italy)


    This study aims to identify the premature synostosis of &apos;'major'&apos; and &apos;'minor'&apos; sutures of the four &apos;&apos;sutural arches&apos;&apos; of the skull and to perform a morphometric analysis in children with syndromic craniosynostosis in order to evaluate changes in the skull base linked with premature suture synostosis. We reviewed multiplanar high-resolution CT images, implemented with 3D reconstructions, from 18 patients with complex syndromic craniosynostosis and compared them with 18 age-matched healthy subjects. We assessed the calvarial sutures and their extension to the skull base, and then we correlated specific types of synostosis with the size, shape and symmetry of the cranial fossae. We found a marked asymmetry of the skull base growth in all patients. The synostotic involvement around the coronal ring caused a reduction in the growth of the anterior and middle fossae. The size of the posterior cranial fossa was related not only to &apos;'major'&apos; but also to &apos;'minor'&apos; suture synostosis of the lambdoid and parieto-squamosal arches. Changes in the skull base and craniofacial axis symmetry are due to structural and functional relationships between &apos;'major'&apos; and &apos;'minor'&apos; skull sutures, suggesting a structural and functional relationship between the neurocranium and basicranium. The early recognition of prematurely closed skull base sutures may help clinicians and neurosurgeons to establish correct therapeutic approaches. (orig.)

  5. Experimental project with &apos;&apos;green fingers&apos;&apos;. A monitoring informs on successes and failures of Helsinki&apos;s Eco-City; Experimentelles Projekt mit &apos;&apos;gruenen Fingern&apos;&apos;. Ein Monitoring gibt Auskunft ueber Erfolge und Misserfolge von Helsinkis &apos;'Oeko-Stadt'&apos;

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Meyer, Ulf [Kansas State Univ., Manhattan, KS (United States). Sustainable Architecture and Urban Design


    Of all things, at the extreme edge of Europe, the future of the European city is being rethought: with the new neighborhood &apos;'Viikki'&apos; the Finnish capital Helsinki has built their first eco-city. Eight years after its completion it is time for an evaluation. The founders draw a quite self-critical summary. The monitoring of Eco-Viikki is unusually accurate and thus gives interesting insights for other construction projects in Europe.

  6. Influência da incorporação de resíduo de escória de fluxo de soldagem nas propriedades tecnológicas de argamassa de múltiplo uso e cerâmica vermelha para construção civil Influence of the incorporation of waste of slag of welding flux on the technological properties of multiple use mortar and red ceramic for civil construction

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    C. E Viana


    Full Text Available O processo de soldagem a arco submerso é empregado em grande escala na indústria metal-mecânica. No entanto, este processo gera enorme quantidade de resíduo de escória. Em geral, este resíduo vem sendo disposto em lixões. Nos últimos anos, a área de cerâmica tem atraído grande atenção para reciclagem de resíduos industriais. Neste trabalho foi feito um estudo objetivando avaliar a influência do resíduo de escória de fluxo de soldagem sobre as propriedades tecnológicas de argamassa de múltiplo uso e cerâmica vermelha para uso na construção civil. O resíduo de escória de fluxo de soldagem foi caracterizado em relação à composição química, difração de raios X, análise do tamanho de partículas e massa específica real. A argamassa foi preparada com a incorporação de resíduo de escória de soldagem em substituição total de areia natural (agregado miúdo tradicional. As argamassas foram caracterizadas em termos de consistência, densidade de massa no estado fresco, teor de ar incorporado e resistência à compressão. Análise microestrutural das argamassas foi feita via MEV. Foi preparada também uma série de misturas argila/resíduo contendo até 10% em peso de resíduo de escória de fluxo de soldagem. As peças cerâmicas foram preparadas por prensagem uniaxial e queimadas entre 850 ºC e 950 ºC. As peças queimadas foram caracterizadas quanto à retração linear, absorção de água, porosidade aparente, massa específica aparente e tensão de ruptura à flexão. Os resultados mostraram que o resíduo de escória de fluxo de soldagem pode substituir areia natural como agregado miúdo em argamassa de múltiplo uso. Além do mais, o resíduo de escória pode ser incorporado em cerâmica vermelha (tijolos e blocos cerâmicos como substituto parcial de argila natural.The submerged-arc welding process is widely used in the metal-mechanic industry. However, this process generates huge amounts of slag waste. In

  7. Regulation imposed to nuclear facility operators for the elaboration of &apos;waste studies&apos; and &apos;waste statuses&apos;; Reglementation imposee aux exploitants d&apos;installations nucleaires pour l&apos;elaboration &apos;&apos;des etudes dechets&apos;&apos; et &apos;&apos;des bilans dechets&apos;&apos;

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This decision from the French authority of nuclear safety (ASN) aims at validating the new versions of the guidebook for the elaboration of &apos;waste studies&apos; for nuclear facilities and of the specifications for the elaboration of &apos;waste statuses&apos; for nuclear facilities. This paper includes two documents. The first one is a guidebook devoted to nuclear facility operators which fixes the rules of production of waste studies according to the articles 20 to 26 of the inter-ministry by-law from December 31, 1999 (waste zoning conditions and ASN&apos;s control modalities). The second document concerns the specifications for the establishment of annual waste statuses according to article 27 of the inter-ministry by-law from December 31, 1999 (rational management of nuclear wastes). (J.S.)

  8. Emotions, visions and communications. &apos;&apos;Heartbeats inclusive&apos;&apos;; Emotionen, Visionen und Kommunikationen. &apos;&apos;Herzklopfen inklusive&apos;&apos;

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rinderknecht, F.M. [Rinspeed AG, Zumikom (Germany)


    Emotional aspects become more and more relevant and important in today&apos;s consumer world. It is not only the technical features or the price which influence decisions for buying or not, but non-tangible elements as brand name, image, imaginary value, personal positioning and other emotions. Products become more and more equal as well as their performance sets no differentiation. Therefore marketing and sales strategies call for emotional differentiations. One very successful example on today&apos;s market is the I-Pod - nothing simpler than a MP3-player which fetches three times the monetary revenue and has some times even a waiting list. Why? Because it is &apos;'cool'&apos; and a status symbol to own one. The same thinking needs to be applied in the marketing and sales activities of natural gas as a mobile fuel as well. Having many important functional disadvantages over gasoline such as a small number of filling stations, limited range of models offered and sometimes limited range and national offer, not only the financial aspects of saving fuel costs, but the emotional positioning of the buyer is very important: To be environment conscious, to be the first, to be different, to be responsible, to be looked at as a trend-setter, and to possibly have power equal to the equivalent in gasoline engines. (orig.)

  9. Flux quantization in &apos;autistic&apos; magnets

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Costa de Beauregard, O.; Vigoureux, J.M.


    The Dirac electron theory for the evanescent wave surrounding an infinitely long cylindrical magnet with zero surface polarization and the requirement of the single valuedness of this wave are used to show that the magnetic flux is quantized in units h/2e emu. The same quantization is shown for a general &apos;'autistic'&apos; magnet (i.e. magnet completely trapping its flux), thus establishing complete external equivalence of the &apos;'autistic'&apos; magnet with the &apos;&apos;perfect solenoid&apos;&apos;. An experimental test of the predicted quantization is suggested.

  10. Spherically symmetric conformal gravity and &apos;&apos;gravitational bubbles&apos;&apos;

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Berezin, V.A.; Dokuchaev, V.I.; Eroshenko, Yu.N., E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail: [Institute for Nuclear Research, Russian Academy of Sciences, 60th October Anniversary Prospect 7a, Moscow, 117312 (Russian Federation)


    The general structure of the spherically symmetric solutions in the Weyl conformal gravity is described. The corresponding Bach equations are derived for the special type of metrics, which can be considered as the representative of the general class. The complete set of the pure vacuum solutions is found. It consists of two classes. The first one contains the solutions with constant two-dimensional curvature scalar of our specific metrics, and the representatives are the famous Robertson-Walker metrics. One of them we called the &apos;&apos;gravitational bubbles&apos;&apos;, which is compact and with zero Weyl tensor. Thus, we obtained the pure vacuum curved space-times (without any material sources, including the cosmological constant) what is absolutely impossible in General Relativity. Such a phenomenon makes it easier to create the universe from &apos;'nothing'&apos;. The second class consists of the solutions with varying curvature scalar. We found its representative as the one-parameter family. It appears that it can be conformally covered by the thee-parameter Mannheim-Kazanas solution. We also investigated the general structure of the energy-momentum tensor in the spherical conformal gravity and constructed the vectorial equation that reveals clearly some features of non-vacuum solutions. Two of them are explicitly written, namely, the metrics à la Vaidya, and the electrovacuum space-time metrics.

  11. 66. The safety engineering at reprocessing of raw material from &apos;zero&apos; mark and &apos;slaked lime&apos;

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ivanov, A.V.


    The safety engineering at reprocessing of raw material from &apos;zero&apos; mark and &apos;slaked lime&apos; was studied. All operational conditions at reprocessing of raw material from &apos;zero&apos; mark and &apos;slaked lime&apos; were discussed.

  12. Deep-sea drilling. Practical aspects of 4D seismic: what an engineer needs to know. Developments in Iran: &apos;SIRRI&apos; of the Total company and &apos;DOROOD&apos; of the Elf company. The &apos;DOROOD&apos; operating plan. The &apos;SIRRI&apos; operating plan; Le forage en eau profonde. Aspects pratiques de la sismique 4D: ce qu&apos;un ingenieur doit savoir. Developpements en Iran: &apos;SIRRI&apos; de Total et &apos;DOROOD&apos; d&apos;Elf. Le projet &apos;DOROOD&apos;. Le projet &apos;SIRRI&apos;

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Claverie, P. [Schlumberger Sedco Forex, 92 - Montrouge (France); Bauquis, P.R. [Association Francaise des Techniciens et Professionnels du Petrole, AFTP, 92 - Paris-la-Defense (France); Seiller, B.; Geronimi, X. [Elf France, (France); Barthe, D. [Total Fina, 92 - La Defense (France)


    In this &apos;Drilling-Production&apos; section, in which 7 papers are gathered, 3 main topics are developed: (1)the deep-sea drilling (2)the practical aspects of 4D seismic (3)the &apos;SIRRI&apos; and &apos;DOROOD&apos; operating plans in Iran. Concerning the first point, it can be noticed that nowadays, mobile platforms are located in great offshore where water depths are of about 2400 m. In the second point is particularly detailed what 4D is, what it can do, what the primary conditions for it works are and how it costs. The third point is the more particularly detailed in this section (15 pages). At first an introduction indicates why Iran has to call to international petroleum investors, what the current problems of Iran are, what Iran has to do to attract foreign investment and technology and what the challenges to foreign companies are. Then the two operating plans: &apos;SIRRI&apos; and &apos;DOROOD&apos; are exposed into details. A synthesis of these plans, called of &apos;Buy Back&apos;, (production, investment, refund) is given as well as their advantages and disadvantages. (O.M.)

  13. New quality assurance program integrating &apos;&apos;modern radiotherapy&apos;&apos; within the German Hodgkin Study Group

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kriz, J.; Haverkamp, U.; Eich, H.T. [University of Muenster, Department of Radiation Oncology, Muenster (Germany); Baues, C.; Marnitz-Schulze, S. [University of Cologne, Department of Radiation Oncology, Koeln (Germany); Engenhart-Cabillic, R. [University of Marburg, Department of Radiation Oncology, Marburg (Germany); Herfarth, K. [University of Heidelberg, Department of Radiation Oncology, Heidelberg (Germany); Lukas, P. [University of Innsbruck, Department of Radiation Oncology, Innsbruck (Austria); Schmidberger, H. [University of Mainz, Department of Radiation Oncology, Mainz (Germany); Fuchs, M.; Engert, A. [University of Cologne, Department of Internal Medicine, Koeln (Germany)


    Field design changed substantially from extended-field RT (EF-RT) to involved-field RT (IF-RT) and now to involved-node RT (IN-RT) and involved-site RT (IS-RT) as well as treatment techniques in radiotherapy (RT) of Hodgkin&apos;s lymphoma (HL). The purpose of this article is to demonstrate the establishment of a quality assurance program (QAP) including modern RT techniques and field designs within the German Hodgkin Study Group (GHSG). In the era of modern conformal RT, this QAP had to be fundamentally adapted and a new evaluation process has been intensively discussed by the radiotherapeutic expert panel of the GHSG. The expert panel developed guidelines and criteria to analyse &apos;'modern'&apos; field designs and treatment techniques. This work is based on a dataset of 11 patients treated within the sixth study generation (HD16-17). To develop a QAP of &apos;&apos;modern RT&apos;&apos;, the expert panel defined criteria for analysing current RT procedures. The consensus of a modified QAP in ongoing and future trials is presented. With this schedule, the QAP of the GHSG could serve as a model for other study groups. (orig.) [German] Nicht nur die Zielvolumendefinitionen haben sich von der Extended-Field- (EF-RT) ueber die Involved-Field- (IF-RT) bis zur Involved-Node- (IN-RT) und Involved-Site-Radiotherapie (IS-RT) weiterentwickelt. Auch die Radiotherapie(RT)-Techniken in der Behandlung von Patienten mit Hodgkin-Lymphom haben Aenderungen erfahren. Wir moechten aufzeigen, wie die Arbeit des Qualitaetssicherungsprogramms (QAP) innerhalb der Deutschen Hodgkin Studiengruppe (German Hodgkin Study Group [GHSG]) in der Aera der &apos;&apos;modernen RT&apos;&apos; hinsichtlich intensitaetsmodulierter RT (IMRT) und bildgefuehrter RT (IGRT), aber auch hinsichtlich moderner Felddefinitionen wie bei der IN-RT angepasst wurde. In der Aera der &apos;&apos;modernen RT&apos;&apos; wurde das QAP vom radiotherapeutischen Expertenpanel der GHSG im Rahmen einiger

  14. Students&apos;, Guardians&apos;, and Teachers&apos; Perceptions of Student-Led Conferences (United States)

    Orso, Charlotte Lindsey


    The purpose of the study was to examine the ELL and non-ELL students&apos;, guardians&apos;, and the English as a second language (ESL) teachers&apos; perceptions of student-led conferences. Specifically, the study examined if ELL students&apos; and guardians&apos; preferences were similar to non-ELL students&apos; and guardians&apos; preferences…

  15. Coral bleaching and ocean &apos;&apos;hot spots&apos;&apos;

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Goreau, T.J. (Global Coral Reef Alliance, Chappaqua, NY (United States)); Hayes, R.L. (Howard Univ., Washington, DC (United States). College of Medicine)


    Global sea-surface temperature maps show that mass coral-reef bleaching episodes between 1983 and 1991 followed positive anomalies more than 1 deg C above long-term monthly averages (&apos;&apos;hot spots&apos;&apos;) during the preceding warm season. Irregular formation, movement, and disappearance of hot spots make their detailed long-term prediction impossible, but they can be tracked in real time from satellite data. Monitoring of ocean hot spots and of coral bleaching is needed if the Framework Convention of Climate Change is to meet its goal of protecting the most temperature sensitive ecosystems. 47 refs, 3 figs

  16. Scenarios for an integrated sustainability policy - using the example of the &apos;&apos;Sustainable City 2030&apos;&apos;. Vol. 2; Szenarien fuer eine integrierte Nachhaltigkeitspolitik - am Beispiel: Die nachhaltige Stadt 2030. Bd. 2. Teilbericht &apos;&apos;Kreislaufstadt 2030&apos;&apos;

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Verbuecheln, Maic; Grabow, Busso; Uttke, Angela; Schwausch, Mandy [Deutsches Inst. fuer Urbanistik (DiFu), Berlin (Germany); Gassner, Robert [Institut fuer Zukunftsstudien und Technologiebewertung gGmbH (IZT), Berlin (Germany)


    The partial report &apos;&apos;Recycling City 2030&apos;&apos; was prepared for the Federal Environment Agency (Dessau, Federal Republic of Germany) as a part of the project &apos;&apos;Scenarios for an integrated sustainability policy - the example of &apos;The Sustainable City 2030 &apos;'&apos;. This partial report is based on research activities of the German Institute of Urban Affairs (Berlin, Federal Republic of Germany) and Institute for Futures Studies and Technology Assessment (Berlin, Federal Republic of Germany). The objectives of this partial report are: (1) Description of the challenges and trends in urban regions; (2) Recycling city and its importance in the current debate on sustainability; (3) Identification and optimization of existing cycle approaches in urban habitats; (4) Analysis of the actual state as well as designation of developments and constraints; (5) Discussion on the interface between the sectors; (6) Options for action for the interaction between the actors in interdisciplinary topics; (7) Outline of ways and perspectives of the implementation of the &apos;&apos;Recycling City 2030&apos;&apos;.

  17. Optimisation of biological reactors using the &apos;biological resonance&apos; phenomenon; Ansatz zur Optimierung biologischer Reinigungsstufen durch das Phaenomen der &apos;&apos;Biologischen Resonanz&apos;&apos;

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schmid, A.


    The microbial catabolic activity of biological reactors can be increased by up to 75% through external stimulation with intermittent stress loads at intervals of several minutes. Under these process conditions, the &apos;&apos;biological resonance&apos;&apos; phenomenon determines the system and leads to an increased synthesis of enzymes. In addition to computer simulations, experiments with activated sludge were carried out in a 10-litre bioreactor. By modulating the stress intervals, a permanent increase in catabolic activity of about 60% was achieved during these experiments. By relying on the &apos;&apos;biological resonance&apos;&apos; phenomenon, the required reaction volume of biological treatment units can probably be reduced by up to 40%. (orig.)

  18. European day &apos;&apos;in town, without my car&apos;&apos;; Journee europeen &apos;&apos;en ville, sans ma voiture&apos;&apos;

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    70 million inhabitants took part in the day &apos;&apos;In town, without my car&apos;&apos; on 22 September of this year. It is a great success for this European first. The objective of Energie-Cites association being to promote sustainable local energy policies, that is to say policies aimed at improving energy efficiency, increasing the use of renewable energy sources and limiting nuisance and pollution linked to energy consumption, the association is pleased that this event helped focus public attention on transport. It is indeed in this sector that uncontrolled upswings in energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions are the most important. This report presents the evaluation of this European initiative and details the actions in some towns. (A.L.B.)

  19. Recognizing IT risks - acting with foresight or: &apos;&apos;practical reasons for comprehensive IT security&apos;&apos;; IT-Risiken erkennen, vorausschauend handeln oder: &apos;&apos;Praktische Gruende fuer umfassende IT-Security&apos;&apos;

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schaeffer, P.A.R. [TUeV Rheinland Secure iT GmbH, Koeln (Germany)


    Comprehensive IT security expects all threats and every possible consequence to be identified in order to deduce and develop appropriate counter measures. This article describes two exemplary threats to an IT infrastructure: &apos;Hacking Internal Networks&apos; and &apos;A High Promising Target: Web Applications&apos;. (orig.)

  20. La consolidación de la democracia en Nicaragua, fuerzas armadas y partidos políticos en una democracia frágil

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    Secundino GONZÁLEZ


    Full Text Available RESUMEN: En el artículo se analiza la consolidación democrática en Nicaragua, destacando el importante papel desempeñado tanto por las Fuerzas Armadas como el juego de sistemas de partidos. Para el autor, estos dos elementos se mostraron plenamente funcionales para el proceso de consolidación democrática en este país. Además, sostiene que la transición a la democracia había comenzado en Nicaragua antes del proceso electoral que culminó en 1990.ABSTRACT: The article tries to analyze the democratic consolidation in Nicaragua, underlying the important role played by the Armed Forces and the party system. By the author, both of these elements have been shown very functional to the process of democratic consolidation in this country. Therefore, he sustaines also that the transition to democracy in Nicaragua had begun before the electoral process of 1990.

  1. Agreement &apos;&apos;power networks and environment&apos;&apos; 2001-2003; Accord &apos;&apos;reseaux electriques et environnement&apos;&apos; 2001-2003

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This agreement, discussed between the French government and Electricite de France (EdF) group, proposes some engagements for the 2001-2003 era for a better environmental integration of power transmission and distribution networks. The agreement is made of two parts: 1 - public distribution networks: realization of new workmanship (medium and low voltage power lines, new lines in dense urban areas), actions on existing workmanship (consequences of December 1999 storms, aesthetical aspects, burial of the main overhead lines in wooded areas, reinforcement of EdF&apos;s environmental commitment, remedial actions for environmental &apos;black points&apos;), general measures of implementation (increasing network safety, protection of birds fauna, coordination of works); 2 - public transportation network (RTE): development and safety improvement of the public transportation network (reinforced arrangement for the establishment of regional development schemes, development of international interconnections, safety improvement of the public transportation network, RTE&apos;s environmental plan); line projects (arrangements during projects elaboration, accompanying program); long lived RTE&apos;s commitment (environmental management and ISO-14001 certification, vigilance with respect to electromagnetic fields, R and D). (J.S.)

  2. Trends in Energy. &apos;The consumer decides&apos;; Trends in Energy. &apos;De consument bepaalt&apos;

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Brzezowsky-Ruys, Y.; Van der Zalm, M.; Van Zutphen, M. (eds.)


    A report is given of the Capgemini organised congress &apos;Trends in Energy 2011&apos; which has the Dutch subtitle &apos;De consument bepaalt&apos; (The consumer decides&apos;. The focus of the articles, interviews, debates and presentations is on the role of the consumer in the supply of and demand for energy. Parts of the report are in Dutch and English [Dutch] Dit rapport bestaat uit een verslag van het congres &apos;Trends in Energy 2011. De consument bepaalt&apos; en een aantal artikelen met achtergrondinformatie over onder meer de rol van de consument in vraag en aanbod van energie.

  3. Do we need a &apos;&apos;green medicine&apos;&apos;?; Brauchen wir &apos;&apos;Gruene Medizin?&apos;&apos;

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bauer, M.; Daschner, F.; Scherrer, M. [Universitaetsklinikum Freiburg (Germany)


    Spontaneously, we do associate &apos;&apos;green medicine&apos;&apos; with terms like naturopathy, natural healing substances, herbal active agents, homeopathy, healthy food, preventive medicine and similar things, and finally we think of ecology. This is the focus of the following article. First of all, the following question arises: Are there any environment-friendly and cost-saving alternatives to the present medicine? There is an increasing number of environment-caused diseases. Therefore, a medicine not coping with the environment is not credible. In today&apos;s medicine, for example, there are too many persistent detergents, water-polluting disinfectants, and many disposable materials. Too much water ist consumed, whereas the use of renewable energies is only limited. And too little natural healing methods are applied in diagnostics and therapy. Presently, in Germany, 16,7 million in-patients are treated in Germany, 1,16 million out-patients have surgeries in 2166 hospitals by ca. 1,1 million medical staff. All this work needs energy and materials which bring various risks to environment and the patients. During the last two decades, however, many efforts were made in the field of environment protection in medicine. There is hardly a hospital left which has not taken measures of protecting the environment. In the branch-specific quality management system KTQ (=cooperation for transparency and quality in the health system). environment protection measures are interrogated and systematically assessed.

  4. &apos;&apos;Is it really green?&apos;&apos; Long-term performance of monocrystalline solar modules as illustrated by the example of a photovoltaic pumping station in a natural reserve (&apos;&apos;Schwenninger Moos&apos;&apos;); &apos;&apos;Is it really green?&apos;&apos; Langzeiterfahrung mit monokristallinen Solarmodulen am Beispiel der photovoltaischen Pumpstation Schwenninger Moos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Assbeck, Franz [Hochschule Furtwangen (Germany). Fakultaet Computer und Electrical Engineering


    In 1991, a photovoltaic pumping station was commissioned in the natural reserve &apos;&apos;Schwenninger Moos&apos;&apos; in the southern Black Forest. The pumping station was dismantled when the land was used for the 2010 Baden-Wuerttemberg &apos;Landesgartenschau&apos; (garden festival). After 18 years of operation, the plant provided valuable information on the long-term performance of monocrystalline solar modules, so the author made detailed measurements and evaluations just before the plant was dismantled, in an attempt to find out about its long-term performance and cost efficiency. The results are presented here. (orig.)

  5. The role of &apos;&apos;momentum removal&apos;&apos; in divertor detachment

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kukushkin, A.S. [Kurchatov Institute, Moscow (Russian Federation); NRNU MEPhI, Moscow (Russian Federation); Pacher, H.D. [INRS-EMT, Varennes, Quebec (Canada)


    The role of &apos;&apos;momentum removal&apos;&apos; (the drag force on the plasma ion flow) in divertor detachment is considered and analysed in detail. This analysis of the 2D modelling results shows that the drag force cannot reduce the power and particle flux to the target directly. However, it is essential for creating the conditions for efficient radiation and volumetric plasma recombination, which in turn do the job. (copyright 2015 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim)

  6. Development of an object oriented lattice QCD code &apos;'Bridge++'&apos;

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ueda, S; Aoki, S; Aoyama, T; Kanaya, K; Taniguchi, Y; Matsufuru, H; Motoki, S; Namekawa, Y; Nemura, H; Ukita, N


    We are developing a new lattice QCD code set &apos;'Bridge++'&apos; aiming at extensible, readable, and portable workbench for QCD simulations, while keeping a high performance at the same time. Bridge++ covers conventional lattice actions and numerical algorithms. The code set is constructed in C++ with an object oriented programming. In this paper we describe fundamental ingredients of the code and the current status of development

  7. Outcomes in diabetic foot ulcer patients with isolated T2 marrow signal abnormality in the underlying bone: should the diagnosis of &apos;'osteitis'&apos; be changed to &apos;&apos;early osteomyelitis&apos;&apos;?

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Duryea, Dennis; Bernard, Stephanie; Flemming, Donald; Walker, Eric; French, Cristy [Milton S. Hershey Medical Center, Department of Radiology, H066, 500 University Drive, PO Box 850, Hershey, PA (United States)


    To evaluate the variability of clinical treatment and outcomes based on reporting of diabetic foot ulcer MRI findings of adjacent marrow T2 hyperintensity with normal T1 signal. A retrospective review was conducted of 46 MRI examinations evaluating diabetic foot ulcers that demonstrated normal T1 marrow signal, but T2 marrow hyperintensity deep to the ulcer. The cohort was divided based on MRI report impressions into three groups; &apos;&apos;osteitis without osteomyelitis&apos;&apos; (OW), &apos;&apos;osteitis but cannot exclude early osteomyelitis&apos;&apos; (OCEO) and &apos;&apos;early osteomyelitis&apos;&apos; (EO). Patient demographics (age, gender) and accessory MRI findings of ulcer and sinus tract depth were recorded. Initial clinical assessment and medical treatment (route and duration of antibiotics), healing versus disease progression and histology or microbiology results were recorded. The isolated marrow T2 signal hyperintensity was reported as OW in 12 patients, OCEO in 18, and EO in 16. No statistical difference in clinical assessment was demonstrated between the OW, OCEO, and EO groups. Pathological condition was available in 15 patients within 0-7 days (mean 2.4 days) of the MRI examination, with 14 (93%) of these positive for osteomyelitis by histopathology or positive cultures. Initial diagnosis of or progression to osteomyelitis was shown in 28 patients (61%). Treatment of suspected osteomyelitis is heavily determined by clinical factors. Patients who initially demonstrate only T2 marrow signal abnormality under a diabetic ulcer are eventually diagnosed as osteomyelitis in 61% of cases and deserve aggressive treatment as early osteomyelitis when meeting clinical parameters. (orig.)

  8. Modalidades situadas de gestión de la autoridad y su registro en la espacialidad fabril : La Armada Argentina en el Astillero Río Santiago (1969-1975

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    Ivonne Barragán


    Full Text Available La gestión espacial - industrial en relación a las marcas territoriales de la represión a la clase trabajadora durante la primera mitad de 1970 resulta un registro poco transitado por la historiografía. El estudio de las modalidades de gestión empresarial - militar, a partir de recursos fontales de origen diverso y de entrevistas a trabajadores, propone nuevos marcos de análisis para los procesos represivos. La observación situada de la acción de los oficiales de la Armada Argentina a cargo de la gestión productiva de una empresa estatal, el Astillero Río Santiago, permite ahondar en lógicas internas de esta fuerza militar en la historia reciente.

  9. Pulmonary perfusion &apos;&apos;without ventilation&apos;&apos;

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chapman, C.N.; Sziklas, J.J.; Spencer, R.P.; Rosenberg, R.J.


    An 88-yr-old man, with prior left upper lobectomy and phrenic nerve injury, had a ventilation/perfusion lung image. Both wash-in and equilibrium ventilation images showed no radioactive gas in the left lung. Nevertheless, the left lung was perfused. A similar result was obtained on a repeat study 8 days later. Delayed images, during washout, showed some radioactive gas in the left lung. Nearly absent ventilation (but continued perfusion) of that lung might have been related to altered gas dynamics brought about by the prior lobectomy, a submucosal bronchial lesion, phrenic nerve damage, and limited motion of the left part of the diaphragm. This case raises the issue of the degree of ventilation (and the phase relationship between the lungs) required for the entry of radioactive gas into a diseased lung, and the production of a &apos;&apos;reversed ventilation/perfusion mismatch.&apos;&apos;

  10. The German &apos;'Energiewende'&apos;. Evaluation after the Paris-agreement; Die Deutsche Energiewende. Bewertung nach dem Klima-Abkommen von Paris

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Roth, Eike


    The World-Climate-Summit 2016 in Paris agreed to exacerbated goals for climate protection. This paper will scrutinize whether Germany can comply with its Paris-obligations by continuing the ongoing German &apos;'Energiewende'&apos;. The result is clear-cut: The German &apos;'Energiewende'&apos; is inadequate. Due to the cap-and-trade system of the EU the &apos;''Energiewende'&apos;.

  11. Internet of &apos;'printed'&apos; Things: low-cost fabrication of autonomous sensing nodes by inkjet printing

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kawahara, Yoshihiro


    &apos;&apos;What if electronics devices are printed using an inkjet printer even at home?&apos;&apos; &apos;&apos;What if those devices no longer need a battery?&apos;&apos; I will introduce two enabling technologies for the Internet of Things concept. 1. Instant Inkjet Circuits: A low cost, fast and accessible technology to support the rapid prototyping of electronic devices. We demonstrated that &apos;'sintering-free'&apos; silver nano particle ink with a commodity inkjet printer can be used to fabricate printed circuit board and high-frequency applications such as antennas and sensors. The technology is now commercialized by AgIC, Inc. 2. Wireless Power: Although large amounts of data can be exchanged over a wireless communication link, mobile devices are still tethered by power cables. We are trying to solve this problem by two different approaches: energy harvesting. A simple circuitry comprised of diodes and capacitor can convert ambient radio signals into DC current. Our research revealed the signals from TV tower located 6.5km apart could be used to feed 100 microwatts to power microcontrollers

  12. Irradiation as a quarantine treatment of &apos;Carabao&apos; (&apos;Manila Super&apos;) mangoes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Manoto, E.C.; Resilva, S.S.; Del Rosario, Ma.S.; Casubha, L.C.


    Researches using gamma radiation for disinfestation of Oriental fruit fly in &apos;Carabao&apos; (&apos;Manila Super&apos;) mangoes were undertaken using the Probit 9 or 99.9968% mortality test. The results showed that the mature larvae of the fruit fly are the most tolerant stage of this insect to irradiation with the eggs as the most sensitive. On treating more than 100,000 mature larvae in mangoes, a minimum dose of 100 Gy was found to prevent emergence of adult fruit flies and maintain quarantine security or a complete elimination of the possibility of introducing this pest into the importing country. Therefore, the use of 100-Gy irradiation as a quarantine treatment against Oriental fruit fly in the mature green Philippine &apos;carabao&apos; mango fruits is recommended

  13. Progress Report: DE-FG03-97ER20274, &apos;&apos;Microbial Production of Isoprene&apos;&apos;

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ray Fall


    We have discovered that microorganisms produce and emit the hydrocarbon isoprene (2-methyl-1,3-butadiene), and have suggested that if isoprene-producing enzymes and their genes can be harnessed, useful hydrocarbon-producing systems might be constructed. The main goal of the proposed work is to establish the biochemical mechanism and regulation of isoprene formation in the bacterial system, Bacillus subtilis. Specific objectives of the proposed work are the following: (A) to characterize the physiological regulation of isoprene formation in B. subtilis; (B) to characterize mutations in B. subtilis 168 that suppress isoprene formation, clone these genes, and determine how isoprene and isoprenoid carbon flow are regulated; and (C) to test &apos;'overflow'&apos; and &apos;'signaling'&apos; models for Bacillus isoprene formation. We are also pursuing the isolation and cloning of B. subtilis isoprene synthase, which we believe may be a regulatory enzyme.

  14. The German &apos;'Energiewende'&apos;. Evaluation after the Paris-agreement; Die Deutsche Energiewende. Bewertung nach dem Klima-Abkommen von Paris

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Roth, Eike


    The World-Climate-Summit 2016 in Paris agreed to exacerbated goals for climate protection. This paper will scrutinize whether Germany can comply with its Paris-obligations by continuing the ongoing German &apos;'Energiewende'&apos;. The result is clear-cut: The German &apos;'Energiewende'&apos; is inadequate. Due to the cap-and-trade system of the EU the &apos;'Energiewende'&apos; can in no way contribute to climate protection.

  15. The &apos;electric power&apos; experience: Between nostalgia and the future. Erlebnis &apos;Strom&apos; zwischen Nostalgie und Zukunft

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Moergeli, H.P. (Moergeli und Partner, Muri bei Bern (Switzerland))


    The &apos;'Muehleberg'&apos; is a concept which is mostly used in connection with the nuclear power station. But there is more to the &apos;'Muehleberg'&apos; than at first sight. A hydroelectric station, a waste dump gas plant and the brandnew works management centre of the Bernische Kraftwerke AG (BKW) constitute the framework for a host of other attractions in the field of electric power; among others, examples of technological culture in the BKW museum, which are worth seeing. (orig.)

  16. Iran&apos;s &apos;Risk-Taking&apos; in Perspective

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shahram, Chubin


    Assessing any state&apos;s intentions is a difficult undertaking - especially at a specific moment in time. When a state is considered hostile, its behaviour erratic, and its system opaque, what is difficult under normal circumstances becomes nearly impossible. It may thus often seem prudent to attribute the worst of intentions to such states, but this can create a self-fulfilling prophecy. Iran with its revolutionary pretensions, fiery rhetoric and nuclear ambitions, is a case in point, since it is particularly difficult to &apos;read&apos;. Located in the centre of a geo-politically sensitive and conflict-driven area, Iran is in a position to influence - positively or otherwise - the Persian Gulf, the Caucasus, the Middle East and South Asia. This influence may furthermore be expanding as a result of the weakening of Iraq and Lebanon, divisions among the Palestinians, and the more general rise of the Shi&apos;i across the broader region. Add to this the ambiguous aims of Iran&apos;s nuclear programme and the shadow this has already thrown across the region, and the need to assess Iran&apos;s intentions accurately appears crucial. Here, Iran&apos;s past behavior may provide some help, especially when it comes to Iran&apos;s proclivity for risk taking - provided the acquisition of a nuclear capability does not alter Iran&apos;s intentions or behavior so as to make the past irrelevant. Some commentators believe that Iran&apos;s ideology and past behaviour suggest that a nuclear-capable Iran will be inclined to take on a high level of risk, without concern for the potential costs of this recklessness, and that Iran may perhaps even welcome the risks involved. By contrast, the recent National Intelligence Estimate (NIE), a composite of US intelligence agency estimates, has concluded that Iran&apos;s &apos;decisions are guided by a cost-benefit approach&apos; and therefore &apos;may be more vulnerable to influence&apos; than they had previously (i.e.2005) judged. These

  17. Nuclear waste disposal. A wicked and highly conflict bearing societal problem; Nukleare Entsorgung. Ein &apos;'wicked'&apos; und hoechst konfliktbehaftetes Gesellschaftsproblem

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Brunnengraeber, Achim; Mez, Lutz [Freie Univ. Berlin (Germany). Forschungszentrum fuer Umweltpolitik; Di Nucci, Maria Rosaria; Schreuers, Miranda [Freie Univ. Berlin (Germany)


    The final disposal of nuclear wastes is called &apos;'messy'&apos; or &apos;'wicked'&apos; in the political science literature. The highly complicated problems are characterized by a number of features such as intra- and inter-generational aspects and ethical questions. In the case of stakeholders the differences concern ideologies, interests, merits and preferences that cause conflicts. The search for solutions is complicated due to interacting political, social, ecologic, economic and technical aspects. The concepts &apos;&apos;wicked problems&apos;&apos; and &apos;'multi-level-governance'&apos; are promising approaches to solve the complicated situation.

  18. What do we mean by the word &apos;'Shock'&apos;?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Runnels, Scott Robert


    From one vantage point, a shock is a continuous but drastic change in state variables that occurs over very small time and length scales. These scales and associated changes in state variables can be measured experimentally. From another vantage point, a shock is a mathematical singularity consisting of instantaneous changes in state variables. This more mathematical view gives rise to analytical solutions to idealized problems. And from a third vantage point, a shock is a structure in a hydrocode prediction. Its width depends on the simulation&apos;s grid resolution and artificial viscosity. These three vantage points can be in conflict when ideas from the associated fields are combined, and yet combining them is an important goal of an integrated modeling program. This presentation explores an example of how models for real materials in the presence of real shocks react to a hydrocode&apos;s numerical shocks of finite width. The presentation will include an introduction to plasticity for the novice, an historical view of plasticity algorithms, a demonstration of how pursuing the meaning of &apos;'shock'&apos; has resulted in hydrocode improvements, and will conclude by answering some of the questions that arise from that pursuit. After the technical part of the presentation, a few slides advertising LANL&apos;s Computational Physics Student Summer Workshop will be shown.

  19. &apos;Green Isle&apos; on the &apos;Red Isle&apos;. The gasometer in Berlin becomes a centre of the &apos;European Energy Forum&apos;; &apos;Gruene Insel&apos; auf der &apos;Roten Insel&apos;. Der Berliner Gasometer wird zum Zentrum des &apos;Europaeischen Energie Forums&apos;

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Meyer, Ulf


    If the ARD political talk show with Guenther Jauch starts on Sunday night after the crime thriller, only few viewers know that they are tele-guests on the former gasometer site in Berlin-Schoeneberg. Currently, this site is being transformed into an environmentally friendly campus called the &apos;European Energy Forum&apos; (EUREF). According to the will of the owner and architect Reinhard Mueller, the campus will become the largest CO{sub 2} neutral office and business location in Europe. Totally 600 million Euro will be invested. All new buildings should be ecological &apos;green buildings&apos; and received the LEED Gold certification.

  20. Design of the fuel element &apos;snow-flake&apos; in uranium oxide, canned with aluminium, for the experimental reactor EL 3 (1960); Etude d&apos;un element combustible en oxyde d&apos;uranium gaine d&apos;aluminium, type &apos;&apos;cristal de neige&apos;&apos; pour la pile EL 3 (1960)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gauthron, M.; Guibert, B. [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France).Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    This report sums up the main studies have been carried out on the fuel element &apos;Snowflake&apos; (uranium oxide, canned with aluminium), designed to replace the present element of the experimental reactor EL3 in order to increase the reactivity without modifying the neutron flux/thermal power ratio. (author) [French] Ce rapport resume les principales etudes qui ont ete faites sur l&apos;element combustible &apos;Cristal de Neige&apos; (a oxyde d&apos;uranium, gaine d&apos;aluminium) destine a remnlacer l&apos;element actuel du reacteur experimental EL3, afin d&apos;en augmenter la reactivite sans modifier le rapport flux neutronique-puissance thermique. (auteur)

  1. Chamber transport of &apos;'foot'&apos; pulses for heavy-ion fusion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sharp, W.M.; Callahan-Miller, D.A.; Tabak, M.; Yu, S.S.; Peterson, P.F.


    Indirect-drive targets for heavy-ion fusion must initially be heated by &apos;'foot'&apos; pulses that precede the main heating pulses by tens of nanoseconds. These pulses typically have a lower energy and perveance than the main pulses, and the fusion-chamber environment is different from that seen by later pulses. The preliminary particle-in-cell simulations of foot pulses here examine the sensitivity of the beam focusing to ion-beam perveance, background-gas density, and pre-neutralization by a plasma near the chamber entry port.

  2. Development and utilization of a mechanical barrier for large-calibre cavern necks. The &apos;&apos;Spider Plug&apos;&apos;; Entwicklung und Einsatz einer mechanischen Absperrung fuer grosskalibrige Kavernenhaelse. Der &apos;&apos;Spider Plug&apos;&apos;

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pfeifer, K.; Maut, D. [UGS GmbH, Mittenwalde (Germany)


    An hydraulic separation of a well and the cavern can be necessary for different workover applications, e.g. casing milling or underreaming. The separation is needed to ensure a mud circulation during such operations. In that case a barrier is set after flooding the cavern, which will then be used as a mechanical abutment for the cement bridge. If the diameter of the cavern neck has been enlarged due to e.g. unwanted leaching processes or unstabilized underreaming processes, it might get impossible to set a standard plug with the available technologies into those diameters. Therefore UGS GmbH has developed a mechanical plug, which is set hydraulically. The so called &apos;Spider Plug&apos; is used as basis for a cement bridge and can be removed by drilling after the workover has been done. Depending on the dimension of the setting tool a cavern neck up to 50&apos;&apos; diameter can be plugged by the &apos;Spider Plug&apos;. Up to now a number of successful operations on different locations has shown, that the &apos;Spider Plug&apos; is a practicable and cost-efficient solution for a mechanical abutment of large cavern necks. (orig.)

  3. Three ways to storage solution. &apos;&apos;Lead or Lithium?&apos;&apos;. This is not the only basic issue in a storage system; Drei Wege zur Speicherloesung. &apos;&apos;Blei oder Lithium?&apos;&apos; Dies ist nicht die einzige Grundsatzfrage bei einem Speichersystem

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Welter, Philippe; Siemer, Jochen


    The number of solar power storage systems offered is now in the hundreds, if one includes all possible product combinations. We show in the following pages a selection of examples of typical solutions, which are by the KfW program &apos;&apos;Renewable Energy - Storage&apos;&apos; eligible&apos;&apos;. With various modifications, they can be divided into three groups: battery inverter with built-in storage, external storage on the DC side of the PV system and stand-alone systems on AC power. [German] Die Zahl der angebotenen Solarstromspeichersysteme geht mittlerweile in die Hunderte, wenn man alle moeglichen Produktkombinationen einbezieht. Wir zeigen auf den folgenden Seiten eine exemplarische Auswahl an typischen Loesungen, die mittels KfW-Programm &apos;&apos;Erneuerbare Energien - Speicher&apos;&apos; foerderfaehig sind. Mit diversen Modifikationen lassen sie sich in drei Gruppen einteilen: Akkuwechselrichter mit integriertem Speicher, externe Speicher an der Gleichstromseite der Photovoltaikanlage und Stand-alone-Systeme am Wechselstromnetz.

  4. Micro satellite instability in colorectal cancer stage II. Hospital Central de las fuerzas armadas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Della Valle, A; Santander G; Camejo, N; Spera, G.


    Introduction: micro satellite instability (MSI) is a good prognostic factor in colorectal cancer (CRC) located. Its value as a predictive marker against adjuvant treatment of chemotherapy (CT) has been shown fluoropyrimidine in various publications. The MSI occurs in 15% of colorectal tumors and sporadic in 90% of tumors in the context of colorectal cancer syndrome hereditary nonpolyposis. In Uruguay there are no studies about this phenomenon. Objective: To determine the incidence of micro satellite instability in a sample of patients using the Hospital Central de las fuerzas armadas oncology service, association with a compatible family history and the histological features of the tumors associated therewith. Methods: The medical records of patients were analyzed with CRC diagnosed stage II between 01/2001 and 12/2009. Data of the patients were analyzed which had complete histology and evolution. Results: 30/52 patients (57.6%) were analyzed. 40% had a detected MSI by kits for Pcr (polymerase chain reaction) to D2S123, D5S250, D17S346, BAT25 and BAT26 according to the Bethesda criteria. In those patients they filed a MSI: the median age was 70 years; 58.3% male. No patient had a family history consistent with HNPCC. 5.6% (3) they received Adjuvant chemotherapy treatment. Regarding tumor characteristics: 75% (9) were T3, and T4 were 25% (3); 8.3% histologic grade I (1) II 58.3% (7) 8.3% III (1) without Data 33% (6). This tumor lymphocyte infiltration was reported in 25% (3), absent 33.3% (4), not reported in 41.6% (5). Conclusions: This is the first analysis of these characteristics carried out in Uruguay. The same has been detected MSI percentage higher than reported in the literature International. In either case a compatible family history met HNPCC

  5. Energy saving retrofitting of a prefabricated panel construction kinder-garden - demonstration project &apos;'Plappersnut'&apos; in Wismar.; Energetische Sanierung einer Kindertagesstaette in Plattenbauweise - Demonstrationsbauvorhaben &apos;'Plappersnut'&apos; in Wismar

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wollensak, Heidi [Institut fuer Gebaeude + Energie + Licht Planung, Alter Holzhafen 19, 23966 Wismar (Germany); Wollensak, Martin [Hochschule Wismar, FG Baukonstruktion und Baustofftechnik (Germany); Roemhild, Thomas [Hochschule Wismar, FG Entwerfen, Gebaeude- Klima- und Lichtplanung (Germany); Mainka, Georg-Wilhelm; Winkler, Heiko [Lehrstuhl fuer Baukonstruktionen und Bauphysik, Institut fuer Bauingenieurwesen, Universitaet Rostock (Germany)


    The project &apos;&apos;kindergarten Plappersnut&apos;&apos; in Wismar focuses on cutting the energy consumption of the in 1972 build prefabricated plate construction down to one third by mainly 3 means: - improving the relation between building volume and outside surface by replacing the corridor building between the two main wings with a light membrane roof, covering the whole space, - eliminating energy loss through the building structure by coating the whole building with different isolation systems, - replacing all of the technical installation under the aspects of ecological energy supply and energy retrieving systems. The project was classed as a demonstration project of the EnSan-Program, supported by the German Ministry for Economy and Technology. (Abstract Copyright [2005], Wiley Periodicals, Inc.) [German] Das Sanierungsprojekt der 1972 in Plattenbauweise errichteten Kita &apos;'Plappersnut'&apos; stand im Zeichen der Reduzierung des Energiebedarfs auf ein Drittel durch drei wesentliche Massnahmen: - Verbesserung des Verhaeltnisses Gebaeudevolumen zu Aussenwandflaeche durch Entfernung der Verbindungsgaenge zwischen beiden Gebaeudeteilen und Ueberdachung des entstehenden Hofes mit einem Membrandach, - Verminderung der Energieverluste durch die Gebaeudehuelle mit Hilfe verschiedener Waermedaemm-Massnahmen, - Ersatz der gesamten Gebaeudetechnik durch energiesparende Systeme und unter Einsatz von erneuerbaren Energien. Das Projekt wurde im Rahmen des EnSan-Programms vom Bundesministerium fuer Wirtschaft und Technologie gefoerdert. (Abstract Copyright [2005], Wiley Periodicals, Inc.)

  6. Inorganic profile of some Brazilian medicinal plants obtained from ethanolic extract and &apos;&apos;in natura&apos;&apos; samples

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ferreira, M.O.M.; de Sousa, P.T.; Salvador, V.L.R.; Sato, I.M.


    The Anadenathera macrocarpa, Schinus molle, Hymenaea courbaril, Cariniana legalis, Solidago microglossa and Stryphnodendron barbatiman, were collected &apos;&apos;in natura&apos;&apos; samples (leaves, flowers, barks and seeds) from different commercial suppliers. The pharmaco-active compounds in ethanolic extracts had been made by the Mato Grosso Federal University (UFMT). The energy-dispersive x-ray fluorescence (ED-XRF) spectrometry was used for the elemental analysis in different parts of the plants and respective ethanolic extracts. The Ca, Cl, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, P, Rb, S, Sr and Zn concentrations were determined by the fundamental parameters method. Some specimens showed a similar inorganic profile for &apos;&apos;in natura&apos;&apos; and ethanolic extract samples and some ones showed a distinct inorganic profile. For example, the Anadenathera macrocarpa showed a similar concentration in Mg, P, Cu, Zn and Rb elements in &apos;&apos;in natura&apos;&apos; and ethanolic extract samples; however very different concentration in Na, S, Cl, K , Ca, Mn, Fe and Sr was observed in distinctive samples. The Solidago microglossa showed the K, Ca, Cl, S, Mg, P and Fe elements as major constituents in both samples, suggesting that the extraction process did not affect in a considerable way the &apos;&apos;in natura&apos;&apos; inorganic composition. The elemental composition of the different parts of the plants (leaves, flowers, barks and seeds) has been also determined. For example, the Schinus molle specimen showed P, K, Cl and Ca elements as major constituents in the seeds, Mg, K and Sr in the barks and Mg, S, Cl and Mn in the leaves, demonstrating a differentiated elementary distribution. These inorganic profiles will contribute to evaluate the quality control of the Brazilian herbaceous trade and also will assist to identify which parts of the medicinal plants has greater therapeutic effect.

  7. Riesgos físicos y efectos en la salud del personal de enfermería, que labora en el centro quirúrgico del Hospital de Especialidades Fuerzas Armadas, periodo Marzo 2010 a Marzo 2011


    Montes Hinojosa, Freddy Patricio


    El presente estudio se fundamentó, en la investigación bibliográfica y de campo, El tipo de investigación es descriptiva y transversal, se utilizó para la recolección de datos la técnica de la encuesta, con la aplicación de un cuestionario. La población de estudio comprende de 30 talentos humanos, 16 Enfermeras/os y 14 auxiliares e instrumentistas de enfermería que labora en la Sala de Operaciones del Hospital de Especialidades Fuerzas Armadas. La naturaleza del trabajo de enfermería expone a...

  8. Proceedings of the DGMK-conference &apos;Synthesis gas chemistry&apos;. Authors&apos; manuscripts

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hoenicke, D.; Kohlpaintner, C.; Luecke, B.; Reschetilowski, W. [eds.


    The main topics of the DGMK-Conference &apos;&apos;Synthesis Gas Chemistry&apos;&apos; were: production of synthesis gas from several educts, new catalysts, Fischer-Tropsch synthesis, hydroformylation, steam reforming and carbonylation.

  9. Improvement in remote sensing of low vegetation cover in arid regions by correcting vegetation indices for soil &apos;'noise'&apos;

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Escadafal, R.; Huete, A.


    The variations of near-infrared red reflectance ratios of ten aridic soil samples were correlated with a &apos;&apos;redness index&apos;&apos; computed from red and green spectral bands. These variations have been shown to limit the performances of vegetation indices (NDVI and SAVI) in discriminating low vegetation covers. The redness index is used to adjust for this &apos;&apos;soil noise&apos;&apos;. Dala simulated for vegetation densities of 5 to 15% cover showed that the sensitivity of the corrected vegetation indices was significantly improved. Specifically, the &apos;'noise-corrected'&apos; SAVI was able to assess vegetation amounts with an error four times smaller than the uncorrected NDVI. These promising results should lead to a significant improvement in assessing biomass in arid lands from remotely sensed data. (author) [fr

  10. Les Houches &apos;&apos;Physics at TeV Colliders 2003&apos;&apos; Beyond the Standard Model Working Group: Summary Report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Allanach, B


    The work contained herein constitutes a report of the &apos;&apos;Beyond the Standard Model&apos;&apos; working group for the Workshop &apos;&apos;Physics at TeV Colliders&apos;&apos;, Les Houches, France, 26 May-6 June, 2003. The research presented is original, and was performed specifically for the workshop. Tools for calculations in the minimal supersymmetric standard model are presented, including a comparison of the dark matter relic density predicted by public codes. Reconstruction of supersymmetric particle masses at the LHC and a future linear collider facility is examined. Less orthodox supersymmetric signals such as non-pointing photons and R-parity violating signals are studied. Features of extra dimensional models are examined next, including measurement strategies for radions and Higgs&apos;, as well as the virtual effects of Kaluza Klein modes of gluons. Finally, there is an update on LHC Z&apos; studies.

  11. Biological effect and tumor risk of diagnostic x-rays. The &apos;&apos;war of the theories&apos;&apos;; Biologische Wirkung und Tumorrisiko diagnostischer Roentgenstrahlen. Der &apos;&apos;Krieg der Modelle&apos;&apos;

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Selzer, E.; Hebar, A. [Medizinische Universitaet Wien, Abteilung fuer Strahlenbiologie, Klinik fuer Strahlentherapie, Wien (Austria)


    Since the introduction of ionizing radiation as a treatment and diagnostic tool in humans, scientists have been trying to estimate its side effects and potential health risks. There is now ample evidence for the principal existence of a direct relationship between higher doses and the risks of side effects. Most of the uncertainties lie in the field of low-dose effects especially with respect to the risk of cancer induction. Low-dose effects are usually of relevance in diagnostic medicine while high-dose radiation effects are typically observed after radiotherapeutic treatment for cancer or after nuclear accidents. The current state of the &apos;&apos;war of theories&apos;&apos; may be summarized as follows: one group of scientists and health regulatory officials favors the hypothesis that there is no threshold dose, i.e. the linear-no-threshold hypothesis (LNT) of radiation which can be regarded as safe. On the contrary, the critics of this hypothesis suggest that the risks of doses below 50 mSv are not measurable or even of clinical relevance and are not adequately described by a linear dose-response relationship. The aim of this article is to summarize the major unresolved issues in this field. Arguments are presented why the validity of the LNT model in the low-dose range should be regarded as at least inconsistent and is thus questionable. (orig.) [German] Seit der Einfuehrung ionisierender Strahlen als ein Mittel zur Behandlung und Diagnose beim Menschen haben Wissenschaftler versucht, ihre Nebenwirkungen und potenziellen Risiken fuer die Gesundheit einzuschaetzen. Es gibt nun ausreichende Evidenz fuer das grundsaetzliche Vorliegen einer direkten Beziehung zwischen hoeheren Dosen und Nebenwirkungsrisiken. Die meisten Unsicherheiten liegen auf dem Gebiet der Niedrigdosisforschung v. a. im Hinblick auf das Risiko der Induktion von Krebs. Niedrigdosiseffekte sind ueblicherweise von Bedeutung in der diagnostischen Medizin, waehrend Hochdosisbestrahlungseffekte

  12. Functional and morphological parameters with tissue characterization of cardiovascular magnetic imaging in clinically verified &apos;&apos;infarct-like myocarditis&apos;&apos;

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schwab, Johannes [Paracelsus Medical Univ., General Hospital Nuremberg (Germany). Dept. of Cardiology and Radiology; Rogg, H.J.; Pauschinger, M.; Fessele, K. [Paracelsus Medical Univ., General Hospital Nuremberg (Germany). Dept. of Cardiology; Bareiter, T.; Baer, I. [Paracelsus Medical Univ., General Hospital Nuremberg (Germany). Dept. of Cardiology and Neuroradiology; Loose, R. [Paracelsus Medical Univ., General Hospital Nuremberg (Germany). Dept. of Radiology


    Cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) has increasingly proved to be a valuable diagnostic tool for evaluating patients with suspected myocarditis. The objective of this study was to evaluate the diagnostic value of functional and morphological parameters including tissue characterization in patients with &apos;&apos;infarct-like myocarditis&apos;&apos;. 43 patients with clinically verified cases of &apos;&apos;infarct-like myocarditis&apos;&apos; (median time to MRI scanning after admission for acute symptoms 3 days) and 35 control patients matched by age and sex were included in this retrospective case control study. In this study we used a 1.5 T MRI scanner conducting steady-state-free-precession sequences, T2-weighted imaging, T1-weighted imaging before and after contrast administration and late gadolinium enhancement sequences. According to the recommendations for CMR diagnosis of myocarditis (Lake Louise consensus criteria), a scan was positive for acute myocarditis if 2 of 3 CMR criteria were present. 30 % of the patients with &apos;&apos;infarct-like myocarditis&apos;&apos; had a reduced left ventricular ejection fraction, 11 % had an increased LV end-diastolic volume index and 35 % had an increased LV mass index. The sensitivity of wall motion abnormalities was 63 % with a regional distribution in 49 %. In 47 % of cases regional wall motion abnormalities were present in the lateral left ventricular segments. Pericardial effusions were discovered in 65 % of cases with a circular appearance in 21 % and focal manifestation in 44 %. The diagnostic sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of CMR in patients with &apos;&apos;infarct-like myocarditis&apos;&apos; were 67 %, 100 % and 82 %, respectively. The LGE alone was the most sensitive test parameter with 86 %, providing a specificity of 100 % and accuracy of 92 %. Our study results can be applied to the subgroup of patients with &apos;&apos;infarct-like myocarditis&apos;&apos;, where we found that LGE alone was the

  13. Design Concept of a Seal-off Type 14 MeV Neutron Generator of 10&apos;&apos;1&apos;&apos;1n/s Range

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    In, S. R.; Oh, B. H. [KAERI, Daejeon (Korea, Republic of)


    The total neutron fluence during the life time is expected to be around 10MW·yr/m&apos;&apos;2 which may cause a damage of -100 dpa in materials. To estimate the adaptability of candidate materials in a few years, a 14MeV neutron source with a flux level of 3 - 5 x 10&apos;&apos;1&apos;&apos;8 n/s·m&apos;&apos;2, which is the goal of the IFMIF facility costing more than ¤1000M, is necessitated. The problem in making an intense neutron generator of beam target type is really not on the neutron production rate, but on the huge heat generated in the target, because the fusion power is only one of thousands of beam power exerted on the target. We have a plan to develop neutron generators step by step from a 10&apos;&apos;8 n/s level. The final goal is establishing a 14MeV neutron irradiation facility at 10&apos;&apos;1&apos;&apos;4 intensity level.. Up to the 10&apos;&apos;1&apos;&apos;0 n/s level, there occurs basically no critical thermal problem, because beam power density is in the range of tens W/cm&apos;&apos;2. The neutron generator designed in a sealed-off type because of tritium safety is mainly composed of an ion source, target, reaction chamber, and getter pump.. The major design concepts for the neutron generator with the neutron production rate of 10&apos;&apos;1&apos;&apos;1 n/s range were presented. The specifications of the ion source, target and getter have been determined for attaining the goal of the neutron generation rate.

  14. Avaliação da durabilidade de processos fotocatalíticos aplicados como pós-tratamentos em substratos de argamassa

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Guilherme Custódio Garcia Junior

    Full Text Available ResumoOs processos fotocatalíticos estão sendo estudados e incorporados a sistemas construtivos objetivando melhoria da qualidade da água e do ar. No entanto pairam dúvidas sobre qual o grau de atuação da fotocatálise nos substratos e sobretudo por quanto tempo continua ocorrendo e qual sua intensidade. O método proposto consiste em, através de um pós-tratamento superficial associado a um processo fotocatalítico, obter a simultaneidade das ações dos efeitos hidrofóbicos e hidrofílicos. O presente artigo propõe avaliar a durabilidade de processos fotocatalíticos por meio de um programa experimental, em que corpos de provas de argamassa para revestimento externo após serem pós-tratados e manchados com soluções de azul de metileno (C16H18N3SCl na concentração de 1% em água deionizada e em álcool etílico 92,8°(C2H6O, foram submetidos a 200 ciclos de envelhecimento artificial (molhagem, exposição à radiações infravermelho e ultravioleta. Os resultados apontam: 1 o aumento da concentração de dióxido de titânio acelera os processos de degradação do azul de metileno; 2 os tratamentos superficiais com dispersões aquosas de TiO2 apresentaram queda de desempenho ao longo dos ensaios; 3 o hidrofugante à base de silicone mostrou um bom potencial como agente de fixação do semicondutor.

  15. Muerte en El Loreto. Ciudadanía armada y violencia política en Bolivia (1861-1862

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Irurozqui, Marta


    Full Text Available The «Loreto Massacre» and the subsequent process of popular justice to which its author was brought illustrate how the arming of the inhabitants of this district of La Paz combated not only the partisan abuse of power, but also the threat posed to Bolivia’s constitutional legal framework by military revolutions. In a process of «political fusion», the «people on the streets» and the people as represented by the government took armed and associative action against an attempted military coup. This process also implied the employment of political action as an instrument against the devaluation of labour and artisan production.

    Los casos de la Matanza del Loreto y del posterior ajusticiamiento popular de su responsable ilustran cómo la conversión del vecindario paceño en el pueblo en armas combatió tanto el abuso partidista del poder, como la ruptura de la legalidad constitucional ejercida por las revoluciones militaristas. El pueblo en la calle y el pueblo representado en una junta de gobierno contribuyeron a la institucionalización del Estado —expresada en la política de fusión— al actuar armada y asociativamente contra el militarismo golpista, tomándose también la acción política en un medio contra la devaluación laboral y de estatus de los artesanos.

  16. NDA National Graduate Programme &apos;nucleargraduates&apos;

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dawson, Carl


    The aim of this paper is to outline the NDA National Graduate Programme (nuclear graduates). The NDA has a remit under the Energy Act (2004) &apos;to maintain and develop the skills for decommissioning and nuclear clean-up&apos;. Although current research is now being reviewed, there is significant evidence to suggest that the age profile in the Site Licence Companies is skewed towards older workers and there is likely to be a skill shortage in 3-5 years. As nuclear clean-up is a national issue; skill shortages also become a national issue in a very real sense. In addition, evidence suggests that the industry needs to be constantly challenged in order to achieve its targets for decommissioning. The NDA has a unique position under the Act. It is both a strategic overseer and direct employer. To this end the &apos;National Graduate Programme&apos; is aligned to both the NDA&apos;s previous succession plans and the needs of the industry. Industry needs leadership that challenges the status quo and moves the UK nuclear industry to become best in class; Industry needs a dedicated to programme to address skills shortages and difficult to recruit areas such as, but not exclusively, estimators, schedulers, contract managers, site engineers, decommissioning technicians, safety monitors; The NDA has indicated a &apos;commercial and politically savvy&apos; cohort is required to meet its own internal challenges and to ensure sustainability in its own workforce, and to be sensitive to the needs of customers and suppliers alike; Need to create a more diversified workforce in the nuclear industry and also plan for new skills evolving from research and development breakthroughs; Need to ensure that Tier 1, 2, 3 and 4 contractors invest in the leadership and skills for the future. World Class - delivery will be benchmarked against UK based multinational companies who operate in a global graduate attraction and development marketplace. The graduates targeted will be from leading

  17. &apos;Modernization property&apos; of our country is visualized / TAISEI; Wagakuni no &apos;kindaika isan&apos; wo eizoka / taiseisensetsu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    TAISEI was about rapidly promoted from Days of the Tokugawa shogunate over Meiji and Taisho this, and the documentary film which focused on building and &apos;the modernization property&apos; which are related to industry and traffic and civil engineering which made the base of the our country development was planned and was produced. The title of the movie is &apos;travel to the Japan modernization property&apos;. The movie which really introduced such modern age property is rare, and it s as an image material precious. It tries to pick up main thing, The oldest lighthouse &apos;Mikomotojima Island lighthouse (Shizuoka Prefect.1870)&apos; and covers Shiga Prefecture and Kyoto prefecture,&apos;The Lake Biwa hydrophobic&apos;, in our country, the first gravitational concrete dam &apos;Nunobiki Gohnmatsu dam, Kobe City, 1900&apos;Length furnace for the cement baking which remains in Yamaguchi Prefect. &apos;The ONODA CEMENT (Pacific Ocean cement) sake bottle furnace&apos;. In becoming modernization property which widely remains in our country and so on the guide person, Mr. Shinbo Minami of the illustrator has introduced it. The narration is the Mr. platform step of the actress. Still, screening party of this movie is done in the following schedule (admission free). The detailed query is Japanese movie new Co. (141-0021 2-10-17 Kami-Osaki, Shinagawa ku, Tokyo), TEL 03-3442-7251 FAX 03-3442-7360. (translated by NEDO)

  18. Criteria of transformation of object &apos;'Ukryttya'&apos; in environmentally safe system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Batyij, V.G.; Jegorov, V.V.; Rud'ko, V.M.; Shcherbyin, V.M.


    The analysis of criteria of division of radioactive wastes (RAW) of object &apos;'Ukryttya'&apos; is executed on short-lived and long-lived, and their activity. It is shown that to short-lived RAW underactive belong and insignificant part of me-dium-activity waste. Hundreds of thousands of m3 of RAW on overhead marks belong to long-lived medium-activity wastes. Organization of burial place of such wastes in stable geological structures is an unrealistic task. It is suggested to create the special depository for such RAW, and buried in stable geological structures high-activity wastes only

  19. From the &apos;PCR&apos; function to the &apos;PCR&apos; profession; de la fonction &apos;PCR&apos; au metier &apos;PCR&apos;

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Perrin, L. [CERAP, 91 - Gif sur Yvette (France)


    After having recalled the legal context concerning the appointment and training of a radiation protection expert (PCR for &apos;personne competente en radioprotection&apos;), the author outlines that the PCR&apos;s role has notably evolved: his function is now of primary importance in the company and his activity does not correspond to the legal framework any longer. Moreover, with the application of a European directive, some small establishments possessing ionizing radiation sources are disadvantaged, and the PCR is now facing an increasing number of missions and tasks. The author gives a list of them and assesses a needed time of 146 days per year: this means PCRs cannot have an other activity within their company

  20. The best selled car. &apos;'Twizy'&apos; leads the sales statistics of electrically powered vehicles - a test report; Der Meistverkaufte. Renaults &apos;'Twizy'&apos; fuehrt die E-Mobil-Verkaufsstatistik an - ein Fahrbericht

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Welter, Philippe


    Four wheels, two seats, one steering wheel: What does it require more for a small, electrically powered city car? Nothing, says the manufacturer. Two side windows, that is our opinion. With a maximum speed of 80 kilometers per hour and a range of 100 kilometers, the vehicle is certainly ideal for many applications over short distances in the city. PHOTON now uses the &apos;'Twizy'&apos; for almost a year, and gained consistently good experiences.

  1. The &apos;&apos;rising bubble&apos;&apos; sign: a new aid in the diagnosis of unicameral bone cysts

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jordanov, Martin I. [Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Department of Radiology and Radiological Sciences, Nashville, TN (United States)


    The observation of a bubble of gas at the most non-dependent margin of a lytic bone lesion which has sustained a pathologic fracture implies that the lesion is hollow and can assist the radiologist in making the diagnosis of a unicameral bone cyst. The imaging studies of two patients who sustained pathologic fractures through unicameral bone cysts and exhibited the &apos;&apos;rising bubble&apos;&apos; sign are shown. The sign&apos;s basis, proper utilization, and potential pitfalls are discussed. (orig.)

  2. Maintain levels of nicotine but reduce other smoke constituents: a formula for &apos;'less-hazardous'&apos; cigarettes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Robinson, J.C.; Young, J.C.; Rickert, W.S.


    Twenty-two volunteers who smoked more than 20 cigarettes with &apos;'high'&apos; nicotine yields (0.8 to 1.2 mg) per day participated in an 8-week study designed to test the hypothesis that smoking cigarettes with a constant level of nicotine but reduced deliveries of tar, carbon monoxide, and hydrogen cyanide leads to a decrease in smoke absorption. All subjects smoked their usual high-nicotine brand for the first 3 weeks (P1), and the absorption of smoke constituents was determined from levels of thiocyanate and cotinine in saliva and serum, levels of carbon monoxide in expired air, and levels of carboxyhemoglobin in the blood. During the final 5 weeks (P2), the treatment group (16 subjects) switched to the &apos;'light'&apos; version of their usual brands (similar yields of nicotine but with reduced yields of tar, carbon monoxide, and hydrogen cyanide); the control group (6 subjects) smoked their usual brands for the duration of the study. Average levels of cotinine for the subjects who switched during P2 were not significantly different from those of the control group as was expected. Slight reductions were noted in average expired-air carbon monoxide levels, blood carboxyhemoglobin, and saliva thiocyanate, but these reductions were smaller than anticipated based on brand characteristics. The results suggest that the ratio of smoke constituents is different when individuals, rather than machines, smoke cigarettes. Yields determined under subject-defined conditions are necessary in order to properly evaluate the role of nicotine in the design of &apos;'less-hazardous'&apos; cigarettes.

  3. The &apos;diester partners&apos; want to be movers...; Les &apos;&apos;partenaires diester&apos;&apos; se veulent moteur...

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tourneur, J.C.


    Diester is the French name given to the biofuel (methylic ester) made from vegetal oils (1 t of vegetal oil + 0.1 t of methanol leads to 1 t of diester + 0.1 t of glycerin). The French club of &apos;diester towns&apos; gathers all local authorities of towns that use up to 30% of diester in the diesel fuel of their vehicle fleets (buses, trucks, commercial vehicles). In March 2003, the association has opened to new members, in particular private companies which are diester users and become &apos;diester partners&apos;, in order to sustain the fight against the greenhouse effect. The consumption of 1 t of diester allows to save 2.5 t of CO{sub 2} thanks to the photosynthesis. In other words, a vehicle fueled with 30% of diester and 70% of diesel fuel reduces its greenhouse gas emissions of 23%. (J.S.)

  4. The energy and monetary implications of the &apos;24/7&apos; &apos;always on&apos; society

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Loveday, Dennis L. [Department of Civil and Building Engineering, Loughborough University, Loughborough, Leicestershire LE11 3TU (United Kingdom)], E-mail:; Bhamra, T.; Tang, T. [Department of Design and Technology, Loughborough University, Loughborough, Leicestershire LE11 3TU (United Kingdom); Haines, V.J.A. [Ergonomics and Safety Research Institute (ESRI), Loughborough University, Loughborough, Leicestershire LE11 3TU (United Kingdom); Holmes, M.J. [ARUP, 13, Fitzroy Street, London W1T 4BR (United Kingdom); Green, R.J. [Institute for Energy Research and Policy, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 2TT (United Kingdom)


    This paper reviews the trends in society, technology and energy demand of the past 30 years, together with the growth of the &apos;on-demand&apos; culture. The &apos;24/7&apos; or &apos;always on&apos; society can be defined as one where people demand-and generally receive-what they want &apos;now&apos;. It has grown up in parallel with developments in information technology, which have produced the services needed to meet that demand. Larger numbers of appliances, resulting from greater affluence and disposable income, have increased energy use, despite energy efficiencies in other areas. While monetary factors suggest that changes brought about by the 24/7 society will generally be self-correcting at the macro-economic level, there will nevertheless be effects for individuals, such as potentially severe impacts on the fuel poor as electricity prices rise. We conclude with a view of future directions. As the 24/7 culture continues to grow, there is scope for designers and for information technology to manage and reduce energy consumption. This includes buildings, their services systems, and the mix of new technologies that will be deployed over the next 20 years or so, including the possibilities for data exchange and control at the interface between energy suppliers and consumers, coupled with greater understanding of the behaviour of the consumers themselves.

  5. Review of the study &apos;&apos;Development of the energy markets - energy reference forecast&apos;&apos; from the perspective of brown coal; Bewertung der Studie &apos;&apos;Entwicklung der Energiemaerkte - Energiereferenzprognose&apos;&apos; aus Sicht der Braunkohle

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dyllong, Yvonne [DEBRIV e.V., Koeln (Germany); Maassen, Uwe [Statistik der Kohlenwirtschaft e.V., Koeln (Germany)


    In June 2014 the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) published an expertise prepared by the EWI, GWS and Prognos institutes entitled &apos;&apos;Development of the energy markets - energy reference forecast&apos;&apos;. This study presents probable developments in the energy economy up to the year 2030 (reference forecast) on the assumption of a yet more stringent energy and climate protection policy as well as continuing impediments to its implementation. Complementing the forecast is an outlook up to the year 2050 (scenario of trends). But what do the findings of this expertise say about the future utilization of Germany&apos;s greatest domestic energy resource, namely brown coal? This question is addressed in the following article.

  6. Why Germany&apos;s &apos;Messy&apos; energy transition should be a lesson to other nations

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shepherd, John [nuclear 24, Brighton (United Kingdom)


    Germany&apos;s so-called &apos;&apos;energy transition&apos;&apos; (&apos;'Energiewende'&apos;) is increasingly drawing the intention of the international community - but it seems for all the wrong reasons. US Senator Lamar Alexander said recently that German energy policy is one of the reasons the US should not abandon nuclear, but actually encourage increased investment in nuclear power plants. Alexander&apos;s remarks were made in an article published by the US Nuclear Energy Institute, in which he outlined his reasons why the US should not follow Germany&apos;s lead. Alexander rightly pointed out that the cost of attempting to replace nuclear power with wind, solar, and accompanying infrastructure is estimated by the German government at some 1.2 trillion US dollars (about 1 trillion Euros). The senator also made the point that Germany &apos;&apos;does not produce enough reliable, baseload energy for an important manufacturing economy&apos;&apos;. He also expressed concern at Germany&apos;s reliance on buying natural gas from Russia. While Germany has been forcing the closure of nuclear power plants others, including the oil-rich United Arab Emirates (UAE), have been investing in new nuclear, Alexander said. Judging from Alexander&apos;s remarks, it seems that Germany&apos;s energy transition experience will, after all, have a long-lasting legacy. That legacy will be a valuable lesson to other major industrialised nations in why they should not follow Germany&apos;s lead in abandoning a sensible energy mix, if they wish to maintain and develop economic and industrial productivity while keeping to international commitments to tackle climate change.

  7. THE LONG-LIVED UV &apos;'PLATEAU'&apos; OF SN 2012aw

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bayless, Amanda J.; Roming, Peter W. A. [Southwest Research Institute, Department of Space Science, 6220 Culebra Road, San Antonio, TX 78238 (United States); Pritchard, Tyler A. [Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Penn State University, 525 Davey Lab, University Park, PA 16802 (United States); Kuin, Paul [Mullard Space Science Laboratory, Holmbury St. Mary, Dorking, Surrey RH5 6NT (United Kingdom); Brown, Peter J. [Texas A and M University, Department of Physics and Astronomy, College Station, TX 77843-4242 (United States); Botticella, Maria Teresa; Dall' Ora, Massimo [INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Capodimonte, via Moiariello 16, I-80131 Napoli (Italy); Frey, Lucille H.; Even, Wesley; Fryer, Chris L. [Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM 87545 (United States); Maund, Justyn R.; Fraser, Morgan [Astrophysics Research Center, School of Mathematics and Physics, Queen' s University Belfast, Belfast BT7 1NN (United Kingdom)


    Observations with the Swift UV Optical Telescope have unambiguously uncovered for the first time a long-lived, UV &apos;'plateau'&apos; in a Type II-P supernova (SN). Although this flattening in slope is hinted at in a few other SNe, due to its proximity and minimal line-of-sight extinction, SN 2012aw has afforded the first opportunity to clearly observe this UV plateau. The observations of SN 2012aw revealed all Swift UV and u-band light curves initially declined rapidly, but 27 days after the explosion the light curves flattened. Some possible sources of the UV plateau are the same thermal process that causes the optical plateau, heating from radioactive decay, or a combination of both processes.

  8. Experiences from the exercise &apos;'MERLIN'&apos; for the detection of radioactive substances with the participation of special-purpose vehicles; Erfahrungen aus der Uebung &apos;'MERLIN'&apos; zur Detektion radioaktiver Stoffe unter Beteiligung verschiedenen Einsatzfahrzeuge

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Griesbach, M. [Hessisches Ministerium des Innern und fuer Sport, Wiesbaden (Germany)


    Experiences of an exercise with hazardous goods, in particular with radioactive substances (measurements and taking environmental samples) are described. Several special-purpose vehicles with equipment and specially trained crews were used together with radiation protection experts according to the concept of Hesse. It has been the greatest exercise in Hesse with regard to hazardous goods and in particular with regard to &apos;&apos;incidents with radioactive substances&apos;&apos;. (orig.)

  9. Thirty years ago: &apos;&apos;InterCity 79&apos;&apos; - every hour, every class; Vor 30 Jahren: IC 79 - jede Stunde - jede Klasse

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jaensch, Eberhard


    The &apos;&apos;IC 79&apos;&apos; system, which was introduced thirty years ago, has permanently moulded the shape of long-distance passenger services in Germany (with Deutsche Bundesbahn and later Deutsche Bahn). Since then, top-grade passenger trains have been running regularly every hour on several routes. They provide links with short travel times between the country&apos;s most important towns and cities. &apos;&apos;IC 79&apos;&apos; became the backbone of long-distance rail travel in Germany. The ideas underlying it and the way they were implemented are still considered exemplary today. (orig.)

  10. The implementation of the &apos;&apos;Smart Grid&apos;&apos; - preached but not practised; Die Realisierung des &apos;&apos;Smart Grids&apos;&apos;. In aller Munde, aber nicht in der Umsetzung

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Augenstein, Friedrich [Duale Hochschule Baden-Wuerttemberg, Stuttgart (Germany). Bereich BWL-Dienstleistungsmanagement; Einhellig, Ludwig; Kohl, Ingmar [Deloitte, Muenchen (Germany)


    The development of smart power grids is still in its infancy in Germany, in spite of extensive pilot programmes, competition from foreign power suppliers as well as unanimous opinion among experts that there is no way around them. Although a legal obligations has existed since the beginning of this year to offer &apos;'variable-load'&apos; tariffs, and despite their being desired by the political realm and having been laid down in the Energy Concept of the Federal Government, lack of consumer demand has so far inhibited the development of intelligent grids. But is it really because of the consumer, or is it more due to other parameters that Germany is threatening to lose the race in smart grid technology.

  11. Environmental and safety aspects. The best of &apos;powder handling and processing&apos; 1989 - 1997. &apos;Bulk solids handling&apos; 1992 - 1997 (H/2000)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Woehlbier, R.H. (ed.)


    The book contains articles published either during 1992-1997 in &apos;&apos;bulk solids handling&apos;&apos; or during 1989-1997 in &apos;&apos;powder handling and processing&apos;&apos;. Main topics are aspects of safety and environmental protection in bulk solids handling: dusts, hazardous powders, prevention and mitigation of dust explosions, powdered coal handling, dedusting, filters, electrostatic precipitation, materials recovery, occupational safety.(uke)

  12. Swine deep bedding ashes as a mineral additive for cement based mortar Cinzas de cama sobreposta de suínos como adição mineral em argamassas de cimento

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    Melissa Selaysim Di Campos


    Full Text Available The sustainability of intensive swine production demands alternative destinations for the generated residues. Ashes from swine rice husk-based deep bedding were tested as a mineral addition for cement mortars. The ashes were obtained at 400 to 600ºC, ground and sieved through a 325 mesh sieve (# 0.045 mm. The characterization of the ashes included the determination of the index of pozzolanic activity with lime. The ashes were also tested as partial substitutes of Portland cement. The mortars were prepared using a cement:sand proportion of 1:1.5, and with water/cement ratio of 0.4. Three percentages of mass substitution of the cement were tested: 10, 20 and 30%. Mortar performances were assessed at 7 and 28 days determining their compressive strength. The chosen condition for calcinations at the laboratory scale was related to the maximum temperature of 600ºC since the resulting ashes contained vitreous materials and presented satisfactory values for the pozzolanic index under analysis. The pozzolanic activity indicated promising results for ashes produced at 600ºC as a replacement of up to 30% in cement masses.A sustentabilidade das regiões de produção intensiva de suínos requer destinos alternativos para os resíduos gerados. Cinzas de cama sobreposta de suínos à base casca de arroz, foram testadas como adição mineral em substituição ao cimento. As cinzas foram obtidas nas temperaturas de 400 a 600ºC, moídas e passadas por peneira ABNT 325 (# 0,045 mm. A caracterização de cinzas incluiu a determinação do índice de atividade pozolânica com a cal. As cinzas também foram testadas como substitutos parciais de cimento Portland. As argamassas foram preparadas na proporção cimento:areia de 1:1,5 e com fator água-cimento de 0,4. Três porcentagens de substituição do cimento comercial foram usadas: 10, 20 e 30% em massa. O desempenho das argamassas foi avaliado aos 7 e aos 28 dias com a determinação da resistência

  13. Scientists from all over the world attend the &apos;&apos;Frederic Joliot/Otto Hahn Summer School 2009&apos;&apos; at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT); Wissenschaftler aus aller Welt bei der &apos;&apos;Frederic Joliot/Otto Hahn Summer School 2009&apos;&apos; am Karlsruhe Institute of Technologie (KIT)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sanchez Espinoza, Victor Hugo; Fischer, Ulrich [Karlsruhe Inst. of Tech. (KIT), Campus Nord/Inst. for Neutron Physics and Reactor Tech. (INR), Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen (Germany)


    The &apos;&apos;Frederic Joliot/Otto Hahn Summer School&apos;&apos; is organized each year alternately by the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and the Commissariat a l&apos;Energie Atomique (CEA), Cadarache. This year&apos;s Summer School, the 15th since its foundation, was run at the Advanced Training Center (FTU) of KIT Campus Nord on August 26 to September 4. The key topic this year was &apos;&apos;The Challenges in Implementing Fast Reactor Technology.&apos;&apos; These are the items discussed: Principles and challenges of future fast reactor designs, Fuels, fuel cycle, and recycling of minor actinides, Innovative cladding tube and structural materials, Special aspects of coolants and the challenges they pose, Fast reactor safety. Experts from 8 leading international research establishments and universities presented and discussed with the 58 participants from 16 countries the current state of the art and the latest development trends in the topics listed above. (orig.)

  14. Entre o “massismo” e o “militarismo”: embates teóricos da luta armada em Fernando Andrade e Jamil Rodrigues DOI10.5216/o.v14i1.28997 Rodrigo Pezzonia

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    Rodrigo Pezzonia


    Full Text Available Em um momento histórico no qual uma “nova esquerda” se afastava cada vez mais da teoria para se dedicar à prática revolucionária, dois jovens intelectuais brasileiros com passagens pela organização armada Vanguarda Popular Revolucionária (VPR produziram documentos e debatiam a chamada Revolu- ção Brasileira. Este artigo objetiva melhor entender os embates entre dois dos principais teóricos da guerrilha nacional após o golpe civil-militar de 1964. São eles: Ladislau Dowbor e João Quartim de Moraes, ou, como conhecidos em muitos dos seus textos à época, Jamil Rodrigues e Fernando Andrade.

  15. Los inicios de la enseñanza de las lenguas para fines específicos en el Real Colegio de Cirugía de la Armada de Cádiz

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    Manuel Botella Rodríguez


    Full Text Available En 1748 se funda en Cádiz (España el Real Colegio de Cirugía de la Armada. Uno de los legados más importantes que se conservan de aquella fundación es su valioso catálogo bibliográfico humanístico y científico. Hemos analizado diccionarios y manuales de gramática destinados al aprendizaje de lenguas extranjeras (fundamentalmente francés e inglés con el fin de llevar a cabo un estudio y recrear lo que pudo ser el método de adquisición de lenguas durante los siglos XVIII y XIX y encontrar un posible embrión del aprendizaje de lenguas para fines específicos en la Universidad de Cádiz.

  16. &apos;&apos;Camouflage line&apos;&apos; for 380 kV; Erfahrungen mit einer 380-kV-&apos;'Tarnleitung'&apos;

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Egger, H. [FAS Berndorf GmbH and Co. KG, Berndorf (Austria); Lugschitz, H. [Verbund-Austrian Power Grid GmbH, Wien (Austria)


    Overhead transmission lines are under increased public discussion. One method to minimize their influence on the environment and therefore to increase their acceptance is to camouflage lines by coating their components. Towers, conductors and fittings of a line which was erected recently in the Austrian Alps are coated in dark green colour to make the structure less visible against the background. For further reduction of visibility the line is constructed as compact line. The smaller tower size was achieved by use of short insulator strings and by oversized conductors with special advantageous mechanical properties. This paper explains the consideration which led to the configuration as compact line and for the decision to coate the complete line. It also presents long term experience with in-factory-coating of towers. Factory-coated supports were introduced 1982 in the company&apos;s network, first with the main goal to ease maintenance and second to reduce impacts on the environment. The first complete &apos;camouflage line&apos; (coloured supports and coloured conductors) in the Austrian grid was set into operation end of the year 1995. (orig.) [German] Freileitungen stehen unter zunehmender oeffentlicher Diskussion. Eine der Methoden, ihren Einfluss auf die Umwelt zu reduzieren und damit ihre Akzeptanz zu erhoehen, ist, die Tarnung von Leitungen durch Faerbung ihrer Komponenten. Maste, Leiter, Erdseile und Armaturen einer in den Oesterreichischen Alpen errichtenden Leitungen wurden in dunkelgruener Farbe beschichtet, um die Anlage gegenueber dem Hintergrund geringer sichtbar zu machen. Zur weiteren Reduktion der Sichtbarkeit ist die Leitung als &apos;Kompaktleitung&apos; ausgefuehrt. Die geringeren Mastabmessungen wurden durch die Verwendung von kuerzeren Isolatorenketten und Leiterseilen mit besonders vorteilhaften mechanischen Eigenschaften erreicht. Die Verfasser erklaeren die Ueberlegungen, die zu der Ausfuehrung als Kompaktleitung und zur Beschichtung der

  17. Electrolyzed-water generator &apos;SaniBoy&apos;; Eisei jokinsuik kyokyu sochi &apos;SaniBoy&apos;

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Inoue, M.; Kakiuchi, H.; Muto, K. [Fuji Electric Co. Ltd., Tokyo (Japan)


    In the food industry, injuries due to food poisoning have been increasing. Especially the mass outbreak of food poisoning by Escherichia coli such as O-157 in 1996 gave warning on the importance of food sanitation management. Public efforts such as the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) system have been made to prevent food poisoning. Recently, disinfection made by electrolyzing water with some salt added has attracted attention. Fuji Electric has developed the generator &apos;SaniBoy&apos; that produces weak alkaline electrolyzed water without wasting water. The environment-friendly &apos;SaniBoy&apos; will contribute to sanitation in various fields. (author)

  18. Short circuit - How our power supply became more expensive and got worse. A critical balance after eight years &apos;'deregulation'&apos; of the German Energy Economy; Kurzschluss - Wie unsere Stromversorgung teurer und schlechter wurde. Eine kritische Bilanz nach acht Jahren &apos;'Liberalisierung'&apos; der deutschen Energiewirtschaft

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Leuschner, U.


    Since 16 years the author, a journalist, pursues the economical and political development of the German power economy. Many facts of this book prove: the impacting consequences as the clear scarcity of 1998 introduced deregulation, which has permitted 8 years long the discrimination of competitors and enabled in this way an exampleless concentration of market might (pt. 1); how supply reliability became worse and power and gas got more and more expensive (pt. 2); the complete insufficient practice of cartel agreements which is exchanged by administrative grid charges respectively &apos;&apos;incentive regulation&apos;&apos; (pt. 3); the relation between management and policy which has become still more distantless than in the epoche of membership books (pt. 4); the development of the German power economy from the beginning in the 19th century to the deregulation incl. the reorganization on the area of the former German Democratic republic. (GL) [German] Im ersten Teil des Buches (&apos;&apos;Stromwirtschaft im Umbruch&apos;&apos;) befasst sich Leuschner nun noch eingehender mit den politischen Hintergruenden der verfehlten Deregulierung. Er stellt fest, dass es die letzte Regierung unter Helmut Kohl war, die von Anfang an die Weichen falsch gestellt hat. Die Hauptverantwortung fuer die Nichtkorrektur des Fehlers und den fortgesetzten &apos;&apos;Schmusekurs mit den Konzernen&apos;&apos; sieht er aber bei den beiden folgenden rot-gruenen Bundesregierungen. Er verdeutlicht ferner, dass die erhoehten Belastungen durch Stromsteuer, EEG und KWK-Gesetz keine hinreichende Begruendung fuer den Strompreisanstieg liefern. Wo nicht minder wichtige Faktoren fuer den Preisanstieg liegen, veranschaulicht er im Kapitel ueber die &apos;&apos;Preisveredelung an der EEX&apos;&apos;. Im zweiten Teil, der die technischen Hintergruende und Risiken der Deregulierung behandelt, findet man jetzt auch ausfuehrlich die europaweite Netzstoerung beschrieben, die EON am 4. November 2006

  19. The United States and international climate cooperation: International &apos;pull&apos; versus domestic &apos;push&apos;

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bang, Guri [Center for International Climate and Environmental Research, Oslo (Norway); Froyn, Camilla Bretteville [Center for International Climate and Environmental Research, Oslo (Norway); Hovi, Jon [Center for International Climate and Environmental Research, Oslo (Norway) and Department of Political Science, University of Oslo, P.O. Box 1097, 0317 Oslo (Norway)]. E-mail:; Menz, Fredric C. [Center for International Climate and Environmental Research, Oslo (Norway); School of Business, Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY 13699 (United States)


    The US government is being pressured by both international and domestic influences to re-engage in international climate control. This paper considers whether the international &apos;pull&apos; and the domestic &apos;push&apos; will be strong enough to accomplish this. First, we discuss whether changes in the architecture of the current climate regime might induce the United States to re-engage at the international level. We argue that the United States is unlikely to rejoin any global climate regime that is based on the Kyoto architecture, even if Kyoto were to be &apos;reformed&apos;. Second, we discuss whether domestic political developments might eventually cause the United States to re-engage. We conclude that US re-engagement is likely to require the emergence of a new climate regime that basically extends US regulation to other countries. However, the forging of a unified US climate policy is still in the making. Furthermore, a new regime can gain widespread participation only if the Kyoto countries accept the idea of replacing Kyoto with some alternative architecture, which seems unlikely in the near future.

  20. Accidents, &apos;black swans&apos; and risks

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Luxat, J.C. [McMaster Univ., Dept. of Engineering Physics, Hamilton, Ontario (Canada)


    Major accidents and natural disasters with severe consequences have occurred in all sectors of industrial activity with relatively high frequency. The severe consequences of concern involve either significant loss of life or major economic loss, or both loss of life and economic loss. Such events have the last two years been referred to as &apos;black swan&apos; events following publication of Taleb&apos;s bestselling book. These events demonstrate limits to PRA application that arise from the underlying high uncertainty associated with the estimation of frequency of occurrence of such events. An approach is proposed in this paper that, consistent with the concept of defense in depth employed by the nuclear industry, augments probabilistic risk assessment with a methodology based upon &apos;threat - risk assessment&apos;. This approach shifts these very low frequency high consequence &apos;black swan&apos; events out of the probabilistic risk assessment domain into a deterministic emergency response assessment domain. (author)

  1. Bookshelf (&apos;&apos;Neutrons, Nuclei and Matter&apos;&apos;, by J. Byrne)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hansen, P.G.


    Time was when a neophyte wanting to do experiments with neutrons would be told first to read D.J. Hughes&apos; classic &apos;&apos;Pile Neutron Research&apos;&apos; (1952). The book by J. Byrne is in many respects a modern equivalent, although if you were to send your student away with it, you will risk not seeing him or her again for a considerable time. What is immediately striking is that the book, rich in information and quite long, is cross-disciplinary and touches essentially all the main areas of modern physics. It covers parts of particle physics, such as the internal structure of the neutron, time-reversal violation as revealed by the (still hypothetical) electric dipole moment of the neutron, and the coupling constants for the weak interaction. From the field of basic quantum physics there are chapters on neutron optics, wave phenomena with neutrons and on the applications of these in solid-state physics. Other chapters again delve deeply into nuclear structure, nuclear reaction theory, as well as their applications: nuclear reactors and nuclear energy. At a time with specialization rampant and many physicists tending to believe that venturing outside their own cloisters is uninteresting and even dangerous, it is a pleasure to come across a book that is basically just about physics. J. Byrne of Sussex has for long been active in neutron research at the British-French-German Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL) research reactor in Grenoble, where he has worked on subjects such as weak interactions and fundamental symmetries. He has clearly intended &apos;&apos;Neutrons, Nuclei and Matter&apos;&apos; as a vade-mecum that will allow the practitioner to find the necessary information and formulas. But I believe that many others not directly engaged in neutron research will gain new insight from its many examples. To take just one case, I had not been aware of the simple physical principles that permit cold neutrons to be stored in a bottle. (The main point is that a

  2. On the universality of the &apos;'smile'&apos;-gap in the density of states of a chaotic Josephson junction

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Reutlinger, Johannes; Belzig, Wolfgang [University of Konstanz, Department of Physics (Germany); Nazarov, Yuli [Kavli Institute of Nanoscience Delft, Delft University of Technology, Delft (Netherlands); Glazman, Leonid [Department of Physics, Yale University, New Haven, CT (United States)


    The superconducting proximity effect strongly modifies the local density of states in chaotic Josephson junctions. Recently we found that besides the well-known minigap a secondary gap appears just below the superconducting gap edge Δ in the limit of a large Thouless energy E{sub Th} >or similar Δ. To check the universality of this novel gap phenomenon we study the effect of nonideal contacts and show that the &apos;'smile'&apos;-gap crucially depends on the transmission eigenvalue distribution. In a next step we use the random matrix method to investigate the &apos;'smile'&apos;-gap. This allows us to approach the statistics of Andreev levels, going beyond the quasiclassical Greens function method. It turns out that the hard gap edge softens similar to what is already known from the minigap.

  3. &apos;&apos;Confession statement against the nuclear nation&apos;&apos;. The protestant church in Germany and the conflicts concerning nuclear energy 1970 - 1990; &apos;&apos;Bekennen gegen den Atomstaat&apos;&apos;. Die evangelischen Kirchen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und die Konflikte um die Atomenergie 1970-1990

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schuering, Michael [Florida Univ., Gainesville, FL (United States)


    The book on &apos;&apos;Confession statement against the nuclear nation&apos;&apos; discusses the conflicts of the protestant church in Germany concerning nuclear energy in 1970 - 1990. The introduction covers the state of research and the historical sources. The following chapters discuss the issues philosophic-ideological fundamentals: atomic energy and theology, the political church, the new protest culture and comparative perspectives: the catholic perspective, Three Mile Island&apos;s shadow.

  4. EAGLE: &apos;EAGLE&apos;Is an&apos; Algorithmic Graph Library for Exploration

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    The Resource Description Framework (RDF) and SPARQL Protocol and RDF Query Language (SPARQL) were introduced about a decade ago to enable flexible schema-free data interchange on the Semantic Web. Today data scientists use the framework as a scalable graph representation for integrating, querying, exploring and analyzing data sets hosted at different sources. With increasing adoption, the need for graph mining capabilities for the Semantic Web has emerged. Today there is no tools to conduct "graph mining" on RDF standard data sets. We address that need through implementation of popular iterative Graph Mining algorithms (Triangle count, Connected component analysis, degree distribution, diversity degree, PageRank, etc.). We implement these algorithms as SPARQL queries, wrapped within Python scripts and call our software tool as EAGLE. In RDF style, EAGLE stands for "EAGLE &apos;Is an&apos; algorithmic graph library for exploration. EAGLE is like &apos;MATLAB&apos; for &apos;Linked Data.&apos;

  5. Utilização do planejamento experimental na incorporação do resíduo da indústria cerâmica em argamassas para obtenção da capacidade de retenção de água Use of the experimental design in the incorporation of the ceramic waste in mortars for obtaining water retention capacity

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A. V. Bahiense


    Full Text Available O município de Campos dos Goytacazes, RJ, possui um pólo cerâmico com mais de 100 indústrias cerâmicas e uma produção mensal estimada de 90 milhões de peças compreendidas entre lajotas, blocos e telhas. Muitos desses artefatos acabam gerando resíduos e impactos ambientais na região devido às falhas no processo produtivo e logístico das indústrias. Este trabalho propõe a incorporação do resíduo cerâmico em argamassas, avaliando as diversas proporções dos constituintes por meio do planejamento de experimentos em rede simplex buscando soluções técnicas, sem o tradicional empirismo existente na indústria, com o objetivo de alcançar um desempenho satisfatório da propriedade analisada, capacidade de retenção de água e, sem dúvida, favorecendo o desenvolvimento sustentável. O procedimento experimental foi baseado nas normas ABNT 13276, 13277 e 13281. A partir destes ensaios foram tomados dez pontos experimentais cujos teores máximos de cimento, areia e resíduo cerâmico são 20, 80 e 20% em massa, respectivamente, que delimitou a superfície de resposta para as argamassas de índice de consistência 265±30 mm. Este índice mostrou-se mais próximo da aplicação real para o modelo estatístico, porém, pouco acima do valor normalizado. O modelo em rede simplex cúbico especial mostrou melhor ajuste aos resultados experimentais, estimando respostas estatisticamente mais adequadas para as misturas. A superfície de resposta gerada apresentou capacidade de retenção de água da argamassa de 88 a 94,5%, classificando-a como normal e alta, segundo a norma ABNT 13281. Mesmo com valor superior ao índice de consistência padrão (valor acima do estabelecido por norma conseguiu-se uma capacidade de retenção padronizada com adição de resíduo na argamassa.The district of the Campos dos Goytacazes, RJ, Brazil, has a ceramic pole with more than 100 ceramic industries, with a 90 million monthly production (brick masonry

  6. ApoE4-specific Misfolded Intermediate Identified by Molecular Dynamics Simulations.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Benfeard Williams


    Full Text Available The increased risk of developing Alzheimer's disease (AD is associated with the APOE gene, which encodes for three variants of Apolipoprotein E, namely E2, E3, E4, differing only by two amino acids at positions 112 and 158. ApoE4 is known to be the strongest risk factor for AD onset, while ApoE3 and ApoE2 are considered to be the AD-neutral and AD-protective isoforms, respectively. It has been hypothesized that the ApoE isoforms may contribute to the development of AD by modifying the homeostasis of ApoE physiological partners and AD-related proteins in an isoform-specific fashion. Here we find that, despite the high sequence similarity among the three ApoE variants, only ApoE4 exhibits a misfolded intermediate state characterized by isoform-specific domain-domain interactions in molecular dynamics simulations. The existence of an ApoE4-specific intermediate state can contribute to the onset of AD by altering multiple cellular pathways involved in ApoE-dependent lipid transport efficiency or in AD-related protein aggregation and clearance. We present what we believe to be the first structural model of an ApoE4 misfolded intermediate state, which may serve to elucidate the molecular mechanism underlying the role of ApoE4 in AD pathogenesis. The knowledge of the structure for the ApoE4 folding intermediate provides a new platform for the rational design of alternative therapeutic strategies to fight AD.

  7. Technology centre &apos;&apos;aspern IQ&apos;&apos;. Office buildings in the plus-energy building as a benchmark for future projects; Technologiezentrum &apos;&apos;aspern IQ&apos;&apos;. Buerohaus im Plus-Energie-Standard als Benchmark fuer kuenftige Projekte

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Achammer, Hannes [ATP Wien (Austria); IWP Liebhartstal II, Wien (Austria); Technologiezentrum aspern IQ, Wien (Austria)


    With 240 hectares per 20,000 residents and working people the future seaside town Aspern is one of the largest urban development projects in Europe and the largest in Vienna (Austria). At the end of August 2012, the component 1 of the technology centre &apos;&apos;aspern IQ&apos;&apos; of the Vienna Business Agency has been completed at the first construction site. This first building construction was designed in the plus-energy standard. As a flagship project it exemplary shall be adapted to the local resource supply, provide the highest possible user experience and meet the requirements of sustainability.

  8. Metrology for the radiological early warning system in Europe. The &apos;'MetroERM'&apos; project; Metrologie fuer die radiologischen Fruehwarnsysteme in Europa. Das &apos;'MetroERM'&apos;-Projekt

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Neumaier, Stefan; Dombrowski, Harald [Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Braunschweig (Germany)


    In the European radiological early warning system about 5500 stationary sensors are actually implemented that measure continuously the local dose rate. Alongside several hundred air dust collecting systems attribute to the measurement of airborne radioactivity. The local dose rates are transmitted hourly to a central data base that is operated on behalf of the EU commission. In significantly larger time intervals the measured data of the airborne radioactivity are transmitted. In case of a cross-border radiological accident these data are the basis for recommendations given by the EU commission to the member states for national counter measures. The focus of the project &apos;&apos;Metrology for radiological early warning networks in Europe&apos;&apos; is an improvement of the metrological quality and harmonization these data and the development of improved measuring systems and evaluation methods.

  9. Developmental coxa vara associated with spondylometaphyseal dysplasia (DCV/SMD): &apos;&apos;SMD-Corner Fracture Type&apos;&apos; (DCV/SMD-CF) demonstrated in most reported cases

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Currarino, G. [Texas Univ., Dallas, TX (United States). Dept. of Radiology; Department of Radiology, Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children, 2222 Welborn Street, Dallas, TX 75219 (United States); Birch, J.G.; Herring, J.A. [Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children, Dallas, TX (United States)


    Background. This paper reports three children with short stature: developmental coxa vara unilateral in the first case and bilateral in the other two; somewhat squared and &apos;'ovoid'&apos; vertebral bodies in the first patient, and normal to slightly tall vertebral bodies in the third; metaphyseal changes in some long tubular bones including bone fragments similar to the corner fractures seen in child abuse in all three patients. Materials and methods. The first and second patients were sisters; their mother, also quite short, had surgical procedures in early life for bilateral &apos;&apos;coxa vara&apos;&apos;; their brother, also of short stature, had bilateral coxa valga with otherwise normal femoral heads and necks, and mild metaphyseal changes associated with two minute &apos;&apos;corner fractures&apos;&apos; in the proximal metaphysis of the left tibia. Results. A review of reported cases of developmental coxa vara associated with spondylometaphyseal dysplasia revealed that simulated corner fractures were present in most instances. (orig.)

  10. Active pollution reduction in the &apos;off-road&apos; sector. Proceedings; Aktive Schadstoffminderung im &apos;Off-road&apos; Bereich. Tagungsband

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The state of the art and trends in off-gas purification and filters were gone into. The focus was on technical aspects, performance information and cost of diesel engines with high-efficiency exhaust purification systems as well as on sulfur-free fuels. [German] Mit der Tagung &apos;Aktive Schadstoffminderung im &apos;'Off-road'&apos; Bereich&apos; bieten wir eine besondere Gelegenheit zur Information und Auseinandersetzung mit dem derzeitigen Stand und den Entwicklungsperspektiven der Abgasreinigung und Filtertechnik bei Neubeschaffungen und in der Nachruestung. Gerade in staedtischen Ballungsgebieten, aber auch in geschlossenen Raeumen und Produktionshallen sind die Reduzierung der lokalen Emissionen und Vermeidung von Geruchsbelaestigungen unabdingbar. Im Mittelpunkt stehen Technik, Betriebserfahrungen und Kosten von Dieselmotoren mit hocheffizienter Abgasreinigung sowie schwefelfreie Kraftstoffe. (orig.)

  11. Proliferation Resistance and Safeguards by Design: The Safeguardability Assessment Tool Provided by the INPRO Collaborative Project &apos;'INPRO'&apos; (Proliferation Resistance and Safeguardability Assessment)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Haas, E.; Chang, H.-L.; Phillips, J.R.; Listner, C.


    Since the INPRO Collaborative Project on Proliferation Resistance and Safeguardability Assessment Tools (PROSA) was launched in 2011, Member State experts have worked with the INPRO Section and the IAEA Department of Safeguards to develop a revised methodology for self-assessment of sustainability in the area of proliferation resistance of a nuclear energy system (NES). With the common understanding that there is &apos;&apos;no proliferation resistance without safeguards&apos;&apos; the revised approach emphasizes the evaluation of a new &apos;User Requirement&apos; for &apos;'safeguardability'&apos;, that combines metrics of effective and efficient implementation of IAEA Safeguards including &apos;'Safeguards-by-Design'&apos; principles. The assessment with safeguardability as the key issue has been devised as a linear process evaluating the NES against a &apos;&apos;Basic Principle&apos;&apos; in the area of proliferation resistance, answering fundamental questions related to safeguards: 1) Do a State&apos;s legal commitments, policies and practices provide credible assurance of the exclusively peaceful use of the NES, including a legal basis for verification activities by the IAEA? 2) Does design and operation of the NES facilitate the effective and efficient implementation of IAEA safeguards? To answer those questions, a questionnaire approach has been developed that clearly identifies gaps and weaknesses. Gaps include prospects for improvements and needs for research and development. In this context, the PROSA approach assesses the safeguardability of a NES using a layered &apos;&apos;Evaluation Questionnaire&apos;&apos; that defines Evaluation Parameters (EP), EP-related questions, Illustrative Tests and Screening Questions to present and structure the evidence of findings. An integral part of the assessment process is Safeguards-by-Design, the identification of potential diversion, misuse and concealment strategies (coarse diversion path

  12. The &apos;&apos;smart consumer&apos;&apos;. Consequences and future challenges from the modified customer role for the established energy supplier; Der &apos;&apos;smarte Verbraucher&apos;&apos;. Konsequenzen und kuenftige Herausforderungen aus der veraenderten Kundenrolle fuer die etablierten Energieversorger

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hense, Andreas [Capgemini Consulting, Koeln (Germany)


    Growing decentral generation, digitalization of the whole utilities sector and smart technologies are changing the role fo the &apos;'utilities'&apos; customers. From pure end consumers they will more and more shift to energy-conscious, demanding market players acting as well as producers of energy. This breaks the traditional value chain. In order to participate on the business chances of this development utilities have to build up new, innovative business models around the smart customer. Sustainable success of these approaches depends on some key requirements. (orig.)

  13. IMA status seminar &apos;biotic damaging factors/epidemiology&apos;. Summaries. IMA-Statusseminar &apos;Biotische Schadfaktoren/Epidemiologie&apos;. Kurzberichte

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Stuettgen, E. (ed.)


    This workshop is concerned primarily with the effects of biotic factors on forest decline. The possible involvement of viruses, mycoplasma-like organisms (MLO), rickettsia-like bacteria (RLB), fungi, insects and nematodes in diseases and pests of forest trees has to be investigated. Beside abiotic factors these agents are the cause of different die-back symptoms and damage of trees, but it is not yet known to what extent they contribute to the symptoms man associate with the forest decline &apos;'Waldsterben'&apos;.

  14. Probing the existence of the kaonic nuclear cluster &apos;&apos;ppK{sup -}&apos;&apos; with help of a PWA

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Epple, Eliane [Physik Dept. E12, Technische Universitaet Muenchen, Garching (Germany); Excellence Cluster ' ' Universe' ' , TEM, Garching (Germany); Collaboration: HADES-Collaboration


    The &apos;&apos;ppK{sup -}&apos;&apos; is a well established state in theory and is a candidate for a new kind of hadronic matter formed by antikaons and nucleons. The HADES spectrometer at GSI has probed the existence of such a state by measuring its possible decay products p and Λ. These decay products have been studied specifically in the reaction p+p → p+K{sup +}+Λ at a beam kinetic energy of 3.5 GeV. A partial wave analysis, performed on this final state, helped in describing the event distributions, which is a necessary condition to search for an additional small signal in the statistic. We have found no indication for the production of a kaonic nuclear bound state in our data and have, thus, set an upper limit for its production cross section. Furthermore, did we repeat the analysis of the DISTO collaboration in which a signal like distribution appeared in so-called deviation spectra. We can show that this method is error-prone in terms of the applied selection cuts and is, thus, not reliable in order to make statements about the &apos;&apos;ppK{sup -}&apos;&apos;.

  15. Porosity. &apos;&apos;The good, the bad and ugly&apos;&apos; of Radiographic Testing

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vaughan, Hugo


    &apos;&apos;Radiographic Testing is a NDT method to detect inherent volumetric discontinuities in materials such as castings and welds&apos;&apos; A common type of discontinuity found and most often misinterpreted and evaluated is rounded indications, whether isolated, aligned or clustered. This paper addresses the acceptance criteria of rounded indications based on various codes and standards and intends to lay at rest the confusion related to this type of discontinuity. The following are important considerations: 1. Interpretation of rounded indications based on codes and standards used in the various sectors of NDT. 2. What types of discontinuities can be regarded as rounded indications? 3. What discontinuity sizes can be regarded as relevant discontinuities? 4. What are the acceptance and rejection criteria for relevant rounded indications 5. Compiling relevant student assignments to facilitate the proper understanding of this aspect.

  16. &apos;&apos;Wie alles sich zum Ganzen webt&apos;&apos;: on a new orientation for the concept of matter, based on relations between quantum physics and cosmology

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Goernitz, T. [Inst. fuer Didaktik der Physik, J.W.Goethe-Univ., Frankfurt/Main (Germany)


    It is common sense between physicists that in the beginning the cosmos is in a narrow relationship to quantum phenomena. Because of the universal validity of quantum theory this relation remains significant in the whole cosmic evolution. Whereas a classical approach is sufficient for the description of many phenomena it is no more useful at last for the case of the ground state of a system. This holds also for the cosmos. The black holes are that part of physics where quantum theory and gravitational theory come into close contact. There a Gedankenexperiment becomes possible that clarifies the fundamental role of abstract quantum information. We give it a new name (Protyposis) because it must be imagined without emitter, receiver and moreover without any concrete meaning. This meaning-free abstract quantum information is defined by means of black holes and cosmology. Protyposis enables a new conception for &apos;'matter'&apos; and makes possible to overcome the problems of the &apos;'Lego-world-view'&apos;, which result from the attempt to find the &apos;&apos;simple and therefore basic concepts&apos;&apos; in the range of spatial smallness. Matter can be understood now as &apos;&apos;formed and condensed quantum information&apos;&apos;. But on a first view it is nothing to see from its character of being information, as like matter does not appear as &apos;&apos;pure motion&apos;&apos;, what it is also because of E=mc{sup 2}. (orig.)

  17. &apos;'VaneCAM'&apos; - the third generation of camshaft adjustment systems; &apos;'VaneCAM'&apos; - Nockenwellenversteller der dritten Generation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Knecht, A. [Hydraulik-Ring GmbH, Nuertingen (Germany). Entwicklung Motorentechnik; Stephan, W. [Hydraulik-Ring GmbH, Nuertingen (Germany); Hannibal, W. [Fachhochschule Suedwestfalen, Iserlohn (Germany). Labor fuer Konstruktion und CAE-Anwendungen


    Continuously variable camphasers are now well established for modern spark-ignition engines in high-volume production. With the latest generation of camshaft adjustment systems using the vane-type actuator principle, it is possible to move rapidly and reliably through a large adjustment angle. The layout of these adjusting systems is very simple. The production costs are low in comparison to the first generation of camphasers using spur/helical gears to vary the valve timing. The new-generation systems are mechatronic, with the function depending on the coordination and tuning of hydraulic actuation and engine electronics. The term &apos;VaneCAM&apos; is used for the continuously variable systems of this new generation supplied by Hydraulik-Ring in Nuertingen, Germany. (orig.) [German] Stufenlos wirkende Nockenwellenversteller haben sich an modernen Ottomotoren in den letzten Jahren in der Grossserie etabliert. Mit der neuesten Generation von Nockenwellenverstellern, die nach dem Schwenkmotor-Prinzip aufgebaut sind, lassen sich grosse Verdrehwinkel sehr schnell und betriebssicher verstellen. Der Aufbau dieser Versteller ist einfach, und die Herstellkosten sind gering im Vergleich zur ersten Generation von Verstellern. Bei den Systemen der neuen Generation handelt es sich um mechatronische Systeme, deren Funktion von dem Zusammenspiel und der Abstimmung von hydraulischer Ansteuerung und Motorelektronik abhaengt. Mit dem Begriff &apos;VaneCAM&apos; werden die stufenlos wirkenden Systeme dieser neuen Generation von Hydraulik-Ring aus Nuertingen bezeichnet. (orig.)

  18. Conference-debate &apos;When nuclear science provides health care&apos; - Proceedings; conference debat &apos;Quand le nucleaire soigne&apos; - Recueil des presentations

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    At the occasion of the 2. issue of the &apos;Industry week, the &apos;French society of nuclear energy (SFEN) young generation&apos; and the &apos;Women in Nuclear (WIN)&apos; associations have organised in partnership with Nucleopolis and the Cherbourg-Normandie Techno-pole, a conference day on the topic &apos;why and how nuclear energy is used for cancer therapy&apos;. Professors Jacques Foos, Jean Datchary and Denis Agostini were invited to treat this question. This document is the compilation of their 3 presentations: 1 - The discovery, principle and medical applications of radioactivity (J. Foos, CNAM); 2 - Cancer diagnosis and therapy with nuclear medicine (D. Agostini, CHU Caen); 3 - From diagnosis to therapy: the various radiotherapy methods (J. Datchary)

  19. Sustainable Agriculture: enhancing the &apos;neem cake&apos;

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mariani, Susanna


    The &apos;neem cake&apos; is the scrap processing of the industrial chain producing neem oil and azadirachtin. The ENEA Technical Unit Environment and Sustainable Development Innovation the Agro-Industrial System, developed a promising experiment to promote the use of &apos;neem cake&apos; as an insecticide, and fertilizer of low cost in sustainable agriculture. [it

  20. Parents&apos; Views of Schools&apos; Involvement Efforts (United States)

    Rodriguez, Raymond J.; Blatz, Erin T.; Elbaum, Batya


    Individual and focus group interviews were conducted with 96 parents of students with disabilities in 18 schools to explore parents&apos; views of schools&apos; efforts to engage them in their child&apos;s education. A mixed-methods approach was used to identify and evaluate the relative importance of eight themes related to schools&apos; efforts…

  1. Fundamental limitations on &apos;warp drive&apos; spacetimes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lobo, Francisco S N [Centro de Astronomia e AstrofIsica da Universidade de Lisboa, Campo Grande, Ed. C8 1749-016 Lisbon (Portugal); Visser, Matt [School of Mathematical and Computing Sciences, Victoria University of Wellington, PO Box 600, Wellington (New Zealand)


    &apos;Warp drive&apos; spacetimes are useful as &apos;gedanken-experiments&apos; that force us to confront the foundations of general relativity, and among other things, to precisely formulate the notion of &apos;superluminal&apos; communication. After carefully formulating the Alcubierre and Natario warp drive spacetimes, and verifying their non-perturbative violation of the classical energy conditions, we consider a more modest question and apply linearized gravity to the weak-field warp drive, testing the energy conditions to first and second orders of the warp-bubble velocity, v. Since we take the warp-bubble velocity to be non-relativistic, v << c, we are not primarily interested in the &apos;superluminal&apos; features of the warp drive. Instead we focus on a secondary feature of the warp drive that has not previously been remarked upon-the warp drive (if it could be built) would be an example of a &apos;reaction-less drive&apos;. For both the Alcubierre and Natario warp drives we find that the occurrence of significant energy condition violations is not just a high-speed effect, but that the violations persist even at arbitrarily low speeds. A particularly interesting feature of this construction is that it is now meaningful to think of placing a finite mass spaceship at the centre of the warp bubble, and then see how the energy in the warp field compares with the mass-energy of the spaceship. There is no hope of doing this in Alcubierre&apos;s original version of the warp field, since by definition the point at the centre of the warp bubble moves on a geodesic and is &apos;massless&apos;. That is, in Alcubierre&apos;s original formalism and in the Natario formalism the spaceship is always treated as a test particle, while in the linearized theory we can treat the spaceship as a finite mass object. For both the Alcubierre and Natario warp drives we find that even at low speeds the net (negative) energy stored in the warp fields must be a significant fraction

  2. Reconstruction of surface morphology from coherent scattering of &apos;'white'&apos; synchrotron radiation in hard X-ray regime

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sant, Tushar


    Energy Dispersive Reflectometry (EDR) beamline at BESSY II provides &apos;'white'&apos; X-rays in the useful energy range of 5apos;'trivial'&apos; samples to determine the so called apparatus function. In addition I measured coherent reflectivity maps from thin film of highly scattering material of Pt with high atom number, Z=78 and patterned semiconducting surface like a GaAs surface grating which provides a certain periodicity in the measured scattering intensity. Finally I measured the surface speckles from a spatially confined Si wafer under the constraint that the size of the sample is smaller than the footprint of the incoming beam at the sample position. To reconstruct surface morphology from coherent reflectivity data is a typical inverse problem. Conventional phase retrieval algorithms like Gerchberg-Saxton (GS) algorithm, error reduction (ER) algorithm, hybrid input-output (HIO) algorithm are used in earlier work by other authors. I modified the conventional GS algorithm and ER algorithm which takes into account the additional Fresnel propagator term and also the illumination function at the sample position. I tested the modified algorithm successfully for a model surface in the form of a surface grating. I used the modified algorithm to reconstruct surface morphology from various static speckle measurements I performed at EDR beamline. The surface profiles reconstructed for different samples from the data at different energies (below the critical energy for the material at a particular incident angle) show almost the same roughness behavior for surface height with mean roughness of {proportional_to}1 nm. With the static speckle data I measured I could retrieve a one-dimensional picture of the sample surface with spatial

  3. &apos;&apos;After the Genome 5 Conference&apos;&apos; to be held October 6-10, 1999 in Jackson Hole, Wyoming

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Roger Brent


    OAK B139 The postgenomic era is arriving faster than anyone had imagined--sometime during 2000 we&apos;ll have a large fraction of the human genome sequence. Heretofore, our understanding of function has come from non-industrial experiments whose conclusions were largely framed in human language. The advent of large amounts of sequence data, and of &apos;&apos;functional genomic&apos;&apos; data types such as mRNA expression data, have changed this picture. These data share the feature that individual observations and measurements are typically relatively low value adding. Such data is now being generated so rapidly that the amount of information contained in it will surpass the amount of biological information collected by traditional means. It is tantalizing to envision using genomic information to create a quantitative biology with a very strong data component. Unfortunately, we are very early in our understanding of how to &apos;&apos;compute on&apos;&apos; genomic information so as to extract biological knowledge from i t. In fact, some current efforts to come to grips with genomic information often resemble a computer savvy library science, where the most important issues concern categories, classification schemes, and information retrieval. When exploring new libraries, a measure of cataloging and inventory is surely inevitable. However, at some point we will need to move from library science to scholarship.We would like to achieve a quantitative and predictive understanding of biological function. We realize that making the bridge from knowledge of systems to the sets of abstractions that constitute computable entities is not easy. The After the Genome meetings were started in 1995 to help the biological community think about and prepare for the changes in biological research in the face of the oncoming flow of genomic information. The term &apos;&apos;After the Genome&apos;&apos; refers to a future in which complete inventories of the gene products of

  4. The &apos;Energy transition&apos; generation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bedossa, Bastien; Boutignon, Gregoire; Sivy, Corentin; Bercault, Florian; Cage, Agathe; Mahammedi-Bouzina, Mehdi; Potton, Gregoire


    The &apos;Cartes sur table&apos; think tank aims at leveraging the opinion of young French people (from 20 to 35 years old) politically leaning to the left, in order to let them become actors in French debates, such as the one on the energy transition policy for a &apos;green growth&apos;. This paper explains the origins and the context of the energy transition policy (the dangers of nuclear power, the high potential of renewable energies, etc.), how to finance the energy transition policy, how to promote energy transition in the daily life (notably in transports and through the struggle against wastage), create a Europe of energy, and so on

  5. Desenvolvimento e avaliação de painéis de argamassa armada para aplicação em casas de agrovilas


    Oliveira, Rui Carlos de


    A agricultura brasileira vem se transformando, com grandes estruturas agroindustriais, melhor aproveitamento do espaço físico e melhor uso dos recursos disponíveis, e o trabalhador rural tem preferido morar próximo do local de trabalho, que normalmente são agrovilas. Estas localidades demandam casas com execução simples, rápida e econômica, como as edificações moduladas, confeccionadas com painéis pré-fabricados, com redução do tempo de montagem sobre fundações prontas e redução significativa...

  6. The location selection act or &apos;the Emperor&apos;s new clothes&apos;; Das Standortauswahlgesetz oder &apos;Des Kaisers neue Kleider&apos;

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Feldmann, Ulrike


    As is generally known, the governing parties CDU/CSU and FDP agreed a few weeks ago in the 17{sup th} legislative period of the German Bundestag in a rare show of unanimity, together with the parties SPD and Buendnis 90/Die Gruenen, as well as with the Laender, on a &apos;law to search and select a location for a permanent disposal site for heat-generating radioactive waste products and to change other laws&apos;, in brief a location selection act also called StandAG. The law was received with animated approval from the ranks of the parties - with the exception of the (left-wing) party Die Linke. This praise is a tad bewildering, since the Bundesumweltministerium (Federal Department of the Environment) named solving the task within a single generation as one of the principles for the StandAG, and it was emphasised again and again in the debates about the StandAG that the problem of permanent disposal must not be shifted to the next generation. Conclusion: - The StandAG leads to a postponement of solving the permanent disposal site issue by a least several generations with its predictable, long-winded selection method. - The decision not to explore Gorleben conclusively could lead to the site being permanently (&apos;wasted&apos; or) &apos;burned&apos;. - The de-central, interim disposal site Gorleben is likewise &apos;burned&apos; without having a resilient alternative solution for the glass coquilles that must be taken back. - The people&apos;s protest is exponentiated by the number of the potential sites for the StandAG. - The costs for the alternative site search will not be shifted to the producers of the waste that are obliged by law to deliver the waste because of the financial provisions of the constitution. - The third party protection dogma has not been broken up, which will at least lead to delays in the procedure and will have effects on other major projects in the long run. (orig.)

  7. &apos;Minergie&apos; modernisation - Test in practice; Praxistest Minergie-Modernisierung

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ruetter, H.; Ruetter-Fischbacher, U. [Ruetter und Partner, Soziooekonomische Forschung und Beratung, Rueschlikon (Switzerland); Haessig, W. [Haessig Sustech GmbH - Ingenieurbuero fuer Minergie und nachhaltige Gebaeudetechnik, Uster (Switzerland); Jakob, M. [TEP Energy GmbH, CEPE ETH, Zuerich (Switzerland)


    This comprehensive report for the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE) examines the results obtained in practice concerning the use of the &apos;Minergie&apos; low energy consumption standard. Experience gained with &apos;Minergie&apos; refurbishment projects is reviewed and the critical points and constraints found are discussed. Further, recommendations for improvements in the use of the &apos;Minergie&apos; standard are made. The study is based on questions posed to building owners in the German speaking part of Switzerland who have carried out refurbishment projects to meet &apos;Minergie&apos; standards as well as questions posed to those who did not adhere to &apos;Minergie&apos; standards in the refurbishment of their buildings. The reasons quoted for using / not using the standard are listed and discussed. Possible tightening of energy regulations concerning renovation work are discussed. The recommendations resulting from the survey are also noted and discussed.

  8. Photoluminescence of acupoint &apos;Waiqiu&apos; in human superficial fascia

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zhang Yuan [Synchrotron Radiation Research Center, Department of Physics, Surface Physics Laboratory (State Key Laboratory) of Fudan University, Shanghai 200433 (China); Yan Xiaohui [Synchrotron Radiation Research Center, Department of Physics, Surface Physics Laboratory (State Key Laboratory) of Fudan University, Shanghai 200433 (China); Liu Chenglin [Synchrotron Radiation Research Center, Department of Physics, Surface Physics Laboratory (State Key Laboratory) of Fudan University, Shanghai 200433 (China); Dang Ruishan [Second Military Medical University, Shanghai 200433 (China); Zhang Xinyi [Synchrotron Radiation Research Center, Department of Physics, Surface Physics Laboratory (State Key Laboratory) of Fudan University, Shanghai 200433 (China) and Shanghai Research Center of Acupuncture and Meridian, Pudong, Shanghai 201203 (China)]. E-mail:


    The spectral characters of an acupuncture point named &apos;Waiqiu&apos; in superficial fascia tissue have been studied by photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy under the excitation of 457.9 nm. The PL around &apos;Waiqiu&apos; acupuncture point consists of two sub-bands resulting from the flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) and phospholipids, and the porphyrins (including purine, isoxanthopterin and tryptophan), respectively. More emission due to FAD and phospholipids is found inside the acupuncture effect area of &apos;Waiqiu&apos; than its marginal or outside acupuncture regions. The ratio of emission intensity of FAD and phospholipids to one of porphyrins gradually decreases along the direction away from the center of the acupuncture point. It implies that the component proportion changes between FAD, phospholipids and porphyrins around the &apos;Waiqiu&apos; acupuncture point. We suggest that there might be a certain relationship between redox function of FAD and &apos;Waiqiu&apos; acupuncture effect.

  9. Accidents, &apos;Black Swans&apos; and risk

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Luxat, J.C., E-mail: [McMaster Univ., Dept. of Engineering Physics, Hamilton, Ontario (Canada)


    Major accidents and natural disasters with severe consequences have occurred in all sectors of industrial activity with relatively high frequency. The severe consequences of concern involve either significant loss of life or major economic loss, or both loss of life and economic loss. Such events have in the last two years often been referred to as &apos;Black Swan&apos; events following publication of a best-selling book. The events demonstrate limits to the application of Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA) that arise from the underlying unquantifiable uncertainty associated with the estimation of the frequency of occurrence of such events. An approach is proposed in this paper that, consistent with the concept of defense in depth employed by the nuclear industry, augments probabilistic risk assessment with a methodology based upon &apos;threat -risk assessment&apos;. This approach shifts these very low frequency, high uncertainty, and high consequence &apos;Black Swan&apos; events out of the probabilistic risk assessment domain and into a deterministic emergency response assessment domain. (author)

  10. Accidents, &apos;Black Swans&apos; and risk

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Luxat, J.C.


    Major accidents and natural disasters with severe consequences have occurred in all sectors of industrial activity with relatively high frequency. The severe consequences of concern involve either significant loss of life or major economic loss, or both loss of life and economic loss. Such events have in the last two years often been referred to as &apos;Black Swan&apos; events following publication of a best-selling book. The events demonstrate limits to the application of Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA) that arise from the underlying unquantifiable uncertainty associated with the estimation of the frequency of occurrence of such events. An approach is proposed in this paper that, consistent with the concept of defense in depth employed by the nuclear industry, augments probabilistic risk assessment with a methodology based upon &apos;threat -risk assessment&apos;. This approach shifts these very low frequency, high uncertainty, and high consequence &apos;Black Swan&apos; events out of the probabilistic risk assessment domain and into a deterministic emergency response assessment domain. (author)

  11. DGMK spring meeting of the &apos;Exploration and Production&apos; department. Authors&apos; manuscripts; DGMK-Fruehjahrstagung des Fachbereichs &apos;Aufsuchung und Gewinnung&apos;. Autorenmanuskripte

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The spring meeting of the Deutsche Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft fuer Erdoel, Erdgas und Kohle e.V. focused on exploration and production. Papers were presented on exploration and production in general, geology, deposit development, extraction of petroleum/natural gas, drilling, underground storage, geophysics and geochemistry. [German] Die Fruehjahrstagung der Deutschen Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft fuer Erdoel, Erdgas und Kohle e.V. wurde vom Fachbereich &apos;&apos;Aufsuchung und Gewinnung&apos;&apos; bestimmt. Die Vortraege beschaeftigten sich mit den Gebieten Exploration and Production allgemein, Geologie, Lagerstaettentechnik, Foerdertechnik fuer Erdoel/Erdgas, Bohrtechnik, Untertagesspeichertechnik, Geophysik und Geochemie.

  12. Evaluación técnica informática de los procesos de gobierno de TI (Evaluar, Orientar y Supervisar) al sistema de información de la Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas "ESPE". Sede Principal


    Guanotuña Lascano, Emily Jeanette; Chávez Ñauñay, Carlos Patricio


    La Evaluación Técnica Informática de los Procesos de Gobierno de TI al Sistema de Información de la Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE Matriz, utiliza el marco de referencia COBIT 5 e identifica los procesos más críticos de la Institución a través de una matriz de riesgo elaborada de acuerdo a los criterios establecidos en este marco de referencia. Se elabora un programa detallado de Auditoría, mediante una matriz de investigación de campo, en la que se detalla el objeto del análisis, lo...

  13. Acto encabezado por el ex presidente Raúl Alfonsín a 30 años del golpe de estado de 1976 en la entrada de la ESMA (Escuela de Mecánica de la Armada)


    Alfonsín, Raúl Ricardo


    Radio Universidad registra el discurso del ex presidente Raúl Alfonsín en el frente de la ESMA, en Buenos Aires, el 24 de marzo de 2006, al cumplirse 30 años del último golpe de estado. Se refiere al rol de las Fuerzas Armadas y a su desempeño a lo largo del siglo XX, a la participación civil en los gobiernos de facto, al terrorismo y la desvalorización de la democracia. También se pronuncia contra la instauración del feriado nacional el 24 de marzo. Raúl Ricardo Alfonsín: nació en Chasco...

  14. Resource consumption of Germany - indicators and definitions. Development of a glossary on the concept of &apos;'resources'&apos; and calculation of missing characteristic data of resources consumption for further political analysis; Ressourcenverbrauch von Deutschland - aktuelle Kennzahlen und Begriffsbestimmungen. Erstellung eines Glossars zum &apos;'Ressourcenbegriff'&apos; und Berechnung von fehlenden Kennzahlen des Ressourcenverbrauchs fuer die weitere politische Analyse

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schuetz, Helmut; Bringezu, Stefan [Wuppertal Institut fuer Klima, Umwelt, Energie GmbH, Wuppertal (Germany). Forschungsgruppe 3: Stoffstroeme und Ressourcenmanagement


    The goals of the reported study are: - to prepare a glossary on the term &apos;'Resources'&apos; in order to support communication based on a harmonised resource term and associated terms and - to provide key data on resource use in Germany in time series since 1991 up to the most recent year for which data were available (2004 in general), and to attribute results to the resource terms. Results achieved are presented and discussed below by the following sections: Provision of a glossary on the term &apos;'resource'&apos;, use of the term &apos;'resource'&apos; at different levels, and provision of data and derived indicators for resource consumption in time series. First, a list of the relevant publications in the topic field &apos;'resources'&apos; was provided and co-ordinated with the client. This publication list is given in the annex to this report. On basis of national and international sources a glossary was provided which clearly describes and comments the resource term, its sub-terms and associated terms. This glossary is in the annex to this report. (orig.)

  15. KONTEC 2013. 11{sup th} international symposium on &apos;Conditioning of radioactive operational and decommissioning waste&apos; and 11{sup th} BMBF status report on &apos;Decommissioning and demolition of nuclear facilities&apos;; KONTEC 2013. 11. internationales Symposium &apos;Konditionierung radioaktiver Betriebs- und Stilllegungsabfaelle&apos; einschliesslich 11. Statusbericht des BMBF &apos;Stilllegung und Rueckbau kerntechnischer Anlagen&apos;. Veranstaltungsbericht

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    KONTEC 2013 was held in Dresden on 13 to 15 March 2013. The 11{sup th} event organized under this heading dealt with the subjects of &apos;Conditioning of Radioactive Operational and Decommissioning Waste&apos; and &apos;Decommissioning and Demolition of Nuclear Facilities&apos; including the R and D Status Report by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) on the same subject. The conference was attended by an international audience from 19 countries. The program included plenary sessions on these 4 key topics: - Disposal of Radioactive Residues from Nuclear Facilities&apos; Operation and Decommissioning. - Decommissioning and Dismantling of Nuclear Facilities. - Facilities and Systems for the Conditioning of Operational and Decommissioning Wastes. - Transport, Interim and Final Storage of Non-heat Generating Wastes (i.e. Konrad). These sessions were accompanied by poster sessions and short presentations under the heading of &apos;Kontec Direct.&apos; The best presentations of the categories Plenary Session Presentation, Poster Presentation and Kontec-Direct have been awarded. In detail, &apos;Dismantling of Russian nuclear powered submarines&apos; by Detlef Mietann, &apos;Requalification of &apos;Old Packages&apos; for the Konrad Repository Described for the Model Case of Packages from Storage Annex A and Repackaging of Containers Holding Compacts in Hall 2 of the GNS Plant&apos; by Martina Koessler, Sebastian Schwall and Pascal Budriks, and &apos;Electrochemical process development for cleaning organic, C-14-labelled waste solutions&apos; by Hans-Juergen Friedrich. (orig.)

  16. Proposal of a simple screening method for a rapid preliminary evaluation of &apos;&apos;heavy metals&apos;&apos; mobility in soils of contaminated sites

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pinto, Valentina; Chiusolo, Francesca; Cremisini, Carlo [ENEA - Italian Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Environment, Rome (Italy). Section PROTCHIM


    Risks associated to &apos;&apos;heavy metals&apos;&apos; (HM) soil contamination depend not only on their total content but, mostly, on their mobility. Many extraction procedures have been developed to evaluate HM mobility in contaminated soils, but they are generally time consuming (especially the sequential extraction procedures (SEPs)) and consequently applicable on a limited number of samples. For this reason, a simple screening method, applicable even &apos;&apos;in field&apos;&apos;, has been proposed in order to obtain a rapid evaluation of HM mobility in polluted soils, mainly focused on the fraction associated to Fe and Mn oxide/hydroxides. A buffer solution of trisodium citrate and hydroxylamine hydrochloride was used as extractant for a single-step leaching test. The choice of this buffered solution was strictly related to the possibility of directly determining, via titration with dithizone (DZ), the content of Zn, Cu, Pb and Cd, which are among the most representative contaminants in highly mineralised soils. Moreover, the extraction solution is similar, aside from for the pH value, which is the one used in the BCR SEP second step. The analysis of bivalents ions through DZ titration was exploited in order to further simplify and quicken the whole procedure. The proposed method generically measures, in few minutes, the concentration of total extractable &apos;&apos;heavy metals&apos;&apos; expressed as molL{sup -1} without distinguishing between elements. The proposed screening method has been developed and applied on soil samples collected from rural, urban and mining areas, representing different situation of soil contamination. Results were compared with data obtained from the BCR procedure. The screening method demonstrated to be a reliable tool for a rapid evaluation of metals mobility. Therefore, it could be very useful, even &apos;&apos;in field&apos;&apos;, both to guide the sampling activity on site and to monitor the efficacy of the subsequent

  17. Einstein-Rosen &apos;bridge&apos; revisited and lightlike thin-shell wormholes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Guendelman, E.; Nissimov, E.; Pacheva, S.; Stoilov, M.


    We study in some detail the properties of the mathematically correct formulation of the classical Einstein-Rosen &apos;bridge&apos; as proposed in the original 1935 paper, which was shown in a series of previous papers of ours to represent the simplest example of a static spherically symmetric traversable lightlike thin-shell wormhole. Thus, the original Einstein-Rosen &apos;bridge&apos; is not equivalent to the concept of the dynamical and non-traversable Schwarzschild wormhole, also called &apos;Einstein-Rosen bridge&apos; in modern textbooks on general relativity. The original Einstein-Rosen &apos;bridge&apos; requires the presence of a special kind of &apos;exotic&apos; matter source located on its throat which was shown to be the simplest member of the previously introduced by us class of lightlike membranes. We introduce and exploit the Kruskal-Penrose description of the original Einstein-Rosen &apos;bridge&apos;. In particular, we explicitly construct closed timelike geodesics on the pertinent Kruskal-Penrose manifold.

  18. &apos;Bluetooth&apos; for radio-connecting short distance; Kinkyori wo musen setsuzokusuru &apos;Bluetooth&apos;

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    &apos;Bluetooth&apos; is a new connection method for radio-connecting a short distance by means of mobile equipment including a note PC, PC peripheral equipment and portable telephone, using 2.4GHz ISM (Industrial Scientific Medical) band. It is capable of making a network without a complex operation, enabling data and audio communications. In May, 1998, an operation for deciding on the specifications was started under the leadership of five companies consisting of Ericsson, Nokia, Intel, IBM and Toshiba, with the specification version 1.0 completed in July, 1999 and opened to the public. (readable on Using such features as low power consumption, low cost and small size, the &apos;Bluetooth&apos; will be mounted on various kinds of mobile equipment and developed in mobile PAN (Personal Area Network). (translated by NEDO)

  19. Vertiefungskurs 2014. Safety margins in nuclear power plants. Identify, quantify and extend; Vertiefungskurs 2014 zum Thema &apos;&apos;Sicherheitsmargen in Kernkraftwerken. Identifizieren, quantifizieren, erweitern&apos;&apos;

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rey, Matthias


    Fifteen speakers dealt with the topic safety margins in nuclear power plants from different points of view at the &apos;&apos;Vertiefungskurs 2014&apos;&apos; of the Nuklearforum Schweiz in Olten, 4 and 5 November 2014. In the context of the &apos;&apos;Vertiefungskurs 2014&apos;&apos; the safety margins in power plants were considered and quantified and possible extensions have been discussed. The conference started with an in-depth introduction of the basis design of existing nuclear power plants. Thereafter speakers told about the main topics emergency preparedness, knowledge management and safety retrofit of nuclear power plants in operation.


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Matthews, Christopher T.; Crepp, Justin R. [Department of Physics, University of Notre Dame, 225 Nieuwland Science Hall, Notre Dame, IN 46556 (United States); Skemer, Andrew; Hinz, Philip M.; Bailey, Vanessa P.; Defrere, Denis; Leisenring, Jarron [Department of Astronomy, University of Arizona, 993 N. Cherry Ave, Tucson, AZ 85721 (United States); Gianninas, Alexandros; Kilic, Mukremin [Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK 73019 (United States); Skrutskie, Michael [Department of Astronomy, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22904 (United States); Esposito, Simone; Puglisi, Alfio [Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica, Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri Largo E. Fermi I-550125 Firenze (Italy)


    We present new observations of the faint &apos;'Sirius-like'&apos; companion discovered to orbit HD 114174. Previous attempts to image HD 114174 B at mid-infrared wavelengths using NIRC2 at Keck have resulted in a non-detection. Our new L&apos;-band observations taken with the Large Binocular Telescope and L/M-band InfraRed Camera recover the companion (ΔL = 10.15 ± 0.15 mag, ρ = 0.&apos;&apos;675 ± 0.&apos;&apos;016) with a high signal-to-noise ratio (10σ). This measurement represents the deepest L&apos; high-contrast imaging detection at subarcsecond separations to date, including extrasolar planets. We confirm that HD 114174 B has near-infrared colors consistent with the interpretation of a cool white dwarf (WD; J – L&apos; = 0.76 ± 0.19 mag, K – L&apos; = 0.64 ± 0.20). New model fits to the object&apos;s spectral energy distribution indicate a temperature T {sub eff} = 4260 ± 360 K, surface gravity log g = 7.94 ± 0.03, a cooling age t{sub c} ≈ 7.8 Gyr, and mass M = 0.54 ± 0.01 M {sub ☉}. We find that the cooling ages given by theoretical atmospheric models do not agree with the age of HD 114174 A derived from both isochronological and gyrochronological analyses. We speculate on possible scenarios to explain the apparent age discrepancy between the primary and secondary. HD 114174 B is a nearby benchmark WD that will ultimately enable a dynamical mass estimate through continued Doppler and astrometric monitoring. Efforts to characterize its physical properties in detail will test theoretical atmospheric models and improve our understanding of WD evolution, cooling, and progenitor masses.

  1. Differential response of the skin in young and old rats to a combination of X-rays and &apos;wet&apos; or &apos;dry&apos; hyperthermia

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hamlet, R.; Hopewell, J.W.


    Hind feet of group of female rats aged 7, 14 and 52 weeks were X-irradiated at 20, 25 or 30 Gy. Hyperthermia (42.5/sup 0/C for 1 h) was carried out immediately following irradiation using either &apos;wet&apos; or &apos;dry&apos; heat, by immersion in water or fluorocarbon liquid. Results demonstrated that &apos;wet&apos; heat produced a consistently greater enhancement of the irradiation damage than &apos;dry&apos;. The thermal enhancement ratio for irradiation plus &apos;wet&apos; heat was approximately 1.5 and for irradiation plus &apos;dry&apos; heat 1.17 to 1.39. Immersion of the feet in fluorocarbon liquid at 37/sup 0/C did not significantly modify the irradiation response of the skin. The lower thermal enhancement ratios obtained using immersion in fluorocarbon liquid at 42.5/sup 0/C are close to those obtained in large animal studies and similar to the limited amount of data from clinical studies where microwave or ultrasound heating techniques were used. It has been demonstrated that there are large age-related differences in the response of the rat foot skin to irradiation alone. It has also been shown, using rats of the same age, that the response to irradiation plus hyperthermia was less age dependent.


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Casadei, Diego, E-mail: [Visiting Scientist, Department of Physics and Astronomy, UCL, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT (United Kingdom)


    In high-energy astrophysics, it is common practice to account for the background overlaid with counts from the source of interest with the help of auxiliary measurements carried out by pointing off-source. In this &apos;'on/off'&apos; measurement, one knows the number of photons detected while pointing toward the source, the number of photons collected while pointing away from the source, and how to estimate the background counts in the source region from the flux observed in the auxiliary measurements. For very faint sources, the number of photons detected is so low that the approximations that hold asymptotically are not valid. On the other hand, an analytical solution exists for the Bayesian statistical inference, which is valid at low and high counts. Here we illustrate the objective Bayesian solution based on the reference posterior and compare the result with the approach very recently proposed by Knoetig, and discuss its most delicate points. In addition, we propose to compute the significance of the excess with respect to the background-only expectation with a method that is able to account for any uncertainty on the background and is valid for any photon count. This method is compared to the widely used significance formula by Li and Ma, which is based on asymptotic properties.

  3. A neural model for transient identification in dynamic processes with &apos;don&apos;t know&apos; response

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mol, Antonio C. de A. E-mail:; Martinez, Aquilino S. E-mail:; Schirru, Roberto E-mail:


    This work presents an approach for neural network based transient identification which allows either dynamic identification or a &apos;don&apos;t know&apos; response. The approach uses two &apos;jump&apos; multilayer neural networks (NN) trained with the backpropagation algorithm. The &apos;jump&apos; network is used because it is useful to dealing with very complex patterns, which is the case of the space of the state variables during some abnormal events. The first one is responsible for the dynamic identification. This NN uses, as input, a short set (in a moving time window) of recent measurements of each variable avoiding the necessity of using starting events. The other one is used to validate the instantaneous identification (from the first net) through the validation of each variable. This net is responsible for allowing the system to provide a &apos;don&apos;t know&apos; response. In order to validate the method, a Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) transient identification problem comprising 15 postulated accidents, simulated for a pressurized water reactor (PWR), was proposed in the validation process it has been considered noisy data in order to evaluate the method robustness. Obtained results reveal the ability of the method in dealing with both dynamic identification of transients and correct &apos;don&apos;t know&apos; response. Another important point studied in this work is that the system has shown to be independent of a trigger signal which indicates the beginning of the transient, thus making it robust in relation to this limitation.

  4. The &apos;&apos;Hybrid Effect&apos;&apos;. Influence of hybridisation on the durability of automatic transmissions; Der &apos;'Hybrid-Effekt'&apos;. Einfluss der Hybridisierung auf die Lebensdauer von Automatikgetrieben

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lavall, Thomas [ZF Getriebe GmbH, Friedrichshafen (Germany)


    The series development of hybrid systems in combination with the new ZF 8-speed automatic transmissions contains also for the testing several aspects of challenge the complex overall system with additional loads, components and functions requires new definitions of testing volumes and load collectives with an ideal integration of testing expertise of all parties involved. This paper describes how, already in an early development stage of the fully hybridised 8-speed transmission system, specific load collectives have been developed with the aid of simulation. So the &apos;'hybrid-effect'&apos; as an additional load and its influence on the durability compared to non hybridised applications could be identified. Also it is shown how testing collectives have been adapted in practice to the hybrid specific needs to the point of a specific assembly of a test bench. The ZF testing concept for hybridised automatic transmissions has the ability of an early and efficient verification of the production readiness also securing highest possible series production quality for prospective hybrid projects. (orig.)

  5. Computerized axial tomography of the chest for visualization of &apos;'absent'&apos; pulmonary arteries

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sondheimer, H.M. (Upstate Medical Center, Syracuse, NY); Oliphant, M.; Schneider, B.; Kavey, R.E.W.; Blackman, M.S.; Parker, F.B. Jr.


    To expand the search for central pulmonary arteries in six patients with absence of cardiac-pulmonary continuity, computerized axial tomography (CAT) of the chest was performed. The CAT scans were compared with previous arteriograms and pulmonary vein wedge angiograms. Three patients with type IV truncus arteriosus were studied, and none had a central, right or left pulmonary artery on CAT scan. However, two patients with tetralogy of Fallot with pulmonary atresia and a patent ductus arteriosus to the right lung demonstrated the presence of a left pulmonary artery. In addition, one child with truncus arteriosus with &apos;'absent'&apos; left pulmonary artery demonstrated a left pulmonary artery on the CAT scan. The CAT scan may therefore enhance our ability to search for disconnected pulmonary arteries in children with complex cyanotic congenital heart disease.

  6. Technical and quality requisites (RTC&apos;s) &apos;a data architecture&apos;; Requisitos tecnicos y de calidad (RTC&apos; s) &apos;una arquitectura de datos&apos;

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Munoz G, R.; Jimenez R, B.; Ahedo A, S. [ININ, 52750 La Marquesa, Estado de Mexico (Mexico)]. e-mail:


    The RTC&apos;s are notes of technical and of quality requisites that the CLV emits, according to validity procedures of the Nuclear power station, to specify purchasing requisites of equipment with quality assurance category. This document contains a description of the computer program application RTC&apos;s, elaborated by the ININ for the CLV that allows to capture and to process the information of a database whose purpose is to facilitate the elaboration of the RTC&apos;s. Details of its development process are included. (Author)

  7. Synthesis of (+-)-(1,1&apos;- sup 15 N sub 2 , 2&apos;- sup 13 C)-trans-3&apos;-methylnicotine

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sirimanne, S.R.; Maggio, V.L.; Patterson, D.G. Jr. (Department of Health and Human Services, Atlanta, GA (United States))


    The synthesis of ({+-})- (1,1&apos;-{sup 15}N{sub 2}, 2&apos;-{sup 13}C)-trans-3&apos;-methylnicotine is reported. {sup 15}N-3-Bromopyridine obtained from bromination of pyridine was formylated with nBuLi/(carbonyl-{sup 13}C)-methyl formate. The resulting {sup 15}n-Pyridine-3-({sup 13}C-carbonyl)-carboxaldehyde was reacted with {sup 15}N-methylamine and then the resulting Schiff&apos;s base was condensed with succinic anhydride to give ({+-})- (1,1&apos;-{sup 15}N{sub 2}, 5&apos;-{sup 13}C)-trans-4&apos;-carboxycotinine. Reduction with lithium aluminum hydride and mesylation followed by reduction with Zn/NaI gave ({+-})-(1,1&apos;-{sup 15}N{sub 2}, 2&apos;-{sup 13}C)-trans-3&apos;-methylnicotine. (Author).

  8. Studies on the Interaction of a Novel 6,6&apos;&apos;-bis(1,2,4-triazin-3-yl)- 2,2&apos;:6&apos;,2&apos;&apos;-terpyridine Ligand with Lanthanide(III) Ions and Americium(III)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lewis, Frank W.; Harwood, Laurence M.; Hudson, Michael J.; Drew, Michael G.B.; Modolo, Giuseppe; Sypula, Michal; Desreux, Jean F.; Bouslimani, Nouri; Vidick, Geoffrey


    The new solvent extraction reagent 6,6&apos;&apos;-bis(5,5,8,8-tetramethyl- 5,6,7,8-tetrahydro-1,2,4-benzo-triazin-3-yl)-2,2&apos;:6&apos;,2&apos;&apos;-terpyridine (CyMe 4 -BTTP) has been synthesized in 4 steps from 2,2&apos;:6&apos;,2&apos;&apos;-terpyridine. Detailed NMR and mass spectrometry studies indicate that the ligand forms 1:2 complexes with lanthanide(III) perchlorates where the aliphatic rings are conformationally constrained whereas 1:1 complexes are formed with lanthanide(III) nitrates where the aliphatic rings are conformationally mobile. An optimized structure of the 1:2 solution complex with Yb(III) was obtained from the relative magnitude of the induced paramagnetic shifts. X-ray crystallographic structures of the ligand and of its 1:1 complex with Y(III) were also obtained. In the absence of a phase-modifier, CyMe 4 -BTTP in 1-octanol showed a maximum distribution coefficient of Am(III) of 0.039 (±20%) and a maximum separation factor of Am(III) over Eu(III) of 12.0 from nitric acid solution. The metal(III) cations are extracted as the 1:1 complex from nitric acid solutions. The generally low distribution coefficients observed compared with the BTBPs arise because the 1:1 complex of CyMe 4 -BTTP is considerably less hydrophobic than the 1:2 complexes formed by the BTBPs. In M(BTTP) 3+ complexes, there is a competition between the nitrate ions and the ligand for the complexation of the metal. (authors)

  9. &apos;Heat Market Campaign&apos; of the German coal mining industry

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dach, G.


    The &apos;&apos;Heat Market Campaign&apos;&apos;, presented in June &apos;83 by experts of all fields of coal mining, investigates the possibilities of coal sales promotion. The article reviews the main data of the heat market and discusses the &apos;&apos;Heat Market Campaign&apos;&apos; under the aspects of coal policy and energy policy. The campaign was started with the objectives of energy supply assurance in the Federal Republic of Germany, energy cost reduction on the consumer side, and stabilisation and development of coal markets not affected by the steel crisis. Sales goald on the household, trade and industrial sector are quantified, and obstacles preventing further expansion of the heat market are discussed. Apart from the mining industry&apos;s marketing concept for the heat market, there is also the possibility of receiving financial aid by the Federal government.

  10. Network protocol &apos;EPAP&apos;; Network protokoru &apos;EPAP&apos;

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kobori, T.; Fujita, F.; Iwamoto, S. [Fuji Electric Co. Ltd., Toyo (Japan)


    The Ethernet, a standard of information networks, has begun to be applied to the control local area network (LAN). To apply the Ethernet to the field level, Fuji Electric has newly developed the communication protocol &apos;Ethernet precision access protocol (EPAP)&apos; in which a command/response method is structured on the user datagram protocol (UDP) to realize real time and high reliability. Further, we have implemented the EPAP on the bus interface module of the open PIO. This paper outlines the EPAP and its implementation. (author)

  11. Blunt traumatic rupture of a mainstem bronchus: spiral CT demonstration of the &apos;&apos;fallen lung&apos;&apos; sign

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wintermark, M.; Schnyder, P.; Wicky, S. [Dept. of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, University Hospital, Lausanne (Switzerland)


    Tracheo-bronchial injuries occur in less than 1 % of blunt chest trauma patients. Indirect signs, such as pneumomediastinum, pneumothorax, and/or subcutaneous emphysema, are revealed on admission plain films and chest CT survey. In most instances, however, tracheo-bronchoscopy is mandatory in assessing the definite diagnosis of tracheo-bronchial lesion. Occasionally, an abnormal course of a mainstem bronchus or a &apos;&apos;fallen lung&apos;&apos; sign, featuring a collapsed lung in a dependent position, hanging on the hilum only by its vascular attachments, may allow for CT diagnosis of a blunt traumatic bronchial injury. (orig.)

  12. Prospects and risks for young technology companies. Chancen und Risiken junger Technologieunternehmen; Ergebnisse des Modellversuchs &apos;&apos;Foerderung technologieorientierter Unternehmensgruendungen&apos;&apos;

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kulicke, M. (Fraunhofer-Institut fuer Systemtechnik und Innovationsforschung (ISI), Karlsruhe (Germany)); Bayer, K.; Braeunling, G.; Ewers, H.J.; Gerybadze, A.; Mayer, M.; Mueller, R.; Wein, T.; Wupperfeld, U.


    The book summarizes the insights gained from the model project &apos;&apos;Promotion of the establishment of technology-oriented companies&apos;&apos;. The manifold results on capital and consulting requirements, turnover and activity growth, factors determining success and survival and on the problems that arise during the starting phase broaden the informational basis for potential founders, their financers, and for promotion institutions. (orig.). 29 figs.

  13. Human ApoE Isoforms Differentially Modulate Glucose and Amyloid Metabolic Pathways in Female Brain: Evidence of the Mechanism of Neuroprotection by ApoE2 and Implications for Alzheimer's Disease Prevention and Early Intervention. (United States)

    Keeney, Jeriel Thomas-Richard; Ibrahimi, Shaher; Zhao, Liqin


    Three major genetic isoforms of apolipoprotein E (ApoE), ApoE2, ApoE3, and ApoE4, exist in humans and lead to differences in susceptibility to Alzheimer's disease (AD). This study investigated the impact of human ApoE isoforms on brain metabolic pathways involved in glucose utilization and amyloid-β (Aβ) degradation, two major areas that are significantly perturbed in preclinical AD. Hippocampal RNA samples from middle-aged female mice with targeted human ApoE2, ApoE3, and ApoE4 gene replacement were comparatively analyzed with a qRT-PCR custom array for the expression of 85 genes involved in insulin/insulin-like growth factor (Igf) signaling. Consistent with its protective role against AD, ApoE2 brain exhibited the most metabolically robust profile among the three ApoE genotypes. When compared to ApoE2 brain, both ApoE3 and ApoE4 brains exhibited markedly reduced levels of Igf1, insulin receptor substrates (Irs), and facilitated glucose transporter 4 (Glut4), indicating reduced glucose uptake. Additionally, ApoE4 brain exhibited significantly decreased Pparg and insulin-degrading enzyme (Ide), indicating further compromised glucose metabolism and Aβ dysregulation associated with ApoE4. Protein analysis showed significantly decreased Igf1, Irs, and Glut4 in ApoE3 brain, and Igf1, Irs, Glut4, Pparg, and Ide in ApoE4 brain compared to ApoE2 brain. These data provide the first documented evidence that human ApoE isoforms differentially affect brain insulin/Igf signaling and downstream glucose and amyloid metabolic pathways, illustrating a potential mechanism for their differential risk in AD. A therapeutic strategy that enhances brain insulin/Igf1 signaling activity to a more robust ApoE2-like phenotype favoring both energy production and amyloid homeostasis holds promise for AD prevention and early intervention.

  14. Pharmaceutical induction of ApoE secretion by multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs

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    Whitney Mandolin J


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Apolipoprotein E (ApoE is a molecular scavenger in the blood and brain. Aberrant function of the molecule causes formation of protein and lipid deposits or "plaques" that characterize Alzheimer's disease (AD and atherosclerosis. There are three human isoforms of ApoE designated ε2, ε3, and ε4. Each isoform differentially affects the structure and function of the protein and thus the development of disease. Homozygosity for ApoE ε4 is associated with atherosclerosis and Alzheimer's disease whereas ApoE ε2 and ε3 tend to be protective. Furthermore, the ε2 form may cause forms of hyperlipoproteinemia. Therefore, introduction of ApoE ε3 may be beneficial to patients that are susceptible to or suffering from these diseases. Mesenchymal stem cells or multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs are adult progenitor cells found in numerous tissues. They are easily expanded in culture and engraft into host tissues when administered appropriately. Furthermore, MSCs are immunosuppressive and have been reported to engraft as allogeneic transplants. In our previous study, mouse MSCs (mMSCs were implanted into the brains of ApoE null mice, resulting in production of small amounts of ApoE in the brain and attenuation of cognitive deficits. Therefore human MSCs (hMSCs are a promising vector for the administration of ApoE ε3 in humans. Results Unlike mMSCs, hMSCs were found not to express ApoE in culture; therefore a molecular screen was performed for compounds that induce expression. PPARγ agonists, neural stem cell conditioned medium, osteo-inductive media, dexamethasone, and adipo-inductive media (AIM were tested. Of the conditions tested, only AIM or dexamethasone induced sustained secretion of ApoE in MSCs and the duration of secretion was only limited by the length of time MSCs could be sustained in culture. Upon withdrawal of the inductive stimuli, the ApoE secretion persisted for a further 14 days. Conclusion The data


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    Guillermo Guajardo Soto


    Full Text Available En el presente artículo se analizan las relaciones entre cambios tecnológicos y proyectos económicos que experimentaron los militares chilenos entre 1860 y 1930, y que conformaron algunas corrientes a favor de la industria, del nacionalismo económico y de la intervención del Estado en sectores que se consideraron como estratégicos, todo lo cual adquirió notoriedad en la década de 1920. Sin embargo, dichas corrientes no lograron consenso y fueron combatidas por los empresarios y la tecnocracia. Se explora una explicación que considera los límites impuestos a los militares por los civiles en el control del Estado y de la economía, la incompleta modernización tecnológica, las concepciones contrapuestas entre la Armada y el Ejército sobre sus proveedores de armas, además de que los posibles escenarios de guerra de Chile no serían de gran escala. Todo ello descartó una posible alianza de intereses militares, empresariales y tecnocráticos para conformar un complejo militar industrial de mayor alcance.This article analyses the relationship between technological changes and economic projects experienced by Chilean military institutions between 1860 and 1930. These changes were part of industrializing streams that emerged as a result of economic nationalism and State interventions in strategic áreas since the 1920s. However, these measures did not have an institutional consensus and were opposed by businessmen and technocrats. The article considers different aspects including the limits imposed to military institutions by civilians in terms of State control and economic management as well as the incomplete technological modernization and different views of the Army and Navy over weapon providers and the kind of potential war scenarios. All of these made the alliance between military, businessmen and technocrat interests to créate a military industrial facility impossible.

  16. 7th CNS int&apos;l steam generators to controls conference - a compliment to the remarkable CNS &apos;OM+DM utility engagement initiative&apos;

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schneider, W.


    We learned from CANDU Maintenance-Conference of December 2011, that it is our own &apos;ways-of-working&apos; as service-providers for everything from plant-architecture to operational-support, that is holding back &apos;new-build&apos; as well as &apos;re-build&apos;. CMC2011 addressed that by focusing on &apos;Needs-and-Interests of the Operating-Utilities&apos;. SGC 2012 extends that by focusing firstly on &apos;Issue-Identification&apos; to isolate &apos;items-needing-attention&apos;; then on &apos;Issue-Definition&apos; to define the &apos;work&apos; required for &apos;Issue-Resolution&apos;. It also pursues &apos;Task Leadership&apos; as a competence, essential for ... &apos;making things happen&apos;. These events and the CNS &apos;OM+DM [Operations&Maintenance and Design&Materials Divisions] Utility Engagement Initiative&apos; are seen as complimentary initiatives toward such &apos;ways-of-working-improvement&apos; objectives. (author)

  17. A model-independent &apos;&apos;general search&apos;&apos; for new physics with the ATLAS detector at LHC

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bianchi, Riccardo Maria


    The LHC particle collider accelerates bunches of protons at energies never reached before, thus opening a completely new landscape of new physics. In this scenario the number of possible physics processes and signatures becomes virtually infinite, making the setup of dedicated analyses impossible. Moreover there are regions of the phase-space where signals of new physics are not very likely to be found, or where suitable theoretical models are missing, and it is important to be able to reveal new processes from such regions as well. At the time this Thesis was started, no model-independent analysis had been set for the ATLAS experiment at LHC. The goal of this work was then to conceive and develop a new model-independent &apos;&apos;General Search&apos;&apos; for ATLAS, and to explore its possibilities. The new analysis has been then implemented and run over the first data which have been collected by the ATLAS experiment at a centre-of-mass energy of 7 TeV. This work presents the motivation of the data analysis, describes its implementation and shows the results. The data have shown a very good agreement with the Standard Model expectation and no evidence of new physics has been observed. Nevertheless, an efficient strategy and methodology for a new model-independent &apos;&apos;General Search&apos;&apos; have been defined and they are ready to be used in a next version of this analysis, over a larger set of experimental data. During this work, a new innovative software framework has been also conceived and developed to ease the implementation of physics analysis code using Computer-Aided- Software-Engineering (CASE) principles. The framework has been successfully used to analyze the very first LHC data, and then it has been transformed into an open-source modular framework for HEP data analysis, and presented at Physics and Computer Science international conferences.

  18. Aluminum &apos;'egg-box'&apos; panel as an energy absorber for pedestrian protection

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nowpada, Sravanthi; Chirwa, Efford C.; Myler, Peter; Matsika, Emmanuel [Bolton Automotive and Aerospace Research Group (BAARG), School of Built Environment and Engineering, University of Bolton (United Kingdom)


    This paper evaluates the quasi-static performance of lightweight aluminum &apos;'egg-box'&apos; panels which have an improved architecture specifically designed to increase the energy absorption capability. In its entirety, the egg-box panel structure investigated herein is made up of arrays of positive and negative frusta. To understand the collapse mechanism and the factors influencing the energy absorption thereof, compressive tests were conducted under similar test conditions on two single frusta, one constrained in situ and the other separated from the egg-box panel exposing the free-free edges. Their load-displacement histories show characteristics that are similar, with a rise in load to a point where they plateau at a steady state load for the entire collapse time. But the energy absorbed by the in situ constrained frustum is 80% greater than that separated from the egg-box panel with free-free edges. (Abstract Copyright [2010], Wiley Periodicals, Inc.)

  19. Solar tank. &apos;Solar ship&apos; and solar development project at Freiburg; Sonne im Tank. &apos;Sonnenschiff&apos; und Solarsiedlung in Freiburg

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Alle, N.


    In the &apos;Vauban&apos; district of the German city of Freiburg, 59 plusenergy terrace houses and one block of offices and shops were constructed during the past five years. The latter is named &apos;solar ship&apos; and has nine penthouses on its roof which generate more power than they consume. The building is 125 m long and is both a building and a power station. (orig.)

  20. Advice relative to the examination of the &apos;clay 2005 file&apos;; Avis relatif a l&apos;examen du &apos;dossier 2005 argile&apos;

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    On request of the general director of the French nuclear safety and radiation protection institute (IRSN), the permanent group of experts for long duration waste disposal facilities has examined the &apos;clay 2005 file&apos; made by the ANDRA and which aims at demonstrating the feasibility of a disposal facility for high level and long living rad-wastes in the argillite formation of the Bure site. The group of experts has examined in particular the critical safety aspects of such a facility and the identification and consideration of uncertainties by the ANDRA in its safety analysis. It has also identified the main additional research works that may be carried out to demonstrate the feasibility of an industrial implementation of a safe disposal facility in the same Callovo-Oxfordian argilite formation. This document is the favourable advice and the recommendations expressed by the group of experts after examination of the ANDRA&apos;s &apos;clay 2005 file&apos;. (J.S.)

  1. Cuts in energy and operating cost with the Swiss system &apos;Energie in ARA&apos; - practical experience in Germany; Energie- und Betriebskosteneinsparungen nach dem schweizerischen System &apos;&apos;Energie in ARA&apos;&apos; - Praxiserfahrungen in Deutschland

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Christmann, B. [UmBAUwelt Partnerschaft Architekten und Ingenieure, Riedstadt (Germany)


    German sewage treatment plants, too, have potential for saving energy cost and cutting down on their operating expenditure. Following the systematy developed by the &apos;Energie in ARA&apos; concept, this potential can be harnessed. (orig.) [German] Potential fuer Energiekosteneinsparungen und dadurch initiierte Betriebskosteneinsparungen ist auch bei deutschen Klaeranlagen vorhanden. Die Systematik &apos;Energie in ARA&apos; kann fuer die Erschliessung der Einsparpotentiale verwendet werden. (orig.)

  2. &apos;&apos;1/f noise&apos;&apos; in music: Music from 1/f noise

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Voss, R.F.; Clarke, J.


    The spectral density of fluctuations in the audio power of many musical selections and of English speech varies approximately as 1/f (f is the frequency) down to a frequency of 5 x 10/sup -4/ Hz. This result implies that the audio-power fluctuations are correlated over all times in the same manner as &apos;&apos;1/f noise&apos;&apos; in electronic components. The frequency fluctuations of music also have a 1/f spectral density at frequencies down to the inverse of the length of the piece of music. The frequency fluctuations of English speech have a quite different behavior, with a single characteristic time of about 0.1 s, the average length of a syllable. The observations on music suggest that 1/f noise is a good choice for stochastic composition. Compositions in which the frequency and duration of each note were determined by 1/f noise sources sounded pleasing. Those generated by white-noise sources sounded too random, while those generated by 1/f/sup 2/ noise sounded too correlated.

  3. Nuclear track radiography of &apos;hot&apos; aerosol particles

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Boulyga, S.F.; Kievitskaja, A.I.; Kievets, M.K.; Lomonosova, E.M.; Zhuk, I.V.; Yaroshevich, O.I.; Perelygin, V.P.; Petrova, R.; Brandt, R.; Vater, P


    Nuclear track radiography was applied to identify aerosol &apos;hot&apos; particles which contain elements of nuclear fuel and fallout after Chernobyl NPP accident. For the determination of the content of transuranium elements in radioactive aerosols the measurement of the {alpha}-activity of &apos;hot&apos; particles by SSNTD was used in this work, as well as radiography of fission fragments formed as a result of the reactions (n,f) and ({gamma},f) in the irradiation of aerosol filters by thermal neutrons and high energy gamma quanta. The technique allowed the sizes and alpha-activity of &apos;hot&apos; particles to be determined without extracting them from the filter, as well as the determination of the uranium content and its enrichment by {sup 235}U, {sup 239}Pu and {sup 241}Pu isotopes. Sensitivity of determination of alpha activity by fission method is 5x10{sup -6} Bq per particle. The software for the system of image analysis was created. It ensured the identification of track clusters on an optical image of the SSNTD surface obtained through a video camera and the determination of size and activity of &apos;hot&apos; particles00.

  4. Calogero&apos;s &apos;goldfish&apos; is indeed a school of free particles

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nucci, M C [Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica, Universita di Perugia, 06123 Perugia (Italy)


    A many-body system of N nonlinear ordinary differential equations of second order which is amenable to exact treatments (a &apos;goldfish&apos;) (Calogero 2001 The neatest many-body problem amenable to exact treatments (a &apos;goldfish&apos;?) Physica D 152-153 78-84) is shown to be equivalent through an exact transformation to the equations of one-dimensional motion of (N-1) free particles (a school of free particles, indeed). The transformation is obtained by applying the reduction method and Lie group analysis as introduced in Nucci (1996 The complete Kepler group can be derived by Lie group analysis J. Math. Phys. 37 1772-5)

  5. Aharonov-Bohm effect for a fermion field in a planar black hole &apos;'spacetime'&apos;

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Anacleto, M.A.; Mohammadi, A. [Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Departamento de Fisica, Caixa Postal 10071, Campina Grande, Paraiba (Brazil); Brito, F.A. [Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Departamento de Fisica, Caixa Postal 10071, Campina Grande, Paraiba (Brazil); Universidade Federal da Paraiba, Departamento de Fisica, Caixa Postal 5008, Joao Pessoa, Paraiba (Brazil); Passos, E. [Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Departamento de Fisica, Caixa Postal 10071, Campina Grande, Paraiba (Brazil); Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Instituto de Fisica, Caixa Postal 21945, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)


    In this paper we consider the dynamics of a massive spinor field in the background of the acoustic black hole spacetime. Although this effective metric is acoustic and describes the propagation of sound waves, it can be considered as a toy model for the gravitational black hole. In this manner, we study the properties of the dynamics of the fermion field in this &apos;'gravitational'&apos; rotating black hole as well as the vortex background. We compute the differential cross section through the use of the partial wave approach and show that an effect similar to the gravitational Aharonov-Bohm effect occurs for the massive fermion field moving in this effective metric. We discuss the limiting cases and compare the results with the massless scalar field case. (orig.)

  6. The Effect of a High-Fat Diet on Brain Plasticity, Inflammation and Cognition in Female ApoE4-Knockin and ApoE-Knockout Mice.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carola I F Janssen

    Full Text Available Apolipoprotein E4 (ApoE4, one of three common isoforms of ApoE, is a major risk factor for late-onset Alzheimer disease (AD. ApoE-deficient mice, as well as mice expressing human ApoE4, display impaired learning and memory functions and signs of neurodegeneration. Moreover, ApoE protects against high-fat (HF diet induced neurodegeneration by its role in the maintenance of the integrity of the blood-brain barrier. The influence of a HF diet on the progression of AD-like cognitive and neuropathological changes was assessed in wild-type (WT, human ApoE4 and ApoE-knockout (ApoE-/- mice to evaluate the modulatory role of ApoE in this process. From 12 months of age, female WT, ApoE4, and ApoE-/- mice were fed either a standard or a HF diet (19% butter, 0.5% cholate, 1.25% cholesterol throughout life. At 15 months of age mice performed the Morris water maze, evaluating spatial learning and memory. ApoE-/- showed increased spatial learning compared to WT mice (p = 0.009. HF diet improved spatial learning in WT mice (p = 0.045, but did not affect ApoE4 and ApoE-/- mice. Immunohistochemical analyses of the hippocampus demonstrated increased neuroinflammation (CD68 in the cornu ammonis 1 (CA1 region in ApoE4 (p = 0.001 and in ApoE-/- (p = 0.032 mice on standard diet. HF diet tended to increase CD68 in the CA1 in WT mice (p = 0.052, while it decreased in ApoE4 (p = 0.009, but ApoE-/- remained unaffected. A trend towards increased neurogenesis (DCX was found in both ApoE4 (p = 0.052 and ApoE-/- mice (p = 0.068. In conclusion, these data suggest that HF intake induces different effects in WT mice compared to ApoE4 and ApoE-/- with respect to markers for cognition and neurodegeneration. We propose that HF intake inhibits the compensatory mechanisms of neuroinflammation and neurogenesis in aged female ApoE4 and ApoE-/- mice.

  7. Quantifying the &apos;naturalness&apos; of the curvaton model

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lerner, Rose N. [Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY), Hamburg (Germany); Helsinki Institute of Physics (Finland); Melville, Scott [Helsinki Institute of Physics (Finland)


    We investigate the probability of obtaining an observable curvature perturbation, using as an example the minimal curvaton-Higgs (MCH) model. We determine &apos;probably observable&apos; and &apos;probably excluded&apos; regions of parameter space assuming generic initial conditions and applying a stochastic approach for the curvaton&apos;s evolution during inflation. Inflation is assumed to last longer than the N{sub obs}≅55 observable e-folds, and the total number of e-folds of inflation determines the particular ranges of parameters that are probable. For the MCH model, these &apos;probably observable&apos; regions always lie within the range 8 x 10{sup 4} GeV≤m{sub σ}≤2 x 10{sup 7} GeV, where m{sub σ} is the curvaton mass, and the Hubble scale at horizon exit is chosen as H{sub *}=10{sup 10} GeV. Because the &apos;probably observable&apos; region depends on the total duration of inflation, information on parameters in the Lagrangian from particle physics and from precision CMB observables can therefore provide information about the total duration of inflation, not just the last N{sub obs} e-folds. This method could also be applied to any model that contains additional scalar fields to determine the probability that these scalar fields contribute to the curvature perturbation.

  8. PubliForum &apos;Electricity and Society&apos;. Citizen Panel Report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    In the Citizen Panel&apos;s Report on &apos;Electricity and Society&apos; we present the first results of three intensive week-ends. In this document, 27 Swiss citizens have recorded their opinions on the future of our electricity supply system. Solutions are sought without making claims on having found the ultimate recipe. The recommendations are the result of an assessment made by a representative cross-section of the public - one could almost say &apos;the voice of the people&apos;. They reflect not only the public&apos;s apprehensions and worries, but also their ideas and desires. (authors)

  9. 3&apos;,8&apos;&apos;-biisokaempferide, a cytotoxic biflavonoid and other chemical constituents of Nanuza plicata (Velloziaceae)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pinto, Meri Emili F.; Silva, Marcelo Sobral da; Barbosa Filho, Jose Maria; Castello-Branco, Marianna Vieira S.; Agra, Maria de Fatima; Tavares, Josean Fechine, E-mail: marcelosobral@ltf.ufpb.b [Universidade Federal da Paraiba (UFPB), Joao Pessoa, PB (Brazil). Lab. de Tecnologia Farmaceutica; Schindler, Elisabete; El-Bacha, Ramon dos Santos [Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA), Salvador, BA (Brazil). Inst. de Ciencias da Saude. Lab. de Neuroquimica e Biologia Celular


    A novel biflavonoid, named 3&apos;,8&apos;&apos;-biisokaempferide (1), along with the known compounds amentoflavone (2), patagonic acid (3), (4aR,5S,6R,8aR)-5-[2-(2,5-Dihydro-5-methoxy-2-oxofuran- 3-yl)ethyl]-3,4,4a,5,6,7,8,8a-octahydro-5,6,8a- trimethylnaphthalene-1-carboxylic acid (4), 5-caffeoylquinic acid methyl ester (5), 3,5-di-caffeoylquinic acid (6) and luteolin (7), were isolated of the leaves from Nanuza plicata. The compounds 3, 4, 5 and 6 are reported for the first time in Velloziaceae. The structures of the compounds were elucidated on the basis of spectroscopic methods, especially NMR and MS analyses. The cytotoxicity of 3&apos;,8&apos;&apos;-biisokaempferide was studied in cultures of human glioblastoma GL-15 cells. The effective concentration, which killed 50 % of cells after 72 h was 36.5 {mu}mol L{sup -1}. Changes in cellular morphology, including retraction and degradation of cytoplasm, were observed when cells were treated with concentrations from 20 {mu}mol L-1 of 3&apos;,8&apos;&apos;-biisokaempferide for 72 h. (author)

  10. PHS terminal &apos;TEGACKY&apos; dedicated to e-mailing; Mail senyo PHS tanmatsu &apos;TEGACKY

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The e-mail utilization rate at mobile communication terminals is increasing at a remarkable rate, as if to grow above the rate of communication by voice. Under the circumstances, a PHS (Personal Handyphone System) terminal &apos;TEGACKY&apos; (type name: PM-T101) has been developed, designed exclusively for use for e-mailing. &apos;TEGACKY&apos; is characterized in that its icons may be activated with pen, that input may be made by handwriting, and that its large screen allows a 48-character message consisting of 4 lines of 12 characters to be displayed at one time despite its compact size. It can also perform communication directly with other terminals or e-mail via center, and is provided with an information service function. &apos;TEGACKY&apos; having such distinguished features has created a new category of terminals which are at once e-mailing tools. (translated by NEDO)

  11. The &apos;Transnuklear affair&apos; and its consequences. Die &apos;Transnuklear-Affaere&apos; und ihre Auswirkungen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Brinkert, M.


    The &apos;Bribe&apos; and &apos;Drum&apos; Affairs and suspected proliferation in connection with Transnuklear GmbH public around the turn of 1987/88. Many members of the press wished them to speed up the process of opting out of nuclear power. However, none of the accusations specifically related to nuclear power leveled at that time turned out to be tenable. Instead, all violations of the law which had been detected could have been punished in the same way as in any other branch of industry. As a consequence, the impacts arising to regulatory structures in the nuclear sector, especially the measures taken by the Federal Government, may be considered to have been unjustified in scope. The TN Affair and the associated litigation has caused a great deal of confidence in nuclear power to be lost, which now has to be reclaimed by purposeful public relations efforts. (orig.).

  12. Solar campaign &apos;Solar - na klar.&apos; (solar - of course). Final report; Solarkampagne &apos;Solar - na klar.&apos;. Abschlussbericht

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gege, M.; Kleinsteuber, A.; Krabbe, P.; Kroeger, P.; Maschke, K.; Niedert, S.; Schindelmann, F.; Thunert, A.; Weinberg, H.


    The German market for technically matured solar-thermal systems for generating hot water is growing by 20 per cent per year, with some deviations due to incentive policies. This growth can be and is planned to be increased systematically, with following goals: A practical contribution to the Federal Government&apos;s efforts to achieve the goals regarding the protection of climate; creating future-oriented jobs; supporting ecologically sustainable ways of life and models of consumption by convincing the consumers and other target groups of the fact that it makes sense already today to start utilizing solar energy and to invest also on private basis. These targets are expected to be set up with the help of a three-year mass campaign (1999 until 2001), i.e. the campaign called &apos;&apos;Solar - na klar.&apos;&apos; (solar - of course). [German] Der deutsche Markt fuer die technisch ausgereiften solarthermischen Anlagen zur Warmwassererzeugung waechst mit ca. 20% p.a., mit foerderpolitisch bedingten Schwankungen. Dieses Wachstum kann und soll systematisch gesteigert werden, mit folgenden Zielsetzungen: Praktischer Beitrag zur Erreichung der Klimaschutzziele der Bundesregierung; Schaffung zukunftsorientierter Arbeitsplaetze; Befoerderung oekologisch nachhaltiger Lebensstile und Konsummuster durch die Ueberzeugung der Verbraucher und weiterer Zielgruppen, dass es heute bereits sinnvoll ist, in die Nutzung der Solarenergie konkret einzusteigen und auch privat zu investieren. Diese Ziele sollen mithilfe einer auf drei Jahre angelegten Breitenkampagne (1999 bis 2001), d.h. der Kampagne &apos;Solar - na klar.&apos; erfolgen. (orig.)

  13. The energy and monetary implications of the &apos;24/7 &apos;always on&apos; society

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Loveday, Dennis L. [Department of Civil and Building Engineering, Loughborough University, Loughborough, Leicestershire LE11 3TU (United Kingdom); Bhamra, T.; Tang, T. [Department of Design and Technology, Loughborough University, Loughborough, Leicestershire LE11 3TU (United Kingdom); Haines, V.J.A. [Ergonomics and Safety Research Institute (ESRI), Loughborough University, Loughborough, Leicestershire LE11 3TU (United Kingdom); Holmes, M.J. [ARUP, 13, Fitzroy Street, London W1T 4BR (United Kingdom); Green, R.J. [Institute for Energy Research and Policy, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 2TT (United Kingdom)


    This paper reviews the trends in society, technology and energy demand of the past 30 years, together with the growth of the &apos;on-demand&apos; culture. The &apos;24/7&apos; or &apos;always on&apos; society can be defined as one where people demand - and generally receive - what they want &apos;now&apos;. It has grown up in parallel with developments in information technology, which have produced the services needed to meet that demand. Larger numbers of appliances, resulting from greater affluence and disposable income, have increased energy use, despite energy efficiencies in other areas. While monetary factors suggest that changes brought about by the 24/7 society will generally be self-correcting at the macro-economic level, there will nevertheless be effects for individuals, such as potentially severe impacts on the fuel poor as electricity prices rise. We conclude with a view of future directions. As the 24/7 culture continues to grow, there is scope for designers and for information technology to manage and reduce energy consumption. This includes buildings, their services systems, and the mix of new technologies that will be deployed over the next 20 years or so, including the possibilities for data exchange and control at the interface between energy suppliers and consumers, coupled with greater understanding of the behaviour of the consumers themselves. (author)

  14. Evaluation of the protection behaviour of reinforcement steel against corrosion induced by chlorides in reinforced mortar specimens; Avaliacao do comportamento frente a corrosao pelo ataque de cloreto de argamassa armada apos varios tratamentos protetores

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Crivelaro, Marcos


    In this work various treatments for protecting reinforcing steels against corrosion induced by chlorides have been evaluated. Additives to mortars and surface treatments given to reinforcing steels were evaluated as corrosion protection measures. In the preliminary tests the corrosion resistance of a CA 50 steel treated by immersion in nearly 50 different solutions, was determined. The solutions were prepared with tannins (from various sources) and/or benzotriazole, and during immersion, a surface film formed on the steel. The corrosion resistance of the coated steels was evaluated in a saturated Ca(OH){sub 2} solution with 5% (wt) NaCl. Preliminary tests were also carried out with mortars reinforced with uncoated steel to which tannin or lignin was added. Two organic coatings, a monocomponent and a bicomponent type, formulated specially for this investigation, with both tannin and benzotriazole, were also tested in the preliminary tests to select the coating with better corrosion protection property. The bicomponent type (epoxy coating) showed better performance than the monocomponent type coating, and the former was therefore chosen to investigate the corrosion performance on CA 50 steel inside mortar specimens. From the preliminary tests, two solutions with tannin from two sources, Black Wattle (Acacia mearnsii) and Brazilian tea (Ilex paraguariensis St. Hill), to which benzotriazole and phosphoric acid were added, were chosen. Mortar specimens reinforced with CA50 steel treated by immersion in these two solutions were prepared. Also, epoxy coated CA50 steel was tested as reinforcement inside mortar specimens. Mortars reinforced with uncoated CA50 steel were also prepared and corrosion tested for comparison. The effect of tannin and lignin as separate additives to the mortar on the corrosion resistance of uncoated steel was also studied. The reinforced mortar specimens were tested with various cycles of immersion for 2 days in 3.5% (wt) NaCl followed by with air drying for 5 days. The corrosion tests used in this investigation were gravimetric and electrochemical tests. The results showed satisfactory corrosion performance for all kinds of protection measures. However, the performance depended on the type of protection used. The best performance was obtained with tannin containing epoxy coated steel, followed by the steel treated by immersion in tannin containing solutions and finally by the addition of tannin (Black Wattle) or lignin to the mortar. All the protection measures evaluated in this study are economically viable and environmentally friendly and can therefore be considered for protecting reinforcement steels against corrosion. (author)

  15. Measure of the e+e-{yields}bb Cross Section at the LEP Energies; Medida de la seccion eficaz e&apos;'+e'&apos;-{yields}bb a las Energias de LEP

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Arce Dubois, P.


    In the present work I analyse the data collected during 1990 by the L3 detector, situated in the electron-positron collider LEP. After selecting the events e&apos;'+e'&apos;-{yields} bb through their semileptonic decays into muons, I calculate the cross section for the process e&apos;'+e'&apos;- {yields} bb at different energy points around the mass of the vectorial boson Z, and I measure some parameters of the Standard Model, namely, the Br(b{yields}{mu} ),{gamma}{sub z}n-{yields}bb/{gamma}{sub z}n{yields}had and {gamma}{sub z}n{yields}bb{gamma}{sub z}n{yields}e&apos;'+e'&apos;-. (Author) 26 refs.

  16. Changes in the &apos;medical research&apos; licensing procedure under the German Radiation Protection Ordinance; Neuerungen im Genehmigungsverfahren &apos;Medizinische Forschung&apos; gemaess Roentgen- und Strahlenschutzverordnung

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Habeck, M.; Minkov, V.; Griebel, J.; Brix, G. [Bundesamt fuer Strahlenschutz (BfS), Oberschleissheim-Neuherberg (Germany). Fachbereich Strahlenschutz und Gesundheit; Epsch, R.; Langer, M. [Deutsche Roentgengesellschaft e.V. (DRG), Berlin (Germany). Klinische Studienkoordination


    This publication outlines the &apos;medical research&apos; licensing procedure as specified in the amendment of the German Radiation Protection Ordinance of November 1, 2011. The general licensing requirements for the use of radiation have not been changed by the amendment. Three so-called use restrictions (i.e., dose limits of 10 mSv and 20 mSv, age limit of 50 years) have been modified. They will only apply to healthy volunteers in the future. In addition, there are considerable simplifications with respect to applications and licensing procedures of the Federal Office for Radiation Protection (Bundesamt fuer Strahlenschutz, BfS) regarding the use of radiation in the newly introduced &apos;accompanying diagnostics&apos; (&apos;Begleitdiagnostik&apos;) case group. The newly established, independent panel of experts at the German Radiological Society (Deutsche Roentgengesellschaft, DRG) may provide essential support to principal investigators, qualified physicians and sponsors for differentiating between &apos;medical research&apos; and &apos;health care&apos;, the latter not being subject to licensing. An expert statement will be issued by the DRG within four weeks of an inquiry. This consulting service is subject to confidentiality, and is free of charge for inquirers and without any commitment. (orig.)

  17. Hybrid coolers allow important water saving; Les refroidisseurs &apos;'hybrides'&apos; permettent des economies d&apos;eau importantes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bitsch, V. [Societe Jaeggi-France (France)


    Air cooling systems used with refrigerating machineries are in general highly water and electricity consuming. The use of &apos;hybrid&apos; systems having the characteristics of both close-cycle evaporative systems and dry coolers allow important water saving. This article presents the operation principle and characteristics of such cooling systems. (J.S.)

  18. Assessment report of research and development on &apos;the abolition measures of nuclear facilities and associated technology development&apos; and &apos;radioactive waste treatment and disposal and associated technology development&apos; (result evaluation, in advance evaluation) and &apos;technology development related to reprocessing of nuclear fuel material&apos; (In advance evaluation)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Japan Atomic Energy Agency (hereinafter referred to as &apos;JAEA&apos;) consulted the &apos;Evaluation Committee for Decommissioning and Radioactive Waste Management &apos; for result evaluation and in advance evaluation of &apos;The abolition measures of nuclear facilities and associated technology development&apos; project and &apos;Radioactive waste treatment and disposal and associated technology development&apos; project and &apos;Technology development related to reprocessing of nuclear fuel material&apos; project in accordance with the &apos;Guideline for evaluation of government R and D activities&apos;, the &apos;Guideline for evaluation of R and D in Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT)&apos; and the &apos;Operational rule for evaluation of R and D activities&apos; by JAEA. In response to the JAEA&apos;s request, the Evaluation Committee for Decommissioning and Radioactive Waste Management, in accordance with the evaluation method as defined in the Committee deliberations and oral report and deliberation of material about the R and D project of three was conducted. This report summarizes the results of the assessment by the Committee with the Committee report. (author)

  19. Class I HDAC inhibition is a novel pathway for regulating astrocytic apoE secretion. (United States)

    Dresselhaus, Erica; Duerr, James M; Vincent, Fabien; Sylvain, Emily K; Beyna, Mercedes; Lanyon, Lorraine F; LaChapelle, Erik; Pettersson, Martin; Bales, Kelly R; Ramaswamy, Gayathri


    Despite the important role of apolipoprotein E (apoE) secretion from astrocytes in brain lipid metabolism and the strong association of apoE4, one of the human apoE isoforms, with sporadic and late onset forms of Alzheimer's disease (AD) little is known about the regulation of astrocytic apoE. Utilizing annotated chemical libraries and a phenotypic screening strategy that measured apoE secretion from a human astrocytoma cell line, inhibition of pan class I histone deacetylases (HDACs) was identified as a mechanism to increase apoE secretion. Knocking down select HDAC family members alone or in combination revealed that inhibition of the class I HDAC family was responsible for enhancing apoE secretion. Knocking down LXRα and LXRβ genes revealed that the increase in astrocytic apoE in response to HDAC inhibition occurred via an LXR-independent pathway. Collectively, these data suggest that pan class I HDAC inhibition is a novel pathway for regulating astrocytic apoE secretion.

  20. Prospects for neutron star equation of state constraints using &apos;'recycled'&apos; millisecond pulsars

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bogdanov, Slavko [Columbia University, Columbia Astrophysics Laboratory, New York, NY (United States)


    &apos;'Recycled'&apos; millisecond pulsars are a variety of rapidly spinning neutron stars that typically show thermal X-ray radiation due to the heated surface of their magnetic polar caps. Detailed numerical modeling of the rotation-induced thermal X-ray pulsations observed from recycled millisecond pulsars, including all relevant relativistic and stellar atmospheric effects, has been identified as a promising approach towards an astrophysical determination of the true neutron star mass-radius relation, and by extension the state of cold matter at densities exceeding those of atomic nuclei. Herein, I review the basic model and methodology commonly used to extract information regarding neutron star structure from the pulsed X-ray radiation observed from millisecond pulsars. I also summarize the results of past X-ray observations of these objects and the prospects for precision neutron star mass-radius measurements with the upcoming Neutron Star Interior Composition Explorer (NICER) X-ray timing mission. (orig.)

  1. Energy and the new class. [Assault of &apos;&apos;new breed&apos;&apos; of American on established institutions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    King, L.


    The bounty of the US is taken for granted by its population. Nowhere is this misvaluation of a society and its benefits more evident than in the energy industries. But energy represents a tool by which society can be shaped; a device by which the standared of living and the very nature of the national lifestyle can be controlled, modified, amplified, or reduced. Two examples examined to show how energy shapes social order and human life are the women&apos;s movement and the desire to live in the Sunbelt. Five phenomena are then examined to point out the desire to restrain the nation&apos;s rampant pursuit of a higher standard of living, as opposed to the more subjective and seemingly more desirable goal of a better quality of life: the civil rights movement; the environmental movement; the Vietnam War; the Watergate scandal; and the assumption that prosperity at today&apos;s level is irreducible, concrete, and not subject to diminution. The &apos;&apos;new class&apos;&apos; is essentially made up of those educated in the liberal arts, divorced from an understanding of the mechanics of free-enterprise institutions and of the sicences. The antagonistic view of the new class of corporations and its assault on established institutions are noted. Energy companies are frustrated in telling their story, but the story that must be told is not the story of how excellently the energy sector has performed, but the story of how a new breed of Americans is seeking to remake America in its own image without the rest being aware of what is going on. (MCW)

  2. The comparative analysis of &apos;Regulations on safety of radioactive waste management&apos; of China and federal law &apos;On the management of radioactive waste&apos; of Russian

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yang Lili; Zhang Qiao'e; Fan Yun; Liu Ting; Gao Siqi


    In this article, the &apos;Regulations on safety of radioactive waste management&apos; of China and Federal Law &apos;On the management of radioactive waste&apos; of Russian were compared, from three aspects: overall legislative ideas, respective unique place and difference of common parts. Refining summed up should learn the contents of the Federal Law &apos;On the management of radioactive waste&apos; of Russian, for the learning exchanges. (authors)

  3. The Influence of Teachers&apos; Conceptions on Their Students&apos; Learning: Children&apos;s Understanding of Sheet Music (United States)

    López-Íñiguez, Guadalupe; Pozo, Juan Ignacio


    Background: Despite increasing interest in teachers&apos; and students&apos; conceptions of learning and teaching, and how they influence their practice, there are few studies testing the influence of teachers&apos; conceptions on their students&apos; learning. Aims: This study tests how teaching conception (TC; with a distinction between…

  4. Contributions to the qualification of the &apos;'CRISTAL'&apos; criticality calculi scheme: interpretation of critical experiments. Elaboration of a characterization system of neutronic configurations; Contributions a la qualification du schema de calcul de criticite &apos;'cristal'&apos;: interpretation d&apos;experiences critiques. Elaboration d&apos;un systeme de caracterisation des configurations neutroniques

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gagnier, E


    This thesis work is about the validation of the new criticality-safety package CRISTAL and contributes to the modernization and the improvement of the computational tools. The first part presents neutronic elements, the objectives of safety criticality studies and the package CRISTAL. Then, the validation work concerned two series of experiments involving uranyl solutions (UO{sub 2}F{sub 2}) and UO{sub 2} powders. For these experiments, the differences between the computation results and the experimental results were analysed. It was highlighted interesting physical phenomena such of the compensations of errors between the approximate representation by the 99 energy group structure on the first resonance of oxygen and the anisotropy of the diffusion simulation as well as the influence of uranium 234 in high enriched solutions in uranium 235. Once the work of the experimental qualification carried out, raises the question of the use the base of qualification and the &apos;'calculation-experiment'&apos; variations which are referred to it. It is often difficult to establish the link between the &apos;&apos;studied configuration&apos;&apos; and the experiments of the base of qualification. The presented characterisation system proposes to answer in a way automatic and quantified this difficulty: - in bringing an answer on the package qualification for the studied configuration, - in giving an estimate of the package bias. To answer these points, it was defined a set of 35 characteristic neutronic parameters representing the behaviour of the medium. To process the information brought by these parameters and to use it to answer the objectives of the system, we called upon statistical methods (Principal Components Analysis and Sliced Inverse Regression). The results obtained in the feasibility studies showed the relevance of these methods for the considered objectives. (author)

  5. Perceiving, explaining, and observing climatic changes. An historical case study of the &apos;&apos;year without a summer&apos;&apos; 1816

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bodenmann, Tom; Hirsch Hadorn, Gertrude [ETH Zurich (Switzerland). Inst. for Environmental Decisions; Broennimann, Stefan [Univ. of Bern (Switzerland). Oeschger Centre for Climate Change Research and Inst of Geography; Krueger, Tobias [Staatsarchiv Solothurn (Switzerland); Weissert, Helmut [ETH Zurich (Switzerland). Geological Inst.


    The role of the &apos;&apos;year without a summer&apos;&apos; (YWAS) in 1816 in shaping the scientific discourse on climatic changes has been investigated in an interdisciplinary project by studying reactions of different knowledge systems to the YWAS as an initially unexplainable event. The analysis of two Swiss newspapers shows that contemporary science did not play a role in perceiving and dealing with the impacts of the YWAS on the population. Since no climate discipline of its own existed, few contemporary scientist, as we would call those men of science today, were ready to take this situation as an opportunity, reinforcing existing ideas in their domain (e.g. botany, geology, astronomy). Nevertheless, the YWAS did have impacts on science. A &apos;'call'&apos; was issued by the Swiss Natural Sciences Society shortly after the event. The work of one of the respondents became influential for the development of the ice age theory. By revealing a general lack of knowledge on climate, the YWAS might have contributed to the construction of meteorological stations at that time. Some contemporary scientists argued that the cold summer in western Europe was caused by huge masses of ice drifting in the North Atlantic. However, there were no theories that could have linked the exceptionally wet weather in Europe with a volcanic eruption on the other side of the globe. Not before the early 20{sup th} century was the YWAS linked to the Tambora eruption of 1815. After almost two centuries, the YWAS has remained a challenge and source of inspiration. (orig.)

  6. &apos;Lifecycle cost&apos; management used in ITER project

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Xing Chao; Wu Fengfeng


    &apos;Lifecycle cost&apos; management is a new kind of management. The International Nuclear Fusion Energy Program was managing by &apos;lifecycle cost&apos; method. The cost and other factors associated with cost were under control by the method. In the future, the system engineering method should be focused in engineering management, paying equal attention to both evaluation and management, and strengthening the application of information system in the cost management to effectively improve the management level. (authors)

  7. SKI&apos;s and SSI&apos;s review of SKB&apos;s safety report SR-Can

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dverstorp, Bjoern; Stroemberg, Bo (and others)


    This report summarises SKI&apos;s and SSI&apos;s joint review of the Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Co&apos;s (SKB) safety report SR-Can (SKB TR-06-09). SR-Can is the first assessment of post-closure safety for a KBS-3 spent nuclear fuel repository at the candidate sites Forsmark and Laxemar, respectively. The analysis builds on data from the initial stage of SKB&apos;s surface-based site investigations and on data from full-scale manufacturing and testing of buffer and copper canisters. SR-Can can be regarded as a preliminary version of the safety report that will be required in connection with SKB&apos;s planned licence application for a final repository in late 2009. The main purpose of the authorities&apos; review is to provide feedback to SKB on their safety reporting as part of the pre-licensing consultation process. However, SR-Can is not part of the formal licensing process. In support of the authorities&apos; review three international peer review teams were set up to make independent reviews of SR-Can from three perspectives, namely integration of site data, representation of the engineered barriers and safety assessment methodology, respectively. Further, several external experts and consultants have been engaged to review detailed technical and scientific issues in SR-Can. The municipalities of Oesthammar and Oskarshamn where SKB is conducting site investigations, as well NGOs involved in SKB&apos;s programme, have been invited to provide their views on SR-Can as input to the authorities&apos; review. Finally, the authorities themselves, and with the help of consultants, have used independent models to reproduce part of SKB&apos;s calculations and to make complementary calculations. All supporting review documents are published in SKI&apos;s and SSI&apos;s report series. The main findings of the review are: -SKB&apos;s safety assessment methodology is overall in accordance with applicable regulations, but part of the methodology needs to be

  8. Search for B Meson Decays to eta&apos; eta&apos; K

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Aubert, B.


    The authors describe searches for decays of B mesons to the charmless final states {eta}&apos;{eta}&apos;K. The data consist of 228 million B{bar B} pairs produced in e{sup +}e{sup -} annihilation, collected with the BABAR detector at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center. The 90% confidence level upper limits for the branching fractions are {Beta}(B{sup 0} {yields} {eta}&apos;{eta}&apos;K{sup 0}) < 31 x 10{sup -6} and {Beta}(B{sup +} {yields} {eta}&apos;{eta}&apos;K{sup +}) < 25 x 10{sup -6}.

  9. What does &apos;nuclear power village&apos; represent in the newspaper articles?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Takenaka, I.; Kimura, H.


    Since the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster in 2011, we have often heard the word &apos;Nuclear Power Village (Genshiryoku-Mura in Japanese)&apos; in Japan. &apos;Nuclear Power Village&apos; is used for the Japanese community related to nuclear power generation. In this paper, we analysed Japanese newspapers and clarified usages of &apos;Nuclear Power Village&apos;. As a result, we found there are two images of &apos;Nuclear Power Village&apos;. One image has a common purpose of the promotion of nuclear power. Another image has a common purpose of acquiring gain. We also clarified the characteristics of the images such as interdependence, closed community and so on. (author)

  10. What does &apos;nuclear power village&apos; represent in the newspaper articles?

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Takenaka, I., E-mail: [The Univ. of Tokyo, Tokyo (Japan); Kimura, H., E-mail: [Public Outreach, Non-Profit, Tokyo (Japan)


    Since the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster in 2011, we have often heard the word &apos;Nuclear Power Village (Genshiryoku-Mura in Japanese)&apos; in Japan. &apos;Nuclear Power Village&apos; is used for the Japanese community related to nuclear power generation. In this paper, we analysed Japanese newspapers and clarified usages of &apos;Nuclear Power Village&apos;. As a result, we found there are two images of &apos;Nuclear Power Village&apos;. One image has a common purpose of the promotion of nuclear power. Another image has a common purpose of acquiring gain. We also clarified the characteristics of the images such as interdependence, closed community and so on. (author)

  11. Swiss &apos;Electricity&apos; Research Programme 2004-2007; Konzept des Forschungsprogramms &apos;Elektrizitaet&apos; 2004 - 2007

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Brueniger, R.


    This report issued by the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE) provides details on Swiss research in the electricity area that is foreseen for the period 2004-2007. The report discusses the current state of electricity research and the strategic goals for the period and presents the organisations involved and their previous work. The general main areas of interest addressed by the programme are noted, such as the storage and transport of electricity as well as its use in communication technologies, motors, domestic appliances and industrial applications. Figures are presented on the programme&apos;s finances and the concept of &apos;trend-watching&apos; groups is briefly addressed.

  12. Jevons&apos; paradox

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Alcott, Blake [Gretenweg 4, CH 8038 Zurich (Switzerland)


    Technological efficiency; Rebound; Impact; Consumption; Growth; Jevons In The Coal Question William Stanley Jevons [Jevons, W.S., 1865/1965. The Coal Question: an Inquiry Concerning the Progress of the Nation, and the Probable Exhaustion of our Coal-mines. 3rd edition 1905, Ed. A.W. Flux. Augustus M. Kelley, New York.] maintained that technological efficiency gains-specifically the more &apos;economical&apos; use of coal in engines doing mechanical work-actually increased the overall consumption of coal, iron, and other resources, rather than &apos;saving&apos; them, as many claimed. Twentieth-century economic growth theory also sees technological change as the main cause of increased production and consumption. In contrast, some ecologically-oriented economists and practically all governments, green political parties and NGOs believe that efficiency gains lower consumption and negative environmental impact. Others doubt this &apos;efficiency strategy&apos; towards sustainability, holding that efficiency gains &apos;rebound&apos; or even &apos;backfire&apos; in pursuing this goal, causing higher production and consumption. Because many environmental problems demand rapid and clear policy recommendations, this issue deserves high priority in ecological economics. If Jevons is right, efficiency policies are counter-productive, and business-as-usual efficiency gains must be compensated for with physical caps like quotas or rationing.

  13. Synthesis, characterization and biological evaluation of a novel &apos;&apos;3+1&apos;&apos; mixed ligand {sup 99m}Tc complex having an aliphatic thiol as coligand

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rey, A. E-mail:; Papadopoulos, M.; Leon, E.; Mallo, L.; Pirmettis, Y.; Manta, E.; Raptopoulou, C.; Chiotellis, E.; Leon, A


    A novel &apos;&apos;3+1&apos;&apos; mixed ligand {sup 99m}Tc complex with N,N-bis(2-mercaptoethyl)-N&apos;N&apos;-diethyl-ethilenediamine as ligand and 1-octanethiol as coligand was prepared and evaluated as potential brain radiopharmaceutical. Preparation at tracer level was accomplished by substitution, using {sup 99m}Tc-glucoheptonate as precursor and a coligand/ligand ratio of 5. Under these conditions the labeling yield was over 80% and a major product with radiochemical purity >80% was isolated by HPLC methods and used for biological evaluation. Chemical characterization at carrier level was developed using the corresponding rhenium and {sup 99g}Tc complexes. Results were consistent with the expected &apos;&apos;3+1&apos;&apos; structure and X-ray diffraction study demonstrated that the complex adopted a distorted trigonal bipyramidal geometry. All sulphur atoms underwent ionization leading to the formation of a neutral compound. Biodistribution in mice demonstrated early brain uptake, fast blood clearance and excretion through hepatobiliary system. Although brain/blood ratio increased significantly with time, this novel {sup 99m}Tc complex did not exhibit ideal properties as brain perfusion radiopharmaceutical since brain uptake was too low.

  14. ESMA, hora cero : Las noticias sobre la Escuela de Mecánica de la Armada en la prensa de la transición

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Claudia Feld


    Full Text Available La ESMA (Escuela de Mecánica de la Armada fue uno de los centros clandestinos de tortura y desaparición más activos de la última dictadura militar argentina (1976-1983: se estima que unos 5.000 desaparecidos fueron detenidos allí. A partir de la década de 1990, la ESMA se transformó en un lugar "emblemático" del recuerdo y su imagen suele ser presentada como condensación de todas las atrocidades del terrorismo de Estado. Este trabajo se propone interrogar esta centralidad de la ESMA y reconstruir el proceso de su "emblematización". El artículo analiza las representaciones de la ESMA en la prensa argentina durante los primeros meses de la apertura democrática (entre enero y mayo de 1984. Estas representaciones, conocidas como "show del horror" por su lenguaje macabro y sensacionalista, ofrecen pistas claras para emprender una reflexión sobre el primer proceso de calificación operado sobre ese lugar antes del advenimiento de los principales relatos "fundadores" de la transición democrática: el informe de la comisión de la CONADEP y el juicio a los ex comandantes.

  15. ISO 3171 production hydrocarbons allocation sampling for challenging &apos;'tie-ins'&apos;with pressures close to RVP breakout

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jiskoot, Mark


    There are an increasing number of applications where sampling is required for crude oils and condensates at close to vapour breakout in production environments. These are typified where the quality measurement must be extracted/made in the &apos;'oil'&apos; leg of a separator. The exertion of back pressure (pressure loss) on the liquid leg to expand the operating envelope is generally not acceptable due to the effect that this will have on the separator efficiency and this frequently precludes the use of normal metering technologies. These conditions represent some of the hardest for quality determination. In conventional separators, velocities are low to promote separation of the gas and liquids and the therefore the gas pressure within the liquid phase is close to breakout. Frequently there is an envelope of less than 0.5 bar below the operating pressure at which the fluid will start to cavitate. Concurrent with the low velocity is the expectation of some free water that would require mixing to ensure representativity. There are frequently also severe restrictions on space and the piping arrangement in which to achieve a representative off-take. The &apos;'rules'&apos; that are applied to representative sampling are equally applicable to the use of water monitors (water cut, OWD) and to densitometers. An integrated quality measurement system that prevents any impact on the process and also provides the required mixing to allow extraction of a representative off take that can be used for physical samplers as well as process instrumentation such as densitometers, viscometers and water cut monitors can be achieved by careful design. Jiskoot has adapted its CoJetix technology to meet these goals. (author) (tk)

  16. In LDL receptor-deficient mice, catabolism of remnant lipoproteins requires a high level of apoE but is inhibited by excess apoE

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Dijk, K.W. van; Vlijmen, B.J.M. van; Hof, H.B. van 't; Zee, A. van der; Santamarina-Fojo, S.; Berkel, T.J.C. van; Havekes, L.M.; Hofker, M.H.


    To investigate the quantitative requirement for apolipoprotein (apo) E in the clearance of lipoproteins via the non-low density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor mediated pathway, human APOE was overexpressed at various levels in the livers of mice deficient for both the endogenous Apoe and Ldlr genes

  17. Scenarios for an integrated sustainability policy - using the example of the &apos;&apos;Sustainable City 2030&apos;&apos;; Szenarien fuer eine integrierte Nachhaltigkeitspolitik - am Beispiel: Die nachhaltige Stadt 2030. Bd. 3. Teilbericht &apos;&apos;Nachhaltiges Wirtschaften in der Stadt 2030&apos;&apos;

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Grabow, Busso; Hollbach-Groemig, Beate; Groepler, Nicolai; Rechenberg, Christoph [Deutsches Inst. fuer Urbanistik (DiFu), Berlin (Germany); Gassner, Robert [Institut fuer Zukunftsstudien und Technologiebewertung gGmbH (IZT), Berlin (Germany)


    The partial report,Sustainability economic activity in the City 2030&apos; was performed as a part of a project of the Federal Environment Agency (Dessau-Rosslau, Federal Republic of Germany) entitled &apos;Scenarios for an integrated sustainability policy - exemplified by using,Sustainable City 2030&apos;&apos;. The objectives of this partial report are: (a) Presentation of the topic and its importance in the current debate on sustainability; (b) Answering the questions: What are the interfaces to the municipal level? What is about the capability of acting at the municipal level? Which framework conditions are necessary on the part of the Federal Government and the State Governments?; (c) Rough outline of the current situation; (d) Outlining the opportunities and perspectives up to the implementation of the sustainable economic activity.

  18. &apos;Atomic Bremsstrahlung&apos;: Retrospectives, current status and perspectives

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Amusia, M.Ya. [Racah Institute of Physics, Hebrew University, Jerusalem 91904 (Israel) and Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute, St. Petersburg 194021 (Russian Federation)]. E-mail:


    We describe here the &apos;Atomic bremsstrahlung&apos; (AB)-emission of continuous spectrum electromagnetic radiation, which is generated in collisions of particles that have internal deformable structure that includes positively and negatively charged constituents. The deformation of one or both colliding partners induces multiple, mainly dipole, time-dependent electrical moments that become a source of radiation. The history of AB invention is presented and its unusual in comparison to ordinary bremsstrahlung (OB) properties, are discussed. As examples, fast electron atom, non-relativistic and relativistic collisions are considered. Attention is given to ion-atom and atom-atom collisions. Specifics of &apos;elastic&apos; and &apos;inelastic&apos; (i.e. radiation accompanied by destruction of collision partners) AB will be mentioned. Attention will be given to possible manifestation of AB in nature and in some exotic systems, for instance scattering of electrons upon muonic hydrogen. Some cooperative effects connected to AB will be considered. New classical schemes similar to AB will be presented.

  19. Thermal management of a &apos;'BC'&apos; size molicel

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fouchard, D.; Ruggier, L.; Taylor, B.J.


    The &apos;'BC'&apos; size MOLICEL using the rechargeable system Li/MoS/sub 2/ has already been shown to have performance characteristics appropriate for use in an electric vehicle battery. The cell design, based on the results of thermal modelling studies, has been modified to provide for improved removal of waste heat resulting from planned high power discharge or from accidental electrical abuse. Experimental verification of the various interfacial thermal impedances was done and an appropriate heat sink specified to use air cooling for the final rejection stage. Fully instrumented 45 Ah test cells were built using a design in which waste heat was caused to flow axially in the aluminum foils forming the cathode current collector. The bottom ends of these foils were thermally integrated to the cell can bottom which had air cooling fins attached externally. Two fully charged cells of this special design were subjected to sustained short circuit whilst being cooled on their fins only with air at 25 km/h. Neither cell experienced any excessive heat built-up and no safety hazard occurred. The results show that thermal management of this type of battery can readily be done using a simple cell design modification and requiring minimum complexity for heat disposal to the environment. The system does not impose any extraordinary constraints on electric vehicle design and it would also be feasible to duct warm air from the battery heat exchanger to provide passenger compartment heating. 17 figs., 7 tabs.

  20. Re-evaluation of the criticality experiments of the &apos;&apos;Otto Hahn Nuclear Ship&apos;&apos; reactor

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lengar, I.; Snoj, L.; Rogan, P.; Ravnik, M. [Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana (Slovenia)


    Several series of experiments with a FDR reactor (advanced pressurized light water reactor) were performed in 1972 in the Geesthacht critical facility ANEX. The experiments were performed to test the core prior to its usage for the propulsion of the first German nuclear merchant ship &apos;'Otto-Hahn'&apos;. In the present paper a calculational re-evaluation of the experiments is described with the use of the up-to date computer codes (Monte-Carlo code MCNP5) and nuclear data (ENDF/B-VI release 6). It is focused on the determination of uncertainties in the benchmark model of the experimental set-up, originating mainly from the limited set of information still available about the experiments. Effects of the identified uncertainties on the multiplication factor were studied. The sensitivity studies include parametric variation of material composition and geometry. The combined total uncertainty being found 0.0050 in k{sub eff}, the experiments are qualified as criticality safety benchmark experiments. (orig.)

  1. Resonant light power buildup in ALPS, a &apos;&apos;light shining through a wall&apos;&apos;-experiment

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Meier, Tobias; Danzmann, Karsten; Willke, Benno [Max-Planck-Institut fuer Gravitationsphysik, Albert Einstein Institut (Germany); Institut fuer Gravitationsphysik, Leibniz Universitaet Hannover, Callinstrasse 38, D-30167 Hannover (Germany); Ehret, Klaus; Ghazaryan, Samvel; Knabbe, Axel; Lindner, Axel; List, Jenny; Meyer, Niels; Notz, Dieter; Redondo, Javier; Ringwald, Andreas [Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, Notkestrasse 85, D-22607 Hamburg (Germany); Frede, Maik; Hildebrandt, Matthias [Laserzentrum Hannover e.V., Hollerithallee 8, D-30419 Hannover (Germany); Wiedemann, Guenter [Hamburger Sternwarte, Gojenbergsweg 112, D-21029 Hamburg (Germany)


    We report on the first successfull application of a new experimental technique to search for weakly interacting sub-eV particles (WISPs) coupling to photons. As part of the ALPS experiment located at DESY in Hamburg, this technique uses an optical resonator to enhance the power inside a HERA dipole magnet on the production side of a typical &apos;&apos;light shining through a wall&apos;&apos;-experiment. We use a frequency doubled continuous-wave laser emitting 0.6 W of power at 532 nm that is stabilized to a linear optical resonator with 8 m length. On resonance we achieve a circulating power of 34 W within the magnet. With this we obtained sensitivities corresponding to a coupling strength of g{approx}5.10{sup -7} GeV{sup -1} for interactions of axion-like particles and photons. The experimental setup and possible improvements are described and compared with common experimental designs with pulsed lasers.

  2. Breeding ground: evolving the &apos;smart&apos; industry

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jaremko, G.


    This article celebrates the successes of the Canadian independent oil contractors and the oilfield service and supply sector that keep Canada in the forefront of the world&apos;s &apos;smart&apos; nations in energy stewardship, efficiency, development, diversification and utilization. It explains how small independent contractors and service and supply enterprises play a central role on all these fronts, with supply and service companies being responsible for about 80 per cent of oil companies&apos; capital budget and 70 per cent of their operational expenditures in fields ranging from construction, and camp catering, to ambulance services, safety systems, trucking, tool making, drilling services, production testing, valve manufacturing, chemical blending and environmental protection. Special attention is paid to importance on independent contractors represented by the Small Explorers and Producers Association of Canada (SEPAC), their ability to develop or adopt new technology and to accommodate the demands of constantly changing price levels and increasingly higher expectations in terms of social responsibility, productivity and competitiveness, as well as environmental performance. As an example, the article describes the career of Robert Tessari, founder and president of Tesco Corporation, a drilling company operating in some 40 countries, who aims to automate drilling to the point where rig crews are pared to teams of two or three experts directing machinery from computer consoles. That he is well on the way of achieving his objectives is illustrated by his contributions to the development of a new generation of bits, tools and procedures known as the &apos;case drilling&apos; process which simultaneously uses the same steel tubing to make the holes into oil and gas-bearing formations and line them for production, and in so doing cut 25 to 30 per cent off the time required to drill a well and bring it to production. His company&apos;s contribution to the

  3. Ecological crisis: The &apos;Chernobyl feeling&apos; - or how the mental effects of the ecological disaster can be detected and &apos;measured&apos;. Umweltkrise: Das &apos;Tschernobyl-Gefuehl&apos; - wie die psychischen Folgen der oekologischen Krise &apos;vermessen&apos; werden

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Boehm, A.; Boehnke, K.; Boldt, P.R.; Faas, A.; Gross, B.; Jaeggi, E.; Legewie, H.


    Given real personal embarrassment, the Chernobyl accident indeed has had an impact on the vital consciousness, and this effect has been developing in two phases, an initial phase, and a subsequent phase characterised by mental digestion. In the initial, post-accident phase, the typical &apos;Chernobyl feeling&apos; is frequently predominant. If this feeling later is weakened or diluted by a back-to-normal attitude, no bearing effects on vital consciousness or identity feeling can be observed, but a general feeling of pessimism and resignment remains. If, however, &apos;normalisation&apos; did not set in until the first interview in this study, personal identity is found to be undergoing a change. A more conscious apprehension of life can be observed, a change in life style up to political commitment, or also leading to a determined turn to short-term, private compensating activities, (last-minute panic). (orig./HP).

  4. Cerebrospinal fluid leakage. Indications, technique and results of treatment with a blood patch; Liquorverlustsyndrom. Indikation, Technik und Ergebnisse der Behandlung mit &apos;&apos;blood patch&apos;&apos;

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gottschalk, A. [Krankenhaus Nordwest, Abteilung Neuroradiologie, Frankfurt am Main (Germany)


    of several months, even though patients are already free of symptoms. In total, blood patch therapy is a safe and technically relative simple method with a high success rate. Therefore, it represents the therapy of choice in patients with spontaneous cerebrospinal fluid leakage as well as in cases of post-lumbar puncture syndrome refractory to conservative therapy. (orig.) [German] In den meisten Faellen ist ein Liquorverlustsyndrom iatrogen durch Lumbalpunktionen, Periduralanaesthesien oder operative Eingriffe an der Wirbelsaeule bedingt. Durch verbesserte diagnostische Moeglichkeiten werden jedoch auch spontane Liquorverlustsyndrome mit zunehmender Haeufigkeit diagnostiziert, deren Ursache oft nicht eindeutig zu klaeren ist. Zur radiologischen Diagnosesicherung und zur Lokalisierung des Liquorlecks stehen mit der Postmyelo-CT, der {sup 111}Indium-Radioisotopenzisternographie und der (Myelo-)MRT mehrere Verfahren mit unterschiedlichen Sensitivitaeten zur Verfuegung. Nach unserer eigenen Erfahrung ist eine primaer nativdiagnostische MRT mit fettsaturierten T2-Sequenzen in vielen Faellen bereits diagnostisch ausreichend, um das Liquorleck und seine Lokalisation zu sichern. In den uebrigen Faellen ist die Durchfuehrung einer ergaenzenden Postmyelo-CT oder alternativ einer Myelo-MRT empfehlenswert. Bei manchen Patienten mit spontanem Liquorverlustsyndrom finden sich dabei mehrere Liquorlecks auf unterschiedlichen Hoehen. Leitsymptom ist in den meisten Faellen ein lageabhaengiger orthostatischer Kopfschmerz. Waehrend das postpunktionelle Syndrom unter Bettruhe und medikamentoeser Therapie oft selbstlimitierend ist, bedarf es beim spontanen Liquorverlustsyndrom meist einer Blood-patch-Therapie. Der lumbale &apos;&apos;blood patch&apos;&apos; kann in der Regel problemlos unter Durchleuchtungskontrolle erfolgen. Bei einem &apos;&apos;blood patch&apos;&apos; an der HWS oder BWS wird aus Sicherheitsgruenden eine CT-gesteuerte Durchfuehrung empfohlen, um eine streng epidurale

  5. &apos;'Spin-dependent'&apos; μ → e conversion on light nuclei

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Davidson, Sacha; Saporta, Albert; Kuno, Yoshitaka


    The experimental sensitivity to μ → e conversion will improve by four or more orders of magnitude in coming years, making it interesting to consider the &apos;'spin-dependent'&apos; (SD) contribution to the rate. This process does not benefit from the atomic-number-squared enhancement of the spin-independent (SI) contribution, but probes different operators. We give details of our recent estimate of the spin-dependent rate, expressed as a function of operator coefficients at the experimental scale. Then we explore the prospects for distinguishing coefficients or models by using different targets, both in an EFT perspective, where a geometric representation of different targets as vectors in coefficient space is introduced, and also in three leptoquark models. It is found that comparing the rate on isotopes with and without spin could allow one to detect spin-dependent coefficients that are at least a factor of few larger than the spin-independent ones. Distinguishing among the axial, tensor and pseudoscalar operators that induce the SD rate would require calculating the nuclear matrix elements for the second two. Comparing the SD rate on nuclei with an odd proton vs. odd neutron could allow one to distinguish operators involving u quarks from those involving d quarks; this is interesting because the distinction is difficult to make for SI operators. (orig.)

  6. &apos;'Spin-dependent'&apos; μ → e conversion on light nuclei

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Davidson, Sacha; Saporta, Albert [IPNL, CNRS/IN2P3, Villeurbanne (France); Universite Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Villeurbanne (France); Universite de Lyon, Lyon (France); Kuno, Yoshitaka [Osaka University, Department of Physics, Toyonaka, Osaka (Japan)


    The experimental sensitivity to μ → e conversion will improve by four or more orders of magnitude in coming years, making it interesting to consider the &apos;'spin-dependent'&apos; (SD) contribution to the rate. This process does not benefit from the atomic-number-squared enhancement of the spin-independent (SI) contribution, but probes different operators. We give details of our recent estimate of the spin-dependent rate, expressed as a function of operator coefficients at the experimental scale. Then we explore the prospects for distinguishing coefficients or models by using different targets, both in an EFT perspective, where a geometric representation of different targets as vectors in coefficient space is introduced, and also in three leptoquark models. It is found that comparing the rate on isotopes with and without spin could allow one to detect spin-dependent coefficients that are at least a factor of few larger than the spin-independent ones. Distinguishing among the axial, tensor and pseudoscalar operators that induce the SD rate would require calculating the nuclear matrix elements for the second two. Comparing the SD rate on nuclei with an odd proton vs. odd neutron could allow one to distinguish operators involving u quarks from those involving d quarks; this is interesting because the distinction is difficult to make for SI operators. (orig.)

  7. Energy-related renovation in the world heritage. Retrofitting &apos;Glas-Hoffmann&apos; buildings, Berlin; Energetische Sanierung im Weltkulturerbe. Sanierung &apos;Glas-Hoffmann&apos;-Bauten, Berlin

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Brensing, Christian


    Between 1955 and 1959, the housing estate at the Schiller park in Berlin-Wedding (Federal Republic in Germany) established in the 1920ies was expanded by four-storey house lines, the so-called Glas-Hoffmann buildings. Since 2008, this ensemble belongs to the Unesco World Heritage. In improving the thermal insulation of the building envelope and the adaptation of the building services to today&apos;s standards, therefore the architectural aesthetics of these buildings should not be endangered. The retrofitting was a pilot project of the research project &apos;&apos;Monument and energy - Postwar Modernism&apos;&apos;.

  8. Exergonic-economic analysis of the &apos;Sotacib&apos; cement baking unit; Analyse exergeco-economique de l&apos;atelier de cuisson de la cimenterie &apos;Sotacib&apos;

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gharsalli, A.; Barkati, M. [Sotacib, Feriana (Tunisia); Hajji, N.; Gaabab, A.; Jeday, M.R. [Ecole Nationale d' ingenieurs de Gabes (Tunisia)


    The main purpose of this work is the development of a computing tool for the exergetic analysis of a cement baking unit belonging to the &apos;Societe Tuniso-Algerienne de Ciment Blanc (SOTACIB)&apos;. We chose to study this unit in particular because it accounts for about 30 to 60 % of the total cement production costs. The developed program, called &apos;CIMEX&apos;, its capable of computing mass and energy balances and estimating the exergetic losses and efficiencies associated with the main operations of the studied unit. The results of the exergetic analysis were used to study the economic impact of recovering some of the energetic reserves in order to improve the efficiency of the baking unit which will make the subject of another article. (authors)

  9. Pythagoras&apos;s theorem on a two-dimensional lattice from a &apos;natural&apos; Dirac operator and Connes&apos;s distance formula

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dai Jian [Theory Group, Department of Physics, Peking University, Beijing (China)]. E-mail:; Song Xingchang [Theory Group, Department of Physics, Peking University, Beijing (China)]. E-mail:


    One of the key ingredients of Connes&apos;s noncommutative geometry is a generalized Dirac operator which induces a metric (Connes&apos;s distance) on the pure state space. We generalize such a Dirac operator devised by Dimakis et al, whose Connes distance recovers the linear distance on an one-dimensional lattice, to the two-dimensional case. This Dirac operator has the local eigenvalue property and induces a Euclidean distance on this two-dimensional lattice, which is referred to as &apos;natural&apos;. This kind of Dirac operator can be easily generalized into any higher-dimensional lattices. (author)

  10. Análise de desempenho do contrapiso autonivelante em relação ao sistema tradicional


    Natalia Cerqueira de Souza


    Este trabalho pretende analisar o desempenho do contrapiso autonivelante, uma argamassa desenvolvida com uso de aditivos para ser bombeada e servir de base para execução de pisos e compará-lo com o processo tradicional de argamassa tipo farofa. O trabalho foi dividido em duas etapas: a primeira analisa três traços do contrapiso autonivelante para entender suas características, sendo um o traço normal recomendado pelo desenvolvedor do produto, o outro um traço com aumento na quantidade de água...

  11. Viabilidade do uso de placas de granito como lajes em edificações


    Moreiras,Sérgio Trajano Franco; Paraguassú,Antenor Braga


    Placas de granitos são amplamente empregadas no revestimento de pisos na forma de ladrilhos assentados com argamassa industrializada. Recentemente, tem crescido o interesse no uso de sistemas não aderentes (sem argamassa) com placas de rocha. Porém, na literatura muito pouco foi publicado a respeito. O presente trabalho avaliou as propriedades físico-mecânicas de três granitos com grande aceitação comercial, e determinou as espessuras necessárias para estas das placas serem usadas como lajes ...

  12. Uso do res?duo da esta??o de tratamento de ?gua de Ji-Paran?/RO como material ciment?cio


    Rocha, Maria Angelica Froes da


    O lodo ? um subproduto inevit?vel no tratamento da ?gua a ser fornecida a uma popula??o, sendo que a sua disposi??o final muitas vezes ? realizada de forma inadequada e n?o sustent?vel. A argamassa ? uma mistura de cimento, areia e ?gua. Este trabalho tem o objetivo de avaliar a substitui??o parcial do agregado mi?do pelo lodo produzido na esta??o de tratamento de ?gua de Ji-Paran? na produ??o de argamassa. A metodologia utilizada no presente estudo consistiu na coleta e secagem do lodo, cara...

  13. &apos;'Affenhaar'&apos; revisited - Facies context of in situ preserved latex from the Middle Eocene of Central Germany

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wilde, Volker [Senckenberg Forschungsinstitut und Naturmuseum, Sektion Palaeobotanik, Senckenberganlage 25, 60325 Frankfurt am Main (Germany); Riegel, Walter [Senckenberg Forschungsinstitut und Naturmuseum, Sektion Palaeobotanik, Senckenberganlage 25, 60325 Frankfurt am Main (Germany); Geowissenschaftliches Zentrum der Universitaet Goettingen, Geobiologie, Goldschmidtstr. 3, 37077 Goettingen (Germany)


    In situ preserved latex (&apos;'Affenhaar'&apos;) has long been known from some of the Middle Eocene lignites of Central Germany. Now, for the first time, the occurrence of bark with latex canals still in situ has been studied in detail in the former mining area of the Geiseltal. Affenhaar is found in both massive matrix-dominated lignites and interbedded clastics, representing sub-autochthonous and reworked material, respectively. Palynological studies of Affenhaar-bearing sections reveal a highly diverse assemblage of spores and pollen, but none of the pollen taxa is obviously correlated to the occurrence of Affenhaar. A significant herbaceous component has been recognized in the pollen record in addition to those taxa mainly derived from trees. (author)

  14. Change of radiation conditions at the &apos;'Ukryttya&apos; object after pitching of arch construction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jegorov, V.V.; Morozov, Yu.V.; Pavlovs'kij, L.Yi.; Kholodyuk, A.O.


    Individual measurements of dose rate (DR) capacity values were performed on the outer surfaces (roof) of object &apos;'Ukryttya'&apos;, in local zone both before and after pitching of Arch construction (Arch) as well as study the characteristics of angular distribution of gamma radiation intensity at those areas. A comparative analysis of results obtained was performed. At all measuring points after Arch pitching a reduction of DR value, depending on area of research, was observed.Measurements were being performed during the period from 16.11.2016 till 18.01.2017

  15. Sampling system for fast single pulses; Realisation d&apos;un dispositif d&apos;echantillonnage d&apos;un signal bref unique

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zenatti, D. [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Grenoble (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    Development of a device for the enlargement of the domain of application of classical oscilloscopes to the observation of fast single pulses by application of the sampling principle. Its principal characteristics are: Bandwidth of 700 MHz; Maximum sensibility of 50 mV; Maximum amplitude of input signal of {+-} 1 V; Number of samples of 16; Samples separation of 0,2 ns. (author) [French] Realisation d&apos;un dispositif permettant d&apos;elargir le domaine d&apos;utilisation des oscilloscopes classiques en appliquant le principe de l&apos;echantillonnage a l&apos;observation d&apos;un signal bref unique. Les principales caracteristiques sont les suivantes: Bande passante de 700 MHz; Sensibilite maximale de 50 mV; Amplitude maximale du signal a echantillonner de {+-} 1 V; Nombre de points d&apos;echantillonnage de 16; Pas d&apos;echantillonnage de 0,2 ns. (auteur)

  16. High-speed ping-pong tables. Does the &apos;World Solar Challenge&apos; feature the cars of the future? Rather not.; Rasende Tischtennisplatten. Fahren bei der &apos;&apos;World Solar Challenge&apos;&apos; die Autos der Zukunft? Eher nicht

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Siemer, Jochen


    The 11th &apos;World Solar Challenge&apos; started in mid-October 2011. This a race of solar cars across Australia is the most spectacular of its kind, but it is hardly a test for solar cars of the future as the regulations for racing cars are far from those for everyday electric-powered solar vehicles. A normal-looking car like the &apos;Solarworld GT&apos; developed at Bochum university therefore has no real chance of winning, however proud its designers may be.

  17. The &apos;&apos;Cobalt 60 Case&apos;&apos; in Taiwan. Conclusions; Das Kobalt-60 Ereignis von Taiwan. Und was ist daraus zu schliessen?

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Niemann, Lutz


    The &apos;&apos;Cobalt 60 Case&apos;&apos; in Taiwan gives an opportunity for check of the thesis of radiation hormesis. Apartment residents have been exposed to cobalt-60 contaminated steel buildings. The results of a study strongly suggest that whole-body chronic irradiation, in the dose rate range that the apartment residents received, caused no symptomatic adverse health effects, such as radiation sickness, or the increased cancer or increased congenital disease that are predicted by ICRP theories. On the contrary, those who were exposed had lower incidences of cancer mortality and congenital malformations.

  18. Final report of phase 2 &apos;Mini-cogeneration in the flower bulb industry&apos;; Eindrapportage Fase 2 &apos;Mini-WKK in de bloembollensector&apos;

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Koolwijk, E. [Cogen Projects, Driebergen-Rijsenburg (Netherlands); Smailbegovic, N. [SenterNovem, Utrecht (Netherlands)


    Phase 2 of the project &apos;mini-cogeneration in the flower bulb industry&apos; is the sequel to the report &apos;mini-cogeneration in the flower bulb industry. Use of cogeneration in the cultivation and hot bed of tulip and hyacinth&apos;, Addressing the incentivisation of the use of cogeneration in the sector and working toward realizing a number of demonstration projects. To this end it is necessary that potential investors are given insight in the feasibility of cogeneration at their business and that their enthusiasm is kindled for the use of cogeneration. This was done by disseminating information in the flower bulb industry about the opportunities of cogeneration and by informing growers about technique, economy and points of interest. [Dutch] Fase 2 van het project &apos;Mini- WKK in de bloembollensector&apos; is een vervolg op het rapport &apos;Mini-wkk in de bloembollensector. Toepassing van wkk bij teelt en broei van tulp en hyacint&apos; en richt zich op het stimuleren van de toepassing van WKK in de sector en toewerken naar realisatie van een aantal demonstratieprojecten. Daartoe is het noodzakelijk dat potentiele investeerders inzicht krijgen over de haalbaarheid van WKK op hun bedrijf en geenthousiasmeerd worden voor het gebruik van WKK. Dit is gedaan door informatie in de bollensector te verspreiden over de mogelijkheden van WKK en telers te informeren over techniek, economie en aandachtspunten.

  19. Hunger for carbon dioxide. Foundation of the &apos;Task Force Biomass&apos; for the development of new energy sources; Hunger nach Kohlendioxid. &apos;Task Force Biomasse&apos; zur Erschliessung neuer Energiequellen gegruendet

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schlaefer, Susanne; Bayer, Thomas [Infraserv GmbH und Co. Hoechst KG, Frankfurt am Main (Germany)


    At the industrial park Hoechst (Frankfurt / Main, Federal Republic of Germany), Infraserv GmbH and Co. Hoechst KG pursues the disposal conception &apos;&apos;Waste to Energy&apos;&apos; in order to supply electricity and steam for the approximately 90 producing companies at the location. The company now looks for possibilities in order to develop new energy sources. The keyword is &apos;&apos;innovative biomass&apos;&apos;. Among other things the possibility of power generation from algae belongs to this.

  20. Records of the Chernobyl court. Excerpts from Karpan&apos;s book &apos;Revenge of Peaceful Atom&apos;

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hirano, Shin-ichiro


    The trial took place in July 1987, and it was a speedy trial of three weeks until the ruling from indictment reading. The court was virtually &apos;closed.&apos; The accused were the following 6 persons: Director of Chernobyl NPP, power plant chief engineer, power plant deputy chief engineer, second reactor work center chief, Chernobyl NPP National Nuclear Energy Supervisory Board inspector, and power plant night shift chief. Court records or court documents have not officially published as of March 2013. These court records have been reconstructed from the memos of Nikolay Karpan (Chernobyl NPP nuclear safety ex-deputy chief engineer), who recorded them at a time when he appeared in the court as a witness, and when he attended the court for hearing. The impressions of the translator are as follows. (1) The first purpose of the trial was to promptly punish responsible persons, and to put an end to the accident. (2) Emphasis was not placed on the investigation of the accident cause or accident background. (3) As Mr. Karpan pointed out, this trial gave impression that it was &apos;farce&apos; according to certain &apos;scenario&apos; or &apos;fixed game&apos; that was held in order to conclude that the accident was caused by the sins of accused persons. As for the defects of the nuclear reactor as the defendants pointed out, they were dismissed as &apos;separate issues to be addressed,&apos; and eliminated from judgment contents. (4) All the accused denied the indictment contents (asserting the inadequacy of the reactor itself, deficiencies of regulations and documentations, and deficit of authority). However, they admitted the moral responsibility for being unable to prevent the accident. All the defendants received actual prison term of 2 to 10 years with correctional labor. (A.O.)

  1. RNA-Seq Mouse Brain Regions Expression Data Analysis: Focus on ApoE Functional Network

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    Babenko Vladimir N.


    Full Text Available ApoE expression status was proved to be a highly specific marker of energy metabolism rate in the brain. Along with its neighbor, Translocase of Outer Mitochondrial Membrane 40 kDa (TOMM40 which is involved in mitochondrial metabolism, the corresponding genomic region constitutes the neuroenergetic hotspot. Using RNA-Seq data from a murine model of chronic stress a significant positive expression coordination of seven neighboring genes in ApoE locus in five brain regions was observed. ApoE maintains one of the highest absolute expression values genome-wide, implying that ApoE can be the driver of the neighboring gene expression alteration observed under stressful loads. Notably, we revealed the highly statistically significant increase of ApoE expression in the hypothalamus of chronically aggressive (FDR < 0.007 and defeated (FDR < 0.001 mice compared to the control. Correlation analysis revealed a close association of ApoE and proopiomelanocortin (Pomc gene expression profiles implying the putative neuroendocrine stress response background of ApoE expression elevation therein.

  2. Hawai&apos;i&apos;s EVolution: Hawai&apos;i Powered. Technology Driven. (Brochure)

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    This Hawaii Clean Energy Initiative (HCEI) brochure outlines Hawaii&apos;s energy and transportation goals and the implementation of electric vehicles (EV) and electric vehicle infrastructure since HCEI began in 2008. It includes information about Hawaii&apos;s role in leading the nation in available EV charging infrastructure per capita; challenges for continuing to implement EV technology; features on various successful EV users, including the Hawaiian Electric Company, Enterprise Rent-A-Car, and Senator Mike Gabbard; how EVs can integrate into and help propel Hawaii&apos;s evolving smart grid; and much more.

  3. The fifth international symposium &apos;&apos;atomic cluster collisions&apos;&apos;. ISACC 2011. Book of Abstracts

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    The Fifth International Symposium &apos;&apos;Atomic Cluster Collisions&apos;&apos; (ISACC 2011) will take place in July 21-25, 2011 in Berlin, Germany. The venue of the meeting will be the St.-Michaels-Heim a lovely place located within a garden area of Berlin-Grunewald. The ISACC 2011 is organized by the Fritz-Haber-Institute of the Max- Planck Society along with the King Saud University, Rhiyadh and by the Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies (FIAS), Frankfurt am Main, Germany. ISACC started as the international symposium on atomic cluster collisions in St. Petersburg, Russia in 2003. The second ISACC was held at the GSI, Darmstadt, Germany in 2007. Both first and second symposia were satellites of the International Conferences on Photonic Electronic and Atomic Collisions (ICPEAC). The third ISACC has returned to St. Petersburg, Russia in 2008. The last ISACC took place in Ann Arbor, again as a satellite meeting of the ICPEAC. Initially the symposium was mainly focused on dynamics of atomic clusters, especially in atomic cluster collisions, but since then its scope has been widened significantly to include dynamics of nanosystems, biomolecules, and macromolecules with the emphasis on the similarity of numerous essential clustering phenomena arising in different branches of physics, chemistry, and biology. After the four ISACC meetings it has become clear that there is a need for an interdisciplinary conference covering a broad range of topics related to the Dynamics of Systems on a Nanoscale. Therefore in 2010 it was decided to expand upon this series of meetings with a new conference organized under the new title &apos;&apos;Dynamics of Systems on the Nanoscale&apos;&apos;, the DySoN Conference, since this title better reflects the interdisciplinary character of the earlier ISACC meetings embracing all the topics of interest under a common theme. The first DySoN Conference took place in Rome, Italy in 2010. The fifth ISACC symposium will be again a

  4. Training activities at FSUE &apos;RADON&apos; and Lomonosov&apos;s Moscow state university under practical arrangements with IAEA

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Batyukhnova, O.G.; Karlina, O.K.; Neveykin, P.P.; Kalmykov, S.N.; Ojovan, M.I.


    The International Education Training Centre (IETC) at Moscow Federal State Unitary Enterprise (FSUE) &apos;Radon&apos;, in co-operation with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), has developed expertise and provided training to waste management personnel for the last 15 years. Since 1997, the educational system of the enterprise with the support of the IAEA has acquired an international character: more than 470 experts from 35 countries - IAEA Member States completed the professional development. Training is conducted at various thematic courses or fellowships for individual programs and seminars on IAEA technical projects. In June 2008 a direct agreement (Practical Arrangements) has been signed between FSUE &apos;Radon&apos; and the IAEA on cooperation in the field of development of new technologies, expert&apos;s advice to IAEA Member States, and, in particular, the training of personnel in the field of radioactive waste management (RWM), which opens up new perspectives for fruitful cooperation of industry professionals. A similar agreement - Practical Arrangements - has been signed between Lomonosov&apos;s MSU and the IAEA in 2012. In October 2012 a new IAEA two-weeks training course started at Lomonosov&apos;s MSU and FSUE &apos;Radon&apos; in the framework of the Practical Agreements signed. Pre-disposal management of waste was the main topic of the courses. The paper summarizes the current experience of the FSUE &apos;Radon&apos; in the organization and implementation of the IAEA sponsored training and others events and outlines some of strategic educational elements, which IETC will continue to pursue in the coming years. (authors)

  5. Development of complex simulation suite &apos;VEB&apos; and application area expansion - 15326

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    Obraztsov, E.; Kapista, D.; Kremnev, I.; Korokhov, T.; Kukhtevich, V.; Bezlepkin, V.


    Complex simulation suite &apos;Virtual Unit of NPP&apos; (CSS &apos;VEB&apos;) is a set of connected software tools and computer codes that allow the simulation of various physical processes occurring in a power nuclear reactor (initially VVER - pressurized water reactor). A coupled computational model developed by means of CSS &apos;VEB&apos; is based on a specific design and called an NPP Virtual Power Unit (VPU). And in November 2012 a pilot version of the Leningrad NPP-2 VPU (NPP-2006 design with water-cooled power reactor) successfully passed acceptance tests. The paper presents further development of CSS &apos;VEB&apos; and application area expansion both on new tasks such as VPU calculations for the Probability Safety Analysis (PSA) and all modeling of other NPP types, like sodium-cooled reactor (that means a possibility to create a VPU not only for NPP with PWR). In the first part of this paper we will recall the basic idea and concept of CSS &apos;VEB&apos; and VPU. Then we will describe the main components of CSS &apos;VEB&apos; and their improvements. In the last part we will briefly describe the broadening of VPU uses

  6. J/{psi} production from Z&apos;&apos;0 decays at LEP energies; Produccion de J/{psi} en desintegraciones del Z&apos;&apos;0 a las energias de LEP I

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fernandez Alvarez, D.


    Study of J/{psi} production from the data recorded during 1991 with the L3 detector. The J/{psi} is identified by its decay J/{psi} - {mu}&apos;'+{mu}'&apos;- in the invariant mass spectrum of two muons. With our analysis results we have calculated the branching ratios Br(Z&apos;&apos;0 -J/{psi} + X) = (3.4 +- 0.7 (statistic)+- 0.2 (systematic)) x 10{sup 3} and Br(b-> J/{psi}+ X) = (1.20 +- 0.25 (statistic) +0.15 (systematic))%. (Author) 12 refs.

  7. An alternative realization of &apos;t Hooft&apos;s quantum determinism

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sadiq, M., E-mail: [Department of Physics, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad 45320 (Pakistan); Ghafoor, F. [Centre for Quantum Physics, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Islamabad (Pakistan)


    We present an alternative to &apos;t Hooft&apos;s mechanism relating a deterministic system to a 1D quantum oscillator. We argue that it is possible to map &apos;t Hooft&apos;s ontological space onto an irreducible representation of a 2D isotropic oscillator. A direct group contraction procedure can then be applied to achieve the correspondence.

  8. Targeted In Situ Gene Correction of Dysfunctional APOE Alleles to Produce Atheroprotective Plasma ApoE3 Protein

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    Ioannis Papaioannou


    Full Text Available Cardiovascular disease is the leading worldwide cause of death. Apolipoprotein E (ApoE is a 34-kDa circulating glycoprotein, secreted by the liver and macrophages with pleiotropic antiatherogenic functions and hence a candidate to treat hypercholesterolaemia and atherosclerosis. Here, we describe atheroprotective properties of ApoE, though also potential proatherogenic actions, and the prevalence of dysfunctional isoforms, outline conventional gene transfer strategies, and then focus on gene correction therapeutics that can repair defective APOE alleles. In particular, we discuss the possibility and potential benefit of applying in combination two technical advances to repair aberrant APOE genes: (i an engineered endonuclease to introduce a double-strand break (DSB in exon 4, which contains the common, but dysfunctional, ε2 and ε4 alleles; (ii an efficient and selectable template for homologous recombination (HR repair, namely, an adeno-associated viral (AAV vector, which harbours wild-type APOE sequence. This technology is applicable ex vivo, for example to target haematopoietic or induced pluripotent stem cells, and also for in vivo hepatic gene targeting. It is to be hoped that such emerging technology will eventually translate to patient therapy to reduce CVD risk.

  9. Influências de fibra de aço no comportamento estrutural de vigotas reforçadas com PRFC

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    V. J. Ferrari

    Full Text Available Neste trabalho, apresenta-se a metodologia utilizada e os resultados da análise do comportamento de vigotas armadas e reforçadas externamente à flexão com manta de PRFC (polímeros reforçados com fibras de carbono. Avalia-se o comportamento do reforço de vigotas de concreto comum e compara-o com o do reforço de vigotas moldadas com um compósito cimentício à base de argamassa e fibras curtas de aço. O objetivo principal foi investigar a influência do compósito cimentício (escolhido sem maiores critérios sobre o comportamento e o modo de ruína das vigotas reforçadas. Para tanto, uma série de ensaios de flexão em três pontos em seis vigotas foi conduzida, além dos ensaios de caracterização dos materiais: ensaios de flexão em três pontos em corpos-de-prova prismáticos entalhados, ensaios de tração em barras de aço e ensaios de compressão axial em corpos-de-prova cilíndricos. Adicionalmente, uma análise de elementos finitos foi desenvolvida com objetivo de comparar os resultados obtidos com os experimentais. O ganho de tenacidade e de resistência à fissuração provocou mudanças significativas no desempenho da vigota moldada com fibras e reforçada quando comparada com a vigota reforçada de concreto comum.

  10. Stressors at modern workplaces. &apos;'Technical-stres'&apos;-investigations in power plants; Stressoren an modernen Arbeitsplaetzen. Untersuchungen zum &apos;Technikstress&apos; in Kraftwerken

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hoppe, Annette; Binkowski, Sven [Brandenburgische Technische Univ. Cottbus (DE). Lehrgebiet Arbeitswissenschaft/Arbeitspsycholgoie (AWIP); Haake, Dietmar [Vattenfall Europe Generation AG und Co. KG, Cottbus (Germany). Elektro- und Leittechnik


    The status analyses of power plant control rooms from the viewpoint of ergonomics and psychology is focussing on scientific analyses of stressors at highly complicated work places in order to gain further knowledge on the issue of &apos;technology-induced stress&apos; and to a practical assessment of work places for the estimation of stresses. A guideline is to be developed supporting design of modern control rooms. (orig.)

  11. Accreting planets as dust dams in &apos;transition&apos; disks

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Owen, James E.


    We investigate under what circumstances an embedded planet in a protoplanetary disk may sculpt the dust distribution such that it observationally presents as a &apos;transition&apos; disk. We concern ourselves with &apos;transition&apos; disks that have large holes (≳ 10 AU) and high accretion rates (∼10 –9 -10 –8 M ☉ yr –1 ), particularly, those disks which photoevaporative models struggle to explain. Adopting the observed accretion rates in &apos;transition&apos; disks, we find that the accretion luminosity from the forming planet is significant, and can dominate over the stellar luminosity at the gap edge. This planetary accretion luminosity can apply a significant radiation pressure to small (s ≲ 1 μm) dust particles provided they are suitably decoupled from the gas. Secular evolution calculations that account for the evolution of the gas and dust components in a disk with an embedded, accreting planet, show that only with the addition of the radiation pressure can we explain the full observed characteristics of a &apos;transition&apos; disk (NIR dip in the spectral energy distribution (SED), millimeter cavity, and high accretion rate). At suitably high planet masses (≳ 3-4 M J ), radiation pressure from the accreting planet is able to hold back the small dust particles, producing a heavily dust-depleted inner disk that is optically thin to infrared radiation. The planet-disk system will present as a &apos;transition&apos; disk with a dip in the SED only when the planet mass and planetary accretion rate are high enough. At other times, it will present as a disk with a primordial SED, but with a cavity in the millimeter, as observed in a handful of protoplanetary disks.

  12. Hadronic distributions and correlations at &apos;small x&apos; in quantum chromodynamics; Distributions et correlations hadroniques en chromodynamique quantique dans l&apos;approximation des &apos;petit X&apos;

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Perez Ramos, R


    We exactly calculate the double and simple inclusive transverse momentum (kt) distributions and the 2-particle momentum correlations inside high energy hadronic jets at the Modified Leading Logarithmic Approximation (MLLA) of Quantum Chromodynamics. We first obtain the exact solution of the evolution equations at &apos;small x&apos;, which we calculate at the so called &apos;limiting spectrum&apos;. We then generalize this approximation by performing the steepest descent evaluation. Our predictions are in good agreement with data from Tevatron and improve those which have been obtained in the past. The comparison with forthcoming data (Tevatron, LHC) will further test the hypothesis of Local Hadron Parton Duality, and the eventual need to incorporate next-MLLA corrections. (authors)

  13. &apos;Focal thyroid inferno&apos; on color Doppler ultrasonography: A specific feature of focal Hashimoto&apos;s thyroiditis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fu, Xianshui, E-mail: [Department of Ultrasound, Peking University Third Hospital, 49 Huayuanbeilu Road, Beijing 100191 (China); Guo, Limei, E-mail: [Department of Pathology, Peking University Third Hospital, 49 Huayuanbeilu Road, Beijing 100191 (China); Zhang, Huabin, E-mail: [Department of Ultrasound, Peking University Third Hospital, 49 Huayuanbeilu Road, Beijing 100191 (China); Ran, Weiqiang, E-mail: [Department of Ultrasound, Peking University Third Hospital, 49 Huayuanbeilu Road, Beijing 100191 (China); Fu, Peng, E-mail: [Department of Ultrasound, Peking University Third Hospital, 49 Huayuanbeilu Road, Beijing 100191 (China); Li, Zhiqiang, E-mail: [Department of Ultrasound, Peking University Third Hospital, 49 Huayuanbeilu Road, Beijing 100191 (China); Chen, Wen, E-mail: [Department of Ultrasound, Peking University Third Hospital, 49 Huayuanbeilu Road, Beijing 100191 (China); Jiang, Ling, E-mail: [Department of Ultrasound, Peking University Third Hospital, 49 Huayuanbeilu Road, Beijing 100191 (China); Wang, Jinrui, E-mail: [Department of Ultrasound, Peking University Third Hospital, 49 Huayuanbeilu Road, Beijing 100191 (China); Jia, Jianwen, E-mail: [Department of Ultrasound, Peking University Third Hospital, 49 Huayuanbeilu Road, Beijing 100191 (China)


    Purpose: To evaluate color-Doppler features predictive of focal Hashimoto&apos;s thyroiditis. Materials and methods: A total of 521 patients with 561 thyroid nodules that underwent surgeries or gun biopsies were included in this study. These nodules were divided into three groups: focal Hashimoto&apos;s thyroiditis (104 nodules in 101 patients), benignity other than focal Hashimoto&apos;s thyroiditis (73 nodules in 70 patients), and malignancy (358 nodules in 350 patients). On color Doppler sonography, four vascularity types were determined as: hypovascularity, marked internal flow, marked peripheral flow and focal thyroid inferno. The {chi}{sup 2} test was performed to seek the potential vascularity type with the predictive ability of certain thyroid pathology. Furthermore, the gray-scale features of each nodule were also studied. Results: The vascularity type I (hypovascularity) was more often seen in focal Hashimoto&apos;s thyroiditis than other benignity and malignancy (46% vs. 20.5% and 19%). While the type II (marked internal flow) showed the opposite tendency (26.9% [focal Hashimoto&apos;s thyroiditis] vs. 45.2% [other benignity] and 52.8% [malignancy]). However, type III (marked peripheral flow) was unable to predict any thyroid pathology. Importantly, type IV (focal thyroid inferno) was exclusive to focal Hashimoto&apos;s thyroiditis. All 8 type IV nodules appeared to be solid, hypoechoic, and well-defined. Using &apos;focal thyroid inferno&apos; as an indicator of FHT, the diagnostic sensitivity and specificity were 7.7% and 100% respectively. Conclusions: The vascularity type of &apos;focal thyroid inferno&apos; is specific for focal Hashimoto thyroiditis. Recognition of this particular feature may avoid unnecessary interventional procedures for some solid hypoechoic thyroid nodules suspicious of malignancy.

  14. LXR agonist increases apoE secretion from HepG2 spheroid, together with an increased production of VLDL and apoE-rich large HDL

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    Koike Kazuhiko


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The physiological regulation of hepatic apoE gene has not been clarified, although the expression of apoE in adipocytes and macrophages has been known to be regulated by LXR. Methods and Results We investigated the effect of TO901317, a LXR agonist, on hepatic apoE production utilizing HepG2 cells cultured in spheroid form, known to be more differentiated than HepG2 cells in monolayer culture. Spheroid HepG2 cells were prepared in alginate-beads. The secretions of albumin, apoE and apoA-I from spheroid HepG2 cells were significantly increased compared to those from monolayer HepG2 cells, and these increases were accompanied by increased mRNA levels of apoE and apoA-I. Several nuclear receptors including LXRα also became abundant in nuclear fractions in spheroid HepG2 cells. Treatment with TO901317 significantly increased apoE protein secretion from spheroid HepG2 cells, which was also associated with the increased expression of apoE mRNA. Separation of the media with FPLC revealed that the production of apoE-rich large HDL particles were enhanced even at low concentration of TO901317, and at higher concentration of TO901317, production of VLDL particles increased as well. Conclusions LXR activation enhanced the expression of hepatic apoE, together with the alteration of lipoprotein particles produced from the differentiated hepatocyte-derived cells. HepG2 spheroids might serve as a good model of well-differentiated human hepatocytes for future investigations of hepatic lipid metabolism.

  15. Safety requirements expected to the prototype fast breeder reactor &apos;Monju&apos;

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    In July 2013, Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA) has enforced new regulatory requirements in consideration of severe accidents for the commercial light water reactors (LWR) and also prototype power generation reactors such as the sodium-cooled fast reactors (SFR) of &apos;Monju&apos; based on TEPCO Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident (hereinafter referred to as &apos;1F accident&apos;) occurred in March 2011. Although the regulatory requirements for SFR will be revised by NRA with consideration for public comments, Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) set up &apos;Advisory Committee on Monju Safety Requirements&apos; consisting of fast breeder reactor (FBR) and safety assessment experts in order to establish original safety requirements expected to the prototype FBR &apos;Monju&apos; considering severe accidents with knowledge from JAEA as well as scientific and technical insights from the experts. This report summarizes the safety requirements expected to Monju discussed by the committee. (author)

  16. Those who &apos;Cry Wolf&apos; about nuclear safety damage their own credibility

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shepherd, John [nuclear 24, Redditch (United Kingdom)


    Do you recall the fable of the boy who cried wolf? I was reminded of this following the latest call by Germany&apos;s Federal Environment Minister, Barbara Hendricks, for Belgium to take two of its nuclear reactors off the grid, citing &apos;'questions'&apos; about the units&apos; safety. Those in positions of power and influence in one country should take care to be as responsible in their dealings with their neighbours as they are in handling domestic matters of state. Those who see &apos;danger&apos; where there is none are not being good neighbours. They are generating fear and alarm without good cause and should mind their own business.

  17. First forum &apos;'BISE'&apos; for: the intelligent energy in the municipalities and the new member states, of candidate countries and western Balkans; Premier forum &apos;'BISE'&apos; pour: l&apos;energie intelligente dans les minicipalites des nouveaux etats membres, des pays candidats et des Balkans occidentaux

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The european commission and the european association of municipalities (Energie Cites) established a permanent &apos;&apos;Intelligent Energy Forum of European Municipalities&apos;&apos; (named BISE Forum) as form of periodical information exchange between municipal associations and other potential partners in Europe. In the framework of the reduction of the sustainable energy gap between the Central and Eastern European Countries and the most advanced energy-efficient EU 15 countries, the aim of this forum is to promote the creation of national energy cities networks, to integrate the initiatives and networks at an European scale and to promote the idea of an European Emergency Plan in order to improve energy efficiency in Eastern European Countries as quickly as possible. This document presents the proceedings and a selection of cases studies linked to the first BISE Forum. (A.L.B.)

  18. IPSN activity report 1999; Rapport d&apos;activite de l&apos;IPSN 1999

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The &apos;&apos;Institut de Protection et de Surete Nucleaire&apos;&apos; (IPSN), carries out researches and expert studies needed to manage nuclear risks and their consequences on people and environment. These activities cover the installation safety, the radioactive matter transport, the public health and environmental control, the nuclear matters safety and control and the crisis situation management. The IPSN have got also a mission of public information and participates to international actions in the domain of scientific researches or expert&apos;s report. This annual report presents the highlights of the year 1999, information on staff, budgets and geographical situation. Then technical and scientific papers gathers the activities of the year covered by the IPSN: the &apos;&apos;Free Tribune&apos;&apos;, installations and radioactive wastes safety, crisis and nuclear matter management, public health and environment control, international cooperation. (A.L.B.)

  19. Analysis of proposed eco-design requirements for boilers and water heaters. Paper within the framwork of the &apos;&apos;Material Efficiency and Resource Conservation&apos;&apos; (MaRess) Project - Task 14

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Barthel, Klaus; Franke, Moritz [Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy, Wuppertal (Germany)


    In 2005, the European Union released the EuP Directive focusing on ecodesign requirements for energy-using products (2005/32/EC: EU Parliament and Council of the EU 2005). This directive, also called Ecodesign Directive, is a framework directive establishing a structure in which so-called implementing measures define specific requirements for placing products on the market and/or putting them into service within the internal European market. These requirements can be environmental performance standards (e.g. minimum energy efficiency or emission standards) and labelling or information requirements. Some existing European directives are already declared as being implementing measures of the Ecodesign Directive. Additionally, new implementing measures have been and will further be developed. Product-specific preparatory studies on behalf of the European Commission provide the basis for this. The preparatory studies for boilers (Lot 1) and water heaters (Lot 2) have been conducted from February 2006 to October 2007 by Van Holsteijn en Kemna (VHK). Based on the preparatory studies, the EU Commission has released several working documents (WD) on possible ecodesign requirements for boilers and water heaters at the beginning of 2008. Following these documents, boilers and water heaters comprise gas-fired, oil-fired and electric central heating (CH) (combi-) boilers / dedicated water heaters in combination with capturing solar thermal energy or ambient heat1. The requirements contain basically energy labelling measures, minimum efficiency performance standards and limits on NOx emissions. An &apos;&apos;Ecoboiler Model&apos;&apos; resp. an &apos;&apos;Eco Hot Water Model&apos;&apos; has been elaborated within the preparatory studies. These models are a crucial part of the requirements and allow for calculation of the efficiencies of boilers and water heaters. Since the models have a high degree of complexity, the Federal Environment Agency (UBA) has asked Wuppertal

  20. Results of the project &apos;combustion modelling&apos; (BKM II); Ergebnisse des Projekts &apos;Brennkammermodellierung&apos; (BKM II)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Noll, B.; Rachner, M.; Frank, P.; Schmitz, G.; Geigle, K.P.; Meier, W.; Schuetz, H.; Aigner, M. [DLR Deutsches Zentrum fuer Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V., Stuttgart (Germany). Inst. fuer Verbrennungstechnik; Kessler, R. [DLR Deutsches Zentrum fuer Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V., Goettingen (Germany). Inst. fuer Aerodynamik und Stroemungstechnik; Lehmann, B. [DLR Deutsches Zentrum fuer Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V., Koeln (Germany). Inst. fuer Antriebstechnik; Forkert, T. [DLR Deutsches Zentrum fuer Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V., Koeln (Germany). Simulation und Softwaretechnik


    In the year 1996 the spheres of competence of several DLR-Institutes working in the areas of fluid dynamics, reaction kinetics, combustion, numerical methods and laser measuring techniques have been brought together while contributing to the internal DLR project &apos;combustion chamber modelling (BKM)&apos;, in order to proceed with the computational simulation of combustion processes in combustion chambers of gas turbines. The main issue was the development of a research code for numerical simulation of fluid flow in real combustion chambers. Here the development of computational models of physical and chemical processes was emphasized, among other processes the formation of soot was treated. Moreover, a worldwide outstanding database of measured data for the purpose of code validation has been created within the framework of the BKM project using the laboratory facilities of the DLR, which are in Germany unique for the experimental investigation of the various processes in combustion chambers of gas turbines. The project BKM is part of the specific DLR-programme &apos;energy&apos;. With the successful completion of the first phase of the project in 1998, a second project phase of three years (BKM II) has been launched at the beginning of 1999. Here the work of the first phase continued and new topics were tackled. The second phase of the project was partly founded by the DLR-programme &apos;aeronautics&apos;. (orig.) [German] Im Jahr 1996 wurden die Faehigkeiten mehrerer DLR-Institute auf den Gebieten Stroemungsmechanik, Reaktionskinetik, Verbrennung sowie Numerische Verfahren und Laser-Messverfahren in dem DLR-internen Projekt &apos;Brennkammermodellierung&apos; (BKM) zusammengefuehrt, um die rechnerische Simulation der Verbrennungsvorgaenge in Gasturbinen-Brennkammern voranzutreiben. Dabei war die Entwicklung eines Forschungscodes zur numerischen Simulation von realen Brennkammerstroemungen das vorrangige Ziel der Arbeiten. Ein besonderes Schwergewicht lag

  1. Village Power &apos;98

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cardinal, Julie; Flowers, Larry; Siegel, Judy; Taylor, Roger; Weingart, Jerome


    This is the fifth Village Power workshop sponsored by NREL. We have held these meetings every year since 1993, to focus, challenge, and provide a forum for interaction among practitioners working in the field of using renewable energy technologies as an economically viable pathway to electrification of rural populations throughout the world. Starting with a small group of 30 colleagues in 1993, this &apos;'workshop'&apos; has doubled in size every year. When the NREL staff was planning for this meeting, they were hoping for something around 400 participants. We are now looking at over 500, and we apologize for the somewhat cramped accommodations. This overwhelming response, however, shows that the use of renewable energy to solve some of the world&apos;s serious problems is coming of age. This meeting, this &apos;'conference'&apos; (it&apos;s clearly no longer a workshop) marks a transition. A transition from the viewpoint that renewables are, and forever will be a technology of the future; to the reality that renewables have come of age. We have technologies available today, at today&apos;s prices, that can make a substantive contribution to the pressing needs of environmentally sustainable development in the world. This is a collection of all the papers presented at the Village Power &apos;98 conference.

  2. Developing Preschool Teachers&apos; Knowledge of Students&apos; Number Conceptions (United States)

    Tsamir, Pessia; Tirosh, Dina; Levenson, Esther; Tabach, Michal; Barkai, Ruthi


    This article describes a study that investigates preschool teachers&apos; knowledge of their young students&apos; number conceptions and the teachers&apos; related self-efficacy beliefs. It also presents and illustrates elements of a professional development program designed explicitly to promote this knowledge among preschool teachers. Results…

  3. &apos;Finnova Development Group&apos;. Comb Configurated Costumer-close Network Installations with Underground Service Boxes; &apos;Finnova&apos; Innovativ Montage och Systemloesning foer Fjaerrvaermeanslutning av Villaomraade. Huvudloesning &apos;Kamfoerlaeggning med Serviceskaap&apos;

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gudmundson, Tommy [AaF-Process AB, Stockholm (SE)] (and others)


    In this report a completely new approach to the distribution of District Heating Services is presented. The general idea of the solution, here presented under the name Comb Configurated Costumer close Network Installations with Underground Service Boxes (in the following referred to as Finnova AF), was given birth during a very early stage of the working process of the FDG. The goal for our &apos;Vaermegles&apos;- project (&apos;Vaermegles&apos; means for a residential area to have a low heat demand) is to present a technical solution that implies a substantial cost reduction for establishing DH in such low heat demand residential areas, when compared with what is recognized as to-day applied &apos;best technology&apos;. The aim point was, in the cost level of 2003/2004, VAT not included, a total investment sum of SEK 50,000 (about 7,000 USD). Using flexible piping, delivered to the site as coils of 100 m of pipes each, installed according to the Comb configuration principle, no joints installed directly in the ground are needed. The number of street crossings is strongly reduced, as compared with today&apos;s practice. The total of the joint assembly work takes place inside underground service boxes, situated at the building site boundaries. In this way the continuity of the building process is strongly improved. The stages of operation: digging, installing of pipes, backfilling and arranging of service boxes will take place in shortest possible time. As a prototype, the so called service box (e g a service and connection box, let us call it an &apos;S/C&apos; box) is square, made of concrete and will be installed with its roof 4-8 inches above ground. Inside the box, a fully equipped DH &apos;substation&apos;, designed as an easily replaceable cassette. In the prototype the closing cap is made from a galvanised steel sheet. The same box and cassette designs can be used for almost all single family houses with a heat demand not exceeding 10 kW. This gives a

  4. [Effect of Huanglian Jiedu Decoction on Monocyte Development in apoE Gene Knockout Mice]. (United States)

    Chen, Bing; Kong, Ya-xian; Ll, Yu-mei; Xue, Xin; Zhang, Jian-ping; Zeng, Hui; Hu, Jing- qing; Ma, Ya-luan


    To observe monocyte (Mo) development in wild type C57BL/6 mice and apoE gene knockout (apoE(-/-)) mice, and to evaluate the immuno-regulatory effect of Huanglian Jiedu Decoction (HJD) on peripheral Mo development in apoE(-/-) mice. Four, 8, 12, and 16 weeks old female C57BL/6 mice were set up as control groups of different ages, while 4, 8, 12, and 16 weeks old female apoE(-/-) mice were set up as hyperlipidemia groups of different ages. Four-week old female C57BL/6 mice were recruited as a blank group. Four-week old female apoE(-/-) mice were randomly divided into the control group, the Western medicine group, and the Chinese medicine group by paired comparison, 5 in each group. Equivalent clinical dose was administered to mice according to body weight. Mice in the Western medicine group were administered with Atrovastatin at the daily dose of 10 mg/kg by gastrogavage, while those in the Chinese medicine group were administered with HJD at the daily dose of 5 g/kg by gastrogavage. Body weight was detected each week. After 4 weeks blood lipids levels (such as TG, TC, LDL-C, and HDL-C), and the proportions of Mo and Ly6c(hi) were detected. Compared with 4-week-old homogenic mice, the proportion of Mo decreased in 16-week-old C57BL/6 mice (P < 0.05). Levels of TC and TG, and the proportion of Ly6c(hi) subtype increased, but the proportion of Mo de- creased in 8-week-old apoE(-/-) mice (P <0. 05). Levels of TC, TG, and LDL-C increased in 12-week-old apoE(-/-) mice (P < 0.05). Levels of TC, TG, LDL-C, and HDL-C increased in 16-week-old apoE(-/-) mice (P < 0.05, P < 0.01). Compared with 8-week-old homogenic mice, the proportion of Mo decreased in 16-week-old C57BL/6 mice (P < 0.05); levels of TC and LDL-C increased in 12-week-old apoE(-/-) mice (P < 0.05); levels of TC and HDL-C increased in 16-week-old apoE(-/-) mice (P < 0.05, P < 0.01). Compared with C57BL/6 mice of the same age, TC and TG increased, HDL-C decreased (P < 0.01) in 4-and 8-week-old apoE(-/-) mice (P

  5. Effects of nocturnal aircraft noise on sleep: results from the &apos;&apos;quiet air traffic&apos;&apos; project; Wirkungen des Nachtfluglaerms auf den Schlaf: Ergebnisse aus dem Projekt &apos;&apos;Leiser Flugverkehr&apos;&apos;

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Samel, A.; Basner, M.; Maass, H.; Mueller, U.; Quehl, J.; Wenzel, J. [Deutsches Zentrum fuer Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR) in der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft (HGF), Inst. fuer Luft- und Raumfahrtmedizin, Koeln (Germany)


    In 192 sleep-healthy subjects (18 to 65 y) effects of nocturnal aircraft noise on sleep, stress, performance and subjective factors were investigated in 2240 nights under laboratory and field conditions. In the sleep lab, 112 volunteers were subjected to aircraft noise events by varying numbers and noise levels during 9 nights within a period of 13 nights. 16 further subjects served as control group (i.e. without any noise). 64 subjects were studied in the vicinity of Cologne-Bonn airport during 9 nights. Polysomnographical and acoustical recordings, determination of excretion rates of stress hormones from night urines, performance tests and questionnaires were conducted during all days for the assessment of nocturnal aircraft noise effects. By simultaneous recording of electrophysiological and acoustical data the probability of noise induced awakenings was estimated. Performance and most of psychological parameters did not show significant dose-effect relationships, whereas annoyance did. Epinephrine and norepinephrine did not change under aircraft noise, cortisol did change only in the lab. In the lab, a comparison between all noisy nights and noise-free baseline nights exhibited a non-significant 2-min. reduction of sleep and a 4-min. decrease of slow-wave sleep. In the field, awakenings caused by aircraft noise were detected above a threshold of 33 dB(A) &apos;&apos;at the sleeper&apos;s ear&apos;&apos;. All effects were much less pronounced in the field than in the lab. For the first time, precise dose-effect curves between maximum aircraft noise event levels and electrophysiologically detectable awakenings, and a threshold were empirically established. The results of these studies broadens the knowledge on aircraft noise induced sleep disturbances and immediate consequences for the next day. (orig.)

  6. La extrema izquierda armada colombiana representada en los relatos de ficción de la novela y el cuento, décadas de 1970 y 1990

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dairo Correa Gutiérrez


    Full Text Available A partir de un ejercicio de lectura comparativa de diez y siete obras literarias colombianas publicadas en las décadas de 1970 y 1980, entre novelas y cuentos, se busca debatir sobre la manera en que fue representada ficcionalmente la extrema izquierda armada en el país. El interés en explorar la narrativa deviene de la creciente importancia de su función testimonial para el análisis de fenómenos sociopolíticos. La literatura, en tanto discurso dotado de múltiples significados, fue durante el periodo estudiado, un arte politizado y un vehículo para la denuncia de asimetrías sociales, capaz de recoger tipos sociales densamente considerados que ilustran la interacción de grupos humanos y el poder político. El artículo pretende aportar a los estudios en torno a las relaciones literatura-política, los cuales en Colombia hoy están ligados a la construcción de la idea de nación, las guerras civiles del siglo XIX, la Violencia de los años 50 del siglo XX y recientemente al narcotráfico.

  7. It&apos;s the system, stupid! The architecture, the services, the currencies, the sources and &apos;why hydrogen&apos;

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Scott, D.S. [International Association for Hydrogen Energy, Victoria, British Columbia (Canada)


    &apos;Full text:&apos; Drawing from Smelling Land: The Hydrogen Defense Against Climate Catastrophe, the talk will introduce a novel view of energy system architecture, to use as a platform from which to better appreciate where we were yesterday, are today and, with luck, will be tomorrow. We will introduce and explain the key concept of energy &apos;currencies&apos; - whose place in the energy system is seen from the figure below: Services - Services Technologies - Currencies - Transformer Technologies - Sources. The talk will review tragicomic Canadian examples of what happens when we forget the system, to focus only on its bits and piece. Many persist today. The discussion will explain why hydrogen systems are essential if we&apos;re to have a chance to escape climate catastrophe. Almost all today&apos;s proposals for deflecting climate disruption are, at best, bandaids. Any comprehensive solution must ultimately lead to zero CO{sub 2} emissions. That will require not just non-carbon energy sources but also non-carbon energy currencies. We already have the non-carbon currency electricity. But electricity can&apos;t fly airplanes, or push ships, and is a poor currency for road or rail. For these we&apos;ll need the non-carbon currency, hydrogen. Only hydrogen can allow the energy from non-carbon sources like hydraulic, nuclear, sunlight or wind, to fly airplanes - further, faster, safer and with larger payloads without the system emitting (in principle) a drop of CO{sub 2}. The synergies apparent with liquid-hydrogen fuelled aircraft exemplify the synergies of all hydrogen-fuelled transportation vehicles. On the way to this brilliant future, &apos;tether&apos; hydrogen must play a vital role harvesting Canada&apos;s heavy oil reserves while minimizing collateral CO{sub 2} emissions. Later, &apos;neat&apos; hydrogen systems will bring the brilliant future that will be the Hydrogen Age. The 20th century bequeathed us the wonders of the Electricity Age. The 21st

  8. It&apos;s the system, stupid! The architecture, the services, the currencies, the sources and &apos;why hydrogen&apos;

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Scott, D.S.


    &apos;Full text:&apos; Drawing from Smelling Land: The Hydrogen Defense Against Climate Catastrophe, the talk will introduce a novel view of energy system architecture, to use as a platform from which to better appreciate where we were yesterday, are today and, with luck, will be tomorrow. We will introduce and explain the key concept of energy &apos;currencies&apos; - whose place in the energy system is seen from the figure below: Services - Services Technologies - Currencies - Transformer Technologies - Sources. The talk will review tragicomic Canadian examples of what happens when we forget the system, to focus only on its bits and piece. Many persist today. The discussion will explain why hydrogen systems are essential if we&apos;re to have a chance to escape climate catastrophe. Almost all today&apos;s proposals for deflecting climate disruption are, at best, bandaids. Any comprehensive solution must ultimately lead to zero CO 2 emissions. That will require not just non-carbon energy sources but also non-carbon energy currencies. We already have the non-carbon currency electricity. But electricity can&apos;t fly airplanes, or push ships, and is a poor currency for road or rail. For these we&apos;ll need the non-carbon currency, hydrogen. Only hydrogen can allow the energy from non-carbon sources like hydraulic, nuclear, sunlight or wind, to fly airplanes - further, faster, safer and with larger payloads without the system emitting (in principle) a drop of CO 2 . The synergies apparent with liquid-hydrogen fuelled aircraft exemplify the synergies of all hydrogen-fuelled transportation vehicles. On the way to this brilliant future, &apos;tether&apos; hydrogen must play a vital role harvesting Canada&apos;s heavy oil reserves while minimizing collateral CO 2 emissions. Later, &apos;neat&apos; hydrogen systems will bring the brilliant future that will be the Hydrogen Age. The 20th century bequeathed us the wonders of the Electricity Age. The 21st century is filled

  9. Using the automized system &apos;'section'&apos; to forecast velocity sections using data on borehole velocity measurement and seismic field prospecting

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dorman, M.I.; Gein, F.F.; Zubairov, F.B.


    A system of automated processing of seismic data is examined which makes it possible to set up rate functions at arbitrary points of a seismic prospecting section or at points conciding with boreholes in which rate measurements have not been completed. The basis for the forecasting method is data on seismic well logging investigations, seismic prospecting and some indirect observations on sections. The bases of a procedure realizing a forecasting method are set forth, as are those requirements which satisfy the system as a whole. The results of using the &apos;'section'&apos; system in a terrestrial section of Western Siberia are set forth.

  10. Energy efficiency ground-source energy system, Environmental Protection Law, article &apos;Heat and cold storage, value for money&apos;; Energierendement bodemenergiesysteem, Wet milieubeheer, artikel &apos;WKO, waar voor je geld&apos;

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lambregts, E.G.M.; Teunissen, P.O.M.; Beukenhorst, E.


    Upscaling of ground-source energy systems can contribute to heat and cold storage systems and thus reduce CO2 emission for the Amsterdam municipality. Based on the results of the project &apos;Heat and cold storage; Value for money&apos; a proposal was made to the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment to include a regulation &apos;energy efficiency heat and cold storage&apos; in the Environmental Protection Law [Dutch] In het kader van de CO2 doelstelling van Amsterdam om 40% CO2 te reduceren in 2025 t.o.v. van 1990 wordt de verdere opschaling van de techniek bodemenergiesysteem gezien als een techniek die in belangrijke mate kan bijdragen aan de pijler &apos;transitie duurzame warmte en koude&apos;. Op landelijk en gemeentelijk niveau werd gesignaleerd dat (open) bodemenergiesystemen in de exploitatiefase veelal onvoldoende functioneerden. In dit rapport wordt op basis van de resultaten van het project &apos;WKO, waar voor je geld&apos; een voorstel aan het Ministerie van I en M gedaan om een voorschrift &apos;energierendement wko&apos; op te nemen in het Activiteitenbesluit Wet milieubeheer.

  11. Bookshelf (John R. Huizenga, &apos;Cold Fusion: the Scientific Fiasco of the Century&apos;)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Morrison, Douglas R.O.


    &apos;&apos;Cold fusion is dead, isn&apos;t it?&apos;&apos; is a question I am often asked. The reply is a strange one, &apos;&apos;Yes, scientifically it is dead, but not from a media point of view or from funding&apos;&apos; In 1989 two electrochemists, Martin Fleischmann and Stanley Pons, claimed sustained nuclear fusion had been achieved in a test-tube with a palladium cathode and deuterium, observing excess heat, neutrons and tritium. A series of encouraging confirmations and successively greater excess heat claims were seized on by the world&apos;s media. The US Government set up a panel of some 20 world-class scientists from several disciplines under John Huizenga, distinguished professor of Chemistry and Physics at the University of Rochester. They concluded that there was no present evidence for the discovery of a new nuclear process termed cold fusion. It might be thought that would end cold fusion, but for interesting reasons, it did not entirely. John Huizenga has written a book describing the curious claims and evidence for cold fusion and has given an excellent explanation of the science involved. This was published as a hardback book of 236 pages, telling the story up to the end of June 1990. Again one might think it was the end of the cold fusion story. Now he has written about what happened in the next two years in a paperback book which contains an epilogue of 51 pages. If you thought the first year was extraordinary, the next two years described in the new edition were even more incredible! In the main part of the book, the basic science is simply and clearly explained. The number of &apos;'miracles'&apos; required for each results or theory is described - a &apos;'miracle'&apos; is a gross violation of previous knowledge and experimental results such as energy conservation. Thus some theories are classified as &apos;&apos;triple miracles&apos;&apos;. It might be thought that people who claimed to have observed cold fusion

  12. Werner Heisenberg. The language of the atoms. Life and work - a scientific biography - the &apos;&apos;joyous science&apos;&apos; (youth until Nobel price); Werner Heisenberg. Die Sprache der Atome. Leben und Wirken - Eine wissenschaftliche Biographie - Die &apos;&apos;froehliche Wissenschaft&apos;&apos; (Jugend bis Nobelpreis)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rechenberg, Helmut [MPI fuer Physik, Muenchen (Germany). Werner-Heisenberg-Institut


    With his discovery that measuring values of complementary fundamental quantities in the microscopic world cannot by arbitrarily precisely determined cutted Werner Heisenberg the Gordian knot for the finishing of quantum theory developed by Planck, Einstein, and others and opened by this a new &apos;&apos;golden era&apos;&apos; in the physics of the 20th century. On the base of the documents from his life and work, i. e. deeds, letters and reports of contemporaries, as well as the published and unpublished essays, books, and articles of Heisenberg - also the later on found, publications or manuscripts mainly coming from the inheritance - resulted this systematic biography of Heisenberg. The author, the last doctoral candidate of Heisenberg relied furthermore on factual and personal knowledges, mainly own remembrances on his doctoral father and his teachers, colleagues, and students. Because of the interest of an authentical biography of the theoretical physicist Heisenberg the presentation of the mathematical approaches and the corresponding derivations could not completely be abandoned. This biography appeals by this both to a scientifically cultivated as a wider in science interested audience and covers the first phase of Heisenberg&apos;s life until his Nobel price 1933. [German] Mit seiner Entdeckung, dass sich Messwerte komplementaerer Groessen in der mikroskopischen Welt nicht beliebig genau bestimmen lassen, durchschnitt Werner Heisenberg den Gordischen Knoten zur Vollendung der von Planck, Einstein und anderen entwickelten Quantentheorie und eroeffnete damit ein neues &apos;&apos;goldenes Zeitalter&apos;&apos; in der Physik des 20. Jahrhunderts. Auf der Grundlage der Dokumente aus seinem Leben und Wirken, d.h. der Urkunden, Briefe und Berichte von Zeitzeugen sowie der publizierten und unpublizierten Abhandlungen, Buecher und Artikel Heisenbergs - auch der spaeter aufgefundenen, ueberwiegend aus dem Nachlass Heisenbergs stammenden Veroeffentlichungen oder

  13. Deep groundwater flow systems and their characterization in single-well settings by &apos;'push-pull'&apos; tracer tests

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hebig-Schubert, Klaus


    This thesis demonstrates the growing importance of deep groundwater research and the increasing demand for the development of suitable single-well test methods. At the forefront of the research on groundwater in the deep underground, radioactive waste disposal in deep geological repositories, CO 2 storage, geothermal energy supply, and aquifer storage and recovery systems (ASR) are on the agenda. The developments of suitable methods for investigating these resources are a main target. Currently available methods show considerable limitations. Accordingly, comprehensive methods for the hydraulic and hydrochemical characterization of deeper aquifers with single-well access are needed. Therefore, the goal of this PhD thesis was to identify, test, and enhance potentially suitable single-well methods for characterization of groundwater flow and solute transport in such settings. For this, several Single-Well Injection-Withdrawal (&apos;'push-pull'&apos;) tracer tests were applied at the Hamasato field site (Horonobe, Japan) in a ∝100 m deep groundwater monitoring well. Aim was to characterize the impact of a dynamic saltwater-freshwater interface on a coastal aquifer. Based on the experiences of the first methodological test, a second field campaign was conducted. This campaign focused on a systematic evaluation of the push-pull tracer test method for the first time at all. The experiments focused on the investigation of the so-called &apos;'chaser'&apos; and its impact on the test results. The chaser is a specific part of many push-pull tracer tests setups. From these experiments, a specific test design for the investigation of the saltwater-freshwater interface in a single-well setting was developed. The application of this design on questions regarding different fluids within the same system, e.g. different mineralized fluids (saltwater-freshwater-interface, ASR) or temperatures (geothermal research), are promising future approaches for this

  14. Deep groundwater flow systems and their characterization in single-well settings by &apos;'push-pull'&apos; tracer tests

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hebig-Schubert, Klaus


    This thesis demonstrates the growing importance of deep groundwater research and the increasing demand for the development of suitable single-well test methods. At the forefront of the research on groundwater in the deep underground, radioactive waste disposal in deep geological repositories, CO{sub 2} storage, geothermal energy supply, and aquifer storage and recovery systems (ASR) are on the agenda. The developments of suitable methods for investigating these resources are a main target. Currently available methods show considerable limitations. Accordingly, comprehensive methods for the hydraulic and hydrochemical characterization of deeper aquifers with single-well access are needed. Therefore, the goal of this PhD thesis was to identify, test, and enhance potentially suitable single-well methods for characterization of groundwater flow and solute transport in such settings. For this, several Single-Well Injection-Withdrawal (&apos;'push-pull'&apos;) tracer tests were applied at the Hamasato field site (Horonobe, Japan) in a ∝100 m deep groundwater monitoring well. Aim was to characterize the impact of a dynamic saltwater-freshwater interface on a coastal aquifer. Based on the experiences of the first methodological test, a second field campaign was conducted. This campaign focused on a systematic evaluation of the push-pull tracer test method for the first time at all. The experiments focused on the investigation of the so-called &apos;'chaser'&apos; and its impact on the test results. The chaser is a specific part of many push-pull tracer tests setups. From these experiments, a specific test design for the investigation of the saltwater-freshwater interface in a single-well setting was developed. The application of this design on questions regarding different fluids within the same system, e.g. different mineralized fluids (saltwater-freshwater-interface, ASR) or temperatures (geothermal research), are promising future approaches for

  15. SAP deficiency mitigated atherosclerotic lesions in ApoE(-/-) mice. (United States)

    Zheng, Lingyun; Wu, Teng; Zeng, Cuiling; Li, Xiangli; Li, Xiaoqiang; Wen, Dingwen; Ji, Tianxing; Lan, Tian; Xing, Liying; Li, Jiangchao; He, Xiaodong; Wang, Lijing


    Serum amyloid P conpoent (SAP), a member of the pentraxin family, interact with pathogens and cell debris to promote their removal by macrophages and neutrophils and is co-localized with atherosclerotic plaques in patients. However, the exact mechanism of SAP in atherogenesis is still unclear. We investigated whether SAP influence macrophage recruitment and foam cell formation and ultimately affect atherosclerotic progression. we generated apoE(-/-); SAP(-/-) (DKO) mice and fed them western diet for 4 and 8 weeks to characterize atherosclerosis development. SAP deficiency effectively reduced plaque size both in the aorta (p = 0.0006 for 4 wks; p = 0.0001 for 8 wks) and the aortic root (p = 0.0061 for 4 wks; p = 0.0079 for 8wks) compared with apoE(-/-) mice. Meanwhile, SAP deficiency inhibited oxLDL-induced foam cell formation (p = 0.0004) compared with apoE(-/-) mice and SAP treatment increases oxLDL-induced foam cell formation (p = 0.002) in RAW cells. Besides, SAP deficiency reduced macrophages recruitment (p = 0.035) in vivo and in vitro (p = 0.026). Furthermore, SAP treatment enhanced CD36 (p = 0.007) and FcγRI (p = 0.031) expression induced by oxLDL through upregulating JNK and p38 MAPK phosphorylation whereas specific JNK1/2 inhibitor reduced CD36 (p = 0.0005) and FcγRI (P = 0.0007) expression in RAW cell. SAP deficiency also significantly decreased the expression of M1 and M2 macrophage markers and inflammatory cytokines in oxLDL-induced macrophages. SAP deficiency mitigated foam cell formation and atherosclerotic development in apoE(-/-) mice, due to reduction in macrophages recruitment, polarization and pro-inflammatory cytokines and inhibition the CD36/FcγR-dependent signaling pathway. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  16. &apos;Carbon-Money Exchange&apos; to contain global warming and deforestation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nagase, Kozo E-mail:


    This paper builds a basic theory of &apos;Carbon-Money Exchange&apos; in which carbon as currency in nature&apos;s household (ecosystems) and money as currency in humankind&apos;s household (economy) are exchanged just like in a foreign exchange. The simple chemical equation below makes it possible (CO{sub 2}{yields}C+O{sub 2}=C+O{sub 2}{yields}CO{sub 2}). The left-hand side represents the work of plants to remove atmospheric CO{sub 2}. The right-hand side represents the work of humans as fossil fuel consumers to produce it. The exchange of the two currencies is possible by copying the fossil fuel market. The paper concludes that this new exchange can automatically contain global warming and deforestation, replacing onerous emissions trading. Moreover, it could revolutionize the conventional economy, creating counter-capitalism, or &apos;carbonism&apos;.

  17. &apos;Smart Home&apos; and energy efficiency; Smarthome und Energieeffizienz

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Grieder, T.; Huser, A.


    This comprehensive final report for the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE) presents the results of a project that examined the power consumption of a &apos;smart home&apos; - a single-family dwelling in Chur, Switzerland. The house&apos;s power consumption is compared with that of a similar dwelling in 1992. The report describes the preparatory work for the project and analyses the power requirements of the various electrical consumers in the house. Comparisons are made with the electricity consumption of an average Swiss house. Possibilities of increasing efficiency are looked at. Consumption is extrapolated to national level on the basis of previous studies. A comprehensive appendix with details on the house&apos;s usage, its inhabitants&apos; needs, its multimedia concept and its technical equipment completes the report.

  18. Imaging in smoldering (asymptomatic) multiple myeloma. Past, present and future; Bildgebung bei &apos;'smoldering'&apos; (asymptomatischem) multiplem Myelom. Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bhutani, M.; Landgren, O. [Center for Cancer Research, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, Multiple Myeloma Section, Lymphoid Malignancies Branch, Bethesda, MD (United States)


    imaging techniques need to be validated in prospective clinical trials assessing the SMM to multiple myeloma transition, with the aim of enabling appropriate management decisions. Efforts are also needed to improve the costs and availability of whole-body MRI and/or FDG PET/CT, in order to facilitate their widespread adoption as first-line detection modalities. Future clinical trials of therapeutic agents using earlier detection strategies will have to be carefully designed and take into consideration the risk of lead-time and length-time biases, which might falsely demonstrate longer overall survival. The English full text version of this article is available at SpringerLink (under &apos;'Supplemental'&apos;). (orig.) [German] Aktuelle klinische Studien sprechen fuer eine Therapie des &apos;&apos;smoldering multiple myeloma&apos;&apos; (SMM) mit hohem Progressionsrisiko schon bei der Diagnosestellung und nicht erst zum Zeitpunkt der Progression in ein symptomatisches multiples Myelom (MM). Die Frueherkennung einer Knochen- und/oder Knochenmarkbeteiligung durch entsprechende sensitive Bildgebungsverfahren kann zur Ermittlung von SMM-Patienten mit hohem Risiko fuer eine Progression beitragen. Nach aktuellen Konsensusleitlinien (2011) ist die Roentgenuntersuchung des Skeletts ein Grundpfeiler der Beurteilung einer Knochenbeteiligung bei Diagnosestellung und in Verlaufskontrollen wegen eines SMM. Jedoch hat die Roentgenuntersuchung des Skeletts eine geringe Sensitivitaet fuer Knochenlaesionen und liefert keine Informationen zu Knochenmarkveraenderungen. Moderne bildgebende Verfahren wie die Fluordeoxyglukose-Positronenemissionstomographie-Computertomographie (FDG-PET-CT) und die Magnetresonanztomographie (MRT) liefern zusammen mit innovativen Funktionsuntersuchungen eine bessere Einschaetzung allgemeiner Veraenderungen im Knochenmark- und im Knochenkompartiment. Mit diesen Verfahren kann die beginnende Progression vom SMM zum MM quantitativ objektiviert werden

  19. The quantum realm of the &apos;&apos;Little Sibling&apos;&apos; of the Big Rip singularity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Albarran, Imanol; Bouhmadi-López, Mariam; Cabral, Francisco; Martín-Moruno, Prado


    We analyse the quantum behaviour of the &apos;&apos;Little Sibling&apos;&apos; of the Big Rip singularity (LSBR) [1]. The quantisation is carried within the geometrodynamical approach given by the Wheeler-DeWitt (WDW) equation. The classical model is based on a Friedmann-Lemaître-Robertson-Walker Universe filled by a perfect fluid that can be mapped to a scalar field with phantom character. We analyse the WDW equation in two setups. In the first step, we consider the scale factor as the single degree of freedom, which from a classical perspective parametrises both the geometry and the matter content given by the perfect fluid. We then solve the WDW equation within a WKB approximation, for two factor ordering choices. On the second approach, we consider the WDW equation with two degrees of freedom: the scale factor and a scalar field. We solve the WDW equation, with the Laplace-Beltrami factor-ordering, using a Born-Oppenheimer approximation. In both approaches, we impose the DeWitt (DW) condition as a potential criterion for singularity avoidance. We conclude that in all the cases analysed the DW condition can be verified, which might be an indication that the LSBR can be avoided or smoothed in the quantum approach

  20. Environmental performance data in &apos;Japan Atomic Energy Agency Report 2016&apos;

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Suzuki, Yurina; Kanai, Katsuta; Sato, Sadayuki; Tatebe, Kazuaki


    In September, 2016 Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) published results of environmental activity as a part of &apos;Japan Atomic Energy Agency Report 2016&apos; concerning the activities of FY 2015 under &apos;Law Concerning the Promotion of Business Activities with Environmental Consideration by Specified Corporations, etc., by Facilitating Access to Environmental Information, and Other Measures&apos;. This report has been edited to show detailed environmental performance data in FY 2015 as the base of the &apos;Japan Atomic Energy Agency Report 2016&apos;. This report would not only ensure traceability of the data in order to enhance the reliability of the environmental report, but also make useful measures for promoting activities of environmental considerations in JAEA. (author)

  1. The &apos;mini&apos; and &apos;micro&apos; energy sources and their limitations; Les &apos;'minis'&apos; et &apos;'micros'&apos; sources d&apos;energie et leurs limites

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The &apos;Science and defense 2003&apos; colloquium took place in Paris on December 2 and 3. It was organized by the general delegation of armament (DGA), the French atomic energy commission (CEA) with the participation of the national center of scientific research (CNRS) and the French ministry of research and new technologies. The main topic was the needs and the solutions implemented in the domain of energy sources both for civil and military portable applications. This article make a general summary of the content of this colloquium only in the domain of small power energy sources: emergence of new miniaturized portable devices (phones, computers, cameras, autonomous medical systems, wireless communication systems, soldiers equipments, drones etc..), improvement of batteries energy density and price, new needs linked with new functionalities, technological challenges (energy generation and recovery systems, miniaturized fuel-cells, use of recoverable energy sources, implantation of power sources in the human body etc..), new technological files (new electrode materials, micron- or sub-micron scale mechanical and electronic components, sensors, micro-motors, transfer of microelectronics technologies, hybrid systems..), international competition. (J.S.)

  2. Minimum joint space width (mJSW) of patellofemoral joint on standing &apos;'skyline'&apos; radiographs: test-retest reproducibility and comparison with quantitative magnetic resonance imaging (qMRI)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Simoni, Paolo; Jamali, Sanaa; Alvarez Miezentseva, Victoria [CHU de Liege, Diagnostic Imaging Departement, Domanine du Sart Tilman, Liege (Belgium); Albert, Adelin [CHU de Liege, Biostatistics Departement, Domanine du Sart Tilman, Liege (Belgium); Totterman, Saara; Schreyer, Edward; Tamez-Pena, Jose G. [Qmetrics Technologies, Rochester, NY (United States); Zobel, Bruno Beomonte [Campus Bio-Medico University, Diagnostic Imaging Departement, Rome (Italy); Gillet, Philippe [CHU de Liege, Orthopaedic surgery Department, Domanine du Sart Tilman, Liege (Belgium)


    To assess the intraobserver, interobserver, and test-retest reproducibility of minimum joint space width (mJSW) measurement of medial and lateral patellofemoral joints on standing &apos;'skyline'&apos; radiographs and to compare the mJSW of the patellofemoral joint to the mean cartilage thickness calculated by quantitative magnetic resonance imaging (qMRI). A couple of standing &apos;'skyline'&apos; radiographs of the patellofemoral joints and MRI of 55 knees of 28 volunteers (18 females, ten males, mean age, 48.5 {+-} 16.2 years) were obtained on the same day. The mJSW of the patellofemoral joint was manually measured and Kellgren and Lawrence grade (KLG) was independently assessed by two observers. The mJSW was compared to the mean cartilage thickness of patellofemoral joint calculated by qMRI. mJSW of the medial and lateral patellofemoral joint showed an excellent intraobserver agreement (interclass correlation (ICC) = 0.94 and 0.96), interobserver agreement (ICC = 0.90 and 0.95) and test-retest agreement (ICC = 0.92 and 0.96). The mJSW measured on radiographs was correlated to mean cartilage thickness calculated by qMRI (r = 0.71, p < 0.0001 for the medial PFJ and r = 0.81, p < 0.0001 for the lateral PFJ). However, there was a lack of concordance between radiographs and qMRI for extreme values of joint width and KLG. Radiographs yielded higher joint space measures than qMRI in knees with a normal joint space, while qMRI yielded higher joint space measures than radiographs in knees with joint space narrowing and higher KLG. Standing &apos;'skyline'&apos; radiographs are a reproducible tool for measuring the mJSW of the patellofemoral joint. The mJSW of the patellofemoral joint on radiographs are correlated with, but not concordant with, qMRI measurements. (orig.)

  3. Analysis of the tumor-promoting potency of 2,4,4&apos;-trichlorobiphenyl and 2,2&apos;,4,5,5&apos;-pentachlorobiphenyl in rat liver

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kunz, S.; Schmitz, H.J.; Schrenk, D. [Kaiserslautern Univ. (Germany). Dept. of Food Chemistry and Environmental Toxicology; Buchmann, A.; Schwarz, M. [Tuebingen Univ. (Germany). Inst. of Toxicology; Schilling, B.; Paepke, O. [ERGO Research, Hamburg (Germany); Robertson, L.W.; Lehmler, H.J. [Iowa Univ, Iowa City, IA (United States). Dept. of Occupational and Environmental Health


    Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are potent persistent environmental pollutants exhibiting neurotoxic, teratogenic and tumor-promoting effects in experimental animal models. PCB congeners can be divided into &apos;dioxin-like&apos; and &apos;non-dioxin-like&apos; congeners on the basis of their ability to act as aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) agonists. Like the most toxic dioxin congener 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) &apos;dioxin-like&apos; PCBs bind to the AhR and show characteristic effects on the expression of AhR-regulated genes including the induction of cytochrome P450 (CYP) 1A1. On the other hand, &apos;non-dioxin-like&apos; PCB congeners have a lower or no binding affinity to the AhR, but exhibit a &apos;phenobarbital-type&apos; induction of CYP 2B1/2 activity. The tumor-promoting potency of several PCBs has been demonstrated in two-stage initiation-promotion experiments in rat liver. Preneoplastic cell clones, targets for tumor promotion, can be identified as phenotypically altered foci showing characteristic enzyme patterns including the decreased activity of adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) or the increased expression of the placental form of gluthatione S-transferase (GSTP). In the present study, the effect of the &apos;non-dioxin-like&apos; 2,4,4&apos;-trichlorobiphenyl (PCB 28) and 2,2&apos;,4,5,5&apos;-pentachlorobiphenyl (PCB 101) on the promotion of enzyme-altered hepatic foci was investigated in female Wistar rats after initiation with diethylnitrosamine (DEN).

  4. Final report of the inter institutional project ININ-CNSNS &apos;Source Terms specific for the CNLV&apos;; Informe final del proyecto interinstitucional ININ-CNSNS &apos;Termino Fuente especifico para la CNLV&apos;

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Anaya M, R.A. [ININ, 52045 Ocoyoacac, Estado de Mexico (Mexico)


    The purpose of the project inter institutional ININ-CNSNS &apos;Source Terms Specifies for the CNLV&apos; it is the one of implanting in the computer CYBER (CDC 180-830) of the ININ, the &apos;Source Term Code Package&apos; (STCP) and to make the operation tests and corresponding operation using the data of the sample problem, for finally to liberate the package, all time that by means of the analysis of the results it is consider appropriate. In this report the results of the are presented simulation of the sequence &apos;Energy Losses external&apos; (Station blackout) and &apos;Lost total of CA with failure of the RCIC and success of the HPCS&apos; both with data of the Laguna Verde Central. (Author)

  5. Evaluation of the environmental quality objective &apos;A Safe Radiation Environment&apos;; Utvaerdering av miljoekvalitetsmaalet &apos;Saeker straalmiljoe&apos;

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Asp, Helene; Brewitz, Erica; Halvarsson, Andreas; Ljungberg, Sophie; Mjoenes, Lars; Wallberg, Petra


    The evaluation of the environmental quality objective &apos;A Safe Radiation Environment&apos; is a contribution to the Environmental Objective Council&apos;s assessment of progress towards the national environmental quality objectives. The report describes and evaluates the radiation environment in Sweden, the regulatory instruments, measures carried out and the monitoring programmes. Furthermore, the possibility of achieving the objective and its interim targets is evaluated. New measures and means of control are proposed. The proposals are directed to the government and Parliament, national authorities and other stakeholders in society. The Swedish Radiation Protection Authority (SSI) considers it possible to achieve the objective, but additional efforts are required to ensure success. Environmental monitoring, research on health effects of radiation and supervision are still important areas. Intensified efforts will be needed to change attitudes towards suntanning. Changes in the formulation of the objective and its interim targets are suggested. Today only protection against radiation in the external environment is covered by the objective. Radiation protection work has to consider all. SSI therefore suggests that the objective should extend to include workplaces and indoor environment. For the three interim targets included in &apos;A Safe Radiation Environment&apos;, changes are suggested for the interim targets for radioactive substances and electromagnetic fields. No change is suggested for the interim target for skin cancer

  6. Behavioral phenotype and BDNF differences related to apoE isoforms and sex in young transgenic mice

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Reverte, Ingrid; Klein, Anders Bue; Ratner, Cecilia


    , very little information is available on apoE2 genotype. In the present study, we have characterized behavioral and learning phenotypes in young transgenic mice apoE2, apoE3 and apoE4 of both sexes. We have also determined the levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and its receptor Trk...

  7. Persistent organochlorine pollutants and risk for skeletal fractures and impaired bone mineral density in humans. Results from the &apos;'COMPARE'&apos; project

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hagmar, L.; Wallin, E.; Joensson, B.A. [Department of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Lund (Sweden)


    Persistent organochlorine pollutants (POP) have, in animal studies, impaired normal bone metabolism and resulted in increased bone fragility. Especially considering the dramatical increase in osteoporotic fractures in western societies during the last decades, it is a pertinent question whether a high dietary intake of POP might pose a risk for deteriorated bone quality in humans. This problem has been assessed as a part of the collaborative project &apos;'COMPARE'&apos;, funded by European Commission RD Life Science Program. As a study base we have used cohorts of Swedish fishermen&apos;s families. We have earlier shown that fishermen living at the east coast of Sweden, have a high consumption of contaminated fatty fish from the Baltic Sea and consequently relatively high exposure levels for various POPs, also compared with fishermen from the Swedish west coast. Such a discrepancy was also found for fishermen&apos;s wives. The aim of the project was to assess in epidemiological studies whether a high dietary intake of POP through fatty fish from the Baltic may result in an increased incidence of osteoporotic fractures or decreased bone mineral density (BMD). We give here an overview of the results.

  8. &apos;&apos;Rio+20 on site&apos;&apos;. Communities on their way to sustainability. Examples from Germany; &apos;&apos;Rio+20 vor Ort&apos;&apos;. Kommunen auf dem Weg zur Nachhaltigkeit. Beispiele aus Deutschland

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nolting, Katrin; Goell, Edgar


    20 years ago, the international community adopted the concept of &apos;sustainable development&apos; as a model for the 21st century adopted in order to meet the growing challenges facing the mankind. With Agenda 21, the UN presented a global action plan for the implementation of such a sustainable development. This brochure provides an insight into sustainability activities at local level in Germany. It is shown how such activities result in future-oriented and exemplary developments in some areas and selected areas of action.

  9. Intelligent marketing of electricity from decentral power sources. Project results of the research project &apos;'Massig'&apos;; Intelligente Vermarktung von Strom aus dezentralen Energiequellen. Projektergebnisse des Forschungsvorhabens &apos;'Massig'&apos;

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Erge, Thomas; Sauer, Christian [Fraunhofer-Institut fuer Solare Energiesysteme ISE, Freiburg (Germany); Barnsteiner, Martin; Preiser, Klaus [Badenova Waermeplus GmbH und Co.KG, Freiburg (Germany)


    In the European research project &apos;Market Access for Smaller Size Intelligent Electricity Generation (Massig)&apos; scientists at the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems (Freiburg, Federal Republic of Germany) examined together with project partners the demand-oriented supply and commercialization of electricity from decentral power generators at the liberalized electricity market. The project team selected target countries and evaluated innovative solutions of marketing especially for specific applications of practice. Such a model project is that of Badenova Waermeplus GmbH (Freiburg, Federal Republic of Germany).

  10. Estudo do comportamento de materiais não convencionais utilizados como revestimento de paredes, visando à redução da carga térmica.


    Sousa, Vívian Aparecida Lima


    A presente dissertação estudou o compartamento térmico, físico e mecânico das argamassas de revestimentos compostas por gesso puro, gesso/EVA (ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer) e gesso/vermiculita aplicadas nas superficies das paredes de edificação visando à redução da carga térmica relativamente às paredes convencionais constituídas de tijolos de cerâmica e argamassas de cimento-areia, tomadas como referência. O objetivo foi obter um material capaz de reduzir a carga térmica e, por conseguin...

  11. Chances and perspectives of hybrid vehicles; &apos;&apos;Chancen und Perspektiven von Hybridfahrzeugen&apos;&apos;

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Taenzer, Guillem [IZES gGmbH, Saarbruecken (Germany)


    It is still a challenge for the global automotive industry to build environment friendly and sustainable cars. One of the main questions is which possibilities and prospects short- and long term can be used to maintain the mobility standard today? Hybrid cars could be a short term option (such as 10 to 20 years) to serve as temporary solution. In conjunction with bio fuel hybrid cars could be a sustainable solution - but the today&apos;s availability of bio fuel doesn&apos;t cover the current and future demand of bio fuel. In this context the foodstuff production and the cultivation of monocultures shouldn&apos;t be disregarded. The enhancements of electrical components by hybrid cars allows to get access to the potential of electro mobility (middle term perspectives), even in conjunction with a fuel cell (long term perspectives). Still unresolved are the quantitative allocation of hydrogen (by renewable energy) and the infrastructure of a hydrogen system. (orig.)

  12. The Novel SCN&apos;&apos;- Ion-selective Electrode Based on the 1-Benzyl-3-(4-nitrophenyl) thio-urea Ionophore

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lee, Kyung Mi; Kang, Dong Hyeon; Choe, Ju Eun; You, Jung Min; Go, Min Jeong; Lee, Jung Seong; Jeon, Seung Won [Chungnam National University, Daejeon (Korea, Republic of)


    A potentiometric sensor based on the 1-benzyl-3-(4-nitrophenyl) thio-urea was synthesized and tested as an ionophore in PVC based membrane sensor towards SCN - ions. This membrane exhibits a linear stable response over a wide concentration range (1.0 × 10&apos;&apos;-5 to 1.0 × 10&apos;&apos;-2 M) with a slope of -59.2 mV/dec., a detection limit of log[SCN&apos;&apos;- ] = -5.05, and a selectivity coefficient for thiocyanate against perchlorate anion of logK{sub s}cn&apos;&apos;pot = -0.133. The selectivity series of the membrane is as follows: SCN&apos;&apos;- > ClO{sub 4}&apos;&apos;- > I&apos;&apos;- >NO{sub 3}&apos;&apos;- >HSO{sub 3}&apos;&apos;- > Cl&apos;&apos;-HSO{sub &apos;}'-'&apos;4 > F&apos;&apos;- > CH{sub 3}COO&apos;&apos;- > HCO&apos;'-'&apos;3 > Br&apos;&apos;- > H{sub 2}PO{sub 4}&apos;&apos;- > SO{sub 3}&apos;'-'&apos;2 > SO{sub 4}&apos;'-'&apos;2 > CO{sub 3}&apos;'-'&apos;2. The proposed electrode showed good selectivity and a good response for the SCN&apos;&apos;- ion over a wide variety of other anions in pH 6.0 buffer solutions and has a fast response time of about < 5s.. The influences of the membrane by pH, ionophore, and plasticizer were studied.

  13. If science does create more than knowledge. A congress is asking for &apos;education by science&apos;; Wenn Wissenschaft mehr als Wissen schafft. Ein Kongress fragt nach &apos;Bildung durch Wissenschaft&apos;

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nuissl, E. (ed.)


    The role of science in the development of the so-called &apos;knowledge society&apos; was investigated at this interdisciplinary congress. Three problem areas were identified: 1. Science itself must constantly review its own ethical fundamentals and investigate and extend its ability to keep a dialogue running. 2. Society is asked to provide an ethical and moral orientation for dealing with newly acquired knowledge and to define the social standing of science. 3. Each and every individual must work on maintaining and extending his or her level of knowledge in order to cope with everyday life and perform social functions. [German] Ziel des Kongresses &apos;&apos;Bildung durch Wissenschaft&apos;&apos; war es, im interdisziplinaeren Austausch die Rolle der Wissenschaft bei der Entwicklung der so genannten &apos;'Wissensgesellschaft'&apos; zu eroertern. Der enorme Wissenszuwachs des vergangenen Jahrhunderts bedeutet eine Zunahme des &apos;'Machbaren'&apos;, von dessen positiven wie negativen Folgen die Gesellschaft und der Einzelne gleichermassen betroffen ist. Das gilt gerade fuer diejenigen Technologien und Wissensbestaende, die im Alltag von Bedeutung sind. Der Kongress beschaeftigte sich mit diesen Entwicklungen und mit den Problemen, die sich daraus ergeben. Der erste Problemkreis betrifft die Wissenschaft selbst: Sie muss sich ihrer eigenen ethischen Grundlagen wieder neu vergewissern, ihre Dialogfaehigkeit ueberpruefen und erweitern. Ein zweiter Problemkreis ist auf Seiten der Oeffentlichkeit auszumachen: Die Gesellschaft wird ethische und moralische Orientierungen fuer den Umgang mit dem neu erworbenen Wissen schaffen und grundsaetzlich den gesellschaftlichen Stellenwert der Wissenschaft bestimmen muessen. Der dritte Problemkreis stellt sich dem Einzelnen: Jeder ist gefordert, kontinuierlich sein Wissensniveau zu erhalten und zu erweitern, um den Alltag bewaeltigen und gesellschaftliche Aufgaben wahrnehmen zu koennen. (orig.)

  14. Green economy. From theory to practice; &apos;Green Economy&apos;. Von der Theorie zur Praxis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wackerbauer, Johann [ifo Institut, Muenchen (Germany)


    The topic of &apos;&apos;green economy&apos;&apos; took centre stage at last year&apos;s UN conference on sustainable development in Rio de Janeiro. The term &apos;&apos;green economy&apos;&apos; has many interpretations to it, ranging from an emphasis on energy and resource efficiency in an otherwise ordinary economy to positions that are critical of growth as such. What can be considered as the essence of the concept of green economy, and what challenges need to be mastered on the way there? The present study shows that there is more to the term than most companies and consumers are aware of.

  15. Acetabular retroversion as a rare cause of chronic hip pain: recognition of the &apos;'figure-eight'&apos; sign

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Banks, Kevin P. [Brooke Army Medical Center, Department of Radiology, Fort Sam Houston, TX (United States); Grayson, David E. [Wilford Hall Medical Center, Department of Radiology, Lackland Air Force Base, TX (United States)


    While well-recognized in the orthopedic literature as a cause of chronic hip pain, acetabular retroversion has not been specifically described in the radiologic literature. Acetabular retroversion represents a particular form of hip dysplasia characterized by abnormal posterolateral orientation of the acetabulum. This pathophysiology predisposes the individual to subsequent anterior impingement of the femoral neck upon the anterior acetabular margin and fibrous labrum. Without treatment, cases may progress to damage of the anterior labrum and cartilage, with eventual early onset of osteoarthritic disease. This impinging condition has been described as occurring in isolation or as part of a complex dysplasia. We describe two cases of acetabular retroversion diagnosed by conventional radiographic evaluation of the pelvis, one in isolation and one occurring in the setting of a larger congenital syndrome. These cases illustrate the utility of the &apos;'figure-eight'&apos; sign in identifying abnormalities of acetabular version and thus assisting clinicians in properly identifying these individuals so that appropriate therapy may be instituted. (orig.)

  16. Germany steps up pressure on Fessenheim, but is the &apos;Energiewende&apos; all-knowing?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shepherd, John


    Politics of course has more than its fair share of those who know everything and do their best not to let get the facts get in the way where inconvenient truths risk destroying their &apos;'Besserwisser'&apos; illusions. An example of this is a letter from Germany&apos;s federal environment minister Barbara Hendricks to her French counterpart Segolene Royal. The subject of the letter was the closure of France&apos;s Fessenheim nuclear power plant. The content of the letter appears to show that, not content with stamping out the use of nuclear energy in Germany and all the knowledge and industrial expertise that goes with it, Germany seems intent on imposing its point of view onto its neighbour. Hendricks acknowledges that any decisions relating to Fessenheim are for France alone as a sovereign nation. But, if that is the case, why bother to write the letter in the first place? In reply Royal, a prominent French Socialist, stresses French president Francois Hollande&apos;s desire to close Fessenheim before his term of office draws to a close. Royal also noted that it is up to France&apos;s nuclear operator, EDF, to &apos;&apos;define which reactors are removed from the grid&apos;&apos;. It is also amusing to read Royal&apos;s comment that the fact Fessenheim can be closed at all is largely due to the construction of replacement nuclear capacity at Flamanville, in northern France. Surely that irony could not have been lost on Germany&apos;s environment ministry.

  17. Germany steps up pressure on Fessenheim, but is the &apos;Energiewende&apos; all-knowing?

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shepherd, John [nuclear 24, Brighton (United Kingdom)


    Politics of course has more than its fair share of those who know everything and do their best not to let get the facts get in the way where inconvenient truths risk destroying their &apos;'Besserwisser'&apos; illusions. An example of this is a letter from Germany&apos;s federal environment minister Barbara Hendricks to her French counterpart Segolene Royal. The subject of the letter was the closure of France&apos;s Fessenheim nuclear power plant. The content of the letter appears to show that, not content with stamping out the use of nuclear energy in Germany and all the knowledge and industrial expertise that goes with it, Germany seems intent on imposing its point of view onto its neighbour. Hendricks acknowledges that any decisions relating to Fessenheim are for France alone as a sovereign nation. But, if that is the case, why bother to write the letter in the first place? In reply Royal, a prominent French Socialist, stresses French president Francois Hollande&apos;s desire to close Fessenheim before his term of office draws to a close. Royal also noted that it is up to France&apos;s nuclear operator, EDF, to &apos;&apos;define which reactors are removed from the grid&apos;&apos;. It is also amusing to read Royal&apos;s comment that the fact Fessenheim can be closed at all is largely due to the construction of replacement nuclear capacity at Flamanville, in northern France. Surely that irony could not have been lost on Germany&apos;s environment ministry.

  18. The &apos;last mile&apos; of data handling: Fermilab&apos;s IFDH tools

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lyon, Adam L; Mengel, Marc W


    IFDH (Intensity Frontier Data Handling), is a suite of tools for data movement tasks for Fermilab experiments and is an important part of the FIFE[2] (Fabric for Intensity Frontier [1] Experiments) initiative described at this conference. IFDH encompasses moving input data from caches or storage elements to compute nodes (the &apos;last mile&apos; of data movement) and moving output data potentially to those caches as part of the journey back to the user. IFDH also involves throttling and locking to ensure that large numbers of jobs do not cause data movement bottlenecks. IFDH is realized as an easy to use layer that users call in their job scripts (e.g. &apos;ifdh cp&apos;), hiding the low level data movement tools. One advantage of this layer is that the underlying low level tools can be selected or changed without the need for the user to alter their scripts. Logging and performance monitoring can also be added easily. This system will be presented in detail as well as its impact on the ease of data handling at Fermilab experiments.

  19. Triglyceride-rich lipoprotein metabolism in women: roles of apoC-II and apoC-III. (United States)

    Ooi, Esther M; Chan, Dick C; Hodson, Leanne; Adiels, Martin; Boren, Jan; Karpe, Fredrik; Fielding, Barbara A; Watts, Gerald F; Barrett, P Hugh R


    Experimental data suggest that apolipoprotein (apo) C-II and C-III regulate triglyceride-rich lipoprotein (TRL) metabolism, but there are limited studies in humans. We investigated the metabolic associations of TRLs with apoC-II and apoC-III concentrations and kinetics in women. The kinetics of plasma apoC-II, apoC-III and very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) apoB-100 and triglycerides were measured in the postabsorptive state using stable isotopic techniques and compartmental modelling in 60 women with wide-ranging body mass index (19·5-32·9 kg/m(2) ). Plasma apoC-II and apoC-III concentrations were positively associated with the concentrations of plasma triglycerides, VLDL1 - and VLDL2 -apoB-100 and triglyceride (all P triglyceride concentration and VLDL1 triglyceride PR, while apoC-II fractional catabolic rate (FCR) was positively associated with VLDL1 triglyceride FCR (all P triglyceride kinetics. ApoC-III PR, but not FCR, was positively associated with VLDL1 triglyceride, and VLDL2 -apoB-100 and triglyceride concentrations (all P triglyceride kinetics. In multivariable analysis, including homoeostasis model assessment score, menopausal status and obesity, apoC-II concentration was significantly associated with plasma triglyceride, VLDL1 -apoB-100 and VLDL1 triglyceride concentrations and PR. Using the same multivariable analysis, apoC-III was significantly associated with plasma triglyceride and VLDL1 - and VLDL2 -apoB-100 and triglyceride concentrations and FCR. In women, plasma apoC-II and apoC-III concentrations are regulated by their respective PR and are significant, independent determinants of the kinetics and plasma concentrations of TRLs. © 2016 Stichting European Society for Clinical Investigation Journal Foundation.

  20. The Palestinian Authority and &apos;Climate Change&apos; as an Emergent Public Problem

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fustec, Klervi


    &apos;Climate change&apos; is an oft avowed environmental priority among cooperation and development actors. The Palestinian Territories, for their part, are one of the largest recipients of international aid. To the degree that the UNPD has played a role in promoting the question of &apos;climate change&apos;, the dependence of the Palestinian Authority on international aid has contributed to framing this emergent public problem; its construction is anchored in the context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the Palestinian state&apos;s demand for recognition at the international level. In the international arenas dedicated to &apos;climate change&apos;, what&apos;s more, the Palestinian Authority discusses this question in terms of political and climatic injustice. Two questions thus merit study: what effect does the construction of the climate problem have on the Palestinian Authority and, conversely, what effect does the Palestinian Authority have on the construction of the climate problem?

  1. Baseline for trust: defining &apos;new and additional&apos; climate funding

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Stadelmann, Martin [University of Zurich (Switzerland); Roberts, J. Timmons [Brown University (United States); Huq, Saleemul


    Climate finance is becoming a dark curve on the road from Copenhagen to Cancún. Poorer nations fear that richer ones will fulfil the US$30 billion &apos;fast-start&apos; climate finance promises made in the non-binding Copenhagen Accord by relabelling or diverting basic development aid, or by simply delivering on past climate finance pledges. The problem is simple: contributor countries are operating with no clear baseline against which their promise of &apos;new and additional&apos; funding can be counted – and they do not accept the baselines put forth by developing countries. A viable solution for the short term is to use projections of business-as-usual development assistance as baselines. The longer-term benchmark could be the provision of truly &apos;new&apos; funds from new funding sources. Substantial up-front negotiations may be required, but seizing this opportunity to define baselines will build confidence on both sides and create predictability for future finance.

  2. &apos;Chernobyl&apos; reaches Norway: the accident, science, and the threat to cultural knowledge

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Paine, R. (Memorial Univ. of Newfoundland, St. John' s, NF (Canada))


    This report is interested in the transitions that &apos;Chernobyl&apos; underwent in Norway. It &apos;arrived&apos; as a ghastly accident: important cultural routines were disturbed, apprehension ran high, and the country waited for scientists to &apos;repair&apos; the accident. The scourge of radiation, however, still covered much of the countryside of central Norway. Reindeer pastures were heavily polluted, and among Saami (Lapp) groups there arose a cognitive sense of disruption to a way of life. Ambivalent relations - at times cooperative, more often adversarial - developed among the Saami in respect to the outside experts who strove to bring the radiation problem under control. The report (with anthropological fieldwork) strives to show how much of the problem of &apos;Chernobyl&apos;, in this later phase, has to do with the different nature of the claims of two kinds of knowledge: the outside scientists&apos; and the Saami pastoralists. (author).

  3. Large-scale offshore wind farms in Denmark. Update of &apos;&apos;Future offshore sites for wind turbines 2025&apos;&apos;; Stor-skala havmoelleparker i Danmark. Opdatering af fremtidens havmoelleplaceringer

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    This updating of the &apos;&apos;Future offshore sites for wind turbines 2025&apos;&apos;, is made by the Offshore Wind Farm Committee and adjusts primarily the existing sites in relation to a updated data basis. The sites are adjusted within the already identified areas, and no new areas are therefore included. In addition to an update of the underlying data base, including the revised sailing routes, the new Natura 2000 sites and mineral resources, there are now further collected knowledge about the seabed in the designated areas. Moreover, the underlying assumptions for construction costs and grid connection updated, which has resulted in a revised socio-economic priority of the areas. The Offshore Wind Farm Committee&apos;s report confirms that the placement of the 600 MW Kriegers Flak Offshore Wind Farm in the Baltic Sea is the best location for Denmark&apos;s next major offshore wind farm. Kriegers Flak Offshore Wind Farm is already included in the Government&apos;s energy strategy. (LN)

  4. The &apos;&apos;2T&apos;&apos; ion-electron semi-analytic shock solution for code-comparison with xRAGE: A report for FY16

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ferguson, Jim Michael


    This report documents an effort to generate the semi-analytic &apos;2T&apos; ion-electron shock solution developed in the paper by Masser, Wohlbier, and Lowrie, and the initial attempts to understand how to use this solution as a code-verification tool for one of LANL&apos;s ASC codes, xRAGE. Most of the work so far has gone into generating the semi-analytic solution. Considerable effort will go into understanding how to write the xRAGE input deck that both matches the boundary conditions imposed by the solution, and also what physics models must be implemented within the semi-analytic solution itself to match the model assumptions inherit within xRAGE. Therefore, most of this report focuses on deriving the equations for the semi-analytic 1D-planar time-independent &apos;2T&apos; ion-electron shock solution, and is written in a style that is intended to provide clear guidance for anyone writing their own solver.

  5. Folate targeted polymeric &apos;green&apos; nanotherapy for cancer

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Narayanan, Sreeja; Binulal, N S; Mony, Ullas; Manzoor, Koyakutty; Nair, Shantikumar; Menon, Deepthy, E-mail: [Amrita Center for Nanosciences and Molecular Medicine, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Kochi-682 041, Kerala (India)


    The concept of &apos;green&apos; chemotherapy by employing targeted nanoparticle mediated delivery to enhance the efficacy of phytomedicines is reported. Poly (lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) nanoparticles encapsulating a well known nutraceutical namely, grape seed extract (GSE)-&apos;NanoGSE&apos;-was prepared by a nanoprecipitation technique. The drug-loaded nanoparticles of size {approx} 100 nm exhibited high colloidal stability at physiological pH. Molecular receptor targeting of this nanophytomedicine against folate receptor over-expressing cancers was demonstrated in vitro by conjugation with a potential cancer targeting ligand, folic acid (FA). Fluorescence microscopy and flow cytometry data showed highly specific cellular uptake of FA conjugated NanoGSE on folate receptor positive cancer cells. Studies were also conducted to investigate the efficiency of targeted (FA conjugated) versus non-targeted (non-FA conjugated) nanoformulations in causing cancer cell death. The IC{sub 50} values were lowered by a factor of {approx} 3 for FA-NanoGSE compared to the free drug, indicating substantially enhanced bioavailability to the tumor cells, sparing the normal ones. Receptor targeting of FA-NanoGSE resulted in a significant increase in apoptotic index, which was also quantified by flow cytometry and fluorescence microscopy. This in vitro study provides a basis for the use of nanoparticle mediated delivery of anticancer nutraceuticals to enhance bioavailability and effectively target cancer by a &apos;green&apos; approach.

  6. Spectacular energy technology: Panorama-Sauna Holzweiler. KfW funds indoor swimming pools as &apos;process heat&apos;; Energetisch spektakulaer: Panorama-Sauna Holzweiler. KfW foerdert Schwimmbaeder als &apos;Prozesswaerme&apos;

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Meissner, Rolf


    The &apos;'Panorama-Sauna'&apos; at Grafschaft is a big indoor swimming pool and Sauna centre in a rural region not far from Cologne and Koblenz. The charm of this spectacular solar project is in its minimalism. Conventional solar thermal power systems, in contrast, tend to be complex and prone to failure. (orig.)

  7. SSI&apos;s review of SKB&apos;s RD and D programme 2001

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hedberg, Bjoern; Larsson, Carl-Magnus; Wiebert, Anders [and others


    In the report SSI&apos;s review of SKB&apos;s RD and D programme 2001 is presented. In the review SSI comments, among other things, the decision making process, the need for a strategy document, SKB&apos;s safety and system analysis and SKB&apos;s biosphere studies.

  8. Myxofibrosarcoma: prevalence and diagnostic value of the &apos;&apos;tail sign&apos;&apos; on magnetic resonance imaging

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lefkowitz, Robert A.; Landa, Jonathan; Hwang, Sinchun; Panicek, David M. [Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, Department of Radiology, New York, NY (United States); Weill Medical College of Cornell University, New York, NY (United States); Zabor, Emily C.; Moskowitz, Chaya S. [Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, New York, NY (United States); Agaram, Narasimhan P. [Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, Department of Pathology, New York, NY (United States)


    Myxofibrosarcoma frequently shows curvilinear extensions of high T2 signal that also enhance on magnetic resonance imaging; these &apos;'tails'&apos; represent fascial extension of tumor at histopathological examination. This study was performed to determine whether the tail sign is helpful in distinguishing myxofibrosarcoma from other myxoid-containing neoplasms. The study group consisted of 44 patients with pathologically proven myxofibrosarcoma; the control group consisted of 52 patients with a variety of other myxoid-predominant tumors. Three musculoskeletal radiologists independently evaluated T2-weighted (and/or short-tau inversion recovery) and post-contrast MR images for the presence of one or more enhancing, high-signal intensity, curvilinear projections from the primary mass. Sensitivity and specificity for the diagnosis of myxofibrosarcoma were calculated for each reader. Interobserver variability was assessed with kappa statistic and percentage agreement. A tail sign was deemed present in 28, 30, and 34 cases of myxofibrosarcoma and in 11, 9, and 5 of the controls for the three readers respectively, yielding a sensitivity of 64-77 % and a specificity of 79-90 %. The interobserver agreement was moderate-to-substantial (kappa = 0.626). The tail sign at MRI is a moderately specific and sensitive sign for the diagnosis of myxofibrosarcoma relative to other myxoid-containing tumors. (orig.)

  9. Mapping of ApoE4 related white matter damage using diffusion MRI (United States)

    Tsao, Sinchai; Gajawelli, Niharika; Hwang, Darryl H.; Kriger, Stephen; Law, Meng; Chui, Helena; Weiner, Michael; Lepore, Natasha


    ApoliopoproteinE Ɛ4 (ApoE-Ɛ4) polymorphism is the most well known genetic risk factor for developing Alzheimers Disease. The exact mechanism through which ApoE 4 increases AD risk is not fully known, but may be related to decreased clearance and increased oligomerization of Aβ. By making measurements of white matter integrity via diffusion MR and correlating the metrics in a voxel-based statistical analysis with ApoE-Ɛ4 genotype (whilst controlling for vascular risk factor, gender, cognitive status and age) we are able to identify changes in white matter associated with carrying an ApoE Ɛ4 allele. We found potentially significant regions (Puncorrected cognitive decline via a pathway in dependent of normal aging and acute insults that can be measured by CDR and Framingham Coronary Risk Score (FCRS).

  10. 1{sup st} annual workshop proceedings of the collaborative project &apos;&apos;Fast/instant release of safety relevant radionuclides from spent nuclear fuel&apos;&apos; (7{sup th} EC FP CP FIRST-Nuclides)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kienzler, Bernhard; Metz, Volker; Duro, Lara; Valls, Alba (eds.)


    The EURATOM FP7 Collaborative Project &apos;&apos;Fast / Instant Release of Safety Relevant Radionuclides from Spent Nuclear Fuel (CP FIRST-Nuclides)&apos;&apos; started in January 1, 2012 and extends over 3 years. The European nuclear waste management organisations contributing to the Technology Platform &apos;&apos;Implementing Geological Disposal (IGD-TP)&apos;&apos; considered the fast / instant release of safety relevant radionuclides from high burn-up spent nuclear fuel as one of the key topics in the deployment plan. For this reason, the CP FIRST-Nuclides deals with understanding the behaviour of high burn-up uranium oxide (UO{sub 2}) spent nuclear fuels in deep geological repositories. The fast / instant release of radionuclides from spent nuclear fuel was investigated in a series of previous European. In addition, there were several studies mainly of the French research programs that investigated and quantified the rapid. However, several important issues are still open and consequently, the CP FIRST-Nuclides aims on covering this deficiency of knowledge, determining, for example, the &apos;&apos;instant release fraction (IRF)&apos;&apos; values of iodine, chlorine, carbon and selenium that are still largely unknown. Fuel elements from different Light Water Reactors (LWRs), with different enrichments, burn-up and average power rates need to be disposed of in Europe. This waste type represents one of the sources for the release of radionuclides after loss of integrity of a disposed canister. The quantification of time dependent release of radionuclides from spent high burn-up UO{sub 2} fuel is required for safety analyses. The first release fraction consists of radionuclides in gaseous form, and those showing a high solubility in groundwater. LWRs use conventional oxide fuels with initial enrichments of up to 5 wt.% {sup 235}U for reaching average burn-up of ≤ 60 GWd/t{sub HM}. During the use of UO{sub 2} in a reactor, a significantly higher burn-up takes

  11. A supramolecular &apos;'Double-cable'&apos; structure with a 129{sub 44} helix in a columnar porphyrin-C{sub 60} dyad and its application in polymer solar cells

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wang, Chien-Lung [College of Polymer Science and Polymer Engineering, The University of Akron, Akron, OH (United States); Department of Applied Chemistry, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan (China); Zhang, Wen-Bin; Sun, Hao-Jan; Van Horn, Ryan M.; Kulkarni, Rahul R.; Tsai, Chi-Chun; Gong, Xiong; Cheng, Stephen Z.D. [College of Polymer Science and Polymer Engineering, The University of Akron, Akron, OH (United States); Hsu, Chain-Shu [Department of Applied Chemistry, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan (China); Lotz, Bernard [Institut Charles Sadron, Strasbourg (France)


    A novel porphyrin-C{sub 60} dyad (PCD1) is designed and synthesized to investigate and manipulate the supramolecular structure where geometrically isotropic [such as [60]fullerene (C{sub 60})] and anisotropic [such as porphyrin (Por)] units coexist. It is observed that PCD1 possesses an enantiomeric phase behavior. The melting temperature of the stable PCD1 thermotropic phase is 160 C with a latent heat ({Delta}H) of 18.5 kJ mol{sup -1}. The phase formation is majorly driven by the cooperative intermolecular Por-Por and C{sub 60}-C{sub 60} interactions. Structural analysis reveals that this stable phase possesses a supramolecular &apos;'double-cable'&apos; structure with one p-type Por core columnar channel and three helical n-type C{sub 60} peripheral channels. These &apos;'double-cable'&apos; columns further pack into a hexagonal lattice with a = b = 4.65 nm, c = 41.3 nm, {alpha} = {beta} = 90 , and {gamma} = 120 . The column repeat unit is determined to possess a 129{sub 44} helix. With both donor (D; Pro) and acceptor (A; C{sub 60}) units having their own connecting channels as well as the large D/A interface within the supramolecular &apos;'double-cable'&apos; structure, PCD1 has photogenerated carriers with longer lifetimes compared to the conventional electron acceptor [6,6]-phenyl-C{sub 61}-butyric acid methyl ester. A phase-separated columnar morphology is observed in a bulk-heterojunction (BHJ) material made by the physical blend of a low band-gap conjugated polymer, poly[2,6-(4,4-bis-(2-ethylhexyl)-4H-cyclopenta [2,1-b;3,4-b&apos;]-dithiophene)-alt-4,7-(2,1,3-benzothia-diazole)] (PCPDTBT), and PCD1. With a specific phase structure in the solid state and in the blend, PCD1 is shown to be a promising candidate as a new electron acceptor in high performance BHJ polymer solar cells. (Copyright copyright 2012 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim)

  12. Laplace&apos;s equation and Faraday&apos;s lines of force

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Narasimhan, T.N.


    Boundary-value problems involve two dependent variables: a potential function, and a stream function. They can be approached in two mutually independent ways. The first, introduced by Laplace, involves spatial gradients at a point. Inspired by Faraday, Maxwell introduced the other, visualizing the flow domain as a collection of flow tubes and isopotential surfaces. Boundary-value problems intrinsically entail coupled treatment (or, equivalently, optimization) of potential and stream functions Historically, potential theory avoided the cumbersome optimization task through ingenious techniques such as conformal mapping and Green&apos;s functions. Laplace&apos;s point-based approach, and Maxwell&apos;s global approach, each provides its own unique insights into boundary-value problems. Commonly, Laplace&apos;s equation is solved either algebraically, or with approximate numerical methods. Maxwell&apos;s geometry-based approach opens up novel possibilities of direct optimization, providing an independent logical basis for numerical models, rather than treating them as approximate solvers of the differential equation. Whereas points, gradients, and Darcy&apos;s law are central to posing problems on the basis of Laplace&apos;s approach, flow tubes, potential differences, and the mathematical form of Ohm&apos;s law are central to posing them in natural coordinates oriented along flow paths. Besides being of philosophical interest, optimization algorithms can provide advantages that complement the power of classical numerical models. In the spirit of Maxwell, who eloquently spoke for a balance between abstract mathematical symbolism and observable attributes of concrete objects, this paper is an examination of the central ideas of the two approaches, and a reflection on how Maxwell&apos;s integral visualization may be practically put to use in a world of digital computers.

  13. A New Rose of Sharon Cultivar, &apos;Seonnyo&apos; Developed by Mutation Breeding

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Song, H.S.; Lim, Y.T.; Kim, J.K.; Park, I.S.; Kang, S.Y.; Kim, D.S.; Lee, S.J.


    &apos;Seonnyo&apos; is a new Hibiscus variety developed by mutation breeding using gamma ray irradiation at Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI). One hundred seeds of original variety, &apos;Gyewolhyang&apos;, collected in Namyangju of Gyeonggi Province were irradiated 10 Krad a-ray from a ∨60Co source at KAERI in 1993 (Fig. 1). The original variety, &apos;Gyewolhyang&apos; showed the I-c that means single and bell-shaped flower type, and light purple with small red eye in its flower color. The irradiated seeds were sown in a field of the Atomic Experiment Farm in Namyangju, in April 1994. Forty-four out of one hundred seeds survived

  14. A New Rose of Sharon Variety, &apos;Changhae&apos; Developed by A Mutation Breeding

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Song, H.S.; Park, I.S.; Lim, Y.T.; Kim, J.K.; Lee, G.J.; Kim, D.S.; Kim, J.B.; Kang, S.Y.


    &apos;Changhae&apos; is a new Hibiscus variety developed by a mutation breeding by using a gamma ray irradiation. One hundred seeds of the original variety, &apos;Suminokura&apos;, grown in a breeding field in the Namyangju, Gyeonggi Province were irradiated with a 100 Gy gamma ray from a ∨60Co source at the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute in 1993 (Fig. 1). The original variety, &apos;Suminokura&apos; belonged to the I-b category represented by a single flower, with an intermediate ratio of petal length/petal width, and a red purple color with a red-eye in the center of it&apos;s flower


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Su Yang; Veronig, Astrid; Temmer, Manuela [IGAM-Kanzelhoehe Observatory, Institute of Physics, University of Graz, Universitaetsplatz 5, A-8010 Graz (Austria); Wang Tongjiang [Department of Physics, Catholic University of America, Washington, DC 20064 (United States); Gan Weiqun, E-mail: [Key Laboratory of Dark Matter and Space Astronomy, Purple Mountain Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 210008 (China)


    Solar magnetized &apos;tornadoes&apos;, a phenomenon discovered in the solar atmosphere, appear as tornado-like structures in the corona but are rooted in the photosphere. Like other solar phenomena, solar tornadoes are a feature of magnetized plasma and therefore differ distinctly from terrestrial tornadoes. Here we report the first analysis of solar &apos;tornadoes&apos; (two papers which focused on different aspects of solar tornadoes were published in the Astrophysical Journal Letters and Nature, respectively, during the revision of this Letter). A detailed case study of two events indicates that they are rotating vertical magnetic structures probably driven by underlying vortex flows in the photosphere. They usually exist as a group and are related to filaments/prominences, another important solar phenomenon whose formation and eruption are still mysteries. Solar tornadoes may play a distinct role in the supply of mass and twists to filaments. These findings could lead to a new explanation of filament formation and eruption.

  16. &apos;&apos;Atomic Optics&apos;&apos;: Nonimaging Optics on the Nanoscale

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Roland Winston Joseph O' Gallagher


    This is the final report for a one year close out extension of our basic research program that was established at the University of Chicago more than sixteen years ago to explore and develop the optical sub-discipline that has come to be known as &apos;&apos;nonimaging optics&apos;&apos;. This program has been extremely fruitful, having both broadened the range of formalism available for workers in this field and led to the discovery of many new families of optical devices. These devices and techniques have applications wherever the efficient transport and transformation of light distributions are important, in particular in illumination, fiber optics, collection and concentration of sunlight, and the detection of faint light signals in physics and astrophysics. Over the past thirty years, Nonimaging Optics (Welford and Winston, 1989) has brought a fresh approach to the analysis of many problems in classical macro-scale optics. Through the application of phase-space concepts, statistical methods, thermodynamic arguments, etc., many previously established performance limits were able to be broken and many technical surprises with exciting practical applications were discovered. The most recent three-year phase of our long-term continuing program ended in late 2002 and emphasized extending our work in geometrical optics and expanding it to include some interesting questions in physical optics as well as in the new field of statistical optics. This report presents a survey of the basic history and concepts of nonimaging optics and reviews highlights and significant accomplishments over the past fifteen years. This is followed by a more detailed summary of recent research directions and accomplishments during the last three years. This most recent phase was marked by the broadening in scope to include a separate project involving a collaboration with an industrial partner, Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC). This effort was proposed and approved in

  17. Obtaining &apos;images&apos; from iron objects using a 3-axis fluxgate magnetometer

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chilo, Jose [University of Gaevle, S-80176 Gaevle (Sweden); Jabor, Abbas [Royal Institute of Technology, Department of Physics, S-106 91 Stockholm (Sweden); Lizska, Ludwik [Swedish Institute of Space Physics in Umea (Sweden); Eide, Age J. [Ostfold University College, N-1757 Halden (Norway); Lindblad, Thomas [Royal Institute of Technology, Department of Physics, S-106 91 Stockholm (Sweden)], E-mail:


    Magnetic objects can cause local variations in the Earth&apos;s magnetic field that can be measured with a magnetometer. Here we used tri-axial magnetometer measurements and an analysis method employing wavelet techniques to determine the &apos;signature&apos; or &apos;fingerprint&apos; of different iron objects. Clear distinctions among the iron samples were observed. The time-dependent changes in the frequency powers were extracted by use of the Morlet wavelet corresponding to frequency bands from 0.1 to 100 Hz.

  18. ENTRIA workshop: Emotions in the implementation of a final nuclear disposal site; ENTRIA-Werkstattgespraech: &apos;&apos;Emotionen bei der Realisierung eines Endlagers fuer Atommuell&apos;&apos;

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kattau, Alke [Technische Univ. Braunschweig (Germany). Inst. fuer Rechtswissenschaften


    On 21 June 2016, prior to the publication of the report of the Commission Storage of High Radioactive Waste, &apos;&apos;Emotions in the realisation of a repository for nuclear waste&apos;&apos; were the topic of a workshop. The workshop was organised in the context of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) interdisciplinary research platform ENTRIA. In his opening remarks, Prof.Dr. Ulrich Smeddinck (Institute of Law of the University of Braunschweig) noticed, that emotions have been neglected in the scientific analysis so far, but fears and feelings to be considered with a special view.

  19. The &apos;mini brain&apos; appearance of plasmacytoma in the appendicular skeleton

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Subhas, N.; Sundaram, M. [Cleveland Clinic, Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Cleveland, OH (United States); Bauer, T.W. [Cleveland Clinic, Department of Anatomic Pathology, Cleveland, OH (United States); Joyce, M.J. [Cleveland Clinic, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Cleveland, OH (United States)


    We report on the case of a 70-year-old woman presenting with right hip pain. Radiographs of the right hip demonstrated a well-defined large lytic lesion in the proximal right femur, with prominent trabeculae situated peripherally and extending into the lesion in a &apos;spoke-wheel&apos; pattern. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) demonstrated solid enhancing marrow-replacing lesion, with intervening linear nonenhancing areas of low T2 signal intensity. The MRI appearance resembled that of a small brain or &apos;mini brain&apos;. Biopsy specimen demonstrated predominantly mature plasma cells, with occasional admixed immature forms. A diagnosis of plasmacytosis, consistent with myeloma, was made. This case illustrates a rare but seemingly characteristic &apos;mini brain&apos; appearance of plasmacytoma, which, to date, has only been reported in the spine and has not been observed in other bony lesions. (orig.)

  20. Glymphatic distribution of CSF-derived apoE into brain is isoform specific and suppressed during sleep deprivation. (United States)

    Achariyar, Thiyagaragan M; Li, Baoman; Peng, Weiguo; Verghese, Philip B; Shi, Yang; McConnell, Evan; Benraiss, Abdellatif; Kasper, Tristan; Song, Wei; Takano, Takahiro; Holtzman, David M; Nedergaard, Maiken; Deane, Rashid


    Apolipoprotein E (apoE) is a major carrier of cholesterol and essential for synaptic plasticity. In brain, it's expressed by many cells but highly expressed by the choroid plexus and the predominant apolipoprotein in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). The role of apoE in the CSF is unclear. Recently, the glymphatic system was described as a clearance system whereby CSF and ISF (interstitial fluid) is exchanged via the peri-arterial space and convective flow of ISF clearance is mediated by aquaporin 4 (AQP4), a water channel. We reasoned that this system also serves to distribute essential molecules in CSF into brain. The aim was to establish whether apoE in CSF, secreted by the choroid plexus, is distributed into brain, and whether this distribution pattern was altered by sleep deprivation. We used fluorescently labeled lipidated apoE isoforms, lenti-apoE3 delivered to the choroid plexus, immunohistochemistry to map apoE brain distribution, immunolabeled cells and proteins in brain, Western blot analysis and ELISA to determine apoE levels and radiolabeled molecules to quantify CSF inflow into brain and brain clearance in mice. Data were statistically analyzed using ANOVA or Student's t- test. We show that the glymphatic fluid transporting system contributes to the delivery of choroid plexus/CSF-derived human apoE to neurons. CSF-delivered human apoE entered brain via the perivascular space of penetrating arteries and flows radially around arteries, but not veins, in an isoform specific manner (apoE2 > apoE3 > apoE4). Flow of apoE around arteries was facilitated by AQP4, a characteristic feature of the glymphatic system. ApoE3, delivered by lentivirus to the choroid plexus and ependymal layer but not to the parenchymal cells, was present in the CSF, penetrating arteries and neurons. The inflow of CSF, which contains apoE, into brain and its clearance from the interstitium were severely suppressed by sleep deprivation compared to the sleep state. Thus, choroid plexus

  1. Longitudinal Links between Fathers&apos; and Mothers&apos; Harsh Verbal Discipline and Adolescents&apos; Conduct Problems and Depressive Symptoms (United States)

    Wang, Ming-Te; Kenny, Sarah


    This study used cross-lagged modeling to examine reciprocal relations between maternal and paternal harsh verbal discipline and adolescents&apos; conduct problems and depressive symptoms. Data were from a sample of 976 two-parent families and their children (51% males; 54% European American, 40% African American). Mothers&apos; and fathers&apos;…

  2. Linoleum: a &apos;green&apos; flooring option

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    &apos;Green&apos; building materials may be defined as being made of materials and by processes that have low impact on the environment. Linoleum is an example of a sustainable &apos;green&apos; building material. It is durable, easy to repair, is inherently antimicrobial, and has low-cost maintenance. Unlike most other floor coverings, linoleum has naturally occurring anti-static properties, making it easy to clean, since dust and dirt will not adhere to it. The ingredients in linoleum are linseed oil, resin, limestone, wood flour, pigments and jute, all obtainable from natural sources. Vibrant colours for the flooring are created by using organic pigments with no heavy metals such as lead or calcium which, consequently, pose no threat to the environment. Linoleum is also biodegradable. It can be put into a landfill, where it will decompose; in some parts of the world it is incinerated to produce electricity. When used as feedstock for electricity, used linoleum products have an energy content of 18.6 MJ/kg, which is equivalent to coal. As no toxic or corrosive gases are released, the need for gas purification is avoided.

  3. Contribution to the evaluation of vortex-induced vibrations analysis using &apos;wake oscillators&apos; and &apos;vortex-tracking&apos; models; Contribuicao a avaliacao dos modelos &apos;wake oscillator&apos; e &apos;vortex tracking&apos; para analise de vibracoes induzidas por vortices

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Carneiro, Daniel L. [Bureau Veritas do Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil); Ellwanger, Gilberto B. [Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil). Coordenacao dos Programas de Pos-graduacao de Engenharia (COPPE); Galgoul, Nelson S. [SUPORTE Consultoria e Projetos, Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil)


    Fatigue due to vortex-induced vibrations (VIV) is one of the major uncertainties today in the design of slender offshore structures, such as risers, pipelines, umbilicals, tendons and mooring lines, required for oil and gas production in deep waters. The absence of reliable tools for quantitative analyses of this phenomenon is a technological barrier, which is being faced by several research groups, generating tens of thesis and articles every year. This paper presents VIV results achieved by the author, using &apos;wake oscillator&apos; and &apos;vortex tracking&apos; models, when researching for his M. Sc. dissertation. Time domain analyses were performed using a commercial software. First results describe the response of the evaluated models for two degrees-of-freedom rigid cylinders, which were compared to values prescribed in recognized recommended practices. Afterwards, VIV analyses results for a steel catenary 10-inch diameter riser in three dimensional current profiles were compared to measured values. The considered riser, installed in 910 m water depth offshore Brazil, is possibly the only monitored SCR with no VIV suppression devices in the world today. The results were considered satisfactory, despite some discrepancies. The authors expect the presented results to contribute in further studies on these models. (author)

  4. &apos;Mote&apos; networks; A nano SWAT team for the oilpatch

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ross, E.


    &apos;Motes&apos; are tiny sensor modules which make up wireless sensor networks for monitoring parameters such as energy use or temperature. Motes have the capacity for self-configuring a network, self-correct without downtime if there is an interruption in the connection, and for transferring information using the fastest and most reliable path in sending data to the control system via a gateway. Dust Incorporated, a technology company based in Berkeley, California, employs motes to communicate with each other in a self-healing, self-organizing way, and to do so at the lowest possible cost. At present, motes are used mainly in defence and industrial monitoring applications, however the company is exploring potential applications in the oilpatch in facilities that include pumping stations, pipelines, or remote areas, unattended for long periods of time. Application in perimeter security systems is also being explored. Key to the technology is the concept of mesh networks: i.e. instead of each mote having a single channel back to a backbone, the system has multiple paths, able to find another path if one route fails. In the oil and gas industry one of the most promising applications so far has been use as a &apos;rapid profiling kit&apos; in which the network could be used to augment rough measurements with measurements of a higher resolution. Another application contemplated is use of mote networks in monitoring the health of machines by &apos;listening for crunching or knocking&apos;. Low power requirement is the key to success in wireless systems; accordingly, Dust Corporation&apos;s objective is to perfect the timing and radio transmission rates to the point where the modules can operate for five to ten years on two &apos;AA&apos; batteries.

  5. Individual Differences in Children&apos;s and Parents&apos; Generic Language (United States)

    Gelman, Susan A.; Ware, Elizabeth A.; Kleinberg, Felicia; Manczak, Erika M.; Stilwell, Sarah M.


    Generics ("&apos;Dogs&apos; bark") convey important information about categories and facilitate children&apos;s learning. Two studies with parents and their 2- or 4-year-old children (N = 104 dyads) examined whether individual differences in generic language use are as follows: (a) stable over time, contexts, and domains, and (b) linked…

  6. &apos;&apos;114&apos;&apos;-type nitrides LnAl(Si{sub 4-x}Al{sub x})N{sub 7}O{sub δ} with unusual [AlN{sub 6}] octahedral coordination

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Huang, Saifang; Ouyang, Xin [School of Materials Science and Technology, China University of Geosciences, Beijing (China); Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering, University of Auckland (New Zealand); Huang, Zhaohui; Fang, Minghao; Liu, Yan-gai [School of Materials Science and Technology, China University of Geosciences, Beijing (China); Cao, Peng; Gao, Wei [Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering, University of Auckland (New Zealand); Zujovic, Zoran; Soehnel, Tilo [School of Chemical Sciences, University of Auckland (New Zealand); Price, Jason R. [Australian Synchrotron, Clayton, VIC (Australia); Avdeev, Maxim [Australian Centre for Neutron Scattering, Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation, Lucas Heights, NSW (Australia); Que, Meidan [School of Electronic and Information Engineering, Xi' an Jiaotong University (China); Suzuki, Furitsu; Kido, Tsuyoshi; Kaji, Hironori [Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University (Japan)


    Aluminum-nitrogen six-fold octahedral coordination, [AlN{sub 6}], is unusual and has only been seen in the high-pressure rocksalt-type aluminum nitride or some complex compounds. Herein we report novel nitrides LnAl(Si{sub 4-x}Al{sub x})N{sub 7}O{sub δ} (Ln=La, Sm), the first inorganic compounds with [AlN{sub 6}] coordination prepared via non-high-pressure synthesis. Structure refinements of neutron powder diffraction and single-crystal X-ray diffraction data show that these compounds crystallize in the hexagonal Swedenborgite structure type with P6{sub 3}mc symmetry where Ln and Al atoms locate in anticuboctahedral and octahedral interstitials, respectively, between the triangular and Kagome layers of [SiN{sub 4}] tetrahedra. Solid-state NMR data of high-purity La-114 powders confirm the unusual [AlN{sub 6}] coordination. These compounds are the first examples of the &apos;&apos;33-114&apos;&apos; sub-type in the &apos;&apos;114&apos;&apos; family. The additional site for over-stoichiometric oxygen in the structure of 114-type compounds was also identified. (copyright 2017 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim)

  7. Crisis - Weisskopf&apos;s view

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    &apos;We are facing a crisis, not only in particle physics but in the whole of fundamental science&apos;, said Victor Weisskopf, doyen of quantum physics, during his traditional summer CERN stopover. &apos;Basic science - science for its own sake - and especially high energy physics, is really in danger.&apos; As well as explaining how this has come about, the former CERN Director General (1961-5) proposed action to reverse the trend. Rather than dividing science into the conventional &apos;big&apos; and &apos;small&apos; camps, he slices across another axis. On one hand there is obviously applicable &apos;terrestrial science&apos; - biology, medicine, solid state, much of the nuclear sector, nonlinear behaviour, chaos,....all directly connected with processes that happen on Earth. On the other there is &apos;cosmic science&apos; - astronomy, astrophysics, particle physics and some of the nuclear sector - addressing deeper issues, not attainable naturally on this planet at all, and where applications are less immediately obvious. (This classification is not completely watertight - even cosmic science can, and does, foster immediate spinoff, Weisskopf points out, citing Georges Charpak&apos;s detector work.) Tracing the evolution of science in this century, Weisskopf sees the rapid evolution of American influence in the 1930s as a turning point. Before then, the United States had not been in the front line, and it had been important for US researchers to spend some time in Europe

  8. Documentation to the workshop &apos;Cluster in the environmental protection economy&apos;; Dokumentation zum Workshop &apos;&apos;Cluster in der Umweltschutzwirtschaft&apos;&apos;

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Within the workshop &apos;Cluster in the environmental protection economy&apos; at the Umweltbundesamt (Dessau-Rosslau, Federal Republic of Germany) at 27th November, 2008, the following lectures were held: (a) Which contribution can cluster and cluster politics contribute to the promotion of the environmental protection economy? (Harald Legler); (b) Cluster in the environmental protection economy: Targets and expectations (Dieter Rehfeld); (c) Demands at the management of clusters (Karin Hoerhan); (d) Demands at the cluster politics in the environmental protection economy (Bernhard Hausberg); (e) Photovoltaics in Eastern Germany (Johann Wackenbauer); (f) Automotive industry in Bergisches Land (Thomas Lemken); (g) Competence centre environment Augsburg-Schwaben (Egon Beckord).

  9. The polarized neutron reflectometer &apos;Reverans&apos;

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Radzhabov, A.K. [Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Gatchina, St. Petersburg 188300 (Russian Federation)]. E-mail:; Gordeev, G.P. [Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Gatchina, St. Petersburg 188300 (Russian Federation); Lazebnik, I.M. [Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Gatchina, St. Petersburg 188300 (Russian Federation); Axelrod, L.A. [Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Gatchina, St. Petersburg 188300 (Russian Federation); Zabenkin, V.N. [Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Gatchina, St. Petersburg 188300 (Russian Federation)


    The polarized neutron reflectometer &apos;Reverans&apos; with a vertical plane of scattering is being installed at the VVR-M reactor (Gatchina, Russia). It will be used for research on phase boundaries, interfaces and free surfaces. Systems under study can be both magnetic and nonmagnetic ones. At present the installation of the reflectometer is at the final stage. The parameters and abilities of the reflectometer are presented.

  10. Trimethylsilylcyclopentadienyl (cp{sup &apos;}) uranium chemistry. Synthetic and structural studies of Cp{sup &apos;}{sub 4}U and Cp{sup &apos;}{sub 3}UX (X = Cl, I, Me)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Windorff, Cory J.; MacDonald, Matthew R.; Ziller, Joseph W.; Evans, William J. [Department of Chemistry, University of California, Irvine, CA (United States)


    Cp{sup &apos;}{sub 4}U (Cp{sup &apos;} = C{sub 5}H{sub 4}SiMe{sub 3}) was synthesized from: (a) KCp{sup &apos;} and [Cp{sup &apos;}{sub 3}U(THF)][BPh{sub 4}]; (b) Cp{sup &apos;}{sub 3}U and Cp{sup &apos;}{sub 2}Pb; and (c) [K(2.2.2-cryptand)][Cp{sup &apos;}{sub 4}U] and AgBPh{sub 4}. The compound was identified by X-ray crystallography as a rare example of a structurally-characterized tetrakis(cyclopentadienyl)U{sup IV} complex. For comparison, the corresponding Th complex, Cp{sup &apos;}{sub 4}Th, was isolated from the direct combination of ThBr{sub 4}(THF){sub 4} with excess KCp{sup &apos;}. During the preparation of Cp{sup &apos;}{sub 3}UMe, the precursor of the [Cp{sup &apos;}{sub 3}U(THF)][BPh{sub 4}] reagent used above, it was discovered that the reaction of Cp{sup &apos;}{sub 3}UCl and MeLi gives a mixture of Cp{sup &apos;}{sub 3}UMe and Cp{sup &apos;}{sub 3}UCl that can co-crystallize better than Cp{sup &apos;}{sub 3}UMe in pure form. The Cp&apos;{sub 3}UMe/Cp{sup &apos;}{sub 3}UCl mixture forms single crystals suitable for X-ray crystallography and provides a new way to characterize the oil, Cp{sup &apos;}{sub 3}UMe. Cp{sup &apos;}{sub 3}UCl and Cp{sup &apos;}{sub 3}UI were also crystallographically characterized for comparison with the Cp{sup &apos;}{sub 3}UMe/Cp{sup &apos;}{sub 3}UCl crystals. (copyright 2017 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim)

  11. The &apos;2000-Watt per person&apos;- industrial society - Utopia, vision or necessity?; Die &apos;2000 Watt pro Kopf&apos;-Industriegesellschaft - Utopie, Vision oder Notwendigkeit?

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jochem, E


    This short article takes a look at the &apos;2000-Watt per person&apos; concept initially developed at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich, Switzerland, in 1998. The author is of the opinion that the concept is not utopian but a vision that can be realised - providing it is accepted socially and that politics can implement it. Further work on the concept done at the ETH over the years is listed and commented on. A diagram provides an overview of energy resources, energy transformation and energy flows to final energy consumption. The question as to if the realisation of such a &apos;2000-Watt&apos;-society is actually necessary is posed.

  12. The adductor magnus &apos;'mini-hamstring'&apos;: MRI appearance and potential pitfalls

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Broski, Stephen M.; Murthy, Naveen S.; Collins, Mark S.; Krych, Aaron J.; Obey, Mitchel R.


    To examine the anatomic MRI characteristics of the adductor magnus mini hamstring (AMMH) and explore its involvement in cases of hamstring avulsion. An IRB-approved retrospective review of patients undergoing &apos;&apos;hamstring protocol&apos;&apos; MRI between March 2009 and June 2014 was performed. Two musculoskeletal radiologists recorded multiple AMMH anatomic characteristics and involvement in cases of hamstring avulsion. Seventy-six AMMHs were analyzed in 66 patients [35 females and 31 males, mean age 49.3 ± 15.2 years (range 17-81)]. Eleven percent of AMMHs were poorly visualized, 51 % visualized, and 37 % well visualized. Seven percent demonstrated round, 73 % ovoid, and 21 % flat/lenticular tendon morphologies. Most (88 %) demonstrated typical origins. Average cross-sectional area (CSA) was 22.4 ± 10.6 mm 2 (range 6-56), diameter was 7.2 ± 2.5 mm (range 2.9-15), medial distance from the semimembranosus tendon was 7.5 ± 2.5 mm (range 3-14), and tendon length was 6.8 ± 3.3 cm (range 1.2-14.1). There was no gender difference in AMMH anatomic measurements or correlation between age and CSA or diameter. Of 17 complete hamstring avulsion cases, the AMMH was intact in 13, partially torn in 3, and completely torn in 1. The AMMH is a constant finding with variable anatomic characteristics. It is visualized or well visualized by MRI in 88 % of cases and is a sizable tendon located in close proximity to the semimembranosus tendon. Because it is uncommonly completely torn (6 %) in cases of complete hamstring avulsion, radiologists should be aware of its presence and appearance to avoid diagnostic confusion. (orig.)

  13. The trochlear cleft: the &apos;&apos;black line&apos;&apos; of the trochlear trough

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wissman, Robert D.; Nepute, Joshua; Fischer, Nathaniel von; Radhakrishnan, Rupa; Hendry, Daniel [University of Cincinnati Medical Center, Department of Radiology, Cincinnati, OH (United States); Ingalls, Jerrell [Desert Radiologists, Las Vegas, NV (United States); Kenter, Keith [University of Cincinnati Medical Center, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Cincinnati, OH (United States)


    The &apos;&apos;cartilage black line sign&apos;&apos; is a recently described T2 dark cartilage lesion that we have identified appearing as a cleft in the trochlear trough. The purpose of our study was to define the MR imaging characteristics of a trochlear cleft, determine its incidence, and correlate the MR findings with arthroscopy. A total of 1,300 consecutive MR examinations of the knee were retrospectively reviewed by consensus of two fellowship-trained musculoskeletal radiologists. The MR imaging characteristics and location of a trochlear cleft were determined. Imaging results were compared to arthroscopy when available. Patient age and gender were compared to 25 randomly selected control patients without trochlear clefts. A total of 25 (1.9%) individuals (11 females and 14 males; age range 19-45 years; mean age 28 years) were diagnosed with a trochlear cleft. The control group consisted of 11 females and 14 males; age range 19-83 years; mean age 46 years. Mean cleft length was 7 mm (range 6-12 mm); cleft location was consistently in the lower trochlear trough. No full-thickness cartilage defects were identified in the eight individuals in whom arthroscopic correlation was available. A grade 2 cartilage lesion was identified in a single individual; another progressed from grade 0 to a full-thickness trochlear lesion over an 8-month interval. Eight individuals were athletes. No significant difference in gender was noted between the two groups, however, the study group was significantly younger p < 0.0001. A trochlear cleft is a rare finding in young active individuals. It most likely indicates an incomplete cartilage fissure which may rarely progress to a full-thickness defect. (orig.)

  14. The adductor magnus &apos;'mini-hamstring'&apos;: MRI appearance and potential pitfalls

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Broski, Stephen M.; Murthy, Naveen S.; Collins, Mark S. [Department of Radiology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN (United States); Krych, Aaron J. [Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN (United States); Obey, Mitchel R. [Mayo School of Graduate Medical Education, Rochester, MN (United States)


    To examine the anatomic MRI characteristics of the adductor magnus mini hamstring (AMMH) and explore its involvement in cases of hamstring avulsion. An IRB-approved retrospective review of patients undergoing &apos;&apos;hamstring protocol&apos;&apos; MRI between March 2009 and June 2014 was performed. Two musculoskeletal radiologists recorded multiple AMMH anatomic characteristics and involvement in cases of hamstring avulsion. Seventy-six AMMHs were analyzed in 66 patients [35 females and 31 males, mean age 49.3 ± 15.2 years (range 17-81)]. Eleven percent of AMMHs were poorly visualized, 51 % visualized, and 37 % well visualized. Seven percent demonstrated round, 73 % ovoid, and 21 % flat/lenticular tendon morphologies. Most (88 %) demonstrated typical origins. Average cross-sectional area (CSA) was 22.4 ± 10.6 mm{sup 2} (range 6-56), diameter was 7.2 ± 2.5 mm (range 2.9-15), medial distance from the semimembranosus tendon was 7.5 ± 2.5 mm (range 3-14), and tendon length was 6.8 ± 3.3 cm (range 1.2-14.1). There was no gender difference in AMMH anatomic measurements or correlation between age and CSA or diameter. Of 17 complete hamstring avulsion cases, the AMMH was intact in 13, partially torn in 3, and completely torn in 1. The AMMH is a constant finding with variable anatomic characteristics. It is visualized or well visualized by MRI in 88 % of cases and is a sizable tendon located in close proximity to the semimembranosus tendon. Because it is uncommonly completely torn (6 %) in cases of complete hamstring avulsion, radiologists should be aware of its presence and appearance to avoid diagnostic confusion. (orig.)

  15. Boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) translational studies in the hamster cheek pouch model of oral cancer at the new &apos;&apos;B2&apos;&apos; configuration of the RA-6 nuclear reactor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Monti Hughes, Andrea; Trivillin, Veronica A.; Schwint, Amanda E.; Longhino, Juan; Boggio, Esteban; Medina, Vanina A.; Martinel Lamas, Diego J.; Garabalino, Marcela A.; Heber, Elisa M.; Pozzi, Emiliano C.C.; Itoiz, Maria E.; Aromando, Romina F.; Nigg, David W.


    Boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) is based on selective accumulation of B-10 carriers in tumor followed by neutron irradiation. We demonstrated, in 2001, the therapeutic effect of BNCT mediated by BPA (boronophenylalanine) in the hamster cheek pouch model of oral cancer, at the RA-6 nuclear reactor. Between 2007 and 2011, the RA-6 was upgraded, leading to an improvement in the performance of the BNCT beam (B2 configuration). Our aim was to evaluate BPA-BNCT radiotoxicity and tumor control in the hamster cheek pouch model of oral cancer at the new &apos;&apos;B2&apos;&apos; configuration. We also evaluated, for the first time in the oral cancer model, the radioprotective effect of histamine against mucositis in precancerous tissue as the dose-limiting tissue. Cancerized pouches were exposed to: BPA-BNCT; BPA-BNCT + histamine; BO: Beam only; BO + histamine; CONTROL: cancerized, no-treatment. BNCT induced severe mucositis, with an incidence that was slightly higher than in &apos;&apos;B1&apos;&apos; experiments (86 vs 67%, respectively). BO induced low/moderate mucositis. Histamine slightly reduced the incidence of severe mucositis induced by BPA-BNCT (75 vs 86%) and prevented mucositis altogether in BO animals. Tumor overall response was significantly higher in BNCT (94-96%) than in control (16%) and BO groups (9-38%), and did not differ significantly from the &apos;&apos;B1&apos;&apos; results (91%). Histamine did not compromise BNCT therapeutic efficacy. BNCT radiotoxicity and therapeutic effect at the B1 and B2 configurations of RA-6 were consistent. Histamine slightly reduced mucositis in precancerous tissue even in this overly aggressive oral cancer model, without compromising tumor control. (orig.)

  16. Boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) translational studies in the hamster cheek pouch model of oral cancer at the new &apos;&apos;B2&apos;&apos; configuration of the RA-6 nuclear reactor

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Monti Hughes, Andrea; Trivillin, Veronica A.; Schwint, Amanda E. [Constituyentes Atomic Center, National Atomic Energy Commission (CNEA), Department of Radiobiology, San Martin, Province Buenos Aires (Argentina); National Research Council (CONICET), Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires (Argentina); Longhino, Juan; Boggio, Esteban [Bariloche Atomic Center, CNEA, Department of Nuclear Engineering, San Carlos de Bariloche, Province Rio Negro (Argentina); Medina, Vanina A.; Martinel Lamas, Diego J. [National Research Council (CONICET), Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires (Argentina); Pontifical Catholic University of Argentina (UCA), Laboratory of Tumoral Biology and Inflammation, School of Medical Sciences, Institute for Biomedical Research (BIOMED CONICET-UCA), Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires (Argentina); Garabalino, Marcela A.; Heber, Elisa M.; Pozzi, Emiliano C.C. [Constituyentes Atomic Center, National Atomic Energy Commission (CNEA), Department of Radiobiology, San Martin, Province Buenos Aires (Argentina); Itoiz, Maria E. [Constituyentes Atomic Center, National Atomic Energy Commission (CNEA), Department of Radiobiology, San Martin, Province Buenos Aires (Argentina); UBA, Department of Oral Pathology, Faculty of Dentistry, Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires (Argentina); Aromando, Romina F. [UBA, Department of Oral Pathology, Faculty of Dentistry, Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires (Argentina); Nigg, David W. [Idaho National Laboratory, Idaho Falls (United States)


    Boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) is based on selective accumulation of B-10 carriers in tumor followed by neutron irradiation. We demonstrated, in 2001, the therapeutic effect of BNCT mediated by BPA (boronophenylalanine) in the hamster cheek pouch model of oral cancer, at the RA-6 nuclear reactor. Between 2007 and 2011, the RA-6 was upgraded, leading to an improvement in the performance of the BNCT beam (B2 configuration). Our aim was to evaluate BPA-BNCT radiotoxicity and tumor control in the hamster cheek pouch model of oral cancer at the new &apos;&apos;B2&apos;&apos; configuration. We also evaluated, for the first time in the oral cancer model, the radioprotective effect of histamine against mucositis in precancerous tissue as the dose-limiting tissue. Cancerized pouches were exposed to: BPA-BNCT; BPA-BNCT + histamine; BO: Beam only; BO + histamine; CONTROL: cancerized, no-treatment. BNCT induced severe mucositis, with an incidence that was slightly higher than in &apos;&apos;B1&apos;&apos; experiments (86 vs 67%, respectively). BO induced low/moderate mucositis. Histamine slightly reduced the incidence of severe mucositis induced by BPA-BNCT (75 vs 86%) and prevented mucositis altogether in BO animals. Tumor overall response was significantly higher in BNCT (94-96%) than in control (16%) and BO groups (9-38%), and did not differ significantly from the &apos;&apos;B1&apos;&apos; results (91%). Histamine did not compromise BNCT therapeutic efficacy. BNCT radiotoxicity and therapeutic effect at the B1 and B2 configurations of RA-6 were consistent. Histamine slightly reduced mucositis in precancerous tissue even in this overly aggressive oral cancer model, without compromising tumor control. (orig.)

  17. Education and training for industry: share initiatives and best practices. Challenges for EURATOM research and training in the frame of the European &apos;Higher Education&apos; and &apos;Research&apos; areas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Van Goethem, Georges [European Commission, DG RTD, Energy - Euratom, Brussels (Belgium)


    For the sake of clarification, education and training (E and T) are defined as follows: - Education is a basic or life-long learning process: education is broader than training and encompasses the need to maintain completeness and continuity of competences across generations (it is essentially a knowledge-driven process, involving academic institutions as suppliers, and students as customers). - Training is learning a particular skill required to deliver a particular outcome: training is about schooling activities other than regular academic education schemes (it is essentially an application-driven process, involving industrial/regulatory training organisations as suppliers, and professionals as customers). The goal of the EURATOM education programmes is, in collaboration with academia, to offer instruments that help produce top-quality teaching modules that can be assembled into higher level training packages or Masters programmes that are jointly qualified and mutually recognised across the EU. This is done naturally in line with the Bologna process (ERASMUS). The following four objectives have been agreed upon (ENEN): - Modular courses and common qualification approach (offer a coherent E and T framework and ensure top-quality for each module); - One mutual recognition system across the European Union (e.g. European Credit Transfer and accumulation System of ERASMUS /ECTS/); - Mobility for teachers and students across the EU (prepare the &apos;internal market&apos; for free circulation of nuclear experts); - Feedback from &apos;stakeholders&apos; (Both scientific and financial). (involve the &apos;future employers&apos; in the process, thereby getting additional funding). The goal of the EURATOM training programmes is, in collaboration with &apos;future employers&apos;, to identify commonalties amongst CPD actions (&apos;Continuous Professional Development&apos;). The following four objectives have been agreed upon (&apos;EURATOM Fission Training Scheme&apos

  18. Fair Miles? The concept of &apos;food miles&apos; through a sustainable development lens

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    MacGregor, James; Vorley, Bill


    The concept of &apos;food miles&apos; presents an argument to buy goods which have travelled the shortest distance from farm to table, and to discriminate against long-haul transportation, especially air-freighted goods. The long-distance transport of food is associated with additional emissions due to increased transportation coupled with greater packaging, as well as a disconnection between the public and local farming. Furthermore, &apos;food miles&apos; encapsulates (and is at the vanguard of) the climate change debate in the UK. In light of growing international concern over the speed and scale of climate change, the concept of &apos;food miles&apos; has captured public attention and apparently is changing some consumers&apos; behaviour, although only around one-third of shoppers know of the concept.

  19. Assessment report of research and development activities FY2014. Activity: &apos;Advanced science research&apos; (Final report)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Japan Atomic Energy Agency (hereinafter referred to as &apos;JAEA&apos;) consulted an assessment committee, &apos;Evaluation Committee of Research Activities for Advanced Science Research&apos; (hereinafter referred to as &apos;Committee&apos;) for final evaluation and prior assessment of &apos;Advanced Science Research,&apos; in accordance with &apos;General Guideline for the Evaluation of Government Research and Development (R and D) Activities&apos; by Cabinet Office, Government of Japan, &apos;Guideline for Evaluation of R and D in Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology&apos; and &apos;Regulation on Conduct for Evaluation of R and D Activities&apos; by JAEA. In response to the JAEA&apos;s request, the Committee assessed the research programs and activities of the Advanced Science Research Center (hereinafter referred to as &apos;ASRC&apos;) for the period of five years from April 2010 and the research programs from April 2015. The Committee evaluated the management and the research programs of the ASRC based on the explanatory documents prepared by the ASRC and the oral presentations with questions-and-answers by the Director and the research group leaders. This report summarizes the results of the assessment by the Committee with the Committee report attached. (author)

  20. Synthesis, characterization and molecular structure of a dinuclear uranyl complex supported by N,N&apos;,N'',N''&apos;-tetra-(3,5-di-tert-butylsalicylidene)-1,2,4,5- phenylenetetraamine

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schnorr, Rene; Handke, Marcel; Kersting, Berthold [Leipzig Univ. (Germany). Inst. fuer Anorganische Chemie


    The preparation, characterization and the molecular structure of a dinuclear uranyl complex [(UO{sub 2}){sub 2}L(OCMe{sub 2}){sub 2}] supported by the bis-salophen ligand N,N&apos;,N'',N''&apos;-tetra-(3,5-di-tert-butylsalicylidene)-1,2,4,5- phenylenetetraamine (L{sup 4-}) is described. [(UO{sub 2}){sub 2}L(OCMe{sub 2}){sub 2}] was prepared by reaction of uranyl nitrate with the neutral, protonated form of the ligand (H{sub 4}L) in acetone. From a saturated acetone solution [(UO{sub 2}){sub 2}L(OCMe{sub 2}){sub 2}] . 1.5(OCMe{sub 2}) crystallizes triclinically, space group P anti 1 with a = 1522.7(2), b = 1751.4(2), c = 1815.4(2) Aa, α = 109.16(1), β = 99.29(1), γ = 105.29(1) and Z = 2. Each uranium atom is surrounded in a distorted pentagonal bipyramidal fashion by two O and two N atoms of the salicylidene units, one O atom of an acetone ligand, and the two oxo groups. The cyclic voltammogram of [(UO{sub 2}){sub 2}L(OCMe{sub 2}){sub 2}] shows two quasi-reversible redox processes centered at +0.57 V and +0.82 V vs. Fc{sup +}/Fc attributed to the sequential oxidation of the coordinating phenolates to phenoxyl radicals. The crystal structure of an ethanol solvate of H{sub 4}L was also determined by X-ray crystallography. H{sub 4}L . 5EtOH: triclinic, space group P anti 1, a = 1003.4(3), b = 1187.7(3), c = 1905.1(5) Aa, α = 75.75(2), β = 78.74(2), γ = 66.66(2) , Z = 1.

  1. Reflection group on &apos;Expert Culture&apos;

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Eggermont, G


    As part of SCK-CEN&apos;s social sciences and humanities programme, a reflection group on &apos;Expert Culture&apos; was established. The objectives of the reflection group are: (1) to clarify the role of SCK-CEN experts; (2) to clarify the new role of expertise in the evolving context of risk society; (3) to confront external views and internal SCK-CEN experiences on expert culture; (4) to improve trust building of experts and credibility of SCK-CEN as a nuclear actor in society; (5) to develop a draft for a deontological code; (6) to integrate the approach in training on assertivity and communication; (7) to create an output for a topical day on the subject of expert culture. The programme, achievements and perspectives of the refection group are summarised.

  2. A New Rose of Sharon Cultivar, &apos;Daegoang&apos; Developed by Mutation Breeding

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Song, H.S.; Kim, J.K.; Lim, Y.T.; Park, I.S.; Kang, S.Y.; Kim, D.S.; Lee, S.J.


    &apos;Daegoang&apos; is a new Hibiscus variety developed by mutation breeding using gamma ray irradiation at Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI). One hundred seeds of original variety, &apos;Yongkwang&apos;, collected in Namyangju of Gyeonggi Province were irradiated 10 Krad γ-ray from a ∨60Co source at KAERI in 1994 (Fig. 1). The flower type and color of the variety &apos;Yongkwang&apos; was I-b that means single and fully open, and light purple with red eye, respectively. The irradiated seeds were sown in a field of the Atomic Experiment Farm in Namyangju, in April 1994. The survival rate of seedling at the 0 and 100 Gy dose was 50% and 35%, respectively (Table 1)

  3. Power supply - HVDC and facts make it sustainable and secure; Stromversorgung - nachhaltig und sicher mit HGUeund Facts. Grid Access fuer &apos;&apos;gruene Energie&apos;&apos;

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Uecker, Karl; Retzmann, Dietmar [Siemens AG, Erlangen (Germany). HVDC/Facts Sales and Marketing; Schultze, Alberto [Siemens AG, Erlangen (Germany). Abt. Grid Access and Industry


    Due to the global climate change, the power industry has a lot of changes in store. For reasons of environmental protection, the reduction in CO{sub 2} emissions in power generation and loss minimization in power transmission are of particular importance. This means that the share of wind power in a lot of countries, Germany among them, must be as high as possible, for the other &apos;'green'&apos; energy resources, such as hydro or solar power, play only a subordinate part for reasons of their geographical location. Along with sustainability and efficiency of power supply, grid security must be taken into account as well. (orig.)

  4. The &apos;'Stadtkante'&apos; building at Dusseldorf. Representative address of the Metro Group; Die Stadtkante in Duesseldorf. Repraesentative Adresse der Metro Group

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zerres, E.


    The &apos;Stadtkante&apos; building of the Metro Group was commissioned in June 2005. The building houses offices and a shopping mall. It has an aesthetically pleasing architecture and interesting technical features. (orig.)

  5. Residues in the 5th module of the low-density lipoprotein receptor that bind apoE and apoB-100

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kroon, P.A.; Zhang, H.-Y.; Smith, R.


    Full text: The low-density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR) binds and removes cholesterol-rich lipoproteins from the circulation. Its ligand-binding (LB) domain consists of seven cysteine-rich LB modules that bind apoB-100 and apoE. These modules fold into well-defined structures with three disulfide bonds, in the presence of Ca 2+ . The 5th module (LB5) is unique in that it is required to bind both apoB-100 and apoE. The aim of the current study was to map residues in human LB5 that are required for ligand binding. This was done by alanine mutagenesis of a series of residues that are conserved in human, mouse, rat and rabbit LB5 (E9, S14, E16, H19, S21, K31, and K33), but not in the other six modules. E37 (R37 in the rabbit) was included, since it has been previously hypothesized to play a role in binding. The variant LB5 modules were first produced as recombinant peptides, and subjected to oxidative folding to determine whether the mutations interfered with Ca 2+ '-dependent folding. Only the S14A and E16A mutations interfered significantly with folding, suggesting that S14 and E16 are required for the structural framework of LB5 and that their substitution in the LDLR may interfere with its folding. The native LDLR and E9A, H19A, S21A, K31A, K33A and E37A LDLRs were expressed in LDLR negative IdlA-7 CHO cells. Labeling with 125 I-lgG-C7 showed that all receptors were expressed on the cell surface. Binding of Dil-labeled LDL (Dil-LDL) and Dil-labeled DMPC, complexed with the N-terminal receptor-binding domain of apoE3 (Dil-E3), at 4 deg C, was used to assess receptor binding. Binding of Dil-E3 (0.1 μ/ml) to the H19A, S21A, K31A, K33A and E37A LDLRs was 65-92% of binding to the native LDLR. In contrast, the E9A LDLR only bound 3% of that of the native LDLR. The binding of Dil-LDL (0.5 Ag/ml) to the E9A LDLR was 23% of that of the native LDLR, while binding to the remaining variant LDLRs ranged from 44-70% of what of the native LDLR. We conclude that (i) E9 of LB5

  6. Characterization and evaluation of residue &apos;grits&apos; of the cellulose industry; Caracterizacao e avaliacao do resisduo &apos;grits&apos; da industria de celulose

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Destefani, A.Z.; Santos, M.M.; Holanda, J.N.F. [Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense Darcy Ribeiro (LAMAV/CCT/UENF), Campos dos Goytacazes, RJ (Brazil). Lab. de Materiais Avancados


    The cellulose industry generates huge amounts of solid waste residue called &apos;grits&apos;. These wastes have been willing over time in landfills near the mills. However, this type of disposal is not environmentally friendly and can cause degradation and environmental pollution. In addition, environmental legislation increasingly severe and the high costs of landfill have led the search for new alternatives for final disposition of this abundant waste. In this context, this study is to characterize waste grits, generated by the cellulose industry in the region of Aracruz-ES. The residue samples were characterized in terms of chemical composition, X-ray diffraction, particle size distribution and thermal analysis (DTA and TGA). The characterization of the residual &apos;grits&apos; demonstrated its potential as a feedstock for production of soil-cement bricks. (author)


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Craig, Robert; Freeman, Jenny; Gawarecki, Susan L; Hardy, Parker; Kopp, Steve; Mulvenon, Norman A; Pardue, William; Sarno, Doug


    In 2001, a diverse group of citizens ranging from conservationists to industrial developers joined forces to produce a factual description of Oak Ridge&apos;s environment and the issues associated with contamination on the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) reservation. This consensus effort was a result of common values not generally seen in this spectrum of philosophies, and of shared concerns about rising property taxes, declining city services, fleeing retail establishments, and diminishing real estate values. These problems are attributed to waning local DOE budgets coupled with Oak Ridge&apos;s national reputation of being contaminated and unsafe. This undeserved reputation harms the city&apos;s ability to attract new industry to replace declining federal employment and to induce families to live in the community. Representatives from a spectrum of conservation, environmental, economic development, local government, and civic organizations were invited to meet regarding how to best explain the complex environmental story of Oak Ridge and the DOE reservation. This large group decided to publish a straightforward explanation of the environmental quality of the city and its relationship to the DOE reservation in easy-to-understand language. The result was Oak Ridge, Tennessee--A Citizen&apos;s Guide to the Environment, a 28-page glossy booklet, distributed through the Chamber of Commerce and other organizations. The Oak Ridger ensured wide distribution in the community by publishing it as an insert in the daily paper. The material is also available on several web sites. A trifold brochure summarizing and promoting the larger document was also produced for wider distribution. The integrity of the Citizen&apos;s Guide was ensured by having a six-member editorial team manage writing and review of the document. There was no direct involvement by the DOE and its contractor. Knowledgeable citizen writers from throughout the community contributed technical and descriptive

  8. Sustainable Agriculture: enhancement of the &apos;neem cake&apos;

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Susanna, Mariani


    The &apos;neem cake&apos; scrap processing of the industrial chain producing neem oil and azadirachtin. The ENEA laboratories have developed a promising trial to promote the use of neem cake as a low-cost insecticide and fertilizer in sustainable agriculture. [it

  9. “Cidadãos de bem” com armas: Representações sexuadas de violência armada, (insegurança e legítima defesa no Brasil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rita Santos


    Full Text Available Este artigo procura examinar as estratégias discursivas utilizadas pelos movimentos a favor e contra o microdesarmamento no Brasil através da análise dos materiais de campanha das duas frentes no Referendo sobre a Proibição do Comércio de Armas de Fogo e Munições que teve lugar em outubro de 2005. A análise aponta para a utilização de representações e estratégias de mobilização do voto assentes em construções sexuadas das experiências e condutas de mulheres e de homens relativamente à probabilidade, lugares e protagonistas de vitimação armada, à conceção e ao exercício da legítima defesa enquanto direito do “cidadão de bem” e/ou privilégio. O estudo e a discussão destas representações são essenciais, uma vez que estas influenciam a forma como a violência e a (insegurança é imaginada e percebida e, em especial a forma como, por sua vez, condicionam as políticas de combate e prevenção da violência.

  10. Lung inflammation and genotoxicity following pulmonary exposure to nanoparticles in ApoE-/- mice

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ladefoged Ole


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The toxic and inflammatory potential of 5 different types of nanoparticles were studied in a sensitive model for pulmonary effects in apolipoprotein E knockout mice (ApoE-/-. We studied the effects instillation or inhalation Printex 90 of carbon black (CB and compared CB instillation in ApoE-/- and C57 mice. Three and 24 h after pulmonary exposure, inflammation was assessed by mRNA levels of cytokines in lung tissue, cell composition, genotoxicity, protein and lactate dehydrogenase activity in broncho-alveolar lavage (BAL fluid. Results Firstly, we found that intratracheal instillation of CB caused far more pulmonary toxicity in ApoE-/- mice than in C57 mice. Secondly, we showed that instillation of CB was more toxic than inhalation of a presumed similar dose with respect to inflammation in the lungs of ApoE-/- mice. Thirdly, we compared effects of instillation in ApoE-/- mice of three carbonaceous particles; CB, fullerenes C60 (C60 and single walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNT as well as gold particles and quantum dots (QDs. Characterization of the instillation media revealed that all particles were delivered as agglomerates and aggregates. Significant increases in Il-6, Mip-2 and Mcp-1 mRNA were detected in lung tissue, 3 h and 24 h following instillation of SWCNT, CB and QDs. DNA damage in BAL cells, the fraction of neutrophils in BAL cells and protein in BAL fluid increased statistically significantly. Gold and C60 particles caused much weaker inflammatory responses. Conclusion Our data suggest that ApoE-/- model is sensitive for evaluating particle induced inflammation. Overall QDs had greatest effects followed by CB and SWCNT with C60 and gold being least inflammatory and DNA-damaging. However the gold was used at a much lower mass dose than the other particles. The strong effects of QDs were likely due to Cd release. The surface area of the instilled dose correlated well the inflammatory response for low toxicity particles.

  11. Marysville, Montana, Geothermal Project: Geological and Geophysical Exploration at Marysville Geothermal Area: 1973 Results (With a Section on &apos;&apos;Contemporary Seismicity in the Helena, Montana Region&apos;&apos;)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Blackwell, D.D.; Brott, C.A.; Goforth, T.T.; Holdaway, M.J.; Morgan, P.; Friedline, R.; Smith, R.L.


    This report describes field geological and geophysical investigations of the Marysville geothermal area, including geological mapping, sample collection, a ground total field magnetic survey, gravity survey, seismic ground noise survey, microearthquake survey, and heat flow study. Although sufficient data are not available, it is likely that a magma chamber is the heat source. A second section, &apos;&apos;Contemporary Seismicity in the Helena, Montana, Region&apos;&apos; examines the coincidence of high heat flow and earthquake swarm activity in this region. (GRA)

  12. An Analysis of Department of Defense Instruction 8500.2 &apos;Information Assurance (IA) Implementation.&apos;

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Campbell, Philip LaRoche


    The Department of Defense (DoD) provides its standard for information assurance in its Instruction 8500.2, dated February 6, 2003. This Instruction lists 157 &apos;IA Controls&apos; for nine &apos;baseline IA levels.&apos; Aside from distinguishing IA Controls that call for elevated levels of &apos;robustness&apos; and grouping the IA Controls into eight &apos;subject areas&apos; 8500.2 does not examine the nature of this set of controls, determining, for example, which controls do not vary in robustness, how this set of controls compares with other such sets, or even which controls are required for all nine baseline IA levels. This report analyzes (1) the IA Controls, (2) the subject areas, and (3) the Baseline IA levels. For example, this report notes that there are only 109 core IA Controls (which this report refers to as &apos;ICGs&apos;), that 43 of these core IA Controls apply without variation to all nine baseline IA levels and that an additional 31 apply with variations. This report maps the IA Controls of 8500.2 to the controls in NIST 800-53 and ITGI&apos;s CoBIT. The result of this analysis and mapping, as shown in this report, serves as a companion to 8500.2. (An electronic spreadsheet accompanies this report.)

  13. Euratom framework programme research in reactor safety main achievements of FP-4 (&apos;94-&apos;98), some preliminary results of FP-5 (&apos;98-&apos;02) and prospects for beyond 2002

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Goethem, G. van; Martin Bermejo, J.; Zurita, A.; Lemaitre, P. [Commission of the European Communities, Brussels (BE). Directorate General for Science, Research and Development (DG 12)


    In this paper an overview is given of the most important aspects of the research activities organised by the European union (EU) in reactor safety, more specifically in the area &apos;&apos;Operational Safety of Existing Installations&apos;&apos;, which is one of the 4 areas of the key action Nuclear Fission in the 5th Euratom framework programme (FP-5). In the introduction, a short description is given of the EU needs and the new boundary conditions for Euratom research. In the next 7 sections, the attention is drawn to a series of technical and socio-economical facts, which generate needs at the EU level and hence justify some actions - especially in terms of research - at the Commission level. The following needs have been identified and are proposed for discussion: to maintain the nuclear option open in order to ensure flexibility in energy supply; to maintain scientific and technical competence; to maintain industrial competitiveness and to prepare the next generation of reactors; to maintain a broad nuclear expertise covering both energetic and non-energetic applications; to develop environment-friendly sustainable solutions for the wastes; to share and improve the safety culture amongst the EU countries and the CEECs; and finally, to focus on public benefit and on added European value in Euratom research actions. A brief overview then is given of the European response - in terms of research - offered up to 2002 to contribute to meet some of the above needs, i.e. the Euratom research actions under FP-4 (&apos;94-&apos;98) and FP-5 (&apos;98-&apos;02). As far as the future beyond 2002 is concerned, the challenge to Euratom research is to identify networks of excellence and to reorganize itself in line with the new ERA concept (European research area). Finally conclusions are drawn on the perceived need to improve the fitness-for-purpose of Euratom research actions in the &apos;&apos;changing world&apos;&apos; and to rethink accordingly the organisation of

  14. Evaluatie van de smogsituatie in de winterperioden &apos;92/&apos;93, &apos;93/&apos;94 en &apos;94/&apos;95

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Anker IM van de; LLO


    In Nederland bestaat sinds 20 juni 1991 een nieuwe smogregeling, het zogenaamde Modeldraaiboek Smog 1991. In dit modeldraaiboek zijn procedures, maatregelen, handelingen, signaleringsschema&apos;s en aanbevelingen vastgelegd welke betrekking hebben op perioden met verhoogde luchtverontreiniging

  15. MR evaluation of &apos;Metaphyseal&apos; change in Legg-Calve-Perthes disease

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Moon, Haeng Jin; Na, Jae Boem; Shin, Chang Min; You, Jin Jong; Chung, Sung Hoon [Gyeongsang National Univ. College of Medicine, Chinju (Korea, Republic of)


    To determine the metaphyseal changes occurring in Legg-Calve-Perthes(LCP) disease using MRI. Between 1992 to 1999, 80 LCP patients (87 hips) underwent MR imaging and plain radiography. All MR images were reviewed, bone marrow signal intensity, the size and locatiion of the metaphyseal cyst and its epiphyseal necrosis grade determined. Metaphyses were abnormal in 43hips (49%), while bone marrow edema was present in 28 (32%) and a metaphyseal cyst in 30 (34%). Metaphyseal cysts were classified as either &apos;true&apos; (n=9) or &apos;false&apos; (n=21) according to the enhancement pattern. The maximum diameters of true and false cysts were 1.1{+-}0.3 cm and 1.1{+-}0.4 cm, respectively. Their most commom location was the anterior column; a true cyst occurred there in 7cases (78%), and false cyst in 16 (76%). Using the Waldenstrom classification, seven of the nine hips wih a true cyst (78%), were found to be at the avascular stage and 15 of the 21 with a false cyst (71%) were at the fragmentation stage. Seven of these nine (78%) and 19 of these 21 (90%) were Catterall grade IV. According to the findings of MR imaging, the metaphyseal changes occurring in LCP disease were bone marrow edema and metaphyseal cyst. This latter was visualized mainly in the anterior column and severely affected hip, and was classified as &apos;true&apos; or &apos;false&apos;.

  16. Bell&apos;s inequality and &apos;ghost-like action-at-a-distance&apos; in quantum mechanics

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mattuck, R.D. (Copenhagen Univ. (Denmark). H.C. Oersted Inst.)


    The phenomenon of non-locality in quantum mechanics is one of its most fundamental features and is most strikingly exemplified in the discussion of the EPR type of experiment. The generality of Bell&apos;s inequality and the results of experiments done up to now show that local hidden-variable theories are ruled out as a means to resolve the famous EPR paradox. What remains for further consideration are the non-local and the Einstein-separable hidden-variable models. Finally, an alternative and possible successful approach in trying to &apos;explain&apos; non-locality might involve ideas of backward causation.

  17. Study of the thermal behaviour of traditional wine cellars: the case of the area of &apos;&apos;Tierras Sorianas del Cid&apos;&apos; (Spain)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Guerrero, I.C.; Ocana, S.M. [Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (Spain). Dpto. de Construccion y Vias Rurales


    This article studies the hygro-thermal behaviour of two traditional underground wine cellars from Morcuera (Soria, Spain). The differences between them are analyzed and our hypothesis is that one of these constructions is better than the other for the ageing of wines. The hypothesis takes into consideration the existence of a temperature difference of over 20{sup o}C between them as a basis for reaching the aforementioned conclusion. However, the relative humidity inside both of them is 100%, which could pose problems if the presence of mould is not controlled. This study is based on fieldwork for the inventory and cataloguing of traditional agrarian constructions in the &apos;&apos;Tierras Sorianas&apos;&apos; area. The objective of this investigation is to highlight some advantages of traditional building techniques over modern construction practices from the energy-saving viewpoint. (author)

  18. Evaluation of a &apos;'no-cost'&apos; Internet technology-based system for teleradiology and Co-operative Work

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bergh, B.; Schlaefke, A.; Pietsch, M.; Garcia, I. [Department of Information and Communication Technology, Klinikum der Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universitaet, Theodor-Stern-Kai 7, 60590 Frankfurt am Main (Germany); Vogl, T.J. [Institute of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, Klinikum der Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universitaet, Theodor-Stern-Kai 7, 60590 Frankfurt am Main (Germany)


    The aim of this study was to assess the suitability of a no-cost system based on standard Internet technology components for teleradiology. The system was composed of free software (communication, DICOM viewer, compression) and standard off-the-shelf hardware components. For different image (CR, CT, MR) and network types (LAN and ISDN) the File Transfer, Audio and Video Conference, and Co-operative Work properties were examined and compared with the literature referring to standard complete packages and dedicated teleradiology systems. The main advantages of the no-cost system are: price; ease of use; independence from specific hardware; and potential connection to any possible partner. The performance of the File Transfer and the Audio and Video Conference was comparable to the other system groups with slight disadvantages in the usability. For Co-operative Work the employed &apos;&apos;application sharing&apos;&apos; technology does not meet the clinical requirements, which applies identically to the standard complete packages. Here the specialized systems prove superior, although they are proprietary. With minimal restraints the evaluated no-cost solution can be used for File Transfer and Conference scenarios. The usage for Co-operative Work with ISDN is not recommended, unless for the purpose of gaining experience or when dealing with small amounts of cases or images. (orig.)

  19. ApoE and the role of very low density lipoproteins in adipose tissue inflammation (United States)

    Our goal was too identify the role of triglyceride-rich lipoproteins and apoE, a major apolipoprotein in triglyceride-rich lipoproteins, in adipose tissue inflammation with high-fat diet induced obesity. Male apoE-/- and C57BL/6J wild-type mice fed high fat diets for 12 weeks were assessed for metab...

  20. Imaging of bridging vein thrombosis in infants with abusive head trauma: the &apos;&apos;Tadpole Sign&apos;&apos;

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hahnemann, Maria L.; Kinner, Sonja; Schweiger, Bernd [University Hospital Essen, Institute of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology and Neuroradiology, Essen (Germany); Bajanowski, Thomas [University Hospital Essen, Institute of Legal Medicine, Essen (Germany); Karger, Bernd; Pfeiffer, Heidi; Wittschieber, Daniel [University Hospital Muenster, Institute of Legal Medicine, Muenster (Germany)


    Abusive head trauma (AHT) in infants is usually diagnosed using a multi-disciplinary approach by investigating the circumstances and identifying morphological indicators, for example, subdural hematomas (SDHs), subdural hygromas (SDHys), retinal haemorrhages and encephalopathy. The present morphological study investigates the incidence, radiological characteristics and non-radiological co-factors of bridging vein thrombosis (BVT) in infants with AHT. From 2002 to 2013, computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) material of 628 infants aged 0-2 years were analysed retrospectively. If available, medicolegal expert opinions were additionally considered. Cases with SDHs and/or SDHys were identified and systematically evaluated as to the presence and characteristics of BVT. SDHs and/or SDHys were present in 29 of the 81 cases exhibiting morphological abnormalities in the initial CT. Among these, 11 cases (40 %) had BVT (mean age = 5.0 months). BVT could be best depicted in the T1-weighted spin echo and T2*/susceptibility-weighted MRI. In one case, BVT could be depicted indirectly using time-of-flight MR venography. The predominant (73 %) BVT shape was found to be tadpole-like (&apos;&apos;Tadpole Sign&apos;&apos;). In the absence of appropriate accidental trauma, BVT appears to be a strong indicator of AHT. Therefore, the BVT/Tadpole Sign represents compelling cause to search for other signs of AHT. (orig.)

  1. Imaging characteristics of subcutaneous amyloid deposits in diabetic patients: the &apos;&apos;insulin ball&apos;&apos;

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tanio, Noriko; Nozaki, Taiki; Matsusako, Masaki; Starkey, Jay [St. Luke' s International Hospital, Department of Radiology, Tokyo (Japan); Suzuki, Koyu [St. Luke' s International Hospital, Department of Pathology, Tokyo (Japan)


    The purpose of this study was to describe the imaging characteristics of subcutaneous amyloid deposits occurring at sites of insulin injection, commonly known as &apos;&apos;insulin balls,&apos;&apos; in diabetic patients on ultrasound, CT, and MRI with pathologic correlation. We retrospectively reviewed the radiographic findings of 14 lesions in 9 patients diagnosed with subcutaneous amyloid deposits at our institution between 2005-2015. Three board-certified radiologists analyzed the following: (1) the shape, size, margin, morphologic characteristics, and blood flow on US using the color Doppler signal, (2) shape, size, margin, attenuation, and presence or absence of contrast enhancement on CT, and (3) shape, size, margin, signal intensity, and presence or absence of contrast enhancement on MRI. All lesions showed ill-defined hypovascular subcutaneous nodules with irregular margins. The median diameter of lesions was 50.4 mm on US, 46.8 mm on CT, and 51.4 mm on MRI. The internal echogenicity of subcutaneous amyloid deposits was hypoechoic and heterogeneous on US. All lesions showed isodensity compared to muscle with irregular margins and minimal contrast enhancement on CT. Both T1- and T2-weighted MR images showed low signal intensity compared with subcutaneous fat. Normal diffusion and minimal contrast enhancement were seen. Subcutaneous amyloid deposits which cause insulin resistance are typically ill-defined and heterogeneous hypovascular subcutaneous nodules with irregular margins on imaging that correspond to insulin injection sites. It is also characteristic that T2WI shows low intensity compared with fat on MRI, reflective of the amyloid content. (orig.)

  2. Imaging characteristics of subcutaneous amyloid deposits in diabetic patients: the &apos;&apos;insulin ball&apos;&apos;

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tanio, Noriko; Nozaki, Taiki; Matsusako, Masaki; Starkey, Jay; Suzuki, Koyu


    The purpose of this study was to describe the imaging characteristics of subcutaneous amyloid deposits occurring at sites of insulin injection, commonly known as &apos;&apos;insulin balls,&apos;&apos; in diabetic patients on ultrasound, CT, and MRI with pathologic correlation. We retrospectively reviewed the radiographic findings of 14 lesions in 9 patients diagnosed with subcutaneous amyloid deposits at our institution between 2005-2015. Three board-certified radiologists analyzed the following: (1) the shape, size, margin, morphologic characteristics, and blood flow on US using the color Doppler signal, (2) shape, size, margin, attenuation, and presence or absence of contrast enhancement on CT, and (3) shape, size, margin, signal intensity, and presence or absence of contrast enhancement on MRI. All lesions showed ill-defined hypovascular subcutaneous nodules with irregular margins. The median diameter of lesions was 50.4 mm on US, 46.8 mm on CT, and 51.4 mm on MRI. The internal echogenicity of subcutaneous amyloid deposits was hypoechoic and heterogeneous on US. All lesions showed isodensity compared to muscle with irregular margins and minimal contrast enhancement on CT. Both T1- and T2-weighted MR images showed low signal intensity compared with subcutaneous fat. Normal diffusion and minimal contrast enhancement were seen. Subcutaneous amyloid deposits which cause insulin resistance are typically ill-defined and heterogeneous hypovascular subcutaneous nodules with irregular margins on imaging that correspond to insulin injection sites. It is also characteristic that T2WI shows low intensity compared with fat on MRI, reflective of the amyloid content. (orig.)

  3. Comments on &apos;&apos;Analysis of spherical imploding shocks&apos;&apos;

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lazarus, R.B.


    It is asserted that Fujimoto and Mishkin&apos;s article is incorrect in its claim for a pressure extremum at or behind the shock for all values of ..gamma.. and in its claim for an analytical form for the similarity exponent. (AIP)

  4. Using &apos;swallow-tail&apos; sign and putaminal hypointensity as biomarkers to distinguish multiple system atrophy from idiopathic Parkinson&apos;s disease: A susceptibility-weighted imaging study

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wang, Na; Yang, HuaGuang; Li, ChengBo; Fan, GuoGuang [The First Affiliated Hospital of China Medical University, Department of Radiology, Shenyang, Liaoning (China); Luo, XiaoGuang [The First Affiliated Hospital of China Medical University, Department of Neurology, Shenyang, Liaoning (China)


    To investigate the value of &apos;swallow-tail&apos; sign and putaminal hypointensity on 3 T susceptibility-weighted imaging (SWI) for distinguishing multiple system atrophy (MSA) from idiopathic Parkinson&apos;s disease (IPD). Three groups - 39 MSA patients, 18 IPD patients,and 31 healthy controls (HCs) - were administered a 3 T SWI sequence to evaluate &apos;swallow-tail&apos; sign and putaminal hypointensity using visual scales from 0 to 2 and 0 to 3 scores, respectively. The diagnostic accuracy of the two signs separately and combined was calculated using a receiver operating characteristic curve, with clinical diagnosis as the gold standard. The scores of &apos;swallow-tail&apos; sign were lower in IPD than in MSA or in HCs, as well as for putaminal hypointensity in IPD or HCs than in MSA (p < 0.05). The sensitivity and specificity of &apos;swallow-tail&apos; sign and putaminal hypointensity were 87.9% and 83.3%, and 35.9% and 100%, respectively, in the respective patient groups. The area under the curve of combined signs was increased from 0.85 (&apos;swallow tail&apos;) or 0.68 (putaminal hypointensity) to 0.93. The combination of &apos;swallow-tail&apos; sign and putaminal hypointensity can increase the accuracy of discriminating between MSA and IPD. (orig.)

  5. Radiation education versus &apos;radio-phobia&apos; - public perception of radiation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Goraczko, W. [Technical Univ. Poznan, Radio- and Photochemistry Dept, Poznan, Piotrowo (Poland); Latek, S.


    In this article the author presents the basis and reasons of the public radio-phobia in Poland. He mentions about people mentality historically based the &apos;cold war&apos; and Soviet&apos;s military and technologically domination in this part of Europe. Besides of the historical and sociological sources he pays attention on a few aspects, which - in his opinion - intensified the negative public responses: Chernobyl catastrophe, the coal-lobby influences, the political parties (not only &apos;green&apos;) games during election time, existing of old conventional coal power stations, accessibility of own cheap coal, cost of transformation from communistic to free-market economy, low-level of public pro-ecology thinking and so on. On the other hand the author describes some non-realistic attitudes of society - for example - they accept nuclear medicine while do not agree to develop nuclear power engineering. Finally he presents conclusions, which can change public perception of radiation. (author)

  6. Cashing in on Tar Sands. RBS, UK banks and Canada&apos;s &apos;blood oil&apos;

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Evans, M.; Howarth, C.; Kellay, A.; Laboucan, B.J.; Mercredi, M.; Minio-Paluelo, M.; Schling, H.; Smith, K.; Thomas-Muller, C.; Wood, A.


    Tar sands extraction in Canada is devastating Indigenous communities, wildlife and vast areas of boreal forests, as well as being many times more carbon-intensive to produce than &apos;conventional&apos; oil. The higher oil prices in recent years have meant that it&apos;s become a more attractive prospect for oil companies to expand their operations in the costly process of obtaining and processing the thick bitumen into a usable form. It&apos;s estimated that the industry is looking for a capital investment of 120-220 billion USD over the next 20 years to build the new pipelines, mines, refineries and upgraders that are necessary to sustain the boom. This report looks at the role that UK banks are playing in providing the necessary capital, and how RBS (Royal Bank of Scotland), which is 84% owned by the UK public, has been the bank the most heavily involved in underwriting loans to companies engaging in tar sands extraction.

  7. Middle-aged human apoE4 targeted-replacement mice show retention deficits on a wide range of spatial memory tasks. (United States)

    Bour, Alexandra; Grootendorst, Jeannette; Vogel, Elise; Kelche, Christian; Dodart, Jean-Cosme; Bales, Kelly; Moreau, Pierre-Henri; Sullivan, Patrick M; Mathis, Chantal


    Apolipoprotein (apo) E4, one of three human apoE (h-apoE) isoforms, has been identified as a major genetic risk factor for Alzheimer's disease and for cognitive deficits associated with aging. However, the biological mechanisms involving apoE in learning and memory processes are unclear. A potential isoform-dependent role of apoE in cognitive processes was studied in human apoE targeted-replacement (TR) mice. These mice express either the human apoE3 or apoE4 gene under the control of endogenous murine apoE regulatory sequences, resulting in physiological expression of h-apoE in both a temporal and spatial pattern similar to humans. Male and female apoE3-TR, apoE4-TR, apoE-knockout and C57BL/6J mice (15-18 months) were tested with spatial memory and avoidance conditioning tasks. Compared to apoE3-TR mice, spatial memory in female apoE4-TR mice was impaired based on their poor performances in; (i) the probe test of the water-maze reference memory task, (ii) the water-maze working memory task and (iii) an active avoidance Y-maze task. Retention performance on a passive avoidance task was also impaired in apoE4-TR mice, but not in other genotypes. These deficits in both spatial and avoidance memory tasks may be related to the anatomical and functional abnormalities previously reported in the hippocampus and the amygdala of apoE4-TR mice. We conclude that the apoE4-TR mice provide an excellent model for understanding the mechanisms underlying apoE4-dependent susceptibility to cognitive decline.

  8. Identification and quantification of (5&apos;R)- and (5&apos;S)-8,5&apos;-cyclo-2&apos;-deoxyadenosines in human urine as putative biomarkers of oxidatively induced damage to DNA

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jaruga, Pawel, E-mail: [Biochemical Science Division, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD 20899 (United States); Department of Clinical Biochemistry, Collegium Medicum, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Bydgoszcz (Poland); Dizdaroglu, Miral [Biochemical Science Division, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD 20899 (United States)


    Biomarkers of oxidatively induced DNA damage are of great interest and can potentially be used for the early detection of disease, monitoring the progression of disease and determining the efficacy of therapy. The present work deals with the measurement in human urine of (5&apos;R)-8,5&apos;-cyclo-2&apos;-deoxyadenosine (R-cdA) and (5&apos;S)-8,5&apos;-cyclo-2&apos;-deoxyadenosine (S-cdA). These modified nucleosides had hitherto not been considered or investigated to be present in urine as possible biomarkers of oxidatively induced DNA damage. Urine samples were collected from volunteers, purified and analyzed by LC-MS/MS with isotope-dilution. R-cdA and S-cdA were detected in urine and quantified. Creatinine levels were also measured. In addition, we measured 8-hydroxy-2&apos;-deoxyguanosine that is commonly used as a biomarker. This study shows, for the first time, that R-cdA and S-cdA exist in human urine and can be identified and quantified by LC-MS/MS. We propose that R-cdA and S-cdA may be well-suited biomarkers for disease processes such as carcinogenesis.

  9. On the Relations between Parents&apos; Ideals and Children&apos;s Autonomy (United States)

    de Ruyter, Doret J.; Schinkel, Anders


    In this article Doret J. de Ruyter and Anders Schinkel argue that parents&apos; ideals can enhance children&apos;s autonomy, but that they may also have a detrimental effect on the development of children&apos;s autonomy. After describing the concept of "ideals" and elucidating a systems theoretical conception of autonomy, de Ruyter and…

  10. Assessment report of research and development activities in FY2014. Activity: &apos;Quantum beam science research&apos; (Result evaluation)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Japan Atomic Energy Agency (hereafter referred to as &apos;JAEA&apos;) consulted an assessment committee, &apos;Evaluation Committee of Research Activities for Quantum Beam Science&apos; (hereafter referred to as &apos;Committee&apos;) for result evaluation of &apos;Quantum Beam Science&apos;, in accordance with &apos;General Guideline for the Evaluation of Government Research and Development (R and D) Activities&apos; by Cabinet Office, Government of Japan, &apos;Guideline for Evaluation of R and D in Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology&apos; and &apos;Regulation on Conduct for Evaluation of R and D Activities&apos; by JAEA. In response to the JAEA&apos;s request, the Committee assessed the research program of the Quantum Beam Science Center (hereafter referred to as &apos;QuBS&apos;) during the period from April 2010 to September 2014. The Committee evaluated the management and research activities of QuBS based on the explanatory documents and oral presentations. (author)

  11. Aggravated restenosis and atherogenesis in ApoCIII transgenic mice but lack of protection in ApoCIII knockouts: the effect of authentic triglyceride-rich lipoproteins with and without ApoCIII. (United States)

    Li, Haibo; Han, Yingchun; Qi, Rong; Wang, Yuhui; Zhang, Xiaohong; Yu, Maomao; Tang, Yin; Wang, Mengyu; Shu, Ya-Nan; Huang, Wei; Liu, Xinfeng; Rodrigues, Brian; Han, Mei; Liu, George


    Previously, our group and others have demonstrated a causative relationship between severe hypertriglyceridaemia and atherogenesis in mice. Furthermore, clinical investigations have shown high levels of plasma Apolipoprotein C-III (ApoCIII) associated with hypertriglyceridaemia and even cardiovascular disease. However, it remains unclear whether ApoCIII affects restenosis in vivo, and whether such an effect is mediated by ApoCIII alone, or in combination with hypertriglyceridaemia. We sought to investigate ApoCIII in restenosis and clarify how smooth muscle cells (SMCs) respond to authentic triglyceride-rich lipoproteins (TRLs) with or without ApoCIII (TRLs ± ApoCIII). ApoCIII transgenic (ApoCIIItg) and knockout (ApoCIII-/-) mice underwent endothelial denudation to model restenosis. Here, ApoCIIItg mice displayed severe hypertriglyceridaemia and increased neointimal formation compared with wild-type (WT) or ApoCIII-/- mice. Furthermore, increased proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA)-positive cells, Mac-3, and vascular cell adhesion protein-1 (VCAM-1) expression, and 4-hydroxynonenal (4HNE) production were found in lesion sites. ApoCIIItg and ApoCIII-/- mice were then crossed to low-density lipoprotein receptor-deficient (Ldlr-/-) mice and fed an atherogenic diet. ApoCIIItg/Ldlr-/- mice had significantly increased atherosclerotic lesions. However, there was no statistical difference in restenosis between ApoCIII-/- and WT mice, and in atherosclerosis between ApoCIII/Ldlr double knockout and Ldlr-/- mice. SMCs were then incubated in vitro with authentic TRLs ± ApoCIII isolated from extreme hypertriglyceridaemia glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored high-density lipoprotein-binding protein 1-deficient (GPIHBP1-/-) mice crossed with ApoCIIItg or ApoCIII-/- mice. It was shown that TRLs + ApoCIII promoted SMC proliferation, VCAM-1 expression, and reactive oxygen species (ROS) production, and activated the Akt pathway. Scavenging ROS significantly reduced SMC

  12. Radiosensitivity of mice of different lines and age as determinated with reference to &apos;'intestinal'&apos; death and DNA repair in intestinal epithelium cells

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Konoplyannikova, O.A.; Sklobovskaya, M.V.; Konoplyannikov, A.G.; Saenko, A.S. (Akademiya Meditsinskikh Nauk SSSR, Obninsk. Nauchno-Issledovatel' skij Inst. Meditsinskoj Radiologii)

    A study was made of the influence of strain- and age-related differences on mouse mortality after irradiation with doses lying within the &apos;'intestinal'&apos; dose range, and also damages to stem cells of intestinal epithelium and induction and repair of single-strand DNA breaks in intestinal epitherium cells. Mice of different lines and age vary in LDsub(50/4) and stem cell radiosensitivity. There are no differences in the sedimentation constants of DNA fragments in alkaline lysates of intestinal crypts of intact mice of different age. Radiosensitivity determined with reference to single-strand breaks induction in DNA is similar with different mouse groups. Repair of single-strand DNA breaks of elderly mice is slower than that of young animals.

  13. Characterization of Canberra&apos;s Tomographic Gamma-Ray Can Scanner (&apos;Can-TGS&apos;) - 13311

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    LeBlanc, P.J.; Lagana, J.; Kirkpatrick, J.; Nakazawa, D.; Smith, S. Kane; Venkataraman, R.; Villani, M.; Young, B.M. [Canberra Industries, 800 Research Parkway, Meriden, CT 06450 (United States)


    The Tomographic Gamma-ray Scanner (TGS) for large volume drummed waste has been successfully commercialized by Canberra over the last several years. As part of an R and D effort to continually improve this technology, we have developed a scaled down version of the standard commercial product (Can-TGS). The Can-TGS is able to accommodate cans and pails of various sizes, ranging from sub-liter to 20 liter volumes with densities of up to 4 g/cc. The Can-TGS has three diamond-shaped collimators (6.35 mm [0.25&apos;&apos;], 12.7 mm [0.5&apos;&apos;], and 25.4 mm [1&apos;&apos;]) to facilitate a range of container volumes and heights. As with the standard TGS, the Can-TGS has a transmission source sub-system, where the transmission source can be easily swapped between sources of various strengths and type. The acquisition portion of the Can-TGS is powered by the Canberra Lynx{sup R} MCA which accommodates both multi-spectral scaling (MSS) and list-mode. Recently, the Can-TGS has been successfully characterized for an 18.93 L [5-gallon] container for the 25.4 mm diamond-shaped collimator. In principle, a single measurement (with good statistics) is required for each configuration in order to characterize the system. However, for this study, measurements were performed for several different matrices. For each matrix used, 6 different measurements were acquired. For each of these measurements, the drum was rotated 60 deg. with respect to the previous starting position. This procedure was followed in order to average out any radial bias that might be produced from just a single measurement. A description of the Can-TGS system is given. The details of the recent characterization measurements and the associated data analysis and results are presented. TGS results are compared with Segmented Gamma Scanner (SGS) results for the same source configuration. Additionally, the future outlook for Canberra&apos;s R and D efforts with this system is discussed. These efforts include TGS

  14. Cerebral glucose metabolism in Wernicke&apos;s, Broca&apos;s, and conduction aphasia

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Metter, E.J.; Kempler, D.; Jackson, C.; Hanson, W.R.; Mazziotta, J.C.; Phelps, M.E.


    Cerebral glucose metabolism was evaluated in patients with either Wernicke&apos;s (N = 7), Broca&apos;s (N = 11), or conduction (N = 10) aphasia using /sup 18/F-2-fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose with positron emission tomography. The three aphasic syndromes differed in the degree of left-to-right frontal metabolic asymmetry, with Broca&apos;s aphasia showing severe asymmetry and Wernicke&apos;s aphasia mild-to-moderate metabolic asymmetry, while patients with conduction aphasia were metabolically symmetric. On the other hand, the three syndromes showed the same degree of metabolic decline in the left temporal region. The parietal region appeared to separate conduction aphasia from both Broca&apos;s and Wernicke&apos;s aphasias. Common aphasic features in the three syndromes appear to be due to common changes in the temporal region, while unique features were associated with frontal and parietal metabolic differences.

  15. Exercise &apos;&apos;contact point for persons from the neighborhood of a nuclear power station after a severe accident&apos;&apos;; Uebung &apos;&apos;Kontaktstelle fuer Personen aus der Umgebung eines Kernkraftwerkes nach einem schweren Unfall&apos;&apos;

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Stuerm, R.P. [SafPro AG, Ausbildung und Beratung in Strahlenschutz, Basel (Switzerland); Schubiger, V.; Voegtli, M. [Abt. Militaer und Bevoelkerungsschutz des Kantons Aargau (Switzerland)


    After a severe nuclear power station accident with release of radioactivity, some few persons in the neighbourhood of the station may accumulate a dose of more than 1 Sv. A lot of other people may be in doubt, whether they have received a radiation dose. Hospitals and practitioners may break down under the run on them by terrified persons, who have no or only small doses. In order to prevent this, &apos;assembly centers&apos; should be run at the outer limit of the irradiated area. About 1&apos;000 persons per day from the INNER, MIDDEL and OUTER irradiated regions should be informed and psychologically attended. A concept for such a &apos;assembly center&apos; has been elaborated by members of the National Commission for AC-Protection, the Office for Protection of the Population, the National Alarm Center, the Swiss Inspectorate for the Safety of Nuclear Power Stations as well as public health officers. The concept has been tested in an exercise with 185 persons. (orig.) [German] Wenn bei einem schweren KKW-Unfall mit Austritt von Radioaktivitaet die alarmierte Bevoelkerung die angeordneten Schutzmassnahmen nicht ergreifen wuerde, koennten in der allernaechsten Umgebung des KKW einige wenige Personen Strahlendosen von mehr als 1 Sv akkumulieren und in der weiteren Umgebung viele Personen mittlere und kleine Dosen erhalten. Um eine moegliche Strahlendosis bei diesen Personen (aber auch bei solchen, die im Zweifel sind) zu ermitteln, sollen am Rande der betroffenen Region Informationsstellen mit orts- und ereignisbezogener (individueller) Personenbeurteilung sowie psychologischer Betreuung errichtet werden; denn die Einrichtungen des oeffentlichen Gesundheitswesens (Spitaeler) und die privaten Arztpraxen waeren nicht in der Lage, einen groesseren Ansturm von zu beratenden Personen zu bewaeltigen, die groesstenteils gar nicht gefaehrdet sein duerften. Diese sog. Kontakstellen sind keine generellen Dekontaminationsstellen, bieten keine generellen medizinische Dienste

  16. Germany-US Nuclear Theory Exchange Program for QCD Studies of Hadrons & Nuclei &apos;GAUSTEQ&apos;

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dudek, Jozef; Melnitchouk, Wally


    GAUSTEQ was a Germany-U.S. exchange program in nuclear theory whose purpose was to focus research efforts on QCD studies of hadrons and nuclei, centered around the current and future research programs of Jefferson Lab and the Gesellschaft fur Schwerionenforschung (GSI) in Germany. GAUSTEQ provided travel support for theoretical physicists at US institutions conducting collaborative research with physicists in Germany. GSI (with its Darmstadt and Helmholtz Institute Mainz braches) served as the German &apos;'hub'&apos; for visits of U.S. physicists, while Jefferson Lab served as the corresponding &apos;'hub'&apos; for visits of German physicists visiting U.S. institutions through the reciprocal GUSTEHP (German-US Theory Exchange in Hadron Physics) program. GAUSTEQ was funded by the Office of Nuclear Physics of the U.S. Department of Energy, under Contract No.DE-SC0006758 and officially managed through Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia. The program ran between 2011 and 2015.

  17. PGAA, INAA and luminescence to trace the &apos;history&apos; of &apos;The Panoramic View of Lisbon&apos;. Lisbon before the earthquake of 1755 in painted tiles (Portugal)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Prudencio, M.I.; Dias, M.I.; Burbidge, Ch.I.; Marques, Rosa; Marques, J.G.; Cardoso, G.J.O.; Trindade, M.J.; Kasztovszky, Zsolt; Maroti, Boglarka; Ruiz, Francisco


    &apos;The Panoramic View of Lisbon&apos; is a unique masterpiece of Portuguese glazed tiles which depicts the city before the earthquake of 1755. Compositional analysis was done by PGAA, INAA and XRD. The first absolute dating by luminescence was done, including a reconstruction of the history of radiation exposure of the pieces. Compositional patterns of the tiles suggest the use of carbonated clays from downtown Lisbon to manufacture the ceramic bodies at high firing temperatures (900-1100 deg C). Luminescence dating results point to the manufacture of &apos;The Panoramic View of Lisbon&apos; in the late 17th-early 18th centuries. (author)

  18. &apos;Chernobyl feeling&apos;. Psychic sequels of the ecological crisis. &apos;Tschernobyl-Gefuehl&apos;. Psychische Folgen der oekologischen Krise

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Boehm, A.; Boldt, P.R.; Faas, A.; Gross, B.; Jaeggi, E.; Legewie, H. (Technische Univ. Berlin (Germany). Inst. fuer Psychologie); Boehnke, A. (Freie Univ. Berlin (Germany). Inst. fuer Allgemeine und Vergleichende Erziehungswissenschaften)


    In scientific debate on the devastation of the environment, the predominant aspects so far have been natural-scientific and economy-scientific ones. But the ecological crisis with the Chernobyl accident as its symbol is not an incident of nature: It is man-made. It has its preconditions in social phenomena such as economy, politics, and the subjective condition of individuals. This contribution studies psychological &apos;surveying&apos; of environmental hazards, risk perception, and risk digestion by man. (DG).

  19. Incorporation of disease resistance from Lycopersicon peruvianum L. to cultivated tomatoes, 1: Breeding of new varieties &apos;'Ryugyoku'&apos; etc., having resistance to Fusarium root rot and tobacco mosaic virus inherited from L. peruvianum

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yamakawa, K.; Yasui, H.; Mochizuki, T.; Hida, K.; Komochi, S.


    Fusarium crown and root rot (FCR) resistance and Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV) resistance (Tm-2) of a wild tomato (Lycopersicon peruvianum) were incorporated into cultivated tomatoes (L. esculentum). With this material, F1 hybrid varieties &apos;Kagyoku, Ryugyoku&apos; and their parental lines &apos;Tomato parental lines No. 4, -No. 5&apos; were developed. In addition, &apos;Kagyoku, Ryugyoku&apos; possess Fusarium wild (J1), Nematode (Meloidogyne incognita) and TMV (Tm-2a) resistance introduced from the other varieties. Among the resistances introduced from L. peruvianum, TMV resistance is simply inherited and stable enough. FCR resistance is basically monogenic, but the strong influence of the genetic background hinders the development of FCR resistant varieties with high quality and yield. Whereas &apos;Ryugyoku&apos; which is highly resistant to FCR has less attractive fruit characters, &apos;Kagyoku&apos; yields fruits of high quality with a comparatively low FCR resistance. In this report, the breeding process from interspecific hybridization to the development of F1 varieties and the methods of selection applied were described. Also the difficulties which arose in the process of incorporation of the resistance from the wild species were discussed

  20. Vendors woo South Africa as a potential new &apos;powerhouse&apos; for nuclear

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shepherd, John [nuclear24, London (United Kingdom)


    South Africa is a country which is increasingly seen as a potential new nuclear market that promises to give one or more of the world&apos;s major nuclear vendors an important foothold on the continent. South Africa has two pressurised water reactors operating at the Koeberg nuclear plant. The 930-megawatt (MW) first unit entered commercial operation in July 1984, followed by the second (900 MW) unit in November 1985. These are the only commercial nuclear power plants on the continent of Africa. South Africa&apos;s updated draft integrated resources plan (IRP) for electricity for 2010-30, for which a public consultation period ended in February of this year, included revised projections. that suggested no new nuclear baseload capacity would be needed &apos;until after 2025&apos;. A capacity &apos;at least 6,600 MW less&apos; is required in terms of reliable overall generating capacity in 2030. However great South Africa&apos;s demand for a clean, affordable and reliable supply of nuclear-generated electricity, coupled with the economic benefits such developments will bring, investors also understand the potential for nuclear growth in this part of the world. (orig.)

  1. The challenge of greenhouse gas emissions. The &apos;why&apos; and &apos;how&apos; of accounting and reporting for GHG emissions. An industry guide

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The New Zealand Business Council for Sustainable Development (NZBCSD) established in May 1999, is a coalition of leading businesses united by a shared commitment to sustainable development via the three pillars of economic growth, environmental protection and social progress. This guide is the second phase of NZBCSD&apos;s climate change project. It describes 32 potential business opportunities that the six participating companies have identified within their operations. These opportunities range from the provision of knowledge and services, to &apos;climate friendly&apos; branding to investment in emissions reduction projects at home and in developing countries.

  2. Evolution of heavy ions (He{sup 2+}, H{sup +}) radiolytic yield of molecular hydrogen vs. &apos;'Track-Segment'&apos; LET values

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Crumiere, Francis; Vandenborre, Johan; Blain, Guillaume; Fattahi, Massoud [Nantes Univ., CNRS/IN2P3 (France). SUBATECH Unite Mixte de Recherche 6457; Haddad, Ferid [Nantes Univ., CNRS/IN2P3 (France). SUBATECH Unite Mixte de Recherche 6457; Cyclotron Arronax, Saint Herblain (France)


    Ionizing radiation&apos;s effects onto water molecules lead to the ionization and/or the excitation of them. Then, these phenomena are followed by the formation of radicals and molecular products. The linear energy transfer (LET), which defines the energy deposition density along the radiation length, is different according to the nature of ionizing particles. Thus, the values of radiolytic yields, defined as the number of radical and molecular products formed or consumed by unit of deposited energy, evolve according to this parameter. This work consists in following the evolution of radiolytic yield of molecular hydrogen and ferric ions according to the &apos;'Track-Segment'&apos; LET of ionizing particles (protons, helions). Concerning G(Fe{sup 3+}) values, it seems that the energy deposited into the Bragg peak does not play the main role for the Fe{sup 3+} radiolytic formation, whereas for the G(H{sub 2}) it is the case with a component around 40% of the Bragg peak in the dihydrogen production. Therefore, as main results of this work, for high energetic Helion and Proton beams, the G(Fe{sup 3+}) values, which can be used for further dosimetry studies for example during the α radiolysis experiments, and the primary g(H{sub 2}) values for the Track-Segment LET, which can be used to determine the dihydrogen production by α-emitters, are published.

  3. Economic-financial analysis of &apos;Angra 3 Nuclear Power Plant&apos; project; Analise economico-financeira do empreendimento &apos;Usina Nuclear Angra 3&apos;

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Andrade, Ronaldo Barata de [ELETROBRAS Termonuclear S.A. (ELETRONUCLEAR), Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil)]. E-mail:


    This paper presents an economic-financial evaluation of &apos;Angra 3 Nuclear Power Plant&apos; project and estimates the lowest power tariff value at which power potentially made available may be commercialized and yet ensure the project a profitability level agreeable to the interests of economic agents and shareholders. According to the &apos;project evaluation&apos; practice, Angra 3 power generation was considered separately from ELETRONUCLEAR&apos;s operating plants (Angra 1 and Angra 2), thus preventing result distortions bound to occur if the economic-financial variables of the new project were analyzed associated with financial commitments and commercialization conditions resulting from the project implementation process and the generated power commercialization conditions, respectively. For this evaluation different technical and economic scenarios were devised, and the theory of Capital Asset Pricing Model for Own Capital cost and that of Weighted Average Cost of Capital were used in addition to the forecast of the Statement of Results and Free Cash flow of Shareholders throughout the power plant life, which is the estimate basis for the lowest power tariff value and the Internal Return Rate of the project. The evaluation conclusion is that Angra 3 project is technically and economically feasible and competitive as compared to the new large power generation projects planned for power supply in Brazil in the next decade, mainly in the Southeast. (author)

  4. E-Energy: The future of energy supply. Model project for an &apos;Internet of Energy&apos;; E-Energy: Die Zukunft der Energieversorgung. Modellprojekte fuer das &apos;Internet der Energie&apos;

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wedler, Michael [Baum Consult GmbH, Muenchen (Germany)


    Through 2012, the Federal Ministry of Economics will provide funds for six model projects aimed at the development of an &apos;&apos;Internet of Energy&apos;&apos;: Power supply is to be reliable, economically efficient, and environment-friendly. The current problems of global climate change, increasing energy demand and depletion of fossil fuels present great challenges which in the long run can be met only by a massive increase in renewables-based energy supply. This is a problem as the current supply structure was not designed for this. (orig.)

  5. Modeling of the Nuclear Power Plant Life cycle for &apos;Big Data&apos; Management System: A Systems Engineering Viewpoint

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ha, Bui Hoang; Khanh, Tran Quang Diep; Shakirah, Wan; Kahar, Wan Abdul; Jung, Jae Cheon [KEPCO International Nuclear Graduate School, Ulsan (Korea, Republic of)


    Together with the significant development of Internet and Web technologies, the rapid evolution of &apos;Big Data&apos; idea has been observed since it is first introduced in 1941 as an &apos;information explosion&apos;(OED). Using the &apos;3Vs&apos; model, as proposed by Gartner, &apos;Big Data&apos; can be defined as &apos;high volume, high velocity, and/or high variety information assets that require new forms of processing to enable enhanced decision making, insight discovery and process optimization.&apos; Big Data technologies and tools have been developed to address the way large quantities of data are stored, accessed and presented for manipulation or analysis. The idea also focuses on how the users can easily access and extract the &apos;useful and right&apos; data, information, or even knowledge from the &apos;Big Data&apos;.

  6. &apos;On the Uses and Disadvantages of History&apos; for Radioactive Waste Management

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Laes, Erik (Flemish Inst. for Technological Research (VITO)/Univ. of Antwerp, Div. Transition Energy and Environment, Mol (Belgium)), e-mail:; Schroeder, Jantine (Belgian Nuclear Research Centre (SCK-CEN), Society and Policy Support unit, Mol (Belgium))


    In this paper we propose a critical investigation of the founding assumptions for the legitimacy of the (internationally accepted) geological disposal option through a reading of Nietzsche&apos;s second untimely meditation &apos;On the uses and disadvantages of history for life&apos;. In particular, we propose an interpretation of some of the central concepts in this text - History, the present, discourses and attitudes towards the past, etc. - and investigates in particular the effects of the confrontation between the Nietzschean concept of &apos;active forgetting&apos; and present practices in the management of medium- and high-level long-lived radioactive waste (cat. B and C). Furthermore, we argue that this untimely meditation comes at a timely moment, i.e. at a time when modernity&apos;s way of dealing with waste could be undergoing a major transformation. The paper ends with some reflections on our nuclear inheritance and its link with nuclear power of the future (Gen IV) inspired by Nietzsche

  7. The creation of a uranium oxide industry, from the laboratory stage to a pilot plant (1961); Creation d&apos;une industrie de l&apos;oxyde d&apos;uranium du laboratoire a l&apos;usine pilote (1961)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Caillat, R.; Delange, M.; Sauteron, J. [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France).Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires; Hauser, R. [Compagnie Industrielle des Combustibles atomiques frittes (France)


    The qualities of uranium oxide, in particular its good in-pile characteristics and its resistance to corrosion by the usual heat-exchange fluids, have led to this material being chose at the present time as a nuclear fuel in many power reactors, either planned or under construction. A great effort has been made these last few years in France in studying processes for transforming powdered uranium oxide into a dense material with satisfactory behaviour in a neutron flux. The laboratories at Saclay have studied the physico-chemical features of the phenomena accompanying the calcination of uranium peroxide or ammonium uranate to give uranium trioxide, and the subsequent reduction of the latter to dioxide as well as the sintering of the powders obtained. This work has made it possible on one hand to prepare powder of known specific surface area, and on the other to show the overriding influence of this factor, all other things being equal, on the behaviour of powders during sintering in a hydrogen atmosphere. The work has led to defining two methods for sintering stoichiometric uranium oxide of high density. The technological study of the preparation of the powder and its industrial production are carried out at the plant of Le Bouchet which produces at the moment powders of known characteristics suitable for sintering in hydrogen at 1650 deg. C without prior grinding. The industrial sintering is carried out by the Compagnie industrielle des Combustibles Atomiques Frittes who has set up a pilot plant having a capacity of 25 metric tons/year, for the Commissariat l&apos;Energie Atomique and has been operating this plant since May 1958. This plant is presented by a film entitled &apos;uranium oxide&apos;. (author) [French] Les qualites de l&apos;oxyde d&apos;uranium, en particulier son bon comportement en pile et sa resistance a la corrosion par les fluides caloporteurs habituels, font choisir aujourd&apos;hui ce materiau comme combustible de nombreux reacteurs de

  8. Symbiosis of ecology, economy and architecture. Self-sufficiently working energy centre for the &apos;Bonner Bogen&apos;; Symbiose von Oekologie, Oekonomie und Architektur. Autark arbeitende Energiezentrale fuer den &apos;Bonner Bogen&apos;

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Windmeisser, Peter [KGAL GmbH und Co. KG, Gruenwald (Germany)


    Vivid urban development, high-quality architecture, resource-saving technology and the utmost comfort for the user - that was the credo of the investors, architects and engineers for the integrated planning and implementation of the &apos;'Bonn-Bogen'&apos; from the beginning. After four years of development and completion of the pilot phase, a further component is visible: the self-sustaining energy center on the basis of a groundwater geothermal energy aquifer storage.

  9. Trigeneration plants in a field test: Enhancement of control and hydraulics; KWKK-Anlagen im Feldtest. Verbesserung ihrer Regelung und Hydraulik. Projekt &apos;&apos;Praxistest und Kombiregler einer KWKK-Anlage&apos;&apos;

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Backes, Klaus; Adam, Mario; Gottschald, Jonas [Fachhochschule Duesseldorf (Germany). Arbeitsgruppe E2 - Erneuerbare Energien und Energieeffizienz; Faber, Christian; Henneboehl, Fred; Lanz, Marco; Anthrakidis, Anette [Fachhochschule Aachen, Juelich (Germany). Solar-Institut Juelich


    Space HVAC system have the potential for better performance factors than conventional systems with separate generation of electricity, heat, and cold. In most cases, however, the components are not well matched, and the control regime needs to be improved. Especially the energy consumption of the pumps and recirculation cooler should be low. For this, two German universities (FH Duesseldorf and FH Aachen) investigated three systems with miniature cogeneration units by SenerTec and PowerPlus Technologies and with absorption refrigerators by SorTech AG. Two of the systems are classic field tests on the site of a customer (flower shop and engineering consultants&apos; office), while the third is an innovative Hardware-in-the-Loop test stand &apos;'HiL'&apos; at Duesseldorf university. The HiL test stand comprises a real cogeneration unit, store and refrigerator, but the other components like recirculation cooler, building, and fan coils are replaced by simulation models in Matlab/Simulink with the tool boxes Carnot and Stateflow. Dynamic real-time simulation and real equipment are linked via the automatic HiL test stand, so the description can be similar to a real situation. Boundary conditions like building size, site, weather, usage patterns and hydraulics of heat and cold supply can be varied in the computer. This way, suggested control optimisation strategies can be tested in realistic conditions, reliable plant operation can be ensured in all states, and customer problems and critical states can be investigated individually. The field test stands, the HiL test stand and the results are presented. Concrete questions are gone into, e.g. how the operation of the individual components can be matched optimally, how energy can be saved when the cooling load of the refrigerator is reduced, and whether overtravel times or speed reduction of pumps are energetically interesting. [German] KWKK-Anlagen bieten Potential fuer bessere Gesamt-Nutzungsgrade der

  10. Final report for the Department of Energy funded cooperative agreement &apos;&apos;Electronic Research Demonstration Project&apos;&apos; [University electronic research administration demonstration project

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rodman, John


    This is the final report for the Department of Energy (DOE) funded cooperative agreement &apos;&apos;Electronic Research Demonstration Project (DE-FC02-92ER35180)&apos;&apos; for the period August 1994-July 1998. The goal of the project, referred to as NewERA, was to demonstrate the use of open standards for electronic commerce to support research administration, otherwise referred to as Electronic Research Administration (ERA). The NewERA demonstration project provided a means to test interagency standards developed within the Federal Grant Electronic Commerce Committee, a group comprised of federal granting agencies. The NewERA program was initiated by DOE. NewERA was comprised of three separate, but related, ERA activities in preaward administration, postaward administration, and secure Internet commerce. The goal of New ERA was to demonstrate an open standard implementation of ERA using electronic data interchange, e-mail and Internet transaction security between grant applicants and DOE, along with t h e other participating agencies.

  11. In vitro metabolism of 2,2&apos;,3,4&apos;,5,5&apos;,6-heptachlorobiphenyl(CB187) with liver microsomes of rats, hamsters and guinea pigs

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Koga, N.; Ohta, C.; Kanamaru, T. [Nakamura Gakuen Univ., Fukuoka (Japan); Haraguchi, K. [Daiichi Coll. of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Fukuoka (Japan); Kato, Y.; Yamada, S. [Univ. of Shizuoka, Shizuoka (Japan)


    PCB congeners possess extremely high lipophilicity and biological stability, and as a result they are not easily eliminated from the body once ingested. In particular, not only 2,4,5-trichlorosubstituted but also 6 or more chlorine-substituted PCBs such as 2,2&apos;,3&apos;,4,4&apos;,5-hexa-chlorobiphenyl (hexaCB) (CB138), 2,2&apos;,4,4&apos;,5,5&apos;-hexaCB (CB153), 2,2&apos;,3,4,4&apos;,5,5&apos;-heptachloro-biphenyl (heptaCB) (CB180) and 2,2&apos;,3,4&apos;,5,5&apos;,6-heptaCB (CB187) have been detected in blood and adipose tissues of mammals and human mother&apos;s milk at higher concentration. In addition, the 4-hydroxy (OH)-metabolite of CB187 has been reported to be present in human blood at the highest concentration of that derived from other PCB congeners. Although CB187, a tri-ortho-PCB, is one of the minor component in the commercial PCB preparations such as Clophen, Aroclor and Kanechlor, the toxic equivalency factor (TEF) which is used for dioxin-like PCB congeners including coplanar-PCBs and mono-ortho-PCBs to assess the potency of the toxicity has not been set up for di- and tri-ortho-PCB congeners. These facts indicate that 4-OH-PCB187 become more persistent and more important toxicologically than the parent CB187. However, there is little report about biotransformation in vivo or in vitro of CB187 in animals. Therefore, we examined CB187 metabolism by liver microsomes of rats, hamsters and guinea pigs.

  12. Solid-state lighting: &apos;The case&apos; 10 years after and future prospects

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Haitz, Roland [Adair Lane, Portola Valley, CA 94028 (United States); Tsao, Jeffrey Y. [Physical, Chemical and Nano Sciences Center, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque NM 87185 (United States)


    Ten years ago, a white paper titled &apos;&apos;The Case for a National Research Program on Semiconductor Lighting&apos;&apos; outlined the promise and potential of semiconductor light-emitting diodes (LEDs) for general illumination. Since then, investments in the now-renamed field of solid-state lighting (SSL) have accelerated and considerable progress has been made, not always in the directions envisioned at the time. In this paper, two of the original four authors comment on the white paper&apos;s hits and misses, while making the original white paper available archivally as supplemental online material. Finally, we make new predictions for the coming 10-20 years. (Copyright copyright 2011 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim)

  13. &apos;Femoral head necrosis&apos; in metabolic and hormonal osteopathies

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Heuck, F.H.W.; Treugut, H.


    The pathogenesis of bone necrosis is discussed with special attention and with respect to metabolic, hormonal, and vascular factors. The influence of statics and dynamics of the hip joint bones for the development of aseptic necrosis are discussed. 45 patients with &apos;&apos;idiopathic femoral head necroses&apos;&apos; were observed, including 6 cases of renal osteopathy following renal transplantation and immune suppression therapy, 14 cases of long term corticoid therapy, and 11 cases of liver diseases of different genesis. The femoral head necrosis understood as complication of an osteopathy. In our patients there were 31 males and 14 females - which means higher involvement of males. Plain radiological findings and CT-findings of changes of the femoral heat structure in different stages of the disease are described. Early diagnosis of metabolic and hormonal osteopathies is demanded for a joint keeping therapy of the beginning femoral head necrosis. 90 refs.

  14. Moving from the CDM to &apos;various approaches&apos;

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shishlov, Igor; Bellassen, Valentin


    The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) facilitated the emergence and deployment of low-cost greenhouse gas (GHG) abatement technologies such as destruction of industrial gases and capturing methane from landfills and coal mines. Some of these technologies are now ripe to &apos;graduate&apos; from the CDM into other, more mainstream, economic tools. The first such step was taken in September 2013 when the G20 leaders agreed to phase out HFCs - highly potent greenhouse gases - including HFC-23 that was the focus of 19 CDM projects. A potential HFC-23 abatement fund under the Montreal Protocol could reduce up to 1.8 Gt CO 2 e by 2020 at a cost of under US$0.2 per ton of CO 2 e, i.e. much cheaper than the price paid to CDM projects through carbon crediting. The next potential candidate technology to &apos;graduate&apos; from the CDM is the abatement of nitrous oxide (N 2 O) emissions in the chemical industry, which have already been placed on the agenda of the Montreal Protocol. (authors)

  15. Proceedings of the workshop &apos;Absorbed dose in water and air&apos;

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rapp, Benjamin; Bordy, Jean-Marc; Camacho Caldeira, Margarida Isabela; Sochor, Vladimir; Celarel, Aurelia; Cenusa, Constentin; Cenusa, Ioan; Donois, Marc; Dusciac, Dorin; Iliescu, Elena; Ostrowsky, Aime; Bercea, Sorin; Blideanu, Valentin; Bordy, Jean-Marc; Steurer, Andrea; Tiefenboeck, Wilhelm


    The project &apos;Absorbed dose in water and air&apos; (Absorb) is aimed at sharing and improving the knowledge on the design of Primary Standards (calorimeter, cavity ionization chambers, free air ionization chambers) for &apos;dose&apos; measurements in radiation therapy and diagnostic, the harmonization of calibration procedures, the determination of uncertainty and harmonization of uncertainty budgets. Within the framework of this project a workshop was organized at the LNE (Laboratoire National de metrologie et d&apos;Essais) in Paris from February, 29 to March, 2 2016. This report is the proceeding of this workshop. It includes a state of the art of two bilateral collaborations, launched to go beyond the framework of Absorb, between CEA LIST (LNE) LNHB and in one hand IFIN-HH (Romania), and in the other hand IST-LPSR-LMRI (Portugal) to build primary cavity ionization chambers for photons emitted by cobalt-60 and Cesium-137. Absorb is a Joint Research Project of the European Metrology Programme for Innovation and Research (EMPIR) which is co-funded by the European Union&apos;s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and the EMPIR Participating States

  16. Numerical Electromagnetic Models of Cube-Shaped Boxes - An Initial Investigation for Near-Field Prediction of HF Shipboard Environments (United States)


    de Armamento y Electronica 2 Comandancia de la Armada Av. Vollmer San Benardino Caracas, 1011 Venezuela 10. Director de Comunicaciones 2 Comandancia...Prof. Harry Atwater, Code 62An 1 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, CA 93943-5000 6. Capitdn de Corbeta 5 Carlos R Molina T Comandancia de la Armada Av...Vollmer San Benardino Caracas, 1011 Venezuela 7. Escuela Naval de Venezuela 2 Director Comandancia de la Armada Av. Vollmer San Benardino Caracas

  17. Improvement of Managerial Education of Junior Officers of the Venezuelan Navy. (United States)


    it is very important that the Navy has a well rounded career program to improve the management education of all officers, especially for those just...93943-5100 5. Comandancia General de la Armada de Venezuela 2 Director de Educacion de la Armada Ave. Vollmer, San Bernardino Caracas, Venezuela 1011...6. Escuela Superior de Guerra Naval 1 Direccion de Educacion de la Armada Ave. Vollmer, San Bernardino Caracas, Venezuela 1011 7. Cdr. Igor A. Campos

  18. REIMEP-22 inter-laboratory comparison. &apos;&apos;U Age Dating - determination of the production date of a uranium certified test sample&apos;&apos;

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Venchiarutti, Celia; Richter, Stephan; Jakopic, Rozle; Aregbe, Yetunde [European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC), Geel (Belgium). Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements (IRMM); Varga, Zsolt; Mayer, Klaus [European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC), Karlsruhe (Germany). Institute for Transuranium Elements (ITU)


    The REIMEP-22 inter-laboratory comparison aimed at determining the production date of a uranium certified test sample (i.e. the last chemical separation date of the material). Participants in REIMEP-22 on &apos;&apos;U Age Dating - Determination of the production date of a uranium certified test sample&apos;&apos; received one low-enriched 20 mg uranium sample for mass spectrometry measurements and/or one 50 mg uranium sample for a-spectrometry measurements, with an undisclosed value for the production date. They were asked to report the isotope amount ratios n({sup 230}Th)/n({sup 234}U) for the 20 mg uranium sample and/or the activity ratios A({sup 230}Th)/A({sup 234}U) for the 50 mg uranium sample in addition to the calculated production date of the certified test samples with its uncertainty. Reporting of the {sup 231}Pa/{sup 235}U ratio and the respective calculated production date was optional. Eleven laboratories reported results in REIMEP-22. Two of them reported results for both the 20 mg and 50 mg uranium certified test samples. The measurement capability of the participants was assessed against the independent REIMEP-22 reference value by means of z- and zeta-scores in compliance with ISO 13528:2005. Furthermore a performance assessment criterion for acceptable uncertainty was applied to evaluate the participants&apos; results. In general, the REIMEP-22 participants&apos; results were satisfactory. This confirms the analytical capabilities of laboratories to determine accurately the age of uranium materials with low amount of ingrown thorium (young certified test sample). The Joint Research Centre of the European Commission (EC-JRC) organised REIMEP-22 in parallel to the preparation and certification of a uranium reference material certified for the production date (IRMM-1000a and IRMM-1000b).

  19. Correlation of Apo B-48 and Apo B-100 with Oxidized LDL in Men with Central Obesity

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria Diah Fibriani


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Obesity has a central role in the metabolic syndrome, which raises the risk for atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASVCD. Apo B-48 and Apo B-100 are the necessary structural proteins required for the assembly and secretion of chylomicron and VLDL which have role in atherogenesis. The key initiating process in atherogenesis is the subendothelial retention of apolipoprotein B-containing lipoproteins. Oxidation of LDL is a hallmark of atherosclerosis development. The aim of this study was to asses the association between Apo B-48 and Apo B-100 with Oxidized-LDL as marker of atherosclerosis risk in central obesity. We hope that the result of this study can help to make a new strategy for the prevention and treatment of vascular disease. RESULTS: There were 68 patients aged 39.6±7.3 years, Apo B-48 concentration was 7.47±5.36 μg/mL, Apo B-100 was 117.26±25.74 mg/dL, and ox-LDL was 137.05±18.88 U/L. This study showed a significant correlation between Apo B-100 and ox-LDL (r=0.608, p<0.05 and correlation between Apo B-48 and ox-LDL (r= 0.171, p<0.05. The levels of Apo B-100 were significantly different between obese with Mets and obese without Mets individuals (p<0.05. CONCLUSIONS: This study suggested that Apo B-100 concentration increase in obese in Mets as compared with obese without Mets. Apo B-48 and Apo B-100 were correlated with Oxidized LDL, but correlation between Apo B-100 and ox-LDL more significant that Apo B-48and ox-LDL. KEYWORDS: obesity, atherogenesis, Apo B-48, Apo B-100, ox-LDL.

  20. Glyoxalase 1 overexpression does not affect atherosclerotic lesion size and severity in ApoE-/- mice with or without diabetes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hanssen, Nordin M J; Brouwers, Olaf; Gijbels, Marion J


    are higher in rupture-prone plaques. We here investigated whether overexpression of human GLO1 in ApoE(-/-) mice could reduce the development of atherosclerosis. METHODS AND RESULTS: We crossed C57BL/6 ApoE(-/-) mice with C57BL/6 GLO1 overexpressing mice (huGLO1(+/-)) to generate ApoE(-/-) (n = 16) and Apo......E(-/-) huGLO1(+/-) (n = 20) mice. To induce diabetes, we injected a subset with streptozotocin (STZ) to generate diabetic ApoE(-/-) (n = 8) and ApoE(-/-) huGLO1(+/-) (n = 13) mice. All mice were fed chow and sacrificed at 25 weeks of age. The GLO1 activity was three-fold increased in huGLO1(+/-) aorta......, but aortic root lesion size and phenotype did not differ between mice with and without huGLO1(+/-) overexpression. We detected no differences in gene expression in aortic arches, in AGE levels and cytokines, in circulating cells, and endothelial function between ApoE(-/-) mice with and without huGLO1...