
Sample records for arce una entidad

  1. Hamartoma mamario gigante: dos casos de una entidad rara


    T.A. Gomes-Rodrigues; A. López-Ojeda; J. Muñoz i Vidal; M.T. Soler-Monsó; J.M. Serra-Payro; A. Guma-Martínez; F. Chavarría-Marín; M. Dewever


    El hamartoma gigante de la mama es una entidad clínico-patológica inusual que tiende a confundirse con otros tumores. A pesar del avance en las técnicas diagnósticas, su diagnóstico clínico es difícil y normalmente solo se confirma cuando se analiza toda la pieza de resección. El diagnóstico diferencial debe incluir entidades como el fibroadenoma, lipoma, tumor phyllodes y diversos tipos de carcinomas. Presentamos 2 casos de hamartoma gigante de mama en mujeres de edad media, de los cuales un...

  2. Los empleados de las entidades de créditos españolas, desde una óptica de responsabilidad social empresarial

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    Antoni Seguí Alcaraz


    Full Text Available La exigencia de la sociedad occidental de considerar algo más que beneficios económicos por parte de las entidades de crédito, requiere y reclama beneficios sociales. Es cada vez mayor, el convencimiento de que la repercusión de las actividades de una entidad de crédito en los derechos humanos de sus empleados y de las comunidades locales, sobrepasa el ámbito de los derechos laborales. El objetivo es evaluar si las entidades de crédito con mayor sensibilidad hacia Responsabilidad Social Empresarial implementan prácticas de valores compartidos con sus empleados. El trabajo de campo se realizó a través de una encuesta postal contestada por los responsables de la Responsabilidad Social Empresarial de 57 entidades de crédito españolas. El estudio revela la existencia de sensibilidad hacia los empleados, es decir, hay una sustancial preocupación por el capital intelectual, que se ha estructurado en dos partes: visión de la entidad hacía la aportación de valor y establecimiento de un sistema de indicadores, de forma tal que los usuarios de la información, puedan llegar a conocer el grado de cumplimiento de los objetivos marcados. Se concluye que los bancos presentan una valoración de los empleados significativamente mayor, lo que implica una mayor satisfacción en el trabajo, en comparación con otros tipos de entidades. Así estos tienen un mayor compromiso organizacional, lo cual aumenta el deseo de los empleados a permanecer en la entidad de crédito.

  3. Implementación de una solución de Business Intelligence en una unidad de negocios de cobranzas de una entidad financiera


    Calderón Ccatamayo, Magaly; Calderón Ccatamayo, Magaly


    El presente informe describe la implementación de una solución de Business Intelligence en una unidad de negocios de Cobranzas de una entidad financiera, utilizando un conjunto de metodologías y herramientas automatizadas de Business Intelligence. Los objetivos del proyecto presentado en este informe son facilitar a los usuarios de Cobranzas el análisis de la información, la toma de decisiones y las definiciones de estrategias acertadas, mejorando de esta forma la gestión y seguimiento del...

  4. Clima organizacional y disposici?n al cambio en una entidad sin ?nimo de lucro


    G?nzalez-Rubio, Daniella; Quintanilla, Karen


    El prop?sito de la investigaci?n fue describir el clima organizacional y la actitud hacia el cambio de los colaboradores de la Fundaci?n Compasi?n y Amor, entidad sin ?nimo de lucro, con el fin de generar una propuesta que contribuya al desarrollo organizacional. Se realiz? una investigaci?n cuantitativa y descriptiva con 15 colaboradores de la Fundaci?n, los que tienen contrato directo y est?n en cargo administrativo y los voluntarios que no tienen contrato. Se dise?? y aplic? una bater?a c...

  5. Principales componentes de la imagen corporativa de entidades culturales

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    María Ramis Carrasco


    Full Text Available En el presente articulo se lleva a cabo un análisis de la imagen corporativa de una entidad cultural con el objetivo de destacar la importancia de la misma a la hora de elaborar estrategias relacionadas con la gestión cultural. Se ha investigado qué atributos concretos son mejor valorados por el público y qué dimensiones generales componen la imagen corporativa de la entidad. Basándonos en la literatura revisada, se ha realizado una entrevista en profundidad al gestor de programación de la entidad y una encuesta descriptiva a sus espectadores mediante un cuestionario estructurado. Los resultados de los análisis muestran que la imagen corporativa de la entidad analizada es positiva, si bien es cierto que se pueden mejorar ciertos aspectos.

  6. Estudio de caso de un enlace de red inalambrico en una zona rural. propuesta de conexion para entidades agropecuarias

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    Abiel Roche Lima


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se realiza el estudio de una red inalámbrica de área local WLAN que utiliza el estándar IEEE 802.11 con topología de Enlace LAN, para dar servicios de Internet a la red del Instituto de Ciencia Animal, de Cuba, que es una entidad agropecuaria ubicado en una zona rural. A través de este enlace se resuelve uno de los principales problemas que presenta el sector agropecuario, que es la falta de comunicación entre los productores, investigadores y profesores pues, de forma general, sus entidades se encuentran ubicadas en zonas carentes de infraestructura de telecomunicaciones. Para elestudio del enlace se utilizaron varios software y variables a través del protocolo SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol, así como del software de configuración del equipo, y se definieron diferentes condiciones ambientales y de tráfico de datos. Como resultado se obtuvo que las condiciones ambientales influyen en el Indicador de ruido por subcanales de frecuencia, pero que de forma general no afecta el funcionamiento de la red, por lo que resulta viable la utilización de esta tecnología para el enlace de entidades agropecuarias en zonas rurales. Al mismo tiempo se hace referencia al uso potencial de la tecnología de comunicación por líneas eléctricas (PLC como alternativa a utilizar para la conexión de estas entidades de forma independiente o conjuntamente con las WLAN.


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    Full Text Available RESUMEN El objetivo del presente trabajo es presentar los resultados del estudio sobre el estado y alcances del gobierno de TI y la gestión de TI en las entidades públicas de la ciudad de Manizales, departamento de Caldas, Colombia. Se realizó una evaluación por medio de encuesta, que se aplicó a 19 entidades públicas. Se desarrolló la investigación desde una óptica inductiva y con un tipo de estudio descriptivo exploratorio y correlacional. Se concluyó que el gobierno de TI es una realidad para una pequeña porción de dichas entidades. Se espera que con los resultados obtenidos se puedan desarrollar planes conjuntos entre universidades públicas y las entidades para generar un mayor desarrollo de su gobierno y la gestión de TI.

  8. Hibernoma de cavidad oral. Una entidad infrecuente

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    Francisco Javier Torres Gómez


    Full Text Available El hibernoma es un tumor adiposo benigno que morfológicamente rememora la grasa fetal. Su presencia a nivel oral es excepcional. Presentamos un caso de hibernoma de cavidad oral, revisamos la entidad y mostramos los distintos diagnósticos diferenciales.

  9. ¿Es el Tamaño de una Entidad de Crédito Factor Determinante de los Resultados Derivados de su Gestión?

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    A. Javier Pérez García


    Full Text Available El objeto del trabajo se concreta en contrastar si la dimensión de una entidad de crédito es o no una variable determinante de la gestión empresarial. Para ello efectuamos un análisis estático transversal referido al ejercicio 1995, efectuando un análisis financiero riguroso e individualizado para 93, crédito españolas. Una vez identificados los factores determinantes de los resultados de la gestión empresarial, pasamos a estudiar el grado de relación entre las variables explicativas y explicadas, para terminar estableciendo una tipología de entidades en función de sus modelos de gestión aplicando diversas técnicas de análisis multivariable. El trabajo pone de manifiesto que el tamaño de una entidad de crédito no es un factor determinante de los resultados de la gestión. Asimismo detectamos la existencia de cinco modelos de gestión di firmándose que, desde un punto de vista técnico, una dimensión mayor no garantiza mejore derivados de la gestión de la entidad. No obstante, no podemos obviar que existen razones, e ponente político importante, que anteponen el crecimiento al logro de una rentabilidad ad dimensión. The objective of the article is to contrast if the size of a financial entity is a determining variable, in its performance measurement. To demonstrate this, we have carried out a static cross analysis, in relation exercise for 1995, performing a thorough and individual financial analysis on 93 Spanish financial entities. Once the determining factors of the performance measurement have been identified, we go the level of relation between variables in order to determine a class of entities in terms of their performance measurement applying multivariable analysis techniques. The study draws attention to the fact that the size of the financial entities is not a determining performance measurement. We detect the existence of five different performance models, confirming from a technical point of view, a greater

  10. Calidad de servicio y satisfacción del cliente en una entidad bancaria de Trujillo, 2016


    Liza Soriano de Silva, Claudia Milsa; Siancas Ascoy, Cecilia de Lourdes


    Resumen La presente investigación tiene como propósito estudiar la relación entre la calidad del servicio y la satisfacción del cliente de una entidad bancaria de la ciudad de Trujillo, su contribución está en otorgar información a la Gerencia para la toma de decisiones pertinentes, dado que en la actualidad la calidad de servicio es un tema muy importante e indispensable para cualquier negocio ya que de este depende el fracaso o éxito de las organizaciones. Se utilizó té...

  11. Creación de una empresa de consultoría en gestión y formulación de proyectos, especializada en entidades territoriales



    Conformar una empresa de consultoría en gestión, estructuración y formulación de proyectos, especializada en entidades territoriales, con el fin de acceder a recursos provenientes del Sistema General de Regalías.

  12. Panorama de la violencia estatal en las entidades federativas mexicanas


    Pérez Aguirre, Manuel Ernesto


    Resumen: ¿Qué factores inciden en la violencia estatal de las entidades federativas mexicanas en el nivel estatal de gobierno? Desde la perspectiva del modelo maximizador (cálculo costo-beneficio), este artículo analiza la influencia de la democracia electoral y las capacidades estatales sobre la violencia estatal en México, aprovechando la heterogeneidad de las entidades federativas mexicanas. A partir de la estimación de modelos estadísticos con una base original de datos tipo panel, el te...

  13. La desigualdad en Educación en México por Entidad Federativa 1995 - 2005

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    Jesús Salgado Vega


    Full Text Available En este artículo se utiliza el coeficiente de Gini para medir la desigualdad en la educación que tienen actualmente los ciudadanos mexicanos en las diferentes entidades del país, la hipótesis principal es que la desigualdad en educación medida a través del índice de Gini está negativamente asociada con el promedio de años de escolaridad, esto es, que los Estados que han logrado un alto nivel de educación es más probable que logren una mejor igualdad educativa que aquellos que tienen niveles bajos de educación. Según Kutznets, si el nivel de escolaridad se incrementa, la desigualdad en educación primero se incrementa, después llega a un máximo y posteriormente declina. Encontramos que cuando el promedio de los años de estudio en una Entidad Federativa es bajo, típicamente una pequeña parte de la población tiene todos los años de escolaridad concluidos, y además hay una gran desigualdad educativa entre las entidades o regiones del país.

  14. Sistema de Gestión de Seguridad de la Información y Riesgos de Información en seis sedes de una entidad bancaria del Perú.


    Salinas Rodríguez, Michael Steve; Valencia Moncada, Julio Andrés


    Resumen En la presente investigación se analizaron y se evaluaron los niveles del riesgo que cuentan seis sedes de una entidad bancaria del Perú en el periodo de investigación de setiembre del 2016 a setiembre del 2017, así como la propuesta realizada sobre la implementación del sistema de gestión de seguridad de la información bajo la norma ISO/IEC 27001:2005 y las etapas del modelo Deming (Plan-Do-Check-Act) y que pueda ser aplicado, mantenido y auditado por la misma entidad, el cual gar...

  15. El capital social y su tratamiento en las entidades en las entidades de ahorro y crédito popular sobre la base de la normativa contable internacional

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    Luis Carlos Gámez Adame


    Full Text Available Las Entidades de Ahorro y Crédito Popular (Cooperativas constituyen un segmento importante dentro de los servicios financieros que se prestan en diferentes países y que han tenido un desarrollo vertiginoso al satisfacer demandas y necesidades de numerosas masas poblacionales.Se presentan algunas consideraciones asociadas al tratamiento del capital social en estas entidades sobre la base de la normatividad contable internacional vigente y donde a criterio de los autores existen una serie de incongruencias a las que hay que darles solución.

  16. Entidades clínicas cardiovasculares asociadas al consumo de cocaína por vía nasal en una población peruana

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    Luis Razzeto-Ríos


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Conocer la frecuencia de entidades clínicas cardiovasculares asociadas al empleo de cocaína por vía nasal en consumidores peruanos. Diseño: Estudio prospectivo, descriptivo, tipo serie de casos. Lugar: Hospital Edgardo Rebagliati Martins, EsSalud, hospital docente, y Clínica San Felipe. Participantes: Pacientes atendidos entre los años 1991 y 2006. Principales medidas de resultados: Síntomas y entidades clínicas asociadas al consumo de cocaína vía nasal. Resultados: En los 63 pacientes evaluados, la mediana de edad fue 35 años, 53 (84% eran de sexo masculino, 86% afirmó haber ingerido cocaína previamente. Los síntomas aparecieron antes de las 2 horas en 78% de los pacientes y 81% presentó trastornos del electrocardiograma. Los síntomas reportados fueron dolor torácico (59%, palpitaciones (27%, convulsiones (5%, hipertermia (3% y cefalea (6%. Las entidades clínicas asociadas fueron: síndromes coronarios agudos (49%, arritmia ventricular (25%, infarto agudo de miocardio (10%, crisis hipertensiva (5% y muerte súbita (11%. Durante el seguimiento, la reincidencia en el consumo se produjo en 76%, siendo esta predominantemente en los primeros 6 meses (63%. Conclusiones: El empleo de cocaína intranasal se asocia a importantes entidades clínicas cardiovasculares, la mayoría de ellas graves. Se aconseja la evaluación de los pacientes en emergencia, incluyendo una anamnesis completa dirigida a la evaluación del consumo de sustancias ilícitas.

  17. Márgenes de utilidad de las Entidades Promotoras de Salud en Colombia

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    Luis M. Prada B.


    Full Text Available En este artículo el autor propone una metodología para determinar el margen de utilidad que requieren las Entidades Promotoras de Salud, EPS, a fin de garantizar la calidad y racionalidad de los servicios de salud prestados a sus afiliados. Para ello, el texto destaca los principales rubros que componen el estado de resultados de una EPS y analiza la evolución de los ingresos, costos, gastos y resultados de las EPS públicas y privadas para el periodo 1997-2000. Además, establece el periodo de cobro y pago de dichas entidades y resalta la necesidad de agilizar el flujo de recursos hacia las instituciones prestadoras de servicios de salud. IPS, requisito indispensable para garantizar la prestación del servicio de salud y la estabilidad de la red hospitalaria.

  18. Valor contable y la crisis financiera: las entidades de crédito españolas

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    José Miguel Tirado-Beltrán


    Full Text Available La incorporación del valor razonable en los sistemas contables de las entidades de crédito aparece para reflejar la situación económico-financiera más ajustada a la realidad y servir para anticipar dificultades financieras facilitando la toma de decisiones para su gestión. Sin embargo, la reciente crisis financiera ha demostrado que la utilización del valor razonable no ha sido suficiente para anticipar dichas dificultades. Es necesario incorporar nuevos elementos informativos en los estados financieros de las entidades crediticias que ayuden a los usuarios a prevenir estas situaciones. En este sentido, en el presente trabajo se propone la publicación en la memoria de las cuentas anuales de las entidades de crédito, para cada una de las partidas del balance de situación relacionadas con el negocio, de un detalle de los principales riesgos a que están sometidas y del capital económico que, de acuerdo con los criterios de gestión de la entidad, sería necesario asignar a dicha partida, con el objeto de proporcionar una mejor información a los usuarios para su utilización en el proceso de toma de decisiones.

  19. Diseño y contrucción de una herramienta tecnológica basada en técnicas de procesamiento de lenguaje natural y aprendizaje automático para clasificación de correos de una entidad bancaria


    González Herrero, Daniela


    El objetivo del proyecto es diseñar una aplicación tecnológica basada en el Procesamiento de Lenguaje Natural y algoritmos estadísticos de Aprendizaje Automático para clasificar de forma automatizada correos de clientes corporativos en una Entidad Bancaria. Actualmente el proceso de clasificación de los correos que envían los clientes corporativos es realizado por 14 operarios, y diariamente se reciben alrededor de 7000 correos, el equipo de operarios debe leer cada correo y en función de su ...

  20. Implementación de un sistema de indexación distribuida de documentos para la contratación de productos de crédito en una entidad financiera


    Espol; Almeida Campos, Fausto Stanley


    El trabajo de titulación presentado a continuación abordará un caso de estudio de una entidad financiera ecuatoriana cuyo proceso de contratación de productos de crédito fue rediseñado con la finalidad de agilizar los tiempos de respuesta al cliente y asegurar una correcta administración de los respaldos digitales de los documentos obtenidos o generados a través de dicho proceso de contratación. Este documento presenta de forma detallada la situación de la empresa en cuanto al proceso de n...

  1. Evaluación legislativa en México: una propuesta para las Entidades Federativas


    Rivera León, Mauro Arturo


    El presente artículo analiza la necesidad de creación de un modelo institucional de evaluación legislativa ex post en las Entidades Federativas. Se argumenta que la actual falta de mecanismos de medición del impacto legislativo de los estados reduce

  2. Desigualdad y crecimiento en México: un análisis por entidad federativa

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    Full Text Available Utilizamos un modelo de generaciones superpuestas desarrollado por Castelló-Climent y Doménech (2008 que consideran la dinámica del capital humano en dos generaciones 1982 y 2007 para las entidades federativas de la República Mexicana. Encontramos varios estados estacionarios que dependen de las condiciones iniciales de la distribución de la educación. El estado estacionario más bajo es una trampa de pobreza en la cual los niños de familias pobres tienen esperanza de vida baja y laboran como trabajadores no calificados, tal es el caso del estado de Chiapas. La evidencia empírica sugiere que el mecanismo de la esperanza de vida explica una mayor parte de las relaciones entre la desigualdad y la acumulación del capital humano. El análisis desarrollado explica porqué la desigualdad en la distribución de la renta percápita puede ser dañina para la acumulación del capital humano. Hacemos una simulación de las generaciones para las entidades federativas de México para calcular los años que tardarán en conseguir un alto nivel de educación o para alcanzar un mejor nivel educativo.

  3. Esofagitis necrotizante aguda: Una entidad inusual

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    Silvana E. Pramparo


    Full Text Available La esofagitis necrotizante aguda (ENA, también denominada esófago negro, es una rara enfermedad poco descripta en la literatura médica. Describimos el caso de un hombre de 80 años, con hemorragia digestiva alta quien desarrolló un esófago negro luego de un episodio de hipotensión. La necrosis fue confirmada histológicamente. Los pacientes se presentan con hematemesis y melena en más del 70% de los casos. Los hallazgos endoscópicos muestran una coloración negruzca de la mucosa esofágica. El diagnóstico se realiza con endoscopia y confirmación histológica. La mortalidad es alta (más del 50% aunque relacionada a las enfermedades de base del paciente. Por último, podemos decir que la sospecha es muy importante en el diagnóstico de ENA, particularmente en pacientes ancianos con enfermedades asociadas y evidencia de hemorragia digestiva alta. En este trabajo describimos las características clínicas, endoscópicas e histopatológicas de un paciente con ENA.

  4. Construccionismo: Objetos para pensar, entidades públicas y micromundos

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    Chacón Murillo, Alejandra


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta una perspectiva pedagógica de la teoría educativa denominada Construccionismo, propuesta por Seymour Papert sobre la base del Constructivismo de Jean Piaget. Papert considera las computadoras como semillas culturales que pueden ejercer una poderosa influencia en el pensamiento de las personas. En particular, se abordan tres de los conceptos clave para el Construccionismo: objetos para pensar, entidades públicas y micromundos. This article presents a pedagogical perspective of Constuctionism, the educational theory proposed by Seymour Papert, based on Jean Piaget’s Constructivism. Papert has described computers as cultural seeds that can be very powerful in influencing how people think. In particular three of the key concepts to Constructionism are presented: “objects to think with”, public entities and microworlds.

  5. Modelo de gestión estratégica para la toma de decisiones en entidades agropecuarias

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    Maybe Campos

    Full Text Available Para contribuir a la toma de decisiones en entidades agropecuarias se apreció la necesidad de concebir un Modelo de Gestión Estratégica (MGE, compuesto por un conjunto de procedimientos y herramientas específicos, el cual se sustenta en varias premisas que están relacionadas con el cometido de la administración de la entidad, la disponibilidad de información y el compromiso de los trabajadores; asimismo, tiene características fundamentales que lo distinguen. El MGE es participativo, proactivo e interactivo, y posee cuatro etapas de evaluación; en él se integran una serie de herramientas que logran analizar e interpretar sus dimensiones con un enfoque holístico, mediante la utilización de un sistema de gestión por procesos que favorece la interrelación actores-ecosistemas y promueve la agroecología. Después de ejecutadas las cuatro etapas, que incluyen la planeación estratégica de la entidad, se implementó el modelo y se realizaron actividades de control estratégico.

  6. Aneurisma del seno de Valsalva disecando hacia el septo interventricular en una paciente embarazada

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    Edison Muñoz O.


    Full Text Available El aneurisma del seno de Valsalva es una entidad rara en la población general, con una incidencia de 0,14 al 3,5% en cirugías de corazón abierto; con un espectro clínico amplio y complicaciones cardiacas mecánicas o eléctricas que pueden ser fatales. En mujeres embarazadas también ha sido reportada esta entidad en unos cuantos casos en la literatura médica publicada. Se presenta un caso de una paciente gestante con aneurisma de seno de Valsalva, sus complicaciones y las medidas terapéuticas que se llevaron a cabo, además de una revisión del tema.

  7. La responsabilidad social de la empresa en las entidades de crédito españolas: un enfoque basado en los grupos de interés


    Seguí Alcaraz, Antoni


    El objetivo de esta tesis es investigar cómo conciben las entidades de crédito españolas la Responsabilidad Social de la Empresa (RSE), analizando en detalle la importancia que asignan a sus diferentes grupos de interés: accionistas, empleados, clientes, proveedores, la comunidad y la administración pública. El trabajo de campo se realizó a través de una encuesta contestada por 57 entidades de crédito españolas. Los resultados del estudio muestran que la RSE es un movimiento en expansión...

  8. Las entidades financieras a lo largo del ciclo de negocios: ¿Es el ciclo financiero sensible al ciclo de negocios?


    Fernando Arias Rodríguez; Celina Gaitán Maldonado; Johanna López Velandia


    A partir de estados financieros de bancos y entidades asociadas se propone una cronología del ciclo financiero para Colombia, desde 1990 hasta mediados del año 2013, y se evalúa su interacción con el ciclo de negocios propuesto por Alfonso et al. (2012). Se usan dos acercamientos: el primero basado en reglas (Bry y Boschan, (1971) e Índices de Difusión) y el segundo fundamentado en la información contenida en los datos (Novelty Detection). Se encuentra evidencia que apoya la idea de una sincr...

  9. El electroencefalograma en el síndrome de West y otras entidades clínicas relacionadas

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    Desiderio Rafael Pozo Lauzán

    Full Text Available Se realiza una revisión de las características electroencefalográficas de los espasmos infantiles, espasmos epilépticos o síndrome de West, y otras entidades relacionadas con este. Se enfatiza en los patrones más frecuentes, fundamentalmente en los 2 tipos de hipsarritmia: clásica y periódica o fragmentada, observados en el síndrome anteriormente mencionado. Se comenta en relación con el trazado de suppression-burst o paroxismos-supresión, y su correlación con los síndromes de Ohtahara, y Aicardi y Goutières, descritos respectivamente en 1976 y 1978. Se aclara que estos 2 patrones no son exclusivos de estos síndromes, y pueden ser observados en otras entidades en el neonato, como la encefalopatía anóxica isquémica, la meningitis neonatal bacteriana y trastornos metabólicos, entre otros.



    Galarreta Vásquez, Josué; Universidad Nacional “Pedro Ruiz Gallo"


    El objetivo de este trabajo de investigación es descubrir reglas de asociación relevantes entre las categorías de productos en una base de datos de una entidad retail de electrodomésticos, a través del uso del algoritmo de inducción FP-Growth de la minería de datos. Cada regla de asociación determina un comportamiento de compra de los clientes, y permite conocer cuál es la probabilidad de que un determinado cliente compre un producto categorizado como Y dado que anteriormente compró un produc...

  11. Protección especial para prepensionados de entidades liquidadas en vigencia de la constitución política de 1991


    Ballesteros Cadena, Carmen Irene


    La implementación de políticas públicas de reestructuración de la Administración Pública en Colombia en vigencia de la Constitución Política de 1991, tiene una grave incidencia sobre los derechos fundamentales de los empleados públicos. Lo anterior, además muestra una colisión de principios constitucionales así como de modelos de estado disímiles, producto de las opuestas vertientes interpretativas derivadas de la Carta Fundamental. Los procesos liquidatorios de entidades como ALCO Ltda...

  12. Leucoedema: una revisión de la literatura


    Viñals Iglesias, Helena


    El leucoedema es una entidad de naturaleza benigna, que clinicamente se describe como un blanqueamiento difuso y opalino de la mucosa oral que le confiere un aspecto aterciopelado, generalmente bilateral, simétrico y de carácter crónico. Es más frecuente en negros americanos, aunque la prevalencia descrita en cada estudio es controvertida, al igual que su patogenia. Histologicamente se caracteriza por una hiperparaqueratosis, una acantosis con hiperplasia epitelial, espongiosis, edema intrace...

  13. Gestión de riesgos para la adopción de la computación en nube en entidades financieras de la República Argentina

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    María de los Ángeles López


    Full Text Available Las infraestructuras tecnológicas dinámicas, entre ellas la computación en nube, representan una nueva alternativa de tecnología de información disponible para administrar las ac- tividades de las organizaciones, en particular en aquellas que hacen un uso intensivo de la información, como las entidades financieras. Al analizar la utilización de estas arquitecturas es fundamental considerar los nuevos riesgos a los que se expo- nen los entes; esto permite desarrollar estrategias de gestión destinadas a identificarlos, evaluarlos y buscar el modo de minimizar sus efectos. En este sentido son útiles herramientas como la risk breakdown structure (RBS, una estructura de je- rarquización de fuentes de riesgos que simplifica y sistematiza el análisis. En este trabajo se pretende diseñar una RBS para la identificación y descripción jerárquica de las fuentes de ries- gos vinculados a la implementación de la computación en nube en entidades financieras, basándose en la normativa del Banco Central de la República Argentina.


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    García de los Salmones Sánchez, M.M.


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo trata de cuantificar el valor de marca y el posicionamiento de las entidades financieras en dos mercados diferentes: consumidores finales y microempresas. Así mismo, se busca identificar las dimensiones de imagen de mayor peso a la hora de elegir a una entidad como la de mejor valoración global. A través del modelo de elección discreta y del análisis del efecto halo ,se comprueba la importancia del trato personal al cliente como la variable de mayor peso en la elección de marca. Además, se observa la mayor intensidad del efecto halo para las cajas de ahorros en el caso de los consumidores particulares. Sin embargo, en el segmento de microempresas, el valor de marca es superior para los bancos.

  15. ¿Cuál es el retorno mínimo exigido por el inversionista por invertir en una entidad financiera peruana?


    Lladó, Jorge; Concha, Mauricio


    Mediante el modelo de equilibrio de activos financieros y haciendo uso de información de empresas comparables de la región, se estima el costo de oportunidad del capital de los accionistas que invierten en entidades especializadas del sistema financiero peruano.





    A partir del análisis de la situación organizacional de las diferentes instituciones en el Valle de Aburrá frente a la reducción de desastres y emergencias asociadas con los fenómenos de origen natural y antrópico, el Área Metropolitana del Valle de Aburrá, como autoridad ambiental y entidad planificadora, hace una propuesta que pretende articular todas las entidades, organizaciones e instituciones públicas y privadas hacia una gestión integral del riesgo, y la cual denominó: Red para la Gest...

  17. Modelo de gestión para cambio de plataforma tecnológica en entidades financieras.Caso específico Banco mediano del sector comercial


    Sinmaleza Ramírez, Geoconda


    176 hojas : ilustraciones, 29 x 21 cm + CD-ROM 2163 La presente tesis corresponde a la implementación del Modelo de Gestión para el cambio de plataforma tecnológica en entidades financieras. Caso específico Banco mediano del sector comercial. El Banco en Análisis es una institución del sistema financiero nacional, clasificada por la Superintendencia de Bancos como un Banco mediano del segmento comercial, el mismo mantiene una alianza estratégica con un Banco de Alianza del sistema fina...

  18. El electroencefalograma en el síndrome de West y otras entidades clínicas relacionadas


    Pozo Lauzán, Desiderio Rafael; Pozo Alonso, Albia Josefina; Sayú Stewart, José Manuel


    Se realiza una revisión de las características electroencefalográficas de los espasmos infantiles, espasmos epilépticos o síndrome de West, y otras entidades relacionadas con este. Se enfatiza en los patrones más frecuentes, fundamentalmente en los 2 tipos de hipsarritmia: clásica y periódica o fragmentada, observados en el síndrome anteriormente mencionado. Se comenta en relación con el trazado de suppression-burst o paroxismos-supresión, y su correlación con los síndromes de Ohtahara, y Aic...



    Rosalva Cabrera; Hortensia Hickman; Guadalupe Mares


    Este estudio identificó diferentes características del perfil profesional que solicitan los empleadores de psicólogos en entidades federativas con diferentes niveles de bienestar socioeconómico. Los datos se obtuvieron consultando periódicamente bolsas de trabajo publicadas en la red y analizando sus características de acuerdo a los siguientes indicadores: profesiones requeridas por los empleadores, áreas de inserción profesional y actividades a realizar. Una gran proporción de los empleos s...

  20. Análisis y Control de Gestión de los Costes de Calidad en las Entidades de Crédito

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    María Fernanda Hernández Carreño


    Full Text Available En el entorno actual en el que se desenvuelven las entidades de crédito es necesario la búsqueda constante de la denominada "excelencia en la gestión ", siendo un medio más para su consecución el desarrollo de la "filosofía de la calidad total", esto nos determina pues, una vez más, la necesidad de sistematizar una metodología adecuada que nos suministre la información necesaria en cuanto a los costes presentes y futuros de su implantación. En este trabajo se establece el tratamiento de los costes de calidad y no calidad que se pueden identificar en la actuación normal de las entidades de crédito, indicándose las pautas en cuanto a su adecuada gestión y adscripción económico - contable en el terreno de la información para el análisis y control de gestión de los costes de calidad en las entidades de crédito. In todays environment, in which Banks work, the constant search of the denominated "excellence in management" is necessary. The introduction and development of the "total quality philosophy" constitutes another mean in order to achieve the "excellence in management", making the systematization of an adequate methodoly able to give us information about the costs of its introduction and future development, necessary. In this paper we establish the treatment of the quality and non quality costs that can be identified in the normal activity of Banks; (establishing the guide lines for their appropiate adscription from an economic point of view in the sphere of the information for the analysis and management control (accounting of quality costs in Banks.

  1. Diagnóstico y propuesta para una gestión integral del riesgo en el valle de aburra: red riesgos




    A partir del análisis de la situación organizacional de las diferentes instituciones en el Valle de Aburrá frente a la reducción de desastres y emergencias asociadas con los fenómenos de origen natural y antrópico, el Área Metropolitana del Valle de Aburrá, como autoridad ambiental y entidad planificadora, hace una propuesta que pretende articular todas las entidades, organizaciones e instituciones públicas y privadas hacia una gestión integral del riesgo, y la cual denominó: Red para la Gest...

  2. Planeamiento estratégico del sistema de entidades de desarrollo para la pequeña y micro empresa (EDPYMES)


    Cárdenas Miranda, Giancarlo; Díaz Núñez, Mayra; Huaynate Granados, Walter Alfredo; Torres Rivera, Marcos


    Las Entidades de Desarrollo de la Pequeña y Microempresa, también conocidas como EDPYMES, son instituciones microfinancieras privadas que dieron inicio a sus operaciones en el año 1994. Las EDPYMES se encuentran sujetas a la regulación de la Superintendencia de Banca, Seguros y AFP (SBS); y se encuentran autorizadas para otorgar financiamiento relacionado al desarrollo de las micro y pequeñas empresas (MYPES). En la actualidad, las EDPYMES atraviesan por una débil posición comp...

  3. Diagnóstico y propuesta para una gestión integral del riesgo en el Valle de Aburrá: red riesgos.


    Aristizábal, Edier; Vargas, Richard; Mesa Sánchez, Óscar José


    A partir del análisis de la situación organizacional de las diferentes instituciones en el Valle de Aburrá frente a la reducción de desastres y emergencias asociadas con los fenómenos de origen natural y antrópico, el Área Metropolitana del Valle de Aburrá, como autoridad ambiental y entidad planificadora, hace una propuesta que pretende articular todas las entidades, organizaciones e instituciones públicas y privadas hacia una gestión integral del riesgo, y la cual denominó: Red para la Gest...

  4. Responsabilidad de las entidades territoriales en la gestión del riesgo como política pública

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    Mónica Sofía Safar Díaz


    Full Text Available Es importante tener en cuenta que uno de los componentes esenciales de todo proceso de planificación en el marco de un verdadero sistema de gobierno corporativo consiste en el manejo y tratamiento de aquellas situaciones que siendo inciertas en cuanto a su ocurrencia y/o impacto, tienen un efecto en el cumplimiento de los objetivos trazados por la organización, que en este caso concreto se traduce en las entidades territoriales. Esto se conoce como la gestión del riesgo, y su ausencia constituye una fuente de ineficiencia en la administración pública, que deriva en la configuración de una responsabilidad por la eventual causación de daños antijurídicos generada en la omisión de los órganos directamente llamados a su realización.

  5. Responsabilidad de las entidades territoriales en la gestión del riesgo como política pública

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    Mónica Sofía Safar Díaz


    Full Text Available Es importante tener en cuenta que uno de los componentes esenciales de todo proceso de planificación en el marco de un verdadero sistema de gobierno corporativo consiste en el manejo y tratamiento de aquellas situaciones que siendo inciertas en cuanto a su ocurrencia y/o impacto, tienen un efecto en el cumplimiento de los objetivos trazados por la organización, que en este caso concreto se traduce en las entidades territoriales. Esto se conoce como la gestión del riesgo, y su ausencia constituye una fuente de ineficiencia en la administración pública, que deriva en la configuración de una responsabilidad por la eventual causación de daños antijurídicos generada en la omisión de los órganos directamente llamados a su realización.

  6. Crecimiento económico en las manufacturas mexicanas: un análisis de contabilidad del crecimiento en las entidades federativas, 1988-2003

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    Adrián de León-Arias


    Full Text Available En este artículo, tomando ventaja de la información censal disponible durante el periodo de 1988 a 2003, exploramos las características de la dinámica de la productividad manufacturera por entidad federativa, con base en la llamada contabilidad del crecimiento. Como conclusión, se encuentran algunos patrones geográficos del crecimiento identificados en el centro-occidente, centro-oriente y la frontera norte, y dicho crecimiento se centra en estados como México, Jalisco, Baja California y Chihuahua, entre otros, que pueden ser identificados como estados ganadores, mientras que el Distrito Federal, una de las entidades federativas con mayor actividad manufacturera, es la gran perdedora en términos de crecimiento económico en este rubro. En cuanto a las fuentes de crecimiento en los estados ganadores, destaca la contribución del trabajo y en menor medida, la productividad factorial total.

  7. Alforja: una entidad al servicio de la educación popular


    ., Alforja


    ALFORJA es una coordinación operativa de cinco instituciones de educación popular: Centro de Estudios y Publicaciones (CEP, Costa Rica), Centro de Comunicación Popular de Honduras (CENCOPH), Centro de Educación y Promoción Agraria (CEPA, Nicaragua), Instituto Mexicano para el Desarrollo de Comunitario (IMDEC) y Centro de Estudios y Acción Social de Panamá (CEASPA).

  8. Carta de Servicios del Área de Gestión de Vivienda Pública de la Entidad de Infraestructuras de la Generalitat




    [ES] El presente Trabajo Final de Carrera (TFC) consiste en la realización de una propuesta para el Diseño de la Carta de Servicios del Área de Gestión de Vivienda Pública (AGVP) de la Entidad de Infraestructuras de la Generalitat (EIGE). El trabajo presentado está formado por seis capítulos. El primero de ellos llamado “Introducción y Objetivos”, consta del presente resumen, el objeto del TFC y justificación de las asignaturas, los objetivos del proyecto, y se describe gené...

  9. Sistema de Autenticación Global en una Red Empresarial


    Jiménez Pinto, Ignacio


    En una entidad corporativa es frecuente encontrar sistemas de control de acceso basados en credencial simple (usuario/contraseña). Tanto empleados como clientes utilizan estos credenciales para hacer uso de recursos disponibles en la red corporativa, pero el nivel de seguridad que ofrecen es muy bajo y sólo controlan el acceso a los recursos. Por el contrario, en entornos gubernamentales o sistemas críticos, se está difundiendo una tecnología que permite controlar el acceso al medio desde...

  10. Voz, una nueva interfaz hombre- maquina

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    Jorge Augusto Jaramillo M.


    Full Text Available RESUMEN El siguiente escrito ha sido elaborado  con base en los documentos actuales en los esfuerzos hechos por diferentes personas y  entidades gubernamentales, en implementar sistemas que permitan incorporar el habla  humana en un computador, como una interface alternativa y más natural. Aquí se da un esbozo bastante global de lo que es esta interface, pues los estudios hechos al respecto van desde simples algoritmos para el análisis de las señales (determinación de las características implícitas en ellas hasta sistemas bastante complejos que desean establecer una comunicación continua con cualquier locutor.

  11. Hacia una taxonomía de los sistemas regionales de innovación en México


    Valdez-Lafarga, Cuitláhuac; León-Balderrama, Jorge Inés


    En este trabajo se examina el nivel de heterogeneidad de las entidades federativas mexicanas en cuanto a su potencial y desempeño como sistemas de innovación. El objetivo central es la clasificación de los sistemas regionales de innovación (SRI), en el contexto de las entidades federativas, a partir de una serie de indicadores correspondientes a sus condiciones socioeconómicas e institucionales, así como a sus capacidades y resultados en innovación. Mediante análisis de clusters se muestra la...

  12. Una Utopia Factible: Latin Vision

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    Peter Schenkel


    Full Text Available Que la información de noticiero de radio y televisión oficiales en la mayoría de los países latinoamericanos, no brilla precisamente por su imparcialidad. Además los noticieros con información sobre actividades, políticas y criterios de entidades públicas difunden un punto de vista que no es necesariamente compartido por sectores políticos y económicos de la sociedad civil y que tampoco refleja necesariamente lo que ocurre en un país. Este es un hecho comprobado hasta la saciedad y constituye un problema que exigirá que las contribuciones al programa común se distingan por una excelente selección representativa del multifacético acontecer diario de una nación. Las estadísticas de otros sistemas como EUROVISION y ASIAVISION muestran que una noticia se difunde más si es oportuna - "caliente"-, objetiva y presentada con calidad.

  13. La integración universidad - escuela politécnica- entidad laboral, para la formación del profesional de la Educación Técnica y Profesional

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    Juan Carlos Cuza-Sánchez


    Full Text Available El presente artículo responde a un proyecto de investigación donde se expone la necesidad de lograr una eficiente integración entre la nueva universidad – escuela politécnica – entidad laboral para elevar la calidad en la formación del profesional competente. Además, se tiene en cuenta el papel de la universidad guantanamera en función de la formación de un profesional de la Educación Técnica y Profesional con un perfil amplio y una formación técnico – pedagógica que le permita asumir los retos que la sociedad le impone.

  14. Gestión de riesgos para la adopción de la computación en nube en entidades financieras de la República Argentina


    María de los Ángeles López; Ester Albanese Diana; Analía Sánchez Marisa


    Las infraestructuras tecnológicas dinámicas, entre ellas la computación en nube, representan una nueva alternativa de tecnología de información disponible para administrar las ac- tividades de las organizaciones, en particular en aquellas que hacen un uso intensivo de la información, como las entidades financieras. Al analizar la utilización de estas arquitecturas es fundamental considerar los nuevos riesgos a los que se expo- nen los entes; esto permite desarrollar estrategias de gestión des...

  15. Costos en entidades prestadoras de servicios

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    Carlos Arturo Gómez Restrepo


    Full Text Available Se analiza cómo el proceso de aparición de las empresas prestadoras de servicios estuvo desligado de los costos y a través del tiempo se hace evidente su interrelación. Se hace un recuento sobre el desarrollo teórico de la contabilidad de costos, encontrando que desde la década de los años setenta ya algunos autores la relacionaban no sólo con entidades productoras de bienes sino con la prestación de servicios.

  16. Percepción de los factores de riesgo psicosocial en una entidad financiera fusionada

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    Janny Alexandra Barahona


    Full Text Available La investigación tiene como objetivo identificar la percepción de los funcionarios sobre los factores de riesgo psicosociales del trabajo en una empresa financiera, luego de un proceso de fusión. Los participantes de la investigación fueron 20 empleados de diferentes áreas y con más de cuatro años de antigüedad en la empresa. Es una investigación no experimental, con diseño transeccional descriptivo. Se utilizó un cuestionario construido por la investigadora, que fue sometido a validación de contenido por jueces, y está basado en un cuestionario de identificación de situaciones de riesgo psicosociales (Lahera y Góngora ,2005; dando como resultado una percepción de riesgo psicosocial de la fusión de nivel medio; y los factores de riesgo psicosociales presentes fueron: la motivación, el compromiso, la participación y el estrés, que tuvieron relación con el desempeño de los empleados, sus niveles de productividad y agilidad para llevar a cabo las tareas.

  17. El centro comercial : una teoría tipológica : claves para el reconocimiento de una arquitectura ignorada


    Carvajal Cervera, Federico


    Existe en el panorama edificado un patrimonio construido que se reconoce como Centro Comercial. Un conjunto entendido, en sentido genérico, como familia arquitectónica que tiene características propias y específicas que la identifican. El objeto de la presente tesis doctoral consiste en argumentar que este conjunto constituye un nuevo tipo en el panorama de las tipologías arquitectónicas. Un tipo con entidad propia, que se conecta a una forma diferente de entender la idea de modelo. Un concep...

  18. Pneumonia Organizativa Fibrinosa Aguda Induzida pelo Rituximab: Uma Entidade a (Reconhecer

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    Alexandra Couto


    Dada a utilização crescente de terapêuticas-alvo em oncologia, o presente caso pretende contribuir para o reconhecimento desta entidade como potencial evento adverso. Recebido: 07/06/2017 - Aceite: 30/08/2017

  19. Hacia una taxonomía de los sistemas regionales de innovación en México

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    Cuitláhuac Valdez-Lafarga


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se examina el nivel de heterogeneidad de las entidades federativas mexicanas en cuanto a su potencial y desempeño como sistemas de innovación. El objetivo central es la clasificación de los sistemas regionales de innovación (sri, en el contexto de las entidades federativas, a partir de una serie de indicadores correspondientes a sus condiciones socioeconómicas e institucionales, así como a sus capacidades y resultados en innovación. Mediante análisis de clusters se muestra la existencia de seis tipos de sri en México, con fortalezas y debilidades distintivas, en términos de las dimensiones de innovación propuestas.


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    Angelita Linda Mosquera Barraza


    Full Text Available Las cooperativas son personas jurídicas que pueden realizar contratos, comparecer en juicio y actuar en todo aquello que esté conforme con su índole social y económica. Sus actos son de comercio en la forma, pero no en la esencia, por no existir el lucro, por no reunir todas sus características formales. Se distinguen entre actos internos y externos. Los primeros son los celebrados entre los asociados y la cooperativa; los segundos, los celebrados con terceros no asociados, pero para beneficio de sus asociados, o mejor dicho, para poder cumplir el fin social. Lo que se pretende en reconocer el espíritu del cooperativismo, lo que conduce al punto central de este trabajo: “El acto cooperativo” desde la perspectiva de su reglamentación. Las organizaciones de la economía solidaria, han sido creadas, como su nombre lo indica, con el espíritu de protección hacia los más necesitados, ofreciendo servicios de mayor acceso a las poblaciones más vulnerables; pero esto se ha desvirtuado por estas entidades al aprobar créditos desconociendo algunos de los derechos y a su vez excediendo los límites de sus actuaciones, al usar las prerrogativas otorgadas por la ley y realizar embargo de pensiones y salarios de personas que no son asociados o que no ejercen sus derechos como tal, lo que constatamos con el mayor número de quejas que presentan los usuarios en la Superintendencia de la Economía Solidaria por el tema de Usura y otras irregularidades en el otorgamiento y cobro de créditos. Se sugiere entonces la reglamentación del acto cooperativo dentro de nuestra legislación colombiana a través de una Ley, Decreto o norma imperativa que le de fuerza o herramientas a los colombianos y a las entidades de control para actuar en contra de los administradores o entidades solidarias que cometen este tipo de actuaciones contrarias a derecho. Es claro ver la profunda importancia del tema propuesto, dado que el cooperativismo y la econom

  1. Responsabilidade coletiva na participação da enfermagem em suas entidades organizativas

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    Maria de Lourdes Denardin Budó


    Full Text Available Este trabalho teve como objetivo trazer à discussão a responsabilidade coletiva dos enfermeiros na participação nas suas entidades organizativas, ou seja, Associação Brasileira de Enfermagem, Conselho Regional de Enfermagem e Sindicato dos Enfermeiros. O referido estudo foi realizado com enfermeiros de duas instituições de ensino sendo uma pública e outra privada e em uma instituição de assistência privada. Percebeu-se que a participação dos enfermeiros nas suas entidades organizativas ainda é reduzida, mas já há sinais de conscientização a respeito da necessidade de integração nos mesmos.

  2. Síndrome de marcapaso. Presentación de un caso: Una propuesta de indicadores


    Viera Valdés, Brandy


    El síndrome de marcapaso es una entidad clínica, producida de forma más frecuente por una sincronización inadecuada de la contracción auricular y ventricular, en la que juega un papel importante el fenómeno de conducción retrograda, generalmente en pacientes con un marcapaso unicameral con un modo de estimulación VVI. Sus síntomas más importantes son: síncope, hipotensión arterial severa e insuficiencia cardiaca congestiva. El tratamiento, tanto profiláctico como terapéutico, estaría relacion...

  3. Metodología de desarrollo y mantenimiento de software para una fábrica de software


    Ocola Agüero, Robert Percy; Ocola Agüero, Robert Percy


    Actualmente la fábrica de software se encarga de ejecutar proyectos de desarrollo y mantenimiento de sistemas de información para empresas y entidades estatales. Esta tesis plantea proponer una nueva metodología que mejore el desarrollo y mantenimiento de la fábrica de software. Para ello se realizó un análisis de las diversas fases de desarrollo de la metodología actualmente existente y con los resultados obtenidos se propuso una metodología que agregue valor. Finalmente se realizó la aplica...

  4. ¿Cómo aplicar la flexibilidad administrativa en las entidades de educación superior mediante el sistema de costos abc?

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    Dilia Castillo


    Full Text Available El método de Costos Basado en Actividades se ha creado para generar en las organizaciones, estructuras administrativas flexibles mediante la clasificación de las actividades (cadena valor, en centros primarios y de apoyo. Este sistema permite la acumulación de costos en forma directa en cada dependencia responsable de desarrollar tareas que enconjunto originan que una organización ofrezca a sus clientes un producto terminado o un servicio eficiente a un costo real previamente determinado. Las tareas producidas por una causa común son agrupadas en pools, minimizando aquellos factores que no generen valor agregado. Para la implementación de este sistema de costos es necesario llevar a cabo cinco etapas: definición y clasificación de actividades primarias y de apoyo, definición de los inductores de costo, realización del reparto primario y la acumulación de costos en los centros de actividad, realización del reparto secundario en los centros de actividad primarios y presentación de los resultados por cada actividad principal. El sistema de costos ABC, es una alternativa para el manejo de la flexibilidad en la administración de una entidad de educación superior, y supera el problema de la sub. o sobre-aplicación de los costos totales en cada actividad necesaria para la prestación del servicio.

  5. Flujo vaginal. Etiología en una unidad intermedia de salud

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    Luz Marina Alzate


    Full Text Available En una serie de 584 mujeres que consultaron por flujo vaginal a una Unidad Intermedia de Salud se halló que la entidad más frecuente era la vaginosis bacteriana (vaginitis inespecífica o por Gardnerella vaginalis con un 34,8% seguida por la candidiasis (9,4% y la tricomoniasis (43%; hubo también infecciones mixtas (7,2%; la candidiasis, la tricomoniasis y las infecciones mixtas, pero no la vaginosis bacteriana, fueron más frecuentes en mujeres embarazadas; se hace énfasis en la facilidad de diagnosticar vaginosis bacteriana en el laboratorio corriente con base en criterios de muy fácil determinación.

  6. Modelo de gestión estratégica para la toma de decisiones en entidades agropecuarias. Implementación en una UBPC del municipio Martí (Parte II¹

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    Maybe Campos

    Full Text Available Este trabajo tuvo como objetivo ofrecer los resultados de la implementación de un modelo de gestión estratégica para la toma de decisiones en una unidad básica de producción cooperativa (UBPC del municipio Martí en la provincia de Matanzas, Cuba, específicamente el análisis de un conjunto de indicadores económicos, ambientales y técnico-productivos. El punto de partida fue la desfavorable situación económica y ambiental que presentaba la UBPC en 2005, lo cual exigió un análisis estratégico enfocado hacia el desarrollo sostenible a partir de la óptima y racional utilización de los recursos existentes; ello incluyó la formulación de 12 estrategias generales. La comprobación de la efectividad de la implementación del modelo de gestión estratégica (MGE se basó en su factibilidad de aplicación, en la cual se tuvo en cuenta la valoración de 15 expertos competentes de la entidad con un apreciable coeficiente de concordancia y los cambios tangibles e intangibles que se generaron entre 2006 y 2011. Con la implementación del MGE se contribuyó a dotar a la UBPC de un proceder organizativo consciente, integrador y sistematizado para la gestión estratégica, el cual apoye la toma de decisiones.

  7. Tendencias del desarrollo regional en el nuevo entorno económico de México. Un análisis por entidades federativas, 1990-2000

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    Víctor Manuel Maldonado Montoya


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se indaga si la apertura de la economía mexicana ha producido convergencia del desarrollo regional. Se utilizan las entidades federativas como unidad de observación y se establece su grado de desarrollo considerando los valores medios y la distribución de escolaridad, salud e ingreso per cápita. Un hallazgo del trabajo es que cuanto más alto es el valor medio de las variables, más igualitariamente tienden a distribuirse. El otro hallazgo es que no se observa convergencia. El trabajo concluye con una breve discusión de los factores que pueden influir en las perspectivas de la convergencia.

  8. Análisis de entidades públicas mediante indicadores : instrumento de rendición de cuentas y demostración de responsabilidades

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    María Belén Morala Gómez


    Full Text Available Una de las premisas de lo que ha venido en llamarse Nueva Gestión Pública pone el acento en la mejora de los mecanismos de rendición de cuentas y de demostracción de las responsabilidades asumidas por los gobernantes de las Entidades Públicas. En este sentido, la utilización de indicadores obtenidos con base en la información contable y presupuestaria puede y debe constituir una valiosa aportación en la valoración por los usuarios del proceso de ejecución presupuestaria, del nivel de servicios prestados, de los ingresos derivados del funcionamiento corriente de la Entidad Pública y de su capacidad de ahorro, del esfuerzo inversor llevado a cabo, de sus necesidades de financiación, de los equilibrios presupuestarios, así como de la carga de la deuda pública y el nivel de endeudamiento. Para poner de manifiesto la importancia que en la actualidad se le concede a los indicadores de gestión como instrumento al servicio de la transparencia informativa pública, la propia Normativa contable aplicable a las Corporaciones Locales españolas lo ha introducido recientemente mediante las Instrucciones de Contabilidad Normal y Simplificada aprobadas en noviembre de 2004 y publicadas en diciembre del mismo año, lo que ha venido a suponer un salto cualitativo trascendental en la Contabilidad Pública española.En el presente artícullo se desarrolla un abanico de indicadores adecuados a esos efectos, ofreciendo asimismo un cuadro con los resultados derivados de la aplicación de los mismos a una Entidad Pública como es la Excma. Diputación Provincial de Léon (España.One of the prerequisites of the so called New Public Management outstands the mechanisms of accountability and the display of responsibilities assumed by the governing bodies of public entities. In this sense, the use of indicators based on accounting and budgetary information systems, could and should constitute a valuable contribution to the users' valuation of budgetary

  9. La Comunicación Organizacional en Entidades Educativas


    Papic Domínguez, Gabriela Katia


    En la investigación se aborda el tema de la comunicación organizacional en entidades educativas, se desarrolla en el caso de la aplicación de la comunicación organizacional interna entre los directivos y el profesorado, en el marco del incremento de la eficacia de la gestión escolar en el establecimiento educativo, adscrito a las comunas de Pudahuel y La Cisterna. Los principales antecedentes que constituyen parte del contexto educacional a nivel mundial, como en el Sistema Educativo Nacio...

  10. Esofagitis necrotizante aguda: Una entidad inusual Acute esophageal necrosis: An unusual entity

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    Silvana E. Pramparo


    Full Text Available La esofagitis necrotizante aguda (ENA, también denominada esófago negro, es una rara enfermedad poco descripta en la literatura médica. Describimos el caso de un hombre de 80 años, con hemorragia digestiva alta quien desarrolló un esófago negro luego de un episodio de hipotensión. La necrosis fue confirmada histológicamente. Los pacientes se presentan con hematemesis y melena en más del 70% de los casos. Los hallazgos endoscópicos muestran una coloración negruzca de la mucosa esofágica. El diagnóstico se realiza con endoscopia y confirmación histológica. La mortalidad es alta (más del 50% aunque relacionada a las enfermedades de base del paciente. Por último, podemos decir que la sospecha es muy importante en el diagnóstico de ENA, particularmente en pacientes ancianos con enfermedades asociadas y evidencia de hemorragia digestiva alta. En este trabajo describimos las características clínicas, endoscópicas e histopatológicas de un paciente con ENA.Acute esophageal necrosis (AEN, also designated black esophagus, is a rare disorder that is poorly described in the medical literature. We present the case of an 80 years old man, with upper gastrointestinal bleeding who developed a black esophagus after hypotensive episodes. Necrosis was confirmed histologically. Hematemesis and melena are present in more than 70% of the cases. Endoscopic findings show black discoloration of the distal esophagus with proximal extension ending sharply at the gastroesophageal junction. Diagnosis is reached endoscopically with histological support. Mortality is high (up to 50% even though related to the patient's underlying condition. Finally, we may say that to keep in mind the posibility of AEN is a key factor in its diagnosis, particularly in older patients with associated morbidity and evidence of upper gastrointestinal bleeding. In the present report we describe the clinical, endoscopic and histophatological characteristics of a patient with a

  11. Una metodología para el diagnostico organizacional de instituciones universitarias

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    Jaime Contreras Pérez


    Full Text Available RESUMEN El denominado énfasis de Fortaleza, Oportunidades, Debilidades y Amenazas, F.O.D.A. Se utiliza principalmente para realizar diagnósticos en organizaciones, lo que permitirá formular  una estrategia de acción en instituciones de servicios tales como una entidad universitaria. Sin embargo, esta metodología tiene algunas deficiencias, por ese motivo, este trabajo propone una nueva metodología  aplicada a la realización de diagnósticos organizacionales aplicados a instituciones universitarias, con base a un razonamiento de priorización y descarte de aquellas variables en la que no sea posible establecer una  clara relación entre: el grado de  atractivo o grado de fortaleza, con el grado de importancia que dicha variable representa, en términos  de medir su contribución al logro de los objetivos de la institución universitaria en general o una unidad académica estratégica en análisis.

  12. Algoritmo para Estimar los Saldos Netos Migratorios en entidades federativas mexicanas

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    Full Text Available En este artículo se describe el diseño, desarrollo e implementación de un Algoritmo para Estimar Saldos Netos Migratorios (ASNM en las entidades federativas de México mediante un modelo de distribución territorial de la población de Rogers en el que a través de la matriz de origendestino de la migración interna se incluyen el comportamiento del crecimiento natural y el de la inmigración y emigración internacional. Los datos requeridos son totalmente de base demográfica. Se buscó respetar al dato para que él hable por sí mismo a través de un modelo que le permita expresarse. Los resultados indican que de acuerdo con las cifras observadas por el censo de 2010 y a las estimadas por el ASNM para 2015, la contribución anual del SNM al total de la población por entidad federativa no representa más de tres por ciento.

  13. Rabdomiólisis tras la práctica de spinning: una asociación peculiar

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    J.M. Torres-León


    Full Text Available La rabdomiólisis de esfuerzo es una entidad clínica con unas características especiales. Se describe un cuadro de rabdomiólisis en un varón joven y sano, tras la práctica de una única sesión de spinning y se compara con otros descritos en la literatura. El objetivo es exponer las peculiaridades de la asociación del spinning con la rabdomiólisis por esfuerzo y conocer el riesgo de esta patología, aun en personas sanas, en relación con esta práctica deportiva. La contracción muscular que se produce en este ejercicio y la percepción disminuida del esfuerzo, al ser una actividad realizada en grupo, estimulada ambientalmente y alentada por un monitor, pueden contribuir a esta asociación.

  14. Dermolipoma e prolapso de gordura orbital: duas entidades distintas


    Ferraz,Lucieni Cristina Barbarini; Schellini,Silvana Artioli; Wludarski,Sheila Cristina Lordelo; Marques,Mariângela Esther Alencar; Moraes-Silva,Maria Rosa Bet


    Objetivo: Relatar 20 pacientes portadores de dermolipoma e 10 pacientes com prolapso de gordura orbitária, ressaltando aspectos que podem auxiliar para o diferencial clínico destas duas entidades. Métodos: Foi realizado estudo retrospectivo de 12 anos, avaliando-se portadores de dermolipoma e de prolapso de gordura orbitária, atendidos na Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu-SP. Resultados: No período foram detectados 20 (1,6 pacientes/ano) portadores de dermolipoma e 10 (0,8 pacientes/ano), de ...

  15. Medición de la eficiencia financiera de las entidades promotoras de salud (eps del régimen contributivo mediante el análisis envolvente de datos (aed

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    Tomás Fontalvo Herrera


    Full Text Available Este artículo incorpora los resultados de una investigación que se propuso evaluar la eficiencia financiera de las entidades promotoras de salud (eps del régimen contributivo durante los años 2010 a 2012, mediante la metodología de análisis envolvente de datos (aed. Se usó, en particular, el modelo Banker, Chames y Cooper (bcc orientado a salidas. Como fuente para los datos financieros de las distintas eps se utilizó la información provista por la Superintendencia Nacional de Salud. Como variables de entrada se trabajaron, específicamente, activo corriente, costos de venta, gastos de administración y gastos de ventas. Como variable de salida se utilizó la utilidad bruta. Se observó que siete de las dieciocho eps consideradas tienen una eficiencia del 100  % durante el periodo de estudio.

  16. Relación que existe entre el uso de redes sociales en las entidades públicas de la provincia de Ica y el modelo de relaciones públicas: comunicación bidireccional simétrica, en el año 2016


    Anyosa Mitacc, Sonia Amelia


    Analiza la relación que existe entre el uso de redes sociales en las entidades públicas de la provincia de Ica y el modelo de relaciones públicas: comunicación bidireccional simétrica, en el año 2016, puesto que se observó una problemática subsistente en las relaciones públicas entre el Estado y la comunidad, aún más en la región Ica, identificándose la no implementación de una política de gobierno local para la gestión de las redes sociales en internet. El objetivo por consiguiente fue medir...

  17. Influencia de la transferencia por arco sobre la microestructura de uniones soldadas usando arco pulsado//Influence of the transfer by arc on the microstructure of welded joint produced by pulsed arc

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    Sandra Patricia Romero-Nieto


    Full Text Available Este artículo estudia la influencia de la transferencia de arco pulsado en el proceso de soldadura por arco eléctrico con gas de protección (GMAW, Gas Metal Arc Welding, sobre la microestructura, utilizando dos composiciones de gas de protección y los modos de transferencia de arco pulsado y corto circuito. Se caracterizó la microestructura y las propiedades mecánicas y los resultados indican que se logra una mayor resistencia a la tensión y un perfil de dureza más homogéneo utilizando el modo de transferencia de arco pulsado, debido a que con esta existe una distribución más uniforme del tamaño de grano en lastres zonas de soldadura. La presencia de ferrita acicular fue una constante en todos los tratamientos evaluados, mientras la ferrita widmastatten se presentó con preferencia en la transferencia de arco pulsado.Palabras claves: transferencia en arco pulsado, proceso GMAW, mezclas de gases de protección._______________________________________________________________________________AbstractThis article studies the influence of pulsed arc transfer in the GMAW process on the microstructure, usingtwo shielding gas composition and the pulsed arc and short circuit transfer. The microstructure andmechanical properties was characterized and the results show that is achieved a greater tensile strengthand more homogeneous in the hardness profile using the pulsed arc transfer, because it creates a moreuniform size grain in the three areas of welding. The presence of a circular ferrite was constant in alltreatments tested, while widmastatten ferrite was presented preferably in the pulsed arc transfer.Key words: transfer in pulsed current, GMAW process, shielding gas mixtures


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    Jéssica Paloma Franke de Araújo


    Full Text Available O terceiro setor se encontra em crescimento, fator que tem gerado uma maior competitividade na busca por captação de recursos. Evidencia-se que quanto maior o número de informações divulgadas pelas entidades pertencentes ao terceiro setor, maior essas entidades demonstram-se transparentes, assim como maior tende a ser o número de doações recebidas por elas, pois transmitem confiança aos seus doadores. Neste contexto, o objetivo desta pesquisa consiste em identificar o nível de evidenciação das entidades do terceiro setor que possuem o título de Utilidade Pública Federal (UPF no Estado de Rondônia, no ano de 2013. A pesquisa caracteriza-se como descritiva e foi realizada mediante análise documental. A amostra investigada na pesquisa compreende 12 entidades que divulgaram sua prestação de contas referente ao ano de 2013 no website do Ministério da Justiça. Foi utilizado um constructo elaborado na pesquisa de Zittei, Politelo e Scarpin (2013, o qual contem 63 itens baseados no CPC 26 e NBC T 10.19. Os resultados encontrados evidenciam que estas entidades apresentam um nível médio de evidenciação de 41% das informações avaliadas, o que denota que muitas informações destacadas na referida norma não foram evidenciadas por estas entidades neste período.

  19. Pequenas e médias empresas como patrocinadoras de planos previdenciais em entidades fechadas de previdência complementar


    Cardoso, Sérgio; Capelo Júnior, Emílio; Chagas, Dimitri Mendonça Spinelli; Rocha, Alane S.; Batista, Paulo César de Souza


    Este artigo tem como objetivo quantificar o carregamento de contingência sobre as Provisões Matemáticas de Entidades Fechadas de Previdência Complementar - EFPCs, para entidades de diferentes portes, demonstrando, assim, a influência da variável "número de participantes" no nível de carregamento de contingência estipulado. Através de estudo exploratório, com pesquisas bibliográfica e experimental, foram determinadas as taxas de carregamento de contingência para diferentes arranjos previdenciá...

  20. Aplicação do SNC-AP nas entidades do Serviço Nacional de Saúde

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    Nunes, Carlos


    Full Text Available A partir de 1 de janeiro de 2018 todos os serviços e organismos da administração central, regional e local, que não tenham natureza, forma e designação de empresa pública bem como o subsetor da segurança social e as entidades públicas reclassificadas, tais como entidades do Serviço Nacional de Saúde, passam a aplicar o Sistema de Normalização Contabilística - Administração Pública (SNC-AP. Auscultaram-se os responsáveis pela contabilidade de 36 entidades do Serviço Nacional de Saúde sobre a mudança de referencial e as respetivas implicações. Em média, estes valorizam positivamente o SNC-AP, contudo atribuem maior importância ao Plano Oficial de Contabilidade - Ministério da Saúde. Estes profissionais reconhecem dificuldades técnicas na transição e impactos negativos nos ativos e passivos, mas positivos nos capitais próprios.

  1. Implementación de la Inteligencia de Negocios para mejorar la Gestión del Conocimiento para la Toma de Decisiones en la Entidad Pública Prestadora de servicios de Salud de La Libertad (Tesis parcial)


    Vargas Valderrama, Alex Michel


    RESUMEN El presente trabajo de tesis implementó una solución de Inteligencia de Negocios la cual mejoró significativamente la gestión del conocimiento en la toma de decisiones en la Entidad Prestadora de Servicios de Salud de La Libertad en relación al cumplimiento de los indicadores prestacionales definidos en el Convenio de Gestión suscrito con la Aseguradora Pública de Salud. En un primer momento, se evaluó los resultados de los indicadores, evidenciando que no s...

  2. Composição do Ativo de Investimentos em Entidades Fechadas de Previdência Complementar (EFPC: uma análise exploratória focada no tipo de patrocínioComposition of the Assets of Investments in Brazilian Supplementary Private Pension Plan System (EFPC: an exploratory analysis based in the type of patronageComposición del Activo de las Inversiones en Entidades Privadas de Previsión Complementaria: un análisis exploratorio enfocado en el tipo de patrocinio

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    SANTIAGO, Hugo Leonardo Ferraz


    by public entities there is a bias to apply in the titles that the federal, state and municipal governments are responsible for. Whereas, when the fund is sponsored by private entities there is a bias for investments in financial institutions. It was also verified that the public entities direct their resources to invest in shares and in investment funds.RESUMENEste estudio tiene por finalidad analizar los segmentos de activo de inversiones en Entidades Privadas de Previsión Complementaria (EPPC, tipificándolas de acuerdo con el patrocinio, público o privado. Se utilizó procedimiento metodológico inductivo de carácter exploratorio, pues a partir de los datos disponibles en el sitio web, se construyó una tabla con los índices de cada tipo de activo de inversión, como un porcentaje del activo total de inversión y se consideraron los ejercicios 2002, 2003, 2004 y 2005. Los datos se tabularon para ulterior prueba de hipótesis. Se utilizó la prueba no paramétrica de Kruskall-Wallis (H, que verifica si k muestras independientes provienen de poblaciones con medias iguales. Se concluyó que cuando las instituciones públicas patrocinan el fondo, hay una tendencia a aplicar en títulos de responsabilidad del gobierno federal, del estado o del municipio. Cuando el fondo tiene patrocinio de entidades privadas se observa una tendencia a invertir en instituciones financieras. Se constató también que las instituciones públicas, orientan sus recursos hacia la inversión en acciones y fondos de inversión.


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    Jaime Ruiz Vega


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta parte de los resultados obtenidos en el desarrollo del proyecto l a movilización discursiva de valores sociales asociados a la entidad léxica tarea escolar en la educación básica y media en Bogotá ( dle –361–13, que tuvo como objetivo identificar y analizar las concepciones que de las tareas escolares tienen los docentes de educación básica y media de Bogotá. Se da cuenta de aspectos conceptuales que sustentan la investigación y de la metodología que orientó el trabajo, la cual se sustenta en los planteamientos de la Semántica de los Posibles Argumentativos ( spa ; luego, se ofrece el análisis de los datos obtenidos de la entidad léxica ‘tarea escolar’ , fundamentalmente en lo que respecta a los encadenamientos argumentativos y la movilización discursiva de valores asociados al núcleo y los estereotipos de dicha entidad léxica.

  4. Efecto de una bebida antioxidante sobre marcadores de estrés oxidativo y riesgo cardiovascular en pacientes con Síndrome Metabólico


    Bernabé García, Juana


    El síndrome metabólico, conocido también como síndrome plurimetabólico, síndrome de resistencia a la insulina o síndrome X, es una entidad clínica controvertida que aparece con amplias variaciones fenotípicas en personas con una predisposición endógena, determinada genéticamente y condicionada por factores ambientales. El síndrome metabólico se caracteriza por la presencia de insulinoresistencia con hiperinsulinismo compensador asociado a trastornos del metabolismo hidrocarbonado, cifras elev...

  5. Presupuesto participativo para una efectiva participación ciudadana

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    Félix Sixto Pilay Toala


    Full Text Available Al presupuesto participativo se lo define como un instrumento que da lugar a que la sociedad organizada desde lo más pequeño del territorio forme parte en la toma de decisión y en la construcción de una herramienta para la gestión administrativas y financiera de la entidad pública. Actualmente los Gobiernos Autónomos Descentralizados (GAD, enfrentan este desafío, lo que significa, hacer efectivo el mandato en la nueva Constitución. El estudio se centró en 24 de Mayo, un cantón empobrecido y con enormes desigualdades sociales, al mismo tiempo, se realizó una muestra en las ciudades de Portoviejo, Manta, Chone, Quito, Guayaquil, Cuenca, Cotacachi y Santo Domingo. La información recolectada a 379 líderes locales permitió tener una visión nacional de la necesidad de construir colectivamente el presupuesto público de los GAD´s y dejar en el pasado la forma excluyente y tradicional de elaborarlo y con ello, hacer efectiva la Participación Ciudadana. Palabras Clave: Presupuesto participativo, gobiernos autónomos descentralizados, equidad, solidaridad

  6. Proceso de reestructuración bancaria: análisis de las entidades participantes, fusionadas y nacionalizadas || Bank Restructuring: Analysis of Participating, Merged and Nationalized Entities

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    Jimber del Río, Juan Antonio


    Full Text Available En la década de los noventa en el sector financiero se produjo un proceso sin precedentes de fusiones y adquisiciones en toda Europa. Esta tendencia se inició en Estados Unidos en los ochenta, extendiéndose rápidamente al continente europeo. El estudio realiza un análisis de las variables que tienen un efecto marginal sobre la probabilidad por parte de una entidad financiera de participar en un proceso de reestructuración financiera como entidad fusionada o nacionalizada. Para ello se usan modelos con variable endógena categórica para representar las distintas situaciones de absorción consideradas. En el proceso de modelización se han utilizado las técnicas econométricas usuales de selección de variable y la interpretabilidad financiera de éstas. || In the nineties in the financial sector, there was an unprecedented process of mergers and acquisitions in Europe. This trend started in the United States in the eighties, quickly spreading to Europe. The study analyzes the variables that have a marginal effect on the probability by a financial institution to participate in a process of financial restructuring as a merged or nationalized entity. For this, categorical models with endogenous variable are used to represent the different situations of absorption being considered. In the modeling process we have used the usual econometric techniques for variable selection and their financial interpretability.

  7. Factores de riesgo de los trastornos hipertensivos inducidos por el embarazo en mujeres atendidas en una entidad de salud de Santa Marta

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    Gisela Esther González Ruiz


    Full Text Available Title: Risk factors hypertensive disorders induced pregnancy in women attended in a health company Santa Marta.Los trastornos hipertensivos del embarazo, son un problema de salud pública, la primera causa de muerte materna en países desarrollados y la tercera en países en desarrollo. Objetivo: Identificar los factores de riesgos que determinan la aparición de los trastornos hipertensivos, en mujeres embarazadas atendidas en una entidad de salud de Santa Marta, Colombia, en los meses de enero de 2011 a enero 2012. Materiales y métodos: estudio descriptivo, cuantitativo retrospectivo, realizado a un grupo de 51 pacientes gestantes que presentaron trastornos hipertensivos. Las técnicas de recolección de información se basaron en la revisión documental (historias clínicas y la aplicación de una encuesta previamente validada por expertos. A través de estos métodos se consignaron variables que permitieron identificar los factores en los trastornos hipertensivos de las gestantes. Resultados: la distribución por edad se ubicó en el rango 26 a 34 años (54.8%, los factores de riesgos presentes fueron: bajo peso (45.0%, no asistencia a controles prenatales (11,8%, multiparidad (56.9%, nivel socioeconómico medio-alto (45.1, antecedentes familiares relacionados con alteración hipertensiva de la madre (39.2%, antecedentes personales patológicos de infecciones urinarias (83.3% y consumo de alcohol (58.8%. Conclusiones: los factores de riesgo de antecedentes personales patológicos de infecciones urinarias se presentaron en un alto porcentaje (83,3%, el consumo de alcohol, multiparidad y antecedentes familiares, ocuparon un lugar importante; mientras que el nivel significativo de asistencia a controles prenatales, no evitó la aparición del trastorno hipertensivo. (DUAZARY 2013 No. 2, 119 - 126AbstractThe Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy are a public health problem, is the first cause of maternal death in the developed countries and the

  8. Propuesta de Guía Metodológica para auditar el estado de las Tecnologías de Información y las Telecomunicaciones - TIC - en las entidades públicas que fiscaliza la Contraloría General de Antioquia (Colombia

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    Nancy Estella Garcia Ospina


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se presenta una propuesta de guía metodológica para auditar el estado de las Tecnologías de Información y las Comunicaciones-TIC -en las entidades públicas que fiscaliza la Contraloría General de Antioquia. La propuesta se motiva en la carencia de una guía en la evaluación de tecnologíasdentro del proceso auditor que posee la CGA, y se apoya teóricamente en varios insumos como son: COBIT, ITIL, AUDITE, políticas públicas como: Gobierno en Línea, VIVE DIGITAL, Ley Antitrámites, entre otros. La consolidación de éstos temas en una guía comola que se propone, la convierte en un instrumento valioso que puede ser aplicado en cualquier contraloría a nivel municipal, departamental o nacional

  9. Análisis de seguridad de una muestra de redes WLAN en la ciudad de Tunja, Boyacá, Colombia

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    Julián Alberto Monsalve-Pulido


    Full Text Available Éste documento presenta resultados de un aná lisis de seguridad de redes WLAN en la ciudad de Tunja Boyacá Colombia basado en un a muestra aleatoria distribuida en toda la Ciudad. El estudio es resultado de investigación del proyecto “Diagnóstico de segurida d informática aplicado a una muestra de organizac iones de la ciudad de Tunja” financiado por la Universidad Santo Tomás Seccional Tunja. La información recolectada y analizada se obtuvo mediante las técnicas Wa rchalking y Wardriving en una representación significativa de redes inalámbricas de empre sas públicas, privadas, entidades educativas y hogares ubicados geográficamente en diferentes sectores de la ciudad. Como re sultado de la investigación se demostró di ferentes niveles de riesgo con respecto a configuraciones de tecnología de algunos dispos itivos de entidades públicas, privadas y sectores residenciales, por último se r ealizaron algunas recomendaciones y conclusiones que mej orarán el nivel de seguridad por medio de buenas prácticas a nivel de configuraci ón y uso de estas redes.

  10. Proyecto de factibilidad para la creación de una caja solidaria para las nacionalidades y pueblos de mujeres que laboran en el Mercado Mayorista en el sur del Distrito Metropolitano de Quito.


    Flores Lara, Edgar Andrés


    La caja solidaria para las Nacionalidades y Pueblos de Mujeres QALLARIY PURIY será una entidad de Ahorro y Crédito Popular dirigida a las mujeres que laboran en el Mercado Mayorista al Sur del distrito Metropolitano de Quito, que realizan una actividad económica-productiva y se encuentran en situaciones de extrema marginalidad. El presente estudio de Factibilidad para la creación de una Caja Solidaria para las Nacionalidades y Pueblos de Mujeres consta de cinco capítulos en los cuales se p...

  11. Pulmón del soldador de arco Arc welder's lung

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    Luciana Molinari


    Full Text Available La siderosis del soldador o neumoconiosis siderótica fue descripta por Doig y McLaughlin en 1936 como una enfermedad pulmonar causada por la inhalación crónica de polvo de hierro en soldadores de arco eléctrico. Presentamos un caso de siderosis del soldador asociada a aumento de los niveles de ferritina, sin hallazgo de depósito de hierro en otros órganos y sin causas evidentes de hemosiderosis secundaria.Pneumoconiosis of electric arc welder or siderotic pneumoconiosis was described by Doig and McLaughlin in 1936 as a lung disease caused by chronic inhalation of iron fumes in electric arc welders. We present a case report of electric arc welder siderosis associated with high levels of ferritin, without findings of iron deposit in any other organ.

  12. Percepción del riesgo biológico en dos entidades de ciencia del sector salud en Holguín: cuba

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    Dailín Cobos Valdes

    Full Text Available Introducción: La temática sobre la percepción de riesgos resulta de gran actualidad e importancia porque su interpretación conduce al enfrentamiento de comportamientos humanos diversos. La misma puede ser aplicada a problemas de mayor especialización como el riesgo tecnológico o biológico. Las entidades con riesgo biológico deben conocer la percepción de sus trabajadores para poder organizar la Seguridad Biológica y proteger al trabajador ocupacionalmente expuesto. Las dos entidades de ciencia con riesgo biológico del sector salud en Holguín no presentan esta determinación. Objetivo: Determinar la percepción de riesgo biológico en estas entidades. Materiales y Métodos: Para determinar la percepción del riesgo biológico, se empleó el programa RISKPERCEP, se utilizó también el método Delphi para validar la encuesta elaborada ajustada al grupo de estudio. Resultados: La percepción del riesgo en las dos entidades fue baja. Este resultado tiene notables implicaciones en la Bioseguridad, ya que al no valorar el riesgo al que están expuestos, los trabajadores, se familiarizan con las actividades con riesgo biológico que ejecutan diariamente y son proclives a cometer fallas. En sentido general, en las dos entidades, las variables a nivel de individuos y de la naturaleza del riesgo se encuentran subestimadas y las de gestión se encuentran sobrestimadas. Conclusiones: Los estudios realizados permiten determinar sobre qué aspectos debe incidirse para regular la sobrestimación o subestimación del riesgo, los que son esenciales en el diseño de políticas adecuadas de capacitación y en la preparación de mensajes de prevención en el ámbito laboral.

  13. Una Propuesta Teórico-Metodológica para implementar la Gestión por Competencias en las Empresas. Experiencias Prácticas

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    Alexander Sánchez Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Se presenta un modelo conceptual y un procedimiento general para la gestión integral de recursos humanos (GRH en base a competencias en entidades turísticas, que integra las corrientes de estudio en este campo y los enfoques sistémico y estratégico de la dirección, teniendo como base el de competencias, además incorpora un conjunto de técnicas y herramientas para la determinación de los modelos, así como algunos indicadores para evaluar el impacto de la implementación del sistema. Tomando en consideración que las competencias laborales constituyen una alternativa para incrementar el rendimiento laboral y generar valor a través de la creación del conocimiento y el desarrollo de nuevas competencias para el crecimiento personal de los empleados y de la organización. Finalmente, se exponen los resultados generales en una muestra de entidades turísticas de la provincia Holguín. Por su carácter general, el modelo y procedimiento son aplicables para el mejoramiento de la GRH en otras organizaciones productivas y de servicio.

  14. Política económica y desarrollo del sistema financiero peruano, parte II: propuesta para una reforma y análisis de la nueva ley de bancos.


    Armando Caceres; Javier Nagamine


    El documento propone, a partir de la problemática del sistema financiero, revisada en la primera parte de este estudio, modificaciones en el entorno económico que enfrentan las empresas financieras, así como una participación activa del Estado en la supervisión y control de las entidades crediticias.

  15. Implementación de una solución de auditoría y seguridad de base de datos en una entidad financiera


    Soto Limo, Carlos Enrique; Soto Limo, Carlos Enrique; Soto Limo, Carlos Enrique


    En la actualidad los entornos empresariales se encuentran fuertemente regulados y se obliga a las empresas a cumplir con una serie de requerimientos, incluyendo el gobierno y la protección de datos. La mayoría de regulaciones requieren el cumplimento de los criterios de Integridad de Datos (regulaciones diseñadas para prevenir el fraude) o Confidencialidad de Datos (regulaciones diseñadas para proteger de robo o exposición de información personal, médica o financiera), criterios indispensable...


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    Francisco SOLER TORMO


    Full Text Available Las cajas rurales, en su condición de entidades de crédito, al igual que los bancos y las cajas de ahorros, están experimentando las consecuencias derivadas de la actual crisis financiera internacional. Sin embargo, lejos de suponer un lastre para estas entidades, la actual situación ha de ser aprovechada como una oportunidad, lo que significa redefinir su modelo de negocio apostando por una mayor eficiencia. El objetivo del presente trabajo es analizar cuáles son los efectos que la crisis financiera está provocando en las cajas rurales españolas, partiendo de las características propias de las cajas rurales y teniendo en cuenta los trabajos más recientes publicados sobre la crisis financiera actual. El entorno de crisis financiera global requiere una caracterización comparativa del sector con la banca y las cajas de ahorros mediante el análisis de las tasas de morosidad, de cobertura de insolvencias y los ratings otorgados. / The small farm loan banks, as their credit organizations, like the banks and the savings banks, are undergoing the derived consequences of the present international financial crisis. Nevertheless, far from supposing a ballast for these organizations, the present situation has to be taken advantage of like an opportunity, which means to redefine its model of business betting by a greater efficiency. The objective of the present work is to analyze which are the effects that the financial crisis is causing in the Spanish small farm loan banks, starting off of the own characteristics of the small farm loan banks and considering the published most recent works on the present financial crisis. The surroundings of global financial crisis require a comparative characterization of the sector with the bank and the savings banks by means of the analysis of the rates of dilatoriness, cover of insolvencies and the granted ratings.

  17. "Transformación de fundación en cooperativa" (Transforming a foundation into a cooperative

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    Juan Ramón Manzano Malaxechevarría


    Full Text Available El autor dibuja el camino entre una entidad de interés general,como es una fundación, hacia otra que, sin ser una entidad de interés general,no es tampoco una persona jurídica de carácter mercantil puro, como esuna cooperativa. La transformación de fundación en cooperativa exige una interpretaciónamplia del principio de autonomía de la voluntad que el legisladorfavorece.

  18. Elementos de la identidad social urbana del casco histórico de Maracaibo, desde la perspectiva de las entidades de gestión

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    Raymundo Alberto Portillo Ríos


    Full Text Available La identidad social urbana hace alusión a aquellos elementos culturales, geográficos y sociales que posibilitan que una región se diferencie de otra, es memoria colectiva, labor compartida por toda la sociedad. El presente estudio busca distinguir los elementos que conforman la identidad social urbana del casco histórico de Maracaibo, desde la perspectiva de las entidades de gestión; la importancia de esta investigación descriptiva y aplicada, radica en los aportes que hace el estudio de la identidad al desarrollo de la colectividad, ya que reconociéndola, las ciudades potencian sus rasgos más característicos. Por los resultados obtenidos la identidad social urbana del casco histórico de Maracaibo, se distingue por el elemento religioso, histórico y patrimonial; ya que estos aspectos refuerzan la vivencia y la experiencia de la memoria urbana, compartida y transmitida de generación en generación.

  19. Modelo de gestión para aplicaciones desarrolladas por unidades de negocio en una entidad bancaria


    Díaz Tovar, Jorge Luis; Díaz Tovar, Jorge Luis; Díaz Tovar, Jorge Luis


    En los últimos años ha habido un crecimiento sustancial de las necesidades de automatización de las empresas exigiendo mayor agilidad y flexibilidad a un menor costo. Si bien este es un reto que vienen enfrentando los departamentos de TI y para lo cual se vienen implementando una sería de iniciativas, tales como: metodologías ágiles, nuevas tecnologías, automatización de procesos de TI, cloud computing, etc., los usuarios se han visto en la necesidad de crear sus propias soluciones de TI, log...

  20. Valoración de inmuebles una estrategia para la inversión y financiamiento

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    Jonathan Herrera Peña


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo consiste en mostrar la aplicación de una técnica para la valoración eficaz de los inmuebles con fines de financiamiento por parte de una entidad gubernamental, específicamente la Corporación Financiera Nacional del Ecuador (CFN, hacia una persona natural o jurídica. Para esto, se utilizó la metodología de análisis comparativo de mercado con la técnica de homogeneización para el análisis de precios referenciales de bienes inmuebles que se comercializan en la zona de estudio, la misma que está relacionada a la Norma contable NIC 16, que es fundamental para el cumplimiento societario, tributario y financiero de una persona natural o jurídica. Esta valoración y el proceso contribuyen a superar limitaciones conceptuales y prácticas en el análisis de bienes inmuebles que se ven a menudo reflejados en incumplimientos legales por errores en la valoración real de activos. Palabras clave: Valoración, análisis comparativo, bienes inmuebles, metodología.

  1. La lucha contra la poliomielitis: una alianza médico-social, Buenos Aires, 1943

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    Daniela Edelvis Testa


    Full Text Available El presente artículo analiza el surgimiento de una de las organizaciones voluntarias de asistencia social que tuvo una activa participación en la atención sanitaria de la poliomielitis en Argentina: la Asociación para la Lucha contra la Parálisis Infantil. Esta institución fue conformada en la ciudad de Buenos Aires, en 1943, por un grupo de mujeres de sectores sociales altos y medios. En un contexto de incertidumbre biomédica la entidad movilizó recursos materiales y simbólicos para dar respuesta al problema de la rehabilitación de las afecciones físicas permanentes que la enfermedad provocaba en sus víctimas. Utilizando como fuente las memorias institucionales de la organización, se muestra cómo médicos y filántropas constituyeron una alianza médico-social y desarrollaron el interés fundamental de practicar una modalidad de tratamiento –en un contexto donde todo estaba por hacerse- sostenidos en un andamiaje que amalgamaba ideas cristianas con innovaciones de la medicina y la rehabilitación.

  2. Hallazgos endoscópicos en pacientes con bronquiectasias de una zona endémica de tuberculosis

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    Alfonzo Uribe-Barreto


    Full Text Available Las bronquiectasias son una entidad frecuente en el Perú debido a su presencia como secuela de la tuberculosis. Se describe los hallazgos más frecuentes en la broncoscopía flexible en 101 pacientes previamente diagnosticados de bronquiectasias mediante radiografía de tórax y tomografía axial computarizada en un hospital general de Lima. La mayoría de los pacientes tenía como antecedente tuberculosis pulmonar (80% y presentó hemoptisis (67% como motivo de consulta. Los hallazgos más frecuentes en la broncofibroscopía fueron la deformación de la luz bronquial con dilataciones y constricciones (100%, el acceso del broncofibroscopio (de 6,0 mm de diámetro más allá de los bronquios segmentarios (98%, la coalescencia de los anillos traqueales (97% y las estrías longitudinales (13,9%. Los tres primeros hallazgos deben ser considerados como propuesta para determinar los criterios de diagnóstico endoscópico de esta entidad.

  3. Metal halide arc discharge lamp having short arc length (United States)

    Muzeroll, Martin E. (Inventor)


    A metal halide arc discharge lamp includes a sealed light-transmissive outer jacket, a light-transmissive shroud located within the outer jacket and an arc tube assembly located within the shroud. The arc tube assembly includes an arc tube, electrodes mounted within the arc tube and a fill material for supporting an arc discharge. The electrodes have a spacing such that an electric field in a range of about 60 to 95 volts per centimeter is established between the electrodes. The diameter of the arc tube and the spacing of the electrodes are selected to provide an arc having an arc diameter to arc length ratio in a range of about 1.6 to 1.8. The fill material includes mercury, sodium iodide, scandium tri-iodide and a rare gas, and may include lithium iodide. The lamp exhibits a high color rendering index, high lumen output and high color temperature.

  4. Contribución al cálculo y evaluación de los costos de calidad en entidades petroleras

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    Regla Caridad Gómez


    Full Text Available Como parte de las estrategias utilizadas para la implementación del nuevo modelo eco-nómico cubano se desarrolló el presente trabajo,  con el  objetivo principal de calcular y evaluar sobre bases científicas de los costos de calidad, con la utilización de métodos teóricos y empíricos que fundamenten los resultados. Se partió de la determinaron de las actividades que generan costos de calidad en los procesos de transportación, así como los elementos de gasto en cada una de ellas, el cálculo de los costos incurridos en el año 2015 de lo cual se obtuvo valores insignificantes comparados con los de ventas y gastos totales del área; se constató además, que existen inconformidades en los servicios por deficiente calidad de los mismos, las cuales no generan gastos por su aceptación por parte de los clientes pero sí constituyen productos no conformes. Palabras clave: Costos de calidad; gestión; sistema; procesos; eficiencia; entidades petroleras

  5. Monitoring ARC services with GangliARC

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cameron, D; Karpenko, D


    Monitoring of Grid services is essential to provide a smooth experience for users and provide fast and easy to understand diagnostics for administrators running the services. GangliARC makes use of the widely-used Ganglia monitoring tool to present web-based graphical metrics of the ARC computing element. These include statistics of running and finished jobs, data transfer metrics, as well as showing the availability of the computing element and hardware information such as free disk space left in the ARC cache. Ganglia presents metrics as graphs of the value of the metric over time and shows an easily-digestable summary of how the system is performing, and enables quick and easy diagnosis of common problems. This paper describes how GangliARC works and shows numerous examples of how the generated data can quickly be used by an administrator to investigate problems. It also presents possibilities of combining GangliARC with other commonly-used monitoring tools such as Nagios to easily integrate ARC monitoring into the regular monitoring infrastructure of any site or computing centre.


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    Jussara França Azevedo


    Full Text Available Este artigo tem a intenção de evidenciar uma reflexão quanto a visão antagônica arespeito do inicio da organização da indústria fabril no Brasil. Para tanto pretendolevantar alguns autores que defendem que a organização da indústria ocorrerá noséculo XX e a outros autores que defendem o começo da organização daindústria no XIX. Dividirei este artigo em duas etapas. A primeira exporei opensamento dos autores que afirmam que o século XX foi o período de unidadeentre os industriais.E a segunda parte pretendo confrontar o ajuizar de autores queafirmam que o século XIX foi o período de organização da primeira entidade quecongregava os industrias para tanto evidenciarei a ação dos industrias para aorganizar da entidade.

  7. Arc Interference Behavior during Twin Wire Gas Metal Arc Welding Process

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    Dingjian Ye


    Full Text Available In order to study arc interference behavior during twin wire gas metal arc welding process, the synchronous acquisition system has been established to acquire instantaneous information of arc profile including dynamic arc length variation as well as relative voltage and current signals. The results show that after trailing arc (T-arc is added to the middle arc (M-arc in a stable welding process, the current of M arc remains unchanged while the agitation increases; the voltage of M arc has an obvious increase; the shape of M arc changes, with increasing width, length, and area; the transfer frequency of M arc droplet increases and the droplet itself becomes smaller. The wire extension length of twin arc turns out to be shorter than that of single arc welding.

  8. Extremismo y radicalismo islámico en la Estrategia de Seguridad Nacional 2013: Una visión fragmentada e incompleta

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    Beatriz Tomé


    Full Text Available A pesar de que el extremismo islámico es una de las cuestiones más relevantes de la agenda internacional de los últimos años, no adquiere una entidad específica en la Estrategia de Seguridad Nacional (ESN. Aparece como un potenciador, que se integra en una concepción compleja y multidimensional de la seguridad y que está relacionado con (a la amenaza terrorista, (b el riesgo de vulnerabilidad energética, y (c el riesgo que supone una posible ausencia de cohesión social. Al descenso en el nivel analítico se añade la confusión conceptual en torno a los términos radicalismo, fundamentalismo y extremismo. Esta falta de precisión, que homogeniza un conjunto de procesos multiformes, imposibilita el diseño de unas líneas de acción precisas y eficaces que señalen los actores específicos con los que colaborar y las áreas concretas sobre las que incidir.

  9. Arc Shape Characteristics with Ultra-High-Frequency Pulsed Arc Welding

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    Mingxuan Yang


    Full Text Available Arc plasma possesses a constriction phenomenon with a pulsed current. The constriction is created by the Lorentz force, the radial electromagnetic force during arc welding, which determines the energy distribution of the arc plasma. Welding experiments were carried out with ultra-high-frequency pulsed arc welding (UHFP-AW. Ultra-high-speed camera observations were produced for arc surveillance. Hue-saturation-intensity (HSI image analysis was used to distinguish the regions of the arc plasma that represented the heat energy distribution. The measurement of arc regions indicated that, with an ultra-high-frequency pulsed arc, the constriction was not only within the decreased arc geometry, but also within the constricted arc core region. This can be checked by the ratio of the core region to the total area. The arc core region expanded significantly at 40 kHz at 60 A. A current level of 80 A caused a decrease in the total region of the arc. Meanwhile, the ratio of the core region to the total increased. It can be concluded that arc constriction depends on the increased area of the core region with the pulsed current (>20 kHz.


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    Gloria Alvarado Forero


    Full Text Available El desarrollo de las teorías del Sujeto modificó, de manera sensible, las estrategias de construcción del concepto de Institución y por tanto impuso la necesidad de reconsiderar a uno de los pilares en los cuales se fundamenta el saber de las Ciencias Sociales. Tales teorías, articuladas de manera indisoluble con los problemas del orden simbólico y por tanto con el problema del sentido, no han conducido sinembargo, a viabilizar satisfactoriamente un concepto dinámico de la institución como acción en y por la creación, manteniendo por el contrario afianzada su condición de entidad y estado de cosas. Una aproximación a la lógica del sentido, muestra por el contrario interesantes posibilidades, a la luz de las cuales ciertos debates sobre lo instituído y lo instituyente como momentos de la institución se revelan irrelevantes.


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    Full Text Available A partir del análisis de la situación organizacional de las diferentes instituciones en el Valle de Aburrá frente a la reducción de desastres y emergencias asociadas con los fenómenos de origen natural y antrópico, el Área Metropolitana del Valle de Aburrá, como autoridad ambiental y entidad planificadora, hace una propuesta que pretende articular todas las entidades, organizaciones e instituciones públicas y privadas hacia una gestión integral del riesgo, y la cual denominó: Red para la Gestión del Riesgo en el Valle de Aburrá, Red Riesgos. Red Riesgos es un sistema organizacional abierto de carácter interinstitucional para orientar y coordinar las políticas y acciones de análisis y reducción de riesgos, preparación y ejecución de la respuesta y recuperación en casos de desastre y emergencias en el Valle de Aburrá. Como instrumento estratégico de la Red, se formuló el Plan Regional para la Gestión del Riesgo en el Valle de Aburrá que contiene las acciones que se deben ejecutar para la reducción de desastres y el manejo óptimo de los mismos y se diseñó el Sistema Integrado de Información para dar soporte a los diferentes procesos de gestión de la Red.

  12. On arc efficiency in gas tungsten arc welding

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    Nils Stenbacka


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to review the literature on published arc efficiency values for GTAW and, if possible, propose a narrower band. Articles between the years 1955 - 2011 have been found. Published arc efficiency values for GTAW DCEN show to lie on a wide range, between 0.36 to 0.90. Only a few studies covered DCEP - direct current electrode positive and AC current. Specific information about the reproducibility in calorimetric studies as well as in modeling and simulation studies (considering that both random and systematic errors are small was scarce. An estimate of the average arc efficiency value for GTAW DCEN indicates that it should be about 0.77. It indicates anyway that the GTAW process with DCEN is an efficient welding method. The arc efficiency is reduced when the arc length is increased. On the other hand, there are conflicting results in the literature as to the influence of arc current and travel speed.



    Solìs Vargas, Ariana Michel; Yépez Moran, Gary Ernesto


    Descripción de la Empresa. Banco Pichincha es la mayor entidad financiera del Ecuador, líder en innovación y atención multicanal con una historia que suma 111 años. Cuenta con una amplia cobertura a nivel nacional que incluye 293 puntos de atención, más de 9.000 corresponsales no bancarios de la red Pichincha Mi Vecino, 1.161 máquinas autoservicios y los canales de Banca Electrónica, Banca Móvil y Banca Telefónica. Es la primera institución de América Latina que opera como b...

  14. Crecimiento económico, convergencia y concentración económica espacial en las entidades federativas de México 1970-2008

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    Normand Asuad Sanén


    Full Text Available El propósito principal del presente trabajo es identificar la formación de clubes o núcleos de convergencia y divergencia que el crecimiento económico ha propiciado en las entidades federativas de México y el papel e importancia de los factores geo-espaciales en dichas formaciones. El estudio se realiza mediante un análisis comparativo entre el crecimiento económico y las hipótesis de convergencia, a partir de un modelo de regresión espacial de corte transversal. Los resultados obtenidos sugieren la existencia de distintos procesos de convergencia en las entidades federativas del país, identificándose la presencia de núcleos de convergencia, los cuales tienden a diferentes estados estacionarios, manteniéndose las diferencias en el ingreso per cápita y en el desarrollo de los estados del país. Además se revela la importancia y estrecha relación entre la localización geo-espacial y la formación de núcleos de convergencia en el crecimiento económico de las entidades federativas del país.

  15. La crisis financiera global: síntoma de una crisis de valores

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    Ignacio Danvila del Valle


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo es indicar que la actual crisis financiera, es principalmente una crisis de valores. La metodología del trabajo consiste en realizar un estudio descriptivo sobre las consecuencias de la crisis en los mercados financieros internacionales, en la quiebra de empresas y de entidades financieras, señalando que se debe a una pérdida de valores de los directivos de muchas compañías. Los resultados de este estudio, señalan que actuaciones excesivamente avariciosas y poco solidarias han aumentado los niveles de endeudamiento de hogares, empresas y de toda la economía hasta límites insostenibles. En esta situación, se recomienda que las empresas adquieran el compromiso moral de incorporar criterios de responsabilidad social en sus operaciones. Además, que no haya dejación de responsabilidades por parte de los directivos de empresas y que se lleven a cabo políticas de apoyo a las personas en riesgo social. La posible solución podría ser, la recuperación de valores olvidados y recordar que toda relación económica es esencialmente una relación humana.

  16. Síndrome del ovario poliquístico y factores de riesgo cardiovascular asociados. Modificación de los mismos tras el tratamiento con un sensibilizador de insulina, la metformina, o una combinación de etinilestradiol más acetato de ciproterona (Diane35 Diario) e influencia de la presencia de obesidad


    Luque Ramírez, Manuel


    Premio Extraordinario de Doctorado 2010 El síndrome del ovario poliquístico (SOP) es una entidad muy común en las mujeres en edad fértil caracterizada por la presencia de hiperandrogenismo, fundamentalmente de origen ovárico, oligo-anovulación, y en una elevada proporción de pacientes resistencia a la insulina, obesidad y alteraciones metabólicas, agrupando una serie de factores de riesgo cardiovascular y aterosclerosis subclínica. El objetivo del presente trabajo ha sido determinar la pre...

  17. Primeros registros de la cotorra argentina (Myiopsitta monachus en el estado de Hidalgo, México

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    Iriana Zuria


    Full Text Available La cotorra argentina (Myiopsitta monachus es una especie de ave exótica e invasora en México. En esta nota presentamos los primeros registros de esta especie en el estado de Hidalgo. Observamos individuos adultos y nidos activos desde 2011 en dos ciudades de la entidad: Huejutla y Pachuca. Los nidos en Huejutla los ubicamos tanto en una galera metálica como en una antena de telefonía, mientras que en Pachuca un nido estaba en una yuca dentro de un campo de golf. La presencia de nidos activos indica que la especie está en proceso de establecerse en la entidad. La distribución de la cotorra argentina se ha incrementado de manera significativa en México ya que actualmente se tienen registros en 23 entidades del país.

  18. Utilidad de la Información Financiera para la Gestión de las Entidades Privada no Lucrativas

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    Isabel Brusca Alijarde


    Full Text Available El notable protagonismo experimentado por las entidades no lucrativas en los sistemas económicos y la relevancia social que han adquirido impulsó la emisión de normas contables dirigidas a su rendición de cuentas. La utilidad para la toma de decisiones constituye la finalidad esencial de la información financiera, y en este marco se sitúa la adaptación del Plan General de Contabilidad para las entidades no lucrativas, diseñada por el ICAC y publicada en 1998. En este trabajo se aborda el análisis de la utilidad de la información financiera exigida por esta regulación desde el punto de vista de los usuarios internos. Para ello, hemos realizado una encuesta a responsables de la gestión económico-financiera de las asociaciones de utilidad pública españolas, recabando su opinión y valoración sobre las distintas áreas de la información financiera y presupuestaria.Los resultados de la encuesta permiten constatar que los responsables de la gestión utilizan la información financiera para diversas tareas de gestión, aunque se sigue considerando muy relevante su utilidad para la rendición de cuentas. Destaca sin embargo, la baja utilidad asignada al estado del presupuesto y su liquidación, en contra de lo que cabía esperar a priori.The relevant increase of the role of non profit organizations in the economic systems and their high social impact has induced accounting standard setters to introduce financial reporting standards for these entities. Usefulness for decision-taking is the main purpose for financial reporting and, in this context, was introduced the adaptation of the General Accounting Plan for non profit organizations. The present study analyses the usefulness of financial reporting required to non profit entities from a management perspective. For carrying out this goal, we sent a questionnaire to managers of Spanish public utility associations to know their opinion about the compulsory financial reporting. Our results

  19. Abstencionismo electoral y adscripción religiosa en México: apuntes para una agenda de investigación


    Hurtado González, Javier; Arellano Ríos, Alberto


    Resumen: En este texto se analiza la relación que pudiera existir entre el abstencionismo electoral y la adscripción religiosa. Para la consecución de este fin se valora,, en un inicio, la complejidad del abstencionismo electoral y cómo podría encontrarse en la adscripción religiosa un factor que explique este comportamiento político. Ya en la parte medular del texto se hace una valoración macro en el ámbito local o de las entidades federativas entre el catolicismo y el protestantismo. Despué...

  20. Clustering of arc volcanoes caused by temperature perturbations in the back-arc mantle. (United States)

    Lee, Changyeol; Wada, Ikuko


    Clustering of arc volcanoes in subduction zones indicates along-arc variation in the physical condition of the underlying mantle where majority of arc magmas are generated. The sub-arc mantle is brought in from the back-arc largely by slab-driven mantle wedge flow. Dynamic processes in the back-arc, such as small-scale mantle convection, are likely to cause lateral variations in the back-arc mantle temperature. Here we use a simple three-dimensional numerical model to quantify the effects of back-arc temperature perturbations on the mantle wedge flow pattern and sub-arc mantle temperature. Our model calculations show that relatively small temperature perturbations in the back-arc result in vigorous inflow of hotter mantle and subdued inflow of colder mantle beneath the arc due to the temperature dependence of the mantle viscosity. This causes a three-dimensional mantle flow pattern that amplifies the along-arc variations in the sub-arc mantle temperature, providing a simple mechanism for volcano clustering.

  1. Critical Length Criterion and the Arc Chain Model for Calculating the Arcing Time of the Secondary Arc Related to AC Transmission Lines

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cong Haoxi; Li Qingmin; Xing Jinyuan; Li Jinsong; Chen Qiang


    The prompt extinction of the secondary arc is critical to the single-phase reclosing of AC transmission lines, including half-wavelength power transmission lines. In this paper, a low-voltage physical experimental platform was established and the motion process of the secondary arc was recorded by a high-speed camera. It was found that the arcing time of the secondary arc rendered a close relationship with its arc length. Through the input and output power energy analysis of the secondary arc, a new critical length criterion for the arcing time was proposed. The arc chain model was then adopted to calculate the arcing time with both the traditional and the proposed critical length criteria, and the simulation results were compared with the experimental data. The study showed that the arcing time calculated from the new critical length criterion gave more accurate results, which can provide a reliable criterion in term of arcing time for modeling and simulation of the secondary arc related with power transmission lines. (paper)

  2. Proceso de evaluación de CRMs para mejorar la gestión comercial en una entidad financiera.


    Saavedra Ames, Ulises Ernesto; Saavedra Ames, Ulises Ernesto; Saavedra Ames, Ulises Ernesto


    Toda Empresa necesita vender sus productos y servicios para mantenerse en el mercado. Nuestra empresa no es ajena a ello y más aun siendo líder, necesita de una gran estrategia de ventas y contar con sistemas capaces de apoyar en su función. El Banco tiene gran diversidad de procesos y clientes, nos enfocaremos en la Banca Minorista que contribuye en promedio con 15 millones de Dólares mensuales de ganancia, que representa más el 40% de los ingresos del banco. Para la Banca minorista el ba...

  3. Fundamentos de los sistemas de alerta en las entidades de supervisión bancaria


    Carrasco Gallego, Amalia


    Las autoridades supervisoras de algunos países utilizan la forma más o menos genuina el denominado sistema CAMEL, donde la solvencia, rentabilidad y liquidez, se interrelacionan, adquiriendo un papel principal la calidad de la gestión para valorar la marcha de la entidad. Este método ha sido objeto de numerosas investigaciones para incorporarlo, de forma simplificada y a través de ratios, dentro de los sistemas de alerta que utilizan preventivamente las autoridades supervisoras.En este artícu...

  4. Arc saw development report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Deichelbohrer, P.R.; Beitel, G.A.


    The arc saw is one of the key components of the Contaminated Equipment Volume Reduction (CEVR) Program. This report describes the progress of the arc saw from its inception to its current developmental status. History of the arc saw and early contributors are discussed. Particular features of the arc saw and their advantages for CEVR are detailed. Development of the arc saw including theory of operation, pertinent experimental results, plans for the large arc saw and advanced control systems are covered. Associated topics such as potential applications for the arc saw and other arc saw installations in the world is also touched upon

  5. Auroral arc classification scheme based on the observed arc-associated electric field pattern

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Marklund, G.


    Radar and rocket electric field observations of auroral arcs have earlier been used to identify essentially four different arc types, namely anticorrelation and correlation arcs (with, respectively, decreased and increased arc-assocaited field) and asymmetric and reversal arcs. In this paper rocket double probe and supplementary observations from the literature, obtained under various geophysical conditions, are used to organize the different arc types on a physical rather than morphological basis. This classification is based on the relative influence on the arc electric field pattern from the two current continuity mechanisms, polarisation electric fields and Birkeland currents. In this context the tangential electric field plays an essential role and it is thus important that it can be obtained with both high accuracy and resolution. In situ observations by sounding rockets are shown to be better suited for this specific task than monostatic radar observations. Depending on the dominating mechanism, estimated quantitatively for a number of arc-crossings, the different arc types have been grouped into the following main categories: Polarisation arcs, Birkeland current arcs and combination arcs. Finally the high altitude potential distributions corresponding to some of the different arc types are presented. (author)

  6. Across-arc versus along-arc Sr-Nd-Pb isotope variations in the Ecuadorian volcanic arc (United States)

    Ancellin, Marie-Anne; Samaniego, Pablo; Vlastélic, Ivan; Nauret, François; Gannoun, Adbelmouhcine; Hidalgo, Silvana


    Previous studies of the Ecuadorian arc (1°N-2°S) have revealed across-arc geochemical trends that are consistent with a decrease in mantle melting and slab dehydration away from the trench. The aim of this work is to evaluate how these processes vary along the arc in response to small-scale changes in the age of the subducted plate, subduction angle, and continental crustal basement. We use an extensive database of 1437 samples containing 71 new analyses, of major and trace elements as well as Sr-Nd-Pb isotopes from Ecuadorian and South Colombian volcanic centers. Large geochemical variations are found to occur along the Ecuadorian arc, in particular along the front arc, which encompasses 99% and 71% of the total variations in 206Pb/204Pb and 87Sr/86Sr ratios of Quaternary Ecuadorian volcanics, respectively. The front arc volcanoes also show two major latitudinal trends: (1) the southward increase of 207Pb/204Pb and decrease of 143Nd/144Nd reflect more extensive crustal contamination of magma in the southern part (up to 14%); and (2) the increase of 206Pb/204Pb and decrease of Ba/Th away from ˜0.5°S result from the changing nature of metasomatism in the subarc mantle wedge with the aqueous fluid/siliceous slab melt ratio decreasing away from 0.5°S. Subduction of a younger and warmer oceanic crust in the Northern part of the arc might promote slab melting. Conversely, the subduction of a colder oceanic crust south of the Grijalva Fracture Zone and higher crustal assimilation lead to the reduction of slab contribution in southern part of the arc.

  7. Influence of arc current and pressure on non-chemical equilibrium air arc behavior (United States)

    Yi, WU; Yufei, CUI; Jiawei, DUAN; Hao, SUN; Chunlin, WANG; Chunping, NIU


    The influence of arc current and pressure on the non-chemical equilibrium (non-CE) air arc behavior of a nozzle structure was investigated based on the self-consistent non-chemical equilibrium model. The arc behavior during both the arc burning and arc decay phases were discussed at different currents and different pressures. We also devised the concept of a non-equilibrium parameter for a better understanding of non-CE effects. During the arc burning phase, the increasing current leads to a decrease of the non-equilibrium parameter of the particles in the arc core, while the increasing pressure leads to an increase of the non-equilibrium parameter of the particles in the arc core. During the arc decay phase, the non-CE effect will decrease by increasing the arc burning current and the nozzle pressure. Three factors together—convection, diffusion and chemical reactions—influence non-CE behavior.

  8. Glomerulonefritis fibrilar: Una rara forma de enfermedad glomerular por depósitos organizados

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marta B. Cabrera


    Full Text Available Se describe el caso de una mujer de 67 años de edad que consultó por debilidad y astenia, constatándose proteinuria de rango nefrótico y dislipemia. Se realizó punción para biopsia renal, la que se analizó por microscopia óptica, inmunofluorescencia y microscopia electrónica de transmisión. El análisis ultra-estructural reveló la existencia de depósitos fibrilares organizados, rectos, no ramificados, cuyo espesor osciló entre 15 y 20 nm. Dichas fibrillas ópticamente se veían como una expansión mesangial discretamente nodular, ligeramente PAS positiva, rojo Congo negativa y débilmente positiva para IgG. El diagnóstico fue glomerulonefritis fibrilar. Las enfermedades glomerulares por depósitos organizados pueden exhibir superposición sindrómica e histopatológica. Por tal motivo, resulta de importancia una primera separación entre aquellas rojo Congo positivas o negativas, siendo en este último caso la microscopia electrónica de transmisión la que diferencia dos entidades: la glomerulonefritis fibrilar y la glomerulonefritis inmunotactoide. Esta diferencia se apoya no sólo en las características ultraestructurales, sino en sus características clínicas. La glomerulonefritis inmunotactoide muestra una fuerte asociación con procesos linfoproliferativos, a diferencia de lo que ocurre con la glomerulonefritis fibrilar.

  9. Turismo comunitario y desarrollo humano y sostenible en el Agroparque Los Soches: evaluación de una experiencia a través del estudio de casos


    Navas Camargo, Johanna Fernanda


    El Turismo Comunitario se ha configurado por parte de diferentes entidades multilaterales y gubernamentales, como una actividad que, según ellos, puede contribuir a la atenuación de la pobreza e impulsar el desarrollo. Sin embargo, ciertas voces han llegado a oponerse a esta práctica por considerarla un mecanismo en donde los realmente beneficiados no son las Comunidades, como por principio debería serlo, sino terceras partes. Otras tantas, siguen apoyando esta práctica en crecimiento y respa...

  10. The dual-electrode DC arc furnace-modelling brush arc conditions


    Reynolds, Q.G.


    The dual-electrode DC arc furnace, an alternative design using an anode and cathode electrode instead of a hearth anode, was studied at small scale using computational modelling methods. Particular attention was paid to the effect of two key design variables, the arc length and the electrode separation, on the furnace behaviour. It was found that reducing the arc length to brush arc conditions was a valid means of overcoming several of the limitations of the dual-electrode design, namely high...

  11. Estudio anatomoclínico y fisiopatológico de una serie de 85 pacientes con esteatohepatitis no alcohólica


    Pérez Carreras, María Mercedes


    La esteatohepatitis no alcohólica (EHNA) es una entidad clínico-morfológica de etiología no conocida que se caracteriza por la presencia en el hígado de lesiones similares a las producidas por el alcohol, pero en ausencia de exposición a este tóxico. OBJETIVOS 1,- Definir las características anatomoclínicas de la EHNA. 2,- Investigar algunas de las hipótesis patogénicas de la EHNA: alteración de los mecanismos de transporte de los ácidos grasos libres al interior mitocondrial, disfunción de l...

  12. Importancia del manual de los sistemas contables en el sistema de control interno.

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    Nicolás Valdés Rodríguez


    Full Text Available La dirección administrativa del país en los últimos 3 años ha insistido en la necesidad de profundizar en los mecanismos de control económico –financiero de las entidades, el presente trabajo va dirigido a contribuir en alguna medida a lograr ese propósito. El sistema contable de una Entidad forma parte indisoluble del Sistema de Control Interno de la misma, por la vinculación tan estrecha que existe entre los mismos. El objetivo fundamental del trabajo ”Importancia del Manual de los Sistemas Contables en el Sistema de Control Interno”, es destacar la utilidad práctica, técnica y organizativa que tiene el Manual para elevar la eficiencia del trabajo contable de las Entidades y su repercusión positiva en la eficiencia el sistema de Control Interno establecido. Los beneficios que aporta el Manual radican en que crea una base normativa contable adecuada a las características de cada entidad. Como se sabe en las transformaciones económicas realizadas en el país, la existencia de dos monedas en el trabajo económico-contable de muchas entidades, la puntualización del objeto social y la cartera de productos y servicios han complejizado el trabajo contable, requiriendo una mayor adecuación a las características propias de cada entidad, lo cual se logra con la realización del Manual.

  13. Factores de riesgo de accidentalidad en conductores profesionales de entidades transportistas

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    Humberto Guanche Garcell


    Full Text Available Los accidentes de tráfico constituyen hoy una de las principales causas de muerte e invalidez en el mundo. Con el objetivo de identificar los factores de riesgo de accidentalidad se realizó un estudio descriptivo de 78 conductores de tres entidades transportistas de la provincia de Pinar del Río en noviembre de 2002, a los que se les realizó una evaluación de aspectos generales, de riesgo cardiovascular, estrés y alcoholismo. Toda la información fue analizada utilizando técnica estadística de análisis de distribución de frecuencias. La edad media de los conductores fue de 49,16 años (9,60 %, y la experiencia como conductor profesional de 25,11 años (10,16 %. La enfermedad más referida fue la hipertensión arterial (19,23 % y el asma bronquial (11,53 %, asimismo, el 24,3 % de los conductores refirieron ingerir algún medicamento regularmente. El 44,9 % de los conductores eran fumadores activos, el 9,0 % exfumadores y el 10,2 % fumadores pasivos. El 36,1 % de estos tuvieron algún grado de hipertensión sistodiastólica, mientras que de aquellos sin antecedente de hipertensión arterial el 33,4 % tenía tensión arterial elevada. El 60,2 % tenía estrés leve y el 9,0 % estrés medio. Asimismo, el 17,9 % eran alcohólicos, lo que fue sospechado adicionalmente en el 7,7 % de los conductores. El riesgo global de accidentalidad es cuando menos moderado, dada la frecuencia y asociación de factores de riesgo en los conductores.Traffic accidents are presently one of the main causes of death and disability worldwide. With the objective of identifying accident risk factors, a descriptive study of 78 professional drivers from three transport companies from Pinar del Rio province was made in November, 2002. The evaluation comprised general aspects, cardiovascular risks, stress and alcoholism. All the data was analyzed by statistical technique of frequency distribution analysis. The average age of drivers was 49,16 years (9,60% and driving


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bayliss, Matthew B.; Gladders, Michael D.; Koester, Benjamin P.; Oguri, Masamune; Hennawi, Joseph F.; Sharon, Keren; Dahle, Haakon


    We measure the redshift distribution of a sample of 28 giant arcs discovered as a part of the Sloan Giant Arcs Survey. Gemini/GMOS-North spectroscopy provides precise redshifts for 24 arcs, and 'redshift desert' constrains for the remaining 4 arcs. This is a direct measurement of the redshift distribution of a uniformly selected sample of bright giant arcs, which is an observable that can be used to inform efforts to predict giant arc statistics. Our primary giant arc sample has a median redshift z = 1.821 and nearly two-thirds of the arcs, 64%, are sources at z ∼> 1.4, indicating that the population of background sources that are strongly lensed into bright giant arcs resides primarily at high redshift. We also analyze the distribution of redshifts for 19 secondary strongly lensed background sources that are not visually apparent in Sloan Digital Sky Survey imaging, but were identified in deeper follow-up imaging of the lensing cluster fields. Our redshift sample for the secondary sources is not spectroscopically complete, but combining it with our primary giant arc sample suggests that a large fraction of all background galaxies that are strongly lensed by foreground clusters reside at z ∼> 1.4. Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests indicate that our well-selected, spectroscopically complete primary giant arc redshift sample can be reproduced with a model distribution that is constructed from a combination of results from studies of strong-lensing clusters in numerical simulations and observational constraints on the galaxy luminosity function.

  15. Aplicación de las técnicas multivariantes al sector bancario español: el caso de las entidades afectadas por la restructuración (2008-2009 || Application of Multivariate Techniques
to Spanish Banking Sector: The Case of Entities Affected by Restructuring (2008-2009

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Somoza López, Antonio


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo realiza un análisis sobre las entidades financieras que fueron objeto de rescate por la Unión Europea en la crisis actual con el objetivo principal de intentar discernir las características diferenciadoras entre ellas y encontrar las razones por las cuales en unos casos, unas acabaron siendo absorbidas por otras; en otros, fusionadas y en algunos, además, precisaron ayudas públicas. Aunque en su mayoría se ha tratado de cajas de ahorro, el trabajo no se limita a estas ya que el proceso también afectó a otras entidades bancarias. La hipótesis básica es que los datos facilitados en su información contable y prudencial deberían tener relevancia para determinar su situación final. Los resultados, sin embargo, parecen mostrar algo diferente; las diferentes técnicas estadísticas (ANOVA, análisis de componentes principales y el análisis clúster demuestran que no es posible agrupar dichas entidades por características homogéneas coincidentes con el estado final y que, por consiguiente, podemos afirmar que la información allí contenida no ha sido decisiva para el devenir posterior de esas entidades. || This study aims to analyze the Spanish financial entities that were bailout by the European Union with the main objective to discern the different characteristics among them and find out the reasons why in some cases some of them were merged, in other were taken over and in the most problematic cases, needed public funds. Although most of them were saving banks, this paper is not limited to them as the process also affected some banks. The main question is if the financial and accounting information should have been relevant in order to determine the ending situation. However, the results lead to a different conclusion. Applying some statistical techniques (ANOVA, principal component analysis and cluster, the results show that it is not possible to group those entities by common characteristics and, therefore, the

  16. Plan quality comparison between 4-arc and 6-arc noncoplanar volumetric modulated arc stereotactic radiotherapy for the treatment of multiple brain metastases. (United States)

    Yoshio, Kotaro; Mitsuhashi, Toshiharu; Wakita, Akihisa; Kitayama, Takahiro; Hisazumi, Kento; Inoue, Daisaku; Shiode, Tsuyoki; Akaki, Shiro; Kanazawa, Susumu


    To compare the plans of 4-arc and 6-arc noncoplanar volumetric modulated arc stereotactic radiotherapy (VMA-SRT) for multiple brain metastases and to investigate the cutoff value for the tumor number and volume for 6-arc rather than 4-arc VMA-SRT. We identified 24 consecutive multiple-target cases (3 to 19 targets in each case) with 189 total targets. We constructed plans using both 4- and 6-arc noncoplanar VMA-SRT. The prescribed dose was 36 Gy/6 fr, and it was delivered to 95% of the planning target volume (PTV). The plans were evaluated for the dose conformity using the Radiation Therapy Oncology Group and Paddick conformity indices (RCI and PCI), fall-off (Paddick gradient index [PGI]), and the normal brain dose. The median (range) RCI, PCI, and PGI was 0.94 (0.92 to 0.99), 0.89 (0.77 to 0.94), and 3.75 (2.24 to 6.54) for the 4-arc plan and 0.94 (0.91 to 0.98), 0.89 (0.76 to 0.94), and 3.65 (2.24 to 6.5) for the 6-arc plan, respectively. The median (range) of the normal brain dose was 910.3 cGy (381.4 to 1268.9) for the 4-arc plan and 898.8 cGy (377 to 1252.9) for the 6-arc plan. The PGI of the 6-arc plan was significantly superior to that of the 4-arc plan (p = 0.0076), and the optimal cutoff values for the tumor number and volume indicative of 6-arc (and not 4-arc) VMA-SRT were cases with ≥ 5 metastases and a PTV of ≥ 12.9 mL, respectively. The PCI values, however, showed no significant difference between the 2 plans. We believe these results will help in considering the use of 6-arc VMA-SRT for multiple brain metastases. Copyright © 2017 American Association of Medical Dosimetrists. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  17. Arc dynamics of a pulsed DC nitrogen rotating gliding arc discharge (United States)

    Zhu, Fengsen; Zhang, Hao; Li, Xiaodong; Wu, Angjian; Yan, Jianhua; Ni, Mingjiang; Tu, Xin


    In this study, a novel pulsed direct current (DC) rotating gliding arc (RGA) plasma reactor co-driven by an external magnetic field and a tangential gas flow has been developed. The dynamic characteristics of the rotating gliding arc have been investigated by means of numerical simulation and experiment. The simulation results show that a highly turbulent vortex flow can be generated at the bottom of the RGA reactor to accelerate the arc rotation after arc ignition, whereas the magnitude of gas velocity declined significantly along the axial direction of the RGA reactor. The calculated arc rotation frequency (14.4 Hz) is reasonably close to the experimental result (18.5 Hz) at a gas flow rate of 10 l min-1. In the presence of an external magnet, the arc rotation frequency is around five times higher than that of the RGA reactor without using a magnet, which suggests that the external magnetic field plays a dominant role in the maintenance of the arc rotation in the upper zone of the RGA reactor. In addition, when the magnet is placed outside the reactor reversely to form a reverse external magnetic field, the arc can be stabilized at a fixed position in the inner wall of the outer electrode at a critical gas flow rate of 16 l min-1.

  18. Efectos de la crisis financiera sobre la innovación en la reorganización de los sistemas bancarios: los sistemas institucionales de protección en las entidades financieras de ámbito territorial

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    Ricardo Palomo


    Full Text Available La crisis financiera internacional ha actuado como catalizador de un profundo proceso de cambio en la supervisión financiera y en su modelo de negocio. Este trabajo pretende analizar los recientes procesos de reorganización bancaria iniciados en las entidades de ámbito territorial (cajas de ahorros y cooperativas de crédito que, a su vez, son identificadas como entidades financieras de economía social. Su especial arraigo territorial ha llevado a la posibilidad de aplicación de una innovadora fórmula legal propuesta por la Unión Europea denominada Sistema Institucional de Protección (SIP, surgida meses antes del estallido de la crisis financiera internacional. Con este propósito, se contempla, primeramente, el entorno configurado por las consecuencias de la crisis en el sector, para, a continuación, presentar los SIP realizados o iniciados hasta la fecha, haciendo especial referencia al sector del crédito cooperativo europeo, con un análisis econométrico centrado en España. Este análisis pretende determinar en qué medida los factores de mayor influencia en la constitución de un SIP están relacionados con la homogeneidad en el modelo de negocio. Del análisis realizado se ha podido demostrar que los criterios de homogeneidad en variables relacionadas con el modelo de negocio pesan más en las cooperativas de crédito que en las cajas de ahorros


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    Laura Rubio Serrano


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta una rúbrica para la autoevaluación de experiencias de aprendizaje servicio. Se trata de un instrumento de evaluación formativa válida para los diferentes ámbitos y etapas educativas. Su elaboración ha sido posible a partir de la creación de un equipo de investigación que ha trabajado en base a una metodología de reconstrucción racional. La rúbrica está estructurada en doce dimensiones cada una de las cuales tiene cuatro niveles: las dimensiones básicas (necesidades sociales, servicio, sentido social y aprendizajes, las dimensiones pedagógicas (participación, trabajo en equipo, reflexión, reconocimiento y evaluación y las dimensiones organizativas (partenariado y consolidación en centros y entidades. El artículo apunta cómo el propio proceso de aplicación de la rúbrica así como la revisión conjunta de los resultados obtenidos pueden ser un buen punto de partida para iniciar un proceso de evaluación interna, optimización e innovación de los proyectos de aprendizaje servicio.

  20. arcControlTower: the System for Atlas Production and Analysis on ARC

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Filipcic, Andrej


    PanDA, the Atlas management and distribution system for production and analysis jobs on EGEE and OSG clusters, is based on pilot jobs to increase the throughput and stability of the job execution on grid. The ARC middleware uses a specific approach which tightly connects the job requirements with cluster capabilities like resource usage, software availability and caching of input files. The pilot concept renders the ARC features useless. The arcControlTower is the job submission system which merges the pilot benefits and ARC advantages. It takes the pilot payload from the panda server and submits the jobs to the Nordugrid ARC clusters as regular jobs, with all the job resources known in advance. All the pilot communication with the PanDA server is done by the arcControlTower, so it plays the role of a pilot factory and the pilot itself. There are several advantages to this approach: no grid middleware is needed on the worker nodes, the fair-share between the production and user jobs is tuned with the arcControlTower load parameters, the jobs can be controlled by ARC client tools. The system could be extended to other submission systems using central distribution.

  1. Physically based arc-circuit interaction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhong-Lie, L.


    An integral arc model is extended to study the interaction of the gas blast arc with the test circuit in this paper. The deformation in the waveshapes of arc current and voltage around the current zero has been formulated to first approximation by using a simple model of arc voltage based on the arc core energy conservation. By supplementing with the time scale for the radiation, the time rates of arc processes were amended. Both the contributions of various arc processes and the influence of circuit parameters to the arc-circuit interaction have been estimated by this theory. Analysis generated a new method of calculating test circuit parameters which improves the accurate simulation of arc-circuit interaction. The new method agrees with the published experimental results

  2. PC-based arc ignition and arc length control system for gas tungsten arc welding

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu, Y.; Cook, G.E.; Barnett, R.J.; Springfield, J.F.


    In this paper, a PC-based digital control system for gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) is presented. This system controls the arc ignition process, the arc length, and the process of welding termination. A DT2818 made by Data Translation is used for interface and A/D and D/A conversions. The digital I/O ports of the DT2818 are used for control of wirefeed, shield gas, cooling water, welding power supply, etc. The DT2818 is housed in a PC. The welding signals and status are displayed on the screen for in-process monitoring. A user can control the welding process by the keyboard

  3. Sheath and arc-column voltages in high-pressure arc discharges

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Benilov, M S; Benilova, L G; Li Heping; Wu Guiqing


    Electrical characteristics of a 1 cm-long free-burning atmospheric-pressure argon arc are calculated by means of a model taking into account the existence of a near-cathode space-charge sheath and the discrepancy between the electron and heavy-particle temperatures in the arc column. The computed arc voltage exhibits a variation with the arc current I similar to the one revealed by the experiment and exceeds experimental values by no more than approximately 2 V in the current range 20-175 A. The sheath contributes about two-thirds or more of the arc voltage. The LTE model predicts a different variation of the arc voltage with I and underestimates the experimental values appreciably for low currents but by no more than approximately 2 V for I ≳ 120 A. However, the latter can hardly be considered as a proof of unimportance of the space-charge sheath at high currents: the LTE model overestimates both the resistance of the bulk of the arc column and the resistance of the part of the column that is adjacent to the cathode, and this overestimation to a certain extent compensates for the neglect of the voltage drop in the sheath. Furthermore, if the latter resistance were evaluated in the framework of the LTE model in an accurate way, then the overestimation would be still much stronger and the obtained voltage would significantly exceed those observed in the experiment.

  4. La transformación del Estado en América Latina: una perspectiva económica desde los países andinos

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    Edgard Moncayo Jiménez


    Full Text Available A juicio de muchos analistas, el Estadonación —piedra angular de la organización política del mundo desde la suscripción del Tratado de Wesfalia, en 1968— está experimentando una profunda crisis. En esta visión, el poder efectivo de dicha entidad política se está desbordando en tres direcciones: hacia arriba, por la globalización y la supranacionalización; horizontalmente, por el desmonte del Estado de bienestar, la privatización y la desregulación; y hacia abajo, por la descentralización y la devolución de autonomías a las polis regionales y locales. La acción conjunta de estas tendencias estaría determinando el vaciamiento (hollowing out del Estado-nación, en la medida en que muchas de sus competencias tradicionales se están transfiriendo hacia arriba, a las instituciones internacionales y supranacionales; hacia los lados, al mercado, las empresas privadas y las transnacionales; y hacia abajo, a las entidades de orden subnacional. En este artículo analizaremos el impacto de tales tendencias en los países andinos

  5. Formulación de propuesta de planeamiento estratégico de la mejora de productividad, calidad de servicios a menores costos y el control eficaz de la entidad prestadora de servicio de saneamiento Ayacucho S.A. (EPSASA). 2012-2021


    Congachi Huamaní, Roly; Congachi Huamaní, Roly


    El presente estudio se realizó en la Entidad Prestadora de Servicios de Saneamiento de Ayacucho con la finalidad de formular el “Plan estratégico de la mejora de productividad, calidad de servicios a menores costos y el control eficaz de la Entidad Prestadora de Servicios de Saneamiento Ayacucho S.A. (EPSASA) 2014”, ya que esta entidad brinda servicios de agua y alcantarillado en cuatro distritos de la provincia de Huamanga los cuales son el distrito de Ayacucho, San Juan Bautista, Carmen Al...

  6. Single-Arc IMRT?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bortfeld, Thomas; Webb, Steve


    The idea of delivering intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) with a multileaf collimator in a continuous dynamic mode during a single rotation of the gantry has recently gained momentum both in research and industry. In this note we investigate the potential of this Single-Arc IMRT technique at a conceptual level. We consider the original theoretical example case from Brahme et al that got the field of IMRT started. Using analytical methods, we derive deliverable intensity 'landscapes' for Single-Arc as well as standard IMRT and Tomotherapy. We find that Tomotherapy provides the greatest flexibility in shaping intensity landscapes and that it allows one to deliver IMRT in a way that comes close to the ideal case in the transverse plane. Single-Arc and standard IMRT make compromises in different areas. Only in relatively simple cases that do not require substantial intensity modulation will Single-Arc be dosimetrically comparable to Tomotherapy. Compared with standard IMRT, Single-Arc could be dosimetrically superior in certain cases if one is willing to accept the spreading of low dose values over large volumes of normal tissue. In terms of treatment planning, Single-Arc poses a more challenging optimization problem than Tomotherapy or standard IMRT. We conclude that Single-Arc holds potential as an efficient IMRT technique especially for relatively simple cases. In very complex cases, Single-Arc may unduly compromise the quality of the dose distribution, if one tries to keep the treatment time below 2 min or so. As with all IMRT techniques, it is important to explore the tradeoff between plan quality and the efficiency of its delivery carefully for each individual case. (note)

  7. Evaluation of volumetric modulated arc therapy for cranial radiosurgery using multiple noncoplanar arcs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Audet, Chantal; Poffenbarger, Brett A.; Chang, Pauling; Jackson, Paul S.; Lundahl, Robert E.; Ryu, Stephen I.; Ray, Gordon R.


    Purpose: To evaluate a commercial volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT), using multiple noncoplanar arcs, for linac-based cranial radiosurgery, as well as evaluate the combined accuracy of the VMAT dose calculations and delivery. Methods: Twelve patients with cranial lesions of variable size (0.1-29 cc) and two multiple metastases patients were planned (Eclipse RapidArc AAA algorithm, v8.6.15) using VMAT (1-6 noncoplanar arcs), dynamic conformal arc (DCA, ∼4 arcs), and IMRT (nine static fields). All plans were evaluated according to a conformity index (CI), healthy brain tissue doses and volumes, and the dose to organs at risk. A 2D dose distribution was measured (Varian Novalis Tx, HD120 MLC, 1000 MU/min, 6 MV beam) for the ∼4 arc VMAT treatment plans using calibrated film dosimetry. Results: The CI (0-1 best) average for all plans was best for ∼4 noncoplanar arc VMAT at 0.86 compared with ∼0.78 for IMRT and a single arc VMAT and 0.68 for DCA. The volumes of healthy brain receiving 50% of the prescribed target coverage dose or more (V 50% ) were lowest for the four arc VMAT [RA(4)] and DCA plans. The average ratio of the V 50% for the other plans to the RA(4) V 50% were 1.9 for a single noncoplanar arc VMAT [RA(1nc)], 1.4 for single full coplanar arc VMAT [RA(1f)] and 1.3 for IMRT. The V 50% improved significantly for single isocenter multiple metastases plan when two noncoplanar VMAT arcs were added to a full single coplanar one. The maximum dose to 5 cc of the outer 1 cm rim of healthy brain which one may want to keep below nonconsequential doses of 300-400 cGy, was 2-3 times greater for IMRT, RA(1nc) and RA(1f) plans compared with the multiple noncoplanar arc DCA and RA(4) techniques. Organs at risk near (0-4 mm) to targets were best spared by (i) single noncoplanar arcs when the targets are lateral to the organ at risk and (ii) by skewed nonvertical planes of IMRT fields when the targets are not lateral to the organ at risk. The highest dose gradient

  8. Hybrid laser-arc welding

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hybrid laser-arc welding (HLAW) is a combination of laser welding with arc welding that overcomes many of the shortfalls of both processes. This important book gives a comprehensive account of hybrid laser-arc welding technology and applications. The first part of the book reviews...... the characteristics of the process, including the properties of joints produced by hybrid laser-arc welding and ways of assessing weld quality. Part II discusses applications of the process to such metals as magnesium alloys, aluminium and steel as well as the use of hybrid laser-arc welding in such sectors as ship...... building and the automotive industry. With its distinguished editor and international team of contributors, Hybrid laser-arc welding, will be a valuable source of reference for all those using this important welding technology. Professor Flemming Ove Olsen works in the Department of Manufacturing...

  9. Entidades Filantrópicas e a Contabilidade: Aspectos Conceituais e Legais

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cristina Melim Petrelli


    Full Text Available As mudanças, cada vez mais velozes, acontecem nas mais diferentes esferas: econômica, tecnológica, social, política e cultural... Ao mesmo tempo em que as transformações nos desestabilizam, trazem, em si, indícios de grandes perspectivas, que nos impulsionam ao crescimento pessoal e institucional. Em função das mudanças que ocorrem, as entidades filantrópicas precisam buscar conhecimento e constante atualização, principalmente no que se refere às exigências legais. Pensando nestas mesmas mudanças, nos ocorreu o interesse de esclarecer as pessoas sobre o que é a filantropia, qual o embasamento legal, quais as isenções e a visão da contabilidade neste contexto. Acreditamos que o assunto é bastante amplo e questionável, mas a classe contábil esta se preparando cada vez mais para conseguir mensurar, quantificar e valorar as ações do chamado "Terceiro Setor".

  10. Electric Arc Furnace Modeling with Artificial Neural Networks and Arc Length with Variable Voltage Gradient

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Raul Garcia-Segura


    Full Text Available Electric arc furnaces (EAFs contribute to almost one third of the global steel production. Arc furnaces use a large amount of electrical energy to process scrap or reduced iron and are relevant to study because small improvements in their efficiency account for significant energy savings. Optimal controllers need to be designed and proposed to enhance both process performance and energy consumption. Due to the random and chaotic nature of the electric arcs, neural networks and other soft computing techniques have been used for modeling EAFs. This study proposes a methodology for modeling EAFs that considers the time varying arc length as a relevant input parameter to the arc furnace model. Based on actual voltages and current measurements taken from an arc furnace, it was possible to estimate an arc length suitable for modeling the arc furnace using neural networks. The obtained results show that the model reproduces not only the stable arc conditions but also the unstable arc conditions, which are difficult to identify in a real heat process. The presented model can be applied for the development and testing of control systems to improve furnace energy efficiency and productivity.

  11. Una propuesta de modelo fisiológico de servicio de urgencias hospitalario. Principios de funcionamiento, tipificación de la saturación y pautas para el rediseño


    Herrera Carranza, M.; Aguado Correa, F.; Padilla Garrido, N.; López Camacho, F.


    Resumen El funcionamiento de los servicios de urgencias hospitalarios (SUH) está determinado por la demanda, la estructura organizativa propia y la conexión con los otros niveles asistenciales. La asincronía entre estos elementos dificulta el flujo de pacientes y merma la capacidad, siendo necesario emplear un enfoque sistémico de la cadena asistencial urgente como una entidad funcional única. Con esta orientación presentamos un modelo teórico conceptual, similar al fisiológico del gasto card...

  12. El modelo directivo en las entidades locales

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    Carles Ramió Matas


    Full Text Available El objeto de reflexión de este artículo es el nuevo modelo neoempresarial de la gestión pública local. Aun favoreciendo los principios de economía flexible, se considera un error pretender reformar una administración pública sin tener en cuenta, por una parte, los principios y valores que la configuran como organización y, por otra, la regulación de personal. En efecto, el cambio impulsado por las administraciones locales, la adopción de unos valores de carácter empresarial y la escapada hacia la gestión privada de los empleados públicos, ejemplifican la situación de debilidad cultural de la gestión pública.

  13. Method to reduce arc blow during DC arc welding of pipelines

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Espina-Hernandez, J. H.; Rueda-Morales, G.L.; Caleyo, F.; Hallen, J. M. [Instituto Politecnico Nacional, Mexico, (Mexico); Lopez-Montenegro, A.; Perz-Baruch, E. [Pemex Exploracion y Produccion, Tabasco, (Mexico)


    Steel pipelines are huge ferromagnetic structures and can be easily subjected to arc blow during the DC arc welding process. The development of methods to avoid arc blow during pipeline DC arc welding is a major objective in the pipeline industry. This study developed a simple procedure to compensate the residual magnetic field in the groove during DC arc welding. A Gaussmeter was used to perform magnetic flux density measurements in pipelines in southern Mexico. These data were used to perform magnetic finite element simulations using FEMM. Different variables were studied such as the residual magnetic field in the groove or the position of the coil with respect to the groove. An empirical predictive equation was developed from these trials to compensate for the residual magnetic field. A new method of compensating for the residual magnetic field in the groove by selecting the number of coil turns and the position of the coil with respect to the groove was established.

  14. Using arc voltage to locate the anode attachment in plasma arc cutting

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Osterhouse, D J; Heberlein, J V R; Lindsay, J W


    Plasma arc cutting is a widely used industrial process in which an electric arc in the form of a high velocity plasma jet is used to melt and blow away metal. The arc attaches inside the resulting cut slot, or kerf, where it both provides a large heat flux and determines the flow dynamics of the plasma. Knowledge of the position of the arc attachment is essential for understanding the phenomena present at the work piece. This work presents a new method of measuring the location of the arc attachment in which the arc voltage is measured during the cutting of a range of work piece thicknesses. The attachment location is then interpreted from the voltages. To support the validity of this method, the kerf shape, dross particle size and dross adhesion to the work piece are also observed. While these do not conclusively give an attachment location, they show patterns which are consistent with the attachment location found from the voltage measurements. The method is demonstrated on the cutting of mild steel, where the arc attachment is found to be stationary in the upper portion of the cut slot and in reasonable agreement with existing published findings. For a process optimized for the cutting of 12.7 mm mild steel, the attachment is found at a depth of 1.5–3.4 mm. For a slower process optimized for the cutting of 25.4 mm mild steel, the attachment is found at a depth of 3.4–4.8 mm, which enhances heat transfer further down in the kerf, allowing cutting of the thicker work piece. The use of arc voltage to locate the position of the arc attachment is unique when compared with existing methods because it is entirely independent of the heat distribution and visualization techniques. (paper)

  15. Crustal growth of the Izu-Ogasawara arc estimated from structural characteristics of Oligocene arc (United States)

    Takahashi, N.; Yamashita, M.; Kodaira, S.; Miura, S.; Sato, T.; No, T.; Tatsumi, Y.


    Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) carried out seismic surveys using a multichannel reflection system and ocean bottom seismographs, and we have clarified crustal structures of whole Izu-Ogasawara (Bonin)-Marina (IBM) arc since 2002. These refection images and velocity structures suggest that the crustal evolution in the intra-oceanic island arc accompanies with much interaction of materials between crust and mantle. Slow mantle velocity identified beneath the thick arc crusts suggests that dense crustal materials transformed into the mantle. On the other hand, high velocity lower crust can be seen around the bottom of the crust beneath the rifted region, and it suggests that underplating of mafic materials occurs there. Average crustal production rate of the entire arc is larger than expected one and approximately 200 km3/km/Ma. The production rate of basaltic magmas corresponds to that of oceanic ridge. Repeated crustal differentiation is indispensable to produce much light materials like continental materials, however, the real process cannot still be resolved yet. We, therefore, submitted drilling proposals to obtain in-situ middle crust with P-wave velocity of 6 km/s. In the growth history of the IBM arc, it is known by many papers that boninitic volcanisms preceded current bimodal volcanisms based on basaltic magmas. The current volcanisms accompanied with basaltic magmas have been occurred since Oligocene age, however, the tectonic differences to develop crustal architecture between Oligocene and present are not understood yet. We obtained new refraction/reflection data along an arc strike of N-S in fore-arc region. Then, we estimate crustal structure with severe change of the crustal thickness from refraction data, which are similar to that along the volcanic front. Interval for location of the thick arc crust along N-S is very similar to that along the volcanic front. The refection image indicates that the basement of the fore-arc

  16. Diffuse and spot mode of cathode arc attachments in an atmospheric magnetically rotating argon arc

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen, Tang; Wang, Cheng; Liao, Meng-Ran; Xia, Wei-Dong


    A model including the cathode, near-cathode region, and arc column was constructed. Specifically, a thermal perturbation layer at the arc fringe was calculated in order to couple sheath/presheath modelling with typical arc column modelling. Comparative investigation of two modes of attachment of a dc (100, 150, 200 A) atmospheric-pressure arc in argon to a thermionic cathode made of pure tungsten was conducted. Computational data revealed that there exists two modes of arc discharge: the spot mode, which has an obvious cathode surface temperature peak in the arc attachment centre; and the diffuse mode, which has a flat cathode surface temperature distribution and a larger arc attachment area. The modelling results of the arc attachment agree with previous experimental observations for the diffuse mode. A further 3D simulation is obviously needed to investigate the non-axisymmetrical features, especially for the spot mode. (paper)

  17. Interactions between laser and arc plasma during laser-arc hybrid welding of magnesium alloy (United States)

    Liu, Liming; Chen, Minghua


    This paper presents the results of the investigation on the interactions between laser and arc plasma during laser-arc hybrid welding on magnesium alloy AZ31B using the spectral diagnose technique. By comparably analyzing the variation in plasma information (the shape, the electron temperature and density) of single tungsten inert gas (TIG) welding with the laser-arc hybrid welding, it is found that the laser affects the arc plasma through the keyhole forming on the workpiece. Depending on the welding parameters there are three kinds of interactions taking place between laser and arc plasma.

  18. Generación automática del diagrama entidad-relación y su representación en SQL desde un lenguaje controlado (UN-LENCEP Automatic generation of entity-relationship diagram and its representation in SQL from a controlled language (UN-LENCEP

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos Mario Zapata Jaramillo


    Full Text Available Entidad-relación es uno de los diagramas que se utilizan en el desarrollo de modelos para representar la información de un dominio. Con el fin de agilizar y mejorar el proceso de desarrollo de software, diferentes propuestas surgieron para contribuir en la obtención automática o semiautomática del diagrama entidad-relación. Varias de estas propuestas utilizan como punto de partida lenguaje natural o lenguaje controlado, mientras otras propuestas utilizan representaciones intermedias. Los interesados en el desarrollo de una aplicación de software no suelen comprender varias de las representaciones utilizadas sin tener previa capacitación, lo cual restringe la participación activa del interesado en todas las etapas del desarrollo. Con el fin de solucionar estos problemas, en este artículo se propone un conjunto de reglas heurísticas para la obtención automática del diagrama entidad-relación y su representación en SQL. Se toma como punto de partida el lenguaje controlado UN-Lencep, que ya se emplea para la generación de otros artefactos en el desarrollo de aplicaciones de software.Entity-relationship diagram (ERD is one of the used in modelling the domain information. Several proposals have emerged for speeding up and improving the software development process by either automatically or semi-automatically obtain the ERD. Natural language, controlled languages, and intermediate representations have been used in such a task. The stakeholders (people with some concern in application development, when untrained, are incapable to understand several of such representations. As a consequence, stakeholder active participation in software development is highly restricted. Trying to solve these problems, a set of heuristic rules for automatically obtaining ERD and its SQL-based equivalence is proposed in this paper. The starting point is UN-Lencep, a controlled language already used for generating other artefacts belonging to software

  19. Estudio de los expedientes de determinación de contingencia en una dirección provincial del I.N.S.S.

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    María Begoña Rodríguez Gallego

    Full Text Available Se realiza un estudio descriptivo de 248 expedientes de determinación de contingencia realizados en la Dirección Provincial del INSS entre diciembre de 2012 y septiembre de 2013. De dichos expedientes se recogieron nueve variables trasformando las no numéricas en valores numéricos: edad, sexo, entidad gestora responsable del pago de la prestación, causa alegada como causante de la baja laboral, contingencia final, tipo de empresa, régimen de seguridad social del trabajador, profesión y concordancia entre propuesta del Médico Evaluador y la resolución final. Encontramos que los sobresfuerzos/sobrecarga en el trabajo son la principal causa alegada como motivo de baja laboral (43,5%; la mayoría (90,3% de los expedientes tienen como entidad gestora responsable del pago a una Mutua; algo más de la mitad de los expedientes (57,7% terminan siendo considerados de contingencia común; y la discrepancia entre la conclusión del Inspector Médico en el informe médico y la decisión del Equipo de Valoración de Incapacidades es excepcional ocurriendo en sólo un 1,61% de los expedientes.

  20. Arc-to-arc mini-sling 1999: a critical analysis of concept and technology

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Paulo Palma


    Full Text Available PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to critically review the Arc-to-Arc mini-sling (Palma's technique a less invasive mid-urethral sling using bovine pericardium as the sling material. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The Arc-to-Arc mini-sling, using bovine pericardium, was the first published report of a mini-sling, in 1999. The technique was identical to the "tension-free tape" operation, midline incision and dissection of the urethra. The ATFP (white line was identified by blunt dissection, and the mini-sling was sutured to the tendinous arc on both sides with 2 polypropylene 00 sutures. RESULTS: The initial results were encouraging, with 9/10 patients cured at the 6 weeks post-operative visit. However, infection and extrusion of the mini-sling resulted in sling extrusion and removal, with 5 patients remaining cured at 12 months. CONCLUSION: The Arc-to-Arc mini-sling was a good concept, but failed because of the poor technology available at that time. Further research using new materials and better technology has led to new and safer alternatives for the management of stress urinary incontinence.


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    Ana Milena Horta Prieto


    Full Text Available La Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia, es territorio de 4 pueblos indígenas: Kogui, Wiwa, Arhuaco y Kankuamo. Estos comparten la Ley de Sé, orden natural del universo, que en este trabajo se aborda como cosmopolitica (Stengers, a partir de la cual se gestiona la alteridad y se define la función de todos los seres existentes, desde una ontología animista (Descola. Los trabajos espirituales, entre los cuales se cuentan los pagamentos, son rituales en los que se realiza el tejido vital entre entidades, a partir del cual pueden circular los flujos energéticos y de pensamiento, que relacionan mamos (autoridades tradicionales, dueños de los existentes (Jaba y jate, y materiales sagrados, en una relación de intercambio que permite que las partes se reconfiguren y se apropien del sewá (conocimiento que cada uno posee. Algunos de estos materiales han sido removidos del territorio, frente a lo cual las organizaciones indígenas han comenzado un proceso de patrimonialización como estrategia de protección, interactuando con entidades del estado que tienen influencia en la configuración del mismo desde su dominio. En este marco, a partir de la categoría de cosmopolitica y del entendimiento del conocimiento indígena como epistemología, este trabajo reflexiona sobre el posicionamiento del antropóloga/o en ese ordenamiento desde donde se puede tejer entre redes de ontologías diferentes.

  2. Effect of arc behaviour on the temperature fluctuation of carbon electrode in DC arc discharge

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liang, F; Tanaka, M; Choi, S; Watanabe, T


    Diffuse and multiple arc-anode attachment modes were observed in a DC arc discharge with a carbon electrode. During the arc discharge, the surface temperature of the electrode was successfully measured by two-colour pyrometry combined with a high-speed camera which employs appropriate band-pass filters. The relationship between the arc-anode attachment mode and the temperature fluctuation of electrode surface was investigated. The diffuse arc-anode attachment mode leads to relatively large temperature fluctuation on anode surface due to the rotation of the arc spot. In the case of diffuse mode, the purity of synthesized multi-wall carbon nanotube was deteriorated with temperature fluctuation

  3. Prevalencia de síndrome de burnout en alumnos del séptimo año de medicina de una universidad privada de Lima, Perú.


    Estela-Villa, Luis M.; Jiménez-Román, Carlos R.; Landeo-Gutiérrez, Jeremy S.; Tomateo-Torvisco, Jorge David; Vega-Dienstmaier, Johann Martín


    El síndrome de burnout (SBO) se ha descrito como una entidad patológica común entre los médicos y que podríaoriginarse durante su formación académica. Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia y los factores asociados al SBO enalumnos de medicina del séptimo año de la Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia (UPCH). Material y Métodos: Serealizó un estudio transversal con los estudiantes de medicina del séptimo año de la UPCH (n=117) durante diciembre del 2010. Se empleó dos encuestas autoadministradas...

  4. Unzipping of the volcano arc, Japan (United States)

    Stern, R.J.; Smoot, N.C.; Rubin, M.


    A working hypothesis for the recent evolution of the southern Volcano Arc, Japan, is presented which calls upon a northward-progressing sundering of the arc in response to a northward-propagating back-arc basin extensional regime. This model appears to explain several localized and recent changes in the tectonic and magrnatic evolution of the Volcano Arc. Most important among these changes is the unusual composition of Iwo Jima volcanic rocks. This contrasts with normal arc tholeiites typical of the rest of the Izu-Volcano-Mariana and other primitive arcs in having alkaline tendencies, high concentrations of light REE and other incompatible elements, and relatively high silica contents. In spite of such fractionated characteristics, these lavas appear to be very early manifestations of a new volcanic and tectonic cycle in the southern Volcano Arc. These alkaline characteristics and indications of strong regional uplift are consistent with the recent development of an early stage of inter-arc basin rifting in the southern Volcano Arc. New bathymetric data are presented in support of this model which indicate: 1. (1) structural elements of the Mariana Trough extend north to the southern Volcano Arc. 2. (2) both the Mariana Trough and frontal arc shoal rapidly northwards as the Volcano Arc is approached. 3. (3) rugged bathymetry associated with the rifted Mariana Trough is replaced just south of Iwo Jima by the development of a huge dome (50-75 km diameter) centered around Iwo Jima. Such uplifted domes are the immediate precursors of rifts in other environments, and it appears that a similar situation may now exist in the southern Volcano Arc. The present distribution of unrifted Volcano Arc to the north and rifted Mariana Arc to the south is interpreted not as a stable tectonic configuration but as representing a tectonic "snapshot" of an arc in the process of being rifted to form a back-arc basin. ?? 1984.

  5. Exportaciones agroalimentarias de Sonora hacia la región Asia-Pacífico: una aproximación hacia los factores de competitividad

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sergio Sandoval Godoy


    Full Text Available En este documento, se presenta un panorama general del dinamismo exportador de productos agroalimentarios que ha mantenido el estado de Sonora durante los últimos años. Se hace especial énfasis en los productos de exportación que están teniendo presencia significativa en la región Asia-Pacífico, en particular, los derivados del segmento de carnes. Asimismo, se destacan algunas de las perspectivas más inmediatas de dicho proceso, tomando en cuenta el escenario de las principales Fortalezas / debilidades y oportunidades / amenazas que condicionan su desarrollo, en un contexto de creciente globalización de la producción y los mercados. La idea central es que, aun con las limitaciones del caso, existe una clara tendencia a constituir una plataforma regional competitiva para la producción y exportación de productos agroalimentarios, lo cual puede ser un elemento importante para la diversificación del comercio exterior de la entidad.

  6. Tokamak ARC damage

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Murray, J.G.; Gorker, G.E.


    Tokamak fusion reactors will have large plasma currents of approximately 10 MA with hundreds of megajoules stored in the magnetic fields. When a major plasma instability occurs, the disruption of the plasma current induces voltage in the adjacent conducting structures, giving rise to large transient currents. The induced voltages may be sufficiently high to cause arcing across sector gaps or from one protruding component to another. This report reviews a tokamak arcing scenario and provides guidelines for designing tokamaks to minimize the possibility of arc damage

  7. Tokamak ARC damage

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Murray, J.G.; Gorker, G.E.


    Tokamak fusion reactors will have large plasma currents of approximately 10 MA with hundreds of megajoules stored in the magnetic fields. When a major plasma instability occurs, the disruption of the plasma current induces voltage in the adjacent conducting structures, giving rise to large transient currents. The induced voltages may be sufficiently high to cause arcing across sector gaps or from one protruding component to another. This report reviews a tokamak arcing scenario and provides guidelines for designing tokamaks to minimize the possibility of arc damage.

  8. Cálculo del ranking acumulado para la encuesta de expectativas de inflación y tasa de cambio nominal, a través de una prueba no paramétrica


    Wilmer O. Martínez R.; Manuel Hernández B.


    En este documento se presenta una metodología para el cálculo del Ranking acumulado de las entidades financieras que participan en la encuesta mensual de expectativas de inflación y tasa de cambio nominal (TRM), realizada por el Banco de la República. La metodología se basa en la prueba estadística no paramétrica propuesta por Jonckheere (1954), que consiste en un sistema de hipótesis de igualdad de distribuciones de probabilidad acumulada con alternativa de ordenamiento estricto para k muest...

  9. ALICE-ARC integration

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Anderlik, C; Gregersen, A R; Kleist, J; Peters, A; Saiz, P


    AliEn or Alice Environment is the Grid middleware developed and used within the ALICE collaboration for storing and processing data in a distributed manner. ARC (Advanced Resource Connector) is the Grid middleware deployed across the Nordic countries and gluing together the resources within the Nordic Data Grid Facility (NDGF). In this paper we will present our approach to integrate AliEn and ARC, in the sense that ALICE data management and job processing can be carried out on the NDGF infrastructure, using the client tools available in AliEn. The inter-operation has two aspects, one is the data management part and the second the job management aspect. The first aspect was solved by using dCache across NDGF to handle data. Therefore, we will concentrate on the second part. Solving it, was somewhat cumbersome, mainly due to the different computing models employed by AliEn and ARC. AliEN uses an Agent based pull model while ARC handles jobs through the more 'traditional' push model. The solution comes as a module implementing the functionalities necessary to achieve AliEn job submission and management to ARC enabled sites


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    Rosa M. Medir Huerta


    Full Text Available El propósito de este artículo es presentar una propuesta evaluativa para ac - tividades de educación ambiental para la sostenibilidad en el ámbito escolar ofrecidas desde entidades externas a la escuela. Para ello, se realiza una eva - luación real de un programa educativo de una administración pública que se orienta al refuerzo del currículo de educación infantil, primaria y secundaria. El objetivo de la evaluación es diagnosticar la presencia, en las actividades estudiadas, de principios clave de la educación ambiental para la sosteni - bilidad identificados por el equipo de investigación a partir de referencias internacionales. La metodología es la investigación evaluativa de programas dentro del paradigma crítico de la investigación educativa y con herramientas de tipo cuantitativo. Se utiliza, básicamente, un cuestionario expresamente diseñado que valora la presencia y la ausencia de los principios establecidos de la educación ambiental para la sostenibilidad. Los resultados nos aportan nuevas informaciones acerca de las fortalezas y las debilidades del desarrollo de actividades de educación ambiental. Se llega a una valoración cuantificada de los principios definidos en tres grupos, según su necesidad de mejora, y se determina que los principios mejor tratados en las actividades son los que se relacionan con los contenidos disciplinares más clásicos, tratados con buenos y distintos métodos didácticos. En cambio, las debilidades detectadas se refieren a aspectos cruciales de la educación ambiental tales como experimentar nuevas sensaciones, aprender a buscar información, pensamiento crítico, sentimiento de pertenencia a un lugar, trabajo en colaboración, adquirir una visión global de la realidad, y reflexionar sobre la vida cotidiana y sobre el futuro deseado.

  11. Autonomía, competencias y recursos de las entidades territoriales en la Constitución. Historia del acto legislativo No.1 (30 de Julio de 2001

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    Francisco Piedrahíta Plata


    Full Text Available La gran innovación de la Constitución Colombiana de 1991 en el campo de la Organización Territorial fue la introducción del concepto de autonomía para las Entidades Territoriales. Y no lo hizo de cualquier manera: el artículo primero definió a Colombia como "...República unitaria, descentralizada, con autonomíade sus entidades territoriales...". Además, el art. 287 aclaró el significado de esa autonomía: "Las entidades territoriales gozan de autonomía para la gestión de sus intereses y dentro de los límites de la Constitución y la Ley. En tal virtud tendrán los iguientes derechos: 1. Gobernarse por autoridades propias. 2. Ejercer las competencias que les correspondan. 3. Administrar los recursos y establecer los tributos necesarios para el cumplimiento de sus funciones. 4. Participar en las rentas nacionales". Varios artículos del Título XI, sobre Organización Territorial, inician el desarrollo de los tres primeros de estos derechos. En el Título XII, sobre el régimen económico y de la hacienda pública, el art. 338 consagra el derecho de Asambleas y Concejos para imponer tributos; y los arts. 356, 357, 358, 360 y 361 dan cuerpo al cuarto derecho, el de participar en las rentasnacionales.

  12. La articulación teoría/práctica. Una Experiencia Docente en el Último Taller de Diseño en la Facultad de Arquitectura de la UNNE. Argentina.

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    Marta Graciela Giró


    Full Text Available Este art culo presenta una experiencia docente desarrollada en car cter de Profesoras Libres en la C tedra Arquitectura V de la Facultad de Arquitectura de la Universidad Nacional del Nordeste 1. Arquitectura V es la asignatura correspondiente al ltimo Taller de dise o de la Carrera y est orientada a la realizaci n de un Trabajo Final en el que los estudiantes desarrollan un trabajo que incluye: ? una instancia de definici n de los temas / problemas que ser n abordados,. ? una instancia de desarrollo de una investigaci n sobre los temas abordados ? una instancia propositiva En todos los casos, son temas vinculados a una demanda de alguna entidad Gubernamental o no Gubernamental, o a un inter s personal de los estudiantes. Todas estas instancias son llevadas a cabo por los estudiantes, operando la c tedra con un rol de coordinaci n tutorial y de apoyatura te ricometodol gica. En este marco hemos desarrollado dicha experiencia pedag gica que estuvo destinada a brindar apoyo metodol gico a los trabajos que desarrollaban los distintos grupos de alumnos. En este trabajo pretendemos reflexionar sobre esta experiencia, a partir de la necesidad / dificultad para trabajar contenidos vinculados a las "estrategias metodol gicas" para abordar problemas, la complejidad 2, la transdisciplinariedad y el trabajo grupal.

  13. Arc-weld pool interactions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Glickstein, S.S.


    The mechanisms involved in arc-weld pool interactions are extremely complex and no complete theory is presently available to describe much of the phenomena observed during welding. For the past several years, experimental and analytical studies have been undertaken at the Bettis Atomic Power Laboratory to increase basic understanding of the gas tungsten arc welding process. These studies have included experimental spectral analysis of the arc in order to determine arc temperature and analytical modeling of the arc and weld puddle. The investigations have been directed toward determining the cause and effects of variations in the energy distribution incident upon the weldment. In addition, the effect of weld puddle distortion on weld penetration was investigated, and experimental and analytical studies of weld process variables have been undertaken to determine the effects of the variables upon weld penetration and configuration. A review of the results and analysis of these studies are presented

  14. Volcanism in slab tear faults is larger than in island-arcs and back-arcs. (United States)

    Cocchi, Luca; Passaro, Salvatore; Tontini, Fabio Caratori; Ventura, Guido


    Subduction-transform edge propagators are lithospheric tears bounding slabs and back-arc basins. The volcanism at these edges is enigmatic because it is lacking comprehensive geological and geophysical data. Here we present bathymetric, potential-field data, and direct observations of the seafloor on the 90 km long Palinuro volcanic chain overlapping the E-W striking tear of the roll-backing Ionian slab in Southern Tyrrhenian Sea. The volcanic chain includes arc-type central volcanoes and fissural, spreading-type centers emplaced along second-order shears. The volume of the volcanic chain is larger than that of the neighbor island-arc edifices and back-arc spreading center. Such large volume of magma is associated to an upwelling of the isotherms due to mantle melts upraising from the rear of the slab along the tear fault. The subduction-transform edge volcanism focuses localized spreading processes and its magnitude is underestimated. This volcanism characterizes the subduction settings associated to volcanic arcs and back-arc spreading centers.

  15. Electric arc hydrogen heaters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zasypin, I.M.


    The experimental data on the electric arc burning in hydrogen are presented. Empirical and semiempirical dependences for calculating the arc characteristics are derived. An engineering method of calculating plasma torches for hydrogen heating is proposed. A model of interaction of a hydrogen arc with a gas flow is outlined. The characteristics of plasma torches for heating hydrogen and hydrogen-bearing gases are described. (author)

  16. Efeitos do enfoque patrimonial na dívida pública flutuante: um estudo de caso em uma fundação pública do norte do Brasil

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    Jonathan Alves Galdino


    Full Text Available Con la convergencia de la Contabilidad Pública a las Normas Internacionales, se espera una mejor revelación del patrimonio público. Este estudio tiene como objetivo investigar los efectos de la adopción del enfoque patrimonial sobre la Deuda Pública Flotante a partir de la realización de un estudio de caso en una fundación estatal del Norte de Brasil y del empleo de análisis de clusters . Ha sido constatada una infravaloración de 51,56% de la Deuda Flotante del a entidad pública analizada. Concluimos, como efectos de la adopción del enfoque patrimonial en la Deuda Flotante de las entidades públicas, una mejora en la revelación cualitativa y cuantitativa del Pasivo .

  17. Caracterización de patologías del hombro relacionadas con el origen y prestaciones asistenciales y económicas en una EPS, Bogotá, 2012 a 2014


    Villa Rodriguez, Marilyn Esther


    Introducción: Las patologías del hombro suelen ser una de las causas de mayor solicitud de consulta en el ámbito laboral, con generación de incapacidad y pérdidas económicas, tanto para el afectado como para la empresa e incluso, la Entidad Promotora de Salud responsable de la atención y tratamiento. Entre las patologías de hombro más frecuentes se hallan el síndrome del manguito rotador, bursitis del hombro, síndrome de abducción dolorosa del hombro, tendinitis del bíceps, traumatismos del t...

  18. Consolidating NASA's Arc Jets (United States)

    Balboni, John A.; Gokcen, Tahir; Hui, Frank C. L.; Graube, Peter; Morrissey, Patricia; Lewis, Ronald


    The paper describes the consolidation of NASA's high powered arc-jet testing at a single location. The existing plasma arc-jet wind tunnels located at the Johnson Space Center were relocated to Ames Research Center while maintaining NASA's technical capability to ground-test thermal protection system materials under simulated atmospheric entry convective heating. The testing conditions at JSC were reproduced and successfully demonstrated at ARC through close collaboration between the two centers. New equipment was installed at Ames to provide test gases of pure nitrogen mixed with pure oxygen, and for future nitrogen-carbon dioxide mixtures. A new control system was custom designed, installed and tested. Tests demonstrated the capability of the 10 MW constricted-segmented arc heater at Ames meets the requirements of the major customer, NASA's Orion program. Solutions from an advanced computational fluid dynamics code were used to aid in characterizing the properties of the plasma stream and the surface environment on the calorimeters in the supersonic flow stream produced by the arc heater.

  19. Equilibrium motion of quict auroral arcs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lyatskij, V.B.; Leont'ev, S.V.


    Ionospheric plasma convection across auroral arc is investigated. It is shown that the existence of plasma area of increased concentration adjoining arc results not only from the arc but also is a factor supporting its existence. Under stable conditions the arc and plasma zone connected to it will move at a velocity different from a velocity of plasma convection. Arc velocity will be higher or lower as compared with convection velocity depending on arc orientation relative to an external electric field. At that the plasma zone is located either in front of or behind aurora polaris [ru

  20. Bifurcation theory of ac electric arcing

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Christen, Thomas; Peinke, Emanuel


    The performance of alternating current (ac) electric arcing devices is related to arc extinction or its re-ignition at zero crossings of the current (so-called ‘current zero’, CZ). Theoretical investigations thus usually focus on the transient behaviour of arcs near CZ, e.g. by solving the modelling differential equations in the vicinity of CZ. This paper proposes as an alternative approach to investigate global mathematical properties of the underlying periodically driven dynamic system describing the electric circuit containing the arcing device. For instance, the uniqueness of the trivial solution associated with the insulating state indicates the extinction of any arc. The existence of non-trivial attractors (typically a time-periodic state) points to a re-ignition of certain arcs. The performance regions of arcing devices, such as circuit breakers and arc torches, can thus be identified with the regions of absence and existence, respectively, of non-trivial attractors. Most important for applications, the boundary of a performance region in the model parameter space is then associated with the bifurcation of the non-trivial attractors. The concept is illustrated for simple black-box arc models, such as the Mayr and the Cassie model, by calculating for various cases the performance boundaries associated with the bifurcation of ac arcs. (paper)

  1. Electric contact arcing

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cuthrell, R.E.


    Electrical contacts must function properly in many types of components used in nuclear weapon systems. Design, application, and testing of these components require detailed knowledge of chemical and physical phenomena associated with stockpile storage, stockpile testing, and operation. In the past, investigation of these phenomena has led to significant discoveries on the effects of surface contaminants, friction and wear, and the mechanics of closure on contact performance. A recent investigation of contact arcing phenomena which revealed that, preceding contact closure, arcs may occur at voltages lower than had been previously known is described. This discovery is important, since arcing may damage contacts, and repetitive testing of contacts performed as part of a quality assurance program might produce cumulative damage that would yield misleading life-test data and could prevent proper operation of the contacts at some time in the future. This damage can be avoided by determining the conditions under which arcing occurs, and ensuring that these conditions are avoided in contact testing

  2. The fluid sensor. Narrative of a laboratory study El sensor fluido. La narrativa de una etnografía de laboratorio

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    César Prestel


    Full Text Available In this article, I present the preliminary outcomes of the field work that I have been developing during the last two years, a laboratory study based on the Actor-Network theory which will be the nucleus of my Ph.D. thesis. Facing the challenge of writing this thesis, I analyze different possible ways of presenting what I have been witnessing in the laboratory. Finally, I propose the possibility of describing the sensor I have been studying as a multiple entity which perhaps might be described using the concept of wrapping. En el presente artículo presento los resultados preliminares del trabajo de campo que he venido realizando durante los últimos dos años y que consiste en una etnografía de laboratorio dirigida a la realización de una tesis doctoral en el marco de la Teoría del Actor-Red. Enfrentado al desafío que supone emprender la redacción de mi trabajo, analizo las diferentes formas de narrar lo que acontece en el laboratorio. Finalmente, concluyo proponiendo la posibilidad de describir el sensor que ha sido objeto de mi estudio como una entidad múltiple que tal vez pueda describirse mediante el concepto de envoltura.

  3. Arcing and surface damage in DITE

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Goodall, D.H.J.; McCracken, G.M.


    An investigation into the arcing damage on surfaces exposed to plasmas in the DITE tokamak is described. It has been found that arcing occurs on the fixed limiters, on probes inserted into the plasma and on parts of the torus structure. For surfaces parallel to the toroidal field most of the arcs run across the surface orthogonal to the field direction. Observations in the scanning electron microscope show that the arc tracks are formed by a series of melted craters characteristic of cathode arc spots. The amount of metal removed from the surface is consistent with the concentration of metal observed in the plasma. In plasmas with hydrogen gas puffing during the discharge or with injection of low Z impurities, the arc tracks are observed to be much shallower than in normal low density discharges. Several types of surface damage other than arc tracks have also been observed on probes. These phenomena occur less frequently than arcing and appear to be associated with abnormal discharge conditions. (author)

  4. Auditoría interna y deficiencias de la información financiera en el sector bancario español

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    Ester Gras-Gil


    Full Text Available La auditoría interna (AI ha cobrado un papel trascendental en la regulación sobre el gobierno corporativo. En este sentido, se le otorga un papel fundamental en la calidad de la información financiera como supervisora de la fiabilidad de la misma. El presente trabajo analiza si la estructura y las características de la AI afectan a las deficiencias de la información contable. Para ello hemos analizado los departamentos de AI de las entidades financieras españolas, utilizando una muestra de 47 entidades, para el periodo 2006-2010. Nuestros resultados muestran que existen unas características de la AI que contribuyen a que la entidad presente menos deficiencias de la información financiera: la formación de los auditores internos y la independencia de la AI.

  5. La descongestión en la jurisdicción contencioso administrativa. Una visión desde el Tribunal Administrativo de Cundinamarca

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    Leonardo Augusto Torres Calderón


    Full Text Available La Jurisdicción de lo Contencioso Administrativo está muy congestionada. Para solucionar esta situación son necesarias varias medidas: 1. Disminuir los términos de caducidad (plazo legal dentro del cual la persona perjudicada debe presentar la demanda, vencido el cual ya no es posible formularla de las acciones contenciosas ordinarias; 2. Exigir a los abogados litigantes la presentación, como anexos de la demanda o de su contestación, de la mayoría de los documentos que quieran hacer valer en el proceso para disminuir el periodo probatorio y de las pruebas practicadas dentro del mismo; 3. Aumentar tanto los gastos que debe sufragar el demandante para que se le tramite el proceso, como la imposición de costas (multa pecuniaria que se impone a una de las partes para la parte vencida en el pleito; 4. Transferir a la Jurisdicción Ordinaria Civil, asuntos actualmente asignados a la Contenciosa y en especial los procesos ejecutivos, los de restitución de inmueble arrendado y los de responsabilidad por falla médica; 5. Eliminar acciones constitucionales mal diseñadas por el legislador, que no han tenido una eficacia real, como la acción de repetición (cuando la entidad pública condenada a pagar una indemnización demanda al servidor público causante de la condena, las acciones populares por moralidad pública y las acciones de grupo; 6. Equilibrar las cargas dentro de las secciones del Tribunal Administrativo de Cundinamarca, de tal suerte que parte de los asuntos de las muy congestionadas secciones Segunda y Tercera (el nombre de las Salas de decisión dentro del Tribunal, pase a la Primera y la Cuarta, bastante descongestionadas; 7. Extender la perención (terminación anormal del proceso por inactividad de la parte demandante en contra de las entidades públicas demandantes cuando estas no cumplen con sus cargas procesales; 8. Eliminar la aprobación de las conciliaciones prejudiciales por parte de los Tribunales Administrativos

  6. Operator Bias in the Estimation of Arc Efficiency in Gas Tungsten Arc Welding

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    Fredrik Sikström


    Full Text Available In this paper the operator bias in the measurement process of arc efficiency in stationary direct current electrode negative gas tungsten arc welding is discussed. An experimental study involving 15 operators (enough to reach statistical significance has been carried out with the purpose to estimate the arc efficiency from a specific procedure for calorimetric experiments. The measurement procedure consists of three manual operations which introduces operator bias in the measurement process. An additional relevant experiment highlights the consequences of estimating the arc voltage by measuring the potential between the terminals of the welding power source instead of measuring the potential between the electrode contact tube and the workpiece. The result of the study is a statistical evaluation of the operator bias influence on the estimate, showing that operator bias is negligible in the estimate considered here. On the contrary the consequences of neglecting welding leads voltage drop results in a significant under estimation of the arc efficiency.

  7. Arcing phenomena in fusion devices workshop

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Clausing, R.E.


    The workshop on arcing phenomena in fusion devices was organized (1) to review the pesent status of our understanding of arcing as it relates to confinement devices, (2) to determine what informaion is needed to suppress arcing and (3) to define both laboratory and in-situ experiments which can ultimately lead to reduction of impurities in the plasma caused by arcing. The workshop was attended by experts in the area of vacuum arc electrode phenomena and ion source technology, materials scientists, and both theoreticians and experimentalists engaged in assessing the importance of unipolar arcing in today's tokamaks. Abstracts for papers presented at the workshop are included

  8. Multiphysics Simulation of Welding-Arc and Nozzle-Arc System: Mathematical-Model, Solution-Methodology and Validation (United States)

    Pawar, Sumedh; Sharma, Atul


    This work presents mathematical model and solution methodology for a multiphysics engineering problem on arc formation during welding and inside a nozzle. A general-purpose commercial CFD solver ANSYS FLUENT 13.0.0 is used in this work. Arc formation involves strongly coupled gas dynamics and electro-dynamics, simulated by solution of coupled Navier-Stoke equations, Maxwell's equations and radiation heat-transfer equation. Validation of the present numerical methodology is demonstrated with an excellent agreement with the published results. The developed mathematical model and the user defined functions (UDFs) are independent of the geometry and are applicable to any system that involves arc-formation, in 2D axisymmetric coordinates system. The high-pressure flow of SF6 gas in the nozzle-arc system resembles arc chamber of SF6 gas circuit breaker; thus, this methodology can be extended to simulate arcing phenomenon during current interruption.

  9. Necesidad de una Norma Internacional de Información Financiera para Pymes en el Perú

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    Guillermo Humire Delgado


    Full Text Available El proyecto de Norma Internacional de Información Financiera (NIIF para entidaes privadas restringe las normas a aplicar para entidades que no tienen responsabilidad pública en la emisión de información contable. En el Perú, desde 1994, se aplican las NIIF completas y, según nuestra opinión, se deben seguir aplicando sin tener que modificar las normas relativas a entidades privadas. Lo que debe hacerse es implementar un intenso plan de capacitación para contadores, asistentes de contabilidad y gerentes de las entidades, y asegurar así la adecuada aplicación de las NIIF completas.

  10. Numerical investigation of the double-arcing phenomenon in a cutting arc torch

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mancinelli, B. R.; Minotti, F. O.; Kelly, H.; Prevosto, L.


    A numerical investigation of the double-arcing phenomenon in a cutting arc torch is reported. The dynamics of the double-arcing were simulated by using a two-dimensional model of the gas breakdown development in the space-charge layer contiguous to the nozzle of a cutting arc torch operated with oxygen. The kinetic scheme includes ionization of heavy particles by electron impact, electron attachment, electron detachment, electron–ion recombination, and ion–ion recombination. Complementary measurements during double-arcing phenomena were also conducted. A marked rise of the nozzle voltage was found. The numerical results showed that the dynamics of a cathode spot at the exit of the nozzle inner surface play a key role in the raising of the nozzle voltage, which in turn allows more electrons to return to the wall at the nozzle inlet. The return flow of electrons thus closes the current loop of the double-arcing. The increase in the (floating) nozzle voltage is due to the fact that the increased electron emission at the spot is mainly compensated by the displacement current (the ions do not play a relevant role due to its low-mobility) until that the stationary state is achieved and the electron return flow fully-compensates the electron emission at the spot. A fairly good agreement was found between the model and the experiment for a spot emission current growth rate of the order of 7 × 10 4  A/s.

  11. Danses històriques: una alternativa interdisciplinària


    Cañabate Ortiz, Dolors; Rigau, Mercè


    Sovint sentim parlar sobre la interdisciplinarietat entre la música i l’educació física. Per això ens hem animat a oferir-vos una experiència viscuda a l’Arc, taller de música de Barcelona, amb alumnes de Música i d’Educació Física, a càrrec de la professora Anna Yepes. L’experiència es va basar a relacionar el llenguatge musical amb el llenguatge corporal. Els alumnes tocaven i dansaven alternativament les danses històriques, experimentant com el llenguatge musical, la forma, el temps corres...

  12. Santiago Zona Árida: una arquitectura de la sombra


    Pérez de Arce,Rodrigo


    ¿El árbol urbano como mitigación? ¡Falso! Desmontando el sentido supuesto para el "impacto ambiental", tan usado por algunas corrientes actuales del urbanismo, Pérez de Arce reinvindica las zonas áridas del planeta como origen del jardín y la ciudad. A partir de la revisión de la incorporación del árbol en el espacio público santiaguino, la discusión se centra en la relación entre sequía, sombra, trazados y la capacidad del jardín y la arquitectura de generar una cualidad ambiental urbana....

  13. Síndrome del túnel del tarso: Normalización de una técnica diagnóstica electrofisiológica

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    Juan Pablo Valderrama


    Full Text Available EI síndrome del túnel del tarso es una entidad frecuente en la población adulta, pero infrecuentemente documentada. En su diagnóstico los estudios de neuroconducción han demostrado ser importantes para confirmar su presencia y evaluar su severidad. La presente investigación, hace un análisis prospectivo de los hallazgos de neuroconducción motora de los nervios plantares interno y externo, encontrados en 32 individuos asintomáticos. Se verifica con el objeto de estandarizar valores de referencia para nuestro medio, aplicando la técnica de Felsenthal, para discriminar entre una lesión a nivel del túnel del tarso, lesiones aisladas de los nervios plantares o neuropatías distales por otra causa. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron una latencia motora promedio a través del túnel para el nervio plantar interno de 2.35 ms (rango O.64ms - 4.09ms y para el nervio plantar externo de 2.32ms (rango O.29ms - 3.77ms, también se establecieron velocidades de conducción proximal del nervio tibial para descartar anormalidades en su trayecto a través de la pierna, que pudieran invalidar los datos obtenidos distalmente.

  14. Basins in ARC-continental collisions (United States)

    Draut, Amy E.; Clift, Peter D.; Busby, Cathy; Azor, Antonio


    Arc-continent collisions occur commonly in the plate-tectonic cycle and result in rapidly formed and rapidly collapsing orogens, often spanning just 5-15 My. Growth of continental masses through arc-continent collision is widely thought to be a major process governing the structural and geochemical evolution of the continental crust over geologic time. Collisions of intra-oceanic arcs with passive continental margins (a situation in which the arc, on the upper plate, faces the continent) involve a substantially different geometry than collisions of intra-oceanic arcs with active continental margins (a situation requiring more than one convergence zone and in which the arc, on the lower plate, backs into the continent), with variable preservation potential for basins in each case. Substantial differences also occur between trench and forearc evolution in tectonically erosive versus tectonically accreting margins, both before and after collision. We examine the evolution of trenches, trench-slope basins, forearc basins, intra-arc basins, and backarc basins during arc-continent collision. The preservation potential of trench-slope basins is low; in collision they are rapidly uplifted and eroded, and at erosive margins they are progressively destroyed by subduction erosion. Post-collisional preservation of trench sediment and trench-slope basins is biased toward margins that were tectonically accreting for a substantial length of time before collision. Forearc basins in erosive margins are usually floored by strong lithosphere and may survive collision with a passive margin, sometimes continuing sedimentation throughout collision and orogeny. The low flexural rigidity of intra-arc basins makes them deep and, if preserved, potentially long records of arc and collisional tectonism. Backarc basins, in contrast, are typically subducted and their sediment either lost or preserved only as fragments in melange sequences. A substantial proportion of the sediment derived from

  15. Factores asociados al no control de la presión arterial en pacientes inscritos al programa de hipertensión de una Entidad Promotora de Salud en Cali-Colombia, 2004 Factors associated with lack of blood pressure control in patients enrolled in a hypertension control program of a private primary Health Care Organization in Cali, Colombia, in 2004

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    Rodolfo Herrera


    Full Text Available Objetivos: determinar los factores asociados al no control de la presión arterial en pacientes inscritos al programa de control de la hipertensión de una Entidad Promotora de Salud en Cali-Colombia, en el año 2004. Métodos: estudio descriptivo de corte transversal, en el que se seleccionaron de manera aleatoria 356 pacientes mayores de 18 años de los inscritos en el programa de control de la hipertensión arterial. Se clasificó como paciente no controlado en hipertensión arterial a quien presentó presión arterial sistólica superior a 139 mm Hg o presión arterial diastólica superior a 89 mm Hg. Se consideraron como variables independientes: factores de riesgo no modificables, comportamentales, biológicos y administrativos. Mediante un análisis bivariado y multivariado se identificaron factores asociados al no control de la presión arterial. Resultados: la prevalencia del no control fue 30,1% (IC 95% 25,3-34,8, siendo mayor en el género masculino (c2= 9,368; p=0,002. La adherencia al tratamiento farmacológico fue 56,2% (IC 95%: 51,0% - 61,3%. El riesgo relativo indirecto (OR de no control de la tensión arterial ajustada por género y según el uso de inhibidores de la enzima convertidora de angiotensina solos o en combinación con medicamentos hipolipemiantes, fue de 1,71 (IC 95%: 1,0-2,94; según el tipo de Institución Prestadora de Salud donde se lleva a cabo el programa de hipertensión arterial adscrita a la Entidad Promotora de Salud en comparación con los que asisten a Instituciones Prestadoras de Salud propias, el OR fue 2,13 (IC 95%: 1,3- 3,5. Conclusiones: la prevalencia de hipertensión arterial no controlada en un programa de una Entidad Promotora de Salud fue de 30,1%. Los factores asociados fueron: tipo de Institución Prestadora de Salud, género masculino y uso de inhibidores de la enzima convertidora de angiotensina y la interacción del medicamento con antecedentes de dislipidemia.Objectives: to determine the

  16. Teaching with ArcGIS Pro


    Theller, Larry


    For Fall semester 2016 the ABE department moved the course ASM 540 Basic GIS from ArcGIS Desktop 10.2 to ArcGIS Pro 1.3. This software from ESRI has a completely new look and feel, (ribbon-based rather than cascading menus) and is a true 64 bit application, capable of multi-threading, and built on Python 3. After ArcGIS Desktop 10.5 is released, desktop ends and the future release will be ArcGIS Pro; so it makes sense to switch sooner rather than later. This talk will discuss some issues and...

  17. Trust-ware: a methodology to analyze, design, and secure trust and reputation systems


    Fraga Aydillo, David


    Entendemos por inteligencia colectiva una forma de inteligencia que surge de la colaboración y la participación de varios individuos o, siendo más estrictos, varias entidades. En base a esta sencilla definición podemos observar que este concepto es campo de estudio de las más diversas disciplinas como pueden ser la sociología, las tecnologías de la información o la biología, atendiendo cada una de ellas a un tipo de entidades diferentes: seres humanos, elementos de computación o animales. Com...

  18. ALICE: ARC integration

    CERN Document Server

    Anderlik, C; Kleist, J; Peters, A; Saiz, P


    AliEn or Alice Environment is the Grid middleware developed and used within the ALICE collaboration for storing and processing data in a distributed manner. ARC (Advanced Resource Connector) is the Grid middleware deployed across the Nordic countries and gluing together the resources within the Nordic Data Grid Facility (NDGF). In this paper we will present our approach to integrate AliEn and ARC, in the sense that ALICE data management and job processing can be carried out on the NDGF infrastructure, using the client tools available in AliEn. The inter-operation has two aspects, one is the data management part and the second the job management aspect. The first aspect was solved by using dCache across NDGF to handle data. Therefore, we will concentrate on the second part. Solving it, was somewhat cumbersome, mainly due to the different computing models employed by AliEn and ARC. AliEN uses an Agent based pull model while ARC handles jobs through the more 'traditional' push model. The solution comes as a modu...

  19. Intensity-modulated arc therapy simplified

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wong, Eugene; Chen, Jeff Z.; Greenland, Jonathan


    Purpose: We present a treatment planning strategy for intensity-modulated radiation therapy using gantry arcs with dynamic multileaf collimator, previously termed intensity-modulated arc therapy (IMAT). Methods and Materials: The planning strategy is an extension of the photon bar arc and asymmetric arc techniques and is classified into three levels of complexity, with increasing number of gantry arcs. This principle allows us to generalize the analysis of the number of arcs required for intensity modulation for a given treatment site. Using a phantom, we illustrate how the current technique is more flexible than the photon bar arc technique. We then compare plans from our strategy with conventional three-dimensional conformal treatment plans for three sites: prostate (prostate plus seminal vesicles), posterior pharyngeal wall, and chest wall. Results: Our strategy generates superior IMAT treatment plans compared to conventional three-dimensional conformal plans. The IMAT plans spare critical organs well, and the trade-off for simplicity is that the dose uniformity in the target volume may not rival that of true inverse treatment plans. Conclusions: The analyses presented in this paper give a better understanding of IMAT plans. Our strategy is easier to understand and more efficient in generating plans than inverse planning systems; our plans are also simpler to modify, and quality assurance is more intuitive


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    Sandra Sánchez Cañizares


    Full Text Available El objetivo del presente trabajo es el de estudiar cómo las Entidades Financieras (EE.FF. responden a las cada vez más crecientes necesidades informativas generadas por los denominados “Stakeholders”. En concreto se analizan y comparan las prácticas de divulgación de información sobre clientes, así como sobre recursos humanos (RR.HH. por parte de las EE.FF. españolas, a través de la publicación de memorias de responsabilidad social. La elección de estas memorias presentadas de manera independiente de las memorias anuales se basa en la facilidad para la comparación que ofrece el modelo Global Reporting Initiative (GRI, y por otro, la consideración de una mayor idoneidad el uso de un documento especializado en temas socio-ambientales. Para el estudio de la información divulgada se va a emplear el método del análisis del contenido y la herramienta índice de divulgación, siendo ambos útiles para medir y comparar cómo las distintas entidades financieras informan sobre estos grupos de interés.

  1. Vacuum arc anode phenomena

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Miller, H.C.


    A brief review of anode phenomena in vacuum arcs is presented. Discussed in succession are: the transition of the arc into the anode spot mode; the temperature of the anode before, during and after the anode spot forms; and anode ions. Characteristically the anode spot has a temperature of the order of the atmospheric boiling point of the anode material and is a copious source of vapor and energetic ions. The dominant mechanism controlling the transition of the vacuum arc into the anode spot mode appears to depend upon the electrode geometry, the electrode material, and the current waveform of the particular vacuum arc being considered. Either magnetic constriction in the gap plasma or gross anode melting can trigger the transition; indeed, a combination of the two is a common cause of anode spot formation

  2. Effects of lorentz force on flow fields of free burning arc and wall stabilized non-transferred arc

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Peng Yi; Huang Heji; Pan Wenxia


    The flow fields of two typical DC plasma arcs, namely the transferred free burning arc and the non-transferred arc were simulated by solving hydrodynamic equations and electromagnetic equations. The effects of the Lorentz force on the characteristics of the flow fields of these two typical DC plasma arcs were estimated. Results show that in the case of the free burning arc, the Lorentz force due to the current self-induced magnetic field has significant impact on the flow fields, as the self-induced magnetic compression is the main arc constraint mechanism. However, in the case of the non-transferred arc generated in a torch with long and narrow inter-electrode inserts and an abruptly expanded anode, the Lorentz force has limited impact on the flow fields of the plasma especially at the downstream of the inter-electrode inserts, compared with the strong wall constraints and relatively high aerodynamic force. This is because the ratio of the electromagnetic force to the aerodynamic force is only about 0.01 in this region. When the main consideration is outlet parameters of the wall stabilized non-transferred DC arc plasma generator, in order to improve the efficiency of the numerical simulation program, the Lorentz force could be neglected in the non-transferred arc in some cases. (authors)

  3. Dosimetric comparison of helical tomotherapy, RapidArc, and a novel IMRT and Arc technique for esophageal carcinoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Martin, Spencer; Chen, Jeff Z.; Rashid Dar, A.; Yartsev, Slav


    Purpose: To compare radiotherapy treatment plans for mid- and distal-esophageal cancer with primary involvement of the gastroesophageal (GE) junction using a novel IMRT and Arc technique (IMRT and Arc), helical tomotherapy (HT), and RapidArc (RA1 and RA2). Methods and materials: Eight patients treated on HT for locally advanced esophageal cancer with radical intent were re-planned for RA and IMRT and Arc. RA plans employed single and double arcs (RA1 and RA2, respectively), while IMRT and Arc plans had four fixed-gantry IMRT fields and a conformal arc. Dose-volume histogram statistics, dose uniformity, and dose homogeneity were analyzed to compare treatment plans. Results: RA2 plans showed significant improvement over RA1 plans in terms of OAR dose and PTV dose uniformity and homogeneity. HT plan provided best dose uniformity (p = 0.001) and dose homogeneity (p = 0.002) to planning target volume (PTV), while IMRT and Arc and RA2 plans gave lowest dose to lungs among four radiotherapy techniques with acceptable PTV dose coverage. Mean V 10 of the lungs was significantly reduced by the RA2 plans compared to IMRT and Arc (40.3%, p = 0.001) and HT (66.2%, p 15 of the lungs for the RA2 plans also showed significant improvement over the IMRT and Arc (25.2%, p = 0.042) and HT (34.8%, p = 0.027) techniques. These improvements came at the cost of higher doses to the heart volume compared to HT and IMRT and Arc techniques. Mean lung dose (MLD) for the IMRT and Arc technique (21.2 ± 5.0% of prescription dose) was significantly reduced compared to HT (26.3%, p = 0.004), RA1 (23.3%, p = 0.028), and RA2 (23.2%, p = 0.017) techniques. Conclusion: The IMRT and Arc technique is a good option for treating esophageal cancer with thoracic involvement. It achieved optimal low dose to the lungs and heart with acceptable PTV coverage. HT is a good option for treating esophageal cancer with little thoracic involvement as it achieves superior dose conformality and uniformity. The RA2

  4. Metodología para la generación de alertas oportunas en un portafolio de inversiones

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    Full Text Available Este trabajo muestra una metodología que permite la clasificación de entidades del sector financiero en débiles y fuertes financieramente. Inicialmente se definen las variables que permitirán discriminar las entidades. Los resultados y la información recopilada se analizan y se obtiene las conclusiones que aparecen al final del documento


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    Wu Helena Yuen Wai


    Full Text Available Este trabajo pretende explorar la posibilidad y, al mismo tiempo, la imposibilidad, de representar un término aparentemente intraducible: jianghu (江湖, que significa, literalmente, «ríos y lagos» en chino. El trabajo comenta cómo el término evoluciona casi como una entidad orgánica en sí misma, que va desde la literatura china y el cine al uso cotidiano del término en jergas y refranes. Al analizar cómo se traduce el término de un idioma a otro, de un contexto antiguo a un contexto (posmoderno, y de una generación a otra, este trabajo pretende estudiar el proceso de adaptación y traducción más allá de un ámbito lingüístico para incluir el ámbito más amplio de los estudios literarios, culturales y cinematográficos. El papel analiza además cómo el proceso de adaptación, traducción e imaginación de jianghu puede considerarse manifestación del concepto derridiano de «suplementariedad».

  6. Feedback Linearization Based Arc Length Control for Gas Metal Arc Welding

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thomsen, Jesper Sandberg


    a linear system to be controlled by linear state feedback control. The advantage of using a nonlinear approach as feedback linearization is the ability of this method to cope with nonlinearities and different operating points. However, the model describing the GMAW process is not exact, and therefore......In this paper a feedback linearization based arc length controller for gas metal arc welding (GMAW) is described. A nonlinear model describing the dynamic arc length is transformed into a system where nonlinearities can be cancelled by a nonlinear state feedback control part, and thus, leaving only......, the cancellation of nonlinear terms might give rise to problems with respect to robustness. Robustness of the closed loop system is therefore nvestigated by simulation....

  7. Correlation methods in cutting arcs

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Prevosto, L; Kelly, H, E-mail: [Grupo de Descargas Electricas, Departamento Ing. Electromecanica, Universidad Tecnologica Nacional, Regional Venado Tuerto, Laprida 651, Venado Tuerto (2600), Santa Fe (Argentina)


    The present work applies similarity theory to the plasma emanating from transferred arc, gas-vortex stabilized plasma cutting torches, to analyze the existing correlation between the arc temperature and the physical parameters of such torches. It has been found that the enthalpy number significantly influence the temperature of the electric arc. The obtained correlation shows an average deviation of 3% from the temperature data points. Such correlation can be used, for instance, to predict changes in the peak value of the arc temperature at the nozzle exit of a geometrically similar cutting torch due to changes in its operation parameters.

  8. Correlation methods in cutting arcs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Prevosto, L; Kelly, H


    The present work applies similarity theory to the plasma emanating from transferred arc, gas-vortex stabilized plasma cutting torches, to analyze the existing correlation between the arc temperature and the physical parameters of such torches. It has been found that the enthalpy number significantly influence the temperature of the electric arc. The obtained correlation shows an average deviation of 3% from the temperature data points. Such correlation can be used, for instance, to predict changes in the peak value of the arc temperature at the nozzle exit of a geometrically similar cutting torch due to changes in its operation parameters.

  9. Filtered cathodic arc source

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Falabella, S.; Sanders, D.M.


    A continuous, cathodic arc ion source coupled to a macro-particle filter capable of separation or elimination of macro-particles from the ion flux produced by cathodic arc discharge is described. The ion source employs an axial magnetic field on a cathode (target) having tapered sides to confine the arc, thereby providing high target material utilization. A bent magnetic field is used to guide the metal ions from the target to the part to be coated. The macro-particle filter consists of two straight solenoids, end to end, but placed at 45 degree to one another, which prevents line-of-sight from the arc spot on the target to the parts to be coated, yet provides a path for ions and electrons to flow, and includes a series of baffles for trapping the macro-particles. 3 figures

  10. Compras corporativas estatales: el regalo guardado en el armario

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    Sandro Hernández Diez


    Full Text Available Las compras corporativas son una modalidad de selección incorporada en el TUO del Reglamente de la Ley de Contratacione, aprobada mediente el decret supremo 084-2004-PCM, y que tiene como antecedente la ley de Presupuesto del año 2003. Tiene entre una de sus principalescaracterísticas a la demanda agregada, un acto mediante el que se recoge la decisión de efctuarla. Se trata de un proceso único, a cargo de una sola entidad. Son ventajas de las compras corporativas obtener menores precios en los bienes o servicios que se desean adquirir o contratar, pues permiten una adecuanda racionalización de los recursos, facilitan la supervisión de los procesos y le dan un mayor valor agregado al dinero del Estado, ya que se podrá adquirir-por el mismo precio-una mayor cantidad de bienes en mejores condiciones para la entidad.

  11. Rinitis alérgica y rinosinusitis: Una revisión necesaria Allergic rhinitis and rhinosinusitis: A necessary review

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    Mirta Álvarez Castelló


    Full Text Available La importancia de las enfermedades alérgicas, y entre ellas de la rinitis alérgica, así como su costo económico y de recursos humanos, tanto como su prevalencia, está fuera de toda duda. Esta entidad representa la sexta causa de enfermedad crónica en EE.UU. y tiene un gran impacto en la calidad de vida de los pacientes que la padecen. La rinitis alérgica es un desorden heterogéneo y su alta prevalencia es aún subdiagnosticada. Está caracterizada por uno o más de los siguientes síntomas: estornudos, picor nasal, secreción y congestión nasal. Muchos agentes están involucrados con esta entidad, entre ellos, pólenes, hongos, ácaros y animales domésticos. Atendiendo a que la rinitis y la sinusitis mantienen síntomas en común como la pérdida del olfato y la obstrucción y el drenaje nasal, se prefiere denominarla como rinosinusitis. Muchos estudios han identificado a la rinitis como un factor de riesgo para el asma, con una prevalencia entre 80 y 90 %. Esta revisión pretende repasar aspectos fundamentales de estas entidades como definición, etiología, clasificación, síntomas y tratamiento, y servir de guía para aquellos médicos que de una forma u otra tratan ambas afecciones con un impacto demostrado en la calidad de vida de los que las padecen.The importance of the allergic diseases and, among them, of allergic rhinits, as well as its economic cost, human resources involved and prevalence, is out of doubt. This entity represents the sixth cause of chronic disease in the United States and it has a great impact on the quality of life of those patients suffering from it. Allergic rhinits is a heterogenous disorder and its high prevalence is still underdiagnosed. It is characterized by one or more of the following symptoms that include sneezes, nasal itching, nasal secretion and congestion. Many agents are involved in this entity, among them, pollens, fungi, mites and domestic animals. Taking into account that rhinitis and

  12. Análisis y diseño de un datamart para la unidad de negocios de cobranzas de una entidad financiera


    Gomero Paredes, José Luis; Gomero Paredes, José Luis; Gomero Paredes, José Luis


    El área de Cobranzas Banca Minorista es una unidad estratégica del banco de crédito BCP. Y tiene misión principal la gestión de cobranzas de las cuentas que se encuentran en situación morosidad; es decir, desde que cumplen el primer día de morosos hasta que salen de esta situación. Le gestión de cobranzas básicamente se realiza a través de canales de gestión, los cuales se utilizan dependiendo del segmento de morosidad al cual pertenece el cliente. Un segmento de morosidad se determina med...


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    Mª Teresa González González


    Full Text Available A lo largo de este artículo se abordan algunas cuestiones relacionadas con el Programa de Cualificación Profesional Inicial (PCPI. En el primer y segundo apartado del artículo se realiza una breve caracterización de este programa destinado a alumnos en situación de riesgo de exclusión educativa, así como del escenario educativo en el que se plantea. En el tercero se ofrecen datos sobre los perfiles profesionales de los PCPI que se están desarrollando en la Comunidad de la Región de Murcia (CARM. Tales datos derivan de una investigación más amplia sobre este programa y fueroobtenidos de la página web de la Consejería de Educación, y analizados una vez que se ordenaron y agruparon según modalidades de PCPI, perfiles profesionales, y centros educativos ayuntamientos u otras entidades que los imparten.El análisis realizado pone de manifiesto que no existe un patrón que caracterice la distribución de PCPI según perfiles profesionales. Éstos no se circunscriben a una u otra modalidad de PCPI como tampoco quedan ligados a la actividad económica y empresarial de las zonas en la que se...

  14. Analogue modeling of arc and backarc deformation in the New Hebrides arc and North Fiji Basin

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Schellart, W. P.; Lister, G. S.; Jessell, M. W.

    In most backarc basins, extension is perpendicular to the arc. Thus individual spreading ridges extend approximately parallel to the arc. In the North Fiji Basin, however, several ancient and active spreading ridges strike 70°-90° to the New Hebrides arc. These high-angle spreading ridges relocated

  15. Physical characteristics of welding arc ignition process (United States)

    Shi, Linan; Song, Yonglun; Xiao, Tianjiao; Ran, Guowei


    The existing research of welding arc mainly focuses on the stable combustion state and the research on the mechanism of welding arc ignition process is quite lack. The tungsten inert gas(TIG) touch arc ignition process is observed via a high speed camera and the high time resolution spectral diagnosis system. The changing phenomenon of main ionized element provided the electrons in the arc ignition is found. The metallic element is the main contributor to provide the electrons at the beginning of the discharging, and then the excitated shielding gas element replaces the function of the metallic element. The electron density during the period of the arc ignition is calculated by the Stark-broadened lines of Hα. Through the discussion with the repeatability in relaxation phenomenon, the statistical regularity in the arc ignition process is analyzed. The similar rules as above are observed through the comparison with the laser-assisted arc ignition experiments and the metal inert gas(MIG) arc ignition experiments. This research is helpful to further understanding on the generation mechanism of welding arc ignition and also has a certain academic and practical significance on enriching the welding physical theoretical foundation and improving the precise monitoring on automatic arc welding process.

  16. Productividad en una celda de manufactura flexible simulada en promodel utilizando path networks type crane

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    María Elena Bernal Loaiza


    Full Text Available Esta investigación se centra en el diseño de una simulación del proceso de una celda de manufactura flexible (FMC de la Facultad de Ingeniería Industrial de la Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira, con el propósito de medir y elegir aquella alternativa de solución que mejore en mayor grado la productividad del sistema actual utilizando los resultados que proporciona el software Promodel. Para realizar lo anterior se utilizaron etapas de la simulación como definición del sistema, formulación del modelo, identificación de variables, recolección de datos, implementación e interpretación.Como resultado, se calculó la productividad teniendo en cuenta las variables del modelo y tiempo de la simulación, al mismo tiempo se interpretó la información de cada una de las locaciones, hallando el porcentaje de utilización y total de entidades para las locaciones con capacidad unitaria; para las locaciones con mayor capacidad se encuentra información referente al porcentaje de tiempo vacío, parcialmente ocupado, lleno y no disponible respecto del tiempo disponible. A diferencia de otras simulaciones, en este diseño en la parte de redes se utilizó el tipo de red Crane, asociado a los recursos del modelo. El cual facilita el desplazamiento de los brazos robots con las piezas que circulan a través del sistema.

  17. Busbar arcs at large fusion magnets: Conductor to feeder tube arcing model experiments with the LONGARC device

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Klimenko, Dmitry, E-mail:; Pasler, Volker


    Highlights: •The LONGARC device was successfully implemented for busbar to feeder tubes arcing model experiments. •Arcing at an ITER busbar inside its feeder tube was simulated in scaled model experiments. •The narrower half tubes imply a slight increase of the arc propagation speed in compare to full tube experiments. •All simulated half tubes experiments show severe damage indicating that the ITER inner feeder tube will not withstand a busbar arc. -- Abstract: Electric arcs moving along the power cables (the so-called busbars) of the toroidal field (TF) coils of ITER may reach and penetrate the cryostat wall. Model experiments with the new LONGARC device continue the VACARC (VACuum ARC) experiments that were initiated to investigate the propagation and destruction mechanisms of busbar arcs in small scale [1]. The experiments are intended to support the development and validation of a numerical model. LONGARC overcomes the space limitations inside VACARC and allows also for advanced 1:3 (vs. ITER full scale) model setups. The LONGARC device and first results are presented below.

  18. La Fiscalización Superior en México: una propuesta en el contexto de la gobernanza

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    Guajardo-Cantú, Gerardo


    Full Text Available En la presente ponencia se analizará la función de fiscalización superior en México desde la perspectiva de la autonomía que tienen dichas entidades para el ejercicio de dicha función y de las facultades sancionatorias que le otorgan las leyes en la materia. La ponencia identifica la necesidad de reformar las leyes de fiscalización en México con instrumentos que incrementen la efectividad del trabajo de las EFS y con esquemas que privilegien la participación ciudadana en dicha función. Asimismo, en este documento se expone la pertinencia de analizar esta función desde la perspectiva académica, como un medio de identificar y proponer mejoras para configurar en México una propuesta de un nuevo modelo de fiscalización superior en el contexto de la gobernanza.

  19. Secuestro pulmonar una infrecuente causa de hipertension pulmonar persistente en el recién nacido reporte de un caso

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    Lupo Méndez


    Full Text Available La hipertensión pulmonar persistente del recién nacido ( HPPRN es una entidad frecuente en las unidades de cuidados intensivos neonatales ( UCIN , sin embargo, algunas de sus causas pasan desapercibidas, debido a su baja frecuencia y poca asociación con esta patología. A propósito de un caso en nuestra UCIN , en un neonato a término que presentó HPPRN secundario a una malformación pulmonar, raramente asociada con esta patología en este grupo etareo, ya que se encontró mayor disposición a factores propios del nacimiento, y noxas maternas. El paciente presentó dificultad respiratoria horas después de su nacimiento, con evolución y persistencia de su sintomatología, por lo que se necesitó de diversos medios diagnósticos para establecer su etiología. Es importante destacar que el primer ecocardiograma doppler no mostró ninguna alteración anatómica o funcional, reportado normal; con posterior empeoramiento clínico del neonato, por lo que se ordenó un control ecocardiografico, y se evidenció una presión pulmonar estimada de 71 mmHg; se continuó el estudio etiológico con imágenes complemen - tarias, en esta caso una tomografía de tórax contrastada, y finalmente fue corroborado con un cateterismo cardiaco, lo cual permitió a su vez, manejo terapéutico y corrección de anomalía estructural de vasos pulmonares.



    Rodrigues, Denise Lucena; Universidade de Fortaleza


    As entidades fechadas de previdência privada, seu caráter assistencial e a sua imunidade tributária garantida pela Constituição Federal. Private Previdence institutions, its assistencial character and its tax exemption garanteed by the Federal Constitution.

  1. Numerical modeling of transferred arc melting bath heating; Modelisation numerique du chauffage de bains par arc transfere

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bouvier, A. [Electricite de France, 77 - Moret sur Loing (France). Direction des Etudes et Recherches; Trenty, L.; Guillot, J.B. [Ecole Centrale de Paris, Laboratoire EM2C. CNRS, 92 - Chatenay-Malabry (France); Delalondre, C. [Electricite de France (EDF), 78 - Chatou (France). Direction des Etudes et Recherches


    This paper presents the modeling of a transferred electric arc inside a bath of melted metal. After a recall of the context of the study, the problem of the modeling, which involves magnetohydrodynamic coupling inside the arc and the bath, is described. The equations that govern the phenomena inside the arc and the bath are recalled and the approach used for the modeling of the anode region of the arc is explained using a 1-D sub-model. The conditions of connection between arc and bath calculations are explained and calculation results obtained with a 200 kW laboratory furnace geometry are presented. (J.S.) 8 refs.

  2. Implementación de un sistema de monitoreo en una entidad pública usando plataforma de información geográfica


    LLanos Valverde, Ernesto Carlos; LLanos Valverde, Ernesto Carlos


    La Comisión Nacional para el Desarrollo y Vida sin Drogas (DEVIDA), con el fin de desalentar el cultivo de coca para uso ilícito tiene como una de sus funciones coordinar, promover, planificar, monitorear y evaluar un gran número de proyectos destinados a promover el desarrollo alternativo para mejorar las condiciones sociales, económicas y políticas de las zonas intervenidas, en este afán presentan un problema común. ¿Cómo obtener información de los avances de los proyectos y actividades de ...

  3. Una causa poco frecuente de hipertrabeculación exclusiva del ventrículo derecho: ventrículo derecho no compacto

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juan C. Díaz, MD


    Full Text Available La cardiopatía por falta de compactación ventricular es una entidad infrecuente, que generalmente compromete el ventrículo izquierdo ocasionando falla cardíaca, arritmias ventriculares, embolismo periférico y muerte súbita. Hasta el momento, se han descrito muy pocos casos de ventrículo derecho no compacto, por lo cual no hay criterios diagnósticos establecidos y se desconoce como es la evolución clínica y la respuesta al tratamiento de este grupo de pacientes. Se describe el caso de un paciente con hipertrabeculación marcada del ventrículo derecho en quien se descartó un origen estructural de la misma, haciéndose diagnóstico de ventrículo derecho no compacto.

  4. Una causa poco frecuente de hipertrabeculación exclusiva del ventrículo derecho: ventrículo derecho no compacto

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    Juan C Díaz


    Full Text Available La cardiopatía por falta de compactación ventricular es una entidad infrecuente, que generalmente compromete el ventrículo izquierdo ocasionando falla cardíaca, arritmias ventriculares, embolismo periférico y muerte súbita. Hasta el momento, se han descrito muy pocos casos de ventrículo derecho no compacto, por lo cual no hay criterios diagnósticos establecidos y se desconoce como es la evolución clínica y la respuesta al tratamiento de este grupo de pacientes. Se describe el caso de un paciente con hipertrabeculación marcada del ventrículo derecho en quien se descartó un origen estructural de la misma, haciéndose diagnóstico de ventrículo derecho no compacto.

  5. Momentum equation for arc-driven rail guns

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Batteh, J.H.


    In several models of arc-driven rail guns, the rails are assumed to be infinitely high to simplify the calculation of the electromagnetic fields which appear in the momentum equation for the arc. This assumption leads to overestimates of the arc pressures and accelerations by approximately a factor of 2 for typical rail-gun geometries. In this paper, we develop a simple method for modifying the momentum equation to account for the effect of finite-height rails on the performance of the rail gun and the properties of the arc. The modification is based on an integration of the Lorentz force across the arc cross section at each axial location in the arc. Application of this technique suggests that, for typical rail-gun geometries and moderately long arcs, the momentum equation appropriate for infinite-height rails can be retained provided that the magnetic pressure term in the equation is scaled by a factor which depends on the effective inductance of the gun. The analysis also indicates that the magnetic pressure gradient actually changes sign near the arc/projectile boundary because of the magnetic fields associated with the arc current

  6. Turismo sostenible: una alternativa de desarrollo a escala humana en los municipios de Nuquí y Bahía Solano

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Emigdio Pertuz


    Full Text Available En el departamento del Chocó, las comunidades locales han venido trabajando en la construcción colectiva de un modelo que les permita vivir mejor. Escogieron el ecoturismo como herramienta de conservación y uso sostenible del medio ambiente y han iniciado concertadamente la construcción de una política ecoturística nacional. La historia del desarrollo turístico en el Chocó comienza hace aproximadamente treinta años, con un producto que se perfilaba como de sol y playa, con actividades aisladas y sin ninguna planificación, atentando contra los valores naturales y culturales de la zona. Una vez declarada la ensenada de Utría como Parque Nacional Natural y aprovechando la capacitación recibida por un grupo de guías en temas ambientales, el destino se vuelca hacia el ecoturismo, y en torno a él se conforma una alianza que posteriormente da origen a la Asociación de Hoteleros Ecoturísticos de los Municipios de Nuquí y Bahía Solano. Esta entidad, las alcaldías de los dos municipios, la administración del Parque, la Fundación Natura y los Consejos Comunitarios han encaminado sus esfuerzos para el posicionamiento del turismo como motor de la economía regional.

  7. 49 CFR 195.226 - Welding: Arc burns. (United States)


    ... 49 Transportation 3 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Welding: Arc burns. 195.226 Section 195.226 Transportation Other Regulations Relating to Transportation (Continued) PIPELINE AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS SAFETY... PIPELINE Construction § 195.226 Welding: Arc burns. (a) Each arc burn must be repaired. (b) An arc burn may...

  8. El método popperiano en la estimación de la probabilidad de incumplimiento de un deudor

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Armando Lenin Támara Ayús


    Full Text Available Este trabajo tiene como objetivo desarrollar un modelo de análisis discriminante que permita clasificar a los individuos dentro de un grupo previamente definido, categorizándolos con probabilidad de default o no, para esto se trabaja con una muestra de 1.000 deudores pertenecientes a una cartera comercial en una entidad financiera. El resultado es un modelo que relaciona la probabilidad de incumplimiento con algunas variables financieras como son el margen operativo, margen neto y nivel de endeudamiento, y variables no financieras como la edad. El modelo estipula probabilidades de default inferiores a las que utiliza la entidad financiera, de tal manera que ofrece la oportunidad de liberar fondos sin que esto sea un elemento comprometedor de la estabilidad financiera por parte de la institución.

  9. Carboniferous rifted arcs leading to an archipelago of multiple arcs in the Beishan-Tianshan orogenic collages (NW China) (United States)

    Tian, Zhonghua; Xiao, Wenjiao; Windley, Brian F.; Zhang, Ji'en; Zhang, Zhiyong; Song, Dongfang


    The Beishan and East Tianshan Orogenic Collages in the southernmost Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB) record the final stages of evolution of the Paleo-Asian Ocean. These collages and their constituent arcs have an important significance for resolving current controversies regarding their tectonic setting and age, consequent accretionary history of the southern CAOB, and the closure time of the Paleo-Asian Ocean. In this paper, we present our work on the southern Mazongshan arc and the northern Hongyanjing Basin in the Beishan Orogenic Collage (BOC), and our comparison with the Bogda arc and associated basins in the East Tianshan Orogenic Collage. Field relationships indicate that the Pochengshan fault defines the boundary between the arc and basin in the BOC. Volcanic rocks including basalts and rhyolites in the Mazongshan arc have bimodal calc-alkaline characteristics, an enrichment in large ion lithophile elements such as Rb, Ba, and Pb and depletion in high field-strength elements (e.g., Nb and Ta), which were probably developed in a subduction-related tectonic setting. We suggest that these bimodal calc-alkaline volcanic rocks formed in rifted arcs instead of post-orogenic rifts with mantle plume inputs. By making detailed geochemical comparisons between the Mazongshan arc and the Bogda arc to the west, we further propose that they are similar and both formed in arc rifts, and helped generate a Carboniferous archipelago of multiple arcs in the southern Paleo-Asian Ocean. These data and ideas enable us to postulate a new model for the tectonic evolution of the southern CAOB.

  10. El primer caso de leontiasis ósea en Colombia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alfonso Bonilla Naar


    Full Text Available Presentamos hoy un caso exótico de la patología humana, una enfermedad aún no definida en su etiopatogenia, la leontiasis ósea. Fue descrita por l\\Ialpighi en 1697, y recibió tal denominación de Virchow desde 1864. Si juzgamos por la revisión de Pugh (1 en los últimos diez años de la Clínica Mayo, en que sólo se han hallado 10 casos de una entidad parecida llamada "Displasia fibrosa de' los huesos", localizada en el cráneo solamente, y que este autor considera como una fase anterior de la Leontiasis, tenemos que concluir que se trata de una entidad muy rara. Además, en lo consultado, incluyendo obras enciclopédicas, es tan escasa la información (sólo en Cecil hay una hoja escrita con criterio definido por Bauer (2 que nos reafirma la importancia de esta comunicación. Deseosos de conocer las publicaciones hechas en los últimos veinte años (1927-1947 revisamos el Index Medicus de Norteamérica a partir del estudio de Marx (3 sobre la anatomía patológica de la leontiasis, trabajo citado por Bauer (2 y que consideramos de importancia para definir la enfermedad, ya que anterior a esta época es improbable que existiera un criterio claro sobre la leontiasis, confundiéndola con muchas otras entidades similares, como veremos luego.

  11. Investigations Of A Pulsed Cathodic Vacuum Arc (United States)

    Oates, T. W. H.; Pigott, J.; Denniss, P.; Mckenzie, D. R.; Bilek, M. M. M.


    Cathodic vacuum arcs are well established as a method for producing thin films for coatings and as a source of metal ions. Research into DC vacuum arcs has been going on for over ten years in the School of Physics at the University of Sydney. Recently a project was undertaken in the school to design and build a pulsed CVA for use in the investigation of plasma sheaths and plasma immersion ion implantation. Pulsed cathodic vacuum arcs generally have a higher current and plasma density and also provide a more stable and reproducible plasma density than their DC counterparts. Additionally it has been shown that if a high repetition frequency can be established the deposition rate of pulsed arcs is equal to or greater than that of DC arcs with a concomitant reduction in the rate of macro-particle formation. We present here results of our investigations into the building of a center-triggered pulsed cathodic vacuum arc. The design of the power supply and trigger mechanism and the geometry of the anode and cathode are examined. Observations of type I and II arc spots using a CCD camera, and cathode spot velocity dependence on arc current will be presented. The role of retrograde motion in a high current pulsed arc is discussed.

  12. Investigations Of A Pulsed Cathodic Vacuum Arc

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oates, T.W.H.; Pigott, J.; Denniss, P.; Mckenzie, D.R.; Bilek, M.M.M.


    Cathodic vacuum arcs are well established as a method for producing thin films for coatings and as a source of metal ions. Research into DC vacuum arcs has been going on for over ten years in the School of Physics at the University of Sydney. Recently a project was undertaken in the school to design and build a pulsed CVA for use in the investigation of plasma sheaths and plasma immersion ion implantation. Pulsed cathodic vacuum arcs generally have a higher current and plasma density and also provide a more stable and reproducible plasma density than their DC counterparts. Additionally it has been shown that if a high repetition frequency can be established the deposition rate of pulsed arcs is equal to or greater than that of DC arcs with a concomitant reduction in the rate of macro-particle formation. We present here results of our investigations into the building of a center-triggered pulsed cathodic vacuum arc. The design of the power supply and trigger mechanism and the geometry of the anode and cathode are examined. Observations of type I and II arc spots using a CCD camera, and cathode spot velocity dependence on arc current will be presented. The role of retrograde motion in a high current pulsed arc is discussed



    Trenado-Fuertes, Adela


    Este trabajo tiene como objeto la evaluación del “Programa comunitario de prevención del abuso sexual y otros malos tratos infantiles ¡Eh! ¡No te despistes!”. El programa surgió como necesidad de encontrar espacios de comunicación interinstitucional, entidades y profesionales para el abordaje integral de la detección intervención y la prevención de los abusos sexuales a menores. Ante la ausencia de una evaluación objetiva en el tiempo y la continuidad del programa “¡Eh! ¡No te despistes!” sur...

  14. Seismic evidence for arc segmentation, active magmatic intrusions and syn-rift fault system in the northern Ryukyu volcanic arc (United States)

    Arai, Ryuta; Kodaira, Shuichi; Takahashi, Tsutomu; Miura, Seiichi; Kaneda, Yoshiyuki


    Tectonic and volcanic structures of the northern Ryukyu arc are investigated on the basis of multichannel seismic (MCS) reflection data. The study area forms an active volcanic front in parallel to the non-volcanic island chain in the eastern margin of the Eurasian plate and has been undergoing regional extension on its back-arc side. We carried out a MCS reflection experiment along two across-arc lines, and one of the profiles was laid out across the Tokara Channel, a linear bathymetric depression which demarcates the northern and central Ryukyu arcs. The reflection image reveals that beneath this topographic valley there exists a 3-km-deep sedimentary basin atop the arc crust, suggesting that the arc segment boundary was formed by rapid and focused subsidence of the arc crust driven by the arc-parallel extension. Around the volcanic front, magmatic conduits represented by tubular transparent bodies in the reflection images are well developed within the shallow sediments and some of them are accompanied by small fragments of dipping seismic reflectors indicating intruded sills at their bottoms. The spatial distribution of the conduits may suggest that the arc volcanism has multiple active outlets on the seafloor which bifurcate at crustal depths and/or that the location of the volcanic front has been migrating trenchward over time. Further distant from the volcanic front toward the back-arc (> 30 km away), these volcanic features vanish, and alternatively wide rift basins become predominant where rapid transitions from normal-fault-dominant regions to strike-slip-fault-dominant regions occur. This spatial variation in faulting patterns indicates complex stress regimes associated with arc/back-arc rifting in the northern Okinawa Trough.[Figure not available: see fulltext.

  15. Evaluating optical hazards from plasma arc cutting. (United States)

    Glassford, Eric; Burr, Gregory


    The Health Hazard Evaluation Program of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health evaluated a steel building materials manufacturer. The employer requested the evaluation because of concerns about optical radiation hazards from a plasma arc cutting system and the need to clarify eye protection requirements for plasma operators, other employees, and visitors. The strength of the ultraviolet radiation, visible radiation (light), and infrared radiation generated by the plasma arc cutter was measured at various distances from the source and at different operating amperages. Investigators also observed employees performing the plasma arc cutting. Optical radiation above safe levels for the unprotected eyes in the ultraviolet-C, ultraviolet-B, and visible light ranges were found during plasma arc cutting. In contrast, infrared and ultraviolet-A radiation levels during plasma arc cutting were similar to background levels. The highest non-ionizing radiation exposures occurred when no welding curtains were used. A plasma arc welding curtain in place did not eliminate optical radiation hazards to the plasma arc operator or to nearby employees. In most instances, the measured intensities for visible light, UV-C, and UV-B resulted in welding shade lens numbers that were lower than those stipulated in the OSHA Filter Lenses for Protection Against Radiant Energy table in 29 CFR 1910.133(a)(5). [1] Investigators recommended using a welding curtain that enclosed the plasma arc, posting optical radiation warning signs in the plasma arc cutter area, installing audible or visual warning cues when the plasma arc cutter was operating, and using welding shades that covered the plasma arc cutter operator's face to protect skin from ultraviolet radiation hazards.

  16. Poster - 42: TB - ARC: A Total Body photon ARC technique using a commercially available linac

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Evans, Michael D. C.; Ruo, Russell; Patrocinio, Horacio J.; Poon, Emily; Freeman, Carolyn; Hijal, Tarek; Parker, William [McGill University Health Centre (Canada)


    We have developed a total body photon irradiation technique using multiple overlapping open field arcs (TB-ARC). This simple technique uses predetermined arc-weights, with MUs calculated as a function of prescription depth only. Patients lie on a stretcher, in the prone/supine treatment position with AP/PA arcs. This treatment position has many advantages including ease of delivery (especially for tall, pediatric or compromised patients), dose uniformity, simplicity for organ shielding, and imaging capabilities. Using a Varian TrueBeam linac, 14 arcs using 40×40 cm{sup 2} 6 MV open photon beams, sweeping across 10 degrees each, complete a 140 degree arc. The nominal SSD at zero degrees is 200 cm. Arcs at the sweep limits (+/− 70 degrees) are differentially weighted and deliver a dose within 10% of the prescription on central axis, at a depth of 10 cm over a superior-inferior length of 275 cm. CT planning using Varian Eclipse enables dose evaluation. A custom made beam spoiler, consisting of a 2.5 m sheet of polycarbonate (6 mm thick) increases the surface dose from 45% to 90%. This beam spoiler also serves as a support in the event that differential attenuation is required for organs such as lung, heart, liver, kidneys. The geometry of the sweeping beam technique limits organ dose (using varying thicknesses of melting alloy) to about 20% and 40% of prescription at dmax and midplane respectively. Digital imaging with a portable DR cassette enables proper attenuator location prior to treatment.

  17. Investigation and control of dc arc jet instabilities to obtain a self-sustained pulsed laminar arc jet

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Krowka, J; Rat, V; Coudert, J F


    The uncontrolled arc plasma instabilities in suspension plasma spraying or solution precursor plasma spraying cause non-homogeneous plasma treatments of material during their flight and also on coatings during their formation. This paper shows that the arc motion in dc plasma torches mainly originates in two main modes of oscillation (Helmholtz and restrike modes). The emphasis is put on the restrike mode in which the time component is extracted after building up and applying a numerical filter to raw arc voltage signals. The dependence of re-arcing events on experimental parameters is analysed in the frame of a phenomenological restrike model. It is shown that when the restrike frequency reaches the Helmholtz one, both modes are locked together and a pulsed arc jet is generated. (paper)

  18. Rapid arc - clinical rationale and results

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cozzi, Lucca


    The presentation will focus on the background of Intensity modulation volumetric arc therapy Rapid Arc from Varian Medical Systems aiming to highlight the technical and clinical rational also from an historical perspective to the founding pillars of fast delivery with a minimum number of arcs and a minimum number of monitor units

  19. Prototype arc saw design and cutting trials

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Allison, G.S.


    A program was initiated to develop the arc saw as a tool capable of removing the end fittings from spent nuclear fuel bundles. A special arc saw for this purpose was designed, installed at the Pacific Northwest Laboratory and satisfactorily operated to remove end fittings from simulated, nonradioactive fuel bundles. The design of the arc saw included consideration of the cutting environment, power supply size, control equipment, and work piece size. Several simulated fuel bundles were cut to demonstrate that the arc saw met design specifications. Although the arc saw development program was curtailed before significant performance data could be collected, tests indicate that the arc saw is a good means of cropping spent fuel bundles and is well suited to remote operation and maintenance

  20. Influence of a transverse magnetic field on arc root movements in a dc plasma torch: Diamagnetic effect of arc column

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Keun Su


    The effect of a transverse magnetic field on the anodic arc root movement inside a dc plasma torch has been investigated. The arc voltage fluctuation, which represents the degree of the arc instability, was reduced to 28.6% of the original value and the high frequency components in the voltage signal also decreased in their magnitudes. The inherent arc instability in a dc thermal plasma torch seems to be suppressed by a diamagnetic effect of the arc column. Furthermore, the measured voltage wave forms indicated that the arc root attachment mode would be controllable by a transverse magnetic field

  1. Arc modeling for welding analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Glickstein, S.S.


    A one-dimensional model of the welding arc that considers heat generation by the Joule effect and heat losses by radiation and conduction has been used to study the effects of various gases and gas mixtures currently employed for welding applications. Minor additions of low ionization potential impurities to these gases are shown to significantly perturb the electrical properties of the parent gas causing gross changes in the radial temperature distribution of the arc discharge. Such changes are reflected in the current density distribution and ultimately in the input energy distribution to the weldment. The result is observed as a variation in weld penetration. Recently published experiments and analyses of welding arcs are also evaluated and shown to contain erroneous data and results. Contrary to previous beliefs, the inclusion of a radiation loss term in the basic energy balance equation is important and cannot be considered as negligible in an argon arc at temperatures as low as 10,000 0 K. The one-dimensional analysis of the welding arc as well as the evaluation of these earlier published reports helps to explain the effects of various gases used for welding, improves our understanding of the physics of the welding arc, and provides a stepping stone for a more elaborate model which can be applied to help optimize welding parameters

  2. Low voltage arc formation in railguns (United States)

    Hawke, R.S.


    A low voltage plasma arc is first established across the rails behind the projectile by switching a low voltage high current source across the rails to establish a plasma arc by vaporizing a fuse mounted on the back of the projectile, maintaining the voltage across the rails below the railgun breakdown voltage to prevent arc formation ahead of the projectile. After the plasma arc has been formed behind the projectile a discriminator switches the full energy bank across the rails to accelerate the projectile. A gas gun injector may be utilized to inject a projectile into the breech of a railgun. The invention permits the use of a gas gun or gun powder injector and an evacuated barrel without the risk of spurious arc formation in front of the projectile.

  3. View of an intact oceanic arc, from surficial to mesozonal levels: Cretaceous Alisitos arc, Baja California (United States)

    Busby, Cathy; Fackler Adams, Benjamin; Mattinson, James; Deoreo, Stephen


    The Alisitos arc is an approximately 300 × 30 km oceanic arc terrane that lies in the western wall of the Peninsular Ranges batholith south of the modern Agua Blanca fault zone in Baja California. We have completed detailed mapping and dating of a 50 × 30 km segment of this terrane in the El Rosario to Mission San Fernando areas, as well as reconnaissance mapping and dating in the next 50 × 30 km segment to the north, in the San Quintin area. We recognize two evolutionary phases in this part of the arc terrane: (I) extensional oceanic arc, characterized by intermediate to silicic explosive and effusive volcanism, culminating in caldera-forming silicic ignimbrite eruptions at the onset of arc rifting, and (II) rifted oceanic arc, characterized by mafic effusive and hydroclastic rocks and abundant dike swarms. Two types of units are widespread enough to permit tentative stratigraphic correlation across much of this 100-km-long segment of the arc: a welded dacite ignimbrite (tuff of Aguajito), and a deepwater debris-avalanche deposit. New U-Pb zircon data from the volcanic and plutonic rocks of both phases indicate that the entire 4000-m-thick section accumulated in about 1.5 MY, at 111-110 MY. Southwestern North American sources for two zircon grains with Proterozoic 206Pb / 207Pb ages support the interpretation that the oceanic arc fringed North America rather than representing an exotic terrane. The excellent preservation and exposure of the Alistos arc terrane makes it ideal for three-dimensional study of the structural, stratigraphic and intrusive history of an oceanic arc terrane. The segment mapped and dated in detail has a central major subaerial edifice, flanked by a down-faulted deepwater marine basin to the north, and a volcano-bounded shallow-water marine basin to the south. The rugged down-faulted flank of the edifice produced mass wasting, plumbed large-volume eruptions to the surface, and caused pyroclastic flows to disintegrate into turbulent

  4. The Abundance of Large Arcs From CLASH (United States)

    Xu, Bingxiao; Postman, Marc; Meneghetti, Massimo; Coe, Dan A.; Clash Team


    We have developed an automated arc-finding algorithm to perform a rigorous comparison of the observed and simulated abundance of large lensed background galaxies (a.k.a arcs). We use images from the CLASH program to derive our observed arc abundance. Simulated CLASH images are created by performing ray tracing through mock clusters generated by the N-body simulation calibrated tool -- MOKA, and N-body/hydrodynamic simulations -- MUSIC, over the same mass and redshift range as the CLASH X-ray selected sample. We derive a lensing efficiency of 15 ± 3 arcs per cluster for the X-ray selected CLASH sample and 4 ± 2 arcs per cluster for the simulated sample. The marginally significant difference (3.0 σ) between the results for the observations and the simulations can be explained by the systematically smaller area with magnification larger than 3 (by a factor of ˜4) in both MOKA and MUSIC mass models relative to those derived from the CLASH data. Accounting for this difference brings the observed and simulated arc statistics into full agreement. We find that the source redshift distribution does not have big impact on the arc abundance but the arc abundance is very sensitive to the concentration of the dark matter halos. Our results suggest that the solution to the "arc statistics problem" lies primarily in matching the cluster dark matter distribution.

  5. Diseño de una propuesta de mejoramiento de la gestión administrativa del hospital el tunal, mediante la aplicación de la filosofía de teoría de restricciones (TOC)


    Rey García, Mauricio Alberto; Ariza Rodríguez, Claudia Patricia


    El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar el diseño de un proyecto de mejora a través de la filosofía TOC para la gestión Administrativa del Hospital El Tunal del Nivel III de Bogotá DC, durante el período 2013. Para lograr el objetivo de la propuesta de mejoramiento basada en la filosofía TOC (Inglés siglas Theory of Constraints), se centra en crear un proceso de mejora continua en la gestión administrativa del Hospital El Tunal. Esta entidad es una Empresa Social del Estado y tiene por o...

  6. Distribution of auroral arcs during quiet geomagnetic conditions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lassen, K.; Danielsen, C.


    Auroral arcs observed from the Greenland all-sky camera network during quiet intervals (AE 500 eV) and a poleward, low-energy part. Previous studies have shown that the arc pattern is composed of two subpatterns, too, the polar cap are pattern and the oval arc pattern. It is demonstrated that the polar cap arc pattern is situated in the poleward, low-energy part of the precipitation belt, connected to the low-latitude boundary layer, whereas the oval arc pattern is in the equatorial higher energy belt, connected to the plasma sheet. The dividing line between the two arc patterns is associated with the boundary of trapped ≥ 40-keV electrons. The designation polar cap arc pattern is shown to be ambiguous, wherefore it is proposed to replace it by the term high-latitude arc pattern

  7. Study of gliding arc discharge plasma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yang Chi; Lin Lie; Wu Bin


    The electric parameters change during discharge is studied and the relationship between non-equilibrium degree and parameters is discussed for gliding arc discharges. Using two-channel model, the rules of arc moving due to effect of the airflow is simulated. The numerical simulation results can help analyzing the generation mechanism of gliding arc non-equilibrium plasma. (authors)

  8. Microstructural Study on Oxygen Permeated Arc Beads

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kuan-Heng Liu


    Full Text Available We simulated short circuit of loaded copper wire at ambient atmosphere and successfully identified various phases of the arc bead. A cuprous oxide flake was formed on the surface of the arc bead in the rapid solidification process, and there were two microstructural constituents, namely, Cu-κ eutectic structure and solutal dendrites. Due to the arc bead formed at atmosphere during the local equilibrium solidification process, the phase of arc bead has segregated to the cuprous oxide flake, Cu-κ eutectic, and Cu phase solutal dendrites, which are the fingerprints of the arc bead permeated by oxygen.

  9. Arc generation from sputtering plasma-dielectric inclusion interactions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wickersham, C.E. Jr.; Poole, J.E.; Fan, J.S.


    Arcing during sputter deposition and etching is a significant cause of particle defect generation during device fabrication. In this article we report on the effect of aluminum oxide inclusion size, shape, and orientation on the propensity for arcing during sputtering of aluminum targets. The size, shape, and orientation of a dielectric inclusion plays a major role in determining the propensity for arcing and macroparticle emission. In previous studies we found that there is a critical inclusion size required for arcing to occur. In this article we used high-speed videos, electric arc detection, and measurements of particle defect density on wafers to study the effect of Al 2 O 3 inclusion size, shape, and orientation on arc rate, intensity, and silicon wafer particle defect density. We found that the cross-sectional area of the inclusion exposed to the sputtering plasma is the critical parameter that determines the arc rate and rate of macroparticle emission. Analysis of the arc rate, particle defect density, and the intensity of the optical emission from the arcing plasma indicates that the critical aluminum oxide inclusion area for arcing is 0.22±0.1 mm2 when the sputtering plasma sheath dark-space λ d , is 0.51 mm. Inclusions with areas greater than this critical value readily induce arcing and macroparticle ejection during sputtering. Inclusions below this critical size do not cause arcing or macroparticle ejection. When the inclusion major axis is longer than 2λ d and lies perpendicular to the sputter erosion track tangent, the arcing activity increases significantly over the case where the inclusion major axis lies parallel to the erosion track tangent

  10. Comparison study of intensity modulated arc therapy using single or multiple arcs to intensity modulated radiation therapy for high-risk prostate cancer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ashamalla, Hani; Tejwani, Ajay; Parameritis, Loannis; Swamy, Uma; Luo, Pei Ching; Guirguis, Adel; Lavaf, Amir


    Intensity modulated arc therapy (IMAT) is a form of intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) that delivers dose in single or multiple arcs. We compared IMRT plans versus single-arc field (1ARC) and multi-arc fields (3ARC) IMAT plans in high-risk prostate cancer. Sixteen patients were studied. Prostate (PTV P ), right pelvic (PTV RtLN ) and left pelvic lymph nodes (PTV LtLN ), and organs at risk were contoured. PTVP, PTV RtLN , and PTV LtLN received 50.40 Gy followed by a boost to PTV B of 28.80 Gy. Three plans were per patient generated: IMRT, 1ARC, and 3ARC. We recorded the dose to the PTV, the mean dose (D MEAN ) to the organs at risk, and volume covered by the 50% isodose. Efficiency was evaluated by monitor units (MU) and beam on time (BOT). Conformity index (CI), Paddick gradient index, and homogeneity index (HI) were also calculated. Average Radiation Therapy Oncology Group CI was 1.17, 1.20, and 1.15 for IMRT, 1ARC, and 3ARC, respectively. The plans' HI were within 1% of each other. The D MEAN of bladder was within 2% of each other. The rectum D MEAN in IMRT plans was 10% lower dose than the arc plans (p < 0.0001). The GI of the 3ARC was superior to IMRT by 27.4% (p = 0.006). The average MU was highest in the IMRT plans (1686) versus 1ARC (575) versus 3ARC (1079). The average BOT was 6 minutes for IMRT compared to 1.3 and 2.9 for 1ARC and 3ARC IMAT (p < 0.05). For high-risk prostate cancer, IMAT may offer a favorable dose gradient profile, conformity, MU and BOT compared to IMRT.

  11. Arc Heated Scramjet Test Facility (United States)

    Federal Laboratory Consortium — The Arc Heated Scramjet Test Facility is an arc heated facility which simulates the true enthalpy of flight over the Mach number range of about 4.7 to 8 for free-jet...


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    Alba García Barrera


    Full Text Available Los MOOCs se est n convirtiendo en un recurso cada vez m s frecuente - mente utilizado a nivel mundial. Se ofertan desde todo tipo de entidades y ofrecen m ltiples ventajas a nivel educativo, tales como ubicuidad, gratui - dad, credibilidad y calidad. Sin embargo, las investigaciones acerca de sus aportaciones al conocimiento real de cada individuo apenas est n comen - zando. Los MOOCs a n son unos grandes desconocidos para la ciencia, y esta a n no puede garantizar que quienes certi can posean verdaderamente las habilidades que mediante ellos se acreditan. Adem s, cabe destacar que su principal virtud puede convertirse a su vez en su mayor inconveniente. La masi caci n de sus aulas virtuales implica que sus contenidos est n dirigidos a un p blico general y enfocados a un alumno de competencias bajas y me - dias. Sus creadores desconocen por completo las caracter sticas que tienen los participantes, por lo que no pueden generar contenidos en funci n de sus conocimientos o experiencia previa. Su enorme alcance y su amplia gama de destinatarios hacen que adecuar la educaci n a las necesidades de cada estu - diante se convierta en una compleja misi n. Sin embargo, desde una revisi n te rica, en el presente art culo se estudian las posibilidades que en realidad estos cursos ofrecen para personalizar la ense anza y vencer los lastres que interpone la virtualidad en la educaci n a distancia. Se ofrecen algunas claves para poder adaptar los MOOCs sin olvidar atender a la diversidad siempre presente entre su alumnado. En consideraciones generales, pueden destacarse los aportes metodol gicos y secuenciales para la implantaci n de un MOOC desde una perspectiva de educaci n inclusiva.

  13. Various Characteristics of Electromagnetic Contactor when Arc Discharge are Generated only Make Arc(Researches and Overseas Activities)--(Reports of Overseas Activities)


    Kiyoshi, Yoshida


    Experiments are carried out to clarify the influence on the current and voltage for various characteristics.A small electromagnetic contactor that has two contacts is used.The arc discharge with only a make arc is generated and various characteristics are measured.Source voltage is set to 100V DC, closed contacts currents are changed from 10A 20A and 30A.From the waveforms, the arc duration time and the bounce time are read out.Arc energy is calculated from the arc voltage and arc current.The...

  14. Fibromialgia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Manuel López Espino


    Full Text Available En el año 1992 la fibromialgia fue reconocida por la OMS como una nueva entidad clínica, denominada "síndrome de fibromialgia", que fue incorporada a la clasificación internacional de enfermedades. La OMS define la entidad clínica como: "aquella alteración o interrupción de la estructura o función de una parte del cuerpo, con síntomas y signos característicos y cuya etiología, patogenia y pronóstico pueden ser conocidos o no". Estas condiciones se dan en la fibromialgia que presenta síntomas y signos típicos con una etiopatogenia multifactorial en la que se combinan factores genéticos y epigenéticos que condicionan una alteración persistente del sistema de autorregulación y control del dolor y del estrés en el Sistema Nervioso Central.

  15. Hacia una metodología de la investigación contable.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Germán Pinto Perry


    Full Text Available Este ensayo argumenta un criterio para establecer que la Contabilidad es una ciencia social, criterio que se concibe a través del desarrollo de una conceptualización particular de “ciencia”. Por tal, se entiende a todo constructo convencionalmente aceptado como verdadero y, por ende, como científico. No hay ciencia en el ejercicio profesional del contador, sino en la reflexión y análisis del hecho económico para ser expuesto de tal forma que aporte al proceso de toma de decisiones de las entidades. El criterio para validar esa exposición es la imagen fiel que debe evidenciar su revelación en los estados contables. Los criterios que permiten la exposición eficiente de los hechos econó- micos, se obtienen gracias a la investigación contable que puede seguir una metodología cuantitativa o cualitativa. Ambas permiten arribar a conclusiones eficientes que garantizan el carácter científico de la Contabilidad, no siendo patrimonio de esto, en forma exclusiva, la aplicación de estudios basados en cálculos estadísticos, sino también herramientas provenientes de la interpretación de las cualidades de los fenómenos observados. Por otro lado, la investigación científica en Contabilidad permite generar un conjunto de criterios que pueden ser el sustento de los criterios que son formalizados a través de las normas contables como las NIIF. Este proceso de emisión de normativa sustentada en un proceso científico, parte con la definición del hecho económico, su valorización, una experimentación que permita validar los atributos de la exposición y de la imagen fiel del estudio que se está haciendo y; finalmente, la emisión de la norma. Es por ello que la investigación contable es aplicable en tres instantes: cuando se está abstrayendo el hecho económico, para validar su exposición y en otros instantes, como por ejemplo cuando se evalúa la eficiencia de alguna norma ya emitida.

  16. Aproximación a los contextos en prision. Una perspectiva socioeducativa

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fanny T. Añaños-Bedriñana


    Full Text Available Los establecimientos penitenciarios de cumplimiento de pena no sólo son entidades arquitectónicas, administrativas y funcionales del sistema penitenciario, sino que son contextos ecosistémicos, de socialización y de educación-reeducación de gran importancia, especialmentepara laspersonas internadas. En este trabajo se hace una aproximación a la realidad penitenciaria española, desde una perspectiva socioeducativa de género y, prestando especial atencióna la configuracióndel sistema,conelpropósitode conocer su forma de funcionamiento, organización y clasificación, así como analizar los distintos tiposde centros según los regímenes de vida establecidos, la concepciónde los tiempos y los impactosde la vida en prisión, en el marco de una investigación nacional llevada a cabo con mujeres reclusas (Ref. EDU2009-13408. Los métodos de investigación han sido tanto cuantitativos como cualitativos en unamuestra de 538 cuestionarios válidos y 61 entrevistas semiestructuradas, observando que los espacios se constituyen como entes vivos que pueden influir en la vida en prisión de manera positiva al favorecer un contexto, un tiempo y una oportunidad socioeducativa, o pueden ser utilizados comomecanismos de segregación, de control de losmovimientos, de poder y para implementar la “separación interior”. Los tiempos de condena, junto con el espacio, inciden en la vivencia y las actitudes que determinan cómo enfrentarse a su realidad y la preparación para su reinserción; así éstos han de ser tenidos en cuenta para la implementación de programas desde lasmúltiples realidades de las/os protagonistas, basados en la evidencia, demodo que sean eficaces, integrales, que prevengan la reincidencia, etc. Además, se dejan abiertas líneas de intervención y problemáticas no resueltas que se erigen como retos o cuestiones pendientes para la administración, la sociedad, los/las reclusos/as y la educación social.

  17. Optimal partial-arcs in VMAT treatment planning

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wala, Jeremiah; Salari, Ehsan; Chen Wei; Craft, David


    We present a method for improving the delivery efficiency of VMAT by extending the recently published VMAT treatment planning algorithm vmerge to automatically generate optimal partial-arc plans. A high-quality initial plan is created by solving a convex multicriteria optimization problem using 180 equi-spaced beams. This initial plan is used to form a set of dose constraints, and a set of partial-arc plans is created by searching the space of all possible partial-arc plans that satisfy these constraints. For each partial-arc, an iterative fluence map merging and sequencing algorithm (vmerge) is used to improve the delivery efficiency. Merging continues as long as the dose quality is maintained above a user-defined threshold. The final plan is selected as the partial-arc with the lowest treatment time. The complete algorithm is called pmerge. Partial-arc plans are created using pmerge for a lung, liver and prostate case, with final treatment times of 127, 245 and 147 s. Treatment times using full arcs with vmerge are 211, 357 and 178 s. The mean doses to the critical structures for the vmerge and pmerge plans are kept within 5% of those in the initial plan, and the target volume covered by the prescription isodose is maintained above 98% for the pmerge and vmerge plans. Additionally, we find that the angular distribution of fluence in the initial plans is predictive of the start and end angles of the optimal partial-arc. We conclude that VMAT delivery efficiency can be improved by employing partial-arcs without compromising dose quality, and that partial-arcs are most applicable to cases with non-centralized targets. (paper)

  18. Circular arc structures

    KAUST Repository

    Bo, Pengbo


    The most important guiding principle in computational methods for freeform architecture is the balance between cost efficiency on the one hand, and adherence to the design intent on the other. Key issues are the simplicity of supporting and connecting elements as well as repetition of costly parts. This paper proposes so-called circular arc structures as a means to faithfully realize freeform designs without giving up smooth appearance. In contrast to non-smooth meshes with straight edges where geometric complexity is concentrated in the nodes, we stay with smooth surfaces and rather distribute complexity in a uniform way by allowing edges in the shape of circular arcs. We are able to achieve the simplest possible shape of nodes without interfering with known panel optimization algorithms. We study remarkable special cases of circular arc structures which possess simple supporting elements or repetitive edges, we present the first global approximation method for principal patches, and we show an extension to volumetric structures for truly threedimensional designs. © 2011 ACM.

  19. Letter to the Editor on 'Single-Arc IMRT?'. (United States)

    Otto, Karl


    In the note 'Single Arc IMRT?' (Bortfeld and Webb 2009 Phys. Med. Biol. 54 N9-20), Bortfeld and Webb present a theoretical investigation of static gantry IMRT (S-IMRT), single-arc IMRT and tomotherapy. Based on their assumptions they conclude that single-arc IMRT is inherently limited in treating complex cases without compromising delivery efficiency. Here we present an expansion of their work based on the capabilities of the Varian RapidArc single-arc IMRT system. Using the same theoretical framework we derive clinically deliverable single-arc IMRT plans based on these specific capabilities. In particular, we consider the range of leaf motion, the ability to rapidly and continuously vary the dose rate and the choice of collimator angle used for delivery. In contrast to the results of Bortfeld and Webb, our results show that single-arc IMRT plans can be generated that closely match the theoretical optimum. The disparity in the results of each investigation emphasizes that the capabilities of the delivery system, along with the ability of the optimization algorithm to exploit those capabilities, are of particular importance in single-arc IMRT. We conclude that, given the capabilities available with the RapidArc system, single-arc IMRT can produce complex treatment plans that are delivered efficiently (in approximately 2 min).

  20. The characteristic of twin-electrode TIG coupling arc pressure

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Leng Xuesong; Zhang Guangjun; Wu Lin


    The coupling arc of twin-electrode TIG (T-TIG) is a particular kind of arc, which is achieved through the coupling of two arcs generated from two insulated electrodes in the same welding torch. It is therefore different from the single arc of conventional TIG in its physical characteristics. This paper studies the distribution of T-TIG coupling arc pressure, and analyses the influences of welding current, arc length, the distance between electrode tips and electrode shape upon arc pressure on the basis of experiment. It is expected that the T-TIG welding method can be applied in high efficiency welding according to its low arc pressure

  1. Arc generation from sputtering plasma-dielectric inclusion interactions

    CERN Document Server

    Wickersham, C E J; Fan, J S


    Arcing during sputter deposition and etching is a significant cause of particle defect generation during device fabrication. In this article we report on the effect of aluminum oxide inclusion size, shape, and orientation on the propensity for arcing during sputtering of aluminum targets. The size, shape, and orientation of a dielectric inclusion plays a major role in determining the propensity for arcing and macroparticle emission. In previous studies we found that there is a critical inclusion size required for arcing to occur. In this article we used high-speed videos, electric arc detection, and measurements of particle defect density on wafers to study the effect of Al sub 2 O sub 3 inclusion size, shape, and orientation on arc rate, intensity, and silicon wafer particle defect density. We found that the cross-sectional area of the inclusion exposed to the sputtering plasma is the critical parameter that determines the arc rate and rate of macroparticle emission. Analysis of the arc rate, particle defect...


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    DC Álvarez


    Full Text Available El virus de bronquitis infecciosa (IBV causa una enfermedad altamente contagiosa, distribuida mundialmente, que conlleva graves pérdidas económicas. En algunas oportunidades se asocia con otras entidades como los virus de las enfermedades de Gumboro y de Newcastle, Mycoplasma gallisepticum y Escherichia coli. La alta variabilidad genética del virus ha generado una gran cantidad de cepas virales con diferentes cuadros clínicos. El objetivo del trabajo fue evaluar la dinámica de anticuerpos del IBV en aves vacunadas y no vacunadas contra IBV, alojadas en una explotación de pollo de engorde donde se detectó el agente por RT-PCR, en Fusagasugá, Colombia, y aves vacunadas en semiaislamiento en Bogotá. Para esto se organizaron 3 grupos de aves (Ross 308 de 1 día de edad (44 aves/grupo, las cuales fueron vacunadas con un virus vivo atenuado, cepa Massachusetts H120, y se evaluó la respuesta inmune a través de la prueba de Elisa. Desde el primer día hasta el día 24 de edad se observó una disminución progresiva de los títulos de anticuerpos en los tres grupos, aunque en las aves vacunadas y no vacunadas mantenidas en granja se observaron niveles de anticuerpos superiores al grupo en condiciones de semiaislamiento. A partir del día 28 en las aves alojadas en campo se incrementaron levemente los títulos hasta final de ciclo. El leve aumento en el nivel de anticuerpos puede ser consecuencia de exposición al virus vacunal que generó reversión de patogenicidad, persistencia viral o una exposición tardía al virus de campo.

  3. Klystron Gun Arcing and Modulator Protection

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gold, S


    The demand for 500 kV and 265 amperes peak to power an X-Band klystron brings up protection issues for klystron faults and the energy dumped into the arc from the modulator. This situation is made worse when more than one klystron will be driven from a single modulator, such as the existing schemes for running two and eight klystrons. High power pulsed klystrons have traditionally be powered by line type modulators which match the driving impedance with the load impedance and therefore current limit at twice the operating current. Multiple klystrons have the added problems of a lower modulator source impedance and added stray capacitance, which converts into appreciable energy at high voltages like 500kV. SLAC has measured the energy dumped into klystron arcs in a single and dual klystron configuration at the 400 to 450 kV level and found interesting characteristics in the arc formation. The author will present measured data from klystron arcs powered from line-type modulators in several configurations. The questions arise as to how the newly designed solid-state modulators, running multiple tubes, will react to a klystron arc and how much energy will be dumped into the arc

  4. The Temporal Dynamics of Arc Expression Regulate Cognitive Flexibility. (United States)

    Wall, Mark J; Collins, Dawn R; Chery, Samantha L; Allen, Zachary D; Pastuzyn, Elissa D; George, Arlene J; Nikolova, Viktoriya D; Moy, Sheryl S; Philpot, Benjamin D; Shepherd, Jason D; Müller, Jürgen; Ehlers, Michael D; Mabb, Angela M; Corrêa, Sonia A L


    Neuronal activity regulates the transcription and translation of the immediate-early gene Arc/Arg3.1, a key mediator of synaptic plasticity. Proteasome-dependent degradation of Arc tightly limits its temporal expression, yet the significance of this regulation remains unknown. We disrupted the temporal control of Arc degradation by creating an Arc knockin mouse (ArcKR) where the predominant Arc ubiquitination sites were mutated. ArcKR mice had intact spatial learning but showed specific deficits in selecting an optimal strategy during reversal learning. This cognitive inflexibility was coupled to changes in Arc mRNA and protein expression resulting in a reduced threshold to induce mGluR-LTD and enhanced mGluR-LTD amplitude. These findings show that the abnormal persistence of Arc protein limits the dynamic range of Arc signaling pathways specifically during reversal learning. Our work illuminates how the precise temporal control of activity-dependent molecules, such as Arc, regulates synaptic plasticity and is crucial for cognition. Copyright © 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  5. Stability of alternating current gliding arcs

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kusano, Yukihiro; Salewski, Mirko; Leipold, Frank


    on Ohm’s law indicates that the critical length of alternating current (AC) gliding arc discharge columns can be larger than that of a corresponding direct current (DC) gliding arc. This finding is supported by previously published images of AC and DC gliding arcs. Furthermore, the analysis shows......A gliding arc is a quenched plasma that can be operated as a non-thermal plasma at atmospheric pressure and that is thus suitable for large-scale plasma surface treatment. For its practical industrial use the discharge should be extended stably in ambient air. A simple analytical calculation based...... that the critical length can be increased by increasing the AC frequency, decreasing the serial resistance and lowering the gas flow rate. The predicted dependence of gas flow rate on the arc length is experimentally demonstrated. The gap width is varied to study an optimal electrode design, since the extended non...

  6. The next-generation ARC middleware

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Appleton, O.; Cameron, D.; Cernak, J.


    The Advanced Resource Connector (ARC) is a light-weight, non-intrusive, simple yet powerful Grid middleware capable of connecting highly heterogeneous computing and storage resources. ARC aims at providing general purpose, flexible, collaborative computing environments suitable for a range of use...

  7. ARC Operations (United States)

    coordination on a regular basis. The overall ARC organizational structure is shown below. Organizational Structure Dynamics and Control of Vehicles Human Centered Modeling and Simulation High Performance

  8. Approximate entropy—a new statistic to quantify arc and welding process stability in short-circuiting gas metal arc welding

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cao Biao; Xiang Yuanpeng; Lü Xiaoqing; Zeng Min; Huang Shisheng


    Based on the phase state reconstruction of welding current in short-circuiting gas metal arc welding using carbon dioxide as shielding gas, the approximate entropy of welding current as well as its standard deviation has been calculated and analysed to investigate their relation with the stability of electric arc and welding process. The extensive experimental and calculated results show that the approximate entropy of welding current is significantly and positively correlated with arc and welding process stability, whereas its standard deviation is correlated with them negatively. A larger approximate entropy and a smaller standard deviation imply a more stable arc and welding process, and vice versa. As a result, the approximate entropy of welding current promises well in assessing and quantifying the stability of electric arc and welding process in short-circuiting gas metal arc welding

  9. Electric fuses operation, a review: 2. Arcing period

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bussière, W


    In the electric fuse operation the arcing period follows immediately the pre-arcing period depicted in Part 1 (Part 1. Pre-arcing period). The transition between these two operation steps is not fully understood at this time. To simplify the beginning of the arcing period can be identified with the electric arc ignition i.e. with the electrodes voltage drop. The consecutive plasma is of metallic type at the beginning of the arcing period and of metallic plus silica type with varying mixture up to the end of the arcing period. The energy brought by the fault current is withdrawn by means of the interaction between the electric arc and the arc quenching material (usually silica sand) whose morphometric properties influence the properties of the plasma column: composition, thermodynamic properties and transport coefficients of the plasma column depend on the porosity (and other morphometric properties) of the filler. The fuse element erosion also known as burn-back is responsible for the lengthening of the plasma column and the variations of the electric field. The whole of these processes is depicted by means of experimental results or modellings when possible.


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    N. Ageyev Vladimir


    Full Text Available The geometric properties of conjugated circular arcs connecting two points on the plane with set directions of tan- gent vectors are studied in the work. It is shown that pairs of conjugated circular arcs with the same conditions in frontier points create one-parameter set of smooth curves tightly filling all the plane. One of the basic properties of this set is the fact that all coupling points of circular arcs are on the circular curve going through the initially given points. The circle radius depends on the direction of tangent vectors. Any point of the circle curve, named auxiliary in this work, determines a pair of conjugated arcs with given boundary conditions. One more condition of the auxiliary circle curve is that it divides the plane into two parts. The arcs going from the initial point are out of the circle limited by this circle curve and the arcs coming to the final point are inside it. These properties are the basis for the method of conjugated circular arcs tracing pro- posed in this article. The algorithm is rather simple and allows to fulfill all the needed plottings using only the divider and ruler. Two concrete examples are considered. The first one is related to the problem of tracing of a pair of conjugated arcs with the minimal curve jump when going through the coupling point. The second one demonstrates the possibility of trac- ing of the smooth curve going through any three points on the plane under condition that in the initial and final points the directions of tangent vectors are given. The proposed methods of conjugated circular arcs tracing can be applied in solving of a wide variety of problems connected with the tracing of cam contours, for example pattern curves in textile industry or in computer-aided-design systems when programming of looms with numeric control.

  11. Reordenación de la mortalidad en el noroeste de México, según el índice de años de vida productivos perdidos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rascón-Pacheco Ramón Alberto


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Determinar el orden de causas de muerte en las entidades federativas de la región noroeste de México, utilizando el índice de años de vida productivos perdidos (AVPPipc. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Se utilizó la base de datos elaborada por el Instituto Nacional de Estadística, Geografía e Informática, sobre mortalidad en Baja California, Baja California Sur, Sinaloa y Sonora para 1995. Se siguieron los pasos de Bustamante y colaboradores para ponderar las defunciones entre la inversión, la producción y el consumo potencial de cada individuo, de acuerdo con la etapa de productividad en que los individuos fallecen. RESULTADOS: Al utilizar el indicador AVPPipc se reordenaron las causas de muerte. En las cuatro entidades federativas el grupo de edad con mayor pérdida potencial es el de 5 a 14 años, sobre todo en Baja California y Sonora. De acuerdo con la IX Clasificación Internacional de Enfermedades, el grupo de causas "Ciertas afecciones originadas en el periodo perinatal" ocupa el primer lugar en tres de las entidades federativas, y el de "Homicidios y lesiones infligidas intencionalmente por otra persona" es el primero en Sinaloa. CONCLUSIONES: Este trabajo resalta el hecho de que al utilizar un indicador de años potencialmente perdidos con una ponderación económica, se puede hacer una discriminación entre las entidades federativas, dentro de una región aparentemente homogénea en la mortalidad.


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    Mariomar Sales Lima


    Full Text Available O estudo centra-se na avaliação do desempenho da gestão pública em Entidades Federais indiretas do Município de Manaus, com vistas a disponibilizar, para seus gestores e a sociedade em geral, informações que proporcionem um maior entendimento acerca da gestão dos recursos públicos. Para tanto, se utiliza como fundamento: a importância da informação contábil, sua estruturação na contabilidade pública, incluindo o ciclo orçamentário e os sistemas de contas nos quais são contabilizados os fatos e atos da administração pública; a evidenciação das demonstrações contábeis exigidas na área pública; os indicadores contábeis e as técnicas de análise de balanço que interpretam os demonstrativos contábeis por meio desses indicadores. Relativamente, aos aspectos metodológicos, realizou-se uma pesquisa descritiva, por meio de estudo de caso, utilizando-se, para tratar os dados, a análise documental e de conteúdo.  Como fonte principal de consulta adotou-se os demonstrativos contábeis de quatro Entidades, totalizando 16 balanços objetos de exame. Os resultados encontrados possibilitaram avaliar os desempenhos orçamentário, financeiro e econômico, relativo ao exercício de 2006, além de permitir comparações entre as Entidades.  Concluiu-se que a situação orçamentária nas quatro Unidades apresentou-se deficitária, enquanto a situação financeira apresentou um pequeno déficit em uma Unidade e equilíbrio nas outras três. Os demais indicadores mostraram que houve aumento patrimonial em duas Entidades e nas outras duas houve redução.

  13. Thermal Arc Spray Overview (United States)

    Hafiz Abd Malek, Muhamad; Hayati Saad, Nor; Kiyai Abas, Sunhaji; Mohd Shah, Noriyati


    Usage of protective coating for corrosion protection was on highly demand during the past decade; and thermal spray coating played a major part during that time. In recent years, the thermal arc spray coating becomes a popular coating. Many big players in oil and gas such as PETRONAS, EXXON MOBIL and SHELL in Malaysia tend to use the coating on steel structure as a corrosion protection. Further developments in coating processes, the devices, and raw materials have led to expansion of functional coatings and applications scope from conventional coating to specialized industries. It is widely used because of its ability to withstand high process temperature, offer advantages in efficiency, lower cost and acts as a corrosion protection. Previous research also indicated that the thermal arc spray offers better coating properties compared to other methods of spray. This paper reviews some critical area of thermal spray coating by discussing the process/parameter of thermal arc spray technology and quality control of coating. Coating performance against corrosion, wear and special characteristic of coating are also described. The field application of arc spray technology are demonstrated and reviewed.

  14. Thermal Arc Spray Overview

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Malek, Muhamad Hafiz Abd; Saad, Nor Hayati; Abas, Sunhaji Kiyai; Shah, Noriyati Mohd


    Usage of protective coating for corrosion protection was on highly demand during the past decade; and thermal spray coating played a major part during that time. In recent years, the thermal arc spray coating becomes a popular coating. Many big players in oil and gas such as PETRONAS, EXXON MOBIL and SHELL in Malaysia tend to use the coating on steel structure as a corrosion protection. Further developments in coating processes, the devices, and raw materials have led to expansion of functional coatings and applications scope from conventional coating to specialized industries. It is widely used because of its ability to withstand high process temperature, offer advantages in efficiency, lower cost and acts as a corrosion protection. Previous research also indicated that the thermal arc spray offers better coating properties compared to other methods of spray. This paper reviews some critical area of thermal spray coating by discussing the process/parameter of thermal arc spray technology and quality control of coating. Coating performance against corrosion, wear and special characteristic of coating are also described. The field application of arc spray technology are demonstrated and reviewed.

  15. Neogene displacements in the Solomon Islands Arc (United States)

    Ridgway, J.


    The geology and present configuration of the Solomon Island arc can be explained in terms of the Neogene displacement of a single linear chain of islands. The central part of an original arc consisting of Bougainville, Choiseul, Santa Ysabel, Guadalcanal and San Cristobal was displaced to the northeast as a consequence of the attempted subduction of the Woodlark spreading system. Malaita arose on the northeastern side of the arc as a result of interaction between the arc and the Pacific Ocean floor and the volcanic islands of the New Georgia group formed to the southwest in response to the subduction of a spreading ridge, thus giving rise to the present double chain structure of the arc.

  16. Metal transfer during vacuum consumable arc remelting

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zanner, F.J.


    A description of the vacuum consumable arc remelt process as related to solidification and a review of vacuum arc literature is presented. Metal transfer at arc lengths less than or equal to 3 cm was found to occur when liquid metal spikes hanging from the cathode form a low resistance bridge (drop short) by touching the anode and subsequently rupturing. During the bridge lifetime (0.0003 to 0.020 s) the arc is extinguished and all of the electrical power is directed through the molten bridge. The formation and rupture of these molten metal bridges are confirmed with electrical resistance measurements. At long arc lengths (greater than 10 cm) the spikes separate before touching the anode

  17. The Arabidopsis arc5 and arc6 mutations differentially affect plastid morphology in pavement and guard cells in the leaf epidermis. (United States)

    Fujiwara, Makoto T; Yasuzawa, Mana; Kojo, Kei H; Niwa, Yasuo; Abe, Tomoko; Yoshida, Shigeo; Nakano, Takeshi; Itoh, Ryuuichi D


    Chloroplasts, or photosynthetic plastids, multiply by binary fission, forming a homogeneous population in plant cells. In Arabidopsis thaliana, the division apparatus (or division ring) of mesophyll chloroplasts includes an inner envelope transmembrane protein ARC6, a cytoplasmic dynamin-related protein ARC5 (DRP5B), and members of the FtsZ1 and FtsZ2 families of proteins, which co-assemble in the stromal mid-plastid division ring (FtsZ ring). FtsZ ring placement is controlled by several proteins, including a stromal factor MinE (AtMinE1). During leaf mesophyll development, ARC6 and AtMinE1 are necessary for FtsZ ring formation and thus plastid division initiation, while ARC5 is essential for a later stage of plastid division. Here, we examined plastid morphology in leaf epidermal pavement cells (PCs) and stomatal guard cells (GCs) in the arc5 and arc6 mutants using stroma-targeted fluorescent proteins. The arc5 PC plastids were generally a bit larger than those of the wild type, but most had normal shapes and were division-competent, unlike mutant mesophyll chloroplasts. The arc6 PC plastids were heterogeneous in size and shape, including the formation of giant and mini-plastids, plastids with highly developed stromules, and grape-like plastid clusters, which varied on a cell-by-cell basis. Moreover, unique plastid phenotypes for stomatal GCs were observed in both mutants. The arc5 GCs rarely lacked chlorophyll-bearing plastids (chloroplasts), while they accumulated minute chlorophyll-less plastids, whereas most GCs developed wild type-like chloroplasts. The arc6 GCs produced large chloroplasts and/or chlorophyll-less plastids, as previously observed, but unexpectedly, their chloroplasts/plastids exhibited marked morphological variations. We quantitatively analyzed plastid morphology and partitioning in paired GCs from wild-type, arc5, arc6, and atminE1 plants. Collectively, our results support the notion that ARC5 is dispensable in the process of equal division

  18. Back-arc with frontal-arc component origin of Triassic Karmutsen basalt, British Columbia, Canada (United States)

    Barker, F.; Sutherland, Brown A.; Budahn, J.R.; Plafker, G.


    The largely basaltic, ???4.5-6.2-km-thick, Middle to Upper Triassic Karmutsen Formation is a prominent part of the Wrangellian sequence. Twelve analyses of major and minor elements of representative samples of pillowed and massive basalt flows and sills from Queen Charlotte and Vancouver Islands are ferrotholeiites that show a range of 10.2-3.8% MgO (as normalized, H2O- and CO2-free) and related increases in TiO2 (1.0-2.5%), Zr (43-147 ppm) and Nb (5-16 ppm). Other elemental abundances are not related simply to MgO: distinct groupings are evident in Al2O3, Na2O and Cr, but considerable scatter is present in FeO* (FeO + 0.9Fe2O3) and CaO. Some of the variation is attributed to alteration during low-rank metamorphism or by seawater - including variation of Ba, Rb, Sr and Cu, but high-field-strength elements (Sc, Ti, Y, Zr and Nb) as well as Cr, Ni, Cu and rare-earth elements (REE's) were relatively immobile. REE's show chondrite-normalized patterns ranging from light-REE depleted to moderately light-REE enriched. On eleven discriminant plots these analyses fall largely into or across fields of within-plate basalt (WIP), normal or enriched mid-ocean-ridge tholeiite (MORB) and island-arc tholeiite (IAT). Karmutsen basalts are chemically identical to the stratigraphically equivalent Nikolai Greenstone of southern Alaska and Yukon Territory. These data and the fact that the Karmutsen rests on Sicker Group island-arc rocks of Paleozoic age suggest to us that: 1. (1) the basal arc, after minor carbonate-shale deposition, underwent near-axial back-arc rifting (as, e.g., the Mariana arc rifted at different times); 2. (2) the Karmutsen basalts were erupted along this rift or basin as "arc-rift" tholeiitite; and 3. (3) after subsequent deposition of carbonates and other rocks, and Jurassic magmatism, a large fragment of this basalt-sediment-covered island arc was accreted to North America as Wrangellia. The major- and minor-elemental abundances of Karmutsen basalt is modeled

  19. Impact assessment of foreign hotels chains technology through hotel management contract in Cuba


    D’Meza Pérez, Gustavo; Zaldívar Puig, Martha María; Martín Fernández, Ramón


    El sector hotelero en Cuba se clasifica en cadenas hoteleras nacionales, entidades mixtas y alojamientos en casas particulares. Dentro de ellas, las cadenas hoteleras nacionales son de propiedad pública y gestionan sus hoteles directamente (llamados de marcas propias) o mediante contratos de administración con otras cadenas extranjeras. Las empresas mixtas siempre contratan a una entidad extranjera para administrar sus hoteles, mientras que los alojamientos privados son administrados por sus ...

  20. Empoderamiento sanitario en entidades laborales de la zona industrial de Santiago de Cuba Health empowerment in working entities of the industrial area of Santiago de Cuba

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Soraya Victoria Samada Durán


    Full Text Available Se realizó una intervención comunitaria en los trabajadores de 30 entidades laborales ubicadas en la zona industrial del municipio de Santiago de Cuba, durante el bienio 2009-2010, para establecer el empoderamiento sanitario en ellos. Entre los principales resultados figuró el logro de la capacitación de todos los líderes sindicales y políticos, así como de la brigada de vigilancia y lucha antivectorial, por el contrario de los dirigentes administrativos, de los cuales solo 86,6 % participó en el estudio porque no lo consideraban una responsabilidad inherente a su cargo. Respecto a la situación ambiental, se observó un incremento de los criaderos de Aedes aegypti durante la temporada lluviosa, asociado a una mayor acumulación de agua en los depósitos naturales o artificiales, o ambos; no obstante, hubo un impacto social en el ordenamiento del medio en 9 de estas instituciones a través de la integración de los intereses comunitarios, la planificación en conjunto y la evaluación participativa, que conformó la principal estrategia. Finalmente, se recomendó implementar este proceso de empoderamiento sanitario en el resto de los centros de trabajo de la zona industrial con vistas a prevenir las enfermedades transmitidas por mosquitos y roedores.A community intervention was performed in workers of 30 entities located in the industrial area of Santiago de Cuba municipality during the biennium 2009 -2010 to establish the health empowerment in them. Among the main results was the training for all union and political leaders and antivectorial surveillance and control brigade, unlike administrative leaders, of whom only 86.6% participated in the study because they considered it was not their responsibility. Regarding the environmental conditions, an increment of Aedes aegypti breeding sites was observed during the rainy season, associated with increased accumulation of water in natural or artificial reservoirs or both. However, there was

  1. Electric arc discharge damage to ion thruster grids (United States)

    Beebe, D. D.; Nakanishi, S.; Finke, R. C.


    Arcs representative of those occurring between the grids of a mercury ion thruster were simulated. Parameters affecting an arc and the resulting damage were studied. The parameters investigated were arc energy, arc duration, and grid geometry. Arc attenuation techniques were also investigated. Potentially serious damage occurred at all energy levels representative of actual thruster operating conditions. Of the grids tested, the lowest open-area configuration sustained the least damage for given conditions. At a fixed energy level a long duration discharge caused greater damage than a short discharge. Attenuation of arc current using various impedances proved to be effective in reducing arc damage. Faults were also deliberately caused using chips of sputtered materials formed during the operation of an actual thruster. These faults were cleared with no serious grid damage resulting using the principles and methods developed in this study.

  2. On the formation of auroral arcs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stasiewicz, K.


    A new mechanism for auroral arc formation is presented. The characteristic linear shape of auroral arcs is determined by magnetically connected plasma clouds in the distant equatorial magnetosphere. These clouds originate as high speed plasma beams in the magnetotail and in the solar wind. It is found that the free energy for driving an auroral arc is provided by the difference of pressure between the cloud and the ambient plasma. (author)

  3. Nomenclature of SLC Arc beamline components

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Silva, J.; Weng, W.T.


    This note defines I and C formal names for beamline components in the Arc as specified in the TRANSPORT decks ARCN FINAL and ARCS FINAL of June 5, 1985. The formal name consists of three fields: the primary name, the zone and the unit number. The general principles and guidelines are explained in Reference 1. The rationale and the final resolutions of the naming conventions for the Arc are explained

  4. Factores de riesgo para progresión de cefalea primaria tipo migraña o tipo tensión episódica a cefalea crónica diaria en una población adulta de Bogotá - Colombia


    Riveros Santoya, Sandra Viviana


    La cefalea crónica diaria es una entidad que afecta hasta el 4% de los pacientes con cefalea primaria episódica especialmente a la población adulta joven, económicamente activa, generando impacto económico y aumento de gastos directos e indirectos en salud. El objetivo es establecer los factores de riesgo que favorecen la aparición de cefalea crónica diaria en pacientes con diagnóstico de cefalea tipo migraña y cefalea tipo tensión, que asisten a un centro de referencia para patología neur...

  5. The modelling of an SF6 arc in a supersonic nozzle: II. Current zero behaviour of the nozzle arc

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang, Q; Liu, J; Yan, J D; Fang, M T C


    The present work (part II) forms the second part of an investigation into the behaviour of SF 6 nozzle arc. It is concerned with the aerodynamic and electrical behaviour of a transient nozzle arc under a current ramp specified by a rate of current decay (d i /d t ) before current zero and a voltage ramp (d V /d t ) after current zero. The five flow models used in part I [1] for cold gas flow and DC nozzle arcs have been applied to study the transient arc at three stagnation pressures ( P 0 ) and two values of d i /d t for the current ramp, representing a wide range of arcing conditions. An analysis of the physical mechanisms encompassed in each flow model is given with an emphasis on the adequacy of a particular model in describing the rapidly varying arc around current zero. The critical rate of rise of recovery voltage (RRRV) is found computationally and compared with test results of Benenson et al [2]. For transient nozzle arcs, the RRRV is proportional to the square of P 0 , rather than to the square root of P 0 for DC nozzle arcs. The physical mechanisms responsible for the strong dependence of RRRV on P 0 have been investigated. The relative merits of the flow models employed are discussed. (paper)

  6. Universal correlators for multi-arc complex matrix models

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Akemann, G.


    The correlation functions of the multi-arc complex matrix model are shown to be universal for any finite number of arcs. The universality classes are characterized by the support of the eigenvalue density and are conjectured to fall into the same classes as the ones recently found for the Hermitian model. This is explicitly shown to be true for the case of two arcs, apart from the known result for one arc. The basic tool is the iterative solution of the loop equation for the complex matrix model with multiple arcs, which provides all multi-loop correlators up to an arbitrary genus. Explicit results for genus one are given for any number of arcs. The two-arc solution is investigated in detail, including the double-scaling limit. In addition universal expressions for the string susceptibility are given for both the complex and Hermitian model. (orig.)

  7. Electric arc behaviour in dynamic magnetic fields

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Put'ko, V.F.


    The behaviour of an electric arc in different time-dependent (dynamic) magnetic fields was investigated. New possibilities were found for spatial and energy stabilisation of a discharge, for intensifying heat exchange, extending the electric arc and distributed control of electric arc plasma. Rotating, alternating and travelling magnetic fields were studied. It was found that under the effect of a relatively low frequency of variations of dynamic magnetic fields (f 1000 Hz) the arc stabilised at the axis of the discharge chamber, the pulsation level decreased and discharge stability increased. The borders between these two arc existence modes were formed by a certain critical field variation frequency the period of which was determined by the heat relaxation time of the discharge. (author)

  8. Síndrome de insulinorresistencia, una amenaza para la salud Resistance to insulin, a threat for health

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Miguel Ángel Yanes Quesada


    Full Text Available INTRODUCCIÓN: el síndrome de insulinorresistencia describe un grupo de anomalías clínicas relacionadas, que ocurren más comúnmente en sujetos con resistencia a la insulina, lo cual le confiere una elevada morbilidad, sobre todo, metabólica y cardiovascular. DESARROLLO: se realizó el presente trabajo con el objetivo de revisar las entidades que se asocian al síndrome de insulinorresistencia, siendo las más frecuentes: los eventos cardiovasculares, la hipertensión arterial, las dislipoproteinemias, la obesidad y los trastornos de la tolerancia a la glucosa. Otros trastornos asociados son: apnea obstructiva de sueño, hígado graso no alcohólico y el síndrome de ovarios poliquísticos. CONCLUSIONES: constituye un elevado riesgo de morbilidad y mortalidad para los pacientes que lo padecen, y existen diferentes afecciones asociadas que comprometen la salud y la calidad de vida de estos pacientes. Estas entidades deben ser buscadas de forma activa en los pacientes con este diagnósticoINTRODUCTION: insulin resistance syndrome describes a group of related clinical anomalies, occurring with a great frequency in subjects presenting with resistance to insulin, which confers a high morbidity, mainly, the metabolic and cardiovascular ones. DEVELOPMENT: aim of present paper is to review entities associated to insulin resistance syndrome, where the more frequent are: cardiovascular events, high blood pressure, dyslipoproteinemias, obesity, and disorders associated with glucose-tolerance. Others associated disorders are: dream-obstructive apnea, non-alcoholic fat liver, and polycystic ovary syndrome. CONCLUSIONS: it is a high risk of mortality and morbidity for patients presenting it, and there are different associated affections involving health and live quality of these patients. These entities must to be searched in a active way in patients with this diagnosis

  9. Numerical simulation of global formation of auroral arcs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Miura, A.; Sato, T.


    Global simulation of auroral arcs is performed, based on the feedback theory of auroral arcs (Sato, 1978), for a three-dimensionally coupled ionosphere-magnetosphere system which includes two pairs of large-scale Birkeland currents, large-scale polar cap electric fields, and a day-night asymmetry of the electron density distribution. Simulation results have shown that auroral arcs are formed in the dark sector of the auroral oval, more preferentially in the evening sector. They usually appear in multiples with a shape elongating in the east-west direction, each arc being a couple of thousand kilometers in length and 10 to 40 km in width. A pair of small-scale, upward and downward, Birkeland currents is associated with each arc, the density of which becomes 10 to 200 μA/m 2 at 110-km height, and the intensity of the associated electrojet reaches 5 to 20 kA. Each arc is strongly polarized in the direction of the large-scale northsouth current so that the electric field inside the arc is reduced considerably from its ambient value. What controls the formation of auroral arcs (growing speed, locations, arc width, etc.) is examined in detail. For example, the arc width becomes sharper, as the bounce time of the Alfven wave decreases. The overall structure of auroras is largely dependent upon the large-scale Birkeland current, the electric field, and the electron density distribution in the auroral oval

  10. Characteristics of Atmospheric Pressure Rotating Gliding Arc Plasmas (United States)

    Zhang, Hao; Zhu, Fengsen; Tu, Xin; Bo, Zheng; Cen, Kefa; Li, Xiaodong


    In this work, a novel direct current (DC) atmospheric pressure rotating gliding arc (RGA) plasma reactor has been developed for plasma-assisted chemical reactions. The influence of the gas composition and the gas flow rate on the arc dynamic behaviour and the formation of reactive species in the N2 and air gliding arc plasmas has been investigated by means of electrical signals, high speed photography, and optical emission spectroscopic diagnostics. Compared to conventional gliding arc reactors with knife-shaped electrodes which generally require a high flow rate (e.g., 10-20 L/min) to maintain a long arc length and reasonable plasma discharge zone, in this RGA system, a lower gas flow rate (e.g., 2 L/min) can also generate a larger effective plasma reaction zone with a longer arc length for chemical reactions. Two different motion patterns can be clearly observed in the N2 and air RGA plasmas. The time-resolved arc voltage signals show that three different arc dynamic modes, the arc restrike mode, takeover mode, and combined modes, can be clearly identified in the RGA plasmas. The occurrence of different motion and arc dynamic modes is strongly dependent on the composition of the working gas and gas flow rate. supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 51576174), the Specialized Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education of China (No. 20120101110099) and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (No. 2015FZA4011)

  11. Application of gas shielded arc welding and submerged arc welding for fabrication of nuclear reactor vessels

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gehani, M.L.; Rodrigues, W.D.


    The remarkable progress made in the development of knowhow and expertise in the manufacture of equipment for nuclear power plants in India is outlined. Some of the specific advances made in the application of higher efficiency weld processes for fabrication of nuclear reactor vessels and the higher level of quality attained are discussed in detail. Modifications and developments in submerged arc, gas tungsten arc and gas metal arc processes for welding of Calandria which have been a highly challenging and rewarding experience are discussed. Future scope for making the gas metal arc process more economical by using various gas-mixes like Agron + Oxygen, Argon + Carbon Dioxide, Argon + Nitrogen (for Copper Alloys) etc., in various proportions are outlined. Quality and dimensional control exercised in these jobs of high precision are highlighted. (K.B.)

  12. Programming ArcGIS with Python cookbook

    CERN Document Server

    Pimpler, Eric


    Programming ArcGIS with Python Cookbook, Second Edition, is written for GIS professionals who wish to revolutionize their ArcGIS workflow with Python. Whether you are new to ArcGIS or a seasoned professional, you almost certainly spend time each day performing various geoprocessing tasks. This book will teach you how to use the Python programming language to automate these geoprocessing tasks and make you a more efficient and effective GIS professional.

  13. Electric arc radius and characteristics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fang, T.M.


    The heat transfer equation of an arc discharge has been solved. The arc is assumed to be a cylinder with negligible axial variation and the dominant heat transfer process is conduction radially inside the column and radiation/convection at the outside edge. The symmetric consideration allows a simple one-dimensional formulation. By taking into account proper variation of the electrical conductivity as function of temperature, the heat balance equation has been solved analytically. The radius of the arc and its current-field characteristics have also been obtained. The conventional results that E approx. I 0 5385 and R approx. I 0 7693 with E being the applied field, I the current, and R the radius of the cylindrical arc, have been proved to be simply limiting cases of our more general characteristics. The results can be applied quite widely including, among others, the neutral beam injection project in nuclear fusion and MHD energy conversion

  14. Studies of hydrogen pellet acceleration by electric arc discharge

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Andersen, S.


    A preliminary design for an arc heated gas gun is described. The experimental development of the final design constitutes the final phase in contract work for JET. The gun consist of a cryogenic arc chamber connected to the inlet of a gun barrel. With a dose of H 2 -gas condensed in the arc chamber and a D 2 -pellet punch loaded into the barrel the gun is fired by the ignition of an electrical discharge in the arc chamber. The pellet is accelerated by the exhaust of hot H 2 -gas from the arc chamber and its velocity and acceleration is measured by time-of-flight along and outside the barrel. The pressure development by the arc is monitored by pressure transducers as well in the arc chamber as in the barrel. The performance of the gun is described in terms of arc current and voltage versus time as functions of power supply configuration and H 2 propellant dose. The time behaviour of the propellant pressure in the arc chamber and in the barrel is shown in relation to the arc current. Pellet acceleration and pressure development in the gun barrel for the arc heated gas gun is discussed and compared to results obtained by conventional fast valve acceleration

  15. Arc Motion in an Obliquely Imposed Alternating Magnetic Field

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Akiho, R; Takeda, K; Sugimoto, M


    The arc motion is theoretically investigated under an alternating magnetic field imposed obliquely to the arc. The arc is known to oscillate on a 2-D plane when the alternating magnetic field is imposed perpendicularly to the arc. If the alternating magnetic field is imposed obliquely to the arc, then it is expected that the arc oscillates not on the 2-D plane but in a 3-D space. For this study, 3-D simulation was performed on the motion of the plasma gas under an alternating magnetic field crossing obliquely to the arc. It was also assumed that a stream line of the plasma gas represented the arc profile. The momentum equation for the plasma gas was solved together with the continuity equation. Governing parameters for the gas motion are θ (crossing angle), v 0 (initial velocity of the plasma gas), and λ. Parameter λ is defined as λ = (I a B 0 )/Q 0 . Numerical results are reported under different operating conditions such as magnetic flux densities and the angles between the arc and the magnetic flux. If the crossing angle is larger than 4/π, the arc might be extinguished because of the drastic increase of the arc length.

  16. The ArcD1 and ArcD2 arginine/ornithine exchangers encoded in the arginine deiminase (ADI) pathway gene cluster of Lactococcus lactis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Noens, Elke E E; Kaczmarek, Michał B; Żygo, Monika; Lolkema, Juke S


    The arginine deiminase pathway (ADI) gene cluster in Lactococcus lactis contains two copies of a gene encoding an L-arginine/L-ornithine exchanger, the arcD1 and arcD2 genes. The physiological function of ArcD1 and ArcD2 was studied by deleting the two genes. Deletion of arcD1 resulted in loss of

  17. IODP Expedition 351 Izu-Bonin-Mariana Arc Origins: Preliminary Results (United States)

    Ishizuka, O.; Arculus, R. J.; Bogus, K.


    Understanding how subduction zones initiate and continental crust forms in intraoceanic arcs requires knowledge of the inception and evolution of a representative intraoceanic arc, such as the Izu-Bonin-Mariana (IBM) Arc system. This can be obtained by exploring regions adjacent to an arc, where unequivocal pre-arc crust overlain by undisturbed arc-derived materials exists. IODP Exp. 351 (June-July 2014) specifically targeted evidence for the earliest evolution of the IBM system following inception. Site U1438 (4711 m water depth) is located in the Amami Sankaku Basin (ASB), west of the Kyushu-Palau Ridge (KPR), a paleo-IBM arc. Primary objectives of Exp. 351 were: 1) determine the nature of the crust and mantle pre-existing the IBM arc; 2) identify and model the process of subduction initiation and initial arc crust formation; 3) determine the compositional evolution of the IBM arc during the Paleogene; 4) establish geophysical properties of the ASB. Seismic reflection profiles indicate a ~1.3 km thick sediment layer overlying ~5.5 km thick igneous crust, presumed to be oceanic. This igneous crust seemed likely to be the basement of the IBM arc. Four holes were cored at Site U1438 spanning the entire sediment section and into basement. The cored interval comprises 5 units: uppermost Unit I is hemipelagic sediment with intercalated ash layers, presumably recording explosive volcanism mainly from the Ryukyu and Kyushu arcs; Units II and III host a series of volcaniclastic gravity-flow deposits, likely recording the magmatic history of the IBM Arc from arc initiation until 25 Ma; Siliceous pelagic sediment (Unit IV) underlies these deposits with minimal coarse-grained sediment input and may pre-date arc initiation. Sediment-basement contact occurs at 1461 mbsf. A basaltic lava flow section dominantly composed of plagioclase and clinopyroxene with rare chilled margins continues to the bottom of the Site (1611 mbsf). The expedition successfully recovered pre-IBM Arc

  18. An arc detector for neutron crystal structure investigations

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Habib, N [Reactor and Neutron Physics Dept., Nuclear Research Center. AEA, Cairo (Egypt)


    An arc detector for neutron structure investigations of powder crystals using time-of-flight technique is described. In order to enable the measurement of integral intensity from about 1/4 of the Debye-Scherrer ring and for simplicity reasons, the scattering angle 20-90 degree was chosen and a special arc collimator was built. The arc collimator-detector had a divergency of about 20 minutes of arc, and the distance between detector-sample was 64 cm. Four {sup 3} He detectors were fixed on the arc of the collimator. Both efficiency and space sensitivity of the detector were determined using a point neutron source. Results of measurements show that parameters of the arc detector are acceptable for high resolution crystal structure investigations. 6 figs.

  19. Automatic Control Of Length Of Welding Arc (United States)

    Iceland, William F.


    Nonlinear relationships among current, voltage, and length stored in electronic memory. Conceptual microprocessor-based control subsystem maintains constant length of welding arc in gas/tungsten arc-welding system, even when welding current varied. Uses feedback of current and voltage from welding arc. Directs motor to set position of torch according to previously measured relationships among current, voltage, and length of arc. Signal paths marked "calibration" or "welding" used during those processes only. Other signal paths used during both processes. Control subsystem added to existing manual or automatic welding system equipped with automatic voltage control.

  20. Arc discharge characteristics of molten salts used in an MHD generator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Korenaga, Sadayoshi; Mohri, Motoichi.


    The seed arc discharge phenomena in an MHD generator were studied. The behavior of arc was observed, which was generated by using K 2 CO 3 and K 2 SO 4 heated up to 1150 degree C as cathodes and a water-cooled copper as an anode. The generated arcs were classified into 3 types, such as free spot arc (point arc), line emission arc (line arc) and plane arc. The estimated temperature of arc foot was lower than the boiling point of seed material. The relation between arc voltage and arc length and that between arc voltage and arc current were measured. From these data, the potential gradient of arc was obtained. The gradients were same for almost all materials of cathode. The potential drop at cathodes depended remarkably on the kinds of molten salt, and also depended on the shapes of cathodes. The evaporation rate of cathode materials was larger when the cathode potential drop was larger and the arc current was larger. (Kato, T.)

  1. 3D Numerical Analysis of the Arc Plasma Behavior in a Submerged DC Electric Arc Furnace for the Production of Fused MgO

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Zhen; Wang Ninghui; Li Tie; Cao Yong


    A three dimensional steady-state magnetohydrodynamic model is developed for the arc plasma in a DC submerged electric arc furnace for the production of fused MgO. The arc is generated in a small semi-enclosed space formed by the graphite electrode, the molten bath and unmelted raw materials. The model is first used to solve a similar problem in a steel making furnace, and the calculated results are found to be in good agreement with the published measurements. The behavior of arcs with different arc lengths is also studied in the furnace for MgO production. From the distribution of the arc pressure on the bath surface it is shown that the arc plasma impingement is large enough to cause a crater-like depression on the surface of the MgO bath. The circulation of the high temperature air under the electrode may enhance the arc efficiency, especially for a shorter arc.

  2. Current transfer in dc non-transferred arc plasma torches

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ghorui, S; Sahasrabudhe, S N; Das, A K


    Fundamentals of current transfer to the anodes in dc non-transferred arc plasma torches are investigated. Specially designed anodes made of three mutually isolated sections and external dc axial magnetic fields of various strengths are utilized to explore the conditions for different diffused and constricted attachments of the arc with the anode. A number of new facts are revealed in the exercise. Under constricted attachment, formation of arc root takes place. Spontaneous and magnetically induced movements of the arc root, their dependence on the arc current and the strength of the external magnetic field, most probable arc root velocity, variation of the root velocity with strength of the applied magnetic field, the effect of swirl on the rotational speed of the arc root are some of the important features investigated. Two new techniques are introduced: one for measurement of the arc root diameter and the other for determination of the negative electric field in the boundary layer over the anode. While the first one exploits the rigid column behaviour of the arcs, the second one utilizes the shooting back of the residual electrons over an arc spot. Sample calculations are provided.

  3. Ultrasonido a la cabecera del paciente: una herramienta diagnóstica de disección aórtica en el departamento de emergencias

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jorge A. Hernández-Useche


    Full Text Available El síndrome aórtico agudo puede presentarse como un cuadro clínico característico de una emergencia vascular, o por el contrario de una forma completamente atípica, donde el diagnóstico reta al médico de emergencias, llevando a errores fatales al pasar por alto el diagnóstico de esta entidad. Con el objetivo de mostrar la utilidad del ultrasonido realizado a la cabecera del paciente en el diagnóstico de la disección aórtica, se describen 9 casos de pacientes que ingresaron al departamento de emergencias y que fueron diagnosticados con el síndrome aórtico agudo, gracias a la valoración ultrasonográfica inicial realizada por residentes y especialistas en medicina de emergencias en un hospital de Bogotá, D.C., Colombia. Este reporte de casos muestra que el ultrasonido a la cabecera del paciente, es un método diagnóstico no invasivo, accesible y útil para la detección temprana de esta patología en los servicios de emergencias.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Antolín-López, Raquel


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se examina la relación entre distintos tipos de colaboración y competencia con la innovación de producto, diferenciando entre empresas nuevas y establecidas. Las hipótesis propuestas sugieren un patrón de «co-operación» diferenciado. Específicamente, para las empresas nuevas, las colaboraciones más efectivas son las que les permiten abaratar costes y reducir riesgos (pymes, otras empresas nuevas, entidades financieras y centros de conocimiento. En cambio, las empresas establecidas se benefician más de la colaboración con otras empresas establecidas. Adicionalmente, la relación entre una competencia intensa y la innovación de producto es más fuerte para las empresas establecidas que para las nuevas. Los resultados obtenidos, empleando una muestra de 3.528 empresas en clústeres geográficos de 32 países europeos, confirman en términos generales las hipótesis establecidas. Estos resultados presentan interesantes implicaciones para la investigación en entrepreneurship, cooperación y dinámicas competitivas.

  5. Adenopatía supraclavicular como forma de presentación de un carcinoma de cérvix asociado al complejo esclerosis tuberosa con linfangioleiomiomatosis


    Pablo López Mato; Alfonso Varela Fariña; Elena Seco Hernández; Antonio J. Chamorro Fernández


    La linfangioleiomiomatosis es una proliferación del tejido muscular broncovascular que recientemente se ha definido como una expresión incompleta de la entidad “complejo esclerosis tuberosa”, una facomatosis a la que se asocian diversas neoplasias. Presentamos un caso de carcinoma de cérvix con metástasis supraclaviculares y cervicales, asociado a linfangioleiomiomatosis en el contexto de un “complejo esclerosis tuberosa”.

  6. Aprendizaje-servicio a través de la performance: análisis de una práctica artística para el desarrollo socio-emocional y creativo en la formación inicial del profesorado

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    María Elena Riaño Galán


    Full Text Available La pr ctica pedag gica presentada se enmarca en el Aprendizaje-Servicio desde un enfoque art stico. A trav s de una perspectiva docente orientada al desarrollo socio-emocional y de la creatividad en la formaci n inicial de los futuros maestros, se plantea una propuesta inter - disciplinar que pretende, asimismo, fomentar en este colectivo una visi n de la escuela estrecha - mente vinculada con la sociedad del momento. A tal n, se han perseguido objetivos orientados, por una parte, al conocimiento y la re exi n sobre la labor que varias organizaciones del entorno cercano realizan para la mejora de problem ticas sociales de diversa ndole y, por otro, proporcio - nar nuevas modalidades de trabajo en el aula basadas en la pr ctica art stica. Para la elaboraci n de la propuesta se eligi la performance , entendida como arte en acci n , capaz de aglutinar elementos corporales, gestuales, esc nicos y sonoros como representaciones simb licas y met - foras. Los participantes fueron estudiantes de Primero de Grado de Maestro de la Universidad de Cantabria (Espa a de la asignatura Did ctica de la M sica . Las obras resultantes se vinculan con las tem ticas propias de cada entidad (vulneraci n de Derechos Humanos. Los estudiantes, protagonistas de sus acciones creativas, aumentaron su sensibilidad ante los problemas sociales y construyeron aprendizajes desde una vocaci n de servicio.

  7. Vacuum arc ion charge state distributions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brown, I.G.; Godechot, X.


    We have measured vacuum arc ion charge state spectra for a wide range of metallic cathode materials. The charge state distributions were measured using a time-of-flight diagnostic to monitor the energetic ion beam produced by a metal vapor vacuum arc ion source. We have obtained data for 48 metallic cathode elements: Li, C, Mg, Al, Si, Ca, Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Ge, Sr, Y, Zr, Nb, Mo, Pd, Ag, Cd, In, Sn, Ba, La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Gd, Dy, Ho, Er, Yb, Hf, Ta, W, Ir, Pt, Au, Pb, Bi, Th and U. The arc was operated in a pulsed mode with pulse length 0.25 msec; arc current was 100 A throughout. This array of elements extends and completes previous work by us. In this paper the measured distributions are cataloged and compared with our earlier results and with those of other workers. We also make some observations about the performance of the various elements as suitable vacuum arc cathode materials

  8. Vacuum arc ion charge-state distributions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brown, I.G.; Godechot, X.


    The authors have measured vacuum arc ion charge-state spectra for a wide range of metallic cathode materials. The charge-state distributions were measured using a time-of-flight diagnostic to monitor the energetic ion beam produced by a metal vapor vacuum arc ion source. They have obtained data for 48 metallic cathode elements: Li, C, Mg, Al, Si, Ca, Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Ge, Sr, Y, Zr, Nb, Mo, Pd, Ag, Cd, In, Sn, Ba, La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Gd, Dy, Ho, Er, Yb, Hf, Ta, W, Ir, Pt, Au, Pb, Bi, Th, and U. The arc was operated in a pulsed mode with pulse length 0.25 ms; arc current was 100 A throughout. This array of elements extends and completes previous work by the authors. In this paper the measured distributions are cataloged and compared with their earlier results and those of other workers. They also make some observations about the performance of the various elements as suitable vacuum arc cathode materials

  9. Agricultura de montaña en el País Vasco : balance de una década

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    Juan Cruz Alberdi Collantes


    Full Text Available Las políticas de desarrollo rural impulsadas desde la CE tienen escasa incidencia en el espacio vasco-atlántico debido, en gran medida, a que los esfuerzos presupuestarios de las distintas instituciones están dirigidos a promover actividades en el medio urbano. Aun así, en este territorio funcionan unas entidades de desarrollo rural desde hace más de una década, las Asociaciones de Agricultura de Montaña. En este artículo describimos el funcionamiento de estos entes de desarrollo rural, centrándonos en el modelo guipuzcoano, que dirige sus actuaciones principalmente al desarrollo agrícola y que, ante la falta de iniciativa local, se constituye en promotor y ejecutor de sus propios programas.The Europe Rural development policy in the Atlantic Basque Country has not an important present. Europe development programs are destining to promote industrial and urban project. However, in this country there are some institutions to promoting rural development actuation, the mountain farm associations. In this paper we observed their composition around the studying of the model of farm development in Gipuzkoa. In this área, the farm mountains associations are promoting specially farm projects and are doing the role of promotion and ejection of themselves rural programs because there isn't any local initiative.

  10. The Origin of Silicic Arc Crust - Insights from the Northern Pacific Volcanic Arcs through Space and Time (United States)

    Straub, S. M.; Kelemen, P. B.


    The remarkable compositional similarities of andesitic crust at modern convergent margins and the continental crust has long evoked the hypothesis of similar origins. Key to understanding either genesis is understanding the mode of silica enrichment. Silicic crust cannot be directly extracted from the upper mantle. Hence, in modern arcs, numerous studies - observant of the pervasive and irrefutable evidence of melt mixing - proposed that arc andesites formed by mixing of mantle-derived basaltic melts and fusible silicic material from the overlying crust. Mass balance requires the amount of silicic crust in such hybrid andesites to be on the order to tens of percent, implying that their composition to be perceptibly influenced by the various crustal basements. In order to test this hypothesis, major and trace element compositions of mafic and silicic arc magmas with arc-typical low Ce/PbMexico) were combined with Pb isotope ratios. Pb isotope ratios are considered highly sensitive to crustal contamination, and hence should reflect the variable composition of the oceanic and continental basement on which these arcs are constructed. In particular, in thick-crust continental arcs where the basement is isotopically different from the mantle and crustal assimilation thought to be most prevalent, silicic magmas must be expected to be distinct from those of the associated mafic melts. However, in a given arc, the Pb isotope ratios are constant with increasing melt silica regardless of the nature of the basement. This observation argues against a melt origin of silicic melts from the crustal basement and suggest them to be controlled by the same slab flux as their co-eval mafic counterparts. This inference is validated by the spatial and temporal pattern of arc Pb isotope ratios along the Northern Pacific margins and throughout the 50 million years of Cenozoic evolution of the Izu Bonin Mariana arc/trench system that are can be related to with systematic, `real

  11. La externalización de los servicios deportivos municipales. Estudio de caso en Bizkaia

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    Inmaculada Martínez de Aldama Ortúzar


    Full Text Available En el estudio que hemos efectuado en Bizkaia, las entidades deportivas municipales han incorporado la externalización de servicios como una técnica fundamental en su administración y gestión. En este caso la subcontratación se utiliza no sólo para procesos auxiliares en la producción y prestación del servicio, sino también y lo que es más relevante, en aquellos procesos clave de la organización que son el eje vertebral a partir del cual se conforma la misión o razón de ser de las entidades deportivas municipales. La justificación del empleo de la externalización de estos servicios se centra básicamente en buscar técnicos especialistas que aseguren mayor calidad al servicio ofertado, en reducir costes y adecuarse a una demanda cada vez más diversificada y exigente. En este sentido y sobre todo para llevar a cabo la gestión de las escuelas deportivas municipales son los clubes y asociaciones deportivas existentes en el municipio las entidades que adquieren un protagonismo especial. El empleo de esta técnica de externalización de servicios requiere ser incluida dentro de la propia estrategia de la entidad, formalizando el proceso de evaluación y control de la misma para poder conocer el impacto y efecto que el también llamado outsourcing pueda tener en los procesos clave de las entidades deportivas municipales.

  12. SU-E-J-53: Dosimetric Evaluation at Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy for Treatment of Prostate Cancer Using Single Or Double Arcs

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Silva, D; Salmon, H; Pavan, G; Nardi, S; Anderson, E; Fairbanks, L; Junior, J; Cursino, F; Colodette, K [GRUPO COI, Rio De Janeiro, Rio De Janeiro (Brazil)


    Purpose: Evaluate and compare retrospective prostate treatment plan using Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy (RapidArc™ - Varian) technique with single or double arcs at COI Group. Methods: Ten patients with present prostate and seminal vesicle neoplasia were replanned as a target treatment volume and a prescribed dose of 78 Gy. A baseline planning, using single arc, was developed for each case reaching for the best result on PTV, in order to minimize the dose on organs at risk (OAR). Maintaining the same optimization objectives used on baseline plan, two copies for optimizing single and double arcs, have been developed. The plans were performed with 10 MV photon beam energy on Eclipse software, version 11.0, making use of Trilogy linear accelerator with Millenium HD120 multileaf collimator. Comparisons on PTV have been performed, such as: maximum, minimum and mean dose, gradient dose, as well as the quantity of monitor units, treatment time and homogeneity and conformity index. OARs constrains dose have been evaluated, comparing both optimizations. Results: Regarding PTV coverage, the difference of the minimum, maximum and mean dose were 1.28%, 0.7% and 0.2% respectively higher for single arc. When analyzed the index of homogeneity found a difference of 0.99% higher when compared with double arcs. However homogeneity index was 0.97% lower on average by using single arc. The doses on the OARs, in both cases, were in compliance to the recommended limits RTOG 0415. With the use of single arc, the quantity of monitor units was 10,1% lower, as well as the Beam-On time, 41,78%, when comparing double arcs, respectively. Conclusion: Concerning the optimization of patients with present prostate and seminal vesicle neoplasia, the use of single arc reaches similar objectives, when compared to double arcs, in order to decrease the treatment time and the quantity of monitor units.

  13. La Tuberculosis, Una Enfermedad Modificada*

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    Valentin Malagón Castro


    Full Text Available

    Con ocasión de un estudio de revisión que hemos llevado a cabo recientemente sobre la tuberculosis osteoarticular, *** se ha apreciado un cambio notable en las características y manifestaciones de esta enfermedad.

    Hemos sido testigos del comportamiento de la tuberculosis en los últimos 40 años. Realizamos la tesis profesional en el Hospital de niños de la Misericordia de Bogotá en el año 1950 (86, basada en el análisis de más de 300 enfermos de Mal de Pott tratados con pobres resultados en esa institución en la época prequimioterápica. Efectuamos estudios de control del tratamiento quirúrgico de esa afección en el Hospital Infantil Lorencita Villegas de Santos y publicamos sus resultados en los años 1975,1980 Y1987 (85-87-88. Los pacientes correspondientes a estas nuevas series, ya en la época de la quimioterapia moderna, presentaban un mejor pronóstico vital y funcional. Cuadro 1A.

    En el decenio 1978-1988 asistimos al descenso espectacular de la frecuencia de tuberculosis osteoarticular en las salas de nuestros hospitales. Posteriormente hemos sido igualmente testigos de su lenta y progresiva reaparición.

    El estudio actual nos ha mostrado profundos cambios, como ya se ha dicho, en el comportamiento de la entidad, por lo que estamos de acuerdo en denominarla: La tuberculosis, una enfermedad modificada, diferente a la que hasta hace un década parecía derrotada, vencida por las nuevas drogas y las recientes técnicas quirúrgicas.

    La actual es una enfermedad diferente que ha tomado una fuerza avasalladora que amenaza con volverse resistente al tratamiento específico y dar lugar a una pandemia de incalculables proporciones y de terribles consecuencias para la humanidad.

    El objeto de publicar este estudio es recordar a nuestros colegas, en especial a aquellos de las nuevas promociones que quizás no han tenido la oportunidad de estar en contacto con pacientes de tuberculosis osteoarticular, de

  14. Cambio organizacional y percepción de la justicia organizacional en una entidad de la ciudad de Bogotá-Colombia

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    Mónica García Rubiano


    Full Text Available El propósito de esta investigación fue determinar la relación entre la percepción de la justicia organizacional y cambio organizacional en una empresa de la ciudad de Bogotá. La muestra fue de 80 colaboradores, se aplicaron los instrumentos de Justicia de Colquitt (2001 y cambio organizacional (Gracia y Forero, 2010. Se realizó un análisis de los datos mediante el programa estadístico SPSS. Los resultados indicaron relaciones y asociaciones significativas entre el cambio organizacional y la justicia procedimental, informativa e interaccional y ninguna correlación con la justicia distributiva. La variable proyección y desarrollo del cambio mostró la mayor correlación con el nivel de justicia total en la organización, evidenciando el enfoque que se debe tener para la toma de decisiones por parte de la alta dirección y para el diseño de políticas de gestión del talento humano en función del cambio de la cultura organizacional a la que se quiere llegar.

  15. Avaliação do capital intelectual desenvolvido em organizações não governamentais: comparação entre entidades brasileiras e portuguesas = Intellectual capital’s assessment developed in non-governmental organizations: comparing portuguese and Brazilian organizations

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    Marina Souza Lúcio Oliveira


    Full Text Available As organizações exigem uma gestão cada vez mais dinâmica e atualizada e o capital intelectual possui uma parcela significativa na criação de vantagens competitivas nas entidades. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo consiste em investigar a presença do capital intelectual em entidades sem fins lucrativos portuguesas e as atitudes dos gestores acerca de sua gestão, além de comparar os resultados aos encontrados por Colauto e Avelino (2008 em entidades sem fins lucrativos brasileiras. O delineamento da pesquisa caracteriza-se como estudo exploratório. Os dados são primários e foram levantados por meio da aplicação de um questionário em entidades sem fins lucrativos portuguesas em 2009. As questões foram agrupadas em três categorias com 8 questionamentos para cada grupo, cuja intenção foi mapear os elementos relacionadas ao Capital Humano, Capital Estrutural e Capital de Relacionamentos. Para a quantificação dos elementos investigados, empregou-se uma escala Likert para detectar o grau de concordância/discordância dos respondentes em relação às assertivas propostas. Os resultados corroboram os de Colauto e Avelino (2008 e indicam tendência das entidades portuguesas em concordar com as proposições efetuadas para identificar os elementos relacionados ao Capital Humano, Capital Estrutural e Capital de Relacionamentos. Nas entidades portuguesas, o Capital Humano foi a categoria que apresentou resultados mais significativos (média do grau de concordância = 83%, enquanto nas entidades brasileiras destaque maior foi dado ao Capital de Relacionamentos (média do grau de concordância = 83%.The organizations require a more dynamic and updated management and the intellectual capital has a significant part in creating a competitive advantage in the entities. Thus, the purpose of this study is to investigate the intellectual capital presence in nonprofit Portuguese organizations and their managers’ attitudes, beyond compare the

  16. La experiencia colombiana en incubación de empresas

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    Francisco Javier Matiz Bulla


    Full Text Available En este artículo se presentan los objetivos y las funciones adelantadas hasta hoy por el SNCIE (Sistema Nacional de Creación e Incubación de Empresas, que se define como “el encadenamiento de esfuerzos nacionales que permiten el desarrollo de una cadena de valor para la creación de nuevas empresas de la época” y que busca fortalecer la gestión de las entidades en el acompañamiento, la asesoría y el desarrollo de nuevas empresas, generando esquemas de trabajo en red entre las diferentes entidades beneficiadas (universidades y entidades de apoyo a la creación de empresas. (SENA, 2002


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    Elvis Eduardo Gaona García


    Full Text Available En este documento se muestran los resultados obtenidos al medir los parámetros de calidad de voz en una solución propuesta de telecomunicaciones para la atención de desastres en situaciones de emergencia, haciendo uso de software libre para interconectar llamadas, protocolos de comunicaciones empleados en las redes GSM (Global System Mobile en la banda DCS-1800 (Digital Cellular Service - 1800MHz, que facilita el uso de cualquier terminal móvil comercial, utilizando un USRP (Universal Software Radio Peripheral en conjunto con sistema de telefonía IP basado en Asterisk. El USRP se encarga de emular la operación de una BTS (Base Transceiver Station al ejecutar las funciones de un PBX (Private Branch Exchange, permitiendo la coordinación de las entidades responsables de responder y atender este tipo de emergencias. Las mediciones del desempeño de la red se realizaron a partir de tres parámetros probabilísticos: GoS (Grade of service, DCR (Dropped Call Rate y MOS (Mean Opinion Score. Con el uso de 8 terminales y escogiendo un GoS del 2% se generó un tráfico de hasta 3,6 Erlang. Esta medición se realizó empleando modelos probabilísticos de Erlang B. Se realiza el comparativo de la cobertura de la red aplicando el modelo Okumura-Hata sin el uso de amplificadores.

  18. Eficacia de la Ley 1010/2006 de acoso laboral en Colombia, una intrerpretación desde la sociología

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    Carmen Marina López Pino


    Full Text Available Este artículo es resultado de una investigación que indagó sobre la eficacia de la Ley 1010/2006 de acoso laboral. La hipótesis de trabajo consiste en que la débil eficacia de la Ley 1010 obedece a múltiples factores, entre los cuales se cuentan la inoperancia de las entidades preventivas, los mecanismos de prueba, sanción y reparación, además de la opacidad jurídica del fenómeno. Para ello se llevó a cabo un estudio minucioso de expedientes de acoso labo-ral recabados en el Ministerio de Trabajo e instancias judiciales; además se realizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas a víctimas, funcionarios, operado-res judiciales y empresarios. Se concluye la necesidad de reformar dicha Ley y configurar el acoso laboral como problema social en el país.

  19. Crecimiento económico, convergencia y concentración económica espacial en las entidades federativas de México 1970-2008

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    Normand Asuad Sanén


    convergencia, los cuales tienden a diferentes estados estacionarios, manteniéndose las diferencias en el ingreso per cápita y en el desarrollo de los estados del país. Además se revela la importancia y estrecha relación entre la localización geo-espacial y la formación de núcleos de convergencia en el crecimiento económico de las entidades federativas del país. Clasificación JEL: R11, R12, O54.

  20. Principles of arc flash protection

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hirschmann, R. B.


    Recent developments in NFPA 70E, the electrical safety standards in the United States and Canada, designed to provide for a safe industrial work environment, are discussed. The emphasis in this instance is on arc explosions. Development of an arc flash protective program is discussed under various major components of an electrical safety program. These are: appropriate qualifications and training for workers, safe work practices, appropriate hazard assessment practices for any task exceeding 50V where there is the potential of an arc flash accident, flash protection equipment commensurate with the hazard associated with the task to be performed, layering in protective clothing over all body surfaces, and strict adherence to rules regarding use of safety garments and equipment.

  1. Crecimiento económico y desempleo en el Estado de México: una relación estructural Crescimento econômico e desemprego no Estado do México: uma relação estrutural

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    Yolanda Carbajal Suárez


    Full Text Available En los últimos años la actividad económica del Estado de México ha presentado problemas de crecimiento.Aunque actualmente contribuye con 10% al producto interno bruto (PIB nacional y en promedio las tasasde crecimiento han sido positivas durante las últimas dos décadas, los empleos generados son insuficientespara satisfacer la demanda de trabajo. El saldo se refleja en elevados niveles de desempleo, subempleo yprecarización del empleo remunerado, con un sector informal creciente. Este problema es particularmenteespecial debido a que es la entidad más poblada del país y una importante receptora de migrantes. Con elfin de presentar evidencia que nos permita avanzar en los argumentos que expliquen el problema del crecimientoy desempleo en la entidad, se estima la tasa de sacrificio entre crecimiento del producto y desempleopara el Estado de México en el periodo 2000.1-2009.4. Se considera exógena la tasa de desempleo a partirde la propuesta de los modelos de primeras diferencias y de tendencia y elasticidad de Okun (1962. Se concluyeque para el caso del Estado de México la tasa de sacrificio del costo de desempleo medido en productose encuentra entre 2.47 y 4.38.

  2. Development of circuit model for arcing on solar panels

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mehta, Bhoomi K; Deshpande, S P; Mukherjee, S; Gupta, S B; Ranjan, M; Rane, R; Vaghela, N; Acharya, V; Sudhakar, M; Sankaran, M; Suresh, E P


    The increased requirements of payload capacity of the satellites have resulted in much higher power requirements of the satellites. In order to minimize the energy loss during power transmission due to cable loss, use of high voltage solar panels becomes necessary. When a satellite encounters space plasma it floats negatively with respect to the surrounding space plasma environment. At high voltage, charging and discharging on solar panels causes the power system breakdown. Once a solar panel surface is charged and potential difference between surface insulator and conductor exceeds certain value, electrostatic discharge (ESD) may occur. This ESD may trigger a secondary arc that can destroy the solar panel circuit. ESD is also called as primary or minor arc and secondary is called major arc. The energy of minor arc is supplied by the charge stored in the coverglass of solar array and is a pulse of typically several 100 ns to several 100 μs duration. The damage caused by minor arc is less compared to major arcs, but it is observed that the minor arc is cause of major arc. Therefore it is important to develop an understanding of minor arc and mitigation techniques. In this paper we present a linear circuit analysis for minor arcs on solar panels. To study arcing event, a ground experimental facility to simulate space plasma environment has been developed at Facilitation Centre for Industrial Plasma Technologies (Institute for Plasma Research) in collaboration with Indian Space Research Organization's ISRO Satellite Technology Centre (ISAC). A linear circuit model has been developed to explain the experimental results by representing the coverglass, solar cell interconnect and wiring by an LCR circuit and the primary arc by an equivalent LR circuit. The aim of the circuit analysis is to predict the arc current which flows through the arc plasma. It is established from the model that the current depends on various parameters like potential difference between insulator

  3. Organização sociopolítica de Psicólogas(os na Bahia: formação das suas entidades de classe

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    Julianin Araujo Santos

    Full Text Available O presente artigo teórico propõe-se a debater sobre o processo de organização sociopolítica dos psicólogos na Bahia, trazendo como objetivo uma reflexão sobre o papel das entidades representativas da classe nesse processo. Com esse fim, foi realizada uma revisão de literatura que tratou da conjuntura histórica da regulamentação e do desenvolvimento da Psicologia no Brasil, assim como sobre a sua organização sociopolítica. Além disso, devido à escassez de estudos que abordam esse tema, foram incluídos depoimentos coletados durante a realização deste artigo, e, para isso, foram feitas entrevistas semiestruturadas com alguns membros envolvidos com as entidades representativas dos psicólogos no Estado da Bahia. Este estudo buscou discutir, principalmente, a atuação e a função do Conselho Regional de Psicologia - Região 03 e do Sindicato dos(as Psicólogos(as no Estado da Bahia - SINPSI-BA. Ao final, são levantadas algumas reflexões sobre a atuação e o engajamento das (os psicólogas (os bem como a análise do papel desse profissional na sociedade baiana.

  4. Comparative Observation of Ar, Ar-H2 and Ar-N2 DC Arc Plasma Jets and Their Arc Root Behaviour at Reduced Pressure

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pan Wenxia; Meng Xian; Li Teng; Chen Xi; Wu Chengkang


    Results observed experimentally are presented, about the DC arc plasma jets and their arc-root behaviour generated at reduced gas pressure without or with an applied magnetic field. Pure argon, argon-hydrogen or argon-nitrogen mixture was used as the plasma-forming gas. A specially designed copper mirror was used for a better observation of the arc-root behaviour on the anode surface of the DC non-transferred arc plasma torch. It was found that in the cases without an applied magnetic field, the laminar plasma jets were stable and approximately axisymmetrical. The arc-root attachment on the anode surface was completely diffusive when argon was used as the plasma-forming gas, while the arc-root attachment often became constrictive when hydrogen or nitrogen was added into the argon. As an external magnetic field was applied, the arc root tended to rotate along the anode surface of the non-transferred arc plasma torch

  5. Back-arc basin development: Constraints on geochronology and geochemistry of arc-like and OIB-like basalts in the Central Qilian block (Northwest China) (United States)

    Gao, Zhong; Zhang, Hong-Fei; Yang, He; Pan, Fa-Bin; Luo, Bi-Ji; Guo, Liang; Xu, Wang-Chun; Tao, Lu; Zhang, Li-Qi; Wu, Jing


    The Lajishan belt of the Central Qilian block was a back-arc basin during Early Paleozoic. The basaltic magmatism and temporal evolution in this basin provide an opportunity to study the development of back-arc basin in an active continental margin. In this study, we carry out an integrated study of geochronological, geochemical and Sr-Nd isotopic compositions for the Early Paleozoic arc-like and OIB-like basalts. The Lajishan arc-like basalts are enriched in large ion lithophile element (LILE) and show negative Nb and Ta anomalies whereas the OIB-like basalts have high LILE abundances and show positive Nb and Ta anomalies. The arc-like basalts have initial 87Sr/86Sr values of 0.7050-0.7054 and εNd(t) values of +0.51-+2.63, and the OIB-like basalts have initial 87Sr/86Sr values of 0.7049-0.7050 and εNd(t) values of +0.66-+1.57. The geochemical and Sr-Nd isotopic compositions suggest that the arc-like basalts are derived from partial melting of a depleted mantle source metasomatized by slab-derived components at shallow depth levels, and the OIB-like basalts also originated from a metasomatized mantle wedge source. U-Pb zircon dating yielded the ages of 494 ± 4 Ma for the arc-like basalts and 468 ± 6 Ma for the OIB-like basalts. We argue that the arc-like basalts are products of back-arc extension before the back-arc rifting initiated in earlier stage, resulting from the northward subduction of the Qaidam-West Qinling oceanic slab, while the OIB-like basalts represent products of further back-arc spreading in response to rollback of the Qaidam-West Qinling oceanic lithospheric slab. The association of arc-like and OIB-like basalts in the Lajishan belt records the development of back-arc basin from initial rifting to subsequent spreading, offering insight into how basaltic magmatism generates in the formation of back-arc basin in subduction zone setting.

  6. Unraveling the diversity in arc volcanic eruption styles: Examples from the Aleutian volcanic arc, Alaska (United States)

    Larsen, Jessica F.


    The magmatic systems feeding arc volcanoes are complex, leading to a rich diversity in eruptive products and eruption styles. This review focuses on examples from the Aleutian subduction zone, encompassed within the state of Alaska, USA because it exhibits a rich diversity in arc structure and tectonics, sediment and volatile influx feeding primary magma generation, crustal magma differentiation processes, with the resulting outcome the production of a complete range in eruption styles from its diverse volcanic centers. Recent and ongoing investigations along the arc reveal controls on magma production that result in diversity of eruptive products, from crystal-rich intermediate andesites to phenocryst-poor, melt-rich silicic and mafic magmas and a spectrum in between. Thus, deep to shallow crustal "processing" of arc magmas likely greatly influences the physical and chemical character of the magmas as they accumulate in the shallow crust, the flow physics of the magmas as they rise in the conduit, and eruption style through differences in degassing kinetics of the bubbly magmas. The broad spectrum of resulting eruption styles thus depends on the bulk magma composition, melt phase composition, and the bubble and crystal content (phenocrysts and/or microlites) of the magma. Those fundamental magma characteristics are in turn largely determined by the crustal differentiation pathway traversed by the magma as a function of tectonic location in the arc, and/or the water content and composition of the primary magmas. The physical and chemical character of the magma, set by the arc differentiation pathway, as it ascends towards eruption determines the kinetic efficiency of degassing versus the increasing internal gas bubble overpressure. The balance between degassing rate and the rate at which gas bubble overpressure builds then determines the conditions of fragmentation, and ultimately eruption intensity.

  7. Stud arc welding in a magnetic field – Investigation of the influences on the arc motion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hartz-Behrend, K; Forster, G; Schein, J; Marqués, J L; Jenicek, A; Müller, M; Cramer, H; Jilg, A; Soyer, H


    Stud arc welding is widely used in the construction industry. For welding of studs with a diameter larger than 14 mm a ceramic ferrule is usually necessary in order to protect the weld pool. Disadvantages of using such a ferrule are that more metal is molten than necessary for a high quality welded joint and that the ferrule is a consumable generally thrown away after the welding operation. Investigations show that the ferrule can be omitted when the welding is carried out in a radially symmetric magnetic field within a shielding gas atmosphere. Due to the Lorentz force the arc is laterally shifted so that a very uniform and controlled melting of the stud contact surface as well as of the work piece can be achieved. In this paper a simplified physical model is presented describing how the parameters welding current, flux density of the magnetic field, radius of the arc and mass density of the shielding gas influence the velocity of the arc motion. The resulting equation is subsequently verified by comparing it to optical measurements of the arc motion. The proposed model can be used to optimize the required field distribution for the magnetic field stud welding process

  8. Petrographic and Geochemical Investigation of Andesitic Arc Volcanism: Mount Kerinci, Sunda Arc, Indonesia (United States)

    Tully, M.; Saunders, K.; Troll, V. R.; Jolis, E.; Muir, D. D.; Deegan, F. M.; Budd, D. A.; Astbury, R.; Bromiley, G. D.


    Present knowledge of the chain of dominantly andesitic volcanoes, which span the Sumatran portion of the Sunda Arc is extremely limited. Previous studies have focused on Toba and Krakatau, although over 13 further volcanic edifices are known. Several recent explosive eruptions in Sumatra such as that of Mt. Sinabung, 2014, have highlighted the potential hazard that these volcanoes pose to the local and regional communities. Mount Kerinci, is one of the most active of the volcanoes in this region, yet little is known about the petrogenesis of the magma by which it is fed. Kerinci is located approximately mid-way between Toba in the North and Krakatau in the south. Along arc variations are observed in the major, minor and trace elements of whole rock analyses. However, bulk rock approaches produce an average chemical composition for a sample, potentially masking important chemical signatures. In-situ micro-analytical analysis of individual components of samples such as melt inclusions, crystals and groundmass provides chemical signatures of individual components allowing the evolution of volcanic centres to be deciphered in considerably more detail. Examination of whole rock chemistry indicates its location may be key to unravelling the petrogenesis of the arc as significant chemical changes occur between Kerinci and Kaba, 250 km to the south. Kerinci samples are dominantly porphyritic with large crystals of plagioclase, pyroxene and Fe-Ti oxides, rare olivine crystals are observed. Plagioclase and pyroxene crystals are chemically zoned and host melt inclusions. Multiple plagioclase populations are observed. A combination of in-situ micro-analysis techniques will be used to characterise the chemical composition of melt inclusions and crystals. These data can be used along with extant geothermobarometric models to help determine the magma source, storage conditions and composition of the evolving melt. Integration of the findings from this study with existing data for

  9. Arc pressure control in GTA welding

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cook, G.E.; Wells, F.M.; Levick, P.C.


    Relationships are established between the peak current of a pulsed, rectangular current waveform and the pulse current duty cycle under conditions of constant arc power. By appropriate choice of these interrelated parameters, it is shown that the arc pressure may be varied over a wide range even though the arc power is held constant. The methodology is suggested as a means of countering the effect of gravity in 5-G welding, while maintaining constant heat input to the weld. Combined with appropriate penetration sensors, the methodology is additionally suggested as a means of controlling penetration

  10. Implementation av spridningsmodell i ArcGIS


    Jou, Javid


    The project involves implementing a finished dispersion model into ArcGIS. The goal of the tool is to show how dangerous and toxic substances will travel in the ground after long periods. The goal of the project is to understand GIS in general, what it is used for and gain an insight into how developing tools for ArcGIS is, what challenges might exists. Understanding the type of data that can be stored and accessed in ArcGIS a long with the tools and functionality offered by the system when u...

  11. Auroral-arc splitting by intrusion of a new convection channel

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    H. U. Frey

    Full Text Available During a run of the Common Programme Three of the EISCAT radar the splitting of an auroral arc was observed by high time-resolution, ground-based cameras when the UHF radar beam was close to the arc. The evening eastward electrojet situation with a large-scale northward ionospheric electric field was disturbed by the intrusion of a convection channel with southward electric field from the east. The interaction of the new convection channel with the auroral arc caused changes in arc brightness and arc splitting, i.e. the creation of a new arc parallel to the pre-existing auroral arc. The event is described as one possibility for the creation of parallel arcs during slightly disturbed magnetic conditions far from the Harang discontinuity.

  12. Auroral-arc splitting by intrusion of a new convection channel

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    H. U. Frey


    Full Text Available During a run of the Common Programme Three of the EISCAT radar the splitting of an auroral arc was observed by high time-resolution, ground-based cameras when the UHF radar beam was close to the arc. The evening eastward electrojet situation with a large-scale northward ionospheric electric field was disturbed by the intrusion of a convection channel with southward electric field from the east. The interaction of the new convection channel with the auroral arc caused changes in arc brightness and arc splitting, i.e. the creation of a new arc parallel to the pre-existing auroral arc. The event is described as one possibility for the creation of parallel arcs during slightly disturbed magnetic conditions far from the Harang discontinuity.


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    Full Text Available Este trabajo analiza en qué empresas se cuenta con órganos de gobierno más favorables a la participación femenina en el periodo previo al desarrollo de medidas y recomendaciones sobre la presencia de mujeres en los consejos de administración de las grandes sociedades españolas, entre las que se incluyen cooperativas. Asimismo pone en relación la rentabilidad con el género en sus órganos de gobierno. Para ello, en un primer análisis se analiza la rentabilidad económica de las sociedades no financieras cotizadas en el mercado continuo y de aquellas que aunque no cotizan en dicho mercado están obligadas a presentar un Informe Anual de Gobierno Corporativo a la Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores desde el año 2004. Posteriormente se reduce la muestra tras la exclusión de las empresas no cotizadas en el mercado continuo. Los resultados muestran que una única entidad contribuyó a cambiar la rentabilidad y se coloca como modelo de estudio. Una característica diferenciadora de esta empresa es su forma jurídica, ya que se trata de una empresa cooperativa. / This paper analyzes which companies have more women on their board of directors in the moment previous to the publication of measures and recommendations about the female presence on the boards of directors of the Spanish big companies, including cooperatives. At the same time the study puts in relation the gender on boards with the return on assets. First, the current work starts with the sample of non-financial firms obliged to present an Annual Corporate Governance Report to the Spanish Securities Market Commission with data from 2004. Second, the sample is reduced; excluding the companies not listed in the continuous market. The results indicate that only one company contributed to change the return on assets and becomes a model to study. One characteristic of this entity is their juridical form, as a cooperative.

  14. Magnetic Method to Characterize the Current Densities in Breaker Arc

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Machkour, Nadia


    The purpose of this research was to use magnetic induction measurements from a low voltage breaker arc, to reconstruct the arc's current density. The measurements were made using Hall effect sensors, which were placed close to, but outside the breaking device. The arc was modelled as a rectangular current sheet, composed of a mix of threadlike current segments and with a current density varying across the propagation direction. We found the magnetic induction of the arc is a convolution product of the current density, and a function depending on the breaker geometry and arc model. Using deconvolution methods, the current density in the electric arc was determined.The method is used to study the arc behavior into the breaker device. Notably, position, arc size, and electric conductivity could all be determined, and then used to characterize the arc mode, diffuse or concentrated, and study the condition of its mode changing

  15. Simulation of a DC electric arc furnace for steelmaking: study in the arc and bath regions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ramirez Argaez, M. A.; Trapaga Martinez, L. G.


    A mathematical model was developed to describe fluid flow, heat transfer, and electromagnetic phenomena in the arc and bath regions of DC electric Arc Furnaces (DC-EAF). The model is used to examine the effect on flow patterns and temperature distribution in the bath, under the influence of both an arc and bottom argon injection in steel or steel/slag systems. Validation of the model employed experimental measurements from systems physically related to DC-EAF from literature. For the conditions analyzed, electromagnetic forces dominate the fluid motion in the bath. Buoyancy and shear forces from the arc have a negligible effect in driving the flow; however, they partially counteract the electromagnetic forces. Slag decreases fluid motion in the steel and enhances temperature stratification in the system. Stirring of the bath, using a 3-nozzle inert gas injection system, is found to promote temperature uniformity in the regions near the lateral wall of the furnace. (Author) 24 refs

  16. LA GESTIÓN DE ECOSISTEMAS ESTRATÉGICOS PROVEEDORES DE AGUA El caso de las cuencas que abastecen a Medellín y Bogotá en Colombia

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    María Fernanda Cárdenas


    Full Text Available El crecimiento poblacional y la concentración urbana implican un aumento sostenido en la demanda de agua, por lo que se requiere de una gestión y manejo adecuados de los ecosistemas que abastecen del líquido para garantizar una adecuada oferta futura. Se analiza el desempeño de las entidades encargadas de la gestión de dichos ecosistemas y los resultados obtenidos en las cuencas que abastecen de agua a dos ciudades en Colombia; considerando temas financieros y su relación con la comunidad local. Dicha gestión está relegada a entidades estatales, cuya labor es insuficiente e insatisfactoria. Así, se propone la aplicación de herramientas económicas, normativas y sociales que redunden en un mejoramiento del estado de conservación de los ecosistemas de interés y en una mejoría de la calidad de vida de los campesinos que residen en sus áreas de influencia, trasladando una parte de la gestión a la órbita de las comunidades locales.


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    Luz Victoria Díaz


    Full Text Available Toda empresa, ya sea que haya emprendido o no una iniciativa de gestión de conocimiento, tiene entre sus pertenencias una serie de bienes, con mayor o menor componente material e inmaterial, pero de reconocida importancia estratégica: conocimiento del mercado; capacidades y recursos para el desarrollo de productos; equipo humano con determinadas habilidades, actitudes, experiencias, conocimientos; reglas y políticas de trabajo; sistemas de información y bases de datos específicas; relaciones con otras organizaciones y entidades. Estos son ejemplos de aquellos bienes de difícil imitación pero que hacen parte del capital que permite a las organizaciones diferenciarse y construir ventajas competitivas. La literatura internacional coincide en denominar a todos estos bienes capital intelectual y uno de los retos de las organizaciones es hacer que éste se traduzca en factores que producen beneficios tangibles. El artículo presenta el esquema general del Modelo de Modernización de Gestión Organizacional en su versión 2 MMGOV2 que propone la Universidad EAN a través del Grupo de Investigaciones GPYMEs- para analizar las trayectorias de migración a empresas innovadoras, productivas y competitivas, mediante la utilización de prácticas de gestión del conocimiento, gestión del capital intelectual y gestión por procesos.

  18. Modelling of arc behaviour inside a F4 APS torch

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ramachandran, K; Marques, J-L; Vassen, R; Stoever, D


    The plasma arc inside the F4 torch used for atmospheric plasma spraying is characterized by means of analytical and numerical methods. A simplified analytical model is formulated to understand the physical behaviour of the plasma arc. A three-dimensional numerical model is developed to simulate the realistic plasma arc flow inside the torch. At a given torch power and gas flow rate, possible combinations of the arc core radius and arc length are predicted. The thermodynamic principle of minimum entropy production is used to determine the combination of arc core radius and arc length, which corresponds to the actual physical situation of the arc inside the torch. The effect of arc current and gas flow rate on the plasma arc characteristics is clarified. The effect of hydrogen content in the plasma gas on its velocity and temperature profiles at the nozzle exit is shown. Predicted torch efficiencies are comparable to measured ones. The results of the numerical model are similar to that an analytical model. Previously published experimental and numerical results support part of the present results

  19. Sleep loss disrupts Arc expression in dentate gyrus neurons. (United States)

    Delorme, James E; Kodoth, Varna; Aton, Sara J


    Sleep loss affects many aspects of cognition, and memory consolidation processes occurring in the hippocampus seem particularly vulnerable to sleep loss. The immediate-early gene Arc plays an essential role in both synaptic plasticity and memory formation, and its expression is altered by sleep. Here, using a variety of techniques, we have characterized the effects of brief (3-h) periods of sleep vs. sleep deprivation (SD) on the expression of Arc mRNA and Arc protein in the mouse hippocampus and cortex. By comparing the relative abundance of mature Arc mRNA with unspliced pre-mRNA, we see evidence that during SD, increases in Arc across the cortex, but not hippocampus, reflect de novo transcription. Arc increases in the hippocampus during SD are not accompanied by changes in pre-mRNA levels, suggesting that increases in mRNA stability, not transcription, drives this change. Using in situ hybridization (together with behavioral observation to quantify sleep amounts), we find that in the dorsal hippocampus, SD minimally affects Arc mRNA expression, and decreases the number of dentate gyrus (DG) granule cells expressing Arc. This is in contrast to neighboring cortical areas, which show large increases in neuronal Arc expression after SD. Using immunohistochemistry, we find that Arc protein expression is also differentially affected in the cortex and DG with SD - while larger numbers of cortical neurons are Arc+, fewer DG granule cells are Arc+, relative to the same regions in sleeping mice. These data suggest that with regard to expression of plasticity-regulating genes, sleep (and SD) can have differential effects in hippocampal and cortical areas. This may provide a clue regarding the susceptibility of performance on hippocampus-dependent tasks to deficits following even brief periods of sleep loss. Copyright © 2018. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  20. Adenopatía supraclavicular como forma de presentación de un carcinoma de cérvix asociado al complejo esclerosis tuberosa con linfangioleiomiomatosis

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    Pablo López Mato


    Full Text Available La linfangioleiomiomatosis es una proliferación del tejido muscular broncovascular que recientemente se ha definido como una expresión incompleta de la entidad “complejo esclerosis tuberosa”, una facomatosis a la que se asocian diversas neoplasias. Presentamos un caso de carcinoma de cérvix con metástasis supraclaviculares y cervicales, asociado a linfangioleiomiomatosis en el contexto de un “complejo esclerosis tuberosa”.

  1. Schizophrenia: What's Arc Got to Do with It? (United States)

    Managò, Francesca; Papaleo, Francesco


    Human studies of schizophrenia are now reporting a previously unidentified genetic convergence on postsynaptic signaling complexes such as the activity-regulated cytoskeletal-associated (Arc) gene. However, because this evidence is still very recent, the neurobiological implication of Arc in schizophrenia is still scattered and unrecognized. Here, we first review current and developing findings connecting Arc in schizophrenia. We then highlight recent and previous findings from preclinical mouse models that elucidate how Arc genetic modifications might recapitulate schizophrenia-relevant behavioral phenotypes following the novel Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) framework. Building on this, we finally compare and evaluate several lines of evidence demonstrating that Arc genetics can alter both glutamatergic and dopaminergic systems in a very selective way, again consistent with molecular alterations characteristic of schizophrenia. Despite being only initial, accumulating and compelling data are showing that Arc might be one of the primary biological players in schizophrenia. Synaptic plasticity alterations in the genetic architecture of psychiatric disorders might be a rule, not an exception. Thus, we anticipate that additional evidence will soon emerge to clarify the Arc-dependent mechanisms involved in the psychiatric-related dysfunctional behavior.

  2. La Kermesse: arte y política en el Rojas

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    Syd Krochmalny


    Full Text Available Entre junio de 1989 y julio de 1992, la producción cultural de los artistas ligados a la Galería del Centro Cultural Rojas fue prefigurada en una estética sin constituir un relato. En agosto de 1992, la crítica periodística le adjudicó una identidad sustantiva con la formulación del epíteto “arte light”, que aludía a teorías sociales en boga, y una entidad social y narrativa con la etiqueta “arte del Rojas”. Desde los enunciados fragmentarios, el discurso que redujo al círculo social del Rojas a una “estética sustancial” y unaentidad institucional”, se convirtió en 1993 en un campo de lucha y toma de posiciones entre artistas con distintas trayectorias políticas pero que formaban parte de un mundo social y cultural común. El objetivo de este trabajo es mostrar el proceso de formación discursiva, las resistencias y luchas en relación con las trayectorias de los artistas y los círculos sociales del Centro Cultural Rojas.


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    Washington Carreño


    Full Text Available El marco actual de los negocio demuestran que se ha de buscar la eficiencia empresarial desde una perspectiva sistémica, en la que se se contemmple a todos los grupo de interés (stakeholders de las organizaciones, asi como tambien lo confirman las recomendaciones de los organismos internacionales y nacionales que instan a los diferentes tipos de entidades a contribuir a las sostenibilidad, mediantes una actuacion socialmente responsable. Las organizaciones ecuatorianas no son ajenas a esta realidad, si bien se percibe una preocupacion mayor por parte de las grandes empresas y pymes, aquellos otras de menor tamaño como las agricolas se caracterizan por s u falta de sensibilizacion respecto a esta cuestion contemplándola desde una triple dimension de sostenibilidad: eficiencia de negocio. atencion social y preocupacion medioambiental. Por la relevancia económica del sector microempresarial agrario en el cantón de Quevedo,la presente investigacion se dirigirá a realizar una revision teórica para denir un marco conceptual de las responsabilidad social y posterior análisis de aplicaciones en este tipo de entidades.

  4. Legislación, conocimientos y actitudes de profesionales médicos en relación al aborto en México

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    Nubia Naneri García-Núñez


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este estudio es describir los conocimientos y actitudes de una muestra de profesionales médicos en México con relación al aborto y su asociación con la práctica y la atención a complicaciones derivadas de abortos, tomando en cuenta el marco legal vigente. Los datos provienen de una encuesta anónima y computarizada a participantes que acudieron a una reunión de gineco-obstetricia en México en 2009 (n=418. Las actitudes de los profesionales de la salud juegan un papel determinante para favorecer el acceso a servicios de abortos tanto médicos como quirúrgicos. No se encontró asociación estadística entre vivir en una entidad federativa mayormente res- trictiva y la práctica de abortos, lo cual se explica por el escaso conocimiento que los participantes de la encuesta tenían sobre las leyes de aborto vigentes en su entidad. Esta falta de conocimiento sobre la legislación del aborto puede obstaculizar que una mujer tenga este servicio aun cuando el marco legal lo permita.

  5. Magnetically enhanced vacuum arc thruster

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Keidar, Michael; Schein, Jochen; Wilson, Kristi; Gerhan, Andrew; Au, Michael; Tang, Benjamin; Idzkowski, Luke; Krishnan, Mahadevan; Beilis, Isak I


    A hydrodynamic model of the vacuum arc thruster and its plume is described. Primarily an effect of the magnetic field on the plume expansion and plasma generation is considered. Two particular examples are investigated, namely the magnetically enhanced co-axial vacuum arc thruster (MVAT) and the vacuum arc thruster with ring electrodes (RVAT). It is found that the magnetic field significantly decreases the plasma plume radial expansion under typical conditions. Predicted plasma density profiles in the plume of the MVAT are compared with experimental profiles, and generally a good agreement is found. In the case of the RVAT the influence of the magnetic field leads to plasma jet deceleration, which explains the non-monotonic dependence of the ion current density, on an axial magnetic field observed experimentally

  6. Magnetically enhanced vacuum arc thruster

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Keidar, Michael [University of Michigan, Ann Arbor 48109 MI (United States); Schein, Jochen [Alameda Applied Science Corporation, San Leandro, CA 94577 (United States); Wilson, Kristi [Alameda Applied Science Corporation, San Leandro, CA 94577 (United States); Gerhan, Andrew [Alameda Applied Science Corporation, San Leandro, CA 94577 (United States); Au, Michael [Alameda Applied Science Corporation, San Leandro, CA 94577 (United States); Tang, Benjamin [Alameda Applied Science Corporation, San Leandro, CA 94577 (United States); Idzkowski, Luke [Alameda Applied Science Corporation, San Leandro, CA 94577 (United States); Krishnan, Mahadevan [Alameda Applied Science Corporation, San Leandro, CA 94577 (United States); Beilis, Isak I [Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv (Israel)


    A hydrodynamic model of the vacuum arc thruster and its plume is described. Primarily an effect of the magnetic field on the plume expansion and plasma generation is considered. Two particular examples are investigated, namely the magnetically enhanced co-axial vacuum arc thruster (MVAT) and the vacuum arc thruster with ring electrodes (RVAT). It is found that the magnetic field significantly decreases the plasma plume radial expansion under typical conditions. Predicted plasma density profiles in the plume of the MVAT are compared with experimental profiles, and generally a good agreement is found. In the case of the RVAT the influence of the magnetic field leads to plasma jet deceleration, which explains the non-monotonic dependence of the ion current density, on an axial magnetic field observed experimentally.

  7. Extreme Learning Machine to Analyze the Level of Default in Spanish Deposit Institutions || Análisis de la morosidad de las entidades financieras españolas mediante Extreme Learning Machine

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Becerra-Alonso, David


    Full Text Available The level of default in financial institutions is a key piece of information in the activity of these organizations and reveals their level of risk. This in turn explains the growing attention given to variables of this kind, during the crisis of these last years. This paper presents a method to estimate the default rate using the non-linear model defined by standard Multilayer Perceptron (MLP neural networks trained with a novel methodology called Extreme Learning Machine (ELM. The experimental results are promising, and show a good performance when comparing the MLP model trained with the Leverberg-Marquard algorithm. || La morosidad en las entidades financieras es un dato muy importante de la actividad de estas instituciones pues permite conocer el nivel de riesgo asumido por éstas. Esto a su vez explica la creciente atención otorgada a esta variable, especialmente en los últimos años de crisis. Este artículo presenta un método para estimar el nivel de la tasa de morosidad por medio de un modelo no lineal definido por la red neuronal Multilayer Perceptron (MLP entrenada con una nueva metodología llamada Extreme Learning Machine (ELM. Los resultados experimentales son prometedores, mostrando un buen resultado si se compara con el modelo MLP entrenado con el algoritmo de Leverberg-Marquard.

  8. De lo micro a lo macro prudencial: Un análisis de la supervisión bancaria desde la econometría espacial


    Ordóñez Herrera, Juan Sebastián


    La crisis que se desató en el mercado hipotecario en Estados Unidos en 2008 y que logró propagarse a lo largo de todo sistema financiero, dejó en evidencia el nivel de interconexión que actualmente existe entre las entidades del sector y sus relaciones con el sector productivo, dejando en evidencia la necesidad de identificar y caracterizar el riesgo sistémico inherente al sistema, para que de esta forma las entidades reguladoras busquen una estabilidad tanto individual, co...

  9. Refinanciaciones de deuda y responsabilidad de la banca


    Sánchez-Calero Guilarte, Juan


    La responsabilidad de las entidades de crédito que participan en refinanciaciones se aborda desde distintas hipótesis. Comenzando por la definición de refinanciación, pasando por el hecho de denegar o concederla y terminando por las varias clases de responsabilidad imaginables (concursal, societaria, administrativa, etc.). El acogimiento de una refinanciación al régimen especial establecido en la Disposición adicional cuarta LC limita notoriamente la eventual responsabilidad de las entidades ...

  10. Optical arc sensor using energy harvesting power source

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Choi, Kyoo Nam, E-mail:; Rho, Hee Hyuk, E-mail: [Dept. of Information and Telecommunication Engineering Incheon National University Incheon 22012 (Korea, Republic of)


    Wireless sensors without external power supply gained considerable attention due to convenience both in installation and operation. Optical arc detecting sensor equipping with self sustaining power supply using energy harvesting method was investigated. Continuous energy harvesting method was attempted using thermoelectric generator to supply standby power in micro ampere scale and operating power in mA scale. Peltier module with heat-sink was used for high efficiency electricity generator. Optical arc detecting sensor with hybrid filter showed insensitivity to fluorescent and incandescent lamps under simulated distribution panel condition. Signal processing using integrating function showed selective arc discharge detection capability to different arc energy levels, with a resolution below 17 J energy difference, unaffected by bursting arc waveform. The sensor showed possibility for application to arc discharge detecting sensor in power distribution panel. Also experiment with proposed continuous energy harvesting method using thermoelectric power showed possibility as a self sustainable power source of remote sensor.

  11. Optical arc sensor using energy harvesting power source (United States)

    Choi, Kyoo Nam; Rho, Hee Hyuk


    Wireless sensors without external power supply gained considerable attention due to convenience both in installation and operation. Optical arc detecting sensor equipping with self sustaining power supply using energy harvesting method was investigated. Continuous energy harvesting method was attempted using thermoelectric generator to supply standby power in micro ampere scale and operating power in mA scale. Peltier module with heat-sink was used for high efficiency electricity generator. Optical arc detecting sensor with hybrid filter showed insensitivity to fluorescent and incandescent lamps under simulated distribution panel condition. Signal processing using integrating function showed selective arc discharge detection capability to different arc energy levels, with a resolution below 17J energy difference, unaffected by bursting arc waveform. The sensor showed possibility for application to arc discharge detecting sensor in power distribution panel. Also experiment with proposed continuous energy harvesting method using thermoelectric power showed possibility as a self sustainable power source of remote sensor.

  12. Heat transfer modeling of double-side arc welding

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sun Junsheng; Wu Chuansong


    If a plasma arc and a TIG arc are connected in serial and with the plasma arc placed on the obverse side and the TIG arc on the opposite side of the workpiece, a special double-side arc welding (DSAW) system will be formed, in which the PAW current is forced to flow through the keyhole along the thickness direction so as to compensate the energy consumed for melting the workpiece and improve the penetration capacity of the PAW arc. By considering the mechanics factors which influence the DSAW pool geometric shape, the control equations of the pool surface deformation are derived, and the mathematics mode for DSAW heat transfer is established by using boundary-fitted non-orthogonal coordinate systems. With this model, the difference between DSAW and PAW heat transfer is analyzed and the reason for the increase of DSAW penetration is explained from the point of heat transfer. The welding process experiments show that calculated results are in good agreement with measured ones

  13. Fermi arc mediated entropy transport in topological semimetals (United States)

    McCormick, Timothy M.; Watzman, Sarah J.; Heremans, Joseph P.; Trivedi, Nandini


    The low-energy excitations of topological Weyl semimetals are composed of linearly dispersing Weyl fermions that act as monopoles of Berry curvature in the bulk momentum space. Furthermore, on the surface there exist topologically protected Fermi arcs at the projections of these Weyl points. We propose a pathway for entropy transport involving Fermi arcs on one surface connecting to Fermi arcs on the other surface via the bulk Weyl monopoles. We present results for the temperature and magnetic field dependence of the magnetothermal conductance of this conveyor belt channel. The circulating currents result in a net entropy transport without any net charge transport. We provide results for the Fermi arc mediated magnetothermal conductivity in the low-field semiclassical limit as well as in the high-field ultraquantum limit, where only chiral Landau levels are involved. Our work provides a proposed signature of Fermi arc mediated magnetothermal transport and sets the stage for utilizing and manipulating the topological Fermi arcs in thermal applications.

  14. Fast Arc-Annotated Subsequence Matching in Linear Space

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bille, Philip; Gørtz, Inge Li


    is deleted any arc with an endpoint in that base is also deleted. Arc-annotated strings where the arcs are "nested" are a natural model of RNA molecules that captures both the primary and secondary structure of these. The arc-preserving subsequence problem for nested arc-annotated strings is basic primitive...... for investigating the function of RNA molecules. Gramm et al. [ACM Trans. Algorithms 2006] gave an algorithm for this problem using O(nm) time and space, where m and n are the lengths of P and Q, respectively. In this paper we present; a new algorithm using O(nm) time and O(n+m,) space, thereby matching...... the previous time bound while significantly reducing the space from a quadratic term to linear. This is essential to process large RNA molecules where the space is a likely to be a bottleneck. To obtain our result we introduce several novel ideas which may be of independent interest for related problems on arc...

  15. Large optical conductivity of Dirac semimetal Fermi arc surface states (United States)

    Shi, Li-kun; Song, Justin C. W.


    Fermi arc surface states, a hallmark of topological Dirac semimetals, can host carriers that exhibit unusual dynamics distinct from that of their parent bulk. Here we find that Fermi arc carriers in intrinsic Dirac semimetals possess a strong and anisotropic light-matter interaction. This is characterized by a large Fermi arc optical conductivity when light is polarized transverse to the Fermi arc; when light is polarized along the Fermi arc, Fermi arc optical conductivity is significantly muted. The large surface spectral weight is locked to the wide separation between Dirac nodes and persists as a large Drude weight of Fermi arc carriers when the system is doped. As a result, large and anisotropic Fermi arc conductivity provides a novel means of optically interrogating the topological surfaces states of Dirac semimetals.

  16. Commissioning and first clinical application of mARC treatment

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dzierma, Yvonne; Nuesken, Frank G.; Kremp, Stephanie; Palm, Jan; Licht, Norbert P.; Ruebe, Christian [Universitaetsklinikum des Saarlandes, Klinik fuer Strahlentherapie und Radioonkologie, Homburg, Saarland (Germany)


    The modulated arc (mARC) technique has recently been introduced for Siemens ARTISTE linear accelerators. We present the first experiences with the commissioning of the system and first patient treatments. Treatment planning and delivery are presented for the Prowess Panther treatment planning system or, alternatively, an in-house code. Dosimetric verification is performed both by point dose measurements and in 3D dose distribution. Depending on the target volume, one or two arcs can be used to create highly conformal plans. Dosimetric verification of the converted mARC plans with step-and-shoot plans shows deviations below 1 % in absolute point dose; in the 3D dose distribution, over 95 % of the points pass the 3D gamma criteria (3 % deviation in local dose and 3 mm distance to agreement for doses > 20 % of the maximum). Patient specific verification of the mARC dose distribution with the calculations has a similar pass rate. Treatment times range between 2 and 5 min for a single arc. To our knowledge, this is the first report of clinical application of the mARC technique. The mARC offers the possibility to save significant amounts of time, with single-arc treatments of only a few minutes achieving comparable dose distribution to IMRT plans taking up to twice as long. (orig.) [German] Die mARC (modulated arc) Technik wurde vor kurzen fuer Siemens ARTISTE Linearbeschleuniger eingefuehrt. Wir zeigen die ersten Erfahrungen mit der Kommissionierung des Systems sowie die ersten Patientenbestrahlungen. Bestrahlungsplanung und Behandlung werden fuer das Prowess Panther Bestrahlungsplanungssystem oder alternativ in einer in-house-Loesung praesentiert. Die dosimetrische Verifikation wurde sowohl mit Punktmessungen als auch fuer die 3D-Dosisverteilung durchgefuehrt. Je nach Zielvolumen koennen mit einem oder zwei Boegen hochkonformale Plaene erzeugt werden. Die dosimetrische Verifikation konvertierter mARC-Plaene gegen step-and-shoot-Plaene weicht in absoluter Dosis um

  17. Crecimiento económico, convergencia y concentración económica espacial en las entidades federativas de México 1970-2008


    Normand Asuad Sanén; Luis Quintana Romero


    El propósito principal del presente trabajo es identificar la formación de clubes o núcleos de convergencia y divergencia que el crecimiento económico ha propiciado en las entidades federativas de México y el papel e importancia de los factores geo-espaciales en dichas formaciones. El estudio se realiza mediante un análisis comparativo entre el crecimiento económico y las hipótesis de convergencia, a partir de un modelo de regresión espacial de corte transversal. Los resultados obtenidos sugi...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tania Elena Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Ante la necesidad de indagar sobre la forma como se asume e implementa la Educación Ambiental en los espacios no convencionales de educación que gerencian las entidades que conforman el sector ambiental de Bogotá, se hace necesario, a manera de referente conceptual, abordar las discusiones que se adelantan en el ámbito de la educación formal, sobre la “educación para el desarrollo sostenible” (como proyecto político internacional nacida en la Cumbre de la Tierra, Río de Janeiro Brasil, 1992, que ha generado desarrollos educativos que tradicionalmente habían sido del campo de la Educación Ambiental; como también la discusión internacional adelantada sobre las relaciones entre la Educación Ambiental y la Educación en Ciencias con el fin de analizar las maneras en que estas relaciones estratégicas permitan superar reduccionismos y desconfianzas entre estos tipos de educación.  Así mismo, este trabajo intentará establecer la posible emergencia de una Didáctica Ambiental para espacios de educación no convencional, como un facilitador de diseño de contenidos desde actuales posturas teóricas sobre lo ambiental

  19. Implementing RapidArc into clinical routine

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Van Esch, Ann; Huyskens, Dominique P; Behrens, Claus F


    With the increased commercial availability of intensity modulated arc therapy (IMAT) comes the need for comprehensive QA programs, covering the different aspects of this newly available technology. This manuscript proposes such a program for the RapidArc (RA) (Varian Medical Systems, Palo Alto...

  20. Retinal injury from a welding arc

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Naidoff, M.A.; Sliney, D.H.


    An 18-year-old man stared at a welding arc for approximately ten minutes, sustaining moderate facial erythema, keratoconjunctivitis, marked visual loss, a pupillary abnormality, and a retinal injury accompanied by a dense central scotoma and peripheral field constriction. A residual, partially pigmented foveal lesion remained after 16 months, with normal visual acuity. Since the degree of keratoconjunctivitis and facial erythema was known, we substantiated the duration of exposure to the arc by weighting the known action spectrum of moderate ultraviolet erythema with the ultraviolet spectral irradiance measurements of the arc. From the radiometric measurements of the visible brightness and visible and near infrared spectrum of the arc and from knowledge of pupil size, we calculated the retinal exposure dose rate, which was less than normally considered necessary to produce a chorioretinal burn. This case may provide a clinical example of photic maculopathy recently reported in experimental investigations

  1. Driven Motion and Instability of an Atmospheric Pressure Arc

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Max Karasik


    Atmospheric pressure arcs are used extensively in applications such as welding and metallurgy. However, comparatively little is known of the physics of such arcs in external magnetic fields and the mechanisms of the instabilities present. In order to address questions of equilibrium and stability of such arcs, an experimental arc furnace is constructed and operated in air with graphite cathode and steel anode at currents 100-250 A. The arc is diagnosed with a gated intensified camera and a collimated photodiode array, as well as fast voltage and current probes

  2. Driven Motion and Instability of an Atmospheric Pressure Arc

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Max Karasik


    Atmospheric pressure arcs are used extensively in applications such as welding and metallurgy. However, comparatively little is known of the physics of such arcs in external magnetic fields and the mechanisms of the instabilities present. In order to address questions of equilibrium and stability of such arcs, an experimental arc furnace is constructed and operated in air with graphite cathode and steel anode at currents 100-250 A. The arc is diagnosed with a gated intensified camera and a collimated photodiode array, as well as fast voltage and current probes.

  3. Temporal and geochemical evolution of Miocene volcanism in the Andean back-arc between 36°S and 38°S and U-series analyses of young volcanic centers in the arc and back-arc, Argentina

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dyhr, Charlotte Thorup

    New 40Ar/39Ar, major and trace element, and Sr, Nd and Pb isotopic data for the c. 24-7 Ma volcanic rocks from the Andean back-arc (35°S – 38°S) in the Mendoza and Neuquén (Argentina) regions shed light on the Miocene evolution of the back-arc of the Southern Volcanic Zone. Incipient shallowing......-Sr-Pb isotopic compositions. The arc-like component that dominates the geochemistry of the Palaoco rocks is absent in both the Early Miocene and the Pliocene-Pleistocene in the same area. Young volcanic Provinces in the main arc, retro-arc and back-arc are further investigated by U-series analyses which confirm...... the fluid-enriched nature of arc-related rocks (U-excess are found in most rocks) and the more OIB-like nature of the Payún Matrú complex (Th-exsess is observed in all rocks). The fluid addition to the mantle source is modeled revealing timescales of 10 – 100 ka for the fluid enrichment. For the back...

  4. Geological constraints on continental arc activity since 720 Ma: implications for the link between long-term climate variability and episodicity of continental arcs (United States)

    Cao, W.; Lee, C. T.


    Continental arc volcanoes have been suggested to release more CO2 than island arc volcanoes due to decarbonation of wallrock carbonates in the continental upper plate through which the magmas traverse (Lee et al., 2013). Continental arcs may thus play an important role in long-term climate. To test this hypothesis, we compiled geological maps to reconstruct the surface distribution of granitoid plutons and the lengths of ancient continental arcs. These results were then compiled into a GIS framework and incorporated into GPlates plate reconstructions. Our results show an episodic nature of global continental arc activity since 720 Ma. The lengths of continental arcs were at minimums during most of the Cryogenian ( 720-670 Ma), the middle Paleozoic ( 460-300 Ma) and the Cenozoic ( 50-0 Ma). Arc lengths were highest during the Ediacaran ( 640-570 Ma), the early Paleozoic ( 550-430 Ma) and the entire Mesozoic with peaks in the Early Triassic ( 250-240 Ma), Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous ( 160-130 Ma), and Late Cretaceous ( 90-65 Ma). The extensive continental arcs in the Ediacaran and early Paleozoic reflect the Pan-African events and circum-Gondwana subduction during the assembly of the Gondwana supercontinent. The Early Triassic peak is coincident with the final closure of the paleo-Asian oceans and the onset of circum-Pacific subduction associated with the assembly of the Pangea supercontinent. The Jurassic-Cretaceous peaks reflect the extensive continental arcs established in the western Pacific, North and South American Cordillera, coincident with the initial dispersal of the Pangea. Continental arcs are favored during the final assembly and the early-stage dispersal of a supercontinent. Our compilation shows a temporal match between continental arc activity and long-term climate at least since 720 Ma. For example, continental arc activity was reduced during the Cryogenian icehouse event, and enhanced during the Early Paleozoic and Jurassic-Cretaceous greenhouse

  5. ArcAid Interactive Archery Assistant

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jeroen Vervaeke


    Full Text Available This paper describes the design process of a bow aiming system, called ArcAid, which is an interactive archery assistant. The main goal of ArcAid is to introduce a way for beginner Robin Hoods to learn the art of archery to its fullest. In order to achieve this goal, our smartphone-based design focuses on a fun and interactive learning process that gives constant feedback to the user on how to hit a certain goal. A SPIKE high- end laser sensor is used for the distance measurement and the smartphone’s accelerometer is used to define the angle of inclination. To measure the force on the arrow and the displacement of the string, a flex sensor is attached upon one of the arcs of the bow. All sensor data is processed in an Arduino Nano microprocessor and feedback to the user is given by a dedicated smartphone app. In this paper, we mainly focus on the construction, mechanics and electronics of the ArcAid bow and on the design of the mobile app, which is the game controller. Furthermore, we briefly discuss some future development ideas.

  6. Influences of arc current on composition and properties of MgO thin films prepared by cathodic vacuum arc deposition

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhu Daoyun; Zheng Changxi; Wang Mingdong; Liu Yi; Chen Dihu; He Zhenhui; Wen Lishi; Cheung, W.Y.


    MgO thin films with high optical transmittances (more than 90%) were prepared by cathodic vacuum arc deposition technique. With the increase of arc current from 40 to 80 A, the deposition pressure decreases and the film thickness increases; the atomic ratio of Mg/O in MgO thin films (obtained by RBS) increases from 0.97 to 1.17, giving that deposited at 50 A most close to the stoichiometric composition of the bulk MgO; the grains of MgO thin films grow gradually as shown in SEM images. XRD patterns show that MgO (1 1 0) orientation is predominant for films prepared at the arc currents ranged from 50 to 70 A. The MgO (1 0 0) orientation is much enhanced and comparable to that of MgO (1 1 0) for films prepared at the arc current of 80 A. The secondary electron emission coefficient of MgO thin film increases with arc current ranged from 50 to 70 A.

  7. MO-H-19A-02: Investigation of Modulated Electron Arc (MeArc) Therapy for the Treatment of Scalp Tumors

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Eldib, A [Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia, PA (United States); Al-Azhar University, Cairo (Egypt); Jin, L; Martin, J; Li, J; Chibani, O; Galloway, T; Ma, C [Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia, PA (United States)


    Purpose: Electron arc therapy has long been proposed as the most suitable technique for the treatment of superficial tumors that follow circularly curved surfaces. However it was challenged by unsuitability of the conventional applicators and the lack of adequate 3-D dose calculation tools for arc electron beams in the treatment planning systems (TPS). Now with the availability of an electron specific multi-leaf collimator (eMLC) and an in-house Monte Carlo (MC) based TPS, we were motivated to investigate more advanced modulated electron arc (MeARC) therapy and its beneficial outcome. Methods: We initiated the study by a film measurement conducted in a head and neck phantom, where we delivered electron arcs in a step and shoot manner using the light field as a guide to avoid fields abutments. This step was done to insure enough clearance for the arcs with eMLC. MCBEAM and MCPLAN MC codes were used for the treatment head simulation and phantom dose calculation, respectively. Treatment plans were generated for targets drawn in real patient CTs and head and neck phantom. We utilized beams eye view available from a commercial planning system to create beamlets having same isocenter and adjoined at the scalp surface. Then dose-deposition coefficients from those beamlets were calculated for all electron energies using MCPLAN. An in-house optimization code was then used to find the optimum weights needed from individual beamlets. Results: MeARC showed a nicely tailored dose distribution around the circular curved target on the scalp. Some hot spots were noticed and could be attributed to fields abutment problem owing to the bulging nature of electron profiles. Brain dose was shown to be at lower levels compared to photon treatment. Conclusion: MeARC was shown to be a promising modality for treating scalp cases and could be beneficial to all superficial tumors with a circular curvature.

  8. Sweden: Autonomous Reactivity Control (ARC) Systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Qvist, Staffan A.


    The next generation of nuclear energy systems must be licensed, constructed, and operated in a manner that will provide a competitively priced supply of energy, keeping in consideration an optimum use of natural resources, while addressing nuclear safety, waste, and proliferation resistance, and the public perception concerns of the countries in which those systems are deployed. These issues are tightly interconnected, and the implementation of passive and inherent safety features is a high priority in all modern reactor designs since it helps to tackle many of the issues at once. To this end, the Autonomous Reactivity Control (ARC) system was developed to ensure excellent inherent safety performance of Generation-IV reactors while having a minimal impact on core performance and economic viability. This paper covers the principles for ARC system design and analysis, the problem of ensuring ARC system response stability and gives examples of the impact of installing ARC systems in well-known fast reactor core systems. It is shown that even with a relatively modest ARC installation, having a near-negligible impact on core performance during standard operation, cores such as the European Sodium Fast Reactor (ESFR) can be made to survive any postulated unprotected transient without coolant boiling or fuel melting

  9. 'LTE-diffusion approximation' for arc calculations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lowke, J J; Tanaka, M


    This paper proposes the use of the 'LTE-diffusion approximation' for predicting the properties of electric arcs. Under this approximation, local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) is assumed, with a particular mesh size near the electrodes chosen to be equal to the 'diffusion length', based on D e /W, where D e is the electron diffusion coefficient and W is the electron drift velocity. This approximation overcomes the problem that the equilibrium electrical conductivity in the arc near the electrodes is almost zero, which makes accurate calculations using LTE impossible in the limit of small mesh size, as then voltages would tend towards infinity. Use of the LTE-diffusion approximation for a 200 A arc with a thermionic cathode gives predictions of total arc voltage, electrode temperatures, arc temperatures and radial profiles of heat flux density and current density at the anode that are in approximate agreement with more accurate calculations which include an account of the diffusion of electric charges to the electrodes, and also with experimental results. Calculations, which include diffusion of charges, agree with experimental results of current and heat flux density as a function of radius if the Milne boundary condition is used at the anode surface rather than imposing zero charge density at the anode

  10. “La masonería en el centro-norte de México, 1869-1914”

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marco Antonio Flores Zavala


    Full Text Available ¿Cómo concurrió la masonería para hacer sociedad en México? La situamos en singular para mostrar que era una asociación, una entre varias, que emergió en el tránsito de la sociedad colonial y el periodo de la formación del estado nacional. Para responder asentamos una serie de notas que examinan las actividades masónicas en varias entidades del centro-norte de México. Primero se registran los rasgos organizativos de las grandes logias de esas entidades y las actividades que realizaron sus integrantes. La revisión atiende las llamadas logias simbólicas que laboraron con el ceremonial del Rito Escocés Antiguo y Aceptado. En el transcurso de la descripción también se explora la interacción entre la vida interna de las logias y lo que su documentación llama el mundo profano.

  11. Highly arc-transitive digraphs -- counterexamples and structure


    DeVos, Matt; Mohar, Bojan; Šámal, Robert


    We resolve two problems of [Cameron, Praeger, and Wormald -- Infinite highly arc transitive digraphs and universal covering digraphs, Combinatorica 1993]. First, we construct a locally finite highly arc-transitive digraph with universal reachability relation. Second, we provide constructions of 2-ended highly arc transitive digraphs where each `building block' is a finite bipartite graph that is not a disjoint union of complete bipartite graphs. This was conjectured impossible in the above pa...

  12. Liquid-Arc/Spark-Excitation Atomic-Emission Spectroscopy (United States)

    Schlagen, Kenneth J.


    Constituents of solutions identified in situ. Liquid-arc/spark-excitation atomic-emission spectroscopy (LAES) is experimental variant of atomic-emission spectroscopy in which electric arc or spark established in liquid and spectrum of light from arc or spark analyzed to identify chemical elements in liquid. Observations encourage development of LAES equipment for online monitoring of process streams in such industries as metal plating, electronics, and steel, and for online monitoring of streams affecting environment.

  13. Along Arc Structural Variation in the Izu-Bonin Arc and its Implications for Crustal Evolution Processes (United States)

    Kodaira, S.; Sato, T.; Takahashi, N.; Ito, A.; Kaneda, Y.


    A continental-type middle crust having Vp = 6.1 - 6.3 km/s has been imaged at several oceanic island arcs (e.g. northern Izu, Mariana, Tonga, Kyushu-Palau ridge) since Suyehiro et al. (1996) has found a felsic middle crust in the northern Izu arc. A high velocity lower crust (Vp > 7.3 km/s) underlying the felsic middle crust has been also underlined as a characteristic structure in the northern Izu arc. A bulk composition of the crust in the Izu arc may indicate more mafic than that of a typical continental crust due to a large volume of the high velocity lower crust. Since a crust becomes more mature toward the north along the Izu-Bonin arc, investigating structural variation along the volcanic front has been believed to provide a fundamental knowledge for a crustal evolution process. In 2004 and 2005, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology has conducted two along arc wide-angle seismic surveys from the Sagami-bay to the Kita-Iwo jima, a total profile length of about 1000 km. Although data from the Bonin-part of the profile which were acquired this year has not been processed yet, a result from the Izu-part, from the Sagami-bay to Tori shima, shows significant structural variations along the volcanic front. The crustal thickness are varied with a wavelength of several tens of km, i.e., thickened up to 25-30 km around the volcanoes (the Miyake jama, Hachijo jima, Aoga sima, Sumisu jima), while thinned down to 20 km between them. The fine seismic velocity image obtained by refraction tomography as well as a wide-angle reflection migration shows that the variation of the crustal block having 6.0 - 6.7 km/s, which is a typical continental crustal velocity, is mainly responsible for the observed variation of the crustal thickness. The thickness of the high velocity lower crust is not significantly varied along the arc. Therefore, an average crustal seismic velocity (varied 6.6 to 7.0 km/s) represents a higher velocity that that of a typical continental

  14. Low voltage initiation of damaging arcs between electrical contacts

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cuthrell, R.E.


    Metallic arcs were found to precede the firm contacting of electrical contacts which were closed without bounce. When the open-circuit voltages were below the ionization potential, the initiation of these arcs was found to depend on the presence of asperities on the surfaces and on asperity contracting, melting, and pinching off by magnetic forces. The arc is thought to be initiated inductively when the molten metallic asperity contact is pinched off, and the electrode damage is similar to that produced by the arcing of opening contacts. Arcing could not be produced for exceptionally smooth surfaces, or, for rough surfaces when the open-circuit potential was below the melting voltages of the electrode metals. In order to prevent damage to contact surfaces by melting or arcing, it is suggested that test potentials be limited to below the melting voltages, that the current be limited, the test circuits be designed to prevent inductively generated high voltage transients, and the contact surfaces be very smooth. In order to facilitate arc initiation in arc welding applications, it is suggested that the surfaces of electrodes and work pieces be roughened. (U.S.)

  15. Distribution of the ACME-arcA gene among meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus haemolyticus and identification of a novel ccr allotype in ACME-arcA-positive isolates. (United States)

    Pi, Borui; Yu, Meihong; Chen, Yagang; Yu, Yunsong; Li, Lanjuan


    The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence and characteristics of ACME (arginine catabolic mobile element)-arcA-positive isolates among meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus haemolyticus (MRSH). ACME-arcA, native arcA and SCCmec elements were detected by PCR. Susceptibilities to 10 antimicrobial agents were compared between ACME-arcA-positive and -negative isolates by chi-square test. PFGE was used to investigate the clonal relatedness of ACME-arcA-positive isolates. The phylogenetic relationships of ACME-arcA and native arcA were analysed using the neighbour-joining methods of mega software. A total of 42 (47.7 %) of 88 isolates distributed in 13 PFGE types were positive for the ACME-arcA gene. There were no significant differences in antimicrobial susceptibility between ACME-arcA-positive and -negative isolates. A novel ccr allotype (ccrAB(SHP)) was identified in ACME-arcA-positive isolates. Among 42 ACME-arcA-positive isolates: 8 isolates harboured SCCmec V, 8 isolates harboured class C1 mec complex and ccrAB(SHP); 22 isolates harbouring class C1 mec complex and 4 isolates harbouring class C2 mec complex were negative for all known ccr allotypes. The ACME-arcA-positive isolates were first found in MRSH with high prevalence and clonal diversity, which suggests a mobility of ACME within MRSH. The results from this study revealed that MRSH is likely to be one of the potential reservoirs of ACME for Staphylococcus aureus.

  16. Commissioning and first clinical application of mARC treatment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dzierma, Yvonne; Nuesken, Frank G.; Kremp, Stephanie; Palm, Jan; Licht, Norbert P.; Ruebe, Christian


    The modulated arc (mARC) technique has recently been introduced for Siemens ARTISTE linear accelerators. We present the first experiences with the commissioning of the system and first patient treatments. Treatment planning and delivery are presented for the Prowess Panther treatment planning system or, alternatively, an in-house code. Dosimetric verification is performed both by point dose measurements and in 3D dose distribution. Depending on the target volume, one or two arcs can be used to create highly conformal plans. Dosimetric verification of the converted mARC plans with step-and-shoot plans shows deviations below 1 % in absolute point dose; in the 3D dose distribution, over 95 % of the points pass the 3D gamma criteria (3 % deviation in local dose and 3 mm distance to agreement for doses > 20 % of the maximum). Patient specific verification of the mARC dose distribution with the calculations has a similar pass rate. Treatment times range between 2 and 5 min for a single arc. To our knowledge, this is the first report of clinical application of the mARC technique. The mARC offers the possibility to save significant amounts of time, with single-arc treatments of only a few minutes achieving comparable dose distribution to IMRT plans taking up to twice as long. (orig.) [de


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luís Otávio Pacheco


    Full Text Available Neste estudo buscou-se conhecer a evidenciação contábil de fundações privadas de saúde do município de Belo Horizonte, a partir da análise das prestações de contas destas entidades, do período de 2007 a 2011, e analisar a utilização do SICAP como instrumento de accountability. Fez-se uso da investigação qualitativa para verificar o nível de evidenciação contábil das demonstrações contábeis obrigatórias nas prestações de contas das três fundações privadas selecionadas para o estudo, a partir de um modelo de investigação que comparou os documentos elaborados para as prestações de contas às exigências mínimas das Normas Brasileiras de Contabilidade para a elaboração e apresentação de demonstrações contábeis das entidades sem fins lucrativos. Pode-se concluir que as entidades não atendem adequadamente as normas contábeis na evidenciação de suas demonstrações contábeis obrigatórias, conduzindo a uma inadequada evidenciação contábil nas prestações de contas apresentadas ao Ministério Público. Concluiu-se também que o SICAP não pode por si só ser considerado um instrumento adequado de accountability, visto que apresenta necessidade de melhoria e compatibilização às exigências das normas contábeis.

  18. 29 CFR 1910.254 - Arc welding and cutting. (United States)


    ... 29 Labor 5 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Arc welding and cutting. 1910.254 Section 1910.254 Labor... OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH STANDARDS Welding, Cutting and Brazing § 1910.254 Arc welding and cutting. (a... following limits shall not be exceeded: (i) Alternating-current machines (A) Manual arc welding and cutting...

  19. Verification of Timed-Arc Petri Nets

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jacobsen, Lasse; Jacobsen, Morten; Møller, Mikael Harkjær


    of interesting theoretical properties distinguishing them from other time extensions of Petri nets. We shall give an overview of the recent theory developed in the verification of TAPN extended with features like read/transport arcs, timed inhibitor arcs and age invariants. We will examine in detail...

  20. Investigation of a subsonic-arc-attachment thruster using segmented anodes (United States)

    Berns, Darren H.; Sankovic, John M.; Sarmiento, Charles J.


    To investigate high frequency arc instabilities observed in subsonic-arc-attachment thrusters, a 3 kW, segmented-anode arc jet was designed and tested using hydrogen as the propellant. The thruster nozzle geometry was scaled from a 30 kW design previously tested in the 1960's. By observing the current to each segment and the arc voltage, it was determined that the 75-200 kHz instabilities were results of axial movements of the arc anode attachment point. The arc attachment point was fully contained in the subsonic portion of the nozzle for nearly all flow rates. The effects of isolating selected segments were investigated. In some cases, forcing the arc downstream caused the restrike to cease. Finally, decreasing the background pressure from 18 to 0.05 Pa affected the pressure distribution in the nozzle including the pressure in the subsonic arc chamber.

  1. Impacto do Nível de Evidenciação de Informações Contábeis sobre a Precificação de Ações no Contexto de Seleção Adversa: uma pesquisa experimentalImpact of the Level of Disclosure of Financial Information on the Pricing of Shares in the Context of Adverse SelectionEl Impacto del Nivel de Divulgación de las Informaciones Contables sobre los Precios de las Acciones en el Contexto de la Selección Adversa: una investigación experimental

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    LIMA, Diogo Henrique Silva de


    the process of evaluating their shares. A higher level of disclosure by an entity affected the value of its share and the other company’s.RESUMENLos gestores conocen más sobre el rendimiento de la organización que los inversores, lo que hace de la difusión de informaciones una posible estrategia de la diferenciación competitiva, reduciendo al mínimo la selección adversa. Este trabajo tiene como principal objetivo analizar si el nivel de divulgación de informaciones de una entidad puede impactar en la percepción del riesgo de las personas y en el proceso de evaluación de sus acciones. La encuesta de opinión fue realizada en un estudio experimental con 456 participantes (353 de ellos en el experimento principal y 103 en el experimento modificado. En simulación de mercado de capitales se investigó la fijación de precios de las acciones de dos empresas con diferentes niveles de difusión de la información en cuatro fases distintas. El análisis de los resultados mostró que al mantener las demás variables constantes, el nivel de divulgación de una entidad puede influir en las expectativas de las personas y el proceso de evaluación de sus acciones. El mayor nivel de divulgación para una entidad impactó tanto el valor de su acción como la de otra empresa.


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Xu, Bingxiao; Zheng, Wei; Postman, Marc; Bradley, Larry; Meneghetti, Massimo; Koekemoer, Anton; Seitz, Stella; Zitrin, Adi; Merten, Julian; Maoz, Dani; Frye, Brenda; Umetsu, Keiichi; Vega, Jesus


    We developed an algorithm to find and characterize gravitationally lensed galaxies (arcs) to perform a comparison of the observed and simulated arc abundance. Observations are from the Cluster Lensing And Supernova survey with Hubble (CLASH). Simulated CLASH images are created using the MOKA package and also clusters selected from the high-resolution, hydrodynamical simulations, MUSIC, over the same mass and redshift range as the CLASH sample. The algorithm's arc elongation accuracy, completeness, and false positive rate are determined and used to compute an estimate of the true arc abundance. We derive a lensing efficiency of 4 ± 1 arcs (with length ≥6″ and length-to-width ratio ≥7) per cluster for the X-ray-selected CLASH sample, 4 ± 1 arcs per cluster for the MOKA-simulated sample, and 3 ± 1 arcs per cluster for the MUSIC-simulated sample. The observed and simulated arc statistics are in full agreement. We measure the photometric redshifts of all detected arcs and find a median redshift z s = 1.9 with 33% of the detected arcs having z s  > 3. We find that the arc abundance does not depend strongly on the source redshift distribution but is sensitive to the mass distribution of the dark matter halos (e.g., the c–M relation). Our results show that consistency between the observed and simulated distributions of lensed arc sizes and axial ratios can be achieved by using cluster-lensing simulations that are carefully matched to the selection criteria used in the observations

  3. The Detection and Statistics of Giant Arcs behind CLASH Clusters (United States)

    Xu, Bingxiao; Postman, Marc; Meneghetti, Massimo; Seitz, Stella; Zitrin, Adi; Merten, Julian; Maoz, Dani; Frye, Brenda; Umetsu, Keiichi; Zheng, Wei; Bradley, Larry; Vega, Jesus; Koekemoer, Anton


    We developed an algorithm to find and characterize gravitationally lensed galaxies (arcs) to perform a comparison of the observed and simulated arc abundance. Observations are from the Cluster Lensing And Supernova survey with Hubble (CLASH). Simulated CLASH images are created using the MOKA package and also clusters selected from the high-resolution, hydrodynamical simulations, MUSIC, over the same mass and redshift range as the CLASH sample. The algorithm's arc elongation accuracy, completeness, and false positive rate are determined and used to compute an estimate of the true arc abundance. We derive a lensing efficiency of 4 ± 1 arcs (with length ≥6″ and length-to-width ratio ≥7) per cluster for the X-ray-selected CLASH sample, 4 ± 1 arcs per cluster for the MOKA-simulated sample, and 3 ± 1 arcs per cluster for the MUSIC-simulated sample. The observed and simulated arc statistics are in full agreement. We measure the photometric redshifts of all detected arcs and find a median redshift zs = 1.9 with 33% of the detected arcs having zs > 3. We find that the arc abundance does not depend strongly on the source redshift distribution but is sensitive to the mass distribution of the dark matter halos (e.g., the c-M relation). Our results show that consistency between the observed and simulated distributions of lensed arc sizes and axial ratios can be achieved by using cluster-lensing simulations that are carefully matched to the selection criteria used in the observations.

  4. El proceso de la reconstrucción de la red personal de los inmigrantes: una descripción longitudinal

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Miranda J. Lubbers


    Full Text Available estudios anteriores han mostrado que la red personal puede ser una fuente de apoyo social para inmigrantes, pero no es una entidad estática. en este ar- tículo describimos un estudio longitudinal sobre el cambio en las redes perso- nales de inmigrantes, realizado entre 2004-2008 en cuatro colectivos de inmi- grantes relativamente recientes en Cataluña (en total n = 70. las redes se han medido en dos oleadas, ambas post-migratorias, con un intervalo de tiempo de 1-3,3 años. Comparando las redes en los dos momentos, analizamos el grado de renovación en las redes, las tendencias generales del cambio en términos de su composición e investigamos las diferencias en estas tendencias en base de género, grupo étnico y años de residencia. los resultados indican que las redes son poco estables en general, pero que a pesar de ello, la composición media de las redes no cambia apenas, salvo por lo que se refiere a un ligero aumento del número de compatriotas residentes en españa y un descenso del número de personas residiendo en el país de origen. en general, no observamos un aumento significante del número de españoles en las redes personales de los inmigrantes.

  5. Power quality analysis of DC arc furnace operation using the Bowman model for electric arc (United States)

    Gherman, P. L.


    This work is about a relatively new domain. The DC electric arc is superior to the AC electric arc and it’s not used in Romania. This is why we analyzed the work functions of these furnaces by simulation and model checking of the simulation results.The conclusions are favorable, to be carried is to develop a real-time control system of steel elaboration process.

  6. Generation of Silicic Melts in the Early Izu-Bonin Arc Recorded by Detrital Zircons in Proximal Arc Volcaniclastic Rocks From the Philippine Sea (United States)

    Barth, A. P.; Tani, K.; Meffre, S.; Wooden, J. L.; Coble, M. A.; Arculus, R. J.; Ishizuka, O.; Shukle, J. T.


    A 1.2 km thick Paleogene volcaniclastic section at International Ocean Discovery Program Site 351-U1438 preserves the deep-marine, proximal record of Izu-Bonin oceanic arc initiation, and volcano evolution along the Kyushu-Palau Ridge (KPR). Pb/U ages and trace element compositions of zircons recovered from volcaniclastic sandstones preserve a remarkable temporal record of juvenile island arc evolution. Pb/U ages ranging from 43 to 27 Ma are compatible with provenance in one or more active arc edifices of the northern KPR. The abundances of selected trace elements with high concentrations provide insight into the genesis of U1438 detrital zircon host melts, and represent useful indicators of both short and long-term variations in melt compositions in arc settings. The Site U1438 zircons span the compositional range between zircons from mid-ocean ridge gabbros and zircons from relatively enriched continental arcs, as predicted for melts in a primitive oceanic arc setting derived from a highly depleted mantle source. Melt zircon saturation temperatures and Ti-in-zircon thermometry suggest a provenance in relatively cool and silicic melts that evolved toward more Th and U-rich compositions with time. Th, U, and light rare earth element enrichments beginning about 35 Ma are consistent with detrital zircons recording development of regional arc asymmetry and selective trace element-enriched rear arc silicic melts as the juvenile Izu-Bonin arc evolved.

  7. Dynamic voltage-current characteristics for a water jet plasma arc

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yang Jiaxiang; Lan Sheng; Xu Zuoming


    A virtual instrument technology is used to measure arc current, arc voltage, dynamic V-I characteristics, and nonlinear conductance for a cone-shaped water jet plasma arc under ac voltage. Experimental results show that ac arc discharge mainly happens in water vapor evaporated from water when heated. However, due to water's cooling effect and its conductance, arc conductance, reignition voltage, extinguish voltage, and current zero time are very different from those for ac arc discharge in gas work fluid. These can be valuable to further studies on mechanism and characteristics of plasma ac discharge in water, and even in gas work fluid


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    I. О. Vakulenko


    Full Text Available Purpose. The purpose of work is a comparative analysis of chemical compounds influence on the process of forming arc welding and condition of its burning. Methodology. A wire with diameter 3 mm of low carbon steel with contain of carbon 0.15% was material for electrode. As chemical compounds, which determine the terms of arc welding forming the following compounds were used: kaolin; CaCO3 with admixtures of gypsum up to 60%; SiO2 and Fe − Si with the iron concentration up to 50%. Researches were conducted using the direct electric current and arc of reverse polarity. As a source of electric current a welding transformer of type PSO-500n was used. On the special stand initial gap between the electrode and metal plate was 1-1.5 mm. The inter electrode space was filled with the probed chemical compound and the electric arc was formed. At the moment of arc forming the values of electric current and arc voltage were determined. After the natural break of electric arc, the final gap value between electrodes was accepted as a maximal value of arc length. Findings. Experimentally the transfer of metal in interelectrode space corresponded to the tiny drop mechanism. According to external signs the relation between maximal arc length and the power of electric current has the form of exponential dependence. Specific power of electric arc at the moment of arc forming per unit of its length characterizes the environment in the interelectrode space. Originality. 1 Based on the analysis of influence of the studied chemical compounds on the formation processes of electric arc the inversely proportional relationship between the power of the electric current and the maximum arc length until the moment of its natural break is defined. 2 Ratio between the maximal arc length and the power of electric current, with the sufficiently high coefficient of correlation is submitted to the exponential dependence. Influence of the compounds under study on the process of

  9. Evaluación médica y psicosocial de una población adulta con discapacidad intelectual

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Almenara Barrios José


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: El objetivo del presente trabajo es describir las características psicológicas, psicopatológicas, médicas y sociales de una población con discapacidad intelectual asistida en AFANAS-Jerez, que nos permita evaluar con una perspectiva epidemiológica este tipo de problema. MÉTODO: Se realiza un estudio descriptivo de series de casos para caracterizar una población con retraso mental (RM. Se han evaluado las áreas psicológica, médica y social. El nivel intelectual se estudio mediante la Escala de Inteligencia de Weschler para adultos. La conducta adaptativa, la frecuencia, tipología y gravedad de los problemas de conducta se evaluaron mediante el Inventario para la Planificación de Servicios y Programación Individual. Se realizó una exploración psicopatológica de cribaje utilizando. El estudio se completa con una evaluación médica y social mediante entrevistas estructuradas. La información procedente de las distintas áreas se codifico y se analizo en los programas EPIINFO v6.0 y C.I.A.. RESULTADOS: La edad media de la población con discapacidad intelectual estudiada es de 32,2 años (D.E. 9,2 años. Hay un 73% de varones frente a un 27% de mujeres. El 45,1% de los sujetos presentan problemas de comportamiento. Hemos establecido una relación estadística entre la ausencia o no de dichos problemas y el nivel de gravedad del RM, de forma que a mayor deterioro intelectivo mayor probabilidad de padecer los problemas de comportamiento. Dentro de los síntomas psicopatológicos destaca la presencia de ansiedad en un 60,2%. La evaluación médica pone de manifiesto la gran cantidad de problemas asociados al RM, y así vemos como un 22,48% de los sujetos presentan epilepsia, casi el 20% Síndrome de Down, etc.. Destacar también el bajo nivel educativo de los padres y los conflictos familiares que tienen su base en el RM del hijo. CONCLUSIONES: Se debe de señalar como el RM es una entidad muy compleja con una gran cantidad

  10. Arc-textured metal surfaces for high thermal emittance space radiators

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Banks, B.A.; Rutledge, S.K.; Mirtich, M.J.; Behrend, T.; Hotes, D.; Kussmaul, M.; Barry, J.; Stidham, C.; Stueber, T.; DiFilippo, F.


    Carbon arc electrical discharges struck across the surfaces of metals such as Nb-1% Zr, alter the morphology to produce a high thermal emittance surface. Metal from the surface and carbon from the arc electrode vaporize during arcing, and then condense on the metal surface to produce a microscopically rough surface having a high thermal emittance. Quantitative spectral reflectance measurements from 0.33 to 15 μm were made on metal surfaces which were carbon arc treated in an inert gas environment. The resulting spectral reflectance data were then used to calculate thermal emittance as a function of temperature for various methods of arc treatment. The results of arc treatment on various metals are presented for both ac and dc arcs. Surface characterization data, including thermal emittance as a function of temperature, scanning electron microscopy, and atomic oxygen durability, are also presented. Ac arc texturing was found to increase the thermal emittance at 800 K from 0.05. to 0.70

  11. Recent ARC developments: Through modularity to interoperability

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Smirnova, O; Cameron, D; Ellert, M; Groenager, M; Johansson, D; Kleist, J; Dobe, P; Joenemo, J; Konya, B; Fraagaat, T; Konstantinov, A; Nilsen, J K; Saada, F Ould; Qiang, W; Read, A; Kocan, M; Marton, I; Nagy, Zs; Moeller, S; Mohn, B


    The Advanced Resource Connector (ARC) middleware introduced by NorduGrid is one of the basic Grid solutions used by scientists worldwide. While being well-proven in daily use by a wide variety of scientific applications at large-scale infrastructures like the Nordic DataGrid Facility (NDGF) and smaller scale projects, production ARC of today is still largely based on conventional Grid technologies and custom interfaces introduced a decade ago. In order to guarantee sustainability, true cross-system portability and standards-compliance based interoperability, the ARC community undertakes a massive effort of implementing modular Web Service (WS) approach into the middleware. With support from the EU KnowARC project, new components were introduced and the existing key ARC services got extended with WS technology based standard-compliant interfaces following a service-oriented architecture. Such components include the hosting environment framework, the resource-coupled execution service, the re-engineered client library, the self-healing storage solution and the peer-to-peer information system, to name a few. Gradual introduction of these new services and client tools into the production middleware releases is carried out together with NDGF and thus ensures a smooth transition to the next generation Grid middleware. Standard interfaces and modularity of the new component design are essential for ARC contributions to the planned Universal Middleware Distribution of the European Grid Initiative.

  12. Recent ARC developments: Through modularity to interoperability

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Smirnova, O; Cameron, D; Ellert, M; Groenager, M; Johansson, D; Kleist, J [NDGF, Kastruplundsgade 22, DK-2770 Kastrup (Denmark); Dobe, P; Joenemo, J; Konya, B [Lund University, Experimental High Energy Physics, Institute of Physics, Box 118, SE-22100 Lund (Sweden); Fraagaat, T; Konstantinov, A; Nilsen, J K; Saada, F Ould; Qiang, W; Read, A [University of Oslo, Department of Physics, P. O. Box 1048, Blindern, N-0316 Oslo (Norway); Kocan, M [Pavol Jozef Safarik University, Faculty of Science, Jesenna 5, SK-04000 Kosice (Slovakia); Marton, I; Nagy, Zs [NIIF/HUNGARNET, Victor Hugo 18-22, H-1132 Budapest (Hungary); Moeller, S [University of Luebeck, Inst. Of Neuro- and Bioinformatics, Ratzeburger Allee 160, D-23538 Luebeck (Germany); Mohn, B, E-mail: [Uppsala University, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Div. of Nuclear and Particle Physics, Box 535, SE-75121 Uppsala (Sweden)


    The Advanced Resource Connector (ARC) middleware introduced by NorduGrid is one of the basic Grid solutions used by scientists worldwide. While being well-proven in daily use by a wide variety of scientific applications at large-scale infrastructures like the Nordic DataGrid Facility (NDGF) and smaller scale projects, production ARC of today is still largely based on conventional Grid technologies and custom interfaces introduced a decade ago. In order to guarantee sustainability, true cross-system portability and standards-compliance based interoperability, the ARC community undertakes a massive effort of implementing modular Web Service (WS) approach into the middleware. With support from the EU KnowARC project, new components were introduced and the existing key ARC services got extended with WS technology based standard-compliant interfaces following a service-oriented architecture. Such components include the hosting environment framework, the resource-coupled execution service, the re-engineered client library, the self-healing storage solution and the peer-to-peer information system, to name a few. Gradual introduction of these new services and client tools into the production middleware releases is carried out together with NDGF and thus ensures a smooth transition to the next generation Grid middleware. Standard interfaces and modularity of the new component design are essential for ARC contributions to the planned Universal Middleware Distribution of the European Grid Initiative.

  13. Aperture modulated arc therapy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Crooks, S M; Wu, Xiaodong; Takita, C; Watzich, M; Xing Lei


    We show that it is possible to translate an intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) treatment plan and deliver it as a single arc. This technique is referred to in this paper as aperture modulation arc therapy (AMAT). During this arc, the MLC leaves do not conform to the projection of the target PTV and the machine output of the accelerator has a constant value. Dose was calculated using the CORVUS 4.0 IMRT system, which uses a pencil beam dose algorithm, and treatments were delivered using a Varian 2100C/D Clinac. Results are presented for a head and neck and a prostate case, showing the equivalence of the IMRT and the translated AMAT delivery. For a prostate AMAT delivery, coronal plane film dose for the IMRT and AMAT deliveries agreed within 7.19 ± 6.62%. For a meningioma the coronal plane dose distributions were similar to a value of 4.6 ± 6.62%. Dose to the isocentre was measured as being within 2% of the planned value in both cases

  14. Determinantes del isomorfismo institucional de las sociedades cooperativas de ahorro y préstamos en México


    Lara Gómez, Graciela; Pérez Sosa, Felipe A.


    El propósito del presente trabajo es establecer si las sociedades cooperativas de ahorro y préstamo se hacen isomorfas a la banca formal en México; debido a que tales entidades tradicionalmente han operado en un entorno de informalidad, pero últimamente han transitado hacia la formalización como consecuencia de las exigencias legales impuestas por entidades regulatorias. Para este fin, el presente estudio se llevó a cabo con una orientación metodológica mixta, en la que los resultados obtenid...

  15. Encefalitis autoinmune en pediatría

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juan Carlos García-Beristáin


    Full Text Available La encefalitis es un desorden inflamatorio del encéfalo que deriva en un estado mental alterado, crisis convulsivas, déficits neurológicos focales, acompañado usualmente de signos de inflamación en el líquido cefalorraquídeo y hallazgos en la resonancia magnética que pueden ir desde normalidad hasta anormalidades extensas. La encefalitis puede ocurrir como resultado de una infección primaria del sistema nervioso central, o bien, por un proceso autoinmune desencadenado por una infección, vacuna o neoplasia oculta. La encefalitis autoinmune involucra varios tipos de entidades con diferentes fisiopatologías, el entender estas entidades nos ayuda a utilizar los recursos y elementos diagnósticos necesarios, así como la mejor estrategia terapéutica.

  16. Síndrome iridocorneoendotelial: síndrome de Cogan Reese

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    Ana María Méndez Duque de Estrada

    Full Text Available El síndrome iridocorneoendotelial comprende entidades que presentan afectación del endotelio corneal, el iris y el ángulo de la cámara anterior, razón por la que se desarrolla el glaucoma. Es generalmente unilateral, progresivo y afecta con mayor frecuencia a los adultos del sexo femenino. Se describen tres variantes con sus características peculiares: atrofia esencial del iris, síndrome de Chandler y el síndrome de Cogan Reese, que es una entidad rara. Se presenta una mujer de 53 años con diagnóstico de síndrome de Cogan Reese de 6 años de evolución y glaucoma de difícil control, por lo que recibió tratamiento quirúrgico.

  17. Computational Modeling of Arc-Slag Interaction in DC Furnaces (United States)

    Reynolds, Quinn G.


    The plasma arc is central to the operation of the direct-current arc furnace, a unit operation commonly used in high-temperature processing of both primary ores and recycled metals. The arc is a high-velocity, high-temperature jet of ionized gas created and sustained by interactions among the thermal, momentum, and electromagnetic fields resulting from the passage of electric current. In addition to being the primary source of thermal energy, the arc jet also couples mechanically with the bath of molten process material within the furnace, causing substantial splashing and stirring in the region in which it impinges. The arc's interaction with the molten bath inside the furnace is studied through use of a multiphase, multiphysics computational magnetohydrodynamic model developed in the OpenFOAM® framework. Results from the computational solver are compared with empirical correlations that account for arc-slag interaction effects.

  18. Magma genesis and slab-wedge interaction across an island arc-continent collision zone, East Sunda Arc, Indonesia

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hoogewerff, J.A.


    This thesis presents the results of a detailed trace element and isotope geochemistry study into the magma-genesis ofvolcanoes in the Adonara-Pantar Section (APS) ofthe East Sunda Arc in Indonesia, a setting where an oceanic island arc is colliding with a passive continental margin. Sr, Nd, Pb, Ra,

  19. Magma genesis and slab-wedge interaction across an island arc-continent collision zone, East Sunda Arc, Indonesia

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hoogewerff, J.A.


    This thesis presents the results of a detailed trace element and isotope geochemistry study into the magma-genesis ofvolcanoes in the Adonara-Pantar Section (APS) ofthe East Sunda Arc in Indonesia, a setting where an oceanic island arc is colliding with a passive continental margin. Sr, Nd, Pb,

  20. Los proyectos de cooperación: una alternativa al tiempo libre de alumnos universitarios

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Beatriz Núñez Angulo


    Full Text Available Es sabido por todos que la Universidad ha de fomentar los Proyectos de Cooperación, como función social. Presentamos la trayectoria de un proyecto de Cooperación al Desarrollo de la Universidad de Burgos que, a lo largo de 10 años se ha ido consolidando y ha permitido la participación directa de 88 personas entre profesores y alumnos, siendo una alternativa al tiempo libre del alumnado, tanto en el verano como durante el curso académico. Los resultados avalan el nivel de implicación de los estudiantes a través de las actividades realizadas en los países de destino como en España. Se destaca el elevado número de personas que han asistido a sus conferencias de sensibilización, así como los recursos materiales y espacios que se ha logrado  financiar a través de diferentes actividades integradas en el proyecto. A todo ello hay que añadir el alto de grado de satisfacción de la Comunidad Universitaria  y de las entidades destinatarias.

  1. Arc saw and its application to decommissioning

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Deichelbohrer, P.R.


    The arc saw is a toothless, circular saw that cuts by arc erosion. A model was built to study the arc saw's usefulness in cutting up radioactively contaminated metal scrap. It was chosen because it cuts with very little contact to the work piece and because cutting is not affected by material hardness. After installation of several improvements it was found it could cut almost any combination of metals and that clamping or fixturing requirements were minimum. Cutting proceeds rapidly and efficiently


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Xu, Bingxiao; Zheng, Wei [Department of Physics and Astronomy, The Johns Hopkins University, 3400 North Charles Street, Baltimore, MD 21218 (United States); Postman, Marc; Bradley, Larry [Space Telescope Science Institute, 3700 San Martin Drive, Baltimore, MD 21208 (United States); Meneghetti, Massimo; Koekemoer, Anton [INAF, Osservatorio Astronomico di Bologna, and INFN, Sezione di Bologna, Via Ranzani 1, I-40127 Bologna (Italy); Seitz, Stella [Universitaets-Sternwarte, Fakultaet fuer Physik, Ludwig-Maximilians Universitaet Muenchen, Scheinerstr. 1, D-81679 Muenchen (Germany); Zitrin, Adi [California Institute of Technology, MC 249-17, Pasadena, CA 91125 (United States); Merten, Julian [University of Oxford, Department of Physics, Denys Wilkinson Building, Keble Road, Oxford, OX1 3RH (United Kingdom); Maoz, Dani [School of Physics and Astronomy, Tel Aviv University, Tel-Aviv 69978 (Israel); Frye, Brenda [Steward Observatory/Department of Astronomy, University of Arizona, 933 N. Cherry Ave., Tucson, AZ 85721 (United States); Umetsu, Keiichi [Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Academia Sinica, P.O. Box 23-141, Taipei 10617, Taiwan (China); Vega, Jesus, E-mail: [Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Ciudad Universitaria de Cantoblanco, E-28049 Madrid (Spain)


    We developed an algorithm to find and characterize gravitationally lensed galaxies (arcs) to perform a comparison of the observed and simulated arc abundance. Observations are from the Cluster Lensing And Supernova survey with Hubble (CLASH). Simulated CLASH images are created using the MOKA package and also clusters selected from the high-resolution, hydrodynamical simulations, MUSIC, over the same mass and redshift range as the CLASH sample. The algorithm's arc elongation accuracy, completeness, and false positive rate are determined and used to compute an estimate of the true arc abundance. We derive a lensing efficiency of 4 ± 1 arcs (with length ≥6″ and length-to-width ratio ≥7) per cluster for the X-ray-selected CLASH sample, 4 ± 1 arcs per cluster for the MOKA-simulated sample, and 3 ± 1 arcs per cluster for the MUSIC-simulated sample. The observed and simulated arc statistics are in full agreement. We measure the photometric redshifts of all detected arcs and find a median redshift z{sub s} = 1.9 with 33% of the detected arcs having z{sub s} > 3. We find that the arc abundance does not depend strongly on the source redshift distribution but is sensitive to the mass distribution of the dark matter halos (e.g., the c–M relation). Our results show that consistency between the observed and simulated distributions of lensed arc sizes and axial ratios can be achieved by using cluster-lensing simulations that are carefully matched to the selection criteria used in the observations.


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    Paulo Roberto da Cunha


    Full Text Available O presente artigo tem por objetivo investigar o processo de gestão de desempenho e resultado utilizado pelas OSCIPs de microcrédito, com sede em Santa Catarina. A presente pesquisa justifica-se, inicialmente, pela relevância que o terceiro setor ganha dentro do atual contexto econômico social no mundo. Considera-se ainda o fato da incipiência em termos de pesquisa científica, voltada para a gestão das OSCIPs. A pesquisa caracteriza-se como descritiva, sendo realizada por meio de levantamento ou survey e predominantemente quantitativa. O universo de pesquisa compreendeu 19 entidades cadastradas na AMCRED (Associação das Organizações de Microcrédito do Estado de Santa Catarina, sendo que a amostra analisada foi de 13 entidades que responderam ao questionário enviado por meio eletrônico. Os resultados foram tabulados em planilhas eletrônicas, sendo submetidos a cálculos percentuais, médias, frequência e desvio padrão. Na sequência os dados são apresentados em quadros e tabelas acompanhadas de suas respectivas análises. Os resultados permitem concluir que o processo de gestão é caracterizado pela preocupação no cumprimento legal e na evidenciação obrigatória. O conjunto de características identificadas demonstra a necessidade de uma aplicação de novos instrumentos de gestão que permitam alavancar o processo decisório.

  4. Participation of the arcRACME protein in self-activation of the arc operon located in the arginine catabolism mobile element in pandemic clone USA300. (United States)

    Rozo, Zayda Lorena Corredor; Márquez-Ortiz, Ricaurte Alejandro; Castro, Betsy Esperanza; Gómez, Natasha Vanegas; Escobar-Pérez, Javier


    Staphylococcus aureus pandemic clone USA300 has, in addition to its constitutive arginine catabolism (arc) gene cluster, an arginine catabolism mobile element (ACME) carrying another such cluster, which gives this clone advantages in colonisation and infection. Gene arcR, which encodes an oxygen-sensitive transcriptional regulator, is inside ACME and downstream of the constitutive arc gene cluster, and this situation may have an impact on its activation. Different relative expression behaviours are proven here for arcRACME and the arcACME operon compared to the constitutive ones. We also show that the artificially expressed recombinant ArcRACME protein binds to the promoter region of the arcACME operon; this mechanism can be related to a positive feedback model, which may be responsible for increased anaerobic survival of the USA300 clone during infection-related processes.

  5. Optical Arc-Length Sensor For TIG Welding (United States)

    Smith, Matthew A.


    Proposed subsystem of tungsten/inert-gas (TIG) welding system measures length of welding arc optically. Viewed by video camera, in one of three alternative optical configurations. Length of arc measured instead of inferred from voltage.


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    I. O. Vakulenko


    Full Text Available Purpose. The purpose of work is a comparative analysis of chemical compounds influence on the process of electric arc forming and condition of its burning. Methodology. Material for an electrode was a wire 3 mm in diameter of low carbon steel with contain of carbon 0.15%. As chemical compounds, which determine the terms of forming of arc welding were used kaolin; CaCO3 with the admixtures of gypsum to 60%; SiO2 and Fe – Si with the iron concentration to 50%. Researches were conducted at the use of direct electric current and the arc of reverse polarity. As a source of electric current the welding transformer of type PSO-500 was used. On the special stand an initial gap between the electrode and metal-plate was equal to 1–1.5 mm. The interelectrode interval was filled with the probed chemical compounds and it was formed an electric arc. In the moment of electric arc arise the values of electric current and the arc voltage were determined. After the natural break of electric arc, the final size of the gap between electrodes was accepted as the maximal value of the arc lengths. Findings. In the conditions of experiment the metal transfer in interelectrode interval corresponded to the drop mechanism. According to external characteristics the ratio between the maximal arc length and the power of electric discharge has the appearance of exponential dependence. Specific power of electric arc characterizes environment of interelectrode interval in the moment of arc forming per unit of its length. Originality. 1. On the basis of influence analysis of the studied chemical compounds on the formation processes of electric arc inversely proportional relationship between the power of the electric current and the maximum arc length to the moment of its natural break is defined. 2. The ratio between the maximal arc length and the power of electric current with sufficiently high correlation coefficient is subjected to the exponential dependence. Influence of

  7. Managing Data and ArcGIS


    Farr, Lucy


    Glenn Jobson (CRASSH) produced and edited this video in collaboration with the Incremental project. ESRI's ArcGIS data, and other vector data system, are highly vulnerable to partial or complete data loss over time because as the company makes frequent software updates, and the data themselves have so many moving parts. In this presentation, Lucy Farr (McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research) describes her experiences using ArcGIS, lessons learnt, and recommendations for best practi...

  8. A tale of two arcs? Plate tectonics of the Izu-Bonin-Mariana (IBM) arc using subducted slab constraints (United States)

    Wu, J. E.; Suppe, J.; Renqi, L.; Kanda, R. V. S.


    Published plate reconstructions typically show the Izu-Bonin Marianas arc (IBM) forming as a result of long-lived ~50 Ma Pacific subduction beneath the Philippine Sea. These reconstructions rely on the critical assumption that the Philippine Sea was continuously coupled to the Pacific during the lifetime of the IBM arc. Because of this assumption, significant (up to 1500 km) Pacific trench retreat is required to accommodate the 2000 km of Philippine Sea/IBM northward motion since the Eocene that is constrained by paleomagnetic data. In this study, we have mapped subducted slabs of mantle lithosphere from MITP08 global seismic tomography (Li et al., 2008) and restored them to a model Earth surface to constrain plate tectonic reconstructions. Here we present two subducted slab constraints that call into question current IBM arc reconstructions: 1) The northern and central Marianas slabs form a sub-vertical 'slab wall' down to maximum 1500 km depths in the lower mantle. This slab geometry is best explained by a near-stationary Marianas trench that has remained +/- 250 km E-W of its present-day position since ~45 Ma, and does not support any significant Pacific slab retreat. 2) A vanished ocean is revealed by an extensive swath of sub-horizontal slabs at 700 to 1000 km depths in the lower mantle below present-day Philippine Sea to Papua New Guinea. We call this vanished ocean the 'East Asian Sea'. When placed in an Eocene plate reconstruction, the East Asian Sea fits west of the reconstructed Marianas Pacific trench position and north of the Philippine Sea plate. This implies that the Philippine Sea and Pacific were not adjacent at IBM initiation, but were in fact separated by a lost ocean. Here we propose a new IBM arc reconstruction constrained by subducted slabs mapped under East Asia. At ~50 Ma, the present-day IBM arc initiated at equatorial latitudes from East Asian Sea subduction below the Philippine Sea. A separate arc was formed from Pacific subduction below

  9. Enfermedad de la orina con olor a jarabe de Arce (MSUD) y aciduria metilmalónica. Presentación neonatal


    Bermúdez M.; Rojas C.; Pérez C.; Merinero B.; Torres S.; Arteaga C.


    La identificación de un error innato del metabolismo (EIM) en el recién nacido requiere de unarápida sospecha clínica por parte del pediatra y posterior puesta en marcha de una adecuada metodología diagnóstica. Entre estas urgencias neonatales se deben considerar la producida porla enfermedad de orina con olor a jarabe de arce y la aciduria metilmalónica. Estos (EIM) se debena deficiencias en las enzimas o coenzimas que intervienen en el catabolismo de los aminoácidos:La MSUD es el resultado ...

  10. Discharge Characteristics of DC Arc Water Plasma for Environmental Applications (United States)

    Li, Tianming; Sooseok, Choi; Takayuki, Watanabe


    A water plasma was generated by DC arc discharge with a hafnium embedded rod-type cathode and a nozzle-type anode. The discharge characteristics were examined by changing the operation parameter of the arc current. The dynamic behavior of the arc discharge led to significant fluctuations in the arc voltage and its frequency. Analyses of the high speed image and the arc voltage waveform showed that the arc discharge was in the restrike mode and its frequency varied within several tens of kilohertz according to the operating conditions. The larger thermal plasma volume was generated by the higher flow from the forming steam with a higher restrike frequency in the higher arc current conditions. In addition, the characteristics of the water plasma jet were investigated by means of optical emission spectroscopy to identify the abundant radicals required in an efficient waste treatment process.

  11. Fundamentals studies of a magnetically steered vacuum arc (United States)

    Walke, Paul

    In recent years demand from production industry for high performance cutting tools, aero and automobile engine parts has prompted research into both existing and novel methods of laying down hard, low friction coatings . A key process for the production of such coatings has been Physical Vapour Deposition (PVD) which has proved to be a consistent and reliable tool for industry. For this technique to continue to be improved and more advanced coatings to be produced, research at the fundamental level is required. This thesis describes research investigating the behaviour of the steered arc cathode spot and methods of improving existing steered arc coating technology.The majority of existing steered arc systems use either permanent magnets or a combination of permanent and electromagnets to steer the arc. Described here is a novel system which employs a pair of electromagnetic coils of cylindrical geometry which enable the arc to be positioned on a circular orbit through a range of continuously variable radii. In addition to this the coils are capable of controlling the transverse and normal magnetic field profiles independently of the steering radius selected. This enables the behaviour of the arc spot to be investigated under a range of magnetic field conditions thus allowing the comparison of measured arc behaviour with a new model of arc motion. Care has described the motion of the arc spot as a biased random walk and has derived an analytical solution to describe the time dependent, probability density function for the arc position in two dimensions. Two distributions are proposed (one in each dimension); the first describes the probability density for the arc position in the direction of driven motion, the second the probability density in the direction of arc confinement. The shape of these distributions is dependent upon the transverse and normal components of the applied magnetic field.A series of experiments are described here that measure the shape of these

  12. Arc damage characteristics of inter-anode insulators in MHD generator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kato, Ken; Takano, Kiyonami


    The inter-anode arc caused by a Hall field is driven by a magnetic field into the anode-wall in an MHD generator, which limits the lifetime and performance of the generator. The arc damage to inter-anode insulators of an MHD generator has been studied experimentally, in order to obtain basic data for the design of the inter-anode insulation. The experiment was conducted using a pair of electrodes with an insulator between them. Arc currents was supplied from a DC power source and magnetic field was applied perpendicular to the arc current. Experimental parameters are the insulator thickness, arc current, magnetic field and insulator materials. Quartz glass, boron nitride, magnesia, alumina, silicon carbide, silicon nitride etc. were tested and evaluated. The following conclusions are evident from the experiments. Boron nitride and quartz glass are the most promising inter-anode insulators. Boron nitride has a higher arc voltage and longer cutting time than quartz glass, and it is the best material. Cutting time is approximately proportional to the -0.4 th power of the magnetic field. Loss of insulator is approximately proportional to the 0.7 th power of the arc current. The arc voltage increases linearly with the inter anode gap length. It also increases with magnetic field, but decreases with increase of arc current. An equation which approximates to such relations of arc voltage versus inter-anode gap length, arc current and magnetic field has been obtained. The standard deviation of the error of this equation is 12 % for boron nitride and 15 % for quartz glass. (author)

  13. Modeling of thermal plasma arc technology FY 1994 report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hawkes, G.L.; Nguyen, H.D.; Paik, S.; McKellar, M.G.


    The thermal plasma arc process is under consideration to thermally treat hazardous and radioactive waste. A computer model for the thermal plasma arc technology was designed as a tool to aid in the development and use of the plasma arc-Joule beating process. The value of this computer model is to: (a) aid in understanding the plasma arc-Joule beating process as applied to buried waste or exhumed buried waste, (b) help design melter geometry and electrode configuration, (c) calculate the process capability of vitrifying waste (i.e., tons/hour), (d) develop efficient plasma and melter operating conditions to optimize the process and/or reduce safety hazards, (e) calculate chemical reactions during treatment of waste to track chemical composition of off-gas products, and composition of final vitrified waste form and (f) help compare the designs of different plasma-arc facilities. A steady-state model of a two-dimensional axisymmetric transferred plasma arc has been developed and validated. A parametric analysis was performed that studied the effects of arc length, plasma gas composition, and input power on the temperatures and velocity profiles of the slag and plasma gas. A two-dimensional transient thermo-fluid model of the US Bureau of Mines plasma arc melter has been developed. This model includes the growth of a slag pool. The thermo-fluid model is used to predict the temperature and pressure fields within a plasma arc furnace. An analysis was performed to determine the effects of a molten metal pool on the temperature, velocity, and voltage fields within the slag. A robust and accurate model for the chemical equilibrium calculations has been selected to determine chemical composition of final waste form and off-gas based on the temperatures and pressures within the plasma-arc furnace. A chemical database has been selected. The database is based on the materials to be processed in the plasma arc furnaces

  14. Arc saw and its application to decommissioning

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Deichelbohrer, P.R.


    The arc saw is a toothless, circular saw that cuts by arc erosion. A model was built to study the arc saw's usefulness in cutting up radioactively contaminated metal scrap. It was chosen because it cuts with very little contact to the work piece and because cutting is not affected by material hardness. After installation of several improvements it was found it could cut almost any combination of metals and that clamping or fixturing requirements were minimum. Cutting proceeds rapidly and efficiently. 10 figures

  15. The Upper- to Middle-Crustal Section of the Alisitos Oceanic Arc, (Baja, Mexico): an Analog of the Izu-Bonin-Marianas (IBM) Arc (United States)

    Medynski, S.; Busby, C.; DeBari, S. M.; Morris, R.; Andrews, G. D.; Brown, S. R.; Schmitt, A. K.


    The Rosario segment of the Cretaceous Alisitos arc in Baja California is an outstanding field analog for the Izu-Bonin-Mariana (IBM) arc, because it is structurally intact, unmetamorphosed, and has superior three-dimensional exposures of an upper- to middle-crustal section through an extensional oceanic arc. Previous work1, done in the pre-digital era, used geologic mapping to define two phases of arc evolution, with normal faulting in both phases: (1) extensional oceanic arc, with silicic calderas, and (2) oceanic arc rifting, with widespread diking and dominantly mafic effusions. Our new geochemical data match the extensional zone immediately behind the Izu arc front, and is different from the arc front and rear arc, consistent with geologic relations. Our study is developing a 3D oceanic arc crustal model, with geologic maps draped on Google Earth images, and GPS-located outcrop information linked to new geochemical, geochronological and petrographic data, with the goal of detailing the relationships between plutonic, hypabyssal, and volcanic rocks. This model will be used by scientists as a reference model for past (IBM-1, 2, 3) and proposed IBM (IBM-4) drilling activities. New single-crystal zircon analysis by TIMS supports the interpretation, based on batch SIMS analysis of chemically-abraded zircon1, that the entire upper-middle crustal section accumulated in about 1.5 Myr. Like the IBM, volcanic zircons are very sparse, but zircon chemistry on the plutonic rocks shows trace element compositions that overlap to those measured in IBM volcanic zircons by A. Schmitt (unpublished data). Zircons have U-Pb ages up to 20 Myr older than the eruptive age, suggesting remelting of older parts of the arc, similar to that proposed for IBM (using different evidence). Like IBM, some very old zircons are also present, indicating the presence of old crustal fragments, or sediments derived from them, in the basement. However, our geochemical data show that the magmas are

  16. Architectural Surfaces and Structures from Circular Arcs

    KAUST Repository

    Shi, Ling


    the most attention from geometry researchers. In this thesis, we aim to realize this process with simple geometric primitives, circular arcs. We investigate architectural surfaces and structures consisting of circular arcs. Our focus is lying on how

  17. STRUVE arc and EUPOS® stations (United States)

    Lasmane, Ieva; Kaminskis, Janis; Balodis, Janis; Haritonova, Diana


    The Struve Geodetic Arc was developed in Years 1816 to 1855, 200 years ago. Historic information on the points of the Struve Geodetic Arc are included in the UNESCO World Heritage list in 2005. Nevertheless, the sites of many points are still not identified nor included in the data bases nowadays. Originally STRUVE arc consisted of 258 main triangles with 265 triangulation points. Currently 34 of the original station points are identified and included in the in the UNESCO World Heritage list. identified original measurement points of the Meridian Arc are located in Sweden (7 points), Norway (15), Finland (83), Russia (1), Estonia (22), Latvia (16), Lithuania (18), Belorussia (28), Ukraine (59) and Moldova (27). In Year 2002 was initiated another large coverage project - European Position Determination System "EUPOS®". Currently there are about 400 continuously operating GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite Systems) stations covering EU countries Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania and East European countries Ukraine and Moldavia. EUPOS® network is a ground based GNSS augmentation system widely used for geodesy, land surveying, geophysics and navigation. It gives the opportunity for fast and accurate position determination never available before. It is an honorable task to use the EUPOS® system for research of the Struve triangulation former sites. Projects with Struve arc can popularize geodesy, geo-information and its meaning in nowadays GIS and GNSS systems. Struve Arc and its points is unique cooperation cross-border object which deserve special attention because of their natural beauty and historical value for mankind. GNSS in geodesy discovers a powerful tool for the verification and validation of the height values of geodetic leveling benchmarks established historically almost 200 years ago. The differential GNSS and RTK methods appear very useful to identify vertical displacement of landscape by means of

  18. Tratamiento Quirúrgico de las Esclerosis Faciales.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ricardo Salazar López


    En este estudio se hará una descripción del cuadro clínico y evolución de esta entidad, un análisis de su fisiopatología, una historia de la descripción y tratamiento de la misma, posteriormente se propone el tratamiento quirúrgico mediante colgajos musculares y se presentan varios casos clínicos...

  19. Análisis e Implementación de un Servidor de Protocolo de Mensajería Escrita Punto a Punto (SMPP) versión 3.4 en Linux que interactúe con un Cliente SMPP en el envío y recepción de mensajes cortos (SMS’s) y que genere archivos de registros de datos de llamadas, CDRs


    Vargas Monge, Henrry Danilo; Macias Duarte, Cesar Alejandro


    El presente proyecto está dirigido para cualquier estudiante o profesor de ingeniería en elecomunicaciones que desee entender el protocolo SMPP v3.4 de una forma didáctica, detallando los procesos principales, su funcionamiento y mostrando resultados puntuales. Se detalla el protocolo SMPP v3.4 desde el punto de vista del servidor, es decir una implementación limitada de una central de servicios de mensajes cortos (SMSC) y para realizar pruebas se interactúa con una entidad externa (ESME). Es...

  20. Programming ArcGIS 10.1 with Python cookbook

    CERN Document Server

    Pimpler, Eric


    This book is written in a helpful, practical style with numerous hands-on recipes and chapters to help you save time and effort by using Python to power ArcGIS to create shortcuts, scripts, tools, and customizations.""Programming ArcGIS 10.1 with Python Cookbook"" is written for GIS professionals who wish to revolutionize their ArcGIS workflow with Python. Basic Python or programming knowledge is essential(?).

  1. Impact of global transcriptional regulation by ArcA, ArcB, Cra, Crp, Cya, Fnr, and Mlc on glucose catabolism in Escherichia coli. (United States)

    Perrenoud, Annik; Sauer, Uwe


    Even though transcriptional regulation plays a key role in establishing the metabolic network, the extent to which it actually controls the in vivo distribution of metabolic fluxes through different pathways is essentially unknown. Based on metabolism-wide quantification of intracellular fluxes, we systematically elucidated the relevance of global transcriptional regulation by ArcA, ArcB, Cra, Crp, Cya, Fnr, and Mlc for aerobic glucose catabolism in batch cultures of Escherichia coli. Knockouts of ArcB, Cra, Fnr, and Mlc were phenotypically silent, while deletion of the catabolite repression regulators Crp and Cya resulted in a pronounced slow-growth phenotype but had only a nonspecific effect on the actual flux distribution. Knockout of ArcA-dependent redox regulation, however, increased the aerobic tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle activity by over 60%. Like aerobic conditions, anaerobic derepression of TCA cycle enzymes in an ArcA mutant significantly increased the in vivo TCA flux when nitrate was present as an electron acceptor. The in vivo and in vitro data demonstrate that ArcA-dependent transcriptional regulation directly or indirectly controls TCA cycle flux in both aerobic and anaerobic glucose batch cultures of E. coli. This control goes well beyond the previously known ArcA-dependent regulation of the TCA cycle during microaerobiosis.

  2. Photographic and photometric observations of mid-latitude red arcs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Alekseev, V.N.; Ievenko, I.B.; Oshchepkov, S.M.; Ignat'ev, V.M.; Zhondorov, V.A.


    Stable auroral red arcs (SAR-arcs) were observed in Majmaga (Φ S ∼56.5deg) at the Yakutsk meridian in November-December, 1987 and February, 1988. The SAR-arcs were observed to the equator of diffuse glow, located at lower latitudes with respect to discrete auroral forms, obviously, in the external plasmospheric projection area. It is noted that they appear both in disturbed periods and in those with medium magnetic activity (K p =3). The SAR-arc height is ∼450km

  3. Proceedings of the workshop on vacuum arc ion sources

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brown, I.


    Topics included in the papers presented at this conference are: vacuum arc ion source development at GSI (Gesellschaft fuer Schwerionenforschung, Germany), ITEP (Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Russia), Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, and ANSTO (Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organization); triggers for vacuum arc sources; plasma distribution of cathodic arc deposition system; high ion charge states in vacuum arc ion sources; and gas and metal ion sources. Selected papers are indexed separately for inclusion in the Energy Science and Technology Database

  4. Investigation of a subsonic-arc-attachment thruster using segmented anodes (United States)

    Berns, Darren H.; Sankovic, John M.; Sarmiento, Charles J.


    To investigate high frequency arc instabilities observed in subsonic-arc-attachment thrusters, a 3 kW, segmented-anode arcjet was designed and tested using hydrogen as the propellant. The thruster nozzle geometry was scaled from a 30 kW design previously tested in the 1960's. By observing the current to each segment and the arc voltage, it was determined that the 75-200 kHz instabilities were results of axial movements of the arc anode attachment point. The arc attachment point was fully contained in the subsonic portion of the nozzle for nearly all flow rates. The effects of isolating selected segments were investigated. In some cases, forcing the arc downstream caused the restrike to cease. Finally, decreasing the background pressure from 18 Pa to 0.05 Pa affected the pressure distribution in the nozzle, including the pressure in the subsonic arc chamber.

  5. Discharge Characteristics of DC Arc Water Plasma for Environmental Applications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Choi, Sooseok; Watanabe, Takayuki; Li Tianming


    A water plasma was generated by DC arc discharge with a hafnium embedded rod-type cathode and a nozzle-type anode. The discharge characteristics were examined by changing the operation parameter of the arc current. The dynamic behavior of the arc discharge led to significant fluctuations in the arc voltage and its frequency. Analyses of the high speed image and the arc voltage waveform showed that the arc discharge was in the restrike mode and its frequency varied within several tens of kilohertz according to the operating conditions. The larger thermal plasma volume was generated by the higher flow from the forming steam with a higher restrike frequency in the higher arc current conditions. In addition, the characteristics of the water plasma jet were investigated by means of optical emission spectroscopy to identify the abundant radicals required in an efficient waste treatment process. (plasma technology)

  6. Plasma instability of a vacuum arc centrifuge

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hole, M.J.; Dallaqua, R.S.; Simpson, S.W.; Del Bosco, E.


    Ever since conception of the vacuum arc centrifuge in 1980, periodic fluctuations in the ion saturation current and floating potential have been observed in Langmuir probe measurements in the rotation region of a vacuum arc centrifuge. In this work we develop a linearized theoretical model to describe a range of instabilities in the vacuum arc centrifuge plasma column, and then test the validity of the description through comparison with experiment. We conclude that the observed instability is a 'universal' instability, driven by the density gradient, in a plasma with finite conductivity

  7. Eastern Arc Mountains and their national and global importance ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The Eastern Arc Mountains comprise a chain of separate mountain blocks running from southern Kenya through Tanzania in a crescent or arc shape. In Tanzania, the Eastern Arc consists of North and South Pare, East and West Usambaras, Nguru, Ukaguru, Rubeho, Uluguru, Udzungwa and Mahenge Mountains.

  8. Ionization and electric field properties of auroral arcs during magnetic quiescence

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Robinson, R.M.; Mende, S.B.


    Studies of the morphology of auroral precipitation during times of magnetic quiescence indicate that the polar cap shrinks and becomes distorted into a teardrop or pear-shaped region. On November 16, 1987, incoherent scatter radar and all-sky imaging photometer measurements were made of auroral arcs over Sondre Stromfjord, Greenland. The arcs were generally oriented in a geographic east-west direction which is approximately Sun aligned at a local time just after dusk. Kp was 1, and the interlplanetary magnetic field was northward during the time of observation, so tha the arcs occurred under magnetically quiet conditions. The Sondrestrom radar measurements were used to determine the electron density and plasma drifts associated with the arcs; the all-sky imaging photometer data were used to relate the radar measurements to the arc morphology. Assuming the arcs were produced by precipitating electrons, the height profiles of electron density indicate average energies less than about 2 keV and energy fluxes of 1 erg/(cm 2 s). F region electron densities were high in the polar cap north of the arcs and low within the region of the arcs. The poleward boundary of the arc system was a convection reversal boundary across which plasma exited the polar cap region moving antisunward and then turned sunward (westward). The observed arc-associated convection is consistent with that expected under these geomagnetic conditions. Comparison of these results with the electrodynamic properties of other arcs observed in the afternoon and early evening suggests that there is a system of arcs that delineates the afternoon convection cell. The observed gradient in F region electron density across the arc can be explained in terms of the recombination of ionization drifting in response to the arc-associated convection pattern

  9. Dynamic Resource Allocation with the arcControlTower

    CERN Document Server

    Filipcic, Andrej; The ATLAS collaboration; Nilsen, Jon Kerr


    Distributed computing resources available for high-energy physics research are becoming less dedicated to one type of workflow and researchers’ workloads are increasingly exploiting modern computing technologies such as parallelism. The current pilot job management model used by many experiments relies on static dedicated resources and cannot easily adapt to these changes. The model used for ATLAS in Nordic countries and some other places enables a flexible job management system based on dynamic resources allocation. Rather than a fixed set of resources managed centrally, the model allows resources to be requested on the fly. The ARC Computing Element (ARC-CE) and ARC Control Tower (aCT) are the key components of the model. The aCT requests jobs from the ATLAS job management system (PanDA) and submits a fully-formed job description to ARC-CEs. ARC-CE can then dynamically request the required resources from the underlying batch system. In this paper we describe the architecture of the model and the experienc...

  10. Diagnóstico Molecular y Genético de Inmunodeficiencias Primarias ligadas al X


    Martínez Martínez, Laura


    Las Inmunodeficiencias Primarias (IDPs) son enfermedades congénitas del sistema inmune que tienen en común una susceptibilidad incrementada a las infecciones. Se han descrito más de 200 entidades englobadas bajo esta definición. Algunas de ellas tienen una herencia ligada al X, lo que les confiere ciertas peculiaridades. En esta Tesis presentamos los resultados concernientes a 28 pacientes, casi todos varones, con sospecha de IDP en base a una elevada frecuencia y severidad de ...

  11. Miopatía visceral en un recién nacido con pseudoobstrucción intestinal

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lilia María Sánchez Baracaldo


    Full Text Available Se presenta el caso de una recién nacida a termino con un cuadro clínico de pseudoobstrucción intestinal secundario a una miopatía infantil de víscera hueca, en quien inicialmente se pensó se trataba de una enfermedad de Hirschsprung o  un colon izquierdo hipoplásico, entidades vistas con mayor frecuencia. La base del diagnóstico definitivo fueron los hallazgos histopatológicos.

  12. Arc is a flexible modular protein capable of reversible self-oligomerization (United States)

    Myrum, Craig; Baumann, Anne; Bustad, Helene J.; Flydal, Marte Innselset; Mariaule, Vincent; Alvira, Sara; Cuéllar, Jorge; Haavik, Jan; Soulé, Jonathan; Valpuesta, José Maria; Márquez, José Antonio; Martinez, Aurora; Bramham, Clive R.


    The immediate early gene product Arc (activity-regulated cytoskeleton-associated protein) is posited as a master regulator of long-term synaptic plasticity and memory. However, the physicochemical and structural properties of Arc have not been elucidated. In the present study, we expressed and purified recombinant human Arc (hArc) and performed the first biochemical and biophysical analysis of hArc's structure and stability. Limited proteolysis assays and MS analysis indicate that hArc has two major domains on either side of a central more disordered linker region, consistent with in silico structure predictions. hArc's secondary structure was estimated using CD, and stability was analysed by CD-monitored thermal denaturation and differential scanning fluorimetry (DSF). Oligomerization states under different conditions were studied by dynamic light scattering (DLS) and visualized by AFM and EM. Biophysical analyses show that hArc is a modular protein with defined secondary structure and loose tertiary structure. hArc appears to be pyramid-shaped as a monomer and is capable of reversible self-association, forming large soluble oligomers. The N-terminal domain of hArc is highly basic, which may promote interaction with cytoskeletal structures or other polyanionic surfaces, whereas the C-terminal domain is acidic and stabilized by ionic conditions that promote oligomerization. Upon binding of presenilin-1 (PS1) peptide, hArc undergoes a large structural change. A non-synonymous genetic variant of hArc (V231G) showed properties similar to the wild-type (WT) protein. We conclude that hArc is a flexible multi-domain protein that exists in monomeric and oligomeric forms, compatible with a diverse, hub-like role in plasticity-related processes. PMID:25748042

  13. Implantación de un sistema de información para la comercialización tercerizada de productos financieros


    Lara Bendezu, Junior Felix; Lara Bendezu, Junior Felix; Lara Bendezu, Junior Felix


    La tercerización es el proceso por el cual se transfieren actividades dentro de la cadena de valor a socios seleccionados. Es una práctica que ha ido creciendo y evolucionando dentro del mundo de los negocios ya que permite concentrar las energías empresariales en el núcleo del negocio. La empresa Certicom brinda el servicio de tercerización de los procesos de comercialización de créditos financieros de las entidades financieras. Este proceso es de suma importancia para dichas entidades po...

  14. Influencia de la calidad de servicio en la satisfacción de los clientes en el Scotiabank - agencia Huánuco período 2013


    Martínez Espinoza, Evangelina


    Uno de los desafíos más inmediatos para las entidades financieras es considerar a la calidad del servicio financiero como el precio que hay que pagar para poder entrar a competir en el mercado. Es decir, no sólo es un factor diferenciador frente a la competencia, sino un elemento imprescindible para sobrevivir. Así, las entidades financieras que sean capaces de definir, medir y alcanzar la calidad exigida por sus clientes podrán obtener y mantener una fuerte ventaja competitiva frente al rest...

  15. Seudoartrosis congénita de clavícula patalogía de alta confusión diagnóstica


    Vergara Amador, Enrique; Galván Villamarin, Fernando; Piña Quintero, Marcela


    La seudoartrosis congénita de clavícula es una entidad rara, casi siempre aparece sin asociación a otras patologías y generalmente no ocasiona limitaciones importantes en los niños. Puede confundirse con otras entidades como la fractura de clavícula de origen traumático. La mayoría de los pacientes consultan por defecto estético y pocas veces por dolor. Generalmente el tratamiento es quirúrgico; pero existe controversia sobre la necesidad de realizar cirugía. Presentamos dos casos clínicos co...



    Enrique Vergara Amador; Fernando Galván Villamarín; Marcela Piña Quintero


    La seudoartrosis congénita de clavícula es una entidad rara, casi siempre aparece sin asociación a otras patologías y generalmente no ocasiona limitaciones importantes en los niños. Puede confundirse con otras entidades como la fractura de clavícula de origen traumático. La mayoría de los pacientes consultan por defecto estético y pocas veces por dolor. Generalmente el tratamiento es quirúrgico; pero existe controversia sobre la necesidad de realizar cirugía. Presentamos dos casos clínicos co...

  17. Marketing relacional en el sistema financiero español


    Casariego Mogo, Diego


    Por lo tanto, nos planteamos en este trabajo conocer cómo un entorno de crisis económica ha afectado a las empresas bancarias en cuanto a sus políticas de marketing de relaciones, tratando de relacionar la situación económica de la entidad con sus estrategias de marketing relacional a través de análisis de casos concretos. Además, presentaremos una aproximación empírica que nos permita determinar aquellas entidades que están aplicando un mayor enfoque relacional.

  18. Importancia del manual de los sistemas contables en el sistema de control interno.


    Nicolás Valdés Rodríguez


    La dirección administrativa del país en los últimos 3 años ha insistido en la necesidad de profundizar en los mecanismos de control económico –financiero de las entidades, el presente trabajo va dirigido a contribuir en alguna medida a lograr ese propósito. El sistema contable de una Entidad forma parte indisoluble del Sistema de Control Interno de la misma, por la vinculación tan estrecha que existe entre los mismos. El objetivo fundamental del trabajo ”Importancia del Manual de ...

  19. Auditoría forense y su implementación por parte de la Superintendencia de Bancos y Seguros del Ecuador.


    Bustamante Luna, Juan Alfredo


    El problema que se intenta resolver con este proyecto es el de evitar que las instituciones financieras del país sufran de fraudes financieros tanto internos como externos y esto se puede lograr a través de la aplicación de la Auditoría Forense. Los principales beneficiarios del resultado de este trabajo serán por una parte las entidades financieras y por otra la Superintendencia de Bancos y Seguros, entidad de control que debería normar el rol de los auditores o inspectores en los proceso...

  20. Estudio del genoma y del transcriptoma en las fases evolutivas de las gammapatías monoclonales


    López Corral, Lucía


    [ES] Los estudios epidemiológicos han demostrado que la práctica totalidad de los mielomas múltiples están precedidos por una fase premaligna. En este sentido, la gammapatía monoclonal de significado incierto (GMSI) y el mieloma múltiple quiescente (MMQ) se consideran entidades premalignas y asintomáticas que difieren de forma significativa en la tasa de progresión a MM sintomático. A pesar de su comportamiento clínico radicalmente distinto, las tres entidades comparten aparentemente la m...

  1. Estudio del genoma y del transcriptoma en las fases evolutivas de las gammapatías monoclonales


    López Corral, Lucía


    [ES] Los estudios epidemiológicos han demostrado que la práctica totalidad de los mielomas múltiples están precedidos por una fase premaligna. En este sentido, la gammapatía monoclonal de significado incierto (GMSI) y el mieloma múltiple quiescente (MMQ) se consideran entidades premalignas y asintomáticas que difieren de forma significativa en la tasa de progresión a MM sintomático. A pesar de su comportamiento clínico radicalmente distinto, las tres entidades comparten aparentemente la misma...

  2. The occurrence and damage of unipolar arcing on fuzzy tungsten

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Aussems, D.U.B., E-mail: [FOM Institute DIFFER – Dutch Institute for Fundamental Energy Research, Nieuwegein, NL-3430 BE (Netherlands); Nishijima, D.; Brandt, C. [Center for Energy Research, University of California at San Diego, 9500 Gilman Drive, La Jolla, CA 92093-0417 (United States); Meiden, H.J. van der [FOM Institute DIFFER – Dutch Institute for Fundamental Energy Research, Nieuwegein, NL-3430 BE (Netherlands); Vilémová, M.; Matějíček, J. [Institute of Plasma Physics, Association EURATOM-IPP, 182 00 Prague 8 (Czech Republic); De Temmerman, G. [FOM Institute DIFFER – Dutch Institute for Fundamental Energy Research, Nieuwegein, NL-3430 BE (Netherlands); Doerner, R.P. [Center for Energy Research, University of California at San Diego, 9500 Gilman Drive, La Jolla, CA 92093-0417 (United States); Lopes Cardozo, N.J. [Science and Technology of Nuclear Fusion, Eindhoven University of Technology, Den Dolech 2, Eindhoven (Netherlands)


    This research investigated whether unipolar arcing in the divertor of fusion reactors is a potential cause for enhanced wear of the divertor. It was found that 1 μm of nano-fuzz growth is sufficient to initiate arcing, mainly depending on the sheath potential drop and electron density. The average mass loss rate induced by the arc was determined from mass loss measurements and found to be consistent with the value estimated from the arc current. The average arc track erosion depth was estimated by using the measured mass loss and damaged surface area and was found to be one tenth of the fuzzy layer thickness. Due to melting of the fuzzy structures the actual depth is larger and some arc tracks occasionally appeared to even reach the bulk beyond the fuzzy layer. The conclusion of this study is therefore that arcing in the divertor of future tokamaks (e.g. ITER) potentially is an important cause for surface damage and plasma pollution.

  3. The occurrence and damage of unipolar arcing on fuzzy tungsten

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aussems, D.U.B.; Nishijima, D.; Brandt, C.; Meiden, H.J. van der; Vilémová, M.; Matějíček, J.; De Temmerman, G.; Doerner, R.P.; Lopes Cardozo, N.J.


    This research investigated whether unipolar arcing in the divertor of fusion reactors is a potential cause for enhanced wear of the divertor. It was found that 1 μm of nano-fuzz growth is sufficient to initiate arcing, mainly depending on the sheath potential drop and electron density. The average mass loss rate induced by the arc was determined from mass loss measurements and found to be consistent with the value estimated from the arc current. The average arc track erosion depth was estimated by using the measured mass loss and damaged surface area and was found to be one tenth of the fuzzy layer thickness. Due to melting of the fuzzy structures the actual depth is larger and some arc tracks occasionally appeared to even reach the bulk beyond the fuzzy layer. The conclusion of this study is therefore that arcing in the divertor of future tokamaks (e.g. ITER) potentially is an important cause for surface damage and plasma pollution

  4. Effect of vacuum arc cathode spot distribution on breaking capacity of the arc-extinguishing chamber (United States)

    Ding, Can; Yuan, Zhao; He, Junjia


    A DC circuit breaker performs a key function in breaking an intermediate-frequency (IF) current since breaking a pure IF current is equivalent to breaking a very small DC with a reverse IF current. In this study, it is found that cathode spots show a ring-shaped distribution at 2000 Hz. An arc with an uneven distribution of cathode spots has been simulated. The simulation results show that the distribution of cathode spots significantly affect the microparameter distribution of arc plasma. The current distribution on the anode side differs from that on the cathode side under the total radial electric field. Specifically, the anode current distribution is both uneven and concentrated. The applied axial magnetic field, which cannot reduce the concentrated anode current distribution effectively, might increase the concentration of the anode current. Finally, the uneven distribution of cathode spots reduces the breaking capacity of the arc-extinguishing chamber.

  5. Evaluación de la eficiencia de una cartera de asegurados en el sector del automóvil = Efficiency Assessment in the Automobile Insurance Sector

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Segovia González, M. Manuela


    Full Text Available La situación actual del sector del seguro del automóvil exige a las compañías aseguradoras diseñar productos cada vez más ajustados al tipo de cliente al que se dirige. En el presente trabajo analizamos los 80.000 registros ofrecidos por una entidad aseguradora con una importante cuota en el mercado español. Tras identificar una serie de perfiles en los clientes asegurados, se estudia la eficiencia de cada uno de ellos mediante la aplicación de Análisis Envolvente de Datos (DEA y estadística multivariante. Los resultados obtenidos permiten identificar aquellos clientes que mejor rendimiento ofrecen a la compañía. Mediante la aplicación de test estadísticos paramétricos y no paramétricos, se determinan, además, las similitudes y diferencias existentes entre grupos de clientes que comparten una determinada característica. = Insurance companies have to take risk and cost into account when pricing car insurance policies in order to design new products to cover the risk of private use of cars. In this paper we use data from 80,000 car insurance policies in order to assess, once risk and cost have been taken into account, the policies that generate the highest returns for the company. After different profiles of clients are identified, including among the characteristics the regional location of the clients, we use Data Envelopment Analysis and multivariate statistics. The results obtained not only permit us to identify the best groups of clients for the company but also to determine similarities and differences among profiles of clients.

  6. Architectural Surfaces and Structures from Circular Arcs

    KAUST Repository

    Shi, Ling


    In recent decades, the popularity of freeform shapes in contemporary architecture poses new challenges to digital design. One of them is the process of rationalization, i.e. to make freeform skins or structures affordable to manufacture, which draws the most attention from geometry researchers. In this thesis, we aim to realize this process with simple geometric primitives, circular arcs. We investigate architectural surfaces and structures consisting of circular arcs. Our focus is lying on how to employ them nicely and repetitively in architectural design, in order to decrease the cost in manufacturing. Firstly, we study Darboux cyclides, which are algebraic surfaces of order ≤ 4. We provide a computational tool to identify all families of circles on a given cyclide based on the spherical model of M ̈obius geometry. Practical ways to design cyclide patches that pass through certain inputs are presented. In particular, certain triples of circle families on Darboux cyclides may be suitably arranged as 3-webs. We provide a complete classification of all possible 3-webs of circles on Darboux cyclides. We then investigate the circular arc snakes, which are smooth sequences of circu- lar arcs. We evolve the snakes such that their curvature, as a function of arc length, remains unchanged. The evolution of snakes is utilized to approximate given surfaces by circular arcs or to generated freeform shapes, and it is realized by a 2-step pro- cess. More interestingly, certain 6-arc snake with boundary constraints can produce a smooth self motion, which can be employed to build flexible structures. Another challenging topic is approximating smooth freeform skins with simple panels. We contribute to this problem area by approximating a negatively-curved 5 surface with a smooth union of rational bilinear patches. We provide a proof for vertex consistency of hyperbolic nets using the CAGD approach of the rational B ́ezier form. Moreover, we use Darboux transformations for the



    María Dolores Álvarez Arzate


    La principal reflexión de este ensayo está relacionada a la importancia de la reflexión ética y política sobre el “deber de la memoria” que ha de plantearse la afirmación contenida en un “deber del olvido” como lo afirma Pazos (Pazos, 2004). El conocimiento, es decir pasar del silencio y el olvido a la revitalización de una memoria colectiva, es una potente fuerza movilizadora en torno a la construcción del futuro sobre la base de las lecciones aprendidas en el pretérito. Conocimiento, memori...

  8. Magma addition rates in continental arcs: New methods of calculation and global implications (United States)

    Ratschbacher, B. C.; Paterson, S. R.


    The transport of mass, heat and geochemical constituents (elements and volatiles) from the mantle to the atmosphere occurs via magma addition to the lithosphere. Calculation of magma addition rates (MARs) in continental arcs based on exposed proportions of igneous arc rocks is complex and rarely consistently determined. Multiple factors influence MAR calculations such as crust versus mantle contributions to magmas, a change in MARs across the arc and with depths throughout the arc crustal column, `arc tempos' with periods of high and low magmatic activity, the loss of previous emplaced arc rocks by subsequent magmatism and return to the mantle, arc migration, variations in the intrusive versus extrusive additions and evolving arc widths and thicknesses during tectonism. All of these factors need to be considered when calculating MARs.This study makes a new attempt to calculate MARs in continental arcs by studying three arc sections: the Famatinian arc, Argentina, the Sierra Nevada batholith, California and the Coast Mountain batholith, Washington and British Columbia. Arcs are divided into fore-arc, main arc and back arc sections and `boxes' with a defined width, length and thickness spanning upper middle and lower crustal levels are assigned to each section. Representative exposed crustal slices for each depth are then used to calculate MARs based on outcrop proportions for each box. Geochemical data is used to infer crustal recycling percentages and total thickness of the arc. Preliminary results show a correlation between MARs, crustal thicknesses and magmatic flare-up durations. For instance, the Famatinian arc shows a strong decrease in MARs between the main arc section (9.4 km3/Ma/arc-km) and the fore-arc (0.61 km3/Ma/arc-km) and back-arc (1.52 km3/Ma/arc-km) regions and an increase in the amount of magmatism with depth.Global MARs over geologic timescales have the potential to investigate mantle melt generation rates and the volatile outgassing contribution

  9. Modeling and Simulation of Low Voltage Arcs

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Ghezzi, L.; Balestrero, A.


    Modeling and Simulation of Low Voltage Arcs is an attempt to improve the physical understanding, mathematical modeling and numerical simulation of the electric arcs that are found during current interruptions in low voltage circuit breakers. An empirical description is gained by refined electrical

  10. Theory of the arc discharge in air blast breakers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vogel, H.F.


    The complete set of equations obtaining in the arc's length element are given. The arc length is determined when the external circuit equations are closed by an expression for the arc inductance as a function of the radius and length, in addition to our relationships for the radius and voltage gradients

  11. Three-dimensional modelling of arc behaviour and gas shield quality in tandem gas-metal arc welding using anti-phase pulse synchronization

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schnick, M; Lohse, M; Fuessel, U; Wilhelm, G; Murphy, A B


    The paper presents a transient three-dimensional model of an anti-phase-synchronized pulsed tandem gas-metal arc welding process, which is used to analyse arc interactions and their influence on the gas shield flow. The shielding gases considered are pure argon and a mixture of argon with 18% CO 2 . Comparison of the temperature fields predicted by the model with high-speed images indicates that the essential features of the interactions between the arcs are captured. The paper demonstrates strong arc deflection and kinking, especially during the low-current phase of the pulse, in agreement with experimental observations. These effects are more distinct for the argon mixture with 18% CO 2 . The second part of the paper demonstrates the effects of arc deflection and instabilities on the shielding gas flow and the occurrence of air contamination in the process region. The results allow an improved understanding of the causes of periodic instabilities and weld seam imperfections such as porosity, spatter, heat-tint oxidation and fume deposits.

  12. Arc tracks on nanostructured surfaces after microbreakdowns

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sinelnikov, D; Bulgadaryan, D; Kolodko, D; Kurnaev, V; Hwangbo, D; Ohno, N; Kajita, S


    Studying of initial steps of unipolar arc ignition process is important for reduction of probability of arcing between the plasma and the wall in thermonuclear devices. Tungsten nano-fuzz surface formed by helium plasma irradiation at high fluences and temperatures is a perfect material for arc ignition. Snowflake-like craters were detected on the fuzzy surfaces after short micro-breakdowns. Such sort of craters have not been observed before on any other metallic surfaces. These specific traces are formed due to unique properties of the fuzz structure. The nano-fuzz could be easily melted and vaporized by micro-breakdown current, due to its porosity and bad thermal conductivity, and formation of low conducting metallic vapour under the cathode spot causes discharge movement to the nearest place. Thus, even low current arc can easily move and leave traces, which could be easily observed by a secondary electron microscope. (paper)

  13. Vacuum Arc Ion Sources

    CERN Document Server

    Brown, I.


    The vacuum arc ion source has evolved into a more or less standard laboratory tool for the production of high-current beams of metal ions, and is now used in a number of different embodiments at many laboratories around the world. Applications include primarily ion implantation for material surface modification research, and good performance has been obtained for the injection of high-current beams of heavy-metal ions, in particular uranium, into particle accelerators. As the use of the source has grown, so also have the operational characteristics been improved in a variety of different ways. Here we review the principles, design, and performance of vacuum arc ion sources.

  14. Inteligencia y planificación en el Ejército. Una aproximación prospectiva

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Arregui Asta, Antonio


    Full Text Available Not available

    La Planificación en los Ejércitos abarca múltiples facetas, desde la determinación de su entidad, composición y misiones, al establecimiento de los posibles escenarios de intervención. En esta planificación han de tenerse en cuenta no sólo datos conocidos o predeterminados, sino también factores inciertos referidos especialmente a los riesgos o amenazas que presumiblemente tendrán que afrontar o evitar En este artículo se consideran los parámetros conocidos y se pasa a analizar qué es, cómo se elabora y qué productos puede proporcionar la Inteligencia Militar para apoyar el proceso de planificación. Se estudian sus analogías y diferencias con algunas técnicas de exploración del futuro, estableciéndose una relación de complementaridad entre la Inteligencia y la Prospectiva. Finalmente se contempla la previsible evolución del Sistema de Inteligencia Militar al que se le augura un papel más relevante, si cabe, en el seno de las Fuerzas Terrestres del futuro.

  15. Risk assessment of metal vapor arcing (United States)

    Hill, Monika C. (Inventor); Leidecker, Henning W. (Inventor)


    A method for assessing metal vapor arcing risk for a component is provided. The method comprises acquiring a current variable value associated with an operation of the component; comparing the current variable value with a threshold value for the variable; evaluating compared variable data to determine the metal vapor arcing risk in the component; and generating a risk assessment status for the component.

  16. Arc generators of low-temperature plasma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Krolikowski, Cz.; Niewiedzial, R.; Siwiec, J.


    This paper is a review of works concerning investigation and use of low-temperature plasma in arc plasma generators made in Electric Power Institute of PP. There are discussed: analytical approach to a problem of volt-current and operational characteristics of DC arc plasma generators, determination of limits of their stable work and possibilities of their use to technological aims. (author)


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ruth Carvalho de Santana Pinho


    Full Text Available Com a crescente complexidade dos negócios, muitas entidades viram a necessidade de um controle maior sobre o risco para que seus objetivos pudessem ser atingidos. O presente trabalho discorre sobre a Auditoria Baseada em Risco (ABR, evidenciando suas principais características. O estudo apresenta-se relevante tanto para o meio empresarial, evidenciando as etapas de implantação dessa metodologia, como para o meio acadêmico, que possui poucos estudos relacionados ao tema, conforme observações empíricas. Assim, coube como pergunta de pesquisa: Quais fatores contribuem para a adequada implantação de uma Auditoria Baseada em Risco? Tem-se como objetivo geral deste estudo, identificar os fatores de sucesso na implantação da Auditoria Baseada em Risco (ABR. Escolheu-se como procedimento de pesquisa o estudo de caso. Os dados foram obtidos por intermédio da documentação oficial de implantação da ABR na entidade a qual descreve todas as etapas de implantação, além de aplicação de entrevista e questionário entre os auditores internos da empresa e gestores das áreas de Licitação, Contabilidade e Jurídico Concluiu-se que a ABR é uma ferramenta importante para empresas que desejam avaliação independente para a Gestão de Riscos, sendo necessário um plano bem estruturado de implantação para êxito desta. Destarte, uma Auditoria Interna Tradicional bem desenvolvida, ou seja, que mantém um controle interno eficaz, se torna uma característica facilitadora para a mudança de escopo, pois para a correta implantação da ABR é necessário um ambiente de gestão robusto e o efetivo envolvimento da equipe de auditoria.

  18. Electrical and optical investigations on the low voltage vacuum arc

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Braic, M.; Braic, V.; Pavelescu, G.; Balaceanu, M.; Pavelescu, D.; Dumitrescu, G.; Gherendi, F.


    Preliminary investigations of a low voltage circuit breaker, adapted from a real industrial device, were carried out by electrical and optical methods. Electrical, parameters were measured in the high current arc period and in zero current moment (C.Z) and corroborated with the arc plasma spectroscopic investigations. For the first time in vacuum arc diagnostics, the paper presents results based on single shot time resolved emission spectroscopy around C.Z. The short-circuit current was produced in a special high power installation in order to reproduce exactly the short-circuit regimes developing in low voltage distribution networks. A stainless steel vacuum chamber with classical Cu-Cr electrodes was used. Tests were performed for different current values in the range 3 - 20 kA rms , the voltages being varied between 200 and 1000 V ac . Interruption processes in the different arc regimes (from the diffuse arc mode to the constricted column mode) were analyzed. The success of the arc interruption was analyzed in terms of electric arc energy achieved in the first current halfperiod. The results obtained were corroborated with arc plasma spectroscopic investigations. The emission spectroscopy setup, using an Acton spectrograph and an intensified CCD camera, allowed the spatial and time-resolved investigation of spectra emitted by the vacuum arc plasma. The first truly time-resolved spectroscopic measurements on a single half-period was proven to be a good method to investigate the vacuum arc. Using single shot time resolved spectroscopy around zero current on partial unsuccessful interruption we concluded that the Cu ions, more that Cr ions were responsible for the arc reignition. The financial support for this work comes from NATO-STI SfP /974083 and CORINT-Romania projects. (authors)

  19. Particle injection into the Castor tokamak by electric arcs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hildebrandt, D.; Juettner, B.; Pursch, H.; Jakubka, K.; Stoeckel, J.; Zacek, F.


    The influence of arcing on the tokamak discharge was investigated in the Castor tokamak. A special calibrated gun which emitted tantalum by artificially ignited electric arcs, was used to study the transport of the injected tantalum ions, neutrals and droplets. The injection of tantalum led to an increase in electron density and to a change of plasma position only if the transported charge was higher than 0.01 C. As the naturally occurring arcs are well below this limit, the arcing in tokamaks is rather the consequence than the reason of instabilities. (J.U.)

  20. Certificación de la Mantenibilidad del Producto Software: Un Caso Práctico

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Moisés Rodríguez


    Full Text Available La calidad del software está adquiriendo durante los últimos años una gran importancia, principalmente debido a que el software está presente en prácticamente todo lo que nos rodea y se hace necesario asegurar su correcto funcionamiento. Sin embargo, hasta ahora la mayor parte de los estudios se han centrado en evaluar la calidad de los procesos de desarrollo, y aunque existen trabajos centrados en la calidad del producto software, no existe todavía una propuesta completa para la evaluación y certificación de la calidad del producto software, basada en la nueva familia de normas ISO/IEC 25000. El presente artículo expone un caso de estudio de evaluación, mejora y certificación de la mantenibilidad de un producto software, en el que han participado una empresa desarrolladora de software, un laboratorio de evaluación acreditado y una entidad de certificación. Para ello, se presentarán las características de este tipo de evaluaciones, el rol que cumple cada una de las entidades participantes y el proceso seguido desde la evaluación inicial hasta la certificación definitiva

  1. On the Trail of Joan of Arc

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Linda Joyce Forristal


    Full Text Available The year 2012 marked the 600th anniversary of the birthday of Joan of Arc (Fr., Jeanne d’Arc (1412–1431. Tributes to this national heroine can be found all over France. There are literally countless statues, streets and restaurants named after her and many sites dedicated to her life. However, despite widespread social and mechanical reproduction and cultural naming in relation to the Maid of Orléans, there is no official network or integrated signage in France to promote cultural heritage tourism to the numerous Joan of Arc sites and festivals, even though her life and death, by any measure, were seminal events in the country’s history. Unfortunately, the pilgrim who wants to follow or intersect with Joan of Arc’s trail through France, for cultural, historical or religious reasons, must do so without much help. Using Actor Network Theory and Site Sacralization Theory as framing devices, this paper explores human actors and tangible and intangible non-human factors that may have contributed to the lack of a unified tourism product despite the existence of an adequate Joan of Arc tourismscape. Insights gleaned from this research include Joan’s conflicted status as both/either saint and/or patriot, the existence of no cooperation or linkage between Joan of Arc sites, and cautious French tourism development policies. Several possible scenarios are suggested as suitable means to help implement or foster the creation of an on-the-ground or virtual Joan of Arc trail or tour.

  2. Identification by force modulation microscopy of nanoparticles generated in vacuum arcs Identification by force modulation microscopy of nanoparticles generated in vacuum arcs

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M. Arroyave Franco


    Full Text Available An alternative method based on force modulation microscopy (FMM for identification of nanoparticles produced in the plasma generated by the cathode spots of vacuum arcs is presented. FMM technique is enabled for the detection of variations in the mechanical properties of a surface with high sensitiveness. Titanium nitride (TiN coatings deposited on oriented silicon by pulsed vacuum arc process have been analyzed. AFM (Atomic Force Microscopy and FMM images were simultaneously obtained, and in all cases it was possible to identify nanoparticle presence. Further X-ray Diffraction spectra of sample coating were taken. Existence of contaminant particles of 47 nanometers in diameter was reported.En este trabajo se presenta un método alternativo basado en microscopia de modulación de fuerza (FMM, para la identificación de nanogotas producidas en el plasma generado por los spots catódicos de los arcos en vacío. La técnica FMM esta habilitada para la detección de variaciones en las propiedades mecánicas de una superficie, con alta sensibilidad. Se han analizado recubrimientos de nitruro de titanio (TiN depositados sobre Silicio orientado por el proceso de arco en vacío pulsado. Se han obtenido simultáneamente imágenes de microscopia de fuerza atómica (AFM y de microscopia FMM mediante las cuales se ha podido identificar la presencia de nanogotas. Adicionalmente se han tomado espectros de difracción de rayos X (XRD de las muestras recubiertas. Se ha reportado la existencia de partículas contaminantes de 47 nanómetros de diámetro sobre los recubrimientos.

  3. Community Structure Comparisons of Hydrothermal Vent Microbial Mats Along the Mariana Arc and Back-arc (United States)

    Hager, K. W.; Fullerton, H.; Moyer, C. L.


    Hydrothermal vents along the Mariana Arc and back-arc represent a hotspot of microbial diversity that has not yet been fully recognized. The Mariana Arc and back-arc contain hydrothermal vents with varied vent effluent chemistry and temperature, which translates to diverse community composition. We have focused on iron-rich sites where the dominant primary producers are iron oxidizing bacteria. Because microbes from these environments have proven elusive in culturing efforts, we performed culture independent analysis among different microbial communities found at these hydrothermal vents. Terminal-restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) and Illumina sequencing of small subunit ribosomal gene amplicons were used to characterize community members and identify samples for shotgun metagenomics. Used in combination, these methods will better elucidate the composition and characteristics of the bacterial communities at these hydrothermal vent systems. The overarching goal of this study is to evaluate and compare taxonomic and metabolic diversity among different communities of microbial mats. We compared communities collected on a fine scale to analyze the bacterial community based on gross mat morphology, geography, and nearby vent effluent chemistry. Taxa richness and evenness are compared with rarefaction curves to visualize diversity. As well as providing a survey of diversity this study also presents a juxtaposition of three methods in which ribosomal small subunit diversity is compared with T-RFLP, next generation amplicon sequencing, and metagenomic shotgun sequencing.

  4. Impacts of continental arcs on global carbon cycling and climate (United States)

    Lee, C. T.; Jiang, H.; Carter, L.; Dasgupta, R.; Cao, W.; Lackey, J. S.; Lenardic, A.; Barnes, J.; McKenzie, R.


    On myr timescales, climatic variability is tied to variations in atmospheric CO2, which in turn is driven by geologic sources of CO2 and modulated by the efficiency of chemical weathering and carbonate precipitation (sinks). Long-term variability in CO2 has largely been attributed to changes in mid-ocean ridge inputs or the efficiency of global weathering. For example, the Cretaceous greenhouse is thought to be related to enhanced oceanic crust production, while the late Cenozoic icehouse is attributed to enhanced chemical weathering associated with the Himalayan orogeny. Here, we show that continental arcs may play a more important role in controlling climate, both in terms of sources and sinks. Continental arcs differ from island arcs and mid-ocean ridges in that the continental plate through which arc magmas pass may contain large amounts of sedimentary carbonate, accumulated over the history of the continent. Interaction of arc magmas with crustal carbonates via assimilation, reaction or heating can significantly add to the mantle-sourced CO2 flux. Detrital zircons and global mapping of basement rocks shows that the length of continental arcs in the Cretaceous was more than twice that in the mid-Cenozoic; maps also show many of these arcs intersected crustal carbonates. The increased length of continental arc magmatism coincided with increased oceanic spreading rates, placing convergent margins into compression, which favors continental arcs. Around 50 Ma, however, nearly all the continental arcs in Eurasia and North America terminated as India collided with Eurasia and the western Pacific rolled back, initiating the Marianas-Tonga-Kermadec intra-oceanic subduction complex and possibly leading to a decrease in global CO2 production. Meanwhile, extinct continental arcs continued to erode, resulting in regionally enhanced chemical weathering unsupported by magmatic fluxes of CO2. Continental arcs, during their magmatic lifetimes, are thus a source of CO2, driving

  5. Studies of pellet acceleration with arc discharge heated propellants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schuresko, D.D.


    An arc discharge has been utilized to heat gaseous propellants in a pneumatic pellet gun. A cylindrical arc chamber is interposed between the propellant inlet valve and the gun breech and fitted with a ceramic insert for generating swirl in the incoming gas stream. The arc is initiated after the propellant valve opens and the breech pressure starts to rise; a typical discharge lasts 300 microseconds with peak currents u to 2 kA at arc voltages ranging from 100 to 400 V. The system is instrumented with piezoelectric pressure transducers at the propellant valve outlet, gun breech, and gun muzzle. The gun has been operated with 4 mm diameter polyurethane foam pellets (density = 0.14 g/cm 3 ), a 40 cm-long barrel, and various gas propellants at pressures exceeding 70 bar. At I/sub arc/ = 1 kA, V/sub arc/ = 200 V, with helium propellant, the arc produces a 2 to 3 fold prompt increase in P/sub breech/ and a delayed increase in P/sub muzzle/; the pellets exit the gun from 0.5 to 1.0 ms earlier than with the gas alone at 40% higher speeds. Comparisons with the so-called ideal gun theory and with full one-dimensional hydrodynamic calculations of the pellet acceleration will be presented

  6. Studies of pellet acceleration with arc discharge heated propellants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schuresko, D.D.


    An arc discharge has been utilized to heat gaseous propellants in a pneumatic pellet gun. A cylindrical arc chamber is interposed between the propellant inlet valve and the gun breech and fitted with a ceramic insert for generating swirl in the incoming gas stream. The arc is initiated after the propellant valve opens and the breech pressure starts to rise; a typical discharge lasts 300 microseconds with peak currents up to 2 kA at arc voltages ranging from 100-400 V. The system is instrumented with piezoelectric pressure transducers at the propellant valve outlet, gun breech, and gun muzzle. The gun has been operated with 4 mm diameter polyurethane foam pellets (density = 0.14 g/cm 3 ), a 40 cm-long barrel, and various gas propellants at pressures exceeding 70 bar. At I/sub arc/ = 1 kA, V/sub arc/ = 200 V, with helium propellant, the arc produces a 2-3 fold prompt increase in P/sub breech/ and a delayed increase in P/sub muzzle/; the pellets exit the gun from 0.5-1.0 ms earlier than with the gas alone at 40% higher speeds. Comparisons with the so-called ideal gun theory and with full one-dimensional hydrodynamic calculations of the pellet acceleration will be presented

  7. Investigation of Vacuum Arc Voltage Characteristics Under Different Axial Magnetic Field Profiles

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jia Shenli; Song Xiaochuan; Huo Xintao; Shi Zongqian; Wang Lijun


    Characteristics of the arc voltage under different profiles of axial magnetic field were investigated experimentally in a detachable vacuum chamber with five pairs of specially designed electrodes generating both bell-shaped and saddle-shaped magnetic field profile. The arc column and cathode spot images were photographed by a high speed digital camera. The dependence of the arc voltage on arcing evolution is analyzed. It is indicated that the axial magnetic field profile could affect the arc behaviors significantly, and the arc voltage is closely related to the arc light intensity.

  8. Theory of the arc discharge in air blast breakers

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vogel, H.F.


    The complete set of equations obtaining in the arc's length element are given. The arc length is determined when the external circuit equations are closed by an expression for the arc inductance as a function of the radius and length, in addition to our relationships for the radius and voltage gradients.


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    Anabella Garzón Fernández


    los problemas que ocasionan los anteriores, pero que su éxito va a depender de la adecuada formación del profesorado y del planteamiento de estrategias de coordinación entre los programas gubernamentales, ministerios de sanidad y salud, entidades sociales, educativas, sanitarias, asociaciones, familias y de la sociedad en general.

  10. La macroestructura del folleto bancario como instrumento de persuasión: estudio contrastivo inglés-español

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pilar Alberola Colomar


    Full Text Available El objetivo del presente estudio es el análisis de una muestra de folletos bancarios con el fin de encontrar una macroestructura prototípica para este género. Además, estudiamos la existencia de una posible relación entre la estructura genérica de los folletos bancarios y la estrategia publicitaria denominada AIDA (responde a las siglas de los términos ingleses: Attention, Interest, Desire, Action. Se intenta demostrar que AIDA es el criterio que unifica la estructura de este género y que la macroestructura se convierte en un instrumento de persuasión. En este artículo se analizan 120 folletos bancarios de entidades españolas y entidades pertenecientes a las Islas Británicas. El corpus seleccionado cubre los temas de ahorros, seguros y préstamos. Además, se realiza un análisis contrastivo (folletos escritos en inglés y en español para comprobar la influencia de la globalización del mercado financiero europeo en el proceso de composición del folleto bancario. Los folletos bancarios no son los únicos documentos que se incluyen en las campañas publicitarias de las entidades financieras. Por lo tanto, en este artículo se lleva a cabo también un estudio comparativo con análisis de género de otros instrumentos publicitarios, concretamente los anuncios escritos y las cartas de venta.

  11. Parameter estimation of extended free-burning electric arc within 1 kA (United States)

    Sun, Qiuqin; Liu, Hao; Wang, Feng; Chen, She; Zhai, Yujia


    A long electric arc, as a common phenomenon in the power system, not only damages the electrical equipment but also threatens the safety of the system. In this work, a series of tests on a long electric arc in free air have been conducted. The arc voltage and current data were obtained, and the arc trajectories were captured using a high speed camera. The arc images were digitally processed by means of edge detection, and the length is formulated and achieved. Based on the experimental data, the characteristics of the long arc are discussed. It shows that the arc voltage waveform is close to the square wave with high-frequency components, whereas the current is almost sinusoidal. As the arc length elongates, the arc voltage and the resistance increase sharply. The arc takes a spiral shape with the effect of magnetic forces. The arc length will shorten briefly with the occurrence of the short-circuit phenomenon. Based on the classical Mayr model, the parameters of the long electric arc, including voltage gradient and time constant, with different lengths and current amplitudes are estimated using the linear least-square method. To reduce the computational error, segmentation interpolation is also employed. The results show that the voltage gradient of the long arc is mainly determined by the current amplitude but almost independent of the arc length. However, the time constant is jointly governed by these two variables. The voltage gradient of the arc with the current amplitude at 200-800 A is in the range of 3.9 V/cm-20 V/cm, and the voltage gradient decreases with the increase in current.

  12. Inter y transdisciplinariedad en investigaciones ambientales. Una sinopsis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alberto Ramírez-González


    Full Text Available El presente artículo de revisión tiene como pretensión realizar un acercamiento al estado actual de conocimiento en torno a la conformación de grupos de investigación y el análisis de la problemática ambiental, bajo enfoques inter y transdisciplinares. Constituye, esencialmente, una investigación teórica soportada en artículos científicos, libros y documentos publicados por entidades y organizaciones reconocidas nacional o internacionalmente. El documento incluye diversos puntos de vista en torno a los marcos conceptuales, teóricos y metodológicos, y expone algunas problemáticas ambientales y sociales que se presume deben ser abordadas desde tales enfoques. Adicionalmente, presenta algunos de los intersticios que ligan lo ambiental con algunas ciencias y disciplinas. La revisión hace acopio de los principales avances y los retos más recurrentes en torno a la formación de profesionales que cumplan con las competencias más pertinentes y adecuadas para la implementación inter y transdisciplinar. Adicionalmente, enuncia algunos de los factores asociados con el éxito y el fracaso de los investigadores, los grupos de investigación y las investigaciones, que han pretendido tales enfoques. Finalmente, expone algunas recomendaciones que podrían potenciar el desempeño de los grupos que realizan investigaciones inter y transdisciplinares, las cuales han emergido, precisamente, del seguimiento a proyectos de esta naturaleza. CC BY-NC-SA Gestión y Ambiente (2016.

  13. Pancreatitis, genes y autotrasplante de islotes: actualizaciones y nuevos horizontes


    Rivera Rivera, Edgardo D


    La pancreatitis es una inflamación del páncreas que puede progresar de una presentación aguda, a una presentación aguda recurrente y eventualmente a pancreatitis crónica, caracterizada por cambios morfológicos y formación de cicatriz los cuales son irreversibles. La entidad conocida como pancreatitis hereditaria ha sido reconocida en la literatura por años y ciertamente el hallazgo del gen PRSS1 en 1996 marcó el inicio de una era de descubrimientos genéticos asociados a dicha enfermedad. Desd...


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    Rodney Alfonso Alfonso


    Full Text Available El objetivo de esta investigación fue realizar consideraciones relacionadas con la actividad de planificación de recursos humanos para las entidades hoteleras de la provincia de Manabí. Se presentó la propuesta de una herramienta para el diagnóstico de la planificación de recursos humanos en entidades hoteleras, que tomó en cuenta la conformación de un equipo de trabajo especializado, una caracterización general del objeto de estudio y de manera específica o detallada del área de recursos humanos. Seguido a esto, se analiza la planificación de recursos humanos, tomando en cuenta factores internos y externos, basándose específicamente en un análisis DAFO ponderado con el criterio de expertos previamente seleccionados y la determinación del estado actual o nivel de desarrollo de la planificación de Recursos Humanos en los hoteles. Los resultados del presente trabajo han sido importantes para la planificación de recursos humanos de forma eficaz y operativa en los hoteles que integran el sistema turístico de Manabí. Además, las entidades hoteleras de la provincia demandan de una gestión de sus recursos humanos con enfoque integral y sistémico, donde es decisivo el papel que desempeña la Planificación de los recursos humanos, con una transformación tanto de métodos como de pensamiento, para emprender acciones en el logro de mejores resultados y no solo el empleo de la experiencia o intuición de los directivos.

  15. El análisis de necesidades formativas en organizaciones a través del paradigma de la Ciencia Pragmática

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    Full Text Available El presente trabajo documenta una investigación aplicada cuyo objetivo principal es analizar las necesidades e intereses formativos que la plantilla de una entidad financiera empíricamente manifiesta, como forma de obtener feedback inductivo (upward que permita diseñar más rigurosamente los planes de formación. Para ello se realizó un análisis de contenido de la oferta formativa existente en el mercado, a partir del cual se diseñó un cuestionario de 24 ítems que recogen una serie de contenidos formativos propios del sector financiero. Tras lanzarlo a la red de oficinas para su cumplimentación, se recibieron un total de 511 cuestionarios completos realizados por directores, interventores y administrativos de oficinas de la entidad. Se mecanizaron informáticamente los datos en soporte SPSS 9.0 y se trataron estadísticamente. En primer lugar se sometieron a Análisis Factorial Exploratorio (AFE-CP y los resultados revelan la existencia de cuatro factores o áreas formativas clave, cuyas demandas por parte de los empleados difieren significativamente en función de varios aspectos o variables independientes. También hemos podido comprobar que existen diferencias en cuanto a la representatividad y peso específico de cada uno de los contenidos de cada factor para abarcar el dominio específico que a priori pretendían cubrir. A partir de estos resultados se formularon una serie de pautas que afectan directamente al diseño del plan de formación anual de la entidad, tales como establecer prioridades y reestructurar los contenidos formativos para cada área.


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    Павло Юрійович Сидоренко


    Full Text Available Results of development torch to magnetically operated   welding arc are defined. Changing the design of the electrode unit is provided the ability to create within the area of the arc magnetic field and induction given configuration without additional equipment. The features of the arc in an axial magnetic field which make it possible to avoid the welding process of unsteady abnormalities resulted in the inappropriate formation of defects in welds. Significant increase in the depth of  weld penetration is connected with the more concentrated magnetically operated   welding arc transmission energy to the product. It is concluded about the feasibility of using a designed torch for the implementation of modern technological processes non-consumable electrode welding.

  17. A note on the arc elacticity of demand


    Andrés Vázquez


    This note presents a simple alternative measure for the arc elasticity of demand which comes naturally and does retain the salient characteristics of the point demand elasticity. A remarkable feature is that it equals the point demand elasticity at some point inside the interval, thus leading to the exact estimation of the point demand elasticity when this is constant. It also ensures that the relationships between the arc demand elasticity and the arc revenue elasticities keep exact formal a...

  18. production of manual arc welding electrodes with local raw materials

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Manual arc welding using flux coated electrodes is carried out by producing an electric arc between ... major objectives: to form fusible slags, to stabilize the arc and to produce an inert gas shielding ... Current fusion welding techniques rely.

  19. Reinvestigation of the charge density distribution in arc discharge fusion system

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sheng, Lin Horng; Yee, Lee Kim; Nan, Phua Yeong; Thung, Yong Yun; Khok, Yong Thian; Rahman, Faidz Abd [Centre of Photonics and Advance Material, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)


    A continual arc discharge system has been setup and the light intensity of arc discharge has been profiled. The mathematical model of local energy density distribution in arc discharge fusion has been simulated which is in good qualitative agreement with light intensity profile of arc discharge in the experiments. Eventually, the local energy density distribution of arc discharge system is able to be precisely manipulated to act as heat source in the fabrication of fused fiber devices.

  20. Reinvestigation of the charge density distribution in arc discharge fusion system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sheng, Lin Horng; Yee, Lee Kim; Nan, Phua Yeong; Thung, Yong Yun; Khok, Yong Thian; Rahman, Faidz Abd


    A continual arc discharge system has been setup and the light intensity of arc discharge has been profiled. The mathematical model of local energy density distribution in arc discharge fusion has been simulated which is in good qualitative agreement with light intensity profile of arc discharge in the experiments. Eventually, the local energy density distribution of arc discharge system is able to be precisely manipulated to act as heat source in the fabrication of fused fiber devices

  1. Organização sociopolítica de Psicólogas(os) na Bahia: formação das suas entidades de classe


    Santos, Julianin Araujo; Pereira, Maiara Santos Targino; Oliveira, Andréia da Cruz; Jesus, Débora PiresViana de


    O presente artigo teórico propõe-se a debater sobre o processo de organização sociopolítica dos psicólogos na Bahia, trazendo como objetivo uma reflexão sobre o papel das entidades representativas da classe nesse processo. Com esse fim, foi realizada uma revisão de literatura que tratou da conjuntura histórica da regulamentação e do desenvolvimento da Psicologia no Brasil, assim como sobre a sua organização sociopolítica. Além disso, devido à escassez de estudos que abordam esse tema, foram i...

  2. Initiation of arcing on tungsten surface exposed to steady state He plasmas (United States)

    Kajita, Shin; Noiri, Yasuyuki; Ohno, Noriyasu


    Arcing was initiated in steady state helium plasmas by negatively biasing a tungsten electrode to around -500 V. On the tungsten electrode, nanostructures were grown by the plasma irradiation. In this study, we characterized the property of the initiated arcing by measuring the temporal evolutions of the electrode potential and the arc current. The ignition frequency and duration of arcing were presented from the potential measurements; the arc duration was in the range of changing the biasing voltage. The behavior of arc spots was observed with a fast framing camera. It was shown that the spots split frequently, and sometimes, they run on the surface independently. From the fluctuation of the arc current, the fractal feature of arcing was revealed.

  3. Hybrid laser arc welding: State-of-art review (United States)

    Acherjee, Bappa


    Hybrid laser arc welding simultaneously utilizes the arc welding and the laser welding, in a common interaction zone. The synergic effects of laser beam and eclectic arc in the same weld pool results in an increase of welding speed and penetration depth along with the enhancement of gap bridging capability and process stability. This paper presents the current status of this hybrid technique in terms of research, developments and applications. Effort is made to present a comprehensive technical know-how about this process through a systematic review of research articles, industrial catalogues, technical notes, etc. In the introductory part of the review, an overview of the hybrid laser arc welding is presented, including operation principle, process requirements, historical developments, benefits and drawbacks of the process. This is followed by a detailed discussion on control parameters those govern the performance of hybrid laser arc welding process. Thereafter, a report of improvements of performance and weld qualities achieved by using hybrid welding process is presented based on review of several research papers. The succeeding sections furnish the examples of industrial applications and the concluding remarks.

  4. Molecular beam sampling of a hollow cathode arc

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Theuws, P.


    This thesis deals with the description of the process of molecular beam sampling of a Hollow Cathode Arc. The aim of the study is twofold, i.e. investigation of the applicability of molecular beam sampling as a plasma diagnostic and the use of a Hollow Cathode Arc as a high intensity beam source for ground state atoms and metastable state atoms in the superthermal energy range. Suitable models are introduced, describing the process of molecular beam sampling of both ground state atoms and metastable state atoms. Fast ground state atoms produced by ion-atom collisions. The experimental facilities, i.e. the Hollow Cathode Arc, the time-of-flight machine and the dye laser system are described. And an alternative detection scheme for ground state atoms is presented and experimental results on the molecular beam sampling of a low density plasma (densities 10 19 -10 20 m -3 ) in the long arc configuration are reported. The results on the short arc configuration (densities 10 21 -10 22 m -3 ) are discussed. (Auth.)

  5. Circular arc structures

    KAUST Repository

    Bo, Pengbo; Pottmann, Helmut; Kilian, Martin; Wang, Wen Ping; Wallner, Johannes


    and connecting elements as well as repetition of costly parts. This paper proposes so-called circular arc structures as a means to faithfully realize freeform designs without giving up smooth appearance. In contrast to non-smooth meshes with straight edges where

  6. Mucormicosis rinocerebral de origen dental, reporte de un caso clínico y revisión de la literatura

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    Carlos Acosta Behrends


    La mucormicosis es una enfermedad de baja prevalencia frecuentemente fatal y rápidamente progresiva causada por hongos de la familia Mucoraceae del orden mucorales. Es la enfermedad fúngica fatal de más rápida evolución en los humanos. Es una entidad importante de considerar, porque su rápida detección y tratamiento son los elementos claves para la supervivencia.

  7. Efficacy of robust optimization plan with partial-arc VMAT for photon volumetric-modulated arc therapy: A phantom study. (United States)

    Miura, Hideharu; Ozawa, Shuichi; Nagata, Yasushi


    This study investigated position dependence in planning target volume (PTV)-based and robust optimization plans using full-arc and partial-arc volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT). The gantry angles at the periphery, intermediate, and center CTV positions were 181°-180° (full-arc VMAT) and 181°-360° (partial-arc VMAT). A PTV-based optimization plan was defined by 5 mm margin expansion of the CTV to a PTV volume, on which the dose constraints were applied. The robust optimization plan consisted of a directly optimized dose to the CTV under a maximum-uncertainties setup of 5 mm. The prescription dose was normalized to the CTV D 99% (the minimum relative dose that covers 99% of the volume of the CTV) as an original plan. The isocenter was rigidly shifted at 1 mm intervals in the anterior-posterior (A-P), superior-inferior (S-I), and right-left (R-L) directions from the original position to the maximum-uncertainties setup of 5 mm in the original plan, yielding recalculated dose distributions. It was found that for the intermediate and center positions, the uncertainties in the D 99% doses to the CTV for all directions did not significantly differ when comparing the PTV-based and robust optimization plans (P > 0.05). For the periphery position, uncertainties in the D 99% doses to the CTV in the R-L direction for the robust optimization plan were found to be lower than those in the PTV-based optimization plan (P plan's efficacy using partial-arc VMAT depends on the periphery CTV position. © 2017 The Authors. Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of American Association of Physicists in Medicine.

  8. Quasi-equilibrium channel model of an constant current arc

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gerasimov Alexander V.


    Full Text Available The rather simple method of calculation of electronic and gas temperature in the channel of arc of plasma generator is offered. This method is based on self-consistent two-temperature channel model of an electric arc. The method proposed enables to obtain radial allocation of gas and electronic temperatures in a non-conducting zone of an constant current arc, for prescribed parameters of discharge (current intensity and power of the discharge, with enough good precision. The results obtained can be used in model and engineering calculations to estimate gas and electronic temperatures in the channel of an arc plasma generator.

  9. Cathodic Vacuum Arc Plasma of Thallium

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yushkov, Georgy Yu.; Anders, Andre


    Thallium arc plasma was investigated in a vacuum arc ion source. As expected from previous consideration of cathode materials in the Periodic Table of the Elements, thallium plasma shows lead-like behavior. Its mean ion charge state exceeds 2.0 immediately after arc triggering, reaches the predicted 1.60 and 1.45 after about 100 microsec and 150 microsec, respectively. The most likely ion velocity is initially8000 m/s and decays to 6500 m/s and 6200 m/s after 100 microsec and 150microsec, respectively. Both ion charge states and ion velocities decay further towards steady state values, which are not reached within the 300microsec pulses used here. It is argued that the exceptionally high vapor pressure and charge exchange reactions are associated with the establishment of steady state ion values

  10. Optical diagnostics of a gliding arc

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sun, Z.W.; Zhu, J.J.; Li, Z.S.


    Dynamic processes in a gliding arc plasma generated between two diverging electrodes in ambient air driven by 31.25 kHz AC voltage were investigated using spatially and temporally resolved optical techniques. The life cycles of the gliding arc were tracked in fast movies using a high-speed camera...... triggered by Townsend breakdown between the two legs of the gliding arc. The emission from the plasma column is shown to pulsate at a frequency of 62.5 kHz, i.e., twice the frequency of the AC power supply. Optical emission spectra of the plasma radiation show the presence of excited N2, NO and OH radicals...... suggesting that ground-state OH is not formed in the plasma column but in its vicinity. ©2013 Optical Society of America...

  11. Comparing two non-equilibrium approaches to modelling of a free-burning arc

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Baeva, M; Uhrlandt, D; Benilov, M S; Cunha, M D


    Two models of high-pressure arc discharges are compared with each other and with experimental data for an atmospheric-pressure free-burning arc in argon for arc currents of 20–200 A. The models account for space-charge effects and thermal and ionization non-equilibrium in somewhat different ways. One model considers space-charge effects, thermal and ionization non-equilibrium in the near-cathode region and thermal non-equilibrium in the bulk plasma. The other model considers thermal and ionization non-equilibrium in the entire arc plasma and space-charge effects in the near-cathode region. Both models are capable of predicting the arc voltage in fair agreement with experimental data. Differences are observed in the arc attachment to the cathode, which do not strongly affect the near-cathode voltage drop and the total arc voltage for arc currents exceeding 75 A. For lower arc currents the difference is significant but the arc column structure is quite similar and the predicted bulk plasma characteristics are relatively close to each other. (paper)

  12. The structure and singularities of arc complexes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Penner, Robert

    A classical combinatorial fact is that the simplicial complex consisting of disjointly embedded chords in a convex planar polygon is a sphere. For any surface F with non-empty boundary, there is an analogous complex Arc(F) consisting of suitable equivalence classes of arcs in F connecting its bou...

  13. DC plasma arc melter technology for waste vitrification

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hamilton, R.A.; Wittle, J.K.; Trescot, J.


    This paper describes the features and benefits of a breakthrough DC Arc Melter for the permanent treatment of all types of solid wastes including nonhazardous, hazardous and radioactive. This DC Arc Furnace system, now commercially available, is the low cost permanent solution for solid waste pollution prevention and remediation. Concern over the effective disposal of wastes generated by the industrial society, worldwide, has prompted development of technologies to address the problem. For the most part these technologies have resulted in niche solutions with limited application. The only solution that has the ability to process almost all wastes, and to recover/recycle metallic and inorganic matter, is the group of technologies known as melters. Melters have distinct advantages over traditional technologies such as incineration because melters operate at higher temperatures, are relatively unaffected by changes in the waste stream, produce a vitrified stable product, and have the capability to recover/recycle slag, metals and gas. The system, DC Plasma Arc Melter, has the lowest capital, maintenance and operating cost of any melter technology because of its patented DC Plasma Arc with graphite electrode. DC Plasma Arc Melter systems are commercially available in sizes from 50 kg/batch or 250--3,000 kg/hr on a continuous feed basis. This paper examines the design and operating benefits of a DC Plasma Arc Melter System

  14. Mathematical Modeling of Metal Active Gas (MAG) Arc Welding

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)


    In the present paper, a numerical model for MAG (metal active gas) arc welding of thin plate has been developed. In MAG arc welding, the electrode wire is melted and supplied into the molten pool intermittently. Accordingly, it is assumed on the modeling that the thermal energy enters the base-plates through two following mechanisms, i.e., direct heating from arc plasma and “indirect” heating from the deposited metal. In the second part of the paper, MAG arc welding process is numerically analyzed by using the model, and the calculated weld bead dimension and surface profile have been compared with the experimental MAG welds on steel plate. As the result, it is made clear that the model is capable of predicting the bead profile of thin-plate MAG arc welding , including weld bead with undercutting.

  15. ArcCN-Runoff: An ArcGIS tool for generating curve number and runoff maps (United States)

    Zhan, X.; Huang, M.-L.


    The development and the application of ArcCN-Runoff tool, an extension of ESRI@ ArcGIS software, are reported. This tool can be applied to determine curve numbers and to calculate runoff or infiltration for a rainfall event in a watershed. Implementation of GIS techniques such as dissolving, intersecting, and a curve-number reference table improve efficiency. Technical processing time may be reduced from days, if not weeks, to hours for producing spatially varied curve number and runoff maps. An application example for a watershed in Lyon County and Osage County, Kansas, USA, is presented. ?? 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  16. Proton Arc Reduces Range Uncertainty Effects and Improves Conformality Compared With Photon Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy in Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Seco, Joao, E-mail: [Francis H. Burr Proton Therapy Center, Department of Radiation Oncology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts (United States); Gu, Guan; Marcelos, Tiago; Kooy, Hanne; Willers, Henning [Francis H. Burr Proton Therapy Center, Department of Radiation Oncology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts (United States)


    Purpose: To describe, in a setting of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), the theoretical dosimetric advantages of proton arc stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) in which the beam penumbra of a rotating beam is used to reduce the impact of range uncertainties. Methods and Materials: Thirteen patients with early-stage NSCLC treated with proton SBRT underwent repeat planning with photon volumetric modulated arc therapy (Photon-VMAT) and an in-house-developed arc planning approach for both proton passive scattering (Passive-Arc) and intensity modulated proton therapy (IMPT-Arc). An arc was mimicked with a series of beams placed at 10° increments. Tumor and organ at risk doses were compared in the context of high- and low-dose regions, represented by volumes receiving >50% and <50% of the prescription dose, respectively. Results: In the high-dose region, conformality index values are 2.56, 1.91, 1.31, and 1.74, and homogeneity index values are 1.29, 1.22, 1.52, and 1.18, respectively, for 3 proton passive scattered beams, Passive-Arc, IMPT-Arc, and Photon-VMAT. Therefore, proton arc leads to a 30% reduction in the 95% isodose line volume to 3-beam proton plan, sparing surrounding organs, such as lung and chest wall. For chest wall, V30 is reduced from 21 cm{sup 3} (3 proton beams) to 11.5 cm{sup 3}, 12.9 cm{sup 3}, and 8.63 cm{sup 3} (P=.005) for Passive-Arc, IMPT-Arc, and Photon-VMAT, respectively. In the low-dose region, the mean lung dose and V20 of the ipsilateral lung are 5.01 Gy(relative biological effectiveness [RBE]), 4.38 Gy(RBE), 4.91 Gy(RBE), and 5.99 Gy(RBE) and 9.5%, 7.5%, 9.0%, and 10.0%, respectively, for 3-beam, Passive-Arc, IMPT-Arc, and Photon-VMAT, respectively. Conclusions: Stereotactic body radiation therapy with proton arc and Photon-VMAT generate significantly more conformal high-dose volumes than standard proton SBRT, without loss of coverage of the tumor and with significant sparing of nearby organs, such as chest wall. In addition

  17. Experimental study of unipolar arcs in a low pressure mercury discharge

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Johnson, C.T.


    An experimental study of unipolar arcs was conducted in a low pressure mercury discharge inductively heated with RF. The results were found to be consistent with the concept of a sheath mechanism for driving the unipolar arcs. Floating double-probe measurements of the unipolar arc plasma parameters yielded electron temperatures of approx. 2 eV and electron number densities of approx. 1 x 10 11 cm -3 assuming quasi-neutral plasma conditions. The variation of the unipolar arc current with: (1) the RF power input; and (2) the metal surface area exposed to the plasma verified the predicted dependence of the arc current on the plasma parameters and the metal surface area. Finally, alternative mechanisms for sustaining the observed arcs by high frequency rectification were ruled out on the basis of the recorded current waveforms of the unipolar arcs

  18. Deep long-period earthquakes west of the volcanic arc in Oregon: evidence of serpentine dehydration in the fore-arc mantle wedge (United States)

    Vidale, John E.; Schmidt, David A.; Malone, Stephen D.; Hotovec-Ellis, Alicia J.; Moran, Seth C.; Creager, Kenneth C.; Houston, Heidi


    Here we report on deep long-period earthquakes (DLPs) newly observed in four places in western Oregon. The DLPs are noteworthy for their location within the subduction fore arc: 40–80 km west of the volcanic arc, well above the slab, and near the Moho. These “offset DLPs” occur near the top of the inferred stagnant mantle wedge, which is likely to be serpentinized and cold. The lack of fore-arc DLPs elsewhere along the arc suggests that localized heating may be dehydrating the serpentinized mantle wedge at these latitudes and causing DLPs by dehydration embrittlement. Higher heat flow in this region could be introduced by anomalously hot mantle, associated with the western migration of volcanism across the High Lava Plains of eastern Oregon, entrained in the corner flow proximal to the mantle wedge. Alternatively, fluids rising from the subducting slab through the mantle wedge may be the source of offset DLPs. As far as we know, these are among the first DLPs to be observed in the fore arc of a subduction-zone system.

  19. Tuning the arcs of the SLAC linear collider

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fieguth, T.; Bambade, P.; Barklow, T.; Brown, K.L.; Bulos, F.; Burke, D.L.; Fischer, G.E.; Hutton, A.; Jung, C.; Kheifets, S.A.; Komamiya, S.; Mattison, T.; Murray, J.J.; Phinney, N.; Ritson, D.M.; Sands, M.; Sheppard, J.C.; Spence, W.; Toge, N.; Weinstein, A.; Haissinski, J.; Placidi, M.


    New experience with the operation of the SLC Arcs is described. Each of these Arcs consists of sequential second-order achromats. Initial measurements showed that the betatron phase advances were systematically offset from the design values. This effect, combined with the abrupt rolls of the achromats needed to follow the local terrain, led to strong cross-plane coupling and to growth of the betatron oscillations. The methods and modifications developed to establish proper operation of the Arcs are described in this paper

  20. Modelling vacuum arcs : from plasma initiation to surface interactions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Timko, H.


    A better understanding of vacuum arcs is desirable in many of today's 'big science' projects including linear colliders, fusion devices, and satellite systems. For the Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) design, radio-frequency (RF) breakdowns occurring in accelerating cavities influence efficiency optimisation and cost reduction issues. Studying vacuum arcs both theoretically as well as experimentally under well-defined and reproducible direct-current (DC) conditions is the first step towards exploring RF breakdowns. In this thesis, we have studied Cu DC vacuum arcs with a combination of experiments, a particle-in-cell (PIC) model of the arc plasma, and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of the subsequent surface damaging mechanism. We have also developed the 2D Arc-PIC code and the physics model incorporated in it, especially for the purpose of modelling the plasma initiation in vacuum arcs. Assuming the presence of a field emitter at the cathode initially, we have identified the conditions for plasma formation and have studied the transitions from field emission stage to a fully developed arc. The 'footing' of the plasma is the cathode spot that supplies the arc continuously with particles; the high-density core of the plasma is located above this cathode spot. Our results have shown that once an arc plasma is initiated, and as long as energy is available, the arc is self-maintaining due to the plasma sheath that ensures enhanced field emission and sputtering.The plasma model can already give an estimate on how the time-to-breakdown changes with the neutral evaporation rate, which is yet to be determined by atomistic simulations. Due to the non-linearity of the problem, we have also performed a code-to-code comparison. The reproducibility of plasma behaviour and time-to-breakdown with independent codes increased confidence in the results presented here. Our MD simulations identified high-flux, high-energy ion bombardment as a possible mechanism forming the early