
Sample records for aquecimento por ar

  1. Utilização de desperdícios (latas de refrigerante) na captação de Energia Solar para o aquecimento de ar


    Galvão, Constança


    Esta dissertação tem o intuito de apresentar um protótipo construído por Jorge Lourenço, em Olhão, Algarve, permitindo desta forma promover pistas para a criação de um novo produto vocacionado para o aproveitamento de Energia Solar Térmica para o aquecimento de ar. Assim, será analisado um painel solar que produz Energia Solar Térmica construído com latas de refrigerante e alguns materiais básicos de construção. Além de apresentar uma forma simples de se construir um Painel Solar Térmic...

  2. Efeito do Pré-aquecimento e de Único e Múltiplos Passes no Grau de Porosidade, Oxidação e Microdureza de um Revestimento de Aço Inoxidável Duplex Depositado por Aspersão Térmica Chama Arame

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    Valdir Celestino da Silva

    Full Text Available Resumo: Este trabalho tem como objetivo estudar o efeito do pré-aquecimento e de único e múltiplos passes no grau de porosidade, oxidação e microdureza no processo de revestimento obtido por aspersão térmica chama arame. A oxidação ao ar de partículas aspergidas após ancoragem afeta o desempenho para o aço inoxidável duplex AF2209 depositado por aspersão térmica chama arame em substrato de aço estrutural pré-aquecido com maçarico à diferentes temperaturas. O percentual de óxidos e poros foram medidos e quantificados por microscopia óptica com auxilio de software de análise de imagem. Imagens por MEV e a dureza Vickers dos óxidos e panquecas indicam que a oxidação aumenta com o pré-aquecimento e com a deposição de múltiplos passes. Os resultados indicam que maiores pré-aquecimentos e a deposição de múltiplos passes reduzem a fragmentação das partículas, mas aumenta a quantidade de óxidos. Observa-se também que o reaquecimento da camada reduz a microdureza Vickers média dos óxidos e panquecas da condição de único passe para a condição de múltiplos passes.

  3. Desenvolvimento e construção de fornalha para biomassa com sistema de aquecimento direto e indireto do ar = Development and construction of a furnace for biomass with system of direct and indirect air heating

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    Fernanda Augusta de Oliveira Melo


    Full Text Available Uma fornalha, com opção para aquecimento direto e indireto de ar, foiprojetada e construída para utilizar, como combustível complementar à lenha, biomassa particulada, resíduo agroindustrial abundante e desperdiçado em boa parte. No intuito de verificar o funcionamento da fornalha, na opção de aquecimento direto e indireto, foram realizados três testes preliminares utilizando somente lenha como combustível. Nestes testes, avaliaram-se as temperaturas do ar ambiente, do ar aquecido na saída da fornalha e depois do ventilador, fluxo de ar, poder calorífico inferior e eficiência térmica. Com os dados obtidos nos testes, nas opções de aquecimento direto e indireto de ar, a fornalha mostrou-se flexível na opção de aquecimento, de fácil construção e operação, não exigindo mão-de-obra qualificada.A furnace, with a system for direct and indirect air heating, was projected and constructed to use biomass, particulate biomass, abundant and largely wasted agroindustrial refuse, as complementary fuel to firewood. With the objective of verifying furnace operation, in the option of direct and indirect heating, three preliminaries tests were conducted using only firewood as fuel. In these tests, the following variables were monitored: room air temperature, heated air temperature at the exit of the furnace and after the fan; room air relative humidity; warm air flow; lower calorific power and thermal efficiency of the furnace. In the tests the results showed, for both direct and indirect air heating, the furnace was shown to be flexible in the heating option, of easy construction and operation, not requiring skilled labor.

  4. Influência do aquecimento artificial de ovos de matrizes pesadas sobre o rendimento de incubação

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    P.M.M. Mendes


    Full Text Available O desenvolvimento embrionário nas aves tem início antes mesmo da postura. A variabilidade do estágio de desenvolvimento embrionário no momento da oviposição é conhecida e influencia a taxa de eclosão, uma vez que estágios muito avançados ou muito precoces são prejudiciais por tornarem os embriões mais sensíveis ao estresse do armazenamento. O aquecimento de ovos férteis no período entre a postura e o armazenamento vem sendo estudado como forma de reduzir os efeitos negativos do armazenamento sobre o rendimento de incubação por permitir que os embriões progridam até um estágio em que são mais aptos a suportar o estresse do armazenamento. Este experimento teve como objetivo avaliar os efeitos do aquecimento artificial de ovos de matrizes pesadas no período entre a coleta e o armazenamento sobre o rendimento de incubação e o peso do pinto ao nascimento. Foram utilizados 5.760 ovos de matrizes pesadas Cobb(r com 57 semanas de idade. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente ao acaso, constituído por quatro tratamentos definidos com base no tempo de aquecimento dos ovos (zero, três, seis e nove horas. O aquecimento foi feito em câmara de fumigação a 30°C, e os ovos foram armazenados por três dias. O aquecimento artificial no período entre a coleta e o armazenamento não influenciou a eclodibilidade, a mortalidade embrionária e o peso do pinto ao nascimento, tendo sido, nessas circunstâncias, uma prática injustificada.

  5. Análise de um sistema de aquecimento de água para residências rurais, utilizando energia solar


    Basso,Luiz H.; Souza,Samuel N. M. de; Siqueira,Jair A. C.; Nogueira,Carlos E. C.; Santos,Reginaldo F.


    A conscientização da importância do meio ambiente tem incentivado o estudo de novas fontes energéticas renováveis e menos poluentes. Dentre essas fontes, a energia solar destaca-se por ser perene e limpa. A utilização da energia solar em sistemas de aquecimento de água residencial rural pode colaborar com a economia de energia elétrica, base da matriz energética brasileira. Conhecer os fatores que influenciam na operação de um sistema de aquecimento de água por energia solar é importante na d...

  6. Efeitos do resfriamento e aquecimento articular no desempenho funcional do ombro

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    Dayane de Oliveira Estevam


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: Um dos recursos mais utilizados na reabilitação de lesões musculoesqueléticas é a termoterapia por subtração de calor (crioterapia, enquanto a termoterapia por adição de calor é considerada o procedimento mais antigo de reabilitação física. Entretanto, há poucas evidências que tenham investigado os efeitos desses recursos sobre o desempenho de membros superiores. OBJETIVO: Comparar o efeito do resfriamento e do aquecimento articular sobre o desempenho funcional do membro superior. MÉTODOS: Trinta e quatro voluntários (22,23 ± 2,17 anos; 22,39 ± 2,53 kg/m2, de ambos os sexos, foram divididos aleatoriamente em um dos três grupos: 1 grupo crioterapia GCR (n=10: submetidos ao resfriamento articular por compressas frias; 2 grupo termoterapia - GTE (n=10: submetidos ao aquecimento articular por ondas curtas e 3 grupo controle - GCO (n=14, não submetidos a qualquer intervenção. Os voluntários foram avaliados, pré e pós-intervenção, quanto ao desempenho funcional de membros superiores por meio dos testes de estabilidade da extremidade superior em cadeia cinética fechada (TEESCCF e das condições de equilíbrio em apoio bimanual sobre o baropodômetro. Ainda, os voluntários foram avaliados quanto ao desempenho funcional virtual por meio do jogo Mario Kart (Nintendo Wii (r . RESULTADOS: Houve melhora significativa nos valores pós-intervenção no TEESCCF para o GCR (p0,05. Entretanto, na condição de olhos fechados, houve piora de desempenho para GTE (p=0,04 e melhora de desempenho para o GCO (p=0,02. Não houve alteração significativa no desempenho funcional virtual para os três grupos (p>0,05. CONCLUSÃO: Embora não tenha favorecido o desempenho funcional em todos os testes reais e virtuais utilizados, o resfriamento articular foi mais efetivo que o aquecimento articular para manter o desempenho muscular do membro superior, especialmente nas condições de equilíbrio sobre membros superiores na condi

  7. Sistema solar para aquecimento ambiente e aquecimento de piscinas: uma solução promissora para climas do Sul da Europa


    Carvalho, M. J.; Neves, Ana


    A avaliação do sistema apresentado neste trabalho foi focada em sistemas que podem fornecer água quente, aquecimento ambiente e aquecimento de piscinas, e que são projectados para climas do Sul da Europa, especialmente para habitações uni-familiares. Pelas características climáticas do Sul da Europa, o aquecimento ambiente é apenas necessário para um curto período do ano, sendo para esta avaliação considerado um período de seis meses para aquecimento ambiente e um período de seis meses para a...

  8. Métodos de aquecimento na prevenção da hipotermia no intraoperatório de cirurgia abdominal eletiva

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    Rutes de Fatima Terres Danczuk


    Full Text Available Resumo Objetivo: Identificar os métodos de aquecimento para prevenir hipotermia em pacientes adultos no intraoperatório de cirurgia abdominal eletiva com exposição visceral. Métodos: Estudo quantitativo, exploratório e descritivo, prospectivo, realizado num hospital público da região sul do Brasil. Constituiu a amostra 63 pacientes. Observaram-se os métodos de aquecimento utilizados e foi aferida a temperatura timpânica. Para tratamento dos dados, aplicou-se a estatística descritiva por meio do software SEstatNet. Resultados: Foram utilizados métodos de aquecimento ativo e passivo. A infusão de fluidos aquecidos para irrigação da cavidade abdominal foi a medida mais empregada (nº 63; 100% do método ativo, enquanto que a manutenção do sistema de refrigeração desligado até o início da cirurgia foi a medida mais utilizada (nº 57; 90,5% do método passivo. Conclusão: Com os métodos de aquecimento empregados não houve hipotermia grave, porém, existem métodos atuais mais eficientes que poderiam prevenir a hipotermia leve e moderada encontradas.

  9. Perfil de temperatura dos funis magnetosféricos de estrelas T Tauri com aquecimento alfvênico (United States)

    Vasconcelos, M. J.


    Estrelas T Tauri Clássicas são objetos jovens circundados por discos de gás e poeira e que apresentam uma intensa atividade magnética. Seu espectro mostra linhas de emissão alargadas que são razoavelmente reproduzidas nos modelos de acresção magnetosférica. No entanto, o perfil de temperatura dos funis magnéticos é desconhecido. Aquecimento magnético compressional e difusão ambipolar foram considerados para estas estruturas, porém as temperaturas obtidas não são suficientes para explicar as observações. Neste trabalho, examinamos o aquecimento gerado pelo amortecimento de ondas Alfvén através de quatro mecanismos, os amortecimentos não-linear, turbulento, viscoso-resistivo e colisional como função da freqüência da onda. Inicialmente, a temperatura é ajustada para reproduzir as observações e o grau de turbulência requerido para que o mecanismo seja viável é calculado. Os resultados mostram que este é compatível com os dados observacionais. Apresentam-se, também, resultados preliminares do cálculo auto-consistente do perfil de temperatura dos funis, levando-se em conta fontes de aquecimento Alfvênica e fontes de resfriamento.

  10. Aquecimento de água no setor residencial


    Patrícia Abdala Raimo


    O setor residencial reflete a cultura do uso excessivo da eletricidade para aquecimento de água. Para este uso final, a inclusão de gás e complementação com energia termo-solar pode apresentar vantagem por se tratar de energia final mais compatível com os processos de transformação em energia útil na forma de calor. A inclusão destas fontes pode propiciar uma diminuição de sobrecarga no sistema elétrico e da eletrotermia no setor residencial. Este trabalho faz uma avaliação econômica dos sist...

  11. Avaliação de taxas de aquecimento em materiais refratários: comparação entre simulações físicas e cálculos computacionais

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    Pereira R.


    Full Text Available A correta determinação de curvas de aquecimento para materiais refratários é uma tarefa complexa, e a sua inadequação pode resultar até mesmo na destruição de um revestimento refratário. Este trabalho apresenta um estudo sobre o efeito de diferentes taxas de aquecimento no desempenho termomecânico de refratários utilizados em fornos de reaquecimento. O estudo considera desde curvas de aquecimento típicas indicadas por fornecedores, até velocidades de aquecimento de 180 ºC/h. É apresentada uma avaliação comparativa entre os resultados térmicos medidos em um forno simulador e resultados calculados pela técnica de elementos finitos. Os perfis térmicos medidos e calculados foram empregados para a determinação das tensões termomecânicas geradas dentro das peças, analisando a probabilidade de falha em função da velocidade de aquecimento. São destacadas as diferenças existentes nestas tensões quando se consideram propriedades medidas à quente e à temperatura ambiente.


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    Fabiana Karla de Oliveira Martins Varella


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho estuda a possibilidade de instalação e utilização de um Sistema de Aquecimento Solar de Água Não Convencional e de Baixo Custo (SASncbc na cidade de Mossoró/RN. Para isso, foi analisado o desempenho térmico de cada elemento que compõe o sistema de aquecimento solar separadamente, a fim de analisar o comportamento que os mesmos apresentaram na cidade em estudo. O SASncbc é composto por um coletor solar plano e um reservatório térmico, e o funcionamento desse sistema é realizado através do regime de convecção natural, também conhecido como termossifão. Foi determinado que o coletor solar não convencional e de baixo custo confeccionado apresenta boas temperaturas de saída, apesar do seu baixo rendimento, entretanto, não é adequado para ser utilizado na cidade de Mossoró/RN, pois atingiu ou ultrapassou, em alguns momentos da pesquisa, os níveis críticos de temperatura para início da degradação térmica de alguns dos materiais utilizados. Por outro lado, o reservatório térmico não convencional e de baixo custo construído apresentou bons resultados, podendo inclusive ser utilizado em outros sistemas de aquecimento de água alternativos ou não convencionais.

  13. Agregação da energia solar térmica ao aquecimento da água para o banho na moradia popular no Brasil


    Naspolini, Helena Flávia


    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Civil A presente tese tem como objetivo principal desenvolver um método para avaliar os benefícios e o potencial da agregação da energia solar térmica ao aquecimento da água para o banho na habitação popular, através de técnicas de medição e verificação da demanda e energia elétrica consumida por um grupo de sistemas de aquecimento solar monitorados. O método desenvolvido ...

  14. Aquecimento alfvênico viscoso-resistivo em discos de acresção ao redor de estrelas T Tauri clássicas (United States)

    Santana, W. M.; Vasconcelos, M. J.


    Com a crescente disponibilidade de dados observacionais sobre estrelas T Tauri, a busca por modelos mais precisos vem se tornando cada vez maior. Estes modelos devem explicar, entre outras coisas, o mecanismo dissipativo responsável pelo transporte de momento angular no disco de acresção que acredita-se, circunda estas estrelas. O mecanismo mais viável, do ponto de vista teórico, é uma instabilidade MHD conhecida como "instabilidade magnetorotacional ou Balbus-Hawley" (IBH). Esta instabilidade veio mostrar que o campo magnético desempenha um papel importante na evolução destes objetos mas requer, no entanto, um acoplamento mínimo entre o gás e o campo magnético no disco que não é atingido para os valores de temperatura obtidos do modelo padrão. Contudo, alguns mecanismos de aquecimento para o disco precisam ser examinados. Neste trabalho, propomos a dissipação de ondas Alfvén como uma fonte de aquecimento para o disco. Se o gás apresentar uma condutividade elétrica finita e viscosidade, teremos um tipo de amortecimento para as ondas denominado amortecimento viscoso-resistivo que será aqui considerado. Este mecanismo é aplicado ao modelo de disco em camadas. Calculam-se as taxas de aquecimento Alfvênico, a temperatura efetiva do disco bem como as taxas de ionização decorrentes deste aquecimento e do aquecimento gerado pela absorção de raios cósmicos. Comparações com os dados observacionais de Kitamura et. al. (2001) são efetuadas, ressaltando-se os pontos comuns entre suas observações e nossos dados teóricos.

  15. Biorremediación de arsénico mediada por microorganismos genéticamente modificados

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    Her Lizeth Rodríguez Martínez


    Full Text Available Las actividades antropogénicas aumentan la movilización y distribución de los metales pesados, si se rebasan los estándares permitidos por la normativa internacional resultan un serio problema para la salud de los seres vivos y el medio ambiente. Uno de los casos más alarmantes es el del arsénico; su presencia en agua potable y suelos (y por ende en alimentos es tal que hay reportados cientos de casos de intoxicación severa en países como China y Bangladesh. Debido a las actividades mineras, en algunas zonas de México como el Estado de Chihuahua, también se han encontrado altas concentraciones del elemento. Por el peligro que representa, la necesidad de encontrar alternativas para la remediación de sitios contaminados con arsénico es de suma importancia. Si bien existen diversos métodos físicos y químicos que se han usado desde hace décadas, la biorremediación constituye una alternativa prometedora que ofrece ventajas económicas y es eficiente. Esto último se debe a que se han aislado microorganismos que pueden resistir altas concentraciones de arsénico e incorporarlo a procesos metabólicos específicos gracias a mecanismos como la enzima arsenito oxidasa (AOX. Aún cuando el sistema de oxidación del arsénico no se ha descifrado completamente ha sido posible identificarlo en un gran número de microorganismos a través de técnicas de ingeniería genética, mismas que de manera reciente se han utilizado para potencializar la capacidad de las cepas silvestres. El objetivo de este documento consistió en hacer una revisión general sobre la biorremediación del arsénico y algunas estrategias como la detoxificación de arsénico (III por medio de AOX con el f in de encontrar una solución factible al problema detectado en el estado de Chihuahua. Tras la vasta cantidad de información recabada se determinó que la ingeniería genética resulta una herramienta prometedora para lograr la biorremediación de los metales

  16. Uso de controlador PID como tecnologia eficiente em sistema de aquecimento de creche suína

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    Juliana de S. G. Barros


    Full Text Available O uso racional de energia elétrica em creches suínas pode ser viabilizado sem afetar o desempenho produtivo dos animais visando à sustentabilidade do setor razão por que o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a eficiência de duas tecnologias de controle de temperatura em sistema de aquecimento resistivo em creche suína, no uso de energia elétrica e no ganho de peso dos leitões. Os sistemas avaliados foram: resistências elétricas suspensas com controle PID (proporcional, integral e derivativo e resistências elétricas suspensas com termostato. O experimento foi realizado durante o período de inverno, entre maio e setembro de 2013. Os critérios de comparação foram: consumo de energia elétrica (kWh, consumo específico (kWh kg-1, custo específico (R$ kg-1, indicador de eficiência elétrica no aquecimento, ganho de peso (kg e ganho de peso diário (kg d-1. O sistema de aquecimento com controlador PID, apesar de apresentar maior consumo médio, foi mais eficiente quanto ao uso de energia elétrica para produzir 1 kg de peso vivo (2,88 kWh kg-1, quanto ao custo específico (0,75 R$ kg-1 e quanto ao ganho de peso dos leitões (7,3 kg em comparação com o sistema com termostato (3,98 kWh kg-1, 1,03 R$ kg-1 e 5,2 kg, respectivamente.

  17. Diferentes aquecimentos no desempenho de repetições máximas na musculação

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    Danilo Atanázio da Luz Junior


    Full Text Available Introdução: Apesar do aquecimento ser considerado essencial na prática dos esportes, pouco se conhece sobre seu efeito no treinamento de força. Objetivo: Avaliar o efeito de diferentes estratégias de aquecimento no desempenho neuromuscular em adultos jovens submetidos a testes de repetições máximas de membro superior e inferior. Métodos: Dois experimentos foram realizados separadamente. Para o primeiro experimento, 16 adultos jovens hígidos realizaram um teste de repetições máximas a 70% de 1RM no supino reto (previamente determinado. Quatro condições de aquecimento foram testadas: Controle (CON sem aquecimento prévio, esteira (EST 5' a 60% VO2max, resistência de força (REF 15 repetições com 40% de 1RM e força máxima (FM duas séries de duas repetições com 90% de 1RM. Para o segundo experimento, 14 adultos jovens hígidos, realizaram um teste de repetições máximas a 70% de 1RM no leg press unilateral (previamente determinado. Cinco condições de aquecimento foram testadas: controle (CON sem aquecimento prévio, esteira (EST 5' a 60% VO2max, bicicleta (BIC 5' a 60% VO2max, resistência de força (REF 15 repetições com 40% de 1RM e força máxima (FM duas séries de duas repetições com 90% de 1RM. Para ambos os experimentos o número de repetições realizadas e a percepção subjetiva de esforço foram avaliadas. Resultados: Para o primeiro experimento o protocolo FM foi superior a todos os outros protocolos. Não foram observadas diferenças entre as outras condições. Para o segundo experimento, foi observado diferenças entre todos os protocolos, exceto CON e EST. Sendo FM>BIC>REF>EST=CON. Conclusão: Os resultados do presente estudo sugerem que um aquecimento de força máxima levou a uma maior produção de força para os membros superiores e inferiores. Adicionalmente, aquecimentos aeróbios e de resistência de força apresentaram melhora no desempenho de força para os membros inferiores em uma menor

  18. Comportamento de três hortaliças de fruto submetidas ao aquecimento intermitente durante a frigoconservação Behavior of three vegetable fruits submitted to intermittent warming during cold storage

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    R.A. KLUGE


    Full Text Available Efeitos do aquecimento intermitente foram estudados em berinjelas, pimentões e quiabos refrigerados. Berinjelas `Piracicaba F-100' foram continuamente refrigeradas por 21 dias ou aquecidas a cada 3, 4, 5 ou 6 dias. Pimentões `Maiata' foram continuamente refrigerados por 28 dias ou aquecidos a cada 5, 6, 7 ou 8 dias. Quiabos `Santa Cruz-47' foram continuamente refrigerados por 8 dias, ou aquecidos aos 2, 3, 4 ou 5 dias. O armazenamento foi realizado à 5ºC e 90-95% UR. O aquecimento foi realizado por 24 horas à 24-25ºC e 70-75% UR (condições ambientais. O aquecimento intermitente reduziu os sintomas de injúrias pelo frio, mas provocou elevadas perdas de massa em muitos tratamentos, causando murchamento e reduzindo a comerciabilidade dos frutos após a refrigeração, principalmente em quiabos e pimentões.Effects of intermittent warming were evaluated for cold stored eggplant, pepper and okra fruits. Eggplant fruits cv. Piracicaba F-100 were continuously cold stored for 21 days or submitted to warming each 3, 4, 5 or 6 days. Pepper fruits cv. Maiata were continuously cold stored for 28 days or submitted to warming each 5, 6, 7 or 8 days. Okra pods cv. Santa Cruz-47 were continuously cold stored for 8 days or submitted to warming after 2, 3, 4 or 5 days. The cold storage temperature was 5ºC and 90-95% RH. The warming temperature was 24-25ºC and 70-75% RH (room temperature, for 24 hs. The intermittent warming reduced chilling injury in fruits, however, caused high mass loss and shriveling in most treatments. This reduced fruit marketability, mainly in okra and pepper fruits.

  19. Comportamento de variáveis climáticas em sistemas de ventilação mínima para produção de pintos de corte Behavior of environmental variables on minimum ventilation systems for the production of broiler chickens

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    Irene Menegali


    Full Text Available Durante o processo de criação de frangos de corte a fase inicial ou fase de aquecimento se caracteriza por ser este o período mais delicado devido à imaturidade fisiológica das aves. Desta forma, os fatores ambientais se destacam por inferir, de forma direta, no crescimento, no desempenho zootécnico e na mantança da vida desses animais. Objetivou-se, com base nessas considerações estudar, com este trabalho, o efeito de três diferentes sistemas de ventilação mínima (por pressão positiva, negativa e natural sobre as variáveis ambientais (temperatura do ar, umidade relativa e velocidade do ar de galpões de frangos de corte, durante a fase de aquecimento. De acordo com os resultados verificou-se que o sistema de aquecimento utilizado não foi satisfatório para manter a temperatura do ar e a umidade relativa dentro de padrões considerados adequados, expondo as aves, assim, a períodos de estresse térmico por frio. Em contrapartida, não ocorreram influências negativas em relação às taxas de ventilação aplicadas para os dois sistemas de ventilação positiva e negativa. A velocidade do ar também se manteve em níveis considerados não estressores para as aves, no período de aquecimento.During the creation process of poultry, the initial or heating phase, is characterized as the most delicate period due to physiological immaturity of the birds. Thus, environmental factors stand out to infer, directly, in the growth, on the performance and maintenance of life of these animals. Based on these considerations, the aim of this study was to study the effect of three different systems of minimum ventilation (positive pressure, negative and natural on environmental variables (air temperature, relative humidity and wind velocity of broiler sheds during the heating phase. According to results obtained, it was verified that the heating system used was inadequate to maintain the air temperature and relative humidity within the standards

  20. Sistema de aquecimento solar das piscinas da C. M. de Penacova e respectivas I. S.


    Oliveira, Mário Jorge Simões


    Apesar dos sucessivos programas de apoio que têm vindo a ser disponibilizados para a instalação de sistemas de aquecimento solar, muitas piscinas municipais aquecidas não possuem este tipo de aproveitamento de energia solar. Assim sendo, verificam-se elevados custos de exploração, resultantes, em grande parte, de exagerados consumos de energia. Estes gastos podem ser minimizados com a adoção de diversas medidas de redução energética, nomeadamente a inclusão de um sistema de aquecimento solar,...

  1. Macrófitas aquáticas em tratamento de águas contaminadas por arsênio


    Santos, Edilayne Cristina


    A poluição das águas por arsênio, e compostos: orgânicos, fosfatados e nitrogenados é um dos maiores problemas do mundo moderno. A fitorremediação tem sido utilizada, na busca de espécies vegetais com potencial para a remoção desses compostos. Nesse intuito, espécies de macrófitas foram colocadas em presença de arsênio em meio aquoso nutritivo, a fim de estudar a absorção do arsênio pelas mesmas e a sua cinética. A análise do crescimento e da produção de biomassa, em curto intervalo de tempo,...

  2. Desempenho produtivo e bioeconômico de frangos de corte criados em diferentes sistemas de aquecimento


    Abreu,Paulo Giovanni de; Baêta,Fernando da Costa; Abreu,Valéria Maria Nascimento; Soares,Paulo Rubens; Perdomo,Carlos Cláudio; Silva,Martinho de Almeida e


    RESUMO - Este experimento foi realizado em duas fases para estudar o efeito de diferentes sistemas de aquecimento em piso sobre os desempenhos produtivo e bioeconômico de frangos de corte. Um total de 500 pintos de um dia, 50% macho e 50% fêmea, em cada círculo de proteção, foi distribuído em um delineamento experimental em blocos casualizados, com sete tratamentos e quatro blocos. Os sistemas de aquecimento testados foram: placa de fibra de vidro sem cobertura de lona plástica; placa de fibr...

  3. Biorremediación de arsénico mediada por microorganismos genéticamente modificados


    Her Lizeth Rodríguez Martínez; Maribel Peña Manjarrez; Ana Victoria Gutiérrez Reyes; Cynthia Lizeth González Trevizo; Silvia Lorena Montes Fonseca; Gladys Guadalupe López Avalos


    Las actividades antropogénicas aumentan la movilización y distribución de los metales pesados, si se rebasan los estándares permitidos por la normativa internacional resultan un serio problema para la salud de los seres vivos y el medio ambiente. Uno de los casos más alarmantes es el del arsénico; su presencia en agua potable y suelos (y por ende en alimentos) es tal que hay reportados cientos de casos de intoxicación severa en países como China y Bangladesh. Debido a las actividades mineras,...

  4. Daños tóxicos en tejidos vegetales, producidos por aguas contaminadas con arsénico en Zimapán, Hidalgo, México Danos tóxicos em tecidos vegetais, produzidos por águas contaminadas com arsênio em Zimapán, Hidalgo, México

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    Francisco Prieto García


    Full Text Available Según estudios realizados en el periodo de 1992-1998 en las aguas de los pozos, norias y manantiales, del municipio de Zimapán, Estado de Hidalgo, México, se corroboró que existía un incremento en el contenido de arsénico rebasando los límites máximos permisibles por la Norma Oficial Mexicana. La determinación de arsénico en las muestras de aguas se realizó por absorción atómica (AAS, mediante generador de hidruros (GH. En este estudio se utilizó el Vicia faba como un bioensayo para evaluar el daño genotóxico con la prueba de inducción de micronúcleos por exposición al agua de Zimapán, contaminada con As en células de raíces. Se utilizó como ensayo de control un agua de pozo de similares características del municipio de Pachuca, pero con contenidos de As por debajo de los límites de detección. Los resultados mostraron que el agua de esta región presenta altas concentraciones de arsénico y que puede provocar efectos genotóxicos que se manifiestan por la inducción de micronúcleos en las células meristemáticas de raíces de tejidos vegetales sensible.Estudos feitos no período de 1992-1998 nas águas dos poços da municipalidade de Zimapán, estado do Hidalgo, México, demostram o aumento na concentração de arsênio ultrapassando os limites máximos permissíveis pela norma oficial mexicana. A determinação de arsênio nas amostras de água foi feita por absorção atômica (AA, por meio do gerador de hidruros (GH. Neste estudo, o Vicia faba foi usado como bioensaio para avaliar os danos genotóxicos com o teste da indução dos micronúcleos pela exposição à água de Zimapán, contaminada com arsênio em células de raízes. Como controle, foi usada uma água com similares características, do município de Pachuca, mas com índices abaixo dos limites de detecção. Os resultados mostraram que a água desta região apresenta altas concentrações de arsênico e que os efeitos genotóxicos manifestam-se pela

  5. 40Ar/39Ar geochronology at the Instituto de Geociências, USP: instrumentation, analytical procedures, and calibration

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    Full Text Available Laser heating 40Ar/39Ar geochronology provides high analytical precision and accuracy, mum-scale spatial resolution, and statistically significant data sets for the study of geological and planetary processes. A newly commissioned 40Ar/39Ar laboratory at CPGeo/USP, São Paulo, Brazil, equips the Brazilian scientific community with a new powerful tool applicable to the study of geological and cosmochemical processes. Detailed information about laboratory layout, environmental conditions, and instrumentation provides the necessary parameters for the evaluation of the CPGeo/USP 40Ar/39Ar suitability to a diverse range of applications. Details about analytical procedures, including mineral separation, irradiation at the IPEN/CNEN reactor at USP, and mass spectrometric analysis enable potential researchers to design the necessary sampling and sample preparation program suitable to the objectives of their study. Finally, the results of calibration tests using Ca and K salts and glasses, international mineral standards, and in-house mineral standards show that the accuracy and precision obtained at the 40Ar/39Ar laboratory at CPGeo/USP are comparable to results obtained in the most respected laboratories internationally. The extensive calibration and standardization procedures undertaken ensure that the results of analytical studies carried out in our laboratories will gain immediate international credibility, enabling Brazilian students and scientists to conduct forefront research in earth and planetary sciences.A geocronologia de 40Ar/39Ar por aquecimento a laser permite alta precisão e acurácia analítica, tem resolução espacial em escala micrométrica, e fornece um número de dados estatisticamente significantes para o estudo de processos geológicos e planetários. Um recém construído laboratório de 40Ar/39Ar no CPGeo/USP, São Paulo, Brazil, mune a sociedade científica brasileira com uma técnica eficaz aplicável aos estudos geol

  6. Inspeção termográfica de danos por impacto em laminados de matriz polimérica reforçados por fibras de carbono Thermographic inspection of impact damage in carbon fiber-reinforcing polymer matrix laminates

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    José R. Tarpani


    Full Text Available Laminados compósitos com matrizes poliméricas, respectivamente termorrígida e termoplástica, fortalecidas com fibras contínuas de carbono foram submetidos a impacto único transversal com diferentes níveis de energia. Os danos impingidos aos materiais estruturais foram avaliados por termografia ativa infravermelha na modalidade transmissão. Em geral, os termogramas do laminado termoplástico apresentaram indicações mais claras e bem definidas dos danos causados por impacto, se comparados aos do compósito termorrígido. O aquecimento convectivo das amostras por fluxo controlado de ar quente se mostrou mais eficaz que o realizado por irradiação, empregando-se lâmpada de filamento. Observou-se também que tempos mais longos de aquecimento favoreceram a visualização dos danos. O posicionamento da face impactada do espécime, relativamente à câmera infravermelha e à fonte de calor, não afetou a qualidade dos termogramas no caso do laminado termorrígido, enquanto que influenciou significativamente os termogramas do compósito termoplástico. Os resultados permitiram concluir que a termografia infravermelha é um método de ensaio não-destrutivo simples, robusto e confiável para a detecção de danos por impacto tão leve quanto 5 J em laminados compósitos poliméricos reforçados com fibras de carbono.Continuous carbon fiber reinforced thermoset and thermoplastic composite laminates were exposed to single transversal impact with different energy levels. The damages impinged to the structural materials were evaluated by active infrared thermography in the transmission mode. In general, the thermoplastic laminate thermograms showed clearer damage indications than those from the thermosetting composite. The convective heating of the samples by controlled hot air flow was more efficient than via irradiation using a filament lamp. It was also observed that longer heating times improved the damage visualization. The positioning of the

  7. Desempenho produtivo e bioeconômico de frangos de corte criados em diferentes sistemas de aquecimento Productive and bioeconomical performance of broiler chicks grown under different heating systems

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    Paulo Giovanni de Abreu


    Full Text Available RESUMO - Este experimento foi realizado em duas fases para estudar o efeito de diferentes sistemas de aquecimento em piso sobre os desempenhos produtivo e bioeconômico de frangos de corte. Um total de 500 pintos de um dia, 50% macho e 50% fêmea, em cada círculo de proteção, foi distribuído em um delineamento experimental em blocos casualizados, com sete tratamentos e quatro blocos. Os sistemas de aquecimento testados foram: placa de fibra de vidro sem cobertura de lona plástica; placa de fibra de vidro com cobertura de lona plástica; resistência embutida no piso sem cobertura de lona plástica; resistência embutida no piso com cobertura de lona plástica; placa de argamassa armada sem cobertura de lona plástica; placa de argamassa armada com cobertura de lona plástica; e campânula a gás. O aquecimento foi mantido por 21 dias, iniciando com a temperatura de 35ºC na primeira semana, com redução de 3ºC por semana. Peso vivo, ganho de peso, consumo de ração, conversão alimentar e mortalidade foram avaliados. Os consumos de energia elétrica e de gás foram registrados durante todo o período de aquecimento, para comparação de custos. O sistema de aquecimento placa de argamassa com cobertura de lona plástica foi o mais indicado, pois propiciou boas condições térmicas e maior margem bruta no final do período de criação.ABSTRACT - This experiment was carried out in two phases to study the effect of different heating systems on the productive and bioeconomical performances in broilers. Five hundred one-day broiler chicks, 50% male and 50% female, in each protected circle, were allotted to a randomized block design with seven treatments and four blocks. The heating systems were: fiber glass plate without plastic sheet cover, fiber glass plate with plastic sheet cover; built-in floor resistance without plastic sheet cover, built-in floor resistance with plastic sheet cover; mortar plate without plastic sheet cover, mortar


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    E. F. Carreira Junior


    Full Text Available O aumento do consumo mundial de energia tem gerado a busca de fontes alternativas, inclusive a solar, de fácil utilização, não exigindo equipamentos muito sofisticados nem complexos. Muitos processos industriais utilizam água em temperaturas até 100°C. O uso de energia solar na indústria ainda é baixo se comparado ao consumo energético total. O objetivo deste artigo é investigar possibilidades de usos de aquecimento solar de água em processos industriais, para o que foi utilizada pesquisa bibliográfica em artigos internacionais visando identificar o estágio atual dessas aplicações no mundo. Pesquisa exploratória de dados secundários do mercado brasileiro de sistemas de aquecimento solar no Departamento Nacional de Aquecimento Solar (DASOL, e no Plano Nacional de Eficiência Energética 2010-2030 (PNEf-2010 do Ministério de Minas e Energia, buscou caracterizar o estágio atual desse setor no Brasil. O estudo permite concluir que o uso de aquecimento solar de água em indústrias no Brasil é possível e representa uma alternativa que pode contribuir para a redução do custo e do consumo de energia em 30% a 40% dos processos de aquecimento em baixas temperaturas, especialmente nos setores de alimentos, bebidas, têxtil e químico.

  9. Effect of Normalizing and Solution Heat Treatments in the Microstructure of a Dissimilar Joint Welded Between an API 5L X-52 Steel Pipe and Inconel 625


    Soares, Jefferson Pinto; Terrones, Luis Augusto Hernandez; Paranhos, Ronaldo


    Resumo O propósito deste trabalho é comparar as mudanças na microestrutura e na dureza de um tubo de aço API 5L X-52, revestido internamente por soldagem com Inconel 625, após a execução dos tratamentos térmicos de normalização a 1100 °C por 60 min. e resfriamento ao ar, e de solubilização a 1030 °C com aquecimento por indução eletromagnética por 30 s. e resfriamento em água. Foram utilizadas técnicas de microscopia ótica (MO) e eletrônica de varredura (MEV), análise por espectroscopia de ene...


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    Millene Caroline Albino de Oliveira


    Full Text Available Uma sala do Perlstein Hall, da Illinois Institute of Techonology, (Chicago, IL, USA possui um sistema de aquecimento, ventilação e ar condicionado (em inglês – HVAC equipado com um sensor de gás carbônico, cujo intuito é regular diretamente a qualidade do ar e assegurar que a sala esteja em condições aceitáveis. Este procedimento, porém, pode colocar uma carga extra no sistema HVAC e aumentar o consumo de energia. Desta forma, o objetivo principal do trabalho foi o desenvolvimento e a aplicação de uma estratégia de controle de temperatura e concentração de CO2 para o sistema em questão, utilizando um controlador Proporcional-Integral (PI. Dados coletados em testes realizados na sala foram utilizados para a estimação dos parâmetros das funções de transferência e dos controladores. Inicialmente, os controladores foram testados separadamente e, em seguida, em conjunto. Pode-se observar que o controlador PI obteve bons resultados, apesar do overshoot e oscilações do sistema já observados pela literatura, conseguindo atingir o set point desejado de temperatura de 70°F e de concentração de CO2 de 150 ppm. Palavras-chave: HVAC, Controle, controlador PI.


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    Thiago Torres Costa Pereira


    Full Text Available A Antártica representa um ambiente peculiar para formação de solos e estudo de muitos de seus processos, sendo que alguns dos quais possuem características atípicas. Solos afetados por permafrost são encontrados nas regiões árticas e subárticas, em altas montanhas e nas regiões livres de gelo da Antártica, e abrangem cerca de 13 % da cobertura terrestre. Atualmente, é inegável a influência do permafrost sobre os recursos hídricos, propriedades do solo, e desenvolvimento de vegetação. Além destes, uma série de questões estão relacionadas às mudanças no balanço de carbono, em reflexo à degradação do permafrost pelo aumento de temperatura. As quatro maiores regiões da Criosferano mundo são: Antártica, Oceano Ártico, as neves extrapolares e os ambientes montanhosos bastante frios. Mudanças na Criosferaem resposta ao aquecimento global são prováveis de serem observadas inicialmente em zonas de transição, em torno das extremidades de geleiras e camadas de gelo, e em áreas de permafrost, ambientes que em contrapartida, influenciam, mesmo que indiretamente, todas as superfícies da Terra. O debate sobre a possibilidade da ocorrência de aumento da temperatura global causado pelos gases do efeito estufa despertou atenção de pesquisadores sobre o estado de equilíbrio das grandes massas de gelo e permafrost presentes na Antártica. Outros fatores importantes envolvem as interações que influenciam diretamente as relações tróficas e rotas de transferência de matéria e energia entre o oceano e as áreas costeiras na Antártica. Nestes locais, existe grande aporte de materiais orgânicos depositados por aves, com destaque para os pinguins, sendo a incorporação destes materiais orgânicos à matriz mineral do solo a principal influência na caracterização dos solos ornitogênicos. Diante destes fatos, foram iniciados em 2002 os estudos pedológicos pelo então Projeto Criossolos, atual NúcleoTerrantar. Os

  12. Metodologia para simulação numérica de sistemas de aquecimento de água utilizando coletores solares planos


    SILVA, Ana Cristina Goncalves Castro


    Os sistemas de aquecimento solar de água têm sido bastante utilizados para uso doméstico em residências, visto que, seu uso reduz custos de aquecimento de água e ainda é uma fonte renovável de energia. Todo coletor solar precisa ser caracterizado através de uma equação de desempenho. Para tal, deve ser analisado, numérica ou experimentalmente para que seja obtida sua curva característica de eficiência em função da temperatura de entrada e da radiação solar incidente no coletor....

  13. Cinética da degradação de carotenoides e da alteração de cor do azeite de pequi submetido ao aquecimento em temperatura de fritura

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    Mara Lina Rodrigues


    Full Text Available O azeite de pequi possui coloração vermelho-alaranjada devido à presença de carotenoides. Possíveis alterações químicas nesses compostos durante o processamento podem influenciar em modificações físicas do produto que ocorrem quando este é submetido ao aquecimento. Este estudo teve como objetivo utilizar parâmetros cinéticos para avaliar a degradação de carotenoides e a alteração de cor do azeite de pequi submetido ao aquecimento em temperatura de fritura. Para avaliar o efeito do aquecimento, o azeite de pequi foi tratado termicamente a 180°C em intervalo crescente de 10 minutos até uma hora de aquecimento. Realizaram-se as análises de carotenoides totais e cor e com esses resultados determinaram-se os parâmetros cinéticos. Ao longo do aquecimento, o teor de carotenoides foi praticamente todo degradado e consequentemente a cor foi bastante alterada. A cinética de degradação dos carotenoides foi de primeira ordem e da alteração de cor foi de ordem zero. Essas cinéticas refletiram as observações visuais das amostras do azeite de pequi obtidas depois de cada tratamento.


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    Tiago Sinigaglia


    Full Text Available A radiação solar na forma de energia térmica pode ser utilizada para aquecer água e em diversas outras atividades. Um sistema de aquecimento solar é composto por um coletor solar, um reservatório térmico, circuito hidráulico e ainda pode ter uma fonte de energia auxiliar. Este trabalho tem por objetivo calcular a produção energética de uma placa coletora solar para atender a demanda de água quente utilizada na higienização de ordenhadeiras de uma propriedade rural de Tuparendi, RS. Com a utilização da energia térmica solar pode se diminuir o consumo de energia elétrica, contribuindo para a sustentabilidade do planeta e da atividade leiteira que possui uma margem de lucro não tão expressiva. A produção energética da placa coletora foi calculada pela metodologia F-chart e assim foi encontrada no mercado a placa coletora que produziu as melhores frações solares para a necessidade. Conclui-se que em alguns meses do ano a energia útil disponível  será menor que a demanda energética, necessitando assim de uma fonte de energia auxiliar.

  15. Modelagem e simulação de um sistema solar de aquecimento e distribuição de água quente


    Anderson Geraldo Alves de Oliveira


    O sistema solar de aquecimento de água é utilizado principalmente para aquecer água para o banho ou piscina nos setores residencial, industrial e de serviços. Atualmente, a crescente utilização desse sistema tem ajudado, principalmente, a redução do consumo da energia elétrica nas residências familiares e multifamiliares. Neste trabalho foram realizadas a modelagem matemática e a simulação numérica de um sistema solar de aquecimento e distribuição de água quente residencial de baixo custo. A ...

  16. Análise de um sistema de aquecimento de água para residências rurais, utilizando energia solar A water heating system analysis for rural residences, using solar energy

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    Luiz H. Basso


    Full Text Available A conscientização da importância do meio ambiente tem incentivado o estudo de novas fontes energéticas renováveis e menos poluentes. Dentre essas fontes, a energia solar destaca-se por ser perene e limpa. A utilização da energia solar em sistemas de aquecimento de água residencial rural pode colaborar com a economia de energia elétrica, base da matriz energética brasileira. Conhecer os fatores que influenciam na operação de um sistema de aquecimento de água por energia solar é importante na determinação de sua viabilidade técnica, visando a sua difusão em residências rurais. Para tanto, construiu-se um protótipo, no câmpus da Faculdade Assis Gurgacz, em Cascavel - PR, com características similares a um equipamento utilizado em residências para dois habitantes, para funcionar com circulação natural ou termossifão e sem auxílio de sistema de aquecimento complementar. O equipamento mostrou-se viável tecnicamente, alcançando a temperatura mínima para banho de 35 °C, sempre que a radiação solar foi superior a 3.500 Wh m-2, o que aconteceu para a maioria dos dias estudados.The awareness of the importance of the environment has stimulated the study of new renewed energy sources and less pollutant. Amongst these sources, solar energy stands alone for being perennial and clean. The use of solar energy in systems of agricultural residential water heating, can complement the economy of electric energy, base of the Brazilian energy matrix. Knowing the factors that influence the operation of a system of water heating by solar energy is important in determining their technical viabilities targeting their distribution in agricultural residences. To evaluate equipment of water heating for solar energy, a prototype was constructed in the campus of Assis Gurgacz College, in Cascavel,State of Paraná, Brazil, with similar characteristics to equipment used in residences for two inhabitants, to function with natural circulation or

  17. Análise da viabilidade econômica de um sistema de aquecimento solar de água para uma empresa do setor hoteleiro


    Oliveira, Therence Ulisses Medeiros de


    Este trabalho apresenta uma análise da viabilidade financeira da utilização de um sistema solar para aquecimento de água em um hotel fictício na região Nordeste, empregando para isso técnicas de dimensionamento de coletores solares e métodos da Matemática Financeira, como Valor Presente Líquido (VPL), Taxa Interna de Retorno (TIR) e Payback. Será também apresentada uma análise de sensibilidade para verificar quais são os fatores que mais impactam na viabilidade do aquecimento s...

  18. Otimização de sistema de aquecimento solar de água em edificações residenciais unifamiliares utilizando o programa TRNSYS.


    Juliana Benoni Arruda Lima


    Os sistemas de aquecimento solar de água têm sido amplamente utilizados no Brasil para uso doméstico em residências unifamiliares, aproveitando a energia potencial da água do reservatório superior e o fenômeno da termossifonagem para a circulação da água quente. Entretanto estes sistemas de aquecimento de água normalmente são dimensionados através de tabelas fornecidas pelos fabricantes que indicam o número de placas em função do tamanho da família e do número de pontos de utilização de água ...

  19. Biomassa de microalgas : separação da microalga marinha nannochloropsis oculata por coagulação, floculação e flotação por ar dissolvido


    Cauã Brum Borges


    As microalgas são microrganismos fotossintetizantes que possuem uma alta produtividade por área e não necessitam de terrenos agriculturáveis, nem água agriculturável. Neste trabalho foi avaliado um processo de coleta com uso dos processos físico-químicos de coagulação, floculação e flotação por ar dissolvido (FAD) para a microalga marinha Nannochloropsis oculata. Uma varredura com coagulantes inorgânicos (Al2(SO4)3 e FeCl3), polieletrólitos catiônicos naturais (Veta Organic®, Tanfloc SL®, Tan...

  20. Influência da temperatura na síntese hidrotérmica da zeólita Y obtida por microondas


    Simões,A. N.; Neiva,L. S.; Simões,V. N.; Rodrigues,M. G.; Gama,L.


    Nos últimos anos o aquecimento e a condução de reações químicas por energia de microondas tem sido um tema cada vez mais popular na comunidade científica, e assim nos campos da zeólita. Desta forma, o presente trabalho visa estudar o efeito da temperatura na obtenção da zeólita Y sintetizada por microondas. A temperatura de síntese foi variada de 100 ºC a 90 ºC. As amostras foram caracterizadas por difração de raios X, microscopia eletrônica de varredura e adsorção de nitrogênio. Os resultado...

  1. Sistema automatizado de aquecimento solar para controle de fitopatógenos da água de irrigação Automatic solar heating system for control of pathogens in irrigation water

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    Carlos A. da S. Braga


    Full Text Available O sistema automatizado de aquecimento solar, baseou-se em um processo misto de aquecimento da água em circuito fechado, através de coletores planos e dois princípios integrados de transmissão de calor, um por convecção natural e o outro por convecção forçada. A automatização foi realizada por monitores termostáticos diferenciais. Os testes normativos abrangeram as temperaturas programadas de 50, 55 e 60 ºC, que contemplam a faixa de temperatura letal para a maioria dos fitopatógenos. Os resultados indicaram rendimentos térmicos da ordem de 63, 55 e 52%, superiores, quando comparados aos rendimentos médios de 50, 47 e 45% dos sistemas convencionais. Os resultados experimentais mostraram que o sistema é eficiente para a eliminação de patógenos da água de irrigação, sendo promissor como uma opção de baixo custo para ser usado em viveiros, casas-de-vegetação e pequenas ou médias propriedades agrícolas.In the system proposed, which uses flat collectors, both natural and forced convection are responsible for the transfer of heat to the circulating water. The automation of the system is performed by thermostats, placed in different places, electrically connected to other components like valves and a water pump. Under identical test conditions and in the range of temperatures considered (50, 55 and 60 ºC, which includes the reference lethal temperature range for pathogens, the thermal efficiencies attained were 63, 55 and 52%, which compare favorably with those obtained in conventional systems, these being 50, 47 and 42% respectively, as reported. The results of the experimental trials show that the system described is a viable option to eliminate pathogens present in irrigation water, while its low cost makes it attractive for use in nurseries, greenhouses and on small farms.

  2. Dimensões psicológicas do aquecimento global conforme a visão de adolescentes brasileiros

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    Hellen Chrystianne Lucio Barros


    Full Text Available Evidências científicas sugerem o envolvimento das ações humanas nas mudanças climáticas globais (MCGs - seja como intensificadoras, mitigadoras ou adaptadoras diante dos seus efeitos - situação que evidencia a relevância de se investigar os aspectos psicológicos envolvidos no tema. O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar a visão de adolescentes sobre o aquecimento global (AG, que é uma parte importante das MCGs. Participaram 323 estudantes do Ensino Fundamental e Médio, sendo 202 garotas e 121 rapazes, com idades entre 12 e 19 anos, e média de 15 anos, que responderam a um questionário, contendo uma pergunta aberta sobre AG. Evidenciou-se que o conhecimento do assunto é superficial; os estudantes o percebem como um problema ambiental genérico, e o confundem com outros problemas, como a poluição. A cadeia interdependente de fenômenos relacionados às MCGs, como os gases do efeito estufa, foi mencionada por raríssimos participantes, assim como as implicações locais do problema.

  3. Programa de simulação de sistemas de aquecimento Solar.


    Pablo de Abreu Lisboa


    Neste trabalho é apresentado o desenvolvimento de um programa computacional que simula o desempenho térmico de um sistema de aquecimento solar de água com circulação forçada, adequado para uso em edificações. O programa trabalha realizando o balanço de massa e de energia no reservatório térmico a cada hora, tendo como valores de entrada dados do ano meteorológico típico da localidade selecionada e a vazão de água quente de consumo. Os componentes do sistema são o reservatório térmico de água ...

  4. Sistemas de tubagem de PPR reforçado com fibra de vidro destinados à distribuição de água quente e fria e a sistemas de aquecimento e de extinção automática de incêndio por água com aspersores no interior de edifícios - Critério para avaliação da aptidão ao uso


    Real, L. P.


    Nesta publicação apresenta-se o critério presentemente seguido pelo LNEC para concessão de homologação com certificação, bem como para o posterior controlo periódico da qualidade a sistemas de tubagem de copolímero de polipropileno estatístico (“random”) reforçado com fibra de vidro na camada intermédia (PPR-FV-PPR), destinados à distribuição de água quente e fria, ao aquecimento e a redes de extinção automática de incêndio por água. Projeto ECOPOL / NÃO CONFIDENCIAL DED/NAICI...

  5. Desempenho produtivo e bioeconômico de frangos de corte criados em diferentes sistemas de aquecimento Productive and bioeconomical performance of broiler chicks grown under different heating systems


    Paulo Giovanni de Abreu; Fernando da Costa Baêta; Valéria Maria Nascimento Abreu; Paulo Rubens Soares; Carlos Cláudio Perdomo; Martinho de Almeida e Silva


    RESUMO - Este experimento foi realizado em duas fases para estudar o efeito de diferentes sistemas de aquecimento em piso sobre os desempenhos produtivo e bioeconômico de frangos de corte. Um total de 500 pintos de um dia, 50% macho e 50% fêmea, em cada círculo de proteção, foi distribuído em um delineamento experimental em blocos casualizados, com sete tratamentos e quatro blocos. Os sistemas de aquecimento testados foram: placa de fibra de vidro sem cobertura de lona plástica; placa de fibr...

  6. Narrativa sensacionalista e ficção especulativa sobre o aquecimento global: Catarse, alerta, realidade e ficção em "O Dia Depois de Amanhã"

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    Carolina Maria Zoccoli Carneiro


    Full Text Available

    Tomando como objeto de análise o filme O Dia Depois de Amanhã (EUA, 2004, este artigo tem como objetivo discutir como uma abordagem sensacionalista sobre questões ambientais, como o aquecimento global, pode propor uma mistura entre realidade - embasada em fatos científicos – e ficção, atraindo o espectador por meio de suas sensações. Para isto, trabalhamos sobre o conceito de sensacionalismo e suas origens, além do potencial atrativo do ficcional e da fantasia.

  7. Riesgos potenciales de salud por consumo de agua con arsénico en Colima, México

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    Oliver Mendoza-Cano


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Estimar los riesgos potenciales de salud debidos a la ingestión crónica de arsénico (As en agua en Colima, México. Material y métodos. Se muestrearon aleatoriamente 36 pozos en 10 acuíferos locales. El análisis se hizo mediante ICP-OES siguiendo estándares internacionales. Se realizó una interpolación geoestadística con ArcGIS, implementando un modelo de ponderación del inverso de la distancia, para estimar la ruta de exposición de consumo en cada localidad. Se calcularon los coeficientes de peligro (HQy riesgo carcinogénico (R. Resultados. El HQ promedio ponderado de As para Colima es 2.41. Existen valores de HQ>1 para As que indican efectos adversos no carcinogénicos para la salud por ingestión continua y prolongada de agua; esto podría afectar a 183 832 individuos en el estado. El riesgo calculado de desarrollar cáncer debido a las concentraciones de arsénico en aguas subterráneas (R es de 1.089E-3; estadísticamente esto podría ocasionar 446 casos de cáncer. Conclusiones. Los niveles actuales de arsénico en el agua de pozo incrementan los riesgos carcinogénicos y no carcinogénicos de salud humana en Colima.

  8. Heat and mass transfer during the warming of a bottle of beer = Transferência de calor e massa durante o aquecimento de uma garrafa de cerveja

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    Cláudio Vinicius Barbosa Monteiro


    Full Text Available The warming of a bottle of beer during a Friday evening happy hour directly involves transport phenomena, such as mass transfer due to condensation of air humidity on the bottle surface and heat transfer from the ambient to the bottle, which occurs by free convection and water condensation. Both processes happen simultaneously and are directly associated with the heat and mass transfer coefficients involved, which are affected by the ambient humidity and temperature. Several runs were made in several ambient conditions by exposing a cold bottle of beer to varied temperature and humidity and measuring the temperature of beer and the mass of water condensed on the bottle surface over time. From these measures, a theoretical and experimental methodology was developed and applied for the evaluation of the heat and mass transfer coefficients that govern this process. Both the relative humidity and ambient temperature exert a significant influence on the convective heat transfer coefficient. However, the mass transfer coefficient is affected only by the temperature.O aquecimento de uma garrafa de cerveja num “happy-hour” de sexta a tarde envolve diretamente os fenômenos de transferência de massa, devido à condensação da umidade do ar na superfície da garrafa, e de transferência de calor do meio para a garrafa, que ocorre por convecção natural e por condensação de vapor de água. Ambos os processos ocorrem simultaneamente e estão diretamente associados aos coeficientes de transferência de calor e massa envolvidos na dinâmica destes fenômenos e sofrem influência direta da umidade e temperatura ambientes. Neste contexto, efetuaram-se ensaios em diversas condições de temperatura e umidade ambientes, expondo-se uma garrafa de cerveja gelada ao ambiente e medindo-se a temperatura da cerveja e a massa de água condensada ao longo do tempo. A partir destas medidas, desenvolveu-se uma metodologia teórico-experimental que proporcionou a

  9. Cinética de sinterização para sistemas à base de SnO2 por taxa de aquecimento constante Sintering kinetics for SnO2-based systems by constant heating rate

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    S. M. Tebcheran


    Full Text Available Cerâmicas densas de óxido de estanho são muito promissoras para aplicações tecnológicas como varistores e cadinhos de fusão de vidros corrosivos. Vários aditivos em pequenas concentrações podem ser usados como promotores de densificação desta cerâmica. No presente trabalho foram estudadas as cinéticas de sinterização do óxido de estanho, considerando o efeito de atmosfera de sinterização e da concentração de MnO2. Sistemas de SnO2-MnO2 foram preparados pelo método dos precursores poliméricos e os pós obtidos foram caracterizados por medidas de área de superfície específica (BET e por difração de raios X. Pós de SnO2 com concentrações variadas de MnO2 foram compactados de forma cilíndrica e sinterizados em dilatômetro com taxa de aquecimento constante e atmosferas controladas. Amostras sinterizadas foram caracterizadas por microscopia eletrônica de varredura. A influência da atmosfera (argônio, ar ou CO2 como também das concentrações de MnO2 na cinética de sinterização foram determinadas. Os dados cinéticos da retração linear foram analisados pelos modelos cinéticos para a fase inicial de sinterização (Woolfrey e Bannister como também para a sinterização global (Su e Johnson permitindo determinar a energia de ativação aparente. De acordo com a determinação da curva mestre de sinterização, a energia de ativação aparente de todo o processo de sinterização foi determinada bem como sua dependência com a atmosfera e concentrações de manganês. Baseado nestes valores e no expoente n, pode-se determinar, pela equação clássica de crescimento de grão, que o mecanismo de sinterização mais provável é de difusão por contorno de grão com redistribuição superficial controlando a cinética de sinterização.Dense tin oxide based ceramics are very promising for technological applications such as varistors and crucibles for melting very corrosive glasses. Several additives have been used

  10. Desenvolvimento de um sistema de aquecimento solar compacto utilizando termossifões bifásicos


    Abreu, Samuel Luna de


    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Mecânica. O presente trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento de um sistema de aquecimento solar compacto, que utiliza tubos de calor para transportar o calor absorvido na placa coletora para o reservatório térmico. A configuração proposta difere das concepções existentes de sistemas com tubos de calor porque o condensador é brasado à parede do reservatório térmico em vez de s...

  11. Inovar na produção de energia elétrica a partir do vento. O recurso a postes de eletricidade existentes


    Franco, Miguel Leichsenring


    O vento é utilizado há milhares de anos para suprir as necessidades energéticas da atividade humana. A energia eólica é, como a maioria das fontes de energia renovável, uma forma de energia solar, tendo origem no aquecimento da atmosfera pelo sol, que põe em movimento as massas de ar. A rotação da terra, a forma e cobertura da superfície terrestre e os planos de água, influenciam por seu turno o regime dos ventos, ou seja, a velocidade, direção e variabilidade do vento...

  12. Desenvolvimento e análise de filme anti-reflexo de sulfeto de zinco para células solares


    Ly, Moussa


    O aproveitamento da energia gerada pelo Sol, renovável e limpa é hoje, uma das alternativas energéticas mais promissoras para enfrentar o desafio energético do mundo. Para se fabricar uma célula solar de alta eficiência, precisa-se reduzir a refletância da superfície. O objetivo deste trabalho é estudar o desenvolvimento e análise de filmes anti-reflexo (AR) de sulfeto de zinco (ZnS) para células solares. Inicialmente, foi implementado e otimizado um processo de deposição por aquecimento resi...

  13. Ars disyecta Ars disyecta

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    Alejandra Castillo


    Full Text Available Bajo la nominación Ars Disyecta se busca exponer el vínculo entre artes visuales, feminismo y metamorfosis. Las prácticas artísticas feministas aquí presentadas se proponen perturbar el espacio metafórico heredado de la diferencia sexual (pensemos, por ejemplo, en las palabras engendramiento, matriz, vida, compenetración o invaginamiento. En este sentido, la nominación Ars disyecta pone en escena un conjunto de prácticas e intervenciones que intentan interrumpir la matriz de la diferencia, desestabilizando lo femenino desde aquellas figuras que se resisten a la lógica de la totalidad y de un tiempo propio. Buscando seguir la huella de un arte disyecto es que interrogaré en este ensayo aquellas autorías feministas que en el arte contemporáneo trafican con las huellas del contagio, la mutación y la alteridad.This article aims to present the relation between visual arts, feminism I and metamorphosis. The feminist artistic practices portrayed in this article attempt to question categories inherited from the metaphor of sexual difference such as engendering, matrix and life. From this perspective, Ars disyecta will establish a set of artistic practices and interventions that intend to interrupt the proper idea of «feminine difference». Following this line of argument, I will discuss in this article a few contemporary feminist works of art that could be defined by words such as contagious, mutation and otherness.

  14. Obtenção de partículas submicrométricas de carbono a partir da celulose utilizando carbonização hidrotérmica por microondas


    Guiotoku, Marcela


    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência e Engenharia de Materiais. Neste trabalho, foi desenvolvido um processo denominado carbonização hidrotérmica por microondas (CHM). Este processo utiliza aquecimento a 200°C, por meio de microondas, meio aquoso e ácido cítrico como catalisador., As matérias-primas utilizadas neste estudo foram: resíduo de serragem de Pinus sp. e celulose solúvel industrial (solucell®). Foram ...

  15. Processamento de Ligas de Níquel com Técnica de Manufatura Aditiva Utilizando Plasma por Arco Transferido

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    Eduardo André Alberti


    Full Text Available ResumoA manufatura aditiva é um processo utilizado para a construção e reparos de peças que possuem geometria complexa ou que necessitem de gradiente de propriedades. Nessa técnica múltiplas camadas são depositadas para a construção da geometria do componente. O sucesso desse procedimento depende de fatores como a técnica de deposição, parâmetros, liga a ser depositada e condições da deposição, como temperatura e atmosfera protetora. Neste estudo, o potencial da técnica de Plasma por arco transferido para manufatura aditiva foi avaliado produzindo “paredes finas”, construídas a partir da sobreposição de cordões. Foram utilizadas duas ligas a base de níquel, uma endurecida por precipitação e outra endurecida por solução sólida. Durante os trabalhos, foram selecionados os parâmetros de processamentos, incluindo a avaliação do efeito do pré-aquecimento a 300°C. Resultados mostraram que a composição química da liga influencia a geometria da parede construída assim como a utilização de pré-aquecimento. Estruturas de solidificação exibindo dendritas refinadas com crescimento epitaxial entre camadas são identificadas. Entretanto, as características da liga determinam o perfil de dureza ao longo da seção transversal, sendo a liga endurecida por precipitação influenciada pelos ciclos térmicos de deposição e a liga endurecida por solução sólida pela diluição com o substrato. Em qualquer dos casos é recomendado a aplicação de tratamento térmico pós-soldagem para uniformização das propriedades.

  16. Protótipo de um sistema de aquecimento de água para população de baixa renda usando energia solar e elétrica, com reaproveitamento de calor

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    Marco Antônio Silva Pereira


    Full Text Available Este artigo consiste em uma pesquisa sobre os vários meios de aquecimento de água para o banho, buscando o uso de alternativas para viabilizar o acesso da população de baixa renda a esses benefícios. A ideia principal é fazer uma combinação dos vários sistemas existentes a fim de produzir um protótipo eficiente e de baixo custo. O protótipo constitui-se de um sistema de aquecimento solar, recuperador de calor e de um misturador de água automatizado. A representação do sistema foi obtida por meio de uma maquete do protótipo ecológico de chuveiro, englobando as diversas tecnologias estudadas.Palavras-chave: Aquecedor solar. Recuperador de calor. Misturador automatizado. Microcontrolador.Prototype of a water heating system for low-income population using solar energy and power, with reuse of heatAbstractThis paper consists of a survey on the various means of heating water for the bath, trying to use of alternatives to allow access of the low-income population. The main idea is to make a blend of various existing systems in order to produce an efficient and cost effective prototype. The prototype consists of a system of solar heating, heat recovery and an automated water mixer. The representation of the system was obtained through a model of the ecological prototype shower encompassing the several studied technologies.Keywords: Solar heating. Heat recovery. Automated mixer. Microcontroller.

  17. Contaminação do ar interior por bioaerossóis

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    João Fernando Pereira Gomes


    Full Text Available RESUMO: O Síndroma dos Edifícios Doentes refere-se a queixas e desconforto ambiental dos ocupantes de edifícios assim como a um conjunto de sintomas médicos, tais como irritações das membranas mucosas, sintomas do sistema nervoso central, rigidez do tronco, alergias e afecções da pele. Estas afecções são originadas por poluentes de origem química e ainda por microorganismos em suspensão na atmosfera que se designam por bioaerossóis. Fazse uma revisão de alguns estudos efectuados sobre o assunto onde se relacionam as concentrações de bioaerrossóis com parâmetros construtivos das habitações, tipo de ocupação e natureza dos sistemas de climatização.REV PORT PNEUMOL 2002; VIII (6: 689-694 ABSTRACT: Sick Buildings Syndrome describes a series of complaints and environmental discomfort from buildings’ occupants and also medical symptoms such as mucous membranes irritation, central nervous system symptoms, chest stiffness, alergy and skin affections. These problems are due both to chemical originated pollutants and also airborne microorganisms known as bioaerosols. This paper presents a review of some studies on this subject where bioaerosols content of indoor atmospheres is related with building structural parameters, type of occupation and type of climatisation systems.REV PORT PNEUMOL 2002; VIII (6: 689-694 Palavras-chave: Síndroma dos edifícios doentes, bioaerossóis, ar interior, Key-words: Sick building syndrome, bioaerosol, indoor air

  18. Eliminación de arsénico mediante flotación por adsorción coloidal utilizando flóculos de Fe(OH3 en un sistema de flotación por aire disuelto

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    Pavez, O.


    Full Text Available In the present work, the influence of Fe/As ratio on the As removal, from aqueous solutions, applying flotation by colloidal adsorption was studied. Ferric chloride was used as coagulant and dodecil sulfate as collector, and arsenic trioxide was utilized to preparing the solutions. The obtained results show that the highest arsenic removal was accomplished in the range of pH between 4 and 5,5, and the increasing of the initial concentration of Fe(III, increases the removal of arsenic from the solution. However, with the decreasing of the initial concentration of arsenic in the solution, it is required a larger Fe/As ratio for its removal. For solutions containing: 13,73, 1,71 and 0,105 mg/L of arsenic, it was shown that to remove around 95% of the dissolved arsenic, a Fe/As ratios of approximately 6/1, 18/1 and 800/1, respectively, are required.

    En el presente trabajo se estudió el efecto de la relación Fe/As sobre la eliminación de arsénico aplicando flotación por adsorción coloidal en aguas con distintos contenidos de arsénico. Como coagulante se utilizó cloruro férrico y dodecil sulfato de sodio como colector, y las soluciones fueron preparadas con trióxido de arsénico. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que el rango de pH 4-5,5 es el más adecuado para la eliminación de arsénico, aumentando el porcentaje de eliminación con el incremento de la concentración inicial de Fe(III en la solución. Por otra parte, a medida que disminuye la concentración inicial de arsénico en la solución se requiere una mayor proporción de Fe/As para su eliminación. Además, se mostró que para soluciones conteniendo 13,73 mg/l, 1,71 mg/l y 0,105 mg/l de As, se necesitan relaciones Fe/As de 6:1, 18:1 y 800:1 para lograr una eliminación de arsénico desde la solución del orden de 95 %.

  19. A certificação de qualidade em sistemas solares para aquecimento de água


    Costa, J. Cruz; Carvalho, M. J.; Mendes, J. Farinha; Prates, Manuel João Lopes


    Tendo em atenção a política nacional para o desenvolvimento do mercado da Energia Solar Térmica, motivada pela necessidade de uma maior utilização das Energias Endógenas (Resolução do Conselho de Ministros nº154/2001 de 27 de Setembro), descreve-se a situação actual na área dos Equipamentos Solares para Aquecimento de Água, no que diz respeito à Certificação de Produtos e à Certificação de Pessoas, como medidas necessárias para a Garantia de Qualidade nesta área.

  20. Ar-Ar_Redux: rigorous error propagation of 40Ar/39Ar data, including covariances (United States)

    Vermeesch, P.


    Rigorous data reduction and error propagation algorithms are needed to realise Earthtime's objective to improve the interlaboratory accuracy of 40Ar/39Ar dating to better than 1% and thereby facilitate the comparison and combination of the K-Ar and U-Pb chronometers. Ar-Ar_Redux is a new data reduction protocol and software program for 40Ar/39Ar geochronology which takes into account two previously underappreciated aspects of the method: 1. 40Ar/39Ar measurements are compositional dataIn its simplest form, the 40Ar/39Ar age equation can be written as: t = log(1+J [40Ar/39Ar-298.5636Ar/39Ar])/λ = log(1 + JR)/λ Where λ is the 40K decay constant and J is the irradiation parameter. The age t does not depend on the absolute abundances of the three argon isotopes but only on their relative ratios. Thus, the 36Ar, 39Ar and 40Ar abundances can be normalised to unity and plotted on a ternary diagram or 'simplex'. Argon isotopic data are therefore subject to the peculiar mathematics of 'compositional data', sensu Aitchison (1986, The Statistical Analysis of Compositional Data, Chapman & Hall). 2. Correlated errors are pervasive throughout the 40Ar/39Ar methodCurrent data reduction protocols for 40Ar/39Ar geochronology propagate the age uncertainty as follows: σ2(t) = [J2 σ2(R) + R2 σ2(J)] / [λ2 (1 + R J)], which implies zero covariance between R and J. In reality, however, significant error correlations are found in every step of the 40Ar/39Ar data acquisition and processing, in both single and multi collector instruments, during blank, interference and decay corrections, age calculation etc. Ar-Ar_Redux revisits every aspect of the 40Ar/39Ar method by casting the raw mass spectrometer data into a contingency table of logratios, which automatically keeps track of all covariances in a compositional context. Application of the method to real data reveals strong correlations (r2 of up to 0.9) between age measurements within a single irradiation batch. Propertly taking

  1. Agente topológico de aprendizado por reforço


    Arthur Plínio de Souza Braga


    Os métodos de Aprendizagem por Reforço (AR) se mostram adequados para problemas de tomadas de decisões em diversos domínios por sua estrutura flexível e adaptável. Apesar de promissores, os métodos AR frequentemente tem seu campo de atuação prático restrito a problemas com espaço de estados de pequeno ou médio porte devido em muito à forma com que realizam a estimativa da função de avaliação. Nesta tese, uma nova abordagem de AR, denominada de Agente Topológico de Aprendizagem por Reforço (AT...

  2. Concentración por flotación de menas de oro-cobre con bajas recuperaciones de arsénico

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    Chacón, L.


    Full Text Available The present work evaluates the reagents and appropriate conditions in order to obtain flotation concentrates with high copper content and low arsenic recovery. The studied ore is a blend of 80 % w/w El Valle ore and 20 % w/w Carlés ore, this latter being rich in copper and arsenic content. Those ores are worked from two deposits located in Asturias-Spain and treated at a concentration plant nearby. The arsenic content in the floated concentrate is penalized by the buyer. The main conclusion from the study is that a dithiophosphate is the collector that provides the best results, what was confirmed at plant-scale.

    El objetivo del presente trabajo es definir los reactivos y las condiciones apropiadas para obtener concentrados con alta ley de cobre y baja recuperación de arsénico, a partir de muestras de una mezcla con 80 % en peso de una mena de oro, cobre y bismuto, y 20 % en peso de otra mena rica en oro y cobre, pero con alta ley de arsénico, provenientes de los yacimientos El Valle y Carlés, ubicados en Asturias-España, y procesados en una planta de concentración. La presencia de arsénico en el concentrado flotado es penalizada por sus compradores. La principal conclusión del trabajo es que un ditiofosfato como único reactivo colector es el que logra alcanzar el objetivo planteado, lo que se comprobó con pruebas en la planta de concentración.

  3. Métodos de prevenção e reaquecimento do paciente para o perioperatório

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    Namie Okino Sawada


    Full Text Available Este estudo teve como objetivo investigar as evidências disponíveis na literatura sobre os métodos de aquecimento utilizados para prevenção e tratamento da hipotermia no perioperatório. Para tanto, realizou-se uma revisão da literatura nacional e internacional por meio dos indexadores Medline, em busca de artigos, teses ou dissertações publicados na íntegra no período compreendido entre 1995 a 2005, utilizando-se as palavras chaves hipotermia, assistência perioperatória e reaquecimento totalizando 20 artigos. De acordo com os estudos analisados concluímos que o melhor método de aquecimento para os pacientes no período perioperatório, especialmente no pós-operatório imediato, é o cobertor de ar aquecido, outro método comparável seria o resistive heating. Métodos mais conhecidos e utilizados em nossa realidade não demonstraram efetividade comparável aos métodos citados acima, como o cobertor de algodão e o colchão de água aquecida, vale lembrar também, os riscos associados ao colchão de água aquecida como queimaduras, por exemplo. Assim, apesar do custo elevado destas tecnologias devemos ressaltar a importância da prevenção da hipotermia como uma medida efetiva na redução de custos, além dos efeitos deletérios causados por ela na recuperação pós-operatória destes pacientes.

  4. Aquecimento global: efeitos no crescimento, no desenvolvimento e na produtividade de batata Global warming: effects on growth, development, and yield of potato

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    Joelma Dutra Fagundes


    Full Text Available A concentração atmosférica dos gases do efeito estufa, principalmente o CO2, tem aumentado nas últimas décadas devido às atividades antrópicas. A concentração de CO2 aumentou de aproximadamente 280 partes por milhão por volume (ppmv no período pré-industrial para a atual concentração de 380 ppmv. Há registros que, durante o século XX, houve um aumento da temperatura média da superfície global de 0,6±(0,2°C, e projeções indicam um provável aumento de 1,1 a 6,4°C na temperatura média global até o final do século XXI, dependendo da região do planeta. O aumento da concentração de CO2 e da temperatura afeta diretamente processos fisiológicos, como fotossíntese e respiração das plantas, o que poderá alterar o desempenho das culturas, incluindo a batata. O objetivo desta revisão foi reunir informações da literatura sobre os possíveis efeitos do aumento na concentração de CO2 e da temperatura do ar no crescimento, no desenvolvimento e na produtividade da cultura de batata. O aumento do CO2, seguido de aumento na temperatura do ar, de maneira geral, resultará em menor crescimento, redução na duração do ciclo de desenvolvimento, menor produtividade e aumento da incidência de doenças da batata. Como estratégia para minimizar os efeitos de um possível aquecimento global sobre essa cultura, sugere-se que sejam desenvolvidas cultivares tolerantes a altas temperaturas, adaptadas as épocas de plantio em cada local, alteradas as práticas de manejo da cultura e até expandidas as áreas de cultivo para regiões mais frias.The concentration of atmospheric greenhouse gases, mainly the CO2, has increased in the last decades due to anthropogenic activities. The atmospheric CO2 concentration has increased from about 280 parts per million per volume (ppmv in the pre-industrial period to the currently 380ppmv concentration. There are reports that during the XX century global average temperature increased 0.6±(0.2


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    Antonio J. Palacios García


    Full Text Available En las ciudades españolas todavía persisten un buen número de áreas que presentan una serie de carencias urbanísticas, sociales, económicas, ambientales u otras. Es lo que se conoce como barrios desfavorecidos urbanos. Para esta aportación se analiza el caso de una zona del sur metropolitano madrileño como es la de Plata y Castañar. En dicho barrio vamos a tratar de desentrañar el proceso de sustitución y creación de la edificación existente, los problemas acontecidos durante el desarrollo de la intervención, sus dificultades y las herramientas empleadas. Un área donde se ha intervenido frente al desfavorecimiento de forma sectorial, sobre un único elemento, el espacio construido. Aún a costa de la persistencia en el tiempo de otras graves carencias (fundamentalmente de tipo social. Una forma de intervenir muy criticada por cuanto supone la agrupación en un mismo territorio de una población desfavorecida.

  6. Impacto de los sistemas de riego por goteo en arándanos Impact of drip irrigation systems in blueberries

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    Alejandro Pannunzio


    Full Text Available El ensayo examinó los efectos de diferentes sistemas de riego por goteo en el rendimiento de la variedad O´Neal de arándano (Vaccinium corymbosum L. El estudio se realizó en Zarate (33º 41’ S y 59º 41’ W, provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina. El cultivo se implantó en agosto de 2001, la primera cosecha se efectuó en octubre de 2003. El objetivo fue determinar cual era el sistema de riego por goteo que maximizaba el rendimiento, siendo los tratamientos, un lateral de tubería de goteo por fila de plantas con goteros a 40 cm (T1 y dos laterales de tubería de goteo con goteros a 20 cm por fila de plantas (T2. El porcentaje de suelo mojado por sistema se incrementa a medida que aumenta el número de emisores por metro lineal. El diseño experimental fue de bloques completamente aleatorizados, con bloques de cinco plantas y cinco repeticiones por tratamiento. La cosecha de 2003, reportó rendimientos de 2436 kg ha-1 para el tratamiento T1 y de 4335 kg ha-1 para tratamiento T2. El mojado parcial del suelo que realiza el tratamiento T1, de menor cantidad de goteros por metro lineal, no es suficiente para mojar un porcentaje de suelo compatible con altos rendimientos.The experiment examined the effects of different drip irrigation systems in an O´Neal variety of blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum L. It was contucted at Zarate (33º 41’ S and 59º 41’ W, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Plants of the experiment were planted in August of 2001, after one year in nursery. The first harvest was realized in October of 2003. The main scope of the experiment was to find the irrigation system which maximized yields. Treatments were: one drip irrigation line with drippers at 40 cm (T1 and two laterals with drippers at 20 cm per row (T2. The experiment was conducted in a completely randomized block design, each one with 5 plants and 5 replications. During the harvest of October and November of 2003, reported yields were 2436 kg ha-1 for the treatment T1 and

  7. Secagem de café cereja descascado por ar quente e microondas Drying pulped coffee cherry beans by means of hot air ond microwaves

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    M.L. Cunha


    Full Text Available Este trabalho objetivou estudar a viabilidade de produzir café cereja descascado seco pela aplicação de microondas para assistir a secagem convencional a ar quente, a fim de reduzir o tempo de processo, com o aumento do rendimento industrial e da qualidade do produto perante os métodos tradicionais de secagem. Dois ciclos de secagem foram testados: a processo em secador rotativo convencional a ar quente, com umidade do produto reduzida de 45-50 a 11-13% b.u.; b processo subdividido em uma primeira etapa de pré-secagem convencional a ar quente de 45-50 a 30% b.u., seguida de etapa de secagem final por ar quente e microondas, com redução de 30 a 11-13% b.u. de umidade do produto. O tempo global do primeiro para o segundo ciclo de secagem foi reduzido de 15 a 37,5 para pouco mais de 10 horas, respectivamente. A qualidade sensorial do produto foi avaliada pela "prova da xícara", complementada por análises de microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV, com resultados satisfatórios. Um estudo preliminar dos aspectos econômicos envolvidos na ampliação de escala para uma linha industrial de processamento de café com a inclusão de um sistema a microondas foi também delineado.This research concerns a process development study focussing the application of microwaves to pulped coffee cherries production, in order to reduce the drying time and increase the industrial yield and product quality when compared to conventional drying processes. Two drying cycles were tested: a a hot air drying process using a conventional batch rotary dryer from 45-50 to 11-13% w.b. product moisture; b a two stage process, whereby the product was pre dried with hot air from 45-50 to 30% w.b., followed by a final microwave and hot air drying stage, to reduce product moisture from 30 to 11-13% w.b. The overall drying time was reduced from 15 to 37.5 hours to about 10 hours, respectively. The sensory quality of the product was evaluated by the "cup test", complemented

  8. Organización y conflictos por el agua en el sistema de riego Quinuales-Buerán de la parroquia Honorato Vásquez del Cantón Cañar


    Calle Calle, Carlos Humberto


    El canal de riego Quinuales-Buerán, fue construido a inicios del siglo XIX por los propietarios de haciendas, principalmente la hacienda El Colegio que utilizó mano de obra de indígenas y campesinos. Su captación está ubicada en la subcuenca del río Burgay, que corresponde a la cuenca del Cañar y los páramos de Patococha-Quinuales-Tuzhin se encuentran a 3.785 m.s.n.m que pertenecen a los cantones Biblián y Cañar, la infraestructura es canal abierto, cuya longitud es de 18 Kilómetros, que b...

  9. Behavior of Eucalyptus grandis and E. cloeziana seedlings grown in arsenic-contaminated soil Comportamento de mudas de E. grandis E. eucalyptus cloeziana cultivadas em solo contaminado por arsênio

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    Roseli Freire Melo


    Full Text Available Arsenic has been considered the most poisonous inorganic soil pollutant to living creatures. For this reason, the interest in phytoremediation species has been increasing in the last years. Particularly for the State of Minas Gerais, where areas of former mining activities are prone to the occurrence of acid drainage, the demand is great for suitable species to be used in the revegetation and "cleaning" of As-polluted areas. This study was carried out to evaluate the potential of seedlings of Eucalyptus grandis (Hill Maiden and E. cloeziana F. Muell, for phytoremediation of As-polluted soils. Soil samples were incubated for a period of 15 days with different As (Na2HAsO4 doses (0, 50, 100, 200, and 400 mg dm-3. After 30 days of exposure the basal leaves of E. cloeziana plants exhibited purple spots with interveinal chlorosis, followed by necrosis and death of the apical bud at the 400 mg dm-3 dose. Increasing As doses in the soil reduced root and shoot dry matter, plant height and diameter in both species, although the reduction was more pronounced in E. cloeziana plants. In both species, As concentrations were highest in the root system; the highest root concentration was found in E. cloeziana plants (305.7 mg kg-1 resulting from a dose of 400 mg dm-3. The highest As accumulation was observed in E. grandis plants, which was confirmed as a species with potential for As phytoextraction, tending to accumulate As in the root system and stem.O arsênio (As tem sido considerado o poluente inorgânico de solo mais tóxico para os seres vivos, razão pela qual o interesse por espécies indicadoras e fitorremediadoras tem aumentado nos últimos anos. Particularmente para o Estado de Minas Gerais, que apresenta áreas remanescentes de atividade mineradora sujeitas à ocorrência de drenagem ácida, existe grande demanda por espécies com potencial para serem utilizadas na revegetação e "limpeza" de substratos contaminados por esse metaloide. Este

  10. Optimización de la extracción de antocianinas de arándanos


    ZAPATA, LUZ MARINA; Heredia, Ana M,; Quinteros, Carlos F.; MALLERET, ANTONIO DARÍO; Clemente Polo, Gabriela; Carcel Carrión, Juan Andrés


    [ES] Actualmente existe interés en las antocianinas debido a sus beneficios potenciales para la salud por su actividad antioxidante y su utilización como colorante natural en la industria alimentaria. Se pueden extraer de vegetales y frutas, como por ejemplo los arándanos. En este trabajo se investigó la influencia de variables del proceso de extracción sólido-líquido de antocianinas de arándanos. Así, se obtuvo una combinación de variables que maximizó su recuperación: etanol acidificado con...

  11. Avaliação energética e de desempenho de frangos com aquecimento automático a gás e a lenha Energetic evaluation and performance of broilers with automatic heating using gas and wood

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    Sandro R. Funck


    Full Text Available Nesta pesquisa foram analisados aquecimento automático infravermelho a gás e aquecimento automático a lenha, com três linhagens de frango, criados no período de 01/05/2005 a 16/06/2005, em aviários de 1200 m² e abatidos com 45 dias de idade. Avaliaram-se o consumo e o custo energético de cada sistema e os seguintes índices zootécnicos: peso médio, mortalidade, conversão alimentar e consumo de ração. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado em um modelo fatorial 2 x 3, constituído de dois sistemas de aquecimento e das três linhagens de frangos machos formando seis tratamentos com seis repetições, perfazendo o total de trinta e seis aviários com 13.300 aves cada um. Utilizou-se, para a análise estatística, o programa SISVAR 4.6 e se realizaram as comparações entre as médias através do teste de Tukey. Os resultados obtidos foram os seguintes: o consumo energético de lenha de 173,21 GJ por lote e o custo de R$ 3,23 e, para o do gás, foi de 20,26 GJ por lote e o custo de R$ 53,76. Em relação ao desempenho zootécnico, não houve diferença significativa entre os dois sistemas analisados, mas entre as linhagens ocorreu diferença significativa, com a linhagem Cobb apresentando 6,62%, maior peso médio e 1,04% maior mortalidade, quando comparada com aves da linhagem Ross 1.In this research automatic infra-red gas heating and wood-burning were analyzed, with three lineages of broilers raised from May 1, 2005 to June 16, 2005 in 1200 m² poultry houses, and slaughtered at the age of 45 days. The energetic consumptions and costs were evaluated for each system, as well as the following zootechnical indexes: mean weight, mortality, feed conversion and consumption. The experimental design was completely randomized in a factorial 2 x 3 model, made up by two heating systems, three lineages of male broilers and six treatments and six replications, totaling thirty six poultry houses with 13,300 birds each. For the

  12. Small angle Ar2+ + Ar collisions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stevens, J.J.


    Electron capture in Ar 2+ + Ar is studied at low keV energies. Using Ar 2+ + He collisions as a calibration, it is shown that the dominant single electron capture process is endothermic and of the type Ar 2+ ( 3 P) + ArAr + ( 2 P) + Ar + (3s 2 3p 4 nI), with nI primarily being 3d and 4p. Weaker exothermic processes are also found and are due mainly to the existence of long-lived highly-excited states in the incident Ar 2+ beam. The direct scattering and double electron capture processes are also studied. Direct scattering occurs with no target excitation. Differential cross sections are presented for the collision processes. The single electron capture results are interpreted using a simple model in which a strongly attractive intermediate state couples with incident and outgoing channels

  13. Efeito da temperatura e velocidade do ar sobre a taxa de secagem da madeira de Pinus elliottii Engelm.

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    Elio José Santini


    Full Text Available Para avaliar o efeito da temperatura e velocidade do ar sobre a taxa de secagem, peças de madeira de Pinus elliottii de 25 x 125 x 750 mm foram submetidas à secagem em estufa semi-industrial de convecção forçada. O processo foi conduzido para duas temperaturas e duas velocidades de ar e controlado por meio de um sistema computadorizado. Os resultados mostraram que a taxa de secagem tem uma relação diretamente proporcional com a temperatura, velocidade do ar e umidade da madeira. Por meio da análise de regressão múltipla detectou-se efeito estatisticamente significativo da temperatura e da velocidade do ar sobre a taxa e o tempo de secagem, com um nível de confiança de 99%. Como a importância da velocidade do ar na secagem decresce com a diminuição do teor de umidade, sugere-se, por razões de economia, mais investigações acerca das relações entre as duas variáveis durante o período de taxa de secagem decrescente.

  14. Identification of excess 40Ar by the 40Ar/39Ar age spectrum technique

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lanphere, M.A.; Dalrymple, G.B.


    40 Ar/ 39 Ar incremental heating experiments on igneous plagioclase, biotite, and pyroxene that contain known amounts of excess 40 Ar indicate that saddle-shaped age spectra are diagnostic of excess 40 Ar in igneous minerals as well as in igneous rocks. The minima in the age spectra approach but do not reach the crystallization age. Neither the age spectrum diagram nor the 40 Ar/ 36 Ar versus 39 Ar/ 36 Ar isochron diagram reliably reveal the crystallization age in such samples. (Auth.)

  15. Global warming in Amazonia: impacts and Mitigation Aquecimento Global na Amazônia: impactos e Mitigação

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    Philip Martin Fearnside


    climate change, Brazil must assume the leadership in fighting global warming.O aquecimento global tem impactos potencialmente catastróficos na Amazônia, e, ao mesmo tempo, a manutenção da floresta amazônica oferece uma das opções mais valiosas e baratas para mitigar as mudanças climáticas. Nós sabemos que o fenômeno de El Niño, causado por uma oscilação da temperatura da superfície da água no Pacífico, tem impactos sérios na Amazônia, causando secas e incêndios florestais, como aconteceram em 1997-1998. Oscilações de temperatura no Atlântico também provocam secas severas, como em 2005. Nós também sabemos que árvores amazônicas morrem, tanto do fogo como do estresse hídrico sob condições quentes e secas. Além disso, a água reciclada pela floresta fornece chuva que mantém as condições climáticas apropriadas para floresta tropical, especialmente durante a estação seca. O que nós precisamos saber com urgência, por meio de pesquisa intensificada, inclui como representar melhor o El Niño e as oscilações no Atlântico, nos modelos climáticos, como representar as retroalimentações bióticas nos modelos usados para tomada de decisão sobre o efeito estufa, e um estreitamento da gama das estimativas da sensitividade climática (para reduzir a incerteza sobre a probabilidade de impactos muito severos. Assuntos que precisam ser negociados incluem a definição de mudança de clima "perigosa", com os correspondentes níveis máximos das concentrações de gases de estufa na atmosfera. Mitigação do efeito estufa tem que incluir a manutenção da floresta amazônica, o que traz benefícios para o combate ao efeito estufa por meio de dois papéis separados: diminuir o fluxo de emissões de carbono que acontece em cada ano devido ao ritmo rápido do desmatamento, e evitar a emissão do estoque de carbono na floresta restante que pode ser liberada de várias maneiras, inclusive por causa da própria mudança climática. Barreiras impedindo a

  16. Biodisponibilidad y especiación de arsénico en las algas marinas


    García Sartal, Cristina


    Las algas, desde un punto de vista alimenticio, constituyen una fuente de proteínas, aminoácidos esenciales, vitaminas, lípidos y minerales. Sin embargo, las algas también pueden acumular elementos no esenciales procedentes del agua marina circundante, entre ellos, el arsénico, elemento ampliamente reconocido por su toxicidad. La toxicidad del arsénico depende fundamentalmente de su especiación, resultando más toxicas las especies inorgánicas de arsénico que sus correspondie...

  17. Spectroanalytical investigations on inductively coupled N2/Ar and Ar/Ar high frequency plasmas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Malinowski, P.; Mazurkiewicz, M.; Nickel, H.


    In order to improve the detection limits of trace elements in corrosion products of metallic materials, the inductively coupled plasma excitation source (ICP) was applied for spectroscopic analysis. Besides optimizing the working conditions for the mentioned materials, the fundamental research clearing the excitation processes in ICP was carried out. Basicly, two plasma systems were investigated: the nitrogen cooled N 2 /Ar- and pure Ar/Ar-plasma. The computed detection limits for 8 chosen elements are between 0.1 and 50 μg ml -1 in both plasmas. The advantage of ion lines was clearly present; in N 2 /Ar-plasma it was larger than in Ar/Ar-plasma. The excitation temperatures measured with help of ArI, FeI and ZnI lines rise with increasing power and decreasing distance from the induction coil. The distribution of Zn excitation temperature in N 2 /Ar-plasma as well as the measured N + 2 rotational and CN vibrational temperatures indicate, that the toroidal structure of Ar/Ar-plasma is not analogue to the N 2 /Ar-plasma. The values of the various excitation temperatures (Ar, Fe, Zn) and the differences between the excitation, vibration, rotation and ionization temperatures (Tsub(i) > Tsub(n) = Tsub(vib) > Tsub(rot)) indicate an absence of thermal equilibrium in the concerned system. (orig.)

  18. Kinetics of Ar isotopes during neutron irradiation: 39Ar loss from minerals as a source of error in 40Ar/39Ar dating

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hess, J.C.; Lippolt, H.J.


    The loss of 39 Ar from minerals in the course of neutron activation for 40 Ar/ 39 Ar dating is studied by directly measuring the loss rates in vacuum-sealed ampoules. Biotite shows 39 Ar losses between 0.1% and 16%. These losses are predominantly due to diffusion processes from K-poor alteration-phase intergrowths in the biotites at the elevated temperatures during the irradiation. Estimates for the irradiation temperatures range from 150 0 to 180 0 C. Direct 39 Ar recoil loss from biotite seems to be minor compared to difussion loss of recoil-implanted 39 Ar. Precise 40 Ar/ 39 Ar dating of biotites therefore requires the measurement of the 39 Ar losses during irradiation. Glauconite loses not only neutron-induced Ar isotopes ( 39 Ar: 20-22%, 37 Ar: 17-19%) but also radiogenic 40 Ar(∼9%). Slight 39 Ar losses are also observed for light micas (0.2% and 0.35%), hornblendes (0.1%) and sanidines (200 and 700 ppm). 25 refs.; 4 figs.; 6 tabs

  19. Influences of atom Ar on Ar at C60 + Ar at C60 collisions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhao Qiang; Zhou Hongyu; Zhang Fengshou


    A semi-emperical molecular dynamics model was developed. The central collisions of C 60 + C 60 and Ar at C 60 + Ar at C 60 at the same incident energy were investigated within this model. The fullerene dimers could be formed by a self-assembly of C 60 fullerene, and the new fullerene structure like 'peanut' could be formed by a self-assembly of Ar at C 60 . It was found that atom Ar had a great effect on the collision of Ar at C 60 + Ar at C 60 . (authors)

  20. Arsénico en aguas naturales del sudeste de la provincia de Córdoba, Argentina.

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    Alejo Leopoldo Perez Carrera


    Full Text Available En Argentina, existen grandes regiones que por sus características edafoclimáticas, poseen excelentes aptitudes agropecuarias, sin embargo, sufren limitaciones de desarrollo debido a la disponibilidad de agua y la calidad del recurso hídrico disponible. Uno de los elementos químicos presentes en el agua, con mayor impacto sobre la salud humana y animal, es el arsénico. La región afectada, abarca las provincias de Córdoba, La Pampa, Santiago del Estero, San Luis, Santa Fe, Buenos Aires, Chaco, Salta, Tucumán, San Juan y Mendoza. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la presencia y distribución del arsénico en agua superficial y subterránea en el sudeste de la provincia de Córdoba, una de las zonas más afectadas de Argentina por la presencia de arsénico en el agua.

  1. Impacto del arsénico en yacimientos auríferos


    Hidalgo Velazco, María del Rosario; Hidalgo Velazco, María del Rosario


    El presente trabajo tiene por objeto expresar los mecanismos naturales de generación del arsénico en la minería su movilidad y su solubilidad en ambientes acuosos como el Drenaje Acido de Roca (DAR) y agua de los ríos. Para lo cual se plantea alternativas de remoción y mitigación del arsénico en diferentes escalas de caudal, para aguas que satisfagan la Ley General de Aguas (LGA) clase III y la ley del agua potable. The present thesis trys to explain the natural process for Acid Drainage c...

  2. Simultaneous measurement of the 37Ar and 39Ar activity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fisenko, A.V.


    A method for simultaneous measurement of 37 Ar and 39 Ar activities, based on the different radiation penetrabilities of these isotopes is described. Two versions are realized. In the first case, a two-section detector is used whose partition partially transmits 39 Ar β-radiation and fully absorbs 37 Ar Auger electrons. A mixture of 37 Ar and 39 Ar is introduced into an internal counter operating at anticoincidences with an external counter. In the second version, a scintillation detector is used as an external counter, while the 37 Ar- 39 Ar mixture is introduced into a gas counter with a thin cathode. The rated detection efficiency of 37 Ar radiation in both versions is 80%. When measurement duration is 500 h, the sensitivity is approximately 10 -14 and 6x10 -15 Ci for 39 Ar and 37 Ar respectively

  3. Determination of Ar metastable atom densities in Ar and Ar/H2 inductively coupled low-temperature plasmas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fox-Lyon, N; Knoll, A J; Oehrlein, G S; Franek, J; Demidov, V; Koepke, M; Godyak, V


    Ar metastable atoms are important energy carriers and surface interacting species in low-temperature plasmas that are difficult to quantify. Ar metastable atom densities (N Ar,m ) in inductively coupled Ar and Ar/H 2 plasmas were obtained using a model combining electrical probe measurements of electron density (N e ) and temperature (T e ), with analysis of spectrally resolved Ar plasma optical emission based on 3p → 1s optical emission ratios of the 419.8 nm line to the 420.1 nm line. We present the variation of N Ar,m as the Ar pressure and the addition of H 2 to Ar are changed comparatively to recent adsorption spectroscopy measurements. (paper)

  4. 40Ar/39Ar geochronology of terrestrial pyroxene (United States)

    Ware, Bryant; Jourdan, Fred


    Geochronological techniques such as U/Pb in zircon and baddeleyite and 40Ar/39Ar on a vast range of minerals, including sanidine, plagioclase, and biotite, provide means to date an array of different geologic processes. Many of these minerals, however, are not always present in a given rock, or can be altered by secondary processes (e.g. plagioclase in mafic rocks) limiting our ability to derive an isotopic age. Pyroxene is a primary rock forming mineral for both mafic and ultramafic rocks and is resistant to alteration process but attempts to date this phase with 40Ar/39Ar has been met with little success so far. In this study, we analyzed pyroxene crystals from two different Large Igneous Provinces using a multi-collector noble gas mass spectrometer (ARGUS VI) since those machines have been shown to significantly improve analytical precision compared to the previous single-collector instruments. We obtain geologically meaningful and relatively precise 40Ar/39Ar plateau ages ranging from 184.6 ± 3.9 to 182.4 ± 0.8 Ma (2σ uncertainties of ±1.8-0.4%) and 506.3 ± 3.4 Ma for Tasmanian and Kalkarindji dolerites, respectively. Those data are indistinguishable from new and/or published U-Pb and 40Ar/39Ar plagioclase ages showing that 40Ar/39Ar dating of pyroxene is a suitable geochronological tool. Scrutinizing the analytical results of the pyroxene analyses as well as comparing them to the analytical result from plagioclase of the same samples indicate pure pyroxene was dated. Numerical models of argon diffusion in plagioclase and pyroxene support these observations. However, we found that the viability of 40Ar/39Ar dating approach of pyroxene can be affected by irradiation-induced recoil redistribution between thin pyroxene exsolution lamellae and the main pyroxene crystal, hence requiring careful petrographic observations before analysis. Finally, diffusion modeling show that 40Ar/39Ar of pyroxene can be used as a powerful tool to date the formation age of mafic

  5. Optimización del sistema de gestión de mantenimiento de la maquinaria pesada del Gobierno Autónomo Descentralizado de la provincia del Cañar, a través de la gestión por procesos


    López Rivera, Walter Gonzalo; Valdiviezo Coronel, Luis Guillermo


    El proyecto planteado, tiene como finalidad formular una propuesta para lograr la optimización del actual Sistema de Gestión de Mantenimiento de la Maquinaria Pesada del GAD Provincial del Cañar, a través de la gestión por procesos; que responda a la necesidad de optimizar el modelo vigente. The proposed project aims to formulate a proposal for the optimization of the current system of management of maintenance of heavy machinery of the "GAD Provincial del Cañar", through the process manag...

  6. Arsénico en el agua de bebida: un problema de salud pública Arsênio na água de beber: um problema de saúde pública

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    Alexandra Galetovic Carabantes


    Full Text Available La presencia de arsénico en el ambiente es un problema de salud pública debido a que se trata de un evento de alta frecuencia que ha sido detectado en países como Argentina, Brasil, Chile, China, India, México y Taiwán, entre otros. El arsénico fue clasificado por la International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC, como un agente carcinogénico para humanos con base en estudios epidemiológicos que relacionan la ingestión de arsénico en el agua de bebida y cáncer en la piel y estudios ocupacionales que relacionan la exposición al arsénico y cáncer de pulmón. La Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS recomienda um valor orientador para agua de bebida de 10 mg As/L. Por su parte la Environmental Protection Agency (EPA, considerando estimativas de riesgo realizadas utilizando modelos estadísticos basados en observaciones en humanos y extrapolando los datos para concentraciones inferiores a 50 µg/L, reducirá el valor guía para arsénico en el agua de bebida de 50 µg/L para 10 µg/L. La utilización de biomarcadores permite el desarrollo de la epidemiología molecular que promete ser una herramienta que ayudará a detectar efectos tempranos en poblaciones expuestas, permitiendo la prevención de efectos nocivos considerando las características genéticas de las poblaciones.A presença de arsênio no ambiente é um problema de saúde pública por ser um evento de alta freqüência detectado em países como Argentina, Brasil, Chile, China, Índia, México e Taiwan, entre outros. O arsênio foi classificado pela Agência Internacional de Pesquisa sobre Câncer (IARC, como um agente carcinogênico para humanos com base em estudos epidemiológicos que relacionam a ingestão de arsênico na água para consumo humano e câncer na pele e estudos ocupacionais que relacionam a exposição ao arsênico e câncer no pulmão.A Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS recomenda um valor orientador para água de beber de 10 mg As/L, enquanto que a

  7. Escala Diagnóstica Adaptativa Operacionalizada de Autorrelato - EDAO-AR: Evidências de Validade

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    Elisa Medici Pizao Yoshida


    Full Text Available A Escala Diagnóstica Adaptativa Operacionalizada-Revisada (EDAO-R fornece medida da eficácia adaptativa, entendida como o grau de sucesso obtido no enfrentamento das vicissitudes da vida. Sua avaliação baseia-se em material de entrevista clínica. O estudo teve por objetivo obter evidências de validade da versão de autorrelato da EDAO-R, ou EDAO-AR. Foram desenvolvidos itens para avaliar a adequação da adaptação de dois setores da personalidade: Afetivo-Relacional (A-R e Produtividade (Pr. A amostra foi composta por 237 pacientes ambulatoriais e acompanhantes. Houve evidências de validade baseada na estrutura interna (consistência interna, análise fatorial, análise de agrupamentos e validade baseada em variáveis externas (relação entre EDAO-AR e Escala de Avaliação de Sintomas-40/EAS-40. Os resultados apontaram boa consistência interna e três dimensões para ambos os setores: foco na situação problema, foco na relação interpessoal e foco no eu. Obteve-se, conforme esperado, correlações negativas entre a EDAO-AR e EAS-40. Foram feitas sugestões para a segunda versão da escala.

  8. 40Ar/39Ar studies of deep sea igneous rocks

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Seidemann, D.


    An attempt to date deep-sea igneous rocks reliably was made using the 40 Ar/ 39 Ar dating technique. It was determined that the 40 Ar/ 39 Ar incremental release technique could not be used to eliminate the effects of excess radiogenic 40 Ar in deep-sea basalts. Excess 40 Ar is released throughout the extraction temperature range and cannot be distinguished from 40 Ar generated by in situ 40 K decay. The problem of the reduction of K-Ar dates associated with sea water alteration of deep-sea igneous rocks could not be resolved using the 40 Ar/ 39 Ar technique. Irradiation induced 39 Ar loss and/or redistribution in fine-grained and altered igneous rocks results in age spectra that are artifacts of the experimental procedure and only partly reflect the geologic history of the sample. Therefore, caution must be used in attributing significance to age spectra of fine grained and altered deep-sea igneous rocks. Effects of 39 Ar recoil are not important for either medium-grained (or coarser) deep-sea rocks or glasses because only a small fraction of the 39 Ar recoils to channels of easy diffusion, such as intergranular boundaries or cracks, during the irradiation. (author)



    E. F. Carreira Junior; J. B. Sacomano; M. Mollo Neto


    O aumento do consumo mundial de energia tem gerado a busca de fontes alternativas, inclusive a solar, de fácil utilização, não exigindo equipamentos muito sofisticados nem complexos. Muitos processos industriais utilizam água em temperaturas até 100°C. O uso de energia solar na indústria ainda é baixo se comparado ao consumo energético total. O objetivo deste artigo é investigar possibilidades de usos de aquecimento solar de água em processos industriais, para o que foi utilizada pesquisa bib...

  10. Geological Dating by 40 Ar - 39 Ar method

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vollbert Romero, M.E.


    The isotope 40 K is radioactive, it decays to 40 Ar stable. The number of 40 Ar atoms produced from 40 K, permits to calculate the date of rocks and minerals. This dating technique is named 'Conventional K-Ar Dating Method'. The 40 Ar - 39 Ar dating method permits to calculate the age of rocks and minerals eliminating the limitation of the K-Ar method by calculating potassium and argon concentrations in a single measurement of the ratio of argon isotopes. In this work, the irradiation of the sample with fast neutrons in the nuclear reactor was established. 39 Ar is obtained from the induced reaction 39 K (n,p) 39 Ar. Thus the ration of 40 Ar - 39 Ar allows to obtain the date of rocks and minerals. This ratio was measured in a mass spectrometer. If the measurement of argon concentration in the sample is carried out at different increasing temperature values, it is possible to get information of paleotemperatures. The number of atoms 39 Ar is a function of the number 39 K atoms, irradiation time, neutrons flux, its energy E and the capture cross section σ of 39 K. These parameters are calculate indirectly by obtaining the so called 'J value ' by using a standard mineral with known age (HD-BI y Biot-133), this mineral is irradiated together with the unknown age sample. The values of 'J' obtained are in the interval of 2.85 a 3.03 (x 10 - 3)J/h. Rocks from 'Tres Virgenes' were dated by the method described in this work, showing an agreement with previous values of different authors. The age of this rocks are from Cenozoico era, mainly in the miocene period. (Author)

  11. Controle de temperatura em intervenção cirúrgica abdominal convencional: comparação entre os métodos de aquecimento por condução e condução associada à convecção Control de temperatura en intervención quirúrgica abdominal convencional: comparación entre los métodos de calentamiento por conducción y conducción asociada a la convección Temperature control in conventional abdominal surgery: comparison between conductive and the association of conductive and convective warming

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    Marcelo Lacava Pagnocca


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Hipotermia intra-operatória é complicação frequente, favorecida por operação abdominal. A eficácia da associação dos métodos de aquecimento por condução e convecção na prevenção de hipotermia e seus efeitos no período de recuperação pós-operatória foram os objetivos deste estudo. MÉTODO: Quarenta e três pacientes de ambos os sexos de 18 a 88 anos de idade, submetidos à laparotomia xifopúbica sob anestesia geral e monitorização da temperatura esofágica, foram distribuídos de modo aleatório em dois grupos de aquecimento: COND (n = 24, com colchão de circulação de água a 37°C no dorso e COND + CONV (n = 19, com a mesma condição associada à manta de ar aquecido a 42°C sobre o tórax e membros superiores. Analisados peso, sexo, idade, duração da operação e anestesia, temperaturas na indução anestésica (Mi, horas consecutiva (M1, M2, final da operação (Mfo e anestesia (Mfa, entrada (Me-REC e saída (Ms-REC da recuperação pós-anestésica (SRPA, além das incidências de tremores e queixas de frio no pós-operatório. RESULTADOS: Os grupos foram semelhantes em todas as variáveis analisadas, exceto nas temperaturas em M2, M3, M4, Mfo e Mfa. O grupo COND reduziu a temperatura a partir da segunda hora da indução anestésica, mas o grupo COND + CONV só na quarta hora. Em COND, observou-se hipotermia na entrada e saída da SRPA. CONCLUSÕES: Associar métodos de aquecimento retardou a instalação e diminui a intensidade da hipotermia intra-operatória, mas não reduziu a incidência das queixas de frio e tremores.JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: La Hipotermia intraoperatoria es una complicación frecuente, favorecida por la operación abdominal. La eficacia de la asociación de los métodos de calentamiento por conducción y convección en la prevención de hipotermia y sus efectos en el período de recuperación postoperatoria, fueron los objetivos de este estudio. M

  12. Microbiological air quality of processing areas in a dairy plant as evaluated by the sedimentation technique and a one-stage air sampler Qualidade microbiológica do ar de ambientes de processamento em indústria de laticínios avaliada por amostrador de ar de um estágio e pela técnica da sedimentação

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    Valéria Costa Salustiano


    Full Text Available The microbiological air quality at processing areas in a dairy plant was evaluated by using a one-stage air sampler, based on Andersen principles (impaction technique and by culture settling plate technique, also known as sedimentation technique. Among these areas, milk reception, packaging, and pasteurization rooms were included. Rooms where cheese, yogurt, butter and "doce de leite"(Latin American typical treat made of concentrated milk and sugar are made were also evaluated. For all processing areas, the numbers of mesophilic aerobic bacteria and yeast and molds recovered by air sampler were higher than 90 CFU·m-3 - the maximum value recommended by American Public Health Association (APHA. In four of the six processing areas, the microbial numbers were higher than APHA's standard (30 according to culture settling plate technique. The results showed a difference (pFoi avaliada a microbiota do ar dos ambientes de recepção, embalagem e pasteurização de leite, produção de queijos, de iogurte e de doce de leite e manteiga em uma indústria de laticínios pelas técnicas de sedimentação e de impressão em ágar utilizando um amostrador de ar de um estágio baseado no princípio de Andersen. As contagens de microrganismos mesófilos aeróbios e de fungos filamentosos e leveduras pela técnica impressão em ágar ultrapassaram 90UFC·m-3 de ar, valor máximo recomendado pela APHA. Pela técnica de sedimentação, as contagens microbianas do ar de quatro ambientes também ultrapassaram 30UFC·cm-2·semana-1, conforme recomendação da APHA. Os ambientes diferiram (p<0,05 apenas para os números de Staphylococcus aureus. (<1,0 a 4,3 UFC.m-3. As contagens microbianas por impressão em ágar foram de 2 a 10 vezes maiores que as obtidas por sedimentação, evidenciando a maior capacidade da impressão em ágar em determinar microrganismos do ar, inclusive patógenos. Quanto à distribuição da microbiota do ar, houve a predomin

  13. Condicionamento de ar em salas de operação e controle de infecção - uma revisão

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    May Socorro Martinez Afonso


    Full Text Available Revisão bibliográfica, realizada junto aos bancos de dados MED LINE, LILACS, SCIELO, Ministério da Saúde e outros buscadores, com o objetivo de identificar os fatores que torna o ar condicionado fonte de contaminação ambiental. O ar é contaminado por partículas que transportam microrganismos. As fontes de partículas incluem pacientes e equipe cirúrgica. O controle da temperatura, umidade relativa, pressão, número de trocas de ar realizadas por hora, paramentação, tráfego, número de pessoas nas salas e manutenção e limpeza do sistema de ar condicionado dos centros cirúrgicos, são fatores importantes na redução do número de microrganismos no ambiente de sala de operação.

  14. Standardization of 40Ar-39Ar dating facility at KDMIPE, ONGC, Dehradun

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rathore, S.S.; Singh, M.P.; Vijan, A.R.; Bansal, M.; Prabhu, B.N.; Misra, K.N.


    In the pursuit of acquiring state of the art technology, efforts were being made for last more than two years to establish 40 Ar- 39 Ar dating facility at KDMIPE. The 40 Ar- 39 Ar dating technique is an analytical conversion of the conventional K-Ar dating method. In this method, the sample to be dated is first irradiated in a nuclear reactor to transform a portion of 39 K to 39 Ar by the fast neutron reaction i.e. 39 K(n, p) 39 Ar. After irradiation, the sample is placed in an ultra-high vacuum system and the argon extracted from it by fusion is purified and analyzed isotopically in a mass spectrometer. The relative abundances of 40 Ar, 39 Ar, 37 Ar and 36 Ar are measured. The 40 Ar/ 39 Ar K is determined, where 40 Ar is the radiogenic argon, and 39 Ar K is the 39 Ar produced from 39 K during the irradiation. The 40 Ar/ 39 Ar K ratio is proportional to the 40 Ar/ 40 K ratio in the sample and, therefore, is proportional to age

  15. Temperature and pressure effects on 40Ar-39Ar systematics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ozima, M.; Kaneoka, I.; Yanagisawa, M.


    The effects of thermal and compressional treatment on 40 Ar- 39 Ar systematics have been investigated on three artificially heated biotite samples (heated for 1 hour at 700 0 C and 860 0 C in air and 700 0 C in vacuum respectively) and uniaxially compressed granite (p=1400 bar) and basalt samples (p=1660 bar). The 40 Ar- 39 Ar results for the disturbed samples are compared with those for undisturbed samples. Except for the vacuum-heating case, the effects of the disturbances may be interpreted as the combined effect of a partial loss of radiogenic 40 Ar from the sample and an incorporation of air Ar into the sample. Common diagnostic effects are (1) reduction of the total fusion age, (2) distortion of the age spectrum and, if the degree of the partial Ar loss is small (3) approximate preservation of the isochron age, and (4) reduction of the intercept value ( 40 Ar/ 36 Ar) in the isochron plot. The features observed in the age spectra of artificially disturbed samples are rather common in geologically disturbed samples, suggesting that the artificial disturbances simulate the effects of geological disturbances on 40 Ar- 39 Ar systematics. (Auth.)

  16. Behaviour of AR glass fibre for building structural applications

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    Miravete, A.


    Full Text Available The AR glass reinforcement fibres were designed to resist the alkalis from the concrete. This is the main reason for its utilisation as a short-fibre-reinforcement of mortar and concrete for the last decades. Originally, the AR glass fibre sizing was not compatible with synthetic resins, so that this type of reinforcement was applied exclusively to mortar and concrete matrices. Recently, due to the developments of sizing, which are compatible with synthetic resins, the AR- glass fibres may be used as reinforcement of organic matrix composite materials, broadening the range of structural applications. The mechanical properties of AR glass fibre and organic matrix composite materials will be studied in this paper. First, the behaviour of this material under stress corrosion will be analysed. Their mass loss will be compared to E, C, and boron free glass fibres. Second, an experimental study dealing with 3P test bending and short beam ofAR glass fibre/polyester will de described with the goal of obtaining their Young modulus and tensile and interlaminar shear strengths. Finally, these experimental results will be compared to E glass fibre/polyester and several conclusions about their structural applications will be drawn.

    El vidrio AR y su presentación en forma de fibras de refuerzo, fue diseñado para ser inerte a los álcalis de los cementos. Por este motivo se viene utilizando desde hace varias décadas como refuerzo de morteros y hormigones en forma de fibra corta. El ensimaje que estas fibras de vidrio de refuerzo A R presentaba en su origen no era compatible con resinas de tipo sintéticas, por lo que el refuerzo era exclusivo para cementos y hormigones fuera cual fuera la aplicación, formato o proceso productivo. Recientemente, gracias al desarrollo específico de ensimajes especiales acordes a las fibras de vidrio AR ha aparecido la misma tipología de vidrio AR como refuerzo en forma de fibra continua compatible con resinas sint

  17. Caracterização por FT-IR da superfície de borracha EPDM tratada via plasma por micro-ondas

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    Renata P. dos Santos


    Full Text Available A superfície de uma borracha de etileno-propileno-dieno (EPDM vulcanizada foi modificada via plasma por microondas, com gases Ar, Ar/O2, N2/O2 e N2/H2, tendo como objetivo melhorar as propriedades adesivas da superfície. A técnica FT-IR/UATR foi escolhida para caracterizar as superfícies após tratamento, pois apresentou menor interferência dos ingredientes da formulação da EPDM, dentre as técnicas analisadas (ATR/KRS-5 e Ge. Grupos oxigenados foram inseridos na superfície da amostra tratada, mesmo quando não foi utilizado o oxigênio, pois estes grupos foram formados quando a superfície ativada foi exposta à atmosfera. Já em tratamentos contendo N2, grupos oxigenados e possíveis grupos nitrogenados foram identificados por FT-IR. Redução nos valores do ângulo de contato, aumento no trabalho de adesão e aumento no ensaio de resistência ao descascamento (EPDM × Poliuretano foram observados após tratamento com Ar e N2/H2, resultando em melhora nas propriedades adesivas da superfície tratada.


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    Pacheco González G


    Full Text Available El arsénico es un metaloide tóxico, ampliamente distribuido en ambientes terrestres y acuáticos. La biotransformación bacteriana juega un rol importante en el ciclo biogeoquímico de este metaloide, interviniendo en su movilidad, distribución y biodisponibilidad. Los mecanismos de resistencia bacteriana a arsénico, se encuentran asociados a determinantes genéticos, que les otorgan la capacidad de realizar principalmente transformaciones de oxidación y/o reducción. En esta revisión, se describe el mecanismo de resistencia bacteriana al arsénico por la Arsenito oxidasa (AOX y el control transcripcional mediado por un sistema de dos componentes (aoxSR, que regulan la expresión de genes clave implicados en la oxidación de arsenito (AsIII

  19. Impact of global warming on beef cattle production cost in Brazil Impacto do aquecimento global no custo de produção de carne bovina no Brasil

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    Irenilza de Alencar Nääs


    decréscimo da capacidade de pastagens (RP em função das mudanças no índice pluviométrico total, na temperatura do ar e na extensão da estação de seca; e (ii o desenvolvimento de um algoritmo para predição do decréscimo da produção em função de um modelo fuzzy de RP que resulte no impacto na produtividade bovina de corte e conseqüente aumento no custo de produção. Foram organizados os dados históricos de fatores ambientais dos municípios importante produção no Cerrado e um conjunto de funções Gaussianas fuzzy foi desenvolvido e três estimativas possíveis (otimista, média e negativa foram consideradas. O decréscimo na produtividade do gado foi estimado usando as perdas de produção devido ao acréscimo da temperatura bem como da vulnerabilidade da capacidade de pastagem. O estabelecimento dos limites para o cenário do acréscimo do custo de produção usou o número de unidade animal por área de pastagem, a adoção de suplemento de grãos e o cenário de produção futura; e o resultado da função de saída apontou para uma variação do acréscimo do custo de produção de 80% (otimista até 160% (pessimista. Sob o cenário otimista, o custo total da produção brasileira de carne bovina no Cerrado chega a US$ 2,88 kg-1, enquanto no cenário pessimista este custo pode atingir US$ 4,16 kg-1, o que pode comprometer a competitividade internacional do setor.

  20. 39Ar/Ar measurements using ultra-low background proportional counters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hall, Jeter; Aalseth, Craig E.; Bonicalzi, Ricco M.; Brandenberger, Jill M.; Day, Anthony R.; Humble, Paul H.; Mace, Emily K.; Panisko, Mark E.; Seifert, Allen


    Age-dating groundwater and seawater using the 39 Ar/Ar ratio is an important tool to understand water mass-flow rates and mean residence time. Low-background proportional counters developed at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory use mixtures of argon and methane as counting gas. We demonstrate sensitivity to 39 Ar by comparing geological (ancient) argon recovered from a carbon dioxide gas well and commercial argon. The demonstrated sensitivity to the 39 Ar/Ar ratio is sufficient to date water masses as old as 1000 years. - Highlights: • 39 Ar/Ar age dating is important for understanding environmental water migration. • Ultra low background proportional counters have been developed. • 39 Ar is detected in atmospheric argon at a rate of 70.3 counts per day. The demonstrated background is 166 counts per day. • Age dating is possible for water with underground residence time of up to 1000 years.

  1. Estudo do crescimento de nanofitas de céria dopada com gadolínio por sistema de aquecimento por micro-ondas

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    R. F. Gonçalves


    Full Text Available O óxido de cério (céria tem atraído atenção devido às suas importantes aplicações, como em células a combustível de óxido sólido, catalisadores de gases de exaustão de automóveis, catalisadores para a obtenção de hidrogênio, bloqueadores de raios ultravioleta, biomateriais, entre outros. Controlar os métodos de síntese da céria é de grande importância para explicar ou prever essas propriedades. Desta forma, o objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar o crescimento de nanofitas de óxido de cério em um sistema hidrotérmico assistido por micro-ondas, no qual 8 min foram obtidas nanofitas com comprimentos próximos a 330 nm, em 130 ºC e pressão de 3 atm. Os resultados colaboram para pesquisas em reformadores para obtenção de etanol e/ou anodos de células combustíveis de óxido sólido.

  2. 40Ar/39Ar age calibration against counted annuallayers

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Storey, Michael; Stecher, Ole


    The 40Ar/39Ar method, based on the decay of the naturally occurring radioactive isotope 40K, is capable of producing ages with precision better than ± 0.1 %. However, accuracy is limited to no better than 1 % mainly due to the relatively large uncertainty in the 40K decay constants. One approach...... worth exploring for an improved absolute age basis for the 40Ar/39Ar system is through cross-calibration with counted annual layers (e.g. tree rings, varves and ice cores). North Atlantic Ash Zone (NAAZ) II is found within the dated part of the annual Greenland ice core record. NAAZ II has been...... correlated to the Icelandic peralkaline rhyolitic Thorsmörk ignimbrite. We will present preliminary 40Ar/39Ar results on the age of this eruption...

  3. 40Ar/39Ar and K-Ar dating of altered glassy volcanic rocks: the Dabi Volcanics, P.N.G

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Walker, D.A.; McDougall, I.


    K-Ar and 40 Ar/ 39 Ar ages have been determined for altered submarine tholeiitic and boninite (high-Mg andesite) lavas from the Dabi Volcanics, Cape Vogel Peninsula, Papua New Guinea. 40 Ar/ 39 Ar whole rock total fusion and plateau ages identify a Late Paleocene age for the tholeiitic lavas (58.9 +- 1.1 Ma), and also for the boninitic lavas (58.8 +- 0.8 Ma). Apparent K-Ar ages for the same samples range from 27.2 +- 0.7 to 63.9 +- 4.5 Ma, and young K-Ar ages for glassy boninites are probably due to variable radiogenic 40 Ar( 40 Ar*) loss. These new ages effectively reconcile previously ambiguous age data for the Dabi Volcanics, and indicate contemporaneous tholeiitic and boninitic volcanism occurring in southeast PNG during the Late Paleocene. Smectites, developed as alteration products after glass in oceanic lavas commonly do not retain 39 Ar during or subsequent to irradiation, but in some cases may contain 40 Ar*. The results are discussed. (author)

  4. Análisis de la calidad de servicio de las tecnologías CDMA 450 y Wimax para la comunicación en las parroquias rurales de los cantones Azogues, Cañar y Déleg brindado por la Corporación Nacional de Telecomunicaciones sucursal Cañar


    Asitimbay Regalado, Mayra Yolanda; González Cabrera, Irene Priscila


    Este trabajo de tesis presenta el análisis de la calidad de servicio de telefonía brindado a través de la tecnología CDMA450, y del servicio de datos (Internet) prestados mediante la tecnología inalámbrica WiMAX por la Corporación Nacional de Telecomunicaciones (CNT) Sucursal Cañar, este análisis refleja la percepción que tienen los usuarios de estos servicios, así como de los datos obtenidos de sus equipos terminales.

  5. 40Ar-39Ar stepheating studies of clay concentrates from Irish orebodies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Halliday, A.N.


    40 Ar- 39 Ar step heating analyses of clay concentrates from the Gortdrum and Tynagh orebodies (Ireland) previously dated by conventional K-Ar, indicate major losses of 39 Ar (32 to 45%) and rad. 40 Ar (25 to 35%) during the irradiation. The proportion of rad. 40 Ar loss, unlike that of 39 Ar, increases with J-value. The difference between 39 Ar and rad. 40 Ar proportion losses is related to the mineralogy and grain intimacy. These also affect the stepwise release patterns - the Gortdrum concentrates yield age spectra very consistent with 39 Ar recoil predictions, whereas the Tynagh concentrates in which the grains are intimately intergrown, show no clear evidence for 39 Ar recoil depletion in the K-rich phases. The difference is resolvable if illite argon release is not a simple volume diffusion type process under vacuum conditions. (author)

  6. Estudo comparativo do resfriamento de laranja valência com ar forçado e com água


    Teruel,Bárbara; Cortez,Luís; Neves Filho,Lincoln


    Este trabalho apresenta um estudo para comparar o resfriamento rápido de laranja Valência (Citrus sinensis O.), com ar forçado e com água gelada. O sistema de resfriamento rápido com ar forçado operou com um fluxo de ar de 1.933m³/h (3 l/s por kg de produto resfriado), a uma temperatura de 1ºC e UR=88,4 ± 2,0%, com uma velocidade do ar em torno de 1m/s. Nos experimentos com água gelada foi utilizado um sistema de imersão, com uma capacidade de 0,23m³ de água a uma temperatura de aproximadamen...

  7. Influence of residual Ar+ in Ar cluster ion beam for DLC film formation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kitagawa, Teruyuki; Miyauchi, Kazuya; Toyoda, Noriaki; Kanda, Kazuhiro; Ikeda, Tokumi; Tsubakino, Harushige; Matsuo, Jiro; Matsui, Shinji; Yamada, Isao


    In order to study the influences of residual Ar monomer ion (Ar + ) on sp 2 content and hardness of diamond like carbon (DLC) films formed by Ar cluster ion beam assisted deposition, Ar cluster ion, Ar + and their mixed ions (Ar cluster ion and Ar + ) bombardments were performed during evaporation of C 60 . From near edge X-ray absorption fine structure (NEXAFS) and Raman spectroscopy measurements, lower sp 2 content in the carbon films was obtained with Ar cluster ion bombardment than that with Ar + and mixed ion. Furthermore higher hardness and smooth surface were shown with Ar cluster ion bombardments. Therefore it was important to reduce Ar + in Ar cluster ion beams to obtain hard DLC films with flat surface

  8. Effects of shock pressure on 40Ar-39Ar radiometric age determinations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Davis, P.K.


    The relation of shock to the drop in the 40 *Ar/ 39 *Ar ratio seen at high release temperatures in some neutron-irradiated lunar samples is investigated through measurements of the 40 *Ar/ 39 *Ar ratio in gas samples released by stepwise heating of rock samples previously subjected to shock, either in the laboratory or in nature. Explosives were used to shock solid pieces and powder of a basalt from a diabase dike in Liberia to calculated pressures of 65, 150 and 270 kbar. These, an unshocked sample of the powder, two naturally shocked samples from the Brent impact crater in Canada, one unshocked sample from near the crater, and appropriate monitors were irradiated. Ar from stepwise heating was analyzed. The unshocked basalt shows a good 40 *Ar/ 39 *Ar plateau at age 198 +-9 m.y. in agreement with a previous result of 186 +- 2 m.y. The shocked samples contain varying amounts of implanted atmospheric Ar, the isotopes of which have experienced mass fractionation. This effect is small enough in four samples so that the linearity of their graphs of 39 *Ar/ 40 Ar vs 36 Ar/ 40 Ar is evidence of a plateau. The ages of these samples are then 201 +- 10, 205 +- 12 and 201 +-9 m.y. It appears that the shock has had little effect on the 40 Ar- 39 Ar age spectrum, although the release patterns of the 39 *Ar are shifted downward by the order of 200 0 C. Shock implantation of Ar was at lower shock pressure, in the presence of less Ar, and into a less porous material than previously demonstrated. The Brent Crater samples do not all show good plateaus, but do indicate an age of 420 m.y. for the crater event and 795 +- 24 m.y. for the rock formation, in agreement with previous results. None of the 40 *Ar/ 39 *Ar profiles shows a drop at high temperature, but a possible role of shock implantation of Ar is indicated in the production of this effect. Further experiments are suggested. (author)

  9. Electron scattering from 36Ar and 40Ar

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Finn, J.M.


    The argon isotopes, 36 Ar and 40 Ar, have been investigated using electron scattering at the high-resolution Linac facilities of the National Bureau of Standards. Both elastic scattering and scattering to low-lying states have been observed. A high-pressure, low-volume gas target cell was designed and developed for this experiment. The cell features a transmission geometry and has resolution comparable to solid targets. Spectra were obtained at incident beam energies ranging from 65 to 115 MeV at scattering angles of 92.5 0 and 110 0 . Values obtained for the rms charge radii are 3.327 +- 0.015 and 3.393 +- 0.015 fm for 36 Ar and 40 Ar respectively. A sensitive measurement was made of the difference in the two radii yielding a value of Δ r = 0.079 +- 0.006 fm. The inelastic levels observed are the 1.97 (2 + ) and 4.18 MeV (3 - ) levels in 36 Ar, and the 1.46 (2 + ), 2.52 (2 + ), 3.21 (2 + ), and 3.68 MeV (3 - ) levels in 40 Ar. A Tassie model analysis was made of the inelastic transitions in the DWBA approximation and transition strengths of these levels were extracted

  10. Un hidrogel de hidróxido de aluminio para eliminar el arsénico del agua

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    Luján Juan Carlos


    Full Text Available Objetivos. Describir la síntesis y los resultados preliminares de la aplicación de un hidrogel de hidróxido de aluminio que, agregado directamente al agua, pueda lograr la eliminación total del arsénico, cualquiera que sea la naturaleza del agua y el estado de oxidación del metaloide. Métodos. Las materias primas utilizadas para obtener el hidrogel de hidróxido de aluminio fueron: sulfato de aluminio hidratado (que se utiliza para potabilizar aguas, hipoclorito de calcio en polvo, hidróxido de amonio y agua destilada (cuando el gel se preparó a escala de laboratorio y agua de ósmosis inversa de igual o mejor calidad que el agua destilada (cuando se produjo el gel a escala piloto. El control de calidad del producto final consistió en la determinación de su capacidad para adsorber el arsénico y la realización de pruebas bacteriológicas para demostrar su esterilidad. El producto fue aplicado a muestras de agua a las que se añadió arsénico en el laboratorio y a muestras de aguas arsenicales naturales procedentes de la provincia de Tucumán, Argentina. Para el análisis del arsénico en el agua se utilizó el método colorimétrico del dietilditiocarbamato de plata. Resultados. La aplicación del hidrogel proporcionó una gran reducción del arsénico. Tanto en las aguas arsenicales naturales como en las artificiales, después del tratamiento las concentraciones de arsénico quedaron por debajo del límite de detección del método analítico utilizado (0,01 partes por millón. Las pruebas bacteriológicas del producto terminado revelaron la ausencia de bacterias viables. Conclusiones. La aplicación del hidrogel de hidróxido de aluminio proporcionó la deseada reducción de la concentración de arsénico en el agua. Este método de desarsenización es barato y fácil de utilizar en poblaciones rurales dispersas de zonas afectadas por el hidroarsenicismo que carecen de agua potable e infraestructura sanitaria y eléctrica.

  11. Baicalein suppresses the androgen receptor (AR)-mediated prostate cancer progression via inhibiting the AR N-C dimerization and AR-coactivators interaction. (United States)

    Xu, Defeng; Chen, Qiulu; Liu, Yalin; Wen, Xingqiao


    Androgen receptor (AR) plays a critical role in prostate cancer (PCa) development and progression. Androgen deprivation therapy with antiandrogens to reduce androgen biosynthesis or prevent androgens from binding to AR are widely used to suppress AR-mediated PCa growth. However, most of ADT may eventually fail with development of the castration resistance after 12-24 months. Here we found that a natural product baicalein can effectively suppress the PCa progression via targeting the androgen-induced AR transactivation with little effect to AR protein expression. PCa cells including LNCaP, CWR22Rv1, C4-2, PC-3, and DU145, were treated with baicalein and luciferase assay was used to evaluate their effect on the AR transactivation. Cell growth and IC 50 were determined by MTT assay after 48 hrs treatment. RT-PCR was used to evaluate the mRNA levels of AR target genes including PSA, TMPRSS2, and TMEPA1. Western blot was used to determine AR and PSA protein expression. The natural product of baicalein can selectively inhibit AR transactivation with little effect on the other nuclear receptors, including ERα, and GR. At a low concentration, 2.5 μM of baicalein effectively suppresses the growth of AR-positive PCa cells, and has little effect on AR-negative PCa cells. Mechanism dissection suggest that baicalein can suppress AR target genes (PSA, TMPRSS2, and TMEPA1) expression in both androgen responsive LNCaP cells and castration resistant CWR22Rv1 cells, that may involve the inhibiting the AR N/C dimerization and AR-coactivators interaction. Baicalein may be developed as an effective anti-AR therapy via its ability to inhibit AR transactivation and AR-mediated PCa cell growth.

  12. /sup 40/Ar//sup 39/Ar and K-Ar dating of altered glassy volcanic rocks: the Dabi Volcanics, P. N. G

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Walker, D.A. (Australian National Univ., Canberra. Dept. of Geology); McDougall, I. (Australian National Univ., Canberra. Research School of Earth Sciences)


    K-Ar and /sup 40/Ar//sup 39/Ar ages have been determined for altered submarine tholeiitic and boninite (high-Mg andesite) lavas from the Dabi Volcanics, Cape Vogel Peninsula, Papua New Guinea. /sup 40/Ar//sup 39/Ar whole rock total fusion and plateau ages identify a Late Paleocene age for the tholeiitic lavas (58.9 +- 1.1 Ma), and also for the boninitic lavas (58.8 +- 0.8 Ma). Apparent K-Ar ages for the same samples range from 27.2 +- 0.7 to 63.9 +- 4.5 Ma, and young K-Ar ages for glassy boninites are probably due to variable radiogenic /sup 40/Ar(/sup 40/Ar*) loss. These new ages effectively reconcile previously ambiguous age data for the Dabi Volcanics, and indicate contemporaneous tholeiitic and boninitic volcanism occurring in southeast PNG during the Late Paleocene. Smectites, developed as alteration products after glass in oceanic lavas commonly do not retain /sup 39/Ar during or subsequent to irradiation, but in some cases may contain /sup 40/Ar*. The results are discussed.



    BARBOSA, R. P.


    BARBOSA, Renan Pereira. CONCENTRAÇÃO E DIMENSÃO DE PARTICULADOS DISPERSOS NO AR EM AMBIENTES DE MARCENARIAS. 2014. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências Florestais) Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Jerônimo Monteiro-ES. Orientador: Prof. Dr. Nilton César Fiedler. Coorientador: Prof. Dr. José Reinaldo Moreira da Silva. Objetivou-se com esta pesquisa caracterizar as partículas de madeira de Eucalyptus spp. suspensas no ar em marcenarias. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de uma a...

  14. Single electron capture by state-prepared Ar2+ projectiles in Ar

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Puerta, J.; Huber, B.A.


    Electron capture by state-selected Ar 2+ projectiles in Ar has been studied at low collision energies ( 2+ ions are measured explaining existing discrepancies of partial and total cross sections in the Ar 2+ /Ar collision system. Although highly excited metastable ions ( 5 D 4 0 , 3 F 4 0 ) represent a minor contamination of a non-prepared Ar 2+ beam (proportional1%), their contributions are found to dominate the capture process due to cross section values larger than 10 -15 cm 2 . (orig.)

  15. On mechanism of Ar(3p54p) states excitation in low-energy Ar-Ar collisions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kurskov, S Y; Kashuba, A S


    The present work is devoted to study of Ar(3p 5 4p) states excitation in binary low-energy Ar-Ar collisions. The results of the experimental investigation of excitation cross sections of Ar I 4p'[l/2] 1 , 4p'[3/2] 1 , 4p'[3/2] 2 and 4p[3/2] 2 levels in the collision energy range from threshold up to 500 eV (cm) and degree of polarization for 4s[3/2] 2 0 -4p'[l/2] 1 and 4s[3/2] 2 0 -4p[3/2] 2 transitions in this energy range are represented.

  16. First-principles calibration of 40Ar/39Ar mineral standards and complete extraction of 40Ar* from sanidine (United States)

    Morgan, L. E.; Kuiper, K.; Mark, D.; Postma, O.; Villa, I. M.; Wijbrans, J. R.


    40Ar/39Ar geochronology relies on comparing argon isotopic data for unknowns to those for knowns. Mineral standards used as neutron fluence monitors must be dated by the K-Ar method (or at least referenced to a mineral of known K-Ar age). The commonly used age of 28.02 ± 0.28 Ma for the Fish Canyon sanidine (FCs) (Renne et al., 1998) is based upon measurements of radiogenic 40Ar in GA1550 biotite (McDougall and Roksandic, 1974), but underlying full data were not published (these measurements were never intended for use as an international standard), so uncertainties are difficult to assess. Recent developments by Kuiper et al. (2008) and Renne et al. (2010) are limited by their reliance on the accuracy of other systems. Modern technology should allow for more precise and accurate calibration of primary K-Ar and 40Ar/39Ar standards. From the ideal gas law, the number of moles of 40Ar in a system can be calculated from measurements of pressure, volume, and temperature. Thus we have designed and are proceeding to build a pipette system to introduce well-determined amounts of 40Ar into noble gas extraction lines and mass spectrometers. This system relies on components with calibrations traceable to SI unit prototypes, including a diaphragm pressure gauge (MKS Instruments), thermocouples, and a “slug” of an accurately determined volume to be inserted into the reservoir for volume determinations of the reservoir and pipette. The system will be renewable, with a lifetime of ca. 1 month for gas in the reservoir, and portable, to permit interlaboratory calibrations. The quantitative extraction of 40Ar* from the mineral standard is of highest importance; for sanidine standards this is complicated by high melt viscosity during heating. Experiments adding basaltic “zero age glass” (ZAG) to decrease melt viscosity are underway. This has previously been explored by McDowell (1983) with a resistance furnace, but has not been quantitatively addressed with laser heating

  17. Structural, K-Ar and 40Ar-39Ar age studies of adularia K-feldspars from the Lizard Complex, England

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Halliday, A.N.; Mitchell, J.G.


    Conventional K-Ar analyses of fifteen adularia feldspars from the Lizard Complex yield ages between 181+-2 Ma and 220+-3 Ma (with one exception from Holseer Cove yielding an age of 156+-3 Ma). The feldspars are dominantly monoclinic but most contain a minor but constant proportion of triclinic material with variable triclinicity. An inverse correlation exists between triclinicity and K-Ar age interpreted as representing argon loss related to the structural state. Extrapolation of the data to zero triclinicity indicates a true age of 210-220 Ma. 40 Ar- 39 Ar stepwise degassing analyses yield plateau ages related to the K-Ar ages and not the crystallization age. The results can be explained in terms of postcrystallization Al-Si ordering resulting in argon loss from lattice sites which under normal diffusion conditions requires a range of activation energies. The Holseer Cove sample is monoclinic and an 40 Ar- 39 Ar stepheating analysis suggests a later crystallization at 160-170 Ma. Neither primary crystallization nor spontaneous ordering through time explain the origin of the triclinic adularia. It is suggested that ordering has been induced by the passage of low-temperature alkaline solutions at a subsequent point in geological time. Argon loss by ordering could explain the low ages found using both K-Ar and 40 Ar- 39 Ar stepheating methods when applied to feldspars in general. The 210-220 Ma, and 160-170 Ma hydrothermal events affected much of southwest England and are probably related to major geotectonic movements in western Europe. (Auth.)

  18. Geochronology and thermochronology by the 40Ar/39Ar method

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    McDougall, I.; Harrison, T.M.


    This work is a response to the authors' belief that there is a need for a monograph on 40 Ar/ 39 Ar dating to provide concise knowledge concerning the application of this method to geological studies. They aim to provide a reasonably comprehensive but by no means exhaustive coverage of the principles and practices of 40 Ar/ 39 Ar dating, with emphasis on interpretation of results. In attempting to provide an overview of the current state of knowledge, they commonly cite examples from the available literature. They draw rather heavily upon their own work, because they feel comfortable with their own examples. (author)

  19. A flavor of 40Ar-39Ar geochronology research at lIT Bombay

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pande, Kanchan


    Geochronology based on radiogenic isotopes has become an invaluable tool in earth sciences. Several radioactive parent-daughter systems of varying half-lives such as Rb-Sr, Sm-Nd, K-Ar have been traditionally used by researchers for determining the timing of geological and planetary processes. 40 Ar- 39 Ar dating, a variant of the K-Ar system, is a well-established and versatile method of determining the eruptive ages of volcanic rocks and the ∼150-500° C thermal histories of a variety of more slowly cooled igneous and metamorphic rocks. In the 40 Ar- 39 Ar method the sample is irradiated by fast neutrons in a nuclear reactor to convert some of 39 K into 39 Ar. The fixed natural ratio 39 K/ 40 K provides estimate for the parent 40 K by measuring 39 Ar. In order to know the conversion factor of 39 K to 39 Ar and to take care of other nuclear interfering reactions a sample of known K-Ar age is irradiated along with the unknown. The age of the unknown is then derived by comparison with the monitor sample of known age

  20. Optimización de la extracción de antocianinas de arándanos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luz M. Zapata


    Full Text Available Actualmente existe interés en las antocianinas debido a sus beneficios potenciales para la salud por su actividad antioxidante y su utilización como colorante natural en la industria alimentaria. Se pueden extraer de vegetales y frutas, como por ejemplo los arándanos. En este trabajo se investigó la influencia de variables del proceso de extracción sólido-líquido de antocianinas de arándanos. Así, se obtuvo una combinación de variables que maximizó su recuperación: etanol acidificado con ácido cítrico al 1% como solvente de extracción, proporción materia prima/solvente 1:3 kg/kg, temperatura 36±1 ºC y tiempo de extracción 2 h. A partir de la caracterización del extracto obtenido se obtuvo que la concentración de antocianinas totales fue de 879.0±12.9 mg cianidina-3-glucósido/100 mL, el contenido de fenoles totales de 1424±67 mg GAE/100 mL y la actividad antioxidante de 5730±103 y 4872±124 mg EAA/100 mL, medidos por los métodos ABTS y DPPH, respectivamente.

  1. Vector analyzing power and cross section for the reactions 40Ar(d(pol),p)41Ar and 40Ar(d(pol),t)39Ar

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sen, S.; Darden, S.E.; Yoh, W.A.; Berners, E.D.


    Angular distributions of vector analyzing power and cross section for the reactions 40 Ar(d,p) 41 Ar and 40 Ar(d,t) 39 Ar have been measured at an incident deuteron energy of 14.83 MeV. The bound-state data in the (d,p) reaction and the (d,t) data are compared to DWBA calculations. The data for the neutron-unbound states are analyzed in the framework of the DWBA using (i) a form factor for weakly bound neutron and (ii) a resonance form factor, following the approach of Vincent and Fortune. The j-dependence of the (d,p) vector analyzing power permits definite spin-parity assignments to be made for 19 neutron-bound and 4 neutron unbound states in 41 Ar with excitation energy up to 6.57 MeV. Tentative Jsup(π) assignments have been made for 3 states. The l-value for the 5.62 MeV states has been determined. Data for the observed unbound states are found to be equally well reproduced by the type (i) calculations as by the type (ii) calculations. The (d,t) vector cnalyzing power data show definite J-dependence although not as strongly as in the (d,p) reaction. For relatively weakly excited states a pre-knowledge of the l-value of the transition is desirable for an unambiguous spin assignment. In general, the J-dependence in the (d,t) vector analyzing power can be utilized for definitive Jsup(π) assignments. On this basis, Jsub(π) values have been assigned for seven states in 39 Ar with excitation energies up to 4.47MeV excitation. Possible spin values for three other states are suggested. Spectroscopic factors fo the states in 41 Ar and 39 Ar have been extracted and are in fair agreement with those obtained by other workers. (Auth.)

  2. Spectroscopic analysis of visible and near UV light emitted by Ar7+ and Ar6+ ions produced in Ar8+-He and Ar8+-H2 collisions at 120 keV

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Boduch, P.; Chantepie, M.; Hennecart, D.; Husson, X.; Kucal, H.; Lecler, D.; Stolterfoht, N.; Druetta, M.; Fawcett, B.; Wilson, M.


    A spectroscopic analysis of light emitted in the 2000-6000A wavelength range by Ar 7+ and Ar 6+ ions produced in Ar 8+ -He and Ar 8+ -H 2 collisions at 120 keV is performed. Well resolved fine structure components of 5s-5p and 5p-5d transitions in Ar VIII following single electron capture are precisely measured. Predominant lines due to double electron capture are observed. In particular, strong lines observed both in Ar 8+ -He and Ar 8+ -H 2 collisions are attributed to Ryberg transitions 3snl-3sn'l' in Ar VII. Attempts at identifications are made for the transition 3dnl-3dn'l' (n=4, 5) with the help of ab initio calculations. Photon emission cross sections for individual lines are determined from the measured data. (orig.)

  3. 40Ar/39Ar dating of pyrite

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    York, D.; Masliwec, A.; Kuybida, P.; Hanes, J.A.; Hall, C.M.; Kenyon, W.J.; Spooner, E.T.C.; Scott, S.D.


    To overcome difficulties encountered in the customary method of determining the age of mineralization of sulphide ore deposits by analysing silicate material, the sulphide minerals themselves have been examined to see if they contained sufficient potassium and argon for 40 Ar/ 39 Ar age determination. Initial results indicate that this is the case for pyrite from the Geco ore body in northwestern Ontario, Canada. (U.K.)

  4. Ar-40/Ar-39 Studies of Martian Meteorite RBT 04262 and Terrestrial Standards (United States)

    Park, J.; Herzog, G. F.; Turrin, B.; Lindsay, F. N.; Delaney, J. S.; Swisher, C. C., III; Nagao, K.; Nyquist, L. E.


    Park et al. recently presented an Ar-40/Ar-39 dating study of maskelynite separated from the Martian meteorite RBT 04262. Here we report an additional study of Ar-40/Ar-39 patterns for smaller samples, each consisting of only a few maskelynite grains. Considered as a material for Ar-40/Ar-39 dating, the shock-produced glass maskelynite has both an important strength (relatively high K concentration compared to other mineral phases) and some potentially problematic weaknesses. At Rutgers, we have been analyzing small grains consisting of a single phase to explore local effects that might be averaged and remain hidden in larger samples. Thus, to assess the homogeneity of the RBT maskelynite and for comparison with the results of, we analyzed six approx. 30 microgram samples of the same maskelynite separate they studied. Furthermore, because most Ar-40/Ar-39 are calculated relative to the age of a standard, we present new Ar-40/Ar-39 age data for six standards. Among the most widely used standards are sanidine from Fish Canyon (FCs) and various hornblendes (hb3gr, MMhb-1, NL- 25), which are taken as primary standards because their ages have been determined by independent, direct measurements of K and A-40.

  5. 37Ar and 39Ar in meteorites and the spatial cosmic ray gradient

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Heusser, G.; Schaeffer, O.A.


    Cosmic-ray-produced 37 Ar (tsub(1/2) = 35 days), and 39 Ar (tsub(1/2) = 269 years) in the Fe-Ni phase of meteorites have been studied in connection with their implications for the radial gradient of cosmic ray particles. For the chondrite, Canon City, which fell on October 27, 1973, 20.1 +- 1.5 dpm/kg FeNi of 37 Ar and 22.5 +- 1.4 dpm/kg FeNi of 39 Ar was found. Usually, the 37 Ar/ 39 Ar ratio is used to deduce a spatial gradient. However, 37 Ar data reported in the literature are inconsistent. They fluctuate much more than could be accounted for by different orbits and the anticipated correlation with the cosmic ray neutron registrations is rather weak. Consequently, the 37 Ar/ 39 Ar-derived gradient has a low confidence level. On the other hand, 39 Ar activities group close to a mean value of 22.5 dpm/kg FeNi and appear to be almost independent of the different meteoroid orbits. A comparison of measured 39 Ar activities in meteorites with those calculated for orbits obtained from fireball data shows that a gradient of 10%/Au or less is reconcilable with the experimental findings. The average gradient (E > 200 MeV) during the last 500 years was probably not much larger than that measured presently by the Pioneer 10 and 11, and Helios spacecrafts. (Auth.)

  6. Photoionization study of HgAr

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Linn, S.H.; Brom, J.M. Jr.; Tzeng, W.; Ng, C.Y.


    Photoionization efficiency data for HgAr + have been obtained in the region of 680--1240 A. The ionization energy of HgAr was determined to be 10.217 +- 0.012 eV. This value allows the calculation of the dissociation energy of HgAr + to be 0.228 +- 0.017 eV. The relative probabilities for the formation of HgAr + via the reactions Ar* x Hg or Hg* x Ar→ HgAr + +e - with Ar* and Hg* prepared in high Rydberg states in the energy range of 10.22--15.79 eV were estimated. Although the radii for the 3d and 5s Rydberg ortitals of Ar have similar values, the probabilities for the formation of HgAr + from Hg x Ar* with Ar* in the 5s[3/2] 0 1 and 5s'[1/2] 0 1 Rydberg states are substantially greater than those when the Ar* excited atoms are in the 3d[1/2] 0 1 , 3s[3/2] 0 1 , and 3d'[3/2] 0 1 Rydberg levels. The ratio for the cross sections for the formation of HgAr + from Hg x Ar* with Ar* formed in the 3d[1/2] 0 1 and 4d[1/2] 0 1 states, as well as that with Ar* prepared in the 5d[1/2] 0 1 and 6d[1/2] 0 1 states, were found to be consistent with the predictions of the previous impact parameter calculations

  7. Age measurements of potassium-bearing sulfide minerals by the 40Ar/39Ar technique

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Czamanske, G.K.; Lanphere, M.A.; Erd, R.C.; Blake, M.C. Jr.


    K-Ar ages have been determined for sulfide minerals for the first time. The occurrence of adequate amounts of potassium-bearing sulfides with ideal compositions K 3 Fe 10 S 14 (approximately 10 wt.% K) and KFe 2 S 3 (approximately 16 wt.% K) in samples from a mafic alkalic diatreme at Coyote Peak, California, prompted an attempt to date these materials. K 3 Fe 10 S 14 , a massive mineral with conchoidal fracture, gives an age of 29.4 +- 0.5 m.y. ( 40 Ar/ 39 Ar), indistinguishable from the 28.3 +- 0.4 m.y. ( 40 Ar/ 39 Ar) and 30.2 +- 1.0 m.y. (conventional K-Ar) ages obtained for associated phlogopite (8.7 wt.% K). KFe 2 S 3 , a bladed, fibrous sulfide, gives a younger age, 26.5 +- 0.5 m.y. ( 40 Ar/ 39 Ar), presumably owing to Ar loss. (Auth.)

  8. Perspectivas Futuras do Aquecimento Residencial de Água no Brasil: uma Análise a Partir da Construção de Cenários


    Sgarbi, Felipe de Albuquerque; Guilherme, Danielle Johann; Croso, Taluia; Fossa, Alberto; dos Santos, Edmilson Moutinho; Fagá, Murilo Tadeu Werneck


    Eletricidade é a principal forma de energia utilizada no aquecimento de água para banho no Brasil. O elevado consumo elétrico decorrente desse uso final, entretanto, tem atraído a atenção daqueles envolvidos no planejamento energético do país na medida em que análises indicam que a expansão da capacidade de geração elétrica deve ocorrer a partir da maior participação de fontes de energia não renováveis em detrimento da hidroeletricidade. Além disso, a utilização maciça de chuveiros elétricos ...

  9. Ar-Ar dating techniques for terrestrial meteorite impacts (United States)

    Kelley, S. P.


    The ages of the largest (>100 km) known impacts on Earth are now well characterised. However the ages of many intermediate sized craters (20-100 km) are still poorly known, often the only constraints are stratigraphic - the difference between the target rock age and the age of crater filling sediments. The largest impacts result in significant melt bodies which cool to form igneous rocks and can be dated using conventional radiometric techniques. Smaller impacts give rise to thin bands of melted rock or melt clasts intimately mixed with country rock clasts in breccia deposits, and present much more of a challenge to dating. The Ar-Ar dating technique can address a wide variety of complex and heterogeneous samples associated with meteorite impacts and obtain reasonable ages. Ar-Ar results will be presented from a series of terrestrial meteorite impact craters including Boltysh (65.17±0.64 Ma, Strangways (646±42 Ma), and St Martin (220±32 Ma) and a Late Triassic spherule bed, possibly representing distal deposits from Manicouagan (214±1 Ma) crater. Samples from the Boltysh and Strangways craters demonstrate the importance of rapid cooling upon the retention of old ages in glassy impact rocks. A Late Triassic spherule bed in SW England is cemented by both carbonate and K-feldspar cements allowing Ar-Ar dating of fine grained cement to place a mimimum age upon the age of the associated impact. An age of 214.7±2.5 Ma places the deposit with errors of the age of the Manicouagan impact, raising the possibility that it may represent a distal deposit (the deposit lay around 2000 km away from the site of the Manicouagan crater during the Late Triassic). Finally the limits of the technique will be demonstrated using an attempt to date melt rocks from the St Martin Crater in Canada.

  10. ScattAR

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Baldwin, Alex Dempster; Serafin, Stefania; Erkut, Cumhur


    We present an augmented reality (AR) audio application where scattering delay networks efficiently generate and organize a reverberator, based on room geometry scanned by an AR device. The application allows for real-time processing and updating of reflection path geometry. It provides a proof...

  11. Ar-39/Ar-40 systematics of Allende inclusions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Herzog, G.F.; Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ); Bence, A.E.


    A laser microprobe was used to measure the Ar isotopic contents of individual mineral grains in four neutron-irradiated Allende samples: two coarse-grained Ca-Al-rich inclusions, one fine-grained Ca-Al-rich inclusion, and one sample with matrix and miscellaneous chondrules. The following K-Ar ages (G.y.) were obtained after degassing low Ar retentive sites by preheating the samples for one hour at 675 C: matrix, 3.5 + or - 0.2 three miscellaneous chondrules, 4.4 + or - 0.1, 4.0 + or - 0.1, and 4.4 + or - 0.1 and the fine-grained inclusion, 4.5 + or - 0.2. The minerals in the coarse-grained Ca-Al-rich inclusions have ubiquitous chlorine, less than 10 ppm K and apparent ages ranging upwards from 4.6 G.y. to well over 10 G.y. Possible explanations for these apparent ages are atmospheric contamination, the decay of K-40 prior to the formation of the solar system, and the trapping of radiogenic Ar-40 lost by the matrix

  12. AR copy number and AR signaling-directed therapies in castration-resistant prostate cancer. (United States)

    Salvi, Samanta; Conteduca, Vincenza; Lolli, Cristian; Testoni, Sara; Casadio, Valentina; Zaccheroni, Andrea; Rossi, Lorena; Burgio, Salvatore Luca; Menna, Cecilia; Schepisi, Giuseppe; De Giorgi, Ugo


    Adaptive upregulation of androgen receptor (AR) is the most common event involved in the progression from hormone sensitive to castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC). AR signaling remains the main target of new AR signalling-directed therapies such as abiraterone and enzalutamide in CRPC patients. In this review, we discuss general mechanisms of resistance to AR-targeted therapies, with a focus on the role of AR copy number (CN). We reported methods and clinical applications of AR CN evaluation in tissue and liquid biopsy, thus to have a complete information regarding its role as predictive and prognostic biomarker. Outcomes of CRPC patients are reported to be highly variable as consequence of tumor heterogeneity. AR CN could contribute to patient selection and tumor monitoring in CRPC treated with new anti-cancer treatment as abiraterone and enzalutamide. Further studies to investigate AR CN effect to these agents and its potential combination with other prognostic or predictive clinical factors are necessary in the context of harmonized clinical trial design. Copyright© Bentham Science Publishers; For any queries, please email at

  13. AR4VI: AR as an Accessibility Tool for People with Visual Impairments. (United States)

    Coughlan, James M; Miele, Joshua


    Although AR technology has been largely dominated by visual media, a number of AR tools using both visual and auditory feedback have been developed specifically to assist people with low vision or blindness - an application domain that we term Augmented Reality for Visual Impairment (AR4VI). We describe two AR4VI tools developed at Smith-Kettlewell, as well as a number of pre-existing examples. We emphasize that AR4VI is a powerful tool with the potential to remove or significantly reduce a range of accessibility barriers. Rather than being restricted to use by people with visual impairments, AR4VI is a compelling universal design approach offering benefits for mainstream applications as well.

  14. Enseñar a ver televisión


    Carrillo García, Mª Encarnación


    La televisión forma parte de la vida de cada una de las personas de nuestra sociedad. Para bien o para mal, este medio está presente en todos los hogares. Adultos y niños pasan un gran número de horas delante del televisor, y no es de extrañar que tanto unos como otros estén influenciados, de alguna manera, por el medio. No cabe duda acerca de la gran influencia que ejerce la televisión sobre el telespectador. Ésta puede llegar a ser inmensa, desde ella nos llegan informaciones mú...

  15. 40Ar/39Ar age spectra from the KBS Tuff, Koobi Fora Formation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    McDougall, I.


    40 Ar/ 39 Ar age spectra on anorthoclase phenocrysts from three pumice clasts in the KBS Tuff yield nearly ideal flat patterns, providing good evidence that the samples have remained undisturbed since crystallization. The ages are concordant at 1.88 = 0.02 Myr, and confirm that the KBS Tuff, a key marker bed in the Koobi Fora Formation, northern Kenya, is now very well dated. These results resolve the conflict between earlier 40 Ar/ 39 Ar and conventional K-Ar dating measurements on the KBS Tuff. (author)

  16. 40Ar/39Ar age spectra from the KBS Tuff, Koobi Fora Formation. (United States)

    McDougall, Ian


    40 Ar/ 39 Ar age spectra on anorthoclase phenocrysts from three pumice clasts in the KBS Tuff yield nearly ideal flat patterns, providing good evidence that the samples have remained undisturbed since crystallization. The ages are concordant at 1.88±0.02 Myr, and confirm that the KBS Tuff, a key marker bed in the Koobi Fora Formation, northern Kenya, is now very well dated. These results resolve the conflict between earlier 40 Ar/ 39 Ar and conventional K-Ar dating measurements on the KBS Tuff.

  17. MonitAR, Phase I (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — We propose to develop MonitAR, an Augmented Reality (AR) system that provides procedure completion guidance to astronauts. MonitAR will replace guidance from mission...

  18. The 40Ar/39Ar and K/Ar dating of lavas from the Hilo 1-km core hole, Hawaii Scientific Drilling Project (United States)

    Sharp, W.D.; Turrin, B.D.; Renne, P.R.; Lanphere, M.A.


    Mauna Kea lava flows cored in the HilIo hole range in age from <200 ka to about 400 ka based on 40Ar/39Ar incremental heating and K-Ar analyses of 16 groundmass samples and one coexisting plagioclase. The lavas, all subaerially deposited, include a lower section consisting only of tholeiitic basalts and an upper section of interbedded alkalic, transitional tholeiitic, and tholeiitic basalts. The lower section has yielded predominantly complex, discordant 40Ar/39Ar age spectra that result from mobility of 40Ar and perhaps K, the presence of excess 40Ar, and redistribution of 39Ar by recoil. Comparison of K-Ar ages with 40Ar/39Ar integrated ages indicates that some of these samples have also lost 39Ar. Nevertheless, two plateau ages of 391 ?? 40 and 400 ?? 26 ka from deep in the hole, combined with data from the upper section, show that the tholeiitic section accumulated at an average rate of about 7 to 8 m/kyr and has an mean recurrence interval of 0.5 kyr/flow unit. Samples from the upper section yield relatively precise 40Ar/39Ar plateau and isotope correlation ages of 326 ?? 23, 241 ?? 5, 232 ?? 4, and 199 ?? 9 ka for depths of -415.7 m to -299.2 m. Within their uncertainty, these ages define a linear relationship with depth, with an average accumulation rate of 0.9 m/kyr and an average recurrence interval of 4.8 kyr/flow unit. The top of the Mauna Kea sequence at -280 m must be older than the plateau age of 132 ?? 32 ka, obtained for the basal Mauna Loa flow in the corehole. The upward decrease in lava accumulation rate is a consequence of the decreasing magma supply available to Mauna Kea as it rode the Pacific plate away from its magma source, the Hawaiian mantle plume. The age-depth relation in the core hole may be used to test and refine models that relate the growth of Mauna Kea to the thermal and compositional structure of the mantle plume.

  19. AR4VI: AR as an Accessibility Tool for People with Visual Impairments


    Coughlan, James M.; Miele, Joshua


    Although AR technology has been largely dominated by visual media, a number of AR tools using both visual and auditory feedback have been developed specifically to assist people with low vision or blindness – an application domain that we term Augmented Reality for Visual Impairment (AR4VI). We describe two AR4VI tools developed at Smith-Kettlewell, as well as a number of pre-existing examples. We emphasize that AR4VI is a powerful tool with the potential to remove or significantly reduce a r...

  20. Reevaluation of the Solar Wind 36Ar/38Ar Ratio (United States)

    Becker, R. H.; Schlutter, D. J.; Rider, P. E.; Pepin, R. O.


    The isotopic composition of solar wind (SW) argon is an important parameter in the modeling of the evolution of the terrestrial planet atmospheres. Anders and Grevesse assumed a 36Ar/38Ar ratio for SW of 5.31, essentially equal to that of air. Considerable evidence has since developed which indicates that this ratio is too low. Benkert et al. have reported their best estimate for the recent SW as 5.48 +/- 0.05, determined from measurements of lunar soil 71501. Based on Ar data obtained from surface oxidation of a metal separate from the Weston meteorite and from an uncontrolled etch of lunar sample 67701, reported by our group previously, we consider even this value to be too low. Since values of 5.75 to 5.85 were reported by Black for initial low temperature (fairly high SW 36Ar/38Ar ratio (in the range of ~5.6 to ~5.7), we decided to analyze Kapoeta for its light solar wind gases using the acid-etching techniques developed in our laboratory based on the CSSE procedure of Benkert et al.

  1. 40Ar/39Ar laser-probe dating of diamond inclusions from the Premier kimberlite

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Phillips, D.; Onstott, T.C.; Harris, J.W.; Strathclyde Univ., Glasgow


    Inclusions encapsulated by diamonds at the time of their formation provide a means for determining diamond crystallization ages and the chemistry of the surrounding upper mantle at that time. Sm-Nd studies of peridotitic inclusions, from Cretaceous-age kimberlites in southern Africa, suggest that the diamonds formed 3.3 Gyr ago. By contrast, eclogite-suite inclusions generally yield younger ages, sometimes approaching the time of kimberlite eruption. Here we report the results of 40 Ar/ 39 Ar laser-probe analyses of individual eclogitic clinopyroxene inclusions from Premier diamonds, which yield a mean age of 1,198±14 Myr. This age agrees well with Sm-Nd and 40 Ar/ 39 Ar analyses on similar Premier inclusions, and is indistinguishable from the inferred time of emplacement of the host kimberlite (1,150-1,230 Myr), which implies that diamond formation was essentially synchronous with kimberlite generation. The extrapolated non-radiogenic 40 Ar/ 36 Ar ratio of 334±102 is similar to the present-day atmospheric composition. This value is inconsistent with Sr and Nd isotopic signatures from Premier eclogite inclusions, which suggest a depleted mantle source ( 40 Ar/ 36 Ar>20,000). Pre-entrapment equilibration of the inclusions with an 36 Ar-rich fluid is the most probable explanation for the low non-radiogenic ( 40 Ar/ 36 Ar) composition. (author)

  2. 40Ar-39Ar method for age estimation: principles, technique and application in orogenic regions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dalmejer, R.


    A variety of the K-Ar method for age estimation by 40 Ar/ 39 Ar recently developed is described. This method doesn't require direct analysis of potassium, its content is calculated as a function of 39 Ar, which is formed from 39 K under neutron activation. Errors resulted from interactions between potassium and calcium nuclei with neutrons are considered. The attention is paid to the technique of gradual heating, used in 40 Ar- 39 Ar method, and of obtaining age spectrum. Aplicabilities of isochronous diagram is discussed for the case of presence of excessive argon in a sample. Examples of 40 Ar- 39 Ar method application for dating events in orogenic regions are presented

  3. Evidence of interatomic Coulombic decay in ArKr after Ar 2p Auger decay

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Morishita, Y; Saito, N; Suzuki, I H; Fukuzawa, H; Liu, X-J; Sakai, K; Pruemper, G; Ueda, K; Iwayama, H; Nagaya, K; Yao, M; Kreidi, K; Schoeffler, M; Jahnke, T; Schoessler, S; Doerner, R; Weber, T; Harries, J; Tamenori, Y


    We have identified interatomic Coulombic decay (ICD) processes in the ArKr dimer following Ar 2p Auger decay, using momentum-resolved electron-ion-ion coincidence spectroscopy and simultaneously determining the kinetic energy of the ICD electron and the KER between Ar 2+ and Kr + . We find that the spin-conserved ICD processes in which Ar 2+ (3p -3 3d) 1 P and 3 P decay to Ar 2+ (3p -2 ) 1 D and 3 P, respectively, ionizing the Kr atom, are significantly stronger than the spin-flip ICD processes in which Ar 2+ (3p -3 3d) 1 P and 3 P decay to Ar 2+ (3p -2 ) 3 P and 1 D, respectively

  4. Feldspar 40Ar/39Ar dating of ICDP PALEOVAN cores (United States)

    Engelhardt, Jonathan Franz; Sudo, Masafumi; Stockhecke, Mona; Oberhänsli, Roland


    Volcaniclastic fall deposits in ICDP drilling cores from Lake Van, Turkey, contain sodium-rich sanidine and calcium-rich anorthoclase, which both comprise a variety of textural zoning and inclusions. An age model records the lake's history and is based on climate-stratigraphic correlations, tephrostratigraphy, paleomagnetics, and earlier 40Ar/39Ar analyses (Stockhecke et al., 2014b). Results from total fusion and stepwise heating 40Ar/39Ar analyses presented in this study allow for the comparison of radiometric constraints from texturally diversified feldspar and the multi-proxy lacustrine age model and vice versa. This study has investigated several grain-size fractions of feldspar from 13 volcaniclastic units. The feldspars show textural features that are visible in cathodoluminescence (CL) or back-scattered electron (BSE) images and can be subdivided into three dominant zoning-types: (1) compositional zoning, (2) round pseudo-oscillatory zoning and (3) resorbed and patchy zoning (Ginibre et al., 2004). Round pseudo-oscillatory zoning records a sensitive alternation of Fe and Ca that also reflects resorption processes. This is only visible in CL images. Compositional zoning reflects anticorrelated anorthite and orthoclase contents and is visible in BSE. Eleven inverse isochron ages from total fusion and three from stepwise heating analyses fit the age model. Four experiments resulted in older inverse isochron ages that do not concur with the model within 2σ uncertainties and that deviate from 1 ka to 17 ka minimum. C- and R-type zoning are interpreted as representing growth in magma chamber cupolas, as wall mushes, or in narrow conduits. Persistent compositions of PO-type crystals and abundant surfaces recording dissolution features correspond to formation within a magma chamber. C-type zoning and R-type zoning have revealed an irregular incorporation of melt and fluid inclusions. These two types of zoning in feldspar are interpreted as preferentially

  5. Identificación de las competencias que debe adquirir el estudiante de Licenciatura en Educación Básica con Énfasis en Humanidades Lengua Castellana e Inglés para diseñar y producir Actividades Didácticas enriquecidas por Tecnología Digital


    Luna Pineda, Javier R.


    En la presente investigación se muestran las competencias tecnológicas identificadas por los estudiantes del programa Licenciatura en Educación Básica con Énfasis en Humanidades Lengua Castellana e Inglés de la Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia sede Bucaramanga de la asignatura de Informática educativa. Se trató de identificar las competencias que debe poseer el futuro docente, con la finalidad de poder diseñar y producir actividades didácticas enriquecidas por tecnología digital. Las teorí...

  6. Avaliação de controles PID adaptativos para um sistema de aquecimento resistivo de água Evaluation of adaptive PID controls for a resistive system of heating water

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria Isabel Berto


    Full Text Available O trabalho consiste na implementação de um controle convencional PID/SISO-feedback para obter um ajuste fino na temperatura de entrada da água de aquecimento em um processo de pasteurização. Para isto utilizou-se uma resistência de 2500 Watts instalada na linha do fluido secundário da seção de aquecimento do pasteurizador e um Pt100 para a medição de sua temperatura. Como o comportamento desta temperatura em função de uma mesma perturbação degrau de potência na resistência é dependente da vazão de trabalho, objetivou-se encontrar um controle único para que a mesma fosse mantida no set-point desejado na faixa de operação de vazão da água do processo (300 a 700L/h. Três sintonias para o controlador adaptativo PID foram testadas: a primeira consistiu na implementação de uma função adaptativa dos parâmetros PID, ajustada através dos valores individuais obtidos para cada vazão de trabalho conforme metodologia da curva de reação do processo; a segunda consistiu em configurar os parâmetros do PID com os valores médios destes calculados individualmente para cada vazão, e a terceira consistiu na sintonia através de uma função adaptativa ajustada pelos parâmetros de sintonia obtidos pela metodologia de Aström & Hägglund. A avaliação do desempenho das sintonias dos controladores adaptativos foi realizada por comparação dos valores dos índices de erro, obtidos por perturbações do sistema em malha fechada na vazão de água. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que dentre as sintonias testadas, a terceira sintonia, popularmente conhecida como "Bang-Bang", apresentou menores oscilações e os menores valores dos índices de erros.The aim of this work is to implement a conventional PID/SISO feedback control to obtain a fine adjustment of the water inlet temperature at a pasteurization process. For that, a resistance of 2500 Watts and a Pt100 to measure the temperature were installed in the water inlet line of the

  7. Photodissociation dynamics of Ar2(+) and Ar3(+) excited by 527 nm photons. (United States)

    Lepère, V; Picard, Y J; Barat, M; Fayeton, J A; Lucas, B; Béroff, K


    The photofragmentation dynamics of Ar(2)(+) and Ar(3)(+) clusters has been investigated at a 527 nm wavelength (2.35 eV) using a setup that allows simultaneous detection of the ionic and neutral fragments in a coincidence experiment. Measurement of positions and times of flight enables in principle a complete description of the fragmentation dynamics. The photofragmentation dynamics of Ar(3)(+) clusters is similar to that of Ar(2)(+) with, in addition, the ejection of a third fragment that can be neutral or ionized via a resonant electron capture. This is attributed to the triangular geometry of the Ar(3)(+) ion.

  8. The effects of acid treatment and sample preparation on 40Ar/39Ar ages (United States)

    Morgan, L. E.; Davidheiser, B.; Kuiper, K.; Wijbrans, J. R.


    Practitioners of K-Ar and 40Ar/39Ar geochronology regularly use dilute acids (typically 5-10% hydrofluoric acid (HF)) to clean mineral grains prior to irradiation (in the case of 40Ar/39Ar), and analysis (e.g. Evernden and Curtis, 1965; Dalrymple, 1967). This treatment has been shown to reduce contamination from atmospheric Ar, which consists largely of 40Ar and thus must be differentiated from radiogenic 40Ar* (Evernden and Curtis, 1965). Acid treatments can also remove fine grained material attached to mineral grains, such as glass shards or devitrified glass, which can affect analyses and is difficult to remove by other means (Evernden and Curtis, 1965). Such treatments were originally examined for their efficacy in reducing atmospheric argon contamination (Dalrymple, 1967) but were not assessed for the possibility of leaching Ar* or K differentially, which would affect both K-Ar and 40Ar/39Ar ages. Indeed, Evernden and Curtis (1965) state that they are simply removing the "outer portions of the crystals" and apparently do not account for the potential for leaching of 40Ar* or K from the mass of their host mineral. Moreover, the capabilities of the K-Ar system in the 1960s was limited to a precision of ca. 3-4% on samples of 1-3 Ma (Cox and Dalrymple, 1967). Effects of smaller magnitude could not have been detected at the time. As the developments of the 40Ar/39Ar system and modern mass spectrometer technology have allowed for precision to approach 0.1%, the potential effects of acid treatment during sample preparation warrant revisiting. Additionally, the use of Calgon for sample disintegration has not previously been quantitatively assessed but is used extensively in some laboratories. Here we present a series of experiments from co-irradiated Fish Canyon sanidine (FCs) and Mes-4 (Kuiper et al., 2008). FCs is used as the mineral standard following standard procedures. Mes-4 splits were treated with H2O (10 minutes, ultrasonic), Calgon (10%, overnight at 50

  9. 40Ar/36Ar in MORB glasses: Constraints on atmosphere and mantle evolution

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sarda, P.; Staudacher, T.; Allegre, C.J.; Paris-7 Univ., 75


    Argon isotopic composition measurements of MORB glassy samples from the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian Oceans are performed. There is a very large scatter in the 40 Ar/ 36 Ar ratio, from 980 up to 24,400 for bulk rock analyses, which is mainly due to atmospheric contamination: Using the stepwise heating technique, very high ratios are obtained, from 15,000 up to 25,250 which is the highest 40 Ar/ 36 Ar ratio ever measured in MORB. We establish a negative correlation between the highest 40 Ar/ 36 Ar results from stepwise heating and 87 Sr/ 86 Sr ratios, which is perfectly consistent with a two-layered mantle structure. From both 40 Ar and 129 Xe MORB systematics a model is proposed for the kinetics of degassing: a very early and extensive burst, with a time constant of approx.= 4 My, is followed by a slower process of present day type, with a time constant of approx.= 0.5 Gy. The mean age of the atmosphere is so determined to be around 4.4 Gy. (orig./WB)

  10. Avaliação do rendimento do queijo tipo prato obtido por modificações no processo tradicional de fabricação Evaluation of the yield of prato cheese obtained by modifications of the traditional manufacturing process

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Leila M. Spadoti


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi comparar os efeitos das seguintes modificações no processo com o processo tradicional de fabricação de queijo Prato: uso de leite concentrado por ultrafiltração-(LCUF até um FCV=4:1; pré-fermentação de parte deste LCUF e aquecimento indireto da massa sobre o rendimento-(R, rendimento ajustado-(RAJ e a recuperação de gordura-(RGq e de proteína-(RPq no queijo. Foram realizados 3 processamentos, com 5 tratamentos cada, respectivamente: Tratamento 1-(T1, sem ultrafiltração; Tratamento 2-(T2, ultrafiltração sem pré-fermentação do LCUF; Tratamento 3-(T3, ultrafiltração com pré-fermentação de 10% do LCUF; Tratamento 4-(T4:, ultrafiltração com pr��-fermentação de 20% do LCUF e com aquecimento direto da massa e Tratamento 5-(T5: ultrafiltração com pré-fermentação de 20% do LCUF e único com aquecimento indireto. Os resultados de composição, rendimento e recuperação de componentes dos 5 tratamentos foram avaliados estatisticamente. Os tratamentos T2, T3, T4 e T5 apresentaram menores valores de R, RAJ e RGq e maiores valores de RPq, porém, a pré-fermentação com cozimento indireto apresentou a tendência de melhores RGq e RAJ. Menores rendimentos e RGs possivelmente resultaram da estrutura fibrosa apresentada por esses coágulos, bem como pela dificuldade de corte e manipulação dos mesmos.The objective of this research was to study the effect of the following modifications on the traditional manufacturing process of Prato cheese: use of milk concentrated by ultrafiltration (LCUF up to a VCF=4:1; partial LCUF pre-fermentation; indirect curd cooking; on yield-(R, adjusted yield (RAJ and fat (RGq and protein (RPq recovery on cheese, and comparison of the results with a standard cheese. Three processings with five treatments each were realized, respectively: treatment 1-(T1, without ultrafiltration; Treatment 2-(T2, ultrafiltration without LCUF pre-fermentation; Treatment 3-(T3, 10

  11. Avaliação da fundibilidade de uma liga de cobalto-cromo

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    CARREIRO Adriana da Fonte Porto


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho propusemo-nos a avaliar a fundibilidade de uma liga de cobalto-cromo (VERA-PDI em função da utilização de três revestimentos: Knebel (aglutinado por sílica, Termocast e Wirovest (aglutinados por fosfato e duas temperaturas de aquecimento para o molde (900°C e 950°C. Para a execução do teste foi utilizado o método descrito por HINMAN et al.9 (1985. O método de fundição foi o de cera perdida sob chama de gás-oxigênio. Os dados obtidos foram submetidos a análise estatística e demonstraram não haver diferença estatisticamente significante para os revestimentos Knebel e Wirovest, e diferença estatisticamente significante ao nível de 0,1% para o revestimento Termocast quando da variação da temperatura de aquecimento do molde. Quando analisamos os revestimentos sob temperatura do molde de 900°C verificamos diferença estatisticamente significante entre Knebel e Termocast e Knebel e Wirovest ao nível de 0,1%, e diferença entre Termocast e Wirovest ao nível de 5%. Para a temperatura de 950°C houve diferença estatisticamente significante ao nível de 0,1% entre todos os revestimentos. Dentro dos parâmetros utilizados neste estudo pudemos concluir que, para a liga VERA-PDI, a utilização do revestimento Knebel e temperatura de aquecimento do molde de 950°C proporcionaram melhores resultados quanto à fundibilidade.

  12. Legacy K/Ar and 40Ar/39Ar geochronologic data from the Alaska-Aleutian Range batholith of south-central Alaska (United States)

    Koeneman, Lisa L.; Wilson, Frederic H.


    Sample descriptions and analytical data for more than 200 K/Ar and 40Ar/39Ar analyses from rocks of the Alaska-Aleutian Range batholith of south-central Alaska are reported here. Samples were collected over a period of 20 years by Bruce R. Reed and Marvin A. Lanphere (both U.S. Geological Survey) as part of their studies of the batholith.

  13. On the doubly ionized states of Ar2 and their intra- and interatomic decay to Ar23+

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stoychev, Spas D.; Kuleff, Alexander I.; Tarantelli, Francesco; Cederbaum, Lorenz S.


    Potential energy curves of the Auger state Ar + (2p -1 )-Ar, the different one- and two-site dicationic states Ar 2 ++ (with energies in the range of 32-77 eV), and the lowest two-site tricationic states Ar ++ -Ar + (with energies in the range of 64-76 eV) computed using elaborated ab initio methods are reported. The accessible relaxation channels of the electronic states of Ar ++ -Ar populated by Auger decay are studied. In particular, we study in detail the interatomic Coulombic decay following the population of one-site satellite states of Ar ++ (3s -1 3p -1 )-Ar recently observed experimentally. Other relaxation pathways of Ar ++ -Ar, including radiative charge transfer, nuclear dynamics through curve crossing, and intra-atomic decay processes are also investigated

  14. 40Ar-39Ar age determinations on the Owyhee basalt of the Columbia plateau

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bottomley, R.J.; York, D.


    40 Ar/ 39 Ar step-heating analyses have been performed on 11 samples of basalt from sites near Owyhee Reservoir of southeastern Oregon, U.S.A. These rocks were extruded during the great flood basalt episode of the Pacific Northwest. The whole-rock points are highly correlated on a plot of 40 Ar/ 36 Ar versus 39 Ar/ 36 Ar, corresponding to a common age of the samples of 14.3+-0.3 m.y. Inspite of this, individual 'plateau' plots of the age versus fraction of 39 Ar released do not give good plateaux. These age spectra exhibit to varying degrees a common structure in which lower age values are found at higher temperatures. This pattern may result from a closed-system redistribution of the argon isotopes. The usefulness of grinding the basalts in removing a loosely held atmospheric argon component is confirmed. (Auth.)

  15. 40Ar/39Ar age and thermal history of the Kirin chondrite

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang, S.; McDougall, I.; Tetley, N.; Harrison, T.M.


    The Kirin meteorite, a large (> 2800 kg) H5 chondrite, fell in Kirin Province, China in 1976. A sample from each of the two largest fragments (K-1. K-2) yield 40 Ar/ 39 Ar total fusion ages of 3.63 +- 0.02 b.y. and 2.78 +- 0.02 b.y. respectively. 40 Ar/ 40 Ar age spectra show typical diffusional argon loss profiles. Maximum apparent ages of 4.36 b.y. (K-1) and approx. 4.0 b.y. (K-2) are interpreted as possible minimum estimates for the age of crystallization of the parent body. (orig./ME)

  16. Avaliação da influência do infravermelho e da diatermia por microondas associados ao alongamento passivo no encurtamento dos músculos isquiotibiais - doi:10.5102/ucs.v5i1.416

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    Aline Simões Alencastro


    Full Text Available A diatermia por microondas é uma modalidade de aquecimento profundo, e a radiação infravermelha aquece praticamente a epiderme. Em algumas práticas clínicas, para se obter um maior ganho da flexibilidade usam-se técnicas de alongamento associadas ao calor. Este estudo teve como objetivo verificar a influência e as diferenças na utilização dos recursos térmicos de calor profundo e superficial na flexibilidade da musculatura isquiotibial. Dezenove estudantes do Curso de Fisioterapia do Centro Universitário de Brasília foram distribuídos de forma aleatória em três grupos distintos: GC (alongamento muscular passivo, GCS (infravermelho associado ao alongamento passivo e GCP (diatermia por microondas associada ao alongamento. Os resultados foram obtidos através da analise do ângulo poplíteo antes e depois de cada intervenção, relacionando o recurso com o alongamento. Concluiu-se que a aplicação da termoterapia profunda ou superficial auxilia no alongamento da musculatura isquiotibial

  17. The effects of retrograde reactions and of diffusion on 39Ar-40Ar ages of micas

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Allaz, Julien; Engi, Martin; Berger, Alfons


    Effects of metamorphic reactions occurring during decompression were explored to understand their influence on 39Ar-40Ar ages of micas. Monometamorphic metasediments from the Lepontine Alps (Switzerland) were studied. Collected samples reached lower amphibolite facies during the Barrovian....... XRD-data indicated that some mineral separates prepared for Ar-Ar stepwise heating analysis were monomineralic, whereas others were composed of two white micas (muscovite with paragonite or margarite), or biotite and chlorite. In monomineralic samples 37Ar/39Ar and 38Ar/39Ar (proportional to Ca....../K and Cl/K ratios) did not change and the resulting ages can be interpreted unambiguously. In mineral separates containing two white micas, Ca/K and Cl/K ratios were variable, reflecting non-simultaneous laboratory degassing of the two heterochemical Ar-reservoirs. These ratios were used to identify each...

  18. Determinación de los costos por pérdidas generados por el no cumplimiento de la norma ISO 9001:2015 en una empresa comunitaria de servicios


    Moran Figueroa, Lorena Maricela


    Diseñar un sistema de costos de calidad y no calidad para disminuir los costos por pérdidas generados por el no cumplimiento de la norma ISO 9001:2015 en la Asociación de Trabajadores Comunitarios Yachay (ASOTRCHAY) dedicada a la prestación de servicios de mantenimiento de áreas verdes y jardines del cantón Urcuquí. El presente proyecto de investigación proporciona un Manual de Costos de Calidad y no calidad basada en los requisitos de la Norma ISO 9001:2015 y estrategias de mejora continu...

  19. Geochronology and thermochronology by the sup 40 Ar/ sup 39 Ar method

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    McDougall, I. (Australian National Univ., Canberra (Australia)); Harrison, T.M. (State Univ. of New York, Albany, NY (USA))


    This work is a response to the authors' belief that there is a need for a monograph on {sup 40}Ar/{sup 39}Ar dating to provide concise knowledge concerning the application of this method to geological studies. They aim to provide a reasonably comprehensive but by no means exhaustive coverage of the principles and practices of {sup 40}Ar/{sup 39}Ar dating, with emphasis on interpretation of results. In attempting to provide an overview of the current state of knowledge, they commonly cite examples from the available literature. They draw rather heavily upon their own work, because they feel comfortable with their own examples. (author).

  20. Enseñar literatura a estudiantes de E/LE. ¿Cómo diseñar un curso de Introducción a la literatura española?

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    Marta Plaza Velasco


    Full Text Available La literatura es un recurso muy útil en el aula de E/LE: no solo nos permite trabajar determinados contenidos gramaticales, funcionales o léxicos, sino también acercar a nuestros alumnos y alumnas a las culturas e historias de España y Latinoamérica al mismo tiempo que ejercitan su imaginación y creatividad. Es por esto que podemos encontrar muchos materiales didácticos y estudios teóricos relacionados con la utilización de la literatura en el aula de E/LE. Pero, ¿qué ocurre cuando de lo que se trata no es de utilizar la literatura para enseñar español sino de enseñar literatura a estudiantes de E/LE? El material y los estudios teóricos que encontramos sobre esta cuestión no son tan abundantes.

  1. Estudio de los niveles de plomo, cadmio, zinc y arsénico, en aguas de la provincia de Salamanca

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    Blanco Hernández Angel Luis


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTOS: Conocer el grado de contaminación por plomo, cadmio, cinc y arsénico de las aguas de la provincia de Salamanca y su relación con la zona de procedencia de las muestras y el punto de recogida de las mismas. MÉTODO: Estudio epidemiológico transversal, observacional y descriptivo. Se han estudiado aguas procedentes de redes de abastecimiento, fuentes, manantiales, pozos, ríos, riveras y lagunas de la provincia de Salamanca, analizándose los contenidos de plomo, cadmio, zinc y arsénico de 180 muestras, mediante espectroscopía de absorción atómica. Se han comparado los niveles de contaminación por los cuatro elementos de las muestras de agua entre las cuatro unidades comarcales de la provincia. Se han comparado los niveles de contaminación por los cuatro elementos entre las aguas procedentes de redes de abastecimiento y aquellas muestras de pozos, fuentes, manantiales y aguas de superficie. RESULTADOS: Los resultados indican que un 56% de las muestras analizadas superan las concentraciones máximas admisibles de cadmio, y un 28% del total de muestras analizadas supera las concentraciones máximas admisibles de plomo, según la legislación vigente presentando niveles tolerables de zinc y arsénico. No se han observado diferencias importantes en el grado de contaminación de las aguas por los elementos estudiados entre las cuatro unidades comarcales de la provincia. No se han observado diferencias en los niveles de contaminación por los cuatro elementos entre las aguas procedentes de redes de abastecimientos y aquellas muestras de pozos, fuentes, manantiales y aguas de superficie. CONCLUSIONES: Los resultados sugieren que las aguas de la provincia de Salamanca presentan de forma "natural" altos contenidos de cadmio y plomo, probablemente debido a las características geológicas del terreno.

  2. Fracciones biodisponibles de arsénico, plomo, cadmio y mercurio en sedimentos de corrientes superficiales seleccionadas


    Hernández Peñalver, María Teresa; García Melián, Maricel; Cañas Pérez, Regla; Sardiñas Peña, Olivia


    Se realizó la determinación de las fracciones biodisponibles de arsénico, cadmio, plomo y mercurio en los sedimentos de 10 ríos seleccionados, los cuales abastecen a comunidades de más de 5 000 habitantes en Cuba. Se efectuó la extracción en la fracción compuesta por partículas menores de 63 mym, con ácido clorhídrico 0,5 mol/L. En los casos de arsénico y cadmio, todas las muestras presentaron niveles inferiores a los límites de cuantificación de los métodos de ensayo. Las medianas de las con...

  3. 40Ar/39Ar and K-Ar age constraints on the timing of regional deformation, south coast of New South Wales, Lachlan Fold Belt: problems and implications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fergusson, C.L.; Phillips, D.


    Four slate samples from subduction complex rocks exposed on the south coast of New South Wales, south of Batemans Bay, were analysed by K-Ar and 40 Ar/ 39 Ar step-heating methods, One sample contains relatively abundant detrital muscovite flakes that are locally oblique to the regional cleavage in the rock, whereas the remaining samples appear to contain sparse detrital muscovite. Separates of detrital muscovite yielded plateau ages of 505 + 3 Ma and 513 + 3 Ma indicating that inheritance has not been eliminated by metamorphism and recrystallisation. Step-heating analyses of whole-rock chips from all four slate samples produced discordant apparent age spectra with 'saddle shapes' following young apparent ages at the lowest temperature increments. Elevated apparent ages associated with the highest temperature steps are attributed to the presence of variable quantities of detrital muscovite ( 40 Ar/ 39 Ar integrated ages of ca 455Ma, which are some 15-30 million years older than K-Ar ages for the same samples. These discrepancies suggest that the slates have also been affected by recoil loss/redistribution of 39 Ar, Ieading to anomalously old 40 Ar/ 39 Ar ages. Two other samples, from slaty tectonic melange and intensely cleaved slate, yielded average 40 Ar/ 39 Ar integrated ages of ca 424Ma, which are closer to associated mean K-Ar ages of 423 + 4Ma and 409 + 16Ma, respectively. Taking into account the potential influences of recoil loss/redistribution of 39 Ar and inheritance, the results from the latter samples suggest a maximum age of ca 440 Ma for deformation/metamorphism. The current results indicate that recoil and inheritance problems may also have affected whole-rock 40 Ar/ 39 Ar data reported from other regions of the Lachlan Fold Belt. Therefore, until these effects are adequately quantified, models for the evolution of the Lachlan Fold Belt, that are based on such whole-rock 40 Ar/ 39 Ar data, should be treated with caution. Copyright (2001) Geological

  4. Alignment and orientation of Ar+ in He+-Ar collisions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Moudry, B.W.; Yenen, O.; Jaecks, D.H.


    We have measured the alignment and orientation parameters of the 2 F 7/2 0 and 2 F 5/2 0 states of Ar + formed in the two-electron process; He + +Ar→He(1s 2 )+Ar + (3p 4 4p'). These have been measured at a collision energy of 0.25 keV/amu and for scattering angles ranging from 0.94 to 3.75 . First, by comparing the orientation prameter for the Ar + [(3p 4 [ 1 D]4p' 2 F 7/2 0 ] and the Ar + [(3p 4 [ 1 D]4p' 2 F 5/2 0 ] states, we have experimentally determined the importance of the spin-dependent interactions for the present collision system, by testing the Percival-Seaton hypothesis of spin independence. If the Percival-Seaton hypothesis holds for this system, the orientation parameter should be J-independent. Secondly, the magnitude of the orientation prameter can be interpreted as resulting from the collective circulation of the unexcited 3p 4 electrons and the excited 4p electron. The direction of this collective circulation is compared to the propensity rule for colliding di-atom systems. (orig.)

  5. Evaluación de dos técnicas analíticas para la especiación de arsénico en aguas superficiales del sur del Perú

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Manuel Chávez


    Full Text Available El arsénico es altamente tóxico, la exposición crónica a este elemento causa diversos daños en la salud de las personas, en el Perú se han reportado niveles elevados, sobre todo en ríos de la costa sur. Objetivo. Evaluar dos técnicas analíticas de especiación de las dos formas de arsénico inorgánico en agua fluvial de Tacna, en el sur del Perú. Materiales y métodos. Se desarrolló un estudio comparativo entre la técnica de separación por resina de intercambio aniónico y la cromatografía iónica para la especiación del arsénico (V y arsénico (III en muestras de agua de cuatro ríos de la vertiente del Pacífico en dos distritos de la región Tacna. La cantidad de arsénico total se determinó con el sistema de inyección de flujo asistido con absorción atómica. Resultados. Se obtuvo un buen grado de separación en ambos procedimientos, sin embargo, la técnica de resinas de intercambio aniónico tiene un límite de detección inferior que la cromatografía iónica, 2,0 μg/L y 32 μg/L, respectivamente. En cuatro de las seis muestras se obtuvieron valores superiores a los recomendados por la Agencia de Protección Ambiental de los Estados Unidos, y en ellas se logró determinar las cantidades de arsénico (III y arsénico (V. Conclusiones. La técnica de separación por resina de intercambio aniónico tiene mayor sensibilidad de detección de arsénico que la cromatografía iónica y permite un alto grado de especiación del arsénico inórganico en muestras de agua fluvial.

  6. 3 to 15 keV Ar+ induced Auger electron emission from Si and Ar

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kempf, J.; Kaus, G.


    Ar + induced Auger electrons from Si and Ar were investigated at bombardment energies between 3-15 keV and target currents of a few μA. The Auger electron yields were compared with secondary ion yields of Si and Ar by simultaneous SIMS-AES measurements. In the ion induced Auger spectra of Si five Auger peaks and in the Ar spectra three Auger peaks were observed. The ion induced Auger electron yield of Si and Ar were found to be strongly dependent upon the primary ion energy. 'Bulk like' and 'atomic like' Auger transitions of ion induced Auger electrons of Si were observed. (orig.) [de

  7. Androgen Receptor-Mediated Growth Suppression of HPr-1AR and PC3-Lenti-AR Prostate Epithelial Cells.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Young-Chae Kim

    Full Text Available The androgen receptor (AR mediates the developmental, physiologic, and pathologic effects of androgens including 5α-dihydrotestosterone (DHT. However, the mechanisms whereby AR regulates growth suppression and differentiation of luminal epithelial cells in the prostate gland and proliferation of malignant versions of these cells are not well understood, though they are central to prostate development, homeostasis, and neoplasia. Here, we identify androgen-responsive genes that restrain cell cycle progression and proliferation of human prostate epithelial cell lines (HPr-1AR and PC3-Lenti-AR, and we investigate the mechanisms through which AR regulates their expression. DHT inhibited proliferation of HPr-1AR and PC3-Lenti-AR, and cell cycle analysis revealed a prolonged G1 interval. In the cell cycle, the G1/S-phase transition is initiated by the activity of cyclin D and cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK complexes, which relieve growth suppression. In HPr-1AR, cyclin D1/2 and CDK4/6 mRNAs were androgen-repressed, whereas CDK inhibitor, CDKN1A, mRNA was androgen-induced. The regulation of these transcripts was AR-dependent, and involved multiple mechanisms. Similar AR-mediated down-regulation of CDK4/6 mRNAs and up-regulation of CDKN1A mRNA occurred in PC3-Lenti-AR. Further, CDK4/6 overexpression suppressed DHT-inhibited cell cycle progression and proliferation of HPr-1AR and PC3-Lenti-AR, whereas CDKN1A overexpression induced cell cycle arrest. We therefore propose that AR-mediated growth suppression of HPr-1AR involves cyclin D1 mRNA decay, transcriptional repression of cyclin D2 and CDK4/6, and transcriptional activation of CDKN1A, which serve to decrease CDK4/6 activity. AR-mediated inhibition of PC3-Lenti-AR proliferation occurs through a similar mechanism, albeit without down-regulation of cyclin D. Our findings provide insight into AR-mediated regulation of prostate epithelial cell proliferation.

  8. Modelagem de um condicionador de ar de alta precisão para uso em processamento agrícola Modeling of a high precision air conditioner for use in agricultural processing

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mauri Fortes


    Full Text Available Apresenta-se neste trabalho, estudo detalhado sobre a modelagem de um condicionador de ar com controle acurado de temperatura e umidade relativa. Desenvolveu-se um programa de computador que permite predizer o comportamento do sistema sob diferentes condições psicrométricas e de vazão do ar de entrada. O modelo global físico-matemático inclui equações de balanço de massa e de energia para três diferentes volumes de controle que compõem o condicionador. Modelaram-se os processos de mistura, evaporação (ou condensação simultânea de uma superfície d'água e de uma gota e o aquecimento de corrente de ar, separadamente. Propõem-se expressões semi-empíricas simples para os coeficientes de transferência de calor e massa inerentes ao processo de evaporação sobre uma superfície d'água e um modelo simplificado para o sistema de spray. Construiu-se um condicionador de ar no qual foram feitos testes experimentais para o ajuste das constantes que aparecem nas expressões para os coeficientes de transferência. Os dados obtidos validaram o modelo global, com precisão aceitável para projetos de engenharia.In this work, a detailed procedure for the analysis of an accurately controlled air conditioner is presented. A computer program, that allows predicting the behavior of the system under different psychrometric conditions and different input air mass flow rates, was developed. The global physical-mathematical model includes mass and energy conservation equations for three different control volumes that compose the conditioner. Thus, the processes of mixture of air, simultaneous evaporation (or condensation from a water surface and from a drop, and the air-stream heating are modeled separately. Simple semi-empiric expressions for heat and mass coefficients inherent to the evaporation process on a water surface are proposed as well a simplified model for the spray system. Experimental tests made on an air-conditioner allowed to obtain

  9. Analysis list: Ar [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available Ar Gonad,Kidney,Prostate + mm9,,,http://dbarchive.bioscience

  10. Observaciones antecológicas sobre recolección de polen por vibración

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Osorno-Mesa Hermano


    Full Text Available Este articulo trata del notable método de recolección de polen por vibración, muy generalizado entre los Bombus, Xylocopidae y otras familias de Hymenoptera. Posiblemente no lo practican las abejas del género Apis, por desempeñar papel importante en dicho método la capa vellosa y amplitud de la región ventro abdominal, que son muy exiguas en las abejas (Apis. En la literatura apícola disponible, no se hace mención de su empleo por las abejas y nunca lo hemos observado en estos himenópteros.

  11. Ramon Llull's Ars Magna

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Thessa


    might be a viable and valuable approach to understand some of the challenges and possibilities found in computer science and ethics. Vita Llull was born in 1232 in Palma de Mallorca, a melting pot for different cul-tures and religions at the time. Being educated at the king’s court, Llull learned...... of belief, life, and God as such. Computer Science? Llull was an inspiration for later scientists, most notably Giordano Bruno, Athanasius Kirchner, Agrippa of Nettesheim and Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, whose dissertation De Arte Combinatoria begins with a discussion of Llull’s Ars Magna. Umberto Eco also......-ple of Mallorca have since tried to have Llull canonised as a saint. Ars Magna A few years before his death Llull began to write the most thorough and final version of his Ars Magna, the Ars Generalis Ultima [3]. The books explain the different figures of the Ars, its principles, questions, descriptions...

  12. De supuesta toponimia céltica en Castilla: el caso de Arévalo (Ávila)


    Emilio Nieto Ballester


    El propósito de este artículo es mostrar la necesidad de ser precavido al atribuir un origen prerromano a todos los topónimos que, por distintas circunstancias, no somos capaces de explicar mediante el latín, los romances derivados de las otras lenguas con un topónimo de gran dificultad, Arévalo, cuyo parecido formal con el antiguo pueblo de los arévacos y su propio emplazamiento han hecho que se le haya atribuido unánimente un origen celta. Este trabajo pretende mostrar que esta hipótesis, a...

  13. Aproveitamento dos subprodutos da extra??o do ?leo do pau-rosa (Aniba rosaeodora Ducke) para a obten??o de bioprodutos


    Cust?dio, Dayana Lacerda


    A fam?lia Lauraceae destaca-se por apresentar esp?cies com grande import?ncia econ?mica, dentre elas Aniba rosaeodora Ducke, utilizada na extra??o de ?leo essencial. Seu ?leo essencial ? formado majoritariamente por linalol, utilizado como fixador na perfumaria. Os subprodutos da extra??o do pau-rosa s?o geralmente empregados como fonte de energia para o aquecimento das caldeiras nas pr?prias usinas. Estes subprodutos cont?m subst?ncias com grande potencial de aproveitamento como biopro...

  14. The celecoxib derivatives AR-12 and AR-14 induce autophagy and clear prion-infected cells from prions. (United States)

    Abdulrahman, Basant A; Abdelaziz, Dalia; Thapa, Simrika; Lu, Li; Jain, Shubha; Gilch, Sabine; Proniuk, Stefan; Zukiwski, Alexander; Schatzl, Hermann M


    Prion diseases are fatal infectious neurodegenerative disorders that affect both humans and animals. The autocatalytic conversion of the cellular prion protein (PrP C ) into the pathologic isoform PrP Sc is a key feature in prion pathogenesis. AR-12 is an IND-approved derivative of celecoxib that demonstrated preclinical activity against several microbial diseases. Recently, AR-12 has been shown to facilitate clearance of misfolded proteins. The latter proposes AR-12 to be a potential therapeutic agent for neurodegenerative disorders. In this study, we investigated the role of AR-12 and its derivatives in controlling prion infection. We tested AR-12 in prion infected neuronal and non-neuronal cell lines. Immunoblotting and confocal microscopy results showed that AR-12 and its analogue AR-14 reduced PrP Sc levels after only 72 hours of treatment. Furthermore, infected cells were cured of PrP Sc after exposure of AR-12 or AR-14 for only two weeks. We partially attribute the influence of the AR compounds on prion propagation to autophagy stimulation, in line with our previous findings that drug-induced stimulation of autophagy has anti-prion effects in vitro and in vivo. Taken together, this study demonstrates that AR-12 and the AR-14 analogue are potential new therapeutic agents for prion diseases and possibly protein misfolding disorders involving prion-like mechanisms.

  15. Analise da evolução de ações na difusão do aquecimento solar de agua para habitações populares : estudo de caso em Contagem - MG


    Jane Tassinari Fantinelli


    Resumo: Os programas para a redução da pobreza e para o acesso das populações às condições básicas para uma boa qualidade de vida devem contemplar soluções que considerem os avanços tecnológicos e os benefícios da produtividade e da eficiência energética. O uso de sistemas termossolares (coletores solares) como forma de substituir a eletricidade para o aquecimento de água já foi uma solução adotada em diversos países do mundo, entre a Primeira e a Segunda guerras mundiais e no primeiro e segu...

  16. Herida precordial por arma blanca


    Marcelo F. Jiménez; Nuria Novoa; José Luis Aranda; Gonzalo Varela


    Varón de 42 años con esquizofrenia paranoide. Intento de suicidio con tres autolesiones por arma blanca (Fig. 1). Fue traído al hospital en estado consciente, taquicárdico, taquipneico y con tensión arterial (TA) de 140/90 mmHg. Fue trasladado al quirófano, donde se practicó una toracotomía axilar izquierda sin extraer el arma. Durante la intervención se apreciaron tres heridas incisas, dos no penetrantes, hemotórax de 150 ml, herida pericárdica de 4 cm, sin lesiones cardíacas. La hoja del ar...

  17. Reproducción de Eisenia foetida en suelos agrícolas de áreas mineras contaminadas por cobre y arsênico.




    El objetivo del trabajo fue evaluar la toxicidad del cobre y arsénico en suelos agrícolas, mediante bioensayos estandarizados de toxicidad aguda y crónica sobre Eisenia foetida y relacionar la respuesta de ésta con las concentraciones de cobre y arsénico en los suelos. Los suelos agrícolas fueram muestreados en las inmediaciones de áreas mineras en la cuenca del río Aconcagua, Chile. E. foetida expuesta a los suelos estudiados mostró una baja mortalidad, indicando la ausencia de toxicidad agu...

  18. High-resolution Auger spectroscopy on 79 MeV Ar5+, 89 MeV Ar6+, and 136 MeV Ar7+ ions after excitation by helium

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schneider, T.


    In this thesis the atomic structure of highly excited Ar 6+ and Ar 7+ ions was studied. For this 79 MeV Ar 5+ , 89 MeV Ar 6+ , and 136 MeV Ar 7+ ions of a heavy ion accelerator were excited by a He gas target to autoionizing states and the Auger electrons emitted in the decay were measured in highly-resolving state. The spectra were taken under an observational angle of zero degree relative to the beam axis in order to minimize the kinematical broadening of the Auger lines. (orig./HSI) [de

  19. Arsenic phytoextraction and hyperaccumulation by fern species Fitoextração e hiperacumulação de arsênio por espécies de samambaias

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria Isidoria Silva Gonzaga


    Full Text Available Arsenic (As is an ubiquitous trace metalloid found in all environmental media. Its presence at elevated concentrations in soils derives from both anthropogenic and natural inputs. Arsenic is a toxic and carcinogenic element, which has caused severe environmental and health problem worldwide. Technologies currently available for the remediation of arsenic-contaminated sites are expensive, environmentally disruptive, and potentially hazardous to workers. Phytoextraction, a strategy of phytoremediation, uses plants to clean up contaminated soils and has been successfully applied to arsenic contaminated soils. It has the advantage of being cost-effective and environmentally friendly. A major step towards the development of phytoextraction of arsenic-impacted soils is the discovery of the arsenic hyper accumulation in ferns, first in Pteris vittata, which presented an extraordinary capacity to accumulate 2.3% arsenic in its biomass. Another fern, Pityrogramma calomelanos was found to exhibit the same hyperaccumulating characteristics. After that, screening experiments have revealed that the Pteris genus is really unique in that many species have the potential to be used in phytoextraction of arsenic. In general, these plants seem to have both constitutive and adaptive mechanisms for accumulating or tolerating high arsenic concentration. In the past few years, much work has been done to understand and improve the hyperaccumulating capability of these amazing plants. In particular, the field of molecular biology seems to hold the key for the future of the phytoremediation.O arsênio e um metalóide traço encontrado basicamente em todos os ambientes. Elevadas concentrações de arsênio no solo podem acontecer naturalmente devido ao intemperismo de rochas ricas em arsênio, como também de atividades antropogênicas. O arsênio é um elemento tóxico e cancerígeno. Em muitas partes do mundo, a contaminação pelo arsênio tem causado problemas

  20. A compilation of 40Ar-39 and K-Ar ages: report 25

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hunt, P.A.; Roddick, J.C.


    Twenty-three 40 Ar- 39 Ar age determinations (including two potassium-argon analyses) carried out by the Geological Survey of Canada are reported. Each age determination is accompanied by a description of the rock and mineral concentrate used; brief interpretative comments regarding the geological significance of each age are also provided where possible. The experimental procedures employed are described in outline. An index of all Geological Survey of Canada K-Ar age determinations published in this format has been prepared using NTS quadrangles as the primary reference. (author). 6 refs., 2 tabs., 1 fig

  1. Funcionalidade da oleoresina de páprica microencapsulada em goma-arábica e amido de arroz/gelatina.




    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a funcionalidade da oleoresina de páprica microencapsulada em goma-arábica e amido de arroz/gelatina, incorporada nos sistemas-modelo bolo e gel de gelatina. Avaliou-se a cor por meio de medida instrumental e aceitação sensorial por atributos de aparência e aceitação global. O pigmento encapsulado solubilizou-se, tingiu e se distribuiu uniformemente nos bolos, os quais apresentaram boa aceitação global. Nos géis, a goma apresentou desempenho superior ao a...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Erick Meira de Oliveira


    Full Text Available DOI: 10.12957/cadest.2017.31363 Os padrões fluviais brasileiros são sensíveis a diversos fatores geográficos e atmosféricos locais e de grande escala, sofrendo variações consideráveis ao longo da extensão territorial do País. Apesar da vasta gama de informações hoje disponíveis sobre esses fatores, sabe-se que a vazão de rios brasileiros possui relações significativas com padrões climáticos bem característicos, podendo se substituir, por vezes, uma quantidade expressiva de elementos por amostras que concentrem a maior parte das informações estatísticas da base de dados. Nesse contexto, este trabalho buscou identificar, por meio da aplicação de diferentes técnicas de análise estatística multivariada, características comuns a diferentes rios brasileiros, utilizando como informação principal suas vazões. Os resultados sugerem que os comportamentos de grande parte dos rios brasileiros usados para aproveitamento hidrelétrico podem ser caracterizados por um conjunto pequeno de padrões bem definidos, que traduzem os diferentes regimes de massas de ar aos quais o território brasileiro está submetido. Palavras-chave: Análise Multivariada; Vazões de Rios; Massas de ar.

  3. Cross Sections of the 36Ar(d,α)34mCl, 40Ar(d,α)38Cl and 40Ar(d,p)41Ar Nuclear Reactions below 8.4 MeV (United States)

    Engle, J W; Severin, G W; Barnhart, T E; Knutson, L D; Nickles, R J


    We have measured the cross section for production of the medically interesting isotope 34mCl, along with 38Cl and 41Ar, using deuteron bombardments of 36Ar and 40Ar below 8.4 MeV. ALICE/ASH analytical codes were employed to determine the shape of nuclear excitation functions, and experiments were performed using the University of Wisconsin tandem electrostatic accelerator to irradiate thin targets of argon gas. PMID:22041299

  4. Histone demethylase JMJD1A promotes alternative splicing of AR variant 7 (AR-V7) in prostate cancer cells. (United States)

    Fan, Lingling; Zhang, Fengbo; Xu, Songhui; Cui, Xiaolu; Hussain, Arif; Fazli, Ladan; Gleave, Martin; Dong, Xuesen; Qi, Jianfei


    Formation of the androgen receptor splicing variant 7 (AR-V7) is one of the major mechanisms by which resistance of prostate cancer to androgen deprivation therapy occurs. The histone demethylase JMJD1A (Jumonji domain containing 1A) functions as a key coactivator for AR by epigenetic regulation of H3K9 methylation marks. Here, we describe a role for JMJD1A in AR-V7 expression. While JMJD1A knockdown had no effect on full-length AR (AR-FL), it reduced AR-V7 levels in prostate cancer cells. Reexpression of AR-V7 in the JMJD1A-knockdown cells elevated expression of select AR targets and partially rescued prostate cancer cell growth in vitro and in vivo. The AR-V7 protein level correlated positively with JMJD1A in a subset of human prostate cancer specimens. Mechanistically, we found that JMJD1A promoted alternative splicing of AR-V7 through heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein F (HNRNPF), a splicing factor known to regulate exon inclusion. Knockdown of JMJD1A or HNRNPF inhibited splicing of AR-V7, but not AR-FL, in a minigene reporter assay. JMJD1A was found to interact with and promote the recruitment of HNRNPF to a cryptic exon 3b on AR pre-mRNA for the generation of AR-V7. Taken together, the role of JMJD1A in AR-FL coactivation and AR-V7 alternative splicing highlights JMJD1A as a potentially promising target for prostate cancer therapy.

  5. A Refined Astronomically Calibrated 40Ar/39Ar Age for Fish Canyon Sanidine

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rivera, Tiffany; Storey, Michael; Zeeden, Christian


    Intercalibration between the astronomical and radio-isotopic dating methods provides a means to improving accuracy and reducing uncertainty of an integrated, multi-chronometer geologic timescale. Here we report a high-precision 40Ar/39Ar age for the Fish Canyon sanidine (FCs) neutron fluence...... sanidine age of 0.7674±0.0022 Ma (2σ, external errors) is indistinguishable from the ID-TIMS U/Pb zircon age (0.7671±0.0019 Ma). The consistency between the astronomically calibrated 40Ar/39Ar sanidine age and U/Pb zircon age for this Quaternary unit suggests that agreement between these two radio-isotopic...... dating techniques is now achievable at better than±0.3% (2σ) in the youngest part of geologic time (

  6. Androgen Receptor Variant AR-V9 Is Coexpressed with AR-V7 in Prostate Cancer Metastases and Predicts Abiraterone Resistance. (United States)

    Kohli, Manish; Ho, Yeung; Hillman, David W; Van Etten, Jamie L; Henzler, Christine; Yang, Rendong; Sperger, Jamie M; Li, Yingming; Tseng, Elizabeth; Hon, Ting; Clark, Tyson; Tan, Winston; Carlson, Rachel E; Wang, Liguo; Sicotte, Hugues; Thai, Ho; Jimenez, Rafael; Huang, Haojie; Vedell, Peter T; Eckloff, Bruce W; Quevedo, Jorge F; Pitot, Henry C; Costello, Brian A; Jen, Jin; Wieben, Eric D; Silverstein, Kevin A T; Lang, Joshua M; Wang, Liewei; Dehm, Scott M


    Purpose: Androgen receptor (AR) variant AR-V7 is a ligand-independent transcription factor that promotes prostate cancer resistance to AR-targeted therapies. Accordingly, efforts are under way to develop strategies for monitoring and inhibiting AR-V7 in castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC). The purpose of this study was to understand whether other AR variants may be coexpressed with AR-V7 and promote resistance to AR-targeted therapies. Experimental Design: We utilized complementary short- and long-read sequencing of intact AR mRNA isoforms to characterize AR expression in CRPC models. Coexpression of AR-V7 and AR-V9 mRNA in CRPC metastases and circulating tumor cells was assessed by RNA-seq and RT-PCR, respectively. Expression of AR-V9 protein in CRPC models was evaluated with polyclonal antisera. Multivariate analysis was performed to test whether AR variant mRNA expression in metastatic tissues was associated with a 12-week progression-free survival endpoint in a prospective clinical trial of 78 CRPC-stage patients initiating therapy with the androgen synthesis inhibitor, abiraterone acetate. Results: AR-V9 was frequently coexpressed with AR-V7. Both AR variant species were found to share a common 3' terminal cryptic exon, which rendered AR-V9 susceptible to experimental manipulations that were previously thought to target AR-V7 uniquely. AR-V9 promoted ligand-independent growth of prostate cancer cells. High AR-V9 mRNA expression in CRPC metastases was predictive of primary resistance to abiraterone acetate (HR = 4.0; 95% confidence interval, 1.31-12.2; P = 0.02). Conclusions: AR-V9 may be an important component of therapeutic resistance in CRPC. Clin Cancer Res; 23(16); 4704-15. ©2017 AACR . ©2017 American Association for Cancer Research.

  7. Single-crystal 40Ar/39Ar incremental heating reveals bimodal sanidine ages in the Bishop Tuff (United States)

    Andersen, N. L.; Jicha, B. R.; Singer, B. S.


    The 650 km3 Bishop Tuff (BT) is among the most studied volcanic deposits because it is an extensive marker bed deposited just after the Matuyama-Brunhes boundary. Reconstructions of the vast BT magma reservoir from which high-silica rhyolite erupted have long influenced thinking about how large silicic magma systems are assembled, crystallized, and mixed. Yet, the longevity of the high silica rhyolitic melt and exact timing of the eruption remain controversial due to recent conflicting 40Ar/39Ar sanidine vs. SIMS and ID-TIMS U-Pb zircon dates. We have undertaken 21 40Ar/39Ar incremental heating ages on 2 mm BT sanidine crystals from pumice in 3 widely separated outcrops of early-erupted fall and flow units. Plateau ages yield a bimodal distribution: a younger group has a mean of 766 ka and an older group gives a range between 772 and 782 ka. The younger population is concordant with the youngest ID-TIMS and SIMS U-Pb zircon ages recently published, as well as the astronomical age of BT in marine sediment. Of 21 crystals, 17 yield older, non-plateau, steps likely affected by excess Ar that would bias traditional 40Ar/39Ar total crystal fusion ages. The small spread in older sanidine ages, together with 25+ kyr of pre-eruptive zircon growth, suggest that the older sanidines are not partially outgassed xenocrysts. A bimodal 40Ar/39Ar age distribution implies that some fraction of rhyolitic melt cooled below the Ar closure temperature at least 10 ky prior to eruption. We propose that rapid "thawing" of a crystalline mush layer released older crystals into rhyolitic melt from which sanidine also nucleated and grew immediately prior to the eruption. High precision 40Ar/39Ar dating can thus provide essential information on thermo-physical processes at the millenial time scale that are critical to interpreting U-Pb zircon age distributions that are complicated by large uncertainties associated with zircon-melt U-Th systematics.

  8. Optical characteristics of a RF DBD plasma jet in various {Ar}/ {O}_{2}Ar/O2 mixtures (United States)

    Falahat, A.; Ganjovi, A.; Taraz, M.; Ravari, M. N. Rostami; Shahedi, A.


    In this paper, using the optical emission spectroscopy (OES) technique, the optical characteristics of a radiofrequency (RF) plasma jet are examined. The Ar/O2 mixture is taken as the operational gas and, the Ar percentage in the Ar/O2 mixture is varied from 70% to 95%. Using the optical emission spectrum analysis of the RF plasma jet, the excitation temperature is determined based on the Boltzmann plot method. The electron density in the plasma medium of the RF plasma jet is obtained by the Stark broadening of the hydrogen Balmer H_{β }. It is mostly seen that, the radiation intensity of Ar 4p→ 4s transitions at higher argon contributions in Ar/O2 mixture is higher. It is found that, at higher Ar percentages, the emission intensities from atomic oxygen (O) are higher and, the line intensities from the argon atoms and ions including O atoms linearly increase. It is observed that the quenching of Ar^{*} with O2 results in higher O species with respect to O2 molecules. In addition, at higher percentages of Ar in the Ar/O2 mixture, while the excitation temperature is decreased, the electron density is increased.

  9. Por qué sigo creyendo en el hospital a domicilio

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juan Gallud Romero


    Full Text Available Fue en los años 80 cuando entré por primera vez en contacto con el Hospital a Domicilio (HAD. Fue por casualidad durante unas prácticas de la especialidad en París. Posteriormente, realicé el trabajo de campo de un estudio de costes de quimioterapia en hospital convencional y con bombas elastoméricas en HAD, y tuve que acompañar a las enfermeras en sus rutas y visitar todo tipo de domicilios y pacientes. Al finalizar el periplo extranjero, me incorporé a la Conselleria de Sanitat de la Comunidad Valenciana (CV. En 1990 ya se habían creado las tres primeras unidades de HAD (UHD y, quizás por aquella pequeña experiencia extranjera, en 1992 me propusieron trabajar en su desarrollo. Mi destino profesional estuvo ya siempre vinculado al HAD y me ha permitido acompañar con más o menos intensidad su desarrollo en la CV. Hoy, 25 años después me gustaría aportar algunas reflexiones sobre por qué sigo creyendo en el HAD. A nivel internacional, existe cierto consenso sobre la definición de HAD. Pero también es innegable que la interpretación de dicha definición y su implementación varían en los diferentes países. Esto da lugar a múltiples experiencias locales a veces muy dispares entre sí a lo largo de la geografía mundial, experiencias muy condicionadas por los diferentes modelos sanitarios y su forma de financiación, lo que dificulta tanto la comparación y evaluación de estos servicios como las decisiones políticas para su desarrollo. Tradicionalmente, se ha buscado en la comparación con el hospital de agudos la razón de ser del HAD. Y se van acumulando evidencias.

  10. Cross sections of the 36Ar(d,α)34mCl, 40Ar(d,α)38Cl, and 40Ar(d,p)41Ar nuclear reactions below 8.4 MeV. (United States)

    Engle, J W; Severin, G W; Barnhart, T E; Knutson, L D; Nickles, R J


    We have measured the cross section for production of the medically interesting isotope (34m)Cl, along with (38)Cl and (41)Ar, using deuteron bombardments of (36)Ar and (40)Ar below 8.4 MeV. ALICE/ASH analytical codes were employed to determine the shape of nuclear excitation functions, and experiments were performed using the University of Wisconsin tandem electrostatic accelerator to irradiate thin targets of argon gas. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  11. Classical treatment of Li2++Ar and He2++Ar collisions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jorge, A; Illescas, Clara; Pons, B


    Classical Trajectory Monte Carlo calculations are carried out for Li 2+ +Ar and He 2+ +Ar collisions, motivated by recent experiments on these systems. Cross sections for electron capture, projectile electron loss and target multiple ionization processes are evaluated and compared to the experimental values in the 75-500 keV/amy impact energy range. (paper)

  12. Thermal significance of potassium feldspar K-Ar ages inferred from /sup 40/Ar//sup 39/Ar age spectrum results

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Harrison, T.M.; McDougall, I. (Australian National Univ., Canberra. Research School of Earth Sciences)


    /sup 40/Ar//sup 39/Ar age spectrum analyses of three microcline separates from the Separation Point Batholith, northwest Nelson, New Zealand, which cooled slowly through the temperature zone of partial radiogenic /sup 40/Ar accumulation are characterized by a linear age increase over the first 65 percent of gas release with the lowest ages corresponding to the time that the samples cooled below about 100/sup 0/C. The last 35 percent of /sup 39/Ar released from the microclines yields plateau ages which reflect the different bulk mineral ages, and correspond to cooling temperatures between about 130 to 160/sup 0/C. Theoretical calculations confirm the likelihood of diffusion gradients in feldspars cooling at rates =< 5/sup 0/C-Ma/sup -1/. Diffusion parameters calculated from the /sup 39/Ar release yield an activation energy, E = 28.8 +- 1.9 kcal-mol/sup -1/, and a frequency factor/grain size parameter, D/sub 0//l/sup 2/ = 5.6sub(-3.9)sup(+14) sec/sup -1/. This Arrhenius relationship corresponds to a closure temperature of 132 +- 13/sup 0/C which is very similar to the independently estimated temperature. From the observed diffusion compensation correlation, this D/sub 0//l/sup 2/ implies an average diffusion half-width of about 3, similar to the half-width of the perthite lamellae in the feldspars. The results are discussed.

  13. Avaliação diagnóstica da laparoscopia associada à análise do líquido intraperitoneal nas lesões intra-abdominais provocadas por arma de ar comprimido: estudo experimental em cães


    Lima, Cássio Renato Montenegro de; Steinman, Eliana; Novo, Fernando da Costa Ferreira; Heil, Romualdo Izon; Poggetti, Renato Sérgio; Birolini, Dario


    Avaliação de eficácia da laparoscopia, associada à análise bacteriológica do líquido intraperitoneal pela coloração de Gram., no diagnóstico de lesões intra-abdominais provocadas em cães com arma de ar comprimido. A alta incidência de óbitos como resultado de ferimentos por arma de fogo tem contribuído para implantação de novas técnicas diagnósticas. O uso crescente de laparoscopia diagnóstica em urgências torna necessário aprimorar qualidade e fidedignidade dos resultados obtidos. Este exper...

  14. 40Ar-39Ar dating of hornfels dredged near the Japan trench

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Takigami, Yutaka; Fujioka, Kantaro


    During the KH 81-3 Cruise of the R/V Hakuho-Maru, biotite-bearing hornfelses were dredged from the landward slope of the Japan Trench. Bulk sample and separated biotite were dated by the 40 Ar- 39 Ar method and they showed 40 Ar- 39 Ar ages of 28.9±1.4 Ma and 28.5±1.4 Ma, respectively. This would indicate that biotite was formed at about 29 Ma by the thermal metamorphism which might have related with some magmatic activity. In this magmatic activity was caused by the subducting oceanic plate in the similar conditions at present, it seems to have occurred at a place too close to the present trench axis. This discrepancy could be explained by such processes as the change of the angle of the subducting plate, the moving of the trench axis by tectonic erosion and so on. However, more age data are required to solve this discrepancy. (author)

  15. 40Ar/39Ar and K/Ar whole rock age constraints on the timing of regional deformation, South Coast of New South Wales, Lachlan Fold Belt, Southeastern Australia: problems and implications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Phillips, D.; Fergusson, C.L.


    Full text: Subduction complex rocks are well exposed on the south coast of New South Wales around Batemans Bay. Farther south in the Narooma and Bermagui region, Offier et al (1998) have determined two 40 Ar/ 39 Ar ages of 450 ± 3 Ma and 445 ± 2 Ma. They argued that these ages constrain the timing of intense underplating-related deformation and we have undertaken farther work, from an area south of Batemans Bay, to test this suggestion. The 40 Ar/ 39 Ar method applied to fine-grained, low temperature metamorphic rocks, such as slates, is beset by the problem of recoil loss and/or redistribution of 39 Ar during the irradiation process. Another problem is the difficulty of distinguishing between the contributions to 40 Ar/ 39 Ar spectra from illite/muscovite grown during the cleavage-producing deformation and detrital muscovite/illite. In the current study, four slate samples, with variable contents of detrital white mica, were analysed by both the K-Ar and 40 Ar/ 39 Ar step-heating methods. A separate of detrital white mica from one slate sample yields a plateau age of 500 ± 2 Ma. This result indicates that inheritance has not been eliminated by metamorphism as is commonly assumed and that the 40 Ar/ 39 Ar ages provide only a maximum estimate for the timing of deformation. 40 Ar/ 39 Ar analyses of state chips yield discordant, saddle-shaped age spectra, with minimum, within-saddle' ages of ca. 420 Ma. Two slate samples give identical 40 Ar/ 39 Ar integrated ages of 455 ± 2 Ma. One sample contains relatively abundant detrital bedding-parallel mica flakes that are locally oblique to the regional cleavage in the rock. The 40 Ar/ 39 Ar ages are some 20 Ma older than K-Ar ages for these same samples, suggesting that recoil loss of 39 Ar may also have affected these slates. Both recoil loss of 39 Ar and inherited white micas will yield elevated apparent ages, thus providing only maximum ages for the cleavage-producing deformation. Two other samples from slaty tectonic

  16. Androgen Receptor (AR) Physiological Roles in Male and Female Reproductive Systems: Lessons Learned from AR-Knockout Mice Lacking AR in Selective Cells1 (United States)

    Chang, Chawnshang; Lee, Soo Ok; Wang, Ruey-Sheng; Yeh, Shuyuan; Chang, Ta-Min


    ABSTRACT Androgens/androgen receptor (AR) signaling is involved primarily in the development of male-specific phenotypes during embryogenesis, spermatogenesis, sexual behavior, and fertility during adult life. However, this signaling has also been shown to play an important role in development of female reproductive organs and their functions, such as ovarian folliculogenesis, embryonic implantation, and uterine and breast development. The establishment of the testicular feminization (Tfm) mouse model exploiting the X-linked Tfm mutation in mice has been a good in vivo tool for studying the human complete androgen insensitivity syndrome, but this mouse may not be the perfect in vivo model. Mouse models with various cell-specific AR knockout (ARKO) might allow us to study AR roles in individual types of cells in these male and female reproductive systems, although discrepancies are found in results between labs, probably due to using various Cre mice and/or knocking out AR in different AR domains. Nevertheless, no doubt exists that the continuous development of these ARKO mouse models and careful studies will provide information useful for understanding AR roles in reproductive systems of humans and may help us to develop more effective and more specific therapeutic approaches for reproductive system-related diseases. PMID:23782840

  17. Prostate Cancer Cells Express More Androgen Receptor (AR) Following Androgen Deprivation, Improving Recognition by AR-Specific T Cells. (United States)

    Olson, Brian M; Gamat, Melissa; Seliski, Joseph; Sawicki, Thomas; Jeffery, Justin; Ellis, Leigh; Drake, Charles G; Weichert, Jamey; McNeel, Douglas G


    Androgen deprivation is the primary therapy for recurrent prostate cancer, and agents targeting the androgen receptor (AR) pathway continue to be developed. Because androgen-deprivation therapy (ADT) has immmunostimulatory effects as well as direct antitumor effects, AR-targeted therapies have been combined with other anticancer therapies, including immunotherapies. Here, we sought to study whether an antigen-specific mechanism of resistance to ADT (overexpression of the AR) may result in enhanced AR-specific T-cell immune recognition, and whether this might be strategically combined with an antitumor vaccine targeting the AR. Androgen deprivation increased AR expression in human and murine prostate tumor cells in vitro and in vivo The increased expression persisted over time. Increased AR expression was associated with recognition and cytolytic activity by AR-specific T cells. Furthermore, ADT combined with vaccination, specifically a DNA vaccine encoding the ligand-binding domain of the AR, led to improved antitumor responses as measured by tumor volumes and delays in the emergence of castrate-resistant prostate tumors in two murine prostate cancer models (Myc-CaP and prostate-specific PTEN-deficient mice). Together, these data suggest that ADT combined with AR-directed immunotherapy targets a major mechanism of resistance, overexpression of the AR. This combination may be more effective than ADT combined with other immunotherapeutic approaches. Cancer Immunol Res; 5(12); 1074-85. ©2017 AACR . ©2017 American Association for Cancer Research.

  18. Caracterização por FT-IR da superfície de borracha EPDM tratada via plasma por micro-ondas FT-IR characterization of EPDM rubber surface treated by microwave plasma

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Renata P. dos Santos


    Full Text Available A superfície de uma borracha de etileno-propileno-dieno (EPDM vulcanizada foi modificada via plasma por microondas, com gases Ar, Ar/O2, N2/O2 e N2/H2, tendo como objetivo melhorar as propriedades adesivas da superfície. A técnica FT-IR/UATR foi escolhida para caracterizar as superfícies após tratamento, pois apresentou menor interferência dos ingredientes da formulação da EPDM, dentre as técnicas analisadas (ATR/KRS-5 e Ge. Grupos oxigenados foram inseridos na superfície da amostra tratada, mesmo quando não foi utilizado o oxigênio, pois estes grupos foram formados quando a superfície ativada foi exposta à atmosfera. Já em tratamentos contendo N2, grupos oxigenados e possíveis grupos nitrogenados foram identificados por FT-IR. Redução nos valores do ângulo de contato, aumento no trabalho de adesão e aumento no ensaio de resistência ao descascamento (EPDM × Poliuretano foram observados após tratamento com Ar e N2/H2, resultando em melhora nas propriedades adesivas da superfície tratada.The surface of a vulcanized ethylene propylene diene monomer (EPDM rubber was modified by microwave plasma in Ar, Ar/O2, N2/O2 and N2/H2 in order to improve the adhesion properties. Surface modification was characterized by FT-IR/UATR, because this technique showed smaller interference of ingredients of EPDM formulation in comparison with other techniques used (ATR KRS-5 and Ge. Oxygenated groups were introduced in the EPDM surface after treatment, even in treatments without oxygen. Theses groups were formed when the activated surface was exposed to the atmosphere. In treatments with nitrogen, oxygenated and possible nitrogenated groups were identified by FT-IR. Reduction in the contact angle, increase in the work of adhesion and increase in the peel strength (EPDM × Polyurethane were observed after treatment with Ar and N2/H2, resulting in improved adhesion properties of the modified surface.

  19. Efeitos da exposição a poluentes do ar na saúde das crianças de Cuiabá, Mato Grosso, Brasil


    Machin, Adrian Blanco; Nascimento, Luiz Fernando Costa


    Exposição a poluentes do ar, que costumam ser quantificados por agências ambientais que não estão presentes em todos os estados, pode estar associada a internações por doenças respiratórias de crianças. Foi desenvolvido um estudo ecológico de séries temporais com dados referentes às internações por algumas doenças respiratórias de crianças menores de dez anos de idade, em 2012, na cidade de Cuiabá, Mato Grosso, Brasil. Os níveis médios de material particulado fino (PM2,5) foram estimados por ...

  20. The 40Ar/39Ar and U/Pb dating of young rhyolites in the Kos-Nisyros volcanic complex, Eastern Aegean Arc, Greece: Age discordance due to excess 40Ar in biotite (United States)

    Bachmann, O.; Schoene, B.; Schnyder, C.; Spikings, R.


    High-precision dating of Quaternary silicic magmas in the active Kos-Nisyros volcanic center (Aegean Arc, Greece) by both 40Ar/39Ar on biotite and U/Pb on zircon reveals a complex geochronological story. U/Pb ID-TIMS multi and single-grain zircon analyses from 3 different units (Agios Mammas and Zini domes, Kefalos Serie pyroclasts) range in age from 0.3 to 0.5 to 10-20 Ma. The youngest dates provide the maximum eruption age, while the oldest zircons indicate inheritance from local continental crust (Miocene and older). Step-heating 40Ar/39Ar experiments on 1-3 crystals of fresh biotite yielded highly disturbed Ar-release patterns with plateau ages typically older than most U/Pb ages. These old plateau ages are probably not a consequence of inheritance from xenocrystic biotites because Ar diffuses extremely fast at magmatic temperatures and ratios are reset within a few days. On the basis of (1) elevated and/or imprecise 40Ar/36Ar ratios, (2) shapes of the Ar release spectra, and (3) a high mantle 3He flux in the Kos-Nisyros area, we suggest that biotite crystals retained some mantle 40Ar that led to the observed, anomalously old ages. In contrast, sanidine crystals from the only sanidine-bearing unit in the Kos-Nisyros volcanic center (the caldera-forming Kos Plateau Tuff) do not appear to store any excess 40Ar relative to atmospheric composition. The eastern edge of the Aegean Arc is tectonically complex, undergoing rapid extension and located close to a major structural boundary. In such regions, which are characterized by high fluxes of mantle volatiles, 40Ar/39Ar geochronology on biotite can lead to erroneous results due to the presence of excess 40Ar and should be checked either against 40Ar/39Ar sanidine or U/Pb zircon ages.

  1. Accurate and precise 40Ar/39Ar dating by high-resolution, multi-collection, mass spectrometry

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Storey, Michael; Rivera, Tiffany; Flude, Stephanie

    New generation, high resolution, multi-collector noble gas mass spectrometers equipped with ion-counting electron multipliers provide opportunities for improved accuracy and precision in 40Ar/39Ar dating. Here we report analytical protocols and age cross-calibration studies using a NU-Instruments......New generation, high resolution, multi-collector noble gas mass spectrometers equipped with ion-counting electron multipliers provide opportunities for improved accuracy and precision in 40Ar/39Ar dating. Here we report analytical protocols and age cross-calibration studies using a NU......-Instruments multi-collector Noblesse noble gas mass spectrometer configured with a faraday detector and three ion-counting electron multipliers. The instrument has the capability to measure several noble gas isotopes simultaneously and to change measurement configurations instantaneously by the use of QUAD lenses...... (zoom optics). The Noblesse offer several advantages over previous generation noble gas mass spectrometers and is particularly suited for single crystal 40Ar/39Ar dating because of: (i) improved source sensitivity (ii) ion-counting electron multipliers, which have much lower signal to noise ratios than...

  2. 40Ar/ 39Ar ages and paleomagnetism of São Miguel lavas, Azores (United States)

    Johnson, Catherine L.; Wijbrans, Jan R.; Constable, Catherine G.; Gee, Jeff; Staudigel, Hubert; Tauxe, Lisa; Forjaz, Victor-H.; Salgueiro, Mário


    We present new 40Ar/ 39Ar ages and paleomagnetic data for São Miguel island, Azores. Paleomagnetic samples were obtained for 34 flows and one dike; successful mean paleomagnetic directions were obtained for 28 of these 35 sites. 40Ar/ 39Ar age determinations on 12 flows from the Nordeste complex were attempted successfully: ages obtained are between 0.78 Ma and 0.88 Ma, in contrast to published K-Ar ages of 1 Ma to 4 Ma. Our radiometric ages are consistent with the reverse polarity paleomagnetic field directions, and indicate that the entire exposed part of the Nordeste complex is of a late Matuyama age. The duration of volcanism across São Miguel is significantly less than previously believed, which has important implications for regional melt generation processes, and temporal sampling of the geomagnetic field. Observed stable isotope and trace element trends across the island can be explained, at least in part, by communication between different magma source regions at depth. The 40Ar/ 39Ar ages indicate that our normal polarity paleomagnetic data sample at least 0.1 Myr (0-0.1 Ma) and up to 0.78 Myr (0-0.78 Ma) of paleosecular variation and our reverse polarity data sample approximately 0.1 Myr (0.78-0.88 Ma) of paleosecular variation. Our results demonstrate that precise radiometric dating of numerous flows sampled is essential to accurate inferences of long-term geomagnetic field behavior. Negative inclination anomalies are observed for both the normal and reverse polarity time-averaged field. Within the data uncertainties, normal and reverse polarity field directions are antipodal, but the reverse polarity field shows a significant deviation from a geocentric axial dipole direction.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dorival Pinheiro Garcia


    Full Text Available A utilização dos pellets de madeira para a geração de energia térmica está se difundindo no Brasil e a termogravimetria tem sido amplamente aplicada para o estudo da decomposição da madeira e seus principais componentes como a celulose, hemiceluloses e lignina. O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar o comportamento térmico de quatro diferentes amostras de pellets de madeira, em condições não isotérmicas, por meio das análises termogravimétricas TGA. Os ensaios foram conduzidos desde a temperatura ambiente até 500°C, com taxa de aquecimento de 20°C/min, em atmosfera inerte de gás nitrogênio, com fluxo de 100 mL/min.  Os termogramas mostraram três estágios de decomposição: o primeiro, atribuído à evaporação da água e dos materiais voláteis; o segundo, refere-se à decomposição da holocelulose na pirólise ativa; e o terceiro, atribuído a decomposição da lignina na pirólise passiva. Além disso, conclui-se que a maior decomposição térmica ocorreu na faixa de temperatura compreendida entre 250°C e 400°C, com perdas superiores a 60,8% da massa inicial do biocombustível.

  4. Application of quadrupole mass spectrometer to the 40Ar-39Ar geochronological study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Takigami, Yutaka; Nishijima, Tadashi; Koike, Toshio; Okuma, Kouichi.


    A Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer (QMS) has commonly been used for qualitative analyses of gases in organic chemistry or for monitoring the vacuum conditions in industrial machines. No attempt has been made, however, to apply it to geochronological studies because of its disadvantages such as the difficulty in obtaining precise isotope ratios due to triangular peak shapes and poor reproducibility. On the other hand, there are advantages that a QMS is relatively inexpensive and gives a shorter scanning time for analysis compared with a sector type mass spectrometer. The latter characteristics is useful for 40 Ar/ 39 Ar geochronological studies, since it gives a lower background in the QMS and the possibility to obtain many more data from one sample in a limited time. In this study, we have tried to improve a commercial QMS at many parts, such as rf-generator, quadrupole, ionization chamber, source magnet, and so on, in order to meet the requirements to use it for geochronological studies. With the use of the improved QMS equipped with an on-line microcomputer, we could obtain Ar isotope data which are sufficiently precise for the 40 Ar/ 39 Ar geochronological studies. (author)

  5. Estudo comparativo do resfriamento de laranja valência com ar forçado e com água

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Teruel Bárbara


    Full Text Available Este trabalho apresenta um estudo para comparar o resfriamento rápido de laranja Valência (Citrus sinensis O., com ar forçado e com água gelada. O sistema de resfriamento rápido com ar forçado operou com um fluxo de ar de 1.933m³/h (3 l/s por kg de produto resfriado, a uma temperatura de 1ºC e UR=88,4 ± 2,0%, com uma velocidade do ar em torno de 1m/s. Nos experimentos com água gelada foi utilizado um sistema de imersão, com uma capacidade de 0,23m³ de água a uma temperatura de aproximadamente 1ºC. Foi determinando o tempo meio e de sete oitavos do resfriamento, partindo das leituras de temperatura, perfazendo-se duas repetições em cada experimento. Os resultados mostraram que, o resfriamento do leito de frutas com ar forçado não é homogêneo, obtendo-se um tempo de sete oitavos do resfriamento que variaram de 107min a 170min, dependendo da posição do fruto no interior da embalagem. Já no sistema com água gelada, o resfriamento acontece uniformemente em todo em todo o leito de frutos, sendo o tempo médio de resfriamento de 57min.

  6. ARS-Media for excel instruction manual (United States)

    ARS-Media for Excel Instruction Manual is the instruction manual that explains how to use the Excel spreadsheet ARS-Media for Excel application. ARS-Media for Excel Instruction Manual is provided as a pdf file....

  7. Análise energética de sistemas solares térmicos para diferentes demandas de água em uma residência unifamiliar

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Leandra Altoé

    Full Text Available Vários países têm utilizado a energia solar com a finalidade de reduzir a dependência de combustíveis fósseis e as emissões de gases de efeito estufa. Os edifícios comerciais, públicos e residenciais são responsáveis por 47,6% do consumo de energia elétrica no Brasil. O chuveiro elétrico é o equipamento com maior participação de consumo em residências brasileiras, seguido da geladeira e do ar-condicionado. Objetivou-se com este trabalho analisar a eficiência energética de um sistema solar térmico com apoio elétrico para atender diferentes demandas de água quente em uma residência unifamiliar, comparativamente ao uso de chuveiro elétrico. No dimensionamento do sistema solar foram considerados parâmetros do Programa Brasileiro de Etiquetagem de edifícios e da norma técnica NBR 15569/2008. O aquecedor solar foi simulado pelo programa EnergyPlus nas condições climáticas de Viçosa, Minas Gerais. Entre outras variáveis, foram avaliadas a fração solar do sistema, a energia transferida ao coletor solar, a energia armazenada no reservatório térmico e o consumo de energia elétrica pelas duas opções de aquecimento. Foi verificado que a substituição do chuveiro elétrico pelo aquecedor solar com backup elétrico provocou uma redução média de 70% no consumo de energia elétrica destinado a aquecimento de água e 36% no consumo total de energia elétrica da residência.

  8. The thermal history of the Lhasa Block, South Tibetan Plateau based on FTD and Ar-Ar dating

    CERN Document Server

    Yang, T F; Lo Chong Huah; Chung, S L; Tien, R L; Xu, R; Deng, W


    Twelve basement samples were collected from South Tibet Plateau for FTD and Ar-Ar analysis to demonstrate their uplifting history since Cenozoic era. The preliminary results from different minerals with different closure temperatures, including apatite and zircon for fission-track dating, and K-feldspar, biotite for Ar-Ar dating, show that at least four stages of thermal history can be recognized in the studied area.

  9. The thermal history of the Lhasa Block, South Tibetan Plateau based on FTD and Ar-Ar dating

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yang, T.F.; Wang, J.R.; Lo, C.H.; Chung, S.L.; Tien, R.L.; Xu, R.; Deng, W.


    Twelve basement samples were collected from South Tibet Plateau for FTD and Ar-Ar analysis to demonstrate their uplifting history since Cenozoic era. The preliminary results from different minerals with different closure temperatures, including apatite and zircon for fission-track dating, and K-feldspar, biotite for Ar-Ar dating, show that at least four stages of thermal history can be recognized in the studied area

  10. High-resolution 40Ar/39Ar chronology of multiple intrusion igneous complexes (United States)

    Foland, K. A.; Chen, J.-F.; Linder, J. S.; Henderson, C. M. B.; Whillans, I. M.


    The Mount Brome complex of the Monteregian province of southern Quebec, Canada, consits of several major intrusions ranging compositionally from gabbro to syenite. The relative ages of these intrusives have been investigated with high-resolution 40Ar/39Ar analyses, including a specially designed irradiation configuration to cancel the effects of fluence gradients. Small yet distinct apparent age differences are observed. While a number of analytical and geological factors could be proposed to explain the small variations, evaluation of these suggests the age differences reflect those in emplacement times. The gabbro and nepheline diorite were emplaced within a short span 123.1 Ma ago. Generally more evolved lithologies (biotite monzodiorite, pulaskite, nordmarkite) appear to have been emplaced within a restricted interval 1.4±0.3 Ma later. Whole-rock Rb-Sr systematics do not give acceptable isochrons because of significant scatter interpreted to reflect initial 87Sr/86Sr heterogeneities resulting from crustal contamination. Considering the variations in initial ratio, the Rb-Sr data are consistent with the 40Ar/39Ar age.

  11. Developing a chronostratigraphic tool for climatic archives: absolute dating (K/Ar and 40Ar/39Ar) and paleo-magnetism applied to lavas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sasco, Romain


    The understanding of climatic mechanisms and rapid climate changes requires a high-resolution, robust, and precise timescale which allows long-distance and multi-archives correlations.An appropriate tool to construct such a timescale is provided by the Earth magnetic field (EMF). The EMF is independent from climatic variations and its past evolution, global at the surface of the Earth, is recorded by most of the geological/climatic archives. Sedimentary sequences provide continuous records of relative intensities of the EMF on timescales usually based on ice core age models or orbital tuning. Lavas, though discontinuously emitted through time, record the absolute intensity of the EMF during their cooling at the surface of the Earth. Lavas are dated using 2 complementary methods: 40 Ar/ 39 Ar and K-Ar, both independent from climatic parameters. Lavas have therefore the potential to deliver tie-points (age - paleo-intensity couples) enabling the time calibration of sedimentary sequences and their transfer onto absolute intensity scale and chronological time scale. This timescale can then be transferred to other climatic archives. The present study focusses on the last 200 ka with lavas sampled from young volcanoes of Ardeche (South Massif Central, France) and recent phases of volcanism in the Canary Islands. Lava flows from Ardeche provided un-exploitable paleo-intensity results and ages with large uncertainties. Therefore, they failed to provide suitable tie-points. However, our geochronological results evidence how crucial the combination of both the K-Ar and 40 Ar/ 39 Ar methods is to test the accuracy and geological meaning of the ages. Ardeche lavas have abundant mantellic and crustal xenoliths, potential carriers of excess 40 Ar*. Our study suggests that the argon excess is located in sites that decrepitate at low temperature (≤600 C). Because 40 Ar/ 39 Ar ages are not affected by excess 40 Ar*, they provide reliable results. The new age dataset indicates

  12. A refined astronomically calibrated 40Ar/39Ar age for Fish Canyon sanidine

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Rivera, T.A.; Storey, M.; Zeeden, C.; Hilgen, F.J.; Kuiper, K.


    Intercalibration between the astronomical and radio-isotopic dating methods provides a means to improving accuracy and reducing uncertainty of an integrated, multi-chronometer geologic timescale. Here we report a high-precision 40Ar/39Ar age for the FishCanyon sanidine (FCs) neutron fluence monitor,

  13. Estudio proteómico y de resistencia a arsénico y mercurio en la bacteria Cianotrofa Pseudomonas pseudoalcaligenes CECT5344


    Rodríguez Caballero, Gema


    Premio extraordinario de Trabajo Fin de Máster curso 2012-2013. Biotecnología Molecular, Celular y Genética. La minería, la joyería y otras actividades industriales generan residuos cianurados que además contienen otros metaloides y metales como el arsénico y el mercurio. La toxicidad del cianuro reside en su elevada afinidad por metales de tal forma que es capaz de inhibir un gran número de metaloenzimas esenciales para la vida. El arsénico es un potente carcinógeno cuyas formas más abund...

  14. Call for Development of New Mineral Standards for 40Ar/39Ar Dating (United States)

    Deino, A. L.; Turrin, B. D.; Renne, P. R.; Hemming, S. R.


    Age determination via the 40Ar/39Ar dating method relies on the intercomparison of measured 40Ar*/39ArK ratios of geological unknowns with those of co-irradiated mineral standards. Good analytical procedure dictates that these ratios (and the evolution of the Ar ion beams underpinning them) be as similar as practical for the greatest accuracy. Unfortunately, throughout several intervals of the geological time scale this 'best practice' cannot be achieved with existing widely used standards. Only two internationally utilized sanidine standards are available for the middle to late Cenozoic: the Alder Creek Rhyolite sanidine (ACs), at ~1.2 Ma (Turrin et al., 1994; Nomade et al., 2005), and the Fish Canyon Tuff sanidine (FCs) at ~28.2 Ma (e.g., Kuiper et al., 2008; Renne et al, 2011). The situation is even worse throughout much of the rest of the Phanerozoic, as the next oldest standard in common use is the Hb3gr hornblende standard with an age of ~1.1 Ga (Turner, 1971; Jourdan et al., 2006). We propose, as a community effort, the development a set of standards covering the entire target range of high-precision 40Ar/39Ar dating, i.e. the Phanerozoic. Their ages would be stepped in a regular fashion with no more than approximately a factor of 3 between standards, such that in the worse case the 40Ar*/39Ar ratios of standards and unknown need differ by no more than a factor of two. While somewhat arbitrary, an approximately 3 X age progression allows the entire time scale to be covered by a manageable number of standards. Anchoring the progression in the widely used ACs, FCs, and Hb3gr (in bold, below) yields the following set of suggested standard ages: 0.4, 1.2, 3.3, 9.4, 28.2, 95, 320, and 1100 Ma. A suitable standard should be highly reproducible in age at the grain-to-grain and sub-grain levels, and highly radiogenic. The mineral should be abundant and easily separated from the host rock. These criteria may be most easily achieved by focusing on sanidine phenocrysts

  15. Impactos da incorporação do sistema de aquecimento solar de água na habitação de interesse social: estudos de caso em municípios de pequeno porte em Minas Gerais


    Silva, Izadora Cristina Corrêa


    Neste trabalho propõe-se uma investigação acerca da implantação do sistema de aquecimento solar de água na habitação de interesse social, sob o ponto de vista da sustentabilidade da tecnologia adotada. Entende-se a sustentabilidade num sentido amplo, que envolve entre outros, os aspectos econômicos, sociais, ambientais e culturais bem como os hábitos e costumes arraigados na população residente. Ainda há poucos exemplos de aplicação prática e pouca literatura sobre a implantação de tecnologia...

  16. Análise de um protótipo de condicionador de ar adsortivo evaporativo para clima quente e úmido

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jesus Marlinaldo de Medeiros


    Full Text Available O sistema de condicionamento de ar adsortivo evaporativo funciona com a desumidificação do ar externo, forçando-o a passar através de um adsorvente, onde parte do vapor de água é retido e o ar quase seco é umidificado através de resfriadores evaporativos para redução de sua temperatura. O desumidificador adsortivo utilizou cerca de 4,4 kg de sílica-gel com diâmetro de 2 a 5 mm sobre telas metálicas garantindo maior rigidez à estrutura, melhor distribuição da sílica e circulação do ar. A sílica-gel foi regenerada através de aquecedor elétrico com fluxo de ar forçado por um período de 4 horas. O climatizador comercial tipo resfriador evaporativo foi testado com fibras evaporativas sintéticas e naturais. Os resultados mostraram que dependendo do painel evaporativo ocorre uma maior perda de carga no escoamento, provocando a diminuição da velocidade e comprometendo o rendimento do equipamento. O sistema completo foi testado, verificandose que o desumidificador reduziu a razão de umidade do fluxo de ar, mas o aumento da temperatura do ar associado ao calor de adsorção comprometeu o rendimento do protótipo. Portanto, para obter conforto térmico com o condicionador adsortivo evaporativo será necessário resfriar o ar após o desumidificador com a circulação da água do climatizador.

  17. Spectroscopic and electric dipole properties of Sr+Ar and SrAr systems including high excited states (United States)

    Hamdi, Rafika; Abdessalem, Kawther; Dardouri, Riadh; Al-Ghamdi, Attieh A.; Oujia, Brahim; Gadéa, Florent Xavier


    The spectroscopic properties of the fundamental and several excited states of Sr+Ar and SrAr, Van der Waals systems are investigated by employing an ab initio method in a pseudo-potential approach. The potential energy curves and the spectroscopic parameters are displayed for the 1-10 2Σ+, 1-6 2Π and 1-3 2Δ electronic states of the Sr+Ar molecule and for the 1-6 1Σ+, 1-4 3Σ+, 1-3 1,3Π and 1-3 1,3Δ states of the neutral molecule SrAr. In addition, from these curves, the vibrational levels and their energy spacing are deduced for Σ+, Π and Δ symmetries. The spectra of the permanent and transition dipole moments are studied for the 1,3Σ+ states of SrAr, which are considered to be two-electron systems and 2Σ+ states of the single electron Sr+Ar ion. The spectroscopic parameters obtained for each molecular system are compared with previous theoretical and experimental works. A significant correlation revealed the accuracy of our results.

  18. Skolotāju uztvertā stresa saistība ar apmierinātību ar darbu


    Dejus, Ilze


    Pētījuma „Skolotāju uztvertā stresa saistība ar apmierinātību ar darbu” mērķis, pamatojoties uz teorētisko analīzi, pētīt skolotāju uztvertā stresa saistību ar apmierinātību ar darbu. Pētījuma jautājumi: 1.Vai pastāv statistiski nozīmīga saistība starp skolotāju uztvertā stresa līmeni un apmierinātību ar darbu? 2.Vai pastāv statistiski nozīmīgas atšķirības starp Liepājas 15.vidusskolas un Grobiņas novada skolotāju uztvertā stresa līmeni un apmierinātību ar darbu? Aptaujāti 113 skolot...

  19. Influencia de las mezclas de gases Ar-He y Ar-He-O2 en la soldabilidad de la aleación de aluminio AA5083-O usando Proceso GMAW-P automatizado

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Enrique Esteban Niebles Nuñez


    Full Text Available La problemática en las empresas fabricantes de estructuras y construcciones soldadas en aluminio se centra en la disminución de las propiedades mecánicas de las uniones soldadas influenciada por el aporte térmico en las regiones de soldadura; así como, en los efectos de las discontinuidades y defectos, los altos costos de reparación de soldaduras y la baja productividad. El objetivo de este trabajo es evaluar la influencia de las mezclas de gases 80Ar20He (MG1, 60Ar40He (MG2, 80Ar19He1O2 (MG3, 60Ar39He1O2 (MG4, sobre la soldabilidad de la aleación de aluminio AA5083-O utilizando un material de aporte ER5183 y el proceso GMAW-P automatizado. La metodología incluyó una fase de parametrización de soldaduras, la caracterización del metal base y las regiones de soldadura. El análisis de resultados se llevó a cabo en términos de la evolución microestructural en las regiones de soldadura y evaluación de las propiedades como dureza, resistencia y elongación, así como la evaluación de discontinuidades y defectos de la unión, costos y velocidad de soldadura. Los resultados muestran que las mezclas de gas que contienen O2 favorecen significativamente la soldabilidad de la aleación en estudio.

  20. Combined U-Th/He and 40Ar/39Ar geochronology of post-shield lavas from the Mauna Kea and Kohala volcanoes, Hawaii

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Aciego, S.M.; Jourdan, F.; DePaolo, D.J.; Kennedy, B.M.; Renne, P.R.; Sims, K.W.W.


    Late Quaternary, post-shield lavas from the Mauna Kea and Kohala volcanoes on the Big Island of Hawaii have been dated using the {sup 40}Ar/{sup 39}Ar and U-Th/He methods. The objective of the study is to compare the recently demonstrated U-Th/He age method, which uses basaltic olivine phenocrysts, with {sup 40}Ar/{sup 39}Ar ages measured on groundmass from the same samples. As a corollary, the age data also increase the precision of the chronology of volcanism on the Big Island. For the U-Th/He ages, U, Th and He concentrations and isotopes were measured to account for U-series disequilibrium and initial He. Single analyses U-Th/He ages for Hamakua lavas from Mauna Kea are 87 {+-} 40 ka to 119 {+-} 23 ka (2{sigma} uncertainties), which are in general equal to or younger than {sup 40}Ar/{sup 39}Ar ages. Basalt from the Polulu sequence on Kohala gives a U-Th/He age of 354 {+-} 54 ka and a {sup 40}Ar/{sup 39}Ar age of 450 {+-} 40 ka. All of the U-Th/He ages, and all but one spurious {sup 40}Ar/{sup 39}Ar ages conform to the previously proposed stratigraphy and published {sup 14}C and K-Ar ages. The ages also compare favorably to U-Th whole rock-olivine ages calculated from {sup 238}U - {sup 230}Th disequilibria. The U-Th/He and {sup 40}Ar/{sup 39}Ar results agree best where there is a relatively large amount of radiogenic {sup 40}Ar (>10%), and where the {sup 40}Ar/{sup 36}Ar intercept calculated from the Ar isochron diagram is close to the atmospheric value. In two cases, it is not clear why U-Th/He and {sup 40}Ar/{sup 39}Ar ages do not agree within uncertainty. U-Th/He and {sup 40}Ar/{sup 39}Ar results diverge the most on a low-K transitional tholeiitic basalt with abundant olivine. For the most alkalic basalts with negligible olivine phenocrysts, U-Th/He ages were unattainable while {sup 40}Ar/{sup 39}Ar results provide good precision even on ages as low as 19 {+-} 4 ka. Hence, the strengths and weaknesses of the U-Th/He and {sup 40}Ar/{sup 39}Ar methods are

  1. The mass of sup 3 sup 2 Ar and sup 3 sup 3 Ar for fundamental tests

    CERN Document Server

    Blaum, K; Beck, D; Bollen, G; Herfurth, F; Kellerbauer, A G; Kluge, H J; Sauvan, E; Schwarz, S


    Masses of the short-lived radionuclides sup 3 sup 2 Ar (T sub 1 sub / sub 2 = 98 ms) sup 3 sup 3 Ar (T sub 1 sub / sub 2 = 173 ms) have been determined with the Penning trap mass spectrometer ISOLTRAP. Relative uncertainties of 6.0 x 10 sup - sup 8 (delta m = 1.8 keV) and 1.4 x 10 sup - sup 8 (delta m = 0.44 keV), respectively, have been achieved. At present, these new mass data serve as the most stringent test of the quadratic form of the isobaricmultiplet mass equation IMME. Furthermore, the improved accuracy for the mass of sup 3 sup 2 Ar yields a better constraint on scalar contributions to the weak interaction. New mass values have also been measured for sup 4 sup 4 Ar and sup 4 sup 5 Ar, and a 20 sigma deviation for sup 4 sup 4 Ar from the literature value was found and interpreted.

  2. Quantum treatment of the Ar-HI photodissociation dynamics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lopez-Lopez, Sergio; Prosmiti, Rita; Garcia-Vela, Alberto


    A wave packet simulation of the ultraviolet photolysis dynamics of Ar-HI(v=0) is reported. Cluster photodissociation is started from two different initial states, namely, the ground van der Waals (vdW) and the first excited vdW bending state, associated with the Ar-I-H and Ar-H-I isomeric forms of the system, respectively. Formation of Ar-I radical products is investigated over the energy range of the cluster absorption spectrum. It is found that the yield of bound Ar-I radical complexes is typically 90%-100% and 70%-80% for the initial states associated with the Ar-I-H and Ar-H-I isomers, respectively. This result is in agreement with the experimentally observed time-of-flight spectrum of the hydrogen fragment produced after Ar-HI photodissociation. The high Ar-I yield is explained mainly by the small amount of energy available for the radical that is converted into internal energy in the photofragmentation process, which enhances the Ar-I survival probability. Quantum interference effects manifest themselves in structures in the angular distribution of the hydrogen fragment, and in pronounced rainbow patterns in the rotational distributions of the Ar-I radical

  3. Ars Baltica-verkoston puheenjohtajuus Suomeen Risto Ruohoselle

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    1990. a. loodud võrgustiku Ars Baltica sekretariaat (Ars Baltica Contact Point & Communication Center) tuleb Kielist Tallinnasse Eesti kultuuriministeeriumi kuni aastani 2002 (Suur-Karja 23). Ars Baltica (ühendus)

  4. Software para Controle de Temperatura em Estufas


    Silva, Antonio Carlos Alves; Universidade Federal de Lavras; Kanazawa, Edna Mie; Universidade Federal de Lavras; de Carvalho, Karina Dutra; Universidade Federal de Lavras; Kinoshita, Vanessa Godoy; Universidade Federal de Lavras; Uchoa, Joaquim Quinteiro; Universidade Federal de Lavras; Lacerda, Wilian Soares; Universidade Federal de Lavras; Schneider, Bruno de Oliveira; Universidade Federal de Lavras


    Neste trabalho é apresentado o projeto desenvolvido para controle de temperatura em estufas, denominado CTE, utilizando uma Interface de Aquisição e Controle de Dados. Todo o controle é feito via software, onde pode-se optar por dois tipos de controle: o controle automático, onde é possível definir-se a temperatura mínima e máxima; ou o controle manual, onde o usuário poderá optar por acionar periféricos de aquecimento, resfriamento e desligamento da estufa. Foi desenvolvida também uma interf...

  5. Implementación de un sistema de gestión de seguridad de la información en la empresa Arévalo S.A.


    Arévalo Arenas, Gustavo


    Implementación de un sistema de gestión de seguridad de la información para la empresa Arévalo S.A. en la cual se aplican cada una de las fases propuestas por la UOC. Implementació d'un sistema de gestió de seguretat de la informació per a l'empresa Arévalo S.A. en la qual s'apliquen cadascuna de les fases proposades per la UOC. Master thesis for the Computer science program on Computer security.

  6. Single grains, thermal histories, and the 40Ar/39Ar method

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wright, Norrie


    A key part in unraveling the history of the physical evolution of the earth is knowledge of the earth's thermal history. 40 Ar/ 39 Ar step heating of mineral samples provides a means of defining a local thermal history. to do this accurately the challenge is to extract meaningful diffusion parameters from a mineral's Arrhenius plot. In the case of biotite single grains, where the laboratory release of argon is a complex process, this can be a difficult task. (12 refs., 5 figs.)

  7. 40Ar/39Ar ages of adularia from the Golden Cross, Neavesville, and Komata epithermal deposits, Hauraki Goldfield, New Zealand

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mauk, J.L.; Hall, C.M.


    New 40 Ar/ 39 Ar ages of adularia from three epithermal vein deposits in the Hauraki Goldfield constrain when these deposits formed. Adularia from veins at Neavesville has 40 Ar/ 39 Ar plateau and isochron ages of 6.89 ± 0.02 and 6.86 ± 0.02 Ma, respectively, similar to the 40 Ar/ 39 Ar plateau and isochron ages of adularia from veins at Golden Cross of 6.96 ± 0.04 and 6.93 ± 0.03 Ma, respectively. In contrast, Komata mineralisation formed at 5.99 ± 0.02 to 6.07 ± 0.03 Ma, based on the 40 Ar/ 39 Ar isochron and plateau ages of the adularia in these veins, similar to the previously reported 6.0 Ma age of mineralisation at Waihi/Favona. These preliminary data suggest that mineralisation in the Hauraki Goldfields occurred episodically. (author). 19 refs., 3 figs., 1 tab

  8. HDR-Aggregate Read Service (ARS) (United States)

    Department of Veterans Affairs — ARS is a SOAP web service exposed over HTTPS that provides an aggregated (report) view of HTH Survey, DMP and Census data stored in the HDR DB. ARS is deployed in...

  9. Ars Electronica tulekul / Rael Artel

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Artel, Rael, 1980-


    6.-11. IX toimub Austrias Linzis "Ars Electronica" festival, mille teema on "Code - The Language of Our Time". Festivali kavast, osalejatest, ava-performance'ist "Europe - A Symphonic Vision", näitusest "Cyberarts 2003. Prix Ars Electronica"

  10. A compilation of {sup 40}Ar-{sup 39} and K-Ar ages: report 25

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hunt, P A [Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, ON (Canada); Roddick, J C


    Twenty-three {sup 40}Ar-{sup 39}Ar age determinations (including two potassium-argon analyses) carried out by the Geological Survey of Canada are reported. Each age determination is accompanied by a description of the rock and mineral concentrate used; brief interpretative comments regarding the geological significance of each age are also provided where possible. The experimental procedures employed are described in outline. An index of all Geological Survey of Canada K-Ar age determinations published in this format has been prepared using NTS quadrangles as the primary reference. (author). 6 refs., 2 tabs., 1 fig.

  11. ^<40>Ar-^<39>Ar Age Studies for Tectonics of the Gondwana Land


    Takigami, Yutaka; Sugiura, Naoji


    ^Ar-^Ar age studies have been performed for samples from Antarctica and India which were parts of the Gondwana land at Mesozoic and Paleozoic time in order to investigate their thermal history and tectonic movement. From the both areas, ages of about 500 Ma which have been considered to be the age of Pan-African Orogeny were obtained, which represents that this thermal event spread widely over the Gondwana land.

  12. GPS-Based AR Games Development Potential

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gregorius Alvin Raditya Santoso


    Full Text Available The application of new technologies in a game is not a new thing. One example is the application of Augmented Reality (AR technology in game. Many people do not know the application of AR technology in game, although the application of this technology is able to produce a game with unique gameplay. In addition, since AR game is GPS-based, it offers new gaming experience, that is, playing outdoors in which the real world becomes the game arena. This advantage gives the AR technology a huge potential to be developed into a game

  13. Differential susceptibility according to gender in the association between air pollution and mortality from respiratory diseases Susceptibilidade segundo sexo na associação entre poluição do ar e mortalidade por doenças respiratórias

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marcio Sacramento de Oliveira


    Full Text Available This study analyzed the association between air pollution and deaths from respiratory diseases, considering differential susceptibility according to gender. The authors used daily deaths from respiratory diseases (ICD-10, J00-J99, PM10, SO2, and O3 levels, and meteorological indicators in Volta Redonda, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil, from January 2002 to December 2006. The association was estimated by Poisson regression using generalized additive models, where the increase in risk of deaths from PM10 to lag 1 was 10.01% (95%CI: 1.81-18.88% in the total female population and 10.04% (95%CI: 0.90-20.02% in elderly women. The increase in risk of deaths from PM10 to lag 9 was 8.25% in the total male population (95%CI: 0.86-16.18% and 10.80% (95%CI: 2.18-20.15% in elderly men. For exposure to SO2 and O3, the risk was significant in the total male population and the elderly, respectively. The results emphasize the need for further studies, focusing on modification of the effects of air pollution on health.O estudo avaliou a associação entre poluição do ar e óbitos por doenças respiratórias, considerando susceptibilidade diferencial segundo sexo. Foram utilizados óbitos diários por doenças respiratórias (CID-10, J00-J99, níveis de PM10, SO2, O3 e indicadores meteorológicos de Volta Redonda, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, de janeiro de 2002 a dezembro de 2006. A associação foi estimada por MAG de regressão de Poisson, onde para lag 1, o aumento do risco dos óbitos por PM10 foi de 10,01% (IC95%: 1,81-18,88% no total da população feminina e 10,04% (IC95%: 0,90-20,02% em idosas. No total da população masculina, para lag 9, o aumento do risco de óbitos por PM10 foi de 8,25% (IC95%: 0,86-16,18% e de 10,80% (IC95%: 2,18-20,15% para os idosos. Para exposição ao SO2 e O3, o risco foi significativo no total da população masculina e em idosos respectivamente. Os resultados reforçam a necessidade de estudos adicionais, centrando-se na modifica

  14. Nivel de arsénico en abastecimientos de agua de consumo de origen subterráneo en la comunidad de Madrid

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aragonés Sanz Nuria


    Full Text Available Fundamento: En 1998 se detectaron en la Comunidad de Madrid concentraciones de arsénico mayores de 50myg/l en algunos abastecimientos de agua de consumo de origen subterráneo, concentración máxima admisible en el agua de bebida en España. El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar la concentración de arsénico en el agua procedente de abastecimientos subterráneos en la Comunidad de Madrid. Métodos: Se presentan los resultados de los dos primeros muestreos realizados en el plan de seguimiento de niveles de arsénico establecido. En la primera fase se analizaron muestras de agua de los 353 abastecimientos censados por la Dirección General de Salud Pública de la Comunidad de Madrid. Con estos primeros resultados se realizó una clasificación de riesgo de los abastecimientos. En una segunda fase, seis meses después, se repitieron los análisis en los 35 abastecimientos que se consideró podían suponer un riesgo para la salud pública. Resultados: El 74% de los abastecimientos estudiados en la primera fase presentaron una concentración de arsénico menor de 10myg/l; el 22,6% contenía niveles entre 10 y 50myg/l; y en el 3,7% eran superiores a 50myg/l. La mayoría de los abastecimientos con niveles de arsénico superiores a 10myg/l se encuentran situados en la misma zona geográfica. En el segundo muestreo (6 meses después se incluyeron los 35 abastecimientos clasificados de riesgo. De ellos, 26 presentaron el mismo nivel de arsénico (10-50myg/l y 9 cambiaron de categoría: 6 pasaron a tener menos de 10myg/l y 3 más de 50myg/l. Conclusiones: La vigilancia periódica de la calidad del agua realizada por la Dirección General de Salud Pública ha permitido detectar la presencia de 16 abastecimientos de agua de consumo de origen subterráneo con más de 50myg/l de arsénico, nivel máximo admisible según la legislación vigente en nuestro país. Se han adoptado medidas para evitar el consumo de agua en estos abastecimientos.

  15. Redução de aminoácidos em polpas de bacuri (Platonia insignis Mart, cupuaçu (Theobroma grandiflorum Willd ex-Spreng Schum e murici (Byrsonima crassifolia L. processado (aquecido e alcalinizado Amino acids reduction in processed (heated and alkalinized pulps of bacuri (Platonia insignis Mart, cupuaçu (Theobroma grandiflorum Willd ex-Spreng Schum and murici (Byrsonima crassifolia L.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alexandre Porte


    Full Text Available A literatura científica é pobre a respeito de frutas da Amazônia, como o murici, e suas características químicas devem ser estudadas. Por isso, esta pesquisa teve por proposta determinar o perfil aminoacídico das polpas de bacuri, cupuaçu e murici sob diferentes valores de pH (3,3, 5,8, 8,0 e 12,0, sem aquecimento ou com aquecimento por 12 horas/100 ºC com agitação e refluxo. Valores de pH, glicose, frutose e sacarose também foram determinados nas polpas sem aquecimento. Os nutrientes foram determinados por CLAE (Cromatografia Líquida de Alta Eficiência. As polpas de bacuri, cupuaçu e murici apresentaram valores de pH 3,2, 3,6 e 3,35, respectivamente. A sacarose foi, quantitativamente, o principal carboidrato nas polpas de cupuaçu (38,34% e bacuri (36,93%, sendo que os teores de frutose e glicose foram similares, tanto na polpa de cupuaçu (8,93% e 9,03% como na de bacuri (12,63% e 11,65%, respectivamente. Em contraste, a polpa de murici foi quase isenta de sacarose (0,57%, mas não de frutose (11,51% ou glicose (11,39%. Nas polpas sem aquecimento, os principais aminoácidos foram: ácido glutâmico (46,6 mg/kg, ácido aspártico (28,8 mg/kg e arginina (25,3 mg/kg na polpa de bacuri; ácido aspártico (56,3 mg/kg, ácido glutâmico (44,0 mg/kg e alanina (24,2 mg/kg na polpa de cupuaçu; prolina (73,5 mg/kg, ácido glutâmico (23,7 mg/kg e ácido aspártico (23,5 mg/kg na polpa de murici. O aquecimento reduziu as concentrações de todos os aminoácidos nas 3 polpas. O meio fortemente alcalino (pH 12 produziu a maior degradação de aminoácidos. Lisina foi mais sensível ao aquecimento do que outros aminoácidos em pH 12.Scientific literature presents few studies about fruits of the Amazonia, like murici, and yours chemical characteristics should be studied. Therefore, amino acid profiles of the bacuri, cupuaçu and murici pulps were determined under different values of pH (3.3, 5.8, 8.0 and 12.0 with heating (12 hours/100 º

  16. 40Ar-39Ar age studies for tectonics of the Gondwana land

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Takigami, Yutaka; Sugiura, Naoji.


    40 Ar- 39 Ar age studies have been performed for samples from Antarctica and India which were parts of the Gondwana land at Mesozoic and Paleozoic time in order to investigate their thermal history and tectonic movement. From the both areas, ages of about 500 Ma which have been considered to be the age of Pan-African Orogeny were obtained, which represents that this thermal event spread widely over the Gondwana land. (author)

  17. Apmierinātības ar dzīvi saistība ar laika perspektīvu


    Selga, Toms


    Pētījuma mērķis ir noskaidrot vai pastāv saistības starp apmierinātību ar dzīvi un laika perspektīvu. Tika sagaidīts, ka indivīdiem, kam izteiktākas pozitīvās pagātnes un tagadnes hedoniskā laika uztvere, apmierinātības ar dzīvi rezultāti būs augstāki, bet indivīdiem ar negatīvās pagātnes uztveri apmierinātības ar dzīvi rādītāji būs zemāki (Zhang & Howell, 2011). Lai to noskaidrotu, tika izmantota apmierinātības ar dzīvi aptauja (Satisfaction With Life Scale, SWLS, Diener, Emmons, Larsen,...

  18. Análise da evapotranspiração por wavelet de Morlet em área de Vochysia divergens Pohl no Pantanal

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Milena A. Goulart


    Full Text Available A variação tempo-espacial da evapotranspiração foi analisada por meio de wavelet de Morlet em uma floresta de Vochysia divergens Pohl (Vochysiaceae localmente conhecida como Cambarazal no Pantantal, no estado do Mato Grosso, Brasil Esta área está inserida na planície fisiografia do Pantanal e é sazonalmente inundada. Foram coletadas variáveis micrometeológicas, como: saldo de radiação, radiação solar incidente, temperatura do ar e umidade relativa do ar. Com referencia à evapotranspiração a análise diária da série temporal por wavelet de Morlet foi satisfatória, possibilitando melhor compreensão na dinâmica da evapotranspiração em área alagável e sua relação com a temperatura do ar, umidade relativa do ar e radiação solar global. Conclui-se que ocorreram, durante a estação úmida, os maiores valores de evapotranspiração e maior intensidade de energia na alta escala de frequência devido provavelmente à maior disponibilidade de água em função da precipitação e inundação, e à radiação global.

  19. A test of the 40Ar/39Ar age spectrum technique on some terrestrial materials (United States)

    Lanphere, M.A.; Brent, Dalrymple G.


    40Ar/39Ar age spectra were determined for 10 terrestrial rock and mineral samples whose geologic history is known from independent evidence. The spectra for six mineral and whole rock samples, including biotite, feldspar, hornblende, muscovite, and granodiorite, that have experienced post-crystallization heating did not reveal the age of crystallization in any obvious way. Minima in the spectra, however, give reasonable maximum ages for reheating and high-temperature maxima can be interpreted as minimum crystallization ages. High-temperature ages of microcline and albite that have not been reheated are approximately 10% younger than the known crystallization age. Apparently there are no domains in these feldspars that have retained radiogenic 40Ar quantitatively. Spectra from two diabase samples that contain significant quantities of excess argon might mistakenly be interpreted as spectra from reheated samples and do not give the age of emplacement. The 40Ar/39Ar age spectrum technique may be a potentially valuable tool for the study of geologic areas with complex histories, but the interpretation of age spectra from terrestrial samples seems to be more difficult than suggested by some previous studies. ?? 1971.

  20. 244-AR Vault Interim Stabilization Project Plan

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    LANEY, T.


    The 244-AR Vault Facility, constructed between 1966 and 1968, was designed to provide lag storage and treatment for the Plutonium-Uranium Extraction Facility (PUREX) tank farm sludges. Tank farm personnel transferred the waste from the 244-AR Vault Facility to B Plant for recovery of cesium and strontium. B Plant personnel then transferred the treatment residuals back to the tank farms for storage of the sludge and liquids. The last process operations, which transferred waste supporting the cesium/strontium recovery mission, occurred in April 1978. After the final transfer in 1978, the 244-AR facility underwent a cleanout. However, 2,271 L (600 gal) of sludge were left in Tank 004AR from an earlier transfer from Tank 241-AX-104. When the cleanout was completed, the facility was placed in a standby status. The sludge had been transferred to Tank 004AR to support Pacific Northwest National Laboratory [PNNL] vitrification work. Documentation of waste transfers suggests that a portion of the sludge may have been moved from Tank 004AR to Tank 002AR in preparation for transfer back to the AX Tank Farm; however, quantities of the sludge that were moved to Tank 002AR from that transfer must be estimated

  1. Dating method with /sup 39/Ar

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Loosli, H H [Bern Univ. (Switzerland). Physikalisches Inst.


    The principles of a dating method based on the cosmic-ray-produced radioisotope /sup 39/Ar are given. Technical requirements such as background and standard gas samples and gas proportional counting systems are described. With samples extracted from Greenland ice it can be demonstrated that /sup 39/Ar ages agree with ages obtained by other methods. First results on ocean water samples show that with this isotope valuable information on ocean mixing and circulation can be expected. /sup 39/Ar results on groundwater samples disagree for some aquifers with conventional /sup 14/C ages; possible explanations are discussed, especially underground production of /sup 39/Ar.

  2. 40Ar-39Ar dating of terrestrial and exterrestrial materials. Basalts from the Japan Sea floor, Deccan Plateau and meteorites from Antarctica

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kaneoka, Ichiro; Takigami, Yutaka.


    Through a series of 40 Ar- 39 Ar dating for terrestrial and exterrestrial samples, the results for basalts from the Japan Sea floor, Deccan Plateau and for meteorites from Antarctica give significant information concerning their formation histories. 40 Ar- 39 Ar ages of basalts from the Japan Sea floor give a constraint that the Japan Sea floor was formed at least 20 Ma. 40 Ar- 39 Ar ages for dyke samples from the Deccan Plateau indicate a possibility for the occurrence of a little younger ages than that of the main plateau formations by a few million years. Meteorites collected from Antarctica show some variable 40 Ar- 39 Ar ages reflecting their different thermal histories. (author)

  3. Energy dependence of the reaction rate constants of Ar+, Ar++ and N2+ ions with Cl2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lukac, P.; Holubcik, L.; Morva, I.; Lindinger, W.


    Dry etching processes using low temperature plasmas in Cl 2 and in Cl 2 -noble gas or nitrogen mixtures are common in the manufacture of semiconductor devices, but their chemical mechanisms are often poorly understood. Results are given for the reaction rate constant measurements of Ar + , Ar ++ , N 2 + ions with chlorine as a function of mean relative kinetic energy. The experiments were performed by using the innsbruck flow drift tube (IFDT) apparatus. Measurements were done at various E/N values, where E is the electric field strength and N the buffer gas density in the drift section. The mean relative kinetic energy KE CM between the ions and the neutral chlorine Cl 2 was calculated using the Wanniers formula. It was found that The N 2 + , Ar + and Ar ++ positive ions react with chlorine Cl 2 very fast and the corresponding reaction rate coefficients depend on the mean relative kinetic energy. For the reaction of Ar - with Cl 2 , its reaction coefficient depends also on the buffer gas. It can imply the enhancement of Cl 2 + ions during etching of Si in the Ar/Cl 2 mixtures. (nevyjel)

  4. Support for the Astronomically Calibrated 40Ar/39Ar Age of Fish Canyon Sanidine

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rivera, Tiffany; Storey, Michael; Zeeden, Christian


    al. (2008) determined an astronomically calibrated 40Ar/39Ar age of 28.201 0.046 Ma (2), relative to the indirect astronomically tuned Moroccan Melilla Basin Messâdit section. Here, we provide independent verification for the Kuiper, et al. (2008) FCs age using sanidines extracted from the A1 tephra...

  5. Microarea dating of mineral and rock. The application of technique by combining 40Ar/39Ar mass spectrometer with laser probe

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hu Shiling; Dai Tongmo; Pu Zhiping


    The 40 Ar/ 39 Ar dating of probe technique by the continuous laser is successfully applied to determine the ages of microarea samples for mineral and whole rock, including the standard samples from internal and abroad, volcanical rock from westsouthern Antarctica and Green Pissolites of Guizhou. Isochron ages for volcanical rock to be excess or lost argon are accomplished by the whole fused, and for 'green Pisolites' not only by the whole fused, but also by the steps heat. All of which shows the significant geological ages. It would be exhibited the obvious advantage for dating some special samples to make the microarea 40 Ar/ 39 Ar dating technique by laser probe as compare with conventional K-Ar and 40 Ar/ 39 Ar methods

  6. 40Ar/39Ar age of the Rotoiti Breccia and Rotoehu Ash, Okataina Volcanic Complex, New Zealand, and identification of heterogeneously distributed excess 40Ar in supercooled crystals

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Flude, Stephanie; Storey, Michael


    Co-magmatic granitoid clasts erupted as part of the Rotoiti Ignimbrite (Rotoehu Tephra) contain euhedral K-feldspar and biotite crystals that protrude into miarolytic cavities and show textural evidence for growth in super-cooled conditions and are thus interpreted as growing during eruption. 40Ar...... that appear to be largely unaffected by excess 40Ar. This population gives a statistically robust weighted mean age of 47.4 ± 1.5 ka (1σ, n = 13) and an indistinguishable inverse isochron age of 50 ± 3 ka for this historically difficult to date eruption. The weighted mean age is significantly younger than...... previous age estimates of the Rotoiti eruption obtained by K/Ar and 40Ar/39Ar dating of bracketing lavas, but is indistinguishable from recent 14C and (U–Th)/He dates and estimates based on orbital tuning and sedimentation rates constrained by 14C ages....

  7. Enseñar a aprender a pensar en los centros educativos, incluso en las actividades de evaluación

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Montse TESOURO CID


    Full Text Available El auténtico protagonismo de los centros educativos tiene que dirigirse a ayudar a pensar a sus alumnos y a enseñarlos a aprender, es decir, el docente tiene que enseñar estrategias de aprendizaje y debe promover el esfuerzo del estudiante para facilitar la construcción de esquemas y el aprendizaje permanente. El profesor debe utilizar cualquier situación de aprendizaje para enseñar dichas estrategias de aprendizaje, incluso en las situaciones de evaluación; por lo tanto, en este trabajo se sugiere que en las evaluaciones de los alumnos y alumnas se tenga en cuenta la metacognición como factor fundamental en el aprendizaje y la enseñanza.

  8. Caracterização de fatores que afetam a germinação de teca (Tectona grandis: temperatura e escarificação

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rodrigo Barros Rocha


    Full Text Available A germinação lenta e irregular das sementes é uma limitação para a produção de mudas de teca (Tectona grandis. Embora métodos práticos estejam disponíveis poucos estudos quantificaram sistematicamente o efeito do aquecimento e da escarificação para a superação da dormência. O emprego de altas temperaturas pode ser realizado através de um coletor solar, aparelho de montagem simples que permite a captação da energia solar e transformação em energia calorífera. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a interação dos fatores "aquecimento" e "escarificação" na superação da dormência dos diásporos de teca avaliando o desempenho do coletor solar. Foi avaliado experimento em delineamento de fatorial completo com quatro níveis do fator "aquecimento" (A1 - solarizador, A2 - estufa a 80ºC (12h, A3 - estufa a 80ºC (4h/3dias, A4- sem aquecimento e três níveis do fator "escarificação" (E1 - escarificação física, E2 - escarificação química e E3 - sem escarificação, totalizando 12 tratamentos com cinco repetições de 25 diásporos por parcela. O teste F a 1% de probabilidade indicou a ocorrência de interação significativa entre os fatores "aquecimento" e "escarificação", resultado da menor germinação dos diásporos que foram escarificados após aquecimento. A utilização de altas temperaturas na ausência de escarificação caracterizou os tratamentos de melhor desempenho para a superação da dormência. O menor desempenho associado aos maiores custos e riscos para manipulação desencorajaram o uso da escarificação química na superação da dormência. A alternância de temperaturas favoreceu a germinação, sendo que o coletor solar mostrou-se uma alternativa prática, viável e de menor custo para a superação da dormência em teca.

  9. La curiosidad por la naturaleza

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    José Vicente Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Esta actitud es un instrumento estratégico para estimular procesos de desarrollo realmente sostenibles, donde se aproveche la admiración que nos embarga al conocer y apreciar lo que nos rodea para responsablemente utilizar y conservar nuestros recursos naturales. Con esta reflexión deseo resaltar esa motivación de escudriñar lo desconocido, que fue también la virtud que propició el desarrollo de la personalidad de Francisco José de Caldas y Tenorio, uno de nuestros primeros y connotados sabios colombianos, y en cuyo honor se constituyó la revista de divulgación científica más importante del país, que en estos momentos cumple 76 años de existencia. Caldas tuvo curiosidad por todo lo que existía en su entorno; inicialmente en su natal Popayán, donde se maravilló por lo natural, lo que lo motivó y llevó más allá de su tierra a formar parte de la mayor empresa de exploración científica adelantada en ese entonces en territorio americano: la primera Expedición Botánica al nuevo Reino de Granada, de José Celestino Mutis.

  10. Exposición ocupacional y ambiental al arsénico: actualización bibliográfica para investigación científica

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    Augusto V. Ramírez


    Full Text Available El arsénico (As es un metaloide presente en minerales complejos que contienen cobre, plomo y otros; en el trabajador causa arsenicismo ocupacional y la principal exposición ocurre en metalurgia del cobre. Sus compuestos trivalentes tienen tendencia acumulativa e ingresan por las vías respiratoria, digestiva o cutánea y se transforman en los ácidos dimetilarsínico y metilarsónico. En la mitocondria, con el azufre de los grupos mercapto forma enlaces covalentes y desacopla la fosforilación oxidativa, sugiriendo una acción inhibitoria no hidrolítica a ese nivel. Es cancerígeno para varios órganos. Se excreta por orina, heces y piel. Los peces y mariscos contienen arsénico orgánico. En sujetos no expuestos, dependiendo de la dieta, el As inorgánico en orina es < 5 ug/L. El índice de exposición biológica para trabajadores medido al final de la semana laboral es 35 µg/g creatinina y el valor límite umbral para ambientes de trabajo es 0,01mg/m³. La arsina es el compuesto arsenical más tóxico. El arsénico contenido en el agua de ciertas regiones produce la enfermedad ambiental llamada hidroarsenicismo crónico regional endémico.

  11. The ArDM experiment

    CERN Document Server

    Haranczyk, M; Badertscher, A; Boccone, V; Bourgeois, N; Bueno, A; Carmona-Benitez, M C; Chorowski, M; Creus, W; Curioni, A; Daw, E; Degunda, U; Dell'Antone, A; Droge, M; Epprecht, L; Haller, C; Horikawa, S; Kaufmann, L; Kisiel, J; Knecht, L; Laffranchi, M; Lagoda, J; Lazzaro, C; Lightfoot, P; Lozano, J; Lussi, D; Maire, G; Mania, S; Marchionni, A; Mavrokoridis, K; Melgarejo, A; Mijakowski, P; Natterer, G; Navas-Concha, S; Otiougova, P; Piotrowska, A; Polinski, J; de Prado, M; Przewlocki, P; Ravat, S; Regenfus, C; Resnati, F; Robinson, M; Rochet, J; Romero, L; Rondio, E; Rubbia, A; Scotto-Lavina, L; Spooner, N; Viant, T; Trawinski, A; Ulbricht, J; Zalewska, A


    The aim of the ArDM project is the development and operation of a one ton double-phase liquid argon detector for direct Dark Matter searches. The detector measures both the scintillation light and the ionization charge from ionizing radiation using two independent readout systems. This paper briefly describes the detector concept and presents preliminary results from the ArDM R&D program, including a 3 l prototype developed to test the charge readout system.

  12. The potential of AR-V7 as a therapeutic target. (United States)

    Uo, Takuma; Plymate, Stephen R; Sprenger, Cynthia C


    The androgen receptor variant AR-V7 is gaining attention as a potential predictive marker for as well as one of the resistance mechanisms to the most current anti-androgen receptor (AR) therapies in castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC). Accordingly, development of next-generation drugs that directly or indirectly target AR-V7 signaling is urgently needed. Areas covered: We review proposed mechanisms of drug resistance in relation to AR-V7 status, the mechanisms of generation of AR-V7, and its transcriptome, cistrome, and interactome. Pharmacological agents that interfere with these processes are being developed to counteract pan AR and AR-V7-specific signaling. Also, we address the current status of the preclinical and clinical studies targeting AR-V7 signaling. Expert opinion: AR-V7 is considered a true therapeutic target, however, it remains to be determined if AR-V7 is a principal driver or merely a bystander requiring heterodimerization with co-expressed full-length AR or other variants to drive CRPC progression. While untangling AR-V7 biology, multiple strategies are being developed to counteract drug resistance, including selective blockade of AR-V7 signaling as well as inhibition of pan-AR signaling. Ideally anti-AR therapies will be combined with agents preventing activation and enrichment of AR negative tumor cells that are otherwise depressed by AR activity axis.

  13. Argon defect complexes in low energy Ar irradiated molybdenum

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Veen, A. van; Buters, W.T.M.; Kolk, G.J. van der; Caspers, L.M.; Armstrong, T.R.


    Thermal desorption spectrometry has been used to study the defects created in Mo irradiated along the direction with Ar ions ranging in energy from 0.1 to 2 keV. In addition to monitoring the release of the implanted Ar, additional information has been obtained by decoration of the defects with low energy helium and subsequent monitoring of the helium release. The studies show evidence that the Ar can be trapped in both substitutional sites and in a configuration in which the Ar is associated with vacancies (ArVsub(n), n >= 2). Most of the Ar implanted at high energy is released at approx. equal to 1500 K by thermal vacancy assisted diffusion. Argon trapped closer to the surface is released at lower temperatures via at least three different surface related release mechanisms. Additional results are presented on the interaction of self interstitial atoms (introduced by 100 eV Xe bombardment) with the Ar defects. Substitutional Ar is found to convert to interstitial Ar which seems to be mobile at room temperature. The Ar-vacancy complexes are found to be reduced to substitutional Ar. The results of atomistic calculations of the release mechanisms will also be presented. (orig.)

  14. Experimental system to measure excitation cross-sections by electron impact. Measurements for ArI and ArII

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Blanco, F.; Sanchez, J.A.; Aguilera, J.A.; Campos, J.


    An experimental set-up to measure excitation cross-section of atomic and molecular levels by electron impact based on the optical method is reported. We also present some measurements on the excitation cross-section for ArI 5p'(1/2)0 level, and for simultaneous ionization and excitation of Ar leading to ArII levels belonging to the 3p 4 4p and 3p 4 4d configurations. (Author)

  15. Deep-fat frying of meat products in palm olein Fritura por imersão de produtos cárneos em oleína de palma

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cibele Cristina Osawa


    Full Text Available This study investigated the discontinuous frying of breaded meat products in palm olein in a 28 L-electric fryer maintained at 182 ºC for 8 hours a day. Three 400-500 g batches of meat products were fried for 4.5 minutes daily. For comparison purpose, thermoxidation tests were performed using inert material with added moisture and without the addition of f ood (heating only. The total polar compound content did not reach the 25% limit, and nor did the formation of polymerized products exceed 5%, which indicates the good frying performance of palm olein for frying. Other analytical parameters and rapid tests were also evaluated. The sensory attributes, such as odor, colour, and foam formation determined when the frying oils should be discarded. The addition of water to the inert material contributed to the final value of 1.00 ± 0.01% (in palmitic acid, while the oil subjected only to heating reached respectively 0.26 ± 0.02%, and the oils used to fry breaded meat and breaded chicken reached 0.38 ± 0.00% and 2.35 ± 0.01%, respectively. This suggests a protective effect of the water during frying since the oil subjected only to heating was more prone to degradation.Este artigo estudou a fritura descontínua de alimentos cárneos empanados em oleína de palma em uma fritadeira elétrica de 28 L, mantida a 182 ºC durante 8 horas por dia. Diariamente, três bateladas de 400-500 g de alimentos cárneos foram fritos durante 4,5 minutos. Para comparação, foram conduzidos testes de termoxidação com a adição de material inerte com umidade adicionada e sem a adição de alimentos (apenas aquecimento. O teor de compostos polares totais não atingiu o limite de 25% e a formação de compostos polimerizados também não ultrapassou 5%, refletindo a boa performance da oleína de palma para frituras. Outros parâmetros analíticos, assim como testes rápidos, foram avaliados. Os atributos sensoriais, tais como odor, cor e formação de fuma

  16. Use of an A.E.I. MS 10 mass spectrometer for 40Ar-39Ar dating

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Baksi, A.K.


    The use of an AEI mass spectrometer for 40 Ar/ 39 Ar dating could, in principle, be problematical due to its limited mass resolution and because of non-linear mass discrimination under certain operating conditions. These possible drawbacks have been investigated and are found to be easy to overcome. Tailing corrections are relatively small and can be applied precisely for 40 Ar/ 39 Ar ratios <= 300. By operating the instrument with a trap current of 50 μA and an ion repeller voltage of +1.0 w.r.t. cage, problems due to non-linear mass discrimination are eliminated. Using the incremental heating technique and total fusion studies on very small subsamples (10-25 mg.), the homogeneity of some well-known inter-laboratory standards has been investigated; the relative merits of these standards are discussed. (K.B.)

  17. Métodos para avaliação das emissões de gases do efeito estufa no sistema solo-atmosfera

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Costa Falberni de Souza


    Full Text Available A escolha do método para avaliar as emissões de gases do efeito estufa (GEE é uma etapa importante para o conhecimento e/ou desenvolvimento de práticas agrícolas com potencial de mitigação do aquecimento global. A presente revisão tem por objetivo apresentar vantagens e limitações de métodos utilizados para quantificação dos fluxos de dióxido de carbono (CO2, metano (CH4 e óxido nitroso (N2O no sistema solo-atmosfera. O balanço dos estoques de C orgânico no solo em sistemas conservacionistas de manejo permite avaliar o influxo líquido anual de C-CO2 atmosférico no solo em comparação a sistemas de manejo convencional. Maior sensibilidade na determinação direta das emissões de CO2 in situ pode ser obtida pelo uso de câmaras sobre o solo. Nesse caso, podem ser determinadas taxas diárias com o método da captura do CO2 em solução alcalina e quantificação por titulação, e taxas horárias com o uso de analisadores automáticos de infravermelho ou cromatógrafos a gás. Pelo uso de cromatografia, é possível também a avaliação das emissões de N2O e CH4 os quais apresentam, respectivamente, potencial de aquecimento global 296 e 23 vezes superior ao do CO2. A análise dos três GEE é necessária quando se objetiva avaliar o potencial de um dado sistema de manejo na mitigação do aquecimento global, o qual pode ser expresso em C equivalente.

  18. Inactivation of Salmonella enteritidis on raw poultry using microwave heating

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Amanda B. Pucciarelli


    Full Text Available The effect of microwave heating on Salmonella Enteritidis inoculated on fresh chicken was investigated using a microwave oven (800 w to determine the destruction of Salmonella Enteritidis isolated from chicken carcasses, in relation to the time of heating at two power settings: high (power level 10 and medium (power level 6; The relationship between heating time and temperature was also been studied. The destruction was 6.4 log cycles at time 95 sec for the high power level, and 5 log cycles at time 140 sec for medium power setting. After 110 sec for higher power level, no survival of Salmonella Enteritidis was detected in samples (100g, but at 140 sec for medium power level, these food pathogens were still present.Foi investigado o efeito do aquecimento por microondas sobre Salmonella Enteritidis inoculada em frangos frescos usando um forno de microondas doméstico (800 W para determinar a destruição da Salmonella Enteritidis isolada a partir de carcaças de frangos, em relação com o tempo de aquecimento a dois níveis de potência: alta (nível 10 e média ( nível 6; a relação entre tempo de aquecimento e temperatura também foi estudada. A destruição foi de 6 log em 95 s de tempo para o nível alto e 5 log em 140 s de tempo para o nível médio de potência. Depois de 110 s no nível de potência alta, não foi detectada sobrevivência de Salmonella Enteritidis em amostras de 100g de peso, porém, depois de 140 s a potência média, esse patôgeno nos alimentos ainda permanecia.

  19. MEIS1 functions as a potential AR negative regulator

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cui, Liang [Department of Urology, Chinese PLA Medical School/Chinese PLA General Hospital, Beijing 100853 (China); Department of Urology, Civil Aviation General Hospital/Civil Aviation Medical College of Peking University, Beijing 100123 (China); Li, Mingyang [Department of Gastroenterology, Nan Lou Division, Chinese PLA Medical School/Chinese PLA General Hospital, Beijing 100853 (China); Feng, Fan [Department of Pharmacy, General Hospital of Shenyang Military Command, Shenyang 110016 (China); Yang, Yutao [Beijing Institute for Neuroscience, Capital Medical University, Beijing 100069 (China); Hang, Xingyi [National Scientific Data Sharing Platform for Population and Health, Beijing 100730 (China); Cui, Jiajun, E-mail: [Department of Cancer and Cell Biology, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, OH 45267 (United States); Gao, Jiangping, E-mail: [Department of Urology, Chinese PLA Medical School/Chinese PLA General Hospital, Beijing 100853 (China)


    The androgen receptor (AR) plays critical roles in human prostate carcinoma progression and transformation. However, the activation of AR is regulated by co-regulators. MEIS1 protein, the homeodomain transcription factor, exhibited a decreased level in poor-prognosis prostate tumors. In this study, we investigated a potential interaction between MEIS1 and AR. We found that overexpression of MEIS1 inhibited the AR transcriptional activity and reduced the expression of AR target gene. A potential protein–protein interaction between AR and MEIS1 was identified by the immunoprecipitation and GST pull-down assays. Furthermore, MEIS1 modulated AR cytoplasm/nucleus translocation and the recruitment to androgen response element in prostate specific antigen (PSA) gene promoter sequences. In addition, MEIS1 promoted the recruitment of NCoR and SMRT in the presence of R1881. Finally, MEIS1 inhibited the proliferation and anchor-independent growth of LNCaP cells. Taken together, our data suggests that MEIS1 functions as a novel AR co-repressor. - Highlights: • A potential interaction was identified between MEIS1 and AR signaling. • Overexpression of MEIS1 reduced the expression of AR target gene. • MEIS1 modulated AR cytoplasm/nucleus translocation. • MEIS1 inhibited the proliferation and anchor-independent growth of LNCaP cells.

  20. MEIS1 functions as a potential AR negative regulator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cui, Liang; Li, Mingyang; Feng, Fan; Yang, Yutao; Hang, Xingyi; Cui, Jiajun; Gao, Jiangping


    The androgen receptor (AR) plays critical roles in human prostate carcinoma progression and transformation. However, the activation of AR is regulated by co-regulators. MEIS1 protein, the homeodomain transcription factor, exhibited a decreased level in poor-prognosis prostate tumors. In this study, we investigated a potential interaction between MEIS1 and AR. We found that overexpression of MEIS1 inhibited the AR transcriptional activity and reduced the expression of AR target gene. A potential protein–protein interaction between AR and MEIS1 was identified by the immunoprecipitation and GST pull-down assays. Furthermore, MEIS1 modulated AR cytoplasm/nucleus translocation and the recruitment to androgen response element in prostate specific antigen (PSA) gene promoter sequences. In addition, MEIS1 promoted the recruitment of NCoR and SMRT in the presence of R1881. Finally, MEIS1 inhibited the proliferation and anchor-independent growth of LNCaP cells. Taken together, our data suggests that MEIS1 functions as a novel AR co-repressor. - Highlights: • A potential interaction was identified between MEIS1 and AR signaling. • Overexpression of MEIS1 reduced the expression of AR target gene. • MEIS1 modulated AR cytoplasm/nucleus translocation. • MEIS1 inhibited the proliferation and anchor-independent growth of LNCaP cells

  1. Microbiologia do ar : monitorização do ar em ambiente hospitalar


    Santos, Ana Carina Marques dos


    O complexo ambiente hospitalar requer atenção especial, para assegurar uma saudável qualidade do ar interior, protegendo assim os profissionais de saúde e utentes de infecções nosocomiais e de doenças ocupacionais. Embora seja amplamente reconhecido que a contaminação de um bloco operatório seja a principal responsável pela complicação de uma cirurgia, em Portugal, estudos sobre microbiologia do ar a nível hospitalar são escassos. O objectivo deste estudo é investigar a vari...

  2. Progress on using deuteron-deuteron fusion generated neutrons for 40Ar/39Ar sample irradiation (United States)

    Rutte, Daniel; Renne, Paul R.; Becker, Tim; Waltz, Cory; Ayllon Unzueta, Mauricio; Zimmerman, Susan; Hidy, Alan; Finkel, Robert; Bauer, Joseph D.; Bernstein, Lee; van Bibber, Karl


    We present progress on the development and proof of concept of a deuteron-deuteron fusion based neutron generator for 40Ar/39Ar sample irradiation. Irradiation with deuteron-deuteron fusion neutrons is anticipated to reduce Ar recoil and Ar production from interfering reactions. This will allow dating of smaller grains and increase accuracy and precision of the method. The instrument currently achieves neutron fluxes of ˜9×107 cm-2s-1 as determined by irradiation of indium foils and use of the activation reaction 115In(n,n')115mIn. Multiple foils and simulations were used to determine flux gradients in the sample chamber. A first experiment quantifying the loss of 39Ar is underway and will likely be available at the time of the presentation of this abstract. In ancillary experiments via irradiation of K salts and subsequent mass spectrometric analysis we determined the cross-sections of the 39K(n,p)39Ar reaction at ˜2.8 MeV to be 160 ± 35 mb (1σ). This result is in good agreement with bracketing cross-section data of ˜96 mb at ˜2.45 MeV and ˜270 mb at ˜4 MeV [Johnson et al., 1967; Dixon and Aitken, 1961 and Bass et al. 1964]. Our data disfavor a much lower value of ˜45 mb at 2.59 MeV [Lindström & Neuer, 1958]. In another ancillary experiment the cross section for 39K(n,α)36Cl at ˜2.8 MeV was determined as 11.7 ± 0.5 mb (1σ), which is significant for 40Ar/39Ar geochronology due to subsequent decay to 36Ar as well as for the determination of production rates of cosmogenic 36Cl. Additional experiments resolving the cross section functions on 39K between 1.5 and 3.6 MeV are on their way using the LICORNE neutron source of the IPN Orsay tandem accelerator. Results will likely be available at the time of the presentation of this abstract. While the neutron generator is designed for fluxes of ˜109 cm-2s-1, arcing in the sample chamber currently limits the power—straightforwardly correlated to the neutron flux—the generator can safely be run at. Further

  3. Arsénico total no deseado ante valores referenciales de ph en agua superficial, cuenca hidrográfica sama, Región Tacna-Perú


    Morales Cabrera, Dante U; Avendaño Cáceres, Edgardo; Zevallos Ramos, Daniel; Fernández Prado, Julio; Mendoza Rodas, Zoila L; Torres Ventura, Amparo


    El arsénico representa un peligro para los ecosistemas y la salud humana donde su biodisponibilidad inmediata en las aguas superficiales puede estar condicionado por parámetros físico-químicos como el pH. El propósito del estudio fue determinar las concentraciones de arsénico total ante valores de pH en el agua superficial de la cuenca hidrográfica-Sama, Región Tacna-Perú. Durante agosto y noviembre del 2016 como abril y junio del 2017 se realizó un muestreo probabilístico en cuatro puntos re...

  4. Ar + NO microwave plasmas for Escherichia coli sterilization

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hueso, Jose L; Rico, Victor J; Cotrino, Jose; Gonzalez-Elipe, Agustin R; Frias, Jose E


    Ar + NO microwave discharges are used for sterilization and the results are compared with additional experiments with Ar, O 2 and N 2 -O 2 plasma mixtures. The NO * species produced in the Ar-NO mixtures remain up to long distances from the source, thus improving the sterilization efficiency of the process. E. coli individuals exposed to the Ar + NO plasma undergo morphological damage and cell lysis. Combined effects of etching (by O * and Ar * species) and UV radiation (from deactivation of NO * species) are responsible for the higher activity found for this plasma mixture. (fast track communication)

  5. Tibetan tectonics from 40Ar/39Ar analysis of a single K-feldspar sample

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Richter, F.M.; Lovera, O.M.; Harrison, T.M.; Copeland, P.


    40 Ar/ 39 Ar data on an alkali feldspar sample from the Quxu pluton, Gangdese batholith, southern Tibet, allow a detailed assessment of unroofing and uplift history between 35 and 18 Ma. The 39 Ar Arrhenius plot for this sample shows departures from a linear relationship between the effective diffusion parameter, log(D/r 2 ), and reciprocal temperature, which we interpret to be the result of a distribution of distinct diffusion-domain sizes. We use an alternative way of plotting the Arrhenius data that exhibits domain size versus cumulative % 39 Ar released during step heating. The 40 Ar/ 39 Ar age spectrum of the sample has features, such as local age plateaus, that are most easily explained in terms of the distinctive closure age of particular domains. The fact that the same distribution of diffusion-domain sizes explains both the Arrhenius data and the age spectrum is an indication that the diffusion properties operating in the laboratory are those of the sample while it was in its natural environment. Modelling of the age spectrum with a distribution of domain sizes results in the recovery of a continuous cooling-history segment rather than a single time-temperature datum. We demonstrate the robustness of the cooling-curve determination by showing the large misfits to the age spectrum that arise from relatively small changes in the cooling history. The best-fit cooling curve for the Quxu sample shows a decreasing rate of cooling in the time interval 35-18 Ma, followed by a very rapid cooling beginning at about 18 Ma. We have used a thermal model for the conductive cooling of an unroofing pluton to estimate the rate of unroofing required to explain the Quxu cooling curve, and find that in the 35-20 Ma time interval, the primary control of the thermal evolution is the conductive loss of magmatic heat with little or no unroofing (unroofing rates of approximately 0.05 mm/yr) followed by a brief period (<5 Ma) of very rapid unroofing with rates of order 2 mm

  6. In Situ Detection and Quantification of AR-V7, AR-FL, PSA, and KRAS Point Mutations in Circulating Tumor Cells. (United States)

    El-Heliebi, Amin; Hille, Claudia; Laxman, Navya; Svedlund, Jessica; Haudum, Christoph; Ercan, Erkan; Kroneis, Thomas; Chen, Shukun; Smolle, Maria; Rossmann, Christopher; Krzywkowski, Tomasz; Ahlford, Annika; Darai, Evangelia; von Amsberg, Gunhild; Alsdorf, Winfried; König, Frank; Löhr, Matthias; de Kruijff, Inge; Riethdorf, Sabine; Gorges, Tobias M; Pantel, Klaus; Bauernhofer, Thomas; Nilsson, Mats; Sedlmayr, Peter


    Liquid biopsies can be used in castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC) to detect androgen receptor splice variant 7 (AR-V7), a splicing product of the androgen receptor. Patients with AR-V7-positive circulating tumor cells (CTCs) have greater benefit of taxane chemotherapy compared with novel hormonal therapies, indicating a treatment-selection biomarker. Likewise, in those with pancreatic cancer (PaCa), KRAS mutations act as prognostic biomarkers. Thus, there is an urgent need for technology investigating the expression and mutation status of CTCs. Here, we report an approach that adds AR-V7 or KRAS status to CTC enumeration, compatible with multiple CTC-isolation platforms. We studied 3 independent CTC-isolation devices (CellCollector, Parsortix, CellSearch) for the evaluation of AR-V7 or KRAS status of CTCs with in situ padlock probe technology. Padlock probes allow highly specific detection and visualization of transcripts on a cellular level. We applied padlock probes for detecting AR-V7, androgen receptor full length (AR-FL), and prostate-specific antigen (PSA) in CRPC and KRAS wild-type (wt) and mutant (mut) transcripts in PaCa in CTCs from 46 patients. In situ analysis showed that 71% (22 of 31) of CRPC patients had detectable AR-V7 expression ranging from low to high expression [1-76 rolling circle products (RCPs)/CTC]. In PaCa patients, 40% (6 of 15) had KRAS mut expressing CTCs with 1 to 8 RCPs/CTC. In situ padlock probe analysis revealed CTCs with no detectable cytokeratin expression but positivity for AR-V7 or KRAS mut transcripts. Padlock probe technology enables quantification of AR-V7, AR-FL, PSA, and KRAS mut/wt transcripts in CTCs. The technology is easily applicable in routine laboratories and compatible with multiple CTC-isolation devices. © 2017 American Association for Clinical Chemistry.

  7. Enseñar a traducir: metodología en la formación de traductores e intérpretes


    Santos, Silvana Aguiar dos; Neckel, Filipe


    Amparo Hurtado Albir lançou em 1999 o livro Enseñar a traducir: metodología en la formación de traductores e intérpretes oferecendo uma proposta teórica e metodológica para a formação desses profissionais. O marco teórico que norteia o livro é a noção de competência tradutória e a sua aquisição, assim como, o marco metodológico é embasado na noção de “formação por objetivos e competências” afiliando-se a abordagem por “tarefas de tradução”.

  8. Entrenamiento asistido por neurofeedback: análisis de los efectos psicofisiológicos inmediatos y factores de personalidad influyentes


    Aliño Costa, Marta


    Basado en la tecnología y principios de interfaz cerebro-ordenador (del inglés brain computer interface o BCI), el entrenamiento asistido por Neurofeedback (NF) se concibe como una técnica de autorregulación. Su paradigma estándar es, por excelencia, el condicionamiento operante o instrumental con la finalidad de enseñar a los individuos a controlar su actividad cerebral (Frank et al., 2010). Concretamente, la información procedente de las ondas cerebrales es representada a tiempo real en for...

  9. Ar + NO microwave plasmas for Escherichia coli sterilization

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hueso, Jose L; Rico, Victor J; Cotrino, Jose; Gonzalez-Elipe, Agustin R [Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Sevilla, Centro Mixto CSIC-Universidad de Sevilla, Centro de Investigaciones Cientificas Isla de la Cartuja, Avda. Americo Vespucio 49, 41092 Sevilla (Spain); Frias, Jose E [Instituto de BioquImica Vegetal y FotosIntesis (IBVF-CSIC). Centro de Investigaciones CientIficas Isla de la Cartuja. Avda Americo Vespucio, 49, 41092 Sevilla (Spain)], E-mail:


    Ar + NO microwave discharges are used for sterilization and the results are compared with additional experiments with Ar, O{sub 2} and N{sub 2}-O{sub 2} plasma mixtures. The NO{sup *} species produced in the Ar-NO mixtures remain up to long distances from the source, thus improving the sterilization efficiency of the process. E. coli individuals exposed to the Ar + NO plasma undergo morphological damage and cell lysis. Combined effects of etching (by O{sup *} and Ar{sup *} species) and UV radiation (from deactivation of NO{sup *} species) are responsible for the higher activity found for this plasma mixture. (fast track communication)

  10. Identification of an IL-1-induced gene expression pattern in AR+ PCa cells that mimics the molecular phenotype of AR- PCa cells. (United States)

    Thomas-Jardin, Shayna E; Kanchwala, Mohammed S; Jacob, Joan; Merchant, Sana; Meade, Rachel K; Gahnim, Nagham M; Nawas, Afshan F; Xing, Chao; Delk, Nikki A


    In immunosurveillance, bone-derived immune cells infiltrate the tumor and secrete inflammatory cytokines to destroy cancer cells. However, cancer cells have evolved mechanisms to usurp inflammatory cytokines to promote tumor progression. In particular, the inflammatory cytokine, interleukin-1 (IL-1), is elevated in prostate cancer (PCa) patient tissue and serum, and promotes PCa bone metastasis. IL-1 also represses androgen receptor (AR) accumulation and activity in PCa cells, yet the cells remain viable and tumorigenic; suggesting that IL-1 may also contribute to AR-targeted therapy resistance. Furthermore, IL-1 and AR protein levels negatively correlate in PCa tumor cells. Taken together, we hypothesize that IL-1 reprograms AR positive (AR + ) PCa cells into AR negative (AR - ) PCa cells that co-opt IL-1 signaling to ensure AR-independent survival and tumor progression in the inflammatory tumor microenvironment. LNCaP and PC3 PCa cells were treated with IL-1β or HS-5 bone marrow stromal cell (BMSC) conditioned medium and analyzed by RNA sequencing and RT-QPCR. To verify genes identified by RNA sequencing, LNCaP, MDA-PCa-2b, PC3, and DU145 PCa cell lines were treated with the IL-1 family members, IL-1α or IL-1β, or exposed to HS-5 BMSC in the presence or absence of Interleukin-1 Receptor Antagonist (IL-1RA). Treated cells were analyzed by western blot and/or RT-QPCR. Comparative analysis of sequencing data from the AR + LNCaP PCa cell line versus the AR - PC3 PCa cell line reveals an IL-1-conferred gene suite in LNCaP cells that is constitutive in PC3 cells. Bioinformatics analysis of the IL-1 regulated gene suite revealed that inflammatory and immune response pathways are primarily elicited; likely facilitating PCa cell survival and tumorigenicity in an inflammatory tumor microenvironment. Our data supports that IL-1 reprograms AR + PCa cells to mimic AR - PCa gene expression patterns that favor AR-targeted treatment resistance and cell survival. © 2018 Wiley

  11. 75 FR 12165 - Class E Airspace; Batesville, AR (United States)


    ...-1177; Airspace Docket No. 09-ASW-34] Class E Airspace; Batesville, AR AGENCY: Federal Aviation... Class E airspace at Batesville, AR. Decommissioning of the Independence County non-directional beacon... for standard instrument approach procedures at Batesville Regional Airport, Batesville, AR. Airspace...

  12. Microbial contamination of central supply systems for medical air Contaminação microbiana dos sistemas centrais de abastecimento de ar medicinal

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carolina Machado Andrade


    Full Text Available There are many standards and recommendations for breathing air quality associated with respiratory protection equipment, but little has been done regarding the possible microbial contamination of medical air. The present study demonstrates quantitatively and qualitatively that pipelines might be incriminated as source of microbial contamination of compressed and synthetic air for medical use. Air samples were drawn into an especially pressure-resistant device and the bacterial and fungi contents were identified after growth on agar plates. The bacterial flora isolated from peripheral air outlets was virtually the same as that found in the central air-generating installations, consisting of a mixture of pathogens and normal skin bacteria. Several factors contributing to microbial contamination of medical air are mentioned and preventive measures are discussed.Existem vários padrões e recomendações para a qualidade do ar respirável relacionado aos equipamentos de proteção respiratória, mas pouco tem sido feito em relação a uma possível contaminação microbiana do ar medicinal. O presente trabalho demonstra quantitativa e qualitativamente que as linhas de ar estão relacionadas à contaminação microbiológica do ar comprimido e ar sintético para uso medicinal. Amostras de ar foram coletadas por um equipamento especialmente resistente a pressão, e o conteúdo bacteriano e fúngico foi identificado após crescimento em placa. A flora bacteriana isolada tanto dos sistema periféricos de ar foi virtualmente a mesma encontrada nas instalações centralizadas, sendo uma mistura de patógenos e bactérias normais da pele. Vários fatores contribuintes para a contaminação microbiana do ar medicinal e medidas preventivas são discutidas.

  13. 37Ar monitoring techniques and on-site inspection system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Duan Rongliang; Chen Yinliang; Li Wei; Wang Hongxia; Hao Fanhua


    37 Ar is separated, purified and extracted from air sample with a low temperature gas-solid chromatographic purifying method, prepared into a radioactive measurement source and its radioactivity is measured with a proportional counter. Based on the monitoring result, a judgement can be made if an nuclear explosion event has happened recently in a spectabilis area. A series of element techniques that are associated the monitoring of the trace element 37 Ar have been investigated and developed. Those techniques include leaked gas sampling, 37 Ar separation and purification, 37 Ar radioactivity measurement and the on-site inspection of 37 Ar. An advanced 37 Ar monitoring method has been developed, with which 200 liters of air can be treated in 2 hours with sensitivity of 0.01 Bq/L for 37 Ar radioactivity measurement. A practical 37 Ar On-site Inspection system has been developed. This research work may provide technical and equipment support for the verification protection, verification supervision and CTBT verification

  14. Formation of doubly charged argon ions, Ar2+, from long-lived highly excited argon ions, Arsup(+*), colliding with Ar and N2 gases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Okuno, Kazuhiko


    Formation of Ar 2+ from long-lived highly excited Ar + * colliding with Ar and N 2 gases is studied by means of a tandem mass spectrometer. The tandem mass spectrometer used consists of two mass analyzers connected in series and a collision chamber located in between. The collision chamber is electrically floated and can be set at a desired potential, so that one can identify the fast ions (resulting from the primary ions) and the slow ions (secondary ions) in the mass spectra taken by the second mass analyzer. When the first mass analyzer is tuned to Ar + , peaks corresponding Ar 2+ appear in the second mass spectra. From the analysis of variation of mass positions and heights of these peaks with the change of the potential and pressure of the collision chamber, the Ar 2+ is concluded to result from the primary Ar + in collision with gas molecules and wall surface. From the threshold behavior of the product Ar 2+ with the electron energy in the ion source, three sets of long-lived highly excited Ar + * states (Rydberg states) are found to be responsible for this process. They are 3s 2 3p 4 ( 3 P)nl, 3s 2 3p 4 ( 1 D 2 )n'l and 3s 2 3p 4 ( 1 S 0 )n''l converging to Ar 2+3 Psub(2.1.0) (43.38, 43.51, 43.57 eV), 1 D 2 (45.11 eV) and 1 S 0 (47.50 eV), respectively. Their fractional ratio in the primary Ar + beam is determined as 3.0:1.0:1.2 which is close to that of multiplicities of the states concerned. The autoionization mechanism reported by other investigators to be responsible for the formation of Ar 2+ in Aston band or tandem mass spectra is found to be negligible. The cross sections of formation of Ar 2+ from Ar + * colliding with Ar and N 2 increase in proportion to the 1.15th power of the collision energy in the range from 750 eV to 2.5 keV. At the collision energy of 1.0 keV, they are 2.0x10 -20 /F cm 2 for Ar target and 6.6x10 -20 /F cm 2 for N 2 target, where the fractional density of Ar + * is estimated to be 0.7x10 -4 -4 . (auth.)

  15. I-Xe and 40Ar-39Ar analyses of silicate from the Eagle Station pallasite and the anomalous iron meteorite Enon

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Niemeyer, S.


    Silicate from two unusual iron-rich meteorites were analyzed by the I-Xe and 40 Ar- 39 Ar techniques. Enon, an anomalous iron meteorite with chondritic silicate, shows no loss of radiogenic 40 Ar at low temperature, and gives a plateau age of 4.59 +- 0.03 Ga. Although the Xe data fail to define an I-Xe correlation the inferred Pu/U ratio is more than 2 σ above the chondritic value, and the Pu abundance derived from the concentration of Pu-fission Xe is 6 times greater than the abundance inferred for CI meteorites. These findings for Enon, coupled with data for IAB iron meteorites, suggest that presence of chondritic silicate in an iron-rich meteorite is diagnostic of an old radiometric age with little subsequent thermal disturbance. The Eagle Station pallasite, the most 16 O-rich meteorite known, gives a complex 40 Ar- 39 Ar age pattern which suggests a recent severe thermal disturbance. The absence of excess 129 Xe, and the low trapped Ar and Xe contents, are consistent with this interpretation. The similarity between 40 Ar- 39 Ar data for Eagle Station and for the olivine-rich meteorite Chassigny lends credence to the previous suggestion of a connection between Chassigny and pallasites. (author)

  16. Near thermal charge transfer between Ar+2 and N2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Holzscheiter, H.M.; Church, D.A.


    The near thermal charge transfer reaction of Ar +2 with N 2 has been studied at total pressures below 10 -7 Torr using a stored ion technique. Ar +2 ions produced by electron impact double ionization of Ar gas were selectively stored for times the order of seconds in a split-ring Penning-type ion trap. The decay with time of the initial ion sample number in a mixture of Ar and N 2 gases was fit to the sum of two exponentials, corresponding to different reaction rates for the 3 P and 1 D low-lying Ar +2 levels. The observed Ar +2 number decrease is attributed to the double-charge transfer process Ar +2 +N 2 →Ar+N 2 +2 →Ar+N + +N + in accord with recent flow-tube measurements. A rate constant for the metastable Ar +2 ( 1 D) level reaction with a value k( 1 D)=1.4 x 10 -9 cm 3 /sec is obtained, using the previously measured rate constant for the Ar +2 ( 3 P) state

  17. Laser-fusion 40Ar/39Ar Ages of Darwin Impact Glass (United States)

    Lo, Ching-Hua; Howard, Kieren T.; Chung, Sun-Lin; Meffre, Sebastien


    Three samples of Darwin Glass, an impact glass found in Tasmania, Australia at the edge of the Australasian tektite strewn field were dated using the 40Ar/39Ar single-grain laser fusion technique, yielding isochron ages of 796-815 ka with an overall weighted mean of 816 ± 7 ka. These data are statistically indistinguishable from those recently reported for the Australasian tektites from Southeast Asia and Australia (761-816 ka; with a mean weighted age of 803 ± 3 ka). However, considering the compositional and textural differences and the disparity from the presumed impact crater area for Australasian tektites, Darwin Glass is more likely to have resulted from a distinct impact during the same period of time.

  18. Ar-37 in the Atmospheric and Sub-Soil Gases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Purtschert, R.; Raghoo, L.S.


    On-site inspection of the radioactive noble gas isotope 37Ar is a definitive and unambiguous indicator of an underground nuclear explosion. 37Ar is produced underground by neutron activation of calcium by the reaction 40Ca(n,α)37Ar. In the atmosphere, 37Ar is produced by the spallation reaction 40Ar(n,4n)37Ar. Periodic measurements over the last six years on air collected in Bern revealed a background level in the order of 1-5 mBq/m 3 air in agreement with former findings and theoretical calculations. Those calculations also indicated that the intrusion of stratospheric air masses may lead to elevated tropospheric 37Ar concentrations up to 8-10 mBq/m 3 air. Selected samples taken up to now in the vicinity of nuclear power plants revealed no significant deviation from the natural background. In order to distinguish between natural and artificially elevated 37Ar the location-specific 37Ar activity range in soils, rocks and the atmosphere were identified. From CARIBIC flights, a passenger aircraft with a special air freight container filled with scientific equipment in the cargo compartment, tropospheric air samples were analyzed for 37Ar and 85Kr. The natural 37Ar production in soils and the rock basement underlying the alluvium is investigated by means of in situ measurements of different isotopes, theoretical calculations and irradiation experiments on selected rock samples. This will help resolve the temporal evolution and/or constancy of the natural 37Ar background and allow for an interpretation in terms of the identification of clandestine nuclear explosions. (author)

  19. Homenaje de los Institutos de Derecho Constitucional y Derechos Humanos a Justino Jiménez de Aréchaga en el centenario de su nacimiento

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alberto Pérez Pérez


    Full Text Available Nació hace cien años, pero su pensamiento sigue plenamente vigente.Su gran obra – verdadero tratado de Derecho Constitucional Uruguayo aunque él no le haya dado ese nombre –terminó de publicarse hace casi seis décadas, pero sigue siendo imprescindible obra de consulta para todos los juristas de nuestro país.Falleció en 1980, pero aún hoy – y sin duda por mucho tiempo más – no hay estudio serio de su especialidad que no comience por indagar lo que él pensaba al respecto.Ése es Justino Jiménez de Aréchaga, la grande, inmensa personalidad uruguaya de cuyo nacimiento se cumplen hoy cien años.Los Institutos de Derecho Constitucional y Derechos Humanos, que me honro en dirigir, le rinden hoy un merecidísimo homenaje, que podemos sintetizar en cuatro afirmaciones:I.Justino Jiménez de Aréchaga hizo una obra maestraII.Fue un Maestro del Derecho y de la vida en democraciaIII.Como verdadero Maestro, también nos enseñó/incitó a tratar de continuar su obraIV.El homenaje que le debemos al Maestro Aréchaga consiste, precisamente, no en palabras sino en obras que lo honren.

  20. Targeting AR Variant-Coactivator Interactions to Exploit Prostate Cancer Vulnerabilities. (United States)

    Magani, Fiorella; Peacock, Stephanie O; Rice, Meghan A; Martinez, Maria J; Greene, Ann M; Magani, Pablo S; Lyles, Rolando; Weitz, Jonathan R; Burnstein, Kerry L


    Castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC) progresses rapidly and is incurable. Constitutively active androgen receptor splice variants (AR-Vs) represent a well-established mechanism of therapeutic resistance and disease progression. These variants lack the AR ligand-binding domain and, as such, are not inhibited by androgen deprivation therapy (ADT), which is the standard systemic approach for advanced prostate cancer. Signaling by AR-Vs, including the clinically relevant AR-V7, is augmented by Vav3, an established AR coactivator in CRPC. Using mutational and biochemical studies, we demonstrated that the Vav3 Diffuse B-cell lymphoma homology (DH) domain interacted with the N-terminal region of AR-V7 (and full length AR). Expression of the Vav3 DH domain disrupted Vav3 interaction with and enhancement of AR-V7 activity. The Vav3 DH domain also disrupted AR-V7 interaction with other AR coactivators: Src1 and Vav2, which are overexpressed in PC. This Vav3 domain was used in proof-of-concept studies to evaluate the effects of disrupting the interaction between AR-V7 and its coactivators on CRPC cells. This disruption decreased CRPC cell proliferation and anchorage-independent growth, caused increased apoptosis, decreased migration, and resulted in the acquisition of morphological changes associated with a less aggressive phenotype. While disrupting the interaction between FL-AR and its coactivators decreased N-C terminal interaction, disrupting the interaction of AR-V7 with its coactivators decreased AR-V7 nuclear levels. Implications: This study demonstrates the potential therapeutic utility of inhibiting constitutively active AR-V signaling by disrupting coactivator binding. Such an approach is significant, as AR-Vs are emerging as important drivers of CRPC that are particularly recalcitrant to current therapies. Mol Cancer Res; 15(11); 1469-80. ©2017 AACR . ©2017 American Association for Cancer Research.

  1. 75 FR 12162 - Class E Airspace; Manila, AR (United States)


    ...-1184; Airspace Docket No. 09-ASW-39] Class E Airspace; Manila, AR AGENCY: Federal Aviation... Class E airspace at Manila, AR. Decommissioning of the Manila non-directional beacon (NDB) at Manila... instrument approach procedures at Manila Municipal Airport, Manila, AR. Airspace reconfiguration is necessary...


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    Edelweiss Airam Rangel Montoya


    Full Text Available El arsénico (As es uno de los metaloides más tóxicos presentes en el medio ambiente y la especiación de éste depende de diversos factores químicos, físicos y biológicos. La distribución y contaminación del arsénico se debe a procesos naturales y antropogénicos, y su problemática se debe a su fácil movilización en el ambiente. Las altas concentraciones de arsénico en agua y suelo se han convertido en un problema global, ya que las exposiciones prolongadas a este metaloide pueden causar daños crónicos a la salud. Dicha situación es particularmente importante en la Comarca Lagunera en México. Por lo tanto, se ha vuelto necesaria la búsqueda de nuevas estrategias para la remoción de este metaloide, entre las cuales, la biorremediación microbiana ha cobrado importancia como una alternativa amigable con el ambiente en la solución de este problema. Los microorganismos juegan un papel fundamental en la especiación del arsénico, ya que un gran número de estos tiene la capacidad de transformar el arsénico a pesar de su toxicidad puesto que han desarrollado diferentes mecanismos que les permiten utilizar el arsénico en su metabolismo, ya sea en su forma reducida de arsenito, o en su forma oxidada de arseniato mediante reacciones de óxido-reducción transformación enzimática, metilación, quelación, exclusión e inmovilización. Este trabajo, trata sobre el impacto que tiene la especiación de arsénico, especialmente del arsenito (As III, en el medio ambiente, el riesgo que representa la contaminación para la salud, así como los mecanismos bioquímicos microbianos para la oxidación del arsenito, disminuir su toxicidad y el desarrollo de estrategias limpias y amigables con el medio ambiente para la remoción de arsénico de aguas y suelos contaminados.

  3. ¿Por qué enseñar a escribir usando técnicas de "focus on form"?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lucha Cuadros, Rosa Mª


    Full Text Available El estudio que aquí presentamos aborda los siguientes temas: 1. Indaga acerca de si una enseñanza intensiva centrada en la forma induce o no a obtener resultados más positivos en la adquisición, al menos en la memoria a corto plazo, de estructuras lingüísticas significativas; en nuestro caso estructuras para comparar y expresar ventajas e inconvenientes. 2. Permite postular la efectividad del uso de herramientas informáticas para evaluar la “calidad de información” (Díaz y Ruggia 2004 de producciones escritas. Las herramientas utilizadas han sido, por un lado, el analizador-etiquetador Connexor, y, por otro lado, el software Childes (MacWhinney 1987, formado por diferentes programas informáticos, que permite la cuantificación automática de la frecuencia de aparición de categorías sintácticas elegidas previamente. En la investigación participaron dos grupos de estudiantes del programa Erasmus de la Universitat Pompeu Fabra. El primer grupo recibió una enseñanza intensiva centrada en la forma tras la cual realizó una tarea de expresión escrita consistente en la redacción de un texto expositivo. El segundo grupo realizó la misma tarea de expresión escrita, pero sin la previa instrucción centrada en la forma.

  4. Effects of lamellae size distributions from 40Ar/39Ar on sedimentary thermo-chronology in the San Joaquin Basin

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jepsen, A.-M.; Lerche, I.; Thomsen, R.O.


    A model description is provided for the release of 40 Ar/ 39 Ar from detrital microclines which specifically includes the effects of grain size distributions, thus allowing smaller grains to release argon faster than the more retentive larger grains. The model also includes the effects of sedimentary thermal history after burial influencing the pre-depositional 40 Ar/ 30 Ar ratio. Application of the model to the measured age spectra from six depths in the Tejon Block and four in the Basin Block of the San Joaquin Basin demonstrates that the grain size distribution effect plays a major role in masking the extraction of thermal history information from the observed age spectra. In addition, the grain size effect is not systematic with depth, and other competing effects, such as isotopic fractionation of diffusion coefficients, multi-provenance depositional supply, and variable concentrations of 40 Ar and 39 K per microcline at burial deposition time, make the extraction of thermal history information even more difficult. (author)

  5. Timing of Secondary Hydrothermal Alteration of the Luobusa Chromitites Constrained by Ar/Ar Dating of Chrome Chlorites

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wei Guo


    Full Text Available Chrome chlorites are usually found as secondary phases formed by hydrothermal alteration of chromite deposits and associated mafic/ultramafic rocks. Here, we report the 40Ar/39Ar age of chrome chlorites separated from the Luobusa massive chromitites which have undergone secondary alteration by CO2-rich hydrothermal fluids. The dating results reveal that the intermediate heating steps (from 4 to 10 of sample L7 generate an age plateau of 29.88 ± 0.42 Ma (MSWD = 0.12, plateau 39Ar = 74.6%, and the plateau data points define a concordant inverse isochron age of 30.15 ± 1.05 Ma (MSWD = 0.08, initial 40Ar/36Ar = 295.8 ± 9.7. The Ar release pattern shows no evidence of later degassing or inherited radiogenic component indicated by an atmospheric intercept, thus representing the age of the hydrothermal activity. Based on the agreement of this hydrothermal age with the ~30 Ma adakitic plutons exposed in nearby regions (the Zedong area, tens of kilometers west Luobusa and the extensive late Oligocene plutonism distributed along the southeastern Gangdese magmatic belt, it is suggested that the hydrothermal fluids are likely related to the ~30 Ma magmatism. The hydrothermal fluid circulation could be launched either by remote plutons (such as the Sangri granodiorite, the nearest ~30 Ma pluton west Luobusa or by a similar coeval pluton in the local Luobusa area (inferred, not found or reported so far. Our results provide important clues for when the listwanites in Luobusa were formed.

  6. An 40 Ar- 39 Ar study of the Cape Verde hot spot

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holm, Paul Martin; Grandvuinet, Tanja; Wilson, James Richard


    The 40Ar-39Ar analyses of 28 groundmass separates from volcanic rocks from the islands of Santiago, Sal, and São Vicente, Cape Verde archipelago, are presented. The new age data record the volcanic evolution for Santiago from 4.6 to 0.7 Ma, for Sal from around 15 to 1.1 Ma, and for São Vicente from...... Cretaceous age for limestones deposited on the seafloor and later uplifted. The Cape Verde Rise is indicated to have fully formed in the early Miocene around 22 Ma, accompanied by the initial alkaline volcanism. Considerable volcanism on Sal, Boa Vista, and Maio took place in the Miocene and Pliocene...

  7. Permeabilidade ao ar em Latossolo Vermelho sob diferentes sistemas de manejo

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    Sueli Rodrigues


    Full Text Available A permeabilidade ao ar pode ser utilizada para avaliar alterações que ocorrem na estrutura do solo em virtude da adoção de diferentes sistemas de manejo. Este estudo testou a hipótese de que o menor revolvimento do solo sob sistema plantio direto resulta na formação de poros mais contínuos e melhor condição de aeração no solo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar, por meio da permeabilidade ao ar (Ka, da porosidade de aeração (εa e dos índices de continuidade de poros (K1 e N, a aeração em um Latossolo Vermelho distrófico sob preparo convencional (PC e sistema plantio direto (SPD. Oitenta amostras de solo (2 tratamentos x 2 profundidades x 20 repetições com estrutura indeformada foram coletadas de cada sistema de manejo do solo nas profundidades de 0-0,10 e 0,10-0,20 m em área experimental do Instituto Agronômico do Paraná, no município de Ponta Grossa, Paraná. Depois de saturadas e equilibradas em seis potenciais mátricos (-2, -6, -10, -30, -70 e -100 kPa, determinou-se a permeabilidade ao ar e a porosidade de aeração em cada potencial. Também foram determinados a densidade do solo, a densidade de partícula, o carbono orgânico e a porosidade. A densidade do solo não consistiu em fator limitante, ficando abaixo do limite crítico para solos argilosos nos dois sistemas. No SPD, o maior volume de microporos resultou em maior retenção de água no intervalo de umidade avaliado (-2 a -100 kPa e em maior volume de poros bloqueados para o fluxo de ar (εb, ou seja, redução de Ka. Na profundidade avaliada (00,20 m, os índices de continuidade de poros (K1 e N revelaram que o PC apresentou poros mais contínuos do que o SPD, contradizendo a hipótese testada.

  8. Electronic-state distribution of Ar* produced from Ar+(2P3/2)/2e- collisional radiative recombination in an argon flowing afterglow

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tsuji, Masaharu; Matsuzaki, Toshinori; Tsuji, Takeshi


    The Ar + /2e - collisional radiative recombination has been studied by observing UV and visible emissions of Ar* in an Ar flowing afterglow. In order to clarify recombination mechanism, the Ar + ( 2 P 3/2 ) spin-orbit component was selected by using a filter gas of the Ar + ( 2 P 1/2 ) component. Spectral analysis indicated that 34 Ar*(4p, 4d, 5p, 5d, 6s, 6p, 6d, 4p ' , 4d ' , 5p ' , 5d ' , 6s ' ) states in the 13.08-15.33 eV range are produced. The electronic-state distribution decreased with an increase in the excitation energy of Ar*, which was expressed by a Boltzmann electronic temperature of 0.54 eV. The formation ratios of the 4p: 4d + 5p + 5d + 6s + 6p + 6d: 4p ' : 4d ' + 5p ' + 5d ' + 6s ' states were 43%, 2.8%, 54%, and 0.31%, respectively. The high formation ratio of the 4p ' state having an Ar + ( 2 P 1/2 ) ion core in the Ar + ( 2 P 3/2 )/2e - recombination indicated that such a two-electron process as an electron transfer to an inner 3p orbital followed by excitation of a 3p electron to an outer 4p orbital occurs significantly. The higher formation ratios of 4d + 5p + 5d + 6s + 6p + 6d than those of 4d ' + 5p ' + 5d ' + 6s ' led us to conclude the formation of these upper states dominantly proceeds through one electron transfer to an outer nl orbital of Ar + ( 2 P 3/2 )

  9. Characterization of a novel androgen receptor (AR) coregulator RIPK1 and related chemicals that suppress AR-mediated prostate cancer growth via peptide and chemical screening. (United States)

    Hsu, Cheng-Lung; Liu, Jai-Shin; Lin, Ting-Wei; Chang, Ying-Hsu; Kuo, Yung-Chia; Lin, An-Chi; Ting, Huei-Ju; Pang, See-Tong; Lee, Li-Yu; Ma, Wen-Lung; Lin, Chun-Cheng; Wu, Wen-Guey


    Using bicalutamide-androgen receptor (AR) DNA binding domain-ligand binding domain as bait, we observed enrichment of FxxFY motif-containing peptides. Protein database searches revealed the presence of receptor-interacting protein kinase 1 (RIPK1) harboring one FxxFY motif. RIPK1 interacted directly with AR and suppressed AR transactivation in a dose-dependent manner. Domain mapping experiments showed that the FxxFY motif in RIPK1 is critical for interactions with AR and the death domain of RIPK1 plays a crucial role in its inhibitory effect on transactivation. In terms of tissue expression, RIPK1 levels were markedly higher in benign prostate hyperplasia and non-cancerous tissue regions relative to the tumor area. With the aid of computer modeling for screening of chemicals targeting activation function 2 (AF-2) of AR, we identified oxadiazole derivatives as good candidates and subsequently generated a small library of these compounds. A number of candidates could effectively suppress AR transactivation and AR-related functions in vitro and in vivo with tolerable toxicity via inhibiting AR-peptide, AR-coregulator and AR N-C interactions. Combination of these chemicals with antiandrogen had an additive suppressive effect on AR transcriptional activity. Our collective findings may pave the way in creating new strategies for the development and design of anti-AR drugs.

  10. The development of AR book for computer learning (United States)

    Phadung, Muneeroh; Wani, Najela; Tongmnee, Nur-aiynee


    Educators need to provide the alternative educational tools to foster learning outcomes of students. By using AR technology to create exciting edutainment experiences, this paper presents how augmented reality (AR) can be applied in the education. This study aims to develop the AR book for tenth grade students (age 15-16) and evaluate its quality. The AR book was developed based on ADDIE framework processes to provide computer learning on software computer knowledge. The content was accorded with the current Thai education curriculum. The AR book had 10 pages in three topics (the first was "Introduction," the second was "System Software" and the third was "Application Software"). Each page contained markers that placed virtual objects (2D animation and video clip). The obtained data were analyzed in terms of average and standard deviation. The validity of multimedia design of the AR book was assessed by three experts in multimedia design. A five-point Likert scale was used and the values were X¯ =4 .84 , S.D. = 1.27 which referred to very high. Moreover, three content experts, who specialize in computer teaching, evaluated the AR book's validity. The values determined by the experts were X¯ =4 .69 , S.D. = 0.29 which referred to very high. Implications for future study and education are discussed.

  11. Glycogen synthase kinase-3 inhibitors suppress the AR-V7-mediated transcription and selectively inhibit cell growth in AR-V7-positive prostate cancer cells. (United States)

    Nakata, Daisuke; Koyama, Ryokichi; Nakayama, Kazuhide; Kitazawa, Satoshi; Watanabe, Tatsuya; Hara, Takahito


    Recent evidence suggests that androgen receptor (AR) splice variants, including AR-V7, play a pivotal role in resistance to androgen blockade in prostate cancer treatment. The development of new therapeutic agents that can suppress the transcriptional activities of AR splice variants has been anticipated as the next generation treatment of castration-resistant prostate cancer. High-throughput screening of AR-V7 signaling inhibitors was performed using an AR-V7 reporter system. The effects of a glycogen synthase kinase-3 (GSK3) inhibitor, LY-2090314, on endogenous AR-V7 signaling were evaluated in an AR-V7-positive cell line, JDCaP-hr, by quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction. The relationship between AR-V7 signaling and β-catenin signaling was assessed using RNA interference. The effect of LY-2090314 on cell growth in various prostate cancer cell lines was also evaluated. We identified GSK3 inhibitors as transcriptional suppressors of AR-V7 using a high-throughput screen with an AR-V7 reporter system. LY-2090314 suppressed the reporter activity and endogenous AR-V7 activity in JDCaP-hr cells. Because silencing of β-catenin partly rescued the suppression, it was evident that the suppression was mediated, at least partially, via the activation of β-catenin signaling. AR-V7 signaling and β-catenin signaling reciprocally regulate each other in JDCaP-hr cells, and therefore, GSK3 inhibition can repress AR-V7 transcriptional activity by accumulating intracellular β-catenin. Notably, LY-2090314 selectively inhibited the growth of AR-V7-positive prostate cancer cells in vitro. Our findings demonstrate the potential of GSK3 inhibitors in treating advanced prostate cancer driven by AR splice variants. In vivo evaluation of AR splice variant-positive prostate cancer models will help illustrate the overall significance of GSK3 inhibitors in treating prostate cancer. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  12. ONC201 Targets AR and AR-V7 Signaling, Reduces PSA, and Synergizes with Everolimus in Prostate Cancer. (United States)

    Lev, Avital; Lulla, Amriti R; Ross, Brian C; Ralff, Marie D; Makhov, Petr B; Dicker, David T; El-Deiry, Wafik S


    Androgen receptor (AR) signaling plays a key role in prostate cancer progression, and androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) is a mainstay clinical treatment regimen for patients with advanced disease. Unfortunately, most prostate cancers eventually become androgen-independent and resistant to ADT with patients progressing to metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC). Constitutively activated AR variants (AR-V) have emerged as mediators of resistance to AR-targeted therapy and the progression of mCRPC, and they represent an important therapeutic target. Out of at least 15 AR-Vs described thus far, AR-V7 is the most abundant, and its expression correlates with ADT resistance. ONC201/TIC10 is the founding member of the imipridone class of small molecules and has shown anticancer activity in a broad range of tumor types. ONC201 is currently being tested in phase I/II clinical trials for advanced solid tumors, including mCRPC, and hematologic malignancies. There has been promising activity observed in patients in early clinical testing. This study demonstrates preclinical single-agent efficacy of ONC201 using in vitro and in vivo models of prostate cancer. ONC201 has potent antiproliferative and proapoptotic effects in both castration-resistant and -sensitive prostate cancer cells. Furthermore, the data demonstrate that ONC201 downregulates the expression of key drivers of prostate cancer such as AR-V7 and downstream target genes including the clinically used biomarker PSA (KLK3). Finally, the data also provide a preclinical rationale for combination of ONC201 with approved therapeutics for prostate cancer such as enzalutamide, everolimus (mTOR inhibitor), or docetaxel. Implications: The preclinical efficacy of ONC201 as a single agent or in combination, in hormone-sensitive or castration-resistant prostate cancer, suggests the potential for immediate clinical translation. Mol Cancer Res; 16(5); 754-66. ©2018 AACR . ©2018 American Association for Cancer

  13. AR-Signaling in Human Malignancies: Prostate Cancer and Beyond

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Michael T. Schweizer


    Full Text Available In the 1940s Charles Huggins reported remarkable palliative benefits following surgical castration in men with advanced prostate cancer, and since then the androgen receptor (AR has remained the main therapeutic target in this disease. Over the past couple of decades, our understanding of AR-signaling biology has dramatically improved, and it has become apparent that the AR can modulate a number of other well-described oncogenic signaling pathways. Not surprisingly, mounting preclinical and epidemiologic data now supports a role for AR-signaling in promoting the growth and progression of several cancers other than prostate, and early phase clinical trials have documented preliminary signs of efficacy when AR-signaling inhibitors are used in several of these malignancies. In this article, we provide an overview of the evidence supporting the use of AR-directed therapies in prostate as well as other cancers, with an emphasis on the rationale for targeting AR-signaling across tumor types.

  14. AR Signaling in Human Malignancies: Prostate Cancer and Beyond. (United States)

    Antonarakis, Emmanuel S


    The notion that androgens and androgen receptor (AR) signaling are the hallmarks of prostate cancer oncogenesis and disease progression is generally well accepted. What is more poorly understood is the role of AR signaling in other human malignancies. This special issue of Cancers initially reviews the role of AR in advanced prostate cancer, and then explores the potential importance of AR signaling in other epithelial malignancies. The first few articles focus on the use of novel AR-targeting therapies in castration-resistant prostate cancer and the mechanisms of resistance to novel antiandrogens, and they also outline the interaction between AR and other cellular pathways, including PI3 kinase signaling, transcriptional regulation, angiogenesis, stromal factors, Wnt signaling, and epigenetic regulation in prostate cancer. The next several articles review the possible role of androgens and AR signaling in breast cancer, bladder cancer, salivary gland cancer, and hepatocellular carcinoma, as well as the potential treatment implications of using antiandrogen therapies in these non-prostatic malignancies.

  15. Fusion-fission in Ar-heavy nuclei collisions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zaric, Alexandre


    Fusion-fission products have been studied for three reactions: Ar + Au, Ar + Bi and Ar + U (5.25-7.5 MeV/u). By measuring symmetric fragmentation components (fission-like events), cross sections for fusion were deduced and compared with the prediction of static and dynamic models. With increasing projectile energy, the width of the mass distributions strongly increases for the two lighter systems. By contrast, for Ar + U it remains essentially constant at a very large value. These results clearly demonstrate that the large increase of the width of the mass distribution cannot be attributed simply to large values of the angular momentum. However, they can be explained by the occurrence of a different dissipative process, fast fission, which can be expected if there is no barrier to fission. For the reaction Ar + Au, the total kinetic-energy distributions were also studied in detail. In this case fast fission occurs only at high incident energy. The average total kinetic energy (TKE) was found to be constant with increasing energy. (author) [fr

  16. Electron temperatures of inductively coupled Cl2-Ar plasmas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fuller, N.C.M.; Donnelly, Vincent M.; Herman, Irving P.


    Trace rare gases optical emission spectroscopy has been used to measure the electron temperature, T e , in a high-density inductively coupled Cl 2 -Ar plasma at 18 mTorr as function of the 13.56 MHz radio frequency power and Ar fraction. Only the Kr and Xe emission lines were used to determine T e , because of evidence of radiation trapping when the Ar emission lines were also used for larger Ar fractions. At 600 W (10.6 W cm-2), T e increases from ∼4.0±0.5 eV to ∼6.0±2.0 eV as the Ar fraction increases from 1% to 96%. In the H (inductive, bright) mode, T e , for a 'neat' chlorine plasma (including 1% of each He/Ne/Ar/Kr/Xe) increases only slightly from ∼3.8 to 4.0 eV as power increases from 450 to 750 W. This increase is much larger for larger Ar fractions, such as from ∼4.0 to 7.3 eV for 78% Ar. Most of these effects can be understood using the fundamental particle balance equation

  17. Ars Electronica

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kristensen, Thomas Bjørnsten


    Anmeldelse af Ars Electronica festivalen 3. - 8. september, 2009 i Linz, Østrig, der fejrede 30 års jubilæum under temaet "Human Nature". Festivalen fokuserer på interaktion mellem menneske, teknologi, kunst og samfund med særlig vægt på udviklingen af computeren og det digitale. Udgivelsesdato: 15.12...

  18. Heterogeneous 40Ar/39Ar laser probe apparent ages in low-grade mylonitic rocks: Constraining a meaningful geological age

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Arancibia, G


    Obtaining meaningful geological ages from mylonitic rocks has been a major problem for structural geologist, because apparent ages have usually no geologic significance. Over the last years, in situ high spatial resolutions 40 Ar/ 39 Ar studies (e.g. Ruffet et al., 1991; Reddy et al., 1996; Pickles et al., 1997), permit obtain apparent ages of mineral and link them directly with textural, microstructural and chemical patterns that can previously be obtained by optical and scanning electron (SEM) microscopes and electron microprobe. In this work, heterogeneous 40 Ar/ 39 Ar laser probe ages from low-grade volcanic mylonites show complex argon distributions patterns. Inverse isochron analysis suggests that most obtained apparent ages contain argon excess and only younger ages have a meaningful geologically interpretation (au)

  19. A composite microdose Adaptive Response (AR) and Bystander Effect (BE) model-application to low LET and high LET AR and BE data. (United States)

    Leonard, Bobby E


    It has been suggested that Adaptive Response (AR) may reduce risk of adverse health effects due to ionizing radiation. But very low dose Bystander Effects (BE) may impose dominant deleterious human risks. These conflicting behaviors have stimulated controversy regarding the Linear No-Threshold human risk model. A dose and dose rate-dependent microdose model, to examine AR behavior, was developed in prior work. In the prior work a number of in vitro and in vivo dose response data were examined with the model. Recent new data show AR behavior with some evidence of very low dose BE. The purpose of this work is to supplement the microdose model to encompass the Brenner and colleagues BaD (Bystander and Direct Damage) model and apply this composite model to obtain new knowledge regarding AR and BE and illustrate the use of the model to plan radio-biology experiments. The biophysical composite AR and BE Microdose Model quantifies the accumulation of hits (Poisson distributed, microdose specific energy depositions) to cell nucleus volumes. This new composite AR and BE model provides predictions of dose response at very low dose BE levels, higher dose AR levels and even higher dose Direct (linear-quadratic) Damage radiation levels. We find good fits of the model to both BE data from the Columbia University microbeam facility and combined AR and BE data for low Linear Energy Transfer (LET) and high LET data. A Bystander Factor of about 27,000 and an AR protection factor of 0.61 are obtained for the low LET in vivo mouse spleen exposures. A Bystander Factor of 317 and an AR protection factor of 0.53 are obtained for high LET radon alpha particles in human lymphocytes. In both cases the AR is activated at most by one or two radiation induced charged particle traversals through the cell nucleus. The results of the model analysis is consistent with a premise that both Bystander damage and Adaptive Response radioprotection can occur in the same cell type, derived from the same

  20. 40Ar/39Ar geochronology of the El Teniente porphyry copper deposit

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maksaev, V; Munizaga, F; McWilliams, M; Thiele, K; Arevalo, A; Zuniga, P; Floody, R


    breccias. Phyllic alteration primarily occurs as quartz-sericite haloes of quartz-sulfide-sulfate veinlets within the perimeter of the orebody, and slightly overprints potassic alteration. Propylitic alteration occurs largely peripheral to ore-grade rock. The relatively restricted development of phyllic alteration and the occurrence of the central breccia conflict with the classic porphyry copper model of Lowell and Gilbert (1970), but El Teniente may be regarded as a 'variation on a theme' of the classic model, as suggested by Gustafson and Hunt (1975). The exceedingly large size of the El Teniente deposit, coupled with its apparently young mineralization age prompted us to initiate a systematic 40 Ar/ 39 Ar study whose goals are to determine the age(s) of the hydrothermal event(s) that produced such a remarkable copper concentration and ultimately to estimate the duration of the hydrothermal activity at El Teniente. This is particularly relevant to an understanding of the processes that formed super-giant high-grade copper deposits in the Chilean Andes and elsewhere. We report here 32 total fusion 40 Ar/ 39 Ar ages from sericite and biotite from different lithologic units of El Teniente and five step-heating 40 Ar- 39 Ar ages of samples previously dated using conventional K-Ar methods (Cuadra, 1986) (au)

  1. The ChArMEx database (United States)

    Ferré, Hélène; Belmahfoud, Nizar; Boichard, Jean-Luc; Brissebrat, Guillaume; Cloché, Sophie; Descloitres, Jacques; Fleury, Laurence; Focsa, Loredana; Henriot, Nicolas; Mière, Arnaud; Ramage, Karim; Vermeulen, Anne; Boulanger, Damien


    The Chemistry-Aerosol Mediterranean Experiment (ChArMEx, aims at a scientific assessment of the present and future state of the atmospheric environment in the Mediterranean Basin, and of its impacts on the regional climate, air quality, and marine biogeochemistry. The project includes long term monitoring of environmental parameters , intensive field campaigns, use of satellite data and modelling studies. Therefore ChARMEx scientists produce and need to access a wide diversity of data. In this context, the objective of the database task is to organize data management, distribution system and services, such as facilitating the exchange of information and stimulating the collaboration between researchers within the ChArMEx community, and beyond. The database relies on a strong collaboration between ICARE, IPSL and OMP data centers and has been set up in the framework of the Mediterranean Integrated Studies at Regional And Locals Scales (MISTRALS) program data portal. ChArMEx data, either produced or used by the project, are documented and accessible through the database website: The website offers the usual but user-friendly functionalities: data catalog, user registration procedure, search tool to select and access data... The metadata (data description) are standardized, and comply with international standards (ISO 19115-19139; INSPIRE European Directive; Global Change Master Directory Thesaurus). A Digital Object Identifier (DOI) assignement procedure allows to automatically register the datasets, in order to make them easier to access, cite, reuse and verify. At present, the ChArMEx database contains about 120 datasets, including more than 80 in situ datasets (2012, 2013 and 2014 summer campaigns, background monitoring station of Ersa...), 25 model output sets (dust model intercomparison, MEDCORDEX scenarios...), a high resolution emission inventory over the Mediterranean... Many in situ datasets

  2. Alkali-activated slag mortars reinforced with ar glassfibre. Performance and properties

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Amat, T.


    Full Text Available In light of the practical problem posed by the high drying shrinkage rate exhibited by alkali-activated slag (AAS,due to these materials exhibited a high drying shrinkage the present study analyzes the behaviour of alkali-activated slag mortars reinforced with alkali-resistant (AR glass fiber especially designed to reduce drying shrink aging cementitious systems. To this end, both alkali-activated slag and reference Portland cement mortars were prepared, with and without AR fiber (in dosages ranging from 0 to 1.1% by weight of the binder. These mortars were subjected to the following tests: drying shrinkage,mechanical strength after 2, 7 and 28 days, toughness,and high temperature. The microstructure of the materials was also studied by SEM/EDX techniques. At a percentage of 0.22%, AR fiber was found to induce a significant reduction (over 20% in drying shrinkage, without detracting from the fine resistance strength, of alkali activated slag mortar. Moreover, plain activated slag mortars recovered 20% of their initial mechanical strength after exposure to high temperatures, and ins specimens reinforced with glass fiber at a rate of 0.22%,recovery climbed to 50%.El principal problema tecnológico de los cementos de escoria activada alcalinamente (AAS es su elevada retracción al secado. Por ello, en el presente trabajo se estudia el comportamiento de morteros de escoria activada alcalinamente reforzados con fibras de vidrio alcali-resistentes (AR, especialmente diseñadas para reducir la retracción al secado en sistema cementantes. Para ello se prepararon morteros de escoria activada alcalinamente y de cemento Portland como material de referencia. El porcentaje de fibra AR en los morteros varió entre 0-1,1% en peso de ligante. Los morteros preparados fueron sometidos a los siguientes ensayos:retracción al secado, resistencias mecánicas a 2, 7 y 28 días,ensayos de tenacidad, resistencia al impacto y comportamiento resistente frente a altas

  3. 40Ar/39Ar dating and geochemistry of tholeiitic magmatism related to the early opening of the Central Atlantic rift

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sebai, A.; Feraud, G.; Bertrand, H.; Hanes, J.


    Tholeiitic effusive and intrusive magnetism from Iberia, Morocco, Algeria and Mali, realted to the early opening of the Central Atlantic rift, was dated by the 40 Ar/ 39 Ar step-heating method. Four plateau ags, rangin from 203.7±2.7 to 197.1±1.8 Ma, were obtained on plagioclase from dykes from theTaoudenni area (Mali) and two lava flows from Morocco. The Messejana dyke (Iberia), which previously yielded discrepant conventional K-Ar dates, did not furnish any 40 Ar/ 39 Ar plateau dates. However, there is a clear inverse relationship between apparent age and K/Ca atio for gas fractions from a plagioclase separate (proportional to the alteration degree) which, combined with dates obtained on amphibole, biotite and pyroxene, allows us to determine an age of around 200 Ma for this body. These data, and those obtained on the Foum Zguid (Morocco) and the Ksi Ksou (Algeria) dykes, give evidence of a brief magmatic event (between 206 and 195 Ma ago) which affected a large area ca. 2500 km long. Trace-element modelling shows that most of these formations originated from a homogeneous, enriched, source material. Such a brief magmatic episode related to the opening of a continental rift is in agreement with findings in other magmatic provinces (e.g. the Deccan traps and the Red Sea rift, precisely dated by the 40 Ar/ 39 Ar method as well). (orig.)

  4. Análise de imagens digitais para a avaliação do comportamento de pintainhos de corte Digital image analysis for young chicken's behavior evaluation

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    Marcelo B. Cordeiro


    Full Text Available Na busca por respostas quanto às condições de bem-estar animal, visou-se a avaliar neste trabalho o comportamento de pintainhos nas duas primeiras semanas de vida, por meio de processamento de imagens digitais. O experimento foi realizado em dois galpões comerciais, utilizados para criação de 15.200 aves de corte por galpão, durante um ciclo produtivo, dotados com fornalha a lenha de aquecimento indireto do ar. Foram instaladas duas câmeras de vídeo por galpão para aquisição de imagens digitais. Uma das câmeras possuía inclinação angular de 45º, e a outra, inclinação angular de 90º em relação ao solo. As imagens foram analisadas para cada condição climática diária e binarizadas, sendo depois processadas por meio de descritor de agrupamento/dispersão e correlacionadas com os valores de temperatura do ar. Observou-se correlação entre o descritor e os valores de temperatura do ar, sendo que as imagens obtidas pela câmera posicionada a 45º e divididas em 25 blocos, obtiveram maior correlação. Pelos dados obtidos, pode-se observar que o comportamento de agrupamento e dispersão dos pintainhos pode ser usado como indicador dos estados de conforto térmico e que o descritor se mostrou eficiente para esta quantificação.The aim of this study was to evaluate the behavior of young chickens in the first two weeks of life through digital images processing, for the determination of the best condition of animal welfare. The experiment was accomplished at two buildings with furnace with indirect air heating, used for creation of 15,200 broiler chickens by building, during one single productive cycle. For the production of digital images, two video cameras were installed by building. One of the cameras had an inclination of 45º and the other a 90º in relation to the ground. The images were analyzed for each daily climatic condition. Then, they were binarized and processed through grouping/dispersion descriptor and correlated


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    Full Text Available Stemming is a main step used to process textual data. It is usually used in several types of applications such as: text mining, information retrieval (IR, and natural language processing (NLP. A major task in stemming is to standardize words; which can be achieved by reducing each word to its base (root or stem. Arabic stemming is not an easy task. Unlike other languages, Arabic language is a highly inflected language, since it uses many inflectional forms. Researchers are divided on the benefit of using stemming in fields of IR, NLP...etc., since in Arabic the morphological variants of a certain word are not always semantically related. The aim of this paper is to design and implement a new Arabic light stemmer (ARS which is not based on Arabic root patterns. Instead, it depends on well defined mathematical rules and several relations between letters. A series of tests were conducted on ARS stemmer to compare its effectiveness with the effectiveness of two other Arabic stemmers. Test shows clearly the effectiveness superiority of ARS compared to effectiveness of these two Arabic stemmers.

  6. Nueva mutación heterocigota en el gen de la proteína regulatoria aguda de la esteroideogénesis (StAR en un paciente 46,XY con hiperplasia adrenal congénita lipoidea

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    María Sonia Baquedano


    Full Text Available StAR forma parte del complejo multiproteico transduceosoma, encargado del transporte de colesterol y que facilita su entrada a la mitocondria. Mutaciones recesivas en el gen STAR causan formas clásicas y no clásicas de hiperplasia adrenal congénita lipoidea. Analizamos las consecuencias moleculares de una nueva mutación heterocigota en STAR en un paciente 46,XY con genitales ambiguos e insuficiencia adrenal. Hallamos un cambio heterocigota de novo, IVS1-2A>G, en el gen STAR y el polimorfismo heterocigota, pG146A, en SF1. No se detectaron mutaciones en los genes CYP11A1, FDX1 y FDXR, VDAC1 y TSPO. Por RT-PCR y secuenciación se observó un transcripto-exón2 y el transcripto normal (WT de StAR, a partir del ARN de tejido gonadal del paciente. Se detectó el precursor (37 kD y la proteína StAR madura (30 kD en células COS-7 transfectadas con el plásmido mutante y WT. Por inmunofluorescencia la observación de co-localización de la proteína mutante (p.G22_L59delStAR en mitocondrias fue casi nula. La actividad de p.G22_L59delStAR fue del 65% ± 13 respecto del WT. La co-transfección de los plásmidos p.G22_L59delStAR y WT redujo la actividad de WT en 62.0 ± 13.9%. La mutación IVS1-2A>G provocó la pérdida de los aminoácidos 22 a 59 en la secuencia mitocondrial N-terminal. Postulamos que ello conduciría a un plegamiento anormal de la proteína que alteraría su procesamiento y translocación. La proteína mutante p.G22_L59delStAR podría interferir con la acción de la proteína StAR WT bloqueando el complejo transduceosoma y causando una forma dominante de deficiencia de StAR, que explicaría el fenotipo clínico en heterocigosis.

  7. Avaliação de novas práticas de compostagem em pequena escala com aproveitamento energético


    Lima Junior,Roberto Guião de Souza; Mahler,Claudio Fernando; Dias,Albiane Carvalho; Luz Junior,Willker Figueirêdo da


    RESUMO: Foram avaliados neste estudo novos sistemas de compostagem de mínimo impacto ambiental para o tratamento in loco de resíduos orgânicos. Dois tipos de composteiras e quatro formas de manejo foram testados. Focaram-se ainda duas composições de resíduos sólidos orgânicos com relação ao aproveitamento energético por aquecimento de água. Os resíduos mantiveram temperaturas termofílicas por mais de 20 dias, apresentaram produção desprezível de metano e não geraram chorume em condições de ae...

  8. Nexus água e energia em empreendimentos hoteleiros. Metodologia e resultados da aplicação em hotéis de 4 e 5 estrelas.


    Pinto, A.; Afonso, A.; Santos, A.; Rodrigues, C.; Rodrigues, F.


    Os elevados padrões de conforto e a qualidade dos serviços prestados nos hotéis de quatro e cinco estrelas conduz a grandes consumos específicos de água e de energia por pessoa. Uma parte importante desse consumo destina-se aos banhos dos hóspedes, o que acarreta inerentes consumos de energia para aquecimento de água e para a sua bombagem até aos dispositivos de utilização. A adoção de dispositivos de utilização (chuveiros) eficientes permite, por um lado, reduzir o consumo de água ao nível d...

  9. Análise da contribuição ambiental por meio da alteração da matriz energética do setor brasileiro de ferro-gusa e aço

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    Flávia de Castro Camioto


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste artigo é analisar a possibilidade de contribuição ambiental por meio da alteração da matriz energética do setor industrial de ferro-gusa e aço. Para a medição das emissões de CO2 dos combustíveis utilizados, nesse setor, foi usado o método top-down, proposto pelo IPCC. Além disso, a partir dos dados de consumo energético, foi realizada a quantificação das emissões de CO2 supondo a mudança da matriz energética desse setor para efeito de comparação das emissões. Os resultados deste estudo indicam que o coque de carvão mineral é responsável por 44,5% do total de dióxido de carbono emitido por esse setor. Da mesma forma, se fosse possível utilizar somente um combustível na indústria de ferro-gusa e aço, para suprir sua demanda energética, as emissões de CO2 seriam menores para os combustíveis gasosos, líquidos e o alcatrão e outras fontes secundárias do petróleo. Apesar de o estudo ter indicado que o carvão vegetal é o segundo maior emissor de CO2 do setor, o mesmo pode contribuir para a redução do aquecimento global, desde que este energético seja proveniente de matas de reflorestamento destinadas para a atividade industrial.

  10. Intoxicação aguda por metano arsonato ácido monossódico em bovinos

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    Gabriela N. Dantas


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho estudou a intoxicação acidental por arsênico em um lote de 24 vacas Girolando, as quais tiveram acesso a pasto pulverizado com herbicida à base de metano arsonato ácido monossódico (MSMA. Os bovinos apresentaram apatia, anorexia e diarreia profusa. Foram necropsiados na fazenda dois animais de 14 que morreram. Os principais achados macroscópicos foram úlceras abomasais e congestão renal. No exame microscópico, as principais lesões observadas foram abomasite e omasite necro-hemorrágica multifocal acentuada e, nos rins, necrose tubular difusa. As concentrações médias de arsênico em vacas com sinais clínicos foram 1,19±0,40, 10,52±2,16 e 76,06±48,37ppm no sangue, leite e fezes, respectivamente. Os níveis de arsênico encontrados em dois animais necropsiados foram 25,58 e 23,85ppm em fígado, e 28,71 e 35,94ppm em rins, respectivamente. No feto de uma vaca necropsiada, os níveis de arsênico mensurados no fígado e rim foram 9,0 e 8,92ppm, respectivamente. A concentração de arsênico no capim do piquete pulverizado foi 111,58ppm. No Brasil, o uso MSMA na composição de pesticidas e herbicidas é permitido somente para uso agrícola, mas não pecuário. A utilização desse ou de outros produtos à base de arsênico na pecuária pode causar altos índices de mortalidade no rebanho, além de diminuição da produção e contaminação de produtos de origem animal.

  11. Influência das condições do ambiente e idade de carregamento na fluência por secagem do CAA


    Marques,A. C.; Bittencourt,T. N.; Barbosa,M. P.


    A fluência é um fenômeno que ocorre devido à movimentação de água no interior do concreto e é afetada por vários fatores que agem simultaneamente. Dentre estes fatores estão às condições do ambiente (umidade relativa do ar e temperatura) ao qual o elemento, ou corpo de prova, está submetido. Neste trabalho são feitas comparações entre resultados experimentais de fluência por secagem de corpos de prova carregados em idades diferentes e mantidos em ambiente controlado (câmara climatizada) e não...

  12. 40Ar/39Ar Dating of Zn-Pb-Ag Mineralization in the Northern Brooks Range, Alaska (United States)

    Werdon, Melanie B.; Layer, Paul W.; Newberry, Rainer J.


    The 40Ar/39Ar laser step-heating method potentially can be used to provide absolute ages for a number of formerly undatable, low-temperature ore deposits. This study demonstrates the use of this method by determining absolute ages for Zn-Pb-Ag sediment-hosted massive sulfide deposits and vein-breccia occurrences found throughout a 300-km-long, east-west-trending belt in the northern Brooks Range, Alaska. Massive sulfide deposits are hosted by Mississippian to Pennsylvanian(?) black carbonaceous shale, siliceous mudstone, and lesser chert and carbonate turbidites of the Kuna Formation (e.g., Red Dog, Anarraaq, Lik (Su), and Drenchwater). The vein-breccia occurrences (e.g., Husky, Story Creek, West Kivliktort Mountain, Vidlee, and Kady) are hosted by a deformed but only weakly metamorphosed package of Upper Devonian to Lower Mississippian mixed continental and marine clastic rocks (the Endicott Group) that stratigraphically underlie the Kuna Formation. The vein-breccias are mineralogically similar to, but not spatially associated with, known massive sulfide deposits. The region's largest shale-hosted massive sulfide deposit is Red Dog; it has reserves of 148 Mt grading 16.6 percent zinc, 4.5 percent lead, and 77 g of silver per tonne. Hydrothermally produced white mica in a whole-rock sample from a sulfide-bearing igneous sill within the Red Dog deposit yielded a plateau age of 314.5 Ma. The plateau age of this whole-rock sample records the time at which temperatures cooled below the argon closure temperature of the white mica and is interpreted to represent the minimum age limit for massive sulfide-related hydrothermal activity in the Red Dog deposit. Sulfide-bearing quartz veins at Drenchwater crosscut a hypabyssal intrusion with a maximum biotite age of 337.0 Ma. Despite relatively low sulfide deposition temperatures in the vein-breccia occurrences (162°-251°C), detrital white mica in sandstone immediately adjacent to large vein-breccia zones was partially to

  13. K-Ar and Ar-Ar dating of the Palaeozoic metamorphic complex from the Mid-Bosnian Schist Mts., Central Dinarides, Bosnia and Hercegovina

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pamic, J.; Balogh, K.; Hrvatovic, H.; Balen, D.; Palinkas, L.; Jurkovic, I.


    K-Ar and Ar-Ar whole rock and mineral ages are presented for 25 samples of metamorphic rocks from the Mid-Bosnian Schist Mts., representing one of the largest allochthonous Palaeozoic terranes incorporated within the Internal Dinarides. Four main age groups can be distinguished: 1) Variscan (∼ 343 Ma), 2) post-Variscan (288-238 Ma), 3) Early Cretaceous (mainly 121-92 Ma), and 4) Eocene (59--35 Ma) ages. Apart from this, an Oligocene (31 Ma) age was obtained on Alpine vein hyalophane. The radiometric dating indicates a polyphase metamorphic evolution of the Palaeozoic formations and suggests a pre-Carboniferous age of the volcano-sedimentary protoliths, an Early Carboniferous age of Variscan metamorphism and deformation, post-Variscan volcanism, an Early Cretaceous metamorphic overprint related to out-of-sequence thrusting of the Palaeozoic complex, and an Eocene and Oligocene metamorphic overprint related to the main Alpine compressional deformation and subsequent strike-slip faulting, and uplift of the metamorphic core. Accordingly, the Mid-Bosnian Schist Mts. can be correlated in its multistage geodynamic evolution with some Palaeozoic tectonostratigraphic units from the Austroalpine domain in the Eastern Alps. (author)

  14. I-Xe and 40Ar-39Ar dating of silicate from Weekeroo Station and Netschaevo IIE iron meteorites

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Niemeyer, S.


    Silicate inclusions from two IIE iron meteorites were dated by the I-Xe and 40 Ar- 39 Ar techniques. Weekeroo Station, a 'normal' IIE iron, shows no loss of radiogenic 40 Ar at low temperature, and the well defined 40 Ar- 39 Ar plateau yields an age of 4.54 +- 0.03 Byr. The xenon data define a good I-Xe correlation with an age of + 10.9 +- 0.5 Myr relative to Bjurbole. Despite its relatively young age, Weekeroo Station's ( 129 Xe/ 132 Xe)sub(trapped) ratio (= 0.84 +- 0.05) lies significantly below the solar value. Netschaevo silicate has a chondritic composition, unlike 'normal' IIE silicate which is more differentiated. Nevertheless Netschaevo gives a 40 Ar- 39 Ar plateau-age of only 3.79 +- 0.03 Byr, with the xenon data failing to define an I-Xe isochron. Only irons from the IAB and IIE groups contain silicate inclusions, but these two groups differ in many other respects, mostly suggesting that IAB meteorites are more primitive. The I-Xe chronology supports this suggestion inasmuch as Weekeroo Station formed well after IAB silicates. The four silicate-bearing IIE irons which have now been dated can be subdivided into distinct pairs: Weekeroo Station and Colomera formed near the beginning of the solar system, while Netschaevo and Kodaikanal both formed only 3.8 Byr ago. A review of other properties of these meteorites generally supports this subdivision. This work underscores the complexity of the history of IIE meteorites; in particular, an adequate model must account for the formation of two IIE irons at 3.8 Byr without disturbing rare gases in Weekeroo Station. All formation models are quite speculative, but the one which seems best to fit the available evidence postulates two parent bodies: the 3.8 Byr old silicate formed on one parent body, all other IIE material resided in a separate body, and subsequent collision(s) mixed the young silicate with IIE metal. (author)

  15. 40Ar/ 39Ar, K-Ar and 230Th- 238U dating of the Laschamp excursion: A radioisotopic tie-point for ice core and climate chronologies (United States)

    Singer, Brad S.; Guillou, Hervé; Jicha, Brian R.; Laj, Carlo; Kissel, Catherine; Beard, Brian L.; Johnson, Clark M.


    A brief period of enhanced 10Be flux that straddles the interstadial warm period known as Dansgaard-Oeschger event 10 in Greenland and its counterpart in Antarctica, the Antarctic Isotope Maximum 10 is but one consequence of the weakening of Earth's magnetic field associated with the Laschamp excursion. This 10Be peak measured in the GRIP ice core is dated at 41,250 y b2k (= before year 2000 AD) in the most recent GICC05 age model obtained from the NorthGRIP core via multi-parameter counting of annual layers. Uncertainty in the age of the 10Be peak is, however, no better than ± 1630 y at the 95% confidence level, reflecting accumulated error in identifying annual layers. The age of the Laschamp excursion [Guillou, H., Singer, B.S., Laj, C., Kissel, C., Scaillet, S., Jicha, B., 2004. On the age of the Laschamp geomagnetic excursion. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 227, 331-343.] is revised on the basis of new 40Ar/ 39Ar, unspiked K-Ar and 238U- 230Th data from three lava flows in the Massif Central, France, together with the 40Ar/ 39Ar age of a transitionally magnetized lava flow at Auckland, New Zealand. Combined, these data yield an age of 40,700 ± 950 y b2k, where the uncertainty includes both analytical and systematic ( 40K and 230Th decay constant) errors. Taking the radioisotopic age as a calibration tie point suggests that the layer-counting chronologies for the NorthGRIP and GISP2 ice cores are more accurate and precise than previously thought at depths corresponding to the Laschamp excursion.

  16. Measurements of the 40Ar(n, γ)41Ar radiative-capture cross section between 0.4 and 14.8 MeV (United States)

    Bhike, Megha; Fallin, B.; Tornow, W.


    The 40Ar(n, γ)41Ar neutron capture cross section has been measured between 0.4 and 14.8 MeV neutron energy using the activation technique. The data are important for estimating backgrounds in argon-based neutrino and dark-matter detectors and in the neutrino-less double-beta decay search GERDA, which uses liquid argon as cooling and shielding medium. For the first time the 40Ar(n, γ)41Ar cross section has been measured for neutron energies above 1 MeV. Our results are compared to the evaluation ENDF/B-VII.1 and the calculated prediction TENDL-2013. The latter agrees very well with the present results.

  17. Spatial autocorrelation method using AR model; Kukan jiko sokanho eno AR model no tekiyo

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yamamoto, H; Obuchi, T; Saito, T [Iwate University, Iwate (Japan). Faculty of Engineering


    Examination was made about the applicability of the AR model to the spatial autocorrelation (SAC) method, which analyzes the surface wave phase velocity in a microtremor, for the estimation of the underground structure. In this examination, microtremor data recorded in Morioka City, Iwate Prefecture, was used. In the SAC method, a spatial autocorrelation function with the frequency as a variable is determined from microtremor data observed by circular arrays. Then, the Bessel function is adapted to the spatial autocorrelation coefficient with the distance between seismographs as a variable for the determination of the phase velocity. The result of the AR model application in this study and the results of the conventional BPF and FFT method were compared. It was then found that the phase velocities obtained by the BPF and FFT methods were more dispersed than the same obtained by the AR model. The dispersion in the BPF method is attributed to the bandwidth used in the band-pass filter and, in the FFT method, to the impact of the bandwidth on the smoothing of the cross spectrum. 2 refs., 7 figs.

  18. Astronomically calibrated 40Ar/39Ar age for the Toba supereruption and global synchronization of late Quaternary records (United States)

    Storey, Michael; Roberts, Richard G.; Saidin, Mokhtar


    The Toba supereruption in Sumatra, ∼74 thousand years (ka) ago, was the largest terrestrial volcanic event of the Quaternary. Ash and sulfate aerosols were deposited in both hemispheres, forming a time-marker horizon that can be used to synchronize late Quaternary records globally. A precise numerical age for this event has proved elusive, with dating uncertainties larger than the millennial-scale climate cycles that characterized this period. We report an astronomically calibrated 40Ar/39Ar age of 73.88 ± 0.32 ka (1σ, full external errors) for sanidine crystals extracted from Toba deposits in the Lenggong Valley, Malaysia, 350 km from the eruption source and 6 km from an archaeological site with stone artifacts buried by ash. If these artifacts were made by Homo sapiens, as has been suggested, then our age indicates that modern humans had reached Southeast Asia by ∼74 ka ago. Our 40Ar/39Ar age is an order-of-magnitude more precise than previous estimates, resolving the timing of the eruption to the middle of the cold interval between Dansgaard-Oeschger events 20 and 19, when a peak in sulfate concentration occurred as registered by Greenland ice cores. This peak is followed by a ∼10 °C drop in the Greenland surface temperature over ∼150 y, revealing the possible climatic impact of the eruption. Our 40Ar/39Ar age also provides a high-precision calibration point for other ice, marine, and terrestrial archives containing Toba sulfates and ash, facilitating their global synchronization at unprecedented resolution for a critical period in Earth and human history beyond the range of 14C dating.

  19. Aquecimento e resfriamento da água, aproximados à forma real

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    Reynaldo Lopes de Oliveira Jr.


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho é mostrar que quando não fazemos muitas simplificações em uma demonstração experimental de calorimetria, podemos levantar em sala de aula questões interessantes. Se aquecermos, com um ebulidor de imersão, uma porção não muito grande de água, observaremos que a temperatura da água continuará aumentando mesmo depois do desligamento da fonte térmica. Se desligamos o ebulidor, que é a fonte de energia térmica deste sistema, como pode a temperatura da água continuar subindo? Esta foi a questão geradora deste trabalho. A partir desta questão e dos dados experimentais coletados no laboratório, elaboramos um modelo matemático que explicasse os dados obtidos. Esta investigação ocorreu em um grupo de seis alunos do ensino médio mediados por um professor de física.

  20. Tratamento de dados climáticos de Santa Maria, RS, para análise de desempenho térmico de edificações

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    Giane de Campos Grigoletti

    Full Text Available Resumo O tratamento e a disponibilização de dados climáticos para projeto de edificações são importantes para seu desempenho térmico e eficiência energética. O Ano Climático de Referência (TRY, o Ano Meteorológico Típico (TMY2, a carta bioclimática, arquivos EPW e CVS, diagrama de ventos e o dia típico de projeto são os tratamentos mais comuns. Para Santa Maria - RS, algumas destas sistematizações já existiam, porém para um período de oito anos. O objetivo do estudo foi tratar e analisar dados climáticos para Santa Maria, complementando estudos anteriores, ampliando a base de dados para doze anos e atualizando seu tratamento. O estudo baseou-se em bibliografia científica e metodologias que vêm sendo empregadas por vários pesquisadores. Os resultados apontam maior desconforto por frio. A radiação solar é bem distribuída ao longo do ano, indicando aquecimento solar passivo, no inverno, e sombreamento, no verão. O arquivo TMY2 gerado no estudo tem comportamento similar ao TRY-INMET (2012 e apresenta diferenças mais significativas quando comparado ao SWERA. Observou-se a importância das orientações norte e nordeste, para aquecimento solar, e leste, para ventilação. Os métodos apresentados podem ser aplicados a outras localidades com dados horários disponíveis.

  1. Los entornos personales de aprendizaje (PLE. Del cómo enseñar al cómo aprender

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    Almudena Martínez Gimeno


    Full Text Available Si algo caracteriza el contexto social actual, es el profundo desarrollo de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación. Nunca antes se ha contado con tal variedad de recursos cuyo uso didáctico nos ayuda no sólo a enseñar, sino también y primordialmente, a aprender en cualquier momento de la vida. Frente a la necesidad de atender la demanda de un alumnado que cada vez tiene a su alcance un mayor número de recursos y fuentes de información, hemos encontrado en los PLE (Personal Learning Environment un aporte elemental para la construcción de aprendizajes significativos. Pero tal y como exponemos a lo largo de este artículo, el profesorado tiene la responsabilidad de ajustar, a nuevas formas de aprender, nuevas formas de enseñar. Ya no es suficiente con incorporar elementos al aula, debemos adaptar la metodología a contextos de aprendizaje que no se encuentran bajo la supervisión del docente. Con esta visión se plantea la siguiente reflexión, cuyo objeto es aportar ideas que faciliten la integración de aspectos tecnológicos y pedagógicos en un entorno flexible de colaboración e intercambio, desde una acción regulada ya no por el profesorado, sino por el propio estudiante.


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    Full Text Available Se determinó la concentración de arsénico en siete muestras de termoformados y seis muestras de películas flexibles biodegradables, por espectrometría de absorción atómica con generador de hidruros; el método de cuantificación fue curva de calibración a 193,7 nm. Previamente a ésta cuantificación, se optimizó el proceso de digestión ácida mediante reflujo (HNO3:HClO4, relación 3:1, 70°C, 3 horas para termoformados y 45 minutos para películas flexibles y se implementaron y estandarizaron los parámetros de calidad estadística (Límite de detección y cuantificación, intervalo lineal, sensibilidad de calibración, precisión y exactitud. Los resultados obtenidos fueron analizados empleando el paquete estadístico SPSS. Las concentraciones de arsénico en termoformados fueron detectables en el rango de las partes por billón mientras que las películas flexibles fueron no detectables. Hoy en día, no existe una normativa vigente que establezca los valores permitidos de Arsénico para los biopolímeros analizados.Determinou-se a concentração de arsênio em sete amostras de termoformados e seis amostras de películas flexíveis biodegradáveis, por espectrometria de absorção atômica com gerador de hidretos. O método de quantificação foi por Curva de Calibração a 193,7nm. Previamente a esta quantificação, otimizou-se o processo de digestão ácida mediante refluxo (HNO3:HClO4, relação 3:1, 70°C, 3 horas para termoformados e 45 minutos para películas flexíveis implementando e padronizando os parâmetros de qualidade estatística (Limite de detecção e quantificação, intervalo linear, sensibilidade de calibração, precisão e exatidão. Os resultados obtidos foram analisados empregando o pacote estatístico SPSS. As concentraçôes de arsênio em termoformados foram detectáveis no intervalo das partes por milhão enquanto as películas flexíveis não foram detectáveis. Hoje em dia, não existe uma normativa

  3. 75 FR 12163 - Class E Airspace; Mountain View, AR (United States)


    ...-1181; Airspace Docket No. 09-ASW-36] Class E Airspace; Mountain View, AR AGENCY: Federal Aviation... Class E airspace at Mountain View, AR. Decommissioning of the Wilcox non-directional beacon (NDB) at... View, AR. Airspace reconfiguration is necessary due to the decommissioning of the Wilcox NDB and the...

  4. Bone blood flow measured by 41Ar clearance formed by 44Ca(n,α)41Ar

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rosenthal, M.S.; DeLuca, P.M. Jr.; Pearson, D.W.; Nickles, R.J.


    A technique to measure regional inert gas washout in bone, in vivo, by measuring 41 Ar clearance formed by fast-neutron activation of 44 Ca has been developed. Following fast-neutron irradiation of whole rats, the perfusion-limited clearance of 41 Ar was measured for both dead and living rats. The clearance rate for the live rats indicate that the bone perfusion is in the range of 3 to 20 ml/100 Argon distribution volume

  5. A pulsed plasma jet with the various Ar/N2 mixtures (United States)

    Barkhordari, A.; Ganjovi, A.; Mirzaei, I.; Falahat, A.; Rostami Ravari, M. N.


    In this paper, using the Optical Emission Spectroscopy technique, the physical properties of a fabricated pulsed DBD plasma jet are studied. Ar/N2 gaseous mixture is taken as operational gas, and Ar contribution in Ar/N2 mixture is varied from 75 to 95%. Through the optical emission spectra analysis of the pulsed DBD plasma jet, the rotational, vibrational and excitation temperatures and density of electrons in plasma medium of the pulsed plasma jet are obtained. It is seen that, at the wavelength of 750.38 nm, the radiation intensity from the Ar 4p → 4 s transition increases at the higher Ar contributions in Ar/N2 mixture. It is found that, for 95% of Ar presence in the mixture, the emission intensities from argon and molecular nitrogen are higher, and the emission line intensities will increase nonlinearly. In addition, it is observed that the quenching of Ar* by N2 results in the higher intensities of N2 excited molecules. Moreover, at the higher percentages of Ar in Ar/N2 mixture, while all the plasma temperatures are increased, the plasma electron density is reduced.

  6. Acoustic resonance spectroscopy (ARS): ARS300 operations manual, software version 2.01

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Acoustic Resonance Spectroscopy (ARS) is a nondestructive evaluation technology developed at the Los Alamos National Laboratory. The ARS technique is a fast, safe, and nonintrusive technique that is particularly useful when a large number of objects need to be tested. Any physical object, whether solid, hollow, or fluid filled, has many modes of vibration. These modes of vibration, commonly referred to as the natural resonant modes or resonant frequencies, are determined by the object`s shape, size, and physical properties, such as elastic moduli, speed of sound, and density. If the object is mechanically excited at frequencies corresponding to its characteristic natural vibrational modes, a resonance effect can be observed when small excitation energies produce large amplitude vibrations in the object. At other excitation frequencies, i.e., vibrational response of the object is minimal.

  7. Efeitos da exposição a poluentes do ar na saúde das crianças de Cuiabá, Mato Grosso, Brasil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Adrian Blanco Machin


    Full Text Available Exposição a poluentes do ar, que costumam ser quantificados por agências ambientais que não estão presentes em todos os estados, pode estar associada a internações por doenças respiratórias de crianças. Foi desenvolvido um estudo ecológico de séries temporais com dados referentes às internações por algumas doenças respiratórias de crianças menores de dez anos de idade, em 2012, na cidade de Cuiabá, Mato Grosso, Brasil. Os níveis médios de material particulado fino (PM2,5 foram estimados por modelo matemático, os dados de temperatura mínima e umidade relativa do ar foram obtidos do Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia, e número de focos de queimadas do Sistema de Informações Ambientais. A abordagem estatística utilizou o modelo aditivo generalizado da regressão de Poisson com defasagens de 0 a 7 dias. Foram estimados os custos financeiros e aumentos do número de internações decorrentes de elevações de PM2,5. Foram 565 internações (média de 1,54/dia; DP = 1,52 e concentração de PM2,5 de 15,7µg/m3 (DP = 3,2. Foram encontradas associações entre exposição e internações no segundo semestre, nos lags 2 e 3, e quando analisado o ano todo, no lag 2. Uma elevação de 5µg/m3 do PM2,5 implicou o aumento de 89 internações e custos acima dos R$ 95 mil para o Sistema Único de Saúde. Dados estimados por modelo matemático podem ser utilizados em locais onde não há monitoramento de poluentes.

  8. Umidificação dos gases inspirados na ventilação mecânica em crianças = Humidification of inspired gases in mechanical ventilation in children

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gatiboni, Silvia


    Conclusões: não existe consenso quanto ao melhor dispositivo para aquecimento e umidificação dos gases inspirados, principalmente em pediatria, porém observamos a tendência ao uso de filtros trocadores de calor e umidade, pela facilidade e menor custo. Novas pesquisas são necessárias para otimizar os filtros trocadores de calor e umidade, diminuindo a resistência e o espaço morto e aumentando a eficácia dos mesmos

  9. Análisis coste-efectividad de la adhesión inicial a la terapia antirretroviral entre individuos infectados por el VIH en Belo Horizonte, Brasil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Francisco de Assis Acurcio


    Full Text Available Fundamento: En Brasil, los antirretrovirales (ARV se distribu- yen a los portadores de VIH de forma gratuita por el Sistema Único de Salud. La adhesión al tratamiento es una de las principales variables en la cual los servicios de salud pueden intervenir para aumentar la efec- tividad de la medicación. El objetivo del estudio es evaluar la relación coste-efectividad de la adhesión inicial a la terapia ARV e identificar factores que influencien los costes y la evolución global del paciente. Métodos: Estudio prospectivo con individuos infectados por el VIH reclutados, después de la primera prescripción de ARV, en dos servicios públicos de referencia para el tratamiento del VIH/Sida en Brasil. La no-adhesión fue definida como la utilización 200 cels/mm3 y ser adherente al tratamiento AR Conclusiones: Los resultados observados sostienen la terapia AR V como una intervención coste-efectiva. Sin embar go, la baja adhesión aumenta los riesgos de fallo terapéutico y de progresión de la enfermedad, que resultan en un impacto negativo sobre la relación coste-efectividad de la terapia AR V.

  10. Etching properties of BLT films in CF4/Ar plasma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Dong Pyo; Kim, Kyoung Tae; Kim, Chang Il


    CF 4 /Ar plasma mass content and etching rate behavior of BLT thin films were investigated in inductively coupled plasma (ICP) reactor as functions of CF 4 /Ar gas mixing ratio, rf power, and dc bias voltage. The variation of relative volume densities for F and Ar atoms were measured by the optical emission spectroscopy (OES). The etching rate as functions of Ar content showed the maximum of 803 A/min at 80 % Ar addition into CF 4 plasma. The presence of maximum etch rate may be explained by the concurrence of two etching mechanisms such as physical sputtering and chemical reaction. The role of Ar ion bombardment includes destruction of metal (Bi, La, Ti)-O bonds as well as support of chemical reaction of metals with fluorine atoms

  11. VLA radio observations of AR Scorpii (United States)

    Stanway, E. R.; Marsh, T. R.; Chote, P.; Gänsicke, B. T.; Steeghs, D.; Wheatley, P. J.


    Aims: AR Scorpii is unique amongst known white dwarf binaries in showing powerful pulsations extending to radio frequencies. Here we aim to investigate the multi-frequency radio emission of AR Sco in detail, in order to constrain its origin and emission mechanisms. Methods: We present interferometric radio frequency imaging of AR Sco at 1.5, 5 and 9 GHz, analysing the total flux and polarization behaviour of this source at high time resolution (10, 3 and 3 s), across a full 3.6 h orbital period in each band. Results: We find strong modulation of the radio flux on the orbital period and the orbital sideband of the white dwarf's spin period (also known as the "beat" period). This indicates that, like the optical flux, the radio flux arises predominantly from on or near the inner surface of the M-dwarf companion star. The beat-phase pulsations of AR Sco decrease in strength with decreasing frequency. They are strongest at 9 GHz and at an orbital phase 0.5. Unlike the optical emission from this source, radio emission from AR Sco shows weak linear polarization but very strong circular polarization, reaching 30% at an orbital phase 0.8. We infer the probable existence of a non-relativistic cyclotron emission component, which dominates at low radio frequencies. Given the required magnetic fields, this also likely arises from on or near the M-dwarf. A table of the flux time series is only available at the CDS via anonymous ftp to ( or via


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    Galileo Adeli Buriot


    Full Text Available RESUMO Foram determinadas alterações micrometeorológicas causadas por tela plástica preta com 18, 30 e 50% de atenuação da radiação solar incidente, durante os meses de verão, em Santa Maria, RS. O experimento foi conduzido no Campo Experimental do Departamento de Fitotecnia da UFSM, onde foram cultivados quatro canteiros com alface, três deles cobertos com túneis de tela plástica. O estudo foi realizado em 3 períodos: de 30/11/90 a 17/01/91, de 06/02/91 a 25/03/91 e de 10/12/91 a 01/03/92. Mediu-se a radiação solar global, radiação solar na faixa de comprimento de onda do infravermelho e a luminosidade, temperatura diurna do solo, temperatura mínima e diurna do ar e umidade do solo e do ar. Os resultados mostraram que a temperatura do solo e do ar e a perda de água do solo são menores sob os túneis do que no exterior. As diferenças cresceram com o aumento da atenuação e a temperatura mínima do ar e a umidade relativa do ar são semelhantes no interior e exterior dos túneis e entre os túneis com diferentes percentagens de atenuação.

  13. 40Ar/39Ar dating of the Late Cretaceous

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gaylor, Jonathan


    As part of the wider European GTS Next project, I propose new constraints on the ages of the Late Cretaceous, derived from a multitude of geochronological techniques, and successful stratigraphic interpretations from Canada and Japan. In the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin, we propose a new constraint on the age of the K/Pg boundary in the Red Deer River section (Alberta, Canada). We were able to cyclo-stratigraphically tune sediments in a non-marine, fluvial environment utilising high-resolution proxy records suggesting a 11-12 precession related cyclicity. Assuming the 40 Ar/ 39 Ar method is inter-calibrated with the cyclo-stratigraphy, the apparent age for C29r suggests that the K/Pg boundary falls between eccentricity maxima and minima, yielding an age of the C29r between 65.89 ± 0.08 and 66.30 ± 0.08 Ma. Assuming that the bundle containing the coal horizon represents a precession cycle, the K/Pg boundary is within the analytical uncertainty of the youngest zircon population achieving a revised age for the K/Pg boundary as 65.75 ± 0.06 Ma. The Campanian - Maastrichtian boundary is preserved in the sedimentary succession of the Horseshoe Canyon Formation and has been placed 8 m below Coal nr. 10. Cyclo-stratigraphic studies show that the formation of these depositional sequences (alternations) of all scales are influenced directly by sea-level changes due to precession but more dominated by eccentricity cycles proved in the cyclo-stratigraphic framework and is mainly controlled by sand horizons, which have been related by auto-cyclicity in a dynamic sedimentary setting. Our work shows that the Campanian - Maastrichtian boundary in the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin coincides with 2.5 eccentricity cycles above the youngest zircon age population at the bottom of the section and 4.9 Myr before the Cretaceous - Palaeogene boundary (K/Pg), and thus corresponds to an absolute age of 70.65 ± 0.09 Ma producing an 1.4 Myr younger age than recent published ages

  14. Argon in hornblende, biotite and muscovite in geologic cooling - Ar-40/Ar-39-investigations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rittman, K.L.


    The results of the Ar-40/Ar-39 studies are discussed under the aspect of whether the age data of the minerals indicate a cooling process. The author hopes that isotope dating of minerals with different closing temperatures will describe the temperature/time history of an area in the temperature range of 600 to 200 0 C. The findings are analyzed under three aspects: How much do they contribute to the initial methodological question, what do they contribute to the regional geology of the areas investigated, and in what respects do they extent the present knowledge of the geochronological analysis, i.e. its techniques and interpretation. (orig.) [de

  15. 40Ar/39Ar laster fusion and K-Ar ages from Lathrop Wells, Nevada, and Cima, California: The age of the latest volcanic activity in the Yucca Mountain area

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Turrin, B.D.; Champion, D.E.


    K-Ar and 40 Ar/ 39 Ar ages from the Lathrop Wells volcanic center, Nevada, and from the Cima volcanic field, California, indicate that the recently reported 20-ka age estimate for the Lathrop Wells volcanic center is incorrect. Instead, an age of 119 ± 11 to 141 ± 10 ka is indicated for the Lathrop Wells volcanic center. This age corrected is concordant with the ages determined by two independent isotopic geochronometric techniques and with the stratigraphy of surficial deposits in the Yucca Mountain region. In addition, paleomagnetic data and radiometric age data indicate only two volcanic events at the Lathrop Wells volcanic center that are probably closely linked in time, not as many as five as recently reported. 32 refs., 2 figs., 2 tabs

  16. Goma de cajueiro (Anacardium occidentale: Avaliação das modificações químicas e físicas por extrusão termoplástica

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    Kelita C. S. Andrade


    Full Text Available Países tropicais, como o Brasil, são depositários de uma grande variedade de fontes de polissacarídeos vegetais conhecidos e outros ainda não explorados que possuem grande potencial em aplicações industriais. Alguns estudos reportam a possibilidade de aplicação industrial da goma exsudada do cajueiro em substituição à goma arábica devido à semelhança estrutural e química. Neste estudo propôs-se caracterizar comparativamente algumas propriedades destas duas gomas, antes e após dois tratamentos de extrusão termoplástica. Nos resultados de composição centesimal as amostras de goma de cajueiro in natura e processadas destacaram-se pelo alto teor de fibra solúvel. Por outro lado, apresentaram menor teor de minerais que a goma arábica. Por meio da análise de viscosidade rápida, foi observado que este parâmetro aumentou nas amostras de goma arábica processadas, enquanto nas amostras processadas de goma de cajueiro houve redução. Nos resultados da análise de difração de raios X predominou-se a conformação amorfa das cadeias poliméricas de ambas as amostras. A partir dos parâmetros avaliados, a goma de cajueiro poderia ser indicada como substituta da goma arábica.

  17. AR Expression in Breast Cancer CTCs Associates with Bone Metastases. (United States)

    Aceto, Nicola; Bardia, Aditya; Wittner, Ben S; Donaldson, Maria C; O'Keefe, Ryan; Engstrom, Amanda; Bersani, Francesca; Zheng, Yu; Comaills, Valentine; Niederhoffer, Kira; Zhu, Huili; Mackenzie, Olivia; Shioda, Toshi; Sgroi, Dennis; Kapur, Ravi; Ting, David T; Moy, Beverly; Ramaswamy, Sridhar; Toner, Mehmet; Haber, Daniel A; Maheswaran, Shyamala


    Molecular drivers underlying bone metastases in human cancer are not well understood, in part due to constraints in bone tissue sampling. Here, RNA sequencing was performed of circulating tumor cells (CTC) isolated from blood samples of women with metastatic estrogen receptor (ER) + breast cancer, comparing cases with progression in bone versus visceral organs. Among the activated cellular pathways in CTCs from bone-predominant breast cancer is androgen receptor (AR) signaling. AR gene expression is evident, as is its constitutively active splice variant AR-v7. AR expression within CTCs is correlated with the duration of treatment with aromatase inhibitors, suggesting that it contributes to acquired resistance to endocrine therapy. In an established breast cancer xenograft model, a bone-tropic derivative displays increased AR expression, whose genetic or pharmacologic suppression reduces metastases to bone but not to lungs. Together, these observations identify AR signaling in CTCs from women with bone-predominant ER + breast cancer, and provide a rationale for testing androgen inhibitors in this subset of patients. Implications: This study highlights a role for the AR in breast cancer bone metastasis, and suggests that therapeutic targeting of the AR may benefit patients with metastatic breast cancer. Mol Cancer Res; 16(4); 720-7. ©2018 AACR . ©2018 American Association for Cancer Research.

  18. Jumps in binomial AR(1) processes


    Weiß , Christian H.


    Abstract We consider the binomial AR(1) model for serially dependent processes of binomial counts. After a review of its definition and known properties, we investigate marginal and serial properties of jumps in such processes. Based on these results, we propose the jumps control chart for monitoring a binomial AR(1) process. We show how to evaluate the performance of this control chart and give design recommendations. correspondance: Tel.: +49 931 31 84968; ...

  19. The ChArMEx database (United States)

    Ferré, Hélène; Descloitres, Jacques; Fleury, Laurence; Boichard, Jean-Luc; Brissebrat, Guillaume; Focsa, Loredana; Henriot, Nicolas; Mastrorillo, Laurence; Mière, Arnaud; Vermeulen, Anne


    The Chemistry-Aerosol Mediterranean Experiment (ChArMEx, aims at a scientific assessment of the present and future state of the atmospheric environment in the Mediterranean Basin, and of its impacts on the regional climate, air quality, and marine biogeochemistry. The project includes long term monitoring of environmental parameters, intensive field campaigns, use of satellite data and modelling studies. Therefore ChARMEx scientists produce and need to access a wide diversity of data. In this context, the objective of the database task is to organize data management, distribution system and services such as facilitating the exchange of information and stimulating the collaboration between researchers within the ChArMEx community, and beyond. The database relies on a strong collaboration between OMP and ICARE data centres and falls within the scope of the Mediterranean Integrated Studies at Regional And Locals Scales (MISTRALS) program data portal. All the data produced by or of interest for the ChArMEx community will be documented in the data catalogue and accessible through the database website: The database website offers different tools: - A registration procedure which enables any scientist to accept the data policy and apply for a user database account. - Forms to document observations or products that will be provided to the database in compliance with metadata international standards (ISO 19115-19139; INSPIRE; Global Change Master Directory Thesaurus). - A search tool to browse the catalogue using thematic, geographic and/or temporal criteria. - Sorted lists of the datasets by thematic keywords, by measured parameters, by instruments or by platform type. - A shopping-cart web interface to order in situ data files. At present datasets from the background monitoring station of Ersa, Cape Corsica and from the 2012 ChArMEx pre-campaign are available. - A user-friendly access to satellite products

  20. Single-electron capture into Ar+ excited states in Ar2 + Na collision below 12 keV, 1

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Matsumoto, Atsushi; Tsurubuchi, Seiji; Okuno, Kazuhiko; Ohtani, Shunsuke; Iwai, Tsuruji.


    Emission spectra between 2800 and 6000 A have been observed at the ionic energies from 0.2 to 12 keV. Absolute measurements of emission cross-sections have been made for the emission lines coming from ArII excited states at 4 and 8 keV with a crossed-beam technique. Processes of single-electron capture into the ArII 4p- and 4p'-states, with exothermicity of a few eV, take place dominantly (--10 15 cm 2 ), while the endothermic processes producing ArII in the 4d- and 5s-states occur with small cross-sections. Sum of the cross-sections for electron capture into the excited states observed is comparable with the total single-electron capture cross-section estimated from attenuation measurements of ion currents. Possible errors and uncertainties are discussed. (author)

  1. Single-electron capture into Ar+ excited states in Ar2++Na collision below 12 keV, 1

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Matsumoto, Atsushi; Tsurubuchi, Seiji; Iwai, Tsuruji; Ohtani, Shunsuke; Okuno, Kazuhiko


    Emission spectra between 2800 and 6000 A have been observed at the ionic energies from 0.2 to 12 keV. Absolute measurements of emission cross-sections have been made for the emission lines coming from ArII excited states at 4 and 8 keV with a crossed-beam technique. Processes of single-electron capture into the ArII 4p- and 4p'-states, with exothermicity of a few eV, take place dominantly (--10 -15 cm 2 ), while the endothermic processes producing ArII in the 4d- and 5s-states occur with small cross-sections. Sum of the cross-sections for electron capture into the excited states observed is comparable with the total single-electron capture cross-section estimated from attenuation measurements of ion currents. Possible errors and uncertainties are discussed. (author)

  2. Measurements of the 40Ar(n, γ41Ar radiative-capture cross section between 0.4 and 14.8 MeV

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Megha Bhike


    Full Text Available The 40Ar(n, γ41Ar neutron capture cross section has been measured between 0.4 and 14.8 MeV neutron energy using the activation technique. The data are important for estimating backgrounds in argon-based neutrino and dark-matter detectors and in the neutrino-less double-beta decay search GERDA, which uses liquid argon as cooling and shielding medium. For the first time the 40Ar(n, γ41Ar cross section has been measured for neutron energies above 1 MeV. Our results are compared to the evaluation ENDF/B-VII.1 and the calculated prediction TENDL-2013. The latter agrees very well with the present results.

  3. Sob os ventos da mudança climática: desafios, oportunidades e o papel da função produção no contexto do aquecimento global Straws in the wind of climate change: challenges, opportunities, and the role of production function in the context of global warming


    Charbel José Chiappetta Jabbour; Fernando César Almada Santos


    O objetivo deste artigo é lançar luzes sobre as implicações da mudança climática para as organizações. Para fazer frente a esse debate, são explorados: o conceito de "inteligência ambiental" (IA); as estratégias por meio das quais as organizações fazem frente ao desafio da mudança climática; as oportunidades que explicam a adoção dessas estratégias; e o papel fornecido pela função produção para que tais estratégias possuam o efeito desejado. Por fim, tais conceitos são sistematizados, buscand...

  4. Characteristics of violent collisions in Ar-induced reactions at intermediaire energies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rivet, M.F.; Borderie, B.


    We report on two experiments performed with the Ganil facility using the 27 MeV/u Ar beam. The first one concerns an intermediate mass system, Ar + Ag. For the second one a heavier fissile system, Ar + U, was chosen. For Ar + Ag information about fusion requires the measurements of evaporation residues and fission. In the Ar + U reaction, most of the collisions lead to fission. The violence of the collision is therefore determined from the correlation angle of the coincidence fission fragments

  5. Levels in 45K and 46K excited by the β decay of 45Ar and 46Ar

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Huck, A.; Klotz, G.; Knipper, A.; Miehe, C.; Walter, G.


    The nuclides 45 Ar and 46 Ar have been produced by spallation reactions on vanadium targets at Esub(p)=600MeV. The subsequent decays to 45 K and 46 K states have been studied. An intensity of 98.6+-0.6% was measured for the β transition of the 1.94MeV state in 46 K. A decay scheme involving 13 β branches has been established for 45 Ar, and the corresponding log values have been deduced. Eleven states are reported for the first time in the decay scheme of 45 Ar 1.42, 1.47, 1.72, 2.52, 2.57, 2.75, 3.31, 3.99, 4.04, 4.36 and 4.57MeV. From the lifetime, tau=4.6+-0.6ns, deduced from γ-γ delayed coincidences, the angular momentum of the 1081keV level has been established as (7/2) - on the basis of the transition strength of its γ decay. A survey on the 1fsub(7/2)→1dsub(3/2)M2 transition in odd K nuclei is presented and the observed hindrance factors are discussed

  6. Sensibility of different wheat varieties (strains) to Ar+ implantation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cui Huanhu; Jing Hua; Ma Aiping; Kang Xiuli; Yang Liping; Huang Mingjing; Ma Buzhou; Shanxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Taiyuan


    The sensibility of different wheat varieties (strains) to Ar + implantation was studied. The results showed that the survival rate of 21 wheat varieties (strains) at the dose of 6 x 10 16 Ar + /cm 2 could be divided into five groups: surplus sensitive varieties (strains), sensitive varieties (strains), transitional varieties (strains), obtuse varieties (strains) and surplus obtuse varieties (strains). The sensibility of wheat varieties (strains) to Ar + injection is high-moisture-fertility wheat varieties (strains) > medium-moisture-fertility wheat varieties (strains) > dry land wheat varieties (strains). The study has provided theoretical basis in induced mutation medial lethal dose of different wheat varieties (strains) to Ar + implantation. (authors)

  7. AR-v7 protein expression is regulated by protein kinase and phosphatase (United States)

    Li, Yinan; Xie, Ning; Gleave, Martin E.; Rennie, Paul S.; Dong, Xuesen


    Failure of androgen-targeted therapy and progression of castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC) are often attributed to sustained expression of the androgen receptor (AR) and its major splice variant, AR-v7. Although the new generation of anti-androgens such as enzalutamide effectively inhibits AR activity, accumulating pre-clinical and clinical evidence indicates that AR-v7 remains constitutively active in driving CRPC progression. However, molecular mechanisms which control AR-v7 protein expression remain unclear. We apply multiple prostate cancer cell models to demonstrate that enzalutamide induces differential activation of protein phosphatase-1 (PP-1) and Akt kinase depending on the gene context of cancer cells. The balance between PP-1 and Akt activation governs AR phosphorylation status and activation of the Mdm2 ubiquitin ligase. Mdm2 recognizes phosphorylated serine 213 of AR-v7, and induces AR-v7 ubiquitination and protein degradation. These findings highlight the decisive roles of PP-1 and Akt for AR-v7 protein expression and activities when AR is functionally blocked. PMID:26378044

  8. Dating quartz: Ar/Ar analyses of coexisting muscovite and fluid inclusion - rich quartz from paleocene amorphic aureole

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Matthews, S.J.; Perez de Arce, C.; Cornejo, P.; Cuitino, L; Klein, J


    We present Ar/Ar total fusion and step-heating data for coexisting muscovite and white quartz from the metamorphic aureole of the Lower Paleocene La Copiapina Pluton, 6 km south of Inca de Oro, III Region, Chile. The pluton intrudes the upper clastic sedimentary member of the Punta del Cobre Group (Upper Jurassic - Lower Cretaceous) and the calcareous sedimentary rocks of the Chanarcillo Group (Neocomian), and comprises fine to coarse grained pyroxene-hornblende-biotite quartz diorites and monzodiorites. Its emplacement was controlled on its north-western side by a subvertical NE-trending fault, along which were developed vertically banded skarns (skarn mylonite), suggesting syntectonic intrusion. Biotite K-Ar ages for the pluton fall in the range 61-63 Ma, relating it to a latest Cretaceous to Lowest Paleocene syn-compressional intrusive belt which is present in the area (Matthews and Cornejo, 2000). A metamorphic / metasomatic aureole is developed within the sandstones of the Punta del Cobre Group, on the extreme northern limit of the pluton. In this area, the sedimentary rocks have been replaced by quartz-sericite and quartz-muscovite assemblages, with minor hematite and tourmaline, and late supergene kaolinite and pyrophyllite. A coarse muscovite-quartz-tourmaline-hematite assemblage is developed in and around older (early Upper Cretaceous) andesitic dykes, in the form of replacement / fracture fill veins and replacement zones. Further from the contact with the pluton, fine-grained quartz-sericite rock with coarser muscovite-rich replacement veins represents the dominant lithology. Quartz in the coarse replacement rock is very rich in fluid inclusions. Primary inclusions are mainly of two coexisting types; bi-phase (liquid and gas bubble) and tri-phase (liquid, gas bubble and halite crystal), indicating that the quartz formed in the presence of a boiling fluid. Some inclusions also contain sylvite and occasional hematite daughter crystals. Secondary inclusions

  9. Remoção da fração oleosa de embalagens de lubrificantes automotivos pós-consumo por drenagem gravitacional

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Harley Moraes Martins

    Full Text Available RESUMO: Este trabalho aborda a questão do gerenciamento de embalagens pós-consumo de lubrificantes automotivos, considerando as dificuldades inerentes à implementação do sistema de logística reversa - prática compulsória por força de lei (Brasil, Lei 12.305/2010 - e a ineficácia dos atuais métodos utilizados para remoção da fração oleosa residual, necessária ao reprocessamento do material plástico por reciclagem mecânica direta. Para determinar metodologia apropriada para limpeza dos frascos de lubrificantes foram conduzidos experimentos para avaliar a influência do aquecimento e da posição das embalagens durante o processo de drenagem gravitacional. O procedimento analítico realizado proporcionou a escolha de uma combinação de variáveis capaz de assegurar remoção de elevado teor do resíduo oleoso com menor gasto energético. A otimização foi feita utilizando um planejamento experimental do tipo composto central com triplicata no ponto central. Os dados obtidos nos ensaios foram analisados com recursos estatísticos e demonstraram que ambos os parâmetros avaliados interferem, de forma significativa, no processo em estudo. Os resultados apontaram aumento da eficácia do processo quando a drenagem é realizada em temperaturas superiores a 35ºC e com a embalagem inclinada em ângulos próximos a 70º em relação à horizontal. Nessas condições, percentuais de remoção de óleo residual superaram 95% após 35 minutos de drenagem.

  10. 75 FR 68416 - Establishment of Class E Airspace; Berryville, AR (United States)


    ...-0690; Airspace Docket No. 10-ASW-2] Establishment of Class E Airspace; Berryville, AR AGENCY: Federal... for Berryville, AR, to accommodate Area Navigation (RNAV) Standard Instrument Approach Procedures (SIAP) at Carroll County Airport, Berryville, AR. The FAA is taking this action to enhance the safety...

  11. 76 FR 73505 - Establishment of Class E Airspace; Nashville, AR (United States)


    ...-0497; Airspace Docket No. 11-ASW-4] Establishment of Class E Airspace; Nashville, AR AGENCY: Federal... for Nashville, AR, to accommodate new Area Navigation (RNAV) Standard Instrument Approach Procedures... a notice of proposed rulemaking to amend Class E airspace for Nashville, AR, creating additional...

  12. 75 FR 29655 - Amendment of Class E Airspace; Batesville, AR (United States)


    ...-1177; Airspace Docket No. 09-ASW-34] Amendment of Class E Airspace; Batesville, AR AGENCY: Federal... Batesville, AR. Decommissioning of the Independence County non-directional beacon (NDB) at Batesville Regional Airport, Batesville, AR, has made this action necessary to enhance the safety and management of...

  13. Influence of Ar addition on ozone generation in nonthermal plasmas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen, Hsin Liang; Lee, How Ming; Chen, Shiaw Huei; Wei, Ta Chin; Chang, Moo Been


    Inconsistency regarding the influence of Ar addition on ozone generation in a corona discharge has been found in relevant studies. Unlike in the literature to date, a dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) reactor is adopted in this study. In addition to clarifying whether using Ar as an additive would lead to different types of behavior in a DBD and a corona discharge, this study is also motivated to explore the possible causes leading to the inconsistency. The experimental results show that adding Ar into the O 2 plasma would lead to the same influence on ozone generation in the DBD and corona discharge. Moreover, all types of controversial behavior caused by Ar addition reported in the relevant literature are observed in this study as well, indicating that the results of this study are comprehensive enough to interpret the inconsistency. By examining the experimental results in detail, it is found that the controversial influences of Ar addition on ozone generation were found using different assumptions. At a fixed applied voltage, the ozone generation might increase as the Ar concentration is increased, which results from a higher discharge power. Nevertheless, for a certain specific input energy (the ratio of discharge power to gas flow rate), the ozone concentration is lower as the Ar concentration is increased. Therefore, adding Ar is not a good way to enhance ozone generation from an economic point of view.

  14. Contribution of the 40Ar/39Ar method to improve Middle-Pleistocene archaeological/palaeontological sites from the Italian Peninsula (United States)

    Nomade, Sebastien, ,, Dr.; Pereira, MSc. Alison; voinchet, Pierre, ,, Dr.; Bahain, Jean-Jacques, ,, Dr.; Aureli, Daniele, ,, Dr.; Arzarello, Marta, ,, Dr.; Anzidei, Anna-Paola, ,, Dr.; Biddittu, Italo, ,, Dr.; Bulgarelli, Maria-Grazia, ,, Dr.; Falguères, Christophe, ,, Dr.; Giaccio, Biagio, ,, Dr.; Guillou, Hervé, ,, Dr.; Manzi, Gorgio, ,, Dr.; Moncel, Marie-Hélène, ,, Dr.; Nicoud, Elisa, ,, Dr.; Pagli, Maria, ,, Dr.; Parenti, Fabio, ,, Dr.; Peretto, Carlo, ,, Dr.; Piperno, Marcello, ,, Dr.; Rocca, Roxane, ,, Dr.


    European Middle-Pleistocene archaeological and/or paleontological sites lack a unified and precise chronological framework. Despite recent efforts mostly focused on methods such as OSL, ESR/U-series or cosmogenic nuclides, the age of numerous sites from this period fundamentally still relies on qualitative and speculative palaeoenvironmental and/or palaeontological/palaeoanthropological considerations. The lack of robust chronologies, along with the scarcity of human fossils, prevent coherent correlations between European sites which in turn limits our understanding of human diffusion dynamics, understand techno-cultural evolution or correlate archaeological sites with palaeoclimatic and environmental records. With the goal of providing an accurate and precise chronological framework based on a multi-method approach, a research network including geochronologists, archaeologist and paleoanthropologists from various French and Italian institutions launched in 2010 a wide study of Middle-Pleistocene archaeological sites of central and southern Italy. This study combining the 39Ar/40Ar method with palaeo-dosimetric methods applied to European sites in the age range of 700 ka to 300 ka is unprecedented. In parallel, a large effort has been done to improve the regional Middle-Pleistocene tephrostratigraphic database through a massive application of both high-precision 40Ar/39Ar geochronological and geochemical investigations. We illustrate our approach and results in addressing several key-sites such as Notarchirico, Valle Giumentina; Ceprano-Campogrande and La Polledrara di Cecanibbio. The accurate and precise chronological framework we built permits us to replace all the investigated archaeological and palaeontological records into a coherent climatic and environmental context. Furthermore, our work provides the opportunity to compare lithic industries from a technical and evolutionary point of view within a homogeneous temporal frame. These preliminary results border

  15. Estrategias instruccionales aplicadas por los docentes para desarrollar procesos metacognitivos en los estudiantes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Meredith Jiménez Cárdena


    Full Text Available Se analizaron las estrategias instruccionales aplicadas por docentes, en el desarrollo de procesos metacognitivos a estudiantes del Instituto Técnico Nacional de Formación Técnica Profesional (INFOTEP. Tipo de investigación analítica, con diseño no experimental transversal de campo. Representado por 67 docentes que laboran en el INFOTEP del Municipio de San Juan del Cesar, Guajira – Colombia, y 830 estudiantes del período II-2014. Se aplicó la técnica de la encuesta y observación participante se realizó instrumento con 30 ítems y 5 alternativas de respuestas cerradas, La validez mediante juicio de expertos, y confiabilidad del coeficiente de Alpha Cronbach, alcanzando un valor de 0,85. Se concluyó que existen diferencias en las respuestas entre docentes y estudiantes, con relación a las estrategias instruccionales y la percepción del proceso metacognitivo de los alumnos; se observó un nivel de correspondencia moderado entre ambas variables. Las estrategias aplicadas por docentes no han permitido consolidar de manera plena los conocimientos que contribuyan al manejo efectivo de procesos cognitivos por parte de los estudiantes y, por consiguiente, a alcanzar un aprendizaje significativo. Se recomienda diseñar jornadas de reflexión para socializar los resultados, a fin de delinear acciones que contribuyan al desarrollo de los procesos metacognitivos, en relación al conocimiento, a su base cognitiva, que puedan conducir a un aprendizaje significativo.

  16. Problems in the K-Ar dating of Quaternary volcanic rocks younger than 1 Ma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Takaoka, Nobuo


    The assumption that the 40 Ar/ 36 Ar ratio of Ar trapped in volcanic rocks at eruption is atmospheric often gives a large systematic error in the K-Ar dating of Quaternary volcanic rocks younger than 1 Ma. There are two possible sources of error, the existence of excess Ar and mass-fractionated, initial Ar. The major source of excess Ar is supposed to be magma. The 40 Ar/ 36 Ar ratio for magmatic Ar in the North-East Japan arc is tentatively estimated to be 340±10 from measurements of Ar in large phenocrysts separated from Quaternary volcanic rocks. Separation of phenocrysts is the most effective to decrease the systematic error caused by excess Ar. The mass-fractionation of initial Ar should give the 38 Ar/ 36 Ar ratio which was changed from the atmospheric ratio. This can be checked by determining the 38 Ar/ 36 Ar ratio in samples. Since the systematic error caused by the mass-fractionated, initial Ar increases greatly with the increasing atmospheric Ar correction, it is important to correct the result for the mass-fractionation. Correction formulae are given. The error sources other than those mentioned above are uncertainty in the blank correction and instabilities in the sensitivity of spectrometer and the Ar isotopic ratio measurement. In order to increase accuracy of the K-Ar age obtained, to check the systematic errors by measuring samples together with standard samples is of great importance in the K-Ar dating of very young volcanic rocks. (author)

  17. arXiv ARS Leptogenesis

    CERN Document Server

    Drewes, M.; Hernandez, P.; Kekic, M.; Lopez-Pavon, J.; Racker, J.; Rius, N.; Salvado, J.; Teresi, D.


    We review the current status of the leptogenesis scenario originally proposed by Akhmedov, Rubakov and Smirnov (ARS). It takes place in the parametric regime where the right-handed neutrinos are at the electroweak scale or below and the CP-violating effects are induced by the coherent superposition of different right-handed mass eigenstates. Two main theoretical approaches to derive quantum kinetic equations, the Hamiltonian time evolution as well as the Closed-Time-Path technique are presented, and we discuss their relations. For scenarios with two right-handed neutrinos, we chart the viable parameter space. Both, a Bayesian analysis, that determines the most likely configurations for viable leptogenesis given different variants of flat priors, and a determination of the maximally allowed mixing between the light, mostly left-handed, and heavy, mostly right-handed, neutrino states are discussed. Rephasing invariants are shown to be a useful tool to classify and to understand various distinct contributions to...

  18. 40Ar/39Ar incremental-release ages of biotite from a progressively remetamorphosed Archean basement terrane in southwestern Labrador

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dallmeyer, R.D.


    Gneisses within Archean basement terrane adjacent to the southwestern portion of the Labrador Trough were variably retrograded during a regional metamorphism of Grenville age (ca. 1000 Ma). Bioties from non-retrograded segments of the gneiss terrane record 40 Ar/ 39 Ar plateau and isochron ages which date times of cooling following an episode of the Kenoran orogeny (2376-2391 Ma). A suite of gneiss samples displaying varying degrees of retrograde alteration was collected across the Grenville metamorphic gradient. Bioties in these samples show no petrographic evidence of retrograde alteration, however they do record internally discordant 40 Ar/ 39 Ar age spectra. Although the extent of internal discordance is variable, the overall character of the release patterns is similar with younger apparent ages recorded in intermediate-temperature gas fractions. The total-gas dates range from 2257+-27 Ma (northwest) to 1751+-23 Ma (southeast), suggesting that variable quantities of radiogenic argon were lost from the Archean biotites during Grenville metamorphism. The 'saddle-shaped' nature of the discordant spectra indicates that argon loss was not accomplished through single-stage, volume diffusion processes. (orig./ME)

  19. Ar-40/Ar-39 age determinations for the Rotoiti eruption, New Zealand (United States)

    Flude, S.; Storey, M.


    The contemporaneous Rotoiti and Earthquake Flat ignimbrites, erupted from the Taupo Volcanic zone, New Zealand, form a distinctive tephrostratigraphic horizon in the Southern Pacific. Radioisotopic dating results for these eruptions remain controversial, with published ages ranging from 35.1 × 2.8 ka [1] to 71 × 6 ka [2], with 61.0 × 1.5 ka [3] often being cited as the most widely accepted age. These eruptions are difficult to date as their age is near the limit for various radiometric dating techniques, which are complicated by a large proportion of inherited material (xenocrysts) and a lack of phases suitable for dating. Glass-bearing plutonic blocks erupted with the Rotoiti and Earthquake Flat ignimbrites have previously been interpreted as deriving from a slowly cooled and incompletely solidified magma body that was sampled by the eruptions. They contain large vugs lined with euhedral quartz, sanidine and biotite crystals, indicating that these crystals grew in a gas or aqueous fluid rich environment and are interpreted to have formed shortly before or during eruption. Here we will present Ar-40/Ar-39 ages for sanidines and biotites extracted from vugs in lithic blocks erupted as part of the Earthquake Flat ignimbrite. We show that, even for vug-lining material, inherited ages remain a problem and are the likely source of the wide variation in published radiometric ages. Nevertheless, many of the Ar-40/Ar-39 ages are much younger than the 61 ka age [3] and are more consistent with the recent stratigraphic, C-14 and U-238/Th-230+(U-Th)/He ages that have been suggested (e.g. [4,5]). 1. Whitehead, N. & Ditchburn, R. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics 37, 381-383 (1994). 2. Ota, Y., Omura, A. & Iwata, H. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics 32, 327-331 (1989). 3. Wilson, C. J. N. et al. Quaternary Science Reviews 26, 1861-1870 (2007). 4. Molloy, C., Shane, P. & Augustinus, P. Geological Society of America Bulletin 121, 1666-1677 (2009). 5

  20. Qualidade da cama e do ar em diferentes condições de alojamento de frangos de corte

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Thayla Morandi Ridolfi de Carvalho


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as condições iniciais de alojamento de aves, de um dia de idade, em termos da qualidade da cama de frango reutilizada e do ar, em aviários comerciais de produção com diferentes sistemas de ventilação mínima e tipologia, por meio de análise geoestatística. O experimento foi realizado em quatro aviários: Blue House I (T1 e Blue House II (T2, Dark House (T3 e Convencional (T4. As variáveis analisadas foram: pH, umidade, temperatura superficial e concentração de amônia, tendo-se coletado as amostras na altura dos frangos, em 80 pontos equidistantes no interior do pinteiro. A análise geoestatística auxiliou a identificação de pontos críticos no controle dos ambientes estudados. O manejo da ventilação mínima não é suficiente para garantir a qualidade do ar nos pinteiros. A cama reutilizada de casca de café e arroz (T1 e T2 apresenta melhor qualidade do que a cama reutilizada de maravalha fina (T3 e T4. O sistema de ventilação mínima, em T2 e T4, é o mais eficiente quanto à renovação do ar nos pinteiros.

  1. 78 FR 41838 - Establishment of Class E Airspace; Colt, AR (United States)


    ...-1281; Airspace Docket No. 12-ASW-13] Establishment of Class E Airspace; Colt, AR AGENCY: Federal... at Colt, AR. Controlled airspace is necessary to accommodate new Area Navigation (RNAV) Standard... Federal Register a notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) to establish Class E airspace for the Colt, AR...

  2. 75 FR 29657 - Establishment of Class E Airspace; Marianna, AR (United States)


    ...-1167; Airspace Docket No. 09-ASW-33] Establishment of Class E Airspace; Marianna, AR AGENCY: Federal... for Marianna, AR to accommodate Area Navigation (RNAV) Standard Instrument Approach Procedures (SIAPs) at Marianna/Lee County Airport--Steve Edwards Field, Marianna, AR. The FAA is taking this action to...

  3. 75 FR 29656 - Amendment of Class E Airspace; Magnolia, AR (United States)


    ...-1179; Airspace Docket No. 09-ASW-35] Amendment of Class E Airspace; Magnolia, AR AGENCY: Federal... airspace for Magnolia, AR. Decommissioning of the Magnolia non-directional beacon (NDB) at Magnolia Municipal Airport, Magnolia, AR has made this action necessary to enhance the safety and management of...

  4. 75 FR 37291 - Amendment of Class E Airspace; Osceola, AR (United States)


    ...-1183; Airspace Docket No. 09-ASW-38] Amendment of Class E Airspace; Osceola, AR AGENCY: Federal... Osceola, AR. Decommissioning of the Osceola non-directional beacon (NDB) at Osceola Municipal Airport has... rulemaking to amend Class E airspace for Osceola, AR, reconfiguring controlled airspace at Osceola Municipal...

  5. Exhumation history of the NW Indian Himalaya revealed by fission track and 40Ar/39Ar ages (United States)

    Schlup, Micha; Steck, Albrecht; Carter, Andrew; Cosca, Michael; Epard, Jean-Luc; Hunziker, Johannes


    New fission track and Ar/Ar geochronological data provide time constraints on the exhumation history of the Himalayan nappes in the Mandi (Beas valley) — Tso Morari transect of the NW Indian Himalaya. Results from this and previous studies suggest that the SW-directed North Himalayan nappes were emplaced by detachment from the underthrusted upper Indian crust by 55 Ma and metamorphosed by ca. 48–40 Ma. The nappe stack was subsequently exhumed to shallow upper crustal depths (


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    Luis Alfonso Cruz Näimi


    Full Text Available El presente artículo tiene por finalidad analizar las ventajas educativas de los itinerarios didácticos urbanos comentando y poniendo como ejemplo una propuesta llevada a cabo con alumnos del Programa de Diversificación Curricular en Secundaria. Los itinerarios didácticos suponen una manera de enseñar más estimulante para los alumnos, a la vez que una forma más innovadora y motivadora de enseñar contenidos de Geografia urbana, ya que el alurnnado puede participar en su propio proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje.Palabras claves:Itinerarios didácticos; Geografía urbana; Aprendizaje por descubrimiento guiado;Abstract:The following article aims to analyser the educational advantages of the urban didactic itineraries. It consists of a proposal carried out by students of the Curricular Mix-ability Programs of Secondary Education. The didactic itineraries provide an innovating and more motivating way of teaching urban geography. Students find it more stimulating since they take active pat in their own process of learning.Key Words:Didactic itineraries; Urban geography; Learning throw guided discovery;Resumé:Cet article a pour but d'analyser les avantages éducatifs des itinéraries didactiques urbains encornrnentant et en mettant cornrne exemple une proposition utilisée avec des éleves appartenant au Programme de Diversification Curriculaire d'Education Secondaire. Ces itinéraries didactiques supposent une maniere d'enseigner plus stimulante pour les éleves, en meme temps qu'une maniere plus innovante et motivante d'enseigner des sujets sur la Géographie urbaine, étant donné que l'éleve peut participer  a son prope proces d'enseignement apprentissage.Mots clé:Itinéraires didactiques; Géographie urbaine; Apprentissage por la découverte guidée;

  7. Absolute timing of sulfide and gold mineralization: A comparison of Re-Os molybdenite and Ar-Ar mica methods from the Tintina Gold Belt, Alaska (United States)

    Selby, D.; Creaser, R.A.; Hart, C.J.R.; Rombach, C.S.; Thompson, J.F.H.; Smith, Moira T.; Bakke, A.A.; Goldfarb, R.J.


    New Re-Os molybdenite dates from two lode gold deposits of the Tintina Gold Belt, Alaska, provide direct timing constraints for sulfide and gold mineralization. At Fort Knox, the Re-Os molybdenite date is identical to the U-Pb zircon age for the host intrusion, supporting an intrusive-related origin for the deposit. However, 40Ar/39Ar dates from hydrothermal and igneous mica are considerably younger. At the Pogo deposit, Re-Os molybdenite dates are also much older than 40Ar/39Ar dates from hydrothermal mica, but dissimilar to the age of local granites. These age relationships indicate that the Re-Os molybdenite method records the timing of sulfide and gold mineralization, whereas much younger 40Ar/39Ar dates are affected by post-ore thermal events, slow cooling, and/or systemic analytical effects. The results of this study complement a growing body of evidence to indicate that the Re-Os chronometer in molybdenite can be an accurate and robust tool for establishing timing relations in ore systems.

  8. ¿Por qué enseñar a escribir usando técnicas de "Focus on Form"?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rosa Mª Lucha Cuadros


    Full Text Available El estudio que aquí presentamos aborda los siguientes temas: 1. Indaga acerca de si una enseñanza intensiva centrada en la forma induce o no a obtener resultados más positivos en la adquisición, al menos en la memoria a corto plazo, de estructuras lingüísticas significativas; en nuestro caso estructuras para comparar y expresar ventajas e inconvenientes. 2. Permite postular la efectividad del uso de herramientas informáticas para evaluar la “calidad de información” (Díaz y Ruggia 2004 de producciones escritas. Las herramientas utilizadas han sido, por un lado, el analizador-etiquetador Connexor, y, por otro lado, el software Childes (MacWhinney 1987, formado por diferentes programas informáticos, que permite la cuantificación automática de la frecuencia de aparición de categorías sintácticas elegidas previamente. En la investigación participaron dos grupos de estudiantes del programa Erasmus de la Universitat Pompeu Fabra. El primer grupo recibió una enseñanza intensiva centrada en la forma tras la cual realizó una tarea de expresión escrita consistente en la redacción de un texto expositivo. El segundo grupo realizó la misma tarea de expresión escrita, pero sin la previa instrucción centrada en la forma. //// The present study analyses the effectiveness of instructed second language teaching through focus on form in a group of learners compared with a control group. Written production was elicited through a final task after refreshing grammar and lexis content in the experimental group while the control just did the final task. The final product of both students’ groups was analysed with semiautomatic processors (Childes and Connexor and the patterns resulting compared and evaluated separately. Data show that the experimental group, which underwent treatment, did perform more native-like than the control group.

  9. 75 FR 12161 - Establishment of Class E Airspace; Marianna, AR (United States)


    ...-1167; Airspace Docket No. 09-ASW-33] Establishment of Class E Airspace; Marianna, AR AGENCY: Federal... proposes to establish Class E airspace at Marianna/Lee County Airport-Steve Edwards Field, Marianna, AR, to... operations at Marianna/Lee County Airport-Steve Edwards Field, Marianna, AR. Controlled airspace is needed...

  10. Potential hydroxyl ultraviolet laser. [Ar-H/sub 2/O

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chen, C H; Payne, M G


    A strong emission band extending from 3060 to 3120 A was observed following proton beam excitation of an Ar--H/sub 2/O mixture. This emission band was assigned to the transition of OH(A/sup 2/Sigma/sup +/)/sub nu=o/ ..-->.. OH(X/sup 2/Pi)/sub nu=o/. At high argon partial pressure (> 200 torr), the precursor of this emission band is believed to be the argon excimer Ar/sup *//sub 2/(1/sub u/). The fluorescence efficiency of Ar--H/sub 2/O is estimated to be a factor of 4 times that of Ar--N/sub 2/. Development of a highly efficient, tunable uv laser by e-beam pumping is promising.

  11. A phase one AR/C system design (United States)

    Kachmar, Peter M.; Polutchko, Robert J.; Matusky, Martin; Chu, William; Jackson, William; Montez, Moises


    The Phase One AR&C System Design integrates an evolutionary design based on the legacy of previous mission successes, flight tested components from manned Rendezvous and Proximity Operations (RPO) space programs, and additional AR&C components validated using proven methods. The Phase One system has a modular, open architecture with the standardized interfaces proposed for Space Station Freedom system architecture.

  12. Nuevos procesos tándem iniciados por transferencias de hidruro desde funciones acetálicas


    Marín Luna, Marta


    Objetivos: Estudiar la capacidad de funciones acetálicas tales como 1,3-dioxolano, 1,3-ditiolano y sus análogas de seis miembros, para participar en procesos tándem iniciados por una transferencia de hidruro. Se evaluarán como unidades receptoras potenciales de dicho anión agrupaciones cetena, cetenimina, aleno, fulveno y fragmentos benciliden malonato. Metodología: 1) Diseñar y sintetizar acetal compuestos aptos para experimentar dichos procesos tándem. 2) Estudiar su reactividad química med...

  13. The beta decay asymmetry parameter of 35Ar

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Garnett, J.D.


    The beta decay asymmetry parameter for 35 Ar = 35 Cl + e + + nu/sub e/ has been remeasured in order to resolve a long standing puzzle. Previous asymmetry measurements, when combined with the comparative half-life, yield a value for the vector coupling constant, G/sub v/, that is in serious disagreement with the accepted value. We produced polarized 35 Ar by a (p,n) reaction on 35 Cl using the polarized proton beam provided by Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory's 88-Inch Cyclotron. The polarization of the 35 Ar was determined by measuring the asymmetry of the positrons produced in 35 Ar decay to the first excited state in 35 Cl (branching ratio = 1.3%) in coincidence with a 1219.4 keV gamma ray. Our result, A 0 = 0.49 +- 0.10, combined with the comparative half-life yields a value for G/sub v/ in agreement with the accepted value

  14. Geochemistry and 40Ar/39Ar age of Early Carboniferous dolerite sills in the southern Baltic Sea

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gediminas Motuza


    Full Text Available The Early Carboniferous magmatic event in the southern Baltic Sea is manifested by dolerite intrusions. The presumable area in which the dolerite intrusions occur ranges from 30 to 60 km in east–west direction, and is about 100 km in north–south direction. The dolerites were sampled in well D1-1 and investigated by applying chemical analysis and 40Ar/39Ar step-heating dating. Dolerites are classified as alkali and sodic, characterized by high TiO2 (3.92, 3.99 wt% and P2O5 (1.67, 1.77 wt% and low MgO (4.89, 4.91 wt% concentrations, enriched in light rare earth elements, originated from an enriched mantle magma source and emplaced in a continental rift tectonic setting. The 351 ± 11 Ma 40Ar/39Ar plateau age for groundmass plagioclase indicates a considerable age gap with the 310–250 Ma magmatism in southern Scandinavia and northern Germany. The magmatic rocks in the Baltic Sedimentary Basin are coeval with alkaline intrusions of NE Poland. Both magmatic provinces lie in the northwestward prolongation of the Pripyat–Dnieper–Donetsk Rift (370–359 Ma and may constitute a later phase of magmatic activity of this propagating rift system.

  15. Ar-Ar Ages of Nakhlites Y000593, NWA998, and Nakhla and CRE Age of NWA998. (United States)

    Garrison, D. H.; Bogard, D. D.


    The seven known Martian nakhlites are Nakhla, Lafayette, Governador Valadares, and four recent finds from hot and cold deserts: MIL03346 from the Transantarctic Mountains, a paired group from the Yamato Mountains (Y000593, Y000749, and Y000802; 1), and two from Morocco (NWA998 and NWA817; 2). Radiometric ages (Sm-Nd, Rb-Sr, U-Pb, and Ar-Ar) for the first three nakhlites, along with Chassigny, fall in the range of 1.19-1.37 Gyr and may suggest a common formation age (e.g., 3). These meteorites also show very similar cosmic-ray (space) exposure ages, which suggests a single ejection event from Mars (3). The ages for nakhlites are different from those of Martian shergottites, whose radiometric ages vary by nearly a factor of three (approximately 165-475 Myr) and whose space exposure ages vary over a factor of approximately 20 (3). Shergottite ages suggest that multiple locations on the Martian surface have been sampled, whereas nakhlite data imply that only one Mars surface location has been sampled. Because older Martian surfaces are expected to be more abundant, it seems surprising that all nakhlites would represent only one Martian impact event. To address this issue, we are measuring the Ar-39-Ar-40 ages of Y-000593, NWA-998, Nakhla, and MIL-03346, and the space (CRE) exposure age of NWA998.

  16. Ar-Ar Ages of Nakhlites Y000593, NWA998, and Nakhla and CRE Ages of NWA998 (United States)

    Garrison, D. H.; Bogard, D. D.


    The seven known Martian nakhlites are Nakhla, Lafayette, Governador Valadares, and four recent finds from hot and cold deserts: MIL03346 from the Transantarctic Mountains, a paired group from the Yamato Mountains (Y000593, Y000749, and Y000802, and two from Morocco (NWA998 and NWA817. Radiometric ages (Sm-Nd, Rb-Sr, U-Pb, and Ar-Ar) for the first three nakhlites, along with Chassigny, fall in the range of 1.19-1.37 Gyr and may suggest a common formation age. These meteorites also show very similar cosmic-ray (space) exposure ages, suggesting a single ejection event from Mars. The ages for nakhlites are different from those of Martian shergottites, whose radiometric ages vary by nearly a factor of three (approx. 165-475 Myr) and whose space exposure ages vary over a factor of approx. 20. Shergottite ages suggest that multiple locations on the Martian surface have been sampled, whereas nakhlite data imply sampling of only one Mars surface location. Because older Martian surfaces are expected to be more abundant, it seems surprising that all nakhlites would represent only one Martian impact event. To address this issue, we are measuring the (39)Ar-(40)Ar ages of Y-000593, NWA-998, Nakhla, and MIL-03346, and the space (CRE) exposure age of NWA998. Additional information is included in the original extended abstract.

  17. Timing and processes for exhumation of HP/LT rocks of the southern Brooks Range (AK): Insight from combined geochemistry and 40Ar/39Ar thermochronology of white mica (United States)

    O'Brien, T.; Miller, E. L.; Grove, M. J.; Hayden, L. A.


    The obduction of an island arc onto the Arctic Alaska continental margin in the Jura-Cretaceous led to southward subduction of continental crust and high-pressure/low-temperature (HP/LT) epidote-blueschist facies metamorphism in the southern Brooks Range (BR). A regionally developed greenschist facies normal-sense shear zone system along the southern margin of the BR suggests that extensional faulting had an influential role in the exhumation of the metamorphic core. To better constrain the exhumation history of the metamorphic core of the BR, samples were collected from a N-S transect through the metamorphic core of the orogen. Electron microprobe (EMP) analyses of white micas reveal that they are composed of phengite (Si > 3.0 pfu) or a combination of phengite + paragonite. Si-content of phengites reveal a southward increase in Si from 3.1 to 3.4 pfu (corresponding to an increase in pressure). Si-contents in higher-P phengites are scattered, reflecting subsequent muscovite growth. The Si trend is matched by a southward increase in the 40Ar/39Ar total gas ages of white micas. Phengite from the north are characterized by younger ages (~115 Ma) and flatter 40Ar/39Ar spectra. Farther south, phengites and paragonites yield older 40Ar/39Ar ages. These samples yield convex, staircase 40Ar/39Ar spectra that initiate ~115-120 Ma and flatten-out ~130-138 Ma. Modeling using MacArgon proposes that an initial cooling of HP/LT metamorphism occurred ~130-138 Ma, recorded in the high-Si phengites and paragonites. Following initial cooling, modeling suggests HP/LT rocks stalled in the greenschist facies field before subsequent exhumation, resulting in the staircase 40Ar/39Ar spectra. Flatter 40Ar/39Ar spectra recorded by the northern samples and modeling of 40Ar/39Ar results from the southern samples suggest that these rocks from metamorphic core of the BR were exhumed to temperatures < 300°C by ~115 Ma.

  18. 75 FR 66300 - Amendment of Class E Airspace; Searcy, AR (United States)


    ...-1182; Airspace Docket No. 09-ASW-37] Amendment of Class E Airspace; Searcy, AR AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), DOT. ACTION: Final rule. SUMMARY: This action amends Class E airspace for Searcy, AR. Decommissioning of the Searcy non-directional beacon (NDB) at Searcy Municipal Airport, Searcy, AR, has made this...

  19. 75 FR 29654 - Amendment of Class E Airspace; Manila, AR (United States)


    ...-1184; Airspace Docket No. 09-ASW-39] Amendment of Class E Airspace; Manila, AR AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), DOT. ACTION: Final rule. SUMMARY: This action amends Class E airspace for Manila, AR. Decommissioning of the Manila non-directional beacon (NDB) at Manila Municipal Airport, Manila, AR has made this...

  20. Noninvasive Detection of AR-FL/AR-V7 as a Predictive Biomarker for Therapeutic Resistance in Men with Metastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer (United States)


    acknowledged federal support) 5. Antonarakis ES, Armstrong AJ, Dehm SM, Luo J. Androgen receptor variant-driven prostate cancer : clinical implications...Resistant Prostate Cancer abstract Purpose A splice variant of the androgen receptor , AR-V7, confers resistance to AR-targeted therapies (ATTs) but not...androgen receptor ; AR-V7, androgen receptor splice variant 7; mCRPC, metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer ; n/N, number of patients in that

  1. XRD-based 40Ar/39Ar age correction for fine-grained illite, with application to folded carbonates in the Monterrey Salient (northern Mexico) (United States)

    Fitz-Díaz, Elisa; Hall, Chris M.; van der Pluijm, Ben A.


    Due to their minute size, 40Ar/39Ar analysis of illite faces significant analytical challenges, including mineral characterization and, especially, effects of grain size and crystallography on 39Ar recoil. Quantifying the effects of 39Ar recoil requires the use of sample vacuum encapsulation during irradiation, which permits the measurement of the fraction of recoiled 39Ar as well as the 39Ar and 40Ar∗ retained within illite crystals that are released during step heating. Total-Gas Ages (TGA) are calculated by using both recoiled and retained argon, which is functionally equivalent to K-Ar ages, while Retention Ages (RA) only involve retained Ar in the crystal. Natural applications have shown that TGA fits stratigraphic constraints of geological processes when the average illite crystallite thickness (ICT) is smaller than 10 nm, and that RA matches these constraints for ICTs larger than 50 nm. We propose a new age correction method that takes into account the average ICT and corresponding recoiled 39Ar for a sample, with X-ray Corrected Ages (XCA) lying between Total-Gas and Retention Ages depending on ICT. This correction is particularly useful in samples containing authigenic illite formed in the anchizone, with typical ICT values between 10 and 50 nm. In three samples containing authigenic illite from Cretaceous carbonates in the Monterrey Salient in northern Mexico, there is a range in TGAs among the different size-fractions of 46-49, 36-43 and 40-52 Ma, while RAs range from 54-64, 47-52 and 53-54 Ma, respectively. XCA calculations produce tighter age ranges for these samples of 52.5-56, 45.5-48.5 and 49-52.5 Ma, respectively. In an apparent age vs ICT or %2M 1illite plot, authigenic illite grains show a slope that is in general slightly positive for TGA, slightly negative for RA, but close to zero for XCA, with thinner crystallites showing more dispersion than thicker ones. In order to test if dispersion is due to a different formation history or the result

  2. The ChArMEx database (United States)

    Ferré, Helene; Belmahfoud, Nizar; Boichard, Jean-Luc; Brissebrat, Guillaume; Descloitres, Jacques; Fleury, Laurence; Focsa, Loredana; Henriot, Nicolas; Mastrorillo, Laurence; Mière, Arnaud; Vermeulen, Anne


    The Chemistry-Aerosol Mediterranean Experiment (ChArMEx, aims at a scientific assessment of the present and future state of the atmospheric environment in the Mediterranean Basin, and of its impacts on the regional climate, air quality, and marine biogeochemistry. The project includes long term monitoring of environmental parameters, intensive field campaigns, use of satellite data and modelling studies. Therefore ChARMEx scientists produce and need to access a wide diversity of data. In this context, the objective of the database task is to organize data management, distribution system and services, such as facilitating the exchange of information and stimulating the collaboration between researchers within the ChArMEx community, and beyond. The database relies on a strong collaboration between OMP and ICARE data centres and has been set up in the framework of the Mediterranean Integrated Studies at Regional And Locals Scales (MISTRALS) program data portal. All the data produced by or of interest for the ChArMEx community will be documented in the data catalogue and accessible through the database website: At present, the ChArMEx database contains about 75 datasets, including 50 in situ datasets (2012 and 2013 campaigns, Ersa background monitoring station), 25 model outputs (dust model intercomparison, MEDCORDEX scenarios), and a high resolution emission inventory over the Mediterranean. Many in situ datasets have been inserted in a relational database, in order to enable more accurate data selection and download of different datasets in a shared format. The database website offers different tools: - A registration procedure which enables any scientist to accept the data policy and apply for a user database account. - A data catalogue that complies with metadata international standards (ISO 19115-19139; INSPIRE European Directive; Global Change Master Directory Thesaurus). - Metadata forms to document

  3. 40Ar-39Ar laser probe dating of individual clinopyroxene inclusions in Premier eclogitic diamonds

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Burgess, R.; Turner, G.; Laurenzi, M.; Harris, J.W.


    The ages of seven individual clinopyroxene inclusions in Premier diamonds of eclogitic association have been determined using the 40 Ar- 39 Ar dating technique. Syngenetic inclusions weighing between 10 and 130 μg were exposed on cleaved surfaces of the diamonds and analysed using a laser probe. The inclusion ages were found to be in the range 1111±35 to 1254±38 Ma with an average of 1185±94 Ma. The ages obtained are in good agreement with previous determinations made on aggregates of eclogitic inclusions from Premier diamonds and demonstrate the applicability of the laser probe to dating individual diamond inclusions. (orig.)

  4. Piesaistes stila saistība ar apmierinātību ar dzīvi


    Čiekure, Līva


    Pētījuma mērķis ir noskaidrot vai pastāv saistības starp piesaistes stilu un apmierinātību ar dzīvi. Tika aptaujāti 100 respondenti- 50 sievietes un 50 vīrieši. Pētījumā tika izmantotas Piesaistes stilu aptauja (Attachment Styles -Inventory /ASI/, Sperling & Berman, 1991), Latvijā adaptējusi Baiba Martinsone (2003) un Apmierinātības ar dzīvi aptauja ( Satisfaction with life scales,/SWLS/, Diener, 1985), Latvijā adaptēja Maslovska, Voitkāne, Miezīte & Raščevska ( 2005) un Upmane (Upmane, 2010)...

  5. CNPY2 inhibits MYLIP-mediated AR protein degradation in prostate cancer cells. (United States)

    Ito, Saya; Ueno, Akihisa; Ueda, Takashi; Nakagawa, Hideo; Taniguchi, Hidefumi; Kayukawa, Naruhiro; Fujihara-Iwata, Atsuko; Hongo, Fumiya; Okihara, Koji; Ukimura, Osamu


    The androgen receptor (AR) is a ligand-dependent transcription factor that promotes prostate cancer (PC) cell growth through control of target gene expression. This report suggests that Canopy FGF signaling regulator 2 (CNPY2) controls AR protein levels in PC cells. We found that AR was ubiquitinated by an E3 ubiquitin ligase, myosin regulatory light chain interacting protein (MYLIP) and then degraded through the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway. CNPY2 decreased the ubiquitination activity of MYLIP by inhibition of interaction between MYLIP and UBE2D1, an E2 ubiquitin ligase. CNPY2 up-regulated gene expression of AR target genes such as KLK3 gene which encodes the prostate specific antigen (PSA) and promoted cell growth of PC cells. The cell growth inhibition by CNPY2 knockdown was rescued by AR overexpression. Furthermore, positive correlation of expression levels between CNPY2 and AR/AR target genes was observed in tissue samples from human prostate cancer patients. Together, these results suggested that CNPY2 promoted cell growth of PC cells by inhibition of AR protein degradation through MYLIP-mediated AR ubiquitination.

  6. 40Ar/39Ar dates in the Central Cordillera of Colombia: Evidence for an upper triassic regional tecnomagmatic event

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vinasco, C.J.; Cordani, U.G.; Vasconcelos, P


    The Coastal, Western, Central and the Eastern Cordilleras constitute four independent mountain ranges in the Northern Andes. The Coastal and Western Cordillera comprises allochthonous oceanic sequences of basic volcanic rocks and marine sediments of Cenozoic and Upper Cretaceous age (Aspden et al., 1987). The so-called Central Cordillera Polymetamorphic Complex (Restrepo and Toussaint, 1982), made up the pre-Mesozoic Central Cordillera basement, consists of low through high-grade metamorphic rocks intruded by Meso-Cenozoic batholiths. The Eastern Cordillera is a polydeformed continental mountain range consisting of Precambrian and Paleozoic metamorphic and igneous rocks overlain by Paleozoic to Mesozoic sedimentary covers. The northern part of the Central Cordillera has been described as a suspect terrain affected by several tectonometamorphic episodes. The most important of them have been always considered those related to the Hercynian orogeny, in Devonian and Carboniferous times, and those occurring at the beginning of the Andean Cycle in the Cretaceous (Restrepo and Toussaint, 1982). A possible Lower Paleozoic and even Precambrian age for the basement of the terrain has also been proposed. Although some indications of a Permo-Triassic event are already available, this period was not considered as of great importance for the geologic evolution of the region. The available radiometric dates in the 200-250 Ma interval, for the Central Cordillera, are as follows: 1. One K-Ar whole rock age for a Granulite of 251±21 Ma. (Restrepo et al, 1991) of the El Retiro group SE of Medellin. However, a K-Ar biotite age of 110±10 Ma. (Toussaint et al., 1978) was obtained for a migmatite rock associated with the same group. 2. A Sm/Nd garnet and whole rock age of 226±17 Ma in rocks associated to granulites, SE of Medellin, interpreted as metamorphic ages (Correa and Martins, 2001). 3. K-Ar biotite dates for the Puqui metamorphic complex, occurring north of Medellin, ranging

  7. Produção de Biodiesel Metílico de Soja com o Auxílio de um Coletor Solar Sustentável

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    Luiz Antonio Pimentel Cavalcanti


    Full Text Available A busca por fontes de energias alternativas tem aumentado substancialmente na última década, devido a expectativa de diminuição gradativa das reservas de petróleo e aumento da preocupação com as questões ambientais. O biodiesel vem se consolidando como potencial substituto para o diesel, porém, um dos gargalos da produção ainda é o custo operacional. Uma alternativa ao processo é utilizar coletores solares para realizar o aquecimento da reação de transesterificação. O presente trabalho propôs a construção de um protótipo de coletor solar constituído de matérias potencialmente recicláveis como garrafas PET e embalagens do tipo Tetra Pak. As garrafas PET foram recortadas na sua parte inferior para um encaixe futuro, tendo como função a proteção da parte absorvedora do painel do protótipo. As embalagens Tetra Pak foram pintadas de preto fosco em apenas um dos lados com intuito de absorver com maior eficiência os raios solares. Após a construção do coletor, foram realizados testes de aquecimento, para verificar se o mesmo forneceria a temperatura mínima desejada para haver a reação de transesterificação. O perfil de ésteres presentes no biodiesel, bem como, o seu teor de éster foram avaliados por cromatografia gasosa e seu valor enquadrado na resolução ANP N° 14 de 2012.

  8. Teor de arsênio e adsorção competitiva arsênio/fosfato e arsênio/sulfato em solos de Minas Gerais, Brasil Arsenate content, and arsenate/phosphate and arsenate/sulphate competitive adsorption in soils from Minas Gerais, Brazil

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    Mari Lucia Campos


    Full Text Available A alta toxicidade de As para homens e animais gera a necessidade de estudos do comportamento químico do arsenato nos solos que possam auxiliar na mitigação de áreas contaminadas com arsênio. Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar o teor total e a adsorção de As na ausência e presença dos ânions fosfato e sulfato em seis diferentes classes de solos do estado de Minas Gerais, Brasil. Os solos alvo deste estudo são: o Neossolo Flúvico (RU, Gleissolo Háplico (GX, Gleissolo Melânico (GM, Latossolo Vermelho Distrófico (LVd, coletados em Lavras; Neossolo Quartzarênico (RQ, coletado em Itutinga e o Latossolo Amarelo Distrófico (LAd, coletado em Rosário, no estado de Minas Gerais. As amostras de solo foram secas, moídas e peneiradas em peneira de 2,0mm para execução do teste de adsorção e peneiradas em peneira plástica com malha de 1,5mm para determinação do teor de As, o qual foi determinado pelo método 3051A. A adsorção de As foi avaliada na dose de1500µmol L-1 de As, 1500µmol L-1 de As + 1500µmol L-1 de P e 1500µmol L-1 de As + 750µmolL-1 de S, em relação solo:solução final de 1:100, a pH 5,5 e força iônica de 15mmol L-1. Os seis solos apresentaram teor médio de As entre 0,14 e 9,3mgkg-1. A porcentagem adsorvida de arsênio na ausência dos outros ânions seguiu a sequência GM>LVd=RU=LAd=GX=RQ. A adição de fosfato e sulfato reduziu a porcentagem de arsênio adsorvido e, por consequência, houve um aumentou na concentração de arsênio disponível na solução do solo.The high toxicity of arsenic to humans and animals creates the need to study the chemical behavior of arsenate in soils that can help in the mitigation of areas contaminated with arsenic. This work aimed to evaluate the total content and adsorption in the absence and presence of phosphate and sulfate anions in six different soil classes in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Soils aim of this study are: Fluvic Neosol (RU, Haplic Gleysol (GX

  9. Treatment of Bothrops alternatus envenomation by Curcuma longa and Calendula officinalis extracts and ar-turmerone Tratamento local do envenenamento por Bothrops alternatus com extrato de Curcuma longa e Calendula officinalis e ar-turmerone

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    M.M. Melo


    Full Text Available It was investigated the efficiency of two extracts of plants and one fraction of their properties against the local effects of bothropic envenomation. Bothrops alternatus venom (1.25µg diluted in 100µl of sterile saline solution was inoculated (intradermally into the shaved dorsal back skin of 30 New Zealand rabbits. The animals were divided in six groups receiving the following treatments: group I: subcutaneous application of Curcuma longa extract (1.0ml; group II: topic treatment of Curcuma longa hydroalcoholic extract (1.0ml; group III: topic application of ar-turmerone in vaseline (1.0g; group IV: topic application of Curcuma longa methanolic extract (1.0ml; group V: topic application of Calendula officinalis ointment (1.0g; group VI: topic application of saline (1.0ml. These treatments were done at 30 minutes, and at 2, 4, 24 and 72 hours after venom inoculation. Intensity of local edema, hemorrhagic halo and necrosis were evaluated until 168h after that. Additionally, seven days after the Bothrops venom inoculation, blood was collected from heart with and without EDTA (10% for hemogram and biochemical parameters (total protein, blood urea nitrogen, creatinine, and fibrinogen and all the animals were anesthetized, sacrificed by ether inhalation and submitted to necropsy. Fragments of tissues were taken for histopathological evaluation. The most efficient treatment for inhibition of edema, necrosis and local hemorrhage after Bothrops alternatus venom was the topic application of ar-turmerone.Investigou-se a eficácia do extrato de plantas no tratamento local do envenenamento botrópico. Veneno de serpentes Bothrops alternatus (1,25µg diluído em 100µl de solução salina estéril foi inoculado (via intradérmica entre as escápulas de 30 coelhos. Os animais foram divididos em seis grupos (tratamentos: grupo I: tratamento subcutâneo com extrato de Curcuma longa; grupo II: tratamento tópico com extrato hidroalcoólico de Curcuma longa

  10. A high-precision 40Ar/39Ar age for the Nördlinger Ries impact crater, Germany, and implications for the accurate dating of terrestrial impact events (United States)

    Schmieder, Martin; Kennedy, Trudi; Jourdan, Fred; Buchner, Elmar; Reimold, Wolf Uwe


    40Ar/39Ar dating of specimens of moldavite, the formation of which is linked to the Ries impact in southern Germany, with a latest-generation ARGUS VI multi-collector mass spectrometer yielded three fully concordant plateau ages with a weighted mean age of 14.808 ± 0.021 Ma (± 0.038 Ma including all external uncertainties; 2σ; MSWD = 0.40, P = 0.67). This new best-estimate age for the Nördlinger Ries is in general agreement with previous 40Ar/39Ar results for moldavites, but constitutes a significantly improved precision with respect to the formation age of the distal Ries-produced tektites. Separates of impact glass from proximal Ries ejecta (suevite glass from three different surface outcrops) and partially melted feldspar particles from impact melt rock of the SUBO 18 Enkingen drill core failed to produce meaningful ages. These glasses show evidence for excess 40Ar introduction, which may have been incurred during interaction with hydrothermal fluids. Only partially reset 40Ar/39Ar ages could be determined for the feldspathic melt separates from the Enkingen core. The new 40Ar/39Ar results for the Ries impact structure constrain the duration of crater cooling, during the prevailing hydrothermal activity, to locally at least ∼60 kyr. With respect to the dating of terrestrial impact events, this paper briefly discusses a number of potential issues and effects that may be the cause for seemingly precise, but on a kyr-scale inaccurate, impact ages.

  11. 40Ar/ 39Ar and paleomagnetic results from Liberia and the Precambrian APW data base for the West African Shield (United States)

    Onstott, T. C.; Dorbor, J.

    Lower amphibolite to granulite facies metamorphic rocks in Nimba County, Liberia have yielded 2.2-2.9 Ga RbSr whole rock ages, indicating that they are part of the Archean Liberian age province. We report a 2040 Ma 4040Ar/ 39Ar plateau date on hornblende from an amphibolite in this region, and suggest that these rocks were also severelyreworked during the Eburnean (˜2.0 Ga) metamorphic episode. 40Ar/ 39Ar analyses of biotite and feldspars from neighboring schists also indicate the presence of two mild thermal events, at 1.5 Ga and 0.6 Ga. Paleomagnetic analyses of samples from these same metamorphic rocks reveal three components of magnetization. The predominant and most stable component (273°E, 21°N) is considered to have been acquired as a result of pos Eburnean uplift and cooling at ˜ 2.0 Ga, whereas the two less stable components with poles at 235°E, 43°N and 16°E, 36°N, probably correlate with the 1.5 Ga and 0.6 Ga thermal pulses, respectively. Rock units from southern Liberia also yield two secondary magnetizations, one at 247°E, 37°N and the other at 104°E, 5°N, and a 1.5 Ga 40Ar/ 39Ar date on plagioclase. Comparison of the paleomagnetic poles corresponding to the ˜2.0 Ga Eburnean component with published paleomagnetic data for West Africa is not consistent with prior interpretations of the polar wander path for West Africa. Our paleomagnetic data, when compared to poles of comparable age from the Kalahari Shield, still suggest that some form of displacement has occurred between the Kalahari and West African Shields since 2.0 Ga.

  12. Multimodal actions of the phytochemical sulforaphane suppress both AR and AR-V7 in 22Rv1 cells: Advocating a potent pharmaceutical combination against castration-resistant prostate cancer. (United States)

    Khurana, Namrata; Kim, Hogyoung; Chandra, Partha K; Talwar, Sudha; Sharma, Pankaj; Abdel-Mageed, Asim B; Sikka, Suresh C; Mondal, Debasis


    Prostate cancer (PCa) cells expressing full-length androgen receptor (AR-FL) are susceptible to androgen deprivation therapy (ADT). However, outgrowth of castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC) can occur due to the expression of constitutively active (ligand-independent) AR splice variants, particularly AR-V7. We previously demonstrated that sulforaphane (SFN), an isothiocyanate phytochemical, can decrease AR-FL levels in the PCa cell lines, LNCaP and C4-2B. Here, we examined the efficacy of SFN in targeting both AR-FL and AR-V7 in the CRPC cell line, CWR22Rv1 (22Rv1). MTT cell viability, wound-heal assay, and colony forming unit (CFU) measurements revealed that 22Rv1 cells are resistant to the anti-androgen, enzalutamide (ENZ). However, co-exposure to SFN sensitized these cells to the potent anticancer effects of ENZ (PAR-FL and AR-V7 levels, and immunofluorescence microscopy (IFM) depicted decreased AR in both cytoplasm and nucleus with SFN treatment. SFN increased both ubiquitination and proteasomal activity in 22Rv1 cells. Studies using a protein synthesis inhibitor (cycloheximide) or a proteasomal inhibitor (MG132) indicated that SFN increases both ubiquitin-mediated aggregation and subsequent proteasomal-degradation of AR proteins. Previous studies reported that SFN inhibits the chaperone activity of heat-shock protein 90 (Hsp90) and induces the nuclear factor erythroid-2-like 2 (Nrf2) transcription factor. Therefore, we investigated whether the Hsp90 inhibitor, ganetespib (G) or the Nrf2 activator, bardoxolone methyl (BM) can similarly suppress AR levels in 22Rv1 cells. Low doses of G and BM, alone or in combination, decreased both AR-FL and AR-V7 levels, and combined exposure to G+BM sensitized 22Rv1 cells to ENZ. Therefore, adjunct treatment with the phytochemical SFN or a safe pharmaceutical combination of G+BM may be effective against CRPC cells, especially those expressing AR-V7.

  13. Hybrid simulation of electron energy distributions and plasma characteristics in pulsed RF CCP sustained in Ar and SiH4/Ar discharges (United States)

    Wang, Xi-Feng; Jia, Wen-Zhu; Song, Yuan-Hong; Zhang, Ying-Ying; Dai, Zhong-Ling; Wang, You-Nian


    Pulsed-discharge plasmas offer great advantages in deposition of silicon-based films due to the fact that they can suppress cluster agglomeration, moderate the energy of bombarding ions, and prolong the species' diffusion time on the substrate. In this work, a one-dimensional fluid/Monte-Carlo hybrid model is applied to study pulse modulated radio-frequency (RF) plasmas sustained in capacitively coupled Ar and SiH4/Ar discharges. First, the electron energy distributions in pulsed Ar and SiH4/Ar plasmas have been investigated and compared under identical discharge-circuit conditions. The electron energy distribution function (EEDF) in Ar discharge exhibits a familiar bi-Maxwellian shape during the power-on phase of the pulse, while a more complex (resembling a multi-Maxwellian) distribution with extra inflection points at lower energies is observed in the case of the SiH4/Ar mixture. These features become more prominent with the increasing fraction of SiH4 in the gas mixture. The difference in the shape of the EEDF (which is pronounced inside the plasma but not in the RF sheath where electron heating occurs) is mainly attributed to the electron-impact excitations of SiH4. During the power-off phase of the pulse, the EEDFs in both Ar and SiH4/Ar discharges evolve into bi-Maxwellian shapes, with shrinking high energy tails. Furthermore, the parameter of ion species in the case of SiH4/Ar discharge is strongly modulated by pulsing. For positive ions, such as SiH3+ and Si2H4+ , the particle fluxes overshoot at the beginning of the power-on interval. Meanwhile, for negative ions such as SiH2- and SiH3- , density profiles observed between the electrodes are saddle-shaped due to the repulsion by the self-bias electric field as it builds up. During the power-off phase, the wall fluxes of SiH2- and SiH3- gradually increase, leading to a significant decrease in the net surface charge density on the driven electrode. Compared with ions, the density of SiH3 is poorly modulated

  14. A internet na escola fundamental: sondagem de modos de uso por professores

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    Santos Gilberto Lacerda


    Full Text Available Esta investigação objetiva o esclarecimento de modalidades de uso da internet em situações de ensino fundamental, em escolas das redes pública e particular do Distrito Federal. Trata-se de uma pesquisa que empregou leitura qualitativa de dados quantitativos em que, por meio de questionários, entrevistas e observações diretas, abordamos a atuação de vinte professores para explicitar de que forma os conteúdos disponibilizados por meio da internet estão sendo apreendidos e trabalhados em sala de aula, o tipo de navegação nos hipertextos eletrônicos que tem sido proposto aos alunos e uma tipologia de modalidades de uso da internet na educação. Os dados indicam que há quatro modalidades de navegação (aleatória e linear; orientada e problematizada; por meio de pedagogia de projetos e por meio de abordagens de construção de hipertextos. Indicam também que os professores são capazes de avançar em uma utilização mais interessante da internet como meio de ensino e de aprendizagem e que a escola, com seu ritmo e ritos, constitui uma amarra importante. Sem dúvida, há um clamor geral pela mudança. Se os alunos sentem-se pouco à vontade com a forma e o hermetismo com que as relações educativas vêm sendo conduzidas, o que é traduzido na prática por um desinteresse sistemático pela escola, o mesmo parece acontecer com os professores, sobretudo quando eles são cobrados por gestores, pais, alunos e teóricos da educação para assumirem posturas docentes para as quais eles não foram preparados.


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    César Augusto Tibúrcio Silva


    Full Text Available O urso grizzly gasta o outono a caçar e comer marmotas (McGee, 294. Para tanto, ele move grandes e profundas pedras. Considerando em termos globais, este trabalho do urso, quando comparado com o seu tamanho e o da marmota, leva à conclusão de que o urso desperdiça tempo e energia. Como o inverno é geralmente longo e rigoroso, esta dedução pode ser precipitada. O urso talvez esteja praticando esporte, divertindo-se ou exercitando-se ou talvez variando sua dieta. Ou ainda tudo isto em conjun-to. Provavelmente, a energia obtida em decorrência da ingestão da marmota seja superior aos custos da caça. O presente texto revela como o custeio por absorção pode ser utilizado para fins gerenciais. Apresenta, inicialmente, discus-são acerca da não utilização do custeio por absorção com a referida finalidade, em razão de promover distorções nas decisões devido à arbitrariedade dos rateios e de incentivar a superprodu-ção, aspecto enfatizado pela bibliografia da área de contabilidade gerencial. Por fim, demonstra que tal sistema de custeio pode ser um meio de implantação de certas estratégias empresariais e um substituto para mensuração das denominadas externalidades. (Custeio por Absorção – Contabilidade Gerencial

  16. 40Ar/(39)Ar geochronology and paleomagnetic stratigraphy of the Lukeino and lower Chemeron Formations at Tabarin and Kapcheberek, Tugen Hills, Kenya. (United States)

    Deino, Alan L; Tauxe, Lisa; Monaghan, Marc; Hill, Andrew


    (40)Ar/(39)Ar single-crystal laser-fusion dating, K-Ar dating, and paleomagnetic reversal stratigraphy have been used to determine the chronostratigraphy of the Kabarnet Trachyte, Lukeino Formation, Kaparaina Basalt Formation, and Chemeron Formation at the sites of Kapcheberek (BPRP#77) and Tabarin (BPRP#77) in the Tugen Hills, Kenya. The succession ranges in age from 6.56-3.8 Ma. The upper Lukeino Formation at Kapcherberek, including the fauna from the site BPRP#76, was deposited during chron C3r and can be constrained to the interval 5.88-5.72 Ma. The Chemeron Formation at Tabarin includes at the base an ignimbrite and associated basal air-fall tuff with a combined age of 5.31+/-0.03 Ma. Sedimentary and volcaniclastic rocks of the Chemeron Formation which unconformably overlie the ignimbrite record chrons C3n.2n through C2Ar. The combined(40)Ar/(39)Ar and paleomagnetic data constrain the age of this sequence to 4.63-3.837 Ma. The age of the Tabarin mandible fragment (KNM-TH 13150) and associated fauna at site BPRP#77 in the Chemeron Formation is 4.48-4.41 Ma, marginally older than similar early hominids from Aramis, Ethiopia. Basin subsidence appears to be defining an overall accumulation rate of about 17 cm/ka over the 2.7 Ma represented at Tabarin and Kapcheberek, despite episodes of rapid accumulation and hiatuses. Copyright 2002 Academic Press.


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cueto, M.; Herrero, V. J.; Tanarro, I.; Doménech, J. L. [Molecular Physics Department, Instituto de Estructura de la Materia (IEM-CSIC), Serrano 123, E-28006 Madrid (Spain); Cernicharo, J. [Department of Astrophysics, CAB. INTA-CSIC. Crta Torrejón-Ajalvir Km 4, E-28850 Torrejón de Ardoz, Madrid (Spain); Barlow, M. J.; Swinyard, B. M., E-mail: [Department of Physics and Astronomy, University College London. Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT (United Kingdom)


    The protonated argon ion, {sup 36}ArH{sup +}, was recently identified in the Crab Nebula from Herschel spectra. Given the atmospheric opacity at the frequency of its J = 1-0 and J = 2-1 rotational transitions (617.5 and 1234.6 GHz, respectively), and the current lack of appropriate space observatories after the recent end of the Herschel mission, future studies on this molecule will rely on mid-infrared observations. We report on accurate wavenumber measurements of {sup 36}ArH{sup +} and {sup 38}ArH{sup +} rotation-vibration transitions in the v = 1-0 band in the range 4.1-3.7 μm (2450-2715 cm{sup –1}). The wavenumbers of the R(0) transitions of the v = 1-0 band are 2612.50135 ± 0.00033 and 2610.70177 ± 0.00042 cm{sup –1} (±3σ) for {sup 36}ArH{sup +} and {sup 38}ArH{sup +}, respectively. The calculated opacity for a gas thermalized at a temperature of 100 K and with a linewidth of 1 km s{sup –1} of the R(0) line is 1.6 × 10{sup –15} × N({sup 36}ArH{sup +}). For column densities of {sup 36}ArH{sup +} larger than 1 × 10{sup 13} cm{sup –2}, significant absorption by the R(0) line can be expected against bright mid-IR sources.


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    Jhovana Reina


    Full Text Available Uno de los principales agentes contaminantes del aire es el material particulado de diámetro aerodinámico inferior a 10 micrómetros, comúnmente conocido como PM10. Su comportamiento varía de forma irregular y temporal en la atmósfera, debido a las actividades humanas, condiciones atmosféricas inestables y fenómenos meteorológicos. El propósito de este estudio es caracterizar con un modelo de suavización no paramétrica el comportamiento del PM10 en el aire a lo largo de un día, teniendo en cuenta el día de la semana y los niveles de precipitación. El modelo propuesto se ilustra con registros sobre contaminación por PM10 y con datos de precipitación en el norte de Cali, Colombia. Se estiman curvas típicas diarias del comportamiento del PM10 usando suavizadores kernel y spline. El procesamiento se ejecuta con el software estadístico de libre distribución R. Las curvas estimadas permiten observar un comportamiento unimodal del PM10 durante las horas de la mañana, diferenciado por días de la semana y por días con lluvia y sin lluvia. Los modelos permiten caracterizar de manera robusta el comportamiento diario del PM10, teniendo en cuenta observaciones heterocedásticas bajo un escenario de múltiples respuestas por punto de diseño.Um dos principais agentes contaminantes do ar é o material particulado de diâmetro aerodinâmico inferior a 10 micrômetros, comumente conhecido como PM10. Seu comportamento varia de forma irregular e temporal na atmosfera, devido às atividades humanas, condições atmosféricas instáveis e fenômenos meteorológicos. O propósito deste estudo é caracterizar com um modelo de suavização não paramétrica o comportamento do PM10 no ar ao longo de um dia, tendo em conta o dia da semana e os níveis de precipitação. O modelo proposto ilustra-se com registros sobre contaminação por PM10 e com dados de precipitação no norte de Cali, Colômbia. Estimam-se curvas típicas diárias do


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    Paulo Fernando Trugilho


    Full Text Available O objetivo principal deste trabalho foi o de acompanhar a secagem ao ar livre da madeira serrada de Eucalyptus grandis conduzida na região de Lavras, MG e identificar a micobiota associada à madeira em diversas fases da secagem. As tábuas foram cortadas de oito toras de 3,0 m de comprimento, oriundas de três árvores, com 27 anos de idade, plantadas em área experimental da UFLA. Dos resultados, pôde-se concluir que a secagem da madeira de Eucalyptus grandis ao ar livre, iniciada em janeiro, consumiu 158 dias até atingir umidade próxima a 12,5%. A curva de secagem foi representada por uma equação logarítmica com coeficiente de determinação (R2 igual a 98,3%. Os fungos causadores de bolores superficiais e de manchas tiveram maior ocorrência no início da secagem. As mais altas freqüências de fungos, verificadas no início da secagem, foram observadas para Penicillium spp. e Pestalotiopsis sp. O fungo Lentinus lepideus ocorreu com maior freqüência no final da secagem.

  20. Espalhamento e secagem de filme de amido-glicerol-fibra preparado por "tape-casting"

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    Jaqueline Oliveira de Moraes


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar processos de espalhamento e secagem de filme de amido-glicerol-fibras de celulose, preparado por "tape-casting". O espalhamento da suspensão foi avaliado a 50, 150 e 250 cm min-1, seguido de secagem em estufa com circulação forçada de ar, a 40 ou 70ºC; avaliou-se também o espalhamento da suspensão a 150 cm min-1, seguido da secagem do filme sobre suporte de "tape-casting" a 22ºC e 60% de umidade relativa, com velocidades do ar de 4, 6 e 8 m s-1 no túnel de secagem. Ensaios reológicos mostraram que o espalhamento das suspensões a temperaturas inferiores a 50ºC apresentou módulo de elasticidade superior ao módulo viscoso, em todo o espectro de frequências de oscilação. As microscopias mostraram filmes secos a 40 e 70ºC sem defeitos de formação, e cujas propriedades mecânicas não diferiam. A velocidade de espalhamento e a do ar não modificam o tempo de secagem nem as propriedades dos filmes. O tempo de secagem pode ser reduzido para aproximadamente duas horas, o que é importante para a produção dos filmes em larga escala.

  1. Beam-induced back-streaming electron suppression analysis for an accelerator type neutron generator designed for 40Ar/39Ar geochronology. (United States)

    Waltz, Cory; Ayllon, Mauricio; Becker, Tim; Bernstein, Lee; Leung, Ka-Ngo; Kirsch, Leo; Renne, Paul; Bibber, Karl Van


    A facility based on a next-generation, high-flux D-D neutron generator has been commissioned and it is now operational at the University of California, Berkeley. The current generator designed for 40 Ar/ 39 Ar dating of geological materials produces nearly monoenergetic 2.45MeV neutrons at outputs of 10 8 n/s. The narrow energy range is advantageous relative to the 235 U fission spectrum neutrons due to (i) reduced 39 Ar recoil energy, (ii) minimized production of interfering argon isotopes from K, Ca, and Cl, and (iii) reduced total activity for radiological safety and waste generation. Calculations provided show that future conditioning at higher currents and voltages will allow for a neutron output of over 10 10 n/s, which is a necessary requirement for production of measurable quantities of 39 Ar through the reaction 39 K(n,p) 39 Ar. A significant problem encountered with increasing deuteron current was beam-induced electron backstreaming. Two methods of suppressing secondary electrons resulting from the deuterium beam striking the target were tested: the application of static electric and magnetic fields. Computational simulations of both techniques were done using a finite element analysis in COMSOL Multiphysics ® . Experimental tests verified these simulations. The most reliable suppression was achieved via the implementation of an electrostatic shroud with a voltage offset of -800V relative to the target. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  2. Antibiótico antifungico produzido por um estreptomiceto da região de Araraquara

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    K. Ujikawa


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    Com o aumento significativo na incidência de infecções fúngicas invasivas durante a última década, principalmente em pacientes com câncer, AIDS, ou hospitalizados por período prolongado em unidades de terapia intensiva, há a necessidade da pesquisa de novos agentes antifúngicos com qualidade superior aos existentes. Esta pesquisa objetivou a procura de um microrganismo produtor de substâncias antibacterianas e antifúngicas. Microrganismos das amostras de solo da região de Araraquara, Brasil, foram coletados e analisados quanto ao seu potencial antimicrobiano contra microrganismos padrões (Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Candida albicans, Aspergillus oryzae. Das 64 cepas isoladas, 34 apresentaram atividade antimicrobiana. A cepa Ar 4014 foi escolhida para dar continuidade ao trabalho por apresentar boa atividade antimicrobiana contra Candida albicans. Estudos fermentativos mostraram que os Meios 608-K e 602- B foram os melhores para produção e extração de substâncias antifúngicas de Ar 4014. Após cromatografia em coluna de sílica do extrato bruto, as frações ativas obtidas mostraram picos de absorção UV-VIS característicos de pentaenos normais. O antibiótico foi denominado provisoriamente Ara 4014-75. Palavras-chave: Antibiótico Ara 4014-75, Streptomyces, pentaenos, antifúngico, rastreamento.

  3. Measurements of the {sup 40}Ar(n, γ){sup 41}Ar radiative-capture cross section between 0.4 and 14.8 MeV

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bhike, Megha, E-mail: [Department of Physics, Duke University, Durham, NC 27708 (United States); Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratory, Durham, NC 27708 (United States); Fallin, B.; Tornow, W. [Department of Physics, Duke University, Durham, NC 27708 (United States); Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratory, Durham, NC 27708 (United States)


    The {sup 40}Ar(n, γ){sup 41}Ar neutron capture cross section has been measured between 0.4 and 14.8 MeV neutron energy using the activation technique. The data are important for estimating backgrounds in argon-based neutrino and dark-matter detectors and in the neutrino-less double-beta decay search GERDA, which uses liquid argon as cooling and shielding medium. For the first time the {sup 40}Ar(n, γ){sup 41}Ar cross section has been measured for neutron energies above 1 MeV. Our results are compared to the evaluation ENDF/B-VII.1 and the calculated prediction TENDL-2013. The latter agrees very well with the present results.

  4. De la investigación social a la técnica profesional: una crónica histórica del ARS en Chile (1995-2014

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    Juan Manuel Gaete Fiscella


    Full Text Available El principal objetivo de este trabajo es presentar una crónica sobre la historia del Análisis de Redes Sociales (ARS en Chile en los últimos 20 años, partiendo de un estudio bibliográfico de su desarrollo, sobre todo de la producción académica y científica, que, como se verá, evidencia ciertos patrones. El punto de partida del ARS en Chile se encuentra en el interés por llevar a cabo análisis de realidades sociales y comunitarias particulares; pasando posteriormente a la expansión en diferentes ámbitos (político, urbano, informático, etc. y, en la etapa más reciente, la consolidación de diferentes líneas de investigación; pero sobre todo, el desarrollo de un importante proceso de profesionalización. Lo anterior, se evidencia en el cambio de foco o de interés del ARS en Chile, ya que evoluciona desde el análisis comunitario y social en sectores marginados hasta, preferentemente, el análisis de redes y comunidades virtuales. Teniendo en cuenta esto, se proyectan posibles líneas futuras de desarrollo del ARS en Chile a partir de su potencialidad, tanto en el ámbito profesional como en el académico.

  5. Por que Melipona scutellaris (Hymenoptera, Apidae forrageia sob alta umidade relativa do ar?

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    Marília D. e Silva


    Full Text Available Há evidências de que a temperatura do ar e a umidade relativa afetam a atividade de voo de espécies de abelhas sociais Meliponini. Em particular, as espécies grandes do gênero Melipona Illiger, 1806 responderiam de maneira mais estreita à variação na umidade relativa. Neste estudo defende-se o argumento de que a umidade relativa seja uma variável de confusão. Nesta linha de argumentação, também foi analisado o papel da coleta de pólen sobre o ritmo diário de forrageio. A robusta Melipona scutellaris (Latreille, 1811 foi usada como modelo e a atividade diária de voo e de forrageio de pólen foi medida em 12 colônias (4 colônias/hábitat, em três tipos de hábitats, que variam principalmente quanto à pluviosidade, na área de distribuição natural desta espécie (Floresta Pluvial, Floresta Sazonal e Transição Floresta Tropical-Cerrados. A maioria da atividade de voo acontece durante a manhã. A atividade de forrageio das colônias foi mais elevada nas primeiras horas do alvorecer, quando a umidade relativa também era alta, frequentemente associada a picos de coleta de pólen. A atividade de voo decresceu abruptamente durante as temperaturas altas ao redor do meio dia. A relação da atividade de voo com a umidade relativa foi altamente significativa e linear, contrastando com a relação significativa e unimodal com a temperatura. Na relação com o forrageio de M. scutellaris, a umidade relativa se configura como uma variável contingente, em hábitats tropicais úmidos, considerando os padrões diários de variação do microclima e de forrageio de pólen. Este último padrão também sustenta a hipótese de partição temporal de fontes florais de pólen.

  6. 75 FR 53876 - Proposed Establishment of Class E Airspace; Berryville, AR (United States)


    ... Class E Airspace; Berryville, AR AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), DOT. ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM). SUMMARY: This action proposes to establish Class E airspace at Berryville, AR... SIAPs operations at Carroll County Airport, Berryville, AR. Controlled airspace is needed for the safety...

  7. 78 FR 25231 - Proposed Establishment of Class E Airspace; Colt, AR (United States)


    ...-1281; Airspace Docket No. 12-ASW-13] Proposed Establishment of Class E Airspace; Colt, AR AGENCY... action proposes to establish Class E airspace at Colt, AR. Controlled airspace is necessary to...-mile radius of Delta Regional Airport, Colt, AR, to accommodate new standard instrument approach...

  8. Cerebral A1 adenosine receptors (A1AR) in liver cirrhosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Boy, Christian; Meyer, Philipp T.; Kircheis, Gerald; Haussinger, Dieter; Holschbach, Marcus H.; Coenen, Heinz H.; Herzog, Hans; Elmenhorst, David; Kaiser, Hans J.; Zilles, Karl; Bauer, Andreas


    The cerebral mechanisms underlying hepatic encephalopathy (HE) are poorly understood. Adenosine, a neuromodulator that pre- and postsynaptically modulates neuronal excitability and release of classical neurotransmitters via A 1 adenosine receptors (A 1 AR), is likely to be involved. The present study investigates changes of cerebral A 1 AR binding in cirrhotic patients by means of positron emission tomography (PET) and [ 18 F]CPFPX, a novel selective A 1 AR antagonist. PET was performed in cirrhotic patients (n = 10) and healthy volunteers (n = 10). Quantification of in vivo receptor density was done by Logan's non-invasive graphical analysis (pons as reference region). The outcome parameter was the apparent binding potential (aBP, proportional to B max /K D ). Cortical and subcortical regions showed lower A 1 AR binding in cirrhotic patients than in controls. The aBP changes reached statistical significance vs healthy controls (p 1 AR binding may further aggravate neurotransmitter imbalance at the synaptic cleft in cirrhosis and hepatic encephalopathy. Different pathomechanisms may account for these alterations including decrease of A 1 AR density or affinity, as well as blockade of the A 1 AR by endogenous adenosine or exogenous xanthines. (orig.)

  9. Decisive factors affecting plasma resistance and roughness formation in ArF photoresist

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    Jinnai, Butsurin; Uesugi, Takuji; Koyama, Koji; Samukawa, Seiji [Institute of Fluid Science, Tohoku University, 2-1-1 Katahira, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-8577 (Japan); Kato, Keisuke; Yasuda, Atsushi; Maeda, Shinichi [Yokohama Research Laboratories, Mitsubishi Rayon Co., Ltd, 10-1 Daikoku-cho, Tsurumi-ku, Yokohama 230-0053 (Japan); Momose, Hikaru, E-mail: [Corporate Research Laboratories, Mitsubishi Rayon Co., Ltd, 2-1 Miyuki-cho, Otake, Hiroshima 739-0693 (Japan)


    Low plasma resistance and roughness formation in an ArF photoresist are serious issues in plasma processes. To resolve these issues, we investigated several factors that affect the roughness formation and plasma resistance in an ArF photoresist. We used our neutral beam process to categorize the effects of species from the plasma on the ArF photoresist into physical bombardment, chemical reactions and ultraviolet/vacuum ultraviolet (UV/VUV) radiation. The UV/VUV radiation drastically increased the etching rates of the ArF photoresist films, and, in contrast, chemical reactions increased the formation of surface roughness. FTIR analysis indicated that the UV/VUV radiation preferentially dissociates C-H bonds in the ArF photoresist, rather than C=O bonds, because of the dissociation energies of the bonds. This indicated that the etching rates of the ArF photoresist are determined by the UV/VUV radiation because this radiation can break C-H bonds, which account for the majority of structures in the ArF photoresist. In contrast, FTIR analysis showed that chemical species such as radicals and ions were likely to react with C=O bonds, in particular C=O bonds in the lactone groups of the ArF photoresist, due to the structural and electronic effects of the lactone groups. As a result, the etching rates of the ArF photoresist can vary in different bond structures, leading to increased surface roughness in the ArF photoresist.

  10. Fornos para fusão e espera para indústria de alumínio : caracterização de materiais refratários e conservação de energia


    Marcela Munhoz Monteiro Novo


    Nas indústrias de base ou de transformação a energia utilizada para o aquecimento da carga é parcialmente dissipada tanto pela exaustão dos gases quanto pelos refratários que revestem internamente esses equipamentos industriais que trabalham em altas temperaturas. Assim, a busca por alternativas para um melhor desempenho dos fornos de fusão e espera da indústria de alumínio depende diretamente da capacidade dos materiais refratários em reter o calor e resistir aos processos de degradação nos ...

  11. Uso de fosfato para remoção de arsênio de solo contaminado Use of phosphate for removal of arsenic from contaminated soil

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    Waleska G. P. da Silva


    Full Text Available Quando da opção do procedimento de remediação de solos contaminados com metais pesados para determinado sítio, deve-se levar em consideração dados do sítio e do contaminante, o grau de contaminação, o uso futuro da área e a viabilidade econômica do processo de remediação. A Cia. Mercantil Ingá, localizada no município de Itaguaí, RJ, extraía zinco da calamina através do processo de hidrometalurgia. Durante 31 anos a empresa dispôs, no seu pátio e de forma inadequada, cerca de 3 milhões de toneladas de resíduo perigoso. Uma das etapas do processo de extração do zinco consistia na adição de trióxido de arsênio para a remoção de impurezas, tendo-se verificado contaminação do solo com arsênio de áreas próximas ao local de disposição do resíduo. Dentro deste contexto se avaliou, no presente estudo, a técnica de remediação ex situ, através da remoção por lavagem de solo contaminado com arsênio, e o tratamento do efluente gerado da lavagem. O fracionamento mostrou que a diminuição do pH aumentou a retenção do arsênio. O diidrogenofosfato de potássio 0,4 mol L-1 mostrou-se eficiente na remoção por dessorção do arsênio presente no solo contaminado, conseguindo dessorver cerca de 70% deste elemento em pH 6,2. O cloreto férrico foi mais eficiente que o sulfato de alumínio para a remoção por coagulação, do arsênio do efluente da lavagem do solo.Several remediation procedures for soils contaminated with heavy metals are based on decontamination or stabilization. The selection of one of them for a given site should take data regarding the site and the contaminating agent, contamination degree, future use of the site and the economic viability of remediation process into account. The Mercantil Ingá Company, located in the municipality of Itaguaí - RJ, Brazil, has extracted zinc from calamine through hydrometallurgy. During 31 years, the company improperly disposed of about three million tons of

  12. 77 FR 42430 - Establishment of Class E Airspace; West Memphis, AR (United States)


    ...-0155; Airspace Docket No. 12-ASW-1] Establishment of Class E Airspace; West Memphis, AR AGENCY: Federal... at West Memphis, AR. Separation of existing Class E airspace surrounding West Memphis Municipal... the West Memphis, AR, area, creating controlled airspace at West Memphis Municipal Airport (77 FR...

  13. 76 FR 53359 - Proposed Establishment of Class E Airspace; Nashville, AR (United States)


    ...-0497; Airspace Docket No. 11-ASW-4] Proposed Establishment of Class E Airspace; Nashville, AR AGENCY... action proposes to establish Class E airspace at Nashville, AR. Controlled airspace is necessary to... approach procedures at Howard County Airport, Nashville, AR. Controlled airspace is needed for the safety...

  14. 75 FR 5904 - Proposed Amendment of Class E Airspace; Magnolia, AR (United States)


    ...-1179; Airspace Docket No. 09-ASW-35] Proposed Amendment of Class E Airspace; Magnolia, AR AGENCY... action proposes to amend Class E airspace at Magnolia, AR. Decommissioning of the Magnolia non-directional beacon (NDB) at Magnolia Municipal Airport, Magnolia, AR, has made this action necessary for the...

  15. Identification of a new androgen receptor (AR) co-regulator BUD31 and related peptides to suppress wild-type and mutated AR-mediated prostate cancer growth via peptide screening and X-ray structure analysis. (United States)

    Hsu, Cheng-Lung; Liu, Jai-Shin; Wu, Po-Long; Guan, Hong-Hsiang; Chen, Yuh-Ling; Lin, An-Chi; Ting, Huei-Ju; Pang, See-Tong; Yeh, Shauh-Der; Ma, Wen-Lung; Chen, Chung-Jung; Wu, Wen-Guey; Chang, Chawnshang


    Treatment with individual anti-androgens is associated with the development of hot-spot mutations in the androgen receptor (AR). Here, we found that anti-androgens-mt-ARs have similar binary structure to the 5α-dihydrotestosterone-wt-AR. Phage display revealed that these ARs bound to similar peptides, including BUD31, containing an Fxx(F/H/L/W/Y)Y motif cluster with Tyr in the +5 position. Structural analyses of the AR-LBD-BUD31 complex revealed formation of an extra hydrogen bond between the Tyr+5 residue of the peptide and the AR. Functional studies showed that BUD31-related peptides suppressed AR transactivation, interrupted AR N-C interaction, and suppressed AR-mediated cell growth. Combination of peptide screening and X-ray structure analysis may serve as a new strategy for developing anti-ARs that simultaneously suppress both wt and mutated AR function. Copyright © 2014 Federation of European Biochemical Societies. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  16. The transcriptional programme of the androgen receptor (AR) in prostate cancer. (United States)

    Lamb, Alastair D; Massie, Charlie E; Neal, David E


    The androgen receptor (AR) is essential for normal prostate and prostate cancer cell growth. AR transcriptional activity is almost always maintained even in hormone relapsed prostate cancer (HRPC) in the absence of normal levels of circulating testosterone. Current molecular techniques, such as chromatin-immunoprecipitation sequencing (ChIP-seq), have permitted identification of direct AR-binding sites in cell lines and human tissue with a distinct coordinate network evident in HRPC. The effectiveness of novel agents, such as abiraterone acetate (suppresses adrenal androgens) or enzalutamide (MDV3100, potent AR antagonist), in treating advanced prostate cancer underlines the on-going critical role of the AR throughout all stages of the disease. Persistent AR activity in advanced disease regulates cell cycle activity, steroid biosynthesis and anabolic metabolism in conjunction with regulatory co-factors, such as the E2F family, c-Myc and signal transducer and activator of transcription (STAT) transcription factors. Further treatment approaches must target these other factors. © 2013 The Authors. BJU International © 2013 BJU International.

  17. AR(p) -based detrended fluctuation analysis (United States)

    Alvarez-Ramirez, J.; Rodriguez, E.


    Autoregressive models are commonly used for modeling time-series from nature, economics and finance. This work explored simple autoregressive AR(p) models to remove long-term trends in detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA). Crude oil prices and bitcoin exchange rate were considered, with the former corresponding to a mature market and the latter to an emergent market. Results showed that AR(p) -based DFA performs similar to traditional DFA. However, the former DFA provides information on stability of long-term trends, which is valuable for understanding and quantifying the dynamics of complex time series from financial systems.

  18. Potencial do soro de leite líquido como agente encapsulante de Bifidobacterium Bb-12 por spray drying: comparação com goma arábica Potential of liquid whey as the encapsulating agent of Bifidobacterium Bb-12 by spray drying: comparison with arabic gum

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    Fabiane Picinin de Castro-Cislaghi


    Full Text Available O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar o potencial do soro de leite líquido como agente encapsulante de Bifidobacterium Bb-12 por spray drying, comparando-o com a goma arábica, a qual é tradicionalmente utilizada na tecnologia de microencapsulação. Foram determinados o rendimento da microencapsulação e a viabilidade das microcápsulas durante o armazenamento. Quando o soro de leite foi utilizado como agente encapsulante, o rendimento da microencapsulação foi maior e a viabilidade das células manteve-se elevada e constante durante doze semanas. O soro de leite apresentou-se como um eficiente agente encapsulante de Bifidobacterium por spray drying.The objective of this study was to evaluate the potential of liquid whey as the encapsulating agent Bifidobacterium Bb-12 by spray drying, compared with arabic gum, which is typically used in microencapsulation technology. The microencapsulation yield and viability during storage were determined. When the whey was used as the encapsulating agent, the microencapsulation yield was higher, and cell viability remained high and steady for twelve weeks. The whey was shown to be an effective encapsulating agent of Bifidobacterium by spray drying.

  19. Pre-Himalayan tectono-magmatic imprints in the Darjeeling-Sikkim Himalaya (DSH) constrained by 40Ar/39Ar dating of muscovite (United States)

    Acharyya, Subhrangsu K.; Ghosh, Subhajit; Mandal, Nibir; Bose, Santanu; Pande, Kanchan


    The Lower Lesser Himalayan Sequence (L-LHS) in Darjeeling-Sikkim Himalaya (DSH) displays intensely deformed, low-grade meta-sedimentary rocks, frequently intervened by granite intrusives of varied scales. The principal motivation of our present study is to constrain the timing of this granitic event. Using 40Ar/39Ar geochronology, we dated muscovite from pegmatites emplaced along the earliest fabric in the low grade Daling phyllite, and obtained ∼1850 Ma Ar-Ar muscovite cooling age, which is broadly coeval with crystallization ages of Lingtse granite protolith (e.g., 1800-1850 Ma U-Pb zircon ages) reported from the L-LHS. We present here field observations to show the imprints (tectonic fabrics) of multiple ductile deformation episodes in the LHS terrain. The earliest penetrative fabric, axial planar to N-S trending reclined folds, suggest a regional tectonic event in the DSH prior to the active phase of Indo-Asia collision. Based on the age of granitic bodies and their structural correlation with the earliest fabric, we propose that the L-LHS as a distinct convergent tectono-magmatic belt, delineating the northern margin of Indian craton in the framework of the ∼1850 Ma Columbia supercontinent assembly.

  20. A Study on Tracking and Augmentation in Mobile AR for e-Leisure

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Seong-Wook Jang


    Full Text Available Recently, a mobile augmented reality (AR system with AR technology that requires high performance has become popular due to the improved performance of smartphones. In particular, mobile AR that directly interacts with outdoor environments has been in development because of increasing interest in e-leisure due to improvements in living standards. Therefore, this paper aims to study tracking and augmentation in mobile AR for e-leisure. We analyzed the performance of human body tracking application implemented in a mobile system (smartphone using three methods (marker-based, markerless, and sensor-based for the feasibility examination of human body tracking in mobile AR. Furthermore, game information augmentation was examined through the implementation of mobile AR using two methods (marker- and sensor-based.

  1. 75 FR 29656 - Amendment of Class E Airspace; Mountain View, AR (United States)


    ...-1181; Airspace Docket No. 09-ASW-36] Amendment of Class E Airspace; Mountain View, AR AGENCY: Federal... Mountain View, AR. Decommissioning of the Wilcox non-directional beacon (NDB) at Mountain View Wilcox Memorial Field Airport, Mountain View, AR, has made this action necessary to enhance the safety and...

  2. 75 FR 6594 - Proposed Amendment of Class E Airspace; Osceola, AR (United States)


    ...-1183; Airspace Docket No. 09-ASW-38] Proposed Amendment of Class E Airspace; Osceola, AR AGENCY... action proposes to amend Class E airspace at Osceola, AR. Decommissioning of the Osceola non-directional beacon (NDB) at Osceola Municipal Airport, Osceola, AR, has made this action necessary for the safety and...

  3. Alpine orogenic evolution from subduction to collisional thermal overprint: The 40Ar/39Ar age constraints from the Valaisan Ocean, central Alps

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wiederkehr, Michael; Sudo, Masafumi; Bousquet, Romain


    in general. The timing of high-pressure metamorphism, subsequent retrogression and following Barrow-type overprint was studied by 40Ar/39Ar dating of biotite and several white mica generations that are well characterized in terms of mineral chemistry, texture and associated mineral assemblages. Four distinct...

  4. Ramon Llull's Ars Magna

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Thessa


    The Ars Magna of Ramon Llull must be seen as one of the first attempts to formalise language, thought processes, and creating a basis for rational discussions. It consists of so-called principles, concepts, which are defined and combined through the use of four main figures. Llull's contribution...

  5. ARS-Media for Excel (United States)

    ARS-Media for Excel is an ion solution calculator that uses Microsoft Excel to generate recipes of salts for complex ion mixtures specified by the user. Generating salt combinations (recipes) that result in pre-specified target ion values is a linear programming problem. Thus, the recipes are genera...

  6. Protocolo de Quioto e as possibilidades de inserção do Brasil no Mecanismo de Desenvolvimento Limpo por meio de projetos em energia limpa The Kyoto Protocol and the possibilities for the insertion of Brazil at the Clean Development Mechanism through projects in clean energy

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    Helena Margarido Moreira


    Full Text Available Este artigo pretende estudar a inserção do Brasil no Mecanismo de Desenvolvimento Limpo (MDL do Protocolo de Quioto, por meio de projetos em energia limpa, enfatizando a cooperação entre países desenvolvidos e em desenvolvimento e visando as ações práticas que esse mecanismo permite desenvolver para se alcançar o desenvolvimento sustentável e para conter o aquecimento global. Para isto, realizou-se extensa revisão bibliográfica dos acordos internacionais referentes às mudanças climáticas e de livros e artigos sobre a inserção brasileira no Protocolo de Quioto e no Mecanismo de Desenvolvimento Limpo. O Protocolo de Quioto é um acordo internacional que prevê a redução das emissões de gases de efeito estufa por intermédio de mecanismos flexibilizadores. O Mecanismo de Desenvolvimento Limpo é o único que permite a participação de países em desenvolvimento, para que eles reduzam emissões por meio de projetos que busquem o desenvolvimento sustentável. Neste contexto, o Brasil surge como um país atrativo para o recebimento destes projetos, por sua vocação para desenvolver fontes alternativas de energia e pela sua liderança no processo negociador do Protocolo. O MDL configura-se, portanto, em uma grande oportunidade para o Brasil, visto que esses projetos representam uma fonte de recursos financeiros para que o país busque o desenvolvimento sustentável, além de incentivarem um maior conhecimento científico e a adoção de novas tecnologias.This article intends to study the insertion of Brazil at the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM of the Kyoto Protocol, through clean energy projects, emphasizing the cooperation between developed and developing countries, and aiming the practical actions that this mechanism allows to build up in order to reach the sustainable development and to stop the global warming. To achieve this, an intense bibliographic review of the international agreements concerning climate change, and

  7. Comportamiento del arsénico en suelos de la región lagunera de Coahuila, México

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Guillermo Hernández Ordáz


    Full Text Available El estudio del arsénico (As en la región Lagunera se ha centrado en la calidad y recuperación del agua extraída del subsuelo, que contiene altas concentraciones (> 0.20 mg L-1 del mismo. Diferentes investigaciones han establecido que la adición de fertilizantes fosfatados en suelos agrícolas, favorece la disponibilidad del As en la solución del suelo. Sin embargo, el conocimiento del comportamiento de este metaloide en suelos agrícolas de la región Lagunera, es escaso. Por lo anterior, los objetivos de esta investigación fueron determinar la concentración de arsénico disponible en diferentes suelos de la región y evaluar su comportamiento después de la adición de fósforo soluble. Se describieron cuatro perfiles de diferentes suelos agrícolas, con el fin de captar la mayor variabilidad del metaloide en suelos de la región; tres columnas de cada perfil fueron empleadas como permeámetros para verificar el movimiento vertical del As, después de adicionar fósforo (P y láminas de riego simulando el manejo agrícola. Los suelos fueron caracterizados física y químicamente; el contenido de As inicial se determinó por el método de espectroscopía por generación de hidruros; así como el As disponible final de cada horizonte de los permeámetros; además de la concentración de fósforo soluble final. Los datos se sometieron a un análisis de varianza y a una prueba de medias con Tukey (P ≤ 0.05. Los resultados mostraron que al agregar P a los suelos agrícolas de la región Lagunera, el As disponible en la capa superficial (0-30 cm se incrementó hasta un 662%; aunque este metaloide no rebasó los niveles permisibles que dañen la salud humana, de acuerdo a la Norma Mexicana NOM-147-SEMARNAT/SSA1-2004.

  8. Investigation of the energy levels of 38AR

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Waanders, F.B.


    In this project information on the energy levels of 38 Ar was obtained by means of the (p,γ) reaction. The 1,1 MeV Cockroft-Walton accelerator of the Potchefstroom University for CHE was used to produce the proton beam while a 80 cm 3 Ge(Li) detector was used to detect the gamma-rays. Precise gamma-branchings were determined for 50 bound levels, of which four have not previously been determined. These branchings were obtained from the 28 resonances studied in the 37 Cl(p,γ) 38 Ar reaction. The resonance with a proton energy of (592 plus minus 3) keV was not detected previously. The resonance energies, Q-value and energies of the bound levels used in this project were taken from the study done by Alderliesten. The mean lifetimes of a few bound levels of 38 Ar were measured by means of the doppler shift attenuation method. The results concerning the bound states and mean lifetimes are in good agreement with previous experiments. Limitations on the spin and parities of 19 (p,γ) resonances have been set by means of Weisskopf estimates. Only those cases for which the spin could be limited to two values are discussed in the text. A summary of experimental data obtained on 38 Ar is compared with the results from shellmodel calculations done by various workers. A short discussion on the analogue states in 38 Ar is also given [af

  9. Reappraisal of Los Humeros Volcanic Complex by New U/Th Zircon and 40Ar/39Ar Dating: Implications for Greater Geothermal Potential (United States)

    Carrasco-Núñez, G.; Bernal, J. P.; Dávila, P.; Jicha, B.; Giordano, G.; Hernández, J.


    Longevity and size of magmatic systems are fundamental factors for assessing the potential of a geothermal field. At Los Humeros volcanic complex (LHVC), the first caldera-forming event was reported at 460 ± 40 ka. New zircon U/Th and plagioclase 40Ar/39Ar dates of pre-, syn- and postcaldera volcanics allow a reappraisal of the evolution of the geothermally active LHVC. The age of the voluminous Xaltipan ignimbrite (115 km3 dense rock equivalent [DRE]) associated with the formation of the Los Humeros caldera is now constrained by two geochronometers (zircon U/Th and plagioclase 40Ar/39Ar dating) to 164 ± 4.2 ka, which postdates a long episode of precaldera volcanism (rhyolitic domes), the oldest age of which is 693.0 ± 1.9 ka (40Ar/39Ar). The inferred short residence time (around 5 ka) for the paroxysmal Xaltipan ignimbrite is indicative of rapid assembly of a large magma body and rejuvenation of the system due to recurrent recharge magmas, as it has been occurred in some other large magmatic systems. Younger ages than previously believed have been obtained also for the other voluminous explosive phases of the Faby fall tuff at ˜70 ka and the second caldera-forming Zaragoza ignimbrite with 15 km3 DRE, which erupted immediately after. Thus, the time interval that separates the two caldera-forming episodes at Los Humeros is only 94 kyr, which is a much shorter interval than suggested by previous K-Ar dates (410 kyr). This temporal proximity allows us to propose a caldera stage encompassing the Xaltipan and the Zaragoza ignimbrites, followed by emplacement at 44.8 ± 1.7 ka of rhyolitic magmas interpreted to represent a postcaldera, resurgent stage. Rhyolitic eruptions have also occurred during the Holocene (˜1,200 km3) and these new ages indicating much younger caldera-forming volcanism than previously believed are fundamental factors in the application of classical conductive models of heat resource, enhancing the heat production capacity and favor a higher

  10. 41Ar-concentration measurements at the Finnish TRIGA Mark II

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tamminen, A.


    41 Ar-concentrations in the reactor hall and in the Ar-ventilation duct of FiR-1 (IRIGA Mark II, 250 kW) have been measured during normal operation conditions. Additional measurements have been performed varying Ar-ventilation and hall ventilation flow. A γ- and background compensated thin window proportional detector and a β-Geiger detector for 41 Ar-measurements are described. The hall concentration has also been estimated from background measurements with an unshielded Ge(Li)-detector. The saturation concentration in the reactor hall with and without the hall ventilation is about 1 x 10 -7 μCi/cm 3 and 3 x 10 -7 μCi/cm 3 , respectively. (author)

  11. 40Ar/ 39Ar dating of Late Permian evaporites, southeastern New Mexico, USA (United States)

    Renne, Paul R.; Sharp, Warren D.; Montañez, Isabel P.; Becker, Tim A.; Zierenberg, Robert A.


    40Ar/ 39Ar dating of the potassium-magnesium sulfate mineral langbeinite from Permian evaporites of the Salado formation near Carlsbad, New Mexico, provides quantitative evidence that some salts in these deposits have not recrystallized for 251 Myr since deposition. Survival of Permian salts supports the possibility that Bacillus bacteria recovered from nearby halite was isolated in a closed system and represents a sample of uncontaminated Permian life. Local recrystallization of langbeinite and other nearby minerals is also indicated by the dating, suggesting both the need and the opportunity to document closed system behavior more rigorously. The shoaling and desiccation event recorded by the Salado formation began at least 1 Myr before the Permian-Triassic boundary. Temporal correlation of the Salado with the Zechstein evaporites of north-central Europe supports previously inferred regression models for the origin of these deposits. Significant paleoenvironmental change at the Permian-Triassic boundary thus occurred on a time scale more protracted than that implied by geologically instantaneous events such as bolide impacts.

  12. 75 FR 43884 - Proposed Amendment of Class E Airspace; Searcy, AR (United States)


    ...-1182; Airspace Docket No. 09-ASW-37] Proposed Amendment of Class E Airspace; Searcy, AR AGENCY: Federal... proposes to amend Class E airspace at Searcy, AR. Decommissioning of the Searcy non-directional beacon (NDB) at Searcy Municipal Airport, Searcy, AR, has made this action necessary for the safety and management...

  13. Geochronological 40Ar/39Ar data on the submarine fault-scarps in the Sardinia channel (western mediterranean)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bouillin, J.P.; Tricart, P.; Mascle, G.; Monie, P.; Rolfo, F.; Torelli, L.


    Granite and gneiss have been sampled on the submarine fault scarps of the Sardinia Channel and have been dated using the 40 Ar/ 39 Ar method. The majority of rocks partially preserve Hercynian ages. Some of them display Lower Cretaceous ages. In addition, Upper Eocene-Oligocene argon resetting is recorded only in rocks from the southeast sector of the Channel. We thus propose that the basement of the Sardinia Channel occupied a shallow position within the stack of the Alpine tectonic units, behind the more deformed front of the internal zones of the Maghrebide Chain. (authors)

  14. Evaluación de bolsa atmósfera modificada y concentraciones de anhídrido sulfuroso aplicadas sobre frutos de arándano alto (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) cv. Emerald


    Mario Rodríguez Beraud; Anddy Wyss Valdés; Nelson Hormazábal Vásquez


    Con el objetivo de evaluar las técnicas de atmósfera modificada y aplicación de anhídrido sulfuroso sobre parámetros de calidad de postcosecha en frutos de arándanos (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) cv. Emerald, se realizó un experimento de seis tratamientos, dados por la combinación de dos factores, atmósfera modificada (con y sin), y diferentes concentraciones de anhídrido sulfuroso (generadas por 0, 1 y 2 g de metabisulfito de sodio) durante 7, 14, 21 y 28 días a 0 °C. Con la dosis de 2 g de meta...

  15. 40Ar/39Ar dating and zircon chronochemistry for the Izu-Bonin rear arc, IODP site U1437 (United States)

    Schmitt, A. K.; Konrad, K.; Andrews, G. D.; Horie, K.; Brown, S. R.; Koppers, A. A. P.; Busby, C.; Tamura, Y.


    The scientific objective of IODP Expedition 350 drilling at Site U1437 (31°47.390'N, 139°01.580'E) was to reveal the "missing half of the subduction factory": the rear arc of a long-lived intraoceanic subduction zone. Site U1437 lies in a 50 km long and 20 km wide volcano-bounded basin, 90 km west of the Izu arc front, and is the only IODP site drilled in the rear arc. The Izu rear arc is dominated by Miocene basaltic to dacitic seamount chains, which strike at a high angle to the arc front. Radiometric dating targeted a single igneous unit (1390 mbsf), and fine to coarse volcaniclastic units for which we present zircon and 40Ar/39Ar (hornblende, plagioclase, and groundmass) age determinations. All zircons analyzed as grain separates were screened for contamination from drill-mud (Andrews et al., 2016) by analyzing trace elements and, where material was available, O and Hf isotope compositions. Igneous Unit 1 is a rhyolite sheet and yielded concordant in-situ and crystal separate U-Pb zircon ages (13.7±0.3 Ma; MSWD = 1.3; n = 40 spots), whereas the 40Ar/39Ar hornblende plateau age (12.9±0.3; MSWD = 1.1; n = 9 steps) is slightly younger, possibly reflecting pre-eruptive zircon crystallization, or alteration of hornblende. U-Pb zircon and 40Ar/39Ar plateau ages from samples above igneous Unit 1 are concordant with biostratigraphic and paleomagnetic ages (available to 1300 mbsf), but plagioclase and groundmass samples below 1300 m become younger with depth, hinting at post-depositional alteration. A single zircon from 1600 mbsf yielded a U-Pb age of 15.4±1.8 Ma; its trace element composition resembles other igneous zircons from U1437, and is tentatively interpreted as a Middle Miocene age for the lowermost lithostratigraphic unit VII. Oxygen and Hf isotopic values of igneous zircon indicate mantle origins, with some influence of assimilation of hydrothermally altered oceanic crust evident in sub-mantle oxygen isotopic compositions. Lessons from site U1437 are

  16. 40Ar/39Ar dating of Quaternary volcanic ashes by multi-collection noble gas mass spectrometry: protocols, precision and intercalibration

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Storey, Michael; Rivera, Tiffany; Flude, Stephanie

    ) higher mass resolution allows hydrocarbon interferences to be pseudo resolved for the different argon isotopes; and (iv) multi-collection, allowing more data to be gathered in a fixed time in comparison with single-collector peak-switching measurements. We evaluate (i) protocols for detector inter......The recent availability of commercial high-resolution, multi-collector, noble gas mass spectrometers equipped with ion-counting electron multipliers provides new opportunities for improved precision in 40Ar/39Ar dating. This is particularly true for single crystal dating of Quaternary aged samples...... where potassium-bearing phenocrysts may contain relatively small amounts of radiogenic 40Ar. In 2005, the Quaternary Dating Laboratory, Roskilde University, installed a Nu-Instruments multi-collector Noblesse noble gas mass spectrometer, which is configured with a Faraday detector and three ion...

  17. Ars ornata / Kadri Mälk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Mälk, Kadri, 1958-


    V rahvusvaheline ehtekunsti konverents 'Ars ornata Europeana' juuni lõpus Stockholmis. New Yorgis elava kuraatori Charon Kranseni ja prantsuse ehtekunstniku Christophe Burger' juhitud vestlusringidest. 1997. a. Pariisis loodud International Craft Design Association'ist (ICDA).


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    Zehra YAZBAHAR


    Full Text Available With his stories in his first book which is Steppe Which Fade To Crocuses he published in 2010, Imdat Avşar reflects our society and our traditional values. In this study which is primarily composed of two major parts, after giving brief information about Imdat Avşar in the first section, the art of storytelling will be part in the second section and the stories in the mentioned book are gotten the grips with narrator, viewpoint, content, characters, language and style. İmdat Avşar, 2010 yılında yayımladığı Çiğdemleri Solan Bozkır isimli ilk hikâye kitabındaki hikâyeleri ile aynasını Türk toplumuna ve onun geleneksel değerlerine tutar. Esas itibariyle iki ana bölümden oluşan bu çalışmada, ilk bölümde İmdat Avşar hakkında kısa bir bilgi verildikten sonra ikinci bölümde hikâyeciliğine geçilecek ve sözü edilen kitabındaki hikâyeleri, anlatıcı ve bakış açısı, içerik ve kişiler kadrosu, dil ve üslûp başlıkları altında ele alınacaktır.

  19. Hipotermia no período peri-operatório

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    Biazzotto Camila B.


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A hipotermia ocorre freqüentemente durante o período peri-operatório, sendo, porém, raramente diagnosticada e tratada. A hipotermia pode ser benéfica ou prejudicial ao paciente dependendo da situação e do procedimento específicos. Este artigo teve como objetivo realizar uma revisão da literatura sobre as indicações e complicações da hipotermia, assim como seu diagnóstico, prevenção e tratamento. CONTEÚDO: São apresentadas as principais causas e complicações da hipotermia peri-operatória, bem como os seus benefícios. CONCLUSÕES: A hipotermia pode ocorrer durante o ato anestésico-cirúrgico devido à inibição direta da termorregulação pelos anestésicos, à diminuição do metabolismo e à perda de calor para o ambiente frio das salas cirúrgicas, mesmo com a utilização de aquecimento ativo. Quando ocorre de forma inadvertida, pode estar associada a numerosas complicações, mas, quando bem indicada, pode proteger órgãos vitais, como o sistema nervoso central e o miocárdio. A manutenção da normotermia reduz os efeitos indesejáveis da hipotermia, sendo a prevenção através do aquecimento, o método mais efetivo. Estratégias de aquecimento ativo ou passivo devem ser empregadas e os tremores musculares devem ser adequadamente tratados, prevenindo desconforto e o aumento da demanda metabólica.

  20. Androgen-Sensitized Apoptosis of HPr-1AR Human Prostate Epithelial Cells.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Congcong Chen

    Full Text Available Androgen receptor (AR signaling is crucial to the development and homeostasis of the prostate gland, and its dysregulation mediates common prostate pathologies. The mechanisms whereby AR regulates growth suppression and differentiation of luminal epithelial cells in the prostate gland and proliferation of malignant versions of these cells have been investigated in human and rodent adult prostate. However, the cellular stress response of human prostate epithelial cells is not well understood, though it is central to prostate health and pathology. Here, we report that androgen sensitizes HPr-1AR and RWPE-AR human prostate epithelial cells to cell stress agents and apoptotic cell death. Although 5α-dihydrotestosterone (DHT treatment alone did not induce cell death, co-treatment of HPr-1AR cells with DHT and an apoptosis inducer, such as staurosporine (STS, TNFt, or hydrogen peroxide, synergistically increased cell death in comparison to treatment with each apoptosis inducer by itself. We found that the synergy between DHT and apoptosis inducer led to activation of the intrinsic/mitochondrial apoptotic pathway, which is supported by robust cleavage activation of caspase-9 and caspase-3. Further, the dramatic depolarization of the mitochondrial membrane potential that we observed upon co-treatment with DHT and STS is consistent with increased mitochondrial outer membrane permeabilization (MOMP in the pro-apoptotic mechanism. Interestingly, the synergy between DHT and apoptosis inducer was abolished by AR antagonists and inhibitors of transcription and protein synthesis, suggesting that AR mediates pro-apoptotic synergy through transcriptional regulation of MOMP genes. Expression analysis revealed that pro-apoptotic genes (BCL2L11/BIM and AIFM2 were DHT-induced, whereas pro-survival genes (BCL2L1/BCL-XL and MCL1 were DHT-repressed. Hence, we propose that the net effect of these AR-mediated expression changes shifts the balance of BCL2-family proteins

  1. $\\beta$ decay of $^{47}$Ar

    CERN Document Server

    Weissman, L; Bergmann, U C; Brown, B A; Catherall, R; Cederkäll, J; Dillmann, I; Hallmann, O; Fraile-Prieto, L M; Franchoo, S; Gaudefroy, L; Köster, U; Kratz, K L; Pfeiffer, B; Sorlin, O; 10.1103/PhysRevC.70.024304


    Information on beta -decay properties of neutron-rich /sup 47/Ar was obtained at the ISOLDE facility at CERN using isobaric selectivity. This was achieved by a combination of a plasma-ion source with a cooled transfer line and subsequent mass separation. A doubly charged beam was used in order to improve the signal-to-background ratio associated with multi-charged noble gas fission products. The identification of the /sup 47/Ar gamma -ray transitions was performed by comparing the spectra obtained from direct proton bombardment of the target and of the neutron converter. New excited levels in the daughter /sup 47/K nucleus corresponding to the negative-parity states were observed. The obtained data are compared to the result of large-scale shell model calculations and quasiparticle random-phase approximation predictions. (29 refs).

  2. Acoustic Resonance Spectroscopy (ARS) Munition Classification System enhancements. Final report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vela, O.A.; Huggard, J.C.


    Acoustic Resonance Spectroscopy (ARS) is a non-destructive evaluation technology developed at the Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL). This technology has resulted in three generations of instrumentation, funded by the Defense Special Weapons Agency (DSWA), specifically designed for field identification of chemical weapon (CW) munitions. Each generation of ARS instrumentation was developed with a specific user in mind. The ARS1OO was built for use by the U.N. Inspection Teams going into Iraq immediately after the Persian Gulf War. The ARS200 was built for use in the US-Russia Bilateral Chemical Weapons Treaty (the primary users for this system are the US Onsite Inspection Agency (OSIA) and their Russian counterparts). The ARS300 was built with the requirements of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) in mind. Each successive system is an improved version of the previous system based on learning the weaknesses of each and, coincidentally, on the fact that more time was available to do a requirements analysis and the necessary engineering development. The ARS300 is at a level of development that warrants transferring the technology to a commercial vendor. Since LANL will supply the computer software to the selected vendor, it is possible for LANL to continue to improve the decision algorithms, add features where necessary, and adjust the user interface before the final transfer occurs. This paper describes the current system, ARS system enhancements, and software enhancements. Appendices contain the Operations Manual (software Version 3.01), and two earlier reports on enhancements.

  3. C5a and C5aR are elevated in joints of rheumatoid and psoriatic arthritis patients, and C5aR blockade attenuates leukocyte migration to synovial fluid

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hornum, Lars; Hansen, Anker Jon; Tornehave, Ditte


    synovial fluid was significantly inhibited by anti-C5aR. The data support that the C5a-C5aR axis may be driving the infiltration of inflammatory cells into the synovial fluid and synovium in both rheumatoid and psoriatic arthritis, and suggest that C5a or C5aR may be a promising treatment target in both...... a Boyden chamber. Appropriate statistical tests were applied for comparisons. C5aR+ cells were detected in most rheumatoid arthritis, in all psoriatic arthritis, but not in non-inflammatory control synovia. C5aR+ cells were primarily neutrophils and macrophages. C5aR+ macrophages were mainly found...

  4. K/Ar dating of diagenetic illites

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mizusaki, A.M.P.; Anjos, S.M.C. dos; Costa, M.G.F. da; Silva, O.B. da; Kawashita, K.


    Ascertaining the potassium/argon (K/Ar) age of diagenetic illites yields important information for hydrocarbon exploration since the growth of this mineral in the pores of sandstone reservoir and oil migration are interlinked events in the diagenetic evolution of rocks. Illite growth ceases as soon as hydrocarbons completely fill in rock pores, displacing interstitial water. By providing an estimate of the period when the illite formed, K/Ar dating can indirectly tells us when hydrocarbons entered the reservoir. Samples of oil-saturated sandstones collected from Carboniferous reservoirs of the Solimoes Basin reveal a diagenetic evolution consisting predominantly of quartz, calcite, and illite overgrowths. In the present study, illite was mechanically separated by repeating a series of ultrasonic baths and ultrasonic probes followed by high-speed centrifuging. Resultant fractions were analyzed by X-ray diffractometry to measure the illite content of each sample. The separated illite material was found to be composed of illite and ordered mixed layer illite-smectite with 80% illite layers. Separated fractions were dated radiometrically by the K/Ar method. Preliminary results indicate an average age of some 200 m.y., which marks the end of the diagenetic development of the illites of this area. (author)

  5. El espacio por aprender, el mismo que enseñar: las urgencias de la educación geográfica

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    Marcelo Garrido Pereira

    Full Text Available La presente reflexión intenta indagar en las posibilidades del discurso pedagógico cuando se considera el saber espacial informal como un antecedente de prácticas transformativas. El saber espacial informal ha sido ampliamente negado por los currículos nacionales e incluso menospreciado por las apuestas didácticas que los profesores de geografía desarrollan. En tal sentido urge identificar las relaciones entre un saber que es experiencia y que es al mismo tiempo parte de un proyecto de actor y de sujeto en crisis. Con todo ello se proponen espacios de intervención pedagógica, categorías de síntesis de la experiencia espacial y caminos problematizadores para el desarrollo de una educación geográfica significante.

  6. 40Ar/39Ar dating and paleo-magnetism of traps from Ethiopia, Deccan and Siberia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hofmann, C.


    Recent studies have shown that major flood basalt provinces have been emplaced as short events (∼ 1 Myr), more or less synchronous with climatic crises and mass extinctions. We present new geochronologic ( 40 Ar/ 39 Ar) and magneto-stratigraphic results for the Ethiopian traps, one of the last remaining flood basalts for which little of such data were available. The ages obtained in a 2000 m thick section are indistinguishable. Moreover, magneto-stratigraphy reveals a simple 3-chron reverse-normal-reverse sequence. Although magnetic chrons cannot be yet unambiguously identified, there is more likelihood for the normal sub-chron in the main basaltic pile to correspond to 11N, supporting a brief duration (less than 1.5 Ma). The Ethiopian traps erupted near 30 Ma at or near the time of the cold and dry climate, major Antarctic ice sheet advance, and the largest sea-level drop in the Tertiary. Bhandari et al. (GRL, 1995) have discovered inter-traps sediments with a triple iridium anomaly in a series of seven basaltic lava flows in the Kutch area of the North Western Deccan traps of India. Plagioclases from three flows above the iridium bearing sediments yield 39 Ar/ 40 Ar plateau ages near 65.0 Ma: these flows have unambiguously reversed magnetic polarity interpreted as chron 29R. As a preliminary summary, evidence of the KTB asteroid impact is confirmed in the Deccan traps, showing that they are coeval events in a general sense (in a Ma long window) though clearly with vastly different time constants. This is compatible with paleontologic evidence of two scales of extinctions, one quasi-instantaneous and the other on the order of 10 5 to 10 6 yrs. Clearly, the impact cannot have caused trap eruptions. On the other hand, the exact age and significance of the lower flows more altered remains to be analyzed further as they pertained to the much debated question of duration of Deccan trap volcanism. (author)

  7. Ar-41 measurements and nuclear emergency preparedness

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kunst, J.J.; Rodriguez, M.; Ugarte, R.; Vigile, R.S.; Boutet, L.I.; Jordan, O.D.; Hernandez, D.G.


    During the early phase of an emergency is necessary to confirm the release of radioactivity predictions made by the operator of the nuclear plant. In this context, it has begun measuring Ar-41 in the vicinity of a research reactor. Since the Ar-41 is produced in the reactor, it has been studied as a good way to validate the air dispersion model used in nuclear emergencies and to develop a method to improve the characterization of the release. For this latter purpose a pilot experiment was conducted to determine computational and experimental methods, the flux of 1.29 MeV of Ar-41 and compared to evaluate the accuracy of the assessments made. This paper describes meteorological forecasting systems used in the experiment, the estimate of the stability class and the concentration of nuclides using a calculation code developed by the ARN, as well as the methodology and equipment used for measurement in the field. (authors) [es

  8. Collisional excitation of ArH+ by hydrogen atoms (United States)

    Dagdigian, Paul J.


    The rotational excitation of the 36ArH+ ion in collisions with hydrogen atoms is investigated in this work. The potential energy surface (PES) describing the 36ArH+-H interaction, with the ion bond length r fixed at the average of r over the radial v = 0 vibrational state distribution, was obtained with a coupled cluster method that included single, double, and (perturbatively) triple excitations [RCCSD(T)]. A deep minimum (De = 3135 cm-1) in the PES was found in linear H-ArH+ geometry at an ion-atom separation Re = 4.80a0. Energy-dependent cross-sections and rate coefficients as a function of temperature for this collision pair were computed in close-coupling (CC) calculations. Since the PES possesses a deep well, this is a good system to test the performance of the quantum statistical (QS) method developed by Manolopoulos and co-workers as a more efficient method to compute the cross-sections. Good agreement was found between rate coefficients obtained by the CC and QS methods at several temperatures. In a simple application, the excitation of ArH+ is simulated for conditions under which this ion is observed in absorption.

  9. The Educational Values of Athiyyah ar-Rahman Book

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    Maya Yunita


    Full Text Available Athiyyah ar-Rahman is an influential book which written by Muhammad Azhari al-Palembani ibn Abdullah ibn Ahmad or also known as Kemas Azhari (1811-1874. The book was written in 1842 and until today is learned by Islamic community in Palembang. This article tries to elucidate the values of Athiyyah ar-Rahman book from education perspectives. The discourse-historical approach of Reisigl and Wodak (2008 is used to analyze the book. The findings show that Athiyyah ar-Rahman describes six pillars of Islam. The six pillars of Islam are framing three dimensions, including personal dimension, social dimension, and transformative dimension. The personal dimension relates to the core of the education to construct the self of student. The social dimension relates to the visions for harmonizing among humans and between humans and nature. Meanwhile, the transformational dimension relates to the effect of education to solve the problems in human life as well as transform the society. Based on the analysis, the educational values of Athiyyah ar-Rahman could be summarized as follows: religiosity, spirituality, morality, solidarity, tolerance, environmentalism, pragmatism and transformational.

  10. Audit, Control and Monitoring Design Patterns (ACMDP for Autonomous Robust Systems (ARS

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    C. Trad


    Full Text Available This paper proposes the Audit, Control and Monitoring Design Patterns (ACMDP for building Autonomous and Robust Systems (ARS such as Mobile Robot Systems (MRS. These patterns are also applicable to other Mission Critical and Complex Systems (MCCS. This paper presents a proposal which will help ARS project managers and engineers design, build and estimate the probability that an ARS will succeed or fail. Furthermore, this proposal offers the possibility to ARS problems with the help of audit, monitoring and controlling components, adjust the project management pathways, and define the problem sources as well as their possible solutions, in order to deliver an ARS or an MRS.

  11. Episodic Holocene eruption of the Salton Buttes rhyolites, California, from paleomagnetic, U-Th, and Ar/Ar dating (United States)

    Wright, Heather M.; Vazquez, Jorge A.; Champion, Duane E.; Calvert, Andrew T.; Mangan, Margaret T.; Stelten, Mark E.; Cooper, Kari M.; Herzig, Charles; Schriener Jr., Alexander


    In the Salton Trough, CA, five rhyolite domes form the Salton Buttes: Mullet Island, Obsidian Butte, Rock Hill, North and South Red Hill, from oldest to youngest. Results presented here include 40Ar/39Ar anorthoclase ages, 238U-230Th zircon crystallization ages, and comparison of remanent paleomagnetic directions with the secular variation curve, which indicate that all domes are Holocene. 238U-230Th zircon crystallization ages are more precise than but within uncertainty of 40Ar/39Ar anorthoclase ages, suggesting that zircon crystallization proceeded until shortly before eruption in all cases except one. Remanent paleomagnetic directions require three eruption periods: (1) Mullet Island, (2) Obsidian Butte, and (3) Rock Hill, North Red Hill, and South Red Hill. Borehole cuttings logs document up to two shallow tephra layers. North and South Red Hills likely erupted within 100 years of each other, with a combined 238U-230Th zircon isochron age of: 2.83 ± 0.60 ka (2 sigma); paleomagnetic evidence suggests this age predates eruption by hundreds of years (1800 cal BP). Rock Hill erupted closely in time to these eruptions. The Obsidian Butte 238U-230Th isochron age (2.86 ± 0.96 ka) is nearly identical to the combined Red Hill age, but its Virtual Geomagnetic Pole position suggests a slightly older age. The age of aphyric Mullet Island dome is the least well constrained: zircon crystals are resorbed and the paleomagnetic direction is most distinct; possible Mullet Island ages include ca. 2300, 5900, 6900, and 7700 cal BP. Our results constrain the duration of Salton Buttes volcanism to between ca. 5900 and 500 years.

  12. Substituent effect in spin-crossover behavior of iron(II)-Ar-pybox complexes (Ar-pybox = 4-aryl-2,6-bis(oxazolin-2-yl)pyridine) (United States)

    Kimura, Akifumi; Ishida, Takayuki


    Spin-crossover (SCO) is a reversible transition between low-spin (LS) and high-spin (HS) states by external stimuli like heat. The SCO behavior of [Fe(Ar-pybox)2](ClO4)2 was investigated, where Ar-pybox stands for 4-aryl-2,6-bis(oxazolin-2-yl)pyridine with Ar = 4-pyridyl (4Py), 3-thienyl (3Th), and phenyl (Ph). They were characterized by means of single-crystal X-ray diffraction study, being consistent with the results of the magnetic measurements. The SCO temperatures (T1/2) in the polycrystalline state were determined to be 360 and 230 K for Ar = 4Py and Ph, respectively. The 3Th derivative possessed a HS state in all the temperature range. The solution susceptometry was also performed to purge intermolecular interaction and rigid crystal lattice effects, affording T1/2 = 310, 240, and 240 K for Ar = 4Py, 3Th, and Ph, respectively, in acetone. The substituent effect analysis using the Hammett substituent constant (σp) clarified that electron-withdrawing groups raise T1/2. A plausible model describing the substituent effect on T1/2 is proposed based on d-π interaction. The present result is regarded as a successful example of crystal field engineering.

  13. The AR Sandbox: Augmented Reality in Geoscience Education (United States)

    Kreylos, O.; Kellogg, L. H.; Reed, S.; Hsi, S.; Yikilmaz, M. B.; Schladow, G.; Segale, H.; Chan, L.


    The AR Sandbox is a combination of a physical box full of sand, a 3D (depth) camera such as a Microsoft Kinect, a data projector, and a computer running open-source software, creating a responsive and interactive system to teach geoscience concepts in formal or informal contexts. As one or more users shape the sand surface to create planes, hills, or valleys, the 3D camera scans the surface in real-time, the software creates a dynamic topographic map including elevation color maps and contour lines, and the projector projects that map back onto the sand surface such that real and projected features match exactly. In addition, users can add virtual water to the sandbox, which realistically flows over the real surface driven by a real-time fluid flow simulation. The AR Sandbox can teach basic geographic and hydrologic skills and concepts such as reading topographic maps, interpreting contour lines, formation of watersheds, flooding, or surface wave propagation in a hands-on and explorative manner. AR Sandbox installations in more than 150 institutions have shown high audience engagement and long dwell times of often 20 minutes and more. In a more formal context, the AR Sandbox can be used in field trip preparation, and can teach advanced geoscience skills such as extrapolating 3D sub-surface shapes from surface expression, via advanced software features such as the ability to load digital models of real landscapes and guiding users towards recreating them in the sandbox. Blueprints, installation instructions, and the open-source AR Sandbox software package are available at .

  14. Novel galeterone analogs act independently of AR and AR-V7 for the activation of the unfolded protein response and induction of apoptosis in the CWR22Rv1 prostate cancer cell model. (United States)

    McCarty, David J; Huang, Weiliang; Kane, Maureen A; Purushottamachar, Puranik; Gediya, Lalji K; Njar, Vincent C O


    The androgen receptor (AR) has long been the primary target for the treatment of prostate cancer (PC). Despite continuous efforts to block AR activity through ligand depletion, AR antagonism, AR depletion and combinations thereof, advanced PC tumors remain resilient. Herein, we evaluate two galeterone analogs, VNPT-178 and VNLG-74A, in PC cell models of diverse androgen and AR dependence attempting to delineate their mechanisms of action and potential clinical utility. Employing basic biochemical techniques, we determined that both analogs have improved antiproliferative and anti-AR activities compared to FDA-approved abiraterone and enzalutamide. However, induction of apoptosis in these models is independent of the AR and its truncated variant, AR-V7, and instead likely results from sustained endoplasmic reticulum stress and deregulated calcium homeostasis. Using in silico molecular docking, we predict VNPT-178 and VNLG-74A bind the ATPase domain of BiP/Grp78 and Hsp70-1A with greater affinity than the AR. Disruption of 70 kDa heat shock protein function may be the underlying mechanism of action for these galeterone analogs. Therefore, despite simultaneously antagonizing AR activity, AR and/or AR-V7 expression alone may inadequately predict a patient's response to treatment with VNPT-178 or VNLG-74A. Future studies evaluating the context-specific limitations of these compounds may provide clarity for their clinical application.

  15. On the relationship between atmospheric rivers (ARs) and heavy precipitation over Japan (United States)

    Yatagai, A. I.; Takayabu, Y. N.


    Atmospheric Rivers (ARs) are known as the water-vapor rich part of the broader warm conveyor belt. Recently, several AR detection algorithms are proposed, and structures and that of statistical features are studied globally. Since Japan is a humid country located in the north of the warm pool, ARs, middle tropospheric fast moisture transport, might be an important moisture source for heavy precipitation events in Japan. The purpose of this study is to develop an algorithm of detection of ARs over Japan, and to investigate the possible relationship between them and Japanese heavy precipitation events. Since high spatial correlations were obtained between ERA-Interim reanalysis PW and that of SSM/I (microwave images), we used daily PW (0.75 degree grid) for detection of the ARs. Using 36 years (1979-2014) ERA-Interim, we defined daily smoothed PW climatology. Then, we detected AR area with daily anomaly of PW exceeding 10 mm. However, we exclude round-shaped (caused by Typhoon etc) area and the case of moisture transport not exceeding 30N/30S. The daily AR events over Japan (123-146E, 24-46N) are; 1013 cases for winter (DJF), 1722 for spring (MAM), 2229 for summer (JJA) and 1870 for autumn (SON) during the 36 years. They successfully include Hiroshima disaster event (19 August 2014, Hirota et al., 2015) and Amami heavy precipitation event (20 October 2010). The summer with large AR appearance (1998 and 2010) had negative SOI (La Nina), and lowest appearance year (1992) was the year of El Nino (positively significant SOI). Totally, more ARs come over Japan area in La Nina years, however, the seasonal statistics between SOI and the number of AR is not straightforward, indicating that it is difficult to explain ARs over Japan with only tropical inter-annual variability. We use APHRO-JP (Kamiguchi et al., 2010) daily gridded (0.05 degree) precipitation (1979-2011) over Japanese land areas for comparison. Among the 32 years (1979-2011), we had 82 cases of heavy

  16. A Knock-in Reporter for a Novel AR-Targeted Therapy (United States)


    AWARD NUMBER: W81XWH-15-1-0049 TITLE: A Knock -in Reporter for a Novel AR-Targeted Therapy PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Chunhong Yan, Ph.D...5a. CONTRACT NUMBER A Knock -in Reporter for a Novel AR-Targeted Therapy 5b. GRANT NUMBER W81XWH-15-1-0049 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S...enhancer. While the knock -in reporter is expected to faithfully reproduce chemical responses of the endogenous AR gene, we carried out a pilot screen

  17. Utilização de sistemas fototérmicos com concentradores para higienização de salas de ordenha Use of the thermal solar systems with concentrators for the hygiene of milking parlor

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    Leandra Altoé


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho, analisou-se a viabilidade do uso de concentradores de radiação solar em sistemas fototérmicos para higienização de salas de ordenha. Foram analisadas três opções para aquecimento de água com reservatório de acumulação: sistema com resistência elétrica, sistema solar com concentrador e sistema solar sem concentrador. Calculou-se o custo total dessas alternativas e o valor presente líquido do sistema solar suplementado por lenha de eucalipto comprada, lenha de eucalipto produzida na propriedade rural, energia elétrica e gás liquefeito de petróleo (GLP. Realizou-se uma análise de sensibilidade do sistema fototérmico variando o número de vacas lactantes, o custo da energia elétrica e da lenha, a taxa de juros, o custo dos componentes do sistema, a vida útil e o subsídio no valor do equipamento. O sistema fototérmico com concentrador suplementado por lenha produzida na propriedade foi a alternativa de aquecimento mais viável economicamente. O uso dos concentradores gera uma redução de cerca de 10% no custo de aquisição do sistema de aquecimento solar.In this study, we analyzed the feasibility of using radiation concentrators in thermal solar systems for the hygiene of milking parlors. We analyzed three options for water heating with tank accumulation: system with electric resistance, the solar system with concentrator and the solar system without concentrator. It was calculated the total cost of these alternatives and the net present value of the solar system supplemented by purchased eucalyptus wood, eucalyptus wood produced on the farm, electricity and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG. A sensitivity analysis of the thermal solar system varying the number of dairy cows, the electricity and the firewood costs, the interest rate, the system's components cost, the life expectancy and the subsidy on the equipment value. The thermal solar system with concentrator supplemented by firewood produced on the property



    Araujo Vieira, Elamara Marama; Universidade Federal da Paraíba; Norte da Silva, Jonhatan Magno; Universidade Federal da Paraíba; Falcão, Cláudio Anselmo; Universidade Federal da Paraíba; Lopes da Silva, Erivaldo; Universidade Federal da Paraíba; Bueno da Silva, Luíz; Universidade Federal da Paraíba


    Objetiva-se verificar os padrões de concentração e dispersão de material particulado suspenso de tamanhos 0,5µm (PM0,5), 1µm (PM1) e 5µm (PM5) em uma Unidade de Terapia Intensiva, identificando qual a interferência da temperatura e umidade do ar em tais padrões. Os dados foram coletados no mês de setembro de 2014 com o equipamento Fluke 983. A análise dos dados foi realizada por testes de medidas de tendência central e testes paramétrico e não-paramétrico correlacionando as variáveis de inter...

  19. Irradiation effects of Ar cluster ion beams on Si substrates

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ishii, Masahiro; Sugahara, Gaku; Takaoka, G.H.; Yamada, Isao


    Gas-cluster ion beams can be applied to new surface modification techniques such as surface cleaning, low damage sputtering and shallow junction formation. The effects of energetic Ar cluster impacts on solid surface were studied for cluster energies of 10-30keV. Irradiation effects were studied by RBS. For Si(111) substrates, irradiated with Ar ≥500 clusters to a dose of 1x10 15 ion/cm 2 at acceleration voltage 15kV, 2x10 14 atoms/cm 2 implanted Ar atoms were detected. In this case, the energy per cluster atom was smaller than 30eV; at this energy, no significant implantation occurs in the case of monomer ions. Ar cluster implantation into Si substrates occurred due to the high energy density irradiation. (author)

  20. K/Ar and 40Ar/39Ar dating of emerald mineralizations from Brazil. Evidence of Transamazonian (2 Ga) and Brazilian (650 - 500 Ma) ages. Influence of phlogopite crystallo-chemistry on argon retention

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ribeiro-Althoff, A.M.


    The emerald deposits of Brazil are always found within basic and ultra-basic formations which have been metasomatized by hydrothermal fluids, and transformed into phlogopitites. Two types of deposits may be distinguished: one associated with pegmatites, the other with shear zones. In both cases the precipitation of emerald is contemporaneous with that of phlogopite. The age of these has been determined by dating of the latter, using K-Ar and 40 Ar/ 39 Ar methods. Deposits associated with pegmatite have ages between 2.0 et 1.9 Ga (Carnaiba, Socoto), and between 650 et 500 Ma (Pombos, Juca, Pirenoplis, Capoeirana, Coqui). The Santa Terezinha deposit, associated with a shear zone where pegmatites are absent, gives an age of formation of 520 Ma. These results show that brazilian emeralds were formed during two distinct orogenic periods: the Transamazonian (2.0 Ga), in the Sao Francisco craton, and the Brasilian (650 - 500 Ma)

  1. Dançar o adolescer: estudo fenomenológico com um grupo de dança de rua em uma escola

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Renata Marques Rego Miranda


    Full Text Available Esta pesquisa propôs-se a compreender os sentidos atribuídos à experiência de dançar por adolescentes praticantes da dança de rua no contexto de uma escola púbica de uma cidade do interior do Estado São Paulo. Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo de caráter exploratório e de inspiração fenomenológica. O referencial teórico norteador foi a psicologia de orientação humanista, especificamente a Abordagem Centrada na Pessoa (ACP, desenvolvida por Carl Rogers. A pesquisadora acompanhou, semanalmente, durante seis meses as aulas de dança e, posteriormente, realizou entrevistas individuais com sete alunos. Foram construídas sete narrativas focadas na experiência vivida pelos participantes da pesquisa sob o prisma da relação intersubjetiva estabelecida entre a pesquisadora e os alunos. Verificou-se que a experiência em foco proporcionou aos alunos a emergência de elementos típicos da experiência de adolescer, o que permitiu concluir que há uma aproximação com a proposta de aprendizagem significativa, desenvolvida por Rogers.

  2. Ar Rahman-Based Dysmenorrhea Gymnastic to Reduce Pain


    Sumaryani, Sri; Puspita Sari, Praditiana Indah


    Introduction: More than 50% dysmenorrhea are caused by excessive amounts of prostaglandin hormone during menstruation.  The combination of dysmenorrhea gymnastics and Qur'an Surah Ar-Rahman relaxation techniques is a new innovation in non-pharmacological therapy to overcome dysmenorrhoea. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of pain differences on respondents who were given dysmenorrhea gymnastics treatment, Al Quran Surah Ar-Rahman recitation, and dysmenorrhea gymnastics comb...

  3. Low energy total cross section of 36Ar

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mughabghab, S.F.; Magurno, B.A.


    To compare the predictions of the valence model with measured partial radiative widths of 36 Ar an accurate knowledge of the bound-level parameters is required. This is achieved by carrying out a Breit-Wigner parameter fit to the total cross section of 36 Ar measured by Chrien et al and renormalized to the recommended values of the thermal capture and scattering cross sections. (1 figure, 1 table) (U.S.)

  4. Aurora Kinase A Promotes AR Degradation via the E3 Ligase CHIP. (United States)

    Sarkar, Sukumar; Brautigan, David L; Larner, James M


    Reducing the levels of the androgen receptor (AR) is one of the most viable approaches to combat castration-resistant prostate cancer. Previously, we observed that proteasomal-dependent degradation of AR in response to 2-methoxyestradiol (2-ME) depends primarily on the E3 ligase C-terminus of HSP70-interacting protein (STUB1/CHIP). Here, 2-ME stimulation activates CHIP by phosphorylation via Aurora kinase A (AURKA). Aurora A kinase inhibitors and RNAi knockdown of Aurora A transcript selectively blocked CHIP phosphorylation and AR degradation. Aurora A kinase is activated by 2-ME in the S-phase as well as during mitosis, and phosphorylates CHIP at S273. Prostate cancer cells expressing an S273A mutant of CHIP have attenuated AR degradation upon 2-ME treatment compared with cells expressing wild-type CHIP, supporting the idea that CHIP phosphorylation by Aurora A activates its E3 ligase activity for the AR. These results reveal a novel 2-ME→Aurora A→CHIP→AR pathway that promotes AR degradation via the proteasome that may offer novel therapeutic opportunities for prostate cancer. Mol Cancer Res; 15(8); 1063-72. ©2017 AACR . ©2017 American Association for Cancer Research.

  5. {sup 40}Ar/{sup 39}Ar dating and paleo-magnetism of traps from Ethiopia, Deccan and Siberia; Datation {sup 40}Ar/{sup 39}Ar et paleomagnetisme des traps d'Ethiopie, du Deccan et de Siberie

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hofmann, C


    Recent studies have shown that major flood basalt provinces have been emplaced as short events ({approx} 1 Myr), more or less synchronous with climatic crises and mass extinctions. We present new geochronologic ({sup 40}Ar/{sup 39}Ar) and magneto-stratigraphic results for the Ethiopian traps, one of the last remaining flood basalts for which little of such data were available. The ages obtained in a 2000 m thick section are indistinguishable. Moreover, magneto-stratigraphy reveals a simple 3-chron reverse-normal-reverse sequence. Although magnetic chrons cannot be yet unambiguously identified, there is more likelihood for the normal sub-chron in the main basaltic pile to correspond to 11N, supporting a brief duration (less than 1.5 Ma). The Ethiopian traps erupted near 30 Ma at or near the time of the cold and dry climate, major Antarctic ice sheet advance, and the largest sea-level drop in the Tertiary. Bhandari et al. (GRL, 1995) have discovered inter-traps sediments with a triple iridium anomaly in a series of seven basaltic lava flows in the Kutch area of the North Western Deccan traps of India. Plagioclases from three flows above the iridium bearing sediments yield {sup 39}Ar/{sup 40}Ar plateau ages near 65.0 Ma: these flows have unambiguously reversed magnetic polarity interpreted as chron 29R. As a preliminary summary, evidence of the KTB asteroid impact is confirmed in the Deccan traps, showing that they are coeval events in a general sense (in a Ma long window) though clearly with vastly different time constants. This is compatible with paleontologic evidence of two scales of extinctions, one quasi-instantaneous and the other on the order of 10{sup 5} to 10{sup 6} yrs. Clearly, the impact cannot have caused trap eruptions. On the other hand, the exact age and significance of the lower flows more altered remains to be analyzed further as they pertained to the much debated question of duration of Deccan trap volcanism. (author)

  6. "Ars Electronica 2009" / Raivo Kelomees

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kelomees, Raivo, 1960-


    30. "Ars Electronica" festival "Human Nature" ("Inimese loomus") Linzis. Osaka ülikooli professori Hiroshi Ishiguro mehaanilis-digitaalsest nukust. Hübriidkunsti kategoorias peapreemia saanud Eduardo Kaci inimtaimest. Konverentsidest. Näitusest "See this Sound", mis oli pühendatud helile kujutavas kunstis

  7. 40Ar-39Ar age clustering in the active phonolitic Cadamosto Seamount (Cape Verdes): Indications for periodic magmatic activity (United States)

    Samrock, L. K.; Hansteen, T. H.; Wartho, J. A.


    The Cape Verde archipelago is situated 400-800 km off the west coast of Africa and is comprised of a northern and southern chain of islands and seamounts. Morphological observations and previous radiometric dating of the islands indicate a slow age progression, over 22 Ma, from east to west (Holm et al. 2008). We present the first radiometric ages for Cadamosto Seamount, which is composed of complex evolved volcanics and is situated at the southwestern tip of the Cape Verde archipelago (e.g. Barker et al. 2012). We analyzed five different submarine phonolites that were sampled by remotely operated vehicles (ROV) Kiel 6000 and dredging during the RV Meteor (M80/3) and RV Poseidon (POS320/2) cruises. Fresh sanidine, nepheline, and biotite grains were selected and carefully prepared for 40Ar-39Ar single grain total fusion analysis. Sanidine single grain 40Ar-39Ar ages from 5 samples range from 11.5 ± 6.5 ka to 349.0 ± 20.4 ka (2σ errors), and cluster in several age groupings (using the decay constant and atmospheric air ratio of Steiger & Jäger (1977), and age standard TCS2 (27.87 ± 0.04 Ma; 1σ; M.A. Lanphere, pers. comm.)). Three age groups can be identified within the youngest (0-170 ka) sanidines, which are separated by periods of 52-54 ka. Nepheline grains from one sample yielded much older ages of 169.5 ± 16.5 ka to 1521.5 ± 8.3 ka (2σ). Our data suggests young ages for the Cadamosto Seamount, which is in accordance with recorded seismic activity (Grevemeyer et al. 2010), and its position adjacent to the recently active islands of Fogo (last eruption in 2014/2015) and Brava (recent seismic activity). The different sub-groups of sanidine 40Ar-39Ar ages can be used to identify different activity maxima corresponding to cycles of magmatic productivity in a long-lived magmatic system. Ongoing petrologic investigations will be used to identify the relative importance of processes such as mantle melting rates, magma replenishment and magma chamber processes

  8. Cooling, exhumation, and deformation in the Hindu Kush, NW Pakistan: New constraints from preliminary 40Ar/39Ar and fission track analyses (United States)

    Faisal, Shah; Larson, Kyle P.; Camacho, Alfredo; Coutand, Isabelle


    Asian crust in the Hindu Kush region in northern Pakistan records a protracted history of rifting, subduction and collision not commonly preserved within the Himalaya. Because of this, it is key to understanding the development of the southern Eurasian margin both prior to and after collision with India. New mica 40Ar/39Ar and apatite fission track geochronologic data from this region provide constraints on the kinematics of the Hindu Kush. 40Ar/39Ar muscovite and biotite ages from the late Cambrian Kafiristan pluton are 379.7 ± 1.7 Ma and 47.2 ± 0.3 Ma, respectively. The muscovite age may record cooling or partial resetting, while the biotite age is interpreted to record a thermal disruption associated with the early stages of continental collision in the Himalayan system. A 111.0 ± 0.6 Ma muscovite age from the northern part of the Tirich Mir pluton (∼123 Ma old; U-Pb) is interpreted to indicate a recrystallization event ∼12 Myrs after its intrusion. In addition, a younger muscovite age of 47.5 ± 0.2 Ma was derived from the opposite side of the same pluton in the immediate hanging wall of the Tirich Mir fault. This Eocene age is interpreted to represent the time of recrystallization during fault (re)activation in the early stages of India-Asia continent-continent collision. 40Ar/39Ar biotite analysis from the Buni-Zom pluton yields an age of 61.6 ± 1.1 Ma and is interpreted to reflect cooling at mid-upper crustal levels subsequent to the pluton's emplacement in the middle Cretaceous. Finally, 17.1-21.3 Ma 40Ar/39Ar ages from the Garam Chasma pluton and surrounding metapelites indicate cooling immediately following crystallization of the leucogranite body in the earliest Miocene/latest Oligocene. The younger cooling history is resolved by fission track dating of apatite (AFT). In the vicinity of the bounding Tirich Mir fault, the Tirich Mir pluton yields an AFT age of 1.4 ± 0.3 Ma, which is consistent with active exhumation associated with the surface

  9. ArControl: An Arduino-Based Comprehensive Behavioral Platform with Real-Time Performance. (United States)

    Chen, Xinfeng; Li, Haohong


    Studying animal behavior in the lab requires reliable delivering stimulations and monitoring responses. We constructed a comprehensive behavioral platform (ArControl: Arduino Control Platform) that was an affordable, easy-to-use, high-performance solution combined software and hardware components. The hardware component was consisted of an Arduino UNO board and a simple drive circuit. As for software, the ArControl provided a stand-alone and intuitive GUI (graphical user interface) application that did not require users to master scripts. The experiment data were automatically recorded with the built in DAQ (data acquisition) function. The ArControl also allowed the behavioral schedule to be entirely stored in and operated on the Arduino chip. This made the ArControl a genuine, real-time system with high temporal resolution (<1 ms). We tested the ArControl, based on strict performance measurements and two mice behavioral experiments. The results showed that the ArControl was an adaptive and reliable system suitable for behavioral research.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Inês Moresco Danni-Oliveira


    Full Text Available O presente texto aborda as feições morfo-estruturais assumidas por Curitiba diante de seu crescimento urbano e dos Planos Diretores a ela aplicados neste século, na perspectiva de suas interações com as questões de qualidade do ar da cidade. Considerations about air pollution in Curitiba-PR in vew of its urbanization Abstract This paper is concerning about the morpho-estructural characters given to Curitiba by its urban growing and its urban planning in this century, under the perspective of their interaction with the city air quality problems.

  11. Paleomagnetism and 40Ar / 39Ar Geochronology of Yemeni Oligocene volcanics: Implications for timing and duration of Afro-Arabian traps and geometry of the Oligocene paleomagnetic field (United States)

    Riisager, Peter; Knight, Kim B.; Baker, Joel A.; Ukstins Peate, Ingrid; Al-Kadasi, Mohamed; Al-Subbary, Abdulkarim; Renne, Paul R.


    A combined paleomagnetic and 40Ar / 39Ar study was carried out along eight stratigraphically overlapping sections in the Oligocene Afro-Arabian flood volcanic province in Yemen (73 sites). The composite section covers the entire volcanic stratigraphy in the sampling region and represents five polarity zones that are correlated to the geomagnetic polarity time scale based on 40Ar / 39Ar ages from this and previous studies. The resulting magnetostratigraphy is similar to that of the conjugate margin in Ethiopia. The earliest basaltic volcanism took place in a reverse polarity chron that appears to correspond to C11r, while the massive rhyolitic ignimbrite eruptions correlated to ash layers in Oligocene Indian Ocean sediment 2700 km away from the Afro-Arabian traps, appear to have taken place during magnetochron C11n. The youngest ignimbrite was emplaced during magnetochron C9n. Both 40Ar / 39Ar and paleomagnetic data suggest rapid Red Sea. By analyzing Afro-Arabian paleomagnetic data in conjunction with contemporaneous paleomagnetic poles available from different latitudes we argue that the Oligocene paleomagnetic field was dominated by the axial dipole with insignificant non-dipole field contributions.

  12. “Hola, estáis en vuestra casa”: la negociación de conflictos culturales, étnicos y de género en Flores de otro mundo de Icíar Bollaín

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Frank Leinen


    Full Text Available En los años noventa llegó a los cines españoles un mayor número de películas dirigidas por mujeres que antes. Cuatro de esas directoras –Icíar Bollaín, Isabel Coixet, Judith Colell y Teresa de Pelegrí– no habían cumplido aún los treinta años cuando presentaron su primer largometraje y con él su visión de la sociedad española y la situación de la vida de las mujeres. Icíar Bollaín forma parte del grupo de directoras que imprimieron dinamismo a la esfera de la cinematografía española, que sigue dominada por los hombres (Pérez Millán 2003. En 1999, después de su debut como actriz en El sur (1983 y de su primer largometraje, Hola, ¿estás sola? (1995, finalizó su segunda película, Flores de otro mundo, cuyo guión había escrito con el escritor Julio Llamazares. La inspiración para esta película le vino por la noticia de la muerte de una colombiana, que había conocido a su marido español a través de un documental del programa Línea 900, “Soltero y solo en el campo”.

  13. Exposición ocupacional y ambiental al arsénico: actualización bibliográfica para investigación científica


    Augusto V. Ramírez


    El arsénico (As) es un metaloide presente en minerales complejos que contienen cobre, plomo y otros; en el trabajador causa arsenicismo ocupacional y la principal exposición ocurre en metalurgia del cobre. Sus compuestos trivalentes tienen tendencia acumulativa e ingresan por las vías respiratoria, digestiva o cutánea y se transforman en los ácidos dimetilarsínico y metilarsónico. En la mitocondria, con el azufre de los grupos mercapto forma enlaces covalentes y desacopla la fosforilación oxi...

  14. Modification of van La ar activity coefficient model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vakili-Nezhaad, G. R.; Modarress, H.; Mansoori, G. A.


    Based on statistical and mechanical arguments, the original van La ar activity coefficient model has been improved by reasonable assumptions. This modifications has been done by replacing the van der Waals equation of state with the Redlich-K wong equation of state in the formulation of van La ar with consistent mixing rules for the energy and volume parameters of this equation of state (a mix , b mix ). Other equations of state, such as the Soave modification of the Redlich-K wong equation of state, P eng-Robinson and Mohsen-Nia, Modarress and Mansoori equations of state, have been introduced in the formulation of van La ar for the activity coefficients of the components present in the binary liquid mixtures, and their effects on the accuracy of the resultant activity coefficient models have been examined. The results of these revised models have been compared with the experimental data and it was found that the Redlich-K wong equation of state with the van der Waals mixing rules for the volume and energy parameters of this equation, is the best choice among these equations of state. In addition, it can improve the original van La ar activity coefficient model and, therefore a better agreement with the experimental data is obtained

  15. 77 FR 17363 - Proposed Establishment of Class E Airspace; West Memphis, AR (United States)


    ...-0155; Airspace Docket No. 12-ASW-1] Proposed Establishment of Class E Airspace; West Memphis, AR AGENCY... action proposes to establish Class E airspace at West Memphis, AR. Separation of existing Class E... surface at West Memphis, AR, to accommodate the separation of existing Class E airspace surrounding West...

  16. Numerical simualtion of underground 37Ar transportation to the ground

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    She Ruogu; Li Hua; Liu Cheng'an; Wu Jun


    Monitoring radioactive gas 37 Ar is an important technique for the On-Site Inspection(OSI) of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) verification regime. In order to establish a theoretical model that can be used to calculate the appearing time and radioactivity of 37 Ar which transports to the ground after a nuclear explosion, the rock media in the test area is assumed to be a homogeneous porous media, without consideration of gas absorption by and release from the rock media. The seepage model in the porous media is used to calculate 37 Ar transportation. Computational results give the time 37 Ar leaks to the ground and the variation of its radioactivity with time. And we can analyze and consider the computational results when we have developed OSI noble gas monitoring systems and evaluated their effectiveness. (authors)

  17. CERN inspires 2011 edition of the ARS Electronica Digital Arts Festival

    CERN Multimedia

    Jordan Juras


    This year’s annual ARS Electronica Digital Arts Festival featured CERN as the springboard for its theme, ORIGIN – How it All Begins. The prestigious digital arts festival also served as the perfect venue to launch the Collide@CERN project.   Colours and Lights at the ARS Electronica Digital Arts Festival in Linz (Austria). (Photo by Claudia Marcelloni) The CERN cultural policy project, announced at the beginning of 2011 has started to gain momentum. Ariane Koek, art specialist for the Communication Group, received confirmation in May that ARS Electronica had chosen her proposal to use CERN as the primary source of inspiration for their annual ARS Electronica Festival. This marks the first of the cultural policy’s arts partnerships. The world-renowned celebration for the digital arts is held annually in Linz, Austria, where, amongst the incredible collection of displays and productions, the Prix ARS Electronica – the Oscars of the digital arts world -&...

  18. The role of the AR/ER ratio in ER-positive breast cancer patients. (United States)

    Rangel, Nelson; Rondon-Lagos, Milena; Annaratone, Laura; Osella-Abate, Simona; Metovic, Jasna; Mano, Maria Piera; Bertero, Luca; Cassoni, Paola; Sapino, Anna; Castellano, Isabella


    The significance of androgen receptor (AR) in breast cancer (BC) management is not fully defined, and it is still ambiguous how the level of AR expression influences oestrogen receptor-positive (ER+) tumours. The aim of the present study was to analyse the prognostic impact of AR/ER ratio, evaluated by immunohistochemistry (IHC), correlating this value with clinical, pathological and molecular characteristics. We retrospectively selected a cohort of 402 ER+BC patients. On each tumour, IHC analyses for AR, ER, PgR, HER2 and Ki67 were performed and AR+ cases were used to calculate the AR/ER value. A cut-off of ≥2 was selected using receiver-operating characteristic (ROC) curve analyses. RNA from 19 cases with AR/ER≥2 was extracted and used for Prosigna-PAM50 assays. Tumours with AR/ER≥2 (6%) showed more frequent metastatic lymph nodes, larger size, higher histological grade and lower PgR levels than cases with AR/ERAR/ER≥2 had worse disease-free interval (DFI) and disease-specific survival (DSS) (hazard ratios (HR) = 4.96 for DFI and HR = 8.69 for DSS, both P  ≤ 0.004). According to the Prosigna-PAM50 assay, 63% (12/19) of these cases resulted in intermediate or high risk of recurrence categories. Additionally, although all samples were positive for ER assessed by IHC, the molecular test assigned 47.4% (9/19) of BCs to intrinsic non-luminal subtypes. In conclusion, the AR/ER ratio ≥2 identifies a subgroup of patients with aggressive biological features and may represent an additional independent marker of worse BC prognosis. Moreover, the Prosigna-PAM50 results indicate that a significant number of cases with AR/ER≥2 could be non-luminal tumours. © 2018 Society for Endocrinology.

  19. An analysis of the 1977 AD/AR TARSLL.


    Hargrove, James Wiley Jr.


    Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited The industrial mission of Destroyer Tenders (AD) and Repair Ships (AR) is to provide intermediate level maintenance and repair for supported ships. The Tender and Repair Ship Load List for these ships (AD/AR TARSLL) designates the range (number) and depth (quantity) of repair parts to be carried to support this industrial mission. This thesis details the logical reasoning and mathematical theory used to develop the...

  20. ID4 promotes AR expression and blocks tumorigenicity of PC3 prostate cancer cells

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Komaragiri, Shravan Kumar; Bostanthirige, Dhanushka H.; Morton, Derrick J.; Patel, Divya; Joshi, Jugal; Upadhyay, Sunil; Chaudhary, Jaideep


    Deregulation of tumor suppressor genes is associated with tumorigenesis and the development of cancer. In prostate cancer, ID4 is epigenetically silenced and acts as a tumor suppressor. In normal prostate epithelial cells, ID4 collaborates with androgen receptor (AR) and p53 to exert its tumor suppressor activity. Previous studies have shown that ID4 promotes tumor suppressive function of AR whereas loss of ID4 results in tumor promoter activity of AR. Previous study from our lab showed that ectopic ID4 expression in DU145 attenuates proliferation and promotes AR expression suggesting that ID4 dependent AR activity is tumor suppressive. In this study, we examined the effect of ectopic expression of ID4 on highly malignant prostate cancer cell, PC3. Here we show that stable overexpression of ID4 in PC3 cells leads to increased apoptosis and decreased cell proliferation and migration. In addition, in vivo studies showed a decrease in tumor size and volume of ID4 overexpressing PC3 cells, in nude mice. At the molecular level, these changes were associated with increased androgen receptor (AR), p21, and AR dependent FKBP51 expression. At the mechanistic level, ID4 may regulate the expression or function of AR through specific but yet unknown AR co-regulators that may determine the final outcome of AR function. - Highlights: • ID4 expression induces AR expression in PC3 cells, which generally lack AR. • ID4 expression increased apoptosis and decreased cell proliferation and invasion. • Overexpression of ID4 reduces tumor growth of subcutaneous xenografts in vivo. • ID4 induces p21 and FKBP51 expression- co-factors of AR tumor suppressor activity.

  1. ID4 promotes AR expression and blocks tumorigenicity of PC3 prostate cancer cells

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Komaragiri, Shravan Kumar; Bostanthirige, Dhanushka H.; Morton, Derrick J.; Patel, Divya; Joshi, Jugal; Upadhyay, Sunil; Chaudhary, Jaideep, E-mail:


    Deregulation of tumor suppressor genes is associated with tumorigenesis and the development of cancer. In prostate cancer, ID4 is epigenetically silenced and acts as a tumor suppressor. In normal prostate epithelial cells, ID4 collaborates with androgen receptor (AR) and p53 to exert its tumor suppressor activity. Previous studies have shown that ID4 promotes tumor suppressive function of AR whereas loss of ID4 results in tumor promoter activity of AR. Previous study from our lab showed that ectopic ID4 expression in DU145 attenuates proliferation and promotes AR expression suggesting that ID4 dependent AR activity is tumor suppressive. In this study, we examined the effect of ectopic expression of ID4 on highly malignant prostate cancer cell, PC3. Here we show that stable overexpression of ID4 in PC3 cells leads to increased apoptosis and decreased cell proliferation and migration. In addition, in vivo studies showed a decrease in tumor size and volume of ID4 overexpressing PC3 cells, in nude mice. At the molecular level, these changes were associated with increased androgen receptor (AR), p21, and AR dependent FKBP51 expression. At the mechanistic level, ID4 may regulate the expression or function of AR through specific but yet unknown AR co-regulators that may determine the final outcome of AR function. - Highlights: • ID4 expression induces AR expression in PC3 cells, which generally lack AR. • ID4 expression increased apoptosis and decreased cell proliferation and invasion. • Overexpression of ID4 reduces tumor growth of subcutaneous xenografts in vivo. • ID4 induces p21 and FKBP51 expression- co-factors of AR tumor suppressor activity.

  2. Bartlett correction in the stable AR(1) model with intercept and trend

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Giersbergen, N.P.A.


    The Bartlett correction is derived for testing hypotheses about the autoregressive parameter ρ in the stable: (i) AR(1) model; (ii) AR(1) model with intercept; (iii) AR(1) model with intercept and linear trend. The correction is found explicitly as a function of ρ. In the models with deterministic

  3. Comparison of Ne and Ar seeded radiative divertor plasmas in JT-60U

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nakano, T., E-mail:


    In H-mode plasmas with Ne, Ar and a mixture of Ne and Ar injection, the divertor radiation power fractions amongst these impurities in addition to an intrinsic impurity, C, are investigated. In plasmas with the inner divertor plasma attached, carbon is the biggest radiator, whichever impurity, Ne, Ar or a mixture of Ar and Ne is injected. In contrast, in plasmas with the inner divertor plasma detached, Ne is the biggest radiator due to a significantly high recombination radiation from Ne VIII. Ar is always a minor contributor in plasmas with the inner divertor both attached and detached.

  4. Essential Characteristics of Plasma Antennas Filled with He-Ar Penning Gases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sun Naifeng; Li Wenzhong; Wang Shiqing; Li Jian; Ci Jiaxiang


    Based on the essential theory of Penning gases, the discharge characteristics of He-Ar Penning gases in insulating tubes were analyzed qualitatively. The relation between the effective length of an antenna column filled with He-Ar Penning gases and the applied radio frequency (RF) power was investigated both theoretically and experimentally. The distribution of the plasma density along the antenna column in different conditions was studied. The receiving characteristics of local frequency modulated (FM) electromagnetic waves by the plasma antenna filled with He-Ar Penning gases were compared with those by an aluminum antenna with the same dimensions. Results show that it is feasible to take plasma antennas filled with He-Ar Penning gases as receiving antennas.

  5. Recoil ion charge state distributions in low energy Arq+ - Ar collisions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vancura, J.; Marchetti, V.; Kostroun, V.O.


    We have measured the recoil ion charge state distributions in Ar q+ -- Ar (8≤q≤16) collisions at 2.3 qkeV and 0.18qkeV by time of flight (TOF) spectroscopy. For Ar 8-16+ , recoil ion charge states up to 6+ are clearly present, indicating that the 3p subshell in the target atom is being depleted, while for Ar 10-16+ , there is evidence that target 3s electrons are also being removed. Comparison of the recoil ion charge state spectra at 2.3 and 0.18 qkeV shows that for a given projectile charge, there is very little dependence of the observed recoil target charge state distribution on projectile energy

  6. Electron transfer from H2 and Ar to stored multiply charged argon ions produced by synchrotron radiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kravis, S.D.; Church, D.A.; Johnson, B.M.; Meron, M.; Jones, K.W.; Levin, J.C.; Sellin, I.A.; Azuma, Y.; Berrah-Mansour, N.; Berry, H.G.; Druetta, M.


    The rate coefficients for electron transfer from Ar and H 2 to Ar q+ ions (3≤q≤6) have been measured using an ion-storage technique in a Penning ion trap. The ions were produced in the trap by K-shell photoionization of Ar atoms, using broadband synchrotron x-ray radiation. K-electron removal resulted in vacancy cascading, yielding a distribution of argon-ion charge states peaked near Ar 4+ . The stored ion gas had an initial temperature near 480 K. The basic data determining the rate coefficients k(Ar q+ ) are the storage time constants of each charge state in the trap, in the presence of a measured pressure of target gas. The results of the measurements (in units of 10 -9 cm 3 s -1 ) are k(Ar 3+ ,H 2 )=4.3(0.7), k(Ar 3+ ,Ar)=1.6(0.2), k(Ar 4+ ,H 2 )=5.2(0.6), k(Ar 4+ ,Ar)=2.5(0.3), k(Ar 5+ ,H 2 )=5.9(0.7), k(Ar 5+ ,Ar)=2.9(0.3), k(Ar 6+ ,H 2 )=8.5(1.2), and k(Ar 6+ ,Ar)=2.5(0.3)

  7. Testing of a prototype of calibration facility for noble gas monitoring using 41Ar

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Saibathulham, Holnisar; Wurdiyanto, Gatot; Marsum, Pujadi


    A prototype of a calibration facility for noble gas monitoring using 41 Ar in the PTKMR-BATAN has been tested. The facility was designed in such a way that the standard source of gas can be reused. The radioactive 41 Ar source was obtained by thermal neutron reaction of 40 Ar(n, γ) 41 Ar using a thermal neutron flux of 4.8×10 13 neutrons per cm 2 per second in two minutes on the multipurpose G.A. Siwabessy Reactor (Batan, Serpong, Indonesia). Gamma spectrometry was used to measure the radioactivity and purity of 41 Ar. The spectrum of the 41 Ar observed yields an energy of 1294 keV because of the highest intensity (99.2%). The activity of 41 Ar was 2821 kBq and 4% of the expanded uncertainty. The time required for 41 Ar to reach homogeneity was 7 min, and the effectiveness of resuse was 53%. - Highlights: ► Testing of a calibration facility prototype for noble gas monitor using 41 Ar in PTKMR-BATAN. ► This facility was designed such that a standard radioactive gas source can be used repeatedly. ► Standardization of the 41 Ar is performed using gamma spectrometry. ► The time required for the 41 Ar gas to be distributed evenly throughout the cavity of the facility was 7 min. ► The effectiveness of repeated use was 53%.

  8. In-situ 40Ar/39Ar Laser Probe Dating of Micas from Mae Ping Shear Zone, Northern Thailand (United States)

    Lin, Y. L.; Yeh, M. W.; Lo, C. H.; Lee, T. Y.; Charusiri, P.


    The Mae Ping Shear Zone (MPSZ, also known as Wang Chao Fault Zone), which trends NW-SE from Myanmar to central Thailand, was considered as the southern boundary of the SE extrusion of Indochina and Sibumasu block during the Cenozoic escape tectonic event of SE asia. Many analyses of 40Ar/39Ar dating on biotite and K-feldspar, K/Ar dating on biotite and illite, zircon fission-track and apatite fission-track dating had been accomplished to constrain the shearing period. Nevertheless, it is hard to convince that the ages could represent the end of the shearing since none of the dated minerals have been proved to be crystallized syn-tectonically. Meta-granitoid and gneiss from the MPSZ were analyzed in this study by applying in-situ 40Ar/39Ar laser probe dating with combination of petrology and micro-structural analysis in the purpose to decipher the geological significance of the dates. Plagioclase was replacing K-feldspar for K-feldspar was cut and embayed by plagioclase observed by SEM + EDS. Muscovite in the granitoid own fish shapes of sinistral sense of shearing, and are always in contact with plagioclase and quartz, which suggests that the muscovite crystallized from the dissolving K-feldspar under amphibolite facies condition. 117 spots on 12 muscovite fishes yield ages from 44 Ma to 35 Ma and have a mean age of 40 Ma. Since the growth condition of the muscovite is higher than the closure temperature, thus we can interpret these muscovite ages as cooling ages. Hence left-lateral shearing of the MPSZ can be deduced as syn- to post-muscovite growth and uplifted the crystalline rocks within the shear zone. The ages of matrix biotite in gneiss has a mean age of 35 Ma, which is consistent with the cooling path reconstructed from previous studies. While the ages of inclusion biotite in the K-feldspar phenocryst scatter from 40 to 50 Ma due to the isotopes were not totally re-equilibrated during the shearing. Consequently, the left-lateral shearing of the MPSZ was

  9. Microstructural finite strain analysis and 40Ar/39Ar evidence for the origin of the Mizil gneiss dome, eastern Arabian Shield, Saudi Arabia (United States)

    Al-Saleh, Ahmad M.; Kassem, Osama M. K.


    The Mizil antiform is a gneiss-cored culmination situated near the northern end of the Ar Rayn island arc terrane, which is the easternmost exposed tectonic unit of the Arabian Shield. This domal structure has a mantle of metamorphosed volcanosedimentary rocks belonging to the Al-Amar Group, and an igneous interior made up of foliated granodiorite-tonalite with adakitic affinity. The gneissic core has a SHRIMP U-Pb zircon age of 689 ± 10 Ma making it the oldest rock unit in the Ar Rayn terrane. An adakite diapir, formed by the melting of the subducted crust of a young marginal basin, and rising through the volcanosedimentary succession of the Ar Rayn island arc is thought to have caused the observed doming. Relatively uniform strain throughout the dome combined with strong vertical shortening and the roughly radial pattern of stretching lineation is consistent with diapirism; the absence of strain localization rules out detachment faulting as a causative mechanism. Amphibolites from the metamorphic envelope have an 40Ar/39Ar age of 615 ± 2 Ma; the age gap between core and cover is thought to reflect the resetting of metamorphic ages during the final suturing event, a phenomenon that is often observed throughout the eastern shield. Aeromagnetic anomalies beneath the Phanerozoic sedimentary cover indicate the presence of a collage of accreted terranes east of the Ar Rayn terrane that were probably amalgamated onto the Arabian margin during the latest stages of the closure of the Mozambique ocean; culminant orogeny is believed to have taken place between 620 and 600 Ma as these terrane collided with a major continental mass to the east referred to here as the eastern Arabian block (EAB). The Mizil gneiss dome is therefore considered to have formed in a convergent contractional setting rather than being the outcome of extensional post-orogenic collapse.

  10. Atmospheric pressure plasma jet utilizing Ar and Ar/H2O mixtures and its applications to bacteria inactivation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cheng Cheng; Shen Jie; Xiao De-Zhi; Xie Hong-Bing; Lan Yan; Fang Shi-Dong; Meng Yue-Dong; Chu Paul K


    An atmospheric pressure plasma jet generated with Ar with H 2 O vapor is characterized and applied to inactivation of Bacillus subtilis spores. The emission spectra obtained from Ar/H 2 O plasma shows a higher intensity of OH radicals compared to pure argon at a specified H 2 O concentration. The gas temperature is estimated by comparing the simulated spectra of the OH band with experimental spectra. The excitation electron temperature is determined from the Boltzmann's plots and Stark broadening of the hydrogen Balmer H β line is applied to measure the electron density. The gas temperature, excitation electron temperature, and electron density of the plasma jet decrease with the increase of water vapor concentration at a fixed input voltage. The bacteria inactivation rate increases with the increase of OH generation reaching a maximum reduction at 2.6% (v/v) water vapor. Our results also show that the OH radicals generated by the Ar/H 2 O plasma jet only makes a limited contribution to spore inactivation and the shape change of the spores before and after plasma irradiation is discussed. (physics of gases, plasmas, and electric discharges)

  11. Age intercalibration of 40Ar/39Ar sanidine and chemically distinct U/Pb zircon populations from the Alder Creek Rhyolite Quaternary geochronology standard

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rivera, Tiffany; Storey, Michael; Schmitz, M. D.


    , and have less pronounced positive Ce and negative Eu anomalies, lower incompatible trace element contents, higher TiZR temperatures that range up to 840 °C, and significantly younger dates. The youngest Group A dates yield a weighted mean of 1.1978 ± 0.0046 Ma (2σ, including systematic uncertainties...... with the astronomical age estimate for the Cobb Mountain subchron determined by correlating the oxygen isotope record of the giant piston core MD972143 to the La93(1,1) orbital solution. On the basis of independent radio-isotopic and orbital forcing results, we propose the refined age of 1.1850 ± 0.0016 Ma (2σ external......We report results from a 40Ar/39Ar sanidine and CA-TIMS 238U/206Pb zircon dating study of eruption and crystal residence timescales of the Alder Creek Rhyolite (ACR), California, extruded during the Cobb Mountain normal-polarity subchron (C1r.2n). A 40Ar/39Ar ACR sanidine date of 1.1850 ± 0.0016 Ma...

  12. Geochronological {sup 40}Ar/{sup 39}Ar data on the submarine fault-scarps in the Sardinia channel (western mediterranean); Donnees geochronologiques {sup 40}Ar/{sup 39}Ar sur les socles sarde et kabylo-peloritain submerges dans le canal de Sardaigne (mediterranee occidentale)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bouillin, J.P.; Tricart, P.; Mascle, G. [Grenoble-1 Univ., 38 - Grenoble (France). Laboratoire de Geodynamique des Chaines Alpines, CNRS UPRES-A5025; Monie, P. [Montpellier-2 Univ., 34 (France). Laboratoire de Geochronologie, Geochimie et de petrologie, UMR 5567; Rolfo, F. [Universita Torino, (Italy). Dipt. di Scienze Mineralogiche et Petrologiche; Torelli, L. [Parma Univ. (Italy). Ditp. di Scienze della Terra


    Granite and gneiss have been sampled on the submarine fault scarps of the Sardinia Channel and have been dated using the {sup 40}Ar/{sup 39}Ar method. The majority of rocks partially preserve Hercynian ages. Some of them display Lower Cretaceous ages. In addition, Upper Eocene-Oligocene argon resetting is recorded only in rocks from the southeast sector of the Channel. We thus propose that the basement of the Sardinia Channel occupied a shallow position within the stack of the Alpine tectonic units, behind the more deformed front of the internal zones of the Maghrebide Chain. (authors) 20 refs.

  13. The 40Ar-39Ar dating of the metasomatites in the deep-fault zones of margin suture system of Siberian platform

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Savel'eva, V.B.; Travin, A.V.; Zyryanov, A.S.


    For clarifying the time sequence of metasomatites formation of diverse geochemical types in deep-fault zones of margin suture system of Siberian platform the 40 Ar- 39 Ar-isotope dating of their rock-forming minerals was performed. It was ascertained that formation of major metasomatic formations in the Baikal and Sayan branches of the margin suture system of Siberian platform was asynchronous, the time lag being in excess of 100 bl. years [ru

  14. Experimental Determination of the Cosmogenic Ar Production Rate From Ca (United States)

    Niedermann, S.; Schäfer, J. M.; Wieler, R.; Naumann, R.


    Cosmogenic 38Ar is produced in terrestrial surface rocks by spallation of target nuclides, in particular K and Ca. Though the presence of cosmogenic Ar in Ca-rich minerals has been demonstrated earlier [1], is has proven difficult to establish its production rate. To circumvent problems connected to 36Ar production by 35Cl neutron capture and different production rates from K and Ca, we have analyzed the noble gases in seven pyroxene separates (px) from the Antarctic Dry Valleys which are essentially free of Cl and K. The px were obtained from dolerite rocks, for which 3He and 21Ne exposure ages from 1.5 to 6.5 Ma have been reported [2]. The noble gases were extracted in two or three heating steps at GFZ Potsdam, yielding 38Ar/36Ar ratios up to 0.2283 ± 0.0008 (air: 0.1880). Ca (3.7-11.2 wt. %) is expected to be the only relevant target element for Ar production in the five pure px (ratio of 1.5 ± 0.2, we obtain cosmogenic 38Ar concentrations between 130 and 530x106 atoms/g. The 38Ar production rate was calculated based on 21Ne exposure ages [2], corrected for elevated nuclide production in Antarctica due to prevailing low air pressure and for the revised 21Ne production rate from Si. We obtain values between 188 ± 17 and 243 +110/-24 atoms (g Ca)-1 a-1 at sea level and high (northern) latitudes for four out of the five pure px, while one yields a very high value of 348 ± 70 atoms (g Ca)-1 a-1. Values above 250 atoms (g Ca)-1 a-1 are also obtained from two less pure px containing 0.3 and 0.9% K and from one feldspar/quartz accumulate, indicating that the production rate from K may be higher than that from Ca. The weighted mean (excluding the outlier) of ~200 atoms (g Ca)-1 a-1 is in excellent agreement with Lal's [3] theoretical estimate. [1] Renne et al., EPSL 188 (2001) 435. [2] Schäfer et al., EPSL 167 (1999) 215. [3] Lal, EPSL 104 (1991) 424.

  15. Viscosidade cinemática de pastas cimentícias com incorporadores de ar avaliadas em diferentes temperaturas Kinematic viscosity of cement pastes with air-entrained admixtures evaluated in different temperatures

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    R. C. O. Romano


    Full Text Available A presença de aditivos incorporadores de ar (AIA em suspensões cimentícias torna esses materiais sensíveis às etapas de processamento e às condições ambientais de preparo das composições. Diversos estudos têm sido reportados em literatura avaliando o efeito de incorporadores de ar nas propriedades de materiais cimentícios, sobretudo no estado endurecido. Porém o efeito da temperatura na incorporação de ar e nas propriedades reológicas dessas composições tem sido menos investigado, sendo este o objetivo do presente trabalho. Para tanto, foram avaliadas as características de pastas cimentícias, compostas por cimentos CPIIF ou CPIIE e dois tipos de AIA, em função da variação da temperatura. O conceito de viscosidade cinemática foi adotado na análise dos resultados para compensar diferenças de inércia das pastas com densidades distintas. Os resultados mostraram que o tipo de cimento, a presença do aditivo e a temperatura influenciaram significativamente na incorporação de ar e nas propriedades reológicas.Air-entrained admixtures (AEA makes the cementitious pastes very sensitive to the mix process, environmental conditions and, consequently modifies the final properties. Many studies have been found in literature evaluating the AEA effect on the material properties, mainly in the hardened state. However, the temperature effect in the air incorporation and rheological properties have been less investigated, and this has been the objective of our work. The properties of cementitious pastes formulated with CPIIE or CPIIF and different air-entrained admixtures were evaluated in distinct temperatures. Furthermore, the concept of kinematic viscosity was used in the analysis of the results to compensate the differences in the inertia of cement pastes with different densities. The results shown that the cement type, the additive presence and the temperature significantly affects the air incorporation and the rheological

  16. Precision angle-resolved autoionization resonances in Ar and Ne

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Berrah, N.; Langer, B.; Gorczyca, T.W. [Western Michigan Univ., Kalamazoo, MI (United States)] [and others


    Theoretical work has shown that the electron angular distribution and the shape of the autoionization resonances are crucial to the understanding of certain types of electron-electron correlation. Autoionization resonances in Ne (Ar) result from the decay of the excited discrete state Ne{sup *} 2s2p{sup 6} np (Ar{sup *} 3s3p{sup 6} np) into the continuum state Ne{sup +} 2s{sup 2}2p{sup 5} + e{sup {minus}} (ks,kd) (Ar{sup +} 3s{sup 2}3p{sup 5} + e{sup {minus}} (ks,kd)). Since the continuum can also be reached by direct photoionization, both paths add coherently, giving rise to interferences that produce the characteristic Beutler-Fano line shape. In this work, the authors report on quantitative angle-resolved electron spectrometry studies of (a) the Ne 2s{sup 2}2p{sup 6} {r_arrow} 2s2p{sup 6} np (n=3-5) autoionizing resonances and the 2s{sup 2}2p{sup 6} {r_arrow} 2p{sup 4}3s3p doubly excited resonance, (b) the Ar 3s{sup 2}3p{sup 6} {r_arrow} 3s3p{sup 6} np (n=4-9) autoionization resonances and extended R-matrix calculations of the angular-distribution parameters for both Ne and Ar measurements. Their results are compared with previous theoretical work by Taylor.

  17. Effects of antibiotic resistance (AR) and microbiota shifts on Campylobacter jejuni-mediated diseases. (United States)

    Brooks, Phillip T; Mansfield, Linda S


    Campylobacter jejuni is an important zoonotic pathogen recently designated a serious antimicrobial resistant (AR) threat. While most patients with C. jejuni experience hemorrhagic colitis, serious autoimmune conditions can follow including inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and the acute neuropathy Guillain Barré Syndrome (GBS). This review examines inter-relationships among factors mediating C. jejuni diarrheal versus autoimmune disease especially AR C. jejuni and microbiome shifts. Because both susceptible and AR C. jejuni are acquired from animals or their products, we consider their role in harboring strains. Inter-relationships among factors mediating C. jejuni colonization, diarrheal and autoimmune disease include C. jejuni virulence factors and AR, the enteric microbiome, and host responses. Because AR C. jejuni have been suggested to affect the severity of disease, length of infections and propensity to develop GBS, it is important to understand how these interactions occur when strains are under selection by antimicrobials. More work is needed to elucidate host-pathogen interactions of AR C. jejuni compared with susceptible strains and how AR C. jejuni are maintained and evolve in animal reservoirs and the extent of transmission to humans. These knowledge gaps impair the development of effective strategies to prevent the emergence of AR C. jejuni in reservoir species and human populations.

  18. ARS 01 Helsingi Kiasmas / Tarmo Virki

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Virki, Tarmo


    Helsingis Kiasmas avatud rahvusvahelisest kunstinäitusest ARS 01 alapealkirjaga "Avanevaid perspektiive", kus esines oma töödega ka Marko Mäetamm. Näituse raames toimuvast Santiago Sierra kunstiprojektist kodututega

  19. 40Ar/39Ar Geochronology of Supergene K-bearing Sulfate Minerals: Cenozoic Continental Weathering, Landscape Evolution and Paleoclimates in the Tu-Ha Basin, Northwestern China (United States)

    Yang, J.; Zheng, D.; Chen, W.; Hough, B.; Qiu, H.; Wang, W.; Wu, Y.; Yang, L.


    40Ar/39Ar incremental-heating analyses of supergene jarosite and yavapaiite from three weathering profiles at the Hongshan, Liuhuangshan, and Caihuagou deposits in the Tu-Ha Basin, China, were carried out to provide numerical constraints on the timing and duration of weathering and derive insights into local paleoclimatic and landscape evolution. Well-constrained plateau ages and best-fitting inverse isochrons have been obtained for 11 samples, yield 40Ar/39Ar ages ranging from 33.3±0.5 Ma to 3.3±0.4 Ma (1σ). Our 40Ar/39Ar ages, combined with the published ages, indicate that the high elevations sites hosting the most complete and complex weathering profiles present. The presence of ancient weathering ages in current outcrop in the Tu-Ha Basin suggests that denudation was not homogeneous, and the landscape evolution follow a scarp retreat model. These geochronological results suggest that a protracted history of weathering and supergene enrichment and, by inference, arid-semiarid climate (with at least a moderate amount of precipitation (>10 cm/y)) favorable to intense chemical weathering emerged at 33.3 Ma, 27.7-23.3 Ma, and 16.4-14.7 Ma, and prevailed from 11-7.8 Ma. Then, a progressive change from arid-semiarid towards hyperarid conditions and predominantly hyperarid conditions may have persisted since at least ca. 3.3 Ma. The climatic implications inferred from the weathering geochronology are in agreement with the chemical parameters and isotopic compositions of the Cenozoic sedimentary sequence from the Lianmuqin section in the Tu-Ha Basin, attesting to the reliability of weathering geochronology by the 40Ar/39Ar method as an indicator of paleoclimate in arid areas. Our results suggest that the retreat of the Paratethys Sea, which would have reduced eastward water vapor transport by the westerlies to the Tu-Ha Basin, led to its aridification in the Oligocene and that increased rain shadow effects, resulting from uplift of the Tibetan Plateau and Tian Shan

  20. Niveles de arsénico y vanadio en aguas naturales en el Departamento de Unión, sudeste de la provincia de Córdoba, Argentina.


    Pérez Carrera, Alejo; Fernández Cirelli, Alicia


    En Argentina, existen grandes regiones que por sus características edafoclimáticas, poseen excelentes aptitudes agropecuarias, sin embargo, sufren limitaciones de desarrollo debido a la disponibilidad de agua y la calidad del recurso hídrico disponible. Uno de los elementos químicos presentes en el agua, con mayor impacto sobre la salud humana y animal, es el arsénico. La región afectada, abarca las provincias de Córdoba, La Pampa, Santiago del Estero, San Luis, Santa Fe, Buenos Aires, Chaco,...