
Sample records for analgesia postoperatoria con

  1. Mastoplastia reductora con analgesia acupuntural A mamaplastic reduction using acupunctural analgesia

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    Javier Cordero Lozano


    Full Text Available Se realizó un ensayo clínico prospectivo y descriptivo con 40 pacientes portadoras de hipertrofia mamaria que acudieron a consulta de Cirugía Plástica en el Hospital Universitario "Abel Santamaría Cuadrado" de Pinar del Río entre septiembre de 2002 y agosto de 2003 a las que se les realizó mastoplastia reductora con analgesia acupuntural (puntos C1, IG4, VC17, VG20 y un punto especial evaluando la calidad de la analgesia acupuntural transoperatoria, el comportamiento hemodinámico transoperatorio y la ocurrencia de complicaciones postoperatorias. Para la validación estadística se utilizó el paquete Systat Con nivel de ajuste µ= 0.05. Se logró con la acupuntura un nivel analgésico transoperatorio satisfactorio en el 50 % de los casos, incluyendo pacientes de todos los grupos de edad, sobre todo en intervenciones que duraran hasta dos horas, independientemente del grado de hipertrofia mamaria. El comportamiento hemodinámico transoperatorio fue satisfactorio en las pacientes operadas con acupuntura; con esta técnica el registro de complicaciones fue inferior al reportado con anestesia general endotraqueal por otros autores, sin que se reportaran reacciones adversas por el uso de la acupuntura.A prospective descriptive clinical trial was carried out in a sample of 40 patients suffering from breast hypertrophy who attended Cosmetic Surgery Office at Abel Santamaría General Hospital between September 2002 and August 2003. A reductive mastoplasia using acupunctural analgesia was carried out (C1, IG4, VC17, VG20 points and special one assessing the quality of transoperative acupunctural analgesia, transoperative hemodynamic behaviour and the occurrence of postoperative complications. Systat pack was used for statistical validation with a fitted level of a = 0.05. a transoperative analgesic level was achieved successfully in 50 % of cases including patients from every age group particularly in up to two hours surgeries irrespective of the

  2. Analgesia postoperatoria con catéter incisional en cesáreas electivas


    Rodríguez Morejón, María del Carmen


    La cesárea supone hoy en día una de las intervenciones quirúrgicas obstétricas más frecuentes. A esto se añade que la cesárea está dentro del grupo de intervenciones con un dolor postoperatorio de intensidad elevada y que ninguna opción analgésica ha demostrado ser la mejor. Por ello se diseñó un estudio de intervención, prospectivo, aleatorizado, no ciego, para comparar la eficacia, en el control del dolor tras la cesárea (medido mediante Escala Visual Analógica), de la analgesia incision...

  3. Comparação entre três técnicas regionais de analgesia pós-operatória em crianças com ropivacaína Comparación entre tres técnicas regionales de analgesia postoperatoria en niños con ropivacaina Comparison among three techniques of postoperative regional analgesia with ropivacaine in children

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    Ana Maria Menezes Caetano


    ropivacaína para la analgesia postoperatoria en niños. MÉTODO: Se estudiaron 87 niños del sexo masculino, con edad entre 1 y 5 años, sometidos a herniorrafias inguinales electivas unilaterales. Los niños recibieron aleatoriamente la PS, el BIHII o la IFO. Se investigó la necesidad de analgésico en el postoperatorio, el tiempo necesario para su primera dosis, la intensidad de dolor y el grado de bloqueo motor. RESULTADOS: En el grupo de la IFO se observó una mayor necesidad de analgésicos, y una mayor intensidad de dolor en las 1ª y 2ª horas, cuando se comparó con la PS y el BIHII. Apenas niños sometidos a PS presentaron bloqueo motor de grado moderado. El tiempo promedio de la necesidad de la primera dosis de analgésico fue similar entre los grupos. CONCLUSIONES: El BIHII presentó una superioridad sobre la IFO, especialmente en las primeras dos horas del postoperatorio. As tres técnicas anestésicas pueden ser utilizadas con seguridad y eficacia en el control de dolor postoperatorio de herniorrafia inguinal en niños.BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Postoperative pain increases cost and generates dissatisfaction among parents regarding to the analgesics prescribed to their children. Ropivacaine has a broad safety margin to be used for regional block in pediatric patients. The aim of this study was to compare caudal epidural block (CE with ilioinguinal/iliohypogastric nerve block (IINB and infiltration of surgical wound (ISW with ropivacaine for postoperative analgesia in children. METHODS: Eighty-seven children, all males, ages 1 to 5, who underwent elective unilateral inguinal herniorrhaphy participated in this study. Children were randomly assigned to receive CE, IINB, or ISW. The need for postoperative analgesia, length of time until the first dose, severity of pain, and degree of the motor blockade were evaluated. RESULTS: The need for analgesia and pain severity in the first two hours were greater for the ISW Group when compared with the CE and IINB Groups

  4. Epidural postoperative analgesia with tramadol after abdominal hysterectomy


    González-Pérez, E.; González-Cabrera, N.; Nieto-Monteagudo, C. G.; Águila, D. P. C.; Santiago, A.; Rodríguez-Santos, C.


    Introducción: El dolor postoperatorio es un tipo especial de dolor agudo cuyo control inadecuado conduce a reacciones fisiopatológicas anormales. Objetivos: Evaluar la utilidad del tramadol por vía epidural en la analgesia postoperatoria de las pacientes a quienes se les practicó histerectomía abdominal. Material y método: Se estudiaron 90 pacientes que conformaron tres grupos: Grupo I: recibió 100 mg de tramadol epidural cada 6 h. Grupo II: recibió 1,2 g de metamizol por vía intramuscular ca...

  5. Analgesia pós-operatória para procedimentos cirúrgicos ortopédicos de quadril e fêmur: comparação entre bloqueio do compartimento do psoas e bloqueio perivascular inguinal Analgesia postoperatoria para procedimientos quirúrgicos ortopédicos de cadera y fémur: comparación entre bloqueo del compartimiento del psoas y bloqueo perivascular inguinal Postoperative analgesia for orthopedic surgeries of the hip and femur: a comparison between psoas compartment and inguinal paravascular blocks

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    Luiz Eduardo Imbelloni


    dos cinco nervos do plexo lombar.JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: Este estudio evaluó la eficacia de la inyección única de bupivacaína a 0,25% en el compartimiento del psoas o perivascular inguinal a través del estimulador de nervios periféricos para analgesia postoperatoria en pacientes sometidos a intervenciones quirúrgicas ortopédicas. MÉTODO: Cien pacientes recibieron bloqueo del plexo lumbar a través del compartimiento del psoas y fueron comparados con 100 pacientes que recibieron bloqueo del plexo lumbar vía perivascular inguinal, identificados por el estimulador de nervios periféricos con la inyección de 40 mL bupivacaína a 0,25% sin epinefrina. La analgesia en los nervios ilioinguinal, genitofemoral, cutáneo femoral lateral, femoral y obturatorio fue evaluada a las 4, 8, 12, 16, 20 y 24 horas después del final de la intervención quirúrgica. La intensidad del dolor también fue medida en el mismo período. La cantidad de opioides administrada en el postoperatorio fue anotada. En cinco pacientes de cada grupo, un estudio radiográfico con contraste no iónico se realizó para medir la dispersión de la solución anestésica. RESULTADOS: Los nervios ilioinguinal, genitofemoral, cutáneo femoral lateral, femoral y obturatorio fueron bloqueados en 92% de los pacientes en el compartimiento del psoas versus 62% en el bloqueo perivascular inguinal. El bloqueo del plexo lumbar redujo la necesidad de opioides y 42% de los pacientes sometidos al bloqueo del compartimiento del psoas y 36% de los pacientes en el bloqueo inguinal no necesitaron analgésico adicional en el postoperatorio. La duración de la analgesia fue de aproximadamente 21 horas con el bloqueo del compartimiento del psoas y 15 horas en el bloqueo perivascular inguinal. CONCLUSIONES: El bloqueo del compartimiento del psoas y perivascular inguinal es una excelente técnica para la analgesia postoperatoria en intervenciones quirúrgicas ortopédicas reduciendo la necesidad de opioides. Ese

  6. Factores asociados a insuficiencia renal postoperatoria en cirugía de revascularización miocárdica

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    Albert F. Guerrero B.


    Conclusiones: En quienes se realizó revascularización miocárdica los factores asociados a la presentación de insuficiencia renal postoperatoria fueron comorbilidades que se relacionaron con daño renal progresivo dentro y fuera del contexto de la cirugía. Esto implica que las estrategias para minimizar este evento estarán enfocadas a identificar de manera oportuna a estos pacientes y proporcionarles nefroprotección adecuada.

  7. Postoperative radiotherapy-induced morbidity in rectal cancer Morbilidad de la radioterapia postoperatoria en el cáncer de recto

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    M. Garay Burdeos


    Full Text Available Objectives: we analyzed long-term morbidity and bowel function alteration after postoperative radiotherapy for rectal cancer following resection with anastomosis. Patients and methods: thirty-seven patients who underwent surgery with intention to cure and a minimal follow-up period of 3 years were included. These patients were divided into two groups: in the first group, 14 patients received postoperative chemo-radiotherapy, 5-fluorouracil plus folinic acid, and 45 Gy plus 5 Gy boost. In the second group, there were 23 patients regarded as controls. We designed a questionnaire about their bowel function and analyzed the morbidity detected in their follow-up. Results: the group that was treated with postoperative chemo-radiotherapy had more daily bowel movements (p = 0.03 and night-time movements (p = 0.04; incontinence (69.2 versus 17.4% in the control group; p = 0.002, and perianal skin irritation (p = 0.04 versus the control group. Although without meaningful differences, the group under treatment wore a pad more often, had more defecatory urgency, could distinguish worse gas from stool, and needed more frequently antidiarrheal measures. Major complications were present in 28.6% of the under-treatment group: three intestinal resections were performed due to actinic stenosis; one patient had a residual stercoral fistula; another had several occlusive crises solved with medical treatment. Conclusions: postoperative chemo-radiotherapy had a high morbidity rate, which determined a significant alteration in quality of life. Accuracy in indication is therefore necessary, as well as a consideration of other alternatives for treatment, such as preoperative chemo-radiotherapy and total mesorectal excision.Objetivos: analizar la morbilidad y alteración del funcionalismo rectal a largo plazo de la radioterapia postoperatoria tras resección con anastomosis en el cáncer de recto. Material y métodos: se incluyen 37 pacientes intervenidos con intenci

  8. Bloqueio do plexo lombar pela via posterior para analgesia pós-operatória em artroplastia total do quadril: estudo comparativo entre Bupivacaína a 0,5% com Epinefrina e Ropivacaína a 0,5% Bloqueo del plexo lumbar por la vía posterior para analgesia postoperatoria en artroplastia total de la cadera: estudio comparativo entre Bupivacaína a 0,5% con Epinefrina y Ropivacaína a 0,5% Posterior lumbar plexus block in postoperative analgesia for total hip arthroplasty: a comparative study between 0.5% Bupivacaine with Epinephrine and 0.5% Ropivacaine

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    Leonardo Teixeira Domingues Duarte


    diferentes bloqueos de nervios periféricos. El objetivo de este estudio, fue comparar la eficacia de la analgesia postoperatoria, resultante de la administración en dosis única de la bupivacaína a 0,5% o de la ropivacaína a 0,5% en el bloqueo del plexo lumbar por la vía posterior en la artroplastia total de la cadera. MÉTODO: Treinta y siete pacientes fueron ubicados aleatoriamente en dos grupos según el anestésico local utilizado en el bloqueo: Grupo B - bupivacaína a 0,5% con epinefrina 1:200.000 o Grupo R - ropivacaína a 0,5%. Durante el período postoperatorio, los puntajes de dolor y el consumo de morfina en la analgesia controlada por el paciente, fueron comparados entre los grupos. El sangramiento durante la operación y la incidencia de efectos adversos y de complicaciones también fueron comparados. RESULTADOS: Pese a que los puntajes de dolor hayan sido menores en el Grupo R 8 horas, 12 horas y 24 horas después del bloqueo, esas diferencias no fueron clínicamente significativas. La regresión lineal múltiple no identificó el anestésico local como una variable independiente. No hubo diferencia en el consumo de morfina, en el sangramiento intraoperatorio y en la incidencia de complicaciones y efectos adversos entre los dos grupos. CONCLUSIONES: La bupivacaína a 0,5% y la ropivacaína a 0,5%, ofrecieron un alivio eficaz y prolongado del dolor postoperatorio después de la artroplastia total de la cadera, sin diferencia clínica, cuando dosis equivalentes fueron administradas en el bloqueo del plexo lumbar por la vía posteriorBACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Posterior lumbar plexus block promotes effective postoperative analgesia in total knee arthroplasty. Ropivacaine and bupivacaine do not show differences in analgesic efficacy when used in different peripheral nerve blocks. The objective of this study was to compare the efficacy of postoperative analgesia resulting from the administration of a single dose of 0.5% bupivacaine or 0.5% ropivacaine in

  9. Pro con debate: the use of regional vs systemic analgesia for neonatal surgery. (United States)

    Bösenberg, Adrian T; Jöhr, Martin; Wolf, Andrew R


    In recent years the inclusion of regional techniques to pediatric anesthesia has transformed practice. Simple procedures such as caudal anesthesia with local anaesthetics can reduce the amounts of general anesthesia required and provide complete analgesia in the postoperative period while avoiding large amounts of opioid analgesia with potential side effects that can impair recovery. However, the application of central blocks (epidural and spinal local anesthesia) via catheters in the younger infant, neonate and even preterm neonate remains more controversial. The potential for such invasive maneuvers themselves to augment risk, can be argued to outweigh the benefits, others would argue that epidural analgesia can reduce the need for postoperative ventilation and that this not only facilitates surgery when intensive care facilities are limited, but also reduces cost in terms of PICU stay and recovery profile. Currently, opinions are divided and strongly held with some major units adopting this approach widely and others maintaining a more conservative stance to anesthesia for major neonatal surgery. In this pro-con debate the evidence base is examined, supplemented with expert opinion to try to provide a balanced overall view. © 2011 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

  10. Hiperparatiroidismo primario: Evolución postoperatoria a largo plazo

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    Francisco R. Spivacow


    Full Text Available Presentamos la evolución postoperatoria a largo plazo de 87 pacientes con hiperparatiroidismo primario. Del total, 78 mujeres y 9 varones, relación: 8.7:1. Edad media 55.3 ± 10.2 años. Antes de la cirugía el 44% presentó litiasis renal, el 70% osteopenia u osteoporosis y un 71.2% tuvo hipercalciuria. Se encontró disminución del filtrado glomerular en el 12.6%. Del total, 72 pacientes presentaron un adenoma único, dos un doble adenoma, dos hiperplasia, cuatro histología normal y en siete no se pudo disponer del resultado. El calcio sérico, el calcio iónico, el fósforo y la parathormona intacta se normalizaron en todos los pacientes postcirugía. La densitometría ósea aumentó un 6.9% en columna lumbar y un 3% en cuello de fémur. Los marcadores del remodelado óseo se normalizaron y persistieron normales a los 23 meses del seguimiento, coincidiendo con la parathormona intacta. Lo mismo sucedió con los valores de 25 OH D. Cuando se compararon pacientes con hipercalciuria inicial vs. aquellos con normocalciuria, no se encontraron diferencias en los valores basales y postcirugía en ambos grupos. En 11 pacientes con filtrado glomerular previo < 60 ml/min, encontramos una parathormona intacta más elevada que el resto y menor densidad mineral ósea. El filtrado glomerular no cambió en forma significativa luego de la cirugía. En conclusión, el hiperparatiroidismo primario operado por cirujanos especializados tiene una excelente evolución a largo plazo, con normalización de todos los parámetros del metabolismo fosfocálcico y del remodelado óseo y mejoría significativa en la densidad mineral ósea. Los efectos adversos son escasos y de resolución espontánea.

  11. Analgesia epidural para el alivio del dolor después del reemplazo de cadera o de rodilla

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    Conclusiones de los autores: La analgesia epidural puede ser útil para el alivio del dolor postoperatorio después de reemplazos importantes de articulaciones de los miembros inferiores. Sin embargo, los efectos beneficiosos pueden estar limitados al período postoperatorio temprano (cuatro a seis horas. Una infusión epidural de anestésico local o una mezcla de anestésico-narcótico local puede ser mejor que un narcótico epidural solo. La magnitud del alivio del dolor se debe sopesar contra la frecuencia de eventos adversos. Las pruebas actuales no son suficientes para establecer conclusiones sobre la frecuencia de complicaciones poco frecuentes de la analgesia epidural, la morbilidad o mortalidad postoperatorias, los resultados funcionales o la duración de la estancia hospitalaria.

  12. Analgesia adjuvante e alternativa Analgesia adyuvante y alternativa Adjuvant and alternative analgesia

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    Nilton Bezerra do Vale


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Embora a dor aguda e a crônica sejam habitualmente controladas com intervenções farmacológicas, 14 métodos complementares de analgesia adjuvante e alternativa (AAA podem reduzir o uso e abuso na prescrição de analgésicos e diminuir os efeitos colaterais que eventualmente comprometem o estado fisiológico do paciente. CONTEÚDO: Todos os mecanismos antiálgicos atuam através da via espinal de controle da comporta de Melzack e Wall e/ou através da transdução do sinal nos sistemas de neurotransmissão e neuromodulação central relacionados com analgesia, relaxamento e humor: peptidérgico, monaminérgico, gabaérgico, colinérgico e canabinóide. A analgesia adjuvante complementar é habitualmente utilizada nos tratamentos fisiátricos, ortopédicos, reumatológicos, obstétricos e com acupuntura. A analgesia alternativa complementar pode potencializar os métodos analgésicos convencionais, a exposição à luz do sol matutino, luz e cores sob luz artificial, o tempo (T - anestésicos gerais mais potentes à noite, opióides de manhã e anestésicos locais à tarde, dieta, bom humor e riso, espiritualidade, religião, meditação, musicoterapia, hipnose e efeito placebo. CONCLUSÕES: Se a dor aguda é um mecanismo de defesa, a dor crônica é um estado patológico desagradável relacionado com a depressão endógena e a uma baixa qualidade de vida. É importante estabelecer relações interdisciplinares entre a Medicina adjuvante e alternativa nas terapias analgésicas e antiinflamatórias clássicas.JUSTIFICACIÓN Y OBJETIVOS: Aunque el dolor agudo y el crónico sean habitualmente controlados con intervenciones farmacológicas, 14 métodos complementarios de analgesia adyuvante y alternativa (AAA pueden reducir el uso y el abuso en la prescripción de analgésicos y disminuir los efectos colaterales que eventualmente comprometen el estado fisiológico del paciente. CONTENIDO: Todos los mecanismos anti

  13. Analgesia preventiva y multimodal con ketamina y dipirona en mastectomía radical por cáncer de mama

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    Miladys Justo Hernández


    Full Text Available El dolor agudo es frecuente en los pacientes que requieren intervención quirúrgica; su tratamiento satisfactorio es uno de los retos más importantes, presentando ventajas la terapéutica multimodal y preventiva. Se realizó un estudio longitudinal, prospectivo en 22 pacientes, a los que se les practicó mastectomía radical por cáncer de mama, con el objetivo de describir el uso de la analgesia multimodal y preventiva con ketalar y dipirona en el manejo del dolor posoperatorio de estos pacientes. La técnica anestésica utilizada fue total intravenosa, con propofol y fentanyl, dosis convencional. En el postoperatorio se vigiló la aparición de efectos colaterales. Los datos se colocaron en tablas de contingencia, procesados mediante el sistema de cálculos estadísticos que presenta Microsoft Excel. El análisis se realizó fundamentalmente a través de medidas de resúmenes, porcentaje y media aritmética. Se concluyó que la analgesia multimodal preventiva con ketamina y dipirona fue efectiva y segura en todos los casos, a los que se realizó radical de mama. Predominó el grupo de edad entre 46 y 65 años y ASA II. Las variables hemodinámicas y respiratorias se mantuvieron estables en todos los pacientes. No necesitaron analgesia de rescate. La somnolencia se manifestó en 13,6% de los casos.

  14. Analgesia preemptiva com S(+cetamina e bupivacaína peridural em histerectomia abdominal Analgesia preemptiva con S(+cetamina y bupivacaína peridural en histerectomía abdominal Preemptive analgesia with epidural bupivacaine and S(+ketamine in abdominal hysterectomy

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    Ferdinand Edson de Castro


    utilizadas em histerectomia abdominal.JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: El presente estudio investiga la capacidad del antagonista del receptor NMDA, S(+cetamina, asociado a la inyección peridural de anestésico local (bupivacaína en promover analgesia preemptiva en pacientes sometidas a histerectomía total abdominal, administrando esa solución antepasadamente a la incisión. MÉTODO: Fueron evaluadas 30 pacientes, distribuidas aleatoriamente en dos grupos de igual tamaño y estudiadas prospectivamente de forma encubierta. Inyección peridural e inserción de catéter fueron realizadas entre los interespacios de L1-L2. En el grupo I (G1, n = 15, las pacientes recibieron por vía peridural, 17 mL de bupivacaína a 0,25% sin vasoconstrictor asociados a 30 mg de S(+cetamina (3 mL treinta minutos antes de la incisión quirúrgica y, después de 30 minutos de la incisión, recibieron 20 mL de solución fisiológica a 0,9%. En el grupo 2 (G2, n = 15, recibieron 20 mL de solución fisiológica por vía peridural, 30 minutos antes de la incisión, fue hecha una administración de 17 mL de bupivacaína a 0,25% asociadas a 30 mg de S(+cetamina (3 mL, treinta minutos después de la incisión. Después de la inyección peridural, se realizó anestesia general con propofol, pancuronio, O2 e isoflurano. Para analgesia post-operatoria fue usada solución peridural en bolus de fentanil asociada a la bupivacaína, con intervalo mínimo de cuatro horas. La suplementación con dipirona solamente era usada si necesario. Se evaluó la intensidad del dolor a través de escala numérica y verbal (al despertar, 6, 12, 18 24 horas después del término de la operación, el tiempo necesario para pedir por la primera vez el analgésico y el consumo total de analgésicos. RESULTADOS: No hubo diferencia significativa entre los grupos con relación al tiempo para pedir analgésicos por la primera vez, al consumo de analgésicos y a los resultados de dolor por las escalas numérica y verbal. CONCLUSIONES: No

  15. Analgesia de parto em paciente com tetralogia de Fallot não corrigida: relato de caso Analgesia de parto en paciente con tetralogía de Fallot no corregida: relato de caso Labour analgesia in parturient with uncorrected tetralogy of Fallot: case report

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    Florentino Fernandes Mendes


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Embora a tetralogia de Fallot seja a mais comum das cardiopatias congênitas cianóticas, as publicações nacionais, relacionando essa doença com a prática anestésica são escassas. O objetivo deste relato é apresentar um caso de analgesia de parto em paciente portadora de tetralogia de Fallot não corrigida e diagnosticada durante a gestação. RELATO DO CASO: Paciente com 26 anos, 56 kg, 1,56 m, idade gestacional 32 semanas e 5 dias, com diagnóstico de tetralogia de Fallot realizado durante a gestação. Internou em trabalho de parto. A conduta obstétrica foi a de parto via baixa, sendo realizada analgesia através de bloqueio peridural com bupivacaína a 0,125% e fentanil (100 µg e colocação de cateter peridural. Após 1h30 minutos do início da analgesia, ocorreu o nascimento. O peso do recém-nascido foi 1485 g e o índice de Apgar 6 e 8 no primeiro e no quinto minutos, respectivamente. A paciente permaneceu estável e sem alterações hemodinâmicas e/ou eletrocardiográficas. CONCLUSÕES: A escolha da técnica anestésica é de fundamental importância no manuseio das pacientes com tetralogia de Fallot não corrigidas. Condições favoráveis do colo e boa dinâmica uterina, particularmente naquelas pacientes sem história de síncope, tornam-se imprescindíveis para uma boa indicação da analgesia de parto.JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: Aunque la tetralogía de Fallot sea la más común de las cardiopatías congénitas cianóticas, las publicaciones nacionales, relacionando esa enfermedad con la práctica anestésica son escasas. El objetivo de este relato es presentar un caso de analgesia de parto en paciente portadora de tetralogía de Fallot no corregida y diagnosticada durante la gestación. RELATO DEL CASO: Paciente con 26 años, 56 kg, 1,56 m, edad gestacional 32 semanas y 5 días, con diagnóstico de tetralogía de Fallot realizado durante la gestación. Internó en trabajo de parto. La conducta

  16. Bloqueio 3-em-1 prolongado versus analgesia sistêmica no tratamento da dor pós-operatória após a reconstrução do ligamento cruzado anterior do joelho Bloqueo 3 en 1 prolongado versus analgesia sistemica en el tratamiento del dolor postoperatorio después de la reconstrucción del ligamento cruzado anterior de la rodilla Extended three-in-one block versus intravenous analgesia for postoperative pain management after reconstruction of anterior cruciate ligament of the knee

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    Víctor A. Contreras-Domínguez


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: O bloqueio femoral contínuo (3-em-1 é usado para a analgesia pós-operatória de artroplastia de quadril e joelho com bons resultados, apresentando vantagens sobre outras técnicas de analgesia locorregional ou sistêmica e com baixa incidência de complicações. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar clinicamente a utilidade do bloqueio femoral contínuo em comparação com a analgesia por via venosa na reconstrução do ligamento cruzado anterior. MÉTODO: Foi realizado um estudo prospectivo, controlado, com 60 pacientes com estado físico ASA I. Os paciente foram divididos em dois grupos: Grupo 1 (n = 30: bloqueio femoral contínuo com infusão de bupivacaína e clonidina; Grupo 2 (n = 30: infusão por via venosa de cetoprofeno. A intervenção cirúrgica foi realizada sob raquianestesia e sedação. O tratamento da dor pós-operatória foi feito com analgesia controlada pelo paciente (PCA usando morfina. A dor pós-operatória foi registrada 2, 4, 6, 24 e 36 horas após a intervenção cirúrgica usando a Escala Visual Analógica (VAS. O consumo de morfina, a satisfação dos pacientes e as complicações também foram registradas. RESULTADOS: No Grupo 1, o VAS pós-operatório entre 4 e 48 horas após a intervenção cirúrgica foi de 21 mm ± 2 e no Grupo 2 foi de 45 mm ± 4 (p JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: El bloqueo femoral continuo (tres-en-uno se usa para la analgesia postoperatoria de artroplastia de cadera y rodilla con buenos resultados, presentando ventajas sobre otras técnicas de analgesia loco regional o sistemica y con baja incidencia de complicaciones. El objetivo de este estudio fue el de evaluar clínicamente la utilidad del bloqueo femoral continuo en comparación con la analgesia intravenosa en la reconstrucción del ligamento cruzado anterior. MÉTODOS: Se realizó un estudio prospectivo controlado con 60 pacientes de estado físico ASA I. Los pacientes fueron divididos en dos grupos: Grupo 1 (n

  17. Factores pronósticos de complicaciones postoperatorias en el trasplante hepático Prognostic factors associated with postoperative complications in liver transplantation

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    A. Rodríguez-Ariza


    Full Text Available Objetivo: la evolución postoperatoria de los pacientes sometidos a trasplante hepático ortotópico (THO se encuentra frecuentemente asociada a la aparición de diversas complicaciones tales como disfunción renal, rechazo agudo, infecciones y complicaciones neurológicas. Estas complicaciones constituyen las causas más significativas de morbilidad y mortalidad tempranas en pacientes que reciben un THO. El propósito del presente estudio es la identificación de factores relacionados con las distintas complicaciones postoperatorias del THO. Diseño experimental: se llevó a cabo un estudio prospectivo. Pacientes: se analizaron 78 variables en 32 pacientes consecutivos sometidos a THO. Utilizando un análisis de regresión logística se identificaron aquellos factores asociados de forma independiente con la aparición de complicaciones postoperatorias. Resultados: el análisis multivariante demostró que los niveles pretrasplante en suero de malondialdehído y creatinina estaban asociados con el desarrollo de disfunción renal. Los niveles pretrasplante de hemoglobina y las unidades de plaquetas administradas durante la cirugía fueron factores pronósticos de infecciones. El rechazo agudo fue pronosticado por los niveles séricos de γ-glutamil transpeptidasa y de bilirrubina total. Los niveles pretrasplante de sodio y glutaredoxina en suero estuvieron asociados con complicaciones neurológicas. Conclusiones: proponemos estos marcadores para la identificación de pacientes de alto riesgo, permitiendo una vigilancia y/o tratamiento anticipados que mejorarán la morbilidad y la supervivencia en pacientes sometidos a THO.Objectives: the postoperative evolution of patients submitted to orthotopic liver transplant (OLT is frequently associated with the appearance of different types of complications such as renal failure, graft rejection, infections, and neurological disorders. These complications are the most significant causes of early morbidity

  18. Analgesia pós-operatória em correção cirúrgica de pé torto congênito: comparação entre bloqueio nervoso periférico e bloqueio peridural caudal Analgesia postoperatoria en corrección quirúrgica de pie jorobado congénito: comparación entre bloqueo nervioso periférico y bloqueo epidural caudal Postoperative analgesia for the surgical correction of congenital clubfoot: comparison between peripheral nerve block and caudal epidural block

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    Monica Rossi Rodrigues


    con dolor postoperatorio intenso. La técnica más utilizada en niños es la epidural caudal asociada a la anestesia general. Posee la limitante de una corta duración de la analgesia postoperatoria. Los bloqueos de nervios periféricos han sido indicados como procedimientos con una baja incidencia de complicaciones y un tiempo prolongado de analgesia. El objetivo del estudio actual, fue comparar el tiempo de analgesia de los bloqueos nerviosos periféricos y del bloqueo caudal y el consumo de morfina, en las primeras 24 horas después de la corrección de PJC en niños. MÉTODO: Estudio randómico doble ciego, en niños sometidos a la intervención quirúrgica para liberación posteromedial de PJC, ubicadas en cuatro grupos conforme a la técnica anestésica: caudal (ACa; bloqueos isquiático y femoral (IF; bloqueos isquiático y safeno (IS; bloqueo isquiático y anestesia local (IL, asociados a la anestesia general. En las primeras 24 horas, los pacientes recibieron dipirona y paracetamol vía oral y fueron evaluados por un anestesiólogo que no conocía la técnica usada. Conforme a las puntuaciones de la escala CHIPPS (Children's and infants postoperative pain scale, se administraba morfina vía oral (0,19 por día. RESULTADOS: Fueron estudiados 118 niños distribuidos en los grupos ACa (30, IF (32, IS (28 IL (28. El tiempo promedio entre el bloqueo y la primera dosis de morfina fue de 6,16 horas en el grupo ACa, 7,05 horas en el IF, 7,58 horas en el IS y 8,18 horas en el IL. El consumo de morfina fue de 0,3 por día en los cuatro grupos. No hubo diferencia significativa entre los grupos. CONCLUSIONES: Los bloqueos nerviosos periféricos no promovieron un tiempo más elevado de analgesia, ni tampoco una reducción en el consumo de morfina en las primeras 24 horas, en niños sometidos a la corrección de PJC cuando se les comparó con el bloqueo epidural caudal.BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Correction of congenital clubfoot (CCF is associated with

  19. Analgesia pós-operatória com bloqueio bilateral do nervo pudendo com bupivacaína S75:R25 a 0,25%: estudo piloto em hemorroidectomia sob regime ambulatorial Analgesia pos-operatoria con bloqueo bilateral del nervio pudendo con bupivacaína S75:R25 a 0,25%: estudio piloto en hemorroidectomia bajo régimen ambulatorial Bilateral pudendal nerves block for postoperative analgesia with 0.25% S75:R25 bupivacaine: pilot study on outpatient hemorrhoidectomy

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    Luiz Eduardo Imbelloni


    permitirão demonstrar se esta técnica deve ser a primeira opção para analgesia em hemorroidectomias. A permanência de anestesia perineal por 20,21 horas deverá induzir novos trabalhos com o bloqueio dos nervos pudendos orientado por estimulador para o ato cirúrgico.JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: La hemorroidectomia puede ser realizada bajo varias técnicas anestésicas y en régimen ambulatorial. El dolor pos-operatorio es intenso y puede atrasar el retorno para el hogar. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar las ventajas y la realización del bloqueo bilateral de los nervios pudendos para analgesia pos-operatoria en hemorroidectomias. MÉTODO: El bloqueo bilateral de los nervios pudendos con bupivacaína S75:R25 a 0,25% fue realizado con estimulador de nervios en 35 pacientes sometidos a la hemorroidectomia bajo raquianestesia. Fueron evaluadas intensidad del dolor, duración de la analgesia, analgesia de demanda y eventuales complicaciones relacionadas a la técnica. Los datos fueron evaluados a las 6, 12, 18, 24 y 30 horas después del término de la intervención quirúrgica. RESULTADOS: En todos los pacientes, fue logrado éxito con la estimulación de ambos los nervios pudendos. En ningún momento de la evaluación ocurrió dolor intenso. Hasta 12 horas después del bloqueo, todos los pacientes presentaron anestesia en la región perineal; con 18 horas, 17 pacientes y 24 horas, 10 pacientes A analgesia pos-operatoria fue óptima en 18 pacientes; satisfactoria, en cinco pacientes; e insatisfactoria, en siete pacientes. La duración media de la analgesia fue de 23,77 horas. No ocurrieron alteraciones de la presión arterial, de la frecuencia cardiaca, ni fueron observados náuseas o vómitos. Todos los pacientes tuvieron micción espontánea. Ninguna complicación local o sistémica fue relacionada al anestésico local. Veintisiete pacientes clasificaron de excelente la técnica de analgesia y apenas tres pacientes del sexo masculino quedaron satisfechos

  20. Resultados del tratamiento con implantes dentales osteointegrados en la fase quirúrgica

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    Oviedo Pérez Pérez

    Full Text Available Objetivo: evaluar los resultados del tratamiento con implantes dentales osteointegrados en la fase quirúrgica. Métodos: se realizó un estudio longitudinal y prospectivo en 802 pacientes en quienes se colocaron 2 165 implantes, en la Clínica Estomatológica Provincial Docente de Santiago de Cuba y la Facultad de Estomatología de La Habana en el decenio 20002009. Se evaluaron las variables: técnica quirúrgica, longitud y diámetro de los implantes, complicaciones intraoperatorias y complicaciones postoperatorias, los resultados del tratamiento se evaluaron en supervivencia y fracaso. Resultados: se logró la supervivencia de los implantes en 705 pacientes para el 87,9 % y se produjo el fracaso en 97 pacientes para el 12,1 %. Se colocaron 2 165 implantes, se logró efectividad de 2 055 para el 94,9 % y fracasaron 110 que representan el 5,08 %. No existen diferencias significativas de los resultados de acuerdo a la técnica quirúrgica empleada. Los implantes que más fracasaron fueron los de 10 mm, para el 34,9 % y 8 mm con el 13,1 %. La efectividad se incrementa a medida que aumenta el diámetro. En las complicaciones intraoperatorias el fracaso fue mayor en relación con la perforación de la tabla ósea con el 92,9 %, inestabilidad con el 86 % y la dehiscencia ósea con el 57,4 %. En el postoperatorio fue notable que en el 100 % de los casos con dolor existió fracaso de los implantes. Conclusiones: en la etapa quirúrgica existe una fuerte asociación de los resultados con la longitud, diámetro de los implantes y la presencia de complicaciones intraoperatorias y postoperatorias.

  1. Temperatura, Oximetría Cerebral y Disfunción Cognitiva Postoperatoria (DCPO) en pacientes intervenidos de Prótesis Total de Rodilla (PTR) con anestesia intradural. Estudio prospectivo


    Salazar Garcia, Fátima


    Introducción: La Disfunción cognitiva postoperatoria (DCPO) tiene una alta incidencia en pacientes de cirugía ortopédica. Durante la anestesia y la cirugía se produce un descenso progresivo de la temperatura. Esta hipotermia tiene efectos deletéreos pero también puede tener un efecto protector cerebral. Nosotros planteamos la hipótesis que la temperatura perioperatoria puede tener un impacto sobre la aparición de DCPO. Por otro lado, la monitorización de la saturación regional cerebral de...

  2. Taquiarritmias postoperatorias en la cirugía cardíaca pediátrica

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    Fernando Enríquez


    Full Text Available Las arritmias postoperatorias son frecuentes en la cirugía de las cardiopatías congénitas. Esta revisión actualiza y expone la evidencia científica sobre la incidencia, fisiopatología, profilaxis y tratamiento de las taquiarritmias en la cirugía cardíaca pediátrica. Existe muy poca información basada en estudios aleatorizados en pediatría, siendo la mayoría de las publicaciones series de diversos centros quirúrgicos.

  3. Dolor crónico poscesaria. Influencia de la técnica anestésico-quirúrgica y de la analgesia postoperatoria


    Cançado, Thais Orrico de Brito; Omais, Maruan; Ashmawi, Hazem Adel; Torres, Marcelo Luis Abramides


    JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: O Brasil ocupa o segundo lugar entre os países com maiores taxas de cesariana no mundo. Pouco se sabe a respeito das consequências futuras desse procedimento sobre a saúde materna. Este estudo investigou a influência da técnica anestésico-cirúrgica e da analgesia pós-operatória no aparecimento de dor crônica após três meses da cesariana. MÉTODO: Este estudo prospectivo randomizado foi feito em 443 pacientes submetidas a cesariana (eletiva e urgente), com diferentes ...

  4. Analgesia peridural contínua: análise da eficácia, efeitos adversos e fatores de risco para ocorrência de complicações Analgesia peridural continua: análisis de la eficacia, efectos adversos y factores de riesgo para ocurrencia de complicaciones Continuous epidural analgesia: analysis of efficacy, side effects and risk factors

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    Leonardo Teixeira Domingues Duarte


    . Todavia, não se pode dispensar rigorosa vigilância a fim de se obter analgesia satisfatória e diminuir as complicações.JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: La analgesia promovida por la infusión peridural de anestésico local con analgésicos opioides es reconocidamente de buena calidad y con pocos efectos adversos. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar el número, formas y gravedad de las complicaciones pós-operatorias relacionadas a la analgesia peridural y a la inserción del catéter peridural. MÉTODO: Fueron evaluados, retrospectivamente, 469 pacientes sometidos a la analgesia peridural pós-operatoria entre 18/10/1999 y 18/10/2001. La analgesia peridural fue conducida usándose solución de bupivacaína 0,1% con fentanil (1 a 5 µ, iniciándose la infusión a 3 ml.h-1. La velocidad de infusión era ajustada de acuerdo con la queja álgica del paciente. Fueron analizadas las siguientes variables: la duración de la infusión peridural; la ocurrencia de efectos adversos y complicaciones, relacionándolos a los datos demográficos, tipo de cirugía y posición del catéter peridural; y la calidad de la analgesia obtenida con la técnica (escala analógico-visual de dolor e índice de satisfacción del paciente. RESULTADOS: Los catéteres peridurales permanecieron implantados por una media de 2,2 días, variando de 6 horas a 10 días, y el índice global de complicaciones relacionadas a la técnica fue de 46,3%, siendo que la mayoría fue de pequeña magnitud, sin repercusión clínica. De estas, 13,9% estaban relacionadas directamente al catéter peridural (desconección, exteriorización, dolor lumbar, inflamación e infección local. Otras complicaciones más comunes fueron encontradas: vómitos y retención urinaria. La analgesia pós-operatoria fue efectiva con 97,2% de los pacientes refiriendo satisfacción con la técnica. Pacientes sin dolor o con dolor leve, en el primero, segundo y tercero días de pós-operatorio, constituyeron, respectivamente, 80

  5. Epidural analgesia during labor vs no analgesia: A comparative study

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    Wesam Farid Mousa


    Full Text Available Background: Epidural analgesia is claimed to result in prolonged labor. Previous studies have assessed epidural analgesia vs systemic opioids rather than to parturients receiving no analgesia. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of epidural analgesia on labor duration compared with parturients devoid of analgesia. Methods: One hundred sixty nulliparous women in spontaneous labor at full term with a singleton vertex presentation were assigned to the study. Parturients who request epidural analgesia were allocated in the epidural group, whereas those not enthusiastic to labor analgesia were allocated in the control group. Epidural analgesia was provided with 20 mL bolus 0.5% epidural lidocaine plus fentanyl and maintained at 10 mL for 1 h. Duration of the first and second stages of labor, number of parturients receiving oxytocin, maximal oxytocin dose required for each parturient, numbers of instrumental vaginal, vacuum-assisted, and cesarean deliveries and neonatal Apgar score were recorded. Results: There was no statistical difference in the duration of the active-first and the second stages of labor, instrumental delivery, vacuum-assisted or cesarean delivery rates, the number of newborns with 1-min and 5-min Apgar scores less than 7 between both groups and number of parturients receiving oxytocin, however, the maximal oxytocin dose was significantly higher in the epidural group. Conclusion: Epidural analgesia by lidocaine (0.5% and fentanyl does not prolong labor compared with parturients without analgesia; however, significant oxytocin augmentation is required during the epidural analgesia to keep up the aforementioned average labor duration.

  6. Considerações sobre analgesia controlada pelo paciente em hospital universitário Consideraciones sobre analgesia controlada por el paciente en hospital universitario Patient controlled analgesia in a university hospital

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    Guilherme Antônio Moreira de Barros


    qualidade da analgesia, embora com ocorrência de efeitos colaterais indesejáveis, tendo havido boa aceitação da técnica de analgesia pelas clínicas atendidas.RESUMEN JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: El rápido progreso obtenido en las técnicas quirúrgicas y anestésicas en los últimos años proporcionó extraordinario aumento de las indicaciones de procedimientos invasivos. Por otro lado, con el envejecimiento de la población, el período de recuperación pós-operatoria pasó a ser motivo de mayor preocupación y consecuente preocupación del equipo de salud. Para tanto, nuevas técnicas de analgesia fueron creadas y desarrolladas y, entre ellas, se destaca la Analgesia Controlada por el Paciente (ACP. En nuestro país, el Servicio de Dolor Agudo (SEDA de la Disciplina de Terapia Antálgica y Cuidados Paliativos, del Departamento de Anestesiología de la Facultad de Medicina de Botucatu - UNESP, utiliza hace muchos años esta técnica de analgesia. Con la finalidad de atestar la calidad del servicio prestado, la pesquisa objetiva verificar la eficacia y seguridad del método, así como identificar y caracterizar la población atendida. MÉTODO: De modo retrospectivo, fueron evaluados 679 pacientes tratados por el SEDA, exclusivamente con el método de ACP, durante tres años. Los pacientes fueron incluidos en el análisis aleatoriamente, sin restricciones cuanto a la edad, al sexo, al tipo de cirugía y considerando únicamente la posibilidad de indicación de la ACP. Fueron estudiados los siguientes atributos: sexo, edad, tipo de cirugía, intensidad del dolor, días de acompañamiento, analgésicos utilizados, vías de administración, ocurrencia de efectos colaterales y complicaciones de la técnica. RESULTADOS 3,96% de los pacientes sometidos a cirugías, y 1,64% de los internados en el período observado, fueron acompañados con técnica ACP. La cirugía torácica fue la más frecuentemente atendida, con 25% de los pacientes. La morfina fue el medicamento m

  7. Nuestra Experiencia con la técnica de Barcat y Godart en el Torticolis Muscular Congénito


    Remartínez Rivares, José María; Latorre Sahún, A.; Castiella Muruzabal, Tomás; Aznar Aznarez, J. Mª; Seral Iñigo, Fernando


    Los autores exponen los resultados obtenidos en diez casos de T.M.C. tratados quirúrgicamente con la técnica de Barcat y Godard, tanto estéticos como funcionales. Se analizan los parámetros de sexo, edad de intervención, lado afectado, tipo de parto, anomalías asociadas, y presencia de asimetría facial, movilidad craneal, pérdida de relieve muscular y aparición de bandas laterales postoperatorias. Estos resultados son comparados con los otros autores, mostrándose superiores....

  8. Analgesia de parto: estudo comparativo entre anestesia combinada raquiperidural versus anestesia peridural contínua Analgesia de parto: estudio comparativo entre anestesia combinada raqui-peridural versus anestesia peridural continua Labor analgesia: a comparative study between combined spinal-epidural anesthesia versus continuous epidural anesthesia

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    Carlos Alberto de Figueiredo Côrtes


    ão necessários para avaliar diferença na incidência de cesarianas.JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: El alivio del dolor en el trabajo de parto ha recibido una atención constante objetivando el bienestar materno, disminuyendo el estrés causado por el dolor y reduciendo las consecuencias de éste sobre el concepto. Innumerables técnicas pueden ser utilizadas para la analgesia de parto. Este trabajo tuvo como objetivo comparar la técnica peridural continua con la combinada, ambas con el uso de bupivacaína a 0,25% en exceso enantiomérico 50% y fentanil como agentes. MÉTODO: Participaron del estudio 40 parturientes en trabajo de parto con dilatación cervical entre 4 y 5 cm que se repartieron en de los grupos iguales de forma aleatoria. El Grupo I recibió anestesia peridural continua. El Grupo II recibió anestesia combinada. Se evaluaron: medidas antropométricas, edad de embarazo, dilatación cervical, tiempo entre el bloqueo y la ausencia de dolor a través de la escala analógica visual, posibilidad de deambulación, tiempo entre el inicio de la analgesia y la dilatación cervical completa, duración del período expulsivo, parámetros hemodinámicos maternos y vital edad del recién nacido. Posibles complicaciones como depresión respiratoria, hipotensión arterial materna, prurito, náuseas y vómitos también fueron observados. Para la comparación de los promedios se utilizó el teste t de Student y para la paridad y tipo de parto se utilizó el teste del Qui-cuadrado. RESULTADOS: No hubo diferencia estadística significativa entre los de los grupos con relación al tiempo entre el inicio de la analgesia y la dilatación cervical completa, como también con relación al tiempo de la duración del período expulsivo, incidencia de cesárea relacionada con la analgesia, parámetros hemodinámicos maternos y vital edad del recién nacido. CONCLUSIONES: Las dos técnicas fueron eficaces y seguras para la analgesia del trabajo de parto, aunque la técnica combinada haya

  9. Mal posición de tornillos pediculares lumbares que producen radiculalgia mecánica postoperatoria con estimulación neurofisiológica intraoperatoria normal: el valor de la estimulación neurofisiológica del trayecto del tornillo

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    Vicente García González


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Valorar una exploración neurofisiológica que identifique estos casos intraoperatoriamente y evite la mal posición de tornillos pediculares. MÉTODOS: En 293 pacientes intervenidos de escoliosis por vía posterior con tornillos pediculares y técnica "free hand", se implantaron 6.739 tornillos. De estos, ocho pacientes (2,7%, con edad promedio de 24 años, presentaron dolor radicular lumbar postoperatorio. En la TC postoperatoria se encontraron 10 tornillos lumbares (2L1-3L2-4L3-1L4 con prominencia mínima en la parte inferior del pedículo. Se evaluaron los umbrales de EMG del tornillo y del trayecto. RESULTADOS: En cirugía inicial no se detectaron anomalías en la palpación del trayecto, ni en el control radioscópico, ni alteraciones neurofisiológicas en la estimulación neurofisiológica con t-EMG. Todos presentaron dolor radicular en bipedestación y sedestación que remitía con reposo en cama. Los tornillos fueron retirados quirúrgicamente a los 37 días en promedio (R:4-182. En esta cirugía se repitió la monitorización neurofisiológica y volvió a mostrar valores normales (> 11mA. Tras la retirada de los tornillos, se realizó estimulación del trayecto que mostró en la parte media, umbrales por debajo de los valores normales (3,9-10,7mA. Tras un seguimiento promedio de 4,4 años (R:2,6-6.8, cinco pacientes referían tener molestias radiculares ocasionales y uno tenía déficit motor mínimo en la extremidad afectada. CONCLUSIONES: Se presenta un tipo de mal posicionamiento de tornillo pedicular lumbar que produce radiculalgia en bipedestación-sedestación y que no es detectado con monitorización convencional. La estimulación neurofisiológica del trayecto en la zona media, tras retirada del tornillo pedicular, produjo umbrales bajos de estimulación. Se recomienda estimulación sistemática del trayecto antes de la inserción del tornillo pedicular lumbar.

  10. Analgesia pós-operatória em cirurgia ortopédica: estudo comparativo entre o bloqueio do plexo lombar por via perivascular inguinal (3 em 1 com ropivacaína e a analgesia subaracnóidea com morfina Analgesia pós-operatoria en cirugía ortopédica: estudio comparativo entre el bloqueo del plexo lombar por vía perivascular inguinal (3 en 1 con ropivacaína y la analgesia subaracnóidea con morfina Postoperative analgesia following orthopedic surgery: a study comparing perivascular lumbar plexus inguinal block with ropivacaine (3 in 1 and spinal anesthesia with morphine

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    Neuber Martins Fonseca


    perivascular inguinal, llamado de bloqueo 3 en 1, ha sido utilizado para analgesia pós-operatoria. El objetivo de este estudio fue comparar la analgesia pós-operatoria del bloqueo 3 en 1 a la de la morfina subaracnóidea en pacientes sometidos a cirugías ortopédicas en miembro inferior (MI. MÉTODO: Fueron estudiados 40 pacientes escalados para cirugía ortopédica de MI, de ambos sexos, estado físico ASA I y II, con edades entre 15 y 75 años, distribuidos en 2 grupos (M y BPL. Fue realizada anestesia subaracnóidea en todos los pacientes, en L3-L4 ó L4-L5, con 20 mg de bupivacaína isobárica a 0,5%. En el grupo M (n = 20 fue asociado 50 µg de morfina al anestésico local. En el grupo BPL (n = 20 fue realizado el bloqueo 3 en 1 al término de la cirugía, utilizando 200 mg de ropivacaína a 0,5%. Se evaluó la analgesia y la intensidad del dolor a las 4, 8, 12, 14, 16, 20 y 24 horas después del término de la cirugía, el nivel del bloqueo subaracnóideo, el tiempo quirúrgico y las complicaciones. RESULTADOS: La duración de la analgesia en el grupo BPL fue de 13,1 ± 2,47, en cuanto en el grupo M todos los pacientes referían dolor y ausencia de bloqueo motor en el primero instante evaluado (4 horas. Hubo falla del bloqueo de uno de los 3 nervios en 3 pacientes. La incidencia de náusea y prurito fue significativamente mayor en el grupo M. Cuanto a la retención urinaria, no hubo diferencia significante entre los grupos. No hubo depresión respiratoria, hipotensión arterial o bradicardia. La analgesia pós-operatoria fue mas efectiva en el grupo BPL, comparada al grupo M a las 4, 8, 12,14 y 16 horas. A las 20 y 24 horas no hubo diferencia significante entre los grupos.BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Perivascular Lumbar plexus inguinal block, (3-in-1 block has been used for postoperative analgesia. This study aimed at comparing postoperative analgesia of 3-in-1 block and spinal morphine in patients submitted to lower limb orthopedic surgeries (LL. METHODS: Forty ASA I

  11. Hiperparatiroidismo primario: Evolución postoperatoria a largo plazo Primary hyperparathyrodism: Postoperative long-term evolution

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    Francisco R. Spivacow


    Full Text Available Presentamos la evolución postoperatoria a largo plazo de 87 pacientes con hiperparatiroidismo primario. Del total, 78 mujeres y 9 varones, relación: 8.7:1. Edad media 55.3 ± 10.2 años. Antes de la cirugía el 44% presentó litiasis renal, el 70% osteopenia u osteoporosis y un 71.2% tuvo hipercalciuria. Se encontró disminución del filtrado glomerular en el 12.6%. Del total, 72 pacientes presentaron un adenoma único, dos un doble adenoma, dos hiperplasia, cuatro histología normal y en siete no se pudo disponer del resultado. El calcio sérico, el calcio iónico, el fósforo y la parathormona intacta se normalizaron en todos los pacientes postcirugía. La densitometría ósea aumentó un 6.9% en columna lumbar y un 3% en cuello de fémur. Los marcadores del remodelado óseo se normalizaron y persistieron normales a los 23 meses del seguimiento, coincidiendo con la parathormona intacta. Lo mismo sucedió con los valores de 25 OH D. Cuando se compararon pacientes con hipercalciuria inicial vs. aquellos con normocalciuria, no se encontraron diferencias en los valores basales y postcirugía en ambos grupos. En 11 pacientes con filtrado glomerular previo The long-term postoperative outcome of 87 patients with primary hyperparathyrodism is here presented. Of the total 78 were females and 9 males, ratio: 8.7:1. Mean age 55.3 ± 10.2 years. Before surgery, 44% had kidney stones, 70% had osteopenia or osteoporosis and 71.2% had hypercalciuria. Decrease renal glomerular filtration was found in 12.6%. Of the total, 72 patients had a single adenoma, two double adenoma, two hyperplasia, four had normal histology and seven could not dispose of the result. Serum calcium, ionized calcium, phosphorus and intact parathyroid hormone were normalized in all post surgery patients. Bone mineral density increased by 6.9% in lumbar spine and 3% in femoral neck. Markers of bone remodeling were normalized and persisted normal 23 months of follow-up, coinciding with

  12. Tratamiento de la tiroiditis de Riedel con triamcinolona

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    Germán Brito Sosa

    Full Text Available Se presenta el primer paciente con una tiroiditis de Riedel que se le aplica un tratamiento alternativo con triamcinolona creado por el profesor Juan Gualberto Vivó Núñez. Es el caso de una mujer de 48 años de edad, que acude al cuerpo de guardia por aumento de volumen de la región anterior del cuello y referir ligera disfagia. Tiene antecedente inicialmente de hipertiroidismo, a los 9 años comenzó con hipotiroidismo y hace aproximadamente un año se le diagnosticó una tiroiditis de Hashimoto, con seguimiento por endocrinología. La ecografía del tiroides muestra un aumento marcado de la glándula tiroidea y las imágenes de la biopsia por aspiración con aguja fina (BAAF son compatibles con una tiroiditis de Hashimoto. Con estos resultados se decide intervenirla quirúrgicamente eliminando así los signos compresivos. La biopsia postoperatoria describe una tiroiditis de Riedel. Por el gran tamaño de los lóbulos tiroideos, se le infiltra triamcinolona 1/2 cc en cada lóbulo, una vez al mes durante cuatro meses; logrando reducir aproximadamente el 50 % de los lóbulos tiroideos. Por lo que se puede apreciar los resultados obtenidos con el uso de la triamcinolona.

  13. Estudo comparativo da eficácia analgésica pós-operatória de 20, 30 ou 40 mL de ropivacaína no bloqueio de plexo braquial pela via posterior Estudio comparativo de la eficacia analgésica postoperatoria de 20, 30 o 40 mL de ropivacaína en el bloqueo de plexo braquial por la vía posterior A comparative study on the postoperative analgesic efficacy of 20, 30, or 40 mL of ropivacaine in posterior brachial plexus block

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    Marcos Guilherme Cunha Cruvinel


    fue determinar cuál volumen de anestésico local en el bloqueo de plexo braquial por la vía posterior propicia analgesia postoperatoria para esas operaciones de manera más eficiente. MÉTODO: Noventa pacientes sometidos al bloqueo del plexo braquial por vía posterior fueron divididos aleatoriamente en tres grupos de 30. Grupo 1 - volumen de 20 mL; Grupo 2 - volumen de 30 mL; Grupo 3 - volumen de 40 mL. En todos los grupos, el anestésico usado fue la ropivacaína a 0,375%. El bloqueo se evaluó a través de la investigación de sensibilidad térmica utilizando algodón con alcohol y el dolor postoperatorio se evaluó secundando una escala numérica verbal (ENV en las primeras 24 horas. RESULTADOS: En los tres grupos la analgesia postoperatoria fue similar según los parámetros evaluados; ENV de dolor promedio,tiempo hasta el primer quejido de dolor y consumo de opioides en el postoperatorio. En el grupo de 20 mL hubo un mayor consumo de analgésicos no opioides después de la 12ª hora de postoperatorio. En los grupos de 30 y 40 mL la extensión del bloqueo fue significativamente mayor. CONCLUSIONES: Este estudio mostró que el bloqueo del plexo braquial por la vía posterior es una técnica que promueve analgesia eficaz para intervenciones quirúrgicas en el hombro. Los tres diferentes volúmenes estudiados promovieron analgesia similar. La mayor extensión del bloqueo con volúmenes mayores no se tradujo en una mejor analgesia.BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Arthroscopic surgeries of the shoulder are accompanied by severe postoperative pain. Among the analgesic techniques, brachial plexus block offers the best results. The objective of this study was to determine which volume of local anesthetic in the posterior brachial plexus block offers more adequate analgesia for those procedures. METHODS: Ninety patients undergoing posterior brachial plexus block were randomly divided in three groups of 30 patients: Group 1 – volume of 20 mL; Groups 2 – volume of 30 m

  14. EPIDURAL ANALGESIA DURING LABOR Analgesia epidural para el trabajo de parto

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    Juan Carlos Zafra Pedone


    Full Text Available Introduction: The labor pain affect to all pregnant woman and it has biochemical and physiological changes that affect to mother and fetus and interact with your normal evolution. Currently there are analgesic techniques to less effectively labor pain, to provide a high satisfaction level and supply clinical and laboratory beneficial outcomes. In own context these techniques are very low used. Objective: To describe the use of epidural analgesic procedures in a pregnancy woman group during labor at the Universitarian Hospital San Jose – Popayan, Colombia. Materials and methods: Case series design. We recollected information of patients from Obstetric service during two months of 2006. The patient’s information was recollected from medical history with an instrument that content variables related with the analgesic technique and labor. The analyses were performed using descriptive statistics Results: 41 pregnant woman with a mean age of 23,4 were included. 65,9% were nulliparous and 85,4% were term pregnancy. At the moment of dural puncture the dilation and EVA pain scale mode was 6 and 8 respectively. The latency mean was 14,1 minutes. 95,1% were require a booster applied in a mean of 80 minutes and 61% were required a second booster applied in a mean of 49 min after that. The way of termination of pregnancy was vaginal predominantly. Conclusions: The results of this study are congruent to reporting in the world literature. These conclusions support the effectiveness of epidural analgesia and its favorable benefit/risk relation to the control of labor pain. Introducción: El dolor asociado con el trabajo de parto afecta a todas las pacientes e involucra alteraciones que afectan a la madre y al feto e interactúan interfiriendo con su evolución normal. Actualmente disponemos de alternativas analgésicas peridurales que han demostrado controlar en forma efectiva el dolor, proporcionar un alto grado de satisfacción de las pacientes y proveer

  15. Bloqueio extraconal para facectomia com implante de lente intra-ocular: influência do fentanil associado ao anestésico local na qualidade do bloqueio e na analgesia pós-operatória Bloqueo extraconal para facectomia con implantación de lente intra-ocular: influencia del fentanil asociado al anestésico local en la calidad del bloqueo y en la analgesia pos-operatoria Extraconal block for cataract extraction surgery with implantation of intraocular lens: contribution of fentanyl associated to local anesthetics for quality of block and postoperative analgesia

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    Daniel Espada Lahoz


    melhorou a qualidade do bloqueio quanto à motilidade do músculo reto medial e diminuiu a necessidade de analgésicos no pós-operatório.JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: La anestesia locorregional para cirugías oftalmológicas ofrece ventajas, como: mínimas alteraciones fisiológicas, anestesia completa, bloqueo de los reflejos oculares, pequeña incidencia de náuseas y vómitos, menor tiempo de recuperación y analgesia pos-operatoria. La preocupación constante con la calidad del bloqueo, así como la abordaje de la analgesia pos-operatoria debe quedar bajo la responsabilidad del anestesiologista. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar si el fentanil contribuye en la calidad del bloqueo extraconal y en la analgesia pos-operatoria de facectomias con implantación de lente intra-ocular. MÉTODO: Se estudió la asociación del fentanil y bupivacaína a 0,75% en la calidad del bloqueo ocular y en la analgesia pos-operatoria en 164 pacientes sometidos a facectomia con implantación de lente intra-ocular (técnica extracapsular, de ambos sexos con homogeneidad de parámetros antropométricos, ojo operado, clasificación del estado físico (ASA e índice de riesgo cardíaco de Goldman. Los pacientes fueron distribuidos en dos grupos (82 pacientes en cada grupo por sorteo de forma aleatoria, con y sin fentanil. Se evaluó la calidad del bloqueo por: aparecimiento de dolor en el per-operatorio, manutención de movimentación de los párpados o del globo ocular, persistencia del reflejo de Bell, número de bloqueos realizados para la obtención de condiciones quirúrgicas y evaluación del bloqueo por el cirujano. La analgesia pos-operatoria fue evaluada por la necesidad de complementación analgésica por el paciente. RESULTADOS: Fentanil asociado a la solución anestésica en el bloqueo extraconal aumentó significativamente el bloqueo del músculo recto medial (con fentanil - 17,1%, sin fentanil - 32,9% y diminuyó el consumo de analgésicos en el período pos-operatorio (uso

  16. Preventive analgesia

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dahl, Jørgen B; Kehlet, Henrik


    This paper will discuss the concepts of pre-emptive and preventive analgesia in acute and persistent postsurgical pain, based on the most recent experimental and clinical literature, with a special focus on injury-induced central sensitization and the development from acute to chronic pain. Recent...... of preventive analgesia for persistent postoperative pain are promising. However, clinicians must be aware of the demands for improved design of their clinical studies in order to get more conclusive answers regarding the different avenues for intervention. Summary: The concept of preventive analgesia is still...

  17. Analgesia pós-operatória multimodal em cirurgia ginecológica videolaparoscópica ambulatorial: comparação entre parecoxib e tenoxicam Analgesia pos-operatoria multimodal en cirugía ginecológica videolaparoscópica ambulatorial: comparación entre parecoxib y tenoxican Multimodal analgesia in outpatient videolaparoscopic gynecologic surgery: comparison between parecoxib and tenoxicam

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    Sérgio D. Belzarena


    tenoxican venoso en un estudio doblemente encubierto. MÉTODO: Fueron estudiadas prospectivamente 60 pacientes divididas de forma aleatoria en 2 grupos. Todas recibieron sedación pre-operatoria con midazolan. Un de los grupos (P recibió antes de iniciar la cirugía 40 mg de parecoxib y en el otro (T 20 mg de tenoxican. En la sala de operación fue hecha raquianestesia con bupivacaína y sufentanil. La analgesia pos-operatoria fue evaluada mediante la intensidad del dolor con escalas verbal y visual, localización del dolor (incisional, visceral, en el hombro y el consumo de analgésicos suplementares. Fueron registrados los efectos colaterales adversos La satisfacción de la paciente con la técnica fue pesquisada. RESULTADOS: La calidad analgésica fue excelente, con 76% de las pacientes del grupo P y 83% de las pacientes del grupo T sin queja de dolor y tampoco el uso de analgésicos en el pos-operatorio. No hubo diferencia entre los grupos en todos los criterios y períodos de evaluación analgésica. La incidencia de efectos adversos fue pequeña, no obstante, prurito de intensidad leve y de corta duración ocurrió frecuentemente. Todas las pacientes quedaron satisfechas o también muy satisfechas con la técnica empleada. CONCLUSIONES: Una técnica de analgesia multimodal, con un componente de anestésico local y opioide por vía subaracnóidea asociado con AINE venoso produce analgesia pos-operatoria de excelente calidad con pocos efectos colaterales adversos en cirugía videolaparoscópica ginecológica ambulatorial. La elección del AINE no parece importante para la obtención de estos resultados.BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The quality of postoperative analgesia in patients submitted to outpatient videolaparoscopic gynecologic surgery was evaluated by comparing the effects of intravenous parecoxib and tenoxicam in a double-blind study. METHODS: Participated in this prospective study 60 patients who were randomly divided into two groups. All patients were

  18. Bloqueio seletivo dos nervos supraescapular e axilar promove analgesia satisfatória e menor grau de bloqueio motor: comparação com o bloqueio interescalênico El bloqueo selectivo de los nervios supraescapular y axilar promueve una analgesia satisfactoria y un menor grado de bloqueo motor: comparación con el bloqueo interescalénico Selective suprascapular and axillary nerve block provides adequate analgesia and minimal motor block: comparison with interscalene block

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    Patrícia Falcão Pitombo


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVO: Cirurgias artroscópicas do ombro cursam com intensa dor pós-operatória. Diversas técnicas analgésicas têm sido preconizadas. O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar o bloqueio dos nervos supraescapular e axilar nas cirurgias artroscópicas de ombro com a abordagem interescalênica do plexo braquial. MÉTODO: Sessenta e oito pacientes foram alocados em dois grupos de 34, de acordo com a técnica utilizada: grupo interescalênico (GI e grupo seletivo (GS, sendo ambas as abordagens realizadas com neuroestimulador. No GI, após resposta motora adequada foram injetados 30 mL de levopubivacaína em excesso enantiomérico de 50% a 0,33% com adrenalina 1:200.000. No GS, após resposta motora do nervo supraescapular e axilar, foram injetados 15 mL da mesma substância em cada nervo. Em seguida, realizada anestesia geral. Variáveis avaliadas: tempo para realização dos bloqueios, analgesia, consumo de opioide, bloqueio motor, estabilidade cardiocirculatória, satisfação e aceitabilidade pelo paciente. RESULTADOS: Tempo para execução do bloqueio interescalênico foi significativamente menor que para realização do bloqueio seletivo. Analgesia foi significativamente maior no pós-operatório imediato no GI e no pós-operatório tardio no GS. Consumo de morfina foi significativamente maior na primeira hora no GS. Bloqueio motor foi significativamente menor no GS. Estabilidade cardiocirculatória, satisfação e aceitabilidade da técnica pelo paciente não diferiram entre os grupos. Ocorreu uma falha no GI e duas no GS. CONCLUSÕES: Ambas as técnicas são seguras, eficazes com mesmo grau de satisfação e aceitabilidade. O bloqueio seletivo de ambos os nervos apresentou analgesia satisfatória, com a vantagem de proporcionar bloqueio motor restrito ao ombro.JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: Las cirugías artroscópicas del hombro cursan con un intenso dolor postoperatorio. Diversas técnicas analgésicas han sido preconizadas

  19. Remifentanil patient controlled analgesia versus epidural analgesia in labour. A multicentre randomized controlled trial

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    Freeman Liv M


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Pain relief during labour is a topic of major interest in the Netherlands. Epidural analgesia is considered to be the most effective method of pain relief and recommended as first choice. However its uptake by pregnant women is limited compared to other western countries, partly as a result of non-availability due to logistic problems. Remifentanil, a synthetic opioid, is very suitable for patient controlled analgesia. Recent studies show that epidural analgesia is superior to remifentanil patient controlled analgesia in terms of pain intensity score; however there was no difference in satisfaction with pain relief between both treatments. Methods/design The proposed study is a multicentre randomized controlled study that assesses the cost-effectiveness of remifentanil patient controlled analgesia compared to epidural analgesia. We hypothesize that remifentanil patient controlled analgesia is as effective in improving pain appreciation scores as epidural analgesia, with lower costs and easier achievement of 24 hours availability of pain relief for women in labour and efficient pain relief for those with a contraindication for epidural analgesia. Eligible women will be informed about the study and randomized before active labour has started. Women will be randomly allocated to a strategy based on epidural analgesia or on remifentanil patient controlled analgesia when they request pain relief during labour. Primary outcome is the pain appreciation score, i.e. satisfaction with pain relief. Secondary outcome parameters are costs, patient satisfaction, pain scores (pain-intensity, mode of delivery and maternal and neonatal side effects. The economic analysis will be performed from a short-term healthcare perspective. For both strategies the cost of perinatal care for mother and child, starting at the onset of labour and ending ten days after delivery, will be registered and compared. Discussion This study, considering cost

  20. Efeitos da analgesia peridural e do bloqueio contínuo do plexo lombar sobre a reabilitação funcional após artroplastia total do quadril Efectos de la analgesia epidural y del bloqueo continuo del plexo lumbar sobre la rehabilitación funcional después de la artroplastia total de cadera Effects of epidural analgesia and continuous lumbar plexus block on functional rehabilitation after total hip arthroplasty

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    Leonardo Teixeira Domingues Duarte


    ésica eficaz y que permita la movilidad precoz, la participación en las actividades de rehabilitación, y una rápida recuperación funcional. El objetivo de este estudio, fue comparar los efectos de las técnicas de analgesia controlada por el paciente (ACP, por las vías epidural y perineural del plexo lumbar sobre la rehabilitación funcional en pacientes sometidos a la ATC. MÉTODO: Pacientes en estado físico ASA I a III, que fueron ubicados aleatoriamente en los grupos Epidural y Lumbar. Para la ATC, se realizó la anestesia epidural lumbar continua con ropivacaína a 0,5% (Epidural o bloqueo continuo del plexo lumbar con ropivacaína a 0,5% (Lumbar. En la sala de recuperación, se inició ACP con infusión de ropivacaína a 0,2% (Lumbar o ropivacaína a 0,2% + fentanil 3 µg.mL-1 (Epidural. La eficacia de la analgesia en las primeras 48 horas después de la ATC (niveles de dolor, consumo de morfina de rescate y de bolos de la bomba de ACP, se comparó entre los grupos. Los diferentes parámetros de la rehabilitación postoperatoria también se estudiaron. RESULTADOS: Cuarenta y un pacientes se sometieron al análisis estadístico. Los niveles de dolor en reposo fueron similares en los dos grupos. A pesar de un control más efectivo del dolor dinámico en el grupo Epidural y de un uso más potente de la morfina, que se aplicó más a menudo y precozmente en el grupo Lumbar, no hubo diferencia entre los grupos en ninguno de los parámetros estudiados de rehabilitación. Las técnicas de analgesia no influyeron en las fallas en el proceso de rehabilitación. CONCLUSIONES: El más alto nivel de efectividad de la analgesia epidural, no se tradujo en una mejoría en el proceso de rehabilitación, ni tampoco redujo el tiempo necesario para alcanzar los resultados estudiados.BAKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Pain after total hip arthroplasty (THA is severe and it is aggravated by movements, which requires an effective analgesic technique that allows early mobilization, participation

  1. Nitrous oxide for labor analgesia: Utilization and predictors of conversion to neuraxial analgesia. (United States)

    Sutton, Caitlin D; Butwick, Alexander J; Riley, Edward T; Carvalho, Brendan


    We examined the characteristics of women who choose nitrous oxide for labor analgesia and identified factors that predict conversion from nitrous oxide to labor neuraxial analgesia. Retrospective descriptive study. Labor and Delivery Ward. 146 pregnant women who used nitrous oxide for analgesia during labor and delivery between September 2014 and September 2015. Chart review only. Demographic, obstetric, and intrapartum characteristics of women using nitrous oxide were examined. Multivariable logistic regression was performed to identify factors associated with conversion from nitrous oxide to neuraxial analgesia. Data are presented as n (%), median [IQR], adjusted relative risk (aRR), and 95% confidence intervals (CI) as appropriate. During the study period, 146 women used nitrous oxide for labor analgesia (accounting for 3% of the total deliveries). The majority (71.9%) of women who used nitrous oxide were nulliparous, and over half (51.9%) had expressed an initial preference for "nonmedical birth." The conversion rate to neuraxial blockade was 63.2%, compared to a concurrent institutional rate of 85.1% in women who did not use nitrous oxide. Factors associated with conversion from nitrous oxide to neuraxial blockade were labor induction (aRR=2.0, CI 1.2-3.3) and labor augmentation (aRR=1.7, CI 1.0-2.9). Only a small number of women opted to use nitrous oxide during labor, analgesia was minimal, and most converted to neuraxial analgesia. Women with induced and augmented labors should be counseled about the increased likelihood that they will convert to neuraxial analgesia. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  2. Gravity of injury and analgesia in patients who suffered traffic accidents Gravedad de la lesión y analgesia en pacientes que sufrieron accidentes de tránsito Gravidade da lesão e analgesia em pacientes que sofreram acidentes de transporte

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    Ana Maria Calil


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: Identifying the frequency and gravity of injuries in patients who suffered accidents in traffic and the analgesic drugs utilized. METHODS: Retrospective study, with a sample of 200 medical records of patients admitted to the emergency services of a reference hospital for trauma care. The gravity of the injuries was characterized by anatomic gravity rates and the analgesic therapy was based on the World Health Organization's Analgesic Ladder. RESULTS: The main findings pointed to injuries in limbs, head, face and outer surface as the most frequent, and, in 85% of the cases, gravity was equal or lower than 3; As for analgesia, it was verified that 46;6% of the patients received dipyrone and paracetamol. Among the opioids, meperidine was used in 10.4% of the cases. CONCLUSION: The gravity of most injuries was equal or lower to 3, indicating injuries of light, moderate and serious gravity, located especially in four body regions; regarding analgesia, dipyrone was shown to be the most commonly-used drug and a low use of opioids was verified.OBJETIVOS: Identificar la frecuencia y gravedad de las lesiones en accidentados de tránsito y las drogas analgésicas utilizadas. MÉTODOS: Se trata de un estudio retrospectivo, con muestra de 200 historias clínicas de pacientes internados en el servicio de emergencia de un Hospital de referencia para la atención al trauma. La gravedad de las lesiones fue caracterizada por índices de gravedad anatómicos y la terapéutica analgésica con base en la Escalera Analgésica de la Organización Mundial de la Salud. RESULTADOS: Los principales hallazgos apuntaron las lesiones en miembros, cabeza, cara y superficie externa como las más frecuentes, y en un 85% de los casos con gravedad menor o igual a 3; en cuanto a la analgesia se verificó que el 46,6% de los pacientes recibieron dipirona y paracetamol, entre los opioides se destacó la meperidina con el 10,4%. CONCLUSIÓN: La mayoría de las lesiones

  3. Paediatric analgesia in an Emergency Department.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Hawkes, C


    Timely management of pain in paediatric patients in the Emergency Department (ED) is a well-accepted performance indicator. We describe an audit of the provision of analgesia for children in an Irish ED and the introduction of a nurse-initiated analgesia protocol in an effort to improve performance. 95 children aged 1-16 presenting consecutively to the ED were included and time from triage to analgesia, and the rate of analgesia provision, were recorded. The results were circulated and a nurse initiated analgesia protocol was introduced. An audit including 145 patients followed this. 55.6% of patients with major fractures received analgesia after a median time of 54 minutes, which improved to 61.1% (p = 0.735) after 7 minutes (p = 0.004). Pain score documentation was very poor throughout, improving only slightly from 0% to 19.3%. No child had a documented pain score, which slightly improved to 19.3%. We recommend other Irish EDs to audit their provision of analgesia for children.

  4. Analgesia controlada pelo paciente com fentanil e sufentanil no pós-operatório de reconstrução de ligamentos do joelho: estudo comparativo Analgesia controlada por el paciente con fentanil o sufentanil en el pós-operatorio de reconstrucción de ligamentos de la rodilla: estudio comparativo Patient controlled analgesia with fentanyl or sufentanil in the postoperative period of knee ligament reconstruction: comparative study

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    Marcelo Negrão Lutti


    diferença entre os grupos. CONCLUSÕES: O fentanil ou o sufentanil contínuos em bolus acionados pelo paciente, por via peridural, nas doses utilizadas neste estudo, apresentaram excelente analgesia pós-operatória. No entanto, o sufentanil apresentou efeitos colaterais mais intensos que o fentanil.JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: Los opioides han sido utilizados por vía peridural asociados o no a anestésicos locales para analgesia pós-operatoria de forma continua y/o en bolus controlado por el paciente. El objetivo de este estudio fue comparar la analgesia pós-operatoria entre el fentanil y sufentanil en infusión continua y en bolus por vía peridural, en pacientes sometidos a la reconstrucción de ligamento de la rodilla. MÉTODO: Participaron del estudio 70 pacientes con edad entre 16 y 47 anos, estado físico ASA I y II, divididos aleatoriamente en dos grupos: Grupo F (fentanil y Grupo S (sufentanil. Todos los pacientes fueron sometidos a anestesia peridural con bupivacaína a 0,5% (100 mg con epinefrina 1:200.000 asociada a fentanil (100 mg. Al final de la cirugía, los pacientes recibieron fentanil (Grupo F o sufentanil (Grupo S por vía peridural en régimen de infusión continua más bolus liberados por el paciente. En el Grupo F fue utilizada solución fisiológica (85 ml conteniendo fentanil 500 µg (10 ml y bupivacaína (5 ml a 0,5%. En el Grupo S fue utilizada solución fisiológica (92 ml conteniendo sufentanil 150 µg (3 ml y bupivacaína (5 ml a 0,5%. Para los dos grupos la bomba de infusión fue programada inicialmente en 5 ml.h-1, con dosis de 2 ml en bolus liberado por el paciente en un intervalo de 15 minutos. Fueron comparados los siguientes parámetros: dolor, número de bolus accionados, consumo de opioides, bloqueo motor, sedación y efectos colaterales. RESULTADOS: No hubo diferencia significativa entre los grupos cuanto la calidad de la analgesia, siendo la mayoría de buena calidad (EAV 0 a 2. Hubo diferencia significativa cuanto al número de

  5. Bloqueo de los nervios iliohipogástrico e ilioinguinal para analgesia posquirúrgica en cesárea tipo Pfannenstiel realizada bajo anestesia general: ¿qué concentración del anestésico local usar? Iliohypogastric and ilioinguinal block for postsurgical analgesia after pfannenstiel cesarean section performed under general anaesthesia

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    Héctor Iván García García


    Full Text Available El bloqueo bilateral de los nervios Iliohipogástrico e Ilioinguinal con bupivacaína al 0.5% puede proveer analgesia luego de cesárea con incisión de Pfannenstiel aunque la cantidad de droga usada está cerca de la dosis máxima segura. Diseñamos este estudio para comparar el efecto analgésico de la bupivacaína al 0.5% y diluida al 0.25%. Se incluyeron treinta pacientes aleatoriamente asignadas a un grupo de estudio (bupivacaína 0.25%, n= 15 y uno de control (bupivacaína 0.5%, n=15. Se evaluaron las pacientes con una Escala Visual Análoga (EVA a las O, 4, 8, 12 y 24 horas posoperatorias por médicos que no sabían a qué grupo pertenecían y sólo en caso de necesidad se prescribió analgesia IM con Diclofenaco. Los puntajes de analgesia y los requerimientos de anal. gesia complementaria fueron notoriamente simila. res en ambos grupos y no hubo diferencias estadísticamente significativas. Concluimos que el bloqueo de estos nervios es una técnica analgésica efectiva (el dolor siempre estuvo en promedio por debajo de 4 en la EVA, que no es afectada por la dilución del anestésico y que además es segura pues no se presentaron complicaciones. The Iliohypogastric and Ilioinguinal bilate. ral block with 0.5% bupivacaine can provide analgesia after Pfannenstiel cesarean section although the required amount of the drug is near the maximum secure dose. We designed this study in order to compare the analgesic effect of 0.5% bupivacaine and diluted 0.25% bupivacaine. Thirty patients were included in the study and asigned in aleatory form to either a study (0.25% bupivacaine n=15 or a control group (0.5% bupivacaine n=15. They were evaluated with the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS at 0,4,8,12,24 postoperative hours by physicians who did not know the group of the patient and prescribed intramuscular analgesia with Dicofenac only if required. The analgesia scores and the complementery analgesia requirements were similar in both groups and there were

  6. Procedural sedation analgesia


    Sheta, Saad A


    The number of noninvasive and minimally invasive procedures performed outside of the operating room has grown exponentially over the last several decades. Sedation, analgesia, or both may be needed for many of these interventional or diagnostic procedures. Individualized care is important when determining if a patient requires procedural sedation analgesia (PSA). The patient might need an anti-anxiety drug, pain medicine, immobilization, simple reassurance, or a combination of these interve...

  7. Patient controlled analgesia with remifentanil versus epidural analgesia in labour : randomised multicentre equivalence trial

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Freeman, Liv M; Bloemenkamp, Kitty W; Franssen, Maureen T; Papatsonis, Dimitri N; Hajenius, Petra J; Hollmann, Markus W; Woiski, Mallory D; Porath, Martina; van den Berg, Hans J; van Beek, Erik; Borchert, Odette W H M; Schuitemaker, Nico; Sikkema, J Marko; Kuipers, A H M; Logtenberg, Sabine L M; van der Salm, Paulien C M; Oude Rengerink, Katrien; Lopriore, Enrico; van den Akker-van Marle, M Elske; le Cessie, Saskia; van Lith, Jan M; Struys, Michel M; Mol, Ben Willem J; Dahan, Albert; Middeldorp, Johanna M; Oude Rengerink, K


    OBJECTIVE: To determine women's satisfaction with pain relief using patient controlled analgesia with remifentanil compared with epidural analgesia during labour. DESIGN: Multicentre randomised controlled equivalence trial. SETTING: 15 hospitals in the Netherlands. PARTICIPANTS: Women with an

  8. Patient controlled analgesia with remifentanil versus epidural analgesia in labour : randomised multicentre equivalence trial

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Freeman, Liv M.; Bloemenkamp, Kitty W.; Franssen, Maureen T.; Papatsonis, Dimitri N.; Hajenius, Petra J.; Hollmann, Markus W.; Woiski, Mallory D.; Porath, Martina; van den Berg, Hans J.; van Beek, Erik; Borchert, Odette W. H. M.; Schuitemaker, Nico; Sikkema, J. Marko; Kuipers, A. H. M.; Logtenberg, Sabine L. M.; van der Salm, Paulien C. M.; Rengerink, Katrien Oude; Lopriore, Enrico; van den Akker-van Marle, M. Elske; le Cessie, Saskia; van Lith, Jan M.; Struys, Michel M.; Mol, Ben Willem J.; Dahan, Albert; Middeldorp, Johanna M.


    Objective To determine women's satisfaction with pain relief using patient controlled analgesia with remifentanil compared with epidural analgesia during labour. Design Multicentre randomised controlled equivalence trial. Setting 15 hospitals in the Netherlands. Participants Women with an

  9. Patient controlled analgesia with remifentanil versus epidural analgesia in labour: randomised multicentre equivalence trial

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Freeman, L.M.; Bloemenkamp, K.W.; Franssen, M.T.; Papatsonis, D.N.; Hajenius, P.J.; Hollmann, M.W.; Woiski, M.D.; Porath, M.; Berg, H.J. van den; Beek, E. van; Borchert, O.W.; Schuitemaker, N.; Sikkema, J.M.; Kuipers, A.H.; Logtenberg, S.L.; Salm, P.C. van der; Oude Rengerink, K.; Lopriore, E.; Akker-van Marle, M.E. van den; Cessie, S. le; Lith, J.M. van; Struys, M.M.; Mol, B.W.; Dahan, A; Middeldorp, J.M.


    OBJECTIVE: To determine women's satisfaction with pain relief using patient controlled analgesia with remifentanil compared with epidural analgesia during labour. DESIGN: Multicentre randomised controlled equivalence trial. SETTING: 15 hospitals in the Netherlands. PARTICIPANTS: Women with an

  10. Procedural sedation analgesia

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    Sheta Saad


    Full Text Available The number of noninvasive and minimally invasive procedures performed outside of the operating room has grown exponentially over the last several decades. Sedation, analgesia, or both may be needed for many of these interventional or diagnostic procedures. Individualized care is important when determining if a patient requires procedural sedation analgesia (PSA. The patient might need an anti-anxiety drug, pain medicine, immobilization, simple reassurance, or a combination of these interventions. The goals of PSA in four different multidisciplinary practices namely; emergency, dentistry, radiology and gastrointestinal endoscopy are discussed in this review article. Some procedures are painful, others painless. Therefore, goals of PSA vary widely. Sedation management can range from minimal sedation, to the extent of minimal anesthesia. Procedural sedation in emergency department (ED usually requires combinations of multiple agents to reach desired effects of analgesia plus anxiolysis. However, in dental practice, moderate sedation analgesia (known to the dentists as conscious sedation is usually what is required. It is usually most effective with the combined use of local anesthesia. The mainstay of success for painless imaging is absolute immobility. Immobility can be achieved by deep sedation or minimal anesthesia. On the other hand, moderate sedation, deep sedation, minimal anesthesia and conventional general anesthesia can be all utilized for management of gastrointestinal endoscopy.

  11. Labour pain with remifentanil patient-controlled analgesia versus epidural analgesia : a randomised equivalence trial

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Logtenberg, Slm; Oude Rengerink, K; Verhoeven, C J; Freeman, L M; van den Akker, Esa; Godfried, M B; van Beek, E; Borchert, Owhm; Schuitemaker, N; van Woerkens, Ecsm; Hostijn, I; Middeldorp, J M; van der Post, J A; Mol, B W

    OBJECTIVE: To distinguish satisfaction with pain relief using remifentanil patient-controlled analgesia (RPCA) compared with epidural analgesia (EA) in low-risk labouring women. DESIGN: Randomised controlled equivalence trial. SETTING: Eighteen midwifery practices and six hospitals in the

  12. Low-dose spinal anaesthesia provides effective labour analgesia ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Intrathecal analgesia did not severely limit ambulation in any of the patients. ... access to epidural analgesia during labour is limited in low- resource ... world.5,6 With limited resources for epidural analgesia, spinal analgesia ... women.19,20.

  13. Differences in maternal temperature during labour with remifentanil patient-controlled analgesia or epidural analgesia: a randomised controlled trial

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Douma, M.R.; Stienstra, R.; Middeldorp, J.M.; Arbous, M.S.; Dahan, A


    BACKGROUND: Epidural analgesia and remifentanil patient-controlled analgesia are two popular techniques for the treatment of labour pain, each with its own efficacy and toxicity. METHODS: Parturients requesting analgesia were randomly assigned to either patient-controlled intravenous remifentanil or

  14. Patient controlled analgesia with remifentanil versus epidural analgesia in labour: randomised multicentre equivalence trial

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Freeman, Liv M.; Bloemenkamp, Kitty W.; Franssen, Maureen T.; Papatsonis, Dimitri N.; Hajenius, Petra J.; Hollmann, Markus W.; Woiski, Mallory D.; Porath, Martina; van den Berg, Hans J.; van Beek, Erik; Borchert, Odette W. H. M.; Schuitemaker, Nico; Sikkema, J. Marko; Kuipers, A. H. M.; Logtenberg, Sabine L. M.; van der Salm, Paulien C. M.; Oude Rengerink, Katrien; Lopriore, Enrico; van den Akker-van Marle, M. Elske; le Cessie, Saskia; van Lith, Jan M.; Struys, Michel M.; Mol, Ben Willem J.; Dahan, Albert; Middeldorp, Johanna M.


    To determine women's satisfaction with pain relief using patient controlled analgesia with remifentanil compared with epidural analgesia during labour. Multicentre randomised controlled equivalence trial. 15 hospitals in the Netherlands. Women with an intermediate to high obstetric risk with an

  15. Post-caesarean analgesia: What is new?

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    Sukhyanti Kerai


    Full Text Available Adequate post-operative analgesia after caesarean section (CS is vital as it impacts the distinct surgical recovery requirements of the parturient. Although newer analgesic modalities and drugs for post-caesarean analgesia have been introduced over the recent years, review of the literature suggests suggests that we are far from achieving the goals of optimum post-operative analgesia. We conducted a systematic review of recent advances in modalities for post-caesarean analgesia. After systematic search and quality assessment of studies, we included a total of 51 randomised controlled trials that evaluated the role of opioids, transversus abdominis plane (TAP block, wound infiltration/infusion, ketamine, gabapentin and ilioinguinal-iliohypogastric nerve block (II-IH NB for post-caesarean analgesia. Administration of opioids still remains the gold standard for post-operative analgesia, but the associated troublesome side effects have led to the mandatory incorporation of non-opioid analgesics in post-CS analgesia regime. Among the non-opioid techniques, TAP block is the most investigated modality of the last decade. The analgesic efficacy of TAP block as a part of multimodal analgesia is established in post-CS cases where intrathecal morphine is not employed and in CS under general anaesthesia. Among non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, COX-I inhibitors and intravenous paracetamol are found to be useful in post-operative analgesic regimen. The perioperative use of ketamine is found useful only in CS done under spinal anaesthesia; no benefit is seen where general anaesthesia is employed. Wound infiltration with local anaesthetics, systemic gabapentin and II-IH NB need further trials to assess their efficacy.

  16. Fiebre postoperatoria en cirugía ortopédica y urológica Postoperative fever in orthopedic and urologic surgery

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    Federico Saavedra


    Full Text Available La incidencia de fiebre en el postoperatorio varía ampliamente. En la cirugía limpia y la limpia-contaminada, la fiebre no infecciosa es más frecuente que la infecciosa. Fueron estudiados prospectivamente 303 pacientes operados en forma programada de cirugía ortopédica y urológica. Se investigó la incidencia de fiebre postoperatoria, su etiología, la relación entre el momento de su aparición y su origen y la utilidad del pedido empírico de estudios para determinar infección postoperatoria. El 14% (42/303 de los pacientes tuvieron fiebre postoperatoria. En el 81% (34/42 su etiología fue no infecciosa y en el 19% (8/42 infecciosa. Su origen fue siempre no infeccioso dentro de las primeras 48 horas del postoperatorio (pPost-operative fever incidence varies widely. In clean and clean-contaminated surgery the non-infectious fever is more frequent than the infectious fever. We performed a prospective study including 303 patients who underwent orthopedic and urologic elective surgery. The aims of our study were to investigate the incidence of post-operative fever, its etiology, the relationship between time of onset and the etiology, and the usefulness of extensive fever work-up to determine post-operative infection. The incidence of post-operative fever was 14% (42/303 of which 81% (34/42 was noninfectious and 19% (8/42 was infectious. The etiology of the fever in the first 48 hours after surgery was always non-infectious (p<0.001. An extensive fever work-up was performed in patients who presented fever only after the initial 48 hours of surgery with normal physical examination (n=19 consisting of chest x-ray, blood (2 and urine cultures. The chest x-ray was normal in all the patients, the urine cultures were positive in four cases (21%, IC 95%: 6-45 and the blood cultures in only one case (5%, IC 95%: 0.1-26. Seven patients had post-operative infections without fever as a clinical sign. The most frequently observed etiology of post

  17. Epidural anesthesia and postoperatory analgesia with alpha-2 adrenergic agonists and lidocaine for ovariohysterectomy in bitches (United States)

    Pohl, Virgínia H.; Carregaro, Adriano B.; Lopes, Carlize; Gehrcke, Martielo I.; Muller, Daniel C.M.; Garlet, Clarissa D.


    The aim of this study was to determine the viability and cardiorespiratory effects of the association of epidural alpha-2 adrenergic agonists and lidocaine for ovariohysterectomy (OH) in bitches. Forty-two bitches were spayed under epidural anesthesia with 2.5 mg/kg body weight (BW) of 1% lidocaine with adrenaline (CON) or in association with 0.25 mg/kg BW of xylazine (XYL), 10 μg/kg BW of romifidine (ROM), 30 μg/kg BW of detomidine (DET), 2 μg/kg BW of dexmedetomidine (DEX), or 5 μg/kg BW of clonidine (CLO). Heart rate (HR), respiratory rate (fR) and arterial pressures were monitored immediately before and every 10 min after the epidural procedure. Blood gas and pH analysis were done before, and at 30 and 60 min after the epidural procedure. Animals were submitted to isoflurane anesthesia if they presented a slightest sign of discomfort during the procedure. Time of sensory epidural block and postoperative analgesia were evaluated. All animals in CON and DEX, 5 animals in ROM and CLO, 4 animals in XYL, and 3 in DET required supplementary isoflurane. All groups, except CLO, showed a decrease in HR. There was an increase in arterial pressures in all groups. Postoperative analgesia lasted the longest in XYL. None of the protocols were totally efficient to perform the complete procedure of OH; however, xylazine provided longer postoperative analgesia than the others. PMID:23277701

  18. Hallazgos ecográficos en la proctalgia espontánea y postoperatoria Ultrasound findings in spontaneous and postoperative anal pain

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    I. Pascual


    Full Text Available Objetivo: valorar la utilidad de la ecografía endoanal como prueba de imagen para identificar la causa del dolor anal en los pacientes que presentan proctalgia idiopática o dolor postoperatorio y analizar cuáles son sus causas más frecuentes. Métodos: se realiza un estudio descriptivo de los hallazgos encontrados en las ecografías endoanales de pacientes con dolor anal en los últimos seis años. Todas las ecografías se llevaron a cabo con un ecógrafo B&K (Cheetah 2003, B&K Medical, Gentofte, Denmark con sonda endoanal de 7 MHz. Resultados: se estudiaron noventa y cinco casos de proctalgia mediante ecografía endoanal. Sesenta y siete correspondieron a pacientes con una cirugía previa perineal o pélvica tras la cual comenzó el dolor anal: 48 habían sido intervenidos de fisura anal, 12 de hemorroidectomía, 4 de episiotomía, 2 de fístula y 1 de prostatectomía. El hallazgo más frecuente tras la cirugía de fisura anal fue la presencia de una esfinterotomía incompleta. Entre los veintiocho pacientes sin cirugía previa, el 57,14% presentaba hipertrofia del esfínter anal interno como única alteración ecográfica. Conclusiones: los pacientes con proctalgia espontánea y postoperatoria pueden ser estudiados mediante ecografía endoanal ya que el uso de la sonda no impide completar la exploración. Con esta prueba se encontró una causa del dolor en el 81,93% de los casos. La hipertrofia del esfínter anal interno aislada es el hallazgo ecográfico más frecuente asociado a proctalgia espontánea.Objective: to assess the use of endoanal ultrasounds to identify anal pain etiology in patients with either spontaneous or postoperative pain, and to review the most frequent causes. Methods: a descriptive study of ultrasound findings in patients with anal pain during the last six years was performed. All ultrasound scans were performed using a B&K Diagnostic Ultrasound System (Cheetah 2003, B&K Medical, Gentofte, Denmark with a 7-MHz

  19. Epidural analgesia, neonatal care and breastfeeding. (United States)

    Zuppa, Antonio Alberto; Alighieri, Giovanni; Riccardi, Riccardo; Cavani, Maria; Iafisco, Alma; Cota, Francesco; Romagnoli, Costantino


    The objective of our study is to evaluate the correlation between epidural analgesia during labor, start of breastfeeding and type of maternal-neonatal care.Two different assistance models were considered: Partial and Full Rooming-in.In this cohort study, 2480 healthy infants were enrolled, 1519 in the Partial Rooming-in group and 1321 in the Full Rooming-in group; 1223 were born to women subjected to epidural analgesia in labor.In case of Partial Rooming-in the rate of exclusive or prevailing breastfeeding is significant more frequent in newborns born to mothers who didn't receive analgesia. Instead, in case of Full Rooming-in the rate of exclusive or prevailing breastfeeding is almost the same and there's no correlation between the use or not of epidural analgesia.The good start of lactation and the success of breastfeeding seems to be guaranteed by the type of care offered to the couple mother-infant, that reverses any possible adverse effects of the use of epidural analgesia in labor.

  20. Factores de riesgo de mortalidad precoz del Trasplante Pulmonar


    Kreis Esmendi, Germán


    Consultable des del TDX Títol obtingut de la portada digitalitzada A pesar de la experiencia acumulada, la mortalidad postoperatoria temprana del trasplante pulmonar continua siendo elevada. Los factores asociados a este evento permanecen siendo controvertidos. Objetivo: Revisar la serie de trasplantes pulmonares realizados en el Hospital Vall d' Hebron para establecer la supervivencia acumulada e identificar los factores asociados con riesgo de mortalidad postoperatoria precoz. Pacient...

  1. Rabbit analgesia. (United States)

    Barter, Linda S


    With the increasing popularity of rabbits as household pets, the complexity of diagnostic and surgical procedures performed on rabbits is increasing, along with the frequency of routine surgical procedures. More practitioners are faced with the need to provide adequate analgesia for this species. Preemptive analgesia prior to planned surgical interventions may reduce nervous system changes in response to noxious input, as well as reduce postoperative pain levels and analgesic drug requirements. Concurrent administration of analgesic drugs to anesthetized rabbits undergoing painful procedures is warranted both pre- and intraoperatively as well as postoperatively. This article discusses the neuropharmacologic and pharmacologic aspects of pain in rabbits, and reviews current protocols for the use of analgesic drugs. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  2. Epidural Analgesia in the Postoperative Period

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Mathsen, Curtis


    .... This descriptive study was conducted to determine which surgical patients experienced the most analgesia with the fewest side effects when receiving epidural analgesia in the postoperative period...

  3. Labor epidural analgesia: Past, present and future

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    Full Text Available One of the most severe pains experienced by a woman is that of childbirth. Providing analgesia for labor has always been a challenge more so because of the myths and controversies surrounding labor. It is imperative to understand the pain transmission during various stages of labor in order to select a proper technique for providing labor analgesia. The adverse effects of labor pain are numerous and affect both the mother as well as the fetus. Currently lumbar epidural is considered to be the gold standard technique for labor analgesia. Local anaesthetics like bupivacaine and ropivacaine are commonly used and adjuvants like clonidine, fentanyl and neostigmine have been extensively studied. However, despite being so popular, epidural analgesia is not without complications, with hypotension being the most common. Other complications include accidental dural puncture, infection, intravascular placement, high block and epidural hematoma. Other neuraxial techniques include continuous caudal analgesia, and combined spinal epidural analgesia. The numerous studies investigating the various aspects of this method have also served to dispel various myths surrounding epidural analgesia like increased incidence of cesarean section and instrumental delivery, prolongation of labor and future back pain. The future of labor analgesia lies in the incorporation of ultrasound in identifying the epidural space helping in proper catheter placement. The keywords "labor epidural" in the PUBMED revealed a total of 5018 articles with 574 review articles and 969 clinical trials. The relevant articles along with their references were extensively studied.

  4. Estudo comparativo entre bupivacaína racêmica a 0,25% e bupivacaína com excesso enantiomérico de 50% (S75-R25 a 0,25%, associadas ao fentanil para analgesia de parto com deambulação da parturiente Estudio comparativo entre bupivacaína racémica a 0,25% y bupivacaína con exceso enantiomérico de 50% (S75-R25 a 0,25% asociadas con fentanil para analgesia de parto con deambulación de la gestante Racemic 0.25% bupivacaine and 50% enantiomeric excess (S75-R25 0.25% bupivacaine associated to fentanyl for labor analgesia with patient’s ambulation. Comparative study

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    Carlos Alberto Figueiredo Côrtes


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Estudos clínicos com enantiômeros levógiros dos anestésicos locais demonstraram maior segurança em função de menor cardiotoxicidade. A deambulação da parturiente durante o trabalho de parto pode abreviar o trabalho de parto. Este estudo visou comparar a qualidade da anestesia e as repercussões maternas e fetais bem como a capacidade de deambulação e micção espontânea das parturientes com o emprego da bupivacaína a 0,25% e da bupivacaína com excesso enantiomérico de 50% (S75-R25 a 0,25%, associadas ao fentanil por via peridural contínua, no trabalho de parto. MÉTODO: Foram avaliadas 40 parturientes, estado físico ASA I e II, feto único, em trabalho de parto, submetidas a analgesia peridural contínua e divididas em dois grupos: no grupo I, receberam 8 mL (20 mg de bupivacaína (S75-R25 a 0,25% com epinefrina, associados a 100 µg de fentanil. No grupo II, receberam 8 mL (20 mg de bupivacaína racêmica a 0,25% com epinefrina, associados a 100 µg de fentanil. Foram avaliados os seguintes parâmetros: tempo de latência, nível de bloqueio sensitivo, grau de bloqueio motor, teste de Romberg, capacidade de deambulação e micção espontânea, duração do trabalho de parto e do período expulsivo, alterações hemodinâmicas e respiratórias maternas além da vitalidade dos recém-nascidos. RESULTADOS: Não houve diferença estatística significativa entre os grupos nos parâmetros avaliados. Todas as parturientes apresentaram força muscular com capacidade de deambulação, salvo no caso de indicação de cesariana (um caso do grupo II ou quando o parto aconteceu antes do tempo previsto para avaliação deste parâmetro (quatro casos do grupo I e cinco casos do grupo II. CONCLUSÕES: Tanto a bupivacaína racêmica quanto a bupivacaína (S75-R25 a 0,25% associadas ao fentanil mostraram ser boa opção para analgesia de parto.JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: Estudios clínicos con enantiómeros lev

  5. Labor analgesia: An update on the effect of epidural analgesia on labor outcome

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    Samina Ismail


    Full Text Available Following the introduction of epidural for labor analgesia, debate has centered on the issue of its effect on outcome of labor; in terms of length of labor and increase in the rate of instrumental vaginal delivery and cesarean section (CS. There is no ideal study on the effect of epidural analgesia (EA on the outcome of labor due to logistic problems in randomization, blinding and getting a control group; as a result these queries are partly answered. Despite these problems, it has been established that labor epidural has minimal effect on progress of established labor and maternal request should be a sufficient indication to start an epidural. Although instrumental vaginal delivery is probably increased with epidural but obstetrician practice, pain free patient and teaching opportunity are likely factors increasing the incidence. Maternal-fetal factors and obstetric management and not the use of EA are the most important determinants of the CS rate. The purpose of this review is to summarize data from controlled trials addressing the question of whether neuraxial labor analgesia causes an increased risk of CS or rate of instrumental delivery. In addition, the review discusses whether the timing of initiation of analgesia infl uences the mode of delivery.

  6. Evolución electrofisiológica en pacientes con síndrome del túnel del carpo tratados con cirugía

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    Enrique Vergara Amador


    Conclusiones. La mejoría de los parámetros electrofisiológicos después de una liberación de síndrome de túnel del carpo es controversial: algunos reportes muestran mejoría desde el primer mes, especialmente en la velocidad de conducción sensitiva. Otros estudios muestran mejoría significativa entre las semanas 18 y 42 postoperatorias, siendo la recuperación motora más rápida que la sensitiva. En el presente estudio el 52% de los pacientes mejoraron en las escalas por disminución del grado de severidad. Las latencias distales motoras y sensitivas y el delta sensitivo del nervio mediano evidenciaron una mejoría. Estos resultados sugieren que los estudios electrodiagnóstico son efectivos en la evaluación objetiva de pacientes con síndrome de túnel del carpo y es el único examen que puede demostrar mejoría luego de una liberación del STC.


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    Uršula Reš Muravec


    Full Text Available Background. To evaluate the effects of regional labour analgesia used at the Hospital for Gynecology and Obstetrics in Postojna, Slovenia, in the year 2002.Patients and methods. In this retrospective study we enrolled 294 parturients who delivered in the year 2002 in the Postojna Maternity Hospital: in group 1 there were 147 parturients in whom three different regional analgesic techniques (study group were used at labour; in group 2 there were 147 parturients in whom regional analgesia was not used (control group. In the first step the two groups were compared in terms of maternal demographic data, duration and outcome of labour and 1' and 5' Apgar scores. In the second step the three regional analgesic groups were compared in terms of the course and outcome of labour, fetal condition, side and adverse effects of regional analgesic techniques, and patient satisfaction with a particular analgesic technique.Results. Regional labour analgesia was used in 147 (14% of the 1048 women who delivered in 2002: epidural analgesia (EPI was performed in 51.0%, combined spinal-epidural (CSE in 42.2% and spinal analgesia (SA in 6.8% of cases. The women in the regional analgesia group were significantly older, more educated, more often nulliparous and accompanied by their partner at labour than the women in the control group. Further, the duration of labour was significantly longer, oxytocin more frequently administered than in the control group. In terms of labour outcome there were no differences in the Cesarean section rates and 1- and 5-min Apgar scores minutes, but and the vacuum extraction rate was significantly higher in the regional analgesia group. Among the three regional analgesia techniques used, there were no statistically significant differences observed in terms of labour duration and outcome, and Apgar scores. The patient satisfaction was greatest with CSE. Adverse side effects such as weak muscles, reduced motion abilities, itching, nausea

  8. Premedicación con clonidina para la analgesia posoperatoria en niños

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    Conclusiones de los autores: Hubo sólo 11 ensayos relevantes que estudiaron a 742 niños con cirugía en los que la premedicación con clonidina se comparó con el placebo u otra farmacoterapia. A pesar de la heterogeneidad entre los ensayos, la premedicación con clonidina en una dosificación adecuada (4 μg/ kg tuvo un efecto beneficioso para el dolor posoperatorio en niños. Los efectos secundarios fueron mínimos, pero algunos de los estudios usaron la atropina como profilaxis con la intención de prevenir la bradicardia y la hipotensión. Se requiere más investigación para determinar en qué condiciones la premedicación con clonidina es más efectiva en el alivio del dolor posoperatorio en niños.

  9. Planificación Neuroquirúrgica con Software Osirix (United States)

    Jaimovich, Sebastián Gastón; Guevara, Martin; Pampin, Sergio; Jaimovich, Roberto; Gardella, Javier Luis


    Introducción: La individualidad anatómica es clave para reducir el trauma quirúrgico y obtener un mejor resultado. Actualmente, el avance en las neuroimágenes ha permitido objetivar esa individualidad anatómica, permitiendo planificar la intervención quirúrgica. Con este objetivo, presentamos nuestra experiencia con el software Osirix. Descripción de la técnica: Se presentan 3 casos ejemplificadores de 40 realizados. Caso 1: Paciente con meningioma de la convexidad parasagital izquierda en área premotora; Caso 2: Paciente con macroadenoma hipofisario, operada previamente por vía transeptoesfenoidal en otra institución con una resección parcial; Caso 3: Paciente con lesiones en pedúnculo cerebeloso medio bilateral. Se realizó la planificación prequirúrgica con el software OsiriX, fusionando y reconstruyendo en 3D las imágenes de TC e IRM, para analizar relaciones anatómicas, medir distancias, coordenadas y trayectorias, entre otras funciones. Discusión: El software OsiriX de acceso libre y gratuito permite al cirujano, mediante la fusión y reconstrucción en 3D de imágenes, analizar la anatomía individual del paciente y planificar de forma rápida, simple, segura y económica cirugías de alta complejidad. En el Caso 1 se pudo analizar las relaciones del tumor con las estructuras adyacentes para minimizar el abordaje. En el Caso 2 permitió comprender la anatomía post-operatoria previa del paciente, para determinar la trayectoria del abordaje transnasal endoscópico y la necesidad de ampliar su exposición, logrando la resección tumoral completa. En el Caso 3 permitió obtener las coordenadas estereotáxicas y trayectoria de una lesión sin representación tomográfica. Conclusión: En casos de no contar con costosos sistemas de neuronavegación o estereotáxia el software OsiriX es una alternativa a la hora de planificar la cirugía, con el objetivo de disminuir el trauma y la morbilidad operatoria. PMID:25165617

  10. Estudo comparativo de midazolam com cetamina S(+ versus midazolam com bloqueio paracervical uterino para aspiração manual intra-uterina Estudio comparativo de midazolam con cetamina S(+ versus midazolam con bloqueo paracervical uterino para aspiración manual intrauterina Comparative study of midazolam with ketamine S(+ versus midazolam with uterine paracervical block for manual intrauterine aspiration

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    Vonaldo Torres de Almeida


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Avaliar a efetividade, a analgesia pós-operatória e o grau de satisfação e recomendação das pacientes submetidas à aspiração manual intra-uterina por meio da comparação de duas técnicas anestésicas. MÉTODO: Foram estudadas, prospectivamente, 80 pacientes distribuídas aleatoriamente em dois grupos. Todas receberam midazolam, por via venosa. Em seguida, o Grupo MC recebeu cetamina S(+ por via venosa e o Grupo MP, bloqueio paracervical uterino. Na sala de cirurgia a eficácia da técnica foi avaliada por três observadores (o pesquisador, o obstetra e o residente de obstetrícia e, após uma hora, foi avaliada por um observador que desconhecia a técnica realizada, a analgesia pós-operatória, os graus de satisfação de recomendação da paciente mediante escala verbal. RESULTADOS: As técnicas mostraram-se eficientes em 95% das pacientes do Grupo MC e 76,7% das pacientes do Grupo MP (p = 0,04. Entre as pacientes do Grupo MC, 67% não apresentaram dor após uma hora, enquanto no grupo MP a porcentagem de pacientes sem dor foi de 33,3% (p JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: Evaluar la efectividad, la analgesia postoperatoria y el grado de satisfacción y recomendación de las pacientes sometidas a la aspiración manual intrauterina a través de la comparación de las técnicas anestésicas. MÉTODO: Formando parte de un estudio de prospección, se estudiaron 80 pacientes distribuidas aleatoriamente en 2 grupos. Todas recibieron midazolam por vía venosa. En seguida, el Grupo MC, recibió cetamina S(+ por vía venosa y el Grupo MP bloqueo paracervical uterino. En la sala de cirugía la eficacia de la técnica fue evaluada por tres observadores (el investigador, el obstetra y el residente de obstetricia y después de una hora, fue evaluada por un observador que desconocía la técnica realizada, la analgesia postoperatoria y los grados de satisfacción de recomendación de la paciente mediante escala verbal

  11. Administração intraperitoneal da mistura com excesso enantiomérico de 50% de bupivacaína (S75-R25 para analgesia pós-operatória em colecistectomias videolaparoscópicas Administración intraperitoneal de la mezcla con exceso enantiomérico de 50% de bupivacaína (S75-R25 para analgesia postoperatoria en colecistectomías videolaparoscópicas Intraperitoneal administration of 50% enantiomeric excess (S75-R25 bupivacaine in postoperative analgesia of laparoscopic cholecystectomy

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    João Batista Santos Garcia


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: O efeito analgésico de infusões intraperitoneais de anestésicos locais após colecistectomia videolaparoscópica é controverso e os resultados descritos vão de alívio considerável à pequena redução da dor. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a eficácia da administração intraperitoneal da mistura com excesso enantiomérico de 50% de bupivacaína (S75-R25 para o alívio da dor no pós-operatório de colecistectomia videolaparoscópica. MÉTODO: Estudo aleatório, placebo-controlado e duplamente encoberto com 40 pacientes submetidos à colecistectomia videolaparoscópica divididos em dois grupos: GI (n = 20 que recebeu 80 mL de solução de bupivacaína S75-R25 a 0,125% intraperitoneal no fim da operação; GII (n = 20 que recebeu 80 mL de solução fisiológica a 0,9%. Ambos os grupos receberam 40 mg de tenoxicam e 30 de dipirona, por via venosa, pouco antes do fim da operação. A analgesia no pós-operatório (PO foi feita com tramadol. Foram avaliados os escores de dor em repouso, ao sentar e à manobra de Valsalva, segundo a escala numérica ao despertar e 2, 4, 8, 12 e 24 horas no PO; a presença de dor no ombro; o tempo para a primeira solicitação do analgésico; e o seu consumo cumulativo. RESULTADOS: Houve diferença estatística significativa entre os escores de dor às 12 horas no PO com o paciente em repouso (GI JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: El efecto analgésico de infusiones intraperitoneales de anestésicos locales después colecistectomía videolaparoscópica es controvertido y los resultados descritos van desde el alivio considerable a la pequeña reducción del dolor. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la eficacia de la administración intraperitoneal de la mezcla con exceso enantiomérico de 50% de bupivacaína (S75-R25 para el alivio del dolor en el postoperatorio de colecistectomía videolaparoscópica. MÉTODO: Estudio aleatorio, placebo-controlado y doblemente encubierto con

  12. Selective REM Sleep Deprivation Improves Expectation-Related Placebo Analgesia. (United States)

    Chouchou, Florian; Chauny, Jean-Marc; Rainville, Pierre; Lavigne, Gilles J


    The placebo effect is a neurobiological and psychophysiological process known to influence perceived pain relief. Optimization of placebo analgesia may contribute to the clinical efficacy and effectiveness of medication for acute and chronic pain management. We know that the placebo effect operates through two main mechanisms, expectations and learning, which is also influenced by sleep. Moreover, a recent study suggested that rapid eye movement (REM) sleep is associated with modulation of expectation-mediated placebo analgesia. We examined placebo analgesia following pharmacological REM sleep deprivation and we tested the hypothesis that relief expectations and placebo analgesia would be improved by experimental REM sleep deprivation in healthy volunteers. Following an adaptive night in a sleep laboratory, 26 healthy volunteers underwent classical experimental placebo analgesic conditioning in the evening combined with pharmacological REM sleep deprivation (clonidine: 13 volunteers or inert control pill: 13 volunteers). Medication was administered in a double-blind manner at bedtime, and placebo analgesia was tested in the morning. Results revealed that 1) placebo analgesia improved with REM sleep deprivation; 2) pain relief expectations did not differ between REM sleep deprivation and control groups; and 3) REM sleep moderated the relationship between pain relief expectations and placebo analgesia. These results support the putative role of REM sleep in modulating placebo analgesia. The mechanisms involved in these improvements in placebo analgesia and pain relief following selective REM sleep deprivation should be further investigated.

  13. Comparison of Transversus Abdominis Plane Infiltration with Liposomal Bupivacaine versus Continuous Epidural Analgesia versus Intravenous Opioid Analgesia. (United States)

    Ayad, Sabry; Babazade, Rovnat; Elsharkawy, Hesham; Nadar, Vinayak; Lokhande, Chetan; Makarova, Natalya; Khanna, Rashi; Sessler, Daniel I; Turan, Alparslan


    Epidural analgesia is considered the standard of care but cannot be provided to all patients Liposomal bupivacaine has been approved for field blocks such as transversus abdominis plane (TAP) blocks but has not been clinically compared against other modalities. In this retrospective propensity matched cohort study we thus tested the primary hypothesis that TAP infiltration are noninferior (not worse) to continuous epidural analgesia and superior (better) to intravenous opioid analgesia in patients recovering from major lower abdominal surgery. 318 patients were propensity matched on 18 potential factors among three groups (106 per group): 1) TAP infiltration with bupivacaine liposome; 2) continuous Epidural analgesia with plain bupivacaine; and; 3) intravenous patient-controlled analgesia (IV PCA). We claimed TAP noninferior (not worse) over Epidural if TAP was noninferior (not worse) on total morphine-equivalent opioid and time-weighted average pain score (10-point scale) within first 72 hours after surgery with noninferiority deltas of 1 (10-point scale) for pain and an increase less of 20% in the mean morphine equivalent opioid consumption. We claimed TAP or Epidural groups superior (better) over IV PCA if TAP or Epidural was superior on opioid consumption and at least noninferior on pain outcome. Multivariable linear regressions within the propensity-matched cohorts were used to model total morphine-equivalent opioid dose and time-weighted average pain score within first 72 hours after surgery; joint hypothesis framework was used for formal testing. TAP infiltration were noninferior to Epidural on both primary outcomes (pconsumption (p = 0.37). We did not find noninferiority of Epidural over IV PCA on pain scores (P = 0.13) and nor did we find superiority on opioid consumption (P = 0.98). TAP infiltration with liposomal bupivacaine and continuous epidural analgesia were similar in terms of pain and opioid consumption, and not worse in pain compared with IV PCA

  14. Registered nurses' and midwives' knowledge of epidural analgesia. (United States)

    Bird, Annette; Wallis, Marianne; Chaboyer, Wendy


    Despite epidural analgesia increasingly being utilized in hospitals, very little research-based evidence is available about registered nurses' (RNs) and midwives' knowledge of this technique. To describe the current epidural knowledge levels of RNs and midwives in a multi-site setting. RNs and midwives at four, regional teaching facilities completed an epidural knowledge test. The instrument included demographic items and five knowledge subscales relating to epidural analgesia: spinal cord anatomy and physiology; epidural pharmacology; complications of epidural analgesia; assessment of sensory and motor blockade and the general management of patients with epidural analgesia. A total of 408 (99.7% response) RNs and midwives completed the test. Respondents demonstrated good knowledge of sensory and motor blockade assessment and the general management of epidural analgesia subscales with correct responses to 75 and 77% of the questions in these subscales, respectively. Fair knowledge relating to the spinal cord anatomy and physiology subscale was demonstrated with 69% of the questions answered correctly. The knowledge subscales relating to epidural pharmacology (57% correct responses) and the complications of epidural analgesia (56% correct responses) were problematic for the sample. The research results provide generalizable information about what RNs and midwives know about epidural analgesia. These results are an important guide in the development of new and existing dedicated epidural education programs. The results also provide some direction for further research into this important topic.

  15. Successful practice of electroacupuncture analgesia in equine surgery. (United States)

    Sheta, Eldessouky; Ragab, Safwat; Farghali, Haithem; El-Sherif, Asmaa


    Electroacupuncture analgesia was used for surgery in horses and donkeys. A KWD-808 electrical stimulator was used to incrementally induce a dense, dispersed wave output at frequencies from 20 to 55 Hz, which was maintained at a frequency of 55 Hz, and to change the amplitude of the wave to the best grading number for the suggested operation in each animal. Induction of analgesia lasted for 20-30 minutes, and the effect of analgesia was maintained for 20-45 minutes depending on the type of surgery performed. The exhibited clinical signs, physical examination data, and the responses of all animals were used for evaluating the periods of analgesia. Although the majority of the cases (95%) had no response to strong surgical pain, they experienced significant increases in heart rates and respiratory rates during induction. The lack of pain, relaxed surgical procedures, reduced intraoperative bleeding, and improved healing without complications were all definite benefits of using electroacupuncture analgesia in surgery. Thus, this study has provided surgical evidence supporting the effectiveness of electroacupuncture analgesia, as well as confirming its reliability, in the field of equine anesthesia and surgery. Copyright © 2015. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  16. Patient controlled remifentanil and epidural analgesia during labour : satisfaction, costs and safety

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Freeman, Liv


    Epidural analgesia provided superior analgesia to remifentanil PCA. Women randomised to epidural analgesia with a request for pain relief are more satisfied with their analgesia than women randomised to remifentanil PCA. Costs of epidural analgesia and remifentanil PCA are not significantly

  17. Safety and efficacy of prolonged epidural analgesia after oncologic colorectal surgery

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    R. V. Garyaev


    Full Text Available This study demonstrates effective thoracic epidural analgesia by ropivacain 0.2 %, phentanyl 2 mkg/ml, adrenaline 2 mkg/ml in single-use infusion pumps in 124 patients, who underwent surgery for colorectal cancer. Safe, effective and controllable analgesia was observed during surgery and postoperative period. Prolonged analgesia facilitates early rehabilitation and improves gastrointestinal peristaltic activity.  Prolonged epidural analgesia is the recommended method of analgesia in this group of patients.

  18. Pre-emptive analgesia: Recent trends and evidences

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    Amiya K Mishra


    Full Text Available Preemptive analgesia, initiated before the surgical procedure to prevent pain in the early postoperative period has the potential to be more effective than a similar analgesic treatment initiated after surgery. This article aims to review all the recent published evidences that assess the efficacy of this enigmatic concept. Materials and Methods: We reviewed original research articles, case-reports, meta-analyses, randomized control trials (RCTs, and reviews based on pain physiology for preemptive analgesia from Medline, Medscape, and PubMed from 1993 to 2013. A broad free-text search in English was undertaken with major keywords "Preemptive analgesia," "postoperative pain," "preoperative," and "preincisional". Results: Review of publications showed that intravenous (IV nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs are quite effective when used alone, as well as with low dose iv ketamine, preemptively to provide adequate postoperative analgesia. However, ketamine has a doubtful role as a standalone agent. Preemptive administration of LA at the incision site reduces postoperative pain, but achieves an analgesic effect similar to that of postincisional anesthetic infiltration as does intraperitoneal administration. Preemptive epidural analgesia has proved its efficacy in controlling perioperative immune function and pain in comparison to parenteral opioids. Gamma-amino butyric acid (GABA analogues like gabapentin and pregabalin have great potential as preemptive analgesic with the added advantage of its anxiolytic effect. Conclusion: Multimodal approaches that address multiple sites along the pain pathway is necessary to treat pain adequately. However, we need to find an answer to the question of how to obtain the maximal clinical benefits with the use of preemptive analgesia.

  19. Labour analgesia: Recent advances (United States)

    Pandya, Sunil T


    Advances in the field of labour analgesia have tread a long journey from the days of ether and chloroform in 1847 to the present day practice of comprehensive programme of labour pain management using evidence-based medicine. Newer advances include introduction of newer techniques like combined spinal epidurals, low-dose epidurals facilitating ambulation, pharmacological advances like introduction of remifentanil for patient-controlled intravenous analgesia, introduction of newer local anaesthetics and adjuvants like ropivacaine, levobupivacaine, sufentanil, clonidine and neostigmine, use of inhalational agents like sevoflourane for patient-controlled inhalational analgesia using special vaporizers, all have revolutionized the practice of pain management in labouring parturients. Technological advances like use of ultrasound to localize epidural space in difficult cases minimizes failed epidurals and introduction of novel drug delivery modalities like patient-controlled epidural analgesia (PCEA) pumps and computer-integrated drug delivery pumps have improved the overall maternal satisfaction rate and have enabled us to customize a suitable analgesic regimen for each parturient. Recent randomized controlled trials and Cochrane studies have concluded that the association of epidurals with increased caesarean section and long-term backache remains only a myth. Studies have also shown that the newer, low-dose regimes do not have a statistically significant impact on the duration of labour and breast feeding and also that these reduce the instrumental delivery rates thus improving maternal and foetal safety. Advances in medical technology like use of ultrasound for localizing epidural space have helped the clinicians to minimize the failure rates, and many novel drug delivery modalities like PCEA and computer-integrated PCEA have contributed to the overall maternal satisfaction and safety. PMID:21189877

  20. Estudo retrospectivo das infecções pós-operatórias em cirurgia de coluna: correlação com o número de limpezas cirúrgicas realizadas Estudio retrospectivo de infecciones postoperatorias en cirugía de espina dorsal: correlación con el número de desbridamientos quirúrgicos realizados Retrospective study of post-operative infections in spine surgery: correlation with the number of surgical debridement performed

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    Guilherme Pereira Corrêa Meyer


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar as características das infecções pós-operatórias e determinar a resolução das mesmas em relação ao número de limpezas e de agentes infectantes. MÉTODO: Foram avaliados todos os prontuários dos pacientes que evoluíram com infecção pós-operatória durante 30 meses para análise e correlação de diversas variáveis. Nesses 30 meses, 40 pacientes evoluíram com infecção pós-operatória de um total de 410 cirurgias. Foram excluídos os casos de infecção primária da coluna (osteomielite ou espondilodiscite totalizando três casos. Variáveis relacionadas ao paciente, ao procedimento e à evolução foram avaliadas e correlacionadas com as variáveis chaves: número de limpezas cirúrgicas e de agentes infectantes isolados nas culturas. RESULTADOS: A taxa de infecção pós-operatória foi de 9,83%. Foram relacionadas as diversas variáveis estudadas com o número de limpezas cirúrgicas realizadas e não foi possível estabelecer uma relação. No entanto verificou-se que os pacientes com maior número de procedimentos cirúrgicos apresentavam maior taxa de dor pós-operatória. CONCLUSÃO: Pacientes submetidos a um maior número de procedimentos apresentaram mais dor na evolução pós-operatória. Não houve correlação estatisticamente significativa entre o número de limpezas ou de agentes com as demais variáveis. Um maior número de pacientes no estudo pode ser necessário para identificar outras relações.OBJETIVO: Evaluar las características de infecciones postoperatorias y determinar la solución de ellas con relación al número de limpiezas y desbridamientos quirúrgicos, y agentes infecciosos. MÉTODO: Recolectamos, para un período de 30 meses, todos los registros de pacientes que tuvieron infección postoperatoria y varias variables fueron analizadas y correlacionadas. En esos 30 meses, 40 pacientes, de un total de 410 cirugías, tuvieron infección postoperatoria. Excluimos casos de infecci

  1. Intrathecal analgesia and palliative care: A case study

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    Naveen S Salins


    Full Text Available Intrathecal analgesia is an interventional form of pain relief with definite advantages and multiple complications. Administration of intrathecal analgesia needs a good resource setting and expertise. Early complications of intrathecal analgesia can be very distressing and managing these complications will need a high degree of knowledge, technical expertise and level of experience. Pain control alone cannot be the marker of quality in palliative care. A holistic approach may need to be employed that is more person and family oriented.

  2. Posterior paramedian subrhomboidal analgesia versus thoracic epidural analgesia for pain control in patients with multiple rib fractures. (United States)

    Shelley, Casey L; Berry, Stepheny; Howard, James; De Ruyter, Martin; Thepthepha, Melissa; Nazir, Niaman; McDonald, Tracy; Dalton, Annemarie; Moncure, Michael


    Rib fractures are common in trauma admissions and are associated with an increased risk of pulmonary complications, intensive care unit admissions, and mortality. Providing adequate pain control in patients with multiple rib fractures decreases the risk of adverse events. Thoracic epidural analgesia is currently the preferred method for pain control. This study compared outcomes in patients with multiple acute rib fractures treated with posterior paramedian subrhomboidal (PoPS) analgesia versus thoracic epidural analgesia (TEA). This prospective study included 30 patients with three or more acute rib fractures admitted to a Level I trauma center. Thoracic epidural analgesia or PoPS catheters were placed, and local anesthesia was infused. Data were collected including patients' pain level, adjunct morphine equivalent use, adverse events, length of stay, lung volumes, and discharge disposition. Nonparametric tests were used and two-sided p Pain rating was lower in the PoPS group (2.5 vs. 5; p = 0.03) after initial placement. Overall, there was no other statistically significant difference in pain control or use of oral morphine adjuncts between the groups. Hypotension occurred in eight patients, 75% with TEA and only 25% with PoPS. No difference was found in adverse events, length of stay, lung volumes, or discharge disposition. In patients with rib fractures, PoPS analgesia may provide pain control equivalent to TEA while being less invasive and more readily placed by a variety of hospital staff. This pilot study is limited by its small sample size, and therefore additional studies are needed to prove equivalence of PoPS compared to TEA. Therapeutic study, level IV.

  3. Combined spinal epidural labour analgesia: Complications and their management


    YILMAZ, Nurullah; KOCAMANOGLU, Ismail Serhat; ABANOZ, Hakan


    Combined spinal-epidural analgesia (CSEA) is an effective and increasingly popular analgesia method used in vaginal delivery. CSEA provides rapid and excellent analgesia, allows mobilization, reduces drug consumption significantly and generally causes negligible maternal and fetal /neonatal adverse effects /complications not requiring treatment. The resulting adverse effects /complications are often associated with technical and /or agent/agents used and cause maternal and fetal /neonatal or,...

  4. La cirugía valvular mínimamente invasiva

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    Orlando Santana


    Conclusiones: La cirugía de mínimo acceso se relaciona con recuperación más rápida y mayor satisfacción para el paciente, así como con reducción de complicaciones postoperatorias y de la mortalidad en pacientes de riesgo alto.

  5. Sucrose ingestion causes opioid analgesia

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    F.N. Segato


    Full Text Available The intake of saccharin solutions for relatively long periods of time causes analgesia in rats, as measured in the hot-plate test, an experimental procedure involving supraspinal components. In order to investigate the effects of sweet substance intake on pain modulation using a different model, male albino Wistar rats weighing 180-200 g received either tap water or sucrose solutions (250 g/l for 1 day or 14 days as their only source of liquid. Each rat consumed an average of 15.6 g sucrose/day. Their tail withdrawal latencies in the tail-flick test (probably a spinal reflex were measured immediately before and after this treatment. An analgesia index was calculated from the withdrawal latencies before and after treatment. The indexes (mean ± SEM, N = 12 for the groups receiving tap water for 1 day or 14 days, and sucrose solution for 1 day or 14 days were 0.09 ± 0.04, 0.10 ± 0.05, 0.15 ± 0.08 and 0.49 ± 0.07, respectively. One-way ANOVA indicated a significant difference (F(3,47 = 9.521, P<0.001 and the Tukey multiple comparison test (P<0.05 showed that the analgesia index of the 14-day sucrose-treated animals differed from all other groups. Naloxone-treated rats (N = 7 receiving sucrose exhibited an analgesia index of 0.20 ± 0.10 while rats receiving only sucrose (N = 7 had an index of 0.68 ± 0.11 (t = 0.254, 10 degrees of freedom, P<0.03. This result indicates that the analgesic effect of sucrose depends on the time during which the solution is consumed and extends the analgesic effects of sweet substance intake, such as saccharin, to a model other than the hot-plate test, with similar results. Endogenous opioids may be involved in the central regulation of the sweet substance-produced analgesia.

  6. Epidural analgesia practices for labour: results of a 2005 national survey in Ireland.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Fanning, Rebecca A


    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: The last 25 years have seen changes in the management of epidural analgesia for labour, including the advent of low-dose epidural analgesia, the development of new local anaesthetic agents, various regimes for maintaining epidural analgesia and the practice of combined spinal-epidural analgesia. We conducted a survey of Irish obstetric anaesthetists to obtain information regarding the conduct and management of obstetric epidural analgesia in Ireland in 2005. The specific objective of this survey was to discover whether new developments in obstetric anaesthesia have been incorporated into clinical practice. METHODS: A postal survey was sent to all anaesthetists with a clinical commitment for obstetric anaesthesia in the sites approved for training by the College of Anaesthetists, Ireland. RESULTS: Fifty-three per cent of anaesthetists surveyed responded. The majority of anaesthetists (98%) use low-dose epidural analgesia for the maintenance of analgesia. Only 11% use it for test-dosing and 32% for the induction of analgesia. The combined spinal-epidural analgesia method is used by 49%, but two-thirds of those who use it perform fewer than five per month. Patient-controlled epidural analgesia was in use at only one site. CONCLUSION: It appears that Irish obstetric anaesthetists have adopted the low-dose epidural analgesia trend for the maintenance of labour analgesia. This practice is not as widespread, however, for test dosing, the induction of analgesia dose or in the administration of intermittent epidural boluses to maintain analgesia when higher concentrations are used. Since its introduction in 2000, levobupivacaine has become the most popular local anaesthetic agent.

  7. Epidural analgesia practices for labour: results of a 2005 national survey in Ireland. (United States)

    Fanning, Rebecca A; Briggs, Liam P; Carey, Michael F


    The last 25 years have seen changes in the management of epidural analgesia for labour, including the advent of low-dose epidural analgesia, the development of new local anaesthetic agents, various regimes for maintaining epidural analgesia and the practice of combined spinal-epidural analgesia. We conducted a survey of Irish obstetric anaesthetists to obtain information regarding the conduct and management of obstetric epidural analgesia in Ireland in 2005. The specific objective of this survey was to discover whether new developments in obstetric anaesthesia have been incorporated into clinical practice. A postal survey was sent to all anaesthetists with a clinical commitment for obstetric anaesthesia in the sites approved for training by the College of Anaesthetists, Ireland. Fifty-three per cent of anaesthetists surveyed responded. The majority of anaesthetists (98%) use low-dose epidural analgesia for the maintenance of analgesia. Only 11% use it for test-dosing and 32% for the induction of analgesia. The combined spinal-epidural analgesia method is used by 49%, but two-thirds of those who use it perform fewer than five per month. Patient-controlled epidural analgesia was in use at only one site. It appears that Irish obstetric anaesthetists have adopted the low-dose epidural analgesia trend for the maintenance of labour analgesia. This practice is not as widespread, however, for test dosing, the induction of analgesia dose or in the administration of intermittent epidural boluses to maintain analgesia when higher concentrations are used. Since its introduction in 2000, levobupivacaine has become the most popular local anaesthetic agent.

  8. Electroacupuncture analgesia in a rabbit ovariohysterectomy. (United States)

    Parmen, Valentin


    This study investigated the effectiveness of electroacupuncture analgesia (EAA) at local and paravertebral acupoints for a rabbit undergoing an ovariohysterectomy. Twelve clinically healthy New Zealand white rabbits were chosen and divided into two groups: the control group (5 rabbits) and the experimental group (7 rabbits). A neuroleptanalgesic (ketamine + xylazine) was administered to the control group (NLA group); the experimental group received EAA treatment (EAA group). The EAA treatment includes one acupuncture formula for local stimulation at the incision site and systemic stimulation. Results of clinical research have shown postoperative analgesia using EAA treatment to be superior to that using NLA. The average postoperative recovery time was 5.2 times longer in the NLA group than in the EAA group. Because consciousness was maintained, EAA presented an advantage in thermoregulation. Animals administered NLA had prolonged thermal homeostasis because of neurovegetative disconnection. For the EAA group, the operative times were characterized as excellent (28%, p = 0.28) or good (72%, p = 0.72). Local stimulation at the incision site provided excellent analgesia of the abdominal wall (100%). In conclusion, EA can provide general analgesia with a considerable analgesic effect for a rabbit undergoing an ovariohysterectomy, resulting in a short postoperative recovery time. Copyright © 2014. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  9. Acupuncture Mechanisms: Anesthesia, Analgesia and Protection on Organ Functions

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    Jing Wang


    Full Text Available Acupuncture, as a healing art in traditional Chinese medicine, has been widely used to treat various diseases. In the history of acupuncture anesthesia, in the past decades, mechanisms of acupuncture analgesia has been widely investigated, and in recent years, acupuncture protection on organ functions has attracted great interest. This review summarized the research progress on mechanisms of acupuncture for analgesia and its protection against organ function injury in anesthesia, and its perspective of analgesia, immunomodulation, neuroendocrine regulation and multiple organ protection. The current evidence supports that acupuncture analgesia and its organ protection in anesthesia is associated with the integration of neuroendocrine-immune networks in the level of neurotransmitters, cytokines, hormones, neuronal ensembles, lymphocytes, and endocrine cells. Although the mechanisms of acupuncture analgesia and its organ protection are still not completely understood, basic as well as clinic researches on the mechanisms and applications of acupuncture and related techniques are being carried out.

  10. Assisting informed decision making for labour analgesia: a randomised controlled trial of a decision aid for labour analgesia versus a pamphlet

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    Torvaldsen Siranda


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Most women use some method of pain relief during labour. There is extensive research evidence available of pharmacological pain relief during labour; however this evidence is not readily available to pregnant women. Decision aids are tools that present evidence based information and allow preference elicitation. Methods We developed a labour analgesia decision aid. Using a RCT design women either received a decision aid or a pamphlet. Eligible women were primiparous, ≥ 37 weeks, planning a vaginal birth of a single infant and had sufficient English to complete the trial materials. We used a combination of affective (anxiety, satisfaction and participation in decision-making and behavioural outcomes (intention and analgesia use to assess the impact of the decision aid, which were assessed before labour. Results 596 women were randomised (395 decision aid group, 201 pamphlet group. There were significant differences in knowledge scores between the decision aid group and the pamphlet group (mean difference 8.6, 95% CI 3.70, 13.40. There were no differences between decisional conflict scores (mean difference -0.99 (95% CI -3.07, 1.07, or anxiety (mean difference 0.3, 95% CI -2.15, 1.50. The decision aid group were significantly more likely to consider their care providers opinion (RR 1.28 95%CI 0.64, 0.95. There were no differences in analgesia use and poor follow through between antenatal analgesia intentions and use. Conclusions This decision aid improves women's labour analgesia knowledge without increasing anxiety. Significantly, the decision aid group were more informed of labour analgesia options, and considered the opinion of their care providers more often when making their analgesia decisions, thus improving informed decision making. Trial Registration Trial registration no: ISRCTN52287533

  11. Intravenous patient-controlled analgesia for acute postoperative pain

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nikolajsen, Lone; Haroutiunian, Simon


    analgesia in terms of adverse effects and consumption of opioids. Standard orders and nursing procedure protocols are recommended for patients receiving intravenous patient-controlled analgesia to monitor treatment efficacy and development of adverse effects. Some subgroups of patients need special...

  12. Postoperative analgesia after major spine surgery: patient-controlled epidural analgesia versus patient-controlled intravenous analgesia. (United States)

    Schenk, Michael R; Putzier, Michael; Kügler, Bjoern; Tohtz, Stephan; Voigt, Kristina; Schink, Tania; Kox, Wolfgang J; Spies, Claudia; Volk, Thomas


    Spinal fusion surgery causes severe postoperative pain, hampering reconvalescense. We investigated the efficacy of patient-controlled epidural analgesia (PCEA) in a prospective, double-blind, randomized, controlled comparison with patient-controlled IV analgesia (PCIA). After lumbar anterior-posterior fusion receiving an epidural catheter intraoperatively, 72 patients were given either PCEA (ropivacaine 0.125% and sufentanil 1.0 microg/mL at 14 mL/h; bolus: 5 mL; lockout time: 15 min) and IV placebo or PCIA (morphine 2.0 mg/mL; bolus: 3 mg; lockout time: 15 min) and epidural placebo. Pain levels (visual analog scale 0-10), functional capabilities (turning in bed, standing, and walking), analgesic consumption, and side effects were evaluated until 72 h after surgery. Fourteen patients were excluded by predetermined criteria, leaving 58 patients for data analysis. Pain levels at rest and during mobilization were significantly lower in the PCEA when compared with that in the PCIA group throughout the study period (P turn in bed was achieved earlier in the PCEA group (P Patients in the PCEA group were significantly more satisfied with pain therapy (P patient satisfaction when compared with PCIA after spinal fusion surgery.

  13. Epidural analgesia for labour: maternal knowledge, preferences and informed consent.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)


    Epidural analgesia has become increasingly popular as a form of labour analgesia in Ireland. However obtaining true inform consent has always been difficult. Our study recruited 100 parturients who had undergone epidural analgesia for labour, aimed to determine the information they received prior to regional analgesia, and to ascertain their preferences regarding informed consent. Only 65 (65%) of patients planned to have an epidural. Knowledge of potential complications was variable and inaccurate, with less than 30 (30%) of women aware of the most common complications. Most women 79 (79%) believed that discomfort during labour affected their ability to provide informed consent, and believe consent should be taken prior to onset of labour (96, 96%). The results of this study helps define the standards of consent Irish patients expect for epidural analgesia during labour.





    BACKGROUND: Pain relief in labour is associated with myths and controversies. Providing effective and safe analgesia has remained a challenge. AIM: The purpose of the study was to compare the effect of analgesia with epidural bupivacain or ropivacain along with dexme ditomidine. METHODS AND MATERIAL: Sixty parturients of ASA grade I and II were randomly selected for the study. Each group consisted of thirty patients. The analgesia, motor loss and level of seda...

  15. Preemptive analgesia I: physiological pathways and pharmacological modalities.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Kelly, D J


    PURPOSE: This two-part review summarizes the current knowledge of physiological mechanisms, pharmacological modalities and controversial issues surrounding preemptive analgesia. SOURCE: Articles from 1966 to present were obtained from the MEDLINE databases. Search terms included: analgesia, preemptive; neurotransmitters; pain, postoperative; hyperalgesia; sensitization, central nervous system; pathways, nociception; anesthetic techniques; analgesics, agents. Principal findings: The physiological basis of preemptive analgesia is complex and involves modification of the pain pathways. The pharmacological modalities available may modify the physiological responses at various levels. Effective preemptive analgesic techniques require multi-modal interception of nociceptive input, increasing threshold for nociception, and blocking or decreasing nociceptor receptor activation. Although the literature is controversial regarding the effectiveness of preemptive analgesia, some general recommendations can be helpful in guiding clinical care. Regional anesthesia induced prior to surgical trauma and continued well into the postoperative period is effective in attenuating peripheral and central sensitization. Pharmacologic agents such as NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) opioids, and NMDA (N-methyl-D-aspartate) - and alpha-2-receptor antagonists, especially when used in combination, act synergistically to decrease postoperative pain. CONCLUSION: The variable patient characteristics and timing of preemptive analgesia in relation to surgical noxious input requires individualization of the technique(s) chosen. Multi-modal analgesic techniques appear most effective.

  16. Preemptive analgesia II: recent advances and current trends.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Kelly, D J


    PURPOSE: This two-part review summarizes the current knowledge of physiological mechanisms, pharmacological modalities and controversial issues surrounding preemptive analgesia. SOURCE: Articles from 1966 to present were obtained from the MEDLINE databases. Search terms included analgesia, preemptive; neurotransmitters; pain, postoperative; hyperalgesia; sensitization, central nervous system; pathways, nociception; anesthetic techniques; analgesics, agents. Principal findings: In Part I of this review article, techniques and agents that attenuate or prevent central and peripheral sensitization were reviewed. In Part II, the conditions required for effective preemptive techniques are evaluated. Specifically, preemptive analgesia may be defined as an antinociceptive treatment that prevents establishment of altered central processing of afferent input from sites of injury. The most important conditions for establishment of effective preemptive analgesia are the establishment of an effective level of antinociception before injury, and the continuation of this effective analgesic level well into the post-injury period to prevent central sensitization during the inflammatory phase. Although single-agent therapy may attenuate the central nociceptive processing, multi-modal therapy is more effective, and may be associated with fewer side effects compared with the high-dose, single-agent therapy. CONCLUSION: The variable patient characteristics and timing of preemptive analgesia in relation to surgical noxious input require individualization of the technique(s) chosen. Multi-modal analgesic techniques appear more effective.

  17. Labour analgesia and the baby: good news is no news. (United States)

    Reynolds, Felicity


    When investigating different methods of maternal pain relief in labour, neonatal outcome has not always been at the forefront, or else maternal changes, such as haemodynamics, fever, length of labour, need for oxytocin or type of delivery, are taken as surrogates for neonatal outcome. It is essential to examine the actual baby and to appreciate that labour pain itself has adverse consequences for the baby. For systemic analgesia, pethidine has been most extensively studied and compared with neuraxial analgesia. It depresses fetal muscular activity, aortic blood flow, short-term heart rate variability and oxygen saturation. In the newborn it exacerbates acidosis, depresses Apgar scores, respiration, neurobehavioural score, muscle tone and suckling. Alternatives have few advantages, remifentanil being the most promising. Neuraxial analgesia is associated with better Apgar scores and variable neurobehavioural changes. Neonatal acid-base status is not only better with epidural than with systemic opioid analgesia, it is also better than with no analgesia. The effect on breast feeding has yet to be established, though it is certainly no worse than that of systemic opioid analgesia. Variations in neuraxial technique have little impact on the newborn. Widespread ignorance of the benefit to the newborn of neuraxial labour analgesia in the UK among non-anaesthetists needs to be combated. Copyright © 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  18. Effects of maternal epidural analgesia on the neonate--a prospective cohort study. (United States)

    Shrestha, Bikash; Devgan, Amit; Sharma, Mukti


    Epidural analgesia is one of the most popular modes of analgesia for child birth. There are controversies regarding adverse effects and safety of epidural analgesia. This study was conducted to study the immediate effects of the maternal epidural analgesia on the neonate during early neonatal phase. A prospective cohort study of 100 neonates born to mothers administered epidural analgesia were compared with 100 neonates born to mothers not administered epidural analgesia in terms of passage of urine, initiation of breast feeding, birth asphyxia and incidence of instrumentation. There was significant difference among the two groups in the passage of urine (P value 0.002) and incidence of instrumentation (P value 0.010) but there was no significant difference in regards to initiation of breast feeding and birth asphyxia. Epidural analgesia does not have any effect on the newborns in regards to breast feeding and birth asphyxia but did have effects like delayed passage of urine and increased incidence of instrumentation.

  19. [Observation on analgesia effect of electroacupuncture during gynecologic outpatient operation]. (United States)

    Wang, Xiao-Hui; Wu, Xue-Lei; Jin, Ping-Lin; Wang, Lu-Dong; Zhao, Zhi-En; Qin, Xue-Yu; Zhang, Zhi-Yan; Hu, Xue-Zhu; Cai, Zhen-Lin


    To verify the feasibility of electroacupuncture analgesia applied to gynecologic outpatient operation. Two hundred patients were randomly divided into an electroacupuncture analgesia group and an intravenous anesthesia group, 100 cases in each group. Operation types included artificial abortion, diagnostic curettage and remove of intrauterine divice. The electroacupuncture analgesia group was treated with electroacupuncture at bilateral Hegu (LI 4) and Neiguan (PC 6), and the routine gynecologic outpatient operation was performed under patients' waking state. The intravenous anesthesia group was treated with routine gynecologic outpatient operation after intravenous injection of fentanyl and propofol. The excellent rate and the effective rate of analgesia were 88.0% (88/100) and 100.0% (100/100) in the electroacupuncture analgesia group, and 94.0% (94/100) and 100.0% (100/100) in the intravenous anesthesia group, with no statistically significant differences between the two groups (all P > 0.05). There was no adverse reaction in the electroacupuncture anesthesia group, but 11 cases of adverse reactions in the intravenous anesthesia group. Electroacupuncture analgesia can effectively alleviate the pain during gynecologic outpatient operation and it is simple and safe without adverse reactions.

  20. Continuous versus patient-controlled epidural analgesia for labour analgesia and their effects on maternal motor function and ambulation. (United States)

    Lovach-Chepujnoska, Margarita; Nojkov, Jordan; Joshevska-Jovanovska, Slagjana; Domazetov, Robert


    The advantages of patient-controlled epidural analgesia (PCEA) for delivery compared with continuous epidural analgesia (CEA) have been a point of interest in research obstetric anaesthesia for more than two decades. The aim of this single blind randomized controlled study was to evaluate the incidence of motor block and ability to perform partial knee flexion in women who received CEA or PCEA. Fifty-one healthy nulliparous women were included in this study. After an initial dose and established sensory block at Th 10, parturients were randomized into two groups: group CEA (10 ml/h), and group PCEA (bolus - 5 ml, lockout interval - 15 minutes, basal rate - 0 ml) with bupivacaine 0.08% and fentanyl 2 µg/ml. The motor function of the lower limbs was evaluated by modified Bromage scale at regular hourly intervals until full cervical dilatation. The quality of analgesia was assessed using a visual analogue pain scale (VAPS) and maternal satisfaction. Mode of delivery, the total number of additional rescue boluses, foetal and neonatal outcomes were recorded. Motor block was significantly lower in the third (33.3% vs. 4.35%; p = 0.008), fourth (57.9% vs. 6.3%; p = 0.003) and fifth hour (75.0% vs. 18.2%; p = 0.001) in the PCEA group. Ambulation occurred in 18% in the CEA and 46% in the PCEA group (p = 0.036). VAPS was with borderline significance in the second (p = 0.076) and significantly lower in the fourth hour (p = 0.034). Compared with CEA, PCEA provided less motor block and better first-stage analgesia, which leads to the conclusion that patient-controlled analgesia techniques are the preferred model in obstetric anesthesia.

  1. Bupivacaine versus lidocaine analgesia for neonatal circumcision


    Stolik-Dollberg, Orit C; Dollberg, Shaul


    Abstract Background Analgesia for neonatal circumcision was recently advocated for every male infant, and its use is considered essential by the American Academy of Pediatrics. We compared the post-operative analgesic quality of bupivacaine to that of lidocaine for achieving dorsal penile nerve block (DPNB) when performing neonatal circumcision. Methods Data were obtained from 38 neonates following neonatal circumcision. The infants had received DPNB analgesia with either lidocaine or bupivac...

  2. Transversus abdominis plane block: A multimodal analgesia technique – Our experience

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Deepak Dwivedi


    Full Text Available Context: A retrospective observational study conducted to assess transversus abdominis plane (TAP block as a tool for providing multimodal analgesia postoperatively for abdominal surgeries. Aims: The aim is to compare the visual analog scale (VAS of pain and the requirement of rescue analgesia postoperatively in patients undergoing various abdominal surgeries (open and laparoscopic where TAP block was given for postoperative analgesia and was compared with patients who received pain relief according to the institutional protocol. Settings and Design: Retrospective observational study conducted in a tertiary care hospital. Subjects and Methods: Retrospective data from anesthesia records of patients, who underwent abdominal surgeries from January 2016 to December 2016, were analyzed and were divided into two groups. Group A (n = 250 consisted of patients who received the conventional standard postoperative analgesia protocol of the department of anesthesia. Group B (n = 136 consisted of patients who were administered TAP block postsurgery for the postoperative analgesia by the trained anesthesiologist. Primary outcome considered was (i average VAS at 02, 06, 12, and 24 h and (ii average opioid/nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug consumption at 24 h postoperatively. Secondary outcome considered was time to first rescue analgesia. Statistical Analysis: All parametric data were analyzed using unpaired t-test. Data are expressed as the mean ± standard deviation. A SPSS version 17 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA was used for statistical analysis. Results: Average pain scores (VAS were lower in Group B as compared to Group A in all subcategories of surgery postoperatively. Patients given TAP block (Group B required less rescue analgesia in the postoperative period with time to first rescue analgesia being prolonged. Conclusions: On the basis of our retrospective study, we suggest that TAP block can be utilized as a part of multimodal analgesia regimen for

  3. Is urinary drainage necessary during continuous epidural analgesia after colonic resection?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Basse, L; Werner, M; Kehlet, H


    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Postoperative urinary retention may occur in between 10% and 60% of patients after major surgery. Continuous lumbar epidural analgesia, in contrast to thoracic epidural analgesia, may inhibit urinary bladder function. Postoperative urinary drainage has been common...... that routine bladder catheterization beyond postoperative day 1 may not be necessary in patients with ongoing continuous low-dose thoracic epidural analgesia....

  4. Comparison of Epidural Analgesia with Transversus Abdominis Plane Analgesia for Postoperative Pain Relief in Patients Undergoing Lower Abdominal Surgery: A Prospective Randomized Study. (United States)

    Iyer, Sadasivan Shankar; Bavishi, Harshit; Mohan, Chadalavada Venkataram; Kaur, Navdeep


    Anesthesiologists play an important role in postoperative pain management. For analgesia after lower abdominal surgery, epidural analgesia and ultrasound-guided transversus abdominis plane (TAP) block are suitable options. The study aims to compare the analgesic efficacy of both techniques. Seventy-two patients undergoing lower abdominal surgery under spinal anesthesia were randomized to postoperatively receive lumbar epidural catheter (Group E) or ultrasound-guided TAP block (Group T) through intravenous cannulas placed bilaterally. Group E received 10 ml 0.125% bupivacaine stat and 10 ml 8 th hourly for 48 h. Group T received 20 ml 0.125% bupivacaine bilaterally stat and 20 ml bilaterally 8 th hourly for 48 h. Pain at rest and on coughing, total paracetamol and tramadol consumption were recorded. Analgesia at rest was comparable between the groups in the first 16 h. At 24 and 48 h, Group E had significantly better analgesia at rest ( P = 0.001 and 0.004 respectively). Patients in Group E had significantly higher number of patients with nil or mild pain on coughing at all times. Paracetamol consumption was comparable in both groups, but tramadol consumption was significantly higher in Group T at the end of 48 h ( P = 0.001). For lower abdominal surgeries, analgesia provided by intermittent boluses of 0.125% is comparable for first 16 h between epidural and TAP catheters. However, the quality of analgesia provided by the epidural catheter is superior to that provided by TAP catheters beyond that both at rest and on coughing with reduced opioid consumption.

  5. Bloqueio pleural bilateral: analgesia e funções pulmonares em pós-operatório de laparotomias medianas Bloqueo pleural bilateral: analgesia y funciones pulmonares en pós-operatorio de laparotomias medianas Bilateral pleural block: analgesia and pulmonary functions in postoperative of median laparotomies

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Karl Otto Geier


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Não obstante o bloqueio pleural ter sido convertido quase numa panacéia analgésica, resultados contraditórios foram publicados. O objetivo deste estudo foi observar o desempenho analgésico e espirométrico das funções pulmonares no pós-operatório imediato de 21 pacientes com o bloqueio pleural bilateral em laparotomias medianas de urgência. MÉTODO: Bloqueio pleural bilateral foi realizado em decúbito dorsal horizontal em 21 pacientes com 20 ml de bupivacaína a 0,375% com adrenalina a 1:400.000 administrados por cateter em cada hemitórax durante o pós-operatório imediato. Soluções aleatórias de bupivacaína e de solução fisiológica foram administradas por residentes ou enfermeiras que desconheciam o conteúdo das seringas, e seus desfechos analgésicos avaliados de acordo com a escala de dor Prince Henry ao comparar os valores pré e pós-bloqueio pleural bilateral. Em função da dor pós-operatória, testes espirométricos das funções pulmonares também foram determinados mediante espirômetro portátil. RESULTADOS: Analgesia pós-operatória, com duração média de 247,75 ± 75 minutos foi constatada em todos os pacientes com a bupivacaína, embora tenha persistido dor residual de menor intensidade na região suprapúbica em cinco pacientes (8% e em dois pacientes na apófise xifóide (3,2%. Nenhum efeito analgésico foi obtido com solução fisiológica. Face à dor pós-operatória, as funções pulmonares, avaliadas antes e após os bloqueios, registraram melhora com a bupivacaína na CVF (p JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: No obstante el bloqueo pleural haber sido convertido casi en una panacea analgésica, fueron publicados resultados contradictorios. El objetivo de este estudio fue observar el desempeño analgésico y espirométrico de las funciones pulmonares en el pós-operatorio inmediato de 21 pacientes con el bloqueo pleural bilateral en laparotomias medianas de urgencia. M

  6. Effects of epidural analgesia on labor length, instrumental delivery, and neonatal short-term outcome. (United States)

    Hasegawa, Junichi; Farina, Antonio; Turchi, Giovanni; Hasegawa, Yuko; Zanello, Margherita; Baroncini, Simonetta


    We aimed to clarify whether the short-term adverse neonatal outcomes associated with epidural analgesia are due to the epidural analgesia itself or to the instrumental delivery. A retrospective case-control study was conducted to evaluate the relationship between epidural analgesia, labor length, and perinatal outcomes. A total of 350 pregnant women at term who delivered under epidural analgesia (cases) were compared with 1400 patients without epidural analgesia (controls). Vacuum extraction (6.5 vs. 2.9 %) and cesarean section (19.9 vs. 11.1 %) were more frequently performed in the cases than controls (p neonatal variables stratified by mode of delivery were not different in cases and controls, except for a slightly lower umbilical arterial pH in spontaneous delivery for the cases group. However, the Apgar scores and umbilical arterial pH were significantly lower in the neonates delivered by vacuum extraction compared with those in the neonates delivered by spontaneous delivery or cesarean section, regardless of whether epidural analgesia was performed. A multivariable analysis showed that vacuum extraction much more consistently affected the arterial pH than the analgesia itself (the β coefficients were -0.036 for epidural analgesia vs. -0.050 for vacuum extraction). Epidural analgesia was associated with slowly progressing labor, thus resulting in an increased rate of instrumental delivery. This instrumental delivery appears to adversely affect the neonatal outcomes more strongly than the analgesia itself.

  7. Effect of pain and analgesia on compensatory reserve. (United States)

    Hinojosa-Laborde, Carmen; Fernandez, Jessie Renee D; Muniz, Gary W; Nawn, Corinne D; Burns, Rebecca K; Le, Thuan H; Porter, Kathy B; Hardy, John T; Convertino, Victor A


    The measurement of the body's capacity to compensate for reduced blood volume can be assessed with a compensatory reserve measurement (CRM). The CRM, which is calculated from changes in features of the arterial waveform, represents the integration of compensatory mechanisms during states of low tissue perfusion and oxygenation, such as hemorrhage. This study was designed to test the hypothesis that pain which activates compensatory mechanisms and analgesia that result in reduced blood pressure are associated with lower compensatory reserve. This study evaluated CRM in obstetric patients during labor as pain intensity increased from no pain to severe pain and compared CRM before and after epidural anesthesia. CRM was calculated from a finger pulse oximeter placed on the patient's index finger and connected to the DataOx monitor in healthy pregnant women (n = 20) before and during the active labor phase of childbirth. As pain intensity, based on an 11-point scale (0, no pain; 10, worst pain), increased from 0 to 8.4 ± 0.9 (mean ± SD), CRM was not affected (81 ± 10% to 82 ± 13%). Before analgesia, CRM was 84 ± 10%. CRM at 10 minutes, 20 minutes, 30 minutes, 40 minutes, 50 minutes, and 60 minutes after analgesia was 82 ± 11%, 83 ± 14%, 83 ± 15%, 86 ± 12%, 89 ± 9%, and 87 ± 10%, respectively. There was a transient 2% reduction followed by a 5% increase in CRM from before to after epidural anesthesia (p = 0.048). Pain scores before and after analgesia were 7 ± 2 and 1 ± 1, respectively (p < 0.001). These results indicate that pain and analgesia contribute minimally, but independently to the reduction in compensatory reserve associated with trauma and hemorrhage. As such, our findings suggest that analgesia can be safely administered on the battlefield while maintaining the maximal capacity of mechanisms to compensate for blood loss. Diagnostic study, level II.

  8. Bupivacaine versus lidocaine analgesia for neonatal circumcision

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Stolik-Dollberg Orit C


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Analgesia for neonatal circumcision was recently advocated for every male infant, and its use is considered essential by the American Academy of Pediatrics. We compared the post-operative analgesic quality of bupivacaine to that of lidocaine for achieving dorsal penile nerve block (DPNB when performing neonatal circumcision. Methods Data were obtained from 38 neonates following neonatal circumcision. The infants had received DPNB analgesia with either lidocaine or bupivacaine. The outcome variable was the administration by the parents of acetaminophen during the ensuing 24 hours. Results Seventeen infants received lidocaine and 19 received bupivacaine DPNB. Ten infants in the lidocaine group (59% were given acetaminophen following circumcision compared to only 3 (16% in the bupivacaine group (P 2 = 20.6; P = 0.006. Conclusion DPNB with bupivacaine for neonatal circumcision apparently confers better analgesia than lidocaine as judged by the requirement of acetaminophen over the ensuing 24-hour period.

  9. Ovariohysterectomy requires more post-operative analgesia than orchiectomy in dogs and cats. (United States)

    Quarterone, Carolina; Luna, Stelio Pacca Loureiro; Crosignani, Nadia; de Oliveira, Flávia Augusta; Lopes, Carlize; da Maia Lima, Alfredo Feio; de Araújo Aguiar, Antonio Jose


    The requirement for post-operative analgesia after ovariohysterectomy (OH) versus orchiectomy in dogs and cats was compared. Twelve male and 12 female cats and 12 male and 12 female dogs received meloxicam, 0.1 mg/kg body weight, PO, 2 h before surgery. Eleven female cats and 3 female dogs received rescue analgesia ( P = 0.002). No male of either species required rescue analgesia. The number of cats receiving rescue analgesia was greater in females than in males ( P dogs or cats. Postoperative pain after OH should be assessed for at least 2 h for cats and 4 h for dogs, using species-specific validated tools, to ensure proper postoperative pain diagnosis and management. Male dogs and cats subjected to orchiectomy required less postoperative analgesia intervention than female dogs and cats submitted to OH.

  10. Is placebo analgesia mediated by endogenous opioids? A systematic review

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    ter Riet, G.; de Craen, A. J.; de Boer, Anthonius; Kessels, A. G.


    This systematic review assesses six experimental studies into the mechanism of placebo analgesia in human subjects suffering from clinical pain or experimentally induced ischaemic arm pain. Due to their sophisticated designs, these studies probably provide the best evidence that placebo analgesia

  11. Book review. Anestesia e analgesia locoregionale del cane e del gatto. Francesco Staffieri

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Manuel Graziani


    Full Text Available Il volume di anestesia e analgesia locoregionale del cane e del gatto è pensato per essere un testo "da sala operatoria" – come afferma l'autore – perché consente un rapido, ma allo stesso tempo dettagliato, consulto per il libero professionista che si trova a gestire un'anestesia. Si tratta di un piccolo libro, tascabile, che può essere considerato un punto di partenza per gli studenti e per tutti quei medici veterinari che intendono avvicinarsi in maniera specialistica all'arte dell'anestesiologia veterinaria. L'anestesia locoregionale costituisce, infatti, uno strumento insostituibile per la gestione del dolore perioperatorio in medicina veterinaria. Nel volume si forniscono le nozioni di base per praticare i principali blocchi nervosi centrali e periferici. Per ogni blocco sono riportate le tecniche alla cieca (mediante l'ausilio dei punti di repere anatomici e quelle con l'impiego dello stimolatore nervoso periferico. Il volume, corredato da immagini foto e grafici, per un totale di 65 figure, si apre con i capitoli relativi ai farmaci, agli strumenti e alle complicanze dell'anestesia locoregionale. Prosegue con i blocchi nervosi centrali (anestesia epidurale e spinale e si conclude con i blocchi periferici (testa, arto anteriore, torace, arto posteriore. L'autore, Francesco Staffieri, è un medico veterinario che svolge il dottorato di ricerca nel Dipartimento delle Emergenze e dei Trapianti di Organi, Sezioni di Cliniche Veterinarie e Produzioni Animali dell'Università degli Studi Aldo Moro di Bari.

  12. Parameter Optimization Analysis of Prolonged Analgesia Effect of tDCS on Neuropathic Pain Rats (United States)

    Wen, Hui-Zhong; Gao, Shi-Hao; Zhao, Yan-Dong; He, Wen-Juan; Tian, Xue-Long; Ruan, Huai-Zhen


    Background: Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) is widely used to treat human nerve disorders and neuropathic pain by modulating the excitability of cortex. The effectiveness of tDCS is influenced by its stimulation parameters, but there have been no systematic studies to help guide the selection of different parameters. Objective: This study aims to assess the effects of tDCS of primary motor cortex (M1) on chronic neuropathic pain in rats and to test for the optimal parameter combinations for analgesia. Methods: Using the chronic neuropathic pain models of chronic constriction injury (CCI), we measured pain thresholds before and after anodal-tDCS (A-tDCS) using different parameter conditions, including stimulation intensity, stimulation time, intervention time and electrode located (ipsilateral or contralateral M1 of the ligated paw on male/female CCI models). Results: Following the application of A-tDCS over M1, we observed that the antinociceptive effects were depended on different parameters. First, we found that repetitive A-tDCS had a longer analgesic effect than single stimulus, and both ipsilateral-tDCS (ip-tDCS) and contralateral-tDCS (con-tDCS) produce a long-lasting analgesic effect on neuropathic pain. Second, the antinociceptive effects were intensity-dependent and time-dependent, high intensities worked better than low intensities and long stimulus durations worked better than short stimulus durations. Third, timing of the intervention after injury affected the stimulation outcome, early use of tDCS was an effective method to prevent the development of pain, and more frequent intervention induced more analgesia in CCI rats, finally, similar antinociceptive effects of con- and ip-tDCS were observed in both sexes of CCI rats. Conclusion: Optimized protocols of tDCS for treating antinociceptive effects were developed. These findings should be taken into consideration when using tDCS to produce analgesic effects in clinical applications. PMID

  13. Intravenous Remifentanil versus Epidural Ropivacaine with Sufentanil for Labour Analgesia: A Retrospective Study (United States)

    Xu, Zhendong; Su, Jing; Liu, Zhiqiang


    Remifentanil with appropriate pharmacological properties seems to be an ideal alternative to epidural analgesia during labour. A retrospective cohort study was undertaken to assess the efficacy and safety of remifentanil intravenous patient-controlled analgesia (IVPCA) compared with epidural analgesia. Medical records of 370 primiparas who received remifentanil IVPCA or epidural analgesia were reviewed. Pain and sedation scores, overall satisfaction, the extent of pain control, maternal side effects and neonatal outcome as primary observational indicators were collected. There was a significant decline of pain scores in both groups. Pain reduction was greater in the epidural group throughout the whole study period (0∼180 min) (Panalgesia. And logistic regression analysis demonstrated that nausea, vomiting were associated with oxytocin usage and instrumental delivery, and dizziness was associated to the type and duration of analgesia. Neonatal outcomes such as Apgar scores and umbilical-cord blood gas analysis were within the normal range, but umbilical pH and base excess of neonatus in the remifentanil group were significantly lower. Remifentanil IVPCA provides poorer efficacy on labor analgesia than epidural analgesia, with more sedation on parturients and a trend of newborn acidosis. Despite these adverse effects, remifentanil IVPCA can still be an alternative option for labor analgesia under the condition of one-to-one bedside care, continuous monitoring, oxygen supply and preparation for neonatal resuscitation. PMID:25386749

  14. Naltrexone-sensitive analgesia following exposure of mice to 2450-MHz radiofrequency radiation (RFR)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Maillefer, R.H.; Quock, R.M. (Univ. of Illinois, Rockford (United States))


    This study was conducted to determine whether exposure to RFR might induce sufficient thermal stress to activate endogenous opioid mechanisms and induce analgesia. Male Swiss Webster mice, 20-25 g, were exposed to 10, 15 or 20 mV/cm{sup 2} RFR in a 2,450-MHz waveguide system for 10 min, then tested in the abdominal constriction paradigm. Specific absorption rates (SAR) were 23.7 W/kg at 10 mW/cm{sup 2}, 34.6 W/kg at 15 mW/cm{sup 2} and 45.5 W/kg at 20 mW/cm{sup 2}. Confinement in the exposure chamber alone did not appreciably alter body temperature but did appear to induce a stress-associated analgesia that was insensitive to the opioid receptor blocker naltrexone. Exposure of confined mice to RFR elevated body temperature and further increased analgesia in SAR-dependent manner. The high-SAR RFR-induced analgesia, but not the hyperthermia, was reduced by naltrexone. These findings suggest that (1) RFR produces SAR-dependent hyperthermia and analgesia and (2) RFR-induced analgesia is mediated by opioid mechanisms while confinement-induced analgesia involves non-opioid mechanisms.

  15. Fatores relacionados ao uso de analgesia sistêmica em neonatologia Factors related to use of systemic analgesia in neonatology

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    Carmen Lúcia Guimarães de Aymar


    Full Text Available O objetivo desse trabalho foi realizar uma revisão da literatura sobre o histórico e o estágio atual de conhecimento sobre a analgesia sistêmica em neonatologia e os fatores que influenciam a sua utilização. Foi realizada busca de artigos científicos através das bases dados do MEDLINE, SciELO e LILACS com as palavras chave: analgesia, analgésicos sistêmicos, dor, neonatologia, recém-nascido, unidade de terapia intensiva e unidade de terapia intensiva neonatal, além de pesquisa adicional em bancos de dados de dissertações, teses e livros texto. A literatura consultada revela que a analgesia não é uma prática rotineira nas unidades de terapia intensiva neonatal, de uma forma geral, apesar dos inúmeros estudos demonstrando a importância do tema. Apesar de ser o alívio da dor um dos princípios básicos da medicina, de envolver questões éticas e humanitárias, e de estarem disponíveis atualmente vários guias práticos e consensos a respeito do manejo da dor no neonato de risco, os resultados encontrados no presente estudo estão muito aquém das recomendações atuais, tornando-se necessária uma intervenção urgente para reverter a situação observada.The purpose of this paper was to carry out a review of literature on the history and current stage of the knowledge of systemic analgesia in neonatology and the factors influencing its use. A search for scientific articles was made in the MEDLINE, SciELO and LILACS databases using the keywords: analgesia, systemic analgesics, pain, neonatology, newborn, intensive care units and neonatal intensive care units. Additional research was made on dissertations and thesis databanks as well as text books. Literature consulted disclosed that, in general, analgesia is not a routine practice in neonatal intensive care units, despite the numerous studies demonstrating its importance. Although pain relief is a basic principle of medicine, involving ethic and humanitarian issues and despite

  16. Impact of Analgesia on the Course of Spontaneous Labor in Women with Diabetes Mellitus

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    M. I. Neimark


    Full Text Available Objective: to improve the results of spontaneous labor in female patients with diabetes mellitus (DM. Subjects and methods. The results of physiological labor analgesia were analyzed in 140 patients. The parturients were divided into 3 groups: 1 40 parturients in whom analgesia was performed by the intravenous administration of promedol; 2 40 parturients in whom analgesia was done by the fractional administration of 0.2% ropivacaine hydrochloride into the epidural space; 3 40 parturients in whom analgesia was carried out with intravenous paracetamol 2000—3000 mg. In all the patients, the investigators estimated central hemodynamic parameters by echocardiography, the efficiency of labor analgesia according to the scale described by N. N. Rasstrigina and B. V. Shnaider, as well as blood glucose levels, fetal status by a cardiotocographic technique, and neonatal status by Apgar scores at 1 and 5 minutes of life. Results. Analgesia quality assessment established that the best analgesic effect was achieved in the patients in Group 2 where 75.0% of the parturients had 8—10 scores. A comparative analysis of carbohydrate metabolic parameters also ascertained that the most steady-state and physiological glycemic level was recorded in Group 2 patients throughout the study. In addition, epidural analgesia versus other analgesic techniques provides the most steady-state hemodynamic parameters during labor, which promotes improved labor and has a beneficial effect on fetal and neonatal states. Conclusion. Glycemic levels during labor and delivery can be optimized in patients with DM only if adequate analgesia is achieved. By ensuring adequate labor analgesia, epidural analgesia normalizes glycemic and central hemodynamic parameters, favors elimination of delivery abnormalities, and has a beneficial effect on fetal and neonatal states. Key words: epidural analgesia, diabetes mellitus, spontaneous labor.

  17. Analgesia and anaesthesia in childbirth: obscurantism and obfuscation. (United States)

    Mander, R


    The terms 'analgesia' and 'anaesthesia' have been defined by emphasizing differing aspects of their effects. The distinction between these interventions has not been clarified by their definitions. The historical remedies for pain were similarly unclear. This lack of clarity is apparent in the introduction of chloroform in childbirth, which has much in common with the introduction and effects of epidural analgesia. The reasons for and benefits of this lack of clarity are examined.

  18. Patient-controlled analgesia after coronary bypass: Remifentanil or sufentanil? (United States)

    Alavi, Seyed Mostafa; Ghoreishi, Seyed Mohammadmehran; Chitsazan, Mitra; Ghandi, Iman; Fard, Alireza Jahangiri; Hosseini, Seyed Saeed; Mahjoobifard, Maziar; Fani, Kamal


    adequate pain control after cardiac surgery is mandatory to reduce its remarkable morbidity. In this study, we aimed to compare the efficacy of patient-controlled analgesia with remifentanil or sufentanil for pain management after coronary artery bypass grafting. 249 patients who underwent coronary artery bypass were randomly assigned to receive patient-controlled analgesia with remifentanil or sufentanil during the first 24 h postoperatively. Pain intensity during patient-controlled analgesia was assessed using 4 different pain rating scales. patients given remifentanil had lower Visual Analog Scale scores at 24 h compared to those given sufentanil (p = 0.002). The Numeric Rating Scale at 24 h was also significantly lower in patients using remifentanil (p = 0.004). The Faces Pain Scale scores at 4, 18, and 24 h were significantly lower in patients using remifentanil compared to those using sufentanil (p = 0.045, 0.036, and 0.011, respectively). No significant differences between groups were seen in the pain intensity assessed by the Behavior Rating Scale at any time point during the first 24 h postoperatively. our study showed that both remifentanil and sufentanil patient-controlled analgesia can provide acceptable analgesia after coronary artery bypass. The difference between their efficacies was inconspicuous until 24 h postoperatively. Remifentanil seems to result in better pain relief at 24 h postoperatively. © The Author(s) 2013 Reprints and permissions:

  19. Labor analgesia with ropivacaine added to clonidine: a randomized clinical trial

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    Giane Nakamura

    Full Text Available CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVE: Previous studies have led to speculation that the association between ropivacaine and clonidine might be more effective than ropivacaine alone. We examined the maternal-fetal effects of two pharmacological approaches: a low dose of ropivacaine or a lower dose of ropivacaine plus clonidine for epidural analgesia during labor. DESIGN AND SETTING: Prospective study at Department of Anesthesiology, Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu, Universidade Estadual Paulista. METHODS: Thirty-two pregnant women in American Society of Anesthesiologists physical status I and II randomly underwent epidural analgesia using 15 ml of ropivacaine 0.125% (R group or 15 ml of ropivacaine 0.0625% plus 75 µg clonidine (RC group. Pain intensity, sensory block level, latency time, motor block intensity, duration of labor analgesia and duration of epidural analgesia were evaluated. The newborns were evaluated using Apgar scores and the Amiel-Tison method (neurological and adaptive capacity score. RESULTS: There were no statistically significant differences between the groups regarding pain score, sensory block level, duration of epidural analgesia or Apgar score. The latency time, duration of labor analgesia and motor block were R group < RC group. The half-hour and two-hour neurological and adaptive capacity scores were higher in the R group. All of the R group newborns and 75% of the RC group newborns were found to be neurologically healthy at the 24-hour examination. RESULTS: There were no statistically significant differences between the groups regarding pain score, sensory block level, duration of epidural analgesia or Apgar score. The latency time, duration of labor analgesia and motor block were R group < RC group. The half-hour and two-hour neurological and adaptive capacity scores were higher in the R group. All of the R group newborns and 75% of the RC group newborns were found to be neurologically healthy at the 24-hour examination

  20. Facoemulsificación en el síndrome iridocorneal endotelial

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    Vladimir Torriente Torriente

    Full Text Available Se presenta el caso de una paciente atendida en el Servicio de Catarata del Centro Oftalmológico «Enrique Cabrera» de La Habana, con el objetivo de describir el resultado de la cirugía de catarata por facoemulsificación en el síndrome iridocorneal endotelial, por la variante cho choo chop and flip faco. Se muestran las modificaciones biomicroscópicas del segmento anterior, tonometría, densidad celular endotelial y mejor agudeza visual corregida preoperatoria y postoperatoria. Como resultados sobresalientes se señala que biomicroscópicamente hubo mínimas modificaciones en el iris, se logró la normalización de la tensión ocular, se produjo pérdida de menos del 15 % de la densidad celular endotelial y la paciente logró agudeza visual postoperatoria óptima. Se concluye que la cirugía de catarata mediante facoemulsificación resultó una alternativa válida con mejoría visual en un caso con síndrome iridocorneal endotelial, con evolución estable de su enfermedad base.

  1. Expectant fathers' experience during labor with or without epidural analgesia. (United States)

    Capogna, G; Camorcia, M; Stirparo, S


    For men the worst aspect of childbirth is witnessing their partner in pain. The aim of this study was to investigate fathers' attitudes towards labor and delivery with and without epidural analgesia. The study was performed using a questionnaire that included yes/no, multiple choice or 6-point ordinal scale answers. Expectant fathers whose partners were nullipara between 36 and 38 weeks of gestation were recruited and the questionnaires were administered on the day after the birth. To investigate paternal anxiety during labor, the State part of the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory was used. The questionnaire was completed by 243 fathers. Sixty percent (145) of the parturients received epidural analgesia and 40% (98) did not. Paternal characteristics were comparable. Fathers whose partners did not receive epidural analgesia felt their presence as troublesome and unnecessary (Pinvolvement (Pfathers whose partners did not or did receive epidural analgesia (Pinvolvement, participation and satisfaction with the experience of childbirth.

  2. Obstetric regional analgesia in the Jesenice General hospital in year 2006

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    Aleksandra Kern


    Full Text Available Background: The aim of this retrospective analysis of the obstetric regional analgesia (ORA in Jesenice General Hospital in year 2006 was to evaluate our work and present results. We analysed workload, quality of the analgesia and patients’ satisfaction. We also estimated the OR for vacuum extraction (VE in nulliparous labouring women having ORA. We compared quality of analgesia and total local analgesic consumption in nulliparous women having VE or spontaneous delivery.Methods: We performed retrospective analysis of labours with ORA in year 2006. All women received epiduraly mixture of 0.1 % bupivacaine with 2 µg of fentanyl per ml in intermittent boluses.The labour pain was assessed using visual analogue scale (VAS. We used median and interquartile range to describe distribution of these values and mean with standard deviation to describe distribution of other data (local anaesthetic consumption. We considered patient with pain VAS 3 or less adequately treated, VAS 4 and 5 sufficiently and VAS 6 and more insufficiently treated. We used odds ratio as measurement of risk for VE, t-test for differences in local anaesthetic consumption and Mann-Whitney test to evaluate differences in pain between tested groups.Results: 225 labouring women opted for ORA or 38 % of all labouring women in year 2006. We performed 224 ORA, 59 % during regular work, 41 % during turn of duty. 18 % of ORA were performed between 10 p.m. and 7.00 a.m. In 98 % of cases epidural analgesia was used. Anaesthesiologic work took 16 minutes in average (SD 6.06. Analgesia was started at VAS median 5 (IQR 4–6.5 and at average cervical dilatation 4.1 cm (SD 1.4. Average consumption of bupivacaine was 55 mg (SD 23.7 and fentanyl 91.7 µg (SD 46.5. Most common complications were inadequate analgesia, and misplacement of epidural catheter (10/222, dural tap (6/222, and unilateral analgesia (2/222. 70 labours were ended with VE (13 %; n = 532. There were 27 (8.7 %; n = 309 VE in

  3. Effect of aquapuncture on postoperative analgesia after ovariohysterectomy in dogs

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    Stelio Luna


    Full Text Available Aquapuncture (AqP consists of a water or saline solution injection into acupoints. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of aquapuncture on post-operative analgesia in bitches submitted to elective ovariohysterectomy (OHE. The study was prospective, randomised, and blinded for pain assessment. Sixteen dogs were randomly distributed in two groups of eight animals each. All animals were sedated with 0.05 mg kg-1 of acepromazine intramuscularly (IM, 30 minutes prior to induction of anaesthesia with propofol and maintenance with isoflurane. Eight animals underwent bilateral acupoint injection with 0.1 ml of 0.9% saline (AqP at Gall Bladder 34, Stomach 36, Liver 3 and Spleen 6 acupoints 15 minutes after sedation. Pain score was investigated after 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 8 and 24 hours post-operatively and was compared with a control untreated group of eight animals. Morphine, at 0.5 mg kg-1 IM, was administered when the numerical rating scale was above 33% of the maximum value, in order to control post-operative pain in both groups. There were no differences in cardiorespiratory variables and pain and sedation scores between the groups. Seven (87.5% animals from the control group required rescue analgesia at the first two postoperative hours and five (62.5% animals treated with AqP required rescue analgesia, however, only one (12.5% animal was treated at the first two hours and the remaining animals were treated from 5 hours after surgery. Aquapuncture produced residual analgesia up to 5 h after surgery and may be an option for post-operative analgesia in bitches undergoing OHE, providing that pain is assessed and rescue analgesia administered if necessary.

  4. Neonatal morphine enhances nociception and decreases analgesia in young rats. (United States)

    Zhang, Guo Hua; Sweitzer, Sarah M


    The recognition of the impact of neonatal pain experience on subsequent sensory processing has led to the increased advocacy for the use of opioids for pain relief in infants. However, following long-term opioid exposure in intensive care units more than 48% of infants exhibited behaviors indicative of opioid abstinence syndrome, a developmentally equivalent set of behaviors to opioid withdrawal as seen in adults. Little is known about the long-term influence of repeated neonatal morphine exposure on nociception and analgesia. To investigate this, we examined mechanical and thermal nociception on postnatal days 11, 13, 15, 19, 24, 29, 39 and 48 following subcutaneous administration of morphine (3 mg/kg) once daily on postnatal days 1-9. The cumulative morphine dose-response was assessed on postnatal days 20 and 49, and stress-induced analgesia was assessed on postnatal days 29 and 49. Both basal mechanical and thermal nociception in neonatal, morphine-exposed rats were significantly lower than those in saline-exposed, handled-control rats and naive rats until P29. A rightward-shift of cumulative dose-response curves for morphine analgesia upon chronic neonatal morphine was observed both on P20 and P49. The swim stress-induced analgesia was significantly decreased in neonatal morphine-exposed rats on P29, but not on P49. These data indicate that morphine exposure equivalent to the third trimester of gestation produced prolonged pain hypersensitivity, decreased morphine antinociception, and decreased stress-induced analgesia. The present study illustrates the need to examine the long-term influence of prenatal morphine exposure on pain and analgesia in the human pediatric population.

  5. Mixoma cardíaco con diagnóstico prenatal: Presentación de un caso y revisión de literatura

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    Josías Ríos


    Full Text Available El mixoma es la tumoración cardíaca más frecuente en el adulto, constituyendo aproximadamente el 50% de las mismas. En la edad pediátrica el tumor cardíaco más frecuente es el rabdomioma, generalmente asociado a esclerosis tuberosa. La presentación del mixoma en pacientes pediátricos es muy rara y más aun en la etapa neonatal. Presentamos el caso de una paciente de sexo femenino que fue sometida a cirugía a los 8 días de nacida por presentar dos tumoraciones intracardiacas diagnosticadas en la etapa intrauterina a las 38 semanas de gestación. La cirugía se realizó mediante esternotomía media, con circulación extracorpórea y arresto circulatorio. Las tumoraciones, que eran de aspecto polipoide se localizaban en la aurícula derecha, los estudios de patología fueron compatibles con mixoma. La evolución postoperatoria fue satisfactoria y la paciente fue dada de alta a los 14 días después de la cirugía.

  6. 21 CFR 868.5160 - Gas machine for anesthesia or analgesia. (United States)


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Gas machine for anesthesia or analgesia. 868.5160... (CONTINUED) MEDICAL DEVICES ANESTHESIOLOGY DEVICES Therapeutic Devices § 868.5160 Gas machine for anesthesia or analgesia. (a) Gas machine for anesthesia—(1) Identification. A gas machine for anesthesia is a...

  7. Remifentanil patient controlled analgesia versus epidural analgesia in labour. A multicentre randomized controlled trial.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Freeman, L.M.; Bloemenkamp, K.W.; Franssen, M.T.; Papatsonis, D.N.; Hajenius, P.J.; Huizen, M.E. van; Bremer, H.A.; Akker, E.S. van den; Woiski, M.D.; Porath, M.M.; Beek, E. van; Schuitemaker, N.; Salm, P.C. van der; Fong, B.F.; Radder, C.; Bax, C.J.; Sikkema, M.; Akker-van Marle, M.E. van den; Lith, J.M. van; Lopriore, E.; Uildriks, R.J.; Struys, M.M.; Mol, B.W.; Dahan, A; Middeldorp, J.M.


    ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Pain relief during labour is a topic of major interest in the Netherlands. Epidural analgesia is considered to be the most effective method of pain relief and recommended as first choice. However its uptake by pregnant women is limited compared to other western countries,

  8. [Eutopic parturition: psychoprophylaxis or extradural analgesia. Influence on the endocrine response]. (United States)

    Carrasco, M S; Iglesias, J; Freire, J; Martín, M L; Marín Santana, A; Cobo, I; García Rendón, A


    Prolactin, ACTH, cortisol and HGH levels have been studied on 30 pregnant women in three different periods: during the labour, at the delivery and 24 hours later. They were divided into 3 groups depending on the analgesia: I) no analgesia (n = 10); II) psychoprophylaxis (n = 10), and III) extradural analgesia (n = 10). Prolactin levels increased during delivery and 24 hours later. A significant increase of ACTH levels (p less than 0.01) was observed during the delivery in the 3 groups even though they were under hasal values 24 hours later. Cortisol increased 38% (p less than 0.01) and 52% (p less than 0.02) in II and III groups, respectively during the delivery. No difference was found with HGH. Our results suggest that endocrine response modified by labour and delivery doesn't change with different analgesia techniques.

  9. Unpredictability of regression of analgesia during the continuous postoperative extradural infusion of bupivacaine

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mogensen, T; Hjortsø, N C; Bigler, D


    Twenty-four otherwise healthy patients scheduled for elective major abdominal surgery received general anaesthesia plus lumbar extradural analgesia. A loading dose of 0.5% plain bupivacaine was given to produce sensory analgesia (pin prick) from T4 to S5 and followed by a continuous infusion of 0.......5% plain bupivacaine 8 ml h-1. Pain, scored on a 5-point scale, and sensory analgesia were assessed hourly for 16 h after skin incision. If sensory analgesia decreased by more than 5 segments from its preoperative level, or if the pain score reached 2 (moderate pain), the patients were removed from...

  10. Perinatal and neonatal use of sedation and analgesia. (United States)

    McPherson, Christopher; Inder, Terrie


    Optimal obstetric and neonatal care requires the provision of adequate analgesia for painful procedures. However, anesthetic and analgesic agents have the potential to adversely impact the developing fetal/neonatal brain. In this setting, clinicians must assess the risks and benefits of pharmacologic anesthesia and analgesia for specific indications in this population. General anesthesia is required for non-obstetric surgery and cesarean section in the absence of neuraxial anesthesia for the health of the mother and fetus. Although experimental data raise concerns, human data are reassuring and future research may focus on neuroprotective adjuncts in the setting of repeated or prolonged anesthetic exposures. Opioid analgesia is standard of care for preterm infants undergoing major procedures including invasive surgery and endotracheal intubation. The use of opioids for agitation resulting from mechanical ventilation is controversial, but prevalent. Randomized and retrospective studies detect short-term toxicity with inconclusive long-term impact, suggesting the need to explore alternative therapies. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  11. Epidural Analgesia and Fever at Labor

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    Ye. M. Shifman


    Full Text Available Objective: to study the incidence of labor fever under epidural analgesia (EA and to evaluate its impact on the courses of puerperium and early neonatality. Subjects and methods. The paper presents the data of a prospective study of the course of labor, puerperium, and early neonatality in 397 women in whom labors occurred at the Republican Peritoneal Center in 2006. A study group included 324 parturients in whom labor pain was relieved by EA. A comparison group comprised 55 parturients in whom no analgesics were used at labor. Results. There were no significant statistical differences between the groups in the incidence of labor fever and complicated puerperium and in that of neonatal pyoseptic diseases. Key words: labor hyperthermia, epidural analgesia, labor pain relief.

  12. Remifentanil patient controlled analgesia versus epidural analgesia in labour. A multicentre randomized controlled trial

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Freeman, Liv M.; Bloemenkamp, Kitty W. M.; Franssen, Maureen T. M.; Papatsonis, Dimitri N. M.; Hajenius, Petra J.; van Huizen, Marloes E.; Bremer, Henk A.; van den Akker, Eline S. A.; Woiski, Mallory D.; Porath, Martina M.; van Beek, Erik; Schuitemaker, Nico; van der Salm, Paulien C. M.; Fong, Bianca F.; Radder, Celine; Bax, Caroline J.; Sikkema, Marko; van den Akker-van Marle, M. Elske; van Lith, Jan M. M.; Lopriore, Enrico; Uildriks, Renske J.; Struys, Michel M. R. F.; Mol, Ben Willem J.; Dahan, Albert; Middeldorp, Johanna M.


    Background: Pain relief during labour is a topic of major interest in the Netherlands. Epidural analgesia is considered to be the most effective method of pain relief and recommended as first choice. However its uptake by pregnant women is limited compared to other western countries, partly as a

  13. Sex-dependent components of the analgesia produced by athletic competition. (United States)

    Sternberg, W F; Bokat, C; Kass, L; Alboyadjian, A; Gracely, R H


    Competing in various athletic events (track meet, basketball game, or fencing match) can produce analgesia to cold pressor stimuli in male and female college athletes compared with baseline assessments. This competition-induced analgesia has been attributed to the stress associated with competition, which has components related to both physical exercise and the cognitive aspects of competing. This study evaluated the analgesic effect of exercise-related stress, and that caused by the cognitively stressful components of competing independent of exercise. Cold pressor pain ratings were assessed after competition in a track meet and after treadmill exercise or sedentary video game competition in both athletes and nonathletes. As expected, competing in athletics resulted in a decrease in cold pressor ratings in both male and female athletes. Independent of athletic status, treadmill running induced analgesia in women, but not in males, whereas sedentary video game competition produced analgesia in men, but not in women. These findings suggest that different components of the competitive athletic experience might be responsible for the analgesic effects in a sex-dependent manner.

  14. Usefulness of modified intravenous analgesia: initial experience in uterine artery embolization for leiomyomata

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yang, Seung Boo; Jung, Young Jin; Goo, Dong Erk; Jang, Yun Woo


    We wanted to evaluate the usefulness of modified intravenous analgesia for the management of pain during uterine artery embolization for leiomyomata. Between April 2004 and July 2004, 15 patients with symptomatic fibroids underwent uterine artery embolization and pain management. Except the three patients for whom the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) score was not obtained, twelve patients were included in this study. For pain management, epidural PCA (Patient Controlled Analgesia) was used in two patients, intravenous PCA was used in two patients and modified intravenous analgesia injection was used in eight patients. For all the patients, we used the 2.8 Fr coaxial microcatheter and 500-710 μ m PVA particles for the embolic materials. The protocol of the modified intravenous analgesia injection was as follow, 1) prior to femoral artery puncture, 30 mg of ketorolac tromethamine (Tarasyn)was injected via an intravenous route. 2) At the time that the one side uterine artery embolization was finished, normal saline mixed 150 mg meperidine (Demerol) was administered through the side port of the intravenous line that was used for hydration. 3) Additional ketorolac tromethamine 30 mg was injected after 6 hour. The VAS score and side effects were then checked. After 12 hours, the VAS score was rechecked. If the VAS score was above 4, this was considered as failure of pain management. The VAS scores, complications and side effects for the modified intravenous analgesia injection were compared with that of IV PCA and epidural PCA. The average VAS score of the modified intravenous analgesia injection, intravenous PCA and epidural PCA was 1.4, 1 and 0, respectively; the number of additional intramuscular injections of analgesia was 0.5, 0.5 and 0, respectively. All the patients who underwent epidural PCA had back pain at the puncture site and 1 patient who underwent modified intravenous analgesia injection experienced mild dyspnea, but they easily recovered with such

  15. Usefulness of modified intravenous analgesia: initial experience in uterine artery embolization for leiomyomata

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yang, Seung Boo; Jung, Young Jin [Soonchunhyang University, Gumi Hospital, Gumi (Korea, Republic of); Goo, Dong Erk; Jang, Yun Woo [Soonchunhyang University Hospital, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    We wanted to evaluate the usefulness of modified intravenous analgesia for the management of pain during uterine artery embolization for leiomyomata. Between April 2004 and July 2004, 15 patients with symptomatic fibroids underwent uterine artery embolization and pain management. Except the three patients for whom the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) score was not obtained, twelve patients were included in this study. For pain management, epidural PCA (Patient Controlled Analgesia) was used in two patients, intravenous PCA was used in two patients and modified intravenous analgesia injection was used in eight patients. For all the patients, we used the 2.8 Fr coaxial microcatheter and 500-710 {mu} m PVA particles for the embolic materials. The protocol of the modified intravenous analgesia injection was as follow, 1) prior to femoral artery puncture, 30 mg of ketorolac tromethamine (Tarasyn)was injected via an intravenous route. 2) At the time that the one side uterine artery embolization was finished, normal saline mixed 150 mg meperidine (Demerol) was administered through the side port of the intravenous line that was used for hydration. 3) Additional ketorolac tromethamine 30 mg was injected after 6 hour. The VAS score and side effects were then checked. After 12 hours, the VAS score was rechecked. If the VAS score was above 4, this was considered as failure of pain management. The VAS scores, complications and side effects for the modified intravenous analgesia injection were compared with that of IV PCA and epidural PCA. The average VAS score of the modified intravenous analgesia injection, intravenous PCA and epidural PCA was 1.4, 1 and 0, respectively; the number of additional intramuscular injections of analgesia was 0.5, 0.5 and 0, respectively. All the patients who underwent epidural PCA had back pain at the puncture site and 1 patient who underwent modified intravenous analgesia injection experienced mild dyspnea, but they easily recovered with such

  16. Intrathecal opioids versus epidural local anesthetics for labor analgesia: a meta-analysis. (United States)

    Bucklin, Brenda A; Chestnut, David H; Hawkins, Joy L


    Some anesthesiologists contend that intrathecal opioid administration has advantages over conventional epidural techniques during labor. Randomized clinical trials comparing analgesia and obstetric outcome using single-injection intrathecal opioids versus epidural local anesthetics suggest that intrathecal opioids provide comparable analgesia with few serious side effects. This meta-analysis compared the analgesic efficacy, side effects, and obstetric outcome of single-injection intrathecal opioid techniques versus epidural local anesthetics in laboring women. Relevant clinical studies were identified using electronic and manual searches of the literature covering the period from 1989 to 2000. Searches used the following descriptors: intrathecal analgesia, spinal opioids, epidural analgesia, epidural local anesthetics, and analgesia for labor. Data were extracted from 7 randomized clinical trials comparing analgesic measures, incidence of motor block, pruritus, nausea, hypotension, mode of delivery, and/or Apgar scores. Combined test results indicated comparable analgesic efficacy 15 to 20 minutes after injection with single-injection intrathecal opioid administration. Intrathecal opioid injections were associated with a greater incidence of pruritus (odds ratio, 14.01; 99% confidence interval, 6.9 to 28.3), but there was no difference in the incidence of nausea or in the method of delivery. Published studies suggest that intrathecal opioids provide comparable early labor analgesia when compared with epidural local anesthetics. Intrathecal opioid administration results in a greater incidence of pruritus. The choice of technique does not appear to affect the method of delivery.

  17. Information Models of Acupuncture Analgesia and Meridian Channels

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    Chang Hua Zou


    Full Text Available Acupuncture and meridian channels have been major components of Chinese and Eastern Asian medicine—especially for analgesia—for over 2000 years. In recent decades, electroacupuncture (EA analgesia has been applied clinically and experimentally. However, there were controversial results between different treatment frequencies, or between the active and the placebo treatments; and the mechanisms of the treatments and the related meridian channels are still unknown. In this study, we propose a new term of infophysics therapy and develop information models of acupuncture (or EA analgesia and meridian channels, to understand the mechanisms and to explain the controversial results, based on Western theories of information, trigonometry and Fourier series, and physics, as well as published biomedical data. We are trying to build a bridge between Chinese medicine and Western medicine by investigating the Eastern acupuncture analgesia and meridian channels with Western sciences; we model the meridians as a physiological system that is mostly constructed with interstices in or between other physiological systems; we consider frequencies, amplitudes and wave numbers of electric field intensity (EFI as information data. Our modeling results demonstrate that information regulated with acupuncture (or EA is different from pain information, we provide answers to explain the controversial published results, and suggest that mechanisms of acupuncture (or EA analgesia could be mostly involved in information regulation of frequencies and amplitudes of EFI as well as neuronal transmitters such as endorphins.

  18. 135. Mediastinitis postoperatoria: factores de riesgo, supervivencia y estancia hospitalaria

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    L. Riesco de la Vega


    Conclusiones: La incidencia de mediastinitis en nuestra población de pacientes es de un 2,2%. Edad, EPOC, obesidad, uso de arteria mamaria y reintervención son factores de riesgo independientes de esta complicación. La mediastinitis es una complicación grave, con una alta mortalidad (25,4%, y que conlleva una prolongación de la estancia en UCI y hospitalaria, con el consecuente consumo de recursos sanitarios.

  19. Intravenous remifentanil versus epidural ropivacaine with sufentanil for labour analgesia: a retrospective study.

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    Rong Lin

    Full Text Available Remifentanil with appropriate pharmacological properties seems to be an ideal alternative to epidural analgesia during labour. A retrospective cohort study was undertaken to assess the efficacy and safety of remifentanil intravenous patient-controlled analgesia (IVPCA compared with epidural analgesia. Medical records of 370 primiparas who received remifentanil IVPCA or epidural analgesia were reviewed. Pain and sedation scores, overall satisfaction, the extent of pain control, maternal side effects and neonatal outcome as primary observational indicators were collected. There was a significant decline of pain scores in both groups. Pain reduction was greater in the epidural group throughout the whole study period (0 ∼ 180 min (P < 0.0001, and pain scores in the remifentanil group showed an increasing trend one hour later. The remifentanil group had a lower SpO2 (P < 0.0001 and a higher sedation score (P < 0.0001 within 30 min after treatment. The epidural group had a higher overall satisfaction score (3.8 ± 0.4 vs. 3.7 ± 0.6, P = 0.007 and pain relief score (2.9 ± 0.3 vs. 2.8 ± 0.4, P < 0.0001 compared with the remifentanil group. There was no significant difference on side effects between the two groups, except that a higher rate of dizziness (1% vs. 21.8%, P < 0.0001 was observed during remifentanil analgesia. And logistic regression analysis demonstrated that nausea, vomiting were associated with oxytocin usage and instrumental delivery, and dizziness was associated to the type and duration of analgesia. Neonatal outcomes such as Apgar scores and umbilical-cord blood gas analysis were within the normal range, but umbilical pH and base excess of neonatus in the remifentanil group were significantly lower. Remifentanil IVPCA provides poorer efficacy on labor analgesia than epidural analgesia, with more sedation on parturients and a trend of newborn acidosis. Despite these adverse effects, remifentanil IVPCA can still be an alternative


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    I. G. Mukutsa


    Full Text Available Purpose - to assess the effect of multimodal analgesia in the early rehabilitation of patients after hip replacement. Materials and methods. A prospective single-centre randomized research, which included 32 patients. Patients of the 1st group received paracetamol, ketorolac and tramadol, the 2nd group of patients - ketorolac intravenously and the 3rd group of patients - etoricoxib and gabapentin. Patients of the 2nd and the 3rd groups underwent epidural analgesia with ropivacaine. Multimodal analgesia was carried out for 48 hours after the surgery. Assessment of pain intensity was performed by the VAS (visual analogue scale, a neuropathic pain component - on the DN4 questionnaire . Time was recorded during the first and second verticalization of patients, using the distance walkers and by fixing the distance covered with in 2 minutes. Results. The intensity of pain for more than 50 mm on VAS at movement at least once every 48 hours after the surgery was occurred among 9% of the 1st group, 22% of patients from the 2nd group and 8% of patients of the 3rd group. Number of patients with neuropathic pain component decreased from 25% to 3% (p ≤ 0.05. The first verticalization was performed 10 ± 8 hours after the surgery, the second - 21 ± 8 hours later. Two-minute walk distance was 5 ± 3 and 8 ± 4 m, respectively. It is noted more frequent adverse events in patients of the 1st group was noted compared to patients of the 2nd and the 3rd groups during first (91%, 33% and 25%, p ≤ 0.05 and the second verticalization (70%, 25% and 17%, p ≤ 0.05. Multimodal analgesia allows to proceed with the successful activation of patients after hip replacement with in the first day after the surgery. The 3rd group patients are noted with a tendency for the optimal combination of efficient and safe of analgetic therapy.

  1. Subcutaneous L-tyrosine elicits cutaneous analgesia in response to local skin pinprick in rats. (United States)

    Hung, Ching-Hsia; Chiu, Chong-Chi; Liu, Kuo-Sheng; Chen, Yu-Wen; Wang, Jhi-Joung


    The purpose of the study was to estimate the ability of L-tyrosine to induce cutaneous analgesia and to investigate the interaction between L-tyrosine and the local anesthetic lidocaine. After subcutaneously injecting the rats with L-tyrosine and lidocaine in a dose-dependent manner, cutaneous analgesia (by blocking the cutaneous trunci muscle reflex-CTMR) was evaluated in response to the local pinprick. The drug-drug interaction was analyzed by using an isobolographic method. We showed that both L-tyrosine and lidocaine produced dose-dependent cutaneous analgesia. On the 50% effective dose (ED50) basis, the rank of drug potency was lidocaine (5.09 [4.88-5.38] μmol)>L-tyrosine (39.1 [36.5-41.8] μmol) (Ptyrosine lasted longer than that caused by lidocaine (Ptyrosine exhibited an additive effect on infiltrative cutaneous analgesia. Our pre-clinical study demonstrated that L-tyrosine elicits the local/cutaneous analgesia, and the interaction between L-tyrosine and lidocaine is additive. L-tyrosine has a lower potency but much greater duration of cutaneous analgesia than lidocaine. Adding L-tyrosine to lidocaine preparations showed greater duration of cutaneous analgesia compared with lidocaine alone. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  2. Intranasal sufentanil/ketamine analgesia in children

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Bettina Nygaard; Friis, Susanne M; Rømsing, Janne


    The management of procedural pain in children ranges from physical restraint to pharmacological interventions. Pediatric formulations that permit accurate dosing, are accepted by children and a have a rapid onset of analgesia are lacking....


    Sedykh, S V


    Early breast-feeding is a standard of perinatal care currently. After cesarean section it can be possible in case of early mother activation (verticalization). Assessment of perioperative analgesia influence on activation timing was the aim of our research. We included 120 parturient women. It was proved, that local analgesia using in postoperative period promotes early mother verticaliration, and optimal breast-feeding starting.

  4. Staff education, regular sedation and analgesia quality feedback, and a sedation monitoring technology for improving sedation and analgesia quality for critically ill, mechanically ventilated patients: a cluster randomised trial. (United States)

    Walsh, Timothy S; Kydonaki, Kalliopi; Antonelli, Jean; Stephen, Jacqueline; Lee, Robert J; Everingham, Kirsty; Hanley, Janet; Phillips, Emma C; Uutela, Kimmo; Peltola, Petra; Cole, Stephen; Quasim, Tara; Ruddy, James; McDougall, Marcia; Davidson, Alan; Rutherford, John; Richards, Jonathan; Weir, Christopher J


    Optimal sedation of patients in intensive care units (ICUs) requires the avoidance of pain, agitation, and unnecessary deep sedation, but these outcomes are challenging to achieve. Excessive sedation can prolong ICU stay, whereas light sedation can increase pain and frightening memories, which are commonly recalled by ICU survivors. We aimed to assess the effectiveness of three interventions to improve sedation and analgesia quality: an online education programme; regular feedback of sedation-analgesia quality data; and use of a novel sedation-monitoring technology (the Responsiveness Index [RI]). We did a cluster randomised trial in eight ICUs, which were randomly allocated to receive education alone (two ICUs), education plus sedation-analgesia quality feedback (two ICUs), education plus RI monitoring technology (two ICUs), or all three interventions (two ICUs). Randomisation was done with computer-generated random permuted blocks, stratified according to recruitment start date. A 45 week baseline period was followed by a 45 week intervention period, separated by an 8 week implementation period in which the interventions were introduced. ICU and research staff were not masked to study group assignment during the intervention period. All mechanically ventilated patients were potentially eligible. We assessed patients' sedation-analgesia quality for each 12 h period of nursing care, and sedation-related adverse events daily. Our primary outcome was the proportion of care periods with optimal sedation-analgesia, defined as being free from excessive sedation, agitation, poor limb relaxation, and poor ventilator synchronisation. Analysis used multilevel generalised linear mixed modelling to explore intervention effects in a single model taking clustering and patient-level factors into account. A concurrent mixed-methods process evaluation was undertaken to help understand the trial findings. The trial is registered with, number NCT01634451. Between


    Anwar, Sadia; Anwar, Muhannad Waseem; Ahmad, Sajjad


    Epidural analgesia is an effective and popular way to relieve labour pain but it may interfere with normal mechanism of labour. The objective of this study was to evaluate the outcome of labour in women with effective epidural analgesia in terms of duration of labour, mode of delivery and neonatal outcome. This was a quasi-experimental study conducted in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Shaikh Zayed Federal Postgraduate Medical Institute and Hospital, Lahore. One hundred pregnant women were selected by non-probability convenient sampling method. Subjects were divided into two groups of. 50 each as per convenience. Patients of any gravidity at term from 37-41 weeks were included in the sample. Epidural analgesia was applied to group B and distilled water to group A at the lumber region and the progress of labour, mode of delivery and effects on Apgar scores of neonates were evaluated. Out of hundred patients, 77 had normal duration of second stage while 23 had prolonged second stage. Among them, 18 patients (36%) were in epidural group and 5 patients (10%) in non-epidural group, while 4 patients (8%) in epidural group developed intra-partum complications; whereas among non-epidural group had such complications. 65 patients had spontaneous vaginal delivery while 35 patients had instrumental delivery. Among them 29 patients (58%) were in epidural group while only 6 patients (12%) were in non-epidural group. Babies born had Apgar score 5/10 (21.8%), 6/10 (59.4%) and 7/10 (17.8%) at 1 minute and 8/10 (74.3%) and 9/10 (24.8%) at 5 minutes in both groups and none of them needed bag and mask resuscitation. Epidural analgesia does prolong the duration of second stage of labour and increases the instrumental delivery rate. Neonatal outcome is satisfactory while only a few intra-partum complications are found with epidural analgesia.

  6. Effect of irradiation on analgesia induced by morphine and endorphin

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Jin Kyu; Lee, Byoung Hun; Hyun, Soung Hee; Chung, Ki Myung


    Morphine and endorphin administered intracerebroventricularly (i.c.v.) produce analgesia by activating different descending pain inhibitory systems. Gamma irradiation attenuates the acute analgesic action of i.c.v. injected morphine in mice. This study was done to investigate the effect of-irradiation on the analgesia produced by i.c.v. injected morphine and endorphin in male ICR mice. In one group, mice were exposed to whole-body irradiation at a dose of 5 Gy from a 60 Co source and the analgesic effects were tested 5, 30, 60, 90 and 180 min after irradiation using the acetic acid-induced writhing test. The analgesic effect was produced time-dependently and reached its maximum at 90 min after irradiation. Thus, time was fixed in the following studies. In another group, mice were irradiated with 5 Gy and tested 90 minutes later for analgesia produced by i.c.v. administration of morphine or endorphin. Irradiation significantly potentiated the analgesia produced by endorphin. However, the antinociception produced by morphine was not affected by irradiation. These results support the hypothesis that morphine and endorphin administered supraspinally produce antinocieception by different neuronal mechanisms

  7. Effect of irradiation on analgesia induced by morphine and endorphin

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, Jin Kyu; Lee, Byoung Hun; Hyun, Soung Hee; Chung, Ki Myung [KAERI, Daejeon (Korea, Republic of)


    Morphine and endorphin administered intracerebroventricularly (i.c.v.) produce analgesia by activating different descending pain inhibitory systems. Gamma irradiation attenuates the acute analgesic action of i.c.v. injected morphine in mice. This study was done to investigate the effect of-irradiation on the analgesia produced by i.c.v. injected morphine and endorphin in male ICR mice. In one group, mice were exposed to whole-body irradiation at a dose of 5 Gy from a {sup 60}Co source and the analgesic effects were tested 5, 30, 60, 90 and 180 min after irradiation using the acetic acid-induced writhing test. The analgesic effect was produced time-dependently and reached its maximum at 90 min after irradiation. Thus, time was fixed in the following studies. In another group, mice were irradiated with 5 Gy and tested 90 minutes later for analgesia produced by i.c.v. administration of morphine or endorphin. Irradiation significantly potentiated the analgesia produced by endorphin. However, the antinociception produced by morphine was not affected by irradiation. These results support the hypothesis that morphine and endorphin administered supraspinally produce antinocieception by different neuronal mechanisms.

  8. Clonidina e dexmedetomidina por via peridural para analgesia e sedação pós-operatória de colecistectomia Clonidina y dexmedetomidina por vía peridural para analgesia y sedación pós-operatoria de colecistectomía Epidural clonidine or dexmedetomidine for post-cholecystectomy analgesia and sedation

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    Antônio Mauro Vieira


    -adrenérgicos que, cuando administrados por vía peridural, poseen propiedades analgésicas y potencializan los efectos de los anestésicos locales. La actual pesquisa objetiva evaluar la analgesia y la sedación causadas por la clonidina o dexmedetomidina asociadas a la ropivacaína, por vía peridural, en el pós-operatorio de colecistectomía por vía subcostal. MÉTODO: Participaron del estudio aleatorio y duplamente encubierto 40 pacientes, de ambos sexos, con edad variando de 18 a 50 años, peso entre 50 y 100 kg, estado físico ASA I y II, sometidos a colecistectomía por vía subcostal, los cuales fueron distribuidos en dos grupos: clonidina (GC, en que fue administrada clonidina (1 ml = 150 µg asociada a ropivacaína a 0,75% (20 ml por vía peridural; dexmedetomidina (GD, en que fue inyectada dexmedetomidina (2 µ asociada a ropivacaína a 0,75% (20 ml por vía peridural. La analgesia y la sedación fueron observadas 2, 6 y 24 horas después del término de la anestesia. RESULTADOS: Ocurrió sedación después de 2 y 6 horas en ambos grupos, siendo que hubo diferencia estadística significante entre los tiempos de 2 y 6 horas en el grupo dexmedetomidina. Hubo analgesia en ambos grupos, especialmente después de 2 y 6 horas. Fue detectada diferencia estadística significante entre los tiempos de 2, 6 y 24 horas en el grupo dexmedetomidina; en el grupo clonidina esa diferencia estadística significante fue observada entre los tiempos de 2 y 6 horas y entre 2 y 24 horas. CONCLUSIONES: Los resultados permitieron concluir que la clonidina o la dexmedetomidina asociadas a ropivacaína a 0,75% aseguraron analgesia y sedación en los tiempos de observación de 2 y 6 horas después del término de la anestesia, en los pacientes sometidos a la colecistectomia por vía subcostal y que la clonidina promueve analgesia más prolongada.BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Clonidine and dexmedetomidine are alpha2-adrenergic agonists with analgesic proprieties which potentiate

  9. Gender-specific and gonadectomy-specific effects upon swim analgesia: role of steroid replacement therapy. (United States)

    Romero, M T; Cooper, M L; Komisaruk, B R; Bodnar, R J


    Both gender-specific and gonadectomy-specific effects have been observed for the analgesic responses following continuous and intermittent cold-water swims (CCWS and ICWS respectively): female rats display significantly less analgesia than males, and gonadectomized rats display significantly less analgesia than sham-operated controls. The present study evaluated the effects of steroid replacement therapy with testosterone propionate (TP: 2 mg/kg, SC) upon CCWS and ICWS analgesia on the tail-flick and jump tests and hypothermia in sham-operated or gonadectomized male and female rats. Thirty days following surgery, rats received either no treatment, a sesame oil vehicle or TP for 14 days prior to, and then during testing. Relative to the no treatment condition, repeated vehicle injections in sham-operated rats eliminated the gender-specific, but did not affect the gonadectomy-specific effects upon CCWS and ICWS analgesia. TP reversed the deficits in CCWS and ICWS analgesia observed in both castrated and ovariectomized rats on both pain tests. TP only potentiated CCWS analgesia in sham-operated males on the tail-flick test. TP potentiated CCWS and ICWS hypothermia in gonadectomized rats and in male sham-operated rats. These data indicate that gonadal steroids play a major modulatory role in the etiology of swim analgesia, and that the observed gender effects are sensitive to possible adaptational variables.

  10. Parameter Optimization Analysis of Prolonged Analgesia Effect of tDCS on Neuropathic Pain Rats

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    Hui-Zhong Wen


    Full Text Available Background: Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS is widely used to treat human nerve disorders and neuropathic pain by modulating the excitability of cortex. The effectiveness of tDCS is influenced by its stimulation parameters, but there have been no systematic studies to help guide the selection of different parameters.Objective: This study aims to assess the effects of tDCS of primary motor cortex (M1 on chronic neuropathic pain in rats and to test for the optimal parameter combinations for analgesia.Methods: Using the chronic neuropathic pain models of chronic constriction injury (CCI, we measured pain thresholds before and after anodal-tDCS (A-tDCS using different parameter conditions, including stimulation intensity, stimulation time, intervention time and electrode located (ipsilateral or contralateral M1 of the ligated paw on male/female CCI models.Results: Following the application of A-tDCS over M1, we observed that the antinociceptive effects were depended on different parameters. First, we found that repetitive A-tDCS had a longer analgesic effect than single stimulus, and both ipsilateral-tDCS (ip-tDCS and contralateral-tDCS (con-tDCS produce a long-lasting analgesic effect on neuropathic pain. Second, the antinociceptive effects were intensity-dependent and time-dependent, high intensities worked better than low intensities and long stimulus durations worked better than short stimulus durations. Third, timing of the intervention after injury affected the stimulation outcome, early use of tDCS was an effective method to prevent the development of pain, and more frequent intervention induced more analgesia in CCI rats, finally, similar antinociceptive effects of con- and ip-tDCS were observed in both sexes of CCI rats.Conclusion: Optimized protocols of tDCS for treating antinociceptive effects were developed. These findings should be taken into consideration when using tDCS to produce analgesic effects in clinical

  11. Dexamethasone prolongs local analgesia after subcutaneous infiltration of bupivacaine microcapsules in human volunteers

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holte, Kathrine; Werner, Mads U; Lacouture, Peter G


    BACKGROUND: The addition of small amounts of dexamethasone to extended-release formulations of bupivacaine in microcapsules has been found to prolong local analgesia in experimental studies, but no clinical data are available. METHODS: In a double-blinded study, 12 healthy male volunteers were...... randomized to receive simultaneous subcutaneous injections of bupivacaine microcapsules with dexamethasone and bupivacaine microcapsules without dexamethasone in each calf. Local analgesia was assessed with a validated human pain model; main parameters evaluated were thermal, mechanical, and pain detection...... curve [AUC]) were considered best estimate of analgesia. Safety evaluations were performed daily for the first week and at 2 weeks, 6 weeks, and 6 months after injection. RESULTS: The addition of dexamethasone significantly prolonged local analgesia of bupivacaine microcapsules without influence...

  12. Reported provision of analgesia to patients with acute abdominal pain in Canadian paediatric emergency departments. (United States)

    Poonai, Naveen; Cowie, Allyson; Davidson, Chloe; Benidir, Andréanne; Thompson, Graham C; Boisclair, Philippe; Harman, Stuart; Miller, Michael; Butter, Andreana; Lim, Rod; Ali, Samina


    Evidence exists that analgesics are underutilized, delayed, and insufficiently dosed for emergency department (ED) patients with acute abdominal pain. For physicians practicing in a Canadian paediatric ED setting, we (1) explored theoretical practice variation in the provision of analgesia to children with acute abdominal pain; (2) identified reasons for withholding analgesia; and (3) evaluated the relationship between providing analgesia and surgical consultation. Physician members of Paediatric Emergency Research Canada (PERC) were prospectively surveyed and presented with three scenarios of undifferentiated acute abdominal pain to assess management. A modified Dillman's Tailored Design method was used to distribute the survey from June to July 2014. Overall response rate was 74.5% (149/200); 51.7% of respondents were female and mean age was 44 (SD 8.4) years. The reported rates of providing analgesia for case scenarios representative of renal colic, appendicitis, and intussusception, were 100%, 92.1%, and 83.4%, respectively, while rates of providing intravenous opioids were 85.2%, 58.6%, and 12.4%, respectively. In all 60 responses where the respondent indicated they would obtain a surgical consultation, analgesia would be provided. In the 35 responses where analgesia would be withheld, 21 (60%) believed pain was not severe enough, while 5 (14.3%) indicated it would obscure a surgical condition. Pediatric emergency physicians self-reported rates of providing analgesia for acute abdominal pain scenarios were higher than previously reported, and appeared unrelated to request for surgical consultation. However, an unwillingness to provide opioid analgesia, belief that analgesia can obscure a surgical condition, and failure to take self-reported pain at face value remain, suggesting that the need exists for further knowledge translation efforts.

  13. Stereotactic core biopsy of an impalpable screen-detected breast lesion using acupuncture-analgesia


    English, R E; Chen, J H


    Chinese acupuncture-analgesia is used for pain management during various surgical procedures. Over the past 40 years this approach has been introduced in many countries and has been particularly helpful in the investigation and treatment of patients who are unable to tolerate conventional analgesia. We report here the case of a woman with a 17-year history of myalgic encephalitis who underwent a stereotactic core biopsy of the breast under acupuncture-analgesia. A planning session was needed ...

  14. Labor induction just after external cephalic version with epidural analgesia at term. (United States)

    Cuerva, Marcos J; Piñel, Carlos S; Caceres, Javier; Espinosa, Jose A


    To analyze the benefits of external cephalic version (ECV) with epidural analgesia at term and labor induction just after the procedure. This is a retrospective observational study with patients who did not want trying a breech vaginal delivery and decided trying an ECV with epidural analgesia at term and wanted labor induction or cesarean section after the procedure. We present the results of 40 ECV with epidural analgesia at term and labor induction or cesarean section just after the ECV. ECV succeeded in 26 out of 40 (65%) patients. Among the 26 successful ECV, 6 delivered by cesarean (23.1%). 20 patients delivered vaginally (76.9%; 50% of all patients). Considering that a high number of cesarean deliveries can be avoided, induction of labor after ECV with epidural analgesia at term can be considered after being discussed in selected patient. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  15. Cutaneous synergistic analgesia of bupivacaine in combination with dopamine in rats. (United States)

    Tzeng, Jann-Inn; Wang, Jieh-Neng; Wang, Jhi-Joung; Chen, Yu-Wen; Hung, Ching-Hsia


    The main goal of the study was to investigate the interaction between bupivacaine and dopamine on local analgesia. After the blockade of the cutaneous trunci muscle reflex (CTMR) responses, which occurred following the drugs were subcutaneously injected in rats, the cutaneous analgesic effect of dopamine in a dosage-dependent fashion was compared to that of bupivacaine. Drug-drug interactions were evaluated by isobolographic methods. We showed the dose-dependent effects of dopamine on infiltrative cutaneous analgesia. On the 50% effective dose (ED50) basis, the rank of drug potency was bupivacaine (1.99 [1.92-2.09] μmol/kg) greater than dopamine (190 [181-203] μmol/kg) (Pbupivacaine. The addition of dopamine to the bupivacaine solution exhibited a synergistic effect. Our pre-clinical data showed that dopamine produced a dose-dependent effect in producing cutaneous analgesia. When compared with bupivacaine, dopamine produced a lesser potency with a similar duration of cutaneous analgesia. Dopamine added to the bupivacaine preparation resulted in a synergistic analgesic effect. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  16. Epidural analgesia in labour and neonatal respiratory distress: a case-control study. (United States)

    Kumar, Manoj; Chandra, Sue; Ijaz, Zainab; Senthilselvan, Ambikaipakan


    Epidural analgesia is the commonest mode for providing pain relief in labour, with a combination of bupivacaine and fentanyl most often used in practice. To test whether late-preterm and term neonates exposed to opioids in epidural analgesia in labour are more likely to develop respiratory distress in the immediate neonatal period. A case-control study was conducted of singleton infants born during January 2006 to December 2010. Cases were neonates ≥34 weeks gestation, who developed respiratory distress within 24 h of life requiring supplemental oxygen ≥2 h and/or positive pressure ventilation in the neonatal intensive care unit. Controls were gestation and site-matched neonates who did not develop any respiratory distress within the same period. The information on exposure to epidural analgesia and on potential confounding variables was obtained from the standardised delivery record, routinely filled out on all women admitted to the labour wards. In our study, 206 cases and 206 matched controls were enrolled. Exposure to epidural analgesia was present in 146 (70.9%) cases as compared with 131 (63.6%) of the controls. The association between exposure to epidural analgesia and respiratory distress in neonates was statistically significant upon adjustment for all potential confounders (adjusted OR: 1.75, 95% CI 1.03 to 2.99; p = 0.04). When data was separately analysed for term and late-preterm infants, the results were consistent across these subpopulations, showing no interaction effect. Late-preterm and term infants exposed to maternal epidural analgesia in labour are more likely to develop respiratory distress in the immediate neonatal period.

  17. Patient Controlled Epidural Analgesia during Labour: Effect of Addition of Background Infusion on Quality of Analgesia & Maternal Satisfaction

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    Uma Srivastava


    Full Text Available Patient controlled epidural analgesia (PCEA is a well established technique for pain relief during labor. But the inclusion of continuous background infusion to PCEA is controversial. The aim of this study was to assess whether the use of continuous infusion along with PCEA was beneficial for laboring women with regards to quality of analgesia, maternal satisfaction and neonatal outcome in comparison to PCEA alone. Fifty five parturients received epidural bolus of 10ml solution containing 0.125% bupivacaine +2 ì of fentanyl. For maintenance of analgesia the patients of Group PCEA self administered 8 ml bolus with lockout interval of 20 minutes of above solution on demand with no basal infusion. While the patients of Group PCEA + CI received continuous epidural infusion at the rate of 10 along with self administered boluses of 3 ml with lockout interval of 10 minutes of similar epidural solution. Patients of both groups were given rescue boluses by the anaesthetists for distressing pain. Verbal analogue pain scores, incidence of distressing pain, need of supplementary/rescue boluses, dose of bupivacaine consumed, maternal satisfaction and neonatal Apgar scores were recorded. No significant difference was observed between mean VAS pain scores during labor, maternal satisfaction, mode of delivery or neonatal Apgar scores. But more patients (n=8 required rescue boluses in PCEA group for distressing pain. The total volume consumed of bupivacaine and opioid was slightly more in PCEA + CI group. In both the techniques the highest sensory level, degree of motor block were comparable& prolongation of labor was not seen. It was concluded that both the techniques provided equivalent labor analgesia, maternal satisfaction and neonatal Apgar scores. PCEA along with continuous infusion at the rate of 10 ml/ hr resulted in lesser incidence of distressing pain and need for rescue analgesic. Although this group consumed higher dose of bupivacaine

  18. Patient-Controlled Oral Analgesia for Postoperative Pain Management Following Total Knee Replacement

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    Patti Kastanias


    Full Text Available PURPOSE: To investigate whether patient-controlled oral analgesia (PCOA used by individuals receiving a total knee replacement could reduce pain, increase patient satisfaction, reduce opioid use and/or reduce opioid side effects when compared with traditional nurse (RN-administered oral analgesia.

  19. Corrección de ametropías con cirugía refractiva: lasik y lasek.

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    Jenny García Milián


    Full Text Available En el Hospital General Universitario “Camilo Cienfuegos” de Sancti Spíritus aplicamos el Láser Excimer para corregir defectos refractivos desde el 3 de abril del año 2008, para ello contamos con un láser de última generación de la casa comercial Schwind, modelo Esiris, que nos permite realizar ablación a la medida guiada por topografía corneal. Se realizó un estudio prospectivo de corte transversal en el período comprendido del 3 de abril de 2008 al 3 de abril de 2009 con el objetivo de conocer los resultados de la cirugía refractiva en Sancti Spíritus desde su puesta en marcha. El grupo seleccionado estuvo conformado por 314 ojos, correspondientes a 164 pacientes operados de los diferentes tipos de ametropías con excimer láser, independientemente de la técnica quirúrgica que utilizamos (Lasik o Lasek. Se analizó el comportamiento de diferentes variables clínico-epidemiológicas y quedó identificada la descripción del defecto refractivo más frecuente, la técnica quirúrgica más utilizada, la agudeza visual de los pacientes antes y después de la cirugía, así como las complicaciones postoperatorias. Los resultados mostraron que predominó el sexo femenino, el defecto refractivo más comúnmente encontrado fue el astigmatismo miópico compuesto, la mayoría de los pacientes alcanzaron una visión por encima de 0.7, la técnica quirúrgica más utilizada fue el Lasik, aquejaron mayores molestias los operados con técnica Lasek, y con ambas técnicas quirúrgicas se logró una buena agudeza visual sin corrección óptica de manera que en el total de los pacientes se logró la no dependencia del cristal.

  20. Neuraxial analgesia effects on labor progression: facts, fallacies, uncertainties, and the future (United States)

    Grant, Erica N.; Tao, Weike; Craig, Margaret; McIntire, Donald; Leveno, Kenneth


    Approximately 60% of women who labor receive some form of neuraxial analgesia, but concerns have been raised regarding whether it negatively impacts the labor and delivery process. In this review, we attempt to clarify what has been established as truths, falsities, and uncertainties regarding the effects of this form of pain relief on labor progression, negative and/or positive. Additionally, although the term “epidural” has become synonymous with neuraxial analgesia, we discuss two other techniques, combined spinal-epidural and continuous spinal analgesia, that are gaining popularity, as well as their effects on labor progression. PMID:25088476

  1. Effects of Multimodal Analgesia on the Success of Mouse Embryo Transfer Surgery (United States)

    Parker, John M.; Austin, Jamie; Wilkerson, James; Carbone, Larry


    Multimodal analgesia is promoted as the best practice pain management for invasive animal research procedures. Universal acceptance and incorporation of multimodal analgesia requires assessing potential effects on study outcome. The focus of this study was to assess effects on embryo survival after multimodal analgesia comprising an opioid and nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug (NSAID) compared with opioid-only analgesia during embryo transfer procedures in transgenic mouse production. Mice were assigned to receive either carprofen (5 mg/kg) with buprenorphine (0.1 mg/kg; CB) or vehicle with buprenorphine (0.1 mg/kg; VB) in a prospective, double-blinded placebo controlled clinical trial. Data were analyzed in surgical sets of 1 to 3 female mice receiving embryos chimeric for a shared targeted embryonic stem-cell clone and host blastocyst cells. A total of 99 surgical sets were analyzed, comprising 199 Crl:CD1 female mice and their 996 offspring. Neither yield (pups weaned per embryo implanted in the surgical set) nor birth rate (average number of pups weaned per dam in the set) differed significantly between the CB and VB conditions. Multimodal opioid–NSAID analgesia appears to have no significant positive or negative effect on the success of producing novel lines of transgenic mice by blastocyst transfer. PMID:21838973

  2. Neuraxial block and postoperative epidural analgesia

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Leslie, K; McIlroy, D; Kasza, J


    BACKGROUND: We assessed associations between intraoperative neuraxial block and postoperative epidural analgesia, and a composite primary outcome of death or non-fatal myocardial infarction, at 30 days post-randomization in POISE-2 Trial subjects. METHODS: 10 010 high-risk noncardiac surgical pat...

  3. Acupuntura e analgesia: aplicações clínicas e principais acupontos Acupuncture and analgesia: clinical applications and main acupoints

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marilda Onghero Taffarel


    Full Text Available A dor é uma resposta protetora do organismo a estímulos nocivos, que resulta em efeitos indesejáveis quando não controlada. A analgesia pode ser promovida mediante a utilização de vários tipos de fármacos. No entanto, estes podem causar efeitos adversos de acordo com a espécie e condição física do paciente. A acupuntura tem se mostrado eficaz como coanalgésico pela capacidade de diminuir a quantidade de fármacos utilizados para o controle da dor e raramente ser contraindicada. Objetivou-se com este trabalho fazer uma breve revisão sobre as aplicações clínicas e os efeitos fisiológicos da acupuntura nos mecanismos da dor, bem como demonstrar os principais pontos de acupuntura utilizados para analgesia em animais. A pesquisa foi realizada em bases de dados eletrônicas por palavra-chave, durante o período de março a dezembro de 2008.Pain is a protective response of the body to harmful stimulus, which results in undesirable effects if not controlled. Analgesia can be achieved with the use of different types of drugs. However, these drugs can cause adverse effects according to species and patient physical condition. Acupuncture has been proved to be an effective analgesic adjuvant, by the capacity to decrease the amount of drug used for pain control, rarely contra-indicated. The aim of this paper was to review the physiological effects of acupuncture on pain mechanisms, and demonstrate the main acupoints used for animal analgesia. The search was done in electronic search database using key words, in 2008.

  4. Morphine- and buprenorphine-induced analgesia and antihyperalgesia in a human inflammatory pain model

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ravn, Pernille; Secher, EL; Skram, U


    Opioid therapy is associated with the development of tolerance and paradoxically increased sensitivity to pain. It has been suggested that buprenorphine is associated with a higher antihyperalgesia/analgesia ratio than μ-opioid receptor agonists. The primary outcome of this study was therefore...... to investigate relative differences in antihyperalgesia and analgesia effects between morphine and buprenorphine in an inflammatory pain model in volunteers. The secondary outcome was to examine the relationship between pain sensitivity and opioid-induced effects on analgesia, antihyperalgesia, and descending...... pain modulation....

  5. Remifentanil for labour analgesia: a double-blinded, randomised controlled trial of maternal and neonatal effects of patient-controlled analgesia versus continuous infusion. (United States)

    Shen, M K; Wu, Z F; Zhu, A B; He, L L; Shen, X F; Yang, J J; Feng, S W


    This trial aimed to compare the maternal and neonatal effects of remifentanil given by patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) or continuous infusion for labour analgesia. Patient controlled analgesia was administered using increasing stepwise boluses from 0.1 to 0.4 μ (0.1 μ increment, 2 min lockout, n = 30). Continuous infusion used rates from 0.05 to 0.2 μ .min(-1) (0.05 μ .min(-1) increment, n = 30). Dose increments were given on request. Women reported lowest pain scores (median (IQR [range]) of 3 (2-4 [2-5]) for PCA and 4 (3-5.25 [3-7]) for continuous infusion (p = 0.004) at 60 min after the beginning of analgesia. The mean (SD) remifentanil umbilical vein/maternal artery ratio in the PCA and infusion groups were 0.74 (0.45) vs 0.70 (0.52), respectively (p = 0.776). The mean (SD) umbilical artery/umbilical vein ratios were 0.31 (0.12) vs 0.26 (0.07), respectively (p = 0.088). Maternal and neonatal adverse reactions of remifentanil were similar between the two groups. The total remifentanil consumption (median (IQR [range]) during PCA administration was lower than continuous infusion, 1.34 (1.22-1.48 [0.89-1.69]) mg vs 1.49 (1.35-1.61 [1.12-1.70] mg; p = 0.011). The results suggest that remifentanil PCA provides better pain relief and similar placental transfer compared with continuous infusion. Anaesthesia © 2013 The Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland.

  6. Apendicitis aguda en el paciente senil: Factores asociados a una mayor morbimortalidad post operatoria

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    Víctor Eduardo Chian Chang


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Definir los factores asociados a una mayor morbilidad y mortalidad en pacientes seniles con apendicitis aguda. Material y métodos: Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo con 100 pacientes intervenidos en el Hospital Nacional Arzobispo Loayza, durante el período comprendido entre 1984 a 1994. Resultados: Se asociaron a una mayor frecuencia de complicaciones postoperatorias: edad mayor o igual a 70 años, tiempo de enfermedad mayor de 48 horas, presencia de apendicitis perforada con peritonitis localizada o generalizada (p<0.05. Además la presencia de apendicitis perforada se asoció significativamente a la presencia de absceso residual y/o fístula estercorácea (p=0.027 y la presencia de AA gangrenosa o perforada a mayor frecuencia de infección de herida operatoria (p<0.05. El antecedente de patología cardiovascular previa se asoció a mayor frecuencia de complicaciones cardiovasculares (p<0.05. Se asociaron a mayor mortalidad en AA, pacientes con intervención quirúrgica adicional a la apendicetomía (p=0.016 y presencia de AA perforada (p=0.027. Conclusiones: Los estadios avanzados de AA, así como la presencia de problema cardiovascular al momento del diagnóstico se asociaron con una mayor frecuencia de complicaciones post-operatorias. La presencia de peritonitis se asocia con la mortalidad. (Rev Med Hered 1996; 7: 62-67.

  7. Effect of epidural analgesia on labor and its outcomes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fawad, A.; Naz, H.; Nelofar, T.; Abbasi, A.U.N.


    Epidural analgesia is an effective and popular way to relieve labour pain but it may interfere with normal mechanism of labour. The objective of this study was to evaluate the outcome of labour in women with effective epidural analgesia in terms of duration of labour, mode of delivery and neonatal outcome. Methods: This was a quasi-experimental study conducted in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Shaikh Zayed Federal Postgraduate Medical Institute and Hospital, Lahore. One hundred pregnant women were selected by non-probability convenient sampling method. Subjects were divided into two groups of 50 each as per convenience. Patients of any gravidity at term from 37-41 weeks were included in the sample. Epidural analgesia was applied to group B and distilled water to group A at the lumber region and the progress of labour, mode of delivery and effects on Apgar scores of neonates were evaluated. Out of hundred patients, 77 had normal duration of second stage while 23 had prolonged second stage. Among them, 18 patients (36%) were in epidural group and 5 patients (10%) in non-epidural group, while 4 patients (8%) in epidural group developed intra-partum complications; whereas among non-epidural group had such complications. 65 patients had spontaneous vaginal delivery while 35 patients had instrumental delivery. Among them 29 patients (58%) were in epidural group while only 6 patients (12%) were in non-epidural group. Babies born had Apgar score 5/10 (21.8%), 6/10 (59.4%) and 7/10 (17.8%) at 1 minute and 8/10 (74.3%) and 9/10 (24.8%) at 5 minutes in both groups and none of them needed bag and mask resuscitation. Conclusion: Epidural analgesia does prolong the duration of second stage of labour and increases the instrumental delivery rate. Neonatal outcome is satisfactory while only a few intra-partum complications are found with epidural analgesia. (author)

  8. Associação entre a analgesia epidural e o trauma perineal no parto vaginal Asociación entre la analgesia epidural y el trauma perineal en el parto vaginal Association between epidural analgesia and perineal laceration in vaginal delivery

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    Juliana Cristina dos Santos Monteiro


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a associação entre a analgesia epidural e a laceração perineal em mulheres submetidas ao parto vaginal. Foi realizado um estudo descritivo e transversal, para o qual foram pesquisados 109 prontuários de mulheres assistidas durante o processo de parturição, em uma maternidade em Ribeirão Preto. Os dados foram coletados nos meses de março e abril de 2003. Para analisar a correlação entre as variáveis foi aplicado o teste qui-quadrado. Foi realizado parto normal em 91,7% (100 das parturientes e fórceps em 8,2% (9. Na análise dos dados, 74,3% da amostra receberam analgesia epidural; destas, 26,5% tiveram algum grau de laceração perineal e 9,1%, períneo íntegro, não sendo possível verificar a associação entre as variáveis mencionadas. Não foi verificada, neste estudo, significância estatística para afirmar que as condições do períneo após o parto vaginal e a utilização da analgesia epidural estão associadas (valor x²4GL= 3,1.El objetivo de esto estudio fue analizar la asociación entre la analgesia epidural y la laceración perineal en mujeres sometidas al parto vaginal. Fue realizado un estudio descriptivo y transversal, para lo cual fueron investigados 109 prontuarios de mujeres asistidas durante el proceso de parturición en una maternidad en Ribeirão Preto. Los datos fueron colectados en marzo y abril de 2003. Para analizar la correlación entre las variables fue aplicado el Teste Chi-Cuadrado. Fue realizado parto normal en 91,7% (100 de las parturientes y en 8,2% (09 parto fórceps. En el análisis de los datos, 74,3% de la muestra recibieron analgesia epidural, y de estas 26,5% tuvieron algún nivel de laceración perineal y 9,1% perineo íntegro. No fue posible verificar la asociación entre las variables aludidas. No fue verificado en esto estudio, significancia estadística para afirmar que las condiciones del perineo después del parto vaginal y el uso de analgesia

  9. Nerve injury caused by mandibular block analgesia

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hillerup, S; Jensen, Rigmor H


    Fifty-four injection injuries in 52 patients were caused by mandibular block analgesia affecting the lingual nerve (n=42) and/or the inferior alveolar nerve (n=12). All patients were examined with a standardized test of neurosensory functions. The perception of the following stimuli was assessed......: feather light touch, pinprick, sharp/dull discrimination, warm, cold, point location, brush stroke direction, 2-point discrimination and pain perception. Gustation was tested for recognition of sweet, salt, sour and bitter. Mandibular block analgesia causes lingual nerve injury more frequently than...... inferior alveolar nerve injury. All grades of loss of neurosensory and gustatory functions were found, and a range of persisting neurogenic malfunctions was reported. Subjective complaints and neurosensory function tests indicate that lingual nerve lesions are more incapacitating than inferior alveolar...

  10. Cambios en la lordosis lumbar luego de una artrodesis vertebral posterior de la columna torácica y su relación con la incidencia pelviana. [Changes in lumbar lordosis after further spinal fusion of thoracic spine and its relationship to pelvic incidence].

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    Miguel Puigdevall


    Full Text Available Objetivo: El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar las variables del plano sagital en pacientes con escoliosis idiopática del adolescente que fueron operados mediante una artrodesis vertebral posterior instrumentada con tornillos pediculares y establecer la existencia de relaciones entre las mismas. Material y Método: Fueron evaluados retrospectivamente 20 pacientes. Se compararon entre el espinograma preoperatorio, postoperatorio inmediato y el realizado a los 2 años de la cirugía, los cambios ocurridos en la lordosis cervical, la cifosis torácica, la lordosis lumbar, la incidencia pélvica, el balance sagital global y la cifosis de la unión proximal. Además, los cambios postoperatorios ocurridos en la lordosis lumbar fueron correlacionados con  los cambios postoperatorios ocurridos en la cifosis torácica y en la incidencia pélvica. Resultados: Se observó una disminución significativa en la cifosis torácica (de 24,2° a 14,8° (p<0,0001 y en la lordosis lumbar (de -60,3° a -39,8° (p<0,00001 en el espinograma postoperatorio inmediato. Ambos parámetros mostraron un aumento en el espinograma realizado a los 2 años postoperatorios (de 14,8° a 18,7° la cifosis torácica (p=0,021 y de -39,8° a -52,4° la lordosis lumbar (p=0,0036. También se encontró un aumento significativo entre el preoperatorio y el postoperatorio a 2 años en la cifosis de la unión proximal (de 5,1° a 12,4° (p<0,0001 y en la lordosis cervical (de -4,2° a -14,8° (p=0,025. La única correlación postoperatoria significativa encontrado fue entre la lordosis lumbar y la incidencia pélvica (r=0,61 en el espinograma realizado a los 2 años de la cirugía. Conclusión: La AVP instrumentada con tornillos pediculares en pacientes con curvas Lenke 1 provoca una reducción postoperatoria de la cifosis torácica y de la lordosis lumbar, y un aumento postoperatorio de la lordosis cervical y de la cifosis de la unión proximal. En las radiografías realizadas a los 2

  11. Perioperative epidural analgesia reduces cancer recurrence after gastro-oesophageal surgery. (United States)

    Hiller, J G; Hacking, M B; Link, E K; Wessels, K L; Riedel, B J


    Recent interest has focused on the role of perioperative epidural analgesia in improving cancer outcomes. The heterogeneity of studies (tumour type, stage and outcome endpoints) has produced inconsistent results. Clinical practice also highlights the variability in epidural effectiveness. We considered the novel hypothesis that effective epidural analgesia improves cancer outcomes following gastro-oesophageal cancer surgery in patients with grouped pathological staging. Following institutional approval, a database analysis identified 140 patients, with 2-year minimum follow-up after gastro-oesophageal cancer surgery. All patients were operated on by a single surgeon (2005-2010). Information pertaining to cancer and survival outcomes was extracted. Univariate analysis demonstrated a 1-year 14% vs. 33% (P = 0.01) and 2-year 27% vs. 40% [hazard ratio (HR)=0.59; 95% CI, 0.32-1.09, P = 0.087] incidence of cancer recurrence in patients with (vs. without) effective (> 36 h duration) epidural analgesia, respectively. Multivariate analysis demonstrated increased time to cancer recurrence (HR = 0.33; 95% CI: 0.17-0.63, P benefit (HR = 0.42; 95% CI: 0.21-0.83, P benefit in patients with oesophageal cancer (HR = 0.34; 95% CI: 0.16-0.75, P = 0.005) and in patients with tumour lymphovascular space infiltration (LVSI), (HR = 0.49; 95% CI: 0.26-0.94, P = 0.03). Effective epidural analgesia improved estimated median time to death (2.9 vs. 1.8 years, P = 0.029) in patients with tumour LVSI. This study found an association between effective post-operative epidural analgesia and medium-term benefit on cancer recurrence and survival following oesophageal surgery. A prospective study that controls for disease type, stage and epidural effectiveness is warranted. © 2014 The Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica Foundation. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  12. Combined spinal-epidural analgesia in labour: its effects on delivery outcome

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    Suneet Kaur Sra Charanjit Singh


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Combined spinal-epidural (CSE has become an increasingly popular alternative to traditional labour epidural due to its rapid onset and reliable analgesia provided. This was a prospective, convenient sampling study to determine the effects of CSE analgesia on labour outcome. METHODS: One hundred and ten healthy primigravida parturients with a singleton pregnancy of ≥37 weeks gestation and in the active phase of labour were studied. They were enrolled to the CSE (n = 55 or Non-CSE (n = 55 group based on whether they consented to CSE analgesia. Non-CSE parturients were offered other methods of labour analgesia. The duration of the first and second stage of labour, rate of instrumental vaginal delivery and emergency cesarean section, and Apgar scores were compared. RESULTS: The mean duration of the first and second stage of labour was not significantly different between both groups. Instrumental delivery rates between the groups were not significantly different (CSE group, 11% versus Non-CSE group, 16%. The slightly higher incidence of cesarean section in the CSE group (16% versus 15% in the Non-CSE group was not statistically significant. Neonatal outcome in terms of Apgar score of less than 7 at 1 and 5 min was similar in both groups. CONCLUSION: There were no significant differences in the duration of labour, rate of instrumental vaginal delivery and emergency cesarean section, and neonatal outcome in parturients who received compared to those who did not receive CSE for labour analgesia.

  13. Regional analgesia for video-assisted thoracic surgery – a systematic review

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Julia Steinthorsdottir, Kristin; Wildgaard, Lorna; Jessen Hansen, Henrik


    there is no gold standard for regional analgesia for VATS. This systematic review aimed to assess different regional techniques in regards to effect on acute post-operative pain following VATS, with emphasis on VATS lobectomy. The systematic review of the PubMed, Cochrane Library and Embase databases yielded...... be demonstrated, but a guide of factors to include in future studies on regional analgesia for VATS is presented....

  14. Lumbosacral epidural magnesium prolongs ketamine analgesia in conscious sheep Sulfato de magnésio prolonga a analgesia epidural lombosacral induzida pela quetamina em carneiros

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    Rafael DeRossi


    Full Text Available PURPOSE: To determine the analgesic, motor, sedation and systemic effects of lumbosacral epidural magnesium sulphate added to ketamine in the sheep. METHODS: Six healthy adult male mixed-breed sheep; weighing 43 ± 5 kg and aged 20-36 months. Each sheep underwent three treatments, at least 2 weeks apart, via epidural injection: (1 ketamine (KE; 2.5 mg/kg, (2 magnesium sulphate (MG; 100 mg, and (3 KE + MG (KEMG; 2.5 mg/kg + 100 mg, respectively. Epidural injections were administered through the lumbosacral space. Analgesia, motor block, sedation, cardiovascular effects, respiratory rate, skin temperature, and rectal temperature were evaluated before (baseline and after drug administration as needed. RESULTS: The duration of analgesia with the lumbosacral epidural KEMG combination was 115 ± 17 min (mean ± SD, that is, more than twice that obtained with KE (41 ± 7 min or MG (29 ± 5 min alone. KE and KEMG used in this experiment induced severe ataxia. The heart rate and arterial blood pressures changes were no statistical difference in these clinically health sheep. CONCLUSION: The dose of magnesium sulphate to lumbosacral epidural ketamine in sheep is feasible, and can be used in procedures analgesics in sheep.OBJETIVO: Determinar os efeitos analgésicos, motores, sedativos e sistêmicos da adição de sulfato de magnésio na analgesia epidural com quetamina em carneiros. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizados seis carneiros machos sadios, pesando 43 ± 5 kg, com idade entre 20 a 36 meses. Cada animal recebeu três tratamentos, com duas semanas entre experimentos via administração epidural: (1 quetamina (KE; 2,5 mg/kg, (2 sulfato de magnésio (MG; 100 mg e (3 KE + MG (KEMG; 2,5 mg/kg + 100 mg, respectivamente. As administrações epidurais foram administradas no espaço lombosacral. Analgesia, bloqueio motor, sedação, efeitos cardiovasculares, freqüência respiratória, temperatura retal e de pele foram avaliados antes (basal e depois da administra

  15. Bupivacaína 0,25% peridural, en la analgesia de parto: efectos hemodinámicos en la madre y feto

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    Silvia Arias


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Valorar la bupivacaína 0,25% por catéter epidural en el alivio del dolor de parto y efectos en la hemodinamia materna, progreso del parto y pH neonatal. Diseño: Estudio descriptivo, longitudinal, prospectivo. Lugar: Centro Obstétrico del Instituto Especializado Materno Perinatal, Lima, Perú, hospital de enseñanza universitaria. Pacientes: Sesenta parturientas en fase activa de trabajo de parto. Intervenciones: Se administró a las parturientas bupivacaína 0,25% 12 mL, vía catéter epidural, haciendo control del dolor con la escala visual análoga. Se registró la hemodinamia materno-fetal, pre y postanalgesia, dosis suplementaria de bupivacaína 0,25% 6 mL, trazado cardiotocográfico fetal, complicaciones. Se utilizó el programa estadístico SPSS 13,0. Principales medidas de resultados: Disminución del dolor, hemodinamia materna, pH neonatal. Resultados: La administración de bupivacaína 0,25% disminuyó significativamente el dolor (p < 0,001, prueba de Friedman, requiriendo 33 parturientas analgesia suplementaria (45 mg BPV prom.. La frecuencia basal fetal preanalgesia fue 142 lat/min y postanalgesia, 136 lat/min (t student p < 0,05; el dermatoma alcanzado fue T8, con duración promedio de 115 min; la satisfacción fue excelente en 50,1%. Se usó oxitocina en 88,3% (13,1mU/min, DE 3,2 mU/min, asociándose al acortamiento del tiempo de la fase activa en 2,42 h en primigestas y 1,55 h en multigestas; la cesárea fue necesaria en 11,7%, el PH neonatal promedio 7,24. Conclusiones: La analgesia epidural con bupivacaína 0,25% vía catéter es eficaz. La hemodinamia materna se mantiene, el latido cardiaco fetal desciende 12 latidos/min en promedio, la fase activa se acorta, estando relacionado al requerimiento de oxitocina.

  16. Stellate ganglion blockade for analgesia following upper limb surgery.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    McDonnell, J G


    We report the successful use of a stellate ganglion block as part of a multi-modal postoperative analgesic regimen. Four patients scheduled for orthopaedic surgery following upper limb trauma underwent blockade of the stellate ganglion pre-operatively under ultrasound guidance. Patients reported excellent postoperative analgesia, with postoperative VAS pain scores between 0 and 2, and consumption of morphine in the first 24 h ranging from 0 to 14 mg. While these are preliminary findings, and must be confirmed in a clinical trial, they highlight the potential for stellate ganglion blockade to provide analgesia following major upper limb surgery.

  17. Efficacy of clonidine as an adjuvant to bupivacaine for caudal analgesia in children undergoing sub-umbilical surgery

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    Aruna Parameswari


    Full Text Available Caudal epidural analgesia with bupivacaine is very popular in paediatric anaesthesia for providing intra- and postoperative analgesia. Several adjuvants have been used to prolong the action of bupivacaine. We evaluated the efficacy of clonidine added to bupivacaine in prolonging the analgesia produced by caudal bupivacaine in children undergoing sub-umbilical surgery. One hundred children, age one to three years, undergoing sub-umbilical surgery, were prospectively randomized to one of two groups: caudal analgesia with 1 ml/kg of 0.25% bupivacaine in normal saline (Group A or caudal analgesia with 1 ml/kg of 0.25% bupivacaine with 1 μg/kg of clonidine in normal saline (Group B. Post-operative pain was assessed for 24 hours using the FLACC scale. The mean duration of analgesia was significantly longer in Group B (593.4 ± 423.3 min than in Group A (288.7 ± 259.1 min; P < 0.05. The pain score assessed using FLACC scale was compared between the two groups, and children in Group B had lower pain scores, which was statistically significant. The requirement of rescue medicine was lesser in Group B. Clonidine in a dose of 1 μg/kg added to 0.25% bupivacaine for caudal analgesia, during sub-umbilical surgeries, prolongs the duration of analgesia of bupivacaine, without any side effects.

  18. Obstetrical and perinatal outcomes in patients with or without obstetric analgesia during labor

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    Piedrahíta-Gutiérrez, Dany Leandro


    Full Text Available Objective: To describe and compare the obstetric and perinatal outcomes in patients with or without obstetric analgesia during labor, and to determine whether such analgesia is associated with adverse maternal or perinatal outcomes. Methodology: Comparative, retrospective, descriptive study, between January and November 2014, that included 502 healthy patients with normal pregnancies, out of which 250 received obstetric analgesia. The groups were compared as to maternal and perinatal outcomes. Results: Young, single and nulliparous mothers predominated; delivery was vaginal in 86 % of the cases, and by caesarean section in 14 %. Obstetric analgesia was associated with longer duration of the second stage of labor, instrumental delivery and cesarean section due to arrest of dilatation or fetal bradycardia; however, it was not related with higher incidence of postpartum hemorrhage or adverse perinatal outcomes such as meconium-stained amniotic fluid, Apgar under 5 at one minute or under 7 at 5 minutes, the need for neonatal resuscitation or for admission to NICU. Conclusion: Obstetric analgesia increases the duration of the second stage of labor and can increase the rate of caesarean sections and instrumental delivery, but it is not associated with adverse maternal or perinatal outcomes. Therefore, its use in labor is justified.

  19. Causas de reintervenciones quirúrgicas por complicación postoperatoria en pacientes de una unidad de cuidados intensivos quirúrgicos sometidos a cirugía abdominal.

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    Andrea Mendiola


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Describir las causas de las reintervenciones luego de una cirugía abdominal en pacientes de una unidad de cuidados intensivos quirúrgicos de un hospital general. Material y métodos: Estudio prospectivo, tipo reporte de casos. Se incluyeron a los pacientes postoperados de cirugía abdominal, hospitalizados en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos Quirúrgicos del Hospital Nacional Cayetano Heredia y quienes requirieron de reintervención quirúrgica entre febrero de 2009 y enero de 2010 por una complicación postoperatoria. Resultados: El hallazgo más frecuente fue la perforación en 31,6%, seguido de absceso abdominal 21,1% y dehiscencias 21,1%. Conclusiones: Las perforaciones fueron los hallazgos más frecuentes, siendo su frecuencia mayor a lo reportado en la literatura. La incidencia de reintervención fue de 15%.

  20. Age-related postoperative morphine requirements in children following major surgery--an assessment using patient-controlled analgesia (PCA)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Tom Giedsing; Henneberg, Steen Winther; Hole, P


    To investigate if small children require less morphine for postoperative analgesia than do older children and adolescents we analysed the morphine consumption pattern of 28 consecutive children on intravenous patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) following major surgery. The median age-specific morp......To investigate if small children require less morphine for postoperative analgesia than do older children and adolescents we analysed the morphine consumption pattern of 28 consecutive children on intravenous patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) following major surgery. The median age...

  1. Postoperative opioid analgesia: time for a reconsideration?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kehlet, H; Rung, G W; Callesen, T


    Postoperative pain relief has improved in recent years with the development of new analgesics, additional routes of administration and the appearance of the hypothesis of preemptive as well as balanced analgesia (Kehlet H; Postoperative pain relief-what is the issue? Br J Anaesth 1994;72:375-8). ......Postoperative pain relief has improved in recent years with the development of new analgesics, additional routes of administration and the appearance of the hypothesis of preemptive as well as balanced analgesia (Kehlet H; Postoperative pain relief-what is the issue? Br J Anaesth 1994......;72:375-8). Many initial improvements simply involved the administration of opioid analgesics in new ways, such as continuous or on demand intravenous (i.v.) or epidural infusion. These methods allow lower total opioid dosages, provide a more stable concentration of opioid at the receptor and correspondingly...

  2. Analgesia preemptiva nas cirurgias da coluna lombossacra: estudo prospectivo e randomizado Analgesia preventiva en las cirugías de la columna lumbosacra: estudio prospectivo y aleatorio Preemptive analgesia in lumbosacral spine surgeries: prospective randomized study

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    Augustin Malzac


    recibieron alguna sustancia analgésica (control. Veinte y dos en el segundo (B que fueron sometidos a la inyección epidural, 20 minutos antes de la incisión quirúrgica, conteniendo 10 mL de marcaína y morfina. En el tercer grupo, y último (C, con 20 pacientes que fueron inyectados con auxilio de un catéter, en el espacio epidural, las mismas drogas del grupo B, por medio de la incisión antes de cerrar la herida operatoria. Los pacientes fueron examinados durante las primeras 24 horas, con auxilio de la escala verbal de dolor. RESULTADOS: los tres grupos fueron comparados según la edad, sexo, nivel y tiempo quirúrgico. Como los datos no obedecieron a una distribución Gausiana, el test paramétrico de Mann-Whitney fue entonces adoptado para análisis estadístico. De esta forma, los valores de la escala verbal de dolor, en todos los intervalos de tiempo fueron significativamente bajos (pOBJECTIVE: To analyze the efficacy of the preemptive analgesia with a method of epidural analgesic administration before and after the surgical painful stimulation, as comparing them. Its role in postoperative pain relief after lumbosacral spinal surgery, by the posterior approach, has not been fully investigated. METHODS: Sixty two patients who underwent microdiscectomy or microdecompression in a single level of the lumbosacral spine were divided into three groups: 20 patients that had not received any analgesic medication in the first one (A (control; 22 that had been submitted to the epidural injection containing 10 mL of marcaína and morphine 20 minutes before the surgical incision in the second one (B. In the third and last group (C, 20 patients received the same drugs of group B, with the aid of a catheter positioned in the epidural space, through the incision before the closing of the surgical wound. The patients were examined during the first 24 hours, with the use of the verbal scale of pain. RESULTS: The three groups were compared concerning age, sex, level and surgical

  3. Subcostal transversus abdominis plane block can improve analgesia after laparoscopic cholecystectomy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vladimir Vrsajkov

    Full Text Available Abstract Background and goal of study: After laparoscopic cholecystectomy, patients have moderate pain in the early postoperative period. Some studies shown beneficial effects of subcostal transversus abdominis plane block on reducing this pain. Our goal was to investigate influence of subcostal transversus abdominis plane block on postoperative pain scores and opioid consumption. Materials and methods: We have randomized 76 patients undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy to receive either subcostal transversus abdominis plane block (n = 38 or standard postoperative analgesia (n = 38. First group received bilateral ultrasound guided subcostal transversus abdominis plane block with 20 mL of 0.33% bupivacaine per side before operation and tramadol 1−1 IV for pain breakthrough (≥6. Second group received after operation tramadol 1−1/6 h as standard hospital analgesia protocol. Both groups received acetaminophen 1 g/8 h IV and metamizole 2.5 g/12 h. Pain at rest was recorded for each patient using NR scale (0–10 in period of 10 min, 30 min, 2 h, 4 h, 8 h, 12 h and 16 h after the surgery. Results and discussion: We obtained no difference between groups according age, weight, intraoperative fentanyl consumption and duration of surgery. Subcostal transversus abdominis plane block significantly reduced postoperative pain scores compared to standard analgesia in all periods after surgery. Tramadol consumption was significantly lower in the subcostal transversus abdominis plane (24.29 ± 47.54 g than in the standard analgesia group (270.2 ± 81.9 g (p = 0.000. Conclusion: Our results show that subcostal transversus abdominis plane block can provide superior postoperative analgesia and reduction in opioid requirements after laparoscopic cholecystectomy.

  4. [Subcostal transversus abdominis plane block can improve analgesia after laparoscopic cholecystectomy]. (United States)

    Vrsajkov, Vladimir; Mančić, Nedjica; Mihajlović, Dunja; Milićević, Suzana Tonković; Uvelin, Arsen; Vrsajkov, Jelena Pantić

    After laparoscopic cholecystectomy, patients have moderate pain in the early postoperative period. Some studies shown beneficial effects of subcostal transversus abdominis plane block on reducing this pain. Our goal was to investigate influence of subcostal transversus abdominis plane block on postoperative pain scores and opioid consumption. We have randomized 76 patients undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy to receive either subcostal transversus abdominis plane block (n=38) or standard postoperative analgesia (n=38). First group received bilateral ultrasound guided subcostal transversus abdominis plane block with 20mL of 0.33% bupivacaine per side before operation and tramadol -1 IV for pain breakthrough (≥6). Second group received after operation tramadol -1 /6h as standard hospital analgesia protocol. Both groups received acetaminophen 1g/8h IV and metamizole 2.5g/12h. Pain at rest was recorded for each patient using NR scale (0-10) in period of 10min, 30min, 2h, 4h, 8h, 12h and 16h after the surgery. We obtained no difference between groups according age, weight, intraoperative fentanyl consumption and duration of surgery. Subcostal transversus abdominis plane block significantly reduced postoperative pain scores compared to standard analgesia in all periods after surgery. Tramadol consumption was significantly lower in the subcostal transversus abdominis plane (24.29±47.54g) than in the standard analgesia group (270.2±81.9g) (p=0.000). Our results show that subcostal transversus abdominis plane block can provide superior postoperative analgesia and reduction in opioid requirements after laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Copyright © 2017 Sociedade Brasileira de Anestesiologia. Publicado por Elsevier Editora Ltda. All rights reserved.

  5. Epidural Analgesia Versus Patient-Controlled Analgesia for Pain Relief in Uterine Artery Embolization for Uterine Fibroids: A Decision Analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kooij, Sanne M. van der; Moolenaar, Lobke M.; Ankum, Willem M.; Reekers, Jim A.; Mol, Ben Willem J.; Hehenkamp, Wouter J. K.


    Purpose: This study was designed to compare the costs and effects of epidural analgesia (EDA) to those of patient-controlled intravenous analgesia (PCA) for postintervention pain relief in women having uterine artery embolization (UAE) for systematic uterine fibroids. Methods: Cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA) based on data from the literature by constructing a decision tree to model the clinical pathways for estimating the effects and costs of treatment with EDA and PCA. Literature on EDA for pain-relief after UAE was missing, and therefore, data on EDA for abdominal surgery were used. Outcome measures were compared costs to reduce one point in visual analogue score (VAS) or numeric rating scale (NRS) for pain 6 and 24 h after UAE and risk for complications. Results: Six hours after the intervention, the VAS was 3.56 when using PCA and 2.0 when using EDA. The costs for pain relief in women undergoing UAE with PCA and EDA were €191 and €355, respectively. The costs for EDA to reduce the VAS score 6 h after the intervention with one point compared with PCA were €105 and €179 after 24 h. The risk of having a complication was 2.45 times higher when using EDA. Conclusions: The results of this indirect comparison of EDA for abdominal surgery with PCA for UAE show that EDA would provide superior analgesia for post UAE pain at 6 and 24 h but with higher costs and an increased risk of complications

  6. Functional network architecture predicts psychologically mediated analgesia related to treatment in chronic knee pain patients. (United States)

    Hashmi, Javeria Ali; Kong, Jian; Spaeth, Rosa; Khan, Sheraz; Kaptchuk, Ted J; Gollub, Randy L


    Placebo analgesia is an indicator of how efficiently the brain translates psychological signals conveyed by a treatment procedure into pain relief. It has been demonstrated that functional connectivity between distributed brain regions predicts placebo analgesia in chronic back pain patients. Greater network efficiency in baseline brain networks may allow better information transfer and facilitate adaptive physiological responses to psychological aspects of treatment. Here, we theorized that topological network alignments in resting state scans predict psychologically conditioned analgesic responses to acupuncture treatment in chronic knee osteoarthritis pain patients (n = 45). Analgesia was induced by building positive expectations toward acupuncture treatment with verbal suggestion and heat pain conditioning on a test site of the arm. This procedure induced significantly more analgesia after sham or real acupuncture on the test site than in a control site. The psychologically conditioned analgesia was invariant to sham versus real treatment. Efficiency of information transfer within local networks calculated with graph-theoretic measures (local efficiency and clustering coefficients) significantly predicted conditioned analgesia. Clustering coefficients in regions associated with memory, motivation, and pain modulation were closely involved in predicting analgesia. Moreover, women showed higher clustering coefficients and marginally greater pain reduction than men. Overall, analgesic response to placebo cues can be predicted from a priori resting state data by observing local network topology. Such low-cost synchronizations may represent preparatory resources that facilitate subsequent performance of brain circuits in responding to adaptive environmental cues. This suggests a potential utility of network measures in predicting placebo response for clinical use.

  7. Can oxytocin augmentation modify the risk of epidural analgesia by maternal age in cesarean sections? (United States)

    Rossen, Janne; Klungsøyr, Kari; Albrechtsen, Susanne; Løkkegård, Ellen; Rasmussen, Steen; Bergholt, Thomas; Skjeldestad, Finn E


    Maternal age is an established risk factor for cesarean section; epidural analgesia and oxytocin augmentation may modify this association. We investigated the effects and interactions of oxytocin augmentation, epidural analgesia and maternal age on the risk of cesarean section. In all, 416 386 nulliparous women with spontaneous onset of labor, ≥37 weeks of gestation and singleton infants with a cephalic presentation during 2000-2011 from Norway and Denmark were included [Ten-group classification system (Robson) group 1]. In this case-control study the main exposure was maternal age; epidural analgesia, oxytocin augmentation, birthweight and time period were explanatory variables. Chi-square test and logistic regression were used to estimate associations and interactions. The cesarean section rate increased consistently with advancing maternal age, both overall and in strata of epidural analgesia and oxytocin augmentation. We observed strong interactions between maternal age, oxytocin augmentation and epidural analgesia for the risk of cesarean section. Women with epidural analgesia generally had a reduced adjusted odds ratio when oxytocin was used compared with when it was not used. In Norway, this applied to all maternal age groups but in Denmark only for women ≥30 years. Among women without epidural, oxytocin augmentation was associated with an increased odds ratio for cesarean section in Denmark, whereas no difference was observed in Norway. Oxytocin augmentation in nulliparous women with epidural analgesia is associated with a reduced risk of cesarean section in labor with spontaneous onset. © 2018 Nordic Federation of Societies of Obstetrics and Gynecology.

  8. Unpredictability of regression of analgesia during the continuous postoperative extradural infusion of bupivacaine

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mogensen, T; Hjortsø, N C; Bigler, D


    Twenty-four otherwise healthy patients scheduled for elective major abdominal surgery received general anaesthesia plus lumbar extradural analgesia. A loading dose of 0.5% plain bupivacaine was given to produce sensory analgesia (pin prick) from T4 to S5 and followed by a continuous infusion of 0...

  9. Early versus late initiation of epidural analgesia for labour. (United States)

    Sng, Ban Leong; Leong, Wan Ling; Zeng, Yanzhi; Siddiqui, Fahad Javaid; Assam, Pryseley N; Lim, Yvonne; Chan, Edwin S Y; Sia, Alex T


    Pain during childbirth is arguably the most severe pain some women may experience in their lifetime. Epidural analgesia is an effective form of pain relief during labour. Many women have concerns regarding its safety. Furthermore, epidural services and anaesthetic support may not be available consistently across all centres. Observational data suggest that early initiation of epidural may be associated with an increased risk of caesarean section, but the same findings were not seen in recent randomised controlled trials. More recent guidelines suggest that in the absence of a medical contraindication, maternal request is a sufficient medical indication for pain relief during labour. The choice of analgesic technique, agent, and dosage is based on many factors, including patient preference, medical status, and contraindications. There is no systematically reviewed evidence on the maternal and foetal outcomes and safety of this practice. This systematic review aimed to summarise the effectiveness and safety of early initiation versus late initiation of epidural analgesia in women. We considered the obstetric and fetal outcomes relevant to women and side effects of the treatments, including risk of caesarean section, instrumental birth and time to birth. We searched the Cochrane Pregnancy and Childbirth Group's Trials Register (12 February 2014), the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) (The Cochrane Library 2014, Issue 1), MEDLINE (January 1966 to February 2014), Embase (January 1980 to February 2014) and reference lists of retrieved studies. We included all randomised controlled trials involving women undergoing epidural labour analgesia that compared early initiation versus late initiation of epidural labour analgesia. Two review authors independently assessed trials for inclusion, extracted the data and assessed the trial quality. Data were checked for accuracy. We included nine studies with a total of 15,752 women.The overall risk of bias of

  10. Analgesia for pain control during extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy: Current status

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    Narmada P Gupta


    Conclusion: The ideal analgesic, offering optimal pain control, minimal side effects, and cost-effectiveness is still elusive. Opioids administered using various techniques, provide effective analgesia, but require active monitoring of patient for potential adverse effects. Combination therapy (oral NSAID and occlusive dressing of EMLA, DMSO with lidocaine offers an effective alternative mode for achieving analgesia with minimal morbidity. This therapy avoids the need for general anesthesia, injectable analgesics, and opioids along with their side effects.

  11. Subcostal transversus abdominis plane block can improve analgesia after laparoscopic cholecystectomy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vladimir Vrsajkov


    Full Text Available Background and goal of study: After laparoscopic cholecystectomy, patients have moderate pain in the early postoperative period. Some studies shown beneficial effects of subcostal transversus abdominis plane block on reducing this pain. Our goal was to investigate influence of subcostal transversus abdominis plane block on postoperative pain scores and opioid consumption. Materials and methods: We have randomized 76 patients undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy to receive either subcostal transversus abdominis plane block (n = 38 or standard postoperative analgesia (n = 38. First group received bilateral ultrasound guided subcostal transversus abdominis plane block with 20 mL of 0.33% bupivacaine per side before operation and tramadol 1−1 IV for pain breakthrough (≥6. Second group received after operation tramadol 1−1/6 h as standard hospital analgesia protocol. Both groups received acetaminophen 1 g/8 h IV and metamizole 2.5 g/12 h. Pain at rest was recorded for each patient using NR scale (0–10 in period of 10 min, 30 min, 2 h, 4 h, 8 h, 12 h and 16 h after the surgery. Results and discussion: We obtained no difference between groups according age, weight, intraoperative fentanyl consumption and duration of surgery. Subcostal transversus abdominis plane block significantly reduced postoperative pain scores compared to standard analgesia in all periods after surgery. Tramadol consumption was significantly lower in the subcostal transversus abdominis plane (24.29 ± 47.54 g than in the standard analgesia group (270.2 ± 81.9 g (p = 0.000. Conclusion: Our results show that subcostal transversus abdominis plane block can provide superior postoperative analgesia and reduction in opioid requirements after laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Resumo: Justificativa e objetivo: Após a colecistectomia laparoscópica, os pacientes apresentam dor moderada no pós-operatório imediato. Alguns estudos mostraram

  12. High-volume infiltration analgesia in bilateral hip arthroplasty

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Lasse Ø; Otte, Niels Kristian Stahl; Husted, Henrik


    Background and purpose High-volume infiltration analgesia may be effective in postoperative pain management after hip arthroplasty but methodological problems prevent exact interpretation of previous studies. Methods In a randomized, double-blind placebo-controlled trial in 12 patients undergoing...... bilateral total hip arthroplasty (THA) in a fast-track setting, saline or high-volume (170 mL) ropivacaine (0.2%) with epinephrine (1:100,000) was administered to the wound intraoperatively along with supplementary postoperative injections via an intraarticular epidural catheter. Oral analgesia...... was instituted preoperatively with a multimodal regimen (gabapentin, celecoxib, and acetaminophen). Pain was assessed repeatedly for 48 hours postoperatively, at rest and with 45° hip flexion. Results Pain scores were low and similar between ropivacaine and saline administration. Median hospital stay was 4...

  13. [Obstetric analgesia and anesthesia in Switzerland in 1999]. (United States)

    Zwetsch-Rast, G; Schneider, M C; Siegemund, M


    This survey investigated the common practice of obstetric analgesia and anaesthesia in Swiss hospitals and evaluated the influence of the Swiss interest group for obstetric anaesthesia. In March 1999 we submitted 145 questionnaires to all Swiss hospitals providing an obstetric service. The rate of epidural analgesia (EA) was higher in large hospitals (> 1,000 births/year) than in small services. EA was maintained by continuous infusion techniques in 53% of the responding hospitals. For elective caesarean section, spinal anaesthesia (SA) and EA were performed in 77% and 16% of the patients, respectively. General anaesthesia (5%) was only used in small hospitals (interest group for obstetric anaesthesia, as well as the expectations of pregnant women, increased the numbers of regional anaesthesia compared with the first survey in 1992.

  14. Neonatal respiratory depression associated with epidural analgesia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alberto Gálvez Toro


    Full Text Available Background: Epidural analgesia is the most effective analgesics used during childbirth but is not without its problems.In the Hospital San Juan de la Cruz of Ubeda from November 2011 we have detected 3 cases of newborn infants with signs of respiratory depression. Appeared in them: normal cardiotocographic records during childbirth, use of epidural associated with fentanyl, termination by vacuum and elevated temperature in one case.ObjectivesKnow if the neonatal adaptation to extrauterine life may be influenced by the use of epidural analgesia in childbirth. Review what role can have the rise in maternal temperature and the use of epidural fentanyl with the appearance of newborn respiratory distress.MethodsLiterature Review conducted in February of 2012 in Pubmed and the Cochrane Library, using the key words: childbirth, epidural analgesia, neonatal respiratory depression.ResultsOn the respiratory depression associated with fentanyl, a Cochrane review found indicating that newborns of mothers with an epidural, had a lower pH and were less need for administration of naloxone.On PubMed we find a review study that indicates that the respiratory depression caused by the administration of opioids via neuroaxial is rare, placing it below 1 per 1000, and a clinical case that concluded that doses of fentanyl exceeding 300 µg (approx. 5 µg/kg for 4 hours previous to childbirth, have a high risk of neonatal respiratory depression at birth.The same Cochrane review indicates that the women with epidural analgesia had increased risk of maternal fever of at least 38 ° C and a recent cohort study relates this increase in temperature with a greater likelihood of neonatal adverse events (from 37.5 ° C.ConclusionsThe studies found considered safe epidurals to the neonate and the mother, except when certain conditions are met. The literature and our clinical experience have been reports linking neonatal respiratory depression with increasing temperature (37

  15. Post-radiation analgesia at rats and function of endogenous opiates

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Slivkova, E.; Smajda, B.; Paulikova, E.; Lackova, M.


    In this work post-radiation analgesia at rats as well as the function of endogenous opiates were tested. Males of rats were irradiated all-body dose 6 Gy. Hot-plate test was used. Dose of 8 mg of naloxone per kg of animal blocked perception of ache. This dose blocked analgetic effect of ionising radiation. Activity of phagocyte activity and phagocyte index were enhanced at rats which obtained naloxone. Authors stated that opiate system play a significant role at analgesia induced by radiation at rats and can modify response of immunity system on the stress

  16. Placebo analgesia: understanding the mechanisms


    Medoff, Zev M; Colloca, Luana


    Expectations of pain relief drive placebo analgesia. Understanding how expectations of improvement trigger distinct biological systems to shape therapeutic analgesic outcomes has been the focus of recent pharmacologic and neuroimaging studies in the field of pain. Recent findings indicate that placebo effects can imitate the actions of real painkillers and promote the endogenous release of opioids and nonopioids in humans. Social support and observational learning also contribute to placebo a...

  17. Hematomas Subdurales Crónicos Unilaterales I. Presentación de 36 casos tratados quirúrgicamente. Influencia del control de la postura durante el postoperatorio en las recidivas de los hematomas.

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    Eduardo Jaramillo Carling


    Metodología: Se realiza una revisión retrospectiva de los 36 casos operados por el autor y los resultados obtenidos. Se describen, diferenciando las edades, los síntomas preoperatorios, se anota la postura de la cabeza durante el sueño y su relación con la presencia de hematomas subdurales crónicos, la evolución postoperatoria con drenajes externos o sin ellos. Igualmente se hace una revisión de la literatura médica.

  18. Abordaje biauricular transeptal superior en el tratamiento quirúrgico del mixoma auricular izquierdo de gran tamaño

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    Salvador Torregrosa


    Full Text Available Evitar la fragmentación del tejido mixoide durante el acto quirúrgico y resecar todo el espesor del septo interauricular con implantación tumoral son las dos claves para evitar las graves complicaciones de embolia peroperatoria y recidiva postoperatoria en el tratamiento quirúrgico del mixoma auricular izquierdo. La vía transeptal superior nos ha permitido, en tres pacientes, la extirpación en bloque de mixomas de gran tamaño con facilidad y sin complicaciones.

  19. Labour analgesia with intrathecal fentanyl decreases maternal stress. (United States)

    Cascio, M; Pygon, B; Bernett, C; Ramanathan, S


    Lumbar epidural analgesia (LEA) decreases maternal stress as measured by maternal circulating plasma catecholamine concentrations. Intrathecal fentanyl (ITF) provides effective labour analgesia but its effect on maternal epinephrine (Epi) and norepinephrine (NE) concentrations is not known. This study assesses whether ITF reduces maternal stress in the same manner as conventional LEA. Twenty-four healthy women in active labour received either 25 micrograms ITF (n = 12) or epidural lidocaine 1.5% (n = 12) for analgesia. Venous blood samples were collected before anaesthesia and at five minute intervals for 30 min following anaesthesia for the measurement of plasma Epi and NE by high performance liquid chromatography. Maternal blood pressure (BP), heart rate (HR), visual analog scores (VAS) to pain and pruritus were recorded at the same time. Both ITF and LEA decreased pain VAS scores, maternal BP, and plasma Epi concentrations with only minimal effects on plasma NE concentrations. Intrathecal fentanyl (ITF) and LEA reduced plasma epi to a similar extent, with ITF reducing the levels slightly faster than LEA. Intrathecal fentanyl(ITF) and LEA reduced plasma Epi concentrations by 52% and 51%, respectively (P value < 0.01). We conclude that ITF is as effective as LEA in producing pain relief in the labouring patient. Intrathecal Fentanyl (ITF) is also capable of reducing maternal plasma epinephrine concentration, thus avoiding the possibly deleterious side effects of excess amounts of this catecholamine during labour.

  20. Fetal effects of combined spinal-epidural vs epidural labour analgesia: a prospective, randomised double-blind study. (United States)

    Patel, N P; El-Wahab, N; Fernando, R; Wilson, S; Robson, S C; Columb, M O; Lyons, G R


    We have compared fetal heart rate patterns, Apgar scores and umbilical cord gas values following initiation of labour analgesia using either combined spinal-epidural or epidural. One hundred and fifteen healthy women requesting neuraxial analgesia in the first stage of labour were randomly assigned to receive either combined spinal-epidural (n = 62) or epidural analgesia (n = 53). Fetal heart rate traces, recorded for 30 min before and 60 min after neuraxial block, were categorised as normal, suspicious or pathological according to national guidelines. Sixty-one fetal heart rate tracings were analysed in the combined spinal-epidural group and 52 in the epidural group. No significant differences were found in fetal heart rate patterns, Apgar scores or umbilical artery and vein acid-base status between groups. However, in both combined spinal-epidural and epidural groups, there was a significant increase in the incidence of abnormal fetal heart rate patterns following neuraxial analgesia (p analgesia in the combined spinal-epidural group and zero before compared with 11 after in the epidural group. These changes comprised increased decelerations (p = 0.0045) (combined spinal-epidural group nine before and 14 after analgesia, epidural group four before and 16 after), increased late decelerations (p analgesia, epidural group zero before and eight after), and a reduction in acceleration rate (p = 0.034) (combined spinal-epidural group mean (SD) 12.2 (6.7) h(-1) before and 9.9 (6.1) h(-1) after analgesia, epidural group 11.0 (7.3) h(-1) before and 8.4 (5.9) h(-1) after). These fetal heart rate changes did not affect neonatal outcome in this healthy population. © 2014 The Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland.

  1. Oral administration of analgesia and anxiolysis for pain associated with bone marrow biopsy. (United States)

    Talamo, Giampaolo; Liao, Jason; Bayerl, Michael G; Claxton, David F; Zangari, Maurizio


    Medical literature provides only scarce data about the degree of pain experienced by patients undergoing a bone marrow aspiration and biopsy (BMAB), and little is known about the factors that can modify the perception of pain. In this study, we evaluated the effectiveness of a combination of analgesia and anxiolysis in reducing the pain score of patients undergoing BMAB. Eighty-four consecutive adult patients underwent BMAB after local anesthesia with 5 mL of lidocaine hydrochloride 1% aqueous solution in the left posterior superior iliac crest. Analgesia was obtained with acetaminophen 650 mg and oxycodone 10 mg, and anxiolysis was obtained with lorazepam 2 mg, all drugs given once orally 30 min before the procedure. We assessed the pain level with the Wong-Baker Faces Pain Rating Scale, which distinguishes six levels of pain, from 0 to 5. The 34 patients who received an oral administration of analgesia and anxiolysis reported pain at lower levels, i.e., in the range of 0-2, more frequently than the 50 patients who underwent BMAB without analgesia/anxiolysis (78% vs 64%, respectively). Among several predictors analyzed using a multivariate regression model, three were found to be associated with decreased pain level: the use of analgesia/anxiolysis, male sex, and increase in age (all with p values <0.05). Length of the extracted bone specimen, body mass index, and need of a spinal needle for anesthesia in obese patients did not predict for pain level. An oral administration of prophylactic regimen of analgesia and anxiolysis, at the above-mentioned doses, produced a statistically significant reduction of the perception of pain in patients undergoing BMAB, but its effect did not seem to provide a major and clinically significant reduction of pain level.

  2. Effect of postoperative epidural analgesia on rehabilitation and pain after hip fracture surgery

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Foss, Nicolai Bang; Kristensen, Morten Tange; Kristensen, Billy Bjarne


    Hip fracture surgery usually carries a high demand for rehabilitation and a significant risk of perioperative morbidity and mortality. Postoperative epidural analgesia may reduce morbidity and has been shown to facilitate rehabilitation in elective orthopedic procedures. No studies exist...... on the effect of postoperative epidural analgesia on pain and rehabilitation after hip fracture surgery....

  3. Epidural Analgesia Versus Patient-Controlled Analgesia for Pain Relief in Uterine Artery Embolization for Uterine Fibroids: A Decision Analysis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kooij, Sanne M. van der, E-mail:; Moolenaar, Lobke M.; Ankum, Willem M. [Academic Medical Centre, Department of Gynaecology (Netherlands); Reekers, Jim A. [Academic Medical Centre, Department of Radiology (Netherlands); Mol, Ben Willem J. [Academic Medical Centre, Department of Gynaecology (Netherlands); Hehenkamp, Wouter J. K. [VU University Medical Centre, Department of Gynaecology (Netherlands)


    Purpose: This study was designed to compare the costs and effects of epidural analgesia (EDA) to those of patient-controlled intravenous analgesia (PCA) for postintervention pain relief in women having uterine artery embolization (UAE) for systematic uterine fibroids. Methods: Cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA) based on data from the literature by constructing a decision tree to model the clinical pathways for estimating the effects and costs of treatment with EDA and PCA. Literature on EDA for pain-relief after UAE was missing, and therefore, data on EDA for abdominal surgery were used. Outcome measures were compared costs to reduce one point in visual analogue score (VAS) or numeric rating scale (NRS) for pain 6 and 24 h after UAE and risk for complications. Results: Six hours after the intervention, the VAS was 3.56 when using PCA and 2.0 when using EDA. The costs for pain relief in women undergoing UAE with PCA and EDA were Euro-Sign 191 and Euro-Sign 355, respectively. The costs for EDA to reduce the VAS score 6 h after the intervention with one point compared with PCA were Euro-Sign 105 and Euro-Sign 179 after 24 h. The risk of having a complication was 2.45 times higher when using EDA. Conclusions: The results of this indirect comparison of EDA for abdominal surgery with PCA for UAE show that EDA would provide superior analgesia for post UAE pain at 6 and 24 h but with higher costs and an increased risk of complications.

  4. Comparison of ropivacaine (0.2%) with or without clonidine 1 μg/kg for epidural labor analgesia: A randomized controlled study


    Indira Kumari; Kapil Sharma; Vikram Bedi; Madhan Mohan; Hemraj Tungaria; Manish Kumar Modi


    Background and Aims: The aim is to determine the effect of addition of clonidine to ropivacaine for epidural labor analgesia with regard to onset of analgesia, duration of analgesia, neonatal outcome, and quality of analgesia. Material and Methods: A total of 60 term parturients of the American Society of Anesthesiologists Grade I and II with uncomplicated pregnancy, vertex presentation, posted for on-demand epidural labor analgesia after informed consent were divided in two groups. Group ...

  5. Intrapartum analgesia as a condition of human satisfaction at hospital

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Concetta Polizzi


    Full Text Available The study investigates parturients’ satisfaction with intrapartum analgesia. It aims to assess their opinions about hospital and health staff involved in delivery, besides investigating emotional control, locus control and bond between mothers and their newborn infants. A multidimensional approach has been used to investigate the variable of woman as a person, the variable of context and the variable of bond with the newborn infant. The study was conducted according to a quasi-experimental design, with a control group. The study was performed within the Analgesia and Intensive Care Operational Unit of the Maternal-Infant Department of the P. Giaccone University General Hospital of Palermo. It involved 60 women subdivided into two groups of 30 women each, the experimental group (women who requested intrapartum analgesia called the A group, and the control group (women who refused it called the B group. The following tools were administered: the STAI-Y (State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, form Y scale; the Depression Questionnaire of CBA (Cognitive Behavioural Assessment scale; the Locus of Control questionnaire; and an interview designed for the purpose. The experimental A group women exhibited lower levels of state anxiety and depression post-partum than those of the control B group; moreover, the women in the A group exhibited higher levels of external locus of control and evaluated delivery more positively than those of the B group. There were no significant differences with regard to the relationship with their newborn infants. The study shows that intrapartum analgesia provides hospitals with the possibility to satisfy women’s needs for safety and well-being.

  6. How first time mothers experience the use of epidural analgesia

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jepsen, Ingrid


    How first time mothers experience the use of epidural analgesia during birth Ingrid Jepsen, Midwife, SD, MPH, Kurt Dauer Keller cand.psych, PhD Contact email Aim: to investigate the experiences of epidural analgesia as to the choice of epidurals, the changes in pain, the period from...... and two months later. The midwives were interviewed two hours after the birth. Method of analysis: The “Idealtype-” method, the “importance-” method and the “process-” method described by Bo Eneroth. Results: Two ideal-types were discovered: the worried and the unworried mother. Important and common...

  7. Hospitalization for partial nephrectomy was not associated with intrathecal opioid analgesia: Retrospective analysis. (United States)

    Weingarten, Toby N; Del Mundo, Serena B; Yeoh, Tze Yeng; Scavonetto, Federica; Leibovich, Bradley C; Sprung, Juraj


    The aim of this retrospective study is to test the hypothesis that the use of spinal analgesia shortens the length of hospital stay after partial nephrectomy. We reviewed all patients undergoing partial nephrectomy for malignancy through flank incision between January 1, 2008, and June 30, 2011. We excluded patients who underwent tumor thrombectomy, used sustained-release opioids, or had general anesthesia supplemented by epidural analgesia. Patients were grouped into "spinal" (intrathecal opioid injection for postoperative analgesia) versus "general anesthetic" group, and "early" discharge group (within 3 postoperative days) versus "late" group. Association between demographics, patient physical status, anesthetic techniques, and surgical complexity and hospital stay were analyzed using multivariable logistic regression analysis. Of 380 patients, 158 (41.6%) were discharged "early" and 151 (39.7%) were "spinal" cases. Both spinal and early discharge groups had better postoperative pain control and used less postoperative systemic opioids. Spinal analgesia was associated with early hospital discharge, odds ratio 1.52, (95% confidence interval 1.00-2.30), P = 0.05, but in adjusted analysis was no longer associated with early discharge, 1.16 (0.73-1.86), P = 0.52. Early discharge was associated with calendar year, with more recent years being associated with early discharge. Spinal analgesia combined with general anesthesia was associated with improved postoperative pain control during the 1(st) postoperative day, but not with shorter hospital stay following partial nephrectomy. Therefore, unaccounted practice changes that occurred during more recent times affected hospital stay.

  8. A randomized, controlled trial comparing local infiltration analgesia with epidural infusion for total knee arthroplasty

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Karen Vestergaard; Bak, Marie; Christensen, Birgitte Viebæk


    There have been few studies describing wound infiltration with additional intraarticular administration of multimodal analgesia for total knee arthroplasty (TKA). In this study, we assessed the efficacy of wound infiltration combined with intraarticular regional analgesia with epidural infusion...

  9. Analgesia after total hip replacement: epidural versus psoas ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    tive analgesia following total hip replacement surgery. The research design was a ... matoma, intra-abdominal injury and pain due to spasm of the lumbar paravertebral ..... 2. Brown DL. Spinal, epidural, and caudal anesthesia In: Miller RD, ed.

  10. Abordagem anestésica de grávida com malformação arteriovenosa cerebral e hemorragia subaracnoidea durante a gravidez: relato de caso Abordaje anestésico de embarazada con malformación arteriovenosa cerebral y hemorragia subaracnoidea durante el embarazo: relato de caso Anesthetic approach of pregnant woman with cerebral arteriovenous malformation and subarachnoid hemorrhage during pregnancy: case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Catarina Santos Carvalho


    de 39 semanas, sana antes del embarazo, con antecedentes de HSA a las 22 semanas de gestación que se manifestó por medio de cefaleas, vómitos y mareos, sin la pérdida de la consciencia u otros déficits a la hora de su entrada en el servicio de urgencia. La resonancia magnética (RM arrojó MAV frontal izquierda. Después de un breve período de ingreso para la estabilización y el diagnóstico, se decidió mantener el embarazo y el acompañamiento ambulatorio multidisciplinario por neurocirugía y obstetricia en consulta de alto riesgo. Se optó por realizar la cesárea electiva a las 39 semanas bajo anestesia epidural lumbar. En el intraoperatorio ocurrió un episodio de hipotensión que fue rápidamente revertido con fenilefrina. El Índice de Apgar del recién nacido fue de 10/10. El catéter epidural fue usado para la analgesia postoperatoria, que también cursó sin intercurrencias. CONCLUSIONES: Son muy raros los casos publicados de abordaje anestésico de embarazadas con MAV sintomáticas. Todas las decisiones tomadas por el equipo multidisciplinario, desde optar por continuar con el embarazo, hasta el momento ideal para intervenir la MAV, pasando por el tipo de anestesia y analgesia, fueron sopesadas en función del riesgo de daño cerebral. Desde el punto de vista anestésico, los autores enfatizan la necesidad de estabilidad hemodinámica.BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH during pregnancy is a rare event, and about half the cases are due to arteriovenous malformations (AVM. The authors describe the anesthetic approach of a 39 week pregnant patient scheduled for cesarean section, with a history of SAH due to AVM at 22 week gestation. CASE REPORT: 39 week pregnant patient, healthy prior to pregnancy, with a history of SAH at 22 week gestation, manifested by headache, vomiting, and dizziness without loss of consciousness or other deficits on admission to the emergency room. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI revealed a left frontal AVM

  11. Comparative Analysis of Different Types of Analgesia in Patients after Surgical Correction of Scoliotic Spinal Deformity

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    M.A. Georgiyants


    Full Text Available A comparative study of epidural analgesia and anesthesia using opiates after surgical interventions for spinal scoliosis in children has beem carried out. Patients were divided into 2 groups. In the first one postoperative analgesia was carried out by intramuscular injection of promedol, in second one epidural analgesia was used with the constant introduction of ropivacaine. The authors studied the effect of these techniques on hemodynamics, the analysis of the subjective perception of pain by patients.

  12. Intrapleural analgesia after endoscopic thoracic sympathectomy Analgesia intrapleural após simpatectomia videotoracoscópica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Patrícia Gomes da Silva


    Full Text Available PURPOSE: To compare analgesia traditionally used for thoracic sympathectomy to intrapleural ropivacaine injection in two different doses. METHODS: Twenty-four patients were divided into three similar groups, and all of them received intravenous dipyrone. Group A received intravenous tramadol and intrapleural injection of saline solution. Group B received intrapleural injection of 0.33% ropivacaine, and Group C 0.5% ropivacaine. The following aspects were analyzed: inspiratory capacity, respiratory rate and pain. Pain was evaluated in the immediate postoperative period by means of the visual analog scale and over a one-week period. RESULTS: In Groups A and B, reduced inspiratory capacity was observed in the postoperative period. In the first postoperative 12 hours, only 12.5% of the patients in Groups B and C showed intense pain as compared to 25% in Group A. In the subsequent week, only one patient in Group A showed mild pain while the remainder reported intense pain. In Group B, half of the patients showed intense pain, and in Group C, only one presented intense pain. CONCLUSION: Intrapleural analgesia with ropivacaine resulted in less pain in the late postoperative period with better analgesic outcomes in higher doses, providing a better ventilatory pattern.OBJETIVO: Comparar a analgesia tradicionalmente utilizada para simpatectomia videotoracoscópica à injeção intrapleural de ropivacaína em duas doses diferentes. MÉTODOS: Vinte e quatro pacientes foram distribuídos em três grupos semelhantes, e todos eles receberam dipirona endovenosa. O grupo A recebeu tramadol endovenoso e injeção intrapleural de solução salina. O grupo B recebeu injeção intrapleural de ropivacaína a 0,33%, e Grupo C ropivacaína a 0,5%. Os aspectos analisados foram: capacidade inspiratória, freqüência respiratória e dor. A dor foi avaliada no período pós-operatório por meio da escala visual analógica e durante o período de uma semana. RESULTADOS

  13. Modafinil reduces patient-reported tiredness after sedation/analgesia but does not improve patient psychomotor skills.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Galvin, E.; Boesjes, H.; Hol, J.; Ubben, J.F.; Klein-Nulend, J.; Verbrugge, S.J.


    BACKGROUND: Early recovery of patients following sedation/analgesia and anesthesia is important in ambulatory practice. The aim of this study was to assess whether modafinil, used for the treatment of narcolepsy, improves recovery following sedation/analgesia. METHODS: Patients scheduled for

  14. Comparison of analgesic efficacy of four-quadrant transversus abdominis plane (TAP) block and continuous posterior TAP analgesia with epidural analgesia in patients undergoing laparoscopic colorectal surgery: an open-label, randomised, non-inferiority trial. (United States)

    Niraj, G; Kelkar, A; Hart, E; Horst, C; Malik, D; Yeow, C; Singh, B; Chaudhri, S


    Posterior transversus abdominis plane blocks have been reported to be an effective method of providing analgesia after lower abdominal surgery. We compared the efficacy of a novel technique of providing continuous transversus abdominis plane analgesia with epidural analgesia in patients on an enhanced recovery programme following laparoscopic colorectal surgery. A non-inferiority comparison was used. Adult patients undergoing elective laparoscopic colorectal surgery were randomly assigned to receive continuous transversus abdominis plane analgesia (n = 35) vs epidural analgesia (n = 35), in addition to a postoperative analgesic regimen comprising regular paracetamol, regular diclofenac and tramadol as required. Sixty-one patients completed the study. The transversus group received four-quadrant transversus abdominis plane blocks and bilateral posterior transversus abdominis plane catheters that were infused with levobupivacaine 0.25% for 48 h. The epidural group received an infusion of bupivacaine and fentanyl. The primary outcome measure was visual analogue scale pain score on coughing at 24 h after surgery. We found no significant difference in median (IQR [range]) visual analogue scores during coughing at 24 h between the transversus group 2.5 (1.0-3.0 [0-5.5]) and the epidural group 2.5 (1.0-5.0 [0-6.0]). The one-sided 97.5% CI was a 0.0 (∞-1.0) difference in means, establishing non-inferiority. There were no significant differences between the groups for tramadol consumption. Success rate was 28/30 (93%) in the transversus group vs 27/31 (87%) in the epidural group. Continuous transversus abdominis plane infusion was non-inferior to epidural infusion in providing analgesia after laparoscopic colorectal surgery. © 2013 The Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland.

  15. Analgesia peridural para o trabalho de parto e para o parto: efeitos da adição de um opióide Effects of the association of an opioid with epidural analgesia for labor and delivery

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Guilherme Cecatti


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a eficácia e segurança da associação bupivacaína com sufentanil para a analgesia no trabalho de parto e do parto por meio de um bloqueio peridural contínuo. Realizou-se um ensaio clínico duplo-cego, prospectivo e aleatório, incluindo sessenta mulheres nulíparas da Maternidade do CAISM/UNICAMP. No momento da analgesia, as mulheres foram aleatoriamente alocadas em dois grupos: BS, recebendo 12,5 mg de bupivacaína com adrenalina mais 30 µg de sufentanil e BP, recebendo 12,5 mg de bupivacaína com adrenalina mais placebo. Foram avaliados os parâmetros relativos à qualidade e duração da analgesia, duração do trabalho de parto e também possíveis efeitos sobre o recém-nascido. Os resultados mostraram a superioridade da adição do sufentanil sobre o grau de analgesia durante o tempo de ação da primeira dose de anestésico local. Não houve aumento na duração do trabalho de parto depois do início da analgesia quando se compararam ambos os grupos, nem qualquer diferença quanto à via de parto. Não houve também diferenças entre os grupos com relação à avaliação dos recém-nascidos. Conclui-se que a associação de 30 µg de sufentanil à primeira dose de bupivacaína é segura e eficaz, melhorando a qualidade da analgesia, sua duração e não afetando a progressão do trabalho de parto e o resultado neonatal.The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of the association bupivacaine with sufentanil for labor and delivery analgesia through a continuous epidural blockade, for both mother and the neonate. A randomized double blind prospective clinical trial was performed including sixty nulliparous women at the Maternity of CAISM/UNICAMP. When requesting analgesia, the women were randomly allocated to two groups: BS, receiving 12.5 mg of bupivacaine with adrenaline plus 30 µg of sufentanil and BP, receiving 12.5 mg of bupivacaine with adrenaline plus placebo

  16. Autoradiographic visualization on the role of central 3H-5-hydroxytryptamine in acupuncture analgesia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhu Shoupeng; Shi Fuxi; Liu Zhonghao; Jiang Ji


    The role played by central 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) in electroacupuncture analgesia has been studied in rats by means of autoradiography with isotopic tracers 3 H-5-HT. The purpose of the study is to determine the localization of 3 H-5-HT in the midbrain raphe nuclei and in the mesencephalon aquaeduct as well as periaquaeductal gray matter. Parallel experiments were studied by freezing microautoradiographic method and histo-fixative microautoradiographic method. The analgesic effect of acupuncture can be enhanced or lowered by the increment or the decrement of the 5-HT level in the midbrain raphe nuclei and in the mesencephalon aquaeduct as well as periaquaeductal gray matter. The results show that when the rats were subjected to electro-acupuncture analgesia, the microautoradiographic intensities of 3 H-5-HT both in the midbrain raphe nuclei and in the areas of mesencephalon aqueduct were significantly increased. It may be observed that the release of 5-HT in these regions of the brain is accelerated during acupuncture analgesia. From this it can be concluded that the midbrain raphe nuclei and the mesencephalon aquaeduct as well as the periaquaeductal gray matter are closely related to acupuncture analgesia. The results imply that 5-HT in these areas may be one of the most important neurochemical agents mediating acupuncture analgesia

  17. The effects of preoperative oral administration of carprofen or tramadol on postoperative analgesia in dogs undergoing cutaneous tumor removal. (United States)

    Karrasch, Nicole M; Lerche, Phillip; Aarnes, Turi K; Gardner, Heather L; London, Cheryl A


    This prospective, blinded, controlled clinical study compared the effects of pre-emptive oral administration of carprofen or tramadol on pain scores and analgesic requirement in dogs undergoing cutaneous tumor removal. Thirty-six client-owned dogs presenting for cutaneous tumor removal were randomly assigned to receive carprofen, tramadol, or no treatment prior to surgery. Pain was assessed using a visual analog scale (VAS), the Modified Glasgow Composite Measure Pain Score (MGCMPS), and algometry at enrollment, prior to premedication, at extubation, then hourly for the first 4 h, and every 4 h for 24 h. Dogs scoring ≥ 7 (MGCMPS), or having a VAS measurement ≥ 40 mm were given rescue analgesia. There were no significant differences in pain VAS, MGCMPS, or algometry. There were no differences in rescue analgesia requirement, or time to rescue analgesia among groups. Carprofen, tramadol, or no pre-emptive analgesia, combined with pre-operative hydromorphone and rescue analgesia, resulted in satisfactory analgesia in the 24-hour postoperative period.

  18. A comparison of intrathecal dexmedetomidine verses intrathecal fentanyl with epidural bupivacaine for combined spinal epidural labor analgesia


    P K Dilesh; S Eapen; S Kiran; Vivek Chopra


    Context: Combined spinal epidural (CSE) analgesia technique is effective for labor analgesia and various concentrations of bupivacaine and lipophilic opioids like fentanyl have been studied. Dexmedetomidine is a highly selective alpha 2 adrenoreceptor agonist with analgesic properties and has been used intrathecally with bupivacaine for prolonged postoperative analgesia. Recent reviews have shown that it is highly lipophilic and does not cross placenta significantly. Aim: The aim of this s...

  19. Descompensación distal postoperatoria (D.D.P. en curvas lenke 1a tratadas con tornillos pediculares: una revisión de 63 casos Descompensação distal pós-operatória (DDP em curvaturas lenke 1a tratadas com parafusos pediculares: análise de 63 casos Postoperative distal decompensation (PDD in lenke 1a curvatures treated with pedicular screws: analysis of 63 cases

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Norberto Ventura


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Identificar los factores de riesgo de descompensación distal postoperatoria (D.D.P. y definir una estrategia quirúrgica segura en curvas tipo Lenke 1A tratadas con tornillos pediculares. MÉTODO: Estudio radiológico retrospectivo de 63 pacientes con escoliosis Lenke 1A, con un seguimiento mínimo de un año. Se evaluó, edad, sexo, grados Cobb, signo de Risser, relación de la vértebra distal instrumentada (V.D.I. con la vértebra distal de la curva (V.D., vértebra estable (V.E. y con la vértebra, cuya distancia a la línea central vertical al sacro (L.V.S. era superior a 10 mm "distancia vertebral" (D.V.. RESULTADOS: 8 casos (12,7% desarrollaron D.D.P. El signo de Risser fue 0 en 2 pacientes (25% y I en 2 pacientes (25%. Relación de V.D.I. con V.D.: 4 pacientes (50% mismo nivel (V.D. +0, 4 pacientes (50% un nivel caudal (V.D. (+1; relación V.D.I. con V.E.: 5 pacientes (62,5% 2 niveles cefálicos (V.E -2, 3 pacientes (37,5% 1 nivel cefálico (V. E.-1; relación V.D.I. con D.V.: 5 pacientes (62,5% un nivel cefálico D.V. (-1, 3 pacientes mismo nivel (D.V.+ 0. CONCLUSIONES: Riesgo de descompensación distal postoperatoria: V.D.I. mismo nivel V.D. (V.D. + 0, 2 niveles cefálicos V.E. (V.E.-2, 1 nivel cefálico D.V. (D.V. -1. Estrategia quirúrgica curvas Lenke 1A: V.D.I: 1/2 niveles caudales a V.D. (V.D. +1/+2, un nivel cefálico a V.E. (V.E -1, mismo nivel D.V. (D.V. +0.OBJETIVO: Identificar os fatores de risco de descompensação distal pós-operatória (DDP e definir estratégia cirúrgica de segurança em curvaturas de Lenke 1A, tratadas com parafusos pediculares. MÉTODO: Estudo radiológico retrospectivo de 63 pacientes com escoliose Lenke 1A, com acompanhamento mínimo de um ano. Os parâmetros avaliados foram idade, sexo, graus do ângulo de Cobb, sinal de Risser, relação da vértebra distal instrumentada (VDI com a vértebra distal da curvatura (VD, com a vértebra estável (VE e com a vértebra cuja distância da linha

  20. External cephalic version for breech presentation with or without spinal analgesia in nulliparous women at term: a randomized controlled trial. (United States)

    Weiniger, Carolyn F; Ginosar, Yehuda; Elchalal, Uriel; Sharon, Einav; Nokrian, Malka; Ezra, Yossef


    To compare the success of external cephalic version using spinal analgesia with no analgesia among nulliparas. A prospective randomized controlled trial was performed in a tertiary referral center delivery suite. Nulliparous women at term requesting external cephalic version for breech presentation were randomized to receive spinal analgesia (7.5 mg bupivacaine) or no analgesia before the external cephalic version. An experienced obstetrician performed the external cephalic version. Primary outcome was successful conversion to vertex presentation. Seventy-four women were enrolled, and 70 analyzed (36 spinal, 34 no analgesia). Successful external cephalic version occurred among 24 of 36 (66.7%) women randomized to receive spinal analgesia compared with 11 of 34 (32.4%) without, P=.004 (95% confidence interval [CI] of the difference: 0.0954-0.5513). External cephalic version with spinal analgesia resulted in a lower visual analog pain score, 1.76+/-2.74 compared with 6.84+/-3.08 without, Pexternal cephalic version success was 4.0-fold higher when performed with spinal analgesia P=.02 (95% CI, odds ratio [OR] 1.2-12.9). Complete breech presentation before attempting external cephalic version increased the odds of success 8.2-fold, P=.001 (95% CI, OR 2.2-30.3). Placental position, estimated fetal weight, and maternal weight did not contribute to the success rate when spinal analgesia was used. There were no cases of placental abruption or fetal distress. Administration of spinal analgesia significantly increases the success rate of external cephalic version among nulliparous women at term, which allows possible normal vaginal delivery.,, NCT00119184 I.

  1. Combined epidural-spinal opioid-free anaesthesia and analgesia for hysterectomy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Callesen, T; Schouenborg, Lars Øland; Nielsen, D


    Postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV) are major problems after gynaecological surgery. We studied 40 patients undergoing total abdominal hysterectomy, allocated randomly to receive opioid-free epidural-spinal anaesthesia or general anaesthesia with continuous epidural bupivacaine 15 mg h-1...... or continuous bupivacaine 10 mg h-1 with epidural morphine 0.2 mg h-1, respectively, for postoperative analgesia. Nausea, vomiting, pain and bowel function were scored on 4-point scales for 3 days. Patients undergoing general anaesthesia had significantly higher nausea and vomiting scores (P ... for hysterectomy caused less PONV, but with less effective analgesia compared with general anaesthesia with postoperative continuous epidural morphine and bupivacaine....

  2. Aumento de dorso nasal con implante blando de tejido conectivo laxo y cartílago troce

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mariana Vásquez-García

    Full Text Available Introducción y Objetivo: Están descritas innumerables técnicas para el aumento del dorso nasal. Los injertos autólogos son el material preferido en la reconstrucción nasal debido a su biocompatibilidad y a su menor riesgo de infección y exposición. La técnica de cartílago troceado envuelto en fascia temporal se ha popularizado porque evita la visualización de los injertos a través de la piel del dorso nasal. Nuestro estudio tiene como objetivo demostrar que también el tejido conectivo laxo retroauricular es una envoltura útil para conformar con el cartílago troceado un implante blando que aumente el dorso nasal, proporcionando un resultado estético natural. Material y Método: Realizamos un estudio retrospectivo, entre diciembre de 2012 a diciembre de 2015 con 15 pacientes sometidos a aumento de dorso nasal con cartílago troceado de septum y concha auricular envuelto en tejido conectivo laxo retroauricular, utilizando la vía de rinoplastia externa. Evaluamos los resultados de forma subjetiva con un cuestionario entregado a los pacientes y observando las fotos pre y postoperatorias a corto, medio y largo plazo. Objetivamente medimos las alturas del dorso nasal pre y postoperatoriamente. Resultados: Todos los pacientes presentaron resultados muy satisfactorios. El valor promedio de aumento del dorso nasal a los 3 meses de postoperatorio en nasion fue de 0.38 cm, en rinion de 0.39 cm y en suprapunta de 0.41 cm, manteniéndose iguales valores a los 6, 12 y 18 meses. Conclusiones: Destacamos los beneficios de la envoltura con tejido conectivo laxo retroauricular para cubrir de forma natural las irregularidades del dorso nasal, eliminando el estigma de nariz operada (fibrosis y cicatrización anómala. Su viabilidad en la zona receptora (dorso nasal lo hace muy recomendable para la corrección de deformidades de esta zona. Es por ello que recomendamos su uso como alternativa para corregir hundimientos de dorso nasal de origen

  3. Effects of Flurbiprofen Axetil on Postoperative Analgesia and Cytokines in Peripheral Blood of Thoracotomy Patients. (United States)

    Zhou, Mi; Li, Beiping; Kong, Ming


    The objective is to study the effects of flurbiprofen axetil (FA) with fentanyl together in postoperative controlled intravenous analgesia (PCIA) on pain intensity, cytokine levels in peripheral blood and adverse reactions of thoracotomy patients. Fifty thoracotomy patients were divided into a FA and a control group, each with 25 cases. Postoperative analgesia was administered in the two groups using PCIA. The pressing times of analgesia pump, the visual analog scale (VAS) scores during resting and coughing at 2, 6, 24, 48, 72 h after surgery and the incidence of adverse drug reactions were recorded. Levels of IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8, IL-2, and TNF-α in peripheral blood were determined before the administration of FA (T0), and at 24 h (T1), 48 h (T2), 72 h (T3) after surgery. The analgesia pump pressing times in the FA group was less than that of the control group. The VAS scores during resting and coughing at 2, 6, 24, 48, 72 h after surgery, were statistically less than those of control group. The incidence rate of nausea and vomiting was insignificantly different between the two groups. Administration of FA together with PCIA in thoracotomy patients can improve postoperative analgesia.

  4. Psychophysical testing of spatial and temporal dimensions of endogenous analgesia: conditioned pain modulation and offset analgesia. (United States)

    Honigman, Liat; Yarnitsky, David; Sprecher, Elliot; Weissman-Fogel, Irit


    The endogenous analgesia (EA) system is psychophysically evaluated using various paradigms, including conditioned pain modulation (CPM) and offset analgesia (OA) testing, respectively, the spatial and temporal filtering processes of noxious information. Though both paradigms assess the function of the EA system, it is still unknown whether they reflect the same aspects of EA and consequently whether they provide additive or equivalent data. Twenty-nine healthy volunteers (15 males) underwent 5 trials of different stimulation conditions in random order including: (1) the classic OA three-temperature stimulus train ('OA'); (2) a three-temperature stimulus train as control for the OA ('OAcon'); (3) a constant temperature stimulus ('constant'); (4) the classic parallel CPM ('CPM'); and (5) a combination of OA and CPM ('OA + CPM'). We found that in males, the pain reduction during the OA + CPM condition was greater than during the OA (P = 0.003) and CPM (P = 0.07) conditions. Furthermore, a correlation was found between OA and CPM (r = 0.62, P = 0.01) at the time of maximum OA effect. The additive effect found suggests that the two paradigms represent at least partially different aspects of EA. The moderate association between the CPM and OA magnitudes indicates, on the other hand, some commonality of their underlying mechanisms.

  5. Postoperative analgesia using diclofenac and acetaminophen in children. (United States)

    Hannam, Jacqueline A; Anderson, Brian J; Mahadevan, Murali; Holford, Nick H G


    Diclofenac dosing in children for analgesia is currently extrapolated from adult data. Oral diclofenac 1.0 mg·kg(-1) is recommended for children aged 1-12 years. Analgesic effect from combination diclofenac/acetaminophen is unknown. Children (n = 151) undergoing tonsillectomy (c. 1995) were randomized to receive acetaminophen elixir 40 mg·kg(-1) before surgery and 20 mg·kg(-1) rectally at the end of surgery with diclofenac suspension 0.1 mg·kg(-1) , 0.5 mg·kg(-1) , or 2.0 mg·kg(-1) before surgery or placebo. A further 93 children were randomized to receive diclofenac 0.1 mg·kg(-1) , 0.5 mg·kg(-1) , or 2.0 mg·kg(-1) only. Postoperative pain was assessed (visual analogue score, VAS 0-10) at half-hourly intervals from waking until discharge. Data were pooled with those from a further 222 children and 30 adults. One-compartment models with first-order absorption and elimination described the pharmacokinetics of both medicines. Combined drug effects were described using a modified EMAX model with an interaction term. An interval-censored model described the hazard of study dropout. Analgesia onset had an equilibration half-time of 0.496 h for acetaminophen and 0.23 h for diclofenac. The maximum effect (EMAX ) was 4.9. The concentration resulting in 50% of EMAX (C50 ) was 1.23 mg·l(-1) for diclofenac and 13.3 mg·l(-1) for acetaminophen. A peak placebo effect of 6.8 occurred at 4 h. Drug effects were additive. The hazard of dropping out was related to pain (hazard ratio of 1.35 per unit change in pain). Diclofenac 1.0 mg·kg(-1) with acetaminophen 15 mg·kg(-1) achieves equivalent analgesia to acetaminophen 30 mg·kg(-1) . Combination therapy can be used to achieve similar analgesia with lower doses of both drugs. © 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  6. Local infiltration analgesia in urogenital prolapse surgery: a prospective randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kristensen, Billy B; Rasmussen, Yvonne H; Agerlin, Marianne


    To evaluate the analgesic effect of high-volume infiltration analgesia in urogenital prolapse surgery and provide a detailed description of the infiltration technique.......To evaluate the analgesic effect of high-volume infiltration analgesia in urogenital prolapse surgery and provide a detailed description of the infiltration technique....

  7. Extending labor epidural analgesia using lidocaine plus either dexmedetomidine or epinephrine for emergency cesarean section

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Riham Hasanein


    Conclusion: Epidural dexmedetomidine is comparable to epinephrine as an adjuvant to epidural lidocaine in fastening the onset of surgical anesthesia and resulted in better intraoperative analgesia and in longer duration of sensory and motor block in the settings of converting labor epidural analgesia for emergency CS.

  8. Impact of epidural analgesia on cesarean and operative vaginal delivery rates classified by the Ten Groups Classification System. (United States)

    Lucovnik, M; Blajic, I; Verdenik, I; Mirkovic, T; Stopar Pintaric, T


    The Ten Group Classification System (TGCS) allows critical analysis according to the obstetric characteristics of women in labor: singleton or multiple pregnancy, nulliparous, multiparous, or multiparous with a previous cesarean delivery, cephalic, breech presentation or other malpresentation, spontaneous or induced labor, and term or preterm births. Labor outcomes associated with epidural analgesia may be different among the different labor classification groups. The aim of this study was to explore associations between epidural analgesia and cesarean delivery, and epidural analgesia and assisted vaginal delivery, in women classified using the TGCS. Slovenian National Perinatal Information System data for the period 2007-2014 were analyzed. All women after spontaneous onset or induction of labor were classified according to the TGCS, within which cesarean and vaginal assisted delivery rates were investigated (P cesarean delivery rates. Women in group 1 (nulliparous term women with singleton fetuses in cephalic presentation in spontaneous labor) with epidural analgesia had a higher cesarean delivery rate. In most TGCS groups women with epidural analgesia had higher assisted vaginal delivery rates. Epidural analgesia is associated with different effects on cesarean delivery and assisted vaginal delivery rates in different TGCS groups. Copyright © 2018. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  9. [Effect of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and paracetamol on hemodynamic changes during postoperative analgesia in children]. (United States)

    Leont'ev, D V; Babaev, B D; Shishkov, M V; Ostreĭkov, I F


    The purpose of the present study was to comparatively assess the adequacy of postoperative analgesia using nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and paracetamol in children undergone "minor" surgical interventions. For postoperative analgesia in children, the authors used paracetamol in a single dose of 25-30 mg/kg, diclofenac in a dose of 1.5-2.0 mg/kg, which were rectally administered as suppositories, as well as diclofenac in the same dose as intramuscular injections (Group 1). A comparison was made with postoperative analgesia using analgin and promedole (Group 2 (control)). Group 1 comprised 63 patients and Group 2 included 26 patients with identical diseases (inguinal hernias, varicocele, phimosis). Functional parameters were recorded in patients in the lying position before, 30 min, 1, 2, and 3 hours after surgery. The efficiency of postoperative analgesia was evaluated, by using central hemodynamic parameters that many investigators consider to be one of the major criteria for the adequacy of anesthesia. Comparison of postoperative data has revealed a difference between the groups, which suggests that the use of NSAIDs and paracetamol for preventive and postoperative analgesia in children substantially improves the postoperative period and promotes a rapid rehabilitation in patients. Comparative analysis of the efficiency of postoperative analgesia of the above agents has indicated that diclofenac and paracetamol have a sufficient analgesic activity and at the same time do not show the adverse reactions unique to narcotic analgesics.


    Taylor, Bradley K; Corder, Gregory


    Endogenous activation of μ-opioid receptors (MORs) provides relief from acute pain. Recent studies have established that tissue inflammation produces latent pain sensitization (LS) that is masked by spinal MOR signaling for months, even after complete recovery from injury and re-establishment of normal pain thresholds. Disruption with MOR inverse agonists reinstates pain and precipitates cellular, somatic and aversive signs of physical withdrawal; this phenomenon requires N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor-mediated activation of calcium-sensitive adenylyl cyclase type 1 (AC1). In this review, we present a new conceptual model of the transition from acute to chronic pain, based on the delicate balance between LS and endogenous analgesia that develops after painful tissue injury. First, injury activates pain pathways. Second, the spinal cord establishes MOR constitutive activity (MORCA) as it attempts to control pain. Third, over time, the body becomes dependent on MORCA, which paradoxically sensitizes pain pathways. Stress or injury escalates opposing inhibitory and excitatory influences on nociceptive processing as a pathological consequence of increased endogenous opioid tone. Pain begets MORCA begets pain vulnerability in a vicious cycle. The final result is a silent insidious state characterized by the escalation of two opposing excitatory and inhibitory influences on pain transmission: LS mediated by AC1 (which maintains accelerator), and pain inhibition mediated by MORCA (which maintains the brake). This raises the prospect that opposing homeostatic interactions between MORCA analgesia and latent NMDAR–AC1-mediated pain sensitization create a lasting vulnerability to develop chronic pain. Thus, chronic pain syndromes may result from a failure in constitutive signaling of spinal MORs and a loss of endogenous analgesic control. An overarching long-term therapeutic goal of future research is to alleviate chronic pain by either: a) facilitating endogenous opioid

  11. Four quadrant transversus abdominis plane block and continuous transversus abdominis plane analgesia: a 3-year prospective audit in 124 patients. (United States)

    Niraj, G; Kelkar, Aditi; Hart, Elaine; Kaushik, Vipul; Fleet, Danny; Jameson, John


    Transversus abdominis plane (TAP) blocks have been reported to be an effective method of providing analgesia after abdominal surgery. To perform a prospective audit on the effectiveness of a novel technique of providing continuous transversus abdominis plane (TAP) analgesia in patients undergoing emergency and elective abdominal surgery. Prospective single center audit over a 3-year period. University hospital. One hundred twenty-four American Society of Anesthesiologists I to IV adult patients presenting for elective as well as emergency abdominal surgery in whom epidural analgesia was contraindicated or refused. Four quadrant TAP blocks and continuous TAP analgesia. Numerical rating scale pain scores at rest and on coughing, nausea scores, satisfaction scores, complications, frequency of analgesia failure, therapeutic failure with continuous TAP analgesia and opioid consumption. One hundred twenty-four patients who received continuous TAP analgesia were audited. This included 34 patients for elective open surgery, 36 patients for emergency laparotomy, and 54 patients who underwent elective laparoscopic colorectal surgery. Surgical incision was within the dermatomal limit of the block in 70% of the patients (88/124). Therapeutic failure with the technique was 10%. Frequency of analgesic failure over the 48-hour period was none in 39% and below 5 episodes in 57%. Four quadrant transversus abdominis plane blocks and continuous TAP analgesia is an effective technique for providing postoperative analgesia after abdominal surgery. It has the potential to be used as a sole analgesic technique when the surgical incision is within its dermatomal limit. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  12. Efectos de una intervención quirúrgica menor sobre la calidad de vida en niños desde diferentes perspectivas. (United States)

    Brazo-Sayavera, Javier; Parejo-Cabezas, Inés M; Gusi, Narcís; Olivares, Pedro R

    Comparar la percepción de la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud (CVRS) de padres y médico con respecto al paciente en población infantil sometida a una intervención quirúrgica menor, y analizar la progresión de la CVRS tras un mes de someterse a la intervención. Participaron 36 pacientes sometidos a intervenciones quirúrgicas menores. Se les administró el cuestionario EQ-5D-Y, y su versión proxy correspondiente a los padres y al médico. Se utilizó la variable TTO. Los pacientes refirieron un peor estado de salud, sobre todo en la dimensión de preocupación/tristeza, que los médicos en el preoperatorio (p < 0.05), pero la percepción postoperatoria fue similar en pacientes y adultos, atribuible al efecto techo por buena salud postoperatoria. Los pacientes pediátricos sometidos a cirugía menor mejoran su CVRS tras la intervención, y esta mejora se mantiene tras un mes de la cirugía. Copyright: © 2018 SecretarÍa de Salud

  13. Audit of a ward-based patient-controlled epidural analgesia service in Ireland.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Tan, T


    BACKGROUND: Ward-based patient-controlled epidural analgesia (PCEA) for postoperative pain control was introduced at our institution in 2006. We audited the efficacy and safety of ward-based PCEA from January 2006 to December 2008. METHOD: Data were collected from 928 patients who received PCEA in general surgical wards for postoperative analgesia using bupivacaine 0.125% with fentanyl 2 mug\\/mL. RESULTS: On the first postoperative day, the median visual analogue pain score was 2 at rest and 4 on activity. Hypotension occurred in 21 (2.2%) patients, excessive motor blockade in 16 (1.7%), high block in 5 (0.5%), nausea in 5 (0.5%) and pruritus in only 1 patient. Excessive sedation occurred in two (0.2%) patients but no intervention was required. There were no serious complications such as epidural abscess, infection or haematoma. CONCLUSION: Effective and safe postoperative analgesia can be provided with PCEA in a general surgical ward without recourse to high-dependency supervision.

  14. Neuraxial labor analgesia for vaginal delivery and its effects on childhood learning disabilities. (United States)

    Flick, Randall P; Lee, Kunmoo; Hofer, Ryan E; Beinborn, Charles W; Hambel, Ellen M; Klein, Melissa K; Gunn, Paul W; Wilder, Robert T; Katusic, Slavica K; Schroeder, Darrell R; Warner, David O; Sprung, Juraj


    In prior work, children born to mothers who received neuraxial anesthesia for cesarean delivery had a lower incidence of subsequent learning disabilities compared with vaginal delivery. The authors speculated that neuraxial anesthesia may reduce stress responses to delivery, which could affect subsequent neurodevelopmental outcomes. To further explore this possibility, we examined the association between the use of neuraxial labor analgesia and development of childhood learning disabilities in a population-based birth cohort of children delivered vaginally. The educational and medical records of all children born to mothers residing in the area of 5 townships of Olmsted County, Minnesota from 1976 to 1982 and remaining in the community at age 5 years were reviewed to identify those with learning disabilities. Cox proportional hazards regression was used to compare the incidence of learning disabilities between children delivered vaginally with and without neuraxial labor analgesia, including analyses adjusted for factors of either potential clinical relevance or that differed between the 2 groups in univariate analysis. Of the study cohort, 4684 mothers delivered children vaginally, with 1495 receiving neuraxial labor analgesia. The presence of childhood learning disabilities in the cohort was not associated with use of labor neuraxial analgesia (adjusted hazard ratio, 1.05; 95%confidence interval, 0.85-1.31; P = 0.63). The use of neuraxial analgesia during labor and vaginal delivery was not independently associated with learning disabilities diagnosed before age 19 years. Future studies are needed to evaluate potential mechanisms of the previous finding indicating that the incidence of learning disabilities is lower in children born to mothers via cesarean delivery under neuraxial anesthesia compared with vaginal delivery.

  15. Aneurisma del seno de Valsalva derecho

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rebeca Manrique


    Full Text Available Varón de 60 años con antecedente de hipertensión arterial, diagnosticado incidentalmente de aneurisma del seno de Valsalva derecho de 7 cm con insuficiencia aórtica ligera. Bajo circulación extracorpórea y pinzamiento aórtico se reseca el aneurisma y se reconstruye el defecto con un parche de prótesis Dacron Hemashield Platinum® (Maquet, Rastatt, Alemania, reimplantando el ostium coronario derecho y realizando derivación aortocoronaria a primera marginal con vena safena (hallazgo en cateterismo preoperatorio. La ecocardiografía intraoperatoria objetivó insuficiencia aórtica trivial residual. Como complicación postoperatoria presentó ictus en el territorio de la cerebral media izquierda, con restitutio ad integrum.

  16. Postoperative Paraplegia as a Result of Undiagnosed Primitive Neuroectodermal Tumor, Not Epidural Analgesia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pei-Ching Hung


    Full Text Available Postoperative paraplegia is a rare complication after epidural analgesia and often occurs with spinal hematoma or cord injury. We present the case of a 16-year-old girl who suffered from a tumor mass in the neck and abdomen who underwent gynecologic operation. Preoperatively, liver metastasis was found by computed tomography. Pathologic findings revealed that the abdominal mass was an ovarian dermoid cyst. After the operation, the patient complained of paraplegia while receiving epidural analgesia for postoperative pain control. A peripheral primitive neuroectodermal tumor in the thoracic and lumbar spines with spinal cord compression was later detected using magnetic resonance imaging. Learning from this case, we suggest that when a patient is preoperatively diagnosed with tumor metastasis, back pain and soreness, spinal cord compression from tumor metastasis should be excluded before epidural analgesia is implemented.

  17. Prospective, randomized, controlled trial of thoracic epidural or patient-controlled opiate analgesia on perioperative quality of life.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Ali, M


    Perioperative epidural analgesia provides continuous pain control and may have advantages over parenteral opiate administration. This study assessed the impact of epidural analgesia on quality of life (QOL) of patients undergoing major surgery.

  18. A comparison of intrathecal dexmedetomidine verses intrathecal fentanyl with epidural bupivacaine for combined spinal epidural labor analgesia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    P K Dilesh


    Conclusion: 10 μg dexmedetomidine intrathecally provides a longer duration of analgesia with lesser incidence of pruritus compared to 20 μg fentanyl intrathecally for CSE labor analgesia with comparable neonatal side-effects.

  19. Sedação e analgesia em neonatologia Sedación y analgesia en neonatología Sedation and analgesia in neonatology

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yerkes Pereira e Silva


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A importância do estudo da dor em Neonatologia se deve ao fato de que a sensação de dor e estresse significa sofrimento e desconforto para os recém-nascidos e, apesar desse conhecimento, pouco tem sido feito para minimizá-los. Nessa revisão foram discutidas: a prevenção da dor, as medidas não-farmacológicas e farmacológicas para o seu tratamento e a sedação em recém-nascidos. CONTEÚDO: Várias são as medidas não-farmacológicas que podem ser tomadas com intuito de prevenir a dor nas Unidades de Terapia Intensiva Neonatal e também para tornar o ambiente mais humanizado e menos estressante para os pacientes e seus familiares. O tratamento da dor no recém-nascido consiste em medidas não-farmacológicas (sucção não-nutritiva, glicose e farmacológicas (analgésicos não-opióides, opióides e anestésicos locais. A sedação em recém-nascidos é produzida por fármacos que agem diminuindo a atividade, a ansiedade e a agitação do paciente, podendo levar à amnésia de eventos dolorosos ou não-dolorosos. A sedação pode ser feita pela administração de hidrato de cloral, barbitúricos, propofol e benzodiazepínicos. CONCLUSÕES: A prevenção da dor e a indicação de analgesia devem ser individualizadas e sempre consideradas em todos os recém-nascidos portadores de doenças potencialmente dolorosas e/ou submetidos a procedimentos invasivos, cirúrgicos ou não.JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: La importancia del estudio del dolor en neonatología se debe al hecho de que la sensación de dolor y de estrés significa sufrimiento e incomodidad para los recién nacidos y, a pesar de ese conocimiento poco se ha hecho para reducirlo. Dentro de esa revisión se discutieron: la prevención del dolor, las medidas no farmacológicas ye farmacológicas para su tratamiento y la sedación en recién nacidos. CONTENIDO: Varias son las medidas no-farmacológicas que pueden ser tomadas con el objetivo de prevenir el

  20. ambulation during labor with combined spinal-epidural analgesia

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    cations including aphasia, dysphagia, altered level of consciousness, high sensory block, respiratory depression, and respiratory arrest, following induction of CSEA for labor pain. Conclusion. In summary, the CSEA technique for ambulatory analgesia in labor has a good record of efficacy and safety and can be ac-.

  1. Spinal cord distribution of sup 3 H-morphine after intrathecal administration: Relationship to analgesia

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nishio, Y.; Sinatra, R.S.; Kitahata, L.M.; Collins, J.G. (Yale Univ. School of Medicine, CT (USA))


    The distribution of intrathecally administered {sup 3}H-morphine was examined by light microscopic autoradiography in rat spinal cord and temporal changes in silver grain localization were compared with results obtained from simultaneous measurements of analgesia. After tissue processing, radio-activity was found to have penetrated in superficial as well as in deeper layers (Rexed lamina V, VII, and X) of rat spinal cord within minutes after application. Silver grain density reached maximal values at 30 min in every region of cord studied. Radioactivity decreased rapidly between 30 min and 2 hr and then more slowly over the next 24 hr. In rats tested for responses to a thermal stimulus (tail flick test), intrathecal administration of morphine (5 and 15 micrograms) resulted in significant dose dependent analgesia that peaked at 30 min and lasted up to 5 hr (P less than 0.5). There was a close relationship between analgesia and spinal cord silver grain density during the first 4 hr of the study. It is postulated that the onset of spinal morphine analgesia depends on appearance of molecules at sites of action followed by the activation of anti-nociceptive mechanisms.

  2. Efficacy of trans abdominis plane block for post cesarean delivery analgesia: A double-blind, randomized trial

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Uma Srivastava


    Full Text Available Background: The transverse abdominis plane (TAP block, a regional block provides effective analgesia after lower abdominal surgeries if used as part of multimodal analgesia. In this prospective, randomized double-blind study, we determined the efficacy of TAP block in patients undergoing cesarean section. Materials and Methods: Totally, 62 parturients undergoing cesarean section were randomized in a double-blind manner to receive either bilateral TAP block at the end of surgery with 20 ml of 0.25% bupivacaine or no TAP block, in addition to standard analgesic comprising 75 mg diclofenac 8 hourly and intravenous patient-controlled analgesia (PCA tramadol. Each patient was assessed at 0, 4, 8, 12, 24, 36, and 48 h after surgery by an independent observer for pain at rest and on movement using numeric rating scale of 0-10, time of 1 st demand for tramadol, total consumption of PCA tramadol, satisfaction with pain management and side effects. Results: Use of tramadol was reduced in patients given TAP block by 50% compared to patients given no block during 48 h after surgery (P < 0.001. Pain scores were lower both on rest and activity at each time point for 24 h in study group (P < 0.001, time of first analgesia was significantly longer, satisfaction was higher, and side effects were less in study group compared to control group. Conclusion: Transverse abdominis plane block was effective in providing analgesia with a substantial reduction in tramadol use during 48 h after cesarean section when used as adjunctive to standard analgesia.

  3. Epidural analgesia during labour, routinely or on request: a cost-effectiveness analysis. (United States)

    Bonouvrié, Kimberley; van den Bosch, Anouk; Roumen, Frans J M E; van Kuijk, Sander M; Nijhuis, Jan G; Evers, Silvia M A A; Wassen, Martine M L H


    To assess the cost-effectiveness of routine labour epidural analgesia (EA), from a societal perspective, as compared with labour analgesia on request. Women delivering of a singleton in cephalic presentation beyond 36+0 weeks' gestation were randomly allocated to routine labour EA or analgesia on request in one university and one non-university teaching hospital in the Netherlands. Costs included all medical, non-medical and indirect costs from randomisation to 6 weeks postpartum. Effectiveness was defined as a non-operative, spontaneous vaginal delivery without EA-related maternal adverse effects. Incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) was defined as the ratio of the difference in costs and the difference in effectiveness between both groups. Data were analysed according to intention to treat and divided into a base case analysis and a sensitivity analysis. Total delivery costs in the routine EA group (n=233) were higher than in the labour on request group (n=255) (difference -€ 322, 95% CI -€ 60 to € 355) due to more medication costs (including EA), a longer stay in the labour ward, and more operations including caesarean sections. Total postpartum hospital costs in the routine EA group were lower (difference -€ 344, 95% CI -€ 1338 to € 621) mainly due to less neonatal admissions (difference -€ 472, 95% CI -€ 1297 to € 331), whereas total postpartum home and others costs were comparable (difference -€ 20, 95% CI -€ 267 to € 248, and -€ 1, 95% CI -€ 67 to € 284, respectively). As a result, the overall mean costs per woman were comparable between the routine EA group and the analgesia on request group (€ 8.708 and € 8.710, respectively, mean difference -€ 2, 95% CI -€ 1.012 to € 916). Routine labour EA resulted in more deliveries with maternal adverse effects, nevertheless the ICER remained low (€ 8; bootstrap 95% CI -€ 6.120 to € 8.659). The cost-effectiveness acceptability curve indicated a low probability that

  4. Comparison of carprofen and tramadol for postoperative analgesia in dogs undergoing enucleation. (United States)

    Delgado, Cherlene; Bentley, Ellison; Hetzel, Scott; Smith, Lesley J


    To compare analgesia provided by carprofen and tramadol in dogs after enucleation. Randomized, masked clinical trial. 43 dogs. Client-owned dogs admitted for routine enucleation were randomly assigned to receive either carprofen or tramadol orally 2 hours prior to surgery and 12 hours after the first dose. Dogs were scored for signs of pain at baseline (ie, before carprofen or tramadol administration) and at 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 24, and 30 hours after extubation. Dogs received identical premedication and inhalation anesthesia regimens, including premedication with hydromorphone. If the total pain score was ≥ 9 (maximum possible score of 20), there was a score ≥ 3 in any of 5 behavioral categories (highest score possible per category was 3 or 4), or the visual analog scale (VAS) score was ≥ 35 (maximum possible score of 100) combined with a palpation score > 0, rescue analgesia (hydromorphone) was administered and treatment failure was recorded. No differences were found in age, sex, or baseline pain scores between groups. Significantly more dogs receiving tramadol required rescue analgesia (6/21), compared with dogs receiving carprofen (1/22). Pain and VAS scores decreased linearly over time. No significant differences were found in pain or VAS scores between groups at any time point (dogs were excluded from analysis after rescue). Results of this study suggested that carprofen, with opioid premedication, may provide more effective postoperative analgesia than tramadol in dogs undergoing enucleation.

  5. Ketamina en analgesia multimodal postcesarea


    Monzón Rubio, Eva María


    Mediante la analgesia multimodal influimos en las diferentes vías del dolor a la vez que minimizamos los potenciales efectos adversos de los diferentes fármacos administrados. En el caso del dolor postcesárea esto adquiere un importante matiz debido a la necesidad de disminuir el uso de opioides que pasan a la leche materna en caso de lactancia natural. El uso de dosis subanestésicas de Ketamina ha demostrado en diferentes estudios la disminución de requerimientos de opioides en las primer...

  6. Effects of epidural lidocaine analgesia on labor and delivery: A randomized, prospective, controlled trial

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nafisi Shahram


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Whether epidural analgesia for labor prolongs the active-first and second labor stages and increases the risk of vacuum-assisted delivery is a controversial topic. Our study was conducted to answer the question: does lumbar epidural analgesia with lidocaine affect the progress of labor in our obstetric population? Method 395 healthy, nulliparous women, at term, presented in spontaneous labor with a singleton vertex presentation. These patients were randomized to receive analgesia either, epidural with bolus doses of 1% lidocaine or intravenous, with meperidine 25 to 50 mg when their cervix was dilated to 4 centimeters. The duration of the active-first and second stages of labor and the neonatal apgar scores were recorded, in each patient. The total number of vacuum-assisted and cesarean deliveries were also measured. Results 197 women were randomized to the epidural group. 198 women were randomized to the single-dose intravenous meperidine group. There was no statistical difference in rates of vacuum-assisted delivery rate. Cesarean deliveries, as a consequence of fetal bradycardia or dystocia, did not differ significantly between the groups. Differences in the duration of the active-first and the second stages of labor were not statistically significant. The number of newborns with 1-min and 5-min Apgar scores less than 7, did not differ significantly between both analgesia groups. Conclusion Epidural analgesia with 1% lidocaine does not prolong the active-first and second stages of labor and does not increase vacuum-assisted or cesarean delivery rate.

  7. Epidural analgesia during labor: impact on delivery outcome, neonatal well-being, and early breastfeeding. (United States)

    Gizzo, Salvatore; Di Gangi, Stefania; Saccardi, Carlo; Patrelli, Tito Silvio; Paccagnella, Gianluca; Sansone, Laura; Barbara, Favaron; D'Antona, Donato; Nardelli, Giovanni Battista


    The effect of epidural analgesia on labor and effective breastfeeding is still being debated. The aim of this study is to define its impact on the trend of labor, the newborns' well-being, and early breastfeeding. We considered first-term physiologic pregnant women who delivered by the vaginal route. We divided them into two groups: group A received epidural analgesia during labor, whereas group B received no analgesia. We recorded maternal age, gestational age, modality of delivery, length of labor, and length of active labor. All newborns received skin-to-skin contact; early breastfeeding was encouraged. We recorded data on birth weight and length, Apgar score at minutes 1 and 5, type of crying, neonatal reactivity, and time between birth and exposure to the breast. Statistical significance was considered for panalgesia, and 245 patients agreed to participate in our study. Only 128 patients met inclusion criteria. We randomized them in 64 women in group A and 64 women in group B. Data on maternal age, gestational age, type of delivery, neonatal birth weight and length, and Apgar score showed no significant differences. Total length of labor was 363.58±62.20 minutes in Group A versus 292.30±64.75 minutes in group B (pneonatal parameters we found a statistically significant difference only for length of first breastfeeding, with a mean duration of analgesia has little effect on trend of labor and duration of first breastfeed and none on neonatal outcome. A new protocol of epidural analgesia may solve these side effects.

  8. Are there any strategies to improve neonatal outcomes associated with epidural analgesia in labor? (United States)

    Armani, Marta; Gaggiano, Carla; Dallaglio, Sara; Romanini, Enzo; Sospiri, Carmen; Magnani, Cinzia


    This study was aimed at evaluating the relationship between epidural analgesia and perinatal outcomes and at verifying the advisability of procedural changes in assistance to labor. From January to December 2012, we conducted a retrospective case-control study on 1,963 laboring pregnant women admitted to the Parma University Hospital. We considered two groups: Group 1 received epidural analgesia and Group 2 received no analgesia. Women with elective cesarean sections, multiple pregnancies or deliveries at <34 weeks were excluded. We recorded maternal data (age, type of delivery, obstetric procedures, premature rupture of membranes, screenings for Group-B Streptococcus) and neonatal data (birth weight, gestational age, 1- and 5-minute Apgar scores, diagnosis at discharge). Of the 1,963 laboring women, 287 requested analgesia and 1,676 did not. We found no significant differences between the two groups in the rates of cesarean section, clavicle fracture, and 1-minute Apgar score between 4 and 7. By contrast, we observed a higher rate of instrumental deliveries (p<0.01), fetal occiput posterior position (p<0.05), neonatal cephalohematoma (p=0.01) in Group 1 than in Group 2 . In Group 1 we also found a higher number of newborns with 1-minute Apgar score of 3 or less (p=0.016). In addition, a significantly higher number of women in Group 1 had fever during labor (p=0.003, odds ratio 5.01). Our results suggest that strategies should be activated to overcome or limit the side-effects of analgesia in labor through prospective and multidisciplinary studies. 

  9. Intraoperative local infiltration analgesia for early analgesia after total hip arthroplasty: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lunn, Troels H; Husted, Henrik; Solgaard, Søren


    : High-volume local infiltration analgesia (LIA) is widely applied as part of a multimodal pain management strategy in total hip arthroplasty (THA). However, methodological problems hinder the exact interpretation of previous trials, and the evidence for LIA in THA remains to be clarified....... Therefore, we evaluated whether intraoperative high-volume LIA, in addition to a multimodal oral analgesic regimen, would further reduce acute postoperative pain after THA....

  10. Evaluation of Pain Assessment Techniques and Analgesia Efficacy in a Female Guinea Pig (Cavia porcellus) Model of Surgical Pain (United States)

    Oliver, Vanessa L; Athavale, Stephanie; Simon, Katherine E; Kendall, Lon V; Nemzek, Jean A; Lofgren, Jennifer L


    Guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus) are a frequently used species in research, often involving potentially painful procedures. Therefore, evidence-based recommendations regarding analgesia are critically needed to optimize their wellbeing. Our laboratory examined the efficacy of carprofen and extended-release (ER) buprenorphine, alone and as a multimodal combination, for relieving postsurgical pain in guinea pigs. Animals were assessed by using evoked (mechanical hypersensitivity), nonevoked (video ethogram, cageside ethogram, time-to-consumption test), and clinical (weight loss) measurements for 96 h during baseline, anesthesia–analgesia, and hysterectomy conditions. In addition, ER buprenorphine was evaluated pharmacologically. Guinea pigs treated with a single analgesic showed increased mechanical sensitivity for at least 96 h and indices of pain according to the video ethogram for as long as 8 h, compared with levels recorded during anesthesia–analgesia. In contrast, animals given both analgesics demonstrated increased mechanical sensitivity and behavioral evidence of pain for only 2 h after surgery compared with anesthesia–analgesia. The cageside ethogram and time-to-consumption tests failed to identify differences between conditions or treatment groups, highlighting the difficulty of identifying pain in guinea pigs without remote observation. Guinea pigs treated with multimodal analgesia or ER buprenorphine lost at least 10% of their baseline weights, whereas weight loss in carprofen animals was significantly lower (3%). Plasma levels for ER buprenorphine exceeded 0.9 ng/mL from 8 to 96 h after injection. Of the 3 analgesia regimens evaluated, multimodal analgesia provided the most effective pain control in guinea pigs. However the weight loss in the ER buprenorphine–treated animals may need to be considered during analgesia selection. PMID:28724492

  11. The effect of addition of dexamethasone to levobupivacaine in parturients receiving combined spinal-epidural for analgesia for vaginal delivery

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Amr Samir Wahdan


    Full Text Available Background and Aims: Regional analgesia is commonly used for the relief of labour pain, Prolongation of analgesia can be achieved by adjuvant medications. The aim of this randomised controlled trial was to evaluate the efficacy of intrathecal levobupivacaine with dexamethasone for labour analgesia. Methods: A total of 80 females were included in this study, all were primigravidas undergoing vaginal delivery with cervical dilatation ≥4 cm and 50% or more effacement. Forty females were included randomly in either Group L (received intrathecal levobupivacaine 0.25% in 2 mL or Group LD (received intrathecal levobupivacaine 0.25% combined with dexamethasone 4 mg in 2 mL. The primary outcome was the duration of spinal analgesia. Secondary outcomes included the total dose of epidural local anaesthetic given, time to delivery, neonatal outcome and adverse effects. Results: The duration of spinal analgesia was significantly longer in the LD group compared with L group (80.5 ± 12.4 min vs. 57.1 ± 11.5 min, respectively; P< 0.001. In Group LD compared with Group L, time from spinal analgesia to delivery was significantly lower (317.4 ± 98.9 min vs. 372.4 ± 118.8 min, respectively; P = 0.027, and total epidural levobupivacaine consumption was significantly lower (102.4 ± 34.8 mg vs. 120.1 ± 41.9 mg, respectively; P = 0.027. The two groups were comparable with respect to characteristics of sensory and motor block, haemodynamic parameters, pain scores, neonatal outcome and frequency of adverse effects. Conclusion: Intrathecal dexamethasone plus levobupivacaine prolongs the duration of spinal analgesia during combined spinal-epidural CSE for labour analgesia.

  12. Predicting early epidurals: association of maternal, labor, and neonatal characteristics with epidural analgesia initiation at a cervical dilation of 3 cm or less. (United States)

    Moore, Albert R; Shan, William Li Pi; Hatzakorzian, Roupen


    Retrospective studies have associated early epidural analgesia with cesarean delivery, but prospective studies do not demonstrate a causal relationship. This suggests that there are other variables associated with early epidural analgesia that increase the risk of cesarean delivery. This study was undertaken to determine the characteristics associated with early epidural analgesia initiation. Information about women delivering at 37 weeks or greater gestation with epidural analgesia, who were not scheduled for cesarean delivery, was extracted from the McGill Obstetric and Neonatal Database. Patients were grouped into those who received epidural analgesia at a cervical dilation of ≤3 cm and >3 cm. Univariable and multivariable logistic regression was used to determine the maternal, neonatal, and labor characteristics that increased the risk of inclusion in the early epidural group. Of the 13,119 patients analyzed, multivariable regression demonstrated odds ratios (OR) of 2.568, 5.915 and 10.410 for oxytocin augmentation, induction, and dinoprostone induction of labor (P analgesia (OR 0.780, P analgesia (P neonatal weight (OR 0.943, P analgesia. Labor augmentation and induction, nulliparity, rupture of membranes spontaneously and before labor starts, increasing maternal weight, and decreasing neonatal weight are associated with early epidural analgesia. Many of these variables are also associated with cesarean delivery.

  13. Understanding Central Mechanisms of Acupuncture Analgesia Using Dynamic Quantitative Sensory Testing: A Review

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    Jiang-Ti Kong


    Full Text Available We discuss the emerging translational tools for the study of acupuncture analgesia with a focus on psychophysical methods. The gap between animal mechanistic studies and human clinical trials of acupuncture analgesia calls for effective translational tools that bridge neurophysiological data with meaningful clinical outcomes. Temporal summation (TS and conditioned pain modulation (CPM are two promising tools yet to be widely utilized. These psychophysical measures capture the state of the ascending facilitation and the descending inhibition of nociceptive transmission, respectively. We review the basic concepts and current methodologies underlying these measures in clinical pain research, and illustrate their application to research on acupuncture analgesia. Finally, we highlight the strengths and limitations of these research methods and make recommendations on future directions. The appropriate addition of TS and CPM to our current research armamentarium will facilitate our efforts to elucidate the central analgesic mechanisms of acupuncture in clinical populations.

  14. Intraperitoneal And Incisional Bupivacaine Analgesia For Major Abdominal/Gynecologic Surgery: A Placebocontrolled

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    R. Azarfarin


    Full Text Available Background:Postoperative pain is an important surgical problem. Recent studies in pain pathophysiology have led to the hypothesis that with perioperative administration of analgesics (pre-emptive analgesia it may be possible to prevent or reduce postoperative pain. This study was planned to investigate the efficacy of pre-emptive analgesia on postoperative pain after major gynecologic abdominal surgeries. Methods: In this prospective, double-blinded, randomized, and placebocontrolled trial, 60 ASA physical status I and II patients undergoing major abdominal gynecologic surgeries were randomized to receive 45 mL of bupivacaine 0.375% or 45mL of normal saline; 30 mL and 15 mL of the treatment solution was administered into the peritoneal cavity and incision, respectively, before wound closure. The pain score of the patients was evaluated by the visual analogue scale (VAS on awakening, and at 6, 12, and 24h after surgery. Time to first analgesia request and total analgesic requirements in the first 24h were recorded. Results: Pain scores were significantly higher in the placebo group than in the bupivacaine group on awakening (5.98±1.01 v.s 1.05±1.05; p<0.001, and at 6h after surgery (5.37±0.85 vs. 2.51±1.02; p<0.001. First request to analgesia was significantly longer in the bupivacaine patients than in the placebo group (5.87±3.04 h vs.1.35±0.36; p<0.001.Meperidine consumption over 24h was 96.00 ±17.53 mg in the placebo group compared with 23.28 ±14.89 mg in the bupivacaine patients (p<0.001.Conclusion:A combination of intraperitoneal and incisional bupivacaine infiltration at the end of abdominal gynecologic surgeries reduces postoperative pain on awakening and for 6 hours after surgery, and provides significant opioidsparing analgesia for 24 h after gynecologic abdominal surgeries.

  15. The study of patient controlled analgesia undergoing interventional therapy for gynecology and obstetrics ailment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    She Shouzhang


    Uterine artery embolism is widely used for interventional therapy of gynecology and obstetrics ailment, but immediate incidence of pain occurs in 90% to 100% after uterine artery embolism and postoperative incidence of pain takes place from 80% to 90%. Patient controlled epidural analgesia (PCEA) could be adopted to treat pain with obviously outweighed effects over the traditional drug regimen or patient intravenous analgesia during the period of interventional therapy of uterine artery embolization. PCEA possesses good effect of analgesia and less adverse reaction and furthermore could eliminate or lessen the sufferings of patient and thus improve rehabilitation quality. Adding droperidol (0.005%) into the preparation of PCEA could decrease adverse effect incidence of nausea and vomiting; so it deserves recommendation for extending application in clinical interventional therapy. (authors)

  16. Hypnotizability and Placebo Analgesia in Waking and Hypnosis as Modulators of Auditory Startle Responses in Healthy Women: An ERP Study. (United States)

    De Pascalis, Vilfredo; Scacchia, Paolo


    We evaluated the influence of hypnotizability, pain expectation, placebo analgesia in waking and hypnosis on tonic pain relief. We also investigated how placebo analgesia affects somatic responses (eye blink) and N100 and P200 waves of event-related potentials (ERPs) elicited by auditory startle probes. Although expectation plays an important role in placebo and hypnotic analgesia, the neural mechanisms underlying these treatments are still poorly understood. We used the cold cup test (CCT) to induce tonic pain in 53 healthy women. Placebo analgesia was initially produced by manipulation, in which the intensity of pain induced by the CCT was surreptitiously reduced after the administration of a sham analgesic cream. Participants were then tested in waking and hypnosis under three treatments: (1) resting (Baseline); (2) CCT-alone (Pain); and (3) CCT plus placebo cream for pain relief (Placebo). For each painful treatment, we assessed pain and distress ratings, eye blink responses, N100 and P200 amplitudes. We used LORETA analysis of N100 and P200 waves, as elicited by auditory startle, to identify cortical regions sensitive to pain reduction through placebo and hypnotic analgesia. Higher pain expectation was associated with higher pain reductions. In highly hypnotizable participants placebo treatment produced significant reductions of pain and distress perception in both waking and hypnosis condition. P200 wave, during placebo analgesia, was larger in the frontal left hemisphere while placebo analgesia, during hypnosis, involved the activity of the left hemisphere including the occipital region. These findings demonstrate that hypnosis and placebo analgesia are different processes of top-down regulation. Pain reduction was associated with larger EMG startle amplitudes, N100 and P200 responses, and enhanced activity within the frontal, parietal, and anterior and posterior cingulate gyres. LORETA results showed that placebo analgesia modulated pain-responsive areas

  17. Involvement of spinal orexin A in the electroacupuncture analgesia in a rat model of post-laparotomy pain

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    Feng Xiao-Ming


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Orexin A (OXA, hypocretin/hcrt 1 is a newly discovered potential analgesic substance. However, whether OXA is involved in acupuncture analgesia remains unknown. The present study was designed to investigate the involvement of spinal OXA in electroacupuncture (EA analgesia. Methods A modified rat model of post-laparotomy pain was adopted and evaluated. Von Frey filaments were used to measure mechanical allodynia of the hind paw and abdomen. EA at 2/15 Hz or 2/100 Hz was performed once on the bilateral ST36 and SP6 for 30 min perioperatively. SB-334867, a selective orexin 1 receptor (OX1R antagonist with a higher affinity for OXA than OXB, was intrathecally injected to observe its effect on EA analgesia. Results OXA at 0.3 nmol and EA at 2/15 Hz produced respective analgesic effects on the model (P0.05. In addition, naloxone, a selective opioid receptor antagonist, failed to antagonize OXA-induced analgesia (P>0.05. Conclusions The results of the present study indicate the involvement of OXA in EA analgesia via OX1R in an opioid-independent way.

  18. Intrathecal isobaric ropivacaine-fentanyl versus intrathecal isobaric bupivacaine-fentanyl for labor analgesia: A controlled comparative double-blinded study

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    Meenoti Pramod Potdar


    Full Text Available Context: Neuraxial analgesia and walking epidural is the popular method of practicing labor analgesia. The combination of local anesthetic and opioid is advantageous as it prolongs the duration of labor analgesia. Ropivacaine is the newer local anesthetic agent having lesser motor effects and toxic effects hence would be preferred for labor analgesia. Aims: The primary objective of the study was to assess the duration of analgesia of the intrathecal drug. The secondary objective was the assessment of onset, fixation of analgesia, motor weakness, ambulation, sedation, incidence of side-effects, maternal, and neonatal outcomes. Settings and Design: This is prospective, randomized, controlled, double-blinded, study of 120 patients consenting for labor analgesia. Subjects and Methods: A total of 120 primiparas with a singleton pregnancy in active labor who were given combined spinal epidural (CSE were included in the study. These patients were randomly allocated to three groups of 40 each and received CSE. Group F-received 25 μcg fentanyl intrathecally. Group BF-received 25 μcg fentanyl with 2.5 mg isobaric bupivacaine intrathecally. Group RF-received 25 μcg fentanyl with 2.5 mg isobaric ropivacaine intrathecally. Statistical Analysis Used: Correlations among different measurements were assessed using Pearson′s correlation coefficients, P <0.05 was considered to be statistically significant. Results: The three groups show comparable demographic data and obstetric parameters. The duration of spinal analgesia was significantly greater with Group RF 106.63 ± 17.99 min and Group BF 111.75 ± 23.58 min than the control Group F which was 60 ± 10.39 min with P = 0.001, but were comparable for Group BF and RF. The secondary outcome was comparable in all the three groups. Conclusions: The addition of bupivacaine or ropivacaine to fentanyl intrathecally increased duration and quality of analgesia, did not affect ambulation and bearing down. The

  19. Comparison of bupivacaine, ropivacaine and levobupivacaine with sufentanil for patient-controlled epidural analgesia during labor: a randomized clinical trial

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    WANG Li-zhong; CHANG Xiang-yang; LIU Xia; HU Xiao-xia; TANG Bei-lei


    Background Ropivacaine and levobupivacaine have been introduced into obstetric analgesic practice with the proposed advantages of causing less motor block and toxicity compared with bupivacaine. However, it is still controversial whether both anesthetics are associated with any clinical benefit relative to bupivacaine for labor analgesia. This study aimed to compare the analgesic efficacy, motor block and side effects of bupivacaine, ropivacaine and levobupivacaine at lower concentrations for patient-controlled epidural labor analgesia. Methods Four hundred and fifty nulliparous parturients were enrolled in this randomized clinical trial. A concentration of 0.05%, 0.075%, 0.1%, 0.125% or 0.15% of either bupivacaine (Group B), ropivacaine (Group R) or levobupivacaine (Group L) with sufentanil 0.5 μg/ml was epidurally administered by patient-controlled analgesia mode. Effective analgesia was defined as a visual analogue scale score was ≤30 mm. The relative median potency for each local anesthetic was calculated using a probit regression model. Parturients demographics, sensory and motor blockade, obstetric data, maternal side effects, hourly volumes of local anesthetic used, and others were also noted. Results There were no significant differences among groups in the numbers of effective analgesia, pain scores, hourly local anesthetic amount used, sensory and motor blockade, labor duration and mode of delivery, side effects and maternal satisfaction (P >0.05). The relative median potency was bupivacaine/ropivacaine: 0.828 (0.602-1.091), bupivacaine/levobupivacaine: 0.845 (0.617-1.12), ropivacaine/levobupivacaine: 1.021 (0.774-1.354), respectively. However, a significantly less number of effective analgesia and higher hourly local anesthetic use were observed in the concentration of 0.05% than those of ≥0.1% within each group (P<0.05). Conclusions Using patient-controlled epidural analgesia, lower concentrations of bupivacaine, ropivacaine and levobupivacaine

  20. Analgesia obstétrica farmacológica: um estudo sobre os desfechos obstétricos e neonatais

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    Ruanna Lorna Vieira Fernandes


    Full Text Available Objective: to investigate the association between pharmacological obstetric analgesia and obstetric and neonatal outcomes. Methods: it was a retrospective case-control study conducted with 393 pregnant women comprising 131 cases of pharmacological obstetric analgesia and 262 controls that did not perform this procedure. The sociodemographic and obstetric profile, the circumstances of parturient admission, obstetrical decisions, and obstetric and neonatal outcomes were investigated. Results: pregnant women submitted to pharmacological analgesia during labor presented an increased risk for the use of exogenous oxytocin (p<0.001, episiotomy (p=0.001, Kristeller maneuver (p=0.036, and forceps (p=0.004. Conclusion: pharmacological analgesia does not increase the risk of spontaneous perineal tear, abdominal delivery, and hospitalization in neonatal unit. Nevertheless, it influences the increased risk of synthetic oxytocin use, Kristeller maneuver, episiotomy, forceps, and the occurrence of lower first-minute Apgar scores.

  1. [The influence of patient-controlled epidural analgesia on labor progress and neonatal outcome]. (United States)

    Rzepka, Rafał; Zukowski, Maciej; Michalczyk, Michał; Nikodemski, Tomasz; Torbé, Andrzej; Kwiatkowski, Sebastian; Mikołajek-Bedner, Wioletta; Czajka, Ryszard


    The aim of the study was to check the influence of patient control epidural analgesia on labor progress and neonatal outcome. 144 parturients were included into the clinical trial. In 73 cases patient control epidural analgesia was used and in 71 cases pethidine (meperidine) solution was given intravenously. Apgar score, umbilical artery pH, pain intensity the time of the first, second and third stage of labor the rate of episiotomy and uterine postpartum abrasions and the rate of caesarean sections and vaginal operative delivery were compared. The time of the second stage of labor was significantly longer in the study group (40.99 vs 26.49 min, p- neonatal outcome was comparable in both groups. There were no differences in the time of the first and the second stage of labor in primiparas and multiparas analyzed separately. Visual Analogue Score was lower in the study group (Ch(2)-12,48, p-0.25), especially in the subgroups of primiparas and multiparas. Patient control epidural analgesia does not affect the time of the first and second stage of labor, oxytocin augmentation of labor may be the reason of that. This method is a more effective way of relieving labor pain. An increase of operative delivery is not observed after patient control epidural analgesia on condition that low doses and concentrations of analgesic drugs are used.

  2. Retrospective study of the association between epidural analgesia during labour and complications for the newborn. (United States)

    Herrera-Gómez, A; García-Martínez, O; Ramos-Torrecillas, J; De Luna-Bertos, E; Ruiz, C; Ocaña-Peinado, F M


    our objective was to determine the association between epidural analgesia and different variables. the effect on newborns of epidural analgesia administered to the mother during labour remains under debate. this association was retrospectively investigated in a cohort of 2399 children born in a Spanish public hospital. Only full-term (>37 weeks of gestation) deliveries were included. Other exclusion criteria were: induced delivery (medical or obstetric indication), elective caesarean section, or the presence of an important pregnancy risk factors (hypertension, diabetes, severe disease, toxaemia, retarded intrauterine growth, chronologically prolonged pregnancy, prolonged membrane rupture (>24 hours), oligoamnios, or polyhydramnios). The Mann-Whitney U test and Fisher׳s exact test were applied to determine the relationship between variables. Apgar index values at one minute and five minutes were slightly but significantly lower in neonates whose mothers had received epidural analgesia. Neonatal intensive care unit admission was significantly more frequent in the epidural versus non-epidural group. Resuscitation was significantly more frequent in the epidural versus non-epidural group. Early breast feeding onset was more frequent in the non-epidural group. The adverse effect of epidural analgesia on early lactation remained significant after adjusting for NICU admission and the need for resuscitation in a logistic regression analysis. Epidural analgesia may have adverse effects on newborns, although the risks are low, and further research is required to elucidate the causal nature of this relationship. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  3. Comparison of dural puncture epidural technique versus conventional epidural technique for labor analgesia in primigravida

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    Pritam Yadav


    Full Text Available >Background: Dural puncture epidural (DPE is a method in which a dural hole is created prior to epidural injection. This study was planned to evaluate whether dural puncture improves onset and duration of labor analgesia when compared to conventional epidural technique.Methods and Materials: Sixty term primigravida parturients of ASA grade I and II were randomly assigned to two groups of 30 each (Group E for conventional epidural and Group DE for dural puncture epidural. In group E, epidural space was identified and 18-gauge multi-orifice catheter was threaded 5 cm into the epidural space. In group DE, dura was punctured using the combines spinal epidural (CSE spinal needle and epidural catheter threaded as in group E followed by 10 ml of injection of Ropivacaine (0.2% with 20 mcg of Fentanyl (2 mcg/ml in fractions of 2.5 ml. Later, Ropivacaine 10 ml was given as a top-up on patient request. Onset, visual analouge scale (VAS, sensory and motor block, haemodynamic variables, duration of analgesia of initial dose were noted along with mode of delivery and the neonatal outcome.Results: Six parturients in group DE achieved adequate analgesia in 5 minutes while none of those in group E (P 0.05.Conclusions: Both techniques of labor analgesia are efficacious; dural puncture epidural has the potential to fasten onset and improve quality of labor analgesia when compared with conventional epidural technique.

  4. Sedation and analgesia practices in neonatal intensive care units (EUROPAIN): results from a prospective cohort study

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Carbajal, Ricardo; Eriksson, Mats; Courtois, Emilie; Boyle, Elaine; Avila-Alvarez, Alejandro; Andersen, Randi Dovland; Sarafidis, Kosmas; Polkki, Tarja; Matos, Cristina; Lago, Paola; Papadouri, Thalia; Montalto, Simon Attard; Ilmoja, Mari-Liis; Simons, Sinno; Tameliene, Rasa; van Overmeire, Bart; Berger, Angelika; Dobrzanska, Anna; Schroth, Michael; Bergqvist, Lena; Lagercrantz, Hugo; Anand, Kanwaljeet J. S.; Kiechl-Kohlendorfer, Ursula; Trinkl, Anna; Deindl, Philipp; Wald, Martin; Rigo, Vincent; Dussart, Anneliese; Dierckx, Elke; Coppens, Sophie; Kiilsapaa, Birgit; Metsvaht, Tuuli; Metsäranta, Marjo; Nikolajev, Kari; Saarela, Timo; Peltoniemi, Outi; Tammela, Outi; Lehtonen, Liisa; Savagner, Christophe; Sevestre, Anna; Alexandre, Cénéric; Bouchon-Guedj, Nathalie; Saumureau, Simone; Grosse, Camille; Jouvencel, Philippe; Ramful, Duksha; Clamadieu, Catherine; Mourdie, Julien; Montcho, Yannis; Cambonie, Gilles; Di Maio, Massimo; Patural, Hugues; Asrtuc, Dominique; Norbert, Karine; Bouchera, Kassis; Lang, Mathieu; Galene Gromez, Sophie; Hamon, Isabelle; Nolent, Paul; Ntwari, René-Christian; Lallemant, Carine; Chary Tardy, Anne Cécile; Pelluau, Sonia; Roue, Jean Michel; Picaud, Jean Charles; Camelio, Aurélie; Tourneux, Pierre; Saint-Faust, Marie; Morville, Patrice; David, Alexandra; Theret, Bernard; Frédérique, Martin; Topf, Georg; Menendez-Castro, Ricardo; Fujiwara-Pichler, Erhard; Deeg, Karl Heinz; Anatolitou, Fani; Baroutis, George; Papazafeiratou, Chrissoulan; Giannakopoulou, Christine; Baltogianni, Maria; Delivoria, Varvara; Sterpi, Magdalena; Saklamaki-Kontou, Melpomeni; Dimitriou, Gabriel; Charitou, Antonia; Thomaidou, Agathi; Chatziioannidis, Ilias; Salvanos, Iraklis; Pirelli, Anna; Poggiani, Carlo; Fasolato, Valeria; Cristofori, Gloria; Gomirato, Serena; Allegro, Antonella; Alfiero, Michela; Biban, Paolo; Bertolini, Alessandra; Golin, Rosanna; Franco, Elena; Molinaro, Grazia; Federica, Visintini; Rossini, Roberto; Garetti, Elisabetta; Faraoni, Maddalena; Dani, Carlo; Germini, Cristina; Braguglia, Annabella; Benigni, Gina; Azzali, Adriano; Santa, Barresi; Romoli, Raffaella; Carrera, Giuseppe; Miria, Natile; Savant, Patrizia; Cossu, Maria Antonia; Giancarlo, Gargano; Cassar, Robert; Bos, Annelis; van Kaam, Anton; Brouwer, Mieke; van Lingen, Richard; Bambang Oetomo, Sidarto; Sivertsen, Wiebke; Nakstad, Britt; Solhjell, Kari; Flagstad, Gro; Salvesen, Bodil; Nessestrand, Ingunn A. M.; Nordhov, Marianne; Anderssen, Sven-Harald; Wasland, Kristin; Danielsen, Kåre; Kristoffersen, Laila Marie; Ytterdahl Bergland, Unni; Borghild Stornes, Randi; Andresen, Jannicke; Solberg, Rønnaug; Hochnowski, Kristoffer; Terpinska, Ewa; Kociszewska-Najman, Bozena; Melka, Andrzej; Głuszczak, Ewa; Niezgoda, Anna; Borszewska-Kornacka, Maria Katarzyna; Witwicki, Jacek M.; Korbal, Piotr; Ramos, Helena; Garcia, Pedro; Machado, Cidália; Clemente, Fátima; Costa, Miguel; Trindade, Cristina; Salazar, Anabela; Martins Barroso, Laura; Resende, Cristine; Afonso, Maria Eulàlia; Torres, Jacinto; Maciel, Paula; Nunes, José Luis; Neve Dos Santos, Vera Alexandra; Melgar Bonis, Ana; Euba Lopez, Aintzane; Tapia Collados, Caridad; Jesus Ripalda, María; Solis Sanchez, Gonzalo; Martin Parra, Belén; Botet, Francesc; Fernandez Trisac, Jose Luis; Elorza Fernandez, María Dolores; Arriaga Redondo, María; Bargallo Ailagas, Eva; Saenz, Pilar; Lopez Ortego, Paloma; Ventura, Purificación; Galve, Zenaida; Perez Ocon, Amaya; Crespo Suarez, Pilar; Dianez Vega, Gloria; San Feliciano, Laura; Herranz Carillo, Gloria; Esteban Diez, Inés; Reyné, Mar; Garcia Borau, María José; de Las Cuevas, Isabel; Couce, María L.; González Carrasco, Ersilia; Montoro Exposito, Aurora; Concheiro Guisan, Ana; Luna Lagares, Salud; Sanchez Redondo, Maria Dolores; Hellström Westas, Lena; Moren, Stefan; Norman, Elisabeth; Olsson, Emma; Åberg, Emma; Printz, Gordana; Turner, Mark; McBride, Tim; Bomont, Robert; Webb, Delyth; Saladi, Murthy; Thirumurugan, Arumugavelu; Brooke, Nigel; Skene, Caryl; Bilolikar, Harsha; Noble, Vibert; Vora, Amish; Thompson, Fiona; Deorukhkar, Anjum; El-Refee, Sherif; McIntyre, John; Millman, Guy; Reed, Joanne; Babirecki, Matthew; Kumar, Dev; Yadav, Mahesh; O'Brien, Margaret; Gasiorowski, Edward Robert; Rawlingson, Chris; Shastri, Aravind; Tibby, Shane; Walsh, Sandra; Azzopardi, Denis; Soe, Aung; MaCrae, Duncan; Eyre, Elizabeth; Menon, Gopi; Gupta, Samir; James, Anitha; Surana, Pinki; Adams, Eleri; Wolf, Andrew; Maxwell, Nicola; Wagstaff, Miles; Mann, Rebecca; Kumar, Yadlapalli; Quinn, Michael; Jones Dyson, Steve; Mannix, Paul; Morris, Kevin; Ewer, Andrew; Gurusamy, Kalyana; Deshpande, Sanjeev; Alexander, John; Blake, Kathryn; Kumar, Siva; Oddie, Sam; Ohadike, Pamela; McKechnie, Liz; Gibson, David; Shirsalkar, Anand; Suryanarayanan, Balaji; Hubbard, Marie; Lal, Mithilesh; Ali, Imdad; Shah, Divyen; Sketchley, Suzanne; Gupta, Richa; Schofield, Joanne; Ezzat, Medhat; Mupanemunda, Richard; Gallagher, Andrew; Kronsberg, Shari


    Background Neonates who are in pain or are stressed during care in the intensive care unit (ICU) are often given sedation or analgesia. We investigated the current use of sedation or analgesia in neonatal ICUs (NICUs) in European countries. Methods EUROPAIN (EUROpean Pain Audit In Neonates) was a

  5. Improving postoperative tonsillectomy pain management in children--a double blinded randomised control trial of a patient analgesia information sheet. (United States)

    Bailey, Lucas; Sun, Jing; Courtney, Mark; Murphy, Paul


    To evaluate paediatric post-tonsillectomy pain management using oxycodone when a specific analgesia information sheet is included with standard postoperative information. Oxycodone information sheets were randomly allocated to half the study children's post-tonsillectomy information pack. The trial was double-blinded to the surgeon, anaesthetist, nursing and administrative staff. Parents and children completed the pain assessment on day 3, 5 and 7. On day 10 the parents completed a questionnaire. A postoperative analgesia information sheet provides for higher satisfaction and knowledge for parents using oxycodone (psheet, most significantly at day 3 and 7 post operatively (psheets are useful in education and use of postoperative analgesia. The primary objective to explore the efficacy of the information sheet has proved to be successful in this setting. Given risks of opioid analgesia, it is recommended that postoperative information sheets be given to all parents, to provide for improved analgesia control and safe management of children in the postoperative period. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  6. N-Acetyl-cysteine causes analgesia by reinforcing the endogenous activation of type-2 metabotropic glutamate receptors

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    Bernabucci Matteo


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Pharmacological activation of type-2 metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGlu2 receptors causes analgesia in experimental models of inflammatory and neuropathic pain. Presynaptic mGlu2 receptors are activated by the glutamate released from astrocytes by means of the cystine/glutamate antiporter (System xc- or Sxc-. We examined the analgesic activity of the Sxc- activator, N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC, in mice developing inflammatory or neuropathic pain. Results A single injection of NAC (100 mg/kg, i.p. reduced nocifensive behavior in the second phase of the formalin test. NAC-induced analgesia was abrogated by the Sxc- inhibitor, sulphasalazine (8 mg/kg, i.p. or by the mGlu2/3 receptor antagonist, LY341495 (1 mg/kg, i.p.. NAC still caused analgesia in mGlu3−/− mice, but was inactive in mGlu2−/− mice. In wild-type mice, NAC retained the analgesic activity in the formalin test when injected daily for 7 days, indicating the lack of tolerance. Both single and repeated injections of NAC also caused analgesia in the complete Freund’s adjuvant (CFA model of chronic inflammatory pain, and, again, analgesia was abolished by LY341495. Data obtained in mice developing neuropathic pain in response to chronic constriction injury (CCI of the sciatic nerve were divergent. In this model, a single injection of NAC caused analgesia that was reversed by LY341495, whereas repeated injections of NAC were ineffective. Thus, tolerance to NAC-induced analgesia developed in the CCI model, but not in models of inflammatory pain. The CFA and CCI models differed with respect to the expression levels of xCT (the catalytic subunit of Sxc- and activator of G-protein signaling type-3 (AGS3 in the dorsal portion of the lumbar spinal cord. CFA-treated mice showed no change in either protein, whereas CCI mice showed an ipislateral reduction in xCT levels and a bilateral increase in AGS3 levels in the spinal cord. Conclusions These data demonstrate that

  7. Molecular and cellular mechanisms of the age-dependency of opioid analgesia and tolerance

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    Zhao Jing


    Full Text Available Abstract The age-dependency of opioid analgesia and tolerance has been noticed in both clinical observation and laboratory studies. Evidence shows that many molecular and cellular events that play essential roles in opioid analgesia and tolerance are actually age-dependent. For example, the expression and functions of endogenous opioid peptides, multiple types of opioid receptors, G protein subunits that couple to opioid receptors, and regulators of G protein signaling (RGS proteins change with development and age. Other signaling systems that are critical to opioid tolerance development, such as N-methyl-D-aspartic acid (NMDA receptors, also undergo age-related changes. It is plausible that the age-dependent expression and functions of molecules within and related to the opioid signaling pathways, as well as age-dependent cellular activity such as agonist-induced opioid receptor internalization and desensitization, eventually lead to significant age-dependent changes in opioid analgesia and tolerance development.

  8. Caudal analgesia for herniotomy: Comparative evaluation of two ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Objective: There is currently a wide range of volume schemes for bupivacaine caudal anesthesia. This study evaluated the quality of caudal analgesia achieved with a dosing scheme of 0.75 ml/kg compared with 0.5 ml/kg of 0.25% plain bupivacaine for herniotomy. Methods: After the institutional approval, American Society ...

  9. Prehospital Use of Ketamine in Battlefield Analgesia (United States)


    Breathing a. In a casualty with progressive respiratory distress and known or suspected torso trauma , consider a tension pneumothorax and... pneumothorax and decompress the chest on the side of the injury with a 14-gauge, 3.25 inch needle/catheter unit inserted in the second...Military Advanced Regional Anesthesia and Analgesia Handbook, U.S. Special Operations Command Tactical Trauma Protocols (since 2008), Army Ranger Medic

  10. Side effects of pain and analgesia in animal experimentation. (United States)

    Jirkof, Paulin


    This review highlights selected effects of untreated pain and of widely used analgesics such as opioids, non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs and antipyretics, to illustrate the relevance of carefully planned, appropriate and controlled analgesia for greater reproducibility in animal experiments involving laboratory rodents.

  11. Effects of Intrathecal Clonidine on Spinal Analgesia during Elective Cesarean Delivery: A Randomized Double Blind Clinical Trial

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    Houshang Talebi


    Full Text Available In order To investigate the effect of addition of clonidine to lidocaine on duration of spinal analgesia and need for postoperative analgesics after Caesarean section delivery, this randomized case-controlled double-blind clinical trial was designed and conducted. 166 eligible women were randomly allocated to either case or control group (n=83, Spinal anesthesia was done by 75-100 mg lidocaine 0.5% in control group and by 75-100 mg lidocaine 0.5% plus 75µg clonidine in case group. Onset of analgesia, Blood pressure, Hypotension, Bradycardia, and Neonates Apgar scores were recorded during surgery. After surgery, duration of sensory and motor functions, Intensity of post-operative nausea and vomiting, Total analgesic consumption and time to first analgesic request were assessed. Data were analyzed by SPSS and an alpha level < 0.05 was considered to be statistically significant. Onset of analgesia, Duration of Motor and sensory block, mothers’ systolic blood pressure and pulse rate in different recorded times, and Total Analgesic consumption in case group showed a statically significant difference in comparison to the control group. Analgesia demanding, Time of first request for analgesics, Intensity of Nauseas and vomiting, Apgar score showed no significant difference. We have demonstrated that addition of 75 µg clonidine to lidocaine extends spinal analgesia along with sensory and motor block after Caesarean section and improves early analgesia without clinically significant maternal or neonatal side-effects. This single 75 µg intrathecal clonidine dose also reduced the amount of subsequent analgesic consumption during the first 12 hours after delivery.

  12. Acupuncture analgesia: The complementary pain management in dentistry

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    Abdurachman Abdurachman


    Full Text Available Background: Pain is the most common reason for medical consultation in the United States. Pain is a major symptom in many medical conditions, and can significantly interfere with a person’s quality of life and general functioning. One of the very unpleasant pain is toothache. Conventional treatments for toothache are improving oral hygiene, prescribing analgesics, anti-inflammatory, and also antibiotics if there are infection even extractions are performed if necessary. Another way to conventional approaches, patients may consider acupuncture method. Acupuncture involves the insertion of needles with the width of a human hair along the precise points throughout the body. This process triggers body’s energy normal flow through extra anatomy pathway called meridian. Purpose: This case report is aimed to emphasize the existence of teeth-organ relationships through communication channels outside the lines of communication that has been known in anatomy. Case: Two patients with toothache complaints in the lower right molars came to an acupuncturist who was a medical practitioner. In these cases pain were relieved by acupuncture analgesia. Case management: Two patients were subjected to acupuncture analgesia with different acupuncture points that were customized to the affected tooth, case 1 with the large intestine-4 (Li-4 which located in the hand and case 2 with bladder-25 (Bl-25 which located in the back of the body. Ninety percent of pain was relieved in 40 seconds. Conclusion: Pain in toothache can be relieved using acupuncture analgesia technique, using meridian as an extra anatomy pathway. Nevertheless, treating the source of pain by dental practitioner is mandatory.Latar belakang: Nyeri adalah alasan paling umum yang menyebabkan orang datang berkonsultasi kepada profesional medis di Amerika Serikat. Nyeri merupakan gejala utama dalam kasus medis, dan dapat mengganggu kualitas hidup dan kegiatan umum seseorang secara signifikan. Salah satu

  13. Infección del sitio quirúrgico: comparación de dos técnicas quirúrgicas.

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    Luis Fuertes Astocóndor


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar la frecuencia y los factores asociados a la infección del sitio (ISQ comparando dos técnicas quirúrgicas diferentes en pacientes colecistectomizados. Material y métodos: Estudio cohorte prospectivo. Se incluyeron 62 casos en el grupo de expuestos a laparotomía y 95 casos en el grupo de no expuestos a laparotomía (pero si expuestos a laparoscopia. La muestra que fue calculada con el programa EPIINFO con un nivel de confianza (1- de 95% y un potencial (1- de 80%. Los pacientes fueron comparables en edad y sexo. Resultados: La mayoría de los pacientes estuvieron entre 26 y 65 años, el 77,42% en el grupo de laparotomía, y 74,% en el grupo de laparoscopia fueron mujeres. La frecuencia de ISQ con laparotomía fue 11,29% y con laparoscopía 4,21%, p: (0,089. En el grupo de laparotomía, la hospitalización en el servicio A tuvo RR: 10,498, IC: 1,178 - 99,52, (p= 0,035. En el grupo de laparoscopia la obesidad tuvo RR: 22,591, Ic: 1,316 - 387,835, (p= 0,082, la estancia postoperatoria mayor a 4 días tuvo RR: 29,201, Ic: 1,217- 700,51, (p= 0,037. Conclusiones: La diferencia en la frecuencia de ISQ en ambos grupos no fue significativa. Los factores asociados con ISQ en laparotomía fue la hospitalización en el servicio "A" y en la laparoscopia fue la obesidad y la estancia postoperatoria mayor a 4 días.(Rev Med Hered 2009;20:22-30.

  14. Clonidine versus sufentanil as an adjuvant to ropivacaine in patient-controlled epidural labour analgesia: A randomised double-blind trial. (United States)

    Roelants, Fabienne; Lavand'homme, Patricia


    Adjuvants to local anaesthetics for epidural labour analgesia are useful if they reduce side-effects or personnel requirements. Epidural clonidine improves analgesia and provides a significant local anaesthetic-sparing effect. To compare the number of rescue doses administered by the anaesthesiologist when clonidine or sufentanil is added to epidural ropivacaine. A randomised double-blind trial. Cliniques Universitaires Saint-Luc, Université Catholique de Louvain, Brussels, Belgium, from June 2009 to June 2010. One hundred and ninety-five women in labour. Epidural analgesia initiated with 10 ml ropivacaine 0.1%, women randomised to receive patient-controlled epidural analgesia (5 ml demand bolus, 15 min lockout) with ropivacaine 0.1% and sufentanil 0.25 μg ml⁻¹ (RS group; n = 65), or ropivacaine 0.1% and clonidine 1.5 μg ml⁻¹ (RC1.5 group; n = 65) or ropivacaine 0.1% and clonidine 3 μg ml⁻¹ (RC3 group; n = 65). Rescue analgesia was available as needed – 10 ml ropivacaine 0.1% (numerical rating scale neonatal outcomes were similar among the groups. Compared with sufentanil 0.25 μg ml⁻¹, addition of clonidine (1.5 to 3 μg ml⁻¹) to patient-controlled epidural analgesia with ropivacaine 0.1% provided similar labour analgesia and a similar need for anaesthesiologist-administered rescue doses. Clonidine 3 μg ml⁻¹ did not offer any advantage over clonidine 1.5 μg ml⁻¹. The instrumentation rate was higher in both the clonidine groups.

  15. Acupuncture Anesthesia and Analgesia for Clinical Acute Pain in Japan

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    Reina Taguchi


    Full Text Available Acupuncture anesthesia has been practiced in China since about 1960. In Japan, Hyodo reported 30 cases of acupuncture anesthesia in 1972. However, from around 1980, the direction of acupuncture investigations turned from anesthesia to analgesia. Acupuncture analgesia is presently considered a way to activate the body's endogenous analgesic system. Recently, with the rise of acupuncture as one of the most well known CAM therapies, acupuncture or moxibustion treatment has been reported for both acute and chronic pain. Even so, few clinical reports and original articles have been reported in Japan. This review illustrates how acupuncture is being used in Japan for acute pain such as surgical operations, post- operative pain (POP, neuropathic pain, pain associated with teeth extractions and after the extraction of impacted wisdom teeth.

  16. Comparison of efficacy of bupivacaine and fentanyl with bupivacaine and sufentanil for epidural labor analgesia

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    Kalra Sumit


    Full Text Available Objectives: A study to compare the efficacy between fentanyl and sufentanil combined with low concentration (0.0625% of bupivacaine for epidural labor analgesia in laboring women. Materials and Methods: Fifty full term parturients received an initial bolus dose of a 10 ml solution containing 0.125% bupivacaine. The patients were randomly divided into two: group F received 0.0625% bupivacaine with 2.5 mcg/ml fentanyl and group S received 0.0625% bupivacaine with 0.25 mcg/ml sufentanil. Verbal analogue pain scores, need of supplementary/rescue boluses dose of bupivacaine consumed, mode of delivery, maternal satisfaction, and neonatal Apgar scores were recorded. No significant difference was observed between both groups. Results: Both the groups provided equivalent labor analgesia and maternal satisfaction. The chances of cesarean delivery were also not increased in any group. No difference in the cephalad extent of sensory analgesia, motor block or neonatal Apgar score were observed. Although mean pain scores throughout the labor and delivery were similar in both groups, more patients in fentanyl group required supplementary boluses though not statistically significant. Conclusion: We conclude that both 0.0625% bupivacaine-fentanyl (2.5 μg/ml and 0.0625% bupivacaine-sufentanil (0.25 μg/ml were equally effective by continuous epidural infusion in providing labor analgesia with hemodynamic stability achieving equivalent maternal satisfaction without serious maternal or fetal side effects. We found that sufentanil was 10 times more potent than fentanyl as an analgesic for continuous epidural labor analgesia.

  17. Reduction of opioid withdrawal and potentiation of acute opioid analgesia by systemic AV411 (ibudilast). (United States)

    Hutchinson, Mark R; Lewis, Susannah S; Coats, Benjamen D; Skyba, David A; Crysdale, Nicole Y; Berkelhammer, Debra L; Brzeski, Anita; Northcutt, Alexis; Vietz, Christine M; Judd, Charles M; Maier, Steven F; Watkins, Linda R; Johnson, Kirk W


    Morphine-induced glial proinflammatory responses have been documented to contribute to tolerance to opioid analgesia. Here, we examined whether drugs previously shown to suppress glial proinflammatory responses can alter other clinically relevant opioid effects; namely, withdrawal or acute analgesia. AV411 (ibudilast) and minocycline, drugs with distinct mechanisms of action that result in attenuation of glial proinflammatory responses, each reduced naloxone-precipitated withdrawal. Analysis of brain nuclei associated with opioid withdrawal revealed that morphine altered expression of glial activation markers, cytokines, chemokines, and a neurotrophic factor. AV411 attenuated many of these morphine-induced effects. AV411 also protected against spontaneous withdrawal-induced hyperactivity and weight loss recorded across a 12-day timecourse. Notably, in the spontaneous withdrawal study, AV411 treatment was delayed relative to the start of the morphine regimen so to also test whether AV411 could still be effective in the face of established morphine dependence, which it was. AV411 did not simply attenuate all opioid effects, as co-administering AV411 with morphine or oxycodone caused three-to-five-fold increases in acute analgesic potency, as revealed by leftward shifts in the analgesic dose response curves. Timecourse analyses revealed that plasma morphine levels were not altered by AV411, suggestive that potentiated analgesia was not simply due to prolongation of morphine exposure or increased plasma concentrations. These data support and extend similar potentiation of acute opioid analgesia by minocycline, again providing converging lines of evidence of glial involvement. Hence, suppression of glial proinflammatory responses can significantly reduce opioid withdrawal, while improving analgesia.

  18. Frequency of colonization and isolated bacteria from the tip of epidural catheter implanted for postoperative analgesia. (United States)

    Stabille, Débora Miranda Diogo; Diogo Filho, Augusto; Mandim, Beatriz Lemos da Silva; de Araújo, Lúcio Borges; Mesquita, Priscila Miranda Diogo; Jorge, Miguel Tanús


    The increased use of epidural analgesia with catheter leads to the need to demonstrate the safety of this method and know the incidence of catheter colonization, inserted postoperatively for epidural analgesia, and the bacteria responsible for this colonization. From November 2011 to April 2012, patients electively operated and maintained under epidural catheter for postoperative analgesia were evaluated. The catheter tip was collected for semiquantitative and qualitative microbiological analysis. Of 68 cultured catheters, six tips (8.8%) had positive cultures. No patient had superficial or deep infection. The mean duration of catheter use was 43.45 h (18-118) (p=0.0894). The type of surgery (contaminated or uncontaminated), physical status of patients, and surgical time showed no relation with the colonization of catheters. Microorganisms isolated from the catheter tip were Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Sphingomonas paucimobilis. Postoperative epidural catheter analgesia, under these study conditions, was found to be low risk for bacterial colonization in patients at surgical wards. Copyright © 2014 Sociedade Brasileira de Anestesiologia. Published by Elsevier Editora Ltda. All rights reserved.


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    Full Text Available AIMS AND OBJECTIVES Magnesium has antinociceptive effects in animal and human models of pain. It is found that the addition of Magnesium sulphate to postoperative Epidural infusion of Fentanyl may decrease the need for Fentanyl. We undertook a study to compare the duration of postoperative analgesia after Epidural Fentanyl and Epidural Fentanyl plus Magnesium sulphate administered postoperatively, along with side effects. MATERIALS AND METHODS 50 patients undergoing elective lower limb and abdominal surgeries were randomized into one of the two groups with 25 patients in each group. Combined Spinal Epidural Anaesthesia was used for all patients. Spinal anaesthesia with 2.5 cc of 0.5% Hyperbaric Bupivacaine was given. When sensory blockade regressed to L1, patients were given either 50 µg of Fentanyl (diluted to 6cc with normal saline, Group F or 50 µg of Fentanyl plus 50 mg Magnesium sulphate (diluted to 6cc with normal saline, Group FM. Parameters like blood pressure, pulse rate, respiratory rate and oxygen saturation were monitored, and other side effects were noted. Data were analysed by using Student t test and Chi-square/ Fisher Exact tests. RESULTS There was significant difference in duration of analgesia between Group F (107 min and Group FM (143 min. Hemodynamic parameters were stable in both the groups with minimal side effects. CONCLUSION Co-administration of Magnesium sulphate with Fentanyl for postoperative Epidural analgesia results in prolongation of Fentanyl analgesia without significant side-effects.

  20. Anestesia espinhal com 10 mg de bupivacaína hiperbárica associada a 5 µg de sufentanil para cesariana: estudo de diferentes volumes Anestesia espinal con 10 mg de bupivacaína hiperbárica asociada a 5 µg de sufentanil para cesárea: estudio de diferentes volúmenes Spinal Block with 10 mg of hyperbaric bupivacaine associated with 5 µg of sufentanil for cesarean section: study of different volumes

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    Angélica de Fátima de Assunção Braga


    alteraciones fisiológicas inherentes al embarazo, baricidad, dosis y volumen del anestésico local. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la efectividad y los efectos colaterales de diferentes volúmenes de la asociación de bupivacaína hiperbárica y sufentanil por vía subaracnoidea en cesáreas. MÉTODO: Cuarenta pacientes, ASA I y II, sometidos a cesárea electiva bajo raquianestesia distribuidos en dos grupos, de acuerdo con el volumen de la solución anestésica usada: Grupo I (4 mL y Grupo II (3 mL. En los dos grupos, el anestésico local empleado fue la bupivacaína hiperbárica (10 mg-2 mL asociada al sufentanil (5 µg-1 mL. En el Grupo I, para la obtención del volumen de 4 mL, se añadió 1 mL de solución fisiológica a 0,9%. Se evaluaron: latencia del bloqueo; nivel máximo del bloqueo sensitivo; grado del bloqueo motor; tiempo para regresión del bloqueo motor; duración total de la analgesia; efectos adversos maternos y repercusiones neonatales. RESULTADOS: La latencia, el nivel máximo del bloqueo sensitivo, el grado y el tiempo para la regresión del bloqueo motor fueron similares en los dos grupos; la duración de la analgesia fue mayor en el Grupo I, con una diferencia significativa con relación al Grupo II. Los efectos adversos se dieron a menudo de forma similar en los dos grupos. Se registró la ausencia de las alteraciones cardiocirculatorias maternas y de las repercusiones neonatales. CONCLUSIONES: La bupivacaína hiperbárica en dosis de 10 mg asociada al sufentanil en dosis de 5 µg, con un volumen de 4 mL, fue más eficaz que la misma asociación en un menor volumen (3 mL, proporcionando una mejor analgesia intra y postoperatoria, sin repercusiones materno-fetales.BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Several factors affect the cephalad dispersion of the anesthetic solution in the subarachnoid space; among them, physiological changes of pregnancy and the dose and volume of the local anesthetics should be mentioned. The objective of this study was to assess

  1. The roles of acute and chronic pain in regression of sensory analgesia during continuous epidural bupivacaine infusion

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mogensen, T; Scott, N B; Lund, Claus


    The purpose of this study was to investigate whether regression of sensory analgesia during constant epidural bupivacaine infusion was different in postoperative patients with acute pain than in patients with chronic nonsurgical pain. Sensory levels of analgesia (to pinprick) and pain (on a five......-point scale) were assessed hourly for 16 hours during continuous epidural infusion of 0.5% plain bupivacaine (8 ml/hr) in 12 patients with chronic nonsurgical pain and in 30 patients after major abdominal surgery performed under combined bupivacaine and halothane--N2O general anesthesia. No opiates were given....... If sensory analgesia decreased more than five segments from the initial level or if the pain score reached 2 (moderate pain), the patient was removed from the study. Initial levels of sensory analgesia after loading doses of 21.8 +/- 0.5 and 19.3 +/- 0.8 ml bupivacaine 0.5% were similar (T3.8 +/- 0.3 and T3...

  2. Perioperative analgesia after intrathecal fentanyl and morphine or morphine alone for cesarean section: A randomized controlled study. (United States)

    Weigl, Wojciech; Bieryło, Andrzej; Wielgus, Monika; Krzemień-Wiczyńska, Świetlana; Kołacz, Marcin; Dąbrowski, Michał J


    Intrathecal morphine is used in the postoperative management of pain after caesarean section (CS), but might not be optimal for intraoperative analgesia. We hypothesized that intrathecal fentanyl could supplement intraoperative analgesia when added to a local anesthetic and morphine without affecting management of postoperative pain. This prospective, randomized, double-blind, parallel-group study included 60 parturients scheduled for elective CS. Spinal anesthesia consisted of bupivacaine with either morphine 100 μg (M group), or fentanyl 25 μg and morphine 100 μg (FM group). The frequency of intraoperative pain and pethidine consumption in the 24 hours postoperatively was recorded. Fewer patients in the FM group required additional intraoperative analgesia (P fentanyl and morphine may provide better perioperative analgesia than morphine alone in CS and could be useful when the time from anesthesia to skin incision is short. However, an increase in PONV and possible acute spinal opioid tolerance after addition of intrathecal fentanyl warrants further investigation using lower doses of fentanyl.

  3. Oral analgesia vs intravenous conscious sedation during Essure Micro-Insert sterilization procedure: randomized, double-blind, controlled trial. (United States)

    Thiel, John A; Lukwinski, Angelina; Kamencic, Huse; Lim, Hyung


    To compare the pain reported by patients during the Essure Micro-Insert sterilization procedure using either intravenous conscious sedation or oral analgesia. Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial (Canadian Task Force classification I). Tertiary care ambulatory women's clinic. Eighty women of reproductive age women requesting permanent sterilization. Hysteroscopic placement of the Essure Micro-Insert permanent birth control system. Patients undergoing placement of the Essure Micro-Insert system for permanent contraception were randomized to receive either intravenous conscious sedation, oral analgesia, or placebo. During the procedure, pain scores were recorded using a visual analog scale. Patients in the oral analgesia group reported slightly more pain during insertion of the hysteroscope and placement of the second micro-insert; the groups were otherwise equivalent. They were also equivalent when all visual analog scale scores were combined. Oral analgesia is an effective method of pain control during placement of the Essure Micro-Insert permanent birth control system. Copyright © 2011 AAGL. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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    A. V. Kurnosov


    Full Text Available A new method was developed to perform prolonged brachial plexus block with almost 100% effectiveness. It was also shown in 44 patients to be 33 % safer for local complications and 11,3 % safer for general complications than common used supraclavicular Winnie block (42 patients in control group, received opiates and NSAID for post-operative analgesia. This new method of analgesia allows effective rehabilitation after elbow arthroplasty to be started on the first day after the surgery.

  5. Safety and efficacy of procedural sedation and analgesia (PSA ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Safety and efficacy of procedural sedation and analgesia (PSA) conducted by medical officers in a level 1 hospital in Cape Town. ... Respiratory complications were treated with simple airway manoeuvres; no patient required intubation or experienced respiratory problems after waking up. There was no significant difference ...

  6. Hemangioblastomas de fosa posterior: Reporte de 16 casos y revisión de la literatura (United States)

    Campero, Alvaro; Ajler, Pablo; Fernandez, Julio; Isolan, Gustavo; Paiz, Martin; Rivadeneira, Conrado


    Resumen Objetivo: El propósito del presente trabajo es presentar los resultados de 16 pacientes con diagnóstico de hemangioblastoma de fosa posterior (HBFP), operados con técnicas microquirúrgicas. Método: Desde junio de 2005 a diciembre de 2015, 16 pacientes con diagnóstico de HBFP fueron intervenidos quirúrgicamente. Se evaluó: sexo, edad, tipo de lesión (quística con nódulo, quística sin nódulo, sólida y sólida-quística), sintomatología y resultados postoperatorios. Resultados: De los 16 pacientes intervenidos, 11 fueron varones y 5 mujeres. La edad promedio fue de 44 años. La forma más frecuente fue quística con nódulo (57%), seguida por forma sólida (31%). Un solo caso presentó la forma quística sin nódulo (6%), y uno solo la forma sólido-quística (6%). La sintomatología más frecuente fue cefalea acompañada de síndrome cerebeloso (43%), seguido de síndrome de hipertensión endocraneana (25%). En todos los casos la resección fue completa, siendo necesario en un caso una embolización previa. Como complicaciones postoperatorias, 2 pacientes presentaron ataxia (mejoró al cabo de 3 meses), y 1 paciente presentó una fístula de LCR (se solucionó con un drenaje espinal externo). Se registró un óbito por complicaciones postoperatorias. Conclusión: Lo más frecuente de ver en pacientes con HBFP es la forma quística con nódulo, siendo su sintomatología predominante la cefalea acompañada de síndrome cerebeloso. La resección quirúrgica completa es posible, con una baja tasa de morbimortalidad. PMID:27999708

  7. Epidural Labor Analgesia-Fentanyl Dose and Breastfeeding Success: A Randomized Clinical Trial. (United States)

    Lee, Amy I; McCarthy, Robert J; Toledo, Paloma; Jones, Mary Jane; White, Nancy; Wong, Cynthia A


    Breastfeeding is an important public health concern. High cumulative doses of epidural fentanyl administered for labor analgesia have been reported to be associated with early termination of breastfeeding. We tested the hypothesis that breastfeeding success is adversely influenced by the cumulative epidural fentanyl dose administered for labor analgesia. The study was a randomized, double-blind, controlled trial of parous women at greater than 38 weeks gestation who planned to breastfeed, had successfully breastfed a prior infant, and who received neuraxial labor analgesia. Participants were randomized to receive one of three epidural maintenance solutions for labor analgesia (bupivacaine 1 mg/ml, bupivacaine 0.8 mg/ml with fentanyl 1 μg/ml, or bupivacaine 0.625 mg/ml with fentanyl 2 μg/ml). The primary outcome was the proportion of women breastfeeding at 6 weeks postpartum. Maternal and umbilical venous blood fentanyl and bupivacaine concentration at delivery were measured. A total of 345 women were randomized and 305 had complete data for analysis. The frequency of breastfeeding at 6 weeks was 97, 98, and 94% in the groups receiving epidural fentanyl 0, 1, and 2 μg/ml, respectively (P = 0.34). The cumulative fentanyl dose (difference: 37 μg [95% CI of the difference, -58 to 79 μg], P = 0.28) and maternal and umbilical cord venous fentanyl and bupivacaine concentrations did not differ between women who discontinued breastfeeding and those who were still breastfeeding at 6 weeks postpartum. Labor epidural solutions containing fentanyl concentrations as high as 2 μg/ml do not appear to influence breastfeeding rates at 6 weeks postpartum.

  8. Maternal and foetal outcome after epidural labour analgesia in high-risk pregnancies

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    Sukhen Samanta


    Full Text Available Background and Aims: Low concentration local anaesthetic improves uteroplacental blood flow in antenatal period and during labour in preeclampsia. We compared neonatal outcome after epidural ropivacaine plus fentanyl with intramuscular tramadol analgesia during labour in high-risk parturients with intrauterine growth restriction of mixed aetiology. Methods: Forty-eight parturients with sonographic evidence of foetal weight <1.5 kg were enrolled in this non-randomized, double-blinded prospective study. The epidural (E group received 0.15% ropivacaine 10 ml with 30 μg fentanyl incremental bolus followed by 7–15 ml 0.1% ropivacaine with 2 μg/ml fentanyl in continuous infusion titrated until visual analogue scale was three. Tramadol (T group received intramuscular tramadol 1 mg/kg as bolus as well as maintenance 4–6 hourly. Neonatal outcomes were measured with cord blood base deficit, pH, ionised calcium, sugar and Apgar score after delivery. Maternal satisfaction was also assessed by four point subjective score. Results: Baseline maternal demographics and neonatal birth weight were comparable. Neonatal cord blood pH, base deficit, sugar, and ionised calcium levels were significantly improved in the epidural group in comparison to the tramadol group. Maternal satisfaction (P = 0.0001 regarding labour analgesia in epidural group was expressed as excellent by 48%, good by 52% whereas it was fair in 75% and poor in 25% in the tramadol group. Better haemodynamic and pain scores were reported in the epidural group. Conclusion: Epidural labour analgesia with low concentration local anaesthetic is associated with less neonatal cord blood acidaemia, better sugar and ionised calcium levels. The analgesic efficacy and maternal satisfaction are also better with epidural labour analgesia.

  9. Pain Management of Malignant Psoas Syndrome Under Epidural Analgesia During Palliative Radiotherapy. (United States)

    Ota, Takayo; Makihara, Masaru; Tsukuda, Hiroshi; Kajikawa, Ryuji; Inamori, Masayuki; Miyatake, Nozomi; Tanaka, Noriko; Tokunaga, Masahiro; Hasegawa, Yoshikazu; Tada, Takuhito; Fukuoka, Masahiro


    Malignant psoas syndrome is a rare malignant condition presenting as lumbosacral plexopathy and painful fixed flexion of the hip. Metastasis to the psoas muscle is observed, which damages the nerve bundles in the lumbosacral plexuses. The syndrome presents as refractory lower back pain with several other neurological symptoms. The pain is difficult to control because it is a mixture of nociceptive and neuropathic pain, which indicates that treatment requires a versatile approach. The authors report a case of severe back pain caused by metastasis to the psoas muscle of advanced gastric cancer in a patient who underwent palliative radiotherapy under epidural analgesia. Despite conventional analgesics and subcutaneous oxycodone, he had difficulties in maintaining supine position because of the back pain and had a problem to receive radiotherapy, which required him to stay still in the same position during the treatment. By epidural analgesia, he could remain in supine position and complete radiotherapy without increasing opioid administration. His back pain was improved after the radiotherapy. Epidural analgesia is an effective treatment choice for a patient who is unable to keep the position during palliative radiotherapy.

  10. [Sedation and analgesia practices among Spanish neonatal intensive care units]. (United States)

    Avila-Alvarez, A; Carbajal, R; Courtois, E; Pertega-Diaz, S; Muñiz-Garcia, J; Anand, K J S


    Pain management and sedation is a priority in neonatal intensive care units. A study was designed with the aim of determining current clinical practice as regards sedation and analgesia in neonatal intensive care units in Spain, as well as to identify factors associated with the use of sedative and analgesic drugs. A multicenter, observational, longitudinal and prospective study. Thirty neonatal units participated and included 468 neonates. Of these, 198 (42,3%) received sedatives or analgesics. A total of 19 different drugs were used during the study period, and the most used was fentanyl. Only fentanyl, midazolam, morphine and paracetamol were used in at least 20% of the neonates who received sedatives and/or analgesics. In infusions, 14 different drug prescriptions were used, with the most frequent being fentanyl and the combination of fentanyl and midazolam. The variables associated with receiving sedation and/or analgesia were, to have required invasive ventilation (P3 (P=.023; OR=2.26), the existence of pain evaluation guides in the unit (Pneonates admitted to intensive care units receive sedatives or analgesics. There is significant variation between Spanish neonatal units as regards sedation and analgesia prescribing. Our results provide evidence on the "state of the art", and could serve as the basis of preparing clinical practice guidelines at a national level. Copyright © 2015 Asociación Española de Pediatría. Published by Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  11. Valutazione cinematica intraoperatoria con utilizzo del navigatore e postoperatoria con rsa dinamica nelle protesi totali di ginocchio


    Bruni, Danilo


    Restoring a correct implant kinematics and providing a good ligament balance and patellar tracking is mandatory to improve clinical and functional outcome after a Total Knee Replacement. Surgical navigation systems are a reliable and accurate tool to help the surgeon in achieving these goals. The aim of the present study was to use navigation system with an intra-operative surgical protocol to evaluate and determine an optimal implant kinematics during a Total Knee Replacement.

  12. Painful procedures and analgesia in the NICU: what has changed in the medical perception and practice in a ten-year period? (United States)

    Prestes, Ana Claudia Yoshikumi; Balda, Rita de Cássia Xavier; Santos, Gianni Mara Silva dos; Rugolo, Ligia Maria Suppo de Souza; Bentlin, Maria Regina; Magalhães, Mauricio; Pachi, Paulo Roberto; Marba, Sergio Tadeu Martins; Caldas, Jamil Pedro de Siqueira; Guinsburg, Ruth


    To compare the use of analgesia versus neonatologists' perception regarding analgesic use in painful procedures in the years 2001, 2006, and 2011. This was a prospective cohort study of all newborns admitted to four university neonatal intensive care units during one month in 2001, 2006, and 2011. The frequency of analgesic prescription for painful procedures was evaluated. Of the 202 neonatologists, 188 answered a questionnaire giving their opinion on the intensity of pain during lumbar puncture, tracheal intubation, mechanical ventilation, and postoperative period using a 10-cm visual analogic scale (VAS; pain >3cm). For lumbar puncture, 12% (2001), 43% (2006), and 36% (2011) were performed using analgesia. Among the neonatologists, 40-50% reported VAS >3 for lumbar puncture in all study periods. For intubation, 30% received analgesia in the study periods, and 35% (2001), 55% (2006), and 73% (2011) of the neonatologists reported VAS >3 and would prescribe analgesia for this procedure. As for mechanical ventilation, 45% (2001), 64% (2006), and 48% (2011) of patient-days were under analgesia; 56% (2001), 57% (2006), and 26% (2011) of neonatologists reported VAS >3 and said they would use analgesia during mechanical ventilation. For the first three post-operative days, 37% (2001), 78% (2006), and 89% (2011) of the patients received analgesia and more than 90% of neonatologists reported VAS >3 for major surgeries. Despite an increase in the medical perception of neonatal pain and in analgesic use during painful procedures, the gap between clinical practice and neonatologist perception of analgesia need did not change during the ten-year period. Copyright © 2015 Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria. Published by Elsevier Editora Ltda. All rights reserved.

  13. Painful procedures and analgesia in the NICU: what has changed in the medical perception and practice in a ten-year period?

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    Ana Claudia Yoshikumi Prestes


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE: To compare the use of analgesia versus neonatologists' perception regarding analgesic use in painful procedures in the years 2001, 2006, and 2011. METHODS: This was a prospective cohort study of all newborns admitted to four university neonatal intensive care units during one month in 2001, 2006, and 2011. The frequency of analgesic prescription for painful procedures was evaluated. Of the 202 neonatologists, 188 answered a questionnaire giving their opinion on the intensity of pain during lumbar puncture, tracheal intubation, mechanical ventilation, and postoperative period using a 10-cm visual analogic scale (VAS; pain >3 cm. RESULTS: For lumbar puncture, 12% (2001, 43% (2006, and 36% (2011 were performed using analgesia. Among the neonatologists, 40-50% reported VAS >3 for lumbar puncture in all study periods. For intubation, 30% received analgesia in the study periods, and 35% (2001, 55% (2006, and 73% (2011 of the neonatologists reported VAS >3 and would prescribe analgesia for this procedure. As for mechanical ventilation, 45% (2001, 64% (2006, and 48% (2011 of patient-days were under analgesia; 56% (2001, 57% (2006, and 26% (2011 of neonatologists reported VAS >3 and said they would use analgesia during mechanical ventilation. For the first three post-operative days, 37% (2001, 78% (2006, and 89% (2011 of the patients received analgesia and more than 90% of neonatologists reported VAS >3 for major surgeries. CONCLUSIONS: Despite an increase in the medical perception of neonatal pain and in analgesic use during painful procedures, the gap between clinical practice and neonatologist perception of analgesia need did not change during the ten-year period.

  14. Postoperative Analgesia in Children- Comparative Study between Caudal Bupivacaine and Bupivacaine plus Tramadol

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    Meena Doda


    Full Text Available Thirty children, ASAI-II, aged between 2yrs-5yrs, undergoing sub umbilical operation (inguinal and penile surgery were selected for this double blind study. They were randomly divided in two groups, group Aand group B. Group A(n15 received 0.25%bupivacaine -1 and Group B (n=15 received 0.25% bupivaeaine -1 and tramadol -1 as single shot caudal block. Postoperative pain was assessed by a modified TPPPS (Toddler-Preschool Postoperative Pain Scale and analgesic given only when the score was more than 3. In the first 24 hrs it was observed that the mean duration of time interval between the caudal block and first dose of analgesic was significantly long(9. lhrs in Group B as compared to Group A (6.3hrs which was much shorter(p< 0.01.There was no significant haemodynamie changes, motor weakness or respiratory depression in both groups. This study con-cluded that addition of tramadol -1 to caudal 0.25% bupivacaine -1 significantly prolong the duration of postoperative analgesia in children withoutprodueing much adverse effects.

  15. Antenatal education for childbirth-epidural analgesia. (United States)

    Cutajar, Lisa; Cyna, Allan M


    The language structures used by antenatal educators have not been previously researched in the context of antenatal childbirth classes. Epidural analgesia for labour is a common, and a frequently asked about, component of antenatal education for parents in hospitals providing maternity care. We aimed to identify the way information is described and presented by childbirth educators to assess content and determine which language structures such as metaphor, suggestion, information and storytelling are utilized. This observational study of antenatal education was conducted at a single tertiary referral center for maternity care in Western Sydney, Australia. All three childbirth educators agreed to be video recorded whilst providing information to parents during antenatal classes. Audio data was subsequently transcribed and then analysed by two researchers, independently categorising the various language structures and types of information provided. For the purposes of the current study, data concerning a single topic was used for the analysis-'epidural analgesia for labour'. Language structures used were highly variable between educators, as was the content and time taken for the information being provided. Our findings represent a first attempt to identify baseline information used in the clinical setting of antenatal education in order to categories communication structures used. This study has identified areas for further improvements and consistency in the way educators provide information to parents and has important implications for future midwifery practice, education and research. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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    Ramalinga Raju A.V.S


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND Caudal epidural analgesia is one of the most popular regional techniques used in paediatric patients undergoing lower limb, anoperineal and abdominal surgical procedures for postoperative pain relief. The aim of postoperative pain relief is to provide subjective comfort and inhibit trauma-induced nociceptive impulses to blunt autonomic and reflex responses to pain and subsequently to enhance the restoration of function. Caudal epidural analgesia though practiced widely is of short duration even when used with long-acting local anaesthetics. MATERIALS AND METHODS Children of either sex undergoing elective hernia or hydrocele surgery within in the age group of 2-8 years belonging to ASA I and II were included in the study. Informed consent was obtained from the parents before procedure. RESULTS The duration of analgesia in the study group was 10.14 ± 4.69 hrs. and 6.83 ± 0.79 hrs. in the clonidine group and midazolam group. Duration of analgesia in clonidine group was significantly longer when compared to with midazolam group with a p value of <0.05. Sedation Score- There was decrease in heart rate and mean arterial pressure from baseline, but these were under allowable limits of 20%. The patient had pain scores of less than 8 for first 6-8 hrs. The patients were well sedated and were easily arousable. CONCLUSION We conclude that in our study we found that clonidine 8 μg/kg provided good analgesia for a longer duration when compared with midazolam. Clonidine also provided good sedation with minimal haemodynamic variations. This is in agreement with studies conducted to know haemodynamic stability with higher doses of clonidine.

  17. Análisis de factores relacionados con hipercapnia crónica en la distrofia miotónica

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    Patricia K. Aruj


    Full Text Available La distrofia miotónica (DM es la distrofia muscular más común en adultos. Diversos factores pueden explicar la retención crónica de CO2. La selección de pacientes, diferentes estadios evolutivos y formas de evaluación, pueden explicar los resultados disímiles al respecto. Nuestros objetivos fueron caracterizar la función respiratoria y analizar los factores relacionados con la retención crónica de CO2 en la DM. Se incluyeron 27 pacientes ambulatorios consecutivos, estables clínicamente y se los agrupó como normocápnicos e hipercápnicos (PaCO2 ≥ 43 mm Hg. Se determinaron capacidad vital forzada (FVC, presiones estáticas máximas, tiempo de apnea voluntaria, escala de Epworth y gases arteriales. La quimiosensibilidad al CO2 se evaluó mediante la reinhalación de CO2 (método de Read. La pendiente ∆P0.1/∆PCO2 expresa la quimiosensibilidad al CO2. El 59.3% tenían hipercapnia. La FVC y la fuerza muscular respiratoria fueron normales o mostraron disminución leve a moderada, sin diferencias significativas en ambos grupos. La inadecuada respuesta al CO2 (pendientes ∆P0.1/∆PCO2 bajas (< 0.1 cmH2O/mm Hg o planas se asoció con hipercapnia (p < 0.005 y ésta significó un riesgo 11.6 veces mayor de inadecuada respuesta al CO2. El grupo con pendiente ∆P0.1/∆PCO2 baja-plana mostró mayor PaCO2 (p = 0.0017 y tiempo de apnea voluntaria más prolongado (p = 0.002. Concluimos que, en nuestros pacientes con DM, la hipercapnia crónica se asoció a la presencia de anomalías del control central de la respiración. Estos resultados permiten explicar los informes previos que describen la llamativa ocurrencia de insuficiencia respiratoria postoperatoria y las dificultades en el proceso de desvinculación de asistencia ventilatoria mecánica en estos pacientes.

  18. Analgesia induced by morphine microinjected into the nucleus raphe magnus: effects on tonic pain. (United States)

    Dualé, Christian; Sierralta, Fernando; Dallel, Radhouane


    One of the possible sites of action of the analgesic effect of morphine is the Nucleus Raphe Magnus, as morphine injected into this structure induces analgesia in transient pain models. In order to test if morphine in the Nucleus Raphe Magnus is also analgesic in a tonic pain model, 5 microg of morphine or saline (control) were microinjected into the Nucleus Raphe Magnus of the rat. Analgesic effects were assessed following nociceptive stimulation using transient heating of the tail (phasic pain) and subcutaneous orofacial injection of 1.5 % formalin (tonic pain). While morphine was strongly analgesic for the tail-flick response (p <0.0001 compared to control), analgesia on the response to formalin was also observed for both early (p = 0.007) and late responses (p = 0.02). However, the response to formalin was not completely blunted. These results suggest that the Nucleus Raphe Magnus is not the exclusive site of action of morphine-induced analgesia in clinical conditions.

  19. Fluoroscopically guided tunneled trans-caudal epidural catheter technique for opioid-free neonatal epidural analgesia. (United States)

    Franklin, Andrew D; Hughes, Elisabeth M


    Epidural analgesia confers significant perioperative advantages to neonates undergoing surgical procedures but may be very technically challenging to place using a standard interlaminar loss-of-resistance to saline technique given the shallow depth of the epidural space. Thoracic epidural catheters placed via the caudal route may reduce the risk of direct neural injury from needle placement, but often pose higher risks of infection and/or improper positioning if placed without radiographic guidance. We present a detailed method of placing a fluoroscopically guided, tunneled transcaudal epidural catheter, which may reduce both of these risks. The accuracy and precision of this technique often provides adequate analgesia to allow for opioid-free epidural infusions as well as significant reductions in systemic opioids through the perioperative period. Opioid-free analgesia using a regional anesthetic technique allows for earlier extubation and reduced perioperative sedation, which may have a less deleterious neurocognitive effect on the developing brain of the neonate.

  20. Palliative sedation and analgesia in the terminally ill children. Report of two cases and review of the literature

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    Velasco Pérez Georgina


    Full Text Available We present the case of two children with cancer in the final stage of life, we describe the treatment given in this phase based on palliative sedation and analgesia to provide comfort to the patients and to offer calm to their relatives. We reviewed the literature information on support of sedation and analgesia at this stage of life, and the use of drugs such as midazolam and morphine. With the information provided in this article we expect physicians to convince themselves that opportune sedation and analgesia are useful and beneficial at the terminal stage of life.

  1. Analgesia and anesthesia for neonates : Study design and ethical issues

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Anand, KJS; Aranda, JV; Berde, CB; Buckman, S; Capparelli, EV; Carlo, WA; Hummel, P; Lantos, P; Johnston, CC; Lehr, VT; Lynn, AM; Oberlander, TF; Raju, TNK; Soriano, SG; Taddio, A; Walco, GA; Maxwell, L.G.

    Objective: The purpose of this article is to summarize the clinical, methodologic, and ethical considerations for researchers interested in designing future trials in neonatal analgesia and anesthesia, hopefully stimulating additional research in this field. Methods: The MEDLINE, PubMed, EMBASE, and

  2. Caudal block and emergence delirium in pediatric patients: Is it analgesia or sedation?

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    Aparna Sinha


    Full Text Available Background: Emergence delirium (ED although a short-lived and self-limiting phenomenon, makes a child prone to injury in the immediate postoperative period and hence is a cause of concern not only to the pediatric anesthesiologist, surgeons, and post anesthesia care unit staff but also amongst parents. Additional medication to quieten the child offsets the potential benefits of rapid emergence and delays recovery in day care settings. There is conflicting evidence of influence of analgesia and sedation following anesthesia on emergence agitation. We hypothesized that an anesthetic technique which improves analgesia and prolongs emergence time will reduce the incidence of ED. We selected ketamine as adjuvant to caudal block for this purpose. Methods: This randomized, double blind prospective study was performed in 150 premedicated children ASA I, II, aged 2 to 8 years who were randomly assigned to either group B (caudal with bupivacaine, BK (bupivacaine and ketamine, or NC (no caudal, soon after LMA placement. Recovery characteristics and complications were recorded. Results: Emergence time, duration of pain relief, and Pediatric Anesthesia Emergence Delirium (PAED scores were significantly higher in the NC group (P<0.05. Duration of analgesia and emergence time were significantly more in group BK than groups B and NC. However, the discharge readiness was comparable between all groups. No patient in BK group required to be given any medication to treat ED. Conclusion: Emergence time as well as duration of analgesia have significant influence on incidence of emergence delirium. Ketamine, as caudal adjuvant is a promising agent to protect against ED in children, following sevoflurane anesthesia.

  3. Randomized comparison of effectiveness of unimodal opioid analgesia with multimodal analgesia in post–cesarean section pain management

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    Adeniji AO


    Full Text Available Adetunji Oladeni Adeniji,1 Oluseyi Olaboyede A Atanda21Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso, Nigeria; 2Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology Teaching Hospital, Osogbo, NigeriaBackground: Postoperative pain leads to patient discomfort, decreased level of satisfaction, prolonged recovery, and higher health costs. Acute pain control therefore improves the overall quality of life in patients undergoing cesarean section. Pain relief is a fundamental human right, but there is no gold standard for post–cesarean section pain management.Objective: To compare the efficacy of pentazocine and tramadol used in unimodal and multimodal (in combination with piroxicam approach, in the management of post–cesarean section pain.Materials and methods: This study employed a random allocation design to compare the effectiveness of intramuscular pentazocine (60 mg or tramadol (100 mg as single analgesic agent and in combination with daily intramuscular piroxicam 20 mg, for the management of post–cesarean section pain during the immediate 12 hours after surgery. The primary outcome measure was control of postoperative pain, while the secondary outcome measures were the analgesic agent onset of action, duration of action, patient satisfaction, and maternal and neonatal adverse outcomes. Data obtained were entered into a predesigned sheet and analyzed with the Statistical Package for Social Sciences version 17. Means ± standard deviation (SD were calculated for the quantitative variables, and the difference between two independent groups was compared using unpaired Student's t-test. The level of significance was set at 0.05.Results: A total of 120 patients were equally and randomly allocated to four study groups – two that received unimodal analgesia (the pentazocine group and the tramadol group and two that received multimodal analgesia (the pentazocine

  4. Epidural Labor Analgesia and Maternal Fever. (United States)

    Sharpe, Emily E; Arendt, Katherine W


    Women receiving an epidural for labor analgesia are at increased risk for intrapartum fever. This relationship has been supported by observational, before and after, and randomized controlled trials. The etiology is not well understood but is likely a result of noninfectious inflammation as studies have found women with fever have higher levels of inflammatory markers. Maternal pyrexia may change obstetric management and women are more likely to receive antibiotics or undergo cesarean delivery. Maternal pyrexia is associated with adverse neonatal outcomes. With these consequences, understanding and preventing maternal fever is imperative.

  5. Introducing a patient-controlled analgesia-based acute pain relief ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The 10 months after the introduction of the first acute pain relief service (APRS) in southern Africa is described. Seven hundred patients were treated with morphine by means of patient-controlled analgesia (PCA), administered to patients after major surgery or extensive burns via the intravenous (IV) or subcutaneous (SC) ...

  6. Periarticular infiltration for pain relief after total hip arthroplasty: a comparison with epidural and PCA analgesia. (United States)

    Pandazi, Ageliki; Kanellopoulos, Ilias; Kalimeris, Konstantinos; Batistaki, Chrysanthi; Nikolakopoulos, Nikolaos; Matsota, Paraskevi; Babis, George C; Kostopanagiotou, Georgia


    Epidural and intravenous patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) are established methods for pain relief after total hip arthroplasty (THA). Periarticular infiltration is an alternative method that is gaining ground due to its simplicity and safety. Our study aims to assess the efficacy of periarticular infiltration in pain relief after THA. Sixty-three patients undergoing THA under spinal anaesthesia were randomly assigned to receive postoperative analgesia with continuous epidural infusion with ropivacaine (epidural group), intraoperative periarticular infiltration with ropivacaine, clonidine, morphine, epinephrine and corticosteroids (infiltration group) or PCA with morphine (PCA group). PCA morphine provided rescue analgesia in all groups. We recorded morphine consumption, visual analog scale (VAS) scores at rest and movement, blood loss from wound drainage, mean arterial pressure (MAP) and adverse effects at 1, 6, 12, 24 h postoperatively. Morphine consumption at all time points, VAS scores at rest, 6, 12 and 24 h and at movement, 6 and 12 h postoperatively were lower in infiltration group compared to PCA group (p PCA group (p PCA with morphine after THA, providing better pain relief and lower opioid consumption postoperatively. Infiltration seems to be equally effective to epidural analgesia without having the potential side effects of the latter.

  7. The effect of microinjection of dimethyl sulfoxide into the rostral ventromedial medulla on swim stress-induced analgesia

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    S. Nazemi


    Full Text Available Background: Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO is an important solvent for compounds that used in pain research. Rostral ventromedial medulla (RVM plays an important role in modulating nociception and stress-induced analgesia (SIA. Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of DMSO administration into the RVM on SIA by using formalin test. Methods: This experimental study was conducted on 27 Wistar male rats (200±30 gr were randomly assigned to control, stress and stress+DMSO groups. Animals were placed in a water reservoir (20±1°C for 3 minutes to induce forced swimming stress. Stereotaxic surgery was performed to microinjection of DMSO (0.5μl, 100% into RVM. The pain behavior score was evaluated by subcutaneous injection of formalin 2% in the dorsal plantar region of hid paw. Findings: The pain score of phase 1, interphase and phase 2 of formalin test in swim stress group decreased significantly in comparison to control group (P<0.001, P< 0.05, P<0.001 respectively. In addition, the pain score of three phase of formalin test after DMSO injection in swim stress group decreased significantly in comparison to control and stress group (P<0.001, P<0.05 respectively. Conclusion: Also microinjections of DMSO into the RVM potentiate the swim stress analgesia. According to the analgesic effects of dimethyl sulfoxide, as well as its ability to potentiate stressinduced analgesia, DMSO should be used with caution as a solvent in pain studies. Conclusion: Force swim stress induces analgesia in, and microinjections of DMSO into the RVM potentiate the swim stress analgesia. According to the analgesic effects of DMSO, as well as its ability to potentiate stress-induced analgesia, it should be used with caution as solvent in pain studies.

  8. [Frequency of colonization and isolated bacteria from the tip of the epidural catheter implanted for postoperative analgesia]. (United States)

    Stabille, Débora Miranda Diogo; Filho, Augusto Diogo; Mandim, Beatriz Lemos da Silva; Araújo, Lúcio Borges de; Mesquita, Priscila Miranda Diogo; Jorge, Miguel Tanús


    The increased use of epidural analgesia with catheter leads to the need to demonstrate the safety of this method and know the incidence of catheter colonization, inserted postoperatively for epidural analgesia, and the bacteria responsible for this colonization. From November 2011 to April 2012, patients electively operated and maintained under epidural catheter for postoperative analgesia were evaluated. The catheter tip was collected for semiquantitative and qualitative microbiological analysis. Of 68 cultured catheters, six tips (8.8%) had positive cultures. No patient had superficial or deep infection. The mean duration of catheter use was 43.45hours (18-118) (p=0.0894). The type of surgery (contaminated or uncontaminated), physical status of patients, and surgical time showed no relation with the colonization of catheters. Microorganisms isolated from the catheter tip were Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Sphingomonas paucimobilis. Postoperative epidural catheter analgesia, under this study conditions, was found to be low risk for bacterial colonization in patients at surgical wards. Copyright © 2014 Sociedade Brasileira de Anestesiologia. Publicado por Elsevier Editora Ltda. All rights reserved.

  9. Role of wound instillation with bupivacaine through surgical drains for postoperative analgesia in modified radical mastectomy

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    Nirmala Jonnavithula


    Full Text Available Background and Aims: Modified Radical Mastectomy (MRM is the commonly used surgical procedure for operable breast cancer, which involves extensive tissue dissection. Therefore, wound instillation with local anaesthetic may provide better postoperative analgesia than infiltration along the line of incision. We hypothesised that instillation of bupivacaine through chest and axillary drains into the wound may provide postoperative analgesia. Methods: In this prospective randomised controlled study 60 patients aged 45-60 years were divided into three groups. All patients were administered general anaesthesia. At the end of the surgical procedure, axillary and chest wall drains were placed before closure. Group C was the control with no instillation; Group S received 40 ml normal saline, 20 ml through each drain; and Group B received 40 ml of 0.25% bupivacaine and the drains were clamped for 10 min. After extubation, pain score for both static and dynamic pain was evaluated using visual analog scale and then 4 th hourly till 24 h. Rescue analgesia was injection tramadol, if the pain score exceeds 4. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS version 13. Results : There was a significant difference in the cumulative analgesic requirement and the number of analgesic demands between the groups (P: 0.000. The mean duration of analgesia in the bupivacaine group was 14.6 h, 10.3 in the saline group and 4.3 h in the control group. Conclusion : Wound instillation with local anaesthetics is a simple and effective means of providing good analgesia without any major side-effects.

  10. [Benefits of epidural analgesia in major neonatal surgery]. (United States)

    Gómez-Chacón, J; Encarnación, J; Couselo, M; Mangas, L; Domenech, A; Gutiérrez, C; García Sala, C


    The aim of this paper is to describe and evaluate the benefits of epidural anesthesia in major surgery neonatal. We have performed a matched case-control (2:1) study of patients undergoing neonatal major surgery (NMSs) who received intra-and postoperative epidural anesthesia (EA) and controls with conventional general anesthesia. The matching criteria were age, weight and baseline pathology. EA was administered by caudal puncture and epidural catheter placed with ultrasound support. Levobupivacaine was selected as anesthetic drug. The time to extubation, intestinal transit time, type of analgesia and complications were studied. This study is based on 11 cases (2 esophageal atresia, 2 diaphragmatic hernias, 1 necrotizing enterocolitis, 3 intestinal atresia, 2 anorectal malformation and 1 bladder exstrophy) and 22 controls. We observed statistically significant differences in time to extubation (95% CI OR 12 1.99 to 72.35; Chi2 p = 0.004, Mann U Whytney p = 0.013) and intestinal transit time (Mann Whitney U p analgesia. Therefore we believe that the intra-and postoperative EA helps improve postoperative management in neonates and should be preferred in centers where this technique is available.

  11. Requests and usage of epidural analgesia in grand-grand multiparous and similar-aged women with lesser parity: prospective observational study. (United States)

    Ioscovich, Alexander; Fadeev, Angelika; Rivilis, Alina; Elstein, Deborah


    Epidural analgesia in older and multiparous women has been associated with risks. The aim of this study was to compare epidural analgesia use for labor/delivery in grand-grand multiparous women (GGMP; ≥10 births) relative to that in similar-aged women with lesser parity. This was a prospective observational study of advanced age gravida. All laboring women in a six-month period admitted to a tertiary Israeli center were included if they were advanced age (≥36 years old) with one to two previous births (Low parity; n=128) or four to five previous births (Medium parity; n=181), and all GGMP (any age; n=187). Primary outcome was comparison of requests for and use of epidural analgesia for labor/delivery. There were no significant differences across parity groups in percent of gravida requesting or receiving epidural analgesia (46.5-59.4%). Time from admission to epidural administration (range mean times: 168-187 min) and from advent of epidural to delivery (range mean times: 155-160 min) were comparable across parity groups. Use of other analgesia (5.8-8%) was not significantly different. Requests for and use of epidural analgesia was comparable in older gravida and was not correlated with parity. Mean times from presentation to epidural administration, mean cervical dilatation at epidural initiation, and mean time from performing of epidural to delivery were comparable across groups.

  12. Safety and Efficacy of a Pharmacist-Managed Patient-Controlled Analgesia Service in Postsurgical Patients. (United States)

    McGonigal, Katrina H; Giuliano, Christopher A; Hurren, Jeff


    To compare the safety and efficacy of a pharmacist-managed patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) service with physician/midlevel provider-managed (standard) PCA services in postsurgical patients. This was a multicenter, retrospective cohort study performed at 3 major hospitals in the Detroit, Michigan, metropolitan area. Postsurgical patients from October 2012 to December 2013 were included. The primary outcome compared the pain area under the curve adjusted for time on PCA (AUC/T) of patients receiving pharmacist-managed PCA services vs. standard care, up to 72 hours after initiation of PCA. Secondary outcomes included initial opioid selection, programmed PCA settings, duration of PCA use, frequency of adjunct analgesia utilization, and frequency of breakthrough analgesia utilization. Safety outcomes were assessed as a composite safety endpoint and individually. Total pain AUC/T scores did not differ between the pharmacist-managed and standard-managed groups (3.25 vs. 3.25, respectively; P = 0.98). Adjunct pain medications were given with similar frequency in the 2 groups; however, significantly fewer patients required breakthrough pain medication in the pharmacist-managed group (11% vs. 36%, respectively; P patients requiring antiemetic use (46% vs. 32%; P = 0.04). A pharmacist-managed PCA service provided no difference in pain control compared to standard management. The requirement for breakthrough analgesia was decreased in the pharmacist group, while the need for antiemetic use was increased. Further research should be conducted to evaluate different PCA management strategies. © 2016 World Institute of Pain.

  13. Efficacy of a sedo-analgesia protocol in pre-hospital trauma treatment

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    Savino Occhionorelli


    Full Text Available Pre-hospital trauma treatment is an important situation in which pain should be appropriately assessed and treated, but there is a great lack of studies about it. Literature has widely pointed out that the underanalgesia problem is spread to all groups of patients. The objective of the study is to verify the efficacy of a sedation-analgesia protocol based on the use of NSAIDs, Fentanyl and Midazolam, for prehospital treatment of trauma patients. The protocol was tested in three Emergency Medical Services for a four month period, in which 30 patients were included in the study. Results evidenced a good management of both pain and anxiety in the majority of patients treated, with the achievement of analgesia target in 80% of the patients and sedation target in 100% of the patients.

  14. Pectoral Fascial (PECS) I and II Blocks as Rescue Analgesia in a Patient Undergoing Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery. (United States)

    Yalamuri, Suraj; Klinger, Rebecca Y; Bullock, W Michael; Glower, Donald D; Bottiger, Brandi A; Gadsden, Jeffrey C

    Patients undergoing minimally invasive cardiac surgery have the potential for significant pain from the thoracotomy site. We report the successful use of pectoral nerve block types I and II (Pecs I and II) as rescue analgesia in a patient undergoing minimally invasive mitral valve repair. In this case, a 78-year-old man, with no history of chronic pain, underwent mitral valve repair via right anterior thoracotomy for severe mitral regurgitation. After extubation, he complained of 10/10 pain at the incision site that was minimally responsive to intravenous opioids. He required supplemental oxygen because of poor pulmonary mechanics, with shallow breathing and splinting due to pain, and subsequent intensive care unit readmission. Ultrasound-guided Pecs I and II blocks were performed on the right side with 30 mL of 0.2% ropivacaine with 1:400,000 epinephrine. The blocks resulted in near-complete chest wall analgesia and improved pulmonary mechanics for approximately 24 hours. After the single-injection blocks regressed, a second set of blocks was performed with 266 mg of liposomal bupivacaine mixed with bupivacaine. This second set of blocks provided extended analgesia for an additional 48 hours. The patient was weaned rapidly from supplemental oxygen after the blocks because of improved analgesia. Pectoral nerve blocks have been described in the setting of breast surgery to provide chest wall analgesia. We report the first successful use of Pecs blocks to provide effective chest wall analgesia for a patient undergoing minimally invasive cardiac surgery with thoracotomy. We believe that these blocks may provide an important nonopioid option for the management of pain during recovery from minimally invasive cardiac surgery.

  15. Role of Epidural Analgesia within an ERAS Program after Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery: A Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomised Controlled Studies

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    Giuseppe Borzellino


    Full Text Available Introduction. Epidural analgesia has been a cornerstone of any ERAS program for open colorectal surgery. With the improvements in anesthetic and analgesic techniques as well as the introduction of the laparoscopy for colorectal resection, the role of epidural analgesia has been questioned. The aim of the review was to assess through a meta-analysis the impact of epidural analgesia compared to other analgesic techniques for colorectal laparoscopic surgery within an ERAS program. Methods. Literature research was performed on PubMed, Embase, and the Cochrane Library. All randomised clinical trials that reported data on hospital stay, postoperative complications, and readmissions rates within an ERAS program with and without an epidural analgesia after a colorectal laparoscopic resection were included. Results. Five randomised clinical trials were selected and a total of 168 patients submitted to epidural analgesia were compared to 163 patients treated by an alternative analgesic technique. Pooled data show a longer hospital stay in the epidural group with a mean difference of 1.07 (95% CI 0.06–2.08 without any significant differences in postoperative complications and readmissions rates. Conclusion. Epidural analgesia does not seem to offer any additional clinical benefits to patients undergoing laparoscopic colorectal surgery within an ERAS program.

  16. Quality of analgesia in physician-operated telemedical prehospital emergency care is comparable to physician-based prehospital care - a retrospective longitudinal study. (United States)

    Lenssen, Niklas; Krockauer, Andreas; Beckers, Stefan K; Rossaint, Rolf; Hirsch, Frederik; Brokmann, Jörg C; Bergrath, Sebastian


    Acute pain is a common reason for summoning emergency medical services (EMS). Yet in several countries the law restricts opioid-based analgesia administration to physicians. Telemedical support of paramedics is a novel approach to enable timely treatment under the guidance of a physician. In this retrospective observational study, conducted in the EMS of Aachen, Germany, the analgesic quality and occurrence of adverse events were compared between telemedically-supported paramedics (July-December, 2014) and a historical control group (conventional on-scene EMS physicians; January-March, 2014). pain (initial numerical rating scale (NRS) ≥5) and/or performed analgesia. Telemedically-assisted analgesia was performed in 149 patients; conventional analgesia in 199 control cases. Teleconsultation vs. Initial NRS scores were 8.0 ± 1.5 and 8.1 ± 1.7. Complete NRS documentation was carried out in 140/149 vs. 130/199 cases, p room arrival of 3.1 ± 1.7 vs. 3.3 ± 1.9 (p = 0.5229). No severe adverse events occurred in either group. Clinically relevant pain reduction was achieved in both groups. Thus, the concept of remote physician-based telemedically-delegated analgesia by paramedics is effective compared to analgesia by on-scene EMS physicians and safe.

  17. Do antenatal education classes decrease use of epidural analgesia during labour? – a Danish RCT

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brixval, Carina Sjöberg; Thygesen, Lau Caspar; Axelsen, Solveig Forberg

    Background: Epidural analgesia is widely used as pain relief during labour but has negative side effects, such as prolonged labour and increased risk of obstetric interventions. Antenatal education in small groups may increase trust in own ability to cope at home in the early stages of labour...... of an antenatal education program in small classes on use of epidural analgesia. Methods: Data from the NEWBORN trial were used. A total of 1766 women from the Copenhagen area, Denmark were randomized to participate in either antenatal education in small groups or standard care. Data were analysed according...... on whether to implement the NEWBORN program in a clinical setting also depend upon the trial effect on psycho-social outcomes which will be analysed in near future. Main messages (max 200 anslag): 1. No effect of antenatal education in small groups on use of epidural analgesia as pain relief during labour...

  18. Assessment of buprenorphine, carprofen, and their combination for postoperative analgesia in olive baboons (Papio anubis). (United States)

    Allison, Sarah O; Halliday, Lisa C; French, Jeffrey A; Novikov, Dmitri D; Fortman, Jeffrey D


    This study compared the efficacy of buprenorphine, carprofen, and a combination of the 2 analgesics in female baboons. Physiologic and behavioral parameters were assessed at baseline and postoperatively for 6 d by use of continuous noninvasive physiologic monitoring and twice-daily videotaping. Prior to surgery, all animals received a pre-emptive dose of either 0.01 mg/kg buprenorphine intramuscularly, 2.2 mg/kg carprofen intramuscularly, or a combination of 0.01 mg/kg buprenorphine and 2.2 mg/kg carprofen intramuscularly. All animals in the carprofen (n = 4) and buprenorphine+carprofen (n = 4) treatment groups appeared to have sufficient analgesia. Three of 4 animals in the buprenorphine group had adequate analgesia. The fourth animal had an elevated heart rate and spent less time standing during the postoperative period. In this study, the use of carprofen or a combination of carprofen plus buprenorphine provided more reliable postoperative analgesia than buprenorphine alone.

  19. Maternal satisfaction as an outcome criterion in research on labor analgesia: data analysis from the recent literature. (United States)

    Dualé, Christian; Nicolas-Courbon, Aurélie; Gerbaud, Laurent; Lemery, Didier; Bonnin, Martine; Pereira, Bruno


    To investigate whether maternal satisfaction (MS) is taken into consideration as an outcome criterion in clinical research on analgesia for labor. A systematic review of articles reporting analgesia for labor from a panel of 17 influential journals was undertaken. A total of 116 articles were analyzed, including 282 within-study groups. The scope of MS, the type of outcome measure used, and the time of measurement were noted. Each available observation was assigned an ordinal value of MS (ordMS), according to data distribution. The factors influencing ordMS were identified by multivariable analysis. The methods used to assess MS were very variable, even within the different measurement tools reported. The weighted distribution of ordMS was 17.8%, 21.8%, 31.2%, and 29.3% for levels "poor," "fair," "good," and "excellent," respectively. In comparative studies, statistical differences for analgesia were related to statistical differences for MS (Pvalue was high (0.87). Power to detect a difference in MS between treatment groups was low in general, but it influenced reporting of a significant difference for MS (Pinitial cervical dilatation, and the within-study percentage of nulliparous women. The techniques alternative to epidural analgesia negatively influenced ordMS. A standard and validated tool to assess MS in clinical research on analgesia for labor is still to be developed. Power should be improved by acting on sample sizes or sensitivity of the outcome.

  20. A randomized controlled trial of the effect of combined spinal-epidural analgesia on the success of external cephalic version for breech presentation. (United States)

    Sullivan, J T; Grobman, W A; Bauchat, J R; Scavone, B M; Grouper, S; McCarthy, R J; Wong, C A


    Improving the success of external cephalic version (ECV) for breech presentation may help avoid some cesarean deliveries. The results of randomized trials comparing the success of ECV with neuraxial analgesia compared to control are inconsistent. We hypothesized that combined spinal-epidural (CSE) analgesia would increase the success of ECV when compared with systemic opioid analgesia. Parturients with singleton breech presentation (n=96) were randomized to receive CSE analgesia with bupivacaine 2.5mg and fentanyl 15 microg (CSE group) or intravenous fentanyl 50 microg (SYS group) before ECV attempt. The primary outcome was ECV success. The success rate of ECV was 47% with CSE and 31% in the SYS group (P=0.14). Subsequent vaginal delivery was 36% for CSE and 25% for SYS (P=0.27). Median [IQR] visual analog pain scores (0-100mm scale) were lower with CSE (3 [0-12]) compared to SYS analgesia (36 [16 to 54]) (P<0.005) and patient satisfaction (0-10 scale) was higher (CSE 10 [9 to 10] versus SYS 7 [4 to 9]) (P<0.005). There were no differences in fetal heart rate patterns, but median time to return to fetal heart rate reactivity after analgesia was shorter with CSE (13 [IQR 9-21] min) compared to the SYS group (39 [IQR 23-51] min) (P=0.02). There was no difference in the rate of successful ECV or vaginal delivery with CSE compared to intravenous fentanyl analgesia. Pain scores were lower and satisfaction higher with CSE analgesia, and median time to fetal heart rate reactivity was shorter in the CSE group.

  1. Thoracic epidural analgesia in donor hepatectomy: An analysis. (United States)

    Koul, Archna; Pant, Deepanjali; Rudravaram, Swetha; Sood, Jayashree


    The purpose of this study is to analyze whether supplementation of general anesthesia (GA) with thoracic epidural analgesia (TEA) for right lobe donor hepatectomy is a safe modality of pain relief in terms of changes in postoperative coagulation profile, incidence of epidural catheter-related complications, and timing of removal of epidural catheter. Retrospective analysis of the record of 104 patients who received TEA for right lobe donor hepatectomy was done. Platelet count, international normalized ratio, alanine aminotransferase, and aspartate aminotransferase were recorded postoperatively until the removal of the epidural catheter. The day of removal of the epidural catheter and visual analogue scale (VAS) scores were also recorded. Any complication encountered was documented. Intraoperatively, central venous pressure (CVP), hemodynamic variables, and volume of intravenous fluids infused were also noted. Statistical analysis was performed by using SPSS statistical package, version 17.0 (SPSS Inc. Chicago, IL). Continuous variables were presented as mean ± standard deviation. A total of 90% of patients had mean VAS scores between 1 and 4 in the postoperative period between days 1 and 5. None of the patients had a VAS score above 5. Although changes in coagulation status were encountered in all patients in the postoperative period, these changes were transient and did not persist beyond postoperative day (POD) 5. There was no delay in removal of the epidural catheter, and the majority of patients had the catheter removed by POD 4. There was no incidence of epidural hematoma. Aside from good intraoperative and postoperative analgesia, TEA in combination with balanced GA and fluid restriction enabled maintenance of low CVP and prevention of hepatic congestion. In conclusion, vigilant use of TEA appears to be safe during donor hepatectomy. Living liver donors should not be denied efficient analgesia for the fear of complications. Liver Transplantation 24 214

  2. Etoricoxib - preemptive and postoperative analgesia (EPPA in patients with laparotomy or thoracotomy - design and protocols

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    Hatz Rudolf


    Full Text Available Abstract Background and Objective Our objective was to report on the design and essentials of the Etoricoxib protocol- Preemptive and Postoperative Analgesia (EPPA Trial, investigating whether preemptive analgesia with cox-2 inhibitors is more efficacious than placebo in patients who receive either laparotomy or thoracotomy. Design and Methods The study is a 2 × 2 factorial armed, double blinded, bicentric, randomised placebo-controlled trial comparing (a etoricoxib and (b placebo in a pre- and postoperative setting. The total observation period is 6 months. According to a power analysis, 120 patients scheduled for abdominal or thoracic surgery will randomly be allocated to either the preemptive or the postoperative treatment group. These two groups are each divided into two arms. Preemptive group patients receive etoricoxib prior to surgery and either etoricoxib again or placebo postoperatively. Postoperative group patients receive placebo prior to surgery and either placebo again or etoricoxib after surgery (2 × 2 factorial study design. The Main Outcome Measure is the cumulative use of morphine within the first 48 hours after surgery (measured by patient controlled analgesia PCA. Secondary outcome parameters include a broad range of tests including sensoric perception and genetic polymorphisms. Discussion The results of this study will provide information on the analgesic effectiveness of etoricoxib in preemptive analgesia and will give hints on possible preventive effects of persistent pain. Trial registration NCT00716833

  3. Opioid-Induced Glial Activation: Mechanisms of Activation and Implications for Opioid Analgesia, Dependence, and Reward

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    Mark R. Hutchinson


    Full Text Available This review will introduce the concept of toll-like receptor (TLR–mediated glial activation as central to all of the following: neuropathic pain, compromised acute opioid analgesia, and unwanted opioid side effects (tolerance, dependence, and reward. Attenuation of glial activation has previously been demonstrated both to alleviate exaggerated pain states induced by experimental pain models and to reduce the development of opioid tolerance. Here we demonstrate that selective acute antagonism of TLR4 results in reversal of neuropathic pain as well as potentiation of opioid analgesia. Attenuating central nervous system glial activation was also found to reduce the development of opioid dependence, and opioid reward at a behavioral (conditioned place preference and neurochemical (nucleus accumbens microdialysis of morphine-induced elevations in dopamine level of analysis. Moreover, a novel antagonism of TLR4 by (+- and (˗-isomer opioid antagonists has now been characterized, and both antiallodynic and morphine analgesia potentiating activity shown. Opioid agonists were found to also possess TLR4 agonistic activity, predictive of glial activation. Targeting glial activation is a novel and as yet clinically unexploited method for treatment of neuropathic pain. Moreover, these data indicate that attenuation of glial activation, by general or selective TLR antagonistic mechanisms, may also be a clinical method for separating the beneficial (analgesia and unwanted (tolerance, dependence, and reward actions of opioids, thereby improving the safety and efficacy of their use.

  4. Pharmacological therapy for analgesia and sedation in the newborn. (United States)

    Anand, K J S; Hall, R W


    Rapid advances have been made in the use of pharmacological analgesia and sedation for newborns requiring neonatal intensive care. Practical considerations for the use of systemic analgesics (opioids, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents, other drugs), local and topical anaesthetics, and sedative or anaesthetic agents (benzodiazepines, barbiturates, other drugs) are summarised using an evidence-based medicine approach, while avoiding mention of the underlying basic physiology or pharmacology. These developments have inspired more humane approaches to neonatal intensive care. Despite these advances, little is known about the clinical effectiveness, immediate toxicity, effects on special patient populations, or long-term effects after neonatal exposure to analgesics or sedatives. The desired or adverse effects of drug combinations, interactions with non-pharmacological interventions or use for specific conditions also remain unknown. Despite the huge gaps in our knowledge, preliminary evidence for the use of neonatal analgesia and sedation is available, but must be combined with a clear definition of clinical goals, continuous physiological monitoring, evaluation of side effects or tolerance, and consideration of long-term clinical outcomes.

  5. Ultrasound and nerve stimulator guided continuous femoral nerve block analgesia after total knee arthroplasty: a multicenter randomized controlled study

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    Fen Wang


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Postoperative analgesia is crucial for early functional excise after total knee arthroplasty. To investigate the clinical efficacy of ultrasound and nerve stimulator guided continuous femoral nerve block analgesia after total knee arthroplasty. METHODS: 46 patients with ASA grade I-III who underwent total knee arthroplasty received postoperative analgesia from October 2012 to January 2013. In 22 patients, ultrasound and nerve stimulator guided continuous femoral nerve block were performed for analgesia (CFNB group; in 24 patients, epidural analgesia was done (PCEA group. The analgesic effects, side effects, articular recovery and complications were compared between two groups. RESULTS: At 6 h and 12 h after surgery, the knee pain score (VAS score during functional tests after active exercise and after passive excise in CFNB were significantly reduced when compared with PCEA group. The amount of parecoxib used in CFNB patients was significantly reduced when compared with PCEA group. At 48 h after surgery, the muscle strength grade in CFNB group was significantly higher, and the time to ambulatory activity was shorter than those in PCEA group. The incidence of nausea and vomiting in CFNB patients was significantly reduced when compared with PCEA group. CONCLUSION: Ultrasound and nerve stimulator guided continuous femoral nerve block provide better analgesia at 6 h and 12 h, demonstrated by RVAS and PVAS. The amount of parecoxib also reduces, the incidence of nausea and vomiting decreased, the influence on muscle strength is compromised and patients can perform ambulatory activity under this condition.

  6. Improvement of Morphine-Mediated Analgesia by Inhibition of β-Arrestin 2 Expression in Mice Periaqueductal Gray Matter (United States)

    Li, Yuting; Liu, Xing; Liu, Chang; Kang, Jiuhong; Yang, Jingyu; Pei, Gang; Wu, Chunfu


    Morphine is a well-known μ-opioid receptor (MOR) agonist and an efficient analgesic, but its long-term use inevitably leads to drug addiction and tolerance. Here, we show that specific inhibition of β-arrestin2 with its siRNA lentivirus microinjected in mice periaqueductal gray matter (PAG) significantly improved both acute and chronic morphine analgesia and delayed the tolerance in the hotplate test. The specific effect of β-arrestin2 was proven by overexpression or knockdown of its homology β-arrestin1 in PAG, which showed no significant effects on morphine analgesia. These findings suggest that specific siRNA targeting β-arrestin2 may constitute a new approach to morphine therapy and other MOR agonist-mediated analgesia and tolerance. PMID:19399231

  7. Comparison of morphine and carprofen administered alone or in combination for analgesia in dogs undergoing ovariohysterectomy. (United States)

    Dzikiti, T B; Joubert, K E; Venter, L J; Dzikiti, L N


    In this study the analgesic efficacy of the pure agonistic opioid morphine and the cyclo-oxygenase type-2-selective carprofen were compared since there is no previous specific comparative study for these two common analgesics. Forty-five bitches undergoing elective ovariohysterectomy were randomly assigned to one of three groups; receiving morphine 0.4 mg/kg bodyweight pre-operatively and 0.2 mg/kg every 4-6 hours thereafter (Morphine group), receiving a once-off carprofen 4 mg/kg injection (Carprofen group) or receiving both morphine and carprofen (MorphCarp group). The dogs were premedicated with acepromazine 0.01 mg/kg and induced with either thiopentone 5-10 mg/kg or propofol 4-6 mg/kg. General anaesthesia was maintained with halothane in oxygen. The degree of pain was assessed over a 24-hour period under blinded conditions using a pain scale modified from the University of Melbourne pain scale and the Glasgow composite pain tool. Physiological parameters such as respiratory rate, pulse rate and body temperature were also assessed over the same time period. There was no significant difference in pain-scores and thus analgesia offered by the three analgesia protocols at any assessment point across the three groups, but there were differences within groups across time points. Baseline total pain-scores were lower than scores at all post-operative points within all three groups. Both morphine and carprofen provided good analgesia without any obvious adverse effects. This study indicates that at the dosages indicated above, carprofen administered on its own produces analgesia equal to that produced by morphine and that the two drugs administered together do not produce better analgesia than either drug administered on its own.

  8. Southern African Journal of Anaesthesia and Analgesia - Vol 20, No ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Effectiveness of tramadol/paracetamol compared with etoricoxib as postoperative analgesia in daycare surgery · EMAIL FREE FULL TEXT EMAIL FREE FULL TEXT · DOWNLOAD FULL TEXT DOWNLOAD FULL TEXT. Choy Y. Choy, Adnan Isquandar, 155-159. ...

  9. Continuous bilateral thoracic paravertebral blockade for analgesia after cardiac surgery: a randomised, controlled trial. (United States)

    Lockwood, Geoff G; Cabreros, Leilani; Banach, Dorota; Punjabi, Prakash P


    Continuous bilateral thoracic paravertebral blockade has been used for analgesia after cardiac surgery, but its efficacy has never been formally tested. Fifty adult patients were enrolled in a double-blind, randomised, controlled study of continuous bilateral thoracic paravertebral infusion of 0.5% lidocaine (1 -1 .hr -1 ) for analgesia after coronary surgery. Control patients received a subcutaneous infusion of lidocaine at the same rate through catheters inserted at the same locations as the study group. The primary outcome was morphine consumption at 48 hours using patient-controlled analgesia (PCA). Secondary outcomes included pain, respiratory function, nausea and vomiting. Serum lidocaine concentrations were measured on the first two post-operative days. There was no difference in morphine consumption or in any other outcome measure between the groups. Serum lidocaine concentrations increased during the study, with a maximum of 5.9 mg.l -1 . There were no adverse events as a consequence of the study. Bilateral paravertebral infusion of lidocaine confers no advantage over systemic lidocaine infusion after cardiac surgery. ISRCTN13424423 ( ).

  10. Caracterización de pacientes con esplenopatía quirúrgica no traumática

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    Jan González Ramos


    Full Text Available Fundamento: el bazo es un órgano muy importante sobre todo en la edad pediátrica, su intervención quirúrgica es una opción en varias enfermedades. Cada vez más se aboga por las técnicas conservadoras de este órgano por su importancia en la inmunidad en pacientes pediátricos. Objetivo: identificar las características de los pacientes tratados por esplenopatía quirúrgica no traumática y describir el resultado del tratamiento quirúrgico. Método: estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo de todos los pacientes que recibieron cirugía esplénica de causa no traumática en el Hospital Pediátrico Universitario Paquito González Cueto de Cienfuegos desde el año 1994 al año 2011. Las variables que se utilizaron fueron: la edad, enfermedad de base, tipo de operación, criterios clínico-hematológicos que decidieron la operación, complicaciones postoperatorias y resultados del tratamiento quirúrgico. Se aplicó la estadística descriptiva, frecuencias y porcientos. Los resultados obtenidos se ilustraron en gráficos y tablas estadísticas. Resultados: el mayor grupo intervenido fue el de 5 a 9 años de edad. Los pacientes con esplenectomía en la trombocitopenia inmune fueron la mitad de todos los pacientes del estudio. El tratamiento quirúrgico más utilizado fue la esplenectomía total, y la parcial en el mayor porcentaje a los que presentaban anemia drepanocítica y β-talasemia. El criterio clínico-hematológico que más motivó la cirugía fue la trombocitopenia en el 50 % de los casos. Se reportaron pocas complicaciones en el postoperatorio inmediato y el 81,25 % tuvo una evolución satisfactoria. Conclusiones: se operaron 32 pacientes del bazo por causa no traumática, 1 paciente con esplenoptosis o bazo aberrante y un paciente con un tumor esplénico. La esplenectomía parcial se realizó en el 100 % de los pacientes con β talasemia. La cirugía esplénica es sin duda una opción terapéutica a una gran variedad de afecciones tanto

  11. [Development of an Analgesia Therapy System for Delivery Based on Bio-feedback Transcuataneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation]. (United States)

    Deng Songbo; Lu Yaosheng; Fang, Kun; Qin, Ruyi; Lin, Zhan


    Transcuataneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) analgesia as a non-drug method has received people's more and more attention recently. Considering problems of existing products, such as unstable performance and unsatisfied effectiveness, we developed a new analgesia therapy system for delivery based on bio-feedback TENS in our laboratory. We proposed a new idea for stimulation signal design, that is, we modulated a middle frequency signal by a traditional low frequency TENS wave in the new system. We designed different prescription waves for pain relief during a uterine contraction or massage between contractions. In the end, a bio-feedback TENS method was proposed, in which the waveforms of stimulation signals were selected and their parameters were modified automatically based on feedback from uterine pressure, etc. It was proved through quality tests and clinical trials that the system had good performance and satisfied analgesia effectiveness.

  12. Infant feeding and analgesia in labour: the evidence is accumulating

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    Jordan Sue


    Full Text Available Abstract The interesting and important paper by Torvaldsen and colleagues provides further circumstantial evidence of a positive association between intrapartum analgesia and feeding infant formula. Not all research supports this association. Before 'failure to breastfeed' can be adjudged an adverse effect of intrapartum analgesia, the research evidence needs to be considered in detail. Examination of the existing evidence against the Bradford-Hill criteria indicates that the evidence is not yet conclusive. However, the difficulties of obtaining funding and undertaking large trials to explore putative adverse drug reactions in pregnant women may mean that we shall never have conclusive evidence of harm. Therefore, reports of large cohort studies with regression models, as in the paper published today, assume a greater importance than in other areas of investigation. Meanwhile, women and their clinicians may feel that sufficient evidence has accumulated to justify offering extra support to establish breastfeeding if women have received high doses of analgesics in labour.

  13. The Neuroanatomy of Sexual Dimorphism in Opioid Analgesia (United States)


    2012 for review). Studies utilizing orofacial , somatosensory or visceral pain assays typically report that morphine produces a significantly greater...Review The neuroanatomy of sexual dimorphism in opioid analgesia Dayna R. Loyd a, Anne Z. Murphy b,⁎ a Pain Management Research Area, United 13 April 2014 Keywords: Pain Periaqueductal gray Morphine Mu opioid receptor The influence of sex has been neglected in clinical studies on pain

  14. Labor induction just after external cephalic version with epidural analgesia at term

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    Marcos J. Cuerva


    Conclusion: Considering that a high number of cesarean deliveries can be avoided, induction of labor after ECV with epidural analgesia at term can be considered after being discussed in selected patient.

  15. Artroplastia de cadera con osteotomía de acortamiento femoral en cadera displásica Crowe IV. [Hip arthroplasty with femoral shortening osteotomy in dysplastic hip Crowe IV.

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    Carlos Mauricio Quinteros


    Full Text Available Objetivo: La reconstrucción del centro de rotación (CDR anatómico es uno de los propósitos principales en displasia del desarrollo de la cadera (DDC grado IV de Crowe. Dentro de las alternativas para lograr esta reconstrucción ha surgido la osteotomía de acortamiento subtrocantérica (OAST. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar los resultados clínicos, radiológicos y las complicaciones obtenidas con esta técnica quirúrgica. Material y métodos: Fueron evaluados 10 casos en 8 pacientes con DDC grado IV en los cuales se realizó OAST. Todos pertenecían al sexo femenino; 6 de ellos eran unilaterales y 2 bilaterales. La edad promedio fue 42 años (rango 36-55 años. La discrepancia de longitud de miembros inferiores preoperatoria era en promedio de 41 mm. En todos los casos se realizó abordaje posterolateral. En 7 casos se implantaron tallos no cementados modulares de fijación metafisaria (S-ROM y en 3 casos tallos cementados pulido espejo (2 Exeter y 1 C-Stem. Resultados: A los 38 meses de seguimiento promedio (rango 12-63 meses, todas las osteotomías evidenciaron consolidación radiológica. El CDR postoperatorio descendió 42 mm promedio (rango 35-52 mm con respecto al preoperatorio. La discrepancia de longitud de miembros inferiores promedio postoperatoria fue de 6 mm (rango 3-12. Las complicaciones fueron: un aflojamiento femoral aséptico, una subluxación por alteración de la anteversión femoral, una luxación, una infección aguda y una neuropraxia crural. Conclusión: En esta serie de pacientes con DDC grado IV de Crowe operados con la técnica de OAST observamos una alta tasa de consolidación, una implantación anatómica del CDR y una compensación de la discrepancia en la longitud de los miembros.

  16. Comparative evaluation of dexmedetomidine and fentanyl for epidural analgesia in lower limb orthopedic surgeries

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    Sukhminder Jit Singh Bajwa


    Full Text Available Background and Aims: Opioids as epidural adjunct to local anesthetics (LA have been in use since long and α-2 agonists are being increasingly used for similar purpose. The present study aims at comparing the hemodynamic, sedative, and analgesia potentiating effects of epidurally administered fentanyl and dexmedetomidine when combined with ropivacaine. Methods: A total of one hundred patients of both gender aged 21-56 years, American Society of Anaesthesiologist (ASA physical status I and II who underwent lower limb orthopedic surgery were enrolled into the present study. Patients were randomly divided into two groups: Ropivacaine + Dexmedetomidine (RD and Ropivacaine + Fentanyl (RF, comprising 50 patie nts each. Inj. Ropivacaine, 15 ml of 0.75%, was administered epidurally in both the groups with addition of 1 μg/kg of dexmedetomidine in RD group and 1 μg/kg of fentanyl in RF group. Besides cardio-respiratory parameters and sedation scores, various block characteristics were also observed which included time to onset of analgesia at T10, maximum sensory analgesic level, time to complete motor blockade, time to two segmental dermatomal regressions, and time to first rescue analgesic. At the end of study, data was compiled systematically and analyzed using ANOVA with post-hoc significance, Chi-square test and Fisher′s exact test. Value of P<0.05 is considered significant and P<0.001 as highly significant. Results: The demographic profile of patients was comparable in both the groups. Onset of sensory analgesia at T10 (7.12±2.44 vs 9.14±2.94 and establishment of complete motor blockade (18.16±4.52 vs 22.98±4.78 was significantly earlier in the RD group. Postoperative analgesia was prolonged significantly in the RD group (366.62±24.42 and consequently low dose consumption of local anaesthetic LA (76.82±14.28 vs 104.35±18.96 during epidural top-ups postoperatively. Sedation scores were much better in the RD group and highly significant on


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    V. Kh. Sharipova


    Full Text Available PURPOSE OF THE STUDY. Improvement of perioperative multimodal analgesia at long­termed traumatizing abdominal interventions with estimation of its effectiveness.MATERIALS AND METHODS. Eighty six patients have been examined and divided into 3 groups depending on anesthesia and postoperative pain relief methods.RESULTS. The effectiveness of perioperative multi­modal analgesia using methods affecting the whole pathogenesis of pain has been revealed. Minimal stress of central and peripheral hemodynamics parameters, less evident pain syndrome in the post­operative period, economic effect shown up by the decrease of the use of narcotic analgesics both in intra­ and post­operative period have been observed.CONCLUSION. Algorithm of perioperative multi­modal analgesia at long­termed and traumatizing abdominal operative interventions has been developed. 

  18. Comparison of continuous interscalene block and subacromial infusion of local anesthetic for postoperative analgesia after open shoulder surgery. (United States)

    Baskan, Semih; Cankaya, Deniz; Unal, Hidayet; Yoldas, Burak; Taspinar, Vildan; Deveci, Alper; Tabak, Yalcin; Baydar, Mustafa


    This study compared the efficacy of continuous interscalene block (CISB) and subacromial infusion of local anesthetic (CSIA) for postoperative analgesia after open shoulder surgery. This randomized, prospective, double-blinded, single-center study included 40 adult patients undergoing open shoulder surgery. All patients received a standardized general anesthetic. The patients were separated into group CISB and group CSIA. A loading dose of 40 mL 0.25% bupivacaine was administered and patient-controlled analgesia was applied by catheter with 0.1% bupivacaine 5 mL/h throughout 24 h basal infusion, 2 mL bolus dose, and 20 min knocked time in both groups postoperatively. Visual analog scale (VAS) scores, additional analgesia need, local anesthetic consumption, complications, and side effects were recorded during the first 24 h postoperatively. The range of motion (ROM) score was recorded preoperatively and in the first and third weeks postoperatively. A statistically significant difference was determined between the groups in respect of consumption of local anesthetic, VAS scores, additional analgesia consumption, complications, and side effects, with lower values recorded in the CISB group. There were no significant differences in ROM scoring in the preoperative and postoperative third week between the two groups but there were significant differences in ROM scoring in the postoperative first week, with higher ROM scoring values in the group CISB patients. The results of this study have shown that continuous interscalene infusion of bupivacaine is an effective and safe method of postoperative analgesia after open shoulder surgery.

  19. Transversus abdominis plane block as a component of multimodal analgesia for laparoscopic cholecystectomy. (United States)

    Oksar, Menekse; Koyuncu, Onur; Turhanoglu, Selim; Temiz, Muhyittin; Oran, Mustafa Cemil


    To evaluate and compare intercostal-iliac transversus abdominis plane (TAP) and oblique subcostal TAP (OSTAP) blocks for multimodal analgesia in patients receiving laparoscopic cholecystectomy. A prospective, randomized, double-blinded clinical study. Operating room, postoperative recovery area, and ward. In total, 60 laparoscopic cholecystectomy patients (43 women, 17 men, American Society of Anesthesiologists grades I-II) were enrolled from the general surgery department of our tertiary care center. The patients were assigned to 1 of the 3 groups. Group 1 received TAP blocks (n=20), group 2 received OSTAP blocks (n=20), and group 3 patients were used as controls and received patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) only (n=20). After the induction of anesthesia, blocks were performed bilaterally in study groups 1 and 2, using 20mL of lidocaine (5mg/mL). PCA with intravenous tramadol was routinely provided for all patients during the first 24hours. The intraoperative use of remifentanil, postoperative visual analog scale (VAS) scores, demand for PCA, and total analgesic consumption were recorded. The patients in the control group had greater analgesic demands and analgesic consumption than did those in groups 1 and 2. However, patients in the OSTAP group had lower VAS scores than did those in groups 1 and 3. The demand for analgesia was greater in the control group than in groups 1 and 2. Moreover, lower VAS scores were recorded in the OSTAP group than in groups 1 and 3 and were positively correlated with total PCA consumption among all patients. However, postoperative VAS scores were negatively correlated with the total intraoperative consumption of remifentanil at 24hours. TAP and OSTAP blocks improved postoperative analgesia in patients receiving laparoscopic cholecystectomy, which resulted in lower VAS scores and reduction in total analgesic consumption. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  20. Optimal Dose of Epidural Dexmedetomidine Added to Ropivacaine for Epidural Labor Analgesia: A Pilot Study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Zhang Wangping


    Full Text Available Background. Dexmedetomidine combined with local anesthetics can decrease the concentration of epidural ropivacaine. However, the optimal dose of epidural dexmedetomidine combined with ropivacaine for labor analgesia is still uncertain. This study investigated the effect of adding different dose of epidural dexmedetomidine to ropivacaine during epidural labor analgesia. Methods. One hundred women were randomly assigned to one of the four groups (Groups A, B, C, and D received 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, and 1 μg/ml of dexmedetomidine plus 0.1% ropivacaine, resp.. The onset of epidural anesthesia and stages of labor were studied, and pain was assessed using a visual analogue scale (VAS. Hemodynamic parameters and fetal heart rate were monitored. Apgar scores and umbilical artery pH were recorded. The side effects, if any, were recorded also. Results. The addition of 0.25, 0.5, and 0.75 μg/ml of dexmedetomidine to 0.1% ropivacaine provided safe and effective analgesia, but 1 μg/ml of dexmedetomidine resulted in increasing incidence of motor block. The hemodynamic parameters were similar between groups (P>0.05. Side effects in Group D were significantly higher than those in the other three groups (P<0.05. Conclusions. When dexmedetomidine is combined with 0.1% ropivacaine, the optimal concentration of dexmedetomidine is 0.5 μg/ml for epidural labor analgesia (this trial is registered with ChiCTR-OPC-16008548.

  1. Comparison of morphine and carprofen administered alone or in combination for analgesia in dogs undergoing ovariohysterectomy

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    T.B. Dzikiti


    Full Text Available In this study the analgesic efficacy of the pure agonistic opioid morphine and the cyclo-oxygenase type-2-selective carprofen were compared since there is no previous specific comparative study for these two common analgesics. Forty-five bitches undergoing elective ovariohysterectomy were randomly assigned to one of three groups; receiving morphine 0.4 mg/kg bodyweight pre-operatively and 0.2 mg/kg every 4-6 hours thereafter (Morphine group, receiving a once-off carprofen 4 mg/kg injection (Carprofen group or receiving both morphine and carprofen (MorphCarp group. The dogs were premedicated with acepromazine 0.01 mg/kg and induced with either thiopentone 5-10 mg/kg or propofol 4-6 mg/kg. General anaesthesia was maintained with halothane in oxygen. The degree of pain was assessed over a 24-hour period under blinded conditions using a pain scale modified from the University of Melbourne pain scale and the Glasgow composite pain tool. Physiological parameters such as respiratory rate, pulse rate and body temperature were also assessed over the same time period. There was no significant difference in pain-scores and thus analgesia offered by the three analgesia protocols at any assessment point across the three groups, but there were differences within groups across time points. Baseline total pain-scores were lower than scores at all post-operative points within all three groups. Both morphine and carprofen provided good analgesia without any obvious adverse effects. This study indicates that at the dosages indicated above, carprofen administered on its own produces analgesia equal to that produced by morphine and that the two drugs administered together do not produce better analgesia than either drug administered on its own.

  2. Comparative study of caudal bupivacaine versus bupivacaine with tramadol for postoperative analgesia in paediatric cancer patients

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Mohammed Hegazy; Ayman A. Ghoneim


    Objective: Caudal epidural analgesia has become very common analgesic technique in paediatric surgery. Add-ing tramadol to bupivacaine for caudal injection prolongs duration of analgesia with minimal side effects. The aim of the study was to investigate the different effects of caudal bupivacaine versus bupivacaine with thamadol for postoperative analgesia in paediatric cancer patients. Methods: A prospective randomized controlled trial was conducted over 40 paediatric cancer pa-tients who were recruited from Children Cancer Hospital of Egypt (57357 Hospital). Patients were randomized into 2 groups: bupivacaine group (group B, 20 patients) to receive single shot caudal block of 1 mL/kg 0.1875% bupivacaine; tramadol group (group T, 20 patients) prepared as group B with the addition of 1 mg/kg caudal tramadol. Results: The mean duration of analgesia was significantly longer among group T than group B [(24 ± 13.7) hours versus (7 ± 3.7) hours respectively with P = 0.001]. Group T showed a significantly lower mean FLACC score than group B (2.2 ± 0.9 versus 3.6 ± 0.6 with P = 0.002). The difference in FLACC score was comparable on arrival, and after 2 and 4 hours. At 8 and 12 hours the group B recorded significantly higher scores (P = 0.002 and 0.0001 respectively). There were no significant differences between the groups as regards sedation score [the median in both groups was 1 (0–1) with P value = o.8]. No one developed facial flush or pruritis. Conclusion: Caudal injection of low dose tramadol 1 mg/kg with bupivacaine 0.1875% is proved to be effective, long standing technique for postoperative analgesia in major paediatric cancer surgery and almost devoid of side effect.

  3. Improved Outcomes Associated with the Liberal Use of Thoracic Epidural Analgesia in Patients with Rib Fractures. (United States)

    Jensen, Courtney D; Stark, Jamie T; Jacobson, Lewis L; Powers, Jan M; Joseph, Michael F; Kinsella-Shaw, Jeffrey M; Denegar, Craig R


    Each year, more than 150,000 patients with rib fractures are admitted to US trauma centers; as many as 10% die. Effective pain control is critical to survival. One way to manage pain is thoracic epidural analgesia. If this treatment reduces mortality, more frequent use may be indicated. We analyzed the patient registry of a level II trauma center. All patients admitted with one or more rib fractures (N = 1,347) were considered. Patients who were not candidates for epidural analgesia (N = 382) were eliminated. Mortality was assessed with binary logistic regressions. Across the total population, mortality was 6.7%; incidence of pneumonia was 11.1%; mechanical ventilation was required in 23.8% of patients, for an average duration of 10.0 days; average stay in the hospital was 7.7 nights; and 49.7% of patients were admitted to the ICU for an average of 7.2 nights. Epidural analgesia was administered to 18.4% of patients. After matching samples for candidacy, patients who received epidurals were 3.7 years older, fractured 2.6 more ribs, had higher injury severity scores, and were more likely to present with bilateral fractures, flail segments, pulmonary contusions, hemothoraces, and pneumothoraces. Despite greater injury severity, mortality among these patients was lower (0.5%) than those who received alternative care (1.9%). Controlling for age, injury severity, and use of mechanical ventilation, epidural analgesia predicted a 97% reduction in mortality. Thoracic epidural analgesia associates with reduced mortality in rib fracture patients. Better care of this population is likely to be facilitated by more frequent reliance on this treatment. © 2016 American Academy of Pain Medicine. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:

  4. Knowledge, attitude and acceptance of antenatal women toward labor analgesia and caesarean section in a medical college hospital in India

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Udita Naithani


    Full Text Available Background : The present audit was initiated to evaluate the knowledge, attitude, perception and acceptance of women toward labor analgesia and caesarean section, in a Medical College Hospital in Udaipur, India. Materials and Methods : A semi-structured interview of 200 antenatal women was conducted, to assess the knowledge, attitude and perception regarding labor analgesia and caesarean section (CS and to estimate the correlation of awareness and acceptability with demographic variables. The data were analyzed using Epi Info 6 and the Likert type scale (0 - 10, as also the chi square test, to calculate the statistical significance. Results : Most of the patients (n = 181, 90.50% were unaware of labor analgesia. When the option of labor analgesia was offered, only 23% (n = 46 accepted it and the most significant reason for refusal was to experience natural child birth (n = 114 / 154, 74.03%. An educational status of the graduate level had a positive impact on knowledge about labor analgesia (P = 0.0001. When the option for CS was offered, 73.50% women (n = 147; P = 0.008 refused and the most common reasons for refusal were fear of operation (53.06%, n = 78 and delay in resuming household work (46.26%, n = 68. Educational status up to the graduate level and previous surgical experience of CS had a positive correlation with preference for CS (P = 0.0092 and P = 0.0001, respectively. Conclusions : Awareness and acceptance for labor analgesia was relatively low among the prospective parturients. A higher level of education had a significant impact on their decisions regarding delivery.

  5. Postoperative pain and gastro-intestinal recovery after colonic resection with epidural analgesia and multimodal rehabilitation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Werner, M U; Gaarn-Larsen, L; Basse, L


    The aim of the study was to evaluate initial postoperative pain intensity and the association with recovery of gastrointestinal function and length of stay (LOS) in a multimodal programme with epidural analgesia, early oral nutrition and mobilisation with a 48 h planned hospital stay. One hundred......, respectively. Gastrointestinal recovery and LOS did not differ between patients with high (3-6) versus low (0-2) dynamic pain scores (P > 0.4 and P > 0.1, respectively). It is concluded that a multimodal rehabilitation program including continuous thoracic epidural analgesia leads to early recovery...

  6. Analgesia regional periférica com lidocaína em paciente queimado: relato de caso


    Geier, Karl Otto


    JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A realização de anestesia regional em pacientes queimados é dificultosa pela localização aleatória das lesões térmicas. Elevadas taxas de alfa1 glicoproteína ácida com grande afinidade para drogas alcalinas, especialmente a lidocaína, têm sido observadas nesses pacientes. Este caso relata como o uso intermitente de anestesia e analgesia regional periférica com altas doses de lidocaína podem ser úteis em fornecer efetiva analgesia num paciente com queimaduras de segu...

  7. Efeito preemptivo da morfina por via venosa na analgesia pós-operatória e na resposta ao trauma cirúrgico Efecto preemptivo de la morfina por vía venosa en la analgesia pós-operatoria y en la respuesta al trauma quirúrgico The effect of preemptive intravenous morphine on postoperative analgesia and surgical stress response

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Levent Kiliçkan


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Embora os primeiros estudos sobre analgesia preemptiva tenham demonstrado que o bloqueio pré-operatório com anestésicos locais ou a medicação pré-anestésica com opióides sistêmicos eram mais eficazes no alívio da dor pós-operatória do que qualquer outro tratamento, o resultado de outros estudos comparando os efeitos do tratamento pré operatório ao mesmo tratamento iniciado após a cirurgia, produziram efeitos inconsistentes. As razões para essa falta de consistência não são claras. São poucos os estudos sobre a relação entre analgesia preemptiva e o consumo de analgésicos e a resposta ao trauma cirúrgico. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito preemptivo da morfina por via venosa preemptiva no consumo pós-operatório de analgésicos e na resposta ao trauma cirúrgico. MÉTODO: Participaram deste estudo 60 pacientes, estado físico ASA I ou II, com idades entre 20 e 60 anos, escalados para histerectomia abdominal total e salpingo-ooferectomia bilateral, que foram aleatoriamente distribuídos em três grupos de 20 pacientes. Grupo I (n=20 - 0,15 de morfina após a indução anestésica e soro fisiológico durante o fechamento do peritônio. Grupo II (n=20 - soro fisiológico após a indução e 0,15 de morfina durante o fechamento do peritônio. Grupo III (n=20 soro fisiológico durante a indução e o fechamento do peritônio. Foram medidos os níveis sangüíneos de cortisol e de glicose e feita a contagem de leucócitos nos períodos pré e pós-operatórios. RESULTADOS: O consumo total de morfina pós-operatória foi significativamente mais baixo no grupo I comparado ao grupo III (p JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: No obstante los primeros estudios sobre analgesia preemptiva hayan demostrado que el bloqueo pré-operatorio con anestésicos locales o la medicación pré-anestésica con opioides sistemicos eran mas eficaces en el alivio del dolor pós-operatorio de que cualquier

  8. Ilioinguinal-iliohypogastric nerve block with intravenous dexketoprofen improves postoperative analgesia in abdominal hysterectomies. (United States)

    Yucel, Evren; Kol, Iclal Ozdemir; Duger, Cevdet; Kaygusuz, Kenan; Gursoy, Sinan; Mimaroglu, Caner


    In this study, our aim was to evaluate the effects of intravenous dexketoprofen trometamol with ilioinguinal and iliohypogastric nerve block on analgesic quality and morphine consumption after total abdominal hysterectomy operations. We conducted this randomized controlled clinical study on 61 patients. The study was conducted in the operation room, post-anesthesia care unit, and inpatient clinic. We randomly grouped the 61 patients into control group (group C), block group (group B) and dexketoprofen-block group (group DB). Before the skin incision performed after anesthesia induction, we performed ilioinguinal iliohypogastric block (group C given saline and group P and DB given levobupivacaine). In contrast to group C and B, group DB was given dexketoprofen. We administered morphine analgesia to all patients by patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) during the postoperative 24 hours. We recorded Visual Analogue Scale (VAS), satisfaction scores, morphine consumption and side effects during postoperative 24 hours. We found the DB group's VAS scores to be lower than the control group and block group's (p dexketoprofen increases patient satisfaction by decreasing opioid consumption, increasing patient satisfaction, which suggests that dexketoprofen trometamol is an effective non-steroidal anti-inflammatory analgesic in postoperative analgesia. Copyright © 2013 Sociedade Brasileira de Anestesiologia. Published by Elsevier Editora Ltda. All rights reserved.

  9. Mast cell deficiency attenuates acupuncture analgesia for mechanical pain using c-kit gene mutant rats. (United States)

    Cui, Xiang; Liu, Kun; Xu, Dandan; Zhang, Youyou; He, Xun; Liu, Hao; Gao, Xinyan; Zhu, Bing


    Acupuncture therapy plays a pivotal role in pain relief, and increasing evidence demonstrates that mast cells (MCs) may mediate acupuncture analgesia. The present study aims to investigate the role of MCs in acupuncture analgesia using c-kit gene mutant-induced MC-deficient rats. WsRC-Ws/Ws rats and their wild-type (WT) littermates (WsRC-+/+) were used. The number of MCs in skin of ST36 area was compared in two rats after immunofluorescence labeling. Mechanical withdrawal latency (MWL), mechanical withdrawal threshold (MWT), and thermal withdrawal latency (TWL) were measured on bilateral plantar for pain threshold evaluation before and after each stimulus. Acupuncture- and moxibustion-like stimuli (43°C, 46°C heat, 1 mA electroacupuncture [EA], 3 mA EA, and manual acupuncture [MA]) were applied randomly on different days. Fewer MCs were observed in the skin of ST36 in mutant rats compared to WT rats ( P 0.05). Bilateral MWL and MWT in WsRC-+/+ rats increased significantly after each stimulus compared to baseline ( P <0.01, P <0.001). In WsRC-Ws/Ws rats, only noxious stimuli could produce anti-nociceptive effects for mechanical pain (46°C, 3 mA EA, MA) ( P <0.01, P <0.001). Additionally, the net increases in MWL and MWT induced by most stimuli were greater in WT than in mutant rats ( P <0.05). For thermal nociception, either high- or low-intensity stimuli could significantly augment TWL in two rats ( P <0.001), and the net increases of TWL evoked by most stimuli were to the same extent in two genetic variants. MCs influence the basic mechanical but not thermal pain threshold. MCs participate in acupuncture analgesia in mechanical but not in thermal nociception, in that MC deficiency may attenuate the mechanical analgesia evoked by high-intensity stimuli and eliminate analgesia provoked by low-intensity stimuli.

  10. Analgesia in the horse, assessing and treating pain in equines

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Loon, Thijs van

    This review focuses on pain and nociception in horses and is based on the PhD thesis “Analgesia in the Horse, various approaches for assessment and treatment of pain and nociception in equines” by J.P.A.M. van Loon. Apart from a scientific review of the related literature, a multi-disciplinary

  11. Effect of local anaesthesia and/or analgesia on pain responses induced by piglet castration

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    Nyman Görel


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Surgical castration in male piglets is painful and methods that reduce this pain are requested. This study evaluated the effect of local anaesthesia and analgesia on vocal, physiological and behavioural responses during and after castration. A second purpose was to evaluate if herdsmen can effectively administer anaesthesia. Methods Four male piglets in each of 141 litters in five herds were randomly assigned to one of four treatments: castration without local anaesthesia or analgesia (C, controls, analgesia (M, meloxicam, local anaesthesia (L, lidocaine, or both local anaesthesia and analgesia (LM. Lidocaine (L, LM was injected at least three minutes before castration and meloxicam (M, LM was injected after castration. During castration, vocalisation was measured and resistance movements judged. Behaviour observations were carried out on the castration day and the following day. The day after castration, castration wounds were ranked, ear and skin temperature was measured, and blood samples were collected for analysis of acute phase protein Serum Amyloid A concentration (SAA. Piglets were weighed on the castration day and at three weeks of age. Sickness treatments and mortality were recorded until three weeks of age. Results Piglets castrated with lidocaine produced calls with lower intensity (p p p = 0.06, n.s. and the following day (p = 0.02. Controls had less swollen wounds compared to piglets assigned to treatments M, L and LM (p p = 0.005; p = 0.05 for C + L compared to M + LM. Ear temperature was higher (p Conclusions The study concludes that lidocaine reduced pain during castration and that meloxicam reduced pain after castration. The study also concludes that the herdsmen were able to administer local anaesthesia effectively.

  12. Carcinoma adenoide quístico parotídeo: soluciones estéticas y funcionales

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    Raquel Villar


    Full Text Available El carcinoma adenoide quístico supone el 10-30% de las neoplasias malignas parotídeas, su tratamiento se basa en una parotidectomía que incluya el tumor con un adecuado margen de seguridad y la radioterapia postoperatoria dado que permite mejorar el control locorregional de la enfermedad. Revisamos un caso que permite exponer el manejo de las secuelas funcionales y estéticas derivadas de su tratamiento. Consideramos adecuada la reconstrucción inmediata del nervio facial cuando se encuentra clínicamente afecto o englobado por el tumor; así como suplir el defecto de volumen posparotidectomía con un colgajo local. Proponemos la anastomosis nerviosa con injerto de nervio sural de las ramas del nervio facial afectas y el relleno del defecto volumen posparotidectomía con un colgajo de fascia temporo-parietal.

  13. Use of hydrotherapy during labour: Assessment of pain, use of analgesia and neonatal safety. (United States)

    Mallen-Perez, Laura; Roé-Justiniano, M Teresa; Colomé Ochoa, Núria; Ferre Colomat, Alicia; Palacio, Montse; Terré-Rull, Carme


    To evaluate the effectiveness of the use of hydrotherapy in pain perception and requesting analgesia in women who use hydrotherapy during childbirth and to identify possible adverse effects in infants born in water. A multicentre prospective cohort study was performed between September 2014 and April 2016. A total of 200 pregnant women were selected and assigned to the hydrotherapy group (HG) or the control group (CG) according to desire and availability of use, data collection started at 5cm dilatation. The instruments used were the numerical rating scale (NRS), use of analgesia, Apgar Test, umbilical cord pH and NICU admission. Participants were distributed into: HG (n=111; 50 water birth) and CG (n=89). Pain at 30 and 90min was lower in the HG than in the CG (NRS 30min 6.7 [SD 1.6] vs 7.8 [SD 1.2] [Phydrotherapy reduces pain during labour, and during second stage in women who undergo a water birth and the demand for analgesia decreases in multiparous pregnant women. No adverse effects were seen in infants born under water. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  14. Efficacy and safety of combined spinal: Epidural versus epidural technique for labor analgesia in parturients with rheumatic valvular heart disease

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    Babita Ghai


    Full Text Available Background: Hemodynamic changes induced by labor pain and apprehension in addition to physiological changes may pose risk to parturients with rheumatic heart disease (RHD. Therefore, it is important to provide adequate pain relief during labor in these patients. We planned this study to compare the efficacy and safety of epidural (E versus combined spinal - epidural (CSE for labor analgesia in parturients with rheumatic valvular heart disease. Methods: Twenty-five parturients with RHD included in this study were randomized to one of the two groups - E group (n = 12, received 6 mL of 0.0625% bupivacaine with 25 μg fentanyl or CSE group (n = 13, received 25 μg of fentanyl with 1.25 mg bupivacaine diluted to 1 mL in subarachnoid space. Afterward, a continuous infusion of 0.1% bupivacaine with 2 μg/mL fentanyl was started at 6-8 mL/h. Primary outcome, analgesic efficacy, was assessed by visual analog scale (VAS for pain. VAS ≤ 3 was considered as effective analgesia. Rescue analgesia in the form of epidural bolus was given if VAS > 3. Results: Demographic characteristics of the patients were comparable. Mitral stenosis was the predominant valvular lesion. The VAS at which the parturients received analgesia was comparable. The mean time to achieve effective analgesia was significantly faster in CSE group (4.46 ± 0.87 min compared with group E (15.09 ± 5.7 min (P < 0.001. Significantly lower median pain scores were recorded until the initial 15 min in CSE group. Afterward, median VAS for pain was comparable between the groups. VAS for pain was significantly low at all time intervals than baseline in both the groups. Maternal satisfaction and incidence of cesarean rate and complication were comparable between the groups. Conclusion: Both epidural and CSE are equally effective and safe for labor analgesia in parturients with rheumatic valvular heart disease. However, CSE technique provides a faster onset of analgesia.

  15. Analgesia produced by exposure to 2450-MHz radiofrequency radiation (RFR) is mediated by brain mu- and kappa-opioid receptors

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Salomon, G.; Park, E.J.; Quock, R.M. (Univ. of Illinois, Rockford (United States))


    This study was conducted to identify the opioid receptor subtype(s) responsible for RFR-induced analgesia. Male Swiss Webster mice, 20-25 g, were exposed to 20 mW/cm{sup 2} RFR in a 2,450-MHz waveguide system for 10 min, then tested 15 min later in the abdominal constriction paradigm which detects {mu}- and {kappa}-opioid activity. Immediately following RFR exposure, different groups of mice were pretreated intracerebroventricularly with different opioid receptor blockers with selectivity for {mu}- or {kappa}-opioid receptors. Results show that RFR-induced analgesia was attenuated by higher but not lower doses of the non-selective antagonist naloxone, but the selective {mu}-opioid antagonist {beta}-funaltrexamine and by the selective {kappa}-opioid antagonist norbinaltorphimine. RFR-induced analgesia was also reduced by subcutaneous pretreatment with 5.0 mg/kg of the {mu}-/{kappa}-opioid antagonist({minus})-5,9-diethyl-{alpha}-5,9-dialkyl-2{prime}-hydroxy-6,7-benzomorphan(MR-2266). These findings suggest that RFR-induced analgesia may be mediated by both {mu}- and {kappa}-opioid mechanisms.

  16. Analgesic efficacy of local infiltration analgesia in hip and knee arthroplasty

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Lasse Østergaard; Kehlet, H


    In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in local infiltration analgesia (LIA) as a technique to control postoperative pain. We conducted a systematic review of randomized clinical trials investigating LIA for total knee arthroplasty (TKA) and total hip arthroplasty (THA) to evaluate...

  17. The effects of intrathecal midazolam on the duration of analgesia in ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    This study was designed to evaluate the effect of 2 mg preservative-free intrathecal midazolam added to spinal bupivacaine during postoperative analgesia, and the incidence of adverse effects, if any, in patients undergoing knee arthroscopies. Method: Fifty consenting American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) physical ...

  18. Postoperative analgesia in children when using clonidine in addition to fentanyl with bupivacaine given caudally. (United States)

    Jarraya, Anouar; Elleuch, Sahar; Zouari, Jawhar; Smaoui, Mohamed; Laabidi, Sofiene; Kolsi, Kamel


    The aim of the study was to evaluate the efficacy of clonidine in association with fentanyl as an additive to bupivacaine 0.25% given via single shot caudal epidural in pediatric patients for postoperative pain relief. In the present prospective randomized double blind study, 40 children of ASA-I-II aged 1-5 years scheduled for infraumblical surgical procedures were randomly allocated to two groups to receive either bupivacaine 0.25% (1 ml/kg) with fentanyl 1 μg/kg and clonidine 1μg/kg (group I) or bupivacaine 0.25% (1 ml/kg) with fentanyl 1 μg/kg (group II). Caudal block was performed after the induction of general anesthesia. Postoperatively patients were observed for analgesia, sedation, hemodynamic parameters, and side effects or complications. Both the groups were similar with respect to patient and various block characteristics. Heart rate and blood pressure were not different in 2 groups. Significantly prolonged duration of post-operative analgesia was observed in group I (Pbupivacaine in single shot caudal epidural in children may provide better and longer analgesia after infraumblical surgical procedures.

  19. Prehospital Use of Ketamine in Battlefield Analgesia 2012-03 (United States)


    Breathing a. In a casualty with progressive respiratory distress and known or suspected torso trauma , consider a tension pneumothorax and... pneumothorax and decompress the chest on the side of the injury with a 14-gauge, 3.25 inch needle/catheter unit inserted in the second...Military Advanced Regional Anesthesia and Analgesia Handbook, U.S. Special Operations Command Tactical Trauma Protocols (since 2008), Army Ranger Medic

  20. The IDvIP trial: a two-centre randomised double-blind controlled trial comparing intramuscular diamorphine and intramuscular pethidine for labour analgesia. (United States)

    Wee, Michael Y K; Tuckey, Jenny P; Thomas, Peter; Burnard, Sara


    Intramuscular pethidine is routinely used throughout the UK for labour analgesia. Studies have suggested that pethidine provides little pain relief in labour and has a number of side effects affecting mother and neonate. It can cause nausea, vomiting and dysphoria in mothers and can cause reduced fetal heart rate variability and accelerations. Neonatal effects include respiratory depression and impaired feeding. There are few large studies comparing the relative side effects and efficacy of different opioids in labour. A small trial comparing intramuscular pethidine with diamorphine, showed diamorphine to have some benefits over pethidine when used for labour analgesia but the study did not investigate the adverse effects of either opioid. The Intramuscular Diamorphine versus Intramuscular Pethidine (IDvIP) trial is a randomised double-blind two centre controlled trial comparing intramuscular diamorphine and pethidine regarding their analgesic efficacy in labour and their side effects in mother, fetus and neonate. Information about the trial will be provided to women in the antenatal period or in early labour. Consent and recruitment to the trial will be obtained when the mother requests opioid analgesia. The sample size requirement is 406 women with data on primary outcomes. The maternal primary outcomes are pain relief during the first 3 hours after trial analgesia and specifically pain relief after 60 minutes. The neonatal primary outcomes are need for resuscitation and Apgar Score analgesia, whether method of analgesia would be used again, use of Entonox, umbilical arterial and venous pH, fetal heart rate, meconium staining, time from delivery to first breath, Apgar scores at 5 mins, naloxone requirement, transfer to neonatal intensive care unit, neonatal haemoglobin oxygen saturation at 30, 60, 90, and 120 mins after delivery, and neonatal sedation and feeding behaviour during first 2 hours. If the trial demonstrates that diamorphine provides better analgesia

  1. Hypnotic analgesia reduces brain responses to pain seen in others. (United States)

    Braboszcz, Claire; Brandao-Farinelli, Edith; Vuilleumier, Patrik


    Brain responses to pain experienced by oneself or seen in other people show consistent overlap in the pain processing network, particularly anterior insula, supporting the view that pain empathy partly relies on neural processes engaged by self-nociception. However, it remains unresolved whether changes in one's own pain sensation may affect empathic responding to others' pain. Here we show that inducing analgesia through hypnosis leads to decreased responses to both self and vicarious experience of pain. Activations in the right anterior insula and amygdala were markedly reduced when participants received painful thermal stimuli following hypnotic analgesia on their own hand, but also when they viewed pictures of others' hand in pain. Functional connectivity analysis indicated that this hypnotic modulation of pain responses was associated with differential recruitment of right prefrontal regions implicated in selective attention and inhibitory control. Our results provide novel support to the view that self-nociception is involved during empathy for pain, and demonstrate the possibility to use hypnotic procedures to modulate higher-level emotional and social processes.

  2. Functional neuroimaging of breastfeeding analgesia by multichannel near-infrared spectroscopy. (United States)

    Bembich, Stefano; Davanzo, Riccardo; Brovedani, Pierpaolo; Clarici, Andrea; Massaccesi, Stefano; Demarini, Sergio


    Newborns perceive pain, and several non-pharmacologic analgesic methods have been used during painful procedures. Activation of the neonatal somatosensory cortex, in association with a painful procedure without analgesia, has been demonstrated by two-channel near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS). To evaluate both cortical and behavioural responses of healthy term newborns to a painful procedure during two non-pharmacologic analgesic interventions, i.e. glucose solution and breastfeeding. The effects of glucose and breastfeeding on pain-associated neonatal cortical activity were studied in two groups (n = 30) by multichannel NIRS during a heel prick. Cortical activation was identified by variations in oxygenated haemoglobin. Neonatal pain expression was assessed by a validated scale. No significant variations in cortical activity emerged using glucose solution, whereas breastfed newborns showed widespread cortical activation. Breastfed neonates showed significantly less behavioural pain expression. Glucose is associated with no significant cortical activation and may interfere with pain-associated response at the cortical level. Conversely, breastfeeding analgesia is associated with generalized cortical activation and may act by multisensory stimulation, possibly overwhelming pain perception. Copyright © 2013 S. Karger AG, Basel.

  3. Analgesia regional periférica com lidocaína em paciente queimado: relato de caso

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    Geier Karl Otto


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A realização de anestesia regional em pacientes queimados é dificultosa pela localização aleatória das lesões térmicas. Elevadas taxas de alfa1 glicoproteína ácida com grande afinidade para drogas alcalinas, especialmente a lidocaína, têm sido observadas nesses pacientes. Este caso relata como o uso intermitente de anestesia e analgesia regional periférica com altas doses de lidocaína podem ser úteis em fornecer efetiva analgesia num paciente com queimaduras de segundo grau nos quatro membros, abrangendo, aproximadamente, 20% de área superficial queimada. RELATO DO CASO: Paciente do sexo masculino, 23 anos, 86 kg, estado físico ASA II, com queimadura superficial da face, segundo grau nos quatro membros e elevada taxa sérica de alfa1 glicoproteína ácida (260 mg.dl-1, teve sua dor controlada com 11,6 de lidocaína com adrenalina 1:400.000 administrada por cateteres introduzidos e tunelizados para diversos procedimentos - irrigações e troca de curativos, desbridamentos, fisioterapia, enxertos cutâneos e analgesia diária durante 28 dias. CONCLUSÕES: Em pacientes queimados com injúrias térmicas localizadas nas extremidades, a analgesia regional periférica pode ser útil. As elevadas taxas séricas de alfa1 glicoproteína ácida e o local da injeção podem permitir o emprego de altas doses de lidocaína.

  4. Modafinil reduces patient-reported tiredness after sedation/analgesia but does not improve patient psychomotor skills. (United States)

    Galvin, E; Boesjes, H; Hol, J; Ubben, J F; Klein, J; Verbrugge, S J C


    Early recovery of patients following sedation/analgesia and anesthesia is important in ambulatory practice. The aim of this study was to assess whether modafinil, used for the treatment of narcolepsy, improves recovery following sedation/analgesia. Patients scheduled for extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy were randomly assigned to one of four groups. Two groups received a combination of fentanyl/midazolam with either modafinil or placebo. The remaining groups received remifentanil/propofol with either modafinil or placebo. Modafinil 200 mg was administered to the treatment group patients 1 h before sedation/analgesia. Groups were compared using the digital symbol substitution test (DSST), trail making test (TMT), observer scale of sedation and analgesia (OAA/S) and Aldrete score. Verbal rating scale (VRS) scores for secondary outcome variables e.g. energy, tiredness and dizziness were also recorded before and after treatment. Sixty-seven patients successfully completed the study. Groups received similar doses of sedation and analgesic drugs. No statistically significant difference was found for DSST between groups. No significant adverse effects occurred in relation to modafinil. No statistically significant difference between groups was identified for TMT, OAA/S and Aldrete scores. The mean VRS score for tiredness was lesser in the modafinil/fentanyl/midazolam group [1.3 (2.0)] compared with the placebo group [3.8 (2.5)], P=0.02. Such a difference was not found between the remifentanil/propofol groups [placebo 2.6 (2.2) vs. modafinil 3.1(2.7)], p>0.05. Dizziness was greater in the modafinil/remifentanil/propofol group 1.7 (2.0) vs. placebo 0.0 (0.5), ppsychomotor skills.

  5. Specifying the non-specific components of acupuncture analgesia (United States)

    Vase, Lene; Baram, Sara; Takakura, Nobuari; Yajima, Hiroyoshi; Takayama, Miho; Kaptchuk, Ted J.; Schou, Søren; Jensen, Troels Staehelin; Zachariae, Robert; Svensson, Peter


    It is well known that acupuncture has pain-relieving effects, but the contribution of specific and especially non-specific factors to acupuncture analgesia is less clear. One hundred and one patients who developed pain ≥ 3 on a visual analog scale (VAS, 0-10) following third molar surgery were randomized to receive active acupuncture, placebo acupuncture, or no treatment for 30 min with acupuncture needles with potential for double-blinding. Patients’ perception of the treatment (active or placebo), and expected pain levels (VAS) were assessed prior to and halfway through the treatment. Looking at actual treatment allocation, there was no specific effect of active acupuncture (P = 0.240), but a large and significant non-specific effect of placebo acupuncture (P acupuncture (P acupuncture had significantly lower pain levels than those who believed they received placebo acupuncture. Expected pain levels accounted for significant and progressively larger amounts of the variance in pain ratings following both active and placebo acupuncture (up to 69.8%), This is the first study to show that under optimized blinding conditions non-specific factors such as patients’ perception of and expectations toward treatment are central to the efficacy of acupuncture analgesia and that these factors may contribute to self-reinforcing effects in acupuncture treatment To obtain an effect of acupuncture in clinical practice it may, therefore, be important to incorporate and optimize these factors. PMID:23707680

  6. Bacterial infection in deep paraspinal muscles in a parturient following epidural analgesia. (United States)

    Yang, Ying-Wei; Chen, Wei-Ting; Chen, Jui-Yuan; Lee, She-Chin; Chang, Yi; Wen, Yeong-Ray


    We report a case of paraspinal muscle infection shortly after epidural analgesia for labor pain in a nulliparous parturient who was subjected to emergent Cesarean section because of fetal distress. Epidural morphine was administered for 3 days for postoperative pain control. She began to have constant lower back pain on postpartum Day 4. Magnetic resonance image study revealed a broad area of subcutaneous edema with a continuum along the catheter trajectory deep to the paraspinal muscles. An injection-related bacterial infection was suspected; the patient was treated with intravenous antibiotics and was soon cured uncomplicatedly. Epidural analgesia is effective to control labor pain and, in general, it is safe. However, the sequelae of complicated infection may be underestimated. We herein report a case complicated by iatrogenic infection, discuss the causes, and give suggestions for prevention. Copyright © 2011. Published by Elsevier B.V.


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    Krunoslav Margić


    Full Text Available Background. CRPS/RSD still offers more questionsthen answers. The initial events and pathophysiology are unknown,the treatment is unsuccessful and the results are poor.The authors have transmitted their experiences with continuoussensory analgesia of brachial plexus in the treatment ofheavy injured hands to the treatment of CRPS. Efficient analgesia,control of vegetative nerve system and painless exercisesare of outmost importance in the treatment of CRPS.Patients and methods. From 1996 to 1998 we have used continuoussensory analgesia in the treatment of 8 patients withCRPS of the upper extremity. All of them were treated fewmonths after injury.Results. Two to four years after treatment six of eight havebeen ranged as good result (only temporary pain judged onsubjective pain scale as 2; ROM of wrist higher than 50%of normal, lack of 30° of ROM of fingers; hand and key gripgreater than 50% of normal hand.

  8. Anestesia para tratamento intraparto extra-útero em feto com diagnóstico pré-natal de higroma na região cervical: relato de caso Anestesia para tratamiento intraparto extraútero en feto con diagnóstico prenatal de higroma en la región cervical: relato de caso Anesthesia for ex utero intrapartum treatment of fetus with prenatal diagnosis of cervical hygroma: case report

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    Angélica de Fátima de Assunção Braga


    ós-operatória. CONCLUSÕES: As principais recomendações para a realização do EXIT são segurança materno-fetal, relaxamento uterino para manutenção do seu volume, da circulação útero-placentária e imobilidade fetal para facilitar o manuseio das vias aéreas.JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: El tratamiento intraparto extraútero (EXIT constituye un procedimiento realizado durante la cesária, con preservación de la circulación feto-placentaria, que permite el manejo seguro de la vía aérea del feto, con riesgo de obstrucción de las vías aéreas. El objetivo de este relato fue el de presentar un caso de anestesia para EXIT, en feto con higroma cístico en la región cervical. RELATO DEL CASO: Paciente con 22 años, 37 semanas de gestación, sin antecedentes anestésicos, estado físico ASA I, sometida a EXIT para manejo de vía aérea e intubación traqueal en feto con riesgo para obstrucción de vías aéreas. El procedimiento se realizó bajo anestesia general asociada a peridural continua. En el preoperatorio fueron utilizados metoclopramida (10 mg y ranitidina (50 mg, por vía venosa. En el espacio peridural se administró bupivacaína a 0,25% con adrenalina (30 mg asociada a fentanil (100 µg, seguida de la introducción de catéter cefálico, para analgesia postoperatoria. El útero fue desplazado para la izquierda. La inducción anestésica se hizo en secuencia rápida, con fentanil, propofol y rocuronio y el mantenimiento con isoflurano en 2,5% a 3%, en O2 y N2O (50%. Después de la histerotomía, se procedió a la liberación parcial del feto, asegurando la circulación útero placentaria, siguiendo las maniobras de laringoscopia e intubación traqueal fetal. A continuación se realizó la liberación total del feto, con pinzamiento del cordón umbilical, administración de ocitocina (20 UI en infusión venosa continua seguida de metil-ergonovina (0,2 mg por vía venosa. Durante el procedimiento, la presión arterial sistólica materna se mantuvo por encima de 100 mm

  9. Effects of the addition of subarachnoid clonidine to the anesthetic solution of sufentanil and hyperbaric or hypobaric bupivacaine for labor analgesia. (United States)

    Tebaldi, Thaís Cristina; Malbouisson, Luíz Marcelo Sá; Kondo, Mario M; Cardoso, Mônica M S C


    The addition of subarachnoid clonidine (alpha-agonist) prolongs the analgesia produced by the combination of sufentanil and isobaric bupivacaine in combined labor analgesia(1). The objective of this study was to compare the quality of analgesia and the prevalence of side effects after the addition of subarachnoid clonidine to the anesthetic solution in labor analgesia. After approval by the Ethics Commission, 22 pregnant women in labor were randomly assigned to the subarachnoid administration of either 2.5 mg of 0.5% hyperbaric bupivacaine (CLON/HYPER Group; n = 11) or 2.5 mg of 0.5% isobaric bupivacaine (CLON/ISO Group; n = 11) associated with 2.5 microg of sufentanil and 30 microg of clonidine. Pain, evaluated by the Visual Analogue Scale, heart rate, and mean arterial pressure were assessed every 5 minutes during the first 15 minutes, and then every 15 minutes afterwards until delivery. The prevalence of side effects (nausea, vomiting, pruritus, and sedation) was evaluated. The study was terminated whenever the patient needed supplemental epidural analgesia (pain > 3) or upon delivery of the fetus. The Student t test, Chi-square test, Fisher exact test, and two-way ANOVA for repeated measurements were used in the statistical analysis and a p hyperbaric and isobaric solutions showed similar behavior.

  10. Anestesthesiological approach to pediatric patient for lobectomy due to lung abscess: Lung separation and epidural analgesia (lung separation and epidural analgesia

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    Vranić Lana


    Full Text Available Introduction: Acute lymphoblastic leukemia is the most common malignancy in childhood. Main characteristics of the disease are fast proliferation of lymphoblastic cells in bone marrow, destruction of other cells, causing insufficiency in the bone marow and infiltration of the liver, spleen and the lymphatic nodes. Pulmonary abscess and necrotizing pneumonia are rarely found in pediatric population and usually represent a significant problem for treatment. These conditions often require some surgical treatment modalities. The main goal of anesthesiological approach is to provide good and safe perioperative conditions and adequate analgesia. Case report: During treatment of acute leukemia in a 15-year-old boy, complication inform absenting pneumonia left side lung was developed. After four months antibiotic and antifungal therapy wide broad,(nije jasno decision of consilium was to perform left inferior lobectomy. Antibiotic prophylaxis with Ceftazidime 50 mg/kg BM. We performed a combination of general anesthesia and thoracic epidural anesthesia. Intubation with Robertshaw double lume tube. Ultrasound guided central venous catheter in left jugular veine and arterial line in right radial arteria. Anesthesia depth was controlled with entropy method. Epidural catheter was intoduded on level Thl0-Th 11. Conclusion: One ventilation with double lumen tube prevents spillage of infection sputum into the healthy lung. Epidural analgesia in this clinical situation held numerous benefits especially as a way to reduce postoperative respiratory complications caused by acute pain.

  11. Intrathecal tramadol as and adjuvant in subrachnoid block to prolong the duration of analgesia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zahid, F.; Tarar, H. M.; Tariq, M.; Nazir, H.; Zafar, I.; Munir, S.


    Objective: To assess the effect of intrathecal tramadol added to bupivacaine to prolong the duration of analgesia in subarachnoid block for lower limb orthopedic surgeries. Study Design: Randomized controlled trial. Place and Duration of Study: Anesthesia department of Combined Military Hospital Sialkot, from Nov 2015 to Apr 2016. Material and Methods: Patients were selected by non-probability consecutive sampling. One hundred and fifty patients from American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) I, II and III category fulfilling inclusion criteria undergoing various lower limb orthopedic surgeries were divided into two groups by lottery system. Group tramadol bupivacaine (TB) received 25mg (1 ml) of tramadol plus 2ml (10mg) of 0.5 percent bupivacaine while group bupivacaine alone (SB) received 1 ml normal saline plus 2ml (10mg) of 0.5 percent bupivacaine. Time to first analgesia request was noted as a measure of duration of analgesia. Time of onset of sensory block level and peak sensory block level and time to reach the peak sensory block level were also noted. Quality of anesthesia was compared among two groups. Data were analyzed by using SPSS version 22. Results: Four patients were excluded from the study. The duration of anesthesia was effectively prolonged in group TB 181.56 ± 12.42 mins as compared to group SB 120.93 ± 15.54 mins. VAS score was significantly lower in group TB. Higher peak sensory block levels (T6) were achieved in group TB as compared to group SB. However time to reach the peak sensory block levels were significantly longer in group TB. (4.5 ± 0.47mins vs 3.09 ± 0.54 mins). Conclusion: This study showed that intrathecal tramadol (25mg) can safely be used along with bupivacaine in subarachnoid blockade to prolong the duration of analgesia and improve the quality of anesthesia as well. (author)

  12. Alterations in thoracolumbosacral movement when pain causing lameness has been improved by diagnostic analgesia. (United States)

    Greve, L; Dyson, S; Pfau, T


    Lameness, thoracolumbosacral pain and reduced range of motion (ROM) often coexist; better understanding of their relationship is needed. The objectives were to determine if thoracolumbosacral movement of horses changes when pain causing lameness is improved by diagnostic analgesia. We hypothesised that reduction of lameness will increase ROM of the thoracolumbosacral region. Thirteen horses with different types of hind limb lameness were trotted in straight lines and lunged on a 10m diameter circle on left and right reins before and after lameness was subjectively substantially improved by diagnostic analgesia. Inertial sensor data were collected from the withers, thirteenth (T13) and eighteenth thoracic (T18) vertebrae, third lumbar (L3) vertebra, tubera sacrale (TS), left and right tubera coxae. ROM of flexion-extension, axial rotation, lateral bending, dorsoventral, lateral-lateral motion and vertical movement symmetry were quantified at each thoracolumbar site. Hiphike difference (HHD), maximum difference (MaxDiff) and minimum difference (MinDiff) for the pelvic sensors were measured. Percentage changes for before and after diagnostic analgesia were calculated; mean±standard deviation (SD) or median [interquartile range] were determined. Associations between the change in pelvic versus thoracolumbar movement symmetry after each local analgesic technique were tested. After resolution of lameness, HHD decreased by 7% [68%] (P=0.006). The MinDiff decreased significantly by 33% [61%] (P=0.01), 45±13% (P=0.005) and 52±23% (P=0.04), for TS, L3 and T18, respectively. There was significantly increased ROM in flexion-extension at T13, in axial rotation at T13, T18, L3 and in lateral-lateral ROM at L3. Thoracolumbosacral asymmetry and reduced ROM associated with lameness were both altered immediately by improvement in lameness using diagnostic analgesia. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  13. Effect of Single Shot Intrathecal Sufentanil on Delivery Time and Analgesia in Nuliparae

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    E. Khoshraftar


    Full Text Available Introduction & Objective : The objective of this study was to determine the evaluation of intrathecal sufentanil for labor analgesia with respect to duration of labor stages and relief of pain during labor.Materials & Methods : In a clinical trial 60 subjects with ASA class I were selected and randomly divided in two equal groups. 30 subjects had received sufentanil 10 gr in 1 ml of saline during active phase of first stage of labor. The other group as controls, did not receive anything for analgesia. Parturient visual analog scale (VAS , HR, RR, BP, sensory and motor block, FHR and complications such as nausea, vomiting, pruritus and duration of stage I been monitored recorded and compared among those two groups.Results : Comparison of results in two groups have showed that sufentanil does not prolong the duration of labor in stage 1 and 2. We observed lack of hypotension and respiratory depression in sufentanil group FHR changes that had been associated with adverse neonatal out come had not occurred. The apgar scores in two groups were identical. There was itching in majority of parturient who had received sufentanil (83.3%. The pruritus were defined as mild and moderate. Conclusion : Intrathecal sufentanil provide a good analgesia in stage I labor and does not prolong the duration of labor with minimum adverse effects on parturient and fetus.

  14. Readability of internet-sourced patient education material related to "labour analgesia". (United States)

    Boztas, Nilay; Omur, Dilek; Ozbılgın, Sule; Altuntas, Gözde; Piskin, Ersan; Ozkardesler, Sevda; Hanci, Volkan


    We evaluated the readability of Internet-sourced patient education materials (PEMs) related to "labour analgesia." In addition to assessing the readability of websites, we aimed to compare commercial, personal, and academic websites.We used the most popular search engine ( in our study. The first 100 websites in English that resulted from a search for the key words "labour analgesia" were scanned. Websites that were not in English, graphs, pictures, videos, tables, figures and list formats in the text, all punctuation, the number of words in the text is less than 100 words, feedback forms not related to education, (Uniform Resource Locator) URL websites, author information, references, legal disclaimers, and addresses and telephone numbers were excluded.The texts included in the study were assessed using the Flesch Reading Ease Score (FRES), Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level (FKGL), Simple Measure of Gobbledygook (SMOG), and Gunning Frequency of Gobbledygook (FOG) readability formulae. The number of Latin words within the text was determined.Analysis of 300-word sections of the texts revealed that the mean FRES was 47.54 ± 12.54 (quite difficult), mean FKGL and SMOG were 11.92 ± 2.59 and 10.57 ± 1.88 years of education, respectively, and mean Gunning FOG was 14.71 ± 2.76 (very difficult). Within 300-word sections, the mean number of Latin words was identified as 16.56 ± 6.37.In our study, the readability level of Internet-sourced PEM related to "labour analgesia" was identified to be quite high indicating poor readability.


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    Full Text Available Central neuraxial blocked is one of the safest and efficacious methods of anaesthesia and analgesia. It has the added advantage of prolonged pain relief into the postoperative period. Epidural analgesia has increased steadily in popularity when compared to spinal anaesthes ia due to its neurological consequences and improved post - operative analgesia with epidural Opioids and as a consequence decreased side effects and prolonged the duration of analgesia. Present study is undertaken to compare hemodynamic and analgesic charac teristics using a 0.75% ropivacaine to a conventional dose of 0.5% bupivacaine for cesarean section under epidural anaesthesia. This study was conducted in ASA Grade I 50 singleton parturient to compare hemodynamics, APGAR scores and analgesic characterist ics of ropivacaine and bupivacaine. We have observed that the onset of sensory blockade was slower with ropivacaine and the duration of sensory blockade was also less. Whereas there was no significant change in haemodynamics and APGAR scores with both the drugs.

  16. The degree of labor pain at the time of epidural analgesia in nulliparous women influences the obstetric outcome. (United States)

    Woo, Jae Hee; Kim, Jong Hak; Lee, Guie Yong; Baik, Hee Jung; Kim, Youn Jin; Chung, Rack Kyung; Yun, Du Gyun; Lim, Chae Hwang


    The increased pain at the latent phase can be associated with dysfunctional labor as well as increases in cesarean delivery frequency. We aimed to research the effect of the degree of pain at the time of epidural analgesia on the entire labor process including the mode of delivery. We performed epidural analgesia to 102 nulliparous women on patients' request. We divided the group into three based on NRS (numeric rating scale) at the moment of epidural analgesia; mild pain, NRS 1-4; moderate pain, NRS 5-7; severe pain, NRS 8-10. The primary outcome was the mode of delivery (normal labor or cesarean delivery). There were significant differences in the mode of delivery among groups. Patients with severe labor pain had a significantly higher cesarean delivery compared to patients with moderate labor pain (P = 0.006). The duration of the first and second stage of labor, fetal heart rate, use of oxytocin and premature rupture of membranes had no differences in the three groups. Our research showed that the degree of pain at the time of epidural analgesia request might influence the rate of cesarean delivery. Further research would be necessary for clarifying the mechanism that the augmentation of pain affects the mode of delivery.

  17. Lumbar plexus block for post-operative analgesia following hip surgery: A comparison of "3 in 1" and psoas compartment block

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    Uma Srivastava


    Full Text Available We used a single shot lumbar plexus block by posterior approach (Psoas compartment block- PCB or anterior approach (′3in1′ block for postoperative analgesia in the patients of hip fractures operated under spinal anaesthesia. The blocks were given at the end of operation with 0.25% of bupivacaine and pain was assessed using Verbal Rating scale at 1,6,12 and 24 hours postoperatively both during rest and physiotherapy. We also noted time for first analgesic, need of supplemental analgesics and quality of analgesia during 24 hours. The mean time for first demand of analgesia was 12.4 ±7.9 and 10.7±6.4 hrs in groups PCB and ′3 in 1′ respectively (p>0.05. Requirement of supplemental analgesics was considerably reduced and more than 80% patients in both groups needed only single injection of diclofenac in 24 hrs. It was concluded that both approaches of lumbar plexus block were effective in providing post operative analgesia after hip surgery.

  18. Central neuraxial opioid analgesia after caesarean section: comparison of epidural diamorphine and intrathecal morphine. (United States)

    Caranza, R; Jeyapalan, I; Buggy, D J


    In a prospective, randomized, double-blind study in 55 women undergoing elective caesarean section under spinal anaesthesia, we compared epidural diamorphine 3 mg (2 distinct boluses, group ED) with single-dose intrathecal morphine 0.2 mg (group SM), in terms of analgesic efficacy, patient satisfaction and side-effects at 2, 3, 4, 8, 12, 16, 24 and 28 h postoperatively. There were no significant differences between groups in pain (assessed by 100 mm visual analogue scale), incidence of pruritus, sedation or respiratory depression measured by continuous pulse oximetry. However, time to first request for supplementary oral analgesia was longer in SM than in ED (mean +/- SD: 22.3+/-12.0 h vs. 13.8+/-6.5 h, P=0.04). The incidence of nausea or vomiting was significantly higher in SM than ED (73% vs. 41%, P=0.01). In ED, the mean +/- SD time to requirement of the second bolus was 6.7+/-3.2 h. There was a high level of satisfaction in both groups. We conclude that two boluses of epidural diamorphine 3 mg and single-dose intrathecal morphine 0.2 mg provide satisfactory analgesia after caesarean section, but spinal morphine was associated with both delayed requirement for supplementary analgesia and a higher incidence of nausea and vomiting.

  19. A compression bandage improves local infiltration analgesia in total knee arthroplasty

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Lasse; Husted, Henrik; Otte, Niels Kristian Stahl Kri


    .2% ropivacaine infiltration analgesia were randomized to receive a compression or a non-compression bandage, and pain was assessed at rest and with mobilization at regular intervals for 24 h postoperatively. RESULTS: Pain at rest, during flexion, or on straight leg lift was lower for the first 8 h in patients...

  20. Thoracic epidural analgesia reduces myocardial injury in ischemic patients undergoing major abdominal cancer surgery

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    Mohamad MF


    Full Text Available Mohamad Farouk Mohamad,1 Montaser A Mohammad,1 Diab F Hetta,1 Eman Hasan Ahmed,2 Ahmed A Obiedallah,3 Alaa Ali M Elzohry1 1Department of Anesthesia, ICU and Pain Relief, 2Department of Clinical Pathology, South Egypt Cancer Institute, 3Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Assiut University, Arab Republic of Egypt Background and objectives: Major abdominal cancer surgeries are associated with significant perioperative mortality and morbidity due to myocardial ischemia and infarction. This study examined the effect of perioperative patient controlled epidural analgesia (PCEA on occurrence of ischemic cardiac injury in ischemic patients undergoing major abdominal cancer surgery.Patients and methods: One hundred and twenty patients (American Society of Anesthesiologists grade II and III of either sex were scheduled for elective upper gastrointestinal cancer surgeries. Patients were allocated randomly into two groups (60 patients each to receive, besides general anesthesia: continuous intra and postoperative intravenous (IV infusion with fentanyl for 72 h postoperatively (patient controlled intravenous analgesia [PCIA] group or continuous intra and postoperative epidural infusion with bupivacaine 0.125% and fentanyl (PCEA group for 72 h postoperatively. Perioperative hemodynamics were recorded. Postoperative pain was assessed over 72 h using visual analog scale (VAS. All patients were screened for occurrence of myocardial injury (MI by electrocardiography, echocardiography, and cardiac troponin I serum level. Other postoperative complications as arrhythmia, deep venous thrombosis (DVT, pulmonary embolism, pneumonia, and death were recorded.Results: There was a significant reduction in overall adverse cardiac events (myocardial injury, arrhythmias, angina, heart failure and nonfatal cardiac arrest in PCEA group in comparison to PCIA group. Also, there was a significant reduction in dynamic VAS pain score in group PCEA in comparison

  1. Pediatric procedural sedation and analgesia

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    Meredith James


    Full Text Available Procedural sedation and analgesia (PSA is an evolving field in pediatric emergency medicine. As new drugs breach the boundaries of anesthesia in the Pediatric Emergency Department, parents, patients, and physicians are finding new and more satisfactory methods of sedation. Short acting, rapid onset agents with little or no lingering effects and improved safety profiles are replacing archaic regimens. This article discusses the warning signs and areas of a patient′s medical history that are particularly pertinent to procedural sedation and the drugs used. The necessary equipment is detailed to provide the groundwork for implementing safe sedation in children. It is important for practitioners to familiarize themselves with a select few of the PSA drugs, rather than the entire list of sedatives. Those agents most relevant to PSA in the pediatric emergency department are presented.

  2. Survey of Sedation and Analgesia Practice Among Canadian Pediatric Critical Care Physicians. (United States)

    Garcia Guerra, Gonzalo; Joffe, Ari R; Cave, Dominic; Duff, Jonathan; Duncan, Shannon; Sheppard, Cathy; Tawfik, Gerda; Hartling, Lisa; Jou, Hsing; Vohra, Sunita


    Despite the fact that almost all critically ill children experience some degree of pain or anxiety, there is a lack of high-quality evidence to inform preferred approaches to sedation, analgesia, and comfort measures in this environment. We conducted this survey to better understand current comfort and sedation practices among Canadian pediatric intensivists. The survey was conducted after a literature review and initial focus groups. The survey was then pretested and validated. The final survey was distributed by email to 134 intensivists from 17 PICUs across Canada using the Research Electronic Data Capture system. The response rate was 73% (98/134). The most commonly used sedation scores are Face, Legs, Activity, Cry, and Consolability (42%) and COMFORT (41%). Withdrawal scores are commonly used (65%). In contrast, delirium scores are used by only 16% of the respondents. Only 36% of respondents have routinely used sedation protocols. The majority (66%) do not use noise reduction methods, whereas only 23% of respondents have a protocol to promote day/night cycles. Comfort measures including music, swaddling, soother, television, and sucrose solutions are frequently used. The drugs most commonly used to provide analgesia are morphine and acetaminophen. Midazolam and chloral hydrate were the most frequent sedatives. Our survey demonstrates great variation in practice in the management of pain and anxiety in Canadian PICUs. Standardized strategies for sedation, delirium and withdrawal, and sleep promotion are lacking. There is a need for research in this field and the development of evidence-based, pediatric sedation and analgesia guidelines.

  3. Saturación sensorial y lactancia materna como métodos analgésicos no farmacológicos: estudio randomizado controlado.


    Rivara Dávila, Gustavo; Briceño Clemens, Diego; Bucher Oliva, Andrea; Liu Bejarano, Cinthia; Huaipar Rodríguez, Sonia; Salazar, Milagros; García Nores, Gabriela; San Martín Llosa, Susana; Villa Portella, Angie; Iglesias, Fiorella; Medina, Carmen; Zegarra, Cinthya; Talledo, Oscar; Yabar, Fiorella; Fontana, Pamela


    OBJETIVOVerificar el efecto analgésico de la saturación sensorial (Sat) y compararlo con la lactancia materna (LM) y un grupo control.MATERIAL Y MÉTODOSEnsayo clínico, randomizado con 167 recién nacidos a término sanos, en quiénes se cuantificó la intensidad de dolor agudo al recibir una vacuna (hepatitis  B) a las 48 horas de vida. Se formaron tres grupos de manera aleatoria: grupo 1 (control, sin método analgésico), grupo 2 (analgesia con LM) y grupo 3 (analgesia con Sat); los estímulos sen...

  4. Topical versus caudal ketamine/bupivacaine combination for postoperative analgesia in children undergoing inguinal herniotomy

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    Hala Saad Abdel-Ghaffar


    Conclusion: Wound instillation of bupivacaine/ketamine is a simple, noninvasive, and effective technique that could be a safe alternative to CK for postoperative analgesia in children undergoing inguinal hernia repair.

  5. A randomized trial to determine the duration of analgesia following a 15- and a 30-minute application of acupuncture-like TENS on patients with chronic low back pain. (United States)

    Tousignant-Laflamme, Yannick; Laroche, Claudia; Beaulieu, Christine; Bouchard, Ann-Julie; Boucher, Sabrina; Michaud-Létourneau, Mélanie


    Acupuncture-like TENS (AL-TENS) has been shown to produce prolonged pain relief, but no study has yet investigated its duration on a population suffering from chronic low back pain (CLPB). Our objective was to quantify the duration and magnitude of analgesia induced by a 15- or 30-minute application of AL-TENS. We recruited a sample of 11 participants presenting with CLBP and conducted a randomized, crossover study, where participants were given AL-TENS for 15 and 30 minutes on two separate occasions. The pain intensity of their CLBP was assessed with a visual analogue scale before, during, and after AL-TENS applications. Magnitude and duration of analgesia were determined for each subject and for both AL-TENS application times. The AL-TENS applications induced a clinically and statistically significant (p = 0.003) analgesia in all participants. Median duration of analgesia was 9 hours and 10 hours 30 minutes following the 15- and 30-minute AL-TENS applications, respectively; this 1.5-hour difference was not statistically significant (p = 0.55). Furthermore, we observed no significant difference in the magnitude of analgesia between both applications of AL-TENS (p > 0.56), suggesting that the duration of application of AL-TENS does not influence the magnitude of analgesia. Our results suggest that clinicians could use a 15-minute AL-TENS application to provide significant analgesia in patients presenting with low back pain since if provides a comparable analgesia versus a 30-minute application.

  6. Clinical evaluation of postoperative analgesia provided by ketoprofen associated with intravenous or epidural morphine in bitches undergoing ovariosalpingohysterectomy

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    Gabriela Carvalho Aquilino Santos


    Full Text Available Multimodal analgesia refers to the practice of combining multiple analgesic drug classes or techniques to target different points along the pain pathway. The objective of this work was to evaluate clinically if ketoprofen associated or not with intravenous or epidural morphine provided adequate postoperative analgesia in bitches undergoing ovariosalpingohysterectomy (OSH. Forty healthy female dogs, weighing 10.7±6.0 kg, sedated with acepromazine (0.05mg kg –1.iv, induced with propofol (5 iv and maintained with isoflurane anesthesia, were distributed into four groups of 10 animals each. After stabilization of inhalation anesthesia, the bitches in Miv and CMiv groups received 0.2 of morphine intravenously diluted in 10ml of saline; whereas Mep and CMep groups received of epidural morphine. Thirty minutes after premedication, of ketoprofen was administered in groups CMiv and CMep. Heart and respiratory rate, systolic blood pressure, and rectal temperature were measured. The degree of analgesia was assessed by a blind study in the following 6 hours after surgery, using a descriptive scale and a scale composed by physiologic and behavioral parameters. An statistical analysis was performed using the Tukey-Kramer test and nonparametric Kruskal-Wallis test, with statistical significance of 5%. There was no important difference between the four groups regarding postoperative analgesia, heart and respiratory rate, systolic blood pressure and rectal temperature. According to the results it can be concluded that the use of ketoprofen associated with intravenous or epidural morphine provided adequate and safe analgesia in the first six hours of postoperative in bitches undergoing ovariohysterectomy, suggesting that there was no analgesic potentiation when both agents were combined.

  7. Transportadores de oxígeno en cirugía cardíaca


    Molina Méndez,Francisco Javier


    Los transportadores de oxígeno pueden ser agrupados en dos categorías: Soluciones basadas en hemoglobina y emulsiones basadas en perfluoroquímicos. La transfusión de eritrocitos alogénicos representa un recurso limitado y está asociada con eventos adversos como reacciones de transfusión aguda, transmisión de enfermedades infecciosas, inmunosupresión e infecciones postoperatorias. Aunque la "sangre artificial" no es una realidad clínica, algunos "transportadores artificiales de oxígeno" están ...

  8. Psicología social de la salud en hospitalización infantil diseño, aplicación y evaluación de un programa de preparación psicológica para la cirugía


    Cantero Sánchez, Francisco Javier


    OBJETIVO: La evaluación de la eficacia de una estrategia de carácter psicosocial para prevenir las reacciones emocionales del niño ante la cirugía. HIPÓTESIS: Para llegar este objetivo se sometieron a prueba las siguientes suposiciones: los niños expuestos al programa en comparación con los controles experimentarían menos ansiedad prequir&uac ute;rgica y menos molestias postoperatorias, y presentarían menos problemas de comportamiento durante el período postoperatorio. Los familiares particip...

  9. Effect of thrombocytopenia on mode of analgesia/anesthesia and maternal and neonatal outcomes. (United States)

    Dikman, Daniel; Elstein, Deborah; Levi, Gal Schtrechman; Granovsky-Grisaru, Sorina; Samueloff, Arnon; Gozal, Yaacov; Ioscovich, Alexander


    The purpose was to correlate the use of regional analgesia/anasthesia among women with different degrees of thrombocytopenia relative to women with normal platelet counts, and note maternal and neonatal outcome, and mode of delivery. A case-control paradigm was developed based on women who delivered during 2007-2011 with platelet counts ≤80 000/mm(3). For each woman in this "severe" thrombocytopenic group, an age- and parity-matched control was found who delivered a singleton within the same year but whose platelets were either 81 000-150 000/mm(3) ("moderate" thrombocytopenia) or ≥151 000/mm(3) (normal platelet counts). 168 women were identified for each group; mean maternal age (28.4 years), mean gravidity (4.3), mean parity (3.7), mean gestational age (39.2 weeks) and mean birth weight (3283 g) were comparable. However, only in the severe thrombocytopenic women were there very early preterm deliveries, lowest birth weight, lowest Apgar scores, the greatest number with serious post-partum hemorrhage (>500 ml); use of regional analgesia/anesthesia was lowest, and percent cesarean sections highest. This study highlights potential for adverse maternal outcome of post-partum hemorrhage and adverse neonatal outcomes of prematurity, low birth weight, and low Apgar scores (but not neonatal death), and limited regional analgesia/anesthesia in women who present at delivery with severe (≤80 000/mm(3)) thrombocytopenia.

  10. The IDvIP Trial: A two-centre randomised double-blind controlled trial comparing intramuscular diamorphine and intramuscular pethidine for labour analgesia

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    Thomas Peter


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Intramuscular pethidine is routinely used throughout the UK for labour analgesia. Studies have suggested that pethidine provides little pain relief in labour and has a number of side effects affecting mother and neonate. It can cause nausea, vomiting and dysphoria in mothers and can cause reduced fetal heart rate variability and accelerations. Neonatal effects include respiratory depression and impaired feeding. There are few large studies comparing the relative side effects and efficacy of different opioids in labour. A small trial comparing intramuscular pethidine with diamorphine, showed diamorphine to have some benefits over pethidine when used for labour analgesia but the study did not investigate the adverse effects of either opioid. Methods The Intramuscular Diamorphine versus Intramuscular Pethidine (IDvIP trial is a randomised double-blind two centre controlled trial comparing intramuscular diamorphine and pethidine regarding their analgesic efficacy in labour and their side effects in mother, fetus and neonate. Information about the trial will be provided to women in the antenatal period or in early labour. Consent and recruitment to the trial will be obtained when the mother requests opioid analgesia. The sample size requirement is 406 women with data on primary outcomes. The maternal primary outcomes are pain relief during the first 3 hours after trial analgesia and specifically pain relief after 60 minutes. The neonatal primary outcomes are need for resuscitation and Apgar Score Discussion If the trial demonstrates that diamorphine provides better analgesia with fewer side effects in mother and neonate this could lead to a change in national practice and result in diamorphine becoming the preferred intramuscular opioid for analgesia in labour. Trial Registration ISRCTN14898678 Eudra No: 2006-003250-18, REC Reference No: 06/Q1702/95, MHRA Authorisation No: 1443/0001/001-0001, NIHR UKCRN reference 6895, RfPB grant


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    Nancheva Jasminka


    Full Text Available Abstract: Introduction: Peripherial nerve blocks is a suitable alternative to general anesthesia especially for one-day case surgery. Interscalene approach of plexus brachialis block as much as supraclavicular and infraclavicular provide reliable, safe, effective, low cost and most complete anesthesia with satisfactory postoperative analgesia for upper limb surgery. Postoperative analgesia of plexus brachialis blocks can be prolonged by using different drugs as adjuvants with local anesthetics. Dexamethasone has been shown to prolong the duration of postoperative analgesia when given as an adjunct for peripheral nerve blocks. The investigation was randomized, prospective, double blinded and controlled study. Objective: The study was designed to compare the effects of dexamethasone administered as an adjunct to bupivacaine in interscalene brachial plexus block on the onset, duration and postoperative analgesia in patients under the shoulder surgery. Methods: A prospective, double-blind study was undertaken in patients scheduled for shoulder surgeries under the interscalene brachial plexus block. We enrolled 60 patients, ASA I-II both sexes, aged 19-65 years, weighing 54-89 kg, divided to two groups G1 and G2. The brachial plexus block was performed by interscalene approach and mixture of 2% lidocaine (12ml and 0.5% bupivacaine (22 ml either alone or combined with dexamethasone (4 mg. The block was performed by using double technique neurostimulator/ultrasound technique. Results: In our investigation we found a significant increase in onset and duration of motor and sensory block in Group G2 (with dexamethasone as compared to Group G1 patients (p < 0.01. Conclusion: Addition of dexamethasone to local anesthetic drugs in interscalene plexus brachialis block, significantly prolongs the duration of analgesia and motor block in patients undergoing shoulder arthroscopy. Moreover, it is a remarkably safe and costeffective method of providing

  12. Safety of retransfusing shed blood after local infiltration analgesia in total knee arthroplasty

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Thomassen, B.J.; Pool, L.; Van Der Flier, R.; Stienstra, R.; in 't Veld, B.A.


    We investigated the safety of LIA (local infiltration analgesia) combined with retransfusion of drained blood. Total knee arthroplasty patients received two peri-articular injections during surgery followed by continuous infusion, both with ropivacaine (567 mg). Ropivacaine plasma concentrations

  13. Functional MRI studies of acupuncture analgesia modulating within the human brain

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hou Jinwen; Huang Weihao; Wang Qing; Feng Jingwei; Pu Yonglin; Gao Jiahong


    Objective: To evaluate the correlation between acupuncture analgesia and specific functional areas of the brain using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Methods: Acupuncture stimulation was induced by manipulating acupuncture needle at the acupuncture point, large intestine 4 (LI 4, Hegu) on the right (dominant) hand of 8 healthy subjects. Functional MRI data were obtained from scanning the whole brain. A block-design paradigm was applied. Functional responses were established by students' group t-test analysis. Results: The data sets from 6 of 8 subjects were used in the study. Signal increases and signal decreases elicited by acupuncture stimulating were demonstrated in multiple brain regions. Signal increases in periaqueductal gray matter and ventral posterior nucleus of the left thalamus, and signal decreases in bilateral anterior cingulate cortex and bilateral occipital lobes were considered as the response to the acupuncture modulating within the human brain. Conclusion: The therapeutic effect of acupuncture analgesia was probably produced by the interaction of multiple brain structures of functional connectivity rather than through the activation of a single brain region

  14. Evaluation of prolonged epidural chloroprocaine for postoperative analgesia in infants. (United States)

    Ross, Emma L; Reiter, Pamela D; Murphy, Michael E; Bielsky, Alan R


    To describe the use and adverse effects of chloroprocaine for epidural analgesia in young infants for infusion durations greater than 3.5 hours. A retrospective cohort review of the electronic medical record over a 14-month period. The level IV neonatal intensive care unit of a 414-bed free-standing children's hospital. Eighteen infants (mean age, 1.7 ± 1.8 months [0.03-6.3]; mean weight, 3.8 ± 1.3 kg [1.56-6.9]; n = 10 [55%] males) received 1% chloroprocaine for epidural analgesia postoperatively for up to 96-hour duration and met criteria for inclusion. Dosing requirements, placement of epidural catheter, supplementary analgesic therapy, respiratory support, vital signs, and incidence of adverse events associated with local anesthetics were collected. Epidural catheter placement was caudal (n = 8), lumbar (n = 6), or thoracic (n = 4). Mean operative time was 2.48 ± 1 hour (1-5). Initial chloroprocaine dose was 1.3 ± 0.5 mL/h (0.4-2.5) (3.5 ± 1 mg/kg per hour [1.4-5]) with a maximum dose of 1.5 ± 0.6 mL/h (0.4-3) (4.2 ± 1.1 mg/kg per hour [2.2-6.1]). Duration of epidural analgesia was 48.3 ± 21.5 hours (10-96). Duration of epidural infusion did not influence dosing requirement, suggesting the absence of drug tachyphylaxis. All patients received intermittent doses of opioid and nonopioid pain medications while receiving chloroprocaine. Two mechanically ventilated patients required continuous infusion of opioids. No adverse events were directly attributed to chloroprocaine use. Epidural 1% chloroprocaine, in doses of 0.4-3 mL/h (1.5-6.1 mg/kg per hour), was well tolerated in both mechanically ventilated and spontaneously breathing infants for up to 96 hours with no identified adverse effects or tachyphylaxis. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  15. Ultrasound investigation central hemodynamics as a method of assessment effective analgesia in children

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    K. Y. Dmytriieva


    Vinnitsa National Medical University M.I. Pirogov   Summary: The study was include in 23 children (12,4±1,2 years operated on for tumors of the retroperitoneal space (14 children, 61%, renal tumors (6 children, 26%, ovarian cancer (3 children, 13% showed that a comprehensive study of the reactions of pain behavior and central hemodynamics by ultrasonography showed that the use of the scheme KSME bupivacaine 0.3-0.4 mg / kg and a continuous infusion of drugs (fentanyl in a dose of 10 mcg/kg/h for postoperative pain relief leads to effective analgesia after traumatic operations and comprehensive ultrasound including color and spectral Doppler studies, is the main tool by enabling timely and accurately assess the condition of the central hemodynamics at different methods of analgesia.   Key words: central hemodynamics, ultrasound, anesthesia.

  16. Prolonged sedation and/or analgesia and 5-year neurodevelopment outcome in very preterm infants: results from the EPIPAGE cohort. (United States)

    Rozé, Jean-Christophe; Denizot, Sophie; Carbajal, Ricardo; Ancel, Pierre-Yves; Kaminski, Monique; Arnaud, Catherine; Truffert, Patrick; Marret, Stéphane; Matis, Jaqueline; Thiriez, Gérard; Cambonie, Gilles; André, Monique; Larroque, Béatrice; Bréart, Gérard


    To describe the long-term outcome of very preterm infants receiving prolonged sedation and/or analgesia and examine the relationship between prolonged sedation and/or analgesia and this long-term outcome. A prospective population-based study (Etude EPIdémiologique sur les Petits Ages GEstationnels [EPIPAGE]). To reduce bias, the propensity score method was used. Nine regions of France. The study population included very preterm infants of fewer than 33 weeks' gestational age, born in 1997, who received mechanical ventilation and/or surgery. Main Exposure Prolonged exposure to sedative and/or analgesic drugs in the neonatal period, defined as exposure of more than 7 days to sedative and/or opioid drugs. Presence of moderate or severe disability at 5 years of age. The analysis concerns 1572 premature infants who received mechanical ventilation for whom information about exposure to prolonged sedation and/or analgesia in the neonatal period was available. A total of 115 were exposed and 1457 were not exposed. There was no significant difference between the number of patients lost to follow-up from the group of very preterm infants who were exposed to prolonged sedation and/or analgesia and the group who were not. Exposed very preterm infants had severe or moderate disability at 5 years (41/97; 42%) more often than those who were not exposed (324/1248; 26%). After adjustment for gestational age and propensity score, this association was no longer statistically significant (adjusted relative risk, 1.0; 95% confidence interval, 0.8-1.2). Prolonged sedation and/or analgesia is not associated with a poor 5-year neurological outcome after adjustment for the propensity score.

  17. [Comparison of clinical effectiveness of thoracic epidural and intravenous patient-controlled analgesia for the treatment of rib fractures pain in intensive care unit]. (United States)

    Topçu, Ismet; Ekici, Zeynep; Sakarya, Melek


    The results of thoracic epidural and systemic patient controlled analgesia practice were evaluated retrospectively in patients with thoracic trauma. Patients who were admitted to the intensive care unit between 1997 and 2003, with a diagnosis of multiple rib fractures related to thoracic trauma were evaluated retrospectively. Data were recorded from 49 patients who met the following criteria; three or more rib fractures, initiation of PCA with I.V. phentanyl or thoracic epidural analgesia with phentanyl and bupivacaine. There were no significant differences between the groups concerning injury severity score. APACHE II score (8.1+/-1.6 and 9.2+/-1.7) and the number of rib fractures (4+/-1.1 and 6.8+/-2.7) were higher in thoracic epidural analgesia group (pPain scores of patients who received thoracic epidural analgesia were significantly lower as from 6th hour during whole therapy (prib fractures who require intensive care.

  18. Analgesia for labour pain – analysis of the trends and associations in the Grampian region of Scotland between 1986 and 2001

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    Wang Tao


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Although intrapartum analgesia has been in use since Victorian times, there have been few attempts to study its usage from routinely collected data. This population based epidemiological study aimed to analyse retrospective data on the distribution of different types of labour analgesia used by women in the Grampian region of Scotland between 1986 and 2001 in order to examine time trends and associations. Methods Data records on all deliveries occurring in the years 1986 to 2001 were extracted from the Aberdeen Maternity and Neonatal Databank. The rates of the use of epidural, opioid and Entonox or no analgesia for pain relief in labour in each year were calculated. Maternal, pregnancy, labour and delivery characteristics were compared among the users of three different analgesics by univariate and multivariate analyses. Results A total of 81,418 deliveries were analysed. Of these, 12,659 (15.5% women had epidural, 33,819 (41.5% had used opioids and 26,974(33.1% received either Entonox or no analgesia at all. The women who received epidural analgesia were younger, shorter and heavier and had larger babies (OR = 1.05, 95% CI 1.01, 1.08. Three quarters of them were primigravidae and had longer periods of gestation. They were also more likely to have suffered pregnancy related complications (OR = 2.11, 95% CI 1.8, 2.4. Labour was more likely to have been induced (OR = 2.8, 95% CI 2.6, 2.9 and to have lasted longer in this group of women. Women in this group were 5 times more likely to have an instrumental delivery (95% CI 4.9, 5.1 and 7 times more likely to have a Caesarean section (95% CI 5.7, 9.3. Conclusion Non epidural analgesia was found to be the most popular choice for pain relief in labour in the Grampian region between 1986 and 2001, although an increase in the uptake of epidural services is starting to occur. The type of labour analgesia used is associated with the epidemiological characteristics of the women

  19. Neuraxial Analgesia In Neonates And Infants: Review of Clinical and Preclinical Strategies for the Development of Safety and Efficacy Data (United States)

    Walker, Suellen M.; Yaksh, Tony L.


    Neuraxial agents provide robust pain control, have the potential to improve outcomes, and are an important component of the perioperative care of children. Opioids or clonidine improve analgesia when added to perioperative epidural infusions; analgesia is significantly prolonged by addition of clonidine, ketamine, neostigmine or tramadol to single shot caudal injections of local anesthetic; and neonatal intrathecal anesthesia/analgesia is increasing in some centers. However, it is difficult to determine the relative risk-benefit of different techniques and drugs without detailed and sensitive data related to analgesia requirements, side-effects, and follow-up. Current data related to benefits and complications in neonates and infants are summarized, but variability in current neuraxial drug use reflects the relative lack of high quality evidence. Recent preclinical reports of adverse effects of general anesthetics on the developing brain have increased awareness of the potential benefit of neuraxial anesthesia/analgesia to avoid or reduce general anesthetic dose requirements. However, the developing spinal cord is also vulnerable to drug-related toxicity, and although there are well-established preclinical models and criteria for assessing spinal cord toxicity in adult animals, until recently there had been no systematic evaluation during early life. Therefore, the second half of this review presents preclinical data evaluating age-dependent changes in the pharmacodynamic response to different spinal analgesics, and recent studies evaluating spinal toxicity in specific developmental models. Finally, we advocate use of neuraxial agents with the widest demonstrable safety margin and suggest minimum standards for preclinical evaluation prior to adoption of new analgesics or preparations into routine clinical practice. PMID:22798528

  20. Intercostal nerve blockade with a mixture of bupivacaine and phenol enhance the efficacy of intravenous patient-controlled analgesia in the control of post-cholecystectomy pain. (United States)

    Maidatsi, P; Gorgias, N; Zaralidou, A; Ourailoglou, V; Giala, M


    Prolonged nerve conduction blockade has been proposed to result from the summed effects of charged and neutral local anaesthetics. Thirty-seven patients were randomly allocated to receive intravenous patient-controlled analgesia alone or combined with intercostal blockade (T7-T11) with a mixture of 0.45% bupivacaine and 0.6% phenol for post-cholecystectomy analgesia. Adequacy of pain relief was measured by patient scores on a 10-cm visual analogue scale and by dose-demand ratio, amounts of loading dose and total consumption of morphine and also the duration of patient-controlled analgesia in each group. No differences were found between groups in post-operative scores, dose-demand ratios and loading doses of morphine. However, in the combined treatment group, a significantly lower total consumption of morphine (P < 0.05), associated with a shorter duration of patient-controlled analgesia (P < 0.02) and a decreased mean number of unsuccessful demands (P < 0.001) were recorded. Intercostal blockade with bupivacaine-phenol supplements intravenous patient-controlled analgesia for post-cholecystectomy pain relief.

  1. Comparing the Effect of Adding Ketamine and Neostigmine to Bupivacaine 0.25 % for Epidural Analgesia among Patients Candidated for Elective Femoral Fracture Surgery

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    Alireza Kamali


    Full Text Available Pain is a complex medical problem that its inadequate postoperative control has adverse effects on patients’ physiological, metabolic and mental status. Adding new supplements will lead to an increased duration of analgesia. The purpose of this study was to compare the addition of neostigmine and ketamine to bupivacaine 0.25% for epidural analgesia increasing duration of postoperative analgesia. In this double blind clinical trial, 90 patients over 50 years candidated for elective hip surgery with ASA class I, II were randomly divided to three groups: neostigmine, ketamine and control groups. All patients received epidural with bupivacaine 0.25% by 2cc/segment. Furthermore, 60 micrograms neostigmine was added in first group and 40 mg ketamine was used for group II. Level of postoperative pain based on VAS and duration of analgesia and amount of analgesic was determined and compared across the three groups. The mean of pain score at 6 and 12 hours after surgery was significantly lower in the ketamine group than the other groups and in neostigmine group was less than placebo (P ≤ 0.01. The mean of duration of postoperative analgesia in the ketamine group was significantly higher than the other groups and in neostigmine group was more than placebo (P ≤ 0.01. The mean dose of analgesic (pethedin was the least in the ketamine group (P ≤ 0.001. Neostigmine and ketamine with bupivacaine 0.25% for epidural anesthesia increased the duration of analgesia during the postoperative period and reduced analgesic consumption that about ketamine was more than neostigmine.

  2. Effects of Intravenous Patient-Controlled Sufentanil Analgesia and Music Therapy on Pain and Hemodynamics After Surgery for Lung Cancer: A Randomized Parallel Study. (United States)

    Wang, Yichun; Tang, Haoke; Guo, Qulian; Liu, Jingshi; Liu, Xiaohong; Luo, Junming; Yang, Wenqian


    Postoperative pain is caused by surgical injury and trauma; is stressful to patients; and includes a series of physiologic, psychological, and behavioral reactions. Effective postoperative analgesia helps improve postoperative pain, perioperative safety, and hospital discharge rates. This study aimed to observe the influence of postoperative intravenous sufentanil patient-controlled analgesia combined with music therapy versus sufentanil alone on hemodynamics and analgesia in patients with lung cancer. This was a randomized parallel study performed in 60 patients in American Society of Anesthesiologists class I or II undergoing lung cancer resection at the Affiliated Cancer Hospital of Xiangya School of Medicine, Central South University. Patients were randomly assigned to a music therapy (MT) group and a control (C) group. The MT group underwent preoperative and postoperative music intervention while the C group did not. Both groups received intravenous patient-controlled sufentanil analgesia. The primary outcome was the visual analogue scale (VAS) score at 24 hours after surgery. The secondary outcomes included hemodynamic changes (systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, heart rate), changes on the Self-Rating Anxiety Scale (SAS), total consumption of sufentanil, number of uses, sedation, and adverse effects. The postoperative sufentanil dose and analgesia frequency were recorded. Compared with the C group, the MT group had significantly lower VAS score, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, heart rate, and SAS score within 24 hours after surgery (p music therapy and sufentanil improves intravenous patient-controlled analgesia effects compared with sufentanil alone after lung cancer surgery. Lower doses of sufentanil could be administered to more effectively improve patients' cardiovascular parameters.

  3. Molecular and functional PET-fMRI measures of placebo analgesia in episodic migraine: Preliminary findings. (United States)

    Linnman, Clas; Catana, Ciprian; Petkov, Mike P; Chonde, Daniel Burje; Becerra, Lino; Hooker, Jacob; Borsook, David


    Pain interventions with no active ingredient, placebo, are sometimes effective in treating chronic pain conditions. Prior studies on the neurobiological underpinnings of placebo analgesia indicate endogenous opioid release and changes in brain responses and functional connectivity during pain anticipation and pain experience in healthy subjects. Here, we investigated placebo analgesia in healthy subjects and in interictal migraine patients (n = 9) and matched healthy controls (n = 9) using 11 C-diprenoprhine Positron Emission Tomography (PET) and simultaneous functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI). Intravenous saline injections (the placebo) led to lower pain ratings, but we did not find evidence for an altered placebo response in interictal migraine subjects as compared to healthy subjects.

  4. Molecular and functional PET-fMRI measures of placebo analgesia in episodic migraine: Preliminary findings

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    Clas Linnman


    Full Text Available Pain interventions with no active ingredient, placebo, are sometimes effective in treating chronic pain conditions. Prior studies on the neurobiological underpinnings of placebo analgesia indicate endogenous opioid release and changes in brain responses and functional connectivity during pain anticipation and pain experience in healthy subjects. Here, we investigated placebo analgesia in healthy subjects and in interictal migraine patients (n = 9 and matched healthy controls (n = 9 using 11C-diprenoprhine Positron Emission Tomography (PET and simultaneous functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI. Intravenous saline injections (the placebo led to lower pain ratings, but we did not find evidence for an altered placebo response in interictal migraine subjects as compared to healthy subjects.

  5. Circumplex Model of Affect: A Measure of Pleasure and Arousal During Virtual Reality Distraction Analgesia. (United States)

    Sharar, Sam R; Alamdari, Ava; Hoffer, Christine; Hoffman, Hunter G; Jensen, Mark P; Patterson, David R


    Immersive virtual reality (VR) distraction provides clinically effective pain relief and increases subjective reports of "fun" in medical settings of procedural pain. The goal of this study was to better describe the variable of "fun" associated with VR distraction analgesia using the circumplex model (pleasure/arousal) of affect. Seventy-four healthy volunteers (mean age, 29 years; 37 females) received a standardized, 18-minute, multimodal pain sequence (alternating thermal heat and electrical stimulation to distal extremities) while receiving immersive, interactive VR distraction. Subjects rated both their subjective pain intensity and fun using 0-10 Graphic Rating Scales, as well as the pleasantness of their emotional valence and their state of arousal on 9-point scales. Compared with pain stimulation in the control (baseline, no VR) condition, immersive VR distraction significantly reduced subjective pain intensity (P anxiety, greater fun, greater presence in the VR environment, and positive emotional valence-were associated with subjective analgesia during VR distraction. Immersive VR distraction reduces subjective pain intensity induced by multimodal experimental nociception. Subjects who report less anxiety, more fun, more VR presence, and more positive emotional valence during VR distraction are more likely to report subjective pain reduction. These findings indicate VR distraction analgesia may be mediated through anxiolytic, attentional, and/or affective mechanisms.

  6. Efficacy and tolerability of intravenous morphine patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) in women undergoing cesarean delivery. (United States)

    Andziak, Marta; Beta, Jarosław; Barwijuk, Michal; Issat, Tadeusz; Jakimiuk, Artur J


    The aim of the study was to evaluate analgesic efficacy and tolerability of patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) with intravenous morphine. Our observational study included 50 women who underwent a Misgav-Ladach or modified Misgav-Ladach cesarean section. Automated PCA infusion device (Medima S-PCA Syringe Pump, Medima, Krakow, Poland) was used for postoperative pain control. Time of morphine administration or initiation of intravenous patient-controlled analgesia (IV PCA) with morphine was recorded, as well as post-operative pain at rest assessed by a visual analogue scale (VAS). All patients were followed up for 24 hours after discharge from the operating room, taking into account patient records, worst pain score at rest, number of IV PCA attempts, and drug consumption. Median of total morphine doses used during the postoperative period was 42.9mg (IQR 35.6-48.5), with median infusion time of 687.0 min. (IQR 531.0-757.5). Pain severity and total drug consumption improved after the first 3 hours following cesarean delivery (p PCA attempts per patient was 33 (IQR: 24-37), with median of 11 placebo attempts (IQR: 3-27). Patient-controlled analgesia with morphine is an efficient and acceptable analgesic method in women undergoing cesarean section.

  7. Relationship between Personality Traits and Endogenous Analgesia: The Role of Harm Avoidance. (United States)

    Nahman-Averbuch, Hadas; Yarnitsky, David; Sprecher, Elliot; Granovsky, Yelena; Granot, Michal


    Whether psychological factors such as anxiety and pain catastrophizing levels influence the expression of endogenous analgesia in general and, more specifically, the conditioned pain modulation (CPM) response is still under debate. It may be assumed that other psychological characteristics also play a role in the CPM response. The neurotransmitters serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine are involved both in CPM, as well as personality traits such as harm avoidance (HA), novelty seeking (NS), and reward dependence (RD), which can be obtained by the Tridimensional Personality Questionnaire (TPQ). However, the associations between these traits (HA, NS, and RD) with endogenous analgesia revealed by CPM have not yet been explored. Healthy middle-age subjects (n = 28) completed the TPQ, Spielberger's State Anxiety Inventory, and the Pain Catastrophizing Scale and were assessed for CPM paradigms using thermal phasic temporal summation as the "test stimulus" and hand immersion into hot water bath (CPM water) or contact heat (CPM contact) for "conditioning stimulus." Higher levels of HA were associated with less-efficient CPM responses obtained by both paradigms: CPM water (r = 0.418, P = 0.027) and CPM contact (r = 0.374, P = 0.050). However, NS and RD were not associated with the other measurements. No significant relationship was observed between state anxiety and pain catastrophizing levels and the CPM responses. The relationship between the capacity of endogenous analgesia and the tendency to avoid aversive experience can be explained by mutual mechanisms involving similar neurotransmitters or brain areas. These findings illuminate the key role of harm avoidance obtained by the TPQ in determining the characteristics of pain modulation profile. © 2014 World Institute of Pain.

  8. A comparison of ultrasound-guided interscalene and supraclavicular blocks for post-operative analgesia after shoulder surgery. (United States)

    Kim, B G; Han, J U; Song, J H; Yang, C; Lee, B W; Baek, J S


    In contrast to interscalene block, there was little information regarding the analgesic efficacy of supraclavicular block for shoulder surgery. This study aimed to compare the analgesic efficacy and side effects of interscalene and supraclavicular blocks for shoulder surgery. Patients scheduled for shoulder surgery were assigned to receive either ultrasound-guided interscalene (n = 25) or supraclavicular block (n = 24) with 20 ml of 0.375% ropivacaine. We assessed the duration of post-operative analgesia as a primary outcome and pain scores, supplemental analgesia, diaphragmatic excursion, motor block, fingertip numbness, side effects, and patient satisfaction as secondary outcomes. The duration of post-operative analgesia was not statistically different between groups: 868 (800-1440) min for supraclavicular block vs. 800 (731-922) min for interscalene block (median difference -85 min, 95% CI, -283 to 3 min, P = 0.095). The incidence of diaphragmatic paresis was significantly lower in the supraclavicular block group compared with that in the interscalene block group, both at 30 min after the block (66.7% vs. 92%, P = 0.021) and in the post-anaesthesia care unit (62.5% vs. 92%, P = 0.024). Motor block was higher in the supraclavicular block group in the post-anaesthesia care unit, however, not at 24 h. Other secondary outcomes were similar for both groups. This study showed no statistically significant difference in the duration of post-operative analgesia between the supraclavicular and interscalene blocks. However, the supraclavicular block was associated with a lower incidence of diaphragmatic paresis compared with that of the interscalene block after shoulder surgery. © 2017 The Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica Foundation. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  9. Remifentanil analgesia during laser treatment for retinopathy of prematurity: a practical approach in neonatal intensive care unit. (United States)

    Demirel, Nihal; Bas, Ahmet Y; Kavurt, Sumru; Celik, Istemi H; Yucel, Husniye; Turkbay, Dursun; Hekimoğlu, Emre; Koc, Orhan


    Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) is a significant cause of childhood blindness. The aim of this study is to determine the feasibility of remifentanil analgesia during laser treatment of ROP performed in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). Remifentanil was infused continuously during the procedure starting with a dose of 0.2 µg/kg/min and increased gradually to 0.6 µg/kg/min to provide an adequate level of analgesia. We enrolled 64 infants. Remifentanil was infused continuously at a mean rate of 0.4 ± 0.1 μg/kg/min. No major adverse effects were observed except in two patients with reversible bradycardia and hypotension. Premature infant pain profile (PIPP) scores revealed no pain. Patients with bronchopulmonary dysplasia had similar remifentanil dosage, intubation duration, and extubation time. Remifentanil analgesia for ROP treatment performed in the NICU by pediatricians is a safe and effective modality. This modality offers a practical solution in hospitals without readily available pediatric anesthetists. Thieme Medical Publishers 333 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10001, USA.

  10. Evaluation of caudal dexamethasone with ropivacaine for post-operative analgesia in paediatric herniotomies: A randomised controlled study

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    Santosh Choudhary


    Full Text Available Background and Aims: Caudal analgesia is one of the most popular regional blocks in paediatric patients undergoing infra-umbilical surgeries but with the drawback of short duration of action after single shot local anaesthetic injection. We evaluated whether caudal dexamethasone 0.1 mg/kg as an adjuvant to the ropivacaine improved analgesic efficacy after paediatric herniotomies. Methods: Totally 128 patients of 1–5 years age group, American Society of Anaesthesiologists physical status I and II undergoing elective inguinal herniotomy were randomly allocated to two groups in double-blind manner. Group A received 1 ml/kg of 0.2% ropivacaine caudally and Group B received 1 ml/kg of 0.2% ropivacaine, in which 0.1 mg/kg dexamethasone was added for caudal analgesia. Post operative pain by faces, legs, activity, cry and consolability tool score, rescue analgesic requirement and adverse effects were noted for 24 h. Results: Results were statistically analysed using Student's t-test. Pain scores measured at 1, 2, 4, and 6 h post-operative, were lower in Group B as compared to Group A. Mean duration of analgesia in Group A was 248.4 ± 54.1 min and in Group B was 478.046 ± 104.57 min with P = 0.001. Rescue analgesic requirement was more in Group A as compared to Group B. Adverse effects after surgery were comparable between the two groups. Conclusion: Caudal dexamethasone added to ropivacaine is a good alternative to prolong post-operative analgesia with less pain score compared to caudal ropivacaine alone.

  11. Comparison of analgesic efficacy of subcostal transversus abdominis plane blocks with epidural analgesia following upper abdominal surgery. (United States)

    Niraj, G; Kelkar, A; Jeyapalan, I; Graff-Baker, P; Williams, O; Darbar, A; Maheshwaran, A; Powell, R


    Subcostal transversus abdominis plane (TAP) catheters have been reported to be an effective method of providing analgesia after upper abdominal surgery. We compared their analgesic efficacy with that of epidural analgesia after major upper abdominal surgery in a randomised controlled trial. Adult patients undergoing elective open hepatobiliary or renal surgery were randomly allocated to receive subcostal TAP catheters (n=29) or epidural analgesia (n=33), in addition to a standard postoperative analgesic regimen comprising of regular paracetamol and tramadol as required. The TAP group patients received bilateral subcostal TAP catheters and 1 bupivacaine 0.375% bilaterally every 8 h. The epidural group patients received an infusion of bupivacaine 0.125% with fentanyl 2 μ . The primary outcome measure was visual analogue pain scores during coughing at 8, 24, 48 and 72 h after surgery. We found no significant differences in median (IQR [range]) visual analogue scores during coughing at 8 h between the TAP group (4.0 (2.3-6.0 [0-7.5])) and epidural group (4.0 (2.5-5.3) [0-8.5])) and at 72 h (2.0 (0.8-4.0 [0-5]) and 2.5 (1.0-5.0 [0-6]), respectively). Tramadol consumption was significantly greater in the TAP group (p=0.002). Subcostal TAP catheter boluses may be an effective alternative to epidural infusions for providing postoperative analgesia after upper abdominal surgery. © 2011 The Authors. Anaesthesia © 2011 The Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland.

  12. Pacientes com seqüelas de poliomielite: a técnica anestésica impõe risco? Pacientes con secuelas de poliomielitis: ¿La técnica anestésica impone algún riesgo? Patients with sequelae of poliomyelitis: does the anesthetic technique impose risks?

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    Daniela Pessini Sobreira Rezende


    ésica en el neuroeje en los pacientes con secuela de poliomielitis. Los datos de la literatura son escasos. El objetivo de este estudio fue describir las técnicas anestésicas realizadas en pacientes sometidos a procedimientos quirúrgicos y a eventuales complicaciones. MÉTODO: Estudio retrospectivo de pacientes con secuelas de poliomielitis, sometidos a operaciones, por un período de cinco años. Evaluados los datos demográficos, estado físico (ASA, inicio de la enfermedad, el segmento corporal acometido, diagnóstico de síndrome pos-poliomielitis, operación y anestesia realizadas, analgesia postoperatoria, complicaciones intra y postoperatorias, acompañamiento ambulatorial e incidencia de alteraciones neurológicas. RESULTADOS: Evaluados 123 pacientes sometidos a 162 intervenciones quirúrgicas. La mayoría de los pacientes (n = 82; 66,6% presentaba secuela neurológica en un miembro inferior. La poliomielitis aguda sucedió como promedio a los 2 años y 4 meses de edad. Se sometieron a operaciones ortopédicas 87,7% de los pacientes. La técnica anestésica en un 64,1% de los casos fue por bloqueo en neuroeje. El bloqueo epidural fue el más utilizado. Complicaciones relatadas: punción inadvertida de la duramadre (n = 1; 0,61%, bradicardia (n = 1; 0,61%, hipotensión arterial (n = 2; 1,23%, apnea y rigidez de tórax (n = 1; 0,61% en el intraoperatorio. En el postoperatorio, vómitos (n = 2; 1,23%, retención urinaria (n = 4; 2,46% y síndrome doloroso complejo regional tipo I (n = 2; 1,23%. El acompañamiento ambulatorial fue de 22 meses y no se observó un empeoramiento neurológico. CONCLUSIONES: Los pacientes con secuela de poliomielitis, sometidos al bloqueo del neuroeje no presentaban ninguna complicación o empeoramiento neurológico en el postoperatorio que pudiese ser atribuido a la técnica anestésica.BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Several questions arise before performing neuro-axis block in patients with sequelae of poliomyelitis. Reports in the


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    Rosario Vargas Mora


    Full Text Available A medida que avanza el conocimiento científico, los procedimientos quirúrgicos que se realizaban con pacientes hospitalizados, se llevan a cabo, ahora, de forma ambulatoria; sin embargo, es necesario preparar a los pacientes, pues ello beneficia el proceso de recuperación. El aumento de la población, los elevados costos por los servicios de salud y los avances tecnológicos, posibilitan la elección de los servicios de Cirugía Ambulatoria como una alternativa segura, rápida y eficiente para atender los procedimientos quirúrgicos de bajo riesgo, los cuales ofrecen ventajas para el paciente, familia e institución. Para este estudio se aplicó la metodología para el desarrollo de la práctica clínica basada en la evidencia. En cuanto a la necesidad de la investigación, se planteó la siguiente pregunta clínica: En los pacientes de edades entre siete a 14 años ¿La información preoperatoria acerca de su cirugía mayor ambulatoria comparada con los que no reciben información disminuye la ansiedad y presentan menos complicaciones postoperatorias?. El tipo de pregunta correspondió a una pregunta de diagnóstico. Para responder a ella, se realizó una búsqueda, revisión y análisis de la literatura científica a la que se accesó mediante el uso de buscadores como GOOGLE, administrador de artículos PUBMED, Excelencia Académica, EBSCOhost; de dichas fuentes se recuperaron 50 documentos de los cuales se encontró dos estudios de buena calidad que responden a la pregunta planteada. La educación preoperatoria intensa a familiares y al paciente pediátrico disminuye el nivel de ansiedad que generan las intervenciones quirúrgicas. El desarrollo de programas apropiados prequirúrgicos ayuda a aliviar la ansiedad de los niños y padres durante la experiencia quirúrgica.

  14. Importance of the use of protocols for the management of analgesia and sedation in pediatric intensive care unit

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    Emiliana Motta

    Full Text Available Summary Introduction: Analgesia and sedation are essential elements in patient care in the intensive care unit (ICU, in order to promote the control of pain, anxiety and agitation, prevent the loss of devices, accidental extubation, and improve the synchrony of the patient with mechanical ventilation. However, excess of these medications leads to rise in morbidity and mortality. The ideal management will depend on the adoption of clinical and pharmacological measures, guided by scales and protocols. Objective: Literature review on the main aspects of analgesia and sedation, abstinence syndrome, and delirium in the pediatric intensive care unit, in order to show the importance of the use of protocols on the management of critically ill patients. Method: Articles published in the past 16 years on PubMed, Lilacs, and the Cochrane Library, with the terms analgesia, sedation, abstinence syndrome, mild sedation, daily interruption, and intensive care unit. Results: Seventy-six articles considered relevant were selected to describe the importance of using a protocol of sedation and analgesia. They recommended mild sedation and the use of assessment scales, daily interruptions, and spontaneous breathing test. These measures shorten the time of mechanical ventilation, as well as length of hospital stay, and help to control abstinence and delirium, without increasing the risk of morbidity and morbidity. Conclusion: Despite the lack of controlled and randomized clinical trials in the pediatric setting, the use of protocols, optimizing mild sedation, leads to decreased morbidity.

  15. Analgesia with breastfeeding in addition to skin-to-skin contact during heel prick. (United States)

    Marín Gabriel, Miguel Ángel; del Rey Hurtado de Mendoza, Beatriz; Jiménez Figueroa, Lourdes; Medina, Virginia; Iglesias Fernández, Beatriz; Vázquez Rodríguez, María; Escudero Huedo, Virginia; Medina Malagón, Lorena


    To investigate the analgesic effect (measured with Neonatal Infant Pain Scale (NIPS)) of breastfeeding (BF) in addition to skin-to-skin contact (SSC) versus other methods of non-pharmacological analgesia during blood sampling through heel lance in healthy term neonates. Randomised controlled trial. Tertiary level maternity ward. One hundred thirty-six healthy term newborns. healthy term neonates, wish to breastfeed and absence of feeding during the previous 60 min. Neonates were randomly assigned to four groups: Group breastfed with SSC (BF+SSC Group) (n=35); Group sucrose with SSC (Sucrose+SSC Group) (n=35); SSC Group (n=33); or Sucrose Group (n=33). Babies were recorded with a video camera. Three observers watched the videos and measured NIPS score at three time points (t0: 2 min before heel prick; t1: During heel prick; and t2: 2 min after the heel prick). The influences of non-pharmacological methods on crying time, percentage of crying while sampling, heart rate, number of attempts and duration of sampling were also studied. BF+SSC Group achieved a significant lower median NIPS score (value=1) compared with other groups (value=2, 4 and 4, respectively). The percentage of neonates with moderate-to-severe pain was also lower in the BF+SSC Group. Both groups BF+SSC and Sucrose+SSC achieved a significant lower percentage of crying compared with SSC Group. This study suggests that BF in addition to SSC provides superior analgesia to other kinds of non-pharmacological analgesia in healthy term neonates during heel prick.

  16. Sedation and analgesia practices in neonatal intensive care units (EUROPAIN): results from a prospective cohort study. (United States)

    Carbajal, Ricardo; Eriksson, Mats; Courtois, Emilie; Boyle, Elaine; Avila-Alvarez, Alejandro; Andersen, Randi Dovland; Sarafidis, Kosmas; Polkki, Tarja; Matos, Cristina; Lago, Paola; Papadouri, Thalia; Montalto, Simon Attard; Ilmoja, Mari-Liis; Simons, Sinno; Tameliene, Rasa; van Overmeire, Bart; Berger, Angelika; Dobrzanska, Anna; Schroth, Michael; Bergqvist, Lena; Lagercrantz, Hugo; Anand, Kanwaljeet J S


    Neonates who are in pain or are stressed during care in the intensive care unit (ICU) are often given sedation or analgesia. We investigated the current use of sedation or analgesia in neonatal ICUs (NICUs) in European countries. EUROPAIN (EUROpean Pain Audit In Neonates) was a prospective cohort study of the management of sedation and analgesia in patients in NICUs. All neonates admitted to NICUs during 1 month were included in this study. Data on demographics, methods of respiration, use of continuous or intermittent sedation, analgesia, or neuromuscular blockers, pain assessments, and drug withdrawal syndromes were gathered during the first 28 days of admission to NICUs. Multivariable linear regression models and propensity scores were used to assess the association between duration of tracheal ventilation (TV) and exposure to opioids, sedatives-hypnotics, or general anaesthetics in neonates (O-SH-GA). This study is registered with, number NCT01694745. From Oct 1, 2012, to June 30, 2013, 6680 neonates were enrolled in 243 NICUs in 18 European countries. Mean gestational age of these neonates was 35.0 weeks (SD 4.6) and birthweight was 2384 g (1007). 2142 (32%) neonates were given TV, 1496 (22%) non-invasive ventilation (NIV), and 3042 (46%) were kept on spontaneous ventilation (SV). 1746 (82%), 266 (18%), and 282 (9%) neonates in the TV, NIV, and SV groups, respectively, were given sedation or analgesia as a continuous infusion, intermittent doses, or both (panalgesia was 89.3% (70.0-100) for neonates in the TV group. Opioids were given to 1764 (26%) of 6680 neonates and to 1589 (74%) of 2142 neonates in the TV group. Midazolam was given to 576 (9%) of 6680 neonates and 536 (25%) neonates of 2142 neonates in the TV group. 542 (25%) neonates in the TV group were given neuromuscular blockers, which were administered as continuous infusions to 146 (7%) of these neonates. Pain assessments were recorded in 1250 (58%) of 2138, 672 (45%) of 1493, and

  17. Ensayo clínico doble ciego, controlado para evaluar la efectividad analgésica de 100 microgramos de morfina intratecal en el control del dolor postoperatorio


    Herrera Gómez, Pedro; García Ulloa, Adriana; Eslava Schmalbach, Javier


    Antecedentes:La morfina intratecal constituye una excelente alternativa para el manejo del dolor post-operatorio, en cirugías con anestesia espinal. La efectividad analgésica post-operatoria de 100 µg de morfina, adicionados al anestésico local en anestesia espinal, ha sido estudiada en cirugías de cesárea, resección transuretral de próstata y reemplazos articulares. El propósito de este estudio es valorar la efectividad analgésica de 100 µg de morfina intratecal en adultos jóvenes, sometidos...

  18. Hyperbaric bupivacaine 2.5 mg prolongs analgesia compared with plain bupivacaine when added to intrathecal fentanyl 25 microg in advanced labor. (United States)

    Teoh, Wendy H L; Sia, Alex T H


    We investigated the effect of sequential administration of intrathecal (IT) hyperbaric bupivacaine (after the initial administration of IT hypobaric fentanyl) on the duration of spinal analgesia. Thirty-seven nulliparous parturients with a cervical dilation >/= 5 cm were randomized to receive either IT fentanyl 25 micro g and plain bupivacaine 2.5 mg (group P; n = 19) or IT fentanyl 25 micro g and hyperbaric (with 8% glucose) bupivacaine 2.5 mg (group H; n = 18). The two components of the IT injectate were administered sequentially (fentanyl 25 micro g diluted in 2 mL of normal saline, immediately followed by 0.5 mL of 0.5% bupivacaine). Patients were then positioned with their torso elevated at 30 degrees for 30 min. Pain scores using 0-100 visual analog scales were collected before combined spinal/epidural analgesia and at 5, 15, and 30 min after the block. Patients in Group H had a longer median duration of analgesia (122 min; range, 80-210 min) than Group P (95 min; range, 75-125 min) (P hyperbaric bupivacaine conferred an increased duration of IT analgesia compared with plain bupivacaine.

  19. Efficacy and side effects of intravenous remifentanil patient-controlled analgesia used in a stepwise approach for labour: an observational study. (United States)

    Tveit, T O; Halvorsen, A; Seiler, S; Rosland, J H


    Remifentanil has a suitable pharmacological profile for labour analgesia. In this prospective, observational study, intravenous patient-controlled analgesia with remifentanil, using stepwise bolus doses without background infusion, was examined during the first and second stages of labour. Outcomes were pain reduction, maternal satisfaction, maternal and neonatal side effects and remifentanil metabolism in the neonate. Parturients with normal term singleton pregnancies were recruited. The initial remifentanil bolus dose was 0.15 μg/kg, increasing in steps of 0.15 μg/kg, with a 2-min lock-out. Pain scores using a 100 mm visual analogue scale, systolic and diastolic blood pressures, respiratory rate and maternal sedation were recorded every 15 min. Maternal oxygen saturation and heart rate were monitored continuously. Neonatal data included Apgar scores, clinical examination, naloxone use, resuscitation, umbilical cord blood gases and remifentanil concentrations. Forty-one parturients were enrolled. Pain scores were significantly reduced in the first 3 h of patient-controlled analgesia use compared to baseline, and at the end of the first and second stages of labour (Panalgesia. The mean highest dose of remifentanil was 0.7 μg/kg [range 0.3-1.05]. Ninety-three percent of patients were satisfied with their analgesia. The lowest oxygen saturation was 91% and the lowest respiratory rate was 9 breaths/min. Eleven parturients (27%) received supplemental oxygen due to oxygen saturations neonatal data reassuring. Remifentanil intravenous patient-controlled analgesia provides adequate pain relief and high maternal satisfaction during the first and second stages of labour. Maternal sedation and respiratory depression may occur, but no serious neonatal side effects were recorded. Careful monitoring is mandatory. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  20. Postoperative pain and patient-controlled epidural analgesia-related adverse effects in young and elderly patients: a retrospective analysis of 2,435 patients

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    Koh JC


    Full Text Available Jae Chul Koh, Young Song, So Yeon Kim, Sooyeun Park, Seo Hee Ko, Dong Woo Han Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine, Anesthesia and Pain Research Institute, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul, South Korea Abstract: In this retrospective study, data of 2,435 patients who received fentanyl and ropivacaine-based patient-controlled epidural analgesia (PCEA for pain relief after elective surgery under general or spinal anesthesia were reviewed. Differences in postoperative pain, incidence of patient-controlled analgesia (PCA-related adverse effects, and risk factors for the need for rescue analgesics for 48 hours postsurgery in young (age 20–39 years and elderly (age ≥70 years patients were evaluated. Although there were no significant differences in postoperative pain intensity between the two groups until 6 hours postsurgery, younger patients experienced greater postoperative pain intensity compared with older patients 6–48 hours postsurgery. While younger patients exhibited greater incidence of numbness, motor weakness, and discontinuation of PCA postsurgery, elderly patients exhibited greater incidence of hypotension, nausea/vomiting, rescue analgesia, and antiemetic administration. Upon multivariate analysis, low fentanyl dosage and history of smoking were found to be associated with an increased need for rescue analgesia among younger patients, while physical status classification III/IV and thoracic surgery were associated with a decreased need for rescue analgesia among the elderly. Discontinuation of PCA was more frequent among younger patients than the elderly (18.5% vs 13.5%, P=0.001. Reasons for discontinuation of PCA among young and elderly patients, respectively, were nausea and vomiting (6.8% vs 26.6%, numbness or motor weakness (67.8% vs 11.5%, urinary retention (7.4% vs 8.7%, dizziness (2.2% vs 5.2%, and hypotension (3.1% vs 20.3%. In conclusion, PCEA was more frequently associated with numbness, motor

  1. Neuraxial analgesia in neonates and infants: a review of clinical and preclinical strategies for the development of safety and efficacy data. (United States)

    Walker, Suellen M; Yaksh, Tony L


    Neuraxial drugs provide robust pain control, have the potential to improve outcomes, and are an important component of the perioperative care of children. Opioids or clonidine improves analgesia when added to perioperative epidural infusions; analgesia is significantly prolonged by the addition of clonidine, ketamine, neostigmine, or tramadol to single-shot caudal injections of local anesthetic; and neonatal intrathecal anesthesia/analgesia is increasing in some centers. However, it is difficult to determine the relative risk-benefit of different techniques and drugs without detailed and sensitive data related to analgesia requirements, side effects, and follow-up. Current data related to benefits and complications in neonates and infants are summarized, but variability in current neuraxial drug use reflects the relative lack of high-quality evidence. Recent preclinical reports of adverse effects of general anesthetics on the developing brain have increased awareness of the potential benefit of neuraxial anesthesia/analgesia to avoid or reduce general anesthetic dose requirements. However, the developing spinal cord is also vulnerable to drug-related toxicity, and although there are well-established preclinical models and criteria for assessing spinal cord toxicity in adult animals, until recently there had been no systematic evaluation during early life. Therefore, in the second half of this review, we present preclinical data evaluating age-dependent changes in the pharmacodynamic response to different spinal analgesics, and recent studies evaluating spinal toxicity in specific developmental models. Finally, we advocate use of neuraxial drugs with the widest demonstrable safety margin and suggest minimum standards for preclinical evaluation before adoption of new analgesics or preparations into routine clinical practice.

  2. The relative potency of inverse opioid agonists and a neutral opioid antagonist in precipitated withdrawal and antagonism of analgesia and toxicity. (United States)

    Sirohi, Sunil; Dighe, Shveta V; Madia, Priyanka A; Yoburn, Byron C


    Opioid antagonists can be classified as inverse agonists and neutral antagonists. In the opioid-dependent state, neutral antagonists are significantly less potent in precipitating withdrawal than inverse agonists. Consequently, neutral opioid antagonists may offer advantages over inverse agonists in the management of opioid overdose. In this study, the relative potency of three opioid antagonists to block opioid analgesia and toxicity and precipitate withdrawal was examined. First, the potency of two opioid inverse agonists (naltrexone and naloxone) and a neutral antagonist (6beta-naltrexol) to antagonize fentanyl-induced analgesia and lethality was determined. The order of potency to block analgesia was naltrexone > naloxone > 6beta-naltrexol (17, 4, 1), which was similar to that to block lethality (13, 2, 1). Next, the antagonists were compared using withdrawal jumping in fentanyl-dependent mice. The order of potency to precipitate withdrawal jumping was naltrexone > naloxone 6beta-naltrexol (1107, 415, 1). The relative potencies to precipitate withdrawal for the inverse agonists compared with the neutral antagonist were dramatically different from that for antagonism of analgesia and lethality. Finally, the effect of 6beta-naltrexol pretreatment on naloxone-precipitated jumping was determined in morphine and fentanyl-dependent mice. 6beta-Naltrexol pretreatment decreased naloxone precipitated withdrawal, indicating that 6beta-naltrexol is a neutral antagonist. These data demonstrate that inverse agonists and neutral antagonists have generally comparable potencies to block opioid analgesia and lethality, whereas the neutral opioid antagonist is substantially less potent in precipitating opioid withdrawal. These results support suggestions that neutral antagonists may have advantages over inverse agonists in the management of opioid overdose.

  3. Risk factors for failed conversion of labor epidural analgesia to cesarean delivery anesthesia: a systematic review and meta-analysis of observational trials. (United States)

    Bauer, M E; Kountanis, J A; Tsen, L C; Greenfield, M L; Mhyre, J M


    This systematic review and meta-analysis evaluates evidence for seven risk factors associated with failed conversion of labor epidural analgesia to cesarean delivery anesthesia. Online scientific literature databases were searched using a strategy which identified observational trials, published between January 1979 and May 2011, which evaluated risk factors for failed conversion of epidural analgesia to anesthesia or documented a failure rate resulting in general anesthesia. 1450 trials were screened, and 13 trials were included for review (n=8628). Three factors increase the risk for failed conversion: an increasing number of clinician-administered boluses during labor (OR=3.2, 95% CI 1.8-5.5), greater urgency for cesarean delivery (OR=40.4, 95% CI 8.8-186), and a non-obstetric anesthesiologist providing care (OR=4.6, 95% CI 1.8-11.5). Insufficient evidence is available to support combined spinal-epidural versus standard epidural techniques, duration of epidural analgesia, cervical dilation at the time of epidural placement, and body mass index or weight as risk factors for failed epidural conversion. The risk of failed conversion of labor epidural analgesia to anesthesia is increased with an increasing number of boluses administered during labor, an enhanced urgency for cesarean delivery, and care being provided by a non-obstetric anesthesiologist. Further high-quality studies are needed to evaluate the many potential risk factors associated with failed conversion of labor epidural analgesia to anesthesia for cesarean delivery. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  4. Prediction of immediate postoperative pain using the analgesia/nociception index: a prospective observational study. (United States)

    Boselli, E; Bouvet, L; Bégou, G; Dabouz, R; Davidson, J; Deloste, J-Y; Rahali, N; Zadam, A; Allaouchiche, B


    The analgesia/nociception index (ANI) is derived from heart rate variability, ranging from 0 (maximal nociception) to 100 (maximal analgesia), to reflect the analgesia/nociception balance during general anaesthesia. This should be correlated with immediate postoperative pain in the post-anaesthesia care unit (PACU). The aim of this study was to evaluate the performance of ANI measured at arousal from general anaesthesia to predict immediate postoperative pain on arrival in PACU. Two hundred patients undergoing ear, nose, and throat or lower limb orthopaedic surgery with general anaesthesia using an inhalational agent and remifentanil were included in this prospective observational study. The ANI was measured immediately before tracheal extubation and pain intensity was assessed within 10 min of arrival in PACU using a 0-10 numerical rating scale (NRS). The relationship between ANI and NRS was assessed using linear regression. A receiver-operating characteristic (ROC) curve was used to evaluate the performance of ANI to predict NRS>3. A negative linear relationship was observed between ANI immediately before extubation and NRS on arrival in PACU. Using a threshold of 3 were both 86% with 92% negative predictive value, corresponding to an area under the ROC curve of 0.89. The measurement of ANI immediately before extubation after inhalation-remifentanil anaesthesia was significantly associated with pain intensity on arrival in PACU. The performance of ANI for the prediction of immediate postoperative pain is good and may assist physicians in optimizing acute pain management. NCT01796249.

  5. Labor analgesia in parturients of fetal growth restriction having raised umbilical Doppler vascular indices

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    Sukhen Samanta


    Conclusions: Continuous epidural ropivacaine causes improved fetoplacental circulation in parturients with growth-restricted fetuses having raised Doppler indices during labor analgesia. We also found better neonatal outcome with continuous infusion of epidural ropivacaine as compared to IM tramadol.

  6. Context-dependent links between song production and opioid-mediated analgesia in male European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris.

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    Cynthia A Kelm-Nelson

    Full Text Available Little is known about the neural mechanisms that ensure appropriate vocal behaviors within specific social contexts. Male songbirds produce spontaneous (undirected songs as well as female-directed courtship songs. Opioid neuropeptide activity in specific brain regions is rewarding, at least in mammals, and past studies suggest that the opioid met-enkephalin in such areas is more tightly linked to undirected than female-directed song. Recent data using a song-associated place preference paradigm further suggest that production of undirected but not directed song is tightly linked to intrinsic reward. Opioids have analgesic properties. Therefore, if production of undirected song is closely linked to opioid-mediated reward, the production of undirected but not directed song should be associated with analgesia. Consistent with this prediction, in male starlings we identified a positive correlation between analgesia (decreased reactivity to a hot water bath and undirected song (in non-breeding season condition males in affiliative flocks but not female-directed song (in breeding season condition males presented with females. When breeding condition males were divided according to social status, a negative correlation was found in subordinate males (i.e. males that failed to acquire a nest box. These data are consistent with the hypotheses 1 that the production of undirected song is facilitated or maintained by opioids (and/or other neuromodulators that also induce analgesia and 2 that production of female-directed song is not linked in the same way to release of the same neuromodulators. Results also demonstrate a link between analgesia and song in subordinate individuals lacking a nesting territory within the breeding season. Overall, the findings indicate that distinct neural mechanisms regulate communication in different social contexts and support the working hypothesis that undirected but not directed song is tightly linked to opioid release.

  7. Estudo comparativo da analgesia entre bupivacaína e morfina intra-articular em osteoartrite de joelho Estudio comparativo de la analgesia entre bupivacaína y morfina intra-articular en osteoartritis de la rodilla Intra-articular bupivacaine and morphine for knee osteoarthritis analgesia. Comparative study

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    Miriam C B Gazi


    recibieron 1 mg (1 mL de morfina diluida en 9 mL de solución fisiológica a 0,9% y los del G2 (n = 21 25 mg (10 mL de bupivacaína a 0,25% sin vasoconstrictor, por vía intra-articular. La intensidad del dolor fue evaluada por la escala numérica y verbal en los tiempos 0, 30, 60 minutos y 7 días, en reposo y en movimiento. Fueron evaluados la necesidad de complementación analgésica con paracetamol (500 mg, la dosis total de analgésico utilizado, la duración de la analgesia y la calidad de la analgesia (por el paciente. RESULTADOS: De los 39 pacientes estudiados, 31 completaron el estudio. No hubo diferencia significativa de la intensidad del dolor en reposo y en movimiento entre los dos grupos en los tiempos estudiados. No hubo diferencia entre los dos grupos en el tiempo entre la administración de la solución y la necesidad de complementación analgésica. La dosis media del paracetamol utilizada en el primer día de la semana fue de 796 mg del G1 y de 950 mg en el G2; la complementación en la semana fue de 3578 mg G1 y 5333 mg en el G2. CONCLUSIONES: El efecto analgésico de 1 mg de morfina y de 25 mg de bupivacaína a 0,25% sin vasoconstrictor intra-articular fueron semejantes.BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Osteoarthritis is the most common joint disease among elderly people. This study aimed at comparing the analgesic effects of intra-articular bupivacaine and morphine in knee osteoarthritis patients. METHODS: Thirty-nine patients were included in this randomized double-blind study and divided in two groups: G1 (n = 18 patients were given intra-articular 1 mg (1 mL morphine diluted in 9 mL of 0.9% saline, while G2 (n = 21 received intra-articular 25 mg (10 mL of 0.25% plain bupivacaine. Pain intensity was evaluated by numerical and verbal scale at 0, 30, 60 minutes and 7 days at rest and in movement. Evaluated parameters were analgesic supplementation requirement with paracetamol (500 mg, total analgesic dose throughout the study, analgesia duration and quality

  8. A Bayesian perspective on sensory and cognitive integration in pain perception and placebo analgesia.

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    Davide Anchisi

    Full Text Available The placebo effect is a component of any response to a treatment (effective or inert, but we still ignore why it exists. We propose that placebo analgesia is a facet of pain perception, others being the modulating effects of emotions, cognition and past experience, and we suggest that a computational understanding of pain may provide a unifying explanation of these phenomena. Here we show how Bayesian decision theory can account for such features and we describe a model of pain that we tested against experimental data. Our model not only agrees with placebo analgesia, but also predicts that learning can affect pain perception in other unexpected ways, which experimental evidence supports. Finally, the model can also reflect the strategies used by pain perception, showing that modulation by disparate factors is intrinsic to the pain process.

  9. Convalescence and hospital stay after colonic surgery with balanced analgesia, early oral feeding, and enforced mobilisation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Møiniche, S; Bülow, Steffen; Hesselfeldt, Peter


    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the combined effects of pain relief by continuous epidural analgesia, early oral feeding and enforced mobilisation on convalescence and hospital stay after colonic resection. DESIGN: Uncontrolled pilot investigation. SETTING: University hospital, Denmark. SUBJECTS: 17...... unselected patients (median age 69 years) undergoing colonic resection. INTERVENTIONS: Patients received combined epidural and general anaesthesia during operations and after operation were given continuous epidural bupivacaine 0.25%, 4 ml hour and morphine 0.2 mg hour, for 96 hours and oral paracetamol 4 g...... weight loss. CONCLUSION: These results suggest that a combined approach of optimal pain relief with balanced analgesia, enforced early mobilisation, and oral feeding, may reduce the length of convalescence and hospital stay after colonic operations....

  10. Thermal balance during transurethral resection of the prostate. A comparison of general anaesthesia and epidural analgesia

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Stjernström, H; Henneberg, S; Eklund, A


    of the prostate resulted in a peroperative heat loss which was not influenced by the anaesthetic technique used and averaged 370 kJ during the first hour of surgery. G.A. reduced heat production while this was uninfluenced by E.A. After termination of general anaesthesia, oxygen uptake and plasma catecholamines...... anaesthesia (G.A.) or epidural analgesia (E.A.). Oxygen uptake, catecholamines, peripheral and central temperatures were followed in the per- and postoperative period. Heat production and total body heat were calculated from oxygen uptake and temperature measurements, respectively. Transurethral resection...... increased, while no such changes could be detected using epidural analgesia. The ability to increase mean body temperature by increasing heat production was negatively correlated to age....

  11. Frequency of instrumental vaginal delivery in patients with and without receiving epidural analgesia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Phool, B.


    Aims and Objectives: Frequency of instrumental vaginal delivery in women receiving epidural analgesia and those who are not receiving.Study Design: It was a cohort study. Duration: 6th month. Results: Majority of the patients were found between 20 - 25 years of age in both A and B groups, in Group - A 46.11% (n = 83) and in Group - B 52.22% (n = 94), mean and standard deviation was calculated 26.21 +- 3.56 in Group - A and 27.34 +- 3.78 in Group - B, comparison of instrumental vaginal delivery reveals 10.55% (n = 19) in Group - A were with instrumental delivery while in Group - B only 2.78% (n = 5) cases were found delivered with instruments.Conclusion: Epidural analgesia is considered to be an effective method of pain relief during labor but due to the higher risk of increased duration of 2nd stage of labour it increases the possibility of instrumental delivery. (author)

  12. Capnography monitoring during procedural sedation and analgesia: a systematic review protocol


    Conway, Aaron; Douglas, Clint; Sutherland, Joanna


    Background An important potential clinical benefit of using capnography monitoring during procedural sedation and analgesia (PSA) is that this technology could improve patient safety by reducing serious sedation-related adverse events, such as death or permanent neurological disability, which are caused by inadequate oxygenation. The hypothesis is that earlier identification of respiratory depression using capnography leads to a change in clinical management that prevents hypoxaemia. As inade...

  13. The role of elastomeric pumps in postoperative analgesia in orthopaedics and factors affecting their flow rate. (United States)

    Theodorides, Anthony Andreas


    Elastomeric pumps are mechanical devices composed of an elastomeric balloon reservoir into which the drug to be infused is stored, a protective casing (used by some manufacturers), a flow controller and a wound catheter. In orthopaedics they are used to provide continuous local infiltration analgesia. In this way patients rely less on other routes of analgesia and thus avoid their systemic side effects. Studies have shown good response to analgesia with these pumps for the first 24 hours but their benefit is not as clear at 48 and 72 hours. There are numerous factors that affect the flow rate of elastomeric pumps. Some are inherent to all elastomeric pumps such as: the pressure exerted by the elastomeric balloon, catheter size, the vertical height of the pump in relation to the wound, viscosity and partial filling. There are also other factors which vary according to the manufacturer such as: the optimal temperature to obtain the desired flow rate as this directly affects viscosity, the dialysate that the analgesic drug is mixed with (ie normal saline or 5% dextrose), and the storage conditions of the fluid to be infused. It is thus essential to follow the clinical guidelines provided by the manufacturer in order to obtain the desired flow rate. Copyright the Association for Perioperative Practice.

  14. Patient-controlled analgesia : therapeutic interventions using transdermal electro-activated and electro-modulated drug delivery

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Indermun, S.; Choonara, Y.E.; Kumar, P.; Du Toit, L.C.; Modi, G.; Luttge, R.; Pillay, V.


    Chronic pain poses a major concern to modern medicine and is frequently undertreated, causing suffering and disability. Patient-controlled analgesia, although successful, does have limitations. Transdermal delivery is the pivot to which analgesic research in drug delivery has centralized, especially

  15. Magnesium sulfate in femoral nerve block, does postoperative analgesia differ? A comparative study

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    Hossam A. ELShamaa


    Conclusion: The current study concluded that the admixture of magnesium to bupivacaine provides a profound prolongation of the femoral nerve block, in addition to a significant decrease in postoperative pain scores and total dose of rescue analgesia, with a longer bearable pain periods in the first postoperative day.

  16. Effectiveness of injection of local anesthetic into the retrobulbar space for postoperative analgesia following eye enucleation in dogs. (United States)

    Myrna, Kathern E; Bentley, Ellison; Smith, Lesley J


    To assess the efficacy of a retrobulbar bupivacaine nerve block for postoperative analgesia following eye enucleation in dogs. Randomized controlled trial. 22 dogs. Client-owned dogs admitted to the hospital for routine eye enucleation were enrolled with owner consent and randomly assigned to a treatment (bupivacaine hydrochloride) or control (saline [0.9% NaCl] solution) group. Baseline subjective pain scores were recorded. Anesthesia consisted of hydromorphone and midazolam preoperatively, thiopental or propofol for induction, and isoflurane in oxygen for maintenance. An inferior-temporal palpebral retrobulbar injection of either saline solution or bupivacaine was administered. Transpalpebral eye enucleation was performed. Pain scores were recorded at 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, and 24 hours after extubation (time 0) by observers masked to treatment groups. Dogs were given hydromorphone (0.2 mg/kg [0.09 mg/lb], IM or IV) as a rescue analgesic if the subjective pain score totaled >or= 9 (out of a maximum total score of 18) or >or= 3 in any 1 category. 9 of 11 control dogs required a rescue dose of hydromorphone, but only 2 of 11 dogs in the bupivacaine treatment group required rescue analgesia. Mean time to treatment failure (ie, administration of rescue analgesia following extubation) was 0.56 hours (95% confidence interval, 0.029 to 1.095 hours) for the 11 dogs that received hydromorphone. Retrobulbar administration of bupivacaine in dogs in conjunction with traditional premedication prior to eye enucleation was an effective form of adjunctive analgesia and reduced the need for additional postoperative analgesics.

  17. [Analgesia and sedation in neonatal-pediatric intensive care]. (United States)

    Schlünder, C; Houben, F; Hartwig, S; Theisohn, M; Roth, B


    In pediatric intensive care, analgesia and sedation has become increasingly important for newborns as well as prematures in recent years. However, its importance is frequently not well recognized and sedation is confounded with analgesia. In our intensive-care unit (ICU), fentanyl and midazolam have proved to be useful. In newborn and premature infants, fentanyl alone has been sufficient because of its analgesic and sedative action. In a study on 20 newborns and prematures suffering from severe respiratory problems as compared with a historical group that did not receive fentanyl, we could show that in subjects receiving fentanyl, considerably less treatment with sedatives and other analgesics was necessary. Cardiopulmonary tolerance was satisfactory. The highest bilirubin values were reached about 1 day earlier and were slightly higher than those measured in the control group, but oral nutrition could be initiated sooner. In small infants, additional midazolam was given after cardiac surgery. During the first 72 h, we found a correlation between serum levels of midazolam and the depth of sedation; however, after 72 h of medication, the dose had to be raised because of an increase in metabolic clearance. During the concomitant administration of midazolam and fentanyl, significantly less midazolam was needed to achieve appropriate analog-sedation. Prior to the administration of analgesics and sedatives, care should be taken to ensure that circulatory conditions are stable and that there is no hypovolemia, and the drugs must be given slowly during several minutes. Especially in a pediatric ICU, light and noise should be diminished and contact between the parents and the child should be encouraged, even when the child is undergoing mechanical ventilation.

  18. Continuous Femoral Nerve Block versus Intravenous Patient Controlled Analgesia for Knee Mobility and Long-Term Pain in Patients Receiving Total Knee Replacement: A Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Lihua Peng


    Full Text Available Objectives. To evaluate the comparative analgesia effectiveness and safety of postoperative continuous femoral nerve block (CFNB with patient controlled intravenous analgesia (PCIA and their impact on knee function and chronic postoperative pain. Methods. Participants were randomly allocated to receive postoperative continuous femoral nerve block (group CFNB or intravenous patient controlled analgesia (group PCIA. Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index (WOMAC scores for knee and incidence of chronic postoperative pain at 3, 6, and 12 months postoperatively were compared. postoperative pain and salvage medication at rest or during mobilization 24 hours, 48 hours, and 7 days postoperatively were also recorded. Results. After discharge from the hospital and rehabilitation of joint function, patients in group CFNB reported significantly improved knee flexion and less incidence of chronic postoperative pain at 3 months and 6 months postoperatively (P<0.05. Analgesic rescue medications were significantly reduced in patients receiving CFNB (P<0.001 and P=0.031, resp.. Conclusion. With standardized rehabilitation therapy, continuous femoral nerve block analgesia reduced the incidence of chronic postoperative pain, improved motility of replaced joints, and reduced the dosages of rescue analgesic medications, suggesting a recovery-enhancing effect of peripheral nerve block analgesia.

  19. Specially trained registered nurses can safely manage epidural analgesia infusion in laboring patients. (United States)

    Charles, Lenore A; Korejwa, Elise; Kent, Donna Curtis; Raniero, Debbie


    To discover evidence for defining the registered nurse's (RN's) role in the management of epidural analgesia in the labor and delivery setting. The Labor Epidural Nurse Safety (LENS) study consisted of two parts. The first part was a 10-year retrospective review of the outcomes of 2,568 laboring women for whom epidural catheters had been placed and verified by an anesthesiologist or certified registered nurse anesthetist, then continuous epidural infusion initiated, and basal rate or patient-controlled epidural analgesia (PCEA) dose increased, if needed, within specified parameters by specially trained labor and delivery RNs. The second part compared the outcomes of the neonates born to the 2,568 women in the first part of the study with neonates born to mothers who received PCEA with a continuous infusion initiated and managed exclusively by anesthesiologists and/or certified registered nurse anesthetists at two control sites. Maternal outcomes were quantified by incidences of clinically significant hypotension and sentinel events, such as respiratory distress, cardio/respiratory distress, loss of consciousness, and seizures. Evidence of neonatal outcomes was collected by comparing Apgar scores. No sentinel events occurred, and there was no increase in maternal hypotensive events in the RN-managed group. There were no statistically significant differences in Apgar scores between the experimental and control groups. Specially trained RNs can safely initiate continuous infusions and increase the basal rate of epidural analgesia infusions or PCEA doses administered to laboring women, after insertion and confirmation of correct catheter placement by a qualified anesthesia provider, without adversely affecting maternal and fetal/neonatal outcomes. Copyright © 2015 American Society of PeriAnesthesia Nurses. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  20. Epidural analgesia for traumatic rib fractures is associated with worse outcomes: a matched analysis. (United States)

    McKendy, Katherine M; Lee, Lawrence F; Boulva, Kerianne; Deckelbaum, Dan L; Mulder, David S; Razek, Tarek S; Grushka, Jeremy R


    The optimal method of pain control for patients with traumatic rib fractures is unknown. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of epidural analgesia on respiratory complications and in-hospital mortality in patients with rib fractures. Adult patients at a level I trauma center with ≥1 rib fracture from blunt trauma were included (2004-2013). Those with a blunt-penetrating mechanism, traumatic brain injury, or underwent a laparotomy or thoracotomy were excluded. Patients who were treated with epidural analgesia (EPI) were compared with those were not treated with epidural analgesia (NEPI) using coarsened exact matching. Primary outcomes were respiratory complications (pneumonia, deep vein thrombosis/pulmonary embolus, and respiratory failure) and 30-d in-hospital mortality. Secondary outcomes were total hospital and intensive care unit length of stay, and duration of ventilator support. About 1360 patients (EPI: 329 and NEPI: 1031) met inclusion criteria (mean age: 54.2 y; standard deviation [SD]: 19.7; 68% male). The mean number of rib fractures was 4.8 (SD: 3.3; 21% bilateral) with a high total burden of injury (mean Injury Severity Score: 19.9 [SD: 8.9]). The overall incidence of respiratory complications was 13% and mortality was 4%. After matching, 204 EPI patients were compared with 204 NEPI patients, with no differences in baseline characteristics. EPI patients experienced more respiratory complications (19% versus 10%, P = 0.009), but no differences in 30-d mortality (5% versus 2%, P = 0.159), duration of mechanical ventilation (EPI: 148 h [SD: 167] versus NEPI: 117 h [SD: 187], P = 0.434), or duration of intensive care unit length of stay (6.5 d [SD: 7.6] versus 5.8 d [SD: 9.1], P = 0.626). Hospital stay was higher in the EPI group (16.6 d [SD: 19.6] vs 12.7 d [SD: 15.2], P = 0.026). Epidural analgesia is associated with increased respiratory complications without providing mortality benefit after traumatic rib fractures

  1. Avaliação da analgesia pós-operatória em pacientes submetidos à cirurgia orificial com anestesia local associada ou não à morfina Evaluation of the postoperative analgesia in patients submitted to anorectal surgery with local anesthesia associated or not the morphine

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    Juvenal da Rocha Torres Neto


    Full Text Available Ainda não esta comprovada a eficácia dos derivados morfínicos ao nível de receptores opióides periféricos. Estudos procuram demonstrar o poder da droga em interferir na intensidade da dor quando infiltrada em nervos periféricos. Avaliamos, então, a infiltração local de morfina associada à anestesia local em cirurgias orificiais proctológicas. Nesse estudo foram analisados 61 pacientes, independentemente do gênero, sendo divididos aleatoriamente em dois grupos: a um grupo foi associada morfina ao anestésico local enquanto ao outro houve a administração do anestésico local sem a droga morfínica. Os pacientes de ambos os grupos foram submetidos à sedação e analgesia pós-operatória padronizadas. Foram avaliados: a intensidade da dor, a analgesia pós-operatória e a morbidade. A intensidade da dor, no momento de seu surgimento, foi semelhante nos dois grupos; o tempo de analgesia pós-operatória foi maior no grupo em que a morfina foi administrada, entretanto, não se mostrou estatisticamente significativo; as complicações pós-operatórias foram irrelevantes nos dois grupos. Dessa forma, a infiltração local de morfina na região anorretal tem benefícios em relação à analgesia pós-operatória que não mostraram significância estatística e não aumenta a incidência dos efeitos colaterais tão temidos relacionados às drogas morfínicas como retenção urinária e prurido.It has not been proved the efficacy of morphine derived at periphery opium receivers. Studies are trying to demonstrate the power of the drug to interfere in the intensity of surgical pain while infiltrating in the periphery nerves. This study evaluated the infiltration of morphine associated with local anesthesia in anorectal surgery. Sixty one patients were analyzed, male and female, divided in two groups: in one group was associated morphine in the local anesthesia while in the other group only the local anesthetic was used. The patients of both

  2. Intravenous sub-anesthetic ketamine for perioperative analgesia

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    Andrew W Gorlin


    Full Text Available Ketamine, an N-methyl-d-aspartate antagonist, blunts central pain sensitization at sub-anesthetic doses (0.3 mg/kg or less and has been studied extensively as an adjunct for perioperative analgesia. At sub-anesthetic doses, ketamine has a minimal physiologic impact though it is associated with a low incidence of mild psychomimetic symptoms as well as nystagmus and double vision. Contraindications to its use do exist and due to ketamine′s metabolism, caution should be exercised in patients with renal or hepatic dysfunction. Sub-anesthetic ketamine improves pain scores and reduces perioperative opioid consumption in a broad range of surgical procedures. In addition, there is evidence that ketamine may be useful in patients with opioid tolerance and for preventing chronic postsurgical pain.

  3. Epidural Hematoma and Abscess Related to Thoracic Epidural Analgesia: A Single-Center Study of 2,907 Patients Who Underwent Lung Surgery. (United States)

    Kupersztych-Hagege, Elisa; Dubuisson, Etienne; Szekely, Barbara; Michel-Cherqui, Mireille; François Dreyfus, Jean; Fischler, Marc; Le Guen, Morgan


    To report the major complications (epidural hematoma and abscess) of postoperative thoracic epidural analgesia in patients who underwent lung surgery. Prospective, monocentric study. A university hospital. All lung surgical patients who received postoperative thoracic epidural analgesia between November 2007 and November 2015. Thoracic epidural analgesia for patients who underwent lung surgery. During the study period, data for 2,907 patients were recorded. The following 3 major complications were encountered: 1 case of epidural hematoma (0.34 case/1,000; 95% confidence interval 0.061-1.946), for which surgery was performed, and 2 cases of epidural abscesses (0.68 case/1,000; 95% confidence interval 0.189-2.505), which were treated medically. The risk range of serious complications was moderate; only the patient who experienced an epidural hematoma also experienced permanent sequelae. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  4. Taquiarritmias postoperatorias en la cirugía cardíaca del adulto. Profilaxis


    Fernando Enríquez; Antonio Jiménez


    Las arritmias en el periodo postoperatorio de la cirugía cardíaca suelen ser un hallazgo común ligado a múltiples mecanismos. Las condiciones particulares inherentes al acto quirúrgico pueden iniciar, facilitar o agravar un evento arrítmico por modificaciones en el sustrato anatómico y en sus moduladores. Aunque tradicionalmente consideradas como arritmias transitorias, diversos estudios muestran su asociación con una mayor morbimortalidad, riesgo de ictus, compromiso hemodinámico, iatrogenia...

  5. Patient-controlled analgesia with remifentanil vs. alternative parenteral methods for pain management in labour

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jelting, Y; Weibel, S; Afshari, A


    events for mothers and newborns. We assessed risk of bias for each included study and applied the GRADE approach for the quality of evidence. We included total zero event trials, using a constant continuity correction of 0.01 and a random-effect meta-analysis. Twenty studies were included...... opioids (four trials, 216 patients, very low quality evidence) with a standardised mean difference ([SMD] 95%CI) of 2.11 (0.72-3.49), but were less satisfied than women receiving epidural analgesia (seven trials, 2135 patients, very low quality evidence), -0.22 (-0.40 to -0.04). Data on adverse events......, 135 patients, low-quality evidence) no conclusion could be reached as all study arms showed zero events. The relative risk (95%CI) of Apgar scores less than 7 at 5 min after birth compared with epidural analgesia (five trials, 1322 participants, low-quality evidence) was 1.26 (0.62-2.57)....

  6. Adenosine for postoperative analgesia: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

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    Xin Jin

    Full Text Available Perioperative infusion of adenosine has been suggested to reduce the requirement for inhalation anesthetics, without causing serious adverse effects in humans. We conducted a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials evaluating the effect of adenosine on postoperative analgesia.We retrieved articles in computerized searches of Scopus, Web of Science, PubMed, EMBASE, and Cochrane Library databases, up to July 2016. We used adenosine, postoperative analgesia, and postoperative pain(s as key words, with humans, RCT, and CCT as filters. Data of eligible studies were extracted, which included pain scores, cumulative opioid consumption, adverse reactions, and vital signs. Overall incidence rates, relative risk (RR, and 95% confidence intervals (CI were calculated employing fixed-effects or random-effects models, depending on the heterogeneity of the included trials.In total, 757 patients from 9 studies were included. The overall effect of adenosine on postoperative VAS/VRS scores and postoperative opioid consumption was not significantly different from that of controls (P >0.1. The occurrence of PONV and pruritus was not statistically significantly different between an adenosine and nonremifentanil subgroup (P >0.1, but the rate of PONV occurrence was greater in the remifentanil subgroup (P 0.1.Adenosine has no analgesic effect or prophylactic effect against PONV, but reduce systolic blood pressure and heart rates. Adenosine may benefit patients with hypertension, ischemic heart disease, and tachyarrhythmia, thereby improving cardiac function.

  7. [Mechanisms and applications of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation in analgesia]. (United States)

    Tang, Zheng-Yu; Wang, Hui-Quan; Xia, Xiao-Lei; Tang, Yi; Peng, Wei-Wei; Hu, Li


    Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS), as a non-pharmacological and non-invasive analgesic therapy with low-cost, has been widely used to relieve pain in various clinical applications, by delivering current pulses to the skin area to activate the peripheral nerve fibers. Nevertheless, analgesia induced by TENS varied in the clinical practice, which could be caused by the fact that TENS with different stimulus parameters has different biological mechanisms in relieving pain. Therefore, to advance our understanding of TENS in various basic and clinical studies, we discussed (1) neurophysiological and biochemical mechanisms of TENS-induced analgesia; (2) relevant factors that may influence analgesic effects of TENS from the perspectives of stimulus parameters, including stimulated position, pulse parameters (current intensity, frequency, and pulse width), stimulus duration and used times in each day; and (3) applications of TENS in relieving clinical pain, including post-operative pain, chronic low back pain and labor pain. Finally, we propose that TENS may involve multiple and complex psychological neurophysiological mechanisms, and suggest that different analgesic effects of TENS with different stimulus parameters should be taken into consideration in clinical applications. In addition, to optimize analgesic effect, we recommend that individual-based TENS stimulation parameters should be designed by considering individual differences among patients, e.g., adaptively adjusting the stimulation parameters based on the dynamic ratings of patients' pain.

  8. Synergistic analgesia of duloxetine and celecoxib in the mouse formalin test: a combination analysis.

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    Yong-Hai Sun

    Full Text Available Duloxetine, a serotonin and noradrenaline reuptake inhibitor, and celecoxib, a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, are commonly used analgesics for persistent pain, however with moderate gastrointestinal side effects or analgesia tolerance. One promising analgesic strategy is to give a combined prescription, allowing the maximal or equal efficacy with fewer side effects. In the current study, the efficacy and side effects of combined administration of duloxetine and celecoxib were tested in the mouse formalin pain model. The subcutaneous (s.c. injection of formalin into the left hindpaw induced significant somatic and emotional pain evaluated by the biphasic spontaneous flinching of the injected hindpaw and interphase ultrasonic vocalizations (USVs during the 1 h after formalin injection, respectively. Pretreatment with intraperitoneal (i.p. injection of duloxetine or celecoxib at 1 h before formalin injection induced the dose-dependent inhibition on the second but not first phase pain responses. Combined administration of duloxetine and celecoxib showed significant analgesia for the second phase pain responses. Combination analgesia on the first phase was observed only with higher dose combination. A statistical difference between the theoretical and experimental ED50 for the second phase pain responses was observed, which indicated synergistic interaction of the two drugs. Concerning the emotional pain responses revealed with USVs, we assumed that the antinociceptive effects were almost completely derived from duloxetine, since celecoxib was ineffective when administered alone or reduced the dosage of duloxetine when given in combination. Based on the above findings, acute concomitant administration of duloxetine and celecoxib showed synergism on the somatic pain behavior but not emotional pain behaviors.

  9. Obstetric and psychological characteristics of women choosing epidural analgesia during labour: A cohort study. (United States)

    Sitras, Vasilis; Šaltytė Benth, Jūratė; Eberhard-Gran, Malin


    To investigate the obstetric and psychological characteristics of women who opt to use epidural analgesia (EDA) during labour and the impact of participating in labour preparation courses on women's decisions to use EDA. Longitudinal cohort study. Akershus University Hospital, Norway. 2596 women with singleton pregnancies and intended vaginal delivery. Data were collected using two self-completed questionnaires at pregnancy weeks 17 and 32. Fear of childbirth was assessed by the Wijma Delivery Expectancy Questionnaire (W-DEQ). Symptoms of anxiety were measured by the Hopkins Symptom Check List (SCL-25) and depression by the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS). Obstetric and socio-demographic information was retrieved from birth records at the maternity ward. Preference for EDA was indicated by the questionnaire item "I would prefer an epidural regardless" on a 4-point scale (1 = highly agree, 4 = highly disagree) at pregnancy week 32. Twenty-one percent of the women (540/2596) answered that they would choose EDA as the only alternative method of analgesia during labour. Counselling for fear of childbirth [OR 3.23 (95%CI 2.12; 4.92)] and W-DEQ sum score ≥ 85 [OR 2.95 (95%CI 2.06; 4.23)] were significantly (plabour preparation courses was significantly (p = 0.008) associated with a reduction of intended use of EDA during labour [OR 0.67 (95%CI 0.49; 0.90)]. Fear of childbirth is significantly associated with women's choice of EDA during labour. On the other hand, women that participate in labour preparation courses would rather consider other methods of analgesia during labour.


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    Alberto Jiménez-Puente


    Full Text Available La reconstrucción mamaria (RM post-mastectomía está ampliamente recomendada pero hay importantes variaciones en su aplicación. El objetivo fue conocer la la frecuencia de complicaciones postoperatorias en el Sistema Sanitario Público de Andalucía (SSPA, el momento de su realización (inmediata o diferida, las técnicas aplicadas, la frecuencia de reingresos por complicaciones postoperatorias y sus características. Métodos: Se utilizó el Conjunto Mínimo Básico de Datos del SSPA con los datos identificativos de pacientes y hospitales encriptados. Se selec - cionaron las altas por cáncer de mama y mastectomía de 2010-2013 y los reingresos relacionados de las mismas mujeres de 2010-2014. Se calcularon las tasas de RM según edad y tipo de mastectomía. Se describió el momento de su realización (inmediata o diferida y las técnicas quirúrgicas empleadas. Las complicaciones postoperatorias se analizaron en el episodio inicial y en los reingresos ocurridos en un plazo mínimo de 2 años. Se hizo un análisis específico de los fallos de RM. Resultados: Se analizó la información de 6.026 mujeres, de las que 4.412 cumplían los criterios de inclusión y tenían un seguimiento superior a 2 años. La tasa de realización de RM se situó en el 29% (22% inmediata y 7% diferida, alcanzando el 58% entre las mujeres menores de 46 años. Realizaron RM 27 de los 36 hospitales que practicaron mastectomías. El porcentaje global de complicaciones postoperatorias fue del 18,6% tras RM inmediata; 12,1% tras la diferida y 7,9% en mujeres sin RM. Se produjo fracaso de la RM en un 12,7% de las inmediatas y en 7,2% de las RM diferidas. Conclusiones: La tasa de reconstrucción mamaria, la de reingresos y com - plicaciones en el SSPA se sitúa en un nivel similar al comunicado a nivel nacional y en otros países.

  11. Pharmacokinetics of 400 mg ropivacaine after periarticular local infiltration analgesia for total knee arthroplasty

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Fenten, M.G.E.; Bakker, S.M.; Touw, D.J.; Bemt, B.J.F van den; Scheffer, G.J.; Heesterbeek, P.J.C.; Stienstra, R.


    BACKGROUND: Although considered safe, no pharmacokinetic data of high dose, high volume local infiltration analgesia (LIA) with ropivacaine without the use of a surgical drain or intra-articular catheter have been described. The purpose of this study is to describe the maximum total and unbound

  12. Pharmacokinetics of 400 mg ropivacaine after periarticular local infiltration analgesia for total knee arthroplasty

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Fenten, M. G. E.; Bakker, S. M. K.; Touw, D. J.; van den Bemt, B. J. F.; Scheffer, G. J.; Heesterbeek, P. J. C.; Stienstra, R.

    Background: Although considered safe, no pharmacokinetic data of high dose, high volume local infiltration analgesia (LIA) with ropivacaine without the use of a surgical drain or intra-articular catheter have been described. The purpose of this study is to describe the maximum total and unbound

  13. The Effect of Gabapentin on Preoperative Anxiety and Postoperative Analgesia in Breast Cancer Surgery

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    Seda Kisi


    Conclusion: We concluded that pre-emptive orally gabapentin reduced the total amount of tramadol consumption and provided effective analgesia and lower pain scores without hemodynamic side effect but did not affect the STAI-1 anxiety scores. [Cukurova Med J 2014; 39(2.000: 315-322

  14. Efficacy of ultrasound-guided transversus abdominis plane block for postoperative analgesia in patients undergoing inguinal hernia repair

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    Venkatraman R


    Full Text Available Rajagopalan Venkatraman, Ranganathan Jothi Abhinaya, Ayyanar Sakthivel, Govindarajan Sivarajan Department of Anaesthesia, SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India Background and aim: Transversus abdominis plane block (TAP block is a novel procedure to provide postoperative analgesia following inguinal hernia surgery. The utilization of ultrasound has greatly augmented the success rate of this block and additionally avoiding complications. The aim of our study was to gauge the analgesic efficacy of ultrasound-guided TAP block in patients undergoing unilateral inguinal hernia repair. Materials and methods: Sixty patients scheduled for elective inguinal hernia repair were selected for the study. At the end of the surgical procedure, they were randomly divided into two groups. Ultrasound-guided TAP block was performed with 20 mL of ropivacaine 0.2% (group A or normal saline (group B. Visual analog scale (VAS scores were used to assess pain. Paracetamol was given if VAS >3 and tramadol was used when VAS >6. Patients were monitored for VAS scores and total analgesic consumption for the 24-hour period. Results: The TAP block with ropivacaine (group A reduced VAS scores at 4, 6, and 12 hours. There was no distinction in VAS scores at 0, 2, and 24 hours between the two groups. The duration of analgesia for TAP block with ropivacaine lasted for 390 minutes. Total analgesics consumption was also significantly reduced in group A than group B. No complication was reported to TAP block in both the groups. Conclusion: The ultrasound-guided TAP block provides good postoperative analgesia, reduces analgesic requirements, and provides good VAS scores with fewer complications following inguinal hernia surgery. Keywords: inguinal hernia repair, postoperative analgesia, ropivacaine, transversus abdominis block, ultrasound

  15. Intravenous dexmedetomidine versus clonidine for prolongation of bupivacaine spinal anesthesia and analgesia: A randomized double-blind study

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    Velayudha Sidda Reddy


    Full Text Available Background: Alpha 2 -adrenergic agonists have synergistic action with local anesthetics and may prolong the duration of sensory, motor blockade and postoperative analgesia obtained with spinal anesthesia. Aim: The objectives of this study are to compare and evaluate the efficacy of intravenous dexmedetomidine premedication with clonidine and placebo on spinal blockade duration, postoperative analgesia and sedation in patients undergoing surgery under bupivacaine intrathecal block. Materials and Methods: In this prospective, randomized, double-blind placebo-controlled study, 75 patients of the American Society of Anesthesiologists status I or II, scheduled for orthopedic lower limb surgery under spinal anesthesia, were randomly allocated into three groups of 25 each. Group DE received dexmedetomidine 0.5 μgkg−1 , group CL received clonidine 1.0 μgkg−1 and placebo group PL received 10 ml of normal saline intravenously before subarachnoid anesthesia with 15 mg of 0.5% hyperbaric bupivacaine. Onset time and regression times of sensory and motor blockade, the maximum upper level of sensory blockade were recorded. Duration of postoperative analgesia and sedation scores along with side effects were also recorded. Data was analyzed using analysis of variance or Chi-square test, and the value of P < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: The sensory block level was higher with dexmedetomidine (T4 ± 1 than clonidine (T6 ± 1 or placebo (T6 ± 2. Dexmedetomidine also increased the time (243.35 ± 56.82 min to first postoperative analgesic request compared with clonidine (190.93 ± 42.38 min, P < 0.0001 and placebo (140.75 ± 28.52 min, P < 0.0001. The maximum Ramsay sedation score was greater in the dexmedetomidine group than other two groups (P < 0.0001. Conclusion: Premedication with intravenous dexmedetomidine is better than intravenous clonidine to provide intraoperative sedation and postoperative analgesia during bupivacaine

  16. Intravenous dexmedetomidine versus clonidine for prolongation of bupivacaine spinal anesthesia and analgesia: A randomized double-blind study (United States)

    Reddy, Velayudha Sidda; Shaik, Nawaz Ahmed; Donthu, Balaji; Reddy Sannala, Venkata Krishna; Jangam, Venkatsiva


    Background: Alpha2-adrenergic agonists have synergistic action with local anesthetics and may prolong the duration of sensory, motor blockade and postoperative analgesia obtained with spinal anesthesia. Aim: The objectives of this study are to compare and evaluate the efficacy of intravenous dexmedetomidine premedication with clonidine and placebo on spinal blockade duration, postoperative analgesia and sedation in patients undergoing surgery under bupivacaine intrathecal block. Materials and Methods: In this prospective, randomized, double-blind placebo-controlled study, 75 patients of the American Society of Anesthesiologists status I or II, scheduled for orthopedic lower limb surgery under spinal anesthesia, were randomly allocated into three groups of 25 each. Group DE received dexmedetomidine 0.5 μgkg−1, group CL received clonidine 1.0 μgkg−1 and placebo group PL received 10 ml of normal saline intravenously before subarachnoid anesthesia with 15 mg of 0.5% hyperbaric bupivacaine. Onset time and regression times of sensory and motor blockade, the maximum upper level of sensory blockade were recorded. Duration of postoperative analgesia and sedation scores along with side effects were also recorded. Data was analyzed using analysis of variance or Chi-square test, and the value of P < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: The sensory block level was higher with dexmedetomidine (T4 ± 1) than clonidine (T6 ± 1) or placebo (T6 ± 2). Dexmedetomidine also increased the time (243.35 ± 56.82 min) to first postoperative analgesic request compared with clonidine (190.93 ± 42.38 min, P < 0.0001) and placebo (140.75 ± 28.52 min, P < 0.0001). The maximum Ramsay sedation score was greater in the dexmedetomidine group than other two groups (P < 0.0001). Conclusion: Premedication with intravenous dexmedetomidine is better than intravenous clonidine to provide intraoperative sedation and postoperative analgesia during bupivacaine spinal anesthesia

  17. The evaluation of efficacy and safety of paravertebral block for perioperative analgesia in patients undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy

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    Anil Agarwal


    Full Text Available Background: Paravertebral block is a popular regional anesthetic technique used for perioperative analgesia in multiple surgical procedures. There are very few randomized trials of its use in laparoscopic cholecystectomy in medical literature. This study was aimed at assessing its efficacy and opioid-sparing potential in this surgery. Methods: Fifty patients were included in this prospective randomized study and allocated to two groups: Group A (25 patients receiving general anesthesia alone and Group B (25 patients receiving nerve-stimulator-guided bilateral thoracic Paravertebral Block (PVB at T6 level with 0.3 ml/kg of 0.25% bupivacaine prior to induction of general anesthesia. Intraoperative analgesia was supplemented with fentanyl (0.5 μg/kg based on hemodynamic and clinical parameters. Postoperatively, patients in both the groups received Patient-Controlled Analgesia (PCA morphine for the first 24 hours. The efficacy of PVB was assessed by comparing intraoperative fentanyl requirements, postoperative VAS scores at rest, and on coughing and PCA morphine consumption between the two groups. Results: Intraoperative supplemental fentanyl was significantly less in Group B compared to Group A (17.6 μg and 38.6 μg, respectively, P =0.001. PCA morphine requirement was significantly low in the PVB group at 2, 6, 12, and 24 hours postoperatively compared to that in Group A (4.4 mg vs 6.9 mg, 7.6 mg vs 14.2 mg, 11.6 mg vs 20.0 mg, 16.8 mg vs 27.2 mg, respectively; P <0.0001 at all intervals. Conclusion: Pre-induction PVB resulted in improved analgesia for 24 hours following laparoscopic cholecystectomy in this study, along with a significant reduction in perioperative opioid consumption and opioid-related side effects.

  18. Carprofen provides better post-operative analgesia than tramadol in dogs after enucleation: A randomized, masked clinical trial (United States)

    Delgado, Cherlene; Bentley, Ellison; Hetzel, Scott; Smith, Lesley J


    Objective To compare analgesia provided by carprofen or tramadol in dogs after enucleation. Design Randomized, masked trial Animals Forty-three dogs Procedures Client-owned dogs admitted for routine enucleation were randomly assigned to receive either carprofen or tramadol orally 2 hours prior to surgery and 12 hours after the first dose. Dogs were scored for pain at baseline, and postoperatively at 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 24, and 30 hours after extubation. Dogs received identical premedication and inhalation anesthesia regimens, including premedication with hydromorphone. If the total pain score was ≥9, if there was a score ≥ 3 in any one category, or if the visual analog scale score (VAS) was ≥35 combined with a palpation score of >0, rescue analgesia (hydromorphone) was administered and treatment failure was recorded. Characteristics between groups were compared with a Student’s t-test and Fisher’s exact test. The incidence of rescue was compared between groups using a log rank test. Pain scores and VAS scores between groups were compared using repeated measures ANOVA. Results There was no difference in age (p=0.493), gender (p=0.366) or baseline pain scores (p=0.288) between groups. Significantly more dogs receiving tramadol required rescue analgesia (6/21) compared to dogs receiving carprofen (1/22; p=0.035). Pain and VAS scores decreased linearly over time (p=0.038, ppain (p=0.915) or VAS scores (p=0.372) between groups at any time point (dogs were excluded from analysis after rescue). Conclusions and Clinical Relevance This study suggests that carprofen, with opioid premedication, provides more effective post-operative analgesia than tramadol in dogs undergoing enucleation. PMID:25459482

  19. [A first step towards safer sedation and analgesia: A systematic evaluation of outcomes and level of sedation and analgesia in the mechanically ventilated critically ill patient]. (United States)

    Frade-Mera, M J; Regueiro-Díaz, N; Díaz-Castellano, L; Torres-Valverde, L; Alonso-Pérez, L; Landívar-Redondo, M M; Muñoz-Pasín, R; Terceros-Almanza, L J; Temprano-Vázquez, S; Sánchez-Izquierdo-Riera, J Á

    Safe analgesia and sedation strategies are necessary in order to avoid under or over sedation, as well as improving the comfort and safety of critical care patients. To compare and contrast a multidisciplinary protocol of systematic evaluation and management of analgesia and sedation in a group of critical care patients on mechanical ventilation with the usual procedures. A cohort study with contemporary series was conducted in a tertiary care medical-surgical ICU February to November during 2013 and 2014. The inclusion criteria were mechanical ventilation ≥ 24h and use of sedation by continuous infusion. Sedation was monitored using the Richmond agitation-sedation scale or bispectral index, and analgesia were measured using the numeric rating scale, or behavioural indicators of pain scale. The study variables included; mechanical ventilation time, weaning time, ventilation support time, artificial airway time, continuous sedative infusion time, daily dose and frequency of analgesic and sedative drug use, hospital stay, and ICU and hospital mortality, Richmond agitation-sedation scale, bispectral index, numeric rating scale, and behavioural indicators of pain scale measurements. Kruskal Wallis and Chi 2 , and a significance of p<.05 were used. The study included 153 admissions, 75 pre-intervention and 78 post-intervention, with a mean age of 55.7±13 years old, and 67% men. Both groups showed similarities in age, reason for admission, and APACHE. There were non-significant decreases in mechanical ventilation time 4 (1.4-9.2) and 3.2 (1.4-8.1) days, respectively; p= 0.7, continuous sedative infusion time 6 (3-11) and 5 (3-11) days; p= 0.9, length of hospital stay 29 (18-52); 25 (14-41) days; p= 0.1, ICU mortality (8 vs. 5%; p= 0.4), and hospital mortality (10.6 vs. 9.4%: p= 0.8). Daily doses of midazolam and remifentanil decreased 347 (227-479) mg/day; 261 (159-358) mg/day; p= 0.02 and 2175 (1427-3285) mcg/day; 1500 (715-2740) mcg/day; p= 0.02, respectively. There

  20. [Analgesia evoked by combined effect of corvitin and low-intensity microwaves on acupuncture points in mice of different genetic strains with somatic pain]. (United States)

    Hura, O V; Bahats'ka, O V; Lymans'kyĭ, Iu P


    The level of analgesia has been investigated in mice of two genotypes C57BL/6J Bl/6j and CBA/CaLac with the somatic pain caused by the formalin test after irradiation of acupuncture point E-36 by microwaves of low intensity (30-300 GHz, density of a stream of capacity of 3-10-9 B(T)/cm2) on a background entered corvitin (20 mg/kg). It is shown, that the action of these two factors causes significant analgesia with different levels: 43% in C57BL/6J Bl/6j mice and 33% in CBA/CaLac mice. The intensity of analgesia after action of microwaves and corvitin exceeds the level attained during separate use of these factors.

  1. Intravenous Magnesium Sulphate for Analgesia after Caesarean Section: A Systematic Review

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    Andrew McKeown


    Full Text Available Objective. To summarise the evidence for use of intravenous magnesium for analgesic effect in caesarean section patients. Background. Postcaesarean pain requires effective analgesia. Magnesium, an N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor antagonist and calcium-channel blocker, has previously been investigated for its analgesic properties. Methods. A systematic search was conducted of PubMed, Scopus, MEDLINE, Cochrane Library, and Google Scholar databases for randomised-control trials comparing intravenous magnesium to placebo with analgesic outcomes in caesarean patients. Results. Ten trials met inclusion criteria. Seven were qualitatively compared after exclusion of three for unclear bias risk. Four trials were conducted with general anaesthesia, while three utilised neuraxial anaesthesia. Five of seven trials resulted in decreased analgesic requirement postoperatively and four of seven resulted in lower serial visual analogue scale scores. Conclusions. Adjunct analgesic agents are utilised to improve analgesic outcomes and minimise opioid side effects. Preoperative intravenous magnesium may decrease total postcaesarean rescue analgesia consumption with few side effects; however, small sample size and heterogeneity of methodology in included trials restricts the ability to draw strong conclusions. Therefore, given the apparent safety and efficacy of magnesium, its role as an adjunct analgesic in caesarean section patients should be further investigated with the most current anaesthetic techniques.

  2. Thoracic paravertebral block versus intravenous patient-controlled analgesia for pain treatment in patients with multiple rib fractures. (United States)

    Yeying, Ge; Liyong, Yuan; Yuebo, Chen; Yu, Zhang; Guangao, Ye; Weihu, Ma; Liujun, Zhao


    Objectives To assess the effect of thoracic paravertebral block (PVB) on pain management and preservation of pulmonary function compared with intravenous, patient-controlled analgesia (IVPCA) in patients with multiple rib fractures (MRFs). Methods Ninety patients with unilateral MRFs were included in this prospective study and randomly assigned to the TPVB or IVPCA group. The visual analogue scale (VAS) pain score, blood gas analysis, and bedside spirometry were measured and recorded at different time points after analgesia. Results TPVB and IVPCA provided good pain relief. VAS scores were significantly lower in the TPVB group than in the IVPCA group at rest and during coughing ( P pain relief and preservation of pulmonary function in patients with MRFs.

  3. A Survey of Intravenous Remifentanil Use for Labor Analgesia at Academic Medical Centers in the United States. (United States)

    Aaronson, Jaime; Abramovitz, Sharon; Smiley, Richard; Tangel, Virginia; Landau, Ruth


    Remifentanil is most commonly offered when neuraxial labor analgesia is contraindicated. There is no consensus regarding the optimal administration, dosing strategy, or requirements for maternal monitoring, which may pose a patient safety issue. This exploratory survey evaluated the current practices regarding remifentanil use for labor analgesia at academic centers in the United States. Of 126 obstetric anesthesia directors surveyed, 84 (67%) responded. In 2014 to 2015, an estimated 36% (95% confidence interval: 25.7-46.3) of centers used remifentanil, most of which did so less than 5 times. Some serious maternal and neonatal respiratory complications occurred, emphasizing that clinical protocols and adequate monitoring are key to ensure maternal and neonatal safety.

  4. Clonidine for sedation and analgesia for neonates receiving mechanical ventilation. (United States)

    Romantsik, Olga; Calevo, Maria Grazia; Norman, Elisabeth; Bruschettini, Matteo


    Although routine administration of pharmacologic sedation or analgesia during mechanical ventilation in preterm neonates is not recommended, its use in clinical practice remains common. Alpha-2 agonists, mainly clonidine and dexmedetomidine, are used as adjunctive (or alternative) sedative agents alongside opioids and benzodiazepines. Clonidine has not been systematically assessed for use in neonatal sedation during ventilation. To assess whether clonidine administered to term and preterm newborn infants receiving mechanical ventilation reduces morbidity and mortality rates. To compare the intervention versus placebo, no treatment, and dexmedetomidine; and to assess the safety of clonidine infusion for potential harms.To perform subgroup analyses according to gestational age; birth weight; administration method (infusion or bolus therapy); dose, duration, and route of clonidine administration; and pharmacologic sedation as a co-intervention. We used the standard search strategy of the Cochrane Neonatal Review Group to search the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL; 2016, Issue 12) in the Cochrane Library, MEDLINE via PubMed (1966 to January 10, 2017), Embase (1980 to January 10, 2017), and the Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL; 1982 to January 10, 2017). We also searched clinical trials databases, conference proceedings, and the reference lists of retrieved articles for randomized controlled trials and quasi-randomized trials. We searched for randomized controlled trials, quasi-randomized controlled trials, and cluster trials comparing clonidine versus placebo, no treatment, or dexmedetomidine administered to term and preterm newborns receiving mechanical ventilation via an endotracheal tube. For the included trial, two review authors independently extracted data (e.g. number of participants, birth weight, gestational age, all-cause death during initial hospitalization, duration of respiratory support, sedation

  5. [Prediction of intra-abdominal hypertension risk in patients with acute colonic obstruction under epidural analgesia]. (United States)

    Stakanov, A V; Potseluev, E A; Musaeva, T S


    Purpose of the study was to identify prediction possibility of direct current potential level for intra-abdominal hypertension risk in patients with acute colonic obstruction under preoperative epidural analgesia. Prospective analysis of the preoperative period was carried out in 140 patients with acute colonic obstruction caused by colon cancer. Relations between preoperative level of permanent capacity and risk of intra-abdominal hypertension was identified Direct current potential level is an independent predictor of intra-abdominal hypertension. Diagnostic significance increases from first to fifth hour of preoperative period according to AUROC data from 0.821 to 0.905 and calibration 6.9 (p > 0.37) and 4.7 (p > 0.54) by Hosmer-Lemeshou criteria. The use of epidural analgesia in the complex intensive preoperative preparation is pathogenically justified. It reduces intra-abdominal hypertension in patients with acute colonic obstruction.


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    Srinivas Rapolu


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND Total knee replacement causes moderate-to-severe pain requiring effective analgesia. With use of ultrasound guidance, we may prove a more suitable approach compared with the epidural technique. Aim of this study is the comparison between Continuous Epidural Analgesia (CEA and Continuous Femoral Block (CFB techniques in Total Knee Replacement surgeries. MATERIALS AND METHODS This study was conducted on 60 adult male and female patients undergoing total knee replacement surgery for a period of 2 years. Patients were divided into 2 groups. Group - 1: Continuous epidural analgesia patients, Group - 2: Continuous femoral blockage patients. All patients were assessed clinically preoperatively and investigated to rule out any systemic disease. RESULTS The mean age of patient in Group - 1 was 66.54 ± 4.98 and in Group - 2 was 66.98 ± 5.02 years. P value was > 0.05, which was not significant. No significant differences in gender is observed between the groups. VAS scores were significantly high (P < 0.05 in the femoral group at 6 h, after which there was a declining trend and scores were essentially similar from 24 h. The use of rescue analgesic was also higher in the femoral group. Analysis of side-effects showed that all the five common sideeffects were twice as common in the epidural group than in the femoral study group. Only one patient in the femoral group had urinary retention when compared with four in the epidural group. The differences were not statistically significant. Muscle power at 48 h, time getting out of the bed and time stay in hospital (days are significant in comparison in 2 groups, range of movement is insignificant in groups. Patient satisfaction score was measured on a scale of 1 - 10. Patients in the Femoral group were slightly more satisfied with a mean ± SD score of 8.1 ± 1.2 when compared with the epidural group 7.3 ± 1.01. CONCLUSION Continuous femoral blockade using US guidance provides equivalent analgesia

  7. Fast Track Liver Resection: The Effect of a Comprehensive Care Package and Analgesia with Single Dose Intrathecal Morphine with Gabapentin or Continuous Epidural Analgesia

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    Jonathan B. Koea


    Full Text Available Background. A comprehensive care package for patients undergoing hepatectomy was developed with the aim of minimal physiological disturbance in the peri-operative period. Peri-operative analgesia with few gastrointestinal effects and reduced requirement for intravenous (IV fluid therapy was central to this plan. Methods. Data on 100 consecutive patients managed with continuous epidural infusion (n = 50; bupivicaine 0.125% and fentanyl 2 g/mL at 0.1 mL/kg/hr or intrathecal morphine (n = 50; 300 g in combination with oral gabapentin 1200 mg preoperatively and 400 mg bd postoperatively was compared. Results. The epidural and intrathecal morphine groups were equivalent in terms of patient demographics, procedures and complications. Patients receiving intrathecal morphine received less intra-operative IV fluids (median 1500 mL versus 2200 mL, =.06, less postoperative IV fluids (median 1200 mL versus 4300 mL, =.03 than patients receiving epidural infusion. Patients managed with intrathecal morphine established a normal dietary intake sooner (16 hours versus 20 hours, =.05 and had shorter hospital stays than those managed with epidural infusions (4.7 ± 0.9 days versus 6.8 ± 1.2 days, =.02. Conclusions. Single dose intrathecal morphine is a safe and effective means of providing peri-operative analgesia. Patients managed with intrathecal morphine have reduced peri-operative physiological disturbance and return home within a few days of hepatic resection.

  8. [Postoperative analgesia in knee arthroplasty using an anterior sciatic nerve block and a femoral nerve block]. (United States)

    del Fresno Cañiaveras, J; Campos, A; Galiana, M; Navarro-Martínez, J A; Company, R


    To evaluate the efficacy of a nerve block as an alternative technique for analgesia after knee arthroplasty and to indicate the usefulness and advantages of the anterior approach to the sciatic nerve block. Between April 2004 and March 2006, we studied a series of consecutive patients undergoing knee arthroplasty in which a subarachnoid block was used as the anesthetic technique and postoperative analgesia was provided by means of a combined peripheral femoral nerve block and an anterior sciatic nerve block. We evaluated the mean length of time free from pain, quality of analgesia, and length of stay in hospital. Seventy-eight patients were included in the study. The mean (SD) length of time free from pain for the group was 42.1 (3.9) hours. Patients reported mild pain after 34.8 (4.1) hours and moderate to severe pain after 42.4 (3.5) hours. By the third day, 62.8% of patients were able to bend the knee to 90 degrees. There were no complications resulting from the technique and the level of patient satisfaction was high. A combined femoral-sciatic nerve block is effective in knee arthroplasty. It controls postoperative pain and allows for early rehabilitation. The anterior approach to the sciatic nerve is relatively simple to perform without removing the pressure bandaging from the thigh after surgery. This approach also makes it unnecessary to move the patient.

  9. The Safety and Efficacy of the Continuous Peripheral Nerve Block in Postoperative Analgesia of Pediatric Patients

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    Dušica Simić


    Full Text Available Postoperative analgesia is imperative in the youngest patients. Pain, especially if experienced during childhood, has numerous adverse effects—from psychological, through complications of the underlying disease (prolonged treatment, hospital stay, and increased costs of the treatment to an increase in the incidence of death due to the onset of the systemic inflammatory response. Peripheral blocks provide analgesia for 12–16 h, and are safer due to rare side effects that are easier to treat. The continuous peripheral block (CPNB has been increasingly used in recent years for complete and prolonged analgesia of pediatric patients, as well as a part of multidisciplinary treatment of complex regional pain syndrome. It has been shown that outpatient CPNB reduces the need for parenteral administration of opioid analgetics. It has also been proved that this technique can be used in pediatric patients in home conditions. Safety of CPNB is based on the increasing use of ultrasound as well as on the introduction of single enantiomers local anesthetics (ropivacaine and levobupivacaine in lower concentrations. It is possible to discharge patient home with catheter, but it is necessary to provide adequate education for staff, patients, and parents, as well as to have dedicated anesthesiology team. Postoperative period without major pain raises the morale of the child, parents. and medical staff.

  10. Increased pain sensitivity but normal function of exercise induced analgesia in hip and knee osteoarthritis - treatment effects of neuromuscular exercise and total joint replacement

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kosek, E; Roos, Ewa M.; Ageberg, E


    To assess exercise induced analgesia (EIA) and pain sensitivity in hip and knee osteoarthritis (OA) and to study the effects of neuromuscular exercise and surgery on these parameters.......To assess exercise induced analgesia (EIA) and pain sensitivity in hip and knee osteoarthritis (OA) and to study the effects of neuromuscular exercise and surgery on these parameters....


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    Sabina Verem


    Full Text Available Background. The study presents the experience with epidural analgesia (EPA for pain relief in Izola General Hospital from 2003 to 2006, the differences of labour between epidural analgesia and without it and the parturients’ satisfaction. Methods. A retrospective observational study was performed. Data were compared between 214 parturients with EPA matched by 214 parturients without. The control parturient was the equiipara with a term birth and the cephalic presentation of fetus that delivered just before the parturient of the EPA group. Maternal age, labor length, rate of oxitocin use, instrumental deliveries and cesarean sections, Apgar scores and birthweights were compared. The questionnaire was used to estimate the pain in 62 parturients. Results. In GH Izola in 214 parturients (10 % EPA was applied for labour pain relief in the period from July 2003 till December 2006. In the EPA group there was a statistically significance compared with the control group: higher parturients’ mean age (30.5 vs 28.7 y.o.; p < 0.0005, longer labour length (278 vs 222 min; p < 0.0005, higher oxitocin use rate (93.4 % vs 72.9 %; p < 0.0001 and higher instrumental delivery rate (vacuum extraction 14 % vs 1.9 %; p < 0.0001. The cesarean section rates were equal in both groups. Despite the higher instrumental delivery rate and the longer labour length in the EPA group there were no worse perinatal outcomes, neither was statisticaly significant difference in Apgar scores compared with the control group. The mean intensity of pain was highest before the EPA application (VAS 7, lowest during the transition stage (VAS 1.5 and some higher during the second phase (VAS 2.7. Most of parturients in the EPA group were satisfied; 92 % of them evaluated the EPA as good or very good. Conclusions. EPA is a very effective method for pain control during labor. The parturients’ satisfaction with this pain control method is appropriate. Despite the higher instrumental

  12. Laparoscopic treatment of cholelithiasis in cirrhotic patients Experiencia en el tratamiento laparoscópico de la colelitiasis del cirrótico

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    M. Flores Cortés


    Full Text Available Objective: to assess the safety and efficacy of laparoscopy in the treatment of symptomatic cholelithiasis in patients with Child´s Class A and Class B cirrhosis. Study design: descriptive and retrospective study. Patients: we studied 14 patients (mean age 60 yrs with Child´s Class A and Class B hepatic cirrhosis who underwent laparoscopic cholecystectomy. We analyzed the occurrence of intraoperative and postoperative complications. Results: eight patients were women (57.14% and 6 were men (42.85%. Eight of the 14 patients presented with Child's Class B cirrhosis and 6 patients with Class A. Cholecystectomy was programmed for all patients. The average duration of surgery was 77 min. Intraoperative complications occurred in 2 patients (14.28% in the form of liver bed bleeding. Postoperative complications were observed in 3 patients (21.42%, 2 presented with ascites which led to a worsening of Child's Class in one of them, and the third patient presented with angina-like symptoms (acute, sharp pain in the chest irradiating to the back. Mean length of hospital stay was 3 days. No postoperative morbidity or mortality occurred, and there were no conversions. Conclusions: LC (laparoscopic cholecystectomy is a safe and effective alternative for the treatment of symptomatic cholelithiasis in patients with well-compensated Child's Class A and Class B cirrhosis. Postoperative morbi-mortality is low, bleeding is unimportant, and both duration of surgical procedure and hospital stay are short.Objetivo: evaluar la seguridad y eficacia del uso de la laparoscopia en pacientes cirróticos en estadio A y B de Child-Pugh con colelitiasis sintomática. Diseño del estudio: estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo. Pacientes: catorce pacientes con una edad media de 60 años diagnosticados de cirrosis hepática en estadios A y B que se les practicó colecistectomía laparoscópica. Se estudia la aparición de complicaciones intraoperatorias y postoperatorias tras la

  13. Postoperative analgesia with continuous epidural sufentanil and bupivacaine : A prospective study in 614 patients

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Broekema, AA; Gielen, MJM; Hennis, PJ

    To assess the efficacy and safety of postoperative analgesia with continuous epidural sufentanil and bupivacaine, we performed a prospective study in 614 patients undergoing major surgery. Before surgical incision, all patients received an initial dose of 50 mu g sufentanil in 6-10 mL bupivacaine

  14. Pharmacokinetics of 400 mg ropivacaine after periarticular local infiltration analgesia for total knee arthroplasty

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Fenten, M.; Bakker, S.; Heesterbeek, P.; Van Den Bemt, B.; Scheffer, G.J.; Touw, D.; Stienstra, R.


    Background and Aims: Although considered safe, no pharmacokinetic data of high dose, high volume local infiltration analgesia (LIA) with ropivacaine without the use of a surgical drain or intra-articular catheter have been described. The purpose of this study is to describe the maximum total and

  15. Safety of blood reinfusion after local infiltration analgesia with ropivacaine in total knee arthroplasty

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Thomassen, Bregje J.W.; Touw, Daan; Van Der Woude, Pieter; Van Der Flier, Rudolf E.; Veld, Bastiaan A.


    Objective: The authors hypothesized that it is safe to combine local infiltration analgesia (LIA) in total knee arthroplasty (TKA) with a retransfusion drain since ropivacaine concentrations would not exceed the arterial toxicity threshold concentrations of 4.3 mg/L for total and 0.56 mg/L for

  16. Procedural sedation and analgesia practices by emergency physicians in the Netherlands: a nationwide survey

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kuypers, Maybritt I.; Smits, Gaël J. P.; Valkenet, Suzanne C.; Thijssen, Wendy A. M. H.; Plötz, Frans B.


    Several efforts have been made to assure and to improve the quality of procedural sedation and analgesia (PSA) performed by emergency physicians (EPs) in The Netherlands. This study investigated the current PSA practice and competences of EPs in both adult and paediatric patients. In particular, if

  17. Efficacy of Subcutaneous Morphine Patient Controlled Analgesia Compared to Intravenous Morphine Patient Controlled Analgesia on Cesarean Section

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    Made Wiryana


    Result: Morphine consumption in IV-PCA group showed lower needs than SC-PCA (9.41 mg vs 4,9mg p <0.001 24 at 24 hours postoperatively. The VAS at resting at 4th hours statistically significantly lower in IV-PCA group (1.06 ± 0.71 vs 0.81 ± 1.40, p=0.029 and at 8th hours (1.03 ± 0.59 vs 0.94 ± 0,9, p=0.048. The moving VAS at 4th hours statistically significant lower in IV-PCA group (2.31 ± 0.47 vs 1.45 ± 2.06, p=0.019 but the static or VAS at moving are not different clinically. Side effects of nausea and vomiting are more common in IV-PCA group. We conclude that SC-PCA provide analgesia more effective and decreases side effects in patients undergo sectio cesarea with spinal anesthesia.

  18. Application of forgetful analgesia induction in induction period in patients with obstructive jaundice

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    Wei DU


    Full Text Available Objective To observe the effect of forgetful analgesia induction and tracheal intubation on the hemodynamic changes in induction period in patients with obstructive jaundice, and explore a safe method for anesthesia induction and tracheal intubation. Methods Sixty patients with obstructive jaundice undergoing elective abdominal operation in General Hospital of PLA from February, 2013 to August, 2013 were involved in the present study. Participants included 36 male and 24 female patients, aging 19-65 years (mean 42±5 years, weighing 47-73 kg (mean 54±6 kg, with ASA Ⅰ-Ⅱ. These 60 patients were randomly divided into forgetful analgesia induction-tracheal intubation group (group A, n=30 and rapid induction-tracheal intubation group (group B, n=30. The heart rate (HR, mean arterial pressure (MAP, pulse oxygen saturation (SpO2 at the time point of before induction (T0, before intubation (T1, at the moment of intubation (T2 and 3 min after intubation (T3 were determined in both groups. Administration times of ephedrine hydrochloride and atropine was recorded in both groups. Results There was no significant difference in HR, MAP, SpO2 before and after induction in group A. In the patients of group B, the HR increased and MAP decreased after induction compared with those before induction (P<0.05, and the change of SpO2 was not significant. Ephedrine hydrochloride and atropine were administrated in both groups, and the cases and times of ephedrine hydrochloride administration were more in group B than in group A (P<0.05. Conclusion The forgetful analgesia induction-tracheal intubation could effectively control the stress response and reduce the fluctuation in hemodynamics during induction of anesthesia in patients with obstructive jaundice. DOI: 10.11855/j.issn.0577-7402.2014.02.15

  19. [Preparation of sedation-analgesia procedures in spanish paediatric emergency departments: A descriptive study]. (United States)

    Míguez Navarro, Concepción; Oikonomopoulou, Niki; Lorente Romero, Jorge; Vázquez López, Paula


    The objective of this study was to describe the current practice regarding the preparation of the sedation-analgesia (SA) procedures performed in the paediatric emergency centres in Spain. A multicentre, observational and prospective analytical study was carried out on the SA procedures that were performed on children under 18 years-old in 18 paediatric emergency departments between February 2015 and January 2016. A total of 658 SA procedures were registered in 18 hospitals of Spain, most of them to children older than 24 months. The type of the procedure was: simple analgesia in 57 (8.6%), sedation in 44 (6.7%), SA for a not very painful procedure in 275 (41.8%), and SA for a very painful procedure in 282 (42.9%). Informed consent was requested in 98.6% of the cases. The written form was more frequently preferred in the group of patients that received SA for a very painful procedure (76.6%) in comparison to a painful procedure or to simple analgesia (62.9% and 54.4%, respectively, P<.001). The staff that most frequently performed the SA procedures were the paediatricians of the emergency departments (64.3%), followed by Paediatrics Residents (30.7%). The most frequent reasons for the SA were traumatological (35.9%) and surgical (28.4%). Fasting was observed in 81% of the cases. More than two-thirds (67.3%, n=480) children were monitored, the majority (95.8%) of them using pulse oximetry. The pharmacological strategy used was the administration of one drug in 443 (67.3%) of the cases, mostly nitrous oxide, and a combination of drugs in 215 (32.7%), especially midazolam/ketamine (46.9%). The majority of the SA procedures analysed in this study have been carried out correctly and prepared in accordance with the current guidelines. Copyright © 2017. Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U.

  20. Investigation of the Effects of Continuous Low-Dose Epidural Analgesia on the Autonomic Nervous System Using Hilbert Huang Transform

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    Wei-Ren Chuang


    Full Text Available Effects of continuous low-dose epidural bupivacaine (0.05-0.1% infusion on the Doppler velocimetry for labor analgesia have been well documented. The aim of this study was to monitor the activity of the autonomic nervous system (ANS for women in labor based on Hilbert Huang transform (HHT, which performs signal processing for nonlinear systems, such as human cardiac systems. Thirteen pregnant women were included in the experimental group for labor analgesia. They received continuous epidural bupivacaine 0.075% infusion. The normal-to-normal intervals (NN-interval were downloaded from an ECG holter. Another 20 pregnant women in non-anesthesia labor (average gestation age was 38.6 weeks were included in the comparison group. In this study, HHT was used to decompose components of ECG signals, which reflect three different frequency bands of a person's heart rate spectrum (viz. high frequency (HF, low frequency (LF and very low frequency (VLF. It was found that the change of energy in subjects without anesthesia was more active than that with continuous epidural bupivacaine 0.075% infusion. The energy values of the experimental group (i.e., labor analgesia of HF and LF of ANS activities were significantly lower (P < 0.05 than the values of the comparison group (viz. labor without analgesia, but the trend of energy ratio of LF/HF was opposite. In conclusion, the sympathetic and parasympathetic components of ANS are all suppressed by continuous low-dose epidural bupivacaine 0.075% infusion, but parasympathetic power is suppressed more than sympathetic power.

  1. Efeito da adição de clonidina subaracnóidea à solução anestésica de sufentanil e bupivacaína hiperbárica ou hipobárica para analgesia de parto Efecto de la adición de clonidina subaracnoidea a la solución anestésica de sufentanil y bupivacaína hiperbárica o hipobárica para la analgesia de parto Effects of the addition of subarachnoid clonidine to the anesthetic solution of sufentanil and hyperbaric or hypobaric bupivacaine for labor analgesia

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    Thaís Cristina Tebaldi


    ,5% (grupo CLON/HIPER; n = 11 o 2,5 mg de bupivacaína isobárica 0,5% (grupo CLON/ISO; n = 11 en asociación con el sufentanil 2,5 µg y la clonidina 30 µg. El dolor evaluado por la Escala Analógica Visual, la frecuencia cardíaca y la presión arterial promedio, fueron estudiados a cada 5 minutos en los primeros 15 minutos y a continuación, a cada 15 minutos hasta el nacimiento. Fue evaluada la prevalencia de efectos colaterales (náusea, vómito, prurito y sedación. El estudio fue terminado en el momento en que se hizo necesaria la complementación analgésica epidural (dolor > 3 cm o al nacimiento. El análisis estadístico fue realizado a través de los tests t de Student, Chi-cuadrado, Fisher y ANOVA de dos vías para medidas repetidas, considerando como significativo p BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The addition of subarachnoid clonidine (α-agonist prolongs the analgesia produced by the combination of sufentanil and isobaric bupivacaine in combined labor analgesia¹. The objective of this study was to compare the quality of analgesia and the prevalence of side effects after the addition of subarachnoid clonidine to the anesthetic solution in labor analgesia. METHODS: After approval by the Ethics Commission, 22 pregnant women in labor were randomly assigned to the subarachnoid administration of either 2.5 mg of 0.5% hyperbaric bupivacaine (CLON/HYPER Group; n = 11 or 2.5 mg of 0.5% isobaric bupivacaine (CLON/ISO Group; n = 11 associated with 2.5 µg of sufentanil and 30 µg of clonidine. Pain, evaluated by the Visual Analogue Scale, heart rate, and mean arterial pressure were assessed every 5 minutes during the first 15 minutes, and then every 15 minutes afterwards until delivery. The prevalence of side effects (nausea, vomiting, pruritus, and sedation was evaluated. The study was terminated whenever the patient needed supplemental epidural analgesia (pain > 3 or upon delivery of the fetus. The Student t test, Chi-square test, Fisher exact test, and two-way ANOVA for

  2. [Application of bispectral index monitoring in sedation and analgesia for flexible bronchoscopy]. (United States)

    Fang, S R; Liu, Y J; Su, N J; Shu, Y; Gu, W


    Objective: To investigate the feasibility of using bispectral index monitoring in sedation and analgesia for bronchoscopy. Methods: Totally 285 patients admitted to the Respiratory Medicine Department of Nanjing First Hospital for bronchoscopy between June 2016 and December 2016 were assigned, according to their own wishes, into a conscious sedation group (171 cases receiving local anesthesia and conscious sedation, 89 males, 82 females, mean age 59±10 years) and a control group (114 cases undergoing local anesthesia, 59 males, 55 females, average age 61±12 years). The 2 groups were compared in terms of operation time, blood pressure, heart rate and other indicators during bronchoscopy including incidence of adverse events, memory of the procedure, willingness to be re-examined, safety of sedation and analgesia for bronchoscopy under bispectral index monitoring, and patient satisfaction in the postoperative follow-up. Results: The conscious sedation group and the control group had no difference in age and sex ratio( P >0.05). Compared with the patients in the control group(operation time 16±5 min and systolic blood pressure 153±21 mmHg, 1 mmHg=0.133 kPa), those in the conscious sedation group had a shorter operation time(14±5 min) and a lower systolic blood pressure(144±22 mmHg), with statistically significant difference ( P sedation group and 92±12 mmHg and 87±14 times/min in the control group, P >0.05). Adverse events, overall intraoperative cough and bleeding were found to be significantly reduced in the conscious sedation group (27%, 4% and 13% and 60%, 13% and 35% in the control group, P sedation group, and 14% in the control group, P =0.72). Patient satisfaction and willingness to be re-examined were markedly higher in the conscious sedation group (97%) than in the controls (4%, P sedation and analgesia for bronchoscopy and has higher patient satisfaction, suggesting that it is a potential tool for use in clinical practice.

  3. Are Children the Better Placebo Analgesia Responders? An Experimental Approach. (United States)

    Wrobel, Nathalie; Fadai, Tahmine; Sprenger, Christian; Hebebrand, Johannes; Wiech, Katja; Bingel, Ulrike


    There is little information regarding changes in placebo responsiveness with age, although first predictors of placebo responders such as psychological and physiological processes have been identified. Reviews and meta-analyses indicate that placebo response rates in randomized controlled trials (RCTs) are higher in children and adolescents compared with adults. As these studies cannot control for age-dependent differences in the natural course of the disease, biases might contribute to different placebo rates in RCTs. To avoid these biases, this study investigated age-related differences in placebo responsiveness between children and adults in a well-established experimental model of placebo analgesia combining classic conditioning and expectation. Our data confirm placebo analgesic responses in children, which did not differ in magnitude from those of adults. The influence of previous experience on subsequent treatment outcome was stronger in children than in adults, indicating an increased relevance of learning processes for treatment outcomes in children. Further studies are needed to understand the influence of treatment-related learning processes in children and adolescents, which might critically determine treatment responsiveness during adulthood. This study is the first to experimentally explore placebo analgesia and influences of previous experience on placebo responses in children compared with adults. We found comparable placebo responses in both groups and an increased relevance of learning processes for treatment outcomes in children. Copyright © 2015 American Pain Society. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  4. Dexmedetomidine improves intraoperative conditions and quality of postoperative analgesia when added to epidural in elective cesarean section

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    Samy Elsayed Hanoura


    Conclusion: Adding dexmedetomidine to regular mixture of epidural anesthetics in women undergoing elective cesarean section improved intraoperative conditions and quality of postoperative analgesia without maternal or neonatal significant side effects.

  5. Postoperative pain and gastro-intestinal recovery after colonic resection with epidural analgesia and multimodal rehabilitation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Werner, M U; Gaarn-Larsen, L; Basse, L


    The aim of the study was to evaluate initial postoperative pain intensity and the association with recovery of gastrointestinal function and length of stay (LOS) in a multimodal programme with epidural analgesia, early oral nutrition and mobilisation with a 48 h planned hospital stay. One hundred...... of change in the surgical procedures (2), surgical morbidity (6), medical factors (4) and psychosocial or other factors (5) all independent of pain. Pain data were incomplete in two patients and therefore excluded. In the remaining 91 patients, median time to defaecation and LOS were 24 and 48 h......, respectively. Gastrointestinal recovery and LOS did not differ between patients with high (3-6) versus low (0-2) dynamic pain scores (P > 0.4 and P > 0.1, respectively). It is concluded that a multimodal rehabilitation program including continuous thoracic epidural analgesia leads to early recovery...

  6. Predicting early epidurals: association of maternal, labor, and neonatal characteristics with epidural analgesia initiation at a cervical dilation of 3 cm or less


    Moore, Albert; Li Pi Shan,William; Hatzakorzian,Roupen


    Albert R Moore, William Li Pi Shan, Roupen Hatzakorzian Department of Anaesthesia, McGill University Health Centre, Royal Victoria Hospital, Montreal, Quebec, Canada Background: Retrospective studies have associated early epidural analgesia with cesarean delivery, but prospective studies do not demonstrate a causal relationship. This suggests that there are other variables associated with early epidural analgesia that increase the risk of cesarean delivery. This study was undertaken to deter...

  7. The role of autonomic function in exercise-induced endogenous analgesia : a case-control study in myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome and healthy people


    Van Oosterwijck, Jessica; Marusic, Uros; De Wandele, Inge; Paul, Lorna; Meeus, Mira; Moorkens, Greta; Lambrecht, Luc; Danneels, Lieven; Nijs, Jo


    BACKGROUND: Patients with myalgic encephalomyelitis / chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) are unable to activate brain-orchestrated endogenous analgesia (or descending inhibition) in response to exercise. This physiological impairment is currently regarded as one factor explaining post-exertional malaise in these patients. Autonomic dysfunction is also a feature of ME/CFS. OBJECTIVES: This study aims to examine the role of the autonomic nervous system in exercise-induced analgesia in healthy...

  8. Patient and provider perceptions of decision making about use of epidural analgesia during childbirth: a thematic analysis. (United States)

    Goldberg, Holly Bianca; Shorten, Allison


    This study examines the nature of differences in perceptions of decision making between patients and providers about use of epidural analgesia during labor. Thematic analysis was used to identify patterns in written survey responses from 14 patients, 13 labor nurses, and 7 obstetrician-gynecologists. Results revealed patients attempted to place themselves in an informed role in decision making and sought respect for their decisions. Some providers demonstrated paternalism and a tendency to steer patients in the direction of their own preferences. Nurses observed various pressures on decision making, reinforcing the importance of patients being supported to make an informed choice. Differences in perceptions suggest need for improvement in communication and shared decision-making practices related to epidural analgesia use in labor.

  9. 173. Carcinoma renal con trombosis de vena cava y extensión a aurícula derecha: Una técnica novedosa sin hipotermia profunda ni parada cardiocirculatoria

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    A.M. Bel Mínguez


    Resultados: No hubo muertes quirúrgicas ni intrahospitalarias. El tiempo medio de circulación extracorpórea (CEC fue de 189 min. La estancia media en la unidad de cuidados intensivos (UCI fue de 7 días (rango 4–33 y la estancia postoperatoria media de 19 días (rango 15–60. Hubo un caso de tromboembolismo pulmonar (TEP intraoperatorio. Un paciente desarrolló una encefalopatía hipoxicoanóxica.

  10. Epidural labor analgesia: A comparison of ropivacaine 0.125% versus 0.2% with fentanyl

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    Yogesh Kumar Chhetty


    Conclusion: We conclude that both the concentrations of ropivacaine (0.2% and 0.125% with fentanyl are effective in producing epidural labor analgesia. However, 0.2% concentration was found superior in terms of faster onset, prolonged duration, lesser breakthrough pain requiring lesser top-ups, and hence a lesser consumption of opioids.

  11. Pain relief and clinical outcome: from opioids to balanced analgesia

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kehlet, H


    If it is generally accepted that adequate postoperative pain relief will improve outcome from surgery, several controlled trials demonstrated this only for lower body surgical procedures with epidural and spinal anesthetics. Important effects on outcome were not shown when postoperative opioids...... were administered with patient controlled (PCA) or epidural techniques. However, the most optimal pain relief seems to be best achieved with balanced analgesia techniques using combinations of epidural opioids and local anesthetics and systemic non-steroidal antiinflammatory drugs. Future efforts...... should aim at including physical rehabilitation programs in the pain treatment regimen....

  12. A comparative study of low concentration of levobupivacaine versus ropivacaine with fentanyl for patient-controlled epidural labour analgesia

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    Priyanka Chuttani


    Full Text Available >Background and Aims: Lumbar epidural analgesia is considered the modality of choice for labour analgesia. Despite its super analgesia and improved safety profile, it has been associated with maternal adverse effects like higher incidence of instrumental assisted vaginal delivery (AVD and motor block leading to decreased ambulation. This study was designed to evaluate the efficacy of low concentrations of local anaesthetics (0.1% ropivacaine and 0.1% levobupivacaine with 2 μg/ml fentanyl as a patient controlled epidural analgesia (PCEA technique on the incidence of instrumental AVD along with evaluation of obstetric, maternal, and foetal outcomes.Materials and Methods: In this prospective study, 60 labouring parturients were randomly allocated into two equal groups to receive either 0.1% ropivacaine with 2 μg/ml fentanyl or 0.1% levobupivacaine with 2 μg/ml fentanyl as epidural solutions via PCEA pump infusions (4 ml/h after 15 ml loading dose of the respective solutions. The incidence of instrumental AVD was noted as the primary outcome along with demographic data, maternal and foetal vital parameters, maternal VAS scores, degree of motor blockade and total epidural drug consumption.Results: The incidence of instrumental AVD was found to be 43.3% in the levobupivacaine group and 30% in the ropivacaine group. This difference was not statistically significant. Both the groups were comparable in terms of demographic data, maternal VAS scores, total epidural drug consumption and foetal APGAR scores.Conclusion: The use of newer local anaesthetics (levobupivacaine and ropivacaine in low concentrations with opioids (fentanyl as a PCEA technique may offer high maternal satisfaction in terms of quality of pain relief with fewer adverse events like instrumental AVD and adverse foetal outcomes.

  13. Suprascapular block associated with supraclavicular block: An alternative to isolated interscalene block for analgesia in shoulder instability surgery? (United States)

    Trabelsi, W; Ben Gabsia, A; Lebbi, A; Sammoud, W; Labbène, I; Ferjani, M


    Interscalene brachial plexus block (ISB) is the gold standard for postoperative pain management in shoulder surgery. However, this technique has side effects and potentially serious complications. The aim of this study was to compare the combinations of ultrasound-guided suprascapular (SSB) associated with supraclavicular nerve block (SCB) and ultrasound-guided ISB for postoperative analgesia after shoulder instability surgery. Sixty ASA physical status I-II patients scheduled to undergo shoulder instability surgery were included. Two groups: (i) the SSB+SCB group (n=30) in which the patients received a combination of US-guided SSB (15mL of bupivacaine 0.25%) and US-guided SCB (15mL of bupivacaine 0.25%) and (ii) the ISB group (n=30) in which the patients received US-guided ISB with 30mL of bupivacaine 0.25%. General anesthesia was administered to all patients. During the first 24h, the variables assessed were time to administer the anesthesia, duration of the analgesia, onset and duration of motor and sensory blockade, opioid consumption, cardiovascular stability, complications, and patient satisfaction. Anesthesia induction took more time for the SSB+SCB group than for the ISB group. However, the onset time of motor and sensory blockade was similar in the two groups. Statistical analysis of the visual analog postoperative pain scoring at H0, H6, H12, and H24 showed nonsignificant differences between the groups. Analgesia, the first request for morphine, and total morphine consumption during the first 24h was similar in both groups. No complication was recorded in the SSB+SCB group. However, phrenic nerve block occurred in all patients in the ISB group. US-guided SCB combined with US-guided SSB was as effective as ISB for postoperative analgesia after shoulder instability surgery without decreasing potential side effects. NCT identifier: NCT02397330. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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    Unnikrishnannair Muralikrishnan


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND Pain is derived from the Latin word “poena”, which means penalty or punishment.1 The relief of pain is one of the paramount goals of medical science. The surgical operation causes extensive tissue damage, thereby causing stress response, which peaks during the postoperative period and has major effects on almost all body systems. MATERIALS AND METHODS Patients aged between 30 to 50 years scheduled for surgery below the umbilicus were systematically randomised into 2 groups. Both the groups received bupivacaine with transdermal nitroglycerine patch, only group 1 received neostigmine. Both the group were assessed for vitals, duration of analgesia, number of analgesia requirement and adverse effects. RESULTS The mean age was 36.1 ± 10.4 in group I and 35.9 ± 9.22 years in group II. There was no statistically significant difference in the vitals. Duration of analgesia was longest in group I and the difference between two groups was statistically significant. Requirement of rescue analgesic in 1st 24 hrs. was least in group I. CONCLUSION Addition of 5 mcg neostigmine alone to bupivacaine does not produce much difference in duration of analgesia and analgesic requirement.

  15. Mechanisms of placebo analgesia: A dual-process model informed by insights from cross-species comparisons. (United States)

    Schafer, Scott M; Geuter, Stephan; Wager, Tor D


    Placebo treatments are pharmacologically inert, but are known to alleviate symptoms across a variety of clinical conditions. Associative learning and cognitive expectations both play important roles in placebo responses, however we are just beginning to understand how interactions between these processes lead to powerful effects. Here, we review the psychological principles underlying placebo effects and our current understanding of their brain bases, focusing on studies demonstrating both the importance of cognitive expectations and those that demonstrate expectancy-independent associative learning. To account for both forms of placebo analgesia, we propose a dual-process model in which flexible, contextually driven cognitive schemas and attributions guide associative learning processes that produce stable, long-term placebo effects. According to this model, the placebo-induction paradigms with the most powerful effects are those that combine reinforcement (e.g., the experience of reduced pain after placebo treatment) with suggestions and context cues that disambiguate learning by attributing perceived benefit to the placebo. Using this model as a conceptual scaffold, we review and compare neurobiological systems identified in both human studies of placebo analgesia and behavioral pain modulation in rodents. We identify substantial overlap between the circuits involved in human placebo analgesia and those that mediate multiple forms of context-based modulation of pain behavior in rodents, including forebrain-brainstem pathways and opioid and cannabinoid systems in particular. This overlap suggests that placebo effects are part of a set of adaptive mechanisms for shaping nociceptive signaling based on its information value and anticipated optimal response in a given behavioral context. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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    Radha Korumbil Raghavan


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND Neuraxial blocks are the most common method of anaesthesia in abdominal hysterectomies and epidural technique has been used widely to provide both anaesthesia and postoperative analgesia. It has become a common practice to use polypharmacy approach for treatment of intra and postoperative pain, because no drug has yet been identified that specifically inhibit nociception without side effects. The aim of the study is to compare the effects of magnesium sulphate versus preservative-free ketamine as an adjunct to epidural bupivacaine for postoperative analgesia in abdominal hysterectomy. MATERIALS AND METHODS After obtaining informed consent, the patients were divided into 3 groups of 40 each to receive 20 mL 0.5% bupivacaine (group B, 19 mL 0.5% bupivacaine + 50 mg magnesium sulphate (group BM, 19 mL 0.5% bupivacaine + 50 mg preservative-free ketamine (group BK. Epidural catheter was inserted at L1-L2 space using standard technique. Correct placement was confirmed by a test dose of 2% lignocaine + adrenaline 1 in 2 lakhs. Postoperative analgesia were assessed by VAS score and 0.125% bupivacaine infusion and 1 g paracetamol IV infusion was given as rescue analgesics when VAS ≥4. Onset duration, motor block and side effects were also monitored. RESULTS Mean time of duration of onset in group B, BM, BK were 20, 14, 18 minutes, respectively. Mean time for rescue analgesia were 180, 240 and 480 minutes in group 1, 2 and 3, respectively. These differences were statistically significant. The side effects noticed in each group were not statistically significant. CONCLUSION The onset of effect is faster when magnesium sulphate were added as an adjunct to bupivacaine as compared to preservativefree ketamine. The postoperative analgesia is found to be more with preservative-free ketamine as compared to magnesium sulphate without any significant side effects.

  17. A prospective, randomized, blinded-endpoint, controlled study – continuous epidural infusion versus programmed intermittent epidural bolus in labor analgesia

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    Joana Nunes


    Full Text Available Background: There is evidence that administration of a programmed intermittent epidural bolus (PIEB compared to continuous epidural infusion (CEI leads to greater analgesia efficacy and maternal satisfaction with decreased anesthetic interventions. Methods: In this study, 166 women with viable pregnancies were included. After an epidural loading dose of 10 mL with Ropivacaine 0.16% plus Sufentanil 10 μg, parturient were randomly assigned to one of three regimens: A – Ropivacaine 0.15% plus Sufentanil 0.2 μg/mL solution as continuous epidural infusion (5 mL/h, beginning immediately after the initial bolus; B – Ropivacaine 0.1% plus Sufentanil 0.2 μg/mL as programmed intermittent epidural bolus and C – Same solution as group A as programmed intermittent epidural bolus. PIEB regimens were programmed as 10 mL/h starting 60 min after the initial bolus. Rescue boluses of 5 mL of the same solution were administered, with the infusion pump. We evaluated maternal satisfaction using a verbal numeric scale from 0 to 10. We also evaluated adverse, maternal and neonatal outcomes. Results: We analyzed 130 pregnants (A = 60; B = 33; C = 37. The median verbal numeric scale for maternal satisfaction was 8.8 in group A; 8.6 in group B and 8.6 in group C (p = 0.83. We found a higher caesarean delivery rate in group A (56.7%; p = 0.02. No differences in motor block, instrumental delivery rate and neonatal outcomes were observed. Conclusions: Maintenance of epidural analgesia with programmed intermittent epidural bolus is associated with a reduced incidence of caesarean delivery with equally high maternal satisfaction and no adverse outcomes. Resumo: Justificativa: Há evidências de que a administração de um bolus epidural intermitente programado (BEIP comparada à infusão epidural contínua (IEC resulta em maior eficácia da analgesia e da satisfação materna, com redução das intervenções anestésicas. Métodos: Neste estudo, 166

  18. Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS reduces pain and postpones the need for pharmacological analgesia during labour: a randomised trial

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    Licia Santos Santana


    Full Text Available Questions: In the active phase of the first stage of labour, does transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS relieve pain or change its location? Does TENS delay the request for neuraxial analgesia during labour? Does TENS produce any harmful effects in the mother or the foetus? Are women in labour satisfied with the care provided? Design: Randomised trial with concealed allocation, assessor blinding for some outcomes, and intention-to-treat analysis. Participants: Forty-six low-risk, primigravida parturients with a gestational age > 37 weeks, cervical dilation of 4 cm, and without the use of any medications from hospital admission until randomisation. Intervention: The principal investigator applied TENS to the experimental group for 30 minutes starting at the beginning of the active phase of labour. A second investigator assessed the outcomes in both the control and experimental groups. Both groups received routine perinatal care. Outcome measures: The primary outcome was pain severity after the intervention period, which was assessed using the 100-mm visual analogue scale. Secondary outcomes included: pain location, duration of the active phase of labour, time to pharmacological labour analgesia, mode of birth, neonatal outcomes, and the participant's satisfaction with the care provided. Results: After the intervention, a significant mean difference in change in pain of 15 mm was observed favouring the experimental group (95% CI 2 to 27. The application of TENS did not alter the location or distribution of the pain. The mean time to pharmacological analgesia after the intervention was 5.0 hours (95% CI 4.1 to 5.9 longer in the experimental group. The intervention did not significantly impact the other maternal and neonatal outcomes. Participants in both groups were satisfied with the care provided during labour. Conclusion: TENS produces a significant decrease in pain during labour and postpones the need for pharmacological

  19. Evaluation of dexmedetomidine and fentanyl as additives to ropivacaine for epidural anesthesia and postoperative analgesia

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    S Kiran


    Conclusions: Epidural anesthesia achieved with 10 μg dexmedetomidine as an additive to 0.5% ropivacaine is more effective with respect to duration and intensity of analgesia when compared to 0.5% ropivacaine alone or addition of 20 μg fentanyl to 0.5% ropivacaine.

  20. Preemptive analgesia by using celecoxib combined with tramadol/APAP alleviates post-operative pain of patients undergoing total knee arthroplasty. (United States)

    Xu, Zhongwei; Zhang, Hua; Luo, Jiao; Zhou, Aiguo; Zhang, Jian


    This study was aimed to evaluate the efficacy of preemptive analgesia (PA) by using celecoxib combined with low-dose tramadol/acetaminophen (tramadol/APAP) in treating post-operative pain of patients undergoing unilateral total knee arthroplasty (TKA). A total of 132 patients scheduled for TKA were included in this study. Three-day pre-operative medication was administrated in PA group with subsequent effective intra- and post-operative multimodal analgesia, while control patients received multimodal analgesia without PA. Visual analog scale (VAS) was utilized to assess the pain intensity at rest and during movement. VAS scores of participants were recorded 3 days before surgery, 1 day, 3 days, 1 week, 3 weeks, 6 weeks, 3 months, 6 months, and 12 months postoperatively. Moreover, the length of hospital stay, expense of hospitalization, C-reactive protein (CRP) values during hospitalization, and complications during medication were also recorded. PA showed superiority over control at 3 weeks (P = 0.013) and 6 weeks (P = 0.046) in resting pain, and 1 week (P = 0.015), 3 weeks (P = 0.003), 6 weeks (P = 0.003) and 3 months (P = 0.012) postoperatively in movement pain. There was no statistically significant difference in the length of hospital stay, total expense, CRP values, as well as complications. Based on satisfactory intra- and post-operative analgesia, PA by 3-day administration of celecoxib and low-dose tramadol/APAP might be an effective and safe therapy regarding patients undergoing TKA in terms of alleviating post-operative pain.