
Sample records for area sebaran logam


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    Diky Hidayat


    Full Text Available Penelitian penentuan penyebaran konsentrasi logam berat Cd pada sedimen di muara sungai Way Kuala telah dilakukan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat penyebaran konsentrasi logam berat pada sedimen di muara tersebut. Konsentrasi Cd ditentukan dengan menggunakan spektrofotometer serapan atom (SSA, dengan menggunakan empat validasi metode yaitu batas deteksi, presisi, akurasi, dan linieritas. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi logam berat Cd dalam sampel sedimen di hulu, badan, dan hilir dari muara sungai Way Kuala berada dalam kisaran 20.73 ± 0.18 sampai 23.00 ± 0.81 ppm diatas kualitas standar sedimen (0.65 sampai 2.49 ppm yang telah ditetapkan oleh National Sediment Quality Survey USEPA pada tahun 2004. Validasi metode pada penentuan logam berat Cd dalam sedimen menunjukkan presisi dengan nilai simpangan baku relatif lebih kecil dari 5% (RSD <5%; akurasi 80-120%; batas deteksi dan koefisien korelasi pada logam Cd sebesar 0.01 dan 0.998.

  2. Sebaran Spasial Komunitas Lamun di Pulau Bone Batang Sulawesi Selatan

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    Dody Priosambodo


    Full Text Available Penelitian mengenai sebaran spasial komunitas lamun dilakukan di pulau Bone Batang, Sulawesi Selatan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh karakteristik habitat dan faktor lingkungan khususnya pada fauna yang hidup pada spesies lamun dan sebaran spasialnya. Data kepadatan lamun diperoleh dari 8 stasiun disekitar pulau. Komposisi spesies lamun pada kawasan terumbu karang diamati dengan metode Tarp. Melalui persamaan Bay-Curtis dan analisis n-MDS, hasil menunjukkan bahwa komposisi lamun dari stasiun yang ada pada pulau Bone Batang terdiri atas spesies yang sama dengan Indeks kesamaan lebih dari 75% kecuali pada stasiun 2 dan 3. Komposisi lamun dibagi dalam 3 kelompok. Analisis korespondensi menunjukkan bahwa sebaran spasial dari stasiun berbeda dan dipengaruhi oleh karakteristik habitat. Thalassia hemprichii mendominasi stasiun 1, 3, 7, 8 sementara Cymodea rotundata mendominasi stasiun 2, 5, 6. Spesies perintis contohnya Halodule uninervis dan Halophila ovalis mendominasi stasiun 3 dan 4. Spesies lamun terbesar Enhalus acoroides mendominasi stasiun 7 dan 8. Sebaran spasial dan komposisi spesies juga menunjukkan bahwa padang lamun di Bone Batang dalam tahap dewasa. Fauna yang hidup di padang lamun Bone Batang melimpah dan didominasi spesies liang. Dapat disimpulkan, bahwa campuran komunitas lamun dengan beragam spesies lamun dan dipengaruhi oleh karakteristik habitat dan fauna yang hidup di dalamnya.Kata kunci: Sebaran Spasial, Lamun, Asosiasi Fauna, Sulawesi Selatan

  3. Identifiksi Sebaran Litologi berdasarkan Analisis Data Resistivitas di Gunung Wungkal

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    Nurul Dzakiya


    Full Text Available Analisis data untuk mengidentifikasi sebaran litologi yang memiliki potensi bahan galian industri di Daerah Gunung Wungkal Yogyakarta dengan menggunakan metode resistivitas dan survei geologi permukaan telah dilakukan. Hasil korelasi kedua data tersebut menunjukkan sebaran litologi merupakan pelapukan intrusi batuan beku yang kemudian menghasilkan material lempung (6,0-10 m, lempung pasiran (11-30 m dan lapukan batuan diorit (30-55 m yang berada di kedalaman berbeda. Ketebalan batuan di permukaan sekitar 225-231 meter berdasarkan penampang peta geologi dengan arah sebaran dari Barat Laut hingga Tenggara. Proses pelapukan dan alterasi di daerah ini intensif (alterasi argilik dengan jenis morfologi perbukitan intrusi terdenudasi dan dataran Alluvial.


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    Lilia Pasca Riani


    Full Text Available Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan memetakan kondisi financial literacy pengrajin logam di Propinsi Jawa Timur. Adapun pendekatan penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan menerapkan studi fenomenologi. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara mendalam dengan 8 pengrajin logam. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah peneliti memperoleh 4 dimensi kondisi financial literacy pengrajin logam di Propinsi Jawa Timur, yaitu dimensi pengetahuan tentang istilah keuangan, dimensi manajemen uang, dimensi pencatatan keuanga dan sistem kerjan, serta penjelasan kondisi financial literacy pengrajin logam dari sisi pengetahuan tentang pajak.

  5. Biorsopsi Ion Logam Zink (II dalam Larutan Menggunakan Daun Kari (Murraya Koenigii

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    Bhayu Gita Bhernama


    Full Text Available Penyerapan ion logam Zn (II menggunakan daun kari (murraya koenigii telah dilakukan, Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan kadar ion logam Zn (II yang dapat diserap oleh daun kari (murraya koenigii. Kemampuan daun kari untuk menyerap ion logam Zn (II telah dievaluasi dengan variasi pH larutan, kosentrasi, ukuran partikel berat biomaterial. Kadar ion logam yang terserap diukur menggunakan spektrofotometer serapan atom (SSA. Hasil penelitian menunjukan kondisi optimum penyerapan ion logam Zn 9II menggunakan daun kari dengan pH 5 kapasitas penyerapan 0,611 mg/g, ukuran partikel 150 µm kapasitas penyerapan 0,689 mg/g, konsentrasi 50 ppm dengan kapasitas penyerapan 0,443 mg/g dan berat material 0,5 g kapasitas penyerapan 1,505 mg/g. Berdasarkan persamaan isoterm Langmuir didapatkan kapasitas penyerapan maksimum Qmax -0,127. Hasil analisis FTIR memperlihatkan adanya gugus hidroksil yang dapat mengikat ion logam Zn (II. Kata kunci : logam berat Zn (II, penyerapan, daun kari

  6. Identifiksi Sebaran Litologi berdasarkan Analisis Data Resistivitas di Gunung Wungkal


    Nurul Dzakiya; MGS. Dwiki Nugraha; Nenden L. Sidik; Trias Galena


    Analisis data untuk mengidentifikasi sebaran litologi yang memiliki potensi bahan galian industri di Daerah Gunung Wungkal Yogyakarta dengan menggunakan metode resistivitas dan survei geologi permukaan telah dilakukan. Hasil korelasi kedua data tersebut menunjukkan sebaran litologi merupakan pelapukan intrusi batuan beku yang kemudian menghasilkan material lempung (6,0-10 m), lempung pasiran (11-30 m) dan lapukan batuan diorit (30-55 m) yang berada di kedalaman berbeda. Ketebalan batuan di pe...


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    Khairul Amri


    Full Text Available Laut Sulawesi diketahui sebagai daerah penangkapan ikan yang potensial sekaligus diduga sebagai lokasi pemijahan. Berbagai jenis larva ikan pelagis maupun demersal ditemukan di perairan ini. Kelimpahan dan sebaran larva ikan di suatu perairan sangat dipengaruhi oleh kondisi oseanografi seperti temperatur, salinitas dan sejumlah parameter lainnya termasuk ketersediaan pakan. Untuk mengetahui pengaruh parameter oseanografi terhadap kelimpahan dan sebaran spasial larva ikan di Laut Sulawesi, telah dilakukan penelitian menggunakan kapal riset KR Baruna Jaya VII pada Oktober 2012. Parameter oseanografi yaitu temperatur dan salinitas diukur menggunakan iCTD dan sampling larva menggunakan bonggo net pada 18 stasiun pengukuran. Analisa hubungan kondisi oseanografi dengan sebaran larva dilakukan secara deskriptif dan pemetaan sebarannya dilakukan secara spasial. Hasil menunjukan keterkaitan sejumlah parameter oseanografi dengan kelimpahan dan sebaran spasial larva ikan. Sebaran larva famili Scombroidae dominan berada pada perairan bersalinitas tinggi karena merupakan jenis ikan oseanik. Larva ikan demersal banyak ditemukan di perairan sekitar Kep.Sangihe Talaud. Kelimpahan larva tertinggi ditemukan di perairan bagian utara dan barat lokasi penelitian dimana kelimpahan plankton tinggi ditemukan.   Celebes Sea is known as a potential fishing and spawning grounds for several pelagic fish species. Abundance and distribution of fish larvae are allegedly linked to oceanographic conditions such as temperature, salinity and others oceanographic parameters including food availablity. To see the effect of oceanographic on the abundance and spatial distribution of fish larvae in the Celebes Sea, has conducted a research in October 2012using the research vessel KR Baruna Jaya VII. The measurement of oceanographic parameters including temperature and salinity and larval sampling were done respectively by using iCTD and Bonggo net at 18 measuring stations. The

  8. Kandungan logam berat dalam sedimen di Perairan Teluk Wawobatu, Kendari, Sulawesi Tenggara

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    Full Text Available Pengamatan kandungan logam berat dalam sedimen di Perairan Teluk Wawobatu, Kendari telah dilakukan pada bulan Juni 2011. Contoh sedimen diambil dengan menggunakan gravity core pada 5 stasiun penelitian. Kandungan logam berat diukur dengan menggunakan Spektrofotometer Serapan Atom (SSA. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kandungan logam berat dalam sedimen serta memprediksi kualitas sedimen berdasarkan pendekatan analisis indeks (Indeks geoakumulasi dan Indeks Beban Pencemaran. Hasilnya menunjukkan, kandungan Pb berkisar 3,704-21,892 ppm, Cd 0,784-1,385 ppm, Cu 3,451-12,193 ppm, Zn 24,838-69,973 ppm, dan Ni 37,289-72,329 ppm. Kandungan ke lima logam tersebut masih lebih rendah dari nilai ambang batas yang ditetapkan oleh Kantor Menteri Negara Lingkungan Hidup 2010 dan baku mutu sedimen Ontario (Ontario Sediment Guideline 2008. Kandungan logam berat dalam sedimen di Stasiun 4 lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan Stasiun lainnya. Hal ini disebabkan oleh perbedaan tekstur sedimen di masing-masing stasiun. Stasiun 4 berada di muara sungai dan mempunyai sedimen dengan tekstur berupa lumpur berwarna hitam. Kandungan logam Ni lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan yang lain, hal ini menunjukkan adanya masukan sedimen dari Teluk Kendari dan Teluk Lasolo yang terbawa oleh arus, disamping yang berasal dari darat yang masuk melalui aliran sungai. Berdasarkan nilai indeks geoakumulasi (I-geo sedimen di perairan ini termasuk kategori tidak tercemar oleh Pb, Cu, Zn, dan Ni (I_geo<0, dan tercemar sedang oleh Cd (1logam berat Pb, Cd, Cu, Zn, dan Ni.



    Asmawati A; Taba, Paulina; Lion, Syarifuddin


    ABSTRAK TEKNOSAINS 2009 Telah dilakukan penelitian fioakumulasi spesies logam berat Cd,cr,dan Pb pada tanah tercemar dengan menggunakan tanaman kangkung darat (Ipomoae reptans Poir) pada variasi waktu panen dan konsentrasi masing-masing logam pada media tanaman kangkung tersebut. Hasil analisis ketiga logam dengan spektrofotometer serapan atom menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi maksimum ketiga logam ini masing-masing adalah ; 1342,01; 1067,55; dan 1627,90 mg/kg berat dengan waktu tanam 21 hari....


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    Gusti Indah hayati


    Full Text Available Abstrak- Proses pembuatan kain sasirangan menghasilkan limbah cair yang berasal dari proses pewarnaan dan pencelupan kain. Salah satu polutan yang terkandung pada limbah cair industri sasirangan adalah logam Cr. Reduksi logam Cr total limbah cair industri sasirangan dilakukan dengan proses adsorpsi menggunakan adsorben dari biji Trembesi. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh konsentrasi adsorben 1, 2, 3 dan 4% w/v terhadap proses reduksi logam Cr total industri sasirangan. Variasi konsentrasi adsorben yang digunakan sebesar 1 g/100 mL, 2 g/100 mL, 3 g/100 mL dan 4 g/100 mL limbah sasirangan dengan pengadukan selama 30 menit pada 100 rpm suhu 55oC dengan ukuran adsorben 250 mikron. Proses pirolisis berlangsung selama 5 jam dengan suhu operasi 450oC. Adsorben diaktifkan menggunakan HCl 0,1 N yang berlangsung selama 24 jam. Analisa yang dilakukan yaitu ICP (Inductively Coupled Plasma untuk mengetahui kadar logam yang masih tersisa didalam limbah setelah dilakukannya proses adsorpsi. Semakin banyak jumlah adsorben yang ditambahkan maka penurunan konsentrasi logam Cr dalam air limbah semakin besar. Hasil penelitian diperoleh penurunan konsentrasi logam Cr maksimum sebesar 82,65%. Konsentrasi logam Cr mula-mula pada limbah cair kain sasirangan sebesar 2 ppm dan penurunan konsentrasi logam Cr maksimum pada penambahan adsorben 2 g sebesar 0,347 ppm.

  11. Semen Basis Sebagai Insulator Terhadap Therma Shock Di Bawah Restorasi Logam




    Restorasi yang terbuat dari bahan logam dapat menghantarkan perubahan suhu yang berasal dari makanan dan minuman ke pulpa sehingga menyebabkan perasaan yang tidak nyaman pada pasien. Untuk menanggulangi hal ini maka diperlukan semen basis yang diletakkan di bawah restorasi logam sebagai semen insulator. Penggunaan semen basis dengan tujuan sebagai insulator terhadap perubahan suhu tergantung pada ketebalan dentin yang tersisa setelah preparasi kavitas. Penggunaan semen basis hanya diindika...

  12. SEBARAN STASIONER PADA SISTEM BONUS-MALUS SWISS SERTA MODIFIKASINYA (Stationary Distribution of Swiss Bonus-Malus System and its Modification

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    Cherry Galatia Ballangan


    Full Text Available Bonus-Malus System is a system in actuary that introduce the premium class (state partition, where the state is influenced by the number of annual claims reported by the policy holder. We could base the determination of the state on the stationary distribution that represent the number of policy holders in any state. Swiss Bonus-Malus System has 22 state. The number of state that involved in this system result in the difficulty of stationary distribution determination. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to study a method to obtain stationary distribution of Swiss Bonus-Malus System by recursive formula, with this recursive formula, the stationary distribution of Swiss Bonus-Malus System can be determined easier. Modification of this system with infinite state result in the changes of recursive formula to obtain the stationary. This changes including the determining of base value of the recursive formula. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Sistem Bonus-Malus merupakan sistem dalam aktuaria yang memperkenalkan pembagian kelas premi (state yang dipengaruhi oleh jumlah klaim yang diajukan oleh pemegang polis tiap tahunnya. Penetapan state dalam sistem ini didasarkan pada pencarian sebaran stasioner yang menyatakan banyaknya pemegang polis dalam tiap state. Sistem Bonus-Malus Swiss (BMS memiliki 22 state. Banyaknya state yang terlibat dalam sistem ini mengakibatkan sulitnya penentuan sebaran stasioner pada sistem BMS tersebut. Karena itu dalam tulisan ini dipelajari suatu metode penentuan sebaran stasioner dari sistem BMS tersebut, yaitu dengan menggunakan formula rekursif. Dengan formula rekursif ini, sebaran stasioner sistem BMS dapat ditentukan dengan mudah. Modifikasi sistem BMS untuk jumlah state yang tak hingga mengakibatkan perubahan pada formula rekursif untuk mencari sebaran stasionernya. Perubahan ini meliputi penetapan nilai awal dari formula rekursif tersebut. Kata kunci: sebaran stasioner, formula rekursif, sistem Monus-Malus Swiss.


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    Yosefina Dota T


    Full Text Available Penelitian yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui eksistensi dan sebaran nyamuk Aedes aegypti dan Aedes albopictus telah dilakukan di Kampus Universitas Hasanuddin, Kec. Tamalanrea, Makassar. Penelitian bersifat eksploratif dengan melakukan sampling terhadap lima lokasi yaitu : a Fak. Peternakan (Utara, b Fak. Hukum (Timur, c Pusat Kegiatan Penelitian/PKP (Selatan, d Workshop/Dekat Pondokan mahasiswa (Barat dan e Fak. MIPA (Tengah. Sampling nyamuk menggunakan metode ovitrap (menggunakan attraktan Eluisine Indica L. dan survei terhadap berbagai tempat penampungan air. Sampel telur dan larva nyamuk yang diperoleh disimpan dalam microtube berisi alkohol 70% kemudian diidentifikasi berdasarkan Rueda (2004. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Nyamuk Ae. aegypti dan Ae. albopictus ditemukan hidup dan berkembang biak di kampus Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar. Eksistensi dan sebaran kedua jenis nyamuk tersebut dipengaruhi oleh faktor adanya manusia/masyarakat kampus yang beraktivitas baik di dalam ruangan (indoor maupun di luar ruangan (outdoor, adanya berbagai tempat penampungan air baik buatan (bak mandi, ember maupun barang bekas (botol/kaleng bekas, tempurung kelapa, vegetasi/tanaman dan berbagai macam hewan yang berada di sekitaran kampus. Hasil penelitian dalam ruangan (indoor menunjukkan bahwa nyamuk Ae. aegypti lebih banyak ditemukan hidup di dalam ruangan gedung PKP sedangkan Ae.albopictus lebih banyak di Fak. Hukum. Hasil penelitian di luar ruangan (outdoor menunjukkan bahwa nyamuk Ae. aegypti lebih banyak ditemukan hidup di area Workshop sedangkan Ae.albopictus lebih banyak di area PKP.


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    C. Purnawan


    Full Text Available Telah dilakukan kajian tentang ikatan hidrogen inter dan intramolekuler kitosan yang dapat menyebabkan perubahan keteraturan dan tingkat kristalinitas polimer kitosan akibat masuknya ion logam Ag ke dalam polimer kitosan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa masuknya ion logam Ag ke dalam polimer kitosan dapat mempengaruhi mempengaruhi ikatan hidrogen inter dan intramolekuler sehingga menyebabkan perubahan keteraturan dan tingkat kristalinitas polimer kitosan. Kristalinitas kitosan meningkat hingga perbandingan Ag/kitosan = 0.25/100 (b/b. Setelah perbandingan Ag/kitosan lebih besar dari 0.25/100 (b/b, kristalinitas kitosan menurun.

  15. SEBARAN ASPEK KERUANGAN TIPE LONGSORAN DI DAERAH ALIRAN SUNGAI ALO PROVINSI GORONTALO (Spread of Spatial Aspect of Landslide Types at Alo Watershed in Gorontalo Province

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    Fitryane Lihawa


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Sebaran aspek keruangan tipe longsoran di DAS Alo Provinsi Gorontalo telah dikaji dan dievaluasi menggunakan bentuk Peta Sebaran Tipe Longsoran Skala 1 : 50.000. Lokasi penelitian ini meliputi seluruh wilayah DAS Alo Provinsi Gorontalo dengan luas 7.588 Ha. Penentuan sampel penelitian dilakukan secara Accidental Sampling yaitu dengan melakukan penelusuran di seluruh wilayah yang rawan longsor di DAS Alo untuk menemukan titik-titik kejadian longsoran. Dalam pengkajian tipe dan sebaran longsoran, dilakukan pengamatan dan pengukuran terhadap kejadian longsoran yang terjadi pada seluruh wilayah DAS Alo yaitu sejumlah 15 (lima belas titik kejadian longsoran.  Tipe longsoran ditentukan melalui pengukuran dan pengamatan morfometri longsoran untuk menentukan indeks klasifikasi longsoran dan hasil analisis tersebut di plot ke dalam Peta Lokasi Sebaran Tipe Longsoran Skala 1 : 50.000 untuk mengetahui sebaran keruangan dari kejadian longsoran di DAS Alo Provinsi Gorontalo. Berdasarkan analisis morfometri dan indeks klasifikasi longsoran menunjukkan bahwa tipe longsoran yang terjadi adalah rotational slide, planar slide, slide flow dan rock block slide. Kejadian longsoran yang terjadi di DAS Alo Provinsi Gorontalo tersebar pada wilayah dengan kemiringan lereng curam dan sangat curam dengan bentuk permukaan lereng cembung dan cenderung lurus. Kejadian longsoran juga terjadi pada wilayah dengan tekstur tanah lempung dan lempung berlanau, serta jenis batuan vulkanik dan batuan beku yang mengandung silika tinggi dan telah mengalami pelapukan. Berdasarkan wilayah  administrasi, kejadian longsoran tersebar di wilayah Kecamatan Tibawa, Kecamatan Pulubala dan Kecamatan Isimu Utara.    ABSTRACT Distribution of spatial aspect of landslide at ALO Watershed of Gorontalo Province has been studied by providing it through form of spread landslide maps at scale of 1 : 50.000. Research site involved all areas of ALO Watershed in Gorontalo Province as having an

  16. Pengembangan Modul Pembelajaran IPA Fisika Materi Suhu Dan Pemuaian Berbasis Potensi Lokal “Kerajinan Logam Sayangan” Untuk Siswa SMP Di Kalibaru Banyuwangi


    Yulicahyani, Tria; Prihandono, Trapsilo; Lesmono, Albertus Djoko


    Development of local potential “Kerajinan Logam Sayangan” based temperature and expansion of physics science learning module is a develop of module to conect between temperature and expansion of material with “Kerajinan Logam Sayangan”. The purposes of this research are to describe the validty local potential “Kerajinan Logam Sayangan” based temperature and expansion of physics science learning module, student' learning achievement, and student' responses. This type of research is the develop...


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    Stevano Victor Marangratu


    Full Text Available Abstrak- Telah dilakukan pemanfaatan cangkang bekicot (Achatina fulica sebagai adsorben logam berat seng (Zn. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jumlah kitosan yang didapat dari cangkang bekicot, dan mengetahui kemampuan adsorben kitosan dalam uji adsorpsi yang menggunakan sampel air yang tercemar seng (Zn. Pembuatan kitosan dari cangkang bekicot dilakukan dengan dua tahap yaitu tahap pembuatan kitosan dengan variasi ukuran kitosan 250 micron dan 355 micron. Tahap pembuatan kitosan terdiri dari pembuatan serbuk cangkang bekicot, deproteinasi, demineralisasi, depigmentasi dan deasetilasi. Tahap ke dua yaitu uji penyerapan kitosan terhadap logam berat seng (Zn dengan variasi jumlah massa kitosan yang digunakan yaitu: 1 gram, 3 gram, 6 gram dan 9 gram. Sampel tersebut diuji dengan menggunakan Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometric (AAS untuk mengetahui konsentrasi logam berat seng (Zn yang terkandung di dalamnya. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa kitosan yang didapat dari cangkang bekicot untuk ukuran 250 micron yang sebesar 95,27%, dan untuk ukuran 355 micron yaitu sebesar 96,18%. Daya serap optimum kitosan didapat pada kitosan berukuran 250 micron dengan massa kitosan 9 gram.

  18. Sebaran Populasi dan Potensi Tanaman Ganitri ( Elaeocarpus ganitrus Roxb di Jawa Tengah

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    Asep Rohandi


    Full Text Available Ganitri (Elaeocarpus ganitrus Roxb merupakan jenis tanaman multiguna yang cukup potensial untuk dikembangkan. Jenis ini sudah mulai dikenal dan dibudidayakan oleh masyarakat khususnya diwilayah Jawa Tengah. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi sebaran populasi dan mengetahui potensi tanaman ganitri meliputi informasi geografi dan kondisi ekologisnya. Metode yang dilakukan meliputi : (1 studi literatur dan komunikasi langsung dengan pihak terkait dan masyarakat, (2 survei lapangan untuk pengumpulan data penampilan dan produktifitas tegakan ganitri meliputi : lokasi, luas, tahun tanam, kerapatan tegakan, tinggi, diameter, bentuk batang, sistem penanaman, (3 pengumpulan data primer dan sekunder kondisi tempat tumbuh tanaman ganitri meliputi : letak geografis, ketinggian, curah hujan dan jenis tanah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tanaman ganitri di wilayah Jawa Tengah tersebar di hutan tanaman pada ketinggian 0-1.300 m dpl pada jenis tanah regosol, andosol, podsolik coklat, atosol dengan curah hujan 3.500-4.500 mm/tahun. Sebaran hutan tanaman ganitri tidak ditemukan di semua kabupaten, tetapi hanya terdapat di beberapa wilayah/kabupaten yang secara umum ditanam dengan beberapa tujuan yaitu terutama untuk dimanfaatkan bijinya sebagai hasil hutan bukan kayu (HHBK, selain untuk kayu pertukangan serta fungsi lindung. Sebaran hutan tanaman ganitri di Jawa Tengah ditemukan di Kabupaten Cilacap, Kebumen, Kendal, Brebes, Purworejo, Banjarnegara, Wonosobo, Banyumas, Temanggung, Semarang dan Karanganyar. Secara umum, ganitri memiliki kisaran wilayah yang cukup luas mulai dari dataran tinggi sampai dataran rendah, khususnya berada diwilayah Jawa Tengah bagian tengah dan selatan. Pengembangan tanaman ganitri untuk produksi biji dapat ditemukan di Kabupaten Cilacap,Kebumen,Purworejo, dan Banjarnegara. Katakunci: Elaeocarpus ganitrus Roxb, hutan rakyat, Jawa Tengah, sebaran populasi, potensi   Distribution and the potential growth of ganitri

  19. Logam Merkuri pada Pekerja Penambangan Emas Tanpa Izin

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    Arif Sumantri


    Full Text Available Potensi produksi pertambangan emas di Indonesia termasuk dalam kategori cukup besar dengan produksi rata-rata 113.720,4423 kg/tahun. Penggunaan merkuri pada proses pengolahan emas berpotensi menyebabkan terjadinya masalah kesehatan seperti keracunan merkuri. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis faktor risiko akumulasi merkuri pada rambut pekerja penambangan emas tanpa izin (PETI di Desa Cisarua, Nanggung, Bogor tahun 2013. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan potong lintang. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh pekerja PETI Desa Cisarua. Sampel diambil menggunakan teknik accidental sampling sebanyak 40 pekerja. Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara dan pengamatan. Pengukuran konsentrasi merkuri dalam rambut pekerja menggunakan AAS FIMS dengan Reverence Recovery Material 100%. Variabel bebas pada penelitian ini adalah umur, masa kerja, jam kerja dan konsumsi ikan dengan variabel terikatnya adalah akumulasi logam merkuri pada rambut pekerja. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata akumulasi logam merkuri dalam rambut pekerja antara 2,03 sampai 9,04 ppm atau terdapat 24 orang (60% mengalami keracunan merkuri lebih dari 2 ppm. Faktor masa kerja (nilai p = 0,000 memiliki korelasi dengan akumulasi logam merkuri pada sampel rambut pekerja yang menunjukan korelasi positif dengan kekuatan sedang (r = 0,552. Hasil analisis multivariat dijelaskan dalam model (akumulasi logam merkuri = -0,315 + 0,896*masa kerja dengan variabel Adjusted R Square masa kerja sebesar 52,6%. Indonesia has a quite large potential production of gold mining with average production 113.720,4423 kg/year. Gold mining production by mercury could cause health problems, such as mercury poisoning. The purpose of this study was to analyze the risk factor of mercury accumulation in hair samples from illegal gold mining (IGM workers in Cisarua, Nanggung, Bogor in 2013. This research was a quantitative study by cross sectional approach. The population in


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    Cindy Rianti Priadi


    Full Text Available ADSORPTION OF ZINC AND LEAD FROM CERAMIC WASTEWATER USING CLAY. Ceramic industry generates glaze wastewater and clay waste. Glaze wastewater contains heavy metal from ceramic painting process which can potentially cause severe pollution problem. Glaze wastewater from PT.X typically contains Cd (0.013 mg/L; Cu (0.033 mg/L; Pb (1.20 mg/L; and Zn (7.00 mg/L. Clay waste used as adsorbent to reduce heavy metal amount in glaze wastewater. The present study investigates in bench scale and uses batch adsorption method to determine effective  adsorbent amount and contact time in removing heavy metals in glaze wastewater in order to fulfill the discharge requirement based on regulation of Minister of Environment No.16/2008concerning effluent water standard for ceramic industries. The results showed that the effective adsorbent amount and contact time respectively are 5 g/L and 15 minutes with pH 8 and stirring speed of 150 rpm. Concentration of heavy metal adsorbed are 0,614 mg/L and 2,07 mg/L for lead (Pb and zinc (Zn with removal efficiency up to 61.0% for Pb and 9.8% for Zn.From this study clay waste could be potentially used as an adsorbent to reduce heavy metal amount in glaze wastewater. Keywords: adsorption, clay waste, heavy metals Abstrak Industri keramik menghasilkan limbah glasir dan limbah tanah liat. Limbah glasir mengandung logam berat yang berasal dari proses pewarnaan keramik dan berpotensi mencemari lingkungan. Kandungan logam berat pada limbah glasir PT.X yaitu Cd (0,013 mg/L; Cu (0,033 mg/L; Pb (1,20 mg/L; dan Zn (7,00 mg/L. Limbah tanah liat digunakan sebagai adsorben yang berguna mengurangi kadar logam berat pada limbah glasir.Penelitian ini dilakukan dalam skala laboratorium menggunakan metode batch adsorpsi untuk menentukan dosis adsorben dan waktu kontak yang efektif dalam mengolah limbah glasir agar memenuhi persyaratan Peraturan Menteri Negara Lingkungan Hidup Nomor 16 Tahun 2008 tentang baku mutu air limbah bagi usaha dan

  1. KONTAMINASI LOGAM BERAT DI SEDIMEN: STUDI KASUS PADA WADUK SAGULING JAWA BARAT (Heavy Metals Contamination in Sediment: Saguling Reservoir Case Study West Java, Indonesia

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    Yoyok Sudarso


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Waduk Saguling merupakan salah satu waduk cascade yang berlokasi di Jawa Barat, yang sekarang ini mengalami beberapa permasalahan antara lain: proses sedimentasi yangtinggi, korositas turbin, penurunan kualitas air akibat blooming alga, polusi organik, pestisida, dan logam-logam berat yang berasal dari buangan limbah domestik, industri, aktivitas gunung berapi, dan sebagainya. Logam berat di ekosistem akuatik mempunyai kecenderungan untuk berikatan dengan sedimen yang mampu bertindak sebagai sumber polusi sekunder ke kolom air. Penelitian pada tahun 2004 ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap kontaminasi logam berat Cu, Cd, dan Pb pada sedimen Waduk Saguling. Sampling dilakukan tiga kali mulai bulan Juni hingga September 2004 dengan l3 titik stasiun pengamatan. Hasil kontaminasi logam berat pada sedimen di setiap stasiun pengamatan menunjukkan adanya perbedaan yang sangat signifikan diantara masing-masing stasiun pengamatan yaitu: untuk logam Cd (F: 17,803 dan p = 0,00001, Pb (F= 154,343 dan p < 0,01, dan Cu (F:36,499, P<0,000001. Konsentrasi logam berat hasil pengamatan dibandingkan dengan guideline dari kementrian lingkungan Ontario, SEPA, ERL, ERM, PEL, SEL, dan TEL, secara umum menunjukkan bahwa kontaminasi logam Pb dan Cu yang paling berpotensi menimbulkan gangguan pada ekosistem perairan, sedangkan logam Cd masih dibawah ambang batas dari guideline tersebut diatas. Khusus untuk guideline yang berasal dari US-EPAregion Y Great lakes ke tiga logam tersebut diatas sudah masuk dalam kategori terpolusi berat dari St. Gunung Wayang hingga Stasiun Rajamandala.   ABSTRACT Saguling reservoir is one of three cascade reservoirs, which is located in West Java. Nowadays, the reservoir has some serious problems such as: high sedimentation rate, turbine corrosity, water quality depletion caused by blooming algae, organic pollution, pesticide, and heavy metals which are resulted from domestic and industrial wastes, as well as teaching from volcano


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    Tumisem Tumisem


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Penelitian tentang Analisis Kadar Logam dan Cara Mudah Mengenali Berbagai Udang yang Terakumulasi Logam dilakukan dengan: mengidentifikasi berbagai jenis udang, menganalisis kadar logam dan menganalisis secara morfologi berbagai jenis udang terkait dengan morfologi tubuhnya. Penelitian dilakukan di sepanjang Sungai Donan Cilacap dengan cara menangkap berbagai jenis udang di sepanjang sungai tersebut setiap musim. Analisis kadar logam dilakukan di Laboratorium Kimia Analitik UGM, identifikasi dan analisis morfologi udang dilakukan di Laboratorium Teknik Kimia UMP. Hasil identifikasi diperoleh enam jenis udang yaitu udang Tepus, Pletok, Jahe, Peci, Sikat, dan Wuku. Berdasarkan hasil analisis morfologi (warna tubuh menunjukkan semua jenis udang yang berasal dari lokasi sekitar tailing semen dan pertamina berwarna lebih gelap (kehitaman atau hitam kemerahan, dan yang berasal dari lokasi sungai yang memiliki tanaman bakau adalah cerah dan segar (warna lebih kelihatan bening. Hasil analisis kadar logam jenis Cd dan Pb pada semua udang tidak terdeteksi, sedangkan analisis kadar Cu terdeteksi pada udang Pletok, Wuku dan Sikat dengan kadar melebihi baku mutu kesehatan 0,1 ppm. Rata-rata kadar Cu pada udang tersebut sebesar 66,256 ppm per 1000 gram udang kering. Dari hasil analisis morfologi (bentuk tubuh dari semua jenis udang baik yang terakumulasi logam maupun tidak memiliki bentuk yang sama, sehingga tidak dapat menjadi patokan dalam mengenali udang yang tercemar logam. Berdasarkan penelitian di atas dapat disimpulkan udang yang terakumulasi bahan pencemar di atas standar keamanan pangan berwarna hijau kehitaman dan merah kehitaman, sedangkan udang yang tidak terakumulasi bahan pencemar berwarna putih segar. ABSTRACT Research on the metal content analysis and Easily Recognize for shrimps that accumulates of metal have done by identify various types of shrimps, metal content analysis, and analyzed morphologically various types of shrimp related

  3. PREDIKSI SEBARAN ASAP KEBAKARAN HUTAN/LAHAN MENGGUNAKAN WRF/CHEM (Studi Kasus: Tanggal 14 dan 20 Juni 2012, Pekanbaru-Riau

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    Eko Heriyanto


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan prediksi sebaran asap kebakaran hutan/lahan di wilayah Indonesia. Simulasi prediksi sebaran  asap (hindcast menggunakan model Weather Research and Forecasting with CHEMistry (WRF/CHEM pada kasus kebakaran hutan/lahan tanggal 14 dan 20 Juni 2012 di wilayah Pekanbaru-Riau. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan data luaran WRF resolusi 25 km dan emisi global . Hasil simulasi  konsentrasi Carbon Monoxide (CO luaran WRF/CHEM menggambarkan pola yang identik dengan hasil luaran Monitoring Atmospheric Composition and Climate (MACC-Reanalysis 1.10. Dilakukan juga analisis kualitatif terhadap hasil simulasi kedua model dengan citra satelit Aqua-Terra MODIS, NOAA-18, dan total column CO Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS dari NASA. Korelasi simulasi kedua model menunjukkan nilai yang baik antara 0.55 – 0.83. Secara umum dapat disimpulkan bahwa WRF/CHEM mampu mensimulasikan sebaran asap kebakaran hutan/lahan secara akurat. Hasil penelitian ini bisa menjadi salah satu langkah awal dalam pengembangan sistem peringatan dini sebaran asap kebakaran hutan/lahan di wilayah Indonesia.   This study aims to develop a predictive distribution of forest fire smoke/land in the territory of Indonesia. The simulation of smoke spread prediction (hindcast is using the Weather Research and Forecasting Model with CHEMistry (WRF/CHEM in the case of forest fires/land dated June 14, 2012 in Pekanbaru-Riau region. This study uses the WRF data output resolution 25 km and global emissions. Carbon Monoxide concentration simulation results (CO which is the WRF/CHEM output describes patterns that are identical to the results of Monitoring Atmospheric Composition and Climate (MACC-Reanalysis 1.1250 outcomes. a qualitative analysis of the results of the both simulation models with satellite imagery MODIS Aqua-Terra,NOAA-18 and the Total column CO Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (Airs from NASA has  been conducted as well. Both simulation models show a


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    Kusmiyati Kusmiyati


    0.994 for Cu2+ metals ion and 0.984 for the Ag+ metals ion at acidic solution, whereas 0.986 for Cu2+ metals ion and 9.69 for the Ag+ metals ion at neutral pH. Kinetic model of second order rate describe the adsorption process well at acidic and neutral conditions. At the optimum conditions, the correlation coefficient (R2 of 0.998 for Cu2+ and 0.999 for the Ag+ at acidic solution, whereas 0.993 for Cu2+ and 9.998 for the Ag+ at neutral pH were obtained.  Limbah cair industri bisa mengandung ion logam berat seperti Cu2+ dan Ag+ yang berbahaya bagi lingkungan jika dibuang tanpa melalui pengolahan dahulu. Metode yang digunakan untuk mengurangi ion logam berat dalam limbah cair sudah banyak dilakukan, salah satu diantaranya adalah adsorpsi, yaitu memisahkan komponen tertentu dari fluida ke permukaan zat padat. Adsorpsi merupakan metode yang mudah, akan tetapi kebanyakan adsorben yang digunakan harganya mahal, sehingga perlu adanya alternatif adsorben yang murah. Penelitian ini memanfaatkan karbon aktif arang batubara (KAAB sebagai adsorbennya. Arang batubara merupakan limbah hasil pembakaran batubara pada industri, yang berpotensi untuk dikembangkan menjadi adsorben, sehingga dapat mengurangi pencemaran lingkungan. Pengaktifan arang batubara dilakukan dengan merendamnya dalam peroxide kemudian dilakukan pemanasan pada suhu 500°C. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh parameter proses (konsentrasi, pH dan waktu proses terhadap persentase ion logam berat teradsorpsi dalam KAAB, mempelajari persamaan kesetimbangan adsorpsi dengan menggunakan model isoterm adsorpsi Langmuir dan Freundlich, dan menghitung konstanta kinetika adsorpsi dengan pendekatan model kinetika pseudo-first-order dan pseudo-second-order. Pelaksanaan penelitian dengan batch, yaitu mengkontakkan 10 gram KAAB dengan 400 ml limbah sintetis. Pengujian kadar ion logam berat menggunakan AAS (Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa KAAB dapat digunakan untuk

  5. Sebaran Potensi Budaya Prasejarah di Enrekang, Sulawesi Selatan

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    Bernadeta Kuswarini Wardaninggar


    Kabupaten Enrekang merupakan salah satu daerah yang terletak di bagian utara Sulawesi Selatan yang memiliki wilayah perbukitan dan pegunungan. Potensi temuan-temuan prasejarah di Enrekang diperoleh dari serangkaian kegiatan survei permukaan dengan teknik pencuplikan sampel yang menunjukkan ciri-ciri teknologi prasejarah. Temuan-temuan survei adalah lukisan cap tangan di dinding tebing karst, gua-gua dengan temuan artefak batu, tulang, tembikar dan wadah kubur dari kayu yang disebut mandu atau duni. Selain itu juga ditemukan situs megalitik di atas puncak gunung yang memiliki peninggalan seperti lumpang batu, fragmen tembikar dan susunan batu yang merupakan pembatas daerah permukiman. Secara makro, Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sebaran situs-situs prasejarah dalam rangka memahami karakter budaya Enrekang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Enrekang memiliki diversitas budaya prasejarah yang memiliki aksesibiltas dengan sumber daya alam yang sekaligus menunjang permukiman manusia masa praneolitik hingga persentuhan budaya Austronesia sekitar 3,500 tahun yang lalu dengan pemanfaatan sumber-sumber alamnya.

  6. Fitoakumulasi Ion Logam Tembaga(II) Oleh Tanaman Lidah Mertua (Sansevieria trifasciata Prain)


    Ayu Ika Pratiwi, Asmawati, Syarifuddin Liong


    Limbah Cu yang bersumber dari aktivitas industri memiliki sifat toksik bagi makhluk hidup. Pengolahan limbah Cu dapat dilakukan dengan teknik fitoremediasi yaitu teknik pembersihan lingkungan yang tercemar dengan memanfaatkan tanaman hiperakumulator dan telah dikembangkan menjadi metode yang murah dan ramah lingkungan. Pada penelitian ini digunakan tanaman lidah mertua (Sansevieria trifasciata Prain) untuk menarik ion logam berat Cu(II) dari tanah dengan variasi waktu sehingga dapat diketahui...

  7. Analisis Faktor Relationship Satisfaction Pada Kerjasama Antar UMKM Berbasis Logam di Waru, Sidoarjo

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    Ary Tri Wibowo


    Full Text Available Industri berskala mikro, kecil, dan menengah memiliki peranan yang penting di dalam perekonomian Indonesia. Jawa Timur sebagai penyumbang Produk Regional Domestik Bruto terbesar kedua pada tahun 2010 memiliki andil di dalam perkembangan Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah (UMKM di Indonesia. Salah satu industri berskala UMKM di Jawa Timur yang sedang berkembang adalah industri berbasis logam di Waru, Sidoarjo. Seiring dengan berjalannya waktu agar dapat bersaing dengan UMKM sejenis dari daerah lain dan produk impor, maka industri berbasis logam harus menguatkan kerjasama di dalam kegiatan industrinya. Untuk menguatkan kerjasama antar UMKM, maka tiap UMKM harus memperhatikan kepuasan di dalam hubungan kerjasamanya (relationship satisfaction. Hasil studi literatur dan observasi awal menunjukkan bahwa faktor benevolence, credibility, opportunism, relationship commitment, dan mutual cooperation berpengaruh terhadap relationship satisfaction. Sehingga pada penelitian ini akan dianalisis faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap relationship satisfaction pada kerjasama antar UMKM di Waru, Sidoarjo dengan menggunakan metode Structural Equation Modelling. Faktor relationship satisfaction sebagai konstruk endogen dan faktor benevolence, credibility, opportunism, relationship commitment, dan mutual cooperation sebagai konstruk endogen. Masing-masing konstruk tersebut kemudian dilakukan uji confirmatory factor analysis (CFA untuk mengetahui bahwa faktor tersebut berada pada kondisi unidimensionalitas.


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    Aries Dwi Siswanto


    Full Text Available Sebaran sedimen tersuspensi (Total Suspended Solid (TSS dapat dipelajari secara horizontal maupun vertikal. Akumulasi sedimen tersuspensi (TSS secara horizontal sangat dipengaruhi oleh arus permukaan maupun gelombang yang dibangkitkan oleh angin. Keterdapatan TSS ini diduga berpengaruh terhadap sebarannya pada profil vertical. Kedua kondisi sebaran sedimen tersuspensi (TSS berpengaruh terhadap optimalisasi penetrasi cahaya matahari di perairan. Sedimen tersuspensi (TSS menjadi salah satu factor fisika yang penting sebagai indicator kondisi perairan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sebaran Total Suspended Solid (TSS di perairan Kabupaten Bangkalan. Materi utama yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah contoh air dan data parameter lingkungan (pasang surut dan kecerahan yang diambil pada 7 stasiun pada bulan Agustus-September 2013 di Perairan Selat Madura, Kabupaten Bangkalan. Metode gravimetric (SNI-06-6989.3-2004 digunakan untuk analisa Total Suspended Solid (TSS. Data parameter lingkungan dianalisa secara deskriptif. Analisa TSS menunjukkan nilai yang berbeda pada beberapa stasiun penelitian untuk setiap minggunya. Konsentrasi TSS terendah sebesar 35 mg/L (Stasiun 3, profil permukaan, minggu pertama dan tertinggi sebesar 620 mg/L (Stasiun 4, profil dasar, minggu pertama. Secara umum, konsentrasi TSS secara vertikal (dari permukaan-dasar cenderung semakin besar, diduga dipengaruhi oleh jenis substrat dan parameter arus yang berpeluang untuk menimbulkan pengadukan di profil dasar. Kondisi lingkungan (kecerahan dan arus menunjukkan bahwa daerah dengan konsentrasi TSS yang tinggi cenderung memilki nilai kecerahan yang rendah dengan kecepatan arus yang lebih besar.Kata Kunci: kecerahan, pola arus, Total Suspended Solid (TSS DISTRIBUTION OF TOTAL SUSPENDED SOLID (TSS IN THE VERTICAL PROFILE IN THE MADURA STRAIT WATERS BANGKALAN DISTRICTABSTRACTDistribution of suspended sediment (Total Suspended Solid (TSS can be studied through

  9. LAJU PENURUNAN LOGAM BERAT PLUMBUM (PB) DAN CADMIUM (CD) OLEH EICHORNIA CRASSIPES DAN CYPERUS PAPYRUS (The Diminution Rate Of Heavy Metals, Plumbum And Cadmium By Eichornia Crassipes And Cyperus)


    Tosepu, Ramadhan


    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) menganalisis lama waktu (hari) laju penurunan logam berat plumbum dan cadmium oleh Eichornia crassipes dan Cyperus papyrus. (2) membandingkan laju penurunan logam lumbum dan cadmium oleh Eichornia crassipes dan Cyperus papyrus. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Kota Makassar dengan pemeriksaan sampel air dilakukan di Laboratotium Balai Riset Perikanan Budidaya Air Payau Maros. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis statistik dengan uji T test d...

  10. Pemberian Biochar Dari Beberapa Bahan Baku Untuk Mengurangi Pencemaran Logam Berat Cd Di Tanah


    Sinaga, Elfride


    120301076 Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan jenis bahan baku biochar yang terbaik dalam mengurangi pencemaran logam berat Cd di tanah. Penelitian dilakukan di laboratorium menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) non faktorial dengan perlakuan kontrol, 3 jenis biochar dari bahan baku yang berbeda meliputi brangkasan jagung, jerami padi dan TKKS, sebanyak 5 ulangan. Parameter yang diamati adalah pH H2O, pH KCl, Cd ekstrak DTPA. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ketiga jenis biochar...

  11. LAJU PENURUNAN LOGAM BERAT PLUMBUM (PB DAN CADMIUM (CD OLEH EICHORNIA CRASSIPES DAN CYPERUS PAPYRUS (The Diminution Rate Of Heavy Metals, Plumbum And Cadmium By Eichornia Crassipes And Cyperus

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    Ramadhan Tosepu


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1 menganalisis lama waktu (hari laju penurunan logam berat plumbum dan cadmium oleh Eichornia crassipes dan Cyperus papyrus. (2 membandingkan laju penurunan logam lumbum dan cadmium oleh Eichornia crassipes dan Cyperus papyrus. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Kota Makassar dengan pemeriksaan sampel air dilakukan di Laboratotium Balai Riset Perikanan Budidaya Air Payau Maros. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis statistik dengan uji T test dan uji Post Hoc Test. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi logam berat plumbum lebih cepat terakumulasi habis dengan menggunakan tumbuhan Eichornia crassipes dibandingkan dengan menggunakan tumbuhan Cyperus papyrus. Logam berat plumbum dan cadmium memiliki laju penurunan yang cepat oleh tumbuhan Eichornia crassipes dibandingkan dengan tumbuhan Cyperus papyrus. ABSTRACT The aim of the study was to analyze the diminution rate of heavy metals, plumbum and cadmium by Eichornia crassipes and Cyperus papyrus and to compare the rate of their decrease. The study conducted in Makassar city by examining the water sample in the Brackish Water Culture Fishery Research in Maros.  The data were analyzed statistically by employing T test and Post Hoc test. The results of the study indicate that the concentration of heavy metal, plumbum is quicker by using Eichornia crassipes plant than the Cyperus papyrus plant. The heavy metals, plumbum and cadmium have rapid rates of diminution by  Eichornia crassipes plant than the Cyperus papyrus plant.


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    AF Yusrin


    Full Text Available Penelitian mengenai pembuatan silika gel dari bahan baku abu sabut kelapa (ASK dan abu sekam padi (ASP telah dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan kandungan silikanya. Bahan baku ASK dan ASP ditambah larutan NaOH dengan pemanasan dan peleburan pada suhu 500C selama 30 menit menghasilkan larutan natrium silikat, kemudian larutan natrium silikat masing-masing diasamkan dengan HCl 3 M hingga pH 7 dan dikeringkan hingga menjadi silika gel abu sabut kelapa (SG-ASK dan silika gel abu sekam padi (SG-ASP. Hasil karakterisasi XRD menyatakan bahwa SG-ASK dan SG-ASP menghasilkan silika berbentuk amorf, sedangkan hasil analisis FT-IR menyatakan bahwa silika gel memiliki gugus fungsi Si-OH, Si-O dan Si-H. Hasil penelitian mengenai uji penyerapan ion logam Cd2+ menunjukkan bahwa penyerapan optimum ion logam Cd2+ dalam larutan oleh SG-ASK adalah pada pH 6, waktu kontak 60 menit dan konsentrasi optimum 7,45 ppm. Hasil uji penyerapan optimum ion logam Cd2+ dalam larutan oleh SG-ASP pada pH 7, waktu kontak 90 menit dan konsentrasi optimum 11,78 ppm. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan SG-ASP lebih besar dibandingkan dengan kemampuan SG-ASK dalam menurunkan kadar ion logam Cd2+ dalam larutan.Research on the manufacture of gel silica from coconut husk ash (ASK and rice husk ash (ASP has been conducted by utilizing their silica contents. ASK and ASP were added by an NaOH solution, then by heated and melted at temperature 500C for 30 minutes to produce sodium silicate solution. The solution was then acidified separately with HCl 3 M up to pH 7 and dried into silica gel of coconut husk ash (SG-ASK and silica gel of rice husk ash (SG-ASP. The result of XRD characterization showed that SG-ASK and SG-ASP both produced amorphous silica, while the result of FT-IR analysis showed that silica gel had functional groups of Si-OH, Si-O and Si-H. The research on the test adsorption of Cd2+ metal ions showed that the optimum adsorption of Cd2+ metal ions in solution by SG

  13. Sebaran nutrien, intensitas cahaya, klorofil-a dan kualitas air di Selat Badung, Bali pada Monsun Timur

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    Winona Abigail


    Full Text Available Abstract. Badung Strait generally have nutrient distribution patterns influenced by Sea-atmosphere interactions. The waters of the Lombok Strait is also branching traversed by Indonesian Throughflow (ARLINDO, which will be followed by Indonesian Throughflow variability of sea surface temperature changes. The distribution of nutrients is closely related to light intensity to produce primary productivity. The purpose of this research was conducted to determine the distribution of nutrient concentration and light intensity and chlorophyll-a in Badung Strait during Southeast Monsoon (June 2014. The variables investigated are the concentration of nitrate, phosphate, ammonia, light intensity and chlorophyll-a. The results showed the average value of the concentration of nitrate, phosphate and ammonia at 0.01106 mg/L, 0.01 mg/L and 0.13475 mg/L. The average value of the light intensity at 272.8775 W/m2 and the average value of chlorophyll-a concentration of 0.40925 mg/L. The visualitation images show that there is homogeneus pattern for the phosphate concertration and konvergen patterns for the other paramaters. It is cause of physical parameters influence when obtain the waters sample. Based on the result, it can be conclude that the waters productivity of Badung Strait, Bali is in good condition. The role of other water quality parameters such as temperature, salinity and dissolved oxygen also supports fertility waters. Keywords: nutrients; light intensity; chlorophyll-a; water quality; Badung Strait Abstrak. Perairan Selat Badung secara umum merupakan perairan yang memiliki pola sebaran nutrien yang dipengaruhi oleh interaksi Laut-Atmosfer. Perairan tersebut juga merupakan percabangan Selat Lombok yang dilalui oleh ARLINDO (Arus Lintas Indonesia, dimana variabilitas ARLINDO akan diikuti oleh perubahan suhu permukaan laut. Sebaran nutrien tersebut berkaitan erat dengan intensitas cahaya untuk menghasilkan produktivitas primer. Penelitian ini


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    Hening Widowati


    Full Text Available The heavy metal profile analysis of Cd, Cr(VI and Pb in the different location in Lampung Province and their bioaccumulation to crops has been conducted. The aims were finding out the difference of metal accumulation in the different pollutant area and determining how it happened to the vegetables surrounding, which were kangkoong and spinach. The research methods were purposive sampling in the different location in Lampung Province, namely 1 highlands, 2 paddy fields, 3 road sides and 4industrial areas. Based on the results, it is found that the highest metal concentration of Cd, Cr(VI and Pb are in the industrial area. Commonly, the value of BCFo-w (0,12-2,00 is higher than BCF¬o-s (0,01-0,18 which shows that there is low metal accumulation of Cd, Cr(VI and Pb in kangkoong and spinach. Furthermore, the BCF value of Cd and Cr(VI are higher compared to Pb.  Keywords: Logam berat, Cd, Cr(VI, Pb,bioakumulasi.

  15. Analisis Kekuatan Tangki CNG Ditinjau dengan Material Logam Lapis Komposit pada Kapal Pengangkut Compressed Natural Gas

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    Aulia Firmansah


    Full Text Available Pada penelitian ini, dilakukan analisa perbandingan pada kekuatan pressure vessel compressed natural gas. Pressure vessel yang digunakan yaitu tipe satu dan tipe tiga, tipe satu adalah tabung menggunakan material logam yaitu Carbon Steel SA 516 Grade 70 dan Aluminium Alloy T6-6061. Pada tabung tipe tiga material menggunakan Aluminium Alloy T6-6061 dengan lapisan Komposit (Carbon Fibre – Epoxy pada seluruh tabung (full wrapped. Sudut orientasi serat yang digunakan 54.73560 dan terdiri dari 4 lapis komposit yang membungkus aluminium. Variasi yang dilakukan pada tebal komposit yaitu 25% komposit, 50% komposit, dan 75% komposit. Pressure vessel mendapat perlakuan internal pressure sebesar 125 bar dan temperatur -300C. Analisa dilakukan dengan dua metode yaitu dengan perhitungan manual dan software finite element method (NASTRAN 2010. Dari hasil perhitungan tersebut tabung tipe satu dengan material logam terbukti aman karena memenuhi dari faktor keamanan yang ditentukan tetapi pressure vessel sangat berat. Pada tabung tipe tiga lamina dengan komposisi 75% komposit dan 50% komposit dinyatakan aman karena memenuhi dari kriteria tegangan maksimum. Sedangkan pada komposisi 25% komposit lamina mengalami kegagalan yang disebabkan terlalu rendahnya lapisan komposit. Dari keseluruhan hasil perhitungan dan analisa didapatkan komposisi ideal pressure vessel yaitu 75% komposit dan 25% aluminium dari tebal keseluruhan sehingga menghasilkan tegangan yang sangat kecil dan memiliki berat yang paling ringan.

  16. Analisis Sebaran Padatan Tersuspensi dan Transparansi Perairan Menggunakan Landsat 8 (Studi Kasus : Perairan Bintan, Kepulauan Riau

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    Irma'atus Sholihah


    Full Text Available Perairan Bintan memiliki sumberdaya pesisir dan laut yang sangat potensial untuk wisata bahari dan kehidupan biota laut. Akan tetapi, adanya kegiatan manusia seperti penambangan, pembuangan limbah rumah tangga akan memberikan dampak negatif terhadap penurunan kualitas perairan dan sumber daya pesisir. Faktor utama yang mempengaruhi kualitas perairan pada badan air pada setiap bentang lahan adalah padatan tersuspensi dan transparansi. Analisis padatan tersuspensi dan transparansi menggunakan metode penginderaan jauh dengan didukung data in situ. Data in situ digunakan untuk melakukan validasi data estimasi citra menggunakan NMAE. Pada penelitian ini konsentrasi TSS yang dihasilkan memiliki rentang nilai antara 0-45 mg/l. Sedangkan sebaran nilai transparansinya memiliki rentang nilai antara 3-6 meter. Kondisi TSS dan transparansi tersebut masih berada pada batas yang ditentukan dalam Keputusan Menteri Negara Lingkungan Hidup No 51 Tahun 2004.


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    Agung Pambudiono


    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menghasilkan buku ajar berbasis penelitian tentang bioremidiasi logam berat. Penelitian ini mengadaptasi model pengembangan Dick & Carey. Kelayakan buku ajar didasarkan pada hasil uji coba produk oleh tim ahli dan kelompok kecil. Jenis data yang dikumpulkan adalah data kuantitatif dan data kualitatif. Data yang telah terkumpul dianalisis secara deskriptif kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Hasil validasi yang dilakukan oleh ahli materi memberikan nilai persentase kevalidan buku ajar sebesar 91.6%, penilaian dari ahli media sebesar 90.81%. sedangkan penilaian kelompok kecil sebesar 85.56%. Berdasarkan hasil validasi maka buku ajar yang dikembangkan dikategorikan sangat valid dan layak untuk dipergunakan.


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    Ulung Jantama Wisha


    Full Text Available Pulau Simeulue Cut merupakan kawasan Konservasi yang nantinya akan diarahkan untuk Daerah Perlindungan Laut (DPL dan Taman Wisata Bahari (TWB, sehingga diperlukan Managemen Plan Kawasan Konservasi Laut Daerah. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui sebaran sedimen cross-shore di pesisir Pulau Simeulue cut berdasarkan kajian batimetri dan arus pasang surut. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode studi kasus untuk mengetahui kedalaman, pola sebaran sedimen permukaan dasar laut dan kondisi oseanografi fisika di perairan Simeuluecut secara kualitatif. Hasil pemeruman dianalisis secara spasial dengan menggunakan software Surfer 10 dan ArcGIS 10, Pengukuran arus dan pasang surut dengan menggunakan alat ADCP dan simulasi numerik hidrodinamika dengan menggunakan software MIKE 21 dan pengolahan data pasang surut dengan metode admiralty. Kedalaman perairan berkisar antara 0 - 26 meter dan kelerengan berkisar antara 10% - 15%, sedimen permukaan dasar diperoleh tiga satuan sedimen yaitu pasir kasar, satuan pasir sedang dan satuan pasir halus lanauan (silty sand, verifikasi hasil permodelan didapatkan RMSE sebesar 11,7 %. Kecepatan arus berkisar antara 0 - 0,02 m.s-1pada saat surut menuju pasang dan berkisar antara 0-0,006 m.s-1 pada saat pasang menuju surut, untuk kecepatan arus longshore berkisar antara 0,006 - 0,027 m.s-1 pada kondisi surut menuju pasang dan berkisar antara 0,001 - 0,006 m.s-1 pada kondisi pasang menuju surut, hasil pasang surut didapatkan nilai MSL sebesar 12,53 meter dan tidal range sebesar 2,2 meter, Kondisi oseanografi mempengaruhi distribusi sedimen cross-shore di bibir pantai dan secara langsung mempengaruhi kondisi batimetri di perairan Simeuluecut.Kata Kunci: Batimetri, hidrodinamika, sedimen, Simeuluecut, spatial analisis DISTRIBUTION PATTERNS OF BOTTOM SEDIMENT BASED FROM MORPHOLOGICAL AND HYDRO-OCEANOGRAPHY CHARACTERISTICS USING INTERPOLATION AND NUMERICAL SIMULATION MODEL IN SIMEULUECUT ISLAND NORTHERN


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    Sri Kuntjoro


    Full Text Available Telah dilakukan analisis sebaran radionuklida pada reaktor daya Atomic Energy Agency (AEC 3568 MWTh, setara dengan 1000 Mwe untuk kondisi operasi normal. Analisis dilakukan untuk dua reaktor yang terpisah sejauh 500 m dan sudut 90o satu dengan yang lain. Langkah awal dalam melakukan analisis adalah menentukan suku sumber reaktor menggunakan program komputer ORIGEN2 dan EMERALD NORMAL. ORIGEN2 digunakan untuk menentukan inventori radionuklida yang terdapat di reaktor. Selanjutnya dengan dengan menggunakan program EMERALD NORMAL dihitung suku sumber yang sampai ke cerobong reaktor. Untuk menganalisis dosis yang diterima penduduk dilakukan dengan menggunakan program PC-CREAM. Perhitungan dilakukan untuk satu dan dua PLTN di calon tapak PLTN. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah sebaran radionuklida terbesar untuk satu PLTN pada jarak 1 km dan kearah zona 9 (191,25o dan untuk dua PLTN pada jarak 1 km dan kearah zona 10 (213,75o. Radionuklida yang sampai ke penduduk melalui dua alur yaitu alur makanan dan hirupan. Untuk alur makanan berasal dari radionuklida I-131, dan terbesar melalui alur produk susu sebesar 53,40 % untuk satu maupun dua PLTN . Untuk alur hirupan ranionuklida pemberi kontribusi paparan terbesar berasal dari Kr-85m sebesar 53,80 %. Dosis total terbesar yang diterima penduduk terdapat pada jarak 1 Km untuk bayi yaitu sebesar 4,10 μSi dan 11,26 μSi untuk satu dan dua PLTN. Hasil ini sangat kecil dibandingkan dengan batas dosis yang diijinkan oleh badan pengawas (BAPETEN untuk penduduk yaitu sebesar 1 mSi. Kata Kunci : Reaktor daya, komputer code, radionuklida, alur makanan, hirupan   Analysis for radionuclide dispersion for the Atomic Energy Agency (AEC 3568 MWth Power Reactor, equal to the 1000 MWe at normal condition has been done. Analysis was done for two piles that is separated by 500 m distance and angle of 90o one to other. Initial pace in doing the analysis is to determine reactors source term using ORIGEN2 and EMERALD NORMAL


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    Widjajani Widjajani


    industri kecil yang berhasil di klaster Industri Kecil Tradisional Logam Kiara Condong. Paradigma penelitian yang digunakan adalah interpretatif-induktif-kualitatif dengan penggabungan antara soft systems methodology (SSM dan grounded theory. Hasil dari penelitian ini berupa model konseptual yang menggambarkan proses Industri Kecil Logam di Industri Kecil Tradisional Logam Kiara Condong dalam membangun keunggulan kompetitifnya. Perilaku strategis yang ditemukan pada penelitian ini terdiri dari empat model, yaitu model perilaku penentuan strategi, model perilaku pelaksanaan produksi, model perilaku pelaksanaan litbang dan inovasi, serta model perilaku pelaksanaan pemasaran. Kata kunci:industri kecil, keunggulan kompetitif, perilaku strategis, resource based view (RBV, soft systems methodology (SSM, grounded theory.


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    Ahmad Mursidi


    Full Text Available Abstract: Risk Analysis Metal Content of Hexavalent Chromium (Cr6 + and arsenic (As in drinking water. The research objective is to determine estimates of health risks from exposure to hexavalent chromium metal and arsenic in drinking water. Research conducted on Kalanganyar population that uses clean water supply wells for drinking water as many as 200 people, and the examination of samples of drinking water as many as 32 samples. Design research using cross-sectional design using the descriptive-analytic method. The results showed that the percentage of respondents who have a non-cancerous disease risk due to exposure to hexavalent chromium (RQ≥1 by 16%, while the percentage of respondents that have exceeded the risk of non-cancer diseases due to exposure to arsenic (RQ≥1 by 59%. The risk of cancer due to arsenic exposure on average the respondents amounted to 1.5 per 10,000 population. The concentration of hexavalent chromium has relation with health risk (p <0.05 with r = 0.927. Arsenic concentrations also have a relationship with a health risk (p <0.05 with r = 0.936. Abstrak : Analisis Risiko Kandungan Logam Kromium Heksavalen (Cr6+ Dan Arsen (As Dalam Air Minum. Tujuan penelitian yaitu untuk mengetahui perkiraan risiko kesehatan akibat pajanan logam kromium heksavalen dan arsen dalam air minum. Penelitian dilakukan terhadap penduduk Kalanganyar yang menggunakan sarana air bersih sumur gali sebagai sumber air minum sebanyak 200 orang, dan pemeriksaan sampel air minum sebanyak 32 sampel. Rancang penelitian menggunakan desain Cross Sectional dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif analitik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa persentase responden yang mempunyai risiko penyakit non kanker akibat pajanan kromium heksavalen (RQ≥1 sebesar 16%, sedangkan persentase responden yang telah melampaui batas risiko penyakit non kanker akibat pajanan arsen (RQ≥1 sebesar 59%. Besar risiko kanker akibat pajanan arsen rata-rata pada responden sebesar 1

  2. Koreksi dimensi vertikal oklusal dengan modifikasi restorasi mahkota logam pada kasus severe early childhood caries (Correcting occlusal vertical dimension using modified stainless steel crown restoration in severe early childhood caries case

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    Amrita Widyagarini


    melaporkan mengenai pertimbangan dan koreksi dimensi vertikal pada anak SECC. Kasus: Anak perempuan, 5 tahun, diantar ibunya ke klinik gigi anak Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia dengan keluhan semua giginya karies. Klinis, seluruh gigi sulung karies, #16, #46 belum mencapai oklusi, #26 erupsi sebagian dan beroklusi dengan #36, gigitan dalam regio anterior. Diagnosis adalah gigitan dalam regio anterior karena SECC. Tatalaksana kasus: Perawatan operatif-rehabilitatif bertujuan mengembalikan DVO guna mencegah maloklusi, antara lain dengan memodifikasi restorasi mahkota logam gigi posterior. Dilakukan koreksi gigitan dalam regio anterior dengan modifikasi restorasi mahkota logam gigi posterior. Tahap pertama, restorasi glass-ionomer cement dengan meninggikan gigitan gigi posterior. Adaptasi gigitan selama 1 minggu dan pengamatan fungsi pengunyahan serta analisa fungsional temporomandibular joint. Kedua, restorasi mahkota logam gigi molar, dengan mempertahankan tinggi gigit tahap pertama, dilanjutkan restorasi mahkota untuk gigi anterior. Simpulan: Modifikasi tinggi restorasi mahkota logam seluruh gigi molar sulung kasus SECC, dapat mengembalikan DVO, sehingga erupsi empat gigi molar satu permanen dapat mencapai oklusi sempurna, dan mencegah maloklusi dini.

  3. Kajian Sebaran Radioaktif Gamma dalam Lingkungan Airtanah di Sisi Selatan Gunungapi Merapi, Desa Wukirsari, Kecamatan Cangkringan, Kabupaten Sleman

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    Andreas R. P. Lakafi


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Penelitian ini dilakukan di Desa Wukirsari Kecamatan Cangkringan Kabupaten Sleman. Radioaktif alam adalah radioaktif yang berasal dari radiasi yang ada di bumi. Radionuklida alam penyumbang terbesar terhadap besarnya paparan gamma ke manusia adalah anak luruh Uranium-238 (U-238. Radionuklida tersebut akan sangat berbahaya bagi manusia jika mencemari airtanah yang akan digunakan manusia.  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji persebaran radioaktivitas gamma dalam airtanah bebasdi daerah penelitianakibat erupsi Gunungapi Merapi 2010 dan merumuskan upaya strategik pengelolaan lingkungan untuk menangani permasalahan potensi terkontaminasinya airtanah oleh radioaktif. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survey.Metode sistematik berdasarkan grid untuk menentukan titik sampel dan pola aliran airtanah. Untuk memperoleh data kualitas airtanah menggunakan metode purposif dengan mempertimbangkan titik sampel yang diambil harus berada pada satu jalur aliran airtanah yang ditunjukkan dalam pola aliran airtanah. Data yang diperoleh berupa data aktivitas radioaktif dan dosis efektif. Tujuan kedua dicapai dengan metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan menggunakan data sebaran dosis efektif sebagai acuan alternatif strategi pengelolaan lingkungan yang diberikan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, aktivitas radioaktif gamma U-238 pada airtanah dilokasi penelitian masih aman karena masih di bawah baku mutu berdasarkan Keputusan Kepala Badan Pengawas Tenaga Nuklir nomor: 02/Ka-BAPETEN/V-99 tentang baku tingkat radioaktivitas lingkungan yaitu 1x103 Bq/liter untuk syarat aktivitas U-238 di air. Dari hasil pengujian didapati bahwa, aktivitas U-238 rentang  yaitu 0,123±0,04 Bq/liter sampai 0,283±0,011 Bq/liter. Untuk dosis efektif didapati bahwa sebaran dosis efektif di daerah penelitian juga masih sangat rendah dan aman yaitu berada pada 4,00 µSv/tahun hingga 8,14 µSv/tahun. Dosis efektif di daerah penelitian masih jauh di bawah batas ambang yang ditentukan


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    Vita Kartikasari


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Ekosistem mangrove cenderung dapat mengakumulasi unsur-unsur logam berat yang berada dalam perairan sekitar tumbuhan mengrove. Kajian ini dilakukan di muara sungai Babon, Semarang, Jawa Tengah. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui kemampuan tumbuhan mangrove, Avicennia murina, dalam mengakumulasi unsur logam berat Cr dan Pb; mengetahui organ (akar, cabang, dan daun yang paling banyak mengakumulasi unsur logam berat dan mengetahui peran tumbuhan mangrove dalam mengurangi kandungan logam berat (Cr dan Pb yang ada di perairan muara sungai Babon. Penelitian ini dibagi menjadi dua tahap. Tahap observasi pendahuluan ditujukan untuk mengidentifikasi jenis-jenis tumbuhan yang hidup di ekosistem mangrove dan menentukan keberadaan unsur logam berat dalam organ tumbuhan mangrove. Setelah observasi pendahuluan dapat ditentukan lokasi sampling yang ada tumbuhan mangrove A. marina dan lokasi yang tidak ada tumbuhan tersebut. Penelitian utama ditujukan untuk memperoleh data primer konsentrasi Cr dan Pb dengan cara mencuplik dari organ tumbuhan (akar, cabang dan daun, sedimen dan air. Cuplikan dibawa ke laboratorium untuk dikeringkan dengan Microwave Digestion MLS-1200 MEGA dan ditentukan kadar Cr dan Pbnya. Data yang diperoleh kemudian dianalisis secara statistik Uji Non Parametric Kruskal Wallis dan Uji Two Test Kolmogorov Smimov. Hasil penelitian menampakkian Cr terakumulasi lebih banyak daripada Pb di tumbuhan mlangrove. Kecepatan faktor biokonsentrasi untuk Cr adalah 1052.66 dan Pb adalah 349.54. Tempat konsentrasi tertinggi Cr dan Pb dalam organ tumbuhan berturut-turut: akar, cabang dan dedaunan. Daun menyerap unsur Pb lebih besar daripada cabang. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi Cr dan Pb di sedimen yang perairannya ditumbuhi mangrove lebilr besar dari pada di sedimen yang perairannya tanpa ditumbuhi mangrove. Konsentrasi unsur logam berat dalam perairan yang ditumbuhi magrove.   ABSTRACT Mangrove have a tendency to accumulate

  5. Pemetaan Sebaran Dan Karakter Populasi Tanaman Buah Di Sepanjang Koridor Jalur Wisatadesa Kemiren, Tamansuruh, Dan Kampunganyar, Kabupaten Banyuwangi

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    Zakiyah Zakiyah


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peta persebaran tanaman buah, karakter populasi tanaman buah, serta persepsi masyarakat pemilik tanaman buah di sepanjang jalur wisata Desa Kemiren, Tamansuruh, dan Kampunganyar, Kabupaten Banyuwangi. Metode yang dilakukan meliputi survei pemetaan tanaman buah (mangga, rambutan, manggis, durian, jambu air dan jambu biji dengan merekam titik koordinat dari GPS untuk setiap tanaman buah. Penentuan karakter populasi tanaman buah dilakukan dengan mengamati morfologi tanaman terkait vitalitas dan periodisitas. Persepsi masyarakat dilakukan dengan wawancara dan kuisioner. Analisis data dilakukan dengan mengolah data koordinat dan data pengamatan karakter populasi tanaman buah ke dalam peta dasar melalui aplikasi GIS. Pemetaan persepsi masyarakat diperoleh dengan wawancara dan kuisioner yang dihitung dengan skala Likert kemudian dipetakan sebaran spasialnya dengan aplikasi GIS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa persebaran tanaman buah yang ada di pekarangan rumah banyak tersebar di sepanjang jalur desa wisata dengan perbandingan jumlah buah yang ditemukan di Desa Kemiren 76 pohon, Tamansuruh 53 pohon, dan Kampunganyar 40 pohon. Kondisi tanaman buah dalam keadaan tumbuh dengan baik, bertunas, berbunga dan berbuah, hal ini dikarenakan pada saat penelitian waktunya tanaman buah memasuki masa berbuah dan masa panen. Antusiasme masyarakat tinggi untuk menjadikan tanaman buah yang ada di sepanjang jalur desa wisata sebagai daya tarik wisatawan. Kata Kunci: jalur wisata, karakter populasi, pemetaan, persepsi, tanaman buah

  6. Studi Kasus; “Koreksi terhadap Pengukuran Polutan di Udara Unit Perajin Logam dan Dampaknya terhadap Kesehatan”

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    Husaini Husaini


    Full Text Available AbstractUnderstanding on the reaction of various air pollutants until today continues to grow, even it is hard to find information about the results of the reaction of various air pollutants standard. The aim of the research was to analyze and to correct of the the various air pollutants as well as to determine the health impact of blacksmith in 2014. The samples consisted of 38 blacksmith from 38 working units in Hulu Sungai Selatan of South Kalimantan. Analytical approach of the examination of air pollutants, blood samples and pulmonary functions of selected workers was applied in this study. The results showed a decrease in lung function and abnormalization workers immune response, as a result of exposure to various air pollutants. It is very difficult to determine and predict the causality of air pollution and health impact since there must be various factors contributing to the the health impact. because it is caused by pollutants singly or may be caused from the various reactions of these pollutants, for that, the correction need on the measurement and analysis of air pollutants that made so far, including its impact on the human body. The benefit of this research as a form of correction to use the Threshold Limit Value (TLV and measurement of air pollutants, including the impact of the target organ in the human body.Keywords : Measurements correction, pollutants, lung function, immune response.AbstrakPemahaman reaksi berbagai polutan di udara sampai saat ini terus berkembang, bahkan hampir tidak ditemukan informasi tentang standar hasil reaksi berbagai polutan di udara. Tujuan penelitian untuk menganalisis dan koreksi pengukuran berbagai polutan di udara serta dampaknya terhadap kesehatan perajin logam. Studi kasus dilakukan pada 38 perajin logam serta 38 unit kerjanya di Kabupaten Hulu Sungai Selatan Kalimantan Selatan tahun 2013 dengan pendekatan observational analitik beserta pengambilan contoh polutan di udara dan pengambilan sampel


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    Agus Arifin Sentosa


    Full Text Available Labi-labi (Amydacartilaginea merupakan salah satu komoditas tangkapan untuk ekspor di Sumatera Selatan. Status perlindungannya telah masuk dalam Appendix II CITES dan kategori rawan menurut IUCN. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sebaran ukuran morfologi A. cartilaginea hasil tangkapan di Sumatera Selatan. Data tangkapan labi-labi diperoleh dari catatan enumerator  selama 2013 di Kabupaten Musi Rawas, Musi Banyuasin dan Lubuklinggau. Analisis data dilakukan secara deskriptif. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa labi-labi yang tertangkap dari Musi Rawas dan Lubuklinggau memiliki ukuran morfologi yang lebih besar dibandingkan dari MusiBanyuasin. Labi-labi yang dominan tertangkap memiliki bobot 1000 kg dan total tangkapan > 200 ekor tahun-1 terdapat di Jaya Loka, Megang Sakti dan Lakitan Ulu (Kabupaten Musi Rawas serta di Sekayu, Batanghari Leko dan Babat Toman (Kabupaten Musi Banyuasin. The Asiatic softshell turtle (Amyda cartilaginea Boddaert, 1770 is one of the export commodities in South Sumatera. Its conservation status has been included in Appendix II CITES and IUCN vulnerable category. The objective of study is to determine the distribution of morphological size of A. cartilaginea caught in South Sumatera. The softshell turtle catch data was collected and recorded by enumerators during 2013 in District Musi Rawas, Musi Banyuasin and Lubuklinggau. Data were analysed descriptively. The results show that the morphological size of softshell turtle caught from Musi Rawas and Lubuklinggau were bigger than from Musi Banyuasin. The Asiatic softshell turtle catch distribution with a total catch body mass >1000 kg and total catch >200 individuals year-1 were found in Jaya Loka, Megang Sakti and Lakitan Ulu (Musi Rawas Regency and Sekayu, Batanghari Leko and Babat Toman (Musi Banyuasin Regency.

  8. Peningkatan Sifat Mekanik Kawat Anyam (Wire Mesh) Baja Melalui Proses Pelapisan Nikel


    Widagdo, Baskara Surya; Sulistyo, Sulistyo


    Teknologi pelapisan logam telah berkembang dengan pesat. Metode yang dikembangkan bervariasi. Salah satu tujuan teknologi pelapisan logam adalah untuk meningkatkan kualitas logam baik dari sifat ketahanan korosi maupun peningkatan ketahanan sifat mekanik seperti tahan aus maupun kekuatan tarik logam tersebut. Paper ini membahas tentang teknologi pelapisan logam berbentuk kawt anyam (wire mesh) menggunakan lapisan nikel. Kawat anyam dibersihkan dengan larutan HCl dan dicuci dengan air sabun ke...


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    Dewi Parawita


    Full Text Available Laut merupakan tempat bermuaranya semua sungai, baik sungai kecil maupun sungai besar. Pembuangan lumpur lapindo ke laut yang di alirkan melalui muara sungai Porong mengandung logam berat, salah satunya yaitu timbal. Konsentrasi timbal yang melebihi baku mutu akan berpengaruh pada efek negatif biota. Tujuan dari penelitian adalah mengetahui konsentrasi timbal di muara sungai Porong. Metode yang digunakan adalah observasi, pengambila sampel dilakukan tiga kali tiap minggu pada waktu pagi hari. Hasil dari penelitian ini diketahui bahwa kondisi fisika kimia perairan antara lain : konsentrasi timbal di muara sungai Porong berada jauh di ambang batas dengan nilai konsentrasi timbal yaitu berkisar antara 0-0,490 mg/l, pH berkisar antara 7,6-7,7, suhu berkisar antara 30-32 0C, salinitas berkisar antara 11,3-12,3 ‰, DO berkisar antara 4,7-5,3 mg/l, dan TSS berkisar antara 482,6-926,6 mg/l. Kata Kunci : Konsentrasi, Timbal (Pb, Muara.  HEAVY METAL CONCENTRATION ANALYSIS OF LEAD (Pb IN PORONG RIVER DELTALapindo mud disposed into the sea which is piped through Porong river estuary contain heavy metals, one of which is lead. Lead concentrations that exceeded the quality standard will have the negative effects to biota. The aim of the study was to determine the concentration of lead in the Porong river estuary. The method used is observation, the samples was taken three times per week in the morning. Results of this research showed that the physical condition of the water chemistry, among others: the concentration of lead in the Porong river estuary was above the threshold value of lead concentrations ranging from 0 to 0.490 mg / l, pH ranging from 7.6 to 7.7, the temperature ranging from 30-32 oC, salinity ranged from 11.3 to 12.3 ‰, DO ranged from 4.7 to 5.3 mg / l and TSS ranged from 482.6 to 926.6 mg / l.Keywords: Heavy metals, Concentration, Lead (Pb, Delta

  10. Penurunan Logam Timbal (Pb pada Limbah Cair TPA Piyungan Yogyakarta dengan Constructed Wetlands Menggunakan Tumbuhan Eceng Gondok (Eichornia Crassipes

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    Eko Siswoyo


    Full Text Available Salah satu permasalahan lingkungan yang ditimbulkan dari adanya lindi di TPA Piyungan yaitu pencemaran pada badan air, sungai dan air tanah. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan ini salah satunya dengan sistem Constructed Wetlands dengan menggunakan tumbuhah eceng gondok. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tingkat penurunan konsentrasi Timbal (Pb yang terdapat dalam limbah cair TPA Piyungan dengan Constructed Wetlands menggunakan tumbuhan eceng gondok dan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar kapasitas serapan tumbuhan eceng gondok terhadap kandungan Timbal (Pb dalam limbah cair TPA Piyungan.Dalam penelitian ini digunakan reaktor yang terbuat dari kayu yang dilapisi plastik dengan ukuran 0,5 m x 1,0 m. Setiap reaktor diberi media tanah 5 cm, dan diberi tumbuhan sebanyak 14 buah. Reaktor tersebut diberi perlakuan dengan konsentrasi limbah yang bervariasi (100%, 75%, 50%, 25%, dan 0%, dan waktu pengambilan sampel (0, 3, 6, 9, 12 hari. Dengan menggunakan metode SSA (Spektrofotometri Serapan Atom.Berdasarkan pengujian diperoleh bahwa penurunan logam Pb pada limbah cair TPA Piyungan hari ke- 12, yaitu sebesar 0.0501mg/L pada konsentrasi 100%, 0.0295mg/L pada konsentrasi 75%, 0.0267mg/L pada konsentrasi 50% dan 0.0041 mg/L pada konsentrasi 25%.

  11. Penerapan Three Tier-Test untuk Identifikasi Kuantitas Siswa Yang Miskonsepsi Pada Materi Magnet

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    Reny Silviani


    Full Text Available Proses pembelajaran yang bersifat informative dan hanya ditekankan pada konsep teoritik saja dapat menyebabkan siswa kurang menguasai konsep ilmiah.Faktor yang menyebabkan rendahnya penguasaan konsep siswa adalah miskonsepsi. Miskonsepsi merupakan kekeliruan dalam memahami suatu konsep materi pembelajaran yang tidak akurat, yang dapat menyebabkan ketidaksesuaian antara konsep yang dimiliki pribadi dengan konsep ilmiah. Dengan adanya miskonsepsi yang terjadi, hal ini dapat menghambat siswa untuk menerima informasi yang baru, sehingga siswa menolak untuk mengubah miskonsepsinya menjadi konsep ilmiah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi mengenai kuantitas siswa yang miskonsepsi pada materi magnet. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif dengan teknik pengambilan sampel adalah purposive sampling.Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan adalah three tier-test. Penggunaan three tier-test yaitu untuk mengidentifikasi kuantita ssiswa yang miskonsepsi. Jawaban yang telah dianalisis, selanjutnya akan dihitung dalam bentuk persentase. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 3 konsep distribusi atau sebaran miskonsepsi pada materi magnet, yaitu; 1. Semua benda berwarna perak ditarik magnet; 2. Tarikan magnet yang lebih besar pasti lebih kuat dari tarikan magnet yang kecil; 3. Semua logam dapat ditarik magnet.Miskonsepsi tertinggi terdapat pada konsep tarikan magnet yang lebih besar pasti lebih kuat dari tarikan magnet yang kecil. Diharapkan hasil dari penelitian ini dapat dijadikan referensi untuk mencari solusi dalam menurunkan kuantitas siswa yang miskonsepsik hususnya pada materi magnet.



    Sarjito Jokosisworo


    Sambungan las merupakan bagian penting dari stuktur/bangunan yang dilas, dan kunci dari logam induk yang baik adalah kemampuan las (weld ability). Kemampuan las yang baik dan kemudahan dalam fabrikasi dari suatu logam merupakan pertimbangan dalam memilih suatu logam untuk konstruksi.

  13. Rancang Bangun Alat Uji Komposisi Massa Pada Logam Paduan Berdasarkan Prinsip Gaya Angkat Fluida

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    Agus Slamet


    Full Text Available Spectro Analyser merupakan alat uji komposisi yang sangat presisi dan harganya sangat mahal, maka diperlukan alat uji komposisi yang lebih sederhana dan murah tapi dapat berfungsi sebagai alat uji komposisi logam paduan yang terdiri dua unsur saja.                 Prinsip kerja dari rancang bangun Alat Uji Komposisi Massa ini adalah berdasarkan benda terbenam atau terapung pada permukaan fluida cair maka gaya yang bekerja pada benda tersebut terjadi karena tekanan fluida cair atau disebut sebagai gaya angkat (bouyancy.,                 Pengujian ini akan mendapatkan data dari alat uji adalah volume air yang dipindahkan atau volume bahan uji dan massa bahan uji saat di dalam fluida sebagai representasi dari resultan gaya..                 Metode penelitian yang dilakukan dimulai dari perancangan dan pembuatan alat ,kemudian dilanjutkan dengan pengujian, pengambilan data dengan cara mencelupkan bahan uji ke dalam fluida pada gelas ukur. Bahan uji yang digunakan mengandung dua unsur yaitu alumunium (Al dan zink (Zn dengan komposisi massa Bahan uji A :76,35% Al ;23,65% Zn, bahan uji B : 73,42% Al ;26,58% Zn dan bahan uji C: 83,38% Al ; 16,62% Zn. Dari hasil pengukuran dihitung ketidakpastian hasil pengukuran dari alat uji.                 Hasil pengujian dan data yang diperoleh dapat diketahui bahwa Alat uji komposisi massa dapat berfungsi untuk mengukur logam dengan paduan dua unsur dengan luaran massa bahan uji sebelum maupun saat di dalam fluida (air dan volume air yang dipindahkan atau volume bahan uji. Dari ketiga bahan uji menghasilkan perbedaan nilai komposisi massa dibandingkan dengan nilai yang sudah ditentukan. Nilai perbedaan untuk bahan uji A,B dan C berturut-turut 3.31%, 5,10% dan 4,96%, sedangkan alat uji ini mempunyai ketidakpastian hasil pengukurannya sebesar 3,33%. Kata kunci : komposisi, massa,volume     The Spectro Analyzer is a very accurate and expensive test device

  14. Rancang Bangun Deteksi Jalur Pipa Terpendam Menggunakan Mobile Robot dengan Metal Detector

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    Dwi Indah Pratiwi


    Full Text Available Ketika melaksanakan pembangunan atau perbaikan sesuatu di dalam tanah diperlukan secara akurat mengetahui lokasi utilitas bawah tanah, seperti instalasi pipa logam dan kabel listrik. Sedangkan selama ini masih cenderung kurang adanya pemetaan jaringan utilitas bawah tanah yang jelas. Telah banyak kasus dan pihak yang dirugikan karena masalah ini, seperti kebocoran atau bahkan ledakan. Utilitas bawah tanah yang mengandung logam seperti pipa logam, dapat dideteksi dengan metal detector. Dalam penelitian ini, metal detector yang dibuat menggunakan prinsip beat frequency oscillator (BFO dimana prinsipnya memanfaatkan perubahan frekuensi untuk mendeteksi keberadaan logam. Mikrokontroller Arduino Uno digunakan dalam rangkaian metal detector sebagai frequency counter. Metal detector ini kemudian diaplikasikan sebagai sensor ke sebuah mobile robot. Dengan membaca data metal detector dari Arduino Uno, robot kemudian dapat bergerak mengikuti jalur pipa logam. Robot juga dilengkapi dengan sistem navigasi berdasarkan posisi GPS, sehingga posisi dan gerakan robot dapat diketahui. Pengujian dilakukan pada 3 jenis bahan logam, yaitu besi (ferromagnetik, alumunium (paramagnetik, dan seng (diamagnetik. Hasil pendeteksian paling kuat didapatkan pada bahan besi. Jarak deteksi sensor bervariasi tergantung konstruksi kumparan dan jenis benda logam yang diuji. Pada pengujian dengan pipa besi berdiameter 3 cm, sensor dapat mendeteksi maksimal pada jarak 10 cm tanpa halangan. Dalam aplikasi mobile robot, digunakan 3 sensor untuk mempermudah pendeteksian ketika ada jalur yang berkelok tajam.  

  15. Kajian Aus Pahat pada pembubutan Baja Aisi 4340 Menggunakan Pahat Karbida PVD Berlapis


    Carnegie, Dale


    120401084 Pada industri pemotongan logam, cairan pendingin banyak digunakan untuk memperoleh umur pahat yang lebih lama, tetapi cairan pendingin yang digunakan pada proses pemotongan logam mempunyai beberapa dampak negatif bagi kesehatan dan lingkungan. Oleh karena itu dilakukan permesinan kering pada penelitian ini untuk membuat proses pemotongan logam yang bersih dan aman terhadap lingkungan. Proses pembubutan dilakukan juga dengan permesinan keras untuk membubut material baja AISI 4340 ...

  16. Sebaran Disparitas Antar Daerah di Kabupaten Banyumas

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    Dede Prabowo Wiguna


    Full Text Available This study aims to examine regional disparities in Banyumas. Feature disparities such as slums and congestion being targeted research. In addition, connectivity become an integral part of this research by looking at the disparity of road infrastructure network. The results of this study indicate that by Williamson Index disparities between regions is small. However, if comparing with the dynamic economic approach of the GDP - capita looks different and Banyumas looked disparity, which is based on data obtained that the highest achievements is owned by a large part in Purwokerto area. From geography to numbers cynclomatic approach looks balanced regional development in the area of Purwokerto. The density of this area is also very high which when done observation, local slums and congestion are only found in the Purwokerto area and not in other areas within the administrative area of Banyumas. This arises from the polarization of development in the eastern part of Banyumas


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    Arief Wujdi


    Full Text Available Ikan Madidihang (Thunnus albacares Bobbaterre, 1788 merupakan salah satu komoditaspenting bagi industri perikanan di Indonesia dimana hasil tangkapannya merupakan yang tertinggi dibandingkan jenis tuna lainnya. Saat ini, kondisi stok madidihang berada dalam kondisi yang baik. Namun, untuk menjaga kelangsungan pemantaatan stok ikan tuna, diperlukan upaya pengelolaan sumber daya tuna. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui distribusi laju tangkap madidihang di Samudera Hindia Bagian Timur. Pengumpulan data dilakukan oleh pemantau ilmiah pada kapal rawai tuna komersial yang berbasis di Benoa, Pelabuhanratu dan Bungus dari Agustus 2005 sampai Desember 2013; serta program monitoring pendaratan tuna yang berbasis di Benoa tahun 2010-2013. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa laju pancing bervariasi secara bulanan dan tahunan. Rata-rata bulanan laju pancing tertinggi terjadi pada Mei (0,17 ekor/100 pancing dan terendah pada Februari (0,01 ekor/100 pancing, sedangkan rata-rata laju pancing tahunan tertinggi pada 2006 (0,11 ekor/100 pancing dan terendah pada 2011 (0,06 ekor/100 pancing. Rata-rata laju pancing tahunan cenderung mengalami penurunan sebesar 29,48%/ tahun. Ikan madidihang tertangkap oleh rawai tuna Indonesia tersebar dari 0°-34° LS dan 76°-134° BT. Sebaran spasial laju pancing tertinggi berada di sekitar Kepulauan Mentawai dan selatan Jawa Timur hingga Nusa Tenggara. Yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares Bobbaterre, 1788 is one of the important commodity for the fishing industry in Indonesia because it has the highest catches compared with other tunas. Nowadays, the yellowfin stock is currently in good condition (not overfished and not subject to overfishing. However, management measure was required to support sustainability of tuna fishery. This study aims to determine the hook rate distribution of yellowfin tuna in the Eastern Indian Ocean. Data was obtained by scientific observers on commercial tuna longline vessels

  18. Pendugaan Model Sumber Anomali Magnetik Bawah Permukaan Di Area Pertambangan Emas Rakyat Desa Paningkaban, Kecamatan Gumelar, Kabupaten Banyumas (Halaman 38 S.d. 42)


    -, Sehah; Anom Raharjo, Sukmaji; Wibowo, Okky


    Telah dilakukan survei magnetik dan pendugaan model sebaran sumber anomali magnetik bawah permukaan di kawasan pertambangan emas rakyat Desa Paningkaban, Kecamatan Gumelar, Kabupaten Banyumas. Data awal yang diperoleh dalam survei magnetik adalah kuat medan magnetik total. Setelah dilakukan beberapa koreksi dan reduksi diperoleh data anomali magnetik residual. Berdasarkan hasil pemodelan terhadap data anomali magnetik residual menggunakan perangkat lunak Mag2DC for Window pada lintasan AB, di...

  19. Pendugaan Model Sumber Anomali Magnetik Bawah Permukaan di Area Pertambangan Emas Rakyat Desa Paningkaban, Kecamatan Gumelar, Kabupaten Banyumas (Halaman 38 s.d. 42)


    -, Sehah; Anom Raharjo, Sukmaji; Wibowo, Okky


    Telah dilakukan survei magnetik dan pendugaan model sebaran sumber anomali magnetik bawah permukaan di kawasan pertambangan emas rakyat Desa Paningkaban, Kecamatan Gumelar, Kabupaten Banyumas. Data awal yang diperoleh dalam survei magnetik adalah kuat medan magnetik total. Setelah dilakukan beberapa koreksi dan reduksi diperoleh data anomali magnetik residual. Berdasarkan hasil pemodelan terhadap data anomali magnetik residual menggunakan perangkat lunak Mag2DC for Window pada lintasan AB, di...


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    Djaenudin Dhaenudin


    Full Text Available EFFECT OF ANODES TYPES ON NICKEL RECOVERY FROM SYNTHETIC ELECTROPLATING WASTE ELECTRODEPOSITION CELLS. A study concerning the recovery of nickel from electroplating wastewater artificial solution. The study was conducted with a batch system using electrodeposition cell consisting of two spaces separated by water hyacinth leaf, copper cathode plate, H2SO4 solution anolyte, catholyte solution of NiSO4 plus NaCl supporting electrolyte and anode varied. Electrodeposition performed at the direct current of 5V power for 4 hours each run. The research objective was to obtain the best anode in nickel electrodeposition process of electroplating waste artificial solution. Graphite, stainless steel type AISI 316 and the lead were used as a variation of the anode. Concentration of nickel in the catholyte at baseline 2200 mg/L. The results showed that the anode was a graphite anode with best value decreased by 72.44% nickel concentration, deposition of nickel on the cathode of 0.188 grams and specific energy values ​​of 6.1625 kWh/kg.nickel.   Telah dilakukan penelitian tentang pemulihan logam nikel dari larutan tiruan air limbah electroplating. Penelitian dilakukan dengan sistem batch menggunakan sel elektrodeposisi yang terdiri dari dua ruang yang dipisahkan dengan daun eceng gondok, katoda pelat tembaga, anolit larutan H2SO4, katolit larutan NiSO4 ditambah elektrolit pendukung larutan NaCl dan anoda divariasikan. Elektrodeposisi dilakukan pada listrik searah sebesar 5V selama 4 jam setiap tempuhan. Tujuan penelitian adalah memperoleh anoda terbaik pada proses elektrodeposisi nikel dari larutan tiruan limbah electroplating. Grafit, Stainless Steel  tipe AISI 316 dan timbal digunakan sebagai variasi jenis anoda. Konsentrasi nikel dalam katolit pada awal penelitian 2200 mg/L. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa anoda grafit merupakan anoda yang paling baik dengan nilai penurunan konsentrasi nikel sebesar 72,44%, deposisi nikel di katoda sebesar 0

  1. Karakterisasi Adsorben dari Kulit Manggis dan Kinerjanya pada Adsorpsi Logam Pb(II dan Cr(VI - (Adsorbent Characterization from Mangosteen Peel and Its Adsorption Performance on Pb(II and Cr(VI

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    Ulfa Haura


    Full Text Available The usage of biomass waste-based adsorbent for the adsorption of hazardous metal in wastewater is not only reducing waste but also lowering adsorbent price. This research aims to study the characteristics of adsorbent from mangosteen peel (Garcinia Mangostana L. and activated charcoal from mangosteen peel, also to compare the adsorption performance on metal ion Pb(II and Cr(VI. Synthetic wastewater used from a solution of Pb(NO32 and K2Cr2O7 with variations in initial concentration of 20, 40, 80, 100 and 200 mg/L. Adsorption performed at pH 5, ratio of adsorbent and waste solution 1/200 (w/v, 60 rpm, 0.5 gs nano-sized adsorbent. Characterization using SEM, FTIR and SEM-EDS showed that both adsorbents characteristics met the requirements of SNI 06-3730-1995. The highest adsorption capacity of activated carbon to adsorb Pb(II and Cr(VI were 38.543 mg/g and 36.838 mg/g while biosorbent adsorb Pb(II and Cr(VI respectively 3.98 mg/g and 36.12 mg/g.Keywords: adsorption, biosorbent, Cr(VI, mangosteen peel, Pb(IIABSTRAKPenggunaan adsorben berbasis limbah biomassa untuk adsorpsi kandungan logam berbahaya dari limbah cair industri selain dapat mengurangi limbah juga dapat menekan harga jual adsorben. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari karakteristik adsorben yang terbuat dari limbah kulit manggis (Garcinia mangostana L. dan arang aktif dari limbah kulit manggis serta membandingkan kinerja kedua jenis adsorben tersebut pada proses adsorpsi ion logam Pb(II dan Cr(VI. Limbah sintetis yang digunakan berupa ion dari Pb(II dan Cr(VI dari larutan Pb(NO32 dan K2Cr2O7 dengan variasi konsentrasi awal 20, 40, 80, 100 dan 200 mg/L. Proses adsorpsi dilakukan pada pH 5, rasio perbandingan berat adsorben dan volume larutan limbah 1:200, kecepatan pengadukan 60 rpm, adsorben berukuran nano dengan berat adsorben 0,5 g. Masing-masing adsorben dikarakterisasi menggunakan SEM untuk mengetahui sturktur morfologi, FTIR untuk mengetahui gugus fungsi dan SEM-EDS untuk


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    Isriyanti Affifah


    Full Text Available Korosi atau perkaratan logam merupakan proses oksidasi suatu logam dengan udara atau elektrolit. Udara atau elektrolit tersebut akan mengalami reduksi, sehingga proses korosi merupakan proses elektrokimia. Pada penelitian sebelumnya diketahui bahwa korosi yang disebabkan mikroorganisme pengoksidasi besi (Thiobacillus ferooxidans memiliki peranan yang cukup signifikan terhadap kerugian ekonomi bagi industri. Lapisan biofilm yang dihasilkan mikroorganisme pada permukaan logam dapat mengubah karakteristik elektrokimia permukaan logam tersebut dan dapat menginduksi terjadinya korosi. Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut, pada penelitian ini dilakukan ekstraksi Sargassum sp. dan Gracilaria sp. yang diduga efektif menginhibisi pertumbuhan mikroba pengoksidasi besi (Thibacillus ferooxidans yang biasanya terdapat di bangunan bawah laut. Hasil ekstraksi Sargassum sp. dan Gracilaria sp. menggunakan pelarut metanol-kloroform (1:1 memberikan yield terhadap berat basah sebesar 44,5% dan 36,5%. Ekstrak tersebut diuji bioaktivitasnya terhadap pertumbuhan T. ferooxidans secara kualitatif (kasat mata dan kuantitatif (metode weight-loss. Melalui kurva pertumbuhan diketahui bahwa T. ferooxidans mampu tumbuh sampai hari ke-7 dan mengalami fasa stasioner pada hari ke-8. Analisis metode weight-loss dilakukan menggunakan coupon dengan luas permukaan 3,6 cm2. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak Gracilaria sp mampu menginhibisi 29,3% lebih efektif daripada biocide komersial.

  3. Kandungan Tembaga (Cu dan Timbal (Pb pada Lamun Enhalus accoroides dari Perairan Batam, Kepulauan Riau, Indonesia

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    Ismarti Ismarti


    Full Text Available The objective of the present study was to analyze the metal content of copper and lead in Enhalus accoroides seagrass in Batam Island waters. Samples of seagrass (E. accoroides were collected from six locations along the western region of Batam Island then dried and performed with acid destruction. The measurements of Cu and Pb in the samples were conducted by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. The result showed that there was an increasing of copper and lead contaminant level on sample E accoroides during two periods in a year.  The Cu level ranged from 0.63 to 46.1 mg/kg, meanwhile, lead level ranged from  2.14 to 10.52mg/kg respectively. The highest accumulation of copper and lead were recorded on leaves, it was reached 10.81 mg/kg and 5.98mg/kg, respectively. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis kandungan logam tembaga (Cu dan timbal (Pb pada lamun Enhalus accoroides di sepanjang perairan barat Pulau Batam. Sampel lamun dikumpulkan dari enam lokasi  kemudian dikeringkan dan dilakukan destruksi dengan asam. Penentuan kadar logam tembaga dan timbal dalam sampel dilakukan dengan spektrometri serapan atom. Hasil penelitian menunjukan adanya peningkatan kadar logam Cu dan Pb pada sampel lamun E. accoroides selama 2 periode sampling dalam 1 tahun. Kadar logam Cu dan Pb pada lamun secara berturut berada pada rentang 0.63-46.1 mg/kg dan 2.14-10.52mg/kg. Akumulasi logam Cu dan Pb dalam lamun E. accoroides tertinggi pada bagian daun sebanyak 10.81 mg/kg Cu dan 5.98 mg/kg Pb.

  4. Pola Sebaran Kelompok Telur Ostrinia furnacalis Guenée (Lepidoptera: Crambidae pada Beberapa Fase Pertumbuhan Tanaman Jagung (Zea mays L.

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    Subiadi Subiadi


    Full Text Available A field study was conducted to determine the distribution of egg masses of Ostrinia furnacalis on corn leaves and within corn field. The corn field was divided into three regions: the inner edge closed to other crops and outer edge closed to main road and the middle region. The numbers of egg masses laid were recorded entirely in all corn plants existed (census method. Egg laying period lasted for 34 days, with 11 days from initiation of egg laying to the peak of oviposition and 23 days from the peak to termination of egg laying. The egg masses laid on corn leaves were distributed in aggregation pattern. During eight-opened-leaf to twelve-opened-leaf stages, there were 847 egg masses found, and 80.9% was laid on the sixth-to-ninth leaves. From tasseling to blister stages there were 491 egg masses found of which approximately 80.7% was laid on the seventh-to-11 32.8, and 29.8% of those were found in the inner edge, middle, and outer edge of corn field, respectively. leaves. Egg masses laid within corn field varied, in which 37.4, 32.8, and 29.8% of those were found in the inner edge, middle, and outer edge of corn field, respectively.   Kajian lapang dilaksanakan untuk mengetahui pola sebaran peletakan kelompok telur ngengat Ostrinia furnacalis pada daun tanaman jagung dan penyebarannya pada lahan pertanaman jagung. Lahan penelitian dibagi menjadi tiga kelompok yaitu lahan pinggir dalam berdekatan dengan pertanaman lain, bagian tengah lahan, dan lahan pinggir luar berdekatan dengan jalan raya. Pengamatan kelompok telur dilakukan pada seluruh tanaman jagung (sensus. Periode peletakan telur berlangsung selama 34 hari, dengan periode inisiasi hingga puncak 11 hari dan periode setelah puncak hingga akhir peletakan telur 23 hari. Peletakan telur O. furnacalis pada daun tanaman jagung menyebar secara berkelompok. Pada fase 8 hingga 10 daun telah terbuka sempurna ditemukan sebanyak 847 kelompok telur, 80,9% diantaranya  ditemukan pada daun ke 6–9

  5. Tembaga (Cu Menurunkan Kandungan Pigmen dan Pertumbuhan Mikroalga Merah, Porphyridium cruentum (Effect of Copper on Pigments Content and Growth of Red Microalgae, Porphyridium cruentum

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    Reza Hafiz Pranajaya


    Full Text Available Logam berat tembaga (Cu merupakan salah satu pencemar yang paling mengkhawatirkan di wilayah pesisir dan lautan. Berbagai metode telah banyak dikembangkan untuk mengatasi dan mengurangi pencemaran logam berat, baik secara fisika, kimia dan biologi. Masalah teknis dan biaya yang mahal menyebabkan manusia menggunakan cara biologis (bioremediasi. Salah satu diantaranya menggunakan mikroalga Porphyridium cruentum. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh tingkat konsentrasi logam berat Cu terhadap kandungan klorofil, pigmen fikobiliprotein dan pertumbuhan mikroalga P. cruentum. Bibit mikroalga diperoleh dari Balai Besar Pengembangan Budidaya Air Payau Situbondo. Rancangan penelitian menggunakan metode eksperimental laboratorium. Konsentrasi logam berat Cu yang digunakan adalah 0 ppm sebagai kontrol, 1, 2, 3  dan 4 ppm. Logam berat Cu dianalisa menggunakan AAS dan pigmen (klorofil dan fikobiliprotein menggunakan spektrofotometri UV-Vis.Hasil yang didapat menunjukkan bahwa logam berat Cu dengan konsentrasi yang berbeda memberikan pengaruh yang sangat nyata (P<0,01 terhadap kandungan pigmen (klorofil dan fikobiliprotein, BCF dan pengaruh nyata (P<0,05 terhadap laju pertumbuhan P. cruentum. Semakin tinggi logam berat Cu membuat laju pertumbuhan, kandungan pigmen (klorofil dan fikobiliprotein, dan BCF pada P. cruentum semakin menurun. Prosentase penyerapan logam berat Cu tertinggi sebesar  13,1 % (1 ppm, 8,2 % (2 ppm, 6,9 % (3 ppm, dan 2,6% (4 ppm. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa P. cruentum berpotensi sebagai bioremediator. Kata kunci: Porphyridium cruentum; pigmen; klorofil; fikobiliprotein; pertumbuhan; tembaga   Copper (Cu is one of heavy metals and the most pollutant at seawater ecosystem. Various methods have been developed to reduce heavy metal pollution with in physics, chemistry and biology method. Technical problems and high costs cause human use biological method (bioremediation. One of them used microalgae Porphyridium





    Kadar logam yang terlarut dalam air sumur salah satunya adalah logam Mangan (Mn). Terlarutnya kadar mangan dalam air menyebabkan warna air tersebut berubah menjadi kuning coklat setelah terjadi kontak dengan udara. Diperlukan teknologi untuk menurunkan kandungan mangan pada air sumur agar layak dikonsumsi oleh masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan (1) untuk menganalisis efektivitas media filtrasi manganese greensand dan zeolit terpadukan resin terhadap penurunan kadar Mangan (Mn) dalam air. (2...


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    Ulung Jantama Wisha


    Full Text Available ANALYSIS OF TIDAL RANGE AND ITS EFFECT ON DISTRIBUTION OF TOTAL SUSPENDED SOLID (TSS IN THE PARE BAY WATERSPare Bay conditions is closely related to the mechanism of circulation in Makasar Strait. One of the problems that occur in Pare Bay waters is increased turbidity and low dynamics of transport inside the bay, which caused silting in some parts of the bay. The aim of this study was to determine tidal range characteristics and the influence of suspended sediment distribution as analysis of the sedimentation process and siltation at Pare bay. Descriptive quantitative method was used and the survey location was based on purposive sampling method. Tidal type in Pare Bay water was mix mainly semidiurnal tides with Formzahl Value was 0.895. The value of the water level below the lowest tide (Z0 was 1036.44 cm. Mean sea level (MSL value was 1107.97 cm. The vertical datum of MHHWS and MLLWS were 1143.47 cm and 1072.47 cm. Tidal range cycle in spring condition was 102-129,56 cm bigger than cycle in neap condition ranged from 55.53-82.47 cm. TSS concentrations ranged from 0-7.0 mg/L in the surface and ranged from 0- 10.0 mg/L in 5 meters depth. At high tide down, sediment was settling and at the time of high tide, sediment mixed back.Keywords: Pare Bay, suspended solid, tidal range, tide.ABSTRAKKondisi perairan di Teluk Pare sangat berkaitan dengan mekanisme sirkulasi di Selat Makasar, Permasalahan yang terjadi di Teluk Pare salah satunya adalah tingginya tingkat kekeruhan dan rendahnya dinamika transport didalam teluk yang menyebabkan pendangkalan di beberapa bagian teluk. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui karakteristik julat pasang surut dan pengaruhnya terhadap sebaran sedimen tersuspensi sebagai analisis proses sedimentasi dan pendangkalan di perairan Teluk Pare. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kuantitatif, metode penentuan lokasi titik pengambilan sampel air yaitu metode purposive sampling. Tipe pasang surut Teluk


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    Rita Prasetyowati


    Full Text Available Peningkatan efisiensi sel surya titania terus dikembangkan. Salah satunya adalah memodifikasi titania yang berfungsi sebagai lapisan aktif. Lapisan titania dapat disisipi dengan logam Cu. Penyisipan logam Cu pada TiO2 dilakukan melalui pembuatan nanokomposit TiO2-Cu dengan metode sol-gel. Lapisan TiO2-Cu yang terbentuk dikarakterisasi dengan SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy untuk mengetahui struktur morfologi permukaan, EDX (Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy untuk mengetahui komposisi bahan. Sedangkan resistansi lapisan diukur menggunakan Jembatan Wheatstone. Berdasarkan hasil SEM dapat ditunjukkan bahwa struktur morfologi permukaan lapisan TiO2-Cu tidak berbeda secara signifikan dengan lapisan TiO2, yaitu cukup homogen dan memiliki ukuran butir (grain yang hampir sama. Tetapi dari hasil EDX diperoleh bahwa lapisan TiO2-Cu yaitu lapisan TiO2 yang disisipi logam tembaga mengandung  unsur Ti sebanyak 59,8%, unsur O sebanyak 40,02% dan unsur Cu sebanyak 0,19%. Sedangkan lapisan TiO2 saja mengandung unsur Ti sebanyak 54,25% dan unsur O sebanyak 45,75%. Penyisipan logam tembaga pada lapisan titania dapat menurunkan resistansi listrik lapisan. Nilai resistansi lapisan TiO2 adalah 7,714 kilo ohm. Sedangkan nilai resistansi lapisan TiO2-Cu adalah 6,624 kilo ohm.


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    Yusro Nuri Fawzya


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini merupakan sebagian dari rangkaian penelitian mengenai eksplorasi enzim kitinolitik dari mikroba lingkungan laut, khususnya dari limbah udang. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi isolat bakteri KPU 2123 dari limbah udang, mengkarakterisasi dan mengaplikasikan enzim kitosanase yang dihasilkan oleh bakteri tersebut untuk produksi oligomer kitosan dan menguji bioaktivitas oligomer kitosan tersebut sebagai antitumor dan antibakteri. Karakterisasi enzim dilakukan dengan menguji aktivitas enzim pada berbagai suhu dan pH. Selain itu juga ditentukan besarnya aktivitas yang tersisa setelah enzim diinkubasi pada suhu dan lama waktu tertentu. Pengaruh ion logam terhadap aktivitas enzim juga dilihat dengan mereaksikan enzim dengan 1 mM ion logam dalam bentuk larutan khlorida. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa berdasarkan analisis gen 16S-rRNA, isolat bakteri KPU 2123 memiliki kemiripan 95% dengan Stanotrophomonas maltophilia. Enzim kitosanase dari isolat ini bekerja optimal pada suhu 50 ºC dan pH 6. Enzim ini cukup stabil pada suhu 37 ºC selama 120 menit. Penambahan ion logam berpengaruh terhadap aktivitas enzim. Ion logam Zn²+ (sebagai garam klorida 1 mM menghambat 100% aktivitas enzim tersebut. Penggunaan enzim kitosanase dalam menghidrolisis substrat kitosan, menghasilkan oligomer kitosan yang mengandung tetramer, pentamer dan heksamer Oligor kitosan tersebut mampu menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri Staphylococcus aureus sebesar 10,06% dan dapat menyebabkan kematian sel HeLa dengan LC50 pada dosis 120 ppm.

  10. Adsorpsi Pb2+ dan Zn2+ pada Biomassa Imperata cylindrica

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    Noer Komari


    Full Text Available Metode alternatif untuk mengatasi pencemaran logam berat adalah biosorpsi menggunakan biomassa sebagai adsorben. Telah dilakukan penelitian kajian adsorpsi campuran Pb2+ dan Zn2+ pada biomassa Imperata cylindrica sebagai adsorben. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengetahui kemampuan biomassa mengadsorpsi Pb2+ dan Zn2+. Preparasi biomassa dilakukan dengan aktivasi menggunakan asam nitrat dan amonium hidroksida. Adsorpsi dilakukan dengan sistem batch. Parameter yang diukur adalah pH optimum, waktu kontak optimum, kapasitas adsorpsi dan recovery ion logam. Analisis kadar logam dilakukan dengan menggunakan Spektrofotometer Serapan Atom (AAS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pH optimum adsorpsi Pb2+ dan Zn2+ masing-masing pada pH 5 dan pH 6. Waktu kontak optimum adsorpsi Pb2+ dan Zn2+ masing masing pada 40 menit dan 30 pertama. Kapasitas adsorpsi Pb2+ dan Zn2+ pada konsentrasi awal 10 ppm masing-masing adalah 90,95% dan 43,60%. Recovery Pb2+ dan Zn2+ masing-masing 84,45% dan 57,13%.


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    Ahmad Yudi Eka Risano


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini dilakukan pada alat pengering biji kakao untuk proses pengeringan biji kakao milik Usaha Mandiri di Desa Wiyono, Kabupaten Pesawaran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang ulang alat pengering biji kakao tipe rotari sederhana agar proses pengeringan lebih efektif dan didapat kualitas hasil pengeringan biji kakao lebih baik. Perhitungan yang dilakukan meliputi dimensi alat pengering, termal yang terjadi pada alat pengering, dan kebutuhan bahan bakar pada alat pengering biji kakao tipe rotari sederhana, serta dilakukan simulasi pada model alat pengering biji kakao tipe rotari sederhana yang telah dirancang menggunakan Software Autodesk CFD untuk mengetahui sebaran suhu pada model alat pengering yang telah dirancang.  Dari hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan alat pengering biji kakao tipe rotari sederhana ini memiliki dimensi ruang pengering dengan diameter 90 cm, panjang 108 cm, dan tebal 1,2 mm. sebaran suhu pada ruang pengering sebesar 65,06oC , kalor yang dibutuhkan untuk proses pengeringan biji kakao sebesar 1028906,047 KJ, waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk proses pengeringan ± 8 jam 14 menit dan bahan bakar yang dibutuhkan untuk proses pengeringan sebanyak 302,62 kg atau 0,30260 kubik serta sebaran suhu rata-rata hasil simulasi menggunkan Software Autodesk CFD sebesar 63,5116oC.  Kata Kunci: kakao, pengeringan, Autodesk CFD, suhu



    Yudo, Satmoko; Said, Nusa Idaman


    Water pollution in Jakarta area, especially river and shallow groundwater, had become a very serious problem. Pollution problem caused by small industrial activities had not been got attetion. Some activities, which often cause water pollution problem, were wastewater from electroplating small industry. This wastewater was one of the most potential pollutant sources, because it contains high concentration of heavy metal pollutant such as Fe, Ni, Zn, Cr, ect. To anticipate its negative effect ...


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    R. Prabowo


    Full Text Available Kadmium merupakan bahan beracun yang menyebabkan keracunan kronik pada manusia, maka tingkat maksimun yang diperbolehkan di perairan adalah 0,01 mg/L (PP No 82 Th 2001 Tentang Kualitas Air. Penelitian ini bertujuan (1 mengidentifikasi gambaran umum kualitas air Sungai Kaligarang, (2 Mengidentifikasi konsentrasi logam berat Kadmium (Cd di Sungai Kaligarang, serta (3 mengidentifikasi akumulasi logam berat Cd pada ikan wader merah (Puntius bramoides C.V yang hidup di Sungai Kaligarang. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasi eksploratif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif yang bertujuan untuk menggambarkan kandungan logam berat Cd pada air dan ikan wader merah di Sungai Kaligarang. Penentuan lokasi pengambilan sampel secara purposif sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa parameter lingkungan berupa Suhu, pH, BOD, DO di Sungai Kaligarang tidak melebihi baku mutu berdasarkan mutu air penggolongan kelas I. Parameter logam berat Cd dalam air tidak melebihi aturan yang ditetapkan PP Nomor 82 Th 2001 tentang Pengelolaan Kualitas Air dan Pengendalian Pencemaran Air. Kadar logam berat yang terkandung pada ikan wader merah masih berada di bawah baku mutu yang ditetapkan baik dari FDR New Zealand, FAO, Serta SNI. 7387.2009, Tentang Batas Maksimum Cemaran logam Berat Dalam Pangan.Cadmium is a toxic substance that causes chronic poisoning in humans and the maximum permissible level in the water is 0.01 mg / L. (Th Government Regulation No. 82 of 2001 on water quality. This study aimes to (1 identify general description of Kaligarang water quality, (2 heavy metalconcentrations of Cadmium (Cd in Kaligarang river and (3 identifying Cd accumulation of heavy metal in red Wader fish. This research is an observational exploration with a quantitative approach that aims to describe the level of heavy metal Cd in water and wader in Kaligarang. The location is determined by sampling study with purposive sampling. The result shows that the environmental parameters


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    Endrinaldi Endrinaldi


    Full Text Available Heavy metals are the hazardous substance that produced by industrial waste, included arsenic (As, lead (Pb, mercury (Hg and cadmium (Cd. That heavy metal could cause acute and chronic body intoxication. Health effects of heavy metal intoxication such as nervous system, kidney, liver, bone, respiratory system, reproductive system, hematopoietic system, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal tract disorders. The manifestation of the toxic effect in tissue and organ is caused by interaction between heavy metal and important cell molecules thus destruct the structure and the function of the cell at the target organ.


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    Thomas Triadi Putranto


    Full Text Available The earth consists largely of water because the land area is smaller than the ocean. Human beings on this earthcan not escape the need for water. Water is the main requirement for the process of life on the earth.Relatively clean water that is coveted by men, whether for purposes of daily life, for industrial purposes, for thecleanliness of city sanitation, as well as for agricultural purposes and so forth. Heavy metal pollution is a veryserious issue to be handled, because of adverse environmental and ecosystem in general. Heavy metallic elementis the element which has a density of more than 5 gr/cm3. Hg has a density of 13.55 gr/cm3. Disaster is anoutbreak of Minamata mercury poisoning in people who eat fish contaminated by mercury in Minamata Japan,and this event is known as Minamata Disease. Efforts to tackle the heavy metal pollution can actually be doneusing a chemical process or by microorganism such as microbes and bacteria.

  16. Studi Perancangan Degaussing System untuk Melindungi Kapal Perang Tipe OPV 90m dari Medan Magnet

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    Emil Faridhan Primaseta


    Full Text Available Degaussing system adalah suatu sistem yang digunakan pada bagian logam atau perangkat elektronik yang beresiko medan magnetik. Pada kapal militer sistem ini digunakan untuk menghindari ranjau magnetik maupun torpedo yang menggunakan medan magnet sebagai sensor pendeteksi logam ketika kapal sedang berpatroli maupun sedang berperang. Dari studi literatur yang dilakukan, dapat diketahui bagaimana cara instalasi degaussing system pada kapal dan perlengkapan apa saja yang dibutuhkan untuk sistem tersebut. Degaussing system yang didesain pada skripsi ini mempunyai kekuatan medan magnet sebesar 27,5 Tesla dengan daya sebesar 12 kW. Desain koil diletakkan pada lambung kapal tepat dibawah garis air untuk mendapatkan daya hantar magnet yang baik. Berat dari instalasi untuk degaussing system ini adalah 1040 kg.

  17. Tinjauan Kemungkinan Sebaran Unsur Tanah Jarang (REE di Lingkungan Panas Bumi

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    Danny Zulkifli Herman


    Full Text Available areas occur mainly in an environment of volcanic/magmatic arc where magma chambers play a role as heat sources. The environment is situated within the convergent plate boundaries. A variety of igneous rocks is associated with this environment ranging from basalt (gabbro to rhyolite (granite but andesite is normally the most abundant igneous rock. The most obvious geothermal indications are exhibited by some surface manifestations comprising hot water seepage, fumaroles, hot spring, geyser, and hydrotermal alteration zones which are being evidences of an active hydrothermal system beneath the surface as a part of volcanism. Despite being a causal factor for alteration of country rocks, most hydrothermal fluids enable to change distribution pattern and content of rare earth elements (REE for instance Ce, Eu, La, Lu, Sm, Nd, and Y particularly during a reaction process. This may have a connection with development of element mobility rates, whilst the characteristics of REE pattern within hydrothermal fluid would have a high variable due to dependency of their original magma source. Considering the important role of hydrothermal fluid in REE mobility development, it is inspired to review the possible relationship of active hydrothermal system and potency of REE distribution pattern in areas of geothermal manifestation.  

  18. Sebaran Nyamuk Vektor Di Kabupaten Muaro Jambi, Provinsi Jambi

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    Yanelza Supranelfy


    Full Text Available AbstractMosquito-borne disease still a public health problem, both in urban and rural areas, such as: dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF, malaria, lymphatic filariasis (elephantiasis, chikungunya and japanese encephalitis. Muaro Jambi is one of regencies in Jambi Province were found to vector borne diseases. The aim of this study is to get more information about the mosquito diversity in Muaro Jambi Regency for comprehensive data. The activities carried out are catching mosquitoes at night using human landing and resting collection methods. There were a total of 1.722 mosquitoes of four genera were collected (Aedes, Anopheles, Culex and Mansonia that consists of 24 species. The results of this study give additional information on the diversity of mosquitoes found in Muaro Jambi Regency.Keywords: Mosquito, vector, Muaro Jambi RegencyAbstrakPenyakit yang ditularkan oleh nyamuk masih merupakan masalah kesehatan bagi masyarakat, baik di perkotaan maupun di pedesaan, seperti demam berdarah dengue (DBD, malaria, filariasis (kaki gajah, chikungunya dan japanese encephalitis. Muaro Jambi merupakan salah satu kabupaten di Provinsi Jambi yang ditemukan beberapa penyakit tular vektor. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menambah informasi mengenai fauna nyamuk di Kabupaten Muaro Jambi untuk mendapatkan data yang komprehensif. Kegiatan yang dilakukan yaitu penangkapan nyamuk pada malam hari dengan metode human landing collection dan nyamuk istirahat (resting collection. Sebanyak 1.722 ekor nyamuk berhasil diangkap yang terdiri dari empat genera (Aedes, Anopheles, Culex dan Mansonia meliputi 24 spesies. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan tambahan informasi mengenai keragaman nyamuk yang ditemukan di Kabupaten Muaro Jambi.Kata Kunci: Nyamuk, vektor, Kabupaten Muaro Jambi

  19. INTRODUKSI GEN Sitrat Sintase KE DALAM RUMPUT LAUT Kappaphycus alvarezii MENGGUNAKAN Agrobacterium tumefaciens

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    Ristanti Frinra Daud


    ekonomis penting. Ice-ice merupakan penyakit yang paling umum menyerang rumput laut dan menyebabkan menurunnya produksi rumput laut. Penyakit ini disebabkan oleh perubahan salinitas, suhu, dan pencemaran logam berat. Asam sitrat digunakan sebagai pengkelat logam berat. Introduksi gen sitrat sintase ke dalam genom tanaman diketahui dapat mengurangi cekaman oksidatif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengintroduksi gen sitrat sintase ke dalam genom K. alvarezii menggunakan perantara Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Berdasarkan eksplan yang tahan pada media seleksi higromisin, efisiensi transformasi pada K. alvarezii sebesar 7,5%. Efisiensi regenerasi tunas transgenik putatif sebesar 100%, efisiensi tunas non transgenik sebesar 100%. Analisis molekular menggunakan teknik PCR, satu dari lima K. alvarezii transgenik putatif mengandung transgen PaCS di bawah kendali promoter 35S CaMV.


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    Subriyer Nasir


    Full Text Available Pengolahan air asam tambang sintetis dengan memanfaatkan abu terbang batubara, tanah diatom dan abu sekam padi sebagai adsorben yang diikuti dengan pengolahan menggunakan metode sand filtrasi, ultrafiltrasi dan reverse osmosis. air asam tambang sintetik dibuat dengan variasi pH 3; .,5; dan 4. Persentase kenaikan pH karena pemakaian masing-masing adsorben dan penurunan kadar ion besi, mangan dan sulfat juga diteliti. Hasil yang diperoleh coal fly ash merupakan adsorben yang paling efektif dalam menaikkan pH dan menurunkan EC serta ion logam dari air asam tambang sintetik. Persentase kenaikan pH sebesar 97,40%, persentase penurunan EC 96,71%, dan persentase penurunan ion logam mangan, besi, sulfat tertinggi berturut-turut adalah 99,1%, 98,4%, dan 99,7% serta prosentase perolehan air (WRP sebesar 75%. .

  1. Struktur Geologi dan Sebaran Batubara daerah Bentian Besar, Kabupaten Kutai Barat, Propinsi Kalimantan Timur

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    Asmoro Widagdo


    Full Text Available This study is a surface geological mapping work to determine the geological conditions in the study area and in particular the presence of coal of Bentian Besar District, West Kutai Regency, East Kalimantan Province. The goal is to determine the position and spread of coal layer, coal quality and quantity of coal resources in the study area. Research on the existence of coal deposits is done through field survey methods, by observing, define and measure elements of geological structures encountered. At this stage of field work carried identification, observation, measurement of the coal position and takes it sample. In the study area encountered 2 (two rock formations, Pamaluan, and Pulubalang Formation. Coal deposits found in rock unit known as Pulubalang Formation. Direction of the dip of the rock layers in the study area form a syncline structure. At this structure of the coal seam, there are three dip directions, namely: rocks on the southeast side of syncline axis tilted toward the northwest, rocks on the northwest side of the syncline axis tilted to the southeast, while the dip of the rocks on the southwest side Syncline tilted toward the northeast.


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    Bambang Hartono


    Full Text Available Tulisan ini merupakan tinjauan terhadap lebih dari 60 penelitian yang pernah dilakukan di Indonesia yang berkaitan dengan masalah pencemaran air. Dalam tinjauan ini terungkap bahwa hampir semua jenis sumber air, yaitu sungai, danau, tambak, laut maupun air tanah (misalnya sumur yang pernah diteliti, telah mengalami pencemaran. Pencemarnya terdiri dari semua jenis pencemar, baik bakteriologis, fisis maupun kimiawi. Pencemar bakteriologis terutama datang dari pembuangan tinja manusia. Bukan hanya karena letak sumber air yang berdekatan dengan pembuangan tinja yang menyebabkan pencemaian, melainkan juga karena perilaku masyarakat. Namun dicatat pula bahwa penelitian dalam bidang ini masih terlalu sedikit. Khususnya yang berkaitan dengan besarnya masalah. Pencemar fisis dan kimiawi terutama berasal dari pabrik-pabrik. Yang banyak mendapat perhatian tampaknya adalah logam-logam berat. Walaupun dijumpai kandungan beberapa logam berat dalam air ma­sih di bawah standar, tetapi beberapa yang lain cukup potensial atau telah melewati batas-batas standar dan bahkan telah menimbulkan dampak negatif terhadap kesehatan masyarakat. Hal ini terutama dikarena­kan banyaknya pabrik-pabrik yang membuang limbah industrinya langsung ke sungai dan badan-badan air lain tanpa pengolahan terlebih dulu atau dengan pengolahan yang tidak sempurna. Selain deterjen, sampah rumah tangga, pestisida dan pupuk sebagai pencemar, yang masih kurang mendapat perhatian peneliti, akhir-akhir ini muncul masalah baru yang tampaknya lebih menarik minat para peneliti, yaitu intrusi air laut. Dari beberapa penelitian yang telah dilakukan terungkap bahwa masalah ini pun sudah cukup serius, khususnya di daerah dekat pantai.


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    Rusiyanto Rusiyanto


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan Untuk mengetahui nilai kekerasan Vickers material Baja EMS-45 sebelum proses pengelasan dan setelah dilakukan proses pengelasan tanpa post weld heat treatment annealing, Untuk mengetahui berapakah suhu optimal post weld heat treatment annealing untuk material baja EMS-45 dengan variasi suhu yang digunakan 350 o C, 550 o C, dan 750 C. Untuk mengetahui struktur mikro dari material baja EMS-45 akibat variasi suhu post weld heat treatment annealing pada proses pengelasan dengan menggunakan metode pengelasan shielded metal arc welding. Bahan atau material dasar yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah Baja EMS-45 dengan ketebalan pelat 10 mm, lebar pelat 20 mm dan panjang 100 mm. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian nilai kekerasan tertinggi setelah proses pengelasan terletak pada daerah Logam Las. Pengelasan non PWHT memiliki nilai kekerasan paling tinggi setelah proses pengelasan yaitu sebesar 183,2 VHN. Suhu optimal Post Weld Heat Treatment Annealing untuk material baja EMS-45 adalah pada suhu 750 C. Karena pada PWHT pada suhu tersebut mengalami penurunan kekerasan yang besar yaitu sebesar 127,2 VHN, sehingga material baja EMS-45 dapat memperbaiki sifat mampu mesinnya. Struktur mikro dari material baja EMS-45 sebelum proses pengelasan berupa grafit serpih, perlit dan ferit, setelah dilakukan proses pengelasan mempunyai struktur mikro berupa matrik ferit dan grafit pada daerah logam las, matrik perlit kasar dan grafit serpih pada daerah HAZ dan struktur perlit, grafit serpih dan ferit pada daerah logam induk o o


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    Full Text Available ABSTRACT Electroplating is a metal or non-metal coating process with electrolyze that use direct current (DC and electrolyte (chemical solution that has a function as medium to supply metal ions. The function of electroplating are protecting metal from corrotion attack, adding surface hardness and improving quality of metal surface. Electroplating process basically has four steps; cleaning, washing, coating and protecting. For a quality result, the coating process need a right and optimum condition of operation, such as, a right concentration of electrolyte, a right voltage or current, and a right temperature.

  5. Identifikasi Urat (Vein) Sulfida Menggunakan Metode Induksi Polarisasi di Daerah Kemawi


    Wibowo, Alamsyah


    Metode induksi polarisasi merupakan pengembangan dari metode tahanan jenis yang didasarkan pada pengukuran efek polarisasi yang terjadi akibat induksi arus. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan pengolahan, analisis dan interpretasi data pengukuran induksi polarisasi untuk mengidentifikasi sebaran mineralisasi sulfida pada daerah Kemawi, Jawa Tengah. Data yang digunakan berjumlah 11 lintasan dengan spasi 200 meter antar lintasan dan spasi elektroda 50 meter. Pengukuran dilakukan dalam domain...


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    Hartono Yudo


    Full Text Available Material aluminum 5083 banyak digunakan dalam industri perkapalan khususnya sebagai material konstruksi kapal aluminium. Jika dilakukan pengelasan untuk penyambungan material aluminum 5083 akan terdapat kekurangsempurnaan hasil  pengelasanya ditinjau dari kekuatanya. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui kekuatan tarik hasil las material aluminum 5083 dengan menggunakan dua jenis gas pelindung yang berbeda yakni argon grade A dan argon grade C. Pada perancangan percobaan ini menggunakan material kapal aluminium crew boat KM. Pan Maitime dengan LOA (length over all 35 m, yaitu material aluminium 5083 dengan ketebalan 6 mm dengan Elektrode ER 5356 sesuai rekomdeasi ANSI/ AWS spesification A 5 10/ A 5 10 M dengan  proses pengelasan MIG (metal inert gas. Hasil penelitian menunjukan  bahwa penggunaan gas pelindung argon grade C sebagai gas pelindung pengelasan material aluminum 5083 memiliki kekuatan tarik yang lebih besar 57,89 %  untuk spesimen sambungan las dan 19,85 %  untuk spesimen logam las (weld metal daripada gas pelindung argon grade A. Dimana kekuatan tarik (s rata-rata spesimen sambungan las menggunakan argon grade C adalah 202.5 N/mm2, dan spesimen sambungan las menggunakan argon grade A adalah 128.25 N/mm2, sedangkan untuk kekuatan tarik (s rata-rata spesimen logam las menggunakan argon grade C adalah 299,01 N/mm2, dan spesimen logam las menggunakan argon grade A adalah  249,47 N/mm2. Selain pengujian juga dilakukan analisa menggunakan software Nastran 4.5  dengan hasil tegangan spesimen 111,40 N/mm2 untuk beban tarik 7700 N yang terjadi pada sambungan las.

  7. Analisa Pembuatan Tabung Gas Lpg 3 Kg

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    Mustafa -


    Full Text Available Program konversi minyak tanah ke LPG merupakan program pemerintah yang bertujuan untuk mengurangisubsidi BBM, dengan mengalihkan pemakaian minyak tanah ke LPG. Tujuan analisa untuk mengetahui proses pembuatantabung gas, proses deep drawing dan metode pengelasan yang baik. Karena masih banyak orang yang takut memakai bahanbakar LPG tersebut karena takut meledak akibat kualitasnya yang kurang bagus. Deep Drawing atau biasa disebut drawingadalah salah satu jenis proses pembentukan logam, dimana bentuk pada umumnya berupa silinder dan selalu mempunyaikedalaman tertentu. Pada proses pembuatan tabung gas elpiji untuk mendisain suatu proses pembentukan logam , sepertipenarikan (drawing. Salah satu pekerjaan yang harus kita lakukan adalah menentukan atau memilih kapasitas mesin(energi, gaya, torsi serta perkakas dan peralatan yang akan digunakan untuk proses tersebut. Pada proses deep drawingdengan kecepatan tekan yang telah ditentukan (sesuai tabel daya tekan maksimal tidak boleh melebihi: 167,330 kg. Padaproses pengelasan circum, tegangan normal mencapai 61.16 kg/cm2, karena masih diatas uji ketahanan hidrostastik, makamasih dalam batas aman.


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    Abdul Basid


    Full Text Available Meningkatnya kebutuhan energi listrik, berkurangnya produksi dan meningkatnya harga minyak, memacu banyak negara, termasuk Indonesia untuk mengurangi ketergantungan pada pada minyak dengan cara memanfaatkan energi panas bumi. Dari hasil survey dilaporkan bahwa di Indonesia terdapat 217 prospek panasbumi, yaitu di sepanjang jalur vulkanik mulai dari bagian Barat Sumatera, terus ke Pulau Jawa, Bali, Nusatenggara dan kemudian membelok ke arah utara melalui Maluku dan Sulawesi. Jika dihitung potensi daya yang dihasilkan mencapai ±27.000 MWe. Daya sebesar ini membuat Indonesia merupakan Negara yang memiliki 40% potensi panas bumi dunia, tetapi baru 3%. dari potensi panas bumi tersebut dimanfaatkan. Salah satu penelitian untuk mengetahui potensi sebaran panas bumi dilakukan di Desa Lombang Kecamatan Batang Batang Kabupaten Sumenep dengan menggunakan metode Geolistrik konfigurasi dipole-dipole dan Self Potensial (SP. Hasil penelitian dengan metode Geolistrik konfigurasi dipole-dipole menunjukkan bahwa letak air tanah berada pada kedalaman + 15 dan + 20 m di bawah permukaan tanah. Menurut teori gradient geothermal, semakin ke dalam pusat bumi, maka temperaturnya semakin tinggi pula. Demikian dengan prinsip hidrotermal yang seharusnya semakin ke bawah nilai resistivitas air semakin kecil karena konduktivitas air semakin besar. Dengan metode SP diperoleh sebaran data potensial daerah penelitian dengan nilai tertinggi mencapai 90 mV dan terendah -100 mV serta rata-ratanya 0,47 mV. Berdasarkan peta kontur isopotensial yang diperoleh dapat diinterpretasi bahwa daerah penelitian merupakan zona konduktif, yang diduga berasal dari mineral sulfida dalam fluida panas. Hal ini terindikasi dengan rendahnya nilai potensial yang terukur, yang secara numerik bernilai negatif dan aliran air panas dari reservoir cenderung mengalir dari barat ke timur. Dari kajian geologi, lokasi penelitian sama sekali tidak berhubungan dengan aktivitas geologi vulkanik. Panas bumi yang

  9. Penentuan konsentrasi stainless steel 316L dan kobalt kromium remanium GM-800 pada uji GPMT

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    Ikmal Hafizi


    Full Text Available Concentration determination of stainless steel 316L and cobalt chromium remanium GM - 800 on GPMT test. Dentistry had used metals such as cobalt chromium and stainless steel in maxillofacial surgery, cardiovascular, and as a dental material. 316L stainless steel is austenistic stainless steel which has low carbon composition to improve the corrosion resistance as well as the content of molybdenum in the material. Cobalt chromium (CoCr is a cobaltbased alloy with a mixture of chromium. Density of a metal cobalt chromium alloy is about 8-9 g/cm3 that caused metal interference relatively mild. Remanium GM-800 is one type of a cobalt chromium alloy with the advantages of having high resistance to fracture and high modulus of elasticity. This study aims to determine the exact concentration used in 316L stainless steel and cobalt chromium GM-800 as the GPMT test material. Subjects were cobalt chromium Remanium GM-800 and 316L stainless steel concentration of 5%, 10%, 20%, 40% and 80%. Patch containing stainless steel or cobalt chromium paste was af xed for 24 hours each on three experimental animals, then the erythema and edema were observed using the Magnusson and Kligman scale. In the study, concentration of 5% is the concentration recommended for stainless steel 316L and cobalt chromium GM-800 as material in challenge phase GPMT test, while the concentration of 40% is the concentration recommended for stainless steel 316L and cobalt chromium GM-800 in the induction phase. ABSTRAK Dunia kedokteran gigi banyak menggunakan logam pada pembedahan maxillofacial, cardiovascular, dan sebagai material dental. Logam yang banyak digunakan antara lain adalah kobalt kromium dan stainless steel. Stainless steel 316L merupakan austenistic stainless steel yang memiliki komposisi karbon rendah sehingga dapat meningkatkan ketahanan terhadap korosi sama halnya dengan kandungan molybdenum pada material tersebut. Kobalt kromium (CoCr adalah cobalt-based alloy dengan

  10. Kajian Spasial Suhu Permukaan Laut Akibat Air Bahang Pltu Paiton Menggunakan Saluran Termal Satelit Landsat 7/etm+ Di Pantai Bhinor Kabupaten Probolinggo Jawa Timur


    Ismayati, Qorihah; Helmi, Muhammad; Rochaddi, Baskoro


    Penelitian bertujuan untuk memetakan secara horisontal suhu permukaan laut di perairan PLTU Paiton Probolinggo dan mengkaji sebaran spasial termal perairan akibat air bahang PLTU Paiton Probolinggo. Pengolahan data citra dilakukan menggunakan perangkat lunak ER Mapper 7.0 dan ArcGIS 9.3. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah citra Satelit Landsat 7ETM+ tahun 2009 hingga tahun 2012, data arus permukaan dan angin yang diperoleh dari BMKG Maritim Perak Surabaya dan data hasil pengukuran la...

  11. Sistem Informasi Geografis Berbasis Web untuk Pemetaan Sebaran Alumni Menggunakan Metode K-Means

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    Slamet Handoko Handoko


    Full Text Available The  graduates  of  State  Polytechnic  of  Semarang  are  not  only  the  member  of  social  community  but  also part  of  State Polytechnic  of Semarang  community  who  have  academic  knowledge  and  special  skills.  Based  on  the  researcher  observation  the  graduates  of  State Polytechnic  of  Semarang  are  not  recorded,  the  management  of  State  Polytechnic  of  Semarang  has  not  provided  a  system  that  can facilitate  the  interaction  between  State  Polytechnic  of  Semarang  and  graduates.  In  this  thesis,  the  system  for  mapping  the  graduates distribution is aimed to measure the level of the  graduates  compliance skill with the competence area of their job. The method of KMeans Clustering is used for grouping the distribution of State Polytechnic of Semarang graduates. Grouping or clustering mechanism in this system is based on four variables. They are  type of company, job classification, working area, and competency of study program. While  the geographical position of graduates is used to filter the data when the users are searching the graduates location in a ce rtain province.  In  this  research  the  cluster  is  divided  into  three,  they  are,  cluster  one:  graduates  have  matching  competence,  cluster  two: graduates have matching enough competence, and cluster three: graduates have no matching competence.Keywords: Clustering;  GIS ;  K-Means

  12. Rekayasa Katalis Ni/Zn-HZSM-5 untuk Memproduksi Biofuel dari Minyak Bintaro

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    Muhammad Iqbal


    Full Text Available Sumber energi alternatif terbarukan sangat diperlukan pada masa kini, sebab penggunaan sumber energi fosil tidak dapat menjadi andalan untuk masa depan. Hal ini karena sumber energi fosil semakin menipis dan penggunaannya menghasilkan emisi CO2 yang tidak ramah lingkungan. Salah satu sumber energi alternatif yang menjanjikan adalah biofuel. Biofuel merupakan sumber energi terbarukan dan ramah lingkungan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari pengaruh katalis berpromotor ganda Ni/Zn-HZSM-5 dan suhu terhadap proses perengkahan minyak bintaro untuk memproduksi biofuel. Variabel yang digunakan adalah perbandingan massa Ni terhadap Zn, perbandingan massa logam terhadap katalis total serta suhu. Parameter kualitas biofuel dapat dilihat dari nilai selektivitas. Selektivitas maksimum gasoline sebesar 52,42% tercapai pada suhu 350°C dan selektivitas maksimum kerosene sebesar 86,72% tercapai pada suhu 400°C pada pengguunaan katalis dengan perbandingan Ni:Zn sebesar 1:1 dengan logam 2% massa total katalis. Diperlukan penelitian yang lebih lanjut untuk memproduksi biofuel yang lebih berkualitas pada suhu yang lebih tinggi dan massa katalis yang lebih besar.


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    Wisnu Arya Gemilang


    Full Text Available Sebagian wilayah pesisir Pademawu dan sekitarnya, Pamekasan, dijumpai adanya air tanah payau hingga asin dengan pelamparan yang cukup luas. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memetakan sebaran air tanah asin hingga payau tersebut, baik pada akuifer dangkal maupun akuifer dalam dan juga untuk mengetahui penyebab keasinan air tanah tersebut. Sebaran air tanah asin dipetakan berdasarkan nilai daya hantar listrik (DHL dengan kriteria tingkat keasinan sebagaimana ditetapkan oleh Panitia Ad Hoc Intrusi Air Asin Jakarta. Sedangkan penyebab keasinan air tanah dianalisa berdasarkan fasies hidrokimia dengan diagram Trilinier Piper. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada akuifer dangkal air tanah agak payau hingga asin dengan nilai DHL > 15.000 µS/cm – 50.000 µS/cm dijumpai pada bagian Selatan Pademawu sepanjang pesisir pantai meliputi Padelegan, Jumiang, Tanjung, Manjungan dan Pademawu Timur. Sedangkan untuk air tanah dalam seluruhnya dalam kondisi tawar dengan nilai DHL < 1500 µS/cm, berada pada bagian Utara dari daerah penelitian meliputi kecamatan Tlanakan, Galis, Pamekasan dan  Larangan. Berdasarkan nilai DHL bahwa daerah bagian Utara penelitian tidak terdeteksi adanya proses penyusupan air laut pada air tanah.INDICATION OF SEA WATER INTRUSION IN COASTAL PADELEGAN, PADEMAWU AREAIn the part of Pademawu coastal areas, Pamekasan, was found brackish groundwater that spreading progressively. The purpose of this study was to map the distribution of salt to brackish groundwater, both in the shallow aquifer and the deep aquifer and also to find out the cause of the salinity of the ground water. Salt groundwater distribution was mapped based on the electrical conductivity (EC with a salinity level criteria as established by Panitia Ad Hoc Intrusi Air Asin Jakarta. While the causes of groundwater salinity were analyzed based on hydrochemical facies with Trilinier Piper diagram. The results showed that the shallow groundwater aquifers slightly brackish to

  14. Analisa Kekuatan Sambungan Pipa Baja Karbon dan Besi Cor Berbasis Teknologi Las Gesek (Friction Welding

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    Nur Husodo


    Full Text Available Abstrak: Adanya kesulitan yang akan terjadi manakala dilakukan proses penyambungan dua buah logam yang berbedakomposisi. Namun ada alternative metode proses penyambungan logam baja yang berbeda komposisi dengan metodelas gesek. Selain itu metode las gesek ini mempunyai banyak keunggulan antara lain waktu proses cepat, tidak perlulogam pengisi, panas yang terjadi tidak sampai logam mencair, panas yang terjadi tidak terlalu tinggi juga mudahditerapkan karena dapat memanfaatkan mesin perkakas. Oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan proses penyambungan denganmetode las gesek untuk alternative proses pembuatan produk stang sepeda motor. Penelitian dilakukan denganmemvariasi tekanan tempa sebesar 375, 437,5 dan 500 kgf/cm2 , tekanan gesek 62,5 kgf/cm2 dan durasi waktu gesek120 detik. Sampel uji yang dihasilkan dilakukan pengujian struktur mikro dengan metallografi sedangkan sifat mekanikdilakukan dengan pengujian kekerasan dan kekuatan tarik. Analisa dilakukan untuk mengetahui peluang las gesekdipakai sebagai alternative proses produksi produk stang sepeda motor. Dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa metode lasgesek dapat digunakan menyambung dua buah logam baja yang berbeda kompisi yaitu pipa baja karbon rendah denganbesi cor. Kekuatan las akan meningkat ketika tekanan tempa juga meningkat. Kekuatan sambungan tertinggi sebesar546,66 N/mm2.Kata kunci: Las gesek, pipa baja karbon rendah, besi cor, tekanan tempa, tekanan gesek Abstract: The difficulties that will occur when the process of joining two pieces made of different metal compositions. However,there are alternative methods of process connection of different steel metal composition with friction welding method.Besides this friction welding method has many advantages such as faster processing time, do not need filler metal, theheat does not occur until the metal melts, heat is happening is not too high is also easy to implement because it can takeadvantage of machine tools. Therefore, it is necessary to the

  15. Karakterisasi Serbuk Hasil Produksi Menggunakan Metode Atomisasi

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    M. Halim Asiri


    Full Text Available Abstrak : Metalurgi serbuk (powder metallurgy,yaitu merupakan teknologi produksi logam dengan bahan dasar Aluminum dengan unsur lain Ti,Mn,Mg,Si,sebagai unsur penguat sebelum diproses pencairan terlebidahulu melakukan pengujian sifat mekanik antara lain uji struktur makro dan mikro kemudianuji kekerasan (hardness tes, uji kekuatan (tensile strength. Setelah selesai diadakan pengujian sifat-sifat mekanik terhadap logam dasar, maka proses selanjutnya mencairkan logam dasar denganmelalui dapur peleburan (fornaices dengan temperature panas sekitar 1200 s/d 1350? dan titik cair logam aluminum 650?. Setelah mencair kemudian di holding time selama 20 menit selanjutnya pembuatan proses granulasi (pembutiran dengan menggunakan sistim Atomisasi Air (water atomization dengan menggunakan variasi tekanan penyemprotan sebesar 20 s/d 25 Psi, dengan debit 4 l/s,variasi waktu yg digunakan 6 s/d 8 detik. Hasil dari proses sistim metode Atomisasi ini kita dapatkan macam-macam karakteristik bentuk butiran mulai dari Mesh 8 (2360????m,mesh 16 (1180????m, mesh 30(600????m, mesh 50(300????????,mesh 100 (150????m,mesh 200 (75????m. Untuk mengetahui data-data ini melalui pengamatan dengan menggunakan mikroskop makro dan mikro.Selanjutnya bisa juga melakukan pengujian dengan menggunakan alat uji SEM dan X – Ray (XRD.Kata kunci: uji sifat – sifat mekanik, sifat bahan, komposisi kimia dan porositas (civitis Abstract : Powder metallurgy (powder metallurgy, which is a production technology with basic materialsAluminum metal with other elements Ti, Mn, Mg, Si, as a reinforcement agent before beingprocessed casting prior testing of mechanical properties among others, macro and micro structuraltest then hardness test, test of strength. After completion of the testing of mechanical properties ofthe base metal, then the next process with the base metal melt through the furnace with atemperature of about 1200 s / d in 1350 and the melting point of aluminum is 650C. After melt


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    Arie Prabawa


    Full Text Available Blue Swimming crab (Portunus pelagicus is one of important fishery in Indonesia that captured nearshore on the bottom of the sea. There has been a significant water contamination on the Jakarta bay and the fishery are reported to be effected. Many heavy metals and other contaminants are introduced into the waters, sediments, and fishery that living in the bay. Heavy metals such as Pb, Cd, Hg and As are the most lethal contaminants and found in Jakarta Bay. This study aims to determine the effect of heavy metals contaminants to the blue swimming crab morphometric, body organs and population structure of blue swimming crabs in Jakarta bay, which compared to the study in healthier environment in Madura island. The results of this study showed that 1 The morphometric parameter of blue swimming crab population in Jakarta and Madura are significantly different. 2 The internal organ of the blue swimming crab (hepatopancreas, gonad and gill in Jakarta bay are also significantly different than in Madura. The histological analysis are confirmed some abnormal indication of the internal body of the blue swimming crab in Jakarta bay.3 Some population parameters of the blue swimming crab in jakarta bay are significantly different than in Madura island. The fishery structure in Jakarta bay showed the size of first maturity of the crabs is relatively smaller than in Madura and other area of Inodonesia. The fishery mangament based on spatial area management is recommended to apply in different area of Indonesia.


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    Zulaiha Zulaiha


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT: Given the pivotal role played by the Cantung River for the supervision and management of the public good becomes important. Incoming sediment load can damage the uncontrolled flow conditions of the Cantung river and estuary. Observations of suspended sediment can take advantage of multitemporal Landsat imagery. This study uses Landsat satellite image data corrected 5TM March 5, 1992 data acquisition path/row 117/62, Landsat data acquisition 5TM 22 May 1997 path/row 117/62, Landsat data acquisition 5TM March 27, 2000 the path/row 117/62. Several stages in processing the image, that is the conversion of DN to reflectance values, cropping, water-not water secession, and the class divide sediment concentration by density slicing technique. Spatial distribution of suspended sediment in the estuary of the Cantung River Landsat image processing results 5TM March 5, 1992, Landsat 5TM May 22, 1997, and March 27, 2000 Landsat 5TM show distribution patterns of suspended sediment from the River Cantung the same direction, that is northeast. Sediment concentrations were detected in the Landsat image processing 5TM March 5, 1992 the largest-value 27,564096 mg/l and the smallest 14,886048 mg/l. Sediment concentrations were detected in the Landsat image processing 5TM May 22, 1997 the largest-value 121,476776 mg/l and the smallest 12,647415 mg/l. Sediment concentrations were detected in the Landsat image processing 5TM March 27, 2000 most valuable 159,256704 mg/l and the smallest 10,584161 mg/l. Getting away from the effect Cantung River estuary sediment concentration of river flow Cantung tends to get smaller. Changes in the distribution area of the sediments of March 5, 1992 until March 27, 2000 amounted to 450 m2/year.   Keywords: Remote Sensing, Sedimentation, Landsat, Cantung River



    Listiatie Budi Utami; Ulfah Rachmawati


    Kangkung darat (Ipomoea reptans Poir.) merupakan tanaman hiperakumulator  logam timbal (Pb), padahal kangkung darat banyak dikonsumsi oleh masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pertumbuhan dan kandungan timbal (Pb) kangkung darat pada berbagai dosis pupuk organik; serta untuk mengetahui dosis pupuk organik yang paling efektif untuk meningkatkan pertumbuhan dan menurunkan kandungan timbal (Pb) dalam kangkung darat. Penelitian dilakukan secara Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan...


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    Helmi Setia Ritma Pamungkas


    Full Text Available The amalgamation in artisanal gold mining process in order to separate gold from the ore (gold-amalgam will produce mercury waste. Poor waste management of mercury can pollute the environment. This research aims to identify  a potential distribution pattern of mercury waste or tailing in Cisungsang village, Cibeber sub-district. Methods used are survei and spatial analysis. Samples taken from the research site are the gold miners (as subjects of research, sample of mercury waste, environmental samples (water, soil, fish, vegetables, and rice. The research results show that the use of mercury (100gr every tromol, every shift has strong correlation (r = 0,791 with mercury concentrations in the waste ponds. Mercury concentrations in the liquid of waste ponds are 0,083-0,265 ppm and mercury concentration in the tailing (sludge are 0,304-0,407 ppm. Researcher also develop a potential distribution pattern of mercury that consider slopes of 35% in the area, high precipitation, which can reach 4000 mm per year, and the condition of open waste ponds, which can speed up the   mercury disposal process in the environment. Mercury concentration in the environment has exceeded the quality standard. Test result on environmental samples show that mercury concentration in fish is 1,66 ppm, in spinach is 4,61 ppm, and soil 0,0127 ppm.


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    Maria T. Indarwati


    Full Text Available Sekonyer river as west border of Tanjung Puting National Park, is the main flora and fauna preservation areasespecially for orangutan conservation. Part of Sekonyer river upper course around year 1990 to 2002, there was anillegal gold mining (IGM activity, and in 2002 this IGM was forbidden to be operated because of the use of mercuryfor extracting the gold. In former IGM location, up to this research has been done, the location is still used for silikapuya (sand mining that is extracted from the sands by using water from the river, as a result, the waste water wasinundated in the mining area and flows into Sekonyer river. The objectives of this research are first of all, to identifythe heavy metal degree of the water, such as mercury, copper, cadmium, zinc, lead, arsenic, and chrome. The secondone is to identify the source of pollution, and the last one is to identify the potential heavy metal that pollute the water.Composite method was used in collecting the water samples, i.e. in Sekonyer river and the mining location.Water and puya samples were analyzed in Analytical Laboratory of University of Udayana, and then its pollutionindexes were counted, and the quality of the water was fixed based on Third Degree of quality standardized criteria,Government Rule Number 82 Year 2001.The results of the research show that along the Sekonyer river, from upper to lower courses of the river sideswith the following conditions: from the lower course of mining area it was found light pollution with pollution index of 2,51, after puya mine it was found heavy pollution with pollution index of 17,84, up to mid of Rimba Orangutan Eco-Lodge with Sekonyer river estuary there were found light pollution with pollution indexes of 3,71; 4,59; and 2,88respectively, but in the junction of Sekonyer river and Ulin river it was found moderate pollution with pollution indexof 5,13, and in Sekonyer river estuary it was found heavy pollution with pollution index of 16,35.It


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    Ulung Jantama Wisha


    Full Text Available Pembuangan limbah dan lumpur ke Sungai Porong diduga akan berdampak bagi lingkungan sekitarnya, khususnya meningkatnya konsentrasi padatan tersuspensi (TSS dan mempengaruhi sebaran fitoplankton di wilayah tersebut. Tujuan dari dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui konsentrasi muatan padatan tersuspensi, kekeruhan dan kelimpahan fitoplankton di perairan muara Sungai Porong, Kabupaten Sidoarjo. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif. Data yang dikumpulkan sebagai variabel ukur adalah muatan padatan tersuspensi, kekeruhan, kelimpahan fitoplankton dan kecepatan serta arah arus. Variabel pendukung meliputi data pasang surut dan peta bathimetri wilayah muara Sungai Porong. Data yang diperoleh selanjutnya dianalisis menggunakan program Arc GIS 10, sehingga menghasilkan output berupa distribusi spasial. Konsentrasi muatan padatan tersuspensi 542-885 mg/l. konsentrasi kekeruhan 3.7-20.5 NTU. Kelimpahan fitoplankton 153-238 ind/l. Berdasarkan data tersebut dapat diketahui bahwa sebaran muatan padatan tersuspensi dan kekeruhan memiliki kaitan dengan kelimpahan fitoplankton pada saat surut, meskipun pada kuantitas yang tidak selalu sama. Arah sebaran bergerak ke arah Timur atau menjauhi muara sungai. ABUNDANCE OF PHYTOPLANKTON AND TSS VALUE AS AN INDICATOR FOR PORONG RIVER ESTUARY WATER CONDITIONSDisposal of waste and mud into Porong River is expected to have an impact to the surrounding environment, particularly the increasing concentration of suspended solids (TSS and affect the distribution of phytoplankton in the region. The purpose of this study was to determine the correlation between the concentration of TSS and abundance of phytoplankton as an indicator for determinate condition of Porong River Estuary. Determining the location of sampling by purposive sampling method. The data were then analyzed with statistical methods and spatially using ArcGIS 10 program. The concentration of suspended solids charge 542-885 mg

  2. Validasi Algoritma Estimasi konsentrasi Klorofil-a dan Padatan Tersuspensi Menggunakan Citra Terra dan Aqua Modis dengan Data In situ (Studi Kasus : Perairan Selat Makassar

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    Endang Prinina


    Full Text Available Klorofil-a dan Padatan Tersuspensi (TSS merupakan parameter fisik kualitas perairan. Pigmen klorofil-a memiliki daya serap yang tinggi pada gelombang tampak biru dan merah. TSS merupakan zat padatan sedimentasi dari aliran sungai yang membawa material-material organik maupun anorganik. Kandungan TSS yang tinggi sangat mengganggu proses fotosintesis pada fitoplankton yang merupakan produsen penghasil zat klorofil-a. Sehingga TSS juga mampu menyerap gelombang tampak. Kemampuan klorofil-a dan TSS dalam menyerap gelombang tampak dapat di amati dengan menggunakan teknologi penginderaan jauh. Pemanfaatan teknologi ini membutuhkan algoritma dalam menentukan nilai estimasi konsentrasi klorofil-a dan TSS. Penelitian ini menggunakan citra Terra dan Aqua MODIS. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memvalidasi hasil algoritma klorofil-a dan TSS yang telah ada dalam perangkat lunak SeaDAS 7.3.1. Dari hasil penelitian ini didapatkan koreksi atmosfer terbaik dalam pendugaan klorofil-a dan TSS yaitu koreksi atmosfer MUMM. Dari hasil pemetaan klorofil-a dan TSS menghasilkan nilai NMAE sebesar 158,34% dan 65,28%. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa algoritma empiris ini tidak dapat diterapkan pada Selat Makassar. Sebaran klorofil-a terendah sebesar 0,105 µg/l dan tertinggi sebesar 0,783 µg/l pada citra Terra MODIS. Sedangkan sebaran TSS terendah 0,02 mg/l dan tertinggi 6,88 mg/l pada citra Terra MODIS. Citra Terra MODIS lebih baik dalam pendugaan klorofil-a dan TSS dengan menggunakan algoritma empiris di SeaDAS 7.3.1 daripada menggunakan citra Aqua MODIS.

  3. Inovasi Pupuk Organik Kotoran Ayam Dan Eceng Gondok Dikombinasi Dengan Bioteknologi Mikoriza Bentuk Granul


    Asngad, A


    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah membuat formula pupuk organik limbah dari campuran kotoran ayam dan eceng gondok sebagai pupuk organik dasar dan memproduksi pupuk organik unggul kombinasi pupuk organik dasar dan pupuk hayati spora CMA dalam kemasan granul. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode eksperimen dan analisis laboratorium dilakukan untuk mengetahui kuantitas dan kualitas hara pupuk yang dihasilkan, serta kandungan logam berat. Pupuk secara diskriptif dibandingkan dengan baku mutu pupuk orga...



    A Asngad


    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah membuat formula pupuk organik limbah dari campuran kotoran ayam dan eceng gondok sebagai pupuk organik dasar dan memproduksi pupuk organik unggul kombinasi pupuk organik dasar dan pupuk hayati spora CMA dalam kemasan granul. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode eksperimen dan analisis laboratorium dilakukan untuk mengetahui kuantitas dan kualitas hara pupuk yang dihasilkan, serta kandungan logam berat. Pupuk secara diskriptif dibandingkan dengan baku mutu pupuk orga...


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    NKT Martuti


    Full Text Available Dukuh Tapak merupakan muara dari Sungai Tapak yang sebagian besar wilayahnya berupa pertambakan ikan bandeng. Berkembangnya industri di daerah aliran sungai (DAS Tapak, mengakibatkan terjadinya penurunan kualitas perairan Tapak akibat adanya pencemaran limbah yang mengandung logam berat. Penurunan kualitas perairan tersebut akan mempengaruhi kualitas ikan bandeng yang dipelihara pada tambak-tambak di Dukuh Tapak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kandungan Cd dalam air dan ikan bandeng di tambak Dukuh Tapak Semarang. Penelitian bersifat observasional analitik menggunakan analisis komparatif. Analisis kadar Cd menggunakan AAS. Kandungan Cd pada air Sungai Tapak 0,004mg/l, nilai tersebut masih berada di bawah ambang batas yang ditetapkan PPRI No.82 Tahun 2001 yaitu sebesar 0,01mg/l. Rerata kandungan Cd pada air tambak Tapak 0,0045mg/l, melebihi ambang batas yang ditetapkan KepMen LH No.51 Tahun 2004 yaitu sebesar 0,001mg/l. Rerata kandungan Cd pada daging ikan bandeng di ketiga stasiun adalah 0,01mg/l, masih berada di bawah ambang batas yang ditetapkan SNI 7287:2009 yakni sebesar 0,1 mg/kg. Simpulan dari penelitian ini adalah kandungan Cd pada air tambak Tapak melebihi ambang batas yang sudah ditentukan, namun kandungan Cd pada ikan bandeng masih berada di bawah ambang batas. Meskipun demikian, perlu diwaspadai keberadaan logam berat Cd karena logam berat bersifat toksik dan akumulatif.District Tapak is an estuary of Tapak river which most of the area is formed of milk fish aqua farming region. Tapak watershed industry growth has affected in Tapak water degradation quality. Due to waste contamination containing heavy metals. It affects the quality of breeding milk fish. This research aims to discover Cadmium (Cd content both in watershed and milk fish in district Tapak, Semarang. This observational analytic research using comparative analysis, purposive random sampling method. Data analysis method using AAS. Cadmium (Cd content in Tapak

  6. Potato Cyst Nematode in East Java: Newly Infected Areas and Identification

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    Happy Cahya Nugrahana


    Full Text Available Potato Cyst Nematodes (PCN, Globodera rostochiensis has noted to be a devastated pest on potato in Indonesia. It is listed as the A2 pest by Plant Quarantine of Republik Indonesia, and it was also being a highly concerned plant parasitic nematode species worlwide. Therefore, both intensive and extensive surveys should be done to monitor the spread of PCN, especially in East Java as one of the centre of potato plantations in Indonesia. The aim of this study was to study the distribution of PCN in four potato plantations in East Java, i.e. Batu, Magetan, Probolinggo, and Pasuruan which were located between 1,205 to 2,063 m above the sea level. Extraction and isolation of cysts from soil samples was done using Baunacke method, and it was followed by identification of the nematodes using morphological and molecular approaches according to Baldwin and Mundo-Ocampo. The results showed that PCN was found on all sampling sites, i.e. Batu (Sumber Brantas, Jurang Kuali, Tunggangan, Junggo, Brakseng; Magetan (Dadi, Sarangan, Singolangu; Probolinggo (Tukul, Pandansari, Ledokombo, Sumberanom, Wonokerto, Ngadas, Pasuruan (Wonokerto, Tosari, Ledoksari, Ngadiwono. Magetan and Pasuruan were noted as new infested areas in East Java. Both morphological and molecular methods showed that the species found on all sites was Globodera rostochiensis.   Intisari Nematoda Sista Kentang (NSK, Globodera rostochiensis telah tercatat sebagai hama yang menghancurkan tanaman kentang di Indonesia. NSK terdaftar sebagai Organisme Pengganggu Tumbuhan Karantina golongan A2 oleh Badan Karantina Pertanian Republik Indonesia, dan juga merupakan spesies nematoda parasit tanaman yang sangat merugikan di seluruh dunia. Oleh karena itu, baik survei intensif maupun ekstensif harus dilakukan untuk memantau penyebaran NSK, terutama di Jawa Timur sebagai salah satu sentra tanaman kentang di Indonesia. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mempelajari distribusi NSK pada empat daerah sentra

  7. Akumulasi dan Distribusi Logam Berat pada Vegetasi Mangrove di Pesisir Sulawesi Selatan

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    Heru Setiawan


    Full Text Available Mangroves have ecological functions to absorb, transport and stockpile toxic materials, e.g., heavy metal from surrounding environment. This research aimed to know the accumulation and distribution of heavy metals, i.e. Lead (Pb, Cuprum (Cu and Cadmium (Cd in mangrove vegetation of South Sulawesi. Vegetation samples were collected from four research location, which were Tanjung Bunga Makassar, Tallo River Makassar, Pare-Pare Bay and Bone Bay. Distribution of heavy metals in mangrove tissues was devided into five areas: pneumatophora, cable root, young leaves, old leaves and twig. Heavy metal content in the samples was measured using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometric (AAS. The results showed that the highest accumulation of Pb was derived from the sample in Tallo River with 36.1 ppm. The highest accumulation of Cu was derived from Tanjung Bunga Makassar with 42.8 ppm. The highest accumulation of Cd was derived from Tallo River with 29.3 ppm. The distribution of heavy metals in mangrove showed that the highest accumulation of Pb was found in the cable roots with 9.5 ppm. The highest concentration of Cd was found in the young leaf with 3.1 ppm. The highest concentration of Cu was found in the cable roots with 10.1 ppm. Generally, Avicennia marina is mangrove species that has the highest concentration of heavy metals with Pb 24.2 ppm, Cd 30.9 ppm and Cu 71.2 ppm.

  8. Penapisan dan Karakterisasi Protease dari Bakteri Termo-Asidofilik P5-A dari Sumber Air Panas Tambarana

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    Dewi Seswita Zilda


    (ekstrak kasar bekerja optimal pada pH 6 dan suhu 500C. Aktivitas enzim dipacu oleh adanya ion Ca2+ dan Fe2+ (sebagai garam klorida;1mM, sedangkan Co2+, Zn2+, dan EDTA dalam konsentrasi yang sama menghambat aktivitas enzim tersebut. Enzim protease P5-a tahan terhadap deterjen (SDS 1%, Triton X-100 (5%, dan PMSF (1 dan 5 mM, menunjukkan bahwa enzim protease tersebut kemungkinan termasuk ke dalam protease logam.

  9. Analisis Energi dan Sebaran Suhu pada Gasifier Unggun Tetap

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    Yogi Sirodz Gaos


    Full Text Available Performance test of Imbert Downdraft Gesifier by using cyclone as an auxiliary for tar filtering has been conducted with three kinds of feeding chips, i. e; borneo wood, tamarind wood and leucena wood. The research has been developed to support as an energy source for combined heat power generation. Gesifier will be coupled to diesel generating set and waste heat from the exhaust gas will be used as energy source for an adsorption type refrigeration system. The test had produced the best combustible gas with the chemical composition CO = 55,59 %, CH4 = 0,14 %, C2H6 = 0,3 % and C3H8= 0, 08 %. The maximum temperature 1142 oC has been found in oxidation zone based on the leucena wood test, meanwhile the calculation result of energy availability for the combustible gas was 60,39 kW and specific energy availability was 0,082 kg/kWh. The test result of temperature distribution along the reactor compare to numerical solution of mathemathicai modelling has got the similar curve.


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    Ali Kusrijadi


    Full Text Available Pemanfaatan biogas sebagai salah satu alternatif bahan bakar  pada proses brazing merupakan langkah diversifikasi biogas, yang diharapkan dapat meningkatkan tingkat efisiensi dan keramahan teknologi. Permasalahan yang bersifat teknis dan menjadi kendala dalam pemanfaatan biogas ini adalah rendahnya konsentrasi CH4 dikarenakan adanya pengotor utama berupa air, karbondioksida dan asam disulfida. Penelitian dilakukan melalui dua tahap yaitu  tahap  pressureized storage process meliputi pemisahan komponen pengotor yang terdapat dalam biogas melalui teknik absorbsi sehingga dihasilkan biogas yang berkualitas gas alam terbarukan dan proses injeksi ke dalam suatu tangki penyimpanan, dan tahap selanjutnya adalah menggunakan biogas tersebut pada proses brazing logam Cu (tembaga dengan bahan tambah Ag (silver. Analisis hasil brazing dilakukan melalui analisis struktur mikro (metalografi untuk melihat kualitas tampak dari hasil brazing, serta analisis kekerasan mikro dan analisis parameter fisik standar terhadap hasil proses brazing. Penelitian ini telah menghasilkan perangkat alat pemurnian biogas yang dapat memurnikan biogas menjadi metana mendekati 100% dan sistem pengemasan (storage system  biogas bertekanan hingga 2 bar. Dari hasil analisis struktur mikro dan uji kekerasan mikro diketahui bahwa hasil proses brazing dengan biogas menghasilkan kualitas yang sama dengan hasil proses brazing dengan gas acetylene sehingga disimpulkan bahwa biogas dapat menjadi bahan bakar alternatif untuk proses brazing, khususnya untuk logam Cu dengan bahan tambah Ag.  Kata kunci : Biogas, Pressureized Storage, Brazing


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    Suwarso Suwarso


    dalam di sekitar Sulawesi (malalugis, D. macarellus. Pola migrasi ikan layang/pelagis dalam arah Laut Jawa – Selat Makasar dan sebaliknya dimungkinkan juga terkait dengan penstrukturan populasi layang tersebut. Layang scad (Decapterus russelli and round scad (D. macrosoma was a main component of small pelagic fishes around Java Sea-Makasar Strait. Increasing of uncontrolled effort of purse seine had caused a biomass decrease and clearly impact to the lower catch, so that a goal of sustainable fishery was difficult to reach; in addition, knowledge on biological characteristics and inter-relationship within the stock unit in the main zone was not understood yet. Study on stock distribution and its management impacts was conducted based on the population structuring of the two scads species exist (D. russelli and D. macrosoma which was observed fromthe genetic analyses of the mitochondria DNA marker (RFLP method, and the capture fishery data (species composition, distribution of fishing ground from some main landing sites such as Pekalongan, Samarinda, Mamuju, and Bone. Results showed the two species of scads had two sub population (stock unit respectively. D. russelli distribute in the eastern part of Java Sea, southern Flores Sea, and western Banda Sea exist as a sub population or stock unit 1, while a stock unit 2 was distributed around the coastal waters of Makasar Strait in eastern Kalimantan. However, stock unit 1 of D. macrosoma that distribute in Banda Sea was separated (clearly different from the stock unit 2 that was distributed in the coastal habitat of Flores Sea, eastern Java Sea, and the coastal area of Makasar Strait (east Kalimantan. Thus, a sustainable management of small pelagic fish in the areas of Java Sea (FMA 712 and Makasar Strait (FMA 713 have to be managed as a one stock unit (sub population and one management unit. On the other hand, we would like to propose that for a small pelagic fish that was distributed in the oceanic habitat of

  12. PENCEMARAN KADMIUM DI SEDIMEN WADUK SAGULING PROVINSI JAWA BARAT (Cadmium Pollution in Saguling DAM Sediment West Java Province

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    Eka Wardhani


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Sungai Citarum Hulu merupakan sumber air utama Waduk Saguling. Kualitas air sungai ini telah mengalami penurunan bahkan terpantau beberapa logam berat terkandung dalam air Sungai Citarum. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat pencemaran Cd di sedimen Waduk Saguling pada dua musim yang berbeda. Lokasi penelitian dilakukan di 10 titik di Waduk Saguling. Penelitian mengkaji perbedaan konsentrasi Cd pada Bulan Juli 2015 mewakili musim kemarau dan Bulan November 2015 mewakili musim hujan. Sedimen yang diperiksa merupakan sedimen permukaan pada kedalaman 0-10 cm pada dasar waduk. Konsentrasi Cd di sedimen dianalisis menggunakan ICP-MS. Tingkat pencemaran sedimen akibat Cd dinilai dengan menggunakan dua metode yaitu: faktor contaminasi/contamination factor, CF dan indeks pencemaran logam/Metal Pollution Index, MPI. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian konsentrasi Cd dalam air selama satu dekade mulai tahun 2008-2014 cenderung mengalami peningkatan, dengan konsentrasi berkisar antara 0 mg/L-0,14 mg/L. Konsentrasi rata-rata Cd di sedimen Waduk Saguling pada Bulan Juli 2015 mewakili musim kemarau sebesar 13,54 mg/kg, sedangkan pada Bulan November 2015 mewakili musim hujan sebesar 21,08 mg/kg. Konsentrasi Cd di sedimen Waduk Saguling tidak memenuhi baku mutu kualitas sedimen berdasarkan baku mutu yang berlaku di Australian dan New Zaeland mengingat Indonesia belum memiliki baku mutu kualitas sedimen yaitu sebesar 1,5 mg/kg. Hasil penilaian kualitas sedimen dengan menggunakan metode CF di semua titik penelitian di Waduk Saguling termasuk kategori terkontaminasi sangat tinggi sedangkan berdasarkan hasil penilaian dengan MPI kualitas sedimen Waduk Saguling termasuk kategori tercemar oleh logam berat Cd. Hasil penelitian ini dapat dijadikan bahan pertimbangan bagi pengelolaan Waduk Saguling mengenai kondisi pencemaran logam berat yang telah terjadi di waduk tersebut. ABSTRACT Citarum river is the main water source for Saguling Dam. The river waters quality

  13. Identification of Pathogenic Leptospira in Rat and Shrew Populations Using rpoB Gene and Its Spatial Distribution in Boyolali District

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    Dyah Widiastuti


    Ngemplak dan Desa Jeron Kecamatan Nogosari, Kabupaten Boyolali. Pemeriksaan Polymerase Chain Reaction dilakukan pada 104 sampel ginjal tikus dari dua lokasi penelitian. Analisis spasial sederhana dilakukan untuk memetakan sebaran tikus yang positif Leptospira. Terdapat enam sampel positif gen rpoB Leptospira pada Rattus tanezumi, Rattus argentiventer dan Suncus murinus. Lima dari keenam sampel menunjukkan hubungan kekerabatan yang paling dekat dengan Leptospira borgpetersenii serovar Sejroe berdasarkan gen rpoB. Satu isolat tidak memiliki hubungan kekerabatan yang dekat dengan serovar manapun yang masuk dalam cluster. Analisis spasial berdasarkan jarak aktivitas harian tikus menunjukkan tikus positif Leptospira ditemukan berada dalam kisaran 30 meter dan 150 meter dari penderita leptospirosis.

  14. Bioakumulasi Logam Berat oleh Beberapa Galur Bradyrhizobium japonicum

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    Full Text Available Heavy metal utilization in industry and agriculture have caused an environmental problem to existing life. Bioaccumulation is made up by a concentration of certain chemical compounds in living tissues. The objective of this research was to reveal the ability of lipopolysaccharides (LPSs of heavy metal Bradyrhizobium japonicum tolerant strains in accumulating heavy metals. The strains used were BDG 10, KDR 10, and KDR 15. The ability of each strains on heavy metal accumulation of Cu, Pb, Zn, Ni, and Cd were quantitatively determined using atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The result showed that each strains has its own capacity to accumulate heavy metals. Accumulation of Cu (0.100, Pb (0.320, and Cd (0.048 ppm/mg dry weight by KDR 10 seem higher than BDG 10 and KDR 15. The highest accumulation of Zn and Ni was shown by KDR 15 in which the value were 0.360 and 0.165 ppm/mg dry weight, respectively and the least accumulation of all heavy metal studied was shown by BDG 10.

  15. LOGAM (Logistic Analysis Model). Volume 2. Users Manual. (United States)


    as opposed to simulation models which represent a system’s behavior as a function of time. These latter classes of models are often complex. They...includes the cost of ammunition and missiles comsumed by the system being costed during unit training. Excluded is the cost of ammunition consumed The results obtained from sensitivity testing may be used to construct graphs which display the behavior of the maintenance concept over the range

  16. Efektivitas KMK dan Na2 EDTA dalam Mengabsorbsi Paparan Merkuri pada Ikan Lele (Clarias batrachus

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    Tuti Hartati Siregar


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini dilaksanakan untuk mengamati efektivitas karboksimetil kitosan (KMK sebagai bahan pengkelat alami dan Na2 EDTA sebagai bahan pengkelat sintetis logam berat merkuri (Hg pada ikan lele. Ikan lele yang digunakan adalah jenis lele dumbo yang diperoleh dari Bogor. Ikan dipelihara dalam kolam berukuran 380 x 150 x 60 cm 3. Air kolam sebanyak 570 L yang berisi 200 ekor ikan lele dipapar dengan Hg 60–90 ppb secara bertahap selama 1 bulan dan penggantian air kolam dilakukan setiap minggu. Sebelum pemaparan dengan Hg dilakukan, ikan lele dikondisikan pada kolam percobaan selama 1 minggu. Pada minggu ke dua ikan dipapar merkuri 60 ppb, kemudian konsentrasi merkuri dinaikkan 15 ppb setiap minggu sampai dengan minggu ke empat. Pemaparan dihentikan setelah minggu ke empat. Setelah itu ikan dipanen kemudian difilet dan dikelat dengan cara direndam dalam larutan KMK dan Na 2EDTA masing-masing pada konsentrasi 0; 0,5; 1,0; dan 1,5% selama 0, 30, 60, dan 90 menit. Perendaman dalam air digunakan sebagai kontrol terhadap perlakuan tersebut. Setiap perlakuan diulang sebanyak 3 kali. Pengamatan yang dilakukan meliputi kandungan awal dan kandungan akhir Hg setelah perlakuan perendaman. Analisis dilakukan menggunakan instrumen AAS (Perkin Elmer tipe Aanalyst800. Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan bahwa perendaman dalam KMK dan Na 2 EDTA 0,5% selama 30 menit memberikan hasil yang terbaik, dan tidak ada perbedaan antara KMK dan Na2EDTA dalam fungsinya sebagai absorben logam berat.


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    Ary Widiyanto


    , Kabupaten Garut, Provinsi Jawa Barat.Parameter-parameter sifat fisika kayu yang diukur adalah kadar air segar (KAS, kadar air kering udara (KAKU,  berat jenis pada volume segar (BJS dan berat jenis pada volume kering udara (BJKU. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kayu jabon memiliki KAS rata-rata  118,43%, KAKU  15,36%, BJS 0,33 dan BJKU  0,37.Berat jenis kayu jabon berbeda sangat nyata pada arah longitudinal maupun radial, sedangkan KAS dan KAS berbeda nyata untuk arah arah radial tetapi relatif seragam pada arah longitudinal.  KAS kayu jabon pada arah radial memiliki pola sebaran menurun dari arah dekat empulur ke bagian tengah, kemudian meningkat ke arah sisi; sementara KAKU menurun secara konsisten dari bagian dekat empulur ke bagian dekat kulit. Berat jenis kayu jabon pada arah longitudinal memiliki pola sebaran meningkat secara konsisten dari bagian pangkal ke bagian ujung. Pola sebaran berat jenis pada arah radial meningkat secara konsisten dari bagian dekat empulur ke arah kulit kayu.

  18. Overdenture dengan Pegangan Telescopic Crown

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    Pambudi Santoso


    Full Text Available Kaitan presisi merupakan alat retensi mekanis yang menghubungkan antara satu atau lebih pegangan gigi tiruan, yang bertujuan untuk menambah retensi dan/atau stabilisasi. Kaitan presisi dapat digunakan secara luas pada gigi tiruan cekat, gigi tiruan sebagian lepasan, overdenture, implant untuk retensi overdenture, dan protesa maksilo fasial. Overdenture dengan kaitan presisi dapat membantu dalam pembagian beban kunyah, meminimalkan trauma pada gigi pegangan dan jaringan lunak, meminimalkan resorbsi tulang, dan meningkatkan estetik dan pengucapan suara. Salah satu jenis dari kaitan presisi adalah telescopic crown, terdiri dari 2 macam mahkota, yaitu mahkota primer yang melekat secara permanen pada gigi penyangga, dan mahkota sekunder yang melekat pada gigi tiruan. Tujuan pemaparan kasus ini adalah untuk memberikan informasi tentang rehabilitasi pasien edentulous sebagian rahang atas dengan telescopic crown..  Pasien wanita berusia 45 tahun datang ke klinik prostodonsia RSGM Prof.Soedomo dengan keluhan ingin dibuatkan gigi tiruan. Pasien kehilangan gigi 11 12 15 16 17 21 22 24 25 26 dan 27 yang diindikasikan untuk pembuatan overdenture gigi tiruan sebagian lepasan (GTS kerangka logam dengan pegangan telescopic crown pada gigi 13 dan 14 dengan sistem parallel-sided crown. Tahap-tahap pembuatan telescopic crown yaitu mencetak model study dengan catatan gigit pendahuluan. Perawatan saluran dilakukan pada akar gigi 13, dilanjutkan pemasangan pasak fiber serta rewalling dinding bukal. Gigi 13 dan 14 dilakukan preparasi mahkota penuh, dilanjutkan dengan pencetakan model kerja untuk coping primer dan kerangka logam dengan metode double impression. Coping primer disementasi pada gigi penyangga, dilanjutkan pasang coba coping sekunder beserta kerangka logam. Selanjutnya dilakukan pencatatan gigit, pencetakan model kerja, penyusunan gigi dan pasang coba penyusunan gigi pada pasien. Prosedur dilanjutkan dengan proses di laboratorium, serta insersi pada


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    Pande Made Udiyani


    Full Text Available Atmosfer merupakan pathway penting pada perpindahan radionuklida yang lepas dari Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Nuklir (PLTN ke lingkungan dan manusia. Penerimaan dosis pada lingkungan dan manusia dipengaruhi oleh sourceterm dan kondisi tapak PLTN. Untuk mengetahui penerimaan dosis lingkungan untuk PLTN di Indonesia, maka diperlukan nilai koefisien dispersi untuk tapak potensial yang dipilih. Model perhitungan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan model yang diterapkan pada paket program pada modul ATMOS dan CONCERN dari PC-Cosyma yaitu model perhitungan segmented plume model. Perhitungan dilakukan untuk PLTN tipe PWR kapasitas 1000 MWe berbahan bakar UO2, postulasi kejadian untuk kecelakaan DBA, kondisi tapak kasar, untuk 6 tapak contoh tapak Semenanjung Muria, Pesisir Banten, dan tapak yang didominasi oleh stabilitas cuaca C,D,E, dan F. Koefisien dispersi dihitung untuk 8 kelompok nuklida produk fisi yang lepas dari PLTN yaitu: kelompok gas mulia, lantanida, logam mulia, halogen, logam alkali, tellurium, cerium, dan kelompok stronsium & barium. Perhitungan input menggunakan paket program ORIGEN-2 dan Arc View untuk penyiapan input perhitungan. Hasil pemetaan untuk parameter dispersi maksimum rerata diperoleh pada jarak radius 800 m dari sumber lepasan untuk nuklida dari kelompok logam mulia, logam alkali dan kelompok nuklida cerium. Parameter dispersi untuk Tapak Muria maksimum 1,53E-04 s/m3, Tapak Serang adalah 1,40E-03 s/m3, tapak dengan stabilitas C: 1,72E-04 s/m3, stabilitas D: 1,40E-04 s/m3, Stabilitas E: 1,07E-04 s/m3, dan tapak dengan stabilitas F : 2,14E-05 s/m3. Kata kunci: koefisien dispersi, atmosferik, PWR, kecelakaan, Indonesia   The atmosphere is an important pathway in the migration of radionuclides transport from the Nuclear Power Plant (NPP to the environment and humans. The dose accepted in the environment and humans is influenced by the sourceterm and NPP siting condition. Distribution of radionuclides in the atmosphere is determined


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    Adam Haris


    Full Text Available Gempabumi merupakan peristiwa alam yang sangat merusak dalam hitunggan waktu yang sangat singkat. Sebagai contoh gempabumi Yogyakarta yang terjadi pada tanggal 27 Mei 2006 dengan kekuatan  6,4 SR. Gempa tersebut banyak sekali memakan harta dan korban jiwa. Penelitian ini  bertujuan  untuk  menganalisa dan  mengetahui sebaran  nilai  percepatan  getaran  tanah  daerah Yogyakarta  dan  untuk  mengetahui  tingkat  risiko  kerusakan  yang  diakibatkan  gempa  di  daerah tersebut periode 1980-2010. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini bersumbert dari USGS dengan skala magnitudo ≥ 4 SR, pada batasan 110°04 BT - 110°08 BT dan 7°5 LS - 8°2 LS. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode  atenuasi Patwardhan. Metode  ini dipilih karena lebih sesuai dengan   hasil verifikasi   riil di lapangan   sebagaimana telah dilaporkan oleh Sucipto, 2010 bahwa  gempa    merusak yang    terjadi    di  Yogyakarta tercatat rata -rata  memiliki intensitas antara V-VII   MMI. Metode ini digunakan untuk menganalisis nilai percepatan getaran tanah dan nilai intensitas gempabumi sebagai acuan untuk mengetahui daerah yang rawan mengalami kerusakan akibat gempa. Berdasarkan hasil penelusuran data USGS diketahui bahwa   sebagian besar wilayah Yogyakarta didominasi gempa berskala  5  SR  dengan tingkat seismisitas yang tinggi, dimana  gempa-gempa berskala menengah ke atas sering terjadi di wilayah ini. Selanjutnya, setelah dilakukan analisa data dengan menghitung  nilai percepatan getaran tanah  diketahui bahwa  nilai percepatan getaran tanah maksimum di daerah ini berkisar antara  50-60 gal. Sebaran daerah yang rawan mengalami kerusakan akibat gempa berkonsentrasi di kabupaten Bantul serta beberapa daerah Kulon Progo dan Gunung Kidul.

  1. Pemanfaatan TKKS Sebagai Pengisi Komposit Epoxy Untuk Struktur Bergerak Mesin CNC Perkayuan

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    Full Text Available Abstract CNC machinery is widely used at various kind of industrial sector to manufacture of art products up to satellite products. Instead of its massive utilization in automotive and electronic industry which mostly use metallic component, wood working industry has been using it to produces furniture’s, merchandises, and other house ware products which apply light weight non-metallic low density material. High removal rate in wood machining process needs high speed application due to its low density material; however most of wood working CNC machine is built on heavy steel structure for both its supporting structure and moving structure. In fact, the raw material is much lighter than the carrier itself. Its wasteful dynamic movement causes energy loses and vibrations that effect on machining accuracy, live of cutting tool, and productivity. This research applied new light weight composite material base on renewable resource of oil palm empty fruit bunch (EFB natural fiber as filler material combine with polymer epoxy as it’s matrix to be constructed as moving mechanical structure of high speed 3D CNC woodworking machine to improve its dynamic performance. Comparative analysis showed that it has better dynamic performance on high speed machining process compared with traditional cast iron material. Abstrak Mesin Perkakas CNC (Computerized Numerical Control digunakan luas oleh industri untuk memproduksi mulai dari benda-benda seni kerajinan hingga untuk membuat satelit. Selain pemanfaatannya secara besar-besaran di industri otomotif dan elektronika yang umumnya menggunakan komponen logam, industri perkayuan telah banyak menggunakannya untuk memproduksi mebel, barang kerajinan, dan peralatan rumah tangga lainnya dengan mengaplikasikan bahan bukan logam seperti kayu yang berberat jenis rendah dan ringan. Tingkat pemotongan yang tinggi pada proses permesinan kayu membutuhkan permesinan cepat akibat berat jenis bahannya yang rendah tersebut

  2. Toksikologi Logam Berat B3 dan Dampaknya terhadap Kesehatan


    Prasasti, Corie Indria; Mukono, J.; Sudarmaji, Sudarmaji


    Heavy metals are the hazardous substances that produced by industrial waste, included lead (Pb), mercury (Hg), kadnium (Cd), arsenic (As), copper (Cu), and chromium (Cr). Characteristics of lead (Pb) are soft consistency and black color. That heavy metal could cause acute and chronic body intoxication. Health effects of lead intoxication, such as neurology, kidney, reproductive system, hemopoitic system disorders. Characteristics of mercury are white liquid and boiling point is 356,90oC. The ...

  3. Pelapisan aksesoris logam untuk produk kulit menggunakan resin akrilat

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    Agustin Suraswati


    Full Text Available Abstract The aim of the research is to aquire an appropriate plating technique on leather product accessories made from metal without lessening the wonderful appearance of the accessories, to maintain the shade and to keep the rust away from the accessories that avoid or diminish defects on the leather. The plating was carried out by spraying using spraying-gun one, two, and three times, and repeated three times for each treatment to chrome plated metal, gold plated metal and roasted metal. The smaples were then pinned on a piece of chrome tanning leather and vegetable tanned leather, whereas the test carried out was wet and dry rub fastness. Data from completely randomized design are analyzed by factorial pattern according to Gasperz (1991, showed that there was not significant effect on plating neither metal on chrome and vegetable tanned leather having been stored for one, two, or three months, neither on similar things having not been stored yet. However there was significant difference on accessories having been do treated as the stated above and set on a piece of vegetable tanned leather stored for three months. Conclusion could be drawn from the research that the use of acrylate using spray system for plating metal accessories was able to maintain its beautiful appearance, kept the rust away, that was not create defects neither on chrome nor vegetable tanned leather.

  4. Sebaran Nyamuk Anopheles pada Topografi Wilayah yang Berbeda di Provinsi Jambi

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    Yulian Taviv


    Full Text Available Penularan penyakit tular vektor seperti malaria dipengaruhi oleh banyak faktor. Salah satu faktor yangtelah diketahui memiliki asosiasi dengan malaria adalah topograf wilayah yang erat hubungannya denganpola penularan. Berdasarkan tempat atau lokasi terhadap penyakit yang ditularkan oleh vektor makaperlu diperhatikan pembagian zoogeografi dimana jenis-jenis nyamuk di setiap lokasi akan dipengaruhifaktor-faktor lingkungan di setiap daerah yang berbeda. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenisAnopheles serta habitat perkembangbiakannya pada dua wilayah dengan topograf yang berbeda diProvinsi Jambi. Kegiatan yang dilakukan adalah penangkapan nyamuk dewasa dengan metode humanlanding collection dan survei habitat perkembangbiakan Anopheles. Penangkapan nyamuk dilakukanselama 12 jam dimulai dari jam 18.00 WIB hingga jam 06.00 WIB. Larva Anopheles yang berhasilditangkap selanjutnya dibawa ke laboratorium dan dipelihara hingga dewasa dan selanjutnya diidentifiasijenisnya. Hasil penangkapan nyamuk Anopheles di Desa Nipah Panjang Kabupaten Tanjung JabungTimur (dataran rendah adalah An. separatus, An. sinensis, An. tesselatus dan An. letifer. Anophelesletifer memiliki angka tertinggi untuk nilai kekerapan 3,33, kelimpahan nisbi 40, dominansi 133,33 danMan Bitting Rate (MBR 0,07. Penangkapan nyamuk Anopheles di Desa Teluk Rendak KabupatenSarolangun (dataran tinggi meliputi An. nigerrimus, An. annularis, An. letifer, An. maculatus dan An.barbumbrosus. Anopheles nigerrimus memiliki angka tertinggi untuk nilai kekerapan 21,67, kelimpahannisbi 60,98, dominansi 1321,14 dan MBR 0,63.


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    Satmoko Wisaksono


    Full Text Available Tidak dapat dipungkiri dan disangsikan bahwa bahan makanan yang berasal dari hasil perikanan laut mempunyai kadar nilai gizi tinggi. lkan laut misalnya selain dagingnya mudah dicerna, juga kandungan protein, vitamin, mineral serta lemak tak jenuh sangat diperlukan untuk pertumbuhan dan kecerdasan. Jenis-jenis ikan laut segar yang banyak dikonsumsi dan disajikan di restoran seafood adalah ikan tongkol, tengiri, kakap, kerang, cumi, sotong, udang, kepiting, rajungan, dan lain sebagainya.Hasil penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Yayasan Lembaga Konsumen Indoneia (YLKI bekerjasama dengan IPB tahun 1997 menunjukkan bahwa contoh komoditi hasil laut yang diperoleh mengandung logam berat Hg adalah dari kelompok kerang-kerangan (Bivalvia yaitu kerang darah, hijau dan tahu.


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    Notowinarto Notowinarto


    Full Text Available Sepanjang pesisir pantai pada perairan di kawasan Kecamatan Bulang Kota Batam sebagai lokasi penelitian dengan banyak dijumpai pemukiman penduduk dan industri galangan kapal (Shipyard serta banyak mengeluarkan limbah yang langsung dibuang keperairan terbuka. Sampai saat ini masih minim informasi tentang populasi bakteri heterotrof, sehingga di perlukan pengkajian secara biologi perairan yakni bagaimana populasi bakteri Heterotrof di perairan Pulau Bulang Batam. Tujuan mengetahui estimasi total bakteri umum dan virus (TBU;TBV serta hubungan antara padatan populasi bakteri dengan kondisi in-situ kualitas antar perairan yang berbeda. Penelitian bersifat lapangan insitu dengan pengambilan sampling secara teknik purposive sampling dan ek-situ yakni sampel air segera di bawa ke Laboratorium Uji Kesehatan Ikan dan Lingkungan Balai Budidaya Laut. Analisis dengan pendekatan deskriptif dan kuantitatif untuk mencari hubungan antara perkiraan populasi bakteri heterotrof dengan kondisi kualitas air antar lokasi sampling menggunakan pendekatan analisis sidik ragam (Ansira. Hasil sebagai berikut: a bahwa diperkiraan populasi bakteri heterotroph baik total bakteri umum (TBU maupun total bakteri virus (TBV yang nyata dengan kecenderungan (trend meningkat akibat adanya perubahan kualitas in-situ perairan, yakni pada lokasi Kuala Bulang 2 dan Selat Awa; b Kandungan nitrat memperlihatkan kisaran nilai yang tinggi berada di lokasi Selat Awa dan terendah terdapat pada stasiun Teluk Sepaku serta ammonium memperlihatkan nilai tertinggi pada stasiun Kuala Bulang Dua dan kandungan phospat kandungan tertinggi di stasiun Selat Awa, sehingga akan menimbulkan terjadinya peledakan populasi (blooming; dan c Hubungan korelasi antar stasiun pengamatan terhadap sebaran kepadatan total bakteri umum maupun vibrio (TBU/TBV tampaknya tidak nyata (non-signifikan. Walaupun tingkat hubungan (nilai r lebih dari 50%. Begitupula terhadap parameter kualitas air, hanya ada indikasi korelasi


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    Syahminan Syahminan


    Full Text Available This research was conducted in Dumai sea western waters, Riau Province. Dumai marine waters are part of the territorial waters of Riau that relate directly to the Strait of Malacca, and are at Rupat Strait region, and has a high accessibility of the region, both locally and internationally. Dumai waters is also an estuary waters affected by the activities of the land, and the waters that receive input from various types of waste from various activities in Dumai city and surrounding areas. The research was aimed to knowing the general condition of the Dumai sea western waters, analyzing the content of Pb and Cd in sediments, observing the correlation between organic matter and heavy metal of Pb and Cd, and find out the status of pollution Dumai Sea Western Waters by comparing the results of the analysis with some quality standard countries, The method used is a survey method. Based on the Decree of The Minister of Environment No. 51 of 2004, that the general condition of the Dumai sea western waters still can support the life activities of marine organisms in the waters. The results showed that the concentrations of Pb and Cd in sediments of Dumai is below the threshold value. The results of simple linear regression analysis of heavy metals Pb and Cd with organic matter content showed that the concentration of heavy metals Pb and Cd is not influenced by organic matter content or have a very weak correlation with linear regression equation consecutive y = 0,0834x + 7,7866 and y = -0,001x + 0,0559. The status of pollution of Dumai sea western waters for Pb 8,76 µg/g and Cd 0,04 µg/g still under quality standardsKeywords: Dumai Sea Western Waters, Sediments, Heavy Metal Pb and Cd


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    Inswiasri Suprijanto


    Full Text Available Survey on heavy metal pollution in drinking water was conducted in Jakarta from August to Octo­ber 1986. The purpose of this study was to measure the concentration of heavy metals in drinking water served by the Water Supply Enterprise and private dug wells. Ninety water samples from Water Suply Enterprise and 140 samples from Community dug wells were analysed. The mercury concentration was analysed using the Cold Vapour Technique, while other metals (Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn were analysed using the Air Acetylene Method by Atomic Absorption Spectrophoto­meter (AAS. The concentration of mercury of 30% samples from Water Suply Enterprise and 44% samples from Dug Wells varied from 0.0002- 0.0024 ppm and 0.0002-0.021 ppm respectively. Pb and Cd were undetectable. The concentration of Cu of 21% samples from Water Supply Enterprise and 1 3% samples from Dug Wells were 0.12 ppm and 0.06 ppm. The concentration of Zn of 81% samples from Water Supply Enterprise and 56% from Dug Wells varied from 0.01 -4.97 ppm and 0-01- 5.59 ppm respec­tively.

  9. Gigi Tiruan Sebagian Kerangka Logam sebagai Penunjang Kesehatan Jaringan Periodontal

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    Putri Lenggogeny


    Frame Partial Denture as a Supportive Therapy for Periodontal Health. Partial denture is very important in maintaining periodontal health and maintaining the stability of the remaining teeth. The fabrication of denture is an important phase in comprehensive periodontal health therapy, so as to maintain the periodontal health. Removable partial dentures should be designed to reduce the accumulation of food residue and plaque on the teeth and gingival edge of the abutment. The selection of metallic materials as denture in case of periodontal compromise can help in preventing tooth movement and maintain the position of the teeth after periodontal treatment because the nature of metal is more rigid when compared with other materials, so that the success of the treatment can be achieved. Making good metal framework denture and good cooperation between all members of the medical team in handling the case will result in a successful treatment. The aim of the study is to enrich the knowledge for periodontists and prosthodontists in using metal removable prothesis in compromised periodontal patients. Providing information and educating patients in maintaining the cleanliness of denture and mouth are also an important factor that determines the success of the manufacture of dentures.

  10. PERANAN MANGROVE SEBAGAI BIOFILTER PENCEMARAN AIR WILAYAH TAMBAK BANDENG TAPAK, SEMARANG (Role of Mangrove as Water Pollution Biofilter in Milkfish Pond, Tapak, Semarang

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    Nana T.M. Kariada


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Mangrove yang tumbuh di ujung sungai besar berperan sebagai penampung terakhir bagi limbah dari industri di perkotaan dan perkampungan hulu yang terbawa aliran sungai. Area hutan mangrove mempunyai kemampuan mengakumulasi logam berat yang terdapat dalam ekosistem tempat tumbuhnya. Tujuan yang hendak dicapai dari  penelitian ini adalah mengkaji peranan mangrove sebagai biofilter pencemaran air dan  mengetahui jenis mangrove yang terbaik berperan sebagai biofilter pencemaran air di di lingkungan tambak bandeng Tapak Kota Semarang. Desain yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif eksploratif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tentang akumulasi logam berat Cu antara air dan sedimen tambak, diperoleh hasil telah terjadi akumulasi Cu dengan Faktor Konsentrasi antara 43-400.  Pada stasiun 3 dan 4 terdapat akumulasi Cu dengan nilai Faktor Konsentrasi 3 dan 0,3. Hal ini menunjukkan akumulasi Cu dari sedimen ke akar mangrove relatif masih kecil. Perbedaan akumulasi dari tiap stasiun penelitian yang diamati menunjukkan adanya perbedaan jenis mangrove yang tumbuh pada masing-masing stasiun penelitian. Mangrove yang berada di lingkungan tambak bandeng wilayah Tapak Kota Semarang disimpulkan dapat berperan sebagai biofilter pencemaran air yang ada di perairan tersebut. Mangrove dari jenis Avicennia marina mempunyai peranan yang lebih baik dari jenis Rhizophora sp sebagai biofilter pencemaran air di lingkungan tambak bandeng Tapak Kota Semarang.   ABSTRACT Mangroves,  that is growing at the end of a great river, has a role as the last place for the waste water from urban and domestic industry at the upstream that were carried by the flow of river. Mangrove area  has  ability to accumulate a heavy metals  which is contained in it. The  goals  from this research is to assess role of mangrove as biofilter of water pollution and to find out the best species of mangrove as biofilter of water pollution in milkifish pond in Tapak, Semarang

  11. Flow area optimization in point to area or area to point flows

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ghodoossi, Lotfollah; Egrican, Niluefer


    This paper deals with the constructal theory of generation of shape and structure in flow systems connecting one point to a finite size area. The flow direction may be either from the point to the area or the area to the point. The formulation of the problem remains the same if the flow direction is reversed. Two models are used in optimization of the point to area or area to point flow problem: cost minimization and revenue maximization. The cost minimization model enables one to predict the shape of the optimized flow areas, but the geometric sizes of the flow areas are not predictable. That is, as an example, if the area of flow is a rectangle with a fixed area size, optimization of the point to area or area to point flow problem by using the cost minimization model will only predict the height/length ratio of the rectangle not the height and length itself. By using the revenue maximization model in optimization of the flow problems, all optimized geometric aspects of the interested flow areas will be derived as well. The aim of this paper is to optimize the point to area or area to point flow problems in various elemental flow area shapes and various structures of the flow system (various combinations of elemental flow areas) by using the revenue maximization model. The elemental flow area shapes used in this paper are either rectangular or triangular. The forms of the flow area structure, made up of an assembly of optimized elemental flow areas to obtain bigger flow areas, are rectangle-in-rectangle, rectangle-in-triangle, triangle-in-triangle and triangle-in-rectangle. The global maximum revenue, revenue collected per unit flow area and the shape and sizes of each flow area structure have been derived in optimized conditions. The results for each flow area structure have been compared with the results of the other structures to determine the structure that provides better performance. The conclusion is that the rectangle-in-triangle flow area structure

  12. Kata Pengantar Redaksi

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    Redaksi Jurnal Udayana Mengabdi


    Full Text Available Para pembaca yang budiman, salah satu industri kecil yang perkembangannya sangat pesat di Baliadalah kerajinan logam. Penggerak utama industri logam adalah para pengrajin dan senimankarya logam, yang terhimpun dalam kelompok pengrajin dan seniman. Selama ini prosespengerjaan yang dilakukan oleh pengrajin biasanya diukur berdasarkan pengalaman dari pekerjapengecoran, karena proses pengerjaan masih tradisional maka ada beberapa parameter yang sulitdikontrol, misalnya temperatur pencairan logam, temperatur penuangan dan sebagainya. Berdasarkankenyataan tersebut dan atas dasar pemikiran keinginan untuk meningkatkan kualitas hasil industricoran logam, maka perlu dilakukan perbaikan proses, yaitu penentuan atau pemilihan temperaturpenuangan atau pencairan logam sehingga dapat menghasilkan produk coran yang berkualitas.Permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh pengerajin pembuat komponen lampu hias saat ini adalah kurangbagusnya kualitas produk yang dihasilkan. Ditemukan cukup banyak produk yang cacat, seperti halnyabentuk dari hasil coran yang kurang sempurna dan terdapat lubang kecil-kecil (lubang jarum.Guna mengatasinya perlu proses finishing yang lebih rumit atau pengecoran ulang yang akhirnyamembutuhkan biaya dan waktu proses yang cukup banyak. Kondisi ini akan berpengaruh terhadappemenuhan pesanan dari konsumen yang pada akhirnya berdampak pada kinerja dan pendapatanperusahaan. Melihat permasalahan tersebut I Made Astika dan kawan-kawan dari Jurusan TeknikMesin, Fakultas Teknik Universitas Udayana melakukan pengabdian untuk memperbaiki kualitashasil produk kerajinan aluminium di UD Sari Rejeki Desa Batubulan Gianyar.Hasil penelitian Persatuan Endokrinologi (PERKENI cabang Bali mendapatkan bahwa jumlahpenderita obesitas dan diabetes di Bali cenderung meningkat. Peningkatan ini lebih terlihat padapenduduk yang bermukim di daerah pariwisata. Contohnya di wilayah Legian dan Ubud, dimanatingkat penderita obesitas dan diabetes cukup tinggi. Di Legian didapatkan


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    Agcrista Permata Kusuma


    Full Text Available Abstrak Puskesmas Kedungmundu merupakan wilayah endemis DBD dengan kasus yang tinggi. Diperlukan upaya dalam menentukan kebijakan strategi pengendalian vektor secara efektif dan efisien. Analisis spasial dalam SIG dapat digunakan untuk mengetahui pola penyebaran dan daerah potensi penularan DBD. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif analitik menggunakan pendekatan cross sectional. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan sampel wilayah memperhatikan proporsi sampel dengan jumlah sampel 146 responden. Pengambilan titik koordinat menggunakan GPS. Analisis data menggunakan analisis univariat dan analisis spasial. Hasil perhitungan statistik spasial ANN diperoleh nilai Z-score = -11,054 terdapat pola spasial kasus DBD di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Kedungmundu. Nilai ANN = 0,52 < 1, artinya pola penyebaran kejadian DBD yang terjadi adalah berkerumun. Kesimpulan dalam penelitian ini sebaran kasus DBD memiliki keterkaitan secara spasial dengan kepadatan penduduk. Abstract Kedungmundu PHC is an endemich region with a high case. Be required to determine policy of vector control strategies effectively and efficiently. Spatial analsys in GIS can be used to determine the pattern of distribution and areas of DHF potential transmission. The type this research was analysis descriptive with cross sectional approach. The sampling technique used a sample area of attention to the proportion of the sample with 146 respondents of total sample. Capturing the coordinates used GPS. Data analisys used univariat and spatial analisys. Result of ANN obtained a Z-score= -11,054, there was a spatial pattern of dengue cases in Kedungmundu PHC. ANN value = 0,52 < 1, it meant that the pattern of DHF distribution was clustered. The conclution of this research was DHF distribution cases has spatial correlation with density population.


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    Nur Hidayah


    Full Text Available Grounded on BLHD’s report of South Borneo on 2009, Fe contents in Barito river achieve 2,5455 mg/L. This level pass by KEPMENKES on 2002 which only permit Fe contents in water as many 0,3 mg/L. The goals of this research are to study ability of banana stem to decrease Fe contents in water sample of Barito river. Knowing the best adsorbent condition to decrease Fe contents in Barito river based on variations of activation process, kind of activator, adsorbent diameter size, stirring of velocity and adsorption duration as well as to find water of Barito river which appropriate with clean or drink water standart based on KEPMENKES on 2002.This research started with adsorption process and finishing with filtration process. Banana stem is washed until clean and then cut to small slice to abridge vaporization of water contents when is hoted under the sun. The dried banana stem be broken with blender. Banana stem is screned to find diameter size as big as 20, 30 and 40 mesh. Then, banana stem is activated using KMnO4 ­0,1 M dan ZnCl2 0,1 M solution during 24 hours. Whereas in physics activation, banana stem is pyrolysed during 30 minute at 500oC. Activated carbon is used to adsorption with some variation. The result will test use spectofotometry.Result of this research indicate that banana stem can decrease Fe content in water of Barito river. Activated carbon with size 40 mesh which use physic-chemical activation with KMnO40,1 M solution as well as 150 rpm strring velocity and ahour adsorption duration give the best result.

  15. Pengaruh Biomassa Azolla Terhadap Status Logam Berat Timbal (Pb) Pada Tanah


    Abror, Muhammad; Sabrina, Teuku; Hidayat, Benny


    Research on title the effect of Pb-Polluted azolla biomass on polluted on lead heavy metal status at polluted and unpolluted soil with Pb aimed to evaluate the potency of Pb-polluted azolla biomass on the availability of Pb in soil. The experiment design was factorial randomized block design with 2 factors and 3 replications. First factor was Pb-polluted azolla biomass with 3 treatments 0 g/kg, 15 g/kg and 30g/kg, second factor was Pb application with 3 treatments 0 ppm/kg, 150 ppm/kg, and 3...


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    Sri Dian Meita Sari


    Full Text Available Total content of Pb metal in sediments has been reported or published frequently, but it could not provide information about various forms of metals contained in sediments and did not show the true metal concentrations involved in the process of bioaccumulation by organisms. Therefore, this study was aimed to determine the bioavailability of Pb metal and speciation the metal in various forms or compounds existing in the sediments. A quantitative analysis of total metal content, Pb in the sediments was initiated performing the digestion method using the mixture of HNO3 and HCl (3:1 in ultrasonic bath at 60 0C for 45 minutes, and continued heating on a hotplate for another 45 minutes at 140 0C. Moreover, analysis of Pb metals as bioavailability fraction was perfomed by single extraction method of EDTA and HCl, while for metal speciation fractions on each phase using Sequential Extraction Technique. Consequently, the metal concentrations of digestion and extraction solutions were measured by using an atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS technique with the aplication of calibration method. The total concentrations of Pb in sediments collected from Sanur Beach ranged from 139,9945 to 260,1521 mg/kg. The highest bioavailability of Pb obtained in sediments at site II (Sindhu Beach, in which the Pb extracted from sediments was 21.44%. Generally, the Pb metal associated in the sediments at Sanur Beach was bounded in oxidisable organic fraction (2.08 – 3.50%.

  17. Gerabah Situs Wayputih sebagai Komoditi Barter di Kerajaan Hoamoal

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    Wuri Handoko


    Full Text Available The site of Wayputih settlement in the history and traditions of the various sources mentioned as the part of the Kingdom Hoamoal region. This study aims to clarify the role of settlement Wayputih sites as the region as one of the central region of the kingdom Hoamoal clove producer. In addition it describes the process of trade and exchange between commodities produced by commodity from outside the area. This study uses a survey to see traces of settlements based on primary data pottery artifacts, then perform quantitative and qualitative analysis of data to explain the use and development of the system of commodity exchanges in the region. The results of the study, found the distribution of pottery with a high quantity in the site area. It can be concluded that based on the intensity of pottery and not produced in the local area, then to obtain it from outside the region to barter with cloves produced in the local area. Trade and exchange of pottery with cloves in Wayputih, support the development of trade in the territory of the Kingdom Hoamoal. Situs pemukiman Wayputih dalam berbagai sumber sejarah maupun tradisi tutur merupakan wilayah pemerintahan dari Kerajaan Hoamoal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan peranan permukiman situs Wayputih sebagai wilayah sebagai salah satu wilayah pusat penghasil cengkeh bagi kerajaan Hoamoal. Selain itu menggambarkan proses perdagangan dan pertukaran antara komoditi yang dihasilkan dengan komoditi dari luar wilayah. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survei untuk melihat jejak-jejak permukiman berdasarkan data utama artefak gerabah, selanjutnya melakukan analisis secara kuantitatif dan kualitatif data untuk menjelaskan penggunaan dan perkembangan sistem pertukaran komoditi di wilayah tersebut. Hasil penelitian, ditemukan sebaran gerabah dengan kuantitas yang tinggi di wilayah situs tersebut. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa berdasarkan intensitas gerabah dan tidak dihasilkan di wilayah setempat, maka untuk


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    I Wayan Aryadi


    Full Text Available Seiring dengan perkembangan kebutuhan bit rate dan kapasitas layanan data yang meningkat di wilayah Kota Denpasar, diperlukan perencanaan lokasi site BTS (Base Transceiver Station yang dapat melayani kebutuhan pelanggan secara kuantitas maupun kualitas. Untuk memperoleh nilai bit rate yang maksimal dibutuhkan jari-jari sel yang kecil. Dengan perbandingan luas wilayah sebesar 130,48 km2 jika dibagi dengan 399 balai banjar di Kota Denpasar maka diperoleh coverage area 0,327 km2 per banjar dengan jari-jari sel sekitar 285 m. Maka pada penelitian ini lokasi site BTS yang digunakan adalah pada Balai Banjar di Kota Denpasar. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk merancang lokasi site BTS layanan 3G-WCDMA (Wideband Code Division Multiple Access untuk wilayah Pemerintah Kota Denpasar sesuai data sebaran penduduk dan mengetahui perbandingan jumlah site BTS secara teoritis untuk layanan 3G-WCDMA memanfaatkan Balai Banjar Pemerintah Kota Denpasar dengan model pemetaan secara geografis. Metode penelitian terdiri dari 3 alur, yaitu perkiraan pertumbuhan pelanggan 3G-WCDMA dan Offered Bit Quantity (OBQ per desa di Kota Denpasar, Perhitungan jumlah dan jari-jari site secara teoritis per desa di Kota Denpasar, dan Pemetaan site di Kota Denpasar memanfaatkan Balai Banjar. Perhitungan secara teoritis menunjukkan bahwa 257 site yang diperlukan untuk melingkupi seluruh wilayah Denpasar. Sementara pemetaan secara geografis dengan memanfaatkan lokasi Balai Banjar adalah sebanyak 311 site. Dari 311 site, 155 site (49,84% terdapat pada kawasan Balai Banjar dan 156 site (50,16% terdapat di luar kawasan Balai Banjar.

  19. Produksi Panel Dinding Bangunan Tahan Gempa dan Ramah Lingkungan dari Limbah Bahan Berbahaya dan Beracun Industri Minyak dan Gas

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    Luqman Hakim


    Full Text Available Berdasarkan hasil uji karakteristik fisik terhadap panel dinding dari komposit limbah industry migas berupa activated alumina, sandblasting dan glasswall yang telah dilakukan pada tahun pertama diketahui bahwa kuat lentur tertinggi diperoleh dari sampel B4 yaitu sebesar 67,8 Kg/Cm2 dengan standar DIN 1101 17 Kg/cm2, kuat desak sampel B 2 68,31 N/mm2 dengan standar bata merah 25 N/mm2 dan batako 20 N/mm2 dan tingkat keausan terendah diperoleh dari sampel 37 streap. Dari hasil tersebut diketahui bahwa uji telah memiliki kemampuan lebih tinggi jika dibandingkan dengan standar yang berlaku. Maka pada penelitian lanjutan yang akan dilakukan bertujuan untuk mempelajari apakah produk panel dinding ini ramah lingkungan sehingga aman bagi kesehatan manusia dan lingkungan sekitarnya.Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode uji toxicity characteristic leaching procedure (TCLP dan LC50 terhadap produk panel dinding terbaik. Uji TCLP yang akan dilakukan yaitu dengan cara mendestruksi dan ekstraksi produk panel dinding dengan menggunakan rotating agitator selama 24 jam kemudian diuji dengan menggunakan AAS untuk mengetahui konsentrasi logam berat yang terdapat dalam produl panel dinding. Adapun untuk uji LC50 dilakukan dengan menggunakan hewan uji larva udang atau tikus.Berdasarkan hasil uji TCLP dan LC50 diketahui bahwa: a Kadar kandungan logam berat yang terdapat di dalam wall panel setelah dilakukan uji TCLP ternyata berada dibawah baku mutu seperti yang telah ditetapkan dalam PP No.85 Tahun 1999. Jadi ini artinya produk wall panel dalam penelitian ini ramah lingkungan, b pengujian terhadap bahan baku wall panel, Limbah Activated Alumina, Sandblasting dan Glasswoll sebelum di solidifikasi dapat mematikan sebesar 50% hewan uji pada konsentrasi 116.667 ppm dalam waktu 96 jam, dan c hasil uji LC50 terhadap produk wall panel selama 96 jam tidak menunjukkan adanya kematian hewan uji. Dari hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa produk wall panel dari

  20. Rice Husk Packed Bed Column Reactor To Remove Cadmium From Landfill Leachate

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    Monik Kasman


    Full Text Available The landfill leachate can be a major problem due to large variability of high organic, inorganic, heavy metal content and toxicity characteristics from landfill leachate such as  cadmium. Thus, this study was aimed to observe the application of rice husk packed bed column to reduce cadmium from landfill leachate. Experiment was conducted in gravity down flow system by pumping landfill leachate into packed bed column. The effect of influent flow rate to adsorption capacity was studied by varying flow rate (5 mL/min and 10 mL/min. The effluent-influent concentration ratio Ce/C0 (% as a function of throughput volume (L was used to represent the breakthrough curve in column systems. Result shows that the flow rate of 5 mL/min was favorable to achieve higher removal rates with the percentage of cadmium was 57 %. At breakthrough time, the cadmium effluent concentration reached on 0.01 mg/l for both of flow rate.ABSTRAKLindi yang dihasilkan dari TPA (Tempat Pembuangan Akhir menimbulkan permasalahan lingkungan karena kandungan pencemarnya meliputi material organik, material anorganik, logam dan material beracun. Salah satu logam berat yang terdapat dalam lindi tersebut adalah kadmium. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mereduksi kadmium dalam lindi dengan menggunakan sekam padi yang diinstal dalam packed bed column. Lindi dipompakan dari tangki penampung lindi ke dalam packed bed column dan dialirkan dari atas ke bawah kolom secara gravitasi. Fokus pada penelitian ini adalah pengaruh laju alir influen terhadap kapasitas adsorpsi. Dimana lindi dialirkan dengan laju alir 5 mL/menit dan 10 mL/menit. Kurva breakthrough (titik jenuh kolom dipresentasikan oleh hubungan antara rasio konsentrasi efluen-influen Ce/C0 (% dan jumlah aliran lindi yang diolah dalam kolom. Hasil eksperimen menunjukkan bahwa persentase reduksi tertinggi dicapai pada laju alir 5 mL/menit yaitu 57%. Waktu jenuh kedua laju alir (5 mL/menit dan 10 mL/menit tercapai saat konsentrasi efluen


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    NKT Martuti


    Full Text Available Abstrak __________________________________________________________________________________________ Konversi kawasan mangrove menjadi lahan tambak ikan/udang merupakan penyebab utama rusaknya ekosistem mangrove di Indonesia. Eksploitasi kawasan mangrove yang terus menerus dilakukan berpotensi mereduksi keanekaragaman spesies tumbuhan yang memiliki peran dan fungsi utama secara ekologis. Dusun Tapak merupakan salah satu wilayah di Kota Semarang yang ekosistem mangrovenya masih terjaga. Pengumpulan data primer pada penelitian ini meliputi pengukuran sebaran vegetasi mangrove. Data vegetasi mangrove dianalisis untuk mendapatkan Indeks Nilai Penting (INP dan Indeks Keanekaragaman. Pada tingkat pertumbuhan pohon, Avicennia marina merupakan spesies yang memiliki nilai penting tertinggi pada S II (300 %, S III (287,14 %, dan S IV (186,08 %, sedangkan spesies Rhizophora mucronata memiliki nilai penting tertinggi pada S I (232,06. Berdasarkan hasil analisis vegetasi mangrove di Wilayah Tapak, terdapat 5 spesies mangrove yang berhasil dijumpai, yaitu Rhizophora mucronata, Avicennia marina, Excoecaria aghalloca, Brugueira cylindrical, dan Xylocarpus mocullensis. Hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan  bahwa Nilai Keanekaragaman mangrove wilayah Tapak rendah (0-0,469.  Hal ini dikarenakan ekosistem mangrove Wilayah Tapak merupakan ekosistem buatan, dengan jenis dan jumlah mangrove yang dominan terdiri dari Rhizophora mucronata dan Avicennia marina.   Abstract __________________________________________________________________________________________ The conversion of the mangrove conservation area into fish/shrimp ponds has been the major cause of the destruction of mangrove ecosystem in Indonesia. The ongoing exploitation of mangrove area potentially reduces the plant species diversity of the area. The mangrove area in Tapak Sub-Village of Semarang City is relatively conserved. The primary data collected in this research consisted of the mangrove vegetation

  2. Tinjauan terhadap tailing mengandung unsur pencemar Arsen (As, Merkuri (Hg, Timbal (Pb, dan Kadmium (Cd dari sisa pengolahan bijih logam

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    Danny Zulkifli Herman


    Full Text Available tailing of a mining activity is discharged into either landscape or river body, the pollutan element wastes are possible to disperse within those areas and may cause pollution on environment. The environment pollution hazards of arsenic (As, mercury (Hg, lead (Pb and cadmium (Cd probably occurred if tailing with the content of those elements is not handled properly. Particularly in the tropical regions, higher rates of chemical weathering and bio-chemical activity will contribute a rapid mobilization of the most potentially toxic elements.One of adverse health effects from arsenic to human life is in the case of arsenic-contained drinking waters exceed the threshold limit value. As a result, it will create chronic symptoms of toxicity within the human body such as gastro-intestinal irritation, nerve damage and tissue wastage. Tailing originated from amalgamation processing of gold ore enables its mercury waste to disperse in the vicinity of mining area and may form environment pollution by either organic or inorganic mercury. The pollution would be more hazardous to human health if mercury element in the water body transform biochemically into a compound of methylmercury. There is a variety of mechanisms by micro-organism which can bring about the formation of the very toxic methylmercury species, particularly with regard to its uptake by fish. Effects to the human health from the organic mercury include the blood-brain barrier and upsetting the metabolism of the nervous system. Whilst the main toxic effect of inorganic mercury is disruption the functions of kidneys and liver within human body. Most mining activity of base metal may discharge tailing with a significant lead (Pb content. Lead is a cumulative poison, hence absorbing this element by human body with particularly exceeding its threshold limit value will bind strongly to a large number of molecules such as amino acids, haemoglobin

  3. Penggunaan Data Penginderaan Jauh dan Sistem Informasi Geografis untuk Pembuatan Prototipe Perangkat Lunak Simulasi Penyebaran Kebakaran Hutan

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    Agung Mulyo Widodo


    Full Text Available Telah didesain dan disusun prototipe perangkat lunak model interaktif kebakaran hutan, yang dapat memberikan skenario terjadinya kebakaran hutan dengan masukan berupa lokasi titik api (hotspot dan keluaran berupa informasi lokasi penyebaran kebakaran, luas kebakaran, waktu simulasi yang diperlukan untuk mencapai luas kebakaran serta kecepatan penyebaran kebakaran. Prototipe model interaktif ini dibangun dengan mendefinisikan suatu satuan perluasan eskalasi kebakaran (FirePixel yang mewakili granularitas data riil lapangan sebesar 400X400 m, letak (posisi geografis dan luasan pengamatan simulasi kebakaran yang dapat dikustomisasi (disetting oleh pengguna secara interaktif dengan asumsi kondisi pada sebuah satuan perluasan eskalasi kebakaran atau Fire Pixel diasumsikan homogen dengan parameter konfigurasi vegetasi, kelerengan, sebaran gambut, sebaran batubara sebagai faktor internal dan faktor eksternal yaitu faktor tetangga terdekat, kecepatan dan arah angin, temperatur rata-rata, kelembaban rata-rata dari simulasi dapat dikustomisasi secara interaktif pada saat simulasi. Dalam perhitungan proses kebakaran dan proses pemadaman kebakaran hutan didefinisikan faktor percepatan proses kebakaran yang merupakan akumulasi dari faktor internal dan eksternal yang secara langsung mempengaruhi kecepatan terjadinya proses kebakaran dan pemadaman kebakaran hutan. Perubahan fase kebakaran diperoleh melalui pemodelan matematik dari faktor internal dan eskternal mulai dari fase mulai terbakar sampai kebakaran padam. Hasil validasi prototipe diperoleh kebenaran yang dapat diterima dalam perhitungan statistik menggunakan Uji Kolmogorov-Smirnov Dua Sampel. Hasil skenario 1 menghasilkan nilai KD hitung (=1,5722 < KD tabel (-1,9176 dan skenario 2 menghasilkan nilai KD hitung (=1,36 < nilai KD tabel (=1,5722.   It has been designed and structured software prototype interactive model of forest fires, which can provide forest fire scenario, input is the location of

  4. Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Bahaya Erupsi untuk Pengelolaan Kebencanaan di Lereng Selatan Gunungapi Merapi

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    Sriadi Setyowati


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Pengembangan sistem informasi bencana ini dilakukan di Lereng Selatan Gunungapi Merapi sebagai salah satu upaya mitigasi bencana. Penelitian ini bertujuan: 1 menyusun peta tingkat bahaya dan sebaran bahaya pasca erupsi 2010, dan 2 menyusun informasi spasial untuk pengurangan risiko bencana. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara purposif pada setiap satuan medan. Analisis spasial dilakukan dengan bantuan SIG, yang terlebih dulu dilakukan pengharkatan terhadap atribut datanya. Hasil penelitiannya adalah, pertama, terdapat tiga kelas bahaya erupsi di lereng selatan Gunungapi Merapi yaitu rendah, sedang, dan tinggi. Tingkat bahaya erupsi sedang meliputi 73% wilayah, sedangkan tingkat bahaya rendah dan tinggi meliputi 27% wilayah. Faktor yang mempengaruhi tingkat bahaya adalah jarak dari kepundan, jarak dari alur sungai utama, kemiringan lereng, dan relief. Kedua, terdapat empat jalur evakuasi yang disarankan untuk digunakan dalam pengelolaan bencana dengan memperhatikan tingkat bahaya, penduduk, aksesibilitas, serta keberadaan fasilitas pendukung.   ABSTRACT This research aims to: (1 map the hazard level and distribution after 2010 eruption, based on new morphological database at southern flank of Merapi Volcano. (2 make spatial information for disaster risk reduction according to renovated hazard level information. This research employs explorative survey methods. Population sampling is done through purposive sampling methods. Samplings are taken in terrain units. The analysis technique employs in this research are GIS, scoring, and descriptive spatial analysis. Result shows: (1 there are three level of eruption hazard in southern flank of Merapi Volcano, namely: low, middle, and high. Middle eruption hazard level to includes 73% area, low and high hazard level to includes 27% area. The factors that influence hazard level are distance from crater, distance from main river channel, slope, and relief. (2 there are four routes suggested to


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    Abdur Rahman


    Full Text Available This study aimed to model the spatial content of heavy metals in water bodies and biota in the waters of the River Estuary Kuin. Data analysis methods are used to determine water quality status with spatial interpolation models Semivariogram (kriging and Inverse Distance weighting (IDW is integrated with  Geographic Information System (GIS. Based on calculations using the Ordinary Kriging method with Semivariogram/covariance modeling to model the heavy metals in water bodies Average Standard Error values average of 0.01641 (RMS = 0.01430 at the station Kuin River Estuary. Results of calculations using the Inverse Distance weighting method (IDW for models of heavy metals in biota obtained Root Mean Square value (RMS-error average of 0.29787 on Kuin River Estuary, and the mean value of the average station of 0.0138.


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    Hening Widowati


    Full Text Available Cd, Pb heavy metal absorption in aquatic vegetables: Genjer (Limnocharis flava, Kangkung air (Ipomoea aquatica Forsk dan Selada air (Nasturtium officinale R. Br, studied to see the relationship with green figure scale. The research objective was to identify the accumulated Cd, Pb in the consumed organ vegetable, and their impacts to the levels of green figure scale. The research was undertaken by planting three kinds of the aquatic vegetables to the contaminated pure Cd,pure Pb media, mixture of Cd and Pb with factorial randomized block design. Data were analyzed by factorial One-Way Anova and further test of Duncan and HSD to see the difference of Cd, Pb and green figure scale, regression and correlation to know the contribution of Cd, Pb in influencing the green figure scale. Variety of vegetables, media, organ, and the interaction influences the accumulation of Cd, Pb and level of green figure scale. There is a relationship between Cd, Pb metal accumulation to the level of green figure scale of the aquatic vegetables, with negative correlation that Cd, Pb decreased the vegetable green figure scale.


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    Arya Arismaya Metananda


    Full Text Available  Kepuh (Sterculia foetida L. is a multi-function plant that presently in danger of extinction. Various acts of illegal logging, convertion of the region, as well as their skin dormancy is a challenge in conservation kepuh in nature. As racing with these conditions, conservation efforts must be known in advance regarding kepuh’s  population, how the spatial distribution and association as well. This data is important as a basis of the policy making and action in the field of handling. Therefore, the research was conducted to identify the population of kepuh, spatial distribution of kepuh and associated with other spesies. This research was conducted in 12 districts in Sumbawa Regency through surveys and literature review. The result of exploration and single quadrat method were found 169 individuals (65 seedlings, 5 saplings, 14 poles, 85 trees kepuh in 12 districts. Based on its distribution, kepuh was unevened these days. The patterns of kepuh’s distribution was clumped. This means  that socio ecologically the existence of food and beverage is concentrated in certain locations. On the other side of the socio biological clumped distribution also indicate social interaction/association among kepuh and other plants. Associations pattern shown, kepuh in nature are relatively positive. However, when it is viewed from the level of the association by applying Jaccard index showed that the associations were formed relatively weak (average value 0,38. Population presented infomation, distribution and distribution patterns and associations of kepuh would be the basis for sustainable management of kepuh in nature. Keyword: association, conservation, distribution, kepuh, population.

  8. Analisis Sebaran Reklame Billboard Terhadap Lokasi Dan Nilai Pajak Reklame Berbasis Sistem Informasi Geografis


    Widyaningrum, Dyah; Sudarsono, Bambang; Nugraha, Arief Laila


    Advertising holding important role in economic development in Indonesia. The success of a national economy is largely determined by the activities of advertising.Advertisement is the one of that representing a message in the form of goods or services. Advertisement managed by goverments and there is a tax on the advertisement, which are often referred to by the advertisement tax. Implementation of billboards in the Semarang city set on Regional Regulation No. 14 of 2012, which also regulates ...

  9. Control Areas (United States)

    Department of Homeland Security — This feature class represents electric power Control Areas. Control Areas, also known as Balancing Authority Areas, are controlled by Balancing Authorities, who are...

  10. All Conservation Opportunity Areas (ECO.RES.ALL_OP_AREAS) (United States)

    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency — The All_OP_Areas GIS layer are all the Conservation Opportunity Areas identified by MoRAP (produced for EPA Region 7). They designate areas with potential for...

  11. Health Service Areas (HSAs) - Small Area Estimates (United States)

    Health Service Areas (HSAs) are a compromise between the 3000 counties and the 50 states. An HSA may be thought of as an area that is relatively self-contained with respect to hospital care and may cross over state boundries.

  12. Studi Ekstraksi Bijih Thorit dengan Metode Digesti Asam dan Pemisahan Thorium dari Logam Tanah Jarang dengan Metode Oksidasi-Presipitasi Selektif

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    Moch Iqbal Nur Said


    Full Text Available Thorium (Th is a radioactive metal that can be formed along with uranumand rare earth metals (REM. Minerals contain radioactive elements are monazite ((Ce,La,Y,U/ThPO4, thorianite ((Th,UO2, and thorite (ThSiO4. Mamuju Area is containing radioactive minerals, thorite is one of them. To separate REM from radioactive elements can be conducted by exctracting thorium from thorite ore by acid digestion method using sulphuric acid (H2SO4, followed by leaching and thorium recovery in the form of thorium hydroxide by chemical precipitation using ammonium hydroxide (NH4OH. The experimental results showed that the optimum conditions of acid digestion that give the highest Th extraction percentage on solid to liquid ratio are obtained at 1:2 (g/mL in 60 minutes with extraction percentages of Th, iron (Fe and REM are 82.47%, 80.08%, and 83.31% respectively. The highest thorium precipitation percentage, as much as 95.47% , was obtained at pH 4.5 on room temperature (26 ± 1°C. At higher temperature (70°C, a lower percentage of thorium precipitation is obtained, as much as 83.69%. Pre-oxidation by using H2O2 solution with two times stoichiometry for 1.5 hours at room temperature is increasing Fe precipitation percentage from 93.08% to 99.93%.

  13. 5 CFR 591.207 - Which areas are COLA areas? (United States)


    ... 5 Administrative Personnel 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Which areas are COLA areas? 591.207 Section 591.207 Administrative Personnel OFFICE OF PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT CIVIL SERVICE REGULATIONS ALLOWANCES AND DIFFERENTIALS Cost-of-Living Allowance and Post Differential-Nonforeign Areas Cost-Of-Living...

  14. Class 1 Areas (United States)

    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency — A "Class 1" area is a geographic area recognized by the EPA as being of the highest environmental quality and requiring maximum protection. Class I areas are areas...

  15. Living in Prone Flooding Area: in Coastal Areas of Semarang (United States)

    Tyas, W. P.


    When settlements are not able to provide a comfort area to live in, in this case because of a periodic threat of tidal flood coming to certain settlement areas, it is likely that the people still cannot leave the area. This paper explores the leading factors of the attachment of people to the areas, from economic, physical, social and psychological factors, including a place attachment. Therefore, the approach of the problem solution to tackle the tidal flooding in the areas should be also concern and have considerations relate to the factors.


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    Mohammad Tofa Wijaya


    Full Text Available Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menyelidiki pengaruh temperatur tuang terhadap ketangguhan impak dan struktur mikro hasil pengecoran paduan aluminium dengan menggunakan cetakan pasir. Bahan penelitian ini adalah paduan alumunium dari scrap aluminium, kemudian dilebur dan dituang ke dalam cetakan dengan variasi temperatur tuang dari 660 °C, 700 °C dan 740 °C. Pengujian impak dilakukan untuk mengetahui ketangguhan impak pada hasil coran dengan menggunakan alat uji impak Charpy (ASTM E 23-02a. Foto struktur mikro dilakukan dengan menggunakan mikroskop optik Nikon seri 661103. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa variasi temperatur tuang pada saat pengecoran berpengaruh terhadap nilai ketangguhan impak dan struktur mikro hasil coran. Dari tiga variasi temperatur tuang yang dilakukan, semakin tinggi temperatur tuang maka nilai ketangguhan impaknya juga semakin meningkat. Struktur mikro yang terbentuk dari  logam paduan aluminium coran secara umum memiliki bentuk struktur mikro berupa struktur dendrite.


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    Erma Musbita Tyastuti


    Full Text Available Limbah cair batik di Solo sebagian besar dibuang langsung ke perairan tanpa diolah terlebih dahulu dan menyebabkan pencemaran air. Kandungan logam berat di dalam limbah cair batik dapat memicu efek genotoksik seperti pembentukan mikronukleus. Lemna minor berpotensi sebagai antimutagen dan mencegah pembentukan mikronukleus karena mengandung senyawa aktif seperti karoten dan asam amino. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui ekogenotoksisitas limbah cair batik dan efek antimutagenik Lemna minor terhadap eritrosit ikan nila. Penelitian dilakukan di Laboratorium Biologi UMS dengan pemaparan limbah cair batik 0ppm/L, 2500 ppm/L, 5000 ppm/L dan 7500 ppm/L terhadap 2 kelompok ikan nila dengan diet pelet dan Lemna minor. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa paparan limbah cair batik memicu pembentukan mikronukleus dengan frekwensi tertinggi pada konsentrasi paparan 7500 ppm/L. Lemna minor juga terbukti memiliki potensi antimutagenik karena mampu menekan frekwensi mikronukleus lebih rendah dibandingkan diet pelet.

  18. Analisis Sebaran Pemanfaatan Internet Blog/Weblog untuk Kategori Bisnis dan Ekonomi di Dunia Maya Indonesia

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    Cooky Tri Adhikara


    Full Text Available Internet Weblog / Blog is a medium of communication that are simple, affordable and easy to build. This cause numbers of Blogs in Indonesia grew rapidly. Bloggers, readers and third-party (Internet Provider, Advertiser, mediators get the benefits of blogs according to their capacity such as mind-sharing, media discourse, promotions, sales, and many other benefits. There are many categories of blogs. Some studies classify them into various categories. This study focus on the business and economic blog category. The aim of this study is to create blog benefiting map of Indonesia’s virtual society, find any Indonesian particular form of blog benefiting, and to seek any suggestion of blog benefit enhance for society.  

  19. Selection of material balance areas and item control areas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Section 70.58, ''Fundamental Nuclear Material Controls,'' of 10 CFR Part 70, ''Special Nuclear Material,'' requires certain licensees authorized to possess more than one effective kilogram of special nuclear material to establish Material Balance Areas (MBAs) or Item Control Areas (ICAs) for the physical and administrative control of nuclear materials. This section requires that: (1) each MBA be an identifiable physical area such that the quantity of nuclear material being moved into or out of the MBA is represented by a measured value; (2) the number of MBAs be sufficient to localize nuclear material losses or thefts and identify the mechanisms; (3) the custody of all nuclear material within an MBA or ICA be the responsibility of a single designated individual; and (4) ICAs be established according to the same criteria as MBAs except that control into and out of such areas would be by item identity and count for previously determined special nuclear material quantities, the validity of which must be ensured by tamper-safing unless the items are sealed sources. This guide describes bases acceptable to the NRC staff for the selection of material balance areas and item control areas. (U.S.)

  20. Fire Hazards Analysis for the 200 Area Interim Storage Area

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    This documents the Fire Hazards Analysis (FHA) for the 200 Area Interim Storage Area. The Interim Storage Cask, Rad-Vault, and NAC-1 Cask are analyzed for fire hazards and the 200 Area Interim Storage Area is assessed according to HNF-PRO-350 and the objectives of DOE Order 5480 7A. This FHA addresses the potential fire hazards associated with the Interim Storage Area (ISA) facility in accordance with the requirements of DOE Order 5480 7A. It is intended to assess the risk from fire to ensure there are no undue fire hazards to site personnel and the public and to ensure property damage potential from fire is within acceptable limits. This FHA will be in the form of a graded approach commensurate with the complexity of the structure or area and the associated fire hazards

  1. [Syntactic Processing in Broca's Area: Brodmann Areas 44 and 45]. (United States)

    Yamada, Atora; Sakai, Kuniyoshi L


    Brodmann areas 44 and 45 are known as Broca's area; however, their true functional roles are still unknown. Recent developments in neuroimaging techniques revealed the structures and functions of Broca's area in detail. More specifically regarding language functions, sufficient evidence has been accumulated that this region subserves the center of syntactic processing, not necessarily motor functions. Here, we review a role of Broca's area as the grammar center, including other roles in nonlinguistic functions.


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    Muhammad Nizar Pahlevi


    Full Text Available Electroplating industry is a metal coating industry by way of metal precipitate coatings on metal or plastic which is done so that the electrolytic waste containing heavy metals. Electrocoagulation is a process of merging clumps resulting from the flux of electrical current (DC for the extraction of metal compounds contained in wastewater. In this process of reduction and oxidation reactions occur. Where the metal is reduced and the positive electrode (Al will be oxidized to (Al (OH 3 which serves as a coagulant. The purpose of this research to study methods of electrocoagulation using aluminum electrodes and the influence of the length of time stirring and stirring speed of decision-CR6+ levels and total Cr. This electrocoagulation electroplating wastewater with electricity so that the ions are absorbed by the coagulant in waste binder in the release of the electrode and causes the bond between the metal ions with coagulant. Variation of stirrer speed of 200, 400 and 600 rpm, whereas the long stirring time 25, 50 and 75 minutes. Based on test results, after an analysis showed a significant reduction of the levels of total CR6 + and Cr in the electroplating wastes. CR6+ to obtain a decrease of 95.1% at minute 50 and the stirrer speed of 200 rpm, whereas the total Cr obtained a decrease of 82.69% at minute 75 and a stirrer speed of 600 rpm.

  3. Climate influences the leaf area/sapwood area ratio in Scots pine. (United States)

    Mencuccini, M; Grace, J


    We tested the hypothesis that the leaf area/sapwood area ratio in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) is influenced by site differences in water vapor pressure deficit of the air (D). Two stands of the same provenance were selected, one in western Scotland and one in eastern England, so that effects resulting from age, genetic variability, density and fertility were minimized. Compared with the Scots pine trees at the cooler and wetter site in Scotland, the trees at the warmer and drier site in England produced less leaf area per unit of conducting sapwood area both at a stem height of 1.3 m and at the base of the live crown, whereas stem permeability was similar at both sites. Also, trees at the drier site had less leaf area per unit branch cross-sectional area at the branch base than trees at the wetter site. For each site, the average values for leaf area, sapwood area and permeability were used, together with values of transpiration rates at different D, to calculate average stem water potential gradients. Changes in the leaf area/sapwood area ratio acted to maintain a similar water potential gradient in the stems of trees at both sites despite climatic differences between the sites.

  4. FHFA Underserved Areas (United States)

    Department of Housing and Urban Development — Federal Housing Finance Agency's (FHFA) Underserved Areas establishes underserved area designations for census tracts in Metropolitan Areas (MSAs), nonmetropolitan...

  5. Water Service Areas - Public Water Supplier's (PWS) Service Areas (United States)

    NSGIC Education | GIS Inventory — Boundaries of current public water supplier's (PWS) service areas. This data set contains the present service area boundary of the water system and does not contain...

  6. Anchorage Areas (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — An anchorage area is a place where boats and ships can safely drop anchor. These areas are created in navigable waterways when ships and vessels require them for...

  7. Should Broca's area include Brodmann area 47? (United States)

    Ardila, Alfredo; Bernal, Byron; Rosselli, Monica


    Understanding brain organization of speech production has been a principal goal of neuroscience. Historically, brain speech production has been associated with so-called Broca’s area (Brodmann area –BA- 44 and 45), however, modern neuroimaging developments suggest speech production is associated with networks rather than with areas. The purpose of this paper was to analyze the connectivity of BA47 ( pars orbitalis) in relation to language . A meta-analysis was conducted to assess the language network in which BA47 is involved. The Brainmap database was used. Twenty papers corresponding to 29 experimental conditions with a total of 373 subjects were included. Our results suggest that BA47 participates in a “frontal language production system” (or extended Broca’s system). The BA47  connectivity found is also concordant with a minor role in language semantics. BA47 plays a central role in the language production system.

  8. MILDOS-AREA: An enhanced version of MILDOS for large-area sources

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yuan, Y.C.; Wang, J.H.C.; Zielen, A.


    The MILDOS-AREA computer code is a modified version of the MILDOS code, which estimates the radiological impacts of airborne emissions from uranium mining and milling facilities or any other large-area source involving emissions of radioisotopes of the uranium-238 series. MILDOS-AREA is designed for execution on personal computers. The modifications incorporated in the MILDOS-AREA code provide enhanced capabilities for calculating doses from large-area sources and update dosimetry calculations. The major revision from the original MILDOS code is the treatment of atmospheric dispersion from area sources: MILDOS-AREA substitutes a finite element integration approach for the virtual-point method (the algorithm used in the original MILDOS code) when specified by the user. Other revisions include the option of using Martin-Tickvart dispersion coefficients in place of Briggs coefficients for a given source, consideration of plume reflection, and updated internal dosimetry calculations based on the most recent recommendations of the International Commission on Radiation Protection and the age-specific dose calculation methodology developed by Oak Ridge National Laboratory. This report also discusses changes in computer code structure incorporated into MILDOS-AREA, summarizes data input requirements, and provides instructions for installing and using the program on personal computers. 15 refs., 9 figs., 26 tabs

  9. Karakteristik Dan Pergerakan Sebaran Penderita DBD Berdasarkan Geographic Information System Sebagai Bagian Sistem Informasi Surveilans di Kecamatan Karawang Barat Kabupaten Karawang Provinsi Jawa Barat

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    Doni Lasut


    Full Text Available West Karawang is a part of Karawang District that have high case incidence in three years later. This research uses cross sectional study method was conducted that aimed to gain information of mapping DHF endemic region use GIS (Geographic Information sys-tems as a part of surveillance informatics system 2008. The special goals are to know the spatial aspect of the movement pattern , sociodemographic, larvae index, vector control programs, land systems and precipitation. The results of study are movement pattern of DHF in West Karawang is local, the sociodemographic of sex and marital status there are no special different, group of class age 15 – 44 years old (53,70%, non-formal working (81,48% is the highest. The sociodemographic of education Senior High School (38,89% is the highest too. Almost of The housing type permanent (94,44% is the dominant and the average wide building 50-100 meters (66,67% is the highest. House index larvae is 55,10% and container larvae index is 15,51%. The vector control program of fogging in study area 70,37% is done and PSN program activity (81,48% this fact shown that there are many possibility for breeding place in this district. The Use of GIS helps to handle huge of data easily and much more information can be display clearly.

  10. Radiation area monitoring by wireless-communicating area monitor with surveillance camera

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shimura, Mitsuo; Kobayashi, Hiromitsu; Kitahara, Hideki; Kobayashi, Hironobu; Okamoto, Shinji


    Aiming at a dose reduction and a work efficiency improvement for nuclear power plants that have high dose regions, we have developed our system of wireless-communicating Area Monitor with Surveillance Camera, and have performed an on-site test. Now we are implementing this Area Monitor with Surveillance Camera for a use as a TV camera in the controlled-area, which enables a personal computer to simultaneously display two or more dose values and site live images on the screen. For the radiation detector of this Area Monitor System, our wireless-communicating dosimeter is utilized. Image data are transmitted via a wireless Local Area Network (LAN). As a test result, image transmission of a maximum of 20 frames per second has been realized, which shows that this concept is a practical application. Remote-site monitoring also has been realized from an office desk located within the non-controlled area, adopting a Japan's wireless phone system, PHS (Personal Handy Phone) for the transmission interface. (author)


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    Durroh Humairoh


    Full Text Available Kecap kedelai merupakan salah satu produk fermentasi yang telah dikenal sejak ribuan tahun yang lalu di berbagai negara termasuk Indonesia. Namun kecap kedelai manis merupakan produk kecap kedelai yang merupakan produk khas Indonesia. Faktor keamanan pangan berkaitan dengan tercemar tidaknya pangan oleh cemaran mikrobiologis, logam berat, dan bahan kimia yang membahayakan kesehatan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui jumlah kapang dan jenis kapang yang ditemukan pada sampel kecap produk lokal Kediri. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pengenceran hingga 101 dari 10 sampel kecap kedelai manis produksi lokal Kediri dengan merek yang berbeda. Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan bahwa pada sampel kecap kedelai manis ditemukan jumlah kapang sebanyak < 50 koloni/ml pada setiap sampelnya dan jenis kapang yang ditemukan meliputi Penicillium sp., Aspergillus sp., Rhizopus sp., dan Mucor sp. sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa kecap produksi Kediri aman dikonsumsi karena sesuai standar yang ditetapkan Pemerintah dalam SNI 3543: 2013.   Kata kunci: Jumlah koloni, Jenis kapang, Kecap kedelai manis, produk lokal Kediri


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    Fitriyah Fitriyah


    Full Text Available Zeolit terbagi menjadi zeolit alam dan zeolit sintesis, kapasitas adsorpsi zeolit alam umumnya lebih rendah daripada zeolit sintesis, sehingga untuk meningkatkan kapasitas adsorpsinya, karakter permukaan zeolit alam perlu diubah dengan melakukan proses modifikasi permukaan melalui berbagai metode, salah satunya dengan metode interkalasi. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu menginterkalasi zat warna xilenol orange ke dalam zeolit alam Lampung dan mengaplikasikannya sebagai elektroda zeolit termodifikasi. Melalui proses interkalasi diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kegunaan dan nilai tambah dari zeolit. Data hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa xilenol orange (XO dapat diinterkalasikan ke dalam zeolit, hal ini dapat dilihat dari pita spektrum FTIR yang memiliki serapan pada bilangan gelombang 1383 cm-1, yaitu menunjukkan serapan dari S=O simetris dan asimetris pada gugus –SO3H,hal ini diduga karena XO memiliki gugus SO3 sehingga menyebabkan adanya serangan pada proton zeolit. Berdasarkan penelitian dapat disarikan bahwa xilanol orange dapat terinterkalasi pada zeolit alam Lampung dan dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai elektroda pendeteksi logam.


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    Full Text Available Penjadwalan bagi perusahaan adalah aspek yang sangat penting, karena penjadwalan merupakan salah satu elemen perencanaan dan pengendalian produksi, sehingga perusahaan dapat mengirim barang sesuai dengan waktu yang telah ditentukan, agar diperoleh waktu total penyelesaian yang minimum. Dalam penelitian ini, penjadwalan menggunakan metode Simulated Annealing (SA dengan bantuan Matlab diharapkan dapat menghasilkan waktu total penyelesaian (makespan lebih cepat dari penjadwalan yang ada pada perusahaan. Metode SA mensimulasikan proses annealing pada pembuatan materi yang terdiri dari butiran Kristal atau logam. Tujuan dari proses ini adalah menghasilkan struktur kristal yang baik dengan menggunakan energi seminimal mungkin. Permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh perusahaan adalah perusahaan belum mempertimbangkan makespan dalam penyelesaian produk dan penjadwalan produksi untuk produk paket satu rumah kos-kosan. Hal ini berdasarkan data produksi yang terjadi keterlambatan dilihat dari waktu penyelesaian (makespan produksi, sehingga perusahaan harus menambah 2-5 hari lagi untuk bisa menyelesaikan keseluruhan produk. Dengan menggunakan metode SA menghasilkan makespan 23 jam, lebih cepat 2 jam dari pada penjadwalan awal.

  14. Karakteristik Dan Pergerakan Sebaran Penderita DBD Berdasarkan Geographic Information System Sebagai Bagian Sistem Informasi Surveilans di Kecamatan Karawang Barat Kabupaten Karawang Provinsi Jawa Barat

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    Doni Lasut


    Full Text Available Abstract. West Karawang is a part of Karawang District that have high case incidence in three years la ter. This research uses cross sectional study method was conducted that aimed to gain information of map ping DHF endemie region use GIS (Geographic Information sys­tems as a part of surveillance informatics system 2008. The special goals are to know the spatial aspect of the movement pattern , socio-demographic, larvae index, vector control programs, land systems and precipitation. The results of study are movement pattern of DHF in West Karawang is local, the socio-demographic of sex and marital status there are no special different, group of class age 15 - 44 years old (53,70%, non-formal working (81,48% is the h igh est. The socio-demographic of education Senior High School (38,89% is the highest too. Almost of The housing type permanent (94,44% is the dominant and the average wide building 50-100 meters (66,67% is the h igh est. House index larvae is 55,10% and container larvae index is 15,51 %. The vector control program of fogging in study area 70,37% is done and PSN program activity (81,48% this fact shown that there are many possibility for breeding place in this district. The Use of GIS helps to handle huge of data easily and much more information can be display clearly.Key Words : DHF, GIS, PSN, Fogging, Larvae Index

  15. Perubahan Daya Dukung Lingkungan di Wilayah Pinggiran Kota (Kasus : Kecamatan Kecamatan yang Berbatasan dengan Kota Yogyakarta, Tahun 1990–2008

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    Joni Purwo Handoyo


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Salah satu dampak perkembangan wilayah pinggiran kota adalah terjadinya perubahan daya dukung lingkungan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui besaran, persebaran dan pola sebaran perubahan daya dukung lingkungan serta mengkaji keterkaitannya dengan perubahan tipology wilayah pinggiran kota. Penelitian ini dilakukan di 29 desa yang berada di 6 kecamatan yang berbatasan langsung dengan Kota Yogyakarta dengan unit analisis 'desa'. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian kasus dengan karakteristik obyek penelitian yang bersifat survey analisis dan historis dengan penekanan pada pendekatan kronologis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perkembangan lahan terbangun paling pesat terjadi di Desa Tirtonirmolo dan Desa Ngestiharjo (>20%. Status daya dukung lingkungan di wilayah penelitian sebagian besar masih termasuk dalam katagori sustain. Laju penurunan paling cepat terjadi di Desa Maguwoharjo dan Desa Singosaren. Fenomena ini dipengaruhi oleh faktor peningkatan lahan terbangun yang sekaligus juga menjadi faktor pengaruh paling penting terhadap perubahan tipologi desa-desa pinggiran Kota Yogyakarta.   ABSTRACT  The one of regional development impact in urban fringe area is the change of environmental carrying capacity. This research aims to know about magnitude value, desperation and distribution patternsof the change ofenvironmental carrying capacity and also to examining that relation with the change of urban fringe regional topology. This research is conducted in 29 villages in 6 sub-districts that are directly adjacent to Yogyakarta city with the unit of analysis is ''village ''. This research categorized the case research with the characteristic of research object is analytical survey and historical method with the intens is chronological approach. The research shows that the most rapid built up land use development is in Tirtonirmolo and Ngestiharjo village (>20%. This research discovers that the status of most of environmental

  16. Area-to-Area Poisson Kriging and Spatial Bayesian Analysis (United States)

    Asmarian, Naeimehossadat; Jafari-Koshki, Tohid; Soleimani, Ali; Taghi Ayatollahi, Seyyed Mohammad


    Background: In many countries gastric cancer has the highest incidence among the gastrointestinal cancers and is the second most common cancer in Iran. The aim of this study was to identify and map high risk gastric cancer regions at the county-level in Iran. Methods: In this study we analyzed gastric cancer data for Iran in the years 2003-2010. Areato- area Poisson kriging and Besag, York and Mollie (BYM) spatial models were applied to smoothing the standardized incidence ratios of gastric cancer for the 373 counties surveyed in this study. The two methods were compared in term of accuracy and precision in identifying high risk regions. Result: The highest smoothed standardized incidence rate (SIR) according to area-to-area Poisson kriging was in Meshkinshahr county in Ardabil province in north-western Iran (2.4,SD=0.05), while the highest smoothed standardized incidence rate (SIR) according to the BYM model was in Ardabil, the capital of that province (2.9,SD=0.09). Conclusion: Both methods of mapping, ATA Poisson kriging and BYM, showed the gastric cancer incidence rate to be highest in north and north-west Iran. However, area-to-area Poisson kriging was more precise than the BYM model and required less smoothing. According to the results obtained, preventive measures and treatment programs should be focused on particular counties of Iran. Creative Commons Attribution License

  17. Wetland survey of selected areas in the K-24 Site Area of responsibility

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rosensteel, B.A.; Awl, D.J. [JAYCOR, Environmental Division, Oak Ridge, TN (United States)


    In accordance with DOE Regulations for Compliance with Floodplain/Wetlands Environmental Review Requirements, wetland surveys were conducted in selected areas within the K-25 Area of Responsibility during the summer of 1994. These areas are Mitchell Branch, Poplar Creek, the K-770 OU, Duct Island Peninsula, the Powerhouse area, and the K-25 South Corner. Previously surveyed areas included in this report are the main plant area of the K-25 Site, the K-901 OU, the AVLIS site, and the K-25 South Site. Wetland determinations were based on the USACE methodology. Forty-four separate wetland areas, ranging in size from 0.13 to 4.23 ha, were identified. Wetlands were identified in all of the areas surveyed with the exception of the interior of the Duct Island Peninsula and the main plant area of the K-25 Site. Wetlands perform functions such as floodflow alteration, sediment stabilization, sediment and toxicant retention, nutrient transformation, production export, and support of aquatic species and wildlife diversity and abundance. The forested, scrub-shrub, and emergent wetlands identified in the K-25 area perform some or all of these functions to varying degrees.

  18. Complementarity and Area-Efficiency in the Prioritization of the Global Protected Area Network.

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    Peter Kullberg

    Full Text Available Complementarity and cost-efficiency are widely used principles for protected area network design. Despite the wide use and robust theoretical underpinnings, their effects on the performance and patterns of priority areas are rarely studied in detail. Here we compare two approaches for identifying the management priority areas inside the global protected area network: 1 a scoring-based approach, used in recently published analysis and 2 a spatial prioritization method, which accounts for complementarity and area-efficiency. Using the same IUCN species distribution data the complementarity method found an equal-area set of priority areas with double the mean species ranges covered compared to the scoring-based approach. The complementarity set also had 72% more species with full ranges covered, and lacked any coverage only for half of the species compared to the scoring approach. Protected areas in our complementarity-based solution were on average smaller and geographically more scattered. The large difference between the two solutions highlights the need for critical thinking about the selected prioritization method. According to our analysis, accounting for complementarity and area-efficiency can lead to considerable improvements when setting management priorities for the global protected area network.

  19. Complementarity and Area-Efficiency in the Prioritization of the Global Protected Area Network. (United States)

    Kullberg, Peter; Toivonen, Tuuli; Montesino Pouzols, Federico; Lehtomäki, Joona; Di Minin, Enrico; Moilanen, Atte


    Complementarity and cost-efficiency are widely used principles for protected area network design. Despite the wide use and robust theoretical underpinnings, their effects on the performance and patterns of priority areas are rarely studied in detail. Here we compare two approaches for identifying the management priority areas inside the global protected area network: 1) a scoring-based approach, used in recently published analysis and 2) a spatial prioritization method, which accounts for complementarity and area-efficiency. Using the same IUCN species distribution data the complementarity method found an equal-area set of priority areas with double the mean species ranges covered compared to the scoring-based approach. The complementarity set also had 72% more species with full ranges covered, and lacked any coverage only for half of the species compared to the scoring approach. Protected areas in our complementarity-based solution were on average smaller and geographically more scattered. The large difference between the two solutions highlights the need for critical thinking about the selected prioritization method. According to our analysis, accounting for complementarity and area-efficiency can lead to considerable improvements when setting management priorities for the global protected area network.

  20. Wetland survey of selected areas in the K-24 Site Area of responsibility

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rosensteel, B.A.; Awl, D.J.


    In accordance with DOE Regulations for Compliance with Floodplain/Wetlands Environmental Review Requirements, wetland surveys were conducted in selected areas within the K-25 Area of Responsibility during the summer of 1994. These areas are Mitchell Branch, Poplar Creek, the K-770 OU, Duct Island Peninsula, the Powerhouse area, and the K-25 South Corner. Previously surveyed areas included in this report are the main plant area of the K-25 Site, the K-901 OU, the AVLIS site, and the K-25 South Site. Wetland determinations were based on the USACE methodology. Forty-four separate wetland areas, ranging in size from 0.13 to 4.23 ha, were identified. Wetlands were identified in all of the areas surveyed with the exception of the interior of the Duct Island Peninsula and the main plant area of the K-25 Site. Wetlands perform functions such as floodflow alteration, sediment stabilization, sediment and toxicant retention, nutrient transformation, production export, and support of aquatic species and wildlife diversity and abundance. The forested, scrub-shrub, and emergent wetlands identified in the K-25 area perform some or all of these functions to varying degrees

  1. Environmental assessment for the salvage/demolition of 200 West Area, 200 East Area, and 300 Area steam plants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This environmental assessment has been prepared to assess potential environmental impacts associated with the US Department of Energy's proposed action: the salvage/demolition of the 200 West Area, 200 East Area, and 300 Area Steam Plants and steam distribution piping. Impact information will be used by the US Department of Energy, Richland Operations Office Manager, to determine if the proposed action is a major federal action significantly affecting the quality of the human environment. If the proposed action is determined to be major and significant, an environmental impact statement will be prepared. If the proposed action is determined not to be major and significant, a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) will be issued and the action can proceed. The proposed action involves the salvage and demolition of the 200 West Area, 200 East Are, and 300 Area steam plants and their associated steam distribution piping, equipment, and ancillary facilities. Activities include the salvaging and recycling of all materials, wastes, and equipment where feasible, with waste minimization efforts utilized

  2. Sapwood area - leaf area relationships for coast redwood


    Stancioiu, P T; O'Hara, K L


    Coast redwood (Sequoia sempervirens (D. Don) Endl.) trees in different canopy strata and crown positions were sampled to develop relationships between sapwood cross-sectional area and projected leaf area. Sampling occurred during the summers of 2000 and 2001 and covered tree heights ranging from 7.7 to 45.2 m and diameters at breast height ranging from 9.4 to 92.7 cm. Foliage morphology varied greatly and was stratified into five types based on needle type (sun or shade) and twig color. A str...

  3. 32 CFR Appendix A to Part 552 - DPCA Recreational Areas in Training Areas (United States)


    ... guests. Boat launch adjacent to Officer's Club Beach on American Lake/Beachwood area Cat Lake Picnic and Fishing Area—Training Area 19 Chambers Lake Picnic and *Fishing Area—Training Area 12 (See para 2 below) Ecology Park Hiking Path—North Fort, CTA A West Fiander Lake Picnic and Fishing Area—Training Area 20...


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    Tyas Dita Pramesthy


    Full Text Available As one group of Chironomidae Tanypodinae larvae can be used in biological assessment to detect the heavymetal pollution in aquatic environment, because they could show morphological changes due to the pollution. Thestudy was aimed to describe ligula deformities in Tanypodinae larvae in a heavy metal polluted lake. The study wasconducted in Mei to June 2014 at Lake Lido, West Java. The results showed that lead (Pb concentration in LidoLake was quaite high, i.e. 0.08 0.19 mg/L. Ten of fifty-five collected Tanypodinae larve exhibited deformation in theirligulae. Index of severity of ligula deformation (ILSD was 4.4 indicating the response of the Chironomidae larvae tolead pollution.


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    Anung Riapanitra


    Full Text Available Waste containing hazardous and toxic chemical compounds into the environment leads to water pollution, soil and air. These chemical compounds will endanger human life and environment. One type of compound that may pollute the environment is chromium. The metal is commonly found in industrial waste such as from exhaust and industrial wastewater from etal plating company. The purpose of this research is to utilize coconut shell charcoal and soil humus as a low-cost and ready-made alternative material to reduce the concentration chromium (Cr on wastewater. Humus was taken from Baturraden region and was isolated using NaOH extraction and was furthermore purified using mixtures of HF(aq: HCl(aq. Coconut shell charcoal was produced and was mixed with the humus. Adsorption process was carried out by batch method on variations of charcoal: humus composition, pH, and contact time. Humus soil was identified using infrared spectrophotometry (IR. Determination of chromium concentration was performed using atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS. The purified humus yielded was 25.92% (w/w, with 34.18% moisture, and ash content of 18.09%. The results showed that the variation of composition ratio of 2:1 charcoal and humus produced the greatest percent reduction of 18.20%, and the optimum pH for the adsorption is 9. For the variation of contacts time, the optimum reaction time is at 180minutes with decreasing concentration of Pb up to 56.07%.

  6. Pelindian Logam Tanah Jarang dari Terak Timah dengan Asam Klorida setelah Proses Fusi Alkali

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kurnia Trinopiawan


    Full Text Available Tin slag, a waste product from tin smelting process, has a potency to be utilized further by extracting the valuable metals inside, such as rare earth elements(REE. The objective of this study is to determine the optimum leaching condition of REE from tin slag after alkali fusion. Silica structure in slag is causing the direct leaching uneffective. Therefore, pre-treatment step using alkali fusion is required to break the structure of silica and to increase the porosity of slag. Fusion is conducted in 2 hours at 700 oC, with ratio of natrium hidroxide (NaOH : slag = 2 : 1. Later, frit which is leached by water then leached by chloride acid to dissolve REE. As much as 87,5% of REE is dissolved at 2 M on chloride acid (HCl concentration, in 40o C temperature, -325 mesh particle size, 15g/100ml of S/L, 150 rpm of agitation speed, and 5 minutes of leaching time


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Stevano Victor Marangratu


    Full Text Available The used of snail shell (Achatina fulica as adsorbent of heavy metals zinc (Zn. This study aims to determine the amount of chitosan derived from snail shells, and knowing the ability of chitosan adsorbent in adsorption tests using water samples were contaminated zinc (Zn. Preparation of chitosan from the shells of snails be done in two phases: the manufacture of chitosan with chitosan size variation of 250 micron and 355 micron. Production stage consists of the manufacture of chitosan powder snail shells, deproteinization, demineralization, depigmentasi and deacetylation. The second phase of the test chitosan absorption of heavy metals zinc (Zn with a variation of the mass amount of chitosan that is used as follows: 1 gram, 3 grams, 6 grams and 9 grams. The sample is tested by using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometric (AAS to determine the concentration of heavy metals zinc (Zn contained in it. The result showed that chitosan is obtained from the snail shell to the size of 250 microns, which equal to 95.27%, and for the size of 355 microns that is equal to 96.18%. Optimum absorption of chitosan obtained at chitosan measure 250 microns with a mass of 9 grams of chitosan.

  8. 32 CFR Appendix A to Subpart M of... - DPCA Recreational Areas in Training Areas (United States)


    ... launch adjacent to Officer's Club Beach on American Lake—Beachwood area Cat Lake Picnic and Fishing Area—Training Area 19 Chambers Lake Picnic and Fishing Area—Training Area 12 (See Para 3 below) Fiander lake Picnic and Fishing Area—Training Area 20 Johnson Marsh—Training Area 10 Lewis Lake Picnic and Fishing...

  9. Protected area gap analysis of important bird areas in Tanzania

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sritharan, Shakthi; Burgess, Neil David


    Analyses of gaps in protected area (PA) coverage of species distributions have been carried out extensively for the past two decades, aiming to better locate new PAs and conserve species. In this study, progress to close gaps in the protection of the Important Bird Areas (IBAs) of Tanzania...

  10. Are area-based initiatives able to improve area safety in deprived areas? A quasi-experimental evaluation of the Dutch District Approach

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kramer, Daniëlle; Jongeneel-Grimen, Birthe; Stronks, Karien; Droomers, Mariël; Kunst, Anton E.


    Numerous area-based initiatives have been implemented in deprived areas across Western-Europe with the aim to improve the socio-economic and environmental conditions in these areas. Only few of these initiatives have been scientifically evaluated for their impact on key social determinants of

  11. Water Service Areas - MDC_WaterServiceArea (United States)

    NSGIC Local Govt | GIS Inventory — The Water and Sewer Service Area layer was derived from the original paper based sketches which contained both water and sewer utility boundary information. This...

  12. Sewerage Service Areas - MDC_SewerServiceArea (United States)

    NSGIC Local Govt | GIS Inventory — The Water and Sewer Service Area layer was derived from the original paper based sketches which contained both water and sewer utility boundary information. This...

  13. Preliminary investigation Area 12 fleet operations steam cleaning discharge area Nevada Test Site

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This report documents the characterization activities and findings of a former steam cleaning discharge area at the Nevada Test Site. The former steam cleaning site is located in Area 12 east of Fleet Operations Building 12-16. The characterization project was completed as a required condition of the ''Temporary Water Pollution Control Permit for the Discharge From Fleet Operations Steam Cleaning Facility'' issued by the Nevada Division of Environmental Protection. The project objective was to collect shallow soil samples in eight locations in the former surface discharge area. Based upon field observations, twelve locations were sampled on September 6, 1995 to better define the area of potential impact. Samples were collected from the surface to a depth of approximately 0.3 meters (one foot) below land surface. Discoloration of the surface soil was observed in the area of the discharge pipe and in localized areas in the natural drainage channel. The discoloration appeared to be consistent with the topographically low areas of the site. Hydrocarbon odors were noted in the areas of discoloration only. Samples collected were analyzed for bulk asbestos, Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) metals, total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPHs), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), semi-volatile organic compounds (Semi-VOCs), and gamma scan

  14. Do Quiet Areas Afford Greater Health-Related Quality of Life than Noisy Areas?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kim N. Dirks


    Full Text Available People typically choose to live in quiet areas in order to safeguard their health and wellbeing. However, the benefits of living in quiet areas are relatively understudied compared to the burdens associated with living in noisy areas. Additionally, research is increasingly focusing on the relationship between the human response to noise and measures of health and wellbeing, complementing traditional dose-response approaches, and further elucidating the impact of noise and health by incorporating human factors as mediators and moderators. To further explore the benefits of living in quiet areas, we compared the results of health-related quality of life (HRQOL questionnaire datasets collected from households in localities differentiated by their soundscapes and population density: noisy city, quiet city, quiet rural, and noisy rural. The dose-response relationships between noise annoyance and HRQOL measures indicated an inverse relationship between the two. Additionally, quiet areas were found to have higher mean HRQOL domain scores than noisy areas. This research further supports the protection of quiet locales and ongoing noise abatement in noisy areas.

  15. Aktivitas antibakteri ekstrak etanolik kulit batang jambu mete (Anacardium occidentale Linn. terhadap Staphylococcus aureus

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    H. Harsini


    antibakteri merupakan tanda terganggunya pertumbuhan bakteri. Kulit batang tanaman jambu mete (Anacardium occidentale Linn. mengandung senyawa fenolik seperti flavonoid dan tanin serta asam anakardat yang memiliki aktivitas sebagai antibakteri. Salah satu bakteri gram positif dalam mulut yang patogen adalah Staphylococcus aureus (S.aureus. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui aktivitas antibakteri kulit batang jambu mete (anacardium occidentale Linn. terhadap S.aureus yang ditandai dengan kebocoran ion logam. Penelitian menggunakan sebanyak 1 ose dengan kepadatan 106  CFL/mL disentrifuse dengan kecepatan 3500 rpm selama 20 menit. Filtrat dibuang, pellet dalam tabung dicuci menggunakan buffer fosfat pH 7,0. Ekstrak etanolik kulit batang jambu mete konsentrasi 3; 5 dan 7% serta tanpa ekstrak sebagai kontrol, masing-masing dalam 5 tabung, diinkubasi dalam inkubator goyang selama 24 jam. Suspensi kemudian disentrifuse dengan kecepatan 3500 rpm selama 20 menit lalu disaring. Cairan supernatan diambil diukur absorbansinya menggunakan AAS (Atomic absorption Spectroscopy. Data dianalisis menggunakan Anava satu jalur. Hasil menunjukkan kebocoran Ca2+ pada konsentrasi 0, 3, 5 dan 7% berturut-turut adalah 2,42 ± 0,82; 32,87 ± 1,97; 49,10 ± 3,3; 66,73 ± 3,29, sedangkan logam K+ adalah 15,28 ± 0,46; 606,36 ± 14,14; 895 ± 9,5; 1251 ± 11,54. Hasil analisis statistik Anava menunjukkan terdapat aktivitas antibakteri ekstrak etanolik kulit batang jambu mete. Hasil LSD menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna antar seluruh kelompok perlakuan. Kesimpulan terdapat aktivitas antibakteri ekstrak etanolik kulit batang jambu mete terhadap S.aureus dilihat dari kebocoran ion logam Ca2+ and K+. Kebocoran tertinggi pada konsentrasi ekstrak 7%.

  16. Associate Directorate Environmental Management Infrastructure Plan for Area G and Area L Domes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stevens, Patrice Ann; Baumer, Andrew Ronald


    Technical Area 54, at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) is situated in the east-central portion of the Laboratory on the Mesita del Buey between Pajarito Canyon to the south and Canada del Buey to the north. TA-54 includes four MDAs designated as G, H, J, and L; a waste characterization, container storage, and transfer facility; active TRU waste and MLLW waste storage and low-level waste (LLW) disposal operations at Area G; active hazardous and mixed low-level (MLLW) waste storage operations at Area L; and administrative and support areas. MDA J has previously under-gone closure. Area G is a waste management and disposal area, used for the disposal and storage of radioactive wastes since 1957. Since August 2015, Area G has been in warm standby and provides minimal operations to support safety, compliance, and nitrate salt remediation. Located within Area G, MDA G covers 63-acres. MDA G contains 334 active and inactive waste management units, which include 36 pits, 294 shafts, and 4 trenches. In 1971, Area G began use for the retrievable storage of TRU waste. There are two pits, four trenches and 60 shafts that contain retrievable TRU waste. Thirty-three of the shafts contain TRU waste that may present unique problems for retrieval. In 1986, segregation of MLLW was initiated at Area G for treatment and temporary storage or for off-site disposal. Area G is the only active LLW disposal facility at the Laboratory. Current operations at Area G include storage and characterization of TRU and mixed TRU waste destined for off-site disposal at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) in southeastern New Mexico and the storage of MLLW destined for off-site treatment and/or disposal. Several above-ground container storage units (CSUs) are currently used for storage of containerized MLLW and/or mixed TRU wastes. These consist of asphalt pads and associated fabric domes or other structures. As defined by the Consent Order, MDA G contains 229 of the 334 subsurface waste

  17. Associate Directorate Environmental Management Infrastructure Plan for Area G and Area L Domes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Stevens, Patrice Ann [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States); Baumer, Andrew Ronald [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States)


    Technical Area 54, at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) is situated in the east-central portion of the Laboratory on the Mesita del Buey between Pajarito Canyon to the south and Cañada del Buey to the north. TA-54 includes four MDAs designated as G, H, J, and L; a waste characterization, container storage, and transfer facility; active TRU waste and MLLW waste storage and low-level waste (LLW) disposal operations at Area G; active hazardous and mixed low-level (MLLW) waste storage operations at Area L; and administrative and support areas. MDA J has previously under-gone closure. Area G is a waste management and disposal area, used for the disposal and storage of radioactive wastes since 1957. Since August 2015, Area G has been in warm standby and provides minimal operations to support safety, compliance, and nitrate salt remediation. Located within Area G, MDA G covers 63-acres. MDA G contains 334 active and inactive waste management units, which include 36 pits, 294 shafts, and 4 trenches. In 1971, Area G began use for the retrievable storage of TRU waste. There are two pits, four trenches and 60 shafts that contain retrievable TRU waste. Thirty-three of the shafts contain TRU waste that may present unique problems for retrieval. In 1986, segregation of MLLW was initiated at Area G for treatment and temporary storage or for off-site disposal. Area G is the only active LLW disposal facility at the Laboratory. Current operations at Area G include storage and characterization of TRU and mixed TRU waste destined for off-site disposal at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) in southeastern New Mexico and the storage of MLLW destined for off-site treatment and/or disposal. Several above-ground container storage units (CSUs) are currently used for storage of containerized MLLW and/or mixed TRU wastes. These consist of asphalt pads and associated fabric domes or other structures. As defined by the Consent Order, MDA G contains 229 of the 334 subsurface waste

  18. Are area-based initiatives able to improve area safety in deprived areas? A quasi-experimental evaluation of the Dutch District Approach. (United States)

    Kramer, Daniëlle; Jongeneel-Grimen, Birthe; Stronks, Karien; Droomers, Mariël; Kunst, Anton E


    Numerous area-based initiatives have been implemented in deprived areas across Western-Europe with the aim to improve the socio-economic and environmental conditions in these areas. Only few of these initiatives have been scientifically evaluated for their impact on key social determinants of health, like perceived area safety. Therefore, this study aimed to assess the impact of a Dutch area-based initiative called the District Approach on trends in perceived area safety and underlying problems in deprived target districts. A quasi-experimental design was used. Repeated cross-sectional data on perceived area safety and underlying problems were obtained from the National Safety Monitor (2005-2008) and its successor the Integrated Safety Monitor (2008-2011). Study population consisted of 133,522 Dutch adults, including 3,595 adults from target districts. Multilevel logistic regression analyses were performed to assess trends in self-reported general safety, physical order, social order, and non-victimization before and after the start of the District Approach mid-2008. Trends in target districts were compared with trends in various control groups. Residents of target districts felt less safe, perceived less physical and social order, and were victimized more often than adults elsewhere in the Netherlands. For non-victimization, target districts showed a somewhat more positive change in trend after the start of the District Approach than the rest of the Netherlands or other deprived districts. Differences were only statistically significant in women, older adults, and lower educated adults. For general safety, physical order, and social order, there were no differences in trend change between target districts and control groups. Results suggest that the District Approach has been unable to improve perceptions of area safety and disorder in deprived areas, but that it did result in declining victimization rates.

  19. Easy Leaf Area: Automated digital image analysis for rapid and accurate measurement of leaf area. (United States)

    Easlon, Hsien Ming; Bloom, Arnold J


    Measurement of leaf areas from digital photographs has traditionally required significant user input unless backgrounds are carefully masked. Easy Leaf Area was developed to batch process hundreds of Arabidopsis rosette images in minutes, removing background artifacts and saving results to a spreadsheet-ready CSV file. • Easy Leaf Area uses the color ratios of each pixel to distinguish leaves and calibration areas from their background and compares leaf pixel counts to a red calibration area to eliminate the need for camera distance calculations or manual ruler scale measurement that other software methods typically require. Leaf areas estimated by this software from images taken with a camera phone were more accurate than ImageJ estimates from flatbed scanner images. • Easy Leaf Area provides an easy-to-use method for rapid measurement of leaf area and nondestructive estimation of canopy area from digital images.

  20. E-Area LLWF Vadose Zone Model: Probabilistic Model for Estimating Subsided-Area Infiltration Rates

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dyer, J. [Savannah River Site (SRS), Aiken, SC (United States). Savannah River National Lab. (SRNL); Flach, G. [Savannah River Site (SRS), Aiken, SC (United States). Savannah River National Lab. (SRNL)


    A probabilistic model employing a Monte Carlo sampling technique was developed in Python to generate statistical distributions of the upslope-intact-area to subsided-area ratio (AreaUAi/AreaSAi) for closure cap subsidence scenarios that differ in assumed percent subsidence and the total number of intact plus subsided compartments. The plan is to use this model as a component in the probabilistic system model for the E-Area Performance Assessment (PA), contributing uncertainty in infiltration estimates.

  1. Understanding the impact of area-based interventions on area safety in deprived areas: realist evaluation of a neighbour nuisance intervention in Arnhem, the Netherlands

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kramer, Daniëlle; Harting, Janneke; Kunst, Anton E.


    Area-based health inequalities may partly be explained by higher levels of area disorder in deprived areas. Area disorder may cause safety concerns and hence impair health. This study assessed how, for whom and in what conditions the intervention Meeting for Care and Nuisance (MCN) had an impact on

  2. 7 CFR 301.85-2a - Regulated areas; suppressive and generally infested areas. (United States)


    .... The civil divisions and parts of civil divisions described below are designated as golden nematode regulated areas within the meaning of the provisions of this subpart; and such regulated areas are hereby... areas. 301.85-2a Section 301.85-2a Agriculture Regulations of the Department of Agriculture (Continued...

  3. Easy Leaf Area: Automated Digital Image Analysis for Rapid and Accurate Measurement of Leaf Area

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hsien Ming Easlon


    Full Text Available Premise of the study: Measurement of leaf areas from digital photographs has traditionally required significant user input unless backgrounds are carefully masked. Easy Leaf Area was developed to batch process hundreds of Arabidopsis rosette images in minutes, removing background artifacts and saving results to a spreadsheet-ready CSV file. Methods and Results: Easy Leaf Area uses the color ratios of each pixel to distinguish leaves and calibration areas from their background and compares leaf pixel counts to a red calibration area to eliminate the need for camera distance calculations or manual ruler scale measurement that other software methods typically require. Leaf areas estimated by this software from images taken with a camera phone were more accurate than ImageJ estimates from flatbed scanner images. Conclusions: Easy Leaf Area provides an easy-to-use method for rapid measurement of leaf area and nondestructive estimation of canopy area from digital images.

  4. Radon affected areas: Scotland

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Miles, J.C.H.; Green, B.M.R.; Lomas, P.R.


    Board advice on radon in homes issued in 1990 specifies that areas of the UK where 1% or more of homes exceed the Action Level of 200 becquerels per cubic metre of air should be regarded as Affected Areas. Results of radon measurements in homes in the districts of Kincardine and Deeside and Gordon in Grampian Region and Caithness and Sutherland in Highland Region are mapped and used to delineate Affected Areas in these areas where required. The Scottish Office is advised to consider the desirability of developing guidance on precautions against radon in future homes. (author)

  5. Summary of Synoptic Meteorological Observations (SSMO). Australian Coastal Marine Areas. Volume 1. Area 1 - Princess Charlotte Bay. Area 2 - Cairns. Area 3 - Cumberland Islands. Area 4 - Rockhampton. Area 5 - Brisbane. Area 6 - Coffs Harbour. Area 7 - Sydney. Area 8 - Cape Howe NE (United States)


    Weather Service Detachment Asheville, N. C. 8. CONTRACT OR GRANT NUMBERf«) 9. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME AND ADDRESS National Climatic Center...Australian East Coast, Princess Charlotte Bay, Cairns, Cumberland Islands, Rockhampton, Brisbane, Coffs Harbour, Sydney and Cape Howe NE. ^ 20...OVER-ALL) 1»S«-1973 AREA 0006 COFFS HARBOUR 30.3S 193.36 fERCENT FR60UENCY OF MSATHER OCCURRENCE BY NINO OIRECTION

  6. 300 Area Disturbance Report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    LL Hale; MK Wright; NA Cadoret


    The objective of this study was to define areas of previous disturbance in the 300 Area of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Hanford Site to eliminate these areas from the cultural resource review process, reduce cultural resource monitoring costs, and allow cultural resource specialists to focus on areas where subsurface disturbance is minimal or nonexistent. Research into available sources suggests that impacts from excavations have been significant wherever the following construction activities have occurred: building basements and pits, waste ponds, burial grounds, trenches, installation of subsurface pipelines, power poles, water hydrants, and well construction. Beyond the areas just mentioned, substrates in the' 300 Area consist of a complex, multidimen- sional mosaic composed of undisturbed stratigraphy, backfill, and disturbed sediments; Four Geographic Information System (GIS) maps were created to display known areas of disturbance in the 300 Area. These maps contain information gleaned from a variety of sources, but the primary sources include the Hanford GIS database system, engineer drawings, and historic maps. In addition to these maps, several assumptions can be made about areas of disturbance in the 300 Area as a result of this study: o o Buried pipelines are not always located where they are mapped. As a result, cultural resource monitors or specialists should not depend on maps depicting subsurface pipelines for accurate locations of previous disturbance. Temporary roads built in the early 1940s were placed on layers of sand and gravel 8 to 12 in. thick. Given this information, it is likely that substrates beneath these early roads are only minimally disturbed. Building foundations ranged from concrete slabs no more than 6 to 8 in. thick to deeply excavated pits and basements. Buildings constructed with slab foundations are more numerous than may be expected, and minimally disturbed substrates may be expected in these locations. Historic

  7.   Transformation of the industrial harbor areas to housing areas

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rehder, Meike


    Research question: How to read the universal (understood as the common and the social) and the individual (understood as the specific, private and intimate) in the meeting between urban and housing space? Questions in the project: How do the exterior spaces in these new harbour areas come to being......? What influences are at play in the development of them? What influences the approval and the functioning of these housing areas?...

  8. MPLS for metropolitan area networks

    CERN Document Server

    Tan, Nam-Kee


    METROPOLITAN AREA NETWORKS AND MPLSRequirements of Metropolitan Area Network ServicesMetropolitan Area Network OverviewThe Bandwidth DemandThe Metro Service Provider's Business ApproachesThe Emerging Metro Customer Expectations and NeedsSome Prevailing Metro Service OpportunitiesService Aspects and RequirementsRoles of MPLS in Metropolitan Area NetworksMPLS PrimerMPLS ApplicationsTRAFFIC ENGINEERING ASPECTS OF METROPOLITAN AREA NETWORKSTraffic Engineering ConceptsNetwork CongestionHyper Aggregation ProblemEasing CongestionNetwork ControlTactical versus Strategic Traffic EngineeringIP/ATM Overl

  9. Investigating scintillometer source areas (United States)

    Perelet, A. O.; Ward, H. C.; Pardyjak, E.


    Scintillometry is an indirect ground-based method for measuring line-averaged surface heat and moisture fluxes on length scales of 0.5 - 10 km. These length scales are relevant to urban and other complex areas where setting up traditional instrumentation like eddy covariance is logistically difficult. In order to take full advantage of scintillometry, a better understanding of the flux source area is needed. The source area for a scintillometer is typically calculated as a convolution of point sources along the path. A weighting function is then applied along the path to compensate for a total signal contribution that is biased towards the center of the beam path, and decreasing near the beam ends. While this method of calculating the source area provides an estimate of the contribution of the total flux along the beam, there are still questions regarding the physical meaning of the weighted source area. These questions are addressed using data from an idealized experiment near the Salt Lake City International Airport in northern Utah, U.S.A. The site is a flat agricultural area consisting of two different land uses. This simple heterogeneity in the land use facilitates hypothesis testing related to source areas. Measurements were made with a two wavelength scintillometer system spanning 740 m along with three standard open-path infrared gas analyzer-based eddy-covariance stations along the beam path. This configuration allows for direct observations of fluxes along the beam and comparisons to the scintillometer average. The scintillometer system employed measures the refractive index structure parameter of air for two wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation, 880 μm and 1.86 cm to simultaneously estimate path-averaged heat and moisture fluxes, respectively. Meteorological structure parameters (CT2, Cq2, and CTq) as well as surface fluxes are compared for various amounts of source area overlap between eddy covariance and scintillometry. Additionally, surface

  10. Glial tumors in brodmann area 6: spread pattern and relationships to motor areas. (United States)

    Shah, Komal B; Hayman, L Anne; Chavali, Lakshmi S; Hamilton, Jackson D; Prabhu, Sujit S; Wangaryattawanich, Pattana; Kumar, Vinodh A; Kumar, Ashok J


    The posterior frontal lobe of the brain houses Brodmann area 4, which is the primary motor cortex, and Brodmann area 6, which consists of the supplementary motor area on the medial portion of the hemisphere and the premotor cortex on the lateral portion. In this area, safe resection is dependent on accurate localization of the motor cortex and the central sulcus, which can usually be achieved by using thin-section imaging and confirmed by using other techniques. The most reliable anatomic landmarks are the "hand knob" area and the marginal ramus of the cingulate sulcus. Postoperatively, motor deficits can occur not only because of injury to primary motor cortex but also because of injury to the supplementary motor area. Unlike motor cortex injury, the supplementary motor area syndrome is transient, if it occurs at all. On the lateral hemisphere, motor and language deficits can also occur because of premotor cortex injury, but a dense motor deficit would indicate subcortical injury to the corticospinal tract. The close relationship of the subcortical motor fibers and premotor cortex is illustrated. In contrast to the more constant landmarks of the central sulcus and marginal ramus, which aid in preoperative localization, the variable interruptions in the precentral and cingulate sulci of the posterior frontal lobe seem to provide "cortical bridges" for spread of infiltrating gliomas. (©)RSNA, 2015.

  11. Regional Jurassic geologic framework of Alabama coastal waters area and adjacent Federal waters area (United States)

    Mink, R.M.; Bearden, B.L.; Mancini, E.A.


    To date, numerous Jurassic hydrocarbon fields and pools have been discovered in the Cotton Valley Group, Haynesville Formation, Smackover Formation and Norphlet Formation in the tri-state area of Mississippi, Alabama and Florida, and in Alabama State coastal waters and adjacent Federal waters area. Petroleum traps are basement highs, salt anticlines, faulted salt anticlines and extensional faults associated with salt movement. Reservoirs include continental and marine sandstones, limestones and dolostones. Hydrocarbon types are oil, condensate and natural gas. The onshore stratigraphic and structural information can be used to establish a regional geologic framework for the Jurassic for the State coastal waters and adjacent Federal waters areas. Evaluation of the geologic information along with the hydrocarbon data from the tri-state area indicates that at least three Jurassic hydrocarbon trends (oil, oil and gas condensate, and deep natural gas) can be identified onshore. These onshore hydrocarbon trends can be projected into the Mobile area in the Central Gulf of Mexico and into the Pensacola, Destin Dome and Apalachicola areas in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico. Substantial reserves of natural gas are expected to be present in Alabama State waters and the northern portion of the Mobile area. Significant accumulations of oil and gas condensate may be encountered in the Pensacola, Destin Dome, and Apalachicola areas. ?? 1989.

  12. Assessment of Offshore Wind Energy Leasing Areas for the BOEM Massachusetts Wind Energy Area

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Musial, W. [National Renewable Energy Lab. (NREL), Golden, CO (United States); Parker, Z. [National Renewable Energy Lab. (NREL), Golden, CO (United States); Fields, M. [National Renewable Energy Lab. (NREL), Golden, CO (United States); Scott, G. [National Renewable Energy Lab. (NREL), Golden, CO (United States); Elliott, D. [National Renewable Energy Lab. (NREL), Golden, CO (United States); Draxl, C. [National Renewable Energy Lab. (NREL), Golden, CO (United States)


    The U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), under an interagency agreement with the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM), is providing technical assistance to identify and delineate leasing areas for offshore wind energy development within the Atlantic Coast Wind Energy Areas (WEAs) established by BOEM. This report focuses on NREL's development of three delineated leasing area options for the Massachusetts (MA) WEA and the technical evaluation of these leasing areas. The overarching objective of this study is to develop a logical process by which the MA WEA can be subdivided into non-overlapping leasing areas for BOEM's use in developing an auction process in a renewable energy lease sale. NREL worked with BOEM to identify an appropriate number of leasing areas and proposed three delineation alternatives within the MA WEA based on the boundaries announced in May 2012. A primary output of the interagency agreement is this report, which documents the methodology, including key variables and assumptions, by which the leasing areas were identified and delineated.

  13. 2016 Waste Management Monitoring Report Area 3 and Area 5 Radioactive Waste Management Sites

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Black, David [National Security Technologies, LLC. (NSTec), Mercury, NV (United States)


    Environmental monitoring data are collected at and around the Area 3 and Area 5 Radioactive Waste Management Sites (RWMSs) within the Nevada National Security Site (NNSS). These data include direct radiation exposure, as well as radiation from the air, groundwater, meteorology, and vadose zone. This report summarizes the 2016 environmental data to provide an overall evaluation of RWMS performance and to support environmental compliance and performance assessment (PA) activities. Some of these data (e.g., radiation exposure, air, and groundwater) are presented in other reports, developed by National Security Technologies, LLC Direct radiation monitoring data indicate exposure levels at the RWMSs are within the range of background levels measured at the NNSS. Slightly elevated exposure levels outside the Area 3 RWMS are attributed to nearby historical aboveground nuclear weapons tests. Air monitoring data show that tritium concentrations in water vapor and americium and plutonium concentrations in air particles are below Derived Concentration Standards for these radionuclides. Groundwater monitoring data indicate the groundwater in the uppermost aquifer beneath the Area 5 RWMS is not impacted by RWMS operations. Results of groundwater analysis from wells around the Area 5 RWMS were all below established investigation levels. Leachate samples collected from the leachate collection system at the mixed low-level waste cell were below established contaminant regulatory limits. During 2016, precipitation at the Area 3 RWMS was 8% below average, and precipitation at the Area 5 RWMS was 8% above average. Water balance measurements indicate that evapotranspiration from the vegetated weighing lysimeter dries the soil and prevents downward percolation of precipitation more effectively than evaporation as measured from the bare-soil weighing lysimeter. Vadose zone monitoring on Area 5 and Area 3 RWMS cell covers shows no evidence of precipitation percolating through the covers

  14. Lp-dual affine surface area (United States)

    Wei, Wang; Binwu, He


    According to the notion of Lp-affine surface area by Lutwak, in this paper, we introduce the concept of Lp-dual affine surface area. Further, we establish the affine isoperimetric inequality and the Blaschke-Santaló inequality for Lp-dual affine surface area. Besides, the dual Brunn-Minkowski inequality for Lp-dual affine surface area is presented.

  15. Plutonium focus area

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    To ensure research and development programs focus on the most pressing environmental restoration and waste management problems at the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), the Assistant Secretary for the Office of Environmental Management (EM) established a working group in August 1993 to implement a new approach to research and technology development. As part of this new approach, EM developed a management structure and principles that led to the creation of specific Focus Areas. These organizations were designed to focus the scientific and technical talent throughout DOE and the national scientific community on the major environmental restoration and waste management problems facing DOE. The Focus Area approach provides the framework for intersite cooperation and leveraging of resources on common problems. After the original establishment of five major Focus Areas within the Office of Technology Development (EM-50, now called the Office of Science and Technology), the Nuclear Materials Stabilization Task Group (EM-66) followed the structure already in place in EM-50 and chartered the Plutonium Focus Area (PFA). The following information outlines the scope and mission of the EM, EM-60, and EM-66 organizations as related to the PFA organizational structure


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    Yusmani Prayogo .


    Full Text Available Distribution and efficacy on various entomopathogenic fungi at Lampung and South Sumatra as a biological control agent against Riptortus linearis. This study was conducted from June to September 2005.  The fungi were isolated from insect cadavers, insect bait, and soil sample from the soybean land. Each fungal sample was identified  base on their morphology using determination keys.  The fungal isolates were inoculated to the pod sucking bug Riptortus linearis.  The results showed that there were six genera of entomopathogenic fungi that can be isolated, i.e.  Fusarium sp., Penicillium sp., Metarhizium sp., Verticillium sp., Paecilomyces sp., and  Beauveria sp.  The fungus-induced  mortality of R. linearis varied between 5 - 30%.  Paecilomyces sp. isolated from Lebak Batang Baru induced 25%; Beauveria sp. isolated from Pulung Kencana 25%; Verticillium sp. isolated from Kaliungu 20%. Metarhizium sp. isolated from Terbanggi Subing 20% and Verticillium sp. isolated from Lebak batang Baru 20% mortality. It was suggested that these fungi have potential as biological control agents  for the pod sucking bug in dry acid land.

  17. Efektifitas Pemberlakuan Sistem Satu Arah pada Jalan Indraprasta Kota Semarang dalam Rangka Pemerataan Sebaran Beban Lalu Lintas

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    Djoko Purwanto


    Full Text Available The traffic problems in a big city such as Semarang generally caused by the typical situation like overcrowding at peak hours. To overcome this problem, Semarang Government has implemented “One Way System” on the Indraprasta Street section without providing road partner. This study is intended to identify the effectiveness of this policy. The following streets were reviewed: Indraprasta, Imam Bonjol, Mgr. Soegiyopranoto, and Pierre Tendean. Further, the intersections which studied are Indraprasta-Imam Bonjol-Pierre Tendean and Tugu Muda. Traffic survey data were collected in the morning and afternoon peak hours. Manual Kapasitas Jalan Indonesia 1997 was used in the data analysis procedure. This short-term study was conducted by simulating the proposed scenario and compared with the existing situations.In conclusion, “One Way System” on Indraprasta Street section is assessed not effective due to its relatively small degree of saturation, while Mgr. Soegiyopranoto Street has a large degree of saturation. Therefore, the one-way system to Imam Bonjol Street and Mgr. Soegiyopranoto Street also needed to implement and form a “rotary link“. In addition, enacting contraflow for public transport on Soegiyopranoto Street and Imam Bonjol Street is necessary, also the arrangement of signals and geometric in the intersection that linked those three streets.

  18. Tech Area II: A history

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ullrich, R. [Ktech Corp., Albuquerque, NM (United States)


    This report documents the history of the major buildings in Sandia National Laboratories` Technical Area II. It was prepared in support of the Department of Energy`s compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act. Technical Area II was designed and constructed in 1948 specifically for the final assembly of the non-nuclear components of nuclear weapons, and was the primary site conducting such assembly until 1952. Both the architecture and location of the oldest buildings in the area reflect their original purpose. Assembly activities continued in Area II from 1952 to 1957, but the major responsibility for this work shifted to other sites in the Atomic Energy Commission`s integrated contractor complex. Gradually, additional buildings were constructed and the original buildings were modified. After 1960, the Area`s primary purpose was the research and testing of high-explosive components for nuclear weapons. In 1994, Sandia constructed new facilities for work on high-explosive components outside of the original Area II diamond-shaped parcel. Most of the buildings in the area are vacant and Sandia has no plans to use them. They are proposed for decontamination and demolition as funding becomes available.

  19. Transforming a low value coastal area into a high value natural and recreational area

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Ritzen, M.J.


    The coastal zone in the Netherlands takes a very peculiar place in the discussion about sustainability in the Netherlands. Large areas are left unused and they remain low cost value areas due to the lack of progressive decision-making. These areas have a low value in economic, recreational and

  20. Runoff estimation in residencial area

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    Meire Regina de Almeida Siqueira


    Full Text Available This study aimed to estimate the watershed runoff caused by extreme events that often result in the flooding of urban areas. The runoff of a residential area in the city of Guaratinguetá, São Paulo, Brazil was estimated using the Curve-Number method proposed by USDA-NRCS. The study also investigated current land use and land cover conditions, impermeable areas with pasture and indications of the reforestation of those areas. Maps and satellite images of Residential Riverside I Neighborhood were used to characterize the area. In addition to characterizing land use and land cover, the definition of the soil type infiltration capacity, the maximum local rainfall, and the type and quality of the drainage system were also investigated. The study showed that this neighborhood, developed in 1974, has an area of 792,700 m², a population of 1361 inhabitants, and a sloping area covered with degraded pasture (Guaratinguetá-Piagui Peak located in front of the residential area. The residential area is located in a flat area near the Paraiba do Sul River, and has a poor drainage system with concrete pipes, mostly 0.60 m in diameter, with several openings that capture water and sediments from the adjacent sloping area. The Low Impact Development (LID system appears to be a viable solution for this neighborhood drainage system. It can be concluded that the drainage system of the Guaratinguetá Riverside I Neighborhood has all of the conditions and characteristics that make it suitable for the implementation of a low impact urban drainage system. Reforestation of Guaratinguetá-Piagui Peak can reduce the basin’s runoff by 50% and minimize flooding problems in the Beira Rio neighborhood.


    Powell, Robert E.; Campbell, Harry W.


    On the basis of geologic, geochemical, and geophysical investigations and a survey of mines, quarries, and prospects the Sugarloaf Roadless Area, California, has little promise for the occurrence of metallic mineral or energy resources. Units of carbonate rock and graphitic schist have demonstrated resources of magnesian marble and graphite. Sand, gravel, and construction stone other than carbonate rock are present in the roadless area, but similar or better quality materials are abundant and more accessible outside the area.

  2. Dual Orlicz geominimal surface area

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    Tongyi Ma


    Full Text Available Abstract The L p $L_{p}$ -geominimal surface area was introduced by Lutwak in 1996, which extended the important concept of the geominimal surface area. Recently, Wang and Qi defined the p-dual geominimal surface area, which belongs to the dual Brunn-Minkowski theory. In this paper, based on the concept of the dual Orlicz mixed volume, we extend the dual geominimal surface area to the Orlicz version and give its properties. In addition, the isoperimetric inequality, a Blaschke-Santaló type inequality, and the monotonicity inequality for the dual Orlicz geominimal surface areas are established.


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    Listiatie Budi Utami


    Full Text Available Kangkung darat (Ipomoea reptans Poir. merupakan tanaman hiperakumulator  logam timbal (Pb, padahal kangkung darat banyak dikonsumsi oleh masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pertumbuhan dan kandungan timbal (Pb kangkung darat pada berbagai dosis pupuk organik; serta untuk mengetahui dosis pupuk organik yang paling efektif untuk meningkatkan pertumbuhan dan menurunkan kandungan timbal (Pb dalam kangkung darat. Penelitian dilakukan secara Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL dengan perlakuan pemberianpupuk organik dengan dosis 0 gram, 50 gram, 100 gram, 150 gram, 200 gram, dan 250 gram dalam 2 kg tanah dari TPA Piyungan, Bantul. Setiap perlakuan diulang 4 kali dan dilakukan selama 4 minggu. Pengamatan meliputi tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, panjang daun, panjang akar, dan berat basah tanaman. Pada minggu ke-4, dilakukan pengukuran kadar timbal (Pb dalam daun. Dilakukan uji ANOVA dan BNT 5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian pupuk organik dapat meningkatkan pertumbuhan tanaman kangkung darat. Dosis yang paling efektif untuk pertumbuhan tanaman kangkung darat adalah 200 gram dalam 2 kg tanah. Pemberian pupuk organik tidak dapat menurunkan kandungan Pb dalam tanaman kangkung darat.


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    ali mahmudi


    Full Text Available Perhiasan emas dan perak, dari dulu sampai sekarang, sudah menjadi gaya hidup di masyarakat. Perhiasan dipakai sebagai penunjang penampilan maupun sebagai alat investasi. Dalam perkembanganya perhiasan dapat terbuat dari campuran bahan logam mulia seperti tembaga, perak dan emas. Sistem informasi ini dirancang untuk membantu proses penjualan di Toko Perhiasan Rejeki Denpasar-Bali. Applikasi ini dibuat dengan menggunakan Microsoft Visual Studio 2008, database MySql dan MySql konector 6.1.3 sebagai konektor. Sistem informasi ini dilengkapi dengan aplikasi untuk menghitung kadar perhiasan. Di samping itu, aplikasi ini juga dilengkapi denganalat hitung untuk menentukan campuran emas, perak dan tembaga untuk membuat emas dengan kadar tertentu. Metode gosok batu adalah metode tradisional untuk mengetahui kadar perhiasan. Metode ini dilakukan dengan cara menggosokan perhiasan ke batu dan kemudian ditambahkan cairan kimia. Metode ini kurang akurat untuk menentukan kadar perhiasan. Oleh sabab itu, dibangunlah sistem informasi penjualan dan penghitungan kadar perhiasan. Aplikasi ini diharapkan dapat mempermudah dalam pendataan penjualan dan pesanan perhiasan di Toko perhiasan Rejeki Denpasar-Bali. Kata Kunci: Sistem Informasi Penjualan, Emas, aplikasi hitung kadar, perhiasan.


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    Ulia Fajriah


    Full Text Available Kappaphycus alvarezii adalah jenis alga merah yang memproduksi kappa karagenan yang sangat penting untuk industri makanan, farmasi, dan kosmetik. Untuk meningkatkan produksi, diperlukan ketersediaan bahan baku yang baik. Salah satu yang memengaruhi ketersediaan bahan baku adalah kondisi ingkungan perairan untuk budidaya. Metallothionein (MT adalah protein yang memiliki kemampuan untuk mengikat ion logam seperti Cd, Zn, dan Cu. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengintroduksi gen Metallothionein Tipe II (MaMt2 ke dalam genom K. alvarezii menggunakan Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Talus rumput laut diinokulasi dengan A. tumefaciens mengandung plasmid pIG6-SMt2 yang membawa gen MaMt2, selanjutnya dilakukan seleksi bertingkat menggunakan higromisin 10 mg/L dan 20 mg/L. Hasil efisiensi transformasi yang diperoleh adalah 27,4%, efisiensi regenerasi tunas transgenik adalah 27,6%. Analisis molekuler dengan PCR menunjukkan bahwa 13 tunas transgenik mengandung gen MaMt2. Tunas transgenik putatif ditumbuhkan hingga menjadi talus baru dan dapat dilakukan uji tantang pada penelitian selanjutnya.

  6. Pemanfaatan Limbah Pecahan Genteng sebagai Katalis dalam Reaksi Pirolisis Plastik Polipropilena Menjadi Bahan Bakar Alternatif

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    Rahmat Jaya Eka Syahputra


    Full Text Available Artikel ini mendiskusikan karakterisasi pecahan genteng dan pemanfaatannya untuk memproduksi katalis. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui karakteristik pecahan genteng dan kemudian melakukan modifikasi untuk pembuatan katalis. Katalis dibuat dengan pilarisasi nikel ke dalam pecahan genteng, dan dikarakterisasi menggunakan x-ray diffractometer (XRD. Pirolisis dilakukan terhadap limbah plastik polipropilena hingga diperoleh cairan minyak. Minyak direforming menggunakan katalis pecahan genteng terpilarisasi nikel. Hasil karakterisasi menunjukkan bahwa pecahan genteng mempunyai kandungan logam oksida berdasarkan standar Fe2O3, NiO2, Al2O3, SiO2. Refinement dilakukan menggunakan program Rietica metode Le-Bail dan diperoleh hasil nilai keberterimaan Rp/Rwp <10. Setiap 1,3 kg sampel limbah polipropilena diperoleh hasil minyak sebanyak 1,7 L. Hasil reforming menunjukkan bahwa densitas minyak sebesar 745,919 kg/m3 dan viskositas 0,720 cp. Berdasarkan analisis GC-MS diperoleh fraksi pembentukan terbesar dari katalis pecahan genteng terpilarisasi nikel adalah fraksi C10 - C12. Sehingga, pecahan genteng yang terpilarisasi nikel efektif dijadikan sebagai katalisator dalam proses pirolisis untuk mengubah limbah palstik polipropilena menjadi bahan bakar.

  7. Small Area Fair Market Rent (United States)

    Department of Housing and Urban Development — Due to the increasing demand for more localized rents for a variety of purposes, HUD is making Small Area FMRs for all metropolitan areas available. Small Area FMRs...

  8. Natural Protected Areas and Rural/Local Development: A Sustainable Strategy in Remote Areas

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    Marta Pallares-Blanch


    Full Text Available The value and resources of the landscape and heritage of the Pyrenees, conserved in Natural Conservation Areas, have not been included in local social/economic development. The necessary policies and transverse working methods have not taken on board the benefits of these natural, protected areas on local, economic development. In some parts of the Pyrenees like Alt Urgell county the process of naturbanisation is just beginning. There is a great opportunity to put the brakes on uncontrolled urban development. At the same time, the potential to exploit the heritage and resources of the Pyrenees still exists. Therefore, the research defences that Natural Reserved Areas can act as a driving force to articulate a quality label of landscape, heritage and territory in peripheral areas like West Catalan Pyrenees. At the same time, by through promotion of Natural Reserved Areas a multi-organisational project of local development can be build. In the framework of rural-urban dynamics in a global context, the paper explains how the values of landscape and heritage in the mountain areas can be an opportunity to put into practice integrated territorial policies applying transversal methodologies among actors, institutions and private sector. At the same time, local development projects would priories young people and women support as one of the sector more likely to innovate and to maintain social and human capital in peripheral areas. A cooperation and collaboration practices are needed to create new economic activities with the participation of local actors. This paper puts forward suggestions for action to be taken.

  9. VT ZIP Code Areas (United States)

    Vermont Center for Geographic Information — (Link to Metadata) A ZIP Code Tabulation Area (ZCTA) is a statistical geographic entity that approximates the delivery area for a U.S. Postal Service five-digit...

  10. Vermont Designated Natural Areas (United States)

    Vermont Center for Geographic Information — Under Natural Areas Law (10 Vermont Statutes Annotated, Chapter 83 � 2607) the FPR commissioner, with the approval of the governor, may designate and set aside areas...

  11. On the area expectation values in area tensor Regge calculus in the Lorentzian domain

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Khatsymovsky, V.M.


    Wick rotation in area tensor Regge calculus is considered. The heuristical expectation is confirmed that the Lorentzian quantum measure on a spacelike area should coincide with the Euclidean measure at the same argument. The consequence is validity of probabilistic interpretation of the Lorentzian measure as well (on the real, i.e. spacelike areas)

  12. Hanford 200 Areas Development Plan

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rinne, C.A.; Daly, K.S.


    The purpose of the Hanford 200 Areas Development Plan (Development Plan) is to guide the physical development of the 200 Areas (which refers to the 200 East Area, 200 West Area, and 200 Area Corridor, located between the 200 East and 200 West Areas) in accordance with US Department of Energy (DOE) Order 4320.lB (DOE 1991a) by performing the following: Establishing a land-use plan and setting land-use categories that meet the needs of existing and proposed activities. Coordinating existing, 5-year, and long-range development plans and guiding growth in accordance with those plans. Establishing development guidelines to encourage cost-effective development and minimize conflicts between adjacent activities. Identifying site development issues that need further analysis. Integrating program plans with development plans to ensure a logical progression of development. Coordinate DOE plans with other agencies [(i.e., Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology) and US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)]. Being a support document to the Hanford Site Development Plan (DOE-RL 1990a) (parent document) and providing technical site information relative to the 200 Areas.

  13. Hanford 200 Areas Development Plan

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rinne, C.A.; Daly, K.S.


    The purpose of the Hanford 200 Areas Development Plan (Development Plan) is to guide the physical development of the 200 Areas (which refers to the 200 East Area, 200 West Area, and 200 Area Corridor, located between the 200 East and 200 West Areas) in accordance with US Department of Energy (DOE) Order 4320.lB (DOE 1991a) by performing the following: Establishing a land-use plan and setting land-use categories that meet the needs of existing and proposed activities. Coordinating existing, 5-year, and long-range development plans and guiding growth in accordance with those plans. Establishing development guidelines to encourage cost-effective development and minimize conflicts between adjacent activities. Identifying site development issues that need further analysis. Integrating program plans with development plans to ensure a logical progression of development. Coordinate DOE plans with other agencies [(i.e., Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology) and US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)]. Being a support document to the Hanford Site Development Plan (DOE-RL 1990a) (parent document) and providing technical site information relative to the 200 Areas

  14. Decontamination & decommissioning focus area

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    In January 1994, the US Department of Energy Office of Environmental Management (DOE EM) formally introduced its new approach to managing DOE`s environmental research and technology development activities. The goal of the new approach is to conduct research and development in critical areas of interest to DOE, utilizing the best talent in the Department and in the national science community. To facilitate this solutions-oriented approach, the Office of Science and Technology (EM-50, formerly the Office of Technology Development) formed five Focus AReas to stimulate the required basic research, development, and demonstration efforts to seek new, innovative cleanup methods. In February 1995, EM-50 selected the DOE Morgantown Energy Technology Center (METC) to lead implementation of one of these Focus Areas: the Decontamination and Decommissioning (D & D) Focus Area.

  15. Protesa Maksilo Fasial Kerangka Logam Kombinasi Bahan Termoplastik pada Defek Kelas II Aramany Pasca Hemimaxillectomy

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    Yuyus Mohamad Ilyas Djunaedy


    Full Text Available Background: Hemimaxilectomy surgery may cause facial defects, impaired function of speech, swallowing, mastication, esthetics as well as psychiatric patients and can cause problems I rehabilitation. Objective: This case report aims to determine the effect of maxillofacial prosthesis using ametal frame combination of thermoplastic materials in class II defects aramany to the aesthetic, retention, and stabilization of the prosthesis. Case: a 58- year old woman has done hemimaxilectomy, since ayear ago. Defective class II aramany, most of the maxillary teeth are gone, the teeth are still there 11, 13 and 17. Taking impression using hidrocoloid irreversible material was done following subjective, objective and radiographic examination, then the processs of ametal frame, MMR, teeth  arrangement, wax denture try in, then do the lab thermoplastic material, and insertion of the prosthesis. Manufacture of metal framework prosthesis combination of thermoplastic materials of class II defects aramany is the right choice. Conclusion: it can result in the retention, stabilization, good occlusion and esthetics.


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    Bambang Suharto


    Full Text Available The very large numbers of trash in the TPA (end disposal place will cause the natural decomposition process goes on massively as well. The decomposition process will change trash into organic fertilizer that if there any water input from the outside, it will dissolve metals that later become the byproduct that is leachate. The introduction of chemical contained in the leachate into the waters ecosystem may also affect the existing biota. Therefore, it is need the waste treatment before released into the environment. Leachate waste treatment by using the phytoremediation principle by means of Bambu air plant (Equisetum hyemale, with zeolite planting media was to be the choice in the effort of liquid waste treatment the Phytoremediation system was taken with a various considerations that very potential to develop into new innovation in the process of leachate waste treatment.This research had the purpose to know the effectiveness of phytoremediation system using water bamboo plant (Equisetum hyemale and zeolit planting media by batch system and continue system in reducing Pb and Cr heavy metals contents of leachate. Research method used was the experimental method. Observations carried out involved environmental temperature and humidity, solution pH and treatment temperature, Reduction of Pb and Cr Metals Contents on leachate.Batch system and continue system as a whole, mean of leachate pH tested during this treatment was about 7,466. Leachate pH tested did not less than 7,200 and not more that 7,810. Mean of leachate temperature from the first week through third week was of 22,283°C. The best treatment was on the K­2S1 (60 batch system plants treatment with reduction of Pb metal content of 82,2% in the last week of observation. While the reduction of Cr metal of 61,2% was on the K2S2 (60 continue system plants treatment.

  17. Kekuatan Geser Semen Ionomer Kaca Modifikasi Sebagai Pelekat Braket Begg Logam Dengan dan Tanpa Etsa

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    Dyah Karunia


    Full Text Available The adhesive of composite resin has been used for direct bonding of a bracket system of bracket fixed orthodontic treatment by etching. The disadvantage of etching is enamel loss and difficult procedure. Modified glass ionomer cement has been suggested as a bracket bonding system without etching. The chemical bonding without etching can reduce enamel loss and make the procedure more efficient. The purpose of this study was to determine the shear bond strength of modified glass ionomer cement as metal Begg bracket bonding system with and without etching. The subject of this study consisted of two groups which had 15 intact extracted permanent human upper bicuspids for each group. Group I was etched with ortho phosphate acid (37% for 20 seconds and bonded with modified glass ionomer cement. Group II was untreated and bonded with the same adhesive. The shear bond strength was measured with Pearson Pankee Equipment, and bond failure location was observed under stereo microscope. To differentiate the effects with and without etching, t test was performed, while to observe the location of bond failures, chi-square test was conducted. The results of this study indicated that the shear bond strength of modified glass ionomer cement as bonding system metal Begg Brackets with etching was significantly higher (p<0.001 than without etching. Without etching, bond failure occurred between enamel and bonding agent. With etching, the bond failure was mostly found within the adhesive.

  18. Catchment areas for public transport

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Jonas Lohmann Elkjær; Landex, Alex


    In the planning of public transport catchment areas of stops are often included to estimate potential number of travellers. There are different approaches to GIS-based catchment area analyses depending on the desired level of detail. The Circular Buffer approach is the fundamental, but also....../from stations. The article also shows how the refinement of the Service Area approach with additional time resistance results in smaller catchment areas when the feeder routes cross stairs. It is concluded that GIS-based catchment area analyses are a multiple decision support tool for planning of public...... transport where the level of detail can be suited to the purpose....

  19. Characterization of plant communities adjacent to the B-C Cribs controlled area and REDOX pond areas on the 200 area plateau

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cline, J.F.; Uresk, D.W.; Rickard, W.H.


    The plant communities at the Hanford B-C Cribs controlled area and REDOX study areas are characterized. It is concluded that they are probably very much like the communities that existed prior to 1943 when the Hanford Reservation was established. (CH)

  20. Hydrologic Areas of Concern (United States)

    University of New Hampshire — A Hydrologic Area of Concern (HAC) is a land area surrounding a water source, which is intended to include the portion of the watershed in which land uses are likely...

  1. EPA Region 7 Aquatic Focus Areas (ECO_RES.R7_AQUATIC_FOCUS_AREAS) (United States)

    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency — This shapefile consists of 347 individual Aquatic Ecological System (AES) polygons that are the Aquatic Conservation Focus Areas for EPA Region 7. The focus areas...

  2. Catch-In-Areas Main (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — The Catch-In-Areas database integrates catch data from the Catch Accounting System (which has the spatial resolution of a NMFS Reporting Area) into a database that...

  3. Indexing aortic valve area by body surface area increases the prevalence of severe aortic stenosis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jander, Nikolaus; Gohlke-Bärwolf, Christa; Bahlmann, Edda


    To account for differences in body size in patients with aortic stenosis, aortic valve area (AVA) is divided by body surface area (BSA) to calculate indexed AVA (AVAindex). Cut-off values for severe stenosis are......To account for differences in body size in patients with aortic stenosis, aortic valve area (AVA) is divided by body surface area (BSA) to calculate indexed AVA (AVAindex). Cut-off values for severe stenosis are...


    Drewes, Harald; Bigsby, P.R.


    Studies conducted in the North End Roadless Area, Arizona indicate probable or substantiated metallic mineral-resource potential in about one-fifth of the area. The area has potential for disseminated or stockwork-type molybdenum mineralization, copper-lead-zinc-silver veins, lead-zinc-silver limestone replacement deposits, and tungsten-bearing contact metamorphic skarn deposits. The area also contains cement rock and marble dimension stone, but has only slight promise for the occurrence of petroleum and natural gas.

  5. 700 Area (United States)

    Federal Laboratory Consortium — The 700 Area of the Hanford Site is located in downtown Richland.Called the Federal Office Building, the Richland Operations Site Manager and the Richland Operations...

  6. Elk and Deer Study, Material Disposal Area G, Technical Area 54: Source document

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ferenbaugh, J.K.; Fresquez, P.R.; Ebinger, M.H.; Gonzales, G.J.; Jordan, P.A.


    As nuclear research has become more prevalent, environmental contamination from the disposal of radioactive waste has become a prominent issue. At Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) in northern New Mexico, radioactive contamination from disposal operations has raised some very specific concerns. Material Disposal Area G (Area G) is the primary low-level radioactive waste disposal site at LANL and occupies an area adjacent to land belonging to the Native American community of the Pueblo of San Ildefonso. Analyses of soil and vegetation collected from the perimeter of Area G have shown concentrations of radionuclides greater than background concentrations established for northern New Mexico. As a result, Pueblo residents had become concerned that contaminants from Area G could enter tribal lands through various ecological pathways. The residents specifically questioned the safety of consuming meat from elk and deer that forage near Area G and then migrate onto tribal lands. Consequently, this study addresses the uptake of 3 H, 90 Sr, tot U, 238 Pu, 239 Pu, 241 Am, and 137 Cs by elk (Cervus elaphus) and deer (Odocoileus hemionus) that forage around the perimeter of Area G and the associated doses to the animals and to humans who consume these animals. Radionuclide uptake by and internal dose to animals was estimated using equations modified from National Council on Radiological Protection Report 76. The Residual Radiation computer code was used to estimate the external dose to animals and the dose to humans consuming meat. Soil and water concentrations from the perimeter of Area G and from background regions in northern New Mexico were averaged over 4 years (1993--1996) and used as input data for the models. Concentration estimates generated by the model correspond to the concentration range measured in actual tissue samples from elk and deer collected at LANL. The highest dose estimates for both animals (0.028 mrad/d) and humans (0.072 mrem/y) were well below

  7. Levels of radioactivity in fish from streams near F-Area and H-Area seepage basins

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Murphy, C.E. Jr.; Loehle, C.


    This report summarizes results of recent analyses of radioactivity in fish from SRS streams near the F-Area and H-Area seepage basins. Fish were collected from headwater areas of Four Mile Creek and Pen Branch, from just below the H-Area seepage basin, and from three sites downstream in Four Mile Creek. These fish were analyzed for gross alpha and gross beta radioactivity using standard EPA methods. Levels of gross alpha and nonvolatile beta radioactivity in fish were found to be comparable to levels previously reported for these sites. Gross alpha activity was not found to be influenced by Separations Area discharges. Nonvolatile beta activity was higher in the nonvolatile beta activity was attributable to Cs-137 and K-40. The dosimetric consequences of consuming fish from this area were found to be well below DOE guidelines

  8. Revitalization Areas (United States)

    Department of Housing and Urban Development — Revitalization areas are HUD-designated neighborhoods in need of economic and community development and where there is already a strong commitment by the local...

  9. A computer simulation approach to quantify the true area and true area compressibility modulus of biological membranes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chacón, Enrique; Tarazona, Pedro; Bresme, Fernando


    We present a new computational approach to quantify the area per lipid and the area compressibility modulus of biological membranes. Our method relies on the analysis of the membrane fluctuations using our recently introduced coupled undulatory (CU) mode [Tarazona et al., J. Chem. Phys. 139, 094902 (2013)], which provides excellent estimates of the bending modulus of model membranes. Unlike the projected area, widely used in computer simulations of membranes, the CU area is thermodynamically consistent. This new area definition makes it possible to accurately estimate the area of the undulating bilayer, and the area per lipid, by excluding any contributions related to the phospholipid protrusions. We find that the area per phospholipid and the area compressibility modulus features a negligible dependence with system size, making possible their computation using truly small bilayers, involving a few hundred lipids. The area compressibility modulus obtained from the analysis of the CU area fluctuations is fully consistent with the Hooke’s law route. Unlike existing methods, our approach relies on a single simulation, and no a priori knowledge of the bending modulus is required. We illustrate our method by analyzing 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine bilayers using the coarse grained MARTINI force-field. The area per lipid and area compressibility modulus obtained with our method and the MARTINI forcefield are consistent with previous studies of these bilayers

  10. [Cortical Areas for Controlling Voluntary Movements]. (United States)

    Nakayama, Yoshihisa; Hoshi, Eiji


    The primary motor cortex is located in Brodmann area 4 at the most posterior part of the frontal lobe. The primary motor cortex corresponds to an output stage of motor signals, sending motor commands to the brain stem and spinal cord. Brodmann area 6 is rostral to Brodmann area 4, where multiple higher-order motor areas are located. The premotor area, which is located in the lateral part, is involved in planning and executing action based on sensory signals. The premotor area contributes to the reaching for and grasping of an object to achieve a behavioral goal. The supplementary motor area, which occupies the mesial aspect, is involved in planning and executing actions based on internalized or memorized signals. The supplementary motor area plays a central role in bimanual movements, organizing multiple movements, and switching from a routine to a controlled behavior. Thus, Brodmann areas 4 and 6 are considered as central motor areas in the cerebral cortex, in which the idea of an action is transformed to an actual movement in a variety of contexts.

  11. Lp-mixed affine surface area (United States)

    Wang, Weidong; Leng, Gangsong


    According to the three notions of mixed affine surface area, Lp-affine surface area and Lp-mixed affine surface area proposed by Lutwak, in this article, we give the concept of ith Lp-mixed affine surface area such that the first and second notions of Lutwak are its special cases. Further, some Lutwak's results are extended associated with this concept. Besides, applying this concept, we establish an inequality for the volumes and dual quermassintegrals of a class of star bodies.

  12. Infrastructure Area Simplification Plan

    CERN Document Server

    Field, L.


    The infrastructure area simplification plan was presented at the 3rd EMI All Hands Meeting in Padova. This plan only affects the information and accounting systems as the other areas are new in EMI and hence do not require simplification.

  13. Moisture Monitoring at Area G, Technical Area 54, Los Alamos National Laboratory, 2016 Status Report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Levitt, Daniel Glenn [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States); Birdsell, Kay Hanson [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States); Jennings, Terry L. [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States); French, Sean B. [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States)


    Hydrological characterization and moisture monitoring activities provide data required for evaluating the transport of subsurface contaminants in the unsaturated and saturated zones beneath Area G, and for the Area G Performance Assessment and Composite Analysis. These activities have been ongoing at Area G, Technical Area 54 of the Los Alamos National Laboratory since waste disposal operations began in 1957. This report summarizes the hydrological characterization and moisture monitoring activities conducted at Area G. It includes moisture monitoring data collected from 1986 through 2016 from numerous boreholes and access tubes with neutron moisture meters, as well as data collected by automated dataloggers for water content measurement sensors installed in a waste disposal pit cover, and buried beneath the floor of a waste disposal pit. This report is an update of a nearly identical report by Levitt et al., (2015) that summarized data collected through early 2015; this report includes additional moisture monitoring data collected at Pit 31 and the Pit 38 extension through December, 2016. It also includes information from the Jennings and French (2009) moisture monitoring report and includes all data from Jennings and French (2009) and the Draft 2010 Addendum moisture monitoring report (Jennings and French, 2010). For the 2015 version of this report, all neutron logging data, including neutron probe calibrations, were investigated for quality and pedigree. Some data were recalculated using more defensible calibration data. Therefore, some water content profiles are different from those in the Jennings and French (2009) report. All of that information is repeated in this report for completeness. Monitoring and characterization data generally indicate that some areas of the Area G vadose zone are consistent with undisturbed conditions, with water contents of less than five percent by volume in the top two layers of the Bandelier tuff at Area G. These data also

  14. Identifying Important Atlantic Areas for the conservation of Balearic shearwaters: Spatial overlap with conservation areas (United States)

    Pérez-Roda, Amparo; Delord, Karine; Boué, Amélie; Arcos, José Manuel; García, David; Micol, Thierry; Weimerskirch, Henri; Pinaud, David; Louzao, Maite


    Marine protected areas (MPAs) are considered one of the main tools in both fisheries and conservation management to protect threatened species and their habitats around the globe. However, MPAs are underrepresented in marine environments compared to terrestrial environments. Within this context, we studied the Atlantic non-breeding distribution of the southern population of Balearic shearwaters (Puffinus mauretanicus) breeding in Eivissa during the 2011-2012 period based on global location sensing (GLS) devices. Our objectives were (1) to identify overall Important Atlantic Areas (IAAs) from a southern population, (2) to describe spatio-temporal patterns of oceanographic habitat use, and (3) to assess whether existing conservation areas (Natura 2000 sites and marine Important Bird Areas (IBAs)) cover the main IAAs of Balearic shearwaters. Our results highlighted that the Atlantic staging (from June to October in 2011) dynamic of the southern population was driven by individual segregation at both spatial and temporal scales. Individuals ranged in the North-East Atlantic over four main IAAs (Bay of Biscay: BoB, Western Iberian shelf: WIS, Gulf of Cadiz: GoC, West of Morocco: WoM). While most individuals spent more time on the WIS or in the GoC, a small number of birds visited IAAs at the extremes of their Atlantic distribution range (i.e., BoB and WoM). The chronology of the arrivals to the IAAs showed a latitudinal gradient with northern areas reached earlier during the Atlantic staging. The IAAs coincided with the most productive areas (higher chlorophyll a values) in the NE Atlantic between July and October. The spatial overlap between IAAs and conservation areas was higher for Natura 2000 sites than marine IBAs (areas with and without legal protection, respectively). Concerning the use of these areas, a slightly higher proportion of estimated positions fell within marine IBAs compared to designated Natura 2000 sites, with Spanish and Portuguese conservation

  15. Annex D-200 Area Interim Storage Area Final Safety Analysis Report [FSAR] [Section 1 & 2

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The 200 Area Interim Storage Area (200 Area ISA) at the Hanford Site provides for the interim storage of non-defense reactor spent nuclear fuel (SNF) housed in aboveground dry cask storage systems. The 200 Area ISA is a relatively simple facility consisting of a boundary fence with gates, perimeter lighting, and concrete and gravel pads on which to place the dry storage casks. The fence supports safeguards and security and establishes a radiation protection buffer zone. The 200 Area ISA is nominally 200,000 ft{sup 2} and is located west of the Canister Storage Building (CSB). Interim storage at the 200 Area ISA is intended for a period of up to 40 years until the materials are shipped off-site to a disposal facility. This Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR) does not address removal from storage or shipment from the 200 Area ISA. Three different SNF types contained in three different dry cask storage systems are to be stored at the 200 Area ISA, as follows: (1) Fast Flux Test Facility Fuel--Fifty-three interim storage casks (ISC), each holding a core component container (CCC), will be used to store the Fast Flux Test Facility (FFTF) SNF currently in the 400 Area. (2) Neutron Radiography Facility (NRF) TRIGA'--One Rad-Vault' container will store two DOT-6M3 containers and six NRF TRIGA casks currently stored in the 400 Area. (3) Commercial Light Water Reactor Fuel--Six International Standards Organization (ISO) containers, each holding a NAC-I cask4 with an inner commercial light water reactor (LWR) canister, will be used for commercial LWR SNF from the 300 Area. An aboveground dry cask storage location is necessary for the spent fuel because the current storage facilities are being shut down and deactivated. The spent fuel is being transferred to interim storage because there is no permanent repository storage currently available.

  16. On population growth near protected areas.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lucas N Joppa

    Full Text Available Protected areas are the first, and often only, line of defense in efforts to conserve biodiversity. They might be detrimental or beneficial to rural communities depending on how they alter economic opportunities and access to natural resources. As such, protected areas may attract or repel human settlement. Disproportionate increases in population growth near protected area boundaries may threaten their ability to conserve biodiversity.Using decadal population datasets, we analyze population growth across 45 countries and 304 protected areas. We find no evidence for population growth near protected areas to be greater than growth of rural areas in the same country. Furthermore, we argue that what growth does occur near protected areas likely results from a general expansion of nearby population centers.Our results contradict those from a recent study by Wittemyer et al., who claim overwhelming evidence for increased human population growth near protected areas. To understand the disagreement, we re-analyzed the protected areas in Wittemyer et al.'s paper. Their results are simply artifacts of mixing two incompatible datasets. Protected areas may experience unusual population pressures near their edges; indeed, individual case studies provide examples. There is no evidence, however, of a general pattern of disproportionate population growth near protected areas.

  17. 18 CFR 141.51 - FERC Form No. 714, Annual Electric Balancing Authority Area and Planning Area Report. (United States)


    ..., Annual Electric Balancing Authority Area and Planning Area Report. 141.51 Section 141.51 Conservation of...) § 141.51 FERC Form No. 714, Annual Electric Balancing Authority Area and Planning Area Report. (a) Who... Policies Act, 16 U.S.C. 2602, operating a balancing authority area, and any group of electric utilities...


    CERN Multimedia

    Relations with the Host States Service


    On the Prévessin site CERN has provided a picnic area which is available for use by persons working on its site subject to prior reservation. The person in charge of this picnic area is Mr Yves CHEVRET ST/TFM. Following a fresh outbreak of incidents (damage to CERN equipment and to trees and plants, privately owned sheep killed or maimed by dogs belonging to users of the picnic area, etc.),   The following measures have been taken: a report on the state of the picnic area will be drawn up before and after use, the cost of any damage noted will be borne by the person making the reservation, dogs and other domestic animals are strictly forbidden in the picnic area.

  19. Scaling Flux Tower Observations of Sensible Heat Flux Using Weighted Area-to-Area Regression Kriging

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maogui Hu


    Full Text Available Sensible heat flux (H plays an important role in characterizations of land surface water and heat balance. There are various types of H measurement methods that depend on observation scale, from local-area-scale eddy covariance (EC to regional-scale large aperture scintillometer (LAS and remote sensing (RS products. However, methods of converting one H scale to another to validate RS products are still open for question. A previous area-to-area regression kriging-based scaling method performed well in converting EC-scale H to LAS-scale H. However, the method does not consider the path-weighting function in the EC- to LAS-scale kriging with the regression residue, which inevitably brought about a bias estimation. In this study, a weighted area-to-area regression kriging (WATA RK model is proposed to convert EC-scale H to LAS-scale H. It involves path-weighting functions of EC and LAS source areas in both regression and area kriging stages. Results show that WATA RK outperforms traditional methods in most cases, improving estimation accuracy. The method is considered to provide an efficient validation of RS H flux products.

  20. Quiet areas

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Petersen, Rikke Munck


    This paper argues that drone filming can substantiate our understanding of multisensorial experiences of quiet areas and urban landscapes. Contrary to the distanced gaze often associated with the drone, this paper discusses drone filming as an intimate performativity apparatus that can affect...... perception as a result of its interrelationships between motion, gaze, and sound. This paper uses four films, one of which is a drone flyover, to launch a discussion concerning a smooth and alluring gaze, a sliding gaze that penetrates landscapes, and site appearance. Films hold the capacity to project both...... and transcendence can facilitate a deeper understanding of intimate sensations, substantiating their role in the future design and planning of urban landscapes. Hence, it addresses the ethics of an intimacy perspective (of drone filming) in the qualification of quiet areas....

  1. Planning approaches for rurban areas

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Busck, Anne Gravsholt; Hidding, Marjan; Kristensen, Søren Bech Pilgaard


    ), Staffanstorp municipality (Sweden) and Werv-area (the Netherlands). All three areas belong to the rurban zone and are selected to exemplify pro-active planning. The analysis focuses on how the concept of compact city is perceived and implemented, how rurban areas are managed in order to avoid further urban...... encroachment, and how resilient green landscapes are ensured. The results reveal significant differences in approaches, reflecting variations in the public involvement in rurban areas development, the role of different administrative levels and the use of zonation. Variation in the use of zonation encapsulates...


    McKee, Edwin H.; Rains, Richard L.


    On the basis of a mineral survey, two parts of the Benton Range Roadless Area, California are considered to have mineral-resource potential. The central and southern part of the roadless area, near several nonoperating mines, has a probable potential for tungsten and gold-silver mineralization in tactite zones. The central part of the area has a substantiated resource potential for gold and silver in quartz veins. Detailed mapping and geochemical sampling for tungsten, gold, and silver in the central and southern part of the roadless area might indicate targets for shallow drilling exploration.

  3. High Discharge Rate Electrodeposited Zinc Electrode for Use in Alkaline Microbattery

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A. L. Nor Hairin


    Full Text Available High discharge rate zinc electrode is prepared from electrodeposition process. The electrolytic bath consists of zinc chloride as the metal source and ammonium chloride as the supporting electrolyte. The concentration of the supporting electrolyte is varied from zero until 4 M, while the concentration of zinc chloride is fixed at 2 M. The aim is to produce a porous zinc coating with an enhanced and intimate interfacial area per unit volume. These characteristics shall contribute towards reduced ohmic losses, improved active material utilization, and subsequently producing high rate capacity electrochemical cell. Nitrogen physisorption at 77 K is used to measure the BET surface area and pore volume density of the zinc electrodeposits. The electrodeposited zinc electrodes are then fabricated into alkaline zinc-air microbattery measuring 1 cm2 area x ca. 305 µm thick. The use of inorganic MCM-41 membrane separator enables the fabrication of a compact cell design. The quality of the electrodeposited zinc electrodes is gauged directly from the electrochemical performance of zinc-air cell. Zinc electrodeposits prepared from electrolytic bath of 2 M NH4Cl produces the highest discharge capacity.ABSTRAK: Elektrod zink dengan kadar discas tinggi telah dihasilkan dengan proses saduran elektrokimia. Takungan elektrolit terdiri daripada zink klorida sebagai sumber logam dan ammonium klorida sebagai elektrolit sokongan. Kepekatan elektrolit sokongan diubah daripada sifar hingga 4 M, sementara kepekatan zink klorida ditetapkan pada 2 M. Ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan saduran zink yang poros dengan luas permukaan per unit isipadu dan sentuhan antaramuka yang dipertingkatkan. Ciri-ciri ini akan menyumbang terhadap pengurangan kehilangan disebabkan kerintangan, pertambahan dalam gunapakai bahan aktif dan akhirnya menghasilkan sel elektrokimia berprestasi tinggi. Physisorpsi nitrogen pada 77 K telah digunakan untuk mengukur luas permukaan BET dan isipadu liang

  4. Electromagnetic surface waves for large-area RF plasma productions between large-area planar electrodes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nonaka, S.


    Recently, large-area plasma production has been tested by means of a 13.56 MHz radio-frequency (RF) discharge between a pair of large-area planar electrodes, approximately 0.5 m x 1.4 m, as one of the semiconductor technologies for fabrication of large-area amorphous silicon solar cells in the ''Sunshine Project'' of the Agency of Industrial Science and Technology in Japan. We also confirmed long plasma production between a pair of long electrodes. In this paper, normal electromagnetic (EM) waves propagating in a region between a planar waveguide with one plasma and two dielectric layers are analyzed in order to study the feasibility of large-area plasma productions by EM wave-discharges between a pair of large-area RF electrodes larger than the half-wavelength of RF wave. In conclusion, plasmas higher than an electron plasma frequency will be produced by an odd TMoo surface mode. (author) 4 refs., 3 figs

  5. Lead, cadmium, and mercury contents of fungi in the Helsinki area and in unpolluted control areas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kuusi, T.; Liukkonen-Lilja, H.; Piepponen, S.; Laaksovirta, K.; Lodenius, M.


    More than 40 species of wild-growing fungi in Finland have been investigated with regard to their contents of lead, cadmium and mercury. A total of 326 samples was studied, 242 being from the urban area of Helsinki and 84 from unpolluted rural areas. The lead content ranged from < 0.5 to 78 mg/kg of dry matter. In the control areas the mean contents for the different species ranged from < 0.5 to 13 mg/kg, and in the urban area from 0.5 to 16.8 mg/kg. The cadmium content ranged from < 0.2 to 101 mg/kg of dry matter. In the control areas the mean contents for the different species ranged from < 0.2 to 16.8 mg/kg, and in the urban area from < 0.2 to 17.3 mg/kg. The mercury content ranged from < 0.01 to 95 mg/kg of dry matter. In the rural areas the mean contents for the diferent species ranged from 0.03 to 4.2 mg/kg, and in the urban area from 0.02 to 14.1 mg/kg. In conclusion, consumption of those fungi that grow in unpolluted rural areas carries no risk, particularly when they belong to mycorrhizal species. In urban areas the risk is somewhat greater. The Agaricus species show the highest contents of the metals studied and their use as food requires caution.

  6. 33 CFR 165.838 - Regulated Navigation Area; New Orleans Area of Responsibility, New Orleans, LA. (United States)


    ... Orleans Area of Responsibility, New Orleans, LA. 165.838 Section 165.838 Navigation and Navigable Waters... Guard District § 165.838 Regulated Navigation Area; New Orleans Area of Responsibility, New Orleans, LA... Ponchartrain and to the Mississippi River in New Orleans, LA; (2) The Harvey Canal, between the Lapalco...

  7. Elk and Deer Study, Material Disposal Area G, Technical Area 54: Source document

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    J. K. Ferenbaugh; P. R. Fresquez; M. H. Ebinger; G. J. Gonzales; P. A. Jordan


    As nuclear research has become more prevalent, environmental contamination from the disposal of radioactive waste has become a prominent issue. At Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) in northern New Mexico, radioactive contamination from disposal operations has raised some very specific concerns. Material Disposal Area G (Area G) is the primary low-level radioactive waste disposal site at LANL and occupies an area adjacent to land belonging to the Native American community of the Pueblo of San Ildefonso. Analyses of soil and vegetation collected from the perimeter of Area G have shown concentrations of radionuclides greater than background concentrations established for northern New Mexico. As a result, Pueblo residents had become concerned that contaminants from Area G could enter tribal lands through various ecological pathways. The residents specifically questioned the safety of consuming meat from elk and deer that forage near Area G and then migrate onto tribal lands. Consequently, this study addresses the uptake of {sup 3}H, {sup 90}Sr, {sup tot}U, {sup 238}Pu, {sup 239}Pu, {sup 241}Am, and {sup 137}Cs by elk (Cervus elaphus) and deer (Odocoileus hemionus) that forage around the perimeter of Area G and the associated doses to the animals and to humans who consume these animals. Radionuclide uptake by and internal dose to animals was estimated using equations modified from National Council on Radiological Protection Report 76. The Residual Radiation computer code was used to estimate the external dose to animals and the dose to humans consuming meat. Soil and water concentrations from the perimeter of Area G and from background regions in northern New Mexico were averaged over 4 years (1993--1996) and used as input data for the models. Concentration estimates generated by the model correspond to the concentration range measured in actual tissue samples from elk and deer collected at LANL. The highest dose estimates for both animals (0.028 mrad/d) and humans

  8. 32 CFR 1605.51 - Area. (United States)


    ... 32 National Defense 6 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Area. 1605.51 Section 1605.51 National Defense... ORGANIZATION Local Boards § 1605.51 Area. (a) The Director of Selective Service shall divide each State into local board areas and establish local boards. There shall be at least one local board in each county...

  9. Sprawl in European urban areas (United States)

    Prastacos, Poulicos; Lagarias, Apostolos


    In this paper the 2006 edition of the Urban Atlas database is used to tabulate areas of low development density, usually referred to as "sprawl", for many European cities. The Urban Atlas database contains information on the land use distribution in the 305 largest European cities. Twenty different land use types are recognized, with six of them representing urban fabric. Urban fabric classes are residential areas differentiated by the density of development, which is measured by the sealing degree parameter that ranges from 0% to 100% (non-developed, fully developed). Analysis is performed on the distribution of the middle to low density areas defined as those with sealing degree less than 50%. Seven different country groups in which urban areas have similar sprawl characteristics are identified and some key characteristics of sprawl are discussed. Population of an urban area is another parameter considered in the analysis. Two spatial metrics, average patch size and mean distance to the nearest neighboring patch of the same class, are used to describe proximity/separation characteristics of sprawl in the urban areas of the seven groups.

  10. 75 FR 54542 - Special Areas; Roadless Area Conservation; Applicability to the National Forests in Idaho... (United States)


    ... between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m., Eastern Standard Time, Monday through Friday. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The.../Restoration; and 14 acres of Forest Plan Special Area to Primitive. The FPSA classification will be removed in.../Restoration. Smith Creek Roadless Area: Change 14 acres of Forest Plan Special Area to Primitive. Correction...

  11. 78 FR 72028 - Special Regulations, Areas of the National Park System, Curecanti National Recreation Area... (United States)


    ...-substantive edits. The final rule revises the section heading for Sec. 7.51 from ``Curecanti Recreation Area... paragraph 7.51(e) to designate three groups of routes and areas where motor vehicles may be used off park...) and (f). The revisions and additions read as follows: Sec. 7.51 Curecanti National Recreation Area...

  12. [Emotion and Brodmann's areas: special reference on area 12]. (United States)

    Kawamura, Mitsuru


    Brodmann's brain maps, assembled in 1909, are still in use, but understanding of their animal-human homology is uncertain. Furthermore, in 1909, Brodmann did not identify human Area 12 (BA12); a location now important to understanding of frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD) and emotional function. We found Brodmann did identify human BA12 in later maps (1910 and 1914), not in the 1909 monograph. Because of its current link with FTLD, BA 12's translation from animal (1909) to human (1910 and 1914) is not only an historical puzzle. It impacts how Brodmann's areas, based on comparative animal-human cyto-architecture, are widely used in current research as functional loci in human brain. If Brodmann's maps are of current value, then an accurate rather than a generic Brodmann number is in order.

  13. 78 FR 30870 - Nomination of Existing Marine Protected Areas to the National System of Marine Protected Areas (United States)


    ... Marine Protected Areas to the National System of Marine Protected Areas AGENCY: National Marine Protected...) invited federal, state, commonwealth, and territorial marine protected area (MPA) programs with... of Marine Protected Areas of the United States (Framework), developed in response to Executive Order...

  14. Quadrilaterals: Diagonals and Area (United States)

    McGraw, Rebecca


    The task shared in this article provides geometry students with opportunities to recall and use basic geometry vocabulary, extend their knowledge of area relationships, and create area formulas. It is characterized by reasoning and sense making (NCTM 2009) and the "Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others"…

  15. The Histogram-Area Connection (United States)

    Gratzer, William; Carpenter, James E.


    This article demonstrates an alternative approach to the construction of histograms--one based on the notion of using area to represent relative density in intervals of unequal length. The resulting histograms illustrate the connection between the area of the rectangles associated with particular outcomes and the relative frequency (probability)…

  16. Soil Quality of Bauxite Mining Areas (United States)

    Terezinha Gonçalves Bizuti, Denise; Dinarowski, Marcela; Casagrande, José Carlos; Silva, Luiz Gabriel; Soares, Marcio Roberto; Henrique Santin Brancalion, Pedro


    The study on soil quality index (SQI) aims to assess the current state of the soil after use and estimating its recovery through sustainable management practices This type of study is being used in this work in order to check the efficiency of forest recovery techniques in areas that have been deeply degraded by bauxite mining process, and compare them with the area of native forest, through the determination of SQI. Treatments were newly mined areas, areas undergoing restoration (topsoil use with planting of native forest species), areas in rehabilitation (employment of the green carpet with topsoil and planting of native forest species) and areas of native forests, with six repetitions, in areas of ALCOA, in the municipality of Poços de Caldas/MG. To this end, we used the additive pondered model, establishing three functions: Fertility, water movement and root development, based on chemical parameters (organic matter, base saturation, aluminum saturation and calcium content); physical (macroporosity, soil density and clay content); and microbiological testing (basal respiration by the emission of CO2 ). The SQIs obtained for each treatment was 41%, 56%, 63% and 71% for newly mined areas, native forest, areas in restoration and rehabilitation, respectively. The recovering technique that most approximates the degraded soil to the soil of reference is the restoration, where there was no statistically significant difference of areas restored with native forest. It was found that for the comparison of the studied areas must take into account the nutrient cycling, that disappear with plant removal in mining areas, once the soil of native forest features low fertility and high saturation by aluminum, also taking in account recovering time.

  17. Analysis of Offshore Wind Energy Leasing Areas for the Rhode Island/Massachusetts Wind Energy Area

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Musial, W.; Elliott, D.; Fields, J.; Parker, Z.; Scott, G.


    The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), under an interagency agreement with the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM), is providing technical assistance to BOEM on the identification and delineation of offshore leasing areas for offshore wind energy development within the Atlantic Coast Wind Energy Areas (WEAs) established by BOEM in 2012. This report focuses on NREL's evaluation of BOEM's Rhode Island/Massachusetts (RIMA) WEA leasing areas. The objective of the NREL evaluation was to assess the proposed delineation of the two leasing areas and determine if the division is reasonable and technically sound. Additionally, the evaluation aimed to identify any deficiencies in the delineation. As part of the review, NREL performed the following tasks: 1. Performed a limited review of relevant literature and RIMA call nominations. 2. Executed a quantitative analysis and comparison of the two proposed leasing areas 3. Conducted interviews with University of Rhode Island (URI) staff involved with the URI Special Area Management Plan (SAMP) 4. Prepared this draft report summarizing the key findings.


    Condon, Steven M.; Brown, S. Don


    The Pedra Wilderness Study Area, located approximately 30 mi northeast of Durango, Colorado, was evaluated for its mineral-resource potential. Geochemical and geophysical studies indicate little promise for the occurrence of mineral or energy resources in this area. This conclusion is supported by the findings of the earlier study and is suggested by the absence of significant mining activity in the area.

  19. 75 FR 972 - Nomination of Existing Marine Protected Areas to the National System of Marine Protected Areas (United States)


    ... Marine Protected Areas to the National System of Marine Protected Areas AGENCY: NOAA, Department of... Federal, State and territorial marine protected area programs to join the National System of Marine Protected Areas. SUMMARY: NOAA and the Department of the Interior (DOI) invited Federal, State, commonwealth...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andik Setiyono


    Full Text Available Motif dan warna batik dihasilkan dengan pewarna yang mengandung logam berat kromium (Cr. Industri batik secara umum tergolong usaha kecil dan menengah sehingga sebagian besar tidak mengolah limbah batik yang mengandung logam berat Cr. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah memberikan alternatif solusi dari dampak pencemaran Cr dengan memanfaatkan berbagai tumbuhan untuk menyerap Cr pada limbah batik. Penelitian ini adalah kuasi eksperimen dengan rancangan desain pre and post test. Tanaman air yang dipilih adalah enceng gondok (Eichornia crassipes, kayu apu (Pistia stratiotes, dan kayambang (Salvinia cucullata yang ditanam pada wadah yang berisi air limbah selama 5 hari. Konsentrasi Cr pada air limbah kelompok 1 menurun dari 0,0546 mg/l menjadi 0,0378 mg/l setelah diberi perlakuan dengan enceng gondok. Konsentrasi Cr pada air limbah kelompok 2 menurun dari 0,0488 mg/l menjadi 0,0315 mg/l setelah diberi perlakuan dengan kayambang. Konsentrasi Cr pada air limbah kelompok 1 menurun dari 0,0464 mg/l menjadi 0,0240 mg/l setelah diberi perlakuan dengan kayu apu. Hasil uji statistik dengan uji Kruskal Wallis menunjukkan nilai p= 0,280 sehingga disimpulkan tidak ada perbedaan penyerapan Cr yang terdapat pada limbah batik pada jenis tanaman enceng gondok, kayu apu, dan kayambang.   Kata Kunci : Cr, Limbah batik, Fitoremediasi   Abstract Batik motifs and colors are produced with dyes containing heavy metal chromium (Cr. Batik industries is generally classified as small and medium enterprises, so most of them do not process batik waste containing heavy metal Cr. The purpose of this research was to provide alternative solution from Cr pollution impact by utilizing various plants to absorb Cr in batik waste. This research was a quasi experiment with pre and post test design. The selected aquatic plants were water hyacinth or “enceng gondok” (Eichornia crassipes, “kayu apu” (Pistia stratiotes, and “kayambang” (Salvinia cucullata. They were grown in


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    RI Handayani


    Full Text Available Sungai Winongo merupakan salah satu sungai penting di Yogyakarta, karena berperan dalam menunjang dan memenuhi kebutuhan hidup masyarakat sekitarnya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui kandungan logam berat kromium (Cr pada air dan daging ikan nila merah di Sungai Winongo Yogyakarta serta mengetahui kelayakannya untuk dikonsumsi. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan eksplorasi dengan metode survai, dengan penetapan pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik Purposive Random Sampling. Metode analisis uji kandungan logam berat Cr pada air dan ikan nila merah menggunakan AAS. Konsentrasi Cr pada air di Sungai Winongo Yogyakarta adalah 0,0213 mg/L, nilai ini masih berada di bawah ambang batas yang sudah ditetapkan PPRI No. 82 Tahun 2001 yakni  sebesar 0,05 mg/L. Pada ikan nila merah diketahui akumulasi tertinggi pada stasiun 1 sebesar 10,2265 mg/Kg; kemudian pada stasiun 3 dan 2 sebesar 9,81075 mg/Kg dan 9,2245 mg/Kg. Nilai ini melebihi baku mutu yang sudah ditetapkan oleh Dirjen POM 1989 yakni sebesar 2,5 mg/Kg. Simpulan dari penelitian ini adalah kandungan Cr dalam air masih di bawah ambang batas. Ikan nila merah di sungai Winongo sudah mengakumulasi Cr di atas ambang batas, sehingga tidak layak konsumsi.Winongo river is one of the important rivers in Yogyakarta because this supports and fulfils the people’s needs. The purpose of this study was to determine the heavy metal content of Cr in water and red tilapia fish meat captured in Winongo Yogyakarta and to know whether the meat is edible or not. The study design was used exploration design with survey method, in which the determination of sampling was using purposive random sampling. Method of test analysis of heavy metals Cr in water and red tilapia was using AAS. Chromium concentration in water of Winongo river was 0.0213 mg/l, this value remains below the threshold set by PPRI No. 82 year 2001 which was 0.05 mg/L, the highest accumulation of Cr in red tilapia meat was at station 1 i.e. 10


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    A Asngad


    Full Text Available Tujuan penelitian ini adalah membuat formula pupuk organik limbah dari campuran kotoran ayam dan eceng gondok sebagai pupuk organik dasar dan memproduksi pupuk organik unggul kombinasi pupuk organik dasar dan pupuk hayati spora CMA dalam kemasan granul. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode eksperimen dan analisis laboratorium dilakukan untuk mengetahui kuantitas dan kualitas hara pupuk yang dihasilkan, serta kandungan logam berat. Pupuk secara diskriptif dibandingkan dengan baku mutu pupuk organik menurut SK Mentan 2009. Hasil analisis hara makro dan mikro, serta logam berat pada pupuk organik dasar sudah memenuhi persyaratan baku mutu pupuk organik. Perbanyakan pupuk  hayati CMA diperoleh 35 butir spora CMA/gram. Formula pembuatan campuran pupuk organik dasar: 2 kotoran ayam, 1 eceng gondok. Pupuk tersebut ditambah dengan 1 kg inokulum CMA atau pupuk hayati, 0,5 kg clay merah, 0,5 kg fosfat alam, 0,25 kg clay putih; 500 cc air. Hasil analisis hara makro dan mikro, campuran pupuk organik dasar dan hayati yang telah digranul sesuai dengan standar pupuk organik dari SK Mentan 2009. Disimpulkan bahwa campuran pupuk organik dari bahan dasar (kotoran ayam dan gulma air, yang ditambah dengan pupuk hayati dapat digunakan sebagai alternatif pengganti pupuk anorganik. Pupuk granul lebih efisien dan efektif digunakan untuk berbagai campuran dan di lapang. The research objective is to make the formula of organic fertilizer from water weed and chicken poop mixture as the basic organic fertilizer and to produce excellent organic fertilizer from the combination of basic organic fertilizer and biologic CMA spore fertilizer in a granule package. The study was conducted with an experimental method and laboratory analysis to determine the quantity and quality of fertilizer nutrients and heavy metal content that was descriptively compared to the standard organic fertilizer by SK Mentan 2009. The results showed that the quantity and quality of the fertilizer


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    Ari Rahayuningtyas


    Full Text Available Aliran udara dan suhu pada ruang pengering memegang peranan penting dalam proses pengeringan suatu produk. Laju penguapan air bahan dalam pengeringan sangat ditentukan oleh kenaikan suhu. Pada penelitian ini pengontrolan suhu ruang pengering dilakukan dengan merancang bangun sensor suhu dengan menggunakan LM35 dan berbasis mikrokontroler ATMEGA 8535. Input berupa suhu disensor oleh LM35 yang kemudian diolah dan dikontrol oleh mikrokontroler. Keluaran dari mikrokontroler berupa nilai bacaan suhu yang akan ditampilan pada LCD display 16 x 2. Pengamatan ini bertujuan untuk menguji parameter teknis yang terkait dengan unjuk kerja mesin pengering tipe rak meliputi sebaran suhu dengan konveksi paksa menggunakan kipas mekanik. Pengamatan dilakukan pada suhu 50ºC dan 60ºC, dengan 2 buah kipas dengan kecepatan masing-masing 3,9 m/dt dan 4,7 m/dt. Setiap 30 menit data suhu pada 6 titik diambil dalam ruang pengering. Dengan membandingkan hasil pengukuran dengan menggunakan sensor suhu LM35 dan termometer raksa dapat terlihat bahwa tidak terjadi perbedaan suhu yang jauh. Jika terdapat perbedaan hasil pembacaan, hal tersebut masih diijinkan karena nilainya berada dalam jangkauan toleransi. Perbedaan ini juga dipengaruhi oleh tata letak kipas yang mengakibatkan perbedaan hembusan udara dan berpengaruh pada rataan suhu dalam ruang pengering.

  4. Urgensi Integrasi Sistem Informasi Akuntansi Instansi Pemerintah

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ali Nasrun


    Full Text Available Undang-undang Republik Indonesia No. 17 Tahun 2003 mewajibkan Pengguna APBN (Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara untuk menyusun laporan keuangan sebagai bentuk pertanggungjawaban kepada publik. Laporan keuangan mempunyai peran penting untuk mengukur kinerja pemerintah, apakah terkendali sesuai landasan dan mencapai target-target yang telah ditetapkan dalam APBN, serta menjadi pendukung pengambilan keputusan. Diantara kualitas laporan keuangan yang harus dicapai adalah lengkap dan tepat waktu. Sistem informasi akuntansi yang berjalan pada pemerintah Republik Indonesia saat ini bersifat desentralisasi atau menyebar ke seluruh instansi dalam platform desktop application. Kondisi ini tentu menimbulkan kendala-kendala dalam mencapai kualitas laporan keuangan yang lengkap dan tepat waktu. Jumlah instansi penyelenggara akuntansi yang ribuan banyaknya dan tersebarnya lokasi geografis dengan dukungan fasilitas komunikasi yang tidak semuanya baik, telah cukup untuk menggambarkan kesulitan yang dihadapi. Integrasi sistem informasi adalah salah satu solusi yang dapat diambil. Pemerintah perlu segera membuat sistem informasi yang sebaran database dan aplikasinya sesedikit mungkin atau jika mungkin membuat single database dan aplikasi. Banyak teknologi yang bisa dijadikan pilihan, baik database engine maupun front end-nya. Diantara database engine adalah PostrgeSQL, MySQL, SQLServer, dan lain-lain.  Diantara front end yang berbasis web adalah PHP, ASP, JAVA, dan lain-lain.

  5. Coking coal of Checua Lenguazaque area; Carbones coquizantes del area Checua - Samaca

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Arboleda Otalora, Carlos Ariel


    In this report a summary of the main characteristics of the coal of the area of Checua-Samaca is presented. Using the main works carried out on this area, the most important geologic, physical-chemical, technological and petrographic aspects are compiled that are considered essential to carry out a technical evaluation of these coal and all the analyses they take to conclude that in this area, bituminous coal are presented with very good coking properties, on the other hand, it is demonstrated by the use that is given to the coal extracted by the small existent mining. However, keeping in mind the demands of the international market of the coking coal, it becomes necessary to improve the existent geologic information to be able to make reliable stratigraphic correlations.

  6. 5 CFR 351.402 - Competitive area. (United States)


    ... 5 Administrative Personnel 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Competitive area. 351.402 Section 351.402... Competition § 351.402 Competitive area. (a) Each agency shall establish competitive areas in which employees compete for retention under this part. (b) A competitive area must be defined solely in terms of the...

  7. Arcjet nozzle area ratio effects (United States)

    Curran, Francis M.; Sarmiento, Charles J.; Birkner, Bjorn W.; Kwasny, James


    An experimental investigation was conducted to determine the effect of nozzle area ratio on the operating characteristics and performance of a low power dc arcjet thruster. Conical thoriated tungsten nozzle inserts were tested in a modular laboratory arcjet thruster run on hydrogen/nitrogen mixtures simulating the decomposition products of hydrazine. The converging and diverging sides of the inserts had half angles of 30 and 20 degrees, respectively, similar to a flight type unit currently under development. The length of the diverging side was varied to change the area ratio. The nozzle inserts were run over a wide range of specific power. Current, voltage, mass flow rate, and thrust were monitored to provide accurate comparisons between tests. While small differences in performance were observed between the two nozzle inserts, it was determined that for each nozzle insert, arcjet performance improved with increasing nozzle area ratio to the highest area ratio tested and that the losses become very pronounced for area ratios below 50. These trends are somewhat different than those obtained in previous experimental and analytical studies of low Re number nozzles. It appears that arcjet performance can be enhanced via area ratio optimization.

  8. Arcjet Nozzle Area Ratio Effects (United States)

    Curran, Francis M.; Sarmiento, Charles J.; Birkner, Bjorn W.; Kwasny, James


    An experimental investigation was conducted to determine the effect of nozzle area ratio on the operating characteristics and performance of a low power dc arcjet thruster. Conical thoriated tungsten nozzle inserts were tested in a modular laboratory arcjet thruster run on hydrogen/nitrogen mixtures simulating the decomposition products of hydrazine. The converging and diverging sides of the inserts had half angles of 30 and 20 degrees, respectively, similar to a flight type unit currently under development. The length of the diverging side was varied to change the area ratio. The nozzle inserts were run over a wide range of specific power. Current, voltage, mass flow rate, and thrust were monitored to provide accurate comparisons between tests. While small differences in performance were observed between the two nozzle inserts, it was determined that for each nozzle insert, arcjet performance improved with increasing nozzle area ratio to the highest area ratio tested and that the losses become very pronounced for area ratios below 50. These trends are somewhat different than those obtained in previous experimental and analytical studies of low Re number nozzles. It appears that arcjet performance can be enhanced via area ratio optimization.

  9. Sapwood area as an estimator of leaf area and foliar weight in cherrybark oak and green ash (United States)

    James S. Meadows; John D. Hodges


    The relationships between foliar weight/leaf area and four stem dimensions (d.b.h., total stem cross-sectional area, total sapwood area, and current sapwood area at breast height) were investigated in two important bottomland tree species of the Southern United States, cherrybark oak (Quercus falcata var. pagodifolia ...

  10. 30 CFR 785.19 - Surface coal mining and reclamation operations on areas or adjacent to areas including alluvial... (United States)


    ... alluvial valley floor exists if it finds that— (i) Unconsolidated streamlaid deposits holding streams are... on areas or adjacent to areas including alluvial valley floors in the arid and semiarid areas west of....19 Surface coal mining and reclamation operations on areas or adjacent to areas including alluvial...

  11. Exotism of Batu Putih area in Samarinda, East Kalimantan as conservation area for ecotourism destination (United States)

    Sutan, Syamsidar; Cahyani, Rina Wahyu; Alam, Fajar; Syuhada, Endy Mukhlis


    Batu Putih is a limestone hill complex in Air Putih area, Samarinda, East Kalimantan. The unique value of this region is a towering limestone ridge which easily recognizable at a distance, water catchment area in the city, great place to learn earth science as understanding the ancient marine deposition and hydrocarbon potential development, and the heritage of the region. The objective of this research is toreview the potential of Batu Putih area and surrounding as a green conservation area for ecotourism destination. Batu Putih area, geologically part of Kutai Basin, is controlled by tectonic event, resulted on Northeast-Southwest undulated trend known as Samarinda anticlinorium. Data collected cover several aspects: (1) geological aspects: various types of rocks, groundwater condition and other related data; (2) vegetation aspects; (3) cultural aspect: heritage and historical place. By results from evaluation of existing data, development plan will be commenced. Research found 2 spots for landscape viewing, 3 water resources, various marine fossils in some locations and mud volcano. Vegetations are dominated by "kersen" (Muntingia calabura L.), "aren" (Arenga pinnata) and "pletekan" (Ruellia tuberosa). Based on the findings of the existing kinds of uniqueness, conservation of the area are mandatories. Protection and preservation of the region in integrated manner and area development for ecotourism and education are things should be done in Batu Putih, as increasingly damaged and depleted by limestone mining activities using heavy equipment.

  12. Annex D-200 Area Interim Storage Area Final Safety Analysis Report [FSAR] [Section 1 and 2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    The 200 Area Interim Storage Area (200 Area ISA) at the Hanford Site provides for the interim storage of non-defense reactor spent nuclear fuel (SNF) housed in aboveground dry cask storage systems. The 200 Area ISA is a relatively simple facility consisting of a boundary fence with gates, perimeter lighting, and concrete and gravel pads on which to place the dry storage casks. The fence supports safeguards and security and establishes a radiation protection buffer zone. The 200 Area ISA is nominally 200,000 ft 2 and is located west of the Canister Storage Building (CSB). Interim storage at the 200 Area ISA is intended for a period of up to 40 years until the materials are shipped off-site to a disposal facility. This Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR) does not address removal from storage or shipment from the 200 Area ISA. Three different SNF types contained in three different dry cask storage systems are to be stored at the 200 Area ISA, as follows: (1) Fast Flux Test Facility Fuel--Fifty-three interim storage casks (ISC), each holding a core component container (CCC), will be used to store the Fast Flux Test Facility (FFTF) SNF currently in the 400 Area. (2) Neutron Radiography Facility (NRF) TRIGA'--One Rad-Vault' container will store two DOT-6M3 containers and six NRF TRIGA casks currently stored in the 400 Area. (3) Commercial Light Water Reactor Fuel--Six International Standards Organization (ISO) containers, each holding a NAC-I cask4 with an inner commercial light water reactor (LWR) canister, will be used for commercial LWR SNF from the 300 Area. An aboveground dry cask storage location is necessary for the spent fuel because the current storage facilities are being shut down and deactivated. The spent fuel is being transferred to interim storage because there is no permanent repository storage currently available

  13. Climate change threatens European conservation areas

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bastos Araujo, Miguel; Alagador, Diogo; Cabeza, Mar


    Europe has the world's most extensive network of conservation areas. Conservation areas are selected without taking into account the effects of climate change. How effectively would such areas conserve biodiversity under climate change? We assess the effectiveness of protected areas and the Natura...... 2000 network in conserving a large proportion of European plant and terrestrial vertebrate species under climate change. We found that by 2080, 58 ± 2.6% of the species would lose suitable climate in protected areas, whereas losses affected 63 ± 2.1% of the species of European concern occurring...

  14. Cortical areas involved in Arabic number reading. (United States)

    Roux, F-E; Lubrano, V; Lauwers-Cances, V; Giussani, C; Démonet, J-F


    Distinct functional pathways for processing words and numbers have been hypothesized from the observation of dissociated impairments of these categories in brain-damaged patients. We aimed to identify the cortical areas involved in Arabic number reading process in patients operated on for various brain lesions. Direct cortical electrostimulation was prospectively used in 60 brain mappings. We used object naming and two reading tasks: alphabetic script (sentences and number words) and Arabic number reading. Cortical areas involved in Arabic number reading were identified according to location, type of interference, and distinctness from areas associated with other language tasks. Arabic number reading was sustained by small cortical areas, often extremely well localized (area (Brodmann area 45), the anterior part of the dominant supramarginal gyrus (Brodmann area 40; p area (Brodmann area 37; p areas.

  15. A unique radiation area monitoring system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Murphy, P.C.; Allen, G.C.


    The Remote Area Monitoring Systems (RAMS) monitors four radiation areas with two independent systems in each area. Each system consists of power supplies, four ionization chambers, and four analog and digital circuits. The first system controls the warning beacons, horns, annunciation panel and interlocks. The second system presents a quantitative dose rate indication at the console and in the radiation area

  16. Supporting documents for LLL area 27 (410 area) safety analysis reports, Nevada Test Site

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Odell, B. N. [comp.


    The following appendices are common to the LLL Safety Analysis Reports Nevada Test Site and are included here as supporting documents to those reports: Environmental Monitoring Report for the Nevada Test Site and Other Test Areas Used for Underground Nuclear Detonations, U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, Las Vegas, Rept. EMSL-LV-539-4 (1976); Selected Census Information Around the Nevada Test Site, U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, Las Vegas, Rept. NERC-LV-539-8 (1973); W. J. Hannon and H. L. McKague, An Examination of the Geology and Seismology Associated with Area 410 at the Nevada Test Site, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, Livermore, Rept. UCRL-51830 (1975); K. R. Peterson, Diffusion Climatology for Hypothetical Accidents in Area 410 of the Nevada Test Site, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, Livermore, Rept. UCRL-52074 (1976); J. R. McDonald, J. E. Minor, and K. C. Mehta, Development of a Design Basis Tornado and Structural Design Criteria for the Nevada Test Site, Nevada, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, Livermore, Rept. UCRL-13668 (1975); A. E. Stevenson, Impact Tests of Wind-Borne Wooden Missiles, Sandia Laboratories, Tonopah, Rept. SAND 76-0407 (1976); and Hydrology of the 410 Area (Area 27) at the Nevada Test Site.

  17. Nevada Test Site, 2006 Waste Management Monitoring Report, Area 3 and Area 5 Radioactive Waste Management Sites

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    David B. Hudson


    Environmental monitoring data were collected at and around the Area 3 and Area 5 Radioactive Waste Management Sites (RWMSs) at the Nevada Test Site. These data are associated with radiation exposure, air, groundwater, meteorology, vadose zone, subsidence, and biota. This report summarizes the 2006 environmental data to provide an overall evaluation of RWMS performance and to support environmental compliance and performance assessment (PA) activities. Some of these data (e.g., radiation exposure, air, and groundwater) are presented in other reports (U.S. Department of Energy, 2006; Warren and Grossman, 2007; National Security Technologies, LLC, 2007). Direct radiation monitoring data indicate that exposure levels around the RWMSs are at or below background levels. Air monitoring data at the Area 3 and Area 5 RWMSs indicate that tritium concentrations are slightly above background levels. There is no detectable man-made radioactivity by gamma spectroscopy, and concentrations of americium and plutonium are only slightly above detection limits at the Area 3 RWMS. Measurements at the Area 5 RWMS show that radon flux from waste covers is no higher than natural radon flux from undisturbed soil in Area 5. Groundwater monitoring data indicate that the groundwater in the uppermost aquifer beneath the Area 5 RWMS is not impacted by facility operations. Precipitation during 2006 totaled 98.6 millimeters (mm) (3.9 inches [in.]) at the Area 3 RWMS and 80.7 mm (3.2 in.) at the Area 5 RWMS. Soil-gas tritium monitoring continues to show slow subsurface migration consistent with previous results. Moisture from precipitation at Area 5 remains at the bottom of the bare-soil weighing lysimeter, but this same moisture has been removed from the vegetated weighing lysimeter by evapotranspiration. Vadose zone data from the operational waste pit covers show that evaporation continues to slowly remove soil moisture that came from the heavy precipitation in the fall of 2004 and the spring of

  18. Operational Area Environmental Evaluations

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bailey-White, Brenda Eileen [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States); Nagy, Michael David [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States); Wagner, Katrina Marie [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States); Goodman, Thomas Richard [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States); Herring, Allen [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States); Catechis, Christopher S. [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States); Kinghorn, Aubrianna Nicole [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States); Johnson, Ellie [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States); Barthel, Michael David [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States); Casaus, Benito [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States)


    The Operational Area Environmental Evaluation update provides a description of activities that have the potential to adversely affect natural and cultural resources, including soil, air, water, biological, ecological, and historical resources. The environmental sensitivity of an area is evaluated and summarized, which may facilitate informed management decisions as to where development may be prohibited, restricted, or subject to additional requirements.

  19. 300 Area Revitalization Project Management Plan

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Downey, H. D.


    The 300 Area Revitalization Team has been tasked with the responsibility to develop an integrated path forward for the 300 Area, as part of a commitment stemming from the 300 Area Disposition Workshop that was held on March 17, 1998. The integrated path forward that is needed must ensure that budget, schedule, and work scopes are complementary between the Programs that are involved in the 300Area. This Project Management Plan (PMP) defines the roles and responsibilities, and the overall approach, to development of a prioritized schedule for 300 Area activities that will achieve the end-state condition

  20. Assessment of Offshore Wind Energy Leasing Areas for the BOEM New Jersey Wind Energy Area

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Musial, W.; Elliott, D.; Fields, J.; Parker, Z.; Scott, G.; Draxl, C.


    The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), under an interagency agreement with the U.S. Department of the Interior's Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM), is providing technical assistance to identify and delineate leasing areas for offshore wind energy development within the Atlantic Coast Wind Energy Areas (WEAs) established by BOEM. This report focuses on NREL's development and evaluation of the delineations for the New Jersey (NJ) WEA. The overarching objective of this study is to develop a logical process by which the New Jersey WEA can be subdivided into non-overlapping leasing areas for BOEM's use in developing an auction process in a renewable energy lease sale. NREL identified a selection of leasing areas and proposed delineation boundaries within the established NJ WEA. The primary output of the interagency agreement is this report, which documents the methodology, including key variables and assumptions, by which the leasing areas were identified and delineated.


    Englund, K.J.; Behum, P.T.


    A mineral-resource survey determined that coal is the most important mineral resource in the Cheat Mountain Roadless Area, West Virginia. It is tentatively ranked as high-volatile A to medium-volatile bituminous similar to coal in nearby mining areas, and is primarily of coking quality. Demonstrated coal resources are estimated to total about 11. 6 million short tons in beds more than 28 in. thick in areas of substantiated resource potential and an additional 32. 7 million short tons in beds between 14 and 28 in. thick have been identified. Limestone, shale, clay, and sandstone occur in the area but these commodities are readily available outside the roadless area. Available information suggests little promise for the occurrence of metallic mineral or other energy resources in the area.

  2. Subsurface contaminants focus area

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The US Department of Enregy (DOE) Subsurface Contaminants Focus Area is developing technologies to address environmental problems associated with hazardous and radioactive contaminants in soil and groundwater that exist throughout the DOE complex, including radionuclides, heavy metals; and dense non-aqueous phase liquids (DNAPLs). More than 5,700 known DOE groundwater plumes have contaminated over 600 billion gallons of water and 200 million cubic meters of soil. Migration of these plumes threatens local and regional water sources, and in some cases has already adversely impacted off-site rsources. In addition, the Subsurface Contaminants Focus Area is responsible for supplying technologies for the remediation of numerous landfills at DOE facilities. These landfills are estimated to contain over 3 million cubic meters of radioactive and hazardous buried Technology developed within this specialty area will provide efective methods to contain contaminant plumes and new or alternative technologies for development of in situ technologies to minimize waste disposal costs and potential worker exposure by treating plumes in place. While addressing contaminant plumes emanating from DOE landfills, the Subsurface Contaminants Focus Area is also working to develop new or alternative technologies for the in situ stabilization, and nonintrusive characterization of these disposal sites

  3. Protected areas in mountains

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hamilton, L. S.


    Full Text Available

    The importance of a global Protected Areas Network in sustaining appropriate mountain development is presented in this paper. Present status of the world’s “official” Protected Areas in the UN List, and the proportion that are in mountain areas, and including international designations (World Heritage and Biosphere Reserves. Current and future challenges in the management of these special areas are also commented.

    El autor destaca la importancia de una Red Mundial de Espacios Protegidos para el desarrollo sostenible de las montañas. Comenta luego el estatus actual de las Áreas Protegidas “oficiales” del Mundo en la Lista de las Naciones Unidas y qué proporción de ellas forma parte de las montañas, sin olvidar las figuras internacionales de protección como Patrimonio de la Humanidad y Reservas de Biosfera. Para terminar, se discuten los problemas de gestión actuales y futuros de estas áreas tan especiales

  4. Subsurface contaminants focus area

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The US Department of Enregy (DOE) Subsurface Contaminants Focus Area is developing technologies to address environmental problems associated with hazardous and radioactive contaminants in soil and groundwater that exist throughout the DOE complex, including radionuclides, heavy metals; and dense non-aqueous phase liquids (DNAPLs). More than 5,700 known DOE groundwater plumes have contaminated over 600 billion gallons of water and 200 million cubic meters of soil. Migration of these plumes threatens local and regional water sources, and in some cases has already adversely impacted off-site rsources. In addition, the Subsurface Contaminants Focus Area is responsible for supplying technologies for the remediation of numerous landfills at DOE facilities. These landfills are estimated to contain over 3 million cubic meters of radioactive and hazardous buried Technology developed within this specialty area will provide efective methods to contain contaminant plumes and new or alternative technologies for development of in situ technologies to minimize waste disposal costs and potential worker exposure by treating plumes in place. While addressing contaminant plumes emanating from DOE landfills, the Subsurface Contaminants Focus Area is also working to develop new or alternative technologies for the in situ stabilization, and nonintrusive characterization of these disposal sites.

  5. Urban-rural demarcation within a metropolitan area: a methodology for using small area disaggregation

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Green, Cheri A


    Full Text Available There is ongoing debate with regard to the levels of service provision in urban and rural areas. However, progress with respect to the delivery of planned services can only be efficiently and equitably measured once benchmarks for different areas...

  6. Pendugaan Sebaran Air Tanah Menggunakan Metode Geolistrik Resistivitas Konfigurasi Wenner dan Schlumberger di Kampus 2 Universitas Cokroaminoto Palopo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rahma Hi. Manrulu


    Full Text Available Air sangat penting dalam kehidupan karena mahluk hidup tidak dapat hidup tanpa adanya air. Identifikasi untuk mengetahui keberadaan lapisan pembawa air pada kedalaman tertentu, dapat menggunakan metode geofisika yaitu metode geolistrik tahanan jenis konfigurasi Wenner dan Schlumberger. Prinsip metode resisitivitas adalah dengan mengalirkan arus listrik ke dalam bumi melalui kontak dua elektroda arus, kemudian di ukur distribusi potensial yang dihasilkan. Deposit glasial pasir dan kerikil, kipas aluvial dataran banjir dan deposit delta pasir semuanya merupakan sumber-sumber air yang sangat baik. Pada konfigurasi Wenner air tanah berada di permukaan sampai kedalaman 12 m, dengan jarak elektroda 17 – 31 m dan nilai Resistivitas 30 – 100 Ωm. kemudian kembali terlihat di jarak elektroda 39 – 72 m, dengan kedalaman dari permukaan sampai 12,3 m, sedangkan pada titik berbeda menggunakan konfigurasi Wenner terlihat air tanah dalam lapisan alluvial berada sekitar kedalaman 1,053 – 11,82 m. dengan nilai resistivitas 10 – 30 Ωm. hal tersebut di atas didasarkan karena sekitar lokasi penelitian terdapat beberapa batuan yang memiliki porositas dan permeabilitas yang bagus seperti pasir dan kerikil. serta dekatnya sumber air.

  7. Sebaran Generalized Extreme Value (GEV dan Generalized Pareto (GP untuk Pendugaan Curah Hujan Ekstrim di Wilayah DKI Jakarta

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Achi Rinaldi


    Full Text Available Extreme event such as extreme rainfall have been analyzed and most concern for the country all around the world. There are two common distribution for extreme value which are Generalized Extreme Value distribution and Generalized Pareto distribution. These two distribution have shown good performace to estimate the parameter of  extreme value. This research was aim to estimate parameter of extreme value using GEV distribution and GP distribution, and also to characterized effect of extreme event such as flood. The rainfall data was taken from BMKG for 5 location in DKI Jakarta. Both of distribution shown a good perfromance. The resut showed that Tanjung Priok station has biggest location parameter for GEV and also the biggest scale parameter for GP, that mean the biggest probability to take flood effect of the extreme rainfall.

  8. Center-vortex baryonic area law

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cornwall, John M.


    We correct an unfortunate error in an earlier work of the author, and show that in the center-vortex picture of QCD [gauge group SU(3)] the asymptotic quenched baryonic area law is the so-called Y law, described by a minimal area with three surfaces spanning the three quark world lines and meeting at a central Steiner line joining the two common meeting points of the world lines. (The earlier claim was that this area law was a so-called Δ law, involving three extremal areas spanning the three pairs of quark world lines.) By asymptotic we mean the Y law holds at asymptotically large quark separations from each other; at separations of the order of the gauge-theory scale length, there may be Δ-like contributions. We give a preliminary discussion of the extension of these results to SU(N),N>3. These results are based on the (correct) baryonic Stokes' theorem given in the earlier work claiming a Δ law. The Y-form area law for SU(3) is in agreement with the most recent lattice calculations

  9. Notes on the area theorem

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Park, Mu-In


    Hawking's area theorem can be understood from a quasi-stationary process in which a black hole accretes positive energy matter, independent of the details of the gravity action. I use this process to study the dynamics of the inner as well as the outer horizons for various black holes which include the recently discovered exotic black holes and three-dimensional black holes in higher derivative gravities as well as the usual BTZ black hole and the Kerr black hole in four dimensions. I find that the area for the inner horizon 'can decrease', rather than increase, with the quasi-stationary process. However, I find that the area for the outer horizon 'never decreases' such that the usual area theorem still works in our examples, though this is quite non-trivial in general. There exists an instability problem of the inner horizons but it seems that the instability is not important in my analysis. I also find a generalized area theorem by combining those of the outer and inner horizons

  10. 3000 Area Phase 1 environmental assessment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ranade, D.G.


    The US Department of Energy (DOE) is planning to sell the 3000 Area to prospective buyers. Environmental Services was requested by the WHC Economic Transition group to assess potential environmental liabilities in the area. Historical review of the area indicated that the site was the location of ''Camp Hanford'' in 1951 and has been used for a variety of purposes since then. The activities in the area have changed over the years. A number of Buildings from the area have been demolished and at least 15 underground storage tanks (USTs) have been removed. Part of the 3000 Area was identified as Operable Unit 1100-EM-3 in the Tri-Party Agreement and was cleaned up by the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). The cleanup included removal of contaminated soil and USTS. WHC and ICF KH had also performed sampling and analysis at some locations in the 3000 Area prior to USACE's work on the Operable Unit 1100-EM-3. They removed a number of USTs and performed remediation

  11. Guidelines for Waste Accumulation Areas (WAAs)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The purpose of this document is to set conditions for establishing and maintaining areas for the accumulation of hazardous waste at LBL. Areas designed for accumulation of these wastes in quantities greater than 100 kg (220 lb) per month of solid waste or 55 gallons per month of liquid waste are called Waste Accumulation Areas (WAAs). Areas designed for accumulation of wastes in smaller amounts are called Satellite Accumulation Areas (SAAs). This document provides guidelines for employee and organizational responsibilities for WAAs; constructing a WAA; storing waste in a WAA; operating and maintaining a WAA, and responding to spills in a WAA. 4 figs

  12. World Area Forecast System (WAFS) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — The World Area Forecast System (WAFS) is a worldwide system by which world area forecast centers provide aeronautical meteorological en-route forecasts in uniform...

  13. Quantitative Study of Green Area for Climate Sensitive Terraced Housing Area Design in Malaysia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yeo, O T S; Saito, K; Said, I


    Neighbourhood plays a significant role in peoples' daily lives. Nowadays, terraced housing is common in Malaysia, and green areas in the neighborhood are not used to their maximum. The aim of the research is to quantify the types of green area that are most efficient for cooling the environment for thermal comfort and mitigation of Urban Heat Island. Spatial and environmental inputs are manipulated for the simulation using Geographic Information System (GIS) integrated with computational microclimate simulation. The outcome of this research is a climate sensitive housing environment model framework on the green area to solve the problem of Urban Heat Island

  14. Wetland Survey of Selected Areas in the Oak Ridge Y-12 Plant Area of Responsibilty, Oak Ridge, Tennessee

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    This document was prepared to summarize wetland surveys performed in the Y- 1 2 Plant area of responsibility in June and July 1994. Wetland surveys were conducted in three areas within the Oak Ridge Y- 12 Plant area of responsibility in June and July 1994: the Upper East Fork Poplar Creek (UEFPC) Operable Unit (OU), part of the Bear Creek Valley OU (the upper watershed of Bear Creek from the culvert under Bear Creek Road upstream through the Y-12 West End Environmental Management Area, and the catchment of Bear Creek North Tributary 1), and part of Chestnut Ridge OU 2 (the McCoy Branch area south of Bethel Valley Road). Using the criteria and methods set forth in the Wetlands Delineation Manual, 18 wetland areas were identified in the 3 areas surveyed; these areas were classified according to the system developed by Cowardin. Fourteen wetlands and one wetland/pond area that are associated with disturbed or remnant stream channels and seeps were identified in the UEFPC OU. Three wetlands were identified in the Bear Creek Valley OU portion of the survey area. One wetland was identified in the riparian zone of McCoy Branch in the southern portion of Chestnut Ridge OU 2

  15. Text-Filled Stacked Area Graphs

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kraus, Martin


    -filled stacked area graphs; i.e., graphs that feature stacked areas that are filled with small-typed text. Since these graphs allow for computing the text layout automatically, it is possible to include large amounts of textual detail with very little effort. We discuss the most important challenges and some...... solutions for the design of text-filled stacked area graphs with the help of an exemplary visualization of the genres, publication years, and titles of a database of several thousand PC games....

  16. Individual Income, Area Deprivation, and Health: Do Income-Related Health Inequalities Vary by Small Area Deprivation? (United States)

    Siegel, Martin; Mielck, Andreas; Maier, Werner


    This paper aims to explore potential associations between health inequalities related to socioeconomic deprivation at the individual and the small area level. We use German cross-sectional survey data for the years 2002 and 2006, and measure small area deprivation via the German Index of Multiple Deprivation. We test the differences between concentration indices of income-related and small area deprivation related inequalities in obesity, hypertension, and diabetes. Our results suggest that small area deprivation and individual income both yield inequalities in health favoring the better-off, where individual income-related inequalities are significantly more pronounced than those related to small area deprivation. We then apply a semiparametric extension of Wagstaff's corrected concentration index to explore how individual-level health inequalities vary with the degree of regional deprivation. We find that the concentration of obesity, hypertension, and diabetes among lower income groups also exists at the small area level. The degree of deprivation-specific income-related inequalities in the three health outcomes exhibits only little variations across different levels of multiple deprivation for both sexes. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  17. Relationships between stem diameter, sapwood area, leaf area and transpiration in a young mountain ash forest. (United States)

    Vertessy, R A; Benyon, R G; O'Sullivan, S K; Gribben, P R


    We examined relationships between stem diameter, sapwood area, leaf area and transpiration in a 15-year-old mountain ash (Eucalyptus regnans F. Muell.) forest containing silver wattle (Acacia dealbata Link.) as a suppressed overstory species and mountain hickory (Acacia frigescens J.H. Willis) as an understory species. Stem diameter explained 93% of the variation in leaf area, 96% of the variation in sapwood area and 88% of the variation in mean daily spring transpiration in 19 mountain ash trees. In seven silver wattle trees, stem diameter explained 87% of the variation in sapwood area but was a poor predictor of the other variables. When transpiration measurements from individual trees were scaled up to a plot basis, using stem diameter values for 164 mountain ash trees and 124 silver wattle trees, mean daily spring transpiration rates of the two species were 2.3 and 0.6 mm day(-1), respectively. The leaf area index of the plot was estimated directly by destructive sampling, and indirectly with an LAI-2000 plant canopy analyzer and by hemispherical canopy photography. All three methods gave similar results.

  18. AgSat Areas of Interest (United States)

    Farm Service Agency, Department of Agriculture — The AgSat Areas of Interest map contains area polygons where satellite imagery will be collected for the Farm Service Agency (FSA) to provide imagery coverage for...

  19. Feedback from visual cortical area 7 to areas 17 and 18 in cats: How neural web is woven during feedback. (United States)

    Yang, X; Ding, H; Lu, J


    To investigate the feedback effect from area 7 to areas 17 and 18, intrinsic signal optical imaging combined with pharmacological, morphological methods and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) was employed. A spatial frequency-dependent decrease in response amplitude of orientation maps was observed in areas 17 and 18 when area 7 was inactivated by a local injection of GABA, or by a lesion induced by liquid nitrogen freezing. The pattern of orientation maps of areas 17 and 18 after the inactivation of area 7, if they were not totally blurred, paralleled the normal one. In morphological experiments, after one point at the shallow layers within the center of the cat's orientation column of area 17 was injected electrophoretically with HRP (horseradish peroxidase), three sequential patches in layers 1, 2 and 3 of area 7 were observed. Employing fMRI it was found that area 7 feedbacks mainly to areas 17 and 18 on ipsilateral hemisphere. Therefore, our conclusions are: (1) feedback from area 7 to areas 17 and 18 is spatial frequency modulated; (2) feedback from area 7 to areas 17 and 18 occurs mainly ipsilaterally; (3) histological feedback pattern from area 7 to area 17 is weblike. Copyright © 2015 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  20. Biodiversity mapping in sensitive areas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jensen, Tor; Ulssnes, Amund; Nissen-Lie, Torild [DNV, Oslo (Norway)


    When oil companies are entering new unexplored areas their potential footprint on the environment should be measured in a way that necessary action could be included in the planning of the activity. These actions should reduce the impact to accepted levels. Traditional baseline studies, including sediment and macro fauna sampling, are carried out in homogeneous areas. In heterogeneous and unexplored areas there is a need for more information than these traditional sediment analyses can give. To increase the knowledge from specific areas biodiversity mapping has been carried out. To combine the knowledge from ROV surveys, modelling, current measurements, sediment characteristics, seismic, macro fauna and background levels of chemicals contents in the sediments, both prior to the exploration, and after the drilling have taken place the operator can document their footprint on the marine environment. (author)

  1. Identifying the Prospective Area of Sulfide Groundwater within the Area of Palvantash Oil and Gas Deposit

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M. R. Zhurayev


    Full Text Available This paper describes the methodology of prospecting for sulfide groundwater in the area of Palvantash oil fields. In result of study allowed determining the favorable conditions for the sulfide waters formation, and mapping the areas of different sulfide water concentration. The relatively permeable areas were established and the water borehole positions were recommended.

  2. Identifying areas at risk of low birth weight using spatial epidemiology: A small area surveillance study. (United States)

    Insaf, Tabassum Z; Talbot, Thomas


    To assess the geographic distribution of Low Birth Weight (LBW) in New York State among singleton births using a spatial regression approach in order to identify priority areas for public health actions. LBW was defined as birth weight less than 2500g. Geocoded data from 562,586 birth certificates in New York State (years 2008-2012) were merged with 2010 census data at the tract level. To provide stable estimates and maintain confidentiality, data were aggregated to yield 1268 areas of analysis. LBW prevalence among singleton births was related with area-level behavioral, socioeconomic and demographic characteristics using a Poisson mixed effects spatial error regression model. Observed low birth weight showed statistically significant auto-correlation in our study area (Moran's I 0.16 p value 0.0005). After over-dispersion correction and accounting for fixed effects for selected social determinants, spatial autocorrelation was fully accounted for (Moran's I-0.007 p value 0.241). The proportion of LBW was higher in areas with larger Hispanic or Black populations and high smoking prevalence. Smoothed maps with predicted prevalence were developed to identify areas at high risk of LBW. Spatial patterns of residual variation were analyzed to identify unique risk factors. Neighborhood racial composition contributes to disparities in LBW prevalence beyond differences in behavioral and socioeconomic factors. Small-area analyses of LBW can identify areas for targeted interventions and display unique local patterns that should be accounted for in prevention strategies. Copyright © 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  3. LIHTC Difficult to Develop Areas (United States)

    Department of Housing and Urban Development — A Difficult Development Area (DDA) for the Low Income Housing Tax Credit program is an area designated by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)...

  4. Large area damage testing of optics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sheehan, L.; Kozlowski, M.; Stolz, C.


    The damage threshold specifications for the National Ignition Facility will include a mixture of standard small-area tests and new large-area tests. During our studies of laser damage and conditioning processes of various materials we have found that some damage morphologies are fairly small and this damage does not grow with further illumination. This type of damage might not be detrimental to the laser performance. We should therefore assume that some damage can be allowed on the optics, but decide on a maximum damage allowance of damage. A new specification of damage threshold termed open-quotes functional damage thresholdclose quotes was derived. Further correlation of damage size and type to system performance must be determined in order to use this measurement, but it is clear that it will be a large factor in the optics performance specifications. Large-area tests have verified that small-area testing is not always sufficient when the optic in question has defect-initiated damage. This was evident for example on sputtered polarizer and mirror coatings where the defect density was low enough that the features could be missed by standard small- area testing. For some materials, the scale-length at which damage non-uniformities occur will effect the comparison of small-area and large-area tests. An example of this was the sub-aperture tests on KD*P crystals on the Beamlet test station. The tests verified the large-area damage threshold to be similar to that found when testing a small-area. Implying that for this KD*P material, the dominate damage mechanism is of sufficiently small scale-length that small-area testing is capable of determining the threshold. The Beamlet test station experiments also demonstrated the use of on-line laser conditioning to increase the crystals damage threshold

  5. Effects of fertilization and thinning on heartwood area, sapwood area and growth in Scots pine

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Moerling, T.; Valinger, E. [Swedish Univ. of Agricultural Sciences, Umeaa (Sweden). Dept. of Silviculture


    In a fertilization and thinning experiment on Pinus sylvestris L. situated in northern Sweden, the effects on the amount of heartwood and sapwood were examined 12 yrs after treatment. On stem discs taken from the stump up to 75% of tree height, age, diameter, heartwood diameter and growth rings included in the heartwood were measured. Increases in heartwood area following fertilization and thinning were not statistically significant, whereas sapwood area was significantly increased by both fertilization and thinning. There was a significant positive interaction effect of fertilization and thinning on diameter under bark, sapwood area and relative heartwood area. The number of growth rings included in the heartwood at breast height was not affected by treatments. Thinned trees showed a higher needle biomass per unit of sapwood area at breast height. The results show that the possibility of affecting the amount of heartwood in individual trees by thinning and fertilization is limited. The results are discussed in relation to the pipe-model theory and the regulation of sapwood and heartwood.

  6. Multitemporal burnt area mapping using Landsat 8: merging multiple burnt area indices to highlight burnt areas

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Vhengani, L


    Full Text Available gases. These, makes the study of wildfires important. The study of fires is in three phases. Firstly it is forecasting, which uses Fire Danger Index (FDI), secondly it is the mapping of active fires and thirdly, the mapping of burnt areas to access...

  7. Area monitoring intelligent system - SIMA

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bhoem, P.; Hisas, F.; Gelardi, G.


    The area monitoring intelligent system (SIMA) is an equipment to be used in radioprotection. SIMA has the function of monitoring the radiation levels of determined areas of the installations where radioactive materials are handled. (Author) [es

  8. Android Based Area Web Monitoring (United States)

    Kanigoro, Bayu; Galih Salman, Afan; Moniaga, Jurike V.; Chandra, Eric; Rezky Chandra, Zein


    The research objective is to develop an application that can be used in the monitoring of an area by using a webcam. It aims to create a sense of security on the user's application because it can monitor an area using mobile phone anywhere. The results obtained in this study is to create an area with a webcam monitoring application that can be accessed anywhere as long as the monitoring results have internet access and can also be accessed through Android Based Mobile Phone.

  9. Android Based Area Web Monitoring

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kanigoro Bayu


    Full Text Available The research objective is to develop an application that can be used in the monitoring of an area by using a webcam. It aims to create a sense of security on the user's application because it can monitor an area using mobile phone anywhere. The results obtained in this study is to create an area with a webcam monitoring application that can be accessed anywhere as long as the monitoring results have internet access and can also be accessed through Android Based Mobile Phone.

  10. Low Impact Development for Industrial Areas (United States)


    copper gutters can also be significant sources of metal pollutants. Other studies indicate that vehicle disc brake pads and car tires can be a...industrial areas to develop the performance criteria for LID systems that specifically targeted these areas. Areas targeted include scrap metal recycling

  11. Countering resistance to protected-area extension. (United States)

    Lindenmayer, David; Thorn, Simon; Noss, Reed


    The establishment of protected areas is a critical strategy for conserving biodiversity. Key policy directives like the Aichi targets seek to expand protected areas to 17% of Earth's land surface, with calls by some conservation biologists for much more. However, in places such as the United States, Germany, and Australia, attempts to increase protected areas are meeting strong resistance from communities, industry groups, and governments. We examined case studies of such resistance in Victoria, Australia, Bavaria, Germany, and Florida, United States. We considered 4 ways to tackle this problem. First, broaden the case for protected areas beyond nature conservation to include economic, human health, and other benefits, and translate these into a persuasive business case for protected areas. Second, better communicate the conservation values of protected areas. This should include highlighting how many species, communities, and ecosystems have been conserved by protected areas and the counterfactual (i.e., what would have been lost without protected area establishment). Third, consider zoning of activities to ensure the maintenance of effective management. Finally, remind citizens to think about conservation when they vote, including holding politicians accountable for their environmental promises. Without tackling resistance to expanding the protected estate, it will be impossible to reach conservation targets, and this will undermine attempts to stem the global extinction crisis. © 2017 Society for Conservation Biology.

  12. The Support of MPA (Marine Protected Area) in Coral Triangle Area: Evidence from Kei Islands, Indonesia (United States)

    Hamid, Syahibul K.; Teniwut, Wellem A.; Teniwut, Roberto M. K.; Rahantoknam, Meyske A.; Hasyim, Cawalinya L.; Hungan, Marselus


    Kei Islands located inside the coral triangle. Therefore, the biodiversity level on the sea in this area is considered high. United nation has proposed for water that included in the coral triangle has to apply marine protected area (MPA) to preserve the area. The main problem is most of the community especially in Kei Islands have depended on the sea as their sources of the economy even fisheries commodity like fish play a large part on the inflation rate and other prosperity indicators likes school and housing. Also, Kei Islands practice on form local wisdom for owning areal of the sea which calls “petuanan laut” by certain of villages or group of villages in one area. This study aimed to map the cluster of catching fisheries area based on the quantity of fish supply on a local market in Kei Islands and measure each cluster on their support and perspective on Marine Protected Area (MPA). We conducted a focus group discussion and collecting additional data by questionnaires with descriptive and quantitative analysis with logistic regression. The implication of this study can provide a clear view of coastal communities view on MPA program also to identify an area that has marine resources, human resources, and equipment to provide government an empirical view on catching fisheries in Kei Islands to issued better policy to develop fishing industry in Kei Islands.

  13. The impact of antecedent fire area on burned area in southern California coastal ecosystems (United States)

    Price, Owen F.; Bradstock, Ross A.; Keeley, Jon E.; Syphard, Alexandra D.


    Frequent wildfire disasters in southern California highlight the need for risk reduction strategies for the region, of which fuel reduction via prescribed burning is one option. However, there is no consensus about the effectiveness of prescribed fire in reducing the area of wildfire. Here, we use 29 years of historical fire mapping to quantify the relationship between annual wildfire area and antecedent fire area in predominantly shrub and grassland fuels in seven southern California counties, controlling for annual variation in weather patterns. This method has been used elsewhere to measure leverage: the reduction in wildfire area resulting from one unit of prescribed fire treatment. We found little evidence for a leverage effect (leverage = zero). Specifically our results showed no evidence that wildfire area was negatively influenced by previous fires, and only weak relationships with weather variables rainfall and Santa Ana wind occurrences, which were variables included to control for inter-annual variation. We conclude that this is because only 2% of the vegetation burns each year and so wildfires rarely encounter burned patches and chaparral shrublands can carry a fire within 1 or 2 years after previous fire. Prescribed burning is unlikely to have much influence on fire regimes in this area, though targeted treatment at the urban interface may be effective at providing defensible space for protecting assets. These results fit an emerging global model of fire leverage which position California at the bottom end of a continuum, with tropical savannas at the top (leverage = 1: direct replacement of wildfire by prescribed fire) and Australian eucalypt forests in the middle (leverage ∼ 0.25).

  14. [Neuroanatomy of the Parietal Association Areas]. (United States)

    Kobayashi, Yasushi


    The parietal association cortex comprises the superior and inferior parietal lobules, the precuneus and the cortices in the intraparietal, parietooccipital and lunate sulci. By processing somatic, visual, acoustic and vestibular sensory information, the parietal association cortex plays a pivotal role in spatial cognition and motor control of the eyes and the extremities. Sensory information from the primary and secondary somatosensory areas enters the superior parietal lobule and is transferred to the inferior parietal lobule. Visual information is processed through the dorsal visual pathway and it reaches the inferior parietal lobule, the intraparietal sulcus and the precuneus. Acoustic information is transferred posteriorly from the primary acoustic area, and it reaches the posterior region of the inferior parietal lobule. The areas in the intraparietal sulcus project to the premotor area, the frontal eye fields, and the prefrontal area. These areas are involved in the control of ocular movements, reaching and grasping of the upper extremities, and spatial working memory. The posterior region of the inferior parietal lobule and the precuneus both project either directly, or indirectly via the posterior cingulate gyrus, to the parahippocampal and entorhinal cortices. Both these areas are strongly associated with hippocampal functions for long-term memory formation.

  15. Nevada Test Site 2009 Waste Management Monitoring Report Area 3 and Area 5 Radioactive Waste Management Sites

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Environmental monitoring data were collected at and around the Area 3 and Area 5 Radioactive Waste Management Sites (RWMSs) at the Nevada Test Site (NTS). These data are associated with radiation exposure, air, groundwater, meteorology, vadose zone, subsidence, and biota. This report summarizes the 2009 environmental data to provide an overall evaluation of RWMS performance and to support environmental compliance and performance assessment (PA) activities. Some of these data (e.g., radiation exposure, air, and groundwater) are presented in other reports. Direct radiation monitoring data indicate exposure levels at the RWMSs are within the range of background levels measured at the NTS. Air monitoring data at the Area 3 and Area 5 RWMSs indicate that tritium concentrations are slightly above background levels. All gamma spectroscopy results for air particulates collected at the Area 3 and Area 5 RWMS were below the minimum detectable concentrations, and concentrations of americium and plutonium are only slightly above detection limits. The measured levels of radionuclides in air particulates and moisture are below derived concentration guides for these radionuclides. Radon flux from waste covers is well below regulatory limits. Groundwater monitoring data indicate that the groundwater in the uppermost aquifer beneath the Area 5 RWMS is not impacted by facility operations. The 87.6 millimeters (mm) (3.45 inches (in.)) of precipitation at the Area 3 RWMS during 2009 is 43 percent below the average of 152.4 mm (6.00 in.), and the 62.7 mm (2.47 in.) of precipitation at the Area 5 RWMS during 2009 is 49 percent below the average of 122.5 mm (4.82 in.). Soil-gas tritium monitoring at borehole GCD-05 continues to show slow subsurface migration consistent with previous results. Water balance measurements indicate that evapotranspiration from the vegetated weighing lysimeter dries the soil and prevents downward percolation of precipitation more effectively than evaporation

  16. Area Regge calculus and continuum limit

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Khatsymovsky, V.M.


    Encountered in the literature generalisations of general relativity to independent area variables are considered, the discrete (generalised Regge calculus) and continuum ones. The generalised Regge calculus can be either with purely area variables or, as we suggest, with area tensor-connection variables. Just for the latter, in particular, we prove that in analogy with corresponding statement in ordinary Regge calculus (by Feinberg, Friedberg, Lee and Ren), passing to the (appropriately defined) continuum limit yields the generalised continuum area tensor-connection general relativity

  17. CVP Service Area (United States)

    California Natural Resource Agency — Federal Water Contract Service Area boundaries are incorporated boundaries of districts having contracts with the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation), within...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Athena Athena


    Full Text Available A survey of heavy metals (Hg, Cd, Pb in drinking water at small and very small houses was conducted in Jakarta, Bogor, Tangerang and Bekasi (Jabotabek, in 1992. The purpose of this study was to get information about water quality and environmental condition of water sources at low cost housing and very low cost housing in Jabotabek. Forty to sixty water samples were taken from each location and analyzed by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. The mercury concentration was analyzed using Cold Vapor Technique, whereas Cd and Pb were analized using The Air-acetylene method. Water samples were collected in dry season and rainy season. Interview of the owners of the house and of environmental observation of the water sources were done to get information about the condition of drinking water sources. The highest concentration of mercury detected in Jakarta was in the rainy season (2.50 mg/l. Cadmium and Lead were detected in Bogor, (Cd: 0.26 mg/l in the rainy season and Pb : 0.16 mg/l in dry season. However 41.5% water samples from Jakarta were exceeding the mercury concentration standard, 25.4% water samples from Bogor were exceeding cadmium concentration standard, and 41.1% water samples from Bogor were exceeding lead concentration standard Heavy metals concentration in drinking water at Bekasi and Tangerang were relatively lower than Bogor and Jakarta. The environmental condition of shallow wells in Bekasi and Tangerang were also better than Bogor and Jakarta.

  19. Implementasi Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan Perambatan Balik untuk Memprediksi Harga Logam Mulia Emas Menggunakan Algoritma Lavenberg Marquardt

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Reza Najib Hidayat


    Full Text Available Gold is one of commodities investment which its value continue to increase by year. The rising price of gold will encourage investors to choose to invest in gold rather than the stock market. With the risks that are relatively low, gold can give better resultsin accordance with its increasing price. In addition, gold can also be a safe value protector in the future.The Objectives of the research are to predict the price of gold using artificial neural networks backpropagations methods and to analyze best network used in prediction. In the process of training data, it is used some training parameters to decide the best gold prediction architecture. Comparative parameters that is used are the variation of the number of hidden layers, number of neurons in each hidden layer, learning rate, minimum gradients and fault tolerance. The results showed that the best architecture has an accuracy rate of 99,7604% of data training and test data at 98,849% with architecture combinations are have two hidden layer neurons combined 10-30, the error rate 0.00001 and 0.00001 of learning rate.


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    Liliya Dewi Susanawati


    Full Text Available Leacheate could be defined as a liquid from the biological decomposition of decomposed waste that caused by external water that flowing in into the pile of waste. Leacheate caused by a prescipitation liquid into the Final Disposal, both from the rain infiltration or from the water content of the waste itself. Leachate is toxic due to impurities in the deposits that may be derived from industrial waste disposal, dust, the result of processing waste, household hazardous waste, or from the normal decomposition that occurs in trash. If the problem doesnt solved then the landfill that fille with leacheate could contamine the environment and more specific it would contamine ground water and surface water. The results of this study showed the levels of chromium (Cr was at 0.3892 mg / l and the result treatment that have the most decreasing rate of chromium is at 0.1751 mg / l, while the result for Lead (Pb is at 2.2923 mg / l and the average result treatment with the best decreasing rate is 0.3940 mg / l at the retention time of 3 weeks. Selection of the best treatment is based on qualitative parameters of wastewater, which is allowed according to the waste quality standard set by the government and different residence time in combinatiaon treatment. Selection of the best treatment P1Z2 give the average Cr content of the smallest since the levels of Cr on initial observation and after treatment P and Z has decreased significantly. And also on treatment P2Z2 give the decreasing rate for the smallest Pb. Pb is a levels at the beginning of the observation and treatment after being given P and Z. Both of these treatments can be interpreted that the treatment effect on levels of Cr and Pb.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sri Sumiyati


    Full Text Available Effluent that is produce by the electroplating industry, especially nickel chrome plating, contains chromemetal that is carcinogenic. The toxicities from chrome are caused by its ability to dissolve and it’s mobilityin the environment. An alternative treatment to reduce chrome is called fitoremediasi which uses plants asits indicator; in this case we use water hyacinth.At the preface experiment, we tried to plant mature water hyacinth in electroplating waste. First we tried toplant in 100% waste water in witch we repeated it 3 times. At the 3rd week; day 18; the plants becameyellowish and became wilted. Knowing this fact, we applied the time for our experiment the we were goingto executed, with assuming at the 18th day the plants will become wilted as an indicator that the waterhyacinth are saturated in adsorbing chrome as the heavy metal pollutant. This became the parameter indesigning the time treatment for the plant zone, 4 until 15 days.The treatment was done by making variation in the amount of plants that are planted, which was 0 plants(as the control, 1 plant, 2 plants, 3 plants, and 4 plants; with 3 times repeating at each stage. The result ofthis experiment after 18 days shows the chrome concentration and the efficiently in decreasing theconcentration on each stage. The highest efficiently for each plant was the treatment by 1 plant only. Thehighest efficiently in decreasing the concentration was 78,95% ad it was done by the treatment with 4plants. To get chrom concentration which is fill with the standard, we can add more water hyacinth into thewaste with the balance equivalent or we need the lower beginning concentration.

  2. Efektivitas Bioremediasi Lima Jenis Tanaman Terhadap Kandungan Logam Berat (Cr2+dan Pb2+ dalam Air

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    I.G. Seregeg


    Full Text Available Telah dilakukan penelitian di Laboratorium, tentang efektivitas bioremediasi lima jenis tanaman ; mendong {Scirpus articularis welingi (Cyperus sp, purun (Typha sp., tales-talesan (Typhonium sp, kangkung (Ipomoea aquatica terhadap kandungan Cr2+ dan Pb2+ dalam air tercemar di Jakarta, Desember 1994. Kelima jenis tanaman tersebut ditempatkan dalam akuarium berkapasitas 10 liter, yang diisi air tercemar Cr2+ dan Pb2+ sebanyak lima liter. Penelitian ini dilengkapi dengan akuarium kontrol, seluruh perlakuan diulang dua kali. Hasilnya menunjukkan, bahwa semua jenis tanaman mempunyai kemampuan yang berbeda-beda. Kemampuan yang paling kuat ditunjukkan oleh purun disusul berturut-turut oleh welingi, mendong, kangkung dan tales-talesan. Pengaruh tanam terhadap Pb2+ menunjukkan, daya serap yang cukup kuat dan pola urutannya sama seperti yang ditunjukkan terhadap Cr2+. Tanaman yang tumbuh tegak dengan batang yang kuat (rumput-rumputan mempunyai daya serap yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan tanaman menjalar.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Toto Sudiro


    Full Text Available Kehandalan dan umur pakai sistem Thermal Barrier Coating (TBC ditentukan oleh kestabilan lapisan bond coat dan thermal grown oxide (TGO. Sehingga sangatlah penting untuk memahami mekanisme pembentukan dan degradasi lapisan ini. Pada makalah ini akan dibahas analisis struktur mikro lapisan bond coat NiAl yang dideposisikan pada substrat CoCrNi dengan menggunakan gabungan metoda electroplating dan pack-cementation. Pada makalah ini juga dibahas mekanisme pembentukan void disepanjang interface bond coat¬-substrat setelah tes oksidasi.

  4. AN EXAMPLE IN SURFACE AREA* (United States)

    Goffman, Casper


    For length and area, a central fact is that the value of the length of a curve or the area of a surface, as given by the Lebesgue theory, is at least as great as that given by the classical formula, whenever the latter has meaning. This is now found not to be valid in higher dimensions. We give an example of a continuous mapping of the unit cube into itself for which the value given by the formula exceeds the three-dimensional Lebesgue area of the corresponding suface. PMID:16591750

  5. 50 CFR 665.98 - Management area. (United States)


    ... 50 Wildlife and Fisheries 9 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Management area. 665.98 Section 665.98 Wildlife and Fisheries FISHERY CONSERVATION AND MANAGEMENT, NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION... Management area. The American Samoa fishery management area is the EEZ seaward of the Territory of American...

  6. 7 CFR 959.4 - Production area. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 8 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Production area. 959.4 Section 959.4 Agriculture... and Orders; Fruits, Vegetables, Nuts), DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE ONIONS GROWN IN SOUTH TEXAS Order Regulating Handling Definitions § 959.4 Production area. Production area means the counties of Val Verde...

  7. 7 CFR 956.4 - Production area. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 8 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Production area. 956.4 Section 956.4 Agriculture... and Orders; Fruits, Vegetables, Nuts), DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE SWEET ONIONS GROWN IN THE WALLA WALLA VALLEY OF SOUTHEAST WASHINGTON AND NORTHEAST OREGON Definitions § 956.4 Production area. Production area...

  8. Area Deprivation Affects Behavioral Problems of Young Adolescents in Mixed Urban and Rural Areas : The TRAILS Study

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Reijneveld, S.A.; Veenstra, R.; De Winter, A.F.; Verhulst, F.C.; Ormel, J.; de Meer, G.


    Purpose: Behavioral problems occur more frequently among adolescents in deprived areas, but most evidence concerns urbanized areas. Our aim was to assess the impact of area deprivation and urbanization on the occurrence and development of behavioral problems among adolescents in a mixed urban and

  9. Fishing Access Areas (United States)

    Vermont Center for Geographic Information — The Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department maintains developed fishing access areas. These sites provide public access to waters in Vermont for shore fishing...

  10. Mapping human interaction with the Bering Sea ecosystem: Comparing seasonal use areas, lifetime use areas, and "calorie-sheds" (United States)

    Huntington, Henry P.; Ortiz, Ivonne; Noongwook, George; Fidel, Maryann; Childers, Dorothy; Morse, Muriel; Beaty, Julia; Alessa, Lilian; Kliskey, Andrew


    Alaska Native coastal communities interact with the marine environment in many ways, especially through the harvest of fish, marine mammals, and seabirds. The spatial characteristics of this interaction are often depicted in terms of subsistence use areas: the places where harvests and associated travel occur. Another way to consider the interaction is to examine the areas where harvested species range during their lifecycle or annual migratory path. In this paper, we compare seasonal subsistence use areas, lifetime subsistence use areas, and "calorie-sheds," or the area over which harvested species range. Each perspective offers useful information concerning not only the nature of human-environment interactions but also the scope for potential conflict with other human activity and the means by which such conflicts could be reduced, avoided, or otherwise addressed. Seasonal subsistence use areas can be used to manage short-term activities, such as seasonal vessel traffic during community re-supply. Lifetime subsistence use areas indicate the area required to allow hunters and fishers the flexibility to adjust to interannual variability and perhaps to adapt to a changing environment. Calorie-sheds indicate the areas about which a community may be concerned due to potential impacts on the species they harvest.

  11. 7 CFR 955.4 - Production area. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 8 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Production area. 955.4 Section 955.4 Agriculture... and Orders; Fruits, Vegetables, Nuts), DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE VIDALIA ONIONS GROWN IN GEORGIA Definitions § 955.4 Production area. Production area means that part of the State of Georgia enclosed by the...

  12. 7 CFR 1940.959 - Area plan. (United States)


    ..., and time lines based on a realistic assessment of the area, including, but not limited to, the... possibilities for industrial recruitment in the area; (5) The potential for development of tourism in the area... expansion of existing businesses; and (7) The potential to produce value-added agricultural products in the...

  13. Determination of retinal surface area. (United States)

    Nagra, Manbir; Gilmartin, Bernard; Thai, Ngoc Jade; Logan, Nicola S


    Previous attempts at determining retinal surface area and surface area of the whole eye have been based upon mathematical calculations derived from retinal photographs, schematic eyes and retinal biopsies of donor eyes. 3-dimensional (3-D) ocular magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) allows a more direct measurement, it can be used to image the eye in vivo, and there is no risk of tissue shrinkage. The primary purpose of this study is to compare, using T2-weighted 3D MRI, retinal surface areas for superior-temporal (ST), inferior-temporal (IT), superior-nasal (SN) and inferior-nasal (IN) retinal quadrants. An ancillary aim is to examine whether inter-quadrant variations in area are concordant with reported inter-quadrant patterns of susceptibility to retinal breaks associated with posterior vitreous detachment (PVD). Seventy-three adult participants presenting without retinal pathology (mean age 26.25 ± 6.06 years) were scanned using a Siemens 3-Tesla MRI scanner to provide T2-weighted MR images that demarcate fluid-filled internal structures for the whole eye and provide high-contrast delineation of the vitreous-retina interface. Integrated MRI software generated total internal ocular surface area (TSA). The second nodal point was used to demarcate the origin of the peripheral retina in order to calculate total retinal surface area (RSA) and quadrant retinal surface areas (QRSA) for ST, IT, SN, and IN quadrants. Mean spherical error (MSE) was -2.50 ± 4.03D and mean axial length (AL) 24.51 ± 1.57 mm. Mean TSA and RSA for the RE were 2058 ± 189 and 1363 ± 160 mm 2 , respectively. Repeated measures anova for QRSA data indicated a significant difference within-quadrants (P area/mm increase in AL. Although the differences between QRSAs are relatively small, there was evidence of concordance with reported inter-quadrant patterns of susceptibility to retinal breaks associated with PVD. The data allow AL to be converted to QRSAs, which will assist further

  14. Nevada Test Site 2007 Waste Management Monitoring Report Area 3 and Area 5 Radioactive Waste Management Sites

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    NSTec Environmental Management


    Environmental monitoring data were collected at and around the Area 3 and Area 5 Radioactive Waste Management Sites (RWMSs) at the Nevada Test Site. These data are associated with radiation exposure, air, groundwater, meteorology, vadose zone, subsidence, and biota. This report summarizes the 2007 environmental data to provide an overall evaluation of RWMS performance and to support environmental compliance and performance assessment (PA) activities. Some of these data (e.g., radiation exposure, air, and groundwater) are presented in other reports (National Security Technologies, LLC, 2007a; 2008; Warren and Grossman, 2008). Direct radiation monitoring data indicate exposure levels at the RWMSs are at background levels. Air monitoring data at the Area 3 and Area 5 RWMSs indicate that tritium concentrations are slightly above background levels. A single gamma spectroscopy measurement for cesium was slightly above the minimum detectable concentration, and concentrations of americium and plutonium are only slightly above detection limits at the Area 3 RWMS. The measured levels of radionuclides in air particulates are below derived concentration guides for these radionuclides. Radon flux from waste covers is well below regulatory limits. Groundwater monitoring data indicate that the groundwater in the uppermost aquifer beneath the Area 5 RWMS is not impacted by facility operations. The 136.8 millimeters (mm) (5.39 inches [in.]) of precipitation at the Area 3 RWMS during 2007 is 13 percent below the average of 158.1 mm (6.22 in.), and the 123.8 mm (4.87 in.) of precipitation at the Area 5 RWMS during 2007 is 6 percent below the average of 130.7 mm (5.15 in.). Soil-gas tritium monitoring at borehole GCD-05U continues to show slow subsurface migration consistent with previous results. Water balance measurements indicate that evapotranspiration from the vegetated weighing lysimeter dries the soil and prevents downward movement percolation of precipitation more effectively

  15. Conceptual geohydrological model of the separations area

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Root, R.W.; Marine, I.W.


    Subsurface drilling in and around the Separations Areas (F-Area and H-Area of the Savannah River Plant) is providing detailed information for a conceptual model of the geology and hydrology underlying these areas. This conceptual model will provide the framework needed for a mathematical model of groundwater movement beneath these areas. Existing information substantiates the presence of two areally extensive clay layers and several discontinuous clay and sandy-clay layers. These layers occur in and between beds of clayey and silty sand that make up most of the subsurface material. Within these sand beds are geologic units of differing hydraulic conductivity. For the present scale of the model, the subsurface information is considered adequate in H-Area, but additional drilling is planned in F-Area

  16. 47 CFR 54.207 - Service areas. (United States)


    ... company to be other than such company's study area, the Commission will consider that proposed definition... definition of a service area served by a rural telephone company. (2) The Commission shall issue a Public... to consider a definition of a service area served by a rural telephone company that is different from...

  17. Use of the Cumbrian coastal area

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The primary objective of the research was to establish the recreational usage made of the Cumbrian coastal area. Observations of the numbers of adults and children in each area included in the study were undertaken, as well as an interview survey among adults which identified patterns of use by different groups. The interview survey comprised 7070 interviews, 80% of which were with residents of, rather than visitors to, Cumbria. Additional investigations and analyses were conducted to: determine hours of occupancy at coastal areas; observe usage made of particular areas outside the locations and times of the main survey; assess the usage made of coastal areas and inland waterways by members of the public likely to be excluded from the main study (eg. bird watchers, water-sport participants). (author)

  18. Damping of Inter-Area Low Frequency Oscillation Using an Adaptive Wide-Area Damping Controller

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Yao, Wei; Jiang, L.; Fang, Jiakun


    This paper presents an adaptive wide-area damping controller (WADC) based on generalized predictive control (GPC) and model identification for damping the inter-area low frequency oscillations in large-scale inter-connected power system. A recursive least-squares algorithm (RLSA) with a varying...... forgetting factor is applied to identify online the reduced-order linearlized model which contains dominant inter-area low frequency oscillations. Based on this linearlized model, the generalized predictive control scheme considering control output constraints is employed to obtain the optimal control signal...... conditions and different disturbances, but also has better robustness against to the time delay existing in the remote signals. The comparison studies with the conventional lead-lag WADC are also provided....

  19. Implementation of a remote system for monitoring of radiological areas of radiological areas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Velazquez E, Walter; Galuppo G, Emiliano; Gutierrez G, Jorge; Reyes R, Jerson


    Full text: Introduction: The present work shows the development of a radiation remote monitoring system which control radiological areas in the principal facilities at CCHEN and the development in the last years to use this system called SMARR (Remote Radiological Area Monitoring System). This is an important issue in radiological safety is to know 'on line' and in a 'continuously way' the radiological variables of areas, especially if in these areas people manage radioactive sources or material, the monitoring system are operative on La Reina and Lo Aguirre Nuclear Centers. This 'knowledge' gets a good support to the radiological safety to safeguard the environment and people in the facilities. Nuclear Chilean Commission: Actually, this system is daily operating to register the background radiation and level operation, for example of the facilities research reactor, cyclone, irradiators, in order to probe the behaviors under operational requirements. The system was made using common Geiger Muller and NaI detectors. This signal is received, data by data, for a collector computer which uses a Labview program to do this displayed on a screen computer using graphics to show the activity on a radiological area, and when the lectures pass a setting value automatically the system send by e-mail and text message which also can be received for cell phones enabled for this for the supervisor. Each monitored facility is completely independent of each other and store a data backup, also every installation are monitoring with server computer, it's concentrating the information and allow to view it on line in real time, trough the intranet and internet network. In addition, the information is stored in the special report in the server and available for to do a statistics and identify the operation periods, and control of radioactive sources. The Industry: The radiological protection on industry is necessary today, the typical instrumentation on the industry is growing up in the

  20. Leaf area index from litter collection: impact of specific leaf area variability within a beech stand

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bouriaud, O. [Inst. National de la Recherche Agronomique, Centre de Recherches Forestieres de Nancy, Champenoux (France); Soudani, K. [Univ. Paris-Sud XI, Dept. d' Ecophysiologie Vegetale, Lab. Ecologie Systematique et Evolution, Orsay Cedex (France); Breda, N. [Inst. National de la Recherche Agronomique, Centre de Recherches Forestieres de Nancy, Champenoux (France)


    Litter fall collection is a direct method widely used to estimate leaf area index (LAI) in broad-leaved forest stands. Indirect measurements using radiation transmittance and gap fraction theory are often compared and calibrated against litter fall, which is considered as a reference method, but few studies address the question of litter specific leaf area (SLA) measurement and variability. SLA (leaf area per unit of dry weight, m{sup 2}{center_dot}g{sup -1}) is used to convert dry leaf litter biomass (g .m{sup -}2) into leaf area per ground unit area (m{sup 2}{center_dot}m{sup -2}). We paid special attention to this parameter in two young beech stands (dense and thinned) in northeastern France. The variability of both canopy (closure, LAI) and site conditions (soil properties, vegetation) was investigated as potential contributing factors to beech SLA variability. A systematic description of soil and floristic composition was performed and three types of soil were identified. Ellenberg's indicator values were averaged for each plot to assess nitrogen soil content. SLA of beech litter was measured three times during the fall in 23 plots in the stands (40 ha). Litter was collected bimonthly in square-shaped traps (0.5 m{sup 2}) and dried. Before drying, 30 leaves per plot and for each date were sampled, and leaf length, width, and area were measured with the help of a LI-COR areameter. SLA was calculated as the ratio of cumulated leaf area to total dry weight of the 30 leaves. Leaves characteristics per plot were averaged for the three dates of litter collection. Plant area index (PAI), estimated using the LAI-2000 plant canopy analyser and considering only the upper three rings, ranged from 2.9 to 8.1. Specific leaf area of beech litter was also highly different from one plot to the other, ranging from 150 to 320 cm{sup 2}{center_dot}g{sup -1}. Nevertheless, no relationship was found between SLA and stand canopy closure or PAI On the contrary, a significant

  1. Leaf area index from litter collection: impact of specific leaf area variability within a beech stand

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bouriaud, O.; Soudani, K.; Breda, N.


    Litter fall collection is a direct method widely used to estimate leaf area index (LAI) in broad-leaved forest stands. Indirect measurements using radiation transmittance and gap fraction theory are often compared and calibrated against litter fall, which is considered as a reference method, but few studies address the question of litter specific leaf area (SLA) measurement and variability. SLA (leaf area per unit of dry weight, m 2 ·g -1 ) is used to convert dry leaf litter biomass (g .m - 2) into leaf area per ground unit area (m 2 ·m -2 ). We paid special attention to this parameter in two young beech stands (dense and thinned) in northeastern France. The variability of both canopy (closure, LAI) and site conditions (soil properties, vegetation) was investigated as potential contributing factors to beech SLA variability. A systematic description of soil and floristic composition was performed and three types of soil were identified. Ellenberg's indicator values were averaged for each plot to assess nitrogen soil content. SLA of beech litter was measured three times during the fall in 23 plots in the stands (40 ha). Litter was collected bimonthly in square-shaped traps (0.5 m 2 ) and dried. Before drying, 30 leaves per plot and for each date were sampled, and leaf length, width, and area were measured with the help of a LI-COR areameter. SLA was calculated as the ratio of cumulated leaf area to total dry weight of the 30 leaves. Leaves characteristics per plot were averaged for the three dates of litter collection. Plant area index (PAI), estimated using the LAI-2000 plant canopy analyser and considering only the upper three rings, ranged from 2.9 to 8.1. Specific leaf area of beech litter was also highly different from one plot to the other, ranging from 150 to 320 cm 2 ·g -1 . Nevertheless, no relationship was found between SLA and stand canopy closure or PAI On the contrary, a significant relationship between SLA and soil properties was observed. Both SLA

  2. Radioactivity in food crops from high background radiation area in southwest area

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shanthi, G.; Maniyan, C.G.; Allan Gnana Raj, G.; Thampi Thanka Kumaran, J.


    The study was carried out to evaluate radioactive concentration in food crops grown in naturally high-background radiation areas in southwest India. Seventeen varieties of food crops were collected from different parts of Kanyakumari district. The gross alpha and beta activities of the collected samples were measured using alpha scintillation counter and low beta counter respectively. The alpha activity was maximum in tapioca (497± 72 Bq kg -1 ) and the beta activity was maximum in paddy grain (10,946±583 Bq kg -1 ). The gamma activity of the food samples was studied by measuring the activity concentration of the radionuclides ( 226 Ra, 228 Th, 238 U, 40 K) in the food crops. The radioactivity content of the food crops from high-background radiation area was higher when compared to similar samples collected from low-background radiation area. The daily radionuclide intake from the food crops grown and consumed by the public was 127.696 Bq and daily internal dose resulting from ingestion of radionuclides in food was 2.34 μSv. (author)

  3. 7 CFR 1160.115 - Milk marketing area. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 9 2010-01-01 2009-01-01 true Milk marketing area. 1160.115 Section 1160.115 Agriculture Regulations of the Department of Agriculture (Continued) AGRICULTURAL MARKETING SERVICE (Marketing... Order Definitions § 1160.115 Milk marketing area. Milk marketing area means each area within which milk...

  4. Vulnerability of particularly valuable areas. Summary

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This report is part of the scientific basis for the management plan for the North Sea and Skagerrak. The report focuses on the vulnerability of particularly valuable areas to petroleum activities, maritime transport, fisheries, land-based and coastal activities and long-range transboundary pollution. A working group with representatives from many different government agencies, headed by the Institute of Marine Research and the Directorate for Nature Management, has been responsible for drawing up the present report on behalf of the Expert Group for the North Sea and Skagerrak. The present report considers the 12 areas that were identified as particularly valuable during an earlier stage of the management plan process on the environment, natural resources and pollution. There are nine areas along the coast and three open sea areas in the North Sea that were identified according to the same predefined criteria as used for the management plans for the Barents Sea: Lofoten area and the Norwegian Sea. The most important criteria for particularly valuable areas are importance for biological production and importance for biodiversity.(Author)

  5. Vulnerability of particularly valuable areas. Summary

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This report is part of the scientific basis for the management plan for the North Sea and Skagerrak. The report focuses on the vulnerability of particularly valuable areas to petroleum activities, maritime transport, fisheries, land-based and coastal activities and long-range transboundary pollution. A working group with representatives from many different government agencies, headed by the Institute of Marine Research and the Directorate for Nature Management, has been responsible for drawing up the present report on behalf of the Expert Group for the North Sea and Skagerrak. The present report considers the 12 areas that were identified as particularly valuable during an earlier stage of the management plan process on the environment, natural resources and pollution. There are nine areas along the coast and three open sea areas in the North Sea that were identified according to the same predefined criteria as used for the management plans for the Barents Sea: Lofoten area and the Norwegian Sea. The most important criteria for particularly valuable areas are importance for biological production and importance for biodiversity.(Author)

  6. Thinner eggshells of dipper (Cinclus cinclus) eggs from an acidified area compared to a non-acidified area in Norway

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nyboe, S.; Staurnes, M.; Jerstad, K. [Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Dragvoll (Norway). Dept. of Zoology


    Eggs of dippers Cinclus cinclus from a chronically acidified area in Southern Norway were compared with eggs from a non-acidified area in Central Norway. There were no differences in egg size, as measured by volume, weight, length and calculated surface area, between the two areas. Eggshells were 7.0% lighter and 6.1% thinner, as measured by the Ratcliffe index and 7.0% as measured by the eggshell index (shell weight/surface area) in Southern Norway than in Central Norway. The Ratcliffe and eggshell indices were highly correlated. Scanning electron micrography showed that the palisade layer of eggshells of eggs from the acidified area was 10.7% thinner than that of eggshells of eggs from the non-acidified area. Eggshell vapour permeability was not significantly influenced by area. Since the moderately lower thickness in Southern Norway was not accompanied by higher vapour permeability, this indicates that the reduced eggshell thickness did not cause desiccation of dipper eggs in the acidified area. The possibility of underestimating the environmental effects of acidification on dippers is discussed. 42 refs.,2 figs., 4 tabs.

  7. An Aerial Radiological Survey of Selected Areas of Area 18 - Nevada Test Site

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lyons, Craig


    As part of the proficiency training for the Radiological Mapping mission of the Aerial Measuring System (AMS), a survey team from the Remote Sensing Laboratory-Nellis (RSL-Nellis) conducted an aerial radiological survey of selected areas of Area 18 of the Nevada Test Site (NTS) for the purpose of mapping man-made radiation deposited as a result of the Johnnie Boy and Little Feller I tests. The survey area centered over the Johnnie Boy ground zero but also included the ground zero and deposition area of the Little Feller I test, approximately 7,000 feet (2133 meters) southeast of the Johnnie Boy site. The survey was conducted in one flight. The completed survey covered a total of 4.0 square miles. The flight lines (with the turns) over the surveyed areas are presented in Figure 1. One 2.5-hour-long flight was performed at an altitude of 100 ft above ground level (AGL) with 200 foot flight-line spacing. A test-line flight was conducted near the Desert Rock Airstrip to ensure quality control of the data. The test line is not shown in Figure 1. However, Figure 1 does include the flight lines for a ''perimeter'' flight. The path traced by the helicopter flying over distinct roads within the survey area can be used to overlay the survey data on a base map or image. The flight survey lines were flown in an east-west orientation perpendicular to the deposition patterns for both sites. This technique provides better spatial resolution when contouring the data. The data were collected by the AMS data acquisition system (REDAR V) using an array of twelve 2-inch x 4-inch x 16-inch sodium iodide (NaI) detectors flown on-board a twin-engine Bell 412 helicopter. Data, in the form of gamma energy spectra, were collected every second over the course of the survey and were geo-referenced using a differential Global Positioning System. Spectral data allows the system to distinguish between ordinary fluctuations in natural background radiation levels and the signature produced by man

  8. Study renewable energy - sugarcane ethanol. Traditional areas. Final report; Estudo energias renovaveis - etanol de cana. Areas tradicionais. Relatorio final

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This report presents the mapping of areas with potential for ethanol production in traditional areas of the Brazil. In the traditional areas, with clear emphasis in the Northeast region of Brazil, was selected ten areas in the states of Bahia, Sergipe, Alagoas, Pernambuco, Paraiba, Rio Grande do Norte and Ceara. In the Southeast region two areas, between the Norte Fluminense, Southern of the Espirito Santo and eastern of the Minas Gerais.

  9. 50 CFR 697.18 - Lobster management areas. (United States)


    ... 50 Wildlife and Fisheries 9 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Lobster management areas. 697.18 Section... Measures § 697.18 Lobster management areas. The following lobster management areas are established for... American lobster EEZ management areas is available upon request to the Office of the Regional Administrator...

  10. A model for lightning in littoral areas

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Blaj, M.A.; Leferink, Frank Bernardus Johannes


    The littoral or coastal areas are different compared to the maritime or continental areas considering lightning. Only the last years some research about these areas has been carried out. The need for a model, regarding the lightning activity in these areas is much needed. And now, with the changes

  11. 12 CFR 228.41 - Assessment area delineation. (United States)


    ... does not evaluate the bank's delineation of its assessment area(s) as a separate performance criterion..., such as those consumer loans on which the bank elects to have its performance assessed). (d... area(s) delineated by a bank in its evaluation of the bank's CRA performance unless the Board...

  12. 32 CFR 1602.5 - Area office staff. (United States)


    ... 32 National Defense 6 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Area office staff. 1602.5 Section 1602.5....5 Area office staff. The compensated employees, civilian and military, of the Selective Service System employed in an area office will be referred to as the area office staff. ...

  13. Preservation of wilderness areas in Europe

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Zoltán Kun


    Full Text Available A unique momentum has been created over the past few years for strengthening the protection of wilderness in Europe. Policy makers started to pay attention to the importance of truly untouched and non-managed areas and the European Parliament adopted a special report on wilderness in February 2009. The report was followed by the EC Presidency Conference in Prague, May 2009, on Wilderness Areas. The most important outcome of this event was the approval of the ‘Agenda for Wilderness’, which eventually led to the inclusion of wilderness in the new EU Biodiversity Strategy. This paper argues that these political successes have yet to be put into practice. Threats to wilderness areas are still increasing and there have been no improvements in the management of these areas. There are emerging threats, especially from tree felling and mining, which is driven by increase in commodity prices. In order to save the last pieces of wilderness in Europe and utilize the current opportunities to restore wilderness areas, science and field conservation must develop a common Wilderness Research Agenda for Europe. The main questions are: (i What are the ecosystem services and benefits that humans obtain for wilderness areas? (ii What is the potential contribution of such wilderness areas for reducing biodiversity loss, halt species extinctions and support biodiversity restoration in Europe? (iii What is the social perception of wilderness in different countries and across different sectors of society? (iv What should be considered wilderness in a densely populated area such as Europe?

  14. Drainage of radioactive areas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This Code of Practice covers all the drainage systems which may occur in the radioactive classified area of an establishment, namely surface water, foul, process and radioactive drainage. It also deals with final discharge lines. The Code of Practice concentrates on those aspects of drainage which require particular attention because the systems are in or from radioactive areas and typical illustrations are given in appendices. The Code makes references to sources of information on conventional aspects of drainage design. (author)

  15. 12 CFR 345.41 - Assessment area delineation. (United States)


    ... the bank's delineation of its assessment area(s) as a separate performance criterion, but the FDIC..., such as those consumer loans on which the bank elects to have its performance assessed). (d... area(s) delineated by a bank in its evaluation of the bank's CRA performance unless the FDIC determines...

  16. Doses to early entrants to the A-bombed areas and to residents of the fallout areas and 137Cs in soil of the 'black rain' area in Hiroshima

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Takeshita, Kenji


    An external exposure dose from residual activity (induced radioactivity in the fallout areas and radioactive fallout in the ''black rain'' area) caused by an atomic bomb in Hiroshima was estimated. The integrated doses to the infinite time averaged 101 rads in the atomic bombed area of Hiroshima and 32 rads in that area of Nagasaki. According to the measurement by investigators, the integrated doses of the external exposure dose due to radioactive fallout averaged 13 rads. The amount of 137 Cs in soils was determined in the southest slanting surface


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Simona Raluca GRĂDINARU


    Full Text Available The compact city is regarded as an important concept in promoting sustainable development, especially within the European Union. The socialist urban planning system maintained a high compactness of the urban areas through almost exclusive predominance of the public sector in housing provision, and ideological nature of the planning strategies. After the 1990’s, the administrative decentralization allowed local authorities to adopt particular urban development strategies. However, development was directly influenced by the importance of the urban administrative centre. The aim of the paper is to determine if post-socialist urban areas maintained their compact urban form or they encountered different evolution trajectories. We determined the type of changes by calculating urban form indicators at two time moments: 1990 and 2006. Furthermore, the two-way repeated-measurement ANOVA was used to identify significant changes, and to assess the effect of the development level of the urban area on the variance of form indicators. The results show that Romanian post-socialist urban areas either shifted from the compact form, "inherited" after the collapse of socialism, to more dispersed patterns, either expanded in a compact manner. Moreover, as development level got higher, urban areas were more likely to be affected by suburbanization and periurbanization. In order to respond to these challenges, new instruments such as setting of metropolitan areas or spatial framework plans could be used. Furthermore, planning should be adapted to local circumstances and to the different development trajectories of big and mid-sized urban areas.

  18. Nevada Test 1999 Waste Management Monitoring Report, Area 3 and Area 5 radioactive waste management sites

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yvonne Townsend


    Environmental monitoring data were collected at and around the Area 3 and Area 5 Radioactive Waste Management Sites (RWMSs) at the Nevada Test Site (NTS). These monitoring data include radiation exposure, air, groundwater, meteorology, vadose zone, and biota data. Although some of these media (radiation exposure, air, and groundwater) are reported in detail in other Bechtel Nevada reports (Annual Site Environmental Report [ASER], the National Emissions Standard for Hazardous Air Pollutants [NESHAP] report, and the Annual Groundwater Monitoring Report), they are also summarized in this report to provide an overall evaluation of RWMS performance and environmental compliance. Direct radiation monitoring data indicate that exposure at and around the RWMSs is not above background levels. Air monitoring data indicate that tritium concentrations are slightly above background levels, whereas radon concentrations are not above background levels. Groundwater monitoring data indicate that the groundwater in the alluvial aquifer beneath the Area 5 RWMS has not been affected by the facility. Meteorology data indicate that 1999 was a dry year: rainfall totaled 3.9 inches at the Area 3 RWMS (61 percent of average) and 3.8 inches at the Area 5 RWMS (75 percent of average). Vadose zone monitoring data indicate that 1999 rainfall infiltrated less than one foot before being returned to the atmosphere by evaporation. Soil-gas tritium data indicate very slow migration, and tritium concentrations in biota were insignificant. All 1999 monitoring data indicate that the Area 3 and Area 5 RWMSs are performing as expected at isolating buried waste

  19. Pharmacodynamic Comparison of Rocuronium Bromide between Patients from the Plateau Area and from the Plain Area. (United States)

    Xie, Min; Huang, Jianxin; Li, Peng; Ou, Zhiyan; Hou, Jing


    We aimed to conduct a pharmacodynamic comparison of rocuronium bromide between patients from the plateau area and from the plain area. A total of 104 patients who received laparoscopic cholecystectomy in Sichuan Provincial People's Hospital and Aba Autonomous Prefecture People's Hospital from October 2015 to December 2015 were included in this study. Among them, 46 patients were from the plateau area and 58 were from the plain area. Both groups received total intravenous anesthesia (TIVA) with a dose of 0.6mg/kg rocuronium bromide during induction. In the meantime, neuromuscular block was monitored using a train-of-four (TOF) stimulation mode. The onset time (time to achieve the lowest TOF value after the injection of rocuronium bromide), duration of maximal neuromuscular block (duration of lowest T1 value), time to 25% recovery, time to 75% recovery, recovery index (time from 25% recovery to 75% recovery), time to extubation, length of stay in Post Anesthesia Care Unit (PACU) and muscle strength upon PACU discharge were all recorded. The onset time, time to 25% recovery, time to 75% recovery and time to extubation were all significantly prolonged in patients from the plateau area after receiving one single dose of rocuronium bromide (P0.05). Compared to patients from the plain area, patients from the plateau area showed prolonged onset time of rocuronium bromide, reduced metabolic capabilities and longer duration of muscular relaxation. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

  20. Pemanfaatan Residu Pembakaran Sampah Organik Rumah Tangga

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    Eko Naryono


    Full Text Available Pembakaran sampah organik rumah tangga menghasilkan residu padat 25-30% yang terdiri dari abu bawah (BA, abu atas (FA dan kondensat air yang mengandung tar. Abu bawah sebagian besar terdiri dari bahan anorganik seperti Si, Al, Fe, Ca, Mg, K, Na, Cl dan logam berat antara lain Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb dan Zn, sedangkan abu atas tersusun dari bahan organik dan anorganik. Bahan organik yang terdapat dalam residu antara lain polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH, chloro benzene (CB, polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB, polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioksin (PCDD dan furan (PCDF. Residu pembakaran biomass perlu diolah atau dimanfaatkan agar tidak mengganggu lingkungan. Salah satu metode pengolahan yang mudah diterapkan dan aman terhadap lingkungan adalah pemadatan dan stabilisasi menggunakan semen atau lempung sebagai binder. Pemanfaatan produk ini dapat digunakan untuk batako atau batu bata. Berdasarkan prediksi, pembakaran sampah kota Malang sebesar 400 ton/hari menghasilkan abu 72 ton/hari. Pemakaian abu sebesar 25% pada pembuatan batako dengan perbandingan semen : pasir : abu sebesar 3,75 : 30 : 1,25 dapat menghasilkan batako setiap hari 366545 buah. Kata kunci : Abu, Batako, Residu, Pemadatan, Sampah organik rumah tangga


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    Widayat Widayat


    Full Text Available DiEtil Eter diproduksi dari etanol dengan proses dehidrasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untukmempelajari kinetika reaksi proses dehidrasi etanol dengan katalis H-zeolit. Katalis H-zeolitdisintesis dengan proses dealuminasi dan kalsinasi dan impregnasi dengan logam Al dan prosesreduksi dan kalsinasi. Proses produksi DiEtil Eter dilaksanakan dengan proses adsorpsi dan reaksikatalitik sedangkan proses studi kinetika reaksi menggunakan pendekatan Langmuir-Hinshelwood.Proses analisis kinetika reaksi menggunakan perangkat lunak MATLAB. Model kinetika reaksi prosesdehidrasi etanol menjadi DiEtil Eter dan etilen dengan katalis H-zeolit pada konsentrasi umpanetanol 85-95% dan rentang temperatur 140-240oC, dimana reaksi permukaan yang mengontrol reaksiglobal adalahDiEthyl Ether is produced by using ethanol dehydrationprocess. The objective of this research was to study the reaction kinetic of ethanol dehydrationprocess by H-zeolite catalyst from natural zeolite. The H-zeolite catalyst was prepared bydealumination, calcination, impregnation with Al and reduction processes. DiEthyl Ether productionwas produced by using adsorption-catalytic reaction. The kinetic study was did with MATLABsoftware. Kinetic model of ethanol dehydration processes into DiEthyl Ether and ethylene with Hzeolitecatalyst and ethanol feed concentration among 85-95% and temperature between 140-240oCunder surface reaction is shown by

  2. 36 CFR 7.79 - Amistad Recreation Area. (United States)


    ... 36 Parks, Forests, and Public Property 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Amistad Recreation Area. 7.79... REGULATIONS, AREAS OF THE NATIONAL PARK SYSTEM § 7.79 Amistad Recreation Area. (a) Hunting. (1) Hunting is... (PWC). (1) PWCs are allowed within Amistad National Recreation Area with the following exceptions: (i...

  3. 7 CFR 948.4 - Area. (United States)


    ..., Huerfano, Las Animas, Mineral, Archuleta, in the State of Colorado, and all counties in said State, south... Orders; Fruits, Vegetables, Nuts), DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE IRISH POTATOES GROWN IN COLORADO Order Regulating Handling Definitions § 948.4 Area. Area means any of the subdivisions of the State of Colorado as...

  4. Radioactive mineral occurrences in the Bancroft area

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Satterly, J


    The report summarizes three years of field work conducted in the Bancroft area investigating occurrences of radioactive minerals, and also includes accounts of properties in the area for which drill logs and survey reports have been filed. It begins with a history of exploration and development of radioactive mineral deposits in the area, a review of the area`s general geology (Grenville metasediments, plutonic rocks), and general descriptions of the types of radioactive mineral deposits found in the area (deposits in granitic and syenitic bodies, metasomatic deposits in limy rocks, hydrothermal deposits). It also describes the mineralogy of radioactive minerals found in the area and the Geiger counter technique used in the investigation. The bulk of the report consists of descriptions of radioactive mineral properties and mine workings, containing (where available) information on exploration history, general and economic geology, and production.

  5. Tennessee's forest land area was stable 1999-2005 but early successional forest area declined (United States)

    Christopher M. Oswalt


    A new analysis of the most recent (2005) annualized moving average data for Tennessee indicates that the area of forest land in the State remained stable between 1999 and 2005. Although trends in forest land area vary from region to region within the State, Tennessee neither lost nor gained forest land between 1999 and 2005. However, Tennessee had more than 2.5 times...

  6. Environmental literacy in agriculture and coastal areas (United States)

    Pujianti, N.; Munandar, A.; Surakusumah, W.


    This research aim to investigate the environmental literacy of junior high school students in agricultural and coastal areas in Subang based on knowledge, cognitive skill and attitudes toward to environment. This research used descriptive method. The subjects of the research were 7 grade students of junior high school and involved 62 participants in agriculture area and 64 participants in coastal area. The instrument of environment literacy adapted from Middle School Environment Literacy Survey (MSELS) and adapted to the context of agricultural and coastal area. The results showed that: environmental literacy in agricultural areas is 169.30 with moderate category and environmental literacy in the coastal area is 152.61 in the moderate category.

  7. 31 CFR 585.524 - Humanitarian aid and trade in United Nations Protected Areas of Croatia and those areas of the... (United States)


    ... Nations Protected Areas of Croatia and those areas of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina controlled by... Humanitarian aid and trade in United Nations Protected Areas of Croatia and those areas of the Republic of... in the Republic of Croatia and those areas of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina under the...

  8. Nevada Test Site 2005 Waste Management Monitoring Report Area 3 and Area 5 Radioactive Waste Management Sites

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    David B. Hudson, Cathy A. Wills


    Environmental monitoring data were collected at and around the Area 3 and Area 5 Radioactive Waste Management Sites (RWMSs) at the Nevada Test Site. These data are associated with radiation exposure, air, groundwater, meteorology, vadose zone, subsidence, and biota. This report summarizes the 2005 environmental data to provide an overall evaluation of RWMS performance and to support environmental compliance and performance assessment activities. Some of these data (e.g., radiation exposure, air, and groundwater) are presented in other reports (U.S. Department of Energy, 2005; Grossman, 2005; Bechtel Nevada, 2006). Direct radiation monitoring data indicate that exposure levels around the RWMSs are at or below background levels. Air monitoring data at the Area 3 and Area 5 RWMSs indicate that tritium concentrations are slightly above background levels. There is no detectable man-made radioactivity by gamma spectroscopy, and concentrations of americium and plutonium are only slightly above detection limits at the Area 3 RWMS. Measurements at the Area 5 RWMS show that radon flux from waste covers is no higher than natural radon flux from undisturbed soil in Area 5. Groundwater monitoring data indicate that the groundwater in the uppermost aquifer beneath the Area 5 RWMS is not impacted by facility operations. Precipitation during 2005 totaled 219.1 millimeters (mm) (8.63 inches [in.]) at the Area 3 RWMS and 201.4 mm (7.93 in.) at the Area 5 RWMS. Soil-gas tritium monitoring continues to show slow subsurface migration consistent with previous results. Moisture from precipitation at Area 5 has percolated to the bottom of the bare-soil weighing lysimeter, but this same moisture has been removed from the vegetated weighing lysimeter by evapotranspiration. Vadose zone data from the operational waste pit covers show that precipitation from the fall of 2004 and the spring of 2005 infiltrated past the deepest sensors at 188 centimeters (6.2 feet) and remains in the pit cover

  9. Premises for Shaping Metropolitan Areas in Romania

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    Full Text Available The setting up of metropolitan areas is a process which is still in progress in Romania. The legislative framework for the creation of these areas has been built up only since 2001, and there are still a number of juridical inconsistencies concerning the association of administrative units to form metropolitan areas. On the other hand, political reasons and the fear of losing a certain degree of authority and to become subordinates of the large cities (in the case of rural municipalities also hindered the development of metropolitan areas in Romania. Nevertheless, the metropolitan areas already in existence are running a number of projects that are beneficial for most members of the association. Such positive examples may trigger the creation of the other metropolitan areas. Although the existing metropolitan areas did not yield spectacular results, the time passed since their foundation is yet too short to correctly assess their usefulness and territorial meaning. For the moment, the following metropolitan areas exist in Romania: Iaşi, Oradea, Braşov, Constanţa, Bacău, Cluj-Napoca, Târgu Mureş and Craiova. Bucharest, Timişoara, Ploieşti and Galaţi-Brăila metropolitan areas are still in process of setting up.

  10. Estimation of Poverty in Small Areas

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    Agne Bikauskaite


    Full Text Available A qualitative techniques of poverty estimation is needed to better implement, monitor and determine national areas where support is most required. The problem of small area estimation (SAE is the production of reliable estimates in areas with small samples. The precision of estimates in strata deteriorates (i.e. the precision decreases when the standard deviation increases, if the sample size is smaller. In these cases traditional direct estimators may be not precise and therefore pointless. Currently there are many indirect methods for SAE. The purpose of this paper is to analyze several diff erent types of techniques which produce small area estimates of poverty.

  11. Pilot Boarding Areas (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Pilot boarding areas are locations at sea where pilots familiar with local waters board incoming vessels to navigate their passage to a destination port. Pilotage is...

  12. Semi-arid Areas

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Livia Bizikova

    precipitation in the form of rainfall or snow (UN, 2011; MEA 2009). • Dryland subtypes can ... in terms of their land uses: rangelands, croplands, and urban areas. ... farmers; climate resilient agricultural practices; irrigation, pasture management.

  13. Hydrogeologic study of Cafam area. Melgar (Tolima); Estudio hidrogeologico del area Cafam - Melgar (Tolima)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Angel M, Carlos E; Perez C, Rosalbina


    The hydrogeologic study covers an area of 50 km{sup 2} with the objectives of to determine the possibility of use of the underground waters and to locate places to carry out exploratory perforations in lands of Cafam, equally the elaboration of a hydrogeologic map of the region; for the effect it was carried out cartography geologic scale 1:10.000, inventory and sampling of water point, geoelectric prospecting and some permeability tests. In the area the exploitation of underground water is incipient, alone there are 20 points of water, of which none produce more than 1L/seg. The water has in general good physical chemistry quality for the human consumption. Geologically was recognized the groups Guadalupe and Gualanday, also some quaternary deposits; the previous ones were subdivided in 11 geological units for its composition and morphology, which are framed structurally in the E flank of the synclinal of Carmen de Apicala and displaced by traverse faults with address E-W and N-W. From the point of hydrogeologic view the units were grouped in 8 aquifer systems, of which four are considered of hydrogeologic importance for the area; the sector with better possibilities to capture these aquifer systems is the W of the area (in the terraces area) that extends to the Sumapaz River. For the Cafam sector a place was selected to build an exploratory well of 200 mts. of depth that would capture an aquifer of low transmissivity, corresponding to the Unit T3.

  14. Measurements of area and the (island) species-area relationship: new directions for an old pattern

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Triantis, K.A.; Nogues-Bravo, D.; Hortal, J.


    show that increasing the accuracy of the estimation of area has negligible impact on the fit and form of the species-area relationship, even though our analyses included some of the most topographically diverse island groups in the world. In addition, we show that the inclusion of general measurements...

  15. Conductive sapwood area prediction from stem and canopy areas - allometric equations of Kalahari trees, Botswana

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Lubczynski, M.W.; Chavarro-Rincon, D.C.; Rossiter, David


    Conductive sapwood (xylem) area (Ax) of all trees in a given forested area is the main factor contributing to spatial tree transpiration. One hundred ninety-five trees of 9 species in the Kalahari region of Botswana were felled, stained, cut into discs, and measured to develop allometric equations

  16. Annex D 200 Area Interim Storage Area Final Safety Analysis Report Volume 5 (FSAR) (Section 1 and 2)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    The 200 Area Interim Storage Area (200 Area ISA) at the Hanford Site provides for the interim storage of non-defense reactor spent nuclear fuel (SNF) housed in aboveground dry cask storage systems. The 200 Area ISA is a relatively simple facility consisting of a boundary fence with gates, perimeter lighting, and concrete and gravel pads on which to place the dry storage casks. The fence supports safeguards and security and establishes a radiation protection buffer zone. The 200 Area ISA is nominally 200,000 ft 2 and is located west of the Canister Storage Building (CSB). Interim storage at the 200 Area ISA is intended for a period of up to 40 years until the materials are shipped offsite to a disposal facility. This Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR) does not address removal from storage or shipment from the 200 Area ISA. Three different SNF types contained in three different dry cask storage systems are to be stored at the 200 Area ISA, as follows: (1) Fast Flux Test Facility (FFTF) Fuel--Fifty-three interim storage casks (ISC), each holding a core component container (CCC), will be used to store the FFTF SNF currently in the 400 Area. (2) Neutron Radiography Facility (NRF)TRIGA--One Rad-Vault container stores two DOT-6M 3 containers and six NRF TRIGA casks. (3) Commercial Light Water Reactor Fuel--Six International Standards Organization (ISO) containers, each holding a NAC-1 cask with an inner commercial light water reactor (LWR) canister, are used for storing commercial LWR SNF from the 300 Area. An aboveground dry cask storage location is necessary for the spent fuel because the current storage facilities are being shut down and deactivated. The spent fuel is being transferred to interim storage because there is no permanent repository storage currently available

  17. Projections to early visual areas V1 and V2 in the calcarine fissure from parietal association areas in the macaque.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Elena eBorra


    Full Text Available Non-extrastriate projections to area V1 in monkeys, now demonstrated by several anatomical studies, are potential substrates of physiologically documented multisensory effects in primary sensory areas. The full network of projections among association and primary areas, however, is likely to be complex and is still only partially understood. In the present report, we used the anterograde tracer biotinylated dextran amine to investigate projections to areas V1 and V2 from subdivisions of the parietal association cortex in macaque. Parietal cortex was chosen to allow comparisons between projections from this higher association area and from other previously reported areas. In addition, we were interested in further elucidating pathways to areas V1 and V2 from parietal areas, as potentially contributing to attention and active vision. Of eight cases, three brains had projections only to area V2, and the five others projected to both areas V1 and V2. Terminations in area V1 were sparse. These were located in supragranular layers I, II, upper III; occasionally in IVB; and in layer VI. Terminations in V2 were denser, and slightly more prevalent in the supragranular layers. For both areas, terminations were in the calcarine region, corresponding to the representation of the peripheral visual field. By reconstructions of single axons, we demonstrated that four of nine axons had collaterals, either to V1 and V2 (n=1 or to area V1 and a ventral area likely to be TEO (n=3. In area V1, axons extended divergently in layer VI as well as layer I. Overall, these and previous results suggest a nested connectivity architecture, consisting of multiple direct and indirect recurrent projections from association areas to area V1. Terminations in area V1 are not abundant, but could be potentiated by the network of indirect connections.

  18. Semantic Wavelet-Induced Frequency-Tagging (SWIFT Periodically Activates Category Selective Areas While Steadily Activating Early Visual Areas.

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    Roger Koenig-Robert

    Full Text Available Primate visual systems process natural images in a hierarchical manner: at the early stage, neurons are tuned to local image features, while neurons in high-level areas are tuned to abstract object categories. Standard models of visual processing assume that the transition of tuning from image features to object categories emerges gradually along the visual hierarchy. Direct tests of such models remain difficult due to confounding alteration in low-level image properties when contrasting distinct object categories. When such contrast is performed in a classic functional localizer method, the desired activation in high-level visual areas is typically accompanied with activation in early visual areas. Here we used a novel image-modulation method called SWIFT (semantic wavelet-induced frequency-tagging, a variant of frequency-tagging techniques. Natural images modulated by SWIFT reveal object semantics periodically while keeping low-level properties constant. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI, we indeed found that faces and scenes modulated with SWIFT periodically activated the prototypical category-selective areas while they elicited sustained and constant responses in early visual areas. SWIFT and the localizer were selective and specific to a similar extent in activating category-selective areas. Only SWIFT progressively activated the visual pathway from low- to high-level areas, consistent with predictions from standard hierarchical models. We confirmed these results with criterion-free methods, generalizing the validity of our approach and show that it is possible to dissociate neural activation in early and category-selective areas. Our results provide direct evidence for the hierarchical nature of the representation of visual objects along the visual stream and open up future applications of frequency-tagging methods in fMRI.

  19. Plutonium focus area: Technology summary

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    To ensure research and development programs focus on the most pressing environmental restoration and waste management problems at the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), the Assistant Secretary for the Office of Environmental Management (EM) established a working group in August 1993 to implement a new approach to research and technology development. As part of this approach, EM developed a management structure and principles that led to creation of specific focus areas. These organizations were designed to focus scientific and technical talent throughout DOE and the national scientific community on major environmental restoration and waste management problems facing DOE. The focus area approach provides the framework for inter-site cooperation and leveraging of resources on common problems. After the original establishment of five major focus areas within the Office of Technology Development (EM-50), the Nuclear Materials Stabilization Task Group (NMSTG, EM-66) followed EM-50's structure and chartered the Plutonium Focus Area (PFA). NMSTG's charter to the PFA, described in detail later in this book, plays a major role in meeting the EM-66 commitments to the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board (DNFSB). The PFA is a new program for FY96 and as such, the primary focus of revision 0 of this Technology Summary is an introduction to the Focus Area; its history, development, and management structure, including summaries of selected technologies being developed. Revision 1 to the Plutonium Focus Area Technology Summary is slated to include details on all technologies being developed, and is currently planned for release in August 1996. The following report outlines the scope and mission of the Office of Environmental Management, EM-60, and EM-66 organizations as related to the PFA organizational structure

  20. Climatic change in Mediterranean area

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Manos, A.


    United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP) studies on forecasted greenhouse climatic effects on the Mediterranean coastal and marine ecosystems and regional socio-economic framework have indicated the need for a concerted plan of protective and remedial action. The studies considered rises of 1.5 degrees in ambient temperature and 20 centimeters in sea level occurring before the year 2025. A regional, as opposed to a global area, study approach was adopted since the severity of climatic effects is expected to vary greatly from one part of the world to another. The specific areas investigated were the Po River Delta and Venezia Lagoon in Italy, the Nile Delta, Camargue, the Ebro Delta, the Tunisian National Park area, and the Thermaicos Gulf in Greece. The rise in average temperature is expected to negatively effect Mediterranean agricultural production and the coastal and marine ecosystems due to prolonged periods of drought and exceptional rainfall. It is suggested that a system of dikes be constructed to protect the coastal areas which are heavily dependent on tourism and agriculture

  1. Main challenges of residential areas

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    Oana Luca


    Full Text Available The present article is a position paper aiming to initiate a professional debate related to the aspects related to the urban dysfunctions leading to the wear of the residential areas. The paper proposes a definition of the wear process, identify the main causes leading to its occurrence and propose a number of solutions to neutralise the dysfunctions. The three wearing phases of residential areas components are emphasized, exploring their lifecycle. In order to perform the study of urban wear, the status of the residential areas components can be established and monitored, and also the variables of the function that can mathematically model the specific wear process may be considered. The paper is considered a first step for the model adjustment, to be tested and validated in the following steps. Based on the mathematical method and model, there can be created, in a potential future research, the possibility of determining the precarity degree for residential areas/neighbourhoods and cities, by minimising the subjective component of the analyses preceding the decision for renovation or regeneration.

  2. A proposed number system for the 107 cortical areas of Economo and Koskinas, and Brodmann area correlations. (United States)

    Triarhou, Lazaros C


    In their Atlas of Cytoarchitectonics of the Adult Human Cerebral Cortex, Economo and Koskinas defined 54 'ground,' 76 'variant,' and 107 'modification' areas. The 107 modifications are topographically distributed as 35 frontal, 13 superior limbic, 6 insular, 18 parietal, 7 occipital, 14 temporal and 14 inferior limbic (or hippocampal). One way to make the Economo-Koskinas system more practical is to encode the complex symbol notations of the 107 cortical areas with numbers EK 1 through EK 107. The present study does that, and it further correlates Economo-Koskinas areas with Brodmann areas, based on an overview of the classical and modern neurohistological literature. Copyright (c) 2007 S. Karger AG, Basel.

  3. Time-division optical interconnects for local-area and micro-area networks (United States)

    Krol, Mark F.; Boncek, Raymond K.; Johns, Steven T.; Stacy, John L.


    This report describes the development of an optical Time-Division Multiple-Access (TDMA) interconnect suitable for applications in local-area and micro-area networks. The advantages of using time-division techniques instead of frequency-division, wavelength-division, or code-division techniques in a shared-medium environment are discussed in detail. Furthermore, a detailed description of the TDMA architecture is presented along with various experiments pertaining to the actual components needed to implement the system. Finally, experimental data is presented for an actual optical TDMA test bed. The experimental data demonstrates the feasibility of the architecture, and shows that currently the system has the capability to accommodate up to 50 channels. The bit-error-rate per channel was measured to be less than 10(exp -9) for pseudo-random bit-sequences.

  4. Robust small area prediction for counts. (United States)

    Tzavidis, Nikos; Ranalli, M Giovanna; Salvati, Nicola; Dreassi, Emanuela; Chambers, Ray


    A new semiparametric approach to model-based small area prediction for counts is proposed and used for estimating the average number of visits to physicians for Health Districts in Central Italy. The proposed small area predictor can be viewed as an outlier robust alternative to the more commonly used empirical plug-in predictor that is based on a Poisson generalized linear mixed model with Gaussian random effects. Results from the real data application and from a simulation experiment confirm that the proposed small area predictor has good robustness properties and in some cases can be more efficient than alternative small area approaches. © The Author(s) 2014 Reprints and permissions:

  5. Discreteness of area in noncommutative space

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Amelino-Camelia, Giovanni [Dipartimento di Fisica, Universita di Roma ' La Sapienza' and Sez. Roma1 INFN, P.le A. Moro 2, 00185 Roma (Italy)], E-mail:; Gubitosi, Giulia; Mercati, Flavio [Dipartimento di Fisica, Universita di Roma ' La Sapienza' and Sez. Roma1 INFN, P.le A. Moro 2, 00185 Roma (Italy)


    We introduce an area operator for the Moyal noncommutative plane. We find that the spectrum is discrete, but, contrary to the expectation formulated by other authors, not characterized by a 'minimum-area principle'. We show that an intuitive analysis of the uncertainty relations obtained from Moyal-plane noncommutativity is fully consistent with our results for the spectrum, and we argue that our area operator should be generalizable to several other noncommutative spaces. We also observe that the properties of distances and areas in the Moyal plane expose some weaknesses in the line of reasoning adopted in some of the heuristic analyses of the measurability of geometric spacetime observables in the quantum-gravity realm.

  6. Discreteness of area in noncommutative space

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Amelino-Camelia, Giovanni; Gubitosi, Giulia; Mercati, Flavio


    We introduce an area operator for the Moyal noncommutative plane. We find that the spectrum is discrete, but, contrary to the expectation formulated by other authors, not characterized by a 'minimum-area principle'. We show that an intuitive analysis of the uncertainty relations obtained from Moyal-plane noncommutativity is fully consistent with our results for the spectrum, and we argue that our area operator should be generalizable to several other noncommutative spaces. We also observe that the properties of distances and areas in the Moyal plane expose some weaknesses in the line of reasoning adopted in some of the heuristic analyses of the measurability of geometric spacetime observables in the quantum-gravity realm.

  7. N Area Final Project Program Plan

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Day, R.S.; Duncan, G.M; Trent, S.J.


    The N Area Final Project Program Plan is issued for information and use by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), the Environmental Restoration Contractor (ERC) for the Hanford Site, and other parties that require workscope knowledge for the deactivation of N Reactor facilities and remediation of the 100-N Area. This revision to the program plan contains the updated critical path schedule to deactivate N Reactor and its supporting facilities, cleanout of the N Reactor Fuel Storage Basin (105-N Basin), and remediate the 100-N Area. This document reflects notable changes in the deactivation plan for N Reactor, including changes in deactivation status, the N Basin cleanout task, and 100-N Area remediation

  8. Quantifying disbond area (United States)

    Lowden, D. W.


    Disbonds simulated in a composite helicopter rotor blade were profiled using eddy currents. The method is inherently accurate and reproducible. An algorithm is described for calculating disbond margin. Disbond area is estimated assuming in-service disbondments exhibit circular geometry.

  9. Urbanization and Land Use Changes in Peri-Urban Area using Spatial Analysis Methods (Case Study: Ciawi Urban Areas, Bogor Regency) (United States)

    Cahya, D. L.; Martini, E.; Kasikoen, K. M.


    Urbanization is shown by the increasing percentage of the population in urban areas. In Indonesia, the percentage of urban population increased dramatically form 17.42% (1971) to 42.15% (2010). This resulted in increased demand for housing. Limited land in the city area push residents looking for an alternative location of his residence to the peri-urban areas. It is accompanied by a process of land conversion from green area into built-up area. Continuous land conversion in peri-urban area is becoming increasingly widespread. Bogor Regency as part of the Jakarta Metropolitan Area is experiencing rapid development. This regency has been experienced land-use change very rapidly from agricultural areas into urban built up areas. Aim of this research is to analyze the effect of urbanization on land use changes in peri-urban areas using spatial analysis methods. This research used case study of Ciawi Urban Area that experiencing rapid development. Method of this research is using descriptive quantitative approach. Data used in this research is primary data (field survey) and secondary data (maps). To analyze land use change is using Geographic Information System (GIS) as spatial analysis methods. The effect of urbanization on land use changes in Ciawi Urban Area from year 2013 to 2015 is significant. The reduction of farm land is around -4.00% and wetland is around - 2.51%. The increasing area for hotel/villa/resort is around 3.10%. Based on this research, local government (Bogor Regency) should be alert to the land use changes that does not comply with the land use plan and also consistently apply the spatial planning.

  10. Central Region Regionally Ecological Significant Areas (United States)

    Minnesota Department of Natural Resources — This is an analysis of regionally significant Terrestrial and Wetland Ecological Areas in the seven county metropolitan area. Individual forest, grassland and...

  11. Initial SVE Well Testing for the A-Area Miscellaneous Rubble Pile (ARP) Trenches Area

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    The A-Area Miscellaneous Rubble Pile (ARP) is a 5.9 acre unit located at the southern end of A/M Area at the Savannah River Site (SRS). Disposal activities at ARP began in the early 1950s. The exact dates of operation and material disposed in the unit remain unknown. Within the ARP exists a smaller, approximately 2 acre, sub unit identified as the Trenches Area. The Trenches Area is dominated by a T-shaped trench (approximately 50 feet wide) containing 8 to 12 feet of ash material. This T-shaped trench will be referred to as the ARP Trench. Vegetation has been removed from the Trenches Area and a lower permeability earthen cover now covers the ARP Trench. The ARP active soil vapor extraction (ASVE) remediation system consists of seven extraction wells and twelve monitoring wells that were pushed into the vadose zone of the ARP Trench. The remediation system was designed based on the pre-design study conducted in 2002. The purpose of the initial soil vapor extraction (SVE) well testing was to verify the integrity and functionality of the nineteen wells installed in the ARP Trench. The well integrity was evaluated based on the flow rate, vacuum, and indication that soil gas and not surface air was pulled from the well. Soil gas was defined as gas with levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) above ambient concentrations (400-700 ppmv). Volatile organic compound (VOC) concentrations were measured at each well to determine the initial distribution of the contamination. In addition, the subsurface vacuum distribution was measured around each extraction well as a relative measure of the influence of each well

  12. Design of Weighted Wide Area Damping Controller (WWADC Based PSS for Damping Inter-Area Low Frequency Oscillations

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Saleh M. Bamasak


    Full Text Available Wide Area Measurement System (WAMS can extend and effectively improve the power system stabilizers (PSS capability in damping the inter-area low frequency oscillations in interconnected bulk power systems. This paper proposes the implementation of Weighted Wide Area Damping Controller (WWADC in which weighted factors are introduced for each remote feedback signals. Modal analysis approach is implemented for the purpose of identifying the optimal location as well as the input signals’ optimal combination of WWADC. Based on the linearized model, Differential Evolution (DE algorithm is applied to search for optimal controller parameters and optimal weighted factors. The successful application of the proposed approach is achieved in two power networks; the two-area 4-machine system and the IEEE-39 bus 10-machine system. The analysis of the eigenvalue and non-linear time domain simulations indicate that damping the inter-area oscillations and improving the system stability irrespective of the severity and the location of the disturbances can be effectively achieved by WADC

  13. Hawaii ESI: MGT (Management Area Polygons) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This data set contains management area data for artificial reefs, designated critical habitats, national parks, marine sanctuaries, special management areas,...

  14. How Localized are Language Brain Areas? A Review of Brodmann Areas Involvement in Oral Language. (United States)

    Ardila, Alfredo; Bernal, Byron; Rosselli, Monica


    The interest in understanding how language is "localized" in the brain has existed for centuries. Departing from seven meta-analytic studies of functional magnetic resonance imaging activity during the performance of different language activities, it is proposed here that there are two different language networks in the brain: first, a language reception/understanding system, including a "core Wernicke's area" involved in word recognition (BA21, BA22, BA41, and BA42), and a fringe or peripheral area ("extended Wernicke's area:" BA20, BA37, BA38, BA39, and BA40) involved in language associations (associating words with other information); second, a language production system ("Broca's complex:" BA44, BA45, and also BA46, BA47, partially BA6-mainly its mesial supplementary motor area-and extending toward the basal ganglia and the thalamus). This paper additionally proposes that the insula (BA13) plays a certain coordinating role in interconnecting these two brain language systems. © The Author 2015. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:

  15. Deriving Area-storage Curves of Global Reservoirs (United States)

    Mu, M.; Tang, Q.


    Basic information including capacity, dam height, and largest water area on global reservoirs and dams is well documented in databases such as GRanD (Global Reservoirs and Dams), ICOLD (International Commission on Large Dams). However, though playing a critical role in estimating reservoir storage variations from remote sensing or hydrological models, area-storage (or elevation-storage) curves of reservoirs are not publicly shared. In this paper, we combine Landsat surface water extent, 1 arc-minute global relief model (ETOPO1) and GRanD database to derive area-storage curves of global reservoirs whose area is larger than 1 km2 (6,000 more reservoirs are included). First, the coverage polygon of each reservoir in GRanD is extended to where water was detected by Landsat during 1985-2015. Second, elevation of each pixel in the reservoir is extracted from resampled 30-meter ETOPO1, and then relative depth and frequency of each depth value is calculated. Third, cumulative storage is calculated with increasing water area by every one percent of reservoir coverage area and then the uncalibrated area-storage curve is obtained. Finally, the area-storage curve is linearly calibrated by the ratio of calculated capacity over reported capacity in GRanD. The derived curves are compared with in-situ reservoir data collected in Great Plains Region in US, and the results show that in-situ records are well captured by the derived curves even in relative small reservoirs (several square kilometers). The new derived area-storage curves have the potential to be employed in global monitoring or modelling of reservoirs storage and area variations.


    Keith, T.E.C.; Causey, J.D.


    A mineral survey of the Mount Hood Wilderness, Oregon, was conducted. Geochemical data indicate two areas of substantiated mineral-resource potential containing weak epithermal mineralization: an area of the north side of Zigzag Mountain where vein-type lead-zinc-silver deposits occur and an area of the south side of Zigzag Mountain, where the upper part of a quartz diorite pluton has propylitic alteration associated with mineralization of copper, gold, silver, lead, and zinc in discontinuous veins. Geothermal-resource potential for low- to intermediate-temperature (less than 248 degree F) hot-water systems in the wilderness is probable in these areas. Part of the wilderness is classified as a Known Geothermal Resource Area (KGRA), which is considered to have probable geothermal-resource potential, and two parts of the wilderness have been included in geothermal lease areas.

  17. Improving the environment in urban areas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Adamkus, V.V.


    The author discusses the need for improvements to the environment in urban areas, and efforts being made under the direction of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to address these problems. The impact the new Clean Air Act can have on emissions from gasoline powered autos, diesel burning trucks, fixed emission sources ranging from utilities to chemical plants, and consumer products like hair sprays and charcoal starters, will all work together to improve air quality in urban areas. The author also discusses Brownfields Economic Redevelopment Plan efforts being supported by the EPA in a coordinated plan to get municipalities involved in cleaning up areas with pollution, to remove the blight on the urban areas, provide new land for development, and promote additional jobs.

  18. Radioactive waste management of urban area

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Huang, Z.; Gu, S.X.


    The several years experience of radioactive waste management in Shanghai of China shows that the centralized management is quite successful and effective. Rad waste generated in urban area would be treated with further concern in the respect of radiation and environmental protection. In this respect, there is a need for a professional organisation to undertake the necessary regulation, and demonstrate that high standards of design, planning, management and operation could be met. The experience in China is suitable to manage and dispose rad waste generated from the civil applications in urban area, and valuable to the developing country and area in particular. It is concluded that the centralized management of intermediate level and low level radioactive waste is an optimum choice for urban area

  19. Change of Land Use Patterns in the Areas Close to the Airport Development Area and Some Implicating Factors

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kanokporn Swangjang


    Full Text Available This paper presents the description of land use change in the suburbs near Suvarnabhumi International Airport, with a focus on land use patterns before and during airport development. According to geographic information system (GIS, land use patterns are categorized into three main groups, namely intensive urban development land, areas developed under environmental conditions, and natural land. Steps of land use changes, land use planning and related factors concerning number of population, dwelling units and factories were analyzed. In the short term, urban development dramatically increases by 39.97% whereas the areas developed under environmental conditions decreased by 37.52%, with significant correlation (P < 0.05. The natural land which is typically grassland and watercourses changed insignificantly (P > 0.05. Urbanization of the areas where the airport is located increased between 10.07% and 15.57%. The changes of land use comply with the Integrated Town and Country Planning. The areas where urbanization is small are under the area designated as the green area. Urban expansion is mainly a result of increase in residential areas which is closely related to number of population. Such changes indicate a need for more effective urban development planning and management to conserve environmental quality.

  20. N Area Post-Deactivation ALARA Report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nellesen, A. L.


    This report provides information about a wide range of radiological work activities at the N Area Deactivation Project. The report is divided into sections that are based on specific N Area scopes of work. Each section contains specific information that was of significant radiological importance in completing N Area Deactivation work. The information presented in this report may be applicable and beneficial to similar projects throughout the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) complex, and in commercial industry

  1. EPA Region 1 Environmentally Sensitive Areas (United States)

    This coverage represents polygon equivalents of environmentally sensitive areas (ESA) in EPA Region I. ESAs were developed as part of an EPA headquarters initiative based on reviews of various regulatory and guidance documents, as well as phone interviews with federal/state/local government agencies and private organizations. ESAs include, but are not limited to, wetlands, biological resources, habitats, national parks, archaeological/historic sites, natural heritage areas, tribal lands, drinking water intakes, marinas/boat ramps, wildlife areas, etc.

  2. Home area networks

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Koonen, A.M.J.


    This article consists of a collection of slides from the author's conference presentation. Some of the specific areas/topics discussed include: Convergence in home networks, home service scenarios; Home wired network architectures, CapEx and OpEx; Residential Gateway; Optical fiber types;

  3. 76 FR 6119 - Nomination of Existing Marine Protected Areas to the National System of Marine Protected Areas... (United States)


    ... Area. California Point Arena State Marine Reserve, Point Arena State Marine Conservation Area, Sea Lion..., Point Reyes Special Closure, Point Resistance Special Closure, Double Point/Stormy Stack Special Closure...

  4. Nevada National Security Site 2012 Waste Management Monitoring Report Area 3 and Area 5 Radioactive Waste Management Site

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hudson, David B.


    Environmental monitoring data are collected at and around the Area 3 and Area 5 Radioactive Waste Management Sites (RWMSs) at the Nevada National Security Site (NNSS). These data are associated with radiation exposure, air, groundwater, meteorology, and vadose zone. This report summarizes the 2012 environmental data to provide an overall evaluation of RWMS performance and to support environmental compliance and performance assessment (PA) activities. Some of these data (e.g., radiation exposure, air, and groundwater) are presented in other reports (National Security Technologies, LLC, 2012; 2013a; 2013b). Direct radiation monitoring data indicate exposure levels at the RWMSs are within the range of background levels measured at the NNSS. Slightly elevated exposure levels outside the Area 3 RWMS are attributed to nearby historical aboveground nuclear weapons tests. Air monitoring data show tritium concentrations in water vapor and americium and plutonium concentrations in air particles are only slightly above detection limits and background levels. The measured levels of radionuclides in air particulates and moisture are below Derived Concentration Standards for these radionuclides. Groundwater monitoring data indicate the groundwater in the uppermost aquifer beneath the Area 5 RWMS is not impacted by RWMS operations. Results of groundwater analysis from wells around the Area 5 RWMS were all below established investigation levels. Leachate samples collected from the leachate collection system at the mixed low-level waste cell were below established contaminant regulatory limits. The 133.9 millimeters (mm) (5.27 inches [in.]) of precipitation at the Area 3 RWMS during 2012 is 12% below the average of 153.0 mm (6.02 in.), and the 137.6 mm (5.42 in.) of precipitation at the Area 5 RWMS during 2012 is 11% below the average of 122.4 mm (4.82 in.). Water balance measurements indicate that evapotranspiration from the vegetated weighing lysimeter dries the soil and prevents

  5. Nevada National Security Site 2013 Waste Management Monitoring Report Area 3 and Area 5 Radioactive Waste Management Site

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hudson, D. B. [National Security Technologies, LLC, Las Vegas, NV (United States)


    Environmental monitoring data are collected at and around the Area 3 and Area 5 Radioactive Waste Management Sites (RWMSs) within the Nevada National Security Site (NNSS). These data are associated with radiation exposure, air, groundwater, meteorology, and vadose zone. This report summarizes the 2013 environmental data to provide an overall evaluation of RWMS performance and to support environmental compliance and performance assessment (PA) activities. Some of these data (e.g., radiation exposure, air, and groundwater) are presented in other reports (National Security Technologies, LLC, 2013; 2014a; 2014b). Direct radiation monitoring data indicate exposure levels at the RWMSs are within the range of background levels measured at the NNSS. Slightly elevated exposure levels outside the Area 3 RWMS are attributed to nearby historical aboveground nuclear weapons tests. Air monitoring data show tritium concentrations in water vapor and americium and plutonium concentrations in air particles are close to detection limits and background levels. The measured levels of radionuclides in air particulates and moisture are below Derived Concentration Standards for these radionuclides. Groundwater monitoring data indicate the groundwater in the uppermost aquifer beneath the Area 5 RWMS is not impacted by RWMS operations. Results of groundwater analysis from wells around the Area 5 RWMS were all below established investigation levels. Leachate samples collected from the leachate collection system at the mixed low-level waste cell were below established contaminant regulatory limits. The 105.8 millimeters (mm) (4.17 inches [in.]) of precipitation at the Area 3 RWMS during 2013 is 30% below the average of 150.3 mm (5.92 in.), and the 117.5 mm (4.63 in.) of precipitation at the Area 5 RWMS during 2013 is 5% below the average of 123.6 mm (4.86 in.). Water balance measurements indicate that evapotranspiration from the vegetated weighing lysimeter dries the soil and prevents

  6. Belledune area health study : summary report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Belledune area has been home to various industrial activities such as mining, smelting, fertilizer plants, battery-recycling plants, gypsum plants, sawmills, and a coal-fired electricity generating facility. These industries have had various types and quantities of emissions over the past 4 decades that may have impacted on the health of people in the area. This report provided details of the Belledune Health Area Study. The objective of the study was to ensure that the concerns of residents were addressed and that the historical and human health risks associated with past and current industrial activities were quantified. The current health status of residents in the area was examined with reference to environmental exposures, and recommendations for future studies and research based on the results of the study were presented. Two main components were used: the human health risk assessment (HHRA), and community health status assessment (CHSA). Best estimate calculations for residents in the core communities showed that exposures to cadmium, lead and mercury were predicted to be below toxicity reference values. In Belledune itself, child exposures to cadmium and mercury were above the toxicity reference value. Results indicated that the health status pattern for the study area was different from that found in the surrounding areas. There was a statistically significantly elevated incidence of oral, respiratory, and prostate cancer and elevated incidences of kidney and colorectal cancer. There was a higher mortality rate than expected, and there were more deaths than expected due to circulatory disease, cancer and other causes such as accidents and suicides. An expanded survey of blood lead among child residents and pregnant women was recommended. A program was launched to collect data on metal concentrations in fish from the Baie des Chaleurs and additional data on vegetables from the Greater Belledune area. Future research on some of the factors associated

  7. Belledune area health study : summary report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The Belledune area has been home to various industrial activities such as mining, smelting, fertilizer plants, battery-recycling plants, gypsum plants, sawmills, and a coal-fired electricity generating facility. These industries have had various types and quantities of emissions over the past 4 decades that may have impacted on the health of people in the area. This report provided details of the Belledune Health Area Study. The objective of the study was to ensure that the concerns of residents were addressed and that the historical and human health risks associated with past and current industrial activities were quantified. The current health status of residents in the area was examined with reference to environmental exposures, and recommendations for future studies and research based on the results of the study were presented. Two main components were used: the human health risk assessment (HHRA), and community health status assessment (CHSA). Best estimate calculations for residents in the core communities showed that exposures to cadmium, lead and mercury were predicted to be below toxicity reference values. In Belledune itself, child exposures to cadmium and mercury were above the toxicity reference value. Results indicated that the health status pattern for the study area was different from that found in the surrounding areas. There was a statistically significantly elevated incidence of oral, respiratory, and prostate cancer and elevated incidences of kidney and colorectal cancer. There was a higher mortality rate than expected, and there were more deaths than expected due to circulatory disease, cancer and other causes such as accidents and suicides. An expanded survey of blood lead among child residents and pregnant women was recommended. A program was launched to collect data on metal concentrations in fish from the Baie des Chaleurs and additional data on vegetables from the Greater Belledune area. Future research on some of the factors associated

  8. Nevada National Security Site 2010 Waste Management Monitoring Report Area 3 and Area 5 Radioactive Waste Management Sites

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Environmental monitoring data were collected at and around the Area 3 and Area 5 Radioactive Waste Management Sites (RWMSs) at the Nevada National Security Site (NNSS). These data are associated with radiation exposure, air, groundwater, meteorology, vadose zone, subsidence, and biota. This report summarizes the 2010 environmental data to provide an overall evaluation of RWMS performance and to support environmental compliance and performance assessment (PA) activities. Some of these data (e.g., radiation exposure, air, and groundwater) are presented in other reports (National Security Technologies, LLC, 2010a; 2010b; 2011). Direct radiation monitoring data indicate exposure levels at the RWMSs are within the range of background levels measured at the NNSS. Air monitoring data at the Area 3 and Area 5 RWMSs indicate that tritium concentrations are slightly above background levels. All gamma spectroscopy results for air particulates collected at the Area 3 and Area 5 RWMS were below the minimum detectable concentrations, and concentrations of americium and plutonium are only slightly above detection limits. The measured levels of radionuclides in air particulates and moisture are below derived concentration guides for these radionuclides. Groundwater monitoring data indicate that the groundwater in the uppermost aquifer beneath the Area 5 RWMS is not impacted by facility operations. The 246.9 millimeters (mm) (9.72 inches [in.]) of precipitation at the Area 3 RWMS during 2010 is 56 percent above the average of 158.7 mm (6.25 in.), and the 190.4 mm (7.50 in.) of precipitation at the Area 5 RWMS during 2010 is 50 percent above the average of 126.7 mm (4.99 in.). Soil-gas tritium monitoring at borehole GCD-05 continues to show slow subsurface migration consistent with previous results. Water balance measurements indicate that evapotranspiration from the vegetated weighing lysimeter dries the soil and prevents downward percolation of precipitation more effectively than

  9. Innovation in Management Plans for Community Conserved Areas: Experiences from Australian Indigenous Protected Areas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jocelyn Davies


    Full Text Available Increasing attention to formal recognition of indigenous and community conserved areas (ICCAs as part of national and/or global protected area systems is generating novel encounters between the customary institutions through which indigenous peoples and local communities manage these traditional estates and the bureaucratic institutions of protected area management planning. Although management plans are widely considered to be important to effective management of protected areas, little guidance has been available about how their form and content can effectively reflect the distinctive socio-cultural and political characteristics of ICCAs. This gap has been particularly apparent in Australia where a trend to rapidly increased formal engagement of indigenous people in environmental management resulted, by 2012, in 50 indigenous groups voluntarily declaring their intent to manage all or part of their estates for conservation in perpetuity, as an indigenous protected area (IPA. Development and adoption of a management plan is central to the process through which the Australian Government recognizes these voluntary declarations and invests resources in IPA management. We identified four types of innovations, apparent in some recent IPA plans, which reflect the distinctive socio-cultural and political characteristics of ICCAs and support indigenous people as the primary decision makers and drivers of knowledge integration in IPAs. These are (1 a focus on customary institutions in governance; (2 strategic planning approaches that respond to interlinkages of stewardship between people, place, plants, and animals; (3 planning frameworks that bridge scales by considering values and issues across the whole of an indigenous people's territory; and (4 varied communication modes appropriate to varied audiences, including an emphasis on visual and spatial modes. Further research is warranted into how governance and management of IPAs, and the plans that

  10. Differences in Activation Area Within Brodmann Area 2 Caused by Pressure Stimuli on Fingers and Joints (United States)

    Choi, Mi-Hyun; Kim, Hyung-Sik; Baek, Ji-Hye; Lee, Jung-Chul; Park, Sung-Jun; Jeong, Ul-Ho; Gim, Seon-Young; Kim, Sung-Phil; Lim, Dae-Woon; Chung, Soon-Cheol


    Abstract In this study, a constant pressure stimulus was applied on the 3 joints (first [p1], second [p2], and third [p3] joints) of 4 fingers (index, middle, ring, and little fingers), and the activation areas within Brodmann area 2 (BA 2) were compared for these different fingers and joints by using functional magnetic resonance imaging. Eight healthy male college students (25.4 ± 1.32 years) participated in the study. Each session was composed of 3 blocks, and each block was composed of a Control phase (30 seconds) and a Pressure phase (30 seconds). No pressure stimulus was applied in the Control phase, during which the subjects would simply lay comfortably with their eyes closed. In the Pressure phase, a pressure stimulus was applied onto one of the joints of the selected finger. For each finger and joint, BA 2 areas activated by the pressure stimulus were extracted by the region of interest method. There was a significant difference in the activation areas for the different fingers (P = .042) as well as for the different joints (P = .050). The activation area decreased in the order of the little, index, and middle fingers, as well as in the order of p1, p3, and p2. PMID:26402840

  11. [Determination of joint contact area using MRI]. (United States)

    Yoshida, Hidenori; Kobayashi, Koichi; Sakamoto, Makoto; Tanabe, Yuji


    Elevated contact stress on the articular joints has been hypothesized to contribute to articular cartilage wear and joint pain. However, given the limitations of using contact stress and areas from human cadaver specimens to estimate articular joint stress, there is need for an in vivo method to obtain such data. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has been shown to be a valid method of quantifying the human joint contact area, indicating the potential for in vivo assessment. The purpose of this study was to describe a method of quantifying the tibiofemoral joint contact area using MRI. The validity of this technique was established in porcine cadaver specimens by comparing the contact area obtained from MRI with the contact area obtained using pressure-sensitive film (PSF). In particular, we assessed the actual condition of contact by using the ratio of signal intensity of MR images of cartilage surfaces. Two fresh porcine cadaver knees were used. A custom loading apparatus was designed to apply a compressive load to the tibiofemoral joint. We measured the contact area by using MRI and PSF methods. When the ratio of signal intensity of the cartilage surface was 0.9, the error of the contact area between the MR image and PSF was about 6%. These results suggest that this MRI method may be a valuable tool in quantifying joint contact area in vivo.

  12. Determination of joint contact area using MRI

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yoshida, Hidenori; Kobayashi, Koichi; Sakamoto, Makoto; Tanabe, Yuji


    Elevated contact stress on the articular joints has been hypothesized to contribute to articular cartilage wear and joint pain. However, given the limitations of using contact stress and areas from human cadaver specimens to estimate articular joint stress, there is need for an in vivo method to obtain such data. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has been shown to be a valid method of quantifying the human joint contact area, indicating the potential for in vivo assessment. The purpose of this study was to describe a method of quantifying the tibiofemoral joint contact area using MRI. The validity of this technique was established in porcine cadaver specimens by comparing the contact area obtained from MRI with the contact area obtained using pressure-sensitive film (PSF). In particular, we assessed the actual condition of contact by using the ratio of signal intensity of MR images of cartilage surfaces. Two fresh porcine cadaver knees were used. A custom loading apparatus was designed to apply a compressive load to the tibiofemoral joint. We measured the contact area by using MRI and PSF methods. When the ratio of signal intensity of the cartilage surface was 0.9, the error of the contact area between the MR image and PSF was about 6%. These results suggest that this MRI method may be a valuable tool in quantifying joint contact area in vivo. (author)

  13. Pest management strategies: Area-wide and conventional

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lindquist, D.A.


    Conventional Insect Control The usual approach to insect control is to treat the commodity only after a damaging population of insects has developed. In other words, the producer, home owner or casual gardener fights a defensive battle. He reacts to an insect attack. When he sees the enemy or the damage caused by the enemy, he loads up his sprayer with an insecticide and mounts a counter attack. Most insect control procedures are applied by an individual producer on his own relatively small production area. This conventional insect control approach encourages the producer to make his own decisions about whether or not any insect control is to be used, which insect control method or product to use, when to use it, how to use it, who applies it, etc. Advice to producers on insect control is usually available from government extension personnel, private insect control consultants or representatives of companies that sell insecticides or other insect control materials or methods. The conventional procedure results in great variability in the efficacy of insect control because each producer makes his own decisions. The objective of conventional insect control is to protect the commodity. This is usually accomplished by treating the commodity, be it cows or corn or rice in a warehouse. Conventional insect control requires virtually no planning to achieve results. The 'programme' is short-term, frequently measured in days until the next insecticide application is needed. It is reactive (defensive). Area-wide Insect Control Area-wide insect control is applied against an important insect pest over a relatively large area involving many individual producers of the same or similar crops. The 'area' is a combination of geography and the range of hosts of the target insect pest. The term 'area' in 'area-wide' refers to the area where the target insect population survives. The area is not limited to production of the major crop(s) to be protected. It is very likely that a large

  14. Biodiversity protection and sustainable management of coastal areas: The Marine Protected Area of Egadi Islands

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Donati, Stefano


    The Marine Protected Area of Egadi Islands, northwest coast of Sicily Island, is the largest area in the Mediterranean Sea, stretching over with its 53,992 hectares. Established in 1991, since 2001 it is managed by the Municipality of Favignana on behalf of the Italian Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea. The Egadi’s archipelago is located in the Strait of Sicily, and includes the islands of Favignana, Levanzo, Marettimo and the islets of Formica and Maraone. The institutional mission of the Marine Protected Area is the protection and enhancement of the marine environment, environmental education, awareness and information of users, research and monitoring, integrated management of the coastal zone, and the promotion of sustainable development, with particular reference to the eco-compatibility of tourism [it


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Moh Fauzi Fauzi


    Full Text Available Perairan di sebelah selatan Gunung Kidul dan Pacitan merupakan daerah penangkapan lobster yang cukup potensial. Analisis hubungan panjang berat, faktor kondisi dan sebaran kisaran panjang lobster batu (Panulirus penicillatus di perairan tersebut dilakukan pada bulan Maret 2010 hingga Maret 2012. Pengukuran panjang-berat terhadap 1.803 individu lobster batu menunjukkan pola pertumbuhan yang bersifat allometrik negatif. Faktor kondisi lobster memiliki kesamaan antara jenis kelamin jantan dan betina dan terdapat kecenderungan menurunnya faktor kondisi dengan bertambahnya panjang (umur. Panjang karapas dominan berada pada kisaran antara 45-50mm. Lobster betina yang membawa telur ditemukan pertama kali pada kelas panjang karapas antara 35-40mm. The waters in the south of Gunung Kidul and Pacitan were indicated as a potentially fishing ground of spiny lobster. Analysis of Length-weight relationship, condition factor and distribution of the pronghorn spiny lobster (Panulirus penicillatus in those waters were conducted in March 2010 through March 2012. Length-weight measurements on 1.803 individual lobsters showed allometric negative growth patterns. Lobster have in common condition factor between male and female, and there is a tendency condition factor decreased with increasing length (age. Dominant carapace length is in the range between 45-50mm. Female lobsters carrying eggs were first discovered in the class of carapace length between 35-40mm.


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    Putri Retno A


    Full Text Available Tujuan dari penelian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi keberhasilan inseminasi buatan berdasarkan Days Open (DO, Service per Conception (S/C, dan Calving Interval (CI. serta mengetahui penampilan reproduksi sapi perah pada berbagai paritas di Wilayah KUD “Sumber Makmur”, Kecamatan Ngantang, Kabupaten Malang. Penelitian ini merupakan study kasus. Materi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data 100 ekor sapi perah betina yang minimal telah partus dua kali agar dapat diketahui Calving Intervalnya. Sampel dipilih secara acak dalam satu Kecamatan. Analisis deskriptif digunakan untuk mengetahui rataan dan standar deviasi dari DO, S/C, dan CI serta analisis data dengan metode Kruskall Wallis menggunakan sebaran uji Chi Square untuk membandingkan tampilan reproduksi pada berbagai paritas berdasarkan DO, S/C, dan CI. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rataan dari DO, S/C, dan CI berturut-turut: 100,66±51,06 hari; 1,9±O,44 kali; dan 385,50±55,13 hari dan hasil uji statistik menunjukkan bahwa antar DO pada berbagai paritas, S/C danCI tidak berbeda nyata (P>0,05.Disimpulkan bahwa rata-rata DO panjang, S/C tinggi pada paritas tertentu dan CI juga masih panjang, membuktikan bahwa keberhasilan Inseminasi Buatan masih rendah dan tidak terdapat perbedaan penampilan reproduksi sapi perah pada berbagai paritas berdasarkan DO, S/C, dan CI. Kata Kunci : Inseminasi Buatan, Days Open, Service per Conception, dan Calving Interval.

  17. Annual Report for Los Alamos National Laboratory Technical Area 54, Area G Disposal Facility - Fiscal Year 2011

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    French, Sean B. [Los Alamos National Laboratory; Shuman, Rob [WPS: WASTE PROJECTS AND SERVICES


    As a condition to the Disposal Authorization Statement issued to Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL or the Laboratory) on March 17, 2010, a comprehensive performance assessment and composite analysis maintenance program must be implemented for the Technical Area 54, Area G disposal facility. Annual determinations of the adequacy of the performance assessment and composite analysis are to be conducted under the maintenance program to ensure that the conclusions reached by those analyses continue to be valid. This report summarizes the results of the fiscal year 2011 annual review for Area G. Revision 4 of the Area G performance assessment and composite analysis was issued in 2008 and formally approved in 2009. These analyses are expected to provide reasonable estimates of the long-term performance of Area G and, hence, the disposal facility's ability to comply with Department of Energy (DOE) performance objectives. Annual disposal receipt reviews indicate that smaller volumes of waste will require disposal in the pits and shafts at Area G relative to what was projected for the performance assessment and composite analysis. The future inventories are projected to decrease modestly for the pits but increase substantially for the shafts due to an increase in the amount of tritium that is projected to require disposal. Overall, however, changes in the projected future inventories of waste are not expected to compromise the ability of Area G to satisfy DOE performance objectives. The Area G composite analysis addresses potential impacts from all waste disposed of at the facility, as well as other sources of radioactive material that may interact with releases from Area G. The level of knowledge about the other sources included in the composite analysis has not changed sufficiently to call into question the validity of that analysis. Ongoing environmental surveillance activities are conducted at, and in the vicinity of, Area G. However, the information generated by

  18. Sustainable Rest Area Design and Operations (United States)


    One way in which State Departments of Transportation (DOTs) can modernize their rest areas while reducing operations and maintenance costs is by incorporating sustainable practices into rest area design and operations. Sustainability practices that D...

  19. Bureau of Land Management Wilderness Areas (United States)

    Earth Data Analysis Center, University of New Mexico — This dataset is meant to depict wilderness areas within the state of New Mexico managed by the Bureau of Land Management These wilderness areas are officially...

  20. Delimiting areas of endemism through kernel interpolation. (United States)

    Oliveira, Ubirajara; Brescovit, Antonio D; Santos, Adalberto J


    We propose a new approach for identification of areas of endemism, the Geographical Interpolation of Endemism (GIE), based on kernel spatial interpolation. This method differs from others in being independent of grid cells. This new approach is based on estimating the overlap between the distribution of species through a kernel interpolation of centroids of species distribution and areas of influence defined from the distance between the centroid and the farthest point of occurrence of each species. We used this method to delimit areas of endemism of spiders from Brazil. To assess the effectiveness of GIE, we analyzed the same data using Parsimony Analysis of Endemism and NDM and compared the areas identified through each method. The analyses using GIE identified 101 areas of endemism of spiders in Brazil GIE demonstrated to be effective in identifying areas of endemism in multiple scales, with fuzzy edges and supported by more synendemic species than in the other methods. The areas of endemism identified with GIE were generally congruent with those identified for other taxonomic groups, suggesting that common processes can be responsible for the origin and maintenance of these biogeographic units.

  1. Delimiting areas of endemism through kernel interpolation.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ubirajara Oliveira

    Full Text Available We propose a new approach for identification of areas of endemism, the Geographical Interpolation of Endemism (GIE, based on kernel spatial interpolation. This method differs from others in being independent of grid cells. This new approach is based on estimating the overlap between the distribution of species through a kernel interpolation of centroids of species distribution and areas of influence defined from the distance between the centroid and the farthest point of occurrence of each species. We used this method to delimit areas of endemism of spiders from Brazil. To assess the effectiveness of GIE, we analyzed the same data using Parsimony Analysis of Endemism and NDM and compared the areas identified through each method. The analyses using GIE identified 101 areas of endemism of spiders in Brazil GIE demonstrated to be effective in identifying areas of endemism in multiple scales, with fuzzy edges and supported by more synendemic species than in the other methods. The areas of endemism identified with GIE were generally congruent with those identified for other taxonomic groups, suggesting that common processes can be responsible for the origin and maintenance of these biogeographic units.

  2. 100 Areas CERCLA ecological investigations

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Landeen, D.S.; Sackschewsky, M.R.; Weiss, S.


    This document reports the results of the field terrestrial ecological investigations conducted by Westinghouse Hanford Company during fiscal years 1991 and 1992 at operable units 100-FR-3, 100-HR-3, 100-NR-2, 100-KR-4, and 100-BC-5. The tasks reported here are part of the Remedial Investigations conducted in support of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 studies for the 100 Areas. These ecological investigations provide (1) a description of the flora and fauna associated with the 100 Areas operable units, emphasizing potential pathways for contaminants and species that have been given special status under existing state and/or federal laws, and (2) an evaluation of existing concentrations of heavy metals and radionuclides in biota associated with the 100 Areas operable units.

  3. 100 Areas CERCLA ecological investigations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Landeen, D.S.; Sackschewsky, M.R.; Weiss, S.


    This document reports the results of the field terrestrial ecological investigations conducted by Westinghouse Hanford Company during fiscal years 1991 and 1992 at operable units 100-FR-3, 100-HR-3, 100-NR-2, 100-KR-4, and 100-BC-5. The tasks reported here are part of the Remedial Investigations conducted in support of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 studies for the 100 Areas. These ecological investigations provide (1) a description of the flora and fauna associated with the 100 Areas operable units, emphasizing potential pathways for contaminants and species that have been given special status under existing state and/or federal laws, and (2) an evaluation of existing concentrations of heavy metals and radionuclides in biota associated with the 100 Areas operable units

  4. High-capacity transport, floor area ratio and its relationship with urbanization of metropolitan areas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Carvalho da Costa, B.L. de; Carvalho da Costa, F.B. de


    Most of the world’s population lives in urban areas (54%). Near 42% of the global urban population live in cities with more than 1 million inhabitants, where problems associated with urban sprawl such as informal settlement, social-economic changes, environmental degradation and deficient high-capacity transport (HCT) systems are common. Meanwhile, urbanization and its associated transportation infrastructure define the relationship between city and countryside, between the city’s inner core and the periphery, between the citizen and his right to move. This article discusses and presents an overview about the relationship between the planning and extension of HCT systems and urban planning, (in the figure of the floor-area ratio - FAR- prescribed in regulations). The methodological approach consists of drawing a conceptual framework and studying 33 different cities of metropolitan areas on five continents. It’s noticed that areas in cities with a high construction potential but with an insufficient HCT negatively influence in urban mobility and hence the right to the city. We consider right to the city the various social and fundamental rights that, among others, includes the right to public transportation. Therefore there’s a real need of an integrated approach of community participation, FAR distribution, urban planning and transportation planning and so that urbanization, inevitable these days, takes place in a fair and harmonious way. (Author)

  5. Black hole entropy for the general area spectrum

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tanaka, Tomo; Tamaki, Takashi


    We consider the possibility that the horizon area is expressed by the general area spectrum in loop quantum gravity when we leave off the semiclassical consideration. To check this idea, we calculate the number of degrees of freedom in spin-network states related to its area. We obtain that logarithm of this number is proportional to its area as in previous works where the simplified area formula has been used. Our result shows that we should be careful in justifying (or falsifying) the area spectrum if we respect to leave off the semiclassical consideration.

  6. Closure report for CAU 339: Area 12 Fleet Operations steam-cleaning discharge area, Nevada Test Site

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This Closure Report (CR) provides documentation of the completed corrective action at the Area 12 Fleet Operations site located in the southeast portion of the Area 12 Camp at the Nevada Test Site (NTS). Field work was performed in July 1997 as outlined in the Corrective Action Plan (CAP). The CAP was approved by the Nevada Division of Environmental Protection (NDEP) in June 1997. This site is identified in the Federal Facility Agreement and Consent Order (FFACO) as Corrective Action Site (CAS) Number 12-19-01 and is the only CAS in Corrective Action Unit (CAU) 339. The former Area 12 Fleet Operations Building 12-16 functioned as a maintenance facility for light- and heavy-duty vehicles from approximately 1965 to January 1993. Services performed at the site included steam-cleaning, tire service, and preventative maintenance on vehicles and equipment. Past activities impacted the former steam-cleaning discharge area with volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) as oil

  7. Reserve Special Flood Hazard Areas (SFHA) (United States)

    Earth Data Analysis Center, University of New Mexico — This vector dataset depicts the 1% annual flood boundary (otherwise known as special flood hazard area or 100 year flood boundary) for its specified area. The data...

  8. West Coast Rockfish Conservation Areas, 2015 (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — These data delineate Rockfish Conservation Areas (RCA) off the West Coast of the United States for 2015. There are three types of areas closures depicted in this...

  9. Broca's area: a supramodal hierarchical processor? (United States)

    Tettamanti, Marco; Weniger, Dorothea


    Despite the presence of shared characteristics across the different domains modulating Broca's area activity (e.g., structural analogies, as between language and music, or representational homologies, as between action execution and action observation), the question of what exactly the common denominator of such diverse brain functions is, with respect to the function of Broca's area, remains largely a debated issue. Here, we suggest that an important computational role of Broca's area may be to process hierarchical structures in a wide range of functional domains.

  10. Nevada Test Site 2001 Waste Management Monitoring Report Area 3 and Area 5 Radioactive Waste Management Sites

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Y. E. Townsend


    Environmental monitoring data, subsidence monitoring data, and meteorology monitoring data were collected at and around the Area 3 and Area 5 Radioactive Waste Management Sites (RWMSs) at the Nevada Test Site (NTS) (refer to Figure 1). These monitoring data include radiation exposure, air, groundwater, meteorology, vadose zone, subsidence, and biota data. Although some of these media (radiation exposure, air, and groundwater) are reported in detail in other Bechtel Nevada (BN) reports (Annual Site Environmental Report [ASER], the National Emissions Standard for Hazardous Air Pollutants [NESHAP] report, and the Annual Groundwater Monitoring Report), they are also summarized in this report to provide an overall evaluation of RWMS performance and environmental compliance. Direct radiation monitoring data indicate that exposure at and around the RWMSs is not above background levels. Air monitoring data indicate that tritium concentrations are slightly above background levels. Groundwater monitoring data indicate that the groundwater in the uppermost aquifer beneath the Area 5 RWMS has not been affected by the facility. Meteorology data indicate that 2001 was an average rainfall year: rainfall totaled 150 mm (5.9 in) at the Area 3 RWMS and 120 mm (4.7 in) at the Area 5 RWMS. Vadose zone monitoring data indicate that 2001 rainfall infiltrated less than one meter (3 ft) before being returned to the atmosphere by evaporation. Soil-gas tritium monitoring data indicate slow subsurface migration, and tritium concentrations in biota were lower than in previous years. All 2001 monitoring data indicate that the Area 3 and Area 5 RWMSs are performing within expectations of the model and parameter assumptions for the facility performance assessments

  11. Economics of area-wide pest control

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mumford, J.D.


    Area-wide pest management is commonly practised throughout the world, probably much more so than is generally recognised (Lindquist 2000, Klassen 2000). Apart from highly publicised area-wide schemes such as the sterile insect technique (SIT) for fruit flies, pheromone disruption for cotton bollworms and classical biological control, there are many examples of actions such as concerted host plant eradication, enforced closed crop seasons, organised pesticide rotation for resistance management, coordination of resistant crop genotypes, etc., some going back several centuries, which should also be considered as area-wide practices. Each of these is faced with many of the economic issues generally associated with area-wide management which will be discussed below. In general, there are to be four major questions to answer in devising an area-wide pest management programme: 1) Should a particular pest be controlled locally or area-wide? 2) What is an appropriate area over which management should be attempted? 3) Within that area what form of control is most efficient? 4) What level of organisation should be used to get the job done? It should be noted that apart from clearly objective measures such as technical effectiveness (say, mortality) or cost efficiency (mortality per dollar), there are many subjective measures that come into the evaluation of area-wide control due to the element of risk (for example, in quarantine and eradication), the boundaries of externalities (for example, variable probabilities of pesticide drift under different conditions or target organism sensitivities) and time preferences for returns on capital investments (such as insect rearing facilities or research to develop pheromone technologies). As a result of these subjective components, it may sometimes be difficult to reach clearly agreed decisions based on objective economic analyses, even with a consensus on the data used. There are three general classes of economic problems in comparing

  12. Planning of Low-rise Urban Housing Areas

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Svensson, O.

    In many countries industrialization of house building has led to the building of large, monotonous housing areas with high-rise construction. In Denmark, however, smaller, varied housing areas with low-rise construction and urban features have become predominant. This report contains guidelines...... for the planning of such housing areas....

  13. Interfacial area measurements in two-phase flow

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Veteau, J.-M.


    A thorough understanding of two-phase flow requires the accurate measurement of the time-averaged interfacial area per unit volume (also called the time-averaged integral specific area). The so-called 'specific area' can be estimated by several techniques described in the literature. These different methods are reviewed and the flow conditions which lead to a rigourous determination of the time-averaged integral specific area are clearly established. The probe technique, involving local measurements seems very attractive because of its large range of application [fr

  14. Coding Theory, Cryptography and Related Areas

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Buchmann, Johannes; Stichtenoth, Henning; Tapia-Recillas, Horacio

    Proceedings of anInternational Conference on Coding Theory, Cryptography and Related Areas, held in Guanajuato, Mexico. in april 1998......Proceedings of anInternational Conference on Coding Theory, Cryptography and Related Areas, held in Guanajuato, Mexico. in april 1998...

  15. Consumer behaviour in the waiting area. (United States)

    Mobach, Mark P


    To determine consumer behaviour in the pharmacy waiting area. The applied methods for data-collection were direct observations. Three Dutch community pharmacies were selected for the study. The topics in the observation list were based on available services at each waiting area (brochures, books, illuminated new trailer, children's play area, etc.). Per patient each activity was registered, and at each pharmacy the behaviour was studied for 2 weeks. Most patients only waited during the waiting time at the studied pharmacies. Few consumers obtained written information during their wait. The waiting area may have latent possibilities to expand the information function of the pharmacy and combine this with other activities that distract the consumer from the wait. Transdisciplinary research, combining knowledge from pharmacy practice research with consumer research, has been a useful approach to add information on queueing behaviour of consumers.

  16. Environmental conflicts in urban regeneration areas

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Aunsborg, Christian; Sørensen, Michael Tophøj


    in more land-based freight and less shipping, amalgamation of industries and re-location due to new localization parameters. As the case may be, these structural alterations bring about more or less abandoned and worn-down areas. Typically, the areas are located centrally in the towns. With that......, they hold a substantial need for redevelopment and revitalization from an urban planning and management point of view as well as a considerable development potential, as the areas generally offer an attractive possibility for building new housing, offices and other white-collar workplaces. However......, redevelopment of these older business areas faces great challenges; especially compared to urban (re)development in general. The property structure and ownerships are often complex and need re-composition to meet new land uses, the soil may be polluted from former activities implying large clearing costs...

  17. Central Facilities Area Sewage Lagoon Evaluation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Giesbrecht, Alan [Idaho National Lab. (INL), Idaho Falls, ID (United States)


    The Central Facilities Area (CFA) located in Butte County, Idaho at Idaho National Laboratory (INL) has an existing wastewater system to collect and treat sanitary wastewater and non contact cooling water from the facility. The existing treatment facility consists of three cells: Cell 1 has a surface area of 1.7 acres, Cell 2 has a surface area of 10.3 acres, and Cell 3 has a surface area of 0.5 acres. If flows exceed the evaporative capacity of the cells, wastewater is discharged to a 73.5 acre land application site that utilizes a center pivot irrigation sprinkler system. The purpose of this current study is to update the analysis and conclusions of the December 2013 study. In this current study, the new seepage rate and influent flow rate data have been used to update the calculations, model, and analysis.

  18. Examination of catchment areas for public transport

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Landex, Alex; Hansen, Stephen; Andersen, Jonas Lohmann Elkjær


    The paper presents a method to examine the catchment areas for stops in high quality public transport systems based on the street network in the examined area. This is achieved by implementing the Service Area functions from the ArcGIS extension Network Analyst. The method is compared to a more...

  19. 13 CFR 130.310 - Area of service. (United States)


    ... 13 Business Credit and Assistance 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Area of service. 130.310 Section 130.310 Business Credit and Assistance SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION SMALL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT CENTERS § 130.310 Area of service. The AA/SBDC shall designate in writing the Area of Service of each...

  20. Youthification in the Metropolitan Area of Cluj

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vlad Cocheci


    Full Text Available This research exercise aims to identify all areas affected by what is now known as ‘youthification’ in the Metropolitan Area of Cluj. Broadly speaking, an area touched by youthification witnesses a massive arrival of young adults, who invest in housing, but only remain there until they age. Youthification is usually the second phase within an encompassing process of gentrification. To gain a clearer picture of this phenomenon, we employed a snapshot of the situation recorded by the Population and Housing Census of 2011. Using this image as a starting point, we then applied statistical thresholds aimed at measuring the presence and intensity of youthification within different areas. Thereafter, we looked at areas exhibiting the same level of youthification, in order to find those common traits of their young adult inhabitants that might prove relevant for their choices in matters of housing. Once completed, our efforts resulted in the first map showing the areas affected by youthification within the Metropolitan Area of Cluj. In addition, we reached the following conclusion: Young adults who live in the city are more likely to still be enrolled in a form of education and less likely to be married or to have children than those who live in the suburbs or in rural areas. This observation implies that there might be some hidden dependency relations, which are at work in shaping the choice of housing.

  1. 100 Area and 300 Area Component of the River Corridor Baseline Risk Assessment Spring 2006 Data Compilation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    J. M. Queen; S. G. Weiss


    The purpose of this report is to describe the sampling approaches, modifications made to the 100 Area and 300 Area component of the RCBRA Sampling and Analysis Plan, summarize validation efforts, and provide sample identification numbers.

  2. 100 Area and 300 Area Component of the River Corridor Baseline Risk Assessment Spring 2006 Data Compilation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Queen, J.M.; Weiss, S.G.


    The purpose of this report is to describe the sampling approaches, modifications made to the 100 Area and 300 Area component of the RCBRA Sampling and Analysis Plan, summarize validation efforts, and provide sample identification numbers.

  3. Local Area Networks. (United States)

    Marks, Kenneth E.; Nielsen, Steven


    Discusses cabling that is needed in local area networks (LANs). Types of cables that may be selected are described, including twisted pair, coaxial cables (or ethernet), and fiber optics; network topologies, the manner in which the cables are laid out, are considered; and cable installation issues are discussed. (LRW)

  4. Overcoming the isolation of disadvantaged housing areas

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Stender, Marie; Bech-Danielsen, Claus

    Disadvantaged social housing areas in Denmark are currently subject to more thorough physical refurbishments, aiming to overcome the isolated character of the housing estates. The ambition is to attract new users and residents by opening up the borders of the area and establish attractive, new...... penthouse flats, new urban functions within the area or spectacular new public spaces near it. In this paper the social impact of such transformations are analysed and discussed based on case-studies in 3 Danish areas. The analysis shows that especially everyday-route strategies adding new public functions...

  5. Assessment of water resources in lead-zinc mined areas in Cherokee County, Kansas, and adjacent areas (United States)

    Spruill, Timothy B.


    A study was conducted to evaluate water-resources problems related to abandoned lead and zinc mines in Cherokee County, Kansas, and adjacent areas in Missouri and Oklahoma. Past mining activities have caused changes in the hydrogeology of the area. Lead and zinc mining has caused discontinuities and perforations in the confining shale west of the Pennsylvanian-Mississippian geologic contact (referred to as the western area), which have created artificial ground-water recharge and discharge areas. Recharge to the shallow aquifer (rocks of Mississippian age) through collapses, shafts, and drill holes in the shale has caused the formation of a ground-water 'mound' in the vicinity of the Picher Field in Kansas and Oklahoma. Discharge of mine-contaminated ground water to Tar Creek occurs in Oklahoma from drill holes and shafts where the potentiometric surface of the shallow aquifer is above the land surface. Mining of ore in the shallow aquifer has resulted in extensive fracturing and removal of material, which has created highly transmissive zones and voids and increased ground-water storage properties of the aquifer. In the area east of the Pennsylvanian-Mississippian geologic contact (referred to as the eastern area), fractured rock and tailings on the land surface increased the amount of water available for infiltration to the shallow aquifer; in the western area, tailings on the impermeable shale created artificial, perched aquifer systems that slowly drain to surface streams. Pumping of the deep aquifer (rocks of Cambrian and Ordovician age) by towns and industries, which developed as a result of the mining industry, has resulted in a potential for downward movement of water from the shallow aquifer. The potential is greatest in Ottawa County, Oklahoma. Because of the large volume of water that may be transported from the shallow to the deep aquifer, open drill holes or casings present the greatest contamination hazard to water supplies in the deep aquifer. Mining

  6. Factors Influencing Choice of Occupational Area among Technical ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Interest in study area; perceived availability of job opportunities related to area of specialization; simplicity of area in training and in employment; and perceived affordability of equipment for self-employment were found to influence choice of occupational area among the two groups. Keywords: Technical Education; Career ...

  7. Tanks Focus Area annual report FY2000

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) continues to face a major radioactive waste tank remediation effort with tanks containing hazardous and radioactive waste resulting from the production of nuclear materials. With some 90 million gallons of waste in the form of solid, sludge, liquid, and gas stored in 287 tanks across the DOE complex, containing approximately 650 million curies, radioactive waste storage tank remediation is the nation's highest cleanup priority. Differing waste types and unique technical issues require specialized science and technology to achieve tank cleanup in an environmentally acceptable manner. Some of the waste has been stored for over 50 years in tanks that have exceeded their design lives. The challenge is to characterize and maintain these contents in a safe condition and continue to remediate and close each tank to minimize the risks of waste migration and exposure to workers, the public, and the environment. In 1994, the DOE's Office of Environmental Management (EM) created a group of integrated, multiorganizational teams focusing on specific areas of the EM cleanup mission. These teams have evolved into five focus areas managed within EM's Office of Science and Technology (OST): Tanks Focus Area (TFA); Deactivation and Decommissioning Focus Area; Nuclear Materials Focus Area; Subsurface Contaminants Focus Area; and Transuranic and Mixed Waste Focus Area

  8. Landscape Character of Pongkor Mining Ecotourism Area (United States)

    Kusumoarto, A.; Gunawan, A.; Machfud; Hikmat, A.


    Pongkor Mining Ecotourism Area has a diverse landscape character as a potential landscape resources for the development of ecotourism destination. This area is part of the Mount of Botol Resort, Halimun Salak National Park (HSNP). This area also has a fairly high biodiversity. This study aims to identify and analysis the category of landscape character in the Pongkor Mining Ecotourism Area for the development of ecotourism destination. This study used a descriptive approach through field surveys and interviews, was carried out through two steps : 1) identify the landscape character, and 2) analysis of the landscape character. The results showed that in areas set aside for ecotourism destination in Pongkor Mining, landscape character category scattered forests, tailing ponds, river, plain, and the built environment. The Category of landscape character most dominant scattered in the area is forest, here is the river, plain, tailing ponds, the built environment, and plain. The landscape character in a natural environment most preferred for ecotourism activities. The landscape character that spread in the natural environment and the built environment is a potential that must be protected and modified such as elimination of incongruous element, accentuation of natural form, alteration of the natural form, intensification and enhanced visual quality intensively to be developed as a ecotourism destination area.

  9. Geospatial Assessment of Coseismic Landslides in Baturagung Area

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aditya Saputra


    Full Text Available Java, the most densely populated island in Indonesia, is located on top of the most seismically active areas in Southeast Asia: the Sunda Megathrust. This area is frequently hit by strong earthquake. More than 3,300 M>5earthquakesoccurred between 1973-2014. The wide range of mountainous areas and high intensity of rainfall, make several part of the island one of the most exposed regions for coseismic landslides such as Baturagung area, the Southeast mountainous area of Yogyakarta Province. An integrated method between RS and GIS was used to conduct the vulnerability assessment due to the lack of the site specific slope instability analysis and coseismic landslides data. The seismic zonation of Baturagung area was obtained based on the analysis of Kanai attenuation. The geologic information was extracted using remote sensing interpretation based on the 1:100,000 geologic map of Yogyakarta and geomorphologic map of Baturagung area as well. The coseismic landslide hazard assessment has been estimated using scoring analysis in the GIS platform proposed by Mora and Vahrson (1993 with several modification. The accomplished coseismic landslide hazard map shows medium hazard coverage in the eastern areas, in the upper slope of Baturagung area, which consists of Semilir Formation. The result provides a distinct description of coseismic landslides hazard distribution in Batuaragung area. However, it should only be the preliminary assessment of the site specific investigation especially on valuable area or asset.

  10. Upper limit of peak area

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Helene, O.A.M.


    The determination of the upper limit of peak area in a multi-channel spectra, with a known significance level is discussed. This problem is specially important when the peak area is masked by the background statistical fluctuations. The problem is exactly solved and, thus, the results are valid in experiments with small number of events. The results are submitted to a Monte Carlo test and applied to the 92 Nb beta decay. (Author) [pt

  11. Nevada Test Site 2000 Waste Management Monitoring Report Area 3 and Area 5 Radioactive Waste Management Sites

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yvonne Townsend


    Environmental monitoring data, subsidence monitoring data, and meteorology monitoring data were collected at and around the Area 3 and Area 5 Radioactive Waste Management Sites (RWMSs) at the Nevada Test Site (NTS) (refer to Figure 1). These monitoring data include radiation exposure, air, groundwater, meteorology, vadose zone, subsidence, and biota data. Although some of these media (radiation exposure, air, and groundwater) are reported in detail in other Bechtel Nevada reports (Annual Site Environmental Report [ASER], the National Emissions Standard for Hazardous Air Pollutants [NESHAP] report, and the Annual Groundwater Monitoring Report), they are also summarized in this report to provide an overall evaluation of RWMS performance and environmental compliance. Direct radiation monitoring data indicate that exposure at and around the RWMSs is not above background levels. Air monitoring data indicate that tritium concentrations are slightly above background levels, whereas radon concentrations are not above background levels. Groundwater monitoring data indicate that the groundwater in the uppermost aquifer beneath the Area 5 RWMS has not been affected by the facility. Meteorology data indicate that 2000 was an average rainfall year: rainfall totaled 167 mm (6.6 in) at the Area 3 RWMS (annual average is 156 mm [6.5 in]) and 123 mm (4.8 in) at the Area 5 RWMS (annual average is 127 mm [5.0 in]). Vadose zone monitoring data indicate that 2000 rainfall infiltrated less than one meter (3 ft) before being returned to the atmosphere by evaporation. Soil-gas tritium monitoring data indicate slow subsurface migration, and tritium concentrations in biota were lower than in previous years. All 2000 monitoring data indicate that the Area 3 and Area 5 RWMSs are performing well at isolating buried waste

  12. Analysis on Residents’ Travel Activity Pattern in Historic Urban Areas: A Case Study of Historic Urban Area of Yangzhou, China

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mao Ye


    Full Text Available Travel behaviors and activity patterns in the historic urban area of a city are expected to be different from the overall situations in the city area. The primary objective of this study is to analyze the residents’ travel activity patterns in historic urban area. Based on survey data conducted in the historic urban area of Yangzhou, the travel activities of local residents in a whole day were classified into five types of patterns. The multinomial logit (MNL model was developed to evaluate the impacts of explanatory variables on the choices of activity patterns. The results showed that the choice of activity pattern was significantly impacted by five contributing factors including the gender, age, occupation, car ownership, and number of electric bikes in household. The other variables, which were the family population, preschoolers, number of conventional bikes in household, motorcycle ownership, and income, were found to be not significantly related to the choice of activities. The results of this study from historic urban area were compared to findings of previous studies from overall urban area. The comparison showed that the impacts of factors on activity pattern in the historic urban area were different from those in the overall area. Findings of this study provide important suggestions for the policy makings to improve the traffic situations in historic urban areas of cities.

  13. Urban nature conservation: vegetation of natural areas in the Potchefstroom municipal area, North West Province, South Africa

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    S.S. Cilliers


    Full Text Available This study on the natural and degraded natural vegetation of natural areas in the Potchefstroom Municipal Area, forms part of a research programme on spontaneous vegetation in urban open spaces in the North West Province, South Africa. Using a numerical classification technique (TWINSPAN as a first approximation, the classification was refined by applying Braun-Blanquet procedures. The result is a phytosociological table from which 6 plant communities were recognised, which are subdivided in sub-communities and variants, resulting in 18 vegetation units. Some of these vegetation units are similar to communities described previously in natural areas. The presence of degraded natural communities suggests huge anthropogenic influences in certain areas. An ordination (DECORANA scatter diagram shows the distribution of the plant communities along gradients which could be related to vegetation structure, altitude, soil depth, rockiness of soil surface, wetness or dryness of the habitat and number of introduced species. This study contributes to the compilation of a guideline for a conservation orientated management plan for the area, but also created a wealth of new knowledge of the reaction of indigenous plant species under disturbed conditions.

  14. 7 CFR 301.38-3 - Protected areas. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 5 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Protected areas. 301.38-3 Section 301.38-3 Agriculture..., DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE DOMESTIC QUARANTINE NOTICES Black Stem Rust § 301.38-3 Protected areas. (a) The Administrator may designate as a protected area in paragraph (d) of this section any State that has eradicated...

  15. 50 CFR 697.23 - Restricted gear areas. (United States)


    ... 50 Wildlife and Fisheries 9 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Restricted gear areas. 697.23 Section 697... Measures § 697.23 Restricted gear areas. (a) Resolution of lobster gear conflicts with fisheries managed...) Restricted Gear Area I—(1) Duration—(i) Mobile Gear. From October 1 through June 15 of each fishing year, no...

  16. Solar Cels With Reduced Contact Areas (United States)

    Daud, T.; Crotty, G. T.; Kachare, A. H.; Lewis, J. T.


    Efficiency of silicon solar cells increased about 20 percent using smaller metal-contact area on silicon at front and back of each cell. Reduction in contact area reduces surface recombination velocity under contact and thus reduces reverse saturation current and increases opencircuit voltage..

  17. Influence of relief on permanent preservation areas. (United States)

    Dos Santos, Alexandre Rosa; Chimalli, Tessa; Peluzio, João Batista Esteves; da Silva, Aderbal Gomes; Dos Santos, Gleissy Mary Amaral Dino Alves; Lorenzon, Alexandre Simões; Teixeira, Thaisa Ribeiro; de Castro, Nero Lemos Martins; Soares Ribeiro, Carlos Antonio Alvares


    Many countries have environmental legislation to protecting natural resources on private property. In Brazil, the Brazilian Forestry Code determines specific areas to maintain with natural vegetation cover, known as areas of permanent preservation (APP). Currently, there are few studies that relate topographic variables on APP. In this context, we sought to evaluate the influence of relief on the conservation of areas of permanent preservation (APP) in the areas surrounding Caparaó National Park, Brazil. By using the chi-squared statistical test, we verified that the presence of forest cover is closely associated with altitude. The classes of APP in better conservation status are slopes in addition to hilltops and mountains, whereas APP streams and springs are among the areas most affected by human activities. The most deforested areas are located at altitudes below 1100.00 m and on slopes less than 45°. All orientations of the sides were significant for APP conservation status, with the southern, southeastern, and southwestern sides showing the lower degrees of impact. The methodology can be adjusted to environmental legislation to other countries.

  18. Are some areas more equal than others? Socioeconomic inequality in potentially avoidable emergency hospital admissions within English local authority areas. (United States)

    Sheringham, Jessica; Asaria, Miqdad; Barratt, Helen; Raine, Rosalind; Cookson, Richard


    Objectives Reducing health inequalities is an explicit goal of England's health system. Our aim was to compare the performance of English local administrative areas in reducing socioeconomic inequality in emergency hospital admissions for ambulatory care sensitive chronic conditions. Methods We used local authority area as a stable proxy for health and long-term care administrative geography between 2004/5 and 2011/12. We linked inpatient hospital activity, deprivation, primary care, and population data to small area neighbourhoods (typical population 1500) within administrative areas (typical population 250,000). We measured absolute inequality gradients nationally and within each administrative area using neighbourhood-level linear models of the relationship between national deprivation and age-sex-adjusted emergency admission rates. We assessed local equity performance by comparing local inequality against national inequality to identify areas significantly more or less equal than expected; evaluated stability over time; and identified where equity performance was steadily improving or worsening. We then examined associations between change in socioeconomic inequalities and change in within-area deprivation (gentrification). Finally, we used administrative area-level random and fixed effects models to examine the contribution of primary care to inequalities in admissions. Results Data on 316 administrative areas were included in the analysis. Local inequalities were fairly stable between consecutive years, but 32 areas (10%) showed steadily improving or worsening equity. In the 21 improving areas, the gap between most and least deprived fell by 3.9 admissions per 1000 (six times the fall nationally) between 2004/5 and 2011/12, while in the 11 areas worsening, the gap widened by 2.4. There was no indication that measured improvements in local equity were an artefact of gentrification or that changes in primary care supply or quality contributed to changes in

  19. Protected Areas: How much is enough?

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hollands, Martin [Fauna and Flora International (International organizations without location); Roe, Dilys


    Protected areas have long been the cornerstone of international conservation policy. The 2003 United Nations List of Protected Areas shows that in the last 40 years coverage has increased dramatically from 2.4 to 18.8 million km2. At the same time, the continuing decline of biodiversity has been a cause for international concern culminating in the agreement of an international Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) at the 1992 'Earth Summit'. In the same year, the IUCN World Parks Congress (WPC) set a target for protected area coverage at 10 per cent of the world's surface area – a target that was endorsed by the 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD). The following year, at the 2003 IUCN World Parks Congress it was announced that total coverage had actually exceeded the 10 per cent target and was in fact closer to 12 per cent.

  20. The dose-area product in DSA

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gfirtner, H.


    In DSA, the dose-area product shows a very good correlation with the maximum incidence dose. It may therefore serve as a reliable basis for the assessment of radiation doses to patients. The dose-area product is also a useful tool for the detection pf peak shifts in the radiation curves for certain investigations. In view of the considerable scatter of the values for the dose-area product these must, however, be subjected to an additional statistical analysis. Provided that this rule is observed, the dose-area product will considerably gain in importance for the monitoring of radiation exposures of patients. A very noteworthy learning effect could be achieved, if it would be made mandatory for those statistical analyses to be carried out not only on an investigation-specific but also an investigator-specific basis. The latter is particularly true of teaching hospitals. (orig./VHE) [de

  1. Annual Report for Los Alamos National Laboratory Technical Area 54, Area G Disposal Facility - Fiscal Year 2016

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Birdsell, Kay Hanson [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States); Stauffer, Philip H. [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States); Atchley, Adam Lee [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States); Miller, Elizabeth D. [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States); Chu, Shaoping [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States); French, Sean B. [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States)


    As a condition to the disposal authorization statement issued to Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL or the Laboratory) on March 17, 2010, a comprehensive performance assessment and composite analysis (PA/CA) maintenance program must be implemented for the Technical Area 54, Area G disposal facility. Annual determinations of the adequacy of the PA/CA are to be conducted under the maintenance program to ensure that the conclusions reached by those analyses continue to be valid. This report summarizes the results of the fiscal year (FY) 2016 annual review for Area G.

  2. 9 CFR 72.5 - Area quarantined in Texas. (United States)


    ... 9 Animals and Animal Products 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Area quarantined in Texas. 72.5... AGRICULTURE INTERSTATE TRANSPORTATION OF ANIMALS (INCLUDING POULTRY) AND ANIMAL PRODUCTS TEXAS (SPLENETIC) FEVER IN CATTLE § 72.5 Area quarantined in Texas. The area quarantined in Texas is the quarantined area...

  3. Analysis of area level and unit level models for small area estimation in forest inventories assisted with LiDAR auxiliary information. (United States)

    Mauro, Francisco; Monleon, Vicente J; Temesgen, Hailemariam; Ford, Kevin R


    Forest inventories require estimates and measures of uncertainty for subpopulations such as management units. These units often times hold a small sample size, so they should be regarded as small areas. When auxiliary information is available, different small area estimation methods have been proposed to obtain reliable estimates for small areas. Unit level empirical best linear unbiased predictors (EBLUP) based on plot or grid unit level models have been studied more thoroughly than area level EBLUPs, where the modelling occurs at the management unit scale. Area level EBLUPs do not require a precise plot positioning and allow the use of variable radius plots, thus reducing fieldwork costs. However, their performance has not been examined thoroughly. We compared unit level and area level EBLUPs, using LiDAR auxiliary information collected for inventorying 98,104 ha coastal coniferous forest. Unit level models were consistently more accurate than area level EBLUPs, and area level EBLUPs were consistently more accurate than field estimates except for large management units that held a large sample. For stand density, volume, basal area, quadratic mean diameter, mean height and Lorey's height, root mean squared errors (rmses) of estimates obtained using area level EBLUPs were, on average, 1.43, 2.83, 2.09, 1.40, 1.32 and 1.64 times larger than those based on unit level estimates, respectively. Similarly, direct field estimates had rmses that were, on average, 1.37, 1.45, 1.17, 1.17, 1.26, and 1.38 times larger than rmses of area level EBLUPs. Therefore, area level models can lead to substantial gains in accuracy compared to direct estimates, and unit level models lead to very important gains in accuracy compared to area level models, potentially justifying the additional costs of obtaining accurate field plot coordinates.

  4. The problem with areas: Asia and Area studies

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Victor T. King


    Full Text Available Review of:Goh Beng Lan (ed., Decentring & diversifying Southeast Asian Studies: Perspectives from the region. Singapore: ISEAS, 2011, xiii + 304 pp. ISBN 9789814311564, price: USD 34.90 (paperback; 9789814311571, USD 45.90 (hardback.Terence Wesley-Smith and Jon Goss (eds, Remaking Area studies: Teaching and learning across Asia and the Pacific. Honolulu: University of Hawai‘i Press, 2010, xxvii + 243 pp. ISBN 9780824833213. Price: USD 45.00 (hardback.Jacob Edmond, Henry Johnson and Jacqueline Leckie (eds, Recentring Asia: Histories, encounters, identities, xv + 339 pp. Leiden/Boston: Brill, Global Oriental: 2011. ISBN 9781906876258. Price: EUR 80.00 (hardback.

  5. GPS measurements in Satakunta area

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Poutanen, M.; Nyberg, S.; Ahola, J.


    The Finnish Geodetic Institute, the Geological Survey of Finland, Posiva Ltd and municipalities in the district of Satakunta launched the GeoSatakunta research program in 2002 to carry out interdisciplinary studies on regional bedrock stress field and to apply the results e.g. in land use planning in the Satakunta area. The area was chosen for many reasons. Its geological diversity, extensive multi-disciplinary data coverage, and various interests of participants made the area suitable for the project. The purpose of the GPS observations is to get detailed information on recent crustal deformations in the area. The Finnish Geodetic Institute maintains e.g. national GPS network, FinnRef, and since 1995 a local research network in the Olkiluoto area. The Satakunta network differs from these, and this is the first time to obtain such detailed information of a regional network in Finland. The Satakunta GPS network consists of 13 concrete pillars for episodic GPS campaigns and the Olkiluoto permanent GPS station in the FinnRef network. The distances between the concrete pillars are 10-15 km, and the sites were chosen in a co-operation with the Geological Survey of Finland taking into account the geological structures in the area. The City of Pori made the final reconnaissance in the field and constructed eight pillars in 2003. The original network was expanded in 2005-2006 in Eurajoki and Rauma, and at the City of Rauma joined the co-operation. The five new pillars join the previous Olkiluoto network into the Satakunta network. There have been three annual GPS campaigns in 2003-2008. Time series of the Satakunta network are shorter than in the Olkiluoto network, and also the distances are longer. Therefore, the same accuracy than in Olkiluoto has not yet achieved. However, mm-sized movements can be excluded. Estimated velocities were small (0.2 mm/a) and mostly statistically insignificant because of relatively short time series. In this publication we describe the

  6. Paduan Ni-Cu-Mn Sebagai Logam Alternatif Kedokteran Gigi: Efek Perendaman dalam Larutan 0,1% Sodium Sulfida

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bambang Irawan


    Full Text Available In this study, the ternary base alloys of nickel-copper-manganese (Ni-Cu-Mn alloys are prepared and these ternary alloys systems, which were constituted from higher nickel and lower copper contents than copper-base alloy ones, were evaluated by a tarnish test. Tarnish tests conducted in a 0,1% sodium sulphide solution (pH=12 at 37◦C. All test specimens were case into square paddles of 15 mm x 20 mm x 2,5 mm using the lost-wax technique with a phosphate-bonded investment. The surface of the specimens were then prepared with abrasion papers down to a 600 grit finish. Tarnish attack was quantitatively evaluated by Fibre colorimetry. The results of tarnish test showed that ternary nickel-copper-manganese alloys, such as 40Ni-30Cu-30Mn and 50Ni-30Cu-20Mn, have superior tarnishment resistance than other alloys, e.g. 20Ni-40Cu-40Mn, 30Ni-30Cu-40Mn and 30Ni-40Cu-30Mn. It was also found that 40Ni-30Cu-30Mn and 50Ni-30Cu-20Mn alloys have lower values of colour change vector than the other alloys given above.

  7. Pengaruh Implantasi Subkutan Logam Kobalt Kromium sebagai Bahan Alternatif Mini Screw Orthodontics terhadap Reaksi Jaringan Kelinci Albino

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ananto Ali Alhasyimi


    t-test untuk mengetahui apakah ada perbedaan jumlah sel-sel inflamasi pada kelompok perlakuan dan kontrol. Hasil pengamatan makroskopis, kelompok perlakuan maupun kontrol hanya terlihat tanda inflamasi ringan berupa eritema. Rerata dan Simpangan baku jumlah PMN, limfosit, sel plasma, makrofag, giant cell, neovaskularisasi, fibrosis kobalt kromium dan kontrol berturut turut yaitu (0,6 ± 0,49; 0,7 ± 0,48; (0,9 ± 0,87; 1,0 ± 0,67; (0,6 ± 0,24; 0,6 ± 0,21; (1,4 ± 0,84; 0,9 ± 0,74; (0,5 ± 0,27; 0; (0,6 ± 0,33; 0,7 ± 0,48; (0,5 ± 0,27; 0,1 ± 0,02. Hasil t-test menunjukkan perbedaan yang tidak signifikan (p>0,05 pada 6 parameter inflamasi sedangkan parameter giant cell menunjukkan perbedaan yang signifikan (p0.05. The conclusion of this study is that the cobalt chromium alloy can affect the subcutaneous tissue by inducing giant cell infiltration on day 14 post-implantation as the result of foreign body reactions.


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    Gusti Indah Hayati


    Full Text Available The production process of sasirangan fabric produced liquid waste from dyeing and coloring process. One of the pollutant that contained in liquid waste was chrom metal. Reduction of Cr metal from sasirangan industrial liquid waste used tamarind (trembesi seeds as the adsorbent. The purpose of this research was to know the effect of adsorbent concentration 1; 2; 3 and 4 % w/v to reduction of Cr metal in sasirangan industry. Variation of adsorbent concentration that used 1 g/100 ml, 2 g/100 ml, 3 g/100 ml and 4 g/100 ml Sasirangan liquid waste by stirring for 30 minutes in 100 rpm at 55oC and the size of adsorbent was 250 micron. The pyrolisis process had setting at 450oC temperatures for 5 hours operation. Adsorbent was activated by HCl 0.1N for 24 hours. Chrom metal residu which contained in sasirangan waste was analyzed using ICP (inductively coupled plasma. This analysis aims to determine residual chrom metal concentration in sasirangan industries after adsorption process. The greater adsorbent was added at adsorption process, the less residual chrom metal concentration which contained in sasirngan waste. The results of this research showed that adsorbent can decrease Cr metal up to 80.65%. The initial concentration of Cr metal in sasirangan waste was 2 ppm and the decreasing of Cr metal maximum remaining was 0.347 ppm at 2 g adsorbent.


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    Anna Rejeki Simbolon


    Full Text Available Waste containing heavy metals originating from human activity in Tangerang will go into the waters and tributaries of the Coastal District Tangerang. Heavy metals accumulate in bodies of water, sediment and biota scallop will go into the human body through exposure to direct dermal contact or intake. The purpose of this study to determine the public health risk due to exposure to heavy metals and formulate risk management that can be done. The approach taken by the USEPA methods of risk analysis and quantification of health risks from exposure to water and sediment using SEDISOIL risk analysis model developed by the National Institute of Public Health and Environmental Protection.. The results showed that in general water quality parameters are still below the quality standard by decree No. 51 of 2004 LH. Analysis of health risks for people who move directly (bathing, swimming, fishing shows the value of RQ > 1, meaning that coastal communities at risk for adverse effects of exposure to heavy metals Pb, Cd and Zn. Similarly, the results of the analysis of risk through consumption of biota scallop, with RQ values > 1 and ECR > 10-4. It shows that scallop (Placuna placenta is not suitable for consumption by the public, because the content of Pd , Cd, and Zn health risk for consuming.Keywords: risk assessment, heavy metals, Tangerang District littoral

  10. Improving risk estimates of runoff producing areas: formulating variable source areas as a bivariate process. (United States)

    Cheng, Xiaoya; Shaw, Stephen B; Marjerison, Rebecca D; Yearick, Christopher D; DeGloria, Stephen D; Walter, M Todd


    Predicting runoff producing areas and their corresponding risks of generating storm runoff is important for developing watershed management strategies to mitigate non-point source pollution. However, few methods for making these predictions have been proposed, especially operational approaches that would be useful in areas where variable source area (VSA) hydrology dominates storm runoff. The objective of this study is to develop a simple approach to estimate spatially-distributed risks of runoff production. By considering the development of overland flow as a bivariate process, we incorporated both rainfall and antecedent soil moisture conditions into a method for predicting VSAs based on the Natural Resource Conservation Service-Curve Number equation. We used base-flow immediately preceding storm events as an index of antecedent soil wetness status. Using nine sub-basins of the Upper Susquehanna River Basin, we demonstrated that our estimated runoff volumes and extent of VSAs agreed with observations. We further demonstrated a method for mapping these areas in a Geographic Information System using a Soil Topographic Index. The proposed methodology provides a new tool for watershed planners for quantifying runoff risks across watersheds, which can be used to target water quality protection strategies. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  11. Aperture area measurement facility (United States)

    Federal Laboratory Consortium — NIST has established an absolute aperture area measurement facility for circular and near-circular apertures use in radiometric instruments. The facility consists of...

  12. Ground-water conditions in the Grand County area, Utah, with emphasis on the Mill Creek-Spanish Valley area (United States)

    Blanchard, Paul J.


    The Grand County area includes all of Grand County, the Mill Creek and Pack Creek drainages in San Juan County, and the area between the Colorado and Green Rivers in San Juan County. The Grand County area includes about 3,980 square miles, and the Mill Creek-Spanish Valley area includes about 44 square miles. The three principal consolidated-rock aquifers in the Grand County area are the Entrada, Navajo, and Wingate aquifers in the Entrada Sandstone, the Navajo Sandstone, and the Wingate Sandstone, and the principal consolidated-rock aquifer in the Mill Creek-Spanish Valley area is the Glen Canyon aquifer in the Glen Canyon Group, comprised of the Navajo Sandstone, the Kayenta Formation, and the Wingate Sandstone.Recharge to the Entrada, Navajo, and Glen Canyon aquifers typically occurs where the formations containing the aquifers crop out or are overlain by unconsolidated sand deposits. Recharge is enhanced where the sand deposits are saturated at a depth of more than about 6 feet below the land surface, and the effects of evaporation begin to decrease rapidly with depth. Recharge to the Wingate aquifer typically occurs by downward movement of water from the Navajo aquifer through the Kayenta Formation, and primarily occurs where the Navajo Sandstone, Kayenta Formation, and the Wingate Sandstone are fractured.

  13. Natural Vegetation of the Flora area

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sebsebe, Demissew; Friis, Ib


    A review article summarising the recent ideas about the natural vegetation in the area covered by the Flora of Ethiopia and Eritrea......A review article summarising the recent ideas about the natural vegetation in the area covered by the Flora of Ethiopia and Eritrea...

  14. Some Knowledge Areas in Blindness Rehabilitation. (United States)

    Giesen, J. Martin; Cavenaugh, Brenda S.; Johnson, Cherie A.


    Provides an outline of knowledge areas in rehabilitation counseling and rehabilitation teaching related to visual impairments such as: core areas; planning and delivery services; job development, placement, and follow-along; job engineering; Braille and other tactual systems; communication systems; computers for individuals with visual…

  15. New Area Law in General Relativity. (United States)

    Bousso, Raphael; Engelhardt, Netta


    We report a new area law in general relativity. A future holographic screen is a hypersurface foliated by marginally trapped surfaces. We show that their area increases monotonically along the foliation. Future holographic screens can easily be found in collapsing stars and near a big crunch. Past holographic screens exist in any expanding universe and obey a similar theorem, yielding the first rigorous area law in big bang cosmology. Unlike event horizons, these objects can be identified at finite time and without reference to an asymptotic boundary. The Bousso bound is not used, but it naturally suggests a thermodynamic interpretation of our result.

  16. Nondestructive, stereological estimation of canopy surface area

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wulfsohn, Dvora-Laio; Sciortino, Marco; Aaslyng, Jesper M.


    We describe a stereological procedure to estimate the total leaf surface area of a plant canopy in vivo, and address the problem of how to predict the variance of the corresponding estimator. The procedure involves three nested systematic uniform random sampling stages: (i) selection of plants from...... a canopy using the smooth fractionator, (ii) sampling of leaves from the selected plants using the fractionator, and (iii) area estimation of the sampled leaves using point counting. We apply this procedure to estimate the total area of a chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum morifolium L.) canopy and evaluate both...... the time required and the precision of the estimator. Furthermore, we compare the precision of point counting for three different grid intensities with that of several standard leaf area measurement techniques. Results showed that the precision of the plant leaf area estimator based on point counting...


    Calkins, James A.; Pattee, Eldon C.


    A mineral survey of the Spanish Peaks Primitive Area, Montana, disclosed a small low-grade deposit of demonstrated chromite and asbestos resources. The chances for discovery of additional chrome resources are uncertain and the area has little promise for the occurrence of other mineral or energy resources. A reevaluation, sampling at depth, and testing for possible extensions of the Table Mountain asbestos and chromium deposit should be undertaken in the light of recent interpretations regarding its geologic setting.

  18. Heat Pumps in Subarctic Areas

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Atlason, Reynir Smari; Oddsson, Gudmundur Valur; Unnthorsson, Runar


    Geothermal heat pumps use the temperature difference between inside and outside areas to modify a refrigerant, either for heating or cooling. Doing so can lower the need for external heating energy for a household to some extent. The eventual impact depends on various factors, such as the external...... source for heating or cooling and the temperature difference. The use of geothermal heat pumps, and eventual benefits has not been studied in the context of frigid areas, such as in Iceland. In Iceland, only remote areas do not have access to district heating from geothermal energy where households may...... therefor benefit from using geothermal heat pumps. It is the intent of this study to explore the observed benefits of using geothermal heat pumps in Iceland, both financially and energetically. This study further elaborates on incentives provided by the Icelandic government. Real data was gathered from...

  19. Multifunctional centers in rural areas

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Svendsen, Gunnar Lind Haase


    abandoned. One outcome has been closings of schools in remote rural areas. This evidently contributes to exacerbate depopulation in these areas. To stop this tendency, we need new models for high-quality, cost effective public services in rural areas as those as we find in Denmark. This chapter introduces...... ideological roots in history pointing at 19th c. national civic movements and an early 20th c. transnational Garden City movement within urban planning as crucial. Drawing on contemporary case studies of multifunctional centers in Holland and Denmark, I then suggest that public and private donors should...... invest in multifunctional centers in which the local public school is the dynamo. This in order to increase local levels of social as well as human capital. Ideally, such centers should contain both public services such as school, library and health care, private enterprises as hairdressers and banks...

  20. Speleogenesis in Dinaric karst area (United States)

    Garasic, Mladen; Garasic, Davor


    Dinaric Karst is one of the largest karst regions in Europe and in the World. It is the paramount karst of Europe and type site of many karst features. Dinaric Karst Area covers an extensive part of the Dinarides, a mountain chain in Southern Europe named after Dinara Mt., an impressive and outstanding rocky wall on the border between Dalmatian part of Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Dinaric Karst occupies an area from the Friuli Plain (Doberdo Karst Plateau) and Slovenian mountains near Postojna cave on the northwest, to Skadar Lake and Prokletije Mt. on the southeast, from Central Bosnian Mountains on the northeast, and the Adriatic Sea seafloor with its islands. The Dinarides outspread in a so-called "Dinaric strike" (NW-SE) for 650 km in length and are up to 150 km wide across SW-NE. The biggest part of the Dinaric Karst Area is situated within Croatian territory (continental, Adriatic coastal and seafloor karst) comprising all karst features with exceptional examples exposed on the surface as well as in the underground. Classical karst area is the one situated in Slovenia, where typical karst features were described for the first time. Presentation of the outstanding values of Dinaric karst is based on the values that can be met in Italy, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia and Albania, too. Dinaric Karst is the World's natural heritage because of its unique and outstanding geological characteristics and its living world; some of them are of outstanding natural beauty. Dinaric karst is an integral, compact karst area with extremely great thickness of carbonate rocks of predominantly Mesozoic age which in some areas exceeds 8.000 m. It bears several cycles of karstification thus giving world uniqueness to the area, especially regarding the wealth of submerged karst phenomena, among which vruljes are world unique features. Dinaric karst is one of the largest karst regions in the World. From the scientific perspective, the Dinaric Karst is one of