
Sample records for angiotensina testicular em

  1. Transcrição reversa na determinação da expressão do mRNA para a enzima conversora de angiotensina testicular em animais tratados com zinco Assessment of the reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction technique in the determination of the mRNA expression for the testicular angiotensin-converting enzyme in zinc treated rats

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    Gilberto Simeone Henriques


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste trabalho foi otimizar as condições reacionais capazes de ocasionar variabilidade e de introduzir erros sistemáticos na reação em cadeia pela polimerase aplicada à análise da expressão gênica da isoforma testicular da enzima conversora de angiotensina. MÉTODOS: Avaliaram-se a concentração de cDNA, a concentração dos iniciadores, a temperatura de hibridização e o número de ciclos de desnaturação, hibridização e extensão. Para tanto, extraiu-se o RNA total por meio da reação com fenol-clorofórmio e isotiocianato de guanidina de amostras de testículos de ratos Wistar alimentados com uma ração contendo zinco. Em seguida, gerou-se o cDNA por transcrição reversa. Utilizando-se iniciadores específicos, amplificaram-se o gene de interesse (isoforma testicular da enzima conversora de angiotensina e o gene controle Gliceraldeído-3-Fosfato-Desidrogenase. As amostras foram então aplicadas em gel de agarose e submetidas à eletroforese, coradas em brometo de etídio e visualizadas sob luz ultravioleta. RESULTADOS: Demonstrou-se que a melhor condição reacional para a reação em cadeia pela polimerase da isoforma testicular da enzima conversora de angiotensina e do Gliceraldeído-3-Fosfato-Desidrogenase foi: (1 concentração inicial de cDNA de 2µg, (2 concentração de iniciadores de 200nM, (3 temperatura de hibridização entre 57,5ºC e 60,1ºC e (4 33 ciclos. CONCLUSÃO: Com essa otimização pôde-se minimizar as interferências sobre a técnica, contribuindo-se para a obtenção de dados comparativos a respeito da expressão gênica da enzima conversora de angiotensina testicular.OBJETIVE: The aim of the present work was to optimize the reaction conditions capable of generating variability and introducing systematic errors in the chain reaction of the polymerase used to analyze the gene expression for the testicular isoform of the angiotensin-converting enzyme. METHODS:The cDNA concentration

  2. Efeitos da angiotensina-I e isquemia na recuperação funcional em corações isolados

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    Ubirajara Oliveira de Oliveira


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: A ressuscitação de parada cardíaca pode apresentar disfunção miocárdica determinada pelo tempo da isquemia, e a inibição da enzima conversora de angiotensina (ECA pode reduzir a disfunção cardíaca durante a reperfusão. OBJETIVO: Investigar os efeitos da angiotensina-I e diferentes períodos de isquemia na recuperação funcional em corações de ratos isolados. MÉTODOS: Os corações isolados de ratos Wistar (n = 45; 250-300 g foram submetidos a diferentes períodos de isquemia global (20, 25 ou 30 min e reperfundidos (30 min com o tampão Krebs-Henseleit, ou com a adição de 400 nmol/L de angiotensina-I, ou com 400 nmol/L de angiotensina-I + 100 µmol/L de captopril durante o período de reperfusão. RESULTADOS: A derivada positiva máxima de pressão (+dP/dt max e o produto frequência-pressão foram reduzidos nos corações expostos à isquemia de 25 min (~ 73% e à isquemia de 30 min (~ 80% vs. isquemia de 20 min. A pressão diastólica final do ventrículo esquerdo (PDFVE e a pressão de perfusão (PP foram aumentadas nos corações expostos à isquemia de 25 min (5,5 e 1,08 vezes, respectivamente e à isquemia de 30 min (6 e 1,10 vezes, respectivamente vs. isquemia de 20 min. A angiotensina-I ocasionou uma diminuição no +dP/dt max e no produto frequência-pressão (~ 85-94% em todos os períodos de isquemia e um aumento na PDFVE e na PP (6,9 e 1,25 vezes, respectivamente apenas na isquemia de 20 min. O captopril foi capaz de reverter parcial ou completamente os efeitos da angiotensina-I na recuperação funcional nas isquemias de 20 e 25 min CONCLUSÃO: Os dados sugerem que a angiotensina-II participa direta ou indiretamente no dano pós-isquêmico e que a capacidade de um inibidor da ECA atenuar esse dano depende do tempo de isquemia.

  3. Associação do polimorfismo do gene da enzima conversora da angiotensina com dados ecocardiográficos em jovens normotensos filhos de hipertensos

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    Franken Roberto Alexandre


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Os autores objetivaram no presente estudo avaliar o polimorfismo da enzima conversora da angiotensina com dados do ecocardiograma de jovens estudantes de Medicina, filhos de hipertensos, comparados com jovens filhos de normotensos. MÉTODOS: Foram estudados 80 jovens normotensos divididos em dois grupos: 40 filhos normotensos de pais hipertensos e 40 filhos normotensos de pais hipertensos. Critérios de exclusão foram hipertensão arterial, fumo, obesidade, uso de contraceptivos orais. Uso crônico de medicamentos e presença de qualquer doença. Os alunos foram incluídos entre 1994 e 1996. Cinqüenta alunos foram submetidos a ecocardiograma transtoráxico. A análise estatística foi feita através do teste T de Student. A avaliação do polimorfismo do gene da enzima conversora da angiotensina foi feita nos 80 alunos conforme segue: 1 5 ml de sangue em tubo contendo EDTA, 2 extração do DNA, 3 medida da concentração do DNA por eletroforese, 4 reação em cadeia de polimerase com ''primer'' do gene da enzima conversora da angiotensina, 5 análise do polimorfismo do gene da enzima conversora da angiotensina através da eletroforese e 6 análise estatística através do teste do Qui-quadrado. RESULTADOS: O grupo de estudantes filhos de hipertensos mostraram maior espessura do septo interventricular (7,82mm+/-0,69 contra 7,38 +/- 0,8, p 7,82mm; DD 32%, DI 24%, II 20% contra septo 7,38mm: DD28%, DI12%, II 12%, contra septo 131,52g: DD 20,69% DI 13,79%, II 6,9% contra massa 117,11g: DD 30,43%, DI 8,7%, II 8,7% contra massa < 117,11g: DD 13,04%, DI 21,74%, II 17,39% (p=0,17 CONCLUSÃO: Encontramos diferenças entre a espessura do septo interventricular de estudantes normotensos filhos de hipertensos e filhos de normotensos. Por outro lado, não encontramos diferenças entre os grupos considerando o polimorfismo do gene da enzima de conversão da angiotensina, assim como qualquer relação do gene da enzima de conversão da

  4. Aspectos biométricos do desenvolvimento testicular e corporal em cutias (Dasyprocta aguti criadas em cativeiros

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    Antônio Chaves de Assis-Neto


    Full Text Available Analisou-se os dados biométricos do desenvolvimento testicular e peso corporal de 31 cutias (Dasyprocta aguti desde o nascimento até os 14 meses de idade. As correlações entre o peso corporal, idade e parâmetros testiculares apresentaram-se altamente significativas. O peso testicular, o volume testicular, assim como os demais parâmetros biométricos testiculares (comprimento, diâmetro e perímetro, evoluíram lenta e gradualmente até os 8 meses de idade. A partir dos 9 meses, o crescimento foi mais rápido. O desenvolvimento biométrico do testículo pode ser dividido em duas fases, de 0 - 8 meses e de 9 - 14 meses de idade, sendo 9 meses considerado ponto de corte em se tratando de desenvolvimento testicular de cutias criadas em cativeiro.

  5. Ultrassonografia testicular em bovinos jovens da raça Nelore criados em sistema extensivo

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    D.J. Cardilli


    Full Text Available Este estudo visou avaliar o padrão ultrassonográfico do parênquima testicular de touros jovens da raça Nelore, desde a fase peripuberal até a puberdade, estabelecer padrões fisiológicos e também verificar se existe diferença de ecogenicidade entre animais púberes e pré-púberes na mesma idade. Foram realizados exames ecográficos dos testículos de 19 bovinos aos 10, 12, 14, 16 e 18 meses de idade. O padrão ultrassonográfico do parênquima testicular mostrou-se homogêneo e com ecogenicidade moderada. A ecogenicidade testicular aumentou em proporção direta com a idade dos animais. Não houve diferença significativa entre a ecogenicidade testicular de animais púberes e pré-púberes na mesma idade.

  6. Impacto do polimorfismo genetico da enzima conversora da angiotensina no remodelamento cardiaco

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    Felipe Neves de Albuquerque


    Full Text Available Fundamento: O papel dos polimorfismos genéticos da enzima de conversão da angiotensina na insuficiência cardíaca, como preditor de desfechos ecocardiográficos, ainda não está estabelecido. é necessário identificar o perfil local para observar o impacto desses genótipos na população brasileira, sendo inédito o estudo da insuficiência cardíaca de etiologia exclusivamente não isquêmica em seguimento mais longo que 5 anos. Objetivo: Determinar a distribuição das variantes do polimorfismo genético da enzima de conversão da angiotensina e sua relação com a evolução ecocardiográfica de pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca de etiologia não isquêmica. Métodos: Análise secundária de prontuários de 111 pacientes e identificação das variantes do polimorfismo genético da enzima de conversão da angiotensina, classificadas como DD (Deleção/Deleção, DI (Deleção/Inserção ou II (Inserção/Inserção. Resultados: As médias da coorte foram: seguimento de 64,9 meses, idade de 59,5 anos, 60,4% eram homens, 51,4% eram brancos, 98,2% faziam uso de betabloqueadores e 89,2% de inibidores da enzima de conversão da angiotensina ou de bloqueador do receptor da angiotensina. A distribuição do polimorfismo genético da enzima de conversão da angiotensina foi: 51,4% de DD; 44,1% de DI; e 4,5% de II. Não se observou nenhuma diferença das características clínicas ou de tratamento entre os grupos. O diâmetro sistólico do ventrículo esquerdo final foi a única variável ecocardiográfica isolada significativamente diferente entre os polimorfismos genéticos da enzima de conversão da angiotensina: 59,2 ± 1,8 para DD versus 52,3 ± 1,9 para DI versus 59,2 ± 5,2 para II (p = 0,029. No seguimento ecocardiográfico, todas as variáveis (diferença entre a fração de ejeção do ventrículo esquerdo da última e da primeira consulta; diferença entre o diâmetro sistólico do ventrículo esquerdo da última e da primeira

  7. Actividad del Sistema Renina-Angiotensina en relación con sus polimorfismos genéticos


    Morcillo Hidalgo, Luis


    La realización del presente estudio sobre sujetos jóvenes y sanos no hipertensos tiene dos objetivos primordiales: El primero es analizar la relación de los polimorfismos de los genes del Sistema Renina-Angiotensina, el M235T del gen del angiotensinógeno, el Inserción/Delección del gen de la ECA y el A1166C del gen del receptor AT1 para la angiotensina II, con los niveles en plasma de angiotensina I, angiotensina II y angiotensina-(1-7), todas sustancias peptídicas activas del sistema E...

  8. Efeitos da angiotensina-I e isquemia na recuperação funcional em corações isolados Effects of angiotensin-I and ischemia on functional recovery in isolated hearts

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    Ubirajara Oliveira de Oliveira


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: A ressuscitação de parada cardíaca pode apresentar disfunção miocárdica determinada pelo tempo da isquemia, e a inibição da enzima conversora de angiotensina (ECA pode reduzir a disfunção cardíaca durante a reperfusão. OBJETIVO: Investigar os efeitos da angiotensina-I e diferentes períodos de isquemia na recuperação funcional em corações de ratos isolados. MÉTODOS: Os corações isolados de ratos Wistar (n = 45; 250-300 g foram submetidos a diferentes períodos de isquemia global (20, 25 ou 30 min e reperfundidos (30 min com o tampão Krebs-Henseleit, ou com a adição de 400 nmol/L de angiotensina-I, ou com 400 nmol/L de angiotensina-I + 100 µmol/L de captopril durante o período de reperfusão. RESULTADOS: A derivada positiva máxima de pressão (+dP/dt max e o produto frequência-pressão foram reduzidos nos corações expostos à isquemia de 25 min (~ 73% e à isquemia de 30 min (~ 80% vs. isquemia de 20 min. A pressão diastólica final do ventrículo esquerdo (PDFVE e a pressão de perfusão (PP foram aumentadas nos corações expostos à isquemia de 25 min (5,5 e 1,08 vezes, respectivamente e à isquemia de 30 min (6 e 1,10 vezes, respectivamente vs. isquemia de 20 min. A angiotensina-I ocasionou uma diminuição no +dP/dt max e no produto frequência-pressão (~ 85-94% em todos os períodos de isquemia e um aumento na PDFVE e na PP (6,9 e 1,25 vezes, respectivamente apenas na isquemia de 20 min. O captopril foi capaz de reverter parcial ou completamente os efeitos da angiotensina-I na recuperação funcional nas isquemias de 20 e 25 min CONCLUSÃO: Os dados sugerem que a angiotensina-II participa direta ou indiretamente no dano pós-isquêmico e que a capacidade de um inibidor da ECA atenuar esse dano depende do tempo de isquemia.BACKGROUND: Cardiac arrest resuscitation can present myocardial dysfunction determined by ischemic time, and inhibition of the angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE can reduce cardiac

  9. Niveles urinarios de angiotensina-(1-7) y angiotensina II en pacientes con estenosis aórtica de importante repercusión hemodinámica


    López-de la Vega,César; Rosas-Peralta,Martín; Lomelí-Estrada,Catalina; Pastelín-Hernández,Gustavo; del Valle-Mondragón,Leonardo


    Objetivo:Reforzar el conocimiento sobre la fisiopatología de la estenosis aórtica. Métodos: Se compararon los niveles urinarios de angiotensina II y angiotensina-(1-7) entre dos muestras: a) 45 pacientes con estenosis aórtica de importante repercusión hemodinámica, sin hipertensión arterial sistémica y con funciones renal y sistólica ventricular izquierda normales; b) grupo de control con 21 voluntarios sin patología cardiovascular. Hipótesis nula: no habría diferencia entre los niveles urina...


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    Helder Louvandini


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    Biometric testicular traits were evaluated on 24 entire male Santa Inês lambs, with mean initial weight of 24.5 kg ± 2.88. These were distributed in four treatments (n=6: HPv (animals drenched + high protein concentrate, HPn: (animals not drenched + high protein concentrate, LPv: (animals drenched + low protein concentrate, LPn: (animals not drenched + low protein concentrate for eight and a half months. Before slaughter testicular measurements were taken <em>in situem>. Scrotal perimeter (SC was measured using tape as well as length (LENG and width (WID using calipers. Testicular shape and volume (using prolate and cylinder equation were calculated. After slaughter the measurements were taken <em>in vitroem>. Real testicle volume (VOLR was measured using water displacement. Length (LENGV and width (WIDV were measured with calipers after skin removal. The testicles were symmetrical and calipers were an accurate means of <em>in situem> measurement of the testicle size. The form of the testicles affected the volume. The average of the prolate sphere and cylinder equations gave the best estimate for real testicle volume. High protein levels in the diet accompanied by antihelminth treatment led to higher body weight in the sheep, this being the main factor for variation in testicle biometric traits.

    KEY WORDS: Shape, sheep, testicle biometry, volume.

    Para avaliar as características biométricas testiculares de carneiros da raça Santa Inês, 24 cordeiros machos, inteiros, com peso médio inicial de 24,5 kg ± 2,88, aos quatro meses de idade, foram distribuídos em quatro tratamentos: APv (animais vermifugados + concentrado com alta proteína, APn (animais não-vermifugados + concentrado com alta proteína, BPv (animais vermifugados + concentrado com baixa proteína, BPn (animais não vermifugados + concentrado com baixa proteína durante 8

  11. Desenvolvimento testicular, espermatogênese e concentrações hormonais em touros Angus Testicular development, spermatogenesis and hormonal concentrations in Angus bulls

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    Gyselle Viana Aguiar


    Full Text Available Este estudo foi realizado com a finalidade de avaliar a evolução das secreções hormonais e do epitélio seminífero em touros da raça Angus de 10 a 38 semanas de idade. Foram castrados 1 a 5 animais em intervalos de quatro semanas (total de 25 touros para coleta de amostras do parênquima testicular e do plasma sanguíneo. As variáveis relacionadas ao crescimento testicular, aos aspectos quantitativos da espermatogênese e aos níveis hormonais foram transformadas em logaritmo e avaliadas por meio de análise de variância. O diâmetro dos testículos e túbulos seminíferos e o peso testicular apresentaram variações mais acentuadas após 26 semanas de idade. A porcentagem do parênquima testicular ocupado pelos túbulos seminíferos aumentou de 49,3 para 75,2% durante o experimento. A maioria dos túbulos (>90% apresentou-se com células de Sertoli somente entre 10 e 14 semanas, mas na 18ª (13,8±1,7% e 22ª semanas (19±1%, o número de túbulos com gonócitos e espermatogônias aumentou em relação às semanas iniciais. Espermatogônias intermediárias e B predominaram na 26ª semana (24,5±8,2% e a porcentagem de túbulos com espermatócitos foi mais elevada na 30ª semana (42,3±9,9%. Espermátides arredondadas foram detectadas partir da 26ª semana e, na 38ª semana, 62,3±1,5% dos túbulos seminíferos continham espermátides alongadas ou maduras. As variações mais acentuadas no crescimento testicular e, principalmente, no peso testicular após as 26 semanas coincidiram com o estabelecimento da meiose, com as alterações morfológicas do núcleo e nucléolo das células de Sertoli (indicativos do processo de diferenciação das mesmas, com os níveis reduzidos de androstenediona e os incrementos significativos de testosterona e estradiol 17beta. As associações entre o crescimento testicular e os níveis de FSH e LH na circulação periférica foram menos evidentes.This study aimed to evaluate changes in hormone secretion

  12. Desenvolvimento corporal e testicular em machos de codornas de corte e de postura de 25 a 360 dias

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    Tatiana C. Santos


    Full Text Available Codornas do tipo carne e tipo ovos foram analisadas para determinar o desenvolvimento reprodutivo, a puberdade e o início da senilidade. Para tal, 288 codornas (144 codornas de corte e 144 de postura foram acompanhadas desde a eclosão até os 360 dias de idade. As aves foram distribuídas por idade em 18 grupos, sendo 8 codornas/grupo/tipo de codorna. Após 35 dias as codornas foram mantidas em condições de fotoperíodo de dias longos (17luz: 7escuro. O peso vivo e os valores morfométricos e histológicos testiculares foram determinados em cada período. Os dados obtidos foram analisados para determinar a curva de crescimento e o comportamento dos parâmetros analisados. O modelo que mais se adequou aos dados foi o modelo não linear de Gompertz (Y=A exp [-B e (-kt]. O peso vivo e as características testiculares macro e microscópicas apresentaram comportamento alométrico entre si, sendo que, aproximadamente aos 60 dias os machos apresentaram-se sexualmente desenvolvidos, e estabilizaram o peso corporal por volta dos 100 dias. O testículo direito é mais cranial que o esquerdo e diferem em relação a comprimento e largura, porém não foi observada diferenças (P>0,05 para peso testicular. As codornas de corte apresentaram peso corporal e peso testicular maiores que as codornas de postura, porém as codornas de postura apresentaram peso relativo testicular maior. Durante todo o período analisado os machos puderam ser considerados sexualmente aptos. Os reprodutores apresentaram características sexuais ativas até os 360 dias de idade, representadas pelo tamanho testicular e pela atividade celular nos túbulos seminíferos.

  13. Adição de Bloqueador do receptor de angiotensina II na insuficiência cardíaca descompensada Adición de bloqueante del receptor de angiotensina II en la insuficiencia cardiaca descompensada Angiotensin II receptor blocker add-on therapy for low cardiac output in decompensated heart failure

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    Marcelo E. Ochiai


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: Durante a descompensação da insuficiência cardíaca, ocorre uma intensa ativação do sistema renina-angiotensina-aldosterona, entretanto, o uso de inibidor da enzima de conversão de angiotensina (IECA não pode bloqueá-lo completamente. De outro modo, a adição de bloqueador do receptor de angiotensina II (BRA pode ser útil quando ocorre a dependência de inotrópico. Avaliamos a eficiência da associação BRA-IECA para retirada da dobutamina na insuficiência cardíaca avançada e descompensada. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a eficácia da associação de bloqueador do receptor AT1 de angiotensina II ao inibidor de enzima de conversão, para a retirada da dobutamina em pacientes com dependência de suporte inotrópico decorrente da descompensação aguda da insuficiência cardíaca crônica. MÉTODOS: Em um estudo caso-controle (N = 24, selecionamos pacientes internados por descompensação da insuficiência cardíaca e com uso por mais de 15 dias de dobutamina, ou uma ou mais tentativas sem sucesso de retirada; dose otimizada de IECA; e FEVE FUNDAMENTO: Durante la descompensación de la insuficiencia cardiaca, ocurre una intensa activación del sistema renina-angiotensina-aldosterona, sin embargo, el empleo de inhibidor de la enzima de conversión de angiotensina (IECA no puede bloquearlo completamente. De otro modo, la adición de bloqueante del receptor de angiotensina II (BRA puede ser útil cuando ocurre la dependencia de inotrópico. Evaluamos la eficiencia de la asociación BRA-IECA para retirada de la dobutamina en la insuficiencia cardiaca avanzada y descompensada. OBJETIVO: Evaluar la eficacia de la asociación de bloqueante del receptor AT1 de angiotensina II al inhibidor de enzima de conversión, para la retirada de la dobutamina en pacientes con dependencia de soporte inotrópico que trascurre de la descompensación aguda de la insuficiencia cardiaca crónica. MÉTODOS: En un estudio caso-control (N = 24, seleccionamos a

  14. Varicocele e volume testicular em adolescentes e adultos jovens portadores de esquistossomose hepatoesplênica cirúrgica

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    Brandt Frederico Teixeira


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar o volume testicular e a prevalência de varicocele em adolescentes e adultos jovens portadores de esquistossomose na forma hepatoesplênica associada a varizes sangrentas de esôfago. MÉTODOS: O estudo envolveu 22 adolescentes masculinos com esquistossomose na forma descrita, submetidos à esplenectomia, ligadura da veia gástrica esquerda e auto-implante de tecido esplênico no grande omento quando crianças. O tempo médio de seguimento foi de 4 anos após a intervenção. O grupo de voluntários sadios foi de adolescentes de uma escola na mesma região onde os casos operados viviam. Eles foram selecionados de forma randomizada, considerando a faixa de idade, características epidemiológicas e não serem infestados por equistossomose. Todos os participantes possuíam história clínica completa e foram submetidos a exame físico e ultra-sonográfico. Foi dado atenção especial as características sexuais, ultra-sonografia testicular e dopplerfluxometria das veias espermáticas. RESULTADOS: Dos pacientes classificados como adultos pela idade cronológica, 53,8% tinham genitais com características infantis. A incidência de varicocele foi igual a 61,5% no grupo afetado e 40% no grupo controle, sem diferença estatística entre os grupos (x 2 =1,77; g.1.=1; p=0,18 3 p Fisher=0,16, acometendo predominantemente o testículo esquerdo, em ambos os grupos. CONCLUSÃO: Pacientes com doença esquistossomótica cirúrgica tinham significante déficit no desenvolvimento puberal e genital, no volume testicular, especialmente do lado esquerdo, e alta prevalência de varicocele (61.5% sem uma associação direta com atrofia testicular.

  15. Precocidade sexual em bovinos Nelore avaliada por ultrassonografia testicular

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    D.J. Cardilli


    Full Text Available The present study aimed to evaluate if there are differences in testicular parenchyma echogenicity between pre-pubescent and pubescent animals at the same age. Ultrasound examinations were performed in longitudinal and transversal planes of the testicles of 111 healthy Nelore bovines, at the ages of nine, 13 and 15 months. The EIV software calculated the echogenicity of the testicular parenchyma, which ranged from 0 (anechoic to 100% (hyperechoic. Animals that had reached puberty at 15 months of age presented higher testicular echogenicity than the animals that had not reached puberty at the same age. These results suggest that testicular ultrasonography can be used as a predictor of sexual precocity.

  16. Detection of testicular cancer in men presenting with infertility Detecção de câncer de testículo em homens com infertilidade

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    Fabio Firmbach Pasqualotto


    Full Text Available PURPOSE: Infertility is one of the less common presenting features associated with testicular tumors. We evaluated the histologic and biochemical findings, and pregnancy outcome in patients presenting with infertility who were found to have testicular tumors. METHODS: Seven patients with infertility were found to have testicular cancer over a 15-year period. All patients had a testicular ultrasound evaluation. The indications for the ultrasound were testicular pain in 2 patients, suspicious palpable mass in 4, and to rule out the presence of germ cell neoplasia in a patient with carcinoma in situ detected on a previous biopsy. Physical exam, histological findings, hormonal levels, tumor markers, and pregnancy outcome results were recorded from the patients medical charts. RESULTS: Two men had elevated serum follicle stimulant hormone and luteinizing hormone levels, 1 of them had an abnormally low serum testosterone level. Tumor markers were normal in all patients. In 4 patients the tumor was on the right side and in 3 on the left. The histological diagnoses were seminoma (n = 5, Leydig cell tumor (n = 1, and carcinoma in situ (n = 1. Of the 7 patients, 5 underwent adjuvant radiation therapy. Two patients had sperm cryopreserved. Follow up on fertility status was available in 6 cases. One patient has established a pregnancy and 5 did not achieve a pregnancy after treatment for their cancer. CONCLUSIONS: Most of the men who have testicular cancer and male infertility have a seminona. Therefore, men who present with infertility should be thoroughly investigated to rule out such serious, concomitant diseases along with their infertility.PROPÓSITO: Infertilidade é um dos padrões incomuns associados com tumores de testículo. Nós avaliamos os achados histológicos, bioquímicos, e gravidez em pacientes com infertilidade nos quais foram detectados tumores de testículo. MÉTODOS: Sete pacientes com infertilidade nos quais câncer de testículo foi

  17. Association of testicular echogenicity, scrotal circumference, testicular volume and testosterone concentration in buffaloes

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    Henry D.M. Ayala


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT. Ayala H.D.M., Ribeiro H.F.L., Rolim Filho S.T., Silva E.V.C. & Vale W.G. Association of testicular echogenicity, scrotal circumference, testicular volume and testosterone concentration in buffaloes. [Associação entre a ecogenicidade, circunferência escrotal, volume testicular e concentração de testosterona em búfalos.] Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinária, 38(4:334-340, 2016. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciencia Animal, Universidade Federal do Pará, Rua Augusto Corrêa 1, Campus Universitário do Guamá, Belém, PA 66075-110, Brazil. E-mail This article aimed to discuss the changes in the testicular parenchyma, analyzed by the use of ultrasonography, and correlates them with the testicular biometric parameters and testosterone concentration in crossed Murrah x Mediterranean buffaloes. Nineteen buffaloes, with initial ages between 11 and 59 months,were submitted to fortnightly collections of semen for a period of six months. At each collection the testicular biometry and testicular echogenicity were evaluated as well as blood samples were also collected to measure the plasma testosterone levels. The data were submitted to analysis of variance by the GLM procedure, considering the age group fixed effect. The average data obtained were compared by the Duncan test, at 5% significance. There was a significant growth (P<0.05 of the scrotal circumference, which varied from 12.88±0.51 cmto 31.18±0.75 cm among animals aged 12 to 60 months, as well as testicular volume, which ranged from 30.28±17.37 to 611.96±38.69 cm³ among the animals. The echogenic intensity of the testicular parenchyma varied in pixels from 78.67±6.36 to 109.24±3.13 in animals aged 12 to 60 months respectively. In the animals with ages between 12 and 19 months was observed levels of testosterone considered being low, whereas in the animals from 20 to 21 months there was a progressive increase in the testosterone levels, which

  18. Inhibición dual de la neprilisina y el receptor de angiotensina II: nueva estrategia prometedora en el tratamiento de la enfermedad cardiovascular

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    Fernando Manzur


    Full Text Available La inhibición de neprilisina y el bloqueo de los receptores de angiotensina II, ofrecen beneficios potenciales para el tratamiento de las enfermedades cardiovasculares. El compuesto LCZ696 es el primer fármaco en fase de estudio como inhibidor de la neprilisina y de los receptores de angiotensina. El aumento de la concentración de los péptidos natriuréticos a través de la inhibición de la neprilisina, representa un enfoque terapéutico que tiene el potencial de conferir protección cardiaca, renal y vascular. Sin embargo, diversos estudios demuestran que los beneficios clínicos de la inhibición de la neprilisina pueden ser mejor aprovechados si se inhibe simultáneamente el sistema renina-angiotensina. Esta revisión realizada en PubMed, tiene como objetivo presentar los avances prometedores en el mecanismo dual de inhibición de la neprilisina y el receptor de angiotensina II para el tratamiento de la hipertensión y la insuficiencia cardiaca.

  19. Testicular arteries systematization based on different levels of scrotal configuration in caprines Sistematização da artéria testicular em caprinos segundo a configuração escrotal

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    Mônica Marco de Almeida


    Full Text Available The objective of this study was to describe the distribution of testicular arterial vessels in caprines with different degrees of scrotal division. Scrotal configurations were classified as follows; Group I: scrotum without bipartition; Group II: scrotum showing a ventral division until the middle of the testis; and, Group III: scrotal separation extended beyond the middle of the testis. A colored vinyl acetate solution was injected into 60 testicular arteries (30 pairs. After, the samples were submitted to corrosion cast method to obtain tubular vascular models for macroscopic analysis. We observed that the testicular arteries emerge from the abdominal aorta, cross the inguinal canal to become coiled and involved by the pampiniform plexus. Close to the caudal extremity of the testis, the arteries become divided in cranial and caudal branches that emit collateral vessels to originate emerging branches. Testicles with intermediate level of scrotal division (group II showed a smaller amount of those branches than the others, being the most populated the ventrolateral and the dorsolateral quadrants. The origin, distribution and localization of the testicular arteries did not show any differences related to the degree of scrotal division in caprines.O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar a distribuição dos vasos arteriais nos testículos em caprinos com diferentes graus de divisão escrotal. A configuração escrotal foi classificada da seguinte forma: Grupo I: constituído por caprinos com escroto único, Grupo II: com escroto separado até a metade do testículo e Grupo III: com separação escrotal estendendo-se além da metade do testículos. As artérias foram injetadas e coradas com solução de acetado de vinil, sendo os orgãos (30 pares submetidos à corrossão para obtenção dos moldes vasculares. As artérias testiculares emergem da aorta abdominal, com trajeto retilíneo, atravessam o canal inguinal, apresentam-se espiraladas e

  20. A regeneração hepática e os inibidores da enzima conversora da angiotensina

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    Fernando Silva Ramalho


    Full Text Available No presente estudo, o autor aborda conceitos fundamentais acerca do fenômeno regenerativo hepático, seguido de alguns aspectos importantes relacionados ao sistema calicreína-cininas. A associação entre os inibidores da enzima conversora da angiotensina, a bradicinina e a regeneração hepática é discutida à luz de estudos recentes, que revelam um papel estimulante das cininas sobre a proliferação hepatocelular. Os inibidores da enzima conversora da angiotensina, extremamente utilizados no tratamento clínico da hipertensão arterial sistêmica, da insuficiência cardíaca congestiva e da nefropatia diabética, também são capazes de favorecer a regeneração hepática.

  1. Testicular microlithiasis and testicular cancer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Malene Roland; Rafaelsen, Søren Rafael; Møller, Henrik


    Purpose To perform a systematic literature review to assess whether the occurrence of testicular microlithiasis (TML) in conjunction with other risk factors is associated with testicular cancer. Methods A systematic literature search was performed of original articles in English published 1998...... In total, 282 abstracts in were identified. Based on title and abstract the eligibility was assessed and 31 studies were included. Five conditions in relation to TML and testicular cancer emerged: Down syndrome, McCune–Albright syndrome, cryptorchidism, infertility and familial disposition of testicular...... cancer. Conclusion Data support the conclusion that TML is not an independent risk factor for testicular cancer but associated with testicular cancer through other conditions. In male infertility, TML appears to be related to an increased risk of testicular cancer possibly as part of a testicular...

  2. Testicular Microlithiasis: Is It Associated with Testicular Cancer? (United States)

    ... Is there a link between testicular microlithiasis and testicular cancer? Answers from Erik P. Castle, M.D. Testicular microlithiasis (tes-TIK-yoo- ... studies show a relationship between testicular microlithiasis and testicular cancer. However, it remains unclear whether having testicular microlithiasis ...

  3. Inhibidores de la enzima de conversión de la angiotensina en el tratamiento de la hipertensión arterial

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    Alfredo Vázquez Vigoa


    Full Text Available Se presenta una revisión actualizada de la función de los inhibidores de la enzima de conversión de angiotensina (IECA en el tratamiento del paciente hipertenso. Se explica el mecanismo de acción de dichos fármacos, basado en el bloqueo de la generación de angiotensina II y en el incremento de péptidos vasodilatadores (bradiquinina, efectos que logran tanto a nivel del sistema renina-angiotensina circulante, como sobre el sistema renina-angiotensina hístico. Se resalta su utilidad en el paciente diabético hipertenso, donde aumenta la sensibilidad a la insulina y evita la aparición de nefropatía diabética. Se discute el impacto de los IECA sobre la regresión de la hipertrofia ventricular izquierda y su valor en la cardiopatía isquémica. Se concluye que los IECA constituyen una opción eficaz en el paciente hipertenso con normalización de las cifras de tensión arterial en el 60 % de los casos.An updated review of the function of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEI in the treatment of hypertensive patient is set forth. The mechanism of the action of such drugs, based on the blocking of II angiotension generation and the increase of vasodilatador peptides (bradichinin, and their effects on both the circulating renin- -angiotensin system and the hystic renin-angiotensin system are explained. Their usefulness for treating hypertensive diabetic patient is underline since they invease sensitivity to insuline and prevent diabetic nephropathy. The impact of ACEI on regression of left ventricular hypertrophy and their importance in ischemic heart disease are discussed. It is concluded that ACEI are an effective alternative for hypertensive patient treatment because they help to normalize blood presure in 60 % of cases.

  4. Testicular cancer (United States)

    ... Germ cell tumor; Seminoma testicular cancer; Nonseminoma testicular cancer; Testicular neoplasm ... Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier Saunders; 2014:chap 86. National Cancer Institute. PDQ testicular cancer treatment. Updated February 17, 2016. www.cancer. ...

  5. Tratamento medicamentoso da insuficiência cardíaca em hospital terciário de São Paulo

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    Barretto Antonio Carlos Pereira


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Verificar como são tratados pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca (IC em hospital terciário de São Paulo. MÉTODOS: Analisados 100 pacientes com IC, em tratamento ambulatorial, com idade média de 56,8 anos, sendo 76 homens. Todos realizaram estudo ecocardiográfico, que identificou diâmetros ventriculares entre 48 e 89mm (média 65,9 e fração de ejeção (FE entre 0,22 e 0,59 (média 0,43. A etiologia da disfunção ventricular (DV foi isquêmica em 42 casos, cardiomiopatia dilatada em 28, secundária à valvopatia em 12, doença de Chagas em 10 e cardiomiopatia hipertensiva em 8. Analisou-se a terapêutica prescrita, se continha inibidores da enzima conversora de angiotensina (IECA e qual a sua dosagem. Foi analisado, também, se a etiologia ou o grau de DV tinha influência na prescrição. RESULTADOS: Oitenta e sete pacientes receberam IECA, sendo que em 31 a dose foi inferior à preconizada nos grandes estudos. Digoxina foi prescrita em 69 casos, diuréticos em 85 e ácido acetilsalicílico em 33. Dividindo os pacientes em dois grupos, com FE maior e menor que 0,45, observamos que, no último, foi maior a prescrição de IECA (91,5% vs 80,4% e maior o uso de doses adequadas (61% vs 48,7%. CONCLUSÃO: A maioria dos pacientes foi tratada conforme recomendações atuais, apresentando boa tolerabilidade para IECA, contudo 1/3 deles não usou IECA em dose considerada adequada. Esquemas terapêuticos com betabloqueadores e inibidores da angiotensina II não fizeram parte da prática clínica rotineira.

  6. Testicular Cancer Screening (United States)

    ... undescended testicle) is a risk factor for testicular cancer. Testicular cancer is a disease in which malignant (cancer) ... Testicular Cancer Treatment for more information about testicular cancer. Testicular cancer is the most common cancer in men ...

  7. Actividad y expresión de enzimas convertidoras de angiotensina en neoplasias renales


    Varela González, Pedro


    146 p. En el presente trabajo de tesis doctoral se realizó un análisis de 3 enzimas convertidoras de angiotensina (ACE, ACE2 y APA) en diferentes histotipos de neoplasias renales. Su objetivo fue conocer la implicación de estas enzimas en la carcinogénesis renal, en el desarrollo de los diferentes histotipos y en el comportamiento agresivo de estos tumores.Mediante diferentes técnicas (PCR, inmunohistoquímica, espectrofluorimetría, espectrofotometría) se analizó la expresión génica y proté...

  8. Testicular microlithiasis and testicular cancer: review of the literature. (United States)

    Pedersen, Malene Roland; Rafaelsen, Søren Rafael; Møller, Henrik; Vedsted, Peter; Osther, Palle Jörn


    To perform a systematic literature review to assess whether the occurrence of testicular microlithiasis (TML) in conjunction with other risk factors is associated with testicular cancer. A systematic literature search was performed of original articles in English published 1998 to 2015. Relevant studies were selected by reading the title and abstract by two of the authors. Studies were included if TML was diagnosed by ultrasonography and a risk condition was reported. Studies were only eligible if the particular risk condition was reported in more than one article. In total, 282 abstracts in were identified. Based on title and abstract the eligibility was assessed and 31 studies were included. Five conditions in relation to TML and testicular cancer emerged: Down syndrome, McCune-Albright syndrome, cryptorchidism, infertility and familial disposition of testicular cancer. Data support the conclusion that TML is not an independent risk factor for testicular cancer but associated with testicular cancer through other conditions. In male infertility, TML appears to be related to an increased risk of testicular cancer possibly as part of a testicular dysgenesis syndrome.

  9. Efeito de agentes anti-hipertensivos sobre as células estreladas durante a regeneração hepática em ratos

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    Ramalho Fernando S.


    Full Text Available O efeito de um inibidor da enzima conversora da angiotensina (lisinopril, de um antagonista do receptor da angiotensina II (losartan e da bradicinina na população de células estreladas (CE durante o fenômeno regenerativo hepático foi estudado. Ratos machos Wistar receberam lisinopril, losartan, bradicinina ou solução salina em volumes proporcionais, intraperitonealmente, antes e após hepatectomia parcial a 70% (HP. Cinco animais de cada grupo experimental e controle foram sacrificados sob anestesia com éter em 36 horas após a HP. A população de CE marcadas para alfa-actina de músculo liso foi estimada nas zonas periportal e pericentral das amostras hepáticas. A população de CE foi menor no grupo tratado com losartan, e maior nos grupos tratados com bradicinina e lisinopril que no grupo controle. Estes resultados sugerem que o losartan pode inibir, e a bradicinina e o lisinopril podem estimular a população de CE durante a regeneração hepática em ratos.

  10. Qualidade do sêmen de touros das raças Aberdeen Angus e Brangus-Ibagé em frente à degeneração testicular experimental induzida por dexametasona Bulls semen quality of Aberdeen Angus and Brangus-Ibagé breeds after experimental testicular degeneration induced by dexamethasone

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    Marilise Mesquita Horn


    Full Text Available Foi administrada dexametasona para indução de degeneração testicular experimental em touros de uma raça taurina pura (Aberdeen Angus e de sua sintética derivada (Brangus-Ibagé. O objetivo deste estudo foi o de averiguar a diferença de sensibilidade na função gametogênica em frente à degeneração experimental. Para tal, foram avaliados os aspectos físicos e morfológicos do sêmen. Os dados obtidos foram analisados considerando o dia de coleta e genótipo. Os resultados revelaram que os dois grupos raciais comportaram-se semelhantemente ao longo das coletas. A despeito do número de animais empregados, o uso da degeneração testicular experimental possibilitou evidenciar que não há diferença entre as duas raças quanto à intensidade da degeneração e tempo necessário para o restabelecimento do quadro espermático normal.Testicular degeneration was induced by dexamethasone injection in bulls from a European breed Aberdeen Angus and a derived synthetic crossbreed (Brangus-Ibagé. Aiming to investigate differential sensibility on gametogenic function in these genotypes, physical and morphological semen characteristics were evaluated. The data analysed considered the day of the semen samples and the breed. Our results reveal that both breeds behave similarly during the experimental period. Even considering the number of bulls used in this experiment, the employed methodology gives no evidence of any difference between breeds, intensity of degeneration or time required to the reestablishment of normal sperm frequencies after experimental induction of testicular degeneration.

  11. Ativação da enzima conversora de angiotensina no coração após infarto do miocárdio e suas repercussões no remodelamento ventricular

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    Mill José Geraldo


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Determinar as alterações de atividade da enzima conversora de angiotensina (ECA no coração com infarto do miocárdio (IM e comparar os efeitos do captopril e losartan em parâmetros morfológicos e funcionais de ratos com IM. MÉTODOS: O IM foi produzido em ratos Wistar por ligadura de ramos da artéria coronária esquerda. Os controles (Con foram submetidos a uma cirurgia fictícia. Animais com IM e Con foram tratados com captopril (30mg/kg/dia ou losartan (15mg/kg/dia e estudados 30 dias após, determinando-se a atividade da ECA nos ventrículos direito (VD e esquerdo (VE, as alterações hemodinâmicas e as concentrações de hidroxiprolina (OH-Pro e proteína total no VD e VE. RESULTADOS: A atividade da ECA aumentou no VD (+25% e VE (+70% após IM. A maior atividade foi observada na cicatriz fibrótica, onde atingiu cerca de 4,5 vezes a do músculo do VE que sobreviveu ao IM (420±68 vs 94±8nmoles/g/min; P<0,01. O IM determinou aumento da pressão diastólica final e hipertrofia do VD e VE. Captopril e losartan foram igualmente eficazes em atenuar a hipertrofia e o aumento da pré-carga. O captopril também atenuou o aumento de OH-Pro no VD e VE após IM. O IM reduziu a concentração de proteína principalmente no músculo de VE, efeito esse acentuado pelo captopril. CONCLUSÃO: A grande atividade da ECA na cicatriz deve produzir altas concentrações de angiotensina II (AII no sangue que drena da cicatriz. Os efeitos dos inibidores da ECA seriam decorrentes, principalmente, da redução de geração local de AII, e não de aumento de cininas, uma vez que captopril e losartan exerceram efeitos similares no remodelamento pós-infarto.

  12. Teaching about Testicular Cancer and Testicular Self-examination. (United States)

    Marty, Phillip J.; McDermott, Robert J.


    Because testicular cancer is one of the most commonly diagnosed cancers in young men, it is important that they become informed about it. This paper reviews the pathology and epidemiology of testicular cancer, the technique of testicular self-examination, and some suggestions for teaching about this subject. (Authors/JMK)

  13. Intra-Abdominal Testicular Seminoma in a Woman with Testicular Feminization Syndrome

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    Darshana D. Rasalkar


    Full Text Available We report a case of intra-abdominal testicular tumor in a 36-year-old married lady presenting with chief complaints of primary amenorrhea. The patient was later diagnosed with testicular feminization syndrome, a form of male pseudohermaphroditism. This testicular tumor was histologically proven as seminoma. Due to rarity, imaging findings in patients with testicular feminization syndrome and intraabdominal testicular tumor have been poorly documented. So far, only one case report had described the combined role of CT and MR imaging in intraabdominal testicular sex-cord stromal tumor. To our knowledge, this case is first to document USG and MR imaging in addition to MR spectroscopy features in intraabdominal testicular seminoma.

  14. Comparison of Tissue Stiffness Using Shear Wave Elastography in Men with Normal Testicular Tissue, Testicular Microlithiasis and Testicular Cancer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Malene Roland; Møller, Henrik; Osther, Palle Jørn Sloth


    Objectives: To compare elastography measurements in men with normal testicular tissue, testicular microlithiasis and testicular cancer. Methods: A total of 248 consecutive patients were included. All men provided written informed consent. Testicular stiffness was assessed using shear wave...... elastography (SWE). Three SWE velocity measurements were assessed in each testicle. The patients were divided into three groups; men with normal testicular tissue (n=130), men with testicular microlithiasis (n=99) and men with testicular cancer (n=19). Results: We found a higher mean velocity in the group...... of patients with testicular cancer (1.92 m/s (95% CI 1.82-2.03)) compared to both the group with normal tissue (0.76 m/s (95% CI: 0.75-0.78)) (ptesticular microlithiasis 0.79 m/s (95% CI: 0.77-0.81) (ptesticular microlithiasis increased stiffness...

  15. Testicular Microlithiasis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Malene Roland Vils; Osther, Palle Jørn Sloth; Sørensen, Flemming Brandt


    factors (testicular atrophy (N=1) and previous testicular cancer (N=4)), but no cases of testicular malignancy were found in the follow-up period. Conclusion: The low patient compliance conflicts with the ESUR Scrotal Imaging Subcommittee guidelines that recommend scrotal US follow-up annually for TML...

  16. Escores de cloaca e de crista e morfometria testicular em galos de matriz pesada com 71 semanas de idade e três categorias de peso corporal

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    C.A. Rezende


    Full Text Available Em galos de matriz pesada, o peso dos testículos se associa positivamente com a produção diária de espermatozoides e com a fertilidade. Contudo, os testículos de aves se localizam na cavidade abdominal, não sendo acessíveis para exame andrológico como os testículos de mamíferos. A avaliação reprodutiva de galos de matriz pesada é subjetiva e se baseia em características como peso corporal (PC, qualidade de pés e pernas e morfologia de cloaca e crista. Estudos que validem o potencial de associação dessas características fenotípicas com parâmetros da morfometria testicular são raros, principalmente quando se consideram galos de matriz pesada manejados em lotes comerciais. Escores de cloaca e de crista e parâmetros da morfometria testicular foram avaliados em galos Cobb 500 Slow adultos das categorias de PC leve (<4,300kg, médio (entre 4,300 e 5,250kg e pesado (≥5,250kg. O coeficiente de variação para PC foi de 12%. Os galos da categoria de PC pesado apresentaram testículos mais pesados e maiores escores de cloaca e de crista do que os galos da categoria de PC leve. Não houve diferença estatística entre as categorias de PC, considerando-se índice gonadossomático, porcentagens de túbulo seminífero e de tecido intersticial, diâmetro de túbulo seminífero e altura de epitélio seminífero. Correlação positiva, moderada e significativa foi observada entre peso de testículo e características de PC, escores de cloaca e de crista, diâmetro de túbulo seminífero e altura de epitélio seminífero. Um dos seis galos da categoria de PC leve avaliados quanto à histologia de testículo apresentou atrofia testicular. Em galos Cobb 500 Slow, conclui-se que o PC influencia o peso e a qualidade histológica de testículos e que os escores de cloaca e de crista podem ser utilizados com potencial moderado de predição para identificar galos com baixo peso de testículos.

  17. Morfometria testicular de cabritos alimentados com óleo de licuri (Syagrus coronata

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    L.P. Barbosa


    Full Text Available Determinou-se o desenvolvimento testicular de caprinos pré-púberes alimentados com óleo de licuri (Syagrus coronata na dieta. Foram utilizados 19 cabritos ¾ Boer, recém-desmamados, com média de idade de três meses. Os animais, submetidos a um período de 75 dias de confinamento, receberam alimentação composta por: farelo de milho, farelo de soja, feno picado de tifton 85 e de óleo de licuri com base na matéria seca. Os animais foram distribuídos em quatro grupos: sem lipídio adicional (n= 5; com 1,5% de óleo de licuri (n= 5; com 3,0% de óleo de licuri (n= 5; e com 4,5% de óleo de licuri (n= 4. As avaliações de peso corporal e de biometria testicular foram realizadas quinzenalmente. Após o período de confinamento, os animais foram abatidos para determinação do peso dos testículos, peso dos epidídimos e índice gonadossomático. A adição de óleo de licuri em até 4,5% na dieta de caprinos pré-púberes não alterou o desenvolvimento testicular com base nas características da biometria e morfometria testicular, indicando que a inclusão de até 4,5% de óleo de licuri na dieta pode ser utilizada.

  18. Uso de Intervenções Baseadas em Evidências na Síndrome Coronária Aguda – Subanálise do Registro ACCEPT

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    Ricardo Wang


    Full Text Available Fundamento: As diretrizes baseiam-se em evidências para pautar suas recomendações; apesar disso, há uma lacuna entre o recomendado e a prática clínica. Objetivo: Descrever a prática de prescrição de tratamentos com indicação baseada em diretrizes para pacientes com síndrome coronariana aguda no Brasil. Métodos: Foi realizada uma subanálise do registro ACCEPT, na qual foram avaliados os dados epidemiológicos e a taxa de prescrição de ácido acetilsalicílico, inibidores P2Y12, antitrombóticos, betabloqueadores, inibidores da enzima conversora de angiotensina/bloqueadores AT1 e estatinas. Além disso, avaliou-se a qualidade da reperfusão coronariana no infarto com supradesnivelamento do segmento ST. Resultados: Foram avaliados 2.453 pacientes. As taxas de prescrição de ácido acetilsalicílico, inibidores de P2Y12, antitrombóticos, betabloqueadores, inibidores da enzima conversora de angiotensina/bloqueadores AT1 e estatinas foram, respectivamente, de 97,6%, 89,5%, 89,1, 80,2%, 67,9%, 90,6%, em 24 horas, e, respectivamente, de 89,3%, 53,6, 0%, 74,4%, 57,6%, 85,4%, em 6 meses. Com relação ao infarto com supradesnivelamento do segmento ST, somente 35,9% e 25,3% dos pacientes foram submetidos a angioplastia primária e trombólise, respectivamente, nos tempos recomendados. Conclusão: Este registro mostrou altas taxas de prescrição inicial de antiplaquetários, antitrombóticos e estatina, bem como taxas mais baixas de betabloqueadores e de inibidores da enzima conversora de angiotensina/bloqueadores AT1. Independentemente da classe, todos apresentaram queda do uso aos 6 meses. A maioria dos pacientes com infarto com supradesnivelamento do segmento ST não foi submetida a reperfusão coronariana no tempo recomendado.

  19. Recovery of testicular blood flow following ligation of testicular vessels

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pascual, J.A.; Villanueva-Meyer, J.; Salido, E.; Ehrlich, R.M.; Mena, I.; Rajfer, J.


    To determine whether initial ligation of the testicular vessels of the high undescended testis followed by a delayed secondary orchiopexy is a viable alternative to the classical Fowler-Stephens procedure, a series of preliminary experiments were conducted in the rat in which testicular blood flow was measured by the 133-xenon washout technique before, and 1 hour and 30 days after ligation of the vessels. In addition, testicular histology, and testis and sex-accessory tissue weights were measured in 6 control, 6 sham operated and 6 testicular vessel ligated rats 54 days after vessel ligation. The data demonstrate that ligation and division of the testicular blood vessels produce an 80 per cent decrease in testicular blood flow 1 hour after ligation of the vessels. However, 30 days later testis blood flow returns to the control and pre-treatment value. There were no significant changes in testis or sex-accessory tissue weights 54 days after vessel ligation. Histologically, 4 of the surgically operated testes demonstrated necrosis of less than 25 per cent of the seminiferous tubules while 1 testis demonstrated more than 75 per cent necrosis. The rest of the tubules in all 6 testes demonstrated normal spermatogenesis. From this study we conclude that initial testicular vessel ligation produces an immediate decrease in testicular blood flow but with time the collateral vessels are able to compensate and return the testis blood flow to its normal pre-treatment value. These preliminary observations lend support for the concept that initial ligation of the testicular vessels followed by a delayed secondary orchiopexy in patients with a high undescended testis may be a possible alternative to the classical Fowler-Stephens approach

  20. Qualidade do sêmen de touros das raças Aberdeen Angus e Brangus-Ibagé em frente à degeneração testicular experimental induzida por dexametasona


    Horn,Marilise Mesquita; Moraes,José Carlos Ferrugem; Galina,Carlos Salvador


    Foi administrada dexametasona para indução de degeneração testicular experimental em touros de uma raça taurina pura (Aberdeen Angus) e de sua sintética derivada (Brangus-Ibagé). O objetivo deste estudo foi o de averiguar a diferença de sensibilidade na função gametogênica em frente à degeneração experimental. Para tal, foram avaliados os aspectos físicos e morfológicos do sêmen. Os dados obtidos foram analisados considerando o dia de coleta e genótipo. Os resultados revelaram que os dois gru...

  1. Testicular cancer and male infertility. (United States)

    Paduch, Darius A


    Testicular cancer and infertility affect a similar age group of patients and have common biologic, epidemiologic, and environmental backgrounds. In this review, we provide current literature on links between infertility and testicular cancer, and new developments in the management of testicular cancer aimed at improving quality of life in men with testicular cancer. In-utero environmental exposure to endocrine disruptors modulates the genetically determined fate of primitive gonad and results in testicular dysgenesis syndrome, which may result in infertility and testicular cancer. Excellent response of testicular cancer to radiation and chemotherapy results in over 90% of survival and quality of life--fertility and sexual function--is of significant concern to patients and clinicians. The testicular-sparing management of testicular masses emerges as a sound alternative to radical orchiectomy and allows for preservation of spermatogenesis and hormonal function, and at the same time achieving similar survival rates. Secondary malignancies, pulmonary, and cardiovascular complications are recognized as late complications of treatment for testicular cancer. Better understanding of common mechanisms involved in infertility and testicular cancer, and scientifically driven evidence-based treatment options should improve quality of life in young men faced with this potentially life-threatening disease.

  2. Hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular system following testicular X-irradiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Verjans, H.L.; Eik-Nes, K.B.


    Testes of adult, male rats were exposed to a total dose of 1500 R of X-irradiation. Testicular weight decreased from day 8 after X-ray treatment. This decrease was, however, precded by an increment of the testis weight on day 4 following treatment. X-ray treatment of testes was associated with significant increase in serum FSH. Testicular irradiation had, however, no effect on ventral prostate and seminal vesicles weights. Serum testosterone increased only on day 1, 2 and 4 after irradiation, while serum LH levels tended to increase from day 8 post-irradiation. These changes were not significant, however, when compared with non-irradiated controls. At 7, 13 and 20 days following 1500 R of bilateral, testicular X-irradiation, the hypothalamic-pituitary unit was still capable of responding to exogenous gonadotrophin releasing factor. Serum FSH may in male rats be regulated at least partly by circulating steroids of testicular origin and partly by an unknown factor of non-interstitial cell nature. (author)

  3. Testicular calculus: A rare case. (United States)

    Sen, Volkan; Bozkurt, Ozan; Demır, Omer; Tuna, Burcin; Yorukoglu, Kutsal; Esen, Adil


    Testicular calculus is an extremely rare case with unknown etiology and pathogenesis. To our knowledge, here we report the third case of testicular calculus. A 31-year-old man was admitted to our clinic with painful solid mass in left testis. After diagnostic work-up for a possible testicular tumour, he underwent inguinal orchiectomy and histopathologic examination showed a testicular calculus. Case hypothesis: Solid testicular lesions in young adults generally correspond to testicular cancer. Differential diagnosis should be done carefully. Future implications: In young adults with painful and solid testicular mass with hyperechogenic appearance on scrotal ultrasonography, testicular calculus must be kept in mind in differential diagnosis. Further reports on this topic may let us do more clear recommendations about the etiology and treatment of this rare disease.

  4. Studies of testicular function after treatment for testicular tumor, 1

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Furuhata, Akihiko; Ogawa, Katsuaki; Hosaka, Masahiko; Sugawara, Toshimichi.


    Recently, the treatment for testicular tumor has improved. Preservation of testicular function in the treatment of testicular tumor is important, because the majority of the patients are young. We investigated the testicular function of patients with testicular tumor before, during and after treatment. As a part of this study, the fertility of patients with testicular tumor before and after treatment was evaluated. 1. Fourteen of 78 married patients (18 %) showed sterility for two or more years before treatment. 2. When semen was examined in 31 patients before treatment, only seven patients (23 %) showed normal sperm counts of more than 40 x 10 6 /ml, and 19 (61.3 %) showed oligospermia or azoospermia with sperm counts of less than 10 x 10 6 /ml. 3. Of 20 patients who underwent retroperitoneal lymphnode dissection, 15 developed ejaculation deficiency. Four other patients also developed ejaculation deficiency but recovered, and three of them rendered their wives pregnant. 4. Of 23 patients given radiotherapy, nine produced children both before and after treatment, nine produced children before treatment but showed sterility after treatment, and five showed sterility both before and after treatment. 5. Examination of semen was performed in 17 patients given radiotherapy and in five given chemotherapy. Many patients developed oligospermia or azoospermia after the treatments, but revealed a tendency to recover with time. Based on the results mentioned above, it is inferred that the ability to produce sperm in patients with testicular tumor after treatment decreases but the decrease tends to recover to normal with time. (author)


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    Renée Laufer Amorim


    Full Text Available

    Little has been explored about testicular and epidi-dymal changes in dogs in different Brazilian regions and their influence on canine fertility, mainly in mongrel dogs. This study was performed to verify the prevalence of testicular and epididymal histopathological changes in mongrel adult dogs from São João da Boa Vista (SP region, as well as the frequency according to animal size and occurrence of simultaneous testicular and epididymal lesions. The use of mongrel dogs was based on the fact that it is the most common breed in the Brazilian canine popula-tion. Testicles and epipidymis were obtained from 60 adult dogs, between 3 and 6 years old, in castration campaign and sorted to in small breed (28 animals, medium breed (28 animals and large breed (14 animals. Histopathological evaluation of the 120 testicles showed 107 cases of degeneration, 89 of tubular atrophy, 16 of hipoplasia, 6 of orchitis, 3 leydig cell tumor, 2 normal tissue, one sertolli cell tumor and one case of edema. In the epididymal evaluation, 55 were considered normal, 36 inflammatory, 22 papillary hyperplasia, 14 degenerations, 12 cribriform hyperplasia, 3 cases of fibrosis, one edema, one adeno-miosis and one spermatic granuloma. Testicular and epididymal lesions were more frequents in medium and large breeds. Cribriform epididymal hyperplasia was observed and papillary epididymal hyperplasia for papillary epithe-lial projections with normal morphology in the lumen was proposed.

    Key-words: Dog, epididym, testicle. histopathological alterations.

    A ocorrência de alterações testiculares e epididi-márias em cães nas diferentes regiões do país, assim como a influência delas sobre a fertilidade da espécie são ainda pouco exploradas, especialmente de cães sem raça definida (SRD. Neste estudo buscou-se determinar a prevalência das alterações histopatológicas testiculares e epididimárias nos

  6. Histological evidence of testicular dysgenesis in contralateral biopsies from 218 patients with testicular germ cell cancer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hoei-Hansen, Christina E; Holm, Mette; Rajpert-De Meyts, Ewa


    This study was prompted by a hypothesis that testicular germ cell cancer may be aetiologically linked to other male reproductive abnormalities as a part of the so-called 'testicular dysgenesis syndrome' (TDS). To corroborate the hypothesis of a common association of germ cell cancer with testicular...... dysgenesis, microscopic dysgenetic features were quantified in contralateral testicular biopsies in patients with a testicular germ cell tumour. Two hundred and eighty consecutive contralateral testicular biopsies from Danish patients with testicular cancer diagnosed in 1998-2001 were evaluated...... presenting with testicular germ cell neoplasms of the adolescent and young type. The findings therefore support the hypothesis that this cancer is part of a testicular dysgenesis syndrome. The presence of contralateral carcinoma in situ was higher in the present study than previously reported....

  7. Relação do sistema renina angiotensina aldosterona com as respostas cardiovasculares ao exercício


    Karla Fabiana Goessler


    O exercício físico, seja de forma aguda ou de forma crônica, pode ocasionar modificações cardiovasculares. Tais modificações podem ter relações com o sistema renina angiotensina aldosterona (SRAA) e o entendimento sobre esse tema ainda necessita de maiores investigações. Dessa forma, os objetivos do presente trabalho foram: 1) verificar por meio de uma revisão sistemática da literatura a influência dos componentes e dos polimorfismos do SRAA, nas alterações da pressão arterial (PA) promovidas...

  8. Testicular cancer trends as 'whistle blowers' of testicular developmental problems in populations

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Skakkebaek, N E; Rajpert-De Meyts, Ewa; Jørgensen, N


    Recently a worldwide rise in the incidence of testicular germ cell cancer (TGCC) has been repeatedly reported. The changing disease pattern may signal that other testicular problems may also be increasing. We have reviewed recent research progress, in particular evidence gathered in the Nordic...... countries, which shows strong associations between testicular cancer, undescended testis, hypospadias, poor testicular development and function, and male infertility. These studies have led us to suggest the existence of a testicular dysgenesis syndrome (TDS), of which TGCC, undescended testis, hypospadias...... in TGCC rates of a population may be 'whistle blowers' of other reproductive health problems. As cancer registries are often of excellent quality - in contrast to registries for congenital abnormalities - health authorities should consider an increase in TGCC as a warning that other reproductive health...

  9. A Meta-Analysis of the Relationship between Testicular Microlithiasis and Incidence of Testicular Cancer. (United States)

    Wang, Tao; Liu, LuHao; Luo, JinTai; Liu, TaiSheng; Wei, AnYang


    There are many recent observational studies on testicular microlithiasis (TM) and risk of testicular cancer. Whether TM increases the risk of testicular cancer is still inconclusive. The objective of this updated meta-analysis was to synthesize evidence from clinical observational studies that evaluated the association between TM and testicular cancer. We identified eligible studies by searching the PubMed, Embase and Cochrane Library before March 2014. Adjusted relative risks (RR) with 95% confidence interval (CI) were calculated using random-or fixed-model. A total of 14 studies involving 35,578 participants were included in the meta-analysis. On the basis of the Newcastle Ottawa Scale systematic review, eleven studies were identified as relatively high-quality. TM was strong association with an increased incidence of testicular cancer (RR = 12.70, 95% CI: 8.18-19.71, P testicular cancer. More researches are warranted to clarify an understanding of the association between TM and risk of testicular cancer.

  10. Testicular microlithiasis in patients with testicular cancer in the United Kingdom and in Denmark

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Malene Roland; Horsfield, Catherine; Foot, Oliver


    INTRODUCTION: Testicular cancer is the most common type of cancer in young Caucasian men. It has been suggested that testicular microlithiasis (TML) is a premalignant condition. This study's objective was to investigate TML histology prevalence in testicular cancer patients in two European...... populations. METHODS: We analysed archived histopathology orchiectomy specimens from 152 patients diagnosed with testicular cancer at Fredericia Hospital in Denmark from 2004 to 2014, and 106 patients diagnosed at St Thomas' Hospital in London from 2011 to 2015. RESULTS: The Danish patients' median age was 37...... in seminomas than in non-seminomas.
 CONCLUSIONS: The English testicular cancer patients had a statistically significantly higher TML prevalence than the Danish patients. This observation questions the hypothesised biological association between TML and testicular 
cancer. FUNDING: The Region of Southern...

  11. Testicular Cancer—Patient Version (United States)

    Testicular cancer most often begins in germ cells (cells that make sperm). It is rare and is most frequently diagnosed in men 20-34 years old. Most testicular cancers can be cured, even if diagnosed at an advanced stage. Start here to find information on testicular cancer treatment, screening, and statistics.

  12. Testicular cancer update. (United States)

    Adra, Nabil; Einhorn, Lawrence H


    The advances seen in the treatment of testicular cancer are among the great achievements in modern medicine. These advances were made possible by the collaborative efforts of cancer researchers around the world. Investigators have been able to address many questions regarding the treatment of patients with disease limited to the testis, those with metastasis to the retroperitoneum only, and those with advanced metastatic disease. Questions answered include the chemotherapeutic agents to be used and in what combinations, the proper intensity of treatment and appropriate dosing, the optimal number of cycles of chemotherapy according to validated risk stratification, appropriate surgical approaches that preserve sexual function, the treatment of relapsed disease, what supportive care measures to take, and survivorship issues following treatment of testicular cancer. Today, cure is achievable in 95% of all patients with testicular cancer and 80% of those who have metastatic disease. Despite remarkable results with frontline and salvage combination chemotherapy, metastatic testicular cancer remains incurable in approximately 10% of patients, and novel treatment approaches are warranted. This review highlights past and recent discoveries in the treatment of patients with testicular cancer.

  13. Testicular self-examination and testicular cancer: a cost-utility analysis. (United States)

    Aberger, Michael; Wilson, Bradley; Holzbeierlein, Jeffrey M; Griebling, Tomas L; Nangia, Ajay K


    The United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) has recommended against testicular self-examinations (TSE) or clinical examination for testicular cancer screening. However, in this recommendation there was no consideration of the significant fiscal cost of treating advanced disease versus evaluation of benign disease. In this study, a cost-utility validation for TSE was performed. The cost of treatment for an advanced-stage testicular tumor (both seminomatous and nonseminomatous) was compared to the cost of six other scenarios involving the clinical assessment of a testicular mass felt during self-examination (four benign and two early-stage malignant). Medicare reimbursements were used as an estimate for a national cost standard. The total treatment cost for an advanced-stage seminoma ($48,877) or nonseminoma ($51,592) equaled the cost of 313-330 benign office visits ($156); 180-190 office visits with scrotal ultrasound ($272); 79-83 office visits with serial scrotal ultrasounds and labs ($621); 6-7 office visits resulting in radical inguinal orchiectomy for benign pathology ($7,686) or 2-3 office visits resulting in treatment and surveillance of an early-stage testicular cancer ($17,283: seminoma, $26,190: nonseminoma). A large number of clinical evaluations based on the TSE for benign disease can be made compared to the cost of one missed advanced-stage tumor. An average of 2.4 to 1 cost benefit ratio was demonstrated for early detected testicular cancer versus advanced-stage disease. © 2014 The Authors. Cancer Medicine published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  14. Testicular germinal tumors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fresco, R.


    This work is about diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of testicular germinal tumors. The presumed diagnosis is based in the anamnesis, clinical examination, testicular ultrasound and tumor markers. The definitive diagnosis is obtained through the inguinal radical orchidectomy

  15. Morfometria testicular durante o ciclo reprodutivo de Dendropsophus minutus (Peters (Anura, Hylidae Testicular morphometry during the reproductive cycle of Dendropsophus minutus (Peters (Anura, Hylidae

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    Lia R. de S. Santos


    Full Text Available Este estudo descreve o ciclo reprodutivo de machos de Dendropsophus minutus (Peters, 1872 com base na análise da morfometria testicular e a correlação com parâmetros climáticos. Cinqüenta indivíduos foram coletados em São José do Rio Preto, São Paulo. Após as análises macroscópicas, os testículos foram encaminhados à rotina histológica, fixados com Bouin e incluídos em historesina. Cortes de 2 µm foram corados com azul de toluidina 1% e observados ao microscópio. Testículos de D. minutus são órgãos pequenos (comprimento 1,90 ± 0,13 mm, esbranquiçados, com forma oval e encontrados na cavidade abdominal. Estão localizados na extremidade cranial dos rins e apresentam assimetria quanto a sua posição. Estatisticamente não há variação intra-individual no comprimento e no peso dos testículos, bem como na área e diâmetro dos lóculos seminíferos. Quanto à histologia testicular, foi possível identificar ao longo do ano nos lóculos seminíferos, todos os tipos celulares da linhagem espermatogênica, caracterizando uma gametogênese contínua, corroborada por fatores ecológicos e comportamentais. Informações sobre a morfometria testicular e ciclo reprodutivo tem importante valor biológico para anuros de regiões neotropicais.This study describes the male reproductive cycle of Dendropsophus minutus (Peters, 1872 based on testicular morphometric analysis, related to climatic conditions. Fifty individuals where collected in São José do Rio Preto, São Paulo. After macroscopic analysis, the testes were submitted to histological routine, fixed with Bouin, embedded in historesin. Sections of 2 µm were stained with 1% toluidine blue and observed to the microscope. The testes of D. minutus are small organs (length 1.90 ± 0.13 mm, whitish, oviform and found in the abdominal cavity. They are located in the cranial extremity of the kidneys and present asymmetry as far as position. According to statistical analyses, there

  16. Análise da atividade da enzima conversora da angiotensina na hipertrofia aguda do ventrículo direito em modelo experimental de estenose endovascular ajustável do tronco pulmonar

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    RABELLO Renato Rocha


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: A bandagem do tronco pulmonar (TP tem sido aplicada para treinamento do ventrículo esquerdo (VE em pacientes portadores de transposição das grandes artérias (TGA com septo íntegro. Este procedimento, além de apresentar alta morbi-mortalidade, pode ocasionar alterações da função ventricular a longo prazo. Com o objetivo de analisar a hipertrofia aguda do ventrículo direito (VD, foi implantado um cateter balão no TP de seis cabritos jovens. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: A sobrecarga sistólica foi aplicada através de insuflações progressivas do balão, durante 96 horas. Esta hipertrofia foi acompanhada por medidas hemodinâmicas diárias, através de cateteres implantados na aorta, VD e TP, além de ecocardiogramas seriados a cada 24 horas, com medidas das espessuras do septo interventricular e dos ventrículos. Ao final das 96 horas, os animais foram mortos para remoção dos corações. Os ventrículos e o septo foram pesados separadamente. Foram colhidas biópsias musculares de cada câmara para análise da atividade da enzima conversora da angiotensina (ECA. Oito cabritos (idade e peso semelhantes foram utilizados como controle para os pesos dos ventrículos e para a atividade da ECA. RESULTADOS: Observou-se um aumento do gradiente VD/TP (p=0,001, com conseqüente aumento da razão VD/VE (p=0,005 durante o tempo de sobrecarga sistólica. Ao fim do protocolo, a parede livre do VD apresentou aumento de espessura (p=0,002 e, conseqüentemente, um aumento do peso indexado (p=0,002. A análise da atividade da ECA revelou aumento somente no músculo do VD hipertrofiado (p=0,002. CONCLUSÃO: O cateter balão foi eficiente em induzir a hipertrofia aguda do VD através do protocolo utilizado. Conseqüentemente, um aumento expressivo da atividade da ECA está associado ao processo de hipertrofia miocárdica induzida por sobrecarga pressórica.

  17. Public awareness of testicular cancer and testicular self-examination in academic environments: a lost opportunity

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    Henry A. A. Ugboma


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Although testicular cancer is the most common cancer among 18- to 50-year-old males, healthcare providers seldom teach testicular self-examination techniques to clients, thus potentially missing opportunities for early detection. This form of cancer is easily diagnosable by testicular self-examination and is 96% curable if detected early. Periodic self-examination must be performed for early detection. Knowledge deficits and sociocultural norms contribute to low levels of health-related knowledge in most patients, resulting in undue delays before seeking medical advice. OBJECTIVE: Our aim is to assess the level of awareness of testicular cancer and the prevalence of the practice of testicular self-examination in academic environments to enable appropriate interventions. METHOD: A cross-sectional survey was administered to 750 consecutive males aged 18-50 years in three tertiary institutions in Port Harcourt from October 2008 to April 2009. RESULT: Knowledge or awareness of testicular cancer was poor. Almost all of the respondents were unaware that testicular lumps may be signs of cancer. A lump was typically construed as a benign carbuncle or something that could resolve spontaneously. The main factor contributing to respondents' lack of knowledge of testicular cancer was that few reported that they were "ever taught about testicular self-examination." CONCLUSION: Young adult men are unaware of their risk for testicular cancer, which is the most common neoplasm in this age group. Healthcare providers are not informing them of this risk, nor are they teaching them the simple early detection technique of self-examination of the testes.

  18. Testicular growth and development in puberty. (United States)

    Koskenniemi, Jaakko J; Virtanen, Helena E; Toppari, Jorma


    To describe pubertal testicular growth in humans, changes in testicular cell populations that result in testicular growth, and the role of testosterone and gonadotrophins follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) in testicular growth. When human data were not available, studies in nonhuman primates and/or rodents were used as surrogates. Testicular growth in puberty follows a sigmoidal growth curve, with a large variation in timing of testicular growth and adult testicular volume. Testicular growth early in puberty is due to increase in Sertoli cell number and length of seminiferous tubules, whereas the largest and fastest growth results from the increase in the diameter of the seminiferous tubules first due to spermatogonial proliferation and then due to the expansion of meiotic and haploid germ cells. FSH stimulates Sertoli cell and spermatogonial proliferation, whereas LH/testosterone is mandatory to complete spermatogenesis. However, FSH and LH/testosterone work in synergy and are both needed for normal spermatogenesis. Testicular growth during puberty is rapid, and mostly due to germ cell expansion and growth in seminiferous tubule diameter triggered by androgens. Pre-treatment with FSH before the induction of puberty may improve the treatment of hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, but remains to be proven.

  19. Varicocele and testicular function

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    Alexander W Pastuszak


    Full Text Available Testicular varicocele, a dilation of the veins of the pampiniform plexus thought to increase testicular temperature via venous congestion, is commonly associated with male infertility. Significant study has clarified the negative impact of varicocele on semen parameters and more recent work has shed light on its detrimental effects on the molecular and ultrastructural features of sperm and the testicular microenvironment, as well as more clearly defined the positive impacts of treatment on couples′ fertility. The relationship between varicocele and testicular endocrine function, while known for some time based on histologic evaluation, has become more apparent in the clinical setting with a growing link between varicocele and hypogonadism. Finally, in the pediatric setting, while future study will clarify the impact of varicocele on fertility and testicular function, recent work supports a parallel effect of varicocele in adolescents and adults, suggesting a re-evaluation of current treatment approaches in light of the progressive nature of the condition and potential increased risk of future disease.

  20. Pigmentação testicular em Physalaemus nattereri (Steindachner (Amphibia, Anura com observações anatômicas sobre o sistema pigmentar extracutâneo Testicular pigmentation in Physalaemus nattereri (Steindachner (Amphibia, Anura with anatomical observations on the extracutaneous pigmentary system

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    Classius de Oliveira


    Full Text Available O presente estudo foi realizado com o intuito de relatar a ocorrência e morfologia de células pigmentares viscerais constituintes do "sistema pigmentar extracutâneo" em Physalaemus nattereri (Steindachner, 1863 (Leptodactylidae. Foram utilizados dez exemplares machos para a análise macroscópica e obtenção de fragmentos testiculares incluídos em resina e corados com H/E. Os anuros, dentre outros animais exotérmicos, possuem células especiais, os melanócitos, que se caracteriza por intensa pigmentação e sintetiza melanina, além de melanomacrófagos, que se caracteriza por atividade fagocítica e muitas vezes apresentam intensa pigmentação. A nomenclatura destas células não é consensual e, por isso, várias denominações são apresentadas, principalmente nos seguintes órgãos: fígado (como sinônimo de células de Kupffer, rins, baço e menos freqüentemente em outras localizações, com os termos - células pigmentares, células pigmentares extracutâneas, macrófagos pigmentados, melanomacrófagos, melanófagos, melanóforos e melanócitos. Para os anuros os estudos são recentes e relatam células pigmentares em poucas espécies. Em Physalaemus nattereri e alguns anuros, os pigmentos melânicos são encontrados, além da cútis, em outros órgãos constituindo um sistema pigmentar extracutâneo, com diferentes ocorrências, tipos e quantidade em distintas espécies. Associados ao aparelho reprodutor de P. nattereri, os melanócitos foram observados nas gônadas, na albugínea e no interstício, especialmente associado com vasos sangüíneos. A notória presença de numerosas células com pigmento distribuídas no testículo confere uma coloração que varia do preto mesclado com branco ao preto intenso. Trata-se de uma rara peculiaridade e não há informações sobre seu significado funcional ou valor biológico.The testes in the anurans are paired ovoid organs constituted by seminiferous structures surrounded by the

  1. Ipsilateral testicular necrosis and atrophy after 1,080-degree torsion of the spermatic cord in rats Necrose e atrofia do testículo ipsilateral após torção de 1080 graus do cordão espermático em ratos

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    Frederico Ramalho Romero


    Full Text Available PURPOSE: To assess the incidence of testicular necrosis/atrophy immediately after 1 to 4 hours of 1,080-degree torsion of the spermatic cord, and 60 days after detorsion of the spermatic cord. METHODS: 42 rats were divided in 7 groups. Except for the control group, surgical torsion of the right spermatic cord was performed in all groups (T0. After 1, 2, or 4 hours of torsion, each group underwent either ipsilateral orchiectomy (groups OT1, OT2, and OT4, or detorsion of the spermatic cord and observation for 60 days (groups DT1, DT2, and DT4, before they were evaluated for the presence of testicular necrosis/atrophy. RESULTS: Only one rat (5.5% in groups OT1, OT2, and OT4 had testicular necrosis, in comparison with six rats (33.3% in groups DT1, DT2, and DT4 (p=0.04. The incidence of testicular necrosis/atrophy was not different between subgroups T1, T2, and T4, and the control group (p>0.05. There was, however, a tendency toward greater incidence of necrosis/atrophy in the rats in group DT4. CONCLUSION: The incidence of testicular necrosis/atrophy immediately after 1 to 4 hours of 1,080-degree torsion of the spermatic cord is 5.5%, in comparison with 33.3% sixty days after detorsion of the spermatic cord.OBJETIVO: Avaliar a incidência de necrose/atrofia testicular imediatamente após 1 a 4 horas de torção de 1080 graus do cordão espermático e 60 dias após a destorção do cordão espermático. MÉTODOS: 42 ratos foram separados em 7 grupos. Exceto para o grupo controle, todos os animais foram submetidos à torção operatória do cordão espermático direito (T0. Após 1, 2 ou 4 horas de torção, cada grupo foi submetido a orquiectomia ipsilateral (grupos OT1, OT2 e OT4, ou destorção do cordão espermático e observação por 60 dias (grupos DT1, DT2 e DT4, antes de serem avaliados para a presença de necrose/atrofia testicular. RESULTADOS: Somente um rato (5,5% nos grupos OT1, OT2 e OT4 apresentou necrose testicular em comparação com

  2. Epidemiology of testicular cancer: an overview. (United States)

    Garner, Michael J; Turner, Michelle C; Ghadirian, Parviz; Krewski, Daniel


    Testicular cancer is a rare disease, accounting for 1.1% of all malignant neoplasms in Canadian males. Despite the low overall incidence of testicular cancer, it is the most common malignancy among young men. The incidence rate of testicular cancer has been increasing since the middle of the 20th century in many western countries. However, the etiology of testicular cancer is not well understood. A search of the peer-reviewed literature was conducted to identify important articles for review and inclusion in this overview of the epidemiology of testicular cancer. Most of the established risk factors are related to early life events, including cryptorchidism, carcinoma in situ and in utero exposure to estrogens. Occupational, lifestyle, socioeconomic and other risk factors have demonstrated mixed associations with testicular cancer. Although there are few established risk factors for testicular cancer, some appear to be related to hormonal balance at various life stages. Lifestyle and occupational exposures occurring later in life may play a role in promoting the disease, although they are not likely involved in cancer initiation. In addition to summarizing the current epidemiologic evidence on risk factors for testicular cancer, we suggest future research directions that may elucidate the etiology of testicular cancer.

  3. Testicular biopsy in psittacine birds (Psittaciformes): impact of endoscopy and biopsy on health, testicular morphology, and sperm parameters. (United States)

    Hänse, Maria; Krautwald-Junghanns, Maria-Elisabeth; Reitemeier, Susanne; Einspanier, Almuth; Schmidt, Volker


    Histologic examination of a testicular biopsy sample may be required to evaluate the reproductive status of male psittacine birds. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the viability of testicular sampling from live birds by assessing the impact on the birds' health, testicular integrity, and sperm quality. Testicular biopsy samples were obtained by endoscopy 4 times during 12 months from 9 cockatiels (Nymphicus hollandicus) and 7 rose-ringed parakeets (Psittacula krameri). Only 2 of 16 birds showed testicular cicatrization or divided testicular tissue after a single endoscopy. Further complications, such as damage to the air sacs or bleeding, predominantly occurred in subsequent endoscopies. In both species, endoscopy and testicular biopsy caused only minor or transient effects on sperm production and sperm quality. These results support that a single testicular biopsy is a viable method for evaluating the reproductive status of male psittacine birds.

  4. Primary Testicular B-cell Lymphoma

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aykut Buğra Şentürk


    Full Text Available Primary testicular lymphoma constitutes only 1-7% of all testicular neoplasms and less than 1% of all non-Hodgkin lymphoma. We report a 69-year-old man who presented with a painful right testicular mass. Treatment modalities consist of surgical excision, chemotherapy and radiation therapy, however there are no standardized treatment options.

  5. Intermittent Testicular Torsion

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Jun 2, 2017 ... had prior episodes of testicular pain, suggesting that they may have had intermittent torsion before .... None of the patients had antecedent history of sexual exposure, fever, or urinary tract infection .... torsion of the spermatic cord portends an increased risk of acute testicular infarction. J Urol 2008;180 4 ...

  6. Testicular Cancer and Testicular Self-Examination; Knowledge, Attitudes and Practice in Final Year Medical Students in Nigeria (United States)

    Ugwumba, Fred O; Ekwueme, Osa Eloka C; Okoh, Agharighom D


    The testicular cancer (TCa) incidence is increasing in many countries, with age-standardized incidence rates up to 7.8/100,000 men in the Western world, although reductions in mortality and increasingly high cure rates are being witnessed at the same time. In Africa, where rates are lower, presentation is often late and morbidity and mortality high. Given this scenario, awareness of testicular cancer and practice of testicular self-examination among future first response doctors is very important. This study was conducted to determine knowledge and attitude to testicular cancer, and practice of testicular self-examination (TSE) among final (6th) year medical students. In addition, the effect of an intervention in the form of a single PowerPoint® lecture, lasting 40 minutes with image content on testicular cancer and testicular self examination was assessed. Pre and post intervention administration of a self-administered structured pre tested questionnaire was performed on 151 medical students, 101 of whom returned answers (response rate of 66.8%). In the TC domain, there was a high level of awareness of testicular cancer, but poor knowledge of the age group most affected, with significant improvement post intervention (ptesticular self-examination pre-intervention was found considering the nature of the study group..Respondents had surprisingly weak/poor responses to the question “How important to men’s health is regular testicular self-examination?” Answers to the questions “Do you think it is worthwhile to examine your testis regularly?” and “Would you be interested in more information on testicular cancer and testicular self-examination?” were also suboptimal, but improved post intervention ptesticular cancer in the curricula of medical schools and other training institutions for health care personnel. Creative Commons Attribution License

  7. Testicular Torsion (For Parents) (United States)

    ... Parents Kids Teens Hernias Ultrasound: Scrotum Undescended Testicles Male Reproductive System PQ: I have a lump on one of ... to Do a Testicular Self-Exam (Slideshow) Varicocele Male Reproductive System Testicular Torsion View more About Us Contact Us ...

  8. Cryopreservation of testicular tissue before long-term testicular cell culture does not alter in vitro cell dynamics

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Baert, Yoni; Braye, Aude; Struijk, Robin B.; van Pelt, Ans M. M.; Goossens, Ellen


    To assess whether testicular cell dynamics are altered during long-term culture after testicular tissue cryopreservation. Experimental basic science study. Reproductive biology laboratory. Testicular tissue with normal spermatogenesis was obtained from six donors. None. Detection and comparison of

  9. Hipotensão arterial em cirurgia de revascularização do miocárdio: influência dos inibidores da enzima conversora de angiotensina Hipotensión arterial en cirugía de revascularización del miocardio: influencia de los inhibidores de la enzima conversora de angiotensina Arterial hypotension in myocardial revascularization surgery: influence of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Míriam Gomes Jordão


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Os inibidores da enzima conversora da angiotensina (IECA são drogas muito utilizadas em estados hipertensivos e insuficiência cardíaca. Seu uso prolongado pode acarretar instabilidade hemodinâmica com episódios hipotensivos durante a indução anestésica. O objetivo deste estudo é comparar a incidência de hipotensão arterial em pacientes cronicamente tratados com IECA com pacientes não tratados com IECA, quando submetidos à anestesia para cirurgia de revascularização do miocárdio. MÉTODO: Participaram do estudo 50 pacientes, estado físico ASA II, III e IV, divididos em dois grupos: Grupo 1 - pacientes tratados com IECA por mais de dois meses e Grupo 2 - pacientes que não fazem uso de IECA. Os parâmetros avaliados foram pressão arterial média (PAM, freqüência cardíaca (FC, sendo anotados os menores valores da PAM e FC verificados em diferentes períodos da anestesia, e análise do segmento ST em D II e V5. Durante a CEC, foi determinada a resistência vascular sistêmica. RESULTADOS: A incidência de hipotensão arterial em pacientes anestesiados em uso de IECA foi maior do que no grupo controle em vários períodos da anestesia, mas principalmente na indução anestésica. Neste grupo foi necessário o uso de dopamina por tempo mais prolongado. Dos 26 pacientes tratados previamente com IECA, 23% necessitaram de drogas para correção da hipotensão desde a indução até a CEC e 19,1% em outros períodos da anestesia, perfazendo um total de 42,3%. No grupo controle nenhum paciente necessitou infusão contínua de drogas para aumentar a pressão arterial sistêmica, da indução até a CEC. Porém, 21% dos pacientes deste grupo necessitaram dopamina ou araminol em um ou mais períodos da anestesia. CONCLUSÕES: Neste estudo, os pacientes tratados com IECA, por tempo prolongado, apresentam maior incidência de hipotensão arterial na indução anestésica, necessitando, com maior freqüência, de

  10. Histological evidence of testicular dysgenesis in contralateral biopsies from 218 patients with testicular germ cell cancer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hoei-Hansen, Christina E; Holm, Mette; Rajpert-De Meyts, Ewa


    dysgenesis, microscopic dysgenetic features were quantified in contralateral testicular biopsies in patients with a testicular germ cell tumour. Two hundred and eighty consecutive contralateral testicular biopsies from Danish patients with testicular cancer diagnosed in 1998-2001 were evaluated...... retrospectively. Two hundred and eighteen specimens were subsequently included in this study, after 63 patients who did not meet inclusion criteria had to be excluded. The presence of carcinoma in situ (which is believed to originate from transformed gonocytes) was detected in 8.7% of biopsies. The incidence...... patients, areas with immature and morphologically distorted tubules were also noted. Spermatogenesis was qualitatively normal in 51.4%, whereas 11.5% had very poor or absent spermatogenesis. It is concluded that microscopic testicular dysgenesis is a frequent feature in contralateral biopsies from patients...

  11. Impalpable Testicular Seminoma Identified on Sonoelastography

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    Eric M. Ghiraldi


    Full Text Available The role of sonoelastography in diagnosing cancerous masses has increased since the advent of elastography as an ultrasound modality. Its ability to display differences in the mechanical properties of cancerous masses compared to normal surrounding tissue has shown benefit in increasing the accuracy of diagnosing malignant breast and thyroid masses and has shown early potential in accomplishing better targeted prostate biopsies. To date, the literature is limited in the number of studies describing the use of sonoelastography for testicular masses. We describe a 34-year-old man who presented with an incidental finding of an impalpable hypoechoic testicular mass on grayscale ultrasound during an infertility work-up. Sonoelastography was performed displaying intermediate testicular elastic properties. Upon frozen section of the mass during surgical exploration, classic testicular seminoma was diagnosed and subsequent radical orchiectomy was performed. We would like to use this atypical presentation of testicular seminoma to review the potential role of elastography for diagnosing testicular cancer.

  12. Guidelines on testicular cancer

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Albers, Peter; Albrecht, Walter; Algaba, Ferran; Bokemeyer, Carsten; Cohn-Cedermark, Gabriella; Horwich, Alan; Klepp, Olbjoern; Laguna, M. Pilar; Pizzocaro, Giorgio


    To up-date the 2001 version of the EAU testicular cancer guidelines. A non-structured literature review until January 2005 using the MEDLINE database has been performed. Literature has been classified according to evidence-based medicine levels. Testicular cancer is a highly curable disease.

  13. Acute testicular ischemia caused by incarcerated inguinal hernia. (United States)

    Orth, Robert C; Towbin, Alexander J


    Acute testicular ischemia caused by an incarcerated inguinal hernia usually affects infants. There are few reports of diagnosis using US, and the effect of long-standing reducible hernias on testicular growth in infants and children is unknown. The objectives of this study were to determine the incidence of testicular ischemia secondary to an incarcerated inguinal hernia at scrotal sonography and to determine the effect on testicular size at diagnosis. A hospital database was used to locate scrotal sonography examinations documenting an inguinal hernia, and images were reviewed for signs of testicular ischemia. Testicular volumes were compared using the Wilcoxon signed rank test. A total of 147 patients were identified with an inguinal hernia (age 1 day to 23 years, average 6 years). Ten patients (6.8%) had associated testicular ischemia (age 3 weeks to 6 months, average 9 weeks) and showed a statistically significant increase in ipsilateral testicular size compared to the contralateral testicle (P = 0.012). Patients without testicular ischemia did not show a significant difference in testicular size, regardless of patient age. An incarcerated inguinal hernia should be considered as a cause of acute testicular ischemia in infants younger than 6 months of age.

  14. Efeitos da atividade física de intensidades variadas em ratos com hipertensão renovascular 2R1CL


    Soares, Everton Rocha


    VII Na hipertensão arterial (HA) ocorre uma inabilidade dos neurônios do bulbo ventrolateral caudal (CVLM) em contrabalancear o aparente aumento da atividade dos neurônios do bulbo ventrolateral rostral (RVLM). Além disso, o aumento da atividade do sistema renina angiotensina (SRA) representa uma importante alteração hormonal que leva à hipertensão, por aumentar o tônus vasomotor simpático e prejudicar a função barorreflexa. A atividade física (AF) de baixa e moderada intensidade tem sido usa...

  15. Testicular dysgenesis syndrome and the estrogen hypothesis: a quantitative meta-analysis A síndrome da disgenesia testicular e a hipótese do estrogênio: uma meta-análise quantitativa

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Olwenn Martin


    Full Text Available Male reproductive tract abnormalities such as hypospadias and cryptorchidism, and testicular cancer have been proposed to comprise a common syndrome together with impaired spermatogenesis with a common etiology resulting from the disruption of gonadal development during fetal life, the testicular dysgenesis syndrome (TDS. The only quantitative summary estimate of the link between prenatal exposure to estrogenic agents and testicular cancer was published over 10 years ago; other reviews of the link between estrogenic compounds, other than the potent pharmaceutical estrogen diethylstilbestrol (DES, and TDS end points have remained inconclusive. We conducted a quantitative meta-analysis of the association between the end points related to TDS and prenatal exposure to estrogenic agents. Inclusion in this analysis was based on mechanistic criteria, and the plausibility of an estrogen receptor (ER-α-mediated mode of action was specifically explored. Eight studies were included, investigating the etiology of hypospadias and/or cryptorchidism that had not been identified in previous systematic reviews. Four additional studies of pharmaceutical estrogens yielded a statistically significant updated summary estimate for testicular cancer. Results of the subset analyses point to the existence of unidentified sources of heterogeneity between studies or within the study population.Sugeriu-se que anomalias do trato reprodutivo masculino como hipospádia e criptorquidismo, assim como o câncer de testículo, componham uma síndrome comum com diminuição da espermatogênese, e de etiologia comum, a interrupção do desenvolvimento gonadal na fase fetal, a síndrome de disgenesia testicular (SDT. O único levantamento quantitativo da relação entre exposição pré-natal a agentes estrogênicos e câncer de testículo data de mais de dez anos; outras revisões da relação entre compostos estrogênicos diferentes do potente estrogênio sint

  16. Testicular Microlithiasis: Case Report and Literature Review

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    Savić Goran


    Full Text Available Testicular microlithiasis is a condition characterized by the ultrasonographic findings with multiple microliths, with the prevalence of 0.6% to 9%. This is a condition of unknown etiology; however, in many cases it may be associated with cryptorchidism, Klinefelter syndrome, Down syndrome, varicocele, testicular torsion and male pseudohermaphroditism. Many retrospective studies point to the association between testicular microlithiasis and testicular cancer.

  17. Familial testicular cancer and developmental anomalies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ondrus, D.; Kuba, D.; Chrenova, S.; Matoska, J.


    Familial occurrence belongs to factors followed in etiology and pathogenesis of testicular germ-cell tumors. Association with abnormal testicular development, or with other risk factors is relatively frequent. In our material 650 patients had been treated for testicular cancer in the period of 1981-1995. Familial occurrence was observed 7-times (1.08), most frequently in combination with cryptorchidism. Individual families were analyzed in details, including HLA typing. On basis of the observations the supplementation of initial examination of each patient with suspicious testicular cancer with detailed familiar history aimed also at the occurrence of urogenital developmental anomalies and tumors has been recommended. The knowledge about familial tumor occurrence in the first-degree relatives in combination with thorough testicular self-examination is being considered of great importance in the secondary prevention. (author)

  18. Association of Torsion With Testicular Cancer: A Retrospective Study. (United States)

    Uguz, Sami; Yilmaz, Sercan; Guragac, Ali; Topuz, Bahadır; Aydur, Emin


    Testicular torsion is a medical emergency that usually requires surgical exploration. However, testicular malignancy has been anecdotally reported with the association of torsion in surgical specimens, and the published data remain scant on the association of torsion with testicular tumors. By retrospective medical record review, we identified 32 patients who had been diagnosed with testicular torsion, 20 of whom had undergone orchiectomy. Of these 20 patients, 2 were diagnosed with a malignancy. Our study, the largest case series to date, has shown an association between testicular torsion and testicular cancer of 6.4%. Testicular torsion is a medical emergency that usually requires surgical exploration. However, testicular malignancy has been anecdotally reported in association with torsion in surgical specimens. However, the published data remain scant on the association between torsion and the presence of testicular tumors. The present retrospective study explored the association between torsion and testicular cancer in patients with testicular torsion undergoing orchiectomy during scrotal exploration. A medical record review was performed of patients who had had a diagnosis of testicular torsion from January 2003 to February 2015. The clinicopathologic characteristics of the patients were recorded. A total of 32 patients were identified. Their mean age was 21.1 years (range, 7-39 years). All the patients had unilateral testicular torsion, which affected the left side in 17 and the right side in 15. Manual detorsion was successful in 6 patients, and 26 patients underwent emergency surgery with testicular detorsion (6 fixation surgery and 20 orchiectomy). The type of incision was scrotal in 6, inguinal in 10, and unspecified in 4. Pathologic examination of the orchiectomy specimens showed malignancy in 2 cases (seminoma and malign mixed germ cell tumor). To the best of our knowledge, the present single-center case series is the largest case series to date of

  19. Metachronous Testicular Cancer After Orchiectomy: A Rare Case. (United States)

    Arda, Ersan; Cakiroglu, Basri; Cetin, Gizem; Yuksel, Ilkan


    Testicular cancer represents approximately 1% of all cancers diagnosed in males. The prevalence of bilateral testicular germ cell tumor cases varies from 1% to 5%. Intratubular germ cell neoplasia (ITGCN) is a precursor for almost all testicular germ cell tumors (TGCT) and is one of the highest risks of developing contralateral testicular cancer. The radical orchiectomy is still preferred for the treatment of testicular cancer. However, in some cases like solitary testis, bilateral cancer or if the tumor size is under 30% percent of the testicular extent, organ-sparing surgery can be an option. There are just a few published reports of metachronous contralateral testicular cancer, developed after orchiectomy with the histopathology of the intratubular germ cell neoplasia.

  20. Testicular biopsy in prepubertal boys

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Faure, Alice; Bouty, Aurore; O'Brien, Mike


    No consensus exists regarding the precise role of testicular biopsy in prepubertal boys, although it is considered useful for assessing the potential consequences of undescended testes on fertility. Current scientific knowledge indicates that surgeons should broaden indications for this procedure...... for the preservation of fertility after gonadotoxic chemotherapy - even for prepubertal boys - are emerging. Cryopreservation of testicular tissue samples for the preservation of fertility - although still an experimental method at present - is appealing in this context. In our opinion, testicular biopsy...

  1. Testicular Cancer—Health Professional Version (United States)

    Most testicular cancers are germ cell tumors. Germ cell tumors are divided into seminomas and nonseminomas. Nonseminomas tend to grow and spread more quickly than seminomas. Find evidence-based information on testicular cancer treatment, screening, and statistics.

  2. General Information about Testicular Cancer (United States)

    ... tumor markers are used to detect testicular cancer: Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP). Beta-human chorionic gonadotropin (β-hCG). Tumor ... tumor markers are used in staging testicular cancer : Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) Beta-human chorionic gonadotropin (β-hCG). Lactate ...

  3. Inguinal metastases from testicular cancer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Daugaard, Gedske; Karas, Vladimir; Sommer, Peter


    To evaluate the incidence of inguinal metastases in patients with testicular cancer and relapse after initial stage I disease.......To evaluate the incidence of inguinal metastases in patients with testicular cancer and relapse after initial stage I disease....

  4. Testicular Pain Associated With Minocycline Use


    Kucherov, Victor; Hulbert, William; Wu, Guan


    Two males ages 16 and 23 years presented with new testicular pain while taking minocycline. Both patients experienced resolution of their symptoms only after minocycline discontinuation. Testicular pain with minocycline use has been previously described, however only in the setting of systemic autoimmune reactions (which were absent here). These cases represent probable rare adverse reactions to minocycline. For patients taking minocycline who experience otherwise unexplained testicular pain,...

  5. Estudo anatômico e morfométrico dos folículos testiculares de algumas espécies de Triatominae (Hemiptera: Reduviidae Anatomic and morphometric studies of testicular follicles of some species of Triatominae

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Teresa Cristina M. Gonçalves


    Full Text Available Os folículos testiculares nas ordens dos insetos, vêm demonstrando papel relevante sob o ponto de vista da Sistemática e Filogenia. Nos triatomíneos, os folículos testiculares são em número de sete, sendo que o comprimento e a espesura variam consideravelmente entre os gêneros, e pouco entre as espécies. Verificou-se que em Rhodnius spp existem dois folículos longos e grossos e cinco curtos e fuinnos; em Triatoma spp existem dois longos e finos, dois médios e grossos e três curtos e finos; e em Panstrongylus spp existem sete aproximadamente iguais. Através das medições do comprimento dessas estruturas, evidenciou-se que os valores das médias e desvios padrão das médias, foram muito próximos entre as espécies do mesmo gênero, tornando-se inviável estabelecer limites que pudessem caracterizá-las. Em busca de resultados mais precisos, fizeram-se comparações interespecíficas através da análise de variância: entre as diferentes espécies do mesmo gênro (comparação simultânea; entre cada duas espécies do mesmo gênro (comparação aos pares; e entre espécies iguais de procedência diferentes. Os resultados obtidos não demostraram possibilidades de utilização na Sistemática, contudo foram promissores no que concerne à Filogenia, desde que seja observado um número maior de espécies.The testicular follicle in the varous insect orders, has given evidence of relevance from the point of view of Systematics ans Phylogeny. In the triatomines, the testicular follicles are in number of seven, their lenght and thickness ranging considerabley between the genera and with less variation between the species. It was observed that in Rhodnius spp there exist two long and thick follicles and five short and thin; in Triatoma spp there extist two long and thick, two medium and thick and three short and thin; and in Panstrongylus spp seven, almost identical. Through the measurements of length of these structures, it was observed

  6. Testicular dysgenesis syndrome

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Skakkebaek, N E; Rajpert-De Meyts, E; Main, K M


    Numerous reports have recently focused on various aspects of adverse trends in male reproductive health, such as the rising incidence of testicular cancer; low and probably declining semen quality; high and possibly increasing frequencies of undescended testis and hypospadias; and an apparently...... summarizes existing evidence supporting a new concept that poor semen quality, testis cancer, undescended testis and hypospadias are symptoms of one underlying entity, the testicular dysgenesis syndrome (TDS), which may be increasingly common due to adverse environmental influences. Experimental...

  7. An Uncommon Presentation of a Metachronous Testicular Primary Nonseminoma and Seminoma Separated by Two Decades and a Testicular Cancer Literature Review

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dennis Andrew Buck


    Full Text Available Introduction: Testicular cancer is the most common malignancy in men aged 15–40 years [Bols et al.: Philadelphia, Wolters Kluwer, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2011]. Its incidence comprises 0.8% of all male cancers worldwide, with a mortality rate of 0.1%. The incidence has nearly doubled from 1975 to 2007 leading to the concern of environmental causes [Thomas: Am J Epidemiol 2013; 178: 1240–1245]. Testicular cancer presents as a painless testicular mass without transillumination. Testicular cancer is subcategorized under germ cell testicular cancer or sex cord-stromal tumors. Of the germ cell tumors, approximately 90% originate in the testis, with the other 10% being extragonadal [Bols et al.: Philadelphia, Wolters Kluwer, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2011]. Typically, if a patient presents with a testicular mass and is 50 years old or older, the diagnosis of a primary lymphoma is considered until proven otherwise [Bols et al.: Philadelphia, Wolters Kluwer, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2011]. Germ cell testicular cancer is further divided into the subtypes of seminomatous and nonseminomatous; each presents with a unique histology and differing treatment implications. Discussion: Given the uniqueness of our patient’s metachronous second testicular primary, we sought to compare our case findings to available historic publications. We sought to address the issues of the incidence of a second primary testicular malignancy with regard to varying histology, age of incidence, and timing of a second primary testicular cancer, the presence of bowel involvement, and finally a brief discussion of testosterone replacement therapy. Conclusion: A review of our case presents several unique factors. The above varying literature has shown our patient to have met the odds of a contralateral testicular primary development in that he had a nonseminomatous primary, followed by a second testicular primary seminoma. Our patient exceeded the 15-year

  8. An Uncommon Presentation of a Metachronous Testicular Primary Nonseminoma and Seminoma Separated by Two Decades and a Testicular Cancer Literature Review. (United States)

    Buck, Dennis Andrew; Smith, Tristan Dean; Montana, Wilbur Nelson


    Testicular cancer is the most common malignancy in men aged 15-40 years [Bols et al.: Philadelphia, Wolters Kluwer, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2011]. Its incidence comprises 0.8% of all male cancers worldwide, with a mortality rate of 0.1%. The incidence has nearly doubled from 1975 to 2007 leading to the concern of environmental causes [Thomas: Am J Epidemiol 2013; 178: 1240-1245]. Testicular cancer presents as a painless testicular mass without transillumination. Testicular cancer is subcategorized under germ cell testicular cancer or sex cord-stromal tumors. Of the germ cell tumors, approximately 90% originate in the testis, with the other 10% being extragonadal [Bols et al.: Philadelphia, Wolters Kluwer, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2011]. Typically, if a patient presents with a testicular mass and is 50 years old or older, the diagnosis of a primary lymphoma is considered until proven otherwise [Bols et al.: Philadelphia, Wolters Kluwer, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2011]. Germ cell testicular cancer is further divided into the subtypes of seminomatous and nonseminomatous; each presents with a unique histology and differing treatment implications. Given the uniqueness of our patient's metachronous second testicular primary, we sought to compare our case findings to available historic publications. We sought to address the issues of the incidence of a second primary testicular malignancy with regard to varying histology, age of incidence, and timing of a second primary testicular cancer, the presence of bowel involvement, and finally a brief discussion of testosterone replacement therapy. A review of our case presents several unique factors. The above varying literature has shown our patient to have met the odds of a contralateral testicular primary development in that he had a nonseminomatous primary, followed by a second testicular primary seminoma. Our patient exceeded the 15-year cumulative risk of contralateral metachronous testicular cancer of 1

  9. Hypothesis: does ochratoxin A cause testicular cancer? (United States)

    Schwartz, Gary G


    Little is known about the etiology of testicular cancer, which is the most common cancer among young men. Epidemiologic data point to a carcinogenic exposure in early life or in utero, but the nature of the exposure is unknown. We hypothesize that the mycotoxin, ochratoxin A, is a cause of testicular cancer. Ochratoxin A is a naturally occurring contaminant of cereals, pigmeat, and other foods and is a known genotoxic carcinogen in animals. The major features of the descriptive epidemiology of testicular cancer (a high incidence in northern Europe, increasing incidence over time, and associations with high socioeconomic status, and with poor semen quality) are all associated with exposure to ochratoxin A. Exposure of animals to ochratoxin A via the diet or via in utero transfer induces adducts in testicular DNA. We hypothesize that consumption of foods contaminated with ochratoxin A during pregnancy and/or childhood induces lesions in testicular DNA and that puberty promotes these lesions to testicular cancer. We tested the ochratoxin A hypothesis using ecologic data on the per-capita consumption of cereals, coffee, and pigmeat, the principal dietary sources of ochratoxin A. Incidence rates for testicular cancer in 20 countries were significantly correlated with the per-capita consumption of coffee and pigmeat (r = 0.49 and 0.54, p = 0.03 and 0.01). The ochratoxin A hypothesis offers a coherent explanation for much of the descriptive epidemiology of testicular cancer and suggests new avenues for analytic research.

  10. Downregulation of Clusterin Expression in Human Testicular Seminoma

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bianjiang Liu


    Full Text Available Background: Clusterin, a heterodimeric glycoprotein of approximately 80 kDa, exists extensively in human body fluids. The abnormal expression of clusterin is closely related to the occurrence, progression, and prognosis of tumors. Up to now, few studies have focused on clusterin in human testicular cancer. This study describes an extensive exploration of the presence and expression of clusterin in testicular seminoma. Methods: Tumor tissues and normal testis tissues were collected from 13 patients with testicular seminoma and 16 patients undergoing surgical castration for prostate cancer. Real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR was performed to detect the expression difference of clusterin mRNA between testicular seminoma and normal testis. Western blot and immunohistochemical analysis were performed to detect the presence and expression difference of clusterin protein between two groups. Results: Real-time PCR showed the expression of clusterin mRNA in testicular seminoma to be significantly lower than in normal testis (only 13% relative quantification. Western blot analysis indicated marked reductions in the expression of clusterin protein in testicular seminoma. Similar results were observed upon immunohistochemical analysis. Conclusion: In testicular seminoma and normal testis, clusterin exists in its heterodimeric secretory isoform. Clusterin expression is significantly lower in testicular seminoma than in normal testis. This is the first comprehensive study of the presence and expression of clusterin in human testicular cancer.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A. S. Markova


    Full Text Available The paper describes a clinical case of testicular capillary hemangioma in a 24-year-old man undergone a partial resection of the testis with the intraoperative morphological examination. Testicular capillary hemangioma is a rare benign tumor of a vascular origin, which can be similar to malignant testicular tumors on the clinical presentation, as well as on the imaging methods, in particular to seminoma. The intraoperative histological study can assist in avoiding organ-removing surgical interventions in diagnostically ambiguous cases if a benign testicular tumor is diagnosed.

  12. Diagnostic Value of Multislice Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging in the Diagnosis of Retroperitoneal Spread of Testicular Cancer: A Literature Review

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hansen, J.; Jurik, A.G.


    Testicular cancer is the most frequent malignant disorder in men aged 15-35 years. Generally, diagnosing and follow-up include computer tomography (CT) examinations to detect possible retroperitoneal spread (abdomen and pelvis), resulting in at least eight CT examinations. This patient group is thereby exposed to a non-neglectable radiation dose, increasing the risk of future radiation-induced secondary cancer. This is especially problematic in potentially surgically cured patients with stage 1 testicular cancer. Thus, it can be beneficial to substitute CT with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), provided there is valid evidence that the diagnostic value of MRI is at least comparable to current multislice CT (MSCT). The purpose of this study was to analyze whether there is evidence to recommend a substitution of MSCT with MRI in the diagnosis of retroperitoneal spread of testicular cancer. A literature search on the diagnostic accuracy, specificity, and sensitivity of MSCT and MRI in the diagnosis of retroperitoneal spread of testicular cancer was performed in the following databases: PubMed, EmBase, and ISI Web of Science. The search was limited to include the period from 2000 to September 2008, and to human and English-language publications. Forty-four publications were obtained for formal review (27 from PubMed, 15 from EmBase, two from ISI Web of Science). None of the publications reviewed encompassed diagnostic specificity and sensitivity of MSCT, and they lacked systematic comparison of MSCT and MRI. Only one study included sensitivity and specificity of MRI compared to single-slice CT. Both methods had a sensitivity and a specificity of approximately 70%. The literature review did not reveal valid data regarding diagnostic accuracy of MRI compared with MSCT for diagnosing retroperitoneal spread of testicular cancer. A prospective blinded comparative study is needed to provide valid evidence

  13. Diagnostic Value of Multislice Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging in the Diagnosis of Retroperitoneal Spread of Testicular Cancer: A Literature Review

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hansen, J. (Dept. of Medical Physics, Aarhus Univ. Hospital, Aarhus Sygehus, Aarhus (Denmark)); Jurik, A.G. (Dept. of Radiology, Aarhus Univ. Hospital, Aarhus Sygehus, Aarhus (Denmark))


    Testicular cancer is the most frequent malignant disorder in men aged 15-35 years. Generally, diagnosing and follow-up include computer tomography (CT) examinations to detect possible retroperitoneal spread (abdomen and pelvis), resulting in at least eight CT examinations. This patient group is thereby exposed to a non-neglectable radiation dose, increasing the risk of future radiation-induced secondary cancer. This is especially problematic in potentially surgically cured patients with stage 1 testicular cancer. Thus, it can be beneficial to substitute CT with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), provided there is valid evidence that the diagnostic value of MRI is at least comparable to current multislice CT (MSCT). The purpose of this study was to analyze whether there is evidence to recommend a substitution of MSCT with MRI in the diagnosis of retroperitoneal spread of testicular cancer. A literature search on the diagnostic accuracy, specificity, and sensitivity of MSCT and MRI in the diagnosis of retroperitoneal spread of testicular cancer was performed in the following databases: PubMed, EmBase, and ISI Web of Science. The search was limited to include the period from 2000 to September 2008, and to human and English-language publications. Forty-four publications were obtained for formal review (27 from PubMed, 15 from EmBase, two from ISI Web of Science). None of the publications reviewed encompassed diagnostic specificity and sensitivity of MSCT, and they lacked systematic comparison of MSCT and MRI. Only one study included sensitivity and specificity of MRI compared to single-slice CT. Both methods had a sensitivity and a specificity of approximately 70%. The literature review did not reveal valid data regarding diagnostic accuracy of MRI compared with MSCT for diagnosing retroperitoneal spread of testicular cancer. A prospective blinded comparative study is needed to provide valid evidence

  14. Testicular teratoma, mimicking a simple testicular cyst, in an infant. (United States)

    Di Renzo, Dacia; Persico, Antonello; Sindici, Giulia; Lelli Chiesa, Pierluigi


    Prepubertal testicular tumors are rare, and teratoma is the second most frequent histologic type. Its typical features are those of a hard and painless scrotal mass at clinical examination, and nonhomogeneous, echoic, often with calcifications at ultrasonography. Rare but reported is the atypical presentation as a transilluminating scrotal mass, due to the presence of some internal cystic areas, detectable at ultrasonography. We report the case of an infant with a transilluminating scrotal mass, mimicking at ultrasonography and surgery a simple, fully liquid cyst, which the pathologic examination revealed to be mature cystic testicular teratoma. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  15. Exploring men's preferred strategies for learning about testicular disorders inclusive of testicular cancer: A qualitative descriptive study. (United States)

    Saab, Mohamad M; Landers, Margaret; Hegarty, Josephine


    Men's awareness of testicular disorders is lacking and their intention to seek help for testicular symptoms is sub-optimal. Studies conducted to explore and raise men's awareness of testicular disorders did not address their preferred learning strategies and failed to include men who are at risk for health inequities. The aim of this study was to explore, in-depth, the preferred strategies for learning about testicular disorders inclusive of testicular cancer among men who self-identify as heterosexual, gay, or bisexual. Maximum variation and snowball sampling were used to recruit 29 men aged 18-47 years. Participation was sought from community and youth organizations and a university in the Republic of Ireland. Semi-structured individual interviews and focus groups were conducted. Interviews were audio-recorded and transcribed verbatim. Inductive analysis of manifest content was used. Seventeen informants self-identified as heterosexual, 11 as gay, and one as bisexual. Four main categories emerged, namely: strategies to enhance awareness (television, internet, campaigns, print media), educational dos and don'ts (tailoring effective messages, drawbacks of national initiatives, ineffective learning strategies), implications of raising awareness (risks and benefits of increasing awareness), and learning among gay and bisexual men (learning needs and strategies). Future studies promoting awareness of testicular disorders should take into account men's preferred learning strategies. National campaigns should be delivered frequently and altered occasionally in order to achieve a top-up effect. Clinicians are encouraged to educate young men about the seriousness of testicular symptoms and the importance of seeking timely medical attention for any abnormalities. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  16. Testicular Pain Associated With Minocycline Use

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Victor Kucherov


    Full Text Available Two males ages 16 and 23 years presented with new testicular pain while taking minocycline. Both patients experienced resolution of their symptoms only after minocycline discontinuation. Testicular pain with minocycline use has been previously described, however only in the setting of systemic autoimmune reactions (which were absent here. These cases represent probable rare adverse reactions to minocycline. For patients taking minocycline who experience otherwise unexplained testicular pain, a trial discontinuation of this medication should be considered.

  17. Lifetime growth and risk of testicular cancer. (United States)

    Richiardi, Lorenzo; Vizzini, Loredana; Pastore, Guido; Segnan, Nereo; Gillio-Tos, Anna; Fiano, Valentina; Grasso, Chiara; Ciuffreda, Libero; Lista, Patrizia; Pearce, Neil; Merletti, Franco


    Adult height is associated with testicular cancer risk. We studied to what extent this association is explained by parental height, childhood height and age at puberty. We conducted a case-control study on germ-cell testicular cancer patients diagnosed in 1997-2008 and resident in the Province of Turin. Information was collected using mailed questionnaires in 2008-2011. Specifically, we asked for adult height (in cm), height at age 9 and 13 (compared to peers) and age at puberty (compared to peers). We also asked for paternal and maternal height (in cm) as indicators of genetic components of adult height. The analysis included 255 cases and 459 controls. Odds ratios (ORs) of testicular cancer were estimated for the different anthropometric variables. Adult height was associated with testicular cancer risk [OR: 1.16, 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.03-1.31 per 5-cm increase]. The risk of testicular cancer was only slightly increased for being taller vs. shorter than peers at age 9 (OR: 1.55, 95% CI: 0.91-2.64) or age 13 (OR: 1.26, 95% CI: 0.78-2.01), and parental height was not associated with testicular cancer risk. The OR for adult height was 1.32 (95% CI: 1.12-1.56) after adjustment for parental height. Among participants with small average parental height (testicular cancer for tall (>180 cm) vs. short (testicular cancer is likely to be explained by environmental factors affecting growth in early life, childhood and adolescence. © 2013 UICC.

  18. Long-term health effects among testicular cancer survivors. (United States)

    Hashibe, Mia; Abdelaziz, Sarah; Al-Temimi, Mohammed; Fraser, Alison; Boucher, Kenneth M; Smith, Ken; Lee, Yuan-Chin Amy; Rowe, Kerry; Rowley, Braden; Daurelle, Micky; Holton, Avery E; VanDerslice, James; Richiardi, Lorenzo; Bishoff, Jay; Lowrance, Will; Stroup, Antoinette


    Testicular cancer is diagnosed at a young age and survival rates are high; thus, the long-term effects of cancer treatment need to be assessed. Our objectives are to estimate the incidence rates and determinants of late effects in testicular cancer survivors. We conducted a population-based cohort study of testicular cancer survivors, diagnosed 1991-2007, followed up for a median of 10 years. We identified 785 testicular cancer patients who survived ≥5 years and 3323 men free of cancer for the comparison group. Multivariate Cox regression analysis was used to compare the hazard ratio between the cases and the comparison group and for internal analysis among case patients. Testicular cancer survivors experienced a 24 % increase in risk of long-term health effects >5 years after diagnosis. The overall incidence rate of late effects among testicular cancer survivors was 66.3 per 1000 person years. Higher risks were observed among testicular cancer survivors for hypercholesterolemia, infertility, and orchitis. Chemotherapy and retroperitoneal lymph node dissection appeared to increase the risk of late effects. Being obese prior to cancer diagnosis appeared to be the strongest factor associated with late effects. Testicular cancer survivors were more likely to develop chronic health conditions when compared to cancer-free men. While the late effects risk was increased among testicular cancer survivors, the incidence rates of late effects after cancer diagnosis was fairly low.

  19. Infertility with Testicular Cancer. (United States)

    Ostrowski, Kevin A; Walsh, Thomas J


    Testicular germ cell cancer is one of the most curable cancers. Most patients are treated during their reproductive years, making infertility a significant quality of life issue after successful treatment. This focused review evaluates the factors that contribute to infertility and specific fertility risks with the various testicular cancer treatments. Timing of patient discussions and current fertility treatments are reviewed. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  20. Early life risk factors for testicular cancer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Piltoft, Johanne Spanggaard; Larsen, Signe Benzon; Dalton, Susanne Oksbjerg


    of this study is to utilize data from the Copenhagen School Health Records Register (CSHRR) to evaluate cryptorchidism, birth weight and birth order as risk factors for testicular cancer. METHODS: The study population consisted of 408 cases of testicular cancer identified by a government issued identification...... in crude analyses [hazard ratio (HR) = 3.60, 95% CI 2.79-4.65]. Birth weight was inversely associated with testicular cancer and no clear association with birth order was observed. The positive association between cryptorchidism and testicular cancer was only slightly attenuated controlling for birth......PURPOSE: One established risk factors for testicular cancer is cryptorchidism. However, it remains unclear whether cryptorchidism is a risk factor in itself or whether the two conditions share common causes in early life (estrogen hypothesis), such as birth weight and birth order. The objective...

  1. Testicular Volume: Size Does Matter

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Reyes Lobo, Alexander; Segovia Fuentes, Javier; Cerpa Reyes, Edgar


    Testicular volume is critical for semen production and, consequently, for fertility. Hence the importance of knowing the normal size ranges and the different methods for calculating size, in order to classify patients at risk and refer them for appropriate management. Ultrasound is the first-line diagnostic method for the evaluation of testicular pathology, and it is also the best tool for estimating the volume of both testicles, bearing in mind that a testicular volume below 15 cc results in fertility problems. Although there are many causes of infertility, varicocele is undoubtedly the most important of all, because of its frequency and because it is amenable to curative surgical treatment.

  2. Testicular Metastases From Prostate Carcinoma

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Harrina Erlianti Rahardjo


    Full Text Available Metastasis of prostate carcinoma to the testis is seldom reported. The tumour may spread from the prostatic urethra by retrograde venous extension, arterial embolism or through direct invasion into the lymphatics and lumen of the vas deferens. Clinical manifestations of secondary testicular tumours from the prostate are most often unsuspected clinically and are instead detected incidentally during orchidectomy. Less frequently, a palpable mass is detected, which may be confused with a primary testicular neoplasm. We report a case of a 66-year-old patient with adenocarcinoma of the prostate, and a left testicular tumour that was diagnosed as metastases from prostate carcinoma after radical orchidectomy.

  3. Familial testicular cancer in a single-centre population

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Sonneveld, DJA; Sleijfer, DT; Sijmons, RH; van der Graaf, WTA; Sluiter, WJ; Hoekstra, HJ; Schraffordt Koops, H.

    Familial occurrence of testicular cancer suggests a genetic predisposition to the disease. A genetic susceptibility may also be reflected by the occurrence of bilateral testicular neoplasms and the high rates of urogenital developmental anomalies in families prone to testicular cancer. In this

  4. Unusual termination of the right testicular vein | Woldeyes | Anatomy ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The testicular veins are formed by the veins emerging from the testis and epididymis forming the pampiniform venous plexus. The right testicular vein drains into inferior vena cava and the left testicular vein to the left renal vein. Testicular veins display a great variability with regard to their number, course and sites of ...

  5. An unusual presentation of testicular tumor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Amin, M.U.; Rahan, T.; Haq, A.U.; Aftab, P.


    A case of testicular choriocarcinoma is reported in which blood mixed stools and haemoptysis were the presenting manifestations as the patient never told about the testicular swelling to his parents. Orchidectomy was performed but the patient presented again with massive hematemesis due to gastric perforation secondary to gastric metastasis. The size of the testis at diagnosis was approximately 12 x 7cm. This was also unusual as testicular choriocarcinoma presents as a small mass. The patient eventually died of the complications within one month of diagnosis. (author)

  6. MicroRNAs in Testicular Cancer Diagnosis and Prognosis. (United States)

    Ling, Hui; Krassnig, Lisa; Bullock, Marc D; Pichler, Martin


    Testicular cancer processes a unique and clear miRNA expression signature. This differentiates testicular cancer from most other cancer types, which are usually more ambiguous when assigning miRNA patterns. As such, testicular cancer may represent a unique cancer type in which miRNAs find their use as biomarkers for cancer diagnosis and prognosis, with a potential to surpass the current available markers usually with low sensitivity. In this review, we present literature findings on miRNAs associated with testicular cancer, and discuss their potential diagnostic and prognostic values, as well as their potential as indicators of drug response in patients with testicular cancer. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  7. Prognostic features and markers for testicular cancer management

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eddy S Leman


    Full Text Available Testicular neoplasm accounts for about 1% of all cancers in men. Over the last 40 years, the incidence of testicular cancer has increased in northern European male populations for unknown reasons. When diagnosed at early stage, testicular cancer is usually curable with a high survival rate. In the past three decades, successful multidisciplinary approaches for the management of testicular cancer have significantly increased patient survival rates. Utilization of tumor markers and accurate prognostic classification has also contributed to successful therapy. In this article, we highlight the most commonly used tumor markers and several potential "novel" markers for testicular cancer as part of the ongoing effort in biomarker research and discovery. In addition, this article also identifies several key prognostic features that have been demonstrated to play a role in predicting relapse. These features include tumor size, rete testis invasion, lymphovascular invasion, and tumor histology. Together with tumor markers, these prognostic factors should be taken into account for risk-adapted management of testicular cancer.

  8. Neonatal testicular tumour presenting as an acute scrotum ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Juvenile granulosa cell tumour (JGCT) is a rare benign stromal cell tumour of the testis accounting for approximately 1% of all paediatric testicular tumours. Presenting primarily as a painless testicular mass, the tumour may be associated with undescended testis, hydrocele or testicular torsion. Abnormal karyotype has also ...

  9. Secondary malignant neoplasms in testicular cancer survivors. (United States)

    Curreri, Stephanie A; Fung, Chunkit; Beard, Clair J


    Testicular cancer is the most common cancer among men aged 15 to 40 years, and the incidence of testicular cancer is steadily increasing. Despite successful treatment outcomes and the rate of survival at 5 to 10 years being 95%, survivors can experience late effects of both their cancer and the treatment they received, including secondary malignant neoplasms (SMNs). We discuss the development of non-germ cell SMNs that develop after diagnosis and treatment of testicular cancer and their effect on mortality. Patients diagnosed with testicular cancer frequently choose postoperative surveillance if they are diagnosed with clinical stage I disease. These patients may experience an increased risk for developing SMNs following radiation exposure from diagnostic imaging. Similarly, radiotherapy for testicular cancer is associated with increased risks of developing both solid tumors and leukemia. Studies have reported that patients exposed to higher doses of radiation have an increased risk of developing SMNs when compared with patients who received lower doses of radiation. Patients treated with chemotherapy also experience an increased risk of developing SMNs following testicular cancer, though the risk following chemotherapy and radiation therapy combined is not well described. A large population-based study concluded that the rate ratios for both cancer-specific and all-cause mortality for SMNs among testicular cancer survivors were not significantly different from those of matched first cancers. Although it is known that patients who receive adjuvant chemotherapy or radiotherapy or who undergo routine diagnostic or follow-up imaging for a primary testicular cancer are at an increased risk for developing SMNs, the extent of this risk is largely unknown. It is critically important that research be conducted to determine this risk and its contributing factors as accurately as possible. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  10. Testicular Cancer (United States)

    ... getting it in the other one? Is my son more likely to get testicular cancer if I ... and Animals myhealthfinder Food and Nutrition Healthy Food Choices Weight Loss and Diet Plans Nutrients and Nutritional ...

  11. Testicular biopsy in psittacine birds (Psittaciformes): comparative evaluation of testicular reproductive status by endoscopic, histologic, and cytologic examination. (United States)

    Hänse, Maria; Krautwald-Junghanns, Maria-Elisabeth; Reitemeier, Susanne; Einspanier, Almuth; Schmidt, Volker


    Knowledge of the reproductive cycle of male parrots is important for examining the male genital tract and for successful breeding, especially of endangered species. To evaluate different diagnostic methods and criteria concerning the classification of reproductive stages, we examined 20 testicular samples obtained at necropsy in psittacine birds of different species and testicular biopsy samples collected from 9 cockatiels (Nymphicus hollandicus) and 7 rose-ringed parakeets (Psittacula krameri) by endoscopy 4 times over a 12-month period. The testicular reproductive status was assessed histologically and then compared with the macroscopic appearance of the testicles and cytologic results. The histologic examination was nondiagnostic in 19 of 59 testicular biopsy samples. By contrast, the cytologic preparations were diagnostic in 57 of 59 biopsy samples. The results of the cytologic examination coincided with the histologic results in 34 of 38 biopsy samples and 18 of 20 necropsy samples. Macroscopic parameters displayed some differences between reproductive stages but provided an unreliable indication of the reproductive status. These results suggest that microscopic examination of a testicular biopsy sample is a reliable method for evaluating the reproductive status of male parrots and is preferable to the macroscopic evaluation of the testicle. Cytologic examination provides fast preliminary results, even when the histologic preparation is not sufficient for evaluation, but results may be erroneous. Thus, a combination of histologic and cytologic examination is recommended for evaluating testicular reproductive status.

  12. Doenca renal policistica autossomica dominante em pacientes em hemodialise no sul do Brasil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Everton Fernando Alves


    Full Text Available Introdução: A doença renal policística autossômica dominante é a enfermidade renal hereditária mais comum em seres humanos. Objetivo: Analisar a prevalência, características clínicas e laboratoriais de pacientes com rins policísticos e relacionar as manifestações da doença por gênero. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo observacional e retrospectivo. Foram revisados todos os prontuários médicos de pacientes com rins policísticos admitidos para hemodiálise entre 1995 e 2012, em quatro centros que atendem a área de abrangência da 15ª regional de saúde do Paraná, Brasil. Resultados: Fizeram parte do estudo 48 pacientes com rins policísticos, causa primária da doença renal crônica (DRC estágio 5. A prevalência da doença foi de um em 10.912 habitantes. A média de idade de ingresso na hemodiálise (50,7 anos e o tempo de seguimento em hemodiálise até o transplante (36,5 meses foi menor nos homens. A hipertensão arterial foi o diagnóstico mais frequente em 73% dos pacientes, com predominância em mulheres (51,4%. O cisto hepático foi a manifestação extrarrenal mais frequente nos homens (60,0%. Foram a óbito 10,4% dos pacientes que faziam uso de hemodiálise, sendo 60% de homens. A classe de droga anti-hipertensiva mais utilizada foi a que atua no sistema renina-angiotensina, com maior frequência de uso nas mulheres (53,3%. A ureia pós-diálise foi significativamente maior em homens. Conclusão: A prevalência da doença é baixa entre pacientes em hemodiálise no sul do Brasil. As diferenças observadas entre os gêneros, com exceção da ureia pós, não foram significantes. Os dados encontrados são diferentes dos reportados na América do Norte e Europa.

  13. Testicular cancer knowledge among deaf and hearing men. (United States)

    Sacks, Loren; Nakaji, Melanie; Harry, Kadie M; Oen, Marcia; Malcarne, Vanessa L; Sadler, Georgia Robins


    Testicular cancer typically affects young and middle-aged men. An educational video about prostate and testicular cancer was created in American Sign Language, with English open captioning and voice overlay, so that it could be viewed by audiences of diverse ages and hearing characteristics. This study recruited young Deaf (n = 85) and hearing (n = 90) adult males to help evaluate the educational value of the testicular cancer portion of this video. Participants completed surveys about their general, testicular, and total cancer knowledge before and after viewing the video. Although hearing men had higher pre-test scores than Deaf men, both Deaf and hearing men demonstrated significant increases in General, Testicular, and Total Cancer Knowledge scores after viewing the intervention video. Overall, results demonstrate the value of the video to Deaf and hearing men.

  14. Onco-testicular sperm extraction: birth of a healthy baby after fertility preservation in synchronous bilateral testicular cancer and azoospermia. (United States)

    Roque, M; Sampaio, M; Salles, P G de Oliveira; Geber, S


    Testicular germ cell tumours (TGCT) represent 1%-1.5% of all male neoplasms, and they have the highest prevalence among men between 15 and 35 years old. Synchronous bilateral disease is a rare presentation, and the ratio of metachronous to synchronous bilateral disease is about 4 : 1. Several studies have suggested a correlation between male infertility and testicular cancer, with a 20-fold increase in the incidence of testicular cancer in infertile patients compared with the general population. At the time of diagnosis, 50%-75% of patients with unilateral TGCT present with subfertility; almost 13% of the patients are azoospermic before treatment, and up to two-thirds of patients become azoospermic following adjuvant cancer therapies. Therefore, fertility preservation should be considered in all oncological treatments. The only available option to preserve the reproductive potential in azoospermic patients with testicular cancer is to perform an onco-testicular sperm extraction (onco-TESE) before cancer treatment. In this paper, we describe a rare case of a patient with synchronous bilateral testicular cancer and azoospermia who was submitted to onco-TESE, sperm cryopreservation, and which was followed by the delivery of a healthy baby after intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), emphasising the importance of fertility preservation in oncology patients. © 2014 Blackwell Verlag GmbH.

  15. Treatment-associated leukemia following testicular cancer

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Travis, LB; Andersson, M; Gospodarowicz, M; van Leeuwen, FE; Bergfeldt, K; Lynch, CF; Curtis, RE; Kohler, BA; Wiklund, T; Storm, H; Holowaty, E; Hall, P; Pukkala, E; Sleijfer, DT; Clarke, EA; Boice, JD; Stovall, M; Gilbert, E


    Background: Men with testicular cancer are at an increased risk of leukemia, but the relationship to prior treatments is not well characterized. The purpose of our study was to describe the risk of leukemia following radiotherapy and chemotherapy for testicular cancer. Methods: Within a

  16. Testicular cancer: addressing the psychosexual issues.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Moore, Annamarie


    Testicular cancer is the most common malignancy in men aged 15-35 years and predominantly occurs at a time in a man\\'s life when important decisions about marriage, starting a family and a professional career are being made. While treatments for testicular cancer are very successful, they can have a major impact on the person\\'s sexuality and sense of self. The focus of this article is on exploring the impact of cancer treatments for testicular cancer on men\\'s sexuality and how nurses can respond to their concerns in a sensitive and informed manner.

  17. Association of Down's syndrome and testicular cancer. (United States)

    Dieckmann, K P; Rübe, C; Henke, R P


    We present additional clinical evidence for the suspected association of Down's syndrome and testicular germ cell tumors. Four cases of Down's syndrome and testicular cancer are reported. The literature was reviewed for previous cases and analysis regarding common features. The 4 patients were 29 to 35 years old and had clinical stage I seminoma of the testis. Two patients received prophylactic abdominal radiotherapy, 1 is being followed and 1 received adjuvant carboplatin treatment. There was no relapse at followup of 1 to 8 years. One patient also had contralateral cryptorchidism. A total of 16 cases with the association of Down's syndrome and testicular germ cell cancer was documented previously. Evidence for the suspected association of Down's syndrome and testicular cancer is now accumulating. Etiologically it is suspected that, along with genetically determined malformations in many other organs in trisomy 21, the gonads also undergo maldevelopment, thus creating the conditions for step 1 of germ cell tumor oncogenesis in utero. Physicians caring for patients with Down's syndrome should be aware of the possible association with testicular neoplasms.

  18. The clinical utility of testicular prosthesis placement in children with genital and testicular disorders (United States)


    Testicular prosthesis placement is a useful important adjunctive reconstructive therapy for managing children with testicular loss or absence. Though these prostheses are functionless, experience has shown that they are extremely helpful in creating a more normal male body image and in preventing/relieving psychological stress in males with a missing testicle. With attention to details of implant technique, excellent cosmetic results can be anticipated in simulating a normal appearing scrotum. PMID:26816795

  19. Global incidence and outcome of testicular cancer (United States)

    Shanmugalingam, Thurkaa; Soultati, Aspasia; Chowdhury, Simon; Rudman, Sarah; Van Hemelrijck, Mieke


    Background Testicular cancer is a rare tumor type accounting for 1% of malignancies in men. It is, however, the most common cancer in young men in Western populations. The incidence of testicular cancer is increasing globally, although a decline in mortality rates has been reported in Western countries. It is important to identify whether the variations in trends observed between populations are linked to genetic or environmental factors. Methods Age-standardized incidence rates and age-standardized mortality rates for testicular cancer were obtained for men of all ages in ten countries from the Americas, Asia, Europe, and Oceania using the Cancer Incidence in Five Continents (CI5plus) and World Health Organization (WHO) mortality databases. The annual percent change was calculated using Joinpoint regression to assess temporal changes between geographical regions. Results Testicular cancer age-standardized incidence rates are highest in New Zealand (7.8), UK (6.3), Australia (6.1), Sweden (5.6), USA (5.2), Poland (4.9), and Spain (3.8) per 100,000 men. India, China, and Colombia had the lowest incidence (0.5, 1.3, and 2.2, respectively) per 100,000 men. The annual percent changes for overall testicular cancer incidence significantly increased in the European countries Sweden 2.4%, (2.2; 2.6); UK 2.9%, (2.2; 3.6); and Spain 5.0%, (1.7; 8.4), Australia 3.0%, (2.2; 3.7), and China 3.5%, (1.9; 5.1). India had the lowest overall testicular cancer incidence −1.7%, (−2.5; −0.8). Annual percent changes for overall testicular cancer mortality rates were decreasing in all study populations, with the greatest decline observed in Sweden −4.2%, (−4.8; −3.6) and China −4.9%, (−6.5; −3.3). Conclusion Testicular cancer is increasing in incidence in many countries; however, mortality rates remain low and most men are cured. An understanding of the risks and long-term side effects of treatment are important in managing men with this disease. PMID:24204171

  20. Testicular Cancer (United States)

    ... of skin behind the penis. You can get cancer in one or both testicles. Testicular cancer mainly affects young men between the ages of ... undescended testicle Have a family history of the cancer Symptoms include pain, swelling, or lumps in your ...


    Crump, Casey; Sundquist, Kristina; Winkleby, Marilyn A.; Sieh, Weiva; Sundquist, Jan


    Most testicular germ cell tumors originate from carcinoma in situ cells in fetal life, possibly related to sex hormone imbalances in early pregnancy. Previous studies of association between gestational age at birth and testicular cancer have yielded discrepant results and have not examined extreme preterm birth. Our objective was to determine whether low gestational age at birth is independently associated with testicular cancer in later life. We conducted a national cohort study of 354,860 men born in Sweden in 1973–1979, including 19,214 born preterm (gestational age testicular cancer incidence through 2008. A total of 767 testicular cancers (296 seminomas and 471 nonseminomatous germ cell tumors) were identified in 11.2 million person-years of follow-up. Extreme preterm birth was associated with an increased risk of testicular cancer (hazard ratio 3.95; 95% CI, 1.67–9.34) after adjusting for other perinatal factors, family history of testicular cancer, and cryptorchidism. Only five cases (three seminomas and two nonseminomas) occurred among men born extremely preterm, limiting the precision of risk estimates. No association was found between later preterm birth, post-term birth, or low or high fetal growth and testicular cancer. These findings suggest that extreme but not later preterm birth may be independently associated with testicular cancer in later life. They are based on a small number of cases and will need confirmation in other large cohorts. Elucidation of the key prenatal etiologic factors may potentially lead to preventive interventions in early life. PMID:22314417

  2. Bulls semen quality of Aberdeen Angus and Brangus-Ibagé breeds after experimental testicular degeneration induced by dexamethasone


    Horn, Marilise Mesquita; Moraes, José Carlos Ferrugem; Galina, Carlos Salvador


    Foi administrada dexametasona para indução de degeneração testicular experimental em touros de uma raça taurina pura (Aberdeen Angus) e de sua sintética derivada (Brangus-Ibagé). O objetivo deste estudo foi o de averiguar a diferença de sensibilidade na função gametogênica em frente à degeneração experimental. Para tal, foram avaliados os aspectos físicos e morfológicos do sêmen. Os dados obtidos foram analisados considerando o dia de coleta e genótipo. Os resultados revelaram que os dois gru...

  3. Baldness and testicular cancer: the EPSAM case-control study. (United States)

    Moirano, G; Zugna, D; Grasso, C; Lista, P; Ciuffreda, L; Segnan, N; Merletti, F; Richiardi, L


    The etiology of testicular cancer is largely unexplained. Research has mainly focused on prenatal exposures, especially to sex hormones, while less attention has been paid to exposures that may act also postnatally. As baldness has been previously associated with testicular cancer risk we focused on baldness and body hairiness, which are both associated with androgen activity. We used data of the Postnatal Exposures and Male Health (EPSAM) study, a case-control study on testicular cancer conducted in the Province of Turin, Italy, involving cases diagnosed between 1997 and 2008. Information was collected using mailed questionnaires. Analyses included 255 cases and 459 controls. We calculated ORs and 95% CIs to estimate testicular cancer risk among those who developed baldness and among those with body hairiness. We found an inverse association between testicular cancer and baldness (OR: 0.67, 95% CI: 0.46-0.98) and body hairiness (OR: 0.78, 95% CI: 0.53-1.16), although the latter had wider CIs. The inverse association between baldness and testicular cancer is consistent with the results from previous studies. These results suggest that androgens activity may influence testicular cancer risk. © 2016 American Society of Andrology and European Academy of Andrology.

  4. Phthalate excretion pattern and testicular function

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Joensen, Ulla Nordström; Frederiksen, Hanne; Jensen, Martin Blomberg


    In animals, some phthalates impair male reproductive development and function. Epidemiological studies have reported inconsistent evidence of associations between phthalates and markers of human testicular function.......In animals, some phthalates impair male reproductive development and function. Epidemiological studies have reported inconsistent evidence of associations between phthalates and markers of human testicular function....

  5. Surviving testicular cancer: the Lebanese lived experience. (United States)

    Saab, Mohammad; Noureddine, Samar; Abu-Saad Huijer, Huda; Dejong, Jocelyn


    Testicular cancer is thought to have a great impact on its survivors, yet there has been limited literature on the topic globally and no literature on the topic in Lebanon and the Arab region. The purpose of this study was to explore the lived experience of Lebanese testicular cancer survivors and gain an in-depth understanding of the psychosexual aspect of their experience. A hermeneutic phenomenological approach with semistructured digitally recorded interviews and observational field notes was utilized. A purposive sample of Lebanese testicular cancer survivors, aged between 18 and 50 years, in remission for at least 3 years, and willing to share personal information was recruited. Interviews were transcribed verbatim in Arabic. Data saturation was achieved at the seventh interview; a total of eight informants were recruited. The opening question was, "Tell me about your life since you got treated for testicular cancer," and was followed by probing questions. Two to three weeks after the initial interview, informants were called to validate the investigators' primary analysis. Six core themes emerged: cancer perception in the Lebanese culture; "do not show, do not tell"; cancer experience is a turning point; fertility, manhood, and relationships; coping with cancer; and preserved aspects of life. The findings provide an in-depth understanding of the experience of Lebanese testicular cancer survivors with a focus on the psychosexual aspect of this experience. The results suggest the need to educate patients about testicular cancer and its effect on their fertility.

  6. Familial risks in testicular cancer as aetiological clues. (United States)

    Hemminki, Kari; Chen, Bowang


    We used the nationwide Swedish Family-Cancer Database to analyse the risk for testicular cancer in offspring through parental and sibling probands. Among 0 to 70-year-old offspring, 4,586 patients had testicular cancer. Standardized incidence ratios for familial risk were 3.8-fold when a father and 7.6-fold when a brother had testicular cancer. Testicular cancer was associated with leukaemia, distal colon and kidney cancer, melanoma, connective tissue tumours and lung cancer in families. Non-seminoma was associated with maternal lung cancer but the risk was highest for the late-onset cases, providing no support to the theory of the in utero effect of maternal smoking on the son's risk of testicular cancer. However, the theory cannot be excluded but should be taken up for study when further data are available on maternal smoking. The high familial risk may be the product of shared childhood environment and heritable causes.

  7. Burned-Out Testicular Tumor: A Case Report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    N. Balalaa


    Full Text Available Germ cell tumors constitute the majority of all testicular tumors, which are relatively rare overall and are mainly encountered in young adults and teenagers. The term ‘burned-out’ germ cell tumor refers to the presence of a metastatic germ cell tumor with histological regression of the primary testicular lesion. Clinical examination of the testes and scrotal sonography is pivotal in the initial diagnosis of such neoplasms. We present a case of a 31-year-old male with a retroperitoneal mass and no palpable lesion on testicular examination.

  8. Testicular lymphocytic vasculitis treated with prednisolone and azathioprine. (United States)

    Kanzawa, Yohei; Imai, Yukihiro; Mizuno, Yasushi; Nishioka, Hiroaki


    Testicular vasculitis is a rare condition and little is known about its morphological features. Herein, we report a case of testicular lymphocytic vasculitis, which is rarely documented, in an elderly man. He presented with left testicular swelling and fever, but without any signs of other organ involvement. He was effectively treated with prednisolone and azathioprine. This case report offers information related to the disease course and the importance of biopsy.

  9. Genetics Home Reference: 46,XX testicular disorder of sex development (United States)

    ... 46,XX testicular disorder of sex development 46,XX testicular disorder of sex development Printable PDF Open ... to view the expand/collapse boxes. Description 46,XX testicular disorder of sex development is a condition ...

  10. Early detection of testicular cancer: revisiting the role of self-efficacy in testicular self-examination among young asymptomatic males. (United States)

    Umeh, Kanayo; Chadwick, Rebecca


    Research suggests that self-efficacy is an important factor in behaviors that facilitate the early-detection of various cancers. In general people with high self-efficacy are more likely to attend cancer screening sessions or perform bodily self-exams. However, there is a paucity of research focusing on testicular cancer and testicular self-examination (TSE). The effect of self-efficacy on TSE remains unclear especially given the relative obscurity of the testicular cancer threat, and appropriate clinical- and self-detection procedures, in the young asymptomatic male population. Thus, the present study tested the interaction of self-efficacy with young men's appraisals of the threat of testicular cancer. The study was based on 2 × 2 × 2 mixed factorial experimental design. Over 100 young asymptomatic men were exposed to a health warning about testicular cancer and randomly assigned to high/low self-efficacy, vulnerability, and severity conditions. High self-efficacy increased motivation to perform TSE given high vulnerability, but damaged attitudes to self-exams given low vulnerability and severity estimates. High self-efficacy also facilitated subsequent TSE. Overall, these findings support preexisting notions of self-efficacy but raise new questions about the moderating effects of threat appraisals.

  11. Spermatogenesis and testicular tumours in ageing dogs

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Peters, M. A.; de rooij, D. G.; Teerds, K. J.; van der Gaag, I.; van Sluijs, F. J.


    Spermatogenesis was examined in testes from 74 dogs of various breeds without clinically detected testicular disease. A modified Johnsen score system was used to determine whether spermatogenesis deteriorates with ageing. The diameter of seminiferous tubules was measured in dogs without testicular

  12. Testicular Cancer Education in the Classroom. (United States)

    Wohl, Royal E.


    Testicular cancer (TC) education is not widespread, though TC is the most common cancer in men ages 15-34 years. Teachers can positively influence young men by providing TC and testicular self-examination (TSE) education in school. The paper describes TC and TSE, discussing strategies for and barriers to implementation of TC/TSE instruction in the…

  13. Testicular Metastasis of Prostate Cancer: A Case Report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ayumu Kusaka


    Full Text Available The incidence of secondary neoplasms of the testis during autopsies is approximately 2.5%. Although most secondary testicular metastases are due to prostate cancer, only a few patients with prostate cancer have clinically manifested testicular metastasis. We report the case of a prostate cancer patient with testicular metastasis who was diagnosed after the presence of a palpable mass in the right testis. A 56-year-old Japanese male presented to our hospital with an elevated serum prostate-specific antigen (PSA level of 137 ng/ml. He was diagnosed with stage IV (T3N1M1b prostate cancer and received androgen deprivation therapy, followed by various hormonal manipulations. His serum PSA level was undetectable for 1 year. No distant metastases were detected during imaging examinations. He received radiation therapy; however, his serum PSA level increased gradually. Four months later, he presented with right testicular swelling. Computed tomography revealed a heterogenous mass in the right testis and a right high inguinal orchiectomy was performed. Histopathological analysis showed that the right testis was infiltrated with metastatic adenocarcinoma with a Gleason score of 8. This is a rare case of right testicular metastasis in a patient with prostate cancer. Testicular metastasis of prostate cancer can be aggressive and metastasize.

  14. Intermittent Testicular Torsion

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    , presence of abnormal testicular lie in otherwise normal testes, absence of urinary symptoms, and negative urine cultures. This diagnosis was confirmed by resolution of symptoms following bilateral orchidopexy. All patients ...

  15. Surviving testicular cancer: : sexuality & other existential issues

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Pool, Grietje


    The thesis deals with the psychological aspects of ‘sexuality after testicular cancer’, where my collegue, the physician dr. Van Basten formerly predominantly described the physical-biological aspects of this subject. Testicular cancer is a type of male genital cancer, usually diagnosed between

  16. Testicular lymphoma

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Møller, Michael Boe; d'Amore, F; Christensen, Bjarne Egelund


    In a Danish population-based non-Hodgkin's lymphoma registry, 2687 newly diagnosed patients were registered from 1983 to 1992. 39 had testicular involvement (TL) (incidence 0.26/10(5)/year). Median age was 71 years. 24 cases had localised and 15 had disseminated disease. Histologically, all cases...

  17. Studies of the hormonal control of postnatal testicular descent in the rat. (United States)

    Spencer, J R; Vaughan, E D; Imperato-McGinley, J


    Dihydrotestosterone is believed to control the transinguinal phase of testicular descent based on hormonal manipulation studies performed in postnatal rats. In the present study, these hormonal manipulation experiments were repeated, and the results were compared with those obtained using the antiandrogens flutamide and cyproterone acetate. 17 beta-estradiol completely blocked testicular descent, but testosterone and dihydrotestosterone were equally effective in reversing this inhibition. Neither flutamide nor cyproterone acetate prevented testicular descent in postnatal rats despite marked peripheral antiandrogenic action. Further analysis of the data revealed a correlation between testicular size and descent. Androgen receptor blockade did not produce a marked reduction in testicular size and consequently did not prevent testicular descent, whereas estradiol alone caused marked testicular atrophy and testicular maldescent. Reduction of the estradiol dosage or concomitant administration of androgens or human chorionic gonadotropin resulted in both increased testicular size and degree of descent. These data suggest that growth of the neonatal rat testis may contribute to its passage into the scrotum.

  18. Testicular cancer - epidemiology, etiology and risk factors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ondrusova, M.; Ondrus, D.


    Testicular cancer is a rare malignancy, that affects 1-2 % of male population. Trends of testicular cancer mortality are stable for a long period of time, even that incidence shows a rapid growth. This paper deals with national trends in testicular cancer incidence and mortality in Slovakia from 1968 to 2007 by using the join-point regression analysis to propose potential changes in health care. The authors noted a statistically significant increase in the values of incidence and improvement in mortality after 1975. Paper also deals with the etiology and risk factors of this malignancy. (author)

  19. Cisplatin-based chemotherapy changes the incidence of bilateral testicular cancer

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    vanBasten, JPA; Hoekstra, HJ; vanDriel, MF; Sleijfer, DT; Droste, JHJ; Schraffordt Koops, H.

    Background: The introduction of cisplatin-based chemotherapy has remarkably increased the survival of testicular cancer patients. With this success, the concern for a contraIateral testicular tumor has increased. The aim of this study was to investigate whether the risk for contralateral testicular

  20. Adolescent and adult risk factors for testicular cancer (United States)

    McGlynn, Katherine A.; Trabert, Britton


    The incidence of testicular cancer has been increasing over the past several decades in many developed countries. The reasons for the increases are unknown because risk factors for the disease are poorly understood. Some research suggests that exposures in utero or in early childhood are likely to be important in determining an individual's level of risk. However, other research suggests that exposure to various factors in adolecence and adulthood are also linked to the development of testicular cancer. Of these, two occupational exposures—firefighting and aircraft maintenance—and one environmental exposure (to organochloride pesticides) are likely to be associated with increased risk of developing testicular cancer. By contrast, six of the identified factors—diet, types of physical activity, military service as well as exposure to ionizing radiation, electricity and acrylamide—are unlikely to increase the risk of developing testicular cancer. Finally, seven further exposures—to heat, polyvinylchloride, nonionizing radiation, heavy metals, agricultural work, pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls as well as marijuana use—require further study to determine their association with testicular cancer. PMID:22508459

  1. Adolescent and adult risk factors for testicular cancer. (United States)

    McGlynn, Katherine A; Trabert, Britton


    The incidence of testicular cancer has been increasing over the past several decades in many developed countries. The reasons for the increases are unknown because the risk factors for the disease are poorly understood. Some research suggests that in utero exposures, or those in early childhood, are likely to be important in determining an individual's level of risk. However, other research suggests that exposure to various factors in adolescence and adulthood is also linked to the development of testicular cancer. Of these, two adult occupational exposures-fire fighting and aircraft maintenance--and one environmental exposure (to organochlorine pesticides) are likely to be associated with increased risk of developing testicular cancer. By contrast, seven of the identified factors--diet, types of physical activity, military service, police work as well as exposure to ionizing radiation, electricity and acrylamide--are unlikely to increase the risk of developing testicular cancer. Finally, seven further exposures--to heat, polyvinyl chloride, nonionizing radiation, heavy metals, agricultural work, pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls as well as marijuana use--require further study to determine their association with testicular cancer.

  2. Spermatogenesis and testicular tumours in ageing dogs

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Peters, M. A.; de rooij, D. G.; Teerds, K. J.; van de Gaag, I.; van Sluijs, F. J.


    The aims of this investigation were to quantify the changes in canine spermatogenesis that occur during ageing and to study the prevalence of testicular tumours and their effects on spermatogenesis in dogs. Testes from 74 dogs of various breeds without clinically detected testicular disease and from

  3. Right paratesticular abscess mimicking neonatal testicular torsion ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    U.O. Ezomike

    Abstract. The clinical presentation of neonatal paratesticular abscess may closely resemble that of, neonatal testicular torsion and the use of scrotal ultrasonography to differentiate the two has low, sensitivity. We propose early operative treatment of suspected neonatal testicular torsion to salvage, the testicle in cases of ...

  4. Testicular Cancer Survivorship: Research Strategies and Recommendations (United States)

    Beard, Clair; Allan, James M.; Dahl, Alv A.; Feldman, Darren R.; Oldenburg, Jan; Daugaard, Gedske; Kelly, Jennifer L.; Dolan, M. Eileen; Hannigan, Robyn; Constine, Louis S.; Oeffinger, Kevin C.; Okunieff, Paul; Armstrong, Greg; Wiljer, David; Miller, Robert C.; Gietema, Jourik A.; van Leeuwen, Flora E.; Williams, Jacqueline P.; Nichols, Craig R.; Einhorn, Lawrence H.; Fossa, Sophie D.


    Testicular cancer represents the most curable solid tumor, with a 10-year survival rate of more than 95%. Given the young average age at diagnosis, it is estimated that effective treatment approaches, in particular, platinum-based chemotherapy, have resulted in an average gain of several decades of life. This success, however, is offset by the emergence of considerable long-term morbidity, including second malignant neoplasms, cardiovascular disease, neurotoxicity, nephrotoxicity, pulmonary toxicity, hypogonadism, decreased fertility, and psychosocial problems. Data on underlying genetic or molecular factors that might identify those patients at highest risk for late sequelae are sparse. Genome-wide association studies and other translational molecular approaches now provide opportunities to identify testicular cancer survivors at greatest risk for therapy-related complications to develop evidence-based long-term follow-up guidelines and interventional strategies. We review research priorities identified during an international workshop devoted to testicular cancer survivors. Recommendations include 1) institution of lifelong follow-up of testicular cancer survivors within a large cohort setting to ascertain risks of emerging toxicities and the evolution of known late sequelae, 2) development of comprehensive risk prediction models that include treatment factors and genetic modifiers of late sequelae, 3) elucidation of the effect(s) of decades-long exposure to low serum levels of platinum, 4) assessment of the overall burden of medical and psychosocial morbidity, and 5) the eventual formulation of evidence-based long-term follow-up guidelines and interventions. Just as testicular cancer once served as the paradigm of a curable malignancy, comprehensive follow-up studies of testicular cancer survivors can pioneer new methodologies in survivorship research for all adult-onset cancer. PMID:20585105

  5. Determination of a normogram for testicular volume measured by ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    4.67years, 1.18±0.29m, 24.79±14.76kg and 15.82±2.63kg/m2. The mean testicular volume in the study population was 1.93±3.31ml. The right and left mean testicular volume were 2.27±+3.66ml and 2.23±3.61ml, respectively. Testicular volume ...

  6. Testicular Rupture: A Tough Nut to Crack

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tyler L. Holliday


    Full Text Available Blunt scrotal injury represents a diagnostic dilemma for emergency physicians (EP. Consequently, point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS has emerged as a tool for early investigation of the acute scrotum in the emergency department. We describe a case where an EP used scrotal POCUS to immediately visualize the loss of testicular contour and underlying heterogeneous parenchyma to rapidly make the diagnosis of testicular rupture in a young male presenting with scrotal trauma. The use of POCUS in this case expedited therapy, likely improving the patient’s outcome. To our knowledge, this is the first detailed description of testicular rupture diagnosed with POCUS by an EP

  7. Long-term Morbidity of Testicular Cancer Treatment. (United States)

    Fung, Chunkit; Fossa, Sophie D; Williams, Annalynn; Travis, Lois B


    Second malignant neoplasms, cardiovascular disease, neurotoxicity and ototoxicity, pulmonary complications, hypogonadism, and nephrotoxicity are potentially life-threatening long-term complications of testicular cancer and its therapy. This article describes the pathogenesis, risks, and management of these late effects experienced by long-term testicular cancer survivors, who are defined as individuals who are disease free 5 years or more after primary treatment. Testicular cancer survivors should follow applicable national guidelines for cancer screening and management of cardiovascular disease risk factors. In addition, health care providers should capitalize on the time of cancer diagnosis as a teachable moment to introduce and promote lifestyle changes. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  8. Influência do treinamento físico aeróbio sobre os prejuízos metabólicos e cardíacos induzidos pelo estresse crônico em ratos


    Andréa Sanches


    Resumo: O estresse crônico é um fator de risco para o desenvolvimento de hipertensão, aterosclerose e diabetes, e já demonstramos que o protocolo experimental de estresse crônico moderado e imprevisível (ECMI) é capaz de induzir resistência à insulina, dislipidemia, diminuição na produção de óxido nítrico, aumento da atividade do sistema renina-angiotensina e disfunção endotelial em ratos. Por outro lado, é vasta a literatura demonstrando que a prática regular de exercício físico é uma ferram...

  9. Teenage testicular torsion. | Onuigbo | International Journal of ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Aim: To study testicular torsion in teenagers in the Igbo community. Method: A retrospective study was carried out as regards requests for pathological examination of specimens received at a Regional Reference Laboratory based in Enugu. Results: Over a period of 30 years, 28 surgical specimens of testicular torsion in ...

  10. Environment, testicular dysgenesis and carcinoma in situ testis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Olesen, Inge A; Sonne, Si Brask; Hoei-Hansen, Christina E


    The testicular dysgenesis syndrome (TDS) hypothesis proposes that a proportion of the male reproductive disorders-cryptorchidism, hypospadias, infertility and testicular cancer-may be symptoms of one underlying developmental disease, TDS, which is most likely a result of disturbed gonadal...... range of phenotypes: from the mildest and most common form, in which impaired spermatogenesis is the only symptom, to the most severe cases, in which the patient may develop testicular cancer. It is of great importance that clinicians in different specialties treating patients with TDS are aware...

  11. Risk of second primary cancers after testicular cancer in East and West Germany: A focus on contralateral testicular cancers (United States)

    Rusner, Carsten; Streller, Brigitte; Stegmaier, Christa; Trocchi, Pietro; Kuss, Oliver; McGlynn, Katherine A; Trabert, Britton; Stang, Andreas


    Testicular cancer survival rates improved dramatically after cisplatin-based therapy was introduced in the 1970s. However, chemotherapy and radiation therapy are potentially carcinogenic. The purpose of this study was to estimate the risk of developing second primary cancers including the risk associated with primary histologic type (seminoma and non-seminoma) among testicular cancer survivors in Germany. We identified 16 990 and 1401 cases of testicular cancer in population-based cancer registries of East Germany (1961–1989 and 1996–2008) and Saarland (a federal state in West Germany; 1970–2008), respectively. We estimated the risk of a second primary cancer using standardized incidence ratios (SIRs) with 95% confidence intervals (95% CIs). To determine trends, we plotted model-based estimated annual SIRs. In East Germany, a total of 301 second primary cancers of any location were observed between 1961 and 1989 (SIR: 1.9; 95% CI: 1.7–2.1), and 159 cancers (any location) were observed between 1996 and 2008 (SIR: 1.7; 95% CI: 1.4–2.0). The SIRs for contralateral testicular cancer were increased in the registries with a range from 6.0 in Saarland to 13.9 in East Germany. The SIR for seminoma, in particular, was higher in East Germany compared to the other registries. We observed constant trends in the model-based SIRs for contralateral testicular cancers. The majority of reported SIRs of other cancer sites including histology-specific risks showed low precisions of estimated effects, likely due to small sample sizes. Testicular cancer patients are at increased risk especially for cancers of the contralateral testis and should receive intensive follow-ups. PMID:24407180

  12. Testicular Cancer Screening (PDQ®)—Health Professional Version (United States)

    For testicular cancer, there is no standard or routine screening test. Review the limited evidence on the benefits and harms of screening for testicular cancer using ultrasound, physical examination, and self-examination in this expert-reviewed summary.

  13. Biometria testicular, eletroejaculação e características seminais de caititus, Tayassu tajacu Linnaeus, 1758 (Mammalia, Artiodactyla, Tayassuidae mantidos em cativeiro na Amazônia Oriental Testicular biometry, electroejaculation and seminal features of captive collared peccaries (Tayassu tajacu Linnaeus, 1758, Artiodactyla, Tayassuidae raised in the Eastern Amazon

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Priscila Reis Kahwage


    Full Text Available Estudos relacionados à obtenção e avaliação de sêmen de Tayassu tajacu são escassos, sendo necessárias pesquisas a respeito. Os objetivos do estudo foram avaliar a biometria testicular de caititus adultos cativos, testar a eficiência da eletroejaculação para obtenção de sêmen e avaliar suas características seminais ao longo do ano. Procedeu-se à eletroejaculação em oito animais adultos e as amostras de sêmen colhidas foram avaliadas quanto às características físicas e morfológicas. Os animais tinham testículo esquerdo com 3,8 ± 0,4 cm X 2,6 ± 0,3 cm e 2,3 ± 0,2 de consistência, e testículo direito com 3,8 ± 0,5 cm X 2,7 ± 0,3 cm e 2,3 ± 0,2 de consistência. A taxa de sucesso nas colheitas foi de 75,21%. O sêmen possuiu: volume 0,81 ± 0,86 mL, concentração 137,44 ± 153 x 106 sptz mL-1, pH 7,92 ± 0,73, motilidade 52,66 ± 28,79%, vigor 2,2 ± 0,8, integridade de membrana plasmática 55,84 ± 28,55%, defeitos maiores 22,87 ± 12,93%, defeitos menores 9,11 ± 5,88% e defeitos totais 31,52 ± 13,81%. Os animais apresentaram simetria testicular, a eletroejaculação se mostrou eficiente para a obtenção de ejaculados em caititus e as flutuações observadas na produção seminal não foram suficientes para caracterizá-los como animais de reprodução sazonal.Research development in semen collection and sperm evaluation of Tayassu tajacu are necessary. The aims of this research were to evaluate testicular biometry of captive collared peccaries, test electroejaculation for semen collection and evaluate seminal characteristics during the year. Eight animals were submitted to electroejaculation and semen samples were evaluated according their physical and morphological characteristics. Left testicles measured 3.8 ± 0.4 cm X 2.6 ± 0.3 cm and presented 2.3 ± 0.2 of consistence, while right testicles were 3.8 ± 0.5 cm X 2.7 ± 0.3 cm and presented 2.3 ± 0.2 of consistence. Success rate on semen collections

  14. Pattern of testicular biopies as seen in a tertiary institution in nnewi, southeast Nigeria. (United States)

    Oranusi, Chidi-Kingsley; Onyiaorah, Igwebuike V; Ukah, Cornelius O


    Testicular biopsy is an acknowledged method of examination of the testes for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. We describe the pattern of testicular histologies in our environment. We carried out a retrospective review of testicular histology results from the Pathology Department of Nnamdi Azikiwe University Teaching Hospital (NAUTH), Nnewi, over a 5-year period, January 2008 to December 2012. During the period, 285 testicular histologies were reported. Eighty-one (28.4%) specimens were pathological specimens, while 204 (71.6%) were nonpathological specimens. Thirty-seven (13.0%) of the histology reports were for diagnostic purpose while 248 (87.0%) were for therapeutic purpose. Based on the results, indications could also be categorized into three, benign testicular pathology, malignant testicular pathology, and testicular biopsy for male factor infertility. Thirty-seven cases (13.0%) were due to male factor infertility with complete spermatogenic arrest as the most common histological finding in 21 (56.8%) of the cases. Malignant testicular diseases accounted for 16 (5.6%) of the indications for testicular biopsies. Benign testicular diseases accounted for 28 (9.8%) of the indications for testicular biopsies. Hemorrhagic infarction from testicular torsion represented the commonest histology in 12 (42.9%) cases, followed by inflammations of the testes. Indications for testicular biopsy can be diagnostic and therapeutic. They can also be categorized into benign testicular diseases, malignant testicular diseases, and male infertility. Investigation for male factor infertility was the only diagnostic indication for testicular biopsy. The high incidence of locally and metastatic prostate cancer in males explains why therapeutic removal of the testis is common.

  15. Development and clinical application of a new testicular prosthesis. (United States)

    Ning, Ye; Cai, Zhikang; Chen, Huixing; Ping, Ping; Li, Peng; Wang, Zhong; Li, Zheng


    A new type of testicular prosthesis made of silastic with an elliptical shape to mimic a normal testis was developed by our team and submitted for patenting in China. The prosthesis was produced in different sizes to imitate the normal testis of the patient. To investigate the effects and safety of the testicular prosthesis, 20 patients receiving testicular prosthesis implantation were recruited for this study. Follow-up after 6 months revealed no complications in the patients. All the patients answered that they were satisfied with their body image and the position of the implants, 19 patients were satisfied with the size and 16 patients were satisfied with the weight. These results show that the testicular prosthesis used in this study can meet patient's expectations. Patients undergoing orchiectomy should be offered the option to receive a testicular prosthesis implantation. The dimensions and weight of the available prosthetic implants should be further addressed to improve patient satisfaction.

  16. Accuracy of Prader orchidometer in measuring testicular volume

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Oct 21, 2012 ... testicular volumes were then determined by water displacement of the testis. ... tubules and germ cells. ... in a warm room after application of a heating pad (we used ... This mean difference in testicular volume between Prader.

  17. A Rare Cause of Testicular Metastasis: Upper Tract Urothelial Carcinoma

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alper Nesip Manav


    Full Text Available Metastatic testicular cancers are rare. Primary tumor sources are prostate, lung, and gastrointestinal tract for metastatic testicular cancers. Metastasis of urothelial carcinoma (UC to the testis is extremely rare. Two-thirds of upper tract urothelial carcinoma (UTUC is of invasive stage at diagnosis and metastatic sites are the pelvic lymph nodes, liver, lung, and bone. We report a rare case of metastatic UTUC to the testis which has not been reported before, except one case in the literature. Testicular metastasis of UC should be considered in patients with hematuria and testicular swelling.

  18. Luteinizing hormone in testicular descent

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Toppari, Jorma; Kaleva, Marko M; Virtanen, Helena E


    alone is not sufficient for normal testicular descent. The regulation of androgen production is influenced both by placental human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) and pituitary luteinizing hormone (LH). There is evidence that the longer pregnancy continues, the more important role pituitary LH may have....... Insulin-like hormone-3 (INSL3) is suggested to be the main regulator of gubernacular development and therefore an apparent regulator of testicular descent. INSL3 production is also related to LH, and reduced INSL3 action is a possible cause for cryptorchidism. Cryptorchid boys have normal testosterone...

  19. Polygenic susceptibility to testicular cancer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Litchfield, Kevin; Mitchell, Jonathan S; Shipley, Janet


    BACKGROUND: The increasing incidence of testicular germ cell tumour (TGCT) combined with its strong heritable basis suggests that stratified screening for the early detection of TGCT may be clinically useful. We modelled the efficiency of such a personalised screening approach, based on genetic...... known TGCT susceptibility variants. The diagnostic performance of testicular biopsy and non-invasive semen analysis was also assessed, within a simulated combined screening programme. RESULTS: The area under the curve for the TGCT PRS model was 0.72 with individuals in the top 1% of the PRS having...

  20. Epigenetic: a molecular link between testicular cancer and environmental exposures?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aurelie eVega


    Full Text Available In the last decades, studies in rodents have highlighted links between in utero and/or neonatal exposures to molecules that alter endocrine functions and the development of genital tract abnormalities, such as cryptorchidism, hypospadias, and impaired spermatogenesis. Most of these molecules, called endocrine disrupters (EDs exert estrogenic and/or antiandrogenic activities. These data led to the hypothesis of the Testicular Dysgenesis Syndrome which postulates that these disorders are one clinical entity and are linked by epidemiological and pathophysiological relations. Futhermore, infertility has been stated as a risk factor for testicular cancer. The incidence of testicular cancer has been increasing over the past decades. Most of testicular germ cell cancers develop through a pre-invasive carcinoma in situ (CIS from fetal germ cells (primordial germ cell or gonocyte. During their development, fetal germ cells undergo epigenetic modifications. Interestingly, several lines of evidence have shown that gene regulation through epigenetic mechanisms (DNA and histone modifications plays an important role in normal development as well as in various diseases, including testicular cancer.Here we will review chromatin modifications which can affect testicular physiology leading to the development of testicular cancer; and highlight potential molecular pathways involved in these alterations in the context of environmental exposures.

  1. Testicular torsion and weather conditions: analysis of 21,289 cases in Brazil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fernando Korkes


    Full Text Available PURPOSE: The hypothesis of association between testicular torsion and hyperactive cremasteric reflex, worsened by cold weather, has not been proved. Thirteen studies in the literature evaluated this issue, with inconclusive results. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the seasonality of testicular torsion in a large subset of patients surgically treated in Brazil, and additionally to estimate the incidence of testicular torsion. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Brazilian Public Health System Database was assessed from 1992-2010 to evaluate hospital admissions associated with treatment of testicular torsion. Average monthly temperature between 1992-2010 was calculated for each region. RESULTS: We identified 21,289 hospital admissions for treatment of testicular torsion. There was a higher number of testicular torsions during colder months (p = 0.002. To estimate the incidence of testicular torsion, we have related our findings to data from the last Brazilian census (2010. In 2010, testicular torsion occurred in 1.4:100,000 men in Brazil. CONCLUSIONS:Testicular torsion occurred at an annual incidence of approximately 1.4:100,000 men in Brazil in 2010. Seasonal variations do occur, with a significant increase of events during winter. Our findings support the theory of etiological role of cold weather to the occurrence of testicular torsion. Strategies to prevent these events can be based on these findings.

  2. Ultrasonographic features of prenatal testicular torsion: Case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Elif Ağaçayak


    Full Text Available Although prenatal testicular torsion (PNTT is rarely observed,it is an important condition that can cause bilateralvanishing testis. Generally, PNTT cases observed asextravaginal torsion and treatment is emergency surgicalop-eration. In this article, 39 week presented a case diagnosedin the prenatal testicular torsion. PNTT diagnosiswas confirmed by Doppler ultrasonography and emergencysurgery was performed. Extravaginal left testiculartorsion gangrene and necrosis of the testis was observedin the operation. Left orchiectomy was performed andintrauter-ine ultrasonographic diagnosis was found to becorrect.Key words: Testicular torsion, prenatal diagnosis, features,ultrasonography

  3. Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Testicular Cancer and Testicular Self-Examination Training for Patient Care Personnel: Intervention Study (United States)

    Akar, Serife Zehra; Bebis, Hatice


    Testicular cancer (TC) is the most common malignancy among men aged 15-35 years. Testicular self-examination (TSE) is an important tool for preventing late-stage TC diagnoses. This study aimed to assess health beliefs and knowledge related to TC and TSE and the effectiveness of TC and TSE training for patient care staff in a hospital. This was a…

  4. Cancer in first-degree relatives and risk of testicular cancer in Denmark (United States)

    Nordsborg, Rikke Baastrup; Meliker, Jaymie R.; Wohlfahrt, Jan; Melbye, Mads; Raaschou-Nielsen, Ole


    Familial aggregation of testicular cancer has been reported consistently, but it is less clear if there is any association between risk of testicular cancer and other cancers in the family. We conducted a population based case-control study to examine the relationship between risk of testicular cancer and 22 different cancers in first-degree relatives. We included 3297 cases of testicular cancer notified to the Danish Cancer Registry between 1991 and 2003. 6594 matched controls were selected from the Danish Civil Registration System, which also provided the identity of 40,104 first-degree relatives of case and controls. Familial cancer was identified by linkage to the Danish Cancer Registry, and we used conditional logistic regression to analyse whether cancer among first-degree relatives was associated with higher risk of testicular cancer. Rate ratio (RR) for testicular cancer was 4.63 (95% CI: 2.41–8.87) when a father, 8.30(95% CI: 3.81–18.10) when a brother and 5.23 (95% CI: 1.35–20.26) when a son had testicular cancer compared with no familial testicular cancer. Results were similar when analyses were stratified by histologic subtypes of testicular cancer. Familial Non-Hodgkin lymphoma and oesophageal cancer were associated with testicular cancer; however these may be chance findings. The familial aggregation of testicular and possibly other cancers may be explained by shared genes and/or shared environmental factors, but the mutual importance of each of these is difficult to determine. PMID:21207375

  5. Principales componentes del sistema renina-angiotensina-aldosterona: historia, modulación farmacológica e impacto clínico

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    David Benavente, Dr.


    Full Text Available La existencia del sistema Renina-Angiotensina-Aldosterona (RAA fue postulada hace más de 100 años. Posterior al descubrimiento de sus principales componentes se inició una etapa en la que se estableció su rol patogénico en enfermedades cardiovasculares y renales. El desarrollo de fármacos capaces de inhibir la producción o bloquear la acción de los diferentes componentes de este sistema ha revolucionado la forma en la que manejamos la patología cardiovascular y renal. La identificación de nuevos elementos constituyentes de este sistema promete mejorar nuestra comprensión del funcionamiento del mismo y la posibilidad de desarrollar nuevos fármacos más selectivos en sus efectos. Todo ello garantiza que el sistema RAA continúe siendo centro de nuestra atención por muchos años.

  6. Pattern of testicular biopies as seen in a tertiary institution in Nnewi, Southeast Nigeria

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Chidi-Kingsley Oranusi


    Full Text Available Background: Testicular biopsy is an acknowledged method of examination of the testes for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. We describe the pattern of testicular histologies in our environment. Materials and Methods: We carried out a retrospective review of testicular histology results from the Pathology Department of Nnamdi Azikiwe University Teaching Hospital (NAUTH, Nnewi, over a 5-year period, January 2008 to December 2012. Results: During the period, 285 testicular histologies were reported. Eighty-one (28.4% specimens were pathological specimens, while 204 (71.6% were nonpathological specimens. Thirty-seven (13.0% of the histology reports were for diagnostic purpose while 248 (87.0% were for therapeutic purpose. Based on the results, indications could also be categorized into three, benign testicular pathology, malignant testicular pathology, and testicular biopsy for male factor infertility. Thirty-seven cases (13.0% were due to male factor infertility with complete spermatogenic arrest as the most common histological finding in 21 (56.8% of the cases. Malignant testicular diseases accounted for 16 (5.6% of the indications for testicular biopsies. Benign testicular diseases accounted for 28 (9.8% of the indications for testicular biopsies. Hemorrhagic infarction from testicular torsion represented the commonest histology in 12 (42.9% cases, followed by inflammations of the testes. Conclusion: Indications for testicular biopsy can be diagnostic and therapeutic. They can also be categorized into benign testicular diseases, malignant testicular diseases, and male infertility. Investigation for male factor infertility was the only diagnostic indication for testicular biopsy. The high incidence of locally and metastatic prostate cancer in males explains why therapeutic removal of the testis is common.

  7. Testicular prostheses in children: Is earlier better? (United States)

    Peycelon, M; Rossignol, G; Muller, C O; Carricaburu, E; Philippe-Chomette, P; Paye-Jaouen, A; El Ghoneimi, A


    The absence of a testis occurs for various reasons in children, but testicular prosthesis implantation in children is uncommon. The optimal time for prosthesis placement is still unclear, and its complication rate has been poorly studied in children. The aim of this study was to determine the risk factors of complications in cases of testicular prosthesis implantation in children. A monocentric, retrospective review was performed of children implanted with a testicular prosthesis between 2008 and 2014. All implantations were performed through an inguinal incision with a standardized procedure. Children were divided into two groups depending on the interval after orchiectomy: (A) early implantation (delay between surgeries prosthesis implantation at the mean age of 14.7 years (range 9-18) (A, 14.3; B, 14.6) with a mean delay of 36.1 months (A, 1.3; B, 80.3). Indications were mainly spermatic cord torsion (27%), bilateral anorchia (27%), and testicular atrophy after cryptorchidism surgery (19.2%). Complications (10.5%) included two cases of extrusion, one infection and one migration. Patient 1 had a history of acute lymphoblastic leukemia with testicle relapse 2 years after induction therapy. High-dose chemotherapy, total body irradiation and bilateral orchiectomies were performed, and bilateral prostheses were implanted 12 years after the end of chemotherapy. Complications happened 85 days after surgery. Patient 2 was followed-up for a proximal hypospadias. The tunica vaginalis flap, which was used during a redo urethroplasty, lead to testicular atrophy. Thirteen years after the last penile surgery, a testicular prosthesis was placed through an inguinal incision, and extrusion occurred 203 days after surgery. Bacterial cultures of the prostheses were sterile and histological review showed no sign of granuloma or graft rejection. The complication rate was significantly higher if the delay between the two surgeries exceeded 1 year (P = 0.01). Indications of

  8. Fertility in patients treated for testicular cancer. (United States)

    Matos, Erika; Skrbinc, Breda; Zakotnik, Branko


    Testicular cancer affects men mostly in their reproductive age with a cure rate over 90% and fertility is one of the main concerns of survivors. To further elucidate the question of fertility after treatment for testicular cancer, we performed a survey in patients treated in our institution. We sent a questionnaire to patients treated for testicular cancer at our institute from 1976 to 2002 (n = 490) of whom 297 (60.6%) responded. We considered the patients to have conserved fertility if they had children after treatment without assisted reproductive technologies. Before treatment 119/297 (40.1%) of patients and after treatment 150/297 (50.5%) of patients tried to have children (p = 0.019). Of 119 patients who tried to have children before treatment for testicular cancer 98 (82.4%) succeeded and 74/150 (49.3%) were successful after treatment (p years. The post-treatment fatherhood in patients treated with surgery only (orchidectomy +/- retroperitoneal lymphnode dissection-RPLND) was 59%, in those with additional radiotherapy 68%, and chemotherapy 50% (p = 0.233). Fertility rate in patients where a non nerve sparing RPLND was performed was only 37%, 62% in patients with nerve sapring RPLND, and 77% in patients where RPLND was not performed (p Fertility rate after treatment for testicular cancer is reduced. From our data, the most important treatment modality that influences fertility is non nerve sparing RPLND that should be avoided whenever possible in order improve the quality of life our patients.

  9. Varicocelectomy in the treatment of testicular pain: a review. (United States)

    Shridharani, Anand; Lockwood, Gina; Sandlow, Jay


    Varicoceles are a common finding in adolescent boys and men. Most are asymptomatic, although up to 10% may cause testicular pain. This study will review the use of varicocelectomy in the treatment of testicular pain in men with clinical varicoceles, as well as provide prognostic indicators for successful outcome. Recent studies that examined the impact of varix ligation on preoperative testicular pain were reviewed. Most studies are retrospective and uncontrolled; although objective outcome measures were used in the majority. Varicocele grade, duration of discomfort, and the quality of pain tended to predict outcome but have not been universally supported. On the basis of the majority of the recently published studies, varicocelectomy, in the properly chosen patients, results in significant improvement or resolution of testicular pain.

  10. Testicular torsion repair (United States)

    ... the Procedure is Performed Testicular torsion is an emergency. In most cases, surgery is needed right away to relieve pain ... RM, Hockberger RS, Gausche-Hill M, eds. Rosen's Emergency Medicine: Concepts and Clinical Practice . 9th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2018:chap ...

  11. Características testiculares de touros imunizados com vacina anti-hormônio liberador do hormônio luteinizante Testicular characteristics of bulls immunosterilized with anti-luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone vaccine

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    Ricardo Zanella


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a ação imunoesterilizadora de uma vacina anti-hormônio liberador de hormônio luteinizante (LHRH, composta por ovalbumina-LHRH-7 e tiorredoxina-LHRH-7, em touros mestiços Nelore. Vinte e seis touros, com dois anos de idade, foram distribuídos aleatoriamente em dois grupos de 13 animais. No grupo I, os animais receberam uma dose e dois reforços da vacina nos dias 0, 141, e 287 do experimento. No grupo II, os animais não receberam nenhum tratamento (controle. Para avaliar o efeito da vacina nos touros, foi realizada a mensuração da circunferência escrotal no início do experimento e no dia do abate, 741 dias depois. Por ocasião do abate, também foi coletada uma amostra dos testículos para avaliação histológica. O grupo imunizado apresentou circunferência escrotal ao abate de 22±5,98 cm, menor do que a do grupo controle que foi de 35,6±2,4 cm. Na análise histológica dos animais do grupo imunizado, foi observada degeneração testicular com ausência de espermatozoides em 85% dos animais avaliados, os outros 15% apresentaram redução no número de espermatozoides, em comparação aos animais do grupo controle. A vacina anti-LHRH, com fusão de proteínas, é efetiva na castração imunológica de touros e deve ser considerada como alternativa para utilização na produção bovina extensiva no Brasil.The objective of this study was to evaluate the immunosterilization action of the anti-luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH vaccine, composed with ovalbumin-LHRH-7 and thioredoxin-LHRH-7, in Nelore-cross bulls. Twenty-six 2-year old bulls were randomly assigned in two groups of 13 animals each. The animals of group I received a primary and two booster injections of the vaccine on days 0, 141, and 287 of the experiment. In group II, the control group, the bulls did not receive any type of treatment. Scrotal circumference was measured in the beginning of the experiment and at slaughter

  12. Testiculaire microlithiasis bij jongens [Testicular microlithiasis in boys

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Goede, J.; Pierik, F.H.; Hack, W.W.M.; Algra, P.R.


    In three boys aged 15, 9, and 10 years respectively scrotal ultrasound revealed testicular microlithiasis (TM). Two boys were free of symptoms and one suffered from testicular pain. TM is characterized by multiple echogenic foci within the seminiferous tubules with no acoustic shadowing. The

  13. The diagnostic impact of testicular biopsies for intratubular germ cell neoplasia in cryptorchid boys and the subsequent risk of testicular cancer in men with prepubertal surgery for syndromic or non-syndromic cryptorchidism

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Osterballe, Lene; Clasen-Linde, Erik; Cortes, Dina


    INTRODUCTION: Cryptorchidism is a risk factor for testicular cancer in adult life. It remains unclear how prepubertal surgery for cryptorchidism impacts later development of adult testicular cancer. The aim of study was to investigate tools to identify the cryptorchid boys who later develop...... testicular cancer. METHODS: The study cohort consisted of 1403 men operated prepubertally/pubertally for undescended testis between 1971 and 2003. At surgery testicular biopsies were taken from the cryptorchid testes. The boys were followed for occurrence of testicular cancer. The testicular cancer risk...... was compared to the risk in the Danish Population. Testicular biopsies from the boys who developed testicular cancer during follow-up underwent histological examination with specific diagnostic immunohistochemical markers for germ cell neoplasia. RESULTS: The cohort was followed for 33,627 person years at risk...

  14. Testicular tumours in prepubertal children: About eight cases ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Conclusion: In prepubertal children, most testicular tumours are benign. If tumour markers were negative testis-preserving surgery can be proposed, complete excision of the tumour should be ascertained. In the case of testicular teratoma, the possibility of contralateral tumour should be considered in the follow-up.

  15. Relationship of testicular development with age, body weight ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The study was conducted to measure the development of several testicular characteristics and to investigate the relationship between testicular parameters with body growth, semen characteristics and serum testosterone levels in growing ram lambs. Seventeen single born Kivircik ram lambs from three to four year old ewes ...

  16. Testicular tuberculosis in an HIV positive patient mimicking ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    B.A. Ojo

    Abstract. With the upsurge of tuberculosis infection compounded by the pandemic Human Immune Deficiency Virus. (HIV), isolated testicular tuberculosis though a rarity, should be a differential diagnosis especially in the atypical age group of patients presenting with testicular swelling and in areas with high prevalence rate ...

  17. Adverse testicular effects of Botox® in mature rats

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Breikaa, Randa M. [Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Faculty of Pharmacy, Ain Shams University, Cairo (Egypt); Mosli, Hisham A. [Department of Urology, Faculty of Medicine, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah (Saudi Arabia); Nagy, Ayman A. [Department of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah (Saudi Arabia); Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, Faculty of Medicine, Tanta University, Tanta (Egypt); Abdel-Naim, Ashraf B., E-mail: [Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Faculty of Pharmacy, Ain Shams University, Cairo (Egypt); Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Faculty of Pharmacy, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah (Saudi Arabia)


    Botox® injections are taking a consistently increasing place in urology. Intracremasteric injections, particularly, have been applied for cryptorchidism and painful testicular spasms. Studies outlining their safety for this use are, however, scanty. Thus, the present study aimed at evaluating possible testicular toxicity of Botox® injections and their effect on male fertility. Mature rats were given intracremasteric Botox® injections (10, 20 and 40 U/kg) three times in a two-week interval. Changes in body and testes weights were examined and gonadosomatic index compared to control group. Semen quality, sperm parameters, fructose, protein, cholesterol and triglycerides contents were assessed. Effects on normal testicular function were investigated by measuring testosterone levels and changes in enzyme activities (lactate dehydrogenase-X and acid phosphatase). To draw a complete picture, changes in oxidative and inflammatory states were examined, in addition to the extent of connective tissue deposition between seminiferous tubules. In an attempt to have more accurate information about possible spermatotoxic effects of Botox®, flowcytometric analysis and histopathological examination were carried out. Botox®-injected rats showed altered testicular physiology and function. Seminiferous tubules were separated by dense fibers, especially with the highest dose. Flowcytometric analysis showed a decrease in mature sperms and histopathology confirmed the findings. The oxidative state was, however, comparable to control group. This study is the first to show that intracremasteric injections of Botox® induce adverse testicular effects evidenced by inhibited spermatogenesis and initiation of histopathological changes. In conclusion, decreased fertility may be a serious problem Botox® injections could cause. - Highlights: • Botox® injections are the trend nowadays, for both medical and non-medical uses. • They were recently suggested for cryptorchidism and

  18. Hormônio folículo estimulante como preditor do achado de espermatozóides móveis na biópsia testicular de casos de azoospermia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Souza Carlos Augusto Bastos de


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Determinar fatores preditivos do achado de espermatozóides móveis em casos de azoospermia. MÉTODOS: Sessenta pacientes com diagnóstico de azoospermia tiveram avaliado seu volume testicular e dosagens séricas de hormônio folículo estimulante (FSH, hormônio luteinizante (LH, prolactina e testosterona. Os pacientes foram submetidos à biópsia testicular bilateral com anestesia local. As amostras obtidas foram submetidas à avaliação no laboratório de biologia de reprodução, sendo classificadas em: ausência de espermatozóides, presença de espermatozóides móveis e imóveis, e à avaliação histológica. Foram comparados: idade, valores hormonais, volume testicular e histologia com o achado de espermatozóides móveis. Foi considerado significativo um P < 0,05. RESULTADOS: Quarenta e cinco pacientes possuíam azoospermia não-obstrutiva. Foi encontrada uma diferença significativa entre os grupos com achado de espermatozóides móveis e o grupo com ausência de espermatozóides quanto aos valores de FSH (P=0,037 ANOVA one-way. Foi construída uma curva ROC que determinou valores abaixo de 16,05 UI/L (sensibilidade de 76,2%, especificidade de 67,7% como preditivos do achado de espermatozóides móveis. Não foram encontradas outras diferenças estatísticas. CONCLUSÕES: O FSH possui boa acurácia na determinação da presença de espermatozóides móveis na biópsia testicular de pacientes azoospérmicos. O exame físico, os valores de testosterona, LH e prolactina não podem ser utilizados na predição do sucesso da biópsia testicular para fins de reprodução assistida.

  19. Estudo da atividade inibitória enzimática da quercetina sobre a resposta vasodepressora induzida pela bradicinina

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    Luciane Pereira Nascimento Häckl

    Full Text Available Em estudos recentes tem sido sugerido que os flavonóides, compostos de origem vegetal sendo encontrados em vários produtos alimentares, possuem uma ação inibitória de vários sistemas enzimáticos. A inibição da enzima conversora da angiotensina (ECA tem sido utilizada no tratamento da hipertensão. O mecanismo de ação dos inibidores da ECA implica na formação da Angiotensina II e na degradação da bradicinina. O propósito do presente estudo foi de analisar a ação da quercetina na atividade da ECA através da avaliação do efeito da angiotensina I (AI e da bradicinina (BK na pressão arterial de ratos anestesiados. Foram utilizados neste estudo ratos Wistar machos adultos. Estes animais foram anestesiados com uretana e foi introduzida na traquéia uma cânula de polietileno (PE 240 para facilitar a respiração. Também foi isolada e canulada (PE 50 a veia jugular para administração das substâncias em estudo. Para registro da pressão arterial foi introduzida na artéria carótida comum esquerda uma cânula de polietileno (PE 50 acoplada a um transdutor de pressão. A administração de BK (10 nmol/kg, i.v. induziu um efeito hipotensor, enquanto que a administração de AI (0,1 nmol/kg induziu uma resposta hipertensora. Pré-tratamento com captopril v.o. (100 nmol/kg 45 min antes e i.v. (10 nmol/kg 5 min antes aumentou significativamente a resposta à BK; embora captopril reduziu, também significativamente, o efeito da AI. O tratamento com quercetina via oral (30 mg/kg 45 min antes e via intravenosa (5 mg/kg 5 min antes aumentou significativamente o efeito da BK. O efeito da AI foi significativamente reduzido por ambos os tratamentos. Estes resultados sugerem que a quercetina potenciou o efeito hipotensor da bradicinina e reduziu o efeito hipertensor da angiotensina I através de ação inibitória sobre a enzima conversora da angiotensina, portanto apresentando um mecanismo de ação semelhante ao captopril.

  20. Testicular neoplasia in undescended testes of cryptorchid boys-does surgical strategy have an impact on the risk of invasive testicular neoplasia?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Cortes, Dina; Thorup, Jørgen Mogens; Petersen, Bodil Laub


    We investigated whether or not surgical strategy has an impact on the risk of invasive testicular neoplasia in cases of cryptorchidism. We made a database study of the incidence of testicular neoplasia at surgery for cryptorchidism in childhood, and evaluated if such abnormalities were found......, p placed...

  1. Perinatal testicular torsion: literature review and local experience ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The prognosis in TUDT is guarded and contralateral fixation was not practiced, except in a 5-week-old infant. Early orchiopexy at 3–6 months is recommended. Cooperation between surgeons, neonatologists, and parents is mandatory to avoid time delay. Keywords: intrauterine testicular torsion, postnatal testicular torsion, ...

  2. Neonatal testicular tumour presenting as an acute scrotum

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Neonatal testicular tumour presenting as an acute scrotum. Joyce M. Muhlschlegel, Alice L. Mears and Rowena J. Hitchcock. Juvenile granulosa cell tumour (JGCT) is a rare benign stromal cell tumour of the testis accounting for approximately 1% of all paediatric testicular tumours. Presenting primarily as a painless ...

  3. Trends in Testicular Cancer Survival: A Large Population-based Analysis. (United States)

    Sui, Wilson; Morrow, David C; Bermejo, Carlos E; Hellenthal, Nicholas J


    To determine whether discrepancies in testicular cancer outcomes between Caucasians and non-Caucasians are changing over time. Although testicular cancer is more common in Caucasians, studies have shown that other races have worse outcomes. Using the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results registry, we identified 29,803 patients diagnosed with histologically confirmed testicular cancer between 1983 and 2011. Of these, 12,650 patients (42%) had 10-year follow-up data. We stratified the patients by age group, stage, race, and year of diagnosis and assessed 10-year overall and cancer-specific survival in each cohort. Cox proportional hazard models were used to determine the relative contributions of each stratum to cancer-specific survival. Predicted overall 10-year survival of Caucasian patients with testicular cancer increased slightly from 88% to 89% over the period studied, whereas predicted cancer-specific 10-year survival dropped slightly from 94% to 93%. In contrast, non-Caucasian men demonstrated larger changes in 10-year overall (84%-86%) and cancer-specific (88%-91%) survival. On univariate analysis, race was significantly associated with testicular cancer death, with non-Caucasian men being 1.69 times more likely to die of testicular cancer than Caucasians (hazard ratio, 1.33-2.16; 95% confidence interval, testicular cancer. These data show a convergence in cancer-specific survival between racial groups over time, suggesting that diagnostic and treatment discrepancies may be improving for non-Caucasians. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  4. Testicular cancer in twins: a meta-analysis. (United States)

    Neale, R E; Carrière, P; Murphy, M F G; Baade, P D


    In a meta-analysis of testicular cancer in twins, twins had a 30% increased risk (estimate 1.31, 95% CI 1.1-1.6), providing indirect support for the hypothesis that in utero hormone variations influence risk of testicular cancer. The summary-estimate for dizygotic twins was 1.3 (1.0-1.7) and for monozygotic or same sex twins 1.4 (1.2-1.8).

  5. Morfologia testicular de ratos Wistar obesos sedentários e submetidos a treinamento físico = Testicular morphology in obese and sedentary Wistar rats submitted to physical training

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    Ken Sekine Takashiba


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar morfologicamente os efeitos da dieta de cafeteria e o treinamento físico em esteira sobre o testículo de ratos Wistar. Ratos machos adultos foram divididos em grupos (sedentário-controle; sedentário-cafeteria; treinado-controle; e treinadocafeteria. Para comprovar a instalação da obesidade calculou-se o índice de Lee e o peso dos tecidos adiposos periepididimal e retroperitoneal. A análise testicular envolveu o peso da gônada e após processamento histológico e coloração por Hematoxilina-Eosina, os parâmetros de diâmetro tubular, altura do epitélio seminífero, identificação dos tipos celulares presentes nos túbulos seminíferos, contagem de células e rendimento geral da espermatogênese. O aumento significativo do Índice de Lee e do peso dos tecidos adiposos, nos grupos que receberam dieta de cafeteria, comprovou a instalação da obesidade e indicou ser este um modelo adequado para induzir obesidade experimental. Não houve efeito da dieta ou do treinamento sobre o peso testicular, diâmetro tubular e altura do epitélio seminífero não havendo também diferenças na organização histológica dos testículos e túbulos seminíferos. Após quantificação celular e cálculo dos índices mitótico e meiótico e da capacidade total de suporte das células de Sertoli, verificamos efeito positivo do treinamento físico, independente da dieta recebida, sobre o rendimento geral da espermatogênese.The aim of this study was to morphologically evaluate the effects of the cafeteria diet and physical training on the testicles of adult Wistar rats. Adult male rats were divided into groups (sedentary-control, sedentary-cafeteria, trained-control, and trainedcafeteriaIn order to state the obesity condition both the Lee index and the weight of retroperitoneal and periepididymal adipose tissues were calculated. The testicular analysis involved the gonad weight and after the histological processing

  6. An unusual case of intra-abdominal testicular torsion: Role of laparoscopy

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    Alfonso Papparella


    Full Text Available The authors report a case of intra-abdominal testicular torsion, where laparoscopy has been useful for diagnosis and surgical management. A boy was presented with a left impalpable testis. Laparoscopy revealed a twisted spermatic cord at the inlet pelvis, which ended in a testicular remnant located in the sub-umbilical area. After orchiectomy, the pathologist confirmed testicular atrophy. Diagnosis of intra-abdominal testicular torsion should be considered in patients with impalpable testis and abdominal pain, but could not be excluded in those with no symptoms.

  7. Effect of oral administration of terephthalic acid on testicular functions of rats

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cui Lunbiao; Dai Guidong; Xu Lichun; Wang Shouling; Song Ling; Zhao Renzhen; Xiao Hang; Zhou Jianwei; Wang Xinru


    To investigate the toxic effect of terephthalic acid (TPA) on testicular functions of rats, male Sprague-Dawley rats were orally administered TPA in diet at the levels 0 (control), 0.2, 1 and 5% for 90 days. Testicular functions were assessed by histopathology, testicular sperm head counts, daily sperm production, sperm motility (measured by computer-assisted sperm analysis, CASA), biochemical indices (marker testicular enzymes), and serum testosterone. Oral feeding with terephthalic acid did not cause body and testes weight loss in TPA-treated groups. Histopathologically, damages of spermatogenic cells and Sertoli cells were observed by electron microscope, testicular sperm head counts, daily sperm production, and activities of sorbitol dehydrogenase (SDH) were decreased significantly in the 5% TPA group. The motility of spermatozoa was reduced significantly in all treated groups, which was correlated with administration doses. Serum testosterone concentrations were not declined in treated groups. In conclusion, TPA can cause impairment of testicular functions. The primary sites of action may be spermatogenic cells and Sertoli cells. The results of the present study provide first information of TPA on testicular functions in male rats

  8. Testicular Sperm Sampling by Subcapsular Orchiectomy in Klinefelter Patients

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fedder, Jens; Gravholt, Claus H.; Kristensen, Stine Gry


    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate subcapsular orchiectomy as a method to retrieve spermatozoa from minute testicular foci in men with Klinefelter syndrome (KS). METHODS: Fourteen men with KS were consecutively recruited to unilateral subcapsular orchiectomy. Testicular tissue was dissected mechanically...

  9. Hereditary association between testicular cancer and familial ovarian cancer: A Familial Ovarian Cancer Registry study. (United States)

    Etter, John Lewis; Eng, Kevin; Cannioto, Rikki; Kaur, Jasmine; Almohanna, Hani; Alqassim, Emad; Szender, J Brian; Joseph, Janine M; Lele, Shashikant; Odunsi, Kunle; Moysich, Kirsten B


    Although family history of testicular cancer is well-established as a risk factor for testicular cancer, it is unknown whether family history of ovarian cancer is associated with risk of testicular cancer. Using data from the Familial Ovarian Cancer Registry on 2636 families with multiple cases of ovarian cancer, we systematically compared relative frequencies of ovarian cancer among relatives of men with testicular and non-testicular cancers. Thirty-one families with cases of both ovarian and testicular cancer were identified. We observed that, among men with cancer, those with testicular cancer were more likely to have a mother with ovarian cancer than those with non-testicular cancers (OR = 3.32, p = 0.004). Zero paternal grandmothers of men with testicular cancer had ovarian cancer. These observations provide compelling preliminary evidence for a familial association between ovarian and testicular cancers Future studies should be designed to further investigate this association and evaluate X-linkage. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  10. Crossed testicular ectopia: a case report and review of the literature

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Crossed testicular ectopia: a case report and review of the literature. Sami E.E. Salah, Khalid I. Elhaj, Yasir O.M. Awadelseed and. Sami G.E.E. Mohammed. Crossed testicular ectopia (CTE) is an extremely rare anomaly in which deviation of testicular descent results in unilateral location of both testes. It is usually associated.

  11. The Value of Testicular Biopsy in Male Infertility: Experience with 63 ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Objectives: The subject of male infertility is large and complex. While testicular biopsy has been condemned in the diagnosis of patients with testicular tumors, it has a well established place in the investigation of the sub-fertile male. This study was conducted to examine the role of testicular biopsy in patients with male ...

  12. Global trends in testicular cancer incidence and mortality. (United States)

    Rosen, Alexandre; Jayram, Gautam; Drazer, Michael; Eggener, Scott E


    Epidemiologic studies on testicular cancer have focused primarily on European countries. Global incidence and mortality have been less thoroughly evaluated. Our goal was to gain a better understanding of the most recent global age-standardized incidence and mortality rates for testicular cancer and to use these values to estimate a region's health care quality. Age-standardized incidence rate (ASIR) and age-standardized mortality rate (ASMR) for testicular cancer were obtained for men of all ages in 172 countries by using the GLOBOCAN 2008 database, reflecting the annual rate of cancer incidence and mortality per 100,000 men. These data were evaluated on a regional level to compare incidence and mortality rates. Global plots of these values were constructed to better visualize geographic distributions. Finally, the ratio of ASIR to ASMR was calculated as a method to assess each region's proficiency in diagnosing and effectively treating testicular cancer. ASIR and ASMR were analyzed by region, and each region's ratio of ASIR to ASMR was calculated. Testicular cancer ASIR is highest in Western Europe (7.8%), Northern Europe (6.7%), and Australia (6.5%). Asia and Africa had the lowest incidence (ASMR was highest in Central America (0.7%), western Asia (0.6%), and Central and Eastern Europe (0.6%). Mortality was lowest in North America, Northern Europe, and Australia (0.1-0.2%). The ASIR-ASMR ratio was highest in Australia (65.0%) and lowest in western Africa (1.0%). National reporting systems varied by country, and data quality may have fluctuated between regions. Testicular cancer incidence remains highest in developed nations with primarily Caucasian populations. Variable ASIR-ASMR ratios suggest markedly different geographic-specific reporting mechanisms, access to care, and treatment capabilities. Copyright © 2011 European Association of Urology. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  13. A Rare Cause of Scrotal Mass in a Newborn: Antenatal Intravaginal Testicular Torsion

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ahmet Ali Tuncer


    Full Text Available Intravaginal testicular torsion is a very rare pathology in the neonatal period. However, it is the most common type of torsion in puberty. In this article, we present a male patient with testicular hyperemia and a mass in the testis. Ultrasonography revealed intravaginal testicular torsion and absence of testicular blood flow. This paper aims to draw attention to the importance of neonatal examination for the presence of testicular torsion which is a rare pathology in newborns with scrotal colour change or presence of an abnormal mass.

  14. Adult testicular cancer: Two decades of Saudi national data. (United States)

    Abomelha, Mohammed


    There is a paucity of data regarding testicular cancer among Saudis as well as the nonexistent of published national data. Furthermore, a substantial increase of the incidence of testicular cancer among Saudis was lately noted. The aim of the study is to determine the trends and patterns of testicular cancer among adult Saudis using national data over a period of 20 years. The national database of the Saudi Cancer Registry (SCR) on testicular cancer over the last two decades was studied including epidemiological and histological patterns. The 1004 cases of testicular cancer among adult Saudis reported by the SCR will be the subject of this study. From 1994 to 2013, 1004 cases of testicular cancer among adult Saudis were reported to the SCR, with a steadily significant increase in incidence rate reaching an annual rate of 94 cases in 2013. Age of the patients ranged 15-93 years with a mean of 34.5 years. The most affected age group was 20-34 years, where 51% of all testicular cancer accumulated. Around 85% of testicular cancer is germ cell tumors, while paratesticular and gonadal stromal tumors represent 15%. Of all testicular cancer, seminomas were seen in 40.7%, nonseminomas in 44.6%. Notably, 70.4% of the cases in the first decade were seminomas, while in the second decade 65.9% of the cases were nonseminomas. The subtypes of the nonseminomas were a mixed tumor in 51.6%, embryonal carcinoma in 19.9%, yolk sac tumor in 12.3%, germinomas in 6.7%, teratomas in 6%, and choriocarcinomas in 3.6%. Lymphomas (34.7%) and rhabdomyosarcomas (23.6%) are on the top of the paratesticular tumor group. The Surveillance Epidemiology and End Results summary stage of seminomas was localized in 61.6%, regional in 19.8%, and distant in 12.6%, while of nonseminomas was 48%, 15.5%, and 28.5%, respectively. Localized and distant status of seminomas improved over the studied period by 12% and 4% respectively, while this trend was not seen in nonseminomas. The incidence rate is on rising

  15. A 55-Year-Old Man with Right Testicular Pain: Too Old for Torsion? (United States)

    Tang, Yu Ho; Yeung, Victor Hip Wo; Chu, Peggy Sau Kwan; Man, Chi Wai


    Testicular torsion is predominantly a disease of adolescence, but age itself should not be an exclusion criterion for the diagnosis. A lack of suspicion for testicular torsion in older patients may result in a missed or delayed diagnosis which jeopardizes the chance of testicular salvage. In this article, we report a case of testicular torsion in a 55-year-old Chinese man.

  16. Ultrasonographic diagnosis of torsion of testicular appendages

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Esparza, J.; Gonzalez, A.; Cordero, J. L.


    To determine the efficacy of ultrasound in boys presenting torsion of a testicular appendage. A series of 30 boys with acute scrotal pain due to torsion of a testicular appendage was studied. Nine patients underwent surgery. The clinical findings and course in the remaining 21 suggested the presence of this abnormality. All of them underwent conventional and color Doppler ultrasound using a 7.5 MHz transducer. In 15 boys, ultrasound images depicted the affected appendage as a mass between the epididymal head and the testicle. In 13 cases, only signs of a inflammatory reaction, with enlargement of the epididymal head and tunicas presenting hyperflow and hydrocele, mimicking acute epididymities. In two cases, the images were normal. There is no definitive, distinguishing ultrasound image corresponding to testicular appendage torsion. Therefore, this diagnostic technique should be accompanied by clinical assessment. (Author) 14 refs

  17. Teachers' Beliefs Concerning Teaching about Testicular Cancer and Testicular Self-Examination. (United States)

    Wohl, Royal E.; Kane, William M.


    This study compared secondary health teachers' beliefs concerning teaching about testicular cancer (TC) and self-examination (TSE) to actual instruction. TC and TSE education levels were low. Perceived barriers to teaching about TSE was the main predictor of TSE instruction. Teachers with previous preparation in TC and TSE provided the most…

  18. Relapse and Mortality Risk of Stage I Testicular Cancer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Florvall, Cecilia; Frederiksen, Peder; Lauritsen, Jakob


    OBJECTIVES: - To assess the medical insurance risk for patients with stage I testicular cancer (TC), by calculating the overall mortality risk with and without relapse, and compare it to men from the Danish population. BACKGROUND: - Testicular cancer is the most common malignancy in young males...

  19. Ultrasonographic findings of torsed testicular appendages in prepubertal children

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shin, Su Mi


    To characterize the sonographic findings of torsed testicular appendages and to evaluate the sonographic findings in making erroneous diagnosis of epididymitis or torsion of testis in prepubertal children. From June 2010 to November 2012, we retrospectively analyzed the duplex sonography of fifteen children with torsion of testicular appendages. The presence or absence of the extratesticular nodule and secondary inflammatory changes were evaluated. Six patients had follow-up sonography and two patients underwent surgery. Sonography demonstrated the extratesticular nodule in 13 (87%) children. Four of these 13 children were misdiagnosed as epididymitis due to imperceptions of the nodule. Out of remaining two (13%) children without the nodule, one mimicked epididymitis and the other was misdiagnosed as torsion of testis. Secondary inflammatory changes included enlarged epididymis in 14 children (93%), scrotal wall edema in 11 (73%), hydrocele in 10 (67%), and enlarged testis in 3 (20%). Ultrasonographic findings of secondary inflammatory changes in the absence or imperception of the nodules for epididymo-testicular groove or epididymal head may suggest an erroneous diagnosis of epididymitis or torsion of testis in children with torsed testicular appendages. Meticulous evaluation for the nodule is important when differentiating the torsed testicular appendages from the two entities of prepubertal children.

  20. Protective effect of hemin against cadmium-induced testicular damage in rats

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fouad, Amr A.; Qureshi, Habib A.; Al-Sultan, Ali Ibrahim; Yacoubi, Mohamed T.; Ali, Abdellah Abusrie


    The protective effect of hemin, the heme oxygenase-1 inducer, was investigated in rats with cadmium induced-testicular injury, in which oxidative stress and inflammation play a major role. Testicular damage was induced by a single i.p. injection of cadmium chloride (2 mg/kg). Hemin was given for three consecutive days (40 μmol/kg/day, s.c.), starting 1 day before cadmium administration. Hemin treatment significantly increased serum testosterone level that was reduced by cadmium. Hemin compensated deficits in the antioxidant defense mechanisms (reduced glutathione, and catalase and superoxide dismutase activities), and suppressed lipid peroxidation in testicular tissue resulted from cadmium administration. Also, hemin attenuated the cadmium-induced elevations in testicular tumor necrosis factor-α and nitric oxide levels, and caspase-3 activity. Additionally, hemin ameliorated cadmium-induced testicular tissue damage observed by light and electron microscopic examinations. The protective effect afforded by hemin was abolished by prior administration of zinc protoporphyrin-IX, the heme oxygenase-1 inhibitor. It was concluded that hemin, through its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antiapoptotic effects, represents a potential therapeutic option to protect the testicular tissue from the detrimental effects of cadmium

  1. Attitudes Toward Testicular Cancer and Self-Examination Among Northern Irish Males. (United States)

    Roy, Rachel Kathryn; Casson, Karen


    Testicular cancer incidence rates are increasing worldwide making it the most common malignancy in males aged 15 to 45 years. Without a known way to prevent the disease health professionals must promote awareness and early detection. A literature review identified a scarcity of information regarding awareness and knowledge of, and attitudes toward, testicular cancer and testicular self-examination among men in Northern Ireland. This study aimed to establish baseline data for Northern Ireland using a convenience sample of 150 men, aged 18 to 45 years. The sample was recruited from across the country and so represents a range of education and area deprivation levels. An online survey was used to collect data. Results showed that while 39% of respondents correctly identified the age group at highest risk for testicular cancer, only 17% of respondents had ever heard of a testicular self-examination. Analysis revealed knowledge, awareness, and attitudes differed by age groups and area deprivation quintiles. It is recommended that health promoters in Northern Ireland and elsewhere use these findings to tailor health promotion initiatives to engage men and raise testicular cancer and self-examination awareness.

  2. File list: Unc.Gon.50.AllAg.Testicular_somatic_cells [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available Unc.Gon.50.AllAg.Testicular_somatic_cells mm9 Unclassified Gonad Testicular somatic... cells ...

  3. File list: Unc.Gon.05.AllAg.Testicular_somatic_cells [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available Unc.Gon.05.AllAg.Testicular_somatic_cells mm9 Unclassified Gonad Testicular somatic... cells ...

  4. File list: Unc.Gon.20.AllAg.Testicular_somatic_cells [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available Unc.Gon.20.AllAg.Testicular_somatic_cells mm9 Unclassified Gonad Testicular somatic... cells ...

  5. File list: Unc.Gon.10.AllAg.Testicular_somatic_cells [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available Unc.Gon.10.AllAg.Testicular_somatic_cells mm9 Unclassified Gonad Testicular somatic... cells ...

  6. Testicular cancer risk and maternal parity: a population-based cohort study. (United States)

    Westergaard, T; Andersen, P K; Pedersen, J B; Frisch, M; Olsen, J H; Melbye, M


    The aim was to study, in a population-based cohort design, whether first-born sons run a higher risk of testicular cancer than later born sons; to investigate whether this difference in risk was affected by birth cohort, age of the son, maternal age, interval to previous delivery and other reproductive factors; and, finally, to evaluate to what extent changes in women's parity over time might explain the increasing incidence of testicular cancer. By using data from the Civil Registration System, a database was established of all women born in Denmark since 1935 and all their children alive in 1968 or born later. Sons with testicular cancer were identified in the Danish Cancer Registry. Among 1015994 sons followed for 15981 967 person-years, 626 developed testicular cancer (443 non-seminomas, 183 seminomas). Later born sons had a decreased risk of testicular cancer (RR = 0.80, 95% CI = 0.67-0.95) compared with first-born sons. The RR was 0.79 (95% CI = 0.64-0.98) for non-seminomas and 0.81 (95% CI = 0.58-1.13) for seminomas. There was no association between testicular cancer risk and overall parity of the mother, maternal or paternal age at the birth of the son, or maternal age at first birth. The decreased risk of testicular cancer among later born sons was not modified by age, birth cohort, interval to the previous birth, sex of the first-born child, or maternal age at birth of the son or at first birth. The increased proportion of first-borns from birth cohort 1946 to birth cohort 1969 only explained around 3% of an approximated two-fold increase in incidence between the cohorts. Our data document a distinctly higher risk of testicular cancer in first-born compared with later born sons and suggest that the most likely explanation should be sought among exposures in utero. The increase in the proportion of first-borns in the population has only contributed marginally to the increase in testicular cancer incidence.

  7. File list: Pol.Gon.05.AllAg.Testicular_somatic_cells [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available Pol.Gon.05.AllAg.Testicular_somatic_cells mm9 RNA polymerase Gonad Testicular somatic... cells ...

  8. File list: Pol.Gon.20.AllAg.Testicular_somatic_cells [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available Pol.Gon.20.AllAg.Testicular_somatic_cells mm9 RNA polymerase Gonad Testicular somatic... cells ...

  9. File list: Pol.Gon.10.AllAg.Testicular_somatic_cells [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available Pol.Gon.10.AllAg.Testicular_somatic_cells mm9 RNA polymerase Gonad Testicular somatic... cells ...

  10. Testicular tumors - clinical aspects and therapy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hirschmann, K.E.


    In this study the author reports about classification, clinical experience, therapy and therapeutic results of testicular tumors on the basis of results given in literature and of own investigations performed at the Clinic and Policlinic for Radiotherapy at Wuerzburg. In total, 97 patients with testicular tumors were examined and their cases analysed. These patients had received radiotherapy between January 1, 1962 and December 31, 1979. The difficulties with the intended classification of testicular tumors and the advantages and disadvantages of the individual nomenclatures are described. Consideration of the affected age-groups showed that this disease concerns mainly younger males with a high life expectancy. The study depicts the relatively discrete symptoms and signs and the difficulties connected with clinical diagnosis. A more generous indication for the exposition of the testicles is demanded. Also the lymphatic drainage of the testicular region, the resulting paths of metastatic spread and the difficulties connected with the lymphographic detection of metastases are described. There are three therapeutic measures: surgical intervention, radiotherapy and cytostatic treatment. With seminomas mandatory semitestectomy and radiotherapy will suffice; with other affections than seminomas, semitestectomy shall be followed by a combined therapy comprising removal of lymphatic nodes and cytostatic treatment and not so much radiotherapy. The results of treatment given in literature are compared with the own results. This comparison revealed good success with treatment of seminomas. With non-seminomal affections exclusive radiotherapy appears to be insufficient. Therefore a combined therapy is postulated, which must be rendered possible by a good interdisciplinary cooperation of pathologists, urologists and radiologists. (orig.) [de

  11. Differentiation of testicular diseases via dynamic MRT

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kaiser, W.A.; Reinges, T.; Miersch, W.D.; Vogel, J.


    The present study aimed at resolving whether dynamic MRT can improve diagnostic relevance in diseases of the testes compared with conventional spin echo images. The testes of 20 healthy volunteers and of 16 patients of the Department of Urology of the University of Bonn were examined by means of MR tomography. Within 12 hours after MR tomography the patients were surgically explored, biopsied and if necessary orchiectomised. Results obtained with the volunteers were uniform and well reproducible, independent of external influences. On comparing the maximal enhancement curves of the examined various testicular tumors with the standard values established by examining the healthy volunteers, the curves obtained with the malignant testicular tumors were always clearly above the chosen confidence range of 3 standard deviations so that malignancy diagnosis was easy. However, the degree of maximal enhancement did not enable us to arrive at a conclusion in respect of the tumor type or the degree of malignancy. The greatest enhancement occurred with the tumor of Sertoli's cell which could thus be clearly differentiated against the other malignant testicular tumors. Due to masking of the gadolinium effect by haemosiderin deposits, haemorrhagica in the tumor tissue should be excluded by means of T 2 -weighted spin echo sequences before following up a suspicion of malignant testicular tomor. Benign intratesticular changes could be safely separated from malignant findings by means of the maximal enhancement curve lying in the normal range or below the curve of the volunteers. As with other organs, dynamic MR tomography yields definitely more and better information than conventional MR tomography also in the diagnosis of testicular tumours. However, these ''pros'' do not offset the ''cons'' of high costs of such examinations. (orig.) [de

  12. Estudo morfológico do funículo espermático em ovinos da raça Corriedale (Ovis aries, L. 1758

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Roberto Carvalhal


    Full Text Available Estudamos em 40 ovinos adultos da raça Corriedale os aspectos histológicos do funículo espermático. Observamos que este se acha envolvido por uma cápsula de tecido conjuntivo fibroelástico denso, de espessura variável, pregueada em alguns pontos, e revestida por mesotélio que circunda todo o conjunto vásculo-nervoso, e projeta-se para formar o mesoducto deferente. Em posição subcapsular, verifica-se uma camada de tecido conjuntivo fibroelástico frouxo, de espessura variável, que circunda parcialmente o funículo espermático, isolando nas regiões deferencial e abdeferencial conjuntos vásculo-nervosos, responsáveis pela nutrição do epidídimo. Na região do mesoducto deferente, o tecido subcapsular acompanhado de tecido adiposo constitui a camada interna deste meso, formando a sua adventícia e abrigando vasos e nervos deferenciais. Na região abdeferencial, pequenos acúmulos de tecido adiposo são vistos de permeio aos vasos e nervos desta região. Entre as artérias, veias e nervos testiculares, bem como entre os vasos das regiões deferencial e abdeferencial, observa-se o tecido conjuntivo denso, intervascular, rico em fibras elásticas, que constitui as adventícias contínuas destes vasos. O arranjo vascular mostra que o segmento da artéria testicular, contido no funículo espermático, apresenta trajeto sinuoso. Estando envolvido pelo plexo venoso pampiniforme, formado por veias testiculares desprovidas de válvulas de calibres variados, apresentando amplas comunicações entre si. As veias responsáveis pela drenagem do epidídimo e ducto deferente estão localizadas em posição subcapsular deferencial e abdeferencial e mostram-se providas de válvulas. O trato das artérias testiculares no funículo espermático apresenta como comprimento médio, máximo e mínimo, respectivamente, 150,4 cm, 198,0 cm e 73,3 cm, à direita, e 149,6 cm, 189,2 cm e 90,0 cm, à esquerda, não existindo diferenças estatisticamente

  13. Birth order, sibship size, and risk for germ-cell testicular cancer. (United States)

    Richiardi, Lorenzo; Akre, Olof; Lambe, Mats; Granath, Fredrik; Montgomery, Scott M; Ekbom, Anders


    Several studies have reported an inverse association between birth order and testicular cancer risk, but estimates vary greatly and the biologic mechanism underlying the association is not established. We have evaluated the effect of birth order, sibship size, and the combined effect of these 2 variables in relation to risk for testicular cancer in a large, nested case-control study. Specifically, we compared 3051 patients with germ-cell testicular cancer (diagnosed between 1958 and 1998 and identified through the Swedish Cancer Registry) with 9007 population control subjects. Using record linkage with the Multi-Generation Register and the Census, we obtained information on number, order, and sex of the subjects' siblings, parental age, and paternal socioeconomic status. Both birth order and sibship size had an inverse and monotonically decreasing association with testicular cancer risk after adjusting for parental age, paternal socioeconomic status, and twin status. The associations were modified by subjects' cohort of birth and were not present among those born after 1959. The odds ratio for having at least 3 siblings, compared with none, was 0.63 (95% confidence interval = 0.53-0.75) among subjects born before 1960. Stratified analyses showed that birth order and number of younger siblings had a similar inverse association with the risk for testicular cancer. Sibship size, and not only birth order, is associated with testicular cancer risk. This suggests a higher prevalence of parental subfertility among patients with testicular cancer.

  14. File list: DNS.Gon.20.AllAg.Testicular_somatic_cells [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available DNS.Gon.20.AllAg.Testicular_somatic_cells mm9 DNase-seq Gonad Testicular somatic ce...lls ...

  15. File list: Oth.Gon.20.AllAg.Testicular_somatic_cells [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available Oth.Gon.20.AllAg.Testicular_somatic_cells mm9 TFs and others Gonad Testicular somatic... cells ...

  16. File list: DNS.Gon.50.AllAg.Testicular_somatic_cells [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available DNS.Gon.50.AllAg.Testicular_somatic_cells mm9 DNase-seq Gonad Testicular somatic ce...lls ...

  17. File list: Oth.Gon.10.AllAg.Testicular_somatic_cells [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available Oth.Gon.10.AllAg.Testicular_somatic_cells mm9 TFs and others Gonad Testicular somatic... cells ...

  18. File list: DNS.Gon.05.AllAg.Testicular_somatic_cells [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available DNS.Gon.05.AllAg.Testicular_somatic_cells mm9 DNase-seq Gonad Testicular somatic ce...lls ...

  19. File list: DNS.Gon.10.AllAg.Testicular_somatic_cells [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available DNS.Gon.10.AllAg.Testicular_somatic_cells mm9 DNase-seq Gonad Testicular somatic ce...lls ...

  20. File list: Pol.Gon.05.AllAg.Testicular_germ_cells [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available Pol.Gon.05.AllAg.Testicular_germ_cells mm9 RNA polymerase Gonad Testicular germ ...

  1. File list: Pol.Gon.50.AllAg.Testicular_somatic_cells [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available Pol.Gon.50.AllAg.Testicular_somatic_cells mm9 RNA polymerase Gonad Testicular somat...ic cells ...

  2. File list: DNS.Gon.05.AllAg.Testicular_germ_cells [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available DNS.Gon.05.AllAg.Testicular_germ_cells mm9 DNase-seq Gonad Testicular germ cells ...

  3. Intratubular Germ Cell Neoplasia of the Testis, Bilateral Testicular Cancer, and Aberrant Histologies. (United States)

    Sharma, Pranav; Dhillon, Jasreman; Sexton, Wade J


    Intratubular germ cell neoplasia (ITGCN) is a precursor lesion for testicular germ cell tumors, most of which are early stage. ITGCN is also associated with testicular cancer or ITGCN in the contralateral testis, leading to a risk of bilateral testicular malignancy. Testicular biopsy detects most cases, and orchiectomy is the treatment of choice in patients with unilateral ITGCN. Low-dose radiation therapy is recommended in patients with bilateral ITGCN or ITGCN in the solitary testis, but the long-term risks of infertility and hypogonadism need to be discussed with the patient. Rare histologies of primary testicular cancer are also discussed. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  4. File list: Oth.Gon.50.AllAg.Testicular_somatic_cells [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available Oth.Gon.50.AllAg.Testicular_somatic_cells mm9 TFs and others Gonad Testicular somat...ic cells ...

  5. File list: Oth.Gon.20.AllAg.Testicular_germ_cells [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available Oth.Gon.20.AllAg.Testicular_germ_cells mm9 TFs and others Gonad Testicular germ ...

  6. File list: Oth.Gon.05.AllAg.Testicular_somatic_cells [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available Oth.Gon.05.AllAg.Testicular_somatic_cells mm9 TFs and others Gonad Testicular somat...ic cells ...

  7. File list: Oth.Gon.10.AllAg.Testicular_germ_cells [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available Oth.Gon.10.AllAg.Testicular_germ_cells mm9 TFs and others Gonad Testicular germ ...

  8. File list: His.Gon.20.AllAg.Testicular_somatic_cells [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available His.Gon.20.AllAg.Testicular_somatic_cells mm9 Histone Gonad Testicular somatic cell...s SRX591729,SRX591717 ...

  9. File list: His.Gon.50.AllAg.Testicular_somatic_cells [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available His.Gon.50.AllAg.Testicular_somatic_cells mm9 Histone Gonad Testicular somatic cell...s SRX591729,SRX591717 ...

  10. File list: His.Gon.05.AllAg.Testicular_somatic_cells [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available His.Gon.05.AllAg.Testicular_somatic_cells mm9 Histone Gonad Testicular somatic cell...s SRX591729,SRX591717 ...

  11. File list: His.Gon.10.AllAg.Testicular_somatic_cells [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available His.Gon.10.AllAg.Testicular_somatic_cells mm9 Histone Gonad Testicular somatic cell...s SRX591729,SRX591717 ...

  12. Testicular tumors: correlation between radiological findings and pathology results

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Souza, Luis Ronan Marques Ferreira de; Szejnfeld, Denis; Abud, Thiago G.; Szejnfeld, Jacob; Takano, Daniela Mayumi; Goldman, Suzan Menasce


    The aim of this study is to review the main imaging findings and the pathological and clinical features seen on patients with testicular tumors in order to define characteristics that may help in the differential diagnosis of the most frequent lesions. We performed a retrospective study of 51 patients with diagnosis of testicular tumors submitted to ultrasound and computed tomography between July 2003 to March 2004 that were referred to the Diagnostic Department of Sao Paulo University, Sao Paulo Hospital, Brazil. We concluded that a basic knowledge of the key imaging findings and pathological and clinical features of testicular tumor sis very helpful for an accurate diagnosis of this condition.(author)

  13. Functional testicular evaluation using PET/CT with 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dierickx, Lawrence Oliver; Zerdoud, Slimane; Filleron, Thomas; Brillouet, Severine; Huyghe, Eric; Delauney, Boris; Bujan, Louis; Plante, Pierre; Nogueira, Daniela; Montagut, Jacques; Courbon, Frederic


    PET/CT using 18 F-FDG is a well-established diagnostic examination in oncology, cardiology and neurology. The clinical significance of nontumoral testicular uptake of FDG is unknown. Functional testicular imaging may have important clinical applications in the diagnosis and prognosis of male infertility. The aim of this study was to determine the andrological value of a FDG PET/CT in analysing testicular function, by correlating the PET/CT data with the sperm parameters. Retrospective analysis of FDG PET/CT in 20 consecutive cancer patients without testicular pathology in whom two semen samples had been obtained for analysis before any chemotherapy. FDG PET/CT parameters were the mean standardized uptake value (SUVmean), used for measuring the intensity of uptake, and the functional testicular volume (FV). For statistical analysis, a Spearman's rank correlation test and a Mann-Whitney test were used. Of 20 patients (mean age 22 years), 18 had provided two sperm samples for cryopreservation. Sperm concentration was above 20 x 10 6 /ml in 55% of the patients. The intensity of uptake and the FV were correlated with the total sperm count, the sperm concentration and motility (p < 0.05). The difference in SUVmean between the two testes showed an inverse correlation with sperm concentration (p = 0.036). Normospermic and oligospermic men had significant differences in: (1) mean SUVmean, (2) mean FV, and (3) the difference in intensity of uptake between the testes (p < 0.05). This is the first report on the andrological value of FDG PET/CT in analysing nontumoral testicular function. This pilot study showed a significant correlation between intensity of uptake of FDG and testicular FV with the main sperm parameters. PET/CT with FDG could become a useful new tool in assisted reproductive technologies and other andrological or urological applications. (orig.)

  14. Lonidamine affects testicular steroid hormones in immature mice

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Traina, Maria Elsa; Guarino, Maria; Natoli, Alessia; Romeo, Antonella; Urbani, Elisabetta


    The effects on the hypothalamus-pituitary-testicular axis of the well-known antispermatogenic drug lonidamine (LND) has not been elucidated so far. In the present study, the possible changes of the testicular steroid hormones were evaluated in immature mice for a better characterization of the LND adverse effects both in its use as antitumoral agent and male contraceptive. Male CD1 mice were orally treated on postnatal day 28 (PND28) with LND single doses (0 or 100 mg/kg b.w.) and euthanized every 24 h from PND29 to PND32, on PND35 and on PND42 (1 and 2 weeks after the administration, respectively). Severe testicular effects were evidenced in the LND treated groups, including: a) significant testis weight increase, 24 h and 48 h after dosing; b) sperm head counts decrease (more than 50% of the control) on PND29-32; c) damage of the tubule morphology primarily on the Sertoli cell structure and germ cell exfoliation. All these reproductive endpoints were recovered on PND42. At the same time, a significant impairment of the testicular steroid balance was observed in the treated mice, as evidenced by the decrease of testosterone (T) and androstenedione (ADIONE) and the increase of 17OH-progesterone (17OH-P4) on the first days after dosing, while the testicular content of 17β-estradiol (E2) was unchanged. The hormonal balance was not completely restored afterwards, as levels of T, ADIONE and 17OH-P4 tended to be higher in the treated mice than in the controls, on PND35 and PND42. These data showed for the first time that LND affects intratesticular steroids in experimental animals. However further data are needed both to elucidate the mechanism responsible for the impairment of these metabolic pathways and to understand if the androgens decrease observed after LND administration could be partially involved in the testicular damage

  15. Applied anatomic study of testicular veins in adult cadavers and in human fetuses

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luciano A. Favorito


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVES: Analyze the anatomic variations of the testicular veins in human cadavers and fetuses. MATERIALS AND METHODS: One hundred male adult cadavers and 24 fetuses were studied. Four anatomic aspects were considered: 1 Number of testicular veins, 2 The local of vein termination, 3 Type and number of collaterals present and 4 Testicular vein termination angle. RESULTS: Cadavers - Right side - One testicular vein occurred in 85% and 2 veins in 5% of the cases. There were communicating veins with the colon in 21% of the cases. Left side - One testicular vein occurred in 82%, two veins in 15%, three veins in 2% and four veins in 1% of the cases. There were communicating veins with the colon in 31% of the cases. Fetuses - Right side -One testicular vein occurred in all cases. This vein drained to the vena cava in 83.3% of the cases, to the junction of the vena cava with the renal vein in 12.5% and to the renal vein in 4.2%. There were communicating veins with the colon in 25% of the cases. Left side - One testicular vein occurred in 66.6% of the cases, and 2 veins in occurred 33.3%. Communicating veins with the colon were found in 41.6% of the cases. CONCLUSION: The testicular vein presents numeric variations and also variations in its local of termination. In approximately 30% of the cases, there are collaterals that communicate the testicular vein with retroperitoneal veins. These anatomic findings can help understanding the origin of varicocele and its recurrence after surgical interventions.

  16. Testicular torsion

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brasso, K; Andersen, L; Kay, L


    Thirty-five patients were examined 6-11 years after operation for torsion of the testis. Loss of testicular tissue was significantly associated with long preoperative duration of symptoms and with low postoperative sperm counts. The sex hormones were normal in the majority of patients...... to the sperm count and concentration. Measurement of carnitine levels in seminal plasma, as a sign of vas deferens obstruction or dysfunction of epididymis, and of autoantibodies against spermatozoa revealed no significant findings....

  17. File list: ALL.Gon.05.AllAg.Testicular_somatic_cells [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available ALL.Gon.05.AllAg.Testicular_somatic_cells mm9 All antigens Gonad Testicular somatic... cells SRX591729,SRX591728,SRX591717,SRX591716 ...

  18. File list: ALL.Gon.20.AllAg.Testicular_somatic_cells [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available ALL.Gon.20.AllAg.Testicular_somatic_cells mm9 All antigens Gonad Testicular somatic... cells SRX591728,SRX591729,SRX591717,SRX591716 ...

  19. File list: ALL.Gon.50.AllAg.Testicular_somatic_cells [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available ALL.Gon.50.AllAg.Testicular_somatic_cells mm9 All antigens Gonad Testicular somatic... cells SRX591728,SRX591729,SRX591717,SRX591716 ...

  20. Reproductive hormones and metabolic syndrome in 24 testicular cancer survivors and their biological brothers. (United States)

    Bandak, M; Jørgensen, N; Juul, A; Lauritsen, J; Kier, M G G; Mortensen, M S; Oturai, P S; Mortensen, J; Hojman, P; Helge, J W; Daugaard, G


    Testicular cancer survivors have impaired gonadal function and increased risk of metabolic syndrome when compared to healthy controls. However, because of the fetal etiology of testicular cancer, familial unrelated healthy men might not be an optimal control group. The objective of this study was to clarify if testicular cancer survivors have impaired gonadal function and increased risk of metabolic syndrome when compared to their biological brothers. A cross-sectional study of testicular cancer survivors ( number, NCT02240966) was conducted between 2014 and 2016. Of 158 testicular cancer survivors included, 24 had a biological brother who accepted to participate in the study. Serum levels of reproductive hormones and prevalence of metabolic syndrome according to International Diabetes Federation Criteria and National Cholesterol Education Program (Adult Treatment Panel III) criteria comprised the main outcome measures of the study. Median age was similar in testicular cancer survivors and their biological brothers [44 years (IQR 39-50) vs. 46 (40-53) years respectively (p = 0.1)]. In testicular cancer survivors, follow-up since treatment was 12 years (7-19). Serum levels of luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone were elevated (p ≤ 0.001), while total testosterone, free testosterone, inhibin B and anti-Müllerian hormone were lower (p ≤ 0.001) in testicular cancer survivors than in their biological brothers. The prevalence of metabolic syndrome was similar and apart from HDL-cholesterol, which was lower in testicular cancer survivors (p = 0.01); there were no differences in the individual components of the metabolic syndrome between testicular cancer survivors and their brothers. In conclusion, gonadal function was impaired in testicular cancer survivors, while we did not detect any difference in the prevalence of metabolic syndrome between testicular cancer survivors and their biological brothers. © 2017 American

  1. Comet assay on mice testicular cells

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anoop Kumar Sharma


    Full Text Available Heritable mutations may result in a variety of adverse outcomes including genetic disease in the offspring. In recent years the focus on germ cell mutagenicity has increased and the “Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS” has published classification criteria for germ cell mutagens (Speit et al., 2009. The in vivo Comet assay is considered a useful tool for investigating germ cell genotoxicity. In the present study DNA strand breaks in testicular cells of mice were investigated. Different classes of chemicals were tested in order to evaluate the sensitivity of the comet assay in testicular cells. The chemicals included environmentally relevant substances such as Bisphenol A, PFOS and Tetrabrombisphenol A. Statistical power calculations will be presented to aid in the design of future Comet assay studies on testicular cells. Power curves were provided with different fold changes in % tail DNA, different number of cells scored and different number of gels (Hansen et al., 2014. An example is shown in Figure 1. A high throughput version of the Comet assay was used. Samples were scored with a fully automatic comet assay scoring system that provided faster scoring of randomly selected cells.

  2. Testicular Biopsy In The Evaluation Of Male Infertility In Maiduguri ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Objective: To evaluate testicular biopsy in the management of male infertility in the university of Maiduguri Teaching Hospital. Method: This study reviewed retrospectively testicular biopsy in the infertile males managed at University of Maiduguri Teaching Hospital between january 1991 and December 2000.

  3. Testicular dysgenesis syndrome: mechanistic insights and potential new downstream effects

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sharpe, R.M.; Skakkebæk, Niels Erik


    Reproductive disorders of newborn (cryptorchidism, hypospadias) and young adult males (low sperm counts, testicular germ cell cancer) are common and/or increasing in incidence. It has been hypothesized that these disorders may comprise a testicular dysgenesis syndrome (TDS) with a common origin...

  4. Sperm Concentration, Testicular Volume and Age Predict Risk of Carcinoma In Situ in Contralateral Testis of Men with Testicular Germ Cell Cancer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rud, Camilla Nymann; Daugaard, Gedske; Rajpert-De Meyts, Ewa


    We investigated whether semen quality or some easily attainable clinical parameters might be used to estimate the risk of contralateral carcinoma in situ in patients with unilateral testicular germ cell tumors.......We investigated whether semen quality or some easily attainable clinical parameters might be used to estimate the risk of contralateral carcinoma in situ in patients with unilateral testicular germ cell tumors....

  5. Risk factors for testicular cancer: a case-control study in twins. (United States)

    Swerdlow, A J; De Stavola, B L; Swanwick, M A; Mangtani, P; Maconochie, N E


    Early life and anthropometric risk factors for testicular cancer were examined in a case-control study in England and Wales in which affected male twins were compared with their unaffected male co-twins. Questionnaire data was obtained for 60 twin pairs. Significantly raised risk of testicular cancer occurred in twins who had longer arms and legs than their co-twin. There was a significant excess of testicular cancer reported in non-twin brothers, as well as in twin brothers, of cases. Risk was also significantly raised in relation to cryptorchidism. The results on limb length suggest that factors, perhaps nutritional, affecting growth before puberty, may be causes of testicular cancer. The results on risk in brothers add to evidence of a large genetic component in aetiology of the tumour. The risk associated with cryptorchidism in the twins accords with the hypothesis that cryptorchidism is causally associated with testicular cancer because it is a cause of the malignancy, rather than because the same maternal factors experienced in utero cause both conditions.

  6. Increasing incidence of testicular cancer--birth cohort effects. (United States)

    Ekbom, A; Akre, O


    The incidence of testicular cancer is rising in most Western populations. A collaborative study between nine population-based cancer registries in countries around the Baltic Sea was utilized in order to analyze in detail geographic variations and temporal trends in the occurrence of testicular cancer. There were 34,309 cases registered up until 1989 starting in Denmark in 1942 and most recently in Latvia in 1977. From the descriptive epidemiology it was obvious that there was a substantial variation in the age-standardized incidence amounting to about a 10-fold difference between the different countries ranging from 0.8 per 100,000 person-years in Lithuania to 7.6 per 100,000 person-years in Denmark. Previous studies have indicated that this increase is due to birth cohort effects. A more detailed analysis was therefore performed in those six countries with a sufficiently long period of cancer registration; Poland, former East Germany, Norway, Finland, Denmark and Sweden. This analysis showed that birth cohort is a more important determinant of testicular cancer risk than year of diagnosis. In Poland, former East Germany and Finland, there was an increasing risk for all birth cohorts. Among men born in Denmark, Norway or Sweden between 1930 and 1945, this increasing trend in risk was interrupted in these birth cohorts but followed thereafter by an uninterrupted increase by birth cohort. In conclusion, life time exposure to environmental factors which are associated with the incidence of testicular cancer appear to be more related to birth cohort than to year of diagnosis. Because testicular cancer typically occurs at an early age, major etiological factors therefore need to operate early in life, perhaps even in utero.

  7. Testicular cancer: a review. (United States)

    Hawkins, C; Miaskowski, C


    To describe the pathophysiologic mechanisms, histologic and clinical staging, diagnosis, and medical and nursing management of testicular cancer. Published studies, review articles, and Physician Data Query database. Testicular cancer is a complex disease resulting from transformation of gonadal tissues. The pathophysiologic mechanisms involve damage to tissue in utero and after birth. Orchiectomy is the treatment of choice for early-stage disease. Orchiectomy can have profound physiologic and psychological consequences for young males. Subsequent chemotherapy and radiation therapy also may have severe side effects including azoospermia, bone marrow suppression, nephrotoxicity, and pulmonary toxicity. Early detection of this disease results in improved patient outcomes. Patients treated with radical inguinal orchiectomy and radiation therapy have fewer long-term side effects and toxicities than patients who require more extensive surgery and chemotherapy. Nursing care must focus not only on relieving the patient's physical symptoms but on helping him deal with the psychosexual issues associated with the disease and its treatment.

  8. Editorial comment on “Testicular microlithiasis: Case report and ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    ... Rubens DJ, Liao L. Benign intratesticular cystic lesions: US features. Radiographics 2001;21:S273–81. [2] Gooding GA, Leonhardt W, Stein R. Testicular cysts: US findings. Radi- ology 1987;163:537–8. [3] Hamm B, Fobbe F, Loy V. Testicular cysts: differentiation with US and clinical findings. Radiology 1988;168:19–23.

  9. Testicular radionuclide angiography and sttatic imaging: anatomy, scintigraphic interpretation, and clinical indications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Holder, L.E.; Martire, J.R.; Holmes, E.R. III.; Wagner, H.N. Jr.


    Radionuclide testicular angiography and static imaging is an easy, rapidly performed study. Its usefulness in separating acute testicular torsion from acute epididymitis has been confirmed. Increased angiographic perfusion with definition of the testicular and deferential arteries in the spermatic cord and the pudendal artery posteriorly is equated with inflammation. Intense increased vascularity on the blood pool image is seen in abscess and acute inflammation, while cases of tumor and trauma have mild increases. Acute or missed testicular torsion, uncomplicated hydroceles, and spermatoceles show absent vascularity. On the static images, decreased activity is characteristic of the shape and location of the avascular structure. Technical factors are stressed

  10. Inhibición dual de la neprilisina y del receptor de la angiotensina (ARNI: una alternativa en los pacientes con falla cardiaca

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Beatriz Wills


    Full Text Available La falla cardiaca (FC es la causa más común de admisión hospitalaria en adultos en el mundo. Además, de su importante prevalencia la FC tiene un alta tasa de mortalidad, se estima que aproximadamente el 50% de los pacientes con FC mueren a los 5 años posterior al egreso hospitalario. Esto ha motivado el desarrollo de nuevas terapias seguras y efectivas para el manejo de esta entidad. El LCZ696 es un inhibidor dual de la neprilisina y del receptor de angiotensina II que demostró en estudios de fase III disminuir el desenlace primario de muerte cardiovascular y hospitalización por empeoramiento de la FC y muerte global. Probablemente el LCZ696 se convertirá en la piedra angular del manejo en pacientes con FC con fracción de eyección deprimida.

  11. Ageing, testicular tumours and the pituitary-testis axis in dogs

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Peters, M. A.; de Jong, F. H.; Teerds, K. J.; de rooij, D. G.; Dieleman, S. J.; van Sluijs, F. J.


    Dogs of different ages without testicular diseases were evaluated to study possible age-related changes in hormone concentrations in serum. Dogs with testicular tumours were also investigated to study the relation between tumour type and hormone concentrations; in this study, dogs with Sertoli cell

  12. Undetectable inhibin B serum levels in men after testicular irradiation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Petersen, P M; Andersson, A M; Rørth, M


    A group of men treated with testicular irradiation for carcinoma in situ in the remaining testis after orchidectomy for unilateral testicular germ cell cancer was used as a model to study of the effect of selective eradication of germ cells on the levels of serum inhibin B in the human male....... Thirteen men with verified spermatogenesis and detectable preirradiation levels of serum inhibin B (median, 55; range, 23-193 pg/mL) were investigated before and after testicular irradiation (14-20 Gy). All patients had undetectable levels of inhibin B 2-12 months (median, 5 months) after radiotherapy (...

  13. Índice gonadossomático e correlações entre dimensões e peso testiculares na codorna japonesa (Coturnix coturnix japonica aos 60 dias de idade

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    L.L. Lanna


    Full Text Available As dimensões e o peso testicular foram avaliados em 25 machos adultos de codornas japonesas (Coturnix coturnix japonica e correlacionados entre si, a fim de se buscar obter informações que possibilitem a criação de um parâmetro preditivo da capacidade de produção espermática. As aves foram abatidas e os testículos removidos para mensuração e pesagem. As dimensões e o peso entre os testículos esquerdo e direito foram comparados. Os parâmetros testiculares foram correlacionados entre si por meio da determinação do coeficiente de correlação linear. O índice gonadossomático também foi determinado, indicando alocação de 3,68% do peso corporal em testículos nos machos avaliados, resultado maior do que os descritos na literatura. Apesar da diferença de formato entre os testículos esquerdo e direito, o peso foi semelhante, sugerindo que não há diferença na capacidade de produção espermática entre eles. Diferença estatística entre os valores biométricos indica que o testículo esquerdo é mais curto e mais arredondado, enquanto o direito é mais longo e estreito. O peso corporal apresentou baixa correlação com o peso testicular, 0,14 e 0,12 para os testículos esquerdo e direito, respectivamente. Os parâmetros que melhor se correlacionaram com o peso testicular foram a largura e a espessura. Considerando-se a identificação de um parâmetro único para comparação entre machos, a espessura do testículo esquerdo apresentou coeficiente de correlação linear de 0,89 com o somatório do peso dos dois testículos. Com base nessa informação, métodos não invasivos, como a ultrassonografia, poderiam ser utilizados para estimar o potencial reprodutivo e auxiliar na comparação de machos de codornas japonesas em núcleos de seleção de aves elite, contribuindo para melhoramento genético da espécie.

  14. Maternal lung cancer and testicular cancer risk in the offspring. (United States)

    Kaijser, Magnus; Akre, Olof; Cnattingius, Sven; Ekbom, Anders


    It has been hypothesized that smoking during pregnancy could increase the offspring's risk for testicular cancer. This hypothesis is indirectly supported by both ecological studies and studies of cancer aggregations within families. However, results from analytical epidemiological studies are not consistent, possibly due to methodological difficulties. To further study the association between smoking during pregnancy and testicular cancer, we did a population-based cohort study on cancer risk among offspring of women diagnosed with lung cancer. Through the use of the Swedish Cancer Register and the Swedish Second-Generation Register, we identified 8,430 women who developed lung cancer between 1958 and 1997 and delivered sons between 1941 and 1979. Cancer cases among the male offspring were then identified through the Swedish Cancer Register. Standardized incidence ratios were computed, using 95% confidence intervals. We identified 12,592 male offspring of mothers with a subsequent diagnosis of lung cancer, and there were 40 cases of testicular cancer (standardized incidence ratio, 1.90; 95% confidence interval, 1.35-2.58). The association was independent of maternal lung cancer subtype, and the risk of testicular cancer increased stepwise with decreasing time interval between birth and maternal lung cancer diagnosis. Our results support the hypothesis that exposure to cigarette smoking in utero increases the risk of testicular cancer.

  15. Autophagy-associated proteins BAG3 and p62 in testicular cancer. (United States)

    Bartsch, Georg; Jennewein, Lukas; Harter, Patrick N; Antonietti, Patrick; Blaheta, Roman A; Kvasnicka, Hans-Michael; Kögel, Donat; Haferkamp, Axel; Mittelbronn, Michel; Mani, Jens


    Testicular germ cell tumors (TGCT) represent the most common malignant tumor group in the age group of 20 to 40-years old men. The potentially curable effect of cytotoxic therapy in TGCT is mediated mainly by the induction of apoptosis. Autophagy has been discussed as an alternative mechanism of cell death but also of treatment resistance in various types of tumors. However, in TGCT the expression and role of core autophagy-associated factors is hitherto unknown. We designed the study in order to evaluate the potential role of autophagy-associated factors in the development and progression of testicular cancers. Eighty-four patients were assessed for autophagy (BAG3, p62) and apoptosis (cleaved caspase 3) markers using immunohistochemistry (IHC) on tissue micro- arrays. In addition, western blot analyses of frozen tissue of seminoma and non-seminoma were performed. Our findings show that BAG3 was significantly upregulated in seminoma as compared to non-seminoma but not to normal testicular tissue. No significant difference of p62 expression was detected between neoplastic and normal tissue or between seminoma and non-seminoma. BAG3 and p62 showed distinct loco‑regional expression patterns in normal and neoplastic human testicular tissues. In contrast to the autophagic markers, apoptosis rate was significantly higher in testicular tumors as compared to normal testicular tissue, but not between different TGCT subtypes. The present study, for the first time, examined the expression of central autophagy proteins BAG3 and p62 in testicular cancer. Our findings imply that in general apoptosis but not autophagy induction differs between normal and neoplastic testis tissue.

  16. Postnatal risk factors for testicular cancer: The EPSAM case-control study. (United States)

    Moirano, Giovenale; Zugna, Daniela; Grasso, Chiara; Mirabelli, Dario; Lista, Patrizia; Ciuffreda, Libero; Segnan, Nereo; Merletti, Franco; Richiardi, Lorenzo


    Testicular cancer is considered to originate from an impaired differentiation of fetal germ cells, but puberty could represent another time window of susceptibility. Our study aimed at investigating the association between environmental exposures acting during puberty/adolescence (13-19 years of age) and the risk of testicular cancer. We used data of the EPSAM study, a case-control study on germ-cell testicular cancer conducted in the province of Turin, Italy, involving cases diagnosed between 1997 and 2008. Histologically confirmed cases (n = 255) and controls (n = 459) completed a postal questionnaire focusing in particular on the pubertal period (namely age 13 years) with questions on physical activity (competitive sports, gardening), lifestyle (alcohol consumption, smoking), occupational history and medical conditions. All analyses were adjusted for the matching variables, cryptorchidism and educational level. Having done at least one competitive sport during puberty (odds ratio [OR]: 0.72, 95% confidence interval: 0.52-1.00), gardening activities during puberty (OR: 0.62, 0.42-0.94) and having a lower weight than peers during puberty (OR: 0.64, 0.42-0.97) were all inversely associated with the risk of testicular cancer. No evidence of association between smoking or alcohol consumption during puberty and the risk of testicular cancer was observed. Regarding agriculture-related occupations, we found an association with the risk of testicular cancer both for occasional jobs during puberty (OR: 2.40, 95% CI: 1.08-5.29) and ever employment in adolescence (OR: 2.59, 95% CI: 0.83-8.10). Our results suggest that postnatal exposures could play a role in testicular cancer aetiology, at least when acting in puberty or adolescence. © 2017 UICC.

  17. Testicular dysgenesis syndrome and Leydig cell function

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Joensen, U.N.; Jorgensen, N.; Rajpert-De, Meyts E.


    Fertility among human beings appear to be on the decline in many Western countries, and part of the explanation may be decreasing male fecundity. A hypothesis has been put forward that decreasing semen quality may be associated with a testicular dysgenesis syndrome (TDS), a spectrum of disorders...... originating in early foetal life. TDS comprises various aspects of impaired gonadal development and function, including testicular cancer. A growing body of evidence, including animal models and research in human beings, points to lifestyle factors and endocrine disrupters as risk factors for TDS. We present...

  18. File list: InP.Gon.10.AllAg.Testicular_germ_cells [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available InP.Gon.10.AllAg.Testicular_germ_cells mm9 Input control Gonad Testicular germ cell.../ ...

  19. The diagnostic impact of testicular biopsies for intratubular germ cell neoplasia in cryptorchid boys and the subsequent risk of testicular cancer in men with prepubertal surgery for syndromic or non-syndromic cryptorchidism. (United States)

    Osterballe, Lene; Clasen-Linde, Erik; Cortes, Dina; Engholm, Gerda; Hertzum-Larsen, Rasmus; Reinhardt, Susanne; Thorup, Jorgen


    Cryptorchidism is a risk factor for testicular cancer in adult life. It remains unclear how prepubertal surgery for cryptorchidism impacts later development of adult testicular cancer. The aim of study was to investigate tools to identify the cryptorchid boys who later develop testicular cancer. The study cohort consisted of 1403 men operated prepubertally/pubertally for undescended testis between 1971 and 2003. At surgery testicular biopsies were taken from the cryptorchid testes. The boys were followed for occurrence of testicular cancer. The testicular cancer risk was compared to the risk in the Danish Population. Testicular biopsies from the boys who developed testicular cancer during follow-up underwent histological examination with specific diagnostic immunohistochemical markers for germ cell neoplasia. The cohort was followed for 33,627 person years at risk. We identified 16 cases with testicular cancer in adulthood. The standardized incidence ratio was 2.66 (95% CI: 1.52-4.32). At time of primary surgery in prepubertal/pubertal age Intratubular Germ Cell Neoplasia (ITGCN) was diagnosed in 5 cases and the boys were unilaterally orchiectomized. At follow-up new immunohistochemical staining indicated ITGCN in two of the 16 cancer cases at reevaluation of the original biopsies from time of prepubertal/pubertal surgery. One had syndromic cryptorchid and developed seminoma, and another showed nonsyndromic cryptorchidism and developed embryonic teratocarcinoma. Totally, ITGCN was diagnosed in 0.5% (7/1403) of prepubertal cryptorchid boys, whereof 57% (4/7) in syndromic-cryptorchidism. ITGCN is predominantly observed prepubertally in boys with syndromic-cryptorchidism. In nonsyndromic cryptorchidism testicular cancer develops postpubertally, generally not based on dormant germ cells of ITGCN caused by an early fetal maldevelopment. LEVEL I. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  20. Leydig cell function in boys following treatment for testicular relapse of acute lymphoblastic leukemia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Blatt, J.; Sherins, R.J.; Niebrugge, D.; Bleyer, W.A.; Poplack, D.G.


    Current practice for achieving local control of testicular relapse in males with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) includes the use of 2,400-rad testicular radiation. Although this therapy is known to cause germ cell depletion, it has been assumed that it does not alter testicular secretion of testosterone. To test this assumption, the authors measured gonadotropin and testosterone levels in seven boys with ALL who had been treated with radiation for clinically apparent testicular relapse. In four of seven boys, testicular relapse was bilateral with overt involvement of one testicle and microscopic involvement of the other. Three of these four boys demonstrated delayed sexual maturation, and in addition to elevated follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) concentrations, testosterone levels were low and luteinizing hormone levels were elevated compared with controls. These data indicate that boys with overt testicular leukemia who are treated with 2,400-rad testicular radiation are at risk for Leydig cell dysfunction. However, the relative contributions of radiation, prior chemotherapy, and leukemic infiltration to this dysfunction remain to be clarified

  1. Androgen action via testicular arteriole smooth muscle cells is important for Leydig cell function, vasomotion and testicular fluid dynamics.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Michelle Welsh


    Full Text Available Regulation of blood flow through the testicular microvasculature by vasomotion is thought to be important for normal testis function as it regulates interstitial fluid (IF dynamics which is an important intra-testicular transport medium. Androgens control vasomotion, but how they exert these effects remains unclear. One possibility is by signalling via androgen receptors (AR expressed in testicular arteriole smooth muscle cells. To investigate this and determine the overall importance of this mechanism in testis function, we generated a blood vessel smooth muscle cell-specific AR knockout mouse (SMARKO. Gross reproductive development was normal in SMARKO mice but testis weight was reduced in adulthood compared to control littermates; this reduction was not due to any changes in germ cell volume or to deficits in testosterone, LH or FSH concentrations and did not cause infertility. However, seminiferous tubule lumen volume was reduced in adult SMARKO males while interstitial volume was increased, perhaps indicating altered fluid dynamics; this was associated with compensated Leydig cell failure. Vasomotion was impaired in adult SMARKO males, though overall testis blood flow was normal and there was an increase in the overall blood vessel volume per testis in adult SMARKOs. In conclusion, these results indicate that ablating arteriole smooth muscle AR does not grossly alter spermatogenesis or affect male fertility but does subtly impair Leydig cell function and testicular fluid exchange, possibly by locally regulating microvascular blood flow within the testis.

  2. Testicular cancer in two brothers of a quadruplet: a case report and a review of literature. (United States)

    Ulytė, Agnė; Ulys, Albertas; Sužiedėlis, Kęstutis; Patašius, Aušvydas; Smailytė, Giedrė


    Introduction. Testicular cancer and a multiple birth are both rare events, and the risk of testicular cancer is increased in twins. In Lithuania, only five quadruplets have been recorded since the middle of the 20th century. In this report, we present two rare events in one family: testicular cancer in two brothers of a quadruplet (three brothers and a sister). Case description. Both patients were diagnosed at 21 years of age and died within two years from the diagnosis despite treatment. The third symptomless brother did not have testicular pathology. We also review the risk factors associated with testicular cancer, and the proposed hypotheses how a multiple birth results in an increased risk. The most consistent risk factors for testicular cancer are cryptorchidism, prior history of testicular cancer, and a positive familial history. According to different studies, the risk of testicular cancer in twins is higher from 22% to 30%, compared to the general population. Conclusions. To our knowledge, we have presented the first case of testicular teratoblastoma in brothers of a quadruplet.

  3. File list: NoD.Gon.10.AllAg.Testicular_somatic_cells [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available NoD.Gon.10.AllAg.Testicular_somatic_cells mm9 No description Gonad Testicular somatic... cells ...

  4. The Effects of α-Lipoic Acid against Testicular Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury in Rats

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Seda Ozbal


    Full Text Available Testicular torsion is one of the urologic emergencies occurring frequently in neonatal and adolescent period. Testis is sensitive to ischemia-reperfusion injury, and, therefore, ischemia and consecutive reperfusion cause an enhanced formation of reactive oxygen species that result in testicular cell damage and apoptosis. α-lipoic acid is a free radical scavenger and a biological antioxidant. It is widely used in the prevention of oxidative stress and cellular damage. We aimed to investigate the protective effect of α-lipoic acid on testicular damage in rats subjected to testicular ischemia-reperfusion injury. 35 rats were randomly divided into 5 groups: control, sham operated, ischemia, ischemia-reperfusion, and ischemia-reperfusion +lipoic acid groups, 2 h torsion and 2 h detorsion of the testis were performed. Testicular cell damage was examined by H-E staining. TUNEL and active caspase-3 immunostaining were used to detect germ cell apoptosis. GPx , SOD activity, and MDA levels were evaluated. Histological evaluation showed that α-lipoic acid pretreatment reduced testicular cell damage and decreased TUNEL and caspase-3-positive cells. Additionally, α-lipoic acid administration decreased the GPx and SOD activity and increased the MDA levels. The present results suggest that LA is a potentially beneficial agent in protecting testicular I/R in rats.

  5. Testicular descent: INSL3, testosterone, genes and the intrauterine milieu

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bay, Katrine; Main, Katharina M; Toppari, Jorma


    Complete testicular descent is a sign of, and a prerequisite for, normal testicular function in adult life. The process of testis descent is dependent on gubernacular growth and reorganization, which is regulated by the Leydig cell hormones insulin-like peptide 3 (INSL3) and testosterone. Investi...

  6. Prospectively Identified Incident Testicular Cancer Risk in a Familial Testicular Cancer Cohort. (United States)

    Pathak, Anand; Adams, Charleen D; Loud, Jennifer T; Nichols, Kathryn; Stewart, Douglas R; Greene, Mark H


    Human testicular germ cell tumors (TGCT) have a strong genetic component and a high familial relative risk. However, linkage analyses have not identified a rare, highly penetrant familial TGCT (FTGCT) susceptibility locus. Currently, multiple low-penetrance genes are hypothesized to underlie the familial multiple-case phenotype. The observation that two is the most common number of affected individuals per family presents an impediment to FTGCT gene discovery. Clinically, the prospective TGCT risk in the multiple-case family context is unknown. We performed a prospective analysis of TGCT incidence in a cohort of multiple-affected-person families and sporadic-bilateral-case families; 1,260 men from 140 families (10,207 person-years of follow-up) met our inclusion criteria. Age-, gender-, and calendar time-specific standardized incidence ratios (SIR) for TGCT relative to the general population were calculated using SEER*Stat. Eight incident TGCTs occurred during prospective FTGCT cohort follow-up (versus 0.67 expected; SIR = 11.9; 95% CI, 5.1-23.4; excess absolute risk = 7.2/10,000). We demonstrate that the incidence rate of TGCT is greater among bloodline male relatives from multiple-case testicular cancer families than that expected in the general population, a pattern characteristic of adult-onset Mendelian cancer susceptibility disorders. Two of these incident TGCTs occurred in relatives of sporadic-bilateral cases (0.15 expected; SIR = 13.4; 95% CI, 1.6-48.6). Our data are the first to indicate that despite relatively low numbers of affected individuals per family, members of both multiple-affected-person FTGCT families and sporadic-bilateral TGCT families comprise high-risk groups for incident testicular cancer. Men at high TGCT risk might benefit from tailored risk stratification and surveillance strategies. ©2015 American Association for Cancer Research.

  7. Prospectively-Identified Incident Testicular Cancer Risk in a Familial Testicular Cancer Cohort (United States)

    Pathak, Anand; Adams, Charleen D.; Loud, Jennifer T.; Nichols, Kathryn; Stewart, Douglas R.; Greene, Mark H.


    Background Human testicular germ cell tumors (TGCT) have a strong genetic component and a high familial relative risk. However, linkage analyses have not identified a rare, highly-penetrant familial TGCT (FTGCT) susceptibility locus. Currently, multiple low-penetrance genes are hypothesized to underlie the familial multiple-case phenotype. The observation that two is the most common number of affected individuals per family presents an impediment to FTGCT gene discovery. Clinically, the prospective TGCT risk in the multiple-case family context is unknown. Methods We performed a prospective analysis of TGCT incidence in a cohort of multiple-affected-person families and sporadic-bilateral-case families; 1,260 men from 140 families (10,207 person-years of follow-up) met our inclusion criteria. Age-, gender-, and calendar time-specific standardized incidence ratios (SIR) for TGCT relative to the general population were calculated using SEER*Stat. Results Eight incident TGCTs occurred during prospective FTGCT cohort follow-up (versus 0.67 expected; SIR=11.9; 95% confidence interval [CI]=5.1–23.4; excess absolute risk=7.2/10,000). We demonstrate that the incidence rate of TGCT is greater among bloodline male relatives from multiple-case testicular cancer families than that expected in the general population, a pattern characteristic of adult-onset Mendelian cancer susceptibility disorders. Two of these incident TGCTs occurred in relatives of sporadic-bilateral cases (0.15 expected; SIR=13.4; 95%CI=1.6–48.6). Conclusions Our data are the first indicating that despite relatively low numbers of affected individuals per family, members of both multiple-affected-person FTGCT families and sporadic-bilateral TGCT families comprise high-risk groups for incident testicular cancer. Impact Men at high TGCT risk might benefit from tailored risk stratification and surveillance strategies. PMID:26265202

  8. File list: NoD.Gon.50.AllAg.Testicular_somatic_cells [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available NoD.Gon.50.AllAg.Testicular_somatic_cells mm9 No description Gonad Testicular somat...ic cells ...

  9. File list: NoD.Gon.05.AllAg.Testicular_somatic_cells [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available NoD.Gon.05.AllAg.Testicular_somatic_cells mm9 No description Gonad Testicular somat...ic cells ...

  10. File list: NoD.Gon.20.AllAg.Testicular_somatic_cells [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available NoD.Gon.20.AllAg.Testicular_somatic_cells mm9 No description Gonad Testicular somat...ic cells ...

  11. Reversible harmless interruption of testicular blood supply in the ram

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    van Vliet, J.; De Ruiter-Bootsma, A.L.; Oei, Y.H.; Hoekstra, A.; De Rooij, D.G.; Wensing, C.J.


    An effective method of interrupting testicular blood flow temporarily and repeatedly in the ram has been developed. Blockade of flow has been achieved mechanically by an inflatable occluder placed around the testicular artery at the level of the spermatic cord. The effect of the blockade on total testicular blood supply was investigated using Doppler flowmetry and a percutaneous Xenon-133 injection method. With both approaches, the blood flow changes after inflation or deflation of the occluders could be estimated satisfactorily. A substantial decrease of testicular blood flow was achieved in eight of the 10 testes with inflated occluders. However, there were indications that in the remaining two testes blockade of the arterial flow was not complete. After deflation of the occluders, blood flow was restored rapidly and completely in all testes. Macro- and microscopic examinations revealed no long-term damage to the testis after blood flow interruptions lasting 30 or 60 minutes

  12. Evaluation of ameliorative potential of supranutritional selenium on enrofloxacin-induced testicular toxicity. (United States)

    Rungsung, Soya; Khan, Adil Mehraj; Sood, Naresh Kumar; Rampal, Satyavan; Singh Saini, Simrat Pal


    The study was designed to assess the ameliorative potential of selenium (Se) on enrofloxacin-induced testicular toxicity in rats. There was a significant decrease in body weight and non-significant decrease in mean testicular weight of enrofloxacin treated rats. In enrofloxacin treated rats, total sperm count and viability decreased where as sperm abnormalities increased. Testicular histopathology revealed dose dependent dysregulation of spermatogenesis and presence of necrotic debris in seminiferous tubules which was marginally improved with Se. Enrofloxacin also produced a dose dependent decrease in testosterone level. The activity of testicular antioxidant enzymes decreased where as lipid peroxidation increased in a dose-dependent manner. Se supplementation partially restored oxidative stress and sperm damage and did not affect the plasma concentrations of enrofloxacin or ciprofloxacain. The results indicate that enrofloxacin produces a dose-dependent testicular toxicity in rats that is moderately ameliorated with supranutritional Se. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  13. Cocaine abuse that presents with acute scrotal pain and mimics testicular torsion

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Tadeu Nunes Tamanini

    Full Text Available ABSTRACT Report case (s relevant aspects: Man, 27 years old, complaining of acute testicular pain by 2 hours in the remaining left testicle. Denies fever, lower urinary tract symptoms such as dysuria, urinary frequency, concommitant or prior urethral discharge to the painful condition. He underwent right orchiectomy 13 years ago by testicular torsion. He is a chronic user of cocaine for 15 years and during the last three days the drug use was continuous and intense. Proposed premise substantiating case (s description: Initial diagnostic hypothesis: Syndromic: Acute Scrotum Syndrome (SEA Main Etiologic (testicular torsion Secondary Etiologic (acute orchiepididymitis Briefly delineates what might it add? Lines of research That Could be Addressed: In this challenging clinical case we presented an alternative and new etiologic diangosis for the acute scrotum which the main etiologic factor remains testicular torsion. This new diangosis is acute testicular ischemia as a complication of cocaine abuse.

  14. Subfertility and Risk of Testicular Cancer in the EPSAM Case-Control Study. (United States)

    Grasso, Chiara; Zugna, Daniela; Fiano, Valentina; Robles Rodriguez, Nena; Maule, Milena; Gillio-Tos, Anna; Ciuffreda, Libero; Lista, Patrizia; Segnan, Nereo; Merletti, Franco; Richiardi, Lorenzo


    It has been suggested that subfertility and testicular cancer share genetic and environmental risk factors. We studied both subfertility and the strongest known testicular cancer susceptibility gene, the c-KIT ligand (KITLG), whose pathway is involved in spermatogenesis. The EPSAM case-control study is comprised of testicular cancer patients from the Province of Turin, Italy, diagnosed between 1997 and 2008. The present analysis included 245 cases and 436 controls from EPSAM, who were aged 20 years or older at diagnosis/recruitment. The EPSAM questionnaire collected information on factors such as number of children, age at first attempt to conceive, duration of attempt to conceive, use of assisted reproduction techniques, physician-assigned diagnosis of infertility, number of siblings, and self-reported cryptorchidism. Genotyping of the KITLG single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) rs995030 was performed on the saliva samples of 202 cases and 329 controls. Testicular cancer was associated with the number of children fathered 5 years before diagnosis (odds ratio (OR) per additional child: 0.78, 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.58-1.04) and sibship size (OR per additional sibling: 0.76, 95% CI: 0.66-0.88). When considering the reproductive history until 1 year before diagnosis, attempting to conceive for at least 12 months or fathering a child using assisted reproduction techniques was not associated with the risk of testicular cancer, nor was age at first attempt to conceive or physician-assigned diagnosis of infertility. The SNP rs995030 was strongly associated with risk of testicular cancer (per allele OR: 1.83; 95%CI: 1.26-2.64), but it did not modify the association between number of children and the risk of testicular cancer. This study supports the repeatedly reported inverse association between number of children and risk of testicular cancer, but it does not find evidence of an association for other indicators of subfertility.

  15. Discovery – Cisplatin and The Treatment of Testicular and Other Cancers (United States)

    Prior to the discovery of cisplatin in 1965, men with testicular cancer had few medical options. Now, thanks to NCI research, cisplatin and similar chemotherapy drugs are known for curing testicular and other forms of cancer.

  16. File list: InP.Gon.20.AllAg.Testicular_somatic_cells [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available InP.Gon.20.AllAg.Testicular_somatic_cells mm9 Input control Gonad Testicular somatic... cells SRX591728,SRX591716 ...

  17. File list: InP.Gon.50.AllAg.Testicular_somatic_cells [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available InP.Gon.50.AllAg.Testicular_somatic_cells mm9 Input control Gonad Testicular somatic... cells SRX591728,SRX591716 ...

  18. Testicular Descend, How and Why: A Review Article

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sujan Narayan Agrawal


    Full Text Available Background: The testis develops in the dorsal abdominal wall, and then descends to scrotum. The development begins as early as 6th week of intrauterine life and is completed by fifth month of intrauterine life. The testis may get arrested during its descent from dorsal abdominal wall to scrotum. The anomalies of descent includes cryptorchism (and its variant like anarchism, monarchism or partially descended testis, ectopic testis, persistent processus vaginalis and encysted hydrocoel of spermatic cord etc. Cryptorchism is usually diagnosed during the new born examination. The recognition of this condition, identification of associated syndromes, proper diagnostic evaluation and timely treatment by surgical urologist is important to prevent adverse consequences like sterility, congenital hernia & hydrocoel, testicular carcinoma etc. Objectives: the objective of this review is to study the role of gubernaculum in the testicular migration process. Material & Method: We performed a descriptive review of the literature about the role of the gubernaculum in testicular migration during the human fetal life. This article provides an overview of role of gubernaculum and other factors responsible for gonadal migration. Results: In the first phase of testicular migration the gubernaculum enlarges to hold the testis near groin and in the second phase the gubernaculum migrates across the pubic region to reach the scrotum. The proximal end of gubernaculum is attached to the testis and epididymis. The lower end reaches to bottom of scrotum. A failure in the proper functioning of gubernaculum causes cryptorchism. Rarely male gonads may deviate from main pathway due to presence of many tails of distal gubernaculum, and it may give rise to ectopic testis. The processus vaginalis usually closes by birth. If it remains patent, it leads to congenital hernia, hydrocoel, encysted hydrocoel etc. Conclusion: the gubernaculum presents a significant structure during

  19. Análise da variabilidade da freqüência cardíaca em pacientes hipertensos, antes e depois do tratamento com inibidores da enzima conversora da angiotensina II Analysis of heart rate variability in hypertensive patients before and after treatment with angiotensin II-converting enzyme inhibitors

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Antônio da Silva Menezes Júnior


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Comparar a variabilidade de freqüência cardíaca em indivíduos normotensos e hipertensos e observar o comportamento do sistema nervoso autônomo após terapia com inibidores da enzima conversora de angiotensina II. MÉTODO: Estudados 286 pacientes com diagnóstico de hipertensão arterial, pela 1ª vez, e divididos em 4 grupos, conforme a pressão arterial diastólica (PAD: grupo A - PAD110 mmHg. Os pacientes do grupo A (normais e do grupo C (HA moderada, somando 110 e 79 pacientes, respectivamente, submeteram-se ao Holter-ECG 24h com análise de variabilidade de freqüência cardíaca no domínio do tempo (DT e no domínio da freqüência (DF. O grupo C foi tratado com inibidores da ECA durante 3 meses, e após esse período novamente avaliado com Holter-ECG 24h e variabilidade da freqüência cardíaca, e os valores comparados com os normotensos. RESULTADOS: Os parâmetros SDNN, PNN50 (DT e o espectro LF (DF foram significativamente diferentes para os dois grupos, com valores notadamente diminuídos em hipertensos (pOBJECTIVE: To compare heart rate variability in normotensive and hypertensive individuals and to observe the behavior of the autonomic nervous system after treatment with angiotensin II-converting enzyme inhibitors. METHOD: The study comprised 286 patients diagnosed with arterial hypertension (AH for the first time and divided into 4 groups according to diastolic blood pressure (DBP levels: group A - DBP110 mmHg. Group A (110 healthy individuals and group C (79 patients with moderate AH underwent 24-hour Holter-ECG with analysis of heart rate variability in time domain (TD and frequency domain (FD. The group C patients were treated with ACE inhibitors for 3 months, and, after this period, they underwent a new 24-hour Holter-ECG study for assessing heart rate variability, the values being compared with those of normotensive individuals. RESULTS: The SDNN and PNN50 parameters (TD, and the LF spectrum (FD were

  20. Functional testicular evaluation using PET/CT with {sup 18}F-fluorodeoxyglucose

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dierickx, Lawrence Oliver; Zerdoud, Slimane; Filleron, Thomas; Brillouet, Severine [Institut Claudius Regaud, Service of Nuclear Medicine, Toulouse (France); Huyghe, Eric; Delauney, Boris; Bujan, Louis; Plante, Pierre [CHU Toulouse, Toulouse (France); Nogueira, Daniela; Montagut, Jacques [I.F.R.E.A.R.E.S., Toulouse (France); Courbon, Frederic [Institut Claudius Regaud, Service of Nuclear Medicine, Toulouse (France); CHU Toulouse, Toulouse (France)


    PET/CT using {sup 18}F-FDG is a well-established diagnostic examination in oncology, cardiology and neurology. The clinical significance of nontumoral testicular uptake of FDG is unknown. Functional testicular imaging may have important clinical applications in the diagnosis and prognosis of male infertility. The aim of this study was to determine the andrological value of a FDG PET/CT in analysing testicular function, by correlating the PET/CT data with the sperm parameters. Retrospective analysis of FDG PET/CT in 20 consecutive cancer patients without testicular pathology in whom two semen samples had been obtained for analysis before any chemotherapy. FDG PET/CT parameters were the mean standardized uptake value (SUVmean), used for measuring the intensity of uptake, and the functional testicular volume (FV). For statistical analysis, a Spearman's rank correlation test and a Mann-Whitney test were used. Of 20 patients (mean age 22 years), 18 had provided two sperm samples for cryopreservation. Sperm concentration was above 20 x 10{sup 6}/ml in 55% of the patients. The intensity of uptake and the FV were correlated with the total sperm count, the sperm concentration and motility (p < 0.05). The difference in SUVmean between the two testes showed an inverse correlation with sperm concentration (p = 0.036). Normospermic and oligospermic men had significant differences in: (1) mean SUVmean, (2) mean FV, and (3) the difference in intensity of uptake between the testes (p < 0.05). This is the first report on the andrological value of FDG PET/CT in analysing nontumoral testicular function. This pilot study showed a significant correlation between intensity of uptake of FDG and testicular FV with the main sperm parameters. PET/CT with FDG could become a useful new tool in assisted reproductive technologies and other andrological or urological applications. (orig.)

  1. Raman spectroscopic analysis identifies testicular microlithiasis as intratubular hydroxyapatite. (United States)

    De Jong, B W D; De Gouveia Brazao, C A; Stoop, H; Wolffenbuttel, K P; Oosterhuis, J W; Puppels, G J; Weber, R F A; Looijenga, L H J; Kok, D J


    As diagnosed by ultrasonography, testicular microlithiasis is associated with various benign and malignant conditions. The molecular constitution of these microliths is largely unknown. Raman spectroscopy provides detailed in situ information about the molecular composition of tissues and to our knowledge it has not been applied to gonadal microliths. We analyzed the molecular composition of gonadal microlithiasis and its surrounding region using Raman spectroscopy in malignant and benign conditions. Multiple microliths from 6 independent samples diagnosed with gonadal microlithiasis by ultrasound and histologically confirmed were investigated by Raman spectroscopy. The samples included 4 testicular parenchyma samples adjacent to a germ cell tumor (4 seminomas), a gonadoblastoma of a dysgenetic gonad and testicular biopsy of a subfertile male without malignancy. Raman spectroscopic mapping demonstrated that testicular microliths were located within the seminiferous tubule. Glycogen surrounded all microliths in the samples associated with germ cell neoplasm but not in the benign case. The molecular composition of the 26 microliths in all 6 conditions was pure hydroxyapatite. Microliths in the testis are located in the seminiferous tubules and composed of hydroxyapatite. In cases of germ cell neoplasm they co-localize with glycogen deposits.

  2. Testicular fine-needle aspiration for the assessment of intratesticular hormone concentrations

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ada P Lee


    Full Text Available Measurement of intratesticular sex steroid concentrations in men informs both the development of male hormonal contraceptives and the understanding of male infertility. Given the challenges of using invasive techniques to measure testicular hormone physiology, our group has used a minimally-invasive fine-needle aspiration technique to measure intratesticular hormones in normal healthy men. Herein, we present a post-hoc analysis of the safety and efficacy of testicular fine-needle aspiration (FNA completed as part of six clinical trials. From 2001 through 2011, a total of 404 procedures were conducted among 163 research volunteers, 85.9% of which were successful in obtaining sufficient fluid for the measurement of intratesticular steroid concentrations. Pain was the most common side effect, with 36.8% of procedures associated with moderate procedural pain and 4.7% with severe procedural pain. Postprocedural pain was uncommon and abated within a few days. Mild local bruising occurred with 14.9% of procedures. Two serious adverse events (0.5% required surgical intervention. The risk of an adverse event was not associated with age, body mass index, testicular size, or the volume of fluid aspirated. Testicular FNA to obtain fluid for measurement of intratesticular steroid concentrations frequently causes mild to moderate procedural pain, but serious adverse events occur rarely. Testicular FNA has been instrumental for defining human intratesticular hormone physiology and is a minimally-invasive, safe, effective method for obtaining fluid for research on testicular physiology and pathology.

  3. File list: InP.Gon.10.AllAg.Testicular_somatic_cells [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available InP.Gon.10.AllAg.Testicular_somatic_cells mm9 Input control Gonad Testicular somati...c cells SRX591728,SRX591716 ...

  4. A unique case of bifid left testicular artery having its anomalous high origin from renal artery

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ashwini P Aithal


    Full Text Available The testicular arteries are known to originate from the ventrolateral aspect of the abdominal aorta and descend obliquely to the pelvic cavity and supply the testis. An anatomical description of an uncommon variation of the left testicular artery is presented in this case report, highlighting its clinical implications. During routine dissection of a male cadaver, we found that the left testicular artery was bifid and it was arising from the left renal artery. After its origin, it then coursed behind the left renal vein, passed between the left testicular vein and left ureter and at the lower pole of the left kidney, this bifid testicular artery joined to form a single testicular artery which thereafter presented a normal course. Anatomy of the testicular artery has been studied in detail because of its importance in testicular physiology, as well as its significance in testicular and renal surgery. This vascular variation shows a major significance in renal surgery, partial or total nephrectomy, and renal transplant. In addition, this anatomical variation enhances the importance of arteriography or the Doppler ultrasound examination of the renal hilum before surgeries.

  5. Testicular parenchymal abnormalities in Klinefelter syndrome: a question of cancer? Examination of 40 consecutive patients

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Giacomo Accardo


    Full Text Available Klinefelter syndrome (KS is a hypergonadotropic hypogonadism characterized by a 47, XXY karyotype. The risk of testicular cancer in KS is of interest in relation to theories about testicular cancer etiology generally; nevertheless it seems to be low. We evaluated the need for imaging and serum tumor markers for testicular cancer screening in KS. Participants were 40 consecutive KS patients, enrolled from December 2009 to January 2013. Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH, alpha-fetoprotein (AFP, and beta-human chorionic gonadotrophin subunit (β-HCG serum levels assays and testicular ultrasound (US with color Doppler, were carried out at study entry, after 6 months and every year for 3 years. Abdominal magnetic resonance (MR was performed in KS when testicular US showed micro-calcifications, testicular nodules and cysts. Nearly 62% of the KS had regular testicular echotexture, 37.5% showed an irregular echotexture and 17.5% had micro-calcifications and cysts. Eighty seven percent of KS had a regular vascular pattern, 12.5% varicocele, 12.5% nodules 1 cm. MR ruled out the diagnosis of cancer in all KS with testicular micro calcifications, nodules and cysts. No significant variations in LDH, AFP, and β-HCG levels and in US pattern have been detected during follow-up. We compared serum tumor markers and US pattern between KS with and without cryptorchidism and no statistical differences were found. We did not find testicular cancer in KS, and testicular US, tumor markers and MR were, in selected cases, useful tools for correctly discriminating benign from malignant lesions.

  6. The Danish Testicular Cancer database

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Daugaard, Gedske; Kier, Maria Gry Gundgaard; Bandak, Mikkel


    AIM: The nationwide Danish Testicular Cancer database consists of a retrospective research database (DaTeCa database) and a prospective clinical database (Danish Multidisciplinary Cancer Group [DMCG] DaTeCa database). The aim is to improve the quality of care for patients with testicular cancer (TC......) in Denmark, that is, by identifying risk factors for relapse, toxicity related to treatment, and focusing on late effects. STUDY POPULATION: All Danish male patients with a histologically verified germ cell cancer diagnosis in the Danish Pathology Registry are included in the DaTeCa databases. Data...... collection has been performed from 1984 to 2007 and from 2013 onward, respectively. MAIN VARIABLES AND DESCRIPTIVE DATA: The retrospective DaTeCa database contains detailed information with more than 300 variables related to histology, stage, treatment, relapses, pathology, tumor markers, kidney function...

  7. Análise de características reprodutivas indicadoras de puberdade em tourinhos Pantaneiro


    Juliano, R.S.; Ramos, A.F.; Santos, S.A.; Abreu, U.G.P. de


    Descendentes de animais oriundos da Península Ibérica, os bovinos Pantaneiros foram introduzidos no Brasil na época do descobrimento. Características reprodutivas foram monitoradas em dez tourinhos, no intervalo de idade de dez a vinte meses, criados em pastagens nas condições de Brasil central com objetivo de determinar a idade à puberdade. Mensalmente eram mensuradas a circunferência, o comprimento e a largura testicular. O sêmen foi coletado e os aspectos de morfologia e físicos do ejacula...

  8. Corporal and testicular biometry in wild boar from birth to 12 months of age

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Danillo Velloso Ferreira Murta


    Full Text Available The aim of this tudy was to evaluate corporal and testicular development in wild boars (Sus scrofa scrofa from birth to 12 months of age, evaluating body weight, biometric testicular parameters, and gonadosomatic index. Thirty-nine male wild boars from a commercial farm licensed by IBAMA were used in the study. The animals were weighed and assigned to 13 experimental groups. The testes were recovered through unilateral orchiectomy, weighed on an analytical balance and measured for length, width and thickness. Body weight and testicular measures increased with the age, up to 12 months, and were more accelerated in the first and ninth months. Initially the testicular growth pattern, between zero and nine months, followed the body growth, and the gonadosomatic index varied from 0.07 to 0.09%. Between 9 and 11 months, the testicular growth was superior to the body growth, and the gonadosomatic index varied from 0.09 to 0.16%. Finally, after 11 months of age, testicular and body growth had a similar behavior. In conclusion, body weight, testicular biometry, and gonadosomatic index development accelerated in the ninth month.

  9. Occurrence of testicular microlithiasis in androgen insensitive hypogonadal mice

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    De Gendt Karl


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Testicular microliths are calcifications found within the seminiferous tubules. In humans, testicular microlithiasis (TM has an unknown etiology but may be significantly associated with testicular germ cell tumors. Factors inducing microlith development may also, therefore, act as susceptibility factors for malignant testicular conditions. Studies to identify the mechanisms of microlith development have been hampered by the lack of suitable animal models for TM. Methods This was an observational study of the testicular phenotype of different mouse models. The mouse models were: cryptorchid mice, mice lacking androgen receptors (ARs on the Sertoli cells (SCARKO, mice with a ubiquitous loss of androgen ARs (ARKO, hypogonadal (hpg mice which lack circulating gonadotrophins, and hpg mice crossed with SCARKO (hpg.SCARKO and ARKO (hpg.ARKO mice. Results Microscopic TM was seen in 94% of hpg.ARKO mice (n = 16 and the mean number of microliths per testis was 81 +/- 54. Occasional small microliths were seen in 36% (n = 11 of hpg testes (mean 2 +/- 0.5 per testis and 30% (n = 10 of hpg.SCARKO testes (mean 8 +/- 6 per testis. No microliths were seen in cryptorchid, ARKO or SCARKO mice. There was no significant effect of FSH or androgen on TM in hpg.ARKO mice. Conclusion We have identified a mouse model of TM and show that lack of endocrine stimulation is a cause of TM. Importantly, this model will provide a means with which to identify the mechanisms of TM development and the underlying changes in protein and gene expression.

  10. Testicular artery arising from an aberrant right renal artery | Suluba ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    This case report we discovered the rare variation of the origin of the right testicular artery arising from the right aberrant renal artery with double renal artery irrigating both left and right kidneys. These variations in the testicular arteries and renal arteries have implication to surgical procedures such as orchidopexy repair for ...

  11. Syndromic aspects of testicular carcinoma

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Lutke-Holzik, MF; Sijmons, RH; Sleijfer, DT; Sonneveld, DJA; Hoekstra-Weebers, JEHM; van Echten-Arends, J; Hoekstra, HJ


    BACKGROUND. In patients with hereditary or constitutional chromosomal anomalies, testicular carcinoma can develop sporadically or on the basis of an underlying hereditary genetic defect. Greater knowledge of these genetic defects would provide more insight into the molecular pathways that lead to

  12. Two males with SRY-positive 46,XX testicular disorder of sex development. (United States)

    Gunes, Sezgin; Asci, Ramazan; Okten, Gülsen; Atac, Fatih; Onat, Onur E; Ogur, Gonul; Aydin, Oguz; Ozcelik, Tayfun; Bagci, Hasan


    The 46,XX testicular disorder of sex development (46,XX testicular DSD) is a rare phenotype associated with disorder of the sex chromosomes. We describe the clinical, molecular, and cytogenetic findings of a 16- and a 30-year-old male patient with sex-determining region Y (SRY)-positive 46,XX testicular DSD. Chromosomal analysis revealed 46,XX karyotype. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) showed the SRY region translocated to the short arm of the X chromosome. The presence of the SRY gene was also confirmed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The X chromosome inactivation (XCI) assay showed that both patients have a random pattern of X chromosome inactivation. This report compares the symptoms and features of the SRY-positive 46,XX testicular DSD patients.

  13. Neonatal outcome and congenital malformations in children born after ICSI with testicular or epididymal sperm

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fedder, Jens; Loft, A; Parner, Erik Thorlund


    STUDY QUESTION: Does neonatal outcome including congenital malformations in children born after ICSI with epididymal and testicular sperm [testicular sperm extraction (TESE)/percutaneous epididymal sperm aspiration (PESA)/testicular sperm aspiration (TESA) (TPT)] differ from neonatal outcome in c...


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    A. S. Kalpinsky


    Full Text Available The incidence of bilateral testicular cancer is 5% in the total cohort of patients. Synchronous and metachronous testicular cancers are detected in 1-2 and 3% of cases, respectively. The standard treatment for testicular cancer is orchifuniculectomy and that for synchronous or metachronous cancer is organ-saving treatment, testectomy.The paper describes a clinical case of multiple primary metachronous testicular cancer. A 24-year-old patient underwent surgery (orchifuniculectomy and received 4 courses of BEP polychemotherapy for embryonal carcinoma of the left testicle at the P.A. Herzen Moscow Oncology Research Institute. After 55 months, a dynamic control examination diagnosed a 9-mm tumor in his single right testis that was thereafter resected. Its histological examination revealed embryonal carcinoma with solitary structures in the immature teratoma. Following 22 months, a control examination showed a recurrence of the disease, for which orchifuniculectomy of the single right testis, followed by hormone replacement therapy, was performed. The follow-up period was 80 months; no recurrence is now observed.

  15. Testicular descent: INSL3, testosterone, genes and the intrauterine milieu. (United States)

    Bay, Katrine; Main, Katharina M; Toppari, Jorma; Skakkebæk, Niels E


    Complete testicular descent is a sign of, and a prerequisite for, normal testicular function in adult life. The process of testis descent is dependent on gubernacular growth and reorganization, which is regulated by the Leydig cell hormones insulin-like peptide 3 (INSL3) and testosterone. Investigation of the role of INSL3 and its receptor, relaxin-family peptide receptor 2 (RXFP2), has contributed substantially to our understanding of the hormonal control of testicular descent. Cryptorchidism is a common congenital malformation, which is seen in 2-9% of newborn boys, and confers an increased risk of infertility and testicular cancer in adulthood. Although some cases of isolated cryptorchidism in humans can be ascribed to known genetic defects, such as mutations in INSL3 or RXFP2, the cause of cryptorchidism remains unknown in most patients. Several animal and human studies are currently underway to test the hypothesis that in utero factors, including environmental and maternal lifestyle factors, may be involved in the etiology of cryptorchidism. Overall, the etiology of isolated cryptorchidism seems to be complex and multifactorial, involving both genetic and nongenetic components.

  16. Endocrinological aspects in the therapy of testicular affections in children suffering from acute leukemias

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Doerffel, W.; Grulich, M.; Liedtke, B.


    Orchidectomy or testicular irradiation with 24 to 30 Gy are recommended for testicular involvement in boys with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. But, recommended radiation doses for the only occulty involved other testis differ, i.e. they range from 12 to 24 Gy. Low dose (12 or 15 Gy) 'preventive' testicular irradiation was delivered to 5 of 14 patients; only one of these 5 experienced a further testicular relapse. According to our observation, in contrast to higher doses, the dose limitation allows spontaneous pubertal development including normal testosteron production and normal development of the masculine stature. (author)

  17. Testicular Growth During Puberty in Boys With and Without a History of Congenital Cryptorchidism

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sadov, Sergey; Koskenniemi, Jaakko J; Virtanen, Helena E


    CONTEXT: The pattern of testicular growth during puberty may provide important information about early testicular damage and reproductive potential in adulthood. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate pubertal testicular growth in boys with congenital cryptorchidism and controls. DESIGN: Longitudinal case...... mL by orchidometer and 25 mm by ruler as cut-offs in definition of the onset of puberty. An orchidometer size of 3 mL and ruler length of 25 mm corresponded to 1.6 and 1.7 mL by ultrasound (with Lambert's formula), respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Testicular growth in puberty was impaired in congenitally...

  18. Drugs Approved for Testicular Cancer (United States)

    This page lists cancer drugs approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for testicular cancer. The list includes generic names, brand names, and common drug combinations, which are shown in capital letters. The drug names link to NCI's Cancer Drug Information summaries.

  19. From gonocytes to testicular cancer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rajpert-de Meyts, Ewa; Hoei-Hansen, Christina E


    . The most severe cases are a result of inherited genetic aberrations, but the etiology of the common sporadic testicular cancer must involve environmental factors, including maternal lifestyle and possibly an early exposure to endocrine disruptors. The effects of environmental factors are likely modulated...

  20. Testicular Cancer Risk Prediction Models (United States)

    Developing statistical models that estimate the probability of testicular cervical cancer over a defined period of time will help clinicians identify individuals at higher risk of specific cancers, allowing for earlier or more frequent screening and counseling of behavioral changes to decrease risk.

  1. Prevenção cardiovascular abrangente em pacientes com doença arterial coronária: implementação das diretrizes na prática clínica

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    Clarisse Kaoru Ogawa Indio do Brasil


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Demonstrar a eficácia de um programa de otimização da prática clínica em pacientes com doença arterial coronária para prescrição de medicamentos e documentar a prática clínica vigente quanto aos medicamentos e medidas para a mudança do estilo de vida. MÉTODOS: Estudo de corte transversal, seguido de componente longitudinal. Foram incluídos 710 pacientes consecutivos (Fase 1. Após aplicação de ferramentas para melhoria da prática clínica, foram incluídos, após seis meses, 705 pacientes com coleta dos mesmos dados (Fase 2. Foram selecionados aleatoriamente, a partir do primeiro grupo, 318 prontuários para comparação desses mesmos pacientes (Fase 3. RESULTADOS: Comparação entre as Fases 1 e 2: melhora em relação a tabagismo (P=0,019, dislipidemia (P<0,001, hipertensão arterial e atividade física regular (P<0,001. Diferença significativa para inibidores da enzima de conversão da angiotensina - IECA (67,2% vs. 56,8%, P<0,001; antagonistas do receptor da angiotensina II - ARA II (25,4% vs. 32,9%, P=0,002 e betabloqueador (88,7% vs. 91,9%, P=0,047. Comparação entre as Fases 1 e 3: houve redução do peso (P=0,044 e pressão arterial (P<0,001. Em relação à prescrição de medicamentos recomendados, diferença para IECA (64,8% vs. 61,6%, P=0,011 e ARA II (27,0% vs. 31,3%, P=0,035. CONCLUSÃO: Não houve mudança significativa na utilização de medicamentos; entretanto, observou-se melhora significativa em relação ao tabagismo e atividade física na Fase 2; melhora substancial nos níveis de pressão arterial, na comparação tanto entre as Fases 1 e 2 como entre as Fases 1 e 3. A inclusão de enfermeiro treinado para gerenciar o processo foi fundamental. Programas abrangentes de melhoria de qualidade assistencial, provavelmente, devem ser continuados por período de seguimento maior.

  2. Risk and prognostic significance of metachronous contralateral testicular germ cell tumours

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Schaapveld, M.; van den Belt-Dusebout, A. W.; Gietema, J. A.; de Wit, R.; Horenblas, S.; Witjes, J. A.; Hoekstra, H. J.; Kiemeney, L. A. L. M.; Louwman, W. J.; Ouwens, G. M.; Aleman, B. M. P.; van Leeuwen, F. E.


    BACKGROUND: Testicular germ cell tumour (TGCT) patients are at increased risk of developing a contralateral testicular germ cell tumour (CTGCT). It is unclear whether TGCT treatment affects CTGCT risk. METHODS: The risk of developing a metachronous CTGCT (a CTGCT diagnosed >= 6 months after a

  3. Experimentally induced testicular dysgenesis syndrome originates in the masculinization programming window

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    van den Driesche, Sander; Kilcoyne, Karen R.; Wagner, Ida Wagner


    and after the MPW, but only DBP exposure in the MPW causes reduced AGD, focal testicular dysgenesis, and TDS disorders (cryptorchidism, hypospadias, reduced adult testis size, and compensated adult Leydig cell failure). Focal testicular dysgenesis, reduced size of adult male reproductive organs, and TDS...

  4. Maternal smoking and testicular germ cell tumors. (United States)

    McGlynn, Katherine A; Zhang, Yawei; Sakoda, Lori C; Rubertone, Mark V; Erickson, Ralph L; Graubard, Barry I


    Testicular germ cell tumors (TGCT) are the most common cancer among men ages 15 to 35 years in the United States. The well-established TGCT risk factors cryptorchism, prior diagnosis of TGCT, and family history of testicular cancer indicate that exposures in early life and/or in the familial setting may be critical to determining risk. Previous reports of familial clustering of lung cancer in mothers and testicular cancers in sons suggest that passive smoking in childhood may be such an exposure. To clarify the relationship of passive smoking exposure to TGCT risk, data from 754 cases and 928 controls enrolled in the Servicemen's Testicular Tumor Environmental and Endocrine Determinants study were analyzed. Data from 1,086 mothers of the cases and controls were also examined. Overall, there was no relationship between maternal [odds ratio (OR), 1.1; 95% confidence interval (95% CI), 0.9-1.3] or paternal smoking (OR, 1.0; 95% CI, 0.8-1.3) and TGCT risk. Although living with a non-parent smoker was marginally related to risk (OR, 1.4; 95% CI, 1.0-2.1), there was no relationship with number of smokers, amount smoked, or duration of smoking. Responses from both case-control participants and mothers also revealed no relationship between either maternal smoking while pregnant or while breast-feeding. Results did not differ by TGCT histology (seminoma, non-seminoma). These results do not support the hypothesis that passive smoking, either in utero or in childhood, is related to risk of TGCT. Other early life exposures, however, may explain the familial clustering of lung cancer in mothers and TGCT in sons.

  5. Dissociação da resposta anti-hipertensiva e metabólica à losartana e espironolactona em ratos com síndrome metabólica experimental

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hussen Machado


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: O tratamento da hipertensão arterial (HA em indivíduos com síndrome metabólica (SM é um desafio, uma vez que terapias não medicamentosas são de difícil implementação e o tratamento farmacológico ideal não está totalmente estabelecido. OBJETIVO: Avaliar o bloqueio do sistema renina angiotensina aldosterona (SRAA na pressão arterial (PA, na função e na morfologia renais em modelo experimental de SM induzida por dieta hiperlipídica. MÉTODOS: Ratos Wistar receberam ração hiperlipídica a partir da quarta semana de vida, por 20 semanas. Os grupos tratados receberam Losartana ou Espironolactona a partir da oitava semana de vida. Avaliou-se semanalmente o peso corporal e a PA de cauda por pletismografia. Ao final do experimento, foram realizados testes de tolerância oral à glicose, perfil lipídico, clearance de creatinina, medida direta da PA, análise morfométrica renal. RESULTADOS: A administração de dieta hiperlipídica se associou ao desenvolvimento de SM, caracterizada por acúmulo central de gordura, hipertensão arterial, hiperglicemia e hipertrigliceridemia. Nesse modelo não foram observadas alterações da histomorfometria renal. O bloqueio do receptor AT1 da angiotensina II (Ang II preveniu o desenvolvimento da HA. O bloqueio mineralocorticoide não apresentou eficácia anti-hipertensiva, porém, associou-se à redução da gordura abdominal. CONCLUSÃO: A dissociação da resposta anti-hipertensiva aos bloqueios dos receptores da Ang II e mineralocorticoide indica a participação da Ang II na gênese da HA associada à obesidade. A redução da obesidade central com a Espironolactona sugere a presença de efeito adipogênico mineralocorticoide.

  6. Polimorfismos genéticos associados à hipertensão arterial sistêmica - doi: 10.5102/ucs.v6i1.464

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luzitano Brandão Ferreira


    Full Text Available A hipertensão arterial sistêmica (HAS é uma doença poligênica e multifatorial que se constitui um grave problema de saúde publica, acometendo somente no Brasil, 15 milhões de pessoas. Ela está intimamente relacionada a diversas doenças cardiovasculares e renais, o que aumenta muito a sua morbmortalidade. Nos últimos anos vários estudos têm demonstrado a associação da HAS e suas complicações com diversos polimorfismos genéticos. O objetivo do presente estudo foi o de realizar uma revisão dos principais polimorfismos genéticos associados a HAS e suas complicações, especialmente cardiovasculares. Dentre os polimorfismos associados a HAS destacam-se os dos genes da enzima de conversão da angiotensina (ECA, haptoglobina, angiotensinogênio e angiotensina II. O conhecimento destes polimorfismos poderá, em breve, ser utilizado em larga escala na prática clínica para diagnóstico, acompanhamento e prognóstico de pacientes com HAS e suas complicações.

  7. Screening for Y microdeletions in men with testicular cancer and undescended testis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bor, Pinar; Hindkjaer, Johnny; Kølvraa, Steen


    PURPOSE: To investigate a possible association between testicular cancer or undescended testis and Y microdeletions. METHODS: It was designed as a retrospective clinical study. A total of 225 men with testicular cancer or undescended testis were included to study. Fertile men (n = 200) were...... cases showed a single STS missing of marker sY153 and sY139 in testicular cancer (6/185) and undescended testis (1/40) patients, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Since no contiguous, real Y microdeletions were found in the study population, it seems that Y microdeletions are not a likely common etiological...... cause of poor spermatogenesis in testicular cancer and undescended testis. However, it remains to be determined whether men having a single STS missing have a risk of developing testis cancer or having undescended testis....

  8. Cryopreservation of canine ovarian and testicular fibroblasts. (United States)

    Yu, Il-Jeoung; Leibo, S P; Songsasen, Nucharin; Dresser, Betsy L; Kim, In-Shik


    To derive a practical procedure to store canine somatic cells, fibroblasts isolated from testicular or ovarian tissues were cryopreserved in 1.2 M ethylene glycol or in 1.2 M dimethylsulfoxide prepared in Dulbecco's Modified Eagle Medium as cryoprotectants, and were frozen either in plastic straws or vials. Thawed cells were cultured for 24 hr at 38.5 degree C in a humidified atmosphere of 5 percent CO2 95 percent air, and then their membrane integrity was assayed with a double fluorescent stain, Fertilight. In addition, frozen-thawed fibroblasts were cultured for 4 days, and then their functional survival was measured after staining small colonies with trypan blue. After freezing and thawing, membrane integrity of testicular fibroblasts was 55-70 percent and functional survival ranged from 20-40 percent. With frozen-thawed ovarian cells, the average membrane integrity was 55-75 percent and the average functional survival was 35-40 percent. When frozen in ethylene glycol, functional survival of ovarian fibroblasts was significantly higher than that of testicular cells (P less than 0.05). These methods should prove useful to preserve cells collected from canids in the wild.

  9. Testicular Histomorphometric Evaluation of Zebu Bull Breeds

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    Paulo Antônio Terrabuio Andreussi


    Full Text Available The objective of this study was to evaluate the quantitative histology and testicular biometrics in zebu bulls of different breeds. Testicular fragments of Nelore (n=10, Polled Nelore (n=6, Gir (n=5, Guzerat (n=5 and Tabapuã bulls (n=5 were used. The fragments were perfusion-fixed in Karnovsky solution, embedded in glycol methacrylate and stained with toluidine blue-1% sodium borate. The Nelore animals had a higher tubular volumetric proportion (85.2% and greater height of the seminiferous epithelium (73.2 µm than the Gir, Guzerat and Tabapuã breeds. The Nelore animals also had a higher volumetric proportion of Leydig cells (5.2% than the Guzerat and Tabapuã breeds. There was no significant difference for any of these parameters between the Nelore and Polled Nelore breeds. The gonadosomatic index, seminiferous tubule diameter, cross-sectional area of the seminiferous tubule and tubule length (total length and length per gram of testicular parenchyma did not vary among the breeds studied. The morphometric parameters evaluated suggested that the genetic selection applied to the Nelore and Polled Nelore breeds improved the efficiency of spermatogenesis in these breeders.

  10. A survey of etiologic hypotheses among testicular cancer researchers

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Stang, A; Trabert, B; Rusner, C


    Basic research results can provide new ideas and hypotheses to be examined in epidemiological studies. We conducted a survey among testicular cancer researchers on hypotheses concerning the etiology of this malignancy. All researchers on the mailing list of Copenhagen Testis Cancer Workshops...... and corresponding authors of PubMed-indexed articles identified by the search term 'testicular cancer' and published within 10 years (in total 2750 recipients) were invited to respond to an e-mail-based survey. Participants of the 8th Copenhagen Testis Cancer Workshop in May 2014 were subsequently asked to rate...... that scored as most plausible. We also present plans for improving the survey that may be repeated at a next international meeting of experts in testicular cancer. Overall 52 of 99 (53%) registered participants of the 8th Copenhagen Testis Cancer Workshop submitted the plausibility rating form. Fourteen of 27...

  11. Papel de la angiotensina-(1-7 sobre la recaptación neuronal de noradrenalina en la hipertensión

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mariela M. Gironacci


    Full Text Available RESUMENPreviamente demostramos que la angiotensina (Ang-(1-7, en contraste con la Ang II, disminuyela liberación y la síntesis de noradrenalina (NA en ratas espontáneamentehipertensas (SHR. En el presente trabajo investigamos en ratas SHR el efecto de la Ang-(1-7 sobre la recaptación neuronal y la expresión del transportador de NA (NET, principalresponsable de la eliminación de NA del espacio sináptico. Si bien la Ang-(1-7 no presentaun efecto agudo sobre la recaptación neuronal de noradrenalina, tiene un papel estimuladorsobre el contenido proteico del NET a largo plazo. Esta acción la ejerce a través de laestimulación de la síntesis proteica de novo del transportador por la activación del receptorMas. Esto sugeriría que, a través de la regulación de los niveles de NA en el espacio sináptico,la Ang-(1-7 contribuiría a la regulación de la presión arterial.REV ARGENT CARDIOL 2010;78:151-155.

  12. Crossed testicular ectopia: Report of six cases | Akın | African ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    ... anomaly characterised by migration of one testis towards the opposite inguinal canal, usually associated with unilateral inguinal hernia. This report describes six cases of crossed ectopic testes, one of the largest series, and with unusual clinical histories. Key words: Crossed testicular ectopia, transverse testicular ectopia, ...

  13. Rare presentation of a testicular angiofibroma treated with testis sparing surgery. (United States)

    Leone, Luca; Fulvi, Paola; Sbrollini, Giulia; Filosa, Alessandra; Caraceni, Enrico; Marronaro, Angelo; Galosi, Andrea B


    Testicular benign tumors are very rare (< 5%). Testicular Angiofibroma (AF) is one of those, however the gold standard of treatment and follow-up is still unclear. A 47 years-old man with only one functioning testis was referred to our clinic for a palpable right testicular mass and atrophic contralateral testis. Patient underwent testis-sparing surgery with inguinal approach and intraoperative frozen sections examination with diagnosis of AF. Final histology confirmed AF. Post-operative follow-up was uneventful. Clinical and ultrasonographic follow-up was negative after 8 months. We report a conservative surgery in a patient with AF of the solitary testis. AF is a benign para-testicular fibrous neoplasm that could be misinterpreted as malignant tumor and treated with orchiectomy. Testis-sparing surgery is recommended in this case with intraoperative pathological examination. The excision of the mass is enough but in front of a possible recurrence a long follow-up is advisable.

  14. Rare presentation of a testicular angiofibroma treated with testis sparing surgery

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luca Leone


    Full Text Available Introduction: Testicular benign tumors are very rare (< 5%. Testicular Angiofibroma (AF is one of those, however the gold standard of treatment and follow-up is still unclear. Case report: A 47 years-old man with only one functioning testis was referred to our clinic for a palpable right testicular mass and atrophic contralateral testis. Patient underwent testis-sparing surgery with inguinal approach and intraoperative frozen sections examination with diagnosis of AF. Final histology confirmed AF. Post-operative follow-up was uneventful. Clinical and ultrasonographic follow-up was negative after 8 months. Conclusion: We report a conservative surgery in a patient with AF of the solitary testis. AF is a benign para-testicular fibrous neoplasm that could be misinterpreted as malignant tumor and treated with orchiectomy. Testis-sparing surgery is recommended in this case with intraoperative pathological examination. The excision of the mass is enough but in front of a possible recurrence a long follow-up is advisable.

  15. Análise combinada de fatores genéticos e ambientais na hipertensão essencial em um município da região Amazônica Combined analysis of genetic and environmental factors on essential hypertension in a brazilian rural population in the Amazon region

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Silvia Regina Sampaio Freitas


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Este estudo avaliou a contribuição de seis polimorfismos genéticos presentes em genes do sistema renina-angiotensina-aldosterona (SRAA e fatores de risco clínicos para o desenvolvimento da hipertensão arterial essencial em um município da região Amazônica. MÉTODOS: Oitenta e dois indivíduos hipertensos e setenta e oito indivíduos normotensos foram genotipados quanto à presença de polimorfismos REN-G1051A (renina, AGT-M235T (angiotensinogênio, ECA-Alu I/D (enzima conversora de angiotensina I, AGTR1-A1166C (receptor tipo 1 da angiotensina II e CYP11B2-C344T (aldosterona sintetase pela técnica de reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR, com análise de restrição quando necessário. A influência de polimorfismos genéticos e fatores de risco clínicos na variação da pressão arterial foi avaliada por meio de regressão linear stepwise. RESULTADOS: Relatamos a co-ocorrência de fatores de risco clínicos e polimorfismo do gene da enzima conversora de angiotensina (ECA na população de um município da região amazônica. Nossos resultados mostram que a elevação da pressão arterial sistólica é favorecida pelo alelo D do polimorfismo de inserção/deleção do gene da ECA e pelo aumento da idade, enquanto consumo de bebida alcoólica e envelhecimento estão associados ao aumento da pressão arterial diastólica (PAD. CONCLUSÃO: Esses achados indicam que os moradores de Santa Isabel do Rio Negro que possuem o alelo D da ECA ou têm o hábito de beber apresentam valores mais elevados de PAS e PAD, respectivamente, com o passar dos anos.OBJECTIVE: In the present study, we evaluated the contribution of six genetic polymorphisms of the Renin-Angiotensis-Aldosterone system (RAAS and clinical risk factors in the development of essential hypertension in a Brazilian rural population in the Amazon region. METHODS: Eighty-two hypertensive patients and seventy-eight normotensive individuals were evaluated. Genotyping for renin

  16. Assessment of testicular volume: A comparison of fertile and sub-fertile West African men

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    K.H. Tijani


    Conclusion: Testicular volume on scrotal ultrasound correlates well with severity of oligospermia in men with sub-fertility. While the critical mean testicular volume necessary for adequate spermatogenesis has not been determined, it appears there is an optimal testicular volume of 18–20 ml at which spermatogenesis is at its peak in sub-fertile Nigerian men.

  17. Seminoma in a Man with Russell-Silver Syndrome Presenting with Testicular Torsion

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Satoshi Funada


    Full Text Available Russell-Silver syndrome (RSS is a type of primordial dwarfism. Only one case of testicular cancer in RSS has been reported, the pathology of which was nonseminoma. Here, we report a case of seminoma in a 36-year-old man who was diagnosed with RSS at birth. The seminoma was diagnosed when the patient presented with testicular torsion. This is the first report of testicular seminoma in an RSS patient in the literature. We also discussed the correlation between seminoma and RSS.

  18. Testicular index and histology in breeder broilers of the lineage Avian Farm submitted to the feed restriction


    Drummond, Cristina Delarete; Murgas, Luis David Solis; Bertechini, Antonio Gilberto; Rodenas, Carolina Elizabeth O.; Maciel, Mônica Patrícia; Alvarenga, Ana Luisa N.; Sousa, Sara Zardini de


    Nos reprodutores de frangos de corte, a restrição alimentar precoce é usada para limitar o ganho de peso corporal e otimizar o desempenho reprodutivo. Conduziu-se este trabalho com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito da utilização da restrição alimentar no período de 14 a 121 dias de idade das aves sobre o índice gonadal e histologia testicular em galos reprodutores de corte. Foram avaliados os seguintes tratamentos: controle; 6 dias de alimentação e 1 não (6:1); e 5 dias de alimentação e 2 não (5...

  19. Testicular immunohistochemical and Ultrastructural changes associated with chronic cholestasis in rats: Effect of ursodeoxycholic acid. (United States)

    Mahmoud, Yomna I


    Testicular atrophy has been commonly reported in patients with chronic liver diseases. Ursodeoxycholic acid is the most widely used drug for the treatment of many liver diseases. However, its effect on testicular ultrastructure associated with chronic cholestasis has never been studied. Thus, this study aimed to assess how chronic obstructive jaundice affects the testicular ultrastructure and whether it affects the androgen receptor or the proliferating cell nuclear antigen. The role of ursodeoxycholic acid was also investigated. Cholestasis was induced by bile duct ligation. Samples were collected 4weeks postoperative. Testicular changes were assessed using immunohistochemistry and transmission electron microscopy. Chronic cholestasis resulted in testicular atrophy evidenced by shrinkage and deformation of seminiferous tubules, thickening of peritubular boundaries, vacuolation, disorganization of germ cells, and maturation arrest. This was accompanied by decreased immunoreactivity of androgen receptors and proliferating cell nuclear antigen. Administration of ursodeoxycholic acid improved the testicular morphology and reversed cholestasis-induced immunohistochemical and ultrastructural changes. Ursodeoxycholic acid can improve the testicular ultrastructure and restore the spermatogenic process in rats with chronic cholestasis. These findings support the clinical application of ursodeoxycholic acid in cholestatic patients especially those with hypogonadism. Copyright © 2015. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  20. Reproductive hormones and metabolic syndrome in 24 testicular cancer survivors and their biological brothers

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bandak, M.; Jorgensen, N.; Juul, A.


    ) criteria comprised the main outcome measures of the study. Median age was similar in testicular cancer survivors and their biological brothers [44 years (IQR 39–50) vs. 46 (40–53) years respectively (p = 0.1)]. In testicular cancer survivors, follow-up since treatment was 12 years (7–19). Serum levels...... was to clarify if testicular cancer survivors have impaired gonadal function and increased risk of metabolic syndrome when compared to their biological brothers. A cross-sectional study of testicular cancer survivors ( number, NCT02240966) was conducted between 2014 and 2016. Of 158 testicular...... cancer survivors included, 24 had a biological brother who accepted to participate in the study. Serum levels of reproductive hormones and prevalence of metabolic syndrome according to International Diabetes Federation Criteria and National Cholesterol Education Program (Adult Treatment Panel III...

  1. Do ethnic patterns in cryptorchidism reflect those found in testicular cancer? (United States)

    Gurney, Jason; Sarfati, Diana; Stanley, James; Studd, Rodney


    There are established variations in testicular cancer incidence between ethnic groups within countries. It is currently unclear whether the occurrence of cryptorchidism-a known risk factor for testicular cancer-follows similar patterns. In New Zealand Māori have unusually high rates of testicular cancer compared to individuals of European ancestry. We hypothesized that ethnic trends in the incidence of cryptorchidism would reflect those for testicular cancer in this setting. We followed 318,441 eligible male neonates born in New Zealand between 2000 and 2010 for the incidence of orchiopexy confirmed cryptorchidism and the incidence of known risk factors for cryptorchidism (low birth weight, short gestation, small size for gestational age) using routine maternity, hospitalization and mortality records. Logistic regression was used to calculate odds ratios for the presence of known risk factors for cryptorchidism by ethnic group. Poisson regression was used to calculate relative risk of cryptorchidism by ethnicity, adjusted for risk factors. Ethnic patterns of cryptorchidism incidence in New Zealand closely mirrored those previously observed for testicular cancer. Māori had higher rates of cryptorchidism than all other ethnic groups (adjusted RR 1.2 [95% CI 1.11-1.3]), with Pacific (0.89 [0.8-0.99]) and Asian groups (0.68 [0.59-0.79]) having the lowest rates (European/other, referent). Since the principal risk factors for cryptorchidism are present in utero, the results of the current study strengthen the likelihood that the ethnic patterning of testicular cancer is at least partly due to prenatal risk factors. Copyright © 2013 American Urological Association Education and Research, Inc. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  2. Little effects of Insulin-like Growth Factor-I on testicular atrophy induced by hypoxia (United States)

    Diez-Caballero, Fernando; Castilla-Cortázar, Inma; Garcia-Fernandez, Maria; Puche, Juan Enrique; Diaz-Sanchez, Matias; Casares, Amelia Diaz; Aliaga-Montilla, M Aurelia; Rodriguez-Borrajo, Coronación; Gonzalez-Barón, Salvador


    Background Insulin-like Growth Factor-I (IGF-I) supplementation restores testicular atrophy associated with advanced liver cirrhosis that is a condition of IGF-I deficiency. The aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of IGF-I in rats with ischemia-induced testicular atrophy (AT) without liver disease and consequently with normal serum level of IGF-I. Methods Testicular atrophy was induced by epinephrine (1, 2 mg/Kg intra-scrotal injection five times per week) during 11 weeks. Then, rats with testicular atrophy (AT) were divided into two groups (n = 10 each): untreated rats (AT) receiving saline sc, and AT+IGF, which were treated with IGF-I (2 μg.100 g, sc.) for 28d. Healthy controls (CO, n = 10) were studied in parallel. Animals were sacrificed on day 29th. Hypophyso-gonadal axis, IGF-I and IGFBPs levels, testicular morphometry and histopathology, immuno-histochemical studies and antioxidant enzyme activity phospholipid hydroperoxide glutathione peroxidase (PHGPx) were assessed. Results Compared to controls, AT rats displayed a reduction in testicular size and weight, with histological testicular atrophy, decreased cellular proliferation and transferrin expression, and all of these alterations were slightly improved by IGF-I at low doses. IGF-I therapy increased signifincantly steroidogenesis and PHGPx activity (p Laron Syndrom or liver cirrhosis). PMID:16504030

  3. Testicular dysgenesis syndrome and the development and occurrence of male reproductive disorders

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Virtanen, H E; Rajpert-De Meyts, E; Main, K M


    links so that countries with high incidence of testicular cancer, such as Denmark, tend to also have high prevalence rates of cryptorchidism and hypospadias and poor semen quality. Vice versa, in countries with good male reproductive health, e.g., in Finland, all these aspects are better than in Denmark...... the most severe form of testicular dysgenesis syndrome (TDS). We have hypothesized that testicular cancer, cryptorchidism, hypospadias and poor spermatogenesis are all signs of a developmental disturbance that was named as testicular dysgenesis syndrome. The hypothesis is based on clinical...... and epidemiological findings and on biological and experimental evidence. Signs of TDS share several risk factors, such as small birth weight (particularly being small for gestational age), and they are risk factors for each other. All of them have background in fetal development. They show strong epidemiological...

  4. Immunoreactive neuron-specific enolase (NSE) is expressed in testicular carcinoma-in-situ

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kang, J L; Rajpert-De Meyts, E; Skakkebaek, N E


    Neuron-specific enolase (NSE) is a well-known marker of tumours that have neuroendocrine origin. High levels of NSE have also been described in various types of testicular germ cell neoplasms, particularly in seminomas. To evaluate the presence of NSE in testicular carcinoma-in situ (CIS), a prei...... are evidence against a relationship between NSE and N-myc in testicular germ cell tumours. The high expression of NSE in CIS and overt germ cell tumours may be due to the increased gene dosage effect associated with the overrepresentation of isochromosome 12p....

  5. Uso de medicamentos por pessoas com deficiências em áreas do estado de São Paulo Uso de medicamentos por personas con deficiencias en áreas del Estado de Sao Paulo, Sureste de Brasil Use of medicines by persons with disabilities in São Paulo state areas, Southeastern Brazil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Shamyr Sulyvan Castro


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar o consumo de medicamentos e os principais grupos terapêuticos consumidos por pessoas com deficiências físicas, auditivas ou visuais. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal em que foram analisados dados do Inquérito Multicêntrico de Saúde no Estado de São Paulo (ISA-SP em 2002 e do Inquérito de Saúde no Município de São Paulo (ISA-Capital, realizado em 2003. Os entrevistados que referiram deficiências foram estudados segundo as variáveis que compõem o banco de dados: área, sexo, renda, faixa etária, raça, consumo de medicamentos e tipos de medicamentos consumidos. RESULTADOS: A percentagem de consumo entre as pessoas com deficiência foi de: 62,8% entre os visuais; 60,2% entre os auditivos e 70,1% entre os físicos. As pessoas com deficiência física consumiram 20% mais medicamentos que os não-deficientes. Entre as pessoas com deficiência visual, os medicamentos mais consumidos foram os diuréticos, agentes do sistema renina-angiotensina e analgésicos. Pessoas com deficiência auditiva utilizaram mais analgésicos e agentes do sistema renina-angiotensina. Entre indivíduos com deficiência física, analgésicos, antitrombóticos e agentes do sistema renina-angiotensina foram os medicamentos mais consumidos. CONCLUSÕES: Houve maior consumo de medicamentos entre as pessoas com deficiências quando comparados com os não-deficientes, sendo os indivíduos com deficiência física os que mais consumiram fármacos, seguidos de deficientes visuais e auditivos.OBJETIVO: Analizar el consumo de medicamentos y los principales grupos terapéuticos consumidos por personas con deficiencias físicas, auditivas o visuales. MÉTODOS: Estudio transversal en que fueron analizados datos de la Pesquisa Multicentrica de Salud en el Estado de Sao Paulo (ISA-SP en 2002 y de la Pesquisa de Salud en el Municipio de Sao Paulo (ISA-Capital, realizado en 2003. Los entrevistados que refirieron deficiencias fueron estudiados según las variables

  6. Testicular toxoplasmosis in a 26-year-old immunocompetent man. (United States)

    Wong, Vincent; Amarasekera, Channa; Kundu, Shilajit


    Testicular toxoplasmosis is a very rare presentation of Toxoplasma gondii A 26-year-old immunocompetent man presented to us with right testicular pain and a right epididymal mass. Ultrasound was concerning for malignancy and a radical orchiectomy was performed. Surgical pathology revealed chronic granulomatous inflammation which stained positive for T. gondii . © BMJ Publishing Group Ltd (unless otherwise stated in the text of the article) 2018. All rights reserved. No commercial use is permitted unless otherwise expressly granted.

  7. Influence of large testicular dose on neuroendocrine function in rats

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gong Shouliang; Liu Shuzheng


    In present study, the changes of hypothalamic endogenous opiate peptides and the endocrine function of pituitary and testes were observed at 1, 23, 63 and 97 days after exposure of testes to 10 Gy X-rays in male Wistar rats to attempt to clarify the neuroendocrine effect of ionizing radiation and its mechanism. One day after irradiation, hypothalamic β-endorphin (β-EP) content increased significantly, but serum luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and testosterone (TS) and cAMP content in tests were lowered in varying degrees. Twenty three days after irradiation, hypothalamic β-EP content decreased, while serum LH, FSH, TS and testicular cAMP content increased very significantly. Sixty three days after irradiation, the level of hypothalamic β-EP still was the same as that at 23 days after irradiation, hypothalamic leu-enkephalin (L-Enk) content decreased significantly, serum LH and FSH levels still continued to increase up, while serum TS and testicular cAMP contents declined very significantly. Ninety seven days after irradiation, serum LH and FSH levels returned to lower, serum TS and testicular cAMP content still continued to decrease, and in testicular tissue, serious lesion occurred

  8. Epigenetic: a molecular link between testicular cancer and environmental exposures. (United States)

    Vega, Aurelie; Baptissart, Marine; Caira, Françoise; Brugnon, Florence; Lobaccaro, Jean-Marc A; Volle, David H


    In the last decades, studies in rodents have highlighted links between in utero and/or neonatal exposures to molecules that alter endocrine functions and the development of genital tract abnormalities, such as cryptorchidism, hypospadias, and impaired spermatogenesis. Most of these molecules, called endocrine disrupters exert estrogenic and/or antiandrogenic activities. These data led to the hypothesis of the testicular dysgenesis syndrome which postulates that these disorders are one clinical entity and are linked by epidemiological and pathophysiological relations. Furthermore, infertility has been stated as a risk factor for testicular cancer (TC). The incidence of TC has been increasing over the past decade. Most of testicular germ cell cancers develop through a pre-invasive carcinoma in situ from fetal germ cells (primordial germ cell or gonocyte). During their development, fetal germ cells undergo epigenetic modifications. Interestingly, several lines of evidence have shown that gene regulation through epigenetic mechanisms (DNA and histone modifications) plays an important role in normal development as well as in various diseases, including TC. Here we will review chromatin modifications which can affect testicular physiology leading to the development of TC; and highlight potential molecular pathways involved in these alterations in the context of environmental exposures.

  9. Leydig cell damage after testicular irradiation for lymphoblastic leukemia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shalet, S.M.; Horner, A.; Ahmed, S.R.; Morris-Jones, P.H.


    The effect of testicular irradiation on Leydig cell function has been studied in a group of boys irradiated between 1 and 5 years earlier for a testicular relapse of acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Six of the seven boys irradiated during prepubertal life had an absent testosterone response to HCG stimulation. Two of the four boys irradiated during puberty had an appropriate basal testosterone level, but the testosterone response to HCG stimulation was subnormal in three of the four. Abnormalities in gonadotropin secretion consistent with testicular damage were noted in nine of the 11 boys. Evidence of severe Leydig cell damage was present irrespective of whether the boys were studied within 1 year or between 3 and 5 years after irradiation, suggesting that recovery is unlikely. Androgen replacement therapy has been started in four boys and will be required by the majority of the remainder to undergo normal pubertal development

  10. Strain difference of cadmium-induced testicular toxicity in inbred Wistar-Imamichi and Fischer 344 rats

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shimada, Hideaki; Narumi, Rika [Kumamoto University, Faculty of Education, Kumamoto (Japan); Nagano, Masaaki; Yasutake, Akira [National Institute for Minamata Disease, Biochemistry Section, Kumamoto (Japan); Waalkes, Michael P. [National Cancer Institute at the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, Inorganic Carcinogenesis Section, Laboratory of Comparative Carcinogenesis, Research Triangle Park, NC (United States); Imamura, Yorishige [Kumamoto University, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kumamoto (Japan)


    Previously, we reported that Wistar-Imamichi (WI) rats are highly resistant to cadmium (Cd)-induced lethality and hepatotoxicity compared to Fischer 344 (F344) rats. Since the testes are one of the most sensitive organs to acute Cd toxicity, we examined possible strain-related differences in Cd-induced testicular toxicity between inbred WI and F344 rats. Rats were treated with a single dose of 0.5, 1.0 or 2.0 mg Cd/kg, as CdCl{sub 2}, sc and killed 24 h later. Cd at doses of 1.0 and 2.0 mg/kg induced severe testicular hemorrhage, as assessed by pathological and testis hemoglobin content, in F344 rats, but not WI rats. After Cd treatment (2.0 mg/kg), the testicular Cd content was significantly lower in WI rats than in the F344 rats, indicating a toxiokinetic mechanism for the observed strain difference. Thus, the remarkable resistance to Cd-induced testicular toxicity in WI rats is associated, at least in part, with lower testicular accumulation of Cd. When zinc (Zn; 10 mg/kg, sc) was administered in combination with Cd (2.0 mg/kg) to F344 rats, the Cd-induced increase in testicular hemoglobin content, indicative of hemorrhage, was significantly reduced. Similarly, the testicular Cd content was significantly decreased with Zn co-treatment compared to Cd treatment alone. Thus, it can be concluded that the testicular Cd accumulation partly competes with Zn transport systems and that these systems may play an important role in the strain-related differences in Cd-induced testicular toxicity between WI and F344 rats. (orig.)

  11. Deltamethrin-induced testicular apoptosis in rats: the protective effect of nitric oxide synthase inhibitor. (United States)

    El-Gohary, M; Awara, W M; Nassar, S; Hawas, S


    This study is the first to examine and characterize the testicular apoptosis which might be induced due to exposure of male rats to deltamethrin. Furthermore, the role which might be played by nitric oxide (NO), as well as the other reactive oxygen species (ROS) in controlling this testicular apoptosis was assessed. Apoptosis was evaluated by DNA fragmentation detected by agarose gel electrophoresis and cellular morphology on testicular tissue sections. It was found that administration of deltamethrin (1 mg/kg daily for 21 days) to animals resulted in characteristic DNA migration patterns (laddering), thereby providing evidence that apoptosis is the major mechanism of cell death in the testicular tissues. In addition, histopathological examination of testicular tissue sections showed that apoptosis was confined to the basal germ cells, primary and secondary spermatocytes. These changes, in addition to the appearance of Sertoli cell vacuoles in deltamethrin-intoxicated animals, indicates the suppression of spermatogenesis. At the same time, the plasma levels of both NO and lipid peroxides measured as malondialdehyde (MDA) were found to be significantly increased in deltamethrin-treated animals. Administration of NO synthase (NOS) inhibitors such as N(G)-nitro monomethyl L-arginine hydrochloride (L-NMMA, 1 mg/kg) to rats 2 h before exposure to deltamethrin was effective in the reduction of the typically testicular apoptotic DNA fragmentation pattern and the associated histopathological changes. These findings may suggest that deltamethrin-induced testicular apoptosis is mediated by NO. Therefore, the pharmacological manipulation of apoptosis by selective NOS inhibitors such as L-NMMA may offer new possibilities for the control of deltamethrin-induced testicular dysfunction and infertility in the future.

  12. Little effects of Insulin-like Growth Factor-I on testicular atrophy induced by hypoxia

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    Casares Amelia


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Insulin-like Growth Factor-I (IGF-I supplementation restores testicular atrophy associated with advanced liver cirrhosis that is a condition of IGF-I deficiency. The aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of IGF-I in rats with ischemia-induced testicular atrophy (AT without liver disease and consequently with normal serum level of IGF-I. Methods Testicular atrophy was induced by epinephrine (1, 2 mg/Kg intra-scrotal injection five times per week during 11 weeks. Then, rats with testicular atrophy (AT were divided into two groups (n = 10 each: untreated rats (AT receiving saline sc, and AT+IGF, which were treated with IGF-I (2 μg.100 g, sc. for 28d. Healthy controls (CO, n = 10 were studied in parallel. Animals were sacrificed on day 29th. Hypophyso-gonadal axis, IGF-I and IGFBPs levels, testicular morphometry and histopathology, immuno-histochemical studies and antioxidant enzyme activity phospholipid hydroperoxide glutathione peroxidase (PHGPx were assessed. Results Compared to controls, AT rats displayed a reduction in testicular size and weight, with histological testicular atrophy, decreased cellular proliferation and transferrin expression, and all of these alterations were slightly improved by IGF-I at low doses. IGF-I therapy increased signifincantly steroidogenesis and PHGPx activity (p Conclusion In testicular atrophy by hypoxia, condition without IGF-I deficiency, IGF-treatment induces only partial effects. These findings suggest that IGF-I therapy appears as an appropriate treatment in hypogonadism only when this is associated to conditions of IGF-I deficiency (such as Laron Syndrom or liver cirrhosis.

  13. [Relationship between phthalates and testicular dysgenesis syndrome]. (United States)

    Chen, Guo-Rong; Dong, Lei; Ge, Ren-Shan; Hardy, Matthew P


    Recent epidemiological evidence demonstrates that boys born to women exposed to phthalates during pregnancy have an increased incidence of cryptorchidism, hypospadias, testicular cancer and spermatogenic dysfunction, which are collectively referred to as testicular dysgenesis syndrome (TDS). TDS may be attributed to the dysfunction of Leydig cells and Sertoli cells during their differentiation after exposure to phthalates in utero. Fox example, Leydig cell functions are significantly affected by phthalates, leading to the decrease of two Leydig cell products--insulin-like growth factor 3 (INSL3) and testosterone, which are critical factors for testis descent. The disorientation of Leydig cells and Sertoli cells in the adult testis may be the cause of spermatogenic dysfunction.

  14. Testicular Damage following Testicular Sperm Retrieval

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fedder, Jens; Marcussen, Niels; Fedder, Maja D.K.


    The aim of this study was to evaluate the possible development of histological abnormalities such as fibrosis and microcalcifications after sperm retrieval in a ram model. Fourteen testicles in nine rams were exposed to open biopsy, multiple TESAs, or TESE, and the remaining four testicles were...... left unoperated on as controls. Three months after sperm retrieval, the testicles were removed, fixed, and cut into 1/2 cm thick slices and systematically put onto a glass plate exposing macroscopic abnormalities. Tissue from abnormal areas was cut into 3 μm sections and stained for histological...... evaluation. Pathological abnormalities were observed in testicles exposed to sperm retrieval (≥11 of 14) compared to 0 of 4 control testicles. Testicular damage was found independently of the kind of intervention used. Therefore, cryopreservation of excess sperm should be considered while retrieving sperm....

  15. Sulforaphane Prevents Angiotensin II-Induced Testicular Cell Death via Activation of NRF2

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yonggang Wang


    Full Text Available Although angiotensin II (Ang II was reported to facilitate sperm motility and intratesticular sperm transport, recent findings shed light on the efficacy of Ang II in stimulating inflammatory events in testicular peritubular cells, effect of which may play a role in male infertility. It is still unknown whether Ang II can induce testicular apoptotic cell death, which may be a more direct action of Ang II in male infertility. Therefore, the present study aims to determine whether Ang II can induce testicular apoptotic cell death and whether this action can be prevented by sulforaphane (SFN via activating nuclear factor (erythroid-derived 2-like 2 (NRF2, the governor of antioxidant-redox signalling. Eight-week-old male C57BL/6J wild type (WT and Nrf2 gene knockout mice were treated with Ang II, in the presence or absence of SFN. In WT mice, SFN activated testicular NRF2 expression and function, along with a marked attenuation in Ang II-induced testicular oxidative stress, inflammation, endoplasmic reticulum stress, and apoptotic cell death. Deletion of the Nrf2 gene led to a complete abolishment of these efficacies of SFN. The present study indicated that Ang II may result in testicular apoptotic cell death, which can be prevented by SFN via the activation of NRF2.

  16. Testicular cancer risk in first- and second-generation immigrants to Denmark. (United States)

    Myrup, Charlotte; Westergaard, Tine; Schnack, Tine; Oudin, Anna; Ritz, Christian; Wohlfahrt, Jan; Melbye, Mads


    Immigrant studies offer insights into the relative importance of environment and genes in disease etiology. There is considerable variation in testicular cancer incidence worldwide. We investigated testicular cancer risk in first- and second-generation immigrants to Denmark, a high-incidence country, to evaluate the relative influence of genes and environment and the potential timing of action of environmental factor(s). A cohort of 2.1 million men who were born since 1930 and lived in Denmark between 1968 and 2003 was established based on information in the Danish Civil Registration System, which included their immigration histories. Cancer histories were obtained from the Danish Cancer Registry. Testicular cancer risk was estimated as rate ratios (RRs) with 95% confidence intervals (CIs) based on log-linear Poisson regression. Overall, 4216 testicular cancer cases occurred during 43 million person-years of follow-up in 2.1 million men. These included 166 cases among 344,444 direct immigrants to Denmark and 13 cases among 56,189 men born in Denmark to immigrant parents. These first- and second-generation immigrants had RRs of testicular cancer of 0.37 (95% CI = 0.31 to 0.43) and 0.88 (95% CI = 0.51 to 1.53), respectively, compared with men born in Denmark of parents born in Denmark. The rate in first-generation immigrants was not modified by age at immigration or duration of stay and reflected that in the country of origin. The testicular cancer risk in first-generation immigrants was lower than that in native-born Danes and reflected that in the countries of origin, whereas the risk in second-generation immigrants was similar to that in natives of Denmark. Together these findings argue for a substantial influence of environmental factors limited to the period early in life, most probably to the period in utero.

  17. Testicular dysgenesis syndrome: possible role of endocrine disrupters

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bay, Katrine; Asklund, Camilla; Skakkebaek, Niels E


    . Clinically, the most common manifestation of TDS is probably a reduced sperm concentration, whereas the more severe form may include a high risk of testis cancer. Clinicians should be aware of the interconnection between the different features of TDS, and inclusion of a programme for early detection......The testicular dysgenesis syndrome (TDS) hypothesis proposes that the four conditions cryptorchidism, hypospadias, impaired spermatogenesis and testis cancer may all be manifestations of disturbed prenatal testicular development. The TDS hypothesis is based on epidemiological, clinical...... of testis cancer in the management of infertile men with poor semen quality is recommended....

  18. Testicular dysgenesis syndrome: possible role of endocrine disrupters

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bay, Katrine; Asklund, Camilla; Skakkebaek, Niels E


    The testicular dysgenesis syndrome (TDS) hypothesis proposes that the four conditions cryptorchidism, hypospadias, impaired spermatogenesis and testis cancer may all be manifestations of disturbed prenatal testicular development. The TDS hypothesis is based on epidemiological, clinical....... Clinically, the most common manifestation of TDS is probably a reduced sperm concentration, whereas the more severe form may include a high risk of testis cancer. Clinicians should be aware of the interconnection between the different features of TDS, and inclusion of a programme for early detection...... of testis cancer in the management of infertile men with poor semen quality is recommended....

  19. Acute testicular torsion in children: the role of sonography in the diagnostic workup. (United States)

    Gunther, P; Schenk, J P; Wunsch, R; Holland-Cunz, S; Kessler, U; Troger, J; Waag, K L


    Acute testicular torsion in children is an emergency and has to be diagnosed urgently. Doppler sonography is increasingly used in imaging the acute scrotum. Nevertheless, in uncertain cases, surgical exploration is required. In this study, we attempted to define the role of Doppler sonography in the diagnostic workup of the acutely painful scrotum. All patients admitted between 1999 and 2005 with acute scrotal pain were included. After clinical assessment, patients were imaged by Doppler sonography with a ''high-end'' instrument. In cases of absent arterial perfusion of the testis in Doppler sonography, surgical exploration was carried out. Patients with unaffected perfusion were followed clinically by ultrasound for up to 2 years. Sixty-one infants and children aged 1 day to 17 years (median: 7.9 years) were included. In 14 cases, sonography demonstrated absent central perfusion, with abnormal parenchymal echogenicity in six. Absence of venous blood flow together with reduction of central arterial perfusion was found in one infant. In these 15 patients, surgical exploration confirmed testicular torsion. Among the other 46 patients, we found four cases with increased testicular perfusion and 27 with increased perfusion of the epididymis. In one infant, a testicular tumour was found sonographically, and orchiectomy confirmed diagnosis of a teratoma. Follow-up examinations of the conservatively treated patients showed good clinical outcome with physiologic central perfusion as well as normal echogenic pattern of both testes. No case of testicular torsion was missed. By means of Doppler sonography, an unequivocal statement regarding testicular perfusion was possible in all cases. The initial Doppler diagnosis was confirmed by operative evaluation and follow-up ultrasound. Testicular torsion can therefore be excluded by correctly performed ultrasound with modern equipment.

  20. Incidence and Mortality of Testicular Cancer and Relationships with Development in Asia. (United States)

    Sadeghi, Mostafa; Ghoncheh, Mahshid; Mohammadian-Hafshejani, Abdollah; Gandomani, Hamidreza Sadeghi; Rafiemanesh, Hosein; Salehiniya, Hamid


    Testicular cancer is one of the most common cancers among young men between ages 20-34 in countries with high or very high levels of the Human Development Index (HDI). This study investigated the incidence and mortality of prostate cancer and the relationship with the HDI and its dimensions in Asia in 2012. The study was conducted based on data from the world data of cancer and the World Bank (including the HDI and its components). Standardized incidence and mortality rates of testicular cancer were calculated for Asian countries. Correlations between incidence and/ormortality rates, and the HDI and its components were assessed with the use of the correlation test, using SPSS software. There was a total of 14902 incidences and 5832 death were recorded in Asian countries in 2012. Among the Asian countries, the five countries with the highest standardized incidence rates of testicular cancer were Israel, Georgia, Turkey, Lebanon and Kazakhstan and the five countries with the highest standardized mortality rates were Turkey, Georgia, Jordan, Cambodia and the Syrian Arab Republic. A positive correlation of 0.382 was observed between the standardized incidence rates of testicular cancer and the HDI (p=0.009). Also a negative correlation of 0.298 between the standardized mortality rate of testicular cancer and the Human Development Index was noted although this relation was statistically non-significant (p=0.052). There is a positive correlation between HDI and the standardized incidence rate of testicular cancer and negative correlation with standardized mortality rate.

  1. International testicular cancer incidence trends: generational transitions in 38 countries 1900-1990. (United States)

    Znaor, Ariana; Lortet-Tieulent, Joannie; Laversanne, Mathieu; Jemal, Ahmedin; Bray, Freddie


    Rapid increases in testicular cancer incidence have marked the second half of the last century. While these secular rises, observed mainly in countries attaining the highest levels of human development, appear to have attenuated in the last decade, rates continue to increase in countries transiting toward high developmental levels. The purpose of our study was to provide a comprehensive analysis and presentation of the cohort-specific trends in testicular cancer incidence rates in 38 countries worldwide. We used an augmented version of the Cancer Incidence in Five Continents series to analyze testicular cancer incidence in men aged 15-54 in 38 countries, via age-period-cohort analysis. In many European countries, the USA, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, there is a continuation of the increasing risk among successive generations, yet rates are attenuating in male cohorts born since the 1970s in several Northern European countries, in contrast to the steeply increasing trends in recent cohorts in Southern Europe. Incidence rates have also been increasing in the populations traditionally at rather low risk, such as in the Philippines, Singapore, China, and Costa Rica. The attenuation of testicular cancer risk in younger generations (in the most developed countries) alongside concomitant increases (in countries undergoing developmental change) is indicative of a global transition in the risk of testicular cancer. While identifying the underlying causes remains a major challenge, increasing awareness and adapting national healthcare systems to accommodate a growing burden of testicular cancer may prevent future avoidable deaths in young men.

  2. Insurance Status and Differences in Treatment and Survival of Testicular Cancer Patients. (United States)

    Kamel, Mohamed H; Elfaramawi, Mohammed; Jadhav, Supriya; Saafan, Ahmed; Raheem, Omer A; Davis, Rodney


    To explore the relationship between insurance status and differences in treatment and survival of testicular cancer patients. The Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) database was utilized for this study. Between 2007 and 2011, 5986 testicular cancer patients were included in the SEER database. Patients were classified into nonseminoma and seminoma groups. We compared mortality rates, metastasis (M+) at diagnosis, and rates of adjuvant treatments between the uninsured (UI) and insured (I) populations. Overall, 2.64% of UI vs 1.36% of I died from testicular cancer (P = .025) and 16.73% of UI vs 10.52% of I had M+ at diagnosis (P testicular cancer (P = .326) and 25.92% of UI vs 18.46% of I had M+ at diagnosis (P = .0007). Also 17.28% of UI vs 20.88% of I had retroperitoneal lymph node dissection (RPLND; P = .1). In the seminoma group, 1.06% of UI vs 0.33% of I died from testicular cancer (P = .030) and 7.43% of UI vs 4.81% of I had M+ at diagnosis (P = .029). Also 34.75% of UI vs 48.4% of I received adjuvant radiation (P = .0083). The lack of health insurance predicted poor survival after adjusting for tumor stage, receiving adjuvant radiation or RPLND. UI testicular cancer patients present with more advanced cancer stages and have higher mortality rates than I patients. UI seminoma patients received less adjuvant radiation. This may be related to lack of access to care or more advanced cancer stage at diagnosis. Copyright © 2016. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  3. Conditional Risk of Relapse in Surveillance for Clinical Stage I Testicular Cancer. (United States)

    Nayan, Madhur; Jewett, Michael A S; Hosni, Ali; Anson-Cartwright, Lynn; Bedard, Philippe L; Moore, Malcolm; Hansen, Aaron R; Chung, Peter; Warde, Padraig; Sweet, Joan; O'Malley, Martin; Atenafu, Eshetu G; Hamilton, Robert J


    Patients on surveillance for clinical stage I (CSI) testicular cancer are counseled regarding their baseline risk of relapse. The conditional risk of relapse (cRR), which provides prognostic information on patients who have survived for a period of time without relapse, have not been determined for CSI testicular cancer. To determine cRR in CSI testicular cancer. We reviewed 1239 patients with CSI testicular cancer managed with surveillance at a tertiary academic centre between 1980 and 2014. OUTCOME MEASUREMENTS AND STATISTICAL ANALYSIS: cRR estimates were calculated using the Kaplan-Meier method. We stratified patients according to validated risk factors for relapse. We used linear regression to determine cRR trends over time. At orchiectomy, the risk of relapse within 5 yr was 42.4%, 17.3%, 20.3%, and 12.2% among patients with high-risk nonseminomatous germ cell tumor (NSGCT), low-risk NSGCT, seminoma with tumor size ≥3cm, and seminoma with tumor size testicular cancer is very low. Consideration should be given to adapting surveillance protocols to individualized risk of relapse based on cRR as opposed to static protocols based on baseline factors. This strategy could reduce the intensity of follow-up for the majority of patients. Our study is the first to provide data on the future risk of relapse during surveillance for clinical stage I testicular cancer, given a patient has been without relapse for a specified period of time. Copyright © 2016 European Association of Urology. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  4. Biometria e alterações histopatológicas em testículos de catetos (Tayassu tajacu criados em cativeiro no semi-árido nordestino, Brasil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kilder Dantas Filgueira


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho foi desenvolvido visando contribuir com informações a respeito de aspectos biométricos e patológicos em testículos de catetos (Tayassu tajacu. Utilizaram-se doze animais, com idades superior a dez anos, provenientes do Centro de Multiplicação de Animais Silvestres CEMAS/ESAM. Após a coleta, os testículos foram submetidos a biometria e em seguida fixados em solução de Bouin. Posteriormente, conservou-se a amostra em álcool a 70% e submeteu-se ao processamento histológico de rotina. A leitura das lâminas foi realizada em microscópio óptico e os resultados obtidos analisados estatisticamente através dos testes "t" e "Z". Os valores médios de comprimento, circunferência e peso, entre o testículo direito e esquerdo, não revelam diferença estatística, ao se aplicar o teste "t". Porém, o mesmo teste demonstrou correlação com significância a 1% de probabilidade entre a gônada direita e esquerda, ao se comparar cada variável biométrica. Dos 12 animais utilizados, oito (67% apresentaram alterações testiculares, as quais corresponderam a degeneração (63%, rarefação do epitélio (25% e orquite (12%. Através do teste "Z" houve significância, a 2,5%, ao se compararem às freqüências entre degeneração e rarefação, assim como degeneração e orquite. Verificou-se que, à medida que uma das variáveis biométricas de um testículo apresenta modificação, há uma correspondência com o órgão contralateral. A patologia mais frequente foi à degeneração testicular, a qual demonstrou correlação com as demais alterações.

  5. A Rare Case: Isolated Testicular and Epidural Abscess Associated with Brucellosis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tugce Kalayci


    Full Text Available Coincidence of isolated testicular abscess and epidural-paravertebral abscess is a rare complication of brucellosis. A 24-year-old male patient was admitted to our clinic with 2 months ongoing back pain, night sweats and left scrotal pain. Septal cystic lesion with dense content in the left testis was considered to isolated testicular abscess in scrotal Doppler examination. Multiple spinal epidural and right paraspinal abscess were detected in the spinal magnetic resonance imaging. The patient was treated with drainage of abscess and oral antibiotics. The rare combination of spinal epidural and testicular abscess should be kept in the mind if a patient presented with low back pain and scrotal pain in regions where brucellosis was endemic.

  6. Expression of the glycolipid globotriaosylceramide (Gb3) in testicular carcinoma in situ

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kang, J L; Rajpert-De Meyts, E; Wiels, J


    of the globo-series core-structure, globotriaosylceramide (Gb3) was investigated in the preinvasive stage of testicular germ cell tumours, carcinoma in situ (CIS). Seventeen tissue specimens with CIS and 12 samples of overt testicular tumours were immunostained with anti-Gb3 monoclonal antibody 38...

  7. Specific immune cell and cytokine characteristics of human testicular germ cell neoplasia. (United States)

    Klein, Britta; Haggeney, Thomas; Fietz, Daniela; Indumathy, Sivanjah; Loveland, Kate L; Hedger, Mark; Kliesch, Sabine; Weidner, Wolfgang; Bergmann, Martin; Schuppe, Hans-Christian


    Which immune cells and cytokine profiles are characteristic for testicular germ cell neoplasia and what consequences does this have for the understanding of the related testicular immunopathology? The unique immune environment of testicular germ cell neoplasia comprises B cells and dendritic cells as well as high transcript levels of IL-6 and other B cell supporting or T helper cell type 1 (Th1)-driven cytokines and thus differs profoundly from normal testis or inflammatory lesions associated with hypospermatogenesis. T cells are known to be the major component of inflammatory infiltrates associated with either hypospermatogenesis or testicular cancer. It has previously been reported that B cells are only involved within infiltrates of seminoma samples, but this has not been investigated further. Immunohistochemical characterisation (IHC) of infiltrating immune cells and RT-qPCR-based analysis of corresponding cytokine microenvironments was performed on different testicular pathologies. Testicular biopsies, obtained from men undergoing andrological work-up of infertility or taken during surgery for testicular cancer, were used in this study. Samples were grouped as follows: (i) normal spermatogenesis (n = 18), (ii) hypospermatogenesis associated with lymphocytic infiltrates (n = 10), (iii) samples showing neoplasia [germ cell neoplasia in situ (GCNIS, n = 26) and seminoma, n = 18]. IHC was performed using antibodies against T cells (CD3+), B cells (CD20cy+), dendritic cells (CD11c+), macrophages (CD68+) and mast cells (mast cell tryptase+). Degree and compartmental localisation of immune cells throughout all groups analysed was evaluated semi-quantitatively. RT-qPCR on RNA extracted from cryo-preserved tissue samples was performed to analyse mRNA cytokine expression, specifically levels of IL-1β, IL-6, IL-17a, tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-α (pro-inflammatory), IL-10, transforming growth factor (TGF)-β1 (anti-inflammatory), IL-2, IL-12a, IL-12b

  8. Imatinib Mesylate in Treating Patients With Progressive, Refractory, or Recurrent Stage II or Stage III Testicular or Ovarian Cancer (United States)


    Ovarian Dysgerminoma; Recurrent Malignant Testicular Germ Cell Tumor; Recurrent Ovarian Germ Cell Tumor; Stage II Malignant Testicular Germ Cell Tumor; Stage II Ovarian Germ Cell Tumor; Stage III Malignant Testicular Germ Cell Tumor; Stage III Ovarian Germ Cell Tumor; Testicular Seminoma

  9. Involvement of epigenetic modifiers in the pathogenesis of testicular dysgenesis and germ cell cancer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lawaetz, Andreas C.; Almstrup, Kristian


    Testicular germ cell cancer manifests mainly in young adults as a seminoma or non-seminoma. The solid tumors are preceded by the presence of a non-invasive precursor cell, the carcinoma in situ cell (CIS), which shows great similarity to fetal germ cells. It is therefore hypothesized that the CIS...... of epigenetic modifiers with a focus on jumonji C enzymes in the development of testicular dysgenesis and germ cell cancer in men....... cell is a fetal germ cell that has been arrested during development due to testicular dysgenesis. CIS cells retain a fetal and open chromatin structure, and recently several epigenetic modifiers have been suggested to be involved in testicular dysgenesis in mice. We here review the possible involvement...

  10. Unilateral testicular torsion following ejaculation by manual sexual stimulation in an adolescent: A case report

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    Omer Faruk Yagli


    Full Text Available Testicular torsion is one of the most common causes of acute scrotum in children and adolescents. The bell-clapper deformity, which detected in 12% of males, is the most important reason that leads to testicular torsion. In our case, a 14 years old male admitted to our clinic due to testicular torsion developed after ejaculation with manual sexual stimulation of the penis. The most important criteria in determining the loss of testis is the degree and duration of torsion. Here, we discussed the rare cause of testicular torsion along with diagnostic and therapeutic characteristics.

  11. Primary testicular failure in Klinefelter's syndrome

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Aksglaede, Lise; Andersson, Anna-Maria; Jørgensen, Niels


    The diagnosis of androgen deficiency is based on clinical features and confirmatory low serum testosterone levels. In early primary testicular failure, a rise in serum LH levels suggests inadequate androgen action for the individual's physiological requirements despite a serum testosterone level...


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    H. Sepehri


    Full Text Available Anandamide is an endogenous ligand for cannabinoid receptors and has endothelial protective effect against ischemic preconditioning. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of cannabinoids on reperfusion injury due to testicular torsion-detorsion (T/D. A total of 36 adult male Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into 6 groups. Testicular ischemia was achieved by twisting the right testes 720◦ counters clockwise for 1 hour and reperfusion was allowed for 4 hours after detorsion. In baseline (normal group, bilateral orchiectomies performed after anesthesia. Sham operated group was served as a control group. Torsion/detorsion group underwent 1 hour testicular torsion and 4 hours of detorsion. Anandamide (cannabinoid agonist group received pretreatment with intraperitoneally anandamide 30 min before torsion. AM251 (CB1 antagonist group, received intraperitoneally injection of AM251 45 min before torsion. Anandamid/AM251 (An/AM group received administrations of AM251 45 min before torsion and anandamide 30 min before torsion. The ipsilateral malondialdehyde (MDA level in T/D group were significantly higher versus control and base line groups. Ipsilateral MDA values in anandamid group were significantly lower than T/D and An/AM groups. There were also significant decreases in catalase activity in T/D group compared with control and base line groups. These values were significantly higher in cannabinoid group versus T/D and An/AM groups. Anandamide increased ipsilateral intratesticular antioxidative markers and decreased free radicals formation during reperfusion phase after unilateral testicular torsion, which was reflected in lesser testicular MDA level. Furthermore, the effects of anandamide were mediated via cannabinoid receptors, since AM251 could abolish these effects.

  13. Feasibility of sentinel node lymphoscintigraphy in stage I testicular cancer

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tanis, Pieter J.; Nieweg, Omgo E. [Department of Surgery, Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam (Netherlands); Horenblas, Simon [Department of Urology, Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam (Netherlands); Olmos, Renato Valdes A.; Hoefnagel, Cornelis A. [Department of Nuclear Medicine, The Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam (Netherlands)


    The aim of this study was to investigate the feasibility of lymphoscintigraphy for sentinel node identification in testicular cancer. Five patients with clinical stage I testicular cancer were prospectively included. A single dose of technetium-99m nanocolloid (mean dose 99 MBq, volume 0.2 ml) was injected into the funiculus in the first patient and into the testicular parenchyma in the following four patients. Dynamic lymphoscintigraphy was performed over 10 min, followed by early and late static images after 15 min and 2 to 24 h, respectively. Lymphoscintigraphy was followed by laparoscopic sentinel node biopsy on the same day in the last two patients using patent blue dye and an endoscopic gamma probe. The funicular administration route showed five hot spots in the right inguinal region after 2 h. Intratesticular administration resulted in sentinel node visualisation in three of the four patients. Dynamic images showed afferent lymphatic vessels to one sentinel node in the left para-aortic region in two patients and two sentinel nodes in the left para-aortic region in another patient. Sentinel nodes were intraoperatively identified in one of two patients who underwent laparoscopic exploration. It is concluded that lymphoscintigraphy for sentinel node identification is feasible in stage I testicular cancer using intratesticular radiocolloid administration. (orig.)

  14. The effect of the melatonin on cryopreserved mouse testicular cells

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ghasem Saki


    Full Text Available Background: After improvements in various cancer treatments, life expectancy has been raised, but success in treatment causes loss of fertility in many of the survived young men. Cryopreservation of immature testicular tissues or cells introduced as the only way to preserve fertility. However, freezing has some harmful effects. Melatonin, a pineal gland hormone, has receptors in reproductive systems of different species. It is assumed that melatonin has free radical scavenger properties. Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of melatonin on the cryopreserved testicular cells in mouse. Materials and Methods: Cells from 7- 10 days old NMRI mice testes were isolated using two step enzymatic digestion. The testicular cells were divided into two groups randomly and cryopreserved in two different freezing media with and without the addition of 100 μm melatonin. Finally, apoptosis of the cells was assayed by flow cytometry. Also, lactate dehydrogenase activity test was performed to assess the cytotoxicity. Results: The results of lactate dehydrogenase showed the nearly cytotoxic effect of melatonin. The results of flow cytometry showed increase in apoptosis in the cryopreserved cells in the media containing melatonin compared to the control group. Conclusion: The present study shows that melatonin has an apoptotic effect on cryopreserved mouse testicular cells.

  15. A Rare Complication of Brucellosis: Testicular Abscess

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ümit Gul


    Full Text Available Brucellosis is a zoonosis caused by Brucella species. Brucella epididymo-orchitis had been reported in up to 20% of patients with brucellosis. This case was a male patient who developed Brucella epidiymo-orchitis and testicular abscess. He had fever, arthralgia and his right epididymis and right testicle were enlarged and tender. Ultrasound evaluation showed hypertrophy of the right epididymis and testis and moreover hypoechoic area within the testis. Brucella serology was positive and the patient did not respond completely to treatment with streptomycin, doxycycline, and rifampicina. Unilateral orchidectomy was decided. In areas where brucella infection is endemic brucella epididymo-orchitis should be considered in the differential diagnosis. Effective and rapid treatment is important. It should be noted that these patients may develop testicular abscess.

  16. German second-opinion network for testicular cancer: sealing the leaky pipe between evidence and clinical practice. (United States)

    Zengerling, Friedemann; Hartmann, Michael; Heidenreich, Axel; Krege, Susanne; Albers, Peter; Karl, Alexander; Weissbach, Lothar; Wagner, Walter; Bedke, Jens; Retz, Margitta; Schmelz, Hans U; Kliesch, Sabine; Kuczyk, Markus; Winter, Eva; Pottek, Tobias; Dieckmann, Klaus-Peter; Schrader, Andres Jan; Schrader, Mark


    In 2006, the German Testicular Cancer Study Group initiated an extensive evidence-based national second-opinion network to improve the care of testicular cancer patients. The primary aims were to reflect the current state of testicular cancer treatment in Germany and to analyze the project's effect on the quality of care delivered to testicular cancer patients. A freely available internet-based platform was developed for the exchange of data between the urologists seeking advice and the 31 second-opinion givers. After providing all data relevant to the primary treatment decision, urologists received a second opinion on their therapy plan within testicular cancer patient in Germany were submitted to second-opinion centers. Second-opinion centers can help to improve the implementation of evidence into clinical practice.

  17. Testicular dysgenesis syndrome and the development and occurrence of male reproductive disorders

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Virtanen, H.E.; Rajpert-De Meyts, E.; Main, K.M.; Skakkebaek, N.E.; Toppari, J.


    Patients with 45,X0/46XY karyotype often present with intersex phenotype and testicular dysgenesis. These patients may also have undescended testes (cryptorchidism), hypospadias and their spermatogenesis is severely disrupted. They have a high risk for testicular cancer. These patients have the most severe form of testicular dysgenesis syndrome (TDS). We have hypothesized that testicular cancer, cryptorchidism, hypospadias and poor spermatogenesis are all signs of a developmental disturbance that was named as testicular dysgenesis syndrome. The hypothesis is based on clinical and epidemiological findings and on biological and experimental evidence. Signs of TDS share several risk factors, such as small birth weight (particularly being small for gestational age), and they are risk factors for each other. All of them have background in fetal development. They show strong epidemiological links so that countries with high incidence of testicular cancer, such as Denmark, tend to also have high prevalence rates of cryptorchidism and hypospadias and poor semen quality. Vice versa, in countries with good male reproductive health, e.g., in Finland, all these aspects are better than in Denmark. Although genetic abnormalities can cause these disorders, in the majority of cases, the reasons remain unclear. Adverse trends in the incidence of male reproductive disorders suggest that environmental and life style factors contribute to the problem. Endocrine disrupters are considered as prime candidates for environmental influence. Fetal exposure to high doses of dibutyl phthalate was shown to cause a TDS-like phenotype in the rats. Studies are underway to assess whether there is any exposure-outcome relation with selected chemicals (persistent organic pollutants, pesticides, phthalates) and cryptorchidism

  18. [Granulomatous slack skin associated with metastatic testicular seminoma]. (United States)

    Carton de Tournai, D; Deschamps, L; Laly, P; Zeboulon, C; Bouaziz, J-D; Ram-Wolff, C; Doumecq-Lacoste, J-M; Ortonne, N; Rivet, J; Battistella, M; Bagot, M

    Granulomatous slack skin (GSS) is an extremely rare subtype of T-cell lymphoma, a variant of mycosis fungoides (MF). Herein, we describe the first reported case of GSS associated with metastatic testicular seminoma. A 28-year-old male patient presented with circumscribed erythematous loose skin masses, especially in the body folds and which had been relapsing for 4years. Skin biopsy showed a loss of elastic fibers and an atypical granulomatous T-cell infiltrate with epidermotropism, enabling a diagnosis of GSS to be made. A biopsy of a retroperitoneal lymphadenopathy showed testicular seminoma metastasis. Patients suffering from GSS have a statistically higher risk of developing a second primary cancer, especially Hodgkin's lymphoma. The association found between GSS and a lymphoproliferative malignancy requires long-term follow-up and determines the patient's prognosis. It is not possible to prove a formal link between GSS and testicular seminoma. However, this case illustrates the value of screening for a second cancer, particularly where extra-cutaneous lesions appear during GSS treatment. Lymph node biopsy should be performed routinely in the event of GSS with possible lymph node involvement. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  19. Xenotransplantation as a model for human testicular development. (United States)

    Hutka, Marsida; Smith, Lee B; Mitchell, Rod T

    The developing male reproductive system may be sensitive to disruption by a wide range of exogenous 'endocrine disruptors'. In-utero exposure to environmental chemicals and pharmaceuticals have been hypothesized to have an impact in the increasing incidence of male reproductive disorders. The vulnerability to adverse effects as a consequence of such exposures is elevated during a specific 'window of susceptibility' in fetal life referred to as the masculinisation programing window (MPW). Exposures that occur during prepuberty, such as chemotherapy treatment for cancer during childhood, may also affect future fertility. Much of our current knowledge about fetal and early postnatal human testicular development derives from studies conducted in animal models predictive for humans. Therefore, over recent years, testicular transplantation has been employed as a 'direct' approach to understand the development of human fetal and prepubertal testis in health and disease. In this review we describe the potential use of human testis xenotransplantation to study testicular development and its application for (i) assessing the effects of environmental exposures in humans, and (ii) establishing fertility preservation options for prepubertal boys with cancer. Copyright © 2017 International Society of Differentiation. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  20. Testicular granulocytic sarcoma without systemic leukemia

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Lagerveld, B. W.; Wauters, C. A. P.; Karthaus, H. F. M.


    This case report describes a unilateral testicular granulocytic sarcoma or chloroma. Because of the relatively immature nature of the tumor cells, the histological diagnosis can be difficult. Granulocytic sarcomas are well known in patients with systemic leukemia and can sometimes precede a systemic

  1. Improved gene expression signature of testicular carcinoma in situ

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Almstrup, Kristian; Leffers, Henrik; Lothe, Ragnhild A


    on global gene expression in testicular CIS have been previously published. We have merged the two data sets on CIS samples (n = 6) and identified the shared gene expression signature in relation to expression in normal testis. Among the top-20 highest expressed genes, one-third was transcription factors...... development' were significantly altered and could collectively affect cellular pathways like the WNT signalling cascade, which thus may be disrupted in testicular CIS. The merged CIS data from two different microarray platforms, to our knowledge, provide the most precise CIS gene expression signature to date....

  2. Primary Testicular Carcinoid Tumor presenting as Carcinoid Heart Disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Manjunath L Chikkaraddi


    Full Text Available Primary carcinoid tumors of the testis are very rare, and they seldom present with carcinoid syndrome. We report a hereto unreported instance, where a patient with a long-standing testicular mass presented with carcinoid heart disease, an uncommon form of carcinoid syndrome. He presented with symptoms of right heart failure, episodic facial flushing and was found to have severe right-sided valvular heart disease. His urinary 5-hydroxy indole acetic acid level was elevated. He underwent orchidectomy and the histopathology confirmed a testicular carcinoid tumor.

  3. Standardized education and parental awareness are lacking for testicular torsion. (United States)

    Friedman, Ariella A; Ahmed, Haris; Gitlin, Jordan S; Palmer, Lane S


    Testicular torsion leads to orchiectomy in 30-50% of cases, which may cause psychological upset and parental guilt over a potentially avertable outcome. Presentation delay is an important modifiable cause of orchiectomy; yet, families are not routinely educated about torsion or its urgency. The present study assessed parental knowledge regarding acute scrotal pain. An anonymous survey was distributed to parents in Urology and ENT offices, asking about their children's gender and scrotal pain history, urgency of response to a child's acute scrotal pain, and familiarity with testicular torsion. Surveys of 479 urology and 59 ENT parents were analyzed. The results between the two were not statistically different. Among the urology parents, 34% had heard of testicular twisting/torsion, most commonly through friends, relatives or knowing someone with torsion (35%); only 17% were informed by pediatricians (Summary Figure). Parents presenting for a child's scrotal pain were significantly more likely to have heard of torsion (69%) than those presenting for other reasons (30%, OR 5.24, P parents of boys had spoken with their children about torsion. Roughly three quarters of them would seek emergent medical attention - by day (75%) or night (82%) - for acute scrotal pain. However, urgency was no more likely among those who knew about torsion. This was the first study to assess parental knowledge of the emergent nature of acute scrotal pain in a non-urgent setting, and most closely approximating their level of knowledge at the time of pain onset. It also assessed parents' hypothetical responses to the scenario, which was markedly different than documented presentation times, highlighting a potential area for improvement in presentation times. Potential limitations included lack of respondent demographic data, potential sampling bias of a population with greater healthcare knowledge or involvement, and assessment of parents only. Parental knowledge of testicular torsion was

  4. Antioxidants enhance the recovery of three cycles of bleomycin, etoposide, and cisplatin-induced testicular dysfunction, pituitary-testicular axis, and fertility in rats. (United States)

    Kilarkaje, Narayana; Mousa, Alyaa M; Al-Bader, Maie M; Khan, Khalid M


    To investigate the effects of an antioxidant cocktail (AC) on bleomycin, etoposide, and cisplatin (BEP)-induced testicular dysfunction. In vivo study. Research laboratory. Adult male and female Sprague-Dawley rats. The rats were treated with three cycles of 21 days each of therapeutically relevant dose levels of BEP (0.75, 7.5, and 1.5 mg/kg) with or without the AC (a mixture of α-tocopherol, L-ascorbic acid, Zn, and Se). Sperm parameters, fertility, serum hormone levels (ELISA), testicular histopathology, and expression of proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), and transferrin (Western blotting and immunohistochemistry) were evaluated at the end of treatment and a 63-day recovery period. At the end of treatment, the AC improved BEP-induced decrease in sperm motility and increase in abnormality but had no effect on reduced sperm count, fertility, and tubular atrophy, although it up-regulated germ cell proliferation. The AC normalized reduced inhibin B levels, but had no effect on decreased transferrin and testosterone and elevated LH levels. At the end of the recovery period, the AC enhanced the expression of PCNA and transferrin, repopulation of germ cells, LH-testosterone axis, and fertility, but had no effect on reduced FSH and elevated inhibin B levels. The antioxidants protect and then enhance the recovery of testicular and reproductive endocrine functions when administered concomitantly with BEP therapy. The AC may be beneficial to regain testicular functions after chemotherapy. Copyright © 2013 American Society for Reproductive Medicine. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  5. Testicular cancer and hormonally active agents. (United States)

    Garner, Michael; Turner, Michelle C; Ghadirian, Parviz; Krewski, Daniel; Wade, Michael


    Testicular cancer (TC) is a rare form of cancer, accounting for 1% of all new cancer cases in Canadian males. TC is the most common malignancy among young men, aged 25-34 yr old. Over previous decades, the incidence of TC has increased in many Western countries. Countries with a sufficiently long period of cancer registration, such as Denmark, document this trend back to the first half of the 20th century. The etiology of TC remains poorly understood. Most of the established risk factors are likely related to in utero events, including some factors that are purported to be surrogate measures for exposure to endogenous estrogens. The correlation of TC with other testicular abnormalities and with pregnancy factors led to the proposal that these conditions are a constellation of sequelae of impairment of testicular development called testis dysgenesis syndrome. There is some limited evidence suggesting that exposure to pharmacological estrogens may contribute to some cases of TC. There is currently no compelling evidence that exposure to environmental estrogenic or other hormonally active substances is contributing to the rise in TC incidence observed in Western nations over the last several decades; however, this question has not been extensively studied. The (1) rarity of this condition in the population, (2) long lag time between the presumed sensitive period during fetal development and clinical appearance of the condition, and (3) lack of a good animal model to study the progression of the disease have greatly hindered the understanding of environmental influences on TC risk.

  6. Testicular Cancer Presenting as Gastric Variceal Hemorrhage

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos Eduardo Salazar-Mejía


    Full Text Available Testicular cancer is the most common solid malignancy affecting males between the ages of 15 and 35. The symptomatology caused by this tumor varies according to the site of metastasis. We present the case of a 26-year-old male who arrived to the emergency department with hematemesis. He had no previous medical history. On arrival, we noted enlargement of the left scrotal sac. There was also a mass in the left scrotum which provoked displacement of the penis and right testis. The serum alpha-fetoprotein level was 17,090 ng/mL, lactate dehydrogenase was 1480 U/L, and human chorionic gonadotropin was 287.4 IU/mL. Upper endoscopy revealed a type 1 isolated gastric varix, treated with cyanoacrylate. A CT scan showed extrinsic compression of the portal vein by lymphadenopathy along with splenic vein partial thrombosis, which caused left-sided portal hypertension. Neoadjuvant chemotherapy was started with etoposide and cisplatin, and seven days later the patient underwent left radical orchiectomy. A postoperative biopsy revealed a pure testicular teratoma. Noncirrhotic left portal hypertension with bleeding from an isolated gastric varix secondary to metastasic testicular cancer has not been described before. Clinicians must consider the possibility of malignancy in the differential diagnosis of a young man presenting with unexplained gastrointestinal bleeding.

  7. Testicular sparing surgery in small testis masses: A multinstitutional experience

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andrea B. Galosi


    Full Text Available Introduction: The incidence of benign testicular tumors is increasing in particular in small lesion incidentally found at scrotal ultrasonography. Primary aim of this study was to perform radical surgery in malignant tumor. Secondary aim was to verify the efficacy of the diagnostic-therapeutic pathway recently adopted in management of small masses with testis sparing surgery in benign lesions. Materials and methods: In this multicenter study, we reviewed all patients with single testis lesion less than 15 mm at ultrasound as main diameter. We applied the diagnostic-therapeutic pathway described by Sbrollini et al. (Arch Ital Urol Androl 2014; 86:397 which comprises: 1 testicular tumor markers, 2 repeated scrotal ultrasound at the tertiary center, 3 surgical exploration with inguinal approach, intraoperative ultrasound, and intraoperative pathological examination. Definitive histology was reviewed by a dedicated uro-pathologist. Results: Twenty-eight patients completed this clinical flowchart. The mean lesion size was 9.3 mm (range 2.5-15. Testicular tumor markers were normal except in a case. Intraoperative ultrasound was necessary in 8/28 cases. We treated 11/28 (39.3% with immediate radical orchiectomy and 17/28 (60.7% with testis-sparing surgery. Definitive pathological results were: malignant tumor in 6 cases (seminoma, benign tumor in 10 cases (5 Leydig tumors, 2 Sertoli tumors, 1 epidermoid cyst, 1 adenomatoid tumor, 1 angiofibroma, benign disease in 11 (8 inflammation with haemorragic infiltration, 2 tubular atrophy, 1 fibrosis, and normal parenchyma in 1 case. We observed a good concordance between frozen section examination and definitive histology. Any malignant tumor was treated conservatively. Any delayed orchiectomy was necessary based on definitive histology. Conclusions: The incidence of benign lesions in 60% of small testis lesions with normal tumor markers makes orchiectomy an overtreatment. Testicular sparing surgery of single

  8. Mendelian randomisation analysis provides no evidence for a relationship between adult height and testicular cancer risk. (United States)

    Levy, M; Hall, D; Sud, A; Law, P; Litchfield, K; Dudakia, D; Haugen, T B; Karlsson, R; Reid, A; Huddart, R A; Grotmol, T; Wiklund, F; Houlston, R S; Turnbull, C


    Observational studies have suggested anthropometric traits, particularly increased height are associated with an elevated risk of testicular cancer (testicular germ cell tumour). However, there is an inconsistency between study findings, suggesting the possibility of the influence of confounding factors. To examine the association between anthropometric traits and testicular germ cell tumour using an unbiased approach, we performed a Mendelian randomisation study. We used genotype data from genome wide association studies of testicular germ cell tumour totalling 5518 cases and 19,055 controls. Externally weighted polygenic risk scores were created and used to evaluate associations with testicular germ cell tumour risk per one standard deviation (s.d) increase in genetically-defined adult height, adult BMI, adult waist hip ratio adjusted for BMI (WHRadjBMI), adult hip circumference adjusted for BMI (HIPadjBMI), adult waist circumference adjusted for BMI (WCadjBMI), birth weight (BW) and childhood obesity. Mendelian randomisation analysis did not demonstrate an association between any anthropometric trait and testicular germ cell tumour risk. In particular, despite good power, there was no global evidence for association between height and testicular germ cell tumour. However, three SNPs for adult height individually showed association with testicular germ cell tumour (rs4624820: OR = 1.47, 95% CI: 1.41-1.55, p = 2.7 × 10 -57 ; rs12228415: OR = 1.17, 95% CI: 1.11-1.22, p = 3.1 × 10 -10 ; rs7568069: OR = 1.13, 95% CI: 1.07-1.18, p = 1.1 × 10 -6 ). This Mendelian randomisation analysis, based on the largest testicular germ cell tumour genome wide association dataset to date, does not support a causal etiological association between anthropometric traits and testicular germ cell tumour aetiology. Our findings are more compatible with confounding by shared environmental factors, possibly related to prenatal growth with exposure to these risk factors

  9. Testicular Metabolic Reprogramming in Neonatal Streptozotocin-Induced Type 2 Diabetic Rats Impairs Glycolytic Flux and Promotes Glycogen Synthesis (United States)

    Rato, L.; Alves, M. G.; Dias, T. R.; Cavaco, J. E.; Oliveira, Pedro F.


    Defects in testicular metabolism are directly implicated with male infertility, but most of the mechanisms associated with type 2 diabetes- (T2DM) induced male infertility remain unknown. We aimed to evaluate the effects of T2DM on testicular glucose metabolism by using a neonatal-streptozotocin- (n-STZ) T2DM animal model. Plasma and testicular hormonal levels were evaluated using specific kits. mRNA and protein expression levels were assessed by real-time PCR and Western Blot, respectively. Testicular metabolic profile was assessed by 1H-NMR spectroscopy. T2DM rats showed increased glycemic levels, impaired glucose tolerance and hyperinsulinemia. Both testicular and serum testosterone levels were decreased, whereas those of 17β-estradiol were not altered. Testicular glycolytic flux was not favored in testicles of T2DM rats, since, despite the increased expression of both glucose transporters 1 and 3 and the enzyme phosphofructokinase 1, lactate dehydrogenase activity was severely decreased contributing to lower testicular lactate content. However, T2DM enhanced testicular glycogen accumulation, by modulating the availability of the precursors for its synthesis. T2DM also affected the reproductive sperm parameters. Taken together these results indicate that T2DM is able to reprogram testicular metabolism by enhancing alternative metabolic pathways, particularly glycogen synthesis, and such alterations are associated with impaired sperm parameters. PMID:26064993

  10. Surveillance in stage I testicular cancer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Daugaard, Gedske; Petersen, Peter Meidahl; Rørth, Mikael


    Treatment results on 695 stage I testicular cancer patients followed with surveillance are described. Seminoma (SGCT) was present in 394 patients and nonseminoma (NSGCT) in 301 patients. Relapses were detected in 155 patients (22%), in 69 patients with SGCT (17%) and 86 with NSGCT (29...

  11. Testicular prosthesis: Patient satisfaction and sexual dysfunctions in testis cancer survivors. (United States)

    Catanzariti, Francesco; Polito, Benedetta; Polito, Massimo


    We studied patient satisfaction about sexual activity after prosthesis implantation using validated questionnaires with the aim to discover if testicular prosthesis could be responsible of sexual dysfunctions (erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation). We evaluated a total of 67 men who underwent radical orchiectomy for testicular cancer and a silicon testicular prosthesis implantation from January 2008 to June 2014 at our Hospital. These patients completed 5 validated questionnaires the day before orchiectomy and 6 months after surgery: the International Index of Erectile Function 5 (IIEF5), the Premature Ejaculation Diagnostic Tool (PEDT), the Body Exposure during Sexual Activities Questionnaire (BESAQ), the Body-Esteem Scale and the Rosenberg Self- Esteem Scale. We also evaluated 6 months after surgery any defects of the prosthesis complained by the patients. The questionnaires completed by patients didn't show statistically significant changes for erectile dysfunction (p > 0.05) and premature ejaculation (p > 0.05). On the contrary the psychological questionnaires showed statistically significant change for the BESAQ (p < 0.001) and the Body Esteem Scale (p < 0.001), but not for the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (p > 0,05). A total of 15 patients (22.37%) were dissatisfied about the prosthesis: the most frequent complaint (8 patients; 11.94%) was that the prosthesis was firmer than the normal testis. Testicular prosthesis implantation is a safe surgical procedure that should be always proposed before orchiectomy for cancer of the testis. The defects complained by patients with testicular prosthesis are few, they don't influence sexual activity and they aren't able to cause erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation.

  12. Testicular dysgenesis syndrome and the origin of carcinoma in situ testis. (United States)

    Sonne, Si Brask; Kristensen, David Møbjerg; Novotny, Guy W; Olesen, Inge Ahlmann; Nielsen, John E; Skakkebaek, Niels E; Rajpert-De Meyts, Ewa; Leffers, Henrik


    Recent increases in male reproductive disorders have been linked to exposure to environmental factors leading to the testicular dysgenesis syndrome (TDS). Testicular cancer is the most severe condition in TDS and studies have shown a clear correlation between risk of testicular cancer and other components of TDS and that the geographical location of the mother during pregnancy can be a risk factor. This suggests that the dysgenesis has its origin in utero and that TDS is initiated by environmental factors, including possibly hormone-disrupting compounds that act on the mother and the developing foetus, but the genetic background may also play a role. The morphological similarity of carcinoma in situ (CIS) cells (the precursor of the majority of invasive testicular cancers) with primordial germ cells and gonocytes, and overlap in expression of protein markers suggests an origin of CIS from primordial germ cells or gonocytes. CIS cells and germ cell-derived cancers of the human type have so far not been described in any animal model of TDS, which could be caused by species differences in the development of the male gonad. Regardless of this, it is plausible that the dysgenesis, and hence the development of CIS cells, is a result of disturbed signalling between nurse cells and germ cells that allow embryonic germ cells to survive in the pre-pubertal and adult testis. The post-pubertal proliferation of CIS cells combined with aberrant signalling then leads to an accumulation of genetic changes in the CIS cells, which eventually results in the development of invasive testicular cancer in the adult.

  13. Fatty acid intake in relation to reproductive hormones and testicular volume among young healthy men

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Lidia Mínguez-Alarcón; Jorge E Chavarro; Jaime Mendiola; Manuela Roca; Cigdem Tanrikut; Jesús Vioque; Niels Jørgensen; Alberto M Torres-Cantero


    Emerging evidence suggests that dietary fats may inlfuence testicular function. However, most of the published literature on this ifeld has used semen quality parameters as the only proxy for testicular function. We examined the association of fat intake with circulating reproductive hormone levels and testicular volume among healthy young Spanish men. This is a cross‑sectional study among 209 healthy male volunteers conducted between October 2010 and November 2011 in Murcia Region of Spain. Participants completed questionnaires on lifestyle, diet, and smoking, and each underwent a physical examination, and provided a blood sample. Linear regression was used to examine the association between each fatty acid type and reproductive hormone levels and testicular volumes. Monounsaturated fatty acids intake was inversely associated with serum blood levels of calculated free testosterone, total testosterone, and inhibin B. A positive association was observed between the intake of polyunsaturated fatty acids, particularly of omega‑6 polyunsaturated fatty acids, and luteinizing hormone concentrations. In addition, the intake of trans fatty acids was associated with lower total testosterone and calculated free testosterone concentrations (Ptrend=0.01 and 0.02, respectively). The intake of omega‑3 polyunsaturated fatty acids was positively related to testicular volume while the intake of omega‑6 polyunsaturated fatty acids and trans fatty acids was inversely related to testicular volume. These data suggest that fat intake, and particularly intake of omega 3, omega 6, and trans fatty acids, may inlfuence testicular function.

  14. Fatty acid intake in relation to reproductive hormones and testicular volume among young healthy men

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lidia Mínguez-Alarcón


    Full Text Available Emerging evidence suggests that dietary fats may influence testicular function. However, most of the published literature on this field has used semen quality parameters as the only proxy for testicular function. We examined the association of fat intake with circulating reproductive hormone levels and testicular volume among healthy young Spanish men. This is a cross-sectional study among 209 healthy male volunteers conducted between October 2010 and November 2011 in Murcia Region of Spain. Participants completed questionnaires on lifestyle, diet, and smoking, and each underwent a physical examination, and provided a blood sample. Linear regression was used to examine the association between each fatty acid type and reproductive hormone levels and testicular volumes. Monounsaturated fatty acids intake was inversely associated with serum blood levels of calculated free testosterone, total testosterone, and inhibin B. A positive association was observed between the intake of polyunsaturated fatty acids, particularly of omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids, and luteinizing hormone concentrations. In addition, the intake of trans fatty acids was associated with lower total testosterone and calculated free testosterone concentrations (P trend = 0.01 and 0.02, respectively. The intake of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids was positively related to testicular volume while the intake of omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids and trans fatty acids was inversely related to testicular volume. These data suggest that fat intake, and particularly intake of omega 3, omega 6, and trans fatty acids, may influence testicular function.

  15. Self-esteem, social support, and mental health in survivors of testicular cancer: a comparison based on relationship status. (United States)

    Tuinman, Marrit A; Hoekstra, Harald J; Fleer, Joke; Sleijfer, Dirk Th; Hoekstra-Weebers, Josette E H M


    Testicular cancer is the most frequent malignancy in men between 20 and 40 years of age. This is a period in life in which important life events take place, such as starting a career and establishing a relationship. The goal of the study was to explore self-esteem, social support, and mental health in 3 groups of survivors of testicular cancer: singles, those with the same partner as at diagnosis (relationship during testicular cancer), and those with a partner they met after completion of treatment (relationship after testicular cancer). A total of 129 survivors completed the Social Support List, the Rosenberg self-esteem scale, and the subscale mental health of the RAND-36. Mean time since diagnosis for single survivors was 8.3 years (range 1-23), for survivors with a relationship during testicular cancer 9.3 years (range 1-24), and for survivors with a relationship after testicular cancer 13.6 years (range 1-24). Levels of social support were equal in groups, but satisfaction with support was not. Survivors with a relationship during testicular cancer were most satisfied with support, and had the highest self-esteem and mental health. Survivors with a relationship after testicular cancer reported the next best levels of functioning but had the same mental health as singles. Singles and survivors with a relationship established after testicular cancer had a lower mental health than a reference group of men. The difference in self-esteem between singles and survivors of testicular cancer with a relationship during testicular cancer appeared most distinct and was clinically relevant. Mental health was predicted by different factors for the 3 groups. Being single at diagnosis seems to cause a vulnerability that remains when survivors do develop a relationship after treatment is completed because these groups are at risk for a lower mental health.

  16. Expression of IGF-II mRNA-binding proteins (IMPs) in gonads and testicular cancer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hammer, Niels A; Hansen, Thomas v O; Byskov, Anne Grete


    prompted us to examine their possible involvement in testicular neoplasia. IMPs were detected primarily in germ-cell neoplasms, including preinvasive testicular carcinoma in situ, classical and spermatocytic seminoma, and nonseminomas, with particularly high expression in undifferentiated embryonal...... carcinoma. The relative expression of IMP1, IMP2 and IMP3 varied among tumor types and only IMP1 was detected in all carcinoma in situ cells. Thus IMPs, and in particular IMP1, may be useful auxiliary markers of testicular neoplasia....

  17. Características reprodutivas de onças-pintadas (Panthera onca machos, mantidos em cativeiro

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ronaldo Gonçalves Morato


    Full Text Available Quatro onças pintadas (Panthera onca, machos, adultos, mantidos no Zoológico de São Paulo (SP-Brasil, foram submetidos a avaliação seminal, quantificação hormonal e biometria testicular a cada dois meses pelo período de um ano. As amostras de sêmen foram obtidas por eletroejaculação e analisadas quanto ao pH, volume total, motilidade (0-100%, vigor (0-5, espermatozóides totais e morfologia. Amostras de sangue foram obtidas pela punção da veia cefálica imediatamente antes da eletroejaculação e o plasma foi estocado a -20ºC até a realização do radioimunoensaio para quantificação de testosterona. Comprimento e largura dos testículos direito e esquerdo foram obtidos com auxílio de paquímetro e os valores obtidos foram combinados para a obtenção de volume testicular. As amostras de sêmen mostraram elevado índice de espermatozóides morfologicamente anormais (média = 51%, baixos índice de motilidade (50,6% e vigor (2,2. Não foi encontrada correlação entre as características seminais, níveis plasmáticos de testosterona e volume testicular (Teste de Correlação de Spearman. Não foi detectado efeito da estação durante o ano para qualidade espermática, testosterona sérica e volume testicular (p>;0,05, Teste de Friedman. Os resultados sugerem que as onças pintadas mantidas em cativeiro não são sazonais e que a colheita e avaliação espermática podem ser realizadas em qualquer período do ano sem que haja perda na qualidade espermática. No entanto, as causas de elevado índice de espermatozóides morfologicamente anormais, encontrados neste estudo, devem ser investigadas.

  18. Testicular dose and associated risk from inverted-Y field irradiation in patients with Hodgkin's disease. (United States)

    Mazonakis, Michalis; Kokona, Georgiana; Damilakis, John; Varveris, Haris; Gourtsoyiannis, Nicholas

    This study aims to estimate testicular dose and the associated risks for infertility and hereditary effects from inverted-Y field irradiation Radiotherapy was simulated on a humanoid phantom using a 6 MV photon beam. Testicular dose was measured for various field sizes and tissue thicknesses along beam axis using an ionization chamber. Gonadal dose was reduced by placing lead cups around the testes supplemented by a field edge block. For a tumor dose of 40 Gy, testicular dose was 0.56-6.52 Gy depending upon the field size and the distance from the inferior field edge. The corresponding dose to shielded testes was 0.12-1.96 Gy. The increase of tissue thickness in reased the testicular dose up to 40%. An excess risk of hereditary disorders of (7-391) per 10000 births was calculated. The treatment parameters, the presence of gonad shield and the somatometric characteristics determine whether testicular dose can exceed 1 Gy which allows a complete recovery of spermatogenesis.

  19. Differential expression of miRNAs in the seminal plasma and serum of testicular cancer patients. (United States)

    Pelloni, Marianna; Coltrinari, Giulia; Paoli, Donatella; Pallotti, Francesco; Lombardo, Francesco; Lenzi, Andrea; Gandini, Loredana


    Various microRNAs from the miR-371-3 and miR-302a-d clusters have recently been proposed as markers for testicular germ cell tumours. Upregulation of these miRNAs has been found in both the tissue and serum of testicular cancer patients, but they have never been studied in human seminal plasma. The aim of this study was, therefore, to assess the differences in the expression of miR-371-3 and miR-302a-d between the seminal plasma and serum of testicular cancer patients, and to identify new potential testicular cancer markers in seminal plasma. We investigated the serum and seminal plasma of 28 pre-orchiectomy patients subsequently diagnosed with testicular cancer, the seminal plasma of another 20 patients 30 days post-orchiectomy and a control group consisting of 28 cancer-free subjects attending our centre for an andrological check-up. Serum microRNA expression was analysed using RT-qPCR. TaqMan Array Card 3.0 platform was used for microRNA profiling in the seminal plasma of cancer patients. Results for both miR-371-3 and the miR-302 cluster in the serum of testicular cancer patients were in line with literature reports, while miR-371and miR-372 expression in seminal plasma showed the opposite trend to serum. On array analysis, 37 miRNAs were differentially expressed in the seminal plasma of cancer patients, and the upregulated miR-142 and the downregulated miR-34b were validated using RT-qPCR. Our study investigated the expression of miRNAs in the seminal plasma of patients with testicular cancer for the first time. Unlike in serum, miR-371-3 cannot be considered as markers in seminal plasma, whereas miR-142 levels in seminal plasma may be a potential marker for testicular cancer.

  20. Effects of Two Testicular Cancer Education Programs on Self-Examination Knowledge and Attitudes among College-Aged Men. (United States)

    Marty, Phillip J.; McDermott, Robert J.


    This study compared instructional outcomes of two education programs about testicular cancer and testicular self-examination. Instruction facilitated by a former testicular cancer patient was compared to information provided by printed materials. There was no difference in information dissemination, but possible differences in attitude resulted.…

  1. Crossed testicular ectopia: what should be specified?

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    testicular ectopia; a persistent Mu¨llerian duct syndrome was associated in one .... to the abdominal cavity; herniorrhaphy; and reoperating ... will be resected (to prevent mass syndrome and pain at puberty) ... Anatomical and functional aspects.

  2. A Case of Lung Abscess during Chemotherapy for Testicular Tumor


    林, 裕次郎; 宮後, 直樹; 武田, 健; 山口, 唯一郎; 中山, 雅志; 新井, 康之; 垣本, 健一; 西村, 和郎


    32-year-old man was seen in a clinic because ofprolonged cough and slight-fever. Chest X-ray showed multiple pulmonary nodules, and multiple lung and mediastinal lymph node metastases from right testicular tumor was suspected by positron emission tomography/CT (PET/CT) scan. He was diagnosed with right testicular germ cell tumor (embryonal carcinoma+seminoma, pT2N1M1b), and classified into the intermediate risk group according to International Germ Cell Cancer Collaborative Group. He underwen...

  3. Adenocarcinoma of the stomach following radical radiotherapy for testicular cancer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Griffith, C.D.M.; Chadderton, R.; Bourke, J.B.


    Two male patients who underwent curative surgery and adjuvant radiotherapy (with further chemotherapy in one) for testicular cancer developed adenocarcinoma of the stomach 5 and 19 years after treatment. The stomach is included in the field of radiotherapy used to treat the para-aortic lymph nodes and this may lead to dysplastic changes in the stomach mucosa which can lead to frank malignancy. Early endoscopy should be offered to patients with dyspeptic symptoms after adjuvant radiotherapy for testicular cancer. (author)

  4. Ebselen alleviates testicular pathology in mice with Zika virus infection and prevents its sexual transmission.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yogy Simanjuntak


    Full Text Available Despite the low case fatality, Zika virus (ZIKV infection has been associated with microcephaly in infants and Guillain-Barré syndrome. Antiviral and vaccine developments against ZIKV are still ongoing; therefore, in the meantime, preventing the disease transmission is critical. Primarily transmitted by Aedes species mosquitoes, ZIKV also can be sexually transmitted. We used AG129 mice lacking interferon-α/β and -γ receptors to study the testicular pathogenesis and sexual transmission of ZIKV. Infection of ZIKV progressively damaged mouse testes, increased testicular oxidative stress as indicated by the levels of reactive oxygen species, nitric oxide, glutathione peroxidase 4, spermatogenesis-associated-18 homolog in sperm and pro-inflammatory cytokines including IL-1β, IL-6, and G-CSF. We then evaluated the potential role of the antioxidant ebselen (EBS in alleviating the testicular pathology with ZIKV infection. EBS treatment significantly reduced ZIKV-induced testicular oxidative stress, leucocyte infiltration and production of pro-inflammatory response. Furthermore, it improved testicular pathology and prevented the sexual transmission of ZIKV in a male-to-female mouse sperm transfer model. EBS is currently in clinical trials for various diseases. ZIKV infection could be on the list for potential use of EBS, for alleviating the testicular pathogenesis with ZIKV infection and preventing its sexual transmission.

  5. Ebselen alleviates testicular pathology in mice with Zika virus infection and prevents its sexual transmission. (United States)

    Simanjuntak, Yogy; Liang, Jian-Jong; Chen, Si-Yu; Li, Jin-Kun; Lee, Yi-Ling; Wu, Han-Chung; Lin, Yi-Ling


    Despite the low case fatality, Zika virus (ZIKV) infection has been associated with microcephaly in infants and Guillain-Barré syndrome. Antiviral and vaccine developments against ZIKV are still ongoing; therefore, in the meantime, preventing the disease transmission is critical. Primarily transmitted by Aedes species mosquitoes, ZIKV also can be sexually transmitted. We used AG129 mice lacking interferon-α/β and -γ receptors to study the testicular pathogenesis and sexual transmission of ZIKV. Infection of ZIKV progressively damaged mouse testes, increased testicular oxidative stress as indicated by the levels of reactive oxygen species, nitric oxide, glutathione peroxidase 4, spermatogenesis-associated-18 homolog in sperm and pro-inflammatory cytokines including IL-1β, IL-6, and G-CSF. We then evaluated the potential role of the antioxidant ebselen (EBS) in alleviating the testicular pathology with ZIKV infection. EBS treatment significantly reduced ZIKV-induced testicular oxidative stress, leucocyte infiltration and production of pro-inflammatory response. Furthermore, it improved testicular pathology and prevented the sexual transmission of ZIKV in a male-to-female mouse sperm transfer model. EBS is currently in clinical trials for various diseases. ZIKV infection could be on the list for potential use of EBS, for alleviating the testicular pathogenesis with ZIKV infection and preventing its sexual transmission.

  6. Metformin Treatment Does Not Affect Testicular Size in Offspring Born to Mothers with Gestational Diabetes. (United States)

    Tertti, Kristiina; Toppari, Jorma; Virtanen, Helena E; Sadov, Sergey; Rönnemaa, Tapani


    Studies in rodents suggest that metformin treatment during pregnancy may have harmful effects on testicular development in offspring. Our aim was to determine whether metformin treatment of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) affects testicular size in male offspring. We compared the testicular size in prepubertal boys born to mothers who participated in a randomized controlled trial (RCT) comparing metformin with insulin in the treatment of GDM. Twenty-five (42.4% of invited) and 27 (52.9% of invited) boys whose mothers had been treated with metformin or insulin, respectively, participated in the study. Testicular size was measured by a ruler, an orchidometer, and by ultrasonography at the age of 33 to 85 months. The mean age of the boys was 60 months at the time of examination, and did not differ between the metformin and insulin group (p = 0.88). There was no difference in testicular size between the boys in the two groups (p always ≥ 0.40), and there were no significant differences in height, weight, BMI, BMI z-score, or waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) between the boys in the groups. Prepubertal testicular size did not differ between offspring born to metformin-treated mothers and those born to insulin-treated mothers.

  7. Environmental effects on hormonal regulation of testicular descent

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Toppari, J; Virtanen, H E; Skakkebaek, N E


    cause some cases of undescended testis. Similarly, androgen insensitivity or androgen deficiency can cause cryptorchidism. Estrogens have been shown to down regulate INSL3 and thereby cause maldescent. Thus, a reduced androgen-estrogen ratio may disturb testicular descent. Environmental effects changing......Regulation of testicular descent is hormonally regulated, but the reasons for maldescent remain unknown in most cases. The main regulatory hormones are Leydig cell-derived testosterone and insulin-like factor 3 (INSL3). Luteinizing hormone (LH) stimulates the secretion of these hormones...... hypothesize that an exposure to a mixture of chemicals with anti-androgenic or estrogenic properties (either their own activity or their effect on androgen-estrogen ratio) may be involved in cryptorchidism....

  8. Phthalate-induced testicular dysgenesis syndrome: Leydig cell influence. (United States)

    Hu, Guo-Xin; Lian, Qing-Quan; Ge, Ren-Shan; Hardy, Dianne O; Li, Xiao-Kun


    Phthalates, the most abundantly produced plasticizers, leach out from polyvinyl chloride plastics and disrupt androgen action. Male rats that are exposed to phthalates in utero develop symptoms characteristic of the human condition referred to as testicular dysgenesis syndrome (TDS). Environmental influences have been suspected to contribute to the increasing incidence of TDS in humans (i.e. cryptorchidism and hypospadias in newborn boys and testicular cancer and reduced sperm quality in adult males). In this review, we discuss the recent findings that prenatal exposure to phthalates affects Leydig cell function in the postnatal testis. This review also focuses on the recent progress in our understanding of how Leydig cell factors contribute to phthalate-mediated TDS.

  9. How to Do a Testicular Self Examination (United States)

    ... Information on a variety of health issues affecting Men Click on this to go back to the TCRC main page: This page was last updated on Mar 28, 2018 Copyright © 1997 - 2018 The Testicular Cancer ...

  10. Clinical Application of {sup 18}F-FDG PET in Testicular Cancer

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yoon, Joon Kee [Ajou University School of Medicine, Suwon (Korea, Republic of)


    {sup 18}F-FDG PET has a higher diagnostic accuracy than CT in initial staging of testicular cancer. In seminoma, it can discriminate residual tumor from necrosis/fibrosis or mature teratoma. {sup 18}F-FDG PET is also useful for the response evaluation of chemotherapy. However, there's no clinical evidence for the use of {sup 18}F-FDG PET in the diagnosis and differential diagnosis of testicular cancer.

  11. Intracytoplasmic sperm injection outcomes with cryopreserved testicular sperm aspiration samples. (United States)

    Roque, M; Valle, M; Marques, F; Sampaio, M; Geber, S


    Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) may be performed with testicular frozen-thawed spermatozoa in patients with nonobstructive azoospermia (NOA). Sperm retrieval can be performed in advance of oocyte aspiration, as it may avoid the possibility of no recovery of spermatozoa on the day of oocyte pickup. There are few studies available in the literature concerning the use of frozen-thawed spermatozoa obtained from testicular sperm aspiration (TESA). To evaluate the effects and the outcomes of ICSI with frozen-thawed spermatozoa obtained by TESA, we performed a retrospective analysis of 43 ICSI cycles using frozen-thawed TESA. We obtained acceptable results with a fertilisation rate of 67.9%, an implantation rate (IR) of 17.1%, and clinical and ongoing pregnancy rates of 41.9% and 37.2% respectively. The results of this study suggest that performing ICSI using cryopreserved frozen-thawed testicular spermatozoa with TESA as a first option is a viable, safe, economic and effective method for patients with NOA. © 2015 Blackwell Verlag GmbH.

  12. Reproductive biology of donkey. I. Testicular measurement and sexual behaviour at semen collection

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rosana Nogueira de Morais


    Full Text Available Testicular measurements and sexual behaviour at semen collection of six donkeys of the “Pega” breed, ranging from 3 to 9 year of age were studied. The average testicular lenght, widht and height were, respectively, 10.12 x 7.38 x 7.68 cm for the left testicle and 10.35 x 6.73 x 7.12 cm for the right one. No statistical difference was found between left testicular volume (x = 201.36 cm3 and right testicular volume (x = 182.34 cm3 of the same sire. The reaction time (measured from the first visual contact with the female to ejaculation ranged from 2 to 45 minutes and the overall mean was 10.98 ± 6.48 min (n=68. During the teasing period some reactions, considered characteristic of donkeys by others investigators, was observed. These included mounting without penis erection or with partial penis erection, flehmen and mastigatory movements of the type described as an oestrous symptom in jennets.

  13. Testicular cancer risk associated with occupational radiation exposure: a systematic literature review

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yousif, Lamya; Blettner, Maria; Hammer, Gael P; Zeeb, Hajo, E-mail: yousif@imbei.uni-mainz.d [Department of Epidemiology, Institute of Medical Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Informatics (IMBEI), University Medical Center, Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz, Obere Zahlbacher Strasse 69, 55131 Mainz (Germany)


    Testicular cancer is a rare disease, affecting mainly young men aged 15-49. There have been some recent reports that it might be associated with radiation exposure. We have systematically reviewed this topic. English-language articles published between 1990 and 2008 studying the relationship between occupational radiation exposure and testicular cancer were included. Risk of bias was assessed using a modified version of the EPHPP checklist. For ionising radiation we subdivided study populations into occupational groups. No pooled analysis was performed due to the heterogeneity of studies. Seven case-control and 30 cohort studies were included in the review. For radiation workers, one incidence study showed a significant increase and four showed no effect. Eight mortality studies did not indicate an effect while four showed a non-significant increase. Incidence among persons with military exposure was not increased in two studies and non-significantly increased in another two. Among aircrew studies, one showed no effect against five with slight increases. Medical exposure studies showed no increases. For EMF exposure, three studies showed no effect, two reported a significant and four a non-significant increase in incidence. Overall, there was very limited evidence for associations between occupational ionising radiation and testicular cancer, while there were some positive associations for EMF. Testicular cancer mortality is generally low and was not associated with radiation. New incidence studies are recommended to investigate the association between radiation exposure and testicular cancer where exposure is better specified and individually estimated. (review)

  14. Influência do sistema renina angiotensina na redução da hipertrofia de ventrículo esquerdo em indivíduos hiperreatores


    Antonio Carlos Avanza Junior


    Introdução: Hipertrofia de ventrículo esquerdo (HVE) detectada pelo ecocardiograma é um preditor independente de morbidade e mortalidade em indivíduos hipertensos e na população em geral. Na população adulta existe uma modesta correlação entre a medida casual da pressão arterial (PA) e HVE . A HVE pode preceder a hipertensão arterial (HA) sustentada. Existem trabalhos que demonstram que indivíduos normotensos e com resposta exagerada da PA ao esforço tem alta probabilidade de desenvolvimento ...

  15. Testicular prosthesis: Patient satisfaction and sexual dysfunctions in testis cancer survivors

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Francesco Catanzariti


    Full Text Available Purpose: We studied patient satisfaction about sexual activity after prosthesis implantation using validated questionnaires with the aim to discover if testicular prosthesis could be responsible of sexual dysfunctions (erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation. Materials and Methods: We evaluated a total of 67 men who underwent radical orchiectomy for testicular cancer and a silicon testicular prosthesis implantation from January 2008 to June 2014 at our Hospital. These patients completed 5 validated questionnaires the day before orchiectomy and 6 months after surgery: the International Index of Erectile Function 5 (IIEF5, the Premature Ejaculation Diagnostic Tool (PEDT, the Body Exposure during Sexual Activities Questionnaire (BESAQ, the Body-Esteem Scale and the Rosenberg Self- Esteem Scale. We also evaluated 6 months after surgery any defects of the prosthesis complained by the patients. Results: The questionnaires completed by patients didn’t show statistically significant changes for erectile dysfunction (p > 0.05 and premature ejaculation (p > 0.05. On the contrary the psychological questionnaires showed statistically significant change for the BESAQ (p < 0.001 and the Body Esteem Scale (p < 0.001, but not for the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (p > 0,05. A total of 15 patients (22.37% were dissatisfied about the prosthesis: the most frequent complaint (8 patients; 11.94% was that the prosthesis was firmer than the normal testis. Conclusions: Testicular prosthesis implantation is a safe surgical procedure that should be always proposed before orchiectomy for cancer of the testis. The defects complained by patients with testicular prosthesis are few, they don’t influence sexual activity and they aren’t able to cause erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation.

  16. Cancer risk in fathers and brothers of testicular cancer patients in Denmark. A population-based study. (United States)

    Westergaard, T; Olsen, J H; Frisch, M; Kroman, N; Nielsen, J W; Melbye, M


    There are several reports of familial testicular cancer in the literature but few systematic attempts have been made to estimate the risk of testicular cancer in first-degree relatives of patients with this neoplasm, and the risk remains to be fully assessed in population-based studies. By means of data from the Danish Cancer Registry, we identified all testicular cancer patients (index cases) born and diagnosed during 1950-1993 in Denmark. Their fathers were identified from national registries, as were the brothers of a subcohort of these patients. Familial cancer occurrence was determined through linkage with the cancer registry and compared with the cancer incidence in the general male population in Denmark. The ratio of observed to expected cancers generated the measure used for the relative risk. Fathers of 2,113 index cases with testicular cancer experienced an almost 2-fold risk of developing testicular cancer themselves (RR = 1.96; 95% CI: 1.01-3.43). Overall, the fathers had a decreased relative cancer risk (RR = 0.84; 95% CI: 0.74-0.95) with a significantly decreased risk of cancers of the lung and digestive organs. Brothers of a subcohort of 702 index cases showed a markedly increased risk of testicular cancer (RR = 12.3; 95% CI: 3.3-3 1.5). In conclusion, we documented a significantly increased familial risk of testicular cancer which was relatively more pronounced between brothers than between fathers and sons. These findings support the possible involvement of a genetic component in the aetiology of testicular cancer, but also leave room for a hypothesized influence of in-utero exposures, such as specific maternal hormone levels, that might be shared by brothers.

  17. Efeito antioxidante do captopril e a influência da via de sinalização de PKC na produção de EROS induzida por Bradicinina no modelo experimental de diabetes mellitus tipo 1


    Araújo, Glaucy Rodrigues de


    O diabetes é uma doença que acomete milhões de pessoas em todo o mundo e tem sido alvo de muitos estudos. As complicações no diabetes, como a cardiomiopatia e o estresse oxidativo aumentado são importantes focos de estudo e são responsáveis em grande parte pelo aumento na morbidade e mortalidade associado à doença. Drogas anti-hipertensivas, principalmente aquelas que bloqueiam o sistema renina-angiotensina, como o captopril, são utilizadas com freqüência para o tratamento de diabetes, contri...

  18. Are the angiotensin-converting enzime gene and acticity risk factors for stroke? São fatores de risco para acidente vascular cerebral o gene e a atividade da enzima conversora de angiotensina ?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Miris Dikmen


    Full Text Available Stroke is a multifactorial disease in which genetic factors play an important role. This study was carried out to determine angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE gene polymorphism in Turkish acute stroke patients and to establish whether there is an association of angiotensin-converting enzyme gene I/D polymorphism with clinical parameters. In this study 185 patients and 50 controls were recruited. We have investigated the association among the allelic distribution of the insertion/deletion (I/D polymorphism of the ACE gene identified by polymerase chain reaction. Distribution of ACE gene I/D genotypes and allele frequencies in patients were not significantly different from controls. D allele frequencies were 57.8% in patients versus 53.0% in controls and I allele 42.2% versus 47% respectively. History of hypertension, stroke, renal, heart and vessel diseases incidence and age, gender, systolic-diastolic blood pressures and creatinine levels were significantly high in patients. But these results and ACE activities had no significant differences among the ACE genotypes in patients and controls. Our results suggest that the ACE gene polymorphism is not associated with the pathogenesis of stroke in Turkish stroke patients.O acidente vascular cerebral (AVC é doença multifatorial em que fatores genéticos desempenham papel importante. Este estudo foi desenvolvido para verificar o polimorfismo do gene da enzima conversora da angiotensina (ECA em pacientes turcos com AVC agudo e estabelecer se existe associação do gene I/D da ECA com parâmetros clínicos. O estudo foi realizado com 185 pacientes e 50 controles. A associação entre a distribuição alélica da inserção / deleção (I/D do polimorfismo do gene da ECA foi estudada pela reação em cadeia da polimerase. A distribuição dos genótipos I/D do gene da ECA e suas freqüências não apresentaram significância estatística quando comparados os pacientes e controles. As freqüências dos

  19. New reference charts for testicular volume in Dutch children and adolescents allow the calculation of standard deviation scores

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Joustra, S.D.; Plas, E.M. van der; Goede, J.; Oostdijk, W.; Delemarre-van de Waal, H.A.; Hack, W.W.M.; Buuren, S. van; Wit, J.M.


    Aim Accurate calculations of testicular volume standard deviation (SD) scores are not currently available. We constructed LMS-smoothed age-reference charts for testicular volume in healthy boys. Methods The LMS method was used to calculate reference data, based on testicular volumes from

  20. Impaired testicular function in patients with carcinoma-in-situ of the testis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Petersen, P M; Giwercman, A; Hansen, S W


    for testicular cancer. Biopsy of the contralateral testis had showed CIS in a group of 24 patients and no evidence of CIS in the other group of 30 patients. Semen quality and serum levels of testosterone, luteinizing hormone (LH), and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) were compared in these two groups of men...... after orchidectomy but before further treatment for testicular cancer. RESULTS: Significantly higher LH levels (median, 8.1 IU/L v 4.8 IU/L; P ...PURPOSE: To elucidate the biologic association between germ cell neoplasia and testicular dysfunction, through investigation of Leydig cell function and semen quality in men with carcinoma-in-situ (CIS) of the testis. PATIENTS AND METHODS: We examined two groups of men, unilaterally orchidectomized...

  1. Simultaneous acute appendicitis with right testicular torsion

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tanveer Akhtar


    Full Text Available We present a child with both acute appendicitis and torsion of the right testis presenting at the same time. Testicular torsion possibly occurring due to vomiting in acute appendicitis so far has not been reported in the literature.

  2. Multiple vascular anomalies involving renal, testicular and suprarenal arteries

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Suresh Rao


    Full Text Available Knowledge of variations of blood vessels of the abdomen is important during operative, diagnostic and endovascular pro- cedures. During routine dissection of the abdominal cavity, we came across multiple vascular anomalies involving renal, suprarenal and testicular arteries. The left kidney was supplied by two renal arteries originating together from the abdomi- nal aorta, and the right kidney was supplied by two accessory renal arteries, one of which was arising from the right renal artery and the other one from the aorta (about 2 inches below the origin of the renal artery. Accessory renal veins were present on both sides. The right testicular artery was arising from the lower accessory renal artery. The left testicular artery was looping around the inferior tributary of the left renal vein, whereby forming a sharp kink. The left middle suprarenal artery was diving into three small branches; the upper two branches were supplying the left suprarenal gland, whereas the lower branch was supplying the left kidney. Furthermore, detailed literature and the clinical and surgical importance of the case are discussed. [Arch Clin Exp Surg 2015; 4(3.000: 168-171

  3. Stage 1 testicular seminoma; Seminomes testiculaire de stade 1

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gross, E.; Champetier, C.; Zaccariotto, A.; Duberge, T. [Departement de radiotherapie, hopital de la Timone, 13 - Marseille (France); Pointreau, Y. [Service de radiotherapie, centre regional universitaire de cancerologie Henry-S.-Kaplan CHU de Tours, Hpital Bretonneau, 37 - Tours (France); Chauvet, B. [Institut Sainte-Catherine, 84 - Avignon (France)


    Testicular cancer is rare, representing only 1 % of malignant tumors, but the most common cancer in young men, 15 to 35 years. Adjuvant radiotherapy after orchidectomy in testicular seminoma stage I, reduces risk of relapse. It aims to eradicate micro-metastatic disease in lymph drainage territories. In the case of adjuvant radiotherapy, the relapse-free survival of 96 % with an overall survival of 98 % at 5 years. The irradiation volume is made up of lymph nodes paraaortic which it is possible to add the ipsilateral renal hilum to the testicular lesion. The current recommended dose is 20 Gy in 10 fractions and 2 weeks, usually delivered by two antero-posterior beams. The acute toxicities, mainly represented by nausea and diarrhea are usually quickly resolved to the end of irradiation. Regarding toxicities long-term, preservation of semen should be considered after surgery because of fear of infertility post-treatment. The risk of second cancer associated with exposure to ionizing radiation, albeit small, is especially important to consider these patients to significant life expectancy. Nevertheless, developments in radiotherapy techniques and lower doses and irradiated volumes can probably reduce this risk further. (authors)

  4. Persistent Müllerian duct syndrome with transverse testicular ectopia presenting as an incarcerated inguinal hernia. (United States)

    Kaul, A; Srivastava, K N; Rehman, S M F; Goel, V; Yadav, V


    The presence of both of the testes in one scrotal sac is one of the very rare presentations of testicular ectopia, which is known as transverse testicular ectopia (TTE) and is also known as crossed testicular ectopia. The presence of the uterus and fallopian tubes in a normally virilized male is termed as persistent Müllerian duct syndrome (PMDS). We report a case of an adult male who had a unique combination of both TTE and PMDS presenting as an incarcerated inguinal hernia.


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    E. A. Burova


    Full Text Available Overall survival is about 100% in patients with stage I germinogenic testicular tumors after orchifuniculectomy, which is achieved, by applying alternative adjuvant approaches. The use of approaches, such as a follow-up, chemo- and radiotherapy, may be recommended in seminoma. The paper shows the advantages and disadvantages of these methods.


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    E. A. Burova


    Full Text Available Overall survival is about 100% in patients with stage I germinogenic testicular tumors after orchifuniculectomy, which is achieved, by applying alternative adjuvant approaches. The use of approaches, such as a follow-up, chemo- and radiotherapy, may be recommended in seminoma. The paper shows the advantages and disadvantages of these methods.

  7. Reassembly of adult human testicular cells: can testis cord-like structures be created in vitro? (United States)

    Mincheva, M; Sandhowe-Klaverkamp, R; Wistuba, J; Redmann, K; Stukenborg, J-B; Kliesch, S; Schlatt, S


    Can enzymatically dispersed testicular cells from adult men reassemble into seminiferous cord-like structures in vitro? Adult human testicular somatic cells reassembled into testicular cord-like structures via dynamic interactions of Sertoli and peritubular cells. In vitro approaches using dispersed single cell suspensions of human testes to generate seminiferous tubule structures and to initiate their functionality have as yet shown only limited success. Testes from 15 adult gender dysphoria patients (mean ± standard deviation age 35 ± 9.3 years) showing spermatogonial arrest became available for this study after sex-reassignment surgery. In vitro primary testicular somatic cell cultures were generated to explore the self-organizing ability of testicular somatic cells to form testis cords over a 2-week period. Morphological phenotype, protein marker expression and temporal dynamics of cell reassembly were analyzed. Cell suspensions obtained by two-step enzymatic digestion were plated onto glass coverslips in 24-well plates. To obtain adherent somatic cells, the supernatant was discarded on Day 2. The culture of the attached cell population was continued. Reassembly into cord-like structures was analyzed daily by microscopic observations. Endpoints were qualitative changes in morphology. Cell types were characterized by phase-contrast microscopy and immunohistochemistry. Dynamics of cord formation were recorded by time-lapse microscopy. Primary adult human testicular cells underwent sequential morphological changes including compaction and reaggregation resulting in round or elongated cord-like structures. Time-lapse video recordings within the first 4 days of culture revealed highly dynamic processes of migration and coalescence of reaggregated cells. The cellular movements were mediated by peritubular cells. Immunohistochemical analysis showed that both SRY-related high mobility box 9-positive Sertoli and α-smooth muscle actin-positive peritubular myoid cells

  8. Time trends and occupational variation in the incidence of testicular cancer in the Nordic countries. (United States)

    Ylönen, Outi; Jyrkkiö, Sirkku; Pukkala, Eero; Syvänen, Kari; Boström, Peter J


    To describe the trends and occupational variation in the incidence of testicular cancer in the Nordic countries utilising national cancer registries, NORDCAN (NORDCAN project/database presents the incidence, mortality, prevalence and survival from >50 cancers in the Nordic countries) and NOCCA (Nordic Occupational Cancer) databases. We obtained the incidence data of testicular cancer for 5-year periods from 1960-1964 to 2000-2014 and for 5-year age-groups from the NORDCAN database. Morphological data on incident cases of seminoma and non-seminoma were obtained from national cancer registries. Age-standardised incidence rates (ASR) were calculated per 100 000 person-years (World Standard). Regression analysis was used to evaluate the annual change in the incidence of testicular cancer in each of the Nordic countries. The risk of testicular cancer in different professions was described based on NOCCA information and expressed as standardised incidence ratios (SIRs). During 2010-2014 the ASR for testicular cancer varied from 11.3 in Norway to 5.8 in Finland. Until 1998, the incidence was highest in Denmark. There has not been an increase in Denmark and Iceland since the 1990s, whilst the incidence is still strongly increasing in Norway, Sweden, and Finland. There were no remarkable changes in the ratio of seminoma and non-seminoma incidences during the past 50 years. There was no increase in the incidences in children and those of pension age. The highest significant excess risks of testicular seminoma were found in physicians (SIR 1.48, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.07-1.99), artistic workers (SIR 1.47, 95% CI 1.06-1.99) and religious workers etc. (SIR 1.33, 95% CI 1.14-1.56). The lowest SIRs of testicular seminoma were seen amongst cooks and stewards (SIR 0.56, 95% CI 0.29-0.98), and forestry workers (SIR 0.64, 95% CI 0.47-0.86). The occupational category of administrators was the only one with a significantly elevated SIR for testicular non-seminoma (SIR 1.21, 95

  9. Percutaneous sclerotherapy of testicular vein insufficiency in persistent and recurrent varicocele

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sigmund, G.; Baehren, W.; Gall, H.; Thon, W.


    Among 1217 retrograde phlebographies of left-sided idiopathic varicoceles 66 patients presented because of persistence or recurrence of varicocele, 34 of them after operation and 32 after sclerotherapy. After operation without success there was always - except for one case - a reflux passing the site of ligature. If persistence or recurrence of varicocele occured after sclerotherapy, the testicular (internal spermatic) vein was most often found to be obliterated at the junction with the renal vein and the sonographically proven reflux went via collaterals or unidentified veins which prevented a repeat sclerotheraphy. In 12 out of 32 patients after sclerotherapy a persistent main stem of the testicular vein allowed a second attempt of sclerotherapy. If sclerotherapy in patients after operation or previous sclerotherapy could be performed, it was an effective, low risk procedure on an outpatient basis just as in primary sclerotherapy of testicular vein insufficiency causing varicocele. (orig.) [de

  10. Testicular choriocarcinoma with cutaneous metastasis in a 19-year-old man. (United States)

    Toberer, Ferdinand; Enk, Alexander; Hartschuh, Wolfgang; Grüllich, Carsten


    A 19-year-old man suffering from testicular choriocarcinoma presented to the dermatology department with a cutaneous metastasis on his head. This metastasis was the first sign of disease that led to medical consultation. Histopathology revealed cytotrophoblasts and syncytiotrophoblasts, the later expressing human chorionic gonadotropin antigen. Whole body computed tomography showed multiple metastases of the brain, lung, liver, bone, paraaortic lymph nodes and left uvea; the primary was found in the left testicle. Despite neurosurgical intervention and chemotherapy the patient died 9 days after the biopsy of the cutaneous metastasis. Cutaneous metastases of testicular choriocarcinoma are exceptionally rare, with fewer than a dozen cases reported in the English-language literature. The present case highlights that testicular choriocarcinoma metastatic to the skin should be included in the differential of cutaneous scalp tumors. © 2018 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  11. Dependence of serum hormones (T, FSH, LH) on morphometric testicular findings recorded from patients after chemotherapy and radiotherapy for malignant testicular tumours

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Barth, V.; Schoenfelder, M.


    Correlations which exist between morphometric parameters of remaining testicular tissue, on the one hand, and serum hormones on the other (testosterone = T, follicle-stimulating hormone = FSH, luteinising hormone = LH), depending on therapeutic action taken on patients for malignant testicular tumours, seem to suggest that decline in epithelial thickness together with increase in wall thickness leads to rise in FSH. No unambiguous relations, on the other hand, were found to exist between testosterone or luteotrophic hormone and morphometric findings. Hence, FSH seems to characterize the severity of damage to germ epithelium and thus the degree of impairment to spermatogenesis. FSH may be accepted as a criterion for fertility disorders in sexually active men. (author)

  12. Testicular Adrenal Rest Tumors (TARTS With Unusual Histological Features in Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Valeri Marianovsky


    Full Text Available Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH patients with testicular adrenal rest tumors (TARTs with testicular enlargement present a serious diagnostic challenge. According to the data TARTs are usually benign. They are rare, resulting in paucity in the medical literature regarding their pathological features. We report a case of bilateral synchronous mass-forming TARTs with marked cytological and nuclear atypia misinterpreted as malignant testicular tumors in a 40-years-old man with CAH and CT and MRI data for pheochromocytoma of the right adrenal gland and paraaortal and paracaval lymphadenomegaly. He was previously diagnosed with adrenal cortical carcinoma of the left adrenal gland.

  13. Testicular Metastasis from Renal Cell Carcinoma: A Case Report and Review of the Literature

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Keren Rouvinov


    Full Text Available Testicular metastases from renal cell carcinoma (RCC are extremely rare. To the best of our knowledge, only 33 cases have been described in the literature. Most of the reported cases are of unilateral testicular metastasis from RCC. We report a case of metachronous ipsilateral testicular metastasis from RCC in a 78-year-old man 6 years after nephrectomy. Scrotal ultrasonography showed a 4 × 5 cm mass in the right testis. Right inguinal orchiectomy was performed for diagnosis. Computed tomography revealed liver and lung metastases. First-line therapy with sunitinib was started in November 2016 for metastatic RCC.

  14. Scattered radiation to gonads: Role of testicular shielding for para-aortic and homolateral illiac nodal radiotherapy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Singhal, M.K.; Kapoor, A.; Singh, D.; Bagri, P.K.; Narayan, S.; Nirban, R.K.; Kumar, H.S.


    Background: Scattered radiation to organs at risk deserves great attention during radiotherapy especially when the concern is about fertility. Minimizing the delivery of scattered radiation to the gonads while treating abdominal nodes or pelvic fields in male patients requires adequate shielding of the testes to preserve testicular functions. We constructed a testicular shield with cerrobend for the purpose of treatment of seminoma of testis stage I and IIA disease. Materials and methods: An outer shell of coconut of required dimensions was taken as a base over which cerrobend was poured to obtain two semi-spherical half testicular shields. Five patients of seminoma early stage (stage I and IIA) were treated with this testicular shield. Results: The estimated total dose received by the testis by scatter radiation after completion of the treatment was 0.115 Gy (0.28%) of total mid-plane dose of 40 Gy delivered by inverted Y field. At a distance of 8 cm from the inferior field border the 2 cm thick cerrobend testicular shield provided a shielding factor of 3.2/0.3 =10.33. Conclusions: With proper testicular shielding, doses as low as 0.28% of the prescribed dose can be achieved. This low dose is believed to maintain the fertility of the patient.

  15. Scattered radiation to gonads: role of testicular shielding for para-aortic and homolateral illiac nodal radiotherapy. (United States)

    Singhal, Mukesh Kumar; Kapoor, Akhil; Singh, Daleep; Bagri, Puneet Kumar; Narayan, Satya; Nirban, Raj Kumar; Kumar, Harvindra Singh


    Scattered radiation to organs at risk deserves great attention during radiotherapy especially when the concern is about fertility. Minimizing the delivery of scattered radiation to the gonads while treating abdominal nodes or pelvic fields in male patients requires adequate shielding of the testes to preserve testicular functions. We constructed a testicular shield with cerrobend for the purpose of treatment of seminoma of testis stage I and IIA disease. An outer shell of coconut of required dimensions was taken as a base over which cerrobend was poured to obtain two semi-spherical half testicular shields. Five patients of seminoma early stage (stage I and IIA) were treated with this testicular shield. The estimated total dose received by the testis by scatter radiation after completion of the treatment was 0.115Gy (0.28%) of total mid-plane dose of 40Gy delivered by inverted Y field. At a distance of 8cm from the inferior field border the 2cm thick cerrobend testicular shield provided a shielding factor of 3.2/0.3=10.33. With proper testicular shielding, doses as low as 0.28% of the prescribed dose can be achieved. This low dose is believed to maintain the fertility of the patient. Copyright © 2014. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V.

  16. Ultrasonographic Findings of Prepubertal Testicular Teratoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Won, Jang Han; Cho, Jae Ho


    To evaluate the ultrasonographic findings of testicular teratoma arising in pre-pubertal children. We studied 6 cases in 5 patients with pathologically proven testicular teratoma. Ultrasonography was performed in all cases and MRI in 5 cases. The location, size, shape, margin and internal echo pattern of the lesion were evaluated on ultrasonography and the shape, signal intensity and presence or absence of contrast enhancement were evaluated on MRI. The shape of all cases was round or oval and the lesion size ranged from 0.5 to 3.5 cm (average, 1.7 cm). Four of 6 cases were seen as cystic lesions, Three of which were multilocular and one was unilocular. The cystic lesions were filled with echo-free fluid without any solid component. The inner wall and septa were minutely granulated. One of 6 cases was seen as a predominantly cystic lesion containing heterogeneous, high echoic portions. One case was seen as a heterogeneous mixed echoic lesion with dirty posterior sonic shadowing. Three of the 4 cases seen as a cyst on ultrasonography were also seen as a cyst on MRI. In one case seen as a predominantly cystic lesion on ultrasonography, the periphery of the lesion was hypointense and the center was hyperintense on T2-weighted image. The remaining case seen as a heterogeneous mixed echoic mass was markedly heterogeneous in signal intensity both on T2- and T1-weighted images and hyperintense fat components were noted. Contrast enhancement was not seen in any of the 4 cases. On ultrasonography, pre-pubertal testicular teratoma is commonly seen as a multilocular or unilocular cyst and a minutely granulated appearance is noted in the inner wall or septa of the cystic lesion

  17. Radiotherapy Treatment Planning for Testicular Seminoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wilder, Richard B.; Buyyounouski, Mark K.; Efstathiou, Jason A.; Beard, Clair J.


    Virtually all patients with Stage I testicular seminoma are cured regardless of postorchiectomy management. For patients treated with adjuvant radiotherapy, late toxicity is a major concern. However, toxicity may be limited by radiotherapy techniques that minimize radiation exposure of healthy normal tissues. This article is an evidence-based review that provides radiotherapy treatment planning recommendations for testicular seminoma. The minority of Stage I patients who choose adjuvant treatment over surveillance may be considered for (1) para-aortic irradiation to 20 Gy in 10 fractions, or (2) carboplatin chemotherapy consisting of area under the curve, AUC = 7 × 1−2 cycles. Two-dimensional radiotherapy based on bony anatomy is a simple and effective treatment for Stage IIA or IIB testicular seminoma. Centers with expertise in vascular and nodal anatomy may consider use of anteroposterior–posteroanterior fields based on three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy instead. For modified dog-leg fields delivering 20 Gy in 10 fractions, clinical studies support placement of the inferior border at the top of the acetabulum. Clinical and nodal mapping studies support placement of the superior border of all radiotherapy fields at the top of the T12 vertebral body. For Stage IIA and IIB patients, an anteroposterior–posteroanterior boost is then delivered to the adenopathy with a 2-cm margin to the block edge. The boost dose consists of 10 Gy in 5 fractions for Stage IIA and 16 Gy in 8 fractions for Stage IIB. Alternatively, bleomycin, etoposide, and cisplatin chemotherapy for 3 cycles or etoposide and cisplatin chemotherapy for 4 cycles may be delivered to Stage IIA or IIB patients (e.g., if they have a horseshoe kidney, inflammatory bowel disease, or a history of radiotherapy).

  18. Radiotherapy Treatment Planning for Testicular Seminoma

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wilder, Richard B., E-mail: [Department of Radiation Oncology, Moffitt Cancer Center, Tampa, FL (United States); Buyyounouski, Mark K. [Department of Radiation Oncology, Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia, PA (United States); Efstathiou, Jason A. [Department of Radiation Oncology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA (United States); Beard, Clair J. [Department of Radiation Oncology, Dana-Farber/Brigham and Women' s Cancer Center, Boston, MA (United States)


    Virtually all patients with Stage I testicular seminoma are cured regardless of postorchiectomy management. For patients treated with adjuvant radiotherapy, late toxicity is a major concern. However, toxicity may be limited by radiotherapy techniques that minimize radiation exposure of healthy normal tissues. This article is an evidence-based review that provides radiotherapy treatment planning recommendations for testicular seminoma. The minority of Stage I patients who choose adjuvant treatment over surveillance may be considered for (1) para-aortic irradiation to 20 Gy in 10 fractions, or (2) carboplatin chemotherapy consisting of area under the curve, AUC = 7 Multiplication-Sign 1-2 cycles. Two-dimensional radiotherapy based on bony anatomy is a simple and effective treatment for Stage IIA or IIB testicular seminoma. Centers with expertise in vascular and nodal anatomy may consider use of anteroposterior-posteroanterior fields based on three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy instead. For modified dog-leg fields delivering 20 Gy in 10 fractions, clinical studies support placement of the inferior border at the top of the acetabulum. Clinical and nodal mapping studies support placement of the superior border of all radiotherapy fields at the top of the T12 vertebral body. For Stage IIA and IIB patients, an anteroposterior-posteroanterior boost is then delivered to the adenopathy with a 2-cm margin to the block edge. The boost dose consists of 10 Gy in 5 fractions for Stage IIA and 16 Gy in 8 fractions for Stage IIB. Alternatively, bleomycin, etoposide, and cisplatin chemotherapy for 3 cycles or etoposide and cisplatin chemotherapy for 4 cycles may be delivered to Stage IIA or IIB patients (e.g., if they have a horseshoe kidney, inflammatory bowel disease, or a history of radiotherapy).

  19. Dual renin-angiotensin system blockade plus oral methylprednisone for the treatment of proteinuria in IgA nephropathy Doble bloqueo del sistema renina-angiotensina más metilprednisona oral para el tratamiento de la proteinuria en la nefropatía por IgA

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hernán Trimarchi


    Full Text Available Renin-angiotensin system inhibition is a widely accepted approach to initially deal with proteinuria in IgA nephropathy, while the role of immunosuppressants remains controversial in many instances. A prospective, uncontrolled, open-label trial was undertaken in patients with biopsy-proven IgA nephropathy with proteinuria > 0.5 g/day and normal renal function to assess the efficacy of a combination treatment of angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors plus angiotensin receptor blockers enalapril valsartan coupled with methylprednisone to decrease proteinuria to levels below 0.5 g/day. Twenty patients were included: Age 37.45 ± 13.26 years (50% male; 7 patients (35% were hypertensive; proteinuria 2.2 ± 1.86 g/day; serum creatinine 1.07 ± 0.29 mg/dl; mean follow-up 60.10 ± 31.47 months. IgA nephropathy was subclassified according to Haas criteria. Twelve patients (60% were class II; seven (35% were class III and one (5% class V. All patients received dual reninangiotensin system blockade as tolerated. Oral methylprednisone was started at 0.5 mg/kg/day for the initial 8 weeks and subsequently tapered bi-weekly until the maintenance dose of 4 mg was reached. Oral steroids were discontinued after 24 weeks (6 months of therapy but renin-angiotensin inhibition remained unchanged. At 10 weeks of therapy proteinuria decreased to 0.15 ± 0.07 g/day (P El doble bloqueo del sistema renina-angiotensina con inhibidores de la enzima convertidora de angiotensina junto a bloqueadores del receptor tipo I de angiotensina II es aceptado como tratamiento en la proteinuria de la nefropatía por IgA, ya que el rol de los inmunosupresores continúa siendo controvertido. Estudio prospectivo, no controlado, abierto para pacientes con nefropatía por IgA con proteinurias >0.5 g/día y creatininas séricas <1.4 mg/dl, para evaluar la eficacia de tratamiento de enalapril más valsartán asociado a metilprednisona vía oral para disminuir las proteinurias a <0.5 g

  20. Similarities in the Age-Specific Incidence of Colon and Testicular Cancers. (United States)

    Soto-Ortiz, Luis; Brody, James P


    Colon cancers are thought to be an inevitable result of aging, while testicular cancers are thought to develop in only a small fraction of men, beginning in utero. These models of carcinogenesis are, in part, based upon age-specific incidence data. The specific incidence for colon cancer appears to monotonically increase with age, while that of testicular cancer increases to a maximum value at about 35 years of age, then declines to nearly zero by the age of 80. We hypothesized that the age-specific incidence for these two cancers is similar; the apparent difference is caused by a longer development time for colon cancer and the lack of age-specific incidence data for people over 84 years of age. Here we show that a single distribution can describe the age-specific incidence of both colon carcinoma and testicular cancer. Furthermore, this distribution predicts that the specific incidence of colon cancer should reach a maximum at about age 90 and then decrease. Data on the incidence of colon carcinoma for women aged 85-99, acquired from SEER and the US Census, is consistent with this prediction. We conclude that the age specific data for testicular cancers and colon cancers is similar, suggesting that the underlying process leading to the development of these two forms of cancer may be similar.

  1. Similarities in the Age-Specific Incidence of Colon and Testicular Cancers.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luis Soto-Ortiz

    Full Text Available Colon cancers are thought to be an inevitable result of aging, while testicular cancers are thought to develop in only a small fraction of men, beginning in utero. These models of carcinogenesis are, in part, based upon age-specific incidence data. The specific incidence for colon cancer appears to monotonically increase with age, while that of testicular cancer increases to a maximum value at about 35 years of age, then declines to nearly zero by the age of 80. We hypothesized that the age-specific incidence for these two cancers is similar; the apparent difference is caused by a longer development time for colon cancer and the lack of age-specific incidence data for people over 84 years of age. Here we show that a single distribution can describe the age-specific incidence of both colon carcinoma and testicular cancer. Furthermore, this distribution predicts that the specific incidence of colon cancer should reach a maximum at about age 90 and then decrease. Data on the incidence of colon carcinoma for women aged 85-99, acquired from SEER and the US Census, is consistent with this prediction. We conclude that the age specific data for testicular cancers and colon cancers is similar, suggesting that the underlying process leading to the development of these two forms of cancer may be similar.

  2. Determination of Testicular Blood Flow in Camelids Using Vascular Casting and Color Pulsed-Wave Doppler Ultrasonography


    Kutzler, Michelle; Tyson, Reid; Grimes, Monica; Timm, Karen


    We describe the vasculature of the camelid testis using plastic casting. We also use color pulsed-wave Doppler ultrasonography to measure testicular blood flow and compare the differences between testicular blood flow in fertile and infertile camelids. The testicular artery originates from the ventral surface of the aorta, gives rise to an epididymal branch, and becomes very tortuous as it approaches the testis. Within the supratesticular arteries, peak systolic velocity (PSV) was higher in f...

  3. Ketoconazole-induced testicular damage in rats reduced by Gentiana extract. (United States)

    Amin, Amr


    Ketoconazole (KET) is an antifungal drug with a broad spectrum of activity that also induces reproductive toxicity in humans and animals. The protective effect of Gentiana (GEN) extract (Gentiana lutea) against KET-induced testicular damage was evaluated in male Wistar rats. GEN extract was administered orally (1g/kgbwt/day) for 26 days. Three weeks after extract administration, KET was co-administered intraperitoneally at a dose of 100mg/kg once a day for 5 days. KET-induced reproductive toxicity was associated with clear reductions of the weights of testes and epididymides, sperm indices and serum testosterone levels. KET also induced severe testicular histopathological lesions such as degeneration of the seminiferous tubules and depletion of germ cells. In addition, marked oxidative damage to testicular lipids and alterations of natural antioxidants (catalase (CAT) and superoxide dismutase (SOD)) were reported in association with KET toxicity. Most of the KET-induced effects were greatly decreased with the concomitant application of GEN extract. This study suggests a protective role of GEN extract that could be attributed to its antioxidant properties.

  4. Therapeutic Potential of Date Palm Pollen for Testicular Dysfunction Induced by Thyroid Disorders in Male Rats.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Akram M El-Kashlan

    Full Text Available Hyper- or hypothyroidism can impair testicular function leading to infertility. The present study was designed to examine the protective effect of date palm pollen (DPP extract on thyroid disorder-induced testicular dysfunction. Rats were divided into six groups. Group I was normal control. Group II received oral DPP extract (150 mg kg(-1, group III (hyperthyroid group received intraperitoneal injection of L-thyroxine (L-T4, 300 μg kg(-1; i.p., group IV received L-T4 plus DPP extract, group V (hypothyroid group received propylthiouracil (PTU, 10 mg kg(-1; i.p. and group VI received PTU plus DPP extract. All treatments were given every day for 56 days. L-T4 or PTU lowered genital sex organs weight, sperm count and motility, serum levels of luteinizing hormone (LH, follicle stimulating hormone (FSH and testosterone (T, testicular function markers and activities of testicular 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (3β-HSD and 17β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (17β-HSD. Moreover, L-T4 or PTU increased estradiol (E2 serum level, testicular oxidative stress, DNA damage and apoptotic markers. Morphometric and histopathologic studies backed these observations. Treatment with DPP extract prevented LT4- or PTU induced changes. In addition, supplementation of DPP extract to normal rats augmented sperm count and motility, serum levels of LH, T and E2 paralleled with increased activities of 3β-HSD and 17β-HSD as well as testicular antioxidant status. These results provide evidence that DPP extract may have potential protective effects on testicular dysfunction induced by altered thyroid hormones.

  5. TB or not TB?: a case of isolated testicular TB with scrotal involvement.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Bhargava, A


    Despite the genitourinary tract being the most common site affected by extrapulmonary TB, isolated testicular TB remains a rare clinical entity. In patients with co-morbidities such as hepatic impairment, treatment proves a challenge, as first-line hepatotoxic pharmaceuticals are contraindicated. Here, we report a case of isolated testicular TB with scrotal involvement, on a background of hepatic dysfunction.

  6. New reference charts for testicular volume in Dutch children and adolescents allow the calculation of standard deviation scores. (United States)

    Joustra, Sjoerd D; van der Plas, Evelyn M; Goede, Joery; Oostdijk, Wilma; Delemarre-van de Waal, Henriette A; Hack, Wilfried W M; van Buuren, Stef; Wit, Jan M


    Accurate calculations of testicular volume standard deviation (SD) scores are not currently available. We constructed LMS-smoothed age-reference charts for testicular volume in healthy boys. The LMS method was used to calculate reference data, based on testicular volumes from ultrasonography and Prader orchidometer of 769 healthy Dutch boys aged 6 months to 19 years. We also explored the association between testicular growth and pubic hair development, and data were compared to orchidometric testicular volumes from the 1997 Dutch nationwide growth study. The LMS-smoothed reference charts showed that no revision of the definition of normal onset of male puberty - from nine to 14 years of age - was warranted. In healthy boys, the pubic hair stage SD scores corresponded with testicular volume SD scores (r = 0.394). However, testes were relatively small for pubic hair stage in Klinefelter's syndrome and relatively large in immunoglobulin superfamily member 1 deficiency syndrome. The age-corrected SD scores for testicular volume will aid in the diagnosis and follow-up of abnormalities in the timing and progression of male puberty and in research evaluations. The SD scores can be compared with pubic hair SD scores to identify discrepancies between cell functions that result in relative microorchidism or macroorchidism. ©2015 Foundation Acta Paediatrica. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  7. Cannabis Use and Incidence of Testicular Cancer: A 42-Year Follow-up of Swedish Men between 1970 and 2011. (United States)

    Callaghan, Russell C; Allebeck, Peter; Akre, Olof; McGlynn, Katherine A; Sidorchuk, Anna


    Background: Given current drug policy reforms to decriminalize or legalize cannabis in numerous countries worldwide, the current study assesses the relation between cannabis use and the development of testicular cancer. Methods: The study included a population-based sample ( n = 49,343) of young men ages 18-21 years who underwent conscription assessment for Swedish military service in 1969-1970. The conscription process included a nonanonymous questionnaire eliciting information about drug use. Conscription information was linked to Swedish health and administrative registry data. Testicular cancers diagnosed between 1970 and 2011 were identified by International Classification of Diseases-7/8/9/10 testicular cancer codes in the Swedish National Patient Register, the Cancer Register, or the Cause of Death Register. Cox regression modeling was used to estimate the hazards associated with cannabis use and time to diagnosis of testicular cancer. Results: No evidence was found of a significant relation between lifetime "ever" cannabis use and the subsequent development of testicular cancer [ n = 45,250; 119 testicular cancer cases; adjusted HR (aHR), 1.42; 95% confidence interval (CI), 0.83-2.45]. "Heavy" cannabis use (defined as usage of more than 50 times in lifetime, as measured at conscription) was associated with the incidence of testicular cancer ( n = 45,250; 119 testicular cancer cases; aHR 2.57; 95% CI, 1.02-6.50). Conclusions: The current study provides additional evidence to the limited prior literature suggesting cannabis use may contribute to the development of testicular cancer. Impact: Emerging changes to cannabis drug policy should consider the potential role of cannabis use in the development of testicular cancer. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev; 26(11); 1644-52. ©2017 AACR . ©2017 American Association for Cancer Research.

  8. Nine cases of nonpalpable testicular mass. An incidental finding in a large scale ultrasonography survey

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Avci, A.; Eken, C.; Ozgok, Y.; Erol, B.


    Nonpalpable testicular masses are usually diagnosed during routine ultrasonography (US) examinations for other conditions. There are conflicting results on the final diagnosis and management of these lesions. In the present study we report the results of a large US series of 5104 patients on nonpalpable testicular masses and discuss the management of these patients. This retrospective observational study was performed in a secondary care military hospital. A total of 5104 patients underwent a US and 11 of them were diagnosed as having a nonpalpable testicular mass. These 11 patients also underwent magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Two of them refused surgery and were excluded from the study. The remaining nine patients underwent intraoperative US-guided localization and excisional biopsy of the non-palpable testicular parenchymal mass. A radical orchiectomy was required in all of them. US and MRI findings, frozen and final pathology results were recorded. The median age of study subjects was 24 years. The final pathology revealed a malign tumor in eight patients and an inflammatory mass in one patient. There were inconsistent results in four patients between frozen section analysis and final pathology. MRI improved the definition of the solid masses in all patients. MRI enhances the certainty of the diagnosis of malignity in nonpalpable testicular masses, particularly in conditions that generally can not be diagnosed with ultrasonography alone. Frozen section analysis is not an accredited method in diagnosing malign lesions in non-palpable testicular masses. (author)

  9. Differentiation and diagnosis of benign and malignant testicular lesions using 18F-FDG PET/CT. (United States)

    Shao, Dan; Gao, Qiang; Tian, Xu-Wei; Wang, Si-Yun; Liang, Chang-Hong; Wang, Shu-Xia


    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the differential diagnostic value of 18 F-fluorodeoxy glucose positron emission tomography/computed tomography ( 18 F-FDG PET/CT) for benign and malignant testicular lesions. The PET/CT scans of 53 patients with testicular lesions confirmed by biopsy or surgical pathology were retrospectively analyzed. There were 32 cases of malignant tumors and 21 cases of benign lesions. Differences in the maximum standardized uptake value (SUVmax) measurements and the SUVmax lesion/background ratios between benign and malignant lesions were analyzed. The diagnostic value of this PET/CT modality for the differential diagnosis of benign versus malignant testicular lesions was calculated. The differences in the SUVmax measurements and the SUVmax lesion/background ratios between benign and malignant lesions were statistically significant (SUVmax: Z=-4.295, p=0.000; SUVmax lesion/background ratio: Z=-5.219, p=0.000); specifically, both of these indicators were higher in malignant lesions compared to benign lesions. An SUVmax of 3.75 was the optimal cutoff value to differentiate between benign and malignant testicular lesions. The diagnostic sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value of this PET/CT modality in the differential diagnosis of benign versus malignant testicular lesions were 90.6%, 80.9%, 86.8%, 87.9%, and 85.0%, respectively. 18 F-FDG PET/CT can accurately identify benign and malignant testicular lesions. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  10. Testicular Embryonic Rhabdomyosarcoma, Case report with brief ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Testicular Embryonic Rhabdomyosarcoma, Case report with brief literature review. AM Adam, MMAM Ibnouf, IAF Allah. Abstract. Background: Rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) is a malignant solid tumour arising from mesenchymal tissues which normally differentiate to form striated muscle. It can occur in a wide variety of sites.

  11. Cervical mature teratoma 17 years after initial treatment of testicular teratocarcinoma: report of a late relapse

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alavion Mina


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Late relapses of testicular germ cell tumor are uncommon. We report a case of cervical mature teratoma appeared 17 years after treatment of testicular teratocarcinoma. Case presentation A 20- year- old patient underwent left sided orchiectomy followed by systemic therapy and retroperitoneal residual mass resection in 1989. He remained in complete remission for 200 months. In 2005 a huge left supraclavicular neck mass with extension to anterior mediastinum appeared. Radical surgical resection of the mass was performed and pathologic examination revealed mature teratoma. Conclusion This is one of the longest long-term reported intervals of a mature teratoma after treatment of a testicular nonseminoma germ cell tumor. This case emphasizes the necessity for follow up of testicular cancer throughout the patient's life.

  12. Pediatric testicular cancer: Two decades of Saudi national data

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mohammed Abomelha


    Full Text Available Pediatric testicular cancer is exceedingly rare. There are no data available touching Saudi children. The aim of the study is to determine the trends and patterns of testicular cancer among Saudi children over a period of 20 years. The national database of the Saudi Cancer Registry (SCR on pediatric testicular cancer over the last two decades was examined including epidemiological and histological patterns. From 1994 to 2013, 82 cases of testicular cancer among Saudi children aged 1–14 years were accumulated at the SCR. The annual percentage change rate was 3.3%. Of all cases, 62% appeared within the first 2 years of life. Seminomas were seen in 39%, nonseminomas in 40.3%, and paratesticular tumors in 20.7%. No gonadal stromal tumors observed. About 91% of the seminomas accrued in the first decade (1994–2003, while all nonseminomas fell in the last decade (2004–2013. The most common subtypes of the nonseminomas were yolk sac tumors and mixed tumors. More than 80% of the paratesticular tumors were rhabdomyosarcomas and lymphomas. The SEER summary stage of seminomas was localized in 56%, regional in 22%, and distant in 16%, while of nonseminomas was 56%, 16%, and 28%, respectively, and no stage improvement over the studied period was noted. No temporal trend in incidence rate was observed. The most affected age group was the first 2 years of life. Noteworthy was the high incidence of seminoma and the low rate of teratomas and stromal tumors, when compared to Western data. Notable was the dominance of the seminomas in the first decade and of the nonseminomas in the second decade. At the time of diagnosis, nonseminomas were more advanced than seminomas. No stage improvement noted over the studied period.

  13. A survey of etiologic hypotheses among testicular cancer researchers. (United States)

    Stang, A; Trabert, B; Rusner, C; Poole, C; Almstrup, K; Rajpert-De Meyts, E; McGlynn, K A


    Basic research results can provide new ideas and hypotheses to be examined in epidemiological studies. We conducted a survey among testicular cancer researchers on hypotheses concerning the etiology of this malignancy. All researchers on the mailing list of Copenhagen Testis Cancer Workshops and corresponding authors of PubMed-indexed articles identified by the search term 'testicular cancer' and published within 10 years (in total 2750 recipients) were invited to respond to an e-mail-based survey. Participants of the 8th Copenhagen Testis Cancer Workshop in May 2014 were subsequently asked to rate the plausibility of the suggested etiologic hypotheses on a scale of 1 (very implausible) to 10 (very plausible). This report describes the methodology of the survey, the score distributions by individual hypotheses, hypothesis group, and the participants' major research fields, and discuss the hypotheses that scored as most plausible. We also present plans for improving the survey that may be repeated at a next international meeting of experts in testicular cancer. Overall 52 of 99 (53%) registered participants of the 8th Copenhagen Testis Cancer Workshop submitted the plausibility rating form. Fourteen of 27 hypotheses were related to exposures during pregnancy. Hypotheses with the highest mean plausibility ratings were either related to pre-natal exposures or exposures that might have an effect during pregnancy and in post-natal life. The results of the survey may be helpful for triggering more specific etiologic hypotheses that include factors related to endocrine disruption, DNA damage, inflammation, and nutrition during pregnancy. The survey results may stimulate a multidisciplinary discussion about new etiologic hypotheses of testicular cancer. Published 2014. This article is a U. S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA.

  14. Gynecomastia caused by testicular irradiation. A case report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mori, Hiroki; Umeda, Tadashi; Katayama, Ichiro; Nishioka, Kiyoshi [Tokyo Medical and Dental Univ. (Japan). School of Medicine


    Gynecomastia in a 20-years-old male is reported. At the age of 2, the patients had contracted acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL), at which time irradiation for the testicular ALL invasion was performed. This irradiation induced atrophy of the testis. Obesity was first noted when he was 12 years old, after which enlargement of the bilateral breasts occurred at 14 years of age. When he turned 19, supplementary testosterone therapy was initiated to counter the gynecomastia, but it proved ineffective. Thus, a total mastectomy was performed with free nipple grafting. Pathologically, inspected mammary tissue specimens revealed mammary ducts in a fibrous stroma that had encompassed lobules of adipose tissue. The findings in this case suggest that the testicular irradiation had induced primary hypogonadism and that this had resulted in gynecomastia and obesity. (author)

  15. Testicular histology in cryptorchid boys - aspects of fertility

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Cortes, Dina; Thorup, jørgen; Petersen, BL


    , testis, infertility, germ cells. Correspondence: Jorgen M. Thorup MD, PhD. Department of Paediatric Surgery and Department of Pathology, Rigshospitalet University of Copenhagen, 2100 Copenhagen O, DENMARK. e-mail: Introduction Cryptorchidism is associated with infertility. Early surgery...... who had surgery for cryptorchidism with simultaneous successful testicular biopsy, between Januar 1971 and March 2006. Excluded were patients who had undergone prior inguinal surgery or exhibited retractile testes, those with a uterus, tuba uterina, testicular neoplasia or known X chromosome...... fertility potential (2, 18, 20), but is notable that lack of germ cells may result in infertility even in unilateral cryptorchidism. This may be because the same pathological mechanisms are operating in both testes. Our results emphasize the importance of performing orchiopexy before 15 month of age...

  16. Gynecomastia caused by testicular irradiation. A case report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mori, Hiroki; Umeda, Tadashi; Katayama, Ichiro; Nishioka, Kiyoshi


    Gynecomastia in a 20-years-old male is reported. At the age of 2, the patients had contracted acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL), at which time irradiation for the testicular ALL invasion was performed. This irradiation induced atrophy of the testis. Obesity was first noted when he was 12 years old, after which enlargement of the bilateral breasts occurred at 14 years of age. When he turned 19, supplementary testosterone therapy was initiated to counter the gynecomastia, but it proved ineffective. Thus, a total mastectomy was performed with free nipple grafting. Pathologically, inspected mammary tissue specimens revealed mammary ducts in a fibrous stroma that had encompassed lobules of adipose tissue. The findings in this case suggest that the testicular irradiation had induced primary hypogonadism and that this had resulted in gynecomastia and obesity. (author)

  17. A Hard Ball for a Tennis Player: A Rare Case of Large Calcifying Sertoli Cell Testicular Tumor

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Simone Albisinni


    Full Text Available A 46 year old tennis player was addressed to our clinic after incidental finding of right testicular calcification on plain x-ray of the spine. Urologic consultation revealed a hard non-tender testicular mass which required inguinal orchiectomy. Final histology revealed large cell calcifying Sertoli cell tumor: we herein present the case and review current physiopathology of such rare testicular disease.

  18. Comparison of sperm retrieval and reproductive outcome in azoospermic men with testicular failure and obstructive azoospermia treated for infertility

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sandro C Esteves


    Full Text Available We assessed the rates of sperm retrieval and intracytoplasmic sperm injection outcomes, including the neonatal profile of infants conceived, in men with testicular failure. Three-hundred and sixty-five men with testicular failure who underwent micro-dissection testicular sperm extraction were included in this study. We compared their outcomes with 40 men with testicular failure who used donor sperm for injections due to failed retrieval, and 146 men with obstructive azoospermia who underwent percutaneous sperm retrieval. The retrieval rate in testicular failure was 41.4%, and the results were lower than the obstructed azoospermia (100%; adjusted odds ratio: 0.033; 95% CI: 0.007-0.164; P< 0.001. Live birth rates after sperm injections were lower in men with testicular failure (19.9% compared with donor sperm (37.5%; adjusted OR: 0.377 (95% CI: 0.233-0.609, P< 0.001 and obstructive azoospermia (34.2%; adjusted OR: 0.403 (95% CI: 0.241-0.676, P= 0.001. Newborn parameters of infants conceived were not significantly different among the groups. We concluded that the chances of obtaining sperm on retrieval and achieving a live birth after intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI are reduced in men with testicular failure. The profile of infants conceived after sperm injection does not seem to be negatively affected by testicular failure.

  19. Chrysin alleviates testicular dysfunction in adjuvant arthritic rats via suppression of inflammation and apoptosis: Comparison with celecoxib

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Darwish, Hebatallah A. [Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University, Cairo 11562 (Egypt); Arab, Hany H., E-mail: [Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University, Cairo 11562 (Egypt); Abdelsalam, Rania M. [Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University, Cairo 11562 (Egypt)


    Long standing rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is associated with testicular dysfunction and subfertility. Few studies have addressed the pathogenesis of testicular injury in RA and its modulation by effective agents. Thus, the current study aimed at evaluating the effects of two testosterone boosting agents; chrysin, a natural flavone and celecoxib, a selective COX-2 inhibitor, in testicular impairment in rats with adjuvant arthritis, an experimental model of RA. Chrysin (25 and 50 mg/kg) and celecoxib (5 mg/kg) were orally administered to Wistar rats once daily for 21 days starting 1 h before arthritis induction. Chrysin suppressed paw edema with comparable efficacy to celecoxib. More important, chrysin, dose-dependently and celecoxib attenuated the testicular injury via reversing lowered gonadosomatic index and histopathologic alterations with preservation of spermatogenesis. Both agents upregulated steroidogenic acute regulatory (StAR) mRNA expression and serum testosterone with concomitant restoration of LH and FSH. Furthermore, they suppressed inflammation via abrogation of myeloperoxidase, TNF-α and protein expression of COX-2 and iNOS besides elevation of IL-10. Alleviation of the testicular impairment was accompanied with suppression of oxidative stress via lowering testicular lipid peroxides and nitric oxide. With respect to apoptosis, both agents downregulated FasL mRNA expression and caspase-3 activity in favor of cell survival. For the first time, these findings highlight the protective effects of chrysin and celecoxib against testicular dysfunction in experimental RA which were mediated via boosting testosterone in addition to attenuation of testicular inflammation, oxidative stress and apoptosis. Generally, the 50 mg/kg dose of chrysin exerted comparable protective actions to celecoxib. - Highlights: • Chrysin and celecoxib alleviated testicular suppression in adjuvant arthritis. • They attenuated histopathological damage and preserved spermatogenesis

  20. A unique case of bifid left testicular artery having its anomalous high origin from renal artery


    Ashwini P Aithal; Naveen Kumar; Swamy S Ravindra; Jyothsna Patil


    The testicular arteries are known to originate from the ventrolateral aspect of the abdominal aorta and descend obliquely to the pelvic cavity and supply the testis. An anatomical description of an uncommon variation of the left testicular artery is presented in this case report, highlighting its clinical implications. During routine dissection of a male cadaver, we found that the left testicular artery was bifid and it was arising from the left renal artery. After its origin, it then coursed...

  1. Value of Supraregional Multidisciplinary Review for the Contemporary Management of Testicular Tumors. (United States)

    Purshouse, Karin; Watson, Robert A; Church, David N; Richardson, Charlotte; Crane, Gemma; Traill, Zoe; Sullivan, Mark; Roberts, Ian; Browning, Lisa; Turner, Gareth; Parameshwaran, Vishnu; Johnson, Joseph; Chitnis, Meenali; Protheroe, Andrew; Verrill, Clare


    Testicular cancers are an uncommon and highly curable group of tumors that are typically managed by specialist multidisciplinary teams (MDTs). Although recent guidelines have emphasized the importance of tumor prognostic factors in predicting recurrence and personalizing therapy in early-stage disease, the role of central pathology review in determining these factors is unclear. We compared the referral histopathology reports with those obtained after expert central review for all cases reviewed by the UK Thames Valley Cancer Network testicular tumor MDT from August 2004 to September 2012. For cases in which the findings differed, we recorded the effect of the alteration on the estimates of patient prognosis and predicted clinical management using international (European Society of Medical Oncology [ESMO]) and local guidelines. The histopathology reports were altered after central review in 129 of 465 cases (27.7%) referred to the testicular tumor MDT during the study period. These resulted in changes in the estimation of prognosis for 42 patients (9.0% total), with a predicted affect on management according to the ESMO guidelines in 30 cases (6.5%). These proportions were broadly similar for both seminoma and nonseminoma, although the reasons for the discrepancies differed between the 2 (principally errors in categorization of rete testis invasion in seminoma and of lymphovascular invasion in nonseminoma). Changes to the tumor type were uncommon (2 cases). Central MDT review results in frequent, clinically relevant alterations to testicular tumor histopathology reports for testicular tumors. The results of our study demonstrate the importance of specialist MDTs to inform patient-centered care and ensure best practice in the management of these uncommon cancers. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  2. Subfertility increases risk of testicular cancer: evidence from population-based semen samples. (United States)

    Hanson, Heidi A; Anderson, Ross E; Aston, Kenneth I; Carrell, Douglas T; Smith, Ken R; Hotaling, James M


    To further understand the association between semen quality and cancer risk by means of well defined semen parameters. Retrospective cohort study. Not applicable. A total of 20,433 men who underwent semen analysis (SA) and a sample of 20,433 fertile control subjects matched by age and birth year. None. Risk of all cancers as well as site-specific results for prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and melanoma. Compared with fertile men, men with SA had an increased risk of testicular cancer (hazard rate [HR] 3.3). When the characterization of infertility was refined using individual semen parameters, we found that oligozoospermic men had an increased risk of cancer compared with fertile control subjects. This association was particularly strong for testicular cancer, with increased risk in men with oligozoospermia based on concentration (HR 11.9) and on sperm count (HR 10.3). Men in the in the lowest quartile of motility (HR 4.1), viability (HR 6.6), morphology (HR 4.2), or total motile count (HR 6.9) had higher risk of testicular cancer compared with fertile men. Men with sperm concentration and count in the 90th percentiles of the distribution (≥178 and ≥579 × 10(6)/mL, respectively), as well as total motile count, had an increased risk of melanoma (HRs 2.1, 2.7, and 2.0, respectively). We found no differences in cancer risk between azoospermic and fertile men. Men with SA had an increased risk of testicular cancer which varied by semen quality. Unlike earlier work, we did not find an association between azoospermia and increased cancer risk. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  3. Mechanisms Underlying Testicular Damage and Dysfunction in Mice With Partial IGF-1 Deficiency and the Effectiveness of IGF-1 Replacement Therapy. (United States)

    Castilla-Cortázar, Inma; Gago, Alberto; Muñoz, Úrsula; Ávila-Gallego, Elena; Guerra-Menéndez, Lucía; Sádaba, María Cruz; García-Magariño, Mariano; Olleros Santos-Ruiz, María; Aguirre, G A; Puche, Juan Enrique


    To determine whether insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) deficiency can cause testicular damage and to examine changes of the testicular morphology and testicular function-related gene expression caused by IGF-1 deficiency. Therefore, this study aims to determine the benefits of low doses of IGF-1 and to explore the mechanisms underlying the IGF-1 replacement therapy. A murine model of IGF-1 deficiency was used to avoid any factor that could contribute to testicular damage. Testicular weight, score of histopathological damage, and gene expressions were studied in 3 experimental groups of mice: controls (wild-type Igf1(+/+)), heterozygous Igf1(+/-) with partial IGF-1 deficiency, and heterozygous Igf1(+/-) treated with IGF-1. Results show that the partial IGF-1 deficiency induced testicular damage and altered expression of genes involved in IGF-1 and growth hormone signaling and regulation, testicular hormonal function, extracellular matrix establishment and its regulation, angiogenesis, fibrogenesis, inflammation, and cytoprotection. In addition, proteins involved in tight junction expression were found to be reduced. However, low doses of IGF-1 restored the testicular damage and most of these parameters. IGF-1 deficiency caused the damage of the blood-testis barrier and testicular structure and induced the abnormal testicular function-related gene expressions. However, low doses of IGF-1 constitute an effective replacement therapy that restores the described testicular damage. Data herein show that (1) cytoprotective activities of IGF-1 seem to be mediated by heat shock proteins and that (2) connective tissue growth factor could play a relevant role together with IGF-1 in the extracellular matrix establishment. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  4. Bilateral Variations of the Testicular Vessels: Embryological ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    [4] The variations in the number, unusual course and atypical drainage of testicular veins are attributed to their embryologic origin.[1,3,5] The embryogenesis of IVC involves the development, regression, anastomosis and replacement of three pairs of venous channels: Posterior cardinal, subcardinal and supracardinal.[6].

  5. Testicular Cancer Survivorship : Research Strategies and Recommendations

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Travis, Lois B.; Beard, Clair; Allan, James M.; Dahl, Alv A.; Feldman, Darren R.; Oldenburg, Jan; Daugaard, Gedske; Kelly, Jennifer L.; Dolan, M. Eileen; Hannigan, Robyn; Constine, Louis S.; Oeffinger, Kevin C.; Okunieff, Paul; Armstrong, Greg; Wiljer, David; Miller, Robert C.; Gietema, Jourik A.; van Leeuwen, Flora E.; Williams, Jacqueline P.; Nichols, Craig R.; Einhorn, Lawrence H.; Fossa, Sophie D.


    Testicular cancer represents the most curable solid tumor, with a 10-year survival rate of more than 95%. Given the young average age at diagnosis, it is estimated that effective treatment approaches, in particular, platinum-based chemotherapy, have resulted in an average gain of several decades of

  6. Testicular volume of healthy term neonates: Determination of ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    of the testicular mass consisting of seminiferous tubules while Leydig's ... planes to obtain the length, width, height, and the TV is then calculated ... orchidometer and US measured volume, thus, the Prader orchidometer .... Details of the study.

  7. Testicular shield for para-aortic radiotherapy and estimation of gonad doses


    Ravichandran, R.; Binukumar, J. P.; Kannadhasan, S.; Shariff, M. H.; Ghamrawy, Kamal El


    For radiotherapy of para-aortic and abdominal regions in male patients, gonads are to be protected to receive less than 2% of the prescribed dose. A testicular shield was fabricated for abdominal radiotherapy with 15 MV X-rays ((Clinac 2300 CD, Varian AG) with low melting point alloy (Cerroband). The dimensions of the testicular shield were 6.5 cm diameter and 3.5 cm depth with 1.5 cm wall thickness. During treatment, this shield was held in position by a rectangular sponge and Styrofo...

  8. Fatty acid intake in relation to reproductive hormones and testicular volume among young healthy men

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    MInguez-Alarcón, Lidia; Chavarro, Jorge E; Mendiola, Jaime


    Emerging evidence suggests that dietary fats may influence testicular function. However, most of the published literature on this field has used semen quality parameters as the only proxy for testicular function. We examined the association of fat intake with circulating reproductive hormone leve...

  9. Sistematização da veia cava caudal em búfalos (Bubalus bubalis bubalis Simpson, 1945

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Adelmar Afonso de Amorim Júnior


    Full Text Available Para o presente trabalho utilizou-se 25 animais, fetos de búfalos da Raça Murrah, com idades variando entre 5 e 9 meses, sendo 15 fêmeas e 10 machos, com vistas à dissecação e sistematização dos vasos em estudo. Os animais foram coletados em abatedouro e fixados em solução aquosa de formol 10%. Obtiveramse para a Veia Cava Caudal os seguintes afluentes de origem: as veias ilíacas comuns direita e esquerda, e seus afluentes colaterais; veia sacral mediana; veias frênicas; veias lombares (1-5; veias circunflexas profunda do ílio direita e esquerda; 3-4 veias hepáticas; veia genital direita (testicular ou ovárica; veias adrenais e veias renais direita e esquerda.

  10. Cannabis use and incidence of testicular cancer: a 42-year follow-up of Swedish men between 1970 and 2011 (United States)

    Callaghan, Russell C.; Allebeck, Peter; Akre, Olof; McGlynn, Katherine A.; Sidorchuk, Anna


    Background Given current drug-policy reforms to decriminalize or legalize cannabis in numerous countries worldwide, it is critically important to understand the potential impacts of cannabis use on the development of cancer. The current study aims to assess the relation between cannabis use and the development of testicular cancer. Method The current study relied on a population-based sample (n = 49 343) of young men aged 18–21 years who underwent conscription assessment for Swedish military service in 1969–1970. The conscription process included a non-anonymous questionnaire eliciting information about drug use. Individual-level conscription information was linked to Swedish health and social registry data. Testicular cancers diagnosed between 1970 and 2011 were identified by ICD-7/8/9/10 testicular cancer codes in the Swedish National Patient Register, the Cancer Register, or the Cause of Death Register. Cox regression modeling was used to estimate the hazards associated with cannabis use and time to diagnosis of testicular cancer. Results No evidence was found of a significant relation between lifetime “ever” cannabis use and the subsequent development of testicular cancer [n = 45 250; 119 testicular cancer cases; adjusted hazard ratio (AHR) 1.42, 95% CI, 0.83, 2.45]. “Heavy” cannabis use (defined as usage of more than 50 times in lifetime, as measured at conscription) was associated with the incidence of testicular cancer (n = 45 250; 119 testicular cancer cases; AHR 2.57, 95% CI, 1.02, 6.50). Conclusion The current study provides additional evidence to the limited prior literature suggesting cannabis use may contribute to the development of testicular cancer. PMID:29093004

  11. Prostate cancer involving bilateral seminal vesicles along with bone and testicular metastases: a case report. (United States)

    Gao, Qingqiang; Chen, Jianhuai; Dai, Yutian


    In the past 20 years, the incidence of prostate cancer has risen rapidly. It has been ranked as the third most common malignant tumor of the male genitourinary system. Testicular metastasis is uncommon in prostate cancer. Most cases are incidentally found in the treatment of prostate cancer with orchiectomy. Therefore, we believed it was necessary to report the case of our patient with this disease. We present a case of a 69-year-old Han Chinese man with a high total prostate-specific antigen level. A transrectal ultrasound-guided prostate biopsy was performed. A pathology report showed prostate cancer tissue with a Gleason score of 4 + 4 = 8/10. Imaging findings suggested that the prostate cancer tissue involved bilateral seminal vesicles and multiple bones. Next, radioactive seed implantation was carried out, and endocrine therapy was continued after the operation. Then enlargement of the left scrotum was found along with a total prostate-specific antigen level of 19.21 ng/ml. Computed tomography of the middle abdomen and pelvic cavity revealed 2.0 × 1.3-cm lesions of the left testis. The patient underwent a left testicular high resection and right orchiectomy. The postoperative pathology report showed metastatic prostate cancer cells in the left testis. Testicular metastasis of prostate cancer is rare. Therefore, a testicular physical examination is necessary for patients without relapse to avoid a missed diagnosis. Testicular metastasis should be treated according to the principle of treatment for advanced prostate adenocarcinoma if testicular metastasis of prostate adenocarcinoma is detected.

  12. Early life risk factors for testicular cancer: a case-cohort study based on the Copenhagen School Health Records Register. (United States)

    Piltoft, Johanne Spanggaard; Larsen, Signe Benzon; Dalton, Susanne Oksbjerg; Johansen, Christoffer; Baker, Jennifer L; Cederkvist, Luise; Andersen, Ingelise


    One established risk factors for testicular cancer is cryptorchidism. However, it remains unclear whether cryptorchidism is a risk factor in itself or whether the two conditions share common causes in early life (estrogen hypothesis), such as birth weight and birth order. The objective of this study is to utilize data from the Copenhagen School Health Records Register (CSHRR) to evaluate cryptorchidism, birth weight and birth order as risk factors for testicular cancer. The study population consisted of 408 cases of testicular cancer identified by a government issued identification number linkage of the entire CSHRR with the Danish Cancer Registry and a random subsample of 4819 males from the CSHRR. The study design was case-cohort and the period of follow-up between 2 April 1968 and 31 December 2003. Cryptorchidism was significantly associated with testicular cancer in crude analyses [hazard ratio (HR) = 3.60, 95% CI 2.79-4.65]. Birth weight was inversely associated with testicular cancer and no clear association with birth order was observed. The positive association between cryptorchidism and testicular cancer was only slightly attenuated controlling for birth weight and birth order and stratified on birth cohort (HR = 3.46, 95% CI 2.67-4.48). This study confirmed the robustness of the association between cryptorchidism and testicular cancer even after adjustment for birth weight and birth order. Furthermore, the study showed an inverse association between birth weight and testicular cancer.

  13. Abrogation by human menopausal gonadotropin on testicular ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Cisplatin is one of the most effective chemotherapeutic agents used in the treatment of cancer cells including testicular cancer. Human Menopausal Gonadotropin (HMG) is a natural hormone necessary for human reproduction. This hormone is a leading modality of treatment for infertility as it contains equal amount of ...

  14. The SWENOTECA group: A good example of continuous binational and multidisciplinary collaboration for patients with testicular cancer in Sweden and Norway. (United States)

    Tandstad, Torgrim; Ståhl, Olof; Håkansson, Ulf; Wahlqvist, Rolf; Klepp, Olbjørn; Cavallin-Ståhl, Eva; Cohn-Cedermark, Gabriella


    The aim of this article is to present the Swedish and Norwegian Testicular Cancer Group (SWENOTECA), with an emphasis on the history of SWENOTECA, organization, results and current status. SWENOTECA was founded in 1981 as a binational organization open to hospitals in Sweden and Norway treating testicular cancer. It has since published treatment protocols for testicular cancer and prospectively registered patients with testicular cancer. Today, all hospitals in Norway and Sweden involved in the care of testicular cancer participate in SWENOTECA, and all patients with testicular cancer are prospectively registered in a population-based database. Nine protocols with standardized guidelines on the diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of testicular cancer have been published. In addition to the guidelines, several studies have been performed or initiated within the scope of SWENOTECA. The details are presented in this article. SWENOTECA has been a very fruitful binational collaboration and has thoughtfully evolved over time. The group's continuous work and dedication have provided an example for other national and international cancer networks. The binational implementation of standardized guidelines has resulted in excellent patient outcomes, regardless of place of residence. Although testicular cancer is a relatively rare disease, the population-based binational organization of SWENOTECA has made it possible to publish some of the largest studies in the field of testicular cancer.

  15. Testicular tissue cryopreservation in prepubertal male children: an analysis of parental decision-making. (United States)

    Ginsberg, Jill P; Li, Yimei; Carlson, Claire A; Gracia, Clarisa R; Hobbie, Wendy L; Miller, Victoria A; Mulhall, John; Shnorhavorian, Margarett; Brinster, Ralph L; Kolon, Thomas F


    Infertility is an unfortunate treatment-related consequence for some pediatric malignancies as well as some non-malignant conditions treated with stem cell transplant. Unlike pubertal males, prepubertal males cannot produce semen for cryopreservation. This manuscript reports on the acceptability and safety of a multi-institutional protocol for offering testicular tissue cryopreservation to families of prepubertal male children at highest risk for infertility. Data on decision influences, decision-making control, and emotional state when considering this option are described. Prepubertal males facing gonadotoxic therapy were offered testicular cryopreservation. Post-biopsy, patients were followed for acute side effects. In addition, parents and patients were asked to complete questionnaires, whether or not they chose to cryopreserve tissue. Seventy-four prepubertal male children were approached. Fifty-seven families (77%) consented to the testicular biopsy; 48 of 57 underwent the procedure. There was one post-operative side effect. Parents who agreed to testicular cryopreservation and those that did not felt in control of this decision. Parents who consented to the biopsy and refusers were not deterred by the experimental nature of the protocol. An important decision-making influence was the risk of the biopsy. Biopsy and cryopreservation of testicular tissue from prepubertal male children was performed successfully and safely at three institutions. Parents faced with this option at diagnosis can make an informed decision and weigh carefully the risks and benefits. Although asked to make a decision soon after they were given a difficult diagnosis, parents uniformly felt in control of this decision. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  16. Paradoxical sleep deprivation changes testicular malondialdehyde and caspase-3 expression in male rats

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fitranto Arjadi


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND Sleep deprivation is a significant problem among adult men and is considered as a risk factor for several diseases. Paradoxical sleep deprivation (PSD induces Leydig cell apoptosis through elevation of corticosterone, with testicular malondialdehyde (MDA and Leydig cell caspase-3 expression as parameters. The aim of this study was to observe testicular MDA level and caspase-3 expression treated with paradoxical sleep deprivation (PSD, immobilization, and footshock stress and to determine the stress model with a significant effect in white male rats (Rattus norvegicus . METHODS This experimental randomized study of posttest only with control group design was conducted on 24 white male Wistar strain rats, randomly allocated into four treatment groups, i.e. control (K1 without any stress treatment, PSD (KII, immobilization (KIII, and footshock stress (KIV. Treatments were given for 25 days to produce chronic stress. Testicular MDA concentration was examined by the ELISA method while caspase-3 was examined by the TUNEL method. RESULTS Mean testicular MDA concentration with one-way ANOVA test showed differences in means between the groups (p=0.000 and post hoc Tukey-HSD test showed significant results between PSD stress group versus control, immobilization and footshock stress groups. One-way ANOVA test showed a significant difference in caspase-3 expression in at least two treatment groups (p=0.008 and post-hoc Tuckey-LSD test showed significant differences between controls and all stress groups. CONCLUSION Sleep deprivation is a type of stress inducing changes in testicular MDA concentration and caspase-3 expression in male rat testes.

  17. Percutaneous Revision of a Testicular Prosthesis is Safe, Cost-effective, and Provides Good Patient Satisfaction

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eugene B. Cone


    Full Text Available Office-based percutaneous revision of a testicular prosthesis has never been reported. A patient received a testicular prosthesis but was dissatisfied with the firmness of the implant. In an office setting, the prosthesis was inflated with additional fluid via a percutaneous approach. Evaluated outcomes included patient satisfaction, prosthesis size, recovery time, and cost savings. The patient was satisfied, with no infection, leak, or complication after more than 1 year of follow-up, at significantly less cost than revision surgery. Percutaneous adjustment of testicular prosthesis fill-volume can be safe, inexpensive, and result in good patient satisfaction.

  18. Role of imaging in testicular cancer: current and future practice. (United States)

    Barrisford, Glen W; Kreydin, Evgeniy I; Preston, Mark A; Rodriguez, Dayron; Harisighani, Mukesh G; Feldman, Adam S


    The article provides a summary of the epidemiologic and clinical aspects of testicular malignancy. Current standard imaging and novel techniques are reviewed. Present data and clinical treatment trends have favored surveillance protocols over adjuvant radiation or chemotherapy for low-stage testicular malignancy. This has resulted in increasing numbers of imaging studies and the potential for increased long-term exposure risks. Understanding imaging associated risks as well as strategies to minimize these risks is of increasing importance. The development, validation and incorporation of alternative lower risk highly efficacious and cost-effective imaging techniques is essential.

  19. Excessive apoptosis and defective autophagy contribute to developmental testicular toxicity induced by fluoride

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang, Shun; Niu, Qiang; Gao, Hui; Ma, Rulin; Lei, Rongrong; Zhang, Cheng; Xia, Tao; Li, Pei; Xu, Chunyan; Wang, Chao; Chen, Jingwen; Dong, Lixing; Zhao, Qian; Wang, Aiguo


    Fluoride, a ubiquitous environmental contaminant, is known to impair testicular functions and fertility; however the underlying mechanisms remain obscure. In this study, we used a rat model to mimic human exposure and sought to investigate the roles of apoptosis and autophagy in testicular toxicity of fluoride. Sprague–Dawley rats were developmentally exposed to 25, 50, or 100 mg/L sodium fluoride (NaF) via drinking water from pre-pregnancy to post-puberty, and then the testes of offspring were excised on postnatal day 56. Our results demonstrated that developmental NaF exposure induced an enhanced testicular apoptosis, as manifested by a series of hallmarks such as caspase-3 activation, chromatin condensation and DNA fragmentation. Further study revealed that fluoride exposure elicited significant elevations in the levels of cell surface death receptor Fas with a parallel increase in cytoplasmic cytochrome c, indicating the involvement of both extrinsic and intrinsic apoptotic pathways. Intriguingly, fluoride treatment also simultaneously increased the number of autophagosomes and the levels of autophagy marker LC3-II but not Beclin1. Unexpectedly, the expression of p62, a substrate that is degraded by autophagy, was also significantly elevated, suggesting that the accumulated autophagosomes resulted from impaired autophagy degradation rather than increased formation. Importantly, these were associated with marked histopathological lesions including spermatogenic failure and germ cell loss, along with severe ultrastructural abnormalities in testes. Taken together, our findings provide deeper insights into roles of excessive apoptosis and defective autophagy in the aggravation of testicular damage, which could contribute to a better understanding of fluoride-induced male reproductive toxicity. - Highlights: • Rats were developmentally exposed to fluoride from pre-pregnancy to post-puberty. • Both excessive apoptosis and defective autophagy are involved in

  20. Influence of Tribulus terrestris on testicular enzyme in fresh water ornamental fish Poecilia latipinna. (United States)

    Kavitha, P; Subramanian, P


    The influence of Tribulus terrestris on the activities of testicular enzyme in Poecilia latipinna was assessed in lieu of reproductive manipulation. Different concentrations of (100, 150, 200, 250, and 300 mg) Tribulus terrestris extract and of a control were tested for testicular activity of enzymes in Poecilia latipinna for 2 months. The testis and liver were homogenized separately in 0.1 mol/l potassium phosphate buffer (0.1 mol/l, pH 7.2). The crude homogenate was centrifuged, and supernatant obtained was used as an enzyme extract for determination of activities. The activities of testicular functional enzyme ALP, ACP, SDH, LDH, and G6PDH levels were changed to different extent in treated groups compared with that of the control. The total body weight and testis weight were increased with the Tribulus terrestris-treated fish (Poecilia latipinna). These results suggest that Tribulus terrestris induced the testicular enzyme activity that may aid in the male reproductive functions. It is discernible from the present study that Tribulus terrestris has the inducing effect on reproductive system of Poecilia latipinna.

  1. Testicular tumors as a possible cause of antisperm autoimmune response. (United States)

    Paoli, Donatella; Gilio, Barbara; Piroli, Emanuela; Gallo, Mariagrazia; Lombardo, Francesco; Dondero, Franco; Lenzi, Andrea; Gandini, Loredana


    To evaluate the presence of antisperm antibodies in testicular cancer patients 1 month after orchiectomy and before radiotherapy or chemotherapy. Clinical study. Department of andrology and seminology at a university hospital. One hundred ninety patients with testicular cancer. Determination of semen parameters and autoimmune reaction evaluated on the sperm surface and in blood serum. Autoimmune reaction on the sperm surface by the direct immunobead test (IBT), and in blood serum by the indirect IBT and the gelatin agglutination test (GAT), was evaluated 1 month after orchiectomy and before beginning chemotherapy or radiotherapy. Of the 190 patients, 11 (5.8%) were positive for antisperm antibody by GAT. On indirect IBT, 3 of the 11 GAT-positive patients were positive to IgG class only, with values of 22%, 24%, and 40%. Of the 11 GAT-positive patients, 4 showed no antibody bound to the sperm surface, and 3 were positive to IgG class only (28%, 21%, and 38%), with binding exclusively on the tail. Direct IBT could not be performed in the remaining 4 patients. Our data support the hypothesis that testicular cancer might not be a possible cause of antisperm autoimmunization and infertility.

  2. Effects of Resveratrol on Methotrexate-Induced Testicular Damage in Rats

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Esin Yuluğ


    Full Text Available This study investigated the probable protective effects of resveratrol (RES, an antioxidant, against methotrexate- (MTX- induced testis damage. Twenty-four male Sprague Dawley rats were randomly divided into four groups: control, RES, MTX, and MTX + RES groups. Rats were sacrificed at the end of the experiment. Plasma and tissue malondialdehyde (MDA levels, superoxide dismutase (SOD and catalase (CAT activity in tissue, testicular histopathological damage scores, and testicular and epididymal epithelial apoptotic index (AI were evaluated. The MTX group had significantly higher plasma and tissue MDA levels and significantly lower SOD and CAT activity than those of the control group. In the MTX + RES group, plasma and tissue MDA levels decreased significantly and SOD activity rose significantly compared to the MTX group. The MTX group had significantly lower Johnsen’s testicular biopsy score (JTBS values than those of the control group. JTBS was significantly higher in the MTX + RES group than in the MTX group. AI increased in the testis and epididymis in the MTX group and significantly decreased in the MTX + RES group. Our results indicate that RES has protective effects against MTX-induced testis damage at the biochemical, histopathological, and apoptotic levels.

  3. [Testicular cancer: a model to optimize the radiological follow-up]. (United States)

    Stebler, V; Pauchard, B; Schmidt, S; Valerio, M; De Bari, B; Berthold, D


    Despite being rare cancers, testicular seminoma and non-seminoma play an important role in oncology: they represent a model on how to optimize radiological follow-up, aiming at a lowest possible radiation exposure and secondary cancer risk. Males diagnosed with testicular cancer undergo frequently prolonged follow-up with CT-scans with potential toxic side effects, in particular secondary cancers. To reduce the risks linked to ionizing radiation, precise follow-up protocols have been developed. The number of recommended CT-scanners has been significantly reduced over the last 10 years. The CT scanners have evolved technically and new acquisition protocols have the potential to reduce the radiation exposure further.

  4. [Primary testicular rhabdomyosarcoma: A case report]. (United States)

    Mejía-Salas, Jesús Alberto; Sánchez-Corona, Hugo; Priego-Niño, Alejandro; Cárdenas-Rodríguez, Edgar; Sánchez-Galindo, José Antonio

    Rhabdomyosarcoma is the most common sarcoma of soft tissues in childhood and adolescence, with an annual incidence of 4-7 cases per million children aged 15. Embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma is common in adults younger than 30 years, and are usually presented as a large painless, palpable mass (> 5cm). Survival in the case of paratesticular sarcoma in men is approximately 50%. Male 27 years of age with no history of importance, was seen in a clinic with an increased, painless, left testicular volume 3 years onset. Intrascrotal left testicle increased volume, with dimensions of 20×12×8cm, a stone and left inguinal node in induratum measuring 2×2cm. Microscopically, it showed a pattern of an embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma with left inguinal node metastases. Early diagnosis of testicular tumours, and especially of primary intratesticular rhabdomyosarcomas, and aggressive surgical treatment in combination with chemotherapy reduces the incidence of local recurrence and may improve the rate of disease-free survival and overall survival in adult patients with metastases. Copyright © 2015 Academia Mexicana de Cirugía A.C. Publicado por Masson Doyma México S.A. All rights reserved.

  5. Testicular hypertrophy as a predictor for contralateral monorchism: Retrospective review of prospectively recorded data. (United States)

    Hodhod, A; Capolicchio, J P; Jednak, R; El-Sherbiny, M


    Testicular hypertrophy has previously been evaluated as a predictor of monorchism. However, its implication in clinical practice is not well evaluated. The aim of the present study was to examine its value in planning the operative time. Medical charts of prospectively recorded data of 76 consecutive patients with unilateral impalpable testis from 2011 to 2014 were reviewed at the present institute. Inclusion criteria included prepubertal patients with non-palpable testes by examination under anesthesia. Contralateral testes were prospectively measured using a Takihara orchidometer. Orchiectomy or orchiopexy was performed according to the viability of the undescended testis (UDT). Collected data included age of surgery, contralateral testicular size, surgical time and laparoscopic findings. A ROC curve was used to define the best cut-off volume of the contralateral testis that can predict ipsilateral testicular viability. The Student's t-test was used to examine if this cut-off volume would be useful in allocating the operative time. Of 76 patients, four palpable testes by examination under anesthesia were excluded. The remaining 72 patients were included in the study. Ipsilateral normal viable testes were found in 26 (36.1%) patients, while 46 (63.9%) had non-viable testes (testicular nubbins or vanishing testes) (Figure). A contralateral testicular volume > 2 ml was significantly predictive for monorchism with 71.7% sensitivity and 100% specificity (P 2 ml was 50 min, which was significantly shorter than that for UDT with a contralateral size ≤ 2 ml, which was 88 min (P value for testicular hypertrophy that predicts monorchism greatly varied. This is likely due to the different methods used for testicular measurements that make it impractical to make a direct comparison. The usefulness of predicting monorchism before surgery has not previously been used as a guide for allocating operative time in the management of a unilateral non-palpable testicle. This study

  6. Evaluation of the Protective Effect of Olive Leaf Extract on Cisplatin-Induced Testicular Damage in Rats

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rafa S. Almeer


    Full Text Available In the present investigation, the effect of olive leaf extract (OLE on testicular damage induced in rats by an intraperitoneal injection of cisplatin (cis-diamminedichloroplatinum (CDDP at a dose of 5 mg/kg was tested. Rats were randomly divided into 4 groups: control, CDDP, OLE, and OLE + CDDP. After 5 days of CDDP treatment, body and testicular weights, histopathological alteration, and serum male sex hormone levels were determined. In addition to the biochemical and immunohistochemical changes in the testes, CDDP caused the disorganization of germinal epithelium and apoptosis by inducing Bax and inhibiting Bcl-2 protein expression. Testicular weights, catalase, serum testosterone, testicular enzymatic (including glutathione peroxidase, glutathione reductase, and superoxide dismutase along with nonenzymatic (glutathione antioxidants, and levels of luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones were significantly reduced in addition to a significant increase in testicular malondialdehyde and nitrite/nitrate levels when compared with the control group. OLE treatment markedly attenuated both biochemical and histopathological changes. The reproductive beneficial effects of OLE were mediated, at least partly, by inducing the nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2 (Nrf2/heme oxygenase 1 (HO-1 pathway.

  7. Extremely low-frequency magnetic fields can impair spermatogenesis recovery after reversible testicular damage induced by heat. (United States)

    Tenorio, Bruno Mendes; Ferreira Filho, Moisés Bonifacio Alves; Jimenez, George Chaves; de Morais, Rosana Nogueira; Peixoto, Christina Alves; Nogueira, Romildo de Albuquerque; da Silva Junior, Valdemiro Amaro


    Male infertility is often related to reproductive age couples experiencing fertility-related issues. Men may have fertility problems associated with reversible testicular damage. Considering that men have been increasingly exposed to extremely low-frequency magnetic fields generated by the production, distribution and use of electricity, this study analyzed whether 60 Hz and 1 mT magnetic field exposure may impair spermatogenesis recovery after reversible testicular damage induced by heat shock using rats as an experimental model. Adult male rats were subjected to a single testicular heat shock (HS, 43 °C for 12 min) and then exposed to the magnetic field for 15, 30 and 60 d after HS. Magnetic field exposure during the spermatogenesis recovery induced changes in testis components volume, cell ultrastructure and histomorphometrical parameters. Control animals had a reestablished and active spermatogenesis at 60 d after heat shock, while animals exposed to magnetic field still showed extensive testicular degeneration. Magnetic field exposure did not change the plasma testosterone. In conclusion, extremely low-frequency magnetic field may be harmful to fertility recovery in males affected by reversible testicular damage.

  8. Sexual dysfunctions in men treated for testicular cancer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rosendal, Susanne; Kristensen, Ellids; Giraldi, Annamaria G E


    Patients treated for testicular cancer have increased risk of ejaculatory, orgasmic and erectile dysfunction compared with healthy men. The underlying relations are unclear. This review describes sexual dysfunctions that are associated with various treatment modalities. One meta-analysis and 11...

  9. The pituitary-testicular axis in microgravity: analogies with the aging male syndrome. (United States)

    Strollo, F; Boitani, C; Basciani, S; Pecorelli, L; Palumbo, D; Borgia, L; Masini, M A; Morè, M; Strollo, G; Spera, G; Uva, B M; Riondino, G


    Extraterrestrial exploration has gone on for decades before reversible testicular failure was shown to be a consequence of space flight in humans and animals at the end of the XXth century. This phenomenon was initially thought to depend on the psycho-physical stress expected to derive from a decidedly unusual environment, but the lack of consistent data concerning cortisol increase and/or gonadotrophin suppression pointed to the possibility of a primary defect. This was indirectly confirmed by the observation that a continuum of testicular androgen secretion potential exists from microgravity to centrifuge-derived hypergravity. Further experiments using tissue slices and suspended cells confirmed a direct inhibitory effect of microgravity upon testicular androgen production. A parallel deterioration of major physiological parameters, such as bone density, muscle mass/force, red blood cell mass, hydration and cardiopulmonary performance, has been repeatedly described during space missions, which, luckily enough, fully recover within days to weeks after landing, the time lag depending on single organ/system adaptation rates. According to the Authors of the present review, when taking together all reported changes occurring in space, a picture emerges closely resembling the so-called aging male syndrome, which is currently the object of daily screening and clinical care in their endocrine unit, so that microgravity may become a tool for better understanding subtle mechanisms of testicular senescence.

  10. Effects of testicular irradiation with 60Co in guinea pigs CAVIA PORCELLUS

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Santos, O.R. dos.


    Improvements were made in restaint systems and in the technique of electroejaculation in guinea pigs, emphasizing safety, effectiveness and repetition. Arrangements for simultaneous testicular irradiation with 60 Co in 5 animals and a phantom to test dose levels in the target region and scattering were also made. Effects of single and fractionated exposures on sperm were studied. A collimated point-shaped 60 Co-machine calibrated to 7 R/min was used as radiation source. Groups of five 12 month aged male guinea pigs were exposed to either single testicular irradiation of 50, 100, 200 and 400 R or fractionated weekly testicular irradiation of 2, 5, 10 and 20 R, during 10 weeks. A last group was exposed to 4 fractionated testicular irradiations of 20 R at time intervals of 21 days and a group of 8 animals was used as control. Semen samples evaluations were made during 5 weeks before irradiation and in the subsequent 11 weeks. Abnormalities in sperm morphology were studied by William's method and phase contrast microscopy. Mean percentages of semen normal espermatzoons and spermatic abnormalities are shown in figures and photomicrographs. Marked differences on concentration, sperm motility and sperm abnormalities were found, but not on volume, in favour of 100 and 200 R single doses levels, as compared to fractionated 10 and 20 R. (Author) [pt

  11. Polymorphisms in RAI and in genes of nucleotide and base excision repair are not associated with risk of testicular cancer. (United States)

    Laska, Magdalena J; Nexø, Bjørn A; Vistisen, Kirsten; Poulsen, Henrik Enghusen; Loft, Steffen; Vogel, Ulla


    Testicular cancer has been suggested to be primed in utero and there is familiar occurrence, particularly brothers and sons of men with testicular cancer have increased risk. Although no specific causative genotoxic agents have been identified, variations in DNA repair capacity could be associated with the risk of testicular cancer. A case-control study of 184 testicular cancer cases and 194 population-based controls living in the Copenhagen Greater Area in Denmark was performed. We found that neither polymorphisms in several DNA repair genes nor alleles of several polymorphisms in the chromosomal of region 19q13.2-3, encompassing the genes ASE, ERCC1, RAI and XPD, were associated with risk of testicular cancer in Danish patients. This is in contrast to other cancers, where we reported strong associations between polymorphisms in ERCC1, ASE and RAI and occurrence of basal cell carcinoma, breast cancer and lung. To our knowledge this is the first study of DNA repair gene polymorphisms and risk of testicular cancer.

  12. Association between vasectomy and risk of testicular cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysis. (United States)

    Duan, Haifeng; Deng, Tuo; Chen, Yiwen; Zhao, Zhijian; Wen, Yaoan; Chen, Yeda; Li, Xiaohang; Zeng, Guohua


    A number of researchers have reported that vasectomy is a risk factor for testicular cancer. However, this conclusion is inconsistent with a number of other published articles. Hence, we conducted this meta-analysis to assess whether vasectomy increases the risk of testicular cancer. We identified all related studies by searching the PubMed, Embase, and Cochrane Library database from January 01, 1980 to June 01, 2017. The Newcastle-Ottawa Scale (NOS) checklist was used to assess all included non-randomized studies. Summarized odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were used to assess the difference in outcomes between case and control groups. Subgroup analyses were performed according to the study design and country. A total of eight studies (2176 testicular cancer patients) were included in this systematic review and meta-analysis. Six articles were case-control studies, and two were cohort studies. The pooled estimate of the OR was 1.10 (95% CI: 0.93-1.30) based on the eight studies in a fixed effects model. Two subgroup analyses were performed according to the study design and country. The results were consistent with the overall findings. Publication bias was detected by Begg's test and Egger's test and p values > 0.05, respectively. Our meta-analysis suggested that there was no association between vasectomy and the development of testicular cancer. More high-quality studies are warranted to further explore the association between vasectomy and risk of testicular cancer.

  13. Morfologia testicular de ratos Wistar obesos sedentários e submetidos a treinamento físico - doi: 10.4025/actascihealthsci.v33i1.7698 Testicular morphology in obese and sedentary Wistar rats submitted to physical training - doi: 10.4025/actascihealthsci.v33i1.7698

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Solange Marta Franzói de Moraes


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar morfologicamente os efeitos da dieta de cafeteria e o treinamento físico em esteira sobre o testículo de ratos Wistar. Ratos machos adultos foram divididos em grupos (sedentário-controle; sedentário-cafeteria; treinado-controle; e treinado-cafeteria. Para comprovar a instalação da obesidade calculou-se o índice de Lee e o peso dos tecidos adiposos periepididimal e retroperitoneal. A análise testicular envolveu o peso da gônada e após processamento histológico e coloração por Hematoxilina-Eosina, os parâmetros de diâmetro tubular, altura do epitélio seminífero, identificação dos tipos celulares presentes nos túbulos seminíferos, contagem de células e rendimento geral da espermatogênese. O aumento significativo do Índice de Lee e do peso dos tecidos adiposos, nos grupos que receberam dieta de cafeteria, comprovou a instalação da obesidade e indicou ser este um modelo adequado para induzir obesidade experimental. Não houve efeito da dieta ou do treinamento sobre o peso testicular, diâmetro tubular e altura do epitélio seminífero não havendo também diferenças na organização histológica dos testículos e túbulos seminíferos. Após quantificação celular e cálculo dos índices mitótico e meiótico e da capacidade total de suporte das células de Sertoli, verificamos efeito positivo do treinamento físico, independente da dieta recebida, sobre o rendimento geral da espermatogênese.The aim of this study was to morphologically evaluate the effects of the cafeteria diet and physical training on the testicles of adult Wistar rats. Adult male rats were divided into groups (sedentary-control, sedentary-cafeteria, trained-control, and trained-cafeteria In order to state the obesity condition both the Lee index and the weight of retroperitoneal and periepididymal adipose tissues were calculated. The testicular analysis involved the gonad weight and after the histological processing

  14. Endogenous biotin expression in renal and testicular tumours and literature review. (United States)

    Fahmy, Nader; Woo, Mark; Alameldin, Mona; Lee, Joe King; MacDonald, Kyle; Goneau, Lee W; Cadieux, Peter; Burton, Jeremy; Pautler, Stephen


    The aim of this study was to examine endogenous biotin levels in tumour specimens collected from patients with renal and testicular tumours and compare them to the surrounding non-neoplastic surgical margin. Frozen samples were obtained from the Ontario Tumour Bank. Renal and testicular tumour tissue were included in this study. Normal tissue from the negative surgical margins of each tumour served as a control. Biotin detection in tissue specimens was determined using immunohistochemistry (IHC). Specimens collected from 56 patients (36 men and 20 women) were included in this study. Histopathology of the 52 renal tumours included 31 (60%) conventional type RCC, 5 (10%) chromophobe RCC, 5 (10%) papillary RCC, 1 (2%) oncocytoma and 10 (19%) upper tract urothelial carcinoma (UC). The 4 testicular tumours included 1 seminomatous (25%) germ cell tumour and 3 (75%) non seminomatous germ cell tumours. No biotin signal was perceived in all tested tumour samples. Endogenous biotin expression was detected in the matching non-neoplastic surgical margin of tested renal tissues. This lack of staining may prove to be a valuable tool in future studies.

  15. Testicular microlithiasis and preliminary experience of acoustic radiation force impulse imaging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pedersen, Malene Roland; Osther, Palle Jørn Sloth; Rafaelsen, Søren Rafael


    Elastography of the testis can be used as a part of multiparametric examination of the scrotum. To determine the testicular stiffness using acoustic radiation force impulse imaging (ARFI) technique in men with testicular microlithiasis (TML). In 2013, 12 patients with diagnosed testicular microlithiasis in 2008 (mean age, 51 years; age range, 25–76 years) underwent a 5-year follow-up B-mode ultrasonography with three ARFI elastography measurements of each testis. We used a Siemens Acuson S3000 machine. No malignancy was found at the 5-year follow-up B-mode and elastography in 2013. However, we found an increase in TML; in the previous ultrasonography in 2008, eight men had bilateral TML, whereas in 2013, 10 men were diagnosed with bilateral TML. The mean elasticity of testicles with TML was 0.82 m/s (interquartile range [IQR], 0.72–0.88 m/s; range, 65–1.08 m/s). Elastography velocity of testis with TML seems to be in the same velocity range as in men with normal testis tissue

  16. A Diagnostic Dilemma: Metastatic Testicular Cancer and Systemic Sarcoidosis – A Review of the Literature

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    R. Gupta


    Full Text Available Sarcoidosis is a multisystem disease that most commonly involves the lungs and the lymph nodes, but with genitourinary tract involvement, can easily mimic testicular cancer with metastasis to the lungs. We describe the case of a 30-year-old African-American male who presented with complaints of a headache, skin lesions, and a scrotal mass. A computed tomography scan of the head showed lesions in the frontotemporal and pons region, causing obstructive hydrocephalus. An ultrasound of the scrotum showed an enlarged epididymis bilaterally as well as a solid hypoechoic ill-defined mass on the right side, separate from the intact testis. Given the high suspicion for testicular malignancy with brain metastasis, a right orchiectomy was completed. The pathology revealed non-caseating necrotizing granulomas that stained negative for tubercular and fungal organisms, which was consistent with sarcoidosis. Additionally, the patient’s skin and central nervous system (CNS lesions improved on steroids that had been started for cerebral edema. Given the predilection of testicular cancer for CNS metastasis, neurosarcoidosis can also be mistaken for testicular cancer metastasis to the CNS, as seen in our case. Differentiating testicular cancer from genitourinary sarcoidosis is difficult but can be clarified using a combination of clinical presentation, epidemiology, serum markers (ACE, AFP, B-HCG, biopsies from skin/lymph nodes, and sometimes imaging. It is critical to differentiate genitourinary sarcoidosis from malignancy, as a misdiagnosis can lead to unnecessary surgical interventions, which have important implications for future fertility. There can also be a coexistence of as well as an association between testicular cancer and sarcoidosis, which should be recognized by health care providers. Both authors contributed equally to the manuscript.

  17. Perinatal determinants of germ-cell testicular cancer in relation to histological subtypes


    Richiardi, L; Akre, O; Bellocco, R; Ekbom, A


    We aimed to investigate the role of perinatal determinants on the risk for germ-cell testicular cancer, with respect to the aetiological heterogeneity between seminomas and non-seminomas. A case?control study of 628 case patients with testicular cancer (308 seminomas and 320 non-seminomas) and 2309 individually matched controls was nested within a cohort of boys born from 1920 to 1980 in two Swedish regions (Uppsala-?rebro Health Care Region and Stockholm). Cases were diagnosed from 1958 to 1...

  18. Comments on "Ochratoxin A: In utero Exposure in Mice Induces Adducts in Testicular DNA. Toxins 2010, 2, 1428-1444"-Mis-Citation of Rat Literature to Justify a Hypothetical Role for Ochratoxin A in Testicular Cancer. (United States)

    Mantle, Peter G


    A manuscript in the journal recently cited experimental rat data from two manuscripts to support plausibility of a thesis that ochratoxin A might be a cause of human testicular cancer. I believe that there is no experimental evidence that ochratoxin A produces testicular cancer in rats or mice.

  19. Testicular dysgenesis syndrome and the estrogen hypothesis: a quantitative meta-analysis. (United States)

    Martin, Olwenn V; Shialis, Tassos; Lester, John N; Scrimshaw, Mark D; Boobis, Alan R; Voulvoulis, Nikolaos


    Male reproductive tract abnormalities such as hypospadias and cryptorchidism, and testicular cancer have been proposed to comprise a common syndrome together with impaired spermatogenesis with a common etiology resulting from the disruption of gonadal development during fetal life, the testicular dysgenesis syndrome (TDS). The hypothesis that in utero exposure to estrogenic agents could induce these disorders was first proposed in 1993. The only quantitative summary estimate of the association between prenatal exposure to estrogenic agents and testicular cancer was published over 10 years ago, and other systematic reviews of the association between estrogenic compounds, other than the potent pharmaceutical estrogen diethylstilbestrol (DES), and TDS end points have remained inconclusive. We conducted a quantitative meta-analysis of the association between the end points related to TDS and prenatal exposure to estrogenic agents. Inclusion in this analysis was based on mechanistic criteria, and the plausibility of an estrogen receptor (ER)-alpha-mediated mode of action was specifically explored. We included in this meta-analysis eight studies investigating the etiology of hypospadias and/or cryptorchidism that had not been identified in previous systematic reviews. Four additional studies of pharmaceutical estrogens yielded a statistically significant updated summary estimate for testicular cancer. The doubling of the risk ratios for all three end points investigated after DES exposure is consistent with a shared etiology and the TDS hypothesis but does not constitute evidence of an estrogenic mode of action. Results of the subset analyses point to the existence of unidentified sources of heterogeneity between studies or within the study population.

  20. Protective effect of ebselen on experimental testicular torsion and detorsion injury. (United States)

    Rifaioglu, M M; Motor, S; Davarci, I; Tuzcu, K; Sefil, F; Davarci, M; Nacar, A


    Ebselen is used as a drug in clinical trials against stroke, reperfusion injury with anti-atherosclerotic and renoprotective effects. The aim of this study is to investigate the protective effect of ebselen, on torsion/detorsion (T/D)-induced biochemical and histopathological changes in experimental testicular ischaemia/reperfusion injury. A total of 28 male Wistar Albino rats were divided into four groups: group 1(sham-operated group, n = 7), group 2(ebselen group, n = 7), group 3(torsion/detorsion + saline, n = 7) and group 4(T/D + 10 mg kg(-1) ebselen group, n = 7). The tissue homogenate samples were used for immediate nitric oxide (NO), malondialdehyde (MDA), superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione measurement. Testes in all groups were evaluated for the biochemical assay and histopathological examinations. To evaluate spermatogenesis, Johnsen scoring system was used. Testicular tissue MDA and NO levels in group 3 were significantly higher than in group 1 and 4. In histological evaluation of the testicular tissues, ebselen administration improved tubular histology significantly compared with T/D group. Significant increase in histological score was observed in the testis of group 3 compared with group 1 and 2. Histological score in group 4 significantly decreased compared with group 3. Johnson score was significantly lower in T/D group compared with all other three groups, ebselen administration increased the score significantly compared with T/D group. Ebselen reduced oxidative biochemical and histopathological damage in our testicular T/D rat model. © 2013 Blackwell Verlag GmbH.

  1. Human testicular insulin-like factor 3: in relation to development, reproductive hormones and andrological disorders

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bay, K; Andersson, A-M


    the endocrine regulation of this process. INSL3 is, along with testosterone, a major secretory product of testicular Leydig cells. In addition to its crucial function in testicular descent, INSL3 is suggested to play a paracrine role in germ cell survival and an endocrine role in bone metabolism. INSL3...

  2. Binding of Nickel to Testicular Glutamate–Ammonia Ligase Inhibits Its Enzymatic Activity (United States)



    SUMMARY Exposure to nickel has been shown to cause damage to the testis in several animal models. It is not known if the testis expresses protein(s) that can bind nickel. To test this, we used a nickel-binding assay to isolate testicular nickel-binding proteins. We identified glutamate–ammonia ligase (GLUL) as a prominent nickel-binding protein by mass spectrometry. Protein analysis and reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction showed that GLUL is expressed in the testis, predominantly in interstitial cells. We determined that GLUL has a higher affinity for nickel than for its regular co-factor manganese. We produced an enzymatically active, recombinant GLUL protein. Upon binding, nickel interferes with the manganese-catalyzed enzymatic activity of recombinant GLUL protein. We also determined that GLUL activity in testes of animals exposed to nickel sulfate is reduced. Our results identify testicular GLUL as the first testicular protein shown to be affected by nickel exposure. PMID:21254280

  3. Cellular changes in the hamster testicular interstitium with ageing and after exposure to short photoperiod. (United States)

    Beltrán-Frutos, E; Seco-Rovira, V; Ferrer, C; Madrid, J F; Sáez, F J; Canteras, M; Pastor, L M


    The aim of this study was to evaluate the cellular changes that occur in the hamster testicular interstitium in two very different physiological situations involving testicular involution: ageing and exposure to a short photoperiod. The animals were divided into an 'age group' with three subgroups - young, adult and old animals - and a 'regressed group' with animals subjected to a short photoperiod. The testicular interstitium was characterised by light and electron microscopy. Interstitial cells were studied histochemically with regard to their proliferation, terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TdT)-mediated dUTP in situ nick end labelling (TUNEL+) and testosterone synthetic activity. We identified two types of Leydig cell: Type A cells showed a normal morphology, while Type B cells appeared necrotic. With ageing, pericyte proliferation decreased but there was no variation in the index of TUNEL-positive Leydig cells. In the regressed group, pericyte proliferation was greater and TUNEL-positive cells were not observed in the interstitium. The testicular interstitium suffered few ultrastructural changes during ageing and necrotic Leydig cells were observed. In contrast, an ultrastructural involution of Leydig cells with no necrosis was observed in the regressed group. In conclusion, the testicular interstitium of Mesocricetus auratus showed different cellular changes in the two groups (age and regressed), probably due to the irreversible nature of ageing and the reversible character of changes induced by short photoperiod.

  4. [Pulmonary Mycobacterium Avium-Complex (MAC) Disease Differentially Diagnosed from Metastasis of Testicular Cancer : A Case Report]. (United States)

    Mori, Kohei; Teranishi, Jyn-Ichi; Yoneyama, Shuko; Ishida, Hiroaki; Hattori, Yusuke; Yumura, Yasushi; Miyoshi, Yasuhide; Kondo, Keiichi; Uemura, Hiroji; Noguchi, Kazumi


    A 45 year-old-man was admitted to our hospital because of discomfort in his left scrotum. He had a left testicular tumor. We performed high orchiectomy and pathological findings revealed testicular cancer. He was treated with bleomycin, etoposide and cisplatin. Computed tomography showed a new mass in the left lung after 3 cycles of the chemotherapy. Because of its rapid growth, the tumor was thought to be a metastasis lesion of testicular cancer or pulmonary infection. Transbronchial lung biopsy showed an invasion of multinucleated giant cells and granuloma. The culture and polymerase chain reaction of the bronchial sputum were positive for myobacterium avium-complex (MAC). From these findings, the left lung tumor was diagnosed as pulmonary MAC disease. He received partial resection of the left lung and the lesion was diagnosed as granuloma. There was no recurrence of testicular cancer or pulmonary disease after the surgery.

  5. Tratamento de insuficiência cardíaca com benazepril em cães com cardiomiopatia dilatada e endocardiose Treatment of congestive heart failure with benazepril in dogs with dilated cardiomyopathy and endocardiosis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    P.M. Pereira


    Full Text Available Foram avaliados os efeitos clínicos do benazepril, um inibidor da enzima de conversão da angiotensina de ação prolongada, em cães com insuficiência cardíaca congestiva (ICC secundária à endocardiose de mitral ou cardiomiopatia dilatada. O medicamento foi administrado na dose de 0,25 a 0,5mg/kg/dia. Diuréticos, digitálicos e f��rmacos antiarrítmicos foram usados de acordo com a necessidade de cada paciente. Exames físico, radiográfico e eletrocardiográfico foram realizados nos dias 0, 7, 28 e 56. A gasometria arterial e a bioquímica sérica foram avaliadas nos dias 0 e 56. Os sinais de dispnéia e o estado geral dos pacientes melhoraram em todos os cães após o início do tratamento. Houve diminuição na freqüência da tosse e não houve alterações no eletrocardiograma, exceto pela diminuição na amplitude e na duração da onda P. Nenhum efeito colateral foi observado. Conclui-se que o benazepril é um inibidor da enzima de conversão da angiotensina, eficaz e bem tolerado no tratamento da ICC no cão.Clinical effects of benazepril, a long acting angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACEi, in dogs with naturally-occurring congestive heart failure (CHF caused by mitral endocardiosis or dilated cardiomyopathy were studied. The drug was given orally at a dose of 0.25 to 0.5mg/kg/day. Diuretics, digitalics, and antiarrhtyhmic drugs were given as needed. Physical, radiographic, and eletrocardiographic examination were performed at days 0, 7, 28, and 56. Serum biochemistry and arterial blood gases were obtained at days 0 and 56. Signs of dyspnea and general condition improved in all dogs. Cough decreased in frequency. The electrocardiogram did not change with benazepril use except for a decrease in P wave amplitude and duration. No adverse effects related to the use of benazepril were observed. Benazepril is an effective and well tolerated ACEi for the treatment of CHF in dogs.

  6. GATA transcription factors in testicular adrenal rest tumours

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Manon Engels


    Full Text Available Testicular adrenal rest tumours (TARTs are benign adrenal-like testicular tumours that frequently occur in male patients with congenital adrenal hyperplasia. Recently, GATA transcription factors have been linked to the development of TARTs in mice. The aim of our study was to determine GATA expression in human TARTs and other steroidogenic tissues. We determined GATA expression in TARTs (n = 16, Leydig cell tumours (LCTs; n = 7, adrenal (foetal (n = 6 + adult (n = 10 and testis (foetal (n = 13 + adult (n = 8. We found testis-like GATA4, and adrenal-like GATA3 and GATA6 gene expressions by qPCR in human TARTs, indicating mixed testicular and adrenal characteristics of TARTs. Currently, no marker is available to discriminate TARTs from LCTs, leading to misdiagnosis and incorrect treatment. GATA3 and GATA6 mRNAs exhibited excellent discriminative power (area under the curve of 0.908 and 0.816, respectively, while immunohistochemistry did not. GATA genes contain several CREB-binding sites and incubation with 0.1 mM dibutyryl cAMP for 4 h stimulated GATA3, GATA4 and GATA6 expressions in a human foetal testis cell line (hs181.tes. Incubation of adrenocortical cells (H295RA with ACTH, however, did not induce GATA expression in vitro. Although ACTH did not dysregulate GATA expression in the only human ACTH-sensitive in vitro model available, our results do suggest that aberrant expression of GATA transcription factors in human TARTs might be involved in TART formation.

  7. Assessment of concomitant testicular dose with radiochromic film

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fricker, Katherine; Thompson, Christine; Meyer, Juergen


    To assess the suitability of EBT2 and XRQA2 Gafchromic film for measuring low doses in the periphery of treatment fields, and to measure the accumulative concomitant dose to the contralateral testis resulting from CT imaging, pre-treatment imaging (CBCT) and seminoma radiotherapy with and without gonadal shielding. Superficial peripheral dose measurements made using EBT2 Gafchromic film on the surface of water equivalent material were compared to measurements made with an ionisation chamber in a water phantom to evaluate the suitability and accuracy of the film dosimeter for such measurements. Similarly, XRQA2 was used to measure surface doses within a kilovoltage beam and compared with ionisation chamber measurements. Gafchromic film was used to measure CT, CBCT and seminoma treatment related testicular doses on an anthropomorphic phantom. Doses were assessed for two clinical plans, both with and without gonadal shielding. Testicular doses resulting from the treatment of up to 0.83 ± 0.17 Gy were measured per treatment. Additional doses of up to 0.49 ± 0.01 and 2.35 ± 0.05 cGy were measured per CBCT and CT image, respectively. Reductions in the testicular dose in the order of 10, 36 and 78 % were observed when gonadal shielding was fitted for treatment, CT and CBCT imaging, respectively. Gafchromic film was found to be suitable for measuring dose in the periphery of treatment fields. The dose to the testis should be limited to minimise the risk of radiation related side effects. This can be achieved by using appropriate gonadal shielding, irrespective of the treatment fields employed.

  8. Splenogonadal fusion: a forgotten cause of testicular swelling in ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    swelling in children. Mohamad ... report describes a 25-month-old male child who presented with left .... conditions such as mumps, malaria, leukemia, trauma, and ... Splenogonadal fusion and testicular cancer: case report and review of.

  9. Human HRAD9B and testicular cancer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hopkins, K.M.; Wang, X.; Berlin, A.; Thaker, H.M.; Lieberman, H.B.


    Full text: The HRAD9 gene mediates radioresistance and regulates the G2/M cell cycle checkpoint induced by ionizing radiation. In this report, we describe the isolation of the human paralog of HRAD9, called HRAD9B. Furthermore, we demonstrate that, like HRAD9 protein, the HRAD9B gene product can coimmunoprecipitate with HRAD1, HRAD9, HHUS1 and HHUS1B proteins. However, HRAD9B is expressed predominantly in testis, whereas its paralog is expressed more universally in different tissues. And most notably, we demonstrate that HRAD9B exhibits markedly and consistently reduced expression in testicular seminomas, high levels of expression in normal adult testis, yet also shows expression in fetal testis cells where meiosis is not performed. These results suggest that HRAD9B could at the least serve as a marker for testicular cancer, and its expression may be causally related to the disease. Further studies are under way to determine the cause of the reduced expression of HRAD9B in germ cell tumors

  10. Parâmetros morfofisiológicos testiculares de camundongos (Mus musculus suplementados com geleia real Morphophysiological parameters of mice (Mus musculus testicles supplemented with royal jelly

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A.C.T. Morais


    Full Text Available Avaliaram-se os efeitos da geleia real sobre os parâmetros morfofisiológicos testiculares de camundongos (Mus musculus. Utilizaram-se 57 machos Swiss, com quatro meses de idade, distribuídos aleatoriamente em seis tratamentos: T1: solução fisiológica, via intraperitoneal; T2: 0,1mg de geleia real, via intraperitoneal; T3: 0,2mg de geleia real, via intraperitoneal; T4: água destilada, via oral; T5: 0,1mg de geleia real, via oral; e T6: 0,2mg de geleia real, via oral. Após 45 dias de suplementação com geleia real, os animais sacrificados e pesados tiveram seus testículos coletados, incluídos em parafina e corados com hematoxilina/eosina. Não houve diferença entre os tratamentos quanto aos: pesos corporal e testicular, índice gonadossomático, diâmetro tubular, altura do epitélio, comprimento total dos túbulos seminíferos, comprimento tubular por grama de testículo, índices tubulossomático e leydigossomático e valores de proporção volumétrica referentes à túnica própria, epitélio seminífero, vaso sanguíneo e vaso linfático. Foi encontrada diferença entre T1 e T3 em relação aos túbulos seminíferos e ao espaço intertubular.The effects of royal jelly on the morphophysiological parameters of mice (Mus musculus testicles were studied. Fifty-eight male Swiss mice were evaluated. They were four-month old and were randomly distributed in six treatments: T1: physiological solution, intraperitonial route; T2: 0.1mg of royal jelly, intraperitonial route; T3: 0.2mg of royal jelly, intraperitonial route; T4: distilled water, orally; T5: 0.1mg of royal jelly, orally; and T6: 0.2mg of royal jelly, orally. After 45 days of supplementation with royal jelly, the animals were weighted, slaughtered, and the testicles collected, included in paraffin, and stained with haematoxylin-eosin. No differences among treatments were observed for: body and testicular weights, gonadossomatic index, tubular diameter, epithelial height, total

  11. Primary testicular diffuse large B-cell lymphoma: A case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Muhammad Sadiq


    Full Text Available Primary testicular diffuse large-B cell lymphoma (DLBCL is an uncommon and aggressive disease with predominant manifestation in the older age. Herein, we report a case of 47-year-old male patient who presented with three months history of left testis swelling. The patient underwent unilateral (left radical orchiectomy. Histopathological examination revealed extensive involvement and replacement of testicular parenchyma by a tumor composed of large discohesive sheets of cells with pleomorphic, hyperchromatic nuclei and prominent nucleoli. Immunohistochemical (IHC staining showed reactivity for LCA & Pan B (CD20 and negativity for OCT 3/4, SALL4 and Inhibin. Moreover, Pan T (CD3 highlighted reactive T-cells. These features rendered the diagnosis of DLBCL of testis. The hybrid 2-[fluorine-18] fluoro-2-deoxy-d-glucose (FDG positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT demonstrated two para-aortic FDG avid lymph nodes on the left side at the level of L2 vertebra. Presently, the patient has been planned for doxorubicin-based chemotherapy (i.e., cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine and prednisone; CHOP along with intrathecal Methroxate (MTX, which would presumably improve the prognosis. Our study would expand the pool of this uncommon tumor towards its better understanding. Keywords: Primary testicular lymphoma, Diffuse large-B cell lymphoma, Orchiectomy, Doxorubicin-based chemotherapy

  12. Persistent Mullerian Duct Syndrome with Transverse Testicular ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Eastham JA, McEvoy K, Sullivan R, Chandrasoma P. A case of simultaneous bilateral nonseminomatous testicular tumors in persistent müllerian duct syndrome. J Urol 1992;148:407-8. 8. Shinmura Y, Yokoi T, Tsutsui Y. A case of clear cell adenocarcinoma of the müllerian duct in persistent müllerian duct syndrome: The first ...

  13. Registro de síndrome coronariana aguda em um centro de emergências em cardiologia Acute coronary syndrome registry at a cardiology emergency center

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Elizabete Silva dos Santos


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Descrever as características de pacientes (P com suspeita clínica de síndrome coronariana aguda (SCA, identificando-se o tratamento médico e a mortalidade hospitalar. MÉTODOS: Avaliamos 860 pacientes com SCA de janeiro a dezembro de 2003. Analisamos características basais, modalidade de apresentação da SCA, medicamentos durante a internação, indicação de tratamento clínico ou de revascularização miocárdica (RM e mortalidade hospitalar. RESULTADOS: Foram 503 (58,3% pacientes do sexo masculino, com média de idade de 62,6 anos (±11,9. O diagnóstico na alta hospitalar foi de infarto agudo do miocárdio (IAM com supradesnivelamento do segmento ST (SST em 78 (9,1%, IAM sem SST em 238 (27,7%, angina instável (AI em 516 (60%, manifestação atípica da SCA (síncope ou dispnéia em dois (0,2% e dor torácica não cardíaca em 26 (3%. Foram medicados com betabloqueador em 87,9%, AAS em 95,9%, anti-trombínico em 89,9%, nitroglicerina EV em 86,2%, inibidor do receptor de glicoproteína (IGP IIb/IIIa em 6,4%, clopidogrel em 35,9%, inibidor da enzima conversora da angiotensina (IECA em 77,9% e estatina em 70,9%. A cinecoronariografia foi realizada em 72 pacientes (92,3% com IAM com SST e em 452 (59,8% com SCA sem SST (pOBJECTIVE: Describe clinical characteristics of patients (P admitted to hospital with suspected acute coronary syndrome (ACS, identifying medical treatment and in-hospital mortality. METHODS: Evaluated were 860 patients with ACS from January through December, 2003. We evaluated baseline characteristics, ACS mode of presentation, medication during hospital stay, indication for clinical treatment or myocardial revascularization (MR and in-hospital mortality. RESULTS: Five hundred and three (58.3% were male, mean age 62.6 years (± 11.9. Seventy-eight (9.1% were discharged with the diagnosis of acute ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI, 238 (27.7% with non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction (non-STEMI, 516 (60

  14. Burden and seasonality of testicular torsion in tropical Africa: Analysis of incident cases in a Nigerian community

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jibril O. Bello


    Full Text Available Introduction: Children, adolescents and young adults in tropical Africa occasionally presents to the emergency department with testicular torsion. However, no estimates of the burden of the condition is available and there is also sparse evidence of a seasonal variation in incidence. Objective: To determine the incidence and seasonality of the condition in a Nigerian community. Subjects and methods: A retrospective review of incident cases of testicular torsion occurring in a typical tropical sub-Saharan African community between January 2011 and December 2016 was performed. Incidence rates were calculated and trend analysis performed to evaluate for seasonality. Results: Twenty-three patients were seen during the study period and the average annual incidence of testicular torsion among ‘at risk’ males (<40 years was 2.7/100,000. Testicular salvage rate was 81%. Cases occurred 91% higher than average during the cold season (November to January. Trend analysis revealed a significant seasonal difference in the number of cases seen (p = 0.045 and Post Hoc tests (Tukey further showed that this is attributable to the seasonal difference between the cold season and the warmer early rains period (p = 0.036. Conclusion: The burden of testicular torsion found in the studied tropical sub-Saharan community is comparable to other regions of the world and seasonal variation in incidence does occur with a significant increase in cases during the cold season. Keywords: Testicular torsion, Seasonality, Disease burden, Orchiopexy, Orchiectomy

  15. Lack of beneficial effect of activated charcoal in lead induced testicular toxicity in male albino rats

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    Samuel James Offor


    Full Text Available Objective: Lead is a multi-organ toxicant implicated in various diseases including testicular toxicity. In search of cheap and readily available antidote this study has investigated a beneficial role of activated charcoal in lead induced testicular toxicity in male albino rats. Materials and Method: Eighteen male albino rats were divided into three groups of six rats per group. Group 1 (control rats received deionised water (10 ml/kg, group 2 was given lead acetate solution 60 mg/kg and group 3 rats were given lead acetate (60 mg/kg followed by Activated charcoal, AC (1000 mg/kg by oral gavage daily for 28 days. Absolute and relative weights of testis, epididymal sperm reserve, testicular sperm count, percent sperm motility and percent sperm viability were monitored. Results: AC failed to show any significant beneficial effect in ameliorating lead induced testicular toxicity. Conclusions: There seem to be a poor adsorption on lead onto AC in vivo.

  16. Cardiac Murmur Prompting Diagnosis of Metastatic Nonseminomatous Germ Cell Testicular Neoplasia in an 18-Year-Old Patient

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Steve Y. Chung


    Full Text Available Most retroperitoneal tumors such as renal cell carcinoma have been associated with tumor thrombus extending into the renal vein, inferior vena cava (IVC, and heart. The retroperitoneal metastatic potential of testicular tumors is well known. We report here the first instance of a cardiac murmur prompting diagnosis of metastatic testicular neoplasia in an 18-year-old patient. Chemotherapy was delayed and after successful surgical resection of the ventricular mass, the patient recovered uneventfully. This case underscores the need to pursue abnormal cardiac exams in newly diagnosed testicular cancer patients.

  17. Effectiveness of lycopene on experimental testicular torsion. (United States)

    Güzel, Mahmut; Sönmez, Mehmet Fatih; Baştuğ, Osman; Aras, Necip Fazıl; Öztürk, Ayşe Betül; Küçükaydın, Mustafa; Turan, Cüneyt


    We aimed to demonstrate the long term effectiveness of lycopene, a precursor of vitamin A, on the testes for ischemia-reperfusion injury. Seventy male Wistar albino rats were used for this experiment. The rats were divided into seven groups. Group 1 served as the control group; group 2 was sham-operated; group 3 received 20mg/kg/day lycopene (intraperitoneally); in group 4, the right testes of rats were kept torted for 2hours and then were detorted and the animals lived for three days; in group 5, the right testes of rats were kept torted for 2hours and then were detorted and the animals lived for ten days; in group 6, the right testes of the rats were kept torted for 2hours and then detorted and the animals received 20mg/kg/day lycopene (intraperitoneally) for three days; in group 7, the right testes of the rats were kept torted for 2hours and then were detorted and the animals received 20mg/kg/day lycopene (intraperitoneally) for ten days. Lycopene was used intraperitoneally. Some of the testes tissues were used for biochemical analyses and the other tissues were used for histological procedures. The Johnsen's score was used for seminiferous tubule deterioration. The TUNEL method was utilized to show apoptosis of testicular tissue. Testosterone levels were measured from blood samples and SOD, MDA, TNF-α, IL-1β and IL-6 measurements were recorded from tissue samples. The results were analyzed statistically. In groups 1, 2 and 3 there was normal testicular structure. Rats in groups 4 and 5 had damaged testicular tissues. In groups 6 and 7, in which we used lycopene, the testes were not better than those in groups 4 and 5. The MSTD and JTBS values were better in group 6, but not in group 7 among the torsion groups. As a result, MDA, SOD, TNF-α and IL-1β were increased and serum testosterone and IL-6 levels were decreased in groups 4 and 5 compared to group 1. There was no improvement in the groups treated with lycopene for therapeutic purposes. It was shown that

  18. Exploring awareness and help-seeking intentions for testicular symptoms among heterosexual, gay, and bisexual men in Ireland: A qualitative descriptive study. (United States)

    Saab, Mohamad M; Landers, Margaret; Hegarty, Josephine


    The incidence of malignant and benign testicular disorders among young men is on the rise. Evidence from three reviews suggest that men's knowledge of these disorders is lacking and their help-seeking intention for testicular symptoms is suboptimal. Qualitative studies have addressed men's awareness of testicular cancer, with none exploring their awareness of non-malignant diseases such as epididymitis, testicular torsion, and varicocele and none including sexual minorities. To explore, in-depth, heterosexual, gay, and bisexual men's awareness of testicular disorders and their help-seeking intentions for testicular symptoms in the Irish context. This study used a qualitative descriptive approach. Data were collected via face-to-face individual interviews and focus groups. Participation was sought from a number of community and youth organisations and one university in Southern Ireland. Maximum variation and snowball sampling were used to recruit a heterogeneous sample. A total of 29 men partook in this study. Participants were men, aged between 18 and 50 years, and residents of the Republic of Ireland. All interviews were audio-recorded and transcribed verbatim. Reflective field notes were taken following each interview. A summary of the interview was shared with selected participants for member-check. Data were analysed and validated by three researchers. Inductive qualitative analysis of manifest content was used. Latent content was captured in the field notes. Data analysis yielded two key themes. The themes that emerged from the interviews were: Awareness of testicular disorders and their screening, and help-seeking intentions for testicular symptoms. Although most participants heard of testicular cancer, most did not know the different aspects of this malignancy including its risk factors, symptoms, treatments, and screening. Several men had a number of misconceptions around testicular disorders which negatively impacted their intentions to seek prompt help

  19. Effects of trehalose supplementation on cell viability and oxidative stress variables in frozen-thawed bovine calf testicular tissue. (United States)

    Zhang, Xiao-Gang; Wang, Yan-Hua; Han, Cong; Hu, Shan; Wang, Li-Qiang; Hu, Jian-Hong


    Trehalose is widely used for cryopreservation of various cells and tissues. Until now, the effect of trehalose supplementation on cell viability and antioxidant enzyme activity in frozen-thawed bovine calf testicular tissue remains unexplored. The objective of the present study was to compare the effect of varying doses of trehalose in cryomedia on cell viability and key antioxidant enzymes activities in frozen-thawed bovine calf testicular tissue. Bovine calf testicular tissue samples were collected and cryopreserved in the cryomedias containing varying doses (0, 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25%; v/v) of trehalose, respectively. Cell viability, total antioxidant capacity (T-AOC) activity, catalase (CAT) activity, superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity, glutathione (GSH) content and malondialdehyde (MDA) content were measured and analyzed. The results showed that cell viability, T-AOC activity, SOD activity, CAT activity and GSH content of frozen-thawed bovine calf testicular tissue was decreased compared with that of fresh group (Pcell viability and antioxidant enzyme activity (SOD and CAT) among frozen-thawed groups (P0.05). In conclusion, the cryomedia added 15% trehalose reduced the oxidative stress and improved the cryoprotective effect of bovine calf testicular tissue. Further studies are required to obtain more concrete results on the determination of antioxidant capacity of trehalose in frozen-thawed bovine calf testicular tissue. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  20. Testicular tuberculosis presenting with metastatic intracranial tuberculomas only: a case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ukperi Samson O


    Full Text Available Abstract Introduction Intracranial tuberculomas are a rare complication of tuberculosis occurring through hematogenous spread from an extracranial source, most often of pulmonary origin. Testicular tuberculosis with only intracranial spread is an even rarer finding and to the best of our knowledge, has not been reported in the literature. Clinical suspicion or recognition and prompt diagnosis are important because early treatment can prevent patient deterioration and lead to clinical improvement. Case presentation We present the case of a 51-year-old African man with testicular tuberculosis and multiple intracranial tuberculomas who was initially managed for testicular cancer with intracranial metastasis. He had undergone left radical orchidectomy, but subsequently developed hemiparesis and lost consciousness. Following histopathological confirmation of the postoperative sample as chronic granulomatous infection due to tuberculosis, he sustained significant clinical improvement with antituberculous therapy, recovered fully and was discharged at two weeks post-treatment. Conclusion The clinical presentation of intracranial tuberculomas from an extracranial source is protean, and delayed diagnosis could have devastating consequences. The need to have a high index of suspicion is important, since neuroimaging features may not be pathognomonic.