
Sample records for apoptosis inducida por

  1. Osteomalacia inducida por tumor: hemangiopericitoma rinosinusal

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    Enriqueta M. Serafini


    Full Text Available La osteomalacia inducida por tumor es una rara enfermedad del metabolismo óseo caracterizada por el aumento en la excreción de fosfato a nivel renal seguido de hipofosfatemia. Es causada por agentes fosfatúricos producidos por determinados tumores. La resección total del tumor resulta en la completa reversión de las anormalidades bioquímicas, la desaparición de las manifestaciones clínicas y los hallazgos en los estudios por imágenes. Presentamos el caso de un varón de 61 años con cuadro clínico y laboratorio compatibles con osteomalacia oncogénica inducida por tumor mesenquimático de localización rinosinusal. En nuestro caso el diagnóstico histológico correspondió a una neoplasia de tipo vascular: hemangiopericitoma.

  2. Alteraciones hepáticas inducidas por la nutrición parenteral


    J Salas Salvado; A Recaséns Garica


    Liver disorders induced by parenteral nutrition Alteraciones hepáticas inducidas por la nutrición parenteral Liver disorders induced by parenteral nutrition Alteraciones hepáticas inducidas por la nutrición parenteral

  3. Agranulocitosis inducida por metimazol en pacientes con enfermedad de Graves

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    Helard Manrique-Hurtado


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Describir las características clínicas y epidemiológicas de los pacientes con enfermedad de Graves que presentaron agranulocitosis inducida por metimazol. Material y métodos: Estudio retrospectivo, tipo serie de casos. Se revisaron las historias clínicas de todos los pacientes con diagnóstico de agranulocitosis inducida por metimazol, atendidos en el Hospital Nacional Arzobispo Loayza, entre enero 2002 y diciembre 2008. Se buscó asociación entre las variables demográficas y clínicas con la mortalidad y el tiempo de recuperación. Resultados: Treinta (0,60% pacientes con enfermedad de Graves fueron hospitalizados con el diagnóstico de agranulocitosis inducida por metimazol. La mediana de la edad fue 33,5 años y 86,67% fueron mujeres. Al ingreso, todos los pacientes presentaron fiebre y dolor de garganta. El manejo incluyó aislamiento invertido, suspensión del metimazol, administración de antibióticos y glucocorticoides. Doce (40% pacientes recibieron GM-CSF. El número de granulocitos se normalizó después de 10,59 días y cuatro (13,33% pacientes murieron por infecciones bacterianas y sepsis. En todos los casos, el tratamiento definitivo fue yodo radioactivo. No hubo diferencia significativa en la edad, sexo, dosis de metimazol, duración del tratamiento y uso de factor estimulante colonia, entre los pacientes fallecidos y los sobrevivientes. Además, el uso de factor estimulante de colonia no redujo el tiempo de recuperación de la agranulocitosis. Conclusión: La agranulocitosis inducida por metimazol es un evento adverso serio y potencialmente mortal. En este grupo de pacientes, la mortalidad fue elevada y el uso de factor estimulante de colonia no disminuyó el tiempo de recuperación.

  4. El coactivador de receptores nucleares RAC3 tiene un rol protector de la Apoptosis inducida por distintos estímulos RAC3 nuclear receptor co-activator has a protective role in the apoptosis induced by different stimuli

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    Georgina P. Coló


    Full Text Available RAC3 pertenece a la familia de coactivadores de receptores nucleares p160, y se encuentra sobreexpresado en varios tumores. Demostramos previamente que RAC3 es coactivador del factor de transcripción anti-apoptótico NF-kapa;B. En este trabajo investigamos su rol en la apoptosis inducida por H2O2 en una línea celular no tumoral derivada de riñón embrionario humano (HEK293, y por el ligando inductor de apoptosis relacionado a TNF (TRAIL en una línea de leucemia mieloide crónica humana (K562, naturalmente resistente a la muerte por este estímulo. Observamos que las células tumorales K562 poseen niveles altos de RAC3 comparados con las células no tumorales HEK293. La sobreexpresión normal de coactivador o por transfección, inhibe la apoptosis mediante una disminución de la activación de caspasas, translocación del factor inductor de apoptosis (AIF al núcleo, aumento de la actividad de NF-kapa;B y las quinasas AKT y p38 y disminución de la quinasa ERK. Lo opuesto fue observado por disminución de RAC3 mediante la técnica de ARN interferente (RNAi en K562, aumentando así la apoptosis inducida por TRAIL. Estas evidencias sugieren que una sobreexpresión de RAC3 contribuye al desarrollo de tumores, participando en las cascadas que controlan la muerte celular por mecanismos no estrictamente dependientes de hormonas esteroideas y/o de acetilación, constituyendo esto un posible blanco de ataque para el tratamiento de tumores.RAC3 belongs to the family of p160 nuclear receptors coactivators and it is over-expressed in several tumors. We have previously shown that RAC3 is a NF-kappa;B coactivator. In this paper, we investigated the role of RAC3 in cell-sensitivity to apoptosis, using H2O2 in the human embryonic kidney cell line (HEK293, and tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis inducing ligand (TRAIL in a human chronic myeloid leukemia cell line (K562 naturally resistant to TRAIL. We observed that the tumoral K562 cells have high levels

  5. Estrategias para el tratamiento de la disfunción sexual inducida por la medicación antidepresiva

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    Matthew J. Taylor


    Conclusiones de los autores: Las pruebas actualmente disponibles son muy limitadas. En los hombres con disfunción eréctil inducida por antidepresivos, el agregado de sildenafil o tadalafil parece ser una estrategia eficaz. En las mujeres con disfunción sexual inducida por antidepresivos, el agregado de bupropión a dosis mayores parece ser el enfoque más alentador estudiado hasta el presente.

  6. Osteomalacia inducida por tumor: hemangiopericitoma rinosinusal Tumor-induced osteomalacia: rhinosinusal hemangiopericytoma

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    Enriqueta M. Serafini


    Full Text Available La osteomalacia inducida por tumor es una rara enfermedad del metabolismo óseo caracterizada por el aumento en la excreción de fosfato a nivel renal seguido de hipofosfatemia. Es causada por agentes fosfatúricos producidos por determinados tumores. La resección total del tumor resulta en la completa reversión de las anormalidades bioquímicas, la desaparición de las manifestaciones clínicas y los hallazgos en los estudios por imágenes. Presentamos el caso de un varón de 61 años con cuadro clínico y laboratorio compatibles con osteomalacia oncogénica inducida por tumor mesenquimático de localización rinosinusal. En nuestro caso el diagnóstico histológico correspondió a una neoplasia de tipo vascular: hemangiopericitoma.Tumor-induced osteomalacia is a rare disease of bone metabolism. The characteristic of this disease is an increase in phosphate excretion followed by hypophosphatemia, due to phosphaturic agents produced by different types of tumors. Tumor resection results in complete resolution of clinical, biochemical and radiological abnormalities. We present the case of a 61 year old man with signs, symptoms and laboratory findings consistent with oncogenic osteomalacia due to a rhino-sinusal mesenchymal tumor. The histological diagnosis showed a vascular neoplasm: hemangiopericytoma.

  7. Osteoporosis secundaria y Osteoporosis inducida por glucocorticoides (OIG

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    Elías Forero Illera


    Full Text Available La osteoporosis es un problema de salud pública importante a nivel mundial, y su prevalencia está aumentando. La osteoporosis secundaria se puede producir por varias patologías y el uso de ciertos medicamentos. Los glucocorticoides son un grupo de fármacos usados extensamente en la práctica médica debido a su indiscutible utilidad. La osteoporosis inducida por glucocorticoides es un problema de salud pública. Aunque la patogénesis de la pérdida producida por los glucocorticoides en el hueso no se conoce totalmente, investigaciones recientes han proporcionado nuevas conocimientos en los mecanismos de estos fármacos a nivel celular y molecular. Diversas guías han sido propuestas por diversos grupos para el tratamiento de la OIG; desafortunadamente, las guías del tratamiento no se utilizan adecuadamente en los pacientes.

  8. Cardiomiopatía inducida por estrés (Takotsubo en una paciente con anorexia nerviosa

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    Sabrina Vadalá


    Full Text Available Presentamos el caso de una mujer con diagnóstico de anorexia nerviosa que desarrolló cardiomiopatía de takotsubo precipitada por estrés emocional y alteraciones del medio interno. Evolucionó favorablemente con manejo conservador. Los casos de cardiomiopatía inducida por estrés, descriptos en pacientes con trastornos de la conducta alimentaria, suelen alcanzar mayor gravedad y se asocian con la prolongación del intervalo QT por desequilibrios electrolíticos, arritmias ventriculares e hipoglucemia. Se realiza una revisión del compromiso cardiovascular en pacientes con anorexia nerviosa.

  9. Disfunción tiroidea inducida por amiodarona en la práctica clínica

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    José Luis Paz-Ibarra


    Full Text Available La amiodarona (AMD es una droga antiarrítmica potente (clase III usada en la práctica clínica para la profilaxis y el tratamiento de muchos disturbios del ritmo cardiaco, desde la fibrilación auricular paroxística hasta las taquiarritmias ventriculares que amenazan la vida. Frecuentemente causa cambios en las pruebas de función tiroidea principalmente relacionados a la inhibición de la actividad de la 5'-deiodinasa, resultando en una disminución de la generación de T3 desde T4 y el consecuente incremento en la producción de T3 reversa y una disminución de su aclaramiento. En 14 a 18% de pacientes tratados con AMD hay una disfunción tiroidea manifiesta, ya sea tirotoxicosis inducida por amiodarona (TIA o hipotiroidismo inducido por amiodarona (HIA. Tanto TIA como HIA pueden desarrollarse en glándulas aparentemente normales o en glándulas con anormalidades preexistentes clínicamente silentes. La TIA está primariamente relacionada a la síntesis de hormonas tiroideas inducida por el exceso de yodo en una glándula tiroidea anormal (TIA tipo 1 o a una tiroiditis destructiva relacionada a la amiodarona (TIA tipo 2, aunque frecuentemente ocurren formas mixtas. La tiroiditis de Hashimoto preexistente es un factor de riesgo definido para la ocurrencia de HIA. La patogenia del HIA es la falla para escapar del efecto agudo de Wolff-Chaikoff inducido por el yodo, debido a los defectos en la hormonogénesis tiroidea y, en pacientes con pruebas de autoanticuerpos tiroideos positivos, para tiroiditis de Hashimoto concomitante. La TIA es más común en zonas deficientes de yodo mientras que el HIA es usualmente visto en zonas suficientes en yodo. En contraste al HIA, la TIA es una condición difícil de diagnosticar y tratar, y usualmente se recomienda la descontinuación de la amiodarona. En esta revisión se analiza, de acuerdo a los datos actuales, las alteraciones en las pruebas de función tiroidea vistas en pacientes eutirodeos bajo

  10. Paciente con trombocitopenia trombótica inducida por heparina en hemodiálisis: abordaje de la anticoagulación del circuito

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    Mirian García Martínez

    Full Text Available Resumen El tratamiento renal sustitutivo de hemodiálisis es una técnica de depuración sanguínea extraterrenal, que requiere proteger al circuito extracorpóreo del paciente. Actualmente la heparina es el anticoagulante endovenoso de elección para evitar este tipo de complicaciones intradiálisis, siendo necesaria la individualización de las dosis por paciente. La trombocitopenia trombótica inducida por heparina es uno de los posibles efectos secundarios producidos por la administración de heparina. La bivalirudina es un inhibidor directo y específico de la trombina, útil en diferentes procedimientos, siendo utilizado en pacientes con problemas con la heparina y con fracaso renal crónico terminal que requieren terapias de diálisis continuas. Caso clínico: Paciente de 46 años, con múltiples antecedentes personales. Al inicio de su proceso debutó con una Gangrena de Fournier secundaria a isquemia de extremidades inferiores, por lo que precisó tratamiento anticoagulante. Hasta la fecha no presentó alergias medicamentosas conocidas. Posteriormente se objetivó plaquetopenia progresiva con diagnóstico de trombocitopenia inducida por heparina tipo II por lo que se restringió la heparina de bajo peso molecular y la heparina sódica, indicándose anticoagulación con Sintrom y Bivalirudina en casos de procedimientos con alto riesgo de sangrado. Conclusiones: Los pacientes de hemodiálisis en nuestro hospital, tienen como pauta habitual de anticoagulación la heparina. En este caso el diagnostico precoz de la trombocitopenia trombótica inducida por la heparina, fue crucial para evitar daños mayores, siendo el equipo de enfermería la piedra angular en el tratamiento en la sala de hemodiálisis.

  11. Papel del endotelio en hipertensión inducida por el embarazo: ¿alteraciones comunes a las de la aterosclerosis?


    López-Jaramillo, Patricio; Sotomayor-Rubio, Katherine; Sotomayor-Rubio, Arístides; López-López, Cristina


    La hipertensión inducida por el embarazo, cuya forma proteinúrica es denominada preeclampsia (PE), es una alteración que ocurre en el segundo trimestre del embarazo, y se caracteriza por la presencia de hipertensión y proteinuria. Durante el embarazo normal ocurren cambios fisiológicos adaptativos que incluyen insulino-resistencia (IR), hiperlipidemia, hipercoagulabilidad, inflamación y un estado circulatorio hiperdinámico. Estos cambios se expresan de una forma exagerada en las mujeres que d...

  12. Costo-efectividad de medios de contraste isoosmolales e hiposmolales en pacientes con alto riesgo de nefropatía inducida por medio de contraste

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    Liliana Alejandra Chicaíza-Becerra


    Full Text Available Introducción. Los medios de contraste pueden provocar falla renal aguda por toxicidad directa sobre las células tubulares e isquemia medular renal. Los pacientes diabéticos y los hospitalizados presentan mayor riesgo de desarrollar nefropatía inducida por medios de contraste que la población general. Objetivo. Establecer el costo-efectividad de los medios de contraste isosmolales e hiposmolales en pacientes con alto riesgo. Materiales and métodos. El análisis se basó en una revisión sistemática de la literatura científica, comparando los efectos nefrotóxicos de los medios isosmolales e hipoosmolales. Se consideraron sólo los costos directos, obtenidos del manual tarifario. Se calcularon las tasas del incremento del costoefectividad, las curvas de eficiencia y de aceptabilidad. Se hicieron análisis univariados de sensibilidad para costos y efectos, así como probabilísticos. Se aplicaron tasas de descuento de 0 y 3 % a losresultados. Se usó como umbral de costo-efectividad por año de vida ganado, el producto interno bruto per cápita. Resultados. Las alternativas con Iopamidol y Iodixanol dominan a las demás porque reducen el riesgo de nefropatía inducida por contraste a un menor costo. La razón del incremento del costo-efectividad del iodixanol comparado con el iopamidol es de US$ 14.660 por año de vida ganado que más que duplica el umbral. Conclusión. El medio de baja osmolalidad, iopamidol, parece ser costo-efectivo comparado con iohexol u otros medios hiposmolares (iopromide, iobitridol, iomeprol, iopentol y ioxilan, en pacientes con alto riesgo de nefropatía inducida por contraste. La elección del medio hiposmolar, depende de la disponibilidad a pagar o del costo por ampolleta.   doi:

  13. Osteonecrosis de hueso maxilar inducida por bisfosfonatos


    Vera Sempere, Francisco José


    Los bisfosfonatos son un grupo de fármacos, análogos de los pirofosfatos, utilizados en administración oral en el tratamiento de la osteoporosis, así como en formulaciones intravenosas para el tratamiento del dolor óseo y de la hipercalcemia ligada a la enfermedad tumoral metastasica (generalmente en el contexto de mieloma múltiple / cáncer de mama o próstata avanzados), actuando como un inhibidor de la reabsorción ósea, mediada por osteoclastos, así como de la apoptosis de los osteobl...

  14. Efecto antihipertensivo del extracto de Piper aduncum ‘matico’ sobre la hipertensión inducida por L-NAME en ratones

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    Jorge Arroyo


    Full Text Available Introducción: El Piper aduncum es una planta conocida como matico. Se le atribuye efectos antihipertensivo, antiinflamatorio, cicatrizante. Objetivos: Determinar el efecto antihipertensivo del extracto de Piper aduncum ‘matico’, sobre la hipertensión inducida por L-NAME, en ratones. Diseño: Experimental. Lugar: Facultades de Medicina y de Farmacia y Bioquímica, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Perú. Material biológico: Extracto etanólico de las hojas de Piper aduncum y ratas. Intervenciones: Se utilizó seis grupos de seis ratones Muss musculus cada uno, uno sin hipertensión (control negativo y cuatro con hipertensión inducida por L-NAME: un control positivo y tres grupos para las dosis de 50, 150 y 300 mg/kg, respectivamente. El tratamiento se realizó por vía oral, una vez por día, durante 25 días. Las mediciones de la presión arterial sistólica (PAS, presión arterial diastólica (PAD y presión arterial media (PAM fueron realizadas dos veces por semana (martes y viernes y se consideró las mediciones entre los días 19 y 23 de iniciado el tratamiento. Principales medidas de resultados: Actividad antihipertensiva. Resultados: En los días 19 y 23 se observó los mejores niveles de presión arterial en el grupo control y los experimentales, correspondiendo a las mediciones 6 y 7. La eficacia antihipertensiva para enalapril fue 24,1 a 20,6%, respectivamente, seguida por matico, entre 24,9 y 13,7% (p<0,05. Conclusiones: En las condiciones experimentales, se demostró la actividad antihipertensiva del extracto etanólico de hojas de Piper aduncum ‘matico’.

  15. Capacidad antiteratogénica del resveratrol en diabetes inducida por estreptozotocina en ratas

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    Ninna Leslie Trejo-González

    Full Text Available Objetivos. Evaluar la capacidad antihiperglucémica y antiteratogénica del resveratrol en ratas inducidas a diabetes por estreptozotocina. Materiales y métodos. Estudio de tipo experimental. Se tuvieron tres grupos, de cinco ratas Wistar preñadas cada uno, dos de los cuales fueron tratados el cuarto día de gestación con una dosis de estreptozotocina de 50 mg/kg, disuelta en tampón de citratos, y el otro fue considerado como control, y solo se le administró el tampón de citratos. A uno de los grupos inducidos con estreptozotocina se le administró resveratrol a dosis de 100 mg/kg durante los días 8 al 12 de gestación, cuando sucede la neurulación. Los fetos se obtuvieron el día 19 de gestación y se les realizó un análisis morfológico, y en el hígado fetal se determinó la actividad de las enzimas depuradoras de especies reactivas catalasa, superóxido dismutasa y glutatión peroxidasa. Resultados. La administración de resveratrol (DM+R revierte los parámetros a valores similares a los del grupo control. Las actividades de catalasa y de glutatión peroxidasa, se vieron incrementadas en el grupo tratado con resveratrol con respecto al grupo diabético, en cuanto a la frecuencia de malformaciones en el grupo control y en el grupo tratado con resveratrol no presentaron malformaciones, mientras que en las ratas con diabetes inducida, se encontró una elevada frecuencia de malformaciones. Conclusiones. El resveratrol muestra propiedades antiteratogénicas a través de la disminución del estrés oxidativo que se presenta a causa de la hiperglucemia materna


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    L. Ugaz-Soto


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar el efecto del extracto de Gentianella alborosea como tratamiento contra esteatosis hepática no alcohólica (EHNA inducida por dieta hiperlipídica en ratas Holtzman hembras. Métodos: Diseño: Estudio experimental incompleto. Lugar: Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Perú. Participantes: Ratas Holtzman hembras. Intervenciones: Se utilizó 32 ratas repartidas en 4 grupos (n=8 distribuidos aleatoriamente: grupo control negativo, control positivo con dieta hiperlipídica, dosis 1 (35 mg/kg y dosis 2 (70 mg/kg. Se indujo EHNA con dieta hiperlipídica (Carbohidratos: 26%, Lípidos: 59% y Proteínas: 15% Calorías durante un período de 21 días, ad libitum. Luego, se administró el extracto acuoso de Gentianella alborosea por 4 días. Finalmente, se extrajeron los hígados para evaluar las alteraciones histopatológicas del parénquima hepático. Principales medidas de resultados: Se realizó el conteo microscópico de hepatocitos afectados con macrovacuolas, y los resultados fueron comparados mediante las pruebas de ANOVA (p<0,05 y HSD de Tukey (p<0,05. Resultados: Se encontró diferencias significativas (p<0.05 en el porcentaje de hepatocitos afectados entre los grupos dosis 1 (3.25 ± 2.27 y el control positivo (7.50 ± 3.76. Además, no se encontró diferencia significativa entre los grupos dosis 1 y dosis 2. Conclusiones: No se pudo determinar el efecto de Gentianella alborosea sobre la esteatosis hepática no alcohólica inducida por dieta hiperlipídica en ratas Holtzman hembra, por lo que se recomiendan estudios posteriores.

  17. El péptido ? A [25-35] y el hierro promueven apoptosis en linfocitos por un mecanismo de estrés oxidativo: contribución del H202,, caspasa 3, fn- kb, p53 y c-Jun

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    Marlene Jiménez


    Full Text Available El depósito del beta-amiloide (βA en las placas neuríticas es
    uno de los principales marcadores neuropatológicos de la enfermedad de Alzheimer (EA. Estudios in vitro han demostrado que el fragmento βA25-35, el cual contiene la secuencia funcionalmente citotóxica del péptido amiloide, induce neurotoxicidad y muerte celular por apoptosis (1. A pesar de las intensas investigaciones, no se ha dado una descripción completa de la cascada de eventos moleculares que conducen a muerte inducida por βA25-35 en un modelo celular único. Por lo tanto, nuestro objetivo principal es evidenciar una cascada de eventos moleculares ordenados inducidos por el bA25-35 y el hierro en un modelo celular.

  18. Detección y estudio mediante Fluorescencia Inducida por Láser de radicales libres formados por Disociación Multifotónica Infrarroja (United States)

    Santos, M.; Díaz, L.; Torresano, J. A.; Rubio, L.; Samoudi, B.

    Una de las principales aplicaciones actuales de los procesos de disociación multifotónica inducidos por radiación láser infrarroja (DMI) es la producción de radiales libres, con el fin de estudiar sus propiedades cinéticas y espectroscópicas. La disociación de moléculas poliatómicas en el IR con láseres de CO2 tiene lugar desde la superficie de energía molecular mas baja y conduce generalmente a la formación de fragmentos en el estado electrónico fundamental, con diversos grados de excitación vibracional. En el Grupo de Procesos Multifotónicos del Instituto de Estructura de la Materia del C.S.I.C. hemos puesto a punto la técnica de Fluorescencia Inducida por Láser (LIF) para la detección y análisis en tiempo real de los fragmentos producidos en la DMI inducida mediante uno o dos campos láseres de diferentes longitudes de onda. Objetivos de nuestro trabajo han sido el estudio de los canales de disociación mayoritarios y de las especies transitoria producidas, así como de la distribución de energía interna con que éstas son generadas. En particular hemos detectado mediante LIF las especies: C2, CF, CH, SiH2, CF2, CH2, SiHCl, y CF3 a partir de la disociación de, entre otras, las siguientes moléculas: C2H3Br, C3F6, C4H8Si, C2H5ClSi y CH5ClSi. En este trabajo presentamos algunos de los resultados obtenidos mediante el estudio por LIF de estos radicales: estudio temporal de la señal LIF obtenida con determinación de tiempos de vida, espectros de excitación y fluorescencia, temperaturas vibracionales de formación, variación de la intensidad LIF con el tiempo de retraso entre los láseres de disociación y prueba, etc.

  19. Arteriopatía periférica crónica inducida por cocaína

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    Sonia Pankl


    Full Text Available La trombosis periférica aguda inducida por cocaína ha sido descripta en la literatura, siendo una complicación poco común. Si bien existen comunicaciones que reflejan los efectos crónicos de la cocaína sobre el sistema arterial periférico, no hay casos publicados de tal complicación en ausencia de otros factores de riesgo. Se presenta el caso de una mujer de 22 años de edad con antecedentes de consumo de cocaína intranasal de 3 gramos por semana durante un año, que consultó por claudicación intermitente a los 200 metros asociada a dolor y parestesias en miembro inferior izquierdo de 2 meses de evolución. El ecodoppler arterial evidenció una estenosis mayor del 70% en la arteria femoral superficial izquierda. Se realizaron estudios complementarios descartando otras etiologías probables. Se inició tratamiento con ácido acetilsalicílico, cilostazol y ejercicio reglado, asociado a terapia de apoyo para mantenimiento del cese del consumo de cocaína, con buena respuesta. Se destaca la importancia de la difusión de información a los pacientes, dado que la mayoría de la población desconoce las complicaciones cardiovasculares de dicha adicción. Es indispensable indagar sobre el consumo de cocaína en pacientes jóvenes con arteriopatía sin factores de riesgo aparentes.

  20. El tratamiento con progesterona previene las alteraciones motoras inducidas por la intoxicación con semillas de cícada (Dioon spinulosum) en la rata macho


    E Rivadeneyra-Domínguez; M Saavedra; JF Rodríguez-Landa


    El consumo crónico de semillas de cícadas ha sido asociado con enfermedades neurodegenerativas, las cuales predominan en el género masculino. En México, las semillas de cícada (Dioon spinulosum) son usadas como sustituto de maíz y a nivel experimental producen un déficit motor; probablemente causado por sus componentes neurotóxicos. En este sentido, la progesterona ejerce efectos neuroprotectores contra traumatismo cerebral, hipoxia, así como la muerte neuronal inducida por colchicina en el S...

  1. El aceite de pescado atenua las crisis convulsivas inducidas por hipertermia en ratas neonatas

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    Leopoldo E. Flores M.


    Full Text Available Un alto porcentaje (50-60% del cerebro en los mamíferos son principalmente grasas o lípidos, de éstos, el 35% son ácidos grasos esenciales, en particular los llamados omegas (O, como el Acido Docosahexanoico (DHA y el Eicosapentanoico (EPA llamados omega 3 (O-3. Diversos estudios han mostrado beneficios en la salud con la implementación de los O-3 como agentes terapéuticos en alteraciones cardiovasculares, renales, dérmicas, metabólicas, neurodegenerativas e inmunológicas. Evidencias experimentales sugieren un beneficio potencial del aceite de pescado (APE como neuroprotector debido al alto contenido de DHA y EPA. Sin embargo, es poco lo que se conoce en cuanto a los efectos que pudieran tener sobre alteraciones nerviosas, como las crisis convulsivas. En este contexto, se ha reportado que el tipo más común de trastorno epiléptico observado en los niños son las crisis convulsivas provocadas por fiebre (CF. La incidencia es de 3-5%, con ocurrencia entre los 5 meses y 5 años de edad, y se ha propuesto que esta alteración en la vida temprana pudiera tener efectos a largo plazo, manifestándose como un síndrome de epilepsia en la vida adulta. El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar el efecto del APE sobre las convulsiones inducidas por hipertermia experimental en un grupo de ratas Wistar macho de 5 días de edad (grupo SAPE cuyas madres consumieron una dieta base más un suplemento de APE (suministrado desde su infancia hasta la etapa de crianza. Este grupo se comparó con otro grupo de ratas de la misma edad y cepa (grupo SAPA cuyas madres consumieron una dieta base más un suplemento de aceite de palma (suministrado desde su infancia hasta la etapa de crianza, y con un tercer grupo de ratas (grupo CTRL cuyas madres consumieron la dieta base más agua bidestilada como suplemento. Las ratas tratadas con APE presentaron mayor resistencia a la elevación de la temperatura corporal inducida por la hipertermia, una menor frecuencia

  2. Efecto de Gentianella alborosea en esteatosis hepática no alcohólica inducida por dieta hiperlipídica en ratas holtzman hembras


    L Ugaz-Soto; JH Zafra-Tanaka; María E. Tapia Vicente


    Objetivo: Determinar el efecto del extracto de Gentianella alborosea como tratamiento contra esteatosis hepática no alcohólica (EHNA)  inducida por dieta hiperlipídica en ratas Holtzman hembras. Métodos: Diseño: Estudio experimental incompleto. Lugar: Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Perú. Participantes: Ratas Holtzman hembras. Intervenciones: Se utilizó 32 ratas repartidas en 4 grupos (n=8) distribuidos aleatoriamente: grupo control negativo, control positivo con dieta hiperli...

  3. Pregancy-induced hypertension and birthweight Hipertensión inducida por el embarazo y peso de los productos al nacer

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    Nicolás Padilla Raygoza


    Full Text Available Objective. The objective of this work was to measure the existing association between preg­nancy-induced hypertension and birthweight at the Celaya General Hospital. Study design. Cross-sectional, observational, analytic study. Subjects: Registries of women admitted to the Celaya General Hospital for delivery during 2008. Variables: Pregnancy-induced hypertension (blood pressure of 140/90 mmHg or higher after 20 weeks of gestation, sub-classified as gestational hypertension (blood pressure of 140/90 mmHg or higher without proteinuria and toxemia (blood pressure of 140/90 mmHg or higher with proteinuria; birthweight ( 3 500 g. Statistical analysis: it was calculated the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA test was performed between the status of arterial hypertension and birthweight, and was adjusted using gestational age. Results. From the sample of 5 478 registries, 14.73% (n = 807 of women had pregnancy-induced hypertension; from them, 10.92% (n = 598 had gestational hypertension and 3.82% (n = 209 preclampsia/eclampsia. Newborns from hypertensive mothers had an average birthweight of 3 049.27 ± 600.22 g, while the birth­weight of newborns from normotensive mothers was 3 104.94 ± 502.57 g, considering: ANOVA F = 1.49, p = 0.00001: adjusted by gestational age, F = 1.51, p = 0.0168. Conclu­sion. Newborns of normotensive and gestational hypertensive mothers showed differences in birthweight; gestational age acted as a confounder.Objetivo. Medir la asociación que existe entre la hipertensión inducida por el embarazo y el peso al nacer de los neonatos, en el Hospital General de Celaya. Tipo de estudio. Observacio­nal, transversal y analítico. Sujetos: 1 Registros de mujeres embarazadas (n = 5 478, admi­tidas para su resolución obstétrica, en el Hospital General de Celaya durante el año 2008, y 2 registros del peso al nacer de los neonatos de estas mujeres. Variables: 1 Hipertensión inducida por el embarazo (presión arterial de 140/90 mmHg o

  4. Efecto hipoglucemiante del extracto etanólico de Geranium ruizii Hieron. (pasuchaca en la hiperglucemia inducida por aloxano en ratas

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    Oscar Herrera-Calderon


    Full Text Available Introducción: Geranium ruizii (Pasuchaca es una planta medicinal utilizada tradicionalmente como hipoglucemiante en el departamento de Ancash, Perú. Objetivo: Evaluar el efecto hipoglucemiante del extracto etanólico de Geranium ruizii administrada en ratas con hiperglicemia inducida por aloxano. Diseño: Experimental. Institución: Laboratorio de Farmacología Experimental, Facultad de Medicina Humana, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Perú. Material biológico: Planta entera de Geranium ruizii, ratas Holtzman hembras de ocho semanas con 200 ± 20 g de peso corporal. Intervenciones: La hiperglicemia fue inducida con aloxano. Las ratas incluidas en el estudio presentaron una glicemia > 200 mg/dL. Se formaron seis grupos de seis ratas cada uno. El grupo I recibió agua destilada 2 mL; los grupo II, III y IV recibieron Geranium ruizii 50 mg/kg; 150 mg/kg y 300 mg/kg, respectivamente (vía oral; al grupo V se administró glibenclamida 5 mg/kg y al grupo VI insulina 4UI/kg. Principales medidas de los resultados: Glucemia (mg/ dL, porcentaje de inhibición del radical DPPH, especies reactivas al ácido tiobarbitúrico (TBARS (nmoles/mL, estudio histológico de páncreas. Resultados: La dosis de 150 mg/kg de G. ruizii redujo 65,58% los valores de glicemia a las 2 h post administración (Kruskal Wallis; p< 0,001, redujo TBARS en 22,34% e inhibió el radical DPPH en 23,66%; el tejido pancreático se mantuvo en buen estado de conservación. Conclusiones: El extracto etanólico de Geranium ruizii (pasuchaca tuvo efecto hipoglicemiante en ratas con hiperglucemia inducida con aloxano.

  5. Efecto de Gentianella alborosea en esteatosis hepática no alcohólica inducida por dieta hiperlipídica en ratas holtzman hembras

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    L Ugaz-Soto


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar el efecto del extracto de Gentianella alborosea como tratamiento contra esteatosis hepática no alcohólica (EHNA  inducida por dieta hiperlipídica en ratas Holtzman hembras. Métodos: Diseño: Estudio experimental incompleto. Lugar: Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Perú. Participantes: Ratas Holtzman hembras. Intervenciones: Se utilizó 32 ratas repartidas en 4 grupos (n=8 distribuidos aleatoriamente: grupo control negativo, control positivo con dieta hiperlipídica, dosis 1 (35 mg/kg y dosis 2 (70 mg/kg. Se indujo EHNA con dieta hiperlipídica (Carbohidratos: 26%, Lípidos: 59% y Proteínas: 15% Calorías durante un período de 21 días, ad libitum. Luego, se administró el extracto acuoso de Gentianella alborosea por 4 días. Finalmente, se extrajeron los hígados para evaluar las alteraciones histopatológicas del parénquima hepático. Principales medidas de resultados: Se realizó el conteo microscópico de hepatocitos afectados con macrovacuolas, y los resultados fueron comparados mediante las pruebas de ANOVA (p<0,05 y HSD de Tukey (p<0,05. Resultados: Se encontró diferencias significativas (p<0.05 en el porcentaje de hepatocitos afectados entre los grupos dosis 1 (3.25 ± 2.27 y el control positivo (7.50 ± 3.76. Además, no se encontró diferencia significativa entre los grupos dosis 1 y dosis 2. Conclusiones: No se pudo determinar el efecto de Gentianella alborosea sobre la esteatosis hepática no alcohólica inducida por dieta hiperlipídica en ratas Holtzman hembra, por lo que se recomiendan estudios posteriores.

  6. Determination of forces induced by steam flow in turbines; Determinacion de fuerzas inducidas por flujo de vapor en turbinas

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    Garcia Castrejon, Juan Carlos


    blades, has a harmonic pattern. The pressure field variation as time function is uniform: the peaks and valleys across the axial clearance are always in phase. However the instant picture of the pressure field it's different: the peaks and valleys are not in phase and the number of peaks and valley changed across the clearance. In the case of the forces acting on blades, a Fourier on the forces calculated was used to determine the coefficients and frequency of a Fourier equation which can be used to calculate the alternating stresses on the blade in order to predict the useful life blades. [Spanish] Las vibraciones inducidas por flujo de vapor en turbinas representan uno de los problemas que enfrenta la operacion de turbinas de vapor cuya capacidad rebasa los 300 MW. Ademas estas constituyen uno de los limites tecnologicos para el desarrollo de turbinas de vapor de mas de 1 GW. Este tipo de fenomeno tiene su origen en la interaccion del rotor con el fluido que se encuentra en sus proximidades. El flujo de vapor dentro de la turbina es complejo, ya que es turbulento e inestable. A medida que el flujo pasa una etapa de estator o de rotor, se generan secundarios, vortices en los filos de salida, estelas con caracteristicas de flujo diferentes al flujo principal en los pasajes. Estas variaciones en el flujo son las que inducen vibraciones forzadas en los alabes. Ademas existen varios factores que contribuyen a la aplicacion de vibraciones en alabes inducidas por flujo como son: inestabilidad del flujo de vapor en los claros de los sellos, secuencia de apertura de las valvulas, estelas de las toberas, obstrucciones en algunas de las toberas y diferente espaciamiento en las toberas. Las vibraciones por flujo pueden ser peligrosas si su frecuencia coincide con la frecuencia natural del sistema, provocando efectos mas nocivos que las vibraciones por desbalance o por desalineamiento, pues tienen amplitudes mas grandes y provocan esfuerzos alternantes en los componentes del

  7. Análisis proteómico de la resistencia inducida por micorrización al patógeno foliar Sclerotinia sclerotiorum en frijol (Phaseolus vulgaris l.)


    Quintero Zamora, Edalhí


    En los últimos años se han reportado diversos estudios sobre la resistencia inducida por micorrización al ataque de patógenos, en éstos se han determinado los cambios de expresión de genes y proteínas que ocurren en las raíces de plantas colonizadas por hongos micorrízicos arbusculares. Recientemente, se han iniciado estudios para entender cómo afecta esta interacción a la parte aérea de la planta. En nuestro grupo de investigación se llevó a cabo el estudio del efecto de la micorrizaci...

  8. Detección de anticuerpos antiplasmodium por ELISA en donantes de sangre

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    Patricia Olaya de Morales


    Full Text Available La malaria, una enfermedad transmitida por mosquitos del genero anopheles, puede ser inducida a través de transfusiones de sangre infectada con alguna de las especies de Plasmodium que afectan al hombre. Con el objeto de determinar el riesgo potencial de infección inducida por transfusiones, se analizaron durante 9 meses y mediante la técnica de E.L.I.S.A., las muestras de suero tomadas a los donantes de sangre del Hospital Militar Central de Bogotá. El 8.6 por mil de las 3114 muestras analizadas, resultaron positivas para anticuerpos antimaláricos y durante el tiempo del estudio fueron detectados 3 casos de malaria inducida por transfusiones.

  9. Papel del endotelio en hipertensión inducida por el embarazo: ¿alteraciones comunes a las de la aterosclerosis?

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    Patricio López-Jaramillo


    Full Text Available La hipertensión inducida por el embarazo, cuya forma proteinúrica es denominada preeclampsia (PE, es una alteración que ocurre en el segundo trimestre del embarazo, y se caracteriza por la presencia de hipertensión y proteinuria. Durante el embarazo normal ocurren cambios fisiológicos adaptativos que incluyen insulino-resistencia (IR, hiperlipidemia, hipercoagulabilidad, inflamación y un estado circulatorio hiperdinámico. Estos cambios se expresan de una forma exagerada en las mujeres que desarrollan PE, alteraciones que están presentes también en el clúster de factores de riesgo que conforman el denominado síndrome metabólico (SM, el cual es un factor de riesgo para el desarrollo de diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (DM2 y enfermedad cardiovascular (ECV. En la presente revisión proponemos que la disfunción endotelial es la alteración común que explica la presencia de estas dos enfermedades comunes en América Latina.

  10. Mitogen activated protein kinases blockade improves lipopolysaccharide-induced ileal motor disturbances El bloqueo de las proteínas cinasas activadas por mitógenos mejora las alteraciones motoras inducidas por el lipopolisacárido en íleon

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    Sergio Gonzalo


    Full Text Available Background: several diseases such as sepsis can affect the ileum. Lipopolysaccharide (LPS, an endotoxin present in the cell wall of gram negative bacteria, is a causative agent of sepsis. Objectives: the aims of this study were: a to investigate the role of mitogen activated protein kinases (MAPKs in the effect of LPS on the acetylcholine-induced contractions of rabbit ileum; and b to study the localization of MAPKs in the ileum. Material and methods: ileal contractility was studied in an organ bath and MAPKs were localized by immunohistochemistry. Results: acetylcholine-induced contractions decreased with LPS. SB203580, SP600125 and U0126 blocked the effect of LPS on the acetylcholine-induced contractions. Phosphorylated p38 and ERK were detected in neurons of myenteric plexus and phosphorylated p38 and JNK in smooth muscle cells of ileum. Conclusion: we can suggest that p38, JNK, and ERK MAPKs are involved in the mechanism of action of LPS in the ileum.Introducción: varias enfermedades como la sepsis pueden afectar al íleon. El lipopolisacárido (LPS, una endotoxina presente en la pared celular de las bacterias gram-negativas, es un agente causal de la sepsis. Objetivos: los objetivos del presente estudio fueron: a investigar el papel de las proteína cinasas activadas por mitógenos (MAPKs en los efectos del LPS en las contracciones inducidas por acetilcolina en el íleon de conejo; y b estudiar la localización de las MAPKs en el íleon. Material y métodos: la contractilidad ileal se estudió en un baño de órganos y las MAPKs se localizaron mediante inmunohistoquímica. Resultados: el LPS disminuyó las contracciones inducidas por acetilcolina. El SB203580, el SP600125 y el U0126 bloquearon los efectos del LPS sobre las contracciones inducidas por acetilcolina. La p38 y la ERK fosforiladas se detectaron en las neuronas del plexo mientérico y la p38 y la JNK fosforiladas en las células del músculo liso del íleon. Conclusi

  11. “Corrosión Inducida por Bacterias Sulfato Reductoras Termófilas de 60°C en la Unión Soldada del Acero API 5L- X60.”


    Romero Romero, Justo Román


    En esta investigación se estudio el efecto de la corrosión inducida por Bacterias Sulfato Reductoras (BSR) termófilas a 60oC en el metal base (MB) y la unión soldada (US) del acero API X-60. Las bacterias sulfato reductoras fueron aisladas en el medio sólido postgate con la técnica de estriado, y fueron resembradas hasta obtener la misma morfología. El medio postgate fue seleccionado entre otros medios de cultivo, por el óptimo crecimiento que presento la BSR. Se preparar...

  12. Cardiopatía inducida por estrés (Tako-Tsubo. Nueva hipótesis fisiopatológica

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    Carlos E. Gadda


    Full Text Available RESUMENLa miocardiopatía inducida por estrés tiene como factor común su casi exclusiva apariciónen mujeres posmenopáusicas que acaban de sufrir una situación de estrés de gran envergaduray que clínicamente presentan un evento coronario agudo muy similar a un infartoagudo de miocardio. Al ser estudiadas de urgencia por cateterismo o ecocardiografía, en elventrículo izquierdo se observa un área de acinesia o discinesia focalizada habitualmente enla “punta”, pero con coronarias angiográficamente normales o, a lo sumo, mínimamentecomprometidas.Las coronarias pronunciadamente flexuosas también son habituales en mujeresposmenopáusicas y las arterias con estas características, al acodarse en forma extrema,pueden generar kinkings. Durante una crisis adrenérgica, estos kinkings llegan a estrangularla arteria y comprometer el flujo más allá de la sístole, lo cual, sumado a los efectos de lascatecolaminas, generaría la alteración focal y transitoria de la contractilidad que caracterizaal Tako-Tsubo.Queda claro que para afirmar esta hipótesis deben explorarse futuros pacientes en búsquedade este patrón anatómico.REV ARGENT CARDIOL 2010;78:43-45.

  13. Determinación de la profundidad y duración de la neutropenia inducida por ciclofosfamida en ratones hembras MPF de la cepa Udea: ICR(cd-1

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    Omar Vesga


    Full Text Available

    El modelo murino de infección del muslo emplea animales neutropénicos para poder determinar la eficacia intrínseca de los antibióticos in vivo. Sin embargo, no se ha definido el número de neutrófilos y la duración de la neutropenia inducida por ciclofosfamida (CFM intraperitoneal (IP, información fundamental
    para valorar la reproducibilidad y confiabilidad del modelo.



  14. Efectos en ratas de los alcoholes de cera de abejas (D-002 sobre la colitis ulcerativa inducida por sulfato de dextrano y etanol

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    Vivian Molina-Cuevas

    Full Text Available Objetivos. Investigar los efectos del D-002, mezcla de seis alcoholes alifáticos primarios de alto peso molecular, obtenida de la cera de abejas (Apis mellifera, sobre la colitis ulcerativa (CU inflamatoria severa inducida por sulfato de dextrano (DSS y etanol en ratas (Ratus ratus. Materiales y métodos. Las ratas se distribuyeron aleatoriamente en seis grupos: un control cero al que no se provocó daño, y cinco a los que se les indujo la CU: un control negativo (vehículo, tres tratados con D-002 (25, 100 y 400 mg/kg y un control positivo con sulfazalacina (200 mg/kg (sustancia de referencia. Se cuantificaron las manifestaciones clínicas (variación del peso corporal, presencia de diarrea y de sangrado rectal, el puntaje de daño macroscópico e histológico, y la actividad de mieoloperoxidasa (MPO. Resultados. El tratamiento oral con D-002 (25, 100 y 400 mg/kg previno significativamente la disminución del peso corporal. La dosis de 400 mg/kg redujo la presencia de diarreas y sangrado rectal, aunque su comparación con el control negativo solo alcanzó significación estadística sobre las diarreas. El D-002 (25, 100 y 400 mg/kg redujo significativamente el puntaje de las lesiones macroscópicas (40,0; 43,3 y 47,2% de inhibición, respectivamente, el puntaje de daño histológico (31,5; 53,7 y 67,1% de inhibición, respectivamente y la actividad de MPO (73,2; 83,6 y 85,0% de inhibición, respectivamente, comparado con el grupo control negativo. La sulfazalacina redujo significativamente todas las variables estudiadas. Conclusiones. El D-002 (25, 100 y 400 mg/kg protegió significativamente la mucosa colónica en ratas con CU inflamatoria severa inducida por DSS y etanol.

  15. Efectos en ratas de los alcoholes de cera de abejas (D-002 sobre la colitis ulcerativa inducida por sulfato de dextrano y etanol

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    Vivian Molina-Cuevas

    Full Text Available RESUMEN Objetivos. Investigar los efectos del D-002, mezcla de seis alcoholes alifáticos primarios de alto peso molecular, obtenida de la cera de abejas (Apis mellifera, sobre la colitis ulcerativa (CU inflamatoria severa inducida por sulfato de dextrano (DSS y etanol en ratas (Ratus ratus. Materiales y métodos. Las ratas se distribuyeron aleatoriamente en seis grupos: un control cero al que no se provocó daño, y cinco a los que se les indujo la CU: un control negativo (vehículo, tres tratados con D-002 (25, 100 y 400 mg/kg y un control positivo con sulfazalacina (200 mg/kg (sustancia de referencia. Se cuantificaron las manifestaciones clínicas (variación del peso corporal, presencia de diarrea y de sangrado rectal, el puntaje de daño macroscópico e histológico, y la actividad de mieoloperoxidasa (MPO. Resultados. El tratamiento oral con D-002 (25, 100 y 400 mg/kg previno significativamente la disminución del peso corporal. La dosis de 400 mg/kg redujo la presencia de diarreas y sangrado rectal, aunque su comparación con el control negativo solo alcanzó significación estadística sobre las diarreas. El D-002 (25, 100 y 400 mg/kg redujo significativamente el puntaje de las lesiones macroscópicas (40,0; 43,3 y 47,2% de inhibición, respectivamente, el puntaje de daño histológico (31,5; 53,7 y 67,1% de inhibición, respectivamente y la actividad de MPO (73,2; 83,6 y 85,0% de inhibición, respectivamente, comparado con el grupo control negativo. La sulfazalacina redujo significativamente todas las variables estudiadas. Conclusiones. El D-002 (25, 100 y 400 mg/kg protegió significativamente la mucosa colónica en ratas con CU inflamatoria severa inducida por DSS y etanol.

  16. Hipoglucemia inducida por carcinoma adrenal

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    Jimena Soutelo


    Full Text Available El carcinoma suprarrenal es una neoplasia maligna infrecuente y de mal pronóstico. La presentación clínica más común es originada por la producción hormonal excesiva, mientras que el desarrollo de hipoglucemia sintomática es excepcional. Presentamos el caso de una mujer de 37 años que ingresó al hospital por síntomas de hipoglucemias graves, hipertensión arterial, hipopotasemia y amenorrea secundaria. En el laboratorio se halló hipoglucemia con insulina inhibida y niveles de andrógenos en rango tumoral. La tomografía computarizada (TC de abdomen y pelvis mostró voluminosa formación heterogénea de aspecto sólido sin plano de clivaje con respecto al parénquima hepático e intenso realce con contraste. Luego de la extirpación de la masa retroperitoneal, evolucionó con valores de glucemia y potasemia normales, estabilizó la presión arterial y recuperó los ciclos menstruales.

  17. Los niveles de anticuerpos anti factor plaquetario 4-heparina y el índice 4T para trombocitopenia inducida por heparina

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    Marta E. Martinuzzo


    Full Text Available La trombocitopenia inducida por heparina (HIT es un efecto adverso del tratamiento con heparina, mediada por anticuerpos anti complejo factor plaquetario 4 (PF4-heparina (HPIA. La HIT es frecuentemente moderada pero pueden desarrollarse complicaciones trombóticas. El diagnóstico precoz es importante. La detección de HPIA por ELISA tiene alta sensibilidad pero baja especificidad (títulos bajos sin significación clínica. El índice de las 4T (índice 4T puede detectar pacientes con alto riesgo de HIT. El propósito del estudio fue correlacionar los niveles de HPIA y el índice 4T de un grupo de pacientes derivados a nuestro centro. Evaluamos 84 pacientes, 34 de ellos desarrollaron trombosis. Cada médico completó un cuestionario clínico que fue remitido con la muestra a nuestro centro. Los cuestionarios fueron analizados por un investigador externo y el índice 4T se calculó previamente al ensayo. Los HPIA se determinaron por un ELISA (Asserachrom HPIA que detecta los 3 isotipos, IgG, IgM e IgA, único reactivo disponible en Argentina. Los resultados se expresaron como porcentaje de absorbancia (%ABS. La correlación del índice 4T con los HPIA fue 0.472 (rho spearman, p < 0.001. Los pacientes con índice 4T ≥ 6 presentaban %ABS mayores que los ≤ 5 (67 vs. 39, p < 0.001. Aquéllos con trombosis presentaron títulos mayores que los que no la desarrollaron (%ABS 59 vs. 39, p = 0.017. En conclusión: Los títulos altos de HPIA medidos por ELISA, que detecta los 3 isotipos, correlacionaron claramente con el índice 4T ≥ 6 y fueron más frecuentes en los pacientes con trombosis, coincidiendo con lo ya descripto para ensayos de ELISA específicos para isotipo IgG.

  18. Determinación del índice de resistencia a la insulina mediante homa y su relación con el riesgo de hipertensión inducida por el embarazo Insulin resistance index assessment by homa and its relation with the risk of pregnancy induced hypertension

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    Jesús Sierra-Laguado

    Full Text Available Objetivo: investigar si el grado de resistencia a la insulina determinado por el índice HOMA, predice de manera temprana el desarrollo de hipertensión inducida por el embarazo en gestantes colombianas. Diseño-métodos: se realizó un estudio de casos y controles anidado en una cohorte prospectiva de 438 mujeres primigestantes, normotensas y con edad gestacional menor de 30 semanas. Se determinó el índice HOMA a partir de la medición de glucemia e insulina plasmática en ayunas, por métodos de glucosa oxidasa y quimioluminiscencia, respectivamente. Resultados: veintitrés mujeres desarrollaron hipertensión inducida por el embarazo (5,25%. Se seleccionaron de forma aleatoria dos embarazadas normotensas como controles por cada caso, pareadas por edad materna y gestacional al momento de su inclusión. Las mujeres que posteriormente desarrollaron hipertensión inducida por el embarazo presentaron mayores niveles de HOMA (1,48 ± 0,98 vs. 0,96 ± 0,70, pObjective: to assess whether insulin resistance determined by homeostatic model assessment (HOMA is an early predictor of the development of pregnancy induced hypertension in Colombian pregnant women. Methods: we conducted a nested case control study in a prospective cohort of four hundred and thirty eigth normotensive primigravidae women, with gestational age < 30 weeks. The HOMA was calculated using fasting plasma concentrations of glucose and insulin, determined by glucose-oxidase and chemoluminiscence methods, respectively. Results: twenty-three pregnant women developed pregnancy induced hypertension (5.25%. Two normotensive pregnant women were selected as controls for each case, matched by gestational and maternal age at enrollment. The women who subsequently developed pregnancy induced hypertension had higher levels of HOMA (1.48 ± 0.98 vs 0.96 ± 0.70, p<0.001, which was associated with an increased risk of developing pregnancy induced hypertension (OR: 3.8, IC95%: 1.1-12.8 p=0

  19. Síndrome de Munchausen por mandato


    Esteban, Miguel A.; Pérez, Miriam R.; Bracco, Anahí


    El Síndrome de Munchausen por mandato, "un trastorno ficticio, por el cual la enfermedad del niño es inducida, promovida o provocada por la persona más próxima a él, generalmente su madre", es todavía mal conocido y su génesis imperfectamente comprendida. Esta comunicación está destinada a esclarecer al pediatra esta patología, con elevada morbilidad y secuelas, como así también de altísima mo...

  20. El estrés oxidativo: detonante fisiopatológico en la cardiomiopatía dilatada inducida por doxorrubicina

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    Ronal Aroche Aportela


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    La cardiomiopatía dilatada inducida por doxorrubicina constituye uno de los principales efectos indeseables del tratamiento de pacientes con tumores malignos. El estrés oxidativo constituye uno de los mecanismos fisiopatológicos que desempeñan un papel fundamental en la instauración de la enfermedad causada por este antibiótico del grupo de las antraciclinas. La comprensión de estos mecanismos fisiopatológicos resulta de vital importancia para llevar a cabo estrategias de intervención farmacológica y nutricional para contribuir a palear los efectos nocivos de este antineoplásico. En el presente trabajo se realizó una actualización bibliográfica sobre el tema y se proponen ideas que pueden ser útiles para la comunidad científica que está enfrascada en el tratamiento de esta enfermedad crónica, y que se propone mejorar la calidad de vida de los pacientes que la padecen.

    Oxidative Stress: Pathophysiologic Trigger in Doxorubicin-induced Dilated Cardiomyopathy

    Doxorubicin-induced dilated cardiomyopathy is one of the main adverse effects in the treatment of patients with malignant tumours. Oxidative stress is one of the pathophysiological mechanisms that play a key role in the establishment of the disease caused by this anthracycline-type antibiotic. Understanding these pathophysiologic mechanisms becomes of vital importance in order to carry out pharmacological and nutritional intervention strategies to help paddling the harmful effects of this antineoplastic. As part of this research we conducted an updating literature review on the subject and provided ideas that can be useful for the scientific community engaged in the treatment of this chronic disease, which aims to improve the life quality of patients suffering from it.

  1. Manifestaciones reumáticas de la infección por el virus de inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH

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    Gloria María Vásquez Duque


    Full Text Available Con la aparición del VIH/SIDA se ha puesto de manifiesto un espectro de manifestaciones clínicas reumáticas. El compromiso articular incluye las artralgias, la artritis por VIH, el síndrome de Reiter, la artritis psoriásica y la espondiloartropatía indiferenciada. También se ha documentado una miopatía inducida por el VIH en cuyo diagnóstico diferencial se deben tener en cuenta la miopatía inducida por zidovudina y la debida a toxoplasmosis, cuya presentación clínica es más parecida a la miopatía inducida por el VIH que a otras afecciones musculares. El síndrome de linfocitosis con infiltración difusa es una entidad parecida al síndrome de Sjögren, que es exclusiva de los pacientes VIH positivos, con algunas diferencias en la presentación clínica e inmunológica. Por último, es frecuente la presencia de fenómenos autoinmunes el más común de los cuales es la hipergamaglobulinemia policlonal. También se han descrito diferentes tipos de vasculitis como parte de esta enfermedad.

  2. Infección por el virus de la Lengua azul: activación de señales celulares que inducen apoptosis Bluetongue virus infection: signaling pathway activated during apoptosis

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    E. Mortola


    Full Text Available El virus de la Lengua azul (VLA es un ARN virus de doble cadena que induce apoptosis tanto en cultivos celulares como en tejidos blanco. Con el fin de dilucidar el mecanismo de apoptosis en la infección por el VLA, en el presente trabajo examinamos en detalle, por la técnica de Western blot, las señales celulares de caspasas, Bax, citocromo c, Smac/DIABLO y factor nuclear kappa B (NF-kB que se activan en la infección viral. Hemos comprobado que luego de la infección in vitro con el VLA, se detectó la activación de la caspasa 8 y con ello el mecanismo extrínseco de la apoptosis. También detectamos por primera vez no sólo la activación de miembros de la familia Bcl-2 (Bax, sino también la liberación del citocromo c y la proteína Smac/DIABLO, confirmando que en la infección por el VLA está involucrado el mecanismo secuencial intrínseco de la apoptosis. Asimismo, demostramos que la infección por el VLA activa el NF-kB y que la apoptosis es sustancialmente reducida mediante la inhibición del mismo. La activación de las señales celulares tales como Bax, citocromo c, Smac/DIABLO y NF-kB presentados en este trabajo, esclarecen los mecanismos apoptóticos durante la infección por el VLA para una mayor comprensión del papel primario que juega la apoptosis en la patogénesis del virus.Bluetongue (BTV is a double-stranded RNA virus that induces apoptosis both in mammalian cell cultures and in target tissues. To elucidate the apoptosis pathways in BTV infection, we have examined in detail the apoptosis mechanism by examination of caspases, Bax, cytochrome c, Smac/DIABLO and NF-kB signalling pathways. In this report, after cell infection with BTV, the activation of caspase 8 was detected, proving the extrinsic receptor binding apoptotic pathway. Apoptosis followed a sequential pathway involving the detection of activated Bcl-2 family members. Furthermore, its translocation to the mitochondria, as well as the release of cytochrome c and

  3. Vasculitis inducida por metimazol: Reporte de caso

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    Miguel Pinto


    Full Text Available Se reporta el caso de una paciente con enfermedad de Graves, que presentó vasculitis asociada al uso de metimazol. Mujer de 14 años, que acudió a consulta por presentar intolerancia al calor, tremor distal y palpitaciones. El examen físico mostró bocio difuso, y el perfil tiroideo, TSH suprimida y hormonas tiroideas elevadas. Los anticuerpos antiperoxidasa tiroidea fueron positivos. Se inició tratamiento con metimazol y beta bloqueadores. Después de 20 días, la paciente regresó por presentar malestar general, fiebre, poliartralgia, lesiones cutáneas maculopapulares y edema de miembros inferiores. Los anticuerpos antinucleares fueron negativos y los anticuerpos anticitoplasma de los neutrófilos (ANCA, positivos. Se suspendió el metimazol y se inició prednisona. Después de 10 días de tratamiento, las molestias desaparecieron y la paciente recibió I 131.Las vasculitis asociadas al uso de tionamidas son poco frecuentes, no dependen de la dosis y están asociadas a la presencia de anticuerpos tipo ANCA. Clásicamente, afectan a los vasos pequeños de la piel; sin embargo, también pueden afectar los riñones y pulmones. El cuadro clínico se caracteriza por artralgias y mialgias. En algunos casos puede ocurrir insuficiencia renal de grado variable. En la mayoría de casos, el cuadro remite con la suspensión de la droga; pero, en algunos se requiere el uso de glucocorticoides o inmunosupresores.(Rev Med Hered 2011;22:147-150.

  4. Estudio de la influencia del Cu y Ni en la cinética de transformación martensítica inducida por deformación en fundiciones nodulares austemperadas

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    Guzmán, D.


    Full Text Available The objective of this work was to study the influence of copper and nickel on the kinetics of strain-induced martensite in austempered ductile cast iron. The austempered ductile cast irons were obtained from two ductile cast irons with different copper and nickel contents by means of austempering treatment. The deformation was carried out using a rolling mill. The quantification of the phases was obtained by means of X ray diffraction, while the microstructural characterization was carried out using optical and scanning electron microscopy. It was proved that the kinetics of strain-induced martensite in austempered ductile cast iron can be modeled using the equations proposed by Olson- Cohen and Chang et al. Based on the results obtained from these analyses, it is possible to conclude that the nickel and copper complicate the martensite transformation because these elements increase the staking fault energy of the austenite and its thermodynamic stability.El objetivo de este trabajo fue estudiar el efecto del cobre y níquel en la cinética de la transformación martensítica inducida por deformación en fundiciones nodulares austemperadas. Las fundiciones utilizadas se fabricaron mediante austemperado, a partir de dos fundiciones nodulares, con diferentes contenidos de cobre y níquel. La deformación se realizó en un laminador de rodillo. La cuantificación de las fases se realizó mediante difracción de rayos X, mientras que la caracterización microestructural se efectuó utilizando microscopía óptica y electrónica de barrido. Se comprobó que la cinética de transformación martensítica inducida por deformación en fundiciones nodulares austemperadas puede ser modelada mediante los modelos de Olson-Cohen y Chang et al. Basándose en los resultados obtenidos de estos ajustes, se concluye que tanto el níquel como el cobre dificultan la transformación martensítica debido a que estos elementos aumentan la energía de falla de

  5. Trolox reduces the effect of ethanol on acetylcholine-induced contractions and oxidative stress in the isolated rabbit duodenum El Trolox reduce el efecto del etanol sobre las contracciones inducidas a la acetilcolina y el estrés oxidativo en duodeno aislado de conejo

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    Diego S. Fagundes


    Full Text Available Trolox is a hydrophilic analogue of vitamin E and a free radical scavenger. Ethanol diminishes the amplitude of spontaneous contractions and acetylcholine (ACh-induced contractions in rabbit duodenum. The aim of this work was to study the effect of Trolox on the alterations induced by ethanol on contractility and lipid peroxidation in the duodenum. The duodenal contractility studies in vitro were carried out in an organ bath and the levels of malondialdehyde and 4-hydroxyalkenals (MDA+4-HAD were measured by spectrophotometry. Trolox increased the reduction induced by ethanol on the amplitude of spontaneous contractions in longitudinal muscle but not in circular muscle. Trolox 4 mM decreased the effects of ethanol on ACh-induced contractions and on MDA+4-HDA concentrations. We conclude that Trolox might prevent oxidative stress induced by ethanol in the duodenum.El Trolox es un análogo hidrofílico de la vitamina E y un agente que secuestra radicales libres. El etanol disminuye la amplitud de las contracciones espontáneas y las contracciones inducidas a la acetilcolina en el duodeno de conejo. El objetivo de este trabajo era estudiar el efecto del Trolox en las alteraciones inducidas por el etanol sobre la contractilidad y la peroxidación lipídica en el duodeno. Los estudios de contractilidad duodenal in vitro se realizaron en un baño de órganos y los niveles de MDA+4-HDA se midieron por espectofotometría. El Trolox aumentó la reducción inducida por el etanol sobre la amplitud de las contracciones espontáneas en el músculo longitudinal pero no en el músculo circular de duodeno. El Trolox 4 mM redujo los efectos del etanol sobre las contracciones inducidas a la acetilcolina y sobre las concentraciones de MDA+4-HDA. Se concluye que el Trolox podría prevenir el estrés oxidativo inducido por el etanol en el duodeno.


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    Fontenla M


    Full Text Available El objetivo del presente trabajo fue diseñar un modelo experimental de Glomerulonefritis Membranosa (GM en ratas Wistar, inducida con Seroalbúmina Bovina (BSA, y validarlo mediante la determinación de parámetros bioquímicos, histológicos, ultraestructurales y detección de inmunocomplejos por inmunofluorescencia (IF. Los animales del grupo experimental fueron inmunizados por vía subcutánea, con dosis de 3 mg c/u de BSA/PBS con adyuvante de Freund. Se efectuaron diferentes esquemas de inmunización. Cuando el título de anticuerpos fue ≥1/2, comenzó la administración diaria de 2 mg, por vía endovenosa de BSA/PBS, durante 15 días. Se evaluó la funcionalidad renal por la proteinuria; después de la 5° semana, desde su aparición, se determinó: depuración (clearance de creatinina, uremia, proteinemia y perfil lipídico. Los dos riñones se usaron para estudios histológicos, ultraestructurales y detección de inmunocomplejos por IF. Los resultados mostraron que la inmunización fue efectiva con 5 R E S U M E N inoculaciones c/15 días. En los animales nefróticos la proteinuria, depuración (clearance de creatinina, proteinemia , uremia y el perfil lipídico presentaron alteraciones significativas (p<0.0001. Al microscopio óptico se observó hipercelularidad, engrosamiento difuso de las membranas basales de los capilares glomerulares y diferentes grados de atrofia, esclerosis e hialinización de los glomérulos. Por IF se detectó inmunocomplejos IgG en el 100 % de los glomérulos. Ultraestructuralmente, se observaron depósitos subepiteliales electrodensos en la membrana basal engrosada, compatibles con inmunocomplejos . Se encontraron alteraciones en la estructura de los podocitos. En conclusión, los estudios bioquímicos, estructurales y ultraestructurales permitieron inferir la inducción de un síndrome nefrótico experimental. Concluimos que el protocolo utilizado tiene validez para la inducción de una glomerulonefritis

  7. Disminución del daño oxidativo y efecto hipoglicemiante de la maca (Lepidium meyenii Walp en ratas con diabetes inducida por streptozotocina

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    María Elena Rodrigo


    Full Text Available Introducción: La maca es consumida desde tiempos ancestrales como parte de la dieta. Se le ha atribuido propiedades medicinales y se encuentra incluida en la medicina tradicional peruana. Estudios recientes describen que la admistración de maca reduce la glicemia en animales normoglicémicos, pero los mecanismos involucrados no están muy claros. Objetivos: Determinar el efecto hipoglicemiante y antioxidante de la harina de maca (Lepidium meyenii Walp del ecotipo amarillo, en ratas con diabetes inducida por estreptozotocina. Diseño: Experimental. Institución: Centro de Investigación de Bioquímica y Nutrición, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Perú. Material biológico: Harina de maca amarilla y ratas albinas Holtzmann machos con diabetes inducida. Intervenciones: Se administró la harina de maca amarilla a las ratas distribuidas en 4 grupos: grupo I control (solo dieta; II, harina de maca 4 g/día; III, harina de maca 6 g/día; y IV, dieta + glibenclamida 10 mg/kg de peso; el experimento duró 46 días. Se evaluó diariamente la glicemia y el peso; al final del experimento se determinó en sangre los niveles de insulina, parámetros de daño oxidativo (vitamina C y se midió la peroxidación lipídica (TBARS, como indicador del proceso oxidativo. Principales medidas de los resultados: Modificación de los niveles de glicemia, insulina, vitamina C y formación del complejo MDA-TBARS. Resultados: La administración de harina de maca en la dieta (4 a 6 g/día de animales diabéticos redujo la glicemia en 50%, incrementó los niveles de insulina 22% y mejoró los niveles de vitamina C respecto al grupo control. La administración de maca 4 g/día disminuyó el daño oxidativo, pues redujo la formación del complejo MDA-TBARS en 54% con respecto al grupo control. Conclusiones: La administración de harina de maca amarilla a animales diabéticos mejoró el metabolismo de la glucosa, regulando la glicemia y

  8. Efecto protector en cirrosis hepática inducida en ratas del extracto etanólico de las hojas de Piper aduncum comparado con silimarina

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    Jorge Arroyo


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Evaluar la eficacia protectora del extracto etanólico de hojas de Piper aduncum (matico y su fitomedicamento en cápsulas, en la cirrosis hepática inducida en ratas. Diseño: Experimental. Lugar: Facultad Medicina, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Perú. Material biológico: Hojas de Piper aduncum, y Rattus norvegicus, cepa Holtzman. Intervenciones: Las hojas fueron recolectadas en el distrito de Huariaca, departamento de Pasco. El fitomedicamento en cápsulas se preparó a partir del extracto etanólico de la planta. La cirrosis fue inducida con fenobarbital 0,5 mg/mL, diluida en el agua de beber por 15 días, y luego, tetracloruro de carbono 0,2mL/kg en aceite de oliva 1:1, oralmente por 7 días. Se colectó una muestra de sangre para determinar perfil hepático y malondialdehído; los animales fueron sacrificados extrayéndose el hígado para estudio histopatológico. Los datos fueron evaluados mediante técnicas multivariadas, con valor p < 0,05. Principales medidas de resultados: Grado de lesión hepática, marcadores bioquímicos, estrés oxidativo. Resultados: El extracto y el fitomedicamento a 200 mg/kg disminuyeron los valores de TGP (p < 0,621, bilirrubina total (p < 0,385 y bilirrubina directa (p < 0,283 e incrementaron las proteínas totales (p < 0,539 y albúmina (p < 0,114, similar al grupo silimarina. El colágeno, la fibrosis y el nivel de daño hepático se vieron aumentados con tetracloruro de carbono; estos indicadores se redujeron con los diferentes tratamientos y la silimarina. El marcador de estrés oxidativo se redujo con los tratamientos aplicados (p < 0,002. Conclusiones: El extracto etanólico de las hojas de Piper aduncum (matico y su fitomedicamento ejercieron efecto protector de la cirrosis inducida en ratas, comparativamente con la silimarina.

  9. Efecto antioxidante y hepatoprotector del Petroselinum sativum (perejil en ratas, con intoxicación hepática inducida por paracetamol

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    Luzmila Troncoso


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar el efecto antioxidante y hepatoprotector del perejil (Petroselinum sativum en ratas con intoxicación hepática inducida por paracetamol. Lugar: Centro de Investigación de Bioquímica y Nutrición - "Laboratorio de Bioquímica Clínica y Nutricional "Leonidas Delgado Butrón" "Emilio Guija Poma" - Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Lima, Perú. Diseño: Estudio analítico, transversal, prospectivo y cuasi-experimental. Material: Ratas albinas Holtzman machos adultas. Métodos: Se utilizó 40 ratas de 2 meses de edad, con pesos entre 280 y 320 g, distribuidas aleatoriamente en cuatro grupos de 10 animales cada uno. Todos los grupos recibieron la misma dieta y agua ad libitum, además de los respectivos tratamientos, los cuales fueron administrados por vía oral diariamente, durante 5 días: paracetamol (administrado en una dosis de 200 mg/kg de peso corporal para inducir la intoxicación hepática y, al mismo tiempo, un hepatoprotector, ya fuera farmacológico (fármaco hepatoprotector (FHP: Purinor® o natural (perejil; además, un grupo de paracetamol solo y otro de control. Al término del período experimental, los animales fueron sacrificados. En suero sanguíneo se determinó aspartato aminotransferasa (AST, alanina aminotransferasa (ALT, gamma glutamil transferasa (GGT, grupos sulfhidrilo, proteínas totales y albúmina sérica; y en el homogenizado citosólico de hígado, fracción posmitocondrial, se determinó superóxido dismutasa, catalasa, glucosa-6-fosfato deshidrogenasa, grupos sulfidrilo, especies reactivas al ácido tiobarbitúrico (TBARS o radicales libres y proteínas. Además, se realizó el estudio histopatológico del hígado, para identificar signos de necrosis y signos de regeneración posnecrótica. Principales medidas de resultados: Efecto antioxidante y hepatoprotector del perejil. Resultados: El perejil mostró un mejor efecto hepatoprotector que el FHP, frente a la acción nociva del





    En el cardiomiocito, la apoptosis o muerte celular programada tipo I se desencadena por múltiples estímulos fisiopatológicos, comprometiendo significativamente la funcionalidad del tejido cardiaco. Los factores transcripcionales son articuladores fundamentales de los programas génicos que permiten a las células ya sea adaptarse o ejecutar su muerte frente a estos estímulos. Este Laboratorio ha establecido que el estrés hiperosmótico gatilla una rápida y potente muerte del cardiomiocito ...

  11. Insuficiencia renal aguda inducida por mordedura de serpiente Bothrops

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    Gustavo A. Aroca Martínez


    Full Text Available Mujer de 58 años de edad, remitida a urgencias por presentar cuadro clínico de insuficiencia renal aguda (IRA secundaria a mordedura de serpiente (Bothrops Atrox. Ingresa hipotensa con elevación de azoados e hiperkalemia, ecografía renal dentro de parámetros normales. Se maneja terapia dialítica con lo cual presenta mejoría clínica. En este reporte se detallan aspectos del diagnóstico, manejo clínico y posibles mecanismos fisiopatológicos que explican el daño renal.

  12. Efecto del extracto del fruto de Physalis peruviana "tomatillo" en Mus musculus var. swis con hiperlipidemia inducida.

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    Julio Campos Florián


    Full Text Available El objetivo de la presente i nvestigación fue determinar la actividad hipolipidémica del fruto de Physalis peruviana “tomatillo” en un modelo de hiperlipidemia aguda inducida con tritón. Se utilizaron Mus musculus var. swis machos como animales de experimentación. Se trabajó con cuatro grupos de ratones, el grupo blanco recibió agua destilada por vía oral y solución salina fisiológica por vía intraperitoneal, el grupo control recibió agua destilada por vía oral y tritón por vía intraperitoneal, el grupo problema 1 recibió por vía oral 0.05g/100g del extracto de Physalis peruviana y tritón por vía intraperitoneal y el grupo problema 2 recibió por vía oral 0.2g/100g del extracto de Physalis peruviana y tritón por vía intraperitoneal. Luego de 24 horas de administrar los tratamientos se re alizaron las mediciones en suero de las concentraciones de colesterol y triglicéridos. Los niveles promedio de colesterol (mg/dL fueron: 58.87±11.54 (blanco, 121.71±15.00 (control, 58.08±9. 21 (problema 1 y 66.78±16.77 (problema 2. Los niveles promedio de triglicéridos (g/L fueron: 0.48±0.07 (blanco, 1.84±0.18 (control, 0.34±0.10 (problema 1 y 0.94±0.25 (problema 2. Se encontró reducciones significativas (p<0.000, tanto de las concentraciones de colesterol como de triglicéridos en relación a las o btenidas en el grupo tratado sólo con tritón.

  13. Efecto hipolipidémico del extracto acuoso de las hojas de Artocarpus altilis "árbol del pan" en Rattus norvegicus con hiperlipidemia inducida


    Julio Campos Florián


    La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo demostrar la actividad hipolipidémica del extracto acuoso de las hojas del árbol del pan, Artocarpus altilis, en un modelo de hiperlipidemia aguda inducida con tritón X-305, utilizando como especímenes Rattus norvegicus machos, peso promedio 204,5 g, a los que se les administró por vía oral 0,05 g/100 g y 0,2 g/100 g del extracto acuoso de A. altilis; se incluyó un grupo control negativo que recibió solución salina fisiológica y un grupo control po...

  14. Efecto hipolipidémico del extracto acuoso de las hojas de Artocarpus altilis "árbol del pan" en Rattus norvegicus con hiperlipidemia inducida

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    Julio Campos Florián


    Full Text Available La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo demostrar la actividad hipolipidémica del extracto acuoso de las hojas del árbol del pan, Artocarpus altilis, en un modelo de hiperlipidemia aguda inducida con tritón X-305, utilizando como especímenes Rattus norvegicus machos, peso promedio 204,5 g, a los que se les administró por vía oral 0,05 g/100 g y 0,2 g/100 g del extracto acuoso de A. altilis; se incluyó un grupo control negativo que recibió solución salina fisiológica y un grupo control positivo hiperlipidémico. Luego de 24 horas de administrar los tratamientos, se realizaron las mediciones en suero de las concentraciones de colesterol y triglicéridos. Encontramos reducciones significativas (p < 0,01 tanto de las cifras de colesterol, como de triglicéridos en relación a las concentraciones obtenidas en el grupo control positivo. También encontramos diferencia significativa (p < 0,01 entre las concentraciones de triglicéridos de los animales tratados con las dos dosis del extracto acuoso de A. altilis. Concluimos que el extracto acuoso de las hojas de A. altilis presenta efecto hipolipidémico a las dosis ensayadas para el modelo de hiperlipidemia inducida con tritón X-305.

  15. Pérdida auditiva por contaminación acústica laboral en Santiago de Chile


    Salazar Bugueño, Ana María


    [spa] La Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) ha estimado que, aproximadamente, 278 millones de personas presentan déficit auditivo en el mundo; que el 50% de las pérdidas auditivas podrían evitarse mediante prevención, un diagnóstico precoz y una gestión eficaz y que, más de 4.000.000 de años de vida saludable se perdieron debido a las pérdidas auditivas inducidas por ruido. Lo anterior hace necesario establecer un modelo para predecir la pérdida auditiva por contaminación acústica laboral...

  16. Efecto antioxidante del extracto acuoso de propóleos sobre la hepatotoxicidad inducida por el octilfenol en ratas macho Antioxidant effect of aqueous extract of propolis on hepatotoxicity induced by octylphenol in male rats

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    Eman M Saleh


    Full Text Available El 4-terc-octilfenol (4-terc-OP es un alquilfenol que afecta a la salud humana mediante la estimulación de la producción de radicales libres. El extracto acuoso de propóleos es un producto natural rico en favonoides que tienen actividad antioxidante. Este estudio fue diseñado para investigar la capacidad del extracto de propóleos de reducir la hepatotoxicidad inducida por el 4-terc-OP en ratas macho. Los animales fueron asignados a 5 grupos y tratados durante 6 semanas. Grupo 1: control; grupo 2: 100 mg de 4-terc-OP/kg/día; grupo 3: 100 mg de extracto de propóleos/kg/día; grupo 4: 100 mg de 4-terc-OP/ kg/día más 100 mg de extracto de propóleos/kg/día, grupo 5: 100 mg de 4-terc-OP/kg/día durante 6 semanas, seguidos de 100 mg de extracto de propóleos/kg/día durante 6 semanas. El grupo 4-terc-OP mostró niveles signifcativamente elevados de AST, ALT, ALP, GGT, bilirrubina, creatinina, urea, lípidos totales, colesterol total, triglicéridos, LDL-C y MDA, con una disminución signi-fcativa de proteínas totales, albúmina, globulina, HDL-C, la capacidad antioxidante total, SOD, CAT y GST, en comparación con el grupo control. La administración de extracto de propóleos, ya sea solo o combinado con 4-terc-OP redujo la hepatotoxicidad inducida por 4-terc-OP. Los estudios de fragmentación del ADN apoyan el efecto deletéreo observado por el tratamiento con 4-terc-OP y el efecto protector del extracto de propóleos, sobre las proteínas y las enzimas celulares hepáticas. Los resultados histopatológicos revelaron la hepatotoxicidad por 4-terc-OP y efecto protector inducido por el extracto de propóleos. En conclusión, el extracto de propóleos podría reducir el daño hepático y los efectos celulares de toxicidad en las células del hígado inducidos por 4-terc-OP.4-tertiary-octylphenol (4-tert-OP is an alkylphenol that affects human health by stimulating free radical production. Aqueous propolis extract is a natural product rich in

  17. Degeneracion axónica inducida por tratamiento local con diisopropilfluorofosfato


    Mauricio, María Cruz; Carrera, Victoria; Vilanova Gisbert, Eugenio; Juan Herrero, Joaquín de


    Existen especies animales, incluida la humana y las aves, susceptibles de manifestar una polineuropatía retardada tras una intoxicación accidental o la dosificación sistémica experimental con algunos compuestos organfosforados. En este estudio se planteó observar la existencia o no de lesiones nerviosas producidas tras la administración de diisopropilfluorofosfato por via local, siguiendo un modelo de dosificación "in situ". Aquí se describen las observaciones clínicas y lesiones morfológicas...

  18. Muerte súbita debida a cardiotoxicidad aguda inducida por antraciclinas

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    Orlando D. Navarro-Ulloa


    Full Text Available Antraciclinas como la doxorrubicina, así como anticuerpos monoclonales, como el trastuzumab, y agentes alquilantes, como la ciclofosfamida, son compuestos muy útiles como quimioterapia citotóxica al reducir en forma significativa la mortalidad relacionada con el cáncer. Sin embargo, su potencial cardiotoxicidad es un efecto adverso mayor que puede presentarse en cualquier momento de su administración o posterior a la misma, en especial cuando se usan combinados. La toxicidad cardiovascular por doxorrubicina suele ser dependiente de dosis e irreversible, mientras la ocasionada por trastuzumab no lo es. Se han encontrado cambios electrocardiográficos habituales durante la administración de quimioterapia, independiente de la dosis acumulada; a estos cambios agudos se les ha dado poca importancia, aunque pueden suceder hasta en el 40% de los pacientes. A pesar de la aparición documentada de arritmias tanto en humanos como en modelos animales, la muerte súbita cardiaca durante o inmediatamente después de la infusión de quimioterapia no está bien descrita. Se presenta el caso de un adulto joven sin antecedentes cardiovasculares, con linfoma no-Hodgkin y corazón con imagen ecocardiográfica muy sugestiva de infiltración linfomatosa del ventrículo izquierdo, quien desarrolla alteraciones del ritmo cardiaco que condicionan muerte súbita tras la infusión endovenosa lenta de doxorrubicina y trastuzumab.

  19. Respuesta del sistema antioxidante en varones sanos, frente a hiperglicemia aguda inducida

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    Raquel Oré


    Full Text Available Objetivo: determinar la respuesta del sistema antioxidante en varones sanos, frente a la hiperglicemia aguda inducida. Diseño: estudio prospectivo, descriptivo, longitudinal, experimental. Lugar: Instituto Nacional de Biología Andina, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Perú. Material biológico: Sangre y suero de sujetos aparentemente sanos. Intervenciones: A 13 sujetos adultos clínicamente sanos, entre 20 y 41años, después de 10 horas de ayuno, se administró glucosa vía endovenosa, mediante el método de clamp hiperglicémico, a 125 mg/dL por encima del valor basal, durante 120 minutos. Se realizó mediciones de la glicemia a 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110 y 120 minutos. Se tomó la muestra sanguínea con anticoagulante EDTA y otra de sangre total, para obtención de suero, para las pruebas bioquímicas a los 0, 60 y 120 minutos. Principales medidas de resultados: Modificaciones de la glicemia y lipoperoxidación en suero, glutatión y actividad superóxido dismutasa en glóbulos rojos lisados e índices de estrés oxidativo. Resultados: El nivel de glucosa durante el clamp hiperglicémico, luego de alcanzar el ‘equilibrio’, fue 197±17,58 mg/dL. La lipoperoxidación aumentó de 2,54 + 0,51 a 2,90 + 0,58 umol/L, de 0 a 60 minutos, y a 2,66 + 0,55 umol/L a los 120 minutos. El glutatión se redujo en 8,10% a la hora, aumentando 7,08% a los 120 minutos. La actividad superóxido dismutasa se elevó 0,54% a los 60 minutos y 5,66% a los 120 minutos, sobre el basal. Los índices de valoración del estrés oxidativo tuvieron correlación r Pearson positiva, en nivel alto a muy alto. Conclusiones: la hiperglicemia aguda inducida hasta 2 horas elevó el estrés oxidativo, promoviendo generación de defensa antioxidante, con síntesis de glutatión reducido de novo y mayor actividad de la superóxido dismutasa.

  20. Efecto hepatoprotector del extracto hidroetanólico atomizado del maíz morado (Zea mays L. en lesiones hepáticas inducidas en ratas

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    Renán Hañari-Quispe


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Evaluar el efecto hepatoprotector del extracto hidroetanólico atomizado de Zea mays variedad morado sobre lesiones hepáticas inducidas en ratas. Diseño: Experimental. Institución: Laboratorio de Farmacología Experimental, Facultad de Medicina Humana, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Perú. Material biológico: Extracto hidroetanólico atomizado de maíz morado (EAM. Intervenciones: Se formó seis grupos de ratas machos (n=10, por cada grupo, se les administró fenobarbital a concentración de 0,5 g/L en agua potable ad líbitum por 15 días; posteriormente se administró tetracloruro de carbono (CCl a una dosis de 0,2 mL/kg, por vía oral. El diseño experimental fue el siguiente: G1: suero fisiológico (SSF; G2: CCl0,2 mL/kg (T;4G3: T+ 4 silimarina 25 mg/kg; G4: T + EAM 500 mg/kg; G5: T + EAM 1 000 mg/kg; G6: T + EAM 2 000 mg/kg. Principales medidas de resultados: Perfil hepático, especies reactivas al ácido tiobarbitúrico (TBARS en suero, índice hepático, observación histológica. Resultados: Se observó aumento significativo (p<0,05 en la actividad de alanina amino transferasa (ALT entre el grupo G2 y los grupos G3 y G4 (p<0,001. Hubo disminución significativa (p<0,05 de fosfatasa alcalina (FAL en el grupo G2 con respecto G1. El nivel de TBARS fue menor en el grupo que recibió 1 000 mg/kg de EAM con respecto al control. Las actividades de HDL-C y triglicéridos no mostraron diferencias significativas. Se ha observado la reducción de 60% de la lesión hepática, evidenciado con menor daño del hepatocito al estudio histológico. Conclusiones: El extracto hidroetanólico atomizado de maíz morado a la dosis de 1 000 mg/kg disminuyó las lesiones hepáticas inducidas en ratas.

  1. Hiperalgesia Inducida por Opioides


    Jiménez Salazar, Andrés


    Los opioides producen analgesia a través de un efecto inhibitorio sobre el sistema nociceptivo principalmente. Hasta la fecha, los opioides siguen siendo los analgésicos más potentes para el manejo de dolor moderado a severo. La Asociación Internacional del Estudio del Dolor (IASP, en inglés) define hiperalgesia como "un aumento de la respuesta a un estímulo que normalmente es doloroso". En contraste, está bien establecido que la terapia crónica con opioides se asocia con el desarrollo de ...

  2. Epitelización inducida por células troncales derivadas del tejido adiposo

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    M. Meruane


    Full Text Available El tratamiento de lesiones con pérdida de tejido cutáneo ha mejorado notablemente con el advenimiento de la bioingeniería tisular. Una alternativa en desarrollo es la utilización de sustitutos dérmicos combinados con células troncales derivadas del tejido adiposo autólogo. Estudios previos nos muestran que con esta técnica es posible optimizar la angiogénesis y la síntesis de colágeno, sin embargo potenciar la epitelización es un tema pendiente por resolver. En el presente estudio evaluamos la progresión y diferenciación epitelial en un período de tiempo prologando. Obtuvimos las células troncales a partir del tejido adiposo (ASC de la región inguinal de 4 ratas Sprague Dawley. Cultivamos las células frescas en una matriz de Integra® durante un período total de 48 horas, y las marcamos con un vector lentiviral-GFP (proteína fluorescente verde. Posteriormente, injertamos en las mismas ratas la matriz dérmica con células troncales y un implante contralateral sin células, como control. A las 4 semanas, evaluamos el avance epitelial mediante planimetría de superficie e histología. Los resultados macroscópicos muestran que el cierre de la herida por contracción de los bordes no tiene diferencias significativas (82,63% ± 3,4% vs. 80,66% ± 3,89%; p=0,08, pero el cierre por epitelización fue significativamente mayor en el lado intervenido con ASCs (93,47% ± 5,98% vs. 79,88% ± 6,28%; p=0,0028. Todas las muestras obtuvieron tinción positiva para el anticuerpo anti-citoqueratina 34βE12 y el avance epitelial lineal cuantificado por microscopía resultó significativamente mayor en el lado con ASCs (6408 ± 275μm vs. 5375 ± 250μm; p < 0,001. Identificamos las células GFP positivas formando parte de la dermis regenerada, no así en la epidermis. En conclusión, las células troncales derivadas del tejido adiposo autólogo sembradas en una matriz de Integra® aumentan la formación epitelial significativamente

  3. Frecuencia espontánea e inducida de micronúcleos transplacentarios en ratones Balb/c

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    Daniel Francisco Arencibia Arrebola


    Full Text Available Introducción: El ensayo de micronúcleos transplacentario, ha sido desarrollado con el objetivo de evaluar el potencial genotóxico en la descendencia y demostrar la capacidad de un agente de causar daños cromosómicos durante el período prenatal. Éste realiza el registro de aberraciones cromosómicas, demostrando si una sustancia determinada puede ser clastogénica o aneugénica en el feto, a través de la exposición materna. Objetivo: Por lo cual en el presente trabajo se tuvo como objetivo determinar la frecuencia espontánea e inducida de micronúcleos transplacentarios en ratones de la línea Balb/c. Pretendiendo vincular de esta forma el efecto genotóxico y reproductivo de una droga a evaluar por esta metodología. Materiales y métodos: Se formaron 4 grupos experimentales, el primero un control negativo (simulacro, el segundo control solvente NaCl (0,9%, en el tercero se utilizo la ciclofosfamida en dosis de 50 mg/kg, y el cuarto se utilizó la bleomicina en dosis de 20 mg/kg. Todos los grupos se administraron por vía intraperitoneal los días 14, 15 y 16 de la gestación y 24 h después de la última inoculación se procedió al sacrificio de las gestantes por dislocación cervical. Obteniéndose las muestras de médula ósea materna e hígado fetal. Resultados: Se obtuvo como resultado los valores espontáneos e inducidos de los índices de citotoxicidad y de genotoxicidad, así como el total de micronúcleos divididos según niveles de daños.Discusión y conclusiones: Se observo mayor inducción de daño en células hepáticas fetales que en médula ósea materna. Además se demostró que la ciclofosfamida es capaz de inducir mayor citotoxicidad y genotoxicidad que la bleomicina tanto en células de la médula ósea materna como en células hepáticas fetales. Por tanto se demostró el poder clastogénico transplacentario de ambos mutágenos vinculando este ensayo de genotoxicidad a la reproducción. Además estos resultados se

  4. Mecanismos de Defensa del Hospedero en Estomatitis Sub-Protesica Inducida por Candida


    Cardozo de Pardi, Elba Inés


    La Estomatitis Sub-Protésica (E.S.P.) es una entidad que se localiza principalmente en la mucosa del paladar que se encuentra por debajo de la superficie de ajuste de las prótesis removibles parciales y totales. Esta patología es más común en mujeres que en hombres y se observa más frecuentemente en sujetos con edades comprendidas entre 25 y 90 años. Diversos estudios han revelado que la E.S.P. está asociada con la detección de especies de Candida y de otros microorganismos, mientras que otro...

  5. Papel antioxidante de la vitamina E en la aterogénesis inducida por hiperfibrinogenemia

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    Mónica Moya


    Full Text Available Con el propósito de estudiar el efecto de la vitamina E sobre el estrés oxidativo desencade- nado por hiperfibrinogenemia (HF en un modelo experimental de aterogénesis y la posible normalización de los indicadores de estrés oxidativo, se evaluaron: óxido nítrico (NO, L-citrulina, superóxido dismutasa (SOD e involución de lesiones histopatológicas en la aorta torácica. El estudio se realizó en 36 ratas, cepa Wistar, que se dividieron en tres grupos (n = 12 cada uno: A, control; B, HF × 90 días; C, HF × 90 días + vitamina E. La HF se indujo mediante inyecciones de adrenalina (0,1 ml/día/rata por 90 días. La dosis de vitamina E fue de 2 mg/día/rata durante 75 días. Se dosaron en plasma los niveles de fibrinógeno (mg/dl, NO (uM y L-citrulina (mM y en lisado de glóbulos rojos, por espectrofotometría, se determinó la actividad de la SOD (U/ml. Se analizaron cortes de la aorta torácica por microscopia óptica (MO. Para el análisis estadístico se emplearon MANOVA y la prueba de Fisher; se estableció un nivel de significación de p < 0,05. Se observó un aumento significativo de fibrinógeno en el grupo B (407 ± 8,9 mg/dl en comparación con los grupos A (203 ± 9 mg/dl y C (191,58 ± 17,79 mg/dl (p < 0,001. El NO disminuyó significativamente en el grupo B (13,73 ± 1,76 uM frente a los grupos A (23,58 ± 0,08 uM y C (26,64 ± 3,65 uM (p < 0,001. La L-citrulina aumentó en forma significativa en los grupos B (4,99 ± 0,18 mM y C (6,60 ± 0,16 mM en comparación con el grupo A (3,03 ± 0,13 mM (p < 0,001. El SOD incrementó su actividad en los grupos B (251,67 ± 10,34 U/ml y C (304,75 ± 10,43 U/ml frente al grupo A (139,44 ± 4,74 U/ml (p < 0,001. La microscopia óptica mostró denudación endotelial, engrosamiento intimal y protrusión de la pared en el grupo B (90% y recuperación de la denudación endotelial y disminución del 50% del engrosamiento intimal en el grupo C (p < 0,001. Niveles aumentados de SOD ser

  6. Nutrición parenteral total en una paciente gestante con pancreatitis aguda e hipertrigliceridemia por déficit de lipoproteín lipasa


    Contreras-Bolívar, Victoria; González-Molero, Inmaculada; Valdivieso, Pedro; Olveira, Gabriel


    Presentamos un caso de pancreatitis aguda severa inducida por hipertrigliceridemia secundaria a déficit de lipoproteín lipasa (LPL) en una paciente gestante con diabetes gestacional, manejada inicialmente con dieta, siendo necesario posteriormente llevar a cabo medidas de soporte nutricional artificial: nutrición parenteral total. El déficit de LPL causa hipertrigliceridemia severa y, frecuentemente, pancreatitis aguda de repetición, situación de difícil manejo y de importante gravedad durant...

  7. Tratamiento de agua potable por filtración inducida en una laguna costera en el sur de Brasil Bank filtration drinking water treatment in a costal lagoon in south Brazil

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    Luis Guillermo Romero Esquivel


    Full Text Available La filtración inducida (FI consiste en obtener agua potable de pozos situados en acuíferos de aluvión u otro tipo de depósitos no consolidados conectados hidráulicamente con una fuente de agua superficial. La posibilidad de aplicar esta técnica en las riberas de la laguna Lagoa do Peri, Brasil, se evaluó a nivel piloto. Por medio de observación y de análisis granulométricos se determinó que el fondo de la laguna y el acuífero aledaño presentan una textura arenosa. Además, ensayos de permeámetro de carga constante, de tubo de carga variable y de bombeo, mostraron que la conductividad hidráulica en las mismas zonas se encuentra cercana a 10-4 m/s, misma magnitud encontrada en otras latitudes donde la FI se aplica con éxito. El agua captada en un pozo a 20 m de la Lagoa do Peri presentó valores de turbidez y color aparente acordes con los patrones de calidad locales. Se observó un aumento en la dureza y la alcalinidad, atribuido a la erosión de los materiales del subsuelo, sin llegar a superar lo estipulado en la legislación. Finalmente, el agua producida por la FI mostró ser de mejor calidad en términos de turbidez y color aparente que el agua de la laguna tratada por filtración directa en una estación de tratamiento (ETA ubicada en el lugar. El agua producida por la FI presentó condiciones anóxicas que harían necesario el postratamiento por aireación y filtración, proceso en el cual se podría aprovechar la infraestructura de la ETA existente.Bank filtration (BF consists in obtaining drinking water from wells in alluvial aquifers or other unconsolidated deposits hydraulically connected with a surface water source. The possibility of applying this technique was evaluated in a pilot scale on the banks of the Lagoa do Peri lagoon, Brazil. Observation and grain size analysis showed that the bottom of the lagoon and the adjacent aquifer have sandy texture. In addition, tests of constant head permeameter, standpipe falling

  8. El género afecta las propiedades contráctiles del músculo sóleo en diabetes inducida experimentalmente en ratas

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    Adolfo Virgen Ortiz


    Full Text Available Ratas hembras y machos, de tres meses de edad, fueron separados en dos grupos: no diabéticas (ND, peso corporal, 274 ± 9 g; nivel de glucosa en la sangre, 4,94 ± 0,22 mmol/L; n = 16 y diabéticas (D; peso corporal, 207 ± 8 g; nivel de glucosa en sangre, 28,39 ± 0,94 mmol/L; n = 16. La diabetes fue inducida por una sola dosis de 60 mg/Kg de estreptozotocina administrada intraperitonealmente. Las ratas ND recibieron el mismo volumen de vehículo. Después de 4 semanas los animales fueron considerados diabéticos si su nivel de glucosa era ≥ 20 mmol/L. La masa y la contracción del músculo sóleo fueron mayores en machos ND que en las hembras ND. En las ratas macho D disminuyó su masa muscular en un 34% y la fuerza de contracción disminuyó en un 33%; mientras que en las hembras D disminuyeron 15% y 10% respectivamente.

  9. Hiperalgesia asociada al tratamiento con opioides


    A. Gil Martín; M. Moreno García; J. Sánchez-Rubio Ferrández; T. Molina García


    La hiperalgesia inducida por opioides es una reacción paradójica caracterizada por una percepción intensificada de dolor relacionada con el uso de estos medicamentos en ausencia de progresión de la enfermedad o de síndrome de retirada. A diferencia de los casos de tolerancia, definida como pérdida de potencia analgésica durante el uso prolongado de opioides, no se produce mejoría con el escalado de dosis. La hiperalgesia inducida por opioides se ha manifestado en pacientes con dosis de manten...

  10. Luxación témporo-mandibular recurrente y secundaria a distonía por antipsicóticos.


    Cruzado, Lizardo; Núñez-Moscoso, Patricia; Garibay-Huamaní, Mercibel; Villar-Salas, Alicia


    La distonía aguda inducida por antipsicóticos sigue siendo una patología frecuente en los servicios de emergencia psiquiátrica. Sin embargo, la luxación de la articulación témporo-mandibular, como secuela de distonía oromandibular, es una presentación inusual dentro de esta casuística. Presentamos el caso de una paciente mujer de 20 años de edad, quien recibió haloperidol intramuscular tras sendas crisis de agitación psicomotriz y persistencia de riesgo suicida, y que luego desarrolló distoní...

  11. Epitelización inducida por células troncales derivadas del tejido adiposo


    M. Meruane; S. Benítez; M. Rojas; A. Sagredo; K. Marcelain; B. Villalobos


    El tratamiento de lesiones con pérdida de tejido cutáneo ha mejorado notablemente con el advenimiento de la bioingeniería tisular. Una alternativa en desarrollo es la utilización de sustitutos dérmicos combinados con células troncales derivadas del tejido adiposo autólogo. Estudios previos nos muestran que con esta técnica es posible optimizar la angiogénesis y la síntesis de colágeno, sin embargo potenciar la epitelización es un tema pendiente por resolver. En el presente estudio evaluamos l...


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    Christiam Ochoa


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Comprobar el efecto protector hepático del extracto acuoso de boldo (EAB (Peumus boldus al daño hepático inducido por acetaminofén (paracetamol. Diseño: Analítico, experimental, aleatorizado, completo – experimento verdadero. Realizado en el Instituto de Patología de la Facultad de Medicina de UNMSM. Material y método. 30 Ratas Holtzman macho de 250g y dos meses se dividieron en 5 grupos aleatoriamente, grupo blanco, control paracetamol 200mg/kg y 3 experimentales tratados con EAB a 80 mg/kg, 120 mg/kg y 160 mg/kg respectivamente. Se administró EAB de 80 mg/kg, 120 mg/kg y 160 mg/kg vía orogástrica. Luego de media hora se administró paracetamol 200mg/kg i.p. a los grupos control y experimentales. Este procedimiento se repitió por 5 días. Se tomó pruebas de transaminasas (TGP basal y final en sangre. Se utilizó la prueba de Kruskal-Wallis para analizar la data y un p<0.05 fue considerado significante. Se estudió la anatomopatología de los hígados y se tomaron muestras de tejido teñidas con HE. Resultados: Existe diferencia significativa en los niveles de transaminasas (TGP entre grupos (p<0.05. El control obtuvo 196.6 U/L +- 38.1 (TGP mientras que los experimentales como máximo 55.6 U/l. Las muestras control evidencian signos de lesión hepática, degeneración grasa, congestión sinusoidal y centrolobulillar, y necrosis celular. Sin embargo los grupos experimentales no presentan signos de lesión celular y hay ausencia de inflamación. Conclusiones: El boldo tiene un efecto protector hepático al daño inducido por paracetamol en ratas Holtzmann.

  13. Estudio del D-004 sobre la defensa antioxidante endógena en ratas con hiperplasia prostática inducida por inyección de testosterona Study of D-004 on the endogenous antioxidant defence in rats presenting with prostate hyperplasia induced by testosterone injection

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    Yohani Pérez Guerra


    Full Text Available La hiperplasia prostática benigna, enfermedad común en hombres mayores de 50 años de edad, se caracteriza por el crecimiento incontrolado de la glándula prostática y la presencia de síntomas del tracto bajo urinario. El estrés oxidativo ha sido recientemente asociado con la causa de esta enfermedad. El D-004, extracto lipídico del fruto de la Roystonea regia, ha mostrado reducir la hiperplasia prostática inducida por testosterona en roedores y producir efectos antioxidantes in vitro e in vivo, pero sus efectos sobre las enzimas del sistema antioxidante endógeno no han sido estudiados. Este trabajo investigó los efectos del tratamiento oral con D-004, durante 14 días, sobre las enzimas superóxido dismutasa y catalasa en ratas con hiperplasia prostática inducida por testosterona. Los animales se distribuyeron en 4 grupos: un control negativo y tres inyectados con testosterona: uno tratado con el vehículo (control positivo y dos con D-004 (400 y 800 mg/kg, respectivamente. Se determinó la capacidad antioxidante total del plasma y las actividades de las enzimas superóxido dismutasa y catalasa en eritocitos lisados y plasma, respectivamente. El tratamiento oral con D-004 (400 y 800 mg/kg previno de modo marcado y significativo el agrandamiento de la próstata inducido con testosterona en ratas, y aumentó significativamente la capacidad antioxidante del plasma y la actividad de la catalasa, sin modificar la actividad de la superóxido dismutasa. Estos resultados sugieren que la actividad antioxidante del D-004 está relacionada, al menos parcialmente, con la estimulación de algunas enzimas del sistema antioxidante endógeno.Benign prostatic hyperplasia, a common disease in men aged over 50 is characterized by uncontrolled growth of prostatic gland and the presence of low urinary tract symptoms. The oxidative stress has been recently associated with the disease cause. The D-004, a lipid extract from Roystonea regia, reduces the

  14. Ensayo piloto de biorremediación de suelos contaminados por hidrocarburos. Fase ll

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    Gloria Lucía Camargo Millán


    Full Text Available  El estudio de la biodegradación de los hidrocarburos compuestos,altamente contaminantes y tóxicos, es de interéspara la descontaminación de ambientes afectados por derramesde petróleo. Aunque este proceso se presenta demanera natural, es demasiado lento, razón por la que sehace necesario el uso de técnicas de biorremediación parafacilitar la acción microbiana sobre los contaminantes. Anivel experimental este proceso se realiza por etapas o ensayos,ya sean de laboratorio, pilotos, de campo oimplementación. Previamente a este estudio se trabajó unaetapa a nivel de laboratorio, donde se observó la remociónde hidrocarburo en un suelo contaminado de manera inducida,aislándose bacterias capaces de su degradación, loque mostró que el proceso es factible. El presente estudiocorresponde a la etapa a nivel piloto, cuyo objetivo eracuantificar la tasa de remoción de hidrocarburo en muestrasde suelo contaminadas con crudo de castilla provenientede diez terrarios, a los cuales se les inoculó bacteriastotales y bacterias Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

  15. Modificaciones hematológicas inducidas por eritropoyetina frente a hipoxia normobárica intermitente Hematologic changes induced by erythropoietin versus intermittent normobaric hypoxia

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    F. Sanchis-Gomar


    Full Text Available

    Publicaciones recientes reflejan la preocupación de las autoridades antidopaje por el uso de sistemas simuladores de altitud y la posibilidad de considerarlos métodos dopantes. El objetivo de nuestro estudio fue el de comparar las modificaciones hematológicas inducidas por dos tratamientos con eritropoyetina recombinante humana (rHuEpo a diferentes dosis, frente a un protocolo de hipoxia normobárica intermitente (HNI en un modelo animal.
    Veinticuatro ratas Wistar macho jóvenes fueron divididas en 3 grupos experimentales: grupo sometido a HNI (12h pO2 12% /12h pO2 21% (n=8; grupo tratado con una dosis de 300 UI de rHuEpo (n=8 y grupo tratado con 500 UI de rHuEpo (n=8. Se extrajeron dos muestras de sangre a cada uno de los grupos experimentales (antes y después de los tratamientos. Nuestros resultados muestran incrementos muy similares, y estadísticamente significativos, en los valores de hemoglobina, de hematocrito y de reticulocitos, tanto en el grupo HNI como en el grupo tratado con 300 UI de rHuEpo tras los 15 días de tratamiento. El tratamiento con 500 UI de rHuEpo produjo un incremento significativamente mayor.
    La principal conclusión de nuestro estudio es que las modificaciones de los parámetros hematológicos obtenidas mediante un protocolo de HNI son similares a las obtenidas con un tratamiento con 300 UI de rHuEpo.
    Palabras clave: Hemoglobina, hematocrito, reticulocitos, dopaje

    Recent publications reflect the anti-doping authorities’ concern about the use of altitude simulator systems, since these technologies could be considered as doping methods. The major aim of our study was to compare the effect of two different rHuEpo treatments with a normobaric intermittent hypoxic (NIH protocol regarding the modifications of hemoglobin, hematocrit and reticulocytes values in an animal model. Although these hematological parameters are of secondary nature, some international sport federations

  16. Efecto del extracto metanólico de Jatropha macrantha Müll. Arg., en la disfunción eréctil inducida en ratas

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    Aldo Tinco


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Determinar el efecto del extracto metanólico de Jatropha macrantha Müll. Arg. ‘huanarpo macho’ en la disfunción eréctil inducida en ratas. Diseño: Experimental. Institución: Laboratorio de Farmacología, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Perú; Laboratorio de Farmacia, Universidad Nacional de San Cristóbal de Huamanga, Ayacucho, Perú. Material biológico: Extracto metanólico de Jatropha macrantha Müll Arg. ‘huanarpo macho’; ratas wistar de 300+/-50 g. Intervenciones: La obtención de la muestra se realizó en la Provincia de Vilcas Huamán - Ayacucho. Se evaluó el comportamiento sexual y la concentración de óxido nítrico y el efecto vasorrelajante en el cuerpo cavernoso aislado de pene de ratas, siendo los grupos de estudio: grupo 1 agua 10 mL/kg; grupo 2 sildenafilo 5 mg/kg; grupos 3, 4 y 5 extracto metanólico 100, 200 y 300 mg/kg. Se aisló órganos en los grupos de 50, 100 y 300 ug/mL de extracto, L- arginina 300 uM, acetilcolina 30uM, epinefrina u/mL y sildenafilo (3,2 × 10-5 mg/mL. Principales medidas de resultados: Flavonoides aislados, comportamiento sexual de ratas, niveles plasmáticos de óxido nítrico y relajación del músculo cavernoso. Resultados: Por cromatografía se encontró estructuras tipo flavonas, y mediante espectroscopia UV y reacciones de desplazamiento se identificó 6-hidroxi-4’,5,7-trimetoxi flavona, 4’,7-dihidroxi-5,6-dimetoxiflavona, 7-hidroxi-3’,4’,5’,5,8 pentametoxiflavona, 4’,7-dihidroxi-3’,5,6-trimetoxiflavona, DL50 1357 mg/kg. El comportamiento sexual fue dosis dependiente; la administración de 300 mg/kg de la planta por vía oral incrementó la frecuencia de monta en 75% y elevó los niveles de óxido nítrico en 85%, en tanto que la dosis de 200 mg/kg lo hizo en 71,1% y 32,4%, respectivamente (p<0,05. Conclusiones: En ratas con disfunción eréctil inducida, el extracto metanólico de Jatropha macrantha Müll Arg.



    Figueroa D.,Horacio; Marusic B.,Elisa T.; González N.,Magdalena; Barcos M.,Francisca; Yungue V.,Paola


    La capacidad contráctil del útero puede ser evaluada in vitro por medio del método isométrico. El objetivo de este estudio fue comparar la efectividad de la administración simultánea de oxitocina e insulina en la contractilidad uterina. La comparación entre ambas hormonas se realizó en úteros aislados de dos modelos experimentales: ratas hembras adultas en diferentes fases del ciclo estral y ratas preñadas en fase final de preñez. Los úteros de estos animales fueron sometidos, in vitro, a la ...


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    Oscar Francisco López Núñez


    Full Text Available Objetivo: La utilidad clínica de la gentamicina se ve limitada por sus efectos deletéreos renales, causados principalmente por daño oxidativo. Dado que el dimetilsulfóxido posee propiedades antioxidantes, se plantea su uso como agente nefroprotector en un modelo animal. Métodos: Se distribuyeron de forma aleatoria 24 conejos en 3 grupos (A, B y C, se administró durante 5 días solución salina normal 0,9%(SSN para el grupo A, gentamicina más SSN par el grupo B y gentamicina más dimetilsulfóxido al 25% para el grupo C. Se determinaron los parámetros: creatinina sérica, actividad enzimática (n-acetyl-b-d-glucosaminidasa urinaria e histopatología renal. Resultados: La creatinina aumentó respecto al valor basal en los grupos B y C (p=0,009. La comparación del incremento entre grupo A vs C mostró significancia estadística (p=0,0194. La clasifica- ción para lesión renal aguda RIFLE fue del 25% y 50% en estadío Riesgo para los grupos C y B respectivamente y 12,5% en estadío Injuria para el grupo B. La actividad de n-acetyl-b-d-glucosaminidasa urinaria presentó incrementos en todas sus mediciones (p<0,05. La histopatología reveló necrosis mayor del 50% de los túbulos proximales en el 25% del grupo C y 87,5% del grupo B, así como necrosis total en 12,5% del grupo B. Se observaron diferencias entre el grupo A vs B (p<0,001 y C (p<0,05. Conclusiones: El modelo planteado induce nefrotoxicidad. El uso de dimetilsulfóxido no redujo el incremento en los niveles de creatinina y en actividad enzimática, mientras que la Lesión Renal Aguda (LRA por evaluación histopatológica presentó una leve mejoría que carece de respaldo estadístico.

  19. Efecto Protector de Peumus Boldus en ratas con toxicidad hepática inducida por Paracetamol

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    Christiam Ochoa


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Comprobar el efecto protector hepático del extracto acuoso de boldo (EAB (Peumus boldus al daño hepático inducido por acetaminofén (paracetamol. Diseño: Analítico, experimental, aleatorizado, completo ¿ experimento verdadero. Realizado en el Instituto de Patología de la Facultad de Medicina de UNMSM. Material y método. 30 Ratas Holtzman macho de 250g y dos meses se dividieron en 5 grupos aleatoriamente, grupo blanco, control paracetamol 200mg/kg y 3 experimentales tratados con EAB a 80 mg/kg, 120 mg/kg y 160 mg/kg respectivamente. Se administró EAB de 80 mg/kg, 120 mg/kg y 160 mg/kg vía orogástrica. Luego de media hora se administró paracetamol 200mg/kg i.p. a los grupos control y experimentales. Este procedimiento se repitió por 5 días. Se tomó pruebas de transaminasas (TGP basal y final en sangre. Se utilizó la prueba de Kruskal-Wallis para analizar la data y un p<0.05 fue considerado significante. Se estudió la anatomopatología de los hígados y se tomaron muestras de tejido teñidas con HE. Resultados: Existe diferencia significativa en los niveles de transaminasas (TGP entre grupos (p<0.05. El control obtuvo 196.6 U/L +- 38.1 (TGP mientras que los experimentales como máximo 55.6 U/l. Las muestras control evidencian signos de lesión hepática, degeneración grasa, congestión sinusoidal y centrolobulillar, y necrosis celular. Sin embargo los grupos experimentales no presentan signos de lesión celular y hay ausencia de inflamación. Conclusiones: El boldo tiene un efecto protector hepático al daño inducido por paracetamol en ratas Holtzmann.

  20. La fragmentación territorial inducida por el centralismo fiscal, Colombia (1984-2013

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    Oscar Alfredo Alfonso Roa


    Full Text Available Los debates a la organización del Estado en América Latina son inagotables, porque la universalización de los bienes públicos y la consecuente elevación del nivel de vida de los ciudadanos es un desafío inalcanzado. Los excesos de centralismo en Colombia limitan la eficacia del modelo territorial de Estado mientras que el avance de la corrupción es innegable y, por tanto, la necesidad de nuevas reglas de distribución del poder es inaplazable. Uno de los efectos más duraderos de ese tipo de intervención es la fragmentación territorial en heterogéneos regímenes espaciales que van más allá de la mera regionalización con criterios naturalistas o de contigüidad geográfica.

  1. Cuidando de paciente com câncer de mama e osteonecrose mandibular induzida por bisfostonato: relato de experiência Cuidando de pacientes con cáncer de mama y osteonecrosis mandibular inducida por bisfosfonatos: relato de experiencia Providing care for patients with breast cancer and mandible ostheonecrosis induced by bisphosphonates: an experience report

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    Verônica Paula Torel de Moura


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Descrever as ações desenvolvidas pela enfermeira junto a uma paciente com câncer de mama e metástase óssea que apresentou necrose mandibular induzida pelo uso de bisfosfonato. RESULTADOS: As intervenções de enfermagem incluíram o ensino e reforço das orientações sobre higiene oral, destacando a escovação adequada, bochechos com solução antisséptica sem álcool, bem como sobre o controle da dor. CONCLUSÃO: Destaca-se a importância da atuação multiprofissional e da consulta de enfermagem no seguimento dessas pacientes para detecção precoce e controle dessa complicação.OBJETIVO: Describir las acciones de enfermería implementadas por la enfermera a una paciente con cáncer con metástasis ósea que presentó necrosis mandibular inducida por el uso de bisfosfonatos. RESULTADOS: Las intervenciones de enfermería incluyeron la enseñanza y el refuerzo de las orientaciones sobre la higiene oral, dando destaque al adecuado cepillado de los dientes, gárgaras con solución antiséptica sin alcohol y al control del dolor. CONCLUSIÓN: Es destacada el importancia de la actuación multiprofesional y de la consulta de enfermería en el seguimiento de esas pacientes, visando la detección temprana y el control de esa complicación.OBJECTIVE: To describe a nurse experience in providing care for a patient with cancer of the breast and bone metastasis who presented mandibular ostheonecrosis induced by the use of bisphosphonates. RESULTS: Nursing interventions included the re-enforcement of the guidelines for oral hygiene, highlighting the appropriate teeth-brushing technique, gargling with antiseptic solution without alcohol, as approach to pain management. CONCLUSION: There is a need for multidisciplinary and nursing consultations for early detection and control of potential complications.

  2. Compuestos fenólicos de la fracción metanólica de Bidens pilosa, sobre la neoplasia gástrica, inducida en ratas

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    Jorge Arroyo


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar la influencia del extracto etanólico y la fracción metanólica conteniendo compuestos fenólicos y flavonoides de la planta entera de Bidens pilosa L sobre la neoplasia gástrica inducida en ratas con N-nitroso-N-metilurea (NMU. Diseño: Experimental. Lugar: Instituto de Investigaciones Clínicas-Bioterio Facultad de Medicina UNMSM. Material biológico: Ratas albinas cepa Holtzmann machos. Intervenciones: Según Ferraz de Souza y col., 2002, se dispuso de un grupo control normal, un grupo con NMU y grupos de NMU más tratamientos de extracto etanólico y fracción metanólica, a dosis de 300 mg/kg. Para la significancia estadística se consideró la p<0,05. Principales medidas de resultados: Progresión de la neoplasia gástrica inducida en ratas. Resultados: Indican displasia y estadios iniciales de carcinoma en los estómagos de las ratas, lo que fue menos evidente en los animales con tratamiento, siendo mejor el grupo que recibió fracción metanólica. El marcador de estrés oxidativo disminuyó en los grupos que recibieron tratamiento con la planta, resultando mejor la fracción metabólica. Se observó menor cantidad de micronúcleos (genotoxicidad en los animales que recibieron tratamiento. Conclusiones: El extracto etanólico y la fracción metanólica de Bidens pilosa L en las condiciones experimentales han detenido la progresión de la neoplasia gástrica inducida en ratas.

  3. Estatus de parámetros oxidativos y del gen p53 en sangre de niños en edad escolar de zonas afectadas por el accidente nuclear de Chernobyl.


    García Mora, Mª Carmen


    RESUMEN Tras el accidente nuclear de Chernobyl producido el 26 de abril de 1986 se liberaron muchos radioisótopos, produciendo la contaminación del medio ambiente, con la consiguiente implicación sobre la salud de las personas afectadas. La irradiación produce su efecto sobre el material biológico de manera directa, como consecuencia inmediata de la ionización inducida por la irradiación y de manera indirecta, que al interaccionar sobre cualquier estructura celular, esencialmente el agua t...


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    Oscar Francisco López Núñez


    Full Text Available Objetivo: La utilidad clínica de la gentamicina se ve limitada por sus efectos deletéreos renales, causados principalmente por daño oxidativo. Dado que el dimetilsulfóxido posee propiedades antioxidantes, se plantea su uso como agente nefroprotector en un modelo animal. Métodos: Se distribuyeron de forma aleatoria 24 conejos en 3 grupos (A, B y C, se administró durante 5 días solución salina normal 0,9%(SSN para el grupo A, gentamicina más SSN para el grupo B y gentamicina más dimetilsulfóxido al 25% para el grupo C. Se determinaron los parámetros: creatinina sérica, actividad enzimática (n-acetyl-b-d-glucosaminidasa urinaria e histopatología renal. Resultados: La creatinina aumentó respecto al valor basal en los grupos B y C (p=0,009. La comparación del incremento entre grupo A vs C mostró significancia estadística (p=0,0194. La clasificación para lesión renal aguda RIFLE fue del 25% y 50% en estadío Riesgo para los grupos C y B respectivamente y 12,5% en estadío Injuria para el grupo B. La actividad de n-acetyl-b-d-glucosaminidasa urinaria presentó incrementos en todas sus mediciones (p<0,05. La histopatología reveló necrosis mayor del 50% de los túbulos proximales en el 25% del grupo C y 87,5% del grupo B, así como necrosis total en 12,5% del grupo B. Se observaron diferencias entre el grupo A vs B (p<0,001 y C (p<0,05. Conclusiones: El modelo planteado induce nefrotoxicidad. El uso de dimetilsulfóxido no redujo el incremento en los niveles de creatinina y en actividad enzimática, mientras que la Lesión Renal Aguda (LRA por evaluación histopatológica presentó una leve mejoría que carece de respaldo estadístico. Palabras Clave: Dimetilsulfóxido, gentamicina, lesión renal aguda, radicales libres

  5. Efectos del extracto de semillas de uva sobre la cistopatia diabética inducida por estreptozotocina en ratas


    María Lourdes Arruzazabala; Yazmín Ravelo; Daisy Carbajal; Vivian Molina; Rosa Mas


    La diabetes por estreptozotocina (STZ) en ratas se produce como consecuencia de la necrosis subtotal de los islotes pancreáticos y provoca hiperglicemia, hipoinsulinemia, disminución de la ganancia en peso y aumento del peso de la vejiga, así como hipercontractilidad al carbacol por sobreexpresión de los ARNm-receptores muscarínicos M2 y M3 del detrusor y el urotelio. El extracto de semillas de uva (ESU), rico en flavonoides, ha mostrado efectos antioxidantes y neuroprotectores en modelos exp...

  6. Períodos perturbados: disipación de energía y corrientes geomagnéticas inducidas

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    Patricia A. Larocca


    Full Text Available Se estudia, en un evento típico (12-13 de junio de 2005 las energías entrante y disipada en la magnetosfera ( y Ut respectivamente y el aumento de corrientes inducidas en un gasoducto ubicado en altas latitudes. Se analizan para el período citado los índices geomagnéticos AE y Dst, y la componente Bz del campo geomagnético interplanetario como indicadores del desarrollo del período perturbado. Se calculan los tiempos de decaimiento del anillo de corriente utilizando distintas aproximaciones de acuerdo con las fases de la tormenta. Durante este período se observaron variaciones geomagnéticas importantes que originaron corrientes geomagnéticas inducidas significativas sobre el gasoducto de la empresa Transcanada ubicado en la zona del valle del río Ottawa; pudiendo ser afectada la vida útil del mismo.In a typical event (12-13 June 2005, solar wind energy rate and total energy dissipation rate in the magnetosphere (e and Ut respectively and increased induced currents in a gas pipe located in the auroral zone are studied. For the period geomagnetic indices AE and Dst, and the Bz component of the interplanetary geomagnetic field are analyzed as indicators of the development of the troubled period. Ring current decay times are calculated using different approaches in accordance with the phases of the storm. During this period there were significant geomagnetic variations due to geomagnetic substorms and induced currents on the pipeline located in the Otawa River Valley, this fact could produce corrosion increases in its structure.

  7. Six-month oral toxicity of D-004, a lipid extract from Roystonea regia fruits, in Sprague Dawley rats


    Balia Pardo; Ariadne Gutiérrez; Rafael Gámez; Miriam Noa; Gisela Marrero; Yohany Pérez; Rosa María González; Dayisell Curveco; Haydée García; Eddy Goicochea


    El D-004 es un extracto lipídico obtenido del fruto de la palma real (Roystonea regia) que consiste en una mezcla de ácidos grasos, en la cual los ácidos oleico, palmítico, láurico y mirístico son los más abundantes. El tratamiento oral con D-004 inhibe significativamente la hiperplasia prostática inducida por testosterona en roedores. Este ensayo se realizó para investigar la toxicidad inducida por el D-004 en ratas Sprague Dawley (SD). Las ratas de ambos sexos fueron distribuidas al azar en...

  8. Dengue virus infection down-regulates differentiation markers in neuroblastoma cells


    Rincón Forero, Verónica; Alvear Gómez, Diana; Solano Orjuela, Oscar; Prada-Arismendy, Jeanette; Castellanos Parra, Jaime Eduardo


    Introducción: cerca del 5% de los pacientes con dengue hemorrágico pueden presentar manifestaciones neurológicas; sin embargo, existe poca información sobre la infección directa por el virus dengue (DENV) en neuronas. Objetivo: determinar el papel del fenotipo neuronal en la infección por DENV en células de neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y inducidas o no a la diferenciación con ácido retinoico (AR). Materiales y métodos: células SH-SY5Y fueron inducidas con AR a diferenciarse e infectadas con DENV. Post...

  9. Neumonitis por hipersensibilidad en la ciudad de México

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    Carrillo-Rodríguez José G.


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Determinar la asociación entre la zona urbana de origen del paciente en la ciudad de México y la prevalencia de neumonitis por hipersensibilidad inducida por antígeno aviario. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Se trata de un estudio de casos y controles realizado en el Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Respiratorias, en la ciudad de México, en el año de 1999. Se estudiaron 109 casos con neumonitis por hipersensibilidad y 184 controles: de éstos, 39, con fibrosis pulmonar idiopática; 63, con tuberculosis pulmonar, y 82, con asma. La ciudad de México y las zonas conurbadas se dividieron en cinco zonas geográficas: centro, noreste, sureste, noroeste y el suroeste. Se calcularon las prevalencias de las diferentes enfermedades por zona urbana de los pacientes que participaron en el estudio; como medida de asociación, se estimó la razón de momios, con un intervalo de confianza al 95%. Asimismo, se realizó regresión logística múltiple ajustando por edad, sexo y estrato socioeconómico. RESULTADOS: Ochenta casos de neumonitis por hipersensibilidad se concentraron en el sur del noreste de las zonas conurbadas y la parte norte del sureste de la ciudad de México, 48 y 32, respectivamente (RM= 3.86, IC 95% 2.17-6.96. Treinta y seis controles de asma se localizaron en el suroeste de la ciudad de México, zona donde se ubica el Intituto Nacional de Enfermedades Respiratorias (p<0.05 y cuatro en la zona conurbada. Los controles de tuberculosis pulmonar y fibrosis pulmonar idiopática estuvieron dispersos en la ciudad de México y en las zonas conurbadas. CONCLUSIONES: La zona sur del noreste y el norte de la sureste están asociadas a la neumonitis por hipersensibilidad. Las causas de esta asociación no parece ser geográfica, pero existe el antecedente de que esa zona fue basurero de la ciudad, por lo que partículas orgánicas en el ambiente pudieran coadyuvar a la aparición de esta enfermedad.

  10. Efectos del policosanol en los modelos de pleuresía inducida por carragenina y granuloma por algodón

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    Daisy Carbajal Quintana

    Full Text Available Introducción: el policosanol, mezcla de alcoholes alifáticos primarios superiores purificada de la cera de caña, inhibe la actividad de la cicloxigenasa-1 (COX-1 in vitro, efecto que pudiera sustentar su acción antiagregante plaquetaria. Sin embargo, sus posibles efectos en modelos experimentales de inflamación no se habían investigado. Objetivo: determinar el efecto antinflamatorio in vivo del policosanol en un modelo de inflamación aguda (pleuresía por carragenina y crónico (granuloma por algodón. Métodos: se distribuyeron las ratas Sprague Dawley en siete grupos para el modelo de inflamación aguda: un control negativo (vehículo y seis a los que se les indujo la inflamación: un control positivo (vehículo, cuatro tratados con policosanol (50-800 mg/kg y uno con aspirina (100 mg/kg. Se cuantificaron a las 5 h el volumen de exudado pleural, la concentración de proteínas y actividad de la enzima mieloperoxidasa. Se distribuyeron las ratas en seis grupos para el modelo crónico: un control (vehículo, cuatro tratados con policosanol (50-800 mg/kg y uno con aspirina (100 mg/kg. Se extrajo el granuloma para determinar los pesos húmedo y seco seis días después de implantado el pellet. Resultados: dosis orales únicas de policosanol (200, 400 y 800 mg/kg redujeron significativa y moderadamente el volumen, la actividad de la enzima mieloperoxidasa (» 12 % y la concentración de proteínas (» 20 % del exudado pleural, mientras la aspirina redujo estos indicadores en un 35,3, 19,9 y 19,1%, respectivamente. La administración oral de policosanol (400 y 800 mg/kg durante 6 días disminuyó significativa y moderadamente el peso húmedo del granuloma (16,4 y 16,2 %, y el peso seco (28,4 y 34,4 %. La aspirina 100 mg/kg redujo estas variables en un 18,5 % (peso húmedo y 34,4 % (peso seco. Ambos tratamientos produjeron mayores reducciones del peso seco que del peso húmedo del granuloma. Conclusiones: la administración oral de policosanol

  11. Prevalencia de la pérdida auditiva y factores correlacionados en una industria cementera

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    Hernández-Gaytán Sendy Isarel


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Documentar el impacto de la exposición laboral al ruido, así como sus relaciones con otros factores que pueden inducir pérdidas auditivas. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Durante enero y febrero de 1997 se llevó a cabo un estudio transversal en una planta productora de cemento en el estado de Morelos. Se realizaron una sonometría, dosimetría y pruebas audiométricas a 85 trabajadores para identificar las fuentes que generan ruido en las áreas de proceso, evaluar los niveles de ruido en dichas áreas (monitoreo de área y de personal y para determinar la prevalencia de pérdida auditiva inducida por el ruido entre los trabajadores. Para el análisis estadístico se emplearon medidas de tendencia central, análisis bivariado y modelos de regresión politómica. RESULTADOS: En las áreas de trituración, molinos de crudo y molinos de cemento se encontraron niveles elevados de ruido. La dosis personal más alta correspondió al puesto de envasador. En 55% de la población estudiada se presentó pérdida auditiva inducida por el ruido, y el área de proceso con el porcentaje más alto de pérdida auditiva inducida por el ruido fue la de calcinación, con 85%. CONCLUSIONES: Los resultados mostraron que el ruido es un serio riesgo en algunas áreas, y que algunos casos de pérdida auditiva inducida por el ruido hayan sido desarrollados por exposición ocupacional en esta industria. Se sugiere el diseño e implantación de un programa de conservación de la audición para proteger la salud y seguridad de los trabajadores.

  12. Actividad diferencial de fagocitosis e inducción de apoptosis in vitro por serotipos capsulares 5 y 8 de Staphylococcus aureus en neutrófilos de bovinos

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    Nancy Montoya García


    Full Text Available Se evaluó la actividad de fagocitosis y apoptosis in vitro en leucocitos polimorfonucleares (PMN de bovinos lecheros frente a Staphylococcus aureus tipos capsulares 5 y 8. Los neutrófilos se obtuvieron de vacas clínicamente sanas. La actividad de fagocitosis de neutrófilos se determinó a partir de la capacidad e índice de fagocitosis. La evaluación de la apoptosis se realizó por microscopía de campo claro (ML y de epifluorescencia (MF. Se observaron diferencias entre los tratamientos en ML para la capacidad de fagocitosis, el tipo compacto (CC fue 86.50±2.93, serotipo capsular 5 (CP5 74.98±2.44 y serotipo capsular 8 (CP8 82.22±1.5 ( P <0.05. Los valores para el índice de fagocitosis fueron: CC 6.13±0.31, CP5 4.88±0.13 y CP8 5.22±0.10 ( P <0.05. La capacidad de fagocitosis observada en la MF fue: CC 86.77±2.6, CP5 62.52±3.26 y CP8 78.60±4.07. El índice de fagocitosis para la CC fue de 7.62±0.55, 4.67±0.29 para CP5 y de 5.53±0.40 para CP8 ( P <0.05. Los porcentajes de apoptosis por ML fueron: testigo positivo (C+ 97.7±1.28, testigo negativo (C- 27.13±1.85, CC 35.44±2.56, CP5 60.07±4.21 y CP8 45.57±4.34 ( P <0.05. En la técnica de MF fueron: C(+ 95.61±2.66, C(- 20.2±1.77, CC 26.5±1.65, CP5 52.78±3.29 y CP8 41.33±2.32 ( P <0.05. Se encontraron diferencias en la capacidad e índice de fagocitosis y apoptosis de los PMN entre los tipos capsulares de S. aureus evaluados. El CP5 al reducir la actividad de fagocitosis e incrementar la inducción de la apoptosis en los neutrófilos, puede contribuir a la persistencia de la infección intraglandular mamaria del ganado lechero en la mastitis bovina.

  13. Compactación inducida por el tránsito vehicular sobre un suelo en producción hortícola Induced compaction by the vehicular traffic in a soil for horticultural crop production

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    Antonino Marcelo Terminiello


    Full Text Available Se realizaron ensayos en campo con el objeto de caracterizar el estado de compactación de un suelo en producción hortícola inducida por el tránsito, luego del desarrollo del ciclo de un cultivo de repollo (Brassica oleracea L. grupo capitata y su incidencia sobre el rendimiento. Se efectuaron determinaciones de resistencia a la penetración, densidad aparente y humedad gravimétrica sobre el suelo y biomasa aérea al finalizar el ciclo del cultivo en los sectores de mayor y menor número de pasajes de vehículos. Los valores de resistencia a la penetración fueron de 1,7 y 1,3 MPa, significativamente mayores para el tratamiento de más de 7 y 3 pasadas respectivamente en el rango de profundidad de 0-100 mm . No se manifestaron diferencias en el parámetro densidad aparente en la totalidad del perfil. Se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en biomasa aérea, para el tratamiento de 3 pasadas (1902.6 g planta-1, en relación al de mas de 7 pasadas (1447,9 g planta-1. El pasaje repetido sobre los surcos originan incrementos en la resistencia a la penetración a nivel superficial. El peso fresco y la materia seca del cultivo son afectados por el número de pasadas de los tractores y máquinas agrícolas.Field test were carried out with the objective of characterizing the state of compaction in horticultural soil induced by traffic, after the development of a cabbage crop (Brassica oleracea L. group capitata cycle, and its incidence on yield. Measurements of penetration resistance, bulk density, and moisture content in soil were made and aeread biomass at the end of the cycle crop in sectors with larger and smaller number of vehicles passes. Values of penetration resistance of 1.7 and 1.3 MPa were found for treatment with more than 7 passes and 3 passes respectively in the depth range of 0-100 mm. No significant differences were found in bulk density parameter in the entire soil profile. Statistically significant differences

  14. Efecto del Propóleos Chileno sobre el Metabolismo de Glucosa en Ratones Diabéticos


    Pacheco, Alejandro; Daleprane, Julio B; Freitas, Vanessa S; Ferderbar, Simone; Hirabara, Sandro; Cuevas, Alejandro; Saavedra, Nicolás; Curi, Rui; Abdalla, Dulcineia S. P; Salazar, Luis A


    En el presente estudio se evaluó el efecto del propóleos sobre el metabolismo de la glucosa en ratones C57/BL-6 con diabetes mellitus tipo 2 inducida por dieta alta en grasa. Se midieron los cambios en las concentraciones séricas de lípidos, glucosa e insulina, y el efecto sobre la captación de 2-deoxi-[2,6-3H]-D-glucosa, síntesis de [14C]-glicógeno y descarboxilación de [U-14C]-D-glucosa inducida por insulina en músculo aislado. Los resultados muestran que en ratones diabéticos, el tratamien...

  15. Agroquímicos en Argentina: Genotoxicidad y citotoxicidad inducida por principios activos y sus formulaciones comerciales


    Larramendy, Marcelo L; Molinari, Gabriela; González, Norma V; Pilili, Juan P; Candioti, Josefina Vera; Reigosa, Miguel A; Soloneski, Sonia


    Uno de los objetivos principales de nuestro laboratorio es evaluar comparativamente los efectos geno-citotóxicos ejercidos in vitro e in vivo sobre células de vertebrados por principios activos de agroquímicos y sus formulaciones comerciales de uso masivo en Argentina. Entre los mismos caben mencionarse, los herbicidas 2,4-D y 2,4-D DMA®, dicamba y Banvel®, el fungicida zineb y Azzurro®, los insecticidas carbofurán y Furadan®, pirimicarb y Aficida®, como también el endectocida ivermectina e I...

  16. Reacción posquirúrgica del lecho vascular inducida por el campo magnético de ultra-alta frecuencia

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    Armando Hidalgo de Paz


    Full Text Available En 82 ratas blancas adultas se estudió el efecto posoperatorio del campo magnético de ultra- -alta frecuencia (CMUAF sobre el volumen del lecho intramuscular, durante el período de formación de colaterales. El CMUAF se aplicó con el aparato portátil UVCHE-30, con frecuencia de 40,68 MHz y potencias fijas de salida de 15 y 30 W. Luego de seccionar quirúrgicamente las arterias femorales, se aplicó el campo magnético por 2, 6, 10 y 16 semanas. En estos plazos se inyectó mezcla de tinta china-gelatina en el lecho vascular y se obtuvieron cortes micrométricos que se transparentaron y fueron posteriormente leídos por microfotometría. Se observó un marcado aumento del volumen del lecho vascular intramuscular por acción del CMUAF, particularmente en los períodos de 2 y 6 semanas posteriores al inicio del tratamiento. También se evidenció mayor reacción vascular a la acción del CMUAF con potencia de 15 W, en comparación con los resultados en 30 W

  17. Síndrome metabólico y preeclampsia: los aportes realizados por el Instituto de Investigaciones de la Fundación Cardiovascular de Colombia Metabolic syndrome and pre-eclampsia: contributions realized by the research Institute of the Colombian Cardiovascular Foundation


    Patricio López-Jaramillo; Federico Silva; Paul A Camacho; Lina P Pradilla; Ronald García; Christian Rueda-Clausen; Yalil Bracho; Sandra Silva; Ligia Rueda; Narella Rodríguez; Juan G Zarruk; Mayaris Mendoza; Mario Arenas; William Arenas; Isabel C Bolívar


    Durante los últimos años, el Instituto de Investigaciones de la Fundación Cardiovascular de Colombia ha centrado sus proyectos en el estudio de las diferencias en los mecanismos etiofisiopatológicos de la hipertensión inducida por el embarazo y del síndrome metabólico en poblaciones de países desarrollados y en vía de desarrollo, así como en el peso específico de los factores de riesgo que determinan la presentación de estas enfermedades. Los resultados obtenidos de las investigaciones realiz...

  18. Inducción de la enzima triptófano 2,3 dioxigenasa por glucocorticoides y su papel en la tolerancia materna al feto

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    Angela Cadavid


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    El mecanismo por el cual la madre no rechaza al feto, sigue siendo una incógnita en la inmunología de la reproducción. Una de las hipótesis planteadas es la inmunosupresión mediada por el catabolismo del triptófano, el cual es un amino ácido sencial para la proliferación de los linfocitos T. Una de las nzimas que cataboliza el triptófano es la triptófano 2,3 ioxigenasa (TDO.
    La TDO es inducida por los glucocorticoides en el hígado, pero aún no se conoce si estos inducen la producción de la TDO n la interfase materno fetal al interactuar con los receptores resentes en células estromales y NK; En un modelo murino, e observó que la TDO se expresa en la interfase materno etal con un pico que coincide con el de mayor actividad de egradación del triptófano, sugiriendo entonces que esta nzima puede estar involucrada en la tolerancia materna al feto.



  19. Respuesta inmune y expresión de genes en el camarón blanco (Litopenaeus vannamei) inducida por inmunoestimulantes microbianos


    Moreno Herrera, Jesús Tomás


    En este trabajo se evaluó el efecto inmunoestimulante de bacterias ácido lácticas y levaduras muertas por calor en Litopenaeus vannamei, cultivado en el laboratorio. La mezcla inmunoestimulante (MI) en polvo se adicionó en el alimento. Se realizó un bioensayo de 26 días en tinas de plástico con 80 L de agua de mar filtrada, aireación constante y 10 organismos por tina. La alimentación se realizó dos veces al día, la limpieza diariamente y la determinación de parámetros fisicoquímicos cada 3 d...

  20. Neurotoxicity and aggressiveness triggered by low-level lead in children: a review Neurotoxicidad y agresividad desencadenadas por bajos niveles de plomo en niños: una revisión

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    Kelly Polido Kaneshiro Olympio


    Full Text Available Lead-induced neurotoxicity acquired by low-level long-term exposure has special relevance for children. A plethora of recent reports has demonstrated a direct link between low-level lead exposure and deficits in the neurobehavioral-cognitive performance manifested from childhood through adolescence. In many studies, aggressiveness and delinquency have also been suggested as symptoms of lead poisoning. Several environmental, occupational and domestic sources of contaminant lead and consequent health risks are largely identified and understood, but the occurrences of lead poisoning remain numerous. There is an urgent need for public health policies to prevent lead poisoning so as to reduce individual and societal damages and losses. In this paper we describe unsuspected sources of contaminant lead, discuss the economic losses and urban violence possibly associated with lead contamination and review the molecular basis of lead-induced neurotoxicity, emphasizing its effects on the social behavior, delinquency and IQ of children and adolescents.La neurotoxicidad adquirida inducida por la exposición prolongada a bajos niveles de plomo tiene una importancia especial en los niños. Una plétora de publicaciones recientes ha demostrado el vínculo directo existente entre la exposición a bajos niveles de plomo y el déficit en el desempeño neuroconductual-cognitivo manifestado desde la infancia hasta el final de la adolescencia. En numerosos estudios, la agresividad y la delincuencia juvenil también se han considerado síntomas de la intoxicación por plomo. Se han identificado y explicado ampliamente varias fuentes ambientales, laborales y domésticas de contaminación por plomo y los riesgos resultantes para la salud, pero aún son numerosos los casos de intoxicación por plomo. Se necesitan urgentes políticas de salud pública para prevenir la intoxicación por plomo de manera de reducir los daños y las pérdidas, tanto individuales como para la

  1. Actividad inducida por androsterona y hemisuccinato de androsterona sobre la presión de perfusión y la resistencia vascular

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    Lauro Figueroa


    Conclusiones. Los efectos inducidos por androsterona y hemisuccinato de androsterona sobre la presión de perfusión y la resistencia vascular pueden depender de su estructura química. En el caso de la actividad ejercida por el análogo de androsterona, podría involucrar la interacción del esteroide-receptor androgénico e, indirectamente, la activación del canal de calcio y, consecuentemente, inducir variaciones en la presión de perfusión.

  2. Convergencia de vías de señalización en un modelo de apoptosis


    Ararat Sarria, Monica


    La sepsis es un evento inflamatorio generalizado del organismo inducido por un daño causado generalmente por un agente infeccioso. El patógeno más frecuentemente asociado con esta entidad es el Staphylococcus aureus, responsable de la inducción de apoptosis en células endoteliales debida a la producción de ceramida. Se ha descrito el efecto protector de la proteína C activada (PCA) en sepsis y su relación con la disminución de la apoptosis de las células endoteliales. En este trabajo se anali...

  3. Prevención, diagnóstico y tratamiento de la cardiotoxicidad inducida por quimioterapia: ¿qué estamos haciendo?

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    Lázaro de la Cruz Avilés


    Full Text Available Las enfermedades del corazón y los tumores malignos constituyen las dos primeras causas de muerte en Cuba, con tasas de mortalidad de 197,5 y 193,6 por 100 000 habitantes, respectivamente, en el año 2011. En Cienfuegos los tumores malignos fueron la primera causa de muerte con una tasa de 115,2 seguida de las enfermedades del corazón con 102,6 por 100 000 habitantes. Las mejoras alcanzadas en la detección y el tratamiento del cáncer han dado origen a una nueva cohorte de pacientes que alcanzan una supervivencia suficiente para que puedan aparecer complicaciones cardíacas derivadas del tratamiento. Lamentablemente, el abundante conocimiento sobre las vías bioquímicas involucradas en el tratamiento dirigido del cáncer no se ha visto acompañado de un conocimiento paralelo de las consecuencias cardíacas de su modulación.

  4. Producción de IFN−γ en cultivos de linfocitos humanos por efecto de los extractos metanólicos de cuatro ecotipos de Lepidium peruvianum, Chacón (Brassicaceae

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    Libertad Alzamora


    Full Text Available Se estudió la actividad inmunoduladora sobre cultivos de linfocitos T humanos de sangre periférica. Se evaluó la producción de IFN−γ inducida por los extractos metanólicos (EM de los ecotipos blanco, negro, rojo y morado de Lepidium peruvianum (conocida también como Lepidium meyenii Walp. maca. Luego de cultivar los linfocitos con los respectivos EM de maca durante 14 horas sólo el EM del ecotipo morado indujo la producción significativa de IFN−γ cuantificada mediante Elispot. El extracto metanólico del ecotipo morado de maca posee propiedades inmunoestimuladoras importantes, desencadenando la activación de linfocitos T humanos.

  5. Detection of taste aversion induced by weak unconditioned stimluli such as rotation

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    A. Maldonado


    Full Text Available El objetivo principal de este estudio fue el desarrollo de un procedimiento conductual suficientemente potente para detectar aversiones inducidas en un único ensayo por estímulos aversivos débiles, concretamente rotación corporal y dosis bajas de LiCl, en ratas wistar. Dicho procedimiento implica el uso de una prueba de elección entre estímulos con diferentes preferencias previas. El experimento 1a demostró que utilizando una solución de café descafeinado y otra de vinagre de sidra, la aversión adquirida a la solución preferida (café mediante rotación corporal sólo aparece en una prueba de elección posterior entre ambos estímulos, cuando se anula la neofobia al estímulo menos preferido (vinagre. Una única preexposición antes de la prueba de elección, es suficiente para anular el efecto de neofobia a dicho sabor (experimento 1b. En el experimento 2 el mismo procedimiento permitió detectar consistentemente aversiones inducidas por inyecciones intraperitoneales (i.p. de cloruro de litio (LiCl cuando se aplican dosis reducidas (0.2%p.c., peso corporal, 0.15Molar. La importancia de este procedimiento reside en que permite un mejor estudio de los procesos psicobiológicos implicados en el aprendizaje aversivo gustativo y por ello se propone como una herramienta comportamental especialmente sensible para la detección de aversiones inducidas por estímulos incondicionados débiles de distinta naturaleza.

  6. Prenatal irradiation: radioinduced apoptosis in developing central nervous system; Irradiacion prenatal: apoptosis radioinducida en el sistema nervioso central en desarrollo

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    Gisone, P; Dubner, D; Michelin, S; Perez, M R [Autoridad Regulatoria Nuclear, Buenos Aires (Argentina); Barboza, M [Hospital de Clinicas Jose de San Martin, Buenos Aires (Argentina)


    Severe mental retardation (SMR) is the most significant effect of prenatal irradiation. The high radiosensitivity of developing brain is related with the chronology of morpho genetic phenomena regarding neuroblast proliferation, neuronal differentiation and migration, synaptogenesis and dendritic arborization. Programmed cell death (apoptosis) normally occurs during development in central nervous system (CNS). Apoptosis is a direct result of the expression of specific genes with a final common pathway leading to a characteristic DNA fragmentation pattern. A wide variety of situations and toxic agents have been reported to result in apoptotic death in developing CNS. The aim of this work was the characterization and quantification of apoptosis using an in vitro model of prenatal irradiation. Primary cell cultures from rat brain cortex of 17 days g.a. were irradiated with a gamma source, with doses between 0.2 Gy to 2 Gy. Apoptosis was evaluated 4 hours and 20 hours after irradiation by hematoxylin/eosin, fluorescent microscopy, flow cytometry and DNA electrophoresis. It was also evaluated the neuro protective effect of L-NAME, SOD and glutathion. A dose-dependent increase in apoptotic cell fraction was observed. A protector effect related with the presence of glutathion was observed. (author) [Spanish] Las exposiciones prenatales son motivo frecuente de consulta en el ambito de la radioproteccion. El sistema nervioso es particularmente vulnerable a la accion de la radiacion durante la vida prenatal, con un momento de maxima radiosensibilidad entre las semanas 8 y 15 de edad gestacional (e.g.), durante la cual la frecuencia de retraso mental severo es del orden del 40% por Sievert. La apoptosis, forma activa de muerte celular programada, constituye un proceso fisiologico esencial durante el desarrollo. Las alteraciones de su regulacion podrian jugar un rol en diversas patologias tales como cancer, inmunodeficiencias y enfermedades neurodegenerativas. Se estudio la

  7. Autoantibody and environmental damage to the brain


    Arango, María-Teresa


    Las anormalidades de comportamiento y disfunciones cognitivas pueden presentarse en pacientes con enfermedades autoinmunes. Estos síntomas pueden fluctuar de leves hasta eventos potencialmente mortales. En su gran mayoría los mecanismos responsables de estas manifestaciones neuropsiquiatricas siguen siendo desconocidas, sin embargo se han identificado varias vías patogénicas. Por ejemplo; neurotoxicidad mediada por anticuerpos, vasculopatía inducida por anticuerpos anti-fosfolípidos, neurotox...

  8. Protección inducida por nanococleatos derivados de proteoliposomas de Leptospira interrogans serovar Canicola

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    Beatriz Tamargo


    Full Text Available Desde los años 20 del pasado siglo, hasta el presente, en el mundo se han desarrollado y empleado vacunas de células enteras contra la leptospirosis que confieren una corta inmunidad; la mayoría no adyuvadas y dirigidas, fundamentalmente, contra los diferentes serogrupos de la especie Leptospira interrogans, contenidos en las preparaciones. Numerosos han sido los intentos realizados para lograr una formulación vacunal más pura, efectiva, de amplio espectro y duración de la protección que las bacterinas de células enteras inactivadas. Sin embargo, hasta el momento no se ha registrado ninguna vacuna con tales características. En el presente trabajo se obtuvieron antígenos de membrana externa a partir de una cepa cubana autóctona (Cepa 87, L. interrogans serovar Canicola, mediante una modificación de la tecnología para la producción de vesículas de membrana, patentada por investigadores del Instituto Finlay. Estos antígenos con estructura nanoproteoliposómica fueron formulados/adyuvados mediante diferentes estrategias, logrando cinco preparaciones con estructura coclear, que constituyen nanopartículas de aproximadamente 100 a 150 nm de largo y entre 15 a 30 nm de diámetro. Los inmunógenos se inocularon en el biomodelo Mesocrisetus aureatus, con dos dosis e intervalo de seis semanas. El reto fue realizado con 100.000 DL 50 . Los resultados demuestran que las nuevas formulaciones vacunales confieren protección frente al reto homólogo y fueron capaces de eliminar el estado de portador, lo que unido a la robustez del método de preparación, el mayor nivel de pureza, en comparación con las bacterinas, y la no necesidad del hidróxido de aluminio, las convierten en una alternativa de interés para continuar su desarrollo.

  9. Distribución de los genotipos de fimA en cepas de Porphyromonas gingivalis aisladas de placas subgingivales y de sangre durante bacteriemias

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    Martine Bonnaure-Mallet


    Conclusión. En los aislamientos de sangre y de placa subgingival de pacientes con periodontitis el fimA más frecuente fue el tipo II; no fue posible correlacionar el tipo de fimA con la bacteriemia inducida por el alisado radicular. Los resultados de la secuenciación del gen fimA no concuerdan con los obtenidos por PCR.

  10. Evaluación de la reacción acrosomal en espermatozoides humanos inducida por oligosacáridos

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    Angela Cadavid


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    La capacitación es un proceso necesario que debe sufrir el espermatozoide para poder llevar a cabo la fertilización del ocito. Este evento se da durante su paso a través del tracto reproductor femenino, donde ocurre la interacción entre los espermatozoides y las células del epitelio oviductal, la cual es dependiente de carbohidratos. Adicionalmente, el espermatozoide necesita interactuar con una serie de moléculas presentes en la zona pelúcida, que permiten un reconocimiento específico entre el espermatozoide y el oocito. La interacción entre gametos es específica de especie; ésto indica que la zona pelúcida posee ligandos que son reconocidos por los espermatozoides y que éstos poseen receptores que le permiten la unión al oocito (1.



  11. Tiroiditis autoinmune inducida por interferón en pacientes con infección por virus de la hepatitis C. Interferon-induced autoimmune thyroiditis in a patient with hepatitis C virus infection

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    José L. Pinto


    Full Text Available Se reporta el caso de un varón de 43 años de edad, sin antecedentes patológicos de importancia, que acudió por elevación asintomática de la alanino aminotransferasa (ALT. El paciente negó ser bebedor crónico de alcohol. Se hizo el diagnóstico serológico de infección activa por hepatitis C y la biopsia de hígado reveló inflamación crónica activa. Con estos resultados, se inició tratamiento con interferón-alfa y ribavirina. Durante el tratamiento de 48 semanas, el paciente presentó anticuerpos antitiroideos positivos con variaciones en sus niveles de tirotropina (TSH y hormonas tiroideas. En el seguimiento postratamiento, el paciente continuó con hipertiroidismo por enfermedad de Graves. La tiroiditis autoinmune es una complicación frecuente del uso de interferón en pacientes con hepatitis C. En algunos casos se presenta como hipertiroidismo por enfermedad de Graves. Se debe evaluar la función tiroidea y los anticuerpos antitiroideos antes y durante el tratamiento con interferón.A 43 year old man presented with asymptomatic elevation of alanine aminotransferase (ALT and no relevant past history. The patient denied being a chronic alcohol drinker. Work-up revealed an active hepatitis C, and liver biopsy showed active inflammation. Treatment was started with interferon-alfa and ribavirin. During the 48 weeks of treatment, the patient developed positive thyroid antibodies with varying level of thyrotropin (TSH and thyroid hormones. At follow-up after treatment, the patient continued with hyperthyroidism due to Graves’ disease. Autoimmune thyroiditis is a common complication of using interferon in patients with hepatitis C. In some cases, it is presented as hyperthyroidism because of Graves’ disease. Thyroid function and thyroid antibodies should be evaluated before and during treatment with interferon.

  12. Meteorites as space probes for cosmic rays; Les meteorites en tant que sondes spatiales pour les rayons cosmiques; Meteority v kachestve prob mezhplanetnogo prostranstva dlya izucheniya kosmicheskikh luchej; Los meteoritos como sondas espaciales para evaluar la actividad inducida por los rayos cosmicos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schaeffer, O A; Stoenner, R W; Davis, R Jr [Chemistry Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, L. I., NY (United States)


    'activite imputable a l'argon-37 (periode: 35 jours) et a l'argon-39 (periode: 325 ans). Ils comparent ces activites relatives aux taux de production de ces isotopes que l'on obtient en bombardant un echantillon de la meteorite avec des protons ayant une energie de 3 GeV. Les auteurs concluent que, dans les limites d'erreur, le flux de rayons cosmiques est le meme dans la ceinture asteroide que dans le voisinage de l'orbite terrestre. (author) [Spanish] Para determinar la constancia espacial de la radiacion cosmica de elevada energia en el interior del sistema solar, los autores midieron la radiactividad, inducida por los rayos cosmicos, de un elemento de periodo corto y de un elemento de periodo largo en un meteorito caido recientemente. El experimento se basa en el hecho de que los meteoritos siguen orbitas muy excetricas y, por ello, pueden ser utilizados como sondas espaciales en la region situada entre la orbita terrestre y el cinturon de asteroides. La actividad de periodo corto se produce mientras el meteorito se encuentra en las proximidades de la orbita terrestre, en tanto que la actividad de periodo largo es inducida en toda la orbita descrita por el meteorito. Los autores efectuaron las mediciones en el condrito Hamlet que cayo en Indiana el 13 de octubre de 1.959. Evaluaron las actividades astribuibles al argon-37 (periodo: 35 dias) y al argon-39 (periodo: 325 anos). Compararon los valores relativos de estas actividades con los indices de produccion de esos isotopos que se alcanzan bombardeando una muestra del meteorito con protones de 3 GeV. Se llega a la conclusion de que la intensidad de la radiacion cosmica es igual, dentro de los limites de error, en el cinturon de asteroides que en las proximidades de la orbita terrestre. (author) [Russian] Byl proizveden opyt ispytaniya prostranstvennogo postoyanstva kosmicheskogo izlucheniya vysokikh ehnergij v solnechnoj sisteme putem zamera iskusstvennoj korotkozhivushchej i dol- gozhivushchej radioaktivnosti kosmicheskikh

  13. Cambios en la expresión de los genes involucrados en el ciclo celular y apoptosis durante el destete en la glándula mamaria de rata lactante. Papel del GSH.


    Zaragozá Colom, Rosa


    RESUMEN En la glándula mamaria, al final de la lactancia, la acumulación de leche y el descenso de las hormonas lactogénicas inician una cascada de señalización que conduce a la muerte de las células secretoras por apoptosis y a la regresión de tejido mamario. Esta muerte celular se caracteriza por la liberación de citocromo c al citosol, donde activa las caspasas, responsables de los cambios observados en la apoptosis. Uno de ellos es la fragmentación del ADN internucleosomal, por acti...

  14. Corrección de vórtices en dársenas de grandes estaciones de bombeo


    Carner, José Luis; Lucino, Cecilia Verónica; Liscia, Sergio Oscar


    La formación de vórtices de superficie libre y sumergidos es un problema que puede afectar severamente el funcionamiento de las bombas, por ser causales de: vibraciones que se traducen en desgaste de los cojinetes, caída de rendimiento por el ingreso de aire, caída de rendimiento por existir componentes tangenciales del flujo en el ingreso a las bombas, eventualmente, cavitación inducida por los vórtices de fondo y posibles sobrepresiones en la impulsión por la compresión rápida del aire inco...

  15. Effect of rofecoxib on colon chemical carcinogenesis at colonic anastomotic area in the rat Influencia del rofecoxib en la carcinogénesis cólica perianastomótica inducida en ratas

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    J. F. Noguera Aguilar


    durante 18 semanas y se analizaron los tumores cólicos inducidos en la semana 20 del postoperatorio. El principal parámetro evaluado fue el porcentaje de tejido cólico neoplásico, que relaciona la superficie tumoral con la superficie del colon. Resultados: el rofecoxib a dosis de 0,0058 ppm redujo significativamente la carcinogénesis cólica inducida en ratas, tanto a nivel perianastomótico como en el resto del colon (p < 0,01. A nivel extraanastomótico, el rofecoxib a dosis de 2,5 mg/kg fue significativamente superior en su efecto inhibidor al rofecoxib a dosis de 1,2 mg/kg o 0,0027 ppm (p < 0,005. Conclusiones: el rofecoxib produce una disminución en la carcinogénesis cólica farmacológicamente inducida en ratas. Este efecto se mantiene en el área perianastomótica, por lo que puede ser interesante investigar su implicación en el cáncer colorrectal intervenido con riesgo de recidiva locorregional.

  16. Efecto terapéutico del extracto etanólico de Erythroxylum coca spp. en anemia ferropénica inducida en ratas Holtzman macho

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    Evelyn F. Gonzales-Carazas


    Full Text Available Introducción: La hoja de coca ha sido usada tradicionalmente con fines medicinales y contiene altos niveles de hierro. Objetivos: Determinar el efecto del extracto etanólico de Erythroxylum coca spp. frente a anemia ferropénica inducida por dieta deficiente en hierro, en ratas Holtzman macho. Diseño: Experimental. Lugar: Laboratorio del Instituto de Patología, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Material biológico: Dieciocho ratas Holtzman macho de 16 días de edad recién destetadas. Intervenciones: Se formó tres grupos de seis ratas cada uno: a grupo hierro suficiente (HS, recibió 25 g/d de alimento balanceado durante 7 semanas; b grupo hierro deficiente (HD, recibió 25 g/d de dieta ferropénica durante 7 semanas; y, c el grupo hierro deficiente - extracto E. coca (HD-EC, recibió 25 g/d de dieta ferropénica durante 7 semanas y a partir de la semana 5 se agregó 18 g/d de extracto de E. coca. Principales medidas de resultados: Nivel sérico de hemoglobina, peso y talla. Resultados: Al finalizar el tratamiento, se observó aumento significativo de la hemoglobina en el grupo HD-EC (p=0,04. Se encontró diferencia significativa en los niveles séricos de hemoglobina entre los grupos HD-EC y HD (p=0,0062. No se encontró diferencia significativa en los valores de hemoglobina entre los grupos HD-EC y HS (p= 0,06. No se evidenció diferencia en el peso y la talla entre los grupos HD y HD-EC (p=0,20 y p=0,23, respectivamente. Conclusiones: E. coca presenta efecto antianémico experimental, sustentado en los resultados de los niveles de hemoglobina.

  17. Toxicidad hepática por medicamentos antituberculosos Hepatotoxicity induced by antituberculosis drugs

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    Isabel Eugenia Escobar Toledo


    Full Text Available

    El fenómeno de la toxicidad hepática inducida por medicamentos cobró relevancia hace algunos años con el estudio de las reacciones adversas a medicamentos. El daño producido en el hígado por un xenobiótico que altera su función es lo que se conoce como toxicidad hepática. La importancia de reconocer y diagnosticar la toxicidad hepática por medicamentos estriba en su gravedad potencial; no en vano es la causa más frecuente por la que la industria farmacéutica retira medicamentos. La tuberculosis es una pandemia que afecta a gran parte de la población mundial y junto con el VIH es una enfermedad cada vez más frecuente en Colombia. Esta enfermedad se puede considerar como una situación especial porque para su tratamiento es preciso suministrar, por largos períodos, medicamentos con potencial tóxico para el hígado.


    El objetivo de este artículo es revisar algunos aspectos relacionados con la toxicidad hepática secundaria a medicamentos antituberculosos, tales como: epidemiología, factores de riesgo, mecanismos de toxicidad, manifestaciones clínicas, diagnóstico, tratamiento y seguimiento.

    Hepatotoxicity is the alteration of liver structure and function induced by either drugs or other substances. The importance of its proper diagnosis rests on its potential severity. It is the most frequent reason by which the pharmaceutical industry withdraws its products. Tuberculosis is a pandemic infection affecting a large proportion of the world population. Together with HIV infection it is becoming ever more frequent in Colombia. Tuberculosis poses

  18. Radiation-induced apoptosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ohyama, Harumi


    Apoptosis is an active process of gene-directed cellular self-destruction that can be induced in many cell types via numerous physiological and pathological stimuli. We found that interphasedeath of thymocytes is a typical apoptosis showing the characteristic features of apoptosis including cell shrinkage, chromatin condensation and DNA degradation. Moderate dose of radiation induces extensive apoptosis in rapidly proliferating cell population such as the epithelium of intestinal crypt. Recent reports indicate that the ultimate form of radiation-induced mitotic death in several cells is also apoptosis. One of the hallmarks of apoptosis is the enzymatic internucleosomal degradation of chromatin DNA. We identified an endonuclease responsible for the radiation-induced DNA degradation in rat thymocytes. The death-sparing effects of interrupting RNA and protein synthesis suggested a cell genetic program for apoptosis. Apoptosis of thymocytes initiated by DNA damage, such as radiation and radio mimetic substance, absolutely requires the protein of p53 cancer suppresser gene. The cell death induced by glucocorticoid, or aging, has no such requirement. Expression of oncogene bcl-2 rescues cells from the apoptosis. Massive apoptosis in radiosensitive cells induced by higher dose radiation may be fatal. It is suggested that selective apoptotic elimination of cells would play an important role for protection against carcinogenesis and malformation through removal of cells with unrepaired radiation-induced DNA damages. Data to evaluate the significance of apoptosis in the radiation risk are still poor. Further research should be done in order to clarify the roles of the cell death on the acute and late effects of irradiation. (author)

  19. Rat hepatocyte invasion by Listeria monocytogenes and analysis of TNF-alpha role in apoptosis Invasão de hepatócitos de rato por Listeria monocytogenes e análise do papel do TNF-alfa na apoptose

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    Sânia Alves dos Santos


    Full Text Available Listeria monocytogenes, etiological agent of severe human foodborne infection, uses sophisticated mechanisms of entry into host cytoplasm and manipulation of the cellular cytoskeleton, resulting in cell death. The host cells and bacteria interaction may result in cytokine production as Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF alpha. Hepatocytes have potential to produce pro-inflammatory cytokines as TNF-alpha when invaded by bacteria. In the present work we showed the behavior of hepatocytes invaded by L. monocytogenes by microscopic analysis, determination of TNF-alpha production by bioassay and analysis of the apoptosis through TUNEL technique. The presence of bacterium, in ratios that ranged from 5 to 50,000 bacteria per cell, induced the rupture of cellular monolayers. We observed the presence of internalized bacteria in the first hour of incubation by electronic microscopy. The levels of TNF-alpha increased from first hour of incubation to sixth hour, ranging from 0 to 3749 pg/mL. After seven and eight hours of incubation non-significant TNF-alpha levels decrease occurred, indicating possible saturation of cellular receptors. Thus, the quantity of TNF-alpha produced by hepatocytes was dependent of the incubation time, as well as of the proportion between bacteria and cells. The apoptosis rate increased in direct form with the incubation time (1 h to 8 + 24 h, ranging from 0 to 43%, as well as with the bacteria : cells ratio. These results show the ability of hepatocyte invasion by non-hemolytic L. monocytogenes, and the main consequences of this phenomenon were the release of TNF-alpha by hepatocytes and the induction of apoptosis. We speculate that hepatocytes use apoptosis induced by TNF-alpha for release bacteria to extracellular medium. This phenomenon may facilitate the bacteria destruction by the immune system.Listeria monocytogenes, agente etiológico de infecção grave de origem alimentar, utiliza mecanismos sofisticados de entrada no citoplasma

  20. Efecto del estrés durante diferentes etapas del ciclo vital sobre el desarrollo de obesidad inducida por la dieta


    Paternain, L. (Laura); Martinez, J.A. (José Alfredo); Campión-Zabalza, J. (Javier)


    La creciente prevalencia de la obesidad no puede ser atribuible únicamente a factores genéticos o a una mala nutrición como pueden ser las dietas altas en grasa, sino también al estilo de vida y a factores ambientales adversos. Dentro del estilo de vida, la sociedad actual se caracteriza por tener un ritmo acelerado, lo que produce una elevación de la tasa de estrés en la población. Este aumento paralelo tanto de las tasas de obesidad como del estrés, hace necesario el estudio de la interacci...

  1. Efecto hipotensor del extracto de ajo (Allium sativum macerado por 18 semanas en un modelo experimental in vivo

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    David Chaupis-Meza

    Full Text Available Objetivos. Determinar si el extracto de ajo (Allium sativum macerado por 18 semanas tiene igual o mejor efecto hipotensor que el captopril en ratas. Materiales y métodos. Se realizó un estudio experimental in vivo con ratas machos Holtzman, clasificados en cinco grupos: 100, 500 y 1000 mg/kg de extracto de ajo, Captopril de 100 mg/kg y un grupo vehículo. El L-NAME (N- -nitro L-arginina-metil-éster administrado vía intraperitoneal 50 mg/kg desde el inicio del experimento, elevó la presión arterial desde el tercer día. El análisis estadístico consistió en las pruebas T de Student para medias pareadas, ANOVA y comparación múltiple de Scheffe. Resultados. El ajo macerado extraído por un proceso hidroalcohólico durante 18 semanas provocó una disminución de la presión arterial en animales de experimentación. El análisis de los tratamientos sobre la presión arterial media (PAM, obtuvieron diferencias significativas desde el tercer día. La comparación sobre la PAM final versus PAM basal (medias no diferentes y el efecto hipotensor (% fueron: ajo-100 (p=0,008, 59,8%; ajo-500 (p=0,021, 80,6%; ajo-1000 (p=0,034, 88,5%, Captopril (p=0,437, 99,9% y vehículo (p=0,001, 0%. Conclusiones. El ajo macerado a un periodo de 18 semanas resultó eficaz para producir un efecto hipotensor en ratas, inducidas a hipertensión arterial por L-NAME


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    Yani Corvianindya Rahayu


    Full Text Available Apoptosis or programmed cell death is a normal condition for development and live multicellular organism. Apoptosis is a morphological phenomenon that plays an important role in physiologic processes during fetal development and in adult. Mitochondria play an important role in apoptosis. Mitochondria can do apoptosis directly. Mitochondria has 2 family of protein Bcl-2. Bcl-2 and Bcl-XL are anti apoptosis while Bad an Bax are pro apoptosis. There are 3 different mechanism to receptors at the cell surface and a third may be triggered by dangerous agent that different from two ways before. Apoptosis also need caspase as cell death executor. Study of apoptosis still done especially in case of disease. Some disease have known related with disturbing of apoptosis mechanism for example cancer and auto immune. This article reviews about molecular mechanism of apoptosis for understanding disease and future therapy.

  3. Brief psychosis induced by methylphenidate in a child with attention deficit disorder: a case report and literature review

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    Juan Carlos Martínez-Aguayo


    Full Text Available Resumen La psicosis inducida por metilfenidato ha sido escasamente estudiada debido a los problemas bioéticos y neurobiológicos relacionados con su investigación. Si bien evidenciaría una vulnerabilidad a largo plazo para el desarrollo de un trastorno psiquiátrico mayor, no hay consenso sobre su valor predictivo en la población infanto-juvenil, mientras que su origen es incierto. Se ha sugerido que los mayores niveles de dopamina en ciertas zonas cerebrales y el antecedente familiar de algunos trastornos mentales, aumentaría el riesgo de presentar psicosis secundaria a psicoestimulantes. Presentamos el caso de un niño de nueve años de edad, con diagnóstico de trastorno por déficit de atención comórbido a una oposición desafiante, que durante el tratamiento con metilfenidato presentó alucinaciones visuales y auditivas e ideas deliriosas de daño que cedieron con la suspensión del fármaco. Se discuten los principales aspectos relacionados con el origen, la causalidad, el manejo y el pronóstico de la psicosis inducida por psicoestimulantes.

  4. Molecular mechanism of apoptosis and characterization of apoptosis induced by radiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li Yumin; Zhang Yuguang; Li Yukun


    The major discoveries of apoptosis research in recent years were reviewed briefly. The mechanisms of caspases/ICE gene family and bcl-2 gene family on apoptosis were analyzed. And the signal transduction pathway of apoptosis found currently has been summarized. The characterizations of apoptosis induced by radiation such as time-effects, dose-effects and the radiosensibility were summed up

  5. Las “respuestas lentas” a la angiotensina II, la activación de la proteína Src y del factor de crecimiento epidérmico en la génesis de la hipertensión esencial

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    Sabas Iván Gómez


    Full Text Available La hipertensión esencial es inducida por disfunción renal. Receptores normotensos de riñones de hipertensos desarrollan hipertensión y viceversa. La alteración renal más importante es el desacople del SRA respecto del nivel de sodio. El estrés oxidativo (ST-OX es estimulado cuando los niveles de angiotensina II (Ang II son inapropiados respecto del sodio corporal total. El ST-OX potencia el efecto vasoconstrictor de la Ang II por disminución del óxido nítrico (NO y/o por incremento de los vasoconstrictores, como isoprostanos, ET1 y otros. Estos efectos se ponen de manifiesto en la “respuesta lenta a la Ang II” en la que la infusión en dosis pequeñas (subpresoras induce retención de sodio y consecuente estímulo del STOX, con vasoconstricción. Estos efectos están mediados por señales intracelulares como la activación de proteína Src y del receptor del factor de crecimiento epidérmico por la Ang II, que parecen ser un mecanismo de vasoconstricción importante. Las especies reactivas de oxígeno inducidas por estos factores sostendrían una reacción autocatalítica, responsable de la producción sostenida de vasoconstrictores, con lo que se perpetúa la hipertensión.

  6. Endothelial dysfunction in pre-eclampsia


    Pacheco Romero, José


    Desconocemos aún la etiología de la preeclampsia, pero ahora sabemos que no es sólo una hipertensión inducida por el embarazo, sino que existe interacción entre una perfusión placentaria disminuida y la alteración en la función endotelial materna, probablemente por razones inmunológicas de rechazo parcial a la placentación normal. La contribución materna es de factores que anteceden al embarazo, influenciados por las adaptaciones metabólicas usuales. No existe un gen único que pueda explicar ...

  7. Apoptosis signaling and radiation protection

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Morita, Akinori; Suzuki, Norio; Hosoi, Yoshio


    Radiation protection by apoptosis control is the suppression of cell death in highly radiosensitive tissues. This paper describes the outline of radiation-induced apoptosis framework, apoptosis-concerned target molecules possibly related to apoptosis by radiation and their inhibitors. Although there are intrinsic (via mitochondria) and extrinsic (via death receptor) pathways in apoptosis, this review mainly mentions the former which is more important in radiation-induced apoptosis. Those molecules known at present in the apoptosis are caspase, Bcl-2 family and p53. Caspase, a group of cystein proteases, initiates apoptosis but its inhibition is known not always to result in apoptosis suppression, suggesting the existence of caspase-independent pathways. Bcl-2 family involves apoptosis-suppressing (possessing BH domains) and -promoting (lacking BH domains or possessing BH3 domain alone/BH3-only protein) groups. Two p53-transcription-dependent and one -independent pathways in p53-induced apoptosis are known and p53 can be a most possible target molecule since it positions at the start of apoptosis. Authors have found a vanadate inactivates p53. Inhibitors affecting upstream molecules of apoptosis will be the most useful candidate for apoptosis suppression/radiation protection. (S.I.) 106 refs

  8. Estimulación de la actividad péptica del jugo gástrico, inducida por látex de Croton palanostigma (sangre de grado

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    Miguel Sanvodal


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar si la administración del látex de Croton palanostigma (sangre de grado, vía digestiva, modifica la actividad péptica de la secreción gástrica. Diseño: Estudio experimental. Institución: Centro de Investigación de Bioquímica y Nutrición Alberto Guzmán Barrón, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Material biológico: Ratas albinas machos adultos y sangre de grado. Métodos: Se usó 50 ratas albinas machos adultos, entre 200 y 250 g de peso, que fueron distribuidas aleatoriamente en 5 grupos, a los que se administró por vía oro-gástrica, y en dosis única, como sigue: grupo I: 0,8 mL/kg de sangre de grado; grupo II: 0,8 mL/kg de sangre de grado neutralizada; grupo III: ranitidina 50 mg/kg; grupo IV: control, con solución salina 0,9 g% (sin histamina; grupo V: control con solución salina 0,9 g%. Se realizó ligadura pilórica, por laparotomía, con anestesia de éter etílico. Se utilizó histamina, aplicada por vía subcutánea, para estimular la secreción, excepto al grupo IV. Cuatro horas después, se extrajo el jugo gástrico, se midió el volumen, el pH por potenciometría y la actividad de la pepsina, por el método de Anson modificado, expresado como µg de tirosina/mL. Principales medidas de resultados: Modificación de la actividad péptica de la secreción gástrica. Resultados: El volumen del jugo gástrico fue significativamente menor en los grupos II y III; que en los otros, entre los que no hubo diferencia estadística. El pH del grupo III (con ranitidina fue significativamente mayor que los otros, demostrando el efecto del fármaco. La actividad péptica fue: con sangre de grado 5,34+1,04; sangre de grado neutralizada 2,69+1,27; grupo ranitidina 2,57+0,88; el control sin histamina 3,29+0,94 y control con histamina 3,58+1,18. La actividad péptica fue significativamente mayor (+49,2% en el grupo con sangre de grado (p<0,01 que en los otros grupos. Conclusiones

  9. Desarrollo de métodos para la evaluación integrada de propiedades mecánicas y superficiales inducidas en materiales metálicos mediante tratamiento superficial por ondas de choque generadas por láser


    Ruiz de Lara de Luis, Leonardo


    El tratamiento superficial por ondas de choque generadas por láser, LSP, es una técnica cuyo principal objetivo es el de la modificación del estado tensional de las primeras micras en profundidad de materiales metálicos. En sus comienzos está técnica fue empleada para inducir tensiones residuales de compresión en superficie, pero mientras se avanzaba en su desarrollo se empezaron a observar otros efectos. Profundizando en ellos se llega a la conclusión de que existe una fuerte relación entre ...

  10. Apoptosis y necroptosis en las enfermedades oftalmológicas

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    Raisa Ivis Beltrán Saínz

    Full Text Available La apoptosis es un término relativamente reciente mediante el cual se denomina a un tipo de muerte celular programada, que se encuentra ligada a diferentes procesos patológicos (cáncer, enfermedades inflamatorias y degenerativas. Actualmente se considera otro tipo de muerte celular no programada, que es la necrosis, la cual ocurre por mecanismos no modulados y se menciona una variedad de esta última: la necroptosis. Ambos procesos (apoptosis y necroptosis se encuentran presentes en la fisiopatología de algunas enfermedades oftalmológicas, lo que nos motivó a realizar una revisión bibliográfica renovada acerca del tema, con el objetivo de acrecentar el conocimiento sobre el tema y su relación con algunas enfermedades oftalmológicas en las que participan. Se revisaron textos básicos de Oftalmología y se localizaron artículos sobre el tema de los últimos 5 años a través Google como motor de búsqueda, el directorio LILACS y la consulta de las bases de datos PubMed y Hinari. Aún queda mucho por recorrer en el estudio de estos procesos que ocurren a nivel celular y que en ocasiones solo se han podido constatar a través de estudios de laboratorio y con modelos de animales. Su mayor comprensión puede constituir una vía para el surgimiento de nuevas terapéuticas antiapoptóticas y antinecroptóticas.


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    J. A. de Paz Fernández


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    El objetivo de nuestro trabajo fue valorar las adaptaciones inducidas por un programa de entrenamiento pliométrico del tren inferior de 4 semanas de duración (12 sesiones, aplicado a 9 estudiantes de educación física (19.33±1.38 años, 74.89±6.89Kg, contando también con un grupo control (N=8. El grupo experimental mostró mejoras en la altura de salto vertical en diferentes test (SJ, CMJ y Abalakov, fuerza máxima isométrica de extensión de rodilla y potencia pico en cicloergómetro (test de Wingate, si bien ninguno de estos incrementos fue estadísticamente significativo. El grupo control no mostró mejoras en ningún test. El hecho de que los incrementos no alcanzasen significación estadística pudo deberse a la escasa duración del programa aplicado, en comparación con los programas citados en la literatura.
    PALABRAS CLAVE: Pliometría, Drop Jump, capacidad de salto, test de Wingate.

  12. Las defensas inducidas en trigos comerciales


    Càrdenas, David; Giménez, Daniel O.; Castro, Ana María


    Las plantas presentan múltiples tipos de estrategias de defensas ante sus patógenos y plagas y frente a estreses ambientales. En muchos casos las defensas constitutivas acarrean costos metabólicos altos que provocan mermas del rendimiento cuando no ocurren en el ciclo de cultivo ataquesde plagas o patógenos. Las defensas inducibles en cambio sólo se activan ante elicitores específicos producidos por la interacción con los agresores bióticos, si bien conllevan gastos energéticos sólo ocurre an...

  13. Microanálisis de capas pictóricas en esculturas policromadas


    Mendoza Cuevas, Ariadna


    RESUMEN Se analizan muestras de secciones transversales de esculturas en madera policromadas por los métodos de microanálisis: Microscopía óptica, las técnicas nucleares: microfluorescencia de rayos X y microemisión de rayos X inducida por protones con sistema de detección por dispersión de Rutherford acoplado y el método tradicional de Microscopía Electrónica de Barrido con detección de fluorescencia de rayos X dispersiva en energía acoplada. Se enfatiza en la microfluorescencia de rayos X p...

  14. Regulation of apoptosis-inducing factor-mediated, cisplatin-induced apoptosis by Akt


    Yang, X; Fraser, M; Abedini, M R; Bai, T; Tsang, B K


    Cisplatin is a first-line chemotherapeutic for ovarian cancer, although chemoresistance limits treatment success. Apoptosis, an important determinant of cisplatin sensitivity, occurs via caspase-dependent and -independent mechanisms. Activation of the protein kinase Akt, commonly observed in ovarian tumours, confers resistance to ovarian cancer cells via inhibition of caspase-dependent apoptosis. However, the effect of Akt on cisplatin-induced, caspase-independent apoptosis remains unclear. W...

  15. Identificación funcional de moléculas inductoras de muerte celular: implicación del transportador mitocondrial de fosfato en apoptosis


    Alcalá Sánchez, Sonia


    [ES]Tesis doctoral sobre el estudio de la Apoptosis, una forma de muerte celular programada y regulada genéticamente por el que las células inducen su propia muerte en respuesta a determinados estímulos.

  16. Nefropatía por contraste en el síndrome coronario agudo

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    Mariana Carnevalini


    Full Text Available La nefropatía inducida por contraste (NIC es una de las causas más frecuentes de insuficiencia renal en pacientes internados. En el síndrome coronario agudo (SCA, la presencia de NIC aumenta la morbimortalidad. Las medidas de profilaxis y los factores de riesgo intervinientes de NIC en SCA no han sido determinados con exactitud. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la incidencia de NIC y los factores asociados a su desarrollo en pacientes ingresados en unidad coronaria con requerimiento de cinecoronariografía (CCG. Se realizó un estudio de cohorte retrospectivo. Se incluyeron pacientes consecutivos cursando SCA estudiados con CCG dentro de las 72 horas de su admisión. Se definió NIC al aumento del 25% del valor de creatinina a las 48 h sobre el nivel basal de ingreso. El período de inclusión fue entre el 1° de enero de 2004 hasta el 30 de junio de 2010. Se analizaron 125 casos. La incidencia de NIC fue del 10.4% (n = 13. En el análisis multivariado, los factores asociados independientemente a su desarrollo fueron la edad [OR 1.05 (IC 95% 1.004 - 1.11 p = 0.034], la angioplastia a múltiple vaso [OR 2.2 (IC 95% 1.07 - 4.8, p = 0.03] y el volumen de contraste utilizado [OR 1.007 (IC 95% 1.001 - 1.01, p = 0.014].

  17. Modelamiento y simulación de la contracción muscular mediante la estimulación magnética externa


    Bermeo Moyano, Juan Pablo; Sánchez Sánchez, Carlos Felipe


    El proyecto inicia revisando las ecuaciones de Maxwell, para simular y estimar las corrientes inducidas en un tejido muscular por un campo magnético mediante el MEF: M. Elementos Finitos. Se simula la fuerza muscular con el modelo de seis parámetros y optimizado por algoritmos genéticos para ajustar el modelo teórico con las medidas experimentales. The present project begins with the revision of the Maxwell equations, to simulate and estimate the currents induced in a muscle tissue by a ma...

  18. Papel de la proteína supresora de la señalización por citocinas-3 (SOCS 3 en la resistencia a la hormona de crecimiento inducida por malnutrición.

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    Adriana Umaña


    Full Text Available La nutrición es un regulador importante de las acciones de la hormona de crecimiento (GH. Se ha demostrado que el déficit de nutrientes induce un estado de resistencia a la hormona, en el cual están involucrados, entre otros factores, alteraciones post-receptor en la vía de señalización, pero se desconocen los mecanismos responsables. En este trabajo se investigó la participación de algunos miembros de la familia de proteínas supresoras de la señalización por citocinas (SOCS en la resistencia causada por malnutrición, que inhibe la activación de la señalización a través de Janus cinasa 2/transductor de señal y activador de la transcripción 5 (JK2/STAT5. Se estudiaron los cambios en la expresión génica del receptor de GH (RGH, IGF-I y SOCS3 en el hígado de ratas alimentadas con una dieta baja en proteína (8% y estimuladas con GH. La restricción en el consumo de proteína disminuyó significativamente (p

  19. [Apoptosis and pathological process]. (United States)

    Rami, Mukhammed Salim Iusef


    Apoptosis (programmed cell death) occurs normally for maitenance of tissue homeostasis and play an important role in morphogenesis, embriogenesis and tissue growth. On the other hand, apoptosis may be involved in different pathological processes such as malignancy, infectious diseases and autoimmune disorders. Apoptosis is regulated by various mediators. Caspases, death receptors, mitochondria, Bcl-2 protoncogenes and tumor supressor genes are considered to be the most important of them. Advance in apoptosis regulation research suggests enormouse facilities for therapy of wide range of human illnesses.

  20. Estado del arte en hipertensión pulmonar y cateterismo cardiaco derecho

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    Rubén Dueñas V.


    Full Text Available La definición universalmente aceptada de hipertensión pulmonar corresponde a todos los pacientes con presión arterial pulmonar media igual o mayor a 25 mm Hg en reposo, medida por cateterismo cardíaco derecho, sin olvidar que la presión promedio normal de la arteria pulmonar es de máximo 20 mm Hg, lo cual obliga a seguir a los pacientes con presión arterial pulmonar media entre 20 y 24 mm Hg. También cabe recordar ser claros al diferenciar entre hipertensión pulmonar e hipertensión arterial pulmonar. La hipertensión pulmonar incluye cinco grupos, entre los cuales la hipertensión arterial pulmonar constituye el grupo 1. El concepto de hipertensión arterial pulmonar inducida por el ejercicio puede definirse como todos los pacientes con presión arterial pulmonar por encima de los 30 mm Hg a un gasto cardíaco menor de 10 l, o una resistencia pulmonar total de más de 3 unidades Wood. La hipertensión pulmonar inducida por el ejercicio es un campo de investigación hasta ahora poco explorado. La clasificación continúa con los cinco grupos, y es dinámica de acuerdo con el progreso en entender la fisiopatología de cada enfermedad.

  1. Análisis Ultraestructural del Efecto Neuroprotector de la Melatonina sobre las lesiones del Cortex Cerebeloso del Embrión de Pollo inducidas por Glutamato Monosódico.


    García de la Oliva, Alejandro


    En el presente estudio analizamos el efecto neuroprotector que la administración exógena de la melatonina ejerce sobre las lesiones neurodegenerativas de la corteza cerebelosa del embrión de pollo causadas por excitotoxicidad glutamatérgica. Para ello hemos diseñado un modelo experimental que nos permite: por un lado, evaluar y seguir la evolución de las lesiones que sobre el desarrollo de la corteza cerebelosa produce la administración de gl...

  2. Cardiovascular molecular imaging of apoptosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wolters, S.L.; Reutelingsperger, C.P.M.; Corsten, M.F.; Hofstra, L.; Narula, J.


    Molecular imaging strives to visualise processes at the molecular and cellular level in vivo. Understanding these processes supports diagnosis and evaluation of therapeutic efficacy on an individual basis and thereby makes personalised medicine possible. Apoptosis is a well-organised mode of cell suicide that plays a role in cardiovascular diseases (CVD). Apoptosis is associated with loss of cardiomyocytes following myocardial infarction, atherosclerotic plaque instability, congestive heart failure and allograft rejection of the transplanted heart. Thus, apoptosis constitutes an attractive target for molecular imaging of CVD. Our current knowledge about the molecular players and mechanisms underlying apoptosis offers a rich palette of potential molecular targets for molecular imaging. However, only a few have been successfully developed so far. This review highlights aspects of the molecular machinery and biochemistry of apoptosis relevant to the development of molecular imaging probes. It surveys the role of apoptosis in four major areas of CVD and portrays the importance and future perspectives of apoptosis imaging. The annexin A5 imaging protocol is emphasised since it is the most advanced protocol to measure apoptosis in both preclinical and clinical studies. (orig.)

  3. Cardiovascular molecular imaging of apoptosis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wolters, S.L.; Reutelingsperger, C.P.M. [Maastricht University, Department of Biochemistry, Cardiovascular Research Institute Maastricht, Maastricht (Netherlands); Corsten, M.F.; Hofstra, L. [Maastricht University, Department of Cardiology, Cardiovascular Research Institute Maastricht, P.O. Box 616, Maastricht (Netherlands); Narula, J. [University of California Irvine, Department of Cardiology, Irvine (United States)


    Molecular imaging strives to visualise processes at the molecular and cellular level in vivo. Understanding these processes supports diagnosis and evaluation of therapeutic efficacy on an individual basis and thereby makes personalised medicine possible. Apoptosis is a well-organised mode of cell suicide that plays a role in cardiovascular diseases (CVD). Apoptosis is associated with loss of cardiomyocytes following myocardial infarction, atherosclerotic plaque instability, congestive heart failure and allograft rejection of the transplanted heart. Thus, apoptosis constitutes an attractive target for molecular imaging of CVD. Our current knowledge about the molecular players and mechanisms underlying apoptosis offers a rich palette of potential molecular targets for molecular imaging. However, only a few have been successfully developed so far. This review highlights aspects of the molecular machinery and biochemistry of apoptosis relevant to the development of molecular imaging probes. It surveys the role of apoptosis in four major areas of CVD and portrays the importance and future perspectives of apoptosis imaging. The annexin A5 imaging protocol is emphasised since it is the most advanced protocol to measure apoptosis in both preclinical and clinical studies. (orig.)

  4. Different mechanisms between premitotic apoptosis and postmitotic apoptosis in X-irradiated U937 cells

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shinomiya, Nariyoshi; Kuno, Yukie; Yamamoto, Fuyumi; Fukasawa, Masashi; Okumura, Atsushi; Uefuji, Megumi; Rokutanda, Makoto


    Purpose: Apoptosis is currently being evaluated for its importance as a pathway of radiation-induced cell death. However, the difference in the mechanisms between premitotic and postmitotic apoptosis following X-irradiation remains not well understood. We show here that the human monoblastoid cell line U937 can be induced to undergo these two different types of apoptosis. Methods and Materials: U937 cells were irradiated at a dose of 5 or 20 Gy, and the DNA fragmentation rate was measured by both flow cytometric analysis and gel electrophoresis. Activation of caspase-3 was detected by Western blot analysis and fluorogenic assay using acetyl-Asp-Glu-Val-Asp-7-amino-4-methyl-coumarin (Ac-DEVD-AMC). Detection of mitochondrial transmembrane potential (no. DELTAno. no. PSIno. ) was performed by using Rho123. Chasing of S-phase fraction following X-irradiation was performed after labeling with 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine (BrdU). Thymidine was used for synchronization of the cells. Inhibition of caspase-3 activity was achieved by Acetyl-Asp-Glu-Val-Asp-aldehyde (Ac-DEVD-CHO). Results: Time courses of the apoptotic rates, caspase activation, and no. DELTAno. no. PSIno. indicated that two different types of cell death were induced by the different X-ray doses. High-dose X-ray (20 Gy) induced a rapid and strong apoptosis, whereas low-dose X-ray (5 Gy) induced a slow and mild apoptosis. Cell-cycle analyses revealed that there was cell death before cell division in the former apoptosis but the cells must be dying after cell division in the latter apoptosis. By means of cell-cycle synchronization, the S-phase cells proved to be the most sensitive fraction to premitotic apoptosis, but an obvious difference in the susceptibility to cell death among the cell-cycle phases was not observed in postmitotic apoptosis. Ac-DEVD-CHO treatment effectively blocked caspase activity and premitotic apoptosis, but it failed to block postmitotic apoptosis. Conclusions: Irradiation of U937 cells at

  5. Estudio de apoptosis linfoide por esteroides en 1 caso con miastenia gravis: Seguimiento por ultrasonografía

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    Leticia de la Caridad Christian López


    Full Text Available La miastenia gravis es una entidad clínica de origen autoinmune, cuya terapia habitual se realiza con drogas anticolinérgicas, la timectomía o la terapia con esteroides. Fue el objetivo del trabajo el conocer los cambios que se producen en el tamaño del área tímica, con el uso de esteroides, en una paciente de 2 años de edad, que presentaba miastenia gravis juvenil, con una hiperplasia tímica. Esta glándula alcanzó un área máxima de 1 928 mm. Con el uso de la prednisona a 60 mg por semanas se produjo una timectomía medicamentosa, con la reducción del área tímica a 439 mm y remisión total de la sintomatología. Se realizaron las mediciones periódicamente durante un año de los cambios del área de este órgano. No se produjeron recaídas de la enfermedad de base. La ultrasonografía demostró ser un método útil, por ser rápido, barato y no invasiva y permite un ajuste adecuado de la dosis de esteroides que se administrará.Myasthenia gravis is a clinical agent of autoimmune origin, whose habitual therapy includes anticholinergic drugs, thymectomy, or therapy with steroids. The objective of this paper was to know the changes that occur in the size of the thymic area in a 2-year-old patient with juvenile myasthenia gravis and with thymic hyperplasia. This gland reached a maximum area of 1 928 mm and with the use of 60 mg of prednisone per week a medicamentosus thymectomy was performed with the reduction of the thymic area to 439 mm and total remission of the symptomatology. The changes of the area of this organ were periodically measured during a year. There were no relapses of the base disease. The ultrasonography proved to be a useful method, since it is fast, cheap and noninvasive and allows an adequate control of the steroids dose to be administered.

  6. Rol de las células estrelladas hepáticas en la respuesta inflamatoria-fibrótica de la esquistosomiasis murina | Role of hepatic stellate cells in the inflammatory-fibrotic response murine schistosomiasis


    Eva Velásquez Bolívar; Ángel Castillo Corujo; Emilia Barrios; Miguel Cosenza; Génesis Ochoa


    Las Células Estrelladas Hepáticas (HSCs) son una de las principales fuentes de colágeno en el hígado y juegan un papel crucial en la fibrogénesis inducida por los esquistosomas. Las HSCs en reposo funcionan principalmente almacenando la vitamina A, pero en respuesta a la lesión del tejido hepático, se activan y sufren transdiferenciación a miofibroblastos, que se caracterizan por la producción de la matriz extracelular (ECM), componentes ricos en colágenos fibrilares. En la esquistosomiasis, ...

  7. Evaluación del riesgo de desarrollar hipoacusia en el colectivo de alumnos de conservatorios de música.


    Santirso-Sánchez, Sara


    El presente trabajo analiza el riesgo de desarrollar hipoacusia inducida por el ruido en el colectivo de estudiantes de música como consecuencia de su propia actividad de práctica, estudio y ensayo con el instrumento, al estar expuestos de forma prolongada a sonidos de elevada intensidad. Por una parte se ha examinado la literatura sobre los problemas de audición en los músicos y se han revisado los conceptos físico-biológicos básicos en la audición, con objeto de identifica...

  8. Anti-inflammatory effects of an aqueous extract of Capraria biflora L.


    Acosta, Sulay Loy; Muro, Liliana Vicet; López Sacerio, Arelys; Lorenzo Monteagudo, Geidy; Reinoso Peña, Ania; Okwei, Samuel Narku


    Se investigaron los efectos antinflamatorios de las hojas de Capraria biflora L. El extracto acuoso fue preparado al 10% y se administró a ratas en el modelo del edema plantar inducido por carragenina y a ratones en el modelo de peritonitis inducida por el mismo agente. En ambos ensayos, la dosis de 200 mg kg -1 del extracto mostró un efecto similar a la indometacina y el efecto fue dosis-dependiente. Los efectos antinflamatorios de esta planta podrían obedecer a diversos mecanismos y los fla...

  9. Enfermedad celiaca en niños del noroeste de México: características clínicas de 24 casos


    N. Sotelo Cruz; A.M. Calderón de la Barca; J.G. Hurtado Valenzuela


    Antecedentes: La enfermedad celiaca (EC) es una enteropatía autoinmune inducida por el gluten del trigo dietético, con serias consecuencias si no se diagnostica y trata tempranamente. Hay además otras alteraciones asociadas a la ingestión de gluten, que es importante conocer, por su multiplicidad de presentaciones clínicas. Objetivos: Describir los patrones más comunes de presentación de EC y alteraciones asociadas al gluten en niños de la región noroeste de México, con incipiente conocimi...

  10. Longitud del ciclo estral en ratas Sprague Dawley tratadas in útero con extracto de Roystonea regia Estrus cycle length in Sprague Dawley rats in uterus using Roystonea regia extract


    Ariadne Gutiérrez Martínez; Rafael Gámez Menéndez; Balia Pardo Acosta; Gisela Marrero Cofiño


    El D-004 consiste en una mezcla de ácidos grasos que inhibe significativamente la hiperplasia prostática inducida por testosterona en roedores. El objetivo del presente estudio fue evidenciar los posibles efectos adversos sobre el ciclo estral de hembras F1 expuestas in útero al D-004. Se utilizaron ratas Sprague Dawley, distribuidas aleatoriamente en 4 grupos: un control y 3 tratados con D-004 a las dosis de 500, 750 y 1 000 mg/kg; las hembras recibieron la administración de la dosis por vía...

  11. Muerte celular inducida por condiciones ambientales adversas en Calibrachoa parviflora (Petunia

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    Daniela Montes Berrueta


    Full Text Available Se ha descrito que condiciones ambientales extremas tales como altas temperaturas, luz ultravioleta y el efecto invernadero, alteran la tasa de crecimiento de las plantas. En este trabajo se investigó el efecto agudo de dos condiciones ambientales extremas tales como la limitación de nutrientes y la acidificación del suelo con ácido sulfúrico, un compuesto comúnmente depositado en los suelos como consecuencia de la llamada lluvia ácida, sobre la tasa de muerte y proliferación celular en petunias (Calibrachoa parviflora. Para tales efectos, grupos de petunias fueron sometidas a tres condiciones diferentes: grupo A o control, mantenida en condiciones óptimas y de suministro de nutrientes, grupo B en ausencia de nutrientes y de luz natural, y grupo C expuestas a agua acidificada con ácido sulfúrico. En un seguimiento hasta 72 horas, se analizaron muestras de pétalos, hojas y tallos de cada una de las plantas y, posterior a la extracción de los núcleos, estos fueron teñidos con ioduro de propidio, un agente intercalante del ADN, y analizados mediante citometría de flujo y microscopía de fluorescencia. Los resultados muestran que ambas condiciones extremas generan un desbalance en el proceso de muerte/sobrevida de las petunias, pero a diferencia de las plantas del grupo B, las plantas del grupo C no incrementaron la tasa de proliferación celular. Estos resultados sugieren que las plantas que crecen en suelos ácidos pierden la capacidad compensatoria ante la señal de estrés que se genera a consecuencia de la exposición aguda a concentraciones tóxicas de ácido sulfúrico. Cell death induced by adverse environmental conditions in Calibrachoa parviflora (petunia Abstract It has been previously reported that extreme environmental conditions such as high temperatures, ultraviolet light and the greenhouse effect, alter the rate of growth in plants. In this study we investigated the acute effect of two extreme environmental conditions: nutrient deprivation and soil acidification with sulfuric acid, a compound commonly deposited in the soil, as a result of acid rain, on the rate of death and cell proliferation in petunias (Calibrachoa parviflora. For this purpose, a group of petunias was subjected to three different conditions: group A or control, kept in optimum conditions and nutrient supply, group B in the absence of nutrients and natural light and group C, exposed to water acidified with sulfuric acid. In continuous observations for up to 72 hours, samples from petals, leaves and stems of each plant were analyzed and after nuclei extraction; these were treated with propidium iodide, a DNA intercalator compound, and analyzed by flow cytometry and fluorescence microscopy. The results show that both extreme conditions generate an imbalance in the process of death/survival of petunias, but unlike plants from group B, plants in group C, did not increase their rate of cell proliferation. These results suggest that plants growing in acid soils lose their ability to compensate the stress signal generated as a result of acute exposure to toxic concentrations of sulfuric acid.

  12. Aspergilosis pulmonar secundaria a neutropenia inducida por metimazol: reporte de un caso Pulmonary aspergillosis due to methimazole-induced neutropenia: a case report

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    Miguel E. Pinto


    Full Text Available Se reporta el caso de una paciente de 48 años de edad con diagnóstico reciente de enfermedad de Graves, quien acudió a emergencia por presentar fiebre, palpitaciones y dolor faríngeo. Su tratamiento regular incluía metimazol. Al ingreso, los análisis mostraron TSH suprimido, T4 libre elevado y neutropenia. La paciente fue hospitalizada, se administraron antibióticos y factor estimulante de colonia. Después de diez días de tratamiento, la paciente presentó leucocitosis, fiebre y hemoptisis. La tomografía de tórax mostró una cavidad con múltiples nódulos en el lóbulo superior derecho. Los cultivos fueron positivos a Aspergillus fumigatus y Aspergillus flavus. Se inició tratamiento con anfotericina B y luego se cambió a voriconazol, a pesar de lo cual no hubo mejoría del cuadro. La paciente falleció por falla multiorgánica.A 48-year old woman with a recent diagnosis of Graves’ disease arrived at the emergency room with fever, palpitations, and a sore throat. Her regular treatment included methimazole. On admission, laboratory results showed suppressed TSH, elevated free thyroxine, and neutropenia. She was admitted and started on antibiotics and granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor (gm-csf. After ten days, the patient developed leukocytosis, fever, and hemoptysis. Chest CT scan showed a lung cavity with multiple nodules in the upper right lobe. Cultures from a lung biopsy were positive for Aspergillus Fumigatus and Aspergillus Flavus. Amphotericin B was started but then switched to voriconazole, with both treatments failing to result in clinical improvement. The patient died of multi-organ failure.

  13. Citotoxicidad del cadmio en hepatocitos de ratón albino y sus posibles implicaciones en ambientes tropicales


    Letty Marcano; Clarisa de R. Faría; Ingrid Carruyo; Xiomara Montiel


    Se realizó un análisis de las alteraciones fenotípicas, estructurales y ultraestructurales inducidas por Cd+2 en hepatocitos de ratón albino suizo. El metal fue suministrado vía oral en solución acuosa de CdCl2 durante 100 días a concentraciones de 50 ppm, 100 ppm y 150 ppm, en los controles la solución de cadmio fue sustituida por agua destilada. Las muestras fueron procesadas utilizando la técnica de inclusión en parafina y teñidas con hematoxilina- eosina para microscopía óptica y por la t...

  14. Hyperthermia-induced apoptosis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Nijhuis, E.H.A.


    This thesis describes a number of studies that investigated several aspects of heat-induced apoptosis in human lymphoid malignancies. Cells harbour both pro- and anti-apoptotic proteins and the balance between these proteins determines whether a cell is susceptible to undergo apoptosis. In this

  15. Características de la estructura molecular de las proteínas E del virus del Zika y E1 del virus de la rubéola y posibles implicaciones en el neurotropismo y en las alteraciones del sistema nervioso

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    Luis Alberto Gómez


    Conclusión. La comparación de las proteínas E-ZIKV y E1-RV es un paso necesario hacia la definición de otros factores moleculares determinantes del neurotropismo y la patogenia del ZIKV, el cual puede contribuir a generar estrategias de diagnóstico, prevención y tratamiento de las complicaciones neurológicas inducidas por el ZIKV.

  16. Variación en la actividad microbiana por cambio de uso en suelos en sabanas, Llanos Orientales, Venezuela

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    Yrma Gómez


    Full Text Available En los llanos orientales de Venezuela la forma tradicional de uso de las sabanas de Trachypogon ha sido el pastoreo extensivo. La presión sobre éstas para obtener una mayor productividad animal ha estimulado la introducción de plantas exóticas para forrajes, tales como: Brachiaria brizantha y Andropogon gayanus. A pesar de que grandes extensiones de sabanas están siendo sometidas a este cambio de uso de la tierra, es escasa la información acerca del efecto que estas pasturas y la actividad de pastoreo tienen sobre la actividad microbiana en el suelo; por lo que el objetivo del presente estudio fue determinar el impacto que el pastoreo extensivo y la substitución de la cobertura nativa tienen sobre la actividad microbiana en estos suelos. El muestreo fue llevado a cabo durante las temporadas de sequía y lluvias. Los parámetros empleados para determinar cambios en la actividad microbiana fueron la respiración inducida por sustrato (RIS, la respiración basal (RB, la actividad de la deshidrogenasa (DHS, la hidrólisis del diacetato de fluorisceína (DAF y la amonificación de la arginina (AA. La similitud de las características estructurales de los suelos estudiados nos permite inferir, que las diferencias en los parámetros microbiológicos, están determinadas por las condiciones climáticas y el manejo del suelo. Los resultados muestran que en estos suelos existe una baja actividad microbiana. La temporada lluviosa provocó un incremento en todos los parámetros microbiológicos determinados. B. brizantha hizo un mayor aporte de carbono al suelo y promovió una mayor actividad heterotrófica. El pastoreo extensivo y la baja carga animal en las sabanas de los llanos orientales de Venezuela no afectaron la actividad microbiana del suelo.

  17. Exercício físico previne alterações cardiometabólicas induzidas pelo uso crônico de glicocorticóides Ejercicio físico previene alteraciones cardiometabólicas inducidas por el uso crónico de glucocorticoides Exercise prevents cardiometabolic alterations induced by chronic use of glucocorticoids

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    Carlos Hermano da Justa Pinheiro


    , diabetes, dislipidemia, esteatosis hepática e hipertensión arterial. OBJETIVOS: Evaluar el efecto de la práctica regular de ejercicio físico aeróbico sobre las alteraciones cardiometabólicas inducidas por administración crónica de dexametasona (Dex - 0,5 mg/kg/día i.p en ratones. MÉTODOS: Se dividieron ratones Wistar machos (n = 24 en cuatro grupos: Grupo control; Grupo entrenado; Grupo tratado con Dex y Grupo tratado con Dex y entrenado. El entrenamiento físico (iniciado 72 horas después de la primera dosis de Dex se realizó 3 veces por semana, hasta el final del tratamiento. Al final de ese período, se realizaron las siguientes evaluaciones bioquímicas: glicemia en ayunas, test de tolerancia a la glucosa y análisis del perfil lipídico en sangre que incluyó colesterol total (CT, LDL-c, HDL-c, VLDL-c y triglicéridos (TG. También se evaluaron, el peso del músculo gastrocnemio, análisis histopatológico del hígado y los índices cardiometabólicos (CT/HDL-c, LDL-c/HDL-c y TG/HDL-c. RESULTADOS: Se observó hiperglicemia, menor tolerancia a la glucosa, elevación de CT, LDL-c, VLDL-c y TG, disminución del HDL-c, presencia de esteatosis hepática, hipotrofia muscular y elevación de los índices CT/HDL-c, LDL-c/HDL-c y TG/HDL-c en los animales tratados con Dex. El ejercicio físico redujo la hiperglicemia, mejoró la tolerancia a la glucosa, redujo la dislipidemia y previno la esteatosis hepática, la hipotrofia muscular y redujo los índices CT/HDL-c, LDL-c/ HDL-c ye TG/HDL-c. Con todo, no hubo efecto significativo del entrenamiento físico sobre el HDL-c. CONCLUSIÓN: El ejercicio físico aeróbico tiene efecto protector con las alteraciones cardiometabólicas inducidas por el uso crónico de glucocorticoides.BACKGROUND: Chronically, glucocorticoids induce adverse cardiometabolic alterations including insulin resistance, diabetes, dyslipidemia, liver steatosis and arterial hypertension. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the effect of regular practice of aerobic

  18. Prevalencia de la pérdida auditiva y factores correlacionados en una industria cementera Prevalence and correlates of hearing loss

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    Sendy Isarel Hernández-Gaytán


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Documentar el impacto de la exposición laboral al ruido, así como sus relaciones con otros factores que pueden inducir pérdidas auditivas. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Durante enero y febrero de 1997 se llevó a cabo un estudio transversal en una planta productora de cemento en el estado de Morelos. Se realizaron una sonometría, dosimetría y pruebas audiométricas a 85 trabajadores para identificar las fuentes que generan ruido en las áreas de proceso, evaluar los niveles de ruido en dichas áreas (monitoreo de área y de personal y para determinar la prevalencia de pérdida auditiva inducida por el ruido entre los trabajadores. Para el análisis estadístico se emplearon medidas de tendencia central, análisis bivariado y modelos de regresión politómica. RESULTADOS: En las áreas de trituración, molinos de crudo y molinos de cemento se encontraron niveles elevados de ruido. La dosis personal más alta correspondió al puesto de envasador. En 55% de la población estudiada se presentó pérdida auditiva inducida por el ruido, y el área de proceso con el porcentaje más alto de pérdida auditiva inducida por el ruido fue la de calcinación, con 85%. CONCLUSIONES: Los resultados mostraron que el ruido es un serio riesgo en algunas áreas, y que algunos casos de pérdida auditiva inducida por el ruido hayan sido desarrollados por exposición ocupacional en esta industria. Se sugiere el diseño e implantación de un programa de conservación de la audición para proteger la salud y seguridad de los trabajadores.OBJECTIVE: To assess the impact of occupational exposure to noise, as well as its relationship with other factors that can induce hearing loss. MATERIAL AND METHODS: In January and February 1997, we conducted sonometry and dosimetry tests in a cement factory, as well as audiometric test in 85 cement workers, to identify sources of noise and evaluate the effect to noise exposure and other factors, of the prevalence of occupational

  19. MicroRNA-1 promotes apoptosis of hepatocarcinoma cells by targeting apoptosis inhibitor-5 (API-5). (United States)

    Li, Dong; Liu, Yu; Li, Hua; Peng, Jing-Jing; Tan, Yan; Zou, Qiang; Song, Xiao-Feng; Du, Min; Yang, Zheng-Hui; Tan, Yong; Zhou, Jin-Jun; Xu, Tao; Fu, Zeng-Qiang; Feng, Jian-Qiong; Cheng, Peng; chen, Tao; Wei, Dong; Su, Xiao-Mei; Liu, Huan-Yi; Qi, Zhong-Chun; Tang, Li-Jun; Wang, Tao; Guo, Xin; Hu, Yong-He; Zhang, Tao


    Although microRNA-1 (miR-1) is a known liver cancer suppressor, the role of miR-1 in apoptosis of hepatoma cells has remained largely unknown. Our study shows that ectopic miR-1 overexpression induced apoptosis of liver hepatocellular carcinoma (HepG2) cells. Apoptosis inhibitor 5 (API-5) was found to be a potential regulator of miR-1 induced apoptosis, using a bioinformatics approach. Furthermore, an inverse relationship between miR-1 and API-5 expression was observed in human liver cancer tissues and adjacent normal liver tissues. Negative regulation of API-5 expression by miR-1 was demonstrated to promote apoptosis of HepG2 cells. Our study provides a novel regulatory mechanism of miR-1 in the apoptosis of hepatoma cells. Copyright © 2014 Federation of European Biochemical Societies. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  20. Apoptosis: its pathophysiology and monitoring. The role of apoptosis in the radioiodine therapy of hyperthyroidism

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sopotyk, J.; Rogowski, F.; Parfienczyk, A.


    The review aims to give an up to date understanding of the mechanisms of apoptosis (programmed cell death), the methods of detecting apoptosis, in particular with regard to imaging such changes non-invasively. Radioiodine (I-131) is a gamma and beta emitting radionuclide and is commonplace in the treatment of hyperthyroidism. I-131 therapy relies on the destruction of thyroid tissue by beta radiation, and such destruction is proposed to be partly as a result of apoptosis. The review undertakes to explore and provoke research into the mechanisms of thyroid cell destruction by I-131, and whether such changes are able to be detected or monitored. Current knowledge concerning apoptosis in the thyroid gland in diseased states (including cancer) are described. The clinical significance of monitoring and modifying apoptosis are emphasized. Furthermore, overt and late destruction of thyroid tissue following I-131 therapy requires elaboration, and the relevance of detecting and modifying thyroid cell apoptosis following I-131 are questioned.(author)

  1. Targeting Apoptosis Signaling in Pancreatic Cancer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fulda, Simone


    The ability to escape apoptosis or programmed cell death is a hallmark of human cancers, for example pancreatic cancer. This can promote tumorigenesis, since too little cell death by apoptosis disturbs tissue homeostasis. Additionally, defective apoptosis signaling is the underlying cause of failure to respond to current treatment approaches, since therapy-mediated antitumor activity requires the intactness of apoptosis signaling pathways in cancer cells. Thus, the elucidation of defects in the regulation of apoptosis in pancreatic carcinoma can result in the identification of novel targets for therapeutic interference and for exploitation for cancer drug discovery

  2. Targeting Apoptosis Signaling in Pancreatic Cancer

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fulda, Simone [Institute for Experimental Cancer Research in Pediatrics, Goethe-University Frankfurt, Komturstr. 3a, 60528 Frankfurt (Germany)


    The ability to escape apoptosis or programmed cell death is a hallmark of human cancers, for example pancreatic cancer. This can promote tumorigenesis, since too little cell death by apoptosis disturbs tissue homeostasis. Additionally, defective apoptosis signaling is the underlying cause of failure to respond to current treatment approaches, since therapy-mediated antitumor activity requires the intactness of apoptosis signaling pathways in cancer cells. Thus, the elucidation of defects in the regulation of apoptosis in pancreatic carcinoma can result in the identification of novel targets for therapeutic interference and for exploitation for cancer drug discovery.

  3. Evaluación de la reproducción inducida del blanquillo ( Sorubim cuspicaudus Littmann, Burr Nass, 2000 con ovaprim®.

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    Víctor Atencio G


    Full Text Available El blanquillo ( Sorubim suspicaudus Littmann, Burr &Nass, 2000 presenta características de importanciapara la acuicultura, destacándose la calidad de sucarne y el alto valor comercial. No se reproduce enconfinamiento, por lo que es necesario sureproducción inducida con sustancias hormonales.Responde bien a la inducción con extracto de pituitariade capa (EPC; sin embargo, no se ha evaluado suinducción con extracto de análogos deGonodotropine Releasing Hormone de salmón(sGnRH-a y domperidone en un vehículo inerte. Porlo tanto, entre mayo y noviembre/02, se evaluó eldesempeño reproductivo del blanquillo inducido condiferentes dosificaciones de Ovaprim®: 0.25 (T2,0.050 (T3 y 0.75 ml/kg de peso vivo (T4, aplicadoen una sola dosificación, por inyección en la basede la aleta pectoral. Además, un grupo fue inducidocon 8 mg EPC/kg de peso vivo (TI, en dos inyeccionesde 10 y7 90% de la dosis total, con intervalo de 6horas, por vía intramuscular. Se indujeron entre seisy nueve hembras por tratamiento con igual númerode machos. El desempeño reproductivo fue evaluadomediante el índice de ovulación (hembras ovuladas/hembras tratadas, tasa de fertilización medida a las4 horas pos-eclosión (HPF, tasa de eclosión medidaa las 10 HPF y la fecundidad tanto absoluta comorelativa. El Ovaprim® mostró ser efectivo para inducirla ovulación del blanquillo en las dosificacionesevaluadas (0.25 a 0.75 mL/kg, con respuestassimilares en el desempeño reproductivo a lasobtenidas en EPC. La ovulación con Ovaprim® seobtuvo entre las 12.8 y 14.0 horas con temperaturapromedio del agua de 27.3ºC. El índice de ovulaciónosciló entre 66.7% (T2 y 83.3% (T3; la tasa defertilización osciló entre 88.0% (T3 y 42.0% (T1; latasa de eclosión osciló entre 83.7% (T3 y 40.3%(T1;la fecundidad absoluta osciló entre 40370.6 (T1 y82992.5 ovocitos/hembra (T2; la fecundad relativa,expresada en gramos de ovocitos/kg de hembra,osciló entre 32.1 (T3 y 63.1(T2; el di

  4. Beta-irradiation used for systemic radioimmunotherapy induces apoptosis and activates apoptosis pathways in leukaemia cells

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Friesen, Claudia; Lubatschofski, Annelie; Debatin, Klaus-Michael; Kotzerke, Joerg; Buchmann, Inga; Reske, Sven N.


    Beta-irradiation used for systemic radioimmunotherapy (RIT) is a promising treatment approach for high-risk leukaemia and lymphoma. In bone marrow-selective radioimmunotherapy, beta-irradiation is applied using iodine-131, yttrium-90 or rhenium-188 labelled radioimmunoconjugates. However, the mechanisms by which beta-irradiation induces cell death are not understood at the molecular level. Here, we report that beta-irradiation induced apoptosis and activated apoptosis pathways in leukaemia cells depending on doses, time points and dose rates. After beta-irradiation, upregulation of CD95 ligand and CD95 receptor was detected and activation of caspases resulting in apoptosis was found. These effects were completely blocked by the broad-range caspase inhibitor zVAD-fmk. In addition, irradiation-mediated mitochondrial damage resulted in perturbation of mitochondrial membrane potential, caspase-9 activation and cytochrome c release. Bax, a death-promoting protein, was upregulated and Bcl-x L , a death-inhibiting protein, was downregulated. We also found higher apoptosis rates and earlier activation of apoptosis pathways after gamma-irradiation in comparison to beta-irradiation at the same dose rate. Furthermore, irradiation-resistant cells were cross-resistant to CD95 and CD95-resistant cells were cross-resistant to irradiation, indicating that CD95 and irradiation used, at least in part, identical effector pathways. These findings demonstrate that beta-irradiation induces apoptosis and activates apoptosis pathways in leukaemia cells using both mitochondrial and death receptor pathways. Understanding the timing, sequence and molecular pathways of beta-irradiation-mediated apoptosis may allow rational adjustment of chemo- and radiotherapeutic strategies. (orig.)

  5. Disfunción endotelial en la preeclampsia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Pacheco Romero


    Full Text Available Desconocemos aún la etiología de la preeclampsia, pero ahora sabemos que no es sólo una hipertensión inducida por el embarazo, sino que existe interacción entre una perfusión placentaria disminuida y la alteración en la función endotelial materna, probablemente por razones inmunológicas de rechazo parcial a la placentación normal. La contribución materna es de factores que anteceden al embarazo, influenciados por las adaptaciones metabólicas usuales. No existe un gen único que pueda explicar la preeclampsia, pero conocer la predisposición materna permite prevenir la preeclampsia en un grupo de mujeres.

  6. Impacto del síndrome metabólico en la resistencia a la recanalización arterial y en el pronóstico de los pacientes con oclusión aguda de la arteria cerebral media tratados con activador tisular del plasminógeno


    Dorado Bouix, Laura


    La recanalización arterial precoz es un punto clave para alcanzar un buen pronóstico funcional tras un ictus isquémico. El síndrome metabólico (SM) podría jugar un papel en la evolución de los pacientes con ictus isquémico tratados con activador tisular del plasminógeno (tPA) por vía sistémica (a) por su asociación a un estado protrombótico que podría interferir en la recanalización arterial inducida por tPA y (b) porque varias de las alteraciones metabólicas que acompañan al SM podrían contr...

  7. Aproximación a un modelo de costo eficacia de protectores auditivos en el ambiente laboral


    Ivonne Valero-Pacheco; Martha Isabel Riaño-Casallas; Frady Rodríguez-Páez


    Introducción: La escasa información disponible en relación con modelos de evaluación de costo efectividad de la protección auditiva, para la prevención de la hipoacusia neurosensorial inducida por el ruido laboral en Colombia, así como la confiabilidad de la información del nivel de atenuación de ruido que es suministrada por los fabricantes de elementos de protección auditiva, justificaron el desarrollo de esta investigación. Objetivos: Proponer un modelo de evaluación de costo eficacia de p...

  8. Evaluación y actuación podológica ante el síndrome de estrés tibial medial


    Mazuelas Álvarez, Sergio; Lluch Fruns, Joan


    El síndrome de estrés tibial medial (SEMT) fue nombrado por primera vez en 1.982. El SEMT tiene la incidencia más alta de lesiones en corredores. Los posibles mecanismos de acción pueden ser desde una periostitis inducida por tracción muscular, hasta una disfun­ción muscular. Los objetivos de este trabajo son: 1) Revisar cuales son los factores de riesgo más susceptibles de provocar el SEMT. 2) Comprobar las tendencias actuales en cuanto al diagnóstico, la prevención y el pronóstico del SEMT....

  9. Inflamación crónica granulomatosa en el pez teleósteo Piaractus mesopotamicus: modelo de estudio histopatológico


    G Manrique, Wilson; AP Figueiredo, Mayra; Belo, Marco AA; Martins, Maurício L; Moraes, Flávio R


    Objetivo. Este estudio evaluó la cinética celular y la formación de granuloma durante la inflamación crónica inducida por el Bacilo Calmette-Guérin (BCG) en el músculo esquelético de Piaractus mesopotamicus, como modelo histopatológico para estudiar la inmunidad innata. Materiales y métodos. Sesenta peces fueron divididos en dos grupos: peces inoculados con BCG y no inoculados y la respuesta inflamatoria analizada en 3, 7, 14, 21 y 33 días post-inóculo (DPI) por medio del análisis histopatoló...

  10. Reparaciones en la producción oral: un estudio sobre aprendices de español en Filipinas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sibayan, Anna Marie


    Full Text Available Suplemento del número 13 de marcoELE (julio - diciembre de 2011 Esta memoria presenta un estudio sobre la interlengua española de aprendices filipinos adultos, en una clase conversacional en la Universidad de Filipinas, mediante el análisis de sus autorreparaciones inducidas y no inducidas. Si bien los errores indican progreso en la interlengua (Corder, 1981, las reparaciones de dichos errores, aparte de indicar progreso, representan el límite máximo del mismo sistema interlingüístico (van Hest, 1996. Las cinco transcripciones analizadas, con una duración de 50 minutos cada una, se han examinado a partir de cuatro criterios: según el tipo de error, el tipo de corrección del profesor, las incorporaciones de la corrección por parte del alumno y los tipos de autorreparación. Los resultados incluyen la frecuencia y distribución de autorreparaciones inducidas —tanto las que se han realizado con éxito como las fallidas— en relación con los errores más frecuentes. También se ha observado que los alumnos, con la ayuda del profesor, pueden autocorregir exitosamente los errores «biopcionales» (por ejemplo: subjuntivo-indicativo, ser–estar. Asimismo, los alumnos son capaces de detectar y reparar satisfactoriamente sin la ayuda del profesor los errores de concordancia nominal y verbal, y el uso inadecuado de lexemas del mismo campo semántico. Otros errores que aparecen tan frecuentemente como estos, sin embargo, no reciben la misma atención. El análisis sugiere que la excesiva atención a la forma funciona siempre y cuando tanto el profesor como los alumnos coincidan en la conveniencia de incorporar esa retroalimentación correctiva en la práctica y uso de la L2.

  11. Neumonitis por hipersensibilidad en la ciudad de México Hypersensitivity pneumonitis in Mexico City

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    José G. Carrillo-Rodríguez


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Determinar la asociación entre la zona urbana de origen del paciente en la ciudad de México y la prevalencia de neumonitis por hipersensibilidad inducida por antígeno aviario. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Se trata de un estudio de casos y controles realizado en el Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Respiratorias, en la ciudad de México, en el año de 1999. Se estudiaron 109 casos con neumonitis por hipersensibilidad y 184 controles: de éstos, 39, con fibrosis pulmonar idiopática; 63, con tuberculosis pulmonar, y 82, con asma. La ciudad de México y las zonas conurbadas se dividieron en cinco zonas geográficas: centro, noreste, sureste, noroeste y el suroeste. Se calcularon las prevalencias de las diferentes enfermedades por zona urbana de los pacientes que participaron en el estudio; como medida de asociación, se estimó la razón de momios, con un intervalo de confianza al 95%. Asimismo, se realizó regresión logística múltiple ajustando por edad, sexo y estrato socioeconómico. RESULTADOS: Ochenta casos de neumonitis por hipersensibilidad se concentraron en el sur del noreste de las zonas conurbadas y la parte norte del sureste de la ciudad de México, 48 y 32, respectivamente (RM= 3.86, IC 95% 2.17-6.96. Treinta y seis controles de asma se localizaron en el suroeste de la ciudad de México, zona donde se ubica el Intituto Nacional de Enfermedades Respiratorias (pOBJECTIVE: To investigate the association between the urban area of origin of patients and the prevalence of hypersensitivity pneumonitis (HP, induced by avian antigens. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A case-control study was conducted in 1999 at the National Institute of Respiratory Diseases (NIRD. Cases were 109 consecutive HP patients and controls were 184 patients: 39 with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF, 63 with pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB, and 82 with asthma. Mexico City and surrounding counties (SC were divided into 5 geographical areas: 1 Downtown; 2 North-East (NE; 3

  12. Regulatory mechanisms of apoptosis in regularly dividing cells

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    Ribal S Darwish


    Full Text Available Ribal S DarwishDepartment of Anesthesiology, Division of Critical Care Medicine, University of Maryland Medical Center, Baltimore, Maryland, USAAbstract: The balance between cell survival and death is essential for normal development and homeostasis of organisms. Apoptosis is a distinct type of cell death with ultrastructural features that are consistent with an active, inherently controlled process. Abnormalities and ­dysregulation of apoptosis contribute to the pathophysiology of multiple disease processes. Apoptosis is strictly regulated by several positive and negative feedback mechanisms that regulate cell death and determine the final outcome after cell exposure to apoptotic stimuli. Mitochondria and caspases are central components of the regulatory mechanisms of ­apoptosis. Recently, noncaspase pathways of apoptosis have been explored through the studies of ­apoptosis-inducing factor and endonuclease G. Multiple difficulties in the apoptosis research relate to apoptosis detection and imaging. This article reviews current understanding of the regulatory mechanisms of apoptosis.Keywords: caspases, apoptosis-inducing factor, apoptosis inhibitory proteins, cytochrome c, mitochondria 

  13. Spironolactone induces apoptosis in human mononuclear cells. Association between apoptosis and cytokine suppression

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mikkelsen, Martin; Sønder, S U; Nersting, J


    preceding apoptosis. An association between the two effects was also seen when testing several SPIR analogues. Contrary to TNF-alpha, the levels of IL-1beta increased in SPIR-treated cultures. However, the amount of IL-1beta in the supernatants depended upon the order of SPIR and LPS addition, as IL-1beta....... In conclusion, suppression of cytokine production by SPIR may be associated with its apoptotic potential, either directly (apoptosis is a consequence of suppressed cytokine production, or vice-versa) or indirectly (suppressed cytokine production and apoptosis are parallel but otherwise unrelated phenomena)....

  14. Aislamiento y caracterización de proteínas de Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv con capacidad de modular la apoptosis de los macrófagos

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    Blanca Ortiz


    Full Text Available

    En los últimos años se ha descrito que la inducción de apoptosis puede ser un mecanismo de defensa contra las infecciones intracelulares, ya que se altera el microambiente intracelular, perdiéndose la permisividad para el crecimiento de microorganismos invasores. En el modelo murino la infección causada por la Mycobacterium tuberculosis induce apoptosis dependiendo de un delicado balance entre factores anti vs pro-apoptóticos, tanto del macrófago hospedero como de la
    micobacteria. La apoptosis depende de productos derivados de la micobacteria viable como el PPD, mientras que antígenos estructurales como el ManLAM pueden inhibirla. Una mayor caracterización de los antígenos micobacterianos que modulan la apoptosis es importante para entender la fisiopatología de la enfermedad y desarrollar estrategias novedosas para su control. En este trabajo se tiene como objetivo purificar antígenos
    micobacterianos y evaluar su papel en la modulación de la apoptosis de macrófagos murinos.



  15. Ubiquitination in apoptosis signaling

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van de Kooij, L.W.


    The work described in this thesis focuses on ubiquitination and protein degradation, with an emphasis on how these processes regulate apoptosis signaling. More specifically, our aims were: 1. To increase the understanding of ubiquitin-mediated regulation of apoptosis signaling. 2. To identify the E3

  16. Apoptosis in unicellular organisms: mechanisms and evolution. (United States)

    Gordeeva, A V; Labas, Y A; Zvyagilskaya, R A


    Data about the programmed death (apoptosis) in unicellular organisms, from bacteria to ciliates, are discussed. Firstly apoptosis appeared in lower eukaryotes, but its mechanisms in these organisms are different from the classical apoptosis. During evolution, the apoptotic process has been improving gradually, with reactive oxygen species and Ca2+ playing an essential role in triggering apoptosis. All eukaryotic organisms have apoptosis inhibitors, which might be introduced by viruses. In the course of evolution, caspases and apoptosis-inducing factor appeared before other apoptotic proteins, with so-called death receptors being the last among them. The functional analogs of eukaryotic apoptotic proteins take parts in the programmed death of bacteria.

  17. Apoptosis in Pneumovirus Infection

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    Reinout A. Bem


    Full Text Available Pneumovirus infections cause a wide spectrum of respiratory disease in humans and animals. The airway epithelium is the major site of pneumovirus replication. Apoptosis or regulated cell death, may contribute to the host anti-viral response by limiting viral replication. However, apoptosis of lung epithelial cells may also exacerbate lung injury, depending on the extent, the timing and specific location in the lungs. Differential apoptotic responses of epithelial cells versus innate immune cells (e.g., neutrophils, macrophages during pneumovirus infection can further contribute to the complex and delicate balance between host defense and disease pathogenesis. The purpose of this manuscript is to give an overview of the role of apoptosis in pneumovirus infection. We will examine clinical and experimental data concerning the various pro-apoptotic stimuli and the roles of apoptotic epithelial and innate immune cells during pneumovirus disease. Finally, we will discuss potential therapeutic interventions targeting apoptosis in the lungs.

  18. Apoptosis and inflammation

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    C. Haanen


    Full Text Available During the last few decades it has been recognized that cell death is not the consequence of accidental injury, but is the expression of a cell suicide programme. Kerr et al. (1972 introduced the term apoptosis. This form of cell death is under the influence of hormones, growth factors and cytokines, which depending upon the receptors present on the target cells, may activate a genetically controlled cell elimination process. During apoptosis the cell membrane remains intact and the cell breaks into apoptotic bodies, which are phagocytosed. Apoptosis, in contrast to necrosis, is not harmful to the host and does not induce any inflammatory reaction. The principal event that leads to inflammatory disease is cell damage, induced by chemical/physical injury, anoxia or starvation. Cell damage means leakage of cell contents into the adjacent tissues, resulting in the capillary transmigration of granulocytes to the injured tissue. The accumulation of neutrophils and release of enzymes and oxygen radicals enhances the inflammatory reaction. Until now there has been little research into the factors controlling the accumulation and the tissue load of granulocytes and their histotoxic products in inflammatory processes. Neutrophil apoptosis may represent an important event in the control of intlamtnation. It has been assumed that granulocytes disintegrate to apoptotic bodies before their fragments are removed by local macrophages. Removal of neutrophils from the inflammatory site without release of granule contents is of paramount importance for cessation of inflammation. In conclusion, apoptotic cell death plays an important role in inflammatory processes and in the resolution of inflammatory reactions. The facts known at present should stimulate further research into the role of neutrophil, eosinophil and macrophage apoptosis in inflammatory diseases.

  19. Apoptosis-inducing factor (Aif1) mediates anacardic acid-induced apoptosis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. (United States)

    Muzaffar, Suhail; Chattoo, Bharat B


    Anacardic acid is a medicinal phytochemical that inhibits proliferation of fungal as well as several types of cancer cells. It induces apoptotic cell death in various cell types, but very little is known about the mechanism involved in the process. Here, we used budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a model to study the involvement of some key elements of apoptosis in the anacardic acid-induced cell death. Plasma membrane constriction, chromatin condensation, DNA degradation, and externalization of phosphatidylserine (PS) indicated that anacardic acid induces apoptotic cell death in S. cerevisiae. However, the exogenous addition of broad-spectrum caspase inhibitor Z-VAD-FMK or deletion of the yeast caspase Yca1 showed that the anacardic acid-induced cell death is caspase independent. Apoptosis-inducing factor (AIF1) deletion mutant was resistant to the anacardic acid-induced cell death, suggesting a key role of Aif1. Overexpression of Aif1 made cells highly susceptible to anacardic acid, further confirming that Aif1 mediates anacardic acid-induced apoptosis. Interestingly, instead of the increase in the intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) normally observed during apoptosis, anacardic acid caused a decrease in the intracellular ROS levels. Quantitative real-time PCR analysis showed downregulation of the BIR1 survivin mRNA expression during the anacardic acid-induced apoptosis.

  20. La redistribución dinámica mitocondria-núcleo de la inmunofilina FKBP51 es regulada por PKA para modular la expresión de genes durante el proceso de adipogénesis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Judith Toneatto


    Full Text Available Los glucocorticoides tienen un papel central en la adipogénesis, por su unión al receptor RG citoplasmático formando parte de un heterocomplejo también integrado por una inmunofilina (INM de alto peso molecular, FKBP51 o FKBP52. Durante la diferenciación adipocítica los niveles de Hsp90, Hsp70 y p23 no se modifican, mientras la expresión de FKBP52 disminuye y la de FKBP51 aumenta progresivamente. FKBP51 sufre una dinámica redistribución mitocondria-núcleo al inicio del proceso de adipogénesis, concentrándose en la lámina nuclear coincidiendo temporalmente con su reorganización. A las 48 h la INM se concentra nuevamente en las mitocondrias. Esta dinámica redistribución mitocondria-núcleo es regulada por glucocorticoides principalmente, por la vía AMPc-PKA ya que la inhibición de PKA por PKI-miristoilado bloquea la traslocación de FKBP51 a núcleo inducida por 3-isobutil-1-metilxantina (IBMX. PKA-c se asocia con RG de manera ligando-dependiente potenciando su actividad transcripcional y ésta disminuye con IBMX, forskolina o dibutiril-AMPc que inducen la traslocación a núcleo de FKBP51 y, por lo tanto, PKA podría ejercer un papel dual en la regulación de dicho factor. En síntesis, la presencia de FKBP51 en el núcleo dependiente de la activación de PKA puede ser crítica para el control de RG y posiblemente para otros factores no pertenecientes a la familia de los receptores nucleares cuya función es regulada también por dicha vía de señalización, evento que tiene lugar en una etapa del proceso de diferenciación con alto nivel de remodelamiento de cromatina, pero donde la transcripción debe estar estrictamente controlada para la adquisición del fenotipo adipocítico.

  1. Apoptosis and Molecular Targeting Therapy in Cancer (United States)

    Hassan, Mohamed; Watari, Hidemichi; AbuAlmaaty, Ali; Ohba, Yusuke; Sakuragi, Noriaki


    Apoptosis is the programmed cell death which maintains the healthy survival/death balance in metazoan cells. Defect in apoptosis can cause cancer or autoimmunity, while enhanced apoptosis may cause degenerative diseases. The apoptotic signals contribute into safeguarding the genomic integrity while defective apoptosis may promote carcinogenesis. The apoptotic signals are complicated and they are regulated at several levels. The signals of carcinogenesis modulate the central control points of the apoptotic pathways, including inhibitor of apoptosis (IAP) proteins and FLICE-inhibitory protein (c-FLIP). The tumor cells may use some of several molecular mechanisms to suppress apoptosis and acquire resistance to apoptotic agents, for example, by the expression of antiapoptotic proteins such as Bcl-2 or by the downregulation or mutation of proapoptotic proteins such as BAX. In this review, we provide the main regulatory molecules that govern the main basic mechanisms, extrinsic and intrinsic, of apoptosis in normal cells. We discuss how carcinogenesis could be developed via defective apoptotic pathways or their convergence. We listed some molecules which could be targeted to stimulate apoptosis in different cancers. Together, we briefly discuss the development of some promising cancer treatment strategies which target apoptotic inhibitors including Bcl-2 family proteins, IAPs, and c-FLIP for apoptosis induction. PMID:25013758

  2. Apoptosis in the eye.


    Chahory , Sabine; Torriglia , Alicia


    Apoptosis is a normal component of the development and health of multicellular organisms. Cells die during apoptosis in a controlled, regulated fashion. This form of cell death is very important in eye development as well as in eye pathology. We review in this chapter our current knowledge in this topic.

  3. Apoptosis in mammalian oocytes: a review. (United States)

    Tiwari, Meenakshi; Prasad, Shilpa; Tripathi, Anima; Pandey, Ashutosh N; Ali, Irfan; Singh, Arvind K; Shrivastav, Tulsidas G; Chaube, Shail K


    Apoptosis causes elimination of more than 99% of germ cells from cohort of ovary through follicular atresia. Less than 1% of germ cells, which are culminated in oocytes further undergo apoptosis during last phases of oogenesis and depletes ovarian reserve in most of the mammalian species including human. There are several players that induce apoptosis directly or indirectly in oocytes at various stages of meiotic cell cycle. Premature removal of encircling granulosa cells from immature oocytes, reduced levels of adenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate and guanosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate, increased levels of calcium (Ca(2+)) and oxidants, sustained reduced level of maturation promoting factor, depletion of survival factors, nutrients and cell cycle proteins, reduced meiotic competency, increased levels of proapoptotic as well as apoptotic factors lead to oocyte apoptosis. The BH3-only proteins also act as key regulators of apoptosis in oocyte within the ovary. Both intrinsic (mitochondria-mediated) as well as extrinsic (cell surface death receptor-mediated) pathways are involved in oocyte apoptosis. BID, a BH3-only protein act as a bridge between both apoptotic pathways and its cleavage activates cell death machinery of both the pathways inside the follicular microenvironment. Oocyte apoptosis leads to the depletion of ovarian reserve that directly affects reproductive outcome of various mammals including human. In this review article, we highlight some of the important players and describe the pathways involved during oocyte apoptosis in mammals.

  4. SIRT6 knockout cells resist apoptosis initiation but not progression: a computational method to evaluate the progression of apoptosis. (United States)

    Domanskyi, Sergii; Nicholatos, Justin W; Schilling, Joshua E; Privman, Vladimir; Libert, Sergiy


    Apoptosis is essential for numerous processes, such as development, resistance to infections, and suppression of tumorigenesis. Here, we investigate the influence of the nutrient sensing and longevity-assuring enzyme SIRT6 on the dynamics of apoptosis triggered by serum starvation. Specifically, we characterize the progression of apoptosis in wild type and SIRT6 deficient mouse embryonic fibroblasts using time-lapse flow cytometry and computational modelling based on rate-equations and cell distribution analysis. We find that SIRT6 deficient cells resist apoptosis by delaying its initiation. Interestingly, once apoptosis is initiated, the rate of its progression is higher in SIRT6 null cells compared to identically cultured wild type cells. However, SIRT6 null cells succumb to apoptosis more slowly, not only in response to nutrient deprivation but also in response to other stresses. Our data suggest that SIRT6 plays a role in several distinct steps of apoptosis. Overall, we demonstrate the utility of our computational model to describe stages of apoptosis progression and the integrity of the cellular membrane. Such measurements will be useful in a broad range of biological applications.

  5. Chromosomal aberrations induced by alpha particles; Aberraciones cromosomicas inducidas por particulas {alpha}

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Guerrero C, C.; Brena V, M. [ININ, 52045 Ocoyoacac, Estado de Mexico (Mexico)]. e-mail:


    The chromosomal aberrations produced by the ionizing radiation are commonly used when it is necessary to establish the exposure dose of an individual, it is a study that is used like complement of the traditional physical systems and its application is only in cases in that there is doubt about what indicates the conventional dosimetry. The biological dosimetry is based on the frequency of aberrations in the chromosomes of the lymphocytes of the individual in study and the dose is calculated taking like reference to the dose-response curves previously generated In vitro. A case of apparent over-exposure to alpha particles to which is practiced analysis of chromosomal aberrations to settle down if in fact there was exposure and as much as possible, to determine the presumed dose is presented. (Author)

  6. Prevalencia y severidad de la disfunción intestinal inducida por opioides

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rafael Gálvez


    Conclusiones: En pacientes con tratamiento opioide se constata una elevada frecuencia de trastornos gastrointestinales posiblemente relacionados con la DIO, lo que subraya la necesidad de nuevas estrategias para su tratamiento.

  7. Identification of apoptosis-related PLZF target genes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bernardo, Maria Victoria; Yelo, Estefania; Gimeno, Lourdes; Campillo, Jose Antonio; Parrado, Antonio


    The PLZF gene encodes a BTB/POZ-zinc finger-type transcription factor, involved in physiological development, proliferation, differentiation, and apoptosis. In this paper, we investigate proliferation, survival, and gene expression regulation in stable clones from the human haematopoietic K562, DG75, and Jurkat cell lines with inducible expression of PLZF. In Jurkat cells, but not in K562 and DG75 cells, PLZF induced growth suppression and apoptosis in a cell density-dependent manner. Deletion of the BTB/POZ domain of PLZF abrogated growth suppression and apoptosis. PLZF was expressed with a nuclear speckled pattern distinctively in the full-length PLZF-expressing Jurkat clones, suggesting that the nuclear speckled localization is required for PLZF-induced apoptosis. By microarray analysis, we identified that the apoptosis-inducer TP53INP1, ID1, and ID3 genes were upregulated, and the apoptosis-inhibitor TERT gene was downregulated. The identification of apoptosis-related PLZF target genes may have biological and clinical relevance in cancer typified by altered PLZF expression

  8. Apoptosis imaging with Iodine-124 labeled Annexin V in Fas-mediated hepatic apoptosis model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Tae Sup; Woo, Kwang Sun; Chung, Wee Sup; Kim, Kyung Min; Kim, Jae Hong; Chun, Kwon Soo; Choi, Chang Woon; Lim, Sang Moo; Cheon, Gi Jeong


    Healthy cells and, to a lesser extent, malignant cells undergo apoptosis or programmed cell death in response to a variety of stimuli. At an early stage in this process the cell membrane changes so that phosphatidylserine (PS), a lipid normally present on the membrane's inner surface, is exposed on the outer surface. This change in the membrane can be detected by the binding of annexin V to the external PS, and this has formed the basis for an in vitro assay for apoptosis. Blankenberg et al. have applied annexin V to the in vivo imaging of apoptosis by labeling annexin V with 99mTc. With this technique, they have been able to image apoptosis. To extend the use of annexin V to PET, it would be very desirable to iodinate the molecule. The relatively long half-life (4.2 d) of the positron emitting iodine-124 presents several advantages. For example in vivo detection and quantification of longer term biological processes is possible. Also, this cyclotron-generated radionuclide can be prepared well in advance and the established radioiodine labeling techniques can be applied. However, there are some disadvantages such as a relatively low ratio of disintegrations resulting in positrons (23%) and a rather complex decay scheme resulting in several high-energy gamma emissions (0.6- 1.69 MeV). Despite this fact, iodine-124 is still considered to be suitable for positron emission tomography (PET). In this study, we are investigating the feasibility of apoptosis imaging using iodine-124 labeled annexin V in Fas-mediated hepatic apoptosis model

  9. In vivo nuclear imaging of apoptosis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lee, Tae Sup; Cheon, Gi Jeong [Korea Institute of Radiological and Medical Sciences, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    Apoptosis plays a role in the pathophysiology of many kinds of diseases and in the response of treatment. Compared to the necrosis, the apoptosis a genetically controlled and energy-dependent process which removes the unwanted cells from the body; programmed cell death or cell suicide. During the apoptosis, phosphatidylserine is expressed in the cytoplasmic outer membrane in the early phase. Annexin V, an endogenous human protein (MW=35 kD), has an affinity of about 10{sup -9} M for the phosphatidylserine exposed on the outer membrane of apoptotic cells. Annexin V can be radiolabeled with {sup 99}mTc by HYNIC or EC chelators, which can be used as an radiotracer for the in vivo imaging of apoptosis. In this article, we reviewed the apoptosis, radiolabeling of annexin V, and the experimental and clinical data using annexin V imaging.

  10. Chk2 mediates RITA-induced apoptosis. (United States)

    de Lange, J; Verlaan-de Vries, M; Teunisse, A F A S; Jochemsen, A G


    Reactivation of the p53 tumor-suppressor protein by small molecules like Nutlin-3 and RITA (reactivation of p53 and induction of tumor cell apoptosis) is a promising strategy for cancer therapy. The molecular mechanisms involved in the responses to RITA remain enigmatic. Several groups reported the induction of a p53-dependent DNA damage response. Furthermore, the existence of a p53-dependent S-phase checkpoint has been suggested, involving the checkpoint kinase Chk1. We have recently shown synergistic induction of apoptosis by RITA in combination with Nutlin-3, and we observed concomitant Chk2 phosphorylation. Therefore, we investigated whether Chk2 contributes to the cellular responses to RITA. Strikingly, the induction of apoptosis seemed entirely Chk2 dependent. Transcriptional activity of p53 in response to RITA required the presence of Chk2. A partial rescue of apoptosis observed in Noxa knockdown cells emphasized the relevance of p53 transcriptional activity for RITA-induced apoptosis. In addition, we observed an early p53- and Chk2-dependent block of DNA replication upon RITA treatment. Replicating cells seemed more prone to entering RITA-induced apoptosis. Furthermore, the RITA-induced DNA damage response, which was not a secondary effect of apoptosis induction, was strongly attenuated in cells lacking p53 or Chk2. In conclusion, we identified Chk2 as an essential mediator of the cellular responses to RITA.

  11. Aplicación de rizobacterias que promueven el crecimiento en plantas (PGPR del género Pseudomonas spp como controladores biológicos de insectos y nematodos-plagas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fabricio Canchignia Martínez


    Full Text Available Las rizobacterias son una alternativa que ha demostrado no generar resistencia en los fitopatógenos. Cepas de Pseudomonas cumplen un rol importante en el biocontrol, por su amplia diversidad de compuestos bioactivos hacia el control de patógenos de plantas. La información obtenida se enfocó al estudio de aislados de Pseudomonas spp que tienen la capacidad de disminuir la viabilidad de agentes patógenos como: hongos, bacterias, nematodos, mediante un mecanismo antagonista y de inducir los sistemas de defensa de plantas por la resistencia sistémica adquirida (RSA y resistencia sistémica inducida (RSI.

  12. Modificaciones histológicas del cartílago hialino a nivel de la articulación maleolar en ratas artríticas tratadas con Zea mays L (variedad morada)


    Villalobos Pacheco, Eduardo Jesús


    Demuestra que el extracto de Zea mays L reduce las modificaciones histológicas en el cartílago hialino a nivel de la articulación maleolar en términos de la estructura, células y estado de integridad del cartílago, en ratas artríticas inducidas por pristane. Realiza un modelo de artritis en ratas Sprague Dawley inducido por pristane vía subdérmica (0.2 ml). Se distribuyeron en control positivo (n=10) vehículo (1ml/100g), Metotrexato (n=10) 0,1mg/Kg, Indometacina (n=10) 0.6 mg/kg, Zea mays 1% ...

  13. Embryo apoptosis identification: Oocyte grade or cleavage stage? (United States)

    Bakri, Noraina Mohd; Ibrahim, Siti Fatimah; Osman, Nurul Atikah; Hasan, Nurhaslina; Jaffar, Farah Hanan Fathihah; Rahman, Zulaiha Abdul; Osman, Khairul


    Apoptosis is a programed cell death that is vital for tissue homeostasis. However, embryo apoptosis had been known to be related to embryo fragmentation which should be avoided in in vitro fertilization (IVF). The purpose of this study was to evaluate the relationship of embryo apoptosis with the grade of immature oocytes and cleavage stage of in vitro produced (IVP) cattle embryos. This study consisted of 345 oocytes collected through ovary slicing. Immature oocytes were graded as A, B and C. This grading was based on cumulus cell thickness and compactness. All oocytes then underwent an in vitro maturation (IVM) procedure. An IVF was done 24 h after IVM culture. Prior to staining, stage of cleaved embryos was determined and classified as either 2, 4, 8 or >8-cell embryo stage. Apoptosis status of cleaved IVP embryos was determined by using annexin V-FITC staining technique at 48 and 72 h post insemination (hpi). Apoptosis status for each embryo was classified as either early or late. The result showed that there was no significant difference (p > 0.05) of apoptosis status among grade A, B and C embryos. All grades of oocytes showed embryo apoptosis where 1.5% late apoptosis for grade A, 4.5% and 10.4% of early and late apoptosis for grade B and grade C. Early apoptosis was not seen in grade A embryo. We also noted no significant difference (p > 0.05) of apoptosis status between 2, 4, 8 and >8-cell embryo stage. Early apoptosis was also not seen in >8-cell stage. Even though there were no differences in apoptosis expression between the three classes, the cleavage rate of grade A oocytes was significantly higher (p < 0.01) than grade B and grade C. In conclusion, the apoptosis expression in the embryo can occur regardless of the oocyte quality and the cleavage stage of the embryo produced. PMID:26858565

  14. Comparaci??n de las propiedades antioxidantes y contenido de polifenoles de extractos acuosos de las algas marinas Bryothamnion triquetrum y Halimeda opuntia


    D??az Gutierrez, Dayl??n; M??ndez Ortega, Wendy; Oliveira e Silva, A.M.; Zald??var Mu??oz, C.; Mancini-Filho, J.; Vidal-Novoa, A.


    Objetivos. Evaluar y comparar las propiedades antioxidantes mediante ensayos in vitro de extractos acuosos de las algas roja Bryothamnion triquetrum y verde Halimeda opuntia y su relaci??n con el contenido de polifenoles. Material y M??todos. Se utilizaron las t??cnicas in vitro: DPPH, Capacidad reductora, Inhibici??n de la peroxidaci??n lip??dica e inhibici??n de la hem??lisis inducida por AAPH. Resultados. B. triquetrum: DPPH; CI50=1,15 ?? 0,06, capacidad reductora a concentr...

  15. Aspartame-induced apoptosis in PC12 cells. (United States)

    Horio, Yukari; Sun, Yongkun; Liu, Chuang; Saito, Takeshi; Kurasaki, Masaaki


    Aspartame is an artificial sweetner added to many low-calorie foods. The safety of aspartame remains controversial even though there are many studies on its risks. In this study, to understand the physiological effects of trace amounts of artificial sweetners on cells, the effects of aspartame on apoptosis were investigated using a PC12 cell system. In addition, the mechanism of apoptosis induced by aspartame in PC12 cells and effects on apoptotic factors such as cytochrome c, apoptosis-inducing factor, and caspase family proteins were studied by Western blotting and RT-PCR. Aspartame-induced apoptosis in PC12 cells in a dose-dependent manner. In addition, aspartame exposure increased the expressions of caspases 8 and 9, and cytochrome c. These results indicate that aspartame induces apoptosis mainly via mitochondrial pathway involved in apoptosis due to oxigen toxicity. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  16. Ubiquitin-dependent system controls radiation induced apoptosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Delic, J.; Magdelenat, H.; Glaisner, S.; Magdelenat, H.; Maciorowski, Z.


    The selective proteolytic pathway, dependent upon 'N-end rule' protein recognition/ubiquitination and on the subsequent proteasome dependent processing of ubiquitin conjugates, operates in apoptosis induced by γ-irradiation. The proteasome inhibitor peptide aldehyde, MG132, efficiently induced apoptosis and was also able (at doses lower than those required for apoptosis induction) to potentiate apoptosis induced by DNA damage. Its specificity is suggested by the induction of the ubiquitin (UbB and UbC) and E1 (ubiquitin activating enzyme) genes and by an altered ubiquitination pattern. More selectively, a di-peptide competitor of the 'N-end rule' of ubiquitin dependent protein processing inhibited radiation induced apoptosis. This inhibition is also followed by an altered ubiquitination pattern and by activation of Poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP). These data strongly suggest that early apoptosis radiation induced events are controlled by ubiquitin-dependent proteolytic processing. (author)

  17. Modulación del tono vascular por la sobre-expresión de receptores a canabinoides CB1 y CB2 en arterioesclerosis inducida en ratas


    Espinoza P., María Rosa


    La arteriosclerosis, es un proceso degenerativo responsable de la mayor parte de las enfermedades cardiovasculares, es una enfermedad compleja que se produce a partir de múltiples factores de riesgo. Se ha observado que los compuestos derivados de la planta cannabis sativa provocan efectos vasorelajantes por medio de receptores específicos CB1 y CB2. ACPA y JWH 133 son potentes agonistas a estos receptores, se desconoce el papel que desempeñan en la arteriosclerosis provocando una relajación ...

  18. Induction of Apoptosis and expression of Apoptosis-related gene products in response to radiation in murine tumors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Seong, J. S.


    To analyze the involvement of apoptosis regulatory genes p53, p21 waf1/cip1 , bax and bcl-2 in induction of apoptosis by radiation in murine tumors. The radiation-sensitive ovarian carcinoma OCa-I and the radiation-resistant hepatocarcinoma HCa-I were used. Tumors, 8mm in diameter, were irradiated with 25Gy and at various times after irradiation, ranging from 1 to 48 h, were analyzed histologically for apoptosis and by western blot for alterations in the expression of these genes. The p53 status of the tumors were determined by the polymerase chain reaction-single strand conformation polymorphism assay. Both tumors were positive for wild-type p53. Radiation induced apoptosis in OCa-I but not in HCa-I. Apoptosis developed rapidly, peaked at 2 h after irradiation and returned to almost the background level at 48 h. In OCa-I radiation upregulated the expression of p53, p21 waf1/cip1 , and the bcl-2/bax ratio was decreased. In HCa-I radiation increased the expression of both p53 and p21 waf1/cip1 , although the increase of the latter was small. The bcl-2/bax ratio was greatly increased. In general the observed changes occurred within a few hours after irradiation, and either preceded or coincided with development of apoptosis. The development of apoptosis required upregulation of both p53 and p21 waf1/cip1 as well as a decrease in bcl-2/bax ratio. In contrast, an increase in bcl-2/bax ratio prevented apoptosis in the presence of upregulated p53 and p21 waf1/cip1 . These findings identified the involvement of multiple oncogenes in apoptosis regulation in vivo and demonstrate the complexity that may be associated with the use of a single oncogene assessment for predicting the outcome of cancer therapy with cytotoxic agents. (author)

  19. Induction of Apoptosis and expression of Apoptosis-related gene products in response to radiation in murine tumors

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Seong, J S [Yonsei Univ., Seoul (Korea, Republic of). Coll. of Medicine; Hunter, N R; Milas, L [Texas Univ., Houston, TX (United States)


    To analyze the involvement of apoptosis regulatory genes p53, p21{sup waf1/cip1}, bax and bcl-2 in induction of apoptosis by radiation in murine tumors. The radiation-sensitive ovarian carcinoma OCa-I and the radiation-resistant hepatocarcinoma HCa-I were used. Tumors, 8mm in diameter, were irradiated with 25Gy and at various times after irradiation, ranging from 1 to 48 h, were analyzed histologically for apoptosis and by western blot for alterations in the expression of these genes. The p53 status of the tumors were determined by the polymerase chain reaction-single strand conformation polymorphism assay. Both tumors were positive for wild-type p53. Radiation induced apoptosis in OCa-I but not in HCa-I. Apoptosis developed rapidly, peaked at 2 h after irradiation and returned to almost the background level at 48 h. In OCa-I radiation upregulated the expression of p53, p21{sup waf1/cip1}, and the bcl-2/bax ratio was decreased. In HCa-I radiation increased the expression of both p53 and p21{sup waf1/cip1}, although the increase of the latter was small. The bcl-2/bax ratio was greatly increased. In general the observed changes occurred within a few hours after irradiation, and either preceded or coincided with development of apoptosis. The development of apoptosis required upregulation of both p53 and p21{sup waf1/cip1} as well as a decrease in bcl-2/bax ratio. In contrast, an increase in bcl-2/bax ratio prevented apoptosis in the presence of upregulated p53 and p21{sup waf1/cip1}. These findings identified the involvement of multiple oncogenes in apoptosis regulation in vivo and demonstrate the complexity that may be associated with the use of a single oncogene assessment for predicting the outcome of cancer therapy with cytotoxic agents. (author).

  20. Honey and Apoptosis in Human Gastric Mucosa

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alireza Ostadrahimi


    Full Text Available Background: Gastric cancer is the fourth most common malignancy in the world. Honey is acomplex mixture of special biological active constituents. Honey possesses antioxidant and antitumorproperties. Nutritional studies have indicated that consumption of honey modulates therisk of developing gastric cancer. On the other hand, apoptosis has been reported to play a decisiverole in precancerous changes. Our chief study was conducted to assess the relationship betweenconsumption of honey and apoptosis in human gastric mucosa.Method: This cross-sectional study was conducted on 98 subjects over 18 years old, referred totwo hospitals in Tabriz, Iran. Subjects were undergone an upper gastrointestinal endoscopy, 62subjects were finally enrolled. Honey consumption was assessed by a Food Frequency Questionnaire(FFQ and apoptosis was detected by TUNEL technique. We tested polynomial curve tofind the best fit between honey consumption and apoptosis.Results: A positive relation between honey consumption and apoptosis was found (P=0.024.Our results indicated that the final and the best fit curve was: apoptosis = 1.714+1.648(honeyamount - 0.533(honey amount2 +1.833×10-5(honey amount7.Conclusion: Honey consumption had positive effects on gastric cancer by inducing apoptosis ingastric mucosa.

  1. Apoptosis signal-regulating kinase 1 mediates denbinobin-induced apoptosis in human lung adenocarcinoma cells

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pan Shiow-Lin


    Full Text Available Abstract In the present study, we explore the role of apoptosis signal-regulating kinase 1 (ASK1 in denbinobin-induced apoptosis in human lung adenocarcinoma (A549 cells. Denbinobin-induced cell apoptosis was attenuated by an ASK1 dominant-negative mutant (ASK1DN, two antioxidants (N-acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC and glutathione (GSH, a c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK inhibitor (SP600125, and an activator protein-1 (AP-1 inhibitor (curcumin. Treatment of A549 cells with denbinobin caused increases in ASK1 activity and reactive oxygen species (ROS production, and these effects were inhibited by NAC and GSH. Stimulation of A549 cells with denbinobin caused JNK activation; this effect was markedly inhibited by NAC, GSH, and ASK1DN. Denbinobin induced c-Jun phosphorylation, the formation of an AP-1-specific DNA-protein complex, and Bim expression. Bim knockdown using a bim short interfering RNA strategy also reduced denbinobin-induced A549 cell apoptosis. The denbinobin-mediated increases in c-Jun phosphorylation and Bim expression were inhibited by NAC, GSH, SP600125, ASK1DN, JNK1DN, and JNK2DN. These results suggest that denbinobin might activate ASK1 through ROS production to cause JNK/AP-1 activation, which in turn induces Bim expression, and ultimately results in A549 cell apoptosis.

  2. Spironolactone induces apoptosis in human mononuclear cells. Association between apoptosis and cytokine suppression

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mikkelsen, Martin; Sønder, S U; Nersting, J


    Spironolactone (SPIR) has been described to suppress accumulation of pro-inflammatory cytokines. Here, the suppression of TNF-alpha in lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-stimulated mononuclear cell cultures was confirmed. However, SPIR was also found to induce apoptosis, prompting the investigations...... of a possible association between the two effects: The apoptosis-inducing and the cytokine-suppressive effects of SPIR correlated with regard to the effective concentration range. Also, pre-incubation experiments demonstrated a temporal separation of the two effects of ... preceding apoptosis. An association between the two effects was also seen when testing several SPIR analogues. Contrary to TNF-alpha, the levels of IL-1beta increased in SPIR-treated cultures. However, the amount of IL-1beta in the supernatants depended upon the order of SPIR and LPS addition, as IL-1beta...

  3. Potentiation of apoptosis by histone deacetylase inhibitors and doxorubicin combination: cytoplasmic cathepsin B as a mediator of apoptosis in multiple myeloma. (United States)

    Cheriyath, V; Kuhns, M A; Kalaycio, M E; Borden, E C


    Although inhibitors of histone deacetylase inhibitors (HDACis) in combination with genotoxins potentiate apoptosis, the role of proteases other than caspases in this process remained elusive. Therefore, we examined the potentiation of apoptosis and related mechanisms of HDACis and doxorubicin combination in a panel of myeloma cell lines and in 25 primary myelomas. At IC(50) concentrations, sodium butyrate (an HDACi) or doxorubicin alone caused little apoptosis. However, their combination potentiated apoptosis and synergistically reduced the viability of myeloma cells independent of p53 and caspase 3-7 activation. Potentiated apoptosis correlated with nuclear translocation of apoptosis-inducing factor, suggesting the induction of caspase 3- and 7-independent pathways. Consistent with this, butyrate and doxorubicin combination significantly increased the activity of cytoplasmic cathepsin B. Inhibition of cathepsin B either with a small-molecule inhibitor or downregulation with a siRNA reversed butyrate- and doxorubicin-potentiated apoptosis. Finally, ex vivo, clinically relevant concentrations of butyrate or SAHA (suberoylanilide hydroxamic acid, vorinostat, an HDACi in clinical testing) in combination with doxorubicin significantly (Pmediating apoptosis potentiated by HDACi and doxorubicin combinations in myeloma. Our results support a molecular model of lysosomal-mitochondrial crosstalk in HDACi- and doxorubicin-potentiated apoptosis through the activation of cathepsin B.

  4. Biomarkers of Chondrocyte Apoptosis and Autophagy in Osteoarthritis (United States)

    Musumeci, Giuseppe; Castrogiovanni, Paola; Trovato, Francesca Maria; Weinberg, Annelie Martina; Al-Wasiyah, Mohammad K.; Alqahtani, Mohammed H.; Mobasheri, Ali


    Cell death with morphological and molecular features of apoptosis has been detected in osteoarthritic (OA) cartilage, which suggests a key role for chondrocyte death/survival in the pathogenesis of OA. Identification of biomarkers of chondrocyte apoptosis may facilitate the development of novel therapies that may eliminate the cause or, at least, slow down the degenerative processes in OA. The aim of this review was to explore the molecular markers and signals that induce chondrocyte apoptosis in OA. A literature search was conducted in PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science and Google Scholar using the keywords chondrocyte death, apoptosis, osteoarthritis, autophagy and biomarker. Several molecules considered to be markers of chondrocyte apoptosis will be discussed in this brief review. Molecular markers and signalling pathways associated with chondroycte apoptosis may turn out to be therapeutic targets in OA and approaches aimed at neutralizing apoptosis-inducing molecules may at least delay the progression of cartilage degeneration in OA. PMID:26334269

  5. Apoptosis – is it good or bad?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bakir Mehić


    Full Text Available The most widely used classification of mammalian cell death recognizes two types: apoptosis and necrosis. Autophagy, which has been proposed as a third mode of cell death allows a starving cell, or in situations when cell is deprived of growth factors, to survive. Apoptosis, autophagy and necrosis, a particular mode of cell death may predominate, depending of the injury and the type of cell. [1] One very important characteristic of all multicellular organisms is apoptosis, the controlled death of cells. In necrosis, early loss of integrity of the plasma membrane resultant with swelling of the cell and its organelles. A key morphologic feature of apoptosis is collapses of cell and its subcellular components.[2] The distinction between apoptosis and necrosis is due in part to differences in how the plasma membrane participates in these processes. In apoptosis, plasma membrane integrity persists until late in the process. In necrosis, early loss of integrity of the plasma membrane allows an influx of extracellular ions and fluid, with resultant swelling of the cell and its organelles. During that time, on the inside of cell there occurs the cleavage of cytoskeletal proteins by aspartate specific proteases, which thereby collapses subcellular components. Other characteristic features are chromatin condensation, nuclear fragmentation and the formation of plasma membrane blebs. The type and intensity of noxious signals, ATP concentration, cell type, and other factors determine how cell death occurs. Acute myocardial ischemia induces necrosis (because the ischemia precipitates rapid and profound decreases of ATP, whereas chronic congestive heart failure induces apoptosis (with more modest and chronic decreases of ATP. The blockade of a particular pathway of cell death may not prevent the destruction of the cell but may instead recruit an alternative path: antiapoptotic caspase inhibitors cause hyperacute necrosis of hepatocytes and kidney tubular cells

  6. Effect of pH on radiation-induced apoptosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chang, W. Song; Park, Heon J.; Lyons, John C.; Auger, Elizabeth A.; Lee, Hyung-Sik


    Purpose/Objective: The effect of environmental pH on the radiation-induced apoptosis in tumor cells in vitro was investigated. Materials and Methods: SCK mammary adenocarcinoma cells of A/J mice were irradiated with γ-rays using a 137 Cs irradiator and incubated in media of different pHs. After incubation at 37 degree sign C for 24-120 hrs., the extent of apoptosis was determined using agarose gel electrophoresis of DNA, in situ TUNEL staining, flow cytometry, and release of 3 H from 3 H-thymidine labeled cells. The membrane integrity, using the trypan blue exclusion method, and the clonogenicity of the cells were also determined. Results: Irradiation with 2-12 Gy of γ-rays induced apoptosis in pH 7.5 medium within 48 hrs. The radiation-induced apoptosis progressively declined as the medium pH was lowered so that little apoptosis occurred in 48 hrs. after irradiation with 12 Gy in pH 6.6 medium. However, when the cells were irradiated and incubated for 48 hrs. in pH 6.6 medium and then medium was replaced with pH 7.5 medium, apoptosis promptly occurred. Apoptosis also occurred even in pH 6.6 medium when the cells were irradiated and maintained in pH 7.5 medium for 8 hrs. or longer post-irradiation before incubation in pH 6.6 medium. Conclusion: An acidic environment markedly suppresses radiation-induced apoptosis probably by suppressing the expression of initial signals responsible for irradiation-induced apoptosis. Indications are that the signals persist in an acidic environment and trigger apoptosis when the environmental acidity is eased. Our results suggest that the acidic environment in human tumors may inhibit the apoptosis after irradiation. However, apoptosis may be triggered when reoxygenation occurs after irradiation, and thus, the intratumor environment becomes less acidic after irradiation. Not only the change in pO 2 but the change in pH during the course of fractionated radiotherapy may greatly influence the outcome of the treatment

  7. Fisetin induces apoptosis through mitochondrial apoptosis pathway in human uveal melanoma cells. (United States)

    Wang, Kai; Hu, Dan-Ning; Lin, Hui-Wen; Yang, Wei-En; Hsieh, Yi-Hsien; Chien, Hsiang-Wen; Yang, Shun-Fa


    Fisetin, a diatery flavonoid, been reported that possess anticancer effects in various cancers. The purpose of the study was to investigate the antitumor effects of fisetin in cultured uveal melanoma cell lines and compared with normal retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells. MTT assay was used for evaluating cytotoxic effects of fisetin. Flow cytometry study was used for the determination of apoptosis. JC-1 fluorescent reader was used to determine mitochondrial transmembrane potential changes. The results shown that fisetin dose-dependently decreased the cell viability of uveal melanoma cells but not influenced the cell viability of RPE cells. Apoptosis of uveal melanoma cells was induced by fisetin efficiently. Fisetin inhibited antiapoptotic Bcl-2 family proteins and damaged the mitochondrial transmembrane potential. The levels of proapoptotic Bcl-2 proteins, cytochrome c, and various caspase activities were increased by fisetin. In conclusion, fisetin induces apoptosis of uveal melanoma cells selectively and may be a promising agent to be explored for the treatment of uveal melanoma. © 2018 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  8. Mycobacterium tuberculosis effectors interfering host apoptosis signaling. (United States)

    Liu, Minqiang; Li, Wu; Xiang, Xiaohong; Xie, Jianping


    Tuberculosis remains a serious human public health concern. The coevolution between its pathogen Mycobacterium tuberculosis and human host complicated the way to prevent and cure TB. Apoptosis plays subtle role in this interaction. The pathogen endeavors to manipulate the apoptosis via diverse effectors targeting key signaling nodes. In this paper, we summarized the effectors pathogen used to subvert the apoptosis, such as LpqH, ESAT-6/CFP-10, LAMs. The interplay between different forms of cell deaths, such as apoptosis, autophagy, necrosis, is also discussed with a focus on the modes of action of effectors, and implications for better TB control.

  9. Informes clínicos breves

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    Facultad de Medicina Revista


    Full Text Available Reversión con nalbufina de la depresión hemodinámica inducida por Fentanyl en pacientes sépticos / Factores de riesgo para el desarrollo de epilepsia refractaria, en el Hospital San Juan de Dios / Vasculitis Séptica, factores de riesgo y hallazgos histopatológicas en autopsias / Miastenia Gravis, efectos de la timectomía radical / Luxación anterior habitual de cadera / Disección anatómica del espacio parafaríngeo

  10. ¿Cómo influye el contexto al momento de hacer repartos?


    Sánchez, Eruin Alonso


    La organización de contenidos en el área de matemáticas para grado séptimo, incluye una unidad relacionada con razones, proporciones y proporcionalidad y dentro de ésta se contempla el trabajo con repartos proporcionales. Infortunadamente la naturaleza proporcional quedan los estudiantes a dichos repartos, viene inducida por el profesor quien de antemano ha seleccionado problemas típico que aparecen en los libros de texto, para los cuales se espera que el estudiante haga un reparto proporcion...

  11. Estudio de la influencia de la refrigeracion con aire de forma natural e inducida en el comportamiento de instalaciones fotovoltaicas (United States)

    Mazon Hernandez, Rocio

    panels are analysed to compare and select the best configuration. The presented research provides a deep knowledge of how they work as well as information and results for an improvement in future designs of building integrated photovoltaic systems. Este estudio se centra en analizar la influencia negativa de la temperatura en la produccion electrica de paneles fotovoltaicos al estar emplazados sobre cubierta de acero, como sucede en naves industriales y sobre un invernadero. Se estudian diferentes configuraciones que permitan refrigerar los paneles, reduciendo su temperatura y mejorar su rendimiento. Para abordar este problema, se han construido dos instalaciones experimentales, fieles a plantas solares en funcionamiento. Una instalacion engloba dos paneles fotovoltaicos sobre estructura fija al suelo. Uno de los paneles esta integrado sobre una superficie paralela y metalica. Entre ambas superficies existe un espacio que posibilita circular aire, permitiendo refrigerar el panel por conveccion natural, o conveccion forzada impulsando el aire con un ventilador. El otro panel, libre por su cara posterior y se ha considerado de referencia. Se ha estudiado el comportamiento del panel integrado sobre cubierta para diferentes secciones de aire y velocidades inducidas, comparandolo con el panel de referencia. Se ha desarrollado un modelo experimental que nos permite determinar la temperatura del panel en funcion de las variables que influyen en su refrigeracion. Adicionalmente, se han analizado los datos de una planta solar en funcionamiento, con paneles de igual caracteristicas, obteniendo correlaciones entre la temperatura del panel y las variables electricas y comparandolos con las obtenidas en la instalacion experimental. La segunda instalacion experimental reproduce parte de una instalacion solar sobre un invernadero, formada por cuatro paneles fotovoltaicos colocados sobre el plastico del invernadero, existiendo un canal divergente entre ambas superficies. Se estudia la

  12. Apoptosis: Targets in Pancreatic Cancer

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    Kalthoff Holger


    Full Text Available Abstract Pancreatic adenocarcinoma is characterized by poor prognosis, because of late diagnosis and lack of response to chemo- and/or radiation therapies. Resistance to apoptosis mainly causes this insensitivity to conventional therapies. Apoptosis or programmed cell death is a central regulator of tissue homeostasis. Certain genetic disturbances of apoptotic signaling pathways have been found in carcinomas leading to tumor development and progression. In the past few years, the knowledge about the complex pathways of apoptosis has strongly increased and new therapeutic approaches based on this knowledge are being developed. This review will focus on the role of apoptotic proteins contributing to pancreatic cancer development and progression and will demonstrate possible targets to influence this deadly disease.

  13. Does Apoptosis Regulate the Function of Retinal Photoreceptors?


    Halaby, Reginald


    Apoptosis, or programmed cell death, is an integral component of developmental biology, embryology, and anatomy. All eukaryotic cells possess the molecular machinery necessary to execute apoptosis. However, dysregulated apoptosis in the form of too much or too little cell death results in diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease, autoimmune disorders, and cancer. It is postulated that apoptosis of the photoreceptors in the retina plays a vital role in mediating vision, and evidence is presented h...

  14. Activation of human herpesvirus replication by apoptosis. (United States)

    Prasad, Alka; Remick, Jill; Zeichner, Steven L


    A central feature of herpesvirus biology is the ability of herpesviruses to remain latent within host cells. Classically, exposure to inducing agents, like activating cytokines or phorbol esters that stimulate host cell signal transduction events, and epigenetic agents (e.g., butyrate) was thought to end latency. We recently showed that Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV, or human herpesvirus-8 [HHV-8]) has another, alternative emergency escape replication pathway that is triggered when KSHV's host cell undergoes apoptosis, characterized by the lack of a requirement for the replication and transcription activator (RTA) protein, accelerated late gene kinetics, and production of virus with decreased infectivity. Caspase-3 is necessary and sufficient to initiate the alternative replication program. HSV-1 was also recently shown to initiate replication in response to host cell apoptosis. These observations suggested that an alternative apoptosis-triggered replication program might be a general feature of herpesvirus biology and that apoptosis-initiated herpesvirus replication may have clinical implications, particularly for herpesviruses that almost universally infect humans. To explore whether an alternative apoptosis-initiated replication program is a common feature of herpesvirus biology, we studied cell lines latently infected with Epstein-Barr virus/HHV-4, HHV-6A, HHV-6B, HHV-7, and KSHV. We found that apoptosis triggers replication for each HHV studied, with caspase-3 being necessary and sufficient for HHV replication. An alternative apoptosis-initiated replication program appears to be a common feature of HHV biology. We also found that commonly used cytotoxic chemotherapeutic agents activate HHV replication, which suggests that treatments that promote apoptosis may lead to activation of latent herpesviruses, with potential clinical significance.

  15. Mitochondrial dysfunction in lyssavirus-induced apoptosis. (United States)

    Gholami, Alireza; Kassis, Raïd; Real, Eléonore; Delmas, Olivier; Guadagnini, Stéphanie; Larrous, Florence; Obach, Dorothée; Prevost, Marie-Christine; Jacob, Yves; Bourhy, Hervé


    Lyssaviruses are highly neurotropic viruses associated with neuronal apoptosis. Previous observations have indicated that the matrix proteins (M) of some lyssaviruses induce strong neuronal apoptosis. However, the molecular mechanism(s) involved in this phenomenon is still unknown. We show that for Mokola virus (MOK), a lyssavirus of low pathogenicity, the M (M-MOK) targets mitochondria, disrupts the mitochondrial morphology, and induces apoptosis. Our analysis of truncated M-MOK mutants suggests that the information required for efficient mitochondrial targeting and dysfunction, as well as caspase-9 activation and apoptosis, is held between residues 46 and 110 of M-MOK. We used a yeast two-hybrid approach, a coimmunoprecipitation assay, and confocal microscopy to demonstrate that M-MOK physically associates with the subunit I of the cytochrome c (cyt-c) oxidase (CcO) of the mitochondrial respiratory chain; this is in contrast to the M of the highly pathogenic Thailand lyssavirus (M-THA). M-MOK expression induces a significant decrease in CcO activity, which is not the case with M-THA. M-MOK mutations (K77R and N81E) resulting in a similar sequence to M-THA at positions 77 and 81 annul cyt-c release and apoptosis and restore CcO activity. As expected, the reverse mutations, R77K and E81N, introduced in M-THA induce a phenotype similar to that due to M-MOK. These features indicate a novel mechanism for energy depletion during lyssavirus-induced apoptosis.

  16. Effect of sevoflurane on human neutrophil apoptosis.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Tyther, R


    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Both chronic occupational exposure to volatile anaesthetic agents and acute in vitro exposure of neutrophils to isoflurane have been shown to inhibit the rate of apoptosis of human neutrophils. It is possible that inhibition of neutrophil apoptosis arises through delaying mitochondrial membrane potential collapse. We assessed mitochondrial depolarization and apoptosis in unexposed neutrophils and neutrophils exposed to sevoflurane in vivo. METHODS: A total of 20 mL venous blood was withdrawn pre- and postinduction of anaesthesia, the neutrophils isolated and maintained in culture. At 1, 12 and 24 h in culture, the percentage of neutrophil apoptosis was assessed by dual staining with annexin V-FITC and propidium iodide. Mitochondrial depolarization was measured using the dual emission styryl dye JC-1. RESULTS: Apoptosis was significantly inhibited in neutrophils exposed to sevoflurane in vivo at 24 (exposed: 38 (12)% versus control: 28 (11)%, P = 0.001), but not at 1 or 12 h, in culture. Mitochondrial depolarization was not delayed in neutrophils exposed to sevoflurane. CONCLUSIONS: The most important findings are that sevoflurane inhibits neutrophil apoptosis in vivo and that inhibition is not mediated primarily by an effect on mitochondrial depolarization.

  17. Naringin prevents ovariectomy-induced osteoporosis and promotes osteoclasts apoptosis through the mitochondria-mediated apoptosis pathway

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Li, Fengbo [Tianjin Institute of Orthopedics in Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, No. 155, Munan Road, Tianjin TJ 300050 (China); Graduate School of Tianjin Medical University, No. 22, Qixiangtai Street, Heping District, Tianjin 300070 (China); Sun, Xiaolei; Ma, Jianxiong [Tianjin Institute of Orthopedics in Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, No. 155, Munan Road, Tianjin TJ 300050 (China); Ma, Xinlong, E-mail: [Tianjin Institute of Orthopedics in Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, No. 155, Munan Road, Tianjin TJ 300050 (China); Zhao, Bin; Zhang, Yang; Tian, Peng [Tianjin Institute of Orthopedics in Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, No. 155, Munan Road, Tianjin TJ 300050 (China); Li, Yanjun [Graduate School of Tianjin Medical University, No. 22, Qixiangtai Street, Heping District, Tianjin 300070 (China); Han, Zhe [Tianjin Institute of Orthopedics in Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, No. 155, Munan Road, Tianjin TJ 300050 (China)


    Highlights: • Naringin possesses many pharmacological activities, promotes the proliferation of osteoblast. • Undecalcified histological obtain dynamic parameters of callus formation and remodeling. • Naringin regulate osteoclast apoptosis by mitochondrial pathway. - Abstract: Naringin, the primary active compound of the traditional Chinese medicine Rhizoma drynariae, possesses many pharmacological activities. The present study is an effort to explore the anti-osteoporosis potential of naringin in vivo and in vitro. In vivo, we used ovariectomized rats to clarify the mechanisms by which naringin anti-osteoporosis. In vitro, we used osteoclasts to investigate naringin promotes osteoclasts apoptosis. Naringin was effective at enhancing BMD, trabecular thickness, bone mineralization, and mechanical strength in a dose-dependent manner. The result of RT-PCR analysis revealed that naringin down-regulated the mRNA expression levels of BCL-2 and up-regulated BAX, caspase-3 and cytochrome C. In addition, naringin significantly reduced the bone resorption area in vitro. These findings suggest that naringin promotes the apoptosis of osteoclasts by regulating the activity of the mitochondrial apoptosis pathway and prevents OVX-induced osteoporosis in rats.

  18. Naringin prevents ovariectomy-induced osteoporosis and promotes osteoclasts apoptosis through the mitochondria-mediated apoptosis pathway

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li, Fengbo; Sun, Xiaolei; Ma, Jianxiong; Ma, Xinlong; Zhao, Bin; Zhang, Yang; Tian, Peng; Li, Yanjun; Han, Zhe


    Highlights: • Naringin possesses many pharmacological activities, promotes the proliferation of osteoblast. • Undecalcified histological obtain dynamic parameters of callus formation and remodeling. • Naringin regulate osteoclast apoptosis by mitochondrial pathway. - Abstract: Naringin, the primary active compound of the traditional Chinese medicine Rhizoma drynariae, possesses many pharmacological activities. The present study is an effort to explore the anti-osteoporosis potential of naringin in vivo and in vitro. In vivo, we used ovariectomized rats to clarify the mechanisms by which naringin anti-osteoporosis. In vitro, we used osteoclasts to investigate naringin promotes osteoclasts apoptosis. Naringin was effective at enhancing BMD, trabecular thickness, bone mineralization, and mechanical strength in a dose-dependent manner. The result of RT-PCR analysis revealed that naringin down-regulated the mRNA expression levels of BCL-2 and up-regulated BAX, caspase-3 and cytochrome C. In addition, naringin significantly reduced the bone resorption area in vitro. These findings suggest that naringin promotes the apoptosis of osteoclasts by regulating the activity of the mitochondrial apoptosis pathway and prevents OVX-induced osteoporosis in rats

  19. Tiroiditis no-autoinmunes

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    Leonardo F. L Rizzo


    Full Text Available El término tiroiditis comprende un grupo de enfermedades de la glándula tiroides caracterizado por la presencia de inflamación, abarcando entidades autoinmunes y no-autoinmunes. Pueden manifestarse como enfermedades agudas con dolor tiroideo severo (tiroiditis subaguda y tiroiditis infecciosas, y condiciones en las cuales la inflamación no es clínicamente evidente, cursando sin dolor y presentando disfunción tiroidea y/o bocio (tiroiditis inducida por fármacos y tiroiditis de Riedel. El objetivo de esta revisión es aportar un enfoque actualizado sobre las tiroiditis no-autoinmunes cubriendo sus aspectos clínicos, diagnósticos y terapéuticos.

  20. Reação cutânea grave induzida por carbamazepina no tratamento da neuralgia pós-herpética: relato de caso Reacción cutánea grave inducida por la carbamazepina en el tratamiento de la neuralgia postherpética: relato de caso Severe carbamazepine-induced cutaneous reaction in the treatment of post-herpetic neuralgia: case report

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    João Batista Santos Garcia


    da carbamazepina, que deve sempre ser supervisionado, especialmente em idosos.JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: El herpes zoster tiene como principal complicación la neuralgia postherpética (NPH. Para su tratamiento se usa la carbamazepina (CBZ, un anticonvulsivo bien tolerado, pero que sin embargo está a menudo asociado a reacciones cutáneas graves, como por ejemplo, el síndrome de Stevens-Johnson (SSJ y la necrólisis epidérmica tóxica (NET. El objetivo de este trabajo es relatar un caso de SSJ/NET secundario al uso de CBZ en paciente con NPH. RELATO DEL CASO: Paciente del sexo femenino, con dolor continuo e intenso en la región torácica y dorso, ardor, punzada, descarga eléctrica, alteración de fuerza del miembro superior ipsilateral y sudoración. Presentaba lesiones de postillas y eritemas en la región dorsal del tórax, con alodinia y disestesias en el dermatoma acometido. Se inició CBZ 300 mg.día-1, amitriptilina (AMT12,5 mg por la noche e infiltración con anestésico local en la región afectada. Después de 15 días, el paciente decía sentir un fuerte malestar, fiebre, dolores musculares y artralgias con rash cutáneo ligero e inespecífico. Se le retiró la carbamazepina inmediatamente. Una semana después fue ingresado con urticaria y exantema generalizados, erupciones cutáneas eritematosas, burbujas y marcas purpúricas por todo el cuerpo. La impresión era de SSJ/NET inducida por carbamazepina. Hubo un progresivo empeoramiento del cuadro, con aumento del número y del tamaño de las lesiones cutáneas, además de rash eritematoso macular generalizado, áreas de necrosis y erosiones simétricas de la epidermis en la cara, cuello, tórax, dorso y miembros, llegando a más del 50% del área de superficie, además de la involucración de la mucosa bucal, conjuntival y genital con erosiones vesiculares. Presentó un empeoramiento funcional progresivo, evolucionando con choque séptico y fracaso multiorgánico, lo que produjo finalmente su deceso

  1. Evaluación agronómica de líneas mutantes de arroz con tolerancia a Pyricularia grisea (ING

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    Jorge Madriz Muñoz


    Full Text Available Utilizando el procedimiento de mutagénesis inducida con rayos Gamma Co60, seguida de selección individual, CRUZ et al. (1992 lograron obtener 53 plantas de arroz con resistencia parcial a Pyricularia grisea (Cooke Sacc. provenientes de una variedad comercial (CR-1113 originalmente susceptible a esta enfermedad. La primera etapa del presente trabajo consistió en la evaluación de 52 líneas obtenidas por los autores mencionados. De ellas se seleccionaron 14, siete por su buen comportamiento agronómico, buen rendimiento y resistencia parcial a la enfermedad, y siete por su precocidad y buenas características agronómicas. Posteriormente estas líneas fueron reproducidas y evaluadas en ensayos de campo. Los resultados obtenidos confirmaron que las líneas escogidas mantenían las características ventajosas por las que fueron seleccionadas.

  2. Host and Viral Factors in HIV-Mediated Bystander Apoptosis (United States)

    Garg, Himanshu; Joshi, Anjali


    Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infections lead to a progressive loss of CD4 T cells primarily via the process of apoptosis. With a limited number of infected cells and vastly disproportionate apoptosis in HIV infected patients, it is believed that apoptosis of uninfected bystander cells plays a significant role in this process. Disease progression in HIV infected individuals is highly variable suggesting that both host and viral factors may influence HIV mediated apoptosis. Amongst the viral factors, the role of Envelope (Env) glycoprotein in bystander apoptosis is well documented. Recent evidence on the variability in apoptosis induction by primary patient derived Envs underscores the role of Env glycoprotein in HIV disease. Amongst the host factors, the role of C-C Chemokine Receptor type 5 (CCR5), a coreceptor for HIV Env, is also becoming increasingly evident. Polymorphisms in the CCR5 gene and promoter affect CCR5 cell surface expression and correlate with both apoptosis and CD4 loss. Finally, chronic immune activation in HIV infections induces multiple defects in the immune system and has recently been shown to accelerate HIV Env mediated CD4 apoptosis. Consequently, those factors that affect CCR5 expression and/or immune activation in turn indirectly regulate HIV mediated apoptosis making this phenomenon both complex and multifactorial. This review explores the complex role of various host and viral factors in determining HIV mediated bystander apoptosis. PMID:28829402

  3. Transcriptome analysis of Spodoptera frugiperda Sf9 cells reveals putative apoptosis-related genes and a preliminary apoptosis mechanism induced by azadirachtin. (United States)

    Shu, Benshui; Zhang, Jingjing; Sethuraman, Veeran; Cui, Gaofeng; Yi, Xin; Zhong, Guohua


    As an important botanical pesticide, azadirachtin demonstrates broad insecticidal activity against many agricultural pests. The results of a previous study indicated the toxicity and apoptosis induction of azadirachtin in Spodoptera frugiperda Sf9 cells. However, the lack of genomic data has hindered a deeper investigation of apoptosis in Sf9 cells at a molecular level. In the present study, the complete transcriptome data for Sf9 cell line was accomplished using Illumina sequencing technology, and 97 putative apoptosis-related genes were identified through BLAST and KEGG orthologue annotations. Fragments of potential candidate apoptosis-related genes were cloned, and the mRNA expression patterns of ten identified genes regulated by azadirachtin were examined using qRT-PCR. Furthermore, Western blot analysis showed that six putative apoptosis-related proteins were upregulated after being treated with azadirachtin while the protein Bcl-2 were downregulated. These data suggested that both intrinsic and extrinsic apoptotic signal pathways comprising the identified potential apoptosis-related genes were potentially active in S. frugiperda. In addition, the preliminary results revealed that caspase-dependent or caspase-independent apoptotic pathways could function in azadirachtin-induced apoptosis in Sf9 cells.

  4. Apoptosis and Necrosis in the Liver (United States)

    Guicciardi, Maria Eugenia; Malhi, Harmeet; Mott, Justin L.; Gores, Gregory J.


    Because of its unique function and anatomical location, the liver is exposed to a multitude of toxins and xenobiotics, including medications and alcohol, as well as to infection by hepatotropic viruses, and therefore, is highly susceptible to tissue injury. Cell death in the liver occurs mainly by apoptosis or necrosis, with apoptosis also being the physiologic route to eliminate damaged or infected cells and to maintain tissue homeostasis. Liver cells, especially hepatocytes and cholangiocytes, are particularly susceptible to death receptor-mediated apoptosis, given the ubiquitous expression of the death receptors in the organ. In a quite unique way, death receptor-induced apoptosis in these cells is mediated by both mitochondrial and lysosomal permeabilization. Signaling between the endoplasmic reticulum and the mitochondria promotes hepatocyte apoptosis in response to excessive free fatty acid generation during the metabolic syndrome. These cell death pathways are partially regulated by microRNAs. Necrosis in the liver is generally associated with acute injury (i.e., ischemia/reperfusion injury) and has been long considered an unregulated process. Recently, a new form of “programmed” necrosis (named necroptosis) has been described: the role of necroptosis in the liver has yet to be explored. However, the minimal expression of a key player in this process in the liver suggests this form of cell death may be uncommon in liver diseases. Because apoptosis is a key feature of so many diseases of the liver, therapeutic modulation of liver cell death holds promise. An updated overview of these concepts is given in this article. PMID:23720337

  5. Apigenin induces apoptosis by targeting inhibitor of apoptosis proteins and Ku70–Bax interaction in prostate cancer (United States)

    Shukla, Sanjeev; Fu, Pingfu; Gupta, Sanjay


    Dysfunction of the apoptotic pathway in prostate cancer cells confers apoptosis resistance towards various therapies. A novel strategy to overcome resistance is to directly target the apoptotic pathway in cancer cells. Apigenin, an anticancer agent, selectively toxic to cancer cells induces cell cycle arrest and apoptosis through mechanisms which are not fully explored. In the present study we provide novel insight into the mechanisms of apoptosis induction by apigenin. Treatment of androgen-refractory human prostate cancer PC-3 and DU145 cells with apigenin resulted in dose-dependent suppression of XIAP, c-IAP1, c-IAP2 and survivin protein levels. Apigenin treatment resulted in significant decrease in cell viability and apoptosis induction with the increase of cytochrome C in time-dependent manner. These effects of apigenin were accompanied by decrease in Bcl-xL and Bcl-2 and increase in the active form of Bax protein. The apigenin-mediated increase in Bax was due to dissociation of Bax from Ku70 which is essential for apoptotic activity of Bax. Apigenin treatment resulted in the inhibition of class I histone deacetylases and HDAC1 protein expression, thereby increasing the acetylation of Ku70 and the dissociation of Bax resulting in apoptosis of cancer cells. Furthermore, apigenin significantly reduced HDAC1 occupancy at the XIAP promoter, suggesting that histone deacetylation might be critical for XIAP downregulation. These results suggest that apigenin targets inhibitor of apoptosis proteins and Ku70–Bax interaction in the induction of apoptosis in prostate cancer cells and in athymic nude mouse xenograft model endorsing its in vivo efficacy. PMID:24563225

  6. Avenanthramides Prevent Osteoblast and Osteocyte Apoptosis and Induce Osteoclast Apoptosis in Vitro in an Nrf2-Independent Manner

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    Gretel G. Pellegrini


    Full Text Available Oats contain unique bioactive compounds known as avenanthramides (AVAs with antioxidant properties. AVAs might enhance the endogenous antioxidant cellular response by activation of the transcription factor Nrf2. Accumulation of reactive oxygen species plays a critical role in many chronic and degenerative diseases, including osteoporosis. In this disease, there is an imbalance between bone formation by osteoblasts and bone resorption by osteoclasts, which is accompanied by increased osteoblast/osteocyte apoptosis and decreased osteoclast apoptosis. We investigated the ability of the synthethic AVAs 2c, 2f and 2p, to 1-regulate gene expression in bone cells, 2-affect the viability of osteoblasts, osteocytes and osteoclasts, and the generation of osteoclasts from their precursors, and 3-examine the potential involvement of the transcription factor Nrf2 in these actions. All doses of AVA 2c and 1 and 5 µM dose of 2p up-regulated collagen 1A expression. Lower doses of AVAs up-regulated OPG (osteoprotegerin in OB-6 osteoblastic cells, whereas 100 μM dose of 2f and all concentrations of 2c down-regulated RANKL gene expression in MLO-Y4 osteocytic cells. AVAs did not affect apoptosis of OB-6 osteoblastic cells or MLO-Y4 osteocytic cells; however, they prevented apoptosis induced by the DNA topoisomerase inhibitor etoposide, the glucocorticoid dexamethasone, and hydrogen peroxide. AVAs prevented apoptosis of both wild type (WT and Nrf2 Knockout (KO osteoblasts, demonstrating that AVAs-induced survival does not require Nrf2 expression. Further, KO osteoclast precursors produced more mature osteoclasts than WT; and KO cultures exhibited less apoptotic osteoclasts than WT cultures. Although AVAs did not affect WT osteoclasts, AVA 2p reversed the low apoptosis of KO osteoclasts. These in vitro results demonstrate that AVAs regulate, in part, the function of osteoblasts and osteocytes and prevent osteoblast/osteocyte apoptosis and increase osteoclast

  7. Cord blood stem cell-mediated induction of apoptosis in glioma downregulates X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis protein (XIAP.

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    Venkata Ramesh Dasari


    Full Text Available XIAP (X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis protein is one of the most important members of the apoptosis inhibitor family. XIAP is upregulated in various malignancies, including human glioblastoma. It promotes invasion, metastasis, growth and survival of malignant cells. We hypothesized that downregulation of XIAP by human umbilical cord blood mesenchymal stem cells (hUCBSC in glioma cells would cause them to undergo apoptotic death.We observed the effect of hUCBSC on two malignant glioma cell lines (SNB19 and U251 and two glioma xenograft cell lines (4910 and 5310. In co-cultures of glioma cells with hUCBSC, proliferation of glioma cells was significantly inhibited. This is associated with increased cytotoxicity of glioma cells, which led to glioma cell death. Stem cells induced apoptosis in glioma cells, which was evaluated by TUNEL assay, FACS analyses and immunoblotting. The induction of apoptosis is associated with inhibition of XIAP in co-cultures of hUCBSC. Similar results were obtained by the treatment of glioma cells with shRNA to downregulate XIAP (siXIAP. Downregulation of XIAP resulted in activation of caspase-3 and caspase-9 to trigger apoptosis in glioma cells. Apoptosis is characterized by the loss of mitochondrial membrane potential and upregulation of mitochondrial apoptotic proteins Bax and Bad. Cell death of glioma cells was marked by downregulation of Akt and phospho-Akt molecules. We observed similar results under in vivo conditions in U251- and 5310-injected nude mice brains, which were treated with hUCBSC. Under in vivo conditions, Smac/DIABLO was found to be colocalized in the nucleus, showing that hUCBSC induced apoptosis is mediated by inhibition of XIAP and activation of Smac/DIABLO.Our results indicate that downregulation of XIAP by hUCBSC treatment induces apoptosis, which led to the death of the glioma cells and xenograft cells. This study demonstrates the therapeutic potential of XIAP and hUCBSC to treat malignant

  8. Visualizing Vpr-induced G2 arrest and apoptosis.

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    Tomoyuki Murakami

    Full Text Available Vpr is an accessory protein of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1 with multiple functions. The induction of G2 arrest by Vpr plays a particularly important role in efficient viral replication because the transcriptional activity of the HIV-1 long terminal repeat is most active in G2 phase. The regulation of apoptosis by Vpr is also important for immune suppression and pathogenesis during HIV infection. However, it is not known whether Vpr-induced apoptosis depends on the ability of Vpr to induce G2 arrest, and the dynamics of Vpr-induced G2 arrest and apoptosis have not been visualized. We performed time-lapse imaging to examine the temporal relationship between Vpr-induced G2 arrest and apoptosis using HeLa cells containing the fluorescent ubiquitination-based cell cycle indicator2 (Fucci2. The dynamics of G2 arrest and subsequent long-term mitotic cell rounding in cells transfected with the Vpr-expression vector were visualized. These cells underwent nuclear mis-segregation after prolonged mitotic processes and then entered G1 phase. Some cells subsequently displayed evidence of apoptosis after prolonged mitotic processes and nuclear mis-segregation. Interestingly, Vpr-induced apoptosis was seldom observed in S or G2 phase. Likewise, visualization of synchronized HeLa/Fucci2 cells infected with an adenoviral vector expressing Vpr clearly showed that Vpr arrests the cell cycle at G2 phase, but does not induce apoptosis at S or G2 phase. Furthermore, time-lapse imaging of HeLa/Fucci2 cells expressing SCAT3.1, a caspase-3-sensitive fusion protein, clearly demonstrated that Vpr induces caspase-3-dependent apoptosis. Finally, to examine whether the effects of Vpr on G2 arrest and apoptosis were reversible, we performed live-cell imaging of a destabilizing domain fusion Vpr, which enabled rapid stabilization and destabilization by Shield1. The effects of Vpr on G2 arrest and subsequent apoptosis were reversible. This study is the first to

  9. Cathepsin B is involved in the heat shock induced cardiomyocytes apoptosis as well as the anti-apoptosis effect of HSP-70. (United States)

    Hsu, Shu-Fen; Hsu, Chuan-Chih; Cheng, Bor-Chih; Lin, Cheng-Hsien


    Cathepsin B is one of the major lysosomal cysteine proteases that plays an important role in apoptosis. Herein, we investigated whether Cathepsin B is involved in cardiomyocyte apoptosis caused by hyperthermic injury (HI) and heat shock protein (HSP)-70 protects these cells from HI-induced apoptosis mediated by Cathepsin. HI was produced in H9C2 cells by putting them in a circulating 43 °C water bath for 120 min, whereas preinduction of HSP-70 was produced in H9C2 cells by mild heat preconditioning (or putting them in 42 °C water bath for 30 min) 8 h before the start of HI. It was found that HI caused both cardiomyocyte apoptosis and increased Cathepsin B activity in H9C2 cells. E-64-c, in addition to reducing Cathepsin B activity, significantly attenuated HI-induced cardiomyocyte apoptosis (evidenced by increased apoptotic cell numbers, increased tuncated Bid (t-Bid), increased cytochrome C, increased caspase-9/-3, and decreased Bcl-2/Bax) in H9C2 cells. In addition, preinduction of HSP-70 by mild heat preconditioning or inhibition of HSP-70 by Tripolide significantly attenuated or exacerbated respectively both the cardiomyocyte apoptosis and increased Cathepsin B activity in H9C2 cells. Furthermore, the beneficial effects of pre-induction of HSP-70 by mild heat production in reducing both cardiomyocyte apoptosis and increased Cathepsin B activity caused by HI can be significantly reduced by Triptolide preconditioning. These results indicate that Cathepsin B is involved in HI-induced cardiomyocyte apoptosis in H9C2 cells and HSP-70 protects these cells from HI-induced cardiomyocyte apoptosis through Cathepsin B pathways.

  10. Research Advances on Pathways of Nickel-Induced Apoptosis (United States)

    Guo, Hongrui; Chen, Lian; Cui, Hengmin; Peng, Xi; Fang, Jing; Zuo, Zhicai; Deng, Junliang; Wang, Xun; Wu, Bangyuan


    High concentrations of nickel (Ni) are harmful to humans and animals. Ni targets a number of organs and produces multiple toxic effects. Apoptosis is important in Ni-induced toxicity of the kidneys, liver, nerves, and immune system. Apoptotic pathways mediated by reactive oxygen species (ROS), mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum (ER), Fas, and c-Myc participate in Ni-induced cell apoptosis. However, the exact mechanism of apoptosis caused by Ni is still unclear. Understanding the mechanism of Ni-induced apoptosis may help in designing measures to prevent Ni toxicity. PMID:26703593

  11. Bloqueo de las crisis audiogénicas y del choque electroconvulsivo por la 2-fenil-4,4-bis-(hidroximetil-2-oxazolina Block of the audiogenic seizures and of the electroconvulsive shock by 2-phenyl-4, 4-bis-(hydroxymethyl-2-oxazoline

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    Milena Díaz Molina


    Full Text Available Algunas aril-oxazolinas han sido descritas como sustancias activas sobre el sistema nervioso central, con efectos y aplicaciones diversas como depresoras, anestésicos, anticonvulsivos, etc. El presente trabajo se trazó como objetivo fundamental estudiar el posible efecto de la 2-fenil-4,4-bis (hidroximetil-2-oxazolina (OX obtenida por síntesis química bajo microondas, en 2 modelos experimentales de epilepsia: el choque electroconvulsivo por estimulación repetitiva en ratones y el de inducción de crisis convulsiva por estímulo audiogénico en el gerbo mongol. La dosis de 150 mg/kg de OX redujo el número de pulsos eléctricos necesarios para inducir la crisis tónica producida por el choque eléctrico, así como su duración. Esta misma dosis bloqueó las crisis inducidas por el estímulo audiogénico en el gerbo, y disminuyó significativamente su severidad (grados de crisis y ocurrencia. Estos resultados permiten afirmar que OX presenta un efecto antiepiléptico relacionado posiblemente con una inhibición de la sinapsis glutamatérgica en el hipocampo.Some aryl-oxazolines have been described as active substances on the central nervous system, with diverse effects and applications as depressants, anesthetics, anticonvulsants, etc. The purpose of the present paper is to study the possible effect of 2-phenyl-4,4-bis (hydroxymethyl-2-oxazoline (OX obtained by chemical synthesis under microwaves in 2 experimental models of epilepsy: the electroconvulsive shock by repetitive stimulation in mice and that of induction of convulsive seizures by audiogenic stimulus in gerbo mongol. The dose of 150 mg/kg of OX reduced the number of electric pulses, as well as its duration. This same dose blocked the seizures induced by audiogenic stimulus in gerbo and significantly reduced its severity (seizure degrees and occurrence. These reults allow to assert that OX present an antiepilectic effect possibly related to an inhibition of glutamatergic synapse in

  12. Interacción de los efectos del policosanol y el aceite de pescado sobre el tiempo de sangrado y la agregación plaquetaria intravascular en ratas


    Vivian Molina; Lourdes Arruzazabala; Daisy Carbajal; Rosa Más


    El consumo de aceite de pescado ha mostrado reducir los eventos cardiovasculares por lo cual investigar si su administración con terapias concomitantes aporta beneficios adicionales resulta de interés. Estudios experimentales y clínicos han mostrado que la administración conjunta de aceite de pescado y policosanol muestra beneficios añadidos sobre el perfil lipídico y la agregación plaquetaria inducida ex vivo. Este trabajo investigó si la terapia combinada aceite de pescado + policosanol mos...

  13. Signaling Pathways in Cardiac Myocyte Apoptosis (United States)

    Xia, Peng; Liu, Yuening


    Cardiovascular diseases, the number 1 cause of death worldwide, are frequently associated with apoptotic death of cardiac myocytes. Since cardiomyocyte apoptosis is a highly regulated process, pharmacological intervention of apoptosis pathways may represent a promising therapeutic strategy for a number of cardiovascular diseases and disorders including myocardial infarction, ischemia/reperfusion injury, chemotherapy cardiotoxicity, and end-stage heart failure. Despite rapid growth of our knowledge in apoptosis signaling pathways, a clinically applicable treatment targeting this cellular process is currently unavailable. To help identify potential innovative directions for future research, it is necessary to have a full understanding of the apoptotic pathways currently known to be functional in cardiac myocytes. Here, we summarize recent progress in the regulation of cardiomyocyte apoptosis by multiple signaling molecules and pathways, with a focus on the involvement of these pathways in the pathogenesis of heart disease. In addition, we provide an update regarding bench to bedside translation of this knowledge and discuss unanswered questions that need further investigation. PMID:28101515

  14. Molecular imaging of apoptosis in cancer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hakumaeki, Juhana M.; Liimatainen, Timo


    Apoptosis plays an important role in cancer. Mechanisms hindering its action are implicated in a number of malignancies. Also, the induction of apoptosis plays a pivotal role in non-surgical cancer treatment regimes such as irradiation, chemotherapy, or hormones. Recent advanced in imaging science have made it now possible for us to detect and visualize previously inaccessible and even unrecognized biological phenomena in cells and tissue undergoing apoptosis in vivo. Not only are these imaging techniques painting an intriguing picture of the spatiotemporal characteristics and metabolic and biophysical of apoptosis in situ, but they are expected to have an ever increasing impact in preclinical testing and design of new anticancer agents as well. Rapid and accurate visualization of apoptotic response in the clinical settings can also be of significant diagnostic and prognostic worth. With the advent of molecular medicine and patient-tailored treatment options and therapeutic agents, such monitoring techniques are becoming paramount


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    Rade Čukuranović


    Full Text Available Kidney morphogenesis is a complex and stepwise process. The formation of mature kidney in mammals is preceded by two primitive embryonic kidneys known as pronephros and mesonephros. Metanephros develops as a result of reciprocal inductive interactions between two primordial mesodermal derivates: ureteric bud, an epithelial outgrowth of the Wolffian duct, and metanephric blastema, a group of mesenchymal cells. The ureteric bud induces the metanephric mesenchyme to differentiate and form nephrons, whilst the metanephric mesenchyme induces the ureteric bud to grow and branch to form collecting ducts. The nephron goes through four developmental stages, which are described as: 1 vesicle, 2 comma-shaped and S-shaped stages, 3 developing capillary loop, and finally 4 maturing glomerulus. Apoptosis (programmed cell death is a predominant form of physiological cell death, by which organism eliminate unwanted or damaged cells. It is the major component of normal development and disease. Apoptosis is the result of series of biochemical processes happening in certain order in a dying cell, among which the most important is activation of enzyme families called caspases which influence different cell components. Apoptosis is characterized by membrane blebbing, shrinkage of the cell, nuclear fragmentation and chromatin condensation. Organelles are preserved almost intact. Cell surface molecules change. A variety of physiological and pathological stimuli can initiate apoptosis. They act via receptor mechanisms, through biochemical agents, or cause DNA and cell membrane damage. Apoptosis is an important component of fetal development. It is thought that apoptosis is the one of the main regulatory events involved in kidney morphogenesis, considering that among great number of developed cells, only a few of them are involved in the developing program by escaping apoptosis. In any period during kidney development about 3 to 5%of cells are apoptotic. Thorough

  16. Cyclin-dependent kinases regulate apoptosis of intestinal epithelial cells (United States)

    Bhattacharya, Sujoy; Ray, Ramesh M.; Johnson, Leonard R.


    Homeostasis of the gastrointestinal epithelium is dependent upon a balance between cell proliferation and apoptosis. Cyclin-dependent kinases (Cdks) are well known for their role in cell proliferation. Previous studies from our group have shown that polyamine-depletion of intestinal epithelial cells (IEC-6) decreases cyclin-dependent kinase 2 (Cdk2) activity, increases p53 and p21Cip1 protein levels, induces G1 arrest, and protects cells from camptothecin (CPT)-induced apoptosis. Although emerging evidence suggests that members of the Cdk family are involved in the regulation of apoptosis, their roles directing apoptosis of IEC-6 cells are not known. In this study, we report that inhibition of Cdk1, 2, and 9 (with the broad range Cdk inhibitor, AZD5438) in proliferating IEC-6 cells triggered DNA damage, activated p53 signaling, inhibited proliferation, and induced apoptosis. By contrast, inhibition of Cdk2 (with NU6140) increased p53 protein and activity, inhibited proliferation, but had no effect on apoptosis. Notably, AZD5438 sensitized, whereas, NU6140 rescued proliferating IEC-6 cells from CPT-induced apoptosis. However, in colon carcinoma (Caco2) cells with mutant p53, treatment with either AZD5438 or NU6140 blocked proliferation, albeit more robustly with AZD5438. Both Cdk inhibitors induced apoptosis in Caco2 cells in a p53-independent manner. In serum starved quiescent IEC-6 cells, both AZD5438 and NU6140 decreased TNF- /CPT-induced activation of p53 and, consequently, rescued cells from apoptosis, indicating that sustained Cdk activity is required for apoptosis of quiescent cells. Furthermore, AZD5438 partially reversed the protective effect of polyamine depletion whereas NU6140 had no effect. Together, these results demonstrate that Cdks possess opposing roles in the control of apoptosis in quiescent and proliferating cells. In addition, Cdk inhibitors uncouple proliferation from apoptosis in a p53-dependent manner. PMID:24242917

  17. Mitochondrial disfunction and apoptosis in leukemia cells

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    Annamaria PALLAG


    Full Text Available Apoptosis or programmed cell death is a process which involves the intentional degradation of the cell from the inside, the participation of the mitochondria to propagate the apoptotic signal, the alteration of the phospholipid cell membrane composition, the perturbation and alteration of the cell metabolism.The antineoplastic drugs is inducing the apoptotic process in the sensitive cells.It have been studied acute lymphoblastic leukemia cells. Using Annexin V-PE Apoptosis Detection Kit and flow cytometer, the amount of cells undergoing apoptosis, in various stages of the antineoplasic treatment, was detected. At the same time, were monitored, the serum level of malondialdehyde. The results obtained confirm the alteration of the mitochondrial metabolism. We can observed the mitochondrial dysfunction role in cell apoptosis.

  18. Copolymerization of Ethylene Induced by Cobalt-60 Gamma Radiation; Copolymerisation de l'ethylene induite par des rayons gamma du cobalt-60; Sopolimerizatsiya ehtilena pod dejstviem gamma-izlucheniya ot istochnika ks'yali-60; Copolimerizacion del etileno inducida por las radiaciones gamma del cobalto-60

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Steinberg, M.; Colombo, P. [Brookhaven National Laboratory, Long Island, NY (United States)


    }C et a des pressions initiales allant jusqu'a 680 atm. On a procede aux experiences, en milieu statique, dans des systemes a deux phases, a l'exception du systeme ethylene-oxyde de carbone. La separation des copolymeres a ete obtenue par des methodes d'extraction par solvant et de precipitation fractionnee. L'identification a ete faite au moyen de la spectroscopic aux infrarouges. La composition a ete determinee par analyse elementaire. Les auteurs donnent une evaluation partielle de certains produits de la reaction, y compris les points de fusion cristalline, les densites, les caracteristiques de solubilite et les poids moleculaires. La copolymerisation de l'ethylene a ete etablie avec chacun des monomeres suivants : styrene, methacrylate de methyle, acetate de vinyle, acrylonitrile, acetate d'allyle, isobutylene, chlorotiifluoroethylene, transbutene-2, acrylate de methyle, isoprene, propylene, chlorure de vinyle, butene-1, cis-butene-2, oxyde de carbone, pyrrolidone de vinyle, methyle- vinyle-cetone et divinyle-benzene. Les auteurs ont trouve que les donnees experimentales obtenues dans l'etude du systeme ethylene-oxyde de carbone suivaient une forme lineaire de l'equation de composition du copolymere. Pour le rapport {alpha} des constantes de vitesse specifiques de l'oxyde de carbone et de l'ethylene, ils ont determine la valeur 22,0, ce qui montre que l'oxyde de carbone en tant que monomere est active a tel point qu'il se fixe a l'extremite d'une chaftie de radicaux libres d'ethylene 22 fois plus vite que ne le fait un monomere d'ethylene. (author) [Spanish] Los autores estudiaron la copolimerizacion del etileno, inducida por las radiaciones gamma, con una serie de diversos monometos, a 20{sup o}C y presiones iniciales de hasta 680 atm. Los experimentos se llevaron a cabo estaticamente en sistemas bifasicos, salvo en el caso del etileno-oxido de carbono. La separacion de los copolimeros se llevo a cabo por extraccion mediante disolventes y por precipitacion

  19. Fisiopatología, tratamiento y modelos experimentales de artritis reumatoide

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    Miriam Noa Puig


    Full Text Available La artritis reumatoide, poliartritis inflamatoria más común del adulto, que afecta cerca del 1 % de la población mundial, predomina más en mujeres que en hombres, se presenta con mayor frecuencia entre los 30 y 50 años de edad, y conlleva a una gran discapacidad del paciente. Se caracteriza por una sinovitis erosiva simétrica, en la cual el tejido conjuntivo prolifera (pannus, invade y erosiona el cartílago y el hueso de las articulaciones y, a veces, por una afectación multisistémica. En la mayoría de los pacientes la enfermedad sigue una evolución crónica fluctuante que, si no se trata, ocasiona una progresiva destrucción, deformidad e incapacidad de las articulaciones afectadas. La enfermedad evoluciona con cifras elevadas de factor reumatoideo y /o anticuerpos anti-citrulinas. Constituyen aspectos esenciales del tratamiento óptimo de la enfermedad: el diagnóstico diferencial precoz; el tratamiento inicial con antiinflamatorios no esteroideos; el uso de fármacos modificadores del curso de la enfermedad; el uso posible de glucocorticoides, a dosis bajas por vía oral, o en inyección intraarticular; la evaluación periódica de la adecuación del tratamiento (monitorización radiológica, sérica y funcional de la progresión de la enfermedad y de la toxicidad asociada al tratamiento, y las intervenciones de educación y rehabilitación del paciente. Para evaluar nuevas terapias para el tratamiento de la artritis reumatoide, los modelos más usados son: el de la artritis inducida por adyuvante en ratas y artritis inducida por colágeno en ratas y ratones. Otros modelos recientes muestran datos limitados. La eficacia de varios compuestos revela que su efecto terapéutico es más predictivo de eficacia clínica en humano cuando se estudian los modelos de artritis por adyuvante y por colágeno, que los datos de un solo modelo.

  20. Assessment of radiation induced apoptosis in lymphocyte subpopulations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Perez, M. del R.; Dubner, Diana L.; Michelin, Severino; Gisone, Pablo A.; Barboza, Marcos


    Apoptosis is the main form of radioinduced cell death. The lymphocytes, highly radiosensitive cells, dead in interphase by apoptosis even after very low doses. It has been demonstrated that the various peripheral blood lymphocyte (PBL) types display clear differences in their radiosensitivity . The purpose of this work was the characterization of radioinduced apoptosis in total PBL and in helper and cytotoxic T-lymphocytes. Blood samples were irradiated with a gamma source with doses between 0,5 and 4 Gy, dose-rate 0,8 Gy/min. Apoptosis was evaluated at different times post irradiation (p.i.) by conventional and fluorescence microscopy. Fragmentation of DNA was determined by electrophoresis in agarose gels. Apoptosis was quantified flow cytometrically by light scatter gram and determining the percent of fixed cells stained with propidium iodide that exhibited a reduced DNA content. FITC-labelled Annexin V was used to bind cell membrane phosphatidylserine which is aberrantly exposed during apoptosis. As an additional approach for the evaluation of apoptosis we measured the mitochondrial transmembrane potential by using the cationic dye 3,3 dihexyl oxacarbocyanine iodide (DiOC 6 ). Chromatin condensation and apoptotic bodies were microscopically observed and internucleosomal fragmentation was revealed in electrophoresis gels. Apoptotic cell fraction displayed a dose-dependent increase with a higher radiosensitivity for CD8 T-lymphocytes. These results suggest that quantification of PBL apoptosis could be an useful biological indicator in accidental overexposures and could also provide an useful predictive test for individual radiosensitivity. The higher radiosensitivity revealed by CD8 subset could allow a better discrimination of this phenomenon. (author)

  1. Fullerene and apoptosis

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    M. A. Orlova


    Full Text Available Fullerene derivatives superfamily attracts a serious attention as antiviral and anticancer agents and drug delivery carriers as well. A large number of such fullerene С60 derivatives obtained to date. However, there is an obvious deficit of information about causes and mechanisms of immediately and long-term consequences of their effects in vivo which is a true obstacle on the way leading to practical medical use of them. First, this concerns their impact on the proliferation, apoptosis and necrosis regulation. Fullerene nanoparticle functionalization type, their sizes and surface nanopathology are of great importance to further promoting of either cytoprotective or cytotoxic effects. This lecture provides modern concept analysis regarding fullerenes effects on apoptosis pathway in normal and tumor cells.

  2. Apoptosis-Dependent and Apoptosis-Independent Functions Bim in Prostate Cancer Cells

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Liu, Junwei


    ... (death, survival, proliferation/division, etc). Our hypothesis is that, under normal, unstimulated conditions, with its apoptotic function blocked, the upregulated Bim in PCa cells play an apoptosis-independent function...

  3. Aspartame-induced apoptosis in PC12 cells


    Horio, Yukari; Sun, Yongkun; Liu, Chuang; Saito, Takeshi; Kurasaki, Masaaki


    Aspartame is an artificial sweetner added to many low-calorie foods. The safety of aspartame remains controversial even though there are many studies on its risks. In this study, to understand the physiological effects of trace amounts of artificial sweetners on cells, the effects of aspartame on apoptosis were investigated using a PC12 cell system. In addition, the mechanism of apoptosis induced by aspartame in PC12 cells and effects on apoptotic factors such as cytochrome c, apoptosis-induc...

  4. Alterações em variáveis motoras e metabólicas induzidas pelo treinamento durante um macrociclo em jogadores de handebol Alteraciones en las variables motoras y metabólicas inducidas por el entrenamiento durante un macro ciclo en jugadores de balonmano Changes in metabolic and motor performance variables induced by training in handball players

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    Juvenilson de Souza


    Full Text Available A monitoração do treinamento é uma prática comum no desporto. Essa monitoração deve ser baseada em testes específicos e que reflitam as adaptações às diversas etapas de treinamento, permitindo, assim, ajustes no programa deste. Assim, este estudo teve como objetivo analisar as alterações em variáveis motoras e metabólicas induzidas pelo treinamento durante um macrociclo em jogadores de handebol. Os atletas foram submetidos a um programa de preparação fundamentado no modelo de periodização proposto por Verkhoshanski(7 e adaptado por Oliveira(8. Foram estudados 11 jogadores de handebol, que realizaram treinamentos diários, na faixa etária de 20 a 32 anos, massa corporal média de 89,5 ± 10,4kg (70,2 a 105,1kg, e estatura média de 184,4 ± 6,7cm (171,8 a 198cm, filiados à equipe "UniFil/Londrina" do município de Londrina - PR. Os handebolistas foram submetidos a duas baterias de testes: a primeira no início do segundo macrociclo de treinamento e a segunda após 16 semanas, antecedendo o início da liga nacional. Para análise dos dados foi utilizado teste t para medidas repetidas com p La monitorización del entrenamiento es una práctica común en el deporte. Esa monitorización debe basarse en pruebas específicas y que reflejen las adaptaciones a las diversas etapas del entrenamiento, permitiendo así, ajustes en el programa del mismo. Así, este estudio ha tenido como objetivo analizar las alteraciones en las variables motoras y metabólicas inducidas por el entrenamiento durante un macro ciclo en jugadores de balonmano. Los atletas fueron sometidos a un programa de preparación basado en el modelo de periodicidad propuesto por Verkhoshanski(7 y adaptado por Oliveira(8. Fueron estudiados 11 jugadores de balonmano que realizaron entrenamiento diario, con edades entre 20 y 32 años, masa corporal media de 89,5 ± 10,4 kg (70,2 y 105,1 kg, y estatura media de 184,4 ± 6,7 cm (171,8 y 198 cm, afiliados al equipo "Uni

  5. The apoptosis of CHO cells induced by X-rays

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lu Zhaohong; Zhao Jingyong; Zhu Mingqing; Shi Xijin; Wang Chunlei


    The work is to study the mechanism of toxic effects on reproductive system and apoptosis of Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells induced by X-rays. CHO cell was exposed to X-rays 2 to 20 Gy. Apoptosis and morphological changes of the cells were observed by fluorescent microscopy and flow cytometry analyzer with double staining with Annexin V/PI. The apoptosis could be observed at 24, 48 and 72h after the exposure, but it was more obvious 48 and 72 h after the exposure. Rate of the apoptosis increased along with radiation dose were elevated. Some morphological changes, such as irregular agglomerate of chromatins, pycnosis and periphery distribution of nuclei, crescent-moon-like cells, small apoptosis body, were observed. Radiation results DNA damage in the CHO cells, and the damage cannot be repaired, hence the induced cell apoptosis. (authors)

  6. Respuesta de anticuerpos inducidos por la vacuna antimeningocócica cubana VA-MENGOC-BC® frente a la cepa de Neisseria meningitidis B:4:P1.19,15 en adolescentes después de 12 años de inmunizados

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    María A. Camaraza


    Full Text Available Se estudió la respuesta de anticuerpos inducida por la vacuna antimeningocócica cubana VA-MENGOC-BC® contra la cepa de Neisseria meningitidis B:4:P1.19,15 mediante el Ensayo Bactericida del Suero (EBS y ELISA de tipo indirecto, para medir anticuerpos contra vesículas de membrana externa (VME de N. meningitidis B a 184 adolescentes de un politécnico de Ciego de Ávila que fueron inmunizados en campañas masivas 12 años antes. Se realizaron extracciones de sangre antes de aplicar la primera dosis (T0, 4 semanas después de ésta (T1 y 4 semanas después de la segunda dosis (T2. Transcurridos 12 años de esta vacunación el 42% de los adolescentes presentó títulos bactericidas ≥ 1:4 frente a la cepa homóloga (B:4:P1.19,15 y el 98% mostró anticuerpos detectables contra las VME. En el EBS; el porcentaje de seroconversión T1/T0 fue del 57% y T2/T0 del 60%. Mediante ELISA la seroconversión fue del 59% y 54%, respectivamente, por lo que se demostró que la aplicación de una sola dosis después de 12 años indujo una respuesta inmune importante que puede sugerir una respuesta anamnésica.

  7. Síndrome metabólico y preeclampsia: los aportes realizados por el Instituto de Investigaciones de la Fundación Cardiovascular de Colombia Metabolic syndrome and pre-eclampsia: contributions realized by the research Institute of the Colombian Cardiovascular Foundation

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    Patricio López-Jaramillo


    Full Text Available Durante los últimos años, el Instituto de Investigaciones de la Fundación Cardiovascular de Colombia ha centrado sus proyectos en el estudio de las diferencias en los mecanismos etiofisiopatológicos de la hipertensión inducida por el embarazo y del síndrome metabólico en poblaciones de países desarrollados y en vía de desarrollo, así como en el peso específico de los factores de riesgo que determinan la presentación de estas enfermedades. Los resultados obtenidos de las investigaciones realizadas en la población, sugieren que los cambios de hábitos de vida ocasionados por la sociedad consumista, son el principal determinante del riesgo aumentado de preeclampsia y enfermedades cardiovasculares que al momento presenta la población colombiana.The Research Institute of the Colombian Cardiovascular Foundation has centered its projects during the last years in the study of the differences in the etio-physiopathologic mechanisms of pregnancy induced hypertension and in the metabolic syndrome in populations of developed and underdeveloped countries, as well as in the value of the risk factors that determine the appearance of these diseases. The results obtained from the investigations realized in the population suggest that changes in life costumes due to a consumer society are the main determinant of the increased risk of pre-eclampsia and cardiovascular diseases that the Colombian population presents at this moment.

  8. Sequential activation of proteases in radiation induced apoptosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Watters, D.; Waterhouse, N.


    Full text: Significant advances have been made in recent years in unraveling the molecular mechanisms of apoptosis particularly in relation to Fas- and TNF-mediated cell death, however there are considerable gaps in our knowledge of the processes involved in apoptosis induced by ionizing radiation. We have used the degradation of specific proteolytic targets in a pair of isogenic Burkitt's Iymphoma cells lines (BL30A, sensitive and BL30K resistant) to study the sequence of events in the execution of radiation-induced apoptosis. Fodrin can be cleaved to fragments of 150 kDa and 120 kDa. In the case of Fas-mediated apoptosis both cleavages are inhibited by the caspase inhibitor zVAD-fmk at 10 μM, a concentration which inhibits all the hallmarks of apoptosis. However in radiation-induced apoptosis, inhibition of the clevage of fodrin to the 150 kDa fragment requires 100 μM zVAD-fink while apoptosis itself is inhibited at 10 μM. This suggests that different enzymes are responsible for the generation of the 150 kDa fragment in the two models of apoptosis. Fodrin has been reported to be cleaved by μ-calpain to a 150 kDa fragment however, the involvement of μ-calpain in apoptosis has not yet been established. In murine fodrin there is a caspase cleavage site within 1 kDa of the calpain cleavage site. In vitro studies using purified enzymes showed that only caspase-3 and μ-calpain could cleave fodrin in untreated cell extracts to the same sized fragments as seen during apoptosis in vivo. We provide evidence for the early activation of μ-calpain after ionizing radiation in the sensitive BL30A cell line, and show that the time course of μ-calpain activation parallels that of the appearance of the 150 kDa fragment. Caspase-3 is activated much later and is likely to be responsible for the generation of the 120 kDa fragment. μ-Calpain was not activated in the resistant cell line. Based on these results we propose a model for the proteolytic cascade in radiation

  9. Carbonatogénesis inducida en un perfil de suelo tropical

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    Yamile Valencia González


    Full Text Available En los suelos puede generarse un proceso común en la naturaleza denominado “biomineralización”o “bioprecipitación”, mediante el cual los organismos vivos presentes en él forman precipitados minerales cristalinos o amorfos. Este proceso es muy importante para la ingeniería geotécnica, ya que los minerales precipitados pueden llenar los vacíos o ligar las partículas de suelo mejorando las propiedades geológico-geotécnicas del material; sin embargo, el proceso demora muchísimos años para ocurrir de forma natural. Es por eso, que con esta investigación se buscó inducir en pocos días (15 días la precipitación de minerales de carbonato de calcio, a partir de la adición de un nutriente precipitador sobre las bacterias nativas existentes en un perfil de suelo tropical, mejorando sus propiedades ingenieriles por medio de la disminución del índice de vacíos, la retracción, la permeabilidad, el colapso, la erodabilidad y la degradación, y del aumento de la cohesión y la fricción, causando menor impacto ambiental que otras técnicas usadas comúnmente en la ingeniería.

  10. Tumor necrosis factor related apoptosis inducing ligand triggers apoptosis in dividing but not in differentiating human epidermal keratinocytes

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Jansen, Bastiaan J. H.; van Ruissen, Fred; Cerneus, Stefanie; Cloin, Wendy; Bergers, Mieke; van Erp, Piet E. J.; Schalkwijk, Joost


    Using serial analysis of gene expression we have previously identified the expression of several pro-apoptotic and anti-apoptotic genes in cultured human primary epidermal keratinocytes, including tumor necrosis factor related apoptosis inducing ligand (TRAIL). TRAIL is a potent inducer of apoptosis

  11. Procesos de corrosión debidos a corrientes alternas inducidas (60 Hz

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    Vera, E.


    Full Text Available The phenomenon by which a sinusoidal a.c. signal damages a steel in contact with an aggressive electrolite was determined. Thus, a series of electrochemical tests was carried out, when a signal of the previously mentioned characteristics is present in the metal-electrolite interphase, both with cathodic protection and without it. The results allowed to postulate an empirical relationship that determines the corrosive process kinetics exerted by the action of an alternating signal. The phenomenon by which the AC signal generates a corrosion state over a probe was determined from the physical point of view.

    Se determinó el fenómeno por el que una señal de c.a. de tipo sinusoidal genera fenómenos de corrosión en un acero en contacto con un electrólito agresivo. Para ello, se realizaron pruebas electroquímicas cuando una señal de las anteriores características está presente en la interfase metal-electrólito, con y sin protección catódica. Los resultados permitieron postular una relación empírica que determina la cinética del proceso corrosivo ejercido por la acción de la señal alterna. Se determinó, desde un punto de vista físico, el fenómeno por el cual la señal de c.a. genera un estado de corrosión sobre la probeta.

  12. The mitochondria-mediate apoptosis of Lepidopteran cells induced by azadirachtin.

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    Jingfei Huang

    Full Text Available Mitochondria have been shown to play an important role in apoptosis using mammalian cell lines. However, this seems not to be the case in Drosophila, an insect model organism; thus more in-depth studies of insect cell apoptosis are necessary. In the present study, mitochondrial involvement during azadirachtin- and camptothecin-induced apoptosis in Spodoptera frugiperda Sf9 cells (isolated from Spodoptera frugiperda pupal ovarian tissue was investigated. The results showed that both azadirachtin and camptothecin could induce apoptosis in Sf9 cells. Reactive oxygen species (ROS generation, activation of mitochondrial permeability transition pores (MPTPs and loss of mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP were observed very early during apoptosis and were followed subsequently by the release of cytochrome-c from the mitochondria. Furthermore, the results also revealed that the opening of MPTPs and the loss of MMP induced by azadirachtin could be significantly inhibited by the permeability transition pore (PTP inhibitor cyclosporin A (CsA, which was used to identify the key role of mitochondria in the apoptosis of Sf9 cells. However, in camptothecin-treated Sf9 cells, CsA could not suppress the opening of MPTPs and the loss of MMP when apoptosis was induced. The data from caspase-3 and caspase-9 activity assays and detection of apoptosis by morphological observation and flow cytometry also uncovered the different effect of CsA on the two botanical apoptosis inducers. Although different mechanisms of apoptosis induction exist, our study revealed that mitochondria play a crucial role in insect cell line apoptosis.

  13. The mitochondria-mediate apoptosis of Lepidopteran cells induced by azadirachtin. (United States)

    Huang, Jingfei; Lv, Chaojun; Hu, Meiying; Zhong, Guohua


    Mitochondria have been shown to play an important role in apoptosis using mammalian cell lines. However, this seems not to be the case in Drosophila, an insect model organism; thus more in-depth studies of insect cell apoptosis are necessary. In the present study, mitochondrial involvement during azadirachtin- and camptothecin-induced apoptosis in Spodoptera frugiperda Sf9 cells (isolated from Spodoptera frugiperda pupal ovarian tissue) was investigated. The results showed that both azadirachtin and camptothecin could induce apoptosis in Sf9 cells. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation, activation of mitochondrial permeability transition pores (MPTPs) and loss of mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP) were observed very early during apoptosis and were followed subsequently by the release of cytochrome-c from the mitochondria. Furthermore, the results also revealed that the opening of MPTPs and the loss of MMP induced by azadirachtin could be significantly inhibited by the permeability transition pore (PTP) inhibitor cyclosporin A (CsA), which was used to identify the key role of mitochondria in the apoptosis of Sf9 cells. However, in camptothecin-treated Sf9 cells, CsA could not suppress the opening of MPTPs and the loss of MMP when apoptosis was induced. The data from caspase-3 and caspase-9 activity assays and detection of apoptosis by morphological observation and flow cytometry also uncovered the different effect of CsA on the two botanical apoptosis inducers. Although different mechanisms of apoptosis induction exist, our study revealed that mitochondria play a crucial role in insect cell line apoptosis.

  14. Reaper-Induced Apoptosis

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Perry, Jennifer


    Reaper is a central regulator of apoptosis in the fly, Drosophila melanogaster. At the start of this proposal our laboratory identified what was believed to be a pro-apoptotic human homolog of Reaper...

  15. Apoptosis-induced lymphopenia in sepsis and other severe injuries. (United States)

    Girardot, Thibaut; Rimmelé, Thomas; Venet, Fabienne; Monneret, Guillaume


    Sepsis and other acute injuries such as severe trauma, extensive burns, or major surgeries, are usually followed by a period of marked immunosuppression. In particular, while lymphocytes play a pivotal role in immune response, their functions and numbers are profoundly altered after severe injuries. Apoptosis plays a central role in this process by affecting immune response at various levels. Indeed, apoptosis-induced lymphopenia duration and depth have been associated with higher risk of infection and mortality in various clinical settings. Therapies modulating apoptosis represent an interesting approach to restore immune competence after acute injury, although their use in clinical practice still presents several limitations. After briefly describing the apoptosis process in physiology and during severe injuries, we will explore the immunological consequences of injury-induced lymphocyte apoptosis, and describe associations with clinically relevant outcomes in patients. Therapeutic perspectives targeting apoptosis will also be discussed.

  16. Fas-induced apoptosis in malnourished infants

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    deprivation in animals, including man11. Factor of apoptosis signal (Fas) induces apoptosis in activated T cells when they are repeatedly stimulated by antigen and functions to maintain T cell tolerance by deleting auto reactive cells12. The functional role of Fas (CD95) in the immune system has been examined in a variety ...

  17. Genetic Signatures of HIV-1 Envelope-mediated Bystander Apoptosis (United States)

    Joshi, Anjali; Lee, Raphael T. C.; Mohl, Jonathan; Sedano, Melina; Khong, Wei Xin; Ng, Oon Tek; Maurer-Stroh, Sebastian; Garg, Himanshu


    The envelope (Env) glycoprotein of HIV is an important determinant of viral pathogenesis. Several lines of evidence support the role of HIV-1 Env in inducing bystander apoptosis that may be a contributing factor in CD4+ T cell loss. However, most of the studies testing this phenomenon have been conducted with laboratory-adapted HIV-1 isolates. This raises the question of whether primary Envs derived from HIV-infected patients are capable of inducing bystander apoptosis and whether specific Env signatures are associated with this phenomenon. We developed a high throughput assay to determine the bystander apoptosis inducing activity of a panel of primary Envs. We tested 38 different Envs for bystander apoptosis, virion infectivity, neutralizing antibody sensitivity, and putative N-linked glycosylation sites along with a comprehensive sequence analysis to determine if specific sequence signatures within the viral Env are associated with bystander apoptosis. Our studies show that primary Envs vary considerably in their bystander apoptosis-inducing potential, a phenomenon that correlates inversely with putative N-linked glycosylation sites and positively with virion infectivity. By use of a novel phylogenetic analysis that avoids subtype bias coupled with structural considerations, we found specific residues like Arg-476 and Asn-425 that were associated with differences in bystander apoptosis induction. A specific role of these residues was also confirmed experimentally. These data demonstrate for the first time the potential of primary R5 Envs to mediate bystander apoptosis in CD4+ T cells. Furthermore, we identify specific genetic signatures within the Env that may be associated with the bystander apoptosis-inducing phenotype. PMID:24265318

  18. Characterization of radiation-induced Apoptosis in rodent cell lines

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Guo, Min; Chen, Changhu; Ling, C.C.


    For REC:myc(ch1), Rat1 and Rat1:myc b cells, we determined the events in the development of radiation-induced apoptosis to be in the following order: cell division followed by chromatin condensation, membrane blebbing, loss of adhesion and the uptake of vital dye. Experimental data which were obtained using 4 He ions of well defined energies and which compared the dependence of apoptosis and clonogenic survival on 4 He range strongly suggested that in our cells both apoptosis and loss of clonogenic survival resulted from radiation damage to the cell nucleus. Corroboratory evidence was that BrdU incorporation sensitized these cells to radiation-induced apoptosis. Comparing the dose response for apoptosis and the clonogenic survival curves for Rat1 and Rat1:myc b cells, we concluded that radiation-induced cell inactivation as assayed by clonogenic survival, and that a modified linear-quadratic model, proposed previously, modeled such a contribution effectively. In the same context, the selective increase in radiation-induced apoptosis. Comparing the dose response for apoptosis and the clonogenic survival curves for Rat1 and Rat1:myc b cells, we concluded that radiation-induced apoptosis contributed to the overall radiation-induced cell inactivation as assayed by clonogenic survival, and that a modified linear-quadratic model, proposed previously, modeled such a contribution effectively. In the same context, the selective increase in radiation-induced apoptosis during late S and G 2 phases reduced the relative radioresistance observed for clonogenic survival during late S and G 2 phases. 30 refs., 8 figs

  19. Iron dysregulation combined with aging prevents sepsis-induced apoptosis. (United States)

    Javadi, Pardis; Buchman, Timothy G; Stromberg, Paul E; Turnbull, Isaiah R; Vyas, Dinesh; Hotchkiss, Richard S; Karl, Irene E; Coopersmith, Craig M


    Sepsis, iron loading, and aging cause independent increases in gut epithelial and splenic apoptosis. It is unknown how their combination will affect apoptosis and systemic cytokine levels. Hfe-/- mice (a murine homologue of hemochromatosis) abnormally accumulate iron in their tissues. Aged (24-26 months) or mature (16-18 months) Hfe-/- mice and wild type (WT) littermates were subjected to cecal ligation and puncture (CLP) or sham laparotomy. Intestine, spleen, and blood were harvested 24 h later and assessed for apoptosis and cytokine levels. Gut epithelial and splenic apoptosis were low in both aged septic and sham Hfe-/- mice, regardless of the amount of iron in their diet. Mature septic WT mice had increased apoptosis compared to age-matched sham WT mice. Mature septic Hfe-/- mice had similar levels of intestinal cell death to age-matched septic WT mice but higher levels of splenic apoptosis. Apoptosis was significantly lower in septic aged Hfe-/- mice than septic mature Hfe-/- animals. Interleukin-6 was elevated in septic aged Hfe-/- mice compared to sham mice. Although sepsis, chronic iron dysregulation, and aging each increase gut and splenic apoptosis, their combination yields cell death levels similar to sham animals despite the fact that aged Hfe-/- mice are able to mount an inflammatory response following CLP and mature Hfe-/- mice have elevated sepsis-induced apoptosis. Combining sepsis with two risk factors that ordinarily increase cell death and increase mortality in CLP yields an apoptotic response that could not have been predicted based upon each element in isolation.

  20. Shifting the balance of mitochondrial apoptosis: therapeutic perspectives

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fulda, Simone


    Signaling via the intrinsic (mitochondrial) pathway of apoptosis represents one of the critical signal transduction cascades that control the regulation of cell death. This pathway is typically altered in human cancers, thereby providing a suitable target for therapeutic intervention. Members of the Bcl-2 family of proteins as well as cell survival signaling cascades such as the PI3K/Akt/mTOR pathway are involved in the regulation of mitochondria-mediated apoptosis. Therefore, further insights into the molecular mechanisms that form the basis for the control of mitochondria-mediated apoptosis will likely open new perspectives to bypass evasion of apoptosis and treatment resistance in human cancers.

  1. Shifting the balance of mitochondrial apoptosis: therapeutic perspectives

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fulda, Simone, E-mail: [Institute for Experimental Cancer Research in Pediatrics, Goethe-University, Frankfurt (Germany)


    Signaling via the intrinsic (mitochondrial) pathway of apoptosis represents one of the critical signal transduction cascades that control the regulation of cell death. This pathway is typically altered in human cancers, thereby providing a suitable target for therapeutic intervention. Members of the Bcl-2 family of proteins as well as cell survival signaling cascades such as the PI3K/Akt/mTOR pathway are involved in the regulation of mitochondria-mediated apoptosis. Therefore, further insights into the molecular mechanisms that form the basis for the control of mitochondria-mediated apoptosis will likely open new perspectives to bypass evasion of apoptosis and treatment resistance in human cancers.

  2. Shifting the balance of mitochondrial apoptosis: therapeutic perspectives

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Simone eFulda


    Full Text Available Signaling via the intrinsic (mitochondrial pathway of apoptosis represents one of the critical signal transduction cascades that control the regulation of cell death. This pathway is typically altered in human cancers, thereby providing a suitable target for therapeutic intervention. Members of the Bcl-2 family of proteins as well as cell survival signaling cascades such as the PI3K/Akt/mTOR pathway are involved in the regulation of mitochondria-mediated apoptosis. Therefore, further insights into the molecular mechanisms that form the basis for the control of mitochondria-mediated apoptosis will likely open new perspectives to bypass evasion of apoptosis and treatment resistance in human cancers.

  3. Apoptosis transcriptional mechanism of feline infectious peritonitis virus infected cells. (United States)

    Shuid, Ahmad Naqib; Safi, Nikoo; Haghani, Amin; Mehrbod, Parvaneh; Haron, Mohd Syamsul Reza; Tan, Sheau Wei; Omar, Abdul Rahman


    Apoptosis has been postulated to play an important role during feline infectious peritonitis virus (FIPV) infection; however, its mechanism is not well characterized. This study is focused on apoptosis and transcriptional profiling of FIPV-infected cells following in vitro infection of CRFK cells with FIPV 79-1146 WSU. Flow cytometry was used to determine mode of cell death in first 42 h post infection (hpi). FIPV infected cells underwent early apoptosis at 9 hpi (p apoptosis at 12 hpi (p apoptosis cluster (80 down-regulated and 51 up-regulated) along with increase of apoptosis, p53, p38 MAPK, VEGF and chemokines/cytokines signaling pathways were probably involved in apoptosis process. Six of the de-regulated genes expression (RASSF1, BATF2, MAGEB16, PDCD5, TNFα and TRAF2) and TNFα protein concentration were analyzed by RT-qPCR and ELISA, respectively, at different time-points. Up-regulations of both pro-apoptotic (i.e. PDCD5) and anti-apoptotic (i.e. TRAF2) were detected from first hpi and continuing to deregulate during apoptosis process in the infected cells.

  4. Csk regulates angiotensin II-induced podocyte apoptosis. (United States)

    Zhang, Lu; Ren, Zhilong; Yang, Qian; Ding, Guohua


    Increasing data have shown that angiotensin II (Ang II) perpetuates podocyte injury and promotes progression to end-stage kidney disease. The mechanism underlying Ang II-induced podocyte apoptosis has not been established. C-terminal Src kinase (Csk) is a cytoplasmic kinase that interacts with scaffolding proteins involved in cell growth, adhesion, and polarization, and the role of Csk in regulating cellular apoptosis has gradually attracted attention. This study evaluates the role of Csk in Ang II-induced podocyte apoptosis. In vivo, Wistar rats were randomly subjected to a normal saline or Ang II infusion. In vitro, we exposed differentiated mouse podocytes to Ang II. Ang II increased Csk expression and induced podocyte apoptosis, stimulated Csk translocation and binding to Caveolin-1, and stimulated decreased Fyn pY416, increased Fyn pY529, and nephrin dephosphorylation. Csk knockdown prevented Ang II-induced podocyte apoptosis, reduced Fyn kinase inactivation, and increased the interaction between nephrin and the activated form of Fyn, accompanied by a reduced interaction between Csk and Caveolin-1. These findings indicate that Ang II induces podocyte injury via a Csk-dependent pathway.

  5. Notas introductorias sobre el populismo y la cultura política en el área andina de América Latina

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    H.C.F. Mansilla


    Full Text Available Los elementos centrales de la cultura política y de la mentalidad colectiva del área andina se arrastran desde la época colonial. Han sufrido obviamente muchas alteraciones; la más importante ha sido la inducida por el proceso de modernización en la segunda mitad del siglo XX. Pero sus rasgos más importantes siguen vigentes hasta ahora: autoritarismo, paternalismo y centralismo, por un lado, y el funcionamiento lento, inefi ciente y enrevesado del aparato burocrático, por otro. Una carencia adicional de investigaciones es el tema de la percepción colectiva de la ley. La preservación de esta cultura política puede signifi car una regresión hacia modelos de acción de corte nacionalista y colectivista y hacia procedimientos políticos signados por el caudillismo, la atracción carismática, el irracionalismo y las jerarquías autoritarias.

  6. Influence of vitamin D on cell cycle, apoptosis, and some apoptosis related molecules in systemic lupus erythematosus

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nafise Tabasi


    Full Text Available Objective(s:Genetic and environmental factors are involved in the pathogenesis of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE. Autoreactive lymphocytes are cleared through apoptosis and any disturbance in the apoptosis or clearance of apoptotic cells may disturb tolerance and lead to autoimmunity. Vitamin D has anti-proliferative effects and controls cell cycle progression. In this study we investigated the effects of vitamin D on cell cycle and apoptosis induction in lupus patients. Materials and Methods:Isolated peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs from 25 SLE patients were cultured in the presence of 50 nM of 1,25(OH2D3; then one part of the cells were stained with FITC labeled Annexin V and PI and were analyzed for apoptosis determination. For gene expression assessment of FasL, Bcl-2 and Bax, RNA was extracted from one another part of the cells, cDNA was synthesized and gene expression analysis was performed using Real time PCR. An additional part of the cells were treated with PI and the cell cycle was analyzed using flowcytometer. Results: The mean number of early apoptotic cells in vitamin D treated cells decreased significantly (18.48±7.9% compared to untreated cells (22.02±9.4% (P=0.008. Cell cycle analysis showed a significant increase in G1 phase in vitamin D treated cells (67.33±5.2% compared to non treated ones (60.77±5.7% (P =0.02. Vitamin D up-regulated the expression levels of Bcl-2 by (18.87 fold increase, and down-regulated expression of Bax (23% and FasL (25%. Conclusion:Vitamin D has regulatory effects on cell cycle progression, apoptosis and apoptosis related molecules in lupus patients.

  7. Effect modification by apoptosis-related gene polymorphisms on the associations of phthalate exposure with spermatozoa apoptosis and semen quality

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yang, Pan; Gong, Ya-Jie; Wang, Yi-Xin; Liang, Xin-Xiu; Liu, Qing; Liu, Chong; Chen, Ying-Jun; Sun, Li; Lu, Wen-Qing


    Background: Human studies indicate that phthalate exposure is associated with adverse male reproductive health, and this association may be modified by genetic polymorphisms. Objectives: We investigated whether apoptosis-related gene polymorphisms modified the associations of phthalate exposure with spermatozoa apoptosis and semen quality. Methods: In this Chinese population who sought for semen examination in an infertility clinic, we measured 8 phthalate metabolites in two urine samples to assess the individual's exposure levels. Apoptosis-related gene (Fas, FasL, and caspase3) polymorphisms were performed by real-time PCR. Spermatozoa apoptosis and semen quality parameters were evaluated by Annexin V/PI assay and computer-aided semen analysis, respectively. Results: We found that Fas rs2234767, FasL rs763110, and caspase3 rs12108497 gene polymorphisms significantly modified the associations between urinary phthalate metabolites and spermatozoa apoptosis. For example, urinary monobutyl phthalate (MBP) associated with an increased percentage of Annexin V + /PI − spermatozoa of 25.11% (95% CI: 4.08%, 50.53%) were only observed among men with CT/TT genotype of FasL rs763110. In addition, we found that caspase3 rs12108497 gene polymorphisms significantly modified the associations of urinary mono (2-ethyl-5-hydroxyhexyl) phthalate (MEHHP) with decreased sperm concentration and sperm count (both p-values for interactions = 0.02). Conclusion: Our results provided the first evidence that apoptosis-related gene polymorphisms might contribute to the effects of phthalate exposure on male reproductive health. - Highlights: • We used two urine samples to assess the individual's phthalate exposure levels. • Fas, FasL, and caspase3 variants modified the association between phthalate exposure and spermatozoa apoptosis. • Caspase3 variants modified the association between phthalate exposure and semen quality. • Gene-environment interaction effects should be

  8. Knockdown of HIF-1α and IL-8 induced apoptosis of hepatocellular carcinoma triggers apoptosis of vascular endothelial cells. (United States)

    Choi, Sung Hoon; Park, Jun Yong; Kang, Wonseok; Kim, Seung Up; Kim, Do Young; Ahn, Sang Hoon; Ro, Simon Wonsang; Han, Kwang-Hyub


    A local hypoxic microenvironment is one of the most important characteristics of solid tumors. Hypoxia inducible factor-1α (HIF-1α) and Interleukin-8 (IL-8) activate tumor survival from hypoxic-induced apoptosis in each pathway. This study aimed to evaluate whether knockdown of HIF-1α and IL-8 induced apoptosis of the hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and endothelial cell lines. HCC cell lines were infected with adenovirus-expressing shRNA for HIF-1α and IL-8 and maintained under hypoxic conditions (1% O2, 24 h). The expression levels of HIF-1α and both apoptotic and growth factors were examined by real-time quantitative PCR and western blot. We also investigated apoptosis by TUNEL assay (FACS and Immunofluorescence) and measured the concentration of cytochrome C. Inhibition of HIF-1α and IL-8 up-regulated the expression of apoptotic factors while downregulating anti-apoptotic factors simultaneously. Knockdown of HIF-1α and IL-8 increased the concentration of cytochrome C and enhanced DNA fragmentation in HCC cell lines. Moreover, culture supernatant collected from the knockdown of HIF-1α and IL-8 in HCC cell lines induced apoptosis in human umbilical vein endothelial cells under hypoxia, and the expression of variable apoptotic ligand increased from HCC cell lines, time-dependently. These data suggest that adenovirus-mediated knockdown of HIF-1α and IL-8 induced apoptosis in HCC cells and triggered apoptosis of vascular endothelial cells.

  9. Effect modification by apoptosis-related gene polymorphisms on the associations of phthalate exposure with spermatozoa apoptosis and semen quality. (United States)

    Yang, Pan; Gong, Ya-Jie; Wang, Yi-Xin; Liang, Xin-Xiu; Liu, Qing; Liu, Chong; Chen, Ying-Jun; Sun, Li; Lu, Wen-Qing; Zeng, Qiang


    Human studies indicate that phthalate exposure is associated with adverse male reproductive health, and this association may be modified by genetic polymorphisms. We investigated whether apoptosis-related gene polymorphisms modified the associations of phthalate exposure with spermatozoa apoptosis and semen quality. In this Chinese population who sought for semen examination in an infertility clinic, we measured 8 phthalate metabolites in two urine samples to assess the individual's exposure levels. Apoptosis-related gene (Fas, FasL, and caspase3) polymorphisms were performed by real-time PCR. Spermatozoa apoptosis and semen quality parameters were evaluated by Annexin V/PI assay and computer-aided semen analysis, respectively. We found that Fas rs2234767, FasL rs763110, and caspase3 rs12108497 gene polymorphisms significantly modified the associations between urinary phthalate metabolites and spermatozoa apoptosis. For example, urinary monobutyl phthalate (MBP) associated with an increased percentage of Annexin V + /PI - spermatozoa of 25.11% (95% CI: 4.08%, 50.53%) were only observed among men with CT/TT genotype of FasL rs763110. In addition, we found that caspase3 rs12108497 gene polymorphisms significantly modified the associations of urinary mono (2-ethyl-5-hydroxyhexyl) phthalate (MEHHP) with decreased sperm concentration and sperm count (both p-values for interactions = 0.02). Our results provided the first evidence that apoptosis-related gene polymorphisms might contribute to the effects of phthalate exposure on male reproductive health. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  10. The genomic underpinnings of apoptosis in the silkworm, Bombyx mori (United States)


    Background Apoptosis is regulated in an orderly fashion by a series of genes, and has a crucial role in important physiological processes such as growth development, immunological response and so on. Recently, substantial studies have been undertaken on apoptosis in model animals including humans, fruit flies, and the nematode. However, the lack of genomic data for silkworms limits their usefulness in apoptosis studies, despite the advantages of silkworm as a representative of Lepidoptera and an effective model system. Herein we have identified apoptosis-related genes in the silkworm Bombyx mori and compared them to those from insects, mammals, and nematodes. Results From the newly assembled genome databases, a genome-wide analysis of apoptosis-related genes in Bombyx mori was performed using both nucleotide and protein Blast searches. Fifty-two apoptosis-related candidate genes were identified, including five caspase family members, two tumor necrosis factor (TNF) superfamily members, one Bcl-2 family member, four baculovirus IAP (inhibitor of apoptosis) repeat (BIR) domain family members and 1 RHG (Reaper, Hid, Grim, and Sickle; Drosophila cell death activators) family member. Moreover, we identified a new caspase family member, BmCaspase-New, two splice variants of BmDronc, and Bm3585, a mammalian TNF superfamily member homolog. Twenty-three of these apoptosis-related genes were cloned and sequenced using cDNA templates isolated from BmE-SWU1 cells. Sequence analyses revealed that these genes could have key roles in apoptosis. Conclusions Bombyx mori possesses potential apoptosis-related genes. We hypothesized that the classic intrinsic and extrinsic apoptotic pathways potentially are active in Bombyx mori. These results lay the foundation for further apoptosis-related study in Bombyx mori. PMID:21040523

  11. Fisiología reproductiva y control de los ciclos estrales en la gata doméstica


    Giménez, F.; Stornelli, María Cecilia; Savignone, César A.; Tittarelli, Claudia Marcela; Sota, Rodolfo Luzbel de la; Stornelli, María Alejandra


    La gata doméstica es poliéstrica estacional, con ovulación inducida por el coito. Sin embargo, la ovulación espontánea puede ocurrir en algunas hembras. El celo ocurre con un intervalo de 14 a 19 días en aquellas gatas expuestas a un fotoperíodo largo (14 horas luz diarias). El ciclo estral felino se divide en cuatro períodos: proestro, estro, interestro y anestro. Cada etapa presenta ciertas particularidades que diferencian una de otra. Existen diferentes métodos para prevenir tanto la ocurr...

  12. Influencia del entorno acústico laboral en el comportamiento audiométrico y su correlación con el registro de otoemisiones acústicas de productos de distorsión


    Burgos Sánchez, Antonio Jesús


    El ruido puede ser considerado el contaminante físico con mayor presencia en el mundo laboral. La exposición continuada sin la protección adecuada, a niveles sonoros de elevada intensidad constituye ineludiblemente un riesgo potencial para la salud. El efecto nocivo del ruido en el medio laboral se traduce en una pérdida auditiva o hipoacusia que generalmente es progresiva e irreversible, y que estaría encuadrada dentro de la denominada pérdida auditiva inducida por ruido (PAIR). La evaluació...

  13. El ácido linoleico conjugado disminuye la hipercolesterolemia pero aumenta el riesgo de litiasis biliar Conjugated linoleic acid lowers hypercholesterolemia but increases the risk for biliary lithiasis


    V. Navarro; M.ª T. Macarulla; M.ª Chávarri; A. Fernández-Quintela; V. M. Rodríguez; M.ª Puy Portillo


    El término ácido linoleico conjugado (ALC) designa una serie de isómeros del ácido linoleico, presentes en la carne y productos lácteos de rumiantes, que presentan sus dos dobles enlaces en posición conjugada. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue estudiar los efectos de un isómero del ALC, el trans-10, cis-12, sobre la colesterolemia y el riesgo de litiasis biliar en un modelo animal de hipercolesterolemia inducida por dieta. Para ello se utilizaron dos grupos de hámsters alimentados con una ...

  14. Restauración de la inmunocompetencia en ratones malnutridos con la administración de un hidrolizado de microalgas


    Humberto Joaquín Morris Quevedo; Leonardo Borges Quintana; Clara Esther Martínez Manrique; Olimpia Carrillo Farnés


    Se evaluó el efecto de la administración intraperitoneal de un hidrolizado proteico de la microalga Chlorella vulgaris en una dosis de 500 mg/kg de peso durante 6 días, como complemento de la dieta convencional en la recuperación de la inmunocompetencia de ratones Balb/c con malnutrición proteico-energética inducida experimentalmente por restricción dietética. La intervención con el hidrolizado implicó la restauración del conteo de leucocitos totales a valores similares a los del grupo contro...

  15. Caracterización Fitoquímica y Efecto Hipoglucemiante de Tecoma stans y su Relación con la Presencia del Cromo como Factor de Tolerancia a la Glucosa Phytochemical Characterization and Hypoglycemic Effect of the Tecoma stans and its Relationship to the Presence of Chromium as a Factor for Glucose Tolerance


    Ma. de J Ibarra; Pedro C Cantú; María J Verde; Azucena Oranday


    Se realizó la caracterización fitoquímica y la determinación del cromo en hojas de Tecoma stans, observando su efecto hipoglucemiante en animales con diabetes mellitus inducida en forma experimental. Como hiperglucemiante se utilizó estreptozotocina en ratas machos Sprague-Dawley a una dosis de 45 mg/kg de peso. Los tratamientos experimentales, todos por vía oral, fueron los siguientes para grupos diabéticos y grupos no diabéticos: agua, infusión de la planta, picolinato de cromo, e infusión ...

  16. Efectos de un extracto hidroalcohólico de Bidens alba en ratas normales y con diabetes aloxánica


    López Guerra, Regla Lisbel; Ventura Padrón, María C.; Rodríguez Rivas, Migdalia; Casas Blanco, José Carlos; Hernández Parets, Marleni; Arias Gallardo, Ana Isis


    Se realizó la valoración del efecto de un extracto hidroalcohólico de Bidens alba ("romerillo") en ratas normales, con diabetes aloxánica y con hiperglicemia inducida por epinefrina, en la Unidad Toxicológica Experimental del Instituto Superior de Ciencias Médicas "Dr. Serafín Ruiz de Zárate", Cuba, en el período entre septiembre de 1997 y mayo d e 1999. Fueron utilizadas 72 ratas Wistar de 180-210 gramos de peso. En animales normales se midió glucosa e insulina en sangre usando como comparac...

  17. Estrés nitrosativo y alteración de la homeostasis de S-Nitrosotioles en cáncer de mama: implicaciones terapeúticas


    Cañas Rodríguez, Amanda


    El cáncer de mama es la neoplasia más frecuente en la mujer y una de las principales causas de mortalidad femenina. Es una enfermedad heterogénea, con diversas histopatologías, variaciones genéticas y genómicas, así como respuestas clínicas diferentes. Generalmente en tumores se detectan niveles elevados de óxido nítrico (NO) comparado con el tejido sano circundante, y las modificaciones de proteínas inducidas por el NO, y en concreto la Snitrosilación, pueden constituir un ...

  18. El papel de los manglares en la producción de las comunidades acuáticas de Bahía Magdalena, B.C.S.


    Chávez Rosales, Samuel


    El bosque de manglar de Bahía Magdalena se ubica entre dos ecosistemas ca características totalmente diferentes, por lo que constituyen en si una zona d transición, en donde se presenta una gran complejidad funcional y estructural. S establecieron las características de cobertura, productividad y estructura del bosque, así como la transferencia de energía del manglar, a la zona acuática adyacente mediante un modelo de flujos tróficos. Para el caso se consideró que la productividad inducida po...

  19. Efectos de los destartaradores de ultrasonidos sobre la vitalidad pulpar en los dientes del perro. Estudio Experimental


    Vérez Fraguela, José Luis


    Se plantea el estudio de las posibles lesiones pulpares inducidas por ultrasonidos de 29 KHz, que son los utilizados en la clínica. Se utilizaron 84 premolares, a los que se aplicaron los ultrasonidos durante 30, 60 y 90 segundos, a la par que se tomaba la temperatura de la pulpa dental, para ver su hipotético incremento. Además de las valoraciones cualitativas de las variaciones de temperatura, se realizaron estudios macroscópicos e histológicos para determinar la presencia de posi...

  20. Metahemoglobinemia adquirida en el recién nacido asociada con benzocaína y paracetamol


    José L. Lepe-Zúñiga; Luis E. Aguilar-Gómez; Noemí C. Godínez-Téllez


    Introducción: La metahemoglobinemia adquirida inducida por medicamentos es un trastorno raro en el recién nacido que, de no diagnosticarse y tratarse oportuna y adecuadamente, puede ser particularmente grave y determinar daño cerebral permanente o la muerte del paciente. Caso clínico: Se reporta un caso metahemoglobinemia clínica severa que desarrolló un recién nacido después de la aplicación de una cantidad mínima de crema con benzocaína en una herida quirúrgica anal cuando al mismo tiemp...

  1. Efectos del ejercicio en condiciones de normopeso y obesidad : Estudios en animales y humanos /


    Cigarroa Cuevas, Igor Iván,


    El objetivo principal de la tesis fue evaluar, en estudios con animales y humanos, el impacto que tiene la práctica de ejercicio físico sobre variables conductuales, metabólicas y nutricionales, considerando diferencias de género en individuos de peso normal o con sobrepeso/obesidad. En los estudios con animales, se usaron ratas macho y hembra adultas de peso normal o con obesidad inducida por dieta (OID). Las ratas fueron entrenadas a una intensidad moderada (12 metros/minutos) y más alta (1...

  2. Interacción de diferentes medios líquidos sobre los parámetros estructurales de la fibra de poli(etilentereftalato). Parte I. Tratamientos hidrotérmicos, acción de transportadores de tintura.


    Canal Arias, José Ma; Gacén Guillén, Joaquín


    Se estudia el efecto de determinados tratamientos hidrotérmicos (agua, tensioactivo no iónico y dos transportadores de tintura) sobre parámetros estructurales de la fibra de poliéster (Tiempo Crítico de Disolución y Densidad) en función de la temperatura de tratamiento. Se discute la sensibilidad de cada técnica en función de las modificaciones estructurales inducidas por los medios líquidos estudiados. On étudie l'effet de determinés traitements hidrothermiques (eau, tensioactif non io...

  3. Estandarización de un modelo para inducir obesidad en ratas


    Gipsis Suárez Román; Alfredo Jesús Perera Calderín; Sonia Clapés Hernández; Tammy Fernández Romero; Esteban Egaña Morales


    Fundamento: La obesidad es un factor de riesgo para múltiples enfermedades. Existen diversos modelos en ratas para inducir obesidad. Los modelos genéticos y la obesidad inducida por la dieta son costosos. Dentro de los modelos hipotalámicos de obesidad está el que se logra mediante la administración de glutamato monosódico en período neonatal. Esta sustancia no es costosa y produce las alteraciones metabólicas más importantes que se ven en la obesidad humana. Objetivo: seleccionar un esquema ...

  4. Resveratrol y artritis reumatoide: efecto protector en un modelo animal de artritis y estudio de sus propiedades antiinflamatorias en sinoviocitos artríticos humanos en cultivo


    Riveiro Naveira, Romina R.


    [Resumo]Neste traballo estudouse o efecto do resveratrol na artrite reumatoide (AR) in vivo, nun modelo animal de artrite inducida por antíxeno (AlA), e in vitro, en sinoviocitos artríticos humanos en cultivo. Para o estudo in vivo do efecto do resveratrol nun modelo AlA en ratas, éste administrouse dun xeito oral durante dous meses antes da indución da artrite e ata o remate do estudo, dous días despois da indución, coincidindo coa fase aguda da enfermidade. Atopouse que o ...

  5. Antinociceptive effect of critoniella acuminata, physalis peruviana and salvia rubescens


    Munóz, Carol; Vergel, Nadezdha E.; Aragón, Diana Marcela; Ospina, Luis Fernando


    Se evaluó el efecto antinociceptivo de extractos, fracciones y compuestos de Critoniella acuminata, Physalis peruviana y Salvia rubescens mediante los métodos de placa caliente, contorsiones abdominales inducidas por ácido acético y ensayo de la formalina. La fracción de Critoniella acuminata en dosis de 100 mg/kg p.o. presentó actividad antinociceptiva al aumentar el tiempo de reacción del animal ante la aplicación de un estímulo térmico (método de la placa caliente), mient...

  6. Informe preliminar sobre el estudio farmacológico del "yagé" como agente activo sobre el sistema nervioso

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Enrique Nuñez Olarte


    Full Text Available La experimentación farmacológica en Psiquiatría, iniciada en 1930 por Jong y Baruk con sus estudios sobre la catatonia experimental inducida por la aplicación de bulbo capnina en el animal, y extendida más tarde a la observación en seres humanos sanos y enfermos, ha sido objeto, a raíz del advenimiento de las drogas llamadas alucinógenas, de una renovación que se presenta fecunda dentro del dominio de la especialidad psiquiátrica, donde abre la posibilidad de nuevas orientaciones etiopatogénicas y psicopatológicas, dejando entrever la posibilidad de su aplicación con fines diagnósticos y terapéuticos.

  7. Role of heat shock proteins in cell apoptosis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Arleta Kaźmierczuk


    Full Text Available Apoptosis is, apart from necrosis and autophagy, one of the possible cell death mechanisms eliminating needless, not normal or infected cells. This process ensures quantitative and qualitative cell control of organisms. Apoptosis is tightly regulated, it requires both activation of a large number of genes and energy input. Up-to-date two main apoptotic pathways have been recognized – external/receptor and internal, processed with the participation of mitochondria. Heat shock proteins HSPs, the molecules known from their chaperone activity and molecular conservatism, play essential functions in the course of apoptosis. Among that proteins family, i.e. HSP100, 90, 70, 60, 40 and small molecular (sHSP, there are agents mainly protective against programmed cell death. However, in some conditions some of these proteins may promote apoptosis. This review describes different key apoptotic proteins interacting with main members of HSP family and the consequence of these events for cell survival or apoptosis.

  8. Apoptosis Gene Information System--AGIS. (United States)

    Sakharkar, Kishore R; Clement, Marie V; Chow, Vincent T K; Pervaiz, Shazib


    Genes implicated in apoptosis have great relevance to biology, medicine and oncology. Here, we describe a unique resource, Apoptosis Gene Information System (AGIS) that provides data for over 2400 genes involved directly or indirectly, in apoptotic pathways of more than 350 different organisms. The organization of this information system is based on the principle of one-gene, one record. AGIS will be updated on a six monthly basis as new information becomes available. AGIS can be accessed at:

  9. Targeted induction of apoptosis for cancer therapy

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bremer, Edwin


    Introduction to the thesis Programmed cell death, known as apoptosis, is an essential cellular homeostasis mechanism that ensures correct development and function of multi-cellular organisms. The pivotal importance of correct execution of apoptosis is apparent from the many human diseases with

  10. Mutagénesis inducida en microbulbos de Allium sativum L.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Adriana Pardo Roldán


    Full Text Available Se estableció un protocolo de mutagénesis en microbulbos de ajo (Allium sativum L. clon Boconó cultivado in vitro. Para el efecto se realizaron dos ensayos, uno de radiosensibilidad para establecer la dosimetría apropiada de radiación gamma y otro de mutagénesis para determinar el comportamiento de los materiales hasta la etapa de almacenamiento. En el primero los microbulbos fueron tratados con cuatros dosis de radiación gamma (6, 8, 10 y 12 Krad, más un control. Para establecer la dosis óptima se consideró la sobrevivencia del 50% de los microbulbos (DL50. Se empleó un diseño de bloques al azar con cinco tratamientos y 20 repeticiones por tratamiento. En el ensayo mutagénico los microbulbos fueron irradiados con 8 y 10 Krad y almacenados durante 45 días a 10 °C en condiciones de oscuridad En este caso se utilizó un diseño de bloques al azar con tres tratamientos (0, 8 y 10 Krad y 20 repeticiones por tratamiento. En ambos ensayos, los microbulbos irradiados con 8 y 10 Krad registraron los mayores promedios para peso y diámetro, lo cual permite concluir que estas dosis son adecuadas para favorecer la producción de mutantes con características agronómicas deseables en el clon Boconó

  11. Há uma associação entre anti-inflamatórios não-esteroides e nefropatia induzida por contraste? ¿Hay una asociación entre antiinflamatorios no esteroides y nefropatía inducida por contraste? Is there an association between non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and contrast nephropathy?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luciano Passamani Diogo


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: A associação entre o uso de anti-inflamatórios não-esteroides (AINEs e insuficiência renal aguda ou crônica é bem documentada, mas evidências sobre a associação entre AINEs e nefropatia induzida por contraste (NIC não são encontradas na literatura. OBJETIVO: Avaliar uma possível associação entre AINEs e NIC. MÉTODOS: Em um estudo de coorte, através da entrevista clínica de pacientes que foram submetidos à cateterização cardíaca, analisamos o uso de AINEs e sua associação com desenvolvimento de NIC, através da alteração dos níveis de creatinina sérica ou taxa de filtração glomerular em 48 ou 72 horas. RESULTADOS: No período de julho de 2005 a julho de 2006, 236 pacientes foram incluídos no estudo, dos quais 29 foram posteriormente excluídos. A incidência de NIC foi 10,37% (20 de 207 e 42% dos pacientes estavam recebendo AINEs até o momento da avaliação. Não houve associação entre o uso de AINEs e o desenvolvimento de NIC com OR de 1,293; IC95% (0,46-4,2. O estudo detectou fatores de risco conhecidos para o desenvolvimento de NIC, tais como diabete, com OR de 2,77; IC95% (1,05-7,47 e insuficiência renal crônica com OR de 3,48; IC95% (1,1-11,07 e também sugeriu uma ação protetora da hidratação com solução salina com OR de 0,166; IC95% (0,03-0,92. CONCLUSÃO: Com base nos dados obtidos, concluímos que não houve associação entre NIC e uso prévio de AINEs, pelo menos com um OR > 2,85, o qual nossa amostra detectou.FUNDAMENTO: La asociación entre el uso de antiinflamatorios no esteroides (AINEs e insuficiencia renal aguda o crónica está bien documentada, pero evidencias sobre la asociación entre AINEs y nefropatía inducida por contraste (NIC no son encontradas en la literatura. OBJETIVO: Evaluar una posible asociación entre AINEs y NIC. MÉTODOS: En un estudio de cohorte, a través de la entrevista clínica de pacientes que fueron sometidos a cateterismo cardíaco, analizamos el

  12. Modern aspects of Drosophila melanogaster radiobiology. Apoptosis and aging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zajnulin, V.G.; Moskalev, A.A.; Shaposhnikov, M.V.; Taskaev, A.I.


    An attempt is made to explain the radioinduced change in life span of multicell organisms by deregulation of apoptosis processes. Radiation capacity to induce the apoptosis is shown in Drosophila as well. Assumption is made that radiation changes the rate of natural organism aging deregulating the control of apoptosis mechanisms [ru

  13. Apoptosis-Dependent and Apoptosis-Independent Functions of Bim in Prostate Cancer Cells

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Tang, Dean; Liu, Junwei


    ... (death, survival, proliferation/division, etc.). Our hypothesis is that, under normal, unstimulated conditions, with its apoptotic function blocked, the upregulated Bim in PCa cells plays an apoptosis-independent function...

  14. Interplay between apoptosis and autophagy in colorectal cancer. (United States)

    Qian, Hao-Ran; Shi, Zhao-Qi; Zhu, He-Pan; Gu, Li-Hu; Wang, Xian-Fa; Yang, Yi


    Autophagy and apoptosis are two pivotal mechanisms in mediating cell survival and death. Cross-talk of autophagy and apoptosis has been documented in the tumorigenesis and progression of cancer, while the interplay between the two pathways in colorectal cancer (CRC) has not yet been comprehensively summarized. In this study, we outlined the basis of apoptosis and autophagy machinery firstly, and then reviewed the recent evidence in cellular settings or animal studies regarding the interplay between them in CRC. In addition, several key factors that modulate the cross-talk between autophagy and apoptosis as well as its significance in clinical practice were discussed. Understanding of the interplay between the cell death mechanisms may benefit the translation of CRC treatment from basic research to clinical use.

  15. Estrés oxidativo hepatocitario y hepatopatía alcohólica Hepatocyte oxidant stress and alcoholic liver disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    L. Conde de la Rosa


    Full Text Available El consumo agudo y crónico de alcohol aumenta la producción de las especies reactivas de oxígeno (ERO y de la peroxidación de lípidos, proteínas y ADN. El mecanismo por el que el alcohol causa daño celular no está claro todavía, pero se considera que las ERO y los productos finales de la peroxidación lipídica juegan un papel importante. Se cree que existen muchos mecanismos por los que el alcohol induce un estado de "estrés oxidativo", incluyendo cambios en el estado redox, producción de acetaldehído, daño mitocondrial, lesión de la membrana, apoptosis, hipoxia inducida por el etanol, efectos sobre el sistema inmune y cambios en la producción de citoquinas, incremento en los niveles de endotoxina y activación de las células de Kupffer, movilización de hierro, cambios en la defensa antioxidante, particularmente del glutatión mitocondrial (GSH, la oxidación del etanol y la formación del radical 1-hidroxi-etilo, y la inducción de CYP2E1. Estos mecanismos no son exclusivos y es probable que varios de ellos contribuyan a la capacidad del etanol de inducir un estado de estrés oxidativo.Acute and chronic alcohol consumption increases the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS, and enhances lipid peroxidation of lipids, proteins, and DNA. The mechanism by which alcohol causes cell injury is still not clear but a major role for ROS and lipid peroxidation-end products is considered. Many pathways have been suggested to play a role on how ethanol induces a state of "oxidative stress", including redox-state changes, acetaldehyde production, damage to mitochondria, membrane injury, apoptosis, ethanol-induced hypoxia, effects on the immune system and altered cytokine production, increased endotoxin levels and activation of Kupffer cells, mobilization of iron, modulation of the antioxidant defense, particularly mitochondrial glutathione (GSH, one electron oxidation of ethanol to 1-hydroxy-ethyl radical, and induction of CYP2E1

  16. Wavelength-dependent backscattering measurements for quantitative monitoring of apoptosis, Part 1: early and late spectral changes are indicative of the presence of apoptosis in cell cultures (United States)

    Mulvey, Christine S.; Zhang, Kexiong; Liu, Wei-Han Bobby; Waxman, David J.; Bigio, Irving J.


    Apoptosis, a form of programmed cell death with unique morphological and biochemical features, is dysregulated in cancer and is activated by many cancer chemotherapeutic drugs. Noninvasive assays for apoptosis in cell cultures can aid in screening of new anticancer agents. We have previously demonstrated that elastic scattering spectroscopy can monitor apoptosis in cell cultures. In this report we present data on monitoring the detailed time-course of scattering changes in a Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) and PC-3 prostate cancer cells treated with staurosporine to induce apoptosis. Changes in the backscattering spectrum are detectable within 10 min, and continue to progress up to 48 h after staurosporine treatment, with the magnitude and kinetics of scattering changes dependent on inducer concentration. Similar responses were observed in CHO cells treated with several other apoptosis-inducing protocols. Early and late scattering changes were observed under conditions shown to induce apoptosis via caspase activity assay and were absent under conditions where apoptosis was not induced. Finally, blocking caspase activity and downstream apoptotic morphology changes prevented late scattering changes. These observations demonstrate that early and late changes in wavelength-dependent backscattering correlate with the presence of apoptosis in cell cultures and that the late changes are specific to apoptosis.

  17. Apoptosis in fish: environmental factors and programmed cell death. (United States)

    AnvariFar, Hossein; Amirkolaie, Abdolsamad Keramat; Miandare, Hamed Kolangi; Ouraji, Hossein; Jalali, M Ali; Üçüncü, Sema İşisağ


    Apoptosis, a form of programmed cell death, is a critical component in maintaining homeostasis and growth in all tissues and plays a significant role in immunity and cytotoxicity. In contrast to necrosis or traumatic cell death, apoptosis is a well-controlled and vital process characterized mainly by cytoplasmic shrinkage, chromatin condensation, DNA fragmentation, membrane blebbing and apoptotic bodies. Our understanding of apoptosis is partly based on observations in invertebrates but mainly in mammals. Despite the great advantages of fish models in studying vertebrate development and diseases and the tremendous interest observed in recent years, reports on apoptosis in fish are still limited. Although apoptotic machinery is well conserved between aquatic and terrestrial organisms throughout the history of evolution, some differences exist in key components of apoptotic pathways. Core parts of apoptotic machinery in fish are virtually expressed as equivalent to the mammalian models. Some differences are, however, evident, such as the extrinsic and intrinsic pathways of apoptosis including lack of a C-terminal region in the Fas-associated protein with a death domain in fish. Aquatic species inhabit a complex and highly fluctuating environment, making these species good examples to reveal features of apoptosis that may not be easily investigated in mammals. Therefore, in order to gain a wider view on programmed cell death in fish, interactions between the main environmental factors, chemicals and apoptosis are discussed in this review. It is indicated that apoptosis can be induced in fish by exposure to environmental stressors during different stages of the fish life cycle.

  18. Heat Shock Protein 70 Neutralizes Apoptosis-Inducing Factor

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    Guido Kroemer


    Full Text Available Programmed cell death (apoptosis is the physiological process responsible for the demise of superfluous, aged, damaged, mutated, and ectopic cells. Its normal function is essential both for embryonic development and for maintenance of adult tissue homeostasis. Deficient apoptosis participates in cancerogenesis, whereas excessive apoptosis leads to unwarranted cell loss accounting for disparate diseases including neurodegeneration and AIDS. One critical step in the process of apoptosis consists in the permeabilization of mitochondrial membranes, leading to the release of proteins which normally are secluded behind the outer mitochondrial membrane[1]. For example, cytochrome c, which is normally confined to the mitochondrial intermembrane space, is liberated from mitochondria and interacts with a cytosolic protein, Apaf-1, causing its oligomerization and constitution of the so-called apoptosome, a protein complex which activates a specific class of cysteine proteases, the caspases[2]. Another example concerns the so-called apoptosis-inducing factor (AIF, another mitochondrial intermembrane protein which can translocate to the nucleus where it induces chromatin condensation and DNA fragmentation[3].

  19. Lysosomal ceramide generated by acid sphingomyelinase triggers cytosolic cathepsin B-mediated degradation of X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis protein in natural killer/T lymphoma cell apoptosis. (United States)

    Taniguchi, M; Ogiso, H; Takeuchi, T; Kitatani, K; Umehara, H; Okazaki, T


    We previously reported that IL-2 deprivation induced acid sphingomyelinase-mediated (ASM-mediated) ceramide elevation and apoptosis in an NK/T lymphoma cell line KHYG-1. However, the molecular mechanism of ASM-ceramide-mediated apoptosis during IL-2 deprivation is poorly understood. Here, we showed that IL-2 deprivation induces caspase-dependent apoptosis characterized by phosphatidylserine externalization, caspase-8, -9, and -3 cleavage, and degradation of X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis protein (XIAP). IL-2 re-supplementation rescued apoptosis via inhibition of XIAP degradation without affecting caspase cleavage. However, IL-2 deprivation induced ceramide elevation via ASM in lysosomes and activated lysosomal cathepsin B (CTSB) but not cathepsin D. A CTSB inhibitor CA-074 Me and knockdown of CTSB inhibited ceramide-mediated XIAP degradation and apoptosis. Inhibition of ceramide accumulation in lysosomes using an ASM inhibitor, desipramine, decreased cytosolic activation of CTSB by inhibiting its transfer into cytosol from the lysosome. Knockdown of ASM also inhibited XIAP degradation and apoptosis. Furthermore, cell permeable N-acetyl sphingosine (C2-ceramide), which increases mainly endogenous d18:1/16:0 and d18:1/24:1 ceramide-like IL-2 deprivation, induced caspase-dependent apoptosis with XIAP degradation through CTSB. These findings suggest that lysosomal ceramide produced by ASM mediates XIAP degradation by activation of cytosolic CTSB and caspase-dependent apoptosis. The ASM-ceramide-CTSB signaling axis is a novel pathway of ceramide-mediated apoptosis in IL-2-deprived NK/T lymphoma cells.

  20. Functional role of apoptosis in oral diseases: An update. (United States)

    Misra, Akansha; Rai, Shalu; Misra, Deepankar


    Cell death appears to be a basic biological phenomenon which is maintained by the human body. The term apoptosis, also known as programmed cell death, is characterized by several unique morphological and biochemical features. Apoptosis and its different forms are essential for tissue homeostasis. Alteration in molecular mechanisms involved in apoptotic signaling contributes to a vast range of oral diseases. An understanding of the regulation of apoptosis has led to the development of many therapeutic approaches and better management of oral diseases. The review updates us the correlation between apoptosis in normal oral tissues and oral diseases.

  1. Portable exhausters POR-004 SKID B, POR-005 SKID C, POR-006 SKID D storage plan

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nelson, O.D.; Keller, G.M.


    This document provides a storage plan for portable exhausters POR-004 SKID B, POR-005 SKID C, AND POR-006 SKID D. The exhausters will be stored until they are needed by the TWRS (Tank Waste Remediation Systems) Saltwell Pumping Program. The storage plan provides criteria for portable exhauster storage, periodic inspections during storage, and retrieval from storage

  2. N-acetylphytosphingosine enhances the radiosensitivity of tumor cells by increasing apoptosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Han, Y.; Kim, Y.; Yun, Y.; Jeon, S.; Kim, K.; Song, J.; Hong, S.H.; Park, C.


    Ceramides are well-known second messengers which mediate apoptosis, proliferation, differentiation in mammalian cells, but the physiological roles of phytosphingosines are poorly understood. We hypothesized that one of the phytosphingosine derivatives, N-acetylphytosphingosine (NAPS) can induce apoptosis in human leukemia Jurkat cell line and increase apoptosis in irradiated MDA-MB-231 cells. We first examined the effect of NAPS on apoptosis of Jurkat cells. NAPS had a more rapid and stronger apoptotic effect than C 2 -ceramide in Jurkat cells and significant increase of apoptosis was observed at 3 h after treatment. In contrast, the apoptosis induced by C2-ceramide was observed only after 16 h of treatment. NAPS induced apoptosis was mediated by caspase 3 and 8 activation and inhibited by z-VAD-fmk. Ceramide plays a pivotal role in radiation induced apoptosis. We postulated that exogenous treatment of NAPS sensitizes tumor cells to ionizing radiation, since NAPS might be used as a more effective alternative to C2-ceramide. As expected, NAPS decreased clonogenic survival of irradiated MDA-MB-231 cells dose dependently, and apoptosis of irradiated cells in the presence of NAPS was increased through the caspase activation. Taken together, NAPS is an effective apoptosis-inducing agent, which can be readily synthesized from yeast sources, and is a potent alternative to ceramide for the further study of ceramide associated signaling and the development of radiosensitizing agent. (orig.)

  3. Hyperthermia: an effective strategy to induce apoptosis in cancer cells. (United States)

    Ahmed, Kanwal; Tabuchi, Yoshiaki; Kondo, Takashi


    Heat has been used as a medicinal and healing modality throughout human history. The combination of hyperthermia (HT) with radiation and anticancer agents has been used clinically and has shown positive results to a certain extent. However, the clinical results of HT treatment alone have been only partially satisfactory. Cell death following HT treatment is a function of both temperature and treatment duration. HT induces cancer cell death through apoptosis; the degree of apoptosis and the apoptotic pathway vary in different cancer cell types. HT-induced reactive oxygen species production are responsible for apoptosis in various cell types. However, the underlying mechanism of signal transduction and the genes related to this process still need to be elucidated. In this review, we summarize the molecular mechanism of apoptosis induced by HT, enhancement of heat-induced apoptosis, and the genetic network involved in HT-induced apoptosis.

  4. Effect of low dose radiation on apoptosis in mouse spleen

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen Dong; Liu Jiamei; Chen Aijun; Liu Shuzheng


    Objective: To study the effect of whole body irradiation (WBI) with different doses of X-ray on apoptosis in mouse spleen. Methods: Time course changes and dose-effect relationship of apoptosis in mouse spleen induced by WBI were observed with transmission electron microscopy (TEM) qualitatively and TUNEL method semi-quantitatively. Results: Many typical apoptotic lymphocytes were found by TEM in mouse spleen after WBI with 2 Gy. No marked alterations of ultrastructure were found following WBI with 0.075 Gy. It was observed by TUNEL that the apoptosis of splenocytes increased after high dose radiation and decreased following low dose radiation (LDR). The dose-effect relationship of radiation-induced apoptosis showed a J-shaped curve. Conclusion: The effect of different doses of ionizing radiation on apoptosis in mouse spleen was distinct. And the decrease of apoptosis after LDR is considered a manifestation of radiation hormesis

  5. Involvement of apoptosis in host-parasite interactions in the zebra mussel.

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    Laëtitia Minguez

    Full Text Available The question of whether cell death by apoptosis plays a biological function during infection is key to understanding host-parasite interactions. We investigated the involvement of apoptosis in several host-parasite systems, using zebra mussels Dreissena polymorpha as test organisms and their micro- and macroparasites. As a stress response associated with parasitism, heat shock proteins (Hsp can be induced. In this protein family, Hsp70 are known to be apoptosis inhibitors. Mussels were diagnosed for their respective infections by standard histological methods; apoptosis was detected using the TUNEL methods on paraffin sections and Hsp70 by immunohistochemistry on cryosections. Circulating hemocytes were the main cells observed in apoptosis whereas infected tissues displayed no or few apoptotic cells. Parasitism by intracellular bacteria Rickettsiales-like and the trematode Bucephalus polymorphus were associated with the inhibition of apoptosis whereas ciliates Ophryoglena spp. or the trematode Phyllodistomum folium did not involve significant differences in apoptosis. Even if some parasites were able to modulate apoptosis in zebra mussels, we did not see evidence of any involvement of Hsp70 on this mechanism.

  6. Involvement of Apoptosis in Host-Parasite Interactions in the Zebra Mussel (United States)

    Minguez, Laëtitia; Brulé, Nelly; Sohm, Bénédicte; Devin, Simon; Giambérini, Laure


    The question of whether cell death by apoptosis plays a biological function during infection is key to understanding host-parasite interactions. We investigated the involvement of apoptosis in several host-parasite systems, using zebra mussels Dreissena polymorpha as test organisms and their micro- and macroparasites. As a stress response associated with parasitism, heat shock proteins (Hsp) can be induced. In this protein family, Hsp70 are known to be apoptosis inhibitors. Mussels were diagnosed for their respective infections by standard histological methods; apoptosis was detected using the TUNEL methods on paraffin sections and Hsp70 by immunohistochemistry on cryosections. Circulating hemocytes were the main cells observed in apoptosis whereas infected tissues displayed no or few apoptotic cells. Parasitism by intracellular bacteria Rickettsiales-like and the trematode Bucephalus polymorphus were associated with the inhibition of apoptosis whereas ciliates Ophryoglena spp. or the trematode Phyllodistomum folium did not involve significant differences in apoptosis. Even if some parasites were able to modulate apoptosis in zebra mussels, we did not see evidence of any involvement of Hsp70 on this mechanism. PMID:23785455

  7. Apoptosis (programmed cell death) as an indicator of xenobiotic toxicity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bond, G.P.


    Xenobiotics alter the frequency and pattern of apoptosis (programmed cell death). Preliminary studies identified the mouse liver, with normally low levels of apoptosis, as a preferable test system to the chicken embryo limb, with normally high levels of apoptosis. The major purposes of these investigations, using the apoptogen and necrogen 1,1-dichloroethylene (DCE), were to determine if increases in apoptosis, (1) could be quantified as a direct result of treatment, (2) were dose- and time-dependent, (3) were independent of necrosis, (4) were associated with mitosis in the control of cell numbers and (5) were limited to specific areas of the liver. To these ends, food-deprived female, CF-1 mice were administered DCE ip under varying experimental conditions. Increased apoptosis occurred in a dose- and time-dependent manner after treatment with 12.5, 40, and 125 mg/kg for 0.5, 1, 2, 4 and 8 hr. Peak effects were observed at 4 hr. Apoptosis occurred only in the midzonal/pericentral areas of the liver. At 12.5 mg/kg, there were no effects on biochemical (alanine transaminase) and morphological indices of necrosis, establishing apoptosis as a separate phenomenon from necrosis. Increased 3 H-thymidine incorporation (DNA synthesis), mitosis and the percentage of octaploid hepatocytes occurred from 24-48 hr after treatment with the apoptotic but non-necrotic dose of 40 mg/kg. Apoptosis only occurred in the midzonal/pericentral areas of the liver after multiple doses with DCE, indicating the zonal selectivity of the response. In conclusion, apoptosis, a normally occurring homeostatic process associated with mitosis in the control of cell numbers, is affected by selected xenobiotics in a dose-dependent manner. Xenobiotic-induced apoptosis in the liver occurs at low doses of xenobiotics which cause no other effects on tissue structure or function

  8. Apoptosis in HEp-2 cells infected with Ureaplasma diversum. (United States)

    Amorim, Aline Teixeira; Marques, Lucas Miranda; Santos, Angelita Maria Oliveira Gusmão; Martins, Hellen Braga; Barbosa, Maysa Santos; Rezende, Izadora Souza; Andrade, Ewerton Ferraz; Campos, Guilherme Barreto; Lobão, Tássia Neves; Cortez, Beatriz Araujo; Monezi, Telma Alvez; Machado-Santelli, Glaucia Maria; Timenetsky, Jorge


    Bacterial pathogens have many strategies for infecting and persisting in host cells. Adhesion, invasion and intracellular life are important features in the biology of mollicutes. The intracellular location of Ureaplasma diversum may trigger disturbances in the host cell. This includes activation or inhibition of pro and anti-apoptotic factors, which facilitate the development of host damage. The aim of the present study was to associate U. diversum infection in HEp-2 cells and apoptosis induction. Cells were infected for 72hs with four U. diversum clinical isolates and an ATCC strain. The U. diversum invasion was analyzed by Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy and gentamicin invasion assay. The apoptosis was evaluated using pro-apoptotic and anti-apoptotic gene expression, and FITC Annexin V/Dead Cell Apoptosis Kit. The number of internalized ureaplasma in HEp-2 cells increased significantly throughout the infection. The flow cytometry analysis with fluorochromes to detect membrane depolarization and gene expression for caspase 2, 3 and 9 increased in infected cells after 24 hours. However, after 72 hours a considerable decrease of apoptotic cells was observed. The data suggests that apoptosis may be initially induced by some isolates in association with HEp-2 cells, but over time, there was no evidence of apoptosis in the presence of ureaplasma and HEp-2 cells. The initial increase and then decrease in apoptosis could be related to bacterial pathogen-associated molecular pattern (PAMPS). Moreover, the isolates of U. diversum presented differences in the studied parameters for apoptosis. It was also observed that the amount of microorganisms was not proportional to the induction of apoptosis in HEp-2 cells.

  9. "Falling leaves": a survey of the history of apoptosis. (United States)

    Formigli, L; Conti, A; Lippi, D


    Cell death has long been defined using morphological criteria. A first important concept, "necrosis", was early identified by Areteo from Cappadocia and by Galen. The term apoptosis was introduced by Kerr in 1972 to indicate a particular form of death in which cells commit suicide by chopping themselves into membrane-bounded apoptotic bodies. Apoptosis is distinguished from necrosis, or accidental cell death, which is characterized by nuclear autolysis and cell disintegration. The aim of this study was an evaluation of the concepts of apoptosis and necrosis, starting from the first definition of cell death by Rudolph Virchow in 1859. In recent years substantial progress has been made in the understanding of apoptotic and necrotic cell death. In particular, cell death researchers have evolved a paradigm change, from one in which apoptosis and necrosis were considered distinct forms of cell demise, to one in which the 2 cell deaths share common features, as an integral part of a same cell death process. Since pure apoptosis and necrosis are only extremes in a continuum spectrum of aponecrotic response, a mixture of features associated with both apoptosis and necrosis represents the more typical tissue and cell response to damaging stimuli.

  10. Apoptosis in vascular cells induced by cold atmospheric plasma treatment

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Sladek, R.E.J.; Stoffels - Adamowicz, E.


    Apoptosis is a natural mechanism of cellular self-destruction. It can be triggered by moderate, yet irreversible damage. Apoptosis plays a major role in tissue renewal. Artificial apoptosis induction will become a novel therapy that meets all requirements for tissue-saving surgery. Diseased tissues

  11. Apoptosis induced by high- and low-LET radiations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hendry, J.H.; Potten, C.S.; Merritt, A.


    Cell death after irradiation occurs by apoptosis in certain cell populations in tissues. The phenomenon also occurs after high linear energy transfer (LET) irradiation, and the relative biological effectiveness (RBE) is 3 to 4 (with respect to low-LET radiation and apoptosis in intestinal crypts) for neutrons with energies of 14 MeV and up to 600 MeV. It is thought that p53 plays a role in the phenomenon, as radiation-induced apoptosis is not observed in p53-null animals. (orig.)

  12. Influencia mutua de la deformación y composición química sobre la precipitación inducida en aceros microaleados

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Quispe, A.


    Full Text Available By means of torsion tests and applying the "back extrapolation" method, the static recrystallization kinetics in microalloyed steels with vanadium (V, niobium (Nb and titanium (Ti has been determined and, recrystallization-precipitation-time-temperature (RPTT diagrams have been plotted also graphically, which show the Recrystallization- Precipitation interaction. These diagrams show that the effect of the deformation on the precipitation kinetics depends of the microalloy content. In this sense, a new expression is proposed to relate the influence of the deformation and the chemical composition on the minimum incubation of the precipitation kinetics.

    Mediante ensayos de torsión y usando el método back extrapolation se ha determinado la cinética de recristalización estática de aceros microaleados con vanadio (V, niobio (Nb y titanio (Ti y, a partir de las mismas, ha sido posible dibujar los diagramas recristalizaciónprecipitación- tiempo-temperatura (RPTT, que muestran gráficamente la interacción recristalización-precipitación. Estos diagramas muestran que el efecto de la deformación en la cinética de precipitación depende del contenido de microaleante. En este sentido, se propone una nueva expresión para relacionar la influencia de la deformación y del contenido de microaleante sobre el periodo mínimo de incubación de la precipitación inducida.

  13. X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis regulates T cell effector function

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Zehntner, Simone P; Bourbonnière, Lyne; Moore, Craig S


    To understand how the balance between pro- and anti-apoptotic signals influences effector function in the immune system, we studied the X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis (XIAP), an endogenous regulator of cellular apoptosis. Real-time PCR showed increased XIAP expression in blood of mice with exper......To understand how the balance between pro- and anti-apoptotic signals influences effector function in the immune system, we studied the X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis (XIAP), an endogenous regulator of cellular apoptosis. Real-time PCR showed increased XIAP expression in blood of mice...... dramatically reduced within the CNS. Flow cytometry showed an 88-93% reduction in T cells. The proportion of TUNEL(+) apoptotic CD4(+) T cells in the CNS was increased from Neurons...... and oligodendrocytes were not affected; neither did apoptosis increase in liver, where XIAP knockdown also occurred. ASO-XIAP increased susceptibility of T cells to activation-induced apoptosis in vitro. Our results identify XIAP as a critical controller of apoptotic susceptibility of effector T cell function...

  14. The characteristics and mechanism of apoptosis induced by internal irradiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hong Chengjiao; Zhang Junning; Zhu Shoupeng


    Apoptosis in tumor cells induced by radionuclides is likely the most effective way to cure cancer. In order to explore the possibility in clinic application, the characteristics and mechanism of apoptosis induced by internal irradiation were investigated. The apoptosis and expressions of bcl-2mRNA, bcl-2 and bax of K 562 cells following internal exposure with different accumulated absorbed doses of strontium-89 were studied. 6 h after irradiation, the characteristics of apoptosis and necrosis appeared in K 562 cells. The apoptosis and necrosis enhanced with the prolongation of internally contaminated time at 6 h, 9 h, 12 h, 24 h and 48 h. The expressions of bcl-2mRNA decreased at 12 h, most remarkably at 24 h. The expressions of bcl-2 decreased after irradiation whereas bax had no obvious changes. The results suggest that the apoptosis induced by internal exposure may be regulated by lower expressions of bcl-2mRNA and bcl-2, lower bcl-2/bax value

  15. Bile acids: regulation of apoptosis by ursodeoxycholic acid. (United States)

    Amaral, Joana D; Viana, Ricardo J S; Ramalho, Rita M; Steer, Clifford J; Rodrigues, Cecília M P


    Bile acids are a group of molecular species of acidic steroids with peculiar physical-chemical and biological characteristics. At high concentrations they become toxic to mammalian cells, and their presence is pertinent in the pathogenesis of several liver diseases and colon cancer. Bile acid cytoxicity has been related to membrane damage, but also to nondetergent effects, such as oxidative stress and apoptosis. Strikingly, hydrophilic ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA), and its taurine-conjugated form (TUDCA), show profound cytoprotective properties. Indeed, these molecules have been described as potent inhibitors of classic pathways of apoptosis, although their precise mode of action remains to be clarified. UDCA, originally used for cholesterol gallstone dissolution, is currently considered the first choice therapy for several forms of cholestatic syndromes. However, the beneficial effects of both UDCA and TUDCA have been tested in other experimental pathological conditions with deregulated levels of apoptosis, including neurological disorders, such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and Huntington's diseases. Here, we review the role of bile acids in modulating the apoptosis process, emphasizing the anti-apoptotic effects of UDCA and TUDCA, as well as their potential use as novel and alternate therapeutic agents for the treatment of apoptosis-related diseases.

  16. Estudio morfométrico de las malformaciones craneofaciales experimentales inducidas por ácido retinoico

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    T. González


    Full Text Available Objetivo: El ácido retinoico es un metabolito activo de la vitamina A que administrado en grandes cantidades tiene efecto teratógeno sobre la embriogénesis de los mamíferos. Hemos investigado los efectos de la exposición temprana de embriones de rata sobre las estructuras craneofaciales. Diseño: Cuarenta y cinco ratas Sprague-Dawley gestantes fueron tratadas con 125 mg/kg de ácido all-trans-retinoico el día 10 de gestación. Las 20 ratas controles fueron tratadas con aceite. Los fetos de ambos grupos se extrajeron el día antes de llegar a término y fueron sometidos a un estudio morfológico y otro estudio morfométrico, analizando las malformaciones craneofaciales. Resultados: Ninguno de los fetos controles presentó malformaciones. El 100% de los embriones tratados con retinoico presentaron defectos craneofaciales, incluyendo fisuras faciales, exoftalmos, malformaciones e inserción baja de los pabellones auriculares, apéndices faciales y anomalías nasales. El análisis morfométrico reveló un incremento de la distancia entre los poros nasales (pObjective: Retinoic acid is an active metabolite of Vitamin A that is teratogenic when present in excess during mammalian embriogenesis. We have investigated the effects of early exposure of rat embryos to retinoic acid on craniofacial structures. Design: Treatment of 45 pregnant Sprague-Dawley rats with 125mg./Kg all-trans-retinoic acid on pregnancy day 10 was performed. Twenty controls were treated only with oil. The fetuses were recovered the day before term, and both morphologic and morphometric analyses of the craniofacial structures were performed. Results: None of the control fetuses had malformations. Craniofacial defects were observed in 100% of the retinoic embryos including facial clefts, proptosis, abnormalities and inferior placement of the pinnae, skin tags, and nasal anomalies. Morphometric analyses revealed an increased distance between nasal pores (p<0,01 and between both eyes (p<0,05 in retinoic embryos. A reduced distance of the maxilla (p<0,01 and the mandible (p<0,01 were also noted. Conclusions: Morphologic and morphometric studies confirm the hypothesis that retinoic acid disturbs normal craniofacial development when administered during a critical period. Hindrance of migration of the cranial neural crest cells may be a main reason to explain these events.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ligia Inés Moncada Álvarez


    Full Text Available Se hace una revisión de las moléculas que inoculan los insectos de la familia Culicidae al momento de la picadura y los mecanismos que muestran sus hospederos para contrarrestarlos y cómo algunas de esas moléculas, especialmente las enzimas se convierten en alérgenos que inducen una respuesta de amplio espectro, que va desde una pápula al momento de la picadura hasta una reacción anafiláctica. De la misma manera se analizan las posibilidades de diagnóstico con moléculas silvestres y antígenos recombinantes, lo mismo que pautas de tratamiento.

  18. Respuesta inmune mucosal inducida por proteoliposoma y cocleato derivados de N. meningitidis serogrupo B

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Judith del Campo


    Full Text Available Mucosal vaccination offers attractive advantages to conventional systemic vaccination. Most pathogens enter or establish infection at mucosal surfaces. This represents an enormous challenge for vaccine development. Nevertheless, the availability of safe and effective adjuvants that function mucosally is the major limitation. Therefore, we investigated the impact of mucosal immunization with the Neisseria meningitidis B proteoliposome (AFPL1, Adjuvant Finlay Proteoliposome 1 and its-derived cochleate (Co, AFCo1. They contain multiple PAMPs as immunopotentiators and have delivery system ability as well as Th1 polarization activity. Groups of female mice were immunized by nasal, oral, intravaginal, or intramuscular routes with three doses with AFPL1/AFCo1 alone or containing ovalbumin or glycoprotein (g D2 from Herpes Simplex Virus type 2 (HSV-2. High levels of specific IgG antibodies were detected in sera of mice vaccinated with either route. However, specific IgA antibodies were produced in saliva and vaginal wash only following mucosal delivering. The polarization to a Th1 pattern was confirmed by testing the induction of IgG2a/IgG2c antibody, positive delayed-type hypersensitivity reactions, and gIFN production. Additionally, AFCo1gD2 showed practically no vaginal HSV-2 replication and 100% protection against lethal vaginal HSV-2 challenge. In conclusion, the results support the use of AFCo1 as potent Th1 adjuvant for mucosal vaccines, particularly for nasal route.





    El músculo esquelético es un tejido blanco para la acción de los esteroides anabólicos, siendo la testosterona la principal hormona fisiológica. Esta hormona actúa diferencialmente durante el desarrollo de un individuo cumpliendo roles diversos en el período embrionario, en la pubertad y en la vida adulta. Se ha demostrado que la testosterona es capaz de inducir un incremento en la masa muscular de individuos adultos tratados con dosis supra-fisiológicas, sin embargo los mecanismos c...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    D. I. Sokolov


    Full Text Available Abstract. In present review, the data are considered that concern a role of immunological mechanisms controlling the events of apoptosis at different stages of development of placenta. Intensity of apoptotic process in human placenta is progressively increasing in the course of pregnancy, until delivery act. The processes of apoptosis induction and its prevention in placental cells are inseparably linked to development of placenta and formation of vascular system, as controlled by trophoblast cells, as well as by maternal fetal immune cells. T-lymphocytes, natural killer cells, NKT-cells and macrophages that perform surveillance over the processes of angiogenesis and apoptosis in placental tissue, thus providing its normal development and functioning.

  1. Cytoprotection by fructose and other ketohexoses during bile salt-induced apoptosis of hepatocytes. (United States)

    Zeid, I M; Bronk, S F; Fesmier, P J; Gores, G J


    Toxic bile salts cause hepatocyte necrosis at high concentrations and apoptosis at lower concentrations. Although fructose prevents bile salt-induced necrosis, the effect of fructose on bile salt-induced apoptosis is unclear. Our aim was to determine if fructose also protects against bile salt-induced apoptosis. Fructose inhibited glycochenodeoxycholate (GCDC)-induced apoptosis in a concentration-dependent manner with a maximum inhibition of 72% +/- 10% at 10 mmol/L. First, we determined if fructose inhibited apoptosis by decreasing adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and intracellular pH (pHi). Although fructose decreased ATP to effects, alterations in the expression of bcl-2, or metal chelation, we next determined if the poorly metabolized ketohexoses, tagatose and sorbose, also inhibited apoptosis; unexpectedly, both ketohexoses inhibited apoptosis. Because bile salt-induced apoptosis and necrosis are inhibited by fructose, these data suggest that similar processes initiate bile salt-induced hepatocyte necrosis and apoptosis. In contrast, acidosis, which inhibits necrosis, potentiates apoptosis. Thus, ketohexose-sensitive pathways appear to initiate both bile salt-induced cell apoptosis and necrosis, whereas dissimilar, pH-sensitive, effector mechanisms execute these two different cell death processes.


    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    邵志敏; 江明; 吴炅; 余黎民; 韩企夏; 张延璆; 沈镇宙


    Breast tumorigenesis proceeds through an accumulation of specific genetic alteration. Breast malignant transformation is dependent on not only the rate of cell production but also on apoptcsis,a genetically prograined process of autonomous ceil death. We investigated whether breast tumorigenesis involved an altered susceptibility to apoptosis and proliferation by examining normal breast epithelium and breast cancer sampies. We found there is a great inhibition of spontaneous apoptosis in breast cancer ceils compared with normal breast epithelium. The inhibition of apoptosis in breast cancer may contribute to neoplastic transformation.

  3. indicators of apoptosis in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Patients

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    and at the molecular level versus 20 age and socioeconomic matching healthy boys. ... to the tumor necrosis factor superfam- ily and induces apoptosis ... tory cell induced apoptosis in blood of ..... Brain 1997; 120 (Pt 6): 929-38. Butterfield TA ...

  4. Evasion of Apoptosis as a Cellular Stress Response in Cancer

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Simone Fulda


    Full Text Available One of the hallmarks of human cancers is the intrinsic or acquired resistance to apoptosis. Evasion of apoptosis can be part of a cellular stress response to ensure the cell's survival upon exposure to stressful stimuli. Apoptosis resistance may contribute to carcinogenesis, tumor progression, and also treatment resistance, since most current anticancer therapies including chemotherapy as well as radio- and immunotherapies primarily act by activating cell death pathways including apoptosis in cancer cells. Hence, a better understanding of the molecular mechanisms regarding how cellular stress stimuli trigger antiapoptotic mechanisms and how this contributes to tumor resistance to apoptotic cell death is expected to provide the basis for a rational approach to overcome apoptosis resistance mechanisms in cancers.

  5. Physiology and pathophysiology of apoptosis in epithelial cells of the liver, pancreas, and intestine. (United States)

    Jones, B A; Gores, G J


    Cell death of gastrointestinal epithelial cells occurs by a process referred to as apoptosis. In this review, we succinctly define apoptosis and summarize the role of apoptosis in the physiology and pathophysiology of epithelial cells in the liver, pancreas, and small and large intestine. The physiological mediators regulating apoptosis in gastrointestinal epithelial cells, when known, are discussed. Selected pathophysiological consequences of excessive apoptosis and inhibition of apoptosis are used to illustrate the significance of apoptosis in disease processes. These examples demonstrate that excessive apoptosis may result in epithelial cell atrophy, injury, and dysfunction, whereas inhibition of apoptosis results in hyperplasia and promotes malignant transformation. The specific cellular mechanisms responsible for dysregulation of epithelial cell apoptosis during pathophysiological disturbances are emphasized. Potential future areas of physiological research regarding apoptosis in gastrointestinal epithelia are highlighted when appropriate.

  6. Lysosomal ceramide generated by acid sphingomyelinase triggers cytosolic cathepsin B-mediated degradation of X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis protein in natural killer/T lymphoma cell apoptosis


    Taniguchi, M; Ogiso, H; Takeuchi, T; Kitatani, K; Umehara, H; Okazaki, T


    We previously reported that IL-2 deprivation induced acid sphingomyelinase-mediated (ASM-mediated) ceramide elevation and apoptosis in an NK/T lymphoma cell line KHYG-1. However, the molecular mechanism of ASM?ceramide-mediated apoptosis during IL-2 deprivation is poorly understood. Here, we showed that IL-2 deprivation induces caspase-dependent apoptosis characterized by phosphatidylserine externalization, caspase-8, -9, and -3 cleavage, and degradation of X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis pro...

  7. [Advances in Parvovirus Non-structural Protein NS1 Induced Apoptosis]. (United States)

    Tu, Mengyu; Liu, Fei; Chen, Shun; Wang, Mingshu; Cheng, Anchun


    Until now, more than seventeen parvovirus have been reported which can infect mammals and poultries. The infected cells appeared different properties of apoptosis and death, present a typical cytopathic effect. NS1 is a major nonstructural protein of parvovirus, with a conservative structure and function, which plays an important role in the viral life cycle. In addition to the influence on viral replication, the NS1 also participates in apoptosis induced by viruses. Parvovirus induced apoptosis which is mainly mediated by mitochondrial pathway, this review summarized the latest research progresses of parvovirus induced apoptosis.

  8. Evaluation of apoptosis and apoptosis proteins as possible markers of radiation at doses 0.1-2 Gy, in comparison to the micronucleus assay in three cell lines

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jaworska, A.; Angelis, P. de


    In recent years the interest in apoptosis as possible indicator of radiation damage has increased. Studies have been done to examine the induction of apoptosis after ionizing radiation using morphological criteria, characteristic DNA damage pattern(ladders), early DNA damage using flow cytometry and/or expression of the proteins involved in apoptosis. But the picture which emerges from these investigations is unclear. Some researchers suggest that apoptosis studies can be used as potential assays of biological dosimetry, others doubt if apoptosis can be used as a marker of irradiation at all. Most studies have been done using relatively high doses of radiation. In this study we focus on apoptosis induction after relatively small doses (0,1-2 Gy). We detected apoptosis with the in situ terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase assay by flow cytometry, and measured the expression of proteins that regulate apoptosis (Bcl-2, Bax, P53) with Western blotting. As comparison we used the cytokinesis-block micronucleus assay as a reference. The studies were carried out in three lymphoid cell lines: the mouse lymphoma L5178Y resistant and sensitive cell lines widely used in radiobiological studies, and the human pre-B cell leukemia Reh cells. Our results indicate that we can not consider the examined parameters of apoptosis as markers of radiation in these cell lines. (author)

  9. Apoptosis of acinar cells in pancreas allograft rejection

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Boonstra, J. G.; Wever, P. C.; Laterveer, J. C.; Bruijn, J. A.; van der Woude, F. J.; ten Berge, I. J.; Daha, M. R.


    BACKGROUND: Recently it has been recognized that apoptosis of target cells may occur during liver and kidney allograft rejection and is probably induced by infiltrating cells. Pancreas rejection is also characterized by a cellular infiltrate, however, the occurrence of apoptosis has not been

  10. Accelerated apoptosis of neutrophils in familial Mediterranean fever

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Manukyan, Gayane; Aminov, Rustam; Hakobyan, Gagik


    The causative mutations for familial Mediterranean fever (FMF) are located in the MEFV gene, which encodes pyrin. Pyrin modulates the susceptibility to apoptosis via its PYD domain, but how the mutated versions of pyrin affect apoptotic processes are poorly understood. Spontaneous and induced rates...... of systemic neutrophil apoptosis as well as the levels of proteins involved in apoptosis were investigated ex vivo in patients with FMF using flow cytometry and RT-qPCR. The freshly collected neutrophils from the patients in FMF remission displayed a significantly larger number of cells spontaneously entering...... apoptosis compared to control (6.27 ± 2.14 vs. 1.69 ± 0.18%). This elevated ratio was retained after 24 h incubation of neutrophils in the growth medium (32.4 ± 7.41 vs. 7.65 ± 1.32%). Correspondingly, the mRNA level for caspase-3 was also significantly increased under these conditions. In response...

  11. Andrographolide sensitizes prostate cancer cells to TRAIL-induced apoptosis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ruo-Jing Wei


    Full Text Available Tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL is a promising agent for anticancer therapy. The identification of small molecules that can establish the sensitivity of prostate cancer (PCa cells to TRAIL-induced apoptosis is crucial for the targeted treatment of PCa. PC3, DU145, JAC-1, TsuPr1, and LNCaP cells were treated with Andrographolide (Andro and TRAIL, and the apoptosis was measured using the Annexin V/PI double staining method. Real time-polymerase chain reaction (PCR and Western blot analysis were performed to measure the expression levels of target molecules. RNA interference technique was used to down-regulate the expression of the target protein. We established a nude mouse xenograft model of PCa, which was used to measure the caspase-3 activity in the tumor cells using flow cytometry. In this research study, our results demonstrated that Andro preferentially increased the sensitivity of PCa cells to TRAIL-induced apoptosis at subtoxic concentrations, and the regulation mechanism was related to the up-regulation of DR4. In addition, it also increased the p53 expression and led to the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS in the cells. Further research revealed that the DR4 inhibition, p53 expression, and ROS generation can significantly reduce the apoptosis induced by the combination of TRAIL and Andro in PCa cells. In conclusion, Andro increases the sensitivity of PCa cells to TRAIL-induced apoptosis through the generation of ROS and up-regulation of p53 and then promotes PCa cell apoptosis associated with the activation of DR4.

  12. Verocytotoxin-induced apoptosis of human microvascular endothelial cells. (United States)

    Pijpers, A H; van Setten, P A; van den Heuvel, L P; Assmann, K J; Dijkman, H B; Pennings, A H; Monnens, L A; van Hinsbergh, V W


    The pathogenesis of the epidemic form of hemolytic uremic syndrome is characterized by endothelial cell damage. In this study, the role of apoptosis in verocytotoxin (VT)-mediated endothelial cell death in human glomerular microvascular endothelial cells (GMVEC), human umbilical vein endothelial cells, and foreskin microvascular endothelial cells (FMVEC) was investigated. VT induced apoptosis in GMVEC and human umbilical vein endothelial cells when the cells were prestimulated with the inflammatory mediator tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha). FMVEC displayed strong binding of VT and high susceptibility to VT under basal conditions, which made them suitable for the study of VT-induced apoptosis without TNF-alpha interference. On the basis of functional (flow cytometry and immunofluorescence microscopy using FITC-conjugated annexin V and propidium iodide), morphologic (transmission electron microscopy), and molecular (agarose gel electrophoresis of cellular DNA fragments) criteria, it was documented that VT induced programmed cell death in microvascular endothelial cells in a dose- and time-dependent manner. Furthermore, whereas partial inhibition of protein synthesis by VT was associated with a considerable number of apoptotic cells, comparable inhibition of protein synthesis by cycloheximide was not. This suggests that additional pathways, independent of protein synthesis inhibition, may be involved in VT-mediated apoptosis in microvascular endothelial cells. Specific inhibition of caspases by Ac-Asp-Glu-Val-Asp-CHO, but not by Ac-Tyr-Val-Ala-Asp-CHO, was accompanied by inhibition of VT-induced apoptosis in FMVEC and TNF-alpha-treated GMVEC. These data indicate that VT can induce apoptosis in human microvascular endothelial cells.

  13. Bisphenol A induces spermatocyte apoptosis in rare minnow Gobiocypris rarus

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang, Yingying; Cheng, Mengqian; Wu, Lang; Zhang, Guo; Wang, Zaizhao


    Highlights: • Adult male G. rarus were exposed to 225 μg/L BPA for 7, 21 and 63 days. • BPA could induce spermatocyte apoptosis in rare minnow testis. • The mitochondrial apoptotic pathway participated in the germ cell apoptosis. • The spermatocyte apoptosis was likely initiated by BPA induced meiosis arrest. - Abstract: Bisphenol A (BPA) is an endocrine disruptor, and could induce germ cells apoptosis in the testis of mammals. But whether it could affect fish in the same mechanism has not’ been studied till now. In the present study, to investigate the influence of BPA on testis germ cells in fish, adult male rare minnow Gobiocypris rarus were exposed to 225 μg L"−"1 (0.99 μM) BPA for 1, 3 and 9 weeks. Through TdT-mediated dUTP nick end labeling (TUNEL) and transmission electron microscope (TEM) analysis, we found that the amount of apoptotic spermatocytes significantly increased in a time dependent manner following BPA exposure. Western Blot results showed that the ratio of Bcl2/Bax, the important apoptosis regulators in intrinsic mitochondrial apoptotic pathway, was significantly decreased. qPCR showed that mRNA expression of several genes in mitochondrial apoptotic pathway including bcl2, bax, casp9, cytc and mcl1b were significantly changed following BPA exposure. In addition, mRNA expression of meiosis regulation genes (kpna7 and wee2), and genes involved in both apoptosis and meiosis (birc5, ccna1, and gsa1a) were also affected by BPA. Taken together, the present study demonstrated that BPA could induce spermatocytes apoptosis in rare minnow testis, and the apoptosis was probably under regulation of intrinsic mitochondrial apoptotic pathway. Moreover, the spermatocyte apoptosis was likely initiated by BPA induced meiosis arrest.

  14. Bisphenol A induces spermatocyte apoptosis in rare minnow Gobiocypris rarus

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zhang, Yingying; Cheng, Mengqian; Wu, Lang; Zhang, Guo; Wang, Zaizhao, E-mail:


    Highlights: • Adult male G. rarus were exposed to 225 μg/L BPA for 7, 21 and 63 days. • BPA could induce spermatocyte apoptosis in rare minnow testis. • The mitochondrial apoptotic pathway participated in the germ cell apoptosis. • The spermatocyte apoptosis was likely initiated by BPA induced meiosis arrest. - Abstract: Bisphenol A (BPA) is an endocrine disruptor, and could induce germ cells apoptosis in the testis of mammals. But whether it could affect fish in the same mechanism has not’ been studied till now. In the present study, to investigate the influence of BPA on testis germ cells in fish, adult male rare minnow Gobiocypris rarus were exposed to 225 μg L{sup −1} (0.99 μM) BPA for 1, 3 and 9 weeks. Through TdT-mediated dUTP nick end labeling (TUNEL) and transmission electron microscope (TEM) analysis, we found that the amount of apoptotic spermatocytes significantly increased in a time dependent manner following BPA exposure. Western Blot results showed that the ratio of Bcl2/Bax, the important apoptosis regulators in intrinsic mitochondrial apoptotic pathway, was significantly decreased. qPCR showed that mRNA expression of several genes in mitochondrial apoptotic pathway including bcl2, bax, casp9, cytc and mcl1b were significantly changed following BPA exposure. In addition, mRNA expression of meiosis regulation genes (kpna7 and wee2), and genes involved in both apoptosis and meiosis (birc5, ccna1, and gsa1a) were also affected by BPA. Taken together, the present study demonstrated that BPA could induce spermatocytes apoptosis in rare minnow testis, and the apoptosis was probably under regulation of intrinsic mitochondrial apoptotic pathway. Moreover, the spermatocyte apoptosis was likely initiated by BPA induced meiosis arrest.

  15. Effects of low dose radiation on tumor apoptosis, cell cycle progression and changes of apoptosis-related protein bcl-2 in tumor-bearing mice

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yu Hongsheng; Fei Conghe; Shen Fangzhen; Liang Jun


    Objective: To study the effect of low dose radiation (LDR) on tumor apoptosis, cell cycle progression and changes of apoptosis-related protein bcl-2 in tumor-bearing mice. Methods: Kunming stain male mice were implanted with S180 sarcoma cells in the left inguen subcutaneously as an in situ experimental animal model. Seven days after implantation, the mice were given 75 mGy whole-body γ-irradiation. At 24 and 48 h after irradiation, all mice were sacrificed to measure the tumor volume, and tumor cell apoptosis, cell cycle progression were analyzed by flow cytometry. The expression of apoptosis-related protein bcl-2 and the apoptotic rate of tumor cells were observed by immunohistochemistry and electron microscopy. Results: Tumor growth was significantly slowed down after LDR (P 1 phase and the expression of bcl-2 protein decreased at 24 h. Apoptotic rate of tumor cells increased significantly at 48 h after LDR. Conclusion: LDR could cause a G 1 -phase arrest and increase the apoptosis of tumor cells through the low level of apoptosis-related protein bcl-2 in the tumor-bearing mice. The organized immune function and anti-tumor ability are markedly increased after LDR. The study provides practical evidence of clinical application to cancer treatment

  16. Human retinal pigment epithelial cell-induced apoptosis in activated T cells

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jørgensen, A; Wiencke, A K; la Cour, M


    human retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells can induce apoptosis in activated T cells. METHODS: Fas ligand (FasL) expression was detected by flow cytometry and immunohistochemistry. Cultured RPE cells were cocultured with T-cell lines and peripheral blood lymphocytes for 6 hours to 2 days. Induction...... of apoptosis was detected by 7-amino-actinomycin D and annexin V staining. RESULTS: Retinal pigment epithelial cells expressed FasL and induced apoptosis in activated Fas+ T cells. Blocking of Fas-FasL interaction with antibody strongly inhibited RPE-mediated T-cell apoptosis. Retinal pigment epithelial cells...... induced apoptosis in several activated T-cell populations and T-cell lines, including T-cell antigen receptor (TCR)-CD3-negative T-cell lines. In contrast, RPE cells induced little or no apoptosis in resting peripheral T cells. Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II monoclonal antibodies, which...

  17. Apoptosis study of the macrophage via near-field scanning optical microscope

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang, D-C; Chen, K-Y; Chen, G-Y; Chen, S-H; Wun, S-J


    The cell apoptosis phenomenon was studied by traditional optical microscope with much lower resolution and also observed by Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) with nano-resolution recently. They both detect the cell apoptosis through the change of cell topography. In this study, the cell apoptosis was investigated via Near-Field Scanning Optical Microscope (NSOM). The cell topography, with nano-scaled resolution, and its optical characteristics were observed by NSOM at the same measurement scanning. The macrophage was chosen as the cell investigated. To understand the cell apoptosis process is the goal set for the research. The apoptosis process was related to the variations of the optical characteristics of the cell

  18. Advanced oxidation protein products induce chondrocyte apoptosis via receptor for advanced glycation end products-mediated, redox-dependent intrinsic apoptosis pathway. (United States)

    Wu, Qian; Zhong, Zhao-Ming; Zhu, Si-Yuan; Liao, Cong-Rui; Pan, Ying; Zeng, Ji-Huan; Zheng, Shuai; Ding, Ruo-Ting; Lin, Qing-Song; Ye, Qing; Ye, Wen-Bin; Li, Wei; Chen, Jian-Ting


    Pro-inflammatory cytokine-induced chondrocyte apoptosis is a primary cause of cartilage destruction in the progression of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Advanced oxidation protein products (AOPPs), a novel pro-inflammatory mediator, have been confirmed to accumulate in patients with RA. However, the effect of AOPPs accumulation on chondrocyte apoptosis and the associated cellular mechanisms remains unclear. The present study demonstrated that the plasma formation of AOPPs was enhanced in RA rats compared with normal. Then, chondrocyte were treated with AOPPs-modified rat serum albumin (AOPPs-RSA) in vitro. Exposure of chondrocyte to AOPPs activated nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) oxidase and increased expression of NADPH oxidase subunits, which was mediated by receptor for advanced glycation end products (RAGE), but not scavenger receptor CD36. Moreover, AOPPs challenge triggered NADPH oxidase-dependent ROS generation which induced mitochondrial dysfunction and endoplasmic reticulum stress resulted in activation of caspase family that eventually lead to apoptosis. Lastly, blockade of RAGE, instead of CD36, largely attenuated these signals. Our study demonstrated first time that AOPPs induce chondrocyte apoptosis via RAGE-mediated and redox-dependent intrinsic apoptosis pathway in vitro. These data implicates that AOPPs may represent a novel pathogenic factor that contributes to RA progression. Targeting AOPPs-triggered cellular mechanisms might emerge as a promising therapeutic option for patients with RA.

  19. 3,3'-diindolylmethane potentiates tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand-induced apoptosis of gastric cancer cells. (United States)

    Ye, Yang; Miao, Shuhan; Wang, Yan; Zhou, Jianwei; Lu, Rongzhu


    Tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) specifically kills cancer cells without destroying the majority of healthy cells. However, numerous types of cancer cell, including gastric cancer cells, tend to be resistant to TRAIL. The bioactive product 3,3'-diindolylmethane (DIM), which is derived from cruciferous vegetables, is also currently recognized as a candidate anticancer agent. In the present study, a Cell Counting Kit 8 cell growth assay and an Annexin V-fluorescein isothiocyanate apoptosis assay were performed to investigate the potentiating effect of DIM on TRAIL-induced apoptosis in gastric cancer cells, and the possible mechanisms of this potentiation. The results obtained demonstrated that, compared with TRAIL or DIM treatment alone, co-treatment with TRAIL (25 or 50 ng/ml) and DIM (10 µmol/l) induced cytotoxic and apoptotic effects in BGC-823 and SGC-7901 gastric cancer cells. Furthermore, western blot analysis revealed that the protein expression levels of death receptor 5 (DR5), CCAAT/enhancer binding protein homologous protein (CHOP) and glucose-regulated protein 78 (GRP78) were upregulated in the co-treated gastric cancer cells. To the best of our knowledge, the present study is the first to provide evidence that DIM sensitizes TRAIL-induced inhibition of proliferation and apoptosis in gastric cancer cells, accompanied by the upregulated expression of DR5, CHOP and GRP78 proteins, which may be involved in endoplasmic reticulum stress mechanisms.

  20. Lithium protects ethanol-induced neuronal apoptosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhong Jin; Yang Xianlin; Yao Weiguo; Lee Weihua


    Lithium is widely used for the treatment of bipolar disorder. Recent studies have demonstrated its neuroprotective effect. Ethanol is a potent neurotoxin that is particularly harmful to the developing nervous system. In this study, we evaluated lithium's neuroprotection against ethanol-induced apoptosis. Transient exposure of infant mice to ethanol caused apoptotic cell death in brain, which was prevented significantly by administering a low dose of lithium 15 min later. In cultured cerebellar granule neurons, ethanol-induced apoptosis and activation of caspase-3/9, both of which were prevented by lithium. However, lithium's protection is not mediated by its commonly known inhibition of glycogen synthase3β, because neither ethanol nor lithium has significant effects on the phosphorylation of Akt (ser473) or GSK3β (ser9). In addition, the selective GSK-3β inhibitor SB-415286 was unable to prevent ethanol-induced apoptosis. These data suggest lithium may be used as a potential preventive measure for ethanol-induced neurological deficits

  1. Lipid Metabolism, Apoptosis and Cancer Therapy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Chunfa Huang


    Full Text Available Lipid metabolism is regulated by multiple signaling pathways, and generates a variety of bioactive lipid molecules. These bioactive lipid molecules known as signaling molecules, such as fatty acid, eicosanoids, diacylglycerol, phosphatidic acid, lysophophatidic acid, ceramide, sphingosine, sphingosine-1-phosphate, phosphatidylinositol-3 phosphate, and cholesterol, are involved in the activation or regulation of different signaling pathways. Lipid metabolism participates in the regulation of many cellular processes such as cell growth, proliferation, differentiation, survival, apoptosis, inflammation, motility, membrane homeostasis, chemotherapy response, and drug resistance. Bioactive lipid molecules promote apoptosis via the intrinsic pathway by modulating mitochondrial membrane permeability and activating different enzymes including caspases. In this review, we discuss recent data in the fields of lipid metabolism, lipid-mediated apoptosis, and cancer therapy. In conclusion, understanding the underlying molecular mechanism of lipid metabolism and the function of different lipid molecules could provide the basis for cancer cell death rationale, discover novel and potential targets, and develop new anticancer drugs for cancer therapy.

  2. Recurrent temporomandibular luxation secondary to dystonia induced by antipsychotics


    Cruzado, Lizardo; Núñez-Moscoso, Patricia; Garibay-Huamaní, Mercibel; Villar-Salas, Alicia


    La distonía aguda inducida por antipsicóticos sigue siendo una patología frecuente en los servicios de emergencia psiquiátrica. Sin embargo, la luxación de la articulación témporo-mandibular, como secuela de distonía oromandibular, es una presentación inusual dentro de esta casuística. Presentamos el caso de una paciente mujer de 20 años de edad, quien recibió haloperidol intramuscular tras sendas crisis de agitación psicomotriz y persistencia de riesgo suicida, y que luego desarrolló distoní...

  3. Encapsulación de moléculas pequeñas mediante la precipitación salina de poliuretanos catioméricos


    Fernández d’Arlas, Borja; Corcuera, María Ángeles; Eceiza, Arantxa


    En este trabajo se estudia un copolímero de poliuretano catiomérico (PU) con alta proporción de uretano como agente encapsulante de fármacos modelos (FM) mediante la encapsulación inducida por precipitación salina del PU y FM a pH < pI del PU. Mediante espectroscopia UV-Vis se ha estimado el porcentaje de encapsulación de varios FMs proponiéndose un modelo semi-empírico para determinar la distribución observada en las eficiencias de encapsulación, E, en función de su volumen molar...

  4. La retroalimentación facial y su efecto en la evaluación de publicidad de humor


    Rojas Restrepo, Sylvana


    La hipótesis de retroalimentación facial planteada por Tomkins en 1962 sustenta que la activación de algunos músculos faciales envía información sensorial al cerebro y se induce entonces una experiencia emocional en el sujeto. Partiendo de dicha teoría y de investigaciones que la sustentan, el presente estudio se propuso confirmar el efecto de la emoción inducida a través de la retroalimentación facial sobre la evaluación de cinco tipos de humor en publicidad. Para ello se realizó un exp...

  5. Estrés oxidativo y marcadores bioquímicos en ratas diabéticas con dieta suplementada con vitamina E


    Valdivieso Izquierdo, Lázaro Rubén


    Determina el rol de la vitamina E en los parámetros bioquímicos y antioxidantes en ratas diabéticas. La diabetes es inducida experimentalmente con estreptozotocina (35 mg/kg de peso por v.i.p.). Los animales (n= 24) son divididos en cuatro grupos: Grupo I: Control, Grupo II: Control + Vitamina E (25 mg/día), Grupo III: Diabética y Grupo IV: Diabética + Vitamina E (25 mg/día), durante 8 semanas. Parámetros bioquímicos como glucosa, la hemoglobina glicada y perfil lipídico son evaluados, así mi...

  6. Trombosis venosa profunda masiva de miembro superior secundaria a fractura de tercio medio de clavícula. Caso clínico


    Úbeda-Pérez de Heredia, Í.; Sobrá-Hidalgo, G.Á.


    Resumen Objetivo: La trombosis venosa profunda del miembro superior es una entidad rara que se asocia con el uso de catéteres, estados de hipercoagulabilidad, anticonceptivos orales, neoplasias, síndrome de costilla cervical o de los escalenos, fracturas de clavícula y trombosis inducida por el esfuerzo. Método: Varón de 53 años que desarrolló una trombosis venosa de las venas axilar, cefálica y basílica tres días después de sufrir una fractura de tercio medio de clavícula que se inmovilizó...

  7. Trombosis venosa profunda masiva de miembro superior secundaria a fractura de tercio medio de clavícula. Caso clínico


    Í. Úbeda-Pérez de Heredia; G.Á. Sobrá-Hidalgo


    Objetivo: La trombosis venosa profunda del miembro superior es una entidad rara que se asocia con el uso de catéteres, estados de hipercoagulabilidad, anticonceptivos orales, neoplasias, síndrome de costilla cervical o de los escalenos, fracturas de clavícula y trombosis inducida por el esfuerzo. Método: Varón de 53 años que desarrolló una trombosis venosa de las venas axilar, cefálica y basílica tres días después de sufrir una fractura de tercio medio de clavícula que se inmovilizó inicia...

  8. Nuevos mecanismos de regulación del balance energético. Papel de AMPK y del estrés del retículo endoplasmático hipotalámico


    Seoane Collazo, Patricia


    AMPK es un sensor celular que se activa en estado de baja energía. Las evidencias actuales vinculan la AMPK hipotalámica con la regulación central del balance energético. Sin embargo, cual es la isoforma de AMPK y el tipo neuronal que está mediando estos efectos todavía no se ha dilucidado. En esta Tesis, demostramos que la inhibición de AMPKα1 en las neuronas SF1 del núcleo ventromedial del hipotálamo protege contra la obesidad inducida por dieta al disminuir el estrés del retículo endoplasm...

  9. Desarrollo preliminar de un modelo de hiperinmunización para la inducción de aterosclerosis en ratones BALB/CBJ


    López Matilla, Lien; Montenegro Perdomo, Adonis; González Griego, Antonio; Mcloock Noa, Leysis; Borrego Álvarez, Aluet; Almarales Acosta, María Rosa; Rodríguez Sosa, Víctor Manuel; Santiesteban Torres, José Arturo; Céspedes Miranda, Ela


    La aterosclerosis es el proceso más común subordinado a la morbilidad y mortalidad cardiovascular y su relación con el sistema inmune ha sido estudiada en los últimos años. En este trabajo se estudió la influencia de la hiperinmunización sobre la aterosclerosis en un modelo de aterosclerosis inducida por inmunocomplejos de forma activa en ratones BALB/CBJ. Se emplearon dos grupos tratados y dos controles a los que se le practicó un esquema de inmunización, en el caso de los tratados con la va...





    La exposición de humanos y animales a la hipoxia intermitente crónica (CIH) produce hipertensión. La hipertensión inducida por la exposición a CIH ha sido relacionada a la estimulación cíclica de los cuerpos carotídeos. Se ha propuesto que las especies reactivas de oxígeno (ROS) contribuiría a la potenciación de los quimiorreflejos carotídeos. Sin embargo, per se las ROS no inducen aumentos en la actividad quimiosensorial. Recientemente, se encontró que el cuerpo carotídeo de rata expre...





    La exposición de humanos y animales a la hipoxia intermitente crónica (CIH) produce hipertensión. La hipertensión inducida por la exposición a CIH ha sido relacionada a la estimulación cíclica de los cuerpos carotídeos. Se ha propuesto que las especies reactivas de oxígeno (ROS) contribuiría a la potenciación de los quimiorreflejos carotídeos. Sin embargo, per se las ROS no inducen aumentos en la actividad quimiosensorial. Recientemente, se encontró que el cuerpo carotídeo de rata expre...

  12. Pulmonary gas exchange and severe obesity: bariatric surgery effects


    Rivas Ferreira, Eva


    Primer artículo (First Manuscript). Anomalías de las distribuciones ventilación-perfusión en la obesidad grave, antes y después de cirugía bariátrica En la actualidad, la obesidad es un grave problema de salud pública a escala mundial. La cirugía bariátrica (CB) es un tratamiento efectivo de la obesidad grave. No existen Trabajos previos sobre los efectos de la obesidad grave y la pérdida ponderal inducida por CB sobre el intercambio gaseoso pulmonar, específicamente en la distribución de...

  13. Alteração da relação testosterona: cortisol induzida pelo treinamento de força em mulheres Alteración de la relación testosterona: cortisol inducida por el entrenamiento de fuerza en mujeres Alteration of testosterone: cortisol ratio induced by resistance training in women

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marco Carlos Uchida


    Full Text Available A razão entre a concentração de testosterona e cortisol (T:C é freqüentemente utilizada como indicativo do nível de estresse imposto pelo exercício. Alterações na concentração destes hormônios são responsáveis por modular diversas respostas induzidas pelo treinamento, como hipertrofia e ganho de força. O objetivo do presente estudo foi examinar a influência do protocolo de treinamento de força, conhecido como múltiplas-séries (MS, sobre o ganho de força, de resistência muscular localizada e a relação entre a concentração de hormônios catabólicos (cortisol e anabólicos (testosterona. Para testar esta hipótese cinco jovens do sexo feminino com um ano de experiência em treinamento de força foram submetidas ao protocolo MS. As amostras de sangue foram coletadas antes e imediatamente após o exercício, no primeiro dia e após oito semanas de treinamento. Os testes de 1-RM e de repetições máximas foram realizados também no início e ao final das oito semanas de treinamento de força. Não foram observadas alterações na massa corporal, no IMC, na percentagem de massa gorda e na força máxima (1-RM no supino, no agachamento e na rosca direta. O número de repetições máximas a 50% de 1-RM foi aumentado apenas para o supino (p La razón entre testosterona y cortisol (T:C es frecuentemente utilizada como indicador del nivel de stress impuesto por el ejercicio. Las alteraciones de las concentraciones de estas hormonas son las responsables por modular diversas respuestas inducidas por el entrenamiento, como son la hipertrofia y el aumento de la fuerza. El objetivo del presente estudio fué examinar la influencia del protocolo de entrenamiento de fuerza, conocido como series multiples (MS, sobre la ganancia de fuerza, la resistencia muscular localizada y la relación entre las concentraciones de las hormonas catabólicas (cortisol y anabólicas (testoterona. Para testar esta hipótesis, cinco jovenes del sexo feminino

  14. Thymocyte apoptosis in response to low-dose radiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shu-Zheng, Liu; Ying-Chun, Zhang; Ying, Mu; Xu, Su; Jian-Xiang, Liu


    Thymocyte apoptosis was assessed by counting apoptotic bodies with flow cytometry (FCM) and measuring DNA fragmentation with fluorescence spectrophotometry (FSP). J-shaped dose-response curves were obtained after both whole-body irradiation (WBI) of mice and in vitro irradiation of EL4 cells with doses ranging from 0.025 to 4 Gy X-rays. There was a significant reduction of apoptosis rate to below control level with doses within 0.2 Gy, and a dose-dependent increase in apoptosis with doses above 0.5 Gy. When thymocytes were cultured 24 h after WBI with 75 mGy X-rays in complete RPMI 1640 medium, a reduction in apoptosis was observed in the course of incubation for 72 h, and the presence of Con A in the medium accentuated this reduction in a dose- and time-dependent manner. The implications of these observations and the possible molecular mechanisms for future studies are proposed

  15. Modulation of iridovirus-induced apoptosis by endocytosis, early expression, JNK, and apical caspase

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chitnis, Nilesh S.; D'Costa, Susan M.; Paul, Eric R.; Bilimoria, Shaen L.


    Chilo iridescent virus (CIV) is the type species for the family Iridoviridae, which are large, isometric, cytoplasmic dsDNA viruses. We examined the mechanism of apoptosis induction by CIV. High CIV doses (CIV XS ; 400 μg/ml), UV-irradiated virus (CIV UV ; 10 μg/ml) and CVPE (CIV protein extract; 10 μg/ml) induced apoptosis in 60% of treated Choristoneura fumiferana (IPRI-CF-124T) cells. Normal doses of infectious CIV (10 μg/ml) induced apoptosis in only 10% of C. fumiferana (CF) cells. Apoptosis was inhibited by Z-IETD-FMK, an apical caspase inhibitor, indicating that CIV-induced apoptosis requires caspase activity. The putative caspase in CF cells was designated Cf-caspase-i. CIV UV or CVPE enhanced Cf-caspase-i activity by 80% at 24 h relative to mock-treated cells. Since the MAP kinase pathway induces or inhibits apoptosis depending on the context, we used JNK inhibitor SP600125 and demonstrated drastic suppression of CVPE-induced apoptosis. Thus, the JNK signaling pathway is significant for apoptosis in this system. Virus interaction with the cell surface was not sufficient for apoptosis since CIV UV particles bound to polysterene beads failed to induce apoptosis. Endocytosis inhibitors (bafilomycin or ammonium chloride) negated apoptosis induction by CIV UV , CIV XS or CVPE indicating that entry through this mode is required. Given the weak apoptotic response to infectious CIV, we postulated that viral gene expression inhibited apoptosis. CIV infection of cells pretreated with cycloheximide induced apoptosis in 69% of the cells compared to 10% in normal infections. Furthermore, blocking viral DNA replication with aphidicolin or phosphonoacetic acid suppressed apoptosis and Cf-caspase-i activity, indicating that early viral expression is necessary for inhibition of apoptosis, and de novo synthesis of viral proteins is not required for induction. We show for the first time that, in a member of the family Iridoviridae, apoptosis: (i) requires entry and

  16. Apoptosis in spermatogonia irradiated P53 null mice

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Streit-Bianchi, M.; Hendry, J.H.; Roberts, S.A.; Morris, J.D.; Durgaryan, A.A.


    Complete text of publication follows. The exposure of germ cells to ionizing radiations is of concern both from high-dose therapeutic exposures and from low doses causing deleterious trans-generational mutations. P53 protein plays an important role in cellular damage and is expressed in the testis normally during meiosis, its expression being localised to the preleptotene and early/mid pachytene spermatocytes. P53 null mice, heterozygotes possessing a 129 Sv/C57BL6 genetic background and B6D2F1 mice have been irradiated to 1 and 2 Gy single doses. Fractionated exposures of 1+1 Gy at 4 hours interval were also carried out. Apoptosis induction, spermatogonia and spermatocytes survival were assessed by microscope analysis of histological samples at 4 to 96 hours after irradiation in time-course experiments. The same end-points were also assessed at 72 and 96 hours after irradiation to single doses in the region between 20cGy to 2Gy. A dose dependent level of p53 expression was observed at 4 hours after irradiation to 1 and 2 Gy which returned to normal level by 24 hours. Our data support a two process mode of apoptosis with a first wave around 12 hours followed by a second wave at 2-3 days. The first wave apoptosis is substantially reduced in p53 null mice whereas the second wave is reduced in B6D2F1 mice. The initial increase in apoptosis was delayed in some stages of the of germ cells development which were identified by the spermatids shape. Clear correlation exists between apoptosis and survival assessed in stage XI-XII Tubules 72 hours after irradiation. The data are in agreement with other data in literature indicating that irradiated spermatogonia die through apoptosis. The lack of apoptosis observed in p53 null mice results in a very high survival rate of daughter cells assessed later. Theses spermatocytes and the following progenitor cells are likely to carry mutations as most will not die in the smaller second wave of apoptosis observed 3 days after

  17. Neuroprotective effects of ganoderma lucidum polysaccharides against oxidative stress-induced neuronal apoptosis (United States)

    Sun, Xin-zhi; Liao, Ying; Li, Wei; Guo, Li-mei


    Ganoderma lucidum polysaccharides have protective effects against apoptosis in neurons exposed to ischemia/reperfusion injury, but the mechanisms are unclear. The goal of this study was to investigate the underlying mechanisms of the effects of ganoderma lucidum polysaccharides against oxidative stress-induced neuronal apoptosis. Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) was used to induce apoptosis in cultured cerebellar granule cells. In these cells, ganoderma lucidum polysaccharides remarkably suppressed H2O2-induced apoptosis, decreased expression of caspase-3, Bax and Bim and increased that of Bcl-2. These findings suggested that ganoderma lucidum polysaccharides regulate expression of apoptosis-associated proteins, inhibit oxidative stress-induced neuronal apoptosis and, therefore, have significant neuroprotective effects. PMID:28761429

  18. Andrographolide induces apoptotic and non-apoptotic death and enhances tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand-mediated apoptosis in gastric cancer cells. (United States)

    Lim, Sung-Chul; Jeon, Ho Jong; Kee, Keun Hong; Lee, Mi Ja; Hong, Ran; Han, Song Iy


    Andrographolide, a natural compound isolated from Andrographis paniculata , has been reported to possess antitumor activity. In the present study, the effect of andrographolide in human gastric cancer (GC) cells was investigated. Andrographolide induced cell death with apoptotic and non-apoptotic features. At a low concentration, andrographolide potentiated apoptosis and reduction of clonogenicity triggered by recombinant human tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (rhTRAIL). Exposure of GC cells to andrographolide altered the expression level of several growth-inhibiting and apoptosis-regulating proteins, including death receptors. It was demonstrated that activity of the TRAIL-R2 (DR5) pathway was critical in the development of andrographolide-mediated rhTRAIL sensitization, since its inhibition significantly reduced the extent of apoptosis induced by the combination of rhTRAIL and andrographolide. In addition, andrographolide increased reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation in a dose-dependent manner. N-acetyl cysteine prevented andrographolide-mediated DR5 induction and the apoptotic effect induced by the combination of rhTRAIL and andrographolide. Collectively, the present study demonstrated that andrographolide enhances TRAIL-induced apoptosis through induction of DR5 expression. This effect appears to involve ROS generation in GCs.

  19. In Vivo Imaging of Apoptosis in Oncology: An Update

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    Christel Vangestel


    Full Text Available In this review, data on noninvasive imaging of apoptosis in oncology are reviewed. Imaging data available are presented in order of occurrence in time of enzymatic and morphologic events occurring during apoptosis. Available studies suggest that various radiopharmaceutical probes bear great potential for apoptosis imaging by means of positron emission tomography and single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT. However, for several of these probes, thorough toxicologic studies are required before they can be applied in clinical studies. Both preclinical and clinical studies support the notion that 99mTc-hydrazinonicoti-namide-annexin A5 and SPECT allow for noninvasive, repetitive, quantitative apoptosis imaging and for assessing tumor response as early as 24 hours following treatment instigation. Bioluminescence imaging and near-infrared fluorescence imaging have shown great potential in small-animal imaging, but their usefulness for in vivo imaging in humans is limited to structures superficially located in the human body. Although preclinical tumor-based data using high-frequency-ultrasonography (US are promising, whether or not US will become a routinely clinically useful tool in the assessment of therapy response in oncology remains to be proven. The potential of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI and magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS for imaging late apoptotic processes is currently unclear. Neither 31P MRS nor 1H MRS signals seems to be a unique identifier for apoptosis. Although MRI-measured apparent diffusion coefficients are altered in response to therapies that induce apoptosis, they are also altered by nonapoptotic cell death, including necrosis and mitotic catastrophe. In the future, rapid progress in the field of apoptosis imaging in oncology is expected.

  20. Correlation of lung surface area to apoptosis and proliferation in human emphysema. (United States)

    Imai, K; Mercer, B A; Schulman, L L; Sonett, J R; D'Armiento, J M


    Pulmonary emphysema is associated with alterations in matrix proteins and protease activity. These alterations may be linked to programmed cell death by apoptosis, potentially influencing lung architecture and lung function. To evaluate apoptosis in emphysema, lung tissue was analysed from 10 emphysema patients and six individuals without emphysema (normal). Morphological analysis revealed alveolar cells in emphysematous lungs with convoluted nuclei characteristic of apoptosis. DNA fragmentation was detected using terminal deoxynucleotide transferase-mediated dUTP nick-end labelling (TUNEL) and gel electrophoresis. TUNEL revealed higher apoptosis in emphysematous than normal lungs. Markers of apoptosis, including active caspase-3, proteolytic fragment of poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase, Bax and Bad, were detected in emphysematous lungs. Linear regression showed that apoptosis was inversely correlated with surface area. Emphysematous lungs demonstrated lower surface areas and increased cell proliferation. There was no correlation between apoptosis and proliferation, suggesting that, although both events increase during emphysema, they are not in equilibrium, potentially contributing to reduced lung surface area. In summary, cell-based mechanisms associated with emphysematous parenchymal damage include increased apoptosis and cell proliferation. Apoptosis correlated with airspace enlargement, supporting epidemiological evidence of the progressive nature of emphysema. These data extend the understanding of cell dynamics and structural changes within the lung during emphysema pathogenesis.

  1. Cellular response after irradiation: Cell cycle control and apoptosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Siles, E.; Valenzuela, M.T.; Nunez, M.I.; Guerrero, R.; Villalobos, M.; Ruiz de Almodovar, J.M.


    The importance of apoptotic death was assessed in a set of experiments, involving eight human tumour cell lines (breast cancer, bladder carcinoma, medulloblastoma). Various aspects of the quantitative study of apoptosis and methods based on the detection of DNA fragmentation (in situ tailing and comet assay) are described and discussed. Data obtained support the hypothesis that apoptosis is not crucial for cellular radiosensitivity and that the relationship between p53 functionality or clonogenic survival and apoptosis may bee cell type specific. (author)

  2. Celulitis por citomegalovirus

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    A. Ruiz Lascano


    Full Text Available Las lesiones cutáneas por citomegalovirus (CMV son infrecuentes y a menudo una manifestación tardía de una enfermedad sistémica, que generalmente anuncia un curso fatal. Comunicamos un caso de celulitis por CMV: una mujer de 70 años con trasplante renal efectuado 1 mes antes de la consulta, terapia inmunosupresora con ciclosporina A y metilprednisona. La paciente ingresó por fiebre, dolor e impotencia funcional en pierna derecha. Comprobamos la existencia de una placa de 8 por 4 cm eritematoedematosa. La tratamos con antibióticos sin mejoría, por lo que realizamos un estudio histopatológico de piel que mostró cambios citopáticos compatibles con infección por CMV. Los cultivos bacteriológicos y micológicos fueron negativos. La inmunohistoquímica específica para CMV y el estudio de reacción en cadena de la polimerasa (PCR de la biopsia de piel fueron positivas, al igual que la antigenemia. El tratamiento con ganciclovir produjo la mejoría del cuadro clínico. En la literatura revisada no hemos encontrado la celulitis como manifestación de enfermedad cutánea por CMV.

  3. Podocyte hypertrophy precedes apoptosis under experimental diabetic conditions. (United States)

    Lee, Sun Ha; Moon, Sung Jin; Paeng, Jisun; Kang, Hye-Young; Nam, Bo Young; Kim, Seonghun; Kim, Chan Ho; Lee, Mi Jung; Oh, Hyung Jung; Park, Jung Tak; Han, Seung Hyeok; Yoo, Tae-Hyun; Kang, Shin-Wook


    Podocyte hypertrophy and apoptosis are two hallmarks of diabetic glomeruli, but the sequence in which these processes occur remains a matter of debate. Here we investigated the effects of inhibiting hypertrophy on apoptosis, and vice versa, in both podocytes and glomeruli, under diabetic conditions. Hypertrophy and apoptosis were inhibited using an epidermal growth factor receptor inhibitor (PKI 166) and a pan-caspase inhibitor (zAsp-DCB), respectively. We observed significant increases in the protein expression of p27, p21, phospho-eukaryotic elongation factor 4E-binding protein 1, and phospho-p70 S6 ribosomal protein kinase, in both cultured podocytes exposed to high-glucose (HG) medium, and streptozotocin-induced diabetes mellitus (DM) rat glomeruli. These increases were significantly inhibited by PKI 166, but not by zAsp-DCB. In addition, the amount of protein per cell, the relative cell size, and the glomerular volume were all significantly increased under diabetic conditions, and these changes were also blocked by treatment with PKI 166, but not zAsp-DCB. Increased protein expression of cleaved caspase-3 and cleaved poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase, together with increased Bax/Bcl-2 ratios, were also observed in HG-stimulated podocytes and DM glomeruli. Treatment with either zAsp-DCB or PKI 166 resulted in a significant attenuation of these effects. Both PKI 166 and zAsp-DCB also inhibited the increase in number of apoptotic cells, as assessed by Hoechst 33342 staining and TUNEL assay. Under diabetic conditions, inhibition of podocyte hypertrophy results in attenuated apoptosis, whereas blocking apoptosis has no effect on podocyte hypertrophy, suggesting that podocyte hypertrophy precedes apoptosis.

  4. Mitochondrial pathway of apoptosis and related proteins in placenta ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    eclampsia (PE).This study aimed at evaluating the mitochondrial pathway of apoptosis in placenta of pregnant women with pre-eclampsia and correlate it with severity and pregnancy outcome . Apoptosis was assessed by measuring DNA ...

  5. Tumor Response to Radiotherapy Regulated by Endothelial Cell Apoptosis (United States)

    Garcia-Barros, Monica; Paris, Francois; Cordon-Cardo, Carlos; Lyden, David; Rafii, Shahin; Haimovitz-Friedman, Adriana; Fuks, Zvi; Kolesnick, Richard


    About 50% of cancer patients receive radiation therapy. Here we investigated the hypothesis that tumor response to radiation is determined not only by tumor cell phenotype but also by microvascular sensitivity. MCA/129 fibrosarcomas and B16F1 melanomas grown in apoptosis-resistant acid sphingomyelinase (asmase)-deficient or Bax-deficient mice displayed markedly reduced baseline microvascular endothelial apoptosis and grew 200 to 400% faster than tumors on wild-type microvasculature. Thus, endothelial apoptosis is a homeostatic factor regulating angiogenesis-dependent tumor growth. Moreover, these tumors exhibited reduced endothelial apoptosis upon irradiation and, unlike tumors in wild-type mice, they were resistant to single-dose radiation up to 20 grays (Gy). These studies indicate that microvascular damage regulates tumor cell response to radiation at the clinically relevant dose range.

  6. The correlation between spontaneous and radiation-induced apoptosis in T3B bladder cancer (histological grade G3), and the precedence between the two kinds of apoptosis for predicting clinical prognosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Harada, Satoshi; Sato, Ryuichi; Nakamura, Ryuji; Oikawa, Hiroshi; Oikawa, Hirobumi; Ohgi, Shie; Tamakawa, Yoshiharu; Yanagisawa, Toru


    Purpose: The correlation between the frequency of spontaneous and radiation-induced apoptosis, and the precedence between those for predicting prognosis were studied at clinical level. Methods and Materials: Twenty-one patients (mean age, 65.8 years; 16 men and 5 women) with bladder cancer (transitional cell carcinoma Grade 3, T3bN0M0, Stage IIIb) underwent intraoperative radiotherapy: single 30-Gy 12-MV electron beam irradiation to bladder, followed by total cystectomy 6 h after irradiation. The specimens of pretreatment and irradiated bladder cancer were assayed for apoptosis, using TUNEL staining with counter staining of hematoxylin. The apoptotic index (AI) was calculated by dividing the number of apoptotic cells by the total number of cells and multiplying by 100. The Pearson's linear fitting was used to test the correlation between spontaneous and radiation-induced apoptosis. The Kaplan-Meier product-limit estimation was used for overall survival (OS) and freedom from recurrence (FFR). The precedence between spontaneous and radiation-induced apoptosis for predicting the clinical prognosis was estimated using the proportional hazard regression. Results: The mean AI of spontaneous and radiation-induced apoptosis was 1.18 ± 0.16 and 2.63 ± 0.45, respectively, which was significantly different. There was strong correlation between spontaneous and radiation-induced apoptosis (r 2 = 0.864, adjusted r 2 = 0.857). Radiation-induced apoptosis was estimated by equitation: y (radiation-induced apoptosis) = 2.67 x (spontaneous apoptosis) -0.52. However, the proportional hazard regression test indicated that only spontaneous apoptosis was significant for predicting OS and FFR (vertical bar t vertical bar > 0.2), but radiation-induced apoptosis was not. Conclusion: Estimating AI in radiation-induced apoptosis from AI in spontaneous apoptosis is possible. However, spontaneous apoptosis is more accurate in predicting clinical prognosis

  7. Resistance to apoptosis should not be taken as a hallmark of cancer. (United States)

    Wang, Rui-An; Li, Zeng-Shan; Yan, Qing-Guo; Bian, Xiu-Wu; Ding, Yan-Qing; Du, Xiang; Sun, Bao-Cun; Sun, Yun-Tian; Zhang, Xiang-Hong


    In the research community, resistance to apoptosis is often considered a hallmark of cancer. However, pathologists who diagnose cancer via microscope often see the opposite. Indeed, increased apoptosis and mitosis are usually observed simultaneously in cancerous lesions. Studies have shown that increased apoptosis is associated with cancer aggressiveness and poor clinical outcome. Furthermore, overexpression of Bcl-2, an antiapoptotic protein, is linked with better survival of cancer patients. Conversely, Bax, CD95, Caspase-3, and other apoptosis-inducing proteins have been found to promote carcinogenesis. This notion of the role of apoptosis in cancer is not new; cancer cells were found to be short-lived 88 years ago. Given these observations, resistance to apoptosis should not be considered a hallmark of cancer.

  8. Differential Apoptosis in Mucosal and Dermal Wound Healing (United States)

    Johnson, Ariel; Francis, Marybeth; DiPietro, Luisa Ann


    Objectives: Dermal and mucosal healing are mechanistically similar. However, scarring and closure rates are dramatically improved in mucosal healing, possibly due to differences in apoptosis. Apoptosis, nature's preprogrammed form of cell death, occurs via two major pathways, extrinsic and intrinsic, which intersect at caspase3 (Casp3) cleavage and activation. The purpose of this experiment was to identify the predominant pathways of apoptosis in mucosal and dermal wound healing. Approach: Wounds (1 mm biopsy punch) were made in the dorsal skin (n=3) or tongue (n=3) of female Balb/C mice aged 6 weeks. Wounds were harvested at 6 h, 24 h, day 3 (D3), D5, D7, and D10. RNA was isolated and analyzed using real time reverse transcriptase–polymerase chain reaction. Expression levels for genes in the intrinsic and extrinsic apoptotic pathways were compared in dermal and mucosal wounds. Results: Compared to mucosal healing, dermal wounds exhibited significantly higher expression of Casp3 (at D5; phealing compared to skin. Conclusion: Expression patterns of key regulators of apoptosis in wound healing indicate that apoptosis occurs predominantly through the intrinsic pathway in the healing mucosa, but predominantly through the extrinsic pathway in the healing skin. The identification of differences in the apoptotic pathways in skin and mucosal wounds may allow the development of therapeutics to improve skin healing. PMID:25493209

  9. [Mechanisms of signaling associated with reactive nitrogen and oxygen in apoptosis]. (United States)

    Piłat, Justyna; Ługowski, Mateusz; Saczko, Jolanta; Choromańska, Anna; Chwiłkowska, Agnieszka; Banaś, Teresa; Kulbacka, Julita


    The knowledge of apoptotic mechanisms is essential in many biologic aspects related to both normal and neoplastic cells. Cell death by apoptosis is a very desirable way to eliminate unwanted cells: prevents release of the cellular content, which, in contrast to necrosis, provides no activation of inflammatory reactions. Apoptosis is a multistep process in where an extremely important role is played by caspases. Functions of caspases and their modifications are fundamental to understanding the signaling pathways responsible for regulation of apoptosis. These enzymes belong to a family of cysteine proteases that have the potential to destroy the enzymatic and structural proteins, and in the final stages of apoptosis, to lead to the disintegration of the cell. Apoptosis can be modulated by certain signaling pathway. © 2016 MEDPRESS.

  10. 5-Fluorouracil-induced apoptosis in cultured oral cancer cells. (United States)

    Tong, D; Poot, M; Hu, D; Oda, D


    Chemotherapy is commonly used to treat advanced oral squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) and is known to kill cancer cells through apoptosis. Our hypothesis states that 5-fluorouracil (5FU) also kills cultured oral epithelial cells through programmed cell death or apoptosis. Cultured oral cancer cells were exposed to an optimum dose of 20 mg/ml of 5FU. Cells were analyzed for changes in cell cycle distribution and induction of cell death including apoptosis. Normal control, human papilloma virus-immortalized (PP), ATCC SCC cell line (CA1) and two primary oral SCC cell lines (CA3 and -4) were studied. Inhibition of apoptosis by a pan-caspase inhibitor was used. SYTO 11 flow cytometry showed increased apoptosis in all 5FU-treated cell cultures compared to untreated controls. The results show biological variation in apoptotic response. CA1 had the lowest apoptotic rate of the cancer cell lines at 1.5%. Next lowest was CA3, followed by CA4 and PP. In addition, alteration in the G1 and S phase fractions were found. Untreated CA1 showed 28% G1, 53% S compared to 43% G1, and 40% S of treated. We investigated the pathway of apoptosis using the pan-caspase inhibitor IDN-1529 by methylthiazolyl diphenyl tetrazolium bromide (MTT) colorimetric analysis. Results showed mild inhibition of cell death when cells were incubated with 50 microM IDN-1529 for 24 h. This suggests a probable caspase-dependent apoptotic pathway. In conclusion, our data suggest that 5FU induces oral cancer cell death through apoptosis and that biological variation exists between normal and cancer cells and between different types of cancer cells themselves. Our data indicate that cultures of a useful in vitro model for chemosensitivity assays are possible. Our results also suggest a caspase-dependent pathway for chemocytotoxicity in oral SCC.

  11. Detection of radiation-induced apoptosis using the comet assay

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wada, Seiichi; Kobayashi, Yasuhiko; Funayama, Tomoo; Yamamoto, Kazuo; Khoa, Tran Van; Natsuhori, Masahiro; Ito, Nobuhiko


    The electrophoresis pattern of apoptotic cells detected by the comet assay has a characteristic small head and spread tail. This image has been referred to as an apoptotic comet, but it has not been previously proven to be apoptotic cells by any direct method. In order to identify this image obtained by the comet assay as corresponding to an apoptotic cell, the frequency of appearance of apoptosis was examined using CHO-K1 and L5178Y cells which were exposed to gamma irradiation. As a method for detecting apoptosis, the terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase mediated dUTP nick end labeling (TUNEL) assay was used. When the frequency of appearance of apoptotic cells following gamma irradiation was observed over a period of time, there was a significant increase in appearance of apoptosis when using the TUNEL assay. However, there was only a slight increase when using the comet assay. In order to verify the low frequency of appearance of apoptosis when using the comet assay, we attempted to use the TUNEL assay to satin the apoptotic comets detected in the comet assay. The apoptotic comets were TUNEL positive and the normal comets were TUNEL negative. This indicates that the apoptotic comets were formed from DNA fragments with 3'-hydroxy ends that are generated as cells undergo apoptosis. Therefore, it was understood that the characteristic pattern of apoptotic comets detected by the comet assay corresponds to cells undergoing apoptosis. (author)

  12. A novel method for detection of apoptosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zagariya, Alexander M.


    There are two different Angiotensin II (ANG II) peptides in nature: Human type (ANG II) and Bovine type (ANG II*). These eight amino acid peptides differ only at position 5 where Valine is replaced by Isoleucine in the Bovine type. They are present in all species studied so far. These amino acids are different by only one atom of carbon. This difference is so small, that it will allow any of ANG II, Bovine or Human antibodies to interact with all species and create a universal method for apoptosis detection. ANG II concentrations are found at substantially higher levels in apoptotic, compared to non-apoptotic, tissues. ANG II accumulation can lead to DNA damage, mutations, carcinogenesis and cell death. We demonstrate that Bovine antiserum can be used for universal detection of apoptosis. In 2010, the worldwide market for apoptosis detection reached the $20 billion mark and significantly increases each year. Most commercially available methods are related to Annexin V and TUNNEL. Our new method based on ANG II is more widely known to physicians and scientists compared to previously used methods. Our approach offers a novel alternative for assessing apoptosis activity with enhanced sensitivity, at a lower cost and ease of use.

  13. Effect of bFGF on radiation-induced apoptosis of vascular endothelial cells

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gu Qingyang; Wang Dewen; Li Yuejuan; Peng Ruiyun; Dong Bo; Wang Zhaohai; Liu Jie; Deng Hua; Jiang Tao


    Objective: To study the effect of bFGF on radiation-induced apoptosis vascular endothelial cells. Methods: A cell line PAE (porcine aortic endothelial cells) and primary cultured HUVEC (human umbilical vein endothelial cells) were irradiated with 60 Co γ-rays to establish cell apoptosis models. Flow cytometry with annexin-V-FITC + PI labeling was used to evaluate cell apoptosis. Different amounts of bFGF were used to study their effects on radiation-induced endothelial cell apoptosis. Results and Conclusions: It is found that bFGF could inhibit radiation-induced endothelial cell apoptosis in a considerable degree

  14. Suppression of ICE and Apoptosis in Mammary Epithelial Cells by Extracellular Matrix

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Boudreau, Nancy; Sympson, C. J.; Werb, Zena; Bissell, Mina J.


    Apoptosis (programmed cell death) plays a major role in development and tissue regeneration. Basement membrane extracellular matrix (ECM), but not fibronectin or collagen, was shown to suppress apoptosis of mammary epithelial cells in tissue culture and in vivo. Apoptosis was induced by antibodies to beta 1 integrins or by overexpression of stromelysin-1, which degrades ECM. Expression of interleukin-1 beta converting enzyme (ICE) correlated with the loss of ECM, and inhibitors of ICE activity prevented apoptosis. These results suggest that ECM regulates apoptosis in mammary epithelial cells through an integrin-dependent negative regulation of ICE expression.

  15. Thymocyte apoptosis induced by p53-dependent and independent pathways

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Clarke, A.R.; Purdie, C.A.; Harrison, D.J.; Morris, R.G.; Bird, C.C.; Hooper, M.L.; Wyllie, A.H.


    The authors studied the dependence of apoptosis on p53 expression in cells from the thymus cortex. Short-term thymocyte cultures were prepared from mice constitutively heterozygous or homozygous for a deletion in the p53 gene introduced into the germ line after gene targeting. Wild-type thymocytes readily undergo apoptosis after treatment with ionizing radiation, the glucocorticoid methylprednisolone, or etoposide (an inhibitor of topoisomerase II), or after Ca 2+ -dependent activation by phorbol ester and a calcium ionophore. In contrast, homozygous null p53 thymocytes are resistant to induction of apoptosis by radiation or etoposide, but retain normal sensitivity to glucocorticoid and calcium. The time-dependent apoptosis that occurs in untreated cultures is unaffected by p53 status. Cells heterozygous for p53 deletion are partially resistant to radiation and etoposide. Results show that p53 exerts a significant and dose-dependent effect in the initiation of apoptosis, but only when it is induced by agents that cause DNA-strand breakage. (Author)

  16. Keratocyte apoptosis and corneal antioxidant enzyme activities after refractive corneal surgery. (United States)

    Bilgihan, K; Bilgihan, A; Adiguzel, U; Sezer, C; Yis, O; Akyol, G; Hasanreisoglu, B


    Refractive corneal surgery induces keratocyte apoptosis and generates reactive oxygen radicals (ROS) in the cornea. The purpose of the present study is to evaluate the correlation between keratocyte apoptosis and corneal antioxidant enzyme activities after different refractive surgical procedures in rabbits. Rabbits were divided into six groups. All groups were compared with the control group (Group 1), after epithelial scraping (Group 2), epithelial scrape and photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) (traditional PRK: Group 3), transepithelial PRK (Group 4), creation of a corneal flap with microkeratome (Group 5) and laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis (LASIK, Group 6). Terminal deoxyribonucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP-digoxigenin nick-end labelling assay (to detect DNA fragmentation in situ) and light microscopy were used to detect apoptosis in rabbit eyes. Glutathione peroxidase (Gpx) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activities of the corneal tissues were measured with spectrophotometric methods. Corneal Gpx and SOD activities decreased significantly in all groups when compared with the control group (P<0.05) and groups 2, 3 and 6 showed a significantly higher amount of keratocyte apoptosis (P<0.05). Not only a negative correlation was observed between corneal SOD activity and keratocyte apoptosis (cc: -0.3648) but Gpx activity also showed negative correlation with keratocyte apoptosis (cc: -0.3587). The present study illustrates the negative correlation between keratocyte apoptosis and corneal antioxidant enzyme activities. This finding suggests that ROS may be partly responsible for keratocyte apoptosis after refractive surgery.

  17. Anti-apoptotic signaling and failure of apoptosis in the ischemic rat hippocampus

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Müller, Georg Johannes; Lassmann, Hans; Johansen, Flemming Fryd


    Several anti-apoptotic proteins are induced in CA1 neurons after transient forebrain ischemia (TFI), but fail to protect the majority of these cells from demise. Correlating cell death morphologies (apoptosis-like and necrosis-like death) with immunohistochemistry (IHC), we investigated whether...... anti-apoptosis contributes to survival, compromises apoptosis effector functions and/or delays death in CA1 neurons 1-7 days after TFI. As surrogate markers for bioenergetic failure, the IHC of respiratory chain complex (RCC) subunits was investigated. Dentate granule cell (DGC) apoptosis following...... colchicine injection severed as a reference for classical apoptosis. Heat shock protein 70 (Hsp70), neuronal apoptosis inhibitory protein (NAIP) and manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) were upregulated in the majority of intact CA1 neurons paralleling the occurrence of CA1 neuronal death (days 3...

  18. Apoptosis in Drosophila: which role for mitochondria? (United States)

    Clavier, Amandine; Rincheval-Arnold, Aurore; Colin, Jessie; Mignotte, Bernard; Guénal, Isabelle


    It is now well established that the mitochondrion is a central regulator of mammalian cell apoptosis. However, the importance of this organelle in non-mammalian apoptosis has long been regarded as minor, mainly because of the absence of a crucial role for cytochrome c in caspase activation. Recent results indicate that the control of caspase activation and cell death in Drosophila occurs at the mitochondrial level. Numerous proteins, including RHG proteins and proteins of the Bcl-2 family that are key regulators of Drosophila apoptosis, constitutively or transiently localize in mitochondria. These proteins participate in the cell death process at different levels such as degradation of Diap1, a Drosophila IAP, production of mitochondrial reactive oxygen species or stimulation of the mitochondrial fission machinery. Here, we review these mitochondrial events that might have their counterpart in human.

  19. Colorectal cancer: can nutrients modulate NF-kappaB and apoptosis? (United States)

    Ravasco, Paula; Aranha, Márcia M; Borralho, Pedro M; Moreira da Silva, Isabel B; Correia, Luís; Fernandes, Afonso; Rodrigues, Cecília M P; Camilo, Maria


    NF-kappaB may promote carcinogenesis by altering cell cycle, inflammatory responses and apoptosis-related gene expression, though cell mechanisms relating diet and colorectal cancer (CRC) remain unveiled in humans. This study in patients with CRC aimed to explore potential interactions between the dietary pattern, nutrient intake, expression of NF-kappaB, apoptosis and tumour histological aggressiveness. Usual diet was assessed by diet history; nutrient composition was determined by DIETPLAN software. Histologically classified patient tissue samples (adenoma, adenocarcinoma and normal surrounding mucosa) were obtained via biopsies during colonoscopy (n=16) or surgery (n=8). NF-kappaB expression was determined by immunohistochemistry and apoptosis by TUNEL assay. NF-kappaB expression and apoptosis were higher in tumours (p<0.01), greater along with histological aggressiveness (p<0.01). Highest intake terciles of animal protein, refined carbohydrates, saturated fat, n-6 fatty acids and alcohol were associated with higher NF-kappaB, apoptosis and histological aggressiveness (p<0.01); the opposite tissue characteristics were associated with highest intake terciles of n-3 fatty acids, fibre, vitamin E, flavonoids, isoflavones, beta-carotene and selenium (p<0.002). Additionally, higher n-6:n-3 fatty acids ratio (median 26:1) was associated with higher NF-kappaB (p<0.006) and apoptosis (p<0.01), and more aggressive histology (p<0.01). Conversely, lower n-6:n-3 fatty acids ratio (median 6:1) was associated with lower NF-kappaB (p<0.002) and apoptosis (p<0.002), and less aggressive histology (p<0.002). NF-kappaB expression and apoptosis increased from adenoma to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma. This degenerative transition, recognized as key in carcinogenesis, appear to have been influenced by a diet promoting a pro-inflammatory milieu that can trigger NF-kappaB. Copyright 2009 Elsevier Ltd and European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism. All rights reserved.

  20. CDB-4124 does not cause apoptosis in cultured fibroid cells. (United States)

    Roeder, Hilary; Jayes, Friederike; Feng, Liping; Leppert, Phyllis C


    Selective progesterone receptor modulators (SPRMs), such as asoprisnil (J867) and ulipristal (CDB-2914), have been shown to reduce fibroid volume in vivo and to induce apoptosis in vitro. CDB-4124 (telapristone), a SPRM with different side groups, also reduced fibroid volume in vivo, and we hypothesized that this SPRM would also cause apoptosis in cultured fibroid cells. Immortalized, progesterone receptor-positive fibroid cells, known to be capable of apoptosis, were grown to 80% confluence in serum-containing media. Cells were then treated for 48 hours in serum-free media with 0, 10, 100, or 1000 nmol/L CDB-4124. Actinomycin-D and staurosporine were used as positive controls to induce apoptosis. Apoptosis was quantified using a TUNEL-fluorescein kit. Images were captured with a widefield-fluorescence microscope and analyzed using MetaMorph image analysis software. To validate results, Western blots of total cell lysates were probed for cleaved caspase-3 (c-CASP3). Experiments were repeated 3 times using independent cell batches. Analysis of 19 712 nuclei indicated 14.8% ± 10.9% (mean ± SEM), 8.4% ± 4.6%, 8.2% ± 4.7%, and 9.3% ± 6.3% apoptosis in 0, 10, 100, and 1000 nmol/L CDB-4124-treated cells, respectively. There was no evidence of elevated c-CASP3 over vehicle control after treatment with CDB-4124. CDB-4124 did not significantly induce apoptosis in cultured fibroid cells under the conditions described suggesting apoptosis may not be the main pathway responsible for CDB-4124-induced fibroid shrinkage. Variations in SPRM biological effects may be due to differences in fibroid source cells, binding kinetics, or extracellular matrix characteristics, and can be exploited in further investigations of the mechanisms of action of SPRMs in fibroid biology.

  1. Dying a thousand death. Radionuclide imaging of apoptosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Blankenberg, F.; Ohtsuki, K.; Strauss, H.W.


    Programmed cell death, apoptosis, in an inducible, organized, energy requiring form of demise that results in the disappearance of a cell without the induction of an inflammatory response. Apoptotic cell death is strikingly different than necrotic death, which is disorderly, does not require energy and results in local inflammation, usually secondary to sudden release of intercellular contents. Apoptosis is induced when cells undergo severe injury to their nucleus, as occurs following exposure to gamma or X-radiation, or mitochondria, as as occurs in variety of viral illnesses. Apoptosis can also be induced by externals signals, such as interaction of 'fas' ligand with 'fas' receptors. Once the cell is committed to apoptosis, the caspase enzyme cascade is activate. An early effect of caspase activation is the rapid expression of phosphatidylserine on the external leaflet of the cell membrane. Membrane bound phosphatidylserine expression serves as a signal to surrounding cells, identifying the expressing cell as undergoing apoptosis. A deficiency or an excess of programmed cell death is an integral component of autoimmune disorders, transplant rejection and cancer. A technique to image programmed cell death would be used to assist in the development of drugs, designed to treat these diseases, and to monitor the effectiveness of therapy The sudden expression of phosphatidylserine on the cell membrane is target that could be used for this purpose. A 35 kD physiologic protein, Annexin V lipocortin, binds with nanomolar affinity to membrane bound phosphatidylserine. Annexin V has been radiolabeled with Technetium-99m by direct coupling to free sulfhydryl groups, and through the hydrazinonicatinamide and N2S2 linking agents. The biodistribution of the agents labeled with each of the methods is slightly different. In all cases the radiopharmaceutical binds to cell undergoing apoptosis 'in vitro', and permits imaging of the process in experimental animals

  2. Recombinant Vaccinia Viruses Coding Transgenes of Apoptosis-Inducing Proteins Enhance Apoptosis But Not Immunogenicity of Infected Tumor Cells (United States)

    Tkachenko, Anastasiya; Richter, Vladimir


    Genetic modifications of the oncolytic vaccinia virus (VV) improve selective tumor cell infection and death, as well as activation of antitumor immunity. We have engineered a double recombinant VV, coding human GM-CSF, and apoptosis-inducing protein apoptin (VV-GMCSF-Apo) for comparing with the earlier constructed double recombinant VV-GMCSF-Lact, coding another apoptosis-inducing protein, lactaptin, which activated different cell death pathways than apoptin. We showed that both these recombinant VVs more considerably activated a set of critical apoptosis markers in infected cells than the recombinant VV coding GM-CSF alone (VV-GMCSF-dGF): these were phosphatidylserine externalization, caspase-3 and caspase-7 activation, DNA fragmentation, and upregulation of proapoptotic protein BAX. However, only VV-GMCSF-Lact efficiently decreased the mitochondrial membrane potential of infected cancer cells. Investigating immunogenic cell death markers in cancer cells infected with recombinant VVs, we demonstrated that all tested recombinant VVs were efficient in calreticulin and HSP70 externalization, decrease of cellular HMGB1, and ATP secretion. The comparison of antitumor activity against advanced MDA-MB-231 tumor revealed that both recombinants VV-GMCSF-Lact and VV-GMCSF-Apo efficiently delay tumor growth. Our results demonstrate that the composition of GM-CSF and apoptosis-inducing proteins in the VV genome is very efficient tool for specific killing of cancer cells and for activation of antitumor immunity. PMID:28951871

  3. Involvement of Prohibitin Upregulation in Abrin-Triggered Apoptosis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yu-Huei Liu


    Full Text Available Abrin (ABR, a protein purified from the seeds of Abrus precatorius, induces apoptosis in various types of cancer cells. However, the detailed mechanism remains largely uncharacterized. By using a cDNA microarray platform, we determined that prohibitin (PHB, a tumor suppressor protein, is significantly upregulated in ABR-triggered apoptosis. ABR-induced upregulation of PHB is mediated by the stress-activated protein kinase/c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase (SAPK/JNK pathway, as demonstrated by chemical inhibitors. In addition, ABR significantly induced the expression of Bax as well as the activation of caspase-3 and poly(ADP-ribose polymerase (PARP in Jurkat T cells, whereas the reduction of PHB by specific RNA interference delayed ABR-triggered apoptosis through the proapoptotic genes examined. Moreover, our results also indicated that nuclear translocation of the PHB-p53 complex may play a role in the transcription of Bax. Collectively, our data show that PHB plays a role in ABR-induced apoptosis, which may be helpful for the development of diagnostic or therapeutic agents.

  4. Advance of apoptosis imaging with radiolabeled annexin V in tumor research

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Huang Daijuan


    One of the most important reasons that cause tumor is decrease or complete absence of apoptosis of tumor cells. Conversely successful anti-tumor therapy is correlated with the introduction of apoptosis into tumor cells. Radiolabeled annexin V is used to image in vivo the phosphatidylserine (PS) that explode on the outer surface of cell membrane after apoptosis so that apoptosis can be detected on the early stage. This imaging method can be introduced into the research of tumor in order to help direct the choose of tumor therapy, inspect the effect and evaluate the prognosis

  5. In vivo imaging of apoptosis in oncology : an update

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vangestel, Christel; Peeters, Marc; Mees, Gilles; Oltenfreiter, Ruth; Boersma, Hendrikus H; Elsinga, Philippus; Reutelingsperger, Chris; Van Damme, Nancy; De Spiegeleer, Bart; Van de Wiele, Christophe


    In this review, data on noninvasive imaging of apoptosis in oncology are reviewed. Imaging data available are presented in order of occurrence in time of enzymatic and morphologic events occurring during apoptosis. Available studies suggest that various radiopharmaceutical probes bear great

  6. Oligonucleotide IMT504 induces an immunogenic phenotype and apoptosis in chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells El oligonucleótido IMT504 induce un fenotipo immunogénico y apoptosis en células de leucemia linfocítica crónica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juan M. Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Oligonucleotides (ODNs of the PyNTTTTGT class directly stimulate B lymphocytes and plasmacytoid dendritic cells of the immune system of primates. Here we investigated the ability of the PyNTTTTGT ODN prototype IMT504 to regulate the expression of surface molecules and apoptosis in human B-chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL cells. The surface molecules CD25, CD40, CD80 and CD86 were up-regulated upon incubation of the B-CLL cells with IMT504. Co-stimulation with IL-2 resulted in further up-regulation. IMT504-activated B-CLL cells were also good stimulators of T cells in allogeneic mixed lymphocyte reactions and co-stimulation with IL-2 improved this stimulation capacity. Apoptosis of the B-CLL cells in vitro was also stimulated by incubation with IMT504. In this case, co-stimulation with IL-2 was not significant. Furthermore, B-CLL cells of all the patients studied developed an immunogenic phenotype and entered stimulated apoptosis upon in vitro incubation with IMT504 independently of the mutational status of their IgV H genes, becoming a good marker for tumor progression.Los oligonucleótidos (ODNs de tipo PyNTTTTGT estimulan directamente las células B y las células dendríticas plasmacitoides del sistema inmune de primates. En este trabajo, investigamos la habilidad del IMT504, prototipo de los ODN tipo PyNTTTTGT, para regular la expresión de moléculas de superficie y la apoptosis en células B de leucemia linfocítica crónica (LLC. La expresión de las moléculas de superficie CD25, CD40, CD80 y CD86 fue aumentada al incubar las células B-LLC con IMT504. La co-estimulación con IL-2 provocó un aumento mayor. Las células B-LLC activadas fueron buenas estimuladoras de las células T en cultivo mixto de linfocitos alogeneicos y la co-estimulación con IL-2 mejoró esta capacidad. La apoptosis de las células B-LLC también fue estimulada por incubación con IMT504. En este caso, la co-estimulación con IL-2 no fue significativa. Más a

  7. Bcl-2 prevents loss of mitochondria in CCCP-induced apoptosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Graaf, Aniek O. de; Heuvel, Lambert P. van den; Dijkman, Henry B.P.M.; Abreu, Ronney A. de; Birkenkamp, Kim U.; Witte, Theo de; Reijden, Bert A. van der; Smeitink, Jan A.M.; Jansen, Joop H.


    Bcl-2 family proteins regulate apoptosis at the level of mitochondria. To examine the mechanism of Bcl-2 function, we investigated the effects of the protonophore carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenyl hydrazone (CCCP) on two hematopoietic cell lines and Bcl-2 overexpressing transfectants. CCCP directly interferes with mitochondrial function and induces apoptosis. We show that Bcl-2 inhibits apoptosis and that the antiapoptotic effect of Bcl-2 takes place upstream of caspase activation and nuclear changes associated with apoptosis, since these were markedly inhibited in cells overexpressing Bcl-2. Bcl-2 does not prevent the decrease in mitochondrial membrane potential nor the alterations in cellular ATP content induced by CCCP in FL5.12 and Jurkat cells. A higher number of mitochondria was observed in untreated Bcl-2 transfected cells compared to parental cells, as shown by electron microscopy. Exposure to CCCP induced a dramatic decrease in the number of mitochondria and severely disrupted mitochondrial ultrastructure, with apparent swelling and loss of cristae in parental cells. Bcl-2 clearly diminished the disruption of mitochondrial structure and preserved a higher number of mitochondria. These data suggest that CCCP induces apoptosis by structural disruption of mitochondria and that Bcl-2 prevents apoptosis and mitochondrial degeneration by preserving mitochondrial integrity

  8. Bcl-2 prevents loss of mitochondria in CCCP-induced apoptosis. (United States)

    de Graaf, Aniek O; van den Heuvel, Lambert P; Dijkman, Henry B P M; de Abreu, Ronney A; Birkenkamp, Kim U; de Witte, Theo; van der Reijden, Bert A; Smeitink, Jan A M; Jansen, Joop H


    Bcl-2 family proteins regulate apoptosis at the level of mitochondria. To examine the mechanism of Bcl-2 function, we investigated the effects of the protonophore carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenyl hydrazone (CCCP) on two hematopoietic cell lines and Bcl-2 overexpressing transfectants. CCCP directly interferes with mitochondrial function and induces apoptosis. We show that Bcl-2 inhibits apoptosis and that the antiapoptotic effect of Bcl-2 takes place upstream of caspase activation and nuclear changes associated with apoptosis, since these were markedly inhibited in cells overexpressing Bcl-2. Bcl-2 does not prevent the decrease in mitochondrial membrane potential nor the alterations in cellular ATP content induced by CCCP in FL5.12 and Jurkat cells. A higher number of mitochondria was observed in untreated Bcl-2 transfected cells compared to parental cells, as shown by electron microscopy. Exposure to CCCP induced a dramatic decrease in the number of mitochondria and severely disrupted mitochondrial ultrastructure, with apparent swelling and loss of cristae in parental cells. Bcl-2 clearly diminished the disruption of mitochondrial structure and preserved a higher number of mitochondria. These data suggest that CCCP induces apoptosis by structural disruption of mitochondria and that Bcl-2 prevents apoptosis and mitochondrial degeneration by preserving mitochondrial integrity.

  9. Carbon ion beam triggers both caspase-dependent and caspase-independent pathway of apoptosis in HeLa and status of PARP-1 controls intensity of apoptosis. (United States)

    Ghorai, Atanu; Sarma, Asitikantha; Bhattacharyya, Nitai P; Ghosh, Utpal


    High linear energy transfer (LET) carbon ion beam (CIB) is becoming very promising tool for various cancer treatments and is more efficient than conventional low LET gamma or X-rays to kill malignant or radio-resistant cells, although detailed mechanism of cell death is still unknown. Poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase-1 (PARP-1) is a key player in DNA repair and its inhibitors are well-known as radio-sensitizer for low LET radiation. The objective of our study was to find mechanism(s) of induction of apoptosis by CIB and role of PARP-1 in CIB-induced apoptosis. We observed overall higher apoptosis in PARP-1 knocked down HeLa cells (HsiI) compared with negative control H-vector cells after irradiation with CIB (0-4 Gy). CIB activated both intrinsic and extrinsic pathways of apoptosis via caspase-9 and caspase-8 activation respectively, followed by caspase-3 activation, apoptotic body, nucleosomal ladder formation and sub-G1 accumulation. Apoptosis inducing factor translocation into nucleus in H-vector but not in HsiI cells after CIB irradiation contributed caspase-independent apoptosis. Higher p53 expression was observed in HsiI cells compared with H-vector after exposure with CIB. Notably, we observed about 37 % fall of mitochondrial membrane potential, activation of caspase-9 and caspase-3 and mild activation of caspase-8 without any detectable apoptotic body formation in un-irradiated HsiI cells. We conclude that reduction of PARP-1 expression activates apoptotic signals via intrinsic and extrinsic pathways in un-irradiated cells. CIB irradiation further intensified both intrinsic and extrinsic pathways of apoptosis synergistically along with up-regulation of p53 in HsiI cells resulting overall higher apoptosis in HsiI than H-vector.

  10. Cl- channels in apoptosis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wanitchakool, Podchanart; Ousingsawat, Jiraporn; Sirianant, Lalida


    A remarkable feature of apoptosis is the initial massive cell shrinkage, which requires opening of ion channels to allow release of K(+), Cl(-), and organic osmolytes to drive osmotic water movement and cell shrinkage. This article focuses on the role of the Cl(-) channels LRRC8, TMEM16/anoctamin......, and cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) in cellular apoptosis. LRRC8A-E has been identified as a volume-regulated anion channel expressed in many cell types. It was shown to be required for regulatory and apoptotic volume decrease (RVD, AVD) in cultured cell lines. Its presence also......(-) channels or as regulators of other apoptotic Cl(-) channels, such as LRRC8. CFTR has been known for its proapoptotic effects for some time, and this effect may be based on glutathione release from the cell and increase in cytosolic reactive oxygen species (ROS). Although we find that CFTR is activated...

  11. Caspase-12 is involved in stretch-induced apoptosis mediated endoplasmic reticulum stress. (United States)

    Zhang, Qiang; Liu, Jianing; Chen, Shulan; Liu, Jing; Liu, Lijuan; Liu, Guirong; Wang, Fang; Jiang, Wenxin; Zhang, Caixia; Wang, Shuangyu; Yuan, Xiao


    It is well recognized that mandibular growth, which is caused by a variety of functional appliances, is considered to be the result of both neuromuscular and skeletal adaptations. Accumulating evidence has demonstrated that apoptosis plays an important role in the adaptation of skeletal muscle function. However, the underlying mechanism of apoptosis that is induced by stretch continues to be incompletely understood. Endoplasmic reticulum stress (ERS), a newly defined signaling pathway, initiates apoptosis. This study seeks to determine if caspase-12 is involved in stretch-induced apoptosis mediated endoplasmic reticulum stress in myoblast and its underlying mechanism. Apoptosis was assessed by Hochest staining, DAPI staining and annexin V binding and PI staining. ER chaperones, such as GRP78, CHOP and caspase-12, were determined by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and Western blot. Furthermore, caspase-12 inhibitor was used to value the mechanism of the caspase-12 pathway. Apoptosis of myoblast, which is subjected to cyclic stretch, was observed in a time-dependent manner. We found that GRP78 mRNA and protein were significantly increased and CHOP and caspase-12 were activated in myoblast that was exposed to cyclic stretch. Caspase-12 inhibition reduced stretch-induced apoptosis, and caspase-12 activated caspase-3 to induce apoptosis. We concluded that caspase-12 played an important role in stretch-induced apoptosis that is associated by endoplasmic reticulum stress by activating caspase-3.

  12. Effects of topical vitamin E on keratocyte apoptosis after traditional photorefractive keratectomy. (United States)

    Bilgihan, K; Adiguzel, U; Sezer, C; Akyol, G; Hasanreisoglu, B


    To evaluate the keratocyte apoptosis and effects of topical vitamin E on keratocyte apoptosis after photorefractive surgery. Rabbits were divided into 7 groups, and all groups were compared with controls after epithelial scraping, epithelial scrape and photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) (traditional PRK), transepithelial PRK, production of a corneal flap with microkeratome and laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis (LASIK). The effects of topical Vitamin E treatment were investigated in the traditional PRK group. The terminal deoxyribonucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP-digoxigenin nick-end labelling assay (to detect DNA fragmentation in situ) and light microscopy have been used to detect apoptosis in rabbit cornea. Transepithelial PRK induced minimal keratocyte apoptosis, less than in all other refractive surgical procedures. The greatest amount of keratocyte apoptosis was observed after traditional PRK (p = 0.001), therefore we tested the effects of topical vitamin E in this group. The number of apoptotic keratocytes significantly reduced after vitamin E therapy (p < 0.005). Keratocytes undergo apoptosis after refractive surgery in response to mechanical epithelial removal, preparing of corneal flap and excimer laser stromal photoablation. The topical application of vitamin E immediately after surgery can prevent keratocyte apoptosis, and this result suggests that free radicals may be partly responsible for keratocyte apoptosis after excimer laser keratectomy. Copyright 2001 S. Karger AG, Basel

  13. Can vitamin d suppress endothelial cells apoptosis in multiple sclerosis patients?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Leila Dehghani


    Conclusion: Withregard to increment in EC apoptosis rate, which treated by the sera from MS patients and decrement in apoptosis rate by the presence of vitamin D in culture media, it could be proposed that vitamin D pre-treatment can be used for MS patients, due to its beneficial effects on protecting EC apoptosis.

  14. Curcumin enhances TRAIL-induced apoptosis of breast cancer cells by regulating apoptosis-related proteins

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Park, S.; Cho, D. J.; Anděra, Ladislav; Suh, N.; Kim, I.


    Roč. 383, 1-2 (2013), s. 39-48 ISSN 0300-8177 Institutional support: RVO:68378050 Keywords : TRAIL * curcumin * apoptosis * breast cancer Subject RIV: EB - Genetics ; Molecular Biology Impact factor: 2.388, year: 2013

  15. O-GlcNAcylation regulates ischemia-induced neuronal apoptosis through AKT signaling. (United States)

    Shi, Jianhua; Gu, Jin-hua; Dai, Chun-ling; Gu, Jianlan; Jin, Xiaoxia; Sun, Jianming; Iqbal, Khalid; Liu, Fei; Gong, Cheng-Xin


    Apoptosis plays an important role in neural development and neurological disorders. In this study, we found that O-GlcNAcylation, a unique protein posttranslational modification with O-linked β-N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc), promoted apoptosis through attenuating phosphorylation/activation of AKT and Bad. By using co-immunoprecipitation and mutagenesis techniques, we identified O-GlcNAc modification at both Thr308 and Ser473 of AKT. O-GlcNAcylation-induced apoptosis was attenuated by over-expression of AKT. We also found a dynamic elevation of protein O-GlcNAcylation during the first four hours of cerebral ischemia, followed by continuous decline after middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO) in the mouse brain. The elevation of O-GlcNAcylation coincided with activation of cell apoptosis. Finally, we found a negative correlation between AKT phosphorylation and O-GlcNAcylation in ischemic brain tissue. These results indicate that cerebral ischemia induces a rapid increase of O-GlcNAcylation that promotes apoptosis through down-regulation of AKT activity. These findings provide a novel mechanism through which O-GlcNAcylation regulates ischemia-induced neuronal apoptosis through AKT signaling.

  16. Molecular mechanism of X-ray-induced p53-dependent apoptosis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nakano, Hisako [Tokyo Metropolitan Inst. of Medical Center (Japan)


    Radiation-induced cell death has been classified into the interphase- and mitotic-ones, both of which apoptosis involving. This review described the molecular mechanism of the apoptosis, focusing on its p53-dependent process. It is known that there are genes regulating cell death either negatively or positively and the latter is involved in apoptosis. As an important factor in the apoptosis, p53 has become remarkable since it was shown that X-ray-induced apoptosis required RNA and protein syntheses in thymocytes and those cells of p53 gene-depleted mouse were shown to be resistant to gamma-ray-induced apoptosis. Radiation sensitivity of MOLT-4 cells derived from human T cell leukemia, exhibiting the typical X-ray-induced p53-dependent apoptosis, depends on the levels of p53 mRNA and protein. p53 is a gene suppressing tumor and also a transcription factor. Consequently, mutation of p53 conceivably leads to the failure of cell cycle regulation, which allows damaged cells to divide without both repair and exclusion due to loss of the apoptotic mechanism, and finally results in carcinogenesis. The radiation effect occurs in the order of the cell damage, inhibition of p53-Mdm2 binding, accumulation of p53, activation of mdm2 transcription, Mdm2 accumulation, p53-protein degradation and recovery to the steady state level. Here, the cystein protease (caspases) plays an important role as a disposing mechanism for cells scheduled to die. However, many are unknown to be solved in future. (K.H.) 119 refs.

  17. Early Contact Stage of Apoptosis: Its Morphological Features and Function

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Etheri Mikadze


    Full Text Available Apoptosis has been a biological phenomenon of intense interest for 20 years, but the earlier morphological features of apoptosis have not been determined hitherto. Using the methods of semi- and ultrathin sections, the livers of intact embryos and young rats have been studied under the effect of cycloheximide to determine morphological features of an early stage of apoptosis. It is discovered that both in hepatoblasts and hepatocytes, apoptosis, besides the well-known stages, also includes an early contact stage, distinguishing features of which are agglutination of bound ribosomes (breaking of translation, elimination of the nucleolus, reduction of free polysomes (and in hepatocytes, reduction of cisterns of rough endoplasmic reticulum, formation of cytoplasmic excrescences, and cell shape changes. The early stage of apoptosis is characterized by close contact with neighboring cells. At a certain phase of the contact stage of apoptosis, the nucleolus reappears in the nucleus and the number of free polysomes in the cytoplasm increases, which suggests the renewal of synthesis of new RNA and proteins. Close contact of differentiating and mitotic hepatoblasts with apoptotic cells indicates a certain functional relationship between these cells that is realized not only by micropinocytosis, but through gap junctions as well. We assume that the apoptotic cell, besides proteolytic products, can contain newly synthesized, low-molecular substances, the relocation of which from apoptotic to neighboring cells may contribute to both functional activity and proliferation of adjacent hepatoblasts and, therefore, the function of apoptosis may not be limited only to the elimination of harmful, damaged, and unwanted cells.

  18. Hypoxia-induced p53 modulates both apoptosis and radiosensitivity via AKT (United States)

    Leszczynska, Katarzyna B.; Foskolou, Iosifina P.; Abraham, Aswin G.; Anbalagan, Selvakumar; Tellier, Céline; Haider, Syed; Span, Paul N.; O’Neill, Eric E.; Buffa, Francesca M.; Hammond, Ester M.


    Restoration of hypoxia-induced apoptosis in tumors harboring p53 mutations has been proposed as a potential therapeutic strategy; however, the transcriptional targets that mediate hypoxia-induced p53-dependent apoptosis remain elusive. Here, we demonstrated that hypoxia-induced p53-dependent apoptosis is reliant on the DNA-binding and transactivation domains of p53 but not on the acetylation sites K120 and K164, which, in contrast, are essential for DNA damage–induced, p53-dependent apoptosis. Evaluation of hypoxia-induced transcripts in multiple cell lines identified a group of genes that are hypoxia-inducible proapoptotic targets of p53, including inositol polyphosphate-5-phosphatase (INPP5D), pleckstrin domain–containing A3 (PHLDA3), sulfatase 2 (SULF2), B cell translocation gene 2 (BTG2), cytoplasmic FMR1-interacting protein 2 (CYFIP2), and KN motif and ankyrin repeat domains 3 (KANK3). These targets were also regulated by p53 in human cancers, including breast, brain, colorectal, kidney, bladder, and melanoma cancers. Downregulation of these hypoxia-inducible targets associated with poor prognosis, suggesting that hypoxia-induced apoptosis contributes to p53-mediated tumor suppression and treatment response. Induction of p53 targets, PHLDA3, and a specific INPP5D transcript mediated apoptosis in response to hypoxia through AKT inhibition. Moreover, pharmacological inhibition of AKT led to apoptosis in the hypoxic regions of p53-deficient tumors and consequently increased radiosensitivity. Together, these results identify mediators of hypoxia-induced p53-dependent apoptosis and suggest AKT inhibition may improve radiotherapy response in p53-deficient tumors. PMID:25961455

  19. Estudio de las alteraciones metabólicas inducidas por la dieta mediante técnicas de proteómica. Efecto del consumo de ácidos grasos omega-3 de origen marino


    Méndez López, Lucía


    Las enfermedades cardiovasculares y la diabetes tipo 2 se han convertido en el principal problema de salud de los países desarrollados como consecuencia del consumo de dietas hipercalóricas y un estilo de vida sedentario. Estos problemas de salud están frecuentemente precedidos por el desarrollo de un grupo de alteraciones metabólicas que incluyen obesidad, resistencia a insulina, tolerancia a la glucosa deteriorada, dislipidemia e hipertensión, las cuales están interconectadas y caracterizan...

  20. Death penalty for keratinocytes: apoptosis versus cornification. (United States)

    Lippens, S; Denecker, G; Ovaere, P; Vandenabeele, P; Declercq, W


    Homeostasis implies a balance between cell growth and cell death. This balance is essential for the development and maintenance of multicellular organisms. Homeostasis is controlled by several mechanisms including apoptosis, a process by which cells condemned to death are completely eliminated. However, in some cases, total destruction and removal of dead cells is not desirable, as when they fulfil a specific function such as formation of the skin barrier provided by corneocytes, also known as terminally differentiated keratinocytes. In this case, programmed cell death results in accumulation of functional cell corpses. Previously, this process has been associated with apoptotic cell death. In this overview, we discuss differences and similarities in the molecular regulation of epidermal programmed cell death and apoptosis. We conclude that despite earlier confusion, apoptosis and cornification occur through distinct molecular pathways, and that possibly antiapoptotic mechanisms are implicated in the terminal differentiation of keratinocytes.

  1. Portable exhauster POR-007/Skid E and POR-008/Skid F storage plan

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nelson, O.D.


    This document provides storage requirements for 1,000 CFM portable exhausters POR-O07/Skid E and POR-008/Skid F. These requirements are presented in three parts: preparation for storage, storage maintenance and testing, and retrieval from storage. The exhauster component identification numbers listed in this document contain the prefix POR-007 or POR-008 depending on which exhauster is being used

  2. [Study on thaspine in inducing apoptosis of A549 cell]. (United States)

    Zhang, Yan-min; He, Lang-chong


    To investigate the effect of thaspine on the cellular proliferation, apoptosis and cell cycle in A549 cell line. A549 cell was cultured with different concentrations of thaspine. Cellular proliferation was detected with MTT, apoptosis and cell cycle were checked with Flow Cytometer, and change of microstructure was observed by transmission electron microscope. Thaspine could inhibit the proliferation and induce apoptosis of A549 cell in a time-dose dependent manner. Cell cycle was significantly stopped at the S phase by thaspine with FCM technology. Under electronic microscope, the morphology of A549 cell showed nuclear karyopycnosis, chromatin agglutination and typical apoptotic body when the cell was treated with thaspine. Thaspine has the effects of anti-tumor and inducing apoptosis.

  3. Improved purification of native meningococcal porin PorB and studies on its structure/function. (United States)

    Massari, Paola; King, Carol A; MacLeod, Heather; Wetzler, Lee M


    The outer membrane protein PorB of Neisseria meningitidis is a pore-forming protein which has various effects on eukaryotic cells. It has been shown to (1) up-regulate the surface expression of the co-stimulatory molecule CD86 and of MHC class II (which are TLR2/MyD88 dependent and related to the porin's immune-potentiating ability), (2) be involved in prevention of apoptosis by modulating the mitochondrial membrane potential, and (3) form pores in eukaryotic cells. As an outer membrane protein, its native trimeric form isolation is complicated by its insoluble nature, requiring the presence of detergent throughout the whole procedure, and by its tight association with other outer membrane components, such as neisserial LOS or lipoproteins. In this study, an improved chromatographic purification method to obtain an homogeneous product free of endotoxin and lipoprotein is described, without loss of any of the above-mentioned properties of the porin. Furthermore, we have investigated the requirement of the native trimeric structure for the porin's activity. Inactivation of functional PorB trimers into non-functional monomers was achieved by incubation on ice. Thus, routine long- and medium-term storage at low temperature may be a cause of porin inactivation.

  4. Methylselenium and Prostate Cancer Apoptosis

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Lu, Junxuan


    The purpose of this research is to gain a better understanding of the biochemical pathways and molecular targets for the selective induction of apoptosis signaling and execution of prostate cancer (PCa...

  5. Methylselenium and Prostate Cancer Apoptosis

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Lu, Junxuan


    The purpose of this research is to gain a better understanding of the biochemical pathways and molecular targets for the selective induction of apoptosis signaling and execution of prostate cancer (PCa...

  6. Methylselenium and Prostate Cancer Apoptosis

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Lu, Junxuan


    The purpose of this research is to gain a better understanding of the biochemical pathways and molecular targets for the selective induction of apoptosis signaling and execution of prostate cancer (PCa...

  7. Methylselenium and Prostate Cancer Apoptosis

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Lu, Junxuan


    The purpose of this research is to gain a better understanding of the biochemical pathways and molecular targets for the selective induction of apoptosis signaling and execution of prostate cancer (PCa...

  8. Atrazine-induced apoptosis of splenocytes in BALB/C mice

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Zheng Jing


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Atrazine (2-chloro-4-ethytlamino-6-isopropylamine-1,3,5-triazine; ATR, is the most commonly applied broad-spectrum herbicide in the world. Unintentional overspray of ATR poses an immune function health hazard. The biomolecular mechanisms responsible for ATR-induced immunotoxicity, however, are little understood. This study presents on our investigation into the apoptosis of splenocytes in mice exposed to ATR as we explore possible immunotoxic mechanisms. Methods Oral doses of ATR were administered to BALB/C mice for 21 days. The histopathology, lymphocyte apoptosis and the expression of apoptosis-related proteins from the Fas/Fas ligand (FasL apoptotic pathway were examined from spleen samples. Results Mice administered ATR exhibited a significant decrease in spleen and thymus weight. Electron microscope histology of ultrathin sections of spleen revealed degenerative micromorphology indicative of apoptosis of splenocytes. Flow cytometry revealed that the percentage of apoptotic lymphocytes increased in a dose-dependent manner after ATR treatment. Western blots identified increased expression of Fas, FasL and active caspase-3 proteins in the treatment groups. Conclusions ATR is capable of inducing splenocytic apoptosis mediated by the Fas/FasL pathway in mice, which could be the potential mechanism underlying the immunotoxicity of ATR.

  9. Consenso para el diagnóstico clínico y microbiológico y la prevención de la infección por Bordetella pertussis Consensus on the clinical and microbiologic diagnosis of Bordetella pertussis, and infection prevention

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)


    Full Text Available La tos ferina sigue siendo responsable de una carga de enfermedad importante en el mundo. Aunque la implementación del uso de la vacuna contra esta enfermedad ha disminuido en gran medida el número de casos en la población pediátrica, se ha observado que la inmunidad inducida por la vacuna y por la infeccion natural disminuye con el tiempo lo que hace nuevamente susceptibles a adolescentes y adultos jóvenes que pueden transmitir la enfermedad a lactantes no inmunizados o con esquema de vacunación incompleto. Este documento, resultado de la reunión de un grupo internacional de expertos en la Ciudad de México, ha analizado la información médica reciente para establecer el estado actual de la epidemiología, diagnóstico, vigilancia y, especialmente, el valor de la dosis de refuerzo con dTpa en adolescentes y adultos como estrategia de prevención de tos ferina en México.Pertussis continues to be responsible for a significant disease burden worldwide. Although immunization practices have reduced the occurrence of the disease among children, waning vaccine- and infection-induced immunity still allows the disease to affect adolescents and adults who, in turn, can transmit the disease to non-immunized or partially immunized infants. This document is the result of a meeting in Mexico City of international experts who analyzed recent medical information in order to establish the current status of the epidemiology, diagnosis and surveillance of pertussis and, especially, the value of the dTpa booster dose in adolescents and adults as a pertussis prevention strategy in Mexico.

  10. Apoptosis - Triggering Effects: UVB-irradiation and Saccharomyces cerevisiae. (United States)

    Behzadi, Payam; Behzadi, Elham


    The pathogenic disturbance of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is known as a rare but invasive nosocomial fungal infection. This survey is focused on the evaluation of apoptosis-triggering effects of UVB-irradiation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The well-growth colonies of Saccharomyces cerevisiae on Sabouraud Dextrose Agar (SDA) were irradiated within an interval of 10 minutes by UVB-light (302 nm). Subsequently, the harvested DNA molecules of control and UV-exposed yeast colonies were run through the 1% agarose gel electrophoresis comprising the luminescent dye of ethidium bromide. No unusual patterns including DNA laddering bands or smears were detected. The applied procedure for UV exposure was not effective for inducing apoptosis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. So, it needs another UV-radiation protocol for inducing apoptosis phenomenon in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.

  11. The effect of melatonin on mouse jejunal crypt cell survival and apoptosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kang, Jin Oh; Ha, Eun Young; Baik, Hyung Hwan; Cho, Yong Ho; Hong, Seong Eon


    To evaluate protective mechanism of melatonin against radiation damage and its relationship with apoptosis in mouse jejunum. 168 mice were divided into 28 groups according to radiation dose and melatonin treatment. To analysis crypt survival, microcolony survival assay was done according to Withers and Elkind's method. To analysis apoptosis, TUNEL assay was done according to Labet-Moleur's method. Radiation protection effect of melatonin was demonstrated by crypt survival assay and its effect was stronger in high radiation dose area. Apoptosis index with 8 Gy irradiation was 18.4% in control group and 16.5% in melatonin treated group. After 18 Gy, apoptosis index was 17.2%in control group and 15.4% in melatonin treated group. Apoptosis index did not show statistically significant difference between melatonin shows clear protective effect in mouse jejunum against radiation damage but its protective effect seems not to be related with apoptosis protection effect

  12. Bim is a crucial regulator of apoptosis induced by Mycobacterium tuberculosis (United States)

    Aguiló, N; Uranga, S; Marinova, D; Martín, C; Pardo, J


    Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the causative agent of tuberculosis, induces apoptosis in infected macrophages in vitro and in vivo. However, the molecular mechanism controlling this process is not known. In order to study the involvement of the mitochondrial apoptotic pathway in M. tuberculosis-induced apoptosis, we analysed cell death in M. tuberculosis-infected embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) derived from different knockout mice for genes involved in this route. We found that apoptosis induced by M. tuberculosis is abrogated in the absence of Bak and Bax, caspase 9 or the executioner caspases 3 and 7. Notably, we show that MEF deficient in the BH3-only BCL-2-interacting mediator of cell death (Bim) protein were also resistant to this process. The relevance of these results has been confirmed in the mouse macrophage cell line J774, where cell transfection with siRNA targeting Bim impaired apoptosis induced by virulent mycobacteria. Notably, only infection with a virulent strain, but not with attenuated ESX-1-defective strains, such as Bacillus Calmette-Guerin and live-attenuated M. tuberculosis vaccine strain MTBVAC, induced Bim upregulation and apoptosis, probably implicating virulence factor early secreted antigenic target 6-kDa protein in this process. Our results suggest that Bim upregulation and apoptosis is mediated by the p38MAPK-dependent pathway. Our findings show that Bim is a master regulator of apoptosis induced by M. tuberculosis. PMID:25032866

  13. Comparative study on 4 quantitative detection methods of apoptosis induced by radiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yang Yepeng; Chen Guanying; Zhou Mei; Shen Qinjian; Shen Lei; Zhu Yingbao


    Objective: To reveal the capability of 4 apoptosis-detecting methods to discriminate between apoptosis and necrosis and show their respective advantages and shortcomings through comparison of detected results and analysis of detection mechanism. Methods: Four methods, PI staining-flow cytometric detection (P-F method), TUNEL labeling-flow cytometric detection (T-F method), annexing V-FITC/PI vital staining-flow cytometric detection (A-F method) and Hoechst/PI vital staining-fluorescence microscopic observation (H-O method), were used to determine apoptosis and necrosis in human breast cancer MCF-7 cell line induced by γ-rays. Hydroxycamptothecine and sodium azide were used to induce positive controls of apoptosis and necrosis respectively. Results: All 4 methods showed good time-dependent and dose dependent respondence to apoptosis induced by γ-rays and hydroxycamptothecine. Apoptotic cell ratios and curve slopes obtained from P-F method were minimum and, on the contrary, those from T-F method were maximum among these 4 methods. With A-F method and H-O method, two sets of data, apoptosis and necrosis, could be gained respectively and the data gained from these two methods were close to equal. A-F method and H-O method could distinguish necrosis induced by sodium azide from apoptosis while P-F method and T-F method presented false increase of apoptosis. Conclusions: P-F method and T-F method can not discriminate between apoptosis and necrosis. P-F method is less sensitive but more simple, convenient and economical than T-F method. A-F method and H-O method can distinguish necrosis from apoptosis. A-F method is more costly but more quick and reliable than H-O method. H-O method is economical, practical and morphological changes of cells and nucleus can be observed simultaneously with it. (authors)

  14. Cytosolic labile zinc: a marker for apoptosis in the developing rat brain. (United States)

    Lee, Joo-Yong; Hwang, Jung Jin; Park, Mi-Ha; Koh, Jae-Young


    Cytosolic zinc accumulation was thought to occur specifically in neuronal death (necrosis) following acute injury. However, a recent study demonstrated that zinc accumulation also occurs in adult rat neurons undergoing apoptosis following target ablation, and in vitro experiments have shown that zinc accumulation may play a causal role in various forms of apoptosis. Here, we examined whether intraneuronal zinc accumulation occurs in central neurons undergoing apoptosis during development. Embryonic and newborn Sprague-Dawley rat brains were double-stained for terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP-biotin nick end labelling (TUNEL) detection of apoptosis and immunohistochemical detection of stage-specific neuronal markers, such as nestin, proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), TuJ1 and neuronal nuclear specific protein (NeuN). The results revealed that apoptotic cell death occurred in neurons of diverse stages (neural stem cells, and dividing, young and adult neurons) throughout the brain during the embryonic and early postnatal periods. Further staining of brain sections with acid fuchsin or zinc-specific fluorescent dyes showed that all of the apoptotic neurons were acidophilic and contained labile zinc in their cell bodies. Cytosolic zinc accumulation was also observed in cultured cortical neurons undergoing staurosporine- or sodium nitroprusside (SNP)-induced apoptosis. In contrast, zinc chelation with CaEDTA or N,N,N',N'-tetrakis(2-pyridylmethyl)ethylenediamine (TPEN) reduced SNP-induced apoptosis but not staurosporine-induced apoptosis, indicating that cytosolic zinc accumulation does not play a causal role in all forms of apoptosis. Finally, the specific cytosolic zinc accumulation may have a practical application as a relatively simple marker for neurons undergoing developmental apoptosis.

  15. Mitochondria in neutrophil apoptosis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Raam, B. J.; Verhoeven, A. J.; Kuijpers, T. W.


    Central in the regulation of the short life span of neutrophils are their mitochondria. These organelles hardly contribute to the energy status of neutrophils but play a vital role in the apoptotic process. Not only do the mitochondria contain cytotoxic proteins that are released during apoptosis

  16. Effects of P-Glycoprotein and Its Inhibitors on Apoptosis in K562 Cells

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yaqiong Zu


    Full Text Available P-glycoprotein (P-gp is a major factor in multidrug resistance (MDR which is a serious obstacle in chemotherapy. P-gp has also been implicated in causing apoptosis of tumor cells, which was shown to be another important mechanism of MDR recently. To study the influence of P-gp in tumor cell apoptosis, K562/A cells (P-gp+ and K562/S cells (P-gp− were subjected to doxorubicin (Dox, serum withdrawal, or independent co-incubation with multiple P-gp inhibitors, including valspodar (PSC833, verapamil (Ver and H108 to induce apoptosis. Apoptosis was simultaneously detected by apoptotic rate, cell cycle by flow cytometry and cysteine aspartic acid-specific protease 3 (caspase 3 activity by immunoassay. Cytotoxicity and apoptosis induced by PSC833 were evaluated through an MTT method and apoptosis rate, and cell cycle combined with caspase 3 activity, respectively. The results show that K562/A cells are more resistant to apoptosis and cell cycle arrest than K562/S cells after treatment with Dox or serum deprivation. The apoptosis of K562/A cells increased after co-incubation with each of the inhibitors of P-gp. P-gp inhibitors also enhanced cell cycle arrest in K562/A cell. PSC833 most strikingly decreased viability and led to apoptosis and S phase arrest of cell cycle in K562/A cells. Our study demonstrates that P-gp inhibits the apoptosis of tumor cells in addition to participating in the efflux of intracellular chemotherapy drugs. The results of the caspase 3 activity assay also suggest that the role of P-gp in apoptosis avoidance is caspase-related.

  17. Apoptosis and T cell depletion during feline infectious peritonitis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Horzinek, M.C.; Haagmans, B.L.; Egberink, H.F.


    Cats that have succumbed to feline infectious peritonitis, an immune- mediated disease caused by variants of feline coronaviruses, show apoptosis and T-cell depletion in their lymphoid organs. The ascitic fluid that develops in the course of the condition causes apoptosis in vitro but only in

  18. Increased lung neutrophil apoptosis and inflammation resolution in nonresponding pneumonia. (United States)

    Moret, I; Lorenzo, M J; Sarria, B; Cases, E; Morcillo, E; Perpiñá, M; Molina, J M; Menéndez, R


    Neutrophil activation state and its relationship with an inflammatory environment in community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) remain insufficiently elucidated. We aimed to evaluate the neutrophil apoptosis and cytokine pattern in CAP patients after 72 h of treatment, and their impact on infection resolution. Apoptosis of blood and bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) neutrophils was measured in nonresponding CAP (NCAP), in responding CAP (blood only) and in patients without infection (control). Pro-inflammatory (interleukin (IL)-6, IL-8) and anti-inflammatory (IL-10) cytokines were measured. Main outcomes were clinical stability and days of hospitalisation. Basal neutrophil apoptosis was higher in the BAL and blood of NCAP, whereas spontaneous apoptosis (after 24 h culture) was lower. Cytokines in NCAP were higher than in responding CAP and control: IL-6 was increased in BAL and blood, IL-8 in BAL and IL-10 in blood. An increased basal apoptosis (≥20%) in BAL of NCAP was associated with lower systemic IL-10 (p<0.01), earlier clinical stability (p=0.05) and shorter hospital stay (p=0.02). A significant correlation was found for systemic IL-6 and IL-10 with days to reach stability and length of stay. After 72 h of treatment, an increased basal alveolar neutrophil apoptosis might contribute to downregulation of inflammation and to faster clinical stability.

  19. Anaplasma phagocytophilum Manipulates Host Cell Apoptosis by Different Mechanisms to Establish Infection

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pilar Alberdi


    Full Text Available Anaplasma phagocytophilum is an emerging zoonotic pathogen that causes human and animal granulocytic anaplasmosis and tick-borne fever of ruminants. This obligate intracellular bacterium evolved to use common strategies to establish infection in both vertebrate hosts and tick vectors. Herein, we discuss the different strategies used by the pathogen to modulate cell apoptosis and establish infection in host cells. In vertebrate neutrophils and human promyelocytic cells HL-60, both pro-apoptotic and anti-apoptotic factors have been reported. Tissue-specific differences in tick response to infection and differential regulation of apoptosis pathways have been observed in adult female midguts and salivary glands in response to infection with A. phagocytophilum. In tick midguts, pathogen inhibits apoptosis through the Janus kinase/signal transducers and activators of transcription (JAK/STAT pathway, while in salivary glands, the intrinsic apoptosis pathways is inhibited but tick cells respond with the activation of the extrinsic apoptosis pathway. In Ixodes scapularis ISE6 cells, bacterial infection down-regulates mitochondrial porin and manipulates protein processing in the endoplasmic reticulum and cell glucose metabolism to inhibit apoptosis and facilitate infection, whereas in IRE/CTVM20 tick cells, inhibition of apoptosis appears to be regulated by lower caspase levels. These results suggest that A. phagocytophilum uses different mechanisms to inhibit apoptosis for infection of both vertebrate and invertebrate hosts.

  20. Evaluation of the neuronal apoptotic pathways involved in cytoskeletal disruption-induced apoptosis. (United States)

    Jordà, Elvira G; Verdaguer, Ester; Jimenez, Andrés; Arriba, S Garcia de; Allgaier, Clemens; Pallàs, Mercè; Camins, Antoni


    The cytoskeleton is critical to neuronal functioning and survival. Cytoskeletal alterations are involved in several neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. We studied the possible pathways involved in colchicine-induced apoptosis in cerebellar granule neurons (CGNs). Although colchicine evoked an increase in caspase-3, caspase-6 and caspase-9 activation, selective caspase inhibitors did not attenuate apoptosis. Inhibitors of other cysteine proteases such as PD150606 (a calpain-specific inhibitor), Z-Phe-Ala fluoromethyl ketone (a cathepsins-inhibitors) and N(alpha)-p-tosyl-l-lysine chloromethyl ketone (serine-proteases inhibitor) also had no effect on cell death/apoptosis induced by colchicine. However, BAPTA-AM 10 microM (intracellular calcium chelator) prevented apoptosis mediated by cytoskeletal alteration. These data indicate that calcium modulates colchicine-induced apoptosis in CGNs. PARP-1 inhibitors did not prevent apoptosis mediated by colchicine. Finally, colchicine-induced apoptosis in CGNs was attenuated by kenpaullone, a cdk5 inhibitor. Kenpaullone and indirubin also prevented cdk5/p25 activation mediated by colchicine. These findings indicate that cytoskeletal alteration can compromise cdk5 activation, regulating p25 formation and suggest that cdk5 inhibitors attenuate apoptosis mediated by cytoskeletal alteration. The present data indicate the potential therapeutic value of drugs that prevent the formation of p25 for the treatment of neurodegenerative disorders.

  1. Noxa/Mcl-1 Balance Regulates Susceptibility of Cells to Camptothecin-Induced Apoptosis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yide Mei


    Full Text Available Although camptothecin (CPT has been reported to induce apoptosis in various cancer cells, the molecular details of this regulation remain largely unknown. In this study, we demonstrate that 131-113-only protein Noxa is upregulated during CPT-induced apoptosis, which is independent of p53. In addition, we show that phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K/Akt signaling pathway is responsible for Noxa's induction. Luciferase assay, cAMP response element binding protein (CREB knockdown experiments further demonstrate that CREB is involved in the transcriptional upregulation of Noxa. Moreover, blocking Noxa expression using specific small interfering ribonucleic acid (siRNA significantly reduces the apoptosis in response to CPT, indicating that Noxa is an essential mediator for CPT-induced apoptosis. Interestingly, antiapoptotic Mcl-1 was also upregulated through PI3K/Akt signaling pathway upon CPT treatment. Using immunoprecipitation assay, Noxa was found to interact with Mcl-1 in the presence or absence of CPT. Knockdown of Mcl-1 expression by short hairpin ribonucleic acid (shRNA was shown to potentiate CPT-induced apoptosis. Consistently, ectopic overexpression of Mcl-1 rescued cells from apoptosis induced by CPT. Cells coexpressing Noxa, Mcl-1 at different ratio correlates well with the extent of apoptosis, suggesting that the balance between Noxa, Mcl-1 may determine the susceptibility of HeLa cells to CPT-induced apoptosis.

  2. Reassessing apoptosis in plants. (United States)

    Dickman, Martin; Williams, Brett; Li, Yurong; de Figueiredo, Paul; Wolpert, Thomas


    Cell death can be driven by a genetically programmed signalling pathway known as programmed cell death (PCD). In plants, PCD occurs during development as well as in response to environmental and biotic stimuli. Our understanding of PCD regulation in plants has advanced significantly over the past two decades; however, the molecular machinery responsible for driving the system remains elusive. Thus, whether conserved PCD regulatory mechanisms include plant apoptosis remains enigmatic. Animal apoptotic regulators, including Bcl-2 family members, have not been identified in plants but expression of such regulators can trigger or suppress plant PCD. Moreover, plants exhibit nearly all of the biochemical and morphological features of apoptosis. One difference between plant and animal PCD is the absence of phagocytosis in plants. Evidence is emerging that the vacuole may be key to removal of unwanted plant cells, and may carry out functions that are analogous to animal phagocytosis. Here, we provide context for the argument that apoptotic-like cell death occurs in plants.

  3. Cytosolic NADP(+)-dependent isocitrate dehydrogenase regulates cadmium-induced apoptosis. (United States)

    Shin, Seoung Woo; Kil, In Sup; Park, Jeen-Woo


    Cadmium ions have a high affinity for thiol groups. Therefore, they may disturb many cellular functions. We recently reported that cytosolic NADP(+)-dependent isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDPc) functions as an antioxidant enzyme to supply NADPH, a major source of reducing equivalents to the cytosol. Cadmium decreased the activity of IDPc both as a purified enzyme and in cultured cells. In the present study, we demonstrate that the knockdown of IDPc expression in HEK293 cells greatly enhances apoptosis induced by cadmium. Transfection of HEK293 cells with an IDPc small interfering RNA significantly decreased the activity of IDPc and enhanced cellular susceptibility to cadmium-induced apoptosis as indicated by the morphological evidence of apoptosis, DNA fragmentation and condensation, cellular redox status, mitochondria redox status and function, and the modulation of apoptotic marker proteins. Taken together, our results suggest that suppressing the expression of IDPc enhances cadmium-induced apoptosis of HEK293 cells by increasing disruption of the cellular redox status. Copyright 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  4. Measurement and Characterization of Apoptosis by Flow Cytometry. (United States)

    Telford, William; Tamul, Karen; Bradford, Jolene


    Apoptosis is an important mechanism in cell biology, playing a critical regulatory role in virtually every organ system. It has been particularly well characterized in the immune system, with roles ranging from immature immune cell development and selection to down-regulation of the mature immune response. Apoptosis is also the primary mechanism of action of anti-cancer drugs. Flow cytometry has been the method of choice for analyzing apoptosis in suspension cells for more than 25 years. Numerous assays have been devised to measure both the earliest and latest steps in the apoptotic process, from the earliest signal-transduction events to the late morphological changes in cell shape and granularity, proteolysis, and chromatin condensation. These assays are particularly powerful when combined into multicolor assays determining several apoptotic characteristics simultaneously. The multiparametric nature of flow cytometry makes this technology particularly suited to measuring apoptosis. In this unit, we will describe the four main techniques for analyzing caspase activity in apoptotic cells, combined with annexin V and cell permeability analysis. These relatively simple multiparametric assays are powerful techniques for assessing cell death. © 2016 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

  5. Effect of radiation on apoptosis in small intestine and colon of mice

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ding Guirong; Guo Guozhen; Tian Furong; Wang Jin; Zhang Liyan; Guo Yao


    To discuss the changes of apoptosis level in small bowel and colon of mice after γ-ray irradiation. The mice were irradiated with different doses (1,6,12 Gy). The incidence of apoptosis in small bowel and colon were observed at different time (6,12,24h) after irradiation using morphological method. Then results indicate that there were apoptosis in small bowel of normal mice, the number of apoptotic cell was 0.038 +- 0.059 per whole crypt. No apoptosis was observed in colon of normal mice and irradiated mice; The incidence of apoptosis significantly increased in small bowel after different doses of irradiation (p < 0.05). The apoptosis peak appeared at 12, 24, 6 h after 1, 6, 12 Gy irradiation; The incidence of apoptosis was higher in small bowel than that of colon after different doses of irradiation and at different time after irradiation. From the results the authors propose that the radiation-damaged cells might be more effectively removed in small bowel than in colon after irradiation. Radiation-damaged cells may tend to remain in colon and related to later tumorigenesis

  6. Tempo enhances heat-induced apoptosis by mitochondrial targeting of Bax

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhao, Q.-L.; Fujiwara, Y.; Kondo, T.


    A stable membrane-permeable nitroxide, Tempo, exerts an SOD-like antioxidant activity against ROS. Reportedly, Tempo inhibits ROS-induced thymocyte apoptosis, while 10 mM Tempo activates JNK1 to induce apoptosis in breast cancer cells. We have observed that nontoxic 5 mM Tempo enhances suboptimal hyperthermia (44 deg C/10 min)-induced apoptosis in U937 cells. Here we report the enhancing mechanism, focusing on activation and targeting of Bax to mitochondria and cytochrome c release. Methods: U937 cells were treated with either Tempo (5 mM, 37 deg C/10 min), heating (44 deg C/10 min), or Tempo-plus-heating, washed and incubated for various times up to 6 h, until assessing apoptosis, mitochondrial potential (ΔΨ>), and amount of superoxide by flow cytometry using Annexin V-FITC/PI, TMRM, and dihydroethidium, respectively. Bax, Bcl-2 and Bcl-XL, and cytochrome c were detected by western blotting, activated Bax was by immunoprecipitation, and ATP was by a luciferase assay. Bax targeting to and cytochrome c release from mitochorndria were also detected immunocytochemically under fluorescent microscopy. Results and Discussion: Treatment of U937 cells with 5 mM Tempo for 10 min at 37 deg C or suboptimal heating (44 deg C/ 10 min) alone did not induce apoptosis. The combined treatment with 5 mM Tempo and 44 deg C for 10 min dramatically induced ∼90% apoptosis in 6 h, as did the 44 deg C/30 min heating. During the enhanced apoptosis, cytochrome c release progressed. Although signals of Bcl-2, Bcl-XL and Bax in cell lysates were not altered, Bax was specifically activated and translocated to mitochondria after the combined treatment. Further, loss of ΔΨ>and decreases in superoxide and ATP progressed after the combined treatment, suggesting that the treatment may disturb mitochondrial electron transport. Thus, Tempo sensitizes the heat-induced apoptosis through (1) targeting of Bax to mitochondria and releasing cytochrome c, and (2) mitochondrial dysfunction

  7. [Isoflurane provides neuroprotection in neonatal hypoxic ischemic brain injury by suppressing apoptosis]. (United States)

    Zhao, De-An; Bi, Ling-Yun; Huang, Qian; Zhang, Fang-Min; Han, Zi-Ming

    Isoflurane is halogenated volatile ether used for inhalational anesthesia. It is widely used in clinics as an inhalational anesthetic. Neonatal hypoxic ischemia injury ensues in the immature brain that results in delayed cell death via excitotoxicity and oxidative stress. Isoflurane has shown neuroprotective properties that make a beneficial basis of using isoflurane in both cell culture and animal models, including various models of brain injury. We aimed to determine the neuroprotective effect of isoflurane on hypoxic brain injury and elucidated the underlying mechanism. A hippocampal slice, in artificial cerebrospinal fluid with glucose and oxygen deprivation, was used as an in vitro model for brain hypoxia. The orthodromic population spike and hypoxic injury potential were recorded in the CA1 and CA3 regions. Amino acid neurotransmitters concentration in perfusion solution of hippocampal slices was measured. Isoflurane treatment caused delayed elimination of population spike and improved the recovery of population spike; decreased frequency of hypoxic injury potential, postponed the onset of hypoxic injury potential and increased the duration of hypoxic injury potential. Isoflurane treatment also decreased the hypoxia-induced release of amino acid neurotransmitters such as aspartate, glutamate and glycine induced by hypoxia, but the levels of γ-aminobutyric acid were elevated. Morphological studies showed that isoflurane treatment attenuated edema of pyramid neurons in the CA1 region. It also reduced apoptosis as evident by lowered expression of caspase-3 and PARP genes. Isoflurane showed a neuro-protective effect on hippocampal neuron injury induced by hypoxia through suppression of apoptosis. Copyright © 2016 Sociedade Brasileira de Anestesiologia. Publicado por Elsevier Editora Ltda. All rights reserved.

  8. Oxidative Stress-Responsive Apoptosis Inducing Protein (ORAIP) Plays a Critical Role in High Glucose-Induced Apoptosis in Rat Cardiac Myocytes and Murine Pancreatic β-Cells. (United States)

    Yao, Takako; Fujimura, Tsutomu; Murayama, Kimie; Okumura, Ko; Seko, Yoshinori


    We previously identified a novel apoptosis-inducing humoral factor in the conditioned medium of hypoxic/reoxygenated-cardiac myocytes. We named this novel post-translationally-modified secreted-form of eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5A Oxidative stress-Responsive Apoptosis-Inducing Protein (ORAIP). We confirmed that myocardial ischemia/reperfusion markedly increased plasma ORAIP levels and rat myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury was clearly suppressed by neutralizing anti-ORAIP monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) in vivo. In this study, to investigate the mechanism of cell injury of cardiac myocytes and pancreatic β-cells involved in diabetes mellitus (DM), we analyzed plasma ORAIP levels in DM model rats and the role of ORAIP in high glucose-induced apoptosis of cardiac myocytes in vitro. We also examined whether recombinant-ORAIP induces apoptosis in pancreatic β-cells. Plasma ORAIP levels in DM rats during diabetic phase were about 18 times elevated as compared with non-diabetic phase. High glucose induced massive apoptosis in cardiac myocytes (66.2 ± 2.2%), which was 78% suppressed by neutralizing anti-ORAIP mAb in vitro. Furthermore, recombinant-ORAIP clearly induced apoptosis in pancreatic β-cells in vitro. These findings strongly suggested that ORAIP plays a pivotal role in hyperglycemia-induced myocardial injury and pancreatic β-cell injury in DM. ORAIP will be a biomarker and a critical therapeutic target for cardiac injury and progression of DM itself.

  9. Peripheral Blood Leucocyte Apoptosis in Two Dogs Infected with ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Blood leucocyte apoptosis in the trypanosome-infected natural hosts is yet to be documented and recognized as a feature of trypanosomiasis. We provide evidence of marked peripheral blood leucocyte apoptosis in two cases of dogs severely infected with Trypanosoma congolense. It is expected that this case report will ...

  10. MicroRNAs regulate B-cell receptor signaling-induced apoptosis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kluiver, J. L.; Chen, C-Z

    Apoptosis induced by B-cell receptor (BCR) signaling is critical for antigen-driven selection, a process critical to tolerance and immunity. Here, we examined the roles of microRNAs (miRNAs) in BCR signaling-induced apoptosis using the widely applied WEHI-231 model. Comparison of miRNA levels in


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    Full Text Available En este artículo se presentan los resultados del proceso de termo-oxidación de asfalto realizados por primera vez en un reo-reactor. El comportamiento viscoelástico del asfalto pudo ser representado por una ley de potencia (G'(w - wn, G'' (w - w1. La variación del exponente 'n' reflejó los cambios estructurales del asfalto inducidos por el proceso de termo-oxidación. En el intervalo de frecuencia experimental y a 200 y 250°C, los módulos elástico G' y viscoso G'' mostraron una relación del tipo: G'' (w - wn y G' (w ~ wn, este comportamiento es equivalente a un 'gel-débil' y confirma los cambios estructurales del asfalto inducidos por el envejecimiento termo-oxidativo.

  12. Methylselenium and Prostate Cancer Apoptosis

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Lu, Junxuan


    The purpose of this research is to gain a better understanding of the biochemical pathways and molecular targets for the selective induction of apoptosis signaling and execution of PCa cells by methyl selenium (Se...

  13. Radiation-induced apoptosis of lymphocytes in peripheral blood

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oh, Yoon Kyeong; Lee, Tae Bum; Nam, Taek Keun; Kee, Keun Hong; Choi, Cheol Hee


    This study quantitatively evaluated the apoptosis in human peripheral blood lymphocytes using flow cytometry, and investigated the possibility of using this method, with a small amount of blood, and the time and dose dependence of radiation-induced apoptosis. Peripheral blood lymphocytes were isolated from the heparinized venous blood of 11 healthy volunteers, 8 men and 3 women, with each 10 ml of blood being divided into 15 samples. The blood lymphocytes were irradiated using a linear accelerator at a dose rate of 2.4 Gy/min, to deliver doses of 0.5, 1, 2 and 5 Gy. The control samples, and irradiated cells, were maintained in culture medium for 24, 48 and 72 hours following the irradiation. The number of apoptotic cells after the in vitro X-irradiation was measured by flow cytometry after incubation periods of 24, 48 and 72 hours. We also observed the apoptotic cells using a DNA fragmentation assay and electron microscopy. The rate of spontaneous apoptosis increased in relation to the time interval following irradiation (1.761±0.161, 3.563±0.564, 11.098±2.849, at 24, 48, and 72 hours). The apoptotic cells also increased in the samples irradiated with 0.5, 1, 2 and 5 Gy, in a radiation dose and time interval after irradiation manner, with the apoptosis being too great at 72 hours after irradiation. The dose-response curves were characterized by an initial steep increase in the number of apoptotic cells for irradiation doses below 2 Gy, with a flattening of the curves as the dose approached towards 5 Gy. The flow cytometric assay technique yielded adequate data, and required less than 1 mL of blood. The time and dose dependence of the radiation-induced apoptosis, was also shown. It is suggested that the adequate time interval required for the evaluation of apoptosis would be 24 to 48 hours after blood sampling

  14. The role of cPLA2 in Methylglyoxal-induced cell apoptosis of HUVECs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yuan, Jie; Zhu, Chao; Hong, Yali; Sun, Zongxing; Fang, Xianjun; Wu, Biao; Li, Shengnan


    Methylglyoxal (MGO), a highly reactive dicarbonyl compound, is mainly formed as a byproduct of glycolysis. Elevated MGO level is known to induce apoptosis of vascular endothelial cells, which is implicated with progression of atherosclerosis and diabetic complications. However, the underlying mechanisms have not been exhaustively investigated yet. Here, we further characterized the mechanisms how MGO induced apoptosis in human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs). Our data revealed that cytosolic phospholipase A2 (cPLA2) played an important role in MGO-induced cell apoptosis. It was found that MGO could increase both the activity and expression of cPLA2. Inhibition of cPLA2 by Pyrrophenone (PYR) or siRNA significantly attenuated the MGO-induced apoptosis. Additionally, MGO time-dependently decreased the phosphorylation of nuclear factor κB (NF-κB). Pretreatment of the cells with NF-κB inhibitor, BAY11-7082, further increased MGO-induced apoptosis of HUVECs, indicating that NF-κB played a survival role in this MGO-induced apoptosis. Furthermore, in the presence of si-cPLA2 or PYR, MGO no longer decreased NF-κB phosphorylation. Beyond that, the antioxidant N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) could reverse the changes of both cPLA2 and NF-κB caused by MGO. p38, the upstream of cPLA2, was also significantly phosphorylated by MGO. However, p38 inhibitor failed to reverse the apoptosis induced by MGO. This study gives an important insight into the downstream signaling mechanisms of MGO, cPLA2-NF-κB, in endothelial apoptosis. - Highlights: • cPLA2 participated in MGO-induced HUVECs apoptosis. • Inhibition of NF-κB was involved in MGO-cPLA2-mediated cell apoptosis. • Antioxidant NAC attenuated MGO-induced cPLA2 activation and cell apoptosis.

  15. The role of cPLA2 in Methylglyoxal-induced cell apoptosis of HUVECs

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yuan, Jie; Zhu, Chao; Hong, Yali; Sun, Zongxing; Fang, Xianjun [Jiangsu Provincial Key Lab of Cardiovascular Diseases and Molecular intervention, Department of Pharmacology, Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing 210029 (China); Wu, Biao, E-mail: [Department of Surgery, The First Affiliated Hospital, Nanchang University (China); Li, Shengnan, E-mail: [Jiangsu Provincial Key Lab of Cardiovascular Diseases and Molecular intervention, Department of Pharmacology, Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing 210029 (China)


    Methylglyoxal (MGO), a highly reactive dicarbonyl compound, is mainly formed as a byproduct of glycolysis. Elevated MGO level is known to induce apoptosis of vascular endothelial cells, which is implicated with progression of atherosclerosis and diabetic complications. However, the underlying mechanisms have not been exhaustively investigated yet. Here, we further characterized the mechanisms how MGO induced apoptosis in human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs). Our data revealed that cytosolic phospholipase A2 (cPLA2) played an important role in MGO-induced cell apoptosis. It was found that MGO could increase both the activity and expression of cPLA2. Inhibition of cPLA2 by Pyrrophenone (PYR) or siRNA significantly attenuated the MGO-induced apoptosis. Additionally, MGO time-dependently decreased the phosphorylation of nuclear factor κB (NF-κB). Pretreatment of the cells with NF-κB inhibitor, BAY11-7082, further increased MGO-induced apoptosis of HUVECs, indicating that NF-κB played a survival role in this MGO-induced apoptosis. Furthermore, in the presence of si-cPLA2 or PYR, MGO no longer decreased NF-κB phosphorylation. Beyond that, the antioxidant N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) could reverse the changes of both cPLA2 and NF-κB caused by MGO. p38, the upstream of cPLA2, was also significantly phosphorylated by MGO. However, p38 inhibitor failed to reverse the apoptosis induced by MGO. This study gives an important insight into the downstream signaling mechanisms of MGO, cPLA2-NF-κB, in endothelial apoptosis. - Highlights: • cPLA2 participated in MGO-induced HUVECs apoptosis. • Inhibition of NF-κB was involved in MGO-cPLA2-mediated cell apoptosis. • Antioxidant NAC attenuated MGO-induced cPLA2 activation and cell apoptosis.

  16. Lysophosphatidic acid rescues bone mesenchymal stem cells from hydrogen peroxide-induced apoptosis. (United States)

    Wang, Xian-Yun; Fan, Xue-Song; Cai, Lin; Liu, Si; Cong, Xiang-Feng; Chen, Xi


    The increase of reactive oxygen species in infracted heart significantly reduces the survival of donor mesenchymal stem cells, thereby attenuating the therapeutic efficacy for myocardial infarction. In our previous study, we demonstrated that lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) protects bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (BMSCs) against hypoxia and serum deprivation-induced apoptosis. However, whether LPA protects BMSCs from H2O2-induced apoptosis was not examined. In this study, we report that H2O2 induces rat BMSC apoptosis whereas LPA pre-treatment effectively protects BMSCs from H2O2-induced apoptosis. LPA protection of BMSC from the induced apoptosis is mediated mostly through LPA3 receptor. Furthermore, we found that membrane G protein Gi2 and Gi3 are involved in LPA-elicited anti-apoptotic effects through activation of ERK1/2- and PI3 K-pathways. Additionally, H2O2 increases levels of type II of light chain 3B (LC3B II), an autophagy marker, and H2O2-induced autophagy thus protected BMSCs from apoptosis. LPA further increases the expression of LC3B II in the presence of H2O2. In contrast, autophagy flux inhibitor bafilomycin A1 has no effect on LPA's protection of BMSC from H2O2-induced apoptosis. Taken together, our data suggest that LPA rescues H2O2-induced apoptosis mainly by interacting with Gi-coupled LPA3, resulting activation of the ERK1/2- and PI3 K/AKT-pathways and inhibition caspase-3 cleavage, and LPA protection of BMSCs against the apoptosis is independent of it induced autophagy.

  17. Dose-effect relationship of apoptosis induced by fission-neutron in murine thymocytes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yuan Bin; Li Liang; Xue Wencheng; Sun Jianmin; Wang Baoqin


    Objective: To investigate the effectiveness of high LET fission-neutron to induce apoptosis in murine thymocytes and to compare it with that of low LET 60 Co γ-ray. Methods: Apoptosis induction was studied qualitatively by light and transmission electron microscopy and DNA gel electrophoresis,also quantitatively by flow cytometry(FCM) and diphenylamine (DPA)methods. Results: DNA ladders of murine thymocytes were detectable, the typical apoptosis of thymocytes could be observed morphologically by means of light and electron microscopy at 6 h after fission-neutron irradiation with doses ranging from 0.5 to 5.0 Gy, meanwhile the percentages of apoptosis increased with increasing doses. After exposure to γ-rays with doses ranging from 1.0 to 30 Gy, the experimental results were similar to those from neutron radiation. The incidence of apoptosis peaked at about 20 Gy, the percentages did not increase further when doses increased. Conclusion: Apoptosis of murine thymocytes can be induced when mice are exposed to either fission-neutron (0.5-5.0 Gy) or to γ-ray (1-30 Gy). Although the relationship between apoptosis and radiation doses is similar, the percentage of apoptosis induced by neutron irradiation is higher than that induced by γ-irradiation. The RBE values of fission-neutron for inducing apoptosis murine thymocytes are 2.09 (by FCM method) and 2.37 (by DPA method), respectively. These results also suggest that fission-neutron-induced murine immune tissue is more severe than that induced by γ-rays at several hours post-irradiation and this might be the basis for heavy damage to immune tissues induced by fission-neutron-irradiation in later period

  18. Cellular zinc fluxes and the regulation of apoptosis/gene-directed cell death. (United States)

    Truong-Tran, A Q; Ho, L H; Chai, F; Zalewski, P D


    The maintenance of discrete subcellular pools of zinc (Zn) is critical for the functional and structural integrity of cells. Among the important biological processes influenced by Zn is apoptosis, a process that is important in cellular homeostasis (an important cellular homeostatic process). It has also been identified as a major mechanism contributing to cell death in response to toxins and in disease, offering hope that novel therapies that target apoptotic pathways may be developed. Because Zn levels in the body can be increased in a relatively nontoxic manner, it may be possible to prevent or ameliorate degenerative disorders that are associated with high rates of apoptotic cell death. This review begins with brief introductions that address, first, the cellular biology of Zn, especially the critical labile Zn pools, and, second, the phenomenon of apoptosis. We then review the evidence relating Zn to apoptosis and address three major hypotheses: (1) that a specific pool or pools of intracellular labile Zn regulates apoptosis; (2) that systemic changes in Zn levels in the body, due to dietary factors, altered physiological states or disease, can influence cell susceptibility to apoptosis, and (3) that this altered susceptibility to apoptosis contributes to pathophysiological changes in the body. Other key issues are the identity of the molecular targets of Zn in the apoptotic cascade, the types of cells and tissues most susceptible to Zn-regulated apoptosis, the role of Zn as a coordinate regulator of mitosis and apoptosis and the apparent release of tightly bound intracellular pools of Zn during the later stages of apoptosis. This review concludes with a section highlighting areas of priority for future studies.

  19. LP-THAE induced tumor cell apoptosis of rabbit VX2 liver carcinoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen Shengli; Quan Yi; Huang Zicheng; Chen Guodong; Zhu Dongliang


    Objective: To research tumor cell apoptosis induced by Lp-THAE of rabbit VX2 liver implanted tumor. Methods: 27 New Zealand white rabbits implanted with VX2 tumor at left middle lobe of the liver divided into three groups: Group A(n= 9) Lp-THAE: treated through transhepatic artery catheterization; Group B(n=9) THAI and Group C(n=9) as control. The rabbits were executed at second to fifth day after treatment. HE dye microscopy was taken for counting the typical apoptosis cells and calculating apoptosis index (ApI). FITC-AnnexinV/PI assay was used for measuring apoptosis by flow cytometry. Results: The ApI of tumor central area and marginal area were (17.769±2.417)%, (4.129±1.172)%, P<0.01. The percentages of tumor cell apoptosis and tumor cell necrosis were (16.483±1.404)%, (9.478±0.964)%, P<0.01 and (43.559±5.053)%, (33.460±1.840)%, P=0.093. The total percentages of tumor cell apoptosis and necrosis were (60.042±13.979)%, (42.938±8.979)%, P< 0.01, at tumor center and marginal area in THAE group respectively. The ApI, percentages of tumor cell apoptosis and necrosis in THAE group were significantly higher than those of THAI group (P<0.01). The percentages of tumor cell apoptosis at tumor center area in THAE group were significantly higher than those of tumor marginal area(P<0.01). Conclusion: Induced tumor cell apoptosis and necrosis are two mechanisms of action for Lp-THAE treatment of liver carcinoma. (authors)

  20. Methylselenium and Prostate Cancer Apoptosis

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Lu, Junxuan


    The purpose of this research is to gain a better understanding of the biochemical pathways and molecular targets for the selective induction of apoptosis signaling and execution of PCa cells by methyl selenium (Se)/selenol...

  1. Apoptosis in chondrogenesis of human mesenchymal stem cells: effect of serum and medium supplements. (United States)

    Wang, Chien-Yuan; Chen, Ling-Lan; Kuo, Pei-Yin; Chang, Jia-Ling; Wang, Yng-Jiin; Hung, Shih-Chieh


    Apoptosis is an inevitable process during development and is evident in the formation of articular cartilage and endochondral ossification of growth plate. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) can serve as alternative sources for cell therapy in focal chondral lesions or diffuse osteoarthritis. But there are few, if any, studies investigating apoptosis during chondrogenesis by MSCs. The aim of this study was to find the better condition to prevent apoptosis during chondrogenesis by MSCs. Apoptosis were evaluated in MSCs induced in different chondrogenic media by the use of Annexin V, TUNEL staining, lysosomal labeling with lysotracker and immunostaining of apoptotic markers. We found apparent apoptosis was demonstrated by Annexin V, TUNEL staining and lysosomal labeling during chondrogenesis. Meanwhile, the degree of apoptosis was related to the reagents of the defined chondrogenic medium. Adding serum in medium increased apoptosis, however, TGF-beta1 inhibited apoptosis. The apoptosis was associated with the activation of caspase-3, the increase in the Bax/Bcl-2 ratio, the loss of lysosomal integrity, and the increase of PARP-cleavage. Pro-inflammatory cytokines, IL-1alpha, IL-1beta and TNFalpha did not induce any increase in apoptosis. Interestingly, the inhibition of apoptosis by serum free medium supplemented with ITS was also associated with an increase in the expression of type II collagen, and a decrease in the expression of type X collagen, Runx2, and other osteogenic genes, while TGF-beta1 increased the expression of Sox9, type II and type X collagen and decreased the expression of osteogenic genes. These data suggest apoptosis occurs during chondrogenesis by MSCs by cell death intrinsic pathway activation and this process may be modulated by culture conditions.

  2. Apoptosis and Vocal Fold Disease: Clinically Relevant Implications of Epithelial Cell Death (United States)

    Novaleski, Carolyn K.; Carter, Bruce D.; Sivasankar, M. Preeti; Ridner, Sheila H.; Dietrich, Mary S.; Rousseau, Bernard


    Purpose: Vocal fold diseases affecting the epithelium have a detrimental impact on vocal function. This review article provides an overview of apoptosis, the most commonly studied type of programmed cell death. Because apoptosis can damage epithelial cells, this article examines the implications of apoptosis on diseases affecting the vocal fold…

  3. Investigating the evolution of apoptosis in malaria parasites: the importance of ecology

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    Pollitt Laura C


    Full Text Available Abstract Apoptosis is a precisely regulated process of cell death which occurs widely in multicellular organisms and is essential for normal development and immune defences. In recent years, interest has grown in the occurrence of apoptosis in unicellular organisms. In particular, as apoptosis has been reported in a wide range of species, including protozoan malaria parasites and trypanosomes, it may provide a novel target for intervention. However, it is important to understand when and why parasites employ an apoptosis strategy before the likely long- and short-term success of such an intervention can be evaluated. The occurrence of apoptosis in unicellular parasites provides a challenge for evolutionary theory to explain as organisms are expected to have evolved to maximise their own proliferation, not death. One possible explanation is that protozoan parasites undergo apoptosis in order to gain a group benefit from controlling their density as this prevents premature vector mortality. However, experimental manipulations to examine the ultimate causes behind apoptosis in parasites are lacking. In this review, we focus on malaria parasites to outline how an evolutionary framework can help make predictions about the ecological circumstances under which apoptosis could evolve. We then highlight the ecological considerations that should be taken into account when designing evolutionary experiments involving markers of cell death, and we call for collaboration between researchers in different fields to identify and develop appropriate markers in reference to parasite ecology and to resolve debates on terminology.


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    Maribel Castillo Caicedo


    Full Text Available Este trabajo aporta una perspectiva del fenómeno de la sobreeducación, entendida como un desajuste por exceso, entre el nivel educativo alcanzado por el individuo y el exigido por el puesto de trabajo en el cual se desempeña; esto se debe a que existe una demanda laboral estrecha de puestos de trabajo para personas calificadas en Colombia. Se analizan las contribuciones empíricas existentes y el debate sobre las mismas; se examinan las teorías que permiten explicar la existencia de un desajuste educativo y se realiza una revisión de la literatura internacional y nacional sobre el tema. Adicionalmente, se plantean una serie de hipótesis para desarrollar un esquema que permita determinar el comportamiento del individuo en el fenómeno de la sobreeducación.

  5. Detrended cross-correlation coefficient: Application to predict apoptosis protein subcellular localization. (United States)

    Liang, Yunyun; Liu, Sanyang; Zhang, Shengli


    Apoptosis, or programed cell death, plays a central role in the development and homeostasis of an organism. Obtaining information on subcellular location of apoptosis proteins is very helpful for understanding the apoptosis mechanism. The prediction of subcellular localization of an apoptosis protein is still a challenging task, and existing methods mainly based on protein primary sequences. In this paper, we introduce a new position-specific scoring matrix (PSSM)-based method by using detrended cross-correlation (DCCA) coefficient of non-overlapping windows. Then a 190-dimensional (190D) feature vector is constructed on two widely used datasets: CL317 and ZD98, and support vector machine is adopted as classifier. To evaluate the proposed method, objective and rigorous jackknife cross-validation tests are performed on the two datasets. The results show that our approach offers a novel and reliable PSSM-based tool for prediction of apoptosis protein subcellular localization. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  6. BIGH3 protein and macrophages in retinal endothelial cell apoptosis. (United States)

    Mondragon, Albert A; Betts-Obregon, Brandi S; Moritz, Robert J; Parvathaneni, Kalpana; Navarro, Mary M; Kim, Hong Seok; Lee, Chi Fung; LeBaron, Richard G; Asmis, Reto; Tsin, Andrew T


    Diabetes is a pandemic disease with a higher occurrence in minority populations. The molecular mechanism to initiate diabetes-associated retinal angiogenesis remains largely unknown. We propose an inflammatory pathway of diabetic retinopathy in which macrophages in the diabetic eye provide TGFβ to retinal endothelial cells (REC) in the retinal microvasculature. In response to TGFβ, REC synthesize and secrete a pro-apoptotic BIGH3 (TGFβ-Induced Gene Human Clone 3) protein, which acts in an autocrine loop to induce REC apoptosis. Rhesus monkey retinal endothelial cells (RhREC) were treated with dMCM (cell media of macrophages treated with high glucose and LDL) and assayed for apoptosis (TUNEL), BIGH3 mRNA (qPCR), and protein (Western blots) expressions. Cells were also treated with ΤGFβ1 and 2 for BIGH3 mRNA and protein expression. Inhibition assays were carried out using antibodies for TGFβ1 and for BIGH3 to block apoptosis and mRNA expression. BIGH3 in cultured RhREC cells were identified by immunohistochemistry (IHC). Distribution of BIGH3 and macrophages in the diabetic mouse retina was examined with IHC. RhRECs treated with dMCM or TGFβ showed a significant increase in apoptosis and BIGH3 protein expression. Recombinant BIGH3 added to RhREC culture medium led to a dose-dependent increase in apoptosis. Antibodies (Ab) directed against BIGH3 and TGFβ, as well as TGFβ receptor blocker resulted in a significant reduction in apoptosis induced by either dMCM, TGFβ or BIGH3. IHC showed that cultured RhREC constitutively expressed BIGH3. Macrophage and BIGH3 protein were co-localized to the inner retina of the diabetic mouse eye. Our results support a novel inflammatory pathway for diabetic retinopathy. This pathway is initiated by TGFβ released from macrophages, which promotes synthesis and release of BIGH3 protein by REC and REC apoptosis.

  7. Interdependence of Bad and Puma during ionizing-radiation-induced apoptosis. (United States)

    Toruno, Cristhian; Carbonneau, Seth; Stewart, Rodney A; Jette, Cicely


    Ionizing radiation (IR)-induced DNA double-strand breaks trigger an extensive cellular signaling response that involves the coordination of hundreds of proteins to regulate DNA repair, cell cycle arrest and apoptotic pathways. The cellular outcome often depends on the level of DNA damage as well as the particular cell type. Proliferating zebrafish embryonic neurons are highly sensitive to IR-induced apoptosis, and both p53 and its transcriptional target puma are essential mediators of the response. The BH3-only protein Puma has previously been reported to activate mitochondrial apoptosis through direct interaction with the pro-apoptotic Bcl-2 family proteins Bax and Bak, thus constituting the role of an "activator" BH3-only protein. This distinguishes it from BH3-only proteins like Bad that are thought to indirectly promote apoptosis through binding to anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 family members, thereby preventing the sequestration of activator BH3-only proteins and allowing them to directly interact with and activate Bax and Bak. We have shown previously that overexpression of the BH3-only protein Bad in zebrafish embryos supports normal embryonic development but greatly sensitizes developing neurons to IR-induced apoptosis. While Bad has previously been shown to play only a minor role in promoting IR-induced apoptosis of T cells in mice, we demonstrate that Bad is essential for robust IR-induced apoptosis in zebrafish embryonic neural tissue. Moreover, we found that both p53 and Puma are required for Bad-mediated radiosensitization in vivo. Our findings show the existence of a hierarchical interdependence between Bad and Puma whereby Bad functions as an essential sensitizer and Puma as an essential activator of IR-induced mitochondrial apoptosis specifically in embryonic neural tissue.


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    Norma Patricia Caro


    Los resultados obtenidos indican que, en las empresas chilenas, el ratio del capital de trabajo explica la mayor proporción de la heterogeneidad inducida por la correlación que presentan los datos, lo que justifica su inclusión como coeficiente aleatorio, mientras que en el mercado argentino lo es el índice de rentabilidad. Además, como efectos fijos, los indicadores con mayor capacidad predictiva de la crisis financiera son los índices de rentabilidad, rotación y endeudamiento. Se concluye que, los ratios significativos poseen poder discriminatorio y su comportamiento muestra que son indicadores para la predicción de crisis.

  9. Bank filtration drinking water treatment in a costal lagoon in south Brazil


    Romero Esquivel, Luis Guillermo; Segalla Pizzolatti, Bruno; Luiz Sens, Mauricio


    La filtración inducida (FI) consiste en obtener agua potable de pozos situados en acuíferos de aluvión u otro tipo de depósitos no consolidados conectados hidráulicamente con una fuente de agua superficial. La posibilidad de aplicar esta técnica en las riberas de la laguna Lagoa do Peri, Brasil, se evaluó a nivel piloto. Por medio de observación y de análisis granulométricos se determinó que el fondo de la laguna y el acuífero aledaño presentan una textura arenosa. Además, ensayos de permeáme...

  10. “¡Quizás también la risa tiene aún un porvenir!”

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    Patrick Wotling


    Full Text Available El artículo analiza y estudia las implicaciones de la renovación de la idea de conocimiento inducida por el “saber jovial” en el pensamiento de Nietzsche. Muestra que las diversas comprensiones de la ciencia resultan de la dominación de ciertos afectos. Igualmente afirma que la cuestión de la jerarquía es central en la filosofía nietzscheana, y el problema de los valores es medular en su idea de saber jovial. Desde este punto de vista, se comprende el privilegio acordado a la jovialidad de espíritu (heiterkeit, garante de salud y de porvenir para la humanidad.

  11. Implicación de las vías Nrf2/HO-1 y NADPH oxidasa en los modelos experimentales de artritis y osteoporosis postmenópausicas.


    Ibáñez Torres, Lidia


    Hemos puesto a punto y caracterizado el modelo de artritis postmenopáusica mediante ovariectomía (OVX) y artritis inducida por colágeno (CIA). Además, hemos estudiado la influencia de la vía HO-1 en este modelo animal mediante la administración de tin protoporfirina IX (SnPP) (inhibidor reversible de HO-1) y de CORM-3 (molécula liberadora de CO), así como la influencia de la vía NADPH oxidasa mediante el empleo de ratones con una modificación genética en Ncf1 de manera que no producen especie...

  12. α-blockade, apoptosis, and prostate shrinkage: how are they related? (United States)

    Chłosta, Piotr; Drewa, Tomasz; Kaplan, Steven


    The α1-adrenoreceptor antagonists, such as terazosin and doxazosin, induce prostate programmed cell death (apoptosis) within prostate epithelial and stromal cells in vitro. This treatment should cause prostate volume decrease, However, this has never been observed in clinical conditions. The aim of this paper is to review the disconnect between these two processes. PubMed and DOAJ were searched for papers related to prostate, apoptosis, and stem cell death. The following key words were used: prostate, benign prostate hyperplasia, programmed cell death, apoptosis, cell death, α1-adrenoreceptor antagonist, α-blockade, prostate epithelium, prostate stroma, stem cells, progenitors, and in vitro models. We have shown how discoveries related to stem cells can influence our understanding of α-blockade treatment for BPH patients. Prostate epithelial and mesenchymal compartments have stem (progenitors) and differentiating cells. These compartments are described in relation to experimental in vitro and in vivo settings. Apoptosis is observed within prostate tissue, but this effect has no clinical significance and cannot lead to prostate shrinkage. In part, this is due to stem cells that are responsible for prostate tissue regeneration and are resistant to apoptosis triggered by α1-receptor antagonists.

  13. Zinc finger protein 598 inhibits cell survival by promoting UV-induced apoptosis. (United States)

    Yang, Qiaohong; Gupta, Romi


    UV is one of the major causes of DNA damage induced apoptosis. However, cancer cells adopt alternative mechanisms to evade UV-induced apoptosis. To identify factors that protect cancer cells from UV-induced apoptosis, we performed a genome wide short-hairpin RNA (shRNA) screen, which identified Zinc finger protein 598 (ZNF598) as a key regulator of UV-induced apoptosis. Here, we show that UV irradiation transcriptionally upregulates ZNF598 expression. Additionally, ZNF598 knockdown in cancer cells inhibited UV-induced apoptosis. In our study, we observe that ELK1 mRNA level as well as phosphorylated ELK1 levels was up regulated upon UV irradiation, which was necessary for UV irradiation induced upregulation of ZNF598. Cells expressing ELK1 shRNA were also resistant to UV-induced apoptosis, and phenocopy ZNF598 knockdown. Upon further investigation, we found that ZNF598 knockdown inhibits UV-induced apoptotic gene expression, which matches with decrease in percentage of annexin V positive cell. Similarly, ectopic expression of ZNF598 promoted apoptotic gene expression and also increased annexin V positive cells. Collectively, these results demonstrate that ZNF598 is a UV irradiation regulated gene and its loss results in resistance to UV-induced apoptosis.

  14. Enhanced 15-HPETE production during oxidant stress induces apoptosis of endothelial cells. (United States)

    Sordillo, Lorraine M; Weaver, James A; Cao, Yu-Zhang; Corl, Chris; Sylte, Matt J; Mullarky, Isis K


    Oxidant stress plays an important role in the etiology of vascular diseases by increasing rates of endothelial cell apoptosis, but few data exist on the mechanisms involved. Using a unique model of oxidative stress based on selenium deficiency (-Se), the effects of altered eicosanoid production on bovine aortic endothelial cells (BAEC) apoptosis was evaluated. Oxidant stress significantly increased the immediate oxygenation product of arachidonic acid metabolized by the 15-lipoxygenase pathway, 15-hydroxyperoxyeicosatetraenoic acid (15-HPETE). Treatment of -Se BAEC with TNFalpha/cyclohexamide (CHX) exhibited elevated levels of apoptosis, which was significantly reduced by the addition of a specific 15-lipoxygenase inhibitor PD146176. Furthermore, the addition of 15-HPETE to PD146176-treated BAEC, partially restored TNF/CHX-induced apoptosis. Increased exposure to 15-HPETE induced apoptosis, as determined by internucleosomal DNA fragmentation, chromatin condensation, caspase-3 activation, and caspase-9 activation, which suggests mitochondrial dysfunction. The expression of Bcl-2 protein also was decreased in -Se BAEC. Addition of a caspase-9 inhibitor (LEHD-fmk) completely blocked 15-HPETE-induced chromatin condensation in -Se BAEC, suggesting that 15-HPETE-induced apoptosis is caspase-9 dependent. Increased apoptosis of BAEC as a result of oxidant stress and subsequent production of 15-HPETE may play a critical role in a variety of inflammatory based diseases.

  15. Leukocyte apoptosis as a predictor of radiosensitivity in Fanconi anemia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Petrovic, Sandra; Leskovac, Andreja; Joksic, Ivana; Filipovic, Jelena; Joksic, Gordana; Vujic, Dragana; Guc-Scekic, Marija


    Fanconi anemia (FA) is a rare cancer-prone genetic disease characterized by impaired oxygen metabolism and defects in DNA damage repair. Response of FA cells to ionizing radiation has been an issue intensively debated in the literature. To study in vitro radiosensitivity in patients suffering from FA and their parents (heterozygous carriers), we determined radiation-induced leukocyte apoptosis using flow cytometry. As TP53 gene is involved in the control of apoptosis, we studied its status in FA lymphocytes using dual colour fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). FA patients and female heterozygous carriers display radiosensitive response to ionizing radiation seen as abnormal elimination of cells via apoptosis. By employment of FISH, the TP53 allele loss in FA lymphocytes was not observed. In diseases related to oxidative stress, determination of radiation-induced apoptosis is the method of choice for testing the radiosensitivity. (author)

  16. Apoptosis in the human periodontal membrane evaluated in primary and permanent teeth

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bille, Marie-Louise Bastholm; Thomsen, Bjarke; Kjær, Inger


    that resorption is connected to apoptosis of the epithelial cells of Malassez. The purpose of this study is to localize cells undergoing apoptosis in the periodontal membrane of human primary and permanent teeth. Materials and methods. Human primary and permanent teeth were examined immunohistochemically...... for apoptosis and epithelial cells of Malassez in the periodontal membrane. All teeth examined were extracted in connection with treatment. Results. Apoptosis was seen in close proximity to the root surface and within the epithelial cells of Malassez. This pattern of apoptotis is similar in the periodontal...... membrane in primary and permanent teeth. Conclusions. The inter-relationship between apoptotis and root resorption cannot be concluded from the present study. Apoptosis seen in close proximity to the root surface presumably corresponds to the highly innervated layer of the periodontal membrane...

  17. Evolution of apoptosis-like programmed cell death in unicellular protozoan parasites. (United States)

    Kaczanowski, Szymon; Sajid, Mohammed; Reece, Sarah E


    Apoptosis-like programmed cell death (PCD) has recently been described in multiple taxa of unicellular protists, including the protozoan parasites Plasmodium, Trypanosoma and Leishmania. Apoptosis-like PCD in protozoan parasites shares a number of morphological features with programmed cell death in multicellular organisms. However, both the evolutionary explanations and mechanisms involved in parasite PCD are poorly understood. Explaining why unicellular organisms appear to undergo 'suicide' is a challenge for evolutionary biology and uncovering death executors and pathways is a challenge for molecular and cell biology. Bioinformatics has the potential to integrate these approaches by revealing homologies in the PCD machinery of diverse taxa and evaluating their evolutionary trajectories. As the molecular mechanisms of apoptosis in model organisms are well characterised, and recent data suggest similar mechanisms operate in protozoan parasites, key questions can now be addressed. These questions include: which elements of apoptosis machinery appear to be shared between protozoan parasites and multicellular taxa and, have these mechanisms arisen through convergent or divergent evolution? We use bioinformatics to address these questions and our analyses suggest that apoptosis mechanisms in protozoan parasites and other taxa have diverged during their evolution, that some apoptosis factors are shared across taxa whilst others have been replaced by proteins with similar biochemical activities.

  18. Aminomethylphosphonic Acid and Methoxyacetic Acid Induce Apoptosis in Prostate Cancer Cells

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    Keshab R. Parajuli


    Full Text Available Aminomethylphosphonic acid (AMPA and its parent compound herbicide glyphosate are analogs to glycine, which have been reported to inhibit proliferation and promote apoptosis of cancer cells, but not normal cells. Methoxyacetic acid (MAA is the active metabolite of ester phthalates widely used in industry as gelling, viscosity and stabilizer; its exposure is associated with developmental and reproductive toxicities in both rodents and humans. MAA has been reported to suppress prostate cancer cell growth by inducing growth arrest and apoptosis. However, it is unknown whether AMPA and MAA can inhibit cancer cell growth. In this study, we found that AMPA and MAA inhibited cell growth in prostate cancer cell lines (LNCaP, C4-2B, PC-3 and DU-145 through induction of apoptosis and cell cycle arrest at the G1 phase. Importantly, the AMPA-induced apoptosis was potentiated with the addition of MAA, which was due to downregulation of the anti-apoptotic gene baculoviral inhibitor of apoptosis protein repeat containing 2 (BIRC2, leading to activation of caspases 7 and 3. These results demonstrate that the combination of AMPA and MAA can promote the apoptosis of prostate cancer cells, suggesting that they can be used as potential therapeutic drugs in the treatment of prostate cancer.

  19. Aminomethylphosphonic acid and methoxyacetic acid induce apoptosis in prostate cancer cells. (United States)

    Parajuli, Keshab R; Zhang, Qiuyang; Liu, Sen; You, Zongbing


    Aminomethylphosphonic acid (AMPA) and its parent compound herbicide glyphosate are analogs to glycine, which have been reported to inhibit proliferation and promote apoptosis of cancer cells, but not normal cells. Methoxyacetic acid (MAA) is the active metabolite of ester phthalates widely used in industry as gelling, viscosity and stabilizer; its exposure is associated with developmental and reproductive toxicities in both rodents and humans. MAA has been reported to suppress prostate cancer cell growth by inducing growth arrest and apoptosis. However, it is unknown whether AMPA and MAA can inhibit cancer cell growth. In this study, we found that AMPA and MAA inhibited cell growth in prostate cancer cell lines (LNCaP, C4-2B, PC-3 and DU-145) through induction of apoptosis and cell cycle arrest at the G1 phase. Importantly, the AMPA-induced apoptosis was potentiated with the addition of MAA, which was due to downregulation of the anti-apoptotic gene baculoviral inhibitor of apoptosis protein repeat containing 2 (BIRC2), leading to activation of caspases 7 and 3. These results demonstrate that the combination of AMPA and MAA can promote the apoptosis of prostate cancer cells, suggesting that they can be used as potential therapeutic drugs in the treatment of prostate cancer.

  20. The effects of cysteamine on the radiation-induced apoptosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Choi, Young Min; Cho, Heung Lae; Park, Chang Gyo; Lee, Hyung Sik; Hur, Won Joo


    To investigate the pathways of radiation induced apoptosis and the effect of cysteamine (β-mercaptoethylamine), as a radioprotector, on it. HL-60 cells were assigned to control, irradiated, and cysteamine (1 mM, 10 mM) pretreated groups. Irradiation was given in a single fraction of 10 Gy (6 MV x-ray) and cysteamine was administered 1 hour before irradiation. The activities of caspase-8 were measured in control and irradiated group to evaiuate its relation to the radiation induced apoptosis. To evaluate the role of cysteamine in radiation induced apoptosis, the number of viable cells, the expression and activity or caspase-3, and the expression of poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) were measured and compared after irradiating the HL cells with cysteamine pretreatment or not. The intracellular caspase-8 activity, known to be related to the death receptor induced apoptosis, was not affected by irradiation( p>0.05). The number of viable cells began to decrease from 6 hours after irradiation (p>0.05), but the number of viable cells in 1 mM cysteamine pretreated group was not decreased after irradiation and was similar to those in the control group. In caspase-3 analyses, known as apoptosis executioner, its expression was not different but its activity was increased by irradialion(p>0.05). However, this increase of activity was suppressed by the pretreatment of 1 mM cysteamine. The cleavage of PARP, thought to be resulted from caspase-3 activation, occurred, after irradiation, which was attenuated by the pretreatment of 1 mM cysteamine. These results show that radiation induced apoptotic process is somewhat different from death receptor induced one and the pretreatment of 1 mM cysteamine has a tendency to decrease the radiation-induced apoptosis in HL-60 cells

  1. Modificación superficial con láser de diodo de alta energía (HPDL de barreras térmicas de CaZrO3 depositadas por proyección térmica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Múnez, C. J.


    Full Text Available The aim of this investigation is to modify the surface of thermal sprayed CaZrO3 coatings to reduce their porosity and improve their properties. A high power diode laser was used to produce the melting of the superficial ceramic coating. Different parameters have been evaluated in the process, in particular laser beam power/energy and the laser scanning speed. Microstructural changes induced by the laser treatment were evaluated by light microscopy and environmental scanning electron microscopy. The coatings were also characterized by X ray diffraction in order to detect the possible phase transformations.

    Esta investigación ha desarrollado tratamientos de modificación superficial sobre recubrimientos de CaZrO3 proyectados térmicamente, encaminados a mejorar su densificación y propiedades. Para la fusión de la superficie cerámica se ha utilizado un láser de diodo de alta energía, evaluando la influencia de parámetros como la potencia del haz láser y la velocidad de barrido sobre la superficie. Las microestructuras inducidas por el tratamiento láser se analizaron utilizando un microscopio óptico y un microscopio electrónico de barrido ambiental. Los recubrimientos también se caracterizaron mediante difracción de rayos X para detectar posibles cambios de fase.

  2. Broad targeting of resistance to apoptosis in cancer (United States)

    Mohammad, Ramzi M.; Muqbil, Irfana; Lowe, Leroy; Yedjou, Clement; Hsu, Hsue-Yin; Lin, Liang-Tzung; Siegelin, Markus David; Fimognari, Carmela; Kumar, Nagi B.; Dou, Q. Ping; Yang, Huanjie; Samadi, Abbas K.; Russo, Gian Luigi; Spagnuolo, Carmela; Ray, Swapan K.; Chakrabarti, Mrinmay; Morre, James D.; Coley, Helen M.; Honoki, Kanya; Fujii, Hiromasa; Georgakilas, Alexandros G.; Amedei, Amedeo; Niccolai, Elena; Amin, Amr; Ashraf, S. Salman; Helferich, William G.; Yang, Xujuan; Boosani, Chandra S.; Guha, Gunjan; Bhakta, Dipita; Ciriolo, Maria Rosa; Aquilano, Katia; Chen, Sophie; Mohammed, Sulma I.; Keith, W. Nicol; Bilsland, Alan; Halicka, Dorota; Nowsheen, Somaira; Azmi, Asfar S.


    Apoptosis or programmed cell death is natural way of removing aged cells from the body. Most of the anti-cancer therapies trigger apoptosis induction and related cell death networks to eliminate malignant cells. However, in cancer, de-regulated apoptotic signaling, particularly the activation of an anti-apoptotic systems, allows cancer cells to escape this program leading to uncontrolled proliferation resulting in tumor survival, therapeutic resistance and recurrence of cancer. This resistance is a complicated phenomenon that emanates from the interactions of various molecules and signaling pathways. In this comprehensive review we discuss the various factors contributing to apoptosis resistance in cancers. The key resistance targets that are discussed include (1) Bcl-2 and Mcl-1 proteins; (2) autophagy processes; (3) necrosis and necroptosis; (4) heat shock protein signaling; (5) the proteasome pathway; (6) epigenetic mechanisms; and (7) aberrant nuclear export signaling. The shortcomings of current therapeutic modalities are highlighted and a broad spectrum strategy using approaches including (a) gossypol; (b) epigallocatechin-3-gallate; (c) UMI-77 (d) triptolide and (e) selinexor that can be used to overcome cell death resistance is presented. This review provides a roadmap for the design of successful anti-cancer strategies that overcome resistance to apoptosis for better therapeutic outcome in patients with cancer. PMID:25936818

  3. Real-Time Imaging of Retinal Ganglion Cell Apoptosis

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    Timothy E. Yap


    Full Text Available Monitoring real-time apoptosis in-vivo is an unmet need of neurodegeneration science, both in clinical and research settings. For patients, earlier diagnosis before the onset of symptoms provides a window of time in which to instigate treatment. For researchers, being able to objectively monitor the rates of underlying degenerative processes at a cellular level provides a biomarker with which to test novel therapeutics. The DARC (Detection of Apoptosing Retinal Cells project has developed a minimally invasive method using fluorescent annexin A5 to detect rates of apoptosis in retinal ganglion cells, the key pathological process in glaucoma. Numerous animal studies have used DARC to show efficacy of novel, pressure-independent treatment strategies in models of glaucoma and other conditions where retinal apoptosis is reported, including Alzheimer’s disease. This may forge exciting new links in the clinical science of treating both cognitive and visual decline. Human trials are now underway, successfully demonstrating the safety and efficacy of the technique to differentiate patients with progressive neurodegeneration from healthy individuals. We review the current perspectives on retinal ganglion cell apoptosis, the way in which this can be imaged, and the exciting advantages that these future methods hold in store.

  4. The dual role of autophagy under hypoxia-involvement of interaction between autophagy and apoptosis. (United States)

    Li, Mengmeng; Tan, Jin; Miao, Yuyang; Lei, Ping; Zhang, Qiang


    Hypoxia is one of severe cellular stress and it is well known to be associated with a worse outcome since a lack of oxygen accelerates the induction of apoptosis. Autophagy, an important and evolutionarily conserved mechanism for maintaining cellular homeostasis, is closely related to the apoptosis caused by hypoxia. Generally autophagy blocks the induction of apoptosis and inhibits the activation of apoptosis-associated caspase which could reduce cellular injury. However, in special cases, autophagy or autophagy-relevant proteins may help to induce apoptosis, which could aggravate cell damage under hypoxia condition. In addition, the activation of apoptosis-related proteins-caspase can also degrade autophagy-related proteins, such as Atg3, Atg4, Beclin1 protein, inhibiting autophagy. Although the relationship between autophagy and apoptosis has been known for rather complex for more than a decade, the underlying regulatory mechanisms have not been clearly understood. This short review discusses and summarizes the dual role of autophagy and the interaction and molecular regulatory mechanisms between autophagy and apoptosis under hypoxia.

  5. O-GlcNAcylation regulates ischemia-induced neuronal apoptosis through AKT signaling


    Shi, Jianhua; Gu, Jin-hua; Dai, Chun-ling; Gu, Jianlan; Jin, Xiaoxia; Sun, Jianming; Iqbal, Khalid; Liu, Fei; Gong, Cheng-Xin


    Apoptosis plays an important role in neural development and neurological disorders. In this study, we found that O-GlcNAcylation, a unique protein posttranslational modification with O-linked β-N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc), promoted apoptosis through attenuating phosphorylation/activation of AKT and Bad. By using co-immunoprecipitation and mutagenesis techniques, we identified O-GlcNAc modification at both Thr308 and Ser473 of AKT. O-GlcNAcylation-induced apoptosis was attenuated by over-expr...

  6. Ketamine-induced apoptosis in cultured rat cortical neurons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Takadera, Tsuneo; Ishida, Akira; Ohyashiki, Takao


    Recent data suggest that anesthetic drugs cause neurodegeneration during development. Ketamine is frequently used in infants and toddlers for elective surgeries. The purpose of this study is to determine whether glycogen synthase kinase-3 (GSK-3) is involved in ketamine-induced apoptosis. Ketamine increased apoptotic cell death with morphological changes which were characterized by cell shrinkage, nuclear condensation or fragmentation. In addition, insulin growth factor-1 completely blocked the ketamine-induced apoptotic cell death. Ketamine decreased Akt phosphorylation. GSK-3 is known as a downstream target of Akt. The selective inhibitors of GSK-3 prevented the ketamine-induced apoptosis. Moreover, caspase-3 activation was accompanied by the ketamine-induced cell death and inhibited by the GSK-3 inhibitors. These results suggest that activation of GSK-3 is involved in ketamine-induced apoptosis in rat cortical neurons

  7. Phenylephrine protects autotransplanted rabbit submandibular gland from apoptosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Xiang Bin; Zhang Yan; Li Yuming; Gao Yan; Gan Yehua; Wu Liling; Yu Guangyan


    Submandibular gland (SMG) autotransplantation is an effective treatment for severe keratoconjunctivitis sicca. Our previous studies have shown that phenylephrine attenuates structural injury and promotes cell proliferation in autotransplanted rabbit SMG. However, the mechanism by which phenylephrine reduces the injury has not been fully evaluated. In this study, we investigate the ability of phenylephrine to inhibit apoptosis in autotransplanted rabbit SMG. We observed that apoptosis occurred in the early phase of SMG transplantation and that phenylephrine treatment protected transplanted SMG from apoptosis. Furthermore, we found that phenylephrine could significantly upregulate the expression of Bcl-2, downregulate the expression of Bax, and inhibit the activation of both caspase-3 and p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase in autotransplanted SMG. Therefore, the cytoprotective effects of phenylephrine on autotransplanted SMG may be a novel clinical strategy for autotransplanted SMG protection during the early postoperative stage of transplantation

  8. Intracoronary levosimendan during ischemia prevents myocardial apoptosis.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Markus eMalmberg


    Full Text Available Background. Levosimendan is a calcium-sensitizing inotropic agent that prevents myocardial contractile depression following cardiac surgery. Levosimendan has also anti-apoptotic properties, but the role of this mechanism is not clear. We studied whether levosimendan prevents cardiomyocyte apoptosis and post-operative stunning after either intracoronary administration or intravenous infusion in an experimental model. Methods. Pigs (n=24 were subjected to 40 minutes of global, cardioplegic ischemia under cardiopulmonary bypass and 240 minutes of reperfusion. L-IV group received intravenous infusion of levosimendan (65 μg/kg 40 minutes before ischemia and L-IC group received levosimendan (65 μg/kg during ischemia administered intracoronary. Control group was operated without levosimendan. Echocardiography was performed to all animals. Apoptosis was determined from transmyocardial biopsies taken from left ventricle using TUNEL assay and immunohistochemistry of active caspace-3. Results. Apoptosis was induced after ischemia-reperfusion in all groups (pre L-IV 0.002±0.004 % vs. post L-IV 0.020±0.017 % p=0.02, pre L-IC 0.001±0.004 % vs. post L-IC 0.020±0.017 % p<0.001, pre control 0.007±0.013 % vs. post control 0.062±0.044 % p=0.01. The amount of apoptosis was higher in the controls, compared with the L-IV (p=0.03 and the L-IC (p=0.03 groups. Longitudinal left ventricular contraction was significantly reduced in the L-IC and the control groups when compared to the L-IV group (L-IV 0.75±0.12 mm vs. L-IC 0.53±0.11 mm p=0.003, L-IV vs. control 0.54±0.11 p=0.01. Conclusions. Both intracoronary administration and pre-ischemic intravenous infusion of levosimendan equally prevented apoptosis, but intravenous administration was required for optimal preservation of the post-operative systolic left ventricle function.

  9. Desajuste educativo por regiones en Colombia: ¿competencia por salarios o por puestos de trabajo?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Castillo Caicedo Maribel


    Full Text Available Este trabajo aporta una perspectiva del fenómeno de la sobreeducación,
    entendida como un desajuste por exceso, entre el nivel educativo alcanzado
    por el individuo y el exigido por el puesto de trabajo en el cual se
    desempeña; esto se debe a que existe una demanda laboral estrecha de
    puestos de trabajo para personas calificadas en Colombia. Se analizan las
    contribuciones empíricas existentes y el debate sobre las mismas; se
    examinan las teorías que permiten explicar la existencia de un desajuste
    educativo y se realiza una revisión de la literatura internacional y
    nacional sobre el tema. Adicionalmente, se plantean una serie de hipótesis
    para desarrollar un esquema que permita determinar el comportamiento
    del individuo en el fenómeno de la sobreeducación.

  10. Cyclic GMP protects human macrophages against peroxynitrite-induced apoptosis. (United States)

    Shaw, Catherine A; Webb, David J; Rossi, Adriano G; Megson, Ian L


    Nitric oxide (NO) can be both pro- and anti-apoptotic in various cell types, including macrophages. This apparent paradox may result from the actions of NO-related species generated in the microenvironment of the cell, for example the formation of peroxynitrite (ONOO-). In this study we have examined the ability of NO and ONOO- to evoke apoptosis in human monocyte-derived macrophages (MDMvarphi), and investigated whether preconditioning by cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) is able to limit apoptosis in this cell type. Characterisation of the NO-related species generated by (Z)-1- [2-(2-aminoethyl)-N-(2-ammonioethyl)amino]diazen-1-ium-1,2-diolate (DETA/NO) and 1,2,3,4-oxatriazolium, 5-amino-3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-, chloride (GEA-3162) was performed by electrochemistry using an isolated NO electrode and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectrometry. Mononuclear cells were isolated from peripheral blood of healthy volunteers and cultured to allow differentiation into MDMvarphi. Resultant MDMvarphi were treated for 24 h with DETA/NO (100 - 1000 muM) or GEA-3162 (10 - 300 muM) in the presence or absence of BAY 41-2272 (1 muM), isobutylmethylxanthine (IBMX; 1 muM), 1H- [1,2,4]oxadiazolo [4,3-a]quinoxalin-1-one (ODQ; 20 muM) or 8-bromo-cGMP (1 mM). Apoptosis in MDMvarphi was assessed by flow cytometric analysis of annexin V binding in combination with propidium iodide staining. Electrochemistry and EPR revealed that DETA/NO liberated free NO radical, whilst GEA-3162 concomitantly released NO and O2-, and is therefore a ONOO- generator. NO (DETA/NO) had no effect on cell viability, but ONOO- (GEA-3162) caused a concentration-dependent induction of apoptosis in MDMvarphi. Preconditioning of MDMvarphi with NO in combination with the phosphodiesterase inhibitor, 3-Isobutyl-1-methylxanthine (IBMX), or the NO-independent stimulator of soluble guanylate cyclase, BAY 41-2272, significantly attenuated ONOO--induced apoptosis in a cGMP-dependent manner. These results

  11. Cyclic GMP protects human macrophages against peroxynitrite-induced apoptosis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rossi Adriano G


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Nitric oxide (NO can be both pro- and anti-apoptotic in various cell types, including macrophages. This apparent paradox may result from the actions of NO-related species generated in the microenvironment of the cell, for example the formation of peroxynitrite (ONOO-. In this study we have examined the ability of NO and ONOO- to evoke apoptosis in human monocyte-derived macrophages (MDMϕ, and investigated whether preconditioning by cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP is able to limit apoptosis in this cell type. Methods Characterisation of the NO-related species generated by (Z-1- [2-(2-aminoethyl-N-(2-ammonioethylamino]diazen-1-ium-1,2-diolate (DETA/NO and 1,2,3,4-oxatriazolium, 5-amino-3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl-, chloride (GEA-3162 was performed by electrochemistry using an isolated NO electrode and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR spectrometry. Mononuclear cells were isolated from peripheral blood of healthy volunteers and cultured to allow differentiation into MDMϕ. Resultant MDMϕ were treated for 24 h with DETA/NO (100 – 1000 μM or GEA-3162 (10 – 300 μM in the presence or absence of BAY 41–2272 (1 μM, isobutylmethylxanthine (IBMX; 1 μM, 1H- [1,2,4]oxadiazolo [4,3-a]quinoxalin-1-one (ODQ; 20 μM or 8-bromo-cGMP (1 mM. Apoptosis in MDMϕ was assessed by flow cytometric analysis of annexin V binding in combination with propidium iodide staining. Results Electrochemistry and EPR revealed that DETA/NO liberated free NO radical, whilst GEA-3162 concomitantly released NO and O2-, and is therefore a ONOO- generator. NO (DETA/NO had no effect on cell viability, but ONOO- (GEA-3162 caused a concentration-dependent induction of apoptosis in MDMϕ. Preconditioning of MDMϕ with NO in combination with the phosphodiesterase inhibitor, 3-Isobutyl-1-methylxanthine (IBMX, or the NO-independent stimulator of soluble guanylate cyclase, BAY 41–2272, significantly attenuated ONOO--induced apoptosis in a cGMP-dependent manner

  12. Susceptibility of different subsets of immature thymocytes to apoptosis induced by anti-TCRmAb

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li Hongmei; Zhong Renqian; Yu Jiaping; Kong Xiantao; Chen Weifeng


    To analysis the susceptibility of different subsets of immature mice thymocytes to apoptosis induced by anti-TCRmAbs in vitro apoptosis was induced in unfractionated mice thymocytes by anti-TCRmAb. In Vivo apoptosis was induced in BALB/c mice by anti-TCR mAb, and thymocytes were examined by FACS. Results showed that CD4 + CD8 + DP thymocytes and CD4 - CD8 + CD3 - thymocytes were equally sensitive to apoptosis after treatment with the anti-TCR mAb. In sharp contrast, the early migrants or precursor containing thymocytes which are CD4 - CD8 - CD3 - TN have a lower spontaneous apoptosis rate and were relatively resistant to the anti-TCR mAb. The findings showed a breakpoint in thymocyte sensitivity to apoptosis which occurs after the onset of CD4 - CD8 + CD3 expression, suggesting that susceptibility of thymocytes to apoptosis is developmentally regulated

  13. Studying arsenic trioxide-induced apoptosis of Colo-16 cells with ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Oct 5, 2011 ... induced apoptosis at the single cell level. Key words: Two-photon laser scanning microscopy, confocal laser scanning microscopy, human skin squamous carcinoma cells (Colo-16 cells), arsenic trioxide, apoptosis. INTRODUCTION. Although arsenic is poisonous and chronic arsenic exposure from ...

  14. Current applications of nanotechnology for magnetic resonance imaging of apoptosis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Strijkers, Gustav J.; van Tilborg, Geralda A. F.; Geelen, Tessa; Reutelingsperger, Chris P. M.; Nicolay, Klaas


    Apoptosis, or programmed cell death, is a morphologically and biochemically distinct form of cell death, which together with proliferation plays an important role in tissue development and homeostasis. Insufficient apoptosis is important in the pathology of various disorders such as cancer and

  15. The role of hypoxia inducible factor 1 (HIF-1) in hypoxia induced apoptosis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Greijer, A.E.; Wall, E. van der


    Apoptosis can be induced in response to hypoxia. The severity of hypoxia determines whether cells become apoptotic or adapt to hypoxia and survive. A hypoxic environment devoid of nutrients prevents the cell undergoing energy dependent apoptosis and cells become necrotic. Apoptosis regulatory

  16. Ceramide-Induced Apoptosis in Renal Tubular Cells: A Role of Mitochondria and Sphingosine-1-Phoshate (United States)

    Ueda, Norishi


    Ceramide is synthesized upon stimuli, and induces apoptosis in renal tubular cells (RTCs). Sphingosine-1 phosphate (S1P) functions as a survival factor. Thus, the balance of ceramide/S1P determines ceramide-induced apoptosis. Mitochondria play a key role for ceramide-induced apoptosis by altered mitochondrial outer membrane permeability (MOMP). Ceramide enhances oligomerization of pro-apoptotic Bcl-2 family proteins, ceramide channel, and reduces anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 proteins in the MOM. This process alters MOMP, resulting in generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), cytochrome C release into the cytosol, caspase activation, and apoptosis. Ceramide regulates apoptosis through mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs)-dependent and -independent pathways. Conversely, MAPKs alter ceramide generation by regulating the enzymes involving ceramide metabolism, affecting ceramide-induced apoptosis. Crosstalk between Bcl-2 family proteins, ROS, and many signaling pathways regulates ceramide-induced apoptosis. Growth factors rescue ceramide-induced apoptosis by regulating the enzymes involving ceramide metabolism, S1P, and signaling pathways including MAPKs. This article reviews evidence supporting a role of ceramide for apoptosis and discusses a role of mitochondria, including MOMP, Bcl-2 family proteins, ROS, and signaling pathways, and crosstalk between these factors in the regulation of ceramide-induced apoptosis of RTCs. A balancing role between ceramide and S1P and the strategy for preventing ceramide-induced apoptosis by growth factors are also discussed. PMID:25751724

  17. Co-Operation Between FADD and Bin1 in Prostate Cancer Apoptosis

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Thorburn, Andrew


    Evasion of apoptosis is a hallmark of cancer (Hanahan and Weinberg, 2000). Consequently, it is sometimes thought that cancer cells are generally resistant to apoptosis while normal cells are sensitive...

  18. Modelos experimentales para la evaluación de la acción cicatrizante de medicamentos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Raimara González Escobar


    Full Text Available Los intentos del organismo para reparar las lesiones inducidas por agresiones locales comienzan muy precozmente en el proceso de la inflamación, y finalmente concluyen con la reparación y sustitución de las células lesionadas por células sanas. El proceso de cicatrización de una herida en la piel involucra la compleja interacción de muchos tipos de células y ocurre como una cascada secuencial de procesos solapados e íntimamente relacionados. Existen varios modelos farmacológicos experimentales que permiten evaluar la acción cicatrizante de un principio activo, profundizando en los eventos específicos de la cicatrización. En este trabajo se presentarán los detalles de algunos de estos modelos, los cuales son: modelo de lesión inducida por quemadura en curieles, modelo de 6 heridas asépticas en cerdos, promoción de cicatrización por segunda intención en ratas y modelo para predecir la distribución de un medicamento aplicado tópicamente en heridas. Estos ensayos permiten el estudio de múltiples elementos histológicos, bioquímicos, celulares y clínicos, característicos del proceso de cicatrización.The attempts of the organism to repair injuries induced by local aggressions begin very early in the inflammation process and conclude finally with the reparation and substitution of those cells damaged by sound cells. The healing process of a skin wound involves the complex interaction of many types of cells and a sequence of sneaky and closely related processes take place. There are various pharmacological experimental models allowing to evaluate the healing action of an active principle and to go deep into the specific healing events. Details are given in this paper about the following models: model of injury induced by burn in guinea pigs, model of 6 aseptic wounds in pigs, promotion of healing by second intention in rats and a model to predict the distribution of a drug topically applied in wounds. These assays make possible

  19. Osteoblasts Protect AML Cells from SDF-1-Induced Apoptosis (United States)

    Kremer, Kimberly N.; Dudakovic, Amel; McGee-Lawrence, Meghan E.; Philips, Rachael L.; Hess, Allan D.; Smith, B. Douglas; van Wijnen, Andre J.; Karp, Judith E.; Kaufmann, Scott H.; Westendorf, Jennifer J.; Hedin, Karen E.


    The bone marrow provides a protective environment for acute myeloid leukemia (AML) cells that often allows leukemic stem cells to survive standard chemotherapeutic regimens. Targeting these leukemic stem cells within the bone marrow is critical for preventing relapse. We recently demonstrated that SDF-1, a chemokine abundant in the bone marrow, induces apoptosis in AML cell lines and in patient samples expressing high levels of its receptor, CXCR4. Here we show that a subset of osteoblast lineage cells within the bone marrow can protect AML cells from undergoing apoptosis in response to the SDF-1 naturally present in that location. In co-culture systems, osteoblasts at various stages of differentiation protected AML cell lines and patient isolates from SDF-1-induced apoptosis. The differentiation of the osteoblast cell lines, MC3T3 and W-20-17, mediated this protection via a cell contact-independent mechanism. In contrast, bone marrow-derived mesenchymal cells, the precursors of osteoblasts, induced apoptosis in AML cells via a CXCR4-dependent mechanism and failed to protect AML cells from exogenously added SDF-1. These results indicate that osteoblasts in the process of differentiation potently inhibit the SDF-1-driven apoptotic pathway of CXCR4-expressing AML cells residing in the bone marrow. Drugs targeting this protective mechanism could potentially provide a new approach to treating AML by enhancing the SDF-1-induced apoptosis of AML cells residing within the bone marrow microenvironment. PMID:24851270

  20. Osteonecrosis de los maxilares inducida por bifosfonatos: prevención y actitud terapéutica Bisphosphonate induced osteonecrosis of the jaws: prevention and therapeutic approach

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    F.J. Barrientos Lezcano


    Full Text Available Introducción. La osteonecrosis maxilar o mandibular por bifosfonatos puede convertirse en una epidemia debido a la amplia difusión de estos fármacos entre la población. Material y método. Se muestra un protocolo para la prevención y el tratamiento de esta enfermedad. Se presentan tres casos de osteonecrosis maxilar/mandibular. Resultados. Es difícil lograr una curación completa; sin embargo es posible detener la progresión de la enfermedad. Discusión. La cirugía y la suspensión de la terapia con bifosfonatos han demostrado poca utilidad. Los antibióticos y los enjuagues con clorhexidina son las únicas medidas eficaces. Conclusiones. Es imprescindible una planificación adecuada previa a la instauración del tratamiento con bifosfonatos. Ante una osteonecrosis establecida, la actitud debe ser conservadora.Introduction. Bisphosphonate-induced osteonecrosis of the jaws might reach epidemic proportions due to the widespread use of this therapy. Materials and methods. A protocol for prevention and treatment of this pathology is shown. Three clinical cases are reported. Results. It is quite difficult to reach restitutio ad integrum, but stopping the progress of the disease is possible. Discussion. Surgical treatment and cessation of bisphosphonate therapy are of no use. Only antibiotics and oral chlorhexidine have shown some benefits. Conclusions. An accurate preventive attitude is mandatory prior to undergoing bisphosphonate therapy. If osteonecrosis of the jaws is present, management should be conservative.

  1. Alcohol and Apoptosis: Friends or Foes? (United States)

    Rodriguez, Ana; Chawla, Karan; Umoh, Nsini A; Cousins, Valerie M; Ketegou, Assama; Reddy, Madhumati G; AlRubaiee, Mustafa; Haddad, Georges E; Burke, Mark W


    Alcohol abuse causes 79,000 deaths stemming from severe organ damage in the United States every year. Clinical manifestations of long-term alcohol abuse on the cardiac muscle include defective contractility with the development of dilated cardiomyopathy and low-output heart failure; which has poor prognosis with less than 25% survival for more than three years. In contrast, low alcohol consumption has been associated with reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, however the mechanism of this phenomenon remains elusive. The aim of this study was to determine the significance of apoptosis as a mediating factor in cardiac function following chronic high alcohol versus low alcohol exposure. Adult rats were provided 5 mM (low alcohol), 100 mM (high alcohol) or pair-fed non-alcohol controls for 4-5 months. The hearts were dissected, sectioned and stained with cresyl violet or immunohistochemically for caspase-3, a putative marker for apoptosis. Cardiomyocytes were isolated to determine the effects of alcohol exposure on cell contraction and relaxation. High alcohol animals displayed a marked thinning of the left ventricular wall combined with elevated caspase-3 activity and decreased contractility. In contrast, low alcohol was associated with increased contractility and decreased apoptosis suggesting an overall protective mechanism induced by low levels of alcohol exposure.

  2. Membranes as sensitive targets in thymocyte apoptosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ramakrishnan, N.; McClain, D.E.; Catravas, G.N.


    The role of cellular membranes in thymocyte apoptosis has been examined. Trolox, a water soluble analogue of vitamin E and inhibitor of membrane damage, inhibits DNA fragmentation in thymocytes exposed to γ-radiation, and is most effective in inhibiting DNA fragmentation when added to cells within 30 min post-irradiation. Exposure to trolox only during irradiation did not prevent DNA fragmentation. Incubation of the irradiated cell suspension with trolox for 2h post-irradiation was sufficient to prevent DNA fragmentation measured at 24 h in irradiated cells, suggesting that trolox irreversibly inhibits a cellular lesion required for apoptosis. The induction of DNA fragmentation appears to be related to a concurrent, pronounced flow of Ca 2+ into the cell. At 3 h post-irradiation the amount of Ca 2+ in irradiated thymocytes was more than twice that of unirradiated thymocytes. Trolox treatment completely blocked the radiation-induced influx of Ca 2+ into the thymocytes. These results suggest that membrane damage is a critical lesion involved in DNA fragmentation in thymocyte apoptosis. (author)

  3. Structural Insights into the PorK and PorN Components of the Porphyromonas gingivalis Type IX Secretion System.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dhana G Gorasia


    Full Text Available The type IX secretion system (T9SS has been recently discovered and is specific to Bacteroidetes species. Porphyromonas gingivalis, a keystone pathogen for periodontitis, utilizes the T9SS to transport many proteins including the gingipain virulence factors across the outer membrane and attach them to the cell surface via a sortase-like mechanism. At least 11 proteins have been identified as components of the T9SS including PorK, PorL, PorM, PorN and PorP, however the precise roles of most of these proteins have not been elucidated and the structural organization of these components is unknown. In this study, we purified PorK and PorN complexes from P. gingivalis and using electron microscopy we have shown that PorN and the PorK lipoprotein interact to form a 50 nm diameter ring-shaped structure containing approximately 32-36 subunits of each protein. The formation of these rings was dependent on both PorK and PorN, but was independent of PorL, PorM and PorP. PorL and PorM were found to form a separate stable complex. PorK and PorN were protected from proteinase K cleavage when present in undisrupted cells, but were rapidly degraded when the cells were lysed, which together with bioinformatic analyses suggests that these proteins are exposed in the periplasm and anchored to the outer membrane via the PorK lipid. Chemical cross-linking and mass spectrometry analyses confirmed the interaction between PorK and PorN and further revealed that they interact with the PG0189 outer membrane protein. Furthermore, we established that PorN was required for the stable expression of PorK, PorL and PorM. Collectively, these results suggest that the ring-shaped PorK/N complex may form part of the secretion channel of the T9SS. This is the first report showing the structural organization of any T9SS component.

  4. Structural Insights into the PorK and PorN Components of the Porphyromonas gingivalis Type IX Secretion System. (United States)

    Gorasia, Dhana G; Veith, Paul D; Hanssen, Eric G; Glew, Michelle D; Sato, Keiko; Yukitake, Hideharu; Nakayama, Koji; Reynolds, Eric C


    The type IX secretion system (T9SS) has been recently discovered and is specific to Bacteroidetes species. Porphyromonas gingivalis, a keystone pathogen for periodontitis, utilizes the T9SS to transport many proteins including the gingipain virulence factors across the outer membrane and attach them to the cell surface via a sortase-like mechanism. At least 11 proteins have been identified as components of the T9SS including PorK, PorL, PorM, PorN and PorP, however the precise roles of most of these proteins have not been elucidated and the structural organization of these components is unknown. In this study, we purified PorK and PorN complexes from P. gingivalis and using electron microscopy we have shown that PorN and the PorK lipoprotein interact to form a 50 nm diameter ring-shaped structure containing approximately 32-36 subunits of each protein. The formation of these rings was dependent on both PorK and PorN, but was independent of PorL, PorM and PorP. PorL and PorM were found to form a separate stable complex. PorK and PorN were protected from proteinase K cleavage when present in undisrupted cells, but were rapidly degraded when the cells were lysed, which together with bioinformatic analyses suggests that these proteins are exposed in the periplasm and anchored to the outer membrane via the PorK lipid. Chemical cross-linking and mass spectrometry analyses confirmed the interaction between PorK and PorN and further revealed that they interact with the PG0189 outer membrane protein. Furthermore, we established that PorN was required for the stable expression of PorK, PorL and PorM. Collectively, these results suggest that the ring-shaped PorK/N complex may form part of the secretion channel of the T9SS. This is the first report showing the structural organization of any T9SS component.

  5. Apoptosis induced by cold shock in vitro is dependent on cell growth phase. (United States)

    Soloff, B L; Nagle, W A; Moss, A J; Henle, K J; Crawford, J T


    Chinese hamster V79 fibroblast cells were exposed to brief periods of cold but non-freezing temperatures at different points on the population growth curve. Upon rewarming, cells at the transition from logarithmic to stationary growth exhibited apoptosis (programmed cell death). Cells in other stages of growth, or after reentry into logarithmic growth by refeeding, did not exhibit apoptosis. Apoptosis was expressed by marked cytoplasmic blebbing, by a characteristic non-random fragmentation of DNA into nucleosomal-sized pieces, and by loss of colony-forming ability. The data suggest that cold shock served as a stimulus for susceptible cells to undergo apoptosis. Thus, the experiments describe a new in vitro system for studying the mechanisms of apoptosis.

  6. Host-pathogen interactions during apoptosis

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)


    349. Keywords. Antioxidant; baculovirus; host-pathogen; eIF2α-kinase; P35; PKR .... conferring a selective advantage to the virus, the capacity to prevent apoptosis is ..... totic extracts were found to cleave purified PKR in vitro. These findings ...

  7. Noxa/Mcl-1 Balance Regulates Susceptibility of Cells to Camptothecin-Induced Apoptosis1 (United States)

    Mei, Yide; Xie, Chongwei; Xie, Wei; Tian, Xu; Li, Mei; Wu, Mian


    Although camptothecin (CPT) has been reported to induce apoptosis in various cancer cells, the molecular details of this regulation remain largely unknown. In this study, we demonstrate that BH3-only protein Noxa is upregulated during CPT-induced apoptosis, which is independent of p53. In addition, we show that phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K)/Akt signaling pathway is responsible for Noxa's induction. Luciferase assay and cAMP response element binding protein (CREB) knockdown experiments further demonstrate that CREB is involved in the transcriptional upregulation of Noxa. Moreover, blocking Noxa expression using specific small interfering ribonucleic acid (siRNA) significantly reduces the apoptosis in response to CPT, indicating that Noxa is an essential mediator for CPT-induced apoptosis. Interestingly, antiapoptotic Mcl-1 was also upregulated through PI3K/Akt signaling pathway upon CPT treatment. Using immunoprecipitation assay, Noxa was found to interact with Mcl-1 in the presence or absence of CPT. Knockdown of Mcl-1 expression by short hairpin ribonucleic acid (shRNA) was shown to potentiate CPT-induced apoptosis. Consistently, ectopic overexpression of Mcl-1 rescued cells from apoptosis induced by CPT. Cells coexpressing Noxa and Mcl-1 at different ratio correlates well with the extent of apoptosis, suggesting that the balance between Noxa and Mcl-1 may determine the susceptibility of HeLa cells to CPT-induced apoptosis. PMID:17971907

  8. Andrographolide induces apoptotic and non-apoptotic death and enhances tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand-mediated apoptosis in gastric cancer cells


    Lim, Sung-Chul; Jeon, Ho Jong; Kee, Keun Hong; Lee, Mi Ja; Hong, Ran; Han, Song Iy


    Andrographolide, a natural compound isolated from Andrographis paniculata, has been reported to possess antitumor activity. In the present study, the effect of andrographolide in human gastric cancer (GC) cells was investigated. Andrographolide induced cell death with apoptotic and non-apoptotic features. At a low concentration, andrographolide potentiated apoptosis and reduction of clonogenicity triggered by recombinant human tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (rhTRAIL)....

  9. Radiation-induced apoptosis in the neonatal and adult rat spinal cord. (United States)

    Li, Y Q; Wong, C S


    This study was designed to characterize radiation-induced apoptosis in the spinal cord of the neonatal and young adult rat. Spinal cords (C2-T2) of 1-, 2- and 10-week-old rats were irradiated with a single dose of 8, 18 or 22 Gy. Apoptosis was assessed histologically according to its specific morphological features or by using the TUNEL assay. Cell proliferation was assessed immunohistochemically using BrdU. Identities of cell types undergoing apoptosis were assessed using immunohistochemistry or in situ hybridization using markers for neurons, glial progenitor cells, microglia, oligodendrocytes and astrocytes. The time course of radiation-induced apoptosis in 1- or 2-week-old rat spinal cord was similar to that in the young adult rat spinal cord. A peak response was observed at about 8 h after irradiation, and the apoptosis index returned to the levels in nonirradiated spinal cords at 24 h. The neonatal rat spinal cord demonstrated increased apoptosis compared to the adult. Values for total yield of apoptosis over 24 h induced by 8 Gy in the neonatal rat spinal cord were significantly greater than that in the adult. Immunohistochemistry studies using Leu7, galactocerebroside, Rip and adenomatous polyposis coli tumor suppressor protein indicated that most apoptotic cells were cells of the oligodendroglial lineage regardless of the age of the animal. No evidence of Gfap or factor VIII-related antigen-positive apoptotic cells was observed, and there was a small number of apoptotic microglial cells (lectin-Rca1 positive) in the neonatal and adult rat spinal cord. In the neonatal but not adult rat spinal cord, about 10% of the apoptotic cells appeared to be neurons and were immunoreactive for synaptophysin. Labeling indices (LI) for BrdU in nonirradiated 1- and 2-week-old rat spinal cord were 20.0 and 16.3%, respectively, significantly greater than the LI of 1.0% in the 10-week-old rat spinal cord. At 8 h after a single dose of 8 Gy, 13.4% of the apoptotic cells were

  10. Apoptotic cells can induce non-autonomous apoptosis through the TNF pathway (United States)

    Pérez-Garijo, Ainhoa; Fuchs, Yaron; Steller, Hermann


    Apoptotic cells can produce signals to instruct cells in their local environment, including ones that stimulate engulfment and proliferation. We identified a novel mode of communication by which apoptotic cells induce additional apoptosis in the same tissue. Strong induction of apoptosis in one compartment of the Drosophila wing disc causes apoptosis of cells in the other compartment, indicating that dying cells can release long-range death factors. We identified Eiger, the Drosophila tumor necrosis factor (TNF) homolog, as the signal responsible for apoptosis-induced apoptosis (AiA). Eiger is produced in apoptotic cells and, through activation of the c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) pathway, is able to propagate the initial apoptotic stimulus. We also show that during coordinated cell death of hair follicle cells in mice, TNF-α is expressed in apoptotic cells and is required for normal cell death. AiA provides a mechanism to explain cohort behavior of dying cells that is seen both in normal development and under pathological conditions. DOI: PMID:24066226

  11. Mechanisms of Neuronal Apoptosis In Vivo

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Martin, Lee J


    .... Neuronal cell death in the form of apoptosis or necrosis occurs after exposure to neurotoxins, chemical warfare agents, radiation, viruses, and after seizures, trauma, limb amputation, and hypoxic...

  12. Ionizing radiation induces apoptosis in hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Meng, A.; Zhou, D.; Geiger, H.; Zant, G.V.


    The aims of this study was to determine if ionizing radiation (IR) induces apoptosis in hematopoietic stem (HSC) and progenitor cells. Lin-cells were isolated from mouse bone marrow (BM) and pretreated with vehicle or 100 μM z-VAD 1 h prior to exposure to 4 Gy IR. The apoptotic and/or necrotic responses of these cells to IR were analyzed by measuring the annexin V and/or 7-AAD staining in HSC and progenitor populations using flow cytometry, and hematopoietic function of these cells was determined by CAFC assay. Exposure of Lin-cells to IR selectively decreased the numbers of HSC and progenitors in association with an increase in apoptosis in a time-dependent manner. Pretreatment of Lin- cells with z-VAD significantly inhibited IR-induced apoptosis and the decrease in the numbers of HSC and progenitors. However, IR alone or in combination with z-VAD did not lead to a significant increase in necrotic cell death in either HSC or progenitors. In addition, pretreatment of BM cells with z-VAD significantly attenuated IR-induced reduction in the frequencies of day-7, -28 and -35 CAFC. Exposure of HSC and progenitors to IR induces apoptosis. The induction of HSC and progenitor apoptosis contributes to IR-induced suppression of their hematopoietic function

  13. The Role of Apoptosis Associated Markers in Pathogenesis of Pulmonary Tuberculosis (United States)


    To Compare the Serum Apoptosis-associated Markers Between Patients With Active TB and Patients With LTBI; To Evaluate the Efficiency of Apoptosis-associated Markers to Differentiate Potential of Active TB From LTBI

  14. Ursodeoxycholic Acid Induces Death Receptor-mediated Apoptosis in Prostate Cancer Cells (United States)

    Lee, Won Sup; Jung, Ji Hyun; Panchanathan, Radha; Yun, Jeong Won; Kim, Dong Hoon; Kim, Hye Jung; Kim, Gon Sup; Ryu, Chung Ho; Shin, Sung Chul; Hong, Soon Chan; Choi, Yung Hyun; Jung, Jin-Myung


    Background Bile acids have anti-cancer properties in a certain types of cancers. We determined anticancer activity and its underlying molecular mechanism of ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA) in human DU145 prostate cancer cells. Methods Cell viability was measured with an MTT assay. UDCA-induced apoptosis was determined with flow cytometric analysis. The expression levels of apoptosis-related signaling proteins were examined with Western blotting. Results UDCA treatment significantly inhibited cell growth of DU145 in a dose-dependent manner. It induced cellular shrinkage and cytoplasmic blebs and accumulated the cells with sub-G1 DNA contents. Moreover, UDCA activated caspase 8, suggesting that UDCA-induced apoptosis is associated with extrinsic pathway. Consistent to this finding, UDCA increased the expressions of tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) receptor, death receptor 4 (DR4) and death receptor 5 (DR5), and TRAIL augmented the UDCA-induced cell death in DU145 cells. In addition, UDCA also increased the expressions of Bax and cytochrome c and decreased the expression of Bcl-xL in DU145 cells. This finding suggests that UDCA-induced apoptosis may be involved in intrinsic pathway. Conclusions UDCA induces apoptosis via extrinsic pathway as well as intrinsic pathway in DU145 prostate cancer cells. UDCA may be a promising anti-cancer agent against prostate cancer. PMID:28382282

  15. The PorX response regulator of the Porphyromonas gingivalis PorXY two-component system does not directly regulate the Type IX secretion genes but binds the PorL subunit.

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    Maxence S Vincent


    Full Text Available The Type IX secretion system (T9SS is a versatile multi-protein complex restricted to bacteria of the Bacteriodetes phylum and responsible for the secretion of surface attachment of diverse proteins that participate to S-layer formation, gliding motility or pathogenesis. The T9SS is poorly characterized but a number of proteins involved in the assembly of the secretion apparatus in the oral pathogen Porphyromonas gingivalis have been identified based on genome substractive analyses. Among these proteins, PorY and PorX encode typical two-component system (TCS sensor and CheY-like response regulator respectively. Although the porX and porY genes do not localize at the same genetic locus, it has been proposed that PorXY form a bona fide TCS. Deletion of the porX in P. gingivalis causes a slight decrease of the expression of a number of other T9SS genes, including sov, porT, porP, porK, porL, porM, porN and porY. Here, we show that PorX and the soluble cytoplasmic domain of PorY interact. Using electrophoretic mobility shift, DNA-protein co-purification and heterologous host expression assays, we showed that PorX does not bind and does not directly regulate expression of the T9SS genes. Finally, we show that PorX interacts with the cytoplasmic domain of PorL, a component of the T9SS membrane core complex and propose that the CheY-like PorX protein might be involved in the dynamics of the T9SS.

  16. JS-K promotes apoptosis by inducing ROS production in human prostate cancer cells. (United States)

    Qiu, Mingning; Chen, Lieqian; Tan, Guobin; Ke, Longzhi; Zhang, Sai; Chen, Hege; Liu, Jianjun


    Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are chemical species that alter redox status, and are responsible for inducing carcinogenesis. The purpose of the present study was to assess the effects of the glutathione S transferase-activated nitric oxide donor prodrug, JS-K, on ROS accumulation and on proliferation and apoptosis in human prostate cancer cells. Cell proliferation and apoptosis, ROS accumulation and the activation of the mitochondrial signaling pathway were measured. The results demonstrated that JS-K may inhibit prostate cancer cell growth in a dose- and time-dependent manner, and induce ROS accumulation and apoptosis in a dose-dependent manner. With increasing concentrations of JS-K, expression of pro-apoptotic proteins increased, but Bcl-2 expression decreased. Additionally, the antioxidant N-acetylcysteine reversed JS-K-induced cell apoptosis; conversely, the pro-oxidant glutathione disulfide exacerbated JS-K-induced apoptosis. In conclusion, the data suggest that JS-K induces prostate cancer cell apoptosis by increasing ROS levels.

  17. Restraining reactive oxygen species in Listeria monocytogenes promotes the apoptosis of glial cells. (United States)

    Li, Sen; Li, Yixuan; Chen, Guowei; Zhang, Jingchen; Xu, Fei; Wu, Man


    Listeria monocytogenes is a facultative anaerobic foodborne pathogen that can traverse the blood-brain barrier and cause brain infection. L. monocytogenes infection induces host cell apoptosis in several cell types. In this study, we investigated the apoptosis of human glioma cell line U251 invaded by L. monocytogenes and evaluated the function of bacterial reactive oxygen species (ROS) during infection. Bacterial ROS level was reduced by carrying out treatment with N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) and diphenyleneiodonium chloride (DPI). After infection, the apoptosis of U251 cells was examined by flow cytometry assay and propidium iodide staining. DPI and NAC efficiently decreased ROS level in L. monocytogenes without affecting bacterial growth. Moreover, the apoptosis of glial cells was enhanced upon invasion of DPI- and NAC-pretreated L. monocytogenes. Results indicate that the apoptosis of glial cells can be induced by L. monocytogenes, and that the inhibition of bacterial ROS increases the apoptosis of host cells.

  18. Identifying Novel Candidate Genes Related to Apoptosis from a Protein-Protein Interaction Network

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    Baoman Wang


    Full Text Available Apoptosis is the process of programmed cell death (PCD that occurs in multicellular organisms. This process of normal cell death is required to maintain the balance of homeostasis. In addition, some diseases, such as obesity, cancer, and neurodegenerative diseases, can be cured through apoptosis, which produces few side effects. An effective comprehension of the mechanisms underlying apoptosis will be helpful to prevent and treat some diseases. The identification of genes related to apoptosis is essential to uncover its underlying mechanisms. In this study, a computational method was proposed to identify novel candidate genes related to apoptosis. First, protein-protein interaction information was used to construct a weighted graph. Second, a shortest path algorithm was applied to the graph to search for new candidate genes. Finally, the obtained genes were filtered by a permutation test. As a result, 26 genes were obtained, and we discuss their likelihood of being novel apoptosis-related genes by collecting evidence from published literature.

  19. Overexpression of BAG3 Attenuates Hypoxia-Induced Cardiomyocyte Apoptosis by Inducing Autophagy

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    Jiankai Zhang


    Full Text Available Background: Hypoxia is a well-known factor in the promotion of apoptosis, which contributes to the development of numerous cardiac diseases, such as heart failure and myocardial infarction. Inhibiting apoptosis is an important therapeutic strategy for the treatment of related heart diseases caused by ischemia/hypoxic injury. Previous studies have demonstrated that BAG3 plays an important role in cardiomyocyte apoptosis and survival. However, the role of BAG3 in hypoxia-induced cardiomyocyte apoptosis remains to be clarified. Here, we demonstrate that BAG3 is induced by hypoxia stimuli in cultured cardiomyocytes. Methods: BAG3 expression level was measured in H9c2 cells treated with hypoxia for 48 h. Cell proliferation and apoptosis were tested using MTT assay and Annexin V FITC-PI staining assay, respectively. The mRNA or protein expression level of BAG3, LC3-I, LC3-II, Atg5, NF-κB p65 and phosphorylated NF-κB p65 were assessed by qRT-PCR and western blot assay, respectively. Resluts: Overexpression of BAG3 inhibited cell apoptosis and promoted proliferation in hypoxia-injured H9c2 cells. Furthermore, autophagy and NF-κB were activated by BAG3 overexpression, and the NF-κB inhibitor PDTC could inhibit the activation of autophagy induced by BAG3 overexpression. In addition, the autophagy inhibitor 3-MA partly impeded the inhibitory effect of BAG3 on hypoxia-induced cardiomyocyte apoptosis. Conclusion: these results suggested that overexpression of BAG3 promoted cell proliferation and inhibited apoptosis by activating autophagy though the NF-κB signaling pathway in hypoxia-injured cardiomyocytes.

  20. CD36 Mediated Fatty Acid-Induced Podocyte Apoptosis via Oxidative Stress.

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    Wei Hua

    Full Text Available Hyperlipidemia-induced apoptosis mediated by fatty acid translocase CD36 is associated with increased uptake of ox-LDL or fatty acid in macrophages, hepatocytes and proximal tubular epithelial cells, leading to atherosclerosis, liver damage and fibrosis in obese patients, and diabetic nephropathy (DN, respectively. However, the specific role of CD36 in podocyte apoptosis in DN with hyperlipidemia remains poorly investigated.The expression of CD36 was measured in paraffin-embedded kidney tissue samples (Ctr = 18, DN = 20 by immunohistochemistry and immunofluorescence staining. We cultured conditionally immortalized mouse podocytes (MPC5 and treated cells with palmitic acid, and measured CD36 expression by real-time PCR, Western blot analysis and immunofluorescence; lipid uptake by Oil red O staining and BODIPY staining; apoptosis by flow cytometry assay, TUNEL assay and Western blot analysis; and ROS production by DCFH-DA fluorescence staining. All statistical analyses were performed using SPSS 21.0 statistical software.CD36 expression was increased in kidney tissue from DN patients with hyperlipidemia. Palmitic acid upregulated CD36 expression and promoted its translocation from cytoplasm to plasma membrane in podocytes. Furthermore, palmitic acid increased lipid uptake, ROS production and apoptosis in podocytes, Sulfo-N-succinimidyloleate (SSO, the specific inhibitor of the fatty acid binding site on CD36, decreased palmitic acid-induced fatty acid accumulation, ROS production, and apoptosis in podocytes. Antioxidant 4-hydroxy-2,2,6,6- tetramethylpiperidine -1-oxyl (tempol inhibited the overproduction of ROS and apoptosis in podocytes induced by palmitic acid.CD36 mediated fatty acid-induced podocyte apoptosis via oxidative stress might participate in the process of DN.